92012-92448_03-31-1932_05-19-1932Q SOdv4Nv�5 JO �v3N�0 �vNOilan 9 t bt lull 5Z•ll 9 l lull ozl. -.: � j•1 VIII 7. 0 171 kft e'er �'1> a s ti, SERIAL 110. OF ROLL 9�A DEPARTIR'.NT c / C ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO RE bESTROYF.D I Lm to LIMITED RETMITION DATE MICROFILMEQ7i LX�� CONTENTS l % /,' �� T NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS 2 r— 7.— /4 /] a--4 3 / Al 22— NUI®ER OR NAI4E OF LAST DOCUMENT lBCROFILIICD SIGNED �^ Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervzsor ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE CITY CLERK ) ,COUNCIL RES PION—GENERAL FORM nae ` NO.--.7F+11Jf+ RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and Ahey are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Adam Ralbeth providing. for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during each time as he shall be totally disabled by reasoa:of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Yorke, on the 9th day of March 1933; be It 80RTM RESOLVED, that in accordance with Said agreement, the proper city officersare hereby authorized to pay to said Adam Salboth the sum of $43.20 out of the Workmen's Oompensatioa Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and Sdsluding March 37th, 1932. 7 411. COUNCILMEN Yom. N.Y. Concay �Ydhdm.e ,,, /Mc. Pce.idme BmdOe td Adopmd by she CYYn 'I MAR q 13 MAR 31193 MAYOR g 20 sr:W1F.ALEUL � OFFIC F CITY O COUI�LIy RE UTION—GENE �198KIZ T .-WHEREAS, tit is essential to -provide suitable. work for prisoners confined to the Workhouse, and , WHEREAS, Edward Heokeroth has a proposal of leasing for the period of one year, 180 worse of land on the Hudson Head, Which' land is described as followsc East One-half (E})• of the Northwest Quarter (Nw}) Of Ssotioa Township a9 -Range 22 and the gist One -boli, (E } of the Southwest Quarter (SWj) of Section 28, Township 29, Hang* , in the County of Ramsey, upon the following conditions,, namelyl (1) The Oity shell have the use of all the land and the m 5.` buildings thereon except the two dwellingsand the garage{ } :f \ (2) The use of s11 equipment owned by the said ndssrd Nkeron en the above props exospt,the traotor and. threshing, ' (3) Lesepr'y'to furnish one team of horses for`tveoper- ofoa of the farm and to piq one-half of the cost of all seeds neosssary for the planting of crops, and one-half of the cost or provide one-half of all brood sows for the purpose of raising bogs' on said: lend. . (4) The 0ity to furnish all labor necessary for the operation of the famm and to provide or pay for one-half of the cost of all seeds necessary for planting crops, and provide or pay for one-half ofeali brood sows for the purpose of raising hogs. (b) All increase of hogs and poultry, 14 any, and the value of all orops to be divided equally between the lessor, Edward Heokeroth and the bity of at. Paul. (8) All crops to be harvested by said labor and , delivered to proper storage 'places on the farm and _ WHEREAS, it is essenl l to raise products used in feeding the prisoners in the Workhouse, which caAbe done, at lesfin part, Y.. COON ILMEN . Yw N.Y. Adoptcd by the - , Co..dL_— —0 'J McDonald favor -- 19_— . �a0em tt -AgOwt--MAYOR /Mr. Pr idem BmdUe .....ry CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFF 'Cr -C, F Y CLR EK _ � EE r NCIL RESOLU N—GENERAL FORM F COMMI561iONE OAT 'by the working of the farm under the o ondit ions- her6in set forth, therefore, ba it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are herebq authorised sad directed to enter into s lease for the period of one year for the above desoribeQ property, upon the above described conditions, and the Corporation Counsel 1s hereby authorised and directed to prepare s proper lease therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays canroy M Do..dd //_/ —6--T. Eavor Puscc Roam Agcim[ Sudhci-- Ms. P—idmr Bundlie IP Adoprcd by rbc Couvdl_�leur.p 1C 19__ 19.- -- MMIMVOR---- P[ t4a1 1 Vj�() P saz y / S�Tj. PAUL NO. -92U - OF CITN5EMRK_ ... �OMM195EONEY' ' ec lL/ �RM . RESOLVE_ Ghat the application of the Standard 011 Company for permission to change the driveways and location of tsnkW and pumps at its gasoline statioW at 712 Grand avenue, is hereby granted; the tanks and pumps to be inets,7lled in accordance with the ordi— usuces of the 01t7 of St. Panic under the direction of the Commis- - stoner of Public. Safety; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made -under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commis— . stoner of Public Works. O— y._. COUNCILMEN _ �. NaY, Adopmd by rhe19_— -- oy Appy —_ favor - ./eJrre / / [o Agiimr--- dheimcr . Mr. Pre:dmr B—d1i. - P. MIY�KLL R. IAUL � t <'•�` OFP)cE� � gyE;�amcLEdk . °mc.. - Application F or YAcense -AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA e APPLICATION Is Hereby Made .°K P.—TT°«..... �.� — a, ` 711_,- �ol lu.,.. 3 - --K °. °.,TAKKR 1 _ necnveo c°P K )' Keai W RR { NO a t TEN%N A�NNE�E�O'Tj1 ."EYT C �3 pp� OEDR�36yC "EUDNEIMER Cp}1M ccI .¢; b z i oh 14� ISS2 �; '-Hr 113Ye J dihbone� oity'0.1erki, ,S.tnt Psn1, Yinneaoi",� Aetnrued-`Lexeeitftal0,'e the e«+.eatibn of the 9%adgrd,411 Cgmpegq.�for pern�eiiioa to ofienge $be divdwaya... �`�' ' end loaef3on�,( tanks end pmPe -at a^�in i`3713a6ratetion '* L n`L L 1 ;< ht Tlg Cread $ve>5t@ ;end reports of inepectioa b7 the r :$ i, 8nreeae "yf haffsD dnd pire�Prevention. .�; tr pmt: yonre� :e, �i - - 9Eaolii"eelonar. tlf Pablio Sefd it 3 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFELY 1 or me CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' orrsaarr�es cow,wumu on Ifaroh 14, 1852 Yr. Osorga C• 8ndbeiner Comdssiomr of Poblio Ssfsty Dear Sit: Referring to yoursot yaroh 8 —1"i s to'-ppldoe- tion cads by tSe 8tsndard Oil Conpany for perai.eion to obsnE--the drltwws;V. and looation of tank. and pu.p. at the 1;..oliae Pilling atstion nes boated oa 1.ote 8'..d 9, Block a. Sn t park Addition, wbieh 1. also de-oribed as 712 (}rend A—rin-- ♦n Iusp.-tion of thea- p_.d—a hue today be -n' wade by Kr. U. B. Aettergren,roSup-ohangesd�t onotinter- ,&a inform m that the pp fere with traffie. , Very truly yours. Sbosas A' Brown Cbl-! of polio - pit. 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG SAFETY w axe CITY OF SAINT PAUL IHTWOFFICH CDMMUN�GTON March 11,1932 m Ron. Deo. O. Sudheimer Commissioner of public Safety, ' St.psul,Rina. Dear Siri In regard to the application of the'Standard 011 Co. for permission to change drive -ways and location of tants and pumps of gasoline fUling station now located at 712— Grand Ave. We.have investigated the foregoing and report that the desired change would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection# Respectfully yours, -Ai ll _ zv _ . Chief Inspector. THE. DTE3-� PUBLIC WORKS . Il`TEH-0FFf�-�- TION - (Date)March 11, 1958 Mr, M. J. Gibbons, C it y C l e r k-_ - Re: elm-- ek and location '# o£` —t;— arm �s at Standard 011 - Stat3oa 30 �� ---EEm—M1L Dear Sir. (Lots 8 at,71E Grand Ave. Block 5, Summit Paak) _ .+ Staa�a-.-.� ��3_� W- - _� .Q . ., - Le Y7 ..'This is an app23.cat3" - �o� - a change in the driveways - "�a• '.;oX, a filling statiosa 3^�--=-'� $ commercial district, and t•. isspgiuch SW the -2s - =— - operation no public hear- Ang.`i+s, re R-aed £or ' as 0£ this kind. application is to alter, the driveways and =3m-a*isment of an existing 'station, An insgeStioa o= -e mite revealed that the i, curb returns o£ the , raa#a.S :-C--- s at either edge of the fill- Ing:station pri�§er;--CxQ�r�a�r 3--=� - a ad.�oi n�nv property owners to be altered, ••; line. Inasmn a, as;� tta. s _ c- r _ _ aiot planned it seems we cannot; as3s,.-Fs a�_'�� t to Pile a copy of , agreement between.. the =n:w--o�-r�� �ropertyowner and the applicant In quest3.oxa -. - - The ezistj�vr roa.d�ays a=- a3matelq 15 ft. in width are to be increasecl to 2S =V � _ � _ reducing the size of the v - present island. - The pip 3�s-—c3 and roadway on either side is a new additio= to of the station. - ` storm waterdr=`w -^_ s effected by the alters- " ;�. tions requested, CAW - wnc-mhBnBineer.- g. ROSEN, Commieaioneil of Pu1a.11 � e. •�_••-� �/�yl� ITY OF ST. PAUL riLc �� NO._. a7^����� OFF O ITY CLERK \ C NC TIO ENERAL FORM MNES�ss DHEA _ WHZREAH, Roman J. Zielinski and Helen Zielinski have made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain an toe -house at 1058 Western avenue; and WH37SAS4, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph !, Section 5 of Ordinance To, 5840, and the Council in of the opinion that such permit Should be granted; therefore, be it HYSOLVLM , That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Homan J. Zielinski and Helen Zielinski a permit for the erection and maintenance of said ice -bougie on said property, said building to be constructed In accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the council.emer- xo. z s -sr o wooro., < ori. z-„izi �. 31' asaz. Ycas Nays Adop.rd by Thr. Council .='Conroy MDonald In favor Approv �._ % -'_� 19 / Koscn � Against _ ��r�-yvoa � / /gudhe�mcr / Mr. P—d— B.ndl- City ®f a saint Pain Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Cl.h end Commlaalene, of R.gi,baeo� March 30th, 1932 Mr. L. L. Lnderaon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attache d_ appllcatl on of Roman J. ZS els nak';1 8r Hal an Z1 e11n ski 4or perms eeloa to a net an See house aL 109 Aeetarn iveaue w e spar ved by the Coume 11 tod� end referred to youfor the proper r .olutlon; said r ..lotion to coat ain the orov kion s. recommended 1. 0.—n ..loner M.Y.. letter. Your. very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICEI OFFtc-m OF -rT E COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE d St Paul, Minn.. ___ ., Etas- 1.8—_____T932__ Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section s. as a andod, of Building Zone Ordi. nance, approved July Tth 1822, you are hereby notified that the applimtion of ---------- f - t-,- or continua retail ice station located A _s_lpfi8_AasLata A_ e-_S.A�_._cor_•___oT_ R4 ete �t_4._f]cot _._. __ ___... mill corn. up for corrsidaraHon before the Council of the City o7 SL Paul in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Hu:ldm, on lhe_s h_....__ day of. _ z'ch ..193.2 10 .*.lock A. M. JOHN ti McDONALD. —W-- — I—, CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS- ND -'PUBLIC BUILDINGS ®e I:arch :;. 1952. Ho::_ Coy cil, City- Gent 1 amen = f.tt, _j, e7 herer,ith please find city clerkls file on the nlicat Son of Fio� S. ielinski, '.rho asks for permis- sion t o c�. ect a cash ,and carr;; ice he use ut 1059 "�estern Thi is .urerelal district under the zoning law, and ^,e c s I re for rec,—end the granting of thio permit on cons ici ti—t tliis ice beu— b^ placed facing - tern en�ae between the side wall r£ the stare and the fencev 3th Sts _ror,t Mall 11n1n^ up crith the front.vall of the store. Yours very truly, Cori.. ss ion��L U City ®f Saint Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, OIy CIs,L cn.� ci..k-cin �'i.,• •ted Camml.do..r of P.g.n•eon ' March 2nd, 1932. Hon. C. R Mqy, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Z%ar Commissioner: IIs attach herewith application of Boman Zielinski for p.Lis.ion to erect a cash and carry ice house at 1059 Western Avenue. The matter w referred to you cod.W for 1--tigatlon and report. Yonne very truly, City Clerk_ Tfl %i 01 IN I 0. Ai INN. o.o...�.o TY�Ti NO..OF EY CLERK S NERAL FORM cnE�M� sEonE"a --.oAre..__ WHERtAB, John Hahold has made applloation to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ioe station on Lot 5, Block 2, torepangb's Division •A,• (bei ag on the north aide bf Selby avenue near Chatsworth street ; aad WHEREAS, Proper notice hsa been given pursuant to Paragraph Z, Seo tion 5, 4 Ordinance No. 560, and the QOunoil is of,the opinion that sueh permit should be granted; therefore, be it EtSOL7tD, That the proper Oity officers- be'emd they are hereby authorized and direoted to issue to said John Behold a permit for the erection and maintenance or said cash and carry toe house on said property, said building to be c construted in accordance with the Building Code. Said persalt is greeted subject to the provision that the same mp be revoked at any Viae by a majority vote of the Council. Ycaa cou ICi L'neN Nay.c �ntoy MSD—Id In favor P - �Rwm Against Sudhci— % Mc. P,—d— Bundlic Adopted by the CounAW 3 1 iai2 - 19 1 APP 9 .� -... �nroR... City of Sagnt Pau: Office of City CIe,k MIKE J. GIBBONS, C.ry CI<h •ted Comml,slone. of R�gi,b�eo� March 30th, 19-12. Mr. L. L. Gn dereon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The following applications of John Behold for permits to arect cash and carry ice stations w e approved todayand referred to you for the proper. res. lut ion: On S. part of Lots 1 and 2, Bloc's 10, Butterfield Syndlcate Ldd. $1 -- west el da Dale St. bet. F -11.r end St. Anthony. On Lot 5. Block 2, Forepaugh's Div, nis - North side of Selby A.— 'near Chatsworth St. On the w .terry hal£ o4 Lot 1, Block 4, Rondo's 1ddth - Horth side o£ Randa west of the northwest corner of Ronda and 1-1e Street.. Your. very truly, City Clerk. POST CARP NOTICE1 drFtCF. or THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. P-1, mw— P--1 t. Paragraph F. Section S,-:—­d.d. of Building 7— 0,di- ......approved J.tq 7th, 1922. you m hereby .,t,h,d that the applicof ation ------------ Job. Bb@,h*ld for permission to erect oc —ti— —I.it i— .-i.. 1—td —A -t- .5. -blk. "llmme p for consideration before the C ... 61 of the City of St Paul in the CC-61:hamb— i, the City Hall ..d Court H.... Building on th, .10tJ— d,q of-_— 10 oclock A M JOHN H. M.00NALT). COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DScANDrPU BLIC BUILDINGS PARKS, PLAYGRjUN March 1;:, 1932. N_on _ Council, C itp o£ Sa i:a Paul, Minnesota. Gentleman Att—)—ci Herewith please find city clerk's file on the appl3 cat ion of John Hahold, who asks for permission to erect a cash and carrT ice house on Lot 5, Block 2, Forepa ugH * s Division A". This is on the north side or Sa1by Avonue, just east of the building on the northeast corner of Selby and Chatsworth. This lot iszoned in the commercial classification under t1— zoning ordinance,but the building on the west is a combination residence and co -n ciel building, and the bu<_ld i -,g on the e.st is �, .esldence building. -7e re --- nd that t*ls pet±tion be held up 1ntil :mitten appr c, 3- is given by the property o:mer at 577 -elby Avenue snc3 by the property owner at 967 Selby Avenue. / Yours v tr �( ;� — ✓ �E�Nlmmissioner.' U City -of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CRy Cl.h •nd Cemmiule..<r o{ Ra91,ba.on cn..r ci.n e.a••• •� _+ March 6th, 1932. Hon. C. H. Mal' , Comair of P.P. 8a P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Sir: We at tech herewith apPlication of John H hold for P -1t, to erect a each and carry ice house on Lot 5, Block 2, Forepaugh'e Division "4e, located a the north aide of Selhy Gv— next to the >aortheaet r of Chgt_orth Street, which was referred to you today for inve.tigation.and report. T-9 very truly, 1 City Clerk. (:HEdTF,R L. CA—WELL b'.arch 7th, 19:52, Tothe Honorable Covncll of the City of Saint Paul. The undersi Lned, leasee of the ha ra inaFter described real estat a, situated in the City of Saint aul, Ramsay County, y:i nne sots, teapot LfLlly roque ata that a pcnait be issued to him to rapt, place and raintain a cash-and-carry ice house the raon, to -wit a Lot Five (5) in Block two (' ) in Fore peuPh's .Divi. ion "p^, the same bain� located on the Xorth side f Selby Avenue nest to Lhe Nort beset co na of Uhat.worth Street. laid r location is classified as "Commercial rDi strict" under the so celled aaaa�YY g ordinance of said city, Hespactf,lly, John Nei old. V., moi. City ®f Saint Pani Office of City Cleric MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cly O-. •.d C-.....- of Reel.e..tlo.. s 6 March 26th, 1932, Mr. M.Connelly, 967 Selby Avenue, St. peal, Minn. Deer Sir: Aa applicatloa has been £Sled by one John HAhold for pe—laelon to is stall a Caeh and arry See 'ration between 967 and 977 Selby A.vanue. This matter will be heard on March -50th and the City CouoCil 1e anxiousto know whether or not these two property osnara approve of this application.. Will you klndly 'mite a letter to the City Clerk to this effect? 9 yours, very truly,, .i..I...�I^,... City Clerk. POST CARD NO'CLCEI z OFFIC_F. OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn ..... - - Zone pureoanl to Paragraph F. Section 5, as amended. o{ Building 1 nance, ap?roved July h. t—'. you are hereby noli(Ied that the application— 0of ___,_ ___,7 },a.E -hold alatio 1 t d -A lot 5 tli- _- DS A Ctat� for perm sero t eeu '•nye Ig i._aa R &e>.bs �� 2� Forapa gh .._ _.._ _ o the Cily o{ SL Paul Int e will come up jor consideration before the Couaal the -- C ouncil Chamber in tha City Hall aed Court Nou9e Building on JAW—MA _--_ _ ...M %n.. .at l0 o'clock A. M. day of--- JOHN H. McDONALD. OONMI99IONE@ OF FINANCE. CI Y OF ST. PAULNO.- 92017 ICE C LERK FfLc o,o...�.o �.. c.c.R •COU N— ERAL FORM c L at"e,�m — -- - ==- — WHMRSA�S , dohun Hahold has made application to the Council for Permits to ft -'t cash and carry 108 -houses on part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Syndicate Addition No. 1, ezcept the north 80 feet tbereo2, a=,& On Lot 1, Block 4, Rondo -s Additlonyland WEMRYAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to paragraph 7, Sectlan 5, Ordirua ce No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that Such permits shoald be granted; therefore, be it RSSOLVSD, That th'e proper Oity officers be and they are here- by authorized anal direoted to issue to said John Habold permits for the erection aad maintenanoe of said cash and carry ice -houses on the respective pieces of property abovedesoribed, said buildings to be oonst=xOted 1, a OOmdanoe with the Building Oode. Said permits are granted sabj soy to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a mai Ori ty vote of the 0ouncil. I, e. C. a,an,­ Yeas /oNCILM EN Nays C nroy / �McOonald In favor /Pearce Sudh�:mcr �M[. Pres:dcnc Bcindl:c BBae: ihe.. , xn�n� a Oleae Ad.,d �iA ns , mn')om.,ii e o r°a ocis o° 1 w vpoM n the cov Approved- v MAroR __ PQST CA$D NOTICE? OFFICEVF THE COTAMISSIONER OF FINANCE Sl Paul, Minn.. ... N4Slea�@�......... .. .. ra3 2... Pursuant to Fa agraph F, Section 3. as amended, o(vvBu;ldinq Zone Ordi- nance, approved Julq 7th, ­22. you are hereby notified that the application of J.0— Hahold... .._..__ ..._-_____......__._...__._ _........_. for permission to erect or continue retail ice "an" healed un_S..pa lots.k 2 _blk.. x4 _Butprfiald Synd...ddd. Bt. beta-I IN, � sE.-_entl,o�ny_--__- _.__.__.._____......._- ..___ _._.__ ..._._._ __-__._ mill come up for consideration before the Council of the City of St. Paul in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the... day of..... - oh - ------ --.ie9 --.-.at to ­lock A. M. JOHN H. MCDONALD, COM 5510NER OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAY G9 ROUN OScAN D,PU BLIC BUILDINGS March 1:,, 1932. Hon. Council, 3t. Paul, Yinnesots. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find city clerkts file on the -p- plication of John Eahold,who asks for permisslon to ere et a cash and carry Sce house on part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, But terfield's Syndic ata Addition No. 1, except the north 60 feet thereof. This proprty is on the southwest corner of Dale Street and Fuller Avenue and is zona- in the Commercial classification under the zoning ordinance. Tha ncrth 60 feet is occupied by a brick store building. "le recosmend that this ^.npl i cation be granted. Yours v truli�, D City of S.—dnt Paul OFFice of City Gl—Ic MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Clay Cls .nd Comml„ion.. of R,glm.aie.. ma, -ch gth, 1932. N "o'-C. B. m-, Com , of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Co®Sesloaer: tt Lathed please Yiad e¢pll cation of John Hahold for permit to a ct sah and carry i”house on part of lots 1 and 2, rBlocb 10, Btutterfield'e !b—Z..te Addition No. 1, .sept Cha Ao rth 60 Peat there- of, to face bale Street, sixty feet o re distant South of the South—t corner of Puller A, --- Thi ,--_ Th1aapplication waa referred to you today for investigation and report_ J(\7\ours very tr ty, \ �oijG<i✓' � ���.���re �� City Clerk. CHE6TER k CALUWELL y.erch 7th, 1932. To the Honorable Council oS the City o£ Saint Pau I. Theundersigned, lessee of the ha 111-1— ntcri1inn'sota, estate, situ at ad in the City of Saint Paul, y yrect, lace as pectfully aquasta that a permit De Sseuad to him to ar p an¢ m,tain a cash-and-carry ioe houen thereon, to -..it: All that part of Lots one (1) and two (2) in Blook ten (10) Sn Butte r£ield' a Syndicate Addition No. 1, except the North sixty (60) feet ther'of. Zt is the intention, if such permit be granted, to place the said ice hov sa on that part of the above described premises facing Dalej Street, zty (60) f, of or more distant South of the Southne st c of rv11e11 Avenue. Said locati classified a "Comore rc iel District" under the so-called zoning ordinanoa of said City. r.aspectfu lly,/ John Rahold. �J POST" CARD NOTICE] OFFICE' OF THE C MMISSIONER OF FINANCE • 5L Paul. Mina �r•_19.e_..... ._.._tBa?.. Pursuant to Paragraph F. Section �, as amended, of Buildinq Zone Ordi- nance, approved July th, 1922, y are hereby —1,R,d Ihat the application of J_im_ Aahold._.__ _. _.. _.... for parmisslo t--t —tinu it ice station bated QA Wr}_.Qf..lot Rondo `s. Add— R....eida..oS.Bmtdo-wan..L—it, -. will co up 1— consideration before the Council of the City of St. Pad i. the me Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Buildinq - the..30th.._.. _ oh ...las -_at to o'clock A. M. day of --- -- — ----- JOHN h WDONALD. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRC)UNOS';ND'PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 15, 1532. Eon. Council, City of Lj>>int Paul, h!in-e sots. Gent lenen� Attached herewith please find city clerk's file on the application of John Fahold, who asks for permission to erect a cash and carry ice houses on the westerly half of Lot 1, Block 4, Rondo's Addition, which is on the north side of Rondo west of the northwest corner of Rondo and Louis Streets. This props rty is zoned in the com- mercial classification under the zoning ordinance, and is located between two comm-ereial buildings. .e recommend that the application be granted. Yours trvly,— /omm scion er//'// U 0a-7� City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk ' MIKE L GIBBONS, Clh Cja •-d Cumminlone of R.,im..en March Sth, 1932. Hon_ C_ R_ Mny, Coma' r oS P_P_ P. Bl dg.., Bssi Dear Commi anioner_ Lttached plea.. find application or Joboa FE-3.01dYor P_ rmlt to erect a aeh and carry 1ce bosses the, wen terly half of Lot 1, Block 4, Rondo- ldditi iOn. located on the north .id. of Rondo St—t, .Meat or tLa rthwaet c of Lout. Stre.t, ehich was —% - red to your department rto dqy for iay.etlgation a1d report. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. l CHESTER LCA LUW£LL 0 n ao... n...._....^ .w 11—h 7th, 193L. To the Honorable Council of the City or Saint Faul: Tha undersigned. leaeea o1' the hareinbftar described real estate, situated in Cha City o£ Saint p--1, p.—At Ramsay County, Ninne'gce, aepectfti lly raqua sta that a eit be issued to U., toe act, p and me int sin a cash–and–carry ice house thereon, to -wit: rThe 7reaterly half of Lot one (1) in P1o.K £our (4) in Rondo'e hddition to the City of Saint Paul, the same ba ing located on the North aide of Rondo Straot, Yfe at o£ the 2:o rthwa sG ornar or Louie Straot. said locati,n Se clesal- fied a ^Coruna rcial District" under the so-called sonSnP ordinance of said City. -Naspactfully, John Hahold. r .Q y� . O OLU—GENEIt - ly,•,. I 1 pn ESENT[� By , wa.lfr:il A'*•� SLB, rhe Co—i esioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public ., Buildings has reported to the council that that pertain house 10— sated on Lot 19, Block 8, Edmund Ricers Second Addition, also known ae No. 163 E. Aoker etreet, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and tom down; there- fore, be it Y RESOLVED, Slat a publlo hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability arld neceeeity of wreokimg said building, on the 25th day of April, 1.933, at tea of clock A. M. in the Counoil Chamber in the Court House and Oity Real, in the Oity of 2t. Paul, Minnesota; be It rURTHER RESOLVED. That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Oommissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings she11 mail to the last ]mown record owner of Bald props Sty, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notioe stating the time, place and nature or purpose o2 esid hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said p�` hearing. Yeas Nays Ado d by ,h, C -1—i 19..... �Mc�on aid In Eavor Ap/ 19 _ .,ea�es'i LIw sAtcP�� c.4.. 92019, 92020. 92021. i FMOLY3D, that checks be drawn on he City Treasury, to the aggregate --t of $383,672.12, covering checks numbered 3076 to 3231, Inclusive, as per checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council MAR 3 11932 Approved 144P `.i ! M1°L c.___ •b as ll� 466 941 EN -A ca iLrw, o Fvioe�oF rNE�com P.....eR ���E No. no. o HA -o '% �,...�oA COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 28th,_.. is32.. AUDITED CLAIMS 46o 3081 P.H. Bohrer i 33078����`` ".'/Vr1 373 .. �`�•�2 �.. �aMo,.a��E. yry �J 8 3084 ............. .... i 8 3085 m. Kanevsky 386 3086 TOTAL T' CHECK IN FAVOR OF r Bc D EANI DISBURSEMENT B EeK 355 3088 Numaw R IIS, 'nccxs FORWARD 833 83.+_12 0 2 3089 r1 L J 3078 Ludolph Giese 466 941 3079 Elea M. Obst, Tress. Ramsey CO 3080 William Perry 46o 3081 P.H. Bohrer 3082 F, J. Brings & Co, 373 3083 Joe, Teaemer 8 3084 Albert H. Meyers 8 3085 m. Kanevsky 386 3086 Elea M. Obst, Tress. Ram, co. 3087 Elea M. Obst, Trees. Ram. Co. 355 3088 Edward Fritz & Agnes k.Clarizto 150 3089 Edward Fritz & Agnes m. Clarlklo 4 8543 3090 Agnes Tamble 342 3091 Atlas Gas & Cil Co. M N N N 830 3092 3093 935 6 3094 Capitol Cit er Co. 793 3095 Tri state el & Telegr Co. N . N N N 3096 3097 N Nordkap Lodge No.8,8one of Norway 2942 3098 C, A. Gratin 10 6 3099 Dr. P. H. Bennion 7 3100 Betbesday Hospital 3101 Dr, Frank E. Burch 8 3102 Dr. G. H. Burfiend 5 3103 Dr. Herbert Busher 'Jon 10 31p044 Dye. Chatterton & der Weyer 3105 Dr. Geo. D. Croesette 15 3106 Diagnostic X-ray Laboratory 3107 Dr, Robert Earl 10 9 3108 Dr. L. A. Hilger { 3109 Dr, Merrill A. Howard 1 3110 Dr. John D. Madden 7 75 3111 Drs. Neher & Hochfilzer 3112 E. A. Otto 167 3113 Dr. H. J, Prendergast 3114 Drs. Ryan & Ryan 3115 St, Joseph's Hospital 84 7 3116 The St. Paul Clinic 37 3117 Dr, G. w. Snyder 11 3118 A. w. Stearns 8 3119 Dr. R. H. Wald 8 3120 Dr. F. L. Webber 15 3121 Dr, E. H. 'Yhitcomb 12 3122 Applebaums market 41 3123 C. A. Ashton Co. 195 3124 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 3 25 3125 H. C. Boyeson Co. 20 3126 Burns Lumber Co. 13 3127 Burroughs Adding machine C�. 3540 3128 Chicago Bridge & Iron Works,I 3129 Corning Donohue, Inc. 31 194 3130 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Co. 7 3131 A. B. Hervin 491 3132 Kenny Boiler & mfg. Co. _o SHEET TOTAL --FOR--. 31.833 I 33 1273038 1 a -- COUNC.i.LMEN—ROLL CALL rocl ry L.nrc OFFICE`OF TH EpCOM PTR OLLER .,-E NO. Jf 620 COUNI conn°v -� - COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS earoh 29th_ s 3? A- 03133.° 3178E ........ ..... ....... TOTAL .cn IN FAVOR OF cns ? cnsE" .r a Nrc BROUGHT FORWARD 31.833 83 112730138 8711 � • 3133 Lamprey Products Co. McFadden Lambert Co. 4 501 38 06 3134 3135 Maendler Brush Mfg Co. 37 41 313b E, A. Moekler Co. 00'I 3137 Geo. F. Pe low 11 80 2 8011 11� 3138 Pollooks Clipping Bureau 3139 Price Electric Co. Co. 3 39 4 � 6 78 3140 9t. Paul Builders Matl. 3141 T. D. Thierry 95 OO�I 00 3142 Union Water Meter Co. 20 79 3143 W. F. Smith Tire & Battery 282 32, 10 00, 3144 Sabash Hatiz 3145 Luverne Fire Apparatus Co, 3250 00 3146 Lloyd Lundahl 10 00' 447 45 3147 B. Peitz & Bon 3148 John H.wonald, Comlr. Of Finance 3115 50I 40 OO 3149 John E. Mullen 140 50 3150 Fred G. Albreoht 3151 Alma Klaueen, formerly Alma Deppe; Emily Deppe; Edward 'I 1. Deppe; Hedwig Albrecht, formerly Hedwig Deppe; p Olga sohieber, formerly 4728 001 3152 Olga Deppe. John H. McDonald, Com'r. Of Fin. 231 08� 4226 4 5 P, 315 J. S. 8weitzer & Son Supply Co. 62 811 315 American Linen Co. 52 00, 3155 Cairnoross Tire & Battery Co. 21 5913 3156 Capitol Staty. Mfg, 3157 3158 Cochran Sargent Co. Diebold Safe & Look Co. 227p 50' 3159 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Co. Inc., 184 061 10 88'' �1 3160 Goodrich Silvertown, 16 341, n1 3161 Clark S, Haven & Son 31 50' 3162 Mack Tire CO. 22123 04' 3163 Northern States Power Cc Price Electric Oo 108 95! 3164 3165 St. Paul Builders Material Co 21 9 64 3166 St. Paul Machine works 329 44 u� 3167 J. L. Shiely 00. 3168 3169 spool Cotton Oo Standard Laundry Co 99 42 81 3170 Twin City Brick Co. 99 75;I 51 001, p 3171 W.M.Welah Mfg. Co. 162 3172 Electric Blue Print Co. 50', ry 317} J. W. Bulme Co. 3174 St. Paul athletic Club 4 8 28 317 St. Paul Corrugating Co. 212 8 317 The Speakes Company 15 60 3177 west End Ice & Fuel 00 Co. 52 43' 3178 Western Union Telegraph i SHEETTOTAL-31.833 83 31314331 I i I� 1—T,oTAL—FIN— 31.833 831633999 87G 4 � 92d21L - 111ere * aT. c—' __ oFFicE-oF TNe coMarsoLLeR .,L. NO. COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION March 31et"32NT-- AUDITED CLAIMS j IF -- - �' TOTAL IN FAVOR OF H.cns e. eANMo BROUGHT FORWARD 31 833 8 �,1 4 1 6i — -- 3179 — Russell-4uinne11 —.. 96 001 • 3180 John Fitzpatrick 19 903 3181 specialty Printing Co. 1 8 1 11, 3182 j12 Municipal supply Co. John N. MCDonald, Com'r of Fin 15381 51��1, 3184 " " " " w 653 101 3185 " A • 2102 5 3186 r K 4398 5 3187 ; N A A A 7217 6 3168 " A A 905 0 1 3189 " " ; A A M 3209 2 1 3190 A A q 4970 7 d 3191 „ A A k 4430 83, 3192X A A d 129514 51 N A A " 11 58 51 4 3193 A p A M 36 5 oo A A A A 9340 05 3196 " " " 7025 0011 3197 " " A A . 1181 55, " " A A M 4404 73 3199 M A A " 1 1316 0 3200 " " 812 5 1 3201 3202 " Wesson —9t,Pau1 Drug Co. 1 2t) 31 571 3203 Max N. Maisel { 20 80, 3204 John Maurus 25 00', 3205 Edwin Meihofer Melady Paper Co. 64 56, 3206 3207 Midway Creamery Co. 37 2011, 3208 Minnesota Fenoe works CCI 3209 Nassau Paper Co. 3210 National Battery Co. 23 96p, 3211 National Bushing & Parte Co 3212 National Fire Prot. Assn. 'Ii National Housingg Aes'n. 25 0 44 3213 21 National Meter Co. jj6 41! 321 Niools, Dean & Oregg 2 350 2 3321 Northern 9tates Power CO 593 3217 3218 25 � I, 3219 Northwestern Fuel Co. 782 33 50' j2P0 " Stamp works }06 5 • 3221 3222 O'Brien & Co. Owens Motor sales 51 81 1875 3223 Pabst Food Markets Palmer Co. 27 751 3224 3225 A. N. Paper Calmenson & Co., 216 70 89 5sl 3226 3227 Pioneer Electric Cc Pioneer Ribbon & Carbon 00. i 12 30 451 20i i, 3228 Public School Publishing Co. 16 59 3229 3230 Quong sun Co. western Badge & Novelty 00 62F5f0 177 b5 '4211 Mrs Mitch . i I� 1—T,oTAL—FIN— 31.833 831633999 87G 4 �o.o.., .o .. ,... CITY OF ST. PAUL r�.E NO.. 92o22 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PIE v Dnr[ - co 5 _ RESOLVED, that the proper pity facers be and they are hereby - authorized to enter Into an agreement with George Dunn, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time ae he shall be otally disabled by reason of Injuries received by ht im while in the employ of the Department of Education, on the 3rd day of February 1932; be It FURTHER RESCLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said George Dunn the sum of $99.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including March 26th, 1932. A. Y;a 'erog yu� . -. ;es° � e, .. �a ^.:4Sa:�91. cou rvci�m Ery Adop,.d by h� C..—l__ ,_ 1 W2 19 YcaS Nays 19 MM•D nald I� favor A , Rusenc V Agar s� .�/ mAvoR S�dh�ima Mr. Pa:8— 6-81i, r I o.e...c.o c..� CITY OF ST. PAUL rice c NO. JF.0 23 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Cpq NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VIECEZAS, The Pure Oil Company has made application to the Council for permission to rebuild its drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Western and University avenues; and the Council As of the opinion that euoh permission should be granted; therefore, be it RSSOLPSD, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Pure Oil Company to rebuild its station; the Lanka and pumps to be installed in acoordance with the ordinances of the City QC, St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other publlo improvements within the street lines shall be made subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works. Y_ /o�roy r.�Ery Na� �McDo,..�ld I� fa.or Ag.�'i se r�, ,d Mr. P- B—dllc .Adopeed by '� 19 "J voa pwlolfaA� . ..o ,..... �.. —F— OF THE CITv CLERK r..... er.c.. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATE 3�3 0 93 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA AP/PSLICA�TION Is Hereby Made a. ✓� �%'t/ C/,t-� may,-����.,, �.� -T {",i..pi.. �z �� o/�...—.--f�:��o o. s�w�em .s Su✓ %r�=::; .." ra?'�.z, f �/� �-. 7,- - _%Wj ST pr��a�e�a � psrbtic '�e�'ehy •..• K. �EORGE Cr SUDHEIMER.<o..,.•,oa.. .., Hersh 31. 1932 •u^. 'o"c••nu•wu•Y lir. Y - J - Gibbons, City C1--*—� Saiat Psu1: Kinneeota Dear Sire Returned herewith is the application of the Pura Oil Company for permission to rebuild drive-in 9a _Ll L. a £filling station on the southwest comer of Aa Lt sad University A—es, and reports of in- spect3oa of the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly your., ,4,. (?� Cmiesionof Puhlic Safety THE OEPA RTM ENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL dw March 31,1932 Hon. Geo Q Sud he, :L..r Oommlaaioaerr of Paxbllo Safety, Bt.pa,a W:Lxxn- Dear Sir Sa regard to the appl Soation of the Pure 011 Oom- pany Sor per'a aioa to rebuild drive-in gasoline filling s tatlon boated Oa Lo tH 1 and 2, Block 1, Ilnokubin and Marsball * s 'AL ion a2eo deeoribed as the south�eet corner of Ileetera and Vni�eraity Avenues. We' Kogdforegoing deeiredoh -Ig wIdnot increasethe iehazdtohe extent tli -u it would warrant refection. Respectfully your e, Ohief Inspection. THE OE:PARTM ENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ya roh 31, 1932 Yr.0eorga C. Sudhei�r eioaer or P 7,3. 0 Safety Dear Slr: Ra Parria6 to your letter of Herch 31 relatl�e to appl to st Toa. Heade Dy the Pure 011 Compaq for per- mission to rab wild drive-in g"Olins filling et,tlon loo ated on I- t; 1 ad 2, Block 1, Yec kub iv end iia rshel l� a Add it .1-:.:h ioh in also deec ribed se the eouthwe,t florae r oY Waetarn end Dalversity A-.—.: An :k spaotion o£ this 1—tion w,s made by H- N. Net to rS=. Superintendent of Trefflo. He re port, that the proposed ohaage, in this driveway will not Sete rYe re .i tis traS £io. V-7 truly yours, Thomas A. Hrowv Chief of Pollee HHN/N Tile 0 CI mazy VJVISm IYTf r✓�f31VL V- airPment of Puh1M W,%vr15v .. . w..000.�...� ,....«...o......w.....,......,........ April 1, 1982 MrM. J. Gibbons i , C t y C 1 e r k. Res Rebuilding Drive-in Filling Station, Dear Sir: SW Corner University k Western Aves. Pure Oil Companyl By- George F. Paulson. Changes are recommended in the plan attached for the rebuilding of an existing filling station at University and Western Aves. The 80 -foot driveway shown on Uni- versity Avenue, should be reduced to 27 -feet in width, the existing standard. The west curb of this driveway should begin at the property line extended as shown in red pencil on the attached print. A S -inch curb should be constructed at the property line opposite the island between the concrete driveways as noted on attached print. On the Western Ave. side, the north driveway, 22 -feet in width, is the only change shown for the reconstruction. \ Yours ve tru y, wnc-mh I N. C , Chief g eer. LTON ROSEN Commissioner of rubllc "Jorks. f i 'i PURE THE PURE OIL CO. ENGINEERIrvG -T. o. ILL PRINTED- `:°' Pd.DW103 r� UNIVEG SITY %.'�'� �E A CRiI P6TGo 1 _cc MatTp -� 11tiEw191. i9.0 rL000 - o L_JL_J L l_ w W _ 9S' -o I Pte. -79 P+L1_EY f i 'i PURE THE PURE OIL CO. ENGINEERIrvG -T. o. ILL PRINTED- `:°' Pd.DW103 ORDINANCE 92UA COUNCIL FILE NO. -- 9 PRESENTED BV.— ORDINANCE NO. �✓ J -� An ordinance amending Ordinance No, 3471, entitled; ;aUeB1a7- irdlnetce No. "An ordinance establishing rules and regulations ; for canoes and boats on park Were. This is an dadrboaudon emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preeer- Aemer'd`oty vation of the public peace, health and safety", Pelle Peace, i.e amsppdad roved Hetcd approved May 24th, 1915, as amended by Ordinance No. 5683, `ruury for me. °{ approved March 28th, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance „enee, helm rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ,or SL raol health and safety. �.e a THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ni°omm- Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3471, approved May 34th,' ` 1915, as amended by Ordinance No, 5563, approved March 38th, 1931, be amended by striking therefrom Paragraph 3 of Section 1 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 'r3. Permits for rowboats and canoes must be secured at the office of the Comml as ionar of Parke Playgrounds and su Public Buildings. The fees per season (from May let to October 31st) for such permit a shall be as follows: The, sum of Four rollars ($4.00) for canoe and boat racks at Lake Phalen. - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Sea. Councilmen N— Conroy May McDonald Pearce ((f Rosen j11j t AIc Pr idenr;Rundliel/ 1rrc.c%if. •C� GAF//:. _ Cin- Ele�k APR 141932 P .... d ee die C-61 _ In Fa. -or Apmt Ar lro�ed -`- '�VacorV— n3 , .�' Laid oyer m �� 3rc1. F.:I.Ii. Add v �Conr��.� I �✓'y i ,)Ir D, -Id I)ald Vli Pre, 1.411 ��ir Prr- [lundhc ORDINANCE 92UA COUNCIL FILE NO. -- 9 PRESENTED BV.— ORDINANCE NO. �✓ J -� An ordinance amending Ordinance No, 3471, entitled; ;aUeB1a7- irdlnetce No. "An ordinance establishing rules and regulations ; for canoes and boats on park Were. This is an dadrboaudon emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preeer- Aemer'd`oty vation of the public peace, health and safety", Pelle Peace, i.e amsppdad roved Hetcd approved May 24th, 1915, as amended by Ordinance No. 5683, `ruury for me. °{ approved March 28th, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance „enee, helm rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ,or SL raol health and safety. �.e a THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ni°omm- Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3471, approved May 34th,' ` 1915, as amended by Ordinance No, 5563, approved March 38th, 1931, be amended by striking therefrom Paragraph 3 of Section 1 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: 'r3. Permits for rowboats and canoes must be secured at the office of the Comml as ionar of Parke Playgrounds and su Public Buildings. The fees per season (from May let to October 31st) for such permit a shall be as follows: The, sum of Four rollars ($4.00) for canoe and boat racks at Lake Phalen. - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Sea. Councilmen N— Conroy May McDonald Pearce ((f Rosen j11j t AIc Pr idenr;Rundliel/ 1rrc.c%if. •C� GAF//:. _ Cin- Ele�k APR 141932 P .... d ee die C-61 _ In Fa. -or Apmt Ar lro�ed -`- '�VacorV— n3 , .�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS. PLAY G R OUN DScAN D•PU BLIC BUILDINGS EllI I 22P Iii I I April 1, 1932 r4r. 1 L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, City of -t. Paul. year Sir: .� ^7111 you pleeea preps ra an ordinance emending Section iFl, k'a ragra yh ir2, Ordinance No. 3471, approved ¢y 24, 1915, by striking out all. o£ the paragraph F;er taining to fees for canoe and boat to cKars, end inserting provision for a flat charge o£ SZ4. oG for —roe and boat racks at Lake Phalen. The canoe rac:cs at Como Park were d1 s c;,ntinued s Mme ye¢rs ago, and the re fcra n afera nca need baala in th:,—endu,en;; es to racks ato Como l"— If you will give this you early attention it will be very ankh appreci¢ted . Ywra very truly, S CITY OF ST. PAUL c NO.- - 922..5 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLU7JON—GENERAL FORM Wh%REAS, Gates A. Johnson, Assistant Building Inspector of , the Department o£ Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and efte>t� April 1, 1932, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended that Gates A. Johnson be granted a 30 day leave of absence for disability with pay from and after April. 1, 1932, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it, RESULVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Gates A. Johnson for 30 days fro.0 and after April 1, 1932, with full pay. Yca, 7cl1nler.i Nays Cyon..roy ' McDonald �R— $udheimcr / Mr. Prc,idcnc Bundlic AFN Adortcd by dcc C...61 19 In favor APPc cd��•19 Against 4Ci %� nvoa - ,lTY or ST. PAUL r�=E = NO._. 9202( OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sEnTED er7 MM550 Ea RESOLVED That the appplicati of the White ruel d Ice 00mpany for permission to locate a caeh and carry ice house on Lot 3, Block 4, 0. L. Lein's Re drrangemeat or Leech' a Addition, (approximately 431 West Seventh street) is hereby granted; and the proper pity officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue to Bald White ruel d Ice company a permit Sor said ice station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a maJority vote of the Couac 11 . Yc' coutrciLmEN N3� 3 �McDon aid [r. fa.�or - Pcm«- _�_ Aga,nsc / Sudhc�.r�r Pres:d— Bundl�c Ir rieink � sie�i .+oyea o' Id VU bl d �m:lorir Adopled by 6Council APP 2 IM 19 App,. l 19 City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CRy CI O.i.i ci..�-Ce. C�.., .nd CoTTINonu el RyInnllow cn,.i c�.,� e.e•.n.ue. spril let, 1912. tndereo n, Corporation Counsel, Buil dim. Das, Sir: The attached applloatlonof the W111 to Reel & Ica Company for perms seioa to inLte aah and carry 1— house on Lot 1, BloeK 4, in Lt. m_ lddi tion (C. L. Lain's Rearrangement ) - located at anpry ximately 421 Rest seventh street was referred to you today for the proper resolution. Tome very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS. PLAYGROUN D Sa ANDrPUBLIC BUILDINGS orrca or c --1 _� Bon. Council. City ofSt 1,111-e sot a. Cent lemon : _ Attached he rawltri please find city clerk's fiWho nthe sk for P1 of the ',Ihite Fuelind Ica Company, a pe^missSolea chi scAdd i t i ons(C. L.h and cLain`scRearrangement),S,t Bloc}c 4, a approximately 421 `:lest Seventh Street. north side of :`Lest Seventh This is on the Street between tl,, lot is zone.1 SynIth £lca ttionun adedr the zoning ordinance.he'Iel re commendtry that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, City ®f Saint Paul QFFiCC aF City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS. 0i Cl.h aiso.n.c.omv+ .nd C.--I..t -a R.el'.. March 29th, 1912. Bon. C _ 'E'- UiW' Coms'r oY_Pl 3 P. Bldg". , Bn11 dlzsg _ Dear C -X seloner: The attached application of the Whit. 1ti-X & lee Company for a per St to place a caeh and Carry Soe bouee on C. L. Lain'. $aesrea�ement -Lot 3, Block ua Leech's id3l ti oa, located at epproxtmntely 421 Wa"t 7 th. Street ref. rred to yourdepartment, by the C 'X7L, for 1-stlgatlon and report. Tour. vary truly, City Clerk. r � City Clerk. 21 -LARD, CEDAR OSI. (IYF/Ch. 6/.A//(IftST White Fuel & Ice Company "white servlc - LH� RANOOLPH STREET ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA Cit, Clerk City of Sairt Paul, ".Sr -n. Dcnr Sir. The u dersiCned hereby make° application £or a Perrin(.- h�lc+cing�e�Ce sh R'��� Sce I—. o 3 �(✓l"('/�Lc' �L �/1�/ located e_ appro--,otly AIZI �. 7 peapectfully, RF?ITF F'JFL & I"'-C'TASTY �. PO ;aw CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.__ �.],Lj�r/ FFI CITY CLERK �+.+ A OU SOLUT GENERAL FORM wax—As, Council Tile No. 91749, approved February 23, 1932, a thorized the proper City officers to enter into an 4 agreement with the Tri-State Telephone df Telegraph Company Sow the furnishing by said Company of tie lines and ducts and other egtalpmeat for the Police and Tire Alarm exchanges; and WEDCRS,B, The resolution omitted to provide the date of She co�Omcement of said service; now therefore, be it Et OLVSD, That paymsnt for -aid services shall be made from Jnanawy 1st, 1932 to December 31, 1932, inclusive. c. r :I ewuelme.�� j9ro�a C1. �.�eM �w M 64 �re a zt pe oft _ ro a�a meAl 1 e le fAOPeov f •-lfifl rf. lfaf.i Ycaa courJcl�r.a er-1 Nays Conroy / M�Donald �\/In fa..or ASilna[ Sndh c.m cr Mr. Pr lame i3 ­an, Ad.pad by rhr CourtA R 2 1932 19 lFR 2 "1' Approve' 19 (L Snb�eot Council Pile 80.. 92028 Date preeeatE 193E 0,.d, 1706 10, the Ooalieeioner of Public Utilities hat reported in accordance with Section 56 of the City Cbarter, the esistenoe of an eaergenoy whf�end"1 ecessartheeuploraent of oeetala e�ployee ofAptfoorethantedayon 8nndasaid ployment be?elore than genatahou#te of'employaettt, herefore,. be it Resolved".That the proper city officers ere hereby inthot'i3ed to bey the folloping Hewed erployee at p�,e ratb otherMlee tiled for extra employ- Nea ror the `extra ti hereinafter set forth, Albert, Traao, 8r. Comon laborer ibbn d. Coniol •, 4t .laborer void Q"Oomor 116hol48' d.Wagner " " 4 ,w,,. •6 Ralph valroy " " 4 bras 666 i,s T i rule o NO I' D (, W r 9u d T \IO bipi Pylp"%' oI. a' �thm uo of emDloymwt @.r,toF R wlPjd .khb to EtoNr olq otU ,iollow onfinedbpm►Iorahi it tho riti�l uhendn'di.d for W.mpmym.nti ';r Y Ne .[In Ilms h-1`07 .at: °ANC 2ru... er, com. l.b., I Run- . boon .t /5e1 bo q �f 60f nnY, UIY. L.D., 10 dun", d�.Dyy 1.1 0"`fnnoor, MY. Lb., 11 Suo•. 9und ylhour. at p�nat. UIY. Lb.. h RVnu a0.iroy, VII. Lnb., I r.,uInj —n1.4 by the C.nu Apt. 3, I1irJ DO cusp Apr. t, lBJ1. leptn+•uau- Ayes d =men :. Nays onroy ioaonald / / /Aesee�e�e- so Adopted by the ADR 919a� 193E' _. ' Sndheiaer ApprovedQ 193E. _ � fir. President Htmd].is� , Approve ��6 er, 8npe riInte d _ FOGY so. 1 April 1, 193E An emergsne7 Is" arlsen in the Department of public Utilities, Bureau oS Rater rendering necessary the, emplo7ment of certain esssployes of his department for more than eight hours per, day im the doing of the following works Operating Hazel and Highland Perk Pumping Stations.# Changing 3s meter at 403 Wl ImLsha St. * This emergency arose by season of the following facts and circumstancess #BU21da76• *Work had to be done ontalde of bueineas hours. a#, Ap owed: oasrd *..Thosape General S�erint eat 'o-- - IL RESOLUTION- PRINTF1e 9Y�1u4 ou�*� - � YaroL .31st Is�Tz_ RESO + �, THAT CHECKS ME DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 86'151+'62 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3232 Tio 3256 INCLUSIVE P NECKS o ON FILE Lalv TwE OFFICE:IFTHE CITY COM PIROLLER. PPR�2p1932nM APPwovEo APR 2 "JL 19_ 51EE1TOTAL-FORW—. 31.633 63 1720154 49 I ,111 T OFFICECOF THE COMPTROLLER FiLE No. �Ryl`�EJJ COUNCILMLM EN --R01 OLL CALL i / COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS March 31st_ g32 .&�cni.— -C ... 0 e. 1— CT "gni rvsr RESOLVED T �ry -" tl 0.%, °fib"2 4,62 E 55�bC1111F TTI C1rv1 1C.1ra° — _t_ 6W✓���" ` ..ro. By _ _ _. necrc N-- rv..rvsr IN FAVOR OF c� 5 TOTAL L en o �rcc Ks e.eA— _ — — cRr FORw"Ro $7L 31,A33 93 7 ®3232-- 3233 3234 RaWmer Hardware Co. Reasoner BrQ,e. Red Ring (mien stone Cc 84 42 67 14 25 30 3235 A. J. Re Br o 1.0 20 3236 Review PIYbTisbi'ng Co. 59 3237 Re. Linen supply Co. 7255 Jt4 IIS 3236 2 9 D. J. Riley & Company Robinson Cary & Sends Co. 113 w� 407 51 III 3240 3241 at. Paul Tent & Awning Co •John H.MoDonald,Com Ir of Fin. 96 03 244 01 4I 3242 324j Charles F. Craig Feyen Construction Co. 52 li 14764 50. 3244 Eugene Tourville O'Neil & Preston 29 33i 2025 80 II M2140 3211 3247 Wm. Eckhardt 13 38i 3248 James E. Glass 30 80 3249 John H.MoDonald, 0. Of Fin. N N N 13297 5111 �j420 3250 N M tl tl N N N N 93 3 740 09 C, 351 N I 3252 9, Berglund Lumber 00. 26 1l 99 60, T )25 Capitol 9taty Vp 00. 3�5 Sharp & Dohme 1313' )py5 %Ilaume RX & Lumber D0- 252 9g'll 3256 Board of Public Welfare 10030 3 9 e I 51EE1TOTAL-FORW—. 31.633 63 1720154 49 ..L.:,- - n l ITV P",.f l! NO._ J2" C-�UNCIL F;e- J U—N—GENERAL FORM s"sEON IRVIHG C, PY,&FtOS care- APRIL. 18T-19 2` RESOLVED - - - - - WHEREAS, The Co^t:�lssi�ri e -r of due tion has reported to the Council In c ord an ce t--it1, cti nn 53, of the City Chart cr the e:.ist-7— of nn �rnay v,hich rendered a ne cessnry th Fx'1 to of —,I -in employes of his it a department for more- �.l-•r-an their usual hours. of employ- e..j ment; the"Of." be i t Z. RESOLVED, Tht thcyofficare hereby nu- thori zed to pay tk-ie £o1I Ing named emF loyrs, at the .. ,n..a rate ofh—,I. e fixed :F— extra employment far extra n n time hereinafterEE�..�•-•y^-5.1.n�-91-"-' NAME TITLE TI16E RATE TOTAL George Allen Jan.^bag- 10 Hours .64 6,40 Christian Bauer 5 ^ .611 3,08 JohnBecketrom 3 ,64 1,92 William Benton 6 .6171 3,69 Fred Bureinger 4 ,64 2,56 J, Callahan ^ 6 ,64 3.84 George Cameron .61. 2.15 Frank Chapman ^ 5 ° .61 3.08 Charley Engelbretson B ^ ,61 4.92 Andrew Erickson 3 ^ ,64 1.64 Elias Fehr 10 .64 6.40 Gabtiel Gagliardi 3.64 1.92 George Gunther 4 .64 2.56 Oscar Halgren IO .611 615 Charles Hammerlund 9 .64 5.,76 Frank Hedlund 6* ^ .64 4,16 J. A. Heinz ^ 10 ,64 6,40 Patrick Hickey ^ 3- .64 2.24 Elmer Hintz ^ 10 ,64 6,40 G, F. Hodge ^ 3 .64 1.92 August Kahler 1 0*.64 6,72 Hamilton Kenny 4 ,64 2.56 Nels Landberg ^ 4 ,64 2,56 Gus Linde a 4},64 2.88 Gluaeppl Lucia 5 ^ ,64 3.20 Yeas N Adopted by [he Conna APR h IQ?7 IY S- ... Conroy May _ / McD...ld In favor Appro� 19 Rosin ,zSndk—,, �+Avoa /Mr. President Bundlic CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E � NO. _. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM M Mi55 iEL'Ba. CO=�Si 1�Q . rMLWX rOniE AP$II�_IRT�l 9.x,2 RESOLVED / W__AS, Corcaiss nor Of �duc¢tion has reported o the Council Sn accord ncelth, ct1 �n S:>, of the C -Y Ch¢r ter the c enco of�r: o.ner� enr,y r�hi ch rc dared ne cess¢ry tho t1 �rloyre:riLZ of certrin ec.PloY�s of h1s d epnr t�cent fo .;oro n their u„u¢1 riours f e^�P1oY- ment; tiler cr, be rt, ' RF'SCLV"5'D, Th the oprr city of 1'l cr rs^x'eb:7ta the thorized o pay he fol JOS• ing n¢med a rete otricr�ii se flxod for extra e,Plo nt for extra time hors in¢£ er set f or the LQ, o,,. yi .CQ« 1 _ 5�%�nl✓T- 3 H- NAME TITLE TIT+'E 0 RATE TOTAL 'PhomasLunSOr Jana Eng. 8 Hours .61} 4.92 John Lyneb 13 .64 1.60 • .64 6.72 J. R. Lynn Jacob X. -.On • 2 .49-1 .H9 E. Man= 10 n - .64 6.40 John Nelson 3 .64 1.92 Sylvester O'Connell 8 .61 4.92 William Oliphant • 7 n .64 4.48 W. Powers • 4 .64 2.56 Waldemar iohter ^ 11 .56 624 Joseph J. Scharfbillig • 9 : .64 5.76 R Henry Sehnelder " 4 .64 2.56 Bert Seidler • 10 .64 6.40 Oscar Smoleneky 10 n .64 6.40 Lloyd Spetzman 11 .64 7.04 Nicholas 3tadtfeld • 2} .64 1.60 Arthur Story • ^ .59 1.77 Edward Thomas • ^ .64 2.88 I. W. Thompson ^ 3 .R4 2.24 W1111am Vi -ring ^ 12 .64 8.00 Carl Warodall 7 .64 4.R0 Albert Woods 11 .611 6.77 August O. Yaeger Sch.Eng. 11 .71 7.87 Andrew Engstrom Rd. Jan. 1 ^ .64A .64 L. O. Larson J. 4 .56a 2.27 cou rvci�nlEN Nays Adop-d by chi C.,.. 1 19 M.y 19 McD..1d Rosen Mr. Pr d- B-dl- CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM asEscareo BR___ =Z-ZV=M6 Sr. PBARCB coMMlss�oHE -o.rE APB 18T- RESOLVED ago WHEhE AS. TYi— Co—ilssl—, of education has reported o igjg- founcll iio. accordant v..ith S,,ctl nn 53,of the Criea3�-bc>�_ i.2 ze X15 to of rr: e�. — —y yr re eyed necers ry�1tP- clt o- cn^tri . loyns h1s depEir tr-�n} For r SF.. uSunl hour o er:plo�y- m nt; tnro£c , be St, - RESOLV`:il, "i -1-i t ,he proper city off, ... ffkers are 11 z pay tl-e £oll,,; ne —",cyns, at ' rate vt 1— -rise f Sxr_d for extra er.,Fl tyre. n'. for ert ra Lime he roc irin£tar set 1'or thjeQ.-4,— N AMM TITLE TI!T FATE TOTAL J, F. Gobell Jan. 7. Hoe. 68 1.14 George Ryon San. 2 1.36 Frank Forst Claener 11 .47 b.48 George Turngnl at = 10 .47 4.78 Are. J_le ileiger 7 • .47 3.3E Yca. co�rvci Lr.n Er.r CV�yz Ad. ,cd by ,kc Conndl con,oy / McDonald / Zn favor R..cn Mr. P—id— B-11— rz F:,_as-.zee_-� r_a.9 ra__se.:�. •.he eern:•�.rera o_ .�_,�x.�o., o_ ._cy ,I -_s . _ rr_9�rir.� re :essxry the em[:oy--' of -i oyes 7`_' t. 2'rat r!opa r', mer. •, fcr :r.,.e thxn eisht hags Cl ri g R 1, l h F1 ta6 arose by :east. of 'he fl' -l—,z fa.as NoQoa = to kwe enhnel Tn,tlni..81�pa oa a000uut of aleotSo booth D Sldiry ;—ti - .. _h=_ Cha_".-, / okp-p eJrICIL• RESOLUTION COUNCIL .U_e No. 92031 s dao a ' c.- 4 X.— ..e _.oaal oma... ,°, a. � April 4th 1932 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS ME pRAyyN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 46.545.58 , COVERING CHECKS NUM9ERED 3257 TO 3313 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, A000 ar THE APR 4 iv?� R eI i °— • DUPLICATE TO CITY E--CALL OFFICE of THE^COMPTROLLCOUNCILMEN-96ER . " Ko. .i''.� IUl LL ° < COUNCIL RESOLUTION 3 ° Ali DI'ITD CLAIMS April 4th G_ B z IIAIIE P �1 A°A"Pr RE1SOLVED THATR. A00PTE0 Rv -E CPUNCILya" E°f"ETr �o"P.BOLEB AP POVEO . \. •rT.o�. n TOTAL DAT CRECN IN FAVOR OF REr Y NUMBER TRANBR[R ECN5 D'BBURBEM ENT BY ANI BBANK CHECKS C N FORWARD I — -- -BROUGHT 43 20! 3257 Adam Halboth 3256 John H,7cDonald,ComIr of Finance 1,416 98j l 3259 « « « B w 26,622 36' 6 001 ppp 3260 Frank J. doolnough 3261 American National Bank, Assignee 845 OO Barry kotor 00. 31 17'. I, 3262 Ciampi Brothers 15 4011 3263 k. n P. Facy 30 001 3264 3265 ;e'en 9ulliv- Ann F. Campion II 30 00'1. d 3266 Soo, for the :rev. og Cruelty 1 dd 200 001 99 001 3267 George Dunn „ 17 291 3268 Mr e. Anna 9ohnedier Finanoe 165 00. 3269 3G70 John H,koDonald,Com'r of « 2,948 751 « « 55 3271 3272 Charles Stewart d j2 001 327} A,1 3tenographlo Bureau 1 28 56 3274 Capitol Stay ` 10 55I1 327 ti Central ficoo ` 3271 Farwell, Ozmun, Rkkk A Co. �6721' 3277 A, P, Hersohler Factory 7 02 3276 H.E,Hulme Shade d Awning Co, 103 70', 3279 Inter City Paper Co. 36 92ii 3 94'�' 3260 F, G. Leslie Paper Co, 3261 No%esson—St.Paul Drug Co. 29 25111 3'282 McFadden—Lambert Co. 100 3263 Railway Express Aiency 45 11' 3284 C, Sommers S Co. 21 17'i 3285 Spool Cotton Co. 29 11, 95 25'1 3P86 victory Printing Co. 7 601' 3287 vita Crisp Diet. Co. 5 +01 3288 Rainbow Pie 00. 821 04' 3289 John H.YoDonald,COm'r of FSnenpe .I 10 75'1' 3290 329' . 55 �ol 0 3293 «« « «Alpha 12,loo 43t 329 3294 The Creamery Co. a 006 3295 Wm. G. Alwin 'dorks 7 50'11 3296 American Dye a :)0. 3297 Archambault Pharmacy 6 5011 3e"98 Chae, w. Arend d CO!' 3299 Barry Motor Cc... 8 001 3300 3301 Frank v. Bartho Bethlehem Lutheran Churoh 8 00 111 3302 George Bet tendorf 7 50i 3303 Loule Boderman a 50, 330 Tony Boeei 8 00 3305 33 a k s, 8—ti. Mra. R. =- eche uC a 00 3307 Dr. J. A. an eron 5 F0 3308 A. F. Car lyle,9upt. GoOd.Ind. 8 001 3309 3310 R.M. J. Casey u.Conners 8 0011 5 501' 3 11 Rev. J. '-nr 8 00 1 1 331- =ea'r• Crlepua Attuoke 'come 7 05 3313 Oyprene St/ Churoh a SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 46,5— e CITY OF ST. PAUL sire NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK or un COUNGI ESO LUTION— ENERAL FORM WHERAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building CommE ission hae authorl "dthe following extra work in the new C_ t House and Cseity Hall, namely: The following extras to the contract of Foley Brother-, Zna.: Extra Work Order No. 38, authorizing the finish— ing of Room 3—P16 for the County Attorney's ofiioeii at an increase in the contract price of ..........ap766.06 Extra Work Order Ho. 39, adjusting the difference between the contraot price and the allowance Por oabinet work; the Contract price approved by the City Council and the County Board being $337,406, while the all Owen. 0 was $305,000, making a difference of ...............$32,406.00 The following extra to the mechanical contraot of Healy Plumbing and Heating Company: Extra Work Order&o. 8, authorizing the in— stallation of a pneumat io tube system between the P sym is erss office In the basement with the Finance Department office on the firet floor at an additional cost Of .......... ...... .......... $ 492.00 and WHEREAS, the Advisory Coot House and City Hall Building Commission has let the contract for ao custical treatment, for the sum of $5964 .00 lase than the oash sll owance therefor, entitling the City and County to a oredit of that sum, namely, $5964.00, on the general contract with Foley Brothers, Inc. and WHEREAS, the Advisory Commission has let the contract for finished hardware for a sum $3762.00 less than the cash allowance, and the City a,ed County are entitled to a credit for said sum of $3763.00, therefore be It Ycas coo NCl�M r. N'Y3 Adop,cd by chc C....yc„ C1� o.+r // / C C)o..ald In fawc App`evcA 19 / Rosm Ag+i . � En Avon Sudhc:rt.cr Mr. Pcc_, B.,ndhc CITY OF ST. PAUL sic NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MsE REgMVED, that the Council hereby approves of and concurs in the action of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Build- 1n9Commleslon, and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and direoted to add to the general contract of yoley Br other S. Ino. the sumiset forth above, and to the contract of the Healy Plumbing and Heating Company the sum set forth above, and to deduot from the general contract with Foley Brothers, Inc. the two sums set forth ab 0ve,neae1y, $5964.00 and {3762.00. Yaas j. oNCoy r.neN Nays ' McO---Id I� favor P -- Rosman Ag-- Sudh��m�r Mr. P—zd— B—dhr Adop«d by chc C..., APR PR " 19 App --d ..App --d/ 19 Saint Paul YPVF`, Bureau of Municipal Research A,hle cClub Buildlns r .�r��.i •x• xT C�Jer 1_IJ Yereh 31, 1932. To the City O—ai3-. City of Smut v x e 1[laaeeot— peatl—. TLle in to .Arise you tbet the Advisory Court H— end -City Hell Buildiag Coeemimmi oa Lae eathorwsed the folloeleg ertra Burk In the — .—t hone. and airy Lail ai nce the loot report; r amn CONTRA..CT -- VOZE7 338O3 IPC. B-trs Rory Order Humber 37 authorises Obanging the elevator j, Cmrm to Otte beavy duty hangers, .t an sddition- .1 cost or _ _ _ . . . . . . . . i 1,674.00 ThA. --tree ase esatLnri sed by the City Connoil and the County Board. vEstra Rork: Order Humber 38 euthorleee finlshin6 room 2S -p16 for !Le County Attorney,• offioe, at en inorees.766.06 - J. the ooatrr.at pries of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z3c1ors Rork Order Number 39 ad ..tI the dlfferenoe bet— the ooatr.sot prioe end the alloeanee for eabimt Bork. 'me ooatreet pridspp--d by the CityCo-11 and County ar• t/ Bo& ase E237 e4O6s bile the &11e_oe see $206,000, mekieg a differaaae of . . . . . . . . . . . 32,406.00 1�(�A17IaAL CO S HRAI,T PI.II1®IHO AND HY►TIHO OOYPABI ==t— Ror1c Order Nemb.r 6 authorises the installa- tion of a pea®rtio tube system betwea the p.ye etsr" off'" in LLe basa®sat aith the fi—ee dopertmeat Offlae oa the 492.00 first floor —t sa alai tioael —.t of . . . . . . . . . . . 3c t% s Rory Order Number 7 provides for ajseting the difroroffim betwea tae all000eue for paeenetle tube system and the aoatraaot priao. The .mount of $800 bas beenapproved �•� by thity e CO—IL 1 and the County Board. . . . . . . . . . . CH8DIT8 03H38AL 002f'II2AJO W Cre41t Fsmber 2 Ss a oredlt bets... the a110eeooe and To th. City 00-11 -R- -r.h 31, 1932. th. ooatr t prla ter 000 tooal tr..t—t. ft. .11owun. �. $47.wo. tb- eoatroat p -'L—, $41,836, th. or.dlt . . . . $ 8,964.00 Cr.dtt 1Uabor 3 pro -id.. for th. ..alit i. th. dif- f.r sno bot— the alleoanoo -d tb. oo.tr.ot prim for fi- S.h bard.ar.. TI- alloy w $40,000, the wntr.ot prim for g.—. -I hard aro rad o-bl—t bird—. $W,BW, .ting • .—di t or - - - - - 3,762.00 TOTALtXXIMAR Th —t— r.&M.—I sd h.r.1a ggr g.t. $36,136.06, hil. tb. .rodt t. total j9. 7'2B.'�'�. —t— mthori..d dna. the baildlo6 — started total =66.466.98. .8111. th. or.dit. eggr.g.t. $88,666.00. V.ry truly ymr., B.or.t.ry, Ad.l.ory Conn Hon.. -d city 8.11 Building Co.i.don. CPE: SH o.o...c .o c... cc..w CITY OF ST. PAUL ri�c r NO.- -� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION— ENERAL FORM RESOLVEO 'aaat th. PsoP.r oit7 offloo— bo ■A tho7 .r. b -" by o■.thorigd maw dirootod to po7 tho oit7�• prop0rti-not. .bar. of tb. bill- .■buittod b7 t1no Adwi■or7 Court H0000 .ad City Hall 3raild1n6 00oni■.i0n N .Loon on ♦b- -. ■treat of 03 LJ� Nximbor 22 of th. td�i■or7 C—" ED—' nd City ML" Dnildia6 Cooa<i■■ion, tot■aliat $3546 263.10, th. olt7-• .L■ro of -h1eh to $77,131.". sad 011 r Of&,o— aeon th■ .LS■. ■obmitt.d b7 .aid 00x1. ion. Y<a: / ticiEM Ev NaYs Adop­d by chc nPfi 4 1Tn 19 Co.rroy p� McD... Id - In favor F`PProve v 19 Ro.�.,c Aga sr oR Sudh�im�r j Mr. Pr !dery o � CITY OF ST PAUL �E - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI{1JRESOLUTION `GwNERA FORM SErvTEo av !//////V✓/ ii�(Q(/(UJI, onrE - _ _- - __ - WMMMA 3 , The Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commiseloa, at its meeting held April 4, 1932, approved the form of contract vrlth the Adam Decker Hardware Oompeny, and the keerioan Surety Oonapaay o1 Nev, York as surety on the bond; therefore, be it RESOLQED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the action oY eel Commission, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to sign the contract on behalf of the City. eouri c=i �. ,.nE�. MIR 4 l"- *9 Nays Adop�ed b. �I�c Council Yeas or.aid IAga, Al.prov ly � Rosen s� -�-�,.nnvoR m- Presx i— B—dh "' Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research =.r Ach]rnc Club Building s o... Ceder 1210 April ♦.,. 1938. To the City Ceres IL M City of 8.d t �- SAM an ew taw d.ntleoeaf A.1 Its —t2—C todeq the Adwi.ory Coma 8on.. and City Ball BaildlzigCo-.I.-IL— tho fort of the oontr.at with Ada baker Berl. CoeqPWCtWe mad tLO •—I—t Be ty Company of Bew Sort u —ty an the bad. Ter7 truly yow�l'•.� Beor.t-7 Adl—. y Cart Boo.eend City Ball Bni1dl-c Camel. CPB, BB .o.•.... CITY OF ST PAUL r��r NO. 9Wd5 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Advisory Court House and City Ball Building Commission, at its meeting held April 4, 1932, approved the form of oontraot with Wester G. Warren & Company, and the Fidelity and Deposit Comps y of Maryland ae surety on the bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Connoll hereby conours in and approves the aotlon of said Commission, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and direoted to sign the contract on behalf of the City_ :"<a .* ":6:�c Yc,S cov rvc.i�MEN Nay, Ad.p—I by Ihr C.—d WR 4 1932 I9 C .,nroy ARS M��o�ald Lr. fa..or ApproVcd% _ 19 `e�� Rosen "� Agai— --- --- Mr. P --d— B—dlxc ZEES Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research ' A.hlcC'c Club Building C-, 4210 ♦pail 4. 1938. To the City Coonoil. City of EW mt Pan,. "I. -L. 9.ntl— At it. aa.tia6 today th. AAvi"ry Coact Heu. 0" City Hall Daildlag C—d..iea -W— .d tba fora of th. -.tr t .ith Flt.r O. Ift—; and Coap.ay. and tba yid.11ty and D.PO.it Coapa.y of Baryla.d .. ..r.toa th. bead. y.ry truly 'yoA.r_..n 8.nr.try. ♦AVi.ory Coma Baa" a.d City Hall D.11d-I-C Coad.do.. o 920W CITY OF ST. PAUL N -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 'I COUNC�I O—GENERAL FORM RE�TEo%�- DATE WyKIR3C1S, The Advisory ocu t House and 01ty Hall Building Oononiasi oa, at its meeting beld April 4, 1932, approved the form of oc, tZ,t with the Standard Conveyor Company, and the Rational Surety Oonapaay ae Surety on the bond; therefore, be it FMSOJLVSD, That the Oounoll hereby .=O-- in and approves the ac ti oa of said 0ommiesion, and the proper Oity officers are hereby authorized and directed to sign the contract on behalf of the Oity _ y— coun+ci�r-,EN Nay. Cy��r,ror / Ycarcc ///� R osc,� c/ Againa, / N4— Y—Xdcn, B..ndli. Adop,<d h>,ham C ... cil APR 4 1932 iv Approvr� I`i Saint Paul ' PoiW Bureau of Municipal Research A,hl,ic Club Building w.....�.��.,.� Ca.. 1310 /psil •. 1988. Y To the Oit7 C -a ,X. City or 8e1at pea�1. Yi>oae eo ta• peatlesens Al. Ste reties today the 1A "— Coart Hou' end City Hall Heildin< aoaieel0a approved the r.— Of the a Ut NtrWith tho at land. Ceaeey_ OE•sy�a7• —.6 the Setloaal Sorety �y CpH. SH very truly yoar•. Beoretary. AILriwry Court Hooee end City Hall Baildini Casl••ion. ��z�►� CITY OF ST PAUL NO.. - OrFICE OF CITY CLERK a NFJ3.R OLUTION—GENERAL FORME VEMIMAS. the Sind ng Fund Cos ittee did on Marc-, 30. 1932 as.' .or bide, to be eabbeitted at 2130 P. M. April 4, 1932. on $59.000 S_. ph -1 4�¢ scjwol Bond', uue Lpr`_7 1, 1949 and $140,010 St_ P_1 IVA% Permanent Improvement Revolving Fend Bonde, d— LPril 1. 1945, now held in the Partici—zing Certifi—ta B—.—, , d ■B%REAS, bid' were opened in the of`ic of the Meyor at 2130 F. N., April 4, 1932, ani the bid of Barr Bros. & Co., Inc, of ..ew Yor City, of $199,721.40 and accrued interest was the best bid received, and Y888&AS. the Sieh-ing 7ti d Ca—tittee ha_ reco=ended t -t the bonds be awarded to Barr Bros. & Co.. Inc. for $199,721.40 and accrued interest; therefore be it R'ESOLP&D, tilt t ti.e bid of Barr Bros. & Co., I— be ac erted ani .he W,yor, Coatniesion er of Finance and City Co q>troller be and ...ey I, hereby euti-1—d and directed to aenept the bid of Barr Bros_ & Co.. Inc. ons consummate the transaction. 4. 72-1 td­ sour-Ieiue.+Ery Na� Adop<ed � mwnor�a�o Ycns M -+T / w ie wo�sRit,x, 19 --'M,D o..a Id L I.. Ea�or ApP'�"`� _a... �s..dhei...cr / ,�M,. P—id— B....dli. April 4. 1932. A meeting of the s1n'ctW mmd ^,oarittee we held tote day in the office of tho Myor, Present, Jahn lama. 160lrotary, representing the varm. ft. r. ?nett, iamptronw, and John H. Womld. 'awdeatoner of vimaae. This fleeting van held for the purpose of reaeivtng bide, in capitance with letter sent out b1 the iin?dag ➢ted Oandttes under date of Varah 30. 19j2, oa the follmdng bade hold in the PartioigattD9 Oertifiaute M1 $,000 idol Wo due 4ri11,1949 1 ,000. Parewat laprorasent Uevolriag Ami Bonds to April 1, 1943. the follmdnr, bide were reeeivad, dtarr Bros. A 0864 ..................... 019SOMAD and aoamed interest, hltrris Treat 9 Barings Bank........... 193,608.00 and seemed interest, DnokNortkwnse C�cspngy velleeDift CWTAW sheen A Omepeltiy Aitat aeawitiea Torp . ............. 193.361.00 W aealaed interest. A mots- sac ands 17 'oaptroller Scott. ceeoW d by Oemdsslaner MaDo-ld, and mn..mrmeahs mrrtd. that the ocm.lttee aooept the bid of Barr Bros. A ro., It being the highest. and taaoranmI came to the ^.eoaall. The meeting ther-won, a&ioamed. A oamdeaiaaax o.� O.Wt.pllnr W -Oho!- worst-7- e.,.,.., -= r• CITY OF ST. PAUL i��E NO. _( OFFICE OF CITY CLERK b . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ♦/CorE.nst.nE NT ory EYrz. -ATE By Council File No. 90541, approved November 2nd, i9ol , the Council made a net award of damages in the s— of $4896.00 in the asatter of taking the north 20 feet of Lot 4 and the east 6 -inches of Lot 5, Auditor's 8ubdivislon No. 6, in the matter of widening Uaiversity avenue from Dale street to Park avenue; and WHEREAS, The owner of said property appealed therefrom, and said owner has now offered to settle her appeal if the City will award en additional sum of $200.00, and the Commissioner of Finance and the Corporation Counsel have recommended that said offer be accepted; xx w therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the award as fired by said CounOil File No. 90541 for the taking of said property be increased to a net Sum of $9096_00, and the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay the same upon a dismissal of the appeal and proper showing of title. Yeas ecru rvciLnnEry F-+eree�Y– NaY/ M�E>,—Id I. fa.. Aga. ,. Sudhc. m�r / Mr. P—id— Bundle I Adop,,d by chj Approve y. 1....._.Lu� �•�+• _,� •+ CITY OF ST PAUL ,sic � NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C'LOOUUN^CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WECEREAS, By Council Tile No. 90541, approved November 2, 1931, the Co—.tl >eade a net award of damage. Sn the sum of $1620.66 in the matter of taking the north 20 feet of Lot 12, Block 1AYackubin de Marshall's Addition to the City of 6t. Paul, in the matter of widening University avenue from Dale street to Park ave— nue; and XREREAS, The owner of said property appealed therefrom, and said owner has now offered to settle her appeal if the City will award an additional sum of $250.00, and the Commissioner of Finanoe and thb Corporation Counsel have reaomended that said offer be accepted; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, That the award as fixed by said Council File 90541 for the taking of said property be increased to a net sum of $1870.66, and the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay the same upon a dismissal of the appeal and proper showing of title_ e Hies N. 41 m a � a [gate o ae GV Vr[C.iLM EN t ae �I Yeas Nays .Ad.,,,d b dpi eio V S t� avroac a T nr� a,^asz f MLD...ld �� la favor Rosen .� Again.[ -'✓ [.,[n,Yoa - S�dhc�.r.cr Mr. Pecside Bundlie L CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ ( OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P4.SE—Eo MY WMREAB, By Council Tile No. 90541, approved November 8, 1931, the 00unoil made a net award of damages in the sum of $1101.80 in the matter of taking the north 20 feet of Lot 6, Block 2, Mackubin 3 Marshall's Addition, in the matter of widening University avenue from Dale street to Park avenue; and wNcnwAB, The owners of said property appealed therefrom, and said owners have now offered to settle their appeal if the Oity will award an additional sum of $200_00, and the Oommissionar of Finance and the Corporation 00unsel have recommended that said offer be accepted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the award as fixed by said Counoil File 90541 for the taking of said property be Increased to a net sum of $1301.80; and the proper City offlc-8 be and they are hereby authorized to pay the same upon a dismissal of the appeal and proper showing of title. Yras cuu�i�EH Nays Ad.pced i.y rh w,nroY r w .I s svaar ^ s' % McDonald - I� favor AFY�� / S.dh-- Mr. Pr—d— B.ndlm / o..,..oc .. CITY OF ST PAUL ri�r � NO. 9204 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ROE_ ss ER - 4' Y ­ WHEREAS, 15y Ocn soil Bile No. 90541, approved November 2, 1931, the 0ounoll made, a Aht award of damages in the sum of $105.64 in the matter of taking the north 20 feet of Lot 3 and the north 20 feet of Lot 2, except the we_Bt 10 feet thereof, Block 3, Elfelt, Bernhelmer & Arnold'a Addi ti oa to the City of 6t. Paul, in the matter of widen- ing University av eeave from Dale street to Park avenue; and WFm AB. The Cr ere of said property appealed therefrom, and said owners have ao offered to settle their appeal if the 01ty will award an ad.Qi tions, sum of $200.00, and the Commissioner of Finance and the Corporatlon Counsel have. recommended that said offer be accepted; thar� Yore , be it BEBOLVEDL:. Shat the award as fixed by said Council rile 90541 for the taking of Meld property be increased to a net sum of $305.64; and the proper Oity c,fficere be and they are hereby authorized to pay the same upoa a diemissal of the appeal and proper showing of title.u— cowruci�aeHr Nay,/ e: Adop,ed b, ,j rI. �ed1. °pe se assn 'viii,'wo �McDo. APP�I iw r �.`�---'-e--- ald Pearce � Ro,en /l) i S.dhcimcr ,'M, Pa,id— B,aradl:� In fa.�or Aga nac E ^�^^"� �•T" _� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._ 92A)42 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C.QUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c o rE.ns E 55 o rJe Y ✓/_�`nd""`�'G-r�D-�.vc"L_6 ..; 4 P Bizd:12 v'r+ WHEaR-M S, thea City Attorney hae cert Sed that be Se Sn doubt to whom to pay the award of damages to L t Five (5), Block Fifteen ( 15 J Smith a Subdivision of Sti nsonle ivlslon, the southerly tweaiy (SO) Yeet of which lot was taken by condemnation in the mat L.er -:r widening Univ University Avenue from Dale Street to Parte Avenue , aacl WHEREAS, Chapter 219, Laws 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws 1931, provides that whenever the City Attorney shall certify is writing to the City Council that he is in doubt as to whom suc1, an award shall be paid, said City Council may order a warrant to to drawn £or the sum, payable to the Clerk of the District Court, an c3 providing that the City Clerk shall deliver the same to the Cleric oY Court and take his receipt therefor, thus enabling the Court to decide the respective rights of any claimante to the fund, s CI WHEREAS, the purported owner of this property has by his t- -t- oxaey requested the City Council to pay this money to the C1 erlc oi' the District Court, therefore be it RESOLPED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to drawa warrant for the Bum of $370.00, payable to t kaa Cl erlc o£ the Diet r Is Court and to deliver the Syme to the City C1er>t who shall deliver the same to said Clerk of Court and t alce hia receipt therefor, advising the Clerk of said Court that t lel m money 1. paid to him pursuant to the statute herein set forth .c3 Yor the property herein described. Ycas cour..ci�r.n Ery Nay/ rbS3y MciJ or.ald In favor j Sudl-. c.mcr Agai s. Mr- Yrc3z is B--dhi � 3�•?9 3�0�_0 GT� -,e5527 _ i 9 s Adop«d by .hc C .... I Approved^ - 19 �¢pai-L�ient of $lain f CrtY OF ST. PAUL LMIIS L NA OERSON �ONILARY J. rLYNN WIN MURPHv IRVING OOTLIEs April 4, 1932. To the Cotaacil- Gentleman: .This is to certify that the City Attorney 16 in doubt as to whom to pay tha award of damagea to Lot 5, Block 15, Smith's Subdivision of 8tinaoa I a Division, the southerly twenty feet of which wastaken in the condemnation for the wi den inq o£ Uni ve r el t Avenue from Dala Street to Park Avenue. This certificate 1s made pursuant to Chapter 219, Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, LBwa o£1931, which provides that upon such a c ert if is at a, the City Council may order the amount of the award paid to the Clerk of the District Court, where c1al —ante may go to have their respective right. determined. Accompanying this letter is the proper resolution to accomplish tnis effect. Yours very truly, • �v�`�'�'�' Y�crporaxion EM—M8.Assistant Counsel- - - -D U43 PA r.. E. NO. _ • �__- T LERK COUNCIL OL oMM — RESOLVED m _� W Cccordancec='ith E.acticno53,asOfrthelc tyto the CouncllTin emergr,ncy �•Ih1ch rendered Charter these F -i stence of an certelnehFuoyrofoemPloy- ne cesenry the .mr1DYT'e� t of n the it —al departc.ent menta foremorc �?- therefor, be itl RsCOLV"�iJ, That the theP£ lowing£nameds en7.lo yes, riyto the d of thorlveto pay rate z d real se flzed For extra emFloyme nt for ..t,. time he rcirnaftar set Forth: NAME TITLE TIl RATE TOTAL 14 HOURS 564 17 95 J O-BRIEN JAN TOR F BURSIN6ER J AN EN G 4 HOURS 64 2 56 ELI AS FEXR JAN ENG 16 64 10 24 CHARLES HANMERLUND JAN ENG REMAN s 64 5 12 12 JOHN MOBERG STAT F1 12 64 7 6 E MANSKA LESTER HOLLERS JAN ENG JAN ENG 2 7 64 1 68 JOHN NELSON JAN ENG 12 6 64 3 84 BERT SEIDLWR `J AM ENG 6 $66 OSCAR SMOLENSKY JAN ENG 6644 5 9 LLOYD SPETBHAN JAN ENG 20 64 5 _ WILLIAM VIEVERING JAN ENG 3 84 MAX WERNERJAN64 SC ENG 30 7 22:8 C GREBORY STAT F IFtEYIAN 4 64 GEORGE LAUTNER ENG i5 9 60 FRANK LINN JAN 4 49� 1 98 DEWEY MICHELS STAT F IRENIAM 59 4 13 ALBERT OTTE STAT F IRElAAN 7 64 1 92 ANDREW EN65TRO4 HD JAN 3 SL3 227 4 64 L G LARSQINci — JAM _ Y— N.Y. Adop.cd by chc Co,..,ckpp 5 lq;{1 19 �— ysL �McDo"ald P-- APPrc—ct 19 / R.— o.rnMr. M,P—dc..r B.,..dli. APRIL 5 1932. l—, —1—n ^e-- ..•'>yi -�. aha', rfepar'. r.rr:, ,.,. .. '_hnn e7. ,,h', Y. c'�_ s CLEANING SCHOOLS AND FIRING "'k_; s m._^ Pricy az c4a by ---n c.n of '.hr f'a:-'_e ani I]INnq OPFN ON ACCOUNT OF SPEC14L NIGHT ACTIVITIES AT BUILDINGS IF ST p TION— RAS �cJ rtM M Ss RFS.LVF_O ch ..nyadII4 _nto ...e _ cy .0 inane 'i'-i—�censee i o Mun _ o hq �ettl eE'. 61 uoro IAr.�1 E1e r. 6, isa 27 tc.l by tha ��� lY April 4, 1932 Orrin Ariderson 360 Rice St. Grocery Fronk Basud o in 911 W. Central ^ Frank Barsokine 634 Bedford St. Confectionery R. T _ IE3 er 1278 Grand Grocery H. Buel2er. Inc. 1599 Selby Bakery B, El -=an 513 Webea he " Irving J _ Butwdalck 44 S. Snelling " Gw Q _ MIa-6t Chrest 1076 Payne Confectloneiy C. T_ Crookar & L. A_ Ringer 302 Rice Grocery Sam Damma 600 Canada " Frank M _ Dx-acLalar 127 W. Winifred Confectionery Henry 13-- .-it. 685 Webaeha Grocery C. E_Dail ay 597 Webasha Confectionery Sem F dy 351 Jackson Yrs. Sokasxana Gardner 629 Rent Louis Garzon 168 E. Indiana Grocery E. A_ Gear 1754 Selby " Bertrand G—d­ 860 Randolph St. Confectionery H. G-__ 647 Selby " Isaac L _ Greenberg 466 Webeaha " W. J_ Hororka 1028 W. 7th ° Yrs. M Indere 377 Dayton " F_ A_ Jei-,ye 677 Blair Grocery Carl. J Tolmacn 597 Case " H. W_ Jolson 341 Robert Confectionery Stanley %lel sa 1984 Stlllw.ter Rd " Tenni La�erman 209 E. 13th St. " C. lEar tinuccI 301 E. 7th " Ed Mergens 1674 W. 7th Groc cry Michaud Bros. 168 N. Snelling " Walter Rd itchell 364 Robert Confectionery Yox-ells Broy_ 535 Collin. Grocery Ed Nelson 1049Payne A- Conf ecttonery Yrs_ ➢d _ Nemar 543 W. 7th Grocery O. F. O£stedahl 1390 Prosperity ^ D,Palumbo 263 Chestnut Confectionery ark Catering Ino. 1615 University Bakery Sam perms ,86 Canada Grocery Y_ Ra sirs .. 931 University " Eli .beth Ranchwater 1611 Rice Confectionery Louis Roars 1416 Hazel Grocery St. Marie Naves, Inc. 96 E. 5th St. Confectionery r Fank Sakach 775 Front St. Grocery Pater hiebar 1075 E. Jessamine Confectionery Chester A_ Schwas zer 1334 Grand Av. Brocery A. F _ Slater 1005-7 Payne Av. Confectionery Yrs_ R. Sto££el 860 Thomas St. Grocery sue II erg Drug Co. 1110 Payne Av. Confectionery Superior piggly-Wiggly 385 N, Prior Av. Grocery T. L_ Sweat 937 Forest St. Confectionery A. F__ Taws 615 Wabash. St. Grocery O. Weldon 321 University Av. ^ Montgomery Ward Co. 1400 Un Lversity Av. Confectionery -2- Lawrance A. Warner 251 W. 6th St. Confectionery M. D. '-1— 575 Broad ay Grocery Wondra Bros, 619 Lafond ^ S. Ze£f 511 University ^ H. P. Brom & A.E.Pe 18 n 1334 Grend Butcher Irving J. Putwinick 44 S. Snelling Av. ^ Gua Carlson 2190 Como " W. A. Dehean 2121 Rendolph ^ H. F. Hae®zahl 2184 Marshall Av. " H. Longbahn 980 White Bear H. Meyers 676 Grand Michaud Broa. 234 S. Snelling ^ C. L. Mullaly 719 Pelham ^ National Tea Co. 238 S. Snelling " Strobel Bros. 1821 St. Clair .b ^ Superior P19cly-Wiggly 385 N. Prior ^ A. Tesler 249 Grove M. D. Warren 575 Broadway ^ O. E. Wain.tein 427 W. 7th St. ^ " Antoni Cama 238 W. 7th Ree t.—..t Letitia Conroy 22 E. 4th " Arthur J. Cote 521 Selby " W. D. Courtney 242 W. 4th ^ C. A. Do— 132 E. 4th " B. Dillon 9g S. Wabaeha ^ Andrew Franzen 538 Rice ^ Laura E. C. troth 789 Raymond " E. L. Gmmnareon 24 W. 6th " P. F. Keehn 492 S. Snelling ^ H. Long 385 Wabashs " J. Locket. 374 Selby E. J• BCDermott 875 Arcade ^ L. Martinotti 301 E. 7th ^ J. E. Port 1046 Grand Fred C. Spuds 416 Sibley ^ L• L. Stevens 9 W. 9th " Francis Turner 2754 W. 7th ^ S. D. Macent 2513 University " Montgomery Ward Co. 1400 University " Mrs. Jennie Carsten 261 W. 4th St. Hotel St. Regia 49 rooms Sam Kadrie 500 St_ Peter ^ Boys. 16 " Palea t Hr os_ 88 W. 7th " Royal 47 Helen M. Picha 171} W. 4th Huditorium 32 ^ A. Reith 384 Jackson " Ramsey 18 " A. F. Slater 1005-7 Payne 8 pool tables A. F. Slater 1005-7 4 bowliallays lleys Cha.. F. Apitz 75 N. Snelling 4 gasoline pumps Ben Freeman 386 E. 7th 6 ^ De Linc Theatre C— Inc 287 Maria Motion Picture theater Rebecca Kief£ar 183 Fairfield Tran.tar Amu, --t 1543 University Lampland Lambe, 60 419 E. 8th Oil burner Tom Gates 1043 Grand Dancehall G—. Logia Greae &.Z_ E. Jackal 1208 fl_ Smelling Boller akating F. J. Lazerae Robinson 179 E. 7th Pawnbroker B. T, Id Bykla & C. m, Anderson 196 E. 7th 100 Midland Bldg Salary Loan F. Resnick 798 Qniweralty 2nd hand auto Paul G. Malstrom 1037 Payne Butcher rink Dart. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ri�c NO._ ✓ 45 —GENERAL FORM _. - - -- 1.Y11 4. IflS2-' �iauvrxr aG" applications far licenses have been made ea follows Caleb Has 481 laba.ba Hotel license application 1941 C��TM^ce Bax-x-att 298 R. 7tY ..,t, --t. 1555 G. E- C1.ar� 56 W. 7t1 Pet store " VWEEFnIMAS, t said applicant. he,. .,thdrawn said apPlications for licenaea; there So re b - 't A.SatI,pED" that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Caleb Re - the fee of $25_00 end cancel application 991 for Hotel tt, the 253�or Restaur d tlicen.e;can��era2llnd toeC.oE.nClarrk end c el the feeof $10100 and cancel appll cat ion 1555 Por Pet Stare license. Yc.a couruccLM EIV Nays cw; - � Dor+ald \ i �). Roser. - Again. � S.+dt�c.mcr j Mr. Prca:dcnc Bur.dl:c 292= Ia�wno�". �wao�n a inn o.. e�isn. " or o` Adop«d by chc C ... "I APR 5 10" Appcovc'/ dk�.. 19 car. o...�....,,�,L 92046 UNCIL RESOLUTION eouryc�u . 92047 P.+INr n v, ' 0. etwvr+ >-+>a:> April 4th If -32- R SOLV EO. T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT . E31z_ .75 / =1� OF f COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED I'23 Iry�gIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE —F JJ a OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AD— ly APR ourLlc"rE roti Tv cLERrc OFFIC LOF TM E"COMPTROLLER ilE NO JA^I lei t) COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL z0ypp.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION " AUDITED CLAIMS April 4th g 3? i1 "cA— RESOLVED. T� cMEcrc FE ppe;q�q ryR.c irY 1. p o 33i4° , ] 338 Ro�EN TR B.,BMEIMER ° T"E Ac..Eo"T c°MER MR RREB BBNOLIE �"E N°MBERE o c-,EE" "s Y TME COOK— DER �MECKB ON E� E IN T",°E11C1 �E CTI �011110L— "ooRrEo B _.._._ RRovEo BY .—�7-- --- ----$ __—'1E TOTAL DATE N HECK IN FAVOR OF - - RETURNED UMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK cHEC KS CM ECKE BROUGHT FORWARD, I, 3314 Fu &Aul ss htaGarrsRetirement ' 001 • Fund Assn. 30,425 3316 Yee. F. A. Defiel 6 50 33 8 001' 3317 Diethert Motor Co. 3318 w, F. Dreis 8 00'; 3319 lire. E. J. Dunnigan 8 00 3320 Juliva Dzikiewioz 8 00 3321 East End Motor Do. 8 OOH 3322 Bast 9140 Motor Sales Co, 8 00!'. 3323 John W. Egan 7 50' 3324 Charles Essenholm 6 50 3325 Fairmount Ave M.E.0hurch 88 001 3326 J. P. Falvey 6 50l1 3327 J. Fenlon 3328 Karl L. Fieseler 6 50 3329 A. M. Finak 8 OO 3330 J. Fint 8 00' 3331 Allen R. Fisoher 6 00 3332 Miahael J. Foley 50' 3333 Dr, 0, lard Folsom 00i 3334 John Frankson 9 8 00 3335 lire. J. R. Gardner 00' 3336 C. A. Godbout6 50 3337 N. 9. Grubbs " 1 3338 C. 6 C. Haselln 9 00' 3339 Hemline. Hotel 7 503 tlk 3340 E. J. Hanlon 50 3341 lire. John Hanson 75v 3342 M. 0. Hastings 8 O0' 3343 Highland Pk Community Church a 00" 3344 Highwood Comll Club 7 501 3345 J. W. Hirmer 12 00 3346 Hunn Bros. 6 00i 3347 Geo. D. Hutchins 7 50. 3348 F. a. Inden 7 50 3349 Trustees, For.Lodge I19 IOOF 8 OO 33§0 a, J. Irish Motor Co. 10 001, 33§1 kr e. Axel Johnson 6 50 3352 0. J. Johnson 5 50� 335g Fred Jungiohann 5 5050,i 3354 lire. Anna Kaier 3355 'al am am Drug store 8 00i • 3356 Mrs. H. %. Kemps 6 00 3357 Kemper Chevrolet Co. Inc., d 3358 e, o. Kirby 00 3359 Klinkerfues Broa. 8 00' �I 3360 c. M. xloe 7 50. Itll 61 w. A Koh1e 7 50 316? Frank Kohnut 7 50' 3 677 F.d-ard A. K,—,r 8 Oo iV J. xriz 6 ool 3365 J. E. Kroemer 8 00 3366 w. P, xueffner, Agent 6 5o. 3367 Lake FNrk BBntlst Ohur^h a Oo 316E V. L". nn+eky d 001 I s EFrT rAL—FaR ARo 77,375 63 o j � i I SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD 77.767 33 4 . In- -I TO IT Y CL[AF c,,, c AUL DUPLICATE •COUNCILMEN71-L OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Lo d —L ,, E NoL/ CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION •� ALO 1FAIOR AUDITED CLAIMS April 4th 932 ROSEN 1111111ER Ac, 11 RESOLVED o141yoy jM[ TO T11 A-- ooR.Eo .. T E o L �. ER 1-E s"o 1EE Ol T�3tiQ,.. oMP,Po L P � .. �o....o.,.. TOTAL I. NL..ER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER RE oiseu Rs'/R—r. eRT e. sAR. c ----3369--Etre. RWA BROUGHT FORD 77-375-4— - - • J. J. Luby 6 0 3370 George Luokert 7 5 3371 Yrs. 0. M. Lundstad 6CC 3372 E. W. McGill 7 5 3373 w. W. Magee 8 0 3374 J. J. Maier 3375 Manthe & Miller Auto Livery 7 5 337b Trustees, Masonic Temple 9 0 3377 L. Mase 7 0 3378 n, G. Mellin 78 5 3379 L, Merrill 3380 Mrs. Sophie Michel 8 3381 Midway Advertiser 7 5 3382 Alfred Miller 8 oc 3383 Minnesota Sawdust & Shaving CQ 6 5 3384 Mrs. John N, Mitchell 33$5 Are. Jennie Moore j 3386 J. N. Mounts 66 3387 Murray Body Co. 7 5 3398 Neighborhood House �i 7 5 3389. Andrew Nelson 0 J. w, Nelson 8 3390 3391 Robert A. North 7 C 3392 No. Central Com'1 Club 8 0 339Northern Motor Co. R 339 Oakvlew Improvement Co. 8 oc 3395Frances O'Brien d 3390 Olson – Bowman Co. 5 3397 Park Garage 7 5 3399 3399 Alfred Perlt Frank L. & RonaldPowers 6 5 7 0 3400 Quick Service Battery Co. Inc., 7 5 3401 Carl L. Reed 8 0 6 5 3402 John J. Riley 6 0 3403 B. F. Rogers 6 5 �y 3404 3405 Aug. A Rolf P. Rosenberger B 0 3406 J. Rothstein 8 C 3407 Sacred Heart Schools i 3408 St. Bernard's Hall 8 0 3409 St. Paul Plumbing & Heating CO. 8 0 3410 St, Pbillip's Church 8 0 • 3411 A, M. Schmidt 8 OCA 3412 Joserb Sohnabl 8 Oq 3413 R. M, Schnell 7 54 3414 John F. Scott 7 5 3415 Mrs, R. Seidler 6 50 3416 Sel-Dale Votors 1 0 � 3417 Service Sheet qetal Mfg. Co. 5 3418 W. A. Kipp 3 3419 Jess Soman d 7 5 � 3420 C. T. Speakes 6 5 10 0 3421 3422 Anton Stoll H. C. Toen,Re Turn -y 8 0 6 001 3423 xre, Jah SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD 77.767 33 Request Or R. B. Christofferson Council File o... -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making .fthe following public improvement bythe City .fSt. Paul, via: sidawa.1ka in froat Or lOtO ?G-9.7--nd-28, .---- -- --- ._. Date ---------- D.ted thi. day of APF"P 1952 --- - - ----- M-1 PRELIMINARY ORD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fen, i irop—re—, RecortstruatJm&. AeCe"ar 7. sidewalks :Lu front Of, 101" 26, 27 eXLd 28, Block 2, Ryan Park,.- _...._ ----- h­i.g been presented to the Council of the City of St- P--1 therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be ..d ie hereby ordered ..d directed: 1. To inveetig— the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of wid improvement. 2. To ioveatjga,o the r-t—, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the WW coat thereof. 3. To furolah , plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or vot acid improvement i, asked for on theotiti.n of three or more —re. 6. To report upon %U of the foregoing matters to the of Fi.a.ce. Adopted by the Cbunril . — — - 'APR — 5A -W y... N— C-61—an I-- '44-- App—ed . ....... . ..... McDOXILD M- r....— M.Y., CITY OF ST. PAUL `o E�ri� NO.. _._ alL+A" OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1 ,ula— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GINER L FORM;, c� e Ion s ROMMIX rn P KESc rIrE V qTE ° ' WHEREAS, 0. E. Rieger has petitioned the Oounoil for per- mission to install and maintain a dive -In filling station at the southeast corner of Cook and Arkwrlght streets; and WHEREAS, Said 0. E. Rieger has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, ourb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are herebyg}ven to said 0. E. Rieger to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the build- ing plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, tamps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner Of Public Works. This permit shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station con- et@,,,afire or traffic hazard. 1997 Y . N., Adop,°d by ch° c..."I ApA 19 �Y R4a ✓ � , % M<Donnld Io (a oor / 19 Roan `Ag—, S.dh°i.ncr. % Mr. Pr°°idm, &.ndli° El*" -s' A'tzt s,;F Frbiic l5aNbij Yarch 28, 1932 ��� •���� a r........ Yr. Yike J. Cibbona, City Clerk, Saint Paul, ffii.anasota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is t'' ^e appli.ation of C. E. Rieger Jr— pex—Laaion to instal a drive -1n gasoline fi1-1s.,g atatlon on the sontheest corner of Cook end ArIo - ight Straeta, end reports of inspection bu the Bureaus o£ Fire Prevention and Traffic. C 'La stoner of Pnblin Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Maroh 28, 1932 Mr. George C_ S3 + 32 i Comminnionar o1' P olio Safety Dear Sir. Ra Parria6 to applioatlon —de by C. E. Re16er for p rW esioa to ins tell a drive-in g—line fillin5 station oa Lot 5, Em11y Add it ion+ .hloh is also dose ribed ne the eouth- eeet oo runt oP CooSc and Arkwright Streets: An i--- action of thin looation has today been made by Mr. H. M_ Warta rga-aa, Supe rintandant of Tmpfle. He Sa- f— m that tb:3 p i-oponad station .ill not interfere with t ruff io . Vary truly yours, Q. Thonan A. Bro.a Ch1.of of Polioe THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY CSF SAINT PAUL March 26,1932• So n. Geo. O. Sudhe imer Oommissioner of PubliO Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the agplloation of O.E.Aieger for per- mission to install a drive—in Kmmol fine filling station on the southeast corner of Cook and A2Irc fight Streets. we have investigated the Yoregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that At would warrant rejeotlon. Yo'uurrs respectfully Chief Inspector. (90) THE BOARD OF ZONINGr�..da..INPAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE March 29th, 1932. Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir: In the matter of application of C. E. Rieger for a drive-in filling station at the Southeast corner of Cook and Arl w :Lght Streets. Arkwright St. is zoned for commercial purposes for one block south of Cook St. and one block north of Cook St. There are frame store buildings at the Northeast and Southwest corners. The Board knows of no reason for refusing the permit. They, therefore, recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, s.—silrc -A\ Secretary. gh-rh CI Y�VF�U'pIIYT,tf11 pepa�r•h�-e.n�h of fi7�'bl�ic�vrhs ..... w....... ... .,.... March 30, 1932 a,.,o,. .....w,.n.�..... w..<..,,.. MrM. J. Gibbems, i C t y C l e r k. Re; Drive-in Filling Station, North 55 ft. of Lots 3, 4 and 5, Emily ' s Addition Dear Sir: �SE corner Cook and Arkwright) E. Rieger, By- Wm. Kopp, 1051 Arkwright St. The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for Commercial Use, and is permissible under the zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the Council. Enai neeri n¢ Renor -; The proposed layout of this stition will not affect the storm -nater drainage. The concrete driveways 27 ft. in width should be provided with expansion joints where they abut the sidewalk and private property as shown by the yellow lines on the blue print attached. The south curb return of the driveway from Arkwrlghtshould begin at the property line extended as shown in red pencil on the attached print. There is no paving or curbing on either Arkwright or Cook St. Hearing - April 5th. Yours tryly, � CAR Chief E eer. A. -COM ROSEN, Commissioner of Vub11c Works. - - POST CARO NOTICE, OF=FICE 6=TFi F: COMMISSIONER OF FHYANCE St. Paul. Min... Wit'• 261, 19P2 F rau a:,e-!o S«tion 5 of the• Building lone Ordinance adopted 6y the Council of the City of St. Paul. July 7th, 1922, you ere hereby notified that the application of _ C. E. Ittegar t6r'Iexri t— stall a filling station on the 5.3, oor. of Coak 4 !;h $.6S• oP lots 3.h-5, Eml ip'e ,may will come up for consideration before the Council in tLe Council Chamber the City Hail and Court f louse Building on the 8th of Apr11 19&2 , at If) o'clock A. M. day �r �Fl1v' IZ. McDrJ\ALD, Commissioner of Finance. APPiication For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION rw 1y I r TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY N7 IL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA `t APPLICATION Is Hereby Made LOT /4 o.•.-•..�.,L. CITY OF ST PAUL A _U'/,50 �: ��j%d✓��^ F F CITY CLERK N�r��e�n> c u"alJMpoiFv ESOLUT —GENERAL FO�c:e me e rl c. orn r.nrvBa 'Z 1St ?RN n1e+ayorounE, C e0lisBena- - 1 to nap WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-:tory frame building located on the east 82.5 feet of the north 115.5 feet of Lot 2, Irvine's Addition of Outlote, also known as 484-488 Collins Street, Is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant Its being condemned and toru down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- I/ vieability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 30th day Y `/IY11/ of April, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of 8t. Paul, Minnesota; be it a FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said bearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of aald property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant Of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said bearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lase then five days prior to the date of said bearing. Ye15 eouriei�m Ery Nays Ado,,rd by d- C.—I OF i 193 19 McDonald In favor, AP 19 S�dh�im�r a Mr. P—.drm B.ndhi CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSAN D•PUBLIC BUILDINGS .E,z ry �t i C Council, -rc nt 1P. .en. _:ace^t,' ei resoluti— .c::e:i b-; yotir _. able _;ody, atti^ ril thi date c lehthe _-�t. of the c, on�na�lIn n o£ e bu`_ld ir`,- h8h-1"- % �ol'_ina .t—t, be cns iderod a., t.u1 is !. .:-_nin ':'.o Ci�:y Coun- cil C;.--_b-r. -�✓ L report that tlza->t celesdtr.ncur}-e�i_, ^b_9,irl. i- tcre_s e.ced or tha t thut it b�-e- - - ogi�,M1„ CITY OF ST PAUL i, NO. OF CE Y CLERK LJ TI'OENERAL FORM <.oM�'s.�.ory CFi 71Z.t _ _.. 7liSLII.UJF70 WHEREAS , erl—ough an error, two journeyman plumberle licenses were issued by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to S a s C . Johnston, 195 West University avenue, for which a license Yee of Two Dollars was paid for each lic-nee; and whereas, only o 1lcense is necessary; therefore, be it RE Bo LVLT) , That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a we;rant in favor of said Janes C. Johnston in the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00), payable out of the proper fund Gomer-ic_ii rnEr.i ,�]'j�9 Y—M,D NaY Ado���d by �h, Co,i���l ...Id In U.— APProvrd Y K��zrn Against AY— Mr, Pr—id— City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1, GIBBONS, Oiy Cl.h •ted Ccmmof Reg,-i- Aprll Fth, 1932, Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Huildinp,. Pent Sir: We enc to ea herewith letter from Commissioner May r en dlnp, a re fwd to James C. Johnston, 195 West UnlveraltycAvrenue in the —t of $2.00 paid by him for a T—rnwyman Plumberls License No. 1907, 1, error. The Councll today referred the above to you for the proper re solution. Your, very truly, city clerk.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS. PLAYGRbUNDScAND' PUBLIC BUILDINGS E—ch 29, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. }-nu_. C-.ntlomen : May we respectfully report to you the following condition con- cernIng a journeyman plaunber's license7 On December 31, 1:731 , Jamas C. Johnston, 195 ':fest University �venuo, received i'rom t7:is office, Journeyman Plumber's License Ho. 1907 and paid £or such license the nmo unt of p2.00. How- , before he tooK out hSs license, the person representing himtookout one For :1, 1— so that at present, '.:r. Johnston has two of the_e lice nsa ca rt if is sites '�;harens only one is necessary. It Ss, there £ore, in order for e refund in the amount of $2 00 ro be pn id to him on account of this error. respectfully suggest that the Council, by resolution, Orderethe roper au- thorities to remit to ]aim a check in the amc unt of 2.00. Yours very truly, L' J I j �1 OF ST PAUL i.t L NO 92052 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1_ COU NCI ESO UTI -GE FORM :— $09CA]�ASSY WHEREAS, the Advisory City Hall and Court House Building Commission, at its meeting on April 4th, 1932, approved the plans anal specifications for the wood furniture and also the telephone system for the new City Hall and Court House Building, th ereYore be it RESOLVED that the Council hereby approve, of and coacure Sn the act, on. o said Commission. Yr,: cc.v Mci�M Ev Nays old In favor _J r�+K— � �Rosen Agai�se � S�dh°im�r Mr. I' --l— Bundle Imo.°�,.°,. �,°r��,•�,�:, `°o"a Adop«d h, o- c --i APR 'I ?R2 19 ,C%�,�, ' 9 City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Clwh +nd Comml++le�.. of Regt+b�elon Anr11 4th, 1932. Mr. L. L, Anderson, Corporation Counsel, But l di n.. Dear Sir: We enclose herewith letters fromthe Secretary of the Advisory City Hall and Canrt ?ionee Building Code s ion, advlstna that said Co®is sion has approved plans and spent f Stations for the nod Yurnl Lure and also the telephone eyet= for the new building. The C-11 today referred the above to you £or the proper resnlutlone. Yours vary trnly, City Clerk. Litu nt ��MinY �1uul ixcn�tiae L'ley urf iiunz April 4, 1932 The HovcoraDle City Council, S� t �.y Paul. Minn. Geat1 Pmea = At Sts ...ting th1 a anrning the Advisory City kj-3 -jand Court He Building Commie -Son re£arrca to your body the telephone eyatem for the n_aw -k •-amino as laid out by the architects in cow'$ �ftrt j- with the telephone company and approved by the Coamiaeion. s matter ie referred toyou for your action Very truly your-, Advisory City hall and Court House Bulldi.9 Commlesion, 1 / 7 _ Secretary.'',_ Lifi? o �ainY 1;1111it ' x—nttx,o• ?D,pn t,—, April 4, 1952 Th. Honoratla City Council, Saint Ys 1� Y'lnr�eaota_ Gentleman_ At its meeting this morning the Advisory City _LX ivnd Court House Duilding Uommieeiou .approved ans an pld specifications for the wood furn.itura- Thia matter is referred to you for your action Vary truly yours, ADVISORY CITY HALL & COURT BOWE BUILDING COIOR39I0k'y S--tery CITY NO, CJFFIG E_ OF CITY CLERK COUNG RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PAasEN,.I� ,_ � WHEREAS, the Advisory City Hall and Court House Building Commission, on the 4th day o£ April, approved the form of contract between the City o£ St. Pani and the County of Ramsey and Carl Milles for work on the new City Hall and Court House Building, there Yore loe it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby concurs in and approves said contract and -the proper city officers arEyhereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City, <— °Ro" o°ii:$mcia 9-32). .. c..00_. -1-111 - APR 51932 Y-, Narz Ad�,p�rd by ihr Caunc�l IY // �MrDanald Ir. f:...or np�ro.�d� 19 Cv- Ag..�n zr rnnroa S.dh— — Mr. P,—d— B—dh, -� City of Saint Pauli Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Ci�rk rn,.r ci..,� �ci.. •..d Commrsalo.. e. of R�9 tr�tlon .,. r.,, v., � Epril 4th, 19'2. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corooratlon .Counsel, Buildi— Dear Sir: The City Council re—ted yov to drew a eolution ® viny Lha £orm of contract between thea Clty of St -P-1 and County of Ramsey and Carl Millee for the sculpt orin� and thestatue to acebe pld in the co nco o£ the new City Hall and Court EOU., Bulldi�_ Very truly yours, City cl.,Y, CITY OF ST � UL �e u. NO. 92054 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK LUT 10.E ERAL FO RMEI RESOLVED That the Counc 11 _.ereby e. -proves the -ction of __ Furc_i _ Committee :L- rIj —tins s11 bi— _eceived for furnishinc cyst i—r. wa. ter I, :L t� the „at -r Department, u,o -he aav ice of the mor_ c>r.-_ t 1 .-un:;el, ,nu rec or:Lc=-n.;p ..,at n=w sp =c if ice?!o: e be pr p,r L grid new bids 1—ertised for. F.E. ,6742. :`angio Adop d by she Council .r'P y M.19 App,—d/�j' y�t[y1�__ 19 0 Y."s co�rvciLm cN fim.ga. HaYv . ' WD—Id I- f -..—r r— / Mr. P,—d— B.nd1i. :`angio Adop d by she Council .r'P y M.19 App,—d/�j' y�t[y1�__ 19 --_ .,.T�:►e_ --' .A11 CoUR�,� 92055 92056 PRIRT .. _RESOLUTION ::'ase«o April 5th /g� I� m.m ten,-I,zzl y.. s. az . RE� O V THAT CHECKS OE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT S7s.u59.34+ OF S ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3424 TO I US AS PER CHECK9 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APR 6 1932 AIOPTEI aY TRE COUICIL R S 193E mm. va REHr TaTAL—EDHwARD 1156.246 11 Ll it CRF OF SAINT PAUL NtiJJ ouvuuTE To crtr CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER E NO. 1ILE !` EN COUNyILM on 1' COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2 -ROCK` �cOnJ— nia April 5th ._y. 19.1 �.. AUDITF,D CLAIMS MCDONALD .'rXgn ROSEN II'. 1 -HECIS BE oRAWN P'j(T�H EjCI,�tY TREASURY AGAINST TO THE AGGREAAM 17•!' -COVERING RESOLVED�EE' SUGH EIM �R MR PRE5. BUNOLIEI PERE Crc„ NUMB EC KS 0 �70F r1.31.1V 3[l'''3 INCLUSIVE A5 THE iFIC OF THE CITY COM ROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ; �- - OL- :� CITY c "B APPROVEO� � _ -—T-- -. -- TOTAL DATE Iq - - _, ---- -- RETURNED u Y CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I., HROU— FORWARD • 3477 John H.IdoDonald. Com " of F" 14: 1,16096 5 17 07NpNpp 3478 3479 1095 l p 3480 K B ; x,.409 39' 3481 n uI 137 121 356 19 482 S.KBerglund Lumber Co 16 OOi 348 Georga Bell Co. 53 41 3484 Capitol 3taly Mfg. li 55� 3465 C.M.3t.P. 8 Paa, Ry Co. Ave Meat Market Ii 3466 Cleveland Co. 15 591 3487 Martin F. Falk Paper 43 73� 3488 Farwell, owin, Kirk & Co. 170 74�, 3489 Oraybar Electric Co. Inc. Co. 21 97 3490 Griggs Cooper & 1 6 97� 3491 Theo 0. Halle & Co, 764 02; 3492 Kenny Boiler & Mfg, Co, 11 27!I, 3493 Lamprey Products o, 113 03' 3494 Yarrinan Medical Co. 280 8811 45 39 Northern States Power Co. N N II 44 41 N 5 11 349b N n N N N 201 6611, 3497 3498 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 20 a5 II 424 641 3499 Northwestern Fuel Co. N N 246 231 3500 " 260 3501 Pittsburgh Coal Co. 17 25 3502 `350} Rochester Germicide Co, Co 10 0 0; W 3 Royal Typewriter Y YP D Abstract o I 4 III l n 3 04 5 9t. Paul 3 00 3505 t. Paul Ar ads Co. CO. III 3506 et. Paul Book & etaty a 7855 42� 3507 3508 R 1.566 25. 22 2 2 27� 3509 3t.Psul White Lead & oil Co ISO! 3510 Sanitary Bottling Co. I 27 58 3511 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 108 54 3512 a. Sommers & Co. 7 21 5 11 2511 351 sept. of D ooumente 3 3515 twin City Iron & Wire Cp. United states Rubber Co. 175 50 'I 351 6 Volta Bureau 7 501 21 9 0 3517 Wellman PraduOte Co 22 00,11f • 3518 West Publishing Co. Westinghouse Clea, supply Co 3556 63 ', 3519 3520 R. B. whitaore & Co. 64 of �! 153 101 !� 3521 R• B. whitaore & Co. i II 3522 Clara Remold, Widow of &ane 130 n011, 3527 Remold John tl. YODonald, Com'r of Fin. SO 41 REHr TaTAL—EDHwARD 1156.246 DUPLICATE TO CITY 1I.— CITY OF SAINT PAUL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �1'1'111L NO J, -,fou COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS 5th April tO 3? E —INIET RESOLVED H.I. MR PIPES PI.—IC TtU 11IF N1. IU 3416 ADOPTED BY TIE COUNI �­11 A"POV FIT TOTALDATE IN FAVOR OF P_ EDq. I IFIT C 11-T FORWARD 3424 Case TrayblatofEtka 7 50 342 JamesW. Vanek a 00 342� "..ca Bros 7 50 3427 D gelgesang V0&gner 7 50 3428 Henry' 7 50 3429 William H, Warren 8 00 3430 Warren—Given Inc. a 001, 3431 J. C. Weaver 10 3432 Henry J. Weiee, Aft. 1 8 50 343� lelootle Hall 8 00 343 A. E. Wickwortb 7 5011 3435 Harvey H. Williams 7 00 3436 G- wolf 7 50�il 3437 Zackman Bros 7 501' 3436 A. J. Zimmerman 7 50 3439 Rev. Frank Zoubek a 001i 3440 Hans Peterson 3 00 49 3441 Jos Paylioak 31 3442 Joe. Pavlioek 163 35 3443 0, 3, Stewart 28 So 34U Specialty Printing Co. Stiefel Produots, Ino. 37 O 160 o 3445 3446 James F. Hain 223 00 3447 Julia 1. Brue88 70 00 3448 Thomas Parrish 70 50 3449 F. N. Amundsen 6 73 3450 John D. Anderson 2 38 11 3451 Blomberg's Grocery 6 1: 3452 Bucks. Bros 1 3453 J. H. Coakley 9 31 3454 Dunn's Fairway Market 8 53 II 3455 East Side Grocery Co. 5 07 - 3456 H. H. Hauer 5 70 3457 R. W. Hruby 7 53 ij 3" M. U. Metcalf 1395 34659 R. Malley 1 44 3459 4 0 Michaud Bros. Inc., 17 32 3461 91okelsen's Grocery I 5� 342 Mounds Park Grocery 29 3 III 346j Mullarkey's Meat Market 1 05 346 J. T. Peisert I 3465 Phalan Park Grocery 1 2 45 3466 0. w. Robland Co. 4 57 3467 WEE. Scanlan 5 38 3468 Carl 1, Schulz 6 09 1 3469 Wis. Wondra 5 86 1 3470 St. Paul Blue Print Co 139 89 i 3471 St. Paul Vocational Train.Sch 112 74 1472 Board of Public 'Flfare 1-6 410 38 347 Elsa M. Obst, Trens. Ramsey Co 2:367.12 347 Elan EIRn M. Obst, 957 68 1475 Elsa �. Obat, n n n 887 01 11 3476 Grimes & Toensing, Attorneys For the IowaVutual insurance, C1, a carnor, , tion 14,661.83 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD124,607 33� •.••'•••"`••"t••' CIT OF ST. PAUL oo�nciL NO. JT_VIJI )V�/ OF C OF CITY CLERK NE�`UNCI SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Co - April 6, 197E RESOLVED In the matter of paving the Alley in Block 1, P. V. Dwyer's Addition, and Block 3, Thurston and Lambie's Addition from Fry Street to Pierce Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89993, approved August, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90952, approved Nov. 17, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement,: be and the same are hereby approved. Y— COUNC" N Nav �_ Chvcy `�. Fe.guwv McDo..Id 1. f—, RoblLvd Sudh6— _ Against W-1 Mr. P—id— Hodge.. i ,1n carp°pw.l`e Aieepmpleiener in untrdmdS mtay� Erb " c�Dl"off si. �pv Leda ne.e�ved. Tnez fie vz... and .... nie� br e. tszz Adopted bythc C—.61__�K F1gl719 App --d 19_ 9z,}5b RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ,EE� rneaeoN ,��n rrcr.;r. 1i��r oma` rc taARD OT DAMAGE ea.4uuiaL:-So_ 1, the the matter of---- of lin Llls chi; ,i,_ e fin: c approved___J1tnV=lCl-fir-X9'3______________ under preliminary Order ----------- ,�Jj�ta2 --- d___"-.t]I'ii ai'Y_-3+ x.932_____________ approve Intermediary Order ________________ 91=i�--- Yarcii 1,_1932 91799-____. approved ---- Final Order ___________________ ___________ as to he The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above ma�tteior the above net lm - of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easbmitted his - ements tharnin app,ent'of benefits to property provement and to whom payable; and also having su sesem from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said sesseement of benefits he and the same is hereby nppo-ed. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said ty of . paul on assessment of benefits; at the Council Chsmber, in the Courrt. ,House inse tea o'clock A. M.,andthat the Com 4th ------ day of --- _ he C _fl9__-._-------- a er of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the mpest n Charter. IPR 81932 is-_- Adopted by the Council__---------- ----- -------- � lt" - - - - - - City Clerk. ____----- _ Mayor. L Councilman -gu V0'Iman M°y �ppmdunc111a 920W Ayywovawo Aeeseearonre, COUNCIL FILE NO..._........__.._........_._.......eaoae— m.uer g c.m",,ate of y ._..._...._ ...................__._...._..___....... __. enelnv i o. ..,Hai CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assrssm.nt of benefits,costs end axpe n..a for widening the roadwey oa Snelling Ave. to a width of 76 feet between laurel Ave. and 11er. hall Ave. and the 74 feet between Sherburne A— and Cherie. St. and between Pen Buren St. and ,,,_,haha St.,also repaving the present roadway by .....ing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with an eaph.1 ao fa. and paving the widened portions of the roadway, also constructing relief senora ae followss on the east aide from Hague Ave. to connect with house sewer approximately 106 ft. north of Hague Ave., and on the east side co"' oting with house sewer approximately 78 feet north of Selby Ave., approximately 60 ft. north to house sewer, thence west to connect with existing sewer near the center of Snelling Ave., and reconstructing sidewalks where necessary, ourbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, making the necessary changes in watermains and appurtenances, constructing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, reconstructing ornamental lights and laying conduit pipe for electric cables for future ornamental lighting systems, under Prelimumry Order ........... ME. .._ __ .__ .._..., Intermediary Order. 89892 ................_.................., Final Order....... 9026.. .., approved_ _........1119...2fi.._.....,........................ ...... 1931... The assessment of..._...bend,fits, _aosts..aud. etgansefl.._........................for and in connection with the above improvement having beea submittal to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said —,esteem satisfartvrv, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the void ase, esment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RE.OLVED FURTHER, That a pnhlic I. --g be had .. said —.—Int oo tho_...eth_. _.... _. day of Bay _.. _. _. _, 19.32-, at th, hour of 1U o',I-k A_ M., io the Cannel] Chamber of the C.—, I1.asr end (iIy hall Ilnilding, in the tato of St. Peal; that the Commissioner of Finance gill notice of sairl m„ti,,p, a req.i red by the Chartrr, s .,ting to Haid ..tire the tion, sod piece of hearing, the natio, of Thr mpro.111en4 the total vast thereof, and the —.-I --,d agsmn t th, III .r lots of the partic.lsr .caner .o whom the notice is directed. ••ppnIt Adopt,d by the C.... it QF_ E.1f ,102 Approved_ _ __ 19. � %/ l'onncilmea Fergseonooa — (.� U.—oilman �udh Veer / Mayer HadP—Buicalle City Clerk. af.y.r. 92060 e met r of the ee.eeement or .ieflte, coat. xne exgeneee (.r wi- COUNCIL FILE N0. By ........... �. ae r..t er more. ee.avmc ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and .spam.. for widening the roadway on Snelling Ave, from Sunsuit Are. to liinnehahe St, to a width of 56 ft., xcapt ng where the width of the existing roadway is already 56 feet or more, repaving the :,cap roadway by removing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existingbase with asphalt, Brading and paving the widened portion of the roadway with asphalt surface on a concrete base, also constmcting sewer, water and gas connections from street rosins to property lines where not already made, taking the necessary change. in water—ins and appurtenances, curb- ing and paving alley sari driv.w-Y approaches where necessary, except those portio- of Snelling Ave. lying between Laurel Ave- and llarshell Ave., and between Sherburne Ave. and Charles St. and between Vaa Buren St. end ainn.haha St., under Preliminary Order.___. 88627 -__... _... Intermediary Order.. 88894 Final Order.... _89228,___... ipF ted._.._._.. _ .....___._..June .1Q....__._..._....._, 1931.. The assess tt of _... benefit a, c0ata and xpenae _ ............ ..,_.__fur and in connection with the above improvement Lacing bcrn submitted to the C-siild, and the C .... il having considered same and found the said assessment antis(aetnn-, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said be and the same is hereby in all r ,,ts approved. RESOLVE,, FURTHER, Thot n public hearing be hod on said nsseasment on the _.6th--- —day of May . _— - 1 1932 nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. At, in the Ccuneil Cbamber of the Court Bons. nad City 11.11 Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Comeni. i.— of Finance give notice of .,to meeting.• na required by the Charter.. ,iog in .aid notice the time and place of hearing, [he acture of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the nmonnt n{veased agaiaat the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 4PR 9 19 i2 s___ Adopted by the CounriL ..___ _... _- -- t� Apl,raved 19... . Oomcihnnn F ca.. aero a �at®ftald . _���r C ... eama. Mayor s Burnll. City Clerk_ o.r. .....a -...... CITY OF ST PAUL suc ` NO. .i411L1 QFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RENERAL FORM sT R naT� WHEREAS, Robert G. Swanson has made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain a retail ice store at 1560 Payne avenue; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5640, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to Issue to said Robert G. Swanson a permit for the erection and ms.lntensnoe of said lee station on said property, the building to be conetruoted in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit 1t;Z�anted subject to the pro— Via On that the same may be revoked at en�by a majority vote of the Council. Ycss coury ci�rnEry /ca.r„> Nay. Adoprcd 1,, d- C-61 19 APR ; 19�9 McDonald In favor yj APPro;<d ^�'19 Roscn /J Agninar -% L _� MAYOR S�dlinmcr M,. P—id— 8—d1w City of Saint Pain Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, C11, O.h April 6th, 1932 61r. L, L. An de mon, Corporation Counsel, Bulldl �. Dear 91, Tho attached eoolicatlon veof Robert G. 3_... for pe—it to a ect a retell ice store et 1560 Payne Avenue w drDy the Council today and referred to you fora the proper—lution. Yours very truly, City 1lerk. k CITY OF SAINT ' L - PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND•pUBLIC BUILDINGS h'—oh P.1, 1932. Aon. Council, City Of St. Paul. Gentlemen: ,'Atached herewith please find city clerk's file on the ap- plication of :iobert G. Swanson, who a s for permission to erect a cash and carry ice house at 1511 Fayne „,onus. This property is on the tri—le fsrred by the intersect Ion of Fayne :�.ven ue, Iio-:t Avei P: r';^,vny 7r?ve, nod is 1n oor-ercinl class if lc-Ztion under the zon ins oraf�snce. It isalr,,Iy occupied by a filling station, to ;11�l oh tl�.le Sce store will be accessory. recorm�end that the permit be g; -anted. Your- v tt/rru/ullyy',, Yours / City of Saint PaW Giifce of City clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Gly Clark and Commbrlanar of RaglNa,lo. March 18th, 1932. Ho, C. R. May, Camwrr of P, P. & P. Bldgs.. Bnl lding. Dear Commissioner: We attach herewith application of AoDt. C. Branson for permission to a ect a cash and carry ice house on the promisee known as 1560 Payne Avenue. The Council today referred the application to you for investigation and report. ' Yours vary truly, City Clerk. St. P-1, Minn. March 15, 1932. To the Honorable City Council Of th. city of St. Paul, Court House, St.Pan,, Gentle -.en: I hereby petition the I.OnOrable "ity Council of the City of St. pawl £or permission to greet a cash and carry ice hoiise on the premises kn— as 1560 payee Avenue. Respectfully sub-ittrd., l� . POST CARD NOTICEI OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE st Pau'.. rJ,- Mar. _2F. tea 2 Purs��anl to Paragraph F. S-ehoa , a ei..d, of BuAi q 7— Ordi- nane_, ap?roucd July 1, h, 1022. y e herebyonohf�ed Ihal the application of Rohert G�u Stianeoa-. �va ory i n lode ecir rPoo QuerHa 11 .c station l—'a at 1560 Payne .F.