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- - ----A - t /Akk All /// ev,o SERIAL N0. OF ROLL 1951,9 _ DEPARTMENT (1144k_ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP (/ PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO RE DESTROYED I Ltmto LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMED CONTENTS ` C ees / f NUMBER OR gNAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED Opera or JOINT CITY COMITY RIC ROFILM BY Supero sor /\Ir Prey. aurid l=c � �Ir. Pr°� 13 un<I I'ie NO. 91(A5 LE PRESENTED BV--(gy� ORDINANCE / y� O OROOIN ANI 73 p LE NO. .. ✓ - 1a ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled RECEIVED FEB t 5 10 _� •An ordinance providing for all matters oon- rAAVOR'5 OFPIGB oerning, regulating or affecting the construotion, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or at,. tures erected or to be erected within the limits of •um: ar4b.p•:. wq,; the City of St. Paul for the protection of property nr°:ta3 roE-+r_. agaia.t fire, and for the purpose of securing health- ful',., ealth- `rt�a°a%wu tui, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, ;dam'=M' v to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or structures to alter, reoonetruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or 000upanoy of all •'°°i,,"�i _ buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire - e° limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Oommissi oner of Public Buildings in conformity :r•:r•eu°mmm�', with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty n-pOM" for the vl olati on thereof, and repealing all ordi- nances Soo ons is tent herewitb. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, bealth and safety," approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1iThat Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, be and the same s hereby amended by striking out Paragraph (a) of Section 8-230, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: '(a) It shall be and is hereby declared unlawful to erect or maintain any illuminated sign. unleBe the same be lighted by means of electricity; and where glaes is used on illuminat- ing sign., no single piece.hall exceed one square foot in area unless such ghee 1e plate glass at least }• in thickness and is reinforced with wire approved by the Commie stoner. Where glass is used tQQ outline lettere„ no single piece .hall exceed 3¢" in width.■ Section 2. This ordinance is hereby deolared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be to force from and after its passage and publication. FEB 25 icm 1"ens Councilmen nays Passed by the Council Conyyroy (/ McD aid _. '" _ In Furor E.••w Rosen Sudheimer -Q _-__ Against M P idem (Bundhc) ArtesE: l L � Approved i I / I 1 ` i4 Ill[ i M f"'"%; �3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGR OUNDS�AND ,PUBLIC BUILDINGS W-1—MI RNs... e. a®e.,....W�.... Febru^.ry 3, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Lavr, B u i l d i n g Dear Sir: Elay I ask you to prepare an amendment to Section 8-230, paragraph (a) of the building code, so that this paragraph wIn read as follows: "It shall be and is hereby declared unlawful to erect or maintain any illuminated signs ..leas the same be lighted by means of electric Sty; and xhere glass is used on illuminating signs, no single piece shall exceed one square foot in area unless such glass is plate glees et least 1/4" in thickness and is reinforced with wire approved by the Commissioner. "i!here glass is ..,ad to out- line letters, no single piece shall exceed 32" in width." Yours ver//yyy truly, ssioner. aYM o. o ee CITY OF SAINT PA V L PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS February 8, 1932. Eon. Clyde R. !..ay, Co%issloner, Of -ice. De r Sir: In explanation of the necessity.for the attacriad ordinance, :nay I respectfully advise that at present the s i z ordinance provides that if projecting signs have glass single piece may have more than one square foot o £ area. Thepurpose of this Ss to protect pedestrians p a s s '_P; Is — neath on the side Al.. as if ordinary glass rias an area of more than one foot and is shattored, the •hole section falls down :•,ith the possibility of ser Sously Snjurirng someone. However, if such signs Are made of plate ,Plas:s properly re— inforced with wire, the above mentioned shatter iL_ g c an not occur. It is for this ro Bison that we believe it real onable to Allow plate wire -gloss of larger sections t 11 -t-, pr _er•.t- is covered by the ordinance. Yo1.1rs erytruly, - porint en�" I' nspe� c �i n� 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND7AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS February 17, 193^. Hon. Council, City of St. Pau ,.,in—sofa. lentic nen In explanation of the ordinance recently ..rod aced by this -)ep"r t meat, relatin- to gloss s1 -s, nay �.va r snect- fully submit the followln; infrrn.tien? The present..ording o^ the br,ildi-.g code has to do with -Drag si rns suspended ov-r public sid wa 111 �:nd knits the sectional area of uny single _niece of glass to one r_ .. square foot. The purpose of this provision at the time it w s dr wn w s to prevent any general shattering of the entire sign and to limit such shatter lag to pie cea of one square foot in area. However, when t'a ordl^ince ,.,a dram, no consideration s given to the non - ah at ter_ng -I—ilt ies of plate glass reinrced wit* hire. Teats have ahem 11,t -a ate sl.ss at le_i fo:;t,#" in thic:mess, wire reinforced, can not shat- ter over n area of thirty-six square inches, end it is highly improbable in case of such s" tterlr^ any piece may dron to t s!ds,alk hAvi,n area of over four sc-re inches. naare, tl er elope, recon end_n� the p -;s ige of `I l.; ordi- nce to allow sirens to be constructed o£ an el ,lass w1th- out regard to area limits. �ylulylone/ /� 9106 co—il Filo No of �11 By -It FM3,ft CITY OF ST. PAUT, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the of the --- of benefits, casts and expenses for -onst,ott in, loast"ating and repairing o—t cikewlks, otiset. No. 2. GContract5"m t 4 - 1931 ..A.—sable— P.O. 89801 Resting. A— tott-off, both sides, from ?I= shol Bates Street$ to its ioterseatim with Mouoida}Benlevard, also M..d. Boul—ard, —at sidss,f� Hoff� A— end 3-11d, Street to Third Street Visdoo"t F.O. .1.1191 T—&z— A—*, -,th :Idl, from 111� Street to III"— It -It , 5 side, - — H-11- AM. t. Paeosl A— F o 65 Otto A—.: ::rth.ild be...... 100 ft. toorth If Fifth Street thaass F.O. .87367 Cedar Street east do, north 50 ft. —No—Asas—ble— P.O. 89661 Hastings A— -t-off. both sides. from Plum and B -U- Stroat# to it- itaro.sti— with V—d. B -1—d. also D�h"ov""d, nest side, ide, from Hoffman A—taus sad ��,lid Street to r Street Viaduct — -" ie hereby ,rdt,e.zitt'd to the District C—t of the County If Ramsey for tofl—ati... BE IT RT.". RESOLVED, That the said —-—t be and it is herebydetermined to topayable i- qUI1 iostalhoenu. Adopted by the C-61- 19 City Clerk. Approved F . Ep I M.Y.t W46 Council File No.—... By..... ...... ....... .. .... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment la the,unatte, of the se-mot-t9f bette4its, costs end expenses Is, 'M ug OOMA .1dowRlIcs, -timate No. 2, "M o�. 00-ar, beft aid". rrm M. Md Bat. MWto to Wm A public hearing h -i— b,,, bed upon the senessocut for the above improvement, ..d said -s—so— h.,i.g been further c-eid—d by the Cconcit, ..d having bee, considered finally tif,,t,U, be it therefore hereby D, hot the -1-messo-t be sud the —e is hereby is .11 reap— ratified, sod the mcce 'by c�V 5. h , to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT ST. RESOLVED, That the said —Adst be end it is hereby d,tcmi,,j to be p,y.oh, i,.._... ...... -2 ineWs-cm. C Adopted by the Council H 1_0..._..._....._..__.._..._...19.._. Ci- Clerk. Approved......____.._FEB 1 19 ...._.._.._._„C....... . ..... M.Y." eUBLISHED 32/ CITY OF ST PAU1, OFFICE OF TI .. '"'" ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment dIn, 13. 19 32 In the matter If the -1111111"t .fblfita, ,at, and I.p.nsoz for bb. ....... �tt, an, r—,;, �.,Iut lido—Il., ott_,mte N.. 21 Contract .n,,Io 5994 .1931 --Rases ble-- P.O. k...bl P.O. 89AO1 -rl A- 'Ie It-offJlso at,, L�rta t, its ni--t r ld'olnd "'i'Zut t y.0. a9198 Y-u A.__ ,th side, from -1 � �t t i�,nu_t ... t ?.0. 9765E Or'- side, frog. A—n!" F.G.87367-G.d., id., b.rivai�, 1�� ft. .� If Fifth Si ... t than.. It t � ; _t,, .5, ft. --...n As ;,mbl- -9n01 H- --a A-n- —1—f! , t1t.- Iota - 'to Ir Coat of publishing nl,t,,. $ 8.70 Cost If $ 1.74 lo','t I N- $ 243.56 A.- court costs fur 8.70 lot it if I ... bl. 1:548.67 ta Said Commissioner fo,tht, reports that I'll I— asreased and 1,,b,i the total amount a. above ascertained. to - wit: the — If $ 4,246.Z9 _b an, every but, part or par,,] of land dtmacd b.nefited b, the said improvement, and in the 1-11 of each 1, Ij t or parcel of land in —Ird-1 ith the benefits ran. famed th—on; that the said aesessmevt Ima b ... ... nIA,t,d. and that 1,11mo mu.,h,d, id—diml by the sig- nature of the avid Cmuntimil-1, I'd "I'll a ,art hereof, i, the said assessment ea completed by hun, nod h wh i, here.. ith submitted 0, the (7--, 1 f.o, h :. et ma thereon Is may b, -mod—d Comm ner of Finance. ' CITY OF ST. PACI, OFFICE: OF THE COFNIIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment To the Connca of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of F'i..... hereby report., to the Council the following es a statement of the eapre- ditures necessarily incurred and to be in'u'red for amt in con—tios with the making of the shore improve- ment, viz. Cost of construction 6.2'435.53...._..... Coat of publishing notitr 0.70_..__ Cast or postal earls g._____. 1.74 Inspection fee. $___243.66__ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 8.70 Total hssasaeble 1;540,67 Pohl Non-Asaessable p otnl »�� ex eTdituree. 8-4,24&.99.__.-_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.4'246..89.__._.._. _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a pan hereof, is the said assessment ea completed by him, and whish is he—ith submitted to the Council for sueb action thereon as may be Considered proper. r,.,m a a. n �i _......._. _ ..... ...... Commissioner of Finance. . ( ` i CITY OF 9 OFFICE OF C IL P-ESQ<bTIQP 911347 —/, - -3 y WHEREAS, Tlkxc oInnnissioner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has rerA� to the oounoil that that certain two-story frame dwelling ]L� M on the east 41.35 feet of the east 83.5 feet of the South 115 _ 6 t et of Lot 2, Zrwine's Addition of OutlOts, also known se No. 489 How -3k3L street, to in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to we� its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, '!w+ a public hearing shell be had upon the ad- 1� wisabillty and pease qty of wrecking said building, on the 7th dey /y1 of March, 1932, at -11111101--- o'olook A. Y. in the Council Obanber In the Court House and 03 t� Ball, in the Oity of at. Paul, Minnesota; be it _ lOfi?FDLR R=8� �=D, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for Baia+—axing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice Toting the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and '3 :shall also cause a notice of sorb hearing to be given by one pubes =:Mr ..tion in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to ba39=— not. 1—ase—then five days prior to the date of said FEB 10 M1 Yea, Nays �' /.-'/ Ad.,,rd by ,hr C .... 19 M.y F8101932 r McD App--d ... _....,'. 19 / P-- YUISWJ1dND Mr. Vice Pre.. §udh CITY OFFICE COMM IaSEON Y �DtY�fk SAB, She Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildino has reported to the Council that that certain frame house located on the east half of Lot 11, Block 9, Leech's Addition, also known ne No. 239 Goodrich avenue, is in Boob a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it R=BOLYNC, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 7th day / f /Iy of March, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. In the Council Chamber in the r/ Court House and City Hall, in the City of 9t. Vaul, YinnAaota; be it FDRTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said bearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and be shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lase than five days or to the dune of said Haring. -' _ COUNCILMEN YFEB l0 N,, '\I Adopicd 6y ,hc Covnnl — _ _ 6wnsp• ;.1 May �McDomld �In f.voc Approve —Pnccc �J/ �Ro,cn l% Agam., � � ✓ PUBLISHED 3 y k,Mr. vice Area. auaue;moc CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi La �c NO._—�l_LLZ.V _OFFICE CH CITY CLERK CIL RESpl}ffl GENERAL FORM WHEN&l9, �e provided by Council Tile No. 91430, approved January 14, 1933, the Council did, oa the 8th day of February, 1933, at ten owolock A. M. In the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain building located on Lot. 1, Block 8, Test St. Paul Proper, also known as the southwest corner of Obannel and Starkey streets, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and It is the opinion of the Council that said building in unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said buildingl be It MRTM RSSOLUD, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from said order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report .said fact to the Council. C.wYMN�p1A ueor EMIR. aeu—'ecli Fut Ithe CaounNti °816°o D !ti 4• e6r.ary. lYil A. eoll����C6�mEer �� aCoprt � apoH�th:a➢v(uEWtt4 Dnp �te�. oAo.me eo �� COUNCILMEN Yeas N.Y, / FEB 101934 Adopmd by nc� ° il.__ 'Ebrte^1—� M.Y FEB, 101937 WD ... Id Ix (awr Approved _. 19..... � Peary° /Roam / /) Againar _ _...__... _....... _.. _.. MAYOR 6pdhei,wcr " / FI --- ^ter' / J/ Mr. Mr. Vice,Pre9. SUdh.-er City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk WM J. GIBBONS, Ory O.,k HNIXU a aOImN. ..e Connla—o! R.11-11— February Sib, 1932. Yr. L• L. rderson, Corporation Counsel, Build 1ng. Dear Sir: The matter of the condemmtion of that wn certain building located on Lot 1, Block " Best St. Paul Proper, also knoas the eouthweet cornsrof Channel and Starkey Streets wen before the Council todgy for hearing and said condemnation was confirmed. The matter w s then referred to you Por the proper resolution. We are eacloaing herewith Council Fila No. 91430. Your. very truly, o City Clerk. NOTICE �'1U"NCIL«RESOLUTION eourel� .ekin�nme" -.wexpm °� _SY:aI :...ISI _ ri'..,N..y 9 I93E- P RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT $360,039.1 1410 OF S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO ZNd INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ONO Fr ILLE BN TME COFFICE OF THE CITY COMPfROLLE FEB 101932AOO FEB 10 V'R7 I✓� m e , .. ' .:� o. � �►9 GCVO "� .... �� V • Fri Eco TH coMFT LLER �i�[� NO. •. oCOUNCIL LM`EN—RCL C IE RESOLUTION J/ ca"N5 AFeDrunzy-Si*y 32 AUDITED CLAIMS X33 8 3 803' 0 TOTAL IN FAVOR OF u een `w, c s Cert Lnrson X33 8 3 803' 0 1304 1305 Standard 011 Company 1 203 1 13o 1307 Standard oil Company I St.Paul Fire Dept. Helief hegoc, z8 999 1308 A.B. He 5 1309 David Bshineky 216 O 1310 1331 Fred Jost Willi am Egeland, Agent Supply Co. �� 2 2 4 635 0 1312 1313 Teetinghouee Electric 3peoialty Printing Company 64 61 3 1314 Frances ApvlebauaI 1 225 6 1315 Ju11a London 33 131 W.G. Iverson h 0 3317 F.B. Spindler C, Fin. 597 7 3318 John H. McDonald, of C. Fin. 159 1 1319 John H. McDonald, of Ma Donald, C, Fin., 1 075 7 1320 John H. of C. Fin. 13 473 2 1321 1322 John H. McDonald, of John H. McDonald, C. of F1 n. McDonald, C. Fin. 5 055 1 709 39 13 132 John H. of John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2 545 1325 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 935 6 1326 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 55 0 1327 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 13 127.15 1328 H.T. Gerisoher70 �� 26 825 99 - 1329 1330 Hano—Horthwest Company First Securities Corporation 5 282 44 1331 Sobuneman, Bayliss e. Company 12 781 13 1332 delle—mokey Company 15 648 17 l0 594 67 133} w elle—Dickey company 6zg 1334 Lilygren, Sundberg, Inc. go 1335 1336 J.E. Glass St.Paul Blue Print company 65 22 1337 J.L. Anderson 191 00 591 92 1338 13399 G.A. Ashton Company, Inc. wilmah C. Bethle 45 00 1 009 54 13`0 1341 East Side Motor Sales Heger Products Company 58 eo 1342 Theo. o. Hells ! Company 117 15 61 1343 Joesting 8 Schilling Company 13 1344 Lamprey Products Company 9 8o Tbomaa Parrish 00 44 • 1312 46 G. Sommere and Company 111 1341 J.H. Wilson 52 00 1348 Feyen Oonetruotion Company 4 615 00 1349 Hugh Yullarkey 520 00 1350 A.O. Horn company 311 12 1351 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin, ! 10 960 14 1352 Vincenzo Palumbo 35 20 1353 Fred G. Albrecht 123 00 1354. F.D. walleriok 28 0800 1355 James Drovak 1356 Cbarlee Stewart 32 00 sNEET TOTAL—FORWARD 229 460;_9_._. 'SIL T1-11 W651 COUNCILMEf —ROLL CnL OFFICECOF THEA COMPTROLLER FAL, NO. -- - ,�p. COUNCIL RESOLUTION /X ' AUDITED CLAIMS February 9 9 32 E PCE o RESOLVED. T s 1E�, jf,'TF o ;O �1r. `oMP:R Aa oa LIT oTE.-., E MB o EoZ�XIEI � -- — ---- - =--"-- -- - - - TOTAL o. IIIECeK IN FAVOR OF s - _1 s .1 e.Rn BROUGHT FORWARD 35' 1357 Dennie Laughlin 17' 2 1358 lira, Anna Schneider 13J9 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin, 4 152 0 13 0 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 1361 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 18 34 5 1362 A 1 9tenographio Bureau 1363 General Chemical Company 1 007 1 1364 otconnell supply Company 53 7 1365 waterous Company Coal 1 431 0 1366 R.E. Hulme Awning & shade 1367 Aurora Holding Company 1 475 7 13 7 1368 1369 Ed. Reiahow Eleotllo supply & Conet.Co, 2 915 1370 Commonwealth Electric compan 7 13 0250 7 1371 1372 Foley Brothers, Ina. Healy Plumbing & Beating Com any 16 515 2480 1373 Healy Plumbing & Heating Com any 3 111 OC 1374 City of st,Paul, Minn. 50 OC 1375 Bureau of Munioipal Researahl 3 276 2a 1376 Ellerbe and Company etc. 250 OC 1377 1378 Carl P. Herbert Raymond Pavleoka 160 OC 1379 Review Publishing Company '�, 5-33 6C 1380 Agnes Tamble 58 6, 1381 John Elmond i 28 9e 1382 Frank Dielke 1383 Julia E. Pearce, Adm. of thel 70 OC Estate of Ira T. Pearce 58 7` 1384 specialty Printing 06mpany 67 2( X385 1386 Pat Belly John H. McDonald, C, of Fin, 11 10 23677 l 4( 1387 G.A. Ashton Company 419 01, 1388 9, Berglund Lumber Companq 46 3c ;389 The Lew Bonn Companql 24 9 1390 CorninpDonohue, Inc, Farwell, 09mun, Kirk Company 298 31 1391 148 1l 1392 Fuel Gas & oil Company 12 3! 1393 The Glukote Company Inc. 3 B( 1394 Goodriah-silvertown, 11 31 • 1395 1392 Griggs, Cooper & Company Han000k-Heleon Mercantile Co. Factory 14 9. 21 1; 1:397 1 A.P. Hersohler 143 2t 1398 Hertl Coal Company1 Company 1I 32 6 1399 Joeeting & 9ohilling 219 5� 1400 McFadden -Lambert Company 91 6' 1401 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 108 71 1402 Midwest Oil Company 1403 St.Paul Broom Mfg. Company Co 105OI 1404 st.Paul Builders Material -1 1405 Mary sohletz 2�3 bl 1406 G. Sommers and Company 45 5� 1407 =tar Photo Company 40 51 1408 Sterling Printing company 375 Ot 1:09 Terminal Motor Bus Company 38 8' 1410 Twin City Textile Mille _. 1HEET TOTAL F FWARD I 19 124 08 1\'TERVEDURT ORD. 1'o.9I66E— h:llnllrr of pra:lny Rn" :: Ihik. .vt. llmnha t no earl .gum or �n. . COUNCIL FILE N0.______ By-------------- __________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- —_'_- - ----- --------------- --- --------- ----- ------ - -- --- --- ------ ---- -- ------- ----- --- - -------- --- - -- ----- -d,, — -- -- under Preliminary Old er______:1 r.1-------------------al',,—d __�J:�:1C+:�__'. i,._ — v :Y --------- The Cou cil of the City of Paul having r ived the rep:: t o! the Commissioner oI Finance upon the abo.e mprosement, and having considered weld report. hereby resolves. 1.' That the said report and the same is hereby ap,—ed and adopted, and the •aid im p—,00eol is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Co,, l recommends is___^n t:E " S��rt__^�J�=_.�'._'-flf-_�a_:...:♦ut._ - o' .- c„_ .p ^'.-_-__:______------- _____ -------------------------------------- _ ______________________________ with no alternatives, and that the c. no—d cost th— f is 56i Fi-.�2.:i------• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on .aid improvement on the__________ 81b ------ day of es the hour of ill u'c 1-1 A. 111.*in the Council Chamber of the Court Hau Ilousc and City all Building in the City of SL Pl. That the Commissioner of Fina nee give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner proviJrd by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total co -t thereof as estimated. FEP I Adt,ptea by me e .... 192---- ----Oil 9z---- ---------- Approved____________________________192___ C:ty Clerk. ____________ ---- _------ C—el n W- amy Mr. - ..... _. c fires Form 13. S. A. 86 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ .... .. . ....... By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1. the Nf,tt,, of —__ ---._ -- _!!J !—=—Z— of QLIP� _-t—et - --- -------- -- - -- ----- - ------- --- - -- ----- --------------- "I'll"'d tion-"a— Th, C.—H of the Cit, of r-1 li—ing received the -p-, of the C . . ......... r of Fi—,,- upon the ahoae improvement, ..d li—mg considered said report. h—J, resol. es: I. That the said report and the same "d "'plIll"ll't 1s hereby ordered to be is hereby proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the mpro.em ent which the Cn61 —r-- thc t �r�th no alternate. es, ..d that th,, e. t mated —t th-4 ------- R-1-d Further, That a p.hfi, hearing b, had on —d improvement on the__________ atl -_____day of ----------- 2923Y__,.1 the h.., f 10 . lock A. M., in the C-.61 Ch—h, of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building the City f St. Paul. That the C`—,boner of Finance 'i— '.1i" of aid _tmg the� _ i it, the —n- proddedprodproddedby the Ch -t- .,,g h, t— ,d place h --g. th, nature of Ott _d the total t— thereofthereof as tat Adopted by th,, C ... cil- -9!A-4-4)JW ------- 192--- App,,,,d ------------ -------------- 192 --- - --------------- Ma Councilman wrib."d C.—il—gpdg:�4 C C--t—AER .. F.t. B. S. A. 8-6 r iall .11 In . ..... 1 .1 „r non COUNCIL FILE N0.____________. 0" By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1. the Matter - - --------- -------- - -------- - --------- --- --------------------------- ----- ---- ----- -- -- -- --- -------------- ------------ -- - - ---- -------- - ---- --- --- - --------- -------- -- ----- -- -- -- - ---- ----- ------ ------ ------------- ---- ------ -------- - - -------- under Preliminary Order ------- = ________________—approved ----------- The Council Of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having conqdered said report, hereby TbOlie!i: 1, That the said report and the same is hereby alillioled and adopted, and the taid improvement is hereby v ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.. �Z-b--ii,.0C";tr.2 C t ��IL -5-- 9 � a,1 - L 4" - iz - -' r -at- I Q- Syn. J , Q fl-" -- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -- ------------ -------------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- - ------- ------------ ------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------------- - ---- -- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -th no alternatives, and that the e,timat,d :— the,—f i, Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on.aid �r" imp,.,,.,nl onhe ------ � tl ----------- day of 108x__,(, at the hour of 10 o'clock 'k NI., in the Council rt Chamber of the Court -19L ------------ House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pail. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner prodded by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imp q�,ent and the total colt thereof as estimated. rl Adopted by the Council__________ _ •n-� _____. 192 App—ed ---------------- — tW ----_192--- - -- --- - - ---------- My - ;or - . C n,;I,sn I Councilman N*Z' Councilman Council: Councilman Councilman WWd 1kilet Mvw-B" 4 i FX& kftft INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, o[___ -L- jt, --t ---- 1--- --- ------ - - - ---------- ------------- ----- -- ----- ------ -- -- ----- - - -- --- ---- -- ------------------------- - --- - ------- ----- --- - ------- --- ------- - -- ----- - ---- - ---- ----- ----Preliminary----------- ------- -------------------- -- ----- '�,,&, Order--_-_ !1010°___________________ --- pj d �!�L_'�ZL1�1 ------- The Council f the City of P-1 having received the report C,,,i,,wr of Finance upon the ,h,,,, improvement, and having considered said report. hereby re..1, es I. That the said report and the same i, hereby 1.1--d and adopted. and the said improvement is hei-ebrc ordered t, be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the r,e. t - ------- -------------------------------------- -- ------------- ----- ----------------- ---------- __ ----------------------------- -- ------------ ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- -- --------------------------------- ---------------------- with ----- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------with no alternatives, ..d that the -i—ed c-, th,r ,f is $_�, 7 - -- ------ R—hed Further, That . public hearing be had on -d ------------- day of — --------- )W—, at the h.,, of 10 o*,]o,k A. NT, in the Council Chamber of the C.— Ilou and City 11,11 ll,,Keig i, the City f St. Paid That the Finance gi ,notice f ,aid Mme t, the p-- and in he p,,,,d,d by the Cha. t _ti "e ti.' and plate f heittmg, the f the imp,.-- ..d the -.1 — thereof as --ted. Ad,,pted by the C ... --------- 1 -2 ---- Approved ------------ ------------- 192 --- City Clerk. C -z Councilman Fcr6g�+� c .. C ... eil— iii C ... eil— mimmi M councilman V'U 'Z' F.t. B. S. A. 8-6 F -l" 'T'5—urbinN ihr of cin t e tl�01 it" at the city Of st P-Ol 1,,d the t -1 the COW - ,net. ...... "Pon th COUNCIL FILE NO littiro—Ot. end "'011 "0! 