� co yn oytc will come ap for cons. dent— bajoce lho C.-,dof the CIIII of 51. Paul in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Pulldinq on the 6th day of __6pr11.._ _ IE32. al to oclock A M JOHN H %I DONALD. Wrap 22nd, 1532. Aon. J. ti, Nalbnsl d, �nmi saioner of 8lmaoe, Belldlnp,. Iber Oonsvi esioaerE nonlioetion hes been filed by PAhert G. Seearon of Lk. (servals for pe�ml scion Eo erect s Dash mad Gerry Sae home at 1560 Pay- AS— Will you kindly Set a date Of heari.g cad notify tho Interested property.—re} Tours very truly, City Clerk. lYe, the undersigned property o' 'n the i—.dioto vicinity of 1b80 Payne .1venue a n favor of having therC ity .—oil great a permit for an iae house to berereated at the above address. 7/7 c A� i 5 ✓n : J LC '� ". IO+L CO. jYpeGASOLINEe OR SWANSON (LIGHTHOUSE FILLING STATION) a'To e'irve IRESa ewaco—Ner�vwn�w MOTOROILS vAr,ae wvervcie wno wHlTe eaww nowo ACCESSORIES SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 I April 4, 1532. lYe, the undersigned property o' 'n the i—.dioto vicinity of 1b80 Payne .1venue a n favor of having therC ity .—oil great a permit for an iae house to berereated at the above address. 7/7 c A� i 5 ✓n : J LC '� ". SWANSONOIL CO. nrnEGp80LINH ewneo wNsrLvwni�wfe NE (LIGHTHOUSE FILLING STATION) T' IRESR apse I—. w.U—". I.— -- ACCESSORIES MOTOR OILS SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA I l llov 1 ,,,,..,„. •o, �, .,... CITY OF ST PAUL / �� NO. - J/.sUL� OFFIC CITY C E [� �`4 U1` r UNCI O IAL FARM I• •Ess,v,to sY "ITE April 4. 1932 _ if iss oNcu t _ _ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two South Bend Lathes complete with attachments as specified, for the Vocational Training School, at a cost not to exceed $1,650.00, without advertisement, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools- Instruction Supplies 15-C-6 .",P��a;a Ycae cou rvci �rnoN Nays Ad.j I by ,hc c..—ii APR ig /Conroy �M<D,,..Id In I-- App,.—I Iv Rox.n -' Againa, Sud6-i— Mr. P,—d— ao.dl,c i ° CITY OF ST PAUL NO. s � •FI�- 301 F FOF1M rom M�sno�� unre April 6, 1932 _. RES—WED That the action of the Committee on Land. on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 7394, for the purchase of that real estate known as Lot 17 and the southerly 5 feet of Lot 18, Block 67, Dayton & Irvine's Addition, from Lieu Ella Kacsfor the sam of $6,600.00, this price to include all asseesmente and taws paid in full, as an addition to the present School Shop Bite, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw warrant in amount subject to the above conditions, in favor of Lieu Ella Kane, when the proper deed conveying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, has been delivered to the City Comptroller. cost of said land to be charged to Education Trust Fund No. 4009. Ycss c.ourvc.i�Mery N- c."ray alar I WD ... ld I., f-- Pcarcc Rosc" Againsr - S.�dhnmcr / Mr. P,—d— Bu"dl,, ui si!%°tomo `a° M1LTU i aa.i=n Ido c"Sy^" .n"ru easox, Ad,,oed 1,, .hr Coy"rd APR 7 1932 I, i Aplrroved 19 City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES Sr. P.VL. Mirvrv. y. -r- 17, 1?32 .-i ORT TO T..' ,.. ...__L OF T4E ;ITY OF -.. _.. FA -L T:. nn_=_ on Lre.!_ b r_ — . tare len-w- Lot 17 feet �: Lot 1L, 31,, 37 L ton . , F. .;,. 51723, nP: .'.'ed to the p- -en'. Sch;;1 S— c Bail - can .--c'.,.. red :=cm t`, c.n-r t:—: , .. ,... :. _...-_ GSx ...o'�: end Eit`it Hu .d r ed (3 1,C,. -C Doha. ir,lade 211 tax_s and ae eoamente ne Co.nnittee Tec -..enI, thrt the �w..z_ :.. a. 1d 1-1 YT a- ,. ed s_... the Nr,, , Furc ;ed on the t---, -ove :ort'n. Comm :-.s12n=r of d,-- 1�n City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES c w•o"Sia P.— Miarv. Larch 17, 1933 3c,FOHT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT! OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HON04ABLE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lards begs to report that it has undertaken to purchase that real estate known as Lot 17 and the southerly 5 feet of Lot 18, Block 87, Dayton A Irvine's Addition, In accordance with 0. F. No. 91733, approved Larch 13, 1933, as an addition to the present School Shop site, and that said property can be purchased from the owner thereof for the sum of approxime tely Six Thousand Eight Hundred ($8,800.00) Dollare, price to include all taxes and assessments paid In full. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the terms above set forth. C/0# ANDS or Comm ss a Education Furahae ng Agen NO. t92I 1VY CT OF ST. PAUL .�L• OCF E OF CITY CLERK _ COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s_T_ a o— April 6, 1932• RESOLVlD Whereas, Specifications for the improvement of \ the Third Street Esplanade from Robert to Jackson provided for the installation of water service by the city to supply the sprinkler system, therefore be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to installa two inch water service, as provided in the specifications, by city forces, at an estimated cost of $175.00, said cost to be considered as part of the improvement and paid from County bond funds, and be it Further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be presented to the Board o. �.,�,,, ry Commissioners for their approval. �April a xsexi K � v: cou Nc�uAeN Nav Adopted by the Council. Y— CImcY / fkk'^ FrteMIQP. I., Approved l j 19__ _ / UY D—W In favor �� ROW" L / Sudhaimar - =� .4s.tn., NATO a / 'Mx�Proid— Hodge —Ell „aE, `"n_�e_ e. .. UNCIL� RESOLUTION COUNCIL ISLE° Anrll--- =Lh—_Ism. R SOLVED,, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f ?5 SyypZ, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3521+ TO 3577 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLE,, . AOOPTEC EY THE COUNCIL APR 7 1,112 A --EO OFFIC ECO FTHEaC OMP,R OLLER F�e"". NO C011NCILMEC ROLLNCALL. COUNCIL IIE60LUTION J!�I J AUDITED CLAIMS kprll 6th_ 932- so� 35°. 31177 - - -- %— "umacx IN FAR ���OF TOTAL/ arc r Cr rc Hs c"cc+s £ a' ea nx HIOUG NCom'r FORWARD N • 3525 McDonald, Fin ?6 Haohn ertlH. el 156.746 35 3527 Ernest Boe•ner 29 3 3528 Fuel 011 & Gas Co. 217 9 4 3529 Mahle Yagon & Auto Co 0 3530 Edwin Meihofer 13 5 3531 Minns act Chemical Co. !no. 7 35;2 Mince got News Co. 72 I 353 Motor Power Equipment Co. 57 353 Ernst Mueegang 3536 Nassau Paper Co. 60 8 6 353c National Bibliophile service 1 3537 I7ational Bushing & Parte �o 3? 1 161 1$ 3538 3519 Nicole Dean & Gregg Northern at at e Power Co 200 9 3540 " 491 7 1 "' ' " " 270 5 3542 Northwestern Tire Co 219 0 3541 Otis Elevator Co. Sales, Inc., 522 7 3544 Owens Motor " " 46 4 74 3545 " " 3546 Parker, stone & Baird Co. 3547 k.F.Patterson Dental supply Cb 25 5 354e C. A. Pearaon, Inc. 34 7 5 00 3549 Geo. F. Peglow Publ. Co. 3 59 ii 3550 Radio Teohnlcal 3551E, 3552 J. Radl eln Ray Bell Film Inc. 105 SW 276 2 911 351 Remington Rand Bus, Service,IPe 1c4 ?$ 355+ c. V. Ritter �i 71 �I 1555 E. C. Robbins 4 3556 Rochfort's Book shop 27 4 3557 Rose Broe. co. 5 7 355a T. R. Roeholt & Co. Co. 775 IIS 3559 3t. Paul Book & Staty 6 1,113. 6 F 3651 . . " . " 6�7 5d1 356? St.Paul Builder's katl. Go, 2 11 168 04 3567 at. Paul Foundry Co. 54 6 3564 St. Paul Claes Co. a N 1555 at.Paul Goodwill Industries Co. •69 66 5 • 3566 St. Paul Hydraulic Hoist Equipment Co. 156 7 3567 3566 at. Paul Cffice 3t. Paul Vocational schools 21 6 3569 John H.M.D nald, Com'r of Fin " 1 8 4 3`70 . " 27 3571 Salisbury Fuel & Ice Co '' 11 6 3573 saroo co. Ina. Oo 2 122 5 3574 Brew Jacob Schmidt ing 50 Arnold Sewell 15 56 3575 an sohunemen & inheimere 41 00 3576 Frank Shepard co. 1.2 Or, 3577 J. L. Shlely & Co. ,11E, 1or11 FORWARD I ,161,828 69. i CITY ST. PAUL coup OFFICE CITY CLERK � eCOUNCIL RE,LUTIoN—GENERAL FORM April 7, 1932 PeEeE TeyG' v� 1d< < DATE p COMM 55 EF - - RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the construction of monolithic concrete sidewalks in the City of St. Paul during the Year 1932, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids in the manner provided by the City Charter. t Yeas coulcll—Na} Clancy Fe[gacoo 6 / McDonald In I-- Rohlnod / Sudheimv ._ _ Again s[ W—) Mr. P—id— Hodgson e�iiuny z .me Adopted by [hc C—ncil_ "J)R " I7•'�(19 19 -C� �� rnArorx o,,,,,............ CITY OF ST. PAUL me NO. `1��ilFi • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK P FC F.' `, I_ n COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM APR 8 18ffi corMEles"fom°Nei— — - _.. _ mnrE TtAy'lZ:i'ai_Y11-t — I RESOLVED ^ WHEREAS, the Ccm�issicr_er cf Public Wilksrepc rted 1n CWS acccrdance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an �mergercy crhich rendered necessary the emp=ny.ent of certain emF=oyes day snd 11, 1 ,f his Dspart..e nt for more than han esgal hours of rempl �yment, thedrefere, '— aid employment being m_re u be it ftESC LIED. That the proper city offatethearathe s^therwlse authorized to pay the fcl'_o I. named employes fixed for extra emp'cyment f he extra time hereinafter set forth. Dean, Frank L:tc. La 1 .50 DeWartena, Frank Wt c. Lah• 8 .78 Ilsuk, Andy J. St. ty. Engin-, 54� Go neral Chauffeur 11 WeGee, F. D. 16 .68 Putmm, Fred SeaerForeman 2 .50 Steinberg, Wax 2't c.Lab. nneo v,7one I COUNCILMEN 19 Yua Nay. Adopted by the Couadl_�n -R -19,s2 GI'+aer Fwiutlt.:' n blLriePOW �/ Io favor R �J_ -Moron Agalnat Mr. P—idcnx dadpm+ An emergency has arisen in the DITARTUIT*T OF PUBLIC WORICS, rendering necessary the—ploymect of certain o,.ployees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Making emergency repairs to severe, streets and tunnels and adjusting machinery. This emergency aros;, Ly reason of the follo-6 facts and circumstances: Emergency calls for sewer repairs receited at all hours; temporary repairs to streets and alleys necesso,4 during recent thaws and emergency adjustns cr: "'.1 1- C SSIOiIFR Os^ PIIPLIC 0 KS CITY OF ST. PAUL _: ` NO.—A2008 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM McDonald _ April S. 1932 RESOLVED w WHEREAS, in the matter of condemning property for the widening of University Avenue, a part of Lot Thirteen (13) Bk locSixteen (16), Smith' s Subdivision of Stinson's Division of the Northwest quarter (+) of Section 36, Town 29, Hauge 23, was taken, and the damages awarded for the part taken was the sum of $$3,078.00, and WHEREAS, Elsie C. Gundl ach, record owner of said property, has requested permission to move back the building there- on, which building Se a re8l3ence, and has agreed, if so permitted to move back the building, to nay the Clty the sum of $250.00 ae a consideration for such permission, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Valuations has fixed the sum of $250.00 as the amount of the saving to the record owner 1£ such permission is granted, therefore, be it RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted to the .aid Elsie C. Gundlach to move back the building on the above des- cribed property, and the p—per city officers are hereby authorized and directed to reduce the amount of damage. to said property by the sum of $750.00, namely $1,828.00. Yeas eouwciLNeN BN.Y. /*b=Rosen 9.0® Conroy M.Donald /� In livor VMWW UW er !/____L__Agiiner 9irEt'�P/// Mr. President Hcdaw Budnlie. Adopmd by rhe C -mil Af n A 1931 19— vf; h Appr d—�19 _...... .. �.. .... r CITYOST. PAUL councic NO. FFy2ijfi3 OICE,81S CITY CLERK rLE ' CpUf7IL RES TION—GENERAL FORM 1Eo eaESEN.once April 8, 1932 RESOLVED That the grade of Howell Avenue from Bohland Avenue to Otto Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN APR x Adopted by the Council— 19 Yc Nays _ / G ..Y _ / FI,r wa NkDooald RohHud 1 �l In la�or APProvcd. 19 --- - - Sudhelmcr uz11 Again s� on Mr. P,.idmc Hodgson .,....., .o ......... / .. CITY OF ST. PAUL :o e. cis NO. OF II E OF CITY CLERK • /C NCIL SOLUTIO NS -O EN ERAL FORM anEsanreo ni�� rte/ _ re April 8, 1932 coM Nlss o In the matter of grading and paving Pleasant Avenue from St. Clair St, to victoria St., with necessary water coni gttions, under Preliminary Order �, appproved March 27, 1929, and amended Final Order C. F. 91233, approved December 17, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissionerof Public Works for the ebove named improvement, be and the same are her, approved. vIvppyy 6W19�'`84��w _ A000ve IAo.e iti all "' 9. 19t' f I/1 1 I y— couNciLU EN Nava Adoptcdby,hc Council 19 � 0—Y A6 R 19- McDon.Id `'�In favor Appto - Rohlund �---- Sodheimer Agri n st / - von /Wevzel � Mr. P—id... Hodgson APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR WATER CONNECTIONS ON PLEASANT AVENUE FROM ST. CLAIR STREET TO VICTORIA A 5T. 10 - 3/4e Water Service connections (New) a ;� m Ititi < • Shoron LondlU / O Globe Building, Bank of Glencoe. Glencoe. Minn i � 8 � m / / I ` 4 n Investment 03: / I (^ CA 48 E 4 5f. Fred C. Norlander. 0 594 5UrrlMO Ave. Im Fred.C.Norlander Gapllol ReaNy Co. 594 j „A� Gobe Building. I o SGB red. C. Norlander Q 894 5umm11 Ave. _ mher3l H-wllder Charily. Soo s,, der 51d 9. a Urban Inveal ment Co: 45 E• 4th 51 reef. a• A V U �o7o'.' ch`i9 _A n u� „••f D / 71 U Capitol City ReaNy Co.< b Globe Building. b / � a a� I Y o x r Z C, o Chicago Milwaukee k 0 BLPau1 Railway Co: .36s /fbderf St. D 'D J= A dfst.�ul r city �S•t. Pau l• I X Depf ofFSrks Dept oT PaO6 & P y9 I j m o CO V w U n Gaplto�GitypD obe Dull eQl�A. I x I' � I i:•' b r, 5horon Land C- a`m Globe Building. _. . Norfhvv—ern Tru31C P',• I e,/ (Tru3tee) aR S Cm'0. %RobitD.. 3W Roberl S4 O Z I / ry r.`F / m / Z / N / t / D K3 / cb '4A 0 N / Nr� 4� 6 D / O 2 A E, F ? 1 Petition G.44 5zu�� Council File No.._.._....�.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The andereigned hereby proposes the making of the following public impre-n t by the City of SL Paul, viz.: Grading Alley in Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior. Avenue. Dated this Rt6 ._day of _.. April, 1932 - i re , rnAnr oannae. onos�L PRELIMINARY ORDER. r ..mi �moo::meot WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the mekiag of the following inepravemeat, via.: - _Gfadlzlg_Alley_1n Block_ I,_ Lane's 91gbland Park_ from Rowell Avenue. to Prior.. Avenue,. havmg been presented to the Coon il of the C ty of St. Pool._....— tharefom, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, IR and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nseeseity for, or desirability of, the making of said o.provemo.t. 2. To inveetigato the notate, extent and estimated cost of said improvemont, oad the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile cr sketch of said improvement. C To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or snore owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mestere to the Cereate.e.ner of Finance. 4PP 9 5932 Adopted by the Couucrl — _..... _.... _._. Y.A. Ness Councilman C.".., M— Approved. _.. ... _... ....._-_ McDoxer.o Roach Ma. P.—D-1 his ))t► -2 C-61 File No......... JN....,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u.dersigned hereby propose. the,.king of the following public improvement by the City of SG Peal, vin.: _._...Condemning. and taking an easement in ,the land necessary - fcr &lopes., Cuts. end fills in the grading of Alley in ...... Block 4,. Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to - - Prior Avenue. Dated this Ott ..day of _.. April, 193E 19 sl— PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prep o..I for tho making of the following improvement, via,: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ^--� for .slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue. __.__. _._... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _ _... ._.... _.._ ._...___..__.._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To iovestigato the nnnessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sad estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furaiah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cmandmioner of Finance. Adopted by the C -I'd - ---APR--$1932 ..___. Y.A. Nara Councilmen CO.ROY -McDApproved . .................ash>.................. _... McDoxet.n ]+eases— '� v Roes. So. Y'..a P.—RUT Ms. P. T �� y.,. .� c a u rs. —.1 East Central Property, Owners Assn. Council File No. 92073 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propose, the making ,fthe following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: E.Q.c.9natructing, relaxing the .0.1dewalk ap . the gggth_ $Jde of North Str.0.0t b0gillltlng 100 fast -est. Of Bradley—atTeet, thenge West .40 feet. Dated thio -Sth day of April 1932 `� Co u ncilma'. A 'u_.R___P PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the asking of the f,U,,i,g uRpO­eR­t, via.: Reconstructing, relaying the sidewalk e ­1k onw tha_south_sida.of NDrtn Btreat b0gl­i ng 100 fast Wait- Of Bradley Street, t4gRge ywest 40, feet. b,,i,g been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the CO—imi.­ of Public WI,ks be and i. hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity f,,, or desirability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent n,d eatine,lIed cost of said improvement, sad the wt.1 coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, lu-,file or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or out mid uIpo,­,ent i, Reload for on the petition If three or more I—— A. To report upon all of the foregoing eu.tta. W the C­imi..aY of Fi ... ­ Adopoull by the COutel Y.- Nays Clullibell CONROY Approved..._._ MID.R­ V"'__ R.e. 0 Me. PR"D....rY me -u EuBLiskil CITY OF ST. PAUL �.LF� NO. FFICE OF CITY CLERK EE pie/�/('//7),� OU IL RE 50 T/IO�eN—GENERAL FORM SSigHFrFl� -3 SATE - - - - REsO—Eo: That the application of Wm. J. Gerdts for permissioqko erect an addition to a public garage on Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 2, Welders Addition and Rearrangement of Paistls outlets, located on the south side of Front Street between Rice and Albemarle, I. hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefei- Yeas cuu nciLM e�+ N.., U/ In (aver M�D-ld n Agai ar Mq o ..A...r ,Mr, Vice B—dh, 1PR R �y Ad.pccd b, chc Council APP,—J i - SffAt2OFMINNMTA,t Cmmfy o1 Ra . (w . / duly ewom, depoean end ev v h ry w is d 1 v11 h n t .[natter toned heu been a St Pev�Floveer i'ri� w�a A •ilv ml...........r1 :ted and nunnehed - hn itY of g� Paul, Iv d Fam aey ceP s en ny m t the Pr,ntaa Toy 11r �n� r�•r��lm..ey�ym 6 O��d&tt( �o m�rm wrn.a, rnC an Puhlian'in anirl n•n'.nap,.r _... timra, and tFet ell of avid TnPublicatlom d were +n thI:nRlirh InnR'+wee. atu+id n xm fir=t Inacrt•d, Pnnte+ 1 and Pabliehed otire 1 I M c� Ig3 ✓ d wm p)rinted end pab Innrd :n.'ny nnyxt9��^°Per n. ffia the.. "- -"")' at. _ "1?3 v yvvllfied ee a edlvm TM1et I-m nll IM1r. timra nfor raid. xnid ncwaPePa wd d f cnaPGr d8d, Bas of offirlvl and + Ral nn Fli' = r. n rdvFv ithna tnc w uirem �ta ore n I.nwe'.,r Minn�nntn, 1d21, and tM1nkvlt b.a tom` lin dab and . to-wiln thvt f tort Pn t +e dote In[hr first p �� ,e-r�•Yu--�t;.weet. then[+tel A _ �`,re/.ems ... .. Ma yt a ar••%y �be;��.( `� �t�`-"[ ¢ l,C,/Q,ifl�( v� t L�iJ, t� of tee'["-� d w upaper hm been g?Ile,•L� e' q ro ne ie a m me n- pu�e�� �:�e�uoo�~ :a3 $;�: _.. I11 P�inba fmm th^Pln�� f.nm xhirFiiP t tweet Ie t Ig non 1nnRvnRr. na m reF+mn „na an.ct rnrm rnvmnlcnt in Pere yp a�wm vl m [n lkB with e:Rht rnlumna to tF.r Paur, earh ntyNanr and ne o-quart.er inenee tool4[. lu°'•1 w e e.vuu tvav+ v f2) laanrd doily from n known aRirr, rr bhahed Iv aveh Place for pp bllra- +ew •rt and c viPPT'il with e111h workmen and Ins nereaaary mvteriel [m PTePerinB end PrintlnR ah^ nlndc uP to r nin ncnrrvl end ena 1 otr en irelY meads up o ecelNn9 whvl`v Av PI rnd.e `^bl:eaet nn_tnrr of them[ LF n�of vttlneat plat• mndt'r Cnndlforty� r+vP ^I Jnr R:,larlyl�dli. Bred Ito P.yinF aA—be and tfi nt wo by dyed prio h Ince of th r � l h eNk- ldBe f tb nubhshr�Ro clot thr r 1 Y n+alito dof and fI said --- P"" w v% —%d rata hr <; el m�a�am 1 n e a Perregofµd ofrMinn4aern, n+^Iil Rida. + a F+'`,ISfiP`n�^�1 ^� n lr ^^inneW VL Pl9 oft A to Z ev t t f h in nr f n pt 1 i Fr 1 P- beet [tn TM1 Fr loll )pr ue.1 n n. P t+8 vnd Pv1 '_-l—, th, s+ve and k'nd oft ,.had, v v. licntiun of .id IcRal nd.'ertieem-nt hrre�i0to i— d Pvrsuvnt to ee�e hW Fart' er nR h e: h n s nRiA t t d d w veev y 81, Se I .'•tin 1 d rteeme or rnanmr rot nanbrm-on +: I ' 7 g dv - .. Lowry pybliF Psmeey County. idlnneeote. my co�nmiaamn dPlrna ..... 1................... 10,TTT. Affidavit of Publication STATE OFMINNESOTA, t. 59 County of Ramsey i Fdlth AtSereen ,,,,, ..... pe�ae amr �s�e areae. once er e�va�am urwln a p e e MR� J' a �• a. a.r .ye E a .t h°f°t' AFFll LS:^ Y9 1, t, Add.t... A. 11 a: — ` - t is rc ae.. w ..m . one �e paa�nee m ®ia ae..pawr mr w .............. ..ue......r.. goatee .aa p�ewe.e m ora a...p•we as ....... _.......... roar .aia ae..pavr .......w.e.........."-'_'....a.a.ae...: aaea an trc.�� ea�ipxa Mu, IS puree mveaaeaa as m ei re roarw a prcn. n ;a ewe m�.�e.c wa c�tr t e vs J� • eJE aatee Iv 0L P". ave e1 dam tenWL d ave Nree t - p Wl— eat e rc rc ew p aura, evr a ee av a ev an • ve eemen4�r er r v o em. the a varJ laws otttne that eeaca uoeell . h.,:true. 1 the tncte net lni�n In tDle ertlaav�t en.i .......... Subcnbed end Staom I. before me this 1 f;eC $ ., Received Payment. 28Gb.. as of. . °/eTD 19� IN CO. THE DAILY NEWSS PUBLISHING .....ry y !.�. �.�-.vi....a..... .. _19... Date ........ ... NI.1c- If, r l", L ,er. _r.e+ rn'—nt to 'occir:: Cid, 911--inencl No. o_ --o of rtr City of —Lnt F-•:1 Kir ,.;-lic'a�f on vrill ie moir' or. l�i! Lo t::e 'ILCounnil of t City r, f suint Fn'l'1, Ail---otn, for 4 0 pF.rmi scion 1-111is ::afar^. onk.e follov+3 ..crite.i r -al F.. `.at" :,/taste. in —:e; CO ntl, Mi. --ore" to w;' : . r. L}J��- %- �� Block AYE., tut'nr-.r /,J o.�.., .,. ,...,., CITY OF ST PAULi� O 1 OF CITY CLERK v,s oNEu LUTGENERAL FOR E RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with W. G. Slater, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 ner week durinE such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 19th day of March 1952; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with saidagreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said W. G. Slater the sum of $28.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, In partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including April 9th, 1932. Ycas co uNciLM CN Na r. �oald In favor j 1§artc / R.— A,-, s dl cif£ v Xr. Vice Yren. Jutl..c.ti�e Adolncd I,y flhe Council APR Q 1Qa 19 �?Yfi APPro✓cd _. 19 CITY OCITY ✓ r�.r. NO T PAULCLE o. OFFICE F RK FORM COU C)L RE50 ION—GENERAL ,,cl-/-1 Parch 22, 1932__ cpM1A Ns,.S RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set one 40 foot pole on the west aide of Sue, at the alley south of James, with necessary guys, wires, anchor., and Telephone Company wires. I of Estimate $15941• cou"ciLM E" N." Adopted by the CO—c'O'�.�49 Yc / Approved.... �. ,. " "WD—Id Vcsrcc � C/C / . �toscn Against -.--__.'-- Mnvoa / / rA rani `-.—•._ �{2{1,. 'ie' gwo NO L F— N�T,�e _ ou:, ee.,k e ^aa: CoUNCI yy[[nn���„FQ- a .CIL ,RESOLUTION Fnmk O�s6.i�eso� m u e Pw,Nty+ ^`^ i w April 8th 1932 wo THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT (RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE EE5�7777CITY TREASURY, TO 6 ]� TO 3 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS OF ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. NPR 9 02 �� - _v ., M i.. ac��rccn�- Eo usvic E�oF °HE coM vre os�Erx ..c - ` NO �pygpr` COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 7th ,g]2 A ���e--r✓� _— ����, ,�,:aA°e�,A _ _ c"sc. �uMasx IN FAVOR OF BSL.` TOTAL i r+,run"eo srcv eche -T FON1- cRs II 'I 181 828 6 i • 3578John H, MoDonald,Comlr of Fib. 15i7 8 0 3579 3580 Dr, Joe. M. Spreka Northern States Power Cc 236 4,624 5 �I 3561 Northern 9tatee Power Co 1,517 5 3582 Bt, Paul Book & 9taty co. 291 3583 st.Paul Book & St aty Co. Co. 331 80 28 1 '. 3584 3585 D. B. Shotwell & Singer Sewing Nachlne Co. 13 6 :. 3586 H. J. 9lawik Ina 88 3587 G. Sommers & Co. 329 3588 South Park Foundry Co 11 '. 3589 3590 Speedometer Service &Aooeaeo lie- S. S. Spencer Company 115 8 23 3k 3591 Sperry office Furniture co 76 70 3592 Staadaxd Oil Cc 3572 6 3593 Standard Spring Co. 34 9 3594 3595 Standard Unit Parte Corp. state of wleooneln 1 0 54 0 3596 3597 Typewriter Bales Ase n. U.9.Bedding co. 5 1 3598 United states Daily 15 0 3599 Univ. Carloading & Diet. Co. 16 3 1 0 3600 3601 Univ, of Minnesota Press Valley Iron works 173 7 3602 Van Paper Supply Co. 444 3603 36p4 Villaume Boz & Lumber Co. Waldorf Bindery 2 415 4 f 3605 Washington society of Alexandria 5 0 it 36o6 W. J. Westphal 45 3607 The White Company 124 3608 White Fuel & Ice Co. 30 6 3609 White TruckCorporation 7 6 3610 Isaac Langley williaes 13 Ifi 3611 J. R. Wilson 5 0 3612 wood Inseit Brake LSning 16 1 36v Worthington Pump & Machy Co. 27 0 II� 3614 zinemaster Baking co. 312 6 7 3615 3616 S. F. 9harpleee, Jr., Northern States Power Cc 3.900 1 r; 3617 John H.McDonald, Comlr of Fin 7,500 001 3618 'V. N. James, Electrical Engr 15 0 .I • 3619 3620 Owen Brown N. Cooper 1 6Q� 21 3621 George Ligday N 3622 3623 H.B.Smith, Refectory Mgr. D. D. Murray, Supt 2 9 24 2 'I 3624 Mr e. J. T. Jennings i 2 ,3625 Louis W, Shouse. Trees. 100 0 3626 Thos. A. Brown, Chief of Police 194 1 OO 196,004 07� r I ` I I I d A ---1 No ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION nth 32 AUDITED CLAIMS Aoril s 37:Yr. _._ sck rneca IN FAVOR OF TOTAL rs - as - su enr am j .s ns --3627 b eaoucRl .oNwnuo 7 1500 00 A 196 004 01' —Anthony S 3628 Haeg�-- John H.MODonald,^om'r of Fin. 151 5 ,I 12,64; 3 III 3629 A. 0, Robinson, Olk of Diet Ct. 370 �} 3630 John H.Mo➢onald,Com&r of Fin 659 41�' f� 531 Curtis 1000, Inc., 977 8 3632 Msendler Brush Co. '., 28 8 I� 3633 a. E. souther 798 49 0 3634 3635 MOGee—Rbite Corporation Advance Publishing Co. 1 3 186 0 3636 3637 American Book Co. American Chemical society , 15 0 3636 American Hosiital Assn. 2 3679 Am—La France & Foamlts Ind.Co 38 0 3646 American RadiatorCo. 2 5 3641 Ameriosn sales Company 26 2 3642 Asohert Bros 233 7 364' Badger Meter Company Co 17 6 364h 3649 Bal win Transfer h Storage Hugh B. Baxolay 15 SQ 3649 John Beissel Company 14 5 3647 Belmont corporation 52 8 I'I 3648 0. C. Birohvrd & Co. 93 7 3649 Borchert Ingersoll, Inc. 108 2 3650 Herbert Botaford 1 3651 S. F. Bo—ex & Co. Inc.., 5 9 VI 3652 Brookings Institution 2 2' 3653 The Bruce Publishing Co. 3 38 7 3654 3655 Burnitol Mfg.co. The Calhon Paiat Co. 10 1 9 365 3657 0. W. Cambell Capitol Laundry 00. 40 7 3658 Oaee—Bhappard—Mann Pub. Corp. 5 OQ 3659 Chautauqua Prase 6 14 3660 Chicago Gear Rorke Ry 3661 Chicago Great western 3662 3663 0. St -P -Y. & 0. Ry Co. Church Book Shop 2 1 5 0 3664 3665 Clark University Press Coohrsn Bargent & Co. 106 3 7 5 3666 3667 C. Cowbridge, Ltd. 0. H. CongdonCo. 75 28I • 3668 3669 Peter Cooper Ocrporation Orme Company 3 243 0 3670 J. Mark Dalgliab it 3671 Adem Decker Hattware Co. 146 2 3672 92 3673 District State Boiler Inapr. L2 7 3674 3675 Donaldaon Co. Inc., Drake Marble 00. 12 5 194 I!i �P 3676 3677 Elvgren Paint Supply Co. The Emporium Dept. Stora 5 3676 Fairbanks Morse & Co. 36 0 3679 Farwell, C=un, Kirk & Co, 1363, 3680 " "199 3681 John H. McDonald, Com'r of Fin 703 0 3682 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co. 107 9 q I 7. 01 00 214,833 54 i CITY OF ST PAUL NO. JLI11� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �.>mmiss, V-1 DNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'N_ — RESOLVED That eeoh Department I—A inssedietely E,,epare and submit to t.se Coil a detailed survey of the finances If that, departments, setting o.st the total budget ells I— for the year, the amoi,et expended, the balanoe remaining in said rand and the amount such baianoe nen be —de—1 for the remainder of the year, auoh r,d—ti— to take oognizanoe of the ealery it— to be paid after the C—oil reinatetes the Dost-oT-living salary ordinance. 4. Yc, u<>u Nc.iLm EN Nays ✓Conroy � MaY McDonald In (a�or Vrir<c Nosr� ///!1 Againss Sudh—e- s/ Mr_ Prrsid— Dondk, APR 11 m7 Ad,—d by she Council 19 A,, --d 19 � mnvoR o+��.. ., .. ... CITY OF ST PAUL ,E� NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c.oltal�5sE • TE - RESOLVED That the Council reconsider its action in postponing the third reading of the pending ordinance reinstating the automatic salary adjustment plan of salaries for city employees, and that the City Clerk be Inst rutted to A -**ed+ trty present _ _ T� said ordinance to the Council for its third reading.C�1"'—"'-^-�"7 Yeas e.ourvel�'nEry NaY/ Adop�ed Icy ihr Council o 19" C.—Y / May McDonald In favor Approved 19J Pram ✓ /1 � �Sud6j— AMr. P—id— B—dli� .,..., m n.. �.a., CITY OF SAINT PAUL .�.. NO.... _, 92081 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM Pea—A........ NEDe may-_ /4 /ys .e/ PRIS—T COMMweID B "d Dwie tr RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHIC,j THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 1—:1- 31F2 —. E.a..31F2 Loan Expense 5.743.00 31F14 Ifetrop.11ten Dralnage 0o®1eelon 5.743.Oo VES (i) COUNCILMEN ( V) NAYS EG601tleYN nA l' ,.INF—R MCDONALD BypNeun ...AOA Nar ,pp�.cC .°,+...M ..°PRea DENT ADOPTED BY THE COON .... �lAY._.... Di Cou—Rawa.D BY ...... .., ,�J,G,M .., .... "R'F'C'FI e n ST RAUL ,a APP 1115s2 RK MpYI)12'6 ()H Hsi; ♦:L UTI lye NERAL FORM 6IHH mrxrFZA WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgromids and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story frame store and flat building located on Lot 5, Block 33, Lyman Dayton'e Addition, also known as 697 E. Third street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be bad upon the ad- vleability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 6th day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber 1n the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul; be it FURTHFR RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. Yeas eourvci�M Ery Nays Adopicd by ,Le Council APP i 1 1932 .9 / May McDonald � In favor AFFr^{d I9 /Ro.en � Agaian `�'x" / Ma vre,�aear n�adce �i�t:ui.�>..�'�_t� �_.� � �✓ o.a..., .o..,.. .. CITY ST PAUL ri. ­ NO 92063 OFFIC� F CITY CLERK — — COUNCIL RE UTI ON—GENERAL ampa.r Du mm Pus .mml..ioned ei p pie o v. a a r - waa®zVrAc WHEREAS, The Northern States Power Company has made appli- cation to the Commissioner of Public Works for permission to excavate a 3 -foot by 6 -foot tunnel on the north aide of Exchange street between the east side of Wabasha street and the west side of St. Peter street, and to construct and build a shaft to tunnel from the surface of the street with manhole frame and cover, under the I authority of drdinance No. 7390, approved February 24, 1932; there- fore, be 1t RESOLVED, That the application of the Northern States Power Company be and 1t Is hereby granted, subject, however, to the super— vision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and subject further to all the conditions of Ordinance No. 7390 and the Charter of the City of St. Paul; and provided, however, that the permission herein grant- ed be not construed as an approval by the City of Saint Paul of the necessity of such construction, nor an approval of the expenditure Of such funde by said Northern States Power Company. 6 Yeas cou rvcil-r.�eR N., Ado,ad by rhe Council APR 11 mpg Conroy !//�j "y is /fy1.a McDonald . In Lavas Appr�oveded R.— /��dhcimar � YUBLta,IPD z/-_7lcP � Mr. Pr .da B..dl,c oil j "°" � •« ^^ CITY OF ST. PAUL r,Lc � NO. 92084 E OF CITY CLERK / U I SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM_lllc — _ _ Bequest April 11. 1432. RESOLVED, That the ity Clerk be and he i H by authorized and dire. tad to purchase e-nd o ovide the neceae..y supplies required for the general City Elsation to be held Tuesday, May 3rd, 1932, Dost thereof to be paid out of the ;lection Expense Account,,Coda 31 H j, of the rs neral Fund. y,n.. cou Nci�M EN N.Y. C —roy MrD...Id Ix favor P-- Rosen Aga�ns. S.dh-- Mr. P—d— Bundlie i'Rxf . ceaa x Adopc,d by Thr Council APR l 1 t-19 Approved _ i 1 432 19 +jN� itio CITY OF 5T PAUL • rid[ NO. - OFF OF CITY CLERK n J-` ! - U C OLUTION GENERAL FORM o° 9y t. o April 11, 1932.. RESOLVED, That Che C1 Clerk is hereby authorized, .,—red and directed to equip the polling places at the locations in tine 237 election precincts of the 12 wards hereafter to be designated by the CO—cil for the Genera Election l City ltion of Tueeday, Nay 3rd, 1932, to no held in the City of Saint Paul, kamsey Conaty, lfinneaota, and, for such purposes, said City Clerk is hereby authorized to engage the notes eery labor and skill and purchase necessary tools and matoriele, the cost and aspens- of all thereof to be met and paid out of the Election Expense kccount, Code 31 H 6, of the ,eneral Fond, cveaa a�amau. �u no ili�e-n a`i o"9ineCou�i7olift .� no[ nu.Cq; aRt'esl ai vVuu�,v. N y ,�Clerkne f ' uA„nr a `oaAor_ ,e_19ai or. me cou rvcicM cry Ad,,cd by ,hc Counnl X1119 �CacrnY vj/ / MaY19 MSD. -Id 1. f—, APPro, rd , 1 ftoun .� A6ainsi M"OR � Sudhnmer Mr. Prc.id— ISundbc "„a..., .a ... c..,. CITY OF ST. PAUL scE �c NO. .J206 �/// CE OF CITY CLERK oH9�sr-. O I SOLUTION —GENERAL FORM com"ssi _ — By -R quest. on.e April 11, 1932. RESOLVED, That th General City Election to he held Tuesday, Y.ay 3rd, 1932, in the City of Seint Paul, ham,ey County, Yixv.esota, shell be held in the two hundred and thirty-seven election precincts of the twelve ward, of the ,aid City at the plaooe nessod in the "Contract look of i:laction Pre- c incts” on fila in the office of the City Clerk and Cowniasioner of keg- Sa tration. i�Mery Yrw. /N� C oy N,� qny 'WDo d In (aoor � �Roscnc � Ag,i sc ✓ Mr. Presides. Ba"dh, hPR 1 Ian Adop,d by he Cowcd 19 Appro,cd "icy/ ` 19 o^o o CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. J,2ti�� ICE OF CITY CLERK N ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c"E TI,.Jy _ _ _ _ _ Hy Fte_ at_ _on TE. April 1L 1432.= RESOLVED, S That the penastion of Judg a and Clarke of Election ,awing at the Gemral City Eleotion of Tuesday, May 3rd, 1932, to be held in the City of Sa,It Pan 1, Lflnneacta, s..all ',e fixed at 87.00 par day and the City Comp_ troller is hereby authorised and directed to audit anah cleime on said belie upon certification of the City Clerk, ,at thereof to be paid out of the Election Expense Aocount, Code 31 H 1, of the General FLnd. Yaa: Nays / May _ZWDoa.11 in fa:... Mr. p_ii— B—dim APR t119 Adop«d by ,h, C... 19 .1 Approved. 19 MA- g � �zt►�8 ae,. ee �, 191r ee�i °.r ` kg �JCIL 'RESOLUTION couHcu rue no. n c April 9th Is 3� RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f Z. 621.27 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 3663 T0(1 1---INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.� .oePTEo a. THE COU— APR t IC119 ° J ArPROVEo _ Er J 0 of o 1— ^ ....— - .,« c NO .Sr 0bo COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 9th g32 370 - TOTAL nvMecn IN FAVOR OF c..s � rEC Ks Hr Fonwnao I � 3683 Charles F. Craig A 35 2 368 Morphy, Bradford, Cummins 8. Cummins, Atcurn.ys for Walter Neltz 27` 2W1 3685 Mra. Hannah Pet9r-n 24 9�' it 36 g{> Delle Bron 26 �4 3687 ooh. Mullen 40 OC j68,3 Wm. Perry 3` 0 j689 R. E. Hulme & Oo. 15h I�'• 3690 Blue & White cab Co. 31763; 3691 Bradford 011 Co. 3 ' 3692 P.M• Farloy 1- r 3693 Far.elI,Ozmun, Blrk & Co. F15 8 7694 Grigg. cooper & Co. 27 25 7 j695 J. T. Hood Co. 11 7 369966 H. W. Kingston Co. I, o 35,7 Lamprey Produote Co. 170 8 3698 McFadden -Lembert Co. 5 9 3699 Northern States Power Co. 261 5 3700 Roe -James Glace Co' 876 7 3701 villaume Boz & Lumber Co. j2 0 3702 David Baahefkin 35 170j Dennie Laughlin 37Oµ Louie Guer n 60 3705 specialty Printing Co. 47 5 3706 W. G. slater 28 j t , ., _ 7.500 00 217,654 84 I J 0 of o 1— ^ ....— - .,« c NO .Sr 0bo COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 9th g32 370 - TOTAL nvMecn IN FAVOR OF c..s � rEC Ks Hr Fonwnao I � 3683 Charles F. Craig A 35 2 368 Morphy, Bradford, Cummins 8. Cummins, Atcurn.ys for Walter Neltz 27` 2W1 3685 Mra. Hannah Pet9r-n 24 9�' it 36 g{> Delle Bron 26 �4 3687 ooh. Mullen 40 OC j68,3 Wm. Perry 3` 0 j689 R. E. Hulme & Oo. 15h I�'• 3690 Blue & White cab Co. 31763; 3691 Bradford 011 Co. 3 ' 3692 P.M• Farloy 1- r 3693 Far.elI,Ozmun, Blrk & Co. F15 8 7694 Grigg. cooper & Co. 27 25 7 j695 J. T. Hood Co. 11 7 369966 H. W. Kingston Co. I, o 35,7 Lamprey Produote Co. 170 8 3698 McFadden -Lembert Co. 5 9 3699 Northern States Power Co. 261 5 3700 Roe -James Glace Co' 876 7 3701 villaume Boz & Lumber Co. j2 0 3702 David Baahefkin 35 170j Dennie Laughlin 37Oµ Louie Guer n 60 3705 specialty Printing Co. 47 5 3706 W. G. slater 28 j t , ., _ 7.500 00 217,654 84 o.�..,o ,.,.,... •—/ l� CITY OF ST. Pt�UL s,re c NO.��_ FI F CITY '''������ CLERK p R OLUTGENERAL FORM VES PErvr Eo ev « < ///»"»'L par[ i.t miss orvEa _ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be Ala they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Ignatius Becker, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as Le shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 16th day of March; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Ignatius Becker the sum of $39.60 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including April b 1932. C11­1EN Yeas Nay/ /oncoy fey. McD...Id In fe�or � Prarc< R�R�odddehhLncc���,,,,,����� ,/ Againn re . � H11a,u,c1 Ado ,cd by rhr C--11 tcl�z 19 Epp `t AP,—d- F 19 N—_ mwvOR CITY OF ST. PAUL rice c NO. 100 IcF OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �oM�M =sraNEA �� y' rE WO -EAS, the BancNorthxest Co:-a{Y of S'Alt Paul '_ce ,£f -ed t':,e Sinking Fund C—ittee of 'h. City of Si— Paul, c —_ uanor tea— II $1,000 cit.v. Saint Peul 4% Water Bond s. R.U. ae� co , or .ns ci Lue uer. 31, 1937 .� Dated Apl. 1, 1907 Priced at 4.kb,R aria, W132EAS, the Sin A.— P—c Cc=ittee has recotrcended the acceptance of the offer of the B—Northx.rt Company of Saint Pml, .h, CaSncil le of :,,e opinion that the port nse x111 be fcr the beet SntereEt o_ we C1 0` Saint Poul; the, , or,, be it ?RESOLVED, That the IAeyor, C—icei -e. It— c- ani City CO. troller be ens t u� n�r'eby nu....orl zed ani C.. act ad to accept the offer of enc P—North—t Cotr,any enu, con—te the tr..naection, co UNCILMEN QPM I X19 Y<as Nay a / Adop,cd by ,h, Coan .d Conroy .l �M[Donald Pcarcc � % U (a.oc Ap,oYcd 19 Agafa.r Mr. ViceJPren S'11: April U. 1932- A needing of the Sims Amt fbo®ibneomm�e bnld 'hie 4p{ Preaena. Go Bead Bondlie. angor. Sobm it. YaDamld. ComdawienOr of rinmoe ooa ml. F. (:• 6mba, coo,+teal ler. Laiu6 1'Teeaoit. IT!" t„--: A mtioa ane v.ae br comptroller Acott, eeooaded by Comedooloner of I/aaowld rinanceAand IM0.1w0e41 carried. abut abs following offer of the BundSor ” aW Owe,,W he re000mnded So the Oamalll eBoaeuorthw ea coq w at. Pol. H m. April S. 1972. Mr. um. P. Soott. comptroller. Saint pal. mwdae Fund faiat Pad. Bimeeota Deer Sirs - I em offwring for the eP Mal of the Sine Amd CO®ittee ¢1.000 CITY or "m PAUL 1$ Water Bond Dee War. 31 1 Dated API. i 94. Prima s6 4," Buie, Buie efferisg is made sahj9 t to prior tale or OmW in Prim. I telisTo 10 MW" in a getfnrnt at he time of the iuesaoo of these boade 20 IW Oploioa Tlunklvg yea for your oonaideration, I ronin Twee v zy ttuly, ntouerd G. P.pa (aigoed) 808 -II Saiet Poul. offiooe the ramund theramoa adjourned. Approved co®taaion. of RenewSs,.ottioloo Preoideat cowtrollar u.olfieio Searetery OF ST. PAUL re� NO. I F CITY CLERK CO LUTIO ENERAL FORM j TLD 8, Rim WHERE9S, On September 11, 1931, Plumbing Permit No. 5620 was issued to Joseph Juan, 1258 Lafond street, for plumbing work in the building at 690 South Robert street; and whereas, said building was new, and the plumbing fee was included in the general permit; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper Oity officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of said Joseph Juen in the sum of $2.70 for the purpose of refunding to him said plumbing permit fee. lariji °m 1 �•w ��o.vat.s ; a Co�ti��LMEti a1 rn I ^ Ig3q Yn, N Y Adopr°d VS' ,hr Counr�l 19 /Conroy �Mrpovld In favor APProv Ro°.a Aga. n `- MAvoe S.dh.u..r S `� Dir. Vioe Prna. S�a:,o.m er City ®i Saint Pard Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIDONS, Oty Clek �'�^!a� �nobnn and Commintenr el R�aennllon Cti, <luv.Cin O,i� Q�.I Ci,n v,ym.uw April 11th, 1912. Yr. L, L, And:rsan, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Atthed pleas: find co""Icatlon from Counissioner Y� ac recon®ending a refund to Joseph ,Yuen, 1258 Lefond Street, In the soount of $2.70 for pl®bing permit No. 5620 which sae issued in error through mlaund:retanding. Th: Council today referred this matter to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL q>o. PARKS,PLAY OUNDSc AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS ..�....w. ,.... cin �....ao coa.. «ea.. �'• .s I!or. Coi:nc ll, City of :, fsul. ;entle-.en; On 3,pte-:bcr 11, plbing Fermit 5620 issued to SoaopY: Sue n, 1`P58 Lafond umeet, to o", y outm s plumbin.- "r in the buildin8 -A o_'019.utl itobert :;tract -:It''- * aoderstand- in�-, by our o :mit ol0^1, that this �v n old b:lld'u,- _nd .. n o. we no lnfcrrtat ion to unyuottr.r offeo� ::rd for this --son fee charge fo^ tl.ia per—.i 'e noir "'ndthcsnu at it absol,.e:r ely n d:rellinr, in -Vol' o�:sos "lumbi'. fe cis t:' -en c ^e o!'in the -aerul p -11i` r cbt:'.-._ e mit f. e c� . -nd c .7� to . auen roi1, b re oclution, u - therize the peeper 'ut` -I tieseto mail a e`ec to him in that :,mount. Yours very truly, XJ� � U;j o.o... .o ,..... CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e ­' NO. J2�)`j'2 OF'F'ICE OF CITY CLERK U NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM va EseHr�o - � � OA7E April 12, 1932 -. RESOLVEFJ In the matter of paving West Sixth Street from Smith Avenue to Wabasha Street, (Except from 172 feet West of Washington Street to the West Line of Franklin Street), under Preliminary Order C. F. 88725, approved April 8, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90214, approved August 25, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, bfe and the same are baeby - t approved.—� � ,.. �[. w Yeas courvc,i�MEN Nays/ /Conroe Donald ^ I� favor /P-- l\ RSdl— aSe�eewlr+-��— Agains� Ado 1c 8 by [hc Councd 19 Approved- 19 i MAroR PAUL r�r r. " NO. 92093 " OFF OF CITY CLERK / C CIL SOLUTION-s6.ENERAL FORM April 12, 1932 Co,_ C+N ER RESOLVED In the matter of paving West Sixth Street from Smith Avenue to Wabash. Street, (Except from 172 feet West of Washington Street to the West Line of Franklin Street), with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 90214, approved August 25, 1931, Resolved, That the attached plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and theCommissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Company. I c - sr a- I aV igp T 01 1— APR 1 ra,32 Ycaa NaYc Adopnd by rbc Cou°rd I9 Monald U Iv favor APProvc �' - 19 7 P"'Pearce / Rozcn AHa'^'r '� rn nvoa SedlR:r.sr .r. Viae, 5utlMs ,�,o� C) masonic Tem k Assoc. II� Cor. Sm!/�Avc. & 6th j} I J� VI• y0scar Ha l/am � s�o/fish gAJroc. Vi Car 't Avr. B -M 5! (� k � - -- �•� ZB E. 6 n S}. � � A � UI y i C. H 5chh k f II „ 3z /h//y A✓ y p /90 E. SII N n o Jessie T Lobb J V �"`� V j0 } ,v -z John /il Murp6y� Lk(rer Z. 0/(a/h a�n /// Cambridge Ave. l N 46o d1a she//Ave. S} A—/ 600dw'//Indy lfsther ONa/h an J 460 Mars/a3//Av<. 8 - - ��, -- 1 `Bureau Oflafho/ic Char.r2s ✓nc. — � J 205 G✓i /d r Gbar�}y Byg_ � � 492 Cerro/�H✓e. ��— Narr ✓ i%be /e v }ywih Jackson Co. Gi7i DiSi fdu� v H �iB-76 End2o}}B.6g T e Armory. k � N u a I _ (�, HenryyQ Defiel R I ul --r - — �.7 Ill m � ¢Clapp-7TumsenCo. I h 605 M nneso}a BkY9. L12- MA. M /�y �mmrni,/�. - ti Bez A/ 7 5} �z John J Fifzpaf ick r li I- N /4/o P, -ower BNg. \ �y Fif ✓//��Ofrs-rfe/ - Co 609 PonJ.er Bks. � _ 1I � .Erb - �1q[ se.ho%Co pm Z.v//Yrdky 6BSF coYYB N J'1y End_ B,dy. 214o Fe:rmounf Ave. li X11 Msmie Fscher -,j — N \ �Anders°r� & Aky Co. 9ouYe '/F�crbmr, Mnn. I it I /68W 4'_ St V`^ A/YKL / Si 4 m q Hamm c Fvrrcsf L. ft ,K A/isc/xr i I — a /v,-- 4661�Besha/ "1 1(��+ososu �mnf A✓e Geo. den: a ten, b 1l An}pony F., d an Soo Shuber}BHg. � (�6<o.E L<rron 5_ Benz d Sans, o I /i06 Summa/Ave 3oa Shubert gkE . _ D ' Fank EA W 1 O 15s8 5e/�y O` •S% Fdti Rre y�rix Ing. Ca. - Paul A Te//ugen n d h. S�. N N __ 7/ Mackubin Si r - A-9, 7 Fes. S� Mrs. f W Sly,Fe I II " /B83 Sum m, f Avc. �. Com mercia/Bank BMg. I ii i I I II II ii u mAOSI' (James Pa qe d Minn. LoanBTndiCo. LA y ii s 765a7�el f %dman-Lessee !/S. &51 Di;'ee 3�?l 496Wa6asa 5t i C> � � �� _ � Diocese Or Sf Pau/ -C/, ,Kamm ReaHyG L<ssee, 3 sprier Leder -arm< or v �r .�, c5' 0 ! Pofrc}ireArrae. 9,' Shuber/Bbd. �W Sa -t1 � CQ �'� Diocese 0,/'St gu/ a 64a7 d als ha Sh. `T Jacob Li}} Rea/iy C � -L s Y� � ale• � z �° a /Yew Gar6b 21, rick y 6e SM. S'lnuii1, iry �lr c� o y' (n 45o P/ease vr. Ba✓iJ Bi Lag<r do (r' 298-199 End"cotF B.Hj� 7 %'/ y2�►J4 o.o... „.+_. #—CITY OF ST PAUL s��c NO. �s lo `OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I' III C ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM April 12, 1932 — RESOLVED In the matter of paving West Sixth Street from Smith Avenue to Wabasha Street, (Except from 172 feet west of Washington Street to the West line of Franklin Street), with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. 90214, approved August 25, 1951. Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing water Connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. Yc,3 coorvci�rnEry Nays / Con oy Adop,�d by chc C.—d AM 12 ^^M; �MCD v In fv+o� PP %< Adan➢Id /R.— � AS a Sedl.e+�..r � Mnroa APPROXIMATE QUANTITIIES FOR WATER CONNECTIJNS ON WEST SIXTH STR�,ET FROM SMITH AVENUE TO WABASHA STREET 22 2$ - 1" Water Service Connections (T:� renew) ALssonic Tem k Avoa II I I Cor SmltiAve. g 6+h St C II ,. e w .4 h N L eufhoH I I 10 Seaffsh'{Pi �Emi/5 Car SmR,: t Ave. & :rh 5/ G R ON Soh .e0 E s 5f N I (n Ik yy W La j 732/b//y Ari o ^ Ip ^ kes e 7 Cobb pf I + I I W ^J. B khn MMurp & Lkb-n Z. O*RIA '7 i/// rvmbridp* Albc'�'/eW /�Q�/Jf1 V 460 A1s shv//Arr. I. .. — 460 Maw /Av%%Avrn sr f�,d sad»•,/i LRd� ;e �F�ew � � c v An rcau Of CaYho/ic C/ksrifes Ix. 94 �e ew / — 1 BOck14if�efi/ 4f2 Carro// w. �� rr J. Heberk e,Lam CO/-, l "Coble%! JacEron co. C'�y OFSf Peu/ � � ES/a-2c Eiro'ico�/ BHdq. Tl/e Armory. k /7e/Y Ca .fl. H. Me rdin 9-✓r N I v Henry D. De 701e 145 I A/exam Cathcart trl V ii%inn/e 8. M,ck w 402 Mesh. Bunk B.G y — 60�M nnevaf Bk.(j. ---7rle O/J O�ia Br�'rr�Sf %fie w /"Conn MA. AI /fit/ B [ m�,�en•,:,/�. E d -- H y � Y Pdu7B timer R C Siair ddj / cam' - Jahn J.1410,%— Fi'tzpefrick ^ Fancie ✓otic-e761le n. V� 6 9 enHear B.EIj. V i; T%new.--/" Co rl. //fie �r ,se seh /,/ carp. o ew / "r. / Liar s°a %h!N.Ya�dky 6BSfiidicaffB�g. _ � _/�Q•ne�' �� se-e3End;calfB.Hg. Lew;s W. E/i. S. brkard G 1 `� 224o Firmounf Are. — " — n /"/bia.,derso B Aby Ce. Mamie Fischer ; i > I P 2 J,/,BBW 4/SY Roup'/Eurbior, All FrrcsfL.4 Men� MFiseher i I _ x Y} Jo/ Nemm B,�¢. VI SAuaerf,Bka I _ „ f . John B. A' Eepy / 4BB lKsGas U� lb 1y,'6ee. E. Lennon � //06 Summit A`r Eco. &nr Sone f l AnM y f im'man jR6 3005huhertB(� } eaELennon ` JJJ //os Summit Ave. 6'ea Benz ff Sone, II 30o Shubert Bh§. _�- p I /ssB Se/�y A II 4 Slav Fig g y�rix In,. Ce. p Pau/ R Te//rgen � � ya�g �,e//, •yb, N � _ � 7/Mackub:n 3)`. A a o MaryTF�y � Mre. FW. Yan S/yke /BBJ SumrrfiY Ave. X Pau/ S. A,a ,r y, Cammercie/Bank B.b'g. ,p i I I I I it II ✓ameB P%e B Minn. Loan 6TwiG. u i a �eSam/p/ fricdman-Leeeee U.S. fbJf Dice O y k 3�� 4Je a as a 5f )' aU/ Apron. 8 I - � � � _ ( Diatetic OiSt fbul-S; f�vmm Rev/kjG Leev+e 6 N r r Suoeriar Lod e-Lbgiee Ofhorwr C Q Pro%cf've Asex. y, Shu6erfBbij. �W O n f �F --- i ti •\ �, G , ��4 Biacem Of St foul 6'�Sc//�uxlnaq eta/ Leea°er '�, •� °� ' - ° gvrdWgbBsha Sh. Jacob Li}} Rea/bjCo., 'L j Q AEW Gar'-Lck r Sc�ii�, f;I 3t Co g�pl� 0 450 P/el1t HM• y Chas. E• Co#inTMAW j � Uavia & Lsgermen 19B 199 Endicott 84, / / I I 6 I Cougeil File No- ............ By......._.... ..............___.. CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 92096 mil In the matter of the assessmevt of for to :iihl'v -.t. '1 o ud til 2',r 7 u, ith .. :. ... T .:- .. n7 11 0 .nd Cor- t _n- 1--eto ;11''- Ir,orn *, li. .eits. .'t 1l :-h .^ {_11 be 7-ino: .-ate i_sc -i^, n.:alt ton, ender Preliminary Older....__h52:i1...., Ivtermediary Order, Final Order_.r approved ..._)v', -]..._x'..... ............. ..19_:(?. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the C—il, end having bee. considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said—essme.t be aad the same Jul hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is I by ordered to be e.beritted to the District Court of the Ceenty of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it i. hereby determined to be payable in._.....-...�....._.__eguel inatallmevts. Adopted by the Council._......:':!�._._--._.........._:..._.. ____._........_.._.__19.__.... .......:LfI'..Y.._�... _'.'..... _... - _..__, City Clerk_ i /.- _ __._.. ....... _...., Mayo,. rW�, s e ie ✓ "I 91 y�5 OFFIL F OF 'i I�Pl' 'YO (OM�N" I'S'SI()NER 01' FIN,.NCE Report of Completion of Assessment T,, the ..1- 1,, ;t --t tr i n th t:e, n, 3 -in. f— I , , 11d- ... Int I ...... lial-, Order Pin.1 O'di, 19 T, In, 01.11111 If t1i, Cite of St P-1 Th, h,1, be ......... to the -I-J th, following f th, d I -.—i ly in,. —d nld to b, iI, --d for n, I u, connection ill, the —km, If the above n Cust f —,-n, ii $..2 nhhhm, ", 1 :, , 1 021 C- If P—id —i, $ $ A tf e11 It ,�Z I IInf Ill I t i li $ n l� fn ,,, it i,d 111 WtVS Said lI-. .1,I- --,tam,d, t,_it: the sum If $ h l.d .... v Ill [,,,t or p .... I If I..d J,,—d benefited by th, said improvement, iit, -d in ill, f 1., 1, 1,,t, part or p— d If I.Id in ..... d,,,,, with th, b—,`- —I. f, --d Oil,— tfi.t th,;,;d us. ...... �It 1— Lein completrd, and that h-- e tt,,h,.d, identified 1, the .g naIr, If We n.id and mnd, n p -t hereof, i, th, s.id '—pl—d b3 b—, enA vv 1, i. 1, is b,,,,, ith ,, b lni t ted to th, Co. n, I for x.,1, ;.,l— th ... I, e, mny b, nn.,id—d p,,p,,, 17 Clinnn—i.n,, If Fin—, i oa "I 91 y�5 OFFIL F OF 'i I�Pl' 'YO (OM�N" I'S'SI()NER 01' FIN,.NCE Report of Completion of Assessment T,, the ..1- 1,, ;t --t tr i n th t:e, n, 3 -in. f— I , , 11d- ... Int I ...... lial-, Order Pin.1 O'di, 19 T, In, 01.11111 If t1i, Cite of St P-1 Th, h,1, be ......... to the -I-J th, following f th, d I -.—i ly in,. —d nld to b, iI, --d for n, I u, connection ill, the —km, If the above n Cust f —,-n, ii $..2 nhhhm, ", 1 :, , 1 021 C- If P—id —i, $ $ A tf e11 It ,�Z I IInf Ill I t i li $ n l� fn ,,, it i,d 111 WtVS Said lI-. .1,I- --,tam,d, t,_it: the sum If $ h l.d .... v Ill [,,,t or p .... I If I..d J,,—d benefited by th, said improvement, iit, -d in ill, f 1., 1, 1,,t, part or p— d If I.Id in ..... d,,,,, with th, b—,`- —I. f, --d Oil,— tfi.t th,;,;d us. ...... �It 1— Lein completrd, and that h-- e tt,,h,.d, identified 1, the .g naIr, If We n.id and mnd, n p -t hereof, i, th, s.id '—pl—d b3 b—, enA vv 1, i. 1, is b,,,,, ith ,, b lni t ted to th, Co. n, I for x.,1, ;.,l— th ... I, e, mny b, nn.,id—d p,,p,,, 17 Clinnn—i.n,, If Fin—, WILLIAM W. CUTLER April 12, 1932 70 the mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul Hdward H. Outlet, owner of Lot 10 Block 7 a'hdtney 6 Smith-. Addition to St. P-1, h.. ra ce ived notice of a proposed went of 477.20 on Bald Lot for grading and paving Beet Seventh Street from Broadway to Sibley, and for ornamental light. to. Said Lot doe, not abut on &act Seventh Street, and e row of buildings and a public alley separate said Lot from B.st Seventh Street. Said Block 7 but. on the South aide of 3111 Seventh Stree L, and throw said Block rnn an alley parallel to Baet Seventh Street. Said Lot 10 lie. in She Part of -aid Block lying between .aid alley and Bast SSzth Street. Therefore, said Lot cannot rightly be a sed for .aid improvement, and said B'dwrard B. Cotler protests said ae seesment and .eke th.t the same be not aede. Ea spann ^c^ t flal ly , c Attorney for Hki—rd H. Cutler. Connell File No____.___._......__._._ I By CITY OF ST. 1A11 Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1. the matter of the asseasmevt of L�.t.. _'t. ..,� for under Preliminary Ocdex. _._ �y104 Intermediary Order- _ .ItU _.., Final Order_.YCll°......... .. approved Au -:st 1:: 1951 A public herring having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said --et having been hrther considered by the Comcil, end having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be end the same is hereby in a respects ratified, sed the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Csart of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the mid assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable in___ .-3 ins[allmevts. Adopted by the Couvcil. _. _.19_ City Clcrk. Approved ___........ _....._. _.. 19.__... /�„(s-✓�Lc,—yl�-'- _. Mayor. IMMUMI MHOMEME 9Vj(jG CITY 1W ST PACT, OFF'IC'E: IOF 'I II E. COM -N RF ISSIONEOFINANCE,Repor t of Completion of Assessment -M—h 15 19 32 1-1: 7, A 671 1.1-1 Order_.. gQlza T, the Council of the Cit, of S, Pa,A Th, Comioitisioner of Fi—n,, 11,0, report. to the C.-61 the f.11—i", ns n —t—.1 nr the dit .... .......... ily incurred -d to b, ins orad f- I ht coaoeetion mlth the making of the .—t, Cost of p,hhi,hmg Cost of pored —.1, Inspection f,", Amount �,,f --t costa for Taal Said further t,,-, that he .,d levied the Ota) t ns above ...... t .... d, t. ,it: the sum of $ -6.'3!59 , h and rce y 1w, p— o, p—, I of loud d,,,,,d b—fil,d by the said improvement, and it, the cnsr of each 1n, port or pared of [,,d in —),d,— "ith the benefits f .... d thereon: th.t the said ---,—t h,,., been ,,,d,t,d, and that h ... t, tt,,h,d, id,,,tir,,d b� th, sig- nature of the said C--i.w-', and mad, n Dart hereof, i, the said --l—t as co pl—d by h— and ,,hidi is h—,,kh submitted t. the ('onncii far such cctiov thereon b, considered proper. 1.— .7 CO -mw- W'pi ...... IS0/ r C-61 File No. m^[Hr'vf wexmevt , .o-vetwa. rxoNtry'ei� .va rocur- Iva v,mavt �Ee 11u, �g,Uvute No rpv[ 6vg1—�'yll i By p CITY OF 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In Lbs matter of the assessment of ,,,, ,.. , ..to .r.a r.>._s fOr ,structln-., roc:,nstructin-- � 1 re str!n- e- t sidewul`cs, ,, o Cp, U, ontr;,ot oit)4 - 1931 - sscee»le-- 9021' tiorthwe tcorner �atsen vo. 2n' Chatsworth t. _... 90409 31air trrni I:o i'tnc va. :o •.ymC1 ca to . 10fi87 iiorrman we „ east side# from 'I son Eve, to luolid . 90213 Plessst ;ve„ north s'de, onoo site tha- Goodri c?-lve. Gt�os Northrest orth uCvsrthv ste rs Northeast earl southeast oornera i.rona '.vu, and .lban7 Wit. wort*.west, northeast vn'• southoa s, .. corners rocs sa' tlsntls -,te 3"theast and rcrt�.east corners Dale °t. an^ Wheelock Psrltnay Y.I. 90489 '31.t, from is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for—fine,tioo. BE IT FUR/HER H.F.90LVED, That the eeid eseexmeut be sad it ie hereby determined to be payable __.._......_._.._equal installments. Adopted by the Council_.._._—._._!�Np .tr ....� .__.. l_-..:.r.<_�:._._.. _..., City Clerk Approved_ .._. —.__..._19 /...:..-l`�i __...._ __......... __..... Mayor. a ,. 4-2 a— 921 . ma��::r,�r®a�yodruxxxx. Fw:cxxeomedinsa-RDlvr�,.,Y.;t:r,hr:n------ Council File Ho....._.__....__. _. _....._ ;. Final.:Ara9!±t..:.,.:;,_._,...___.. �5ftboradt.-.--xxxxs-••+v v,.xxi9cx--_.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment heviug been further considered by the Conned, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said rise—At be and the same is hereby in all respect. ratified, and the save is hereby -d—d to be enbmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for eo'Ermotion. BE IT FUR/HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it i. hereby determined to be payable in__...___......__....._ equal inctaflmenta. Adopted by the Council....._.____..C..____...._._._......_____......___._19..__... i Approved--- _.. _ __....19_.__- l` I? y1,907 I;ITC Of' 5T- PAT: 1, OFFICE OF IHE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment '2rgi: 15 . Ds 2 In the mutter of the assesstn,nt of bc,,fits, .os..s to -... scs forp t wvwra ueurma y ..w.�� ...... •� �.. ............ .... �...� ... ,,.,....a..,,.....w ...o .w,ewy � �.� nuuve mprove- ment, ra: Cust o[ const ruction _ _ - .t'. __ _1E..32 Cost o[ pnhlishinF nnti,e _ - $__.__...45.. _. _.. that of 1—i'd '.rd, - - - $ - .L':9_-.-.. inspe.tb"e f,.,, _ _ $_.__1..©3___- Amamrt of ronrt ...t., far a otal sSit s .0,3 it 21 1� Toga dR d ale _ $ 4 To-.nl fit tres 452.23 Sail Catommsioncr rther hat .i, han --,d and le.ied the tot.l .mount ns nhovr .seer toned. to wit: the snm of $.452.23- - �, 1'o t 1, .nd ....y fat, part ar parcel of I.nd deemed benefited by tho '.id Improvement, .nd in the enrt of enrh fat, p,rt or pv cel of hand in ...... with the benefits can ferred thereon th.t the s.i,l nnv,s.nu nt has been c"tn 1'letcd, .ml thnt hereto .tta.•hed, identified by the sig nature of the said Commie,ioner, and made n p. t hereof, is We s,,id .ssissment ns c mpleted by him, nd .v 1, i, it is I...—ith submitted to the Council for It eti.. thereon .. t y be considered proper. to,. n n. �. C mts er o[ Nlvanc . 9111107 111 Y 01' ST P -'I 1, OFFICE (11' 1 HE COMMISSIONER OF YIN,LNCE Report of Completion of Assessment T. the C ­til If the CAY If St P-1 Th, Cnmmi.sinner If Fman,,, 1-0 ­re parts to the Conn.it the Nbl.iiig it, dit­., i ...... d and to 11 in.urred f--.1 it, ...... ti- ith the making mf the above C $ Cost If P"I'liM ing $ cl't If P"I'l -d, $ A.Ipt of b" $ 45 _ Otq.1 iiti_ b 1 l n31 Tol,,j T x _d 452.23 ,-t h,, t .. ...... d "'d levied the total nmovnt it. shove N to the sum If $4.52 .23 h -.1 es y lo, part or Pnre.l ,f h,.d d,,,,I,d benefited by the said improaemmnt, and in the ease of rnOi 101, put ., p.-1 of I.,d m ..... dl.,, with the b­fii., eon fi"t"I it that the said ...... ini ji;,, been cow plet.d. and that hereto tt,,h,,t identified by the sig. nallill If the xmd ( and load. apart hereof, is the 1,1ld ----t 11 ItIPI-11 by hnd ­ Ihi,h is he ,,ith s,bmilt,d to the C,,m�,[ f- such i..tion(\thh.........� �­, b . ...... d,t,d p,,p,, tq2ow RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING g CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_rJtnc—ea - - under Preliminary Order_ - - --------- pp,—d---- ____._._.____._--_-_- Intermediary Order _______. '•.__7L5__ ---------- - to, ... ed__ ,.c.__. +.-5'____________________ Final Order _________ ed___„_----------------_.-_._________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easementa therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made n part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking end condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all re.=pect_s ratified and... firmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the -roo is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Diatrirt Court for confirmation. &&ti1[S f�9h �t9B9k��ta,QxS�A4Sllklc@BNV1@MAS21QF�iRidSld:_lE3tlahEF'Bb,Yc tklVllNli�@:=^`_ ___ _ :<r _ ti.-...•-h7j687 Ti5dkaYlftiENtk"TN!' M rNieA 9at"CP4'AF tanH' b2ncrfAed i tamn.r. Adopted by the Council -------------- - . r, � C,tY Clerk. Approved ------------------- 19____ Mayor. CouncilmanaConroy Councilman Ferguso ✓ . /I )/ Councilman e -h -Id Co..tilman Councilman - — C.uncilman Mayor re 9-9() 4 yGg REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS 1VT1 1Q4FSa3T1r.1.\T nF RFVFFTTR In the matter under Preliminary Order____ approved ------ __. ''1_,_______________________________ Intermediary Order________' _________- approved____._"-.•______ ____--------------- ____________ Final Order ---------------- —__,---- ._- approved____,. -------------- ___..._______ i TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land. lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he hes nlso fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ks - ------- Commissioner of 92100 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ rde—' t_ in_ t:-c_].a:3_aecesa¢i; _1'o r slonc s, cuts mn f111� 'n to ,ir.- ,r_' _ St P om 'u Iro `,e at lino lot 10 Ir _ <.1. - of rtlot lso in t , sor7-eR la _ r7 t, Ztnoo� lor.ls, T o. 1ot� eo .n r.t27c _..t :9 od"" am un.a. under Preliminary Order ------- 1-)r s ---------- approved__ —C -2 r_153.'.l___________________ Intermediary Order ------ ------ 9155----------- ePProved--- i 2"^.,_1`132_____ _____________ Final Order ------ ._---- --_-?17.41 ------ .__, aPProved___._b�y3�_1`i_52------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for .said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 7FXL'ta`tNGF�FZax01Pe9FXNaixN(CrOaYd<llista9tmf21tKbX�B'aMXi6'SX'K0d"'J"rhfk4 tb'&Mpayvd67 Anr .Vinik!®tm-asN.n:teaYh.`Dartelce&4md�e�..iMnd;fhs�nX fi:. ;'32 Adopted by the Council ------------_------- _._---------- 19.____ Approved________________________, Councilman,f�bnro3r� � ' '' 1 CouncilmanFF gguuson. -�-�-� Council man MCDwald e. Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor B=dlie c. . ________________ City Clerk. Mayar. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF 13FNrFITS -t�r In the matter of �'O" '- 1 _.__- ----- -'-" - -t- �e.,..ln ,._o Ios under Preliminary Order ---- g1035 approv �c,_ 2,_ a31 Intermediary Order -------- apProved----- S_n._.1.�1_.u_ ___________________ Final Order --------------- 01'_x-1----- aPProved---- ZcL .__________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to Property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissio ren of Nlnance. TV OF ST. PAUL rice " NO. `a /��0+ OF ICE OF CITY CLERK 7 OUNCIL ESOLU TI —GE RAL FORM k rvTEp B l - ��D✓ WHEREAS, John Portz, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured an April 23, 1931, at which time he was receiving as wages the sum oY $153.20 per month, and WHEREAS, the said John Portz was totally disabled for the period of one year, by reason of such injury, and received as compensation for the fir et six months of disability, full pall and for the second six months of his disability one-half pay, which was pursuant to Section 52 of the City Charter, and WHEREAS, Section 4326 of the General Statutes of Minne- sota provides that 1Y g City charter aYYorde a larger sum as com- peneation than that under the Compensation Act, an injured employ e shall be entitled to take under the Charter, and 1Y less than under the Compensation Act, said employe shall be entitled to take under the Compensation Act, and WHEREAS, one-half pay for the period of six months amounts to $459.60, while the Compensation Act allows $20.00 per week, or a total of $520.00 for the same period, or a difference oY $60.40, therefore be St RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby �L authorized and direoted to pay to the said John Portz the sum oY $60.40 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fundppe I ce fu ,&a�`aw"ggp� nil cou rvCILMEN APR l.1 Ic32 Y.aa j Naye / Adopccd 65' chc Coonc7 19 __ coaroy /`M D nald �' In fawc A"" Pcara � ' �Mr. Paaidcnc Bundlic o a .,„CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM sID BY �A7Hlr WHEREAS, By Council File No. 90541, approved November 2, 1931, the Council made a net award of damages in the sum of $540.00 in the matter of taking the southerly 20 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 15, Smlthts Subdivision of Stineonas Division of the NW}, of Section 36, Township 29, Range 23, in the matter of widening University avenue from Dale street to Park avenue; and WHEREAS, The owner of said property appealed therefrom, and has now offered to settle his appeal if the City will award an additional sum of $200.00; and the Commissioner of Finance and the Corporation Counsel have reoommended that said offer be accepted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the award as fixed by said Council File 90541 for the taking of said property be increased to a net sum of $740.00; and the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay the same upon a dismissal of the appeal and as°ra co" proper showing of title. "r °.",e m aa�vacxa?ir �w Y.as COUNCILMEN/ Ad.,d by chc Council Nays 19 /convoy t93I Dnnald i xpM,.�ea.,id— snndc. CITY OF ST. PAUL r ��� NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sEo gg rvP.rt onir. WHEREAS, By Council File No. 90541, approved November 2, 1931, the Counoil made a net award of damages In the sum of $533.00 in the matter of taking the southerly 20 feet of Lot 119 Blook 4, Nagoffin & Breckenridge's Addition, in the matter o1 widening University avenue from Dale street to Park avenue; and WHEREAS, The owner of said property appealed therefrom, and said owner has now offered to settle his appeal if the City will award an additional sum of $150.00; and the Commissioner of Finanoe and the Corporation Counsel have reoommended that said offer be accepted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the award as fixed by said Council File 90541 for the taking of said property be inoreased to a net sum of {883.00, and the proper City offioers be and they are hereby authorised to pay the same upon a dismissal of the appeal and proper showing of title. C MEry WP !912 Ycae cou Nays] Ad."d b, rhe Council 19 -�Co.roy �• Y PPr°°c,-- 19 I"\LrWJIi LU McDonald Ia (twos P oscn � f Agaims � W Presid— B—dim l U4 CITY OF ST, PAULc NO'-_, • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK X ;LNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM heacw WSimx7Axxix — — . .r 1fHEiiil6, Ia the matter of the opening, widening and extending of University avenue from Park avenue to Dale street, the City of Saint Paul took and oondemned the southerly 20 feet of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 13, Stinsonle Division, for street purposes; and WHZREkB, The counoil of the city of Saint Paul duly confirmed $an 4,680 award0 iwhichgaward of such was dulraaccepted by and paid to Ingvoldetad Lumber company, a corporation, the former owner of said condemned portion of said lots and the present owner of the remainder thereof; and HHffiVAB, Said award of damages contemplated the demolition ng ocated pand removal of ortion of saidhe lotsrtion andthe refacing lanid condemned dlrebuildingnofathe front has petitioned theng; and Counailwforepermissionsaid ntoomove saIdstad id buildinber gintact to the rear_ id lots so that the same shall be located north of the new etrlae of University avenue, and to use the same there- after, upon the condition that said Ingvoldstad Lumber company sball ppay, by way of refund, the sum of =1424.00 to the city• and which em is the valve of said building for removal as fixed by the Commissioner of Finance, and HHERM The council deems it consistent with public interest that said pet it l0a be granted, conditional upon the refundment to said city oY said gum of =1424.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Ingvoldstad Lumber company, the owner of Lo%a 20, 21 and 22, Block 2, Subdivision Of Block 13, Btinsonle Division, an addition to the City of Saint Paul, eao it the southerly 20 feet thereof taken for the improvement of University enue, be locatedionhereby lots, and all Otnd hermitted to cause the structures now located thereon, to be moved to the rear of said lots so that the same shall be lo- oated north of the new street line of University avenue, and to subsequently use the same, all upon the condition that said Ingvoldstad Lumber company shall pay to the City of Saint Paul the sum of Four- teen Hundred Twenty-fpur Dollars ($1424.00) by way of refundment of such portion of the award of dagoes sa confirmed by the Council In the sum of =4,SBO.00 heretofore paid by the city for the taking of the southerly 20 feet of said lgta. 7q 5 ,p�2 courvci / 19 Adord by ,6r Council p,- Yne Nays Approve. 19 McDonald N fa.or P�arcc ---- - / MAyoe Rosin Agmen c.aheener. iCUIiLI511ED 'f /'-" Mr. prnidc easdim City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, G, Limk .nd Lommlmionm .1 Ry—n— u�.r ii.� e„i••na• April 11th, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Couaeel, Building. Dear Sir: We enclose herewith petiti Oh of the Ingooldeted Lumber Coo,paW for permieslon to move beck their building located oa Lota 20, 21 and 22, Block 2, Subdivision of Block 13, Sti neon's Division, and®sed Sn the widening of 4niveraity Avenue, for which P they agree top a the e� of $1424.00 out of the award of damages f. -d t $1611-00- o. motion of Con®Sesioner McDonald thio petition .res referred to your department to prepare solution -110-ug the bulldlag to be moved back ae eat out in the petition. Your. very truly, City Clerk. TO THE :"ONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COU17CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. )::IN`ESOTA. PETITIO:? OF r GVOLDSTAD LUMBER COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR A "ODIFICATION OF AWARDED DAMAGES INSOFAR AS IT AFFE�TS: LOTS TWENTY (20), TWENTY-ONE (21) AND TWENTY-TWO (22),BLOCK TWO (2), SUBDIVISION OF ILOC� THIRTEEN (13), STINSON 7IVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, THAT LIES SOUTH OF A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND TWENTY (20) FEET NORTH FROM THE PRESENT NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE IN RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA: Being in the matter of the opening, widening and extension of University Avenue, frog: Park Avenue to Dale Street in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, Your Petitioner respectfully states to t,.is �N Honcrab":e Council that it is the record owner in fee of the land and premises hereinbefore described, and that this petition- er accented an award for damages in the sum of Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty ($4,680) Dollars, which contempla ted the demolition and removal of that no rtion of said building upon said land between the old and new street lines and reQuaing petitioner to reface and rebuild the remainder (front) of said building. T*:is petitioner further states that uoon fur- ther consideration of said award it concluded as a matter of expediency, scono.my and convenience that the award made to this petitioner be modified, so that this petitioner may re- move said building, its fences and sheds to the rear or north of this petitioner's property, exclusive of the southerly Twenty (5.20) Feet of said lots, condemned by said City of St. Paul for the widening of said 'University Avenue, and that it therefor, and as a conditlo:, precedent to a resolution to be made for the modification of sai—erd it will return the euro of Fourteen Hundred Twenty-four and no 100 ($1,424.00) Dollars to the said City of St. Paul, out of the award so made to this Petitioner. This petitioner has duly conveyed by ae In- st rument in writing the said Southerly Twenty (S.20) Feet of said real est :te and premises, in consideration of the payment of the sum of Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and no/100 ($4,680.00) DoAlars to thin petitioner, and WHEW -FORE, this 3:titione_ pray. for a mo.:- ification of the award made to it so that this petitioner may remove the building upon that portion of said real es- tate deeded to the City of St. Paul, and that it pay as a 'condition precedent to the resolution modifying said award the sum of Fourteen F—i—ed Twenty-four and no/100 ($1424.00) Dollars, out of the award made and paid to this petitioner, and that t'nis matter be set for he Bring at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of St. Paul, to be held on the _ day of April, 1932, at Ten O'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as said Council meets; and prays for such other and further relief as may seem just and equitable in the premises. INGV''LDSTAD LUMBER COMPANY By aee� — L Secretary -Treasurer. Albert J. Mueller, Attorney for Petitioner, E-922 FirstNational Bank Bldg., St. Paul. Minnesota. STATE OF 1"INITESOTA ) 3 ss. COUNTY OF R,V7,EY Albert Bergquist, being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says th t he is the Secretary -treasurer of Ing—ldstnd Lumb— Company, a corporation, the petitioner in the wit^in entitled matter; th..t the same is true to the best of his rnowledge information anti belief and as to such matters, he believes it to be true. �Ll6cti-Y 0� .�-ao,..4A.X Subscribed and swam to before me this Oth day of Apri1,1932. p� Albert J. Kfie11 Notary Pub ic, amse ounty, L'in . '-3' Commis si n xpiree Noy.20th,1935. TO Tff. ONCRABL', MgMEXR:; OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH.", CITY OF ST. PAUL, '1NNF,3OTA. 2^TITIO"0" L GVOL;)STAD LUMBUR COIJPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR A '07)VICATION OF AWARD^D DAKAG?S INSOFAR AS IT AFFECTS: LOTS T:._ITTY (20), 7if7,NTY-ONE (21) AND T"/_NTY-T&0 (22),BLOCK TNO (2), 31713DIVISION OF -LOC : T'fIR1^.M (13), ST12T30N -,IVI3I011, AN ,l DITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, THAT 1,173 SOUTH OF A LINE PARALLEL 11T?i AND T'Y:,NTY (20) ^.ET NORTH FROM THE PRESENT ]FORTH LIN" OF UNIV71.MITY AWL:Uu IN 1W.13EY C. U17TY, YINNrd30TA: Being in the matter of the opening, widening and extension of University A:enue, from Park Avenue to Dale Street in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, Your Petitioner respectfully states to t.is Ponorable Council that it is the record owner in fee of the land and premises hereinbefore described, and that this petition- er accepted an aware' for damages in the aum of Four.Thousand 31x Hundred Eighty ($4,630) Doll—, which contempla ted the demolition and removal of that oortlon of said building upon said lend bet.vesn the old and new street lines and requiring petitioner to reface and rebuild the remainder (front) of .aid building. Tr is petitioner further states that upon fur- ther consideration of said award it concluded as a matter of expediency, eeono:V and convenience that the award made to this petitioner be nodifi-d, so that this petitioner may re- move said building, its fences and sheds to the rear or north of this petitioner's property, exclusive of the southerly Twenty (5.20) Feet of said Iota, condemned by said City of St. Paul for the widening of said University Avenue, and that it therefor, and as a condition: precedent to a re --:solution to �a made for the naodlficetion of sail word it will return the sum of Fourteen Hundred Twenty-four and no 100 ($1,424.00) Dollars to the said City of St. Peal, out of the award so made to this Petitioner. Thie petitioner h:,s duly conveyed by an in- strument in writing the said Southerly Twenty (S.20) Feet of said real eat to ud prsmi:eo, in consideration of the payment of the sum of Four Thousand Six Hundred Elahty and no/100 ($4,880.00) Doblars to this petitioner, and WHIMR:FOrt4, this p titione, prays for a mo.- iflcation of the award made to it so that this petitioner !-.V remove the buiiding upon that portion of said real es- tate seeded to the City of St. Paul, and that It pay Be a condition precedent to the resolution modifying said award the sum of Fourteen Ifunired Twenty-four and no/100 ($14n6.00) Dollars, out of the award made and p.dd to this petitioner, and that t,ie natter be Bet for hearing at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of St. Paul, to I.e held on the _ day of April, 1932, at Ten Olalook A. M., or as exon thereafter as said Council meote; and prays for such other an.' fu the relief .ia may Neem just :aid equitable in the premises. 114GYiiI.DSTi') LIP.01ER COMP141Y By Albert Bergguiet. See—tary-Treasurer. Albert J. Mueller, Attorney for Petitioner, -922 First liational Bank Bldg., St. Paul, 11inresota. 3T.lT:: OF 11128 SOTA � as. COUNTY OF RICti,SY Albert ?er gquist, being first dulysworn upon —th deposes and says th t he is the ,ear'.Lary-treasurer of Zn&-voldat ui Lumbar Camparw a carpo ration, the petit—ner in the witiin entitled natter; th t the o.ne is true to the beat of his ''—owledge lnfomation .ond belief and '.a to such mutters, he believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to bofora � me this 8th day f Apr11,1932. c Alba t Mueller, ub Note�ylic, Ramsey County, Min . , Commie cion expi—a Nov.20th,1935. b NO COD N�CILMEN—ROL fION ,�� / >w+r. 1 f April 12th_ 9!._. -DONALD .n .SMS Pence nosery rUNT . Ns '- VED. f" e01µ001]3 3 2. o sn OF 7 6 :s MR PPwes BUNDLIE .Eo o NU—11E 37 7 37rr3 �. 101.,aoLLen IPPR*co er? E cauNac _ .. .. �i° .nnnovcc a ~ $ IY /I U "T —_- -- - TOTAL cNecn IN FAVOR OF -o .Sven se uasswe 71T I eINn �uMaen �rccnsIT NoucMr -AND 7,590 21j�4_842. 3707 Catherine M Claughsrty,duardian40 OOI, 1120,337 ISI 3708 Foley Broe Inc. Co. s, 955.0 1, 'i 3709 Commonwaiith Electric Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 40 Ii 3710 0 3711 John Lennon 40 g 3712 Anna Wagner Peitaoh 28 8 3713 Elfride. Soderberg Co. 19,584 1 3714 Healy Plumbing & Heating �5 C 3715 3716 Caleb Hae- Kenney, Uiohaud Agency Inc, 612 g4 0q1 3717 A. Asohenbrenner 542 6qi �I 3716 Farwell,Oxmun,Kirk & Co. 161.7gq 3719 F.G. Leslie Paper Co. 10 8 3720 Royal Typewriters Co. Inc., 178 26 3721 Simonson Lumber Co. 82 32III i. 3722 A. G. Spalding & Br o a. 88 101, 3723 Villaume Boz & Lumber Co. 138 7 3724 John H.MeDonald. Com',of Fin '.. x 53 4111 11 372 372 . Ed. J. Deragisch i 218 50I 1,90j 001 3727 Healy Plumbing & Heating Co. 44 9828 3726 BancNorthwest Company dol' 3729 Adam Halbotb 3730 Minneapolis SecuritiesCorp. 9,561 DO Aiii ee fix Pearl motor salol- 44 3731 P. B�uarlen 163 6 2 9, 373 Berglund Lumber Co. 91 141 3 J. w. Goer 307 9C 4 D, & E Mar -hall Co. 3 25 3735 9t. Paul Blue Print Co. 41 47 3736 3737 G. Sommers & Co. Ellerbe & Co and Holablyd & Hoot 3,015 6' 3736 Bureau of Municipal Research 250 clE 3739 Carl P. Herbert Pavlecka 11 1 0 OOI j 3740 Raymond P. 3 2W 3741 Review Publishing Co. 12 471 3742 American Can Co. ',. 7 441 4411 3743 Anohor Insurance Co. c, o. Boyum 10 'l 3744 Co. 469 71" 3745 Cities service 011 Co. 7� , 3746 Dealers Furniture 2 25 3747 M. F.Falk Yaper Co. 14 8'2 3746 • The Firat Natl Bk of St.Paul 4 45. 3749 m. A. Gedney Co. 119 5 0' 3750 Don Haynie 1196 50� 3751 375,23 w. T. Koop Agency W. A. Lang, Ins. Co. 9955 9 24I .. 3754 Lilly Cullen & Co. T. P. Lowe & Co. 5f 421 1' 375 Maendler Brush Company 24 26I11 3755 3756 Northern Coal & Dock Company 460 106 541.' 3757 Peilen & Pau n 24 30'', 1 3758 Pioneer Electrio Co. 34 16' 375 q 3761 Prioe 1; eotric Co. Jos • A. Roger., Agency Ino. 78 o0' . 3761 3762 A. Runge 9t.Pau1 Builders material Co. 12 00- zO 791, 3763 spool Cotton Co s�ce, Tor 7, Fc`: cn 3c7, .. �° ��..e.. 669 COUNC.IL,RESOLUTION "" No.__.��_ '7 .4 uva,—*Vora o. rrso,ecrs • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of • tweContract Committee and rejects all bide received for paving the widened portion (East Roadway) of Concord street from 134 feet northwest of Curtice street to Annapolis street, as bide received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, procuring the necessary materials through the Purchasing Department, as provided by the Charter. &u; 8775 .o--..,..—.17,800.00 •- City•Aid 31E7- - - - - - - - - - - - i \l April 12, 1932 11\ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Oeatlement The Contract Committee hereby recommends that all bide received on the following work be refected, as same were 1n ..case of the Englnjer's Estimate, and the work be done by City Force Account: P.B. #97 751 of Co at Roadway) cord Street dfrom 124 feettnorthw set of Curtin, Street to Annapolis Street Respectfully submitted, THE 7TRAC .OMYITTEE Cha lane - ,% A 0. _ CITY OF ST. P/A'UL tib[ NO. :7�Cv��l FIG. F EIT•Y, V - C`L E GENERAL FO April 12, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving University Avenue from Dale Street to Park Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 91617, approved February 3, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above ..ww�- named street between.ecue points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Company Y-' c.uu nC.i:_rn Ery N., C -- Y In (a... -�Ptattt -� Rosen Against Sy16inR Mr. P—.d— Oundle Adopted by be Coon I U Approv,.d _ 19 I LPPY.OXINATb QU.'AII'PIab FOR GA:: CONNECTIONS ON U'�IVL.'.Z;JTY AV:.NUE FI',Du [),LE SM EET TO MA, i+V -NUE S,q - Nue+ Gas C--cti—S 1 - New Gas Main on north aide Extend all present gas connections tD now property Sine. Dr AL /r;c/n/as Mier & 775,n Nam Bry . Cc.�" r = a QJj}.490 /y o,/, 5" 87/ Universi{y Ave R>b h:Enm rk I- .N chaeirrJ oJohr NScrh 608 Un;versif Ave ^ w 4}609 Uz �fy A✓e. y �` � I �r_ �4 on nd Dora 7an.knol✓' Androw KKoehnenn Ir �" 1 °v to 310 Kenluc Fy St 63s Sherburx Hva j Gl {( " In ra/stall Lumber (.o. Marrs F Resnick l� q 9 l 6s7Marshe//Ave. l v � ~� A/ a",-/ i I i `K3 N S89Univrrsity Ave. ti�� tim I . �� ' �, M N 1ai�r/✓ s �ri�r�a✓rr A a a A � I j8'9L & M;� St � ti � \}:e>�M rifer%/A✓•. y 2 0� James Cornish Ot s 0 N 424 End'eott Bdg. Theo. Hmm 5670 ;✓ersi ty Ave. l E/iza4PogKenf Sf { 4 _ lAugusfw FGa ger u V John Akl&h,bh &,Ylchae/ ScA/eh ' i Bai%e Rasendha/ /762 Ave. cu N }`/•Anna L. Mar hkr n ,� S5/ U were:y Ave. lAde/Crr�Wgner Fran4'r�A/p.E 6aum ` J � o 0 1c �n.Fs St � 670 Asiiland//ii t. Apt // ��. J E//sworf/7 Came.on ro lHen yKmm:cS 4/9 Snc//ing Ave. So. o J 345 L ous St W N Chas. F & Ssrah Ann LandsfrorA ry }Apf. Ne/ 77 Mecaksfer Ave. J �W=°F Ga//-Agent \ r -I ry i%k,en D. Harfze/%ef % y' /367 Grand Ave{ �O u �\ 53/Univrrsity A✓e �Q Pat ick J iYen-d4 f ro " ' lA % E. ✓afjn �u0u 466 k! Centra/ A. v ° _ `�' A 1525 Un:vc si yAvr. n W It, N S' e/kow b N C j 498 W Un4Jersity Av{ °j v I u, E//a Sf and/off Hubert Franz f " 4 /37/B/air St p 56 E Sum mi t Aka. " �w Lie Fi ;stall A. a"ref Dao% ! (� o' s/4 W. Uni✓ers�ty Avl �s�fy Ave ✓. Louis & Luue E vin cu o a ro (� S. Ze ff Co. 202 Friedman 944., 4/9466vhs Sf.{ g ` 503 Z'l," Ay A✓n pY. /Ye/%e M Barrct� N I� W= & Ka /her:nc fbh/ /57 Ho. Lisle 5f { N ^ Jo vg }42/ Fu/kr Ave. Jp fank M`Cau/e Jl c� ✓scab SchmK/t Biy. Co. SO2 (/nivers Avc. \ J 1 0 0 } 882 W 7=h St (B ST. E/se Asmwser/ m l 497 W Un ✓ Ave. V 474 Mackubin St I J Patrick, YI`Grat/ 444Y o 1-✓ uuniuer9ityA,�{ �4 � s N' Aeo 6 ndAir. ,gp/2os Louie Sft7R ro l Joseph & Li//.r SnycFr 627 SE Anthony A W o � � (a Aurora Avr. �f ic.E ✓ i(ennedyf R A Slur &Cass B:nkowski /276 K s ttaan SST. ll N 447 Aurore Are. AngeAne & Oan/< R ssinj , y N lEd d 6:mb/e 309 Si b/eu Sf l � g - J493 Un reg /y Avr. Pote Oen Baer[' f � a� r - � �77emas � Avg si Weshn w /426 brand t/ye. ` o � y 475 Unrereiiy A.e. s Fanni Lazarus f o - ` J473 VA A. /. Levine 40/ E/o6e B n1g 473 Unw<rs: fq_ y7,-, C'ty Beddny kbrt+. 957/7.ce 2505 A/ 2/a5t� b1n Po Mn `O llym J,ckow 0.19. /�assini a " R o J 46s Universi/y Avt ,7 lNa/sh. 674 Econ B/�, Pau/ine Grosse H 270 Fob ch Ave. The American Fermi/y Laundry Ca. Joseph f. & Li//ian f. �ucius /� t i 4Ss University Ave. 781 Ash, 5erfrude A(y A/ErI a 4r $ w 444 Universi fy Ave. lAnnie W Bruckner Martin & Thrisa Emmen%// N ^� A J437 Sherburx Avr. 442 Univrroify Ave Edward F Thieves Anhenscrdisch, Inc. 344 Edmund St ~ `^ }264s University Avr. f1RU � 71 &n✓amin A. &Louis FW/te r v yj9r�arctha ThanwaN 438 U i rerei ty Aver. r /f - A. Hass Co. Isaec �G%n70n � „ N /875 Z,,- IA-41Z Umversify Ave.{ A�,7 FrrOEri k G Sch/ch ting Nervy Ma pe-ef L f () Q �" }490 Charles Sf. r/, R C. AugusFinan P inceton, Mnn — lAngus ✓ Came.an Samue/fL &May ,d /Y1etz erf 'Q ff Foresi Lake, Mnn. 424 Uni✓enify AK. Cf e /I Ar=f be/h Quinn r ^ 1366 Wabssha St 422 University Ave. V J. Loais.&Lucie Ervin Leuis & E/.ia6efh Mi%/er f a J202 Fr, d an g 4/6 Uni ✓crs.Yy Ave l _ O F 4/3 W,s�aa S. V Luce/4 E//iof p Leon G/eckmen �D �, �-Q// N!Uni✓ersify Ave. 2/68 Sar en f A✓e. \ Y✓^-' B. E// b 1 9 � Cb } 40 !/n: vers /y Ave L — {A 406 Universi ty Ave. V 4rederic.r A Ga<r, ver �405 Uni✓<roify Are. Homert/HyfC.. �S p 220 End'corr B%dg. I - _ \ \ iWery F�fersen cl,11 l 317 Univers l/fy Avc. ✓aures Quin iChris�P/rr Thon 394 University Ave. �W C N 39s Universi fy Av<. A Patrick Quinn k w E/vie C. Gund:ach 394 UniversityA.e. CA - - }3B9Uni✓crsity 4, xe A e. Pure LV/ C . Fred F 6u nd/ach /035 Met �h'ian C%nk B/dg,, � I 323 YV University A✓e. Minneapo/s, /N/�/mo. I II II _ -- — IIT I I II a i Ii Cb x N r � W- Dux-eta/ 353 Auro re AK. Therveesob A/'Jk Cb 1 N o A 3700nireniJyAK_ `� Ednvro'F fz & Agnss M PoJhsn }R'r view J�al,cn 2/s/ Bufkr,gW Clarks 8 Jkss r A K + -�—`C }Gco. I✓ 6>� r 5, c A 6erdnrr 3C2 UniKrsi ly + 1 N /3J End'cofJ B. '.r Q _ }��nb.srh dJey.c ,4 &Oilc.9ezW 7�3Y J23 A! Conn Are. a o IST J-I -� — It-- Ake. Then /14-- Brg Ca. E. Minneha7t Si LoJ,tie; Usaph% cl('1+:h r Bernhsnlf C. R. GrrLrr 9', trope/ion Of r'ce /004 Fairmount Ave. aurl /+iwse A Thur C men•✓% `� ' ^ char H Gerber i I I to sop I A. E.Be/en'arnin � _may N �•}h6YA'ssm 17277 y/yedicArh BB/dpp. 92/ Univrrer'iy Avc. aA �A j A'1'nneapo/ri, M.hh. I A rl y � o Fig R/ H a 0 A. Wes fn J(�Q� Geo. Forest Lak<, Minn.l I 'A� O 49/ Aurore A- oJ _ a 4o7 So. 4') t/S M �:, h1'nn.l 0 -- --- _ �✓e y �' n P l � OhlC TRAC q w J M 1 -'-br _ _ _ IY-lhwesl Theafrc Cirur Robert ✓ 0 rrschmrd /6 i-- fy Are. J Regia Rolhschi/d& E/'. /arieA/r (zj A 7 Jemes9-d, /S 3 mmr ve. �" 0 260 FarringJnn AK. }Robed �'. Soh., 56/dhee%r& FbnCrlEr/ �9�// 19n` .�,�,�tn �� 2d7J'✓Univers� yAr<. 294 GAPS i durof Arr. - ^� ✓hn ✓and ca ni'na 4�`�� #n Anna D,v/r,rh zno[/i !/X�ra 1 2d761-1111, Arr. .y }FTl,' Nar t� 71.r �r/Art. � � � - ^ wN y, st Reg,s MarysBa k!�/nir Are:'Jo s.,A..ai zze WA" --1 x//'<. o� 4� A }6SE 32o St 2z1i Thomai f' 8 Kath�ri�.MNa J fS27a/o r E/.z. /brier Le- L / Uni rerfi Jy A_ . 6 a W �}263er/6M.ga.1K nz 5wen Be /and C _ Unirersr fy Are. 824 A.rrcade Sh - C. •/ rem eh.R Matto 26/{t�U rrersi frJ �e. L N-fV F a Is7!✓V f.9Y I +� Qp 1Unire.-sr�yAre. • -ll � �', � � fThen. Hann ggry. (a 4s/ ;V& TIER ST. Mary-A. Rol/imund � m $ � 1SlarpGrd O'/Co V + [u //ph6gies< nn� Th6smbTa Bek Resnick {� }A� wF.hAmon r ^ 2°0W lenf a/A A/Ber-! P /I--- ............ fer 913� °o MAR/O/Y r , Baas/ph y aqp? 224 Aurora Ave. d7l Marron SY le/ s. /v Anne/f � z/C h! Unirersi y Are. 7XW-ll Car. B,rrqq O W S 8A'� Ced.Sis. I }Na Agnen N.rr// N k - 4 0 � Ns YY Un, re.ar'ty AK. � o � � � � � ✓ A. Ro eau }/9JW Uni✓ersrfy Ave. ---- 1 \ nd w S anstrie, Anton IJA demon Anna A. S e � W � ti � & ✓ E ✓ohnron-TrwJees oi PG1" a � No.dkop Lodge N. d Sone of/brwa 929 Laune/Ave. J /I. 7rimsdah/ so/ End'rotf B/og 41/"- Dux-e6/ 3e5',3 Aurora Are. ✓.� Snei�� w 8�W l'!%r.Yersr fy Are. W^J. 176 E Mr'nne ahra 5l 0 416 No. Smithf7/ o� pa W J. Murphy ........... 97C E. M.hxhal/a 2 T/Yh3oDMmB.7,,,=; neddfia� 5G� 3 � Qt � Mery Fi'f:geraH-E/"zahelh 4e.nt/rrbi C �w� /4d Sherburne AK. K � � And 6 Mark ti^ 76 W'/kin St Y N Rce 5# B/d Co \ u, W /^ I 4— y, R-e mosy,Rce&sn N \ q✓ A4asorr /620Poneer91-19. 362W Mi �neh�dSf W �p Erwin C. 'h/ein �0 t,. 966 So. Mise. hirer B/rod r —�J (n /2o93o. 4m5f, J /zz R —L J x -- 7- ER.._- 1 }North o Cent !/ ;rersi'izj Are. 1Rose K B cnrua N g � Ci-, � � }/o6 Wnlri 3t �' \ . Norwegian E an¢ Luth Cong. O U irers.ly & �brk A✓es I -- 4 II i i II o,.<,....o ..... �.. CITY OF ST 114 L r�a �_ NO_ 921U8 i.ommissiomre FFICE OF CITY LERK • _.—_ L TI L F M on.r April 12, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving University Avenue from Dale street to Park Avenue, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. 91617, approved February 3, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of rublic 'corks be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account 1-1-1-11N Nay./ Co. roy " M�Donald In fa,or Pear« -� Ronrn Aga�anr Mr. Rrr.id— b.ndI., "°Eoo7 Y— Ad.,d by b, C__j a SPG 11 1'Mr9 19 n,r ai w i ,-7/ U 1111111;15 a J `8A T, ; s;'fy 11 �— h & Miehae/ sch/ /� Pinehu 3—t Ave. rt �Oa N £ y AAA Angus -'C--, 635 Sherburne H✓e m ^' � I v�— C/azs. P. Arz f }366 Morrs F %t'e n%ek 6J7 Manrnn // A✓r. lv' C, i ., Lo &Lucie :n 2oz 2, 4/9 WaPasr�ia 5`1 ir07' Avc /2 r h3f &Minn. 57' 12 4// u,;--, fy A✓c. Frederick A. 6-1- ac 1-405 �o m' aNmt> " James Co—eh Ots Mary fel tersen 397 Univers/fy A✓r. End'cott BHg. J14424 T/— Namm 8 . Co 6A/E Minneha�,3/ ^ LLL E/:a Poque j y 47o Kent Si l A� 4 John W khk /762 Fa 670 E n 1397 6�. n Ave. Pat ick J Kennedy � 466W Centra/77 w49e W U/4✓9e�J tyAw{ \ Hub f Fianz le,t S6E Sum mit A✓a.{� hl .qgar<f Ooo sFQ ry! J ;rensy Av{ ✓. Lou" A Lucie Ervin 202 Friedman 51d4., 4/3WaLasha S1 Ne/%e M Barnff { /57 Ho. Alk Sf ` Fank MSC u/ey SO2 Un/Lersrfy Ave. 474 474 ,9am� sen ackubin Si. Pat /s yJ`Grefb 444 Uni vers/ 7 gt An"tho 152StWo 627 ng i Pati ck ✓. %ennep /2761r— ttan SY f%ngehne &, Banfe_ 15' 309 5/ b/ey arr [' � 476 Gera nod y✓e. Fank & Sa.rouc/ Yank</,vf� y r ;n G fy BeCdng K6r.F 957 Rr<. Georq H,-PAn 23-05 W. 2Kr 5t IV, 'Pe.om, M. D.O. Rossini y Thomas Walsh. 674 Erd/'colf B/c Pauline Grosse 270 Eum'rich Ave. Joseph E & Li//yn . ucius 78/ As/i/and Ot. Gertrude IV- A 444 !/ni ✓ersi fg Ave. Nlarfin 442 Une e e/fy Ave �w4d Ed and Sts &n�amin 438LU i✓ r fy/Avg Isaac cknwn 41z z/11 ✓ rsify Ave. Nervy Ma pe -e1 L y R C. Augustman Princeton Mnc Samuel N & Ma � 1 M ` 420 U--�fy Ayer E/ia6r/h -- 422 Un.versi fy Ave. Loos �° 4/6 Uni versi fy Ave. Leon G/eckman 2/68 Se genf Ave. W'//'am E. Aladsen 406 Uni✓ers�,tfy 4Awe. y220e Endicott 394 Un!✓ers/ry me $a/rr firx. Patrick Ou%nn 394 Un/rcro i ty Art iLre Oi/ C . y /035 MefropoM nne%/dginn. 0 A� Aw 2� y 2 to h & Miehae/ sch/ /� Pinehu 3—t Ave. �_ mw � d" "90 N £ y AAA Angus -'C--, //sworf/7 Cameron 4/9 Snc//any Are. So. � m 0 ` John W khk /762 Fa 670 E n 1397 6�. n Ave. Pat ick J Kennedy � 466W Centra/77 w49e W U/4✓9e�J tyAw{ \ Hub f Fianz le,t S6E Sum mit A✓a.{� hl .qgar<f Ooo sFQ ry! J ;rensy Av{ ✓. Lou" A Lucie Ervin 202 Friedman 51d4., 4/3WaLasha S1 Ne/%e M Barnff { /57 Ho. Alk Sf ` Fank MSC u/ey SO2 Un/Lersrfy Ave. 474 474 ,9am� sen ackubin Si. Pat /s yJ`Grefb 444 Uni vers/ 7 gt An"tho 152StWo 627 ng i Pati ck ✓. %ennep /2761r— ttan SY f%ngehne &, Banfe_ 15' 309 5/ b/ey arr [' � 476 Gera nod y✓e. Fank & Sa.rouc/ Yank</,vf� y r ;n G fy BeCdng K6r.F 957 Rr<. Georq H,-PAn 23-05 W. 2Kr 5t IV, 'Pe.om, M. D.O. Rossini y Thomas Walsh. 674 Erd/'colf B/c Pauline Grosse 270 Eum'rich Ave. Joseph E & Li//yn . ucius 78/ As/i/and Ot. Gertrude IV- A 444 !/ni ✓ersi fg Ave. Nlarfin 442 Une e e/fy Ave �w4d Ed and Sts &n�amin 438LU i✓ r fy/Avg Isaac cknwn 41z z/11 ✓ rsify Ave. Nervy Ma pe -e1 L y R C. Augustman Princeton Mnc Samuel N & Ma � 1 M ` 420 U--�fy Ayer E/ia6r/h -- 422 Un.versi fy Ave. Loos �° 4/6 Uni versi fy Ave. Leon G/eckman 2/68 Se genf Ave. W'//'am E. Aladsen 406 Uni✓ers�,tfy 4Awe. y220e Endicott 394 Un!✓ers/ry me $a/rr firx. Patrick Ou%nn 394 Un/rcro i ty Art iLre Oi/ C . y /035 MefropoM nne%/dginn. 0 A� Aw 2� y aaine n L.en ma/ %Anna Mars hkr ss/ Universi Sy Ave. kA� } �aEq/� r�Wgner �11�0 � 1}hod ✓enkr/Sf W ro }lle qX'—r-,ic,5 v�� 345 Laws St WA }Apt N^ 5.—h atrom }A3-25 ThUniur rrrsi E. ✓o is y9 _ Ela Sf a d/aPf �— /37/ '61.1, St /. LydFinsfad �+� "1 S/S Univers. fy AK 5. Ze ff Co. d Rlm C 509 Univrrs/fy Avr. �}42/Fu/k.-Are �Zc.i lJacob Schm:df &y. Co. E O 8B2W7�Sf � n m ST. 497 K.rhkr \ W Univ Ave. 0 1 Aa on . `smN o s6 andA�e..9j1 zas `�� }J44P'Aurora Are/e SnycFr k�AS uoEr & Cass Binkows.Fi A 447 Aurora Ave. rrP }Ed rd Gimbk 483 Universi fy Arr. �� —3 77,nrnas 8 Au is Weskn }475 Unvers� A.a }47/he, �w \ 473 Universi y Ar.. COf=wIJ .✓99 UniKrsi fy Are. k Ago 7 � W'-"Oickow R � 465 University Art. A*nA T/ie American Fami/y Laundry Co. mN - 4SS University Ave. $�I 441 �.9ame f e N! Bruckner &2A 7Shrrburx Arr. rtes AnbensarL4isch. /nc. }764J Uni✓ersi fy Arr %! arefha Than ek/ L mry — ,187S A. Haas Co. /875 Laurc/A✓r. d" "90 rmFr/ck G Sch/'ch fin Cfiarks S)` g I` y AAA Angus -'C--, Forest Lake, v�— C/azs. P. Arz f }366 "gyp !'✓bas ha Sf Lo &Lucie :n 2oz 2, 4/9 WaPasr�ia 5`1 ir07' Avc 4// u,;--, fy A✓c. Frederick A. 6-1- ac 1-405 �o 40 5Un; versify A✓e. � Mary fel tersen 397 Univers/fy A✓r. �'�IV }399 Un�✓3-i fy Ani.e. �— tE/sir C 6? 1389 University 4 38.9 —_JT 4 "A A 4CY1 So. Wa�ik Are. Erna schu-,ace« i c,,} 490 oak 3-f o o o� �}Fcs Un.rrrs.fy Ave. lCe• d Lbra Tan/rnofF �JJ10 Ke ucry Sf. �`� 8Zp 0 p� t'elN� gr /:1ao Lumber. I � I 3-0/W Unirrr:ity Arr I i I ; :^�w�1 Cen/.a 9ei//y J }sasU:rrrs.hyA �� �mA &EcoAd _m CE7/o srrandr ff /37// B.:9ir Sf �.� e O Ad ain Fax<s P imeau � �' CTS9 7U i✓e 3-i fy Are. 3 � J gym lAugu�lue FG grr k �ll� /7eJ B/✓� y�V \ aaine n L.en ma/ %Anna Mars hkr ss/ Universi Sy Ave. kA� } �aEq/� r�Wgner �11�0 � 1}hod ✓enkr/Sf W ro }lle qX'—r-,ic,5 v�� 345 Laws St WA }Apt N^ 5.—h atrom }A3-25 ThUniur rrrsi E. ✓o is y9 _ Ela Sf a d/aPf �— /37/ '61.1, St /. LydFinsfad �+� "1 S/S Univers. fy AK 5. Ze ff Co. d Rlm C 509 Univrrs/fy Avr. �}42/Fu/k.-Are �Zc.i lJacob Schm:df &y. Co. E O 8B2W7�Sf � n m ST. 497 K.rhkr \ W Univ Ave. 0 1 Aa on . `smN o s6 andA�e..9j1 zas `�� }J44P'Aurora Are/e SnycFr k�AS uoEr & Cass Binkows.Fi A 447 Aurora Ave. rrP }Ed rd Gimbk 483 Universi fy Arr. �� —3 77,nrnas 8 Au is Weskn }475 Unvers� A.a }47/he, �w \ 473 Universi y Ar.. COf=wIJ .✓99 UniKrsi fy Are. k Ago 7 � W'-"Oickow R � 465 University Art. A*nA T/ie American Fami/y Laundry Co. mN - 4SS University Ave. $�I 441 �.9ame f e N! Bruckner &2A 7Shrrburx Arr. rtes AnbensarL4isch. /nc. }764J Uni✓ersi fy Arr %! arefha Than ek/ L mry — ,187S A. Haas Co. /875 Laurc/A✓r. d" "90 rmFr/ck G Sch/'ch fin Cfiarks S)` g I` y AAA Angus -'C--, Forest Lake, v�— C/azs. P. Arz f }366 "gyp !'✓bas ha Sf Lo &Lucie :n 2oz 2, 4/9 WaPasr�ia 5`1 ir07' Avc 4// u,;--, fy A✓c. Frederick A. 6-1- ac 1-405 �o 40 5Un; versify A✓e. � Mary fel tersen 397 Univers/fy A✓r. �'�IV }399 Un�✓3-i fy Ani.e. �— tE/sir C 6? 1389 University 4 38.9 [. -eta/ "A A 4CY1 So. Wa�ik Are. /c/,/ c/ )o U --IRchfy A✓e. WE- R W- Dux -eta/ 353 Aurora Ave. The Mhnesafa MYk Co ry i e {� 370 Un:✓trai fy Ave. rt� n W -- �T�'1 `C ���eew Sfet:s�n2/MB�/erAve. Charles e ( A v e `C 1Gea. 6 r/ c H Gem eyr. 362 (/Hive si y /33 Etta if Bry. � rn� �� z. i✓acob Soh �- 3 d/ Br9 c. J ae2w7WA 32 W Coma Ave. �-�-l'� .. rt l I; -g / E M�nne/+3 5f Lo{ .e Joseph:nc Nssh {j lI L Bernha.df C. ,Y &-l— C�� flocis f Ce l \ ^... krn"' /00a F ;r—f Ave. Afh�rC er_✓r �V�' '� se E Sf rn Al-\ W i E Q'�Chas h' Grhtr n 33/Uni✓erJ,"{yA I I I AE. Ben aurin t W//•hissin Q i727Medica/✓Arfs B/dy. A� a - �� �3z/ Univeral�AYe. �'�� �neaPa/s, hTnn. � pT1 LA aA I Al/E. OA. Ws{.n a rn�c'Geo. J Ka er m Forest Lske, Mann. _ I C�49/ Aurora Arc. z H</s B uce 0� 40790. 4St MP /s'., Mien. -"-'""-"-""--"-- 0 m ..... Pauli' Ho wwKK/SC. —;c, RAC u w ✓ M rus, Oh:o.� /Yorf//Wesf Thea{- Cirrui{- w a " " Roherf J 0 /6-E Xh Sf. rn •s.�� � bs4 Un%ren%{y Are. 0 J ✓gimes Bride Z Summi ve. Arno 260 Farre ng /on Arc. E/' he If fbrLew 1Roberf Sch.n 56 Wheeler & R1 rst e i n B eae Muro ��_ 217WUnivtrsr yAre. .Tohn J. and Ca )*che/Anab.s2P Wy .�naE e ��i �' �. } 267 Unirer ly Ave. 3Saau k My % �r F/orAr a�AI�wA N }y6SSfE �3egiietzee ' n .ase hi nsU,�/ las; s srh N� Ce', Mp/n.. M'nn. A Thomas F. & Riihrix M Ma Salome J Grhrke 272W v`niKJ27/ Un s; fy Ave. Eli fbrfr Le �' yN/ ekr&Rifer:r<soea nK,• j k-- --.p 1Hbc /d,rk,ge. f,r ni 9.ven Btrg/ural f 3 A '$ - J263 /✓U rs�/y Awe. 824 Arsad st jl �il A z''L W jJ �em,ab R M /�., 2s7W u i R chard f/ 45/ A/dineFSf. Mar A.L Ro{bmund 0 .v, �, lSfardard 0.'/Co S/R AAre. rn^ �rn� t� 3�& Commerr.e/S.6. h 6less 1 ���e 5rb, 'N%n Andrrw F,hharon Becky Resn%ck rnc>, N. ;' r s'vrn� �}suAshGndAve. 200 NI Cen{ra/ A A/her{ P Herscfi/p r � .p � lr�n psen n.;�,l e. 230 N/ Un:✓ersih✓A. k W Hz3 Merch. Bk. BHj... m Re/dn99 SheP/cy,lnc. = v N' y ✓amb Slv57.' Co -0 2/6 i✓!/nirersi fy A � � I ', y 882 h!7t St 0, rn� S I , I _L4-- hMR/O/Y r - 1Rub/ h N Lbgqps ✓oh224 Au m t�ve. �n {ten _ � w rn a Addie /Y,//,,In 6, o y W }B79 Marion Sf. " 6 }/34/ L/1 ro/n Ave._.. Thorwakl C Borqq O ry (.� o NICO Bea Cedar Sys. lfar Agnes H r// �N Y. — `N.�� � Bs�t! Unireraify/lve. A� g �� a�\ \ ✓A. Rasseau `C /9J d✓ Uni✓erai fy Ava. ""-iO�H"�' 1 V drew S.✓ansfr:e, Anion UA demon Anna A. Spence \VmN & J f. ✓ohmm� -T tykes of 929 Lau,e Ave. Nardkop Looe Ho. d Sons of/hrway N mti �A.✓A. 7rimsdah/ 50/E�'roNB/dg. Po 31.3 Aurora Are. ✓. 6eo. Hm�neler \ ZA 279 Stier urne Are. O I, d�W�/7n.t•ers.fy Avr. Wm ✓. Mur h n ' � � �A �' Al y rn� 176 E hlnne aha Sf. Q , W N Mf6ea {rL j 1 "�om� 416 /10. Smith 7/ rn� S N--/ A4urphy rnv $A 976 E Miix{ia/x Thomas Seen e x - ' Q 30AEnd �o ff Bk ���� L � larohi/e Sand Brf ll m� N' NA H� Meryy Ft<gera.H-E/ieirlh V -M -i /S2 11!Milne paha S{� W /4g Sherburne N`r. s O H V Wi/k;n Sf:- JJ'enew with new 3 4 con/, _ Lipin area k be paved. Renew with new % conn.�- f in area fo be paved. - I B.o..gh/or, Roe Sf B/d . Co. \ cn t. ,�+ k � / I N •.� � /.yy�,o„ /6zo P.onter Bldg. y R.ce 9t 9>a fe Bsnk i I � ply 5e ✓o G 5 h id w` u�p ro�1 362W Minnehe /�e �f I � y E nrn C. U /e:n —moo � �- 966 So. Miss. 7%rer B/✓off (� 1209 .5o. 4'Msf., �p/.•Min ...-. _ ' I x --' 7- TER 1 l/I rfn Cenf a/ B.H' A soc. 0 —o Rose l� g/StniUs N g I �2m }/06 W -n ter St Cy r.veg,an E✓an Lut/4 bong –i_--__- _— I L -- 4 I II Council File No........ _Jf- I U9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _ 3 ../ end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodeasigoed here Ly propuare the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi:.' ,tiog t�nth eucurbia atlk the cornerso of LhecCollowl e€.i sUr eetsintersec tions Laf and Street from Dale Street to St. »_bins Street 'Marwick Avenue Crom Hartford Avenue to t'ae North LLine of Otto Hunt's Ad, ition Arcade Street East Nebraska Avenue from Payne 1--ue to gerton Street from Rose Street to Jessamine Street Ed Charles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street Stryker A-" from Colorado Street to Winifred 11-1tCretin Avenue from Summit Avenue to St. �1air Street Congress Street Crom Bidwell Street to Bel Lows Street SSmpson avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway wa Parky Fairmount Avenue fregscal Av enuee tooSimpson Avenue Thomas Street from Pascal avenue Crom Lafond Street ',o Thum -s Street South side Bsker Street from Charleton Street to msec-, dt r:et Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street South side Scheffer Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd. Thorn Street from Earl Street to Mounds Perk CharlesS treet+Prom AvonVStr:et tovV is to ria Street�� Stryker Avenue from Colorado Street to Winifred Street Cretin Avenue from Summit venue to et. Mair Street ,4. Congress Street from i3l ",'-ll Street to Hellas Street Simpson ;venue from F—kson Avonue to Midway Parkw sy Fairmount Avenue m PascalFinn AvenueAvenue too Cretin Avenue Simpsun Avenue Thomas Street from Pas c=;1 Avenue from Lafond Streat :o Thames 8trestlas ca Str-='t Southside Baser Street f'—m Cilarleton Str,.a to C_ipitol avenua from Lexington Av enuo to Ox. ord Street South side Schaff ..r Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd. o Mounds P�.rk Thorn Street from barl street Mx. Paeeinea^r = r oAc n u.aM rxt ,� vUBLISI IED ,j7b u gFLaeF LLOm Pg1T PFL-aV ;o WIa-'JR butt[ tion✓L Cnuna grog• P—Cfy sT90 nOpr Urc oCLSST uLOpf CLeFjU VAenaG FO C°bTOT VA,urrS -tom pexju6roq grLaep ,,qe n�rrcc .frueFr T",:e CVVLrnrnu PC" ;r ,:0..-?rL:,.r u,l nrlc-•f ., y�inm 2 ^r�. r.:r.:; ,r iii Lc iin ff11 i, Tv,. �mnu'e;naane ro - er �..,i�: cn,pu .. :.r io I•Ic.f ':.r �Ft..,r -P; .' !n 1 . 1., , nTJS .l Lc LrTe ^Ft : row.,, „'fc D ua thie lath aay mf April, 1BN _ cama��iman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makimg of the following improvement, Construct sidewalk extensions to connect exlstlng sidewalks to the curb at the corners of the following street intersections Lafond Street fr - Dale'treet to ot. -'_bans Streot 'Warwick Avenue from Hartford Avenue Lo the North Line of Otto Hunt's Addition East Nebraska AV -nue from Payne AV ,iue Lo Arcade Street Edgerton Street from nose Street to Jessamine Street Charles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street Stryker Av^nue from Colorado Street to Winifred Street Cretin Avenue from Summit Avenue to St. Mair Street 'd. Congress Street From bi'w-,11 Street to Bel loea Street Simpson Avenue from Frnkson Avenue to Mideay Parkway Fairmount Fvsun e from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue Thomas Street from Pascal AV enue to Simpson Avenue Pascal Avenue from Lafond Stre^t '.o Tr•.omns Street South side Baker Streat from Charleton Street to Baseca Str.et Capitol Avenue frau Lexington ' anus to 0xl orc Street South side Schef-f it otreet from Cretin P.ve�iuc Lc Mount Curve Civil. Thorn Street from Earl otreet :o Mounds P:,rk M. Pasacoexr /�. v Mayor. r we•oe inns xrel �1•Ii13LISIIED � ,; -361 6OLV 9FL66F CRLAoLLl>IV FHLT RPL66F C.O pp' —qS ?,eLlc u ^f OiIUF FiTArI• - ?OAr'f, jj 7pL6GF "�LON (�LSFiU �/Ae+ilryV FO :^ T" r:r •.•A v r ono j,iOW^C�s7JL ,. n` L�.cY �FL66F` LLOm vAOn gFL'.;6F Fo Aic F<JLI ��ZFLeJsF HFLeer LLOm goae eFLeep FO ..14. mTaretfrFyP•aC •"tip L6a1<6 VAHffG LLOm TUXVG VAS== 4:;0 VLrf99 `2FiGaP �rro H-4pt. VQQTCTOn .L _ ✓ VA6.— 7,LOm jjBLFLOLQ yA6nR6 FO FPB FSOT•FP rTR6 Lo'oF• 9TP-8 8CL66F having her. pr WI, to the Council of the CILY of Vit. Pawl fl—dove, be it IMSOLVFD, That the Commis.ioner of Publie Work. be is hereby ordered and direeted: L To inve.tignte the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. 'r. inveetigate the —tore, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plea, profile or aketeh of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoin mattere to the Cmmi..ioner of Fire— ,*R s 1932 Adopted by the Council..... ....-... ........ Yens Tiara C uneilm.n- pa• Approved _....._. _._ ,�,,,.,p,.s. _lam` M. Paasrnaxr .o.,��cn urxm rnvr VUBI,ISHFD 36- M` elr L1 By C. D. Jones, 1473 Edmund St_ Canned Nile N.... 92110 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The..dersig.ed hereby propos,, the making of the following pobli, improvement by tho City of St. P.nl, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and .repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Edmund Street beginning 139 feet east of Pascal Avenue, thence west_ 20 feet, i Dad thi. d.y If w,F PRELIMINARY IVHE'REAS, A written propos.I for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. Reconstructing, relaying. and-_r.epairint; the. sidewalk _... __.. on the north side of Edmund Street_._ beginning 139 feet 044t ___... of Pascal Avenue, thence west 20 feet. .._.__. .....__._.. having been presented to the C --it of the City of St. Paul _.......... _. th—d—, be it RESOLVED, Thst the Commis.ioner of Public Works be and ie he.by ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the ..king of mid improvement. 2. To i.vestigate the n,t,m, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the tots) coat thereof. 3. To fomieh . plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three ar more ownere. 5. To report opo. all of the foregoing matters to the C.medmio.er of Fl... Adapted by the C.t..il — APR 13 1932 Y.A. N— C ... til— eveCouncilman (1--- ved F— `�. App—d— M.. PP _ ____ _...._..._... Mn. P...mexr 3 Mayo, e o.m e w n rani rnr / papil.lSlll,D Petition t - Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPIJOVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undomigmed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Curbing west side 9.f Faaoal. Avenue from Stanford.... Avenue to Jefferson Avenue... -- Dated thin 13th_ day or April, 192 12 . a. sar (`nr ncilma ' a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WRER, A written propoeal for the ranking of the following improvement, 4u�a .r Curbing west side. of peogal . /Venn from.. Stanford_. _.. .. _.. Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. _.._. ....____._.__ .. . ._.._ ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Poul.... ..... _. . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cmnm mioner of Public Work, be and in hereby ordered oad directed: t. To investigate the meemity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sad estimated cont of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plm, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon att of the foregoing matome to the Commissioner of Finance. .adopted by the Comcil_.y Yens Nara �p� CouncilmanOmor.--.. ,l Riaaoeon'taApproved .i^� .. ... falDBam�. ., Ma. Pazamexr M8- � Yor. 1— as reu v.1 � I'1115LIJ. LL'.0 Request of Resident at 242 Edmund St. Council File No. _ _ .92.112 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigaed hereby propose the making of the following public i-provemeut by the City of St. Pant, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk onthe south,. side of Edmund Street. beginning 20 feeteast of.0aultiar- Street; thence east 40 feet. Dated this 13t h .day of April,_.1932. _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. •:i8.'r.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viii.: Reconstructing, relaying. and repairing ._the .sidewalk .. on .the ............ .. south side of Edmund Street beginning 20 feet. ea.At._of6.aultler. Street, thence east 40 feet. Laving been p—ated to the Council of the City of St. Paul....... ....._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the ateauty, for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent aad estimated east of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a Iden, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state wh,th,, or not mid improvemeut is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon dl of the foregoing mattam to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_....._ ..............._ h ..................... T_i 1Q Yxes Ness C.—iter an 906mak— MONOMON6 .APR }e.{:hft,:.:.. _ /Approved Ma. PxearnaesMayor. �P�ll51-IED ram re ra ns °av> � -/G� 2 92 1 I . 13 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ `v'" o`rn"in. tono.me�"` =om<m���s .nn r. "oro, u - B y O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the M.11,, of ---oterdng--wld-EXt WRon "-St� to--idth-nf 66 ft. from Snelinz ,ve. to line of St by t2kim and __C,nd,mn-Ing--tha-folloaing.L --- the-south-33-ft.--of-thA-nnrtb--J-�f -the-jwxth- Hefwt�p Ofhth , -jj� e e'. ?rjj—.tfjW',f a elffilyjv, no. also the north 33 ft.-oktE�esout� Y -of the northeast f -of the northeast i-.of--Sctictn-28,-To..ship.29,- Ra=e P3_1y:Lng bust—en th—west-l-i—f Winston St, produced southerly and Snelling Ave., --------------------------- _ - ------ ------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------- --- --- - I -- ------------------- umfe, Preliminary Or& ------------- 218aQ -----------____approved --- Kar-ch--1A­-19Z2 ----------- The Council of the City of P-1 having —wed the ,p.,tfth,Commissioner of Finance up— the , above imp—emem, ,it having considered .id report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the -me I. hereby approved and adopted, and the said mop ---t is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Th,t the --, of the impr ... ment which the C--] ---& lirif-A9 --to--the-meAtL line y ng and co gll.. the -south 33 ft. . of a.C-t1axL2a,-- Township 29,, Range 23 lying between the east line of Wynne's Ad}ition, ie northeast northeast f of Section t 28, Township 9, Range 23 Ave., . ith no alternatives, and chat the estimated cost thereof i, Resolved F,fth,,, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th ---------- I.Qlh ----- d.y of _xaxl_ 1QAZ ------------ NZtx--, at the h— of 10 .',I.,k A. Nf., i. the Council Ch—be, of the Coon H,,,, and City HMI Building in the City of St. P-1. said meeting to the Pe'e... —d m theoumne, p,,,.d,d nearing. mg, the of the ipm 'OW�vi end the total 19T That the Commissioner of Finance give —tim, of by the Ch—, -mg he time ..d place of f —t the— ae Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ App—ed ------------ -,7 C; aelk.— t' ----------------------- —M.'— C ... eilm.. FUBLKIIED Councilman Miiyo,)Mlw&{� Bundlie F— B. S. A." 92111 COUNCIL FILE NO By _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ Wide" thn _ intarsentioaof Winifined_&trmet_andBnuth Webashe Street on the northwest corner by adding thereto a triangular piece of_laofl_.n_tba_louthfas_t_C0LafS_R$__19t_S,_1)144k_ o2A__Wgst_ St. __ Paul _Pto2gF, measuring 17 ft. on the north line of Winifred Street and 15 feet on the north westerlX-line_ Qf_ Sp.._9PehaYl7d_StrEfL._Aild_F4ndf_mR7.ng_SLtd__t9k1.aG �gll_ 1Ra4� and easements necessary therefor, also changing the grade of the sidewalk abutting said_1at_fi_to__cvnfnr�_ta_Shs_grades_rsv�oaesi_aasi shvWa_na_Lhe_Bls_u_bQifto at- tached and made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown ther onr-alsn_nonstxuatlug new__sidewalk-r_nurbing_.and_pa-ing,_a d_makiag__the_neces- ary Chang s in existing sidewalk viag hyd ants and catchbasins for the imilra�fement__e_fthe__sYceaLa_ia_Fon--,rutY-wit4_t e-new__s_treet_1_Snes-ana_grades herein proposed, under Preliminary Order_________ 81585 _________________apptnved __MFeh___ _ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commission,, of Finance upon the abov ' mprov .mens, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the :aid improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. of win2%fie�`�`tiee`t` and`�OUi y`9faisasnfl lines and grades herein proposed, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $'ia2Si@%Q@•._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th e_____ IQth________day of May_,_1932_____________- tl0.3_, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of saiarind mting to the p o and in the nner provided `improvement by the Charter, stating the time and place of heg,eethe nature of the and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council________ __________ 192____ L _____t_--_ App roved_____ ___ _____ _192___ /J / City Clerk. L ___-���ia. ____ ___--- —Mayor. Councilman' C•nnm9 Coundlman'_Fergpgga, '��Op°Id PGBLIS16D— Co.-ifinan Myilt> t'u�rce � /Councilman R,Avn Counei Councibu mfayor anmmux Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By______________________________________________ n INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of____SeLnILSLzuGtinT:_Se].ay_ng_a➢ti_I'Ep31L111g_ Lhe_51'd811cr-- xhera_necassarX,- on_She_r'ast_side_of_P_rloz_Aeenua_Aeglen�ng__aS_ aur_el_ Avsaue,.-thence _snutb_ 11a _ feat,-------------------- - -- ---- - -- - --- ---- - ------------- under Preliminary Order____ 91972_ ____________________approved The Council of the City of Paul having re,ed the report of the Commner issioof Finance upon the A— imp—cracm, and having considered aid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__XEC0=±Xne4_: elay and.repair_the sidewalks_where_necessary,__gn_the-west _side_of_ Prior Avanue_.bu1on+ng _at_Laurel_AYahue,_ thence__sauih_Ila- feet ---------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_18x80._______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ______19tt- _______day of __m,'Ly.._l9°u5------------ M2X&, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamber of the Court house and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe�ao . av the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of ttie-"p' ent end the total cost thereof as estimated. Adapted by the Council----- ___ �_____ _____, 192____ Approred_________ -------------- _192___ % j�t uiZtt�ix _ �/f City Clerk. G ayor. councilman Councilman erpnaop,'-.:.-py Councilman Yigiiald PLNL"i Councilman. Councilman -- Councilman Vbuctek Mayordbd= Bundlie Form B. S. A." i),-' 116 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 4N-CONDEMXAjW PuIPIGS __ - "FRFO.) AND FM': 6 T!1- " 1A 13D OF DVAACES In the matter of__psadeginjug_ aad_toking_ an_easemeaL In tb.a_land senessary__for slopes, cuts and fills in the matter of grading and paving of Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Ave. to Hamlin Ave., wiera ra ion.— amap'ww o or ni. under Preliminary Order ---- 9145L ------- . ----- approved-_JBnnary--lB-r-1832 , Intermediary Ord er_______-81774-------------- approved__Febzuary_24,_1932______-- FindOrder 51939-_----------. approved --- March___ 22,_193_9_____________ The Commissioner of Fina— having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said ent of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the a un sse Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ 11th -------day of --_May - -----------. 1932, at ten o'do ek A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and hereby directed io to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council _____sR4.j .._ City Clerk. . Approved__.. _. ___ -____. 19---_ ✓, r , Councilman Conroy : ;, i,_ald - -- Mayor. PI-xi.IJ111.D f� - Councilan Fe��8Buueoa�� i m Councilnoura tlf I'carre �j Councilman Iz„�ca Councilman-..a+....�r— Mayorlma Maroc- Bundlle • ..,.,... W..� szii�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO. �•• APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM /y//� P a cNARTER RECTION EOE PRESENT T DATE )% v RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. oc ♦moron rlon.o Ir.n —.. -.