'e' ,mm hero report 't , he mid dthe By---------------------------------------------- -by epp INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, o[___ -L- jt, --t ---- 1--- --- ------ - - - ---------- ------------- ----- -- ----- ------ -- -- ----- - - -- --- ---- -- ------------------------- - --- - ------- ----- --- - ------- --- ------- - -- ----- - ---- - ---- ----- ----Preliminary----------- ------- -------------------- -- ----- '�,,&, Order--_-_ !1010°___________________ --- pj d �!�L_'�ZL1�1 ------- The Council f the City of P-1 having received the report C,,,i,,wr of Finance upon the ,h,,,, improvement, and having considered said report. hereby re..1, es I. That the said report and the same i, hereby 1.1--d and adopted. and the said improvement is hei-ebrc ordered t, be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the r,e. t - ------- -------------------------------------- -- ------------- ----- ----------------- ---------- __ ----------------------------- -- ------------ ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- -- --------------------------------- ---------------------- with ----- ------------ ------------------ -------------------------with no alternatives, ..d that the -i—ed c-, th,r ,f is $_�, 7 - -- ------ R—hed Further, That . public hearing be had on -d ------------- day of — --------- )W—, at the h.,, of 10 o*,]o,k A. NT, in the Council Chamber of the C.— Ilou and City 11,11 ll,,Keig i, the City f St. Paid That the Finance gi ,notice f ,aid Mme t, the p-- and in he p,,,,d,d by the Cha. t _ti "e ti.' and plate f heittmg, the f the imp,.-- ..d the -.1 — thereof as --ted. Ad,,pted by the C ... --------- 1 -2 ---- Approved ------------ ------------- 192 --- City Clerk. C -z Councilman Fcr6g�+� c .. C ... eil— iii C ... eil— mimmi M councilman V'U 'Z' F.t. B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE \()_ --- ------- ,...,,r By ,..,n i.,r... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In he Jfatter of__�c---- ___ ___---- _----- - under Preliminary Order_________ Lai 2,—R----------- The Coamcil of the City of Paul ha. ing received the repnr of the C'nnt...i—,ner of Finance upon the abo.e rnpr ,. emen and ha.ing considered =aid repo -t. herehv c<ol.as. 1. That the said report and the same is ha ereby ppa,�ed and aAupted, and the -aid improvement it, he -elan ordered to be proceeded with. t 2. That the nature of the improreyent which the cil .______-------------------------------------- _._-. -- ----- ___--- ___------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- ,vitli no alt ernatites, and that the estimated cost s F_1A45______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on raid impro.emcnr on the____ qtr----------- day of _aPL�_1:i32---------- xm , at the hour of 10 o'clpek A. Al., io the Council Chamber f the Court (louse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner prodded by the Charter, stating the time and place of hca ing, the nature of the impro ent and [he total co. t th ercof as estimated. r nvcm ' j 1 dby the Conmeilr�E_�_rt_�"^ ido ate r; _. _- _192--- CC 92.__City Clcrk. J Me l:oun_ilman FergVson - � � -�Coun<ilmav McD6vald ' / ^' Cuncilmallia g v J Councilman $.dhefvrer Gy — Councilman 3G-0 Form B. S. A. Sb� COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the \tatterof___�ii•. -- --- ---- ---- -- ----- ---- -- - -- ----- _, under Preliminary Ord<r____________5],:vppn, _______________a. ed ___y.:.'atcX -l-"--l932 -------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner cf Fl..... upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby ....Ices: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby appr.t ed and adapted, and the -aid improvement is hereby ordered to be proeeeded with. 2. That the nature of the impros ement which the I s__ CG :3f.1'::C:._;i?:tifll Ali t _..._--- ------------ ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- with no ,iter—nes, and that the c.timated cost the—d is S_.31-07________ Fesolved Further, That a public hearing be had on .aid improt a mens on th-------- Yy--------- day of :e:i'_15. Z_________ H43x__, at the hour of 10.'cI-k A. \I.. in the Council Ch—h,, of the Court I luta, and City 11,11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said to ting ,.Ile persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,ethe narre of the improve men[ and the total cost the.e.f as estimated. p .Adopted by the Counci __ g_ �__!_ 32__ - _ _. i r approved_______ _ ________________192___ ./li `' City Clerk. ' ----------------- Mayor. LounciLnan Fergiwod ' ,/) ; � , lCouncilman EScDdtmld Cooncilm n ijndgson - Councilman Seidheimer - C e'Im n-NC>mveic �w e11[. YI-e Form B. S. A. 8-6 9161)t APPR OVING ASSES"' COUNCIL FILE N0.__... By a CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment _, the matte[ of the assessment of _. _ _ , - an i - _ I. -s I., n a tr at v,� d '¢a c , f J.. :.. _ ._ st ,s �'O.It -1,_ :n_ _ r-'.- c•:tr v. - n all <r'1 < acre nt ..^sary, .tet • .. c 'tas under 1'relinun unlvr 1Qx1rk Uttennedlory order—6�";:'_ t'nnl mrd, a. _a6�.7 f„r ana the nbo., n�t,r ,. n,. ��t ha, p hrn .uhn,itt.,l t� the C,��neil, and th,t uu�„ il hn. �nit ronsi,l. rid ..ami nn.. [ounI III, -id 1 _. 0,ft",, RPSOLChat. That 11. ..dd u— '—I—I he and le same s hereh. m .11 n t t- aPR^»ed. RFIOI,\ FI) Fl"1011 FH, Thm n I,uhlie h, nrinp 1" had on eai'i ac5r,.+...nt on the _._9tn t) o', Inrk A. )t, in the fauneil Ch -11— of tho Court Ilnur. a�„I t'ii� Ik'11 Itui l.liny. in the i' o[ Vii. I'., ul; that thr Cnmmis.innrr a Fi-,n- ki,- entire of -Id n.,,tn 1, nn ,•,I I, th, t'ha”, r. c, ni F n vni,f noti,, thr t,me I—I "I"„ of I,rn nF, th, riia ingmnvemenL the Lnt,a rn.t o,rr,.ne nml nuxca.ra nanin,t th., tm nr mtc or the purr,e�anr o,•no. to whom tho notion i_. dirnt,vl. cFP . , Is Aa�hted h. ae C,1111-1 - ARhr—a c„� eum.r. Fe��a n ,aht cn��„iim;tn x<•fleoota � � t � ihn t xawa� i ' cox Mr. P-:Vv�..o :,d' ',71 a.' nllrc In Plnrk 6. COUNCIL FILE 10.— o"' By CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the umttar of the us�e.v::mevt of ""mafitcyst ' for 'r— -�j rnor to n loc�: it under �406 , lw-u,dwy (),d,l 9GG r. F-1 Ordu , appr,�—I reD't' 6 'Ih essec.menl If b—a,.ifl Zs .;:out U, .--.for end m 'on""V- -th the m,-, mq,ro-,,-nt h—w Lewi "0 Iho CnuwI1, nod th, Connnl huw, rnisidtreJ axuu and found the said RE -IA ED, That th, -,l 1" and the same i, P'M' a"—"d RE1101A ED I [ W1 HFH. That n ""bh' fi"a'm' I., had on said 0" S th da, ..T 1"52 of 111 a'e Ir, k A 11 ,,, I I of the ( u11' T I foul that the Fi.-,, -e notice o[ sail 1. d h, 0". ('Int—r. thr b"- and glare of hraria F, the —pr- etaant, the t,,t,0 - —t -'I the against the lot "1 1-' of th< is di --f FEB 10 Apjm�,cd P 7 Ch 'k 1;'161 1) COUNCIL FILE NO-- .,.,,t ,«o..r� i, n.......> ..ons.,, ..a ...n ., INTERMEDIARY ORDER !' Inthe\Satter of____=.I•:l��s_:_lv_1__�!;S"-_C t__fr4at :.��1,:c��r e:L._'-q :r.�e_'t�-:r under P—liminary Ord er____------ 11"1i ----------------- -I'I'r��.r __ _ 1-_ _ ___ Th< Council of the City of Faul ha. ing re id tlx V- m.rt of the Commissioner <.f Finanee`un the above iml.ruvement, anve d having considered said rery,rt, herrhr r—A rs: I. That the e h d said rrliort ans s hereby ;.1���r.,. ed and adol�tr.l. and the -aid -i nl. n>ve Wren[ is t me i hereby ordered to he �ve9c�:1 I; _.:.., t Adopted by the Council______________ 1112____ -\pro. ed__________ r_--__________ _______ M>ayo, cnnndlm rt ��ta '. i Counclman cnnnclman Councilman ��I QS» i O� '�/ cnnncilmart Form S. S. A. 8-6 �� iu ,T., Tothc, � I,y " .nt 1,c:ze_ 1 = hs: va P: sti,;citod t�.r sih111t.�r o. fie, '.in:; property •.Fit �r3" to 'le `_'r FivO9•t otlf^, above i;_provement nn,l oespaett'za i 1v repo t t tC. total ti ete.l coot is tr_-_ teen tla.�u n :o lx titin '.r 1 Twenty fio11 i thirty-twor �3 E;.p. 3G) �1 the estimated cost n r front foot ]s six cIoa- D z In. eir. ce_j3 'fh- total tri re.l ue ni' lw•I on all prop — orty subject to fas sTiown by Ll, rt of the ;'_t? and f3-sn t�r2� JV_ sor is seven thou sae l,iftwo hun.ir e�1 cIf theanty- '_ve 4017 s (j7_25.00). over fty per ce ty =ter b,1 act s ant w1I, be b-lovrn the undo c- pz•op.,r thf.�oc o.t o mf illint, .n th •, low lots ifnd bY��n.-*^..� sou___. to ._reale would be prohl-it:ve. t I c ] 1 1 _.ro ,rt7 j t o tt e t l f:�tefl, bene - 1 P -nr n n iT. t a c _. , t...0 n7.1 Pro . ter-c� t o tYl _zt t __ r<ler b lisc ed nn . th© eeiin res zin<7 �r tn� P-er ery titioners thatn the most is �1 t -F ..1 ,��'K _n tr.•c t�-,t _o not^. -Y Pe verb: trlly yo•ir s, // �n�. oner if Finance. Gt�� o sr PAUL OEPA R'�M ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In .P,, 11. ,_, •t, >"-„__` i- e.— ..e. .. , � -.t..,t —det Prrl'�m�n�r� Order aFi'ro"d Jtir ttei 7 - '1 _i32 'I'o the 0--d of the C'icy of Se. Pail: Th�Cammiss�onec of Pena nce hereby rcF'o res as follower: 'I'd� toc�� estimated a of the ssessmeri z for the ah,,,, moor C The �s�i�i�a�ed cost pe�fooc for tl�ab�>�-e ir��i�re��e mens is - - - - - � S 'fhe l�,tt �rl�t�cls �� f I chat n ,i ben<hts for sato mdro.eme:.t, a��d th�atscssed .alunt�on o(eaeh !ot of I a cel oz last ref�nn ed by the A,--, arc as oeseni PrioN mor a�o�. aooi.ior+ Ien uArio itl . 7 1 0 7 ] 0 75 71_ 2 125 OE PAR -e NT5C7F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) oescwi N mor n�occ nooiriak vALUArioN r� o 2 2 .. u,c V111 - 1—.1, 1<5 3 2 0 3 `- 5 4 2 ,.o 1-,', . .. .0 1-., G L _0 125 7 10 FS 2 Bio 12S 1 3 0 1�S 2 3 0 lOG 3 3 to ICC- 4 3 0 100, 5 3 0 12:. 7 3 -10 1--` F3 3 D 3 0 3(O G 0 75 g o 75 7:.G clTr o DEPA RTh1�NT (aFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (C) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ISIESSED o EscrxtvTloN Lor .�ocK AowrloN vAt�ATioN .u.. 20 1� 4 1..4 is 75 1'1 4 4 o u 1c, 4 0 b( 2; 4 5, 63 4 5L o !A, iC" 4,(- 10c, tC100 b(CI .,. 4 =]o lbO 7225 1100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in.estigatcd all of the aforesaid matte , and hereby —bmtts the foregoing ae hi• report thereon to the 0wn61, together with the report made to him .n reference to .aid matter by the Commissioner of Public U'ork, D—d 19 Com missioo er of F'inan<e. 74' .S %2, SE%, .SEC..Z o, T• 23- R. 22 . VA sco/oi=3••' "IF �` _oAA NGE Q .ST. �1 - Y V \0 14 <1 �!-FWWW(cjrQ St. Paul, Minn. —,S. ifr-"193.1.- To The Honorable, The Council, I City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the f/'improvement to be/made: _. St. A— from from -_ _ _------_-�---- --. St. Ave. to_�rt�c�-r>��c«rte-... .. .._St. Ave. .�,a=;off THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) January 19, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Ivy Street from Arcade Street to Greenbrier Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. E. 91417, approved January 13, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $13,620.32 Cost per front foot - - - 6.06 Inspection - - - - - - - - 267.07 Engineering - - - - - - - 250.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 2,247.00. Yours truly, WM. N. CAREY, A f Chief Engineer. Approved for trap fission to the gommissio r of Finance. /'� MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner o£ t'ublic N'orks. Office of the Commissioner of Public W ,'�sFmmu Report to Commissioner of Finance -- JAN 25 1932 January 2z, 1932 193... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 91417 January 13, 193'2 193 , relative w ('uuncil, known ea Council File No. approved the grading of Ivy street from f rcade Street to oreenbrier Avenue. and hewing i i,estigsted the mstters and thinK' referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $6.06 2, The estimsted coat thereof is E. 13,, �d 0 - 32 , and the total coat therecf is E.. _._... , Inspection $267.07 Engineering $'50.00 Frontage 2,247. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is ae follow': ---" 3. A plan, profile or 'ketch of said improvement i' hereto attached sod made a pert hereof. 4. ..asked for I, petition of three or more oI � /off—property, 5. Said improvement is. subject to assessment for said improvement _ _......_...__... _ u ...... __......_ Commissioner of Publio Work'. ................ .................. °ot 5aCOUNCIL FILE NO --------------- °°--OCsiie ue. B ORDER In the Matter of____can.3ev-.n 3s;_-a[ul--ta:cizL=_sxl_en 3Em9II_1n_Lk1 P_.lAAd_A@C @B�. €t3'9 :nr__slaRes�_s�u�s_ansi_�i].1 s,._1n_Skie_�r x'1 _' n,�_o£ _ lv_y__Street__from_Arc ade __ S.,raBL__SQ_ r-�e rill l'-;LgS__Sol ------- _----- ____ _ _ ---- ---- ___ __ _______________ __________________..___--______ _ __- ---- _----- .__-__- ------- ..-------- -d— ___ ___under Preliminary Order ------- 91418____________________approved ____January 13t 1932______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the r port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the a is herebyl appproved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be groEe� s'11 i -"j• mrtr n� FE8 Y 01992 Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192__-- hof% 4j tra¢F+ ______ ___ ______________________________ Approved_____----------------------- 192--- _ Mayor. Councilman�zg Councilman :ad4�eZ.��.+.�,m..aS _ Councilman gy}t"x 1""""�m� Councilman si1� '.11i.""r� Councilman 'ddmmeR Mayor 2heLam c Bun dl i e Form B. S. A. fib REPOR. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � I Y T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �11 I v In the matterofconde-in ink, .—I to :in - ant in the 1-1 race esary o alopn- 1 `ills in 1,1, -sling of Ivy Street from Ar. a]e St. s, r t, Oreollt,' erA,,enue, under Preliminary Order approved January 13, 1940 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports 11 follows: The total estimated amount of the a..c.sment for the above imp—mt - - - $ The esnmated cost per foot for the above$ ----- _ The lots or parcel. of land that ay be a.se..ed benefit. for such imp,—m—, and the --td valuation of each lot or panel as last reported by the Asses. , re as follows. or':=scRiPnoN t,or .tock aoortioN LandAw Arlo B1 dg. Lot 1 an -1 :.. 6 ft or 2 1 Oak Vill Park 650 3750 ( ixce---t sat s ft) 2 1 do 575 1750 (Lot 3 an l a t5 ft o? 4 1 (.xcept .at 6 £t) 4 1 do 125 5 1 do 100 6 1 do 75 7 1 do 75 8 1 do 75 9 1 do 75 1 2 do 125 CITY OI ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'SON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) �Y 2 2 Oak Ville Park 125 3 2 do 125 4 2 do 125 5 2 do 125 6 2 do 125 7 2 do 125 8 2 do 125 9 2 do 125 10 2 do 125 1 3 do 125 750 0 2 3 do 100 3 3 do 100 4 3 do 100 5 3 do 125 6 3 do 125 7 3 do 125 8 3 do 125 1(--00 9 3 do 300 12.00 6 A. .van obi Ati— 700. 7 do 75 8 do 75 9 do 75 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (G) O E9CRIPTION LOT ADDITION yq LUAT,ON lots 10 and 11 A. .—nson Addltlon 3C,O inclulas 1500 lots 12 and 15 (rzcapt l y 9t.. t;lesr -t. SIIl-:-lsh Ave.) that part of 700 (the south 20 rods o" the east 40 ro a of the northeast ' 11, of (of tha soutbaust . of :,oc. 20, T. 29, R. 22, lylna F.dd. 14 4 Lane's PhI�I— :lace 150 1150 15 4 do 100 16 4 do 75 `.. 17 4 do 50 is 4 do 50 19 4 do 50 20 4 do 50 21 4 do 50 22 4 to 50 23 4 d 50 24 4 do 50 25 4 do 100 400 26 4 do 100 500 27 4 do 150 7225 11900 The Commt,stoner of Finance further report, that he has Inv- tigated all of the aforesaid matte , and hereby —bmtt, the forego ng A, hi, report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him 1,e —fereece to ,aid matter by the Co miner of Poblic W -k.. Dated 19 -- -- -- -_- C—is,i—r of Finance. 1= • Indico}es C•+}. Alk-Indica}ee Fill. Ty pi col No}o}ion Fig•. ebo elfin show C-} or Fill o} Prop-r}y line. Figures below line show die}once towhich elopes e.etend beyond Properly line. Loc. Book 1596 IVY ST. G REEN BRIER - AR -E SLOPE PLAN - � ' e;mne 4.lsn • XIX 119918 Ir LAN E'S PHALEN PLACE A. E�/AN;SON ADD. 4 •� _ .. IC 19 ZO �2I I 22 I' 23 I .. I .. « .. ; .. Z4 25 26 f 2T � _ i .._ ; I III 11 I IO 9 I 8 _ I •• •�� I T I I i i i � � j 6• ee Ir pa sf <I- m i 9 I ! I 7 G Da I 5 I 4I 3 2 •�' I ipI yI 8 T 6 5 4 3 1 2 1 W '[ G; 5 I 9 B I I 4 3 2 1 •1 K L L E3 p A Q Ir Office of the Commissioner of Public V► ON10FINANCt a 4a 3' Report to Commissioner of Finance - JAN 25 IS32 January �2, 1932 193 To the Com mieaio ncr of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commiesioner of Put,lic Worke, having had under roneidcretion the preliminary order of the t'ounrd, known ae t•.ormeil Fill N- P1418 approved Janu-pry 13, 193293 , relative w condemning and taici.rae — easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Ivy btreet from Arcade Street to Greenbrier "venue. and having mve,etigated the matters and thi.R referred to therein, herehy mporle: I. Said improvement ie and (or) deeirahl,. xxxand the total coat thereof ie f xxx 2. The—ti.--d coat thereof is S ' and the nature and extent of acid improvement ie ea follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto U—h,d and made a pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is aeked for upon petition of three or more f property, subject w aaeeaemcnt for enid improvement. ,1 �� �1 (.ommrae�over of Public Worke. L' p—chaae, with tae consent of the Comptroller, 10 Shaw-:ia Ticar cabinets No. 1461 with lock L -d No. 1070 handle, to match present ecuipment exactly, et s cost not to exceed $136_80, without advertisement or competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby_ Charge Gin ersl Fund- City Clerk Off. Exp. -4_A 3 Yca: cou Nc_i Lrn E^+ Nay �f /�1aY J McDonald Ir+ favor Roecrr IC- A -1— w w,Proor ,ese. ,z a:z, m. zr. zsa t Adop.rd by rhr C.—il _� 1 1 19 App--dl9 Ti o...... CITY OF ST PAUL R OFFICE OF CITY CLERK FEB 1 1 1932 C Cyd R LUTION—GENERAL FO'MAYUR•8 Ok,F:kVE ea ESE tiT oNl E6 _01111ATc 1 RESOwE:o 'khat t1as, Furgirasing Agent p and he is hereby authorized. tc, L' p—chaae, with tae consent of the Comptroller, 10 Shaw-:ia Ticar cabinets No. 1461 with lock L -d No. 1070 handle, to match present ecuipment exactly, et s cost not to exceed $136_80, without advertisement or competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby_ Charge Gin ersl Fund- City Clerk Off. Exp. -4_A 3 Yca: cou Nc_i Lrn E^+ Nay �f /�1aY J McDonald Ir+ favor Roecrr IC- A -1— w w,Proor ,ese. ,z a:z, m. zr. zsa t Adop.rd by rhr C.—il _� 1 1 19 App--dl9 Ti onc....o c... _�E.. CITY OF ST. PAUL i��r � NO !)1662 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L C LUTION—GENERAL FORM M s's ea bn February .7/ 1932_ RESOLVED That the Pu basing Age e, and be is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the comptroller, 48 No. 1641 C.I. Regulation Card Cabinets manufactured by General Fire— proofing Co. tc, match p,eent equipment exactly, at a coat not to exceed $396_00, without advertisement or competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Chfarge General Fund- MXT101117aMA 31 Yeu ecru r�c;L'nery Nays May McDonald — I- f--- t' 'a Rosen Sa}helnrt �-PrestQpRT'CIITMIi� Mr. Secnns v-;ce P...s. G": "y Ad.1—d by ch, C....i1 i t t lgr " FEB I 1 App ,d / I`) o «<„ -- CITY OF ST. PAUL . IL NO, _() OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM RMeM 65iONER��I- --���p+�---�� ---- - -- yff m►S, the welle-Di okay comp -7 of St.P al baa offered the ffinldng h.nd Co®ittee of the City of St -pe 1. *50.000 State of Yiaaeeo to Ra6ie tared 4ja a;l. bev y, d- aeb. X. 194h. at a diacooat to yield 4.50% 1. _Obaage for. u. $12.000 Rose- Commty 51% D-1-- O , da eoAR .• 11Oo-at yeiar J'laae 1. 1932. J'-. 1. 1934 end Jt i. 1936. at a preaim to yield 5-00% 12.0Oo Hoeeea cooaty- 7'anCing 60. doe kM •. eaCh year Dso- 1. 1935. Dec. 1. 1936 and Dec. 1. 1937. at a pream i>to yield 5-00% lase 7J 24.Ooo Yahnamea Cooaty Mt6h 5ks- a- � - . u%1%i933P3 12000 - 11/1/1934 4Ooo - 11/1/1936 2000 - 11/1/1937 at a preml_ to yield 4.50% 2.000 L'itlrin Conaty 51e- - Yareh 1.1932. at to yial'd, 4.50% now held by the Siddng r"d pon>eitteej a -a Wg'M,q, The Sin]d ng D1snd C._3,Lttea has reco®ended the -..Pt-- Of the proposal of the (elle-Dickey Cemp�, aad tha Coaaoll is Of the opinion that the -.hangs will be for the beet int -et of tb.a City of Saint Paul{ therefore be it E=LPSD. That the Yeyor. of 7.1 aoee and City Comptroller be and they are hereby entharised -d dlreot-1 to accept the offer of the Salle-Diclroy Company ..d. Cnammmt-the trae nsction. FEB 11143T9 N.Y. Adop.cd by ch< Couac�l 5AI F�loy McDo^ald '� I^ favor Approval / Ro.m c"L-c � PWLISHIiD�-3 Mr. Second '��ce Pree. I -ow P•,bro..:y 9, 1932. v 6 mee .ing of Ohs Sin..in: Fund Goa-it'.e rtc:, .s1:: '.Sia d::y at 3130 P, d. L. the of is of the Ayer. Preaent, linyor G:,rh:.r: Bndlie, Comptroller Vim. F. Cot, and CoMIKI nes Jo In •u. Mclionaid. 9 motion Igo made by Coale_i mar dcCmald, co onded by Con taller CCgtt and un• nl 1'17 0:.relodt "loo 05 follocim; of of lolle-CicAy Cozaq be re ommended ',o Shn Council$ "MU-DiCUI COC' NY F• bruary 5, 1932 Elea Fund Commit-wi City of 9t. Paa1 ot. Paul, Minn. Ocntl"•aem atbject to cortirmati.lo, , be so sug,eit for ymir ooasiderstian, V^ sale of: $1::,00" eos^au County Dr -in; go 53s, due 4000 Koh ye r, 6,1-32, 6-1-34, 6-1.-36 a, a pr mdum t, yield 5.03 12,000 Roseau County Funding 6o, due 40:'0 ea:h yo:.r 12-1-35, 12.1-36, 12-1-37 Lb premium t, yield 5.ODr lana i 24,0:1; Mahnoman County Litob 5je due 30 0 - 11-1-32 30.'0 - 11-1-33 12000 - 11-1-34 4000 -11.1.36 2000 - 11-1-37 at c prmaium to yield 4.50% 2,000 Atkin County ye dee 3 -1 -3 - at a premium to yield 4.50% t in sch..nge fort $500000 Ct�te of 9nn000ta fto later d 48, duo 2-1.44 a, c di:;count to yield 4.50% fi�spectful''y eubaitted, C. L. Finger MMS Manager .t. Paul 0.^^i7 The mee',in;, th:_aupan adjourned. lkyw Ap,.rov^d _ x -of lclo Provident CoAe. Snot nt Finance .—f laio - r tcry o.o.•. •o =.. =.. _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL rise = NO. - .1__x_664 ^� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'a ffi�S. s w- worthwest Cm pa.W of 6t. Peal, hay offered the einlcin 74md �. Co—lttee of the City of St. Paul. $20.000 Bausey County. 111nas80ta 4r�s due may 1, 1943 At a 4.60 basis P��'ri.sa cRmfe: e' in'Ma oinei. in e: h tor. ~ �'� 's>�.rmi�°i ;':a `: •.. . $10.000 City of Win— Imp—sment Lit. o d. u+6nat 1. 1939 10.000 City of Winom Imprwoemeat Lits due august 1, 1941At 99 plm soused interest. no. held by the Slaking Band Committee, and iBZmZ►S. Tkxe 81nldng Band Committee has rece®ended the aeceptaoce of the proposal of the BancBort3—st Compamy, and the Council is of the opinion that the ezcs.a^L_ will be for the best interest of the City of Saint Mall therefore, be it ffiOLVXD. That tha Yayor. Commissioner of Binance and City Comptroller be a -,d they are hereby aathorised and directed to accept the offer of the B—.WB thwsst Company and conscosoate the transaction. Yeaa sou Nei�n+EN NaY/ --M�Dona ld I.. favor econ ..:c ries cy Adop«d by �hc Council t 1 19 AwAppd 1'1,61 !JH!':U --7-3 febr M 10, 1932. A meeting of the sin'dn(. Toni Committee see hold this dWj Presents Myer Omherd')MAU*. 00141e41omr of Pica® John Il. UODoneld and Comptroller vol. P. eaett, A motion sae nide V 0*01011er Nm. e. Boott, seconded by Commieeimrer Jdat H. udo ald Med uneslmoody carried• that the foil -W off^r of the Bens $ortheeet Qelop X be amommonled to %be 00000111 ►uldlaorthaest Q0"M rebtnary 9, 1932• st, Pmt, Him Oity of saint pall WIMPS M Omit AO"NI sant Bial, HfBdenotat Ooatleeeat ltteattoa Br. re. r, sooft$ I ow offer 964wt to oonfireetiOn 830,000 pow Oemta,stn ll be 1W It 12 pWM4 for thew bonds ve would ooWt the fellOdap B*Jo t to ootdirmatione 010,000 City of alaoa+ Impre►em0nt b4is dm August 1. 1939 IO.OW Cita of nowns Dwroeement We dm ^M% 1. 1941 At 99 Plus nooemd intereo► It is neo,40W to aeie thio offering c&jwt on sad+ side, TIM the buying MA the 00111260 $mmmAre em hsee *eery realioe that the soon euggeetton one be, aeW liehed. gtM*ioe you for Your pmt ocastdoration, I "min Sours very truly udhnrd 0. Va (9ieaed) 04 saint Paul, Offico 0 ?he resting thersOPM ad,mirnedt fredlficie Alesldsot 0 oe oner iduae roller rx-offioi, soaretery ..,..... .. d.!=..,. CIT�-,,��.N'—'G'E'NERAL r1��Nom•Y CLERK FORM CC�� Vy—_oATE- - Feb. 10, 1932 RESOLVED That the sum o£ Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ` (;750.00), be acid is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the contingent £und Por the purpose of defraying the expense o£ the patriotic observance of the Memorial Day Association provided that all purchases shall be through the recognized city authorities. o°S.t �o N�I�MEN EB 11 t99Y Adopted by the Council___ 19 Yeas Nz- Clancy FEE S -. FerBuwv App19_ McDonald +_ In favor roved -- - - RoWand Sudhe,i— •r18a:nsc "YOR w M_I A. � r stood Vice !ter F� ��. ray City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Cl.h .nd Comvielen., or R.IIW.11en Tanoary 29th, 1932 - Hon. Milton Bo een, Chairmen, Contingent ]hand Committee, Bn11 ding. Dear Commiseloner: The attached letter of the Memorial Dey Association was referred b—k to yonr committee for farther conalderetlon. Yours very truly, City Clerk. - � lll�rmurittl �x� �ssnritttintc ` OFFlCBRS Saint Slaid. Owmants 5. E. Mwxwx, G. ` i, prnr:denr M Dsi G. A. RA 'Coxa Lerrxu Fie.x r -- 6 W,e ea . Hae. PG`wnX'rdxV e�nPrPrdr.x ua ro aTHDwx r Pow , Tre nu Ary 29, 1932. r E- F-, Mr Ro r HumR vL )ox ]t6 —,=;. �P.xl Pw L Noaoau Honorable 1:111ton Rosen, C omni asioner of Public '.I. 'k. Court Vit. Pail, T^innns ot,.. Dean "r. Rosen: Refer.`` -.ng to our letter of January 6, 1932, It, '.,+ch '.•re —quest an apnroprl at ion to eid in carryi:ig on the work of this i nti on. It is our underst ndl. nr- that there is only =`300.00 available in the contingent fund for the usa of this association. e believe that if the sum of ?`750.00 sFt ns7. da for <>.dr iise, that •. d. 'd: on ld find the messuf Cicient. —id it be noseible that in addition to the sum of 3300.00 available 'n u*ho—ntincent find, that 0 'F ,450.0lo the nd entitledl i'dscellsneo— and UnforseenK Ttems" of thegeneral fund? Yours very truly, MEMO-TAL :J4Y A:=:OCIATION ^�Y•C -trC ri/ l \ - Se4PetflPy. r� _••..•. •_•••: �•••• CI OF ST. PAUL �.� WI_ � n— NO. •�� - �� � Glib OFFI E OF CITY1'tt°�y°t'`P. .