--__ --_ 16-H (Library service - HeoeiPto 1,000 Oo 16-A9 Library ser. - Trane. h Petty Cash 1.000.00 YEE (J) COUNCILMEN (V) T°, Rey GaRSweeN•'IIAr FAVOR MCDONALD Su—iiwER .AOAINBT lu— ROS.— MR. PRESIDENT I `m .mnµ�roia ADO -1 BY THE COUNCILA,JZ..1 ; +432.....18...._.... n 19. APr ovED� ..._ a.ioi..�.o �...... CITY OF $T PAUL NO. Jd1� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CPRNER OUSO LUQ// Lam` GENERAL FORML _ OEF15bIJ5EDY oa � _ RESOLD Yea: couNciLrn Eru Nays Conroy —/ May M,Do.ald In f.... Pc.... Rosen Against Mr. P,—d— B—dli, oPaa.., Adapted by the Cl­ncil NNn l `19 ,.r o.�oi„., .�......CITY OF1 ST PAUL r.Lt_ 11 NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU, C L RE --DTI. --GENERAL FORM __NT_ By �rLc COMMISS�ONE H, "L, nnTE RESOLVED wopea. znpr. zs zszxi e. ir, zs z Yeas Nays Adopxcd by d— C.,..cii I9 Conroy May WD—Id In (a.ur APprgvcd /l 19 i Pcarcc / r Roscn Against /— mnvoa s.dh—cr Mr. P,—d— B—dbc !/ CITY OF ST. PAUL WT.IL NO—A2120 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMOIDIN n. H. McDonald „ Aor51 14 1432 -- WHEREAS, Aron Tankenoff, ownerlf property at 605-�- 7 University Avenue, appeared before the City Council and stated that extenuating circumstances ex - let, and requested permissi— to move back the build- ing, and WHEREAS, the award as made on the building is equivalent to an, corresponding to the coat of moving the building back, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Bulluings Is hereby authorized and instructed to Issue a permit to the said Aron Tankenoff to move back the building. r.. rs 111 10UNIILNEN Yeas N.yq -J Adopted by the C—il 19 ---, May B.Wacn Roeen WD—ld --In fi— Ap "cd t9 MAW Co"ro Sndheitse, Agiinet NAY.. Wlad Pearce Mr. President j7zipy Bundl ie �� o.�... .o. - CITY SOF ST PAUL ,.ter NO_ J2 -U OFFICE OF CITY CLERK c oMmissp F / COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL F.— ey r�eaaeva WHEREAS, Dennis Laughlin, an employe of the Department of Public Work e, was Snjured on the 3rd day of September 1929, and 'Y WHEREAS, by Council File No. 91921, approved March 18th, 1932, the proper cl ty officers were authorized and directed to pay him a total of twelve and one-half weeks compensation, said compen- sation to be payable in the usual manner, every two weeks, and WHEREAS, the Industrial Commission has ordered that the said total of twelve and one-half weeks compensation, amounting in all to the sum of $220.00 be paid to the said Dennis Laughlin in a lump sum, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to pay to Dennis Laughlin the said sum of Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($220.00), in a lumps"' out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in accordance with the order of the Industrial Commission. Y... c�unci LrnEN Nays Mny i M,E).-Id Io I—, R, Rosen � Agains� - / Mr. P,­d­ Bnndllc .Adol. �cd b, the Co.ndl ^C:C 1 •.erg Ap/proved MnYoe 1 -Lt il'�6te'ld i i o.�..-. .� CITY OF ST. PAUL r�r� NO. 921V FILE CITY CLIIRK iomw+._� cr�En 7 RES —GENERAL FORM _ E / ly aazmzxr� WHEREAS, An application has been filed by T. 0. Borg for permission to erect a laundry on Lot 1, Block 1, Florence Addition, being located at 190 University avenue; and whereas, it appears that the provisions of Ordinance No. 7210 in reference thereto have been complied with by said applioant; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oommissioner of, Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said T. 0. Borg to construct a laundry on the above described property. d 1111 11, "INN" ar�cas z Y.„ Nays ///pMrpo�»Id ///� In favor ' Rosr� /c/ � Agalmr f4dh P,r.id� d Mr. mr B..dlic Ad.,v d by nc,, C.,-.1 ;.P', n 193Z 1 .4p�rovc� / 19 — / mwroR City of Saint Paul Ffice of City Clerk IKE 1. GIBBONS, CIH 0- 11O71C3 Gk' !,-ti— is t.erob; giver, that v,-roi—t to 'ect ion Ord '.r. once fo. 7::10, of the City of �a int Paul hiinnes , nppl,cation 11111 be made on to 'he City '—cil of/the C1ll,,((��o�ff �e int P-1, 1!Srne sot n, tY L� �j"o for -nia,ion to erect e , - he folle.ing d--lb- 11 real —tnte, sit -ted in Ftar^_yey Councy, Minn eeota, to ,It _.ot F?lock / Add it ton, r ,.a inti —1, Minneoota. On the �] side of ;ay, Ave., Aet,,een St. 4—. a/nd� "t. �- Number z (� C//y.L��w ,t.Ave. rated ':t 3Hint Pail, J S}A iB Of' MINNFSGTA JJvv _ "� � bving duly o de{pw durldg all the times n rinnftar ti sae a J nays hat hr now and Paul Pioneer leek of the publisher yr print,,rd.ij rn^J arghli,hrJ en the cltyHlf SC Peul, In said Ram- I rreC m y Ih h vknM� —Puratf h nd kno y —/q ted.... _t TM_ (tri l to 41/7�1 l _ {{�� vN xn te9 o,rd rr.m tar �.i�,mn. nl .=.v-�. r, w�lbeertea, d to a+„enra, rat — P�( O Utl pubeismrd i aid nr n s ➢ tl anJrthvt all ofd Publle we naerin the t:nglish 1 Inn Bungs n. u`YA-q1l( That snit runs first inserted. p nteJ n 1 Vublishtd a' q �tir < �. 193V and wve Primed end Pub- HAMI x pu hr Al [... u=p'A- IIflM as a edlum fls uavrrvuir� 1 I n.� svrtivn Dar nd of chapter 484, o[ vRir Th�t duly r,�uFl er'il x1921 �n it hen complied ithd-Jl, [oo-witn lMt [ori n laws v[ Minnrnotn, n.l thnl era civ ;,s Arfinrd m .said A nsti 1 1 nr Pf om the dp r of tFv first nl tl n of said. ..... p nerlions nn than mat p. r acw.e4 AnU Irt-tmn�on���inmetim�- d 1 n l I r t lent ig t I al nuartm mcnea leap. �ea�$. Wr pv y r gmv riv'i e': n Pelle h ht r.l t h R hl h d i ch lace for pnbliraa fm preparl Rev Iasuety w°� • t mavrav :ggy,,.�� i aa�v> vetoa{ '"'''kkaa eieailenin (2) ithls,Irl d xorkmen nna thn ssnr9 material tion Land the team rnl and lnrn^n e t and Merelleny, nein mg 81 Mvdc uP to ca entirrlY made upf petenfa. d other runlirntion` v of n t wmalii dnnb�A:inc ny ;nr or ,.r or tnrm. nn o levet p nm. at.4m r. 1gr.l - plate r d drrrtisrmrn' o,rr nam ea itr piers f puM1lirntim to tan rtent of at (41 C�nrulmed r gvlvrly ddiv.red to Payin6 evbarribem, and Hut rr Mo hundred d forty conies i ... y rio p to tFiJnlq O[ th'first PuL.. fen id .... p...... Cw`ledee Crh/'{,rlvf! oiA P i g k of .the publisher oP'.n of ltamaeana We rounnmFr tM1� Inc fit: d hr oRir�l oNnh ta, i nRidnv, "nF the n nd Ivr ole saidyne p- u,r Min s v Ir 1 newePeP a re9uired V n r o s n 3n n�litio o n rslFdnl9h4nt n' a v[ blinnr a 1921m w', trhar Lr f A .sprinting and .,t fmt `i n t nc of of the i w nlPh bet and pub- 1 hrwt't hr toll." in in n , ..,it)'p , sed h, h �m the.^ Iz and kinll or bonht inrlo of lie ion frsaid legal ad, vW t 1r rcunto nitnrheJ, r z. eurrther -in ni[hvnotvs , is Veea �PtP ny tbe� �F \ v of chap a 181, Srssian La s Minnesv ]921 nnn;�le r ad rtifemene \ (or Ponlicntrvn in vnid newspaper vt the al d BB i Z-- 'o this_.... SaM1scn've�r nn�i .x .............. Nvwry Public, )b eY County, Minnoaote. 'h,y commiasivn (r:Piree ... ...................... Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA. 1 Courcy of Ramsey ss. E d ............................... .......'...3 .•ee o .na n1 a ep.w Cop.ty 9 m ea t., � m me o eeK t o o ��yy APFlic .�...eS P. .i _pet E L.a La -dry ......................................... p wac n ... Lhzea ............... _.__......_....._..___ __.. 1. c.ta �+•idaroh.25�:D-31.. a�9.ra .....................w. ........ .........gra ....... _ .. e L—d lt. o, 19.33 r,... ... .....ia�a9.�.: tn.1 ..m .e..wwr ..a. net �1 nr iro t.«1 evorowa'w u� nv..a. We teeleor. b n a c�W: tN t� 4 estm t. et rout ma �nYaenmtmo 0 th ro�itee e �m �eii na• o - .- �.d.n m. ame,.t �W o�tine 1— e..e ..a Sub—,bed and Sworn m-pcforc me this IFee, $.�. Received f'a ant a .._, .... .. .. ' THE DAILY D— ... APR 1 1 193219... NEWS Pla6�l$HING CO. re o.ai•�. o CITY OF ST. PAUL rice � NO.. —!JIM ITY CLERK c io NER L T�'N GENERAL FORM 111,11—sh Ty �ommiss rt April 14, 1932 RESOLVED Thet licenses for •!Ach aphlicatl^ns 'gave been mode by persons named on the attached list be and th same are hereby greeted and the city clerk is inst—ted to issue such licenses —on the oeyment into the city treasury of the rsq.i,ed fee. Y... COUNCILMEN Conroy Na}5 May �M[Dnnald In f�wr / ppcarcc / Sudh�imer � Agai zI Mr. N—d— B—dl.� pv9 1.;1*7 Adap-d by nc� C..—I 19 l Approvedd�/^`'/�' 19 C C' / OR •Jtid : Aorkl 14, 1932 Alexandria E. Fedoreal 560 Como Av. Butcher M. F7ladman & Son 641 Selby A•�, " Hefner Bros. 571 N. Dale " Iglehart Market 740 Iglehart " Fred N. Martin 620 Front " Mass Food Market 739 Iglehart " Michaud free. 168 N. Snelling ^ John A.Reschick 979 Arflade " Steel Broe. 1105 Payne A- " Louis Un.—O 211 F. 13th " 0. APnlebeum 27 St. Peter F—It-vegetable merkPt Antoni Bassi 870 Rice Grocer; Bodin Drug Co. 237 E. 7th Confectionery Otto Brauer 937 Magnolia Bakery W. H. Byrnes . 1162 Selby Grocery F.on- so 1179 E. Minneheha " James Clari 'to 427 E. 7th Confectiocery Thos. J. Cu—Inps 537 N. Dale Grocery 0. J. Dahlgard 381 Golversity " W. C. Dargavel 1579Grand Confections. F. H, Edwards 1949 St. Anthony ^ Wm. Eiseirth 2'E. 8th Grocery C. T. Fitzsimmons 548 Ohio Confectionery Gikas & Gerantos 462 St. Peter Soft drink Arthur L. Us— 599 Wabash. Grocery FranY. Gruber 603 W. 7th Confectionery Mrs. Susan Harbeck 1143 Rica Grocery He M. 11er 1144 Mar', on " CtIc , 389 Selby l e Confect very R. Johnson 856 Edmund Grocery Mrs. A. E. Kalsen 321 Robert Confectionery R, S. King 1684 Grand Grocery J. Klein 518 Rice " Y.ohnke 973 E. 'Ith Confectionery Ida Kuria 266 Conker Grocery G. 0. Kutzky 1102 Rice " H. K. LSebermen Y.76 Concord St. Confectionery F.. J. Lindsay 674 Grand Grocery F.. P. Lundeen 1321 Forest " W. C 61c8r 119 5. Web a she Confectionery rid Oharles Monsour 125 S. Weba eta Grocery John Mullarky 789 Grand Confectionery . J. Mulkerin 451 Forest " J, Mureskl 659 N. nesters Grocery Hobert GIBrien 1605 University " N, J.Pac hens 641 Hastings Confectionery Paramount Pies, Inc. 614 Wentworth Bakery Oltver Peloq uin 897 M—ion Grocery C. F. Rediske 1091 Rice " Wm. '7. Schur Ldt 1180 Ar -de " Mrs. F.. C. Schmitt 562 Rice Confectionery Joe. Schnabl 2184 Mara hall Grocery H, Bob. kel 896 Rice Confectionery C. A.Sederholm 210 Ramsey " Belle Silberstein 1;7 F.Indiana Grocery Nals Bj„strom 428 S. Wabash. Confectionery Mrs. Perry Smith 453 Rice Bakery 774 Grand Grocery E. J. Wall 1":, Grand " R. C. Works 555 Jackson Confectionery Le--ce Winkel 335 Rice Grocery Ace Box Lunch 2360 University Rest--nt 9ons, i t enn 80 E. 7th ” M. M. Bryan 209 Marshhll ^ Richard Culbertson 710 Rice " The Dugout 14 W. 6th " H. R.F.,gu... 1946 University ^Nngp-Frenkz Hugh Frantz Guardian' Lf'Bldg " Gekas & Tarentos 462 St. Peter " F.d Jones 400 Rice " K it eh & Gillis 1597 University " G. F. Riddell 152 F.. 6th " Michaud 8 n 41 R. 7th " e Clu�e206 Inf. Armory Blc,:. " WhitecCestle System 5481 Wabash. " W illinms ?; Ciltin 37B Jackson " nr .,oukas %92 Rice " M-s. A. E. Kalsen _.,l Robert Hotel Soymore �C _ Sal by ': Western ilotel Co. 165 N. 'Ne stern Hotel An,— 140 rooms ich Sllvertown in c 384-74 ". Erch.-ngo ..line .st�t'.,n Sell Petroleum Coro 11) "'. Larpenteur amps " 914 Ru.,�.lph F" 9"doro '.' 140-144 Minn �sota Fumigator H. -.. S_.it S;_ Coe 512 N. . Ger xbach 86" F. 7th rnd !•. sn to arts I'en Lel Hn ckmsu & B.—d Sctn,de, '- n Poboi sk Bd 3Oniver9l ty Klue—1 & L,hmann 183-187 F. 3rd Jit b i, G, "shod es 517 Pion ear lli r. Se 1.�.ryrLoen ) "°°••.."�.. ,... CITY OF ST. PAUL riLE NO.. a)FiiN F OF CITY CLERK rtiss,orrErx C 1 ESOLU —GENERAL FORM April 14, 1932 FiFS�KVBm WRF.REAS, ecpli—ti-ms for license^ !eve been —, as follols: . G. Puska 879 S. Smith Av, asts'.;r of a.,,. lice.' i��c 1527 John Wieman &Walter Kranz 625 uni-.ers. ty 2 cool tables no..licat I'd 1000 WTRF.AS, said a-,licants Dave withdra,vn soja—1111ti— for 1lcenses; 1. —fore, be it RFSOLVED, that the ; c:ty officers be ax, they n e hereby authorized to refund to J. G. Buske the fee of $10.00 a d to c cal spolicat ion 1527 for Restaurant license; to refund to John Wiemann& Walter Kranz, the fee of $15.00 and to cancel said annliest i on 1000 for 2 pool tables license. Yeas /Ury 'Lm EN Nays i C oroy / M y McDonild In favor Sudh—,, ✓ Agar s� Mr. P,—d— Bundle Adop<ed by .he C ... �d q, 1' i R ICM19 1� Approved � 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL u'm incl^a OFFICE OF CITY Cl ERK _ °.wTn COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA" reM a% By,� i—•, ruY on —. gglya'�;' WHEREAS, there is pending Sn the District Court of Ramsey County, a civil action entitled Pelecrino Cochlarle, plaintiff, V8 the City Of St. Paul, a municipal corporation, defendant, wherein plaintiff demands judgment ivothlsshomof 3500.0 pal besiege and compensation for injury cBlock Y Es. a t1Third Street, nbetweenti.n, cialabutti'gree ton t anduHoffmande Avenue, and WHEREAS, said injury to said real estate is alleged by .aid plaintiff to have been caused by the public improvement changing the grade of Eaet Third Street between John Street and Maria Avenue, end Mound. Boulevard between Third and Fourth Streets, constructing a viaduct on said Third Street to a point 105.5 feet east of John Street to Mounds Boulevard, and re -grading '5.5 evand MoundsThird Street Boulevard tofrom ha pointe east e 100 feetnd of i southeast of viaduct to Marla Third Street to Fourth Street, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul, upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance, confirmed an award of damage. to said plaintiff, as c..pa..ati0. for injury to said real estate by reason Of said public .improvement, in the sum of $1440.00, and WHEREAS, the expense of the trial in said action to the city of St. Paul would amount to several hundred dollars, and WHEREAS, it is now proposed that said action and all nclaim. of the plaintiff set forth therein, be comproml sed and settled for the sum of $2000.00, and WHEREAS, such proposed .ettlement hen been recommended by the Corpora tlon Co ofegtanPaf'A dEher efoe ed vebe for be it the beet interests of the City RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. be and they are hereby authorized to disburse from the p um roper fund. available therefor the sof $2000.00 in settlement and satisfaction of rsaid e celptt ofaaagoodl andlaiMB sufflcientthe re leantiffas andherein dis Sssallewith upon prejudice, of said act l on, approved by the Corporation Counsel, and Yw cou rvciLM ery Nay/ Adopicd Ly she Council 19 Con soy May J 19 Z WD—ld ApPcoved P—_ �dhumcr Mc. Prc.idc�1 Bundllc � '----- o.r...�r... �,.- •• CITY OF ST PAUL r�r� NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (2) the report of the Corporation Counsel upon the title to said real estate, to the effect that said plaintiff has'olear title thereto, the said sum to be paid from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Hund (L-3260). Yeas cou rvci�M Ev N., co roy ""_y i M,D.,,.Id fn favor a� � R.—Agaivc S�dh�im�r ' Mr. P—id—, B—dim Adop,d by d,e C.—I APR 1:. ` 19 Apprpved_.. I�:a719 'PWLISHED y roR Department of law IF IT. PAU1 isvmc coruEe April 15th, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: Reference Is hereby made to the pending action In the District Court of Coohiarle vs. City of St. Paul, �g wherein damages are sought in the sum of $3,500, principal- ly by reason of the change of grade of East Third street and the construction of the Third Street Bridge, more particularly referred to in the attached resolution. The trial of this action would involve the employment of expert witnesses and require the expendi- ture of several hundred dollars. The expense of the trial to be borne by the City, added to the award of damages amounting to $1440, would approximate the sum of $2,000, the amount of the proposed settlement. It is our recommendation, in view of these facts, that the settlement proposed be made. Yours very truly, Ae�eta�nt Corp�unsel. LPS-U CIT OF ST. PAUL NO FF OF CI ERK SL -o GOU E O I =GE ORME — c rrr���/EEE >•� o _ oMMi� rvErt tZEfa�% 1PBERE68, She Phillipe Petroleum Company has made appli- cation to the Council for a permit to install a cash and carry Ice at at 704 Plum street; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph 7 of Be Iton 5 of Ordinance Bo. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they axe hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the Snstall- ation and maintenance of said ice station on said property, the building to be in aocordanee with the Building Code. 8sid permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council• Yu. cou rvc�LM[ry N'YI3/ /o"rov -ter J _..__ � Jioscn / Ageivr � S,�dhcimcr M, P—id— B -81i, ndoPmd by ,hr C"„"dl APR 15 1932 19 gPPro/� .� MAvoR City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIRE 1. GIBBONS, Clry ClVk cni.i ci.n cin ci.n .od Commivlenv of R..Iw.non c� v w� April 14th, 1532• Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corp.-ti,n Counsel, Huildiw. Dear Sir: We attach ho—ith all oapere in thematter of the appllcatlen of ""'in' Petroleum Cn mpIly for a permit to install a cash and carry ice station at 704 Plum Street. Ts application x red to you tedgv by the Council for the proper resolution granting same. Your, very truly, ,; —C-� City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRCUNDS�AND/PUBLIC BUILDINGS Her. Council, City f ;t. Ysul. 'Gentlemen: 4t Cached };e re with pl��lse Bind City Cle rlc'a File ecnce rn ing the anp1 ci1ion o :`h illSps Petrolo um C rani ^or .i -it to install a ca s' -r and carry ice stationeel 114 P1•an Yon will ::lao find in thin file on: - co m -un icstio. of :arch 4, reco—endl - that -he Permit be g^'a^ted o. eco mt of -I',- fucC that t`,.e f]'_l i:-.' s n is -or Dial classi- n una •.v1, b, ca-cr _d in —-c' 11— cn _ c S. ,— ja _ Cu^ recommendation is b.:�cd 1�lso on t! -.e fall t�. t !, enera- isr of t, ie ice station r'I11 not dannge ar join ing Property. :e Pre now —!)ed to report conditions beinc brought ab—t by ob+ections f11ed n1th the Council by Ice conpanles against s t ationa bei nr n_e;•mltted on tho ... .e lot .vit}, gasel].ne fi111ng stations and in this r _a: -d ple — be udvi,ed as fol- lc+vs. Retail ice stores come under the sac. elaesificotion any other co—ereial business and therefore c rc:tta ^er su c:^ bu ildin,-s car. only be Issued in co:,,-�.erciel districts. zenirr ordinance, in —tion 5, Paragraph f, clearly places the is:;uance of such perr,its by tie Building depart- ment undor the control of the City C."'ell, and the Co—cil can affirm or deny applications for such build Srgs. In mmy cases the operation of these Ice stores has proved to be a nuisance to adjoining property and in auc'l,_ cases, :hetter o not they ,.e accessory to oil filling stations, the Building - hon. Co:mc]1. Do partr.:ent I'll rejection of the pernits. '!e can s no reason for re ect+ng tho pe -nits n rely bemuac f: hey n_e accessory to oil�"111ng stations ardebelieve that each ca sa should be c ns td er od on tiro hs1s or whether o not it Ss a nu}snn co toosurrounding property, wl lch is t':e J" .1 on ..i'ch _..e Bu!lding Departmentsin—stigations are Wade. Yours very truly, City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MINE J. GIBBONS, C, CIM cna ri.., <,n i.., •.d Cemmlulone• al Reg a•ea. March Flet, 1972. Ron. C. R. May, Coms'r of P.P. d P. Bldee Bul l din,. Dear Comaleefoner: relative to the apnlic at Soneo£1Phil 1lossPetrola�:m Comp— for permit to install a ash and carry Sce station flt 704 Plum Street. Ob,fectlon hee bee' made to the ea Sce stations bels, oe—i tted on the same lot and with ,asollne fillln, station.. Will yon kindly resort on this phase of the elt_tionl The above application ras laid over to Sp r11 14th. Yours very truly, City Clerk. POST CARP NOTICEI OFFICE OF THE COMµISSIONER OF FINANCE Sl Paul, Minn. _..M%Y 1$�;i w _....1992.. Pursuant to Paragraph F, Sechon 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordi- nance, approved July 7th, 1923, you are hereby notified lhal the application of for pa lona= l continue r 1 'I 'ce dation totaled at 70 _.._..._.._. anti oo7 u p for cons d l bejw lh C it of the Clq of 51. Paul in the Counnl Chamber in lh C lq Hall and Court House Bulldlnq on Ihe_ 30th y ,_. day oj...glrp 195_ .2 -al to o'clock A. M JOHN H. McDONALD, COMM15—NE6 OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRLNDScAND� PUBLIC BUILDINGS .,�.........� .�........e .e.,..o... ..sire o inti 1, cnt'_c-en: •• -.th nl" f.nd cis c1 �sle " - oto of t}, fer :it i._.. :.11 0 —si �n.l o,r •-: ice a.. "6 7)4 l— .trret. Th' dlstrlct 1s aonod In Che co norel,1 c _L^So tin w7- ' I dm e _ d ';ic ie cc'c t", ., - r -- - 011'i r-2. n roto^ end ti st t1l, ,—It be I, .entad. city of Saint Pant Office of City Clerk MIKE 1, GIBBONS, Cay C- 1111-1 of R-9-11-11" March 2nd, 1932. , Bon. C. R. may, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Commissioner: We attach herewith application If Phillipe Petroleum Company for narmit to build en ice muse at 70>+ Plum Street. This matter v referred to you oua today by the Ccll for investigation and report. Your. very truly, City Clerk. 1%, M, maum-GM, 03- 9LaLs street St Paul, Minnesota Pabruary 29, I932. Honorable City C.—il City of St Paul St Paul, Minnogota. Gentlemen: ,,-m wish to build an Ioe Honse o ur Pro 1%Y loosted 704- Plum Street, St P-1. Hinnesotaa oTh is In bons. t-t-ilt J. oonaeat ion with a G--I`—S.—i.. Stetlon. eh1.h is nue lonsted On the property. The legal des.r ipt ion of this property is,LOt six(6) 6 Seven(7). B1OOY eleven(, III Suburban Hill- Addition to the ulty Of St Paul. All the requirement• of the City Of St Pawl. elth regard to the .onetruatl.a Of this building, will be observed by ne. Trusting that this will meet lith your approval N sr., Yours very truly. Phillipe Petroleum Compeny By� i f-��(•l•C - � � �Olty Agent HGS / \ moroh 11th, 1932 Hon. J. H. DoDoneldi Co®Secioner, of riesaoe, Haildim. Dear Casuissionert Application hes been filed by the Phillipe Petroleon, Compery for a Permit to install a cash and carry Su station at 704 Plan street. The Phillips Petrolsus Comp=y is located at 83 state Street. Will yon kindly sot date of hearing on thte application and notify property oeneret Tours very truly, City Clerk. 41 o.o.., ,o �.. ..... /Try OF ST. PAUL sic NO._.. 92128 ILE OFC Y CLERKeF N— ERAL FORM P1110-11 By WHEREAS, By 0ounoll Tile Bo. 91858, approved March 8, 1992, the Council determined that that certain two-story frame dwelling located on the east 41.25 feet of the east 82.5 feet of the South 115.6 feet of Lot 2, Irvine's Addition of Outlots, also known as No. 489 Horth street, is nnsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wreaked and removed; and WHEREAS, Due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of,life. limb and adjoining property. 14— �_r �'M,D... Id Yee.ce� �me� _.Againrz ,15.dh6— llmA P—idm. B„ndliC Adopted Approved 19 C-- MAYO. / , n City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City 0- cn�d Cine C.n cin. .nd Cemululonm of Bn9lmn,bn o... ci.n v.»m.ua. Lpr11 14tr., 1932. Mr. L. L. 6nderson, Corporation Counsel, Buildi a g. Derr Sir! Attached please find report from Comslesloner May to the effect that n eal hae Deen made Yrom Lhe condo nmatloa order on the building located at 489 North Street. The matter was referred to you by the Council for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRO UN D S—A ND,PU BLIC BUILDINGS April 6, '932. Councl 1, ^ity of s... Inul. Gont is rer: I'sr cji �, Re.olutibn No. 318SD veas n1,pl,d by your. L'on- ble Uody, upholcin� the sonde�-n:. t ion b;; t?�. is s'rlco of bul lc Sng nt 483 ].or th 2tre't, "hlch is .—sd by 2.�ehr, 1841 i'l—hurst Avenue. The lest peerng— h of t}:Is resolution .Lutes thee`. if, �;ith- in ten days sfter the mulling oP this no rice co s rsl;- arty sumer, no a po_1 has been '- yen from ''-his order, o"he Commis,l on e_ of i Pluy Cr oun%s .ni :�i*.1ic 3u'1"'r �a .hull report, snS' -st to the Coc.,s ll. ,c cord Sn Sly, s:.y 7 report th t the building % stillin FIL.1, n pp ­ 1 t."s been t nt nosh l�-- },s bo ione along the line o_ .ii ec.:ir�ei :7 - o isaioncg{ 1* oR. ,e %1:L4i CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ire NO. .}N OFFICE OF CITY CLERK U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coFwi'I�Issio°x __� f1.0 _nwre April 11, 1932- - REsoLveo / Yc Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pave the inter- section of Annapolis Street and alley In block 53, Banning and Oliver's Addition to West St. Paul, by force account, as per plan attached, at an estimated cost of $110.00, which cost is to be appropriated out of the City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 31-E1, and that the purchasing agent be authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. / `OMpiROLLGk eT Of�t'iv �l(V eouNCILNEN Ne� cl.ocY . F,ereueoo. AI.DoWd h, favor Adopted by the Council 1 5 ,00^ 19 / SN�SSimrr � Agai et / Avoo>xl.m / /M,. Penid— U P� Approved — _ _19MIYOR_ c C.F. 92130, 92131, 92132. Ic nne•�• ,..nm vawx, a•. s�,aa. HES.j}., that check. be drawn on the City Treasury to the -9119111 amount of $19,769.31, covering check. numbered 3764 to 3917 inclusive, as per check. on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adapted by the Council � l � 1m Approved _._,fir couNCILmerv—ROLL<At� F y "~T o" L LLER Fid[ " No. i,.1VVw o Face or c coM RTRo ` CA— ... COUNCIL RESOLUTION d ^cp"„� AUDITED CLAIMS MEcrcSApril 13 -__ gR, AA R11 o 3 "oo�Eo a o—N—oEa a ��E«s o1E 11— TOTAL IN FAVOR OF -- -. BROUGHT FORWARD 0-176 i7b 1� TWln City Textile Mille� 7 r 3765 Igen Les Becker 39 6 3766 Olen Lenny 39 C 3767 Oakley Parrish F4 C 3768 Hertl Coal Co. wX49 F, \ 3769 Addressograph Co. ' 3770 Air Reduction ise �1 I 3771 Auto En ine Works, Inc., 36 3772 Babe.. Institute 2 4 3773 Badger meter 0o 19 3774 vim. Bros Boller ❑fg. Co. 1 0 3775 Capital Envelope Co 171 T 3776 thio 7 ago Apparatus Co. 3777 Capitol Welding Co. 49 6 3778 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co 1 3779 Devoe & Raynolds Co. Inc., 63 3760 Empire Auto supply L4 3781 Elk LS nen supply Co. 3782 T. J. Vogel Weldg & mfg. Worse' 2,n 3783 Feist—Blanchard Co. 25 0 37 Felt & Tarrant mfg. Co. 1 2 3785 Fisber Roasting Co. 45 0' 3786 Foote Lumber & coal Jo. .. 3787 Foraley 'Policy Co. 15 3788 Foreign 'Policy Ase.. 5 SOI 3789 Tht Fozboro Co. 11 3790 Frozen Products Corp.zation 65 3791 'rhe Frost Naus Co. 3792 Fuel Economy Engi n¢ering Co. 3p 0 379j Fuller Brush Co. 37944 Emil Geist 85 0 5 5 3795 Gangl & Co. 41 G 3796 Garrl son—Brooke Co. 32 9 3797 Gaylord Bros. 3798 uenl. Elco, supply Cory. 43 551 3799 " 380n Generator specialty Co. ��� q5 -��' 3901 Ginn & Co. 322 50 3802 The Glukote Co. 1 �!� 12 F0 3803 W.T.Grant Co, 10 3x04 Graeeelli Chemical Co. 2 98 • 3805 0rato¢ & %aignt 73 Grinnell Do. Inc.,9 380 . 13 66 3807 arcourt Brace & Co. Ino., 1 130 97 3808 Y. R.L.1ardenberggb & Oa. 19 19 3809 Ae.k,as Broa & Co. �9 48 3610 Herrmann & Hummel, Inc., 59 00 3dll Hersey mfg. Co. 221 00 3812 F.H.R.Teford 00 37 3813 Ho.ard,,areell & Co. 37 50 7 50, 3814 Illinois—soully steel Whse CoF 6 3815 Industrial Press 700 3816 International Time Recording O0 2 6 11 3817 Johnson High school Print 9b 28 001 3818 Job. :a. service Co, f 51 07� 3819 s.O.Johnson & son 3920 1oaten mfg. 0o. 21 07(5)1 I 3821 Joy Bros. motor Car Co. g 4,5 3822 Kellogg switchboard & supply 37 281 I _ —ETTOTAL—FORWARD 7.500 0 391,455 91 �,. • couo.ouNucriLe mroeNc-soLL CIA—CLI GO,co No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION April 14th iz j2 AUDITED CLAIMS v M.E ......... o. v � TOTAL IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORwaRo necv ev e.„x 391 455 Q • 3823 Mauer 11fS. Co. 4o OOI 18= Wm. Kline 2 65 3825 W. W. Boepke 3Be 6 The Lawyers Co-operative PubJc 7 cO 1827 Rudolf Leech Fine Arte - 13 hCi 3828 Librarl an 125 '9 3629 Ray Long & Richard R Smith 2 21'i 3830 Luger Mercantile Co. Inc., 5 3931 Luverne Fire Apparatus Co. 10 00 3932 0. E. Clark 10 to 1833 Val U Murawekl 3834 sem Coheni�-. . 10 00 3935 Clarence J. Barrett 10 00 3836 Bauer & Blaok SC 9^ 3937 Burroughs Adding Meobine Co 1 90 =� 1828 Capitol City Lime & Oenent Co 190 -a 383° Capitol 9t" NSg. Co. 31 I1? SO 3x8440 Oommonwealth Electric Co 5 3841 0orning Donohue Inc. ° 1L 3842 Eleo Tro Fonc Corporation ?2 l7 3943 H. L. Ettman Sponge Co. 20 n0 44 The Frederto Hotel 3 IO 35 Ooodri oh Silvertown Inc. a 72 b a ot'Y Mel eon Mere. Co 9 60 SOI 3947 Hegez Products Co. 5G 3848 Yo0111 & Warner 00. 20'1 00 3849 Northwestern Fuel 00. 846 02 3850 Price El eotrio o" 141 4E 3851 Purity Baklag Co. 1 SO 3952 St.Franois Hotel-N.W.Hotel Cq 64 3853 J L. Shiely 0o. 3854 Thompsonle Reetaurant 52 50 3855 van Paper supply co. ��6 oO 00 3856 E. Y. & H. F. Wars 4 3857 Zinemaeter Baking Co. 13 7 3859 H. A. Bt.Olalr Co. 6O 4 3 859 John Porte ll 75 860 Singer dewing Lachine Co. 14 71 3851 Standard Register Co. � � 3852 Stand wrd spring Oo. - • 3868 straw Pro duets Chemical Co. d7 5 3864 swift & 00. %µ 3865 Twin City Textile Mille 13 5 3866 Underwood-E111ott-FSeher Co. 3867 Woet End Ice Co. �� 45 0 3868 White 9howere, Ino. 184 6 3969 Jon. 0. wineton Co. s..EET TOTAL "'WIRD 7, 500 00 395.318 0l { I oFFica of THE FTaouarx � � r, �E No. - JN1U<+ COINCIIMFa—ROUL co nnov CCA�c COUNCIL RE.. 60LUTION April 32- °°" AUDITED CLAIMS 8144th MR °E° BUNDLIE c^- TOTAL p ns ns n. er e"nx nuMe.x IN FAVOR OF I' ® 3870 Agnes Table eRoucHT FoawARo 28 8 26 8 11 3871 Jsmes E. Glass 11 7 3872 8. 0. Ooumbe Co. 1T, 7 3873 Martin Falk Paper Co. 9 3874 M. A. Gedney Co. 49P. 49 5 3875 A.P.h exeohler Factory 1 3876 Hano ock-Nal soa keroantile Cu. 43� 3877 No Fadden -Lambert Co. i 1(g 4 3878 The Speakes Go. Co. 0 3879 3680 Vita Crisp Distributing uoclain & Redman Do. 279 i9 4 3881 3892 MSnneeota Cbemioal Co. MSnneeota Ice Co. ^5 0 3883 bational Battery Co. Lead Co. 106 0 60 0 3884 National 4 383" H. D. He a1 Co. Minnesota Milk Co. 45 0 388 3887 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 26 9 2 4 3688 Northern state. Power Go 2.015 ! 3669 A. J. Nystrom & Co• 17 F 3890 Pabst Food Market 2 3691 Picnecr RI, & Wheel Co. Coy 39 3692 3893 Pitteburgh equitable Meter Playground & Recreaztion Asa of Am. Ino. 0 0 30 0 3694 Postage meter Co. 1 4 ;d96 3896 y. F. Quarrie Co. Ray Bell Film. Ina„ 3o4 8 3697 Red Ging Union stoneware Go. 17 C 214 8 3998 Robinson,0ary & sands Co. 186 7 3899 3900 Roe James Gla -6 Co. 24 5 3901 lies Roere Picture & Art shop, 10 1 90 0 3902 St.Marie Cigar & Newn Co. 3903 St. Paul Book & staty Co. sanitary Bottling Co. 19 ^ 3 Sohoob e00.Cn, 282 0 390 BouthwPark Foundry 3907 Sta vie Company x,559 0 3908 Transit supply Company 190 9 3909 3910 0 saneere milk Oo. Crescent creamery Co. Co. 928 6 3911 Loone Niles Biscuit j0 0 3912 J. T. McMillan Co. 283 7 3913 igi St. Paul Milk Co. 9%. Paul Provision Co. 12 5 3915 Tri State Tel A TeIegr Co. 2,024 7 'Pater Dept 'J 104 0 3916 J. F. Kaio.Cashier Leonard N. Thompsoa,G.s. Nate' 15 0' 3917 I�i I 7,500 sHaaT 1OT11--Foe11 r 00 y 407,597 47 d no ......�.,., CITY O ST. PAUL tic NO. 92133 o ... OFFI CE'. CITY CLERK 1 O IL RES,p/pCU'TION—GENERAL FORM nWESENTEO April 15, 1932 comm ss - – RESOLVED In the matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks in front of lots 26, 27 and 28, Block 2, Ryan Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92048, approved April 5, 1932. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas cou ncicm Ery �C—.y NK M,D—Id In f.— "IR.... ��dheim« 1"'' . P,—d— B..dhi APR 15 lWi Adop,cd by h� Council 19 App,—d 1 19 mnvoa Request of H. B. Christofferson Council File No.......7f+�tJY PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodereigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St, P-1,6— Reconstructing, relftying aul,viz.:Reconstructing,_relaying.. and.. repairing,._ where necessary,. _ sidewalks on the east side Of_Mount Curve Boulevard _. south of Randolph Street,_ Infrmt__vf lots 2e, 27 and. RG% Block 2, Ryan Place. Dated this. 15th day of April, 1838 .. 2 PRELIMINARY ORDER. '" ^^� a Pmv o••� WHEREAS, A written proposal for.the making of the fallowing improvement, via.: Reconstructing,relaying and repairing,.. where necessary, sidewalk on the east side of Yount curve Boulevard south of Randolph Street, in front of lots 28, 27 and 28,_ Block 2, Ryan Place. havmg been promoted to the Counml of the City of St. PaW_.. ..... __......... ,\Qy therefore, be it W RESOLVED, That the Commiseim er of Public Works be and is hereby ordered nad directed: 1. To investigate the neeemeity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nat....... t and estimated coat of said improvement, and the totaloa ct thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profile or ekewh of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte, W the Commiseioner of Finance. Adopted by the Conned .- AM 151932 .... __......... Yens NArs Couneilmso 91WWWPisc-r . 14 Approved_. _.: _.: yp' Mn, Pgzsmmrr1�1!!� � Mayor. —A 1.0-1 d PURLIS..F... f Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. P.20 Council He No....._ _92..135 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing the grade of Alley Block 9, King's Maplewood from Cretin Avenueto Mount Curve Soul evard to conformtothe red line on---- _the...profile. here to at.tached.and ..made_.a _part hereof,.. the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading and Paving Alley --in Block -9, King's Maplewood-betmn' -- the above stated limits to the proposed re/ line when esstt.bb}``�LLssLd. Dated thio. 15th day of April, 1932 'n tyros s.v mr m PRELIMINARY ORDER. .i... . WHEREAS, A written propoeel for the making of the following improvement, via.: Changing the grade of Alley Block 9, King's Maplewood from Cree in .vents -to -Mount Curve Boulevard;- to; conform tothered lime --on__- the .-profilehereto attaohed and madea part hereof,_ the present,___ established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also greding- and-paviag._Alley ..#m-Bock-.-.9,...Kingta_Yaplewoed...between ....-.-_. the above stated limits to the proposed red line when established. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ... ........... _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i-ortigate the nmmeity for, or deeirability of, the looking of said improvement. 2. To mventigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impre ,noun t. 4. To state whether or not void impm,,mant ie asked for on the petition of three or more —c- 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte, W the Commieeiomr of Finance. Adopted by the ConnedY.A. NA- Councilmoa 0—imamnw App—r&... sK .... Ham® lJ � .._�, .._.,.r_. ...___......_-. Mx. Paserpxar ... yt)III,ISIR'.D-%-�3'-�= Mayor. Ceased File No. ._921136 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi:.: Condemning and taking an. easementin the. land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block _9, Kingts Maplewood between_ Cretin_Avenue.and Mount j Curve Boulevard. _ Dated this 15th ._day of April, 1932 - - —PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Condemning._and,_ taking an_eaaement_in the. land necessary. for_. __...._ slopes, cuts and fills _in the grading and paving of Alley_ in _. __.,_. Block 9_ Kingls_ Maplewood betwean.. Cretin.. Avenue and_Mount} having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul....... _.. ...._ _ ._. therefore, boa' RESOLVED, Thnt the Commiseiouer of Public Works be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the oecemity for, or desirability of, the mekiag of said improvement. 2. To ioveetigate the nature, exteat and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thersof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh of eedd improvement. 4. To state whether or lot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owoem. L To report upon ell of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adapted by the Ceunril.__ APR 155932 Yens N— C ouncilmen wpmv-- APpry4d _... ._... .____. _ r am c w u ism ram Psi P[If3LTSAf1Y�'a � - 3�" Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAI ib: OFFICE CITV C r U -IL RES LUTION—GE •Pw Es�'rco By �oMm '­ 0April � _ � __ <.., __. _p„Te _April 14, 1932 RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one G -M -C Model T51 3 -ton heavy-duty truck, 8 -cylinder motor; to be equipped with all-weather cab, electric head and tail lights, rear view mirror, automatic windshield wiper and front bumper; all steel dump type body, dual rear wheels, all as per city specifications, except with mechanical brakes instead of hydraulic brakes, for the Paving Plant, at a cost of $3623,00, lase an allowance 6f `770.80 for one 2 -ton Dodge Model 3-B 1928 truck to be taken in trade, making the net coat not to exceed $2852.20, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Agent ^' has had informal bide from White, Federal, LaFTaine-Republic, Sterling, Dodge, Diamond -T and Mack dealers, and after comparing specifloatlons and considering allowances made, concurs in the recommendation of the department for whom this purchase Is made that this truck beet meets the requirements for the use for which it is intended and as it is a patented article and no advantage could be gained by advertising for formal bide. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003A-139 Yea.. eourvei�raBry Naya / Ad.j i d 1,y 'r hr Co ,il 11iK 1 fi i7.'1 X19 'I /McDonald in favor Approved 11 /Penta �c----�--- � Rosen S.dh.—, nr oB Mr. Prreid— ff ndlic PUBLISIILDY-0.3���-M C 0 k Y ;,t. Paul, April 3, 1932 Mr. C. A. Carlson, City Purch,: sing A¢ent, 9t. Paul, Minn. Dear sir: As per your informal bid tabulation No. 4915, our Requisition No. 5025, I recommend that you purchase one O -M -C truck from the General Motors Truck Co. for the a— of $2852.20. This 1a to be a 3 -ten heavy-duty truck, model T51, with dump bodyes per our specification-. This truck does not meet with our specificationsentirely, but I believe it does so sufficiently 'c warrant us to make this purchase and givethis type of truck a trial in comparison with the type of truck epeclfisd. Yours truly, (Blened)p th�r R. K, ch Sure_ o 4Ylc Spal Equipment. APPROVED: (Signed) Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works one... .o..r. .r.. CITY OF ST PAUL rre NO. OFFICE F CITY CLERK L RES UL_ON—GENERAL FORM J� HEA ,��t oA, RESOLV EDThat upon the rsoommendation of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Dodge heavy duty, 3 -ton truck, Model F61B, 6 -cylinder motor; to be equipped with all- weather oab, electric head and tail lights, rear view mirror, automatic windshield wiper and front bumper; all -steel type dump body, equipped with St. Paul underelung hydraulic hoist and dual rear wheels, for the Paving Plant, at a cost of $3778.00, lees an allowance of $903.00 for one Dodge truck, Model DE -1939, 0ity No. 30, to be taken in trade, making the net coat not to exceed $3875.00, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Agent has had informal bide from Motor Power Equipment, Whitejederal, O.M.C., Mack and Twin City Sterling dealers, and after comparing specifi- cations and considering allowances made, concurs in the reoommen- dation of the department for whom this purchase is made that this truck best meets the requirements for the use for which It is in- tended and as it is a patented article and no advantage could be gained by advertising for formal bids. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003A-1 nl. Adopr<d by h< c ... rd APR 1 fi 1932 19 _ ✓McDonald ✓ In favor Approved 19 �Pearc< Rosen .. Againar `j•.�. __ /.. - en saah<im<r �iusc.islwp �—ai-3�— AYE Mr. Pr<.idcnr �undlic C 0 k Y St. ®-1, April 5, 1932 Mr. C. A. Carlson, City Purchasing Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Dear air: As per your informal bid tabulation No. 4915, our Requisition N1. 5024, I recommend that you purchase from the Thornton Motor Co., one Dodge heavy-duty 3 -Lon truck, Model F615, with dump body as per our speciflestio.as, for the sum of ¢2875.00. My reason for this recommendation is that this truck meets with our speclflca tlona in its entirety, and is beet suited for the worK for which it Is intended to be deed. Yours truly, (Signed) Arthur 4. Koch Bureau of Municipal Equipment. APPROVED: (Signed) Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public 4drks By Fred E. Lovell. C 0 F -I- Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner, Dept. of Public Works. Dear sir: St. 9t. Pail, April 5, 1932 I am submitting herewith my recommendations for the porch' as of two 3 -ton truck. a. listed on informal bid tabula'fon. Nos. 4915 and 4916. In order that you may familiarize yourself with the spent le a tlo as of the different tro ck. on which bide were made I am also attaching he r at 0,.,a Its of all the truck., with their own .pecifica tions. For comparison I have separated the truck. Into two else s, tha heavier trucks in Cls a 1, which Includes the Mack, White, Dodge, G -M -O and Diamond T, and the lightar trucks Sp Class 2. The truck. in Claes 2 are all much llghtsr in weight then the truck. In Cla a. 1, end I ba l l eve they are too light for the work for which these trucks are intended, and they do not meet with our a peci it catlo ne. The trucks in Class 1 are heavy enough for the work and meet with our specifications, except that the G -M -C truck is equipped with mechanical brakes instead of hydraulic brakes. Yours truly, (Signed) Arthur H. Koch Bureau of Municipal Equipment Transmitted to Mr. C. A. Carlson, Purchasing Avent. APPROVED: MILTON ROSEN- 4/6/32 CITY OF ST. PAUL r,��� NO. `"U_� Y OFF OF CITY CLERK oN� / COUNC L OLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY Ba4nant_. DATE April U. 1932. RESOLVED, That the pe one named o, the 1PHts on file in the office of City Clerk and Caeveieaioner Of Registration are qu&li Pied —tore in their respective precincts, and they are hereby appointed jydgee and clerk, of election in their precinct, in compliance with Section 359 of the Election Ia,fre of the State of Minnesota, to aerva at the General City Election to be held in the City of Saint Paul on Tuesday, May 3rd, 1932. Yeas courrci�n, Err Nay. i M D Id rr N.— �Ro.�� Aga�nu � Sad �M, Presid n, Bundl„ o den — vl n unvfBeo �°ilv Oel Adop,ed by ch, C... rd ,APR 19 1mg i '� IA— CITY OF ST PAUL �c . NO, t_ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1 L RE N—GENERAL FORM �N.Eo a. RESOLVED That the application of Edward Bchifferl for permission to erect and maintain an ios station at 881 West University avenue, be and the same 1s hereby granted; and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit therefor, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. PhBW 1. ........ ° it e°e�lPmu xa sax Ycss cou rvci�m EN Nays / Adopicd by �hc Cou�dl ]_ ` �I1 'C"'" Mar *k'BertxlQ� J In (armor AP��' 19 /S�dhcimcc �v MAroa Mr. P'—d— Bundlic CITY OF SAINT PAUL , PARKS, PLAYGRLND ZANDPUBLIC BUILDINGS .pril 13, icon.mcil, c1t- o" r—l. "'*—t1r'. on: 3trUct 3t '.on . n en On LGt9 i .'/ln, 100k 4, 7lctorin :]trect ..ddltic-, _c is ,nom is851 ost vereity Avemie. The cit; z ^rdi^�n co cl—,tifiea this district in tle -,''t Industrycl—a ^,c ,t e r . -_ eno t' ut ! rl,li- c.':icn be cued. Yours very t 111y, T � City ®i Saint Paul h Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Oh G.k aie ci..,.c�n u.., .nd Canmlelone, o! R.slw.,on April 9th, 1932, Hoa. C. P. May, C -0I of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Commissioner: Attached please flnd application of Edward Schif£erl for v trait to c net tact and main talo m Sce station on part of on 9 and 10, Block 4, Victoria Street Addltton, also known as 961 University Ave. Rest. Th1s application has Dean referred to your department for Save etlgetlon and report. Your, very truly, { City Clerk. FRANCIS J. NAHURSKI LAWYER 33' ITS AMM BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN, April si-,hth, 1 9 3 2 City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; Mr. Ed—rd Sccifferl has requested me to make epplicntion to the Council of the City of St. Paul, for permit to construct and maintain an ice station on premises described as part of Lots 9 ^ad 10, Block 4, Victoria Street Addition to St. Paul, also known as e61 University Ave., Hest, using located on the North- west corner of the intersection of Univereity Avenue and Victoria 9, Teet. It is proposed to con etruct said ice station upon the rea3Jof tF.e lots mentioned, facing Victoria S'. rset. To, applicant 1 e the operator of a gasoline filling station and service at atlon located on said corner, but w 1 1 1 not operate the ice Btation himself, and for the purpose of operstingsaid ice station, he will—iniain a sepnrate man to do that work exclusive - Ly. Kindly advise rte when this matter will bz brought on for consideration oefore the council, at which time I mall be glad to appear or have Yr. Soh Sfferl appear in connection therewith. Yours very truly, BJN-I CITY OF ST PAUL �.� NO. � ������JJJJ IJTION OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ! IL GENERAL FORM coEinM s���ry EA vat[ v _... RESOLVED That the application of Frank W. Bice for permission to erect and maintain an ice station on Lot 30, Auditor's Sub- division No•�0, being t the southwest corner of Twelfth and Cedar streets_ 4 the proper City officers are hereby author- ised end directed to issue a permit therefor, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority of the Council. " I-. .Porn. , Ado d by vhc C.—I Y­� MEry Nays Pyr A /soalinro�r l /Mr. Pry:ld­ eundli. City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Csy CI«L .nd Commi,.lon« of Resl.b.no. - April 15th, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Bulldins. ➢ear Sir: The following aoollcatlona for See station o twits w e approved by the Council today and re.errad to you forresolutions: Eduard Schifferl - on Lots 9 and 10, Block 4, vlcto ria Street Add It ion, `mown as 961 West University Ave. Fran': W. Rice - on It 30, Audltor'e Subdivision Fo. 30- southwest c r o. Twelfth and Ceder St ane Yours very truly, C City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS .il 1.,, .�2. I3on. Council, Cit;7 of Vit. }uul. int _c-7en. ae to eprlic it ion cf 7 _ace. ..a foraicn e0,, '. d`tor's 1ra_�11 c¢shnl Ice a :-n on Lot d.,r .t e ts. I i- cr. d i" t?en Li tion under t'leo zcning o.-e.nee. -:e recoi-and t}u.t this 1p 11c¢tion be - _ cued. - Youro ve-y tr"IY, lj City of Saint Pani Office of City Clerk) MIKE J. GIBBONS, Clry CI.,k .nd Cemnivl— of Ry—lan Anril 11th, 1912. Hon. C. A. may, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Co®leeioner: Attached please find application of Frank H. Nice for permit to erect a cash and carry ice station on Lot 30, Auditor'eSobdivieion No. 10 of Bemeey County. Tr ie matter has been referred to your department for Investigation end report. Youree very truly , City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota, April 11, 1932. Honorable City Counoil, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen, Kindly grant me persdeeion to .rest a Dash end Derry toe station, whioh will be operated eubjeot to all oonditioas of the St. Paul City Zone Ordinance, atatlon to be looated on Lot 30, Auditor's Subdivision No. 10 of Rem- eey County, Minnesota, and the building will be looeted next door to 577 Ceder Street. 222 Plea—tAvenue l:. CITY OF ST. PAUL �« NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK R ) N—GENERAL FORM � // fJ��� �[imLY�[i WSEBELS, Dr. Barry M. Michelson has appealed from the decision of the Oommissloaer of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, denying him permission to violate the building line and erect a two-story business building up to the sidewalk line on the southwest corner of Stryker avenue and Winifred street; and WBEBEAB, Proper public hearing has been held, and the Board of Zoning has recommended that such permission be granted under Paragraph j of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the building line of thle lot located on the southwest corner of Stryker avenue and Winifred street be and the game is hereby established at the property line. h. an wm renal p0 O4 reor. s..sus s Yms Nayz Adopud by rhr Council 19 _ b�n..f• I\ favor f Sudhrim Mr. P,­d­ Bundlic City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk M17 1. GIBBONS, Ory CI.A aid Ci.n cq .i.n ..d C ... 1-- of R.. ­sI April 13th, 1932. Mr. L. L. L d.r.oc, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached appeal 04 Dr. Harry M. Michelson 4or permit to violate the bulldlcg lice and erect a two story brick and the buelnee. building up to the at dewalk on the south- e.t c o4 Stryker and Winifred Streets was appro ednby the Council today and referred to you 4or the proper reeolntlon. Your. very truly, City Clerk. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL �•`� APP EAL --' BOARD OF ZONING. Acting undeb Ordinance No.5840 of March 24th, �y August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent 1 9 3 2. ' amendments. Date of Petition : March 8th, 1932. Petitioner Dr. Harry M. Michelson Location : Southwest corner of Stryker & Winifred Zone : Commercial. Appeal : Permission to violate building line and erect a two story brick and the business building up to the sidewalk. Date of Inspection March 16th and 17th, 1932. Date of Hearing : March 17th, 1932. Appearances for Petitioners : Dr. H. M. Michelson, his contractor, his architect and prospective druggist tenant. A letter was received from the bank financing the project, from the prospective barber tenant and from property owners on Stryker Ave., all urging or being agreeable to the setting of the building on the street line. Appearances for Opposition : None. Petitioner's Argument s Dr. Michelson claims that it is a very run down district and nothing is to be gained by preserving the amenities at this corner, and that he could not secure tenant. ..ena..,.. if building was set back. ^✓� (continued) /, page 2- /n �. page ---- 2______ Action of Board Dr. Michelson's lot has a frontage on Stryker Ave., an 80 ft. street. The lots ontthe WinifredeSt�,ree a 60 ft corners street.aTheontage ordinance provides thLtofwhere the blockk in asl district occupies p "C" Residence District, asishth applytioon here, the setback provision the frontage of the commercial district. If the strict lleettter of the etlaw was followed, the building on the Stryker Ave. frontage and Stryker Ave. is the wider street. Also tt there are just as many uAvinThe ordinancefred St. as , are facing Stryker Ave. therefore would not in this particularcase produce Us results which were intended: The Board recommends h a,"thectetitioon n e be granted under p B P " BOARD OF ZONING. Isaac Summerfield G. 0. House Ryland Rothschild Louis Betz C. A. Bassford. l Ar-Tg7 e ea a H. e rrold, Secretary. DR H. M MIC~ELSO~ ^~^^' ----- ''-- l~ m CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND• PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 11, 1A52. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul, `rtinne sot a. Gentlemen: �.ttached hore rith please find corm�unicution from the city cler'F tc the ef:'ect 'h ,t a -7 'l :•rns filed on :,arch 8, by Dr. F .fi cbelsan, n;h ou^s'-ed for a .-m17 tc erect a two at cry brick a . tle business structure on the southwest corner of St r''ker and "lin Sfred Street.;,^ith the side wall built up to the street lines on each side. on the southwest corner, Dr. Idickelson's lot is the only one in the commercial classification and the remaining property on both Stryker and I inifred is in the "0 resi- dence 'L -ss Ificat ion. Under such cir cums'ances, when a commercial building is bu'. 1t on censercia1 property, its wall lines must conform to the lines determined by the bull�ings in the remainder of the block and it is for this reason that he is appeal- ing to the council. The other three corners of this in- t,rsection are crosecrclal corners and are occupied by com- mercial buildings. An inspection by this office gives us the opinion that if Dr. DJickelson's request is granted, no harm wtll be done e to adjoining property and w , therefore, recommend that this permission be granted. YoV3vtrul cner. / . City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Ciiy C— march Sth, 1932. Hon. C. R. Nay, Comer o£ P.P. & P. Bid, Building. Dear Co®S.sloner: - appeal xae filed today by Dr. Ferry Y. Nickelson for permit tc erect a Lxo-story _ brick- and the business structure on the south.. etc r of the Sntareentlon of Stry':.er and Winifred Street. e that said ball ding mqv De Dunt up to the eid.xalk on both Stryker and Winifred Streets. Tei. matter x referred to you and the Zoning Board for inveetlgation aad red ,ort. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST PAUL r�Lr c NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OCIL R_ GENERAL FORM s::&Es R� ,- A- Agr1113,_1932 - RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of fit. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance Bo. 7383, for the purchase of that real estate known as Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 21, Ashton h Sherburne's Addition to fit. Paul and Lot 10, Base' Rearrangement of parte of Blocks 19, 20, 21 and 23, from Frank W. Bass for the sum of .. ` $3,349.28, this jpr ice to include all assessments and taxes paid in full, as a site for a playground, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw warrant in amount subject to the above oon- ditions, in favor of Frank W. Base, when the proper deed oon- veying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, has been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to the Playground Bond Issue Fund. o�� m �a� I w t"m 2 ° `V4— 1 1b. 9 oPMr Nays Aad 1,y . C --I {�R 18 1932 I9 Ycas courvciLn+Ery / v m MaPPr—d ! 19 A Rosen I ` Agai ., - M110R 5udhcima /Mc.P,—d— 13—dl.. G' City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES o„.. IT PAUL April 12, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has undertaken to purchase that real estate known as Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition to St. Paul and. Lot 10, Base' Rearrange- ment of parte of Blocks 19, 20, 21 and 23, in accordance with 0. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, as a site for a playground, and that said property can be purchased from the owners thereof for the sum of Three Thousand Three Hundred and Forty -Nine Dollars and Twenty -Eight Cents ($3349.28), this price to include all taxes and assessments paid in full. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owners of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the tome above set forth. COMMITTEE D9 omr� %Parrk�e,P ygrde.& Public BlT96- IH Puro ae� ing Agent o,�..CITY OF ST PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 'S NLNL/GENERAL FORM E April lb, 182 RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of Bt. Paul, under and pureuaat to Ordinance No. 7383, for the purchase of that real estate known as Lot 4, Block 21, Ashton h Sherburne'. Addition to St. Paul, from 0. 8eaqulst for the sum of 6300.00, this price to include all assessments and tame paid in full, as a site foi a playground, 1s hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw warrant in amount subject to the above conditions, in favor of 0. Sesqulet, when the proper deed oon— veying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, has been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to the Playground Bond Issue Hund. SPR 1+191 EONN��MEN � ndoP,°d by d.° co.�al le Yea: Nays ,�Ma In favor Appy Sk /Qaicn A...i— -" – ✓ MnroR �Sudhumer /Mr. P—.d— B—dli, City of saint P;..; DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES April 15, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORArLE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has undertaken to purchase that real estate known as Lot 4, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition to St. Paul, in sccordance with C. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, as a site mr a playground, and that said property can be purchased from the owner thereof for the a= of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), this price to include all taxes and assessments paid in full. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the terms above set forth. COMIlITTEE ON .ANDS s%F o _ � , Comr.Parke,Plb So Bldgs.� Purohasing Agent o.r.... .o .... CITY OF ST PAUL NO. dU15 OFFICE OF CITY CLE— COUNr ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, At its meeting on April 13th, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission authorized an extra in the sum of $1312 to the Commonwealth Electric Company for install- ing a private inter-communicating telephone system in the court rooms; and WHEREAS, This system was requested by the District Judges; therefore, be it AESOLYED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of said Commission, and the proper City officers are are hereby authorized and directed to add the sum of $1,312.00 to the contract sum of the Commonwealth Electric Company for electrical work in the new Court House and City Hall Yca.+ cour�c,i�N eN Ne /Conroy �/ / May / M,D... Id Ir. favor Peace aa..'. Agan.. S.dhcimcr Mr. P—id— B...dl,� A,1,,.d by .hr. C--1 19 Apl--d� Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hlnc Club B.ildins •w..m�"•.•�•�•• �� xr Cd". 1:10 """"•""" April 16, 1932. 7~ To the City Council, City of Saint Paul, mioneeota. Centl®en; At its meeting April 13th the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission authorized increasing the contract of the Commonsealth Slactrlc Ctmpeny by $1,312, for installing a private inter-commonionting telephone system in the court rooms. This system connects the Judge:' bench with the office of the Clerks and the Sher- iff. Tnie .Ark sae raguastad by the Judges. The matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly your., Secretary, Advisory Court Howe and City Hall Building 0=..ion. CPH:SH �••• ••'^• ••••• CITY OF ST. PAUL „u " NO.. - -:]f 14.b OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7ohn H. McDonald _AT ril 19, 1932. RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the matter of condemning property for the widening of University Avenue, a part of Lot 1P, clock 16, Smith's Subdivision of -stir—i,a uivision of the North- west ane -fourth of �ectlon 36, Town 29, Range 23, was taken, and the damages awarded for the part taken — the sum of g1, 828.00, and WHEREAB, Emma Louise Thon, record owner of said property, hao requested permission to move back the building thereon, which building is a residence, and has agreed, 1f so permitted, to move back the building, to pay the City the sum of $200.00, as a considerat lou for such per mfee i on, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Valuations has fixed the sum of $200.00, as the amount of the saving to the record owner if such permisei on is granted, therefore, be 1t RE30LVED, thatpermission is hereby grantee to the .aid Emma Louise Thon to move back the building, on the above described property, and the proper city officer. are hereby authorized and directed to reduce the amount of damages to said property by the sum of $200.00, namely, $1,628.00. nl Yoe coUNcit.rasN N.Y. ." Adopted by the C—A—!"0 ice. apo 19— d&.4, Rosen !� mom May / r MrD—Id Io livor Appr 19— 9 .Bdhot &1& Conroy S.dhdmcr Binet wvos 11—d Pearce PUBLISHED `i`fJ3 4x� Mr.Ptuidmt FAdg me Bundlie o.c... .�. .. NO. CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,E/S`^��/'O GENERAL FOPRE-TED 8y RM c.om uiss or... oATc C� M Ma=)tX l WHEREAS, Harold J. B1awik has petitioned the Council for permission to rebuild the drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Snelling and Marshall avenues; and the Counoil is of the opinion that such permission should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Harold J. Slawlk to rebuild said station; the Lanka and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commis- sioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes In curbing, siddwalks, ramps, drainage or other public Improvements within the street lines shell be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Y cou rvc.iLm eH Nays Adop,e8 by 0- Council APR i . ^19 C .... y May McDonald h, favor Approved Pea Rosen Agein.r Sr�d hclmcc / G Mr. Prcvdcnl Bu.dhc Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATF TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is/Hereby Made FILED Eo C�- 1.� 01"0m,ent of Pvbiiv'jsFON GEORG' C SUDHEIMER.­­­­ A—ii M. J. Gib..-, -u, He -old J. Slf filLinr s,,U.n on �ha ­Ih­,,� I-- and Mo rshall Av�nugo I­,GII,%, f1, -'' I,,,- -,I., of lh' Sur r s of L,o Prevenlic, and 1-ytv/l/y7�y—, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 15, 1932 Yr. George C• Sudheimer onmi Cieelo¢erof Public Safety Dear Sir Feferring yr, f April 12 concerning applico�.ioo made by L_r old J ,Sl -11, for permleeion to "I'll, the gasoline filling station on the southwest ..orner of Snelling end Marshall Avenues: An inspection of this location was today made by Yr. Herry N. Pette rg re n, Su pe rite ndent of traffic, who reports that the proposed changes will not interfere pith traffic. Verj truly yours, ���!� i� j Vii✓ � ��� thome.s A. 110,1Chief of police HNN�P7 Fila o THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 15,1932. Hoi3.Cso.C.Sudheimer Commissioner of Pub110 safety, St.Paul,Mlnn. Gear Sir; In regard to the application of Harold J.Slawik for permise ion torebuild gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Snelling and Marshall Avenues. We have investigated the foregoing and report that to rebuild the gasoline filling station at the above location would not increase the fire hazard. your. respectfully, Chief Inspector. MILTON a05EN.Co '....0 ...o C Y %0111 SAIIYTy►�✓�f306 Pvparhmwreh v f Public WvAu .... w......on. �,�...,.,. a.,. .�..., April 18, 1932 «...o+.....w.....�..... w.,...... Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. Re: Rebuilding drive-in filling station located at the southwest corner of Dear Sirs Snelling and Marshall. Rarold J. Slawick, Applicant. This proposed station is on a ..all site for this type of business. This necessitated the moving of the storm water inlets as close to the corner as possi- ble with a reduction in the size of the corner island. The driveways do not exceed 20 ft. in width. Expansion joints should be provided where the new driveways abut the property line, sidewalk, street pavement and existing concrete driveways. Yoursvery ruly, wm. N. c e , —C -.h Chief g neer. 2*C..i*T.'s'i...r of blic Works. '� /l/c r4 _�.. __....... 2�d• � `\ .j i9rhr�ii/i srriaii/e'�� 6r \\ \ 1`�� �nirl on wa// of 6/��•` �row•r i "erpaeaian jev�a metoleo' ow ia/snd in irn071 whem now eooe. Jwys abrf lily _ � _ _ _ - •�� c,<' G.ii9. pro/rr/y /ine, oiiiws/ko. lfrlef psro•wwer` 3i frs 2 /� _ aniciisfiir' aacc• dw 1 fi MKl. •b - - free/ of u.:{„"ll �' iia•i of � I i� i • _ 6 _ - z•s��ap CfF/.yti� I ba,/ �I I bx\ I I `',Eaiafiiy.O,�y) \ \ I y exiafinf tont. \ I /✓rn CA.ed. fe sep/.re .£r- a% AYE. ARS/4 L a tis I ,-- � I I II G.r.?a/vie S i . \ Aii �,� fitrnfrl an .re// mf D/✓': fror/di i."erperraiun ja%�J— ; �.: _ \!• er maunfte on /b/sod in Y;ronf rvbrro new esoc dwys o6�f Nie i — _ of D(a 'o. 9 - --pr"irriy I/ar,.J4'rWOlko, Jfrietperenrrr/f - � T^�. \ \ - - en✓triefili'-none. dwfr .r. 15 �11 "� � fbdf�ghf L6.,.I � \ i "•... CITY OF ST PAUL . ,r NO. tN-YC) OFFICE OF CITY CLERK GENERAL FORM, -T iaoc�ar� WHEREAS, Fred M. Langberg has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice store on Lot 105 and part of Lot 110, Union Park, being at the northeast corner of Prior and Feronla avenues; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said Fred M. Langberg for the erection and maintenance of said station, the building to be const rooted In accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Yeas cVuh`�L MEN Nays Ad,—d by she Coundl .. Ig Co., y Mayr .,Donald h, f—" Acd. 19 i MA— M, P ... �d— B.ndl.� City of Saint Pawl Office of City Clerk —E ), GIBBONS, Cily CI.,k Lo,il 18-, lj'W L. L, ration .,ounsel, Door Slr: The attached application f Fred M. Laq�berR for P"", ei— to ,�t , —,, h and c,r,tee .onr. Lot l09 and of I I., Unto, Per, ok approved by the Cotl today' and referred to you for the __'r " eol,tt— Y—re —, truly City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND'PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 8, 1'32. IIon. Co.mcil, Cit., of ;;t, haul. ;ont 1—c n : 1 rred anlb, ':lc ,c_ .;ion to ect n sPar". Thi1. and c le, store on Lot 119 nd p-1 of Let 117, Cnions proporty is on the northeast corner of Prior and Feronia Avenues, and is zoned in t''.e L1^ht In- dustry classification under the ::onir..- or:linluce. ,.end t'.t the . t be granted on ecndition t:�A t�'r ice atati '.cn CacePrior ;,venue n also on condition t!. �. t!•e e1d Patrol wagon n w in place on ton n one rty Me!, hes been used heretofore for the �'u 1— of storing ice, be ro,..ove... ti,,, aretail Sco storwlo­ ted as loted on t), lot but th, has be o� abnndoned. Yours very truly, 1 si on ��. IY city (of Saint Pa -cul Office of City Clerk MINE ), GIBBONS, City CI.,L ..d March 22nd, 1912. �1 G` Aon. C. R. May, Caae'r of P.P. & P. Bldg e., Huildlog. Dear Com lseloner: At tacbed oleaee find application of Fred N. l,angberg for a —Hon to Install a ash and oarry ice station on l,o r. 109 ane Dark of l.ot lioc on Park it of Feronia and Prior Lvanue s). This apn lication s referred to you by the Council for invesIigatlon and report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 11Lw;...� )-i, �� If 3 -),- a NO CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK .Iom n�issiON[(/^ RES ;NERAL FORM u R[3 pWLYII WHEREAS, By Oouncll S11e No. 91649, approved February 10, 1952, the Council determined that that certain building located on Lot 1, Block 6, Neat at. Paul Proper, also known as the south- west corner of Oh annel and Starkey streets, is unsafe and danger- ous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and NHXRE6S, Due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oommissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and be is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. - - caurvu Lm sN Adopccd by the Cou„... ."._.. `.4 yet 19 Yc..s NBys% Conroy / May Approved WD ­ .,Id ko,cn 1�' A6e'osi MAYOR ewusltcD / Mc. p_.8— sundh, 'City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cit, CI.r4 •nd Ca.minle°.� of R.gBb.11a° April 16ta, 1932. Anderson, Corpora[ ion Coweelr ia^ia` Buildlare. °� ::� bw., ivio..°ore..a v.. r; Dear Sir: Attached please find reps frm Commissioner May advi Bin that no appeal taken in the mutter of the order condemning th inT located on the ev,th• t comer of Channel Starkey Street,. The Coonc Ll todgv re far re 1° matter to yon for the .raper ra sa lutlon. •B °" '° n in"ar as Yours very truly, f won.o ince. la avaa� City Clerk. City of Saint Pain Office of City clerk MIKE J GIBBONS, C11, O-� -d 1-11-1 ... 1 -1 Lprii 16to, 1932. --e' th- d reun, Corporation couo", Building. Do., Sir; Attached pl.o-o find repUt 1 s been frauc-1-ioner UV od, i.ihC thot -- -P- -t bull d_ taken Jo the ratter f the 1, lldl—'-nal — corner . f Chuh 1 d located on t.10 ­tl— tarke Street.. . The Council today roferred thig mtte, to you for the ,roper ro e.luti. You" very truly, -,211, X, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND ScAND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS -Cs, March 23, _. "— Council, ^,Sty of St. Foul. OnFebruary 1D, Co,uicll Resolution No. 91149 wa passed by your Yon or able Body, directing the pre cicing and sromoval of the buildin_, condenmed bytl-.1s Department, -.11ch is located on the sout heat corner of Ch_nnel and :,t-rlcey Streets. The lost pari„�-raph of this rosolution requires the Corvnls- sioner of Parks, Playg. unds And Public Buildings to report to the Co—sil if within ten days after the —iling of a copy of the above resolution to theo eul his ben t alcen. '7e, therefore, report thet^nothiny has been done Tong the line of wre c'::in6 this st -act are '.n.. no rpo,l has been taken. Yours vrr tp ly, co.�si pngr J{t\ �• CITY OF ST PAUL ric " NO _OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESOL OQ L- GENERAL FORM YI,, ER � °= RESOLVED That Council File No. 91858, approved March 8, 1932, direct— ing the wrecking and removal of a frame dwelling at 488-485 North street, be and the same is hereby repealed, said building having been wrecked by the owner. b. i�ase� Y � � N n 1 Ycu Nays Adop:cd by the Co—d %PF 19 Metro yX,7 / M<D... Id In (over Approved.. 19 Pre rcr /� � i S�dhcimer Mnvoa MrPre:ldrn OondI.e / City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Cl., ..d C..--., of R.gl,e.Ro. JLril 16th, 19T2. 61r. L, L. Anderson, Co rooratS on Cavneel, Bull dln2. Dear Sir: Rs attach herewith c 'mlcation fromC—issloner MV adVielnv that buil LSnr located at 4&1-485 North Street hee been wrecked. The C mcil today re£e rred thle cotter to you for reeo lut lonoc nnc e 111nr, the order. Yours very truly' City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND ZANO,PUBLIC BUILDINGS Barth 11. 1932. Hon. Council, Cityof St. real, D'ir-resets. Gent] Bron: Hecently a council resolution was passed by your Honorable Body relating to sustaining the conde—tion imposed by this Department on the building at 483-485 Borth :street, wh'ch Ss oemed Ly Geist, et al, 28 cast 11zth Street. This resolution set s date for public hearing to be held in the Council Chambe-- on February 24. May vie now respectfully report that this building has been wrecked and the property cleaned up and it is, therefore, now In order to cancel the City Clerk s file on the matter. Yours very truly, Co �.ssionar• 1 Ho �_ s FORM No. 2 �7, l Council Pi'. No. 32'1a Subject: Date presented 1932 R�yded, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has r orted in (� accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employ.. ofhis Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more then usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NppE TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Anthony Arena Ditch digger 8 h�a. .55 Tim C. McCarthy Maint.laborer 8 .50 John L. McManus Uty.laborer 8 " .55 Martin Walberg Ditch digger 8 .55 John F. Conroy Uti.laborer. 1 16 6 .55 Dsniel O'Connor " " .55 Nicholas J. Wagner n 8 .55 Ole Munson Foreman 4 -.a- 14 Ed. Kordell Mech.helper 1 2 .62 Leonard Munson Sub -foreman 8 .62 James Tighe Ditch digger 1/2 .55 Ralph Mulroy Uty.laborer 15 _ _.55 AyesCouncilmen Nays Conroy APR ) P 10 McDonald1932 v "dopted by the Pearce 7 Rosen Sudheimer Approved 1932 Mr. President 8undlie Approved: PUbLUILD sonar ompson Gene—Vuperintendent FORM No. 1 April 16, 1932 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities Bureau of Water, rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Lake Vadnai /% Operating Highland and Haz®1 Park Pumping stations.* Repairing standpipe at Central and Park.## Shutting off Vadnais conduit" Changing 3" motor at 744 E.7th, 3" meter at 56-58 E. 8th St. 3" motor at 333 Jackson St.### This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #To prevent trespassing. *On Sunday. ##Leak In standpipe. **For repairs. ###Work had to be done outside of business hours. _ _ SF3 APo" d: VQu er ompeeo erint G neral Supnd t r i P i ELKc ^ NO v N L ESOLU TION i —IT TOT11- FpawARo 7 500 00 1^532 296 99 . ELKc ^ NO v N L ESOLU TION CLAIMS S April 19 4}2 X95 .n� . ,00.rEo a....� p o Eo �.__ 9 ... - vur. a�n � TOTAL r IN FAVOR OF I -—T 1— 1— 7 500 00 07 597 47 • 3918 Dennie Laughlin Fin.' 220 0 12 873 2 3919 3920 John H. McDonald, C, of John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 646 4 3921 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 381 5 3922 John H. McDonald C, of FS n. 26 188 0 3923 Job n H. McDonald, C, of Fin, li 2 102 5 3924 John H. McDonald, 0, of Fin, 36 273 2 3925 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. : 3 781 9 3926 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 13 o46 9 3927 John H, McDonald, C, of Fin. 244 6 3928 John H. McDonxI A, C, of FS n. 2 883 7 3929 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin, 7 270 0 3930 John HMoDnald, C, of Fin. , o 1 020 8 1931 John nald of Fin. 196 2 3932 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 894 4 393 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 4 418 9 475 393 3935 Sew= Badge & Novelty Company Axi lwry Sxorees Agency 0.1 28 2 3936 Harris Brothers Plumbing Company 101 6 11 3937 Mrs. H. Mitch 192 4 1 3936 A 1 St=nographic Bureau 56 3939 St.Paul Structural steel Company 1 691 5 39+0 Charles Stewart j 32 0 3941 E.J. Fazendia 2400I 3942 Donald Quirt 4C 0 394J,A. Rosseau 683 0 394 Jobn H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 52 01, 394 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 55 0 394 Atlas Gaa & Oil company 155 5611 3947 H.C. Boys son Company, 30 51171 3948 Mre. E.R, Bray 30 00' 3949 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compapy 294 94. 3950 Dix Baking Company 86 76' 3951 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk company 65 79' 3952 Goodrloh-911fertowa.I no. 24 50� l 395j Johnson Printing Company ".'. %oepke 112 00�; 57 701, 395+ 3955 F.G. Le a lie Paper Company 81 37', 3956 Maendler Brush Company 31 90. 3957 N.S. Blauges Company 34 02 4 3958 H. Peltz s son 570 35 • 3959 7960 St.Paul Broom Mfg, Company J.L. Shiely Company 11 27,. 55 111': V 3961 L.N. Sickels company 18 8, 'J 401, 3962 3963 Specialty Printing Company star Photo Company 23 20 00!' 3964 Victory Pr S -ti ng Company 1 93 25': !I 3965 "est Publiahi ng Company 30 75 i —IT TOT11- FpawARo 7 500 00 1^532 296 99 . CITY OF ST, PAUL ri �E � NO. J(fi513 Y OFFICE OF CITY CLERK * UNC1t ESOLUTIDNGENERAL FORM -� ��...�,,.�cAT, Apr. 19, 1932 RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for repairing and relaying cement tile sidewalks in the City of St. Paul during the Year 1932, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to advertise this work for bids. I— Yc,S N,Y^ Adopted by the C— —1 r'�k 1 M219 � Co n:oy +Y �M<Donaid In (e.o� Approved __ 19 MAYOR u..a1 CITU OF ST PAUL .the t a•1L1M1•o c•.... COUN SOLUT N G ERA ••. ^ucoosi� OFFICE OF CITY FORK, ._., 1 R WHEREAS, By Ordinance No. 7291, approved Ssaua.ry, 27, 1931, the St. Peel City Railway Company was ordered and directed to lay and construct a single track line of street railway, with all necessary appliances, on Dale street from the present track on Dale street at Maryland street, north on said Dale street to Lake Como and Phalen avenue, together with the necessary Y's, and when so constructed to ron and operate oars upon and over the same; and WHEREAS, Due notice was served upon said St. Paul City Railway Company by the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, The said Railway Company has failed to build said street railway track as directed by said ordinance; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby directed to take each action as may be necessary to force said Street Railway Company to build and operate its street railway as in said ordinance set out• Yca: Co1rvCiumEN Naya coR.oy p,' May �Dnaald l/% Aga. si /S�dhcima M,. P—id— Bu.dhc Ad.p—I by chc C--11 . _� t .1�2 '9 - App'—d 19 MAYOR � r .,... CITY OF ST. c' w" xo..aftef—. a. Manooe-{C -I1 OFFICE OF CITYaegl,i OIINCIL RESOLDTION—GENEF. tht -0 av �iv.+if issiory ea f � n1E aril 211-19 j2--...._ _ RESOLVED wMMUS, is the matter of the opan1-9, widening, extending and improving of 11a1verelty avenue from Dale at reef Lo Park avenue, the City of Saint Paul condensed and took for street parposes, Che northerly twenty teat (201) or Lot 5, Block 3. aa^kahla & ldarehall,e Lddition to Saint Paul end WHIMS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul duly confirmed the award of damage. after deducting the benefit. in said condemnation in thesum of One Thousand Two Hundred Nighty Six Dollars and Ninety-two eats ($1, 2s6.92), which net award contemplated the wrecking end re- vel of the portion of a building on said condemned portion of said lot, and Rk&N814 Hubert Franz, as owner of said lot appealed to the District Court from confirmation of said award, which appeal is now pending and WNENW,IL 1s now proposed that all nontrovarsles relating to said and be settled and said appeal d1®Ssaed prowl ding the owner of said lot be permitted to move said building intact sad to locate same said lot without the portion thereof between the new and the old treatlines and tone the same, which proposed settlement 1s racommanded by the Commissioner of Finance and the Corporation Counsel and is deemed advisa- ble; therefore, be it R&SOLVED, That the owner of said lot be and he bereby is enthorised and permitted to move said building intact and to locate the eeme upon .aid lot without the portion thereof between `the new and old etreeL lines We. the eondit ion that the said appeal ba di ®iesad and that all contro- vereiee pertaining to said award be settled. Y.af courvciLM Ery Na, G�Gooray ,/ ay McDonald In la�or Pearce / Hoxn � Agairrsr dheL„er Mr. P—der.r 13..dhe Adop,ed by ,hc Council AVw 7 f, 1q'12 lv ApprovedJV 19 i CITY OF ST PAUL r .e � NO. — Jty-y.yv o.c... ,o,.. ,... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CO U NEIL SOLUTYIOL 2e ——RHSffi.NFDI WHEREAS, The Federal Trade Oommieeion will, on April 26th, begin its hearings on the Northern States Power Company and its capital Set-up and its fiscal operations; and WHEREAS, We are Of the opinion that the City of St. Paul should be made oonversent with all of the facts disclosed at said hearing, so as to better enable the Oity in the future to regulate the Northern States Power Company in its operations in St. Paul, and to better enable the Oity to negotiate proper franchise agree- ments with said Company; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oorporation Counsel be and he is hef'eby directed to appear before said Federal Trade 0ommission at its said hearing, and to report to the 00unoll the information disclosed thereat in the fullest possible detail. i„b -—d aI/ , to32 — I APR COUICILm Ery A8o,r d by 1h< C-61 - - 19 Y<as N.,�mroy M. n Ia 19 APP/ro-vcW� Dnaid _ P Agai ar ` / mnYoa Sudhc�su<r � / Mr. Pr<aidm, Bu.dl�< ITY OF ST PAUL- o,o.., OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM orvaa IHO C. PEARCE onn: APRIT, 18th -143--- aREservrc cornMls= RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Department of Education deslree to use the nremisee known as the Ho7.1ow Skating Rink r_s an additional playground space for the McKinley School for the year 1932, and WHEREAS, said Department has reached an agreement whereby said ➢apartment Is to pay Willis. J. Kranz, the owner of said premises, the eum of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars for said use, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Proper city officers be and they ere hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease with cold William J. Kranz covering the use of said premises fro., April. let, 1932 to N­­b­ 15th,1932 at e rental of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars for the entire term. I aero courvci �rn[ry Adopad by 'hr Councd 19 y— N.y: y jI /M -y APP•ovcd, 19 �M,D—ld �Pcircc �� l/✓�// �"` � Rosen J Agai ,. - �'g .� Mnvorz /5=dhcimcr Mr. P,,-1— 6..dl,c THIS AORSNUMs Undo and entered Into thin 18th day of April, 1939 by and between William J. grans, 1907 Blair Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, party of the first pert, lessor, and the Olty of St. Paul, a m utioipal corporation, of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part, lessee. WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, In consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter mentioned, does hereby demise, lease and let unto the said party of the second part, and the said party of the second part does hereby hire and take from the said party of the first part, the following described promises situated in the Oounty of hamsey and State of Minnesota, vise Lots nine (9) to fourteen (14) inclusive and seventeen(17) to twenty two (99) Inclusive, Block twelve (19)2 Mackubin and Marshalls Addition according to the plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the Register of Deeds of Remeey County, Minnesota. TO HAVG AND TO SOLD the said premises just ee they are without any liability or obligation nn the part of said lessor to sake any alterations, Improvements or repairs of any kind on or about said premises, from the first day of April, 1932s to the 18th day of November, 1939, to be used In connection with the Moginley School for playground purposes. The said lessee agrees to pay the said lessor as rent for the use of the premises hereinbefore described the sum of Sixty (880.00) Dollars for the period Of April let, 1939, to November 18th, 1939, said rental to be paid In advance. Said lessee agrees to quit and deliver up said premises to the said lessor peaceably and quietly at the end of the aforesaid term. It 1, nor thrr '—'—A that rhe hese. n ny renew this 4�-+ IF . -2- lease for the following year providing terms can be agreed upon, by giving said lessor written notice to that effect within thirty day. following the expiration of this agreement. It in further agreed that in case of a sale of said property, end possession is demanded by purchaser, the leasee agrees to vacate upon Ten (10) day. written notice any un- earned part of the rental price to be refunded to said second party by first party. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF both parties have hereunto net their hands and goals the day and year first above written. In presence of% LESSOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY MAYOR COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION CITY CLERK Count—ignod this __ day of April, 1952 CITY COMPTROLLER. THIB AOREEMENR, Made and entered into this 16th day of April, 1958 by and between William J. grana, 1907 Blair Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, party of the first part, lessor, and the City of St. Paul, a munioipal corporation, of the State of Mianesota, party of the second part, lessee. WITNHSSRTH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the rents and oovenanta hereinafter mentioned, doe. hereby domino, leans and let unto the maid party of the second pert, and the said party of the second part doe. hereby hire and take from the said party of the first part, the following described premises situated in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, via; Lots nine (9) to fourteen (14) inclusive and seventeen(17) to twenty two (99) inclusive, Block twelve (19), Maokubin and Marshalls Addition according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey county, Minnesota. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premise. just as they are without any liability or obligation on the part of raid lessor to make any alterations, improvements or repairs of any kind on or about said premises, from the first day of April, 1939, to the 16th day of November, 1939, to be used in commotion with the MCHinley School for playground purposes. The said lessee agrees to pay the said I ... or as rent for the use of the premises hereinbefore described the sum of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars for the period of April let, 1939, to November 13th, 1939, said rental to be paid in advance. Said lessee agrees to quit and deliver up amid premises to the said lessor peaceably and quietly at the end of the aforesaid term. It is f—ther agreed that the knees may renew this -g - lease for the following year providing terms can be agreed upont by giving said lessor written notice to that Offset within thirty days following the expiration of this agreement. It is further agreed that in cage of a sale of said propertys and posseesion is demanded by purchasero the lessee agrees to vacate upon Tut (10) days written notice any un- earned part of the rental price to be refunded to said second party by first party. Ih TESTIMONY WHRRROB both parties have hereunto not their hands and seals the day and year first above written. In presence oft LRSSOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY — MAYOR CONKISSIONKH OF EDUCATION CITY CLRRE Countersigned this day of April, 105P CITY COMPTROLLRR. THIS AGREEMENT, Mad. and entered lot.o this 16th day of Anrt1, 1932 by and between William S. Kranz, 1207 Blair Street, St. Pau)., Mtn .sn r,o,re,ty of the " r -t rt, leas,^, and the lit? of St. Pa,', a 7,nn1clpal —por-tion, of the State of Minnesota, par`y of the second part, lessee. W1T't5SSRTH, That the said party of the first pert, in consideration o' the rent= ani' covenants hereinafter manttonad, does hereby demise, lease and 'at unto the slid party or the second part, and the satd party of the second part does hereby hire and take from the geld party of the first pert, the following dasnrlbad premises eitnated in the County of `'Ramsey and Stata o_ vinnescta, viz; Lots nine (9) to fourtesp, (1.4) and seventeen(17) to twenty two (2?) Snr1_usive, Block twelve (12), Marl—bin end Marshalls Pdditlor according to the plat thereof on Me and of record in 'ba nffica nr the R'rta tar of Deal, of Rameav len"ty, Mlnnasnta, TO I—, r"D 10 HGLD t.,a sold 'b— .,a without = „ ..ability nr obligation on the part of —td lessor to mrke any alterstlone, 1—provamants or repairs of any kind on or shoat eeld pre -?sea, from the filet day of April, 193?., to the 15th day of November, 1032, to be usedSn ....action witb the MOKinley School for _'.-ygronnd nnrpoaea, The said lease' sgr,,as ')ay the for the ase of the o^.ises h=^ —be^ore dascrtbed the awn or Sl.ty (P0.00) Dollars for t}.., part-- ,r tpr11 1-' 10�?, to Nova",ba^ 15th, 1932, —, r—n..el to he ,• a�?,r=ore. Said be=es aereaa t^ qv' —1 deliver u, eatd pramlaos to the .aid lessor pea_ ably p1 qtly at the end of 'ha aforesaid term. 0 leasa for the f-llowtn- ar providing terms can be agreed n, , by gSvtng said lessor written notice to that effect within thirty days following the amtrotlon of this agreement. It, Is f—ther agreed t?lat 11 ca.a of a sale of =aid jroperty, end possession is demanded by n rchasar, the lessee agree. to vacate ,pen Ten (10) day. written notice a17 ,m - earned pert of the rental p*ice to be refunded to said second party by firet p—ty. IN TFSTIN.ONY WHEREOF both psrt,ies have be -unto eat their hands and seals the day and pear first above —I tten. h p— senn. of: Approved ae to thle�ay of--- iB fL LESSOR CITY OF SP.INT PAUL BY MAYOR 101VISSIONER OF EDUCATION CITY CLF.R11 C o, n,kc�atpr �d this day of CITY COMPTFOLLER. B. I. Goodrich e0 .� Q'.itE nt �ninY 1,14111 C up L11rapTrnllrr SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA Jona 22, 1932. Irving C. Pears-, laq., Oamiedoner of Monat Son, Endicott Bn11ding, City, Dear Sir: Tour attention Se directed to Council Pile 92157. dated April S. 1932. Thi- -11 file regniree that a 1-eee be entered into beteeen the City of Saint Paul and William J. Kra., .aid los-e to coder the period from April 1. 1932 to Bovember 15, 1932. To data this lease bee not been received. Please advise ne at yow earliest convenSenn. e- to wbst notion has bean taken in this matter. Tour- very truly. B. P. Goodrich, City Comptroller IBR -IB Ando tont. .. o.„,... .o �.. e..., CITY OF ST PAUL ... NO. - tdpU OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RE / N—GENERAL FORM / _Y �K6A0LIISD_ WHEREAS, the Twin City Tire & Battery Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install three extra pumps and three Lanka at its filling station at 1491 Univer Bity avenue; and WHEREAS, The Council is of the opinion that said petition should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Twin City Tire & Battery Company to install said pumps and tanks, the same to be Installed in accordance with the ordi- nances of said City and under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Bafepy; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public Improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Works. :' .R ..0.11,.1ss�1 ...o.s�:. Yc.s coUrvciLMEN Nap/ Adop«d by chi Cou.ul ap" � I:i�(. 19 �oncoy xm.y i McDonald I� f.+o. A/PPCo 19 /Konen` Againe. i/C��- J m YOR Sudheim / W P—id-1 B.ndlm 01 THE CITY CLE - Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COU -11 - OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made eo FILED 71; --T-T -T1 .1 -1. IA - 0 ax -YE 1IT1 ILA -1 -7 �'"rhmlunt vf Pv6Iic ,5GFehg April 1B, 1952 Mr. M. J. Gibbose, City Clerk, Saint Pall, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith Se the application of the Twin City Battery and Tire Company for permission to instal three extra tanks and pompe at 1491 University Avenue and report of inspection by the Bureeae of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Pery��"'.' yourfl� Commi.asioner of Pblic Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY IF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 15. 1932 Mr. George C. Sudheimer C ommia ioner of Pub110 Safety Dear Sir: Felati— to yo- latterof April ing epplio,.ion made by the Twin City Tiro and Hatter/� Compagy for permission to iaft al three extra tank. and throe pumps at the gasoline filling station at 1491 Uui— slay Avenue (the north e,t oo rnur) will any that an inepeot ion of this location was today made by Mr. Carry N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic. lle reports that these addition, to the fillingstation at the.t location will not interfere with traffic. Very truly yours. Thomas A. gross Chief of Polios HWWA: File 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April,18,1932. Hon.Geo.0.Hudheimer Oommi eeioner of Public °afety, 8t.paul,Nlnn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Twin Oity Tire and Hatters at gasoline for fillings station onathe northeasextra t and i PSP g corner of Simpson and Dniver eity8 so described as 1491 west University Ave. Oapaoity oY tanks 550 each. Re have Investigated the foregoing and report that this additional storage at the above location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant reSeotion. yours /truly /hou Ohlef Inspector. CITY VJF�SAIIYT��1�f�3�� pepeirvhrmenih v f �dmFillie �Jvrlas ...c w. w000.�... o.,...,o.. o.... April 19, 193; o�.,..o. .....w.,....�..... w....,,,.. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r k Re: Rebuilding drive-in filling station at the Northeast corner of University and Simpson Dear Sir: Twin City Tire & Battery Co., T. C. Vandanker. The above location is in a Light Industry District and no heiring is required. Engineering Report: The proposed change in this station layout will not affect pedestri- an movements on the sidewalk. The additional drive- way is 23 feet in width. Expansion joints should be provided where the new driveway abuts the street pavement and the sidewalk. Yours very truly N. CAR Chief Eng eer. wnc-mh 2 En s. MILTDN ROSEN Commissioner of public Works. V' -R I_ < l6-� /76vl • ., /6-0 - � ,8 t. n c. Pr ZY:19pPi N/ I3 LAND �/' /P.4 c1<, vN/•VPI. .. W LOG.OJ/O At lPdNllo �z sJ �N� �f1M� /5L AND _ - -✓r�d �✓ CONCR Fid C(/.EB - _ - -- __._ 44 10 i /.L �. ✓..0 .�:- bXASS Ii L VA.LL N CvR • .klt•: s 7-0p �. Kt:3.e.Nr iJR /✓,t Vl/.9y y, 3" 0 PO / Ilk O I , Ca,v t c v / O I , Ca,v t c v x 11 Fy - �.0 4 3 3 � O U 1- .� ✓.�4 � D 4 i� A .S s ,�i D U.r� E VR 4 -D - - -N - - Iy CVA 207' n {. / 1 �ee 3e yr I,Aw Y J4!�w 9A �ia4✓ _ y T / 4 G ze j s K x _ r 04/ ryEW LO GAJ/ON OfLA,Io /pJiw/o IV 15V14D7.Vy j �OREs7-Wr � i � .. fort.. ,.✓��J SjortA4�%A N.t$ - E i I dor i� lajS - e p , C, pe IS - - ' •. ( � _ i ✓�f'EW 10.UA1/oN O� l .. ./I/�N./ �!/N/� LA//O CITY OF ST PAU yw¢N vu ��4➢ Ce n:~J. ___�� OFF E OF CITY CLI`,°„ u n. t lac7fn Cf1 OL YB d Y Ef55o a - RaE�C WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story frame apartment building located on Lots 5, 6, 8 and 9, Block 7, Warren & Winslow's Addition, also known as No. 595-603 Lafayette avenue, Is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking Bald building, on the 16th day of May, 1933, at ten o'clock A. M. 1n the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, In the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not leas than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice Of each hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not lose than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 1'cas courvciuriery Na, Adoprcd by r6 C-61... APR 19 Id 19 nroy — Aday %fNcDonald In favor APProve 19 / Pea me i Ree Agatea' - f S.a6wm�r Py'EWsmsD mnyos Mr. Prcaid— B—dim 0 • d r b 6 gD, COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... 11 M "TPR.I.— — Resolved, that the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving alley in Block 2, King,. Maplewood from Princeton Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, lin accordance with plane and spec ifioations hereto attached, to the CLEMENT F. 80ULLEY EgUipMERT 00., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,935.00, and the Corporation 00ua8e1 is hereby instruoted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. A-P ma �xaxeo 00 • SIN .. o,. �...,.......13,360.00 8774 ° .P..° ...,, o............. .. o.,...o .o. �o�°.......... ..o..., ;1, 935.00 COUNCIL'RESOLUTION wu♦vonixwiiov or uocwu v.,reove,n --�- 4 IATo noure in the recommend tiOn Of Resolved, that the Council hereby ooalley is the 0ontraot Committee and awards the ooatract for paving • Block 3, Plum Orohard from Frederloke.Avauue to Fairview Avenue, in aocordanoe with plane and epeoifioationahereto the attached, lowest to the elble 0LEMEMT F. SCULLEy EQUIPMENT CO., they beingbidders, for the sum of 1 1,890.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby -instructed to draw up the proper form of oontraot therefor. 8773 _ .a...., ,1, 890.00 ...wo..�....... �coUN�• ^'o - i 890 00 � .... ...,.R ........ CITY OF ST. PAULcNO. /na OFFICE OF CITY CLERK rLE — A, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CoM ,QS TED a _ _ Apr. 20, 1932 TE RESOL0 In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Warwick Avenue from Hartford Avenue to the north line of Otto Hunt's Addition, under a'reliminary Order C. F. 88687, approved April 2, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90211, approved August 25, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the �ommissionerof Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeaf eou r�ei�M Ev Adop«d by Thr Co.ocll aN4. 19 Appra�ve� � 19 G� /� / riAvoA N. �M" �Mrpo�..ld In (armor j P" oxen /�/ dhr�mrr Again. Bu dlir Adop«d by Thr Co.ocll aN4. 19 Appra�ve� � 19 G� /� / riAvoA CITY OF ST PAUL .� t � NO. J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK } COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESM coM15 on,e April 20, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Edgerton Street from Rose Street to Jessamine Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89530, approved June 11, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90375, approved September 8, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. b. um4 Inc 00 E Avy1 Yea. /urvciLM pry Nays roy r; �y /MAooald in fa�o� ,Rosen /. Againn / S.dh-- L / Mr. P—id— B—dh� Adop«d by hc Caundl App,—d /, / 19 In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Charles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Grder C. F. 89474, approved June 4. 1931, and Final S Order C. F. 90374, approved Su'4 �4e-+1t-" 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. N.gsTa.aa Yeav /c pr LMeN N Y Adord by id6� CounrVp 2 P 1 32 19 C—Y / /ty :D....Id In favor App,.00 19 S.dh.—, Mr. P—id— B..dh° CITY OF ST PAUL 92164 riLE NO OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -s�- COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRE—TE D Ty 1 Co,,CIER A pr . 20 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Charles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Grder C. F. 89474, approved June 4. 1931, and Final S Order C. F. 90374, approved Su'4 �4e-+1t-" 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. N.gsTa.aa Yeav /c pr LMeN N Y Adord by id6� CounrVp 2 P 1 32 19 C—Y / /ty :D....Id In favor App,.00 19 S.dh.—, Mr. P—id— B..dh° Petition 0.50 ._ Couneil File No.. yZtVJ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propose, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grading Alley in Block.. 2,._ Sylvan_ Park Addition. from. _.. Stanford Avenue to St. Clair Street. Dated this. 20th... Jay of April I 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f.U.wi.g improvement, vis.: Grading Alley in Block_2, Sylvan Park Addition from. ..._............. ..Stanford Avenue to St._C1air. Street.. having bee. pmse.tsd W the Counnd of the City of St. Paul._ thnmfore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the Cmerei ia.er of Publie Work. bs and is hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the .ecemity for, or desirability d, the m.ki.g of said ineproveme.t. 2. To m—tigets the paters, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To fur.iah . pie., profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state wbether or not mid impm,,ment is asked for on the petition of three or mom owners. 5. To report upon nil of the fomgoi.g matters to the Commissioner of Fi...... Adapted by the C.uned _ _ 11 _ ...APR Y.- NAre C.—dress, ppm- t P9Il�lD1P A a... ....._ - -.. I�JCllll9t9 ,:.0 � Ma. Paeemerr'r Me, r dmcx as isM.aor / 1'llBLlSIIL1) `� t .. Council File No...... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pool, via.: Condemning. and taking an easement.. In the .lend.. necessary. for _ slopes, cuts and fills,_in the grading of Alley in Block 2, ...Sylvan Park Addition from. Stanford. Avanua to.. St... Clair. Street Dated thio 20th._Jay of _ Apr11., 1932 .. ,n _. 1. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followiog improvement,,viz.:.. ass m r Condenn ng_and taking an easement.. in the lapd._neces_sax9 for .._... .. slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of_Alley in Blogjc $, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to St. Clair, Street. .................. _..... having been Presented to the Councit of the City of St. Paul.._....._.. therefore, be it .._. _..... _. RESOLVED, That the Commimie., of Public Works be nod ie hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the Datura, -U-t e.d intimated coat of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plaD, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or Dot said improvement is mked for on the petition of three or more owner,. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte,rW�tqpthe Commieeioaer of Finance. 0 9 n laps Adopted by the enane9___ ....._ _....__.. Y.A. Nwvs _.._......_._ __.. CuneihnaD lummum — i APP ved_ Mn. Pa..,. rrr- rwmcwunwsnt 1 �/ Mayor. PURLIS[II:DS�-gx-dJ- P.16 Petition J,tD Council File No...... . JUG PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemcut by the City of St. P-1, via.: Changing the grade of Alley. In. B1ocJc.. 6.a..Roblyn .Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue to conform to the red line -- on. - the -profile -hereto- attached -and -mads -a-part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line --tbOrson , alsogradingand paving alley in-Block--6,--Roblyn Park. from Finn Avenue -to Cretln_Avanue to proposed r line when established. Detcd thin .._day of 20th April, 1932 _ I os. or mem„wma imv�o.ama�r. weir k= PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeel for the nuking of the foaowing improvement, vi— Changing. the grade of_Alley.... in. Bio Ck _6.,_Robl.yn_Park Srom __....__._ .. -Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue to conform to the red line - --on-the.-profile- hereto... attaehed-and -made -a...part -hereof..__..__....___._ . the present established grade being shown by the blue line ----tharedn-�-alga-"greZdi"ag "end paving alley -in Bloc& 61 Roblyn _.Park_fro.W._Fimti..AYentle_.to.. Cretin. Avenue... to the. .proposed..sed..__..__..._- line when established. having been presented to the Councif of the City of St. PaW _. ................ _ _...____.... _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C—noiseioner of Public Works be and in hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or does-bility of, the m6'n eg of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of noid improvement, end the total cast thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 9. To state whether or not mid improvement u inked for on the petition of three or more ownere. B. To report upon ell of the forggpjpg MW the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptrd by the Cooncil._.._._......... .._... Yeas N— C ays Councilmen>„' �� ` ,, � ��. �� � it AFProved._..._... _... .... ................ 961ow1� � �t ousi.urx � M. Paamneer � Mayor. 1'IiUL/SIH:D �a-�-�Z- u,aaa�� rCo... File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _ and a^s..s mm..•m.ni'I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City ofst. Paul, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in the _land necessary, __..._. for._ al9pes.,.. outs and_.fills in the.. grading_ and.. paving of Alley in Block 6, Roblyp Park... from. Fitift. Avenue.. to CFgC.7.n_f Avenue. i Dated this 20th ....day or April, Co Heilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, via.: _.. CondeMning_.end_. taking...an.. easement. the. land necessary for...slopes,...cptg...and _.f..xll.5, Ir, the ..gradin8..alld..Pavin8 of __...... _._.... Alley in Block 6, Roblyn Park ,from Finn Avenue to Cretin.___ Avenue. __ _...... . ... _... __.._ having been pmrented to the Connel of the City of Ft. Paul._.. - therefore, be it 11E990f.VED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s. plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon aU of the foregoing matters to the Commiesiooer of Finance. ���aWp10�� Adopted by the Council.... _._..._._.._.Dvn.2.. .....-_.... Yee. N.— Co ... ilm" ereCouncilman ee Approved .... �il ,,. _..__. _..........__._ ase �6'A L..... ., .. _ ....... _... .... .... M.P.aerven�r plyyLlSkll.0 � Mayor. G Petition. coasea File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ,d,mi d herb the making f the following blie ho t b the Cit offit. 6"e Y Proposes B o 6 Pu Provamev y y o g Opens widen am extend a "T" alley in the block b,u, ed by Otto Ave., Peeca, Ave., Eleanor St. snd Snelling Ave., said alley to be the extension of the 20 ft. alley s now laid out in Harkness Sunny Slope, by taking %+nd condemning a strip of !.nd 20 ft. in width acrozs that ,s'rt of Lha South 1/2 of the Southnest 1/4 of the SouthAest 1/4 Section 10, Township 28, Range 23, lying e-:st of darkness Sunny Slope, and the center 11 ne of wh lch is 129.3 ft. north of -.nd parallel to the north line of to to Ave.; the south l.:i ft. of Lots 1 to 6,both inclaslva, and the north 10 ft. of Lots 7 to 1<, both inrl siveI Block 2, Audilor's Subi'ivision No. 60; a strip of lend 20 ft. Sn wl:ith across that :+art of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section Township 2d, Range L3, lying _ of Auditir%s , civl sign �\ No. 60, mock 2, and asst of a line drawn pa111;.e1 to :nd 142.5 ft. east of the east line of Snelling Ave., the center line of -aid strip being 129.3 ft. north of e[d par allal to the north 11 ne of Otto Ave.; also a strip of land 20 ft. in width running north vnd south across a part of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section !O, Township 29, Range E3, the 6 st_riy line of which Ss 142.5 ft. eget of and parallel to the east line of Snelling Ave. Adopted by the ceased_.__......__.__._ Yees R�Nr Coancflmewstew— wW rI—osswApproved 7 .. ... ..._"_.rt._..2....i.,...r. s o Dated this 20th .._day et .April _ _ - /32.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written pr000eel for the mnkkng d the following improvement, iia.: 1 Opo 7 e e n .d by Otto sc .7 F _ _nd li :t , 1 t e "t tl ") ft ;i n out �n H k e slop t,�rci ro d _nF a st in_ of ' d -() ft. in wiltn South / � ti,ut., -.t /4 of t n L t !,'I- _ctlon 10, o hi? 3 :nbt 71ng t o! Ha ens Sunny Sloes, and the cent + line of l ch is - ft n��th of 1n, lel o the north Line of motto Ave.; the south l.n t'I, .1 Lots Lots i*to 6, bo th inclusive, d the north l0ft uivi slo nr.o cs S ' eto 1�, 1,oth inol,.ive. strZpa i"^a '2o t. lnawltcnsa ud1tlha t. suet o' the Louth 1/a a southwest 1/4 of the South:—t l/l-Iltion 11, 1'—shlp 23, Range 23, lying west of Audltor�s Su.K ivi si- -.tRo. 60, Block 2, and st of a line a - n ralle). to ;,nd 142,5 1j", east of the east 'ine of E+el liAve. ,w a thecenter line of —11 stri;� oein6 129.3 ft. north z -aral' ', to tSe north 'ine of Ott@ Ave.; also a strip f lana z +t.'in th : u:�iing nor U+ a so:ith across aU hart o The .oi:th lj2 of the Southwest 1%4 of the Lu.�tha'est ''. 4 Sectiun i. 'nan�k.'. - --nye , the er_st--riv 'ine of v+hick is ]4z.S ft.�ez,st of .,. .�. — le- to the —st tine o, Enilling Sve. ....... having been parented to the Comcil of the City of St. Paul --- '-- - thorefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of ,aid improvement. 2. To inveatig,te the nature, extent and satimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of avid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more —o".b. To report upon all of the foregoing "'then to the C_ruiasioner of Fl... on. Adopted by the Conned ......___....._.__....APR ..2-0.1932....___.._. Yee. Nexa co... ilma. emomm . o w Y tt2 , / gtlos Y App d'/', ._.._ .. 7 fcww- Nmar t O ]ice .,... / Wv m-.ea ............ .. Ms. Paes�n'x'r ✓ �� -- Mayor. .................. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- BBy---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the m,tt,, ga-a _jzona=tlonz - frnnL _alireet_m&iaa _to- _Pmpa.ty--- g -.1--luding _C=hiM&_a.&_Pavin9 alley -And - dy I_VvAaY_ - a-PPYOA-Che &. - A= e- -race-s sa ry --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..du P-Ii.m., Order_________ 91158_________________approved .—d __J_une_3'_1929 -------------- The C ... 61 of the City of Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b.- i.p.—sm, and having-asidued said tepm-t. hereby —.1- 1. That the said report and the same is busby. approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be prbe.,&d with. 2. That the -elf the improvement .Bich Ne C-61 ­...,nd, i­jp _2i.-hu­.t_Axe. frees SAelliAg_ __ltl_tb__aexers_ _setex -&nil -gas- -canmo-tion. Sro>a_str"tLmal n __ta_pxopar-t3r- 11 nas-"mplata,--whar4-=U-alr4ady-imdQ,, -alAo--iacl,,Hlng.-nur-bim&and--pnving-AUey-azi&-dzJ-vnvay--a.pprna hp _whers with an ahernatwes, and that the estimated ... t thereof i, $A4.51q4—DO - Resolved Fm-tbe,, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement on th -------- lltbL ------- day of __VAY__19a2 ------------ ltlilltzz, at the he., of 10 o ',],,k A. M., in the Council Ch—be, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Peal. That the Commissioner of Fimm,, give notice of said meeting to the F,,,,,s and in the monme, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the =to,, , the imp—meat and the total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__- APR.2-0-M ------ 192---- 2 r, vr" --- Approved________________ ----------- 192--- I- — -`_'_'_'-J__________________________— ------------ City Cl -k. - ------ l C ... 61ma. climiy C.—il... Ferguson ,Councilman IpZ sin c PAW— C ... ciIM emm 'Vdumikx xf.ym­zr4rIX BM"'lie "'- a, S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST PAUL NO' mss^' ♦n .....,. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL io rvEa_ _. __..➢ _ R nun , Heretofore it has become neoeaeaxy and has been at the tD ieotice on eea-on ofhthey serf inthe ane io ipat ion ofPaul the oolleotioo borrow noofy to me eteite currenttlobllHatlosefor thd benefit of the Oity in order VPHERbAH, Rhe bash in the OSty`s trea'ury le Sand equate to meet the 01ty1- obllgatlone as they bggeoome dna, and St will be neoeseaxy, in order to meet such obligations, to borrow the Gum of 0.a Million Dollars ($1, WHEREIN, It appear- that the taxes levied for the year 1931, to be oolleoted Sn 1932, fox the benefit of said Cit 7, amounted to $9,354,708.64, of which $1 ,751,OT4.05 ha s been collected; therefore, be it REHOL,, That the proper OSty offloere axe hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One Million Dollars ($1 000,000.00) said loan to be made s'zb' follow': Rhe sum of $700,000.0 from the the Firstof slot Hat SoaalBHenk ofHslot Pauul;t ;tahe n he -ufrom m $1100,000.00 from the imerioan Hat Tonal Bank of 8slat Paul. Said Oity officers axe authorized for and on behalf of the City and In Its name to execute and deliver the notee of the City for each of aside os�anum, with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. days P and each note shall be payable on or before ninety days aYt ex date. w C n T: APR ^' '932 COUNCILMEN Adopscd by she Council19 Ycas Nays Ap- Donald In feooc �% �Ro[���(c ✓ AHaimsnvoR CITY OF ST. PA—i:rarrouna.c. e°�; INO. — — 12 FFICE OF CITY CI RES WHERBAB, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame house located on Lot 17, Whitaker, Brisbine & Mullin's Subdivision, also known as No. 342 Ramsey street, is in such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant its sing condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 16tb day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber In the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the 'Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or oocupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. CIINCIIMEN APR 21 i?32 Ycv Adopmd by rho Con.61 _.. _ _19 grit _ / McDonald ^� [° favor APPr°ve� �l 19 /gearc• NMAYOR Mr. Prcaidmr Bundlic '/ �� A cam.• CITY OF ST. PAULe1 NO,__ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM orEier�R ,S�hn,H, t0 onald Anr17 77 l9i? RESOLVED U wHEREA3, in the matter of condemning property for the widening Of University Avenue, a part of Lot 1, block 28, Robertson and Van Etten's Addition to Saint Paul, was taken, anc the damages awarded for the part taken was the sum of $4,083.00, and WHEREAS, Theodore Hamm Brewing Company, record owner of Bald pr.�p arty, has requested permission to love back the building thereon, which building is a gasoline filling station, and has agreed, if so permitted, to move back the building, to pay the City the B" of $;00,00, as a consideration for such permle sl on, and t1[HEREAB, the Bureau Of Valuatlone has fixed the sum of $200.00, ae the amount of the eaving to the record owner if such permission Se granted, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to the said Theodore Hamm Brewing Company to move back the ouilding, on the above described property, and the proper city officere are hereby authorized and directed to reduce the amount of damegeB to Bala property by the sum of $;p 0.00 namely, $3,883.00, I` y— N,, N ye/ kk= Rosen Yagon May MCDrnuld _In livor Ydabsd CORSO �g3u,et Wraal Pearce Mr. Pm dmr MAP— Bundlle Adopted by the C t ^pp n 1yI' APpM1j19—.. ON rl:Rl.lSi[ED �_•o ,... CITY OF ST PAUL r�Lcc NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,C+`�jL)3tlNCIL .TION—GENERAL FORM ( Y �a�tx WHEREAS, W. Marquardt, Jr. has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice station on Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, Como Prospect Addition, being at the southeast corner of Dale and Maryland streets; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said W. Marquardt, Jr. a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit Ss granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. n-� �pleyu°o r" I r xa a9 ooro. lev,la ea ase:, ax.i Ycns cou rvcirM er+ Na� Adoprcd by 6 Council �w�roy r �M[DonAld Io faoor Appro.cd_ „ / 19 /Pcar<r -tom/ Ageinar Mr. N—d— aundlie / rnnvoR City of Saint Pain Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cay Clerk mml ..d Cu„Io..r April 20, 1932 Yr. L. L. Ander..., Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The fo11oe1ng appllcatlon. for P. rmits to install ice stat lone w re approved by thsolu- Council today and referred to youforthe proper res tions: Robert J. Salisbury - on Lot 14, Blk. 2, Leech'. Add. - S.E. cor. Aamsay & Smith. T. Marquardt, Jr. - on Lot. 18 and 19, Blk. 1, Como Prospect Add., - S. E. corner of Dale and Maryland Ste. Your. very truly, rte= City Clerk, _ POST CARD NOTlet, OFFICE or -rllE _dM-,SlONEE OF FINANCE 2 Punvant to of ParagrapM1 F, Section 5, as amended, of Building 2 ne Ordi- nance, approved Jvly'nh. 10x2, yon are hereby notified IM1aI the application .._ w ygrquerdt 1 .. _._ -- for n to erect 1 nue rel l' talion P"'P—t' of_--_7_-h Nat7.1 d 1 54..18 k..19 hlk. 1, - - h 'l of lh ON o1 St P"' the mill m P for cons d ton befor C C on the. Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court Home A Id q day of---�P r11 _ __-1e32..._at to oclock A. M. JOHN H. McDONALD, CANM15510NE2.1 FINANCE. CITY OFgT SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRCUNDScND A• PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 31, 1932. her. Co—cil, City of St. 7'a, 3entlemen; i.ttached herewith please find city clerk's file on the ap- Dllcntion of "!. L:arQunrdt, Jr., who asks for _Dermis cion to establish a cash and carry ice station on the southeast corner of Dale end 6;aryland 3trects, on Lots 18 and 19, Block 1, Como Prospect Addition. This property is in a commercial classification under the zoning ordin onto and our inspector states that it ,111 not damage adjoining property. ':'e recommend that the permit be grunted. Yours truly, City ®f Saint Panty Office of city clerk MIKE /. GIBBONS, Cay O.h march 26th, 19}2. E.O. C. A. May, Comer of P.P. & P: Bldg— Bailding. Dear Co_ieeioner: We attach herewith apolimtlon of W. Marnnardta Sr. for pe—it to erect a coah end carry Sce station on the ontheast co ne of Dale and Maryland Streetea located on/bots 19 sad lo, Block la Como Pro eoect Addition. This applic atlon x referred to your by the Coamclla for inveeti, atlnn and report. Yours very tralya City Clark. ['G,R �4 4 F�-1 1932 April 2nd, 1032. Ho, J. R. UcDomald, 0—i-i.oer of rinance, Hail din;. Dear Caomleetoaert Al,licrtion has been made by Marquardt, Jr. for p.omi.ston to e.tablt.h a ca.h and carry See �tatioc on the soutboast corner of Dole and Iterylend Street., nu Tote 1'i and 19, Block 1. Como Prospect AddlWo. (Apollcant'a edd-.. - 621 rront Stre.t). ,Fill yon kindly set date of b.. -In,; e:.d notify property —.r.l Y, — •.ry truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL R GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By aasexwiev — _ WHEREAS, Robert J. Salisbury has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice station on Lot 14, Block 2, Leech's Adaition, being the southeast corner of Ramsey street and Smith avenue; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Robert J. Salisbury a permit for the erection of said station, the building to be oon— structed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Counoil.1 Ycas /.n ci�M Ery N� C roy May / WD—Id I� fawr Rmc� / Aeainn Mr. P—idmr B-dlic , ?'-'qn Adcp,ed by nc� Council 19 Approved.. �� 19 MAYOR POST CARD NOTICE? �. OFF1C1� OF THE c1%li7[TlAIS310NER OF FINANCE St_ Pau:_ Minn APr..9 ­ ........__...193 2_. pursuant to Paragraph IF. Section S, a ended, of Buildinq Zone Ordi. nance, appy d July zt h. La 22, you a hereby notified that the application oI .... Robert__ T—__Sa]_isLvr-... __._... jar permission to erect or mntinue retail ice station located RA._1pS..14._blk. 2..M--ishs..Add_.._.�,S�E� cor.� .aE Ramsay de..SmftM..-_. _........ __._ _ mill m up for cu d anon before the Co it of the City of St Paul mthe Council Chamber to the City Hall and -Z u House Buildinq on Ihe.__..Mth.- 'i yil f ---A � _____ _ _ .. 193.Z at 10 oclock A. M. JOHN H MCDONALD, -MISSIONEE OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND ScAND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 29. 19.12. Hon. Council, City of t. Paul. Gentlemen: ,'attached herewith please find city clerk's file on the ap- plication of Robert J. Salisbury, who asks for cermis si on to operate a cash and carry ice station on the southeast corner of Ramsey Ctreet and Smith Avenue, on Lot 14, Block 2, Leech's Additlan. T`is property is in the commercial classification under the a. on'n�- Is and the operation of nils bu1ldin,+ will not dam- a^e a".joining property. �Ie recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, `Cr5r�is si fion� r A / City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cily CI.,L ..d C..mi..lo.a of Feg b.,lan !Larch 20th, 1912. Bon. C. A. 11 -,of P.P. P. II dgs., Buildt'g. Doer C—ieeloner: Ae attech herewith petition of Bobt. J. Salisbury for r' nuit to operate a ash and carry ice c of Ban Louse on the ..Et eeyn St. and Sol. Avenue, located on Lot, 14,rBlock 2, Leech's Addition. This matter w e referred to you today for investigatlaa antl r ,ort.a Yours very truly, ,��, ,- �� L a- -" -. City Clerk. SALISBURY FUEL AND ICE WHOL69AL6 AHD RffirAD. COAL -COKE -WOOD -ICE Yard and Office: 462 Topping St., Phone Humboldt 4980 Re,idence and Office: 868 Fauquier St., Phone: TO Aer 6263 .s-. G. t v m. s, 1r. Paul, Minn arch 22th 19 3=� 63 Ham.— 4— To the Honorable !deynr and Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul, ;'Sell. Leer Sire: I herc•St:..rant a permit to operate a - Cash--,„arry Sae House on the `folli�b, cascribea location: The southeast corner of n aaey on.. Sn.ith, Lot 14, Block 2, Leech's AIItion-on *hl -h the Texaco company are no.: operating a gas station. This Ice House shall be 7 feet by 7 Peat anc shall he painted to conforu. with Che pr ee set structure now on lot. I will nppreclate if you will give this your immediate attention so we can began as soon as the warm acether bite us. Thanking you kindly for your early consideration, I nm Respectfully yn.,rs, 'y�=may - V9 24 11 Cr1 6' Agr37 l932. :ioa. J. i. Maji1 1d. Catuiasloner of Firuace, 8a11diaG. Dmr Comieefomrl Applicatiaa ... Leon made by Robert J. Snlicm.ry fora?t tae 1tn et . -r nfoEaasey ma oar ico station o Stroet d Zit':. Avem�a. on I't 1;. ^11 Adds tion. Wtll y., '1,ely yet a date of ' h-riiu, and notify pmperty omore of each hanrine Tho a�nl iomt'e address is 8(;S Fawpi.r Stroet. Tomo rea' tralY. city cleti;. aa=....o c... c.=•. CITY OF ST. PAUL tier 1= NO. _ ' �,� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IRES —GENERAL FORM atzic�vEu RESOLVED, That the application of Taakar Cas, Inc. for permission to install five additional gasoline storage tanks at 2246 University avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, end under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Oommissioner of Public Safety. Year Z- YoY MEry Na� or %McDonald �I°fa. /Pester Raarn Aga�mc i.dhdmer Mr. Prrr�dmr Bundlic Adop,rd by chr Cauntp" 19 Ap/pcovsd—n /. 19 City of Saint PauA Office of City Clerk MIKE 1, GIBBONS, Ol 0, cn.,i <i.,. r. n, r i.n .nd Camminloner al R.gi,b.rlon April 20th, 1932 Mr. L. L. Andareon, Corporation Couneel, Building, Dear Sir: The attached application of T—kor Gae, Inc., for permieei,n Lo install 5 additional gaeollne storagetank. at 2245 Dniver.ity Avenue waereferred to yon f,r a resolution grantlo, this re Etsubject to the reetrictione set out Sn the letter of Commissioner May, ale, attached, and eub�ect to any re etrictlons of the Zoning Ordinance and any other ordlvnnce a. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRDUNDS�AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS lion. 0e•.n cit, alt- of -,c. nl� je f -nu �Ity cn t n"11 - _tion ot), Tan er Tr c., �l�o a -. osi on �'.� place five -Jditionnl bove-rr o.:nd st oraver`... -s ion t:'e o nr onerty -t '1,146 -e sh Lniversity :.venue. :his craperty Is zonod .n the i t IndusIry alp,ssific-tion ;or a stri r 100 feet bac: Proc. Unive-city ,:nuo �cnd frem t) ere on it is zoned in t�,e }.o uvy Ind•is try cla s--'i—tion. It ill be impossi�ale for t' :3 Ionar-n bt to s; rcvc t''^e stor-o o c: -aa a.J'_tim:.,l.� -sunt o^ c sol t.ne,��. 'd� ''-otals to 17,x00 E�,11ons if t'Ze u.7 �i.t icn-le ?.- e orected above n an- net 10r` foot s'.rin, -ion ed in t-. i, 1eht In- Rstry al nsuif lc�,t ion, en _. t.le iro 'si n o' ae et Son E, F,,%�'ph (d) of t onin,; 0 7-nt+rce 1 1 .- „ such -mount to ",,000 ;:,lions in Lif,bt Inuus�.; ry d_.,..icta. iio,+ever, if those-dultional ! n'. -s are to be I, ectad further back from 'Snlverslt nue t'nan 100 feet, they come on to property zonud in the .�eavy Ind uetry class ific-t Ion, in no limit is prov"I fcr in t''e zoain;^ ordinance. Tf ti.Ss Ss the c o,'+e recommend that this ;: 1:1!s tion be - -r ed sub- ject csuch limits -s m• be set by the Pile Dep-r`v,ent. j City of Saint Paull Office of City Clerk MINE 1, GIBBONS, CRy Cl.h ..d Comminion.. of R.yI..Bon c o„ Cr�rT�J �� rSR�r�T�I�r�L �eparhmenh vF �vblic 5eF�hy TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET c.... e. re.GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, O RMissiarvea r... c.... April 9, 1932 Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Pear Sir Herewith report of inspection of the Pivieion of Fire Prevention on -a applicstion of the Tanker Gas Compsny for fermis.e_on to place five addit-anal above ground storage tanks at 2246 University Avenue of 34,000, 34,000, 21,000, 21,000, and 21,000 each res rectively. Very t Cy/yyfourrc, ✓ C—issioner of Ra lic Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 8th,1932 Hon.0e0.0.8udbeimer Oommissioner of Public safety, st.Paul,Linn. Dear 81r1 In regard to the application of the Tankar Gas,Co for permission to place five additional above ground storage tanks for gasoline at 2246 University Ave. Capacity of these tanks are as fCIDlows; 34,000-34,000-21,000-21,000-21,000. gallons. We have investigated the foregoing and report that It has been agreed by the applicant that they will construct a proper dyke around all storage tanks, and they also further agree to erect a steel wire fence to surround their entire plant, with these precautions taken this department does not believe that there will be any serious Increase in fire hazard in the neighborhood due to this additional storage. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspeb Or. TANK" GAS, Inc. •sw r..rr r.� MINNBAPOLIl, MINN. March 25, 1932 Mr. Geo. Sudheimar, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We wish to make application to place five additional gasoline above -ground storage Lemke at 2246 University Ave., St.Paul. Thesetanks contain 34,000, 34,000, 21,000, 21,000 and 21,000. Trusting that you will give this matter your immediate attention, we remain Very truly yours, TINKARGAS, I/n/c. BY G. L. Decker. r. GLB:MM OUN a° CIL•RESOLUTION CDUNC,L F, iLE ND. °,g;� ,,,.. � e a�e T i—Itt--32 I' L ED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN GGT OF fNWAAWCOVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _TO 404'3 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADDPTED BY THE COUHC L_ T D o t i� —to_ APPRDYED A'IR ,°_ BY E I MEN—RoLI CACL orricE IF THE c Marg 1LEa �.c NO 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION G °" AUDITED CLAIMS April 20 s32 3992 TOT --- ---- e-�— - -- NLMeEp IN FAVOR OF e"N� 7 500 00 532 298 94 F 40 1oq 17 2A 44 1594 5. 740 0 24 84q} 147 - 509602 13 183 051 2 983 12, 912 31. 104 57 10 028 441 3 595 091 6 891 78 00' 47 10 1 882 201,' 6 093 901 13 278 11 1s 861 2 0 21 0' 22 50l 9 67 89 87' 250 00'. --T —T11 Foaw.ao 7 500 00 1 591 111 3966 Catherine Y.Claugherty, Guardian 3967 Yrs. Anne Schneider 3968 Pladsemle Radiator Shop 3969 H.C. Nelson, Assignee Gopdnees Bakery 3970 ';i Ili"Dlc koa 3971 Ciampi Brothers 3972 Fuel Cil & Gas Comp.ny 3973 Carolina B. Bartlett 3974 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 3975 Joseph Molkusch & Veronica Hslkusch 3976 'lea Y. 0^st, Treae. Ramsey Co. 3977 Elsa M. Chat, Tress. Ramsey Co. 3978 John 9. He Donald, C. of Fin. 3979 lol—rins Tuba Company 3980 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 3981 Ed Campbell 3982 Specialty Printing Company 3983 John H. Yo Donald, C, of Fin. 3984 John H.. McDonald, C. of Fin. 3985 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 3986 Central Soap Company 3987 Chemical sales Company 3988 Brenton A. McLeod 3989 National Safe Protector Company 3990 George Sadek 3991 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 3992 Lewis L. Anderson, Corp. Counsel F 40 1oq 17 2A 44 1594 5. 740 0 24 84q} 147 - 509602 13 183 051 2 983 12, 912 31. 104 57 10 028 441 3 595 091 6 891 78 00' 47 10 1 882 201,' 6 093 901 13 278 11 1s 861 2 0 21 0' 22 50l 9 67 89 87' 250 00'. --T —T11 Foaw.ao 7 500 00 1 591 111 s„EaTTOTA,_- F0aw 7 500 00 :765 847 43 I i � I 1 i i Nino N LApril J -COUNCIL~ RESOLUTIONH 21 �g 32 AUbI'It p CLAIMS a o E •174.735.47„� ��;��acs 7 e. _ -- — --- TOTAL 7 IN FAVOR OF _ - ----- 3 264 Oa • 3993 charlotte Bennett Fitzgerald, Red. of Deed- 1 50 z6 0 3994 J.J. 399 Ignatius Becker 20 p0 399 Dr. U.N. Alberta 5 00 3997 Dr. Joe. &. Borg Chatterton & Von Der Weyer 19 25. 16 a 3998 3999 Dr. e. Dr. Keri De lolph 44 00 4000 M---rian Denny 5 OQ 4001 Df-gno-tic K -R ay Laboratory o2 pd 4002 Dr. Harry Chant 30 50, 400 Dr, Tm. Ginsberg 27 00 400'+ Dr. L.A. H11ger. 160 Cpl 400 Dr, J.T. Holcomb 45 Od 4006 4007 Dr. Z.P. King Drs. Lar ee n, 3h eeler, 'sold & Culver 5 OtV: i pq. 40n8 Drs. Leahy, Dunn, Alberts & Holt 52 pry 4009 Mr, BernhardLow 16 00� 4010 Dr. J.J. Mcc erthy 6 00 4o11 Cr. John F. Msdden P8 001 4012 Dr. S.N. Mo gilner 1001 12 401 3 Dr. Molander 001 5 ppl 4014 Murphy Laboratorl e- 62 00” 4015 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 143 32I 4016 =t. JOeepb - HoapitAl 10 06,' 4017 St, Paul Hospital E. Scott 57 00 4018 4019 Dr, Eugene Or. E.O. Swanson 13 COI' 455 00, 4020 Dr. F.L. Webber 4 42,�I 4021 J. Ginsberg 17 40', 4022 Hanlon & Okes 50 00 4023 H. Huebecher 3 24 4024 Richard Ludwig 25 00', 4025 Naeviak-Sault Company 27 80' 4026 The Oakes CompsnY 2 97 j 4027 4028 E.A. Schnitz Convention & Ezp. Magazine 3 00 2 94 4029 S.C. Coumbe Company 10 00 4030 Arthur J. Fallow- 42 00 4031 The Frederic Hotel Clerk 11 30, h032 J.J.Glllen, Abstract 1 41 1 •..-.._ 3 , - 4035 :r1.T a- CooneT &.<°m:,a .;u ,� ...P cr .,nr m% J. T. Jennings,v 32 27. ,765 407 50y 4036 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 1 65 4037 Mies Louise Markert Library Association 2 00 4038 4039 Minnesota E. A_Moeller Company 17 251 4 238 64'II, 4.40 4041 Northern states Power N.o Hotel Company 9 50 6. 7S 4042 Thompso. _ Restaurant Company 25 09 4043 Villa_. Hoz & Lumber s„EaTTOTA,_- F0aw 7 500 00 :765 847 43 .,.. a... ,...... 6 � 1 COUNCIL,WSOLUTION �.cr,.oaizwnon o. �ocw� iMraoverwe-- April 20, —_-,• a -• Resolved, That the Council hereby conours Sn the recommendation of I the Contract Committee and awards the contract for filling, grading • and improvement of Third Street Esplanade from Wabasha Street to F. 0, E. Building, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to N. E. PRESTON 00MPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $9,222.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ti nupeey�e��,�,^�„� a„w..." .:8780 ...12, 800.00 ....o..�...o ..oy ,A... ,,...................."...pMo .,.. 9,222.00 Oode.1.Y. ` , - . 9,222.00_ • I — Io — --tee — -- — APR 91 +a�2 " SSU ... �CITY OF ST. PAUL r.�c NOC� . J�� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 21, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on Thomas Street from Pascal Avenue to Simpson Avenue, and Pascal Avenue from Lafond Street to Edmund Street, except that portion of Pascal Avenue between Edmund and Thomas Streets, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89848, approved July 20, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90766, approved October 27, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. la _ � eoei'n - ^'Eai�ci .�,�RYPd'ao Aom as-�>aaa .. a.. raaa.l. Ycn: courv<i�MEN Nays Adop,,d by rhe C....1 �{a.2 9 smfl 19 uy �1cDonalJ 1/ In (rvor APP,evcd ,. y 19 MAVOe /Mr, P,—d—, Bo d6 Oej O`•�•'•• CITY OF STPAUL r�E � NO_ 92161 OFFICE OF CIiY CLERK N< CO CvI"LL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vgeeEry coMMi EEE �/ onr� April 20, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of curbing both sides of East Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Walsh Avenue and from Weide Avenue to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 88716, approved April 7, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90215, approved August 25, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same Kre hereby approved. I1e ea e b re .laveV'rl r aAe.`�n y an e I IAo�ll is I Ea Yca. courvcirMEry N, Adop,,d by ,he C.. �eroy edgDq : t 19 May "McDonald Ie favor Appreoedi; 19 / Rosenv Again., ✓C/?!4/ /Mrs, l�e MAI- . -d CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI7 OF CITY CLERK UNCIL50 LUTION—GENERAL FORM aMSM�sTE e,f,_fi-C�`` April 20, 1932 co Y on c RES—V ED In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Lafond Street from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 88907, approved April 24, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90210, approved August 25, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as,submltted by the 'ommissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. .g o Yeas co1Nci1rneN Nzy Adopl,d by the C ... "LaPQ Q-1 uaAn 19 ��nr'y May /� WD—Id In favor Approved 19 �vn Against � rtnvoR Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No..... ..I/-J.LUt) The und,migned hereby proposes the,,,king of the following publie improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constructing sidewalk on the.. south aide.. of.. Orange Street from Edgerton Street to Payne Avenue. Doted this 20th._ _. day of April,. .1,93E veil PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIf F'REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Constructing sidewalk on the south side of Orange Street ......_..... from Edgerton Street to Payne_Avenge... ......... .... ._ ..............._... having been presented to the Comtcil of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it -- - --- - ---- RESOLVP.D, That the Commieei er of Publis Work. be end is bcrehy ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the velemity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the acture, extent I'd estimated cost of said improvement, aad the total ...t thereof. 3. To furnish a play, profile or sketch of said impmve,,e.t. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for ov the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report up— all of the foregoing mattsm toothe Commiseioner of Pi...ce. Adopted by the C ... sil...._ APR 2102 (� Y— N— C ou.nllm..Famsp— •i Y Y 1 e,+9, .rawer 6 Approved tea. s nti�. iegilwlt a . e.a.ce also sats ,J' iutsl.Lltil:Ui�,�?—'S�— Mayor. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. _.......92184 The uodereigned hereby propoem the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk at the following locations: .__........ ... North side Grand Ave. beginning at Finn Ave., thence east 38 ft., nn 1.begiing--20 ft. farther east, thence east 30 ft. _- _.East -.side..Finn_ Ave.._ beginning at.. Grand ::a .,.- ce-.nor th 6 ... llntea this 20th._ day of ..._.April, 1932 ir menti Zo—mao°.000..r - - mn,w PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propnal for the making of the following improvement, via.: + Reconstructing_. relaying and repairing, the sidewalk. at the following locations: North side Grand Ave. beginning at Finn Ave.-,. thence.. east38_ ft_ beginning 20 ft, farther east, thence east 30 ft. Fast side Finn Ave. beginning -at- 'Grand -A—.,._thecae-north-8o-.ft.._-. b-ing been preeented to the Connoil of the City of St. Peol therefore, be R RESOLVED, That the Commieeioaerof Public Worker, end ie hardy ordered aad directed: 1. To investigate the aeemaity for, or deeirability of, the making of mid improvemeat. 2. To invmdgate the nature, ,Meat aad estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of aid im provemevt. 4. To .tate whether or not mid improvemeat is inked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commiesioaer of Finance. Adopted by the Couneil_�_.._. _.... _._Q �_.. _......._...... Y.A. Nero Councilman tmYws— Approved...._ it:a+ur.tsatr M. P.mipesr __. � Mayor. v-.... tuttust;r:D s'-aa%a C'iTY OF ST. PAUL NO. _. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK f�IO/N/—GENERAL FORM p At its meeting on April 19th, 1932, the Advisory Rouse end City Ball Building Commission awarded the contract for metal furniture and equipment to the Art Metal Oonstruotion Company, the low bidder, for the base bid of $151,870.55, which, together with Alternate No. 7 accepted for the sum of $203.50, makes the total award of the contract $152,074.05; the Commission reserv— ing the right to accept either Alternate No. 5 or Alternate No. 8 within sixty days after the countersignature of the Oity Comptroller of said contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of said Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is instructed to draw up the proper contract therefor. Year sou rvci u.+Ev N., Adop,�d by ,he Cw.cil 1p&..$1 JW19 -.- ///CMMMyeeen''yyy...roY s �1�Donald - In favor Approved L 19 MAYOR Mr. P—idm, B—d1w Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research . A,hl,,c Clob Bvllding .p,,,,, m. •m�W ,.°%d C—, 421D April 20, 1932. To the City Coanoil, City of Saint Paul, Hianesota. Gentlemen: At it. meatlag April 19th the Adrieory C.—t Hoagie and City Hell Bollding Commleaioa awarded the motel faraitare and equipment -.- tract to the Art Metal Con.tractioa Company, h... bid 1. loo and Se met faworable to the city and coaaty. The base bid Se $151,870.55; AlternateH®bar 7 for $203.50 wan accepted; this make. the total award $162,074,06. IDs Advisory Coml..lon re.ern. the right rithi..i.ty day. to acoapt ei Lher Alt.—t. Humber 5 or Alternate Number 6. This matter 1. referred to yon for your action. T.ry truly yoore, eeore tory, Advisory Ccart Hca.. and City Hall Bnllding Comml. sioa. on; SH NANC C 17 PRESENTED V ANO. An ordinance approving the project of acquiring the real estate known as Lot 9, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50, to complete the Hacoock School site, ordering the acquisition of saw by purchase or condemnation, and providing funds therefor. THE OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Education having reported tothe Council that the real estate described as Lot 9, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. . 50 , ie required to complete the Hancock School site, and that the estimated value thereof Is the 8= of Four Thousand, Four Hundred Fifty-seven Dollars ($4,457.00), an the Comptroller having certified that there Is money available In the treasury of the City for the acquisition of said let, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring the same for school pur- P. sea'and hereby orders and directs that the saw be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Oomittee on t Lands, consisting in = this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Ooi:. loner of Eduoa- t ion I if the s=e can be so so quired at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council; but in case said Committee mnitt . cannot Cprooure . said land at a reasonable price and shall o report o the Council, than and In that event the Council hereby orders and dir sots that mo .ond 'ati n proceeding be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to :.core said property, and the cost and ex- pense of acquiring same .'bather by purchase or oonde—ation, be and tho saw 18 hereby ordered edto he said for out of Education Trust Fund No. 4009, And so =ob of said fund as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. Section 2. Thio ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty day. after its passage and publication. MAY 10 iw, ,P ,ye=a[[, d— 4 A—v City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cil, OM April zl.t, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Deer Sir: Re attach herewith report of Com mle.ioner Pearce to the effect that Lot 9, Block 1, A.uditor'a Subdivision Ho, 50 is needed by the Department of Ed—ti..to comp lets the Hancock School Site. This matter was referred to your department, by the Cozl for the proper ordinance, Yours very truly, City Clerk. (t{itg at Bt. Paul Hrparimrnt atitu[ation • ,...,e...- ..o...�a�®...moo. April 20th, 1932. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: I desire to report that the property described as Lot 9, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50 1e needed by the Department of Education to complete the Hancock School Site, and that it will be possible to secure the above described property for the sum of - $4,457.00. Mr. So mer's appraisal on this property Se -$4,457.00. Your. very truly, Commissioner of Education. I, hereby certify that there are sufficient funds in the Education Trust Fund No. 4009 for the above project. ICP -L � —Zits Comptroller. Y 4 • esv:nv om censne�� f Y OF ST. PAUL v�Lc � N O. ___ �J,! 1(].1 E OF ITV CLERK UNCIyOL ION—GENERAL FORM fi�BOdYVIQR WHEREAS, Martin Feist, Jr., an employe of the Water Depart- ment, was injured on October 30, 1930, by reason of which injury he suffered a permanent disability equal to twenty per cent. lose of use of the right foot, not including the ankle movement; and WHEREAS, Section 4274 of the General Statutes of Minnesota provides that the employer shall pay 25 weeks compensation for a 20% permanent lose of use of the right foot, not including the ankle movement; and WHEREAS, The weekly compensation rate of said Martin Feist, Jr. is $20 per week; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Martin Feist, Jr. the sum of $500.00 in final settlement of his claim for compensation, said sum to be paid out of the Water Department Fund. Ycas coorvci�rnery N., Adoprcd by nc� Coaacil 44—R-6K-a—&— Mr. Vice Pres. Sudhaimer o.,.,....,.,.. u.,. =e„ane ^�........' Irv. e 9coo.c�� NO. j< l b6 ou ” 1LLpril 23, 1332 _—RF Lveo — —. ---- WHEREAS, The Chief Engineer, after due investigation, has reported to the Council that by reason of age and deterioration the Minnesota Transfer bridge on University Avenue in the City of St, Paul is presently unsafe for travel by trucks having a gross load or weight in excess of five tons, except within the street car track area of said bridge where a gross load of ten tons is permissi- ble, and WHEREAS, Said bridge is presently and has been for a considerable period of time prior hereto used by trucks having a grosa load or weight in excess of five tons and thesafety of the public demarrg that steps be taken imme- diately to prohibit travel on said bridge, except within the street car track area thereof, by such trucks; therefore, be St RESOLVED, That travel upon said bridge, except within the street car track area thereof, by trucks having a gross load or weight in excess of five tons, be gnd the same hereby is prohfbited and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is directed to cause suitable signs to be placed at the East and West ends of said bridge whereon shall be words to the effect "That said bridge, except within the street car track area thereof is unsafe for travel by trucks having a gross load or weight in excess of five tons,"andthe Commissioner of Public Safety be and he hereby is directed to cause police officers to be sta- tioned at the Eabt and West ends of said bridge with in- structions to prevent travel upon said bridgee, except within the street car track area thereof, by trucks having a gross load or weight in excess of five tons. Y- N., N., Adopted bylhe Council_— Q2,119 rAloklomdd In (a.o. oG " 1 3� 80,.. Aeaine� qY0 /Mr. Vic eV ies 111 ,1 The Minnesota Transfer Railway Company April 29, 1932. Yr. W1111am B. Carey, City Engineer, Court Bons, st.paul, Minnesota, Dear sirs Car attention bas been called to your report to the Council recommending that certain repairs be made to the University Avanne Bridge. As yon J—, in pebranry, 1932, the management of this coag—y authorised repairs to this bridge in sub.tantisl accord With your recommendations, each repairs to be made this rammer. A. suggested in our conference of today, sr Will proceed forthwitb to make these repairs. In the opinion of our enginssra vhen these repairs base been made, the bridge will be safe and adequate for present day traffic. Tours very truly, �J Cenral Superintendent. MILTON ROSEN, C ... nnno a. L.—L oarvr. car VWy V411 '1111POVIFOR MR VupairPm.writ vf Publliv Wvrls,v ... ...... ..TTL I... April 20, 1952 .—T.... TO THE HONORABLE, THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Gentlemen: At various times during Past year., has repo Minnesota Transfer euggindger reported on the inadequacy of the Minnes ta r a a on University Avenue. He has r i v -commended consistentlyty his recommendations have been concurred in by pre, Engineer d Public Works Commissioners, bridge be f5 r ­'modern traffic at e earliest possibee date. rebuilt thiss oners, that th Repairs have been made from time to time but most I of the orig- inal bridge still 1 a doing service. This particular bridge was built forty-two years ago; y about eight ears after the invention of the telephone, three years before the coa d'r.-io.af the early nineties, b eight years before the war and twenty years before our automobiles were but objects Of curiosity on o streets. "a. built of This bridge iron steel . some years before el became acomnion building material. These facts were forcibly brought to my attention in connection with the pro lett now nearing com- pletion for making University Avenue the most modem, high speed, heavy traffic know highway in the Northwest. It appeared necessary to ow in detail the condition ofwtebi. bridge now, before added " traffic a to be thrown upon it. A d.t.ji.d inspection and reportwas, thereforep requested from the Bridge Engineer, Mri GrYtbak. His report has just come to my desk and it is highly alarming. Permit me to give you some of the engineering high- lights developed from Mr. Grytbak's investigation. The ..iversiUe.va.u., MinnesotaTransfer Bridge is constructed of iron which has am ultimate isiat estrth slightly less than 50,000limit pounds and an elasticof perhaps 26,000 pounds �er square inch, was designed for a loading of fifteen 5, It I ) tons equally divide on four wheels, and for a maximum 12,50 P d unit stress of 0 for poundsper square inch. ) Modem highway bridges are designed or a load of twenty (20 ton trucks, but -2 - the rear wheels of the trucks carry the mayor part of the load. Fifteen (15) tons on the rear axle is not exceptional. Modern loadings force the bridge to carry far greater wheel loads than it was designed to carry. Using modem load- ings, we find that the floor beams of the University Avenue, Transfer bridge are stressed to 32,550 pounds per square inch. Since the elastic limit of iron is considered to be 26,000 pounds per square inch, these floor beams are now being stressed occasionally about twenty-five per cent over their elastic limit. These stresses were computed on the basis of new iron beams as they went into the bridge. Nearly half of a century of rust- ing has reduced the original beam sections materially, so that the actual stresses now being carried must greatly exceed the computed 32,500 pounds per square inch. Due to the reduced sections by rusting and the increase in modern loadings tt we have every reason to believe that the floor beams occasionally are stressed close to the ultimate strength of iron, about 50,000 pounds per square inch. A stress in excess of the ultimate strength of any part of the structure will result in failure of the structure. The wheel concentration loading which would be used today in the design of a new bridge would be 22,400 pounds of over eleven (11) tons. When this wheel loading is compared with the horse and wagon loadings used by the design of the existing bridge namely - 7,500 pounds or three and three- quarters (3-3/45 tons, it is evident that even if the bridge were new today instead of forty-two years old, it still would not be safe for modem traffic. The existing floor beams re- oeive their maximum load when a street car full of passengers is passing over the bridge beside a big truck heavily laden. Such a loading condition moat occur frequently, and every time it does occur, a failure of the bridge deck is possible, even probable. Should deck failure occur under such loading, the load unquestionably would drop through the deck to the ground below and the resulting loss of life would be great. The immediate replacement of tti forty-two old floor beams with new beams,the strenghtening of the stringers, re- placment of certain sidewalk brackets and other strengtening of the bridge is necessary as an emergency. Even after this emergency work is done, the bridge still will be unsafe for modem loadings but it at l"at will be safer than at present. I recommend that emergency action by the Council be taken to obtain the necessary emergency repairs at once. In order to MIS prevent the loading combination of a loaded street car and overloaded truok, which loading is highly probable to result in serious accident, I recommend that the bridge be posted immediately with signs "Unsafe for trucks over five tons°, and that police officers be posted at the bridge heads to keep trucks of over five tons gross load off the bridge. I further recommend that steps be taken by the Council to obtain without delay, a new, adequate and safe separated grade crossing for University Avenue across the Minnesota Transfer tracks, either by viaduct or by subway. I realize that I an. recommending drastic measures in calling for emergency repairs and the closing of the bridge to heavy loads on this most important of our high- ways. I would be unfaithful to my duty as Chief Engineer of the City if, knowing the grave danger in the use of this old bridge, I did not so recommend. Under present use a heavily loaded street car and truck may drop through the ancient structure any minute and many lives may be lost. I await the instruction of the Council as to what it de- sires done in this extremely serious and dangerous situation. *pv r smission ROSEN,ner of public Yours ,veery truly, ''{9M Chief Ehgineer. Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL nLa �� NO. Ji: tiV� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cOAlr88__ _ RESOLVED WHEPaAS, the Ccmmissirr:er of Public 'Ncrks has reported in crdance with Section 53 of .e City Charter, the e istence of a mergency which re rdered recessary the emp'_oyment <f certain emF_oyes �f his Department fnr m e than eight hours per day and rr. Sunday, -aid employment being mere than usual hnurs cf employment, therefore, b= it RESC IIID. That the proper city officers a e hereby ,11h—i"(' to pay the following named employes at the rate 'therwiee fixed far ex..ra emp_cyme nt for the extra time hereinafter set fc'rth. e 71-1 Bittner, Clarence -e Kettle Fireman 1 .62)4 Elliott, Ed Sub -Foreman 7. .6214 Guataf eon, Cl arenoe D. General Chauffeur 2 .54)4 Hank, Andy J. Staty.Eagr. 9 •78 Maidl, Francis General Chauffeur Vi •54�' Nelhart, John Ir.Wkr.Erect. 3 1:25 Putnam, Fred Sewer Foreman 13 68 Steinberg, Max Mtc.Lab. 2 .50 y— eouNer unEN Nay' Adopted by,he Council_ APR 1_' 19 .blvDep�{d __ In favor Appr d,: 19_ / odbNWlr - _ ABalnel -- -ron ��` a�C9VL+. Yl]BLISFIF:D 4-'iG-i7_ v 1 r . An emergency has arisen in the DRPARTIANT OF PJPLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Making emergency repairs to sewers, streets and alley.. This emergency arose Ly reason of the follov ing facts and circumstances: Emergency calla for sewer repairs received at all hours, emergency repalre of streets and all'ey..���� with cinde - to fulfill large volu*n of orders received in the -'#t few week.. alssl// — S CITY F ST PAUL r� NO. _f ri✓_V OFFIF OF CITY I / O OLUTION—Q` WM1Orex., Hump u[u ann v1eY° aanrknr. uane uxva.amma o[ n / xu nle.nu an [vap a°re11i u °xp�11aY w p�° [e[a vm 1PF�£f2_— WHEREAS, Hugh Mullazkey, an employe of the Department of Public Works, was injured on the 19th day of January, 1931, and by reason of such Injury received a permanent partial disability to his left arm, which disability at the present time is rated about twenty per cent. by one doctor, and twenty-five per cent. by another doctor; and WHEREAS, The Oompensation Act provides that for a twenty per cent. lose, the employer shall pay compensation for a period of , forty weeks; and WHEREAS, Said Hugh Mullarkey, by Oouncll File No. 91619, approved February 2, 1932, had already been paid 26 weeks, and is now entitled to 11 weeks more; and whereas, the compensation rate of said Hugh Mullarkey is $20 per week; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ised and directed to pay to said Hugh Mullarkey the sum of Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($220.00) in partial Battlement of his claim for compensation, being for the period to and including April 16th, 1932. c"'CILMEH APR 2 Yeas Naya Adop[ed by the Council May /�In favor Approy d/-_�_ ` N /sudLrm.r / J Aga. n / ' '_/il voA Mr. Vice Pres., Sudnelme: COUNCIL• RESOLUTION nh '!T„ow,r., o,. o. .... r.eo,— • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the oontraot for grading and paving �1 ' Pleasant Ave. from 8t. Clair St. to VSotoria St., and regrading 1 Grace St. from Vance St. to Pleasant Ave., and regrading Grace St. from Pleasant Ave. to 455 feet west of the center line of Pleasant Ave., and oonatruoting sewer on Graoe St. from Vance St. to Pleasant Ave., and oon.truoting sewer on Vance St. (produced) from Grace St. to Pleasant Ave., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto ^a attached, to THORNTON 9ROS. 00YPARY, they being the lowest responsible 1/� a bidders, for the sum of $34,800.00, and the Corporation Counsel to hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of cont;aot there. r. • � ��� i ..."...�. ".. 8777 .,.... ..... ..........35, 545.00 ...".... .............�... V.e..................... ..... ...... .......�......." i� ...o... ."......o wo.3 1,280.00- •. •••••••�•• "''�`r""o�"b5 i`oi`"�� ,36=22ff�00 Paving & Sewer — ----Ill - — RPR 91lglj Petition J� l Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u.dmsigned hereby proposes the maki.g of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via: CQUgl;rtacting a sidewalk on the west side of Clarence _ Etreet._ from. Pacific.. Strset _ to Hudson Road. . -_. 21st __. April... 193-192 ll.ted this ......day of reran. aa.c.a ^{ PRELIMINARY ORDER. P WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improveOfebc; A— C I onStegeting in.:Constructing _a_eidewalk on the west side of Clarence Street from Pacific. Street to Hudson Road. ..._._.___..... __. ................_................... having bee. pereevted to the Council of the City of St. Paul_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissio.er of Public Works be and is hereby ordered aad directed: 1. To investigate the ...mity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To iaveatigate the nature, extent aad eeti..ted cost of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement. 'O 4. To state whether or act said improvement is asked for on the petitio, of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matWm to the Commissioner of File'" aPR 23 M2 Adopted by the Council_.... ...._....... _.....__. Yaws Nere Councilman CAjW1'8sw>m WIVd r4 FAMMENN. v Approved Mayor, r�cx urn raw loo Ias. udn ,0 Pl16LI5IiEDJ Z CITY OF ST. PAUL ri�c NO.. OFF OF CITY CLERK NCI UTION—GENERAL FORM COMM l55tfi _ eacser+TE Neo_ � _ onra. _ _ _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public nu_'::ir6s is hereby authorized and directed to proceed by korce Account with the seeding and planting of the b-ulevards along Johnson Par'rway fr-i Seventh Street to Maryland Street; the cost of such work not to exceed 7,C U. .'.., psyable out of t'r,e Bond Issue i'.nds, Ite:-, No. 430 Yeas c'o�omMci�Mcry Nay.+ _ In favor / Rosen Against /.i.dhr�na Mt. vm Pres S ;or.°.mc: . ..... ' md�°w m. o 1 a.. oa .. m o. Adopccd by A,c Council.. nPQ o'1 ICT, y/ � MAvoR CITY OF ST. PAUL .ices NO.. _ 92194 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK UNCI RE�N�fift l,L FORM � PRES—T _ E50—Gone April �SY1432�— Pq1W-'Tx substnn r�e� reduction in the assessed valiattons of real astern enl personal pr op��rty have been Forecasted for the current year by the -es—eor, and such decreases will necessitate an increase in the +tae levy on real and _personal property unless proportlo nate aces in the City Budget or 1—reales in tl,l scellan eous ��svenues are forthcoming, therefore be it air :.3SULVED, That the City Clerk be instruoted to communicate V \f wl.`;t tli as of the pr1oper an in all cities in the Lrn ited I et00,0oo or more population, for the purpose of determining the amounta of tneir current budgets, the sources of revenue from which the mon l as to be expended obtained, the a -""' of license fees, p+�rmiis, priviI e:;e s, eto. forvnr ious trades, occupation a, businesses, rights, etc., and that th'_s information be f—I shed to tae Cite Co+.mc11 and to the City Comptroller for p+.�rpgses of study in order to determine if the Miscellaneous Revenues of the City of St. P..,I —be increased beyond their present total and in order to effect an equal decrease In the t— levy of real and personal property. a. courva�men- Y— Naye Adoprcd by nc� CounciPP �/kyr McDonald la (a�or App`,—d19 peeeee- /�% IAY R�cn Agalmr -v / 5/�dhcimcr PIAiLISIitiD oa /Mr. id'— Ba.dhi / CITV OF ST PAUL r,�c �t NO.— O I OF CITY CLERK r�'cPRESE�D e U E LUT GENERAL FORM io _ 144. a April 21, 19s2. — Rte'^ WHEREAS, on January 30, 1932, M. A. Dittenhofer applied for Restanrant licenseat 404-8 Jaekson Street, for rhich application 596 and License 4028 here Sassed; and WHEREAS, through err r license wa made out in name of A. A. Wi i—. Estate, the former proprietor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the name on said Restaurant License No. 4028 be changed to read H. A. Dittanhofer, applicant for and holder of said license. cou Hci�rw eH Yeas Nays Conroy May r/) In la�or /M�cDwonald /V Againxt /Sodhoin,or Mc. P—id— Bundhc .a .00e o reo ..el iw°o:Rioivzss- Adopted by the Council APR 25 !QW 19 Approved c R / � Mayon •�• CI OF ST. PAUL riga �` NO. aJ /.,-ItrJ'U O E OF CITY CLERK OUNC_ ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . co%%Issero°NEX __ _ _. _ — _ April 22, 1932. . RESOLVED --_ _ Whereas, The contract for the grading of the alley mrr in Block 38, Summit Park Addition, George Dickson, contractor, - �•e�° was finishedso far as it was open to the public u in e before the job completion date specified in the contract, ends vTp1eU a u•• Whereas, The minor details of construction which were'. not completed on said construction date, non -completion of said il 1. items offering no obstructior to the opening and public use of the alley, and •u° u°m:ni Whereas, The corporation counsel has given as his opinion that the completion and opening for public use consti- "CSI, -I tutes so far as liquid completion damages are concerned, a virtual 'r o 0 completion of the contract; therefore be it Resolved, That the city of St. Paul hereby waives claim to any li_uidated damages under said contract which may @ave accrued due to the non -completion of the entire contract on the completion date specified in the contract, and the proper city of£i ci als are hereby directed to make the proper payments on said contract without deduction of any amount for I<m liquidated camages; and be it further Resolved, That the specified completion date of said contract be and the same is hereby extended to April 22, 1932, and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the said contract in accordance here- with, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force andeffect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent ir. writing with the City Comptroller. Oki COUNCILMEN Ycae p7a.,a � McDon.ld In favor 3:7— BoLiwdm � Sodh�n T_-� Aeainer / Mr. P ... id— H xj,, v, Adopmd by rhe Council 119 Or,'].% (9 r J– MAY.. 32 "rY"aiuxru�Cuue U. - k pVI .U. N_CIL�•R•ESOL.H9o�UTIOry 9e. 99 4. 4 d (w 4 b wow OF fECKS BE DRAWN ON T= ITy TREASURY, . COyERING CHECKS NUMSERED�_TO TO THEgG, AS E AMOUNT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITYIPfCLUSiVEPER CHECKS COMPTROLLER. - AD -D DY THE C ' - YlW1.ISf[F.D % To 41 �. r.. cpm TR NO A.i .... Vo COUNCIL RESOLUTION ^G^ NST AUDITED CLAIMS April 22 1- 32. ROSEN - TOTAL I' — NVMeEq IN FAVOR OF crFc rs �rcc �s T e. e. Nx 4044 4045 4046 046 4049 4o5o 4o51 40055332 4054 4o56 4057 4059 4060 4o61 40664332 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 070 4072 407 074 J 4 76 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4084083 0854 4oa6 4087 4088 4og9 avoucHT rovwAvo Northern States Power Company I.. 4 109 5` Pittsburgh Coal Company 381 0( Anna Schumacher, Theresa Schu- maeber, Clara M. Schumacher & John Schumacher 7 322 81 American Linen Supply Company] 106 i' Amerioan Linen Supply Company 63 6C American Management Associat on1 10 O( John D. Anderson 45 71 Baldwin Transfer Company 6 OC BrIunig & Sone Baking Company 88 9, CD_Op. Laundry Company 21 87 C.A. Dunham Company I; 8 4C L. ES eenmenger Meat Company 315 01 Electric Bmue Print Company 72 96 Elk Linen Supply Company 15 Be Elvgret Paint Supply Company 59 47 P.M. Farioy 8 75 Leonard Frank Company 53 40 Frozen Products Company 6 7 Johnson's Parket House 135 26 Mo%eeaon-St.Paul Drug Company' 37 49 May is Ice Cram Company, Ino.i 431 76 Michaud Brothers,Inc. 6 83 Midway Creamery Company �{ 67 65 Minnesota Milk Company 116 82 Mother-. Friend 9 53 National Biscuit Company 41 90 Northern Coal & Dock Company 3 632 992 Oriental Laundry Company 16 46 Pink Supply Company 9 66 Plantation Coffee Company h 17 00 Purity Baking Company Iii 160 48 Railway Erprese Agency 10 31 Milton Rosen Tire Company II 4 75 Sanitary Farm Dadries,Ino. V 224 05 Andrew Sohooh Grocery Company 93 01 Sohroeder Milk CompanyI 5 00 Sharpe & Dohme, Ino. 19 22 83 Tri State Tel. & Telg. Company 75 36 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company III, 90 16 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 73 20 13739 J. C, Vander Bie Company,Inc. 510 68 Weetlund Meat Company 57 39 White Eagle 011 Corporation J 583 68 Co erg Milk Company 141 35 Zinsmaster Baking Company 53 3 S111T TOTAL-FORWA j 7500 00 u785 350 NO con NCILN-'COUNCIL RESOLUTION il 23, AUDITED CLAIMS API 28s3Z-95 o C.U-1 TOTAL IN FAVOR OF IROUGITFORWARD • 4090 4dajn Halboth 14 4) it 4091 D&D Roa81n1 1 301 8 4092 ;t.Paul Tent & Awning Company57 5 4093John H McDonald, C. of Fin. 111 5 40 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.: 40 o 09 Glen Leahy 127 5 092 3D scialty Printing Company 81 8 4097 Van Hoven Company, Inc. 1 225 0 4098 A1. Aschenbrenner 109 0 4099 Blue e and 9b1te Cab Company 240 1 4,100 The C alhon Paint Companyi 21 6 4101 L.R. Heylman 12 0 4102 4.C. Horn Company 282 2 410Earl KgyBer 99 0 410� Oakley Parrish 12 0 4n Art Runge 108 0 410 Sti.fel Products,lno. 84 2 4107 John H.9 c Donald, C. of Fin. 17 670 0 A 4108 Roy A. MacDonald, Attorney for Edward J. Der4glaah and LoOse Deragisoh j 836 5 4109 Delia Brown 1 29 2 4110 11T.' Mary Emily Christy 40 0 27 03 John . Lennon 4112 Anna Wagner PeitBah 40 4114 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 9 411Elfrida Soderberg 28 4115 H. Bueller, Inc. 10 0 4116 J.G. Buske 10 0( 4117 John w1eman & Walter Kranz 15 0 4118 S. Berglund Lumber Company 309 6� 4119 Brown and Day, Ina, 86 4, 4120 Martin Falk PaperCompany 6 8�IW 4121 Farwell, Omun, Kirk Company 55 1 I 4122 Fisher Roasting Company 50 c( 412 George J. Flynn 1 8 1� 41N Gopher Stamp & Die Works 232 2( 4125 A P. Herschler Company 63 2( 4126 Johnson Printing Company 120 0( 4127 Koepke 100 0( 1121 Lamprey Products Company 6 11 4129 MoF&dden­Lanib:TtCompany 208 6 4130 Northern Sta t 8 Power Com,anj 37� 8• ( 4131 Peters Sausage Company 1 2 4132 Thoman ,. Rosbolt Compan19 6� 413� St . Paum rbite Lead & Oil7 2 413 G. Sam a 8 and Company I 3906 10 (EI 1 w Co.'. 1� 413Z Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 1 188 21 413 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 370 0; 4137 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 609 9 1 4138 Victory Printing Company 140 6, SH— TOTAL—FQRW.RD . 7 500 001 813988 ,..,.....L CITY OF ST. PAUL ..La �c NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION—Ci ENERAL FORM vneaENreo� �� _—TE April 23, 1932 REsoLvED In the matter of widening the existing roadway on Snelling Avenue from Grand "venue to Summit Avenue and paving the widened portions, also repaving the present roadway, Under Preliminary Order C. F. 90814, approved October 29, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91347, approved January 5, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same is hereby approved. Yeae COUNCIL—Nay, / C,IaAc - Fecsu.oq,g Against / Mr. Prcaidertt.H ds Adopted by the Council- __APQ I) 10XN App/roves _19.- MAYOR 92M COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of cumin;^.';oro Str- t, b0tl' c` -des, iron Earl Fr—t to t_e aazterly to—ti—` Of _nor.. �tr—t :It '!—+ ds 1--1c, a°ii„su om®a. under Preliminary Order 91700. _. approved February 16, 1932 Intermedi9ry Order _._.... _-.-... _ _ _.__...._app.,sd A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the saidCity is c h_ ^_horn. t —tom_-_^oth g13es_y from =tr1 nen Stt-to the casterlp. tcr_r— ,f. Th— Straet at 10=11a.2ark._____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are herchy authorized and directed to pro- 'sed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR 2 51932 4, Cin Ci,,ki Approved _ , 192 � Mayor. Councilman �""'� _/. my s� rwLIJHED Councilman i+ergtfhon. I`I'"�atd t. Councilman M�Dousl�l,� Coumilman l 6, lTp uncii oe Coilman X31' Councilman Yb,. t'* / Mayor HodgEon Bundlle Form B. S. A. 8-7 // DEPARTMENT AFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �O (A) In tli:. ma.... of ,`LLP11RN Doth 1 2, ,I Tho -.,t. f1l. -.L. t .-.nom — "! 11-- at s,—.... 1-.,rY., ender P,dimh.ary Old" approved To the C, -d of the City of S1. P.+.I: The Commissioner of F.,,.-- hereby ,pores es follows: 'rhe total estimated amount of Ibe....... (or the abore {mpto��ment ie - - f 1�J14�.78 The estimated cost per�ioo for ci.e abo.e improremei�t'ie - - - - - - - $ J -- "I'h, lots..t p.... dl of land diet may d b -,f— for —h improvement, end the assessed each lot or parcel as la..t t,p.-d by the A-1-1, arc follow:: 1—CRIPn01 Lor =T11. 1N Lo!.s S to 8 ❑7 .,u1—u— 1317 is 18, 9uU :P.:;, 500 :. c,st of 6 1-8 do 1, r90 East of 6 `.8 d0 1,':5J i, lUj Ir st j Of 7 moi: ']O x,:-5`7 .555 Exist z of 7 _:8 :to 1,...50 -xe. John:.nn ;•rxy) the xe_t 15 C8- 1. 900 1 to 8 ;.� do 3,000 1 to "' dlo�ks i..otrli of 19,131) .,ot.: 18 &ktF of Bills CITY O ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CIF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT - :ti lots ES. 5: Pt of lots Z, 1 -nd 5 1c1onou,h's Fo -ar 5C,a=' ::UB,600 The Commiuioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hire m rcfercnec tt..aid matter by the Commissioner of Public \forks. // Dated 2.-t..�+1� _. _ I9 3,:L �)JZw i�`%3(e � 'a'E � v �. cnmmissinner of Pina�� City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cil, CI<,L Jenuary ?9th; 19V. Son. Milton Rosen, Cocmle.lonar of Public Mork., Building. Dear Coamieeloner: Tne final order 1n the matter of paving Thom Street from Earl St, to the easterly t.-inue of Thorn Street at M.—de Pari vas dlecontloued by the Council to- vl th the understanding that an order would be brought in for curbing thio et ree t. Your, very truly, City Clark, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) January 30, 1932. Mr. Wm. N. Carey: Kindly note the attached communicating from M. J. Gibbons. Will you kindly have the neces- sary order prepared for the curbing of Thorn St. from Earl St. to the easterly terminus of the street at Mounds Park? MR -D COMMISSIONER. ,'L , THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. March 7, 1932. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Thorn St. from Earl St. to the easterly terminus of Thorn St. at Mounds Park, under Preliminary Order C.F. 91700, approved Feb. 16th, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $1,013.78 Cost per front foot .62 Inspection 19.88 Engineering 85.00 Frontage 1633 ft. Yours truly, Ati--f- �Igi A�MITof',rRiOsE.N.n ssion tof Finance , Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public WoYlaof FINANCE dry, Report to Commissioner of Finance 4g 3 MAR 1.1 19, March 11, 1932 m2 Tu We ('untnii:winnrr of I innnm of tb, ('itv of St. had The ('untntixxiunrr of N0.1hc 11'nrk, harthe prrlintinury order of the Council, k,,—, a_. ('oaucil Pdr so. 91700 ..,yt February 16, 19321112 rrintivr u. the construction of curbing on both sides of Thorn street from Earl Street to the easterly terminus of Thorn Street at Mounds Park. and b -m, i ,,.,rRatrd the innt tin .uiI thm, ndI 1,. thimriu, hrmhr mpurtt I. Enid impm,ravnt, n- Y uul curl ilruirnldr. ,11013.78 Cost per front foot 620 .. Thr retinutlrvl ru. thrmu[ , ice.toil the tutnlIhrmuf iv , Inspecticn $19.88 Engineering $85.00 Frontage. 1,633 ft. and the nature mel -tent of !d in,rrnvrr..rnt In ar foll- 3. { pinn, ttndlr ur rktvrh of Enid iuit�rnvrnirnt i= hrndn attar hrd and nuulr u tram hrmaf- F. Vivid inil,rr vriurnt i• n+krd fur nhrtfern of Pminr1,Y, enbjert fur .nirl inipruvrmi•nt. l'nmmin�inner a[ Public Workw. 922M COUNCIL FILE NO.. - By_--__-_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of - renoastruotirrg..raleying and repairingthe-.sidarmllc not tha-- .east-.aida..of.Sarstogadze., beglmiag 200 ft -.south nf-Jaffaraoa A-- theme.. south 40 ft.,- <o�o- •n .r m a,.or11 w. ...gyr.rt<r _ -_-._- _ m�88r�acU•.r ...... under Preliminary Order... 91788 _-_..._ -.-.-.--_approved Feb. 26, 1952 Intermediary Order __..-...-_. -.-.- ___.._-- __—approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the mane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ reconatraotr -relay_ and- repair the- sidewalk on the ..east-.aide_-of...BaraLvge.-Ava..-.Deglnn7.n&-2Q4 t't._aaykk..oS_,IeSSeronadvv�._L2teAee.-asuth 40 ft., _...______ — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said im rovement in accordance therewith. AP� 2 61'"2 Adopted by the Council _.._.... 192.___-. •'Say r ^ td:'i u L✓w.�/z k.: �r i _v.. -City Clerk. _. r Approved _. ,1sz y oomY / Mayor. Councilman Ir OoaeW Councihnn ._rtoy ouncil .3c:�rce Councilman � ,rt„ecu Councilman $fir �- I Councilman VA-subc /fdayor If 4 Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 OEPARTMENTeOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Ida of In matter a( reemat" Oting, reUyi.9 end repairing the sidewalk on the east tft '1`Saratoga Ave., beginning 200 It. south If Jefferson Ave., than,, 8-th -d,, Prc jjo,;n_y o,d,, ,-d Feb. 26, 1932 To,h� C,-,61 .(,h, 01Y of Sl Paul: Th, C-I -M1-11 of Finance hereby "1 -1 as "I',""' s 24.00 Ti .. coal ___d amount for thimprovement .s - e fl., -d -1-11- f ",h loc or lk lotsor pn reels"I landh., -y lb, --16 benehts tar sucl� improv men r, cel as last reporial by the M--l, ­ a, f.11-1: IISCIIPT$ON -T ­... ­T11N -AT 'IN L�� Bldg. 6 io Sylvan Park Additl-- to the 700 2150 City of Saint Paul $700 $2150 Th, C-M1 ­1 of 1- he has investigated all of h: aforesaid matron, and herebymiss" b� b .. rhe f-Vill a, hi, thereon to he Council, irhe 1, retort him in re(erencc to ...r by the C-11111-11 of Pulbllarks. —k4 k-� 19 of Finance. 11L ­ A. ­ - Office of the Commissioner of Public Wore' U'rc11ra Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 71 1932 March 3, 1932 192 T(I 1h. ( uof 1 of the "", "f " 1,.'I \,91788 Feb. 26, 1932 192 relxfi.-e In reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Saratoga Ave., beginning 200 ft. south of Jefferson Ave. thence south 40 feet. nurl 1",—'K m--g.'t.d 1. sail i .......... anent fj�'� Lot 6, Block 10, Sylvan Park Addition $24.00 rnlinu,t, .l 11rt i' A . wA the aril nl '-I therenf —d the nature nnJ rat,.t ..f fnjj 3. A .ke 1, 1, of I 1. ...... .... l.t,t a -hp , t t'. f P'fl'fi, W.,ks. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, .relaying and repairing where moossary the aide—lk on. the_south aide of Road- St. beginning 184 ft. east of. Farrington Ave., theme east 78. !'t.,..... ta.�kra�ni ^e a. exlml vr� � 91 ex •. under Preliminary order 91828 approved __.._an. 3. 1352' Intermediary Order __ -__-. _......_-_approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reaonstruot. _relay and rePair_nhere use ..... ry the sidewalk ma the south aide _.of..Ronda _St- _begiming.184L ft__east _of_Ia LngtaaA—.. thenoe-at 78 ft..'.- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council tpp 2Rt932 , 192 E' wit 2- % / -C�} Clerk. Approved _ _ - - - - - 192 Mayor. Councilman Zlrsa q:^-- Councilman FeTg:,^`u,ld coanruman o patq J Councilman Councilman ftdhwAdr Councilman VMR05F- Mayorkltaitg Bmsdlle ' Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPART; ENT SOFPF I NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) �. ]n J,c matter ofu. 7r..lx T .., arYe th9 .;11a'rulk nrtl ;u*� :i le of 1,tt. b. Snrl" � f. ..3 aof f1r•r _. -tor , tI,,,- , e—t �7.. 'o, Inde, Preomina,y order alTrn�,a ..�, . tsfi , 'Po chc Council of the City of Si. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hcrcby ,,pons ns f.�llows. Tl,c vsra1 estimated umoont of nc� asscssmcnr f—h' above 26_fiL 'Ph—,,:muted coat per foot for tl�e aba.c i�nprorement is - - - - - - R The lore or parcels of land char muy be as.essed ben,fits for —h irnpro.emen r, and nc, as 11-1 .alnari.,n of each !ot or Iia reel us los, rcpon,d by rhe Ass,ssor, arc ue foll—: oescatPTroN DoT aL.— aoo,T— Larii�pT­ BI le,, 9 7 Ninin 1,11 ',Ili. to 775 1500 10 7 do 775 175c 11 7 10 775 170c, The Commissioner oI Fina - further rcporrs that he has m,—igatcd all of the aforesaidan mai d hcrcby -bm, s the foregoing ue Lie report tj e„ o the Council, ro tl— Stith nc, report —d, ro,him m reference ro said macre, by dte Commissioner of PubI1C 30—1931e-.1Ic".s,o (� Cam of F�aoc Office of the Commissioner of Public V Y Report to Commissioner of Finance lf� "An 9 102 K—ch 7th 1962 th, lTnninia.im�er of I A 0hr Ot, :If St PIIO] Th, 0 \N -k, b—,,g 1, ati t1t., I [,n,i-,Y —1- �,f 0'.. 0,,I,-), known a 01—Iii I [, N, 91828 MIT111111 d March 3rd I,Z2 rrintiva t,, Reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the sidewalk on the south side of Rondo St. beginning 184 ft. east of Farrington Ave., thence east 76 ft. -d h -mg nwa.l ignt ad Ibr ninucrs nod th "fi-,] to for min, bomb, ngnvta_ I. Said 2. M, e,tittiM,d ruW th,mof i= and t Lo �7 Iningers Add $ .56 "' "1" and eateat of 2 10, 7, 22.02 11 7, 22:02 3. A I )-, p,.,fil, k� tr h nr Mta,h.A and and, u I,- h- f. 4. 5. Said i", -k.A b,, it PaGtinn of 0111, -11 P -11111Y, fur -id Cnmmiru�ioner of PWAk W.,k.. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER 92203 fa. the Matter ofreo.aatructing,- ralsylag and repairingwtrnre. nemsanry the sidewalk at the f.1lp.Mg I ... tioasr _...__. Lia.oln Ave., north aide, beginning at Prior A—, thenca west 96 ft., Prior..Ave., west aide, begi—ng. at Lin.ola Ave., thence-earth-.to.A11V I " 11M . ai i, eR , under Preliminary Order 91789 - approved Feb. 26, ,19bi Intermediary Order ...._approved -.-....._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ra..vatrnat,.ralsy.sad-.repair . xhare mcanearythe sldetmlk..at' the Snlloaing_locationsr___. Liv..1. Ave.,north aide, beginning at Prior Ave.. thea.. wa et 96 ft. Prior. Ave., weatside.,. b gillicgat.lSmaln-dna.,. theana_mrtli to - the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Conncllj%pri 9 tZr , Approved 192 / t- ro• // _ Mayor. Councilman �',ianFy 1. toueld Councilman F,a�sd Councilman M.Dp i`` Councilman Idc� //, Councilman 96W9ztkiit e� Councilman / Mayor M JgBuadlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 ❑EPARTMENT50 FPFINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE c% ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the nt,ttcr b(reeotetroti,g, relaying and repalrl g where to, ...... y the sidewalk at the followlag tionas Lindoln Ave...,, north aide, beginning at Prior Ave., than.. —at 96 Peat, Prior Ave., —at aide, beginnleg at Lln.oln Ave., then.. north tri Alley, —dcr Prchmi nary Ord" appn1ved Feb. 26, 1932 To the Coenel of the Cly of St. Paul: The Commission,. of Finv hcrc by reports as (.11.11: The to 1 estimated amount of the as sessment for the ab- 167.20 Thr cstim.+t ed cost per foot for the ebo.e improve n�ent ie - - - - - - - $ 'Fhe I,- or po.cels of land that may be as.essed be 1— for such improvement, d the assessed "luat_ of each lot or parcel as Ins. ..ported by rhe Assessor, arc a. foll­_ oesc RiwnoN nor acoc. aooirioN Lands ."EI dg. Lot 60 and W. 22 ft. of 61 3 Rosedale Park 1660 11200 (Ex..pt Alley) (Ex.. Alley and ....pt Prior Ave.) Lot 62 and E.st 18 ft of 61 3 do 1660 11200 (E:o. A11ey sad ex.ept Prlor Ave.) iaoluded above Let 82 and e.at 1B rt of 61 3 do The Commissioner of Finance fl -her report. thvt lie has inrestignted all of the aforesaid matt. , and hereby submits the foregoing ae his report t1, m to the c --d' together the repos made t. him .n reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public ,li'nfk, Da d -)_k _ 30 _ 19A� tJ/'Y/I�.jmi- of Fi � Commissioner of Ftnalrce. Office of the Commissioner of Public WMWJ0FINANC? �r a�T_�4� la Report to Commissioner of Finance MAN 9' 193E March 3, 1932 lua '1'.. Ihr t'mm�iin.innel of I'iiu4 the t'it, .f St. I'anl The (\nniiii+i:iuni•r of I'ullir NN -k-' 1� .f Ilii• clmnrll, knot„I I�. l tmnrll Pih• N.,91789 nrlini.,"I Feb. 26, 1932 le2 mien.,. to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations. Worth side of Lincoln Ave. beginning at Prior Ave., thence west 96 ft. West side Prior Ave. beginning at Lincoln Ave., thence north to Alley. nnJ hncink in, rntiKnl e.l the inunerx "'iI IIt"It, I. Snit inillm,e t"'.1 i. u1I,1, ni l I .I�.xirul.lr. _. The e:+tin al.d —I Ih,—j in i . nii.l the imnl r."t It f is F nn�l the nn um nn�l eeI nI of +niil infill .-',tp( ix a. fi4"" Lot 62 and the east 18 ft. of lot 61, Block 3, Rosedale Park -- $137.10 Lot 60 and the west 22 ft. of lot 61, Block 3, ” " 20.10 3. A i,luii. Itil,. - .k. t,li of ,..i 1uIr1 6en.4 I. .�. �:Ii�l inii,ruvl•nnIit ix :wki•.I [ter illlun it inn i,f three �Ir Inl��n+/f�xnen n[ Ilrni,ert Y. slhjeet to u.xl.xlui nI frir -id illllnnveinrlll. /� / L (l,uimixxinner of Puhlic W-ke. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER 9220 In the Matter of reconatructing,. relay -ng and..rapairing..wheru.. necessary. the side lk on the west aide of Dale St. beginning -40 ft.. south o4 Selby-Ave.y thence south to the alley, ma K'o a:,.... oo�:YYne JY=`,P tuMeeBph,rre, ai Sao ., under Preliminary Order. 91790 pp ved 1932 Intermediary Order -_._... _.__... _-_. __ _ .approved ._.___._ . ............ A public hearing having been hod upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -_ raconstruct,-_rely_ md- repair_xhere ne.... ary the .sidewalk on the ..w t, aide.of-11l1_St- -heglnning..4D-St._aoutb..nf_.Salb-Ave_.,_tlus o . south to the alley, - -.... _... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR a 6,10 ._1 19,2 City clerk. 7 Approved , 192 'J ' — -- Mayor. councilm clepeg>. 1 ma Councdm n p'ergpad vb! rd an Councilm�ol"'eL i en Councilman fir/ Councilman xt m" l.. - /Mayor li8dga0mt Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEP SOFP MANCE REPORT OF C SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) In �hc trey of ' b- ssnder Prcli mina ry Order al,,—d -'��b. -6,1932 '1'o the Cuu ncil of the City of Se Paul: Thr Commissioner of Finenee hereby ccForts as f„Ilnas The total estimated amount of the assessment (or Jia above improvement is - - $ 42.OG The —m -,d cost per loot for the above improy<ment is - - - - - $ The lots.,r parcels of land that may be assessed ben cfits for such imrroyemcnt, and the assessed valuation o(each lot or pa,eel as Iast upon <d by the Asses arty, arc as the east lt- t of 3 5 . 31 2 5 a... -. i. ..... z1 ft o. _. 10 ft of 3 5 AowT— Lan s Teo 81 1c. .iol�,�:b-:'•'t t0 2250 2000 d0 1n5o 1900 JUJ X700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports than he has in.esiigated all of she aforrsaid mat ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon «,the Council, together witL the report made to him in re(e« nee �to— ssa�id matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated. Q13e _ 19 3 2 JJ11v K., _7.r hr - l -Lis e�iX Commissioner of Finaoel Office of the Commissioner of Public Watrksf i Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 11,193, March 2, 1932 192 'ro the nA th, U- 4 St PnuI Th, ,f P,0.1i, W -k,, h- mg 1u,d und- I h, pr,)iiuirwry order of the ii I d, Nn, 91790 'I'l I Feb. 26, 1932 192 "I.ti— m reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street beginning 40 feet south of Selby Avenue, thence south to the alley. and having in ,Ffignt,d 0, mutt l.a. Holl 1-0, 2, Th, -m-,d and the vital —,,t thereof 1, $ o `iAle` is"Otu" �.M "O� i .? 1 and 2, Block 4. Holcombe's Addition - - - - - - $23.40 The south 311 of lots I and 2, Block 4, Holcombe's Addition - - - - - - - - - - - 18.60 1. A Plan, �J_ profile- k. -t, h yf i nt1.ch,d and -de a I�,,I h,r,,J. 4. 5. Said mmp .... ....... t i, f- ,p ,titim,, of th,- f I—p-ty, suhjrct to of for said m.,— f P.hii,. W-ke. 92205 r1111 lacER COUNCIL FILE NO. B FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .paving Hastings, Avenue -from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road inolud- Log curbing and paving alley and driveway app rosohas, e , water and gas actions from�etreet--main,-to property linea c=,plate, ehare necessary, . also ino�.df�o.00natraot- 30 feet wast of the east line of lot S6�tTF Iu,.. ,y Perk. to- Gr -Street,-end. frons the aziatiag..pavlag on the Hudson Road to the semia, roadway fronting lots 14, 16 and 16, block 1,Lindley Height anal north- seatasly os,-thie. aryina. roadway . to -connect with . the existing saner whIon 1 _aJ:P_roximate- ly 194 ft northwesterly of the Dente, line of Hastings Avenue, under Preliminary Order---.-..-.pl6.i,@_. .. ...-_--.approved February 6, 1952 Intermediary Order ___.-._-__----_-...._.......____approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Poul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is -p— Hastings -Avenue _from - Point- Doles- Road -to ]Indaea_Read-iP 1-diag —bin and 1 llay, d driveway pp hes water and gas oomeotiom from street maim to property lanae chmpl� ,SrheTe neo, eAiylSleo iluding...00n#ractiPg_square _ch _HastinLa Avenue -from, -point 10 -feet wast of the east aoLina of lot 10, block 10, Lindley Park to Griffith Street, d from the sialnig paving ox, -Rudaoa.goad_to_tlin sarcine_rnadwa¢..frnntl%_lute _14,_15 aAd 16 block 1, Lindley Heights, and thtXerly on this ,vice d,vay to enact with the existing r .which -U approximately..1114.1'eat—rtlarne?srlve S. the..Q tar- line of Bastin Avenue, MMaterial shall be reinforced concrete from L on d. to_tfe cea scar er hn a ar bi n macadam f o the Sdg to t i t 1 } t8- €Ynd�ar'� a kr? Yaa�rata°bae°r : to : �0 8e 49 and the Gtouncil hereby orders said improvement m be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement inaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved -....... 192 PUBLIIIIIID Councilman Mayor. Councilman Councilman C ouncilman Co�JL/+gam / U uncilman lie / v .( T Mayor 1%agd7� Form B. S. A. 8-7 6 y cp.c sT. P DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 1. the matter of Paving Hastings Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road including curbing and paving alley and driveway epdroaches, v newer, water and gas connoc ti ons from street mains to property lines com.lete, Where necesaary, also including constructing sewers on Hastings :wanue from a Joint 1) f eet want of the d, east lin. of lot 13, Block 10, Linlley P rk •.0 3rifflth Street, Ind from the ezistin6 paving on the Hudson Road to •.he service roadway Iron ti n.; lots 14, 15 'tai la, Bloc.•. 1, Lindley Heights, end northw±a•.er]y on this scry ice roadwV to connect pith the a xisting se -n ar 9hich Ss -. ,, pro 1m::tely 194 feet northves of the een�ar line :,f Hastings Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved - , . 6, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fimance hereby reports as follows The total esumatcdamount of the avers meat for the above mprove meat is - - - s- --,-- The estimated cost per foot for the abo« $ - -- — ---" of each lot or Parcel.SO.GO a..., ,c fn .retch 0C 74C DoT ecocK AooToN ypSoscPTION unTloN 9 10 Lin 11,-y inrk 125 10 10 :o 1::5 11 10 do 1m5 12 10 do 100 13 10 do 75 ld 10 do 50 I-- t John.:on Fark:ray) 15 10 do 25 All of lots 26 re l7, blk. :ota S s 22 blk 5, Lots 10 rs 15 eo ::o `.11 -tion .lc -,lo- 1G ,� 1� blk 11�d t nr is of the f'o11ow- 11 ,' - logs a lit ne .. 1 t . o Jnt:n.on parkvay, viL: -1 to 7, t,l ^ 11, 1- 1 j.lk.%3," 15 ?lk 10 <C '1 o4a h1 11 ail �,�-,d1 ,y lj a,k REPORT OF oCOMMISSIONER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (g) 1-1 1 L'n1ley H,;ts. 100 15 1 do 100 113 1 do 115 111 1 do 100 18 1 -o lU0 19 1 do 100 20 1 do 100 21 1 do 100 2.. 1 do 100 23 1 do 100 24 1 do 100 1 1 King's Al: to :t.t ¢ul, 350 nn. 2 1 do 375 3 1 do 400 That trlan,�ular piece "' - rrt,,­u Point Hod 25 and H¢stln,is�1+a n .�s. block 35, Suburban Hills, part Of the southwest .a o!' the soutl: K P OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IESCRIPTION LOT T— AIIESIEI t� 33 Subu^bun Gills '50 1 nrkln's ::ub :`v'a.t 350 1 7, 0,:11s 300 5450 1150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he bas m—6,,d a1I of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon ro the Council, together with the report made to hi— ,,f .... - im .nreference to said matter by the Commissioner of P.blic \forks. Datcdax�� 3-__ 19'%.J, ro m e. e. tr ,. Commissioner of Finan J HAST/NGS ti ti �h n PAC/F/� 7 M�LEAA' SU6URBAH V 4 W BURNS 7 F S%z S. E. % 3EC.33•T29�R. 22 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) March 1, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Paving of Hastings Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Hudson -Road, including gasbingcoonnectlonsand ing fromiley streetdmainsetoypropertyhlinesewer, complete, wheAve. fromca, point l0, ft. westofthen east line sewers ,lineoflot 10, Hastings Block 10, Lindley Park to Griffith Street, and from the existing paving on the Hudson Road to the service roadway fronting lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, Lindley Heights, and northwesterly on this service roadway to connect with the existing sewer which is app P194 feet reliminaryly rOrdertarly °91635,the center approved Februarye of t61,g 1932eaue, under Length 1365 feet FF Width ofStreet 66 feet Frontage 492 ft. c e Road 36 feet The Estimated Cost 19 - - - - - - - - - $19,002.00 This nforced ent the Hudson,Ro dtandrthedbridge OveriJohnson Parkway,, also for between for paving the -intersection of Resting Avenue from the east line of lot 11, Block 10, Lindley Park to the Point Douglas Road. Between the east line of idge a pavingis proposed,oforlthedreasonrthat this msectionbn the ous ismdumpdam ual and the erioddeep offill years. expected Concrete curbowillgbedinstalledsettlement a throughout the lngp Y length of the street, and the estimate is for a roadway width of 36 ft. A plan is also attached showing where sewers are to be built. The estimated cost of the sewers is $2,660.00 and this amount is included in the total estimate e , Pavingaastings Ave. from Pt. Douglas Rd, to Hudson Rd. Other details of the Estimate are as follows: 70 Reinforced concrete paving per front foot - - - - - - - $ 3.35 curb n n v - - - - - - 0.50 6° Sewer connections, each $50.00 3/4" Water connections, each $40.00 Engineering Costs - - - - - - $1700.00 On account of the unusual conditions pertaining to this projeot, we are unable to estimate the costs per front foot and amount of City Aid funds required, and the figures given above is cited for the purpose of aiding the Bureau of Assessments in estimating the benefits to property. Yoursruly N. CAR Chief 3-9b-er . wnc-mh ApfteJ..e ssion of Finance. , Commissioner of Public Works. P. Office of the Commissioner of Public Ws*)F I§ANUI: Report to Commissioner of Finance MAO R 193" March 2, 1932 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Poo!: The mmimmner of Poblic Work,, having hod under r...id... two the preliminary order of the Council, know. Is, C ... ril Fite No. 91636 approved. February 6, 19M3 ,relative W the paving of Hastings Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road. nod having investigated the ratters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...sassy end (or) dmir,ble. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.19,002.00 and the total cost thereof i, S. and the nature and extent of said improvement is m follow,: _.__._............_... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atwh,d and made , part he,00f. 4. S. Said t W veme.t is... _ .,.ked forupon p ..0,three or thor more�o"eea,, Ifsproperty, subne,es,me subject to nt for said improvement./>/f /) Commie®o.er of Public Works. L vut.'" COUNCIL FILE -NO. By In the Matter of gradin;, -i--_ and surfacin With ^itlmminous .,oteri,l _.Johnson._ 5tr. of from. McLean _Avenue to Suburban dvenue� under Preliminary Order 31671. __approved February 13, 1932 _ Intermediary Order _.__. ____.__....-_-__-pp.eed A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro ment to be made by�uhe said City is _. . grade;\ b and surface w'It—i­. maL 1 Jnhnsnn_. ,t,_e t..Ir_oa_ GLean_Awmlle to SlkbWIATIAV411e, ___.. be and the aame are h, ro-h• rescinded u1 a eueeeMn�in-ssid-ma'-er tre -C:a.[r-._`_-- __ . d the Council hereby orde d mprovement to b de. ESOLVED FURTHER, t the Commissioner of blit Warks be and is hereb trotted and directN1 to prepare plans and spe'' icatione for said invent, and submit same to the ouncil for npproval, at upon said approval, th roper city officials are Tereby authorived and directed to pro - teed th t making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council APR _2fi_>9?,._ _., 192 ARi Approved 192 Councilman -- Conroe Councilman F360M 1 `I, It�•unld '� J Councilmanii06W �I..y �LiSTiF,p_r-t l.r CCoouncilman uncilman Councilman Mayor Hcdxsouc Bandl ie ! Form B. S. A. 8.7 in ell , circ or —PAUL DEPAPtTMENy OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 61 �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n Io the matter of gr—iin_, curbin,. and surfaei— with bituminous material Johns n :'.t -set from !.rcl,ean A:7e. to Suburban Ave., under Preliminary Order approved ?,h. 13, 1932 TO the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commi.sioner of Finance bereby report. a follows: The ental unmated• of the asses.ment for the above mptovcment t. - - - 1 1,665-1 _— mofrt The unmated cost per foot for the above mprovement ie - - - - - - - 8 Sn The lots or parcels of land that may be assc.aed benefit. for .ocb improvcmc , and the aue.sed valuanon Of each lot or parcel a. last reported by the A,.es.or, are a, follows: .Es...".. LOT -- AOOITION L.- YALUA nOtl i, East leo it of 6 31 Zubur^— :Hill. 325 15,C cean (Except F -1i! a Sc. & Ml 6 and 7 32 do No Valuation ani t::o— parts :.P blks.•1, 32, & 33 s 11e w_thin a strip 2CC the =asterly ling of v!Aoh extendsr., the • .r of lot 7, blockr, to Choc corner o" lot o, ?,loc.c 33 (Except Johnson Parlcaay) 5 32 do 25 1 1 Lid—; Park J -''d. 150 1700 500 200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he ha. i —flgated ah of the aforesaid man aid bereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Cao Ocil, together .ith the report made to him ,n reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public l ,,h. o U- M St. Paul, Min.. 1931,._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your liovorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: from 4r�a.ri �. Ave. to�t St. Ave. 2 Hi93T/NGJ �h PAC/F/C M�LFAN - SUBURBAN 7 .5%zS. E%a 3EC.33-T29•R.12 0500 O � h J J� 1Z JO TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF TUE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dem) Feb. 24, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosso, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading, curbing and surfacing with bituminous material, Johnson Street from McLean Avenue to Suburban Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91671, approved February 13, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - $1,665.15 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - 3'54 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.65 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - 150.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - 470 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. CAR_ , Chief Eng neer. Ap o ed for tr smission to e C m�is f FSnance / MILTON ROS EN v. Commis sloner of Public Works. Office of tfie Commissioner of Public FlNANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance '��t a Mae 3 19V March 1, 1932 193 the Commi„ioner of Fimnce of the City of St. Paol- The Commieniooer of Public Work,, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couneil, known - Count Vile 9 91671 approved V eb, 13, 1932 193 , remti" to grading, curbing and surfacing with bituminous material, Johnson Street from McLean Avenue to Suburban Avenue. end having m—tigated the matters end things inferred to therein, heroby reports: 1. Said improvoment ie necessary and (or) dmirable. Cost per front foot $3.54 2. The estimated coat thereof ie 5. 11665.15 and the total coat thereof i, $.. Inspection $32.65 Engineering $150.00 Frontage 470 ft. and the nature end extent of laid improvement ie - follower 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie _asked for upon petition of three or mine own of property, ,object to assessment for said improvement. .. .. . _. - Co ieeioaer of Public Worke. V� COUNCIL FILE NO. By �� t In the Matter of.. gx-adin-, n11?y5-. li]-.31ock 2, leek' s Addition :iloc'.< -2, Oxford Add' -tion _`rom Oxford Street to the 1`orth 2nd South Alley 2nd froom- harles Street. to-dnun:i. ltreet, ��s—o co�stPnc t=r a sevrer-in the ea semer.t '-o be obtoi- d or the :re sterly 8 feet of lot 1, T7. o—TZ� l7R'6rd notion f.om the Alley to the. -sever in j}„'.^ my - - - tiiE AE81Uon teem �oN.PI. tv ••- - ve avvW A u! a.. under Preliminary Order .91762 approved Feb—ry 2S, 1912 Intermediary Order .._—__-_..____-_--approved - -"-----"--- A public hearing having been s had upon the bove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard atl pereons, objectionand recommenadations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that.••e, \v,,,nlto be mad\tbe City-.....srd.a_Alle-ln_lilnck.,...Petob 2 Liition. Orfo .1 - t.. tnd .treet ^,un. re t a_edsterl the 411ey to c s.n,r in les Str t, k WdSha-smest.hayhy mrl4d.. an, -11M --------- _ . o14eMd41p in did matter be diunn:i-. d the Council h\nid ers said provemen,t W be m e. ee RESOLVED Thatthe mmiasionerofPu or'sbe and i by instruc ddire ed toreprd icatio for said improve nt, and submit to the Coune, amappro 1;that upoproval,the grope ity oficialsare h by nutharized n d directed to prc d wi the maimprovement in ordance therewith Adopted by the Council AP.2 91932 - 192 —. Approved = _ , 192 f' — r Mayor. uncilmaniTW);vaon,�.'uad ✓" � ,...I'�i ll:ll��� � �Ceuaefim liorce .Councilman° e v I . ICouncilman:, r�,,,,,,,ir . Councilman Mayor ll4jygW Bundlie ,/ n Form B. S. A. 8-7 (,/J-(I�I'{II�I/r— DEPARTMENT SOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE //e� (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER v�(C mo the —n—f 3r:.; iru Alleys in Block fTz Oxfo'd St. to the north :.nd south �al.cy c to br obtained from Cnarles .+ n t. to c,i9und St., also construe ti fK a serer in thr, cnsemen t,IL"- nesterly dftof lot 11, block L, Oxfcr :add. from the Alley Lo tF. • -ewer it, Charles treat, —d- Preliminary Order approved Feb. 5, 19:7: To the C,—,61 of the City of St. Paul: 'rbc Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The Cowl esum atcd amoy Satassessf the assessment I., the pnt is above mroveme Thi m—,d cast p<r(oot for alis ab to mpro.ement is - _ _ g J.94 The lots or parcels of land that moy be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed volution of each lot or parcel as last reposed by the Assessor, arc as follows:,, oESCRiPnoN 10T Lc, nwAs"�ldg. 1 2 Pecks Ad-itien 550 3500 2 2 do 500 2250 3 - do 500 4950 4 L .io 1200 5 2 do 1100 12zS0 6 2 do 1100 4050 7 L do 1100 4050 8 2 10 1100 6300 9 2 do 1200 7350 10 c do 530 3300 DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . 11 '< P_eks ndaition S00 1,, 2 do oJ0 3-50 1 .. Oxford Ad— to the City 700 :;300 of, -int P>, ul, it.�m sey Co., 611 nn. 475 X400 3 :, dq 475 "550 4 2 do 450 X000 5 2 do 375 6 2 do 350 7 2 do 350 8 2 ' do 150 9 2 do 150 10 £ do 150 11 do 75 111 do 450 1900 13 2 do 501 3150 ,est } of 14 ._ do 350 1850 East i of 14 2 do 2.75 1650 1�515 73450 The Commi o—, of Finance farther reports that he has 6,estiga1e3 all of the aforesaid maty and hereby submits the foregoing - hie report thereon to the C �,61, together with the report made to him in rcf<revee o, said matter by the Commissioner of Public \\'orfs. h,r 4—_ �/ Commissioner of Finance. St_ Paul, Minn. _. - 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned- property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to Cause the foll �m m pro nt to be ade: CSL -✓ -�..-� �Z {A,h(! zzl— kern• vCs..t-s...y L,Fy,........ 6e. Ave. to St.6-- NAME I LOT I BLOCK I ADDITION lhN TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) March 4, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Norks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Peck's Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from Oxford "treet to the North and South Alley and from Charles Street to Edmund Street, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly 8 feet of lot 11, Block 2, Oxford Addition from the alley to the sewer in Charles 6treet, under Preliminary Order C. 91762, approved Feb. 25, 1932. Estimated post - - - - - - - $1,092.06 Cost per front foot - - - - 0.94 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 21.41 Engineering - - - - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1,163.15 ft. Yours ly, N. C Chief g neer. wnc-mh Appr a `fo transission to/ o op r of Financ a. G MILTON R SEN, Commissioner of Public Works. Officio of the Commissioner of PublicbE�n�nct Report to Commissioner of Finance WR 9 t92 March 8, 1932 los Ta III, (bntminsinner 1�f Hauler'If tho <'ily of Ft. Pnul� Thr ('oninii.'xiunrr .,f Pllhllr \\"mkn, hl,mg hntl -Id, rmtflidrnrl imt th• PrrliIII' 'Illy unler of III` Council, kmnru a9 ('ounril FI), So. 91762 nl,l,rn..t„I Feb. 25, 1932 i92 , reln6ive w grading Alleys in Block 2, Peck's Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from Oxford St. to the North and South Alley and from Charles St. to Edmund St.,also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the westerly S feet of lot 11, Block 2, Oxford Addition from the Alley to the sewer in Charles St. nn�l Im,mn� Ihr burl tern and 16inRx n•(ermd Lo 0 min, 1-0, n•p��rty- I. Slid iml,t'nvemeut I, m<tv _ and (.tr) drnirnhle. Cost per front foot $0.94 2. 1,092.06 ,rt,d Ihr Ihere..f i, S and the nnlurr nnJ ext rut �i[ x:dd iutynrvrntrut is av fnllnxx - Inspection $21.41 Engineering $125.00 Frontage 1,163.15' S. A Plnn, Ian file i,, krtch .,f xnid i,nl,nivrtnr 'It is hrmtn ntt,urhrd and mud, n Pnrt hrmof. 1 o. Slid iml,rnvemrnt iv +vrked [- ui,nn 111-111 —1 nf thr���rof prolwrLy, xubjert to uwtrvvntenl far .lid imltrovrmenl. U—Ilitwioner of Public Works In the matter of__ condemning mid taking_ an easement in tae land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Peckts Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Charles Street to Edmund c,treet under Preliminary Order_____ 91763 approved_.___ February 25, 1932 Intermediary Order -------- 9149`x-------------- approved ------- Kar ch -30,-1932___________ Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t .au Cee pIDe he hm 6e d—%-1;.-- .0 7AaMdlgn in d mat4x . lig Uona:mso°t.�ie°±<n; e No� 0— 91763. °87 ee..` .. St, G a: op:�5 ` °. ot: - — - - T rN:ywz kPk 9 1932 Adopted by the Council ------- ________________. _. . 19____ --------------------- ----------------------- -- 6 iw6lesF Approved ---- ____________________. 19---- , mayor. Gaaaatma,rsa,ra,` �connc n M�,1 six -Councilman Pearce, , CounrimanRa wi& R <, r e n �erunruman Sedheimer Mayor t/ 92209 COUNC(I. FILE Gond emning_�d_takin&_an-easement in the land In the matter of____-__---- - - --- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Peck's Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley anti from Charles Street to Edmund tt eet 1 z 19SQy,. 91763 D FebauaT9w25 underPr IimlDary Ord -- - Map _��t�, y �N - ns - ` ].885 OWN `-uvun�4Le imamvet, h- baa Mm* =I M n JeetlDne and reeommeDdsti relative th eto leiL4.-.R..D RY/1Sm`TN. -�/K ✓-t"-Wy". 6?.. ^ _ Y.VED. By the tb®ei1 of the City oL St. PDN thst. ,�.... tmprovements c�. �.}.,.., 8 For slopes, cuts and f111s in the grMIP`40 in Block 2, Peck's Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Charles Street to Edmund Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public gay raf er yd to and made a/�iereof. Wor �t 2 f T1{ �jtgl'het -the l:Immri son r e P blic R'orkr be and hereby nstructed and directed to prepare plans and apecificali— for said imp ­'e m. and the Proper i[y ofAciala a w APR 2 A 1932 -- Is---- Adopted by the Council -- ------------------- -- -- f' Y Approved_-_--._-- ----- ------------ ' 19----/,..f,.. Y ------------------ -C, hncilman McDonald Councilman Pearce. ,�Counci'm.. Sn R e-.� Mayor ./ AM - loth• Fill. TYPie.l Nororlon -'�j ALLEYS-BLK2PFCK.�f ADD. d. BLK 2 OXFORD A00. Fy.•v.b.. rn.,b.. C-, Fille'-.", Yn.. from Oxfiid 3Y. Jd N6 B A//vY es. Fj,, y.ln.. Iln. shoe f/nm .Choi/oJ Jf. M srdTulldJ! N - . del.ne. r. rAeb .l.p.a L- .r.•d bY.nd M I.•y lin.. L.c. Be.k N.. zdz/ X -See Bk. N.24z/ - EL71A/!/NO R O A ;O O ff/ T / O N i � f ad nGm �p Yn i. F vrs.d W NA. Ha / SA. I Fn icer 70 F. fnn , F � •rL s Z G �� H F. - ed R eene.or. j 0 X F O R O A O D O N g, ^y� 14 a K �Q a ..o. n - _ CyAIPY6S - e JT. A// ynB/.F. A—A-:i 6.65F.70 fard.sb✓ - - 3/oA Or.7 /YP 15o _ - I'll 11- O 0,T-1- IJTFINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) h rhe condemning 'n-, t-ki.� an easement in t— i� — """ "'y "" macerslo.. r., of .alleys I in A—ill n aa,� fill: i� the cing Y and Block Orford Ad 'it i,_ n f 0,f'01 ,f01 tet. t, the �j -ou I.m C!—l— -t. t —d- Pa,h.in-1 Order ..proved —b. .. , 197:, T. the C.-61 of rhe 01, of 51. Paul: Thr Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f-110— Th, total esu mated __,, of rhe f- rhe ab... iwl-1—l-t The ..,.mated —, per f— f., the .1,,— M I..d char may b, --ed benefits f- such improvcmenl, and ,he assessed valoarion o[ each for or Th, 1.1, or 1-1111 ,-j as last rq—,d by the A--, are as f-11--: 11-11TION 10, , coli L n TLU9. In 550 1 0 000 3 io 30 .350 1 0 5 * - 6 do 7 6 9 1 Ji 7;- 50 10 10 z Jo r " =T.� FINANCE DEPA.ENT.o 4ISSINER OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIMINARY 11 z P cks ndliti�a ojj '4J0 �JJ _o 1 .. Ox:or Ad .• to th„ Cite 7JJ of —int P.u:, h. ­y Co., 175 .430 mina. q ., do I 475 :55J 4 do 450 aJJJ ?70 5 L do ?5J 8 2 ;o 7 .. do , 50 150 8 2 ]0 9f, Jo 15J 150 13 do 11 :, do :75 450 19J0 1 _ o 5Jj 1' w 14 do :5J 1850 est ? of 7d 1b5J Eust } f 11 ao 15, 'n 7E,150 c further rc For ¢ that he ha, mve%tigated all of the af.—aia mat[ ¢, ­dThe Commie¢ioner of Fi"anc t e Cou t m cil, together "'ith the repor made o him hereby ¢ubm�u the forcgoinR as hie report thereon to th" referrnce to said matter by the Com 1-i-cr of Pobhc N\ kk Oa[ed"�' Q�-- - _ - 19 ��-� `-7 C.—mi.— of I'mall'. Office of the Commissioner of Public a4?via%xWL ,33 Report to Commissioner of Finance ,Alt 9 1932 March 8, 1932 192. To the [bmmixeinnrr of Yu--- of the ('ity of St. fool The ('onuni..ioner of P,J,ir Work+, boring hid miller .one&—tw,n lhr preliminary anlnr of the Cnumil, km— as ('onnril PSI, Fn. 91763 npprnrr,l February 25, 1932102 1 relstive to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alleys in Block 2, Peck's Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Alley and from Charles Street to admund street. and booing the —tt— and thing, .r'n,d to tbor,im, .port,,: 1. Snid imprtn emenl i, I (..r) dr+irnll. 2. The t Ih—,4 iu S xxxxx . and tho total runt thereof is .? :1. A limn, 1) file or k, -t, h .d .nil imp........ r, j i.+ hart. nto,,h,d and niudr n port hereof, i. o. Said improve.nont i, nnknd for n� ;'.-t�jon/of�thrrr ��r min/r/c^�e of ProprrtY. eubjcrt U� aw xvmrnt for nnid impruvemrnt. %l/�'[l/. ////'_/�'/'�/��—S l Cammisrioner d P.blk Work,,. COUNCIL FILE 1/�/'--�--- 92210 BY ----------- f__L" z 1. ci7Qt�a-�Ai€js E, s L in the matter of_ condemning,_ and Laking an easecent_for th_ e purpose -of constructing and malntain3ng a public sewer on, under and across the westerly 8 ft. of Lot 11, Block 2, Oxford Addition, from Charles St. to the alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning and Laking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 ft. of lot 10 in said Block 2. under Preliminary Order____ 91764_______---_ approved__ Februery_ AUk 1932.__ ------- Intermediary approved ---March 30th 1932. Intermediary Order___________ __r____________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED By the Council of the City tof St. Paul thIt t asa - rop to 69 oAa-t�f d r r ,_ r _ 11 be rmd the ome ve herby ....I wl n. - sn.l , Il A ° ... W4028000 i. is -i 7� d the Council here I s said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUThat the following nd, Innds eea ents th be and th ea hereby ordered ten, appropriated and ondemned for the purpos of making th said I.ements, vt.: esterly 8 ft. o Lot 11, Block 2, 0 ford Addit on, from Cs St. to the ail in the rear of 5"' lot. Al 0 condemtake a temporary easement for cons uction purposa strip 5 ft. in vidth on the east ide of abo e easemeon the easterly ft. of Lot 10 in said Block 2. R OLVED FU, at the Cimmissioner f blic Works be and is h eby s -c d dir ted W prepaan specifications for said imp o. ent, and the Properityfcethhereby thorised and t proceed with the making o said improvement in ac dace the e with. Adopted by the Council_______ ,M_ _..--__--.-------. 19 ---- -------- ------------- _____________ Approved----------------- --- 19---- Councilman 9__-- Mayor. Council man lemmas- Cayroy Councilman May - �( Councilman �d MCOci.t, ld Y Council man Raeree. e«e p Counci mane Rosen Mayor udheimer / EDMUND 5T. OXFORD ADD. LOT I I SLK2 Ch.,NE 5t,- Rear of Alley 5EWER-EA5EMENT Bureau oC Engineers March 3 1932 5mle V'-50' En FI JL it 0 Ix 0 L x 0 CHARLES ST. O%FORD GDD. _�o�h, s�-AaarelAlhy -SEWEops — ENT DR.3 z+xi _ . geek N" -�z3 111Y OF T. AUL DEPARTMENTSOFP FINANCE eJ REPORT OF ON PRELMMSNARY ORDER SIONER OF FINANCE V9�r, la the ma uer of—nirmnitzf ;.rot t:.kin,, :.n c_uemcnt Ior *.h,, ur;o._ of c --t -t- i, - _ ....L il.l t.t, �� ;ub_ic .,e,c.r u the ctFr:y P Pt. lot block Ox; Sr n"h r" -c. to the- rs 11��y .ar •,t r c -r n,. nln kins e L I irn::truc- si n rur; ,-� �t, 5 ft. nin sirllh th, �._t I. -gym o. ht,co�. ..—,t n.. on tf, ;„_tt,r ly ; tt- of Lot W i.. bock ., under Prelimi -y Order approved :-Cb. :'5s 1110 rhe C--il of rhe Ciiy of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f,11—, Th--] ---d s u2.94 'fhe c,,—,,d mn per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - s _.. l'he lots or parols of land that may b, assessed b,,,,f for such i�nprovemen �, and the assessed ral—,— of each lot or parcel as last repo I by the Assessor, ere as follo—: Oe 11TiON 1.1 awe. AO.IT— n .I"ElON B1 IL Oxl'ora �tld. to the City 375 01 oc.int Pau„ gym_ J 30.t 1, ., wd— 15J b15 The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has all of the aforesaid -d, I. and hereby in eub mils �hc foregog as his report thereon to the Council, ,,th- »ith the rc port de to him m reference to said matter by o ry the C.—mm— u m o t)—d-�')' — C— ] a _ 191 2 _ 1 �� _ -ry . lr c >o-•� -0. _'--zp� so.m a. s. n. sa o _ Com missioncr of Finance\ Office of the Commissioner of Public WJ � HNAW 10 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 8 432 March 5, 1932 194 7'u the ( let of fio.oee of till. Clt\ ,f St. P.nl The (' of P. N,, Work,, It.rinK h.il the pn lintinxrY order of the ('ouueil, k,l xll a. ('ouuril Pilo So, 91764 ."proved Feb. 25, 1932 192 ndnG�r w condemning and taking aeasement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a publn ic sewer on, under and across, the westerly B ft. of lot 11, Block 2, Oxford Addition, from Charles Bt. to the Alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the east side of above easement and on the easterly 5 feet of lot 10 in said Block 2. and h. ll, in, ent iknt.•.I the notttrr+ nnl thiuF+ .den ell to themio, h..relr ri purt.: I. S-1 intpn�ventrot in n...� .n.l iorl Je.ind.le. The eNthnnt ell ro.t then of ii % x XX and the tot.l ..,rt th.ueof i= R xxxx and the nut.tn .nil extent of "Id it nprn r.•nn.nt in .w fl.11',": 5. A "Inn. 1 file or keteh of -,d in.prv,. rotrnt iN hereto nt tnrhrd and male n "nrt hereof. f. .i. Mud intl -ked for upon petition of thr�,. nr inon m, n. r» d pn,Perty, anhjrrt to nv..•.nntent fnr �.i.l itn"ruvement. �(/j//v/l//� C � f'"I''Intextoner of P..hlic \4arkr. 92211 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofchap,­­ the __r rie of Alley in3lock 7, liol ^be' s ^-'.ition from St. 41. St, to 3rotto St. to co orm to th red line on the profile hereto tt c:ed and nnde a mart �he,leof, the nresent eetnbl'_sh- ed Grade 'ein.7 horn v 'glue 1 n -.e o iso r�. di:u: t}`e 'lley n_ clock 7, Imolcombe's Add It— 't. nllans "-t. to Grotto -the r All onosed red li e :v} ta11 h n� o + e eyy from_a point 200 Pt. ,.est o'_.t..j.. t. to e sever ns to under Preliminary Order 91781 _. _-approved 7ebruary 25, 1932 _ Intermediary Order _.._.-.______..._ _--- Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.chnTo tae_.: r:' -0 Of _-'a_ >loek_2,.__ Holcombe's Addition from St. Al"..ams St. to Grotto St. to conform to the red line on the or ofla hereto attached Ind msde n nar•t ehe. ebP, the- presnt_.egta':lis,ed_ de_"?e'-n _hown by a_tilu,_ line thereon also Erade the Alley in Block 7, Bolcombe's Addit_on from St 1. ns �t. - Grotto St. to. the_�ru�asad.-nom liae_:;rae�ey ablls'ae-dt. and_y�st ct_1_sewer in the alley from a pont 200 ft. .e;t of St. Albvns :, ,.. _n t�.� s�rrer in St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and spsciL. -.`ions for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council fJV _ i —_ _ _ , 192 City Clerk. Approved _ 192 i C Mayor. n .. Councilma Councilman'FKrgu80A "�I ._ I PCBL' I[ D`a- Councilmanfa— /) - Councilman Councilman &gKeWW Cuaaailw�en WsunaD , M Farm B B. S. A. 8-7 I-OIN WALIEr .,ENCE COMPANY The Anthony Apartment Hotel IRAISIENT AND RESI.E.IAL PAUL. IINNIIITA DEPAt TM ErfI' 90 FPF I NA N CE t, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE(, (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ✓� In tib<mnucr of cha ngi n€; thcu gado o, .,Ilcy In clock 7, Nola n Lrt,:n tet. grotto Wit. to cc�,form to the red line n Lha Irof'1 fe h. ret, attached and made a iurt hereof, thc;resent e. to bli_:. eel =r de b-1 nd shown by t�-blueline therm., also :; r;.ai n.; the Alley in Block 7, 0olcont.[-' .add. f,—, ;,t. Albin Wit. to grotto to the jro, o:: ed re.i line :hr;, e -t b -i: r, ed s :end con true ti ng se.+�a in the All, from a ;.dint ::10 It. .,est o1' Lt. „Lb—n St. ro 1.tic :.exer Sn ;,t. Albs ns �t., under N,Iimi—y Order approved F'ebr-,y To the Council of h, City of St. Paul: The C.--i--f Finance hereby r,ports as follows: The ro[al estimated amount o! the ass. sa men[ for the above improv.—,n, is frt J.96 The estimated cos[ per�ioo for the abase mprotem ent u - - - - - - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed ben efi,s for —h im pro vc mer. t, and the assessed valuation of each !ot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oescniPnoN 10T e.oc. AooiT— L n... ... 1 7 fiolcombe's .,dd. to ot.1 11 1 50 7 do 115J .. 7 do 1100 4 7 do loo) LO50 5 7 do 1J00 6 7 do 1J00 7 7 do 1000 11500 8 7 do 1000 900J 9 7 ..0 1100 9100 10 7 do 1150 1S0J0 D EPA dTM ENf �OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) IEICRIPTIIN LOT sl— IDDITION 'E' Lot 11 n _uct 2 ft of 1L 7 3olcombets ,,dd. to,;t.6aa1 13UU 9000 (E>_c. P'. ft. cnd `�. 4 ft) :.. 7 do 85O 57JO Lot il e n' .•est 4 ft o. 1� 7 do li_,^ 1J,)OJ S. 54 ft -f 1.-. and 15 7 do 11._0 11500 16 :.nd 17 7 do :.475 41,)J 16 7 do 1175 3900 19 7 do 1175 7750 PO 7 90 11P5 2700 21,2^,22, c4,: 5, and 26 7 do 6600 77000 27 and '!.. 3.75 in. of 28 7 do 11£5 270J Ezc. A. 9.75 in)lot =6 unci 29 7 ;o 1500 2650 30 7 Ao 900 10000 81,250 196,300 The Commissioner of Finance further re pot is [hat he has i—estigated all of the aforesaid maty . and hereby -bmita the foregoing as his report thereon to the 0-61, ,,,lb r with the report made to him m rcfc rcncc to said mat[cr by the Commissioner of Pubhc N1 ,k, Dated�19z �- - Commissioner of P'inance� .�f 19JP/ To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn. City o[ St. Paul, Minn. Gendemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable Body to -use the (ol� rovement to be made: ,/,Z U �(i'� �iUfa ��� St. Ave. from -� St. Ave. to St. Ave. NA\1K LOT MACK ADDITION Via, 12 20 7 A�rly, SEe. Z.-r. ZS- -If Za. — QAYTON - Avi. ' 1� .. Ave . J« er AiUE Z AV6. City of Saint Paul d 'J,41 Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, City Clwk ..d C...Inlon.r 0 R.yi.b - October 27th, 1931. Hoa. LSlton Ao.en, Comer of Pab11c lorke, But l ding. Dear Con®Seeloner: The attached petition of property oeners for grading of the alley bat•...Hague A— and Laurel Avenue from Grotto to St. Alban. 3tree t e, wa - ferred to you today by the Council for the proper order. Io—. vary truly, City Clerk. _II TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) Idarch 4, 1932 Hon. Nilton Posen, Commissioner of Public ^orks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans St. to Grotto St., also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 200 feet west of St. Albans Street to the sewer in St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91781, approved Februa y 25, 1932. nstim-.ted Cost - - - - - - - $1,153.06 Cost per front foot - - - - - 0.96 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 22.61 engineering - - - - - - - - 140.00 Front-,ge - - - - - - - - - 1,200 ft. Yours truly, s NIM. N. C Chief ung neer. Isof nsm}ssion n�rinance IN, Public Ivo rks. t .04ice of the Commissioner of Public NOWI@6 FINANCf 9 a !? Report to Commissioner of Finance mss. INSAR 9 1532 March 8, 1932 192 'f.. thr l'. n...t.i.wi.,� n r �,f I'i..: t. i.. , . f th. 1'ii,..f ,t_ 1'n..1. 'I'll, 1't....t.. i.+i.,t.rr ..f I 11, \N "l,'. I.n, i..f; I 1 ..n 1,, n d.,nli..t th.. I—h,,tlnnrr .. r.I,, r.f I kn.ne.. t, rotmr;l Id. NP1781 n1q.r,.c.,,1 February 25, 1932 192 O.ti • n, changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans St. to urotto at., also constructing a sewer in the Alley from a point 200 feet west of St. Albans St. to the sewer in St. Albans St. and hn,i..p ..nt.d 11...wll. ."nd tl.i.." I. ni.l ......ro...... t.I t; Itt..I k." .I.. ­!'U._ Cost per front foot $0.96 2. '11t, .,t.,1 r-1 fl- ­f i. 11153.06 n..d .h. -1 thr.r..j i+, Inspect lon $Z2i 61 L.ng lOee>( g $140.00 Front,tge L,200 £t. t ntttt n . .� .:y.r. .:. ,. :I. A r ­H, o <k -h .l .ni.l i...l.r...�. .......t it h.. r.4o uttn��lu•.I u...l ms.lo a nnrt h.•m�d. d. .............. i, n+k.•d (�.t ..I.r�n P titi.m .,f th..... ..t 1-t' I.rnl.rrty. t'.nnntiwit.ntr ..f I'tthlic Wt ks. CM)WIL FILE NO. ___ _ 92212 BY_---_---_ - i FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of____ condemning and taking_ an easement_ in the land_____ necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Ailey in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street t;— r a'Traa Street 91782 under Preliminary Order_________... ___.......... approved..__--February-251- 1932 ________ Intermediary Ord er --------- 91993_------------- approved____ March 30,_1932_........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard aB Persons, objections ad recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, By tife Council of the City of St. Paul thit the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, vrz.. For slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, to the extent shove upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public 'Works attached hereto +rhich plan is hereby referred to and made g part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public tt'orks be and is hereby inst ructrd and directed to prepare plans and specifications for .snid and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of .aid improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council----- _ Approved 19---- rt Clerk. ________________ y!?11--__-_----- �,hft Mayor. Councaman Conroy Councilman r..�, M • r Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce CouncilmanR k) -d Mr. Vice Peres O " - - AL ICY- e2-1< 7/11,9LCOMBES- -- fa - wi—. Fill. Troll No•aej.n- Caaa. FIII at,re,..y lion - - - Fy�.. b.lo•. Iln ,hew - -- dna• . A which- e—A bcyo•d -Pe.lr line. �L,c. - - Be.k Ne.351 X�Sea.Bk.M"n 951 - - - H'AGUE AX-E. q n h O L C O M B E 1 A D D / T / O /Y h. 7 2 e 0 ry 9,1 . o U 60 Ger. 1n I I Ger -�-�'. 6r.�k GWj•. e�) P" 4 moo/ �eN; y,' 2' 6 ?7 7B 19 3a o M B E S 7 A o o / T / o /Y " LAUREL AMC. 3/ 6 7 O 1111 OF ST FlUL DEPARTMPNT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 19 �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9zeo sl of Fs, cuts and ;111;: in Lha 1::.; o. :.L1<�y in -u— 7, fro^; under P,l—m—y Ord,, xpvro..d "I". To the Cnn —.[,,f the City of St. N-1. The Finance herby reports a follow.. The total es ,.—d amount of the for the above Imp.orc mens is - - - F .'�� 'Che <a�i�n�t.d cosi perfoot for the abo.c improve mint k - - - - - - R - -- Thi Inu or parc.ls of land the, may b. ....... J benefits f.,,.,l im..... en t, anJ the ass«sed value tion of each !ot or parcel av last rp.—d by the A--, me et follow.._ 0—PiPTION DoT Tion J �.AT.— 5 7 7 a� A 7 ".o L -J J- 7 ..0 1 J 6 7 0 1_i]J 7 7 L1oJ_i a 7 0 J 7 .1 11JJ 31J� L 7 !0 i::iJ 1SJJ0 CITY OP 5T IIUL DEPARTMENT, OF,, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DEICRIPTION LOT A..ITIIN 110 A' TE' t 11 n _„ ... „ 1- 7 A. i -CJ 7 Lot '. r. ^ct . :t 1 7 .0 1 :,J 1J,JJ 't4 I't 1. 7 .io 11..... �1SJJ .. n.. 17 7 -0 475 'Li)) :E r 'to 1175 .' jY 10 7 uo 117, 7Y50 ;:J 7 0 11.5 27JJ _0 7 do 36JJ 770J0 R7 .nd ' . x.75 1n. of 1, 7 .'.0 11 5 7J.I Flxc. K. 9.75 in)'. t .6 n :.f 7 no 1-J . i5J J 7 to 900 1. JJO Th, Commissioner of Pinen,e forth,, rcl.ons that t� Las int igated ell of it, l(n,,said magi r ei.d it ... by sobmits the fo ,i, as his ..port th__ to th< Council, together with the mad, to him in ,,(acne, `tto said matt.. by th, Commission,, of PublicD.ud 19 Com mission,, of k ncc. Office of the Commissioner of Public-X(j*hfsfINAnc6 z Report to Commissioner of Finance MAA 9 1932 March 6, 1,332 lo? 'I'll Ihr ('om mi.aiuurr of 1'innn,v of Ihr ('ilr .d ,, I'ant -rhr I' ui,.kuirr ..f 1"0'1" NV "k, h- ". h m.1,r ...,-d, all.m thr ,,,I nnrY -d.r ,d Ih, col. -1, kmn,n n. ('ouodl hd,. N.,.917,32 ,p, --d Feb. z5, 1932 1112 condemning and taking an easement in the :and nec^ssar7 for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Ailey in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans St. to Srotto St. nn.l I I, i —tival.,i 0 ii ullt. , n...l tl.ioc� r.f, -I Iii th, .". hr.i I,Y I. Enid ilii l,r,1—rnlr 0 i, n,,,.. .nd t..rl .I..imhl._ _. '1'h,• .rico. of I ,.t tld i. XXxXX oti.l thr t..i ul ....t Ihr�r.d i, g nail th, ..nt.ln nn.d ,,.". ni .,f +nid i,..I.nn�rl..,�..I :t. A I.h,n. I.r..fil.� r..� rk.i,h .,f .nid in....`...I..rni ix hrrrlo nt ln,�h,.il nn,l n.n.l„ a I.nrt hrmuf. f. 5. .vnirl iiill,ri,vrnir,il i, Irk,"I f,.r .i l.,.o I,rlitiou ..( tarn. ..r a.nre ux�nr� „f I,r„p,�rt Y, eol.jr,t to nom,. ,a.o, l,t f,.r -id ioil.r..vrinrn(. /IG (',.n.miwiun,�r „f 1'uhha }Yorke. 92213 COUNCIL FILE NO.60 , rove s f ue By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. cratlnZ Side;ralk area and 'conlevard, and co -trictinE concrete sidewalk on the -est c— e of e,1 :;t,reet from .;alifornia Street to Iowa Street, under Preliminary Order 31760 _ _approved ;'e`'r,a fY =5, 1932 Intermediary Order _ _... __..._app roc ed .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .;rade sl^oaalk area :n?--levardr and construct concrete s ce-walk._on the m,st side of —1 Str,,, `r on ,:.ali;.nrnia Strca-.. to.. I --a itreet,_. _... _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herehy instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pra- ceed with the making of said iWrveraeq"q accordance therewith . ,i_.....a .... ,u.. �.........i 192 Approved ��:yr. _. _ _ , 192 Councilm n Fc,: cnnnrilm M��������5�l/ Councilman �S%J��" "" Councilman iHuiiie—aMr 4 % C—Amen mmwwx Mt.SPres. Sudie::nar Form B.. S. . A. r�i=�GT City Clerk. iI-L-Jy�� AW . Mayor. PUBLISHED- DEI'a R'4L1ENT'OFPFWANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ta� n. under Prellmloa,y Order approved , 1'34 To the Council of the Oily of St. Paul: The Commission,, of F,nancc I by ,,pons as f�llo�.s: 0 1.15 The ental ee timamd amount of she assess -, for the above impro.,ment is - - s - __. Th, es ,imated cost per foot for the above improvement ie- 'nc� lots or parcels of land that may b, asses,.d ben,G,s f_., impa>vemeiic, and the assessed f cad lot or parc,l as last nponcd by th, A—,—, arc m follows: oEscR�Pr�oN �o, a�o�� AooD�o" "oN N—th ')ale. Parti Lan . 2(,0 1si00 200 1 0 3 6 do 200 h 6 do 100 5 6 do 200 6 6 do 20l 7 6 do L00 6 6 do 200 1000 9 6 da 200 10 6 do 200 500 IUL DEPA Tl,cNT5OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) z o o z1.o 1.� G to dti o ego The Commissioner of Finance further ref.or is that he has inter ligated all of the afines aid matt , and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon ro the C-61, together nith the report made to him in reference to said mattar by the Commissioner of Publk %N CAs. 19 � � Commissioner o[ Finance. St. Paul, Minn..- -<-f- To The Honorable, The Council, City .d St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the nndersigncd property—n—, hereby petition your Honorable us Body to cause the following improvement to be made: m/ St. A— fron, �* St. A— to St. AT . NAME VJT HtOCK A01)ITION . 2 J _ � 1 7 e.Ir 9a— 8 G /9—& /�a Office of the Commissioner of Public -�MPSHNANLI Report to Commissioner of Finance 274 1R 7 1932 0 March 3, 193?12 'I hr llinin,i�siune, of a dl of 'll-' ld6 N" 91760 Feb. 25, 1932 lD•2 relative t.. grading sidewalk area and boulevard, and constructing concrete sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street from California Street to Iowa Street. 1. S"id 2, nna we nnwre ­'] ".tent of ­0 Sidewalk $1.00 per front foot Grading 175 cu.yds. at 35¢ $61.25� $1.102 Per front foot. :1. A rk. t. 1, of ­i'i l .......... Ili— lu utlncberl ­d lll.d, a Pnrt it f. 1. u,k,d for upon lmtilmn of litt­ ­ty, f"' ­d of Plibik Works. M N,r11 26th, 19?2, Bon, J. !, t.c0onaldr Cocs.:l eai �ncr � eloamer Buil dtn,.. Dear Co-. feaionerl The f1ne1 order in the matter of eradia. atdoval: a end b—levere and coaetrartfl ca^•Crate et dueel' n the aaet aide of Dole 9tr-t from Cn11f�rn1a to l 7tre •t vaa Im, o r to !IV Ftland yon v --t- ed to aa . o,,t n mticea to the property amara mtlfyln,^ th® to a ,ear 1f thy are tote—tod Sn the order. Ynnra very tmlyr City Claris. COUNCIL .1 � 92214 W BY FINAL ORDER IN C NDEIIINA110_, NGS In the matter of_________ In the. matter of _condemning_ and_ taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street from California Street to Iowa Street 91761 .pproved___February_25t_1932 _________ under Preliminary Order__________________ Intermediary Order -------- 92001_-------------- approved___ March 30,_ 1932-_-_--__-__-_- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conAd- med the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the con- struction of a sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street from California Street to Iowa Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, land.., o cots therein be and the aurne e hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, 1- For slopes, cuts and fills in the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street from California Street to Iowa Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public W.rks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper a ofhcials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of .aid improvement in accordance therm with. y'' •riot Adopted by the Council _________ Approved_. a' a Cit, Clerk. Mayor. C uncilm n Co Council. P�neew Ma Y Councilman MCD Id Councilman Pea ce Councilman F.41,-+ '� c- ® — -- vre Ihdrm•. c, ndy. - Fill Ty •al Nvr.li C, ..• Fill .1 lin.. fo— t. vkicF .l.D.. nleid brYsnd Dr•pe.lY line LA/YE'3' /YORTh' OALE PAYCK Q a Al d e c s a z p W P� owe a; .90 SQ, ' tip z DEPARI�OFP FINANCE REPORT OF CONiISSIQNER OF FINANCE/G� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In ih<n ai �r of � r. �.<1•. in ..� 1 ., .�y 10� „ndc�Pr<Iinn..ary Order .,pp -"d o .'.5, 1`.73'.3' 'I'o i6c Coo��.'il of iI., Ciiv of Si. 1'�i.l: Thr Com n,'issioi�cr of finance hcaby «Torts es f,,ll—_ Tli—d amoonc of 1111 assess m eni for the ub—, impro�cmcni .s - - $ 25.00 'I'hc csi�moi�d roti per fon�(or �hc ebov-c 'im�rorcmeni is - - - - - _ _ g l'h<I�=is..r p�reels r,l land than n��y b, a..<ved ben<fils for such impro.emer e, end the assessed .'I-- of each !oi or cel a lass ,poned b, the .l--, ..re ,, (o Inns. Lett nT"N Hl l 1 6 L—'s No-th D.lo Yank 200 1600 2 C 0 200 3 6 do 200 4 6 do 200 5 6 do 200 6 6 do 20( 7 6 do 200 8 6 do 200 1000 9 6 d0 200 10 6 do 200 500 IA OEPARTI f O, FINANCE REPORT OFomMiSSION FINANCE ON iORDER (c) 11 6 :unora N., th 010 t.rlc -,00 12 6 Ao 200 13 6 90 2L( 14 6 do 2('( 15 6 0 100 >7-3 5 1 0 The Commissioner of F'mance further reports thee he has inr enigarnl ell of rhe a,orrsald marl +, and cher rhe Council, cab r i. made rn him hereby submirs �h< foregoing as his report eon co erhe 'irli the re Fort '" referrncc to said men<r by rhe Commiss'mner of Public \N -k, Damd�14`- 19�" ,. Commissioner ,f F" ncc. Office of the Commissioner of Public N0**1NANU Report to Commissioner of Finance r a MAR q1:19n March 3, 1932 192 ('.nnn.i.ninmr of Vinnnrr, ..f 11'r ('its ,f S(. I':tul_ Thr ('.nnii.ir=ir...rr ..f P,Od. 1l-k,I.nd A., r.,n+i.li (hr• lirA nler of IL.� ('onned. kn,,xn n. t'onm it Plr Sn. 91761 .,pp......Feb. 25, 1932 192 rrhdivr (., condemning and taking an easementiin the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street from California Street to Iowa Street. and h—mg and it.i.. w• rrfi-d t., thrrri.., h—,1, 1. nl�.�rlr- 1. Sand itnitl.r. rn.rnt is t1.1 t...I d..Ni r:d,1., 2. Thr est i..no.1 . —1 trrr.d i+ R XXXXXX ,tn.l th.. and thr rwturr and -1—t r.f i, n. 5.11�.n �. :4. A pdnn, IGl.- krt.dt ,( -tdd i... ....... i, h.a I.nrt hrrrnf. 1. /I .i. 1nid ked f.rr tt��.n. 1�' - c.( three ur .nn r tllrrA �.f Itrnitrrt Y. p d. ret t...ivt �.ntt nt fnr +girl i /�� lv�U^Vp—� ('unnnir.=inner 41'nhli, W.,k,. JPO CITY OF ST 11 - NO. y2215 OFFICE OF CITY < �a a a r �Y:CIL R ION—C —S—TE 1- y< v WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame build - Ing and barn located on Lot 11, Block 2, Matz, Subdivision, also known as 906 Farrington avenue, is in such a dilapidated and danger - one condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be It i \ RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad - n vleability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 21st day / \ of May, 1932, at ten old ook A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees tban ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the lase known record owner of said building, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such bearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. Ycas �u nci�M [rr 1 Adoprcd by r6 Coun[d Kli2 19 Conray ,-MsY McDonald In (duct Approycd '' 19 Norcc Rosen •Against-_�"` - S.rdh— / Mr. Paaid— Bundlic CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND PUBLIC BUILDINGS .4A•.a April 28. 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Pau] Minnesota. Gentlemen: Recently a resolution was passed by your Honorable Body setting a public hearing to be held on the 21st day of May, regarding the condemned bu 11 ding !,t 906 Farrington ;.venue. This the is now under the jurisdiction of Frank L. and Ron.ld V. Powers. This firm has leased the building to an upholsterer. The new tenant has obtained a permit to place the building in proper condition and under the circumstances we recom- mend that the condemnation be terminated and thea the .Love mentioned hearing be dispensed with. You—/vvcr� truly, ��y��//' 1 o.�•�CITY OF ST PAUL —NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLC„ n �r CILR O;E �� Qa:2mk%Y�a WHEREAS, As provided by Council Pile No. 92018, approved March 31, 1932, the Council, on the 25th day of April, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, bald a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain house located on Lot 19, Block 8, Edmund Rice's Second Addition, also known as No. 162 E. Acker street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approv- ed May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed to the lest known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant Of said building, by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; be it PUR7SER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. Y­courvci LrAery N Adop,rd by ,hc C..—I 19 Conroy �M.y WD—Id .. �J In fnvor App, 'y dIAYIY oa /Mr.FP—id— Bundler ✓ '• - - ->' � City of Saint Paml Office of City Clerk MIKE 'GIBBONS, C11, O.,L ,nd c.