•°a . �clpat OUNCIL, LUTION— 10, 1932 inl•n•cawE� t �r �r .P.— w avis i�— "' [rom tni. neo -- _— —_ — ResoLvso Whereas, the Chicago Bridge and Iron Works is fabricating at Chicago, 5113.nois, a steel water tank for erection at the St. Paul Municipal Barge Terminal, and Whereas, it is necessary that the fabrication of this steel ba inspected by an engineer from this department, they e£or e, be it Resolved, That Mr. F. C. Gorham, Senior Assistant Civil Eng sneer, Bureau of Bridgers, Department of Public Works, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to the nt plao£ the Chicago Bridge and Iron Works at Chicago for the inspection of the fabricating of the said water tank, returning to St . Paul on completion of said work, said travel and living expenses being estimated to cost not in excess o£ $150_00, and be it further Resolv.ed, TIt the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue to the said Fred C. Gorham, Senior Assistant Civil Engineer, a city warrant in the amount o£ $150.00 for the purpose of defraying his travel and 1lving expanses included in the authorized work, to be paid out o£ the Terminal Bond Fund, Code 2305, and any balance, if any, remaining of the said $150.00, after pay- ment o£ said travel and living expensesCi , together with an account o£ said expQnses, shall be returned to the ty Comp- 'fsol3erre-.- upon the completion of the authorized work. F6 11191 YeasN Na� Adopted by he C .... il_ __ 19 C'_' Cm' FEE 1 _ Ferguson /' McDonald \ In favor Approved 19_ Rohland Agai Sud % - Mn i la�imcr � nst -- yVeuzel j PUBLISH[':D 91667 Jll�ti IL RESOLUTION ...... FIDE No February 10 fs�L RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 1 OF f 6.1 COVERING CfiECKS NUMBERED 11111 TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AD-1 er THE GOUNIi oIPEIUTE To CTY aERN CITY DF SAINT PAUL No. y f )f t7 COUf7CILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �,iE ,meq, 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FID "`"°°R AUDITED CLAIMS February _1a a.32 oNaLo PELT RCE R SEN V AGAINST RESOLVED THAT _HE'_N E D[ N 0 HE CITY TREASURY. 9YW1GWGe TO THE AGGREGATE AM INT Oa 5 56926.56 COVERING Nr. aeerm rc� s— f b I'i Icn7 IURaERED 411 44 NGENSIYE As D 1 PER CHECKS ON FlL Oi i Y �CCMPTROLLER N ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL I �L APPROVED/� clic I.[x By - � NT.GEN cHECKG TOTAL cHEC Ks TNN " r IN FAVOR OF ,i M o snT e eROU c[rt FORwaaO ''I 4 124 0 _ • 3 1411 Vita Crisp Diet. Company 2Sc I 1412 Cecelia Reilly 1 926 or, 1413 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 7 500 00 1414 Eilmah C. Bethke 32 0p� 1415 Julia M. Bruess 70 00i, 1416 James F, rain, Cashier 213 34 'Rater Department 1417 Miss M. Lehmann 1 65I 1418 'Pm. Murphy & son 612 851 1419 wm. Murphy & son 6 587 15 1420 om. Murphy & son 1 353 151, 1421 Geo.F. Dix, Clerk of the j 200 001 Municipal Court I 1422 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin, 249 23 ti 1423 Capital City scenic Studio 2 675 00 1424 Capitol City Transfer Company 5 00 1425 Helps Carpet Cleaning 9orks 20 00 1426 National Wire Cloth Company 23 33 1427 Ray Miller 29 651 1428 J,J,Gillen, Abstract Clerk 4 501 1429 J,J,Fitzgerald, Reg. of Deeds 4 OO1II e 1430 Purity Baking Company 30 548 60i 1431 Keys Well Drilling Company 120 OOi 1432 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin, 1 385 81! 1433 John H. McDonald, C. I Fin, 246 5911 a 1434 Universal Carloading & DSst.00. 41 251 N 1435 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 48 561 1436 The waterous Company V 464 52f1 1437 John J. Riley 1 001 1438 Fred Jost, " 180 001. 1439 Dave Nahinsky iso 00 i1 1440 B11 urroughs Adding Machine CompEny 103 9557;: 1442 MaendlerMBrushlMfg. Company 1 319 74i 1443 Minnesota Chemical Company �� 305 11' I� 1444 G. aommere and Company 91 731I. 1445 P.A. wade 30 0011 h • i �4'I 7 500 on , 470 552 66 I ouvu ♦ Tvcc[en OFFIICCE�OFTHE COMPTROLLER rice NO. COUNCILMEN—/ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION February 11 ,g2 M="oonwo I � aliDITF.D CLAIMS vas[n nc ni ns* RESOLVED t secs o Y6'., J'�jTv Va. � MM '_„SCG eEe ��E�sMoEaee"i�i`46 ° .O 1500T. �oMe.eoL�e. .Papp OTAL p IN FAVOR OF cxs y aR UCHT FORWARD 7 500 00 �470 552 6 II • 1446 Jacob Schmidt Bred ng Company 8 597 7 1447 Anthony J. Campbell 37 0 1448 David Bashefkin 32 0 1449 J,L, Anderson 1450 C.D. Brown 23 7 4 H R Johnson 25 0 1 51 1452 Ted Rneip 25 0 1453 Yrs, J.T. Jennings 25 2 N 1454 lilies Louise Markert 1 8 ' 14555 Carl Brookholz 2 0 1456 General Electric Supply Corp, 10 6 (4, 1457 Minnesota Fire Appliance Co, 1458 Nortbern states Power Company 56 6 4 o t Ford 9 rare 2 19 d 5 1460 Dr. Frank H. Alexander 3 0 1461 Drs. Larsen, wheeler, 'Wold & Culver 125 0 II 1462 Irving C. Pearce, C, of Education 20 651 1463 Gold Seal 011 Company 21 1464 Geremia Lametti 9 7 1, 14�5�,.r_Winnifred M. Milne 11 045 LN+K�fbb Northern States Cont. Company 25 00' 1467 Mrs, H.S. Robins 1 17 1468 E.L. Schauer 3 3 1469 Geo, Sommers 16 34 1470 F.J. & N.J. Spriggs 4 8�1 1471 American Stove Company 95 4 1472 F.N. Amundsen 12 271.. 1 4 John D. Anderson 3 16 7 3 I4 1474 Blomb ergte Grocery 6 03� h 4 aka Br there 17 60i 2 5 Bu o 7 4J.H.oakle 12 16' I k 76 J. y I 1477 Dun's Parket 13 84 qI 1478» H.H. Hauer SII 1479 R, a, Hrubp 3 71' 1480 M.M. Metcalf 2 95,1 r. 1481 Michaud Brothers 30 97' 1482 Mounds Park Grocery 14 41p 1483 John T. Pelsert 13 26' 1484 Phalen Park Grocery 3 6 1485 O.W. Rohland 1 82 • 1486 Carl W. Schulz 1 4 67i 1487 Westlund Market House 71 1488 'Fondra Grocery 8 21 1489 Bachke & Tein, Inc. 120 001 1490 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compan� 89 �1p 1491 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Company 107 485, 1492 George J. Flynn 1493 Haskins Brothers Comrany 11 5211, 1494 Johnson Printing Comrany 70 K 1495 National Lead Company 1�4 09 1496 H. Peltz & Son 151 25 1497 H. Peltz & Son 235 31 1498 R. Skabo II 1 96' 1499 U.S. Bedding Compapy 355 51I 1500 Victory Printing Com,any 189 501 III SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00 481 382 21 CITY OF ST. PAUL � NO. ��1r1t 7� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK " 1 x�atb� � RM eR COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMF --aM '1 MW a PO 5 yy_ Wye cisy'ok 31�R.rvy 6aa�X bones n' B•R0. v - WHEREAS, The First National Bank of Saint Pant%a.r,9,� by a letter dated February 10, 1932, addressed to the Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Pana, offer— ed to purchase from the Participating Certificate Fund of the City of Saint Paul the following 5% bonds held in said fund,. to—wit; Reg. Bond tBHH $100,000.00 due October 1, 1935 ##869 95,000.00 October 1, 1935 878 100,000.00 October 1, 1937 • • #873 107,000.00 • October 1, 1937 at par and -"aoorued interest, and has by the same offer tendered an option to the Sinking Fund Oommittee and to the City of Saint Paul to re—purchase, on or before July 1, 1932, $200,000 of said bonds for the price paid by the Bank, and on or before December 1, 1932, $202,000, or the balanoe o2 said bonds, on the same basis.; and WHEREAS, The Sinking Fond Committee has recommended that W said offer of the Hank be accepted, and the Council is of the opinion that the offer is for the beet interests of the City; there— fore, be it RESOLVED, That the offer of the First National Bank be and it ie hereby accepted; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and City 0omptroller be and they are hereby authorized and direoted to accept said offer and consummate the said transaction. Yea, COUNG1LM EN Nays Ad.p,cd by she C...q�B 1 19 May FEE; $ 1 Y133-� McDonald In favor App --d _ 19 Pcaccc 1 V Again,, / MPr .idcnc Bnndlic y ' YUBL1SHl1] Y j 3 l ...�... ...... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL rna " NO. 91670 O E OF CITY CLERK UNGI EsoWTION—GENERAL FORM Feb. 11, 1932 REsoLvwo . Whereas, John J. Galvin, Rodman of the Department of Pub11c Works of the City of St. Paul, will be incapacitated and tu3able to perfors his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after February 1, 1932, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that John J. Galvin be and is hereby granted a thirty, (30) day leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 1st day of February, 1932, said leave bean¢ in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the ivil Service Rules; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city authorities be andare hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for John J. Galvin for thirty (30) days from, on and after February 1, 1932, with full pay. Yeae couNciLrwEn Na� CI -Y FerBo— LdaD—.Id '� _.I. favor S odh bd 1,1- P Mr. Viae Pre=. Sudheimer FEB 19 1932 Adoptcd by th, Council - 19 FEB-' . +0 Approve 19__— m�y A PetiEion \ (� ,y - Council b51e No...__._._ •7�� ` f PROPOSAL FOR IMp"ROVEMENT _ and PRELIMINARY ORDER ' The undersigned herby p-P— the meshing of the following publie imprm-emant by the City of 8t Paul, vis.: and alyy.faciw-. with_ bitumipona _nater 14. _ Gradln$-. curbing .. Johnson 6treet from YcLean. Avenue to Bubarban venue - -- .. Dated ta.10th . br- -day i —_-- —_ PRELIMINARY ORDER- WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the malting of the foIIowing improvement, vic: - and surPacinB..ti th bituminous.material_-_-_..... _.......... . .. Johnson Street from YcLean Avenue to Su nr an-._.-.... _._.__..___.... _._.__........... .... _...... .._....___._ ... __.__.... -__..__.._....._.____.._...._.__..._.______.__. hevivg bcev presented to the Council of the City of St. P-1, ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and to herebyd `improvement. e -,I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making o t d the total coat theroof• 2. To investigate the osturo, estent and estimated coat of said impmwmen , en 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketeh of said improvement. q. To state whether or imp-- ..t said impro ant is asked for n the petition of throe or mom ownera. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Meanoe. �$ 13 1932 Adopted by the Coune7.._........ ._..._...._.-._�--_. Yana N.ra FEB 13 02 Councilman craw=' oo'Rcff A _ _ .... ..._ MqY df _... _.. _. ..:._...._....._ ....__.._...__..__....--Mayor. �PRflr3cm jos Pna- Sudheimer - �i1Ei,15I-IED��� r�csvom savr riir t) i sz o.a ....oc r. c... CITY OF. b�w'xir u w�-Yff eWbt. NO. Col .ea retmatr OFFICE OF Enntiq�F9tebt`. ee u•.,�" N-- N6/RRM ES ill' a'�i.I3.�. �1 �� Gt ����CC99 �A WHEREAS in the matter of the taking of property for the wideningg of IInivereity JL--- , part of Toto Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty (30) Block two (2) , Subdi vie ion of Block Thirteen (13), Stinson's Division, an Addition to ttie City of St. Paul, sae taken, and the damages awarded for that part taken as the sum of Twenty-one thousand, four hundred and slaty -one and 00/100 ($21,461.00) Dollars; AND WHEREAS Adrian Frances Primeau, the owner of said property appealed from the said award to the District :;ourt of Ramsey County, and has demand- ed an additional Five Thousand ( P5,000.00) Dollars ae compensation for the taking thereof, and said appeal is nolo pending in said Court; AND WHEREAS said owner has offered to settle for a total net award of Twenty lH�wWtr thousand , nine hundred, aiaty-one / / 961.00)D011ars, the ,s..s and part of the building on thn e premises taken i00100 (3216,n said condemnation proceedings to belong to k.-- ; AND WHEREAS said offer is an advantageous one to the City of St. Paul; NOW THEREFORE , 3E IT RESOI,VF.D: That said offer for settlement be accepted and the proper cily�,�,�,���ffice rs are hereby muutla razed and directed to pay the sum of Twenty-b76SQla thousand, nine hundred, sixty-one and 00/100 ($2$,961.00)Do l lar s to the said Adrian Frances Prim—, upon presentation of a properly executed deed for the Southerly twenty (B1y.2O) feet of Lots Twenty-nine (29), and Thirty (30), Block Two (2), Subdivision of Block Thirteen (13), Stinson's Division, an Addition to the City of St. Paul, and further upon the dismissal of her appeal which s1a 11 be in Form sa ti s£a ctory to the Corporation Counsel, the part of the building on thepremises taken in said condemnation proceedings to be the p-1—ty of said claimant. Yca.+ cout�c, �I.n r=N Nays Conroy May McDonald Ir. fa.+or Pcaccc 2 Roacn Against � Sudhc:a.cr Mr. Prea:d— Bundl:c Adoprcd by ,hc Caunril FEJ3 15 1.9?2 Approve _ I9 1-UL'LI's— CITY owo....=:o =+. crew• _ OFFICE COUNCIL�..{i ESOT MMMZAS, Oae■ Gilbert, In County of Ramsey and the city ei ozlstudies net ofBJannary PAth with 24th and August 5th, all of 1931 to the City and form the basis f Building sow under construction; c14 az,,aban restuuddiied hiethe aobes, snd has submitted his re— n suLpplementary report on (larch. and These plane are acceptable or the location of the State Office tiaex,efore, be it RESOLVED, That said plane of Case Gilbert, dated January P.*tbs,and supplementary reports of ]iamb 84th and August 5th, 1931, together with drawings and photographs, are hereby adopted and made a part of the •Plan. of St. Paul,• sub?m ect to such alterations reqan uired with chged coudition.e and paeaag e of time, it may be being the thought of this Council that these plane would give a direction our future in anti cel pity planningtllnee;land beead ei�owth of the I-MTHER RESOLVED, That whenever any improvements are about to be ordered in that part of the city affected by these plane, and axialespeclally as affecting the id"edabafore orderinglanssuc,ater of h work tom be carefully compared and coos prooeed; sad be it rQRTHER RESOLVED, That a copY of this resolution be forwarded to the Rsmeey County Board of Oomm_i.Om IOMOra and to the State Executive Oouncil. y— Nays �-Conroy 7 / May /- McDonald Pcarcc/. R.— / - Sudhe:mrr _ � Mr. Pres:dmr Bundlic Adoplcd by .h. C-61 ...FEB 15 193219 FEB 1: +532 Appcov _ 19. In favor Agai.u� THE CITY PLANNING BOARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE February 10th, 1932. Hogorable Gerhard Bundlie, Mayor- City of St. Paul. Dear Sir Enclosed you will find a resolution relative to the Cass Gilbert Capitol Approach Plans adopted by the Planning Board at its regular meeting yesterdays February 9th. This resolution wss drawn by the Corporation Counsel at the request of the Executive Committee of the Board and is in form to be adopted by the City Council. I was instructed by the hoard to submit this reso luti you with the request that you present it to the Council. Yours very truly, Managing Director. g1 - 1, -a3- - 7eb-7 15th. 1932. strta Y—ts— Oonncil, 9 tris Caryl tol, $t. Paul, Y1na. hitt Rm. H. Lyon, 4eoaf Lary 6—tin orni Af directed by the City Council of thif City, fe f nalosig heresith a osrttfisd .opy of Ha solution X.. 91673, adopted by said Coimoil at its meting held thle --ing. Tours very truly, City Clerk. lebroary 15th, 1932 M— ciao. J. RI.., C—ty Aadltor, Rw—W County, Minn. Dear 31ri Endo*ed plea.** find a cartlfled .opy of Re aol uti on xo. 91573. ado. ted by the City C --Il thle date. 7111 ya'kindly bri, , thl• rM l it ir>a before t1.e Board of 1—ty Comn1 •.*Soa*r.* at ti— ir nazi msetlnPT Tony* very truly, City Cleric. CITY OF STl NO. 1�16/4 —TY_N n C L R E - Tye— G Yrs. <.o��rv<.i�MEry N�rs itnse r. A�:.�n.c Sudh c�r..cr M1tr. F'r cs�dcr.� Eau ndiic naL,prrd I.y Appr�.�d IV 10, ...x__x ... .. x-. _. :=•11 ..._._ ..-"-`"i:- �. .,_ive-ir .Llli',- .._�ti n 1.., i_ e '_t _ . _ x Ly ieea petc17 � r in i; .. ..- e-rti— I.c— rovaa .+i11 - -icall:: _rte..-......�. _..il,i^ .. --.. -n .-_... Yrs. <.o��rv<.i�MEry N�rs itnse r. A�:.�n.c Sudh c�r..cr M1tr. F'r cs�dcr.� Eau ndiic naL,prrd I.y Appr�.�d IV ,Nn,x,licatiouFor License °",oMo=IJ-EFILLING STATION Ir ly 10 I-Vallutav It T'S A peparl-menl- of fJvbliv ` o feH3 TE�� Amo M���EsorA STREET M-. -/- J. Gib' on , Ciin- cl--1, ' `'i`- t`. n cd—rd O'�nCnn ` ^�rer^.� ss :?rte- nst��l n ri�'e-ir lin^ fo ilin�; stet'."n nn -Lo'. 1 and v}.i,-t. ?lo cY ln, FnI P^t Pst r T—th -nd^T—f"ir. pF! THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,HTEa-0FF�cc cow..w�r.iurior. 0-1 ry .,nnr Sir- _ i s ro Te r© :c- Lo s-ayl ic..ti on o. e by`s9-w c:'. "egen a _ieo r..._ sLoi Jr i 32.ll. ss =obert an.1 1� lel:'n e,lso,�le BI -11=c riUod .._ „ou.,.. .tsL AnJ .spE-etion of �: is love i— ' —� o -y nd—tof is r,f:ie, fern rvith 1 i;LiJ A. F'iln I THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL January 25,1932• Aoa. neo. O. S-dheimer pO>mslesioner of Public Safety, BS.Pau1,Mlnn. Dear Bir: In regard to the application o[ Edward O'Regan for permission to inn tall a drive-in gasoline filling e tat lon on the southwest corner of East 10th 6 Jackson Ste. We have investigated the foregoing and report that suo11 sa installation at the desired location would not increase the fire to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Yours Respectfully. Chief Inspeotor. Mr_*1C l erJ. Gibb—n, Cityk. Derr Lir : THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE February 11th, 11,2,x. he : Drive -In Filling Et;ti— Lots 1 ; nd '., Slock 10, hobertu G C{. nd:�111s '(7. (':, e—n r of Tenth 8- 1, k--) • Edw-.rc 01hegr, F. -11c nt Tk i=. loci, Lion is i a Lit,ht in.'.�lstri^.1 DIF trict. .� -i1'. ing At + .. i I., nc.er, t1— zoning rlo rdinl nce , itt.�u tic Iic he�ring. It IF d iu g, ny acros r. fr.,-1 the city 1...,.Y t. tion of tl:e site, its _ tt1 velo,�ro nt in tine vicinity, the i_� rd .,fr eo uni- tie , rec.�:nwc�nd: t" t .,n— f,rcnted. Y -urs -rl, trail y, ecreb ry. els-rig CITY W. -Ft 5"Awrwiv peparI-rrzerzhvf [Public\/vrlss w. woo..,,.o „.... February 10, 1932 �...o. .. .,.w..,..�... �, wo....e. Mr. M- J- Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. Re: Drive-in Filling Station Dear Sir= Lots1 and 2, Block 10, Roberts and ttandall's Add. (SW corner of Tenth and Jackson) Edward O'Regan, Applicant St. Raul, Minn. This application for drive-in filling station is ina Light Industry District and is permissible without a public hearing. Expansion joints should be provided where the new driveways join the present paved roadway. Regula- tion driveway construction conforming to the city require- ments should be used. The driveway entrance from Tenth. ,. .. Street should be 6 £t. west of the Jackson Street property line to provide for street signs and other utilities with a wider radius curb for the west side of this driveway. Yours truly, �IJ. CAR Chief �ng� wnc-mh G r o � ` MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner o£ Public Works. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNE.0— APYLIGATION Is Hereby Made Acc.unto`��;Aon /err c�cnn s o.:...sr P...,� — YN 6�4 CO CIL RESOLUTION IUR N OP L PROVEMeNT PROJ 6GTw - • Res ed, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract 0ommittee in awarding the contract for furnishing all • labor, material and equipment and driving approvlY tely 29 creosoted r piles 30 feet long, required by the Department of Public Works for the 50,000 gallon tank foundations, et the Munioipal Barge Terminal, to M. E. SOUTHER, he being the lowest responsible bidder, at a total contract price of approximately $798.00, in aoeordance with specifications of the Bureau of Bridges, hie bid and award of con- tract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contraot therefor. et a a�InKtOLo b • aim ni o[h �1 Weatoryte�ltet io�i �oMM, ` elIH.rrta Te��{,vin.l� ioROEn-" i.00��eceotditnea o e C�doTst[��= Couru.l t. nto�m� ! •o�niaxt toery[ r 'Inn yroy.r• .e..,.,,.�.0 .0. 8743 it waont.e n. tn., co...n c.e. ,s. ,•s .R N.. �...e....m . Mw G.....�w.�.....-.......�P�.e....rm ,....<<oo.. r.... ,....o,....o.r s. re.ie.... �'� • Terminal Bond Fund, Code 2305 798.00 798.00 ' FEB 15 m2 FEB 15 5932 IMFEWN ........—..._.... CITY F ST. PAUL c�L NO. OFFI OF CL:T CLERK LUTION—GMNERAL FORM NE�'/- -_ _Feb. 15 1932 That the plans and specifications for wrecking of buildings in Block bounded by University, St. Peter and Wabasha Streets, known as the Ryan Block, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas eou Nell-sf Ee1 N.Y. Clancy Ferguson- McDomld In favor RoWand � �Reeolvt e,sTF ff������ju:r ykVnlcmf�tpTre R� a^ mWEfeQly. E� aviffLe Ann ovea�lb0.o!Eo-392x1 L I6. l9ff. Adopted by the C-61 FEB 15 1qa 79 Sud6e:mer _ Aga:nsc w i i Mr. Pree:dcnc Hod♦Ssb� 1FIL.ssL Appr d —_ 19_ MAYOR -- - 6 40b .F. Noe. 91677. 9167$, 91679. k HESOiVSD, that .1-1 s be, drawn on the City Treaeury, to the aggregate emoont of $114,526_7o, -ering checks anmbered 1501 to 1631 inclwive, as per al -k. oa fila 1n the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council FEB 1$ 12 aide s'en 1. - Approved FEB 1.5 ICM i.:vp eco G DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL CC NCILMEN—ROLL CALL 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE L NO J!l 1 CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY / 1. FAVOR MCDONALD AUDITED CLAIMS February 13 `3F PEARCE FOR. �} _ AO AINST RESOLVE TH CHECKS DE DRAWN ON [T NE CITY TREASURY. 5UGHEIMER TO THE AGGR GA MOUNT OF S �60A&-48' - COVERING MR. PR ES BUNDLIE C CHECKS NU BE E - TO (.4 .INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE CDUNGIL. } y ,q� � "R CHECKS OFFICE l(�E CITY COMPifl OL LER APPROVED ` IB _- cl r c MnTRo�L[n nraR BY TOTAL TE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - - - — - RETU NED NUMBERTIANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK C HEC KS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 7 500 00 481 382 2- 1501 Schroeder and Company 31 5 1502 Lillian Ceisenboff, Assignee 108 Glen Leahy 50 15 3 Reuben Franameier 14 04 Dr, A,R. Thomas 1505 McClain & Hedman Company 5o1 2 15o6 MoGTSWQHill Book Company 1507 Rice StreetBuilding Comaanyl 31 245 6 1508 McGToarty Auto Parte 3 0 1509 Yolesson-St.Paul Drug Company 163 6 1510 Macmillan Company 9 0 1511 Malmon Motors Company 1512 C. & E. Marshall Company 190 5 1513 John Maurus 1514 Malady Paper Company 122 8 1515 Gus D. Messing 12 1516 Meyer Engraving Company 45 2 1517 Henry F, Michell Company 7 2 1518 Midland Steel Products Compajy 45 8 1519 Midway Creamery Company `� 8 1520 Midwest Chemical Company 7" 1521 The Minneapolis Tribune 24 6 1522 Minnesota Envelope Comrany 1523 Minnesota Fence works 1 90 6 1524 Minnesota PRper & Cordage Co4nany 15 1 1525 Mitsch & Hedk Company 17 3 1526 Monroe Calculating Machine C¢, 84 0 1527 Moody's Investor's Service 150 0 1528 Mother's Friend Laundry 6 9 1529 Motor Power Equipment ComparI 15 6 1530 Mueller Mfg, Company 25 0 1531 Mullery Paper Box Comrany 1 47 5 15332 Municipal Sanitation 2 0 1534 Nassau Paper Company 14 $ Rational Biscuit Company 1 64 8 1535 National Educ. Assn. Dept, o� Secondary School Prinotpnls '2 0 1536 Newson and Company 70 6 1537 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 91 9 1538 Niools, Dean & Gregg company. .I 182 7 3 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company' 116 9 X5 • 40 Northern Auto Eleotrio Comp y �I 19 0 1541 Northern states Power Com -ant 742 3 1542 Northern States Power Compact 473 0 154) Northern States Power companl 360 2 1544 N.w. Copper and Braes works 22 5 1545 S.W. Fuel company 837 7 1 1546 A. w. Stamp works, Inc. 2 25II 1547 N.W. Tire Company j 1548 N.E. Olson 1 5 1549 Otis Elevator Company 3 1550 Owens Motor Sales, Inc, ?3 1 1551 Pabst Food Market ?2 1 1552 Panama Ribbon & Carbon Company 6 75 155 Paper, Calmenson Comnany 88 51 155 C.A. Pearson Company 46 95 SHEET TOTAL- FORWARD 7 500M 00 517 628.. 7 I 1 I I i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL CC NCILMEN—ROLL CALL 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE L NO J!l 1 CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY / 1. FAVOR MCDONALD AUDITED CLAIMS February 13 `3F PEARCE FOR. �} _ AO AINST RESOLVE TH CHECKS DE DRAWN ON [T NE CITY TREASURY. 5UGHEIMER TO THE AGGR GA MOUNT OF S �60A&-48' - COVERING MR. PR ES BUNDLIE C CHECKS NU BE E - TO (.4 .INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE CDUNGIL. } y ,q� � "R CHECKS OFFICE l(�E CITY COMPifl OL LER APPROVED ` IB _- cl r c MnTRo�L[n nraR BY TOTAL TE CHECK IN FAVOR OF - - - — - RETU NED NUMBERTIANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK C HEC KS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ 7 500 00 481 382 2- 1501 Schroeder and Company 31 5 1502 Lillian Ceisenboff, Assignee 108 Glen Leahy 50 15 3 Reuben Franameier 14 04 Dr, A,R. Thomas 1505 McClain & Hedman Company 5o1 2 15o6 MoGTSWQHill Book Company 1507 Rice StreetBuilding Comaanyl 31 245 6 1508 McGToarty Auto Parte 3 0 1509 Yolesson-St.Paul Drug Company 163 6 1510 Macmillan Company 9 0 1511 Malmon Motors Company 1512 C. & E. Marshall Company 190 5 1513 John Maurus 1514 Malady Paper Company 122 8 1515 Gus D. Messing 12 1516 Meyer Engraving Company 45 2 1517 Henry F, Michell Company 7 2 1518 Midland Steel Products Compajy 45 8 1519 Midway Creamery Company `� 8 1520 Midwest Chemical Company 7" 1521 The Minneapolis Tribune 24 6 1522 Minnesota Envelope Comrany 1523 Minnesota Fence works 1 90 6 1524 Minnesota PRper & Cordage Co4nany 15 1 1525 Mitsch & Hedk Company 17 3 1526 Monroe Calculating Machine C¢, 84 0 1527 Moody's Investor's Service 150 0 1528 Mother's Friend Laundry 6 9 1529 Motor Power Equipment ComparI 15 6 1530 Mueller Mfg, Company 25 0 1531 Mullery Paper Box Comrany 1 47 5 15332 Municipal Sanitation 2 0 1534 Nassau Paper Company 14 $ Rational Biscuit Company 1 64 8 1535 National Educ. Assn. Dept, o� Secondary School Prinotpnls '2 0 1536 Newson and Company 70 6 1537 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 91 9 1538 Niools, Dean & Gregg company. .I 182 7 3 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company' 116 9 X5 • 40 Northern Auto Eleotrio Comp y �I 19 0 1541 Northern states Power Com -ant 742 3 1542 Northern States Power Compact 473 0 154) Northern States Power companl 360 2 1544 N.w. Copper and Braes works 22 5 1545 S.W. Fuel company 837 7 1 1546 A. w. Stamp works, Inc. 2 25II 1547 N.W. Tire Company j 1548 N.E. Olson 1 5 1549 Otis Elevator Company 3 1550 Owens Motor Sales, Inc, ?3 1 1551 Pabst Food Market ?2 1 1552 Panama Ribbon & Carbon Company 6 75 155 Paper, Calmenson Comnany 88 51 155 C.A. Pearson Company 46 95 SHEET TOTAL- FORWARD 7 500M 00 517 628.. 