— ...... .. of Byl.b-la. April 25th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Cow -el, Building, Dear 91r: At the Council -:-ting held today hearing wa- held on the advisability of wrecking, that certain ho,iee located on Lot 19, Block 9, Edmond Ri" " Second Addition, known a- 162 E. Acker Street end said coade it was confl r -ed. The-atteer — referred to you far the proper resolution. We lose herewith Council si le No. 92019. Your, very truly, City Clerk, �.. ,r...,... CIT F ST D „E NO 92217 / OF C O IT CLERK ( O C E U N—GENERAL FORM ,...is RESOLVED That the 9t. Paul Turnverein be and it is hereby granted the u.e of the theater eeation of the St. Paul Auditorium for the 26th and 29th days of April, 1933, upon payment by said 8t. Paul Turnverein of the oost of opening and operating said portion of the Auditorium for those date.. Yens eour�ci Lra E� Neys� C..roy May McD.—Id �I� favor sen[ RoAgai e, Mr. P—.d— B.adhc Adop,ed by ,h, Co.n I P"p o F 1ql? . 19 App cd ��` MnvoR CITY OF ST PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L RE ION—GENERAL FORM PaESE_ a. R ', WHEREAS, The St. Clair Service Station has made application for permission to install an additional pump at its filling station located at the northwest corner of St. Clair street and Hemline ave- nue; and WHEREAS, The Council Is of the opinion that such application should be granted; therefore, be it -RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said St. Clair Service Station to install said additional pump, the same to be in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and to be done under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, draina3e or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Cl- Irl YawsrvciLrnery Nay' / Adnpicd 1,, aha Co��ail APR i9 roy McDonald In favor App—M - Iq Rosen ✓' Againar ✓. 'ems I � � Mnroa jMr. Pra.idmr Bo�dlic � CITY OiF,SaaanyllN min peparry m nt vF Pubfie WvAs .... w. w000eo... o.�....,.. a... ,�.... April 18, 1932 a...,o. .....w..n ....... w,...,,,.. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. Re: Additional pump to be installed at station located on lot 28, Dear Sir: Block 4, Sargent's Addition (NW corner St. Ulair and Namline). St. Clair Service Station Paul R. Peterson. This is = application for an additional pump in the plant of existing filling station. No hearing is required. F„o+neerinn Report: The location of this additional pump Is 32.5 ft. from the sidewalk measured along the center of the driveway. A motor car being serviced at the pump will not interfere with pedestrian movement on the sidewalk. Yours ver`7 truly, Wm, N, Ca w.,yc_mh Chief Engineer. 2 :zicls. A v MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. nvAlluf AVE 9" IN 711MIMAM p'epvrFmvnh of Rvbliv 5e fehy April 23, 1952 •u^va"c•e •^••L•^Y Mr. Nike J. Gibbons, C1ty Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Deer Sir: Returned herewith is application of the St. Clair Service Station for permission to instal an additional pump at filling station on the northwest corner of St. Clair and Hemline Ave, and report of inspection as to fire hazard. Very tydy your., �" Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Apri123,1952 Hon.Ceo.C.Sudhelmer Oommlesioner of Public safety, St.Paul,ginn. Dear Sir; In regard to tee St.Clair Service Station for permission to install an additional pump at filling Station at the northwest corner of St .Clair and Hemline Ave. He have investigated the foregoing and report that this additional pump at the desired location would not increasethe fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejecti on. Your. respectfully Chief Inspect Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ATL 115;/7,11 3 IN "-T. THE HONORABLE, THE CITY C. -U_ OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made .��oM�a �.,o � �� =,.��o,,o aE .o�,.Eolo� �o o. .,.� g�. o.o�� 14/4 FILED mr. .,�xr .._.. UNCILo.RESOLUTION CO—CILr — te. vu.jl x'126 IB -3,2-- =THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THF TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 4246 OFf COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A—Eo aY rnE =oUN=IL APR 9 C Ia32 ,a__ ; .... 92219 N-011 meN– C1 CALL _iF Fi C o NE comarno�I_c� ,,.. NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIxIS Arril 25 s 32 9 450.80 . `N' _ - _-- TOTAL T.eo IN FAVOR OF 4 n 50_424.913 988 971 • 4139 'villiam Perry 72 OA 4140 John E. Lull en 46 o�0j 4141 MrsA. St.Jermain 5 00 4142 Capitol Stn tlonery Mfg.Comp,ny 355 414143 , P.M. Faricy 11 5 4144 yanco.P–Nelson Mer.Company 90 2 4145 Heger Products Company 127 4 4146 4147 A.P. Her schler Factory McFadden–L,.mbert Company 16 7 187 11 4148 Phil A. Wade 30 0o 4149 Alan C. Cary and company 1 5 768 oo 4150 Abingdon Press 6 55 4151 The Addressograph Company 2 8 4152 Ahlberg Bearing Company 1 17 1 4153 Able na Fox Fire Engine Company d6 67 4154 American Book Company 149 95 4155 Amer Scan City Magazine 4 OQ 4156 American Council Inst. of Pacific Re l atlone 7 4157 American Lew Book Company 8 0 4158 American Library Association' 7 6 4159 4160 American Linen Supply Company American Linen 3unDly Company 16 1 14 7g 1 4161 American Sales Company 5 94N 4162 Amerioan Soo. cf Heating and Ventilating Engineers 4 0 ,111 4163 Amerio— Soc, of Mun.Engrs. 5 4164 Am erioan St amp '?orke 2 ! 4165 Apex Bolt Produote Company 8 4 4166 Armourand Company 5 75 4167 Aean. of Colleges & Sec.Scho.e c the Souther# State. 1 OQ 4168 Austin–Western Road Maoh.Co. 18 1 4169 Auto Engine Works, Inc. 51 51 4170 American Lumber & 'Ireoking Co. 1 1 237 00' 4171 4172 Automotive Service Company 35 1 417) 4174 Ballard Ramp Garage B.—Ing—& Sone 3 7 21 ' 25 6L1 4175 Bowen Produote Corporation John Brnoe '. 4 3 77! • 4176 4177 Buffalo serer Company Bir eau cf Foreign & Dom. Com.. 12 1 1 251 4178 Cap iteI Auto Parte 4 5o, 4179 Central Scientific Company 32 79 4180 Chaseengineering Company 267 861 4181 Chief Pub 11.bin"Cmpany o 2 DO. 4182 Charles W. Clark Company 15 981 4183 Charles F. Craig 35 201; 4184 Cochrane argent Company 84 591 4185 v.H, Coe Mfg. Company 223 551 , 4186 The Colossus I ndustriea I Inc. 33 10'. 4k87 Commonwealth Electric Company 136 Sgt 4188 Carol Cox Book Company 8 02' 1`189 Crane Company 1F1 57 4190 a tl ae 1000, Inr. 24 OO 4191 J. u. Callylieh 9 5, Ap 7 500 00 .823 439 77 a�P��.,E•• �� R �EE.E or ,H E'c, MP,A ��Erx No ,7(•%F+11. COUNCIL RESOLUTION MEN./ROM"` .oA AUDITED C:L.aI S April 26 Ma PAE� e�T,.s TOTAL IN FAVOR OF 4192 David Bashefkln 32 Od' 419g Thornton Brothers Motor Co. 590 Od 4194 Hugh Mullarkey 220 00 4195 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.106 4250 4196 Dr. A.W. Thomas 5 pd 4197 Minnesota Milk Company 50 Od 4198 H. Krstz Realty Compeny t73 0 4199 H.G. 1100 all 282 O0. 4200 The Detective Pub, Company 2 001 4211 Dlapetch Pioneer Press 1 951 4202 Ditto, Inc, 40 2) 420} John Doeren Cigar Company,Inc. 11 O1; 4204 Drewry and Bone Companyi 9 751 4205 Edwards Brothers ii 3 15', 4206 Electrical Installation Company 1 157 25, 4207 Electric Machinery Mfg,Company 13 56 4208 The Emporium 1 49 82 4209 Eureka Fire Hose Mfg.Comnany 135 00: 4210 Atlas as & Oil Company a65 55 4211 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 50883-: 4212 Atlas Gas & 011 Comnany 42 471 42N Atlas Gas & 011 Company 942 23C 4214 The Barrett Company 550 00� 4215 B. Berglund Lumber Company 65 171 4216 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 216 82 421�/ Farwell, Omun, Kirk Company 159 5911' 421$ Fr oat—Haus Company 13 861 4219 General Electric Suonly Corp, 59 1911: 4220 Goodrich—SS lvertown, Inc. 1 22++ 4221 Gt. Northern Railway Company 126 '59� 4222 Griggs, Cooper Compeny 8 421 4223 Wm, B. Joyce and Company 4d8 54� I� 4224 3. F, Leveler 5 00. 4225 McCue Transfer Company 52 0^,. 4226 Maendler Brush Mfg, Company �1I 67 11 4227 F.B. Matlaoh 93 00 4228Ray S. Miller 146 251; li 4229 N.W, Fuel Company 596 0211 4230 Paper, Calmenson Company 452 37 4231 Pailen and Pei len ' 80 00 4232 Pioneer Eleotrio Company 24 84 'i. ; ® 4233 Ramsey County InI Agency,Inc. 93 00,. 4234 St.Paul Overall Laundry 7 65 4235 St, Paul Piano Company 1, 14 00 4236 St Paul Vocational Training School 87 11 4237 St,Paul 'White Lead& 011 Company 238 88 4238 Andrew Schoch rocery Company 2 74 9`211 4239 J.L. Shiely Compeny 141 9'+! 4240 3tandard Laundry Company 4241 C.J. 9tanke 24 OO �,i 4242 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 1 441 071 4243 Weinhagen—Brooke, Inc, 123 48 4244 W.V. welch Mfg. Comnany 400 00 4245 W,M, Welch Mfg. Company 86 36 '1 4246 'Westinghouse Eledtric Company 1 18 75, sIEEr.nr„1- Faawaao 1 7 500 00 939 179 41, 64 COUNCIL, RESOLUTION '"' No.__..7lr6Yr,L_._ 7. • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and award, contract for the greding and Improve- ment of the alleys in Block 6, Hayden Heights, being the West- North and South Alley from Sherwood Avenue to Lake Como and Phalan Avenue, the East- North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to Lake Como-Phelen Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the West - North and South Alley to the west line of Kassa' Subdivision, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to WILLI" EBERTZ, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $416.56, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw /A V up the proper form of contract therefor,�i 0� w •0 8783 ..°,....,..°.,...,., 634.00 ..M,...... P•°.,,.,.E...,..... ....... .o ,o a ��M.�°.°o .o. �o°. a• ,�,° ,...o�......,.,°416.56 416.56 • .,. �... �1—,,,...... ....,..°.,,.� ens 91�ion? 3U.. °.. ».. _ O o40 1 �RESOoL UT„ONo�EoNo.-- • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommendetion Of the • I Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alleys in Block 10, St. Anthony Park Horth from Fulham Street to Hendon Avenue and from Hendon Avenue to the East and West Alley, In accordance with plane and apeclfications hereto attached, to WILLIAM EBERTZ, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum C\ of $835.88, and the 0orporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor VIII 8983 1,053.00 .�`.,...o..o.:.,..m....o..... ....... $25.56 .°»....... I °.... °... .,.,... 672 COUNCIL 4 //I o RESOLUTION ., UTION n 5 °. .c.How�:,.io o «,L 1Meeo1E..e.+r eeo�.cre • •Re[.ol-ed,N That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contraot Committee and award, the contract for grading and improvement ® of alley in Block 11, Eastville Heights from Cypress Street to Forest Street, in aoco rdance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to WILLIAM EBERTZ, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum \ i of $675.56, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw \z\J\'\ up the proper form of contract therefor. r 8781 ......... 975.00 .....•.., ...° •°..., .......°°..°....o .o .°.°.....o.. .... ��a....°....,..�......�.°...°.°�.,.._w°. _ _ _ _ . 675.56 ..i .9 'J pw ^ �^ °�• CITY OF ST. PAUL riu NO._.- << OFFICE OF CITY CLERK e. OUN LOTION — GENERAL FORM CoE IV. Y7— 3 RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to E. S. Webeter for the erection and maintenance of an ice station on the northwest corner of Dayton and Snelling avenues, said build - Ing to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any tilpe by a majority vote of the Council. - - y- couwcluNer. Nays �OnrOy-ei°esr Hay ZMcD—ld z. hvw 'PesrceA-W-d �s — Rosen -W—L Mr. Plwd— K.dgw Bundll e Adopnd by IU Co d 4PP 2 - '932 19— AP 19— —YOR City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MINE 1. GIBBONS, Clly CInL rnd Comml„lo�rr of Rryl,brlle� April 25th, 1932, 11r. L. L, Inde reon, C. rod retlon Counsel, Bull ding. Dear Si r: The attached applicat Ion of E. 5. Aebeter for pernit to erect an Sce station on the orthne et aorof Dayton and Snelling Avenue. v referred to'7. today, by the Connctl for reeolution. Your. very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRCUNDS'AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 25, 1952. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk -a file on the ap- pllcetion of Ii. °. l'lebst er, 1604 St. Anthony Avenue, who desires a permit to erect a Sca et atlon on the northwest corner of Dayton and Snelling Avenues. This property is zoned in the Light Industry classifica- tion under the zoning ordinance. We recommend that this permit be granted. Yours truly, C�o U ' City of Saint Pani Office of City Clerk MIKE 1, GIBBONS, City CIe14 ,.d C.—.,I..n of Kyl..11on April 23rd, 1932 A Hon. Com.', of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Conoi-i-ner: Ne attach herewith application of E. S. Nebeter for pe rmi salon to locate an lea -Latton on the comer of Dayton and Snelling Avenues (Northwest) Thi. application has been referred to your department for S­tlgation end report. Your. vary truly, ( t. City Clerk. iil �'a�� J c rLJ cy-c� i L"� 9; 2225 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ¢ T a raaaaWW'ead a7. " In the matter of__________________.___________._ n. widenio;; JPa4ay ,t f'r•,n a enth .t, to Northaddl r4, to 't the o ca sterly 20 ft. of blocks v 8 and 11, sr,a ,�h dd St ion alsthDar at t tyi lo' 1'.� �loa4 2,.ru-songs ,i 1t!nn lnr east o" line 'raven from a :gest of Bradl :y..t, to a pn'_nt ,•_t lin,- of .,railsy t, 7' reit north of:onkins t,., also ''7 •'" tto !''.at 'art of ',1011 1, 3r:i-son's A'! tion a ^ lot 7, Grcve'a ni. 171-+i;7 se st o. rl:a,re o 100 ^oo'. r +iva circle tnn^nt e. h est 1 o 'radlc ::t. . to s li , 'non a ?n!nt nn the ., 40 fe,.t .t.� mt oolec n do out st 11 ent,u- ::t. 182 feet -;n t- st¢� 1t rs, titer. !th the orese,;t cast if— f . lford ;t, also ridenIn Bradtley S , 3edford t, , cater by ,,lin all of lots 1 1111 usive,�reve's "t-1—e'unent, n.'. iota 6 to 2.;n Snclust vo, 1, lock 6 Irvine' a .cond .dditlon, ;lso '•.y .""1"a r.::os, -Wits o. lots 3 ni b �ilook 6, Irvine. ., cond '1.i'.t!on, loin¢ northwest of a line drawn arnl�el t the so theast lin, of .mea tur t and 14 ft, l'w aaterly eraof, also by ad.lin, that pnrt lot S, Irvine's Addition of .mtlb`.s hinr east of a line rt Wn �nrall 1 f0 fc t north'vestnrly of a 1'.ne drawn from a point on the ; t IJnenof d s'lle� t, ✓0 ft. no rth,��_ .o?d ns +n a no the s, t ..rl 1 n. cat i� _t, 182 Teat orthoostnrl^ n, its 'rt,.rs,� tion 'r. �, nr. net line of 'edford nt.' also op.nin:, :vldenin.- an!o tc:. SnY �e ca ter fro, at; on+. to yne nye „ b- add!ne to 'i- x+11 t`.e 1,nIn dock 1 11illipa Addltton 'nd is block 4, Irvine's eoond Addl tl on, lying southeast of a lana rann from s point on the so'th 11n• of lot :i rloc'.c 1, ' !III" a :��<„n ,12 ',46 'e --t enet of Preble St, to n nein' on the ,past lino of lot 8. blook 4, ru'ne's ..econd ad t. on,e 101,01 foot :;ort'' o: .,eaumont .;t, also t-• a�id- in^ n st,r17 of land 130. ,t to ✓idth Sn -r block R it v. nc's e•:ond Addltlon, the aouthenstarl line n sai,'o etrin be1n arline drawn from a V nt on the West line of lot 12, blook 3, Irvine's ,1diti nn ;i2, 7 feet north of Sea nt t, to n point on ti, !, or lot 5 !-' o a i it of ne'a � .dditioe 123,63 fe t south of lrinnehah t., �a 1,, d'in thst nartc, lot i, , "t, the ¢re or. lnck _r S'a's -conte '.d,!i. tl cn 1 Sn�; _ tar?y RC P t rn91 2 —lo thn -est f F -fie n 8 f -t pn th Jin, t o �h nt a,.s h'a cond d nor thwV 11 11 .k -.e tar ae Sti s 3osorlb�d a o e, , also ridenir., ?ayn- , from .linne!i,h; `y ad 1 to it ,r! ,' 7o c -1" ��.oiup not vain, -.I s u ntao 's ,,t 7t s•on ' 1ptr .t o" the 01011 3e acr h -, i.egin^.in at •: ^Dint on tho ort ling :. n e!ial•, treet fc t ,os.of the sent Zinn of daynI ••e., n,.e �.,rt,, ,n line T)ara1L1 tp,rt '. ne of -.mom to the south line of lo' III' at , ',hen ca mor tha _ate-, to the vine's ndrit*.t nn Councilman Ferg men , % Councilman McDonald Councilmanea'xe Councilman 8ohla'N+ Coancilm nQ, pdtx(mg( , Mayor i,.":. '71e j r a. NggS r ,b - ��}r�'� u�, �aa�+oAJs 7",9S under Preliminary Order______ i_:._ _ a pp,.,ed________ Intermedins Order a pproved__:___._.., Final Order __ _._ " " _____, approved.______'' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and Condemnation of the ands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award, of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council hating duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the land.. described in the annexed ass ss est roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance and made a part hereof, andthe awards of damages to the o„ners of such ands for ..aid taking and condemnation as set forth in raid assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefit.,, be and the ,ame is hereby m all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to he ,uhmitted to the District C,art for onfirm mr, Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ,a - 10 ___equal installments ar lu each parol of land described therein. Adopted by the Council MAY_Q. City Clerk. Approved__________ ______________ —Y.:- hfayor. 'Couur�lmar� C.oro unc' Coilman Ferguson Sim a Councilmnn n M J)..ald / 7 �- Councilman Councilman Bolalandi Councilman 9.� Mayor X _CIED ` i 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ---- ✓L ;� h,. b.. -__-(. Commissioner of F�e. order Preliminary Order___. ---- - approved__-__ - --- -- Ime—adian, Order__________-__. ------ approved_____________... ------------ -- -- Final Order_ - ---- L- pp,o,,d --------- - ----- ---- ----- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Mrs.- herebyreports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lard, or -sam-t., therein take, andappro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the person, to whom such awards are payable; that h, has also fixed and determined the ,mount of benefit, to property, from the making of said improvement. not exceeding the east there- of, and that beret, etWh,d is an —assm-t -11 entitled as above and identified with the su,n,t-a of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------ --------- {' - C� no,saumer I iinma�a. .. . ■I ! I _ , IN THE MATTER OF 71);MINO BRADLEY STR ET from Seventh St to North 3t etc., to Payne Ave., and Peaney 3t., under Pre1111minnry Order 91354, approved Jan. 5, 1932, Intermediary Order 91420, approved Jan. 13, 1934. NOTICE OF LI621 TO THE CT 1'f. OF ST. PAi1L, Ron. Gerhard Aundlle, `taYOzq Aon. L. L. Ander eon, Ooruoratton Attorney, Hun. wm. F.3oott, Comptroller. PLEA -E TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned attorneys claim a lien upon the money awarded as dame gee In the above entitled proceeding to the following owners and upon the following described promisee of real eet-ite, and alai an attorney's lien upon the cause of action or proceeding against each of ai-id own, to for legal services rendered: Joe. Anendola Lot 5, Block 1, Phillipe Addition, 587 Beaumont St. G:itdo Frleeessl Lot 16, Block 3, Irvines 2nd Addition, 702 Preble 9t. Filipo Nastrofranoesco, Lot 3, Block 6, Irvtnes Second Addition, 602 Be. imunt St. ArthurH. Carlson Anna Carlson North half of Lot 14, Block 3, Irvtnes Seonnd Addition, 898 preble St. A. 1. Baehr, Emily 0. Ratrer 0. 1. Lnpham B. E. 22.60 feet of Lot 6 Block 6, Irvinee Second Addltionl Your. de tr� ` / John I. LL�epv lea C George a. Currier. Attorneys at Law, 811 Commeroe Building, Bt. Paul, ulnne.ao'.a. April 27, 1932. Raoeived from City Clerk the following, objecti—I to award of damages in the mutter of vidanl.� nredley St., Bedford St., Dec.tur St., Payne - ave., otc.; .aid bj-ti... to be rot,, -.d to the City Clerk. Joseph C— Salvatore Silvestro Anna Papa, 5',2 ^eo.t- St. St. Paul R.ne Company 0. A. Dohcrt , tmo-_ :etas, ,P ^nth. ".. D—erby, 9 m -it Ave. Geo. F. Feller FSlipo haetrofranceaco Sophie Ida Anderson Ricolentonio Dinsao James Wilson T— and Orrol "tarpor Turner Jame. Hore111 Ado11h G. Rrahmer Rarry M. Welsh, Atty. for Societa' di Ilutno Socc— Ita'.Sa, :ac. Pa 11I Procino and Mary Jan. Procino Louie Ralolo Job. A. Boh.'rt and Franne. V. Bala.ert Louise R. S. %roarer, .t al me, 6th, 1917. Reoeire. from City Clerk the folImtng objection to eenrd of dwW,,ec in the oetter ofetdsni—r Bradley St Bedford 9t., D. -t— St. , Payne Ave., a tc.; eao j etson to be returned to the City Clerk' (Lotter one telo—) Pi -t ®tec—i. Trent Competq, John C. Pinney and Jennie Aoodtvff, t­teea —d -the lest rill of Roderick N. PRnngi. City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GI@BOW, dry O.L ..d C...I.Ioa. a1 e..Im — U.y 6th, 1932. Received from City Clerk the fallowing objection to award of damage. Sn the matter of wldoaing Bradley Bt., Bedford Bt., Dan.tur Bt., P-Voe A— a to.; cold objection to be returned to the City Clerk: (Latter and telegram) First Rt .coach Trust Company, John C. Finney end Jennie Woodruff, kueteee under the loot will of Roderick R. Finney. 7 92226 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matte of .---'t.--t •r --r-1,1 trt r i walk r1 sa'ct _ si t strc t �r. rrt;7,tfl.lo , .stc- 1, _.. 1- "t _ . 1 It .r. 1,c ] under Preliminary Order___ --------- approved__ -.1:2r Intermediary Order _______..--_--11ii1C----. .-, approved__-- _'_.___,_ 1 Final Order. -_- -- -__. _--------luQQ------- approved--_-'- _r-.:, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit therefor, and the Council having only considered the same, nos therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed a s lament ma ,all, identified by the ,arture of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in ell respect., ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefit, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. BsxihfmRhev.Resoivzd.<ftmx aha xsa.aseeaimtmtt;�xnM 3tt �'-�� Rr4eiiKr'fi� �Fb-bEcFa}Xlil� 7t✓_�'Sx_xcxs_::eaf®Usaamltmeii2x:.gac Srnba' 1>: )i#cE31=irY' VXKd'��`th�ikin: Adopted by the Council __.. _-___ __. __________________ 1 19,— Approved ----- ---- 94.. Approved------------ -.--__-_--_,19-- Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson `- Councilman McDonald _ Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland Mayor Bundle City Clerk. Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of _s. tthe i ��al Y.o .t lv oi� of �1�.t. ?t t•. :�t�1, ? -i t,, Str t 3rI ,,i by aidir. e`n It1^ 1• n - rth' '.,terly 4 i!-.. �' Int 1.`; st,^1", 1 .. ,. lot 16, 11 _n :.loc.c 17, l_ under Preliminary Order_ -----11782 _, approved____ �>n. Fr 1112 Intermediary Ord er_________91§10-__, approved___ .'_b_._ a_132 _________________________ Final Order ---------------- _11100__-. approved ----- -�._ '_._ t ��� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. (, /y/y o..,. .... .or .. .. • CITY OF ST PAUL r�, NO. Jia-+ OFFICE IF CITV C RK C C" SOLU iI N— NERAL FORM�� // WHEREAS, it appears from rep reaentations of the Co issloner of Public Utilities that the city market is and has been for a long time, during arket season, in a extremely crowded condition, particularly es to the open portion and ae to driving lanes and facilities £or maneuvering of the vehicles of buyers and ae 1lera I said city market, and WHEREAS, it has long been apparent that the city market area must eventually be extended for providing the additional area and facilities needed for the prover functioning of said market, but WHEREAS, economic conditions have prevented and still prevent nego- tiations towards purchasing of additional land and construction under authority of Sections 127 and 233 of the city charter, and WHEREAS, the corporation counsel's office has rendered an opinion that these same charter sections 127 and 233 give sufflcient authority for the council to lease oro per ty for market uses instead of purchasing or condemning property for such use providing the council deems St unwise to purchase and finds it the best policy to lease additional lots for e short period, and WHEREAS, the Cormilssloner of Public Utilities further represents that the necessity of eddit l opal s ono facilities for city market uses and the plan to lease certainpadditional adjacent lots for one year com- mencing May 1, 1932, 1 negotiations can be concluded with the owners on fair terms, have been endorsed by various groups rarre a enting those who deal in the farm products sold .t the city market, and by the market master, and WHEREA, the city's valuation bureau has submitted that a fair monthly rental rete for the year period from and After May 1, 1932, for the moat available adjacent lots that will provide the additional so ace and facilities required, are ar follows: Parcel A. Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 2 of Joel Whitney's Addition and Lot 8 of Boren's Addition, excent an area 23..5 ft. front x 60.5 ft. of now of lot 8 used for a blacksmith shoo; having frontages or sides on either Temperance, Norris and/or Sibley Streets, giving the use of about 16,827 square feet of additional space for city market our ores then in the present city market; monthly rental expense to the city not to exceed $50.00 '. r month. ?.reel B.Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 10 of Poberts and Randall's Addition, except a of about 45 ft. x 100 ft. now being used for a filling station; having frontages or-ides on Jackson and/or Tenth Streets, giving the use of about a. 5, s00 square feet of further additional space for city market purposes than in the nresent city market; Monthly rental expense to the city not to exceed $50.00 p r month. THEP,-FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the council finds SC neceseary to estab- lish further market spaces, and finds it wisest not to purchase for the present but to lease if it can be done at fair rental rates, for one year from and after May 1, 1932, and authorizes and instructs the Com- miealoper of Public Utilities to negotiate with the owners or agents of above -des oribed lots, at rates not to exceed those 'found by the City's valuation bureau to be fair and ream nable, and anthoriZee and Instructs the corporation counsel to prepare thereafter such lease .agreements ae will reflect the intent of this resolution to lease the above described. late for market purpoaee for one year eomme$sing Way 1, 1932. Thio anthorization extends to either or bothpareels of lots above stated. Cinders and any structures that the city may place upon any such lots each as a loading platform, shall be of a portable and/or temporavq ,kind and be removed by the city at the termination of the leasee, and each provisions shall be incorporated in the leas ea. Rental expense payable from Code 21 C4 City Market, or other surplus market funds. 0 ndo;.,rd e, 0- c­­ I iv mm. ,w-<I 1, i , I I I .n ..�. • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL 2L-" NO. 9= OFFICE OF CITY CLERK EE TT COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMm19510nIER — ATE r. WHEREAS, 11 appearsfrom representatlocs of the Commissioner of 'ublic Dt111ti ea that the city market is and has been for a long time,during market seas on, in an extremely crowded condition, particularly ae to the open portion and as to driving lanes and facilities for maneuvering of the vehicles of buyers and seller. in said city market, and '+'HEREAS, it has long been apparent that the city market area must eventually be extended for providing, the additional area and facilities needed for the Droner functioning of said market, but WHEREAS, economic conditions have prevented and still prevent nego- tiations towards purchasing of additional land and construction under authority of F.ections 127 and 233 of the city charter, and WHEREAS, the corporation counsel's office has rendered an opinion that these same charter sections 127 and 233 ,:lve sufficient authority for the council to lease oronerty for market uses instead of purchasing or condemning, property for such use providing the council deems It unwise to purchase and finds it the best policy to lease additional lets for e short peri od, and WHEREAS, the Commissionerof Public utilities . further represents that the necessity of add it iD's 1 space and fac111t.iea for city market uses and the plan to lease certain addltic nal .djacept lots for ono year com- mencing May 1, 1932, 1f negotlationa can be concluded with the owners on fair term.' have been endorsed by various groupsrenresen ting those who deal in the farm products sold at the city market, end hr the market .eater, and WHEREAS, the city's valuation bureau has submitted that a fair monthly rental rata for the year period fro. and after May 1, 1932, for the most available adjacent iota that will provide the additional .an for and facilities required, are as follow.: Parcel A. Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 2 of Joel Whitney's Additl on and Lot 6 of Borup's Addition, except an area 23.5 ft. front x 60.5 ft. deep now of lot B used for a blacksmith shops having frontages or sides on either Temperance, Norris and/or Sibley Streets, giving the use of about 16,827 square feet of additl onal apace for city market nnrnoeee than in the present city market; monthly rental expense to the city not to exceed $50.00 Der month. Parcel B. Lots 1, 2, 3and 4 of Block 10 of Roberts and Randall's Addition, except area of about 45 ft. x 100 ft. now being used for a filling station;having frontages or sides on Jackson and/or Tenth Streets, F 1 Ing the use of about 25,500 square feet of further additional space for city market purposes than In the present city market; monthly rental expense to the city not to exp sad X50.00 per month. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the council finds it necessary to estab- liah further market spaces, and finds it wisest not to purchase for the present but to lease Sf St aan be done at fair rental rates for one year from and after May 1, 1932, and authorizes and instructs the Com- missioner.of Public Utilities to negotiate with the owoere oragents of above desOribet lotat at rates not to exceed those found by the City's Valuation bdrean'to be fair and ream noble and authorises and instructs the corporation counsel to prepare thereafter such lease agreements as will reflect the intent of this resolution to lease the above described lots for ..market purposes for quo year oommencing L 1, 1932. This authorisation .extends to either or both parcels of lots above stated. 4lndere and any structures that the city may place upon any Such lots, each as aloading platform, shall be of apertable and/or temporary kind and be removed by the city at the termination of the leasee, and such provisions shall be incorporated in the leases. Rental expense payable from Code 21 C4 City Market, or other surplus market funds. ,...... .e CITY OF ST. PAUL riLr " NO. 92228 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FF11�� YYApril 26, 193:• RESOLVED Whereas, It is necessary to lay a 4" water main under the Thiry: Street csplannde together with drill hole risers anc correction to supply sprinkler systea, therefore be it Resolved, 'Tint the �ommissi.ns, of Public Storks be and he is hereby aItlolived an, directed to cause said work tc be done us per attached plan, by city forces at an estimated cost of $1,R80.00, said cost to be considered as part of the improvement and paid from County bond funds, end be it further Revolved, That a copy of this resolution be prr:sented to the Boar:i of County Commissioners for their approv.:l. Ad,pmd by rba C-61-._, r I` .g32 19 Approved __ . _ _19. MAYOR COUNCILMEN Y— .� /c3.,q Fasv�r McFlamld to [e.or Rdlk.a audWI— �/_ Api— Weoml-- Mr. P—id— Hodva Ad,pmd by rba C-61-._, r I` .g32 19 Approved __ . _ _19. MAYOR o.o rrvn�io T F ST. P NO. 92229 FI F Y ERK r orcin i11 Ont n 00GENERAL FORM 1- RESOLVEDI That the proper oity offioere be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with Augustus Munson providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate o: $20,00 per week during such time as he shall be totally dissoled by reason of injur- ies received by him while in the employ o£ the Departteent of Education on the 12th day of March 1932; be St FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Augustus Munson the sum of $100.00 out of the Workmen,, Compensation Account of the General Fund, in Partial settlement of his claim against tae City, ceing for the period to and including April 16th, 1932. Yca: coprvciyMEry N, ,AJop,cd by the Coined SPC 0 n 101219 Conroy May / McDonald In f., nor Appcoacd 19 Pc.rce kosen ✓ Again s, _. _ <,.- �+'_ MAroe M�. P,­d­ a—d Ec CITY OF ST. PAULcouucL NO. 92230 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,L[ C�N�' OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o ASaYssEloNU _ ME®Kvw WHEREAS, the City Attorney has certified that lie 1s in doubt to whom to nay the award of damages to Lot 15, Block 2, Mackubin & Marshallts Addition to the City of St. Paul, the northerly twenty (20) feet o£ which lot was taken by condem- nation in the matter o` widening University Avenue from Dale Street to Park Avenue, and WIIEREAS, Chapter 219, Laws 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws 1931, nrovi:des that whenever the City Attorney shall certify in writing to the City Council that he is in doubt as to whom such an award shall be paid, said City Council may order a warrant to be drawn for the sum, payable to the Clcrk of the District Court, End nrovidlne that the City Clerk shall deliver tae same to the Clerk of Court and take his receipt therefor, thus enabling the Court to decide therespective rights of any claimants to the fund, and WHEREAS, the purported owner of this property has, by his attorney, requested the City Council to pay this money to the Clerk of the District Court, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and Directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $12,748.54, payable to the Clerk of the District Court and to deliver the same to the City Cler'c who shall deliver t1e same to said Clerk of Court and tEke ibis receipt t?.ere{or, advising the Clerk of said Court that this money is paid to him pursuant to the statute herein set forth and for the property herein described. Y— eourvaLrvery Nays Adoptedbyth<Co 61-- ._ _ ..; 19 ,,Conroy / May ` Md Donald APPr ed eares I /a vor d Rosen �� _ _19. „ 6edheimer�Aeainet yV r. President F1 1,cLBL:.t.:'.': Bundlis �, CITY OF ST. PAUL "'a " NO. =0 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK —COUNCIL RESOLU—TION—GENERAL FORM MM5TTEaoN)co1SyyI _ rhe Clty Attorney has certified that he loin ESO"Pubt to whom to pay the award of damages to Lot 15, Block 2, Maokubin & Marshallie Addition to the City of St. Paul, the northerly twenty (20) feet of which lot was taken by Condem— nation in the matter of widening University Avenue from Dale Street to Park Avenue, and WHEREAS, Chapter 219, Laws 1981, as amended by Chapter 398 Laws 1931, provides that whenever the City Attorney shall certify in writing to the City Council that he is in doubt as to whom such an award shall be paid, Said City Council may order a warrant to be drawn for the sum, payable to the Clerk of the DINriot Court, and providing that the City Clerk shall deliver the same to the Clerk of Court and take his reoeipt therefor, thus enabling the Court to decide the respective rights of any claimants to the fund, and WHEREAS, the purported owner of this property has, by his attorney, requested the City Council to pay this money to the Clerk of the District Court, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author— ised and directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $12,748.54, payable to the Clerk of the District Court and to deliver the same to the City ;lark who shall deliver the same to said Clerk ofCourt and take bia receipt therefor, advising the Clerk of Said Court that this money is paid to him pursuant to the statute herein set forth and for the property herein described. /9 APD ^"1932 Yeas °OurveiLMery Nay. Adopted by the C..ncii_— _ 19 G1„ay Conroy "May .. U.Paoald McDonald, favor Approved ----19-- Pearce --19—_Pearce SoJ§ai.er Rosen Against pry resident Sudhe Mr resident Bundlle Department of law CITY OF ST. PAUL 1—IRY 1. FLYNN isvv.c torose April 27, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen This I. to certify that the City Attorney 1e in doubt as to whom to pay the award of damages to Lot 15, B11 "'i k 2, Mackub in and Marshall's Addition to the City of St. Paul, the northerly twenty feet of which was ta'sen in conee,hation for the widening of University Avenue. This certificate is made ourehant to Cnapter 219, Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws of 1931, which provides that upon sucha certificate the City Council may order the amount of the award paid to the Clerk of the Jl atr let Court, where claimants may go to have their respective rights determined. Further, the payment into Court is made at the request of counsel for the owner e. Accompanyingthis letter is the proper resolu- tion to accomn lien this effect. Yours very truly, -4 --114 ES -MS. Assistant Corporation Counsel. CITY o 'Wfjy ° yin �Puou`e°e r OFFICE OFn CTIIn^;;e &aoa'ek ttwi °„ NO.— I NCIL s� � M 'u wn1 1b=0LX AHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Oouncil that that Certain two-story frame barn located on Lot 18, Block 38, Lyman Daytonts Addition, also known " 892 E. Third street, Se in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESCUED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 23rd day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in/ the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lase tban ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commlesioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, Or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. Y CoewC-11 Naye-' Q➢SO}Claocy� /� /May -McDmuld —In livor i PearoeBALad Rosen w1_1 _/Mr. P-ideot Madgw Bundlie Adopted by the C.—ilAi.g ^"2 19— APpro • 19— CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRLNDScAND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 28, 1932. Hon. Council, City of 3t. Paul. Gentleman: Recently a council resolution was passed, setting a data for oubllc hearing to be held regarding the condemnation imposed by this Depnrt went on the barn at 692 East T',Ird Street, which is owned by the Minnesota Milk Company. May T respectfully advise that on this date a permit was taken out under which this building will be wrecked. The hearing is set for the 23d day of May and as a permit has been taken out covering the wreaking of the building, it will not be neoessary to hold this hearing. May we sug- gest that the hear Sng be cancelled. Yo ".1y ssioner� CITY OF ST. PAUL 'LZ- NO.�^^`�^ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL{�yON—GERERAL FORM �3 1� lb'sou'llEID WHEREAS, By council Pile No. 89061, approved May 6, 1931, Permission was given to the Nicholas Lahr Realty company to install a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Bates and Hastings avenues; and WHEREAS, Said station has not yet been built, and the time allowed under said permit and under the extension of time granted by Oounoll File to. 90749, approved October 22, 1931, and the applicant has requested another extension of six months; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Nicholas Lahr Realty Oompany be and It is hereby given an additional extension of six months within which to erect said service station. Yea eouKei�Mew N.ye Adopted by the Cou h �' Oonro>y May -mum- Iy/n M(:D-11 In hvot APPr � T'I9— /�earoe sow,ot sdl.— A�inee /Rosen —W.IAi MAYos �/Mr. Pm,idm Z,dg�,gundl le City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MINE J. GIBBONS, Clly CIvY -d C -1,,l—, of B.g Ba. ...i , . v...., .. Lpril 26th, 1932. Yr. L. L, Lode—on, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Si rr ,,We attach herewith request of D. H. Nlchaud, for Lire cholas Lahr Realty Compagy for extension of permit obtained toe act and i..tell a gaeal1%filling sat' on on the southeast c r of Batas and Hae tinge Avenues, on Lot e 6, Lahr Lddition. Tnle matter �a referred to you by the Council, for the -roper resolution granting this ..tension. Y-ure very truly, City Clark. r D. H. MICHAUD GUARDIII 111, ST. PAUL. MINN_ April 25th, 1932. To The Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. On May 5th, 1931 I appeared, as agent for the Hicholae Lahr Realty Company, before your body and obtained permission to erect and install A Service and Billing Station on the southeast corner of Bates and Hastings Avenues, no Lot 6, Lahr Addition, According to Ordinance this application will expire on the 6th day of May, 1932, and I beg of the Council an additional extention of six month.. Yours truly, _ C �,,. a.,rvi..w 92233 •-x«'o', an..�'ed: NCIL 'RESOLUTION courvnl. r�� rvo. oalNiEa :..7.0'. 'v..' �..0 e ,: oli in• A TSI 27 192 RESOLVED, THATa CHECKS19EZDRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 0 OF$ 2A 941 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4247 TO-4303—INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS OwooriFILE Eo eN irvE OFFICE LOF THE G�' COMPi OLLER.�,�/ 1947 4 '/ A --Eo o y n93/1�tA cLcL"cn� .,L — ursi E of v coM ��cv No NIILMEN—IOLr COUNCIL RESOLUTION " AUDITED CLAIMS April 27 s32 " TOTAL acv IN FAVOR OF ws j rc�n. 4 e n I nvou cv:.�awnno 7 4" 939 179 goo • 4247 John H. McDonald, C, of Fl n, 1 12 230 0 4248 sm. Y. Lindau Canatruotlon Co. 17 7 4249 A 1 steno6raphic Bureau 14 4250 Review Publishing Company 492 1 20 9 4 1 Universal Carloading & Dist.00. 25 d 4252 Else M. Obet, Treasurer 154 8 7, 4 E e M Obat Tre .surer 18 3 1 4254 Bes 2 657 x1111 em P, tfell 4255 Claco-Thomesen Company 429 6 Me 3 539 5 4256 Lieu Ella 4257 Louie Guerin 60 O 4258 R.E, Hulme Company 58 8 4259 Her tl Coal Comcany 825 1 4260 5d. Campbell 9 0 4261 Am erlcan Linen Supply Company 122 7 4262 O.M. Anderson Lumber Company 64 0 426j3 S, Brand 121 it 4264 Charles H, Bronson 100 4265 Oorning-Donohue,Inc. 46 5 4266 '.J. Dyer and Brother67 0 4267 Electric Blue Print Company 33 1 4266 Martin F. Falk Paper company 3 9 i 4269 Farwell, o -un, Kirk Company 68 0 4270 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Como-:ny 270 1 4271 Farwell, 0=un, Kirk Company 107 1 4272 Farwell, Osman, Kirk Company 86 5 4273 Farwell, O=un, Kirk Company 141 81 4274 Fl nch, Van Slyck & McConville 217 9QI 4275 Fireside Index Library Company 19 5 4276 Garcon Meter Company 36 6 40 4277 General Eleotrio Supply Corp. 1 4276 Gerber -Reiland Tire Company,Xnc, 77 8�) 4279 R.L. Gould and Company 34 1Q 4280 Graybar Electric Company 105 5& 4261 Griswold Safety 9ggnal company 538 3 4282 Groeemsnn Instrument work. 17 0 4283 '.s.J, Haas Mfg. Company 80 6 4284 Hamm Brewing Company 53 5 4885 Clayk Haven and Son 90 7l 4286 Highland Spring Company 53 7 4287 F.T. 111dred Company 78 a 4288 J.a pane as Palace 14 • 4289 Joseting & Schilling Company 16 8 4290 c.I. Johnson Company 55 5 4291 John J. Kenna 100 4292 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company 288 9 42U Kremer Auto Spring Company 28 2 4294 Congress 20 2 Librarl an, Library of 4295 Linde Air Products Ccpnny 51 7 4296 Linde Air Products Oempany 162 7. 4297 Llnear Broom Comprny 5 7 4298 National sanitary Supply Company 5 5 44 4299 Northern States Power Compan 0 4300 Northern States Power Co, oan� 4 458 1 4301 Northern States Power Company 390 5 4302 N.'4 Sanitary Supply Company 7 2 4303 st.Paul vocational school 16 4 7 500 00 968 124 42p, CITY OF ST. PAUL cour.cic NO. 92234 R � rlLa � OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUric, —GENERAL FORM PRE9ENTE���." 1 niE A -- Aril '6, 1932 RESOLvE In the matter of grading Scheff-r Street from Hemline 1—rue to Pascal Avenue, also change the grade of Albert Avenue from Eleanor Street to Bayard Avenue, under Preliminstry Order C. F. 90228, approved August 25, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90764, approved October 27, 1931. Resolved, Thnt the plans and specifica- tions as submitted by the Commissioner of Fubiic Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 11 11114- "y Yeas COUNCILMEN Clamy__, Naya Feavwm / Ma)—id .�% In lavor Rohh.d sadh.imer _ Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council19 APProvey( 19_ M wroR �o NO. -� ,,,„,,....e..,.... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 58M1f INT RESOLVKD .o U COUNCILMEN Yee. Nays Cdancx�... �Fcaueom &A.pw.µ In favor Rohla do AVC..A— Mr. Pre.id,,tdlodp — APR 2 , 1932 Adopted by the Council____. - 19 Approved- --19-- — MAYOR—.-- _••••• ••••-•• •• `J� CITY OF ST. PAUL i�iiNO, `i^= OFFICE OF CITY CLERK y��s/JJ-OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESEIa i.� April 26, 1932 In the matter of grading Stinson Street from Mackubin Street to the east line of lot B, Block 2, Foundry Addition , under preliminary Order C. F. 90429, approved September 14, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90957, approved November 17, 1931' Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. .1, 17 1112 y— N,, Ganef AI.D-.Id 1. f... Rohl.nd Sod6.i— Against wavxal. Mr. P—id— Hodpon, Adopted by the Council_ _„hp.' :.q92 19 Approyed _. 19_. _ I / MaroR ,..•...., .....,, CITY OF ST. PAUL ioxx cic NO. �72f �N /J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PWE�SOONB __— _on.E APr11 '27, 1952 RESOLvlD In the matter of curbing on Stryker Av .nue from 17est Colorado Street to Winifred Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 49412, approved Jane 2, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90376, approved September S, 1931. ttecolved, That the pians and s�.�ecifications es submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'h•orks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Y— oOUNeiLMEN Nay Chny Peego�an. McD-dd .� In la.ror Rohla d Sadh.i— A,i— w-1 M, P—id—•Hodg— Adoptedbythc C.—i1_ .. 19 << 7 ...... ITY OF ST. PAUL cour.c�c NO. y OF CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 27, 1332 vaesENreo s _onrc RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on the east side of Underwood Av..nue from Rome Avenue to Saunders Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 31555, approved January 5, 1932, and Fi—I Order C. F. 91854, approved March 8, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Norks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Y­CounCILm N Nay. C1avq FRg / MCDvv.ld `J B favor LL sndn6.e O Agzina wro ,.2 Mr. Pr idc 415derm' Adopted by the Council. _ _ _ 19 Approves _. 19_ 0. IN92238 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (/ Pnessnr to le owrE April C7, 1932 corNlsslons� RESOLVED In the matter of constructin,; curbing on Seheffer Avenue, south side, from Cret'1n Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Pre;.iminary Order C. r. 91387, approved January 9, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 91971, approved March 29, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be add the same are hereby approved. y— N... Nay clansau... FuepwRa h'1C�pW1� ' In favor Rad.d„ Sudheimu Agai aI w.-4 Mr. Pr aldcn {iA4E Adopted by the Council— 'I� 19 App/ro�vci'//�..mwvon 19_ __ L 92 � '•••••••"••`••• '�` CITY OF ST. PAUL °�"c" NO. 92239 %�_, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�'n''-o°NR _ _ _ _ April 27, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Capitol -venue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90364, approved September 5, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91684, approved February 16, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 4orks for the above named improvement, be .and the same are hereby approved. N ar,muo �a., >. ivm. Years eouneiLmEN i Claocy. ,. % Fereoay / WD—w In favor / Roh6nd-. Sodheiow -I-) ✓ A6ainet _—� Mr. Preridenr M P Mr. Fiad`wn: Adopted by the Council ,a a 7 JM 19 App—d r — 19_ / mAron Cnunril File No.____.:7....r-.�-.'.+0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propose, the .eking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: Constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Danforth _ Avenue from Wheelock parkway to Cottage Street. Dated this 25th .._.day of _. Aprils. 1932 i _ ceaneiimaa. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writtenproposal for the making of the following imprl'p'i tq"r v�r�� e1°` R ' Constructing a sidewalk on the east sidewanl orth ......._...... Avenue from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street. .....__.._..__..... Keving been promoted 1, the Council of the City of St. Paul .. _..----------- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the aene,eity for, or deciavbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. F 4. To state whether or not said improvement is eakgd for on the petition of three or more ourerc 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the'_Commiesioner of Finance. WR 2 71932 Adopted by the Council ---- YRAa Nara Councilman CoNRpv Mev Appro d - -_- --_ McDovew PReReR Raeea an— a_ P...n, r MRYOr M Ptb,...lrtr1-3a' ra Ar C ... oil File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The d—igned hereby proposesimprovement bythCity.fSc P.W,vi— Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on the north side of Capitol Avenue beginning.194 feet east of Lexington Avenue, thence east. l0.. feet. D.wd this_ 25thday of April, 193VI C"I'don... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the —king of the following R::0nqtrqct;Lng, relayIng.,aud repeiring, the sidewalk 0. _the north side.. of, Capitol Avenue beginning 194 feet east of Lexington Avenue, thence east 10 feet. having be presented to the C .. til of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W -k. be and ie ho -by ordered sod directed: 1. To i—catigate the necessity f,,, or dmi,,bility of, the making of said improvement.2 To investigate the act,,,, extent Rod estimated ted ... of said improvement, and the total... t thereof.3 To furnish , plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To id.te whether .r out mid improvement ie asked for .n the petiti.n of three or more on.c. a, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the C,oundado-, of Fi .... c. P. Adopted by the Council... . .2 71W.- _ Yee. 1W.- Y.- NA - 21 C ... cilam. C.— ad M,D MR. PRESIDEiVe Mayor. ... p— ... Roa- 09 --- -u E DINANCE1— PRESENTED BY An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 5040, entitled •Anordinance for the purpose of promoting the publto health, safety, order, convenienoe, pros- perity andgeneral welfare by providing for the olaseifioat ion, regulation and reetriotion of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulkof buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and d termining the minimum size of lot line courts and offer open space:, and establish- ing the boundaries of districts for Bald purpose., - approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the ea me is hereby amended so as to rezone Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition (northeast corner of Snelling end Stanford avenues), and the property described a: 100 feet by 100 feet at the southeast comer of Lexington and Larpenteur avenues, in Lot 2, Block 7, Como Addition, in a Commercial District, in- stead of •A• Residence District as at present. Seo tion 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Seo tion 3. This ordinance shall take effect end be in force from and after Ste passage and publication. !h' �vZ2 coy C M�D ...'i j e,.o, Pearse Rosen :1p,-, Sudh6— \tr. Preside.. 13-11 c , 1. City Clcrl City of Saint Paug Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cay O.h .nd CommB.lon., of R..Id,.ea. April 26th, 1932 Nr. L, L. And--, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The following petitlons to amend the Zonimg Ordinauce e e approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper ordinances: tor e Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition (Northeast c fne Slling and Stanford Ami vee B) in a Commerciale district to r rnot Lel gton end La - 100 ft, z 100 ft. at the southeast rpent aur In Lot 2, Block7, Como Addition, in a Commercial district. Your. very truly, City Clerk. PETITION TO AMEND B 0 A F; D OF Z 0 N I N G Apfiil� 4th 1932. Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of .August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition : March 14th, 1932. Petitioner Joe Novick and others. Location Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition(NE corner of Snelling and Stanford Avenues). Z one "A" Residence Amendment asked for Commercial Date of Inspection March 30th, 1932 Date of Hearing : March 31st, 1932 Appearances for Petitioners None Appearances for Opposition None Petitioner's Arguments A representative of Mr. Navlck, who circulated the petition, appear:d at the office before the meeting of the Board simply to urge that the petition be recommended in order to further the development on Snelling Ave. Action of Board : The Commissioner of Finance status that the petition is sufficient. It is the view -of the Board that the ultimate development of this Fart of Snelling Ave. will be apartment houses and commercial use. Under the State Law, this change of zoning can only be brought about on petition,and will, therefore have to be done in this piece -meal manner. The Board reco^upends that the corner be rezoned from "A" Residence to George H. Harrold C_ercial. Secretary BOARD OF ZONING. Louis Betz G. 0. House C. A. Bassford Mrs. W. D. Villars Ryland Rothschild OY Is, 4! 131% Me 14pall, 1110 pe P a.r hme.ah �g�' '�i aeric g March 29, 1932. '0t he t; ouncll, t; itv of St. Paul. ;entlemen:- I have checked the petition attached hereto, f11ed in the :Hatt ar of recon ing. Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition (N. ),'.corner of Snelling and Stanford Avenues) from class "A" Residence to Commercial Dis- trict, and find that same is sufficient. Very truly Sours, Aooner of N'in ante. St, Paul, Mino. Ta the N: co rade, the C!ty Council, St. Paul, Minn. .,ant iemen: We, the e undersigned o of two-thirds of the a ral deecrSptions of real eetate e't —ted within 100 ft. ofthe real estate affected, have acqulesced herein: era of Sof, or f the frontage to be —1—eified, petition you, B able Bo to make the \ fom olio g hangs fre,AL in t RSetrict ,p �,}�� Loj-�,^i..•�-..�o �AOetri(c],t�, rj Thle petition to made pure(uan�t to�Section 23 Ordinance No. 5840. Re ord Owner Lot Bloc ALdltl,, State of Minnesota) s County of Aemsey ) s bei wfirst duly dap a and says that he is the person ho circulated isti of (T'X� Page ' that the therwl thin "tion on Lively of the parties described abovesare the .—ors pec tbat thle petition lots placed Smnediatelyfell owing each name:ena£ signed by each o£ this aaown re In the presce and correct af£Sant, and that t`�e signatures above are the true signatures of each and ell of the parties eo described. Sub scrib and ew t before t of Notary bloc, xpi C until Y, MY Comoieslon expire¢ /�( •.t,�/qT/ Yom—/ O q Lp'll Ilt , 1912. go, J. ". llcromld, D-1 Coad =�lnnort .—l. o� -Ma -.11,;7 vin Ja., 9—d —ticao to pr—orty To— —.( City Clerk. t PETITION TO AMEND -rrc,o" m .awxa. nRI� BOARD OF ZONING. Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of April 4th, 19 August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent �qy amendments. Date of petition : March 23rd, 1932. Petitioner : Emil Dlesslin Location 1C0 ft.x 100 ft. at the southeast corner of Lexington & Larpenteur in Lot 21 Block 7, Como Addition. Zone "A" Residence Amendment asked for Commercial Date of Inspection March 30th, 1932. Date of Hearing : March 31st, 1932. Appearances for Petitioners 'None. Appearances for Opposition None. Petitioner's Arguments : The owner of Lot 2, Block 7, Como Addn. Emil Diesselin, appeared at the office before the meeting of the Board and stated that the purpose of the rezoning was to establish a filling station and store. Action of Board : The Commissioner of Finance reports that the petition is sufficient. Larpenteur Ave. is the boundary line between the city and county. The southwest corner of Lexington Ave. is now zoned commercially and is occupied by a filling station. The northeast corner in the county is also occupied by a filling station. It was the view of the Beard that if commercial enterprises could be concentrated around the intersection of Larpenteur and Lexington that it would be a good type of development, and that the balance of Lexington Ave. could be reseved in "A" Residence. The Board recommends that the corner be rezoned from "A"Residence to Commercial. George H. Harrold, BOARD OF ZONING /gecre tary. Louis Betz 0. / House C. A. Bess ford Ryland Rtlhschild q �/ / Mrs. W. D. Villers I rcyTy+RWW J peparhmenh oF'Finance March 30, 1932. o the Council, City of Wit. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked the att.ehed petition, filed in the matter of rezoning: 100 Ft, x 100 ft. at °outheazt c of r Lezingt on end Larpenteur xvennes�r in 2, Block 7, Como, Hosidence to Commerclel District, and f!nd at same is suff lc Sent. Very truly ye4re, malssioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. i11 /z3 -3i U� To the Honorable, Tra ail, St. Pact, Minn. 'n .,ect_emeni Wa, the understgned o o-Lhirde r. f � the s ^el de acriptions of real estate situated within 100 t!, efethe real estate a. acted, have acquiesced herein; of 5 o •of the frontage to be and wesi fied, spett tlon yourrBon 'able Body to make the e^la following change from a XDist'tct �G�G Diatri.�c,..tp.. Thie pet tidn is dep• t to Sact icn Ordinance Na. 5g40. Becord Owner Lot Block Addition State of Minnesota ) County of Aemse ) ss '1` being, first duly de ses and Saye that he is the pe rsop who circulated Sherwithin petition c is ting of age that the parties descrit ed eboves are the owner, espectively of the lot,ass placed immediately followSngw each name; that this petition signed by each of said owner in the preeence of this affiant, and that the signator as above re the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties /dMe/sc ri bye d Subscr�iqbed and swor�J,�C ire se- ,hi a :his 22 day of ii�� Notary public, Remsey ggqC���o ty, M1 My Co emission axpl res -!J /91� R. A, jrVINSON, Nnemi p Laioni'.,.Virw Alsrv4,l,f /V.M Alr l:,mw A­11 I l t' , VI­. Ron. J. 'v:Donald, Coai..teelonar ,f YSrwnce, Btttlding. Dear Coutafealoneri to t". _'.tar o. ­.w, a Pro,erty deeerlbe.: as 1� ft. at t` so,thaeet corner of Lorti­or. and Lr,,e:.taur .t—-, In T.,t .', -1­` 7, ^aro, In Coaoerctnl Dtetrtct. dill you kindly Bend noticea to propert- .mare ! t^.ta h­ja,T Yo.irs ren tr,%!, City :lark, ,........o e....... CITY OF ST. PAUL rias a NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK is C t- I 1_�/1I/A`�,',�J__✓C COIRi IL RESOLU7—GENERAL FORM kill ZRN WA P.. I9y '�onre_ MAYUKB Ut tlUi FAM& M WHEREAS, the Comical of Lire City of St. Paul, by resolution, tae same bei nr- Com',cll File TIO. 92171, adopted and ap^raved April 21, 1932, authorizes tare open city officers to borrow the sum of One Killion Dollars (51,000,000), — W??EREA�;, it .pa e, the intention of c,.F Council tr.at Two Hundred Thousand 'Dollars ($200,000) of raid s— be oo. l Pau from The Empire Nati,nal Bank and Tru,.t Comp any Of St. Paul, and WHEREAS, by r_ason of accident, mist&',e and inadvertence, The Empire National Baa- anu Trost Company of St. Pa.=1 was erroneously de r�. ii;nated 1n said resolution as "Emp il'e Net lonal Bank of S int Paula, and WIiEREAS, it is necessary in order to express the intention of the Council, to correct SOL error, therefore oe it RPSOLVED that sal,, resolution of ti:e Council of the City of St. Paul, Council File No. 92171, ad—ts(I and approved Apr ll 21, 1932, be and the same hereby is mad if ie,. and amended by sir iking they, -from tae words "Empi,e National Bank of Saint aul" and inserting therein in place and instead of such stricken vrords, tae following words: "The Er -ire National Bank and Trust Company of St. Paul." — y— councic Mae Nay,/ Adopted by IL 1Ymlpa(,afar. . 11tPAKax 'aL y .ALaBsn.ld- / � In favor APProved - - - 19- - uja,M,E ^arce /tudhcimc/Against MAYOR 7yTxr Rosen /Mr. Preeid—=I[ las Buadlie -•-••_••••_•••• :'� CITY OF ST. PAULcou nciL NO. 92244 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,Le G" �•^� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vrzsery Nei - _ _ - ^pril RESOLvlD That the grade of Alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park A)dl- tion from Stanford Avenue to St. Clair 'treat, in accordance with the red erade Line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by theCommi ss'_oner of Public ;—';:s, be and the same is hereby adopted as the estz,blished grade. om ....on . eourveiLNEN Yeas Navl C6nc7.,.. Fergoam weld Hnhlavd. 8odh6mn Against Mr. P—id—Hodg— ,rQ 9 c im] Adopted by the Council_.__ 19 Approved - _-_ 19- OfITE IF ST. PAUL NO. 92245 P Z. OF CITY CLERK co sig slo NECOU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL_.o ORM T. April 28, 1952 —_-_ RESOLVED --- __— In the matter of paving; University Avenue from Dale Street to Arundel Street, and constructing sewer across University Avenue at Kent Street and Mackubin Street, also sever connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90847, approved November 3, 1931, and Final order C. N', 91817, approved February 3, 1332, to be k — as CONTRACT - All.— ­SOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Pa'.11_ic 'Aorks for t:ne above —mel improvement, be -d the same are hereby approval. Y— N, Nay 6Lvey / Beim ---------- —leRD—Id In favor Rehiavd 9vdhei— .� Again si —" . Preeid—&Hud,, v 1n Adop,cdby,h,Council $� 19 Approved. /n/ _. 19__ _ _•••-•�__•__•• CITY OF ST. PAUL 42246 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL' coMaPTE.Ne FZXgdQ M AHER-AS, in the matter of the onenl.n" wideniro, and extending of University Avenue, from Parr Avenue t Dal, Street, the City of ;3t, Peul too: and ocndemned a Dort i onoft:':e r�-a1 estate de- scribed as Lots 1 and 2 in _lot's 1�, S.:i th'e Subdivl slot of :a inson's Div!eion of th. :7cr t:.ree:;t W�:nrt er (:; W�) of section 36, TOwn-hiD 29, Rande 2o, and , -ncil, by r o)IU*,iDn .. ad,fted a., a>>rove d, onfir�ce. a,l net a rd �..es fir —ch cendeanati— ar.. ta:: in.;, in the C'- >-: c -f42. DD end A:.t.n '-la=s, the ven-ea a con[rac: for deed of cai� :� au.tse s, a cle.! from the -a U a7: mard a: cou_irmed cy t:,e fl Co:it',_1, .,� ti.e rict �>.trt �- Ra::ey Doti_ty, yin so Inich a roc: 1 is now In An;, — 1..: -=.::A -,t - -:nlV 'J_ • cDntr>v rsi- aririn, out cone tion c et lidtai= a _ dis:.i.-ed upon the c on��ition t'..-; t:=_ C�i ctl increase -i_ net - � of da_¢ges by r:an ti.e :�:ount of30C.00 - 11 oe Sr: :-e - r. of ii714:;.00, v. :icl. set .'.FmVnt is r:- c��.:,:::e�:,,:ed Eby th, Comn:i s: loner of 3irae on.- Yre C- —tion C�—el an- is csa-ed to be 1'r the beet ina -n, r. t, r tl e City If t. Pau=, thcr fore, be it , a. arm o - w ee a, tor: irn.ad by the Cowlcil of tr_a C of So. ? :or -the ta'r.int and c�nd e:�.nation in aid Dublin i::—ovs:, - yr,is is' of e portion of s d lots Dy t - , ii.ereened by _. of "a 300.00 so no toenc in —e a,..cu^.t of J �7'_4D. 00, u n iticn tl.at : :. i_ a,-1 -as d s.ed ant ohLt a .- c-; .rover sies a -in, out of e oon� ,ation be fully t thL, the Uroper cit,' 'leu a olfi-I— �be � , zy t.eICG;' a. tic.Is - sed to labur DeS sone v:n be Inti �l ""to :.nn i ac cI anDe v,ith r.e ofinion of . e Cary Lticn Coun�=el, .. a714H.30, e ne, a d of s for t:,: ..21n an. c,n.eo.r.tion Dy sLe City o St.t Pau, t., tea:.. '.' '- ` sal .. novel:. t .ter d_::.,, c t :.,, ti ...t,: o I _. Y—COU-111 N Nay. 61hF; Eewse� 9e�glama 1'W' v McDonald In favor Mlaby.68 PearFe r S.dhcier C. Ag,i— •�x;FM&xReeen �,Mr. Prc,ident HRhnm Bun: -11e Adopted by the Council__, 19 Approasd , 19_ CITY OF ST PAUL NO. W-247 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM «MM Eo° Ei+ .Apr. 26th 1932. RESOLVED Ylh areas, G. H. Itichara is the owner of CS ty of St. ie��l ParticSpat ing Cartdif'icste H 108445 fni the amount of Seven hundred Dollars; and "!hare.., S.1d certlficste has been lost and said r has made application for a dUPllce to to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said kichards ha. f11ed s bond in the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dolls r s, or double the amount of sold cartifl- cata, indemnify ing and saving ha r�eless the City of Sr. �nul from any loss or damage growing out of aald lost certificate or the Issuance of a new ona, and 'Whereas, 3"" bond has bean alnroved es to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by .Ndge i;ugo (`. Fa, of the District Court all pursuant to Faction ]971 of the neneral 4tatutea of Minnesota for 1927; ther of oro ba 1t Hes.l.ved, That the oropar city officers a authorized to Issue to t:a saitl G. f7. Hlcihards•a duplicate car tlf isett Sn 11 eu of the said cert.lfl- cate # 1CR445 w!.ich has been lost or destroyed. ed 2 1 ,W—,111.. �the> u�a� r_.v._s Y— Nays Ado�.«d by Thr Co�r.I 19 McD .Id v In f.... Aap—d _ 19 It nsrn � Again.' ����-�- Nnvoa S.dh—, L Mr11—d— B..dl., CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM „L, L NO._ —76+ 8 is32� WHEREAS, At its meeting on April 27th, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Bulldln¢ Colmiesion approved as to form the contract with the Art Metal Construction Company for steel furni— ture and furnishings for the new Court House and City Hall, end the St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company as surety on the bond of said Company; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of said Commission, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute the contract on behLlf of the City. Ya. couKauneK Nay. MCD -1d In Ivor AY6!<ClS.dh— Q A�inet Rosen 91mv1 Mr. Pruidm 411,4,�dlie Adopted by the CmuKil APR 2 9 19T19— �1 1+ Appwv— i9 mGsr " ... ..... Saint Paul •1�"� .x...,.. Bureau of Municipal Research April 28, 1932. TO the City Counnile Cl ty of Saint Pant, ui..ete. Gentlemen: At it. meeting on April 24th the Ad.ieory Court Hone- cud City H 11 Hai ldlug Co-m,.eIo. cppr.-d a to foam the oont—t dth the Art ... Cone traction Company for steel fatal tar. ead fnrni.hiags, and the Saint Pant 4ermiry Indemnity Company ae .nr.ty -n the bond. Very truly your.. 9ecretery, Apvt.ory Court H: so and City B-11 Banding Commission. CPS: SH I � I s�Ear rorA. 922,49 NO UNCIL RESOLUTION '�llITF"D CLAIMS April 28 s 32 = nM `I ...... 91 93`3 �b�6 .. TOTAL IN FAVOR OF a .— auuucNr Foaw ao T � 50o On f _ 4304 L.C,9mith & Corona Typewrite;s,Ine. 1 4305 4306 ^. So—e— and Company Ford Strane 135 6 5 0' 4307 Tri-9tats Tel. & Telg. Comps y 202 8 4308 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Comps y �', 108 7 4309 John 4. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 218 4310 St,Paul Fire Depaxtment Relief Ae.00 Stich 28 999 00 4311 Chemical Sales Company 14 6it 4312 Dennis Laughlin 35 ?jQ 4313 Leonard N. Thompeon 250 00 OG 4314 N.C.Robinson, C'erk of DSst.4t. 12 748 5 4315 J.Y. Glass 28 8 4316 Martin A. Feiet Jr. 500 00. I; 4317 Mr e. H. aitch 211 4di 4318 Board cf water Commie sionere 697 'Nater 76 45 'I 4319 4320 Board of Commissioners 1 245 Board 'dater Commissioners 97 96 �; 4321 4322 of Board of water Commissioners. 283 John H. McDonald, C,P.R.F. 544 16 { 477 4323 4324 John H, McDonald, C, P. R. F, 531 Clyde R. May, C.Parke, etc. 2 243 9b ;1 4325 Milton Rosen, C. Public Rork. 1 552 �I 4326 Milton Rosen, C. Public lorke 3 001 44 j 4327 Milton Rosen, C. Public work$ 1 239 65 c 4328 Milton Rosen, C, Public 'Yorks 10 519 15 4329 Milton Rosen, C, Public Yorko 2 118 10 4330 Milton Rosen, C. Public 'Yorks 10 904 66 4331 Milton Rosen, C. Public `Yorke! 1 342 95' 4332 Milton Rosen, C, Public Yorks 1 494 68 4333 Milton Rosen, C, Public ',orks� 173 10� 4334 Milton Rosen, C. Puolic Yorks. 1 008 4o 4335 'c Milton Rosen, C, public orks' 733 97 4336 Milton Rosen, C. Public Yorke 913 55' 4337 Milton Rosen, C, Public ',orke 1 153 09 4338 Milton Rosen, C, Plblic works 278 02 4339 Milton Rosen, C. Public Yorks 222 works 61 4340 4341 Milton Rosen, C. Public 822 aeo.C. Sudhelmer, C. P. Safety 684 87 j 47 4342 aeo.C.Sudhe ime r, C. P. Safety 3 00 4343 3. Berglund Lumber Company 6 74 ® 4344 4335 P. cher 0–I ngersoll, Inc, H.C. =cyano❑ Company 714 20 5411 361 4346 Central Soap Company 34 391. 4347 Commonwealth Electric Company 2"/ 033 11 4348 4349 Farwell, Ommun, Kirk Comr.ny Int. Harvester Comr any 50 18 8u 24 4350 Lampland Lumber Company 606 96; 4351 Northern Statee Pawer Company ', 317 351 4352 Northern States Powex Company 1 428 0511 4353 4354 Mx s, a. Olarl Servlp 2 435 16'. 4355 Aen1aton–Rand Brei Hees e,Inc. N, C.Roblason, Clerk of Dist.Ct. 292 10, loll 4356 Arletta Shipman 144 6511 4357 ?tandard Prands,Inc. IL 60;': 4358 -`e at, rn Union TIII lg. Co— by 107 76 11,a.1-1 51310 66 1016?53 69 R S Re Bl 5udheiBundlie mer Mr. Pce". Bl ie Mr. Pres. 4 KDINANCK.a.. PRESS NTEC�e�// x,. H>aSfv e.voro %�J� An ordinance granting permission to the United States Postal Department to construct and maintain two tunnel. under Sibley street, and repeal Ing Ordinance No. 5582, approved April 21, 1921. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the United States Postel Department to construct and maintain two tunnels running from the proposed Postal Station across Sibley street to the Union Depot property; one tunnel being described as a Pao sagacross Sibley etre at approximately 22 feet wide, and from 10 to 13 feet high, more or less, the center line of said tunnel being parallel to the south line of Third street and 69.5 feet south of the south line of Third street extended from the west; the second tunnel being described as a passageway across Sibley street from the east line of Lot 2, Block 30, St. Paul Proper, to the Union Depot buuff lding, the center of said tunnel to be located approximately 481 feet from the south line of Third street on Sibley street. Seo tion 2The privilege herein granted Is subject to the following conditions: (1) The said tunnels shall be constructed woording to plane and specifications approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. (2) The cost of moving sewers, water mine, telephone oon- duitB and Western Union Telegraph Company's conduits shall be paid by the grantee herein. (3) The grantee herein shall defray the expense of reconstruct- ing the sewer interferred with by said tunnels, said sewer to be re- constructed for a distance of approximately 150 feet, in such a manner as to clear the tunnel and maintain a usable sewer grade, in accord - Moe with plans approved by the Department of Public Works. (4) The permission and authority hereby granted ebell con- tinue duringLthe life of the presently constructed Poet Office Build- ing. (5) The City of Saint Paul shall have access to both tunnels at allreasonable times for the purpose of making Inspection of the same relative to the security of travel on the public street over e aid tunnels. (6) All costs of malnt mance of said tunnels shall be defrayed by the grantee. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 5582, approved April 21, 1921, entitled "An ordinance granting permission to Hugo D. Loeb and John P. Cowing to once trust and maintain a tunnel under Sibley street," which ordinance covered the construction and maintenance of the tunnel last above described, is hereby repealed. Vsae C.—I.- Cat's Pas.vJ be sic C'o m oil C- ­ N yo. �I'D.—W h, Fn.or Pe rso� seai���mrr nKai��r, \Ir. Pceside��t Nundli< mimulimmilmliff PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL —C NO ORDINANCE NO (2) m Seoti4. This ordinance a hall Lake effect and be in f.— thirty c,.y a after its paBeage and publication. ati City of Saint Paull Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cil, CI.,1 r r.,,r �_ i.,. r,v �.bn •.d Commbdon.. of R.fr,b.uo. April 20th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Conneel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter of 11 N. Cerev wa referred to you by the City Councll with the re queet •1 that you eon far 1h l7 r. Carey end draft an ordinance In confdsmance with the r—datlone co— t.'111 - telned Sn -11 letter; the ordinance safe -guard to the Sntereete of the City. Yonne very truly, d' City Clerk. CI YJV7SF WTJr✓@1 Wb, pe,pa:rPm.vrzh v f Pi'ubliw Wurku Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. Dear Sir: Under date of March 25th, Mr. Lambert Bassindal e, Architect for the new Post Office Build- ing, requested a permit to cross Sibley Street with a tunnel. A blue print submitted with his request which shows the proposed size and location of the tunnel is attached. There already exists one tunnel crossing Sibley Street from the Post Office to the Union Station. The proposed additional tunnel may be described as follows. - "A passeB.way across Sibley Street approximately twenty-two (22) feet wide and from ten (1 0) to thirteen (13) feet high more or less, the center line of said tunnel being parallel to the south line of Third Street and sixty-nine and five -tenths (69.5) feet south of the south line of Third S treat extended from the west." This is to advise the Council that the proposed tunnel will interfere with a sewer, tele- phone conduit and a western Union Telegraph c, water maionduit. The water main and conduits can be carried under the tunnel but the sewer will have to be rebuilt for approxi- mately 150 feet in order to clear the tunnel and maintain a usable sewer grade. A plan showing the required sewer recon structlon is attached. I recommend that action be taken to permit the construction and maintenance of the herein proposed tunnel during the life of the presently constructed building provided that no expense to the city is in- curred due to the necessary moving or reconstruction of utility or other public structures now occupying the Sibley Street area, yIIff the Council concurs in this �r � -2 - recommendation, I recommend further that similar steps be taken to cover the similar existing tunnel near the proposed tunnel. The permit for the old tunnel was granted to Loeb and Cowing, Ordinance 5552. In the granting of permits for this work on and occupancy of Sibley Street, it is important that all costs be borne by the Government or others. The Department of Public Works has no funds to finance the rebuilding of sewers, laying new water main, new pavement or any other construStion contingent upon the building of the new Post £fice. Yours very truly, WM. N. CAREY, Chief Engineer. wnc-mh 1 Encl. ed: MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of rublic Works. -R -¢•.p•• 5�_C� SEWER - SIBLEY ST. SICLEY ST. SEWER RECONSTRUCTION SI-. P-1, Minn. Apr. 1932. V aMy ST.a[weR /yOte� Pion showin xfentofsawer to be re .... fro.ted 9 R.....TRU.TION a..ounf of propose tunnel cro.eing Sibley 9t., f.r new P..f MG... .EW.DR.S. N?2GI lam. [. TRANSITION STRUCTURE SISLEY ST. SEWER 91•. Paul, Minn. Apr.lEE2. I App -9caled/i•I' q I I H I•p. - i1JoAprex: .I y 0 I � Conceeh b- p - - Exiefln$Concnh91ob3_I _ .Z i'' Ezielin 1 Eziefing Traneitien 936"Yit. Pipe 1 V'h'f fed Sewer l einaN—e) _ Ib�vl,{p 0riek 6.. I �P PROP07EO Y-0' SEWER 16. r. Clefe'A C --f. � SECTION A -A vndN.d ,e2.<. hrtngb;ek SECTION S -D I I, - A ---11i PLAN TRANEIn"'MTAILS :EIBLEY ET.Arlor EE. 9Ew.CR.E NTEEE o.�•..., �. .... CITY OF ST PAUL Lr NO _9=1 OFFICE OF CITY CLCRK +++///�„I COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM ,,,,TE April 30, 1932 RESOLVED That upon the reco ndatlon sof the Commissioner of Education, the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized to enter into L a lease with the Remington Rand Business Service for furnishing 70 Standard Renewed Remington Typewriters and 30 Noiseless Renewed Remington Typewriters to various schools at a price of $7.00 each per year, for a period of one year, with option of renewing at same price at the expira- tion of yearfe contract, the Remington Company to warrant satisfaction of machine and service same free of charge for duration of contract. Charge Public Schools- Instruction Supplies- 15-0-6 Ycas coorvciLry Ery Nays �McDo^.Id In (awr �o.rn _ ^ Agai ss i Sudhcimcr "Mr. Pres,dcn, B° dl�c Adopecd h, ehc c ­—I APR 3 0 1532 Approved - - 19 / MAvoR �•W `�^ •••' CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO•--�^ FFICE OF CITY CLERK t n-a"inree J oU IL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL Fc.;,i e. tT—u"e- If ym Ig nt�obolt d 1 no-200.14"ngriaveat ogeai� WHEREAS, The Chief Engineer, by his oommunicatioil of April 20th, 1933, advised the Council that the Minnesota Transfer Bridge onDni.er city avenue, by reason of age and deterioration, had become una afe for ordinary traffic, and by reason thereof an emergency existed which ooUld be met only by making certain replacements, re- pairs and reinforcements thereto; and WHEREAS, The Chief Engineer and the Corporation Counsel have conferred witb the engineer, counsel and other representatives of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company for the purpose of making eat isfactory arrangements for the furnishing by said Company, at its own expense, of the labor and materials necessary for the making of such replacement., repairs and reinforcements to said bridge; and WHEREAS, Said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company has taken ongnizance of said emergency and of the necessity for such repairs to said bridge, and has appropriated a sum of money sufficient to provide for the making of the same, and has agreed to make them substantially as set forth in said communication of the Obief Engineer of the City, fort bwltb; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company be and it is hereby authorized, permitted and directed to forthwith proceed, at Its own expense, to make the repairs, replacements and reinforce- mente to said bridge set forth as necessary to met the said emer- gency in the said communication of the Chief Engineer of the 01ty, and to complete the same and to oau.e said bridge to be made reasonably safe for ordinary travel within a reasonable time. Yae couNClt.NeN Naye �MeDonald In hwr R� d Sudh— Against Rosen -W—i /Mt. Peaidmt lbds.aeBundl is Adopted by the Co flJ....r . rte -19— AW- 19— at, J CITY OF ST PAUL NO. 9/253 / OFFt CITY CLERK or.+mi y U y STUN RES L1—' GENERAL FO- -c✓ . April 24, 1832 RESOLVED Tkat Usessee for which s Bova have been made pplica by pereoue mored oa the attached list be and the acme are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to iesua such licensee upon the paynant into the city treasury of the required fee. Ycss coU rvci crnury CTauR— Nay. l MID.D ...Id In (..... "'"— �R— Againn ,�Sudheimcc /Mr. Pcesidenz B..dh, Qom�el . . _ n`Ki., +'�sz zzn�. e�Yis zz Adopted by zhe Ca..�il April 28, 1952 919. C. E. Larson 295 Maria Butcher G. L. A.der.on 215 Front Grocery H. E.Anderem 1559 H. Pascal W. R.A.derao. 2095 Cm o Av. " M. Bendel 1830 St. Clair " M. L. Beunar 1828 Fer-ia Helen B1—berg 2310 Como Sem Blomberg 385 Wabash, " Ed Bosa 116 W. 7th Confectionary Harry Braverman 1668 Selby Grocery A.Bredahl 1132 Payne Av. Confectionery E. M, rnes By 317 Selby Grocery W. Dorf— 556 Cedar ^ W. F. Dickow 461 University ^ Barry Divine 1150 Grand " Robert V.Ehnen 261 Selby ^ E. Pavillo 499 St. Peter " E. C. Ferguson 1932 St. Clair " Louie Fooehe 157 W. 7th Confectionery Samuel Poster 499 Rondo Otto G. 561 University W. H. Gerlake 817 Maryland Frank Gifford 234 Rondo John Gleason 331 Cathrodal Grocery Herbert Goldstein 391 H. Western Av. ^ Great A & P Tea Co. 949 Payne J. Green 217 State John Hutcheson 759 Selby " H. Hauer 559 Carroll " Prauk SoffID 622 Grand " C. W. S. Jacobsen 1097 Payne Bakery Albert J. Jana 71 W. 7tb Gonfecticnery J. P. Jelinek 961 W. 7th Mise Pima L. Job..— 6511 S. Snelling Bakery J, C. Johnson 651 S. Snelling Confectionery Fred Eastner 1540 W. Como Geo. F. Eobil.ka 1318 Front St. " J, E. Kr.—.r1.127 N. Chatsworth Grocery A. A. Lawson 1579 University Confectionery J. E. Lemon 8 E, 4th M. A, Lillie 499 W. 7th ^ John lynch 1818 Grand Grocery Myrtle M McArdell & Dorotby O'Neill, 2538 Marshall Confectionery Milli® Mav-Dolle 1580 St. Clair " William Mayberg 688 St. Peter Grocery John Melstaom 88 W. Cook " R. J.Messing 1820 Selby Confectionery Midway Market House 799 Raymond Grocery Joe. Montemarino 183 W. 7th " Mick Mmcciaro 818 Payne Confectionery Job. Papas 25 W. 10th A, J. Papa 2344Marehall J. Pial 1168 Thomas Grocery -2- Fdward Priestley 814 W. 7th ^rocery R. H. Primeau 565-5 University 435 E. 7th Soft drink Nick Pugleesa 284 Rice Confectionery Charles Pu11a� 958 E. 5rd Grocery R' Rick 756 Forest " 8. Schechted S 17 E. 7th Confectionery Scott Stores Inc 172 N. Snelling " J. F. Sheedy & Co. 389 E. Ga tee Grocery Margaret Shealy 95 Stets " Mr. Abe Soloman 558 Forest oretern " Chrle Stanger 1053 N. " John Stamp 1278 Selby " E. A. Strauch 440 University 2 C.F. Thine 1568 Randolph Bakery Yre. V. Thomas 171 N. Chatsworth Confectionery F. L. Towne 1220 W. Minnehaha Grocery G. R. Trautner 1465 S. Fairview Confectionery Wm. Turner 438 University " arma Umland Phcy 4286 Nebaeha " Unit ad CS�a a Co leis Selby Bakery Carl IIealmen - 1002 N. Dale Confectionery R. v. anutnn 600 Wflbeaha " H. H. Whiting 127s nod Grocery Joe. Wolslager 28 W. 7th Restaurant Ayers Catering Cc 919 Rice C. Hatroot 368 Wabash, " bet Shop Treat 171 E. 6th " 0. J. Douglas 194 W. summit " o. Elam Jos. Samoa & Chas. Wagner 842 " Cao Jamas E. 7th 880 E. 7th " J.F. Knollmeler 1828 St. Clair Bakery Yrs. Ieabal Ma'1118 244 S. Prier Restaurant Edgard Meier Lee Miller & Leo Lanphere 258 W. 7th " " Nick Mucciaro 818 Payne 48-56 E. 7th " Pieener Bros 7860 E. 7th " Geo. Olson 161 E. 4th " Anna M. Pryor 17 E. 7th " Scott Stows Inc 1613 University " Y. Rahn & W. Kaieer 193 W. 7th „ Sohn Sianko W. J. Utley 500 St. Peter " " Y. C. Lanphere 204 W. 4th Gasoline station Ed C. Breese 1201 Rice 2111 Ford Road Phil Gab is 541 Pt Douglas Rd ^ " $loetor 1234 Grand Johnson & ^erwln 744 E. 5m Walter Se henkler 1465 8. Fairview P pool tables W. Turnor J. Jtley 500 St. Peter 5 W. Yetropolltan Oper "--a 06 E. 6th Theater a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 7M1 UN01L RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Lyman P. Mitchell, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the 20th day of February, 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Lyman P. Mitchell the sum of $8.80 in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including March 2nd, 1932, said sum to be paid from the Workhen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. T141 n,11T1X;_­N {° .,...ee.^^, .1 1h.A P a 9 �o N�I�MeN APF 3 11 +(M Yen Nate AdoPhd by the Co 1 19— DeftraY �mY md)—id 4— In livor APP ed 19— Aearte Rchlaad s.dbe®eapine\ SOe an M,. P,eaid— Wa III Bundl l e " P.- 17mw +. 0 76,0. ..9 CIL ,RESOLUTION cooNm, rue No. i . vo R�LVMLI; THAT CRECKS BE DRAWN ON �HE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT oF1_, 70.754.25 4359 4412 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -TO-IN LUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED e. TIE COUNCIL APR 3 U 1932 s„EET TOTAL- FORWARD 51 310 66 �1087007 94 Ma ="OL� TE 255COUHe !/L COUNCIL RESOLUTION ...�A AC;DI"�'1?ll CLAIMS 9'.ril 29 1.32 °30441 X21 0 TOTAL �ur.e En IN FAVOR OF —_ av p T Fpw vA p 5l_21066�101663 61 4359 4360 BAldwln Supply Company I 128 7a 4361 Henry Larson IF. J. Reinhold 14 40' 400 Coll 4362 John 9. McDonald, Treae, ealth imployee. Relief Aeso cion 9 082 001 4363 John :i. maDonsld, Tress, Police Pension Fund 55 849 04, 4364 Yrs, Minnie e. loll" 20 00; 4365 Geo. F. Peglo. 56 701 4366 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Comps any 16 04 4367 Price Electric Company 106 67�'I 4368 E.J. Badlein 85 00' 4369 Railway Express Agency 17 66'; 4370 Raymer I" ,d... Company 122 38'. 4371 Resnick Auto PArts Company 59 00 4372 D.J. Riley Company, 2 19! 4373 4374 Robinson, ,sry s SAnde Company Robinson, Cary. 183 241, 4375 Sends C—onry Roe–James Glass Company 152 96'. 33 621 1 4376 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 97 21 4377 st.Paul Book & Stationery Company 595 43,. ' 4378 St.PSul Book & Station,, Com Any 387 92� 4379 St.Paul Book & St atio very comgany 297 93 4380 St.Paul Brass Foundry company 63 38. 4381 St. Paul masa Company 27 801 4382 St.Paul Letter Company 21 05 4383 4384 Bt.Paul Stemp works St.Paul 53 79• 4385 Vocational School st.Paul .welding - & mfg. company 6 15 37 67:: 4386 J, L. 9hiely company 34 00 4387 4388 singer Sewing machine Company 3mead 3 79' 4389 mfg, company c.J, smith I Company 10 46 15 591 4390 'W,F. smith Tire & Battery Company 94 291 4391 A.G. Spalding & Brothers 157 50 4392 Speakes company 160 23: 439} 4394 Sperry office Furniture Company Standard Company 572 90'' 4395 011 G.E. Steohert and Company 197 45 48 67 4396 P.D. Sullivan 96 48 4397 Telford K. Thompson 22 50 • 4398 4399 united sound Engineering Company Y111aume Eox & LumDer Company 46 38 153 4400 Raldorf Bindery Company 53 4401 F..E. Redelstaedt Company 302 70 257 j7 4402 vest Disinfecting Company Tia 50 4403 Fest End Ice Company 19 6o 1 4404 lest era Auto Supply Company ; 25 4405 veetern Stamping & mfg,Company 278 00 4406 seat—a Tea & Coffee Company 16 00 - 4407 R.P. Whitacre and Company,Ino. 121 79 4408 Whith Bear Press 2 00 4409 Amherst 9, 'Wilder Charities 5o 0n 4410 world kook Comoany 41, 47 4411 'nrthington Pump s msch.Corp, 17 4412 Kenneth M. ^ri Eht Studio 15 -0 s„EET TOTAL- FORWARD 51 310 66 �1087007 94 922516 - !)225 RESOLUTION co.,Hc,� Fig H Ap Til. 30 Is32 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 44 OF .COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO, 446 INCLq#IVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. enc Merv— o ACA �� �F T'cE of ,H ETcoM VTao���t, No 99256 Co xav LY COUNCIL RESOLUTION April 30 1A32 _X( DITED CLAIMS F416 965. 93 v�Meca / TOTAL o rv. ISI IN FAVOR OF a ROVGHT iO 1-1 1ns7nc17-- • 4413 4u ju et ue Yuneon 100 00 4414 Leroy -e ylman 52 50 4415 FAtelle D. Kelley 8 1 4416 Fuel 011 & Jae Comnany 127 4417 Feyen Conatruction Co- ny 4 989 5 4418 C. 0. oyum 132 0 4419 Ro_ert L. YCAd am 20 0 4420 L. Paulle Mid—y Company 300 0.'. 4421 Jahn h. McDonald, C. of Fin. 181 5 4422 John ', McDonald, cf Fin. 644 54 442} John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 2 103 11, 4424 John H. McDonald, Cof Fin, 36 817 01'. 4425 Jahn 'r. McDonald, C,, of Fin. 4 32j 5 4426 John F, McDonald, of Fin. 12 99 151 4427 John F!. McDonald, C of Fin. 244 60, 4428 John !!. McDonald, C. of Fin. 812 50' 4429 John H. McDonald, :. of Yin. 4 588 94, 4430 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 5 427 6� 4431 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 9 563 2 4432 John F. McDonald, C. of Fin. 11 335 0 443' John F. McDonald, of Fin. ;114 635 7 II 4434 John F. McDonald, C. of Fin. '.1.129 883 15, 4435 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7 208 20I. 4436 John H. McDonald, C, o1 FSn. 3 219 04 4437 John H, McDonald, C, of Fin. h 369 34 4438 Cat beri ne M. Cl au gh arty, J��ardlan 40 001 1 4439 9oard of Public yelfare 10 040 111, 4440 John H. McDonald, D. of Fin. 14 422 15', 4441 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 26 51 511 444}}2 3t. Paul Carriage 'corks 1� J75 444f1 The Sm oke, Cotn-ny 197 40, John ri. Mc�o n,al d, f FI n, 104 On. 4445 John H, McDonald, 7, of Fin. 1 629 41 4446 John H. Mc0onold, .; ,f tin. 6 193 Pb 4447 Clara Aamold, '`Sloe of -,A, 10 011. 4446 Ann F. Campion, "Sdo� of 30 00111 4449 Helen -111v�n, "ido� of M. 3, '0 001�� 4450 °oc, for the Prev, of Cruelty 200 0,- 4451 Mr;. Anna Schneider 17 28.. 4452 Jarol Co, .00k C—m ,ny 12 08 4453 J. ,,,,F, F, R»1 n, Cashier 's,peptl. 164 77'. e 4454 McRaseon-3t.Pa.u1 Drug Comoeny 21 59. 4455 The Mueller Comoeny 3 022 03 ;—TTOTAl I—An. 51 310 66 3.503973 77' i I No 92257 y COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS April 30 s 2 _ `9 59i.L2 TOTAL IN FAVOR OF ez��c HT ci�wna� -- — -- -- -- -- - 51 310 66. 15Q39Zi-4- — • 4456 11 erickote Company 75 00 4457 Charles Start 32 00 4458 John H. uCC_ all, C. f Fin. 2 255 02 4459 John H. Yo Ooneld, C if Fin. 3 151 50 4460 Reuben L. Anderson 500 00 446 3 555 00 4462 ;pecl wl ty Pri ntin., ..ompwny 27 9Q • 51c_T 10T11 -09—nn 51 310 66 1513565 19 y I 92258 CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CO��(Jryµ/j//'�C,IL RER E.S�O LL}/UUTIIOaNN—¢�Gj EENERAL FORM RESOLVED I That the proper city officers be end they are hereby eathorised end directed to pay the city'. proportiomte char. of the bills aehsitted by the Advfeory 0onrt Honce and City H.11 Bnilding Co®laalbh es ahem ca Ab- Btrect of, Claims Humber 23 of the Ldviidry Conrt Hmae ehd City Hall Baild- Sag Co®Sseioar totalling $146,005.26s the city's .hare of whim ie $73,002.66, sad ell as mom upon the clads submitted by acid Coemiasioa, Yca. Nay. ' Conroy May M1lcBonel� In (ayor R.— Aga�ns, Sudh-- / Mr. ?,-d— B -dim ' d d.11� 'Iq INIA111111 affi l 11 11, 1fins"V ,vu. Adop,cd by ,h, Council ;#0 2 1Qu I9 kyr Approyld 19 MAYOR o,,,.,„.. .•. ` NO CITY OF ST PAUL . a�^� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _COUNCI RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM wHEREAB, At its meeting on April 19th, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for wood benches to H. C. BOY --On Company, the low bidder, for the Bum of $15,499.00, the benches to be manufactured by the Macey Company; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oounoll hereby approves and concurs in the action of Baid Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and instructed to prepare the proper contract therefor. y<as cou rvci LrnEN Nays Adop„d by =h� C--1 44.41 Coo y Mayt .1�.4eDonn Fd' In favor APFrovcd /. 19 Sodh­ M,. N—d—, Bundle Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research""..... ` A,hl,:,, Club Building .m... o•i •A• �.d April 20, 1932. To the City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. At Its meting on April 19, 1932, the Advisory Court Hoose end Cl ty Hall Building Comisslon .e.rded the contract for eood bench - s to H. C. Boys... C.mpany, hose bid is lo• and is most favorable to the .ity and county. The bid is $15,499. It is understood that the benches n111 be manufactured by the Money Company. This matter is referred to you for your ..tion. T -y truly yours, Secretary, Advisory Court Ho—. " City Hall Building Cossml.einn. CPH: HH o......, .....�t. CITY OF ST. PAUL COU,CIL NO. 9V60 ' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK •L` C NCIL iiE50 UTION—GENERAL FORM -.ATE gym HEREAS, the City Council heretofore approved the award of - the contract for the steel furniture and furnishings in the new Court House and City Hall to the Art Metal Construction Company, subject to the architects agreeing that their total fees be not more than the sum of $32,008.70 on the wood benches, vault equip- ment, furniture end furnishingsand MEEREAS, the said architects have signed a written agreement to this effect, fixing their fees accordingly, and a copy thereof is hereto attached, and NHEREAS, the Alivisory Court House and City Hall Building Commiss i cn has approved the form of contract with the said Art Metal Construction Company and the bone of the St. Paul Mercury n Indemity Company as surety for tike completion of said contract, now thcr-f-r_- -t RESOLVED,that the Council hereby concu's in the action of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission anu ap?roves as to form the said contract and the surety on said bond, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and .irected to execute the said contract on behalf of the City. mr- Yea. eouNClLrnEN Nay./ Adopted by the Co..61- C lq19 XlmmX Conroy i. -.r May LI,D.,Ad In favor Apprpved _.___19___ s�andme J Ae,i� �s o/, we" � Rosen moron Mr. Pre.id t li6Hy.Lit Bundlie April 18, 1818. Advisory Court Rouse snd City "all BulldinR Ccm-Seeion, Saint Paul, Ylnnesota. Res Co, rt 11ouao and City }'all Oentln-1 In the rotnl nmeounteato hermpont onea nfurnl tures vaults enequlament arrcl benches, there is attnehedqulrr+d Intthe newtbuilding.td cost of rhn total equlpm You will recall chat when the question of furniture orlclnally arose, wood banohea and vault equipment were not. ooneidared a part of the furniture contracttt and we wo0ej9, pecent I rreesuld hove bene emit— to rndeAvforlcoodrbench— —11a ulth-Io quip's fees on rhe amount e+pm meet. L.tor.to aeoure more unified ,Or�lQ, r r`r, greater .wereel- co bined ands he ve be,. OOcsldmredtlassfvrnI tars.it area were If. Sa our dew ire to oonform as far as possible to the Intent of the oricSnnl understanding and to bring our fees ror within the orlvinal eetii-a`h1e b a1. coat of 1turiture furniehinrs and fame. 1p. our fees and turniehlnae would rave appro'Smated 'E17.SB1.. would have aVproaimated 358.609.70. or a total of 1860.000. of the6-43 In a vculttion wequipmentwould aand —Od bench a{— been entitled tollowoverr by t 1. binlnq those letter Stems wl rh 'he 6enerol furniture St We will not possible to accurately determine the oast thereof. therefore waive our claim to fees on the vault equipmwnt and t our totl aohl'sct'D r@ alo Lha wood benohes and &PTen Ce equlgasntaandrnituTe and wood benches - s 111 tum Stvre, furn lehlnRe, acipated not. closed tim oa he suorlPinalihe ont Of' SS2,600.70.r6 p.7O. furnshinne, namely• very truly yours. RLt.RR9R A(//p� l CO^Yf'AAY �7 1 LABI I ANN- ROOT _ DLL tfelea �'�"^m"/'•• CITY OF ST. PAUL .��' NO.— 92261 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU L' RESOLUTION GENERAL FO M as wzvv,s.,"e�yd'�""'"r`� � aar� Rmww= 6 RHERlAS, At its meeting on May 2nd, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for wood desks to the Sperry Office Furniture Company, the low bidder, for the sum of $29,990.00, the Commission reserving the right to accept any or all alternates within sixty days after the Hate the contract has been countersigned by the City Comptroller; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves of and concurs In the action of said Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw a proper form of contract therefor. Y eouwar.MeR / mercy / May —R-eW°' Nay. / 11 Adaprd by the Councl tQ19 4A.Q—Id In 6wr App— % 19— a-' ^ Sudh®cr >pin.t wrow 4osen —u4aW J /f.4. P,vldmt 11, ae-Bundlie .� C, itis of �ainit flaiil L=<rndiac tlrysrtmrnt may 2, 1932 The Honorable City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: At its meeting this morning the Advisory City Hall and Court House Building Commission awarded the contract far wood deslce to the Sperry Office Furniture Company, the lnw bidder, for the sum of $29,980.00, the Commission reeerring the right to accept amt my or all ;;e within eisty day.. This matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly youre, Advisory City Hall and Court House Building Commlesicn, Executive Secretary. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._.__.7(CaL� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COON RESOLUTION —GENERAL FOR WHEREAS, At its meeting on May 2, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for wood chairs to Wm. Yungbauer & Sone, Inc, for the aum of $39,947.50, the Commission reserving the right to sooept any or all alternates within sixty days after the date of countersignature of the contract by the City Comptroller; and WHEREAS, The contractor agrees to furnish or leave on deposit a Certified check in the sum of $2.075.00 as security, in addition to the usual contract bond; and WHEREAS, The Commission authorized R. S. Cardozo & Bro. Inc. to withdraw Its bid because it bad under-eatlmated the number of chairs required in making its bid; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That - the Council hereby approves of and concurs in the action of said Commission, and the Corporation Oounsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper contract tberefor. Ya. couwciurTen Nay leetmmr �Y� . AdaBaaM� i _In hwr s.dh—, _"i., wm,d i_....` Mr. Ps,9dmt � r –.eGc C itE of -*hint J1mit i:u-nh"' May 2, 1952 The Bouorable amity Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: At its meeting this morning the Advisory City Hall and Court -Daae Building owmiaeion awarded the contract for wood chairs to sm. Tungbeuer & Sone, Inc. for the sum of $59,947.50, the Commission g the right to accept any or all alter- nate. within sixt days. In addition to the usual bond Wm. T,mgbaper & Sone, Inc. agree Purniah or Ieave on deposits certified check in the amount to of $2075.00 ne additionalaeaurity. Before taking this action the Advisory City Bell and Court .on- Building Commission nthorized the B. H. Cardoso & Bro. Inc. to witbd—w their bid in view of the fact that they had —doN estimated the comber of chairs required in making their bid. Very truly your-, Advisory City Ball and Court Bougie Building Commission, Executive Secretary. CITY OF 9T. PAUL elle"— NO 92263 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r.�w C NCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM e �WL\4Dt WHEREAS, the -- -.-- --__-- -- - __ Co ;lesion, at Sts Ae Vt inb Court House ou eland City aonr Hall BUildijE of contract wl th Sohn Norto❑ to palet four murals in the Counr,il a. be" and the pond of the Seaboard 5 sety Cola,any as surety on the Hoed, 3uerante eia.; the nerfo mance of ale ntr se�act, ti:ere- fore oe it resolved: T:,at the 00un,•11 - reby an Haas o end co-tc ure in the action of the laid Co..,i e.:;ion, and tize croocr city officers ere hereby aut::ori zed a of the City, tD execute tr,e contrnct on behalf COUNCILMEN Yraa xaya Adopted by the Coun<iL-mHi �' 19 �Y Conroy lE*mmn May I-IX$d In favor ApPr9,Td _ _ 19_ _ Sudhei— _ Agaiaaz twlaeam Rosen MAYOR Mr. Pre bI— hl"#=It Bundlle ... CITY OF ST. PAUL iiivcic NO. ••^ .. /•� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK PrtR GO IL RESOLUTIOq—GENERAL F RM TE — Q690� WHEREAS, at its ^:e ding on May 2nd, 192, Is Advlsory Cjurt F. eb and ':Sty Hall 3uiCommleelon ap'i,roved Lue form of contract with L— Lawrie for furnishing ti,e a.odels 11r all Court House and City stone carvil_; on the exter for Of -,!,,e..e �.�,r Hall, i,nd the bon of the Seaboard Surety Com.1any, guaranteeing the oe rf ormance of tl:^ contract, them=ore be it RESOLVED, tt,at the C—cil approves of and concurs in Che ect ion of the Adv'_sory Court Hoare and City Rall Builaing �^�:: as;lon, end the proper city officers are hereby author ized ^n.'..red to exec its tiro contract on oehalf of the City. i rect eOUNCILNEN 9 1CM ly Yeas Nays Adopttd by the C -61-=V �Connvy _. _.. Tx4i May '�In favor APP�j _19_- d6e8rssii //'_ j//r/ �Omxk -Feml j ""Y�`�r"-1/—, MAion_ $udheimer / _ _1 Aeslnsr 1�713e7c -.oxen �'Mr. President IbHlr a Bundlie Qitp of �$nfilt fiaiil Lvndiu�• l,y�,rtinvnt Way 2, 1932 The Honorable City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentleman: The Advisory City Hall sad court Muse Building Commission re -affirmed its award of the contract for exterior sculpturing to Lee Lowrie in the sum of $13,750.00, approved the contract as to form and approved the Seaboard Surety Company as to surety. This matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly yours, Advisory City Hall and Court House Building Commiseton., Eaecutive Secretary. Pag,uon� MCDm ld �t APPro Robland S.dhamer apex w. Mr. Preaid- Hadg° ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC CouyrRESOLUTIO GENERAL e" ew� (/J �—a Rnmexna — -- WHEREAS, The Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Com- mission has adv'asd the Council that it has authorized the following extras since the last report, viz: GENERAL CONTRACT - TOLEy BROS. INC. Extra Work Order No. 40 authorizes the moving of location of a door in the Comptroller's department, cost $24.00 Extra Work Order No. 41 authorizes enlarging the ballot box storage room, cost Extra Work Order No. 42 authorizes Changing lo- 53.65 cation of door in Water Department, cost 21.60 Extra Work Order No. 43 authorizes obanges in the Department of Education as shown On drawing No. 217; changes made necessary due to a change in the Depart- ment'e system of filing, coat 149.63 'trar No. 44 .ailing height inOtherMunicipal uEnd rDistrictnCourtthe 01. rk's vault., cost Extra Work Order No. 45 authorizes moving par_ 52.98 ti tl one in the County Engineer's office, c0e Extra Work Order No. 46 authorizes enlParging the 72.00 8anitati on Department, cost 82.11 Extra Work Order No. 47 authorizes an additional wood gate in counter in Room 1-820, cost Extra Work Order No. 48 authorizes moving the 36.20 counter in the County Auditor's office, cost 88.85 Extra Work Order No. 49 authorizes providing a recess In the south well of the city Bank Oashier s space in order to receive two safes, cost stools,tra , rk Order al 123.00 marble wideningao. st stools, andraEes mmarbleibase for the cigar counter, cost JJ 324.00 NECHANIOAL CONTRACT - HEAL�16 pLDL -G & HFATING 00. Extra Work Order No ae 8 authorizes replacing the present wornot stream return lines and small leader in the County Jail with extra heavy copper tubing and stream line fittings, coat 278.00 ELECTRIC CONTRACT - COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC 00. Extra Work Order No. 8 authorizes additional out- COuwer4M ea N., Adopxd by xbc C ­ A_,_ 19— Pag,uon� MCDm ld �t APPro Robland S.dhamer apex w. Mr. Preaid- Hadg° CITY OF ST. PAUL "Lr -.L NO. --- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 'aED By He�dl.Yre � (2) lets in the Sanitation Bureau, coat 627.00 Extra Work Order VO. 9 authorizes additional conduit, wire, etc. for finishing rooms 719 and 68.00 3-Y16, cost THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council approves of and concurs in this report, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to add the respective amounts to the con- tract RUV of Foley Bros. Inc., Healy plumbing & Heating Company and the co®onwealtb Electric Company. Yon counatu.�en Nay,/ / WD—Idin hvw />i,W�dPearoe� "A& -.4 -Rosen w Pmidmt -gm Bundlie Yay919— Adop[cd by the Cowcd - APP � 19— v' PuuLIsuLIb.L.=--��'- p pity of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk min 1. GIBBONS, Cey GeY on., ci.n cw cY.n .nd Cn�nlWxnb d exelA�aen ai.i ci.n 4yx.xw. M,W 2nd, 1932. Yr.L. L. inderaon, Corporation Couneol, Building. Doer Sir: The attached list of ertmir end various contracts for t clerks on he construetlon of the City Ball and Conrt House • referred to you by the Coln it ♦Sth request that yon dreg a reeolutioa approving these. Tonne very truly, City Clerk. " Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research m .4,hlc:c Club B.ilJinr """"^•""'^"""" 4210 �... ..,........".,.,,. April 2B, 1922. To the City Coanuil, City of Saint Peal, Minnesota. OenLl®en: The following extras and credits have been certified to the ...traetore dace the last report: 6MP1L CONTRACT — rOLDT BBDS.. IHC. "'tra Rork Order Ta bar 40 aatborises moriag the lCcs- tioa of a door in the Compt-11-1s Department, cost . . * 24.00 "'tm work Order Humber 41 authorises enlarging the ballot boxstorage room, cost . . . . 52.65 "'tm Work Order Hmber 42 authorizes Chsnglng loon tion of door in Water Department, met . . •. . 21.60 Lara Work Order Wmbsr 43 authorises cbangssin the Dspartesot of 8daoation as shown om dm i% Humber 217. Chan- ges msde necessary due to s change in the Dapartment'e system off111ag, cost 149.63 Wataa Rory Order Humber 4q�authorines abanging they Ceilingheight Sn the Municipal and District court eI.rk-. emits, cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.98 "'tar Work Order gmber•45 anthori.es moving par- titions I the County Woglmerls office, cost.y 72.00 "'Era Work Order Humber 46 authorises enlarging the Ssnitstion Depertmont, Cost. . . . "'tar work Order Humber 47 antborlses en additional 62.11 .Cod gate in coaster in Hoorn 1-020, Cost . . 36.20 Lara Work Order Humber 48 anthorizes moving the Counter in the County A.uditort. office, Cost 58,65 Lara Work Order Humber 49 authorizes proriding a recess in the south sell of the city bank Cashier's space 1. order to receive tsC safes, cost . . . . . . .. . . . 123.00 Extra Work Order Humber 50 authorizes additional marble stools, widening stools, and a marble base for the Cigar Counter, Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324.00 1a'CHAHICAL COWMgT HN►LT PL0MBINO 6 HBLTiHO OOITLNT Lara Work Order Humber 8 anthcrizes replacing the present wormat sloe. return line. and small header in the county Jail with extra heavy copper tubing and streets line fit - tinge, Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278.00 To the 41ty,0oa-oil -2- April 28, 1932, HLHCTHIC COHTBAOT — COIOWONII ALTH MACTHIC CCICPAU Hstm Wort Order Humber 6 aathorisse additional oatlete in the Beal tailor Bureau, cost . . .$ 27.00 Hctm Cork Order H,mber 9 a¢thorisse addlLionel conduit. sire, etc., for flat shSng Hoes 719 and "16, cost . . . . . . . . . 66.00 Credits GMUMAL OOHTBAOT — TOIST BB08 INC. Credit 1-ber 4 ie s credit betseen the allosanos end the price for bHase elevator doom. The all—ce see 522,000, the Coe, tract price $12,600, the credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,600,00 TOTAL HTTBAB An OMIT6 b The extras antbarleed hemi- aggregate $1,360.82, mile the credits total $9,800. The estms authorised elms the balldiug — started total $ 97,806.80, shile the credits aggregate $66,166.00. OPH:SH 7ery truly yours, Secretary, Advisory Court Houea end City Hall Building Oomplseion. CITY OF Sr. PAUL 22 L NO. OF CITY CLERK uT1oN—GE E L Fa n. i n R1'*.1.2A1lomm 'e ...yyylll444/// ->si aO ° iurs teed ai �°it°laa° WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 90627, approved October 8, 1931, the Council, on November 2, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House, held a public bearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain house located on Lot 19, Block 8, Edmund Rice's Second Addition, also known as No. 162 East Acker street, following due notice of said bearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it to the opinion of the Council that said building Is unsafe and danger- one to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; therefore, be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. �eaN��,ea '1 AY 310 y— Nays Adapted by tht Coundl 19- -Gk -r / Md.,Wd LIn f.— App-- �— —19— Sudhe®ern giin°t 'Mr. Pte°id— City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk WKI J. GINOW, Car C k aackn C= •nd C:ewiwbnu d enhn.nerr a.r o.n ,.nW.a., flay 2nd, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Gooneel, Bull ding. Dear Sir: we enclose herewith Council File No. 90627 in the matter of condemning that certaln house located on Lot 19, Block S, Edmund Ricers Second Addition, known as 162 Zest Lcker Street. Thi: Condemna- tion wm confirmed by the Council today and referred to you for the proper regio lotion. Tour: very truly, City Clerk. aW n m^ �� CITY OF ST. PAUL e , OFFICE OF CITY CLERK c. ai- ua a me tyvyrvGl LUTIOt♦r-GENERAL FOI N�.... on WHEREAS, As provided by Council File NO. 91582, approved January 30, 1932, the Council did, on the 24th day of February, 1932, at ten olelock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, bold a public bearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame building located on part of Block 69, St. Anthony Park, being in the rear of 975 Bradford street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and ad- joining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the OOmmiaeiOner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said build- ing or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the O0MoIll,, u Ado ad he Cow 7 Ay ,,Qr 19— Yas Nate P by CLmy90aavf 8erw+ao Ifag- _SI Ur t McDooeld _In law, APP 19— �AeWnd Pe &roe 'Sudhe®cr E?mn , /.�Ro9en v' Pl16LISHI:D� � 3 Mr. Pwaidea[ Wds.auH[mdlle — City of Saint Pahl Office of City Clerk Hnpolo aiomnra WU 1. GIBBONS. UH O.,k ,esW .nd Ci , 0 e.lN.Ilon Yqy 2nd, 1932 Mr. L. L. Indere.., Corporation Counsel, Building. Bast Sir. To enclose herewith Conacil File !90941 in the matter of ..ad:..ing the barn aad -hada located on Lot 10, Block 2, Brew,tw. . Idd'tion, knosn a- 110-112 Viola street; also C_11 File No. 91582 in the matter Of condemning that cartel. two-story frame building located . part of Block 69, St. Inth.av Park, in rear of 975 Brad- ford street. The above condemnation order, were con - finned by the Council today and referred to you for the Proper resolution,. Yours very truly, City Clerk. IAI CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRZNDZAND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS May 10, 1932. Hon.Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Cn May 3, Council Resolution 92267 was passed by your Hon- orable Body confirming the condemnation by this office of the building in the rear of 975 Bradford Street. May I respectfully advise in this connection that on April 27, this year, the owner of this structure took out a per- mit to completely rebuild and remodel this building. Under such circumstances we recommend that sll Council pro- ceeding. on this mat tar be terminated. Yours truly, Cos5U1 s s i(7figr/C•.. h" FORM No, 2 Subject: l Council File No. ///��� Date presented 1932 `R,6 lv da, YIHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in /ccoredance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE John Cronin Uty.laborer 6 hrs. .55 Thomas Hennessy Common laborer 8 .45 Edward Walsh " " 8 " .45 John F. Conroy Uty.laborer 10 .55 Daniel O'Connor 16 .55 Nicholas J. Wagner " 8 " .55 Ole Munson Foreman 2 h„s, .84 Leonard Munson Sub -foreman 2 .62 William D. Carlson Ditch digger 4 .55 Michael Mulkern, Jr. " 12 .55 nc9 'nm v....'.. urs ... .o . .ei �'9"o ra em nu Ayes Councilmen N.Y. °'° .Donald / .oP.�.. ' 'se �y. Adopted by t. e 'a�.> ; i?:xi 52 /�P %�' ce /$osen J ' �Sudheimar Aperov Y d' 1932 MT, President Rundlie FOFN No. 1 May 2, 1932 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of 'Nater rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Repairer water main at Mccarrons Pumping Station.* Patrolling Vadnais Lake.# Operating Hi,hland and Hazel Park pumping statlons.+ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and c1re—stances: *Leak in main. #To prevent tras- - TIES 7�� �yIT�`y/(/,�(9'� _ 92M o..=..... .��.., r.^ Cl/`' _- 'F ST PAUL r�tc . NO. OFFICE F CITY CLERK r %�Cgk1N iL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORMPRESENTED i rrEB (l//ATe RES L-0 ^mea i won t "s`nn„e ei`.�a a owi That Permicrlon be and is hereby granted the . a Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, Lo set aar poles and string r3res with then ar7 anchors thereon on the following named streets: In Alley North of Maryi—D St. from White Bear Ave. to Ruth St. Polesend wires to be r —el .- r ested to do o by the Covmon CouncSl,ou said coot Lobe paid by the Telephone Company. AFprovcd• / T cr / Dxte„':� — �— .yup t. of L ghting Bureau I Approved:' up't..of Pol: ce Alnrm & Teleg/ Approved:_____ Date Com.4 er f Pari: &Playgrounds / Approved: Date Commlosioner ofPuh11c Works. Yeas co ONcicMev Nays Adopicd by C stay May McDonald In (aver Ap p.art� � Rosen / _. Sd+,enss.t •M6��p7 AYOR Mr n PL'6L,1lI(:U�` —J CIT4 PAUL sir NO. ...92270 OFFI OF CITY CLERK r sO��NCI SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEn ( OAr[ RESOLVED a�Qa aP�s o 0 That Permission be and is hereby granted the a Tri-State Telephone & Telegrspb Company, to set poles and string wires with the necessary anchors , thereon on the following named streets: On Smith Ave. from Banfil to Ramsey Street. Poles end wires to be removed ban requested to do ao by the Common Council, said coat to be paid by the Telephone Company. Approved: c c Data,1 `. ' -� 2 p't. of Lighting Bureau 777 Approved:. Li. i'• �oDate Sup' f Police Alarm & T leg. TT� Approved.Deis Co on r f P & Pleygrounde Data j Approved: Commissioner of Public Works Yc+.+ coVrvcil.M ery Nays / May /McDonald ,Ia few. / Roacn Ag.-, �rdfiw Adop.cd by Ibc Coancd 4.'9J: 19 19 -It a- _. _. ♦ajhM IAYOR PI RI.IY'rIED �. o.=.•.,o u.. �..,. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 92271 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RE IO�GENERAL FORM / l sE Tm a _ AT1tf dC RESOLVED In the Ite _ -_ 1ro',.oc., oa,noe trees o.. S, tl: _e.. zt, ntfrom :.—bsrd Ave_ :e to .a—dcl_�treet, under rde2 e; Ir—d tooter 3�, 1-'1, e.,.. Finel C. roe- C. X7935, approved ;,arch Sl, 1932. Resolved, 11`n— tie 1 -n, end epe n7.fi cr,'�ie:ie a_ sig-i:,ted for tic ebe-:e imc rove:,.ei��, Un te s...,,1 ere h --y nprove, enP. Lie of _loyEr. unde 4 7utli c. tuii<:Soge be and Y, ie h -,by d1^ected to to the ac, by Force ,,aunt —Id that the i-uccre .Agent Fro Geed tc secu.e ti', ne cesr ry —te.iel. Es i..,r ted Cost -,726.C„ - ��eau°v o'i6e=n"A}k auA«,eel Y.". courvc 11" Nay: ,. M / May MCD"nald /In F..o� 1952 Adop,.d by ih. Co—1 1 'R Ap Y 19 ••••y �rr�vL ,.w, rAnYOR `.. CITY OF ST. PAUL r« NO. 9227_2 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RE 6N—GENERAL FORM PRI-Es�Ea RESOLVED In the matter of planting snd protecting shede trees cn Exeter Place from b:ersha Ll Avenue to Dayton Avenuo, ander ;-reliminary lode, C. i. 30625, ap,,.roved Gotobe 30, 1351, and }i—1 irder C. T. 81936, approved \arch 31, 1332. rtesolved, Ph, L t -,e plans end specifications as c—,Jtted for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby e proved and the on19 sinner of .a.. , rlaygrounds & Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to do the work by i—ce Account and that the Pur :-sing Agent proceed to secure the necessary materi-l. Estimated Cost x205.00. °P"Lm"mm�rl .o , en I of rS�iia_i "r �. �aax. Ycss courvci Lra-1 Nay. / M� McDonald In (evor Pcarcc Ro.rn �� Again Adowd by x6 Council I' i IM29 ovcd u' � x.911. 19 i e4� mwvoR o,a.„., .o. .. ,.... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 92273 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 0 'Z 0_ T GENERAL FORM RESOLVED In t^.e ,imtter of planting and protecting shade trees on Cnpitol -venue fro::. „exingtou Avenue to xford street, under Yrell T.inary order C. F. X0365, spiroved Seot—bar 5, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91934, aFproved ;.arch 22, 1932. Hesolved, 'P- t t^e ,.lana avid speeifice:.ions ':s for to above —n.ed i;:iprove::.ent be and the sa.i.e are hereby ap,rovad end the Oo—issioner of Parks, Play,;— —ds & Public buildings be and he is h—eby directed to do the work. by Force Account and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary material. Estimcted Cost w171_- _ c: iu°Para`: MAY 1 M? Yeas Nays Adop,,d by ,h, Council 19 �.. G 3. / McDonald / Rcarcc Roacn MAYOR ��Yd0 oR e.o....o c... .... CITY OF ST PAUL iii[ c NO. 92274 OFFICE CITY CLERK CI RE —GENERAL FORM SS RESOLVED In the n1at;,er o;rle�ting and protecting shede t�-es - St. -11lr Street fro.; Albert Avenue t^ Passel Avenue, under r-elimJnary —uer C. F. 90830, approved Ccto.,e 30, 1931, and Yinal Crder C. P. 3197, ., _ved _arch 2:_, 1932. Hesolved, That t',a plans and specsfirn ti-�.s as -o:citte. for tie above r_. -d improve,ent be anc ti, sane e.e _e_•eby ,gyp. roved and tie Com:.ia sioa :• of � r , llaygr unde A -d _'ublic _'ulldings be an.: he is *e'.e'cy lirected to do the work by:-o.ce c.cc:unt ar..l that .he Purchasing _seed tc scc _re the nec.s� at,,ja 1. Estimated Cost ,...o ..CC u�.v + uxxl CO1NC1LMEN MAY 419.12 Ycas Nay. Ad-ptd by ,1�c Coua[iI 19 cDoaald Ia (awr Ap rd 19 //y �//^// ' Rosa` / Agoi a1 SYdi.�orr ,�� MAYOR / M.--Pr...JmrBundfic CITY OF ST. PAUL sib[ NO. 9(/(5 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL Rll ON— GENERAL FORM ertas[rviao RESOLVED in t,c _c. c' Plc n ln,; r _ rote ct ir.. t. r..... s r'. bl-e. -: on slde r, . ce...,c: t,udevr -os — FoeSro:_ ,t:,o A,-- to :e. '.ol;l- 3--t, -do, .','e Lin,lne r -r rde_ C. h. 0503, at.,roved „nrch ';'3, 1931, and e'i:iel ri— C. oJ307, approved !.-y "o, 1931. ,resolved, '^iat tt'eape cil'ieeticns cs sub,.l t•..ec ,,..e nc ove .ed Improv --,ant to end _.e ,e I,— 1—bye,. proved and the Con..ais sior.er of , .'r-J_r I:^.ds - ..iullc L.i-1 c.ir-s be and o Ie hereb; directed to de the v-1, by =once Account ace ttat the Purc-^esing Agent Proceed to secure the necessary Ycae eou rvci�M ary M May Na� �fvlcDanald In fa.or Pcarcc /ROifn /� Againsr S.LL— Adoprcd by ,6 Council �QY 1f1�i9 ,L A ��� mnvoR CITY OF ST. PAUL — NO. --W,276 OFF] 1 OFFIC F CITY CLERK UNCI B ON—GENERAL FORM ONO'ATE L L' RESOLVED That the application of E. H. Tyler for permleeion to install a cash and carry See station on the northeast comer of Como avenue end Kent street, be and the Baine is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for the erection and maintenance of said ice station, the building to be in accordance with the Building Code. This permit to granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Yo+ couNta t.cteH Ntye / 1`1teclpeM.ay / G May !/ MtDomld In fi- -R-W-d Pearce mat �itmaaL Rosen Me Ptesdmt ikiga�d}}e -az : - th mUam eeKfe> Adopted by the C—d MAY 41932 19- 19— City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk ALIKE J. GIBBONS, Clry O.h aid ci.n ciry U.n .nd Cewmlolo.n of Rerl .. C= Key 2nd, 1932 Yr. L. L. Lndereon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirl The attached application of E. H. Tyler for pit—ieeion to Snetal1 a cash and carry ice station oa the northeast corner of Como and Hent St. .a referred to yon by the Council today for the proper resolution greating the eame. 7oure very truly, City Clerk. IL II IIA�II�� `�II II'�I�I�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 29, 1932. Hon. Co�mc11, City of St. Faul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the application of E. H. Tyler, who asks for permlesion to ,natal 1 a cash and carry ice station on the northeast corner of Como and Kent. This property is in a "Light Industry" classification under the zoning ordinance and we reco=mmend that it be granted. Your p7ely',�1'`/ L City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CBy CI. k •nd C...1 — of R.yirt.eon / April 28th, 1932. Hon. C. B. May, Come r of P.P. & 1. Bldg.., Building. Dear Co®S.sioner: We attach herewith application of E. R. Tyler for permission to install and operate a cash and carry to station oa Lot 13, Hlock 4, Deaelow1e Addi- tion, being on the northeast comer of Como Avenue and %eat 31—t. This matter wa referred to your department, by the Council, for iave.tlgation and report. Your. very truly, City Clerk. St. peal, Minnesota, April 26th, 1932. To the Honorable C-il. Gentlemen: I hereby make application for a permit to install and operate a cash and Derry Joe station on Lot 13, Blook 4, Deneloe-e Addition, being oa the Hortheaet corner of Como Avemoe and Seat Street. Tonne very truly, ffT:=BY ' CITY OF eT..lp ee�ol i�:eooal6woi°� emepie11 fJQ,_-922W p� OFFICE OF CMT -,,¢Aj"1"o ° , R[SmCMM WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 90941, approved Novem- ber 14, 1931, the Council did, on December 9, 1931, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the barn and sheds located on Lot 10, Block 2, Brewsterts Addition, also known as 110-112 Viola street, following due notice of said hearing given pur- suant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said buildings be wrecked and removed, and that y a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said buildings, be mailed to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said buildings, by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the council. eoonaunen 4^AY I�Ji Yoe Na / Adopt°d by the Couneil 19— g"g '.v MLD—Id —h favor 19— R.hhnd Pearce s.6— -}Ag i"'t setly rwrow w -W Rosen Mc. Pwddm -_^ PUDLISI II.I? d / "WEN SIO CIMMI SIO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFIO OF CITY CLERK / pt1NCIL - OLUTION—GENERAL n (/,'� 1� o , , 227 „La NO. J�N• FORM DATE April 29, 1932 RESOLVED F<rgueaa McDonald In the matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewa_k at the following locations: North side Grand Avenue beginning at Finn venue, thence east 38 feet, begimling 20 ft. farther east, thence east 30 feet East side Finn Avenue beginning at Grand Avenue, thence north 60 ft. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. I Yeas eou..... NNav a Clancy F<rgueaa McDonald In favor Rohlaad Sudh6— Against Nenzel __� Adopted by the CO ... il_ MAY IGY'19 s�isy,L9 ,A«py Mnvoa LL by Ae.a Commit File No..—._9>G2'79 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT n,d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,mig.ed hereby propose, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, vie.: Reconstructing, relaying, and repairing, the sidewalk at the following locations: North side Grand avenue beginning 59 f et east of Finn .............. Avenue, thence east 30 feet. Dated this 29th..d.y of _.. April. (,.,/ __. —. 1..._.. _..._ -_ -_ _. '^ePaevurrxaernoemems PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writhe. proposal for the making of the following improvement, vie.: ?., , onstructing...releying_.and.repairing...the sidewalk_at_.._.__.__.. the following locations: _..__.. ._.._...Horth-si"..Grand Avenue, -beginning --68-feet -east sf...F4nn.-....-.......... Avenue, thenoe east 30 feet. h,vi.g bee, preeented to the Council of the City of St. pawl _. ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be oad i, hereby ordered aad directed: 1. To inveatigot, the mr-aity tor, or desirability of, the making of said impm-m m. 1L) 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of void imp ....... I, end the total coat thereof. n0A �A 3. To fumieh a pl.., profile or eketch of ,aid improvement. 4l ` 9. To .tate whether or not said improve—.t ie ,,ked for on the petitior on of three or me owoere !� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Fi...... Adopted by the a... ea..___- MAY 4 S* Yews Neva Couvcilma, r^"""' Mev Approved_.. ..... ........ .�__,_. ..._.._. ...._.__. McDoxe>.o R.... gyawerre:a...........__.___...___........: ..........._....__.___... _.._._.. aw" Mayor. Council File No._..... .= -. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi,.: ..._ _Reconstructing _ relay.l..n8__azAd. _z.eP"Xittg,.._tbe._aldewalk on the south side of Orange Street baglnning_130 feet east of Edgerton Street, thence east 80 feet. / Dated this 29th _day of 1932 A r {� j PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Reconstructing x�lAY;Lag. and repairing,... the.side.alk on ....._._._ Qy the aouth_side of Orange Street _beginning 15.0_feet_eaat of F' Edgerton Street. thence east 60 _feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .... _._...... ._ therefore, beit RESOLVED, That the Commimioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered cod directed: 1. To invoetignte the necessity for, or doeirshility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and intimated coat of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not aid improvement ie inked for no the petition of three or more owners S. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council — MAY 1 1932 Yana Neve cnnmaman MA .. / Y , Mev McDoeco Peeaca Roe.N 8e...... Tfa. o_.e.......,, r„m c, unm corn / PUBLISf-B.D�_ �/ •., a/ .. Con.eil File N... __ 9220 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d—ig.ed hereby prop.... the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on. Shesouth side_.of-West.. Seventh.. Street,._beginning _.... 181 feet west of Chestnut Street, thence west 87 feet. Dated this 29th .day of April, 1932��1U _.. AMV[at rvrce�meet PRELIMINARY ORDER. e WHEREAS A Inuen prop al for the mak,ng of the folio g mprovem t ..,._Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk e. on the south side of West Seventh Street, beginning V81 feet_we@t of Chestnut Street, thence west 87 feet. ............ _. ..._._._... having bee, pre.e,ted to the Council of the City of Sl. Paul...... .... ___ ...._.._ _ __._..._..__. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered sad directed: t. T. i.veetigate the ,eeee.ity for, e, desirability of, the making of said imp—sm-t, 2. To i.vcstig,u the nature, extent and esti... ted cost of said improvement, sad the total east thereof. 3. To furnish . pl.., ponfil. or .ketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or not said improvement is asked for o, the potiti- of three or mare ownere 5. To report upon off of the foregoing matters to the Cummimi... r of Fi...... Adopted by the Canoed __..__._....._......"y.._.4.�532.. .__._....._... Yee. Nere Cou.cilmav 6_.."",. n Mer Approved.....:...._. MoD oxe.. Pseac. R.— M. n.._e,...... ♦ot►ft Mayor. :.-5- 7 - :Ya Conned Fit, N-- 9;1282 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making ,ftimfollowing public improvement bythe City ,fSt. Reconstructing, relaying, and repairing, the sidewalk on the south side of -Juno Street, beginning. 246 feet west of Chatsworth Street, thence W -M 30 fee Dated this. 29th of 29th April. 1932 Ig le. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written p,,p ... I to, the making of the following inep .... me p Reconstructing relaying and repairing, the sidewalk ___an...the. south &Jde-of. Juno Street_beginhing, 245, feet- mest.- or, Chatsworth B.treet, thence west 36 feet. hoeing been prknt,ed to the Council of the City'M St. Pont ..... ...... tbemfmo, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wm1m be and i, hereby ordered nod directed: I. To i—netipte the necessity f,,, or doeimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the ..t.o., extent ..d estimated —t; of said improvement, aad the total cont tbeomf. 3. To furnish a plan, profile no sketch of mid innp—onneat. 4. To etme whether no not mid improvement ie naked for .n the petition of three or more owoere 5. To report upon all of the fm,gjW,tetq"h, Cmmimi.nor of Finance. Adopted by the Conned Y.- Neve Councilman 0 ----- 1-.k11 M— Approved_..__.._.......... -1 MoDo ALD P IRCE Be— .......... . . ....... #10- Moyne I—A u gar 1-11 Conned File Na__._- .9,283 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theu,d,,ig,,d bereby prop.... the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _. _. Constructing. a.. brick_ croaalng on the_. south s7,d.e_of ......._.. ... Curtice.Street ..across.. Rivervi err.. Avenue. Dated this. 29th ...,day of __.. April, 19322 /f �✓ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wriltea proposal for the making of the following improvement, via �:'V crossing on the south side of"rte^T Constructing a brick- Curtice Street across hivervfea Avenue. fl having beco pr—ted to the Council of the City of St. Poul. _...... ..___ ......._____......._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimioner of Public Work, be end is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end estimated coat of said improvement, and the hotel coat thereof. 3. To fuenieh s plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To ,tate whether or not said improvement is caked for on the petition of three or more —mall 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cmamissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......__..__.._..._.......-wY.. . .._.. _....._. Y.- N— C ... dhom. ersCouncilman Oe+mer- Mer Approved.._........ ----- F_-. ._ . ....._......... McDorrew - - %// Peence O Rosen Saeeew w _........___ ........... ........... ....... __......... ...."._ M. p lYMO Mayor. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. .._....... .92 9. The undereigned hereby propose, the making of the following puhlie improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: _.__ Constructing a sidewalk on the south side of Fauquier ......... _ _ _. _.................... _... _... Street from Kennard Street to 50 feet west of the east line oflot 4, Block 31 Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 28th_ ___day of .......April, 1932 e Dated this.. .. .. :ice. o area ror In. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pmpo.al for the making of the following improvement, viae __..„CpD.9.Lru9tiL?E.a sidewalk q.1 the south side of Fauquier _.__. SG.r991 frgm_ KennardStreet to_50 feet Nest of the east line of lot _4, Block _3, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. ..__..___. ......_..____ ........... ___. ._ _'____..._ ........._... having been preeeated to the Council of the City of St. Paul... ........ _._.___.._ . ........._.._ therefore, be it_ RESOLVED, That the Commiseioncr of P'lie W.A. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nemmity for, or desirability of, the making of acid improvement. 2. To investigate the Stone, extent End eetim.ted coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To famish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To Stene whether or not said improvement i, asked far on the petition of three or more owners 5. To mport upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 41932 Adopted by the Cou.efl___........_.._._..._...._....._._........ .........__._... Y.. Nere Councilman Geweer- Yl �✓ . Mer Approved......_._f. MCDON.Lv /l P. -e. U ROSEN _._._.._.... &AUft Mayor. .�reranaema„_ %�� Petition Council File No.._..._._ t/,rl7V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mde igrmd hereby se propos the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City cf Bt. Paul, via.: Constructing a, sewer on Arundel Street from _ ....... _._ .. Cook Street to .Yeryland Street. 7 Dated thh 29th _day of Aprils 1M12 C�opuvcilmm. PRELIMINARY ORDER. •'tf....� 4I mow. WHEREAS A ttev pr p 1 for the making of the toll mg irajur-conent, via. r mn ..._ Constructln dsewer gn Arundel Street. frgm ° Cook treet to Marylend Street. ..._. _ @ _ tv ror(�I hnviog been pre,ented to the Ccuneil of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and be hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necemity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To ivveetigate the nature, extent and e,timsted cost of said improvement, sad the total coat thereof. 3. To fowls, s plan, profile or sketch of said improvemeot. 4. To etate whether or not said improvemeot is neked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Commimiooer of FSnaoc.. Adopted by the Council ._..._... A AY 410 ..._.. Yens N— C ouncil— Co...,.. Mev / Approved...- McDoxnt.v_.........._ ... ..._....:_ Rps O w.nv.— ........ _ _...... Mayor. Petition ✓ Council File No...._._ PROPOSALFOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The—denig.edher,lby propose, the making,f the f.11—i.g public urp—ecaret by the City of St. Pa.], vi- GoXjjstTuqtjnK a sidewalk. on the north pide or Kerwin Street frg.m.Hazelwood Street to Germain.Street. Dated this 3rd day of. 1932 19 as, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impr ... meet, is.: CqpstruotinK_ a sidewalk on the side. of Kerwin Street fr.o;n..RA7,elwood Street to Germain Street., it h -mg been presented to the C ... cit of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C—boirus, of Public Work, be end is hereby ordered ad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the ranking of mid improvement.2 To i—tig,to the nature, ,Wt ,t and estimated ... of said improvement, and the tow cost the—f. 3 To furnish , plan, profits or sketch of aaid improvement. 4. To state whether or act mid improvement is ,eked for no the petition of three or more ow,cra 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Y.- Ns - councilman C-s— PMcDo—D Approved, -ME Ro- 6eeweueea----- ........... ..... "Of Mayor. L; B L I S I I ED�;I, Council File No. ....._. 9X2.8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undsraigoed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peal, via.: Reconstructing.. relaYlaR..and ..rOPairing..the _51des!aik on the .. ...._......_._._._... __... south side of Geranium_ Street. _ beginning 220. feet east of Cortland Street, thppee.east 4 feet, beginning 8 feet. far�her east, thence east 6 feet. ---- Dated this- 3rd __,day of May. 1932 i PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,r WHEREAS, A written propo..I for the making of the followiog improvement, vis.: _Reconstructing,relaYlpg.._atAa_r..aBairing the..S1dewalk_ 4n the ____.._... south side of Geranium "treet, beginning 220 feet east of _,_... Cortland Street. thence.east 4 feet. beginning 8 feet farther_- .. _.__ __.__..... __ .. __. _._............ east, thence east 6 feet. .__ ____ -.................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thnt the Commissioner of Public Works be end ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inveetigete the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of avid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a pill, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for an the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing metten to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 41932 Adopted by the Council..._.... _......_. ......_.___._._.. Yses Nevs Couneilmanluuace MexApproved_..___... _. __.. �.._ .:.... _..__...........__ MIDONenn P.Aace Roear i ?4 x ...__...___....._. ___..._ M �sdC� aynr. 92288 ^„ of^rt.Z. COUNCIL FILE NO __ '-" •. INTERMEDIARY ORDER to the Matter of_envstr.uczirL-_a_sexer__in_r�F. ^� xF-sdiaaent_ tR_lA::�_lfi_ �P 22, 1P.C1llS1YE.r--itl_B10i1L1t-VLE9A_�tl'AYE _f�8t _�_FF_4� �', �i,_o _ni%.�_ _',_d'__t_Q_a_ point LS .`yet south i:;.. �:_nteur✓.:nue, _ __________________________________________________..___.- --- .._....---- ___--- . ______________________ under Preliminary Order______ 112__1____________________ app roved _____`rah 23 19 S2 The Council of the City of Paul having received the reportof the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imp—, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That..the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends in_r*P__a171==1_n:�i:u�_ent__taints_lfi_*o.2.l.f_'=c_�._tccr_in_H7.[ic lc _l,�_Uf2.4P___^ove P__ai_l_fxoa_y�ll_s;nlst_o_v_ange _t4_1?_o_gint_25__fee_t_u_*,_'n __ n__ ' La, o_m__te ___s_o__t_--- ------------------------------------------ ___________________________________________________ l _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ with no alternative, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_962.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oo said improvement on the______,il st day of _A.flY--19 32_____________xtx __ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give v,tite of said meeting to the p o and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time atd place of hearing, the nature of the [improvement a,d the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the County __MAY4_j , 192___ --' Approved________ __1�'�------__`__192___ �,ty Clerk. ..U— Mayor. Conn6lman eD..Ke�oo onne;lman •oaa Jlac U/ Couv Couvdlvmv dmav A°� utlQetmC Form B. S. A. 136 92289 ............. mx ... . v. 0 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter —a -t I ---------- ----- - --- ---------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------ -- ------- ----------- ----------------- order Preliminary Order ----------- 21. 4:7 ----------------- pp,.,ed xL_22,_1332____________ The Council of the City of P-1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b-, improvement, and having considered ,,id,,,d mhereby report, .. by .... 1— - I e' That the said report ad the am, i, herebyapproved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby -proceededd red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i. ------- Resolved F,,the,, That , public hearing be had on said imp—em— on th -------- jllt ------- day of IAY,.L2 -1k ____________-T19Y3___, at the hot, of 10 .',I.ek A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the City of St. P-1. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe.— and it the to ... er provided by the Charter, stating the time and I,[— of the nature of the imp--- and the total r— thereof a, estimated. Adopted by the Council____'___S_ --------- 192____ Approved 92---- App,—d ---------- --- --------- 192 --- City Clerk. /LljL -------------- ..Uvg Mayor. C ... Cotme= Vie Councilman Councilman vjzM%w Ma+�� Form B. S. A. &6 92290 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ �-nt. ..n n. a.. � , By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter ---------------------- ---- - -- - - ------ ------------ ------------- - ------------------------------------------------ --- ----- -- --- ---- ------------- -de, P,cli.i..q O,,h, -------------- 912H� ------approved ____L_r _, -22193� The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance up.n the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1—: 1. That the ,id report ,d the ,m, i, hereby pp—ed ..d d.pt,d, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That proceededthe of the improvement which the Council u,___ rela7 .9-n --- r-IDAL" —th 11D--- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $_52_L7________ R -d2—L7-------- R... Wed Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement .. the_______ -i.l -------- d.y of ------------- X9M—, at the Im., of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Ch..be, of the Co.. House and CityH.11 Building in the City of Paul. lCommissioner a, he of Finance give notice of said —h.9 to the persons d .. in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-MY,9z____ 9 ----- App—d ----------- -------------- 192 I City Clerk. ---------- I --------- —dug C .... ilmm, werlilu'Aun Coult! - Councilman m, Cou"Itm: Councilman Fm-eu B. & A, 86 92291 ... . .... . . ... . COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Nf.t— - - --- ------- - ------------------------------------------------ - - ------------------------------------ -d- P'li.m., Order__ __---------------------- ...... d ---- 1--c' 2 12 ----------- The Council f the City of P-1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Fi nanec upon the ,b— i-p""'.7t' ..itft havingg ... id—d said ,p.,t. hereby —'_ , That the said ,p,..d the —, i, hereby ,d adopted, —d the said improvement is hereby ordered t, , proceeded with. 2. Th:be That the f the imp.... —t which the C ... 61 —,—,.ds is --- Pe lav oll - ----------------------- - ---------- ar- - — ---------------------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives,,d that the estimated cost there.( i, =______ ----- Resolve R-1-d F,,tb,,, That , public hearing b, had on said improvement .. th ------- Ilt --------- d.y of 13.32 W-� ---- ----------------- - --, at the h.., f 10 o'clock A. M., . the C ... c,[ ch—b- f the C.., If.— ..d City ILdl B,ildi,g i, the City f St. Pit.]. That the Commissioner f F--, give —it, .1 _ b 'd me ting t, the — .d iv the ma .. - provided by the Ch-�-, t.,,,g the —, ,d place _iiig, th� .t." Fth,� 3 P,.,—.t —d th', total _ thereof""t"d Adopted by the C ... 61 ---- MK -A-192 ...... 192 Approved__ _____ ___ - ---------- City Cl,k� — ---------- M.Y., C ... c.... i C ... ptlii� 1' 1— C-Illi::1 "WWW c .. 6 m- . F— B. S. A. &6 92292 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, L1-- --------------------- - -- - ----- ---------- - -- ---------- ------------------------------------------------- - -- --- - -- -- ---- ..d u P� limi,aOrder________ �L"�5 ------------------------ —d 1-)l2 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon he aboveimprovement, ..d having considered said report, hereby —.1—: I. That the said report and the —, i, hereby pp .... d and adopted, and the said —p—-— i, hereby od:,,d to b,proceeded ith. 2. That the at,fthe improvement which the G,—til recommends i--, a3 f-eol-.Qrtlt ---------------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-`L.DQ -------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on —d onthe ------ S -t -------- day of Ija -------------- 11AX _ at the h— of 10o'clock A. Nf., in the Coo—] Ch—be, of the C— H .... and City Hall Building i, the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance &e —ti" of said me to the ... 9, —d in the manner provided by the ��h';t,t, --g the time -d place of h,a,ieg, the ...... . F the te"._— .d the total .,t thereof —,ted. Adopted by the C .... if -------- ---- UV--_ 192---- App—ed ---------------------------- 192... City Clerk. - ----------------- ..U— May.,. C C Councilman BdV,u C .. tiloo—sealhhner --- Councilman W—al ""r F— B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.tte,------- ro r -'r ----- ---- - -------------- —t t --------- _t — ---------- --- -- ---- - ----- ------- - - ------------- ------ -- -------- ----------- ----------------- - ----- ---------- ,mdu P-li.m., O,de ---------------- 9UzUl ------------ app—ed ___ ------- irl !—'2,�--! -2 ------ The Council of the City of P-1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ab... imp—,.—, ..d having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said t,p,,t and the same i, hereby pl,,,,,d and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded ith. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ...n— nend_s ------ r "ef ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------- --------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof________ $-�L,!�L -------- Resolved F,,th,,, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ - 1St ------ d,y of ------------- 4w ----- at the he,, of 10 ',I.,k A. M., in the Council Ch—be, of the Coon Hoose and City H,11 Building to the City of St. P.A That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of —deetmg to the pers... and in the tmme" p,.,,d,d by the Charter, stating the time -d placeof hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total rust thereof as tem d. Adopted by the Coo.cil --- MAY4_1912 ...... . Approved_____________ --------------- 192--- City Clerk. , rA�'7�z ''A'-- --------------------------- --------- M.y— C."It= 7111"b" C .. ei M.D.-ld Cnnneaman ennneBm Fcotn B. S. A. 8-6 92294 . . ............. . COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____e ;4 6'--!�eet ---------------------------------------- - ---- - --- -- -- - --------------- -- — --------- ---- ---------------------------- -- ----- ,md,, Preliminary Order________. —1 ------------------approved ----------- -2- -_ 12z? .... The Council of the City of P..] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance . p., the above improvement, .it lb—mg considered said report, hereby —m- 1. That the said -p— ..d the -me i, hereby approved and d.pt,d, and the said improvement i, h—by -d ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C -,l —,,--nds --------- ---------------- - ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated — thereof i, $---' 6_ 00 Resolved F,,the,, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th ------- L - -------day of -------------- 1921-- at the h... of 10 '6-1, A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City H,II Building in the City of St. P-1. That the Commissioner of Finance give —ice of —I meeting 1, the - ..d i. the ..— p,.,,d,d by the Ch -ter, st.ting the time -d place of b .. mg, the moo'. Xl'h'�tmiopt—em— ..d the tm.1 —t thereof ase ted. Adopted by the C .... il ------------ L=--- 192---- App—ed --------- -------------- 192--- City nI -k -------------- --------------- miy.l. It 6!-: C ... eil... r-qr5Zl' C ... tilm.n MeD6.0d C.. :if C .. if councilman W-1 F— B. S. A. 96 92295 COUNCIL FILE NO. .ar, e�sa- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter If--- tccme_xcvs L.��t.Lei.t,.._---.________________________________________________-__.____ _---_____________________________.__-__-___-___.-_._____--______--____________--- ------- -____ under Preliminary Order_________ _____3IJ52----_-----__approved ___ .In;_ch_.......... The The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finxncc upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, here by resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp ro.ement which the Council recommends is_____=__s tr____y __ c -la_ ______ _ ___ _ _ _________ _____ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .rith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is __________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th e_____Llat--------- day of 1dae192 3____________)7HL__, at the hour of 10 .',],,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou,_and City Hall Building in the City of SL Paul. That the Com n a of Figive notice of aid sore ing to the persnand in the ma ner provided by the Cha ears stating the time and place of r bea ing,erov the nature of the mpemend the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil_______ _.[ an --------- 192____ Approved---------------------------- 192--- /'�„ / City Clerk. -------------------------------- - ------____ .dol Mayor. Councilor Terguson C...eilman'M to I. Yn Councilman enaneBman- Councilman0.5F Form B. S. A. 86 9U96 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- 7 By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY _________ _INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Matter of_ foot, _r¢1 k,_ n t L�;=on;1_4i'ee_ fs9�_�eat__t9_ cnn cc_L_: t�_±.a:�__.::Lt_:...:_:,_:.e.•iiel_c ___--- ___.._----------- -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_________ 31-63----------------- approved _ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resoles: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 9_onnSAt__vitu_ta_s.;.i s �___�2_2erraL�_woa:=v ,^..e]�i_39fi. Yon_ StrEeL,-..este :L�.•arc__..ood-+:c:_.;.u:J:1e1:s.L-s-::ia',alkv _.w;x-a;4lsUo_ ------------ -------------------------------------------------- _-----_-_______-_-______..._.__________ ____ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_L1.C_:2.:__:'S"' "—t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had ou said improvement on the______:1: t -------- day of ;_ny _ 1932______________ ML— at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of SC Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in them er provided by the Charter, -ting the time and place of hearing, the narure of the improvement d tht total cost thereof ase mated. Ado ted b the Council__________ an_ _______, 192_ --�<: J M , a im - 42 APPPove y _______192___ i.___ y Cle . d________________ k. �.ttw Mayor. x / Coun<ilma ugusou „,il 1v1f� Councilman d1cp g¢Itl Councilman Hodgeo_ Councilman Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 66 o•=•. ••+r•• •.y CITY OF ST PAUL ".^297 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RE ON—GENERAL FORM r 3 orv.A '.Y: t -AS, The Cd—.is al o he of Pe,Ie, Playgrounds and ruu llc Bui lings has reported to the Council, 1. accordance witF. Sao tion b3 of t?ie City Charter, t',e existence of an emergency wr.lcn rendered cessa ry the employment a e rte in employ,, of his de;:,-. rt::.ent for more thaneight hours per day, said-,ployment being more than their usual hours of employment, Therefore be It resolved, That the proper city off ice ra are hereby authorized to pay the following mad employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra mployme 0 for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLft HC)htS RATE OF' OVERTIME Ctas. A. '.as Utility Laborer .55 3 hours Yeas eourvci�M Ery Nays May j' � McD... Id 1. f.... N..rr Rosen Aga — Ad.p.rd by .h. C....1 AY , 19 P cS ".11 App, ///j/�_ 19 MAYOR 1 �Eo €lepur�men[ of Jnr§e, �leyyrvunde �`1 A �"•• "• "••,• enD �phllr $ullDinga �j�' s.,.. ,.. r...,.o..o. CLYDE R. MAY, cor.Missior�cn zv ci rte. r➢.cc hprit 13, 1— T, — L f.oy�i of 1 , ,t [c- 1 iiif he lPi lobo, Ina flin^ict�eer er j�;„V il.a ^ hours 2: 1 .1 fli- of Your_ truly, ComcSss l>nar. OR-TOFSAINTPAIJL Ga��wev b�hcG «n� NunFw�et 92298 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRiMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_s. cru:.;, :: lr.:-au _- eu:c4A.= en-ua`w;:ru.:_-Sc--t::.i-lani_ne�_sracv___ sl oie=, c.tt.- c "1'.s r tl. ra ... - .a�., o" —ity .. "r_.. __ u itis=_ t , \ ` _ 42 under Preliminary Order___.____ _. bl: '3 __, approved "^'1:::::-13v-------------- Intermediary Order --- _---- . _.- __--v1ci1.'.. __, approved _-__'�;;':_.:_. Final Order___ ---- _- ------ flppro,ed---- I.: r,rc::. 1, lo.�l A pablic hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or—ements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the ane cxed aesesament roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a parthereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for .said taking and condemnation as set forth in said asses, meet roll, be and the same is hereby- in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. kg tik iAetkW." krwkSpA,>: thgA4t), 'yd afflPAM vat" de:amf:xtckxk—A to-1mid u 1 M'_-:'_.8]::_x_"mil-matetlmetttb_:as:Ea rich: A�at"af. Jath: aesvatres:theeEa,. a ` : Adopted by the Council H 1932 City Clerk. Approved - -------- Councilman I Fe guso TIP= Councilmansores L+ - Councilman nil j w� � ; ,� c'o/ 859 OnionStation Chi a ago, Illinois May third, 1932. Mr. m.J. Gibbons, CS ty Clark, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir A few days ago I r oaly ea by regieterad mail notice of a be bring to ba held May 4th before the Council of the City of St. Paul upon the report of the Commie elonar of Binanae a to the em mat of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands appropriated for the s called improve sbnt of Onl vereity Avenue. Notice w eat to me, presumably, because of my equity in the property situated et 195 West Uuiver sl ty Avenue in St.Paul. Please unaeretma the' the notice above referred to and re oeived by me on April 21st of this year, is the first and the only so ties of any kind ehataba ver I have r delved Tion the City in the mutter of the approprlatlug of this property.sHo waver, my Mother, who has a 11 fe into Sn the same property, hen to14 informally, the amount' of Lbe a and and the fl 'meat. Io e'ooi dense with the o noluding paragraph of the no Slaw of the hearing, which Ie to the effect that objection to the taking of laude, or to Lbw a ards of damages the rafor, mu11 be 1n writing she filed with the Co :at 11 at the time flzed or with the City Clerk prior thereto, I ask that the Council Interpret and consider this oo�on'cation ae an ob Jeotion on my part to the anount of the a• and named In the advice received by vp Mother, Mrs. Mary A. Newell.I carrot otheni'a designate the award as I ha va not, as stated above, received antloe oZ it from the City. If this objection to the award may not properly be con- sidered at the May 4th hearing, I respestTully requeat that I be ioformed as to way I was sent this notice but not sent notice of prevlous hearings. I rape et that the notice of the hearing scheduled for May 4th, r ved by regleta red mall, is the only c -1 101 of any kind thatrI have ra oe teen from tae City Sn the matter. Aespeatfully ore, i / y/ � / � � �% / �' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND —, ITS In the matter of__—J----__._2u__.:ic. _:,__a: __. zi �_:': z�--=1_'`___lo" •c�;sary sl- �� _ 11s yr -1 - lity under Preliminary Order—,) '- -5 ------ approved_-__.-'_'_..r.__'1`-'y'_--------------- _--- __ Intermediary Order____________ ______, aPProved______.._ _'-___________________ Final Order -------------- �'-'_yyv_._._, approved --_-___11__1________t : �2 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. __ -4---: ____ °_r_ - %� Commiseioner of Finance. St. Peal, Minn. M -y 3.1932 To the H—ble City Coil,: R� 1270 A-goe,beinE p,rt of Cit." ,f onoLot 1,Block ) Chenbers'Additic, Gentle—n: The undersigned 'hereby prot—te —inst the award -f damages p.,p,z,d u. -der Fr,liod—ry Order p91385 in the hatter f Con- -ming and told., — —3.ent i. the L—d =-e -ary f— Icne, ,alts and fills to the ,-diog afd p—ing of Uni—reLty Avenue from Do], t, Rice Street art the g—de that the award of $1.00 dam -.yes is wholly I—d,q—te to cocopenaete the —der- -iCned for the damage, actually suffered by such proposed taking of ea—nt due to the height of the land which—ceesitates a ratorial cut-back and a �--cnt of the actaol a—ble area of the land after -oh Elio,t,th Porter Lexie, 'timer BY St. Faul,3:inn., uv 3,1932 To the Eonorable city cauneil, ^ity of St. F.v,Yln n., Re �272 _-1 cy nye. ,beim Tart o_ :.ot- 1 & 2,Hlock 3,Chambers- .. ntle,.en: The �vndersiL—d owners of the above-described tracts hereby protest against the proposed -rd of el—j— under Preliminary Order ¢91385 in the matter of the -nd-41,g and tojdng ar. ea-e,ent in .re land nacereary for elopes,-te,-d fill- in the S -ding and F wing of University Avenue fro, Dale to FSce Street n t::e ground, that the proposed award of $1.00 P.a.^cll is nholly Snadsr to to compensate the undersigned for the demgee a,..:ally ev_`£ered by —h —posed sed taki., of easement due to the height cf the 1:,d,rthich necessitates a - tsrlal cut -hack and a consequent eh 1..^.lags of the net-- usable area of the land after takinf,. ^homas F.kaloney Xatherine N. Lelcney, 37 S t. Psi ,V in-., MI -Y 3.1932 To the Honorable City C—il, City of St.Paul.P.inn., Re: B274 R,yni vers!ty Ave.,being part of Lot2,Block 3,Chamberst Addition. Gentlemen: The undersigned 1—chaser under Contract of the abovedeacribed property hereby protests against tm proposed award of damages under Preliminary Order $91385 in the matter of the Condemning and taking an easement in the lwd necessary for slopee,cuts,a-:d fills in the grading and paving of University Ave— fra.. ',,1e to Rice Street on the groivnda that the proposed award of j'!.CC dmnagsa is wholly inadequate to compensate the undersigned .or the garages actually suffered by such proposed taking of easement ,.ue to the height of the land,whicr.. necessitates a material rut-bacY end a conseq:ent shrinkage of the actial usable are., of the land after taking. c ..^sr.c t P.Leris Purc}in se ,'.ut BY �� V. In the Matter of Condemning and Taking an Easement in the Land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of University Avenue, from Dale Street to :lice Street, ander Preliminary Order 91383, approved January P, 1.9321 Intermediany Order 91612 ao_nroved Feb—sy ,, 1932, Ftnsl Order 917S9, ap?rove3 ::arc':: _st, ]932. Now comes Andrew Koehnen, the owner of the following described _property, situated in Ramsey Ccunty, Minnesota, to -wit, Lots Eleven (ill and Tv.elve (32), of Beck's Addition to the City of St. Pau], according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the ."five of the Re- gister of Deeds of Ramsay County, '-innescts, an essenent over which said '_ands is prop—ed to be taken in the above entitled proceeding, and objects to the taking and cordenna- tion of any part of said r,roparties or of any easement there- in for said improve»ient, and objects to the award of damages ti -^refer, on the follo A-7, gro—le , ur,ely: (1) Because neither �'.e City of St. Paul or the Council of said City has any jurisdiction to take, ap- propriate or condemn the parts of said properties proposed to be taken rdspectively, or any part of the aforesaid pro- perties, for the above named improv—ent. (2) Because there is no valid final order for t„e making of said improvement, or for the taking of any part of the aforesail parcels of lard respectively. (3) Because the ch.rt.1 of ssid city and the amend,ents thereto under which said property is proposed to be taken do i.ot !-provide for just com_,ersation to the owner cf said properties, respectively, for the ta'l:inr� thereof, and the said charter and amendments thereof are unconstitutional. (4) Because the damages awarded :or the tek- -1- appropriation and condemnation of the parts of said properties r ,ectively ? sed to be taken in this pro- ceeding are inadecuate, and are not fair or impartial, and are not just or adequate compensation for the taking of said properties respectivel. (5) Because the ..—I of d—ages in said proceeding is arbitrarily made. It ie 'oased upon an il- legal principle, end an erroneous rule, and results in the deprivation of the ovmer of his said property, c,it':out just compensation. Dated this third day of crag, 1932. mer 9,/ s orneys� - 61B uanllan Building, St. Paul, t.:innes ota. 92299 Cou—il File A'o...___._._____.__._. m., y nr CITY OF ST. PAUL �. . Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aasessmrnt of benefit e, cost' and expenses for .6..1ag the roadway on Snelling Ave. to a width oS 7fi feet between ]aural Ave. and Marshall Ave. and to " feet between Sherburne Ave. and Charles St. and between Van Buren St, and Mien haha St., also repaving the present roadway by r owing the wood blocks and r urfaoing the existing base with an saphalt surface and paving the widened portions of the roadway, also construoting relief se s follower on the east side from Hague Ave, t...—..t with house s approximately 105rftfl north of Hague Ave., and on the east aide o acting with house —:p7B feet north of Selby Ave., approximately 60 ft. north to houee thence west tc a act with existing sews ar the center of Snelling Ave.,—and netructing sidewalk, where n .ary, curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, making then, .ary changes in watermaine and appurtenances, a netructing a water, and gee c act ion,from et..et main. be property lines where not already made, r netructing ental lights and laying vondult pipe for electric cables for flrture omental lighting ,ye tema, under Preliminary 0,d--.$4591_.__._., Intermedin,, Ordrr_ E997.2.._........., Final Order.... 90236-- app—td. A 0236_. approved....., ARC—.4..._.. _. __.. _. _ _..19..11... A public hearing baying been had upov the -- -t for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assosament be and the same is hereby in all rospvat. ratified, and the same ie hrreby ordered to be eubmittrd to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for eonfirme[iov. BE�TFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pvyeblr• in. _. _..../.....:!..______ eq -1 installments. Ad.pted by the C,aaeil_. MAY _...'5.1932 ._.. _...._. 19.__._. City Clerk. App .... d.. .._._— 19 /ZL)>JS L 3feyor. ra.m x x ie �Nnu AL ,.. CITY OF SC PARI, Of"' I( OF IBE COMMISSIONER OF FIN,.NCE Report of OF of Assessment April. 6. , 19 32 In the matter of [he nssrssmrnt of benefits, ,at, andexpense. for— widening the roadway on Snelling Ave. to a width of 76 feet bel—an Laurel Ave, and Marshall Ava. and to 74 feet between Sherburne Ave. and Shari- St. and between Van Buren St. and III—:halt St., also repaving the present roadway by r oving the wood blocks and r urfaoing the existing base with an saphelt .,fees and paving the widened portions of the roadway, also construotiag relief e s follower n the east aide Prom Hague Ava. to ..—set with hove. a approximately 1O5 rft. north of Hague Ava., and on the east aide o acting with house a approximately 78 feet north of Selby Ava., approximately 60 ft. no to house then.: we.t too act with existing e r the center of Snelling Ave., and m onatt—ting sidm elkswhere necessary, o,rbing and paving alley and driveway approaohes, making then eery ohangea in watarmaina and appurtenanoea, c netreating a water end gee .._.at sfrom street main. to property linea where not already made, r netroeting ental lights and laying conduit pipe for 1, to oablea for Stature ornamental lighting .yatema, under l'reliminnry Onlrr 89591 Intermrdiar,' 11rd.,09372 I ool 0n1cr_.. 90235 _ Aug. 26. _..._.... 1931 To the Council of the City of til. Fanl Thr Lonimi.aioner of F•i,,-- hrrrbl n•pnrt+ I,. the t'o-,d the f.fl—mg es s statement of thr rxl,rn- ditu.rx necessnrily ,rorrrd and to hr nn erred [or nn,l in —,n tie, with the ranking of the shote im pro„ meet, viz. Cunt of const rurti., - - .t _371952.47 Cost of publishing n„tier - - $........ 24.00 Curbing 1,032.04 ['ost of postal cords - - g __.....,4,,00, ;latera action, 647.39 ono in peetion tees g...._ 734.80 Sewer connaotione--P99.00 •Amount of court costs [er roof .motion d. 24.00 Total Expenditur a 40,718.360�r les num billed to Street Ry.C..) gag tgt fy� 3yy ryy Le th f C 1). a 2487}ttL s,id cent f dA454�4 4�1trpa hr baa n..,. --d —d mdrd It, A$eP��a�$t n. abo,i ,.rrrtainra. m -wit: the sum of $9.0,718.§4 upon e,u, h vud e, v Ira, P- o, pared of Isnd a b ... fimd hr the enid impro,.mcnt, sod in the r.tn, ,f rnrh tut, lin rt or 1,.—I of lend in ,.,..dance „i,h the brnef is run tr.red thereon; tlmt the -id ....+sm,ut has barn nmI thnt hereto ut tsrhrd, id-nfi,d by tii, sig nnturc ,f the said C'onimi.�ioner, r nd madc n pn t hrrcof, is Lha said nssessm ant ns c, mpleted by on, and which i.s here,rith submitted to the l:nunril for -.u:h oct,ou thereon be considered propc - nn n _ZaC mmm., f F,nn,ee. r 92300 C ... M File No._.__._........._...... _ es"'a h. II . inn or n..:o.ot CITY OF ST. PAIL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the --so— of benefits, costs sad expense. for widening the roadway on Snelling Ave: from 6rmmdt Ave. to Miimehaha St. to a width of 66 ft., copt where the width of the existing road—y 1s al reedy 56 feet or more r paving the existing roadway by roving the wood blocks and r urfeclag the exleting•Lesa eephelt, grading and paving the widened portion of the roadway with asphalt eurfaca on a concrete base, also c netructing a water and gas c actions from street mains to property It,,, where net already made, maF.ing then eery chmgee in wetermnine sad appurtenances, curb- ing end paving alley and driveway approach.' where n asary, except those portions of Snal ling Ave. lying b.tw.en Laurel Ave. and Marshall Ava., end between Sherburne Ave. and Charlee St. avd between Ven Buren St. and III—hake -'t., order Prelimrv'ry Order.... 88629 __ I.termedi.ry Ord08894 ____,_, Meet Order 89226 approved..... J.una_ 10 ......................19...31. A p.blic hearing hs,ing been had up.. the assessment for the ebnve improvement, a.d said asacesment havi.g been further considered by the C-61, and having bee. considered fl—Ily sstiefa.tory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ^amassment be and the same is hereby is ell respects ratified, sod the sass is hereby ordered to be e.hmitted to the District Court of the County of Assay for ... It ... tion RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the mid assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable. i. _/.�..__...equel ivatallmevts. Adopted by the CounciL_.__M.PY_.._5..]10L....___...__._______._...19___... City Clerk. INK Approved.. __._ __._..19........Hoy- CITY OF ST P. U1, OFFI(E OF ME CO.MMISSIONER 01' FINA.NCE Report of Completion of Assessment Aprll 6 32 h th, -ttel If till 11111"IlIt of benefits. osta end expenses for th. .id-i,g the - -- y Snelling Ave. — f 3 -nit Ave. � to Mihh, St. to , width of 56 ft., — ." 11 a _ t":1 width. f the existing roadway is already 56 feet or —, repaving the existing roadway — y by reing the wood blocks and resurf-- ing the iotin,, b... with asphalt, grading d paving the id ... d portion of the roadway with asphalt -- .. f"' " ' "no' — to - be,,, 1n:t,ti,water g—otl . from street t 1to property �1 to .t already , - r, water and o r. dy:2n"=the.eery Zchanges in - toin'-'P'rt"'' ",b- 1 -d -I., 1y mating , p,,.:.h where n eery, ' Capt th.. portions -..f 11L.g A— lying b,�- Laurel Ave. -d Marshall A—, and b.�..n Sherburne Ave. and Charles St, and between V- Bu... St. and Mi—heh. St.. under Prelim'ionre 0"1" 68627 hu,-,Idi- Ord.r 88894 1 i -I OH" MU June. 10 In 31 T,, the (-I,il of tb, 'atr ofSt PaIl Th, Uommireioner If Fi-ne, 1, -b, -part, n, th,- k -I,il the f"11- ins as a stat. m. It of th ditu- nrcesasrile ipeurrrd and t. br 11�, 1-A for vel in -i-, t,- izb th, making If th, C-1 If 78,636.08 Driveway 2.66 -'t If46-05 Curbing 2,7551 I", of 'I'd, $ 9:,1 Water --ti-o 1:5,2 :S7 7 S -or .—t' ... 992:50 AII-It If .-t -- for -Ifi,n- 6 05 Total expenditures 85,651X23_--- Lee � tit. o . �blllod shoot rY. Co.) , : 6 1 ) 4,19:9 mai 1, 1'.., „,rued and 1, ied th, MA".M."A as lbn th, sum If $ 85.651 r.23 upon sue 1. sad e. . lot, pn- or parcel If 1-1 dee II -d bevel led bs the said and in It, ens. of h luI, part or I-, d If 1,,ad .. ......lance ,ith th, 1, fits un fiend 11,erron; that the -d I- bee n ... Ip Ill, d. - , I that h, -I h, -d id .rat i li -d 1, z h, aig If the "'i'd n P111 hereof, is th, said as completed 1, h- and 1--ith to the l'euoeiI for - h tti- there/.). .. .... b, considered Iper. CITY OP. PAUL Council File No.423(1 OFFICE OF ITY CLERK 6 COUNC iL pFROL N--CENERL FORK. Presented by Cormti ssloneBy Aeque st. Gate Mev 5_1932 V,HEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn- esota, hes duly canvassed rthe returns of votes cast at the General City Election held on Tuesday, M.ay 3, 1932, and WHEREAS, It appears from said returns and from the canoe ss thereof that the following named persona received more votes than any other can- didate or person for the election for the following named offices in the City cf St. Paul: FOR JUDGE CF THE MUNICIPAL COURT. Clayton Parks Received . . . . . . . . . 40,590 votes FOR MAYOR.^ William t1ahoney Received . . . . . . . . . 40,546 votes ���•���� POR CITY" COMPTROLLER. '• Harold F. Goodrich Received . . . . . . . . . 39,189 votes FOR COL:CII.M.LN. Milton Rosen Received . . . . . . . . . 47,074 votes Herman C. Wenzel Received . . . . . . . . . 37,417 votes Fred M. True, Received . . . . . . . . . 36,616 votes Irving C. Pearce Received 34,753 votes Clyde R. May Rea el ved . . . . . . . . . 31,596 votes John H. McDonald Received . . . . . . . . . 30,077 votes FOR JUSTICE OF Tla: PEACE AT LARGE. Eugene A. Monick Received . . . . . . . . 32.995 votes John F. Doyle Received . . . . . . . . 29,274 votes FOR JUSTICE Tri eEACE, 6"_'H WARD. 7lm.J. Bollen Received . . . . . . . . 2,291 votes FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 10TH & 11Th 77AP•DS. Thoma J. Nash Received . . . . . . . 11,898 votes =OF. CONSTABLE AT LARGE.9 Edward W. Hanft Received . . . . . . . . . 28,953 votes F. Miske received . . . . . . . . . 27,670 votes FOR CONSTABLE, 6TH WARD. Joseph I. Burke Received . . . . . . . . . 2,973 votes RESOLVED,That each of the foregoing persons are hereby declared elected to the respective offices as designated above, andthe City Clerk is hereby instructed and directed to notify them of their election and to issue and deliver to them proper certificate of election. COUtJCILRTN Yea. Nays �Conroy / Adopted by the Council imey ,McDonald ill%%% In favor Pearce Appre Rosen r J Aga inet 4 1, �FiliU2 Clry OP S, I'nU .. NO CIJ�NCIL SO A N GEV GFI, t. Fl]RM R ES<%I. VF_D .,i �. ..,. �. - .,.... .;..i. August 0. Ynegrr .ic h, :.ng. 9 tours 71., 6.44 2.27 S• J'brlen J-. 4 56S John ,tleechl " 4 " 5 a 2*27 Fahr Sg. J— Ng. 16 " 64 10.24 8.40 G—6e Gunther • - 10 n 64 64 5.12 Jharlea Fl�uerlund 5. Henske " " " " 8 12, " 64 X1.00 Laster WOLlara " " 4 64 2.56 John Mombrae " " " " 7 " 6 " 84 4.48 64 5,12 Sohn :+eleon " 2 sylveetar 0'C—!I 54 3.84 }sett de idlm• " " B4 5.12 0—t � leneky " " B 64 7.55 Lloyd 61st-- " 12 ^ 84 4'48 William Yleveriag 7 " 54 2.56 S. Gaheen A E—lln 'tat. F'l rencc Jan. 4 7 56t 3. 97 C. GregorY Bch•• 20 " 76� 15.25 Geurga lvutner dint Fireman 11 " 61� 6.77 'rank Linn Jac. n:6• 14 " 64 8.96 L. G. "reon Jw. 3 Hmmea Mcllexmott Fen. " 566 1.70 Leslie M. Miller San. Fang. 3 " q e 1.40 Ni h.- etedt, Saa. Y.ng. 3-8 " 64 2. E4 1 r...,. -mi �.'...,-,.J i,I,e (o,incl iv Ye..• ,.r 7 I:. cza�.utnt acl�o�ls. .. rraeeaaary to eee ac�el outifltt urt of special nl Bht activlt lee at balldtn�e._ -- _ — — - -- — 92303 �...... �....e. clry r.:iM1`°P y;�NO. OUNC O LU iYan vi°ai`n°O ' sor a^T� J area WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-.tory frame house located on Lots 7 and 8, Rohrer's Subdivision, also known as No. 678 Olive street, is in such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant its being condemned and tom darn; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- A visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 31st day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Oounoil Chamber in the Court House and City Rall, in the City of 8t. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not leas than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public auildinge shall msdl to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not .lees than five days prior to f date of said heasing. couwciuneN Ma. - '°32 Yea Nays Adapted by the C--9 IF— / r0onroy �=10 / McDauld � In hvo. 19— �" /-sedeem`{iosen r � t Mr. Vice Pr� lull � 7 w... .. _...=.M _ p CITY OF ST. PAUL N0.-� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ILGENERAL FORM WHEREAS, Nicholas Lemmer has made application to the Oounoll for a permit to erect a retail Joe station at 238 Front street; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council Is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Nicholas Lemmer a permit for the erection and maintenance of said ice station on said proprty, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the Pro— vision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Yee 7" Na� Cl.we50onroy -J, May /M�po —In livor Pearo /-sud6®r—�:Api�ui w ---Rosen c Mal ��l Ad.,.d by chc Cou ] 19- 19— �s Nwvow Fu,;! "II City of Saint Pani Office of City Clark MIKE /. GIBBONS. CIh CI•,B C- ciu• cin c..• •od CummiNo•a of R.fi,e•eo^ ai.i ci.n e...e.o>. N, 4th, 1932, Yr. L. LAnderson, Corporation Covaeel, Building. Dear Sire The attached application of Nicholas Leer for permission to a ect e. retail ice station at 238 Front Street, located on Lot 11 B1oek 15, Lerie Sed Addition ras approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Yonne very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICEI OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 51 Pau!, Minn _... Apr._ 23,_ ... _ IBS Z.. Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section s, as amended, of Building Zone Ordi- nance, approved July 7th, I922, you are hereby no*,d Ihat the application of ..__ NS holea.rllarmNer t� . for pa n to erect 1 nue relel{rice et-fi. tpealed at 23@_Front. St. lnt 11 blk...15. Lecis..End Add. f _...... _. _ ___._.. Drill co p for conoid hon before Ih C I of I%e Gly of 51 Paul m the Counal Chamber M the Cilg Hall and Cour) House Building on Iho__. tt7,.._.. day of ._._ ..a _...___ iB3�_....al to o'clock A. M. JOHN H. MCOONAI,D, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. C(4)) THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 414 COURT HOUSE May 3rd, 1932. Mr. M. S. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Nicholas Lamer for permit to erect a cash and carry ice house at 238 Front St. This is a commercial zone. The nearest cash and carry ice house is at Rice St. four blocks to the east. As the property owners have been notified of this application, it is probable that if there is any objection to this logation they will appear at the hearing. gh-rh Yours very truly, Becreta'ry- Board of Zoning. IoM,. ..o.,.. I ''� ^ • '\ � � �.,.. m.,.,..o... CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRLNDScAND'PUBLIC BUILDINGS A-- I�"' :mt�_ B,1DJ2. Hon. Counci 1, City of 71, ']entLeen. -1 ."1 - ;::itl-. nle �lerkls file o - nlic -,cn .r �i1-1— c — ni, to erect c,. ci.1 __'.ri c' is c c:mild „y _. ci-� b,' '1,11n:. t b ;ohr dt Erev1,C Companye Tha erection of te, ice st nt ion ':+111 not dam¢�e adjoining property in any way and we —=end t?>at the nn- rl1—ticn be npproved. Yours '-- t—ly' City of Saint Pani OM'. or City clerk MINE I. GIBBONS. C'y CI.A •.d Camml�•lanu of R.9 •nan i�_ • , 4pr11 2nd, 1932. Son. C. A. MV, Co -Ir of P.P. 00P. Bldgs., Boll ding. Dear Commleeioner: y At tached please find appllca tion of Aictolas Lemmer ' r permit to erect en ice atati on at 218 Front Street. o Thi' application ea, referred to your department today for lnvastSP.at inn and report. Yours very traiv, 2r City Clerk. ( i � lq�Y. Im, ]go.,. ". . `cD—1 " Pull tin-, D.- C—A -1-11 k1ril pinll 1n`. Ap,li-t{:.:::. :— ' ;- lWl {*Yit to n.tj-, t City Cle&— o•,,. CITY CF ST PAUL ..r NO. 92305 FF CC OF CITY CLERK L ESO T —GENERAL FORM cRESEN ,UDNBy �" ET Kt Key 5. 1852 _ _. RESOLVED TYet address on Dutnher Sbop License No. 5006, expiring on Hench 5, 1958, issued to Fred N. Yertin, be and the esse is hereby corrected to read 5o5 Como dvenue, instead of 620 Front Street. y.../. c—,iLm Ev Yr May M,Do.,Id „r....oc R.— Ag..— SsdLau^e* � rn.rsk a Adol��cd by chi C ... ul `19 ♦AY ....... .,��. CITY OF ST. PAUL :iii�ci` NO. 923(6 / O ICE OF CITY CLERK ' N 7J//,1 U RESOLUTION—GENERAL CFOfiEM o eV`/_/ tdaY 5, 1912 RESOLVED In the matter of curbing both sides of West Congress Street from bidwell Street to Hello's Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89724, approved July 3, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90530, approved September 29, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 11 e „m'R° — N MI .o�8ote.S '4. el Yea. COUNCILMEN Naye / Cl ncy / � PerBuwe //� McD... Id Rohlaud � � S�haimc ��ABainst Mc Ice t ro�..,�!'.R,: Adopted bythc Council__y S♦� 19 c.ua v/JA'� � Mnron I oanrlI FII' N', 92307 PROPOSAL FOE IVrEOCE-MENT ... -- � cd"� rar:I.IVISAEI' OEOLE. ,il ,:k-, 'A'Sd enLr Fes tl v=r.th G t r a e t to a a!'tt, If 76 fe+t otreet to Hamsey street, ',nd 8J , " :r.r. r..... - otreet Kc » 1 3t -It, ,t tomr a"ht ❑` t 1't 1,df ..: L.'v t .., , _. .tr,.t t,t t, t, t 4;- ./3 it :1st n e of _4 - .. - ::v: . It :cz 3 - t, t lic, 1 'It .:v - - ncIf 2, b: �i:,t - - Ir. In .'n'- 1 ..v .61 —rt int�ro3 ti n th_ c-nt- f .._-ri _,...,L.- -Y so of IdJi:.' _. =t f _Jt'.: _.. - Irvi„e•'s so ;thdr-J Co'.r. cirg at t ia _ntzrs :cti o° `.h Deni .' -- - - snd_h- cerate =f 'third St Jd. d - rtnw __ t ,f , 9 t._ c'.1 t p ,t t - 3r. - cif 44.54 feet, t'. :ace _ ti,.� arc o cnry== tyt.. teag_r.t to 1 Scribed i _ - 1.'nc - , .c.: n e. t'n,;en' tJ vrv- a ,�^nc- of 1-1) z -a ;DLA on the aeste^ , i d 'n —nu in ine -r- 2']' 11- -r tr the Den r.:: ? �❑ -v _rat=r ct .. - cen` f M",_n .•vn.ie 144.14 f -set :sort:: e•..,/ of its _rat ersecti :+ _ .. ...c center line of Third Street rod lead —,—1-esterly. Iso bi addi:.0 tcl anaul5.r ,,'_,c..Ir_,nd 'n ::'�- -othw:at.. ly ca_ or: of :`:.t ,ort of 1 t d, blocn l4, !ce nd Irv'_nes Addition lying southerly of ;(.=v rh Street, s'ld tri _ r piece of 1d me:,sur_ng 8 jt Sfeet on the southe-:sterlJ est uzventh dtr-t -md o feet on th= norty-1, :. i_ of Fnnr th Street. Also by adding thereto ,all those parts of bloc:— 26, ..7 ni 28, lice rad Sr rins's Additlon,+nd Blocks .:8 -.rad ;:9, Dayton nd Irvin'+'s Additl-n, iyind northerly of s _ine which is 53 f 't southe:,sterly from the present canter Line of ',Y -3,t S.venth Street •.nd �=. 11cl 6 thereto, a_so by adding thereto th:,t part .Jf lots 1 end alce ,rad Irvine's AS 1121on, iy_. 'ort':erly of !in. ".sc-', •�''d -_ Cal o.. o - v 't; r .t i,. y . oY icsent canto: r r• t at d ha c -n r lin o, S.dri trot roduced north es ,er'Y �nco outie: st ly at r',;ht 'n_;lea to the )resent center :ine o^ i`st Sven to Street for a d'_st ince of 53 feet to tho beglnnln;; of sr ii z, t^.s3 southeasterly ,t ;.n r+ogle to th:, left of '.:6 dere es 4r:.'_nut ;a a d'at:.Rce Jf :;9. i1 feet, thence ;n '.h' r.rc J.` CLLI'9e to the lIt of 150 foot r:.aus tengant to 1'-.st _e sc.lbed r ne Pur dist acs of A Beet, thence on � t1+ngent to -id curve for dial nca of <9.,4 feel to a ,•Din: an the sou Lhw eztcrly 11 :^ of -,g1a, Stre a hieY. 1s e line ter, endlculer '.o Shr cen `.-r ilm: of Third street Inter - _tin.,; th_ center lin of T::ird :; tire 13...57 fact southe:.s',er1y oc t.,e intarsec tion of the center-ir.a of Third :;treat ,,ro:uc ed, andthe present canter line of West Seventh Street ;'roduced north- zasterly. Also by adding t:+osz ,arts of =locks 1, -, 4 :-1 5, :,eechls :.dd'tion, lots 3 =rad 4, c++'ir,,; .nd uhute', sa divisi n of ',ots .rad 7, hl.,ck 1, Leech'.; :.ddltiin :::,d ii _:+n's rearrangement of rt r. 5, Leech'; Addi lion l,•int ao'it:,-,rly of the pres':nt enter line nc _ve-. ::, ..s .a, .rad ip:n -erly o 11 -.e �11 ,e ill i 55 feetsoutheasterly from the present .-. at Sev er;th -troet nd ,'far -+1131 t`:ereto. �: yr ,rhl cho is 5 f _t ::orth-... r.y '[, 'n .. . ..c ti ,.^. th line of s,id lot 4. A15o by add lad thoreto t' i, ;,art v io' 1J, .1'.nn'e of ,,rt of Block 5, La an', addition ly—,', we a pal 2�- dlcular to and inczrsecting the south—`it lyi ,ti ecth street xid ened :'.are'n pro;os zd at ;a'n`' :ich 1.. 5=f, t t..:tarly of Sts intersection ith <.,_ :.,uth 1 n of SA '_o 1J. .iso :,y +,ddin3 t:',erato '.L:.:t ,, ^.rt of 7, . —k y'ch' -IJ n th:r n >rly side of West S anth .-tract 1Ji:r.•, -atJ.o cu Lar'g'o d Intel sectl”; - narthwa.; e -Lraet ',t ?o lrt '. .ich is 5 feat north=" s'arly, o. 1;, .:h the a_s ._,':Y 1'nIf __o; 7. -,o i,; t',• r,tc t •.t L n' e+rtU�nT"' 2r t �.., .�_..� �. c.'-.. ,..._-' dicµlar. to arko i'ch. S's66 ' BEtVR6rt a eT1) of Sts intersection Street. at, e.� � eY.Y ^c t ,. --_4r, with the 112041 ilea 9f'-3� Y thereto that peyt of lot 1, C. L. Lain's Also by adding of,gl,ock. 4rciJa Addition lying east of 3iearrangement o£•.POO. _ a line :.eotd%ular to and inters eLing the northwea.sterly ne- of West Seventh Street ata p oint which is 5 fee, o� id lot lot westerly of its intersection with the northerly _ '� I'nt�l :li'i, tth lu...f `d •,�, ..,�_ i nii Put 1.1 \11\ 112}ORI)Ei2. Widening Wcl t 6�—bth Street to a width of 56 feet from Frankitb Street to Ramsey 6trett, =nd 60 fast :roar rr :, Vt _�t:. ..trr.t tf, F 1, t:t,,,t I.- .=treat ti,:,t., 1 sout: .y - - -.- - 56 1 rt? . _ the resent cent - i t _ thereto, - y t - e �t, . lot ] Li1 S .i,- trert ::J nrtF 1 14 :^t t D^1'^t ^.escr ed, c ^irg t t,_>rt of -cr _ 1 C, r :) ,It ce t r ,- pct - -y - a t ,r int r i�,• st ,,titreet f ect ^ t 11 1 t, cend.sr v.. >„t, 56 I tt to t�— o f.res, 4 � _ :1 t'-nce ti _4 .:5 fe t t nce c .t, ti:_n1 t_,n -t- _ eA t:� 147.65 I -t It.. t_ _ �t�. f Et to it, intr5 1 n ;'-I. rt tet^ northwesterly = t— ten' . -' - _ anrt r tr_et 111.57 feet, thence northeasterly atr _ig:rt sng-es to .n� center :'ne of Fourth Street a distance of 30 feet to the 'beginning of s:.id 'line, thence at an angle to the right of 23 degre=_s 1B minutes a distance of 44.54 feet, thence on tiie are of a curve to the right of 154 foot - radius tangent to last described line for a distance oY 23.45 feet, - thence on a tangent to said curve a distance of 21.10 feet to a point on the westerly line of Main Avenue which is on a line per- - pendicular tothe center line of Main Avenue intersecting the center line of Main Avenue 144.14 feet northerly of its intersection with the center line_ of -T ird Street produced northwesterly. Also by adding a triangular piece of land in the southwests�ly corner of that part of lot 9, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition lying southerly of West Seventh Street, said triangular Pie ce of land measuring 8 feet on the southeasterly line of West Seventh Street and 8 feet on the northerly line of Fourth; Street. Also by adding thereto all those parts of Blocks 26, 27 and 28, Rice and hv£ne's Addition, and Blocks 26 and 29, Dayton and Irvine's" Addition, lying northerly of a line which 1s 53 feet southeaster)T from -the present center line of West Seventh Street and parallel v thereto, also by adding thereto that part of lots 1 and 2, Block 26,' Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line described as - follows: Commencing at a• point on the present center line A West Seventh Street 138.21 feet southwesterly from the interse*:ion ✓ of the present center line of West Seventh Street, and the center lineof Third Street produced nortbwesterly, thence southeasterly at right angles to the present center line of West Seventh Street for a distance of 53 feet to the beginning of said line, thence southeasterly at an angle to the left of 26 degrees 4 minutes adistance of 29.11 Yeet,thence on the are of a curve to the left of 150 foot radius tangent to last described line for a distance of' 5§ feet, thence OA•'8+-tangent to said curve for a distance of 29.24. "feet to a point onthe southwesterly line of Eagle Street which is` on a line perpendicular to the center line of Third Street inter- secting the center line of Third Street 133.57 feet southeasterly' of the intersection of the ceq�er line of Third Street produced, and the present center line o'§�F st Seventh Street produced north easterly. Aasition, lots s - mowing an entof 6 and 7, Block 1, Leech's Addition and Mann's rearrangemse part of Block 5, Leech's Addition lying southenortherlyeofraline' cenyer line of West Seventh Streeof t, and lying whichSis 53 eventhfest souet andaparallelrthereto resent center line oY- Also by adding thereto that part of lot 41 Ewing and Chute's Sub division of lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Leech's Addition, lyiteng rlyst the of a line perpendicular to and intersecting line of West Seventh Street widened as herein proposed at a point' which is 5 feet northeasterly of its intersection with the south- 11ne of said lot 4. t - or J ',nt , .. trier -to ab tl-r : :t of i,ck 5 e venth cu sr to 'rid int, sect-bg t s thz t tl - t ncrth- treet : ea 'rt.n pro s o -t r terly rs in r section .i. uta Id. tra ,or th)ly side o Pest o- th �tre.t i-_n.� - d c -ar to sno inter sectir_g t;` no rorthv s.erly lir i t vetiY Street thatwesterlt line oIss5 feet northeasterly r it' in -shctl an with Also by adding thereto that pert of lot 1, C. L. Lain's ` kearrangement of part of Block 4, Leech's Additlon lying east of a line perpendicular to and intersecting the northwesterly line - of West Seventh Street at a point which is 5 feet south- westerly of its intersection with the northerly line of s^.1d lot 1,- IIObIII N, bth i.11 I i 60„ PRET MIN %10 (1121)1Ii. ( H. ; li,,"; ..in„int. - Widening West eleventh Street to a with of 06 feet fro© Frankiln Street to Ramsey otreet, rnd 60 feet - - ='t L .tr ,t,pr t _ LL v�it 1 ti. qtr t -. -trey t _ sout-- �_ e It - F 56 .:rt[ y the -.:resent ce tr _ - hest trelatn, t:. t t-. e. t: _ lot 1, t, 4 __'c & Iry^1_= iiit! t F St—.t 21, tine Hort� lire o!' W L -1-t- r -t n_ri a. e, cited, by adding that art a' ­J cr� f A nt cenl _i”. tr..Et - - '!y it int- act t.=.r.- t_ I - st 5 _tI, reet nr' Tnir _t, t: _ ri ,t -,. cent,.: iir r' �,=st :-t 56 feat to 1 'e� _ !' sai' - _ at n nzl:­ft of 5_ -res, a t. -n of 4 5 .e t t:, f - t - t bf L, .4 __�y t, t- -n 11 t t f- _. _ .. ._ it- t duced F acd t cam.^. _f i �t r _ . t. trt r .cce-d � feet tosits internF_t i-'1 1th ^h. en L_r _ c� �t� -- --�,ce northwesterly on the center _Sne rf Fourth Street F. d'_ct not o 111.57 feet, thence northeasterly at right angles to the center line of Fourth Street a distance of 30 feet to the beginning of said line,- thence at an angle to the right of 23 degrees 18 minutes a distance of 44.54 feet, thence,oh the are of a curve to the right of 154 foot ' radius tangent to last described line for a distance of 23.45 feet, - thence on a tangent to said curve distance of 21.10 feet to a point on thewesterly -line of Main Avenue which is on a line per- pendicular to the center line of Main Avenue intersecting the center line of Main Avenue 144.14 feet northerly of its intersection with _ the center line of Third -Street produced northwesterly. Also by adding a triangular piece of land in the southwesterly corner of that part of lot 9, Block 14, Bice and Irvines Addition lying southerly of West Seventh Street, said triangular piece of land measuring 8 feet on the southeasterly line of - West Seventh Street and 8 feet on the northerly line of Fourth Street. Also by adding thereto all those parts of Blocks 26, 27 and 28, � Bice and livine's Addition, and Blocks 28 and 29, Dayton and Irvine's° Addition, lying northerly of a line which is 53 feet southeasterly from the present center line of West Seventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding thereto that part of lots 1 and 21 Block 281` Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line described asp follows: Commencing at a point. on the present center linecc�� West Seventh Street 138.21 feet southwesterly from the intersll ion ✓ of the present center line of West Seventh Street, and the center line of Third Street produced northwesterly, thence southeasterly, at right angles to the present center line of West Seventh Street � for a distance of 53 feet to the beginning of said line, thence . southeasterly at an angle to the left of 26 degrees 4 minutes v a distance of.. 29.11 feet, thence on the are of a curve to the left of 160.foot. radius tangent: to last described line for a distance of' —get thence on�a,.tangent to said curve for a distance of 29.24- eet to a point on -the southwesterly line of Eagle Street which is on a line perpendicular to the center line of Third Street inter - seating the center line of Third Street 133.57 feet southeasterly of the intersection of the center line of Third Street produced, and the present center line of West Seventh Street produced north-- easterly. ndaiti on, io cs a an aw ng an n o 6 and 7, block 1, Leech's Addition and Mann's rearrangement of - part of Block 5, Leech's Addition lying southerly of the present' center line of West Seventh Street, and lying northerly of a line' which is 53 feet southeasterly from the present center line of- West f-West Seventh Street and parallel thereto., Also by adding thereto that part of lot 4, Ewing and Chute's Sub division of lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Leech's Addition, lying west - of a line perpendicular to and intersecting the southeasterly line of West Seventh Street widened as herein proposed at a point, Eich is 5 f -t northea=sterly of its intersection with the sonth lima of said lot 4. -o by dsin: thereto th:,t p.rt :o•. 11, .unnr:'s n ran• -:.gent rt �,f :3 k 5, Lee d; l; Ad diti ,n 1j;1-' wast e na r ->en- - :icul,rto no intersecting the souths =tori, th' .,treat v:idenec = lar ein proposed v.t= t t n-.trth :-terly of its Intersection ,n _.-. -uth I s it-= _0. dlso Jy lddi;_, thereto th-t part o-` lo,. ', ,ea Ichl dd. On the northerly side of West Seventh btreetlying u-st o' -erpen- dicular to and intersecting the northwesterly line of West Seventh Street at a point which is 5 feet northeasterly of its intersection - with the westerly line of said lot 7. Also by addin thereto that part of lot 1, C. L. Lain's ` lisarrangement of part of Block 4, Leech's Addition lying east of a line perpendicular to and intersecting the northwesterly line - of West Seventh Street at a point which is 5 feet south- - westerly of its intersection with the northerly line of said lot 1.- hating ],ern ,f ih, f Wecefor, b, it 3. I k,-I, h of.-,l 4 1 u, i� .. .. ...... ... . „r ........ .......... g g t-, the iV 92308 At 1 f hC 1! h t 6t. P , on 2, fo o g re ut was d y a.. ed rd un mou el carried WHEREAS Radio St4tion WF,HM has petitioned the Federal Radio Cam. ieaion at Washington, D. C. for full time on 1250 kil o eye a, and for renewal of Sts lice...; and has petitioned said Federal Redio Comm issfon that the college atatio re now sharing ea id wave length and ties with the said Station "FHM be put a e different w e length e e to enable WHHM to have full tlme xnd to enable it to negotiate for national broadcasting facilities, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that it do eye rything it can to assist and help Radio Station 'WFHb1 to obtain aaiI exclusive full time on said wave length, and for renewal of its Ile s.as; THAT a copy of this r solution be forwarded to the Federal Radio Cgmm lea' t dash __ton, D. C., and THAT frac �� of this orv_anlz. tion oe authorised and to represent said City Council, and to act i it. behalfsin giving It and a deposition in connection with said hearing and for transmittal to the Federal oRadlo Comm ieaion; THATit is a matter of public convenience and necessity and public inta re et for WRRM to have full time; said Station having a erved civic, munic 1pal, and national organ i..tlore, endless alwaya advanced the bast inters at of the community; and the such service is of more public interest, convenience, end neoe..Ity than the limited educational programs given by the college stations, which cut in on the time of WRRM to its detriment and to the injury of the general ,,oil,; Station WRHM being locally of and not control r''I//�`}'L dominated by any outside interest. I CITY OF ST. PAUL eL " NO. 92309 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK U CIL ION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of Nordkap Lodge Ho. 8, Bone of Norway, for permles^,, to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 12, Block 4, Magoffin & Breckenridge's Addition, located at 185 University avenue, Is hereby granted; and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. Yoe coV Nays C1ae�y Coufoy (/ e.�quwn-/May Ad�Be�mM- ---In livor ae6lmd'Pearce�.. ,s,•�u:� �tgiiner Mr. Vice P—.J5a011"Itn"' - C to39 Adaprcd by [bc Co..,ft WAY —19- 19— YKby etwrow City of Saint Pant Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cu, CI.,k ="'j CiM1 <i..e ••d Commi„ -.'of Ref .Ban Me, 5th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Aad—o., Corporation Counsel, Banding. Dear Sir: The attached applicatlon ofthe Bo rdkap Lodge No. e, Sone of Norway, for permlasion to act a public garage oa Lot 12, Block 4, Bagoffin h Breckanrldge'e Addltlon, located at 165 Dnlverelty Avenue e referred to your department today by the C—il, for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, i� City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS[ AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS May .5, 1952. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached h--ith, please :Ind City Clerk s file on the appllc.t ion of the Nordkap Loa .;e !Io. , Sons o" Ivo^'nay, who ns'< for pe^mission to erect, public garage on Lot 12, Block 4, Magoffin 4 Bre cko—ISIge's Ad:ition, .rich is at 185 Un Iver sity Avenue. P''^.is to -tion is Sn a L1-tt Industry class^f+cotton un - r t'ie voni ordinance ind g,— - a tivSt Ses at this point wi Ii not J,mage ae!!,Inin�; property. ecoasaend that the Council authorize the BullJ ing ne partmsnt to grant this building permit in accordance with this appli- cation. Yr- 1y� is sinner. City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MM J. GIBBONS. CIN CI.,Y � *.i ci.. cm ci„, •ted Commloion.r of R.�In.ee„ Nq 2nd, 1932. Eon. C. R, any, Comair of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Bulldlug. Hear Co®ieeloner: The matter of the application of the Nordksp Lodge 66, Sona of Norway for pezmleeion to ect a pub 1lc garage on Int 12, Block 4, Nagoffln & Breckenr idge'e Addition, located at 185 IInlvereity Avenue a lald ov r to trfty 5th, by the Council at ite mee ting bald today, and referred to your department for report, Tours very truly, City Clerk. ,..r_t c .. io-. 1t-1:., of the 1:!t.i of "_aL,t i.if, Ir,—ci_ii, _..e ^iiJ Council of `l:e Ci'.7 0' int- Fa.i1, 'lune so Ln, for In I:er_:; e,,- C. :—Y, I.:tni—e tea, to of 'dock ...._.n.t -„'l, Mi.ne.;or s. „n ._ y2 ido cf :',t. Fete cr. C St. Eve. er.d ..e. N—ber _ ._....e. . -,te_ ^.t �, ir... . a_ , , flinne_,ot., 1 Tz , /(- CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSc AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 27, 1932. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk., 221 Court House. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please find two certificates of publica- tion, whichhave been railed '.o this If" f ce by the St. Paul Dispstch, rel at]ng to the rw, for of the publ to garage to be erected by the Nordkep Lodge No. 8, Sons of Norway, at 185 Uni--ity Avenue. Thesecertificates should be attached to your file relating to thisappeal, which I understand will come up before the Council on May c. Yours very truly, sup. t"nt CzZnspL� o�. HSB..0 a S1Af6 OF MINNFSpTA: Cowry o1 Rmnay. 1 . A..Ming dly om d- I n . h M1 1 II , hti .y/rvftrr ... d b—. -'i men[ eev o[ cl k - nce 11. 1 11 1rr rr pr t : d: s1f tl Yt £6111 f/i:�prtleb, 9t Plor n 1 ria it `rr . t.�rl noel Vul� r.rl rn the crly of 34 Pnul, j, In s­ -1r Idf f,.. n II h h p led hrrt� It I 1 fr11 t f � .I n p p xea ..rted, prlvled d %N blinh..rl . t.. r:., .aarl the[ all of e¢Id p¢bliretiona 'a:revel I h l TI. t fnt Irrtrl, :I .Ind publirM1rl on _f � A e. .1 1 1 anA woe printed end pub- ] 1- i�)♦. .. ).. .. _._. 'sh:A rn I )� rcr tl ft /�/. n�j{1 TF ! n I I n aalifird a+ a medlam f M1 ter 484, 9co- I th,Ith ata Nat n 4 . lhnt fm o xlt more honan.. 11 orlon [ d /7r ..said newspaper hen been 1 ! 1 f .n a F ri.= to be 'slued In the Engem I :� lanplr nl-..rnrl sola r rnrl rM1rt t t n ap�ie [o nt Irart eight I F ith ri-h! r. 1 tlrIrM1 1 an nd ro rte n hes 1 5q f2 1 1 p'IY ! lin far bli<a :h .u<hn1¢ p nn I I -th =k I x km 1 rrrtl t _ e. 1 nter vl tm p p—g end I not Ih�a 'al1xl f.�r r'r n nm nl n nrl I rxl n enA m reileny, wM1rll �: r rlrli�.ltinn, and n rely meads up o[ap¢Nntn, I t pint. m :ill n:la��+t i��irrat-, n raf tt :all r a r nn�: ur rir l,rr rem. 14) rnlntrl in pinf pulrlirnlion to the ex rot of e[ levet two hunArr.l ural forty : p.. r ,.0 IInrnrd t p,l g sube<riben, end Net Vn +r to II I O ,hr f( 1 111':�ion o� av Il�hrr ar p 1 rinvgr of Auld n er hing knowledge 0 th:i fnrlx. IrlFrl 1 Ibr r:Ri. rr[ntl of acrido of R.—Y, elate of rRirlevit rM1uv:lncr 11 Iiir1.-6— of avid n wapaper end the n:lil Irvnl n Ired nl! � i.Ix eraa��om;ivzi. r n�nt¢f—ti:of af I n l r l a ,lon¢nrt fmm n w z, M1atF rcl� f C I : I r 'I' F ton pooling avd pub- Ilration of rniA Irgr.l nA�.rti.: t M1r n�rnto n +rhad, v z. T't t""s`-iwv�u it i' Enr nRl:an .Ih 1 ll�:al lhls uRirlavi mvdr pure wt to soction 4 v of chna[ x el.: I rnA d tp aCCOmp¢ny�e bill ta. I [ for llihl-: n.-x [ h� _r\1:k I 1 advl Sabscr hrd I as oro t.l this_ � �,q+y • `.'owxy Publielr'Ra yv/`C/onnty, Miana — Fo.m lal. Tty Commission otpirfs .t�f('RSI+�?._.ffdrt. 3TnfEOPMIM FSOra. c<unry p� apm«. _ Aet R d 1 m depoeea h M1 1 I � nll v rDlvpakch arl cer �' eq et r nr,5tr ['nul Sf. vauV--Pl rlk n[ tl 1 -1 '• 1 I an d Rnm- -rn«= i nuv./p nllr khat th D d_... 11 \I n lrla 1 I� it !r r. i r -.i I� �Fpv ince d P ked e d C�. time. ..nl t+nt qll of end cellona Ili.n I {%�{ �.3 71 , the n E d end Pub h ra.r an Ilrn,.a I .-�nP � n the.. Ln. 4 I "" rol/ I 1 rli h n- as or art rl 1 -cv I .. rrm r� I II nr ri°mqk io.� ore ea db epnn<r h- been i�S I - t cued m tna eF.n�q• r to t 1— OX I 1 d rtrr +nrhes Iona p`a ( I I k it �1.-.1 I nt< h Pinceprfopr ppubiicn- .. i r.. ry nal fm erin6 end °i •' 1 r "I . k'Il w k n , .�� I I k I I .I and m eeclleny, k h�� �I1 I nlY mrnade v pt PvtenU. I I pleb Id. ' °�F kn x[rnk of et leeet It n.a n+�earra n.a lrortr 1 .. o ngr�pa snne<nbem, -dlbge /d..r.rrra tn. i.n.r rl,n or said i nprr I+x'o[a Rem Irda tete filar I send Ilrtl R � Ne .I In f .nid w�Pnper< o[ 9f I I "fI _ i Peprr ¢s rc9virvd [ n�Ih to _ ( 1 n.FON 1921. nil r M1 .' f from A to Z, �Iln z �t� . pnnkin6 and pvb- op^nnrt ,atn �nT _ ar tl 'r d 4inl f licnl x�� 1 parevq k E+vn d 1 I �'i t I d - n<vgtpao4 El+e bill 4 Rin t wl-� n • q r` of rh 1 h In:a I d e t \ vrY (dbllc, C r M nnrsvla. t'ono lt+. �•t3 "ammiss�oe aspires li.�, �%..,�T. .......... Key lad, 1912. Ion. C. S. may, Cone'r of P. P. 6 P. Bldg.., Building. Door C—i.eionerr The oat ter of the appli-ti.. of t'ne 'brdkap lodge 91i Sona of Borne for pemieaioa to erect a puLllc gam."e on I.nt 12, Hloo: 4, Yagotfla & Brackenridge 1. Addition, located at 185 Oniver.ity henna .ee laid ov r to Kay 5th, by tho Coomil at it- -seting 1.14 today, and referred to your depertnent for report. Your. vary trmy, City Cleric. CITY OF sT. PAUL £ —T— NO. q 0 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL R K— GENERAL FORM oNbgowea�.� a"�"""""'�. WHEREAS, Mrs, Helen Blomberg has appealed from a decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings fort kdding the erection on Lot Seven (7), Block Twenty-seven (27), St. Anthony Park North'of an apartment building on a bui lding line wli ich differs from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, due hearing was held thereon, and the appellant has requested that ane be allowed to establish a building line on said 10t six (6) feet back from the front line of the store building erected upon the next lot, and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning recommends that such permission be granted, now therefore be it dESOLVED, that the building line of said lot be and it frontle ntreby established twenty -Your (24) feet back from the line of said property line. Yeuy a/ >e[ May Ic(il? In �ha0c ear e 9e116.— ------AV- Mr. Vice Pres. sudheimer )v ) �9 AdapKd by the Council 19— AP 19— ♦wy� rAYow City of Saari Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Ory Ol k �.Ic... C. .. ,nd Comml„iana o1Pyi,b�,lan q,,, ci•n e,nn•ie. April 30th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporat Aon Counsel, Building. ➢ear Sir: We attach herewith appeal of Yre. Helen B1omDerR for permit to establish a bulld- Sng line on lot 7, Block 27, St. Anthony Park Horth. Thle appeal . approved today and referred to you for the proper resolution, as per the racevmendations of the Zoniug Board. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Y` B 0 A R D OF Z 0 N I N 0 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition ; April 4th, 1932. Petitioner Mrs. Helen Blomberg Location Lot 7, Block 27, St. Anthony Park North (Near Como Ave. and Doswell Ave.) Zone Commercial Appeal Appeals under paragraph "J" Section 20 of tin zoning ordinance to establish a building line on Lot 7, Block 27, St. Anthony Park North. Date of Inspection : April 12th, 1932. Date of Hearing : April 14th, 1932. Appearances for Petitioner : Mr. Martin, architect for Mrs. Blomberg, appeared before the Board, and asked that a building line be established as per paragraph vJ11 Section 20, and that a line be established 6 ft. back from the front line of the store building. Appearances for Opposition : None. Petitioner's Argument : Mrs. Blomberg owns the store building on Lot 8, which because of the residential character of the block was set back from the street line on Como Ave. The land is rising in the rear and towards the west - the residence on Lot 6 being 8 or 10 ft. above the street grade. Action of Board : As this property is zoned commercially, Mrs. Blomberg would be permitted to use the same line as the store for 30 ft. and would then have to set back to the line of the residence. This provision of the ordinance is designed for the extension of the business building towards the residence zone. A compromise, establishing the building line of the apartment house 6 ft. back of the lane of the store seems to be reason- able, and it is so recommended by the Board under paragraph nJs Section 20. George H. Harrold y'-4 '�,e -✓C_�� BOARD OF ZONING. Louis Beta G. 0. Hoose C. A. Bassford Isaac Summerfield V :"' Mrs. W. D. Villars Honorable Council City of .;t. Paul, 61inr.e.ota ,o .dr. 21ice Glob - 2L1 Court House Ge ntl .igen: I prop... to ergot en near tiaent bu:idine, on :qf property, Lot 7 ih Block 27, Jt. —thon;j i,erk I:orth, Addition, Im:.odiute- 1� _6t o1 Store .,a eynr t..�ent _.�Idi ng ewne.: e.nd o�oup .od �y .o., near corner of Co:no Av.. mid Do... 11 Jt., Sad n., per e"ti-fc () eeotion 20 of 3uiiding Zone �rdinencc, kindi, e.sk ,aur i)er- -sleaicu to eotz j,F. � oui:din3 11 ..e whi.h diifcrs f. o.0 the prw leis❑ of —ti— 16. y pert; :s 20 net as co.:uae r�ial n:�d cd �,ir.a a "3" r—den.e d:atr let. v pr-'ae:,t .tore build:ug seta Deck -'I"t 18 f=.et fro.n fnnt line end —lid I be r ,red to set o.d'r_ 1:_ ll:.e with reaidenoes in the i.�rock it wiltbe ver;' det.rl..'lentai t. i,; pro- rlesae Siva this T,j;eat ,,,ur jjru.jet end dinl oonsider- .tion —1 oo,lde. Y.,ura srulY se 1. DL o.nbarg 2510 C.:ao Ave. '.:est, 1 1 � 1 II I pWtP I AVE. Como J� Q April 2jth, 1912. Mrs. H. Blomberg, 2310 Como A--, west, St. Pani, uinneeota. Dear uad—. T— appeal to the City 0-11 for pemisslon to erect m apartment building near the corner of Como Avenue and Dorrell Street — laid o to May 6th. The Toning. Hoard retro®ands that the build- ing line of the apart—.t ho—. be air feet Doak of the ltoe of the oto re ball ding. Aa your letter does rot specify eh building line yon •S eh to eetablieh the Co,uwiI directed me to =ire if thio reo --dation of the Zoning, Hoard 1• enti.f-t-y. will you kindly inform ua by letter or appear before the Counall ou "y 6th1 T—re very truly. City Clark. April 28, 'S2 .;r. ..ince J. Oiboons Cit, Clerk Cit, —, --i .a.._ Dear Bir: Your lett— the 27.1. Just received. I ala vary scrry to learn tinct this appeal wise 1rld over. 'fhe Zoi,ing Board recorm—datior. ti:at the building line of the apartment house be six :oat bask of the line of the etwe building Is sctisfaot,.r;j to me. I have requested ion architect, :Sr. Martin, to be present at the hoaring on ::ay 6th and he wili iuswer eny further question e. :cindiy send we copy of approval at ar, early date as I must make erreng-i-ts soon. Thank you. Yours truly 6lr e. H. Bl— berg 2310 Como Ave. 17. ,it. 2eu1, .A inn. CITY OF ST PAUL No 9232 OF ICE OF CITY CLERK SOLUTION— GENERAL FORM omrn "�L'ti JJJ Dori May 5, 1932 RESOLVED That upon a rec orr>m endat of the Commissioner of Public.Yorks the proper ci4 officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Re ry F.Yen of the Feyen Construction Co. for the uae of the follow- ing equipment: One 27-E Mixer with operator Finishing machine and oper,tor Hopper & Scalse and 2000 ft. road forme for the length of time necessary for the City to pave Concord Street from Curtlee Street to Annapolis Street for and in consideration of Sia Hundred Dollar. ($600.00). Charge P.I.R. Fund- Concord St. Paving 1-3650 Yras ccuruil meu N Co��oy May 1'ea rce — (�.. Agai s. Sudi..we. i s..�.... w.. �.o. CITY OF ST. PAUL r,u ND•---_ al�l./.1H OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL _ 1 j ON --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application Of Paul Soplata for permission to erect an toe station on the triangle bounded by Jefferson avenue, Nest Seventh and Oneida street., is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are authorizsd and directed to issue a permit therefor; said station to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may b' revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. ,yq ncMew AdoPmd by IANC Yoe couN Na� /r' - ^. '. / In 6wr Pr �dy+� A�jne[ Ate' MwYow W -W T #fr..Bwdde.►Me�6eee• '� Mr. Vice Pras. _on -—r CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSc , ANDPUBLIC BUILDINGS April 28, 1Fl32. Hon. Council, city of St. Paul. Gentlemen- Attached herewith please find the application of Paul Soplats, who desires to erect an ice station on the tri- angle bounded by Jefferson, (vest Seventh, and Oneida Streets. This property is zoned in the Heavy Industry classifica- tion under the zoning ordinance and therefore, we recom- mend that the petition be granted. Yours a s i�,ZI City of Saint Paul office of City Clerk MINE 1, GIBBONS, Ory CI.A .nd Commi„ion., cI R111-11- April .y Bo. April 26th, 1932, son. C. x. 118,1, Comely of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Bnllding. Dear Co®ieeioner: Te attach h-ith application of Paul Sop late for permission to erect m ice station on the tria gle bounded by Jefferson, Test Seventh and Oneida Streets. This appllcation has been referred to your department for investigation and report. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. �a 4�,�ot ^•+...a c.... ..! CITY OF di.F111] .r .. Si. PAUL NO._ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C_: - G'"' 12cENERAL FORM '..'e,s NEp pryN�. onrE tanner of 'as, Yle ygr„unds ltc oliill ha roport ed to the council, �' in accXcr e wi th�See on 53 of the r. the is,; nce City ne ce. ° emergency which the �( erY the etrplo of cer to ' de;,e.rt,..ent for more than e Ployes of his , e:.,ploymant being more theirours per day, said - hours Of' emPloyment, Therefore be eso 1-d, That the are here uthorl zad to Propor ci Scars at t rate otherwise ed yf theefoil wing named e, .e ha^eine f ter set forfix th. Ployment for the ex NAME TITU HC[IRS RATE GF=CVEHTIAg„ L'tillt: �aco_er R.A. ol_ 1M�ae. Laborer 174 •55 Schr. Nobertsc lcir .5o 'moa, 'arra cco c�:.m: _ Y tce. 6 aS John SwedY_e] Cortucon " laz .50 Gtto n5 2 !.elvl. t. Y.rcor Eiectrl eiN ns �.elper '95 Year eou Nc;Lm Err Na y v Coaroy Adop�cd by the Coa , 14AY May I M�Bamld— p�' VIII, In fa.or d Pearcc I Against Mr. Viae Yres. aud6a;:uo e.o...,o �.,...... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.t) OFFICE OF CITY CLERK GENERAL FORM LAS, The Commissioner of Pars, Playgrounds and rublie buildings has re .,orted to the Council, in acco rdanco with Section 55 of the City C' -:tarter, the existence of an emergency w::Ach rendered necessary the e.�•ployme nt of certain eu,ploye8 of his department for :no re then eight hours per day, said art:pL•yment being more than their usual hours of e;,.ployment, - Therefore be It Res'1"d, Thatthe proper city off leers are �_e ^eby an th-11ed to pay t e fo 'low'rig -ed a,ployes, at the rate otherwise fixed for ex:. ra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. NA1,-E TITLE hu, RAVE Cr CVERTII✓di Cw9 Ira P. Nntee. ',aborer 5 .50 1 1:ntce. _,aborer 7' .j0 _ Leo C �oyleen 1, nice. ---er 1B� .50 Je.��c `. Cawley " 22 ..50 "rvin� C,. lsoo ' ° 4 .50 J.: Dinwoodie " lo'- .50 . -ed Dnlap -nthonyF—re^o " " 19 .50 ^ x V n Laborer Ss . 45 J.Cummow 11 11 .45 Esrry .00dwill 1'.ntce. " 9 .50 slier 1!eidanre i ch " 1b?- . 50 d11J .:. :'.o gra r. Cor 4 .45 Tes. Sun wirtl, " 1 1 .�0 , ft A,. '. I'. :..-e needy ..rs'n " " 4i .50 .50 .i. sego Lt11. " 20 .SF Fe _er IL'nso:: 6 ii,e .;ielf:a I• Ina ao Torw::aso : oz::olr, 1 .a0 :%cLonouGt 't11. �8 .55 .Tohn V. Cabo rri ..n __e. � 24 .50 courvci ern ar, Y,z Nnvs Adop,,d by the Cooed 19. Con May M'Donald I� f—, APp—,d 19 N.... Rosen _. --Against Aroa Sodhciiq.l M,. N—d— Bondhi Mr. Vies Pres. Sudhsimar Gtill of 61. lInt oEo &Port—t of ll.k.. playgrounae Ir ...... aob Pohl& isulibip ... . ........ CLYDE R MAY, I F f t 121'k: Thi; f , y Che f,1- r. is 1 11 , t—k Er anis ., I in At— OFT. F SA I N T F I 4�j AUL � y o..... ., ... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL cou.ci. NO. 92314 ILE CITY CLERK FF OF /LE OU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM U M.`s'sIO By ldDATI ay 4, 1932 REsoLveo Whereas, Final Order C. F. 90655, approved October 13, 1331, for curbing Thorn Street, both sides, from Hiawatha Street to the easterly end of Thorn Street, has been superceded by Final Order C. F. 92200, approved April 26, 1932, therefore, be it Resofved, That all orders in the 'above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discon- tinued. Y- COUNCILMEN Na 0—Y r Fergn�on � / r,,,�—� McDoodd In favor Rohi..d Sudheimm Against A6n-Pwudcpq�Tla7g bM' Adopted bythc Council. _ NAY i pro ®a+mao Mnroa Req. by Nr. Glen Walfoort, 821 E. Third5 C.—it File.e. _ 92315 l� P OSAL FOR Iht OVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nnder.igned hereby prop.... the mnking.f the fallowing public improvement by I"City of St Pa.l, via.: Construe ting driveway on the east side of Arcade Street, beginning112 feet north -of East Third Street, thence, north 12 feet Dated thi. 5th dny of May, 1932 ,e m �o PRELIh1INARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propos.I for the .,.king of the f.11owing improvement, vin.: Constructingdriveway _on_the. ..eaSt.. Side or Ar0ade_5treet _. ._ _.. .. beginning 112 feet north of East Third Street, thence._ north lzfeet . . ... ...._...__..... _.. . ._._....... .... ....... having been pr.Fented to the C "rail of the City of St. therelore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of P.blm works be and ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the neeeenity for, e, desirability of, the making of acid improvement. 2. To i.vestigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of void improv omen t, and the total coat thereat. I To furnish a plan, profile or .ketch of enid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie ..ked for on the petition of three or en.re owner. 5. To report upon .11 of the forgoing --I-- to the Commissioner of Finanee. D � � MAY Adopted by the Coonad _._.... y_. _._.......... Y.- Nera Couneilman Caenor oveMnr\J Apprd........ ......__.._ _...._...__..... McBenrarr / P-... � —cw U Cnnanil 316 PROPOSAL FOR IM OVEMENT r and �. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hemby propoens the making M the following public improvement by the City of fit. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying. and repairing_ the sidewalk on the east side of Western.. Avenue, beginning at .... ..._......... ....... . Rondo Street,._ thence_. south. 40 feet..__... ......__._ ax, nr A 1 1.111.1-1 no....... 4th Mayr 1952 i.: io�mw��,: Pmo"a::me�i Dated this _ day of .. .,:. a. a. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ` ` ° WHEREAS,A written prIp... I far the making of the following improvement, Re constructing,relaying-and repairing the. ,sidewalk pn the east sJde. of Western _AV.e.RUP-._beginning.. at ......._.___... Rondo Street, thence south 40 feet.._._. ................... _... _......... having been presented to the Counril of the City of Stl Paul -. ...._ _... _._ _._..___.._....__. therefore, be it V RESOLVED, That the C.—naaioner of Public Work. ba and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the n,,,,j,y for, or desirability of, the ,,king of said improvement. 2. To inveetig.te the not., , extent and estimated ,at of e.id improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish -Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To amts whether or not said impro—o—t ie asked for on the petition of three or more I- 5. To report upon all of the foregoing m,ttom to the Commissioner of Fiance. CGS/ Adopted by the Council. _... _....I _-Vy_....�.'q�?...___._..._._.. Ysea Nere 77tt�t Councilman C.'. , Mer Approv ed....._..._ __..... ......____._..... YRocco+_ g�.._.....e _.._____._.___...........____....___.. •mss Mayo, V ica Pr's. !� ..92317 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The—hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .Constructing Alley crossing on the east side of Underwood ...._..Avenue, and the west side of Mcal ester Avenue,_ between ............... _ .... _.. _._____.....Schaff — .and Eleanor.. St—.t.. _._.. _. .... _.......... _... _..... Dated this .5th... _ d ___. '"°`•� eo.rr.« Av PRELIMINARY ORDER. .. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: _. Constructing Alley crossing on the east side of Underwood Avenue, and the west side of flacalester Avenue, between Schaffer and Eleanor Streets. having been preeentcd to the Council of the City of St. Peul.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the mmisemner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nates, extent end eetim,, ed cost of avid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of .aid improvement. 4. To erste whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner. 5. To report upon sll of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Conned __. _... ... MAY Y.A. Ne,s Councilman Counoy hlev \ Approv�6� ....1v/Peence! JSaeewr--_ _`�.� At __ __ _ 4Kmer, M.Yo, wr. "' ." P— .ueoe:mer Cduncil File No.... 92318 2' )) QQ /%�� � _JrGIJlO J�� POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigncd hereby Ip.— the making of the following public improvement by the City M Et. Pnnl, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk, where. necessary, on the.. West side of Maria Avenue beginning __.. 79. feet. north Of Cherry.. street, thence north 48 feet. _.. _.. _.. _...._.. _...._.. .......... Dated this. 5th clay of ....May, 1932..._ 111 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for th, 111kin9 of the following improvement, Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk, where necessary, on the West side of Maria Avenue, beginning 79 feet north of Cherry Street, thence north 48 feet. ha,ing been proeented to the Council of the City of St. Paul... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commise.— of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the ­—i"fur, or deeirnbility d, the. making of said improvement. 2. To investigote the nsture, c.rtcnt and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said im provemcnt. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for oa the petition of three reor mare orvnere 5. To port upoo sll of Ehu foregoingyymatt— to the Commieefoner of Finance. Adopted by the Cnunml Yana Nere 67o Councilmen Covaor DE i \fav Approved._.... McHeteavc lL .J _.. e..,•. M yor. �c..aaA75rvic. , re c.. / E.E?�7MI. No. 92319 ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th, ,,],,.ig.,d h—by p,op— the o,ki'g of the f.11—i.g P.bh' improvement by the City of St, Paul, vi- cQOstruqting Alley. Crossing on the south side of _.._._..._Stevens Stre a t between. Smith Avenue and Ottawa. Avenue. -1-1 A. 1. o.....— Dated this 4th day of May, 1932 19.1-- — A .....•....t . A,- he _4 1. 1. 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A —it.n proposal for the io.ki., of the f.11.oi.g imp—r—ot, viz.: Constructing Alley crossing on the south side of Stevens Street between Smith Avenue and Ottawa kYeatio, being boon Ir.—Id to flo, Conned of th, City of St Prod 'ho"f_, be it RI.9OLVrD, Tb.t the Gio—imi—r of Potdo, Work., b, end m hereby ordered end dio,rb,d 1. To investigate the or—ily for, or desirability of, 11--lio, of void '1'o ii,-.tig.to the -t—, extent end utioo.tod —t of said total — ..d o, total thereof.a To furnish . IA., pr.filo or sketch of said improvement., To state whether or not said improvement i, asked for o, the petition of thm, or mare ownore 5. To report opo, all of the foregoing matt— to the Commiaeioncr of Mn,.r,. L X41 Adopted by the Co -61 Y.- Neva Councilman CONR Y M— App—rd P.— Council File No..... 92320 PROPOS., 'IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u.dersigned hereby prop—the tusking f the roll—mg public improvement —t by th, City of St. Pan], via.: Grading Alley in BIQX 5, Milton Addition from Milton Street.. to Chatsworth. Street._. Dated this 5th _day of May, 1932 All"111 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written p,.I,,,,l for the —king of the, following improvame.t, 'is.: Grading Alley in Block 5, Miltop Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. having been po—t,d to the C.1111il It the City of St P-1 tb,,,f.re, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PlIbIh, W.,k. be sad is hereby ordered and dio,tt,ll: 1* To investigate the """4 ho, or "'n"bility of, the olkill of said 2. T'invesinvestigatetig' the -- at,,,, t ad ,ti.,t,d ost of aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. Tot,t, whether or not said improvement is aakod f,, no the petition of final , Its owns, 6. To report Pa. all f the foregoing mat Fre_ talln, Clanliano-, of Fi ...... MAY Adapted by the Council...... Y.A. N— C-61... C..... Appr—:, p.s.t. Mayor. et-W—i UA)E—j3L-3a, �. I,FileFileME PROPOSAL OR NT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th, itad—igai,d hereby p,,p.... the —kh, of the foll—mg p,bi,, Improv... of by the City of St P-1, i - Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,. cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, m MiltAddition from.Milton. S treat to Chat—th Str at. Diiu,d thio 5th d,yof May, 1932 Al, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written po.p .. I for the anki.g of We following CondeZg and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cut. aad.fil-l. in the grading of Allay in.Black. 5, Milt— Additio from Milton Street to ChatSWGrth Street. b,,. presented to the Council of the City of St. P-1 tt—d—, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pabim Works be and is hereby ordered sad directed: L To investigate the I .t—it, for, or desirability of, thmaking of improvement. baptonat. 1. To I.vestigato Lhe ..t—, —at and eetimated —t of said improvement, and the -.1 i,mt thereof. 3, To furnish , plan, prefile or do,whofmid 4 To at,w whether or not said improvement i. asked for on the petition of three or more ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregoing ant— to the C,m,ini,,,, of Ft .... t. Adopted by th, Council .__._.. __..._ _..__ Yana ....fl- Y.- NA- C ... 61— C.— Y MAY App— May— Petition ("if Filo 342 PROPOSAL FOR E.ENT PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tlie undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f,fl—mg public improvement by tbu City ofSt P-1, vi- - Constructing a sidewalk on the south aide of I.Avenue _from rom Edgerton Street to Payne Avenue. D..d this.. 5th d.y or May, 1932 o.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal f,, th, moking of the following improvement, i,.: Constructing a sidewalk on the South side of Iowa Avenue from Edgerton Street to Payne Avenue. h -mg been p,,,,t,d to the Co—til of the City of St. Poll 0"-f—, b. i RESOLVED, Th.t the C—ou.i.— of Public W.,k. be and i. hereby .,dt,td ..d di—tod: 1. To i ... tig"' tb, o—mity fi., , &,i-biiity of, th, ..king of said improvement. 1. To investigateth, nature, e,t,,t end ,,ti,,ttd coat of said improvement, and the t.t.1 —t thou,(. 1. To 1,,,i,h , plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.T. p--11- .T. t,t, whtfl— , out said improvement i, naked f,, on Ube petition of three w- 5 T, report upon ell of the foregoing matte, to the Commissioner of Moo—. .Adopted by the C ... di , . 11 MAY Y— N— C.-til— Connor N"r Approved. __ N&.B— P—t. .......... Myr. Mr.V1u, Pr�' ',,An -r-- �1 qTY OF 3f. PAUL NO. --.92M E OF CITY CLERK I R TION—GENERAL FORM 6a0v10 Whereas, 0ouncil file $ 92310, adopted May 6tb, 1932, estab- lished the building line of Lot Seven(?), Block Twenty-seven (27) St. Anthony Park Worth, on a line 24 feet from the property line of said bot, and Whereas, the said line should be established 22 feet from the property line of said lot, now therefore be it Resolved, that Oounoil File 92310, adopted May 6tb, 1932, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the figure 24 where it appears in said resolution and by inserting in lieu thereof the figure 22. k �..t, ... .. Yee Nrye iG..a ',- , � r Pgs - Y _In faun IA,. Pmidmt it/rise/eR Ad.pwd by the Couind ,IAY Q 12r19— App, 19— / /� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL .� �0•--JF.a//••ri O OF CITY CLERK I ESO ON — GENERAL FORM Cow I — F�Ul6D u WHEREAS, As provided by 0ouncil rile No. 92082, approved April 11, 1932, the Counoil did, on the 6th day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. In the 0ounoil Chamber of the 0ourt House, bold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame store and flat building located on Lot 5, Block 33, Lyman Dayton's Addition, also known as 697 E. Third street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building Is =safe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and sbould be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLESD, That said building be wrecked and removed, end that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Bui;dings shall report said fact to the Oouncil. COUNCILMEN MAY 91932 Yoe Na" Adopmd by rLc CO—B 0— Ckwf`6onroy ny In Favor Apprwc 19— u.��Pear0 e� �• _��. �t®a Apia. MAYO' Mr. Proidmc audp—Hundlle City of Sart Paul Office of City Cl -,k MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cary C•,I, C o.n cm ci.n •nd Cenmaulan.r of R•f�,b•Ilan a.i ci,n v.uw.,w, ld,j 6th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: At a hearing held this m.rning, thecondemnation of that certain two-story frame .tore sed flat building located on lot 5, Block 33, 1pma, Dayton'. Addition, nleo iaown ea 697 B. Third Street as ...firmed and the matter referred Lo your department for resolution. We enclose Council File %92082. Tour. very truly, n City clerk. „T. 1.11'... -- try It, 1933 Tso. Pr.d Y. Dro—. co•iaoioner of Arks. playground. and Palls anildiog., city of St. Anl. - Dwr girt To ai.h to prot..t ag lmt th. d..tru.tioa and "u l of onr bonding U.at.d oa lot g, blosY gg. Lyman Dayton's iddition to th. city of at. Aol..1N knm a N7 Dut third at.. at. Ant. Tio,-.., on tb. grouada ttat th. city C—U of at. And no' you b.— on J-Udioti= to d.atr.y and r.aor. th. building. and that it You do a it U Without du. ""a of law. Vary truly 7-4. "00 7/l�/ag�dd4c7� T209 mx.n P-.idast I OF ST. PAUL Zi NO.— —�I• 25 ICE OF CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM IR Ea REAS, Mrs. Anna Johnson, an employe of the Department of Eduoation, claim 8 lalma to have been injured on the 28th day of May, 1931, by reason of which injury she was totally disabled for the period to August 29th, 1931; and WHEREAS, the City At office refused to pay her oom- pensation for this period, denying that any accident report had been made, and that the evidenoe was insufficient to show that she was totally disabled during that period; and WHEREAS, The Industrial Commission has asked that her claim be compromised by the payment of $50.00 In settlement of her claim for compena atlon, together with her doctor bills, namely, Dr. Arthur W. Ids, $48.00, and the St. Paul Hospital $6.50; and WHEREAS, The Corporation Counsel has recommended this settle- ment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are bereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement to pay said Anna Johnson the sum of $50.00 final compensation, together with doctor bills amounting to $54.50. - 11 Yrae eouaera. eN Naye Adopwd by rhe Cowin MAY 9 j93:19_ LLepmaWG In fawr APP 6C` 19— iaudhc®er against ,uvow— V �-iieee►- � � . tri`. Presid— Mods— Bundlie department of law 11TY 01 IT. PAUL 11 May stn, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: Mre. Anna Johnson, employed by the Department of Education, claims that on the 28th day of May, 1931, she received an injury while so employed, as a result of which she was unable to work all summer until school re -opened In the fall. The only report made of her injury was dated August 29th, 1931, although she claims to have notified her superior. at the time of her injury. She did not go to a doctor for some time after her injury, but the doctors state that she could have been injured for the length of time that she claims. The liability of the City, therefore, is doubtful, and the Industrial Commission has asked us to pay the sum of $50 in compensation to settle this claim, said sum of $50 representing approximate half of what she would receive if her claim were upheld by the Industrial Commission. Inview of experience in compensation cases, It Is our opinion that it Is for the best interests Of the City to make such a settlement, and I have therefore drawn a resolution authorizing it, which resolution accompanies this letter. Yours very truly, Assistant Corpora/tion Counsel. EM -U PRINT�� Rs oni �m c�(�]��]����—` [ UNCIL •RESOLUTION COUNCIL RILE NO.-123% �c/�.no.aevea° v`s`iv�an, w°>•..uu�s.l� lu— 5 193?_ R)FLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 56_951. 55 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4463 rIN LUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADO—D OY THE COUNCIL o1 U aet' O 0 92326 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 5 32 4�3 56 951.5� TOTAL nu McEn IN FAVOR OF 111UG1T 10—ARD „ _M1 _ b — — 11 _� 446 4464 Mary i Metzger 1 783 6 Mary ': Metzger 87 0 4465 Ruth A. Conrad 2 5 4466 R.E. Hulme Awning &3hade Co. 120 5 4467 - Berglund Lumber C omna c y 202 4468 Th. Calhon Company 43 4469 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Company 148 6 '44 o Farwell, o—un. KIrl ompeny 69 '47 7, _un,Kirk Company 745 4472 Louis H. Jacobi 10 0 447� Kennedy Brothers company 339 4 1 447 F.J. Morse and.mpany ISO 56 17 Sharp d Dohme 9 S 4"4 r. a Com ... y 11 72 ..:ne and 9 SSI 4477 U.9Bedding Company 38 58 4478 Annie '9. Bruckner 5 231 0(� Labii 44Mat. da C,Reuh r 15 C, Reuther 448079 Ly. P. Mitchell elt 1 9 8(1 4481 O.M . Anderson Lumber Company 33 81; " 4482 I.H. Barber �1 A! 4481; Board of PublicwelfareL,6 446 39 449 The Emporium 214 97! 448 A.C. Horn Company 35 23 44E Emil FreiSeiB 232 50 4487 John H. McDonald C: of Fi—qc. 55 4488 John H McDonald0 00 f Finance 165 00I 4489 John FMcDonaldC. 1. f Finanoe 74 44�' 4490 John H. McDonald, . C. of Finance 844 $91 1. 4491 John H. McDonald, Op of Fin"oa 55 01) 4492 John H. McDonald, C. of Finance �73 470ii 44N John H. McDonald, C. of Finance 14 98 4 44 '3t.Paul Bibue Print Com peny107 79 4495 tilism Egeland, Agent 272 2211 4496 Agnea Tamble 43 20 4497 Ignatius Beaker 1 26 40�� 4119J h, B ',Donald. C. of Finse 1 16Z 35 449� L. Peterson w00'� 4500 C.D. Brown 70 00'! 4501 Cleveland Avenue Meat Market 1851 4502 Farwell, Owun, Kirk & Company 116 5911 450g Illinois Engineering Company 29 60p 4504 Dr, B. A,, Pomeroy 6 oo[, 4505 N.. Ri.b.lt 2 40' 45o6 st:Paul Vocational Training 3phool IN 52 4507 st P-1 white Lead & 0i I c ... any 11 57 72 0 4 t I 5 8 Rut b T.,rI ii 15 001i —111 -- 1-1— d 56 951 55 - 1 4— O 0 92326 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 5 32 4�3 56 951.5� TOTAL nu McEn IN FAVOR OF 111UG1T 10—ARD „ _M1 _ b — — 11 _� 446 4464 Mary i Metzger 1 783 6 Mary ': Metzger 87 0 4465 Ruth A. Conrad 2 5 4466 R.E. Hulme Awning &3hade Co. 120 5 4467 - Berglund Lumber C omna c y 202 4468 Th. Calhon Company 43 4469 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Company 148 6 '44 o Farwell, o—un. KIrl ompeny 69 '47 7, _un,Kirk Company 745 4472 Louis H. Jacobi 10 0 447� Kennedy Brothers company 339 4 1 447 F.J. Morse and.mpany ISO 56 17 Sharp d Dohme 9 S 4"4 r. a Com ... y 11 72 ..:ne and 9 SSI 4477 U.9Bedding Company 38 58 4478 Annie '9. Bruckner 5 231 0(� Labii 44Mat. da C,Reuh r 15 C, Reuther 448079 Ly. P. Mitchell elt 1 9 8(1 4481 O.M . Anderson Lumber Company 33 81; " 4482 I.H. Barber �1 A! 4481; Board of PublicwelfareL,6 446 39 449 The Emporium 214 97! 448 A.C. Horn Company 35 23 44E Emil FreiSeiB 232 50 4487 John H. McDonald C: of Fi—qc. 55 4488 John H McDonald0 00 f Finance 165 00I 4489 John FMcDonaldC. 1. f Finanoe 74 44�' 4490 John H. McDonald, . C. of Finance 844 $91 1. 4491 John H. McDonald, Op of Fin"oa 55 01) 4492 John H. McDonald, C. of Finance �73 470ii 44N John H. McDonald, C. of Finance 14 98 4 44 '3t.Paul Bibue Print Com peny107 79 4495 tilism Egeland, Agent 272 2211 4496 Agnea Tamble 43 20 4497 Ignatius Beaker 1 26 40�� 4119J h, B ',Donald. C. of Finse 1 16Z 35 449� L. Peterson w00'� 4500 C.D. Brown 70 00'! 4501 Cleveland Avenue Meat Market 1851 4502 Farwell, Owun, Kirk & Company 116 5911 450g Illinois Engineering Company 29 60p 4504 Dr, B. A,, Pomeroy 6 oo[, 4505 N.. Ri.b.lt 2 40' 45o6 st:Paul Vocational Training 3phool IN 52 4507 st P-1 white Lead & 0i I c ... any 11 57 72 0 4 t I 5 8 Rut b T.,rI ii 15 001i —111 -- 1-1— d 56 951 55 - 1 COUNCIL FILE. NO. By. FINAL ORDER 92327 In the Matter of reoan5tructI1%, iia; — r-2,._1;1_:., ai_: si_., ___ xhere_neccss.;:;, -i nest side. of Prior Avenue beginning- at _Lalirel Avenue, thence south 116 feet, ..a oxoex under Preliminary Order 91872 _. apprm'ed March 9, 1932 Intermediary Order __.____ .._...__approved _ _... _._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconstruct, relay and -repair._ the, side?..'alk, .here.necessary, on.