7 RL�EA.E To clTr BER. T. A1N1All COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THECOMPTROLLER NO ...... "1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIM February 13 , 32_ ° i'_.� IN.A�° N°� n i , ACAs Ns REs 1. THI A_, THAT r,ovN w - E T1 34,985, 44MR PRES TY °°. E E °LLE, ,°°RTE° .. °°NIIL PEA ° --- --- TOTAL ��--' AT RITUR4E r B 4 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD CHECK IN FAVOR OF NuueER T<N Ec j °14eu er cRRcrcs ev 6 19' 1,. BROUGHT FORWARD7 —500 00 --l— 1 626 • 1555 P.H. Bobrer 260 0 120 0 1556 Mr. Louie Guerin 1557 Tdwin Islbofer 53 5 1556 New Calif. Fruit Company 9 5 1559 Northern 9tatee Power Companf 1 410 7 1560 Northern states Power Company 28 976 1 1561 N.'y. Fuel Company 538 1 1562 Peyer Mueio Company Pink Supply Company 6 1 1563 564 Pioneer gleotrio Company 38 9 1565 Pioneer Nam Company 92 4 1566 Pittsburgh Coal Company 1561 Pittsburgh FAuitable Ytr,Ca., 116 2 1568 Plantation Coffee Company 1 11 1569 Postage meter Company 405 0 i 1570 Postal Telegrapb Company 35 9 1571 Poet Office News Company 3 1572 Price ElectricCompany 25 0 1573 Public management 2 5 1574 Public 'Works 3 0 4 157` Pure 011 Company 182 67 0 1570 Purity Baking Company 4 1577 'e.FA Quarrie and Company 1578 Railway Expra as Company 59 23 1 4 1579 Ramaley Print in6 Company 12 1580 Rand—McNally and Company35 0 466 1581 Ray—Bell Films, Inc. 0 f 303 40 1582 Raymer Hardware Company N 62 6 158 Remington—Rand, Inc, 1 152 Remington—Rand,Ino, 179 8 1585 Rex Linen Supply Company 8 7 1586 Riley Stoker Corporation 2 13 1587 Robinson, Cary and Sande Co. 611 67• 1588 Mies Roers Picture & Art Craft Shop 54 0 1589 Rose Brothers Company 268 80 1590 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works '�. N 143 97 40 1591 Maurice Rothschild Clothing qO, 33 �'i 20 1592 Row, Peterson Company 70 94 90 1593 Royal Typewriter Company i i r B 4 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 00,552 6 19' 1,. OFFICE OR THE COMPTROLLER CALL COUNCILMEN—ROLL y _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION �. AUDITED CLAIMS February 15 �93� 43 294 7&.« --- TOTAL I NJMaEq IN FAVOR OF cHec rcs G c�ecns T I ey e.Hn IPI BROUGHT FORWAR'f 1 -- — 7 500 00 552 � 4 • 1594 Della Brown— 28 2 27 0 1595 Yrs. Mary Emily Christy 40 0 1596 John Lennon 40 1597 Anna Wagner Peitsch 24 9 1598 Mrs. Hannah Peter eon 28 1599 Elfrida Soderberg 349 9 1600 W.H, Barber Company A Farwell, Ozmun, KirkR& Compaiy 25 s 1601 1602 G. Bonders & Company 1 496 2 1603 George R. Tuinquist 5 0 1604 John H. McDonald, C. of Fina 639 5 1605 ohn H. Mo Donald, C. of Fin,', 381 5 1606 John R. MoDonaid, C. of Fin, 11 2 102 5 1607 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 3 651 9 1608 John H. Mo Donald, C. of Fin, 13 242 1609 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.I 240 8 1610 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin,1 C, Fin, 7 246 3 25 8 1611 John H. McDonald, of C. Fin. 9 1612 1613 John H. McDonald, of Northern States Power Compan 1 765 8 161 Northern States Power Compan 297 1615 Northern States Power Compan 218 3 1616 Pioneer Ribbon and Carbon Cc pany 4 1617 Joseph A. Rogers Agenoy, Inc ,II 5 1618 St.Paul Book & Stationery Co�pany 44 244 i 1619 St.Paul Book & Stationery Co pany 2 050 1 1620 St.Paul Braes Foundry Comosn 31 1 9G 1 1621 St.Paul Broom Mfg. Company Electric Lamp Company) 9 5 1622 Bt.Paul Electro Plating Compdnp 11 65 1623 1624 St.Paul St.Paul Glass Company 79 2 129 4 1625 1626 St.Psul Good Will Industries,jInc. St.Paul Insurance Agency 29 25 1627 1628 St. Paul Letter COmpaay Bt/Paul 0ffioa Equipment Company 8 89 56 10 1629 St.Paul Stamp 'vorks 282 95 24 20 1.630 St.Paul Stamp Works Company 171 64 1631 9t.Paul White Lead & 011 e I �11 .'I I SHEET TOTALFORWARD,75000� 595 90S 97� _ 1(N) COUNCIL FILE V0. By In the Matter of chane..,:; 7ha Craca sL Alley 'n llo:}: 1, 5r;ant's Ai �i.iticn frcm Avon S`reet to Vi-'^ -i S7eeh to crnf— is the red I'ne . 4- rerile her=to attach- ed and ma-. a _sort he:•cof, the :-resent o.,tabli.r.ed :rada be'.nv shotm by s blue line thereon, also -radirg in pt .1n- Aller ? in 'oda 1, °r;:ent's Ac:_i*-on ,ebvecn the ecove stated limits to the pr—,ed red line Arhen a,tourished, wider Preliminary Order 91.12 _ appmed !4:ce 'our 1, 1931 Intermediary Order ...approved - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendation, relative thereto, and hating fully considered the same; therefore, be it 4%'-1v— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that rovement to I mad I the said City is c'- e `ue : r�_e e: Ade tion Trott, Aven a set to Ci�tc::e jtre ' to crnfcrr, to th. red line cr. the . stile here ,hashed and wa a part hereof" the esantesta':llsr,e Frady -ben;= --skater 'y a bluo 1 e theroon, also ad ace A11e tla 1 'r:a A'diticn ct•reen he d ,coves bed lid's is t'r. pro.:o:aa rad ia.na s� be and the acme are hereby rr rocerdnva the Council hereby rder a d :mp oeement to be ede. ESOLVED 11'. , That the Commissioner of I' lie \Yorks be and is hereby tructed and di Bcte to prepare pten.s end . ecifications for said improve nt, end submit same to the reit far approval; at upon said epprora ,the proper city officials ere h el,r authorized and directed pro- ceed with th making of said impr meat in accordance therewit . Adopted Lc the Co:mcil L a 161932 Approved ,192 f _ Me) or Councilman Cli&y,', Councilman Fer�yJsoft Councilman MctM d Cauneilman Councilman Sudhetmerw PUIILISHt%C % Councilman eta Mayor HGdPU 9undlie Form B. S. A. 8-i ' � { � ❑EPAF�N;50 FPFINANCE REPORT OF CO M MISSIONER OF FINANCE i a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) < of Li « . tt ... Y.; t: Pit the u. =Y. t.. ..Ito i -','L under P,I—mery Orticr apy--! LnC CI::JCr 18:°1 'fa the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Com m�ssio�ier of Finauee hereby rr F.orts as follows: 'Fl- estimated am frtof Fhc azse ss meat for the above i— F,ro.ement ie . l'he I�tz or I,arcels of land that stay- be assessed beneh.s for --li and the......ed of each lot or F--1 by the Assessor, arr as fo!lowz: oEscvx: PT:oN mor ecocK nooit:on Y nuLV gT1O 1 Lot s ,n2 n of 7 1 do J— in „.. .. '7 L do :. J.; : 3 1 uo lf: 5 1:J 1 uo 1�:5 WJ • OEPARf TSF FINANCE - REPORT OF COM, SS IONE F2 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (CI LOT D,y-,t' —0 L, —I —,__ _'. ___ _. 1 .a ..770 1O 300 _.3 1 17 1 io 1P iJ 4 .� 1 1..5U 1: 50 47 . 1 :0 1=.5.1 15'), bj —1 11-j,.5J 'I'bc Commissi�,ner of Fi,-- f—l— cl ,ins that he has i„, ee iig.—d all ,f Ih, ,f�r�sv id mn1,e zrd hereby submits the f—g,,mg —his re Port chem.,o to the C,,,—if, "i,h ih, —Je e„ .i„n in rz f--, eo said n,al ier 1,y il,e C111 -11-i,,,11 ,f Public %%—k— �,� a f9 1 z . 2 X74, ro C 3 %2 N E %4 .SEG. 2- 7 26-9- Z3 -� L AU.e6< ArE� Ai N[ ANO � A ✓E. � - A✓E Q Poerc ,rNL7 'a'�' O � h SCIMM/'T A✓E. NpNCE Office of the Commissioner of Public- , - a s Report to Commissioner of Finance SEC 1p 1931.. Dec. 8, 1931 .193_ To the C ,,issi—sr of Finance of the City of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Public Work., having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known e. Council File No. 91072 approved December 1, 1931 .193 : relative to the changing of grade, grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, Bryant Is Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street,__ - and having iii,cstig.tod the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isn ary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated coat thereof is 3 , and the total coat thereof i. f , and the .store end extent of said improvement iA. follows: - -- -- --- -- ----- - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached end made a part hereof. 4. I ................... ..... 5. Said improvement is asked for uponitio. cf three or more owns). of property, subject to —me -t for said improvement. �( a....--. _.... - .. - ....... C eeione f Public Works. '1'ffS [S FT OF PUBLIC WORKS• OF TH6 CiTY OF sr. PAM [lirEB-0L`i% MM�a��Nlf.! TlO1N lDa[a) DsC. 7, `_9,61 fin_ Ut -tea $Q58a� Co�issi�as of Pu3clic :9oriss. Sear Sir= S trate. �,..�t haraait3a preliminary astimata �f costror c �c� the �rsda� g.-ftdj g and ?av izig A11.ey in 32: ck T, Sit r s Addition prom Avon street to Yiotoria Street, —ad PreT;nom'—'srY `OrdAz C. F. 31072, approved pecsmbs- i- i332 - Length o'L ra-t width oP Roadway 20 pt. Frontage 1200 £t. a dtraat 20 ft. PAY2IIG S+ CONCRiaig Total. Sq- Y3_ 8 8..10 PropertLy Sl=— e 2 7_=00 T o t a l 2,780.00 (b) Front E-oot 2.22 2Eis estimate inoludea $278.00 For inspeotion and engin—ImAc Yours ruly, N. C Chi ar 4uinaar. Approved Por transmission to the Commissioner or FInanoe 2 ROS@I� C ssi�ar""'oI' E'b� lio Works. COUNCIL FI0. _------- I 91681BY . fill 7 In the matter of_____c__ondemning _and_ taking an easement in the land - ______ necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 1, Bryant's Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street 91073 December 1, 1931 under Preliminary Order__------------------ approved -______-------------------------- Intermediary Order ............ _91474--------- approved -------- Jan. _20!_1932__--------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it�� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thvt be end the w* we hereby cancelled, ann.:.l i and resehM ed dl nweedhlp ii taid matter be diecontisaed. C. F .�'o. BIdBI—ey Ai�lton Roeen— In ,Fa metier of eondamnlea n tok- Inp a n tAe and n eon wR°.;e .eine V1 toric Street, to\theiramissioner tent sho upon.. Cc ssloner of Publks attache hereto which plan i hereby refer ed to and madet hereof. RESOLV FURTHER, That of Pu is Warka be nd ishereby ins ucted and directed to repare plans and sns for said impro'ment, and the proper cityofncia arehereby authorize and directed to printhh�lthe making of s d improvement in accordance th with. FEB 1 6 ITT Adopted by the Council _____-_---- ------ ------ 19 ---- --- ------------------- may% �.e�rk. Approved f P_ d , 19--- Mnyo,. Councilman Conroy r / Councilman I�eeeR Councilman McDonald / Councilman Pearce J ® EUBLISHF.D Councilman gr WmW ' s - e *, OexeeiiWr+Wh +� Mayor ALLEY -BL K. / BL7YA/Y TS AOD. [/cto�o- -la c.. - ®-I d Cur F II d lin r awy dizran<e o nl.lchpsle �y - .re,d beyond proper line. Loc. Beok No.2416 X-Src. Bk No.11/6 GAUREL AVE. ti _ T C L yp' C Gor. Gor. G j Gvi Gong Gor Gnr. G r.l 60 - �! � I 28 29 20 j 2/ 22 ?3 24 "� - 26 27 � � .4SNGA/YO - A✓E /.O-N NA.9//yroaPm. - . yy�� W W W CITY P ST, PAUL CEPARTIENT DF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthemad—f pondermint, and telling en a san^nt 'n ,he land na cessary for sl opes� outs and fills i the grating anrap"inl-, of Alley in Hlock 1. Hrly s', s Addition+fine. A on Street to Victoria S.reet under Preliminary Order approved December 1, 1921 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commimioncr of Fnance hereby reports as follows: The total esumated amount of the assessment for the above mprovcment to - - - $Z5.00 'ILc estimated mat per loot for the above The lots r parcels of land that may be as acmed benefits for such improv ems and the assessed valuation Of each lot or parcel as last r,p.—d by the Assessor, are as follows: - oaseniPnoN wT .sock AoviTION L �unTior+ Bl .g. Let 1 n:1 E i of 2 1 iiryc:ntts Aaa. to 1bJ 55JJ Lot :: n.: 1ti of .. 1 0o LJJO 11 SO 4 1 do 5 1 do Lot J ,. n.: L of 7 1 co r.JJJ 55J� Lot I- ,n . of 7 1 ao.-:JJJ 9 1 do 1J 1 ,:o 1:. 5 f3JJJ CITY OI ST. PAUL_ OEPART146NT CLF FINANCE OF MMISFINANCE - REPORT ON P ORDER (G) RIPTtON 10 n�oca AootT—N ED —I.AASSISii oEsc " 11 1 Brya nta s +.dd to ��-Paul 17_5 ;5JJ 17 . 750 1'c 1 cto _5 1:15 4700 13 1 10 Ldts 15 and 14 1 .:o .;775 40000 1 }3J 330.i 16 1 do 1.50 4003 17 1 do 1-50 11, ;30 . 16 1 ao 1.50 4803 18 1 30 �0 1 do ,,..50 63.+0 it 1 do _ 1 53 .750 1.50 '.503 22 1 do 23 1 do _ 1.-.>J 4.z03 1. 50 4200 24 1 do 1:70 47,3 25 1 do 1:'.50 10100 20 1 1:0 27 1 do L`'50 3U0 1x50 450 2E 1 do 1;50 4900 1 do 30 1 .io 1;� 50 39:.00 136850 Finance further reports that he has investigated all of be aforesaid matte s, nd The Commmstoner of hi. [hthe Council, toge cher with the report ereon to made to him m ae hereby submits the foregoing s rept reference to --id matter by the Commissioner of Public \/ijo�frks. 2.-/Commissio Dated �/%�+y.�--' �__o _ _ 19. — of Finance. Office . of t1te Commissioner of Public wur iroAnoE Report to Commissioner of Finance e J s ----_ JC% 101931 Dec. S, 1931 1113 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commia®on¢r of Public Works, h,ving had under c—,ideratian the prelimiaery order of the Council, known as Council File No. 91073 approved Dec. 1, 1931 .1113. ,relative W coude raal rg and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes. cuts and fills in the grading and paving of AJ -1—y in Block 1, bryantt s Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street. end having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i,.. necessary and (or) dmirabls. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie f. ZZS and the total coat thereof ie f z3xx and the nature and extent of said improvement ie ae tallows: _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached end made s part hereof. 4. -... -.... ................ 5. Said improvement ienaked for upon petit of three or more o'�ere of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of blic Works. 91682 COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of.. grL]in;. Aliey- -in _�achel5 B.eurrangement-of..3locic -05,. Ba an} 911vier's Addition. from Annapolis..Street..ta.;tynmin; Street, A- in tae LLarter of gredlna �ennjy wand 01WIleB wddl Boo Rom u, W;omly al. soder -- e. y order W. asorovad .t� BVldr 'oh under Preliminary Order._ __ 91188 .............. -..approved Deceaber 11 intermediaryOrder ------------ __...------------------...._approved _ ....... _.......... _.__....___.._.....__......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 41d(,1 4 11" RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p vement to be made by the s ' City s__.Srade Al in Sache's _lrrangeaent of Bloc_ ss, _Bann-�._and_41iiar' kdslS.los_Aanakolis_S.tre -- ------ wygm.... ........ _. ---- --------- ------ --._.._ ----- --- M i0E the Mme ere havb7 cane^Bed, =uliedLand- re, 1HEed-mLalL-------- _...____ -�=Id"1n3EieFGe--dC+mnSc�i�.._— d the Counci] hereby ord s d improvement to be�ds ESOLVED FURTHER, at the Commiaeioner be anie herebyins d and dirertoprepplnd eel ifications for said iauhmitsametoorpproval;atproval, and directed todwithth t roper city eking of said ipagrro t in offiauthorized accorda iso s_I Adopted by the Council ---.__ ...., 192..-_-_. 1_q_�_ � 192.. Approved ._r�g. Mayor. CouncCC-/Councilman�mev W / �O -3 {/ rJIiLLSt'LU Councilman,20001111er J Coaneihtlml WAiz3Vrx > .. Mayor Madgmarx Bundlie Form B. S. A. e-7 C3_ o .0. PAOL DEPART[dEN-.V' OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A% In the mantr of gri,Iir4 Alley in '_ar-'7e's Re_,r -te ement of Block 65, iia log and 011vier s Addition f'rotn A— olis Stre«It to hyomi— -tree-t, .9V soder Preliminary Order appy —i December 11, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commie.ioncr of Finance hcrcby report. ae follows: The [oral c.t,ma[ed m a of [he ...... m t for the above improvement i. - - - $31-1-70 _ £rt. 'fife ti—m d cot pe /Ic ... ,r the above improvement ie - The lot. r parcel, of land that may be .sassed benefit, for ouch improveme , and the a..e..ed valuation of each lot or parcel as la.t reported by the As.e ss re a. follows. oEscairTioN uoT a�o�,r no otriora n q ti,arior.�l'3g• L 1 -�ac?iets R-_, . of Block 65 of B:_n.-.i end Olivier' Add. to 'Ne -t St.i- ul -175 1650 do 175 7050 4 do 475 3'x00 5 do 475 3100 6 do 475 2350 7 do 475 300 a do 525 '350 Lot 9 and (L.c.b.71) 10 do 775 3150 Lot 11 and N. 7 ft of 10 do 525 4100 C— o P D EPA RENT. OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMirISSIONER OF rINANCE ' - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 12 finches he—ar Of B1k.65 45U 1150 of B-,nninr -d Olivicrts 18 Add. to Wept 1it_Paul 450 .050 14 do 450 255,) 15 do 450 1050 16 do SUO 4650 $7,499 $39,1OU The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he hae into tigat-d all of the aforesaid matt- , d hereby submits the forego ng s his report th-reon to the Council, slogether with the report made to rn him in reference aid matter by the Commissioner of Public %V—k... Dated °1932 �QISn.� �L. �'Ll.e �✓9'_".t-%� _ r«>e n. n. u � Com miseioner of Fina ncc. I Sc. Pa Mint...._....__._ 13 To The Honorable, "1 -he, Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We,, the, undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause: ehe yfo]I—ing improvement to be made: �7 A6>i///r."""�>.a �.�I.. ba+ew+. L7:n v�� a.,.ua.•,es..rc...e„St. Ave. St. Ave. St. Ave. 39). 1 %- T 28- P-22 JJ I JLi �Q ST Y n 3 0 r r- r � o QO O� .. -!! . W W 1616 % , -- THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Once) Dec. 16, 1931 Hon. Hilton Rosen, Comtmissioaer of Public Works. Dear sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost Por the grading of Alley in Sache's Rearrangement of Block 65, Bawling and Olivier's Addition from Annapolis Street to Wyoming Street, under Preliminary Order C. F" 91188, approved December 11, 1931. Estimated most - - - - - - - $344.70 Cost per front foot - - - 0.59 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 6.75 Engineering - - - - - - - - 80.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 589.08 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. C Chief Engineer. Apprr d tr smission to s er of Finance Vr jNA. MILTON ROSEN, v Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works R-eport.,� jto Commissioner of Finance Dec. 18, 1931 193 Ta the C mmieei—, of Fi nanm of the City of St. Paul: The Commis.toner of Public Work., having had under --d—t—, the preliminary -der ,f the Council, known a. Council File No. 91188 approved Dec. 11, 1931 194 , relative to the grading of Alley in SacheTs Rearrangement of Block 65, Banning and 011vier's Addition from Annapolis Street to Wyoming Street. and having i ve.tigated the mattern and thing. referred to th—sin, hereby reports: 1. Said impmvetnent ie --y and (or) d—i—N, Cost per front foot $0.59 2. The c.tirnated —t thereof is S $`"}4'70 and the total co.t thereof i. E Inspection$6.75 Engineering $80.00 Frontage 569.08 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is se (olluwe 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said impmvornont i. hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i. asked for upon petition of three or more owhets of property, .ubject to m.es.ment for .aid improvement. Commi..ioner of Public Works. To Sr, John H, McDonald, commissioner of Finance city of St. Paur,Fdinnescta. WE, the undersigned, owners of the respective lots in Sachs's Re -arrangement of Block 65, Banning & Olivier's Addition, ARE OPPOSED, to the matter ofGrading, condemning and ta4ing an 3segmVn4 ". the I"de neteseary for elopes for cute and fills in grading alley in Sachs's He -arrangement of block 65, Banning & Olivier's Addition from AnnaPPclic to Wyoming as proposed under preliminary orders #91188 and $91189 approved December 11,1931, 11��zyy—owner of u0to —owner of Lot, r DD ---Owner of Lot A LAS oowner of Lot owner of Lot, //1 �j7:s.[,,j owner of Lot .{/J �Q 9F_ �� �• 0 Owner of ilt owner c Lot oaner of Lot p�� owner of Lot//d _owner of Logo J owner of Lot owner of Lot owner of Lot„_- I OjNCIb FILE N0. --------- In _______ — K condemning and taking an easement in the land In the matter of________________________ _ .____.. _______._______. necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Sachets Rearrangement of Block 65, Banning and Olivier's Addition from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St. IV under Preliminary Order --- 91189-------------- approved ____--_December_ 11,__1931___, 0 Intermediary Order --------- 91478 ---------- - -----. approved-----------Januar ----y-2--,--1--932 --- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it , t PPgnl,VRD. By the Council of the City of St. Paul thtt ba and the acme are hereby a^,c"I!:d .v.r. tnd rexiaw ad 9 paaaaafi ht @aid matter be disi!=Ue - a<mnmvamm, n o�:., from _ napolis St. to Wy ing St., to the ext t shown upon t e plan of the ssionerof Publ Works attached her�bo ich plan 1 hereby ref red to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED URTHER, That the Ci issioner of Public Worod is hereby instruc and directed to pre re plans and specificatio for said improvement,proper city officials a hereby authorized an directed to proceed with a making of said improvement in accordance there- with. fEB 1�'" Adopted by the Council___________ 6 . �'_'.---------- ____-.___, 19 ---- %--------- ----- -- C,tt�TQl$' Approved----------� 1-!iu 19---- --------------------- i Mayor. Councilman Conroy i Councilman Fei ,ttsm Councilman McDonald PC!31.Iai1CD_��/ Councilman Pearce r d Councilman Rehiand' C"w4mmiris� Mayor 'Y-S/JC/YES RE. OFBLfl65BA/Y/Y//YG S. OL/!/ERS A00. � + hdlwms Cut. Indtc ,o F1I Ty p�cal Nerar n c i Flgw- aI al'n sho , Cur a �1 at v =very Iln darunca to ,.I.�ch elopes nd beyo.d props Y line. Lec. Baok W.2166 X -Sec. Bk. Na.22G6 -�oay-sr/,P' ,Gleo/B/E ni�SO/r' P Adm - Ste. � 1x.140 - • 1 H h 60 GYlE.RO/f-EE AYE h BG K,. Ln;k F. ^ 60 r � •�fu.Ge. F Gem �- Fn G 1 �' S/u. I F.G+r I i V ' I > /6 /S / 1 p BA/Y/Y/NG S•—OL/1/ERe A00. OEL AIY/7RE A✓E. -�oay-sr/,P' ,Gleo/B/E ni�SO/r' P Adm - Ste. � 1x.140 - • 1 H h 60 DEPAfEtM EN T60F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE iA) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mancr of cn nil ac:lni n-' —1 taknn; an t' 3 mcnt in tits Y slo; e.:> cuts aad ent of B1oCK �S� £1�1nn. in t'. hned �1l�i:>in: nrl� A11ey in - �• e'- "�- rrin.;e- ,�J A:laitilln from An—, `„treet t.> NY >:ntca? :street, , under Prchmmary Order approved U e:.hrr 11, 15:1 To the Council of the City of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby report. an follows: j oU.t 0 The total oumated amouaat of the assessment for chc above improvement u - Thestimated cost per foot for chc above The lots r parcel- of land that ay be assessed benefits for such improveme , and the assessed valuanoo of each lot or parceI as Iast reported by the Aanees rc as follows. OesenlPrloe� I-oT otooa ADOrTION L VAAS�SUI,1,1 nd —1•: i rls Add, to e t . t.I 01 :75 1150 3 175 DO 4 do 175 5 Jo .'75 6 do k73 JJ. 7 io 5-5 .- )5J B do 775 '150 10 do 5*115 4,100 Lot 11 —d n . 7 ft of 10 to ctTv o D EPART`M EN TSOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)ASSEISED 15j _150 O_1•+Sur�s 450 »J 14 10 153 5S� -153 1JS0 1S ao to do :,3J 4a50 17,=J9 3-=3,130 The Commtsaton<r of Finance further eports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid mage , and thereon to the Cou cil, together with the report mad' to him In hereby aubmita the foregoing as hie report ^ reference t aid matter by the Commissioner of Public Xk'orks. o s / n p Datedamu-... -�} -D __--.1939KR.r-�C�ot Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 18, 1931 193 Tu the Cummi..iunar of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The ('ommi..ioner of Public Work., ha ng had under nrn.ider.tinn the preliminary order of the 91189 Dec. 11, 1931 193 ,relative w (7,)-61, known as C'oo ncil File No. approved condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, .-ts-and fills in the grading of Alley in Sache's Rearrangement of Block 65, Banning and Olivierrs Addition from Annapolis Street to Wyoming Street. and having invent 9 St the matter. d things referred w thercr n, hereby reports: 1. Snid im Pro vornent iF .nd (or) dr.irablr. ]CXX x�Oe nd the tnt.l coat thereof is E p. -The r.tinrated �o.t thereof ie E and the nature and extent u( .aid improvement is ea follow=: 3 A plan, profile or sketch of .aid im provrmrnt is hereto attmhed and made a part hereof. C 5. Said i-1-- --t i. —ked fur upon petitio d three or more ownere o+ property, .object to e..e. nt for said impr9vem nt. / ley/ 7i`—� / /......... ......_. (;ammis.ioner of Public Works. 's In the Matter of constructing -curbing anbath sides of Capitol -avenue fromLexingtonAvenue to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order _ k364 . approved Sept. 5, 1931. intermediaryOrder ..______._.-....----- —----- ------- approved __ .._.__-...........__....____.--------- --. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is coAa_tLuct _c Qrbin,& Q11_h4.th_a1deH_of-.Q0ib41 _ Avenue...from. Lezt_n„at9n..Avenue._tn._4aford Btaeat,_.--- __-- ..._—_ ..... --------- .__------- - -------- and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 16 1222 sz c /// City Clerk. Approved _. Ct"R �.� ..192 Mayor. Councilman thasycx Conroy ,} 1 Councilman wnInu �'Aey Councilman mid McDonald I Councilman I ✓Pearce / h Councilman ea�Hosen ➢leyorastgano bundlie Farm B. S. A. 8-7 �\ 91Gt�4 1 � plxAt annc ateee— le hlelter �J � the of Con.trunxv. aloes or Capitol A. Lehots - LvgtovaorrAve.o OiroM " Order sept a, 1BtI. COUNCIL FILE NO. +°ee: :hor°: impro +e as me couohi enone . ohleaxove - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing -curbing anbath sides of Capitol -avenue fromLexingtonAvenue to Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order _ k364 . approved Sept. 5, 1931. intermediaryOrder ..______._.-....----- —----- ------- approved __ .._.__-...........__....____.--------- --. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is coAa_tLuct _c Qrbin,& Q11_h4.th_a1deH_of-.Q0ib41 _ Avenue...from. Lezt_n„at9n..Avenue._tn._4aford Btaeat,_.--- __-- ..._—_ ..... --------- .__------- - -------- and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 16 1222 sz c /// City Clerk. Approved _. Ct"R �.