- the ..eeat.-side.-of Prior Avenue-bginnt ng .-t-Lurel avenue,.. thence. south 116 feet,.._...._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approvall that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 41' 1 Q is32 - - 192 City Clrrk. / /' V Approved , 192 �� Councilmanclahcy . - / Mayer. ,Councilman - Councilman lgr Councilman s3%ma x — ilfayor Matio®. BundI ie Form B. S. A. &7 T " OEPANTML�T(SOF FANINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER c V In Elie nia��er of reo ne.ructing, relaying and repai r.nf; the sidewa'.kr where naoeeeary, on the west aide o: Prior Avenue beginning, at Laurel Avenuo, thoncc south 115 faot, under Preli mina r,. Order apgravcd Marsh 9, 1932 "1'e she Coun.h of rhe Ciiy of Sc. Paul: 'Ch, Commissioner �( Finance hereby refwrts as L�Ilons: 18.90 'I'hc total estima«d amoonr of rhe assessment fo, the above impro.cment is - 5 - 'Ihe esiin�u�ed cost 111 1-1 for the abo.e 'll., loge or parols of land diet may h, at.....d h,_f for such im pro�emen�, end the o:ansed t alnotion of each !ot or panel as Iasi ,,ported bt th, Ass,saor, arc as fodl ,_ o C1 10N -g) roT Ao OiTION IsAd SE— Bldg. T 3 Merriam Perk Third Addition 1300 4100 to the ;ity of St. Paul 1300 4100 The Commissioner cf Finance further rel ons 0- he has int­ig.­d all of the .,f ores aid matt s, and h,rcby submiu the foregoing as his report thereon w the Council, togerhe, with the ,,port mud, ro lhim in reference to said matt,, by the Commissioner of Public U'orYt . Dated 0—`r /3 - 193 'f" '-'� Commissioner o(Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Vf Jr4sFiNRNCt Report to Commissioner of Finance ? >s Wn 21 -9W March tl, ld3` In:i "i'., the (',n.miw.i..,er of fi,auce ..f the fire u! 1t. Paul The (',nunl..ioner of Puhlk l\'ork., having h.d under-n,,,&ration the preliminary —1b, ..f the l'ouuril, know, w+ C..uncil k'il. \o. 91d7'r approved March 9, 193'l 19.3 relntire to reconstructing, r. -laying ':nd repairing, the side sLi,, where necessary, on the west side of Prior :.veu— cetiriing ett Lour=_1 Avenue, thonce south 116 feet. and haying iuve.tiRnted the m tu— a,d things inferred u, therein, hereby repor6 I. Said hnpn�retm'nt i. and (or) rle.irnhlo. Lot 7, Block 3, Merriam P_t,k Ti;ird Addition - Cost $1J.30 _, thereof is S and the total c -t thereof ie S -d the nntnrc and extent of Haid improvement ie ns follows_ NOT n. Do not notify. 3. A plan, profile nr sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached anri mode n part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is ..k,d for upon petiti of three or more owners of proporty, suhlnt to a.sc.sment for ..id improvement. C loner of Pu Im Work.. COGNGL F[L�RI-P-L�,Rctv*xVO* FINAL ?.WN W, h <x In the matter of_ wide -r__ the _i:�.t.�rsec t=�.� of '�:ini 1'r ec -t. and South _ ll ------ - na sna on the northw=rt corse^. Also ch. rising ng the g �..-_e of t:ne'_uttin, S':id Lot 6 to c•., n:'ore to the grans, o c.: nstrr.:c tiny, n sidewa'_'r., c—bing, ,nd aaing,��: nd �kina t: -:a n _ s in existi-.a Sid ew �'. k.s, P.-iar��ts e : c�-c_ nbasins nr n or ..e nrove'�: _fl t_e *V*1 s r^Cis in 1-1—ity Vito t::e •:_n street lincs.and gr.des. under Preliminary Order____'_1_io5-------------, approved------Ma:a'-.. Intermediary Order________ I___ f_'__ Aril 1Sth,l':'Sr. _____________ approved ------_----------____---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the qty of St. Paul th,t the precise nature, extent and kind of imp rovement to be made by the said City le to ids!: tte int—ser'i— f ;�1 "re•.. nd So. ';�aba sha at the n t -^Nest corner, 1__ nen Sir. e:�'clks, cu r bi rig ,"d IVin,- nd m-.ke necessary cr.an:es in existing w__, , ^ing, hydrants -.no On tel ba=_ins. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. A tri -^'.11 _=ce in ti: ._:theist Corner . of Lot G '.oak^8' st. St. Paul P , measuring ft. u ^o;.r ,l t"e north ne oC ''rinitrec St. "d lc _t. n the nortiiv:^st-r line of So. fab.-sha St., - �'. conc:en ant take zl] 1 n n� e_ ate r_ e r also chnnze ti. e .r de ri tiie silev:n-k abutting a i.: Lot 6 to c,,nfi- to tce gr:aes proposea ane s`:uv:n �n LP_e el- hereto att:_chrc anC ::.a— a It hereof, the re s•, n in, _ own t._ar—n; also c netruct. _ i-ewa_x, RESOLVEI curbing ana Ili. and making thennecessnry clan;: eS nd directed to in existing sidewalk.,, •eying, hydrants and hereby authorm with. catch t^_sins forthe iu:provement of the Ft—et: in conformity wl th the new _treat lines nd j-1-- Adopted .__Adopted by herein --ero d. < c i _ 4 1 r,. ---- ---�,-- —=r*-�-"--- 6/� Citc Clcrk. Approved- J__. _______'_____. 19____ - Co. cijum oy '^onra� ` Mayor. Coon'man ar8uson Council %e Ce old . Council Council Ro nd "Denrce / Council. n Sudheimer if assn Mayor �i'uIn- Pre. h-Pre. idem ound_ie (I.+328 FINAL U R�pl/E J`Rl' y�l��VP1�A'i`#�`., ,xx In the matter of_ kidenint the i!A-rseotl:.n .of 'i�inifrea and South_ Desna on the nortrw—t corner. Also clingin the gIi;,e of the sideas'.k a-,ttin;; said Lot 6 to conforc tc,the gr=s ro rased. Also c-sti --ting n w sidewa'_k, curhing, a ed )avidg, :.nd, kin., the necessary � c:..an_es in exist-� sidew.-,Lks, n�u re nt.= _ ca-- basins for ini t _f tie N"i s'r,2ta in u... —ity cith t- str_et` l":inos__nd gr.. des. under Preliminary . Order_______-------------- apprud___':c iLh i�;'.:_ ? 3ve___ Wa: c IIntermedia q: --1z April 13th,1� 3, ntermediary Order ______________________ approved_____.__-_____________________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon one notice, and the Council having heardll persona, objections and recommendations ered the same relative thereto, and having fully consid- 8therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th't the precise nature, -tovt and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to :•.i:: en the intcrsecti— z.'pini"red _nd So. „abaaha of the -t�rtc:':�st corner, curbing avin,-, -. r,-_ nd ke necessary c::snzes in existing "'S' -:nd ing, hydrants snd oatc!. -Basins. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the followipg laud, lands o easements therein be and the ae me are herebyordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making the said improvements, viz. tri 1 on In tIr the-st corner. of Lot 6 t_ S Pant PI r 0 .vft. on tl'e n t - e J �11ni _'r nort rr;s t uc lin of So. � onde� take ass, eee carp there or; also chan¢P RESOLVE, .. a ne and is hereby instructed and direct d to u specmcetlensTor said imp o ,,,nt. and the proper city offichil, a hereby authorized and -d ted to proceed with the making of ,aid improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council____ 19____ ' r., r -.,, �- s e Approved- ____ J---- __________. 19--"- Cite Clerk. G j ---------------------- Una Gilman nrov /ILy, l..i� /[l( Mayor. CII n Iman guson 51ari Co. e Donald r coupe. a Council Ro nd °a'ree Councilor v Sudheimer iI-ssen Mayor i ILr. P— ,Ierit rund_ie • ♦ DEPARZ eN'40';FI NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) V Y 1 1n the muneruf Widening the intersection of Winifred Street and South Wabasha Street on the northwest corner by adding thereto a triangularpiece of land in the southeast corner of lot 6, ©lock 62, West St. Paul Proper, measuring 17 feet on the north line of Winifred Street and of 15 feet on the northwesterly line of So. Wabasha Street, and con- demning and taking all lands and necessary therefor. Also changing the grade of the sidewalk abutting said lot 6 to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown thereon. Also constructing new sidewalk, curbing and paving, and making the necessary changes in existing sidewalks, paving, hydrants and under catchbaa ins for the improvement of the streets in conformity with To ,h, the new street lines and grades herein proposed. "I'he Co m,u lssio ner of Finance hereby re, oris as f,,11—,: The total ra--d e,,,O..t „f the f,r a,e A—, „nl-to.ement iA - - 4200.00. _ Thu esunv,ed —, per foo, for dm eboce improrem uu B - - - - - S "Ilse 1,- ,, p.—d—A land chat n—y be ........d bcucf,ts for —1i i,n provcm �n t, end ,h< a.sess�d ,ulu anon o[ such lot or parcel ,, las, upon ed by the Ass... r, u,e a lollo ws: [sc nie>•ioN nor e,oc. Appi>•ion Landva,.0 wrio Bldg. cept N -t 60 Peet and S. 'W baeha (St.) Lots 6 and 7 62 Tom, of Nest Saint Paul 2400 19900 2400 19900 The Commissioner of F,—,— funh,, reports the, he has in tes,ig—d all of t1', aforesaid ma , -d hereby eob,nits the foregoing a, his r,— o the Council, 1-11 er — ih the report mode . him m r,ferenee to said matter by the C,—n issi—, of Public \1 ks. llate.l 7- -� l3 19 :L_ lM �� yh� fi n f aaa CITY OP BY. PAUL , fir DEPARWAENNOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE yv no- T f �t l'Va � I .r *p•:%f 1... nr. R ^{�•` Ft.e Fl .. �.! ' under I'r<li urinary Order approved Naroh 6, 1932 To lb, (7oun,il of the C', of St. Paul: 7'he Com missioncr of Pina nee hrrc by reports as f�.11ows: 7'he tool esti rnatrd amou..t of �hc us.csament (or she above iml,rorement is The csrn,otnd goat - _ 4200.00 per Foot (nr the abore .mprovcmeni is _ - -. The lot. or parcels of !and that may be as:essecl ben eh is for such im 1, rovemen t, sad the assessr S valuation o! each lot or pa reel as Iast reposed by the Asse:sor, are as follow,: ltt­­ LOT a ooirioH L�dvgtuar�ory 1 g. (6zcopt 'hest 60 Not and S. tfsbssha !1 (St.) Lots 6 sod 7 62 To of 'Rest Saint pool 2400 19900 2400 19900 The Com mi.sioner of Finance further reports they he has in .+ligated sIl of the aforrsa id m an hereby sa bur its �hc he foregoing as his report treon to the Council' together "Oh the report made toe Lim i, reference to said bythe Commission rr of Public 11 ks. �. �/ A. s- �o-.l � /3 - 19 ::L -7 � %h e_ � _ �, Commissioner f F' asce. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dace) March 22, 193E Bon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the widening of the intersection of Winifred Street and South Wabasha Street on the northwest corner by adding thereto a triangular piece of land in the southeast corner of lot 6, Block 62, West St. Paul Proper, measuring 17 feet on the north line of Winifred Street and 15 feet on the northwesterly line of So. Wabasha Street, and condemning and taking all lands and easements necessary therefor. 41so changing the grade of the sidewalk abutting said lot 6 to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown thereon. Also constructing new sidewalk, curbing and paving, and makingthe necessary changes in existing sidewalks, paving, hydrants and catchbasins for the improvement of the streets in con- formity with the new street lines and grades herein proposed, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91865, approved March 8, 1932. Estimate of Cost: 71 Sq. yds. sandstone to remove - - - - $ 17.80 37 concrete base to remove 54.75 53 v New 6u concrete base 158.70 57 Sandstone blocks to relay 199.15 38 sandstone paving 167.85 64 Lin. ft. 8' radius curb with steel facing 96.00 Drainage - - - - - - - - - - - - 76.00 Moving hydrant - - - - - 25.00 560 Sq. ft. Monolithic concrete sidewalk 112.00 Engineering and Contingencies - - - 250.00 Total Cost $1,157.20 Yours truly, WM. N. CA�$Y" r Chief Engineer. Appr r tr smis 13 Finance to th o ss r of Finance MILTON R0' Commissioner of Public Works. I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 24, 1932 192 f I", I 'I i„ \\(., k" I'l, . i„µ ha. 1 1, r .” ­,­ 1, , al Ili,. , I .......... . I b N,, 91865 „1,1,,.,.,.,1 March 8, 1932 192 the widening of the intersection of Winifred Street and South Wabasha Street. 2 1111-11f 1 11157.20 „tt.1 j, ,uj ..... .1,,,n ,f i. I I k, I , ., I r„ I ,f -Id i . . . r„, , ­ f.41-1. k. t, 11 4 ,d 1, a pa, I 5. 'nid m,-' . ,., ”, 1, :,4. d f, P-T) ­1 y f.” -id ........... .. S0. WAOASHA Fn W IMI FRED ST` OPENING " _ Bureau of Engin rs .hn.l6,1932ee W '� Floar Elev.84.i3 / 0 oQ�_� W. WINIFRED ST. . n EXPLANATION elkede oc,,- �, khow Elevafions of d g 6u Iding i] . E.(sfiwalk �5 -- ' - New" ne Proposngd eIm prevemenf - 11 � - PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED CHANGE - _ IN SIDEWALK GRADES - Swle o- I", 2o' . SO.WAEIVHA 6Z - - - WINIFRB03T._. OPENING - - DR.3 N • 121 , ::r 329 COUN"IL 92 1n the matter of__ ex_t_endi na _q ypne_ _t_.29 a_ wiolth. cif__ 66 ft. fro-. t, the rest Ii e of V'in_ton St. under Preliminary Order___91890_____________ a ppro.ed___. _. !da rch _ltlth,_ 19.2_ ---- IntermediaryOrder_________92113_____________ approved- ___"_A �ril_13 th _1932_ -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it --r�- _� RESOLVED, By the Comci] of the City of St. Paul thnt -- ---� i -- -- rray. a ease-t«�.;a-k - s#xaaY 1-1 1 1 — t - - . — — — ae ".— ..:, - ,:, . .. „ reminded au urneUdba in aid mattr 'rr ,vea,a_: _,-.. the Council hereby order said improvement to a made. RESOLVED FURTHER, at the following land, lands or ements therein be a the aame hereby ordered to be taken appropriated and on —ed for�the purpose of m kin the said rov menu, v .. The sou h 35 ft. of the —th 1/2 of t-, nortl t e 1/4 of the he, est 1/4 of Sec ti n 28, lying betn'een lh_ "st line a 'hy els Ad:; -tion, 81ock 1, an Snelling Ave. also the north 3 ft. �1' the1/£ of tY.e nort::east /4 of the no rthe=t 1/4 of Section ::8, Tovrnship 29, P.':n -e ..^3 lyin. be con the+:est line of 7:ins to St. -, roduced south rl; ane Sne111 ng _. RE OLVED FURTHER, That t e Cimmissione, of Public W -In, he and is hereby instruct' dir ted to prepare plane That sp '[cations for .said improve ant, and the proper city officials ar by a thorized and directed W pyros xith the making of sa improvement in accordance the, Adopted by the Council -------- --- - ---------------------- 19___- APprnved--------------- ----- ----- -- 19.--- cilman Con - C-nru; C u itm—F guson syy' Comer 'Donald,,}- .. Council an Pe _ fie.. ,,, Cou ohl-d " �e cilman dhe"m 'mss'=n ayor l:.Udilei':er ..... ?resident Sunr,;ie C fi /_____________ Mayor. - - �a Zz HNVN`(W tz an b\A\. OVw •Mee N.oz gin\ H:a q o x Qm3 �o m.u6 .I - WY"NNE ST, JL �•, Z I 5ne//m9 Ave W. hne o/'A/Jine St. - I B W ,` N N � i O aG an 49 _ 7 6 Q /6 / 7 /B /9 $o 2/ 2 23 74' ZS '25.27 28 29_ (ion n /4 1 GS ! /6 G 7 / B / 9 20 \ Q �/�/ 3 ❑ nc n� 5 C. 08 -2.9-23 E U _ .� ! �❑ 2 66 J vo°ed _ - —-{t<-YIVNE — �. J Lki ` 54/t. - N. E. Y. A/. E. /a 5 E.C. '2B - 23 23. 'OO LOC.1214 OEFA RTMf�NT50Fe FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •%•� (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • sly: ID �h<nunr<ol opening, widening and extending Wynne St. to a xidth of tib ft. from Snelling Ave. to the west _ine of Winston tet. by taking and coadexn- ing the following: the south 33 ft. of the north } of the northeast 1 of Section28-29-23 lying between the east line of 'Wynne's addition, lock 1, and Snelling Ave., also the north 33 ft. of the south } of northeast } of Sec.28-29-23 lying between the west ine of Winston St. produced dly and Sne:ling Ave. node, order np,—d March 14, 1932 To nL< Conned of,h<C'- fSt. Paul: The Commlssi,,ner of F'i--, hereby ,<,orns as follows. I h, n.il ...... nod a .—, for nhe abo-e n,,, cm<nn i, - - - 5 10Q.00 '1'he—'ima,aicos 'f—, f.-1:,.1,-'- .... eon', - - - - - - . 8 'Che lo„ -,-1, of lm,d thou m _ . .......d b,—f- far such im rro ��<m<:i t, end nhe essu-d -1—n- of —h !oc or �.+rccl a� las, rcporn<d by nhc Assessor, arc a. (o llo wa: iatnf u TiBl.ig ExceptSnellingAve. and except the north 58 feet 2400 3550 of the east 199 feet) the south 150 feet of the east 290 feet of the north 11ofnortheast} of oec. ._8, T. 29, R. 23 (Except SnellingAve.) that part east of the Joint R/W 66000 of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railroad Companies of the south } of the north z of the northeast } of f5ection 28, Town 29, Range 23 14 1 Wynne's Addition to 950 15 1 St. paul,Minneaota :;bJ lli 1 do .',SJ 17 1 do 950 _300 18 1 do 250 1350 (c) DEPART M Et: SO FP F I NAN CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 19 1 Nynne'S Addition to :50 550 V0 1 Jt. laul,Hi M. 45U 81 1 do 300 2600 70,250 9':50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in .cs tigated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon ,� the Council, together with the report made co him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public %% ks. Detect_ (3 19 Commissioner of Finance. 1.,0 St. Paul, Minn. ��<� � 3 19p',:Z, City Honorable, 7"be Council, n( Si. Paul, :Minn. C;cncicmen: S1'c, chc undersigned pr,,percy o.ne , hereby perm,, your if—,—ble Body m cause the (olhnviug impro--t c,• bn made: S'. -A ��;-!meq I/ sc.me. v,��/-l�N�r neo -►ti ��� St. n, C. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works COM, OF FINANU Report to Commissioner of Finance s (;\ a MAR 21 1933 i4a-h '1, 1932 193 'po the ('mmf N om-- of the City of 4t. 11eul: 'I t, ('ommiarinner of Prbk, Rorke, having had oo-1—ih,on the preliminary onlrr of th, Couuril, known - ('.,,oneil Nile No 31690 np,roved march 14, 1932 193 relative to o?,,nin,;, widening and —tending Wynne dtr ,t to a wi P,n of 6.3 ft. faom Anel iing Avenue to the w,st ii— of .inst.,n Street. nod having invicetigntcd the mutters and things refcrrcd to therein, hnrcb, reports: I. Said improvement is mr, esnry nod (or) desirubl,. 2. Thr cAno.tud wet thereof is ¢. xxxxX mol the total coat thereof is S end the nature and extent of said improvement in ne follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached sod mud, a port hcrwf. 4. 5. Smd improvement is. ¢eked for upon petition of three or more o m o[ property, eobj,ct to nseeaament for a,id improvement. /4---i rover of 1'ubhc Works, �°S 4 CITY OF S.,,� T. PAUL - NO.. — y&'�30 _ E OF CITY CLERK RES ION—GENERAL FORM RE LVED: That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Fred Ambruch, providing for the -yment of com:lrnsaiion to t.im b the rate of 413.20 per week caring such time aFyhe shall be totally ui—bled by reason of injuries received by him while in ::he employ of the Depart„ent of Par're, Playgrounds and Public Bullrings, on the 12th day of April 1952; be it F7RTHRR R36 -LVED, th::t in accordance with said agreement, the prone: cit; officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Fred Ambruch the sum of $39.60 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including May 3rd, 1932. a`rRr�'zu•`.`:ou .:s��;,i�iee°iY�.�° cy Ya. oouwaIN.. Nay. / Ad.prd by rhe Cowell MAY Z �' 10^� 19— IAiueg Conroy Lfe�In hwr APPwr'd 19— NAk.& Pearce Sudh— —/m /AimK awl Ro.& . MAYOR Mr.Pmidm H6apk Bundlie NO.- f/-///`/ti`l OFFICE OF CITY UNCI, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --- 1 WHERcAS, in the matter of condemning property for the widening of Jnlversity Avenue, a part of Lots 9 and 10, Block 15, Smith'. Subdivlsl on of 9tinson'. Div Sslon of the Northwest one- fourth of Section 3E, Town 29, Range 23, was taken, and the dam- i age. anarded for the part taken was the sum of $2,500.00, and WHEREAS, William Dickow, record owner of .aid property, has requested permission to move back the bui�dinge thereon, which builds ngs are a residence and a store, and ha reed, if so per- Stted to move back the buildings, to pay the City the sum of $300.00 as a con.ideration for such permission, and ,,HEREAS, the But esu of Valuations has fixed the sum of $30� 00 as the amount of the saving to the record owner 1£ such permission Se granted, therefore, be it RESOLVED that permission ie hereby granted to the said ,Il"_ Dickow to t,,ove back the buildings on the above described property, and the proper city of flcers are hereby authorized and directed to reduce the amount of damages t: said property by the p sum of $300.00, namely $2,200.00. sy r`.v...,- _e9 ,,,,,oma ao•<^-I Yoe c ... c N r> R Bhs4 oee Hun Conro wpe1ey------!!!!!! b livor Se �A�jnrt ft" Pearce Mr. Pmideat UWrw Bundlia `...,...... . .... a, �— Apra CIT OF ST. PAUL tourer. No. 92332 OF OF CITY CLERK 51O OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 9, 1932 COMMI,RESOLVED That the authorization by the City Council for the expenditure of $1,000.)0 for the purpose of furnishing and installing fire supply piping, valves and ap.:urtenances at the Munici prl Barge Terminal be increased in the amount of $358.44 since the cost of the work and materials fur- nished by the Water Department exceeded the estimate of cost by the said amount, the —me to be p Ad from the River Terminal Bond Fund, Code 2305. Yeas COUNCIL" ' / Chocy MI,D... Id Rohlaod In la ror SUdhcimw ( _ Ngainsr / egzel �J ,/.r. Prc.id-, Hods Adopred by the Council - ' W: 19 4,' Approve — _ 19_ i MFYON ••••••�`•, `••` • , CITY OF ST. PAUL c'� NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OU/N�C,1 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREsev seON6 �LLi�'11E/11 yy'. v_ o 7 z 4 ResoLven WHt-'Aa, the C:.m ! pub:— V/c rl:s 7.us r�i,r rt ec :. rp�sa i�•.e- r r rrd a:.�e I;i'.h Cee tithe City !'hart' '.he exist�::.c� �rpency :,hich r,-olr-d r wry the � :cyme1.t c. •rtai, . e s s De went fnr mire than y, yac� eight h e per dayt ar_d r '—.day, r. S F.�amp-ryment being mcr>_ than us-2 t. urs (f emp, ent, tnereisre, I. t'.ESCL'=. That the prrtper city c. I'll a reby :u tt,crizeH tc pay the fcl2ow ing n oed emp'_oyes at the ratee�therwi ea .i—e f,.r er... ra emp_cyment far she extra time hereinafter set Prrth. Ycas cou"I"INN Chncy Burne, J. E. Com.Lab. 1 .45 Cedarquiet, August C... Lb. 26 .45 McGee, F. D. Gen.Chauffeur 2 Putnam, Bred Bawer Foreman 16 .68 Steinberg, Mez Mtc.Lab. 2 .50 Ycas cou"I"INN Chncy `.� Fergumn � McOon.ld � In favor Rohhed Sndhelmer Mt. President Hedfmo - Adopted by the Council_ .fid j': fl W19 App,.'Yfd -- _. 19_ MnroR s Ar. e_terE:ency 'nu.. .i rr::er. in the DF.?AR—. NT 'IF P—LIC 'WCHKS, rendering necessary the e11.y,—A of certain -.Ploy, -"of that Depart—nt for ;more t'nan eit'ht tours Fier do.,, - the doing, of the following Rork: Making emergency repairs to sewers, and street.. This vnrrE;ency ares— ly reason of ti, follcvionfacts and circum5t i-- Emergency calls receivedat all hours to make repairs to sewers, streets and set out lights at dangerous places. s 1TLIC --C��I:�JI?:� Oc y'TLIC 6ICRiSS w�,. ,e ,,....... CITY OF ET. PAUL --NO.__. _- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMOAT- - -- eve RESQLVEo That the assignment to the City of saint Paul by the American Rational Bank of St. Paul, of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in bond., which said assignment is dated April 22nd, 1932, approved by the Sinking fiord Committee, and approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. Yw coc wen N3Ye/ .Clary 0onroy .i4tgwac ifY.,)` /Mr,Donald In livor 1bWaud Pearce i Sudhe®et Apinet er..._i Rosen /Mr. P,raideot - Bundlie Ny1,,-� Adopted by the C___. --19— Ap = 19 � .tAvoa o..,, .,w <o�N�, 92335 o. 92 lls N 336 RESOLUTION Lr May 7 32 19- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TM CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 0 5 OF II- ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 4619 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPT.0 BY THE "UNCIL �.....IPIOVEoHY I'M I 1111CILMEN LLor of �n E,coM P. LLEv CALF 1 } ,.. � NO ao�'LM jnLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION AGnrrr;D CLAIMS May 7 s 3P 53 7616.16 r. �dx � TOTAL TOTAL - }LMaEp IN FAVOR OF .necks � _�cc+s ev e♦nn 1111GIT F°uW <(�° ' • 4509 uillar & Tarrae,. 29 4a 4510 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21 444 04 I 4511 Francis E. Taylor 1 363 61 4512 Elea M. Obst, Treas. Ramsey County 16 341, 4513 Elsie C. Gundlach 948 04 1 267 26 4514 4515 John H. McDonald, of John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 6 51528 4516 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 13 260 4$ 4517 fid. Campbell 18 oo 4518 John Sandqulet 200 Oc�� 4519 4 520 Louie Guerin Construction Coma -.n Feyeny 60 0 5 836 5 4521 Partin Wunderlich 135 0Qq 4522 Ci—pi Brother. 30 2 9 452j 4524 Glen Leahy 156 00 24 9� 4525 Mrs. Hannah Peterson Frank J. Schmitt 10 On 4526 John Fitzpatrick 96 on 4527 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 55 00 4528 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 490 Do 4529 P.M. Faricy 22 09 4530 Griggs. Cnr at & Com...ny 29 81;, 4531 Hancock–NP1eon Mer.Ccmnany 21 78. 4532 A.B. H ... chler Factory 51 79' 4533 4534 W.R. Hines Company 3 04 I� P17 90�, 4535 McFadden–Lembert Vita Crisp Dist. Company 6 08 4536 McClain & Hedman Company 177 2 4537 A.C. McClurg & Com^any 4 8 4538 McGill–Worner Comneny 238 0 4539 McGraw–Hill Book Company 45 75 4540 The Maas Keefe Comnany 1 07 4541 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 48 l5 4542 Mahle Wagon & Auto Company 26 5 4543 Max N. Maisel 4 55 4544 Malmon Motor Como any 10 05 4545 O.H. Mann Company, Inc. 20 OC� 4546 Marchant Calculating Mach.Co. 18 Oo 4547 Marquette Mfg. Company 36 75 4548 John Maurus 24 9d 4549 Maya, Inc. 5 00 4550 Edwin Melhofer 29 So • 4551 chaud Br other .,I. Minc 12 2 6� 4552 4553 Midland steel Products Comnany Mpl e. & St. Louie Ry. Company 96 8 o& 4554 Mince =_ota Dry Clean ere 30 Oo " 4555 Minnesota Envelope Company 69 OCI' 4556 Minnesota Historioal society 3 o01, 4557 Minnesota Mining & M£g.Comraay 8 14! 4559 Minnesota News Company 239 6� ' 4559 Minnesota Newe Comnany 59 9 4560 Minnesota Pgper & Cordage Company 9 60�. 4561 Minnesota Specialty Company 9 60i` 4562 Minnesota snorting Goode Company 96 oq, 4563 Minnesota Stove Repair Worke 71 351 4564 Monroe Calculating Mac h.Company 42 00 4565 Mother's Friend Laundry 3 n9 s"EE1 roraL F°RwAap 'lo 668 51, I'M „a,a Foawavo 135 965 1� � 11—F „rMPrAp��Ev �y%336 CO III—N_ROLL AL L —F ���E No COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDI -I -ED CLAIMS May 7 432 cx scx uunasn IN FAVOR OF rwn„s. c„EC TOTAL ? Asr e..n� I sn oisaunssns„r a. Ks 'i .„cc.s uGhr C—A— J • 4566 ------aur Elizabeth 0.u1nn -j5:( r 2 071 3$ 4567 John venne 7 507 00q 4568 P leorino Cochierle 2 000 4569 John E. Mullen 40 0'1 4570 4571 George Sadek David Bsshefkin 9 0$ 32 ptj 4572 Delia Brown 28 24 4573 4574 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy John M. 27 00 4575 4576 Dr. Culligan Margaret Flegstad, Adm. Dr. L.P. Hlniker 85 00 '. 550 00 5 0 II 4577 4578 Henry A. Kemper 553 8ry4Y� 4579 John Lennon Anna 'Wagner Pei tech 40 pQ 40 00 4580 Elfrida Soderberg 28 80 4581 American Public Health Association 5 Oj 4582 G. Bsrtusch 177 n 4583 Julia M. Bruess 70 0'1'� 4584 5 Capital Cit Lime & Cement C p v d. 2 7 07 4585 International Harvester Com Deny 26 1� 4586 Mrs. J.T. Jennings, 28 95' 4587 Johnson Printing Company 84 5d 4588 Fred Landmark 16 on, 4589 B.A. McLeod 8 8¢ 4590 Melady Paper Company 60 6 4591 Nassau Paper Como my 22 9 4592 National Battery Company 37 5d' 4593 National Bushing & Parte Company 69 2� I�I, 4594 National Municipal League 10 0 4595 Thomas Nelson & Sone 5 O(1'. 4596 New York Tea Compmy 5 6C 4597 New York Times Index 105 5� 4598 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 316 44 4599 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 110 85:r,. 4600 Northern Auto Electric Compa4Y 73 244 4601 Northern States Power Comoany 2 800 62 460'/2 Northern States Power Company 230 04 4604 Northern States Power Company 771 72 4605 Northern States Power Company North Star Varnish Company 5 831 46 { 12 00 4606 N.p. Copper & Brass Works 90 47 • 4607 4608 N.W, Fuel Company N.1. School Supply Company 766 4p 4609 Sohn A. Norton 19 70, 20 00 4610 A.J. Nystrom and Company 83 Od. 4611 O -Brien & Bushnell 6 50 4612 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 71 50', 4614 Owens Motor Sales, Ina 75 31, 46lµ Oxford Univer sitr Press 5 79i 46 15 e Louis Aube, Inc. i 4 12 50 4616 Standard Unit Parts Corp. 140 24I 4617 Westinghouse Electric supply Co. 30 87.2 4618 National Freight Co.Inc. 8i', 4619 G. Sommers and Company 108 C „a,a Foawavo 135 965 1� 0. G.56 Petition _ u 9 Council Pile No.233/ Ge � I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigxed hereby propose, the,.,king of the following publie improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Grading Fast and West_. Alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and _Block 3,. Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue._ Dated this.. 10th day of May, 1932 m PRELIMINARY ORDER.-dd WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vie.: rr" Zr Grading East. and West Alley in Block 3, Edward L. MaAdam ....................._ .. ndditian, _and ..Block..3,-.Lexington Park Plat 1, fram...SYDdic.ste___.... Avenue to Hemline Avenue. .. _.......... _. _.......... _. ...... ..............._..... ..... .. having been p—ated to the Council of the City of St. Paul..... _...__...__.._.. _.............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public Work. be and Is hereby ordered sod directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the ,.,king of said improve meat. 2. Tu investigate the nature, extant and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To fomieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whcth,, or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Corned- _._._. . RAY _. 10Icrr....... Yens NAre Councilman C ... or 5 PEARCa Roeary �/�� Ma. Paeeroexr (V Council File No... ..338 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. TLe undcreignnd hereby proposes rile making of the following public improvement Ly the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the Nast and West _ Alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition,_ and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate A ue to iiamline enue. Dated this. 10th dny ,f _.. May, 193 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prop,,,] (,r the ,,,king ofthe follnwing improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the East .and West_.__,.__ Alley In Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat_1�_from Sygdicate Avenue _to fi_amllne Avenstie,,.... having bred presented 1, the Cuuncil of the. CitY ,f St. P,ul.... _.... __.._.. ._....__.._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tha Commissions of Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered ,nd directed: 1. To investigate the nece„ity for; ar desirability of, the makivg O( said improvsnent. 2. To invc,tigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the tot,] cost thereof. 3. To furni,h a plan, profle ,r ,ketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or not slid improvement i, ,eked fur on the petitiov of three or more owners 6. To report upon 01 of the foregoing -,trees to tttilllrCommislill— of Fina.— Adopted by the Connml-..-- Yee, Nera Couvci]mav Connor t�;����.�' AF— Approved_._._...... ...gR::C_ Pennce �' s�mtr dn, ' Ma. Paeeioear Z04 Petition tJ�t33J Council File No..... i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodcraigaed hereby proposes the making o[ the following Public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, _ the sidewalk andcurb on the north side of Topping Street, beginning 82 _f t. west of Gaultler Street, thence west 150�fJ,eat. Dated th io .say f _. ... _ _. .... 52....�.J.. __._ 6th __. May, 1932 .. o 1 _.... CO�����Imon PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: r iso r.. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the. sidewalk.. end_. curb.. on the north Bide_ of Topping_ Street_.., ... ...... .__ _... beginning 82...ft.._. west.. of Gaultier Street., thence west 150 _feet.__ having been presented to the Council of Che City of St. P.ul _.... .......__ ...... ..._.._._._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the Commissioner of Public Work. be end ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To i—tig.w the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, .ad the total cost thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveme.t. C To stere whetber or not said impravement i. -ked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte. to the Commissioner of A...ce. Adapted by the C .... il__._. Y.- N— C .. 61m.. eveCo..cilm.a Conor' "'t v^ o Peace Ro.ea j Ma P...masr j '� l Mayor. 92340 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__FRndemning..and. taking . as Easement_in_the_land_necassa�e_Sor slopes, cuts and fills in the matter of grading and paving of Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Ave. to Hamline Ave., 411. under Preliminary Order_____ 21451__..-------- approved__ J&nUa-ry_16,_ 1932_____________ Intermediary Order __.-__ __917-70.-- -------- approved --- ebruary-24.x-1932__________, Finalorder-_.__. _. 91929------_ --- -. a pp,.,,d___ March -F2, -193,Q _-___ -- ___-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the laude or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award, of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the some, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking ,it condemnation of the Innds described in the annexed asaessmeet roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the ou ners of such Innds for aid taking aad condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said as,es,ment of benefit.,. be and the same is hereby in all respect.., ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ]7A—miltafisexflissiol verk Rhabcth—k xrssa�xt�* ���anzs6'a::smcbammmdcx5tlnnixicaxim[dxlt�aiz,u Adopted by the Council __m4y-�. j.t --------- 19,__,_ i �+ APproved_________rHtA CitY Clerk. Councilman ronroy'��Ir Or. ^a;d. Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Coanrdman�a>= / 5-1 Ca aneilman 410'h e' i"..,,.-, Canncilmmuain iand4 CouncilmamBmdYead. Mayor Bundlie <r. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ..,.. ._... ...._--rTTc In the matter of__C9AdV,9LyA 7g_&n4_talUug-9ft easement_Sb tha la-ad_aecessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the matter of grading and paving of Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Ave. to Hamlin, Ave., under Preliminary order__91451______, approved _-lauuary_16, 1932____________________ Intermediary Order______ 9177Q ------- approved ---- Fetmuaiy-L1,.d932------- ____________ Final Order_____________ 91939______,-pproved---- Ma=hh_22x_1932----------- .._______ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and app— prlated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such .wards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1 Ems Commissioner of Finance. •RESOLUTIONco1r+o1L FILE No.-92,A4i e o � 4 y 10 1532 E1S-OLVCLyT-rRR7 Gf• ECKS BE RA.N ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i • COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4(20 �, INCLUSIVE, PER CHECKS ON FILE Iwoorreo aN rNE OFFICE OF THE CITU COMPTROLLE cou NCL/� MAY 1' APPBoveor�F 1._ ��« No SJ -341 C—CILME �.f p N �� FA� ^Vap - J,COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 10 32 AUDITi:n CLAI s s 185 5 427:79`.. ,EA — - - - — - Z r --- TOTAL NaMeEA IN FAVOR OF 965 4620 wi111 am Perry ----1}� 3 0q' 4621 John H. McDonald C, of FSn. 7 jq, 4622 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 3 329 45' 4623 A.T. Pennlg 7 00'�. 4624 Charles Ti CPa1g 5 871 4625 Misa Cecella Coveny 10 OOH 4626 Lovering—Longoothan Company 35 G0 4627 St.P sul Terminal warehouse Cohlpany 50 00 4628 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 50 00t 4629 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 39 901 4630 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 34 25. 4631 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 86 19I' 4632 Bureau of Municipal Reeearoh 50 001 4633 Commonwealth Electric Company 2 646 001 4634 Foley Brothers.Inc. 126 142 9011, 4636 Ellerba1, CoHealy mpany &ating HolabirdCompany '', 13 882 50^ and Root 2 853 431 4637 Carl P. Herbert 250 DOII 4638 Raymond P. Pavleoka 160 00, 46 9 Review Publishing.Com 20 52'' 01540 Yple. St.Paul & Sault Ste.Msrle Ry.Co. 3 68) 4641 Blue and white Cab Company 377 300 0 4642 Capital City Transfer 6 4643 George R. Turnquist 5 00" 4644 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 23 97842I 4645 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 536 69 4646 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 7 500 OO,, 4647 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 259 38. 4648 Cochran—Sargent Company 177 68I: 4649 Feyen Construction Company 515 00- 4650 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 254 16'. 4651 A.C. Thomas Contruotinn Company 490 00I 46532 Henry van Hoven Company,Ino. 325 00; 4654 Gskleyspas rrleh 156 00'I 4655 Dennie Laughlin 35 20 4656 Edward J. 01 50 00 4657 John H. YoDonald, C. of Fin. 50 00 4658 F.=. Estea and Sons,Inc. 166 6o • 4659 466F.G. Kirk Company bo is 0 F.J. Morse and Company 180 SO 4661 Fred Ambruch 39 60' „o,A - FOAwaRc 32139292. I i I ��« No SJ -341 C—CILME �.f p N �� FA� ^Vap - J,COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 10 32 AUDITi:n CLAI s s 185 5 427:79`.. ,EA — - - - — - Z r --- TOTAL NaMeEA IN FAVOR OF 965 4620 wi111 am Perry ----1}� 3 0q' 4621 John H. McDonald C, of FSn. 7 jq, 4622 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 3 329 45' 4623 A.T. Pennlg 7 00'�. 4624 Charles Ti CPa1g 5 871 4625 Misa Cecella Coveny 10 OOH 4626 Lovering—Longoothan Company 35 G0 4627 St.P sul Terminal warehouse Cohlpany 50 00 4628 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 50 00t 4629 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 39 901 4630 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 34 25. 4631 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 86 19I' 4632 Bureau of Municipal Reeearoh 50 001 4633 Commonwealth Electric Company 2 646 001 4634 Foley Brothers.Inc. 126 142 9011, 4636 Ellerba1, CoHealy mpany &ating HolabirdCompany '', 13 882 50^ and Root 2 853 431 4637 Carl P. Herbert 250 DOII 4638 Raymond P. Pavleoka 160 00, 46 9 Review Publishing.Com 20 52'' 01540 Yple. St.Paul & Sault Ste.Msrle Ry.Co. 3 68) 4641 Blue and white Cab Company 377 300 0 4642 Capital City Transfer 6 4643 George R. Turnquist 5 00" 4644 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 23 97842I 4645 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 536 69 4646 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 7 500 OO,, 4647 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 259 38. 4648 Cochran—Sargent Company 177 68I: 4649 Feyen Construction Company 515 00- 4650 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company 254 16'. 4651 A.C. Thomas Contruotinn Company 490 00I 46532 Henry van Hoven Company,Ino. 325 00; 4654 Gskleyspas rrleh 156 00'I 4655 Dennie Laughlin 35 20 4656 Edward J. 01 50 00 4657 John H. YoDonald, C. of Fin. 50 00 4658 F.=. Estea and Sons,Inc. 166 6o • 4659 466F.G. Kirk Company bo is 0 F.J. Morse and Company 180 SO 4661 Fred Ambruch 39 60' „o,A - FOAwaRc 32139292. CITY OF ST. PAUL P — NO. =42 OF CITY CLERK N R TION—GENEML FORM WHEREAS, John E. Fahey, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on the 22nd day of June, 1931, by reason of which Injury he suffered permanent disability of a general nature to his back: and WHEREAS, Section 4274 of the General Statutes provides a schedule for 0 mpeneatlon,but no specific amount is set for such a general disability except that where the disability results in t*e a l Pea of wage, the employ.,,. mploy .is entitled to receive two-thirds Of such lose of wage, said compensation to run during a period of disability, not, however, to exceed three hundred weeks; and WHEREAS, Said John E. Fahey at the time of his injury was re- ceiving the sum of $172.20e month, and immediately following his injury, and because of it, was reduced 1n pay to the sum of $153.20 per month, suffering, therefore, a $19.00 lose Of wage; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and d'rected to pay the said John E. Fahey each month, two-thirds of $19.00, namely, $12.67, said time to begin July 24, 1931, and continue during disability, but not to exceed a Oerlod_ of 300 weeks. pp Y..' Nay' / Adopted by rbc Com�ti t,�� 19— Q w'Oonroy arg,"°"lfar . Vl .McDonald _ In 6wr r vrd 1q 4earae /s.dnotr� r , -I Rosen p4r. Pweidmr HodgL Dundlle CITY OF ST. PAUL �i�En c�` NO. 92343 OF E OF CITY CLERK Ory COUNCI SOLUTION—GENERAL oFOEM RESOLVED +h eren s, 1'ce namsey County dsar,l has lisapprovad S proposal to fish and install by city force account the water piping and appurtenances for the sprinkler system proposed for the Third Street Mali; theref,re, be it hesilved, That the Uommissioner of rublic Norks �i rand he is hereby tirecte3 to specifications for said water pipin, and sprinkler system so that the ssme —y be advertised I'or eo.rveilrvErvN., Clancy F"g.— Adopted by the Cou ncil___ ___ 19 —Yeas McDonald In lu.or Approved,_ ,Z, _ 19_ _ Sud heimcr Again si �cnzcl / � rnAroa Mr. Pcenidcnr Hodgwn-: CITY OF ST. PAUL r,L. NO. - 92,M OFFICE Y CLERK o re ` COUNCIL RESOLUTIONUTION EN GERAL FORM n — — EaPbJpkXRR WHEREAS, Brank Eha hae pet Stioned the Council for permission to Install and maintain a drive-in fllllne station at the northeast corner of Hague and Snelling avenues; and WHFREAS, Said Brank Eha has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driv sway e, urb rat,rne, pump location, eide- walke, etc. for the information oYcthe Council; and WHEREAS, A ?ear Ing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5540; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby eiven to said Frank Eha to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved nIll automatically void the permit. The tank. and pumps shall be ,net alled in accordance with the ordinances of the CitySafety; of 9t. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public S.Y sty; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner cf Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramp,, drainage or otber public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the esti.faction of the 00—i,sioner of Public Works. This permit shall be forever tsu5ec to erm, se that revocation thematenance of said stationby the Council wene rconstitu cosaid nstitutes firel she , re traffic hazard. 511. , couaAdopwd by rbc Council *L_I1 Yae N.Y. rL-* Conroy 111 Pa®,um 46nf .'� gp(iroved 19— McD—Id -In favor -� s„andme, �A�i.a1 1� w -W Rosen M,. Pm dm 44dg� Bundlie Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATL (�? I �/ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made -7LIK7 Y --t 7 3 3 a - FILED C��F�ST�'(�► Puparhmenh v f F4blic `RJvrku .... w. .oaoxv.., c.... ..o. c.... o.... ;�. , . 1.93L u.no� ..rcw..r.. a..e...,. . J. Gibs, ms, C i t y C l e r k. Drive-in Fllii- station, Lot18 and So. 25.64 feat of lot 11, Hlock of 3locks "D" and °E" Dear Sir: Boulevard Addition, (NE Corner Il:+gue and duelling) Prank Eha, Applicant, By- Donald 'N. Taylor. The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for commercial ase. Ttis is ,ermissi- o1e under the zoning ordinance subject to a he r±ng before the Council. Enrineering Report: The a-lim pt's ,!an cam,,lles with the request of ttds department relative to the width and construction of dri ve. ays from the street roadway to the private property. The proposed drivea:ay from Hague Avenue wi11 necessitate the construction of a 6-A cetchbasin to replace the side inlet sh— on the blue print filed with the ep,lication. Storm water sewer drainage on Snelling Avenue is not affected. There is at'ached a statement of ovmersi:ip of the property to the north of sad adjoining the proposed filling station site, inasmuch as the radius return of the driveway from Snelling Avenue ova r1— this adjoining Property. Hearing, - - - May 11th. Yours 1 14�d. N. CAHEY, wnc- Chief Engineer. Ap t L ON HOSEN, Commissioner of °uhlic -a'-. Dear Sir : Re : Filling Station un Snelling Ave. at Hague Ave. Mr. 1.'m. �;. Carey, Chiefengin er, hg's r --ted t ­t you file a copy of the ea::—Ont for the use of t'ne adjoining _Iroperty on Snelling Ave. This is do -1e to satisfy the Council that you are not building a curb on the fee ruperty of tree adjoining owner .Y7� ~J� Yours very truly, Asst. Civil Engineer ch-rh Lir. 0. H. Hosmer LTay 2, 1932 The City Planning Board City Hall ;faint Paul. Dear Sir; You may advise Lir. Carey that an examination of the records will disclose that Frank Me, who is applying forth above Pilling station permit is also the owner of the adjoining property in question, in fact the entire block. Very truly o�� ���� TRE CITY PLANNING BOARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ° 414 COURT HOU5E A,iril .9th, 19o.- Mr. Donald 'n. Taylor, 436 Minnesot- Hlrig., St. Paul, '.:inn. Dear Sir : Re : Filling Station un Snelling Ave. at Hague Ave. Mr. 1.'m. �;. Carey, Chiefengin er, hg's r --ted t ­t you file a copy of the ea::—Ont for the use of t'ne adjoining _Iroperty on Snelling Ave. This is do -1e to satisfy the Council that you are not building a curb on the fee ruperty of tree adjoining owner .Y7� ~J� Yours very truly, Asst. Civil Engineer ch-rh Lir. 0. H. Hosmer LTay 2, 1932 The City Planning Board City Hall ;faint Paul. Dear Sir; You may advise Lir. Carey that an examination of the records will disclose that Frank Me, who is applying forth above Pilling station permit is also the owner of the adjoining property in question, in fact the entire block. Very truly o�� ���� A e i't%C THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 411 COURT HOUSE S 4r M[�y 5th, td. J. GS hbuns, City Cleric. lle: r it : In the mutter of )r'lic:;; "r of the Ci ti rs Service Ji] Con2any for o dri—in filling st tion nt the Horth-lt cor - of Snelling end HIgoe. This is , co^c-ercial .-one end no objection —n �e found to tice loc tion. The !+.-rd, therefore, recomc:ends ti [,t the a�. lic tion be grc.nt— Yours v^ry truly, retet—rj Iy. gh-rh UvpuOmvnh vF Fvblic 58FeN April 29, 1952 Yr. Mike J. Gibbon., City Clerk: Saint Pools Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the a—lication of Frank Ehe for pe l—Lon to lestal a drive-in gasoline filling stet'on on the northeast corner of Rag,.io and Snelling Avenues sod reports of LnspectLon of the Bureaus of Fire and Traffic. Very - yu-,/ C ... iealoner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 28, 1932 Mr. George C. Sudheimer Commieeiom r of Public Safety Deer Si, Neferring to your letter of^pril 11 relative to ep plio., Son mde by Prenk Ehe for P.-1.eion to instal a drl ve-Sn g%eollne f11110 station on the north- eaet oo roar of H,Ce avd SnellingAvenues: An Svepeotlon of thee. preavls,, w rude today by Yr. H. N. We St.rgr.n, Superintevdent ofTreffl.• He repo rt%t hat the proposed et at loo will not int.rf.- with tffio. Very truly your,, % Thomas A. Broin Chief or Po l Soe HIM ?Sle o THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 29,1932. Hon.Deo A.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Cafetq, St.Paul,Yinn. Dean Bir; In regard to the acplication of Frank N. Eha for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station on the ocrthwe%, oorner of Hague and Snelling Aves. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an lnetallat ton at the dashed location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would w�2rant re�eotlon. ResPeotfullllY Your e, Chief Inspector. — —__.HAGUE A✓E. L•t r8 '+d Sly. aaa� JJ- L,T /7 8! ck a".r Blocks "d'.E' d•.! card Add;t ' r - - . ER vlrr STATiaAI Cit pc Service aii c-mp-l"Ic ' am wN av .11anale� �� �v�eY NE. car. HAGUE v, SNE -LL /NCr Sca<e o:i •I I GREASE P/TS --- - - `. - ✓ain'rs. .. - OR I y s - O t•r Liw• ,il ,Gl I H,A IK I - - e- G a,' 1 I � � I4, f,A I It A I 7 — I Ila • II 0 II L , EfPRNJ'/aN I - I I .r _- av• o.. — _ n— �b Fl..frltir - lk - I y i io GRASS I I — —__.HAGUE A✓E. L•t r8 '+d Sly. aaa� JJ- L,T /7 8! ck a".r Blocks "d'.E' d•.! card Add;t ' r - - . ER vlrr STATiaAI Cit pc Service aii c-mp-l"Ic ' am wN av .11anale� �� �v�eY NE. car. HAGUE v, SNE -LL /NCr Sca<e /Oo' EASEMENT I CO CiRETE__ ! 'I - I EXPANS ro/J _ ORS 0 ✓OiNTS ! I Y. IIS` I 0 r � I —---'r's.�---- " --/°t o'— �-' --ia_a. Liw t,•o �,o.. ! I I o o ria ,I " 4 nA I PA + 1.,.,r �.� �ol Petition Council Fite Na. _.__elf-_ 45 e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' • and g PRELIMINARY The uoderaigncd hereby propoaca the making of the following pn11', i1r(mut by the City of St. Poul, vii.: ConstrufltLlg a 51x foot.. sidewalk on the ,—th side..of __... _.. Geranium.. Street from Hand.. Avenue. to Farrington. Avenue_. _._. Dated thio .10th . day of May, 1932. Councilm• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proprrssl for the cooking of the full—ing improvement, vie.: m�:.io"or oe Constructing a six foot sidewalk on the north side of •ar °m,.mJ m. Geranium Street from Hand Avenue to.rarrington Avenue._ _._._.... having bun prcaeoted to the Conned of the City of Sl. Paul therefore, be it -- RESOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public P9orka be and ie hereby ordered and directed: ,It 1. Toiaveetigate the necessit, for, or desirability of, the making of eeiJ improvement. tVA'' N 2. To invicetigato the antero, extant and cetunotcd cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. t It 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of auto irnprovomunt. PI - 4. To state whether or not said improvement iu nuked for on tho petition of throe or mono ownem 5. To report upon all of the feregoing motors to the C no,miouer of Finance. / ry Adopted by the Council.._...01..1.=. _._ �o Yses N— C ... cilion. exsCuuncilmun Co.aor .#4trr Approved._._._..._.." McDoseLa Peeace �7 ' Roaev Sunvetvea rr�.f .. ...... ...._ Mayor ...ay.,-'--. rice urry Mn'Paseineam c.v2 Petition ������ �y Council File No........ PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdersigved heroby pn iPosce the snaking o[ the [ollowi ng Public improvement LY the City a( St. Paul, via.: Resurfacing Alley in Block 1., Lane's Pbalen. Grove. _. Addition, with bituminous gravel surfacing. Doted this lOth_...doy of _. May, 1932 ..r m. mn..u"w'Pm'vrov.m. PRELIMINARY ORDER. • . rr WHEREAS. A written Propom sal for the aking of the followiog improvomevt, via.: - n.. Resurfacing Alley in. 5lock. l,. Lane' s Phalen. Grove. Addition, with .bituminous.. gravel surfacing. having been po,,eented to We Council of the City of �t. Paul ---.. --- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Camvriaeiooer of Publie Norka be and ie hereby ordered nod directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of soil improvement. investigate the nawre, extent and e.tiotro d coat of acid improvement, end the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish 'p"'. profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for oo till, petition of throe or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing oo, t to the Commissioner of Fioanec. „ Adopted by the Council........... jig I_. _.... .. Yana Nevs Councilman Connor &6— Approved MoDoxeun (�J Prance Rosen (, < sc,oxEr.vaa Ma. PaemoenT rocs ra �rsm �o so is Ifs. ,� 92347 COUNCIL FILE NO By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the lel ...... I of benefits, costs and expenses for trading alley in Block 38, S—it Park Addition fr— Oxford St. to xington Ave., Old" 87808 I.tl".,di... Old- Fi..I 0,,Ilr 88299.. Feb. 24 19 31 Thr assesvment o f boaeflt$� 'Qat- Aclil—P-A-PA I— and it, ... �,­­n with the nbave imprn. intent hnaink been xnhmitted to the c,lt­,% ..d ill, h ­m, r.­d—d ­­ enl f,_,j the ­ivi therefore, it ThtO the -1 he and the 1— ie' bll,'Ily in all rexpecta -P11-11tI HE"OLVED Fl RIHER, That I ­lm, b,, had on ..id . ...... .1 on th, ata d., of J—a, 3.932 X= the hl,,, of Ill k A M , in the Co ln,il Cl,,,,b,, of the ( ­,, Ilnnxe and City lilll li'dkhlg' in the City of st thlt the Ol—it,w,­ of Finan.. give notice of '.id hr the ­6,ig in -id notice th, time and place of h ..nng, the nature of the mp---t, the total -4 thereof and the amount o.­.ld ll,lillt III 1-t oe 1- of the particular owner t. whom the notice 11 dil,,ild Ad.,,l,d by the Council 19 _�3 Councilman iD4e�epe}d M'y" 9= B=dlie _�3 92348 COUNCIL FILE NO._____________tim cv or e� ram m�..io°.r •eooet or me com. --°•eme°..i, urn°°�. °°oa me .n INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__recnnat=cYing,—l&ying and_ xegalring_the._a Ldexalk_____ __on_the._anrf.h—Lde_ of-Edmnnd_Straet beginning.139-feeS_xest_o(_ PQsg-al_ _-A—nusr__th--_ nest_ 20_feet,________ ___________ ___---- __----- ____ _____------------- ------------------------------------------------ .._________.. _. ____-.____ -________------------- ----- - _------------------- _------- __------- ------ _----_..___...___- °nder, Preliminary Order_________ 92110 ------------------ app—d --- April _13,_1HZ&___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herehy ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the recommends is__xe�on9tr11Gt..._r_@�.&y __andrape.ir_ the_sidfixa.l�aa_tha_�glth.attte. sat_ Et7mWtd_ Street'_ beginning __13g3ae1_tvest_nf_3ascal_9ranssa.Y_ihenca_>xnsL_2Q_Sest----- _ __ _ --------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ________________________________________________________________ _---- -- ________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there,.f is -------- Resolved Forth— That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th e_______7th --------- day of __.I1lI1B.r1332________7,xa2e___, at the hour of 19 o'clock .4. DI., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iv the City of St. Pao]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of saidmeeting to the persons and io the roer provided by the Charter, st tiog the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement avdthe total cost thereof as estimated. udZ Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ _L_--____________ Approved____________________________192___ /� ' - ' City Clerk. ________________________ n Mayor. Cou Gilman Elae y Councilman) .i ....1 I... ��-.1.+...�� u. / Coonnlman � Councilman9aplbt Mayor bW� Bttndlie Form B. S. A. 86 92349 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ,.0 ,r ,n. nrr ,r sr. i..a ,r�r r.o,r. �r w- ei..,a ,��„ .. By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the ld,ttc, of- -xela_71 rig - and_ reP41.r!PZ­Whc1e- necessary 9UrvQ- BoU1eV§trd_—th of -RanAol-ph. atl,4ot' - 1—f—t- of- -lot s, -26,- -27--and- 2EL, - b-lnok -2r - Rysun - Plao& ------------- -------------------- ----------------------------- — - -- --- -- --- - ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - md,, P,,Iimi.., Orde ---------- ------------------- pp,.,,d1932 ---------- The Council of the City of Paul having .... Commissioner the report of the C,mmi,mc, of Finance up.n the ab..e unp—,.—, and having considered said report, hereby .... kcs: 1 That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said in,p—c—t is hereby m-d—d to be proceeded with. 2. That the --, of the improvement which the Council recommends -r-Qo-wAtrUCLt,--re1&7 -I-Qt42C_27 -and -28.-- - -------------------- --------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'ith no .1tet—i—s, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--16 .9-Q ------- R—I-d Further, That . public heating be had on said impt—t—ol .. IT, ------ 7 t21 ---------- day of --Z-1932 ------------- at the hu- of 10o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch.am,, of the Court House and Hall -11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the ComCommissionerssi.of Finance give notice of said meeting the persons and in the namme, p,,,,d,d by the Cha,—, .—mg the time and plate of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the 1-1 —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council______-___ I tine _____, 192____ C Approved 92---- Appo—d --------- ______192___ -- ------------- Cocoa— , C ... cilam. Councilman NMEWE . .... ..... . Councilman AMW Mayor Xjmw Bandl i. Form B. S. A. 8-6 92350 i . x.r, COUNCIL FILE NO. -------------- �xro.a �.t. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing sidewalk extensions to connect existingg sidewalks to the curb at the corners of the following street -Sntersacti one. Lafend Street from Dale Street to St. Albans Street Warwick Avenue from Hartford Avenue to the north line of Otto Hunt's Addition EastNebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street, Edgart on Street from Rose Street to Jea mine Street Char lee Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street, Stryker Avenue from Colorado Street to Winifred Street Cretin Avenue from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street W. Congress Street from Bidwell Street to Bellows Street, Simpson Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway Fairmount Avenue from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue Thomas Street from Pascal Avenue to Simpson Avenue Pascal Avenue from La end Street to Thomas Street South side Baker Street from Charlton Street to Waseca Street Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street South side Soheffer Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve f1d. Thorn Street from Earl Street to Mounds Park lowinngg street interee6tidns --" - LafoadVSeet from'Dale Street trto St. Albano Street Warwick Avenue from Hartford Avenue to the north line of Otto Hunt's Addition East Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street Edgerton Street from Rose Street to Jeasamine Street Charles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street Stryker Avenue from Colorado Street to Winifred Street Cretin Avenue from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street W. Congress Street from Bidwell Street to Bellows Street Simpson Avenue from Prankson Avenue to Midway Parkway Fairmount Avenue from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue Thomas Street from Pascal Avenue to Simpson Avenue _ P, seal Avenue from Lefond Street to Thomas Street �ovt5_ efd-e Baker Street from Charlton Street to Waseca Street Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street South side Scheffer Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd. Thorn Street from Earl Street to Mounds Park Approved_________! ___________192___ ,: Cuy Clerk �_______ _------ _----------------- Mayor Councilman Clancy_- _ Councilman Feigucon; � , N J Coaxe:Fteee-#fe�egq ,__ • _..._ Cnuneaman x110n1� , Counellman Stdiam Councilman M*3= Mayor mans Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 92350 ON I.0 ov ., bio¢ :t i.eeF• rocCye az Fys eF Lzom B77'a 77 "fc ?f'},7=�o�TOFy"<.F .,..sF li nsvne Lyow Cruu.�IF t'n.:une ys 4 'c., �Lx.Ljcax. Vesvns Lx.om ;o7oys90 2FyecF Fo u.IvIL xgoef F ocL fo AI�Foy;a 2F CP�7es 2fysoF Lyy�wfdoae^�=,LyesF Fo lea zaw7ve �Fi.eef ,:4Beyfov c. FLenC L r,�+^-w+ •fly ---!'rs "`-^F __��^�.^'.�...�_-_ ------------ 92 ___-a d-APr7.1_13t-1.8$&____________ under Preliminary Order ----------------1-0-8----------- pVrovr The Council of the City o5 Paul having r ived the report of the Com �s��oner of Finance upon the above mprovement, and having considered said report. hereby '.I...: m s 1. 'That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the (71,—il re—m mends is -------------------------- construct sidewalk extensions to enogunect a istng sidewalk. to the Lafondt street fro— Dale tStreeiltoi St,.sAlban alnter Street tions: Warwick Aveaue from Hartford Aveaue to the north line of Otto Hvnt'. Addition E at Nebraska Edgerton Street vfrom Rose Stenue from neetAt0 Jessamine sn— to ad. of Street Charles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street strCretSnrAvanuaefrom�SCiffisltado Avenueeto St.WClaire Street Street W. Congress Street from Bidwell Street to Bellows Street Simpson Avenue fY om Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway ThomaeuStreetafrom PascalaAvennaetoo3lmpeon Avenue Pascal Aveaue Prom Lafoad Street to Thomas Street - sT�e Maker Street from Charlton Street to Waseca Street Capitol Avenue Prom Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street South aide 9chefPer Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd. Thorn Street from Earl Street to Mounds Park T 1 'r--��-- City Clerk. -Approved --------- _ _------------ 192___ , Mayor. Councilman Clancy' ."„........ / n KodiftZJU cnno ilman slid - conndlman MIMLOt Mayor Nome Bundlie Form B. S. A. &6 �.1:,,bv �: t. �.l r.� .,..n �3. 1932------------ I L r .,. �L,i.:i ^o7c+. �.,Jo qtr. eF f'". .:.q . F98ezFov CFx.sFf c: F -0 2e Fa. -11:1' r4L— 1 f3.t7n -- ___________________ ______________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $9175-100 ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____-_7tbL-------- day of JvaOy_1932NZ,S?C_, at the hour of to .'clock A. 1[., in the Council Chamber, of the Court Flouse and City __ __ ___,Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and in the manner provided th the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of eche [improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- .»_a_j Icy)- --, 192---- , ----------- Approved_________ _ __ 192 __ ___________ _ Councilman Clancy ;' Councilman Ferggenp; ,' :_..,. )- c.e,.,. Councilman iIOdgn3lti .. Cooncilman 9 ' M* mayor m". Form B. S. A." 92351 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the m,tt,, the sidetealk_ on feutt-x"t- -of -amUDJ--,1t'r--t, t AD- -feRt - ------------------- . ...... - --------- -------------------------------------- ---- - ---- - - - ------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ..a -------- d 3e -d,, Preliminary y Onde, -------- HQU ___________________approved --- APKll_-P—' ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the reportof the Commissionerof Finance upon the ,b... improvement, and having considered said report, hereby .... 1— 1. That the said report and the am, i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i. hereby ,d ... d to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conned ---.6 uth_ side of North Street -beginning__ lnnins - ------- _______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $25-x0_________ R 25-EQ--------- R...Ived Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ - 7th_ ----------- day of —111nol-3232 ---------- mz___, at the h— of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council Ch.mbe, of the Co— ll,u,, and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pa.[. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe-- provided - and in the ma.... provided by the Charter, ting the time and place of hearing,the -- of the icnp—cm— and the total cost thereof as —i—ted. Adopted by the Council________N AY-1-1--i-a- 192---- Approved_____________ ______--'-_�'192--- City Clerk. LL -- ------------- Councilman rCTSWU— Cou,cilman'Fergitson Councilman a4g". C... Councilman Vwhw Mayo, xjgrax Btuadlia F— B. S. A. 8.6 X92352 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matter f--x—tx=tAng,-xe-1aying- And —psiming- th— sid—l-k- -the- Aouth._sid. - nf-Ed—d—St—t—b.gi—L.& 20. f..t -Str —t, - th— --at - AO- -f—t ---------- . ........... —d- Preliminary O,der ------ 92212 --------------------- ------------ The C.. cif of the City of Paul having ... i -d the ,p,,t .f the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,b... imp .... m—and d haviconsiconsideredilg considered ,id report, hereby —.1... : 1, That the said report -d —— 1h, , i. hereby pp,—d and adopted, d the said imp--- is hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2. � That of the improvement which the Council --m-& i,-- — --true t,_ relay -@Let;- 40-teerli ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .with —alter.. .... ti .... and that the estimated cost thereof, g_27_ 00 ------- R—I—d Further, That . public hearing be had — said mp .... m-1 .. the____ 7jilt ----------- day of --j3mo 1-29M ---------- m the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., i, the C .... if Chamber of the C— H.— and Cl11I3 City 11,.i.l�dim; i. the City of St. P-1. That the — of Finance � notice of -id m-ti.g . the P ,, — m d the -- provided by the Charter, og the time placed plof h,,,i,g, th, of the imp—,—t and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the c ... ------- 192---- App,—d ---------------------------- 192 --- City Clerk. ___.______f______________________________________ My— ... til... w� Councilman C ... C .. i,ihmm'sji� - C .. Mayo, tbds= B=dlie F.— B. S. A." 353 CITY OF ST. PAUL m�iL Nom'" - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUN3�L RESOLUTION—GEBERAL FORM X .e RESOLVED That the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Banitary Food Manu- facturing Company in the sum of Eighteen Dollar. and Twenty Cents ($18.20) for aupplles used for City-wide Arbor Day BS -Centennial Day Celebration at Como Park on May let, 1932, .aid aum to be pay- able out of the Mayor's Contingent Fund. "y; Yeas couwnuaeN N�YY; C.IcaoY-7klf .V.W - Conroy wD_ldi�VBr�_/_-1,, livor r %TApin. q Bos en Mr. P—dent LLde- BUndlie 4W 1 Gtv— Adupted by the Comril--- Nwvow CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.- - �� r,u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GEN.! FORM B,esaxxRee WHEREAS, Bessie R. Richardson has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice house at the southeast corner of Ohio and Robie streets; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to issue to said Bessie R. Richard- son a permit for the erection and maintenance of said ice house, said building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Tbis permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Y.. co�Nci((�men Nay. / , Adoptd by tht Cow1��--1-2 --I9— �VOarOy Md)m.fd ' _In livor 19— R.W-d �e gilnet � Rwroa afetal Rosen M,. Paeidmt-He 4 W Bundli e THEBOARDOF ZONING x r.; SAINT PAUL�MINNESOTA ...Y, I'� COURT HOUSE May 11th, Gtr, du, J. 0l bbons, City Olerk. Lear Sir In the matter of application of Bessie h. Richardson to install and overate a ash and carry c Tice house at the southeast corner of Ohio and hubie Streets. This is a commercial district. There are no ice houses in the vicinity. The property is vacs at and adjoins a butcher shop. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-1h i V POST CARD NOTICEI OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE SI Paul, Minn. ......Apt._ 10e....... test Pwrauanl to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, o[ 5.ildiwq Zone Ordi- nance.approued July nh, —1. you are hereby noliFied Thal the application of HE- Beam. R. kiahnrdl- 1« per son to Brea or comiuoe relad ice tn— Ixated on ;ot _8,.. blk. P._QANE-,n Add..--S.Yi... nor.. a f _Ohio. h_ Eabis.Sta..-.. —... will come up for mwaideraliow before the C-61 of the Cilq of 51. Paul in 1ha Council Chamber in the Ci1q Hall and Court House Bwildiwq - thc____llth._ day o1 __—Na,¢_ __...._ mZ....at le o'clock A M. JOHN H. WDONALD, COMMIa51ONEE OF FINANCE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS"AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS City of Sunt Pana Office of City Clerk MINE 1. GIBBONS, Clry CIe,4 ,�„ri.n ,,a, •, i ,nd �omml„Ian�l of Br9 ,tlon i ........o, 1 April 15th, 1932. Ron. C. R. May, ,f P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. near Cos:ri eeio ner: Attached please find nnollca- tlon of Mrs. Bessie R. RS canard— for 1—it to e c` aeh d carry ice I n the 11-1 of Ohio and an Ro bie Ste., - 10 5, Bl -lc S. This an olicetion has been —'--dLo you for iwesti,vntion and r .ort. Yours v ' truly, City Clerk. 201 W. George St. St. Paul, MSon. Apr 11 13, i332 City Clerk's Office Court Hcuee St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We desire very much, to obtaln a permit, to erect a Cash & Carry Ice Hc—, on the turner of Ohio 8 Robie Ste. Lot No. Mre 4a6Richardson ---- owner. Trusting to herr from you soon, we are Sincerely /� �^•`^°'^°"^• CITY OF I?. PAUL e�� c NO._. (i .355 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK O yCOUNyJ�(//////��L RdfESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM u w.� ,- J RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Van Paper Supply Com- pany In the aum of Twenty-nine Dollars and Stmt Cents ($29.06) for supplies used for Oity-wide Arbor Day Bi -Centennial Day Celebration at Como Park on Sunday, May let, 1932, said sum to be payable out of the Mayor's Contingent Fund. �I Yon couwcl Nay, Pnro�f /McDonald In livor 2.Lk.d ^ /girt Roe en Pnrident xedg— Bundlie Adapted by the Council '44y t 9 19— 1h �. 19 d CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u NC.— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM N "o MMQINC.om_ —_ RESOLVED That the assignment to the Ctty of Saint Paul by the Empire Rational Hank and Trust Company, of St. Paul, of $53,000 in bonds, which said assignment is dated May 10th, 1932, approved by the Sink- ing rand Oommlttes, and as to form and execution by the Oorporatlon Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved and accepted. Ym couN�N� Clam Conroy =fir �McD—ld�y'yv' _?^/ In hwr 3.1u— v A�m- 3U-1 Rosen Mr. Pruid— dWPn Sundlie Adopted 1, nc, CowicduJ+---- . • .ten 19— � hY. A...,Gw.' v � MwYoa No y_Z35G �,,,,,.. ...,.. ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL r,u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --G MAL FORM RESOLVED That the assignment to the Ctty of Saint Paul by the Empire National Bank and Trust Company, of St. Paul, of $53,000 in bonds, which said assignment Ss dated May 10th, 1932, approved by the Sink- ing Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same Is hereby approved and accepted. Yoe coffin Ne ` Clucy Conroy y,G// iehAsd � yeiy®r __Apinet / -w—i Rosen /Mt. P—id— uadse Bundlie Adopnd by the Ceu,rci MAS --= 1— 19— AW 9— A 19— C G 1 v / rwvoa CITY OF BT. PAUL OFFICE OF GIN CLERK reo�E'!�� ,/— OUNCI }2ESOLUTION—GENEML FORM = - E�AiFXffR WHEREAS, The J & E Service Company has made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain a cash and carry ice house at 1234 Grand avenue; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given Pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 of Ordlnanoe No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said J & % Service Company a permit for the erection and maintenance of said ice house, the building to be constructed in accordance pith the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. couwa iaaYe Ym Conroy Ad.pi r �V>Aocd b9 d. C 11 MA "— /McDrnuld� � r iv hwr � K51 amBsd'Pearoe� �yr� Ao sen - MA .os ,.ir. P—id— RedV,a Bundlie — City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MINE 1, GIBBONS, C111 CHL ..d C.—,,-., of R.941.11 - m,. .9 .eo. may 11th, 1932. mr. L. L. Lnde r non, Corporation Counsel, Bnllding. Dear Sir: The fo11ow1nP epplicatl one I—permits to Snetall and operate Ice stations at the lo- cflttone indlceted w approved by the Council today and referred to you for tha proper regio lutlone: J & % Service Company -- 1234 Orand Lvenue. Besele R. Richardson -- South sant comer Ohio & Robie Ste. Tows very truly, City Clerk. Mr. m J. Gibbons, �Ity Clerk. Lear FSr THE BOARD Of ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 41/ COURT HOUSE May 11th, 1332. In the matter of apnlica tion of the J 1, K Servlce Company to erect and operate a cash and carry ice house at 1234 Grand Ave. This is in connection with a filli nK station in a commercial district. There are no ice stations on Grand Ave/ for a number of blocks. gh-rh Yours very truly, �� g -f G Secretary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRLNDSc ANDI PUBLIC BUILDINGS I;or. Counc ll, c!" cf Jt. laui. .,en. l.::en: `_ched Gere ith pleas- f :ity C1� '10 "!,1 on j. - rvice Cer::-an7, -;:ho des'ro applic�t ion o: t',c '- _.e to erect s —tail lee sore Ct 124 Grand nye• This is on the _;theast corner _ Grand and tho :;bort L'_r.e c—, cold is In a 0—erclal DSstrict. Where no other Sce stores 7n tLe im., diute vlcirity :nd .eereco:'-.end th;,t t''-, nnljostion be —1-to— Y-- 1-tod,You o... s,.:no!,- City of Sunt Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Cil, Cl.,k ,.d Comml„lon.of R.gi,e.non i ,. April : t:,, 1532. Aon. C. A. gay, Coma'r. of P.P. & P. P1de.., Wildln v, Dear Commis=loner: Attached please find anullcatlon m ofthe S. & K. Service Cio'Oroty for permit to a rect a ret all the holes at 1214 Greed Avenue, on I.otsl and 2, Plock 4, 5tir. eon's '_ evard Addl CS en. This anollcation has been referred to your denartment for Snveetinatlon and report. Your, very truly, City Clerk, April 8th 1932. To The Honorable Gity Council' Gentlemen: The undersigned herewith respectfully recoeets permission to; irect a frame building 13 1 14 feet, to be used as a retail Ice House ats 1234 Grand avenue. Lots 1 and 2 Block 4 Stinsons blvd, Addition. The building is to be ersoted behind a lattice fence at the rear of the property. Respectfully Submitted, J. & ```1. SS��'erviiccel Co,. / Hy.>�s-vm/r CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO'---- PM�­NaElDNIRY OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ten., .'- WREREAS, The Council, by resolution (0ouncll File No. 91702) on Februaryl7, 1932, adopted a final order in the matter of grading and paving the alley in Block 23, Lane I Highland Park, from Snelling avenue to Macalester Walk, which resohtlon was approved on saki date; and WHEREAS, Oeo. Benz & Sone, ae the owner of twenty lots in said block, bee petitioned for a reconsideration by the Council of said final order; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, That a public hearing be bad before the Council in the Ooonoil Ohamber in the Oourt No- ' in the City of St. on the�6th day of June, 1932, upon the advi eability of eooneidering end cancelling said final order; and the Commissioner / of Finance is hereby directed to cause notices to be mailed to the by the a nlea oftthe wentyropertdays betorbeEf thefdat eactedof said proposed hearing. d Smpr ovement, Ym /coUNciLreN Nay' / p1 Oonroy McDoruld In hwr �Raw_4 Pearce� Wdh'_-Agii,al Z ifemi- Roe an / Mr. p,wdmclidS— Bundlie Adopud by du Cool d-1 gr_-„ 19— Approved 19— L;" °••••••°`••`•••• CITY OF ST. PAUL couwci, NO. 92359 PEKE OF CITY CLERK �OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PneseN `' TF fay 12 1952 �oMM s� RESOLVED In tie matter of constructlnp curbing )n both skies of Simpson Avenue from Yrankson —n— to Midway Parkway, under PreLiminary Order C. F. 83840, approved July 16, 1331, and Fin -i1 Order C. N. 90565, approved October i, 1331. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. y—coUNC111 N N„ Chncy MCDOuald In b—, Rohlandl Sudheimec v. Agai— \V<-1 Mn P—id— Hodi.oa.n Adopted by the Council. __ 19 Appyu d,. — _ 19 MAYOR �_ •.•"• `•••"••• CITY OF ST. PAUL �` NO. V236 t, {/,/(7`^' OF ICE OF CITY CLERK uNc ?/ '�UNCIL ESOLUTION—Ci ENERAL FORM y /,)/, j/ E63 1:;, 1932 IATE RESOLVED In the matter of wldenine the—istin; roadway on 5nelting +venue from kinne'naha Street to the tracks of the Northern P-,cific R:,il,.ay Company, end pnvink the ;,ide—d ;ortinn s, also repaving the present ro�,dw3y, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90815, approved October 29, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91689, aporoved Feoru_ry 10, 1932. Resolved, That the D1 -,ns and specifications ac submitted by the Commissioner of PUDIIC 'Norks for the above named improve.nent, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeae eouNCICNEN r Fug — MCDOocld v In favor � RoLlAvdn s ap�u��aa ns, Adopedby,h,Council - µ 19 APP,, d — 19_ _ •,••••••. CITY OF ST. PAUL IC ✓ „La " NO. 92361 FF"" OF CITY CLERK R coMlalssi&rtilw�� OUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORME May lG, 1962 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on Sherman Street, west side, from Smith A.v-ue to Pleasant Avenue, under Pre.iminary Order C. E'. '30933, a,yroved Nov. :;0, 1331, and Final Order C. F. 91853, —:)roved March 8, 1932. resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the �ommissi-er of Pub Lid 'Norks for the above named improvement, be and t'ne same are hereby approved. Yeas C.—CIM NNays / � Clancy � �� Ferguwn McDonald �,faso. % Rohland - Sodhe — ' _ Agai nae — Wenzel / Mr. President Hodgson mn `t�°ea k Adopted by the Council_—� , 19 Apppaed 19 ; 4. 4 4-- _rnnron `•.`" AU CITY OF ST PL ., " NO ER . y/.31i2 j� OFFICE OF CITY CLK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERNL FORM �.oMMlss oN Eu on rrMay 5, 1932 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for constructing in place Portland Cement Monolithic Concrete sidewalks and other work incidental thereto, in the City of 6t. Paul during the year 1932, to JOAN 6ANDQUIST, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of approximately $32,860.50, 1n accordance - with specifications, his bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel 1s hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. $8783. Y•.•s N�i�M rry N.., /Pca ice �• Rosen Againas jSadlrthner Mr. P,—d-, 6—A, VI n x"�`iii k��°ro � uwc°.�w°��• YI. h Ad,,p,,d k sly, C.,—.l ... �yu I9 Al/,pro,Md �' 19 l , / i 0 0 0 ...°. 67:) COUNCIL SOLUTION . I L-l"VEME—Peo,a�,a Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Alley J. Block 1, P. V. Dsyerte Addition, and Block 3, Thurston and Ia bie's Addition from Fry Street to Pierce Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to FIELDING AND SHEpLEY, INC., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,163.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby inetru,$ted to draw up the proper f -M of contract therefor.`... 8785 .��...a °...�,•.,., 1,698.00 -__--_ o..a�°w..o..e.a. ,•1163.00 \ ..... ...o,.o.[°, o'w•.o�M.o.a•.•....•.o...o.o`.,�.co�o. '` ... a... .M.. u OUNCIL Rcr OoLUTION T,a non O. vEMEMT esOJECTw • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation S I of the Contract Committee and award, the contract for paving We,t Six th Street from Smith Avenue to Wabeaha Street (except from 172 feet west of Washington Street to the west line of Franklin Street) in actor den ce with plane and specifications hereto attached. to FIELDING AND SHEPLEY INC., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $37,100.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. .a...,...�0 11789 39.780.00 ...M,.......P.��,... .u...R�oV..o... Yo. .x� 12,700.00 .. ,...,..�,......w �o..��....o........� ......� .a..... - .... 1 , 150.00 ,.... ... ..... .... Buslnees St. Bond Fund Soo -B . 23,250.00 . 37,100.00 Council File No.......... WW5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned herehy proposes the making o[ the folio wing public im pro. emeot by the City of St. Paul, vis.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalks& East side of Grotto Street, beginning 1S feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 17 feet- beginning 25 feet farther north, thence north 25 feet; beginning H feet farther north, thence north 4 feet. West side of Grotto Street, beginning 42 feet south of Rolly Avenue, thence south 58 feet; beginning 38 feet farther south, thence south 6 feet. East side of Avon Street, beginning at Ashland Avenue, thence south 9 feet; beginning 14 feet farther south, thence south 18 feet, beginning 33 feet farther south, thence south 446.2get. West side Avon Street, beginning 34 feet south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 31 feet; beginning 20 feet farther south, thence south 20 feet. East side Avon Str—t beginning ilo feet south of Marshall Avenue, thence south 19 feet; begin .ing 40 feet farther south, thence south 39 feet. West side of Avon Street, beginning 46 feet s,uth of Marshall Avenue, thence south 15 feet; beginning 104 feet farther south, thence 11w south 45 feet. West side of Fisk Street, begin ing at Selby Avenue, thanes south 12 feet. Westside of Fisk Street, begin ing at Laurel avenue, thence north - - 10 feet; beginnin_, 24feet farther north, thence north 10 feet; beginning 30 feet farther north, thence north 14 feet. s .ev feet farther south, thence south 39 feet. West side of Avon Strest, beginning 46 feet s;uth of Mars -i-11 A.v_nue, thence south15 feet; oe;ihnine, 1J4 feet farther soutn, thence south 45 feet. Yiestside of Fisk Street, begin ing at Selby Avenue, thence south 12 feat. 'l-st side of Fisk Street, begin at Lu—nv=_nuu, thence n 10 feet; beJinnin;; 24 feet farther north, thence north 17 feet; beginning -3 feet farther north, theence north 14 feet. a4g LW. �p ­"JAks-S `ytIy� y )Jay,.1932 19 Dated thie 10th dx, of _. -G // C'au nc loran PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A _itt_ P,,_, [or the making of the fella sing imp"vemeut, Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalks: East side of Grotto Street, begia:._ng 13 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 17 feet; beginning 25 feet,." ther north, thence north 25 feet; beginning 11 feet farther nort, thence north 4 feet. thenceisouth SB f�et;ts lb beginning 8fee tyfarthe ro sou 111, thenceAvenue, south 6 feet. cast side of Avon Street, begintiig at A:ah land Avenue, t^.once feet arther begim11nge; south 9 33feegllarth er4south,fthence south 43h feet. s�uth ld `eel; West side Avon Street, beginning 34 feet s.eth of Gayton .,venue, k thence south 31 feet; beglnninz 20 feet farther ss....----'�-- south e0 feet. all {� thencei south 19,feett begin ineet treeg 400ftfarther�s south, thenceenue, k: south 39 feet. West side of Avon Street. ineginning 46 Jj4 feet farther s)urhs o:: tMa, hencetvanue, thence south 15 feet; be, g south 45 feet. 'test side of F!sk ,-treet, begin ing at Selby r.v enue, trance south 12 feet. 7/est side of Fisk Street, f se begin:._ng at L-ural --v. t::ence north. 10 feet; beoifee t�farthertnor norfar th, thencenorth, or1thn14 feet. 17 feet; beginning _0 n ' YRS • F.✓ b N ts'e'BHdt L I5�".'�titif'e18f� ri'6S- h` '�"L :-bS: F oii _. _ ... _.................... havivg been Pre^`evted to We ('ouncil o[ tl C cc of Vit. P -1_ - therefore, be it RGMNED, That the Commie ioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the veccssity for, or desirnbilIty of, the nxaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, e.tcot and estimated at of said improvement, aad the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of amd lie lnsrnked lot on the petition of three or mare owners g. To state whether or not said io,provemco 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 12 02 Adopted by the Council_....... Yens \ars Councilmen Cos'nnr }� Approved .- _..... _..__. McI)opeLo �A Ps+nee Roaeu & ✓ Mayor. r>m c w u rzm uta' Pneatoervr / C-61 File No._.... 92366 At PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORAR. The nndereigned l�rrehy propuAee tLe makinK of the folluwieg pubhi m,prov —t by �Anr.t. Paul, vie.: Hecoustructing, relaying andrepai,inv, where neces -.ary, the following si^_ewalks: East side of Kent Street, beginning o9 feet north of Holly Avenue, thence north d feet; beginning h2 feet farther north, thence north 9 feet; beginning ::5 feet farther north, thence north 4J feet. ✓ Dast side of Kent Street, be6inn_n?_ 30 feet south of Laurel Avenue, thence south `7 feet; begin:i_-�: 39 feet f3rth_r sout"., th^_n ce south 9 feet. Last side of Kent street, beginning 10 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 8 feet; be✓inning 12 feet farther north, thence north 5 feet; beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 46 feet beginning 53 feet farther north, thence north 14 feet; beginning 31 feet farther north, thence north 4 feet; heginning 96 feet farther north, thence north 15 feet; beginning 15 feet farther north, thence norta 1,3 feet. - West side of Kent Street, beginnf— 10a feet South of Dayt u Avenue, thence south 16 feet; beginning 25 feet farther south, thence south 9 feet. fr uG°I thence south 27 feet; beg inning 39 feet farther sou , south 9 feet. East side of Kent Street, beginning 10 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 8 feet; beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 5 feet; beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 46 feet. beginning50 feet farther north, thence north 14 feet; beginning 31 feet farther north, thence north 8 feet; oeginning "6 feet farther north, thence north 15 feet; beginning 15 fent farther north, thence north 18 feet. West side of Kent Street, beginning 10:: feet south of Dayton Avenue,thence south 16 feet; beginning :,5 feet farther south, thence south 9 feet. Cu au rs eon."fl 2 ;n aF' ..A �.,. .._ , T9 C�:af? psrc vi r r.sf i L Por;. "`a Clr• Dsted this 10th_.._ I.y of may, 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written trml.osal L" the mukisg d the following improvoment, via.: Reconstructing,relayL g -d repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalks' Bast side of Kent Street, beginning 39feet feet north of Holly Avenue, than north 6 feet; feet farther north, thence northrther no40�feetnce north 9 feet; beginning thence south 27nf et;ebegia g�39g feetf fart 63 act h ert so uth,�thence vunue, south 9 feat. gast side of Kent Street, beginn21fe t farthnorth of th, Laurel Avenue, thence north B feet; beginning north 5 feet; beginning 12 feet Pth once north, thence nortth h n, feej beginning 50 feet farther north, th once north 14 feet; beginning 31 feet farther north, thence north H feet; :eglnning ?6 feet farther north, thence north 15 feet; beginning 15 feet farther north, thence north 10 feet. West side of Kent street, beginning 10:. feet south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 16 feet; beginning _5 feet farther south, thence south 9 feet. Mn Ps.—ear Mayor. r�cwu nm roair � l.,u.,.ntu.L� CI�J'JCF �'1:t T LGr'F. , -P �r rl,. _ _ t L� yce '..un Cis » 1.16L: P.:T> _ ... F' having baen presented to the Coonril of the City of St I'nol therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public \Yorks be and is h ... by ordered and directed: 1. To invesligatc the nee—ty for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveatigato the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, ad the total cast thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1. To stats whether or not said impravoment is asked for on tho potition of thee° or more owners 5. To roport upon .11 of tho foregoing nlattrteretto the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by thn Council__. MAY i'2 1p� Y.- Nees Councilman CI.... 3.Fn>• App-,dSj'. WD—s- 6 Peence G� R. N ,LL .. _...Me..... eroexr Mx. Pae� � Y°r. C ..4 File No...._ 92367 • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT * I end PRELIMINARY ORDER. ..r. tn. The,.designed hereby pop.... the making of the h,11—mg public m,provement by the City of St. Paul, via.: N Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the following sidewalks Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalkst East side of Rackubin Street, beginning 42 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 80 feet; beginning 8 feet farther north, thence north 90 feet, East side of Nackubin Street, beginning 102 feet south of Selby Avenue, thence south 123 feet; beginning 10 feet f�.rther south, Vthence south 125 feet. East side of Mackubin btreet, beginning at Ashlend Avenue, thence ✓ north to north line of East and West Alley. East side ot,Kent Street, beginning 36 feet north of Summit Avenue, V thence north i5 feet; beginning 70 feet farther north, thence north 25 feet; beginning 9 feet farther north, *.hence north 18 feet. seat side or ®ackutin ntreet, eegireing 4Z feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 60 feet; beginning. 8 feet farther n. rth, AI„ thence north 90 feet. Bast side of Rackubin Street, beginning 102 feet south o,r Selby Avenue, thence south 123 feet; beginning 10 feet farth ersouth, thence south 125 feet. Last side of bleckubin Street, beginning at Asnlvnd Avenue, thence north to north line of East and West Alley. Eastside of Kent Street, beglnnin� 36 fe::i. n� tl. �f �u.r,,,lt Avenue, rther nor thence north 15 feet; beginning 70 feet farther north, thence north 25 feet; oeginninL 3 feet farther no thence north 13 feet. Me. P....oc.T Mayor. 1.e.11,,M10,,, P;,W S /'/ =3-- Defend this_ 10tH_ __d6Y'If May, 1932 F 19 C cilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A _in_ I poeel fu, the meking,A the fallowieg improv --t, Reconstructing, rAleying and repairing the foLL­Jir gg"sidewalks Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalks: East side of Mackubin Street, beginning 42 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 80 feet; beglnniag 6 feet farther north, fI„ thence north 90 feet. Bast side of Mackubin Street, beginning 10:: feet south o,` Selby Avenue, thence south 12o feet; beginning 10 feet farther south, thence south 125 feet - Es st eet.East side of Mackubin Street, beginning it Ashi=.ni Avenue, thence north to north line of East and West Alley. East side of Kent Street, beginning 36 fv'�3rthert'j or th, uthenc Avenue, thence north 15 feet; beginning 70 feAt he north 25 .at; beginning feat farther north, ace north 18 feet. aeemmes— ... M . Mn. F ce�oa � eyor. 0 :T4 baring been pre=entcd In the Coun,il of the C'ty u( SL P --I __...._ therefore, be it R1:50LVRD, That the Commissioner of Public N'orke be and at hereby ,rd,red nad directed: investigate the necessity tor, or desirability of, the making o[ laid improvem,nt. p. To investigat, the nature, extent and eetimnted c,et of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch ,f laid improv,me, t. q, To stat, whether or not said improvement is aekod for as the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Comanimioncr of Finance. WAY 12 Adopted by the Council_. -- -- -_-- - --"- Ye- Nara Councilman Cos not 14 Approved .... .. _.. MaDonn>,a Pennca Roeert � _ Mayor. Ma. PaestosuY P„1, 5-�a Council File No_ ..... 92-3—W PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodensigned hereby proposes the ranking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalks. North side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning 78 feet west of Mackubin Street, thence west 163 feet; beginning 44 feet farther west,thence west 2 feet; beginning 54 feet farther west, thence west 12 feet. South side ofSt. Anthony Avenue, beginning 177 feet —st of Mackubin Street, thence west 10 feet; beginning 14 feet farther west, thence west 2 6 feet; beginning 74 feet farther west, thence west 6 feet. North side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning at Mackubin Street, thence east 7i feet; beginning 208 feet farther "'at, thence a-.st 5 feet; begin a, %6 feet farther east, thence seat 8 feet; beginnin;; 1011feet farther e-ast, thence 12,.,t 3 feet; beginning 120 feet farther east, thence east 8 feet. South side of St. Anthony ­ven'e, '-91 .,ine °40 feet e:;st of Mackubin Street, thence e- st 31 feet; beginning 7 feet farther east, thence east 34 feet. South side of St. Anthony Aven',e, beginning i4.9 feet east of Arundel Street, t': ence oast 43 feet. North side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning at Mackubin Street, thence east 7t feet; beginning 208 feet farther e,st, th ance e.st 5 set.'ar26 feet farther east, thence oast 6 feet; AJZ A beglnninJ rartheree^.st,t te.encese a ath enfee t�_t 9— beginning 1�0 feet South side of St. Anthony svenuo, beginning z4J feet,.t of Mackubin Street, thence eat 31 feet; beginnia; 7 fest farther east, thence east 34 feet. South side of St. Anthony r -.venue, beginning 149 feet east of Arundel Street, thence eost 43 feet. - ... _ Dead tni. loth__.. day Or may, 1962. . 1 CI ao PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A -ittev proposal for the making of the rollowing improvement,via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the fo1lo�frtg sidewalks: North side of St. snthc% Av ^_nue, begs—ing 78 feet west of lack bin Street, thence west 166 feet; beginning 44 .feet ferther west, thence west 2 feet; beginn'_ng 54 feet farther west, thence west 12 feet. South side of St. Anthoty/ P -venue, begin ing 177 feet —,t of It,ckubin Street, thence nest 10 feet; beginn,n 14 feet ferther west, thence west �6 feet; beginning 74 feet farther west, t'n ence west est feet. North side Of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning at Mackubin Street, thence en I 72 feet; beginning 208 feet farther e..st, thence O e-.st 5 feet; begin:. o3 26 feet farther east, thence east d feet; A!Z 4 baaronin_ l0 feet farther east, thence en st 3 feet; beginning 1<0 feet farther e^.st, thence east d feet. South side of St. Anthony --'C' begining 40 feet -st of Mdackubin Street, thence east 51 feet; beginnin<, 7 feet farther east, thence east 64 feet. South sideof St. Anthony !+v^nue, beginning 149 feet east Of Arundel qtr eet, thence east 43 feet. p having been prosenled to the C --d of the Citi of tit 1'w1. _- -- tbereforc, be it Rt� 9Of.Vfe,D, That the Commissioner of 1'ublia Norks be end is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'Po investigate the neceesity fur, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state wb,thec nr_not said inipravemeat is asked for m the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregainp�myt1 re to the Coramiseioner of Pinasce. MM Q3i Adopted by the Counml..... _. __..... .....__ Yeas Pers Coonmlman Coaaor Approved __... _ __...__.... McDoxsl. I'eeace ansae O C Ma. Paeeiaerrr Mayor. �n.Is—Iae„�— Council File NO... _...9 369 t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mdereigned hereby proposes t he making Of the following puLlic improvement by the City of 9t. Paul, viz.: $econ9trncting.• relaying. and repairing the sidewalk and build a retaining wall on the south side of Ramsey _ Streets beginning at Oakland Avenue, thence west 165%feet. Dated this 11thMa.... day Of May, 1952 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mnking of the following improvement, via.: Reconstructing,.. relaying and repairing the sidewalk _ and build.. a_.reSaining wallon the south side of Ramsey__,..___...._ beginning.. at Oakland Avenue. thence west 165 feet._. .................. ...... ............__ .... having bean presented to the Council n[ the City of St. Paul _......__- --- tberefore, be it BF-SOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and i. hereby ordered nod directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fur, or desirability Of, the making of laid improvement. 2. To invicetigete the nature, extent and eat{m.ted coat of said im provcment, and the total cost thereof. B. TO furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. q, To etnte whetber or not laid impruv.meet i. asked for on the petition of three or more —nem 4" 5. To report upon sll of the foregpytg./n tt1"� he Commissioner of Finance. . 71M�111 Adopted by the Council__. -..... ... Y.A. NA- C ... ArnCouncilman Coveor MODoaAun r \ 1 PeAace lJ Pnesioexr / Ma Ma 1-3 92370 CmmriI File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tibe—demig-1 h, -by rp— tbamki.g.f the following public op .... —ot Ly tio! City of St. Pro], m Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, tae sidewalk and Icliild retaining wall on the south side of Ramsey Street, beginning 38 feet east of Western Avenue, thence east L6 feet. Dated tbi... 11th day of May, 1"2'y�%� Ab PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of th,, fallowing improvement, i - Reconstructing, relaying, and repairing, the sidewalk and build rqtalning wall on...the 5Quth side of Ramsey Street,___ beginning 38 feet east of Western Avenue, thence east 26 feet. ha,mg been pmeeated to the Comool of the City If St I'-"[ .... .... ... tb,r,f,,,, be it RESOLVED, That the Corommi-er of Public Work, be and i. hereby ordered sad di—ted: 1. To in—tipto the torreeity for or desirability of, the making of said iropm—eat. 2. -11 investigate the mttam, o.met and estimated coat of said improvement, aad the Wt,1 —t th .... I. 3. To f-mh . plan, profile or sketch If said improvement. 4. To state h,kk%,.r not aaid improvement i, naked for on t1o, petition If three or more —ore 5. To report opm, ell of the foregoing matte, to the Commis inner of Fi ...... Adopted by the C11111il.... MAY 12 IM Y.A. N— Councilman C.,nmy Approved MeD.—L. 51- PIA 11 R ... Mn. P ....... r ✓ Mayor. ., ., ... CITY OF ST. PAUL `" NO. (3`U" 1 OFY fiCE OF CITLET. «n F COUNCIL. RESOLUTION.'.'-"p^ro r�FM re q e>in.emee � May 15 11,462 raESEwreo er � ��Lh �Z < � aritr. nmm..rue.. . eoMrus slo NER mne.uun. "r"ae e RESOLVED 'Nh erc—, The plans and specifications for the steel water tank recently constructed for fire protection at the Municipal Barge Terminalwere verbally approved by the local office of the Bure-�u of Fire Underwriters, and -id 'ansand specificaticns provided for a type of overflow pipe termed a "stub overflow", and 'Nhereas. The Bureau of Fire Underviriters ha:'. now refused to acr, apt with full credit the water tank and equ 1pment " unless the stub overflow" is changed to a :ong pipe inside overflow, and Whereas, The contractor for the construction of the tank has quoted a ,rice installed for such inside long pipe overflow of $195.00, and said price Ss considered reasonable by the Commissioner of Public Works, end Whereas, The Corporation Counsel has examined the Plans and specifications covering the s:id matter, and In conference with the City Engineer and the Bridge Engineer, has ruled informally that the contractor should be required to stand as much of the cost of the proposed long pipe overflow as is represented in the cost b overflow of the stub installed, t+it, the amount of $45.00; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Xorks be and he is hereby authorized to order the contractor, the Chicago Bridge and Iron Works, to construct forthwith a long pipe inside overflow at the Barge Terminal water supply tank, the si.me to be approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters, for the net price of $150.00, said amount to be paid as an extra to the existing water tank contract and charged against the River Terminal Bond Fund, Code 2305. Yeas eoue elLrn NNays / Adopv,dbydbe Council_— / .Clancy _ F<reueon _ pgcponald In favor APp,B d —_ 19.. / � Sudheimv / /AIms, . Prc.idcns,Hodgmn NO 92372 O ICE ITV E com miss C0 CI 50 U N- LFORMC May 12, 1932 RESOLVED Th a Purc T.ee Agent be, and he 1. hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 141 a 22 Chandler L Price Press, with new Ki�ble variable speed motor, c:cftsman fountain, counter, vibrator and two chases with crone bars, at a total coat not to exceed $6c0.00, completely in- stalled at the Vocational Training School, without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools - Instruction Supplisa- 15-0.6 Ycas .oumci�mEN Nays / if �.ay �gainss ���dhc�rocr M r. Prrs.d me Bu�dl�e Ad., ­d �hc Council M,k, A ved 60 19 mA aR v ...o .�.. ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL cou nc�L©. yZ3i3 OFFICE .T CITU CLERK ••'I/Iy�RESOLUTIR ON—GENEAL FORM L coMrn ss oNe fit` % Z_r�r r onre EE y 1�, 1932 RESOLVED Tht Resolution C- F. 9c..72, approved M,y q, 1932, for planting and protecting sh-lde trees on Exeter Place from Marshall Avenue to Dayton Avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and re.^,cinded. I9 n ov .t Icxam . �et7�.e /Yca. couNci LI.+EN Na/ / Chncy --�" Fergu.nn i McDonald In I—, / . Rohl.nd /1 / Sudheim .Against Wenzel / Mr. Rc.id— Hndg.o Adopted by the Council_ � i .l 1 19 ACpro , 19— mwron cots,' NO. 92131 CITY OF IT, PAUL / O,F.,FLICE OF CITY CLERK QU NCIL rye50LUT1ON GENERAL FORM rnt.rervrgo 4 `- "L/''/„ La.j >V o e tday 1932 RESOLVED In the —tter of p_-ntlnb '— protecting ".ode t— a on both sides of cxeter place from Marshall Avenue to Dayton Avenue, except that ;art adjsLning Lot 1, B' ock 49, Desnoyer Park, under Prelimiu%ry Order C. F, 90819, a?proved October 30, 1351, and Final Order C. F. 91936, approved March 31, 1932. itesolved, 'Thet the Mans end specifications as submitted for the above named Improvement, be and the sem. are hereby aporoved and the Commissioner of Pub -1c Aorka be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary material. nr on xppen_ Estimated Cast $'05.00. courvciin+ery Yca. Nays/ / Clancy // �.� Ferguson .r —rr�— - 'icDonald - In faro' / sohmnd Sudheimer _ Api— nzel /�/ " Mr. President Hodgson• Adopted by the Council—."n A'11992 19 CITY OF ST. PAULco�.ciL NO. 1)4J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK „a �- e 1�OUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PReservrea v(/ G re MAY 1952 cornet sslorvs RESOLVED Th„t P,esol¢tic;n C. F. 92? 71, approv cd YLy 4, 19.2, for plant°ng and :rotecting s1.ade trees on 6—th Lexington A-aue from Lombard Avenu=_ to kandol;,h street, be and the -me is hereby c -celled, annulled and-scinded. eourveicMeN "X�d6 Na/ Adopted bythe C .... 0_...�_� (:{1Q 19 Clancy � Pergueon �'� I Donald , �, In 1—, App{wed _ 19_ ROhlavd�^� Sud �1lgainst W., '.f IAYOR �Mnzel r. Pruident Hddseotz - e...... .o �......... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. FFICE OF CITY CLERK 'S COU IL RES(H.UTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTEe May :, 1932 corn MlssloNE� � t --�. � ° onTE 6 L RESOLVED In til.- matter of p=anting and ;irotect'_ng shade trees on both sides of South Lexington Parkway from Lombard «'°I Avenue to Rando]ph Street, except that ?art adjoining lot 5, Block 4, Ee]:ingt-h P;.rk Pi.,t :Jo. c and except the westerly side bety:een Ldgcumbe nocd and the Edl lwau- kee Railway tracks, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90828, ayu approved Oct. 30, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91955, " approved March 31, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specific'.. tiers as submitted for the above named improvement, be end the same are hereby approved and the `'ommissioner of Puo':ic Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account and the the Purchasing Agent proceed to secu necessary material. Estimated Cost $728.00. eourvelc Yeas Nay/ / Clancy — FerguaoR �—�•IcDonsld In fa.or / Rohi.nd j' Svdheimer -`ARaI"'t W—d / Mr. President Hodg-- Adopted by the Council_ _ Wyk. , 11gr, t!yy 1 Appp,o J -. 17 - C.F. No.. 92377, 92379, 92379. RESOLVED, that checks be drawn on the City Treaeary, to the aggregate amo ct of $30,863.15, covering check. numbered 4662 to 4921 inclusive, as per check. on file In the office of the City Comptroller. V.p 1 ; Adopted by the 00-11 W. Approved ..._�, ... 326 849 45 i ouruurz� a*v c: xn _n. _r am ..re ..... - NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION i May ll ,2 \L'I)ITED CLAIMS oE, ,osEr+ i yE TO— y LMeEP IN FAVOR OF .3 ?l - - • 4662 Mack Tire Company �9 45 61 4663 4664 Maendler Brgsb Mfg, company Ma 11ey 15 2 77 4665 R.C. Marriaan Medloal Supply company 16 E6 6 69 4666 M.M. Metcalf 2 4q' 4667 MSCYeloan 'a Grocery 86 131 4668 Mi nn sect. Sporting Goode Company 60 06 466 National Lead Company 154 y4 4670 Northern state: Power Comoany 188 97 4671 4672 Northern States Power Company Northern State: Power Company 1 639 84 4673 Northern state: Power company Carbon Companry 549 84 3 75 46745 4676 Panama Ribbon & P-k Machina company M.F. Patterson Dental Supply Co. 26 36'. 4 15, 4677 Pearl Motor Sales Company 8 33' 34 55 4678 C.A. Pearson, Inc. l0 18 4679 J.T. Peieert 2] 20 4680 4681 H.R. Peter eon Company Pittsburgh Coal Company 6 191 c" 19 4682 Pure Cil Company 11 001 4683 Quality Park Envelope Company no. 11 951 4664 4685 Ramsey Motor —T Ramsey Rand McNally Com➢anY 110 2T. 177 83 4686 4687 Ray Bell Filmes. Inc. Raymer Hardware Comoany 135 1� 4688 Res Linen Supply Company l3 1 97 01 4689 Robinson, Cary and sande Company 18 88 4690 Roar's Picture & Art Shop 3 4q 4691 9.T. Rohland Company g 2 04 4692 Mrs. R.S. Rosenblatt 1 011 4693 Rugo Ruberg Arcade Company or) 1 00 4694 4695 St.Paul St.Paul Book & stationery Company 59 604 18 4696 St.Paul Book & Stet Sonery Coq pa ny 404 3 4697 St.Paul Book & St at l 0nexy Company 26 2�j 4696 St.Paul Brsae Foundry Company 5 7 kj 4699 St.Paul Broom Mfg, company 32 13 4700 St.P aul El act ric Lamp .. ompeny 'orks 2 75 4701 St.Paul Electro Plating Glass Company 6 0Q S 4702 4703 St.Paul 3t.Pau1 Goodwill Industries vorks 23 06 2 �5 470 4 3t.Pau1 Pattern & Model 260 64 4705 4706 St.Paul White Le.d & 011 Compnny Mrs. Blanche Savage 11 70 4707 Schaffer-Johnson Drug Compnny Company 2 4Qq 19 59 4708 3ohef far & Ross= 2 5 4709 Bahelen Auto Eleotr- Company 9 75 4710 4711 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company Andrew Schoch Grocery Com pang 75 5 R 4712 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 1) 9q l4 11 4713 Carl N. SChnlZ 2 8 4714 Sohurmeier 'Ahitney company 6 2 4715 Charles Scribner's Sone ..._�, ... 326 849 45 I z14 014 7& 0' E I m ern ErJ--ROL, CA couNa .. L COUNGILRRESOLUTION May 12 9j2 `. eeov �UDL1'F.D CLAIMS .ori 4; 4 - ---- --- - - _-- t_—_.. -_—. - TOTAL I. viMecn IN FAVOR OF �„c_Ks ; �«rs _— -- -- T126-g4Q--qy •----96 4716 Pat Kelly- 6 156 Odd, 4717 L.R. HeYlmaft81 748 4718 Peter F. Enmark 60 4719 Ford strane 49 5q 4720 Anderson Brother. 72 oa 4721 C.O. BoyUM 15 DO 4722 C.D. Brown 36 OQ 4723 Hurl C. Kayser 15 OO 4724 Ted Kn.ip 12 Ory 4725 4726 Frank Lehner Jam ee F. Kain, Cashier 184 66 'Tater Department 4g4 00 4727 H. peltz & son 177 50 4728 Theo. Ineip 4 50 4729 Dr. A.S. Arnquist 2 00, 4730 D, N.P. Bentleino. 8 25 4731 Brown and Day, 8 00. 4732 Dr. A. Christiansen 7 50. 4733 DJagnoaticx-Ray Laboratory O „ 4734 Dr. Don M. DeCoursey 3q 4735 Dr. James Dunn 9 00 4736 Dr. Alfred Hoff 2 00 4737 Dr. Arthur'T. Ide 21 00,.,, 4738 Dr. S.N. Yogilner 4739 Dr. H. G. Mortensen 84 051 4740 Mounds Park sanitarium Daugberty & Oexting 3 Ods, 4741 Drs. Ritchie, 212 10 4742 St.Joeephl- HosPital 37 35 4743 aul Hoe ital .P P Be 00 4744 DDrr. J. Short 20 00 4745 Dr. H.H. W01fe 575 51 4746 Davi. & L.german 70 20 4747 Ramm Ice company 373373 OQ 4748 H. Kretz Realty y 282 04 4749 H.G. McCall Company 2 178 98 4750 Northern state8 Power Company 141 871 4751 Tri-State. Tel. & Telg. 22 50 Western Union Telegraph Company 8 B� 4753 Jae. H. Clayton 5 96' 4754 4755 Crane Company3 J.J.Gillen, Abstract Clerk g 9 1 4756 Walter Greenwood 3 5 • 4757 4758 Rose H. Harper John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 208 40 153 10 4759 John H. Y -Donal d, C. of Fin. Works 22 46' 4760 Met. Ronfing & Cornloe 3 00 4761 Minnesota Club Broadcasting 5 342346 47622 Rational Battery Northern states Power Comna ng 17 50 47 764 Irving C. Pearce, C. of Education z14 014 7& 0' E I m o��uure. acnK of j t - FFi rHe"comvrao ��u� JCOUNCIL siu NO RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS may 12 s 3z -r TOTAL NVMeEP IN FAVOR OF n. anrvrc . 334_114_74__ -T • 765 4767 st Radio Kirk Comnan 129 88 0 4766 4 Farwell, Ozmun, rkC y Farwell, Ozmun, KS ik Company FaroreCcal zmun 35 490 8 4768 an H tl p y 3 248 7 4769 4770 G. Sommers and Company Star Prcduots company 3 06 4771 Albert Pratt Herschler, Jr. 5 580 48 4772 Smith and Michaud 15 DO 4773 First Na61onal Bank 2 39 4774 FS r at Nati oral Bank 8 OQ 2 4775 4776 General motors Truck Company Thornton motor Company Company 2 852 2 875 OQ 57 3 4777 4778 American Linen Supply American Red Cross 57 90 4779 F.N. Amundsen 11 15 2 4780 John D. Anderson 54 4 00 4781 4782 Armour and company Blomberg's Grocery 9 1 4783 Bucks, Brothers Company 2 0 78 0 4784 4785 Cairncross Tire & Battery The Calhon Paint Company 15 9 ., 4786 Capitol stationery mfg. Company 33 2. 43 81 4787 4788 Central Soap Company Chicago. mil. st.Paul & Pac.Ry.Co 7 89 4789 J.H. Coakley 16 74 4790 The ColsonCompany PChicago 212 j 4791 4792 Dainty Products Company J. mark Dalgllsh 40 �� 4793 Edward D000kman 3 17 4794 4795 DunnIa Fairway market --ast side Grocery company 6 3 4796 Elvgren Paint supply Company 191 6 7 4797 4798 Esslingsr and Company Flasher service Company 7 11 20 4799 Gedney company 9 31 4800 General Electric supply Corp. 39 11 4801 Gopher 011 Products Company 97 0 4802 A.L. Gould and Company 217 65 4803 Gruber Auto Electric Company to 445 9Q 3 31 4604 4805 Hauer gn 3 75 • 4806 4807 Thehe Herzog Iron Torke Tent Awning Company 223 0(1 21 23 4808 R.E. Hulme and Rellayls meat market 1 30 4809 Felly -Springfield Tire Company 99 74 4810 Lamprey Products Company 9 00 4811 maekls Tire shop 52 65 4812 National Carloading Corporation 8 2 4813 C.A. Pearson, Inc. 6 9 89 2 4814 4815 Price Electric Company Bt.Pau1 Builders material Com^any 88 5 4816 St.Paul 'shite Lead & 011 Company 9 31 4817 s1FoProducts Company 20 5d 4818 The 3peake8 'C ompany 36 22 4819 Tri-state Tel. & Tela. company 232 74 4820 'ester. Radio Eng. Company 215 0!) 4821 "estinghouse Electric Sun ly,Inc. 87 s3 352 256 q7 Coumil File N..___.__gzmo �. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The onJereigned hrrcby proposes the making of tho following public rovrment by the City of SL Paul, viz.: Paving Alley in Block a, Berkeley Place and Theresa Place, from Fairview avenue to Josephine Street. Dated this_ 12th.. day of May, 1932_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. ...... WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvmneot, viz.: Paving Alley in Block 2, Berkeley Place and Theresa Place, from Fairview Avenue to Josephine Street. hexing been presented to the Council of tlm City J St. Paul _.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thal the Cammixsioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iovesLigate the nccossily for, or desimbibly of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigsU, tho nature, extent end cetimetod cost of said improvmneot, sod th, total wet tl—mf. 1. To foroish a Alen, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.To state whether or not said improvement ie naked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fi oance. �ii� n Adopted by the Connml ___... _ -. _.......___. Y.- N— ConnmlmenCoxnoy / ZL— D Approved_ Pe sen Ras- Sunnmuea _.... ... _.. .._............ Ma. Paemoasr Mayor. —) ';-j '3A �""" ^ "^ `•'"" CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.– OOF TY CLERK CI E50—GENERAL FORM ee G2?J-�T\ e WHEREAS, On the 9th day of March, 1932, Patrick Flaherty, an employe of the Department of Public Safety of the CS ty of St. Paul, was injured In the performance of his duties, from which injuries he died on the 20th day of March, 1932; and WHEREAS, Said employe left surviving him his widow, Mrs. Patrick Flaherty, hie sole dependent; and WHEREAS, Paragraph 20 of Section 4275 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927, provides that where a wife is the sole depend- ent she shall receive as compensation 40% of the dally wage of the employe as of the date of injury, said compensation to continue during dependency, but not to exceed $7,500.00; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorised and at to enter into an agreement with said Mre. Patrick Flaherty, widow of said employe, providing for the payment to ber of the sum of ,$14.14 per week, payable every two weeks, said payments to begin as of March 21st, 1932, and to continue during dependency, but net to exceed the total sum of $7,500.00, the said sums to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation A000unt of the General Fund. I II Yeu couKOLr en N,. Choy- Conroy McDonald R.b6" Pearce\ R4m4- Rosso M,.Preeident-andgwo- Bundlle Adopted Ap 19 Mayo, NO._ 932 ����=^•=W CITY OF Sr. PAUL .�L. -- -20 O TY CLERK wMMie.ioRea ( CI FSOLOF —GER EL FOR. GZ Z>YLt � )F WHEREAS, On the 9th day of March, 1932, Patrick Flaherty, an employe 8Y the Department of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, was injured in the performance of his duties, from which injuries he died on the 20th day of March, 1932; and WHEREAS, Said employe leftsurviving him his widow, Mre. Patrick Flaherty, his sole dependent; and WHEREAS, Paragraph 20 of Section 4275 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927, provide. that where a wife is the Bole depend- ent she shall receive as compensatl On 40% of the dally wage of the employe as of the date of injury, said compensation to continue during dependency, but not to exceed $7,500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized anddirected to enter into an agreement with said Mrs. Patrick F'lahert y, widow of said employe, providing for the payment to her of the sum of $14.14 per week, payable every two wsake, said payment. to begin as Of March 21st, 1932, and to continue during dependency, but not to exceed the total sum oY $7,500.00, the said eume to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. 4� Ym couwol.Men Nay. Q4a - Conroy % Md)—ld�-_l� --In hwr R,hl..d. Pearce/\ Sadh— pintt A+.ew4- Rosen M,. P.e.id-,-H.dg— Sundl l e Adopnd by the COU -9 !hf� A 19— /_ f ^'�••.••.^•^.""' ITY OF T. PAUL coy. cic N0. Z3S3 FILE OF CITY CLERK COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM h4ey 13, 192 REsoLvED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to sell to the County of Ramsey on demand by the County 6urveyor certain asphaltic cold patch road material at a price of $3.25 per ton at the City Paving plant, the county , to be responsible for the loading of and the transport- ing of said materials from the said oavin,, plant, and �� a that, the mon�r received from such stles to the County of 1'amsey be credited to the Pavir., Plant fund, Code 11B, and be it further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized to adjust in the future the selling price of the said asphaltic material if and when necessary to maintain the selling price of the said material above the cost of said finished material to the City. y—c,f.o�uNnumen N r , Ayr:Dyyld to favor / M/ r.e.ide�ema�w Adopted by the Council_ -MAY I1 M" 19 �1! Approved y —__ _19_. _ � w NOTICE c4i>!T'n.�'m°: ei°e.: ...