� ..192 Mayor. Councilman thasycx Conroy ,} 1 Councilman wnInu �'Aey Councilman mid McDonald I Councilman I ✓Pearce / h Councilman ea�Hosen ➢leyorastgano bundlie Farm B. S. A. 8-7 OEPARTMEUT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE --9 ;op_ (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthe ma ttcrof construct I ng —binU on both sides of Capitol Avenue from Lez i— to :+v anus to U_f, "i street, under Preliminary Ord— approved sopt—be, 5, 1931 To the Council of the City of St- Paul: "1'1,e Commi..ioner of Financ< hereby reports as follows: The total es[,mated,. a of the assessment for o£r the a bove ,mprotcment- - - .. 751,-74. t The esumated cost perf of for the above ,mprove meat is - - - - - - $ 0-772__ _ The Iota or parte is of land that may be assessed benefit. for -cl, improvement, and the assessed . alua tion of ea eh lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are an follow.: oescrztPT,ory LOT a.ocK nooir,or+ Lana cunTiory B1. East 73 ft of 11 1 L—i,gt—y;,dd. to 625 the City o. .-,t.Pa,,l 12 1 do 250 13 1 do 250 .1550 14 1 do 250 15 1 do 250 2500 1 2 do 250 3050 2 2 do 250 2250 3 2 do 250 2200 4 2 do 250 2150 cast 73 ft ) 5 2 do 625 DEPARTMENT.OF "F INANCE " REPORT OF COMM4SSIONER OF FINANCE 7000 44800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has love Ligated all of the aforesaid matte , nd ON PRELIMINARY ORDER his report thereon to the Council, together ifh the report made to him i. reference t.C�..'id matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated ao _. 193.a 1 21 'Nin ters Add. to :'.t.Paul 275 2650 2 21 do 250 2300 3 21 do 250 3750 4 21 do 250 2600 5 21 do 250 2350 6 21 do 250 2150 -7 21 do 250 2650 8 21 do 100 23 22 do 100 24 22 do 250 2950 25 22 do 250 2200 26 22 do 250 27 22 do 250 2200 23 22 do 250 2150 Lot. 25 and 30 22 do 525 1150 7000 44800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has love Ligated all of the aforesaid matte , nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together ifh the report made to him i. reference t.C�..'id matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated ao _. 193.a ComCmi�ssion�cr�o�t FinanTe-� �� St. Paul, Minn..-�'up�i"St. lUs_-_-_-- 191.. -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _.. c+.urbiztg.._.- _.9a - _O_aplSol. __... _... _. _ ..__._. __._ . _.. _... _ --._EI Ave. from___._L-etsl agSon-.- __ _._... __. _--SI Ave. to OXfQXd 3=60%. St. Ave. N.A R RI R� Ace NjS'r Wt uw"ri—rubor ", 5erwN August 18, 1931. Honorable Milton Rosen, Co—:Lssl over of Pub110 Work.. Desr Bir: 1 sm enclosing properly signed peci,tdon for curbing and trees on Capitol Avenue Y=om Lezinaton Avenue to Oxford Street, and would resepsotfully request that, if possible, the work ba done this fall. Wish to thank you for previous favor done in our neighborhood, also for your attention to this petition. very truly yours, 8 Enole. ea ry to Flre Chief. HH J /o S. -/2. S. W ;, 5Z -C 26 7-Z-9 - /0 23 A �X- --------------- FL h V�Fti F=: L x..4 k- THE nEPAYTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL - INTER -OFFICE CO-UNICATION (D'te) Nov. 25, 1931 Hon. Milton Hosaxi� Commissioner of PuWorks. Dear Sir= T transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Orford otreet, under Preliminary "rder C. z - 90364, approved September 5, 1931. 'estimated Uost - - - - - - - %751.74 Cost ner front foot - - - .72 14.74 75.00 - 1049 £t. Yours truly, �y�CAh Chief Engineer. or transmiss Ap_�roved ss er to the o �ce Mi TON R05 EN Commissioner of Public v�orics. I Officj of the Cornnmissioiier of Public Wee FINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 - - - - - Nov 30 1931 Nov. z7, 1931 193 To the Conm�issioner of Finance of the CitY of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public ,'trnrka, having had under ronsiderstion the 1-1—illlu order of thn 90364 Liept. 5, 1931 193 relative to Council, known as C'ou ncil File No. approved the construction of curbing on both sides of Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to UXford .3t—et. em1 having ins tigated the matters and things referred to therein, herehY reports: 1. -aid i nprovement in necass and (or)desirable. t: st ,er front ..t 71¢ o q. The estimated rust thereof is S 7bl .74 and the total cost thereof ie F Inspaecti on So14.74 ortg ineer irt� $7b.00 rronta�e 1,049 £t. end the Lure and extent of said improvement is follows- 3. .1 Fdan. VroCile or sketch of aw9 impro vc ment is hereto attached and made u pert h—f. 4. 1 for u property, 5. Said i nprovement is asked upon P7t��th_. subject to aseesement fur said improvement. .... -... Commissioner of Publio Works. 91685 No. . HO »« o RredlnR AIIer J, HIRov� w91'Avev �o°EQ COUNCIL FILE N0. aDr elm e<.rlva ea.mR m<.00.. Imvro..o,.v< ave o!<mo.. I n lBy FINAL ORDER 4a�.r° °° In the Matter of grading Allay in.Blook 6, Htg);view Addition from Fairview Avenue to Howell Avenue, under Preliminary Order 90974 _ _ ... approved Nov, 18, 1931, Intermediary Order __. __.-----------------approved_- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be It RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is grade. Allay- in Block E, Highview_Addition from_Fairvlaw Avenue. to Howell _Avenua,....__ _-- _____-__------ ----- ------ --- ...._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- erovemen ceed with the making of said im t in accordance therewith. I Etl 181932 Adopted by the Couacil __.- ___- 192 _.., --- - City Clerk. '� , Approved ---- - Iso ; Conroy Mayor. Councilman CLMaBx / Councilman F�mtu / may Councilman 2kkpAddOtg �16cDonald I Councilman Jklaum Pearce 1Councilman/Rosen Mayor HCItg3P6C Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,,.— o DE —T40y T OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMSVIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter o[ Alla�� in 'llo,t: o,-�-..vt _.v Ad1litt on ^roto _a.rvt�w ..vo. o / Ho:rnll Avo.ruo, rn .l under Preliminary Order apPI—d 14-- e her lII, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fina nee hereby reports as follows: - - The total estimated a Of the ease semen[ for the above �mpr ovc men[ is - "1"1c pc�foot for the above improvement is - - - "I'he lots <,r parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Ass— r, arc as follows: o R - oEscr+iFrioN uoT .1oc. Aooiri.N Landn�u nTion Bldg. 1 6 Hlghvl— Add. 175 2 6 do 150 3 6 do 150 4 6 do 150 5 6 do 150 6 6 do -.50 7 6 do 15C g 6 do 150 g 6 do 150 lQ 6 do 150 (C) CEPA RTMENT SO FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 11 6 Highview Ad,iition 150 12 6 do 150 33 6 do 150 14 6 do 150 15 6 do 150 16 6 do 150 17 6 do 150 18 6 do 150 19 6 do 150 20 6 do 150 21 6 do 150 22 6 do 175 G3 6 do 175 24 6 do 150 25 6 do 150 2G 6 do 1S0 27 6 do - 150 28 6 do 150 29 6 do 150 30 6 do 1.150 31 6 do 150 200 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DE—RIPTION 1113-01 • 32 6 HiFhvi— Add. 150 33 6 do 150 34 6 do 150 35 6 do 150 3 : 6 do lbo 37 6 do 250 36 6 do 150 39 6 do 150 40 6 do c 1S0 41 6 do 150 The Commissioner of Finance {gther reports that he has ince tigated a1I of the aloresaid matec and hereby submits the forego ng s his%report thereon m the Council, together with the report made to him in reference i d by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Date ae_ 19 3.2 cssf 7—n,.iF i n ancc. .f U St. Paul, Minn. _October 3 1�1_ To The Honorable, The Council, . City of St. Paul, Minn_ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause rbc following improvement to be made: Osading of alley Bloch -La (,6J Hi ghviev Add -it -inn to Toe City of Suint Paul from Fairview A—— tc aQvQa31 : —ue_ S, A— from St. Ave. to St. Ave. - 5 k N - W. 44 SEC. 16 T28 R23. y7 SOHLAMC� Ave. i O .D \ BEECHWOOD - I AVE. J - u T' ;� - ROHE AV ' I _�_ ii � lei MOM TR EAL AVE. ' I THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Nov. 27, 1931 Hon. Milton nosen, commissioner of P—lic corks. Lear 51r: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in block 6, Highview Addition from rairview Avenue to Howell Avenue, under Preliminary urder `•. r. 90974, approved Nov. 18, 1931. t:stimated Cost - - - - - 11 7.32 cost per front foot 0.41 Inspection - - - - - - - 14.07 Engineering - - - - - - - 150.00 r rontnge - - - - - - - - 1713 ft. Yours truly, wtfl. N. uhie Engineer. Appr*�VIN ans ission to tom B'inance U�-N, Uommission er of e'ublic works. Office of the Cornmissioner c3f Public Z.�U�r(i��INANEE Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 -___- Nov 30 1931 Nov. 30, 1931 193 To the Commi..ioner of Finance of t1— City of St. Paul The C.—imtoner of Public Work., having had under consideration the preliminary order ,f the C-61, k.,— m Council File h:o_ 90974 approved Nov_ 18, 1931 193 ,relative to the grading of Alley A- > Block 6, Highviaw Addition from Fairview Avenue bo Howell Avenue. and having m—tig—,I the matters acrd thing. referred to therein, hereby rep�rl.: I. Said improvement is nncrmary and (or) desirable. Costper front ft. 41¢ 'l. The estimated st thereof E 717.32 d the total coat thereof i. E Inspection $14_07 aE@ig ineering n .00 Frontage 1760 ft. and the nature and extent of .aia improvement ie ae follow.: 3. A plan, profile or of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .eked for upon petition of three�ormo�reeoowners f property, ..bjert la m.emment for said improvement. �i//Clj^'W Commm.ioner of Public ork.. V t'e a PmAu onoaa� m tl: ( ()�u{'' � J PDOCa6DUu i � COUNCIL FIIar 0. - _ gieee— � nom for oe wna.mm 'i „ . mei m ' s ioraooe•. BY _ --,-' —`-� ema-or Anoi io w' v Aaa Ia. from Fti'r FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNtiIa�"°oor,dor ?ROCEEDINGS t „ condemning and taking an easement in the land In the matter of___-_------------ ------------- -- necessary. for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Highview Addition from Fairview Avenue to Howell Avenue 90975-----__--- approved_____ Nov. 1B,_ 1931---- under Preliminary Order__________ _ - ------- 91476 Jan. 20, 1932 Intermediary Order --------- ---------------. epProved------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Highview Addition from Fairview Avenue to Howell Avenue. and the Council hereby orders Bald improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said Improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in mock 6, Highview Addition from Fairview Avenue to Howell Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissi-or of Public Works be and is hereby instructed d directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city omcbd. are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_- FEB -16 '0'-' --_____--- __----- _ 19__-- - city clerk. Approved -_rte ff S ---------Mayor. Councilman Conroy Guan- Dt.-r Councilman McDonald Councilman Pear nni Cou man Rr' .. r e � Mayor .q S L.d:cahaa c,.r AL L EYBL.Y,6H/GHV/EW Ao _ 4 yv�=d Na �afion ' a - Foie✓ err .4vc. //aye// A, - - F:ouraa ebora Tina aMr - Curw Fail afprae ylino- F:�a.cs !<bw I:..c shoe d:aronm Ta ..hicl. sloye +�..a bcyo y.op<.b, h— _ la= Beak No zonz X-Sa Bk N 240z - i - BEEGNYY000 q✓E _ - V / Ac ry A D / T / O /Y , e O 44 I 43 I Q2 d✓ 40 39 38 3-7 36 -35 Jw 33 32 3/ 30 _. x .. 29 28 2'>• 26 I 23 24 - - Goy. ZL 96� oPR QIy io nl� e�; em n, <�n. ��.{o _o ejo . o a ^'o' _.l=' vry ao aIh 6 � 21 22 Ae V / B YY A 10 O / T / O /Y L� O EPA RTM ENT OFPFINANCE (A) REPORT ON PRELIMIISNARY ORDER 61ONER OF FINANCE r���� In chem of :t-iortnlnP nd e ta n the lend foroP Allay i-tlllook ., tevr .add �n on�from .1 rv90-+, A— .to�Y.a»-:ol .,oder Prelirr,i—y Order approved 21ov 9.nb ar xa, 1931 To the Council of xhc City of St- Paul: The C7—i.sioucr of Finance hereby report. as follo.o.: The xocal e.timated amou ux of the asses. — for th<above improve ment i. - - - $25,00_ The estimated cost per foox for the above improvement ie - - - - - - - $ _- 'Fhe 1— or parcels of land xhat may be assessed b ... fi,s for..,h improv —it, and the as.c..cd —1—t— of each !ot or parcel as Iasi reported by he Assessor, arc as follow.: o EscF<tPTioti t_or aroma. nooixioN L�anu SIED Hldg, 1 6 Highoiaw Add, 175 2 6 do 150 3 6 do 150 4 6 do 150 5 6 do 150 6 0 do 150 7 6 do 15C 8 6 do 150 9 6 do 150 10 6 do 150 (G) Y n• OEPA RTM ENT OF, FINANCE REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI.4ARY ORDER 11 6 Highvdew 4ditti— 150 12 5 do 150 13 6 do r 15® 14 6 do 150 15 6 do 150 16 6 do 150 17 6 do 150 18 6 do 150 19 6 do 150 20 6 do 150 21 6 do 150 22 6 do 175 L:3 6 do 175 200 24 6 do 150 25 6 do 150 26 6 do-_-- 150 27 6 do 150 28 6 do 150 29 6 do 150 30 6 do 150 i 31 6 do 150 (C) OEP-TMENT OK FINANCE S REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 3H B High,I— Add. 160 33 6 do 150 34 6 do ..e 150 35 6 do 150 3G 6 do 150 37 6 do 150 38 6 do 150 39 6 do 150 40 6 d0 ISO 41 6 do 150 The Commissioner of F'i—... further reports thac he has investigated all of the aforrsaid matte and hereby submits the foregoing — his report thereon co the Council, together with the report made to him m reference to said —t— by the Commissioner of Public NV kse IJatedC/ `d a 19 3 iYeD C'om miss ioncr of Fm.... O$ice of the Commissioner of Public WA-Aftlq$NANC6 - i 3 Rey><>rt to Commissioner of Finance �1, mov so 1931 Nov. 30, 1931 193 To the t'oinmieaioner of Finance of the city of tit. Paul: The 1-ommienioner of Work,, having had ,.,der r--d ... t—I the preliminary order .•f the Council E= ile No. 909 5 approved Nov.. 16, 1931 193 • relative tc ('ounril, known as condemning and tahirtg Pn easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts andf i 11s in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Bighview Additions from Fairview Ave. to Howell "ve. end having inve,tigated the --t- and thing, referred w therein, hereby -Por- 1. Said improvement is neer„ _ and (or) desirable. X]eX nd the total roar thereof is 5 XXX '2. The estimated cost thereof ie E end the n,t.m and extern of ,aid improvement i, m follows 3. A Plan• profile or sketch of ,aid improvement is hereto attached and made a port hereof. 4. 5. Said improverz-- ra aeked for opo- Petition of three more oa nen, of roperty, eubject to os,easment for said improvement. *_—, / f Public Worker. C^e v 91687 No. 91e11— � nh`hNattefhO[Idet r Hakei glu r I�t relll.m.0 Oede, 90i/i B1 ftt. S. 1111. A Duhlle heulta bwly, +n the thole Improve.: COUNCIL FILE NO. sod the coun ll h n vbJeetlane D^eiall^+ thel By the FINAL ORDER In the Matter of canstructik,_curbil ., on the ao.uth side of Baker Street from ChzLnn Street to daseca Street, under Preliminary Order 94363. -_...._-.approved 6e"tellber J, 1931 Intermediary Order ___._._. ______-___._.._spproved....- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__..cnns L-uc t. cl biag�_Dn_tac_efluth_side_oS Baker. Street. tr=. Cliarltan_at_.eet_. tO ilas&La_Qi Eet,_._._._____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB IflRZ.._._.... _ ,192 City Clerk, Approved 192 Mayor. Councilman ir�� C��nnm Councilman l ,,.old Councilman eta+ Councilman eGlo* 11 x y� Councilman Vagr Councilman VAt" Mayor Hdegeswa t! {3BI.ISFLD —f BundliP Form B. S. A. 8-7 T� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e,I� lsth,matterof c -t, ctt. c,:.rbin- r..uc CNS Pori -treet to .aecn �.Y reet� _d, Rcb_inary orderapproyed „t.. .�-•T _ 1_14_1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: _ c The Commimioner of Finance hcr,by reports > s fol lows The total cstima«d amou�tto(thc asacssment for the above The esiimaicJ cost per�nnr for the a bo sm larox.-e tt r is mprovemcnt ,a - $ VQ - "Fhc k,,, arals nl land that may be -,-J J I, fi t s for soch improvement, and the •ssused valuation of each lot or Marcel as last ,,or d by the .Asses sot, arc as follows: ocscnirnory mor e�o�K nooi.iory iYA�un�ioHl Exc. t. s nti 6 est 5J ft of Ube E. "est �l ft f .>... t - nu �> 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has intesi igated all of rhe aforesaid , matt and I... eby submits thin e foregog as hia report rias reora to the Cc,n ,d, together ,i,h the repot, mad, to shim in reler<nce ro dma4t tic r1byir' tP h, Comm 19 raer of ubl:e \(\r ks./� .� / t] UCommissioner of Finance. ._7vu 1 S 30 WSJ 'c::J� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has intesi igated all of rhe aforesaid , matt and I... eby submits thin e foregog as hia report rias reora to the Cc,n ,d, together ,i,h the repot, mad, to shim in reler<nce ro dma4t tic r1byir' tP h, Comm 19 raer of ubl:e \(\r ks./� .� / t] UCommissioner of Finance. N.R.o, R' R.o- St. Paul, Minn. 192._ To The Hdnorable, The Council, City of Sc. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the Ofotlowia i—Prro,cmen_t� to be made: .{ J from "l%li ei 0—yL St. A— to St. A',-- 37k S. E. A, S5 7 T.28 - R. 2 Z, El i r7AC-1 MF F �l 0 ryz C. JT v BE[ Mo/Y r / W in bi It - w THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dee) Nov. 25, 1931 Hon. Milton HoseII� Commis,ioner o£ Works. Lear Sir: I transmit tzere:vith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction o£ curbing on the south side of Baker street from Street to **sec atreet, under Preliminary Order C. F'. 9036:>, approved September 5, 1931. Estimated Cost - - - - - - FolO.28 �t per front foot - - .88 T- pection - - - - - - - 6.n8 31.00 351 ft. Y our s�truly, ChChief gineer. Appro Fo rams ission to t e,"x-i Finance. MILTON HC)S E:N Commissioner o£ &—blic Works. Office'of the Commissioner of Public QCOM,4flhANCQ Report to Commissiorier of Finance 0 _ — NOV 30 1931 Nov. L7, 1931 193 To the Comm�esroner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The C—o—ioner of Public Work., having had vrrder consideration the preliminmy order of the. 30363 Sept. 5, 1931 _193. , relative to C.ounr:l, known e» ('-ounril F:Ic 2h o. .'p --i the construction of curbing on the south side of Baker street from Charlton street to rues=ca Street. _... and having invest:got d the matters and thing- referred Lo therein, hereby reports: cgs-e.ry and (or) d—i-lo e. I. tinid improvement ie ne mostper front foot 68d 310 8 and the total coat thereof :s S 2. The estimated coat thereof :e f. ung in eer i>7g 4,31.00 Nrontaee 351 ft - *6;0" Inspection $6.8 and the nature end extent of said :mprovemenG is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of said :m Arovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 9. asll// ._ked three or for upon petition thmore ownere.df propeM1Y, 5. Said improvement ,a - - //' subject to aeseesment for raid improvement. ------ r of Public Works. 'ee 91688 In the Matter of constructing Alley. crossing on the east sideofAldine Streat between Ashland Avenue.and tavl Avenue, _ under Preliminary Order 90997 - - .approved Nov. 20, 1931. Intermediary Order ---._.__ - approved --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.cQ11atruct .Alley_.croasing _on- the_east_ side of Aldine_ Strpst_ hatw.een_Ashland_Avenua..&oJJaurel_Avenua,---------- _--•----------- - j- _- ----------------== — I . _. - .....__ f —__.— r__ ,.1.__ _ . - .__..-- ------_-.... __ - I I _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. l RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Wpr be and is hereby instructed and 1 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for 1 approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - end with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -_ FEB 1 192 � ' i/ -. Clty Clerk. b i Approved _ - - ,192 -y_ __ --->------___ - Mayor. Councilman 9R><d6a Conroy / Councilman EMIR OL May Councilman >NcHdmank Idc Donaid Councilman Wamx Pearce Councilman Ikm Rosen • 6uuwda'aa Wl B li Mayor�6llgDdrlx Bundlle Form B. S. A. 8-7 . •. e. No. ne�t- r welpg port not Alae Eelweev AeD4vd Ave. v ^I Avs, avder Prellminarr 991 approved Nov. !e, ted , oaDllo DutID� Devini ' 'De chubs I_r ament COUNCIL FILE N0, an ob Aaiun ileo p tprelnttre thereto, r l ,Wdered the eA.' By By the Cpu^ .. lM� the FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing Alley. crossing on the east sideofAldine Streat between Ashland Avenue.and tavl Avenue, _ under Preliminary Order 90997 - - .approved Nov. 20, 1931. Intermediary Order ---._.__ - approved --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.cQ11atruct .Alley_.croasing _on- the_east_ side of Aldine_ Strpst_ hatw.een_Ashland_Avenua..&oJJaurel_Avenua,---------- _--•----------- - j- _- ----------------== — I . _. - .....__ f —__.— r__ ,.1.__ _ . - .__..-- ------_-.... __ - I I _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. l RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Wpr be and is hereby instructed and 1 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for 1 approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - end with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -_ FEB 1 192 � ' i/ -. Clty Clerk. b i Approved _ - - ,192 -y_ __ --->------___ - Mayor. Councilman 9R><d6a Conroy / Councilman EMIR OL May Councilman >NcHdmank Idc Donaid Councilman Wamx Pearce Councilman Ikm Rosen • 6uuwda'aa Wl B li Mayor�6llgDdrlx Bundlle Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITy ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT v F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) u J In the matter of constru- s. ink ally crossing on the ee.it side of Aliine Street betwei3t; Ashli.nl Fav <�nue and Laurol Avenue b' nndcr preliminary Order app --d Novo:.,ber 20, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby rc ports as follows: The total estimateda oun of the assessment for the above improvement '["he estimated cost �tfor the above improvement- Thc lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: Crossin;, £or A11 ey 1n 11 Sc2Cit .ft StL.d Fau to the no v 1,,ation The Commissioner ,f Finance further reports that he has invcs6,—d all of the the report mad-1—iilfd id d atter s, and hereby submits the fo ego ng s his -p— -p—thereon to the Council, toger ethwithe to him in referencematter by the Commissioner of Public o 19� 'Z � Commissioner of. r...... e. s. w. s -I o / Office of the Commissioner of Publicj& Wj+§ 1NANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance KO -q'.10 1931 Nov. 27, 1931 .193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The (:ommimioner uf. Public Work., having had under consideration the Preliminary order of the Nv. 20, 1931 t93. rehcivc to Council, known m 90997 ('ouncil File Nu. approved. o t:onstructing alley crossing on the east side of Aldine btreet between Aldine Street between Ashland Avenue and Laurel hvenue. - and having ivvcvtigsted the matter. and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ,ry and (or) desirable. Said impmvcment i- nece.a 30Q per square foot 2. The intimated coat thereof is 8 and the total cost thereof is 3 and the -,tore and extent of said improvement is m follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto st—hed end made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement 1- ..eked for upon petition three o�ore otd rs of property, subject to assessment for -aid improvement. ---'---- - -- Commissioner of Public Works. 91689 in FCv Ne[ler or wlEening the e 31edway Bnellln[ AVebn 1nnohah� fil. to the truk.' VBG . n....l.. ilvie IeE yoorC R he Dreamt N' COUNCIL FILE NO. `+. obso heRlellne b mxture. exce0t w By ^ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of widening the existingroadway onSnellingAvenue-- from -- Minnshahet St. to the tracks of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and paving the widened portions, -also-repaving the present roadway by--remov. ing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt mixture, except.whare asphalt or brick paving in good oondition now exists also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, making sewer, water and gas connections from -street mains to property lines where not already made, and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order __ _p0. 9Q@l5-.__ __ __ approved /JOct. 29, 1931. — --- IntermediaryOrder _..._..._/.I77 -__._._.....approved _ -----��...-----`1-3--�........--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improrent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations rale ive thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Councntf the'64ty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• provement to be made by the said City is _widan-.the_ exiating.roadway_an- -Snelling---- Av enue_.from.hiinnehsha-_S.t._ ta..Y.he.._trACka.nf_the _Narthern--Pacific-Ratlwag- Company and paving the widened portions, also repave the present roadway by .removing .-the --wood --blocks--rind--reaurface- the, -er,3.ati$g---bees--with asphalt mixture, except where asphalt or brick paving in good condition now exists, also ineledi-ng-osxrbiiig-end-paving--alley-end- drivewaTaPproeches-mekiag- sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not, already -mads- and -al YatiTaF WI+*w m-�',bS,.ESY�. k1PliC- Roadway shall be 74 feet wide between Minnehaha St. and Capitol Ave., and 56 feet"wlda between Capitol Ave. and the Northern Pacific Railway tracks, - pave widened portions of readwayy with asphalt mixture on concrete base, except that the existing brick paving on the northerly approach to the bridge over the Great Northam Rallwgv a :;ti;aliidm]l'ed with brick paving on concrete base, W _ _ City lerk. ES 1 Approved.____FI___....____...___ ,192 Mayor. Councilman ¢,9 = Conroy i Councilman;taaffm Mey Councilman bScRala& McDonald Councilman stn Pearce ' pIIID.ISFIED Councilman Awdbaimff Rosen Mayor HDdemm Bundlie� Form B. S. A. 8-7 91669 In the Matter of widening the.. existing_ roadway on Snelling. Avenue --from Minnehaha St. to the tracks of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and paving_ thewidened portions, also repaving the present roadway byremov- ing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt mixture, excapt _where.asphalt. or brick -paving --in good condition-new-exists-,-also- including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, making sewer, waterand gas -eonneetions- from -street mains to property lines--where--not already made and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order._._Q 9Q615____ approved Oct. 29, 1931. Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above im r v having heard all persons, objections an the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By-th provement to be Snes where d xx c*asmar is Sara— —�_ w ncli ere y orders said improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commimiowr of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 e- 1932 - 192 A City �lerk. Approved fl - , 192 Mayor. Councilman £lmailr. nroy i Counclmann kits Ma Co i1 j# c�onald Councilmatrt scree PUm.1S11ED O Councilman �ttflflCAda sea .. C,weuseilme Mayor 5xlvm Bundli Form B. S. A. 8-7 In fle it ., of widening the , r dway Rnelling Avepn CIb to the lreek.' VllnneM1ahn ,rthern 't"',Asllwey C s D.ving the widened DDr� COUNCIL FILE N0. reVavlpR fhe Dre.epl n1' na the w ad block. i Ipqg Ne erlellne b emlilare, eReept w. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of widening the.. existing_ roadway on Snelling. Avenue --from Minnehaha St. to the tracks of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and paving_ thewidened portions, also repaving the present roadway byremov- ing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt mixture, excapt _where.asphalt. or brick -paving --in good condition-new-exists-,-also- including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, making sewer, waterand gas -eonneetions- from -street mains to property lines--where--not already made and all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order._._Q 9Q615____ approved Oct. 29, 1931. Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above im r v having heard all persons, objections an the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,By-th provement to be Snes where d xx c*asmar is Sara— —�_ w ncli ere y orders said improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commimiowr of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 e- 1932 - 192 A City �lerk. Approved fl - , 192 Mayor. Councilman £lmailr. nroy i Counclmann kits Ma Co i1 j# c�onald Councilmatrt scree PUm.1S11ED O Councilman �ttflflCAda sea .. C,weuseilme Mayor 5xlvm Bundli Form B. S. A. 8-7 � i p f'� f;,� _ ,,U.. , , .,� ��, � , ,.:. z% . ,� 7y f � ,�� _ ;�� v,� �, 1� ;,.,•,� ;��� _ `�, � � ;� �Gy/�,' t /1 , Q i ` .. i i �(/j J Y i l � _ - . 1, � .L(J(`� / � l ii /I �/�...,. ,_ , v J /I \ 1 � "� kI � �' I [� l k Y' �I . � � �' � � � I , /,. :� / �z:.. �- AUL DTARTMENTgOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMrAISStONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER dthcmattctof the e :ri danin� stin- roadway onn; IAv'mtn Crom Minnel"ahA .."rear, the t na1-s 'f the Nortl"a rrnz Paoit'io .silway Adm v"d pnvinp, t.ho ertden"d ort ions, nnyo Also r eo Lnl. r n e.3 novi theo.vo d Glo^Y.s sv'd r mroo'nP the exist— to -xith n 1 mitt. e t'�r heron a sphAlt or b Y � P,00d ��tlon xo aw r o- allay n 1 •� oF.os, - s 'rtv '_inns whore net nlre Ady .node, xa ter 1 P ., - cti nz:s from street s to o ,yen am sllnothar +1oc ncce., �', _nc. "_.r.. .e_.el to .,n?d Lmpr.ant, under Prchmi nary Order approved (;'e-.ouar , 1+31 To the C...61 of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repor[s as follows. The total c i,oateda of the assessment for ehc abov mPro dos cin�ap mf rit Aliti�ahAl"n The estimated cost Pedfoo for the above im Provement is.r Ir s 3.48 The lou or Parcels of land chat may be assessed benefiu for such improvement, and We vss<ased vela atiod of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: 3 8 ..ar.:l inn ..Ast 50 ft of 15000 l.ot 2100 350^ 1700 ..fest '. of .. .o and ex eft Snollin, Al..) 6 3 XU _ "'1111:_ :. ..) _.mirth .. .'4 do rt�or lo•... 7 turd fi . :l'.ni' Ave•) +.'tea rth '.1.66 ft �e 1-6.91 ft o.' to d oC the s."th 7 B do f3 Add ,o,,t Srallin Ave.) do (ft o s r 12:..x5 rt of 1ots7s: p e (IixcoptSoo111nc (Gtoon'," '13.13 rt or 1 ots 7 �. f) Avo.) 7 8 r�s,s ".ot Se llinr Aoorzrory vw�u ATroN La" Bldg. 1000 15000 1351; 2100 350^ 1700 900 2750 750 3 XU 4650 33500 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) . South 1f3 of 8 '8 Haml ine 950 20.50- 9 8 do 1075 3.350 10 8 do 1150 1800 ,���''�� That t—ct'bounded by Hewitt Avenue, Simpson Ave., Cs -itO1 Ave. and Snelling Ave, teinp, "Campus Ground" 60000 327000 (Exe.Snelling Ave.) 8) 7 College P1ace,East Div. 7600 do 9) do 10) 11) do 12) do 13) do 14) do 6 ) 6 do 20000 28000 do 9 ) 6 do 10 ) do 11') do 12 ) do 13 ) do, 14 ) North of 1 9 College Place west Div. 1100 5500 South v of 1 9 do 900 5000_ 2 9 do 1800 5500 3 9 do 1900 6750 4 9 do 900 ' 5 9 do 900 4650 6 9 do 900 4500 15 9 do 1050 2700 Lot 16 and W. 10.82 ft 17 9 do 1250 3000. East 50 ft of 17 9 do 850 E. 6O ft of N. 23.56 it of 16 9 do 500 3200 _ (Exc. E. 60 ft of N. 23.56 ft)18 9 do 1500 650 19 9 do 2500 9600 20 9 do 3500 14900 REPORT OF COM MISSI OIV ER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , Lots 1 and North 43 it of (h—. N. 43 ft) (and North i of Lots 5, 6, and 4.. 2 1 Collage Place, dost Div 3 1 do . 4 1 do 5 1 do 6 1 do 15 1 d o 16 1 cl o 17 1 cl 18 1 do 18 1 7 1 19 do 2800 14300 1300 7350 950 4200 1050 5450 1050 7400 950 3450 950 2300 925 4300 950 6500 975 4550 1 1 Auditor• s Subdlvlslon No, 18200 80000 a 50 , St . P a �.tl ,Minn. ;tlncl udes other orope 2 1 do 650 1600 3 1 d o 2650 3300 4 1 do 1500 7000 7 1 do o included 1 S. va �r,e Sub. 1000 4300 2 d o 700 3400 3 do 650 3450 1 E,C. Lorzq• s RearR't of 1050 3600 r t o f b 1 R 6, College P1aca950 2 Taglor' s Div, 3900 3 do 950 4 do 950 3300 5 do 930 6200 6 do 950 300 7 do 1150 5300 6 1 o 675 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 9 E,C ,Long's Rear't of part 825 3400 of blk 6, College Plaoe, 10 Taylor's Dlv, 600 5350 1 1 College Place, Taylor's 1000 Divisi. on 3150 2 1 do 900 3 1 do 900 4 1 do 900 W 40 ft of N z of 5 1 E 60 ft of 5 1 do 650 100 E 65 ft of 6 1 do 650 10300 E. 60 ft of 7 1 do 750 'W, 46 ft of E. 106 ft of .5 1 ) do 750 9000 W,41 ft of E. 106 £t of 6 1 ) YI. 46 ft of E. 106 ft of 7 1 ) W, 40 ft of E. 146 ft of I' 5, 6 and 7 1 do 600 3600 W. 40 ft of S z of 5 1 do 550 2100 Exc. Snelling Ave.) the south 290 ft of the N. 464,23 ft of 12000 the east 600 ft of the southeast a of Section 2il, T. 2.7, R. 23 (Exc. P r i or and Sne 11 incl Aves.) Beginning at the intersection 245000 of the southerly line o£the original 150 ft. R/W and the eat line of Section 2F3, tri, W1y along said Sly lin. 326 ft., th. SEly to a pt. 330 ft W. £rem SE corner of SW , of NW th. E. 330 ft., tri, S. 510 ft. to the Sly line of R/W of St.Paul & Pacific railway, th. Ely along, said Sly line to a pt 600 ft W of the east line of Section 28, th. N. 290 ft., th,E. 600 ft., th.N, along aid ast line of Seo, 28, to lterseotion with a line 100 ft Sly from and parallel with that track adjacent to and south of warehouse at Hemline Transfer, thence westerly along saki 11 ne to a point 100 ft. Sly from orig'nal center line of the aforesaid 150 ft .R/W, th. W1y and oarallsl with said center lineto west line of said Section 28, tri. N. 26ft. morn or less to beginning, being part of Section 28 and 29 T. 29, R. 23 (Except Snelling, Ave.) that strio 175 ft. wide being 75 ft. on 106000 the 1Jly side and 100 ft. on the Sly side of original center ,ins as located across Sac tion 26, also all that tract between said Sly line and a line 100 ft. southerly from and parallel with that track adjacent to and S of warehouse at Hamlin. Transfer: continued) REPORT OF COMMISSIO NER a OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) also tl? t part of the south 010 £t o£ the N.E, a lying Nly of first da scrib ed strip and betty -an a line 50 ft. Ely from and parallel with the most easterly ye track and 50 ft Wly from and parallel with the most W1y wy- track to Fair Gounrds part of Section 2B, T. 29, Range 23 (Exc.Snelling Ave.) Commencing at point 471.70 ft N, of 20300 the s.Dthwe at corner of the southeast a of northea et , of Sec, 28, th. E. 1314.10 ft to the sectl on 11ne, thence S. 356.36 ft to the N. line of the original right o£ way, thence NWly along said line and al.— s line 50 ft. 1':L £rem the most Ely wye track to the north and south 9 o action line, thence north to begin- ning, Dart of Section 2F,Town 29, Rang- 23 (Except Snelling Ave.) tris sout � 643 .63 ft of the north 8-.63 56100 ft of the southeast ; of the northea a n of Section 28, Town 29, Ra age 23 (Except Snelling Ave.) the north 200 £t of the south # of the 42500 northeast , of Section 28, T. 29 ,R. 23 A stripof land 100 ftwide lying nortl- of and adjoining College 10325 Placa Ea at Dl v i.ion and extending east from Snelling Ave, to the southerly line of the 150 £t. R/W of the St, Paul, Minn eePolls an and Mltob, R.,ilway, heina, in Section 27, Town 29, Range 23 (Except Snelling Ave.) the est 4.65 acres of that tract lying 11625 71300 5etween the southerly right ref way 11n- of the St.Paul MinneEPolis & Manitoba Railroad lo� the north line o£ the old St, Paul & Pacific Railroad right of way in tri- southwest a of Section 27, Town 29, Range 23 A strip of land 150 ft. wide being 75 ft on either side of the. 57000 center line of said R:'ilway over and across thP. south g of Section 27, Town 29, Rd—f.23 23 A triangular tract co nta �nl ng 0.75 acres in the southwest corner of the northwest ; of e..t],on 27, Town 29, Range 23 Except Lexington,Hamlin. andSne111—g Ave.. and extent a 125505 'triangular tract in the southwest DO --containing .75 acres the south 1/3 of the south *v of the north J of Section 27, Town 29,Range 23 6250^ Except Snelling Ave. and except a strip 100 ft. -1de for trackage to the Koppers Coke Plant) that part o£ the north 2/' of the south of the northwest 4 lying S of a line 50 ft. S. of and parallel with the center line of the N.P.%j Co.1 s main track and W7y of a line 50 ft Wly from and parallel .%j tlz the Supply Spur extending cross said N ?/(from the aforesaid main track, all bsi,%,An Sec.27, 29, R 23 OEPA RTMENT OFPFINANCE REPORT OIF" COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i Exc. Lexington ..nd ki- -Ll ;ne Avg- s _ i1 -crit Dart of the north -;2/� of 2&--5X000 300,000 south ; of north v 1yin lc7 _ o £ - 1 i1— 50 ft. Wl,y from .� c parallel to the supply sour extend inorthern P ,ific ':nllwxy Co .' s main track across aid N 2,(3 � nc3 xc aptn�nn llinp e,) thor p,.rt of se id N 2/S lying N. of, i_3 3 ��-�. _ _ N. of u lin:, V:�C t't., L of and pa r.11el to the c nter line rYie� ;f'oresaid m n truck: also e strip 100 "t. ::lila ", t. s c K� :� t o t1— Kopnerse Coke Plt,nt across the efores.id :,orth - in o3— _ Z7 �T _ 2 �), ki, 23 �l, z09 �Sf30 I,a nd The Commissioner of Fin--ee {u rc2-der r ` ?7 ,08?Ir950 gldp� e ports that Lc has in Heated all of the aforesaid m d hereby submits the to ego.ng as his re Fro rc ctaercon co the Council, st.,ther with the r s rt made to ,him in reference aid matter by ttae Corry-ra ':ssi orae, of Public %%'''.,ks.� Dated !//y/J Commissioner of iF mance. r D 7-29 -,0 2.3 � - it HEtiiTT -- -- i A i___--- 104 1-14 Iii THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Uf=-OMCE CONDIDNICATION (Date) Nov_ 20, 1931 Hon. Y11toa Hosea, Commissioaer of` eublic works. Dear Sir t T transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the widegingoP tkie exi st ing roadway on Snelling Ave. from Minnehaha St. to the tracTcs of tiia N. P. Fly. Co. and paving the widened portions, also repaving the present roadway by removing the wood blocks snd resurfacing the existing base with asphalt mixture, except where asphalt or brick paving in good cc-idition now exists, also including curbing and paving alley and uriveway approaches, mnxtngsewer water and gas cofbaections from street ...ains to property lineswhere not already made, and all other work necessary aril Incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Urder C. V. 90815' approved Oct. 29, 1931. Length 3,662 ft. Nrontag0 — 6,695 ft. (Includes 806' on G. N. Bridge App. (Brick paving) Grade over 4y6_ Bridge over G. N. to 392' north - 4.77. Present width of roadway -- 50 ft. Street -- 100 ft. Proposed -- 74 ft. Minnehaha St. to Capitol Ave. and 56 ft. Capitol Ave. to N.Y. Hy, tracks 8:stimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - $42,639.10 Snspesction & Engineering - - - - - - 4.263.90 Total Cost $46,903.00 Cost Der Front foot. Asphalt surfacingand paving ;3.89 (Minnehaha St_ to Capitol Ave.) •• 3.46 (Capitol Avg. to N.P. Ry. tracks) Bricic wide strip on North Approach to G.N. bridge - #1.69 Concretes curb -- 50¢ Sewer connections not needed 3/4" water connections -- $52.50 each Total Cost ----- $46,903.00 Assessable ---- 25 491.90 City Share ,$21,411.10 Your trul llt NC • Chief E�igin er _ MI LT UN ROSN.Z.7, Cosi ssiorner of eublic works. 8 pffice of the Commissioner of Public ���Kwetct Report to Commissioner of Finance - - — -- KpV Zia 1931 Nov. 24, 1931 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Peal: The Commis:or,ar of Public Work., having had under ....ideretion the preliminary order of the Council, known .. Council File No. 90815 approved Oct. 29, 1931 193 , relative to widening the existing roadway on anelling Avg_ from ftinnehaha St_ to tYte tracks of tpe N. Y. lty. Co_ and paving the widened portions, also re— paving the p --s t roadway by removing the wood blocks and lee—f-ac'f�o theexisting .has -e __Lt Yh asphalt mixture, except where asphalt or brick paving in good condition now exists. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein; hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i ary .ad (or) de.irable. estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof I. E. end the tote( coat thereof i. f.. -. and the nature and exte-rat —f said improvement is .e follows: ---.--.- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached end made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is - ...asked for upon petition of three ormo ow— of property, .ubjert to .seessment for said improvement. Commblic Works. l� ' rw�.. wosce.corrn•w�w .•m .. wv ��. o...,.. m.,�.�e,o pep.01n,,� ywWr Fait v F 1PU611ic W) Wr9'V •Q, ,....... �.,.....,.... �..,e, January 22, 1932. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Attached herewith find a communication signed by L. J. Hill, opposing the repaving of Snelling Ave. from Minnehaha to the N. P. Ry, tracks. Will you kindly place this on file so that it may be read when this order comes up. Yours very truly C' MILTON ROSEN, MR—D Commissioner of Public Piorks. (Enc.) .Ianunry 219t, M", Commisat-r of Public works, & City Council City of St,Paul. Gostl e' -.; As to the Proposed re paving cf Sae111ng avenue from MSnnehaha St, to the Llorthern Pacific Tracts. /' I do not think that under the presant hard times that It would 'I/`-� adviseable to repave that Street for s ome time Tetan the presant paveing 1s fairly good ezc eDt during heavy rains rats-s up some of the presant Ced-r Block■ in spots, Hut the costs of repairs Ss very small in proportion to new paveing. R-aides betwe-n Capitcl avenue and the Great Northern tracks is all vacant Propertv owned by the Hamliwe Onbv6rnity on the east side of the str eat, anti the siert aide 1• Residance property, being in the zone DSact. So there 1s no call for wldeing of the street for Buaina_ purposes. I own ISO feet on the west aide of the street and the Hamllas University own■ nearly all on the Fast •Ida between Capitol ave and the Great Northern tracks and the Trustees tell me that they do not think the stre t should be Paved until soiae future time when times are better or when there is more. call for the Paveing. I own Lot. No 2&3 Block one Au', Sub No 50, ISO fe-t. Truly yours, " 690 C. P. No. /111/— 1. lee matter of aonclrucune and catnng recent auto a• COUNCIL FILE N0. rndme, on , , nor@ sibs "`dmina lee feel ecai Ave, •few Avenue, lnenca east Ir PrallmineYY Order P^ Nov, !0 1911. BY-._... - - ---- `Quelle beumg hev FINAL ORDER �' °" In the Matter of constructing_.driyaway and cutting .present curb, and _ put _n- radius, _ on the north _side of Selby Avendo beginning 258 feet east of Fairview Avenue, thence east 8 feet, under Preliminary Order 90998 approved Nova 20, 1931. Intermediary Order... _-----8pproved .-.-__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the 01y of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct driveway_ gild _cut_present _ curb-,_ _- and-.put.inradius,_on._the_north..si.da_oP_seiby_ A.vsnus---b-Qginl11nzA5$_.... feet east -of Fairview.jlvenua,._thenca.tia.st_ -f-aat,- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 16 191 -. _._ 192 , City ark. Approved _ _ . - ?-}� 6 , 192 Mayor. Councilman �Q.Fllncxx�,Conroy Councilman rx�lpptutg677hdC/Imay ftD Councilman �h3lmtaGR 1dcDanald /% 7� P.jsijjflSfiED 3 Councilman Mx�earce // Cpuncilman $adbabuiRosen �Gouncilmanildtaa4x Sudheimer / MayorHatp= Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 -- or 9t. P - DEPARTMENT 06 FINANCE REPORT FINANCE ON PRELAN41NARY ORDER / (D) In the mrctdius'onstr b e in..;t `Sdegy Y' Stelbyt Av eKue %obeginn7.nent b 258 fand eetin'stn of o _'airv7ew.,✓enu ,otl'i enco east B £eet� under Prch urinary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: f 18.'70 — The Intal esumatcd amount of the assess m ent for the above ,mprovc mcnt is - $ — - The esd cost per foot for the above improvement sacsd valuation of each lot or "Che lots or nmateparcels of land chat may be assessed benefrts for such improvement, and thea se par cel as last reported b, the A,rc as follows. Descrx I—— t_oT rico=a noo�rtoN Landau pT�oN Blcii;. 21 3 S1<i,imore ::. Cas sedyts Ad �.. $1100 zC (except Selby �`re-� to the City of Saint Pattl% Ramsey Co., Minn. $1100 The Commissioner of Finance further sports thatICoo ncilctoth sgeer ta11 f the repo t'id Ito rhim nn hereby _bm;ta the foregoing a% hi% report thereon to the 'd by h, Comm ner i..toof Publi /\�{!�\mak - C e. acncs-Dc% dt/ o 19 3 'a I,_.o. om min%ioncr of Fin Qffice of the Commissioner of Public � FINANCE y Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV 30 1$3{ ( Nov. 27, 1951 193 To the Commi-siom•r of Finance of the City of 5t. Paul' The Cnmmiseioner of Public Work-, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 90998 Nov. 20, 1951 198 • relative to Council, known as Council File No. approved constructing driveway and cut present curb, and put in radius, on ttte nortn side of belby nu=ance beginning 258 feet east of Bairview Avenue, to^nce east 8 feet. and having in—tigatcd the matters and things referred to thcrcin, hereby reports: 1, said inn Provement is neneecory and (or) dceireble. y. 'Che estimated coat thereof is F 18.70 and the total coat thereof is S. , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows'. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is here. attached and made a part hereof. 5. said improvement is _. neked for upon petition of three or more of property, eubject to aysesement for said improvement. mieeiover of P lio Worlca. C. P..liw.ill)t, u le 7te.6, re�tdttIIfaiK De{h �tlpoiYoawemca uua Ste <y,.veyt o� le°19 LOMar yin ptDE "' e ieDo�Dr^r� hr, COUNCIL FILE N0. rona the ceancit M d. 0— .ny By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, -.relaying and repalring- the ._sidettoll-' on the_wost side of Pascal Avenue,.. beginning 118.5 feet south of .Bruit Avenue., thence south 42 foot, b@ginning 30 feet farther. south, thence 5QB.ti71. 10 feet, under Preliminary Order 90980.. - - - - approved Nov. 18, 1931. Intermediary Order..___._ ____.__. _.___-.--- approved -___._ _. ----------- .._._----_..__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul relaythat the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _-1 @-�4nstruct _ _and-_repair_the -sidewalk on the West_side_of Pascal-agenue,_beginn.l..ng_118.5-feet south of S_it--Avenua,-thanca_-south 42--feati_boginnln&..N-S.eet_fAL her south, theme. _south .1Q_ f s a- -.--------------- -- ----------- -- - — — --- -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissiorer of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and the to pro- Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 - - , City Clerk. Appro4d --.. ___ _.._ 192 i Councilman SIttW Gonroy /� I Councilman 8➢➢$A1f00 Councilman cDanald pt tlWs CouncilmanD� sane Councilman EQdImN: Boson ,Eounciayolman M%Nl2 / Sudheimer/ Mr% Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 ITv Or Sf. �ALiC OEPARTM ENT OF FINANCE (D> REPOFi3" I FINANCE ON PREL MIINARY ORDER VA? Io the ma ttcr of reco struct ina, relay l ng anti repairing the sidexalk'on the west side of Pascal�+ , bag innint; 118.5 feat south of Summit A-.., thence south 42 feet,u be -inning 30 feet farther south, thence so..th 1C feet, under Prchminary Order approved iiov. 18, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 21.29 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - 8. -Che Iota or parcels of land chat may be assessed benefits for such im prove men r, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oesern PTion t_or a�oeK nooiTion Landn�un*ion Bldg 1 1 Summit Viow $6400 $19200 incl."ies pr.rt of lot 2 $6400 :19200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid an matte , d hereby submit t s the forego ng a res his port thereon to the Council, together with the report made to rhim i, reference to s matter by the Commiss inner of Public Vorks. Dated Git-�.r�� __ _19 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public N04 FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance C Nov 30 1911 Nov. z7, 3.931 193 To the Commissioner of Fin— of the City of St. Paul. The Commissioner of Public Works, hewing had under eoosid—tion the preliminary order of the Council, known m Council File No. 90980 approved Nov. 18, 1931 ..193. , relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the wifdewelk on the west side of Pascal Avenue, beg irtning 118.5 eet south of 8ummlt AV gnu e, thence south 42 feet, beginning SO feet farther south, thence south 10 feet. and having investigated the tattom and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie necessary and (or) desirable. p. 'rhe estimated coat thereof ie f. 21.29 , and the total coal thereof i, f -- and the _tore end extent of said improvement ie m follow.: - -- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of .aid improvement is hereto attached and made a p... hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.... ....ked for upon petition oft or more owners of p ' improvement. � ,object to assessment for said ... _.............. f Public Worka. 71/ IV NA—�N6 CE b92 CIL FILE NO. - PRErE,,,,a, ./(;W�DIWANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, approved January A. 23, 1925, as amended by Ordinance No. 7319, pawed July 13, 1931, ;1•1 Adopted--- Nays Yeas Conroy May Conroy 'Ma Id McDonald Pearce �.oy L/ RosenR_o Sudheimer Pro. Burdlie h4 r. Pre,, B-dhe IV NA—�N6 CE b92 CIL FILE NO. - PRErE,,,,a, ./(;W�DIWANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, approved January A. 23, 1925, as amended by Ordinance No. 7319, pawed July 13, 1931, entitled 'An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation th rates of certain city positions and employments.' T13 OOUXOIL OF THE OITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: hotion 1. nat hnanoo 10, 648, approved January op 1925, as amended by Ordinanoe No. 9319, passed July 13, 1931, be and the Same iehereby amended by striking out Paragraph 2 of U1 41, a Subdivi8ion (a) of section Il of said ordinanoe, and by oubstitut- I Ing In lieu thereof the following: eau aort r 44Qh A 12. The Federal Bureau Survey for the by the month f i of :achoyear, as prepared 0 un: A OVA 11 401. � United States Bureau f Labor Statistics, shall t I NIM be used to ascertain the adjusting percentages 8 dint �9 on a cost of living basis. ror the purpose ofBloc me h; this ordinance, the increase in the cost of to have 1,01 I vin from 1916 to 1917 shall be deemed i 1 V, `9504 been 33 per cent; to this 33 per cent shall be .1 re added the current percentage increase shown by M the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as the increase 7 11.2h1q, in the cost of living for the City of Saint Paul I over 1917. If the Bureau's statistics are not ird� available for the 01ty of Saint Paul for the period meiktionedo then the Bureau's :tatiati0a as ;14 ol nearest given for the city of the firet as aint Paul shall be used to determine the afore - id adjusting percentages. The qctual percent— age of 'increase so determinedby the June Smarvey of e shall constitute the adjusting per- eachYear centag applicable to STANDARD RATES membered 1 to 10 Inclusive, and shall become effective on the following January let. This adiftiII19 per - US O:nta 0 n STANDARD T shall 53V f r the first to be until December 31, 1927, and thereafter shall be subject to revo;on as provided herein. The adjusting percentag during this same period forSTANDARD RATES numbered 11 to 26 inclusive .hall be,'gbown in Col. 2 -of Subdivision (b). When the adjusting percentages for STANDARD RATES 1 to 10 are either increased or decreased through subsequent revision, as provided for in this section, the adjusting percentages for STANDARD RATES 11 to 26 shall be increased or decreased in the same proportion; J. a., the revised adjusting percentages for these higher STANDARD RATES shall bear the same proportion respective current adjusting percent- to their ages as the revised adjusting percentage for STANDARD RATES 1 to 10 bears to the current Councilmen Nays P.—d b, h, Council. toy M.y McDonald In F.