�.....L z s4 Pa,NTa`�ov. o�ND L FI E9Na85 - 92386' TO !! ° ua+s ie%ti CIL RESOLUTION °e ortme� �°u�o Siii f c°°qo°n u°r u. nss.I Yay fl4 ,sj� la i°4° -°earl RESOLVED, THATCHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT $9141" 4a OFS COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4969 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. %A! 14 ADOPTED Er THE COUNCIL IIIIk w as_ I m a «EaH of T�E �oMPrAo��Ea co A �� E No MEQ—A9c COUNCIL RESOLUTION ILAATEU CLAIMS May 13 32 14 127.83 4822 &A77 T n.. mama IN FAVOR OF TO. L o.Te 352 256. 07 _. ® 4822 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co. 1 020 78 00 482 Pat Kelly 105 28 So 4821 48255 J=m eI E. Glass Hertl Coal Company 9 745 6� 482b e. A.A. Sign 3ervice 3 1, 4827 +.dams ProluctB,Inc. 11 00 4828 Ahr ane Fox Fire Enelne Company 967 1g 4829 Air Reduotion Sales Company 6 03' 4830 Am er loan Jae Aocumulator Co. 104 Do 4831 Arbeka webbing Company 2 90 4832 lrmetrong Cork Company 14 94 4833 Austin—weetern Road Mach.00. Service Company 109,74 28 95 4834 4835 Automotive -Auto Tire Company of St.Paul 47 40 4836 Badger Meter Mfg.Company 7 68 4837 J.V. Bailey Nurse rlee 59 00' 4838 Baldwin Transfer Company 10 00 48 }9 Barrett and Barrett Company 10 1W48'+0 14 24 4841 Beck Duplicator Bloch Publ l e hingCompany 5 05 4842 Booth Fisheries Company 12 15 4843844 Bowen end Sone g0 43 4 4845 F.J. Brings and Company Brown and Fenny 746 78 3 25 4846 Bureau of Eduo. Measurements and Standards 1 82 4847 Capital Envelope Company 51 25, a 4848 Central Garage, Ino. 28 2 4849 Chicago Jr eat teat era R. R. Co. 1 3 4850 Chicago, Rock Island & Pac.Ry.Co. 1 561 4851 Chicago, St.Paul, Mple. & O.Ry.Co. 9 44 , 4852 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 27 751 4853 Cochran—Sargent Company 63 20 4854 4855 Cochran—Sergent Company Columbia Tool Steel Company 18 051 1 4856 Commeroi al Gae Company 40 OO, 4857 The Crane Company 95 1 4858 Daily Mews Publishing Company 5 2 ' 4859 Adam Decker Hardware Company 105 8 4861, A.T. DBLaMare Company 9 15' 4861 Diet. Biiler Inspector 3 00'� • 4862 4863 Donaldson Company,Inc. Empire Auto supply Company 3 75' 3 5 4864 Thos. J. Engel gelding & Mfg.wolks 18 75 4865 Exoelex Produots,Ino. 6 00 4866 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company 35 09' 4867 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Compeny 91 851 4868 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company 168 36, 4869 F.T. Faxon Compeny 5 181 4870 4871 Field, Sohliok & Comp any Forsley Company 11 00, 31 00, 4872 Chas. Friend and Son 15 94 487j Frigi dsire Sales Corporation 1 00 4 87' 4874 4875 R.E. Funeten Company The Gamewell Company 20 36. 4876 Gan gl and Company 9 O0' 4877 Garde. Digest 1 00 366 383 90 _IF.,. ...MP11- —UNC— ` -SOLD Goulvci�rne—aou CO cn�� >FrICE OF .NE co Ea .��. NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION oE.A�E AUDITED CLAIMS `lar 14 s 32 .�..„s. 490.54 o� r�rnaca IN FAVOR OF TOTAL aRJU GHT IOFWF4D 3156 3113- • 4878 Ed. J. Paraglech 620 33 137 21i 4879 4d80 Goodri c h—SSlverto,n,Inc. F,J. Morse & Compeay 270 4881 -s, s. Mott company 7775q11 4882 Siefel Products Company i32 a61i 6 4883 Garland Lug6age Shop 25' 164 50'' 4884 4885 Garrleon—Brooke Company J.R. Filsoa 25 On 4886 "m. 'Qondra10 52 4887 John E. Fahey 114 03! 4888 Joseph Juen 2 76 4s89 J.R. Gaunt and son 20 0014890 Gaylor Brothers 45 79' 4891 General Electric Supply Corp. 68 59'' 4892 General Electric Supply Corp. 134 051 4893 4894 Generator Specialty Company Supply Company 40 83'. 12 001 'I 4895 Gering Martin Giesen 3 00i 4896 Gills tta Publishing Company 2 00 4897 Herman Goldberger 9 00 4898 Grasselli Chemical Company 2 981 4899 The Grinnell Company 97 53' 4900 The Grinnell Company 359 93 4901 Griswold Safety Signal Company 315 85 4902 Grolier Book Shop 2 50. 4903 4904 Quincy A. Hall 52 00 5 201 4905 B.W. & Leo Harris Rinds, Hayden & Eldredge 50 42'' 4906 H.R. Holand 151 4907 Hope 'webbing Company 00 4908 4909 Houghton—Mifflin Company ow ar ght Hes 96'- 6 00 4910 4911 J�4 Hulme Company5 Illinois Engineering Company 71 66 00 4912 Inter City Paper Company 39 70 4913 4914 Int. Association Chiefs of Police 10 00. 9 7511. 4915 Junior Literary Guilds Inc. A.P. Jurgens and Company 30 25'1 4916 Kellogg Switchboard Company 4 18' 4917 Kenny Boiler Mfg, Company 193 00 4918 Klauer Mfg. Company 00 Wm. Kline 4 4919 4920 • E.L. Klingel 19 00' 4921 Kroch's Bookstore 9 01 4922 Ladies Home Journal 2 00 4923 4924 E. Larson Ruth Webb Lee 2 4o 6 67 4925 Lee & Hoff Elevator Company 8 00: 4926 A.M. Leonard & 3on 8 21. 4927 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 118 31 4928 Librarian 7 88 4929 Liggett—Myers Tobacco Company 86 40. 4930 Local Tea Company 16 G0 4931 Al. J. Louie3 Sol 4932 Lynn Public Sohools 3 27 4933 Lyons & Carnahan 5 13. s�E_r-orA� Foawaao 369864 44 447 055 18 ME — rH. o..... LI LL Cn�� No COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS may 14 s 32 01 .ER . 4968�ik �. .o�.. _ IN FAVOR OF TOTAL YUMa A -—T F—WARD ryEc ^' _M1c`Ks e. env. J : 369-964- 44- i ® 40 4934 Catherine M. Claugherty, Guardian 0 4935 4936 Mrs. Anna Schneider Harry L. Brawn Company 17 2 49 00 178 1 4937 4938 Farwell, Osmun, ES rk Company Farwell, Dzmun, Birk company 99 4939 4940 0.s. stewart, Supt. City Brick Company 30 Oct 22 5 Twin 10 00 4941 Clement F. Lengevin C.Fin. 12 257 96 4942 John H. McDonald, of C. Fin. 381 5k. 4943 4944 John H. McDonald, of John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 589 8 4945 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2 103 1 4946 4947 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 26 199 7 3 781 91 4948 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 13 163 5 170 84 4949 John H. McDonald, C. c Fin. Fin. 7 3 090 10 4950 4951 John H. McDonald, C. of John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 5 130 449 4952 wm. Baumeister Const.Comoany 225 Sa 4953 4954 wm. Murphy & Son s. Berglund Lumber Company 258 993 4955 Soap Company 4956 Central Electric Company 4957 Commonwealth supply Company 122 78 74 Co—OP- Photo Corp. 40 9 4958 4959 General Electric Supply Raskin Brothers Company 4 2� 4960 Phillipe A. Hayward 10 0 4961 Naperville Nurseries 115 238 19 4962 Northern Coal & Dock Company 652 8 4963 4964 N.R. Fuel Company Rose Hill Nursery 150 25� 4965 Bt. Paul Bull dere Maternal Company Company, 7386 47 4966 J.L. 9hl sly 118 94 4967 4968 J.L. Shlely Company 1i111 ams & wilkins PBb. Comnany 10 00 • 447 055 18 �..••. ••••••••••• —a� , CITY OF 9'T. PAUL "f- i` 0._ti%/..Llll.1 t<J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RE. :GENERAL FORM min i>191oN ^ WHEREAS, John Oeisitger has petitioned the Oounoil for F{eYui�*Ion to 'netall and maintain a drive-in filling station at 332 Fr6ot street; and WHEREAS, Said John 0elsinger has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lsy-out, with drivewayd, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Oounoil; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are herebygiven to John Oeisinger to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in aocordanee wtth the ordinances of the Oity of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landec aping to be subject to the approval of the Oommissloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in ourbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvement.within the street linea shall be made under the direction and to the aatl efaot ton of the Commimioner of Public Works. This permit shall be forever subject to revocation by the Oounoil whenever it shall determine that the maintenanoe of said station constl tutee a fire or traffic hazard. I" - :Ro: couwo"rem Adud Na p .x.. oi, .m Ym Y^ o "­Y'1V onroy; BGae+acdiay ..uxmoa 2I -21 i$ / Md3—ld In favorAP -/ 19. aoWaodPe_ 3 �G IfZ'r., S.dba—, A�piG[ ' MwYoa W-1- Rosen mr. Pm idem Nadi— Bundlie CITY OF ST. PAUL NO_ yJ'238 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �� .G� l RESP /G E_N E_RAL FORM l �MIl91oN=__"'��oA lReemYm1' WHEREAS, John Oeiei4er has petitioned the Council for e`Dui�6lon to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 32 Fr6nt etre at; and WHEREAS, Said John Geist gar has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, witb drivewayd, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for theSnformat_Spn of the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing has+bean held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to John Geis inger to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed Sn aocordanoe wtth the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the 0ommie stoner of Parke, Playgrounde and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvement. within the street lines shall be made under the dill'tion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. This permit shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determinethat the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. Y� cou-1111 Na�, y0oaroy / / y / Md)o Jd __ —In h-, - aeW�dPesrge 3 Sudhe Agame[ vh--Rosen "r. P—idem HdsmBundlle Ado .d by dw Camicd 11 , .tr 19— pyya App[. d 19— A � MAvow V C. S. > a'X IYVX — POST, CARP NOTICE! OFFICE. OF 'FHI: COMM1IISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn.. APr• 23...... 1932. Pg nuant ea Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted bo ihed C—til of the City of St. Paul, July 7th. 1922, you are hereby a t that the application oI John r tnEs r, and install a flying atntlon o the S.W. -.of Front f Farr in�t0_10�s 1 k 2. blk. 1. Clllrtlmnd Add. will come uP (or consideration bclore the t'ounci4a th4th gncil ChamY n the City HaII and C..,t Holaeatl gilding o t 1e of blsy 1923 10 o'clock A- M. c'ommias,oner oI Finance. �Dlurller ani �tlurhnrrirr t:uy , , 1932. Gerh:�rd J. Court Houle, Wit. Paul, l..nn—t,. ''y Is,, v'risnd %ndlie: Ih' HE ,1- 11-.-,.tio:. of John Geis nr;er for t to orect, conael It and nst:,ll >I and ,fan t it ion o l,o is1, action of Lot 3 n B_0 c, 1, nCo.:r tl :o'd, ..._,- .nly.,s Front .;tr—t,corue= orr, ,,;tont The writer pre.: e,i ted the above matter to the City Council lust -iy nod o ..otion of Mr. :.:ay the :^__tter w >.t"ued to thin , .....n. ao that r.emhera of r Council eouli - :r the n eni e n ,nesti'n. It , an bl, to v ., thel-� emi e^treday and th er for ,o tion o .. 3udheir-r, n sid ink-, the ,,-atter :r continued to next Frilly so that premis^a could be vi, -,red next Thursd ay. Ob ject i1:1e w— inter;1— d to t:iin uppil, Ai by cit interest. by h:,vii a number of residents sign formal objections 1 in addition to my .t at em eat to the Council loot Wenne.doy, I thought it sell to et,it the m_tter is. letoii in the for:�i of a letter to each nciiman, so th--,t mr,ttere therein stated, i. addition to vlewini: the p ... u les, conid be taken into c,nnideration. 'Che situ,iti.n of the matter is as follows; There is one oil station at Western and Como; two oil st ratio us at ,ale and Como; one oil station #dueller mil �i?urtlmrirr -ez. extern Rnd wont street ,nl two 11 sc-bone Rice F—ut metre 't. In all, this+ 1Rr8e. .r... These diet-,�c=_= a -e th., ;I :n.ile in 1^n:;th -i,d further have to 'aye thot will fird nort'r. at Front Street to r'1�` 't rest and bounded est by:1e.,tern 1 e 'Ind on the ? st by Rice on J 1. thtl ro t !tree,th .t t .I e . ti f pprox- 11 51000 pelY eo4le},o N It: a� tr�� 1 et :t to that Rri ,al th ererora 'Front Street, enpeciRlly at the p ropo seI ,I ce, ,l co:,ai de rin, the c ter :Ind the following, th::t a per -:it �hou11 b=_ pro nt the IIce in the _o 1c .1 o r for tilut �urpo b.i�•.g " 'I b, th- Z,onin; Or'. in olc In other ori I, cercmc i_1 street. Of coir,e, Rice Street h:Is i -.e totaet in �e, +. it dr:� rr�,^. mecountry north I'llr11so elst or Sine Greet utd rutty rveet aC Rine 'traet. Thi„ •_ty .• Iill fled is frog. ei .,t t t:•. _eet t ser 1b, no h:is been ill - prop Irty ll-prop'rty but for ye e p.et h'n h:u1 a pr�vhate "''r- age -Ind b'Irn it, us ? in connection with the butld- rn(, .� of Lt,noc e,le Ind u i Z, b cry. the othe. ,.e 1c -.Ie_ ut t.It Int -reed -in =,ie liiawise .ciInt. ty �: = be^.n he�Iv i1� burdened by .iss."e:ae n'.:� 'Ind p vin,. Front Street ;Ini eiiew is Rlonl the entire :iat :nce on Farrington Avenue, besidea :. genes+l to, w. r,l tar: for .97.8 an.-',�ntin� to aS85 .00 i _ euencue..ewell an suh Sequent yenre, which In.eed to ^." this property pr 1i tive by t'ne ow.,e a _. e. weirene, repre ,ted by the writer. Furthermore, th., bRlce shop h,e br..u,;ht c very 11 ttla. It b I-ly of I_co..w,e ::dju:l ger abans u;.t Mueller anb Alurllmrier itDist, fil�3 � pet It Lan i -_ inolSa roh of LDLs yer, w.. -.t ter i3 s t i':lnnen l�nh, rty - by Lh:ke who i� just �nie el. rte�lvn �7 i;oun'ible t -_. - 'nts for .. ..' e pad^�. lone; timN and therefore yugee th:�t it i very pin i port -t thetthe nr ,p,ltybe utLli-d to m e it p in o th't lelqueut tax"v un 'u^At`,_ t ntial ineur.-u�ce _e�niume �-1 -ter•et nn thee`.nrtw ,l -e ue,.0 and by this �rop, Ity be paid. Ve ly AJV:''.K l.t�/f� S. I — very, • ry sorry that you '.vere defeated. A. !. . ol I's ciTy Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION —Ts April 14, TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made 3 One and Two, L.— One (1) C"i'll 332 Froqjtre�ty, .1 11.11 threp, (3) three (3) —..—o -1. 1-1 500 Cal ✓/ FILED �,-VUellsr, (C/o Albe�- Attorney for A. plicrt, E-922 First Natio&( ,, Pan wld ng, 7t . Paul, Minn—otu. OepsOmwitof Pvb"vWeN e••"v o..�.. April 21, 1932 Yr. Y. J. Gibbons, City Clark, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith Is the application of John Geieinger for permission to instal a drive- in gasoline filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Courtland Addition, knewn as 332 Front St. and reports of inspection by the Bur,aus of Fire and Traffic. Defy CyG1(/9 Your., v goer o Public ,at, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 21, 1932 Yr. George C. Sndhelmrsefet Co®Sesloner of Fob110 y Dear Sir' Shin Se in refemme to application made by John Geisinger for permission to Sn stel n dri•e-Sn gnsolina filling •t.tion on Lute 1 end 2, Blonk 1, Courtland Addition, which Se nl,o described ne 332 Front Street. An inepeotion of these prs P Traft i,. mode by Yr. H. P• wet targ ren, perint ..dent He report• that the propoeed Anetnllntion will not c S.terf.m with t-fflo• very tmly renre, Thom, A. I— C h TownChief of Police BBwS Flle o THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 19,1932• Fon.Ceo.C.Budheimer Commissioner of Yublic Safety, St.Paul,Kinn. Lear Sir; In regard to the application of John Ceisenger for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, 0ourtland Addition, also described as 332 Front Street. We have investigated the foregoing and reportt that such an installation at the desired -location would noin the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant reje Respectfully yours, i�0. --- Chief Inspector. �........... r r P �wy vaF; '5p, 1YTAP pvpa.rhm'W v f Fubry Wvrl u .,.,.. w. w000.v... �.,....,.. �..,. May b, 1932 a...o. .....w..n .,,... e. we,..e... Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y , l e r k. Re: Dr ive-In Filling Station Lots 1 and 2, block 1, Cour blend Add. (332 Front street) De.r Sir: John Geisinger, Applicant. By - Albert J. idueller, Attorney, E-922 First Nat'l Ban- Bldg. The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for Commercial Use, and is permissible under the zoning ordinance subject to a he -ring before the Council. engineering Report: The driveway on Front Street shove as 30 feet in width should be reduced to 27 feet to conform to present filling station standard plans. - Yours trurs l� ,�,nc_. Chief engineer. p" 0 MILT N ROS Comml ssl on er of Pubic "orks. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE May 3rd, 1932. mr, M. J, GibbonsR City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of John Geizing- coreret and nettof ontar ndeFarring ton. ng station tThisnl stcommerc ialwest zoning.t a An application has alre ,�y been approved for a fil -..ing station at the Northeast corner of this same intersection. There is no objection to a,,^pravi ng this a, l icatlon if there is no objection from immediate property owners. Yours very truly, Secretary- Board of Zonl ng. gh-rh I Application For License :.U7GM,BILf_ FILLING STATION ril t , i— TO TSE H": NDRAULI. THE CITY CO ILIL OP ST. PAUL, Ml ---Is Hereby Made ":/n'.tt--y .1...t 1,., „ f WHEREAS In the matter of the taking of - property for the widening of University Avenue, a part oo. Vi of the following described property, to- wit:-- The Easterly thirty-two and one-half ani o° r .1 (Ely. 32}) feet of the westerly Seventy-two and one-half (W1y.72J) feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Thirty (80) Robertson & Van Ettents Addition to St.Paul; was taken, and the net damages awarded for the part taken was the sum of Two thousand, two hundred, eighty- two and 52/100 ($2282.52)Dollars, which amount con- templated the wrecking and removal of part of the build- ing now existing on said premises, and; WHEREAS Erick Stratdlof has requested per- mission to move back the building thereon, and has of- fered to pay the City of St.Paul,for the part of the building on the land dondedibed in said proceedings, the sum of Two hundred ($200.00)Dollars, and has further agreed to rebuild the front after the removal of said building, according to plans as shown on the blue print hereto attached, and; WHEREASsaid proposal is an advantageous one for the City of St.Paul; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said to saidlbe Erickcceted StrandloPdtohmova bacermi5ks the building onranted the above described property, CONDITIONED, HOWEVER, upon the payment by him of the sum of Two hundred ($200.00) Dollars, which payment shall be made to the Commissioner of Finance not later than ten (10) days after the passage and publication of this resolution, and CONDITIONED FURTHER that said owner shall build the front of said building ac- cording to the plan as shown by the blue print hereto at- tached, and subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council MAY 181932 Yea. co—il.. N.Y. Conroy Approved l� YONonald v Pearce Rosen SoAieimer Yr. Preeident Bondlie CITY OF ST. PA1j,ae n ` NO. V-389OFFICE OF CITY GI.( FOUNCIL RESOLUTION—G! " Clyde a..u� Mar 15, 1932 - RESOLVED _ — _----� ---- r 1fRERE1S, so a question* have been raised relative to the conduct of the final election held on May 3, 1932, and WEMM1S, the Council Is of the opinion that a full and fair ln- vestigstlon should be had, it being the latent hereof that no reflections be cast upon the City Clerk or any of his assistants by reason of the e� plica of this raeolution, but that the empeneloashereinafter provided for be made to the end that m question my be rightly raised as to the impartial character of said investigation or the purpose thereof, be it RESOLVED, that Mike J, Gibbons, City Clerk be and he hereby Se directed to euxpend Clarence $torme, and be it FU=R RESOLVED, That lmediatel.V after said above suspension that the *aid Mike J. Gibbons be himself suspended as Comi.sioner of Registration of the City oft. Paul, and that both each enspeneions be for such a period a .111 ®able the Public Bummer of the State of Minnesota, or some other qualified person. appointed by the Council in the aveat .aid PaDlic r *hall refuse to serve, to make a --Plate audit of the tally *Desi* returned to tDa City Clerk On the 41na1 elec- tion held Mq 3rd, 1932, and be it FOR'i'HER RESOLVED, that the Public 3—1— be asked to make e complete audit of said tally sheets, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Attorney General be requested to make an lnvestigatian of the conduct of mid general election and If it becomes necessary in the opinion of said Saveetigatdr to examine the ballots cast at mid election, that then the Corporation Counsel be directed conn behalf of the City of St. Paul and in assistance of said investigationto petition the Court for po mie*ion to eine all of the ballot. cast at said election. Yeas eoorvei�rncr+ Nays Adopted by the Council MAY 16 iql, Concoy MMI.—Id McDonald I� (a.or' Appr d 19 R.,coc O Againnj�a Sodhcima / 5 a � M� Mc. P—idcot Bundhi o.�•«.. .e. CITY OF ST PAUL c L NO, -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �V cms NCIL TION—GENERAL FORM eResEN " L'ike J Gib' �,Ly .ark, oe e. d ,.e �.,.: cby i G RESOLVED: T':" - ilrec.e •o „us;ae:.-_Lrence Stir .e, and be it SPTHE�l A�5::LVED: T_:et iII late]y after st_id - Sed ththe '.id �i':e S. GS t, t -o oe n elf s t, -;ts ions the Ca; of St. Paul, uc. - l be £or such a ;erloc _s xzll ensb'eR_bl_c Exa:.iner of the State of ILir� esota, or some other gaali£ied p rsons a;>,oiat ed by t::e Council in ^e event said Puolic Exa:.inere sr,el' refu: to eerve, to va::e a co:t,>le to audit of the tally _eete r —t2-ned to t -.P Cit-, Clerk on t- find el odor. :,e'd ILey 5 1, 183. .�( coUNCILMEN Adop«d by ,hc C...cl 19 Y_Nay: /May / In favnc App --d19 zlM<D—. Pca�ce ✓ P :, Against IAVOR ��dhcimcr ,/'Mc. P,—dem B..dlie t w-�t�a.e � _� .� �"`" � ��-.t.. � ` � _ � _... il. �. ��—.�,� S _ C �^ r —. ✓ �. / �� i J-!__ � ,� , . r f ' , _ i � � ,_ �,� ,.,. i �. fi. ,�. yay 1610, 1932. Yr. L. L, Mdaraon. Corporation Comea�, Aull dt �, Paas- sill ktt-.tiled plea-- fled n copy of Council Til- " . `12;89 relative to the C-n-rnl P.lootlon y -y Ird. ^tie dlreet your-pociel attention to tho last paraz•raph of -ala re-ol,rtlon. Y,— very t-ly, City cl.&. "••cc••• CITY OF SAINT PAUL - NO. 92390 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM vER CHARTER sEcrloN zos PRESENieD B�/�/� COMMISSIONE �,L/)v o.r� Mav 6. 1932 a • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAIDANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDE. BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. • - •rnovrionco ircw AHounr rv.vercnne vvaw ro 10 -it r $9, 653.01 10-C4 500 00 10-A1 10-B1 10—ck 11-R 11-W 11-A6 ' 13-A1 13-B2 13-C1 13-R 13-C2 13-C3 13-C4 13-05 77 250.00 9,403.01 500.00 585.93 .21 A--,. 586.14 -r- 4,000.00 1,000.00 6,032.78 10,048.18 0,041.32 2,216.21 100.00 5,723.43 YES (V) COUNCILMEN ( ✓) NAT. G1•Flpy. Cor nor nn. c,C _..In FAVOR MCDONALD SUDHEIMER .._A.A.— VAE R.ce .o.v e,•MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED SY THECOUNc,�AyL..1.Upp!n�........ 19...... App— COUNTERSIGNED o• _•. .. ...•• CITY OF ST PAUERAL ," NO. OFFICE O CITY CLERK PR-uu/ O IL RE50 TION—GENL FORM te���yuu NEH RESTAd11�0 WHF.HAS, Robert Telke, an e^:nloye of the he art.—nt of Public 'No r':s, vis in: o :he _2th day of ic-craar; 1932, ad : ied as .u_ ._,ult of =uch inj.0:es on tn_ —.e day, and W: -ection =27b of kinreeot� £ar ly: n1z lo 18, ovi des t::at te e nLoyer shall o �:ardc 3f—rral e :ees uof :;,x.00, _f the cost ey.cceds th:: ­tt and [i.e employe is not a :::e.::oer of a benefit association, which association is liable t:.or-for or t ti_ereof, or ah r= an insurer of .t.e dece—ed is liable r�for, and ',I ERFAS, t_.e co -t o_ th, funeral e:.��e- e, '_or the caic' R;bert Tel:_e a:eou-ted to tce syn, of $397.30, and the ss_1� _ Robert Telke was not a r.eo:ber of any befit as. ocir.: i on l ,cle for funeral e xpe:.hes, a..d did rut carry insurance for tl s ?nr..::e, ane 'eW,7R:'A'.;, l.e f-.ute. al �.°,_ con :u sted by Ci.�_r _�s A. Godb�ut of . Uity of 3t. Pan', PE IT R .LVSD, --at ::.c pr er city r.: kers ereby auti:;:ri zed avid directed 1, pal to : id Cha11p 1.r3.db,ut the s of x150.00, payable —1, of the ;iorl:men°e Cor. yen:a tion Accu :.t of t:_e Geu rel Fund, scid do; —t to be a—lied ' e f--ral ey. lens— cl.ar€ed to :he estate of the :eic ?.cbe �t rr roa'„�el^i' ioi ry°enaay°vii s, I, Yru cc,pr:�i�m[ry cwroy IN— Ad.p-d b, ,he C.—.1 / L May /McDnnild [„ favor Approved _ ,.�1!1.�' - IY p- jao,.� s�dhr�,�rr f /Mr. P, -d— B—dhc CITY OF ST PAUL �.� NO. 92392 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK O CIL RE LUTION GENERAL FORM May 14, RESOLVED That upon the rec .Oandetion of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment the Purcheaing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 1} -to❑ Federal 6-cylinfl er truck, r.ck, equipped with all-weather orb, also tr is starter, automatic windshield wiper, rear-view mirror, front bumper, four wheel ir hydraulic brakes, full floating rear axle, helper .pringe, aea cleaner, oil fll ter and solid oak platform body, for the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, at a net coot not to exceed $646.70, one 1939 Ford truck No. 21, to be taken in trans �n the above purchase, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Department has had in- formal bids from Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet, GMC and Willy. -Knight dealers, and after comparing apeci£icstions and considering allow- ances mads, concurs Sn the recommendation of the department for whom this purchase is made that this car beet meets the require- ments for the use IDr which it Se intended and a. it is a patented bids.le Charge GeneraleFand- Muni" pa is Equ ipmsntrt 4 1003139r formal Y— c_onroy May / WD.—M I� faro, ' Hoscnt Agai s, Su dl��im.r � Mr. Pr�s�d �n� 6undli� Ad.•�icd !„ ,I,e Council 19 Ap�rn ved IS' �" C�� rnAvoa THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 14, 1932. Ron. Milton Hose, Commissioner of Ynub11c Derr Sir: For your information the lg ton Federal 6 -cylinder truck we wish to porches. Por the Bureau of Municipal Equiment is to be Used in replacement of our present Ford lton chassis. The Ford truck chassis was purchased In 1929 and at the present time has an operating mileage of 36,000 miles and is completely worn out. This truck is used for hauling our gasoline tank for dis tributlon of gasoline to the various pieces of street equipment all over the city. Yours truly, ARTHUR KOCH, Director AK -D Bureau of Municipal Equipment. ..�.�...e ,... ....++ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.— __92393 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK w,L.�(2 cou1� RESOLUT�o�{—GENERwL Fo vow `u�ENrog,.e [�//J��. r...,tc.: fibmr"L7 �.. WHEREAS, At its meeting on May 10th, 1932, the Advisory Court House and Oity•Hall Building 00mmiaeion approved as to form the contract with H. 0. Boyeson Company for wood benches, and the Standard Surety & Casualty Company of New York as surety on the bond therefor; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of said Commission, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of the City. couaotreK _19_ Yee X Nye n Adopwd by t �'Ou-i1 — - 96w Conroy May McOo,uldAPP' l`^' 19— Sudbdmm �giws � avow AJmw✓Ro sen �. /Mo P,,wdme-ladgw Bundlie Saint Paul cMr, _.,•. Bureau of Municipal Research A,hl« c Cub B.,ildint ..... ....,,.....�, �,.... ,... May 12, 19.2. 1b the City C—cil, City of Saiat Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: At its meeti g on May 10th the Advisory Coart House and CSty Hall Building Commieeion aporaved ae to fo— the contract with H. C. Boyseon Company for rood Denehea sad the Standard Suety & Casaelty Company of Hew York as surety. Very truly yaura, Secretary, Advtaory Court Houee end City Hall Building Coomiselon. CPR: SH a,��„,e ,,,, ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL •�u NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK a COUN RESOLUTIQN — r,+ENERAL FOR — — — Beauty= WHEREAS, At it. meeting on May 10th, 1922, the Advteory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approved as to form the contract with the Herzog Iron Works for bronze elevator doors, and the Seaboard Surety Company as surety on the bond therefor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves t. action of said Commission, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of the City. Y.. c K N.ys CLec 0 troy Ma 411� / �„{cpoculd� —In fawr / Pearce /{wd— Roe an p_dmt ile1geur Bund11 e I, .I, 'cl Adopkd by the Council--- 19— . .pl.' Apprwcd---------- --_ 9— raeroa Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research"` AN, e club B.,Id-, i. n. ucevun, �r iit C'e.lnr _I� •nui a,.xxt,wc ...........,.....,. may 12, 19:17. 0 N the city Council, City of Saint Pent, Minneeota. Gentlemen: At its meeting on May 10th the Ldlieory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approved as to form the aontrant doors and the Beaboerd vvl th the Heracg Iron Mork- for b-..- elevator Surety Compeo, ae surety. very trnly year., seoretory, Ldvieory Court El....d City EI -11 Building Commission. CPP.: SH 92395 CITY OF ST. PAUL „Li = NO._ -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1--) COUNCw RESOLUTION _ GENERAL FORM �EDLw® WHEREAS, At its meeting held May 10th, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approved " to form the contract with the Sperry Office Furniture Company for wood desks, and the United States Guarantee Company as surety on the bond therefor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of the City. co a.NCN Yne j N.Y. Cl,n< oonroy // May �jMt Dmdd In favor ,�hl�nd Pearce � 8udbdmet �gijaet Wesal Roe an /Mr. Pe udmt HWI;—I Bundlle 19— Adopred by she Council Appel ed 19 � Nwvon v Saint Paul BIJA of Municipal Research Alhlctc CIA RuiW lnb May 12, 193.^.. To the City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: s ALSte meeting on May 10th the Advisory Court House end City Hell Hui 1m og Comm seion approved as to form the contract si th Sperry Office FV=.uurs CompwV for sood desks and the United States Our—tee Co"oy es surety. Very truly yours, s� ��� 3ecre terv, Advisory Court House and City Hall But ld Saq Cemsd selco. CPH: SH "°'^""' CITY OF 9T. PAUL NO. 92396 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCILs4LUTION --GENERAL FORM ` WHEREAS, At its meeting on May 13th, 1932, the Advisory Court House and Oity Hall Building Commission approved as to form the contract with Wm. Yungbauer & Sons, Inc., for wood chairs for the new Court House and City Hall, and the Maryland Onsualty Company as surety on the bond therefor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs In and approves the action of said Bommission, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of the City. Ymr.NeN Naye 1. Conroy 1. /y�rgwen May -�216eDomld In F.vor / Pearae $6dbeimer A�inex IAoeen Preeid_—1gwnBundl l a Adopxd by rbc C—dlV l9— Approved" 19 ✓ � N,.YOR '. Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hlee c Club Ruildinq .. ......,...., i,...,.. May 13, 1932. i 1b the City Counnll, City of Saint Peal, Minns eo is. Gentlemen: it Ste meeting thle morning the Adel eory Court .- and City .all Building Coml aelon approved ae to form the tun trant with VS. Yungb"'r & Sone, Inc., for wood chairs and the Maryland Casualty Company as surety. Very truly yonre, Secretary, Advisory Court Honae and City Hall Building C._i S Sion. CPR: SH �,,,�.. .. .... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL e,ai NO._. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1 COUKCRERERAI- FORM RIlOa7APl WHEREAS, At its meeting on April 27tb, 1912, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission authorized Foley Brothers, Inc., the general contractor on the new Court House and City Hall, to proceed with the work of reinforcement for the statue in the concourse, on a coat -plus basis, with the provision that the coat thereof should not exceed Fifteen Hundred One Dollars ($1501.00); therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council approves of and concurs in the action of said commission. - I 19121 MAY1R1W, Ym c --...Nate Adoprcd M the Cowcil— -"ccuroy /% a -E-g— May /�/% APprave 19— McDmdd —J�Io favor S,W6 d Pearce /�� Sndb—' / APi.. r-Yow 44-L Rosen MI. paeideoe Hode.m Bundlie CITY OF ST PAUL ^M1� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �2 COUNCIL rOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED 'Fhet the proper city Officers be end they are hereby enthorized and directed to pay the city'. proportionate share of the bill. ,nbmlt- tad by the 1dvi.ory Court HOuee and City Hall Building Co=iseion a, .h.o'm on Abetted of Claim, Humber 24 of the Odvieory Court Houee end City Hall Building Commleeion, totalling $11,100.57, the city', share of ski ch 1. $5,550,28, end ell ae eh.— umn the claim. —bitted by eald Co®iceioa. Yeas coONci�m cN N Y5 �May�o M<D—Id I. f.— Pczs« OAga�m, S.dh—, Mr- Rnid— B—dli� �pY i a cq3^ Ad.,d by 'he C..—Iry�,yy�� 19 App,—d 19 ' .. MA- Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hle: c Clob Bu7dinq •�a�, A�..,.,M ,d..,.. •,, •' May 5, 1932. To the City Council, City of Saint Pen,, Ni— Acta. Gentlemen: At its We on April 27th, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission authorised the general contractor to pro— ceed with the work of reeforcement for the statue 1n the concourse cost plus basis, with the provision that the coat shall not exc ed $1,501. This matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly your., Secretary, Advisory Court Hone and City Hall Building Commission. CPH: SH (� .0 ...... ...... •••• • CITY OF ST. PAUL CO1 '� NO.-. 9239 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK •'L` C,OU�� oNCIL LOTION--GENERAL FOR WHEREAS, At its meeting held May 10th, 1972, the Advisory Court House and City Hell Building Commission approved as to form the contract with Brioschi-Minuti Company, Inc., for 'models for ornamental plaster work for the new Court House and City Hall; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute saki contract on behalf of the City. Y., / ouNal.rnen N., / Conroy May l�eDe�uld In fawr Peares�% / --J pines Rosen Mr. Preeid_-Hdg— Bundl l e Adopred by th� C—if i a 1 19— APPcered 19— r Mwros Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Add-, Ciuh B.,Ud , May 12, 1932. Tothe City Council, C1 t of Saint Paul, NSanescta. Gentlemen: At its meeting on May 10th the Advisory Court Hanes and City Hall Building Co®Seaton approved as to form the contract ..ith Brlo,chi-t'imrti Co., Inc., for models for ornamental pleete.r so rk. Very truly your., Secretary, Advisory Court House and City Hal] Building Comi .sicn. CPH: SH 9J00 r%ls�a®e1.Li. �vpen_n�o)�by COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of paving Pinehurst. Ave. from Snelling Ave. to r'elrvlew Ave. with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to proierty lines complete, -.hernot already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway apT-oaches, eihers necessary+ under Preliminary Order 51152 _approved June 4, 1929 Intermedi-Y Order _ _. ___.._... _.. _approved _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, RY the Council of the City of St. Pxul that `- -- -- -- --- -- meat to b de by he d C ty is pave PS ahurst Ave. from ..nal ing Ave. to F rview Ave wit:^and gas co necti -rs from stre ins to prop ty. linea comile +� re not already de,- also incl g u and pa ing_alley..aad_d.r_ ewxy ap _ouches `ger. necessaryr_ han... .___..._.._. Weesedla¢+ a\�ith il hereby orde said improvement to b ado. D FURTHER, T , the Commissioner of lic Works be and is hereby ' trucked xnd dpare plana and epxi tions for said improve t, and submit same to the cil for aupon said approval, the p e city officials h by authorized an directed to pru- cmaking of said improvement r accordance therewit Adopted by the Council 14t- - -_J'7 __ , 192 Apprnvcd tl' , 192 Mayor. Co Councilm lfn C. 1. p. Councilma �uSGWwe Mayor bhxjg mcx Bundlle Form R. S. A. 8-7 uncilman Councilan '•InY ounei y m Clma 'k+wrev - i 0 DEPAFIT MENT OFPF INANCE REPORT OF COM.Wi" 01` ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t' IA1 /l L„h. paving Plnehuret Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Fairview. Ave nue with aewer,_ water and gas connections from street mains to prooerty lines complete where not already made, also Including curbing find paving alley and driveway _ approaches where necessary. - n"I"P"� " 111,,"d dune 4,. 1923. -- -- - - -- - '1'1111ke("',n.h4d,("", 41 1 P-1 "I " C"I" il........ mcn, 9 Paving Brick Laid Asphalt or 7" Psinf. Flat Aenhalt Conc. Concrete Total Sc. yd. 3 5,10 3.98 S 3.01 Intersections & aha lage 11,837.00 9,238.00 6,986.00 Pronerty Share 3?,757.00 2b,c63.00 1,,333.00 T o t a l 44,594.00 34,801.00 26,:119.00 (a) Frcnt ft. 6.33 4.84 3.b5 Curb extra Add for concrete curb wnere not in 600 "1 lin. ft. " " " sewer co nnecti ,n s, each 338.00 ^ ^ 3/4^9ster " " 39.00 Note: Grades of 4�b and over From E. L. Edacal ee to rvAve. oa -int 165 it. F. 4.0' to 7.1� DEPARTMEN TSO FPF IN ANCE REPORT OF COMlNf "UDNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDERv`l` (Al `(( �61 k h, --, f paving Plaehurst Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Fairview. Avenue _ with -ewer, water and gas connection. from street mains to prooerty linea complete where not already made, also ir.cludinF curbing Find paving alley and driveway approach- where necessary. I 'T T,i 15 1 Hardenbergh Helante 275 16 1 do 250 17 1 do 250 18 1 do 250 19 1 do 250 20 1 do 250 21 1 do 250 22 1 do 250 23 1 do 250 24 1 do 250 ve c mErvi vefiry nry EOF REPORT OF COFv1MIS`.IONER FINANCE , (B) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , 25 1 Hardenbergn Helgnts 250 26 1 do 250 27 1 do 2S0 28 1 do 700 Lot 16 and West } of 17 2 do 400 East } of 17 and West 30 feet of 18 2 do 325 Lot 19 and East 10 ft, of 16 2 do 300 20 2 do 250 21 2 do 250 22 2 do 250 23 2 do 250 24 2 do 250 25 2 do 375 West # of 26 2 j) ) do Lot 27 and East of 26 2 do 375 28 2 do 250 29 2 do 250 30 2 do 275 1 3 do 275 2 3 do 250 3 3 do 250 4 3 do 250 5 3 do 250 6 3 do 250 7 3 do 250 8 3 do 250 REPORT OF COMM15510NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 9 3 Hardenberga Heights 250 Lot 10 and East } of 11 3 do 375 West } of 11 3 do 375 12 3 do Lot 13 and East of 14 3 do 375 Lot 15 and West } of 14 3 do 400 1 4 do 700 2 4 do 2bO 3 4 do 250 4 4 do 250 5 4 do 250 6 4 do 250 7 4 do 250 8 4 do 250 9 4 do 250 10 4 do 2b0 11 4 do 250 12 4 do 250 13 4 do 250 14 4 do 250 15 1 Lane's Highland Park. 375 West } of 16 1 do East } of 16 1 do 375 17 1 do Lot 18 and West } of 19 1 do 375 Lot 20 and East } of 19 1 do 375 Lot 21 and West of 22 1 do 7875 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B) Lot 23 and East } of 22 1 Lanese Blghland Perk. 400 Lot 24 and West } of 25 1 do 7175 Lot 26 and East } of 5 1 do 7775 Lot 27 and West } Of 28 1 do 8375 Lot 29 and East k of 28 1 do 6400 15 Z ) do 400 West of East of 16 2 )) 10 2 do do 125 250 17 2 Lot 18 and West } of 19 2 do 375 Lot 20 and East } of 19 2 do 375 Lot 21 and West } of 22 2 do 375 Lot 23 and East } of 22 2 do 375 24 2 do 37b West } of 25 2 do East } of 25 2 do 375 26 2 do Lot 27 and West } of 28 2 do 375 Lot 29 and East } of 28 2 do 375 Lot 1 and East } of 2 7 do 37537D Lot 3 and West } of 2 7 do Lot 4 and East } of 5 7 do 37b Lot 6 and West } of s 7 do 375 Lot 7 and East } of 8 7 do 37b Lot9 and West } of 8 7 do 375 Lot 10 and East } of 11 7 do 375 Lot 12 and West � of 11 7 do 375 Lot 13 and East } of 14 7 do 375 11TY 01 AUL DEPARTMENT SOFP FINANCE REPORT OF CONvAl SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) DE—RIPTION LOT ....TION Lot lb and West } of 14 7 Lane's Hivnland Park. 400 Lot 1 and East } of 2 8 do 400 Lot 3 and West of 2 8 do 3375 Lot 4 and East } of 5 8 do 77' Lot 8 and W. j of 5 8 do 4875 Lot 7 and East of 8 8 do 375 Lot 9 and 'West } of 8 7 do 375 Lot 10 and East of 11 8 do 375 Lot 12 and West } of 11 8 do 37b "ot 13 and East } of 14 8 do 375 Lot 15 and West } of 14 8 do 375 74,250 The Commissioner of Finence forth" reports diet he has ineeatig aced all of the aforesaid mals and he rehy submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Cnu ncil, LORetber with the report made to him in rcicre ncc to said matter by t1,e Commissioner of Public N\—k, (i' Com missioncr ol�ancc Yf,'c Sc Paul, Minn. /kV." k 2k 192 % To The 11,norablq The Council, City of St. Paul, b1inn. Gencicmen: We, the undersigned ploperty own , hereby petition your If —1,1, Body tc c e dre following impro.cment to be made: all St. Aye. from oynelx-wy £e Ave. to O .tx Ave. NA\it•: LOT BLOCK An11ITION ir'Kz S ei 7 Y —i� 404 f - /Y%,h'FYia JEC1C T26 �9D 0770 AVE Q P//IEHUR. iT ... ,. AVE - H/GHLAND-FOQD PKY F &II CR£:ST J AVE Z ' BORLAND - AVE r- -_ J THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS eF T.11 CIT]OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFIGI. CONINII:NIC.4TION (Dace) Jure ZC. 19?9. _Ion. John .:. -nald, i; ocmai 5slon ar of ?uc llc ,�or�s. Leer Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for pavin,5 Pinehurst Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also includ- ing curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under preliminary Order G. F. 8115?, approved June 4t'n, 1929: Length 2540 ft. l;idth of:ioadway b0 ft. Frontage 4,817 ft. " Street o0 ft. PA4II-G 3ri0x Laid .sphalt or 7" Reinf. Flat Asphalt Conn. Concrete Total Sy. 'Id. - 5.10 v 3.9B 3.01 Intersections s 'Theelage 11,837.00 9,[58.00 0,986.00 property Share 52,757.00 L5,503.00 19,333.00 T o t a l 44,594.00 34,801.00 26,319.00 (a) Front .t. 1i. 33 4.84 .:.Sb Curb extra Add for ooncrets curb where not in o0i per lin, ft - 6, " 6" sewer connections, each .;38.00 " 3�4" 'dater 11" 39.00 Rote: Grades of 4, and over From L. Fairview Ave. to a point 170 it. B. 4.75; to 5.5 y; From iC. L. vocals [ter ave. to 11l05 ft. E. 4.0.o to 7.17, Yours truly, A,)proved for transmission tp Cowls stoner of Finan to. Co_u.d stoner of Pab11c d s. -Office of the Commissioner of Public Works �t Report to Commissioner of Finance., Jane 21st I,,., 9 hO1, V, k L.,,m, 1. '1 n,,1', ,,.",.I , ,,..,i ,I,., I.nli. 1„u...,l.k,i,,,,i .,.. 1.�,,, �.il 1 l. ,,. 81152 .I June 4th ii 9 Pavin; Pineharst .Ave. from Snelling Ave. to rairview Ave., with sewer, water -nd gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also Including taming and paving alley and c, ivway ap proe cher, where necessary. 0 11 See aLtached) 11.. -I,,. i, 1, 1 ..r ,. „..r...... ,.A d f.., „I,... I... ........IIhr„ I,n.l„•rl r. X) CITY VjF�SfrI11YTy►�✓ peparhmwO vF Publ'ie Wvr6u sArM. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r k, St. Paul, !Alun. Leu. Sir: Way 11, 1951. '1Jill you kindly place the attached protest with the petition for paving of Pinehurst from Snelling to Fairview Ave. so that it may be read before the Council when th Ls hearing takes place. Yours very truly, / liZ LTON ROSEN, Idh-D Commissioner of Public Works. (Enc.) The Honorable Council of the Citi of Saint Paul; We, the indereigned, registered owners of pronertF located on Pinehurst Avenue between Snelling Avenue and Fairview Avenue, petition said Council to rejeot plans for paving said Pinehuret Avenue between Snelling and Fairview Avenues. Na©e�y, Leg^.l Descrirt iron 2- �. V,`�� Y��/7`- 4, Wi�.ot�1P-N/•.l f2C,Qy.2J_ 10- J o,Jila-nq�T+rrl 1- 14-�- lb- , , , -4 She Honorable Council of the City of Saint Pauls we, the undersigned, registered ..are of property located on Plneburat Avenue between Snelling Avenue and rairvlsw Avenue, petition said Council to reject plans for paving said Pinehurat Avenue between Snelll.g and rairview Avenues' Name Legal Deeorlptlon W %z �- L oa ,/Z N► w 2� z0ij s s 2 'z 13— - -,p 16 't VV iz o•„M1„o,,,,•,a CITY OF ST PAUL ripe NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK O CIL RE TION—GENERAL FORM aREJ Eo eY —TE -/ - coMMISSIONER _ - - Nh'E"AS, A:Merica¢ 'Waterways, Tnc, has theCityof St. Paul to dive it t.2e ezc'_-psi ve �I. e e of o,'e:'zti n,. boats on La:yes Colac end P'r.ulen, on a "drive yourself” nlan, such boats 11 be -iv— b7 el"et ri cl or ocher c;eehanical meaae, _or i period of ten (1)) Years from ncon of t::e 16th dal of Kay 1932 , the Cit, of St. Paul t.> receive as oonsideration f1r �;r an tlnE of such •>r ici lege, ter. (10) -,er cent of the Fros. recei-)te or inco.::e derived from ti:e oleratlon cf —id beat s, payable daily, and 'Ai3EREA3, the Co!r.lissioner of PLT”, ?1ay_rounds and Public Buildil s. has recom..ended thatr .,ch lease or pr iv ilfee be granted the American Waterways, ?nc„ t':: erefore be it RES-,LVe.1) :h_t the C—oraticn Counsel is here'c, author- ized and lrec' to draw t::e n Doer contract ther for, end ;,he proper city of ices ere hereby aut'narized end directed to exe care the sr,ma on oehalf o: the City. Y— /OILMEN Nays �.(C�onroy /'MCD ... Id In favor N.— R.— Again /Mr. P—sd— B—dim Adoprrd I,, rhr Ca„-nl WAY 1 - �n")19 Apprav d /� 19 Cs� Mnroa CITY OF a . PAUL r,a.. NO._- JFJ3\1fi OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / jRCI� .Fi�,eEUiION— GENERAL FORM RESOOEo That the Council hereby concurs in the raoommendatlon of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to lease the privilege of a pony ring concession at the Como Park Zoo area, to A. R. Wattles, of St. Paul, for the park Beason of 1932, for the monthly rental of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), payable in advance, said lease to provide that the lessee Bhall furnish proper liability insurance to protect the public and the City against damages due to the operation of said concession. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw proper lease therefor. 611..1 ,. "I councN.Y' Yev Adopted by ahs Crnmdl -_-19— 6�Co OY Yip 0 faa /McDoanld -//> In I.— /- R.W-d pearc y� Rosen / Ma. Paraident ikdpaa Bundl l e CITY OF ST PAUL , Le NO. '/2403 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK rn i.,s.oN tri O CI R ENERAL FORM _ W --REAS, Bernard Sci.ullz, `—t�:,-t o Par§:;, Plav: ocnds end r clic dly If A,r._r , -t v, �. .,v 1.21_1 noon If t." _2,32, and �- at t1.e t ­':r o y s 'e.nerI oc:.ultz ce.vin. „� corn o' „ .. c0 a - ek, end -:--REAS, -id 5 r,:ard S .ultz tea tctally ..-c'ed f)r t_:s te_it�_ fr`:1 -'In -- -til Yay 1 , 1-K, and is t,;1— f"',entitled to nim a:d�- on _.1a1f cr..,_..,_t ion, mrd 'N.. R5A3 - and one halt . .... .,.._..nti,n a:. �.:; ti: refore toe it � R..:',V-D that oronar cit: of �leere are :,reby autor- ir.ed to - ' t said B and Sc:.nitz e:rr. of $8.40 -t of the Via; 3e,,,rd e 7for=-_1en'r. C;,cpensati onrAcr--.mit o= eGes: ral rand, in f`nal aettleln-:a >_ _s c_r,ix a ran::t t_s City, bei:, f r ti:e period frar, noon o. !:ay lith, 191- tand incl rdin. Cay 14th, 1933. ...l.i otic r o n �e j � n emuun � to (`��eRl Y...: `GonroyL,nEN rya,i�i �y /^)I. f.... �Roxnc V Agef :r SeJl:__ / M,. P, -d- B..dhl Ad., -d by rhe C.,-.1 " "" 19 Approved. 19 o^ y o CITY OF ST PAUL .i NO dF11� () FFICE OF CITY CLERK missiOm[I ��`S E50 ENERAL FO`HM ��MSE��Eoav RESOLVEDTbat the application of E. P. Manning for permission to erect and maintain a cash and carry ice station at 25' MCBoal street, is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance rlth the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. A cou NciLmeN M �" � � ^c�c Ycas - N'Y' C°—y 4 / May APPc°.cd � Noscn �—Agains� �. � mnvoa Mr. Prc:idrnr Bundlic eaTr° s� THE BOARD OF ZONING e ��„ a. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT MOUSE May llt, M". Mr. M. J. Gibbons, city Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of applicationof E. P. Manning to erect and operate a cash and carry ice station at 253 Mc .1 St. between Do1.Tg las and Seventh Streets. This is a Light Industrial District, and there are two cash and carry ice houses within 100 ft. gh-rh This ice house has already been constructed. Yours very truly, secretary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSc AND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS City of Saint PauA Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, C11, Cl.,L H- c. 2. 14q' C—. f F. P. & P. El d,' Buil dine. D... Attached oleeee find — L cllcatlon P—A 1 11 .h , carry ic, h—e to the renr o£ 257 ?�cBo,l Street. aioli cation w referred to you Gy the �o inch , for Snveatipat ion -1 Y—, very tr ly, City cl—::. CITY OF ST PAUL NO. �OMMis rvE '/,�//y/q�/NJ�'p OFFICE OF CITY CLERK N—GENERAL C^ F ✓r�[sErvs �� B / /// , IL R RESOLVED That the application of T. W. King for permission to construct and maintain a cash and carry ice station at the southeast corner of University and Beacon avenues, Is hereby —ted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said Sce station, the buildln¢ to be con— structed in accordance with the Building Code. This hermit Se granted subject to the provision that the snore may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Yeas �c urvciL NEry IN— y5 ' McDo��id /% I�r fovo, /Its c„ � Against /M,. P,­d­ Bmdhl Ad,; d I..- nc, C.'—.1,`1112 19 A l,proved- ,//mi/� 19 � mnroR 04` ^� THE BOARD aOF ZONING 6 + a as u ve .A 5 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � n 214 COURT HOUSE L � �'.e. May lath, 193i:. Mr. M. S. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Realication oY T. W. King to construct and operate a cash and carry ice station at the southeast corner of University and beacon. This is a Light Industrial "istrict. There is a cash and carry ice house one block west and one five blocks east on University Avenue. gh-rh Yours very truly, Secretary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSA`ND'PUBLIC BUILDINGS City of Saint Paull Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CA, Cl.'4 C... April 11,1930. �%ieh L0 aprlg for permission Lo inaL mil a retail toe -yah a¢a oar ry store on the southeast c orn_r cf Oniv.-il y sac --on, Lots 374 39- 39 ho—rd Psrk aidition. T W. King "••,• CITY OF ST PAUL NO. 9 406 OFFICE CITY CLERK iL. C R GENERAL FORM _ c<�Mrnlssion� onr� RESOLVED That the application of A. A. ahrbock for permission to establish a cash and carry ice store at 694 Cromwell avenue, is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said ice store, the building to be in accordance with the Bulldin¢ Code. This per— _ mit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. ILMEry MAY 1 " • P Yeas NaY.. Al,p�ed by'1e �n��nrll 19 /CaaroY May 1' � McDonald - In (avar - A�pro�cd / Mr. P ... id— 6.adbi eo THE BOARD oOF ZONING SA '� dINTedMoPAULMINNESOTAse ws i , 04th COURT HOUSE 1� muto........ May 11th, 1'431 Mr. Id. S. Gibbons, City Clerk. bear Sir : In the matter of application of A. A. Zahrbock to es t.blish a cash and carry ice store at 694 Cromwell Ave. This is an industrial district, and there is only one ice station south of University Ave, and that is near Franklin and Curfew. gh-rh Yo,irs very truly, %6Li--'F k --._'_A Secreta y. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSc AND -1 PUBLIC BUILDINGS Drat. o.—..1—o... ... '^_— ril, oo,i:� t is .:ono in e I..:t .,.c - ` _. 110 n I r o e,cnco Cil e r,e,o_ City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk .KE J GIBBONS, C, CI .,d C.—,-- of April 15th, 1512. H., C. R. Me,, C ms'r of F.P. & P. PJdp, Pui I di or;. rear CO—ie,io... Af,d -pli—tj­ of A. A. Z,I.rbc, f— I Ira n—a at p94 cro—ell A,em,. .TI,II report, — y f— ,_'i"at 7, Port, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL <ou.ciu NO. iyz4U7 or° - C UOYF.A OF CITY CLERK NCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM ao viLc May 17, 195E RESOLVED-- Iu the matter of '—ing the ;-ortion to be nidened and re. a, J, , the present roadl.vay on Snelling Avenue from Minien-.na Street to the Nort.. e.n P -c. ''ic Railx: iy tr-ks, rith necess..ry gas gonnectiorsi under Final Or:ier C. A, 91669, approved Y'ebrua.ry 16, 19o" Resolved, That the attec.,ed a -:ns and soecifi- catie,hs showl— the gas connections to be made on the above,named street between the points aforesaid, be and the s:.- are hereby aoprov,d and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered :and directed to serve a copy of ti,is order, together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Com_ any. - y— N,, NNav Adopted by,hc Council--_ ` 19 Fm¢vwn McD—id In lavor Approved 19 / .Bo61.vd. / Svdheimc _ ABeinse c_ ��J1� �E: w—A .v MRYOR Mr. P—id—Hodg— ;ter - �'. • r r � A rr t QUANTITIES` FOR i GAS COUNFCTIOASU - t„ S• . P'l')M MINN LHARASThECT TO N. P. THACK3 Y i ..Xis.7 ' v t F tFt {•�,, , �•' .,{fid" y Pi � ro p 1A86erfP. Boyvi GO r• JJ 721SX4 No. Sne//ng /1`r. , Camper/Inr. Ca 194,7 17�'�A�e. So. Mlnn apohe, N' � , I „b,yen ✓ a hE/enf/ d/,nd 111 So. Sne/%.q Aro. \ _ V=0�—� {,ra 6 Aribvi-¢ 6 mean - � � ASAbSne/bny A% /kgfii � I BernaedE.aTessoE 6%ka�y 740 A6. Sne//mg �Jher{oid�/. a Leo PQ Berihe t. ban i,4i /459 He�+i if A% r � : Cj /6erf✓l1b/k.Y, aial �� 'N (J) 7fJ. I . -_� `1 IS12-3*w • hber,[ — C U/m, Minn. � / I T ZAP/TOL � E u _ t, �r-efa x� a1Jahn k!Sne/ ite-t,vY. n;&e 0 Ler; ✓ Hill /4A7 rapi f0/ Aro. Ci ole p v A %ht Twlees of/bm/'ne Univeraify i 5ne//ing A)*Witt /Iros. C ZEY $ x` f(S7akSovIY5 0 \ a RN Aman L 80 . Skl xr p 7 />'o. SneM19 Are. CIS ab I RI -- l- iJ6mer H Hay) Ca 2wEr�eofiB/aEj. A l lThe BA. Keppeinq,4-�lnc , 1813 /b. Sne//ng Aro. \ 1 4/S50 Ferwiia Are. I --- I -j-r Theo. F. @ Bord'ne 6x/fi 7/6 Cromwe//A�e. I r. ✓amea ,n Speer 853 Ab. Sne//ing Aae. Tlx Trasiees aff/em%ne Uniroraiiy n V \ ° - $ ..Q iNekn E. I✓•i hi Snei/iny & h' iwdi Avec N-. It 4l o w Gj ACe�y / B. pb )ter }Rsd{'s/d, So. L1sEaia I Ernesi By/ine e L. M. Dlson. 1✓urren, Minn. Ano IA 8n77 hb. .L 11ny Ave. i n x S � jt{ e• T? L O y I399 W �N I�—fig I 1 Ne nap;n p Ja13b J 3 ry Wi/d t1�e. OHO —^ � I I I 1 4l e .Q—� l✓ohn L � es The 7 ..7e e o1,%-/ne 3624 LI -111 aL II e Cn gN lW� * A Q�nbus aatD ponf Ave- So Mpi3. M:,o A° Ir— y 6rcef /Y" I p x .. (lid Q.,kofa B G.Yafhb, Towns.fn Co y, 6rcet Mr Ry r, R i/way B/d� a it III W?R,� ADO I r^ II - � I 3 0 St. P Mp/s g,LLsniiob:+iP. ,4 U I I O —s I I I� O Si Peul Cc /b fdc.• Ry. Co. Q — — y Railway B/dg. n $ II I � I w V I g � Ryy.1. Co. 8 � III m � � a I I I a III � q I I , II a j I I I x ro 0 'h _ y'Z4li� " Jcl� i�c" Nom. CITY CLERKCOUNCILION—GENEflAL FORMERrnoer M_y 17, 1952 coF nissloNER l3 onTE - -. - RESOLVED In the matter of 11 ilx the Porti:n to be wldened and r,: P,vinp the present road; -y ,n Anel'"4 Avenue from s11illleblha Street to the Norther nP nci llc Fsilrvly tr�c'Is, with neces..ary ester under Final oriei C. F. 91589, aPProved Fecruary 16, i9d" Jiesolved, That the plans and spec'_fie tlons n 'h--i­-'" connection •,eces, ry to be wade u, n said street, be and the soma are hereby opproved and the Commissioner If' Pub-ic Yior$s bo and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Acc-r' y— eouNlIlm N Nay U. -Y Fueuwo McDonald _ In favor Aohlaod /" Su Jheimsr-�t{gain st }Veued.- / Mr. P—id—Jiad[ Adopted by ehe Council_ Q'? 19 -- Approved 19- / NnroR D -- — - —4-- ----� --- - M1N/YEH� � I � I � kti 1?obenrF Beye � � c '~� F � z � �gF✓c __. � p 13n1 : M:,n � �- �- 1— � lM6"r^.�Ss!A✓e. � � �'paR s »s vc Sx g aLr� 0 ':o �o- Scx.'-bo Aue t�, y' ti iPorbe,-racy ✓ N r 72,. p.1 w � C . W h� o. /I p 7G� sn R j &3e-�naC ZAP/ TOL AvE. h r— — a ✓o,7n W r �I A600dmao-e a —.A '+c. Sne/%ngP✓a �}ase Ao C, Tne 7,-1,,s S e/;;na C New.,tt Ares- R o _Wl Goo.i �_gBnnq S�S.n '/­_q / Ac p 1�//,,1 C � 22o Sn"Z7� :k e 3,te KPS -_- Ai.e u9aF 823 Ab �l _7Ew[7_l7� _ -- ;heo- }153 cYa. 5oe,.,, T„s rer.,e Un, rens,fy 7be. �B �� {jb He enE h •-. o ., , H Airs. _ ro � ZZt %r, zze- y i z M j”, a.fcA _77 72T7 r. I T 'c o i O I v I�q N"–' T v fa r j T The T usher o{/(m/be Unirrs;f � J ✓ hn L es m SP, /h:,g&he— ; ftAvrs- 6Rodeen 362044 M.'nnOl. "Z�Nr O Av+/A &n6us I e4s�Oponf y Greef A, 1fq Co. h'ai/road B7Jy. Groaf Ab< /P Co. I � AA AA n G eat ne xy. Co., N3 4 y o 46 WGakof & G.YetIbr rwn:,� c Greet A" Ry- Co. 'f—/"y d/C�, I I I g6 of No. iY. Co_ n 8 I � o sf R"l Ll /y,, lb, Ry Co. Rt y Re;/way B/off. n o l a C� o io l < I li I g N I N � R � I � II I x ti 0 N `• . ••. '° • ,. °•,•, CITY OF ST PAUL , u c NO. 92409 OFFICE F CITY CLERK Yea. CIL R O N—GENERAL FORM%. Adon p�<d by �hc Coo cil 19 Conroy j May " ii� civ. -e., In (ava� App�ovcd Iq Rosen A ga�na� Of e.. ''A -. ,L„es ... .,o n501. Le tiisaLi Lt .i.,- h", ..c... Mr. P—d— .. _, .-... . 1 _ are �e�•r'�,, �� 1- ���i:: eti t.. I;t r. _- _-. _ c. i,... e-,ce "c �e. tee �, fro... I� �.. ,. i:l vi— -vll cou.�c.i�M Eru MAY 18 19?' Yea. Nays Adon p�<d by �hc Coo cil 19 Conroy j May " ii� iMcDonald In (ava� App�ovcd Iq Rosen A ga�na� �s.dh­ i'U5LiJ1I1:D.h'-7/-}: w oa Mr. P—d— 6..dh� CITY OF ST PAUL N. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK M CI ES —GENERAL FORM rrlcsE NiEn ev —T[ - <oMM�aa�oNEl, � � 3 erinte:'Tl t of Yln �_rounde o. .:upe Vint e:ld an is oral ..1 •ec tO rs CI.l ce do, 11:inois,rel r, o ; Apri: ln,lo .,nr7 17? 1336, ;icy of :: ,eu1 es de'.es,rte, c., ue .r. said conference in t:.e of dc_rayed oy Wr. E. Johnson, t-nrefo=e, -�e it !(^5 L.7.1), thct the proper city officials are ercLy O:1 -ed e,-_ :ii,ected to draw e city 'n e:,t for the sum Of 65.12, payable of t,.e }lnyar ain: 1'.odl, Item 13 A 3, in favor o- L:r. Johnson, for the purpose of hi::. _'or t^e e s.,onse incurred es delenate to sa13 conference. ;`/ 7'r,: couucr�mer+ N y5 / AdopuI by fhe Council Cunroy M., Mc Donald (ago. AVVrovcd 19 /In / � Nosen Against / MgvoR S.dh-- n ,� Mr. V .... d— U��diic " CITY ST PAUL NO 92411 OFFICE F CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION-/GENERAL FORM co,nmiss o�rva,Y? V�t�/ �q rL RESOLVED, ac _._e1. _.c', , .., >......... Y<a, N­nd<d I„ ,h< c --i %4Y i 5 Y:M 19 i �m<oo�aldv�=. In favor npp<ov<d 19 Rosen Aguin.i `✓�'�"K`-� S,idh<ii„<r rnnvon Mr. P,—d— U..dI�< <... <.,.. CITY OF ST. PAUL .i2. — NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —� RESOLVED rerty for t ­ f LotSub- ei o£eoc r. d s ,� �, t1e kelt , <,n -P the sir of 3,13 O., =nd a;" ..:o, H""'s ­r"rrt 1es:. ee rlf sa Iof rt y, h e r..-Gue.et d e ssr c e b..ck the I lui t ereon nick bu Dint, is a- 1,C lr o .c reec:, If so er .ittee ove back the bu 1. to t.e C' v the sure �- .�...-0 an _ co:.sicereti �n _er _., ._rrr.iseion, t.e - ncA3,cureeu of ''sl uetio .s .._s fixea the sun': of a_ uht c:' the ,vii,.record les.,ee is s•�ch ,Jere.—siOR is T"It", T...e e_)I _, _C +1t =CLV t_ , � .i n eby -ted t: t. —id hit, Ca tl Syst £ z t H> C -t to o r b, , t' e urid- t:� - oese t s trier n.":ic,rue -h-111d-s, ..i-ec�ed�.n `, dsr:Pyee t. s _ .arty b}• the e a?, n83.00. X50 w. re�tsazr Ye CourvnLmsN Nay,/ Adopted by the Council_— I9 Q[NwAcsen r Cc.^ y 6 - I. favor APProvcd — 19 - McDonald IdoLhx3 Mey �,�. i��-- ✓�. Sudhcim ..Agai at - MAYOR vk—.t Pearce- r Mr. Prcaid— 1114®x Pundlle CITY OF SAINT PAUL mc:- NO..... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR _. PER CHARTER SECTION EOe �[ PRcseNieo l i 0 DAY. 13,500.00 RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE M1e bF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLEu w n_ (r.om ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERM,; .E N. Tea . nl.h 13Y THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE,;yADE: ('71� i coot Tioueo 18 Cl Ss1P.rles wuou 8,500.00 Tuwu rewweo YES (✓) Councl—I (✓) NAYS I18 C3 Supplies 13,500.00 118 C4 Hepalrs & Renewals 3,500.00 Pen..' 18 L 1,,i. Music 8,500.00 MCOINALD SuoHeIHeR O..ADAINST 18 i 1� Se laries 3,000.00 C uNTERSIGNEO BY .....".V...�I ... ... ... ... ` •^ 18 v 2, Light, & Power 2,000.00 P11BUSHED dr-O/�cn• 13 F3, Supplies 1,000.00 X18 F4 Repairs 6 000.00 3,000.00_ 3,0 19 A 11 Salaries 250.00 19 A3 office Expense 250.00 19 B 1�� SalariBs 2,000.00 11 C 2� Truck malntenanoe 1,000.00 19 C3 Supplies 2,000.00 19 C4 Repair. & Renewals 10 36a� 3 LSO 00 Bond t'unds: 11 441 ArlingtonPlayground 1,700.00 466 Jackson Ylaygr�.und 1,700.00 MAY 1 a 1932 YES (✓) Councl—I (✓) NAYS ADOPT" BY THE COUNCIL....... 18.... Pen..' IN FAVOR L� MCOINALD SuoHeIHeR O..ADAINST do IAIr�[' (Ze 6 eyi C uNTERSIGNEO BY .....".V...�I ... ... ... ... ` •^ .o.. ...MR. PRESIDENT P11BUSHED dr-O/�cn• • CITY OF SAINT PAUL No. 92414 A RO RANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM R CHARTER ECT CDMMISSIONen IRV.INO C. PSAROB D.Te IdAY 16TH -1932. RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO GOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 15-C-1Attend. Div. -~Salaries 100,00 cp .. '15-C-3, " " - Office Exp. 100,00 15-F-1, Prom, of Health - Salaries 500.00 15-F-31 n I' " - Offioe hxp. 600.00 16-I-8 mtnoe of Plant - Rep.& Renew. 442.00 - Carfare 442.00 ill - e1V -1 1. g 1]JL IB.... Yes Cou Nclt.... ADOPTED BY THE COUNJ).1 GbMIi'C�1.2a7 Rel Fr,Fleucpµ M^Y APPRov D Heoeeol. Pen,.GC IN F-0. �. MCDONwLo SUDHEIMER Www R I c c ,I MR. PRESIDENT G061TERSIO r ._....... -. CITY OF ST F'AUINO.�.lilJ �...... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ��yNCIL RE 'J.IpNGENERAL FORM � //� � �/ RESOLVED Th=.t the application of Albin Benson for permission to establish and maintain a cash and carry Joe house at VIS Vandalls I street, is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said ice house, the building to be in accordance With the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Y— co�r�ciLm Ery N+y1 ; Conroy May / �MLDonald I'carce ' kuscn ( Aga:nsi Sall --r /Mr. P,—d— 13—dlic Ado�ccd by �hc (.ouncd 19 Appro�cd _ Fy, 19 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAY GROUNDScAND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS May 11, 1952. Hon. co, ncil, City of St. Iain. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the application of Albin Henson, who desires a pe, t to in - stsll and conduct a cash and carry ice store It 636 Van- dalia street. Th7.s property is zoned in the under the zoning ord lnsnce and is ot. .;icroccn .and that this no'.. vacant. om_ pe r�:It be r�nnted. Yours uly,j II Sssionor. City of Saint Paul Office of city clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CBy O.,L <ti.i c... cin c,., .nd �ommlolOn.10l B.9ae.een .,,i r„n e..,n..iw. May 6th, 1932 Hon. C. R. May, e Comr of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir: ♦ttanhed please find appll cation of Llbia Ben eon Por Permission to instal and conduct a rash and carry ice house at 616 Vandalia Street. This application has been referred to your department for investigation and report. Yours very truly, �J City Clerk. Saint Paul, Him. April 29, 1952 Th. Honorable City Council, City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I hereby petition your honorable body for permission to instal and conduct a cash and carry ice house at 656 Vandalia Street. Vary truly yours, Albin Benson Saint Paul, Minn. April 29, 1954 The Honorable City Counoil, City of Saint Paul Gentleman. I hereby petitLon your honorable body for permieeion to instal and conduct a cash and carry ice houso at 698 Vandalia Street. Ver truly youre, Albin Benson CITY OF ST PAUL :.� NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RES —GENERAL FORM Lnrc RESOLVED That the application of Anthony Corbo for permission to operate a cash end carry ice house at t— southwest corner of Bedford and North streets, is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for -id ice house, the building to be in accordance„ewith the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Nays - ndop«d by rl,e C—lrcil y c �� IY �o„roy -' M.y �MeD—Id In favor App --d �9 Rosen Againsr MrdhN—de.r B—dhi / / mnroa City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, City CI•,k a.,i c�.n cin , , •nd C...1 , nl Ryne•so" cv..i c.... v.r,n.,,.. Mqv 17th, 1932. Mr. L.L. Anderson, or Counsel, Building. Nor Sir: The following an p llcations for ,:Tit. to install ice store. at the addressee indicated sere referred to you, by the Council, for reeol,tione: Albin Benson - at 636 Vandalia Street Anthony Corbo - at the eouthweet corner of Bedford and North Streets. your. very truly, '�fft. h{ '. �-�. it p-✓yL� City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSc AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS May 6, 1952. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Plesse find herewith attached City Clerk's file- on the ep- pllcatlon of Anthony Corbo, who desires a pormit to erect n ice hcuse on the southwest corner of Bedford and North Streets. Thication t hes zoningr ordinanceety is in and anandLwe re odrxnendythats the permit beunder granted. Yours trul ne U City ®f Saint Pani Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GI.aONS, City 0.6 aid citn cin u... .Id Cowea,lon.r d 0..y n.�bn u.i ci.n .on..�u, April 30th, 1932. Hon. C. B. May, Com. -r of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Comml.eloner: We attach herewith application of Anthony Corbo for permit to install an ice house on the p rami11. a J. ug hie 011 station et the southwest corner of Bedford and Horth Street.. This application has been referred to your department for Snveetlgatlon and report. Yonne very truly, ' /72-�fL �..SclrT�cd City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota April 29th, 1932 Honorable Mayor end City Council of St. Paul, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Centlemeni I am operating a Sh 1 oil elation at the southwest corner of Bedford an Borth Street. in the City of St. Paul and I em desirans of operating e small ice -house in connection with the said oil station. eComhas to erect I emae1 1 building oa helpromises adjoining dthe said oil station which building will hold a capacity of one (1) ton of ice. I would appreciate it very much if your Honorable Body would grant me a permit to establish the said jus -hone on the promisee adjoining my oil station no I am doing a very small business and would appreciate an additional income - trust trust that you will give my application your ly navel Kind cibledwhaat on and let me know at a. action you take o this matter. your. date as pose ac your. very truly, thony �rb 609 Bedford treat i9t. Paul, Minnesota n G5 _ Subject: J FORM No. 2 Council wy File No.(121 Date presented i 1932 Reaolped, WHEREAS, Lhe Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported is accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existents of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employe. of hie Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be It Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the fixed for extra employ- Yollowing named employes at the rate otherwise ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Anthony Arens Ditch diger 8 bras .55 55 Martin Walberg 8 .55 Clifford Anderson Uty.laborer Irvin M Haley Common laborer 8 .45 Frank Flemming Uty.laborer H 8 .m �, m„,- .56 45 Edward Walsh Cocoa laborer 8 �56 Ludwig Zwirner Ute9.lsborer 15 -.55 John F. Conroy " 24 .55 Daniel O'Connor n ” 12_ .55 Nicholas J. Wagner 1 ^ 3 bras .84 OlA Munson Foreman .62} Ed. Eordell Mech.helper 3 " Leonard Munson Sub -foreman 131 n .62 Thomas 3cheffer Utn.laborer " 12 " .55 9 Ralph Mulroy 7 " 4 .5b .bb Joseph Fiorito Ditch diger pg 4 .55 Joe Vignali 1} .55 Andrew Vincelli John P. Erose " " 4 " 4 .Sb Ayes Councilmen Nays Conroy McDonald Mg Adopted by the" 193E R _ _ 1932 Sudheimer Approved +� Mr. Preei dent Buad11� � i ^ru�.isiico eaz Approved i-�-- - - ner eoera son General Superintenden M FORM No. 1 May 17, 1932 `k4i7 An emergency has arl sen I— the department of Public Utilities Bureau or Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes or that department for more then eight hours per day in the doing of the following pork: Changing 6" meter at 863 Mackub In St. ; changing 3" meters t 92 W 4th St and 502 Par trldga _s Repair 4" main at 5th and M Sn Ave �/ Patrolling Vadn els Lake.+w operating Hazel and Highland Park Pumping Statlons,� Kepalrin_g air vents, MIs s.Rlver us* This emergency arose by reason of the follo�ing facts ## and circumstances: +tWorK had to ba done outside of business hours /#L ak in main + 'fo pr av ant trespassing. cc Bundays. ##Couldn't finish fob in 8—hour d' Gee day. ApprovnnOral upa T OF S PAU� /W p Q� No 192418 o tc OF y aLl` K COU IL T6L Ilt DENE RAL FORM °c�+,M s Eo rr Ear I C PEAR u.. MAY 18-1932 RESO—ED to the if oC is _ f.. mcn.,. Ltl, R?:`;GL\"`� - Lhc Fr�:•�r ci:,f v _ nre n i �.cr;r •„� ie� t.hc Po 11�^in5n �.r.l 1G J�3, at LhC a �ntc o .- r,a sc ;fixed for �ztra er.^loyo:oni for c-trn tiLne -nefcar It forth: N ADT: TITLE TI'.E R.":LP. TITAL CHARLES HAMMERLUND JAN ENG HOURS 64 CENTS 2 56 J A HEINZ JAN ENG 4 64 64 j 92 J R LYNN JAN ENG 4 64 2 56 E MANSKA JAN ENG 2 64 1 28 JOHN NELSON JAN ENG 2 61 1 23 SY LVESTER OLOdNELL BERT SEIDLER JAN ENG JAN ENG 64 2 56 LLOYD SPETZMAN JAN ENG 6 64 64 3 9842 �_4PT[LI AM V—I EV El�(NO JAN ENG 3 10 7 7 63 C GREGORY SCHENG 61 7 38 GEORGE LAUTNER STAT FIREMANI2 8 64 5 PRANK LINN JAN ENC 4 50 52 WALTER V LEE JAN ENG 1 4 564 2 JAIAES MC-DERMOTT JAN 4 64 2 56 NICHOLAS STADTFELD JAN ENG 4 64 2 56 JOSEPH FEDLMEIER JAN ENG 2 645 DAVID O -BEGAN JAN ENG ENG 11 4 X428 H6MY BAUER JAN JAN ENG 5 64 3 20 VICTOR LAWRENCE yeas c.ou rvci�mery N.ys / AdoEred by lhr C-11il At— _ _1}1 19 Co y Ma. McDonald In fa... App,. cd_ 19 Pearce Ctir / � ' moron Sudhe�mrr Mr. [I—d— 11—dhr I'I�UI.IJI lh:l1 �2/- 'd- MAY 1B ---t932- CLEANING 93z- CLEANING SCHOOLS------� __ by --t—. I 'h, fl': f' -'- NECESSARY TO KEEP SCHOOL BUILDINGS OPEN OV ACCOUNT OF SPECIAL NIGHT ACTIVITIES CITY OF ST PAUL .., NO. J��✓ �OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - cFm Miss RES U —GENERAL FOR" RF.S1fdiF*� WHEREAS, Ae provided by Council File No. 92159, approved April 20th, 1932, the Council did, on the 16th day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. L. in the Council Cbamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hear InK upon the edvisebl lity and necessity Of wrecking that certain two-story frame apartment building located on Lot e 5, 6, 8 and 9, B%vock 7, Warren & Winalow's Addition, also known as ?;o. 595-603 Lafayette avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210approved may 22, 1930; and it Is the opinion of the Council that said building ie unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of Bald building, be mailed by the Comml es loner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildl age to the last known record owner of said property at hie last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FJRTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of ..id notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. cc��n ciLrnEn Yr,: Na/ � Conroy May M�Do�..ld h, P. a.cr Nas�n i Agee:r Mr. P,—d—, U.odl.� Adop«d k, 1,e Cn,in ciI W - 11 App—, d Yea J �MM1p51ONFp CITU OF SAINT PAUL / IPARKS, PL.A; GROUT{ DS.,ANDv PUeBLTC BUILDINGS May 1, 1932. Hon. Council, CSty of St. Paul. Gentlemen: TheCit? Council recently passed a resolution confirming the condemnation by this Department of the building at 595-603 LaYeyette Avenue and setting a data for public he., to be held on May 16 In the Council Chamber. MayI respectfully advise that on April 28, a permit was taken out to wreck this building and it is now in process of demolition. There is no use, therefore, of holding this h(aring and I Suggest that the hearing be cancall ad. Yours ey true �'V%1� p,a CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSANOPUBLI DINGS 1!e72,5, Yon. Co until, City of St. Paul, Minnoso-a. Gentlemen: OnMay 1A, Hesclut on No. 92419 Was passed by yon- Honor- able Body, co firming the condemution by this off!- of the building a',595 -,OS Lafayette Avenue. xayI respectful ly report that a contract has been let by the o�mors to- wreck this bulla in ;, and it is, therefere, not necessary to continue council proceedings concerning it2 Youra uly, " r. � o..,. .. ,., CITY OF ST PAUL ,i NO 92420 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ION— GENERAL ���PPP FORM RF91Di#EO[ WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 91069, approved December let, 1931, the Council did, on the 28th day of December, 1931, at ten o'clock A. L. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain one and one-half story frame barn, located on Lot 13, Block 7, DeBow, Smith, Riseue 6 Willi— a Addition, also known as the rear of No. 687 Mississippi street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it Is the opinl on of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adj of ning property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parka, Play- grounds and Public Bulldi ngs t the last known record owner of said Props rty at hia last known address, or t the went cr occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the ma111ng of said notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commi aaloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. MAY Yeas courvci�mEN Nay .\dop�rd by 6CouC.".'.1 Conroy May M'11n Id In favor Approved knxen .Aga Inst `�� / A Sr�dheiiner - PIJP+i.l �I I1rITl+-�!. -.' �`ro Mr- P .... den, 11 ndlie CITY OF ST PAUL NO 13ZV1 _ OFFIC F ITV CLERK GENERAL FORM c ornv.iss. NCL R —T1 f 6 sr -r REEALt'tY1c Wu?'RE.13, On April 8th, 1952, Building Permit No. 11709 was issued by the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Building- to the C-pital Ice & Fuel Company, 859 Edgerton street for the construction of a retell ice store on the —st side of Rice street between Summit and Iglehart avenues; and WHEREAS, It appears that a. permit had been issued to another applicant, so that it is impossible for the Capital Ice & Fuel Company to use the permit for which it paid a fee of One Dollar; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officer:; be and they ere hereby authorized and directed to refund to said Capital Ice & Fuel Company said sum of One Dollar (x..00), payable out of the proper fund. bl Y— N­ cour+u �m err Adopmd hs ,h, lck-"l ho'Y -1 —1-11 11 A{.proved .'I r 19 1 j -IR i M., Md—Ad I" I—"' f'ca,cc /s Rn,en t Again,, S,�dhc�m �r M,. N—d— I3-odh� A{.proved .'I r 19 1 j -IR City of Saint Paul O(lice of City Clerk MIRE 1. GIBBONS, Co, CI.,F �.,, ci.. cin r... .nd Cemmlviona of R.rl,e.Ron May 17th, 1912. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached please find cou,nnination from C mmleeloner May eugges ti og that a refund be given to the Cepl tel Irk& ".1 COmpagv in the sum of $1.00 to novel a dupllcatica of a building permit for the con- struetion of! Sce eta re. The Council today referred thle matter to you for the proper resolution grantlug euch .fund Your. very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL / PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSANDPUBLIC BUILDINGS -fe-ll� 7co- strn.':i.n oP retail ice u on lot floc- h e ono -':ltion, n -. .-cin c. :w^e-, St end IElanlrt .✓enac3. e no:, fl, (I i' t njy, c^rnit F '. bo,, n 1 .uec'. .uz- a vIo o de. Coen oil it"o"I _.atlon to ��r.c'.: h:_r ^_,�t;� s -:t il. i 1-�ro—lblo or t=.c. _tat 311u`hcri •1 Ice ✓ Tuel .r .at�ao'o' d-ft ci I n� J ,.. .,. •• CITY OG ST PAUL ., NO `)2422 OFFICE ��'G TYK C Ol)N L E OLAL FORMMy lo, 1932 RESOLVED That the Council ereby action of the Purc hs^inc Committee in awarding the contract for furnlahin.r to the 'gater Department epproxlme:ely 17,000 lln.ft. Class T150 Universal pipe to THE CEi7TRAL FCUNDRY CO., they b -in, the lowest osa. Bible bidders, at s total contract trice of acnroxime-sly $9,815.00, f.o.b. Neter Department 8toreyard, Hamline 9 Carroll Avee., in accordance eith s-ecificstions of she ?ur`2n of Water, t1elr bid and award of contract herei.o attached, and the Corporation Counsel � 1e hereby instructed to draw uo the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #8784. r — "f' "q �I Yeas eourv�iLmLry Na Ad.,—I h, r1- Cndl Xt z _4,J 19 (Jonroy May MclJon..ld In C—" ApPro.ed i9 Rascn Ag.—, '- i mnroa / M,. P.... dent B—dhi �Jz4z3 „. CITY OF STAUL NO - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU IL 50 IONGENERALFORM I.n n. Ne.Y 16, 1932 _ RESOLVED T:iat the C,uncil' ereby a11prOve8 th action of the B¢ncbaeing Cemmltta• Sn awarding the ecntract for furr,lehing to the Rater Departr,ent approximately 26,400 lin.ft. Class 150 deLavaud Centrifugal Cast Iron '.later Pipe to THE GRINNELL CO. 1NC., they beinc the lowest responsible odder e, at a total contract price of ap;roxlmately $39,799.00, f.o.b. 'Hater Department Store - yard, Harlin. & Carroll Avea., in acc r!r.^.ca with specifications, of the Bureau of Nater, their bid and award of contract hereto attechad, the Corporation Co a- el Se her=U, instructed to draw un the proper form of cor.trent therefor. P.B. #87'4• 1,111. 111N N Ad, ­J 1 h,n, , C [ MAY 1 Y... y iMrl�on�ld In f��or A.d 19 �Mr. Vas Iden, IS�ndlie �7t"IFFICE CITY OF ST. PAUL ,i�. NO. �S2� 4'4 OF CITY CLERKRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..IF mag la, 1352 RESOLVED In b: mutter of srasin.. A__ Ott:s , e P.d-I_tiln '"! K—k :�, Gat--eeultl- Addlti­, from Avenue to Unterv:oad f,vl­e, ,lso sewer in the ati—ment to re obtai ed Dn the easterly tl `bet of lot 4, Gal?rn^_-.ulq's A9diti-n .` :'. .nt _ .-_iL'y , the s_.._r _n olecnor otreet, under Prelimin ry ..-r ��rov ed Octo Der S, ii,61, and kir, Il cer croved N.ve,'er 24, 11;1. Re—i—d, Taut t:c pls s and E eci.ications as submitted by theComm_ssicuer P�b1iC r,nr r "or t':te a..ove named im"I'Ove©h_rcby e ,t, be and the slm_ are approved. @ 4ii^a°fl I I�Levo.�.e talar � sen 's. �sssxl Yeas COUNCILm NNav Adopted by the Council_\I '. 19 CI—Y , �f#eugA Mcpgppld k favor Approv<Q _ 19. $udpya�r - ARainsl � l Mpvoa Welleel Mr. Prc idc ,A dE ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL ,iii NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK .,...... o., (COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _—_— RESOLVED J.: Street :.a :Jit -s Av •.,.ne ani trots Fi-.r, i.v �slun t� the Norr, r. ,Ind pout?I ^--�..�J, under Preiinin-ry Order ',,?roved July _, 1:1, kinal Order 0. x, ,iJ4-31i, sclprov�] Seip+. mb r , L. 1.-', L . =',t t-- I is .IA .,uonlit', ed by tae nom jis miner o. _­—ic %nor t>r tt,e aoove :.�med improvecent, he -.nd the -me are eouNIi EN Yeas N Choc M.D.mW In favor Aohland. Svd6v:mer (/' Against Weosel Mr. Pr id—t HodgI n Adopted by l he Council_'".' I �'X?�,7 19 Approved ,. - 17_ _____•• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK M15' 4.UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oATE RESOLVED NO. `yZ42G May IS, _n t... r r.._n. ._ y .., CJavry , O'_ivt er's 1,!1'. tion to ;+est St. =".u1 fr<,m P.n!! . -_, ;;tr_A !o McDo"Id in ir'-o::5:., L•.vton I'd;I Al In fror., -tre.:t „u _I's. C. F. -0114, -p. ov"d !.RC1, ,n=i F"nal 1, 1er C. F. IJ ilb, z, oved Mr. Praid-, Th^t nth- -'-.nsand s_:-cific _-tuns .s,bi,itl.ed 'Uy the C—s-1 s11 r of F.;b-i, Works f'or th= a.rovcnamed .m..�rov �:cc-it, b_ and the :orov ed. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays CJavry , Ferguwv McDo"Id R.hl—d Svdhaimer V Aeainsr W.—d . Mr. Praid-, Hadg— Adopt,d bync� Council Yl _: M 19 Approved j1 19_ Council File No.... 92427 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned b,—by proposes the making..! rho following puhbc inrpmvemm�t by the City of SI. rant, vin.: hecanstructiag, relayl.-ng and.. re,:'r:ring the Sidewalk... and _.... _._ driveway sn the south side. of Seminary Avenue, teglnn+ng at _... Dunlap Street, thence nest 14 feet. Dated this 10th ,lay of _ May, 1952_.1%%% 1.f Is PRELIMINARY ORDER. A- 11 ll IIEREA1 1 tteu rn 1 eat for the makimg of the 11111will i proven t vtI % Reconstructing, relaying and repairing. the sidewalkand /J driveway on the south side of Seminaey Avenue, beginning at -- Dunjap Street,.. thence. rest 14 Teat. .... having bcev presented to the Council ,I the I t • ..f It, Paul _...__ therefore, be it RPFOLVED, That the Cummissionsr d hddk lYorke be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. Ta investigate the neceeaity for, ar desirehility d, the making of said improvement. 2. T, a igale Lho natur filim e, extent and estimated coat of slid improvenreet, god the total cast thereof. W 3. To furplan, arproe or sketch of said provement. art To stwhether not said Imprn renioot is asked for on the petition d three or more orancrs 5. To report upon all of the foregoing ensnare to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the _.. '.. RIO ._..... _.. Yens Nwre Councilmen C.— Y \Ili Approved.... .My 1 L ... ..____ McDoe,�n � re,nne � s�.naetwea ; -- Ma. rneamenT ' I Manor. Council File No.._ wv-8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hrreLy pmposea the making of the follow inK public i,nproven,r„t by the. City of St. 11eu1, 8ecoastructinZ. relaYif+E rmd repxirin6the sidewalk on the. _. south side of Orange. street, beginning L32 feet west of ArcaAe btreet, thence west :.0 feet. - --- - Dated Lhia 18th "y "f May 193 L��Y�. 6 .... .... PRELIMINARY ORDER. tC II Ii RI•;AS• :\ xrittrn proposal fur the mnkiug of the following improvement viz. Ct sidewalk on the Reconstructing] relaying and _.. south side of Orange Street. teginn,ng 232 feet. west of Arcade Street, thence west 20 feet. -_--- Lacing been pn—ted to the Connr,l of th. (.ill of St. Pmd.. therefore, be it R h:cOLVF:D, Thnt the Commissioner of Public Narks he and is hereby aiwIlvent and directs 1. 'fo in `tigate the necessity for, or dcsi lability of, the mnkiug f enid improoem. 2. To in...tigvte tho mare, client and eatin,atod coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of ani` improvement. 1. To state whether or not enid iwprovement is asked for to the petition of tlucc or more o,vnere 5. To report upan all of tho foregoing matt"��..t,o� ytt{{he Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cl—”' �y Yens *]ars G 1 Cuunulman ('on noy Appro d McDotveev Ma. 1'acsioea'r � .,,.,... 92429•.IZ 2OFFATC � 29OF U TI � -- r.or� — Qr<smxxrmc WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works requires an extension of the railroad track eSrvina the Dale Street Service Yard; and WHEREAS, Througb negotiations already, conducted with the Great Northern Railway Company, Said Company has agreed to re- arrange the existing track and extend said track a distance of 1000 feet, providing the Department of Public Works will furnish the grading ballast, 1160 feet of rail, and 68 angle bare, and provid- ing that the Department will defray the expense of extending said track; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Commissioner of Public Works and the City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and direct- ed to enter into an agreement with SSid Great Nortbern Railway Company for the extension of the commercial trackage at the Dale Street Service Yard; provided, however, that Said agreement shall not obligate the Department of Public Works to expend any greater sum than $4,500 for the completion of said trackage, actual costs of said trackage to be paid for from the Sprinkling Fund, Code 1004-C151. Ye,s eouNei�MEN Nays �� (anroy / M -y / WD. ­Id „� Hoscn U Ag�ms< iudheimcr /Mr. Presidmr 6..dli, Ado,ccd b> the C- I' 19 rA�l! s x PY,Yj L. _ CITY OF ST FAUL . NO. (;2430 F ICE CITY 1-1 +� CO ES UTI N NERAL FORM „nig May 19, 1932 6?zes .. _ WHEREAS, A. L. TSoske made applicetl- 970 for confectionery license at 1015 Arcade Street, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Police rac—nds denial of said license; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. be and the a are I.,,ely authorised to refund to A. L. Troeke the fee of =10.00 end to cancel said ap-llcetion 980 for confectionery licenee. Ycns c/urvc.ii M�-ry N..,y,/) (;o�rov May Md,... In favor P.amc Ag Mr. 11—.d— B—di., .1d"' "'i Conal I Ad Iv Y' -"T v,r., .ml,:" City Cl -I.. o..,...... ,, ,. CITY OF ST PAUL NO 52131 I CITV LEHK C E LOTION NERAL FOFM co MMiss rInE Key 19, 1932 RESOLVED ' THAT licensee for whlcb applic.tl... have been made ty p ... .. named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in- trusted to issue such licenses u. n the payment into the city traaeury cf the required fee. courv�iLmi. ry IYtl�r ♦ .�. Yeas N,Y Adol.<<d I•� rhe Co���cil 19 �oi�roy May �Y "�MclJon�ld I� favor App ro.cd 19 Itosrn �/ Again ti..dl,eim�r Mr. P,,,.,l Bundle May 19, 1952 8. E. Anderson 1339 N. Pascal Butcher Fred Babes— 1055 Arcade St. W. C. Berglund 1325 White Hear Maier Bernet 392 Western Av. N. ^ Sem Blumberg 383 Wabash. ^ Mrs. H. Cambray 2256 W. Como ^ J. S. Fisher '_085 W. 7th A.FSehman 135 State Herbert Goldsteih 391 N. Western Av Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 1607-09 University John Bros. A 1899 Stillwater Rd e Sem tanezeky 676 S. Smith n Midway Market House 799 Raymond A- -Nm. W. .Miller 1457 Jefferson ^ P. Milake 1166 Selby A— ^ ChMonsour arles 125 Wabaeha S. ^ J. Mureeki 659 Western Av. ^ Ralph Nett 1562 W. Como Av. ^ The. Povey 1522 Albury C E. prince 1188 E. 7th ^ M. Baskin 931 U.iversity A. J.Schlukebier 65 W. Winifred ^ A. F. Stabake 1059 Beach n Len Vacralli 569 Mill St. Jacob Aga 379 Concord Confectionery F. Bah -1055 Arcade Grocery Mr a. P. Berme. 823 Mia i.sipp, Geo. E. Ho eel 1164 Selby Bakery V. F. 11Z. 1771 Selby Cohfectionery S. S. Bread 1945 Autumn Av. Grocery Sam Brodiasky 951 Payne Av. Bakery Jas. Brunner Sig Cgj}en 678 LeFond St. 2276 Otto Av. Grocery Edw. $ Colbert 436 Sherburne Cut Rate Cigar Store 451 Rflbashe Gonfectilnery Stephen A. Donohue 1901 Join Dornfeld Maryland Grocery Freak Drkula 1250 W. 7th Edberg & Lorenteon 1187-89 Arcade Gust Edberg 925 Rice 592 Sibley confectionery F. J. Finck E. D. Falee 3102 W. Iarpenteur B. P. Falkenberg 96 W. Winifred Or eery F®ny Farmer Candy Shop No. 107 47 E 7th Confectionery Johe Farkas 1199 Albemarle Grocery James Foster 1156 E. 7th Confectionery Carl P. Geldarmen 777 S. Smith 450 Waba9hfl St. Grocery Confectionery S. J. Goldberg 220 N. Cretin Grocery Jacob Goldenberg J. Grandquist Bros. 599 N. Snelling Fred Nagers 567 Stryker Confectionery Barry Harris 2050 Marshall A- Fruit-Veg. store Geo. Roffm.n 499 Fuller AV. Grocery H. Y. Horgan 1156 University Av. Confectionery W. R. Roughton 1097 W. 7th Grocery Yrs. Bert Huadven 722 N. Hemline Av. " J. C. Bunt 1465 Payne Av. " Barry 11""' 2058 Marshall Confectionery Louie C. Jacobs 1285 E. Kinaehaha Grocery Johnson Broa. 1899 Stillwater Rd Herbert John eon 638 W. Snelling Av. Bakery Jacob Replan 175 E. Winifred Grocery H. Kolineky 418 Concord " Elizabeth Korfhage 938 E. 6th " P. E. Larson 959 Earl " R. C. Malloy 951 White Bear " Yrs. E. M. McNeil 536 Mississippi M. M. Metcalf 250 W. 4th ^ - H. F. Meierding 1404 Raymond " Val U. Muraeki 983 Randolph St. " Ludovcio Nardi 277 W. 4th ° Anthony Nardiai 281 E. 7th' Confectionery R. A. North 786 E. 7th ° Geo. D. O'Neil 774 Capitol AV. Grocery Y. Polar 909 Rice " Mr e. Ga. Saba 829 Jackson Confectionery Adam W. Rau 920 Reaney " Harriet Rieger 905 Payne Grocery Roberta Cigar Store 363 Jackson. Confectionery J. Roland & J. Ryer 666 Selby " Otto W. Rohland 461-7 W. 7th Grocery Anthony Rose 129 W. 7th Confectionery St. Paul Lodge N2, IOOF 156 W. 9th " Edward J. Saue—ine 1145 Rice " Harry I, Shapiro 978 Grand " E. F. Sklenar 517-19 W. 7th Grocery J. W. Sm1th 124 S. Wabash. Confectionery J. Some. 700 E. Yarylmd Grocery Yrs. Rose Sultan 223 E. 14th ° L. L. Tenayem 1158 E. 7th Confectionery C. M. 2lemey 1569 University Soft dunk TheTransit Supply Ca. 1560 University Confectionery The Transit Supply Co. 1175 E. 7th - . Lan V-.1li 369 Mill St. Grocery Wm. Vogelgeeang 919 Randolph Confectionery Frank Warren Airport " F. W. Woolworth 434 Wabneha " Lawrence C. Winkel 562 Blair Grocery Julius Wold 1112 E. Geranias ° Y. Y. Wagenstein 247} S. Snhlling B.kery Calude Whitlock 483 Broadway Confectionary W. 0. Wilmeroth 435 N. Grotto Grocery Mayer Winer 676 Winelnw " -3- Chas. Baeclgalipo 585 Minnesota Restaurant Mr "Caroline Bartlett 152 W. University ^ Angelo Bruni 321 St. Peter ' C. F. Davidson 503 Asbury " Te Kay Cate 273 W. 5th " Jobn Damn. 152 E. 4th Domenico D'Alola 864 Payne " A. W. Du Chain. 1577 University " Floyd R. Edgar 406 Webasha " Fetsch Bros. 549 Ro..bal " Fred Hansen 164 Concord Fred Jansen 418 Wa... ta Arthur J. Haver 2144 University ¢ M. M. Hutchins 1298 Hudson Rd Ed La.—sky 315 St. Pater JMenne 925 E. 7th " J,. B. McCormack 535 Wabash. " A. Mardini281 E. 7th ° Orestl Pinitti 831 Payne ^ R. E, Schwartseald 601 Wabasha " S, P. S.11ewold 2264 Hampden " Sherrill & Olin 106 E. 4th " Lewis B. Taylor 1105 Selby " Trocke'e Cafeterla 375 Wabasha " Dnlon News Co. Union Depot " White Castle System 615 University " White Castle System 89 W. 7th " Mrs. E. Cleveland 59 E. 7tb Hotel (Duluth) 50 rooms W. J. McCarron 148 E. 4th " (Leland) 67 ^ Roth Hotel Co. 559 St. Peter " (St.P.ul) 280 room. 0. E. Shearer 481 Wabash. " (Ep,—) 35 End Shea 41 V.�,11 Jackson • (Edison) 15 ° W. F. Tiers 4142 Jackson ° (Liberty) 52 Wester & Kit—an 11} E. 7th " (Atlantic) 28 " Nick Balica 117 W. Central 2 Pool tablas Ray Eichler 937 W. 7th 4 • ° F.'.%inek - 392 Selby 4 y.Wa F— she 157 W. 7th 3 " ^7 ron:. ' ... __ GG:; e.7 Frank Gruber 603 W. 7th 3 " " Fred Rager. 567 Stryker 2 " A. J-1. 469 Wabasha 5 Kirsh & Gillis 1597 University 4 " E. M. Rale- 463 N. Snelling Lewis Papas 715 N. Dale Pewter. & LaB—he 1927 University 5 L. L.T.nny.- 1158 E. 7th 3 C. N, Tierney 1569 Univereity 3 " J. Roland & J. Ryan 686 Selby 2 Edward Sauerwine 1145 Rice 5 ^ ° Wm. Fogelgeeang SIR Randolph 2 " R. C. Work. 555 Jackson 1 • ^ -4 - 627 S. Smith (� Motion picture theatre Geo. Cariseh Publix N. W. Theatres Inc. 449 Wab—ha (Riviera) " " (Dale) Rubenstein & Kaplan 656 Selby 6th Theatre (Metropolitan) Metropolitan Opera House 94 E. Geo D. Baldwin 1341 St. Clair Gasoline station 5 pumps Capitol 011 Co 777 Payne 5 . cities Service Oil Co 1775 E. Minnehaha " 7 " Direct Service 011 Co. 2S38EOniverait " 5 " S. C. Faragher y J. L. Planner 2574 W. 7th u " Enrley & Hindman S. car 10th & Jackson " 5 4 " " " Chria Lauer & Emil Beandet 78 N. Dale " 2 ° son B. E. Okeson 227 E. 8th " 2 Ure.ti 1406 Arcade " ° " 4 Fred Thomas 011 Cc Automatic Oil Heat Co. 277 N. Snelling 365 N. Fairview 011 burning device Campbell Machine Co. 2845 S. Harriet Mpls Cary & Co. 3121 Nicollet Ab, Mpla Chase Engineering Co. 121 W. fith v R -H. De pp. 1605 Selby Elactrol 011 Burner Co 111 Endicott Arcade Ger-Wood Sale. Co. 428 S. Hennepin Mple Iemplend Lumber Co. 419 E. 8th. " Mechanical Service & Mfg Co 2524 Hampden Motor Power ,.;:Zt Co. Ford Rd & River Blvd Ford; Cha.. A. Pratt 228 Reliance Engineer. Inc. 1218 Pioneer Bldg Thomas Shetke 1015 W. 7th Timken Silent Automatic Co. 106 E. 6th " Twin City Furnace Co. 1451 University Tei.City 011 Burner Co. 2659 University v v Woolery Machine Co. 2919 Como Av. BE Mpl. " Samuel Tr ... twyk & Aria Vannas 510 Brokerage Bldg F -19 -tor Anton Bachmann 438 Webs.ha Dance hall Albert 7. Jane 71 W. 7th Harry Yee Pon 420 Wabash. y�432 r..... m.. •..�• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL RFFOLUTION--GENERAL FORM 3 RESOLVED That the application of Victor P. Albon for permission to erect and maintain an Ice store at 329 Marla avenue, is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are authorizedpand directed to issue a permit tberefor, said building to be constructed In accordance with the Building Oode. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the 0ouncil. MI - Y— Yoe eouNauMen Adopted by the Courci�(:= l.�–x-=�Y----19— Nayn yigpmld +.-�—In livor APProvcd Sudhcima game[ Nwvon Wam l I f.. Mt. P—id— Hodg— ' Apr11 ICth, IM. !b,.. J. M. McDonald, COr,..1ee10eer of ➢roam-, ➢undine,. Dear CO—laeicmri Apulication 1_ been trade by 7ictlr P. A1bon, 975 Avenue for s P-1 t to emot _ SCO e.F.tiCn et A,, Parte Ave— ,fill y- kindly eet a data of tieart:.r a.^_d mtiy the into ted -party o-1 7onre very tnily, City clerk. POST CARD NOTICEI- OPFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Pursuant to Parayr�ph F Sc ch.o� s r�:�l<c1 ��I B��.�li.�-I.11nl01111- nanee. app rec3 July hili, i L. you .� reb, n�:ic<I Ih.i. I.ia alioi ,r parm,ti,ion tO eren Or r�>�linuc 329 hraied 9-d. 1:a r�in Aver.. will come up ,or d_caho, bel Ore the COuntil Of the Cil, o' 5;. Paul in the Council Ch�mboi t; the Cit, Hail aucl C—t HOu.c Puil Hiny on the I A"I'. - d:�yo�.—-�:-"�'._.. 193 �. ai to oc1.1, M11 JOHN H MCDONALD. b ,r Qi LE '-Zt� % .l.�T "G a-ruv %/, �C- cc�C � �'fi . �� • % '� L� _ _ _ � � , � �. -� �7yy THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 211 COURT HOUSE May 17, 1932. "al . .. ......... Lr. Like J. Gibbons, City 1;1, k, Dear 61 r: in t:e natter of tj,, application of Victor 1. Alb— to erect and op.late a r asn and cgryicemuse at 329 Maria Ave. on ,o t 1, loo,'26'L y,.,.n Dayton's Addition. This1 3 the southerly corner of Luria d Fourth Sts. It is zoned commer- cially is occupied by a filling station. It t It is one and one-half block, to he nearest cash and carry ice ld,,u— y.,- very trul-y, Secretary, Board of Zoning. GB11-B CITY OF SAINT PAUL --NT PARKS, PLAYGROUND7AND'PUBLIC BUILDINGS . 11 1 1 1.11>.". City of Saint Paull Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, ci, CI.,F ..d Comml..le.., el Regi,e.tlo, April 19th, 1932. 'Ron. C. R. Us,, Com ., s'r of P.P. & P. Bldgs Bulldiag. Pear Comissioner: ACattach herewith application of Victor P. Ubon for Permit to ergot as ice house at 329 Maria A-- This application was referred to you, by the Council, for investigation and report. Yours very traiy, City Clerk. CITY OF ST PAUL • NO 9 24313 _OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CO RESOLU ENERAL FORM _ X55 Y, WHEREAS, Adolph C. Krahmer has petitioned the Council for permle elon to Snetell and maintain a drive-in fllllna station at the northwest corner of Bradley and Woodward streets; and WHEREAS, Said Adolph C. Krahmer has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveway e, curb returns, pump loca- tion, sidewalks, etc. for the Snfor oration of the Council; and WHEREAS, A heerina has been held In accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it HE90I,VED, That permission and authority are hereby given to Adolph C. Krahmer to install and maintain said station in accord- ance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will aut omatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be Sn- .talled in accordance with the ordinance . of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commiseloner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping'to be subject to the approval of the 0ommia- stoner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building.; and any change. in curbing, sidewalks, tamps, drainage or other public improvement. within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commiesloner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revoca- tion by the Council whenever said Council .hall determine that the maintenance of sold station constitutes a fire orltraffic haaard. I'n clan. sou rve_iLm eN a1A4 Nay. Ado,, ed b, ,he Council Ma / Donald R... / s�dhdm« / M,_ N, den, Bu dl.e i A gains, M 19llae MhYOR % 0-1- 01 T" I'll IIERI Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 11-1 113 2 - TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FILED ............... 1-7 IDW JFK 111I Tf 0% pepzOmenh of Pvblic 56WN .aare „an .1 ..... --- April 29, 1932 Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Mimeaota Dear Sir: Returned herewith La the appl Lcat'on of Adolph G. Hrabmer for permiasion to Instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Bradley and Woodward Street. and report. of inspection by the Bureau. of Fire and Traffic. Very truly your., Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 28, 1932 Lr. George C. Sodheiner Coal, ionsr of Public Safety Den, Sir Anawerin, your letter of April 26 o rnlvg application nude by Adolph G. Hrehmer for permiselon to instal a drive-in &,,line filling station on Lot 12, Blook 8, Bruneon'e Addition, also de,o Abed e, the north - •et oorner of Bradley and Woodward Streets will say that n inspeotiun of this location was today made by Mr. B, W. Wettergren, Superintevdevt of Traffic, who infome me that the proposed station will not interfere with traffic. Very truly your,, Thema, A. Brown chief or Polios H"/W File 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 28,1932• Hon.GBO.C.SUdheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Yinn. Dear Bir: In regard to the application of Adolph G.Rrahmer for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station on Lot 12, Block 8, Brunson's addition, also described as the northwest corner of Bradley and Woodward Ste. 9 We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard enough to warrant rejeation. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. MILTON noses,coN.....o... n.o .. �o�.��, o..,,.............. U-PsYMPq m, Pvparhmvnh v f Public Wvrks .......e.e.e..,..,.o ,,..,,..,.a..,.... .....e....,....,.a...,.... N,n. ........ c.... e.<. c.... May ._, 1939. c...To. .. ..ew.n,..,,... Mr. i. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r k. he: Drive -In Filling Station, NW Corner Bradley & Woodward, Dear Sir: (Lot 12, Block 8, BrunSJn'S Add.) Ad01,h G. Krahmer, By - A. A. Neuelstcr, 430 Mimnnesota Bldg. The proposed station is to b_ located In a district zoned for Light Industry. This is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public he—ing. Engineering Report: The plan of the applicant conforme to the provisions for widening radley Street, Driveways are 27 feet or less. Provision for expansion ,Joints for the drive—ys is made by a note on the blue ,rints. Stormmater sewer drri—ge is not affected by this layout. Yours truly, L 1 . CAR EY Chief Engi . w is A ve I,TON ROS EN, Commissioner of Public ++orks. CITVL NO V434 ITV CLERK LUTION— GENERAL FORM Way 18, 1932 RESOLVED Tfat upon the reoommendsticn of the Department of Education, the Purchaaln, Agent ba, end he is ^ereby suth'crized to purchase, with the c"Beat of the Comotroiier, 3 Kewa an ee ND -703 Chemistry Tables, 1 Kewaunee k!-1127 I, on a tractor's ofi%ewe uTable, 26lee—UAeBhegv SngB, all equlppedane ap1ect to ns spec if icetic r.?, at e. tote'- coat no to to exceed $1,736.14, t. o.b. Hard ins 91eh Bc hoel, without advertisement or com- cetltive bide, as these are patented articles and Sccauee of the exhaust piping and El air vents to floor and hood on th le equ Spm ant St is psrtic ularly fitted for this location, and no adva nta¢e could be gained by Saver ti eir.g for formal bile. C.*.arge Public Bc hoQ e- EGu1c. & Unforseen Necessities B'n.l Fund 514. vet O A. Ycas cc,u <.i L,n Er. Nay Ad.,;„d I„ ill, (----1 t,: J g 1°�Pc19 c:onr�y il�•� . May 9 In (o wr Appm c,?� �Ii oe,n Ag.,—t i -. mnvoR 11, 1',..=d r �� ISu ndlic ' �oNTER IcR°"'"`TxT^oc^a peY�CIL•co... riL� No ��'YJJ 92436 comn�r�ii:r4�r9 ne �ouo '>�erels� sxx l 4a][ A 19 _ SOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT vpqmXW ]1,1 5 5082 OF $ l . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4gLq TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Ao P— 0Y TRT co�ry I nrrRov[o ia_ � j -4 COIN L _CAL L 11F 11 IF III NO 'Ll'EN--ROL c...cL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 17 32 F111—C 50.948-09l ...... 4,9 5M E. TOT­ iN FAVOR OF .447 055 A • 4969 Charles Stewart 242 03 4970 John H. McDoneld, C. of Fin. 4 60 4971 John H. McDonald, C. of Flo. 2 689 1H 4972 John H. McDonald C of Fin. 412 7() 497� John H. McDonald, C. of Fin: 9 497 John H. McDonald, C. of FS n 4 347 4975 Hubert Franz 97 6 Robert " 1 281 9 497 Rob t . Copp 145 DO, 497 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 113 � 7 136 010 4978 John .H McDonald. C. of Fin. 76 072 4� 4979 Jot H. M , Do n ell. C. of Fin. 4980 JohnH. McDonald. -. of Fin. �5 0 4991 Speedometer Service & Acc.Co. 8 5 4982 I.S. spencer Company 23 1 4983 Standard Mailing Machine Comnany 4 6 50 4994 St wda,d Oil Company 62 36, 498Z 3t.ndavd Spring Company 10 69 498Standard StoneCompany 30 5Q 4997 3tanton Lumber Com -any 27 80 4988 3tar Foot 0 Company PO Oq 4999 3t.teHe' d.ara Company 13 651 4990 5 techort and Company 9 89 41191 Frederick 1, stoke. Company 3 75� 4992 Stuart Pres 2 1 499Swift n Comrany 2 11 4994 Toto Mj gduCo.pan 1 11 499 Transit supply company 1 596 76: 499� 1—r. Ink Company 17 4997 Tri-9tat; Tel.& Telg. Company 97 49 4998 Twin Cit Company ompany 1 DO 4999 T in City Brick Company 107 50 5000 Typewriter Sales Association 45 66 5001 Mabel Ulrich Book & Print rint Shop 21 00 5002 Un Is r wood-tl I iot t_Fi eher 0 ompany 72 59 500 C' O� United Autographic Register OomDany 29 2 50 United State. Radiator Corp. 14 09 500� Un 1v a, B ity of Mi nn—ot a Press 1 00 500 Samuel U.h.et,, 1 85 5007 , all y Ito O,k. 51 43� 5008 D 6 98 ,;mV&nP'o'trandyCo'rany 5009 Paper Supply company 172 921 5010 '�B.hl.gt.. Foundry Company 89 15 501 1 at, 'buryButton Company 32 2 5012 The ITnterous Company 21 60 501 5 0 ) 2' 501� ':L. 'Veber M tt 2 ? 5012 �csterlinuand FC=pbsllcompazy 11 5' oo 'a, ti-ghO Be Elect Supply 0M Jn�. 343 1- I - 50 7 "a b h 15 On I �t Pu li. 1-g Company '0 DO 5018 Jame- T In te & Company 5019 1hita Eagle T11 Corcornyti..qq u8 5020 Tisconsin Library Commi-ion 2 01 5021g I Insert n 9 art B, k a Lining C..,..y 1, 41 5022 0r ld P_ Foundation ;oa 11, 5W i � — 'Inc IO�So''. _.,nY 6, 21 � ki"� .­,ry66 497903 27 I'll, 1-- 562379 42 I i l oil cILM Erv-ftOL�cnL FFic F NO COUNC.cw^IL RESOLUTION .. AUm, AUDPfI?ll CLAIMS May i8 32 CC aryA�=iF , C . TOTA ryLMefR IN FAVOR OF awU vHT 10Rw>kJ 107 903-_27 • 5026 CiampiBrothers 16 55 5027 5028 urs. H. Mitch P.M. Faricy 253 16 25 80 5029 A.P. Hersohler'Faotory 32 17 0 �j1 A.C. :corn Company McFadden-Lembert Comnany 489 231 OR 11 5 2 Roy F. Morgan 137 8q 5033 Otto C.'Dale 13 0 5034 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 53 638 7 5035 Fred Ambrinh 26 40 1 5036 Axel Erickson & Florence M.E. 150 00 5037 August Fischer 8 00 5038 J.,9. Swelt"r & Son 5 691 73 5039 Am'erlcan Law Book Company 7 501 5040 Near Scan Linen Supply Comnany 12 651 5041 American Linen 3upply Comnany 10 45 5042 Jobn 0. Anderson 48 00 5043 5044 Ballard Ramp Garage Blue Print Service Wompany 1 1 50 25 5045 Boak Fish Company 1"e 50 5046 Bowen & Sone 20 23 5047 John Brace 15 90 5048 Braunig & Sone Baking Como%any 95 62' 5049 Bureau of Public P-sonnel Adm. 6 45 5050 Csoito1 Laundry Company 34 4�t 5051 The Cr eoker Jack Comnany 448 00' 5052 Duvoir 17 291 5057 JamesC, Fifield Company Comnany 5 69 OSI 44 5054 5055 Leonard Frank General Office Equipment Corp, 1 5056 Charles Herndon 1 5 5057 '.C. Johnson & Son 2 67 5058 Joy Brothers Motor Car Comoany 32 30 5059 Lawy are 'o-Op. Publlsbin6 Comnany 12 50 5060 Leich Electric Company 16 36 5061 Librarian, Library of Con,ress 57 39 5062 Mcd111=1'erner ComoarI 462 00 5063 J.T. McMillan Company 40 14 5064 Maas-6eefe Comrany 85 56', 5065 J.A. MacArthur 18 751 5066 Mays, Inc. 415 71 5067 Minnesota Paper & :ordage Co. 10 20 • 5068 Moodyls Investors Service 30 00 5069 Ernst Mussgang 2 30 5070 N-tional Checking Comnany 79 50 5071 National Municipal Lea, e 5 00 5072 Nicole, Dean & Gregil Comrany '81 1'1 5073 Orlsntal Laundry Com teeny 18 99' 5074 Purity Bakin,; :' -ny 151 7^ 5075 9ail�:y �rprasapA no 18 18 1, 5076 Royal Type-riter .,omr'ny 81 a^ 5077 3t. Pa11 01aae Company 363 22 5078 P-u1 Provision Com-,ny 11 56 5079 Andre. ache on "cc',y Cc— ny 176 72 5060 3mitb Cn liege Club 14 10 5081 Tri-�t ^.tP Tel. & Tel... C— by 477 49 5062 'r1-3tote Tel. & Te1F. Comany 37 11 I'll, 1-- 562379 42 I NO ^R COUNCIL RESOLUTION q q AUDITED CLAIMS May Is 54 476 IN FAVOR OF TOT 1111GHT '11—RD 497 903- 27 5026 Ciampi Brother. 16 5 5027 a H. Pitch 253 24 5029Sly P.Y.Fa, 16 60 5029 A: P. H B,echlar Factory 32 17 5030 A,CHorn Company 4ag oa 5031 M F,,ert Com any den-Lamb 231 11 5032 Roy F . M.r gap 137 30 501� Otto C ale qu 13 09 503 John H: McDonald, C. of Fin. 53 638 79 5035 Fred kmbrich 26 4d 503 Ax el Er , q k Bon & Florence Id.E. 1 50 Orl 5037 AugustFischer a 00 5039 J.3. 3, a it 2 er & son 9 691 73 5g�9 American LawBooknany 7 5040 American Linen n 3 DI y 0""'Y 12 41 5041 American Line. ..poly C—B.0, 10 45 5042 2 John Anderson 48 DO' 5043 5044 D� R 11, 1 1 amp Gala Ballard Blue Print 3 B v I c 9,06.p..Y 1 1 50, 25 5045 B..k Fish Company 12 5Q 50.46 aCompany20 Bowen & sone 23 50147 0 B John Brace 15 90 5048 Br..nli; & So— — Baking Cpony 99 62 504q Bureau f Public Personnel Alm. 6 4 4 5 050 5051 Capitol Laundry C om—ny The Cracker Jack Company 1Z 4�, 00� 5052 Duvoir 17 29 5057 Jame, FifieldCom-,any 5 0 5054 Leonard FranX Comrany 69 49 5055 General Office Equipment Corp, 1 14 5056 Cheri— Hern4on I I 5017 -,C.BrothersJohleo, &.,on 17, 5058 Joy11 Motor Car Company 32 0 5059 Lawyers O—Op. P ubli.bing Co.—y 12 90 5060 Le b El � Bay 16 36 5061 ic ectrio Com' Librarian, ' Libr,r f Co,,reas Z7 39 5062 McGill-sarner Comyao ' hy 462 00 5067 J.T. McMillan Company 40 14 5064 Mea—Keefe C.m,—y 85 56 506 5 j A MacArthur Is 75 5066 Mey., Inc. 415 71 • 5067 5069 Minnesota Paper & :orda6e Co. Moodyle Investors Service 10 30 PO 00 5069 Ernst Musegang 2 30: 5070 N tional Checking Company 79 50 5071 National Yunlcipal league 5 or) 5072 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Comr any 781 41 507� O,ientpl'Le.ndry Com— ny is 99 507 Purity Baking Company 151 � 12 507 1 y Express p B a Aency 18 507Z Royal Type -rite, Company 81 11 5077 5 t.paul Blase Co. —y 36, PP 1;07 It.,,., Provision Company 11 58 5079 Andre. Jchooh Jrppery Com-py 111 50803.ith C, -'lub 5061 i-3 5 ,y 77 L 9 5062 7r 1 -3t t- Tel. & ny 77 1' —a—a. 562379 42 CITY CF ST. PAUL cou.cic NO. FILE OF CITY CLERK NBy�U 1 ESCLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED .rl t�._ c"Oter c. .,,rtr­tln- curb(••,- or. t:., _­tr.. s',Ie of n_Y.nr St,. t frau, '.�ar_t t to .IL -ea t, , -t, un.ier P, 1ir.'_nry ur.:er nnroved �, pt .m -r E, L51, a; .. -w ved Fecru ry 16, 19.;::. ' resolved, Th:,t the .,laps and specifications -.s s,hxitt,d by the Comc:issioner of I''^.. is '„o kl for the above n ni=_d ilnl:roveent, be ;nd the same are hereby acuroved, _ 'tf�aR y... couNuu.leN Nage Ad,,ldby,hc C,,njI ._ 4_5t�.�y19 C4..y - 'JIUK McD.RJd In favor Approved 19 R&I-1 span r Agzins M"OR Wowd � Mr. P—idcntfiodgory CITY OF ST. PAUL cou.cic NO. .%r.YJIS PEKE OF CITY CLERK ICOU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM B�MM may i5, 19Ji RESOLVED v. .n -+t Hien, and s peeificati,ns as submitted t`y the Go—issioner Of PUL_ia `01'-�S POI' e t:,ndlnr fie ,; ent iv -elks on P.ohert Street between T,:ird Street -d 9s" Second Street, heing = T ­t :.r the Tnird _treat Improve— ment, be and the same are herehy Reproved. nosolved further, That. ,.ne pr—^_r city cffici'15 are tureoy autioriced and directed to proceed v;Jth the —king o. said improvement. Yeas COUNCILMEN N c4, . Ferg�wo ' .MCD.-ld In favor Aoh4od. Sodh.4—, Against i MW7 Prc.idc kioo— Vr. . !JU Adopted by the Counci L._ _. 19 APpeoved. _ 19. °"•'^'"°""""' CITY OF ST. PAULcou..cu NO. O CE OF CITY CLERK ,Le V �" / /COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DITI RESOLVED In t:._ .7, ti— of —nst.uctin, curbing ,n both sides of rai -,-, rIt P.verue from Fi-n Avenu: to Cretin A— ue, under Pre; im'--,r-y Cr er C. F. ty711, ._,roved J�iF ::., 1031, end Fin,l Ur ler C, r. 3'J5 -;:a, aporoved Oct. 1, 1,51. heselved, 'inat the pians and specifications as sub,..itted by t::ne Co^,i-i.ner of Pub_Sc Vlorks for t11e above n..med imrrov- a: t, b, ,nd t':Ie same ;re :,e- by —proved. /Y<a� COUNCILMEN Nayc Clancy_... // Fergwwn / McDowald In favor AoW�nd �. Sw iheimer Against / eovd Mr. Prc.iacvtdjwJ�pn t, sw Adopted by the Counc il_ 19 Approved —_.. 19 ••^^^•^••• CITY OF ST. PAUL i°iNO. �Jr-'YYU OFF I OF CITY CLERK., Sjp�1NC IL OLUTION—GENERABAL FORM .- PS COM ResoLvw 6 .n t[12 m9ttef Of L�nSt1"]C t1r. t; Cn rb�nk` n.l otF. saes of Cr.tin A r: from :,....lni 1. :,venue to .,trect, under :'ret]min... ry 0 .e. G. F. K010, ppr-e. Suly -, 1J81, anti Or -I, C. k. ?Jb:.9, app roved o,Dpt-c_i:r ..9, 1.331. nesol—d, That tae puns an.. _�scifi aaicns a, submitted by the Comnli ssioner Of iUuIiic Horke for the above named improvement, be and the sa are heretry?roved. — •II Yn <ouneiLN NNav Adopted by ch, Connmly i xv; ', 19 Cleary Fc,gue e McDonald In favor Approved ,. 19. Rohland Sudhcima .. Against ( .Y� NAYox w_I Nf, P—id-, Hedg— ' F) 84 ^ nurHorsiznrioxor COUNCILR L'iESOLUUTITI wrnovawo�scra cL No.___-!t1.4a9-' • RON _ — ••Raedlved, That the Council hereby concur- li tae recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the cont-act for conetructing e IIcurbing an both sl1as of Lefond 6t. from :1.1- 6t. to St. Albans 6t., In accorda_.c_' with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the 9T-41DAU STONE COMFAIIY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, ISI for the sum of $437.00, and the Corporation Ccur.sel 1s hereby lu- strutted to drew up the nroder form of contract tc:erefor. e797 628.00 437.00 COUNCIL RESOLUTION • Resolved, That the -cll hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Cot,trect Committee and award, the contract for cone trnctiag ® i curbing on both sides of Cbarleo St. from Avon St. to Victoria St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD 3TC'NE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $474.00, and the Corporation Counssl 1s hereby in- structed tc draw up the ;,reper form of contract therefor. ch o....� .,. ,.. 8794 ....... — 715.00 ..M,....,, �..,,.�..,.r...�.�„�„o .��. ,. .. ..�.,.�...� ..,, moo.. ...��. �.....�.�.,.,. 474.00 .......1�,,...,..[�.... e...........�...w..�....... . .... . . . . . . 1474.00 ..... 682 c,.-r....,a..1 � A n COUNCILRESOLUTION ..,_Ray 17_1932_ _ • Re)eolce.. That the Counc 11 hereby concurs in the re'd—dation of tie Contract Committee and awards the contract for cane t ruc t Ing • curbing. on both -Ides of East Nebraska Ave. from Pay -e Ave. to Walsh Ave. and from ''Iside Ave. to Arcade St., in aceorcance with plana ant specifications hereto attached, to the STANDAPT STONE III COMPANY, they beI ip the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,125.07, and the Corporation Counsel Is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. — v • 0 0795 ,,...,..1,574.00 125.00 .o ,o =o o .p, ; COUNCIL, RESOLUTION .Irr o a t 11T tow o. Loo— IMIs— ..NT.so1, 1 • Resplved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Oommlttee in awardin¢ the contrnct for furnishinc all labor, material and epuioment for repairing, rela:lna and reconstructing cent the sidewalk. in the City of St. Pani as ordered by the Council during 'i the year 1932, and also for all work that may be incidental and \ necessary to the making of said improvement., to the STAN -ARD STONE CO., III they betas tha lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 119-1- . ry til mately $19,490.00, in accordance with specifications, their bid and fes\ award of contract hereto attached, and the Oorpo ration Counsel Se j hereby inetructei to draw up the proper form of, ...trent therefor. 9791 o"............. ZZs-= �— - W, Yq ��um.isnrn.6-1i �a- 683[ +r COUNCIL, RESOLUTION "" No.__el--- ., ,MeeovsM eo1Ecr • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for conatructing • curbing on-Thomas St. from Pascal Ave. to Simpson Ave., and Pascal Ave. from La£ond St. to Edmund St., except t.nst portion VIof Pascal Ave. between Edmund St. and Thomas St., in accordance II with plans and specifications hereto attsc-lied, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $591.95, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up t.,e proper form of con'ract therefor- 77 ' \ ` ,. .. .��^'�."m,�nl.f•�^�„1n'rl III / .581.95 i COUNCIL RESOLUTION � N------ May _1.7.__19-2-_..— 'Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contrect Committee and award- the contract for constructing •curbing on both sides of Edgerton 9t. from Rose St. to Jee sam Sne 9t., in accordance with plans ani specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE CCSFANY, they bei— the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $529.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby In— structed to draw up the proper form of contreot therefor, y I d — 879.3 ....... 738.00 n........... .o .. ......a..o .............[.o.,. �.................o..... I _ _ u COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ _May_. 17... 1912__x..__ • R.-- d, That the Council hereby concurs 1n the recommendation of SII the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing •it azrb ing on both sides of Warwick Ave. from Hartford All. to the north line of Otto Huat's Addition, in accordance with plane end it specifications hereto a'.tached, to the STANDARD STONE COM-PANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of :354.00, Ili 1n accordance with their bid, and the Corpor-:ticn Counsel 1s hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. s �® 979a .»°�...w, ...�».,.. 497.00 _ - _ .,,»....,..�.,.. �.... .....�. �.V..o... .°.°.. .. ems„..°.°. moo., 0 VIII...o�,.�.p.�o.°..o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •,3-_— t ...... 685 .,TT...=. �_. OUNCIL REE SO0 LUTION .. o.«.� �M.aovEMEeT .sore.— I d>' (.A.d, That the Council hereby concu— in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving University • ii, Avenue from Dale Street to Arundel Street, sod cone tructlne serer ail across University Ave—a at Kent 9trPet and Mackubin Street, also sewer connectl.me, to be kn,wn ae "CONTRACT A", in accordance with '1 SII plane and Bp—ificetiene hereto attached, tc the FEYEN CCNSTRUCTICN CO. -� they be inb %e l.cweet rzepor.si91e bidders, for the sum of $61,880.00, w I � Ij and the Co FPora tion counsel is hereby Instructed to draw up the proper ^\ I form of contract therefor. N U III .o...,� .,.... 8799 .".�"�„ ...,",... 71, 300.00 ..,...".", ..".�.".,., wevo�.i"..�"o .. .. "..........o. �o.... ,". .,.,o�.".". 14,190.00 ,..,,......�..., ..,......"..... ..�.� - - .... 31-61 , 47, 690.00 _ — ...."..,,.., MAY ! ,'1j1' ,EPIAL!:0. OF ROLL /SSR DCPART:'1::IT C . T ROLL IDRITIIICATIO!' - !'ERI-1ANENT Ri: TL:JII01: DATL 'f0 BF. DESTROYED TIT Limited LI1=D RF."T.NTION DATE : IICROFIL!'_'Qa COI!TT:NT' / "-/. NUIUIFR OR NAVE OF FIRST DOCUML. :T OF REGULAR CONTENTS C r% a- O i; L a -c : 2 i /4 2 2-- :IU!BEP OR !:AI1E OF I.AST DOCUIQ:NT VICROFINIED SIC T..D ! Opero:or ,IOI!:T CITY COMITY IIICROFILU BY Supervisor ej 0 0