— R.,en Ag.i,,t Sud[o,i I, P e 1, P—id— (B..dlie A;)p,.,,d Aunt; Mayor ORDINANCE Jll4Z COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. -- PRESENTED BY--- - - - _ — — — (2) t adjusting percentage for these rates. I revising the adjusting percentages, fractions Of t or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of lees than J shall be disregarded. No change of rate shall be made unless the Federal Bureau survey shoes a change of two per cent or more from the current adjusting iaeand aa change, the adjutngperoniageshll utomatioal- ly take effect." Section 2. That said ordinance Subdivision be and the same Section further amended by striking o said ordinance. Section 3. That for the purpose of determining the adjust- ed salaries for hfederal Bureauhsurvey ofear 3Juneu1931 snt to hall be M4 }M thereof, used as the basis, rsuch adjusted salaries shall be determined g ae provided in Paragraph ph 2 of Subdivision (a) of Section II herein. Said salaries as adjusted on the basis 5, Ithe June9321931 al Bureau survey shall become effective l+ remain in force and effect until otherwise adjusted under the terms of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shell take effect andbein force from and after ell CoV'Y' a s Passed be the Council Conroy ✓ l roy ery /Nay McDo _ - _ _ In Facor alPearce ld / / Pearce Against /Row ,Gsrii�c.r.. �9fr. President aundliu / /� pprole � �_ - A��i ", ly Clerk` ORDINANCEOOUNCIL FILE NO (�WIY2 PRESENTED BY .- ORDINANCE NO. -- (2) adjusting percentage for these rates. I revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of I or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of lees than J shall be disregarded. No change of rate shall be made unless the federal Bureau survey shows a change of two per cent or more from the current adjusting percentage- and upon any such change, the adjusting perceniege shall automatical- ly take effect." Section 2. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Subdivision (o) of Section II of said ordinance. Section 3. That for the pu-pose of determining the adjust- ed salaries for the balance of the year 1932, subsequent to MEN& 119� -1/-' iM thereof, the federal Bureau survey of June 1931 shall be used as the basis, and such adjusted salaries shall be determined as provided in Paragraph 2 of Subdivision (a) of Section II herein. Said salaries as adjusted on the bast 9;, the June 1931 federal Bureau survey shall become effective 1f, 1932, and shall remain in force and effect until otherwise adjusted under the terms of this ordinance. Seotion 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe from and after T'dcl X151 Ycaa Conned r„sea n, a,e Conncfl 1PP qi2 Canrn ✓May ,/McDonald h _In Facor ,/Rosen Y Against Vill .iwer M,. President , K-dlle. - / Appros ed//� Attes /..-sr-�-- C -__- Cry' krk %labor s'v'd1 PI:ULIJIII:U /. Adopted by the Council. __.__...-.....---__193-...---- Yeaa. Nays. CONROY ✓ MAY McDONALD / /ARC. - ROSEN SUDIIEIMER / MR.PRESIDENT (I UNDLIE) Z�- Laid over to -- - --- -tea 3rd. & app. � Yeas Adopted CMay Nay. Yeas May Conroy/• �% MGD ... Id Pearce<Donaid / May - Rosen Pearce - Sudheimer /- Rosen .-•.. _. _-_. ___ _ Mr. Pres. Bundlie Sudheimer Mr, pres. Bundtie ✓ Adopted by Council __ _.-._...._..-.._193._--.-.. Yeae. -N.Y.. CONROY ✓/ /MAY --�NlcDONALD PEARCE ----ROSEN /SUDHEIMER �-'MR. PRESIDENT (RUNDLIE) Adopted by the Council 193. Yeae- N.Y.. CONROY / MAY McDONALD /PEARCE ROSEN ✓ SUDHEIMER ✓ MR. PRESIDENT (RUNDLIE) N �l Adopted by the Council___.__ - _--------193--...--. Yeae. N.Y.. wp--- ;.. CONROY ' ✓ - ills /MAY MCDONALD� PEARCE ✓ ROSEN % SUDIIEIMER &r-' 1�'MR. PRESIDENT (RUNDLIE) s y l�mfail Pile lfo. 91898. G +1 9 PrereStM Qde R. nae irh. 1&, 1938. An ordin'nee amendi�ng Ordinance No- '6p 44sedpi'roved ;A V7 8S 1986, ��oo amen ed by Or4i 000 Boo 7�I�y , en�itlod "Int"1dad�llatratllri erdimmeo ftdng the oom*oaton rates .ot.eerpsin oll4,poe title and empllptta." 4,48 0,00OIb 09 To O11'I OF Sam Balm MES OMNI 4i0ti�1 1. salt oe Boy d444,•app�pgd JadhW 83, 1986 as �aandeA TW Ordinance Bo. 7 9 passed A i9b1I Wend the saw Is hereby bt+ itriki 9 ni bt dghdll�l 4iY"[i►1 n; Section II of aaitnan6er lPid�'in 11e$ Cher the telloeing- oeotiea 9. #hat aid to the .eK: the saw !4 harper hrtw amended by..oirwaa oat BiNd vleibn :{�) of 84otidu TI of %U otdldanoc motion 50 'flat for par of of deterninipe the noted ialari for qu►balance of �iAi tMignent lo.. 16th thh6e"� op :theIqdMftl *"A 0 1951 `illiU be Maid ae the batio� and spelt�p ted ee ebnkl be dot mined im provided in Dh A f 6 diria on R. bf eectioq II blereine Said eaWOO as it d' on 6 digte L9,al federal aerean out�++ shall' hoeom4 a6tive" 1439 and ilial] remaih in forov and effoot m!t ithereiae feted ml�oa the -term of thio ordinance. 9eetion 4. ffie ordfdaas shall tate effaot and be in force from 7Psanntid 4Y 6! $ "" Qemaii rile ee. 91e2 A sldltrime sasna N trdlaoee 10. OMP .?Pxongat 292% a4 .iemd.a to OraLmM 10. 7319, Pn+t h413, 19¢, entitled Am, a du- istraKe frat"M6 bale; tbs aosomtidiea OWN of oertda Oily Pesitisas sniff w@2leneala" w Gown ro w MN dT am PAM Dees eiminn Matimt m t oettnrtee et,. 6g46r '10 ds�9 gat 19ag, au osafta wav vr OrdbmO am .pP2aar3ie9�ot�epDos"A mr 13 IM ph,9 M $ooa fo 1aaot Lou. u iar aid wainng6et, ona bl solMbi 0v 4 is 1#ta t?mrea! Im tollod"I f "p, ft rMaral lmrom low tot qr m1hof Jaaa M eioh u Prsy�tpa 1P low IDdud Mtn kris of law tt uoloa" t6M1 dpi to a�rgfat' tee ae�u1F#o6.Pe? �! a optt gta�li�lnd 1adt, yor, �u tt tbie ot4lnima �M i� �u�tl_tn 4bto 3! rtr • rltin�t916 to'tgt fit, 4e ..�p ea►r'00 ri d�ea tai s!o,rota � ' pp t thief sor . o! Lelor Iteli�lx+i� : Nu oer1N11 x' W K IAlnt to pow Ih1lD�NrI►��. t01 not, p�! for Al OV of for +. po71Y4 ►At , rr,►vu#m) aa#a® ett11 q��l�3x'm�w. . 2 ,,.. � ---- �$ tmi a *ea for /r4J)Dw 3M` 'Cr `Pa iao}tdo �.0 bt fain: is otsea► 8 of eFif#i=. h), pia' W at - y, ;s.e r..ew.uw s�ete i 1,r td , dhae,iearialiM a: as ...,_. tiT e! to0le 11i1x m pemtoa as etYes :Ona fwA"s":Ot less . ' � QildrB.i'dlni A sese6u of nq ibless the 7n6001 #Atha 'w M a dWmp Otto percent 6r mve. tro 06 mrRlat, 4 00 8 li!(R AepptpM�1W an7 e06L fL1,mA" the &400iM Psr "I, .. wtotallRllr tete_ erfMt.b eeirtiea 2, .Ther tall ordiaeaes be ana'te4:gr is beretp• i1 1>tt aswtsa hT atr!)daA net �fgbai t.saa ,(a) Of Intim o: sda eiatiag .seat m '. '+. salve.. a!tet �3 et lsi+Jlu DAltmes i,trie rte' . ri0bibou" 4W� 3fArpin ot'�aa14+AbatTet at Ibf,I+lsiry ' ,, ti � 1y y r � ptngtepL ! of labeiddob (f of �p1�gf` t1` fmreee'eu ettail.M irrae l6tly 193eF �•ll Pre.tie !a ioroe`rN rttiri =w o004si, a4i"t zadv te! 4a Ofilds aralamef.," .. on Itiw 4. MX etdiasme eW1 te1:e Otr at =a be is tome Mat arw its isns®e ant yaOStid#od. (tleaood modim Tobrmw 23rt, 193L) l$�2' T. THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBtS.OF THE CITY COUNCIL 'Qn F.ebruar7 23, 1932, the,undersignedForganization requested and lima gtantbd a postponement of the' reading of the ao<eadment tO=the eat' cry ordinance fora period of,thirty days. This request was to enable the employees involved to Have suffioisnt time to prepare and preeeaty adequately and properly, their position in the matter.. For, yourinformation; an. extensive" survey of, salaries and rages of'employees bf titles comparable. in. size to the City of 9alnt $a has been cosjp^leted and is attached eereto And made a the employees of art hersof., y� wilj.notgy the salaries and Feb ther oitles,%r"e greater .than the. salaries ,and wages of the. employees of -the City of "eeintr'Paul for similar work performed. It is�'our �oomtention that oJe'saomparieoa is a fair and just odmparison and -.the only m&tbod that should be,us'ed in arriving at s conclusion. Burthet, fliaj,gttention of the "Vloyees"in certain classifications of the 01tj of gAfnt.Pau1 has been direoted•to d 'eurvey publisbed'bj i. the Bureiu of Muhiotpal Research in furtheranoe.of the eff0ts'of said Bureau,`'to effeot's,reduetion,in the sa4}riese a sgovern s9iarlaelandes of the City of W4 Peu1. ie surveq eiYppo' e edl sirgi Be cork sages of etp'1 q$es in privy gmploymept for= Ql ggn a mparieon to ,t}1A „performed Rts�,4,,duties and reapopsibilitise Resumed 4 employees of;''�lietty of gaint panla' At the tlme'that the said' surdey saepubliehedAn'the pu�libapreaa th uhdelcsigned organ i0tf'Wrequested. s liet;of,the&nibe of the Pias an`in!LZati9ne",xhioT� had be��}}S,,,pQa suited by t�1b Bea in thejrpoeas of its 00''jation.,.Needlh&e';�n state,b9gesae refused by t1 Bureau. ' a request sas made eplely dor the'pprpoe4 of verification and 460..otheh In Wig to the to stat"e our opipi.g4rof t, 'antbrite •theidor-1,dndl9 supvdy and iso 4e permit aid gubmiPe�o4 of the ittaehed'egi OJS` end r0paot,of R!Itdi'pga ehieh kerb, domplete�" Of after diligent ryii{{dea pr pnd ib, a i aqd c Tete uhdefatandi�g oP every pheae of 4he 4� 'bbuatlon,b oo gtQt and qua anal1a> s� 3t 'ie our .00ntgntion tl(at', hs' bon luaiOno . diad . lugs of ,the survey:made by the,BuPeeu are diepr$portion&tp, 115fRir, un reasonable and biased:" The attached analysle alearlq-And'souolaely upholds our: oontenti5ns.in the matter. Fortliar,.,Sp our .6piniont sHoesurvey `Z ^ 4& qct receive recognition.' yovr Hantevdble body for;-the^reasdn teat . ,'it Se'�iot verified and there are no maens aval3able to. us whereby the aoiltente'of'the survey may be verified.- It is the, sincere desire of the employeesf6f the; pity of saint Paul that yens' "honorable body examine carefully and fudge fairly the contents { of tt ,attached repo rtsi iq'clgsing,:tRs undersigned organisation:respeatfully requests that �.. the agbond reading of the proposed amendment to the salary; ordinance be pont¢cned•Cox.g-.period ofab least sixty days in;order that the matter invol6ed"be""decided on-issuesother than ones foreign to it. " �Thankiug`you for permission to present this request, allow me to remain'. - .... •, very truly..youra, emdbrat on 'of Paioe ployees,# 1X034. p•y.r.tly Ewl.r1•. .e C.rtala t7a11 s.re-1e. P..111- ♦ p•atlomalr• a s.at reO[vals t.k a 1oLL to 3f cdtlY -- POP - 150.004 -F150.004 to 350.000 - eove,si n.Y Lu• esraee• Mlv1e• -ad --I- •.1v1Y of .-..J. C1r11 &W -1-t• d of ty ter --Z. 81a•tem r•p11.. .1►�3 ap to tD• yrYeat tle• -Y tb• w1v1Y w•r r.[.1 to ..k• L4. fo11o�1aQ elgr.rt•m. Ia e•a•.r1a1.[. tri• a.dmm s•1-Ofy elm• w t.k.a b.o.n.. aa[o<y -r-au. esti•• bd ee •p•oi- fiW eatrsm• clary. eat la •r•ry ou. Haar• Asa a --I- •-117 ladlo.t•d. The fo11o•i-[ t.bol.t loe EI... ta. ew•rag. of t.Le 19 .izl- fer tb• Y-�I- po•ltlone ood t'• St. Peal .azlrn� •.a1�7 a. Q3a� t.• Ciril e•rrlu Parem. Th- t'1 rd ..la.a [lr•• tb. p.r e.ni o! 11if.r•ae•. la Y•ry in- ete,w•. 4t. Peril -'otW . l.wer •al �. 3 Hl[ba tri.[ P.eltim Ae•r.t. 19 Cities St. Peal st.p••1 Ir. Cl•rk 9xes.13 41O3:50 13.9% Jr. Clvk S%=Cr- year 126.30 116. 2D 6.81 Hr. Clerk St •aogr.p b.r 156.25 1a7. 8eokksepv 175.70 15s. 7O 30.71 Il. ., or 153.20 X40.1as 9.2% Jr. u -eh. 0aaft-e.n lata. a6 150.70 3.01 Sr, aro'. Dtaft•... 225.37 2O7. 0o e.[4 Il r-mu� lire 'm. t. I -%IT aO 15.3.00 1.71 Ll C1•rt 113.50 fib. 15 15.51 u ervy C.t.lo[er tats. 5.3 la7. 40 14.tt1 P1.yQmW DS r -r 1 s.7b la7.t10 s.5% Pe trole•a 161.60 18�. �J9f Polies Hv[e.nt 1113. as 16..00 11.84 Polios Lle t•ae.t 158.57 179.3D 10.84 Sonool 1m1tor- lb2_a.o 116.40 E8.61 �enoeI Ti- lel. 95 132.90 8.71 lo.. ool Mglneere - 167.67 132.90 25. 41 Of Lu 17 pe -1 tlo. -..aa- Cio11 S -t- sa• -6. of -.1v1Y 1• aelt-otly nl[.•r t. W 6t. F.nl. eL sr.o.e 1a a fw 1e•tamY lndl rido-3 -elorl e- ..Y tro lower 1• o f.w Lowe. - tp Car La. teeter ® b•r 1- la ea_ o oe. o[ tae St. Pml •sl.rf se. Tt oaat .• rem•a Nr•a Last la ta.• 1,9 e1L1.• B .r- olY•1fiW Y sout..arn titles weer oet Oaly •antop el a.oc all oLL.r .ai.rthi w f tele root. .S.e..s1l loev th.a ere ace wortea.rn of tiers_ In .pts• 3t. PY1 1. 1- for the e1.11ar po.ltloa.. IL Goold • m th.t -1-y r-- Saetion- 1e those r•rl oo- po•1 t1 oa. of itai. Lia. sa b--1 ap.. -.lvi•a p.1d 1n llke oltl se Ie •nt1 rely oas of plena. A -y aoi.l t..0 l.tlon va a..a. SOLool Berea• end tri- r •.lt• glren hveeit'. eWlan yearly selery pale aetLeol Hare•• 1. ottl- or ZOU ,DOV to 700.000 1• [1704. Ta. 4t. Paol •.an1m i. 31{26. . diff.- 0 ?27a. . neefly 173. rn•ae flga rs. e.re Lalc as fra tb• 9ay. 1S3U-Poe11• He.lto }Area.. co.P.r.tiv, soler!.. on c.rtalo civil snrvlo• Poe11100e - coot-&. - pe Q, a. froa the .a.. POL3lantloo tn. —1-7 Of Chief 11.— 1. oltl•e ee• plying frm ab to M mr • 1• 13060. Th. Chief :tore* 1m ax. peal re- o.lv.. $9080. a Slff•r•eo• of 9970. or 45%. A eo.@.rt.m e.. be— ..e• by the i .lelpal Beeeszvab a— er tn. Civil 5 rvlce .al.rf.• and tbo.. ..1. leo pol& by lnmtatrlsl eomerna Sn st. rn.l• won a eo.part•on CSQ mot 1no1.&e pnblto health ® e• •d .ono.l m . .• Pa14 t7 tb. city of St. P..1. The foiloelnq tabnlatlo. 1. inter oting. rol-.AR1NG 'CP -.L NUK-. 'TT ?81.70 POItLIC RFI.LTH NpR = IN ST PAUL ^ :INICQM .AZISN. OPG MI ZA 11'.S TIii+LT sAL1RT TEARL7 4AL.. CSm.vte evbllc R—I tp :. t . mel ., t f ter. 11180.00 11980.00 Y.trcy olitun lffn I-- r 1 ].MO..w 1800.00 Jon. N. e :j 1, In.nf— C:+. 169�._� 1BfiO.CO Slner Y1.1 tl r.r YontEoa� t' ..r . 9•ift b ^aJ. 13G:.v_ 1S: .UO e.Ly 4.lf.rn A..oc3utl on 1260.00 1;-20.00 sonool mu .o. ",P—1 1176.00 1476.00 Ia tL• . • tabul.tioo. tn• .=I.. of the Bt. P..1 —11-1 . lo..r tn.. tnoa. polo ka all tea oth.r liar a.& p.b11e b..lth Relative to the recent survey made by the Bureau of Rualelpal Research covering the salaries paid to city employee, I wish to make the following oosmeutet The report covers chiefly clerical service and many interesting facts are brought out, which are of importance to the a. w city employee. well as to the public at large. Out of the 25 clerks employed in privately owned business house. 53�f or 1 45 are classed as Jenior clerks while In city service out of the total of 157 clerks there are 0% o* 41 employees are classed as Senior clerks. This disproportionally large number of Junior clerks employed in private business houses Is used however in arriving at an average rote of pay for all of the clerks, naturally bringing down the average rate of pay for the entire olerioal group, The aonoluiloni publicly wnnounoed whether dellberitely We to show the city employees ee grolely overpaid or just mode In utter disregard to Meant findingo in proper form are deleading as the following tables will prove. The figures for thew tables are used entirely from the report prepared by the Bureau of Municipal Research. The report as summarised and made public diowed the following findingsi Private !R to UUrrp CSL o& St ll In "see Title■ o.Ave / , Ao. vl a.,it y of pay for City B pl. Clerk& 1935 $86.99 57 $135.26 55*% Clerk Stenographers 324 93.15 34 144.70 55 1/3% Clerk Typists 255 76.01 66 107.35 413 Upon further analysis of figure@ compiled by the Municipal Research Bureau we find, however, the following situatloni City Employees Percent{ge Comparimn Pereentage of employment oppor- -- Increase of tunitles of privats Average eels- employee. .. to City Private Hap le ee■ City �P1o>ee• rise paid by employees, based on o Ra a o- private Ha- maximum rate of a Clea cif lest los No. Lowes a Average ]No.vree H ea Average players. orates arose. J=ior Clerks - '- Clerks 1050 40.00 120.00 68.18 2 73-00 98.00 86.00 264 22j4 Clerk Steno.. 137 52.00 100.00 76.16 4 88-00 113.00 95.50 254 ilk% Clerk T>pi.t. 158 45.00 95.00 67-96 35 73-00 103.00 85.14 254 84 Total SmpX07000 1345 4-x senior Clerk. clerk. 654 52.00 223.00 97-43 48 110.00 140.00 134.00 374 594 _ - - Clerk Steno.. 147 65.00 135-00 99.05 23 127.00 147.00 145.26 47% B% Clerk Typist.. 97 52.00 125.00 89.10 31 110.00 140.00 132.43 494 114 Total IDaployee. 898 102 Principal Cleric. 231 61.00 320.00 142-95 7 154-00 159.00 157.99 114 1014 - secretarial Clerk sten0. 40 90.00 198-00 129-53 7 - 169.00 169.00 304 174 ---- Grand Total 2514 157 --- The above table prove- that the as ]a rise paid to the clerks in City service ars not out of proportion with salarlen paid by private firm.. vdsile it is true that the average rate of pay for each class of City employee• analysed 1- higher than on the outside, but not as high an olaised, the opportunities for advanoement of city employees total 157 have sacrificed the opportunity of receiving from 17% to 1014 are greatly limited. Sixty clerks out of the Cla*sifieation 7lm4or Clerk* Clerlu Clerk Steno*. clack Ty -plate Total Employees Senior Clerk* Clerk■ Clark Stenos. Clerk Typlst*- Total Eaplo"es Pzdmolpal Clerk■ Seoretarial Clark Steno* Grand Total The above table proves that the Malaris• paid to the Clerks in City serviee are not out of proportion with salaries paid by private firms. While it is tr•me that the average rate of pay for each Class of city employees analyzed Is higher than on the outside, but not as high as olaimed. the opportunities for advanosment of city employees are greatly limited. Sixty Clerks out of the total 157 have saoril106d the opportuuity of receiving from 17% to 101% City Ruplofess Perosntegs comparion Pereontage of employment oppor- D20rea80 of tualties of private average *ala- employees as to City Private Bm 1 e■ Cit? �vlovesa rise paid by employees, based on i a e o o private Ba- maximus rate of pay, 70. at H, s ge, vera 10. Lowest Hxgns.tverage players.B.A.M. Imoredee 1050 40.00 120.00 68.18 2 73-00 98.00 86.00 26% -0 137 52.00 100.00 76.16 4 88.00 113.00 95.50 257 -0 158 45.00 95.00 67.96 35 73-00 103.00 85.14 25% 8% 1345 41 654 52.00 223.00 97-43 48 llo.o0 140.00 134.00 37% 59% 147 65.00 135.00 99-05 23 127.00 147.00 145.26 47% 8 % 97 52.00 125.00 89.10 31 110.00 140.00 132.43 49% 11 % 898 102 231 61.00 320.00 142.95 7 154.00 159.00 157.99 111 loxt 40 90.00 198.00 129-53 7 - 169.00 169.00 30% 17% 2514 157 The above table proves that the Malaris• paid to the Clerks in City serviee are not out of proportion with salaries paid by private firms. While it is tr•me that the average rate of pay for each Class of city employees analyzed Is higher than on the outside, but not as high as olaimed. the opportunities for advanosment of city employees are greatly limited. Sixty Clerks out of the total 157 have saoril106d the opportuuity of receiving from 17% to 101% mere in their pay envelope for the so-called "Security of Civil Service employment' and in no instance is the group salary limitation set by private employers smaller than ili% of salaries paid to lily empleyees. Before the present standardisation of Salaries paid to city employees was adopted criticism was made by oemmereial efficiency experts that there is no uniformity of salaries paid to city employees of the various departments and that in some instanoes Junior clerks in some departments were paid more than in other departments and that in many oases they were paid as much and mors than Senior clerks. This objection no removed and each classification has now a definite minimum and maximum salary rate, while the private employers, on whose combined effort the standardization no adopted, have no standardisation at all as the following table will prove. Salary Limits MT n p overs 7� aI Zunior Clerks 73.50 103.50 40.00 120.00 ;=lor Clerk Typists. 73.50 103.50 45.00 95.00 Iunlor Clerk stance. 88.20 118.20 52.00 100.00 Senior Clerks 110.25 140.25 52.00 223.00 Senior Clerk Typists. 110.25 140.25 52.00 125.00 Senior Clerk stance. 117.60 147.60 65.00 135.00 Secretarial Clee'k Stence 139.00 169.00 90.00 198.00 Principal Clerks. 128.70 158.70 61.00 320.00 Rare we have a vivid picture of the worst type of contra- distione and umoientifie management by business men that preach efficiency to the governmental officers but do not practice it them - solved. The city salaries for clerks follow certain definite plan and order with reasonable limits, while right here in st. Paul according to the figures compiled by their own bureau. organized for promoting better efficiency in city government, show that 76 principal clerks out of 231 receive the same amount of money as 662 Junior clerks out of 1050. Evidently 9020 firms believe in paying their employees empty honors. Then again, privately employed principal clerks are paid as low as $61.00 per month and as high as $320.001 a difference of $259.001 whereas the principal clerk# in city service have a latitude of only $30.00 between the minimum and muimma salary rate. This {roves very fsrolfully that there is a lack of uniformity both in titles and remMGrabiona paid to privately employed clerks, and that the private employere cannot offer any oonsrete comparison for the salary rates paid by the city that would prove a groes overpayment for clerical service. y Study of the Civil Service examiners "port for 1930 tells eha following story. That report shore on page 3 that out of the total of 1519 applicants for Civil Service examinations during 1930, there were 869, or 5% passed the examinations, and only 45, or 16%, were regularly appointed. The appointments are filled from the Civil Service lista with those that have passed the examinations with highest marks. In the absence of say other efficiency rating of private employees, it is reasonable to assume that the rate of pay fairly reflects their efficiency. Based upon this assumption, a table is prepared showing approximately the possible number of private employees that would be appointed to city positions ano their relative efficiency expressed in salaries ,paid them by private firms from the entire group of clerks lilted in the anioipal Besearoh Bureau reports as followsi Title Ruaber Junior Clerks 1050 hnior Clerk steno 137 Junior Clerk Typist 158 senior Clerks 651 seffio2. Clerk steno 247 Senior Clerk Typist 97 Principal Clerks 231 Secretarial Clerk - Stance 40 W Rotranee Relative lowest that would city salary paid by obtain Salary private firms employment Rate to those that would be appointed to City positions. 168 73.50 85.00 22 88.20 87.00 25 73.50 82.00 101E " 110.25 130.00 24 117.60 120.00 16 110.25 110.00 37 128.70 185.00 7 139.00 165.00 It can be seen from the above table that it is not quite so easy to find employees with sufficient qualifications to fill city Positions, that the m rresponding rate of salaries paid on the outside to those that would qualify for city jobs are in many instanoss larger than those paid by the citys and that if the placements were to be made on the basis of the 16% from the tAul examined, 980 applicants would have to be examined to produce the 157 clerical positions now occupied. It must be also borne in mind that a large portion of the clerks in city employ have to assume responsibility and perform duties without j—& ate technioal supervIsion and therefore must be qualified to perform such work and that besides their technical knowledge they mast possess test and a high degree of dipolomaoy in dealing with the public. Very often they are subject to abuses even in their private life on the part of general public due to political differences held against their *looted superiors. Saint Paul ':eoiro Bureau of Municipal Research A,h],,k Clvb Beildiae .M.•, m,,.,,.�ri.s.�... •'"•. March 19, 1932 To the City Council, C1 ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: On 14arch 11th this o�n.alzs tion forwarded to the Mayor a cpnpari eon o` salaries Sr. certain city, private, c nary and state enol o went,. classes com- pered s s what vl E$ot be te._., key case in that salary schedules orf sbuilt up fro^'. them as n boas. It Se demonstrated that moat salaries in the city service ere out of line with those Sn private, county and state —1oyme .. Not only is this true but the h'nrr e, v. cation, e�^.d si ck,l save vi th pay a: more re"corfavoral:l, than In private 11 the Temu'e o£ po ei tlo 1-. the cl tybeisi ne see condition..s sI rl raryyacaens^private sop loyuent ie d-.ubtfIll, dependior, "p- one +.e hi EY: as employees nave re centl; saffered flet red -ti—, in ei.larles, a '`✓�• The time haw come 'Sten it Se necesenry to adjust city selnrles dp wawa rd. Thle ehottld prove no hard ship upon the employees because the byving power of the dol- lar has Increased s rap+l dly the a res mble dec reaee Sn sal atlas does apt necee- ettate in the levet the idly I C of thea atardard of ""ng. U-inraining sal Zles at the present level 1s eculvalent to — Sccrease at a time whey conditlone do L jm- tlfy soca an Ino reaee. Your body moat :.,.w consider c ref¢lly the position Into tdtich the city Se heading. It Se s. fe to ae art thet the revenues of the city tMe year will act ,ome up to those estimated ins the budget. Unless the Se dune soon, toward the end o£ the year the city will be confronted with the necessity of either c eating a deficit or cutting back o expendltares. There Is a grave doubt as to theIsvality of the city spends nE storeathan is received. Whether legal o not it Ss unsound for an, government to bulldup a deficit on current operations. or salaries anP other expenditures now will result In a balanced budget. If lefi until theend of the year to balance the budget, it will m either laying off employees for a defl- nite po lod of time or requiring them to work wl Lhcut pay toward the end oP the year. Sound financing dl crates Last the city government meet the situation now and meet SL I, an inte lllge nt manner. Then, tno, the taxpayer Se entitled to relief, Again sound bust... judgment dictates giving that relief is cause It will Lend to decrnaec the rapidly vntiug tax delinquencies. A study of these otratY athem, tax— areae nncralerIng nt such a ra,e that mart'• of our people ere unable tomeet e -2- t at es that the ,at of z eat must be reduced. Si a 6O'p of the cost of the city govermm�ntc s to salaries and wages and 24 o.^ the em ant r sed through taxation l e told ebt charges. -- n item that c not be red -sed -Blit is obvious that any ub.tantia1 tax relief ..It core thrcu;.}sin decreases in the .mount to perI-1 ser ice .. It i ontended that reducin1 city salari at this time will result i decreased parches ing power and affect bu,j1'� s n Saint Naul adversely. It will n got decrease the o rchss ing power within t}dacityi but will tre ne fer it to those en- titled to this taxa relief. It r bolief that the to payere are entitled to this tax reduction and to increased y rchas ing power. r the r s briefly outlinod thi rganixat ion respectfully ragas- is th:.t salariescbe reducadsin accordance with tha ordonanca now before the Council. ae further I. Y, that a study ba bef,un at with the purpose i ind placing the public salaries o n basis comparable with those is pr ivata enterpr'_se; that the -alar iss of those paid out of tax m nays be in line with those of the por- who, through taxation, are payin' t hoseos.larie s. Such a study should c nsider nets only those who are being paid under the cost of living ordinance but alsootYose wh. arein the unclassified se vis Th. readj ustmenta shown t,eso be a_ essary a a It of this study shoals berputsinto eFfe ct i mediately upon its completions At the same time other items of exy enditure shoals also be reduced. Unless the city r eat reduces the oat of government, a taxpayers olt s the only alternative,v andm the city may ind itself in much litigation. The res ponaibil ity is yours. The 'rr este.. of the Bureau have a aider,d this letter very c re fully In endeavor to state their position with a acy. You ar entirely fnmil iar with nt hie sub jest and with the position of thecBore.' The Bureau ie firmly con®it- ted to the position herein stated and sees no object in making an oral etntement of it. Very truly yours, BUREAU Or b:UNICIP" RF.SEARCIi Pr.sident City of Saint County of Ham- State of kinne- Private e,Paul, sem. so td. No. Ave rage NO.—Terage No. Average No. Average Title Salary Salary Salary c Salary. Clerks - Junior 1050 $ 68 _ 18 286 Sen for 654 97 _ 43 48 134.00 vrincipal 231 142 _ 95 7 157.99 - Total 1935 8 6 _ 99 57 135.26 51 $ 127.27 113 $ 108.34 Clerk -Stenos. -Junior 137 7 6 _ 16 4 95.50 -Senior 147 99_05 23 145.26 -Secretarial 40 129 _ 53 7 169.00 -Total 32'4 93 _ 13 34 144.70 12 122.42 41 101.22 Clerk -Typists - Junior 158 C7 _ 96 35 85.14 Senior 97 89 -10 31 132.43 Total 255 7 6 _ A 1 66 107.35 5 124.20 15 94.00 General Bookkeepere 52 113 _02 6 155.55 Junior Accountants 39 1 7 2 -05 7 199.46 Janitors 232 S 3 -65 23 116.03 15• 115.00 28 100.00 Stationary Firemen 51 110 -20 9 127.34 Janitor -Engineers 17 10E _00 111 128.98 Cleaners (Per Hour) 87 -34 114 .471 - Total 2992 427 83 197 City Hall and Court House. PAUL 12EAT� ��uT ATF. 130ARD- INC. + ==vwHnzwz`= v=zu.zv ST� t�AU=�- MI�N)L40TA L oaonicv..�.� � 4r1Ct6 ydara h 2-9. 193E The Bonorable. The City Couao il+ Saint Paul. Minns e o to Ron. ruble Biros 7aet� vh ea the One at ion of salary ad7netment was bsiom the Connoi l+ iS Ursa aPJ��ryth193E.t a ��ithnt�Sm^ithe or - would be is order oommaaoi aB tomatic salary City Connoil passed as ems ad ma nt to the leas revent ing axiy o hsag a in the eoRot oY Bow es for a dinana• P _ _ Beal Rotate Board went on period o1 oae ye the Paas+age of �thie amendment, urging that reoord oPPoe SnB ordi a Re be kept is effeot. the automatic aalary T the repeal of Your Honorable Bo ay is m� DoreS .l s held .e again Haat oa re eoxd reaffirming our pre vion. It amendm. nt. 4t a mast irg of the Real Estate B08m favor reoently. or dirzano e. Re are -- end urge yon to position .t that salary ordinano of rein. tat S.� the sat omsta salary repeal the amendment Passed last Tn1sala ordinance as adopted. At the time this itt�aatoons ids ed Yelr end equdtlb le about eight ye era ago + rens on 'for s change Sn ob both par t S.e a . ane t e d o sot a ee any employees. Ne eek the tlewpo int OS either the City or Ste ere who are pay - the Couaoil to bear is mind that the tai pay o f them did not have the advantage ing the wages ha4athat ma�tain them snbetano sl re duc ti onto es. their inoonse. and the period of ria Sn6 Fz of an antonatio ino ra sea iter irg some that a We do not agree with the theory advanced by reduction in wages me ass a decrease in bayin6 power. The other - gene rel ae alth of a oommaaity Sa not sustained or inoreaeed by benefiting say oae groaP at the expense of rmd Snanoe Seagainey saved by the City 12 the automat is aslgs well in the hand. of put in of Seat, wi 11 Dir as late equally ` Sr. PAUL REAL ESTATE BOARD. INC ST. YAUZ.. MI\N690TA i EST%A March 19, 193E Theonorable. The City Council, So intHa i nue Pe1, Ms o to . Honorable 31r a t last J'a7y. . when the question of salary adjustment was before tis Conaail. it was apparent that a downward revision would be in oxder oommanoi ng January, 1932, 0t that time the City Counoit pries. sa ease nd me nt to the antomatio :clary or- dinanoe prevent V31197W a1— a in the scale of salaries for a period of one ya ar . The St. Paul Real Rotate Board went on record opposing the 1aaaage of this amendmeat, urging that the automatic salary ordinance be kept in offset. Your, sono xab le Body is now core idering the repeal of that amendment Am endent � t a eetirg of the Real Eetate Board held recently, -a aega is want on record reaffirming our previous position on c that salary ourdinsne. Re are strongly in favor of reins tat lug the satomatia salary ordinance and urge you to repeal the easement paseed last July. At the time this automatic salary ordinance was adopted, ab eat eight years ago . it was considered fair and equitable to both parties. sad we do not see any reasrm for a change in the viewpoint or ai thBr She City or its employees. Ka ask the Connoll to bear in mind that the t, payers who are pay- ing the wage hove also sustained substantial reduction: in their inoo me s --A that many of them did not have the advantage of an antomatio in.o raaae durirg the period of rising prices. We do not agree with the theory advanced by some that a redno tion in wages means a deorease in baying power. The general wealth of a oommnni ty is not sustained or increased by benefiting say oaa group at the expense of mother. The money saved by the City 12 the automatic salary ordinance is again put in effect. wi 11 airaalate equally as well in the hands of The City Council March 19, 193E the t; s_payer ae in the hands of the tax beneficiary. Carry- slgoa;hit wonld ba tgoodits policy toical but double ttheinumb��foemcln- ployess and double the ealariee o1 the =Ploysee. Zi thle agreement, entered into between the employees and t la City 1a 1922, is to be abrogated, then the whole do- gneat, 1oa of salaries to be paid should Lthrownbe ops AetmdghS termiaei net vamat is the proper salaryo thea fi ad that the reductions which would be in effect Hader the a tomatio aslary ordinance would not bsufficient by a ar compison with salaries now paid in private Za oosome ion, gentlemen, we believe the responsibility rest= with yon,either yon most take the initiative and make the wi the 11 ti gat loaandlfilan1tyotion in 81nrYinanalnies or ognrcity bond ieaoescity will be oed and the poesibi lity of a taz layers' rebellion. Yours very tral.V, SAINT PAUL REAL ESTATE BOARD By(e_ASLO Y --president CvWTRAL COUNCIL OF DISTRICT CLUBS, INC. Saint Peul, Minn.. March 23.1932. To the Pionoreble V -y— and City C-11: Gentlemen; Thde 1s to certify that Yr. P. R. Phelps is hereby desig- -ted to appear before your body on the oroposed eatery ordlnen— Thin 1 a 1 n line with a resolution recently ndapted by the Central Co 13.. _ rohlbiting any one or group of people appearing without authority, Thanlrirg you for your many courtesies end con Sderat Sons in the peat, I eo, Very xepeetfully yours. CENTRAL COUNCIL OF DISTRICT CLUBS, INC. - �' i/Iv, J. -Mena, 'P ... ident. Berth Er.d _alsaveeer.t CL�b ZCC'� Lice £tract a t Paul Ginn ec to ... ?aul LarcL IS,I�3=. To the::or.^rsble ber. ..t P>;,l City C.._.nc 11. Genti— At tr.e regularL_nnt..ly :.:ectint of tie :'ort:. End "ort Club held ::�nclay :::arch 14, 1930 .T' -.e aeabera voted tc go cn reecrd oppcseing the. Flace ing; cf the Pclice and Fire :epurtu:en*.a cn the .1i"'n':.sye ece'_e P. --y of tl:e acticn tuhen by tae u:erbers nae crie_ed sent tc the City Council to be read at their :.:eeting. c T rth End :mprov ent Club .rade. E. _reye,r 4C :,t Paul I I) *ntermaianut Unaait of (Operating Engineers CM GF ppE ai '4 04s /,3 86 �n o, eaa4 �O' tawzx. <�r =5s'' LOCAL L7NIUN NO__:_� -St. --I. L'ar. c. To the ^o norr ule or and Jou Jit, of St. Paul_ Sent,--: I nave been instructeo to notify , ,o .dy that t..is o-ani—tion is a;-ai,st al, w e cuttinc ana — —nestly recuent you to vote ':O" on orainnnce introaucea oy Jommis si oner 'Cay. Sincerely, INT --i, :.,TTC::AL UNION OP r. TIN0 J Z _'EEf,S C. 3b -Secretary BRANCH NO. 2e �u National Association of Metter (Farriers a. e. �...U..a... U. S. A. y February 22,1632i,. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of tris City of St.P,tl, Minn. Gentlemen: The matter of a reduction in salariee of Civil am oyees,ca proposed by Mr.Mey, sae introduo ad _d disussed at eome length at our last regular meeiag. Tk— consensus of opinion was cppoeed to say ..1 —Y retiuetiome and the following; resolution was uasnimouely adopted. Cordi all �re, � 409 Hall Ave. Secretary. /I �J tne.�llola ., uMID to is P.Ec'Gte r.0 s.. FEB 23 12 ii Vii 1932 ffi1B E(J. GIb VS' ,ITY CLERK SY.P LHA'dSCS,�O., MUM RESOLUTION IS THE LATTER OF A PROPOSI-y REDUCTION OF SALARIES OF CIVIL EII'LOYl7'S. WRERT';A9 : The Civil employees of the City of St.Paul ere threatened with s :eduction in sal=aries, and W 11TT`AS: The rc$04era.tion now beim received DY these Civil employees is arely eufficie nt to maintain e -tend and of living cosmre nsorate with ti.eir i,c,. rt ance in the conununity,snd ---:Any reduction in s:il--ry will, of nece seity, lower the buying power of the recipient, and WF?7:RE AS This loss veil L be paseeu on to the merchant,prod uc e r and manufacturer in .-Ll- and fewer .ale -,and 'ANF;-- Sucri reduction in Bales will tend to further e-bi_rr ass the present unsettled condi. tion of our city, -tete .1government, and is not ti:e proper solution of the crisis through which aas we re psing. Therefore, be it RESOL711;D : .atr =anch28,NatiOnr,.1 Associat- ion of Letter Carriers,iu re�ul— session e.ssembled,6e on re co rci :.e �.ein3 opposed to any salary reduC - tion a: fecting the Civil employs -e of the City of St.P ul,in the State 0f _1--sota. Unanimously aeopted �y rir: cl. -,t28, N. A.L.C., February 20,1y32. OF ' 1l-0- 23. Ce- -4 a M IIItS 'Ir 515 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: At s —Ft. aIar meeting of D—tons Bluff Post No. 515, The American Legion, held on February 15, 1932, the following resolution sae adopted: ^RES OLVFD� 2'ti at Daytona Bluff Poet No. 515, The American Legion, favor the retention of the preset wage ..—:L -now paid by the City of St. Paul. 1932. Dated at St. Paul, Minn., February 15, DAYT ONS BLUFF POST NO. 515, THE AMERICAN LEGION B Ad tent. ' /� (3) Mest ]Enbr (Eammerriul (Club of Sai>n �avl. �iprtespta Mer ch 15 1952. The Honorable Mayor and City Council, St,Paul, Minnasota_ Gentlemen:— At a me et In , of this Club on Merch 14th., the following resolution wee paesed:- ^Reeolved that we are opposed to any cut in the ealariee of St.Paul Policemen and Fireman. ^ -- Your. very truly, WE $l E:.D COMMERCIAL CLUB, Secretary. rebruary 16, 1932. To the Honorable Mayor and members of the 01ty Oounoilt ' Relative to contemplated motion by your honorable body in re fsrenoe to the so-aalled coat -of -living ordinance as amended by Ordinance Ho. 7319. passed July 13, 1931, which amendont malutalned the rates or salasles and wages then in effect until December 31, 1932, the nndereigned organization respectfully requests that your honorable body postpone all hearings in the matter for a period of thirty days, thereby permitting a sufficiency of time to elapse and to enable the employees con- oernea to adequately and properly prepare and present their ones. rurther, for your information, a tentative meeting is scheduled to be held on rebruary 23, 1932, to which the various employees organizations will be invited to attend and to discuss 4 the matter of your contemplated action. R epeotfullp ours, resld , City and Coun &.ploy es Union ���INiT 1�,\tI1,eLtitiUC'.I.aTIUN UF(,U�I+IFH�'.4: lebruary 23, 1932 TO THE HOHO:TR= x THE NAYOH AND THE COUNCIL Oa THE CITY 08 SAINT PAM: Gentleman: Tha Saint Yaul As.oclation of Commerce urges that the salary ordimnce basing pay upon the 1111 -f lining be reinstated 1.—dint sly. This action wen taken by the Board of M_.tors o£ the Ae.ociatio. at its meetivg held Wednesday, February 1,3— Tha end for a lower taz burden is lmperatlve. The Aneociat ion fl-ntl.r suggeet. ane request. that Poll owing the read�u�a Cmant o£ salaries on the coat of living basis, a study beands rtalcan to dote rm lee whe Cher the prevailing wages in the claeelflad 1— are comparable, to those paid for like e - vice in private .tarpri..* Salary adj-t—tn should be made Sa all groixpa oS city employment, where Jueti find, and not 1lmdted aloha to the claeslfled ..rules. It 1. ba lleved that the action of this Assoclat ion reflect. the att itvda not only of the business interests of the city but or .— citlze.s who a e finding it extremely difficult. 1£ not Smpo..Ible, withrcurtelled i.=, to meet the ever increasing taz bard... Very truly your,, Pre.ident. x1- 0 Feh• 1?. '31 'fo Ns�•�r F..rn'll iP jinn rre ':itv ^o�tn�.il: s+, rs tArP �. nu �.} est *}-e vtl tie••i lee �mnl ovaes hsve 1l re sr3v * _ 9 t xvnne went ut in gal sry xi r,h In *Yc oast three ears" Tf' < l l 1-+�r�s*+ �+te r cords I 111", "at v Hill find tY sr. r r e� >• r• l ve.� .utsj 11 111ry 11 f— lii, •ent �•1 -+�- rPYPvrly sty few Tt etr sl7 srtes for e trmost Dart stere _ r. Z roel� a l Ivan¢ v 1 feel that at 1re. tris rime 9r_�n 7,gplp_,yryl_Prnno shoul:l seal vt In rhe :�� f>r :•v -1 ono s .mall Cyt, Phfs is the ,nly fair �T"t." rr'- r ->g t -;—r> -r rr nrTPm'_rs77 � , �3nnot :'esl with �h�s matter In fttr -,tc� 17 iaent 1 sm sure ihP•ote�s N!11 re_ mr mhrr Lt rr.F iP sC T Cmr' thevn c� n iYe nnl]e, A v ti—ln•.ee CIVIL SERVICEF ASSOCIATION SAINT PAUL, MINN. AL February 23, 1932. Tu T}i'. li 14141 ABLE COUNCIL, City of Saint Paul:- Cn July 25th, 1931 a amending ordinance to the then existinor g salary dinance, govern ing the compans atlon of the classified civil ervlce employees was approved by six members of hl—present councll. This amending ordinance was introduced over the signs tis es of sa ld six m tubers of the Council and became a contract he in—ou them and the city employees in so far as it provided that the present adjusted entrance rates would remain effective until Deo emb er 31, 1932. This contract was accepted in ,,,mod £sibs by the employees and their budgets and expenditure for the at nd current year ware based on the continuance of their presents salari a s. They slso wi sri t.—ntend that any downward revision of t;Y eir present compensn t ton Ss not justified owing to the fact tY—t when their al arses were adjusted in 1924 the computationsmade from the actual statistics on the increased cost of living as shown by the increases in the cost of food, fuel, clothing, furniture and miscellaneous articles, and that the great change in standards of living between the year of 1900 and 1924 was not taken into consideration. Also the `nose,a lu living standards from 1924 to tris —rent date should be seriously considered before env further downward revision is authorized. Since the salary revi sl on in 1924 the employees have had one increase amounting to 1 whicri became effective Janu�i ry 1, 1927. To offset that they received a 3;6 decrease July 1, 1928 and another of 3% January 1, 1931 CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIATION P SAINT PAUL, MINN. Tt,ercfore the classified civil service employees join with the City and County Employees Union in petitioning tri. _hers of the Council for the continuance of the e.isting salary contract until December 31, 1932 and ask that trie proposed ordinance he laid o r 30 days to the and that they may he enabled to Rather and n enare the'; necessary facts and statistics to n. . v. that the proposed salary adjustment as outlined by the mending ordinance n v before v ould work an undue hard— . hipasnd injustice at they present timeV. Very re snectfully, CIVTL SSERVICL A;i„OCIA.TIOI: Or SA I':T Y'.UL By .order of the Board of Directors, President. Payne A-- Y.., v cYo street Trade and peoape� m..A yo.r del ow m..cham. of Payne Avenue Business Association Wroh 20, 1832. Court HO—. eaiat P-ul Gentleman At t6- 1ut Payne Arenue Budneee Aesu., reeolut:L— >.a- paa-sd t.Lat it oppose the proposed saga out fbr engineer-, jaeai tor- goad oleanere employed in the publio eah ool e, end that t2e• City Cotmoil be ed,ised oP this notion. Your- emery ttrr.1yy, l " Seoretuy. Feb. 23, 1338. To Members oY the City Council: First of all I thank you, Mr. }day and 11x, Mayor, for having the courage to reduce our taxee. 9Ys t—payers of St.Pan1 demand a reduction in all city employee salar ias in the following terms. 5 per cent cut between $ 70 - $100 10 11 100 - 150 15 " 150 - 200 20 200 _ 850 25 " " " " 250 and more Too many improvements everywhere in the last 10 years mate all citizens alike poor and bankrupt. The tax load Is too heavy to carry on any longer. The times are so hard a good many of uscion• t Know where to get the next meal from. Further, we de- mand to work: all city emn I oyes about a week. Divide up the money among our cit 1..-a mora equally. Pay a fair price for a fair day's work. Ths way it is now you have too many boseee or higher-ups to suppport. Make them all reo ign. IY you want to be a Christian, act like ons. Again I tell you --'reduce the taxes. We are coming next election 100,000 strong. Respectfully, ONE OF THEM 13555/Marsball Ave. /-/�-QI SCAJ�x or a aAmr PAUL Yaa. Us— J®SLors' -a3�f uf� �Aasl�a ]29.00 127 60 etla 320.00 %. 236.0 102.00LO Jml J]38.W 1E7.00 A7 -9D J�m1t�e61assr 1s Letfat�-- 3(900 9a7 -.s0 2040.® 35D.00 To the Honorable May— and Me®bers of the C-1.1% Gentlemen: The undersigned —9-1 —tlon respectfully requests and urges that the second reading of the proposed amendment to the salary ordinance be delayed for a period of thirty days for the reasons as ontlined in the cosmnnicati— of Fab ----y 16, 1932. It is the sincere hope of the employee. involved that your honorable body will Brent this request. City and County Public i—ice Pinployees. 7 � � / President. STARTING AND :!AXIIN:1 SCALE OF WAGE S F 77 JANITOR -ENGINEERS, JANITOR AND CLEANERS. JANITOR- CLEANERS :+ONTES AS 3' T JANITOR ENGINEERSE WORKED PER NG I.SEER MINNEAPOL I 5...$147.00 to $217.0 0 $ L27 50 to 12 $126.00 Flat $4.00 P— D— 12 $147:50 So. ST.PAUL... S14E.83 to $150_00 23 •Y.E DULUTH ........ $ 140. 00 to $190.00 S 1�LCE EVE LE TH. ..$170.00 12 s A It':E MANKATO— .....5130.00 91 p 10 to $145.00 SUPERIOR,WI7..5141.50 to $160.00 HUDSON. WIS... $1,180.00 YEAR ST.PAUL....... S 102.90 to $132.90 S A'.i JANITORS CLEANERS :+ONTES WORKED PER YEAR 117.50 to $ 127.50 $117.50 12 $120_00 to $134.00 12 $126.00 Flat $4.00 P— D— 12 $ 130.50 12 $100.00 to $110.00 12 $130.50 5103.00 Per 12 11— th 12 $88.20 to $'_18.20 $.47-1 per Hr.1 91 p 10 We th a undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers 8Y St. Paul are uncondit_only a{poscd to a wage cut of the City Employes wages at this time, a n L ail/G- goal He th e undersigned E6e1chanta citizens and T&xPayers 6f St. Paul are uncondit'only aF sed to a wage cut of the City Emrloyas a-o=s at this time, G •u , 2 r `f i ; ,Z,� J r/ ki / 7 5-S �, 22�C,�Gy� �/ � L f: f ,' � � � 'l �,�;�ti.�� ��, � �.- � ��c,l � ;� .. f� i ��.- - y ' "��� We th a undersigned Merchants citizene and 51 Taxpayers ff St. Paul are uncondit4onIv aFposad to 3, wage cut of the City Farloves wages at this time. --I C, 11 1 F� 11, AA 1 -1 1 We th a undersigned bterohants citizens and Taxpayers U St. Paul are uncondit'on!� aFj.csed to a wage cut of the City Lir.lcyes vrag3s at this time. L/ -Y, .�� i ��,f � �, ��"'ll�i�ij,-,�i ., �-�-, �, ;� l We th a undersigned derch&nts citizens and Taxpayers U St. Paul are uncondit,on1v Eqjosed to a wage cut of the city Employee wages at this time. J�L .�tl /,�, n_ - :,�, _ /� � l� � .'.moi ��j. 1 � c� - l� �,i'-L � ' .. _ f. �� s i q /' - / f� �1 ■�Q L bL (2 �Taxpayers - df St. Pa a 4111v DIM5. i �eL G, l J i �/ � , . E � � ��Uv,...�. % ✓ � ems. 6 Z`l � ��,. 0-7 Wd th c undersigned Merchants citiz e^s and Taxpayera 6f St. Paul are u:ncondit'OnIv 9,FIceed to i wage cut of the City H�nployes wages at this time. -57 12 Z 14, 071 �)Ik� We th a undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers 6f St. Paul are unconditionly apposed to i wage cut of the City Employes wages at ✓ this time. 7t-11� So I,b � 72 //C-1 N e A We th a undersigned Merohents citizens and Taxpayers U St. Pau; are imcondit!only arpond to a wage out of the City Emrlovae Rages at i thio time. r i 97 776, Co : j WJ zr rr v eT e �J-3 7 tea, G c , Is the undersigned Merchants , citizens and taxpayers of Bt. Paul are � e unconditionly opposed to a nye out of the City &.ployes tagee at Q this time i A WO th a undersigned Merchuta 3itizene and Taxpayers of St. Paul are Im2onJWonly =Tpsed to I wage cut Of the City "InEloves Wages at thio time. '17 all - 1Y *L,v J4" We th a undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers 6f St. Paul are uncondit4on1v aqcaed to .1 w&98 cut of the City Employes wages at this time, o f I 103 7 7,31 vi, jz L/ A -/w tlly 77, We th a undersigned Verchants citizens and Taxpayers bf St. Paul are unccnditionly =gonad to s wage out of the City Employes wcg2s at this time. ��a /1-/'L�<<,'�{'<toti Me Z=ZA -7'7 KWIMIMMIEW �EMIR ME We th a undersigned Merchants citizens ar.d Taxpayers Bf St. Paul are unconditionlv arlosed �— to a wage cut of the City Employes wages at this time. Q. S, Oz 663 4,c L" C. 7 - �W - �� �- /� �. i r � rj i, ��z.� r I ✓ �, _ l � � /� ( \ 'v � /( i i r �, � ��Q ���_t '��L� !/1 k470- 7,71 4V is I �J I I J I j T UL .—� / Be th a undersigned Efernante citizens and r Taxpayers AY St. Paul are uncondit7only appoeed _ to a wage out of the City Employee rages at , this time. � !1%7 .f ✓lti<�L" _ Y)rk- Edi 10 th e undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers 6f St. Paul are i-Lncondit4onlv ajcsed 16 to 3. wage cut of the City Knr-loyes waged at this time. 14 We th a undersigned 9--rchants citizens and Taxpayers ff St. Paul are unconditionly a osed i/ to a wage cut of the City Employee wages at thio time. i /�j�b�i �•.-C �G � 'i. �.-.fes/' ,�� ✓ rk- yY //�� ra �.. We th a undersigned gerchanta citizens and Taxpayers U St. Paul are uncondit'_only alicsed (� to a wage out of the Cityt FoPloyes waged at this time. 1 ✓ v` 0 Kr• r,� �'/,_n i moi, , '` .,. �l : i,:�n-Y •..L,ii,;a� �"°'-c We th a undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers df St. Paul are uncondit_only agosed to a wage out of the City Employes wages at this time. � C Q We the undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers of 8t. Paul are unconditionly apposed / to a wage.cut of the City 9mployses wages at this time. i �1 U We th a undersigned Merchants citizens and Taxpayers df St. Paul are uncondit'oniv apposed to a wage cut of the City Employes Rages at this time. lql SCG i�.yo-j—•�T�-- .�.,� a vG Clti�w.(L Jt AQ ` '� lDv`' l ✓l ,/,� :.'.ti � �1� ,�.�.�. �.� ����. � y����� Christie DePareq Post 406 BE IT RESOLVED by Chriatie-DePareq Post No. 406, American Legion, in regular meeting Resembled this 24th day of Marsh, 1932, that WHEREAS there 1s considerable agitation In favor of reducing salaries of civil cervica emplo7ees of the City of St. Paul and WHEREAS we believe that this would work to reduce the standard of living and be is jurlous to the com- munity and furthermore it is believed that the enlariee of the employees of the City of St. Paul arc generally lower than the calariea of employees In other cities Of the came claselfieatiou, therefore BE IT RESOLVED: that we go on record sa favoring oon- tlnuance of the present salary soale and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:tbat a copy of this resolution be presented to, the Mayor and Members of the Counoll, and to the City Clark of St. Paul, Minmoota. Passed at and made s part of the minutes of the meeting of March 24, 1932. L� M. Adjutantlp /I CITY OF ST. NO— 916:13 e. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— sEt�RAL FO WH EFiEAS, the :/until of the City 'f ;t. F -u1 and the Hoard unty Commi aei one re Of the Count;: f �-.ce y, in joint eeePion, On the first ih, of February 19`2, a ur eve the �r1Pos ed ^e. lement of the clai:.a Df said ;it -;nd .:nty —Ninst the ica.n Surety Com;,any, suretosed y ln t: mc�to was the eu �nof Ver J. Tong, welch prop }'- n w it 7.85 re ep ec ting such c;-ai— on a�� nt of the Ond of J. E. lahon, and in the sum of 2473.62 re PIting eu , claims on sdc oust of• the bond of Olive J. long, ° welch ? /posed eettle- ngnt was, by it s terms, to be in full ell cls .e which seld ty end County now have nr :nay nave =.test sal Amerl ar. Surety o mpany on account of saidoOnde 'oy eon of be lea tl one ar therwi ae, and WHEFFIAS, the acceptance Of sei rcPoeed ee :.lement has been r rcOmme nd ed by the Co rpore.tior. Cru If the C!-,' of gt. Faul and the 7ounty Attorney Of 2er.eey ty, r.ow th—,forr be 1t AE SOL VED, t -not the acceptant 'n�P�0 Frepoeedi eettle.nent be and the same hereoy ir. autt. ori pprovad aid l!N1 upon t:.e P yzent of said sums. of mons Paia American 6µ}�' sty Com- pany the proper offic era of the �= St. psul be �.nd they hereby n— apt horized and direct s `xecute releaee',e theiaby releasing said Am er Scan Surety from any and a:il ala Sa,s d Jto di smiee the '-'6ndSnB ezistiCt on account of said bo •ao the samea k District Court actions 1n rela 1� cou NciLMEN Nayz Co—y May M�Do.+ald Ir. favor Pearce / Roz�� S..di.-- Mr. P—.a_ AdoPad by ,h� C .... ii FEES 16 19?1 I9 n�nvoa ,..,„...o .... CITY OF ST_ PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR - �. M .ou sem_. _L(7 m - ----- -- RESOLVED: that the nee of the AUditorlvm Oonoert Hall be given to the George Washington Hi—Oentennlsl Oomittes for the evening of February 22, 1932, and the oos/(of opening and operating said Oonoert Hall be and the aame is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Contingent F-und. _� LMEN FEB 161932 Yea.. Nays Ad.p.ed by ebe Council 19 c .... y Fn May n M.D.—Id In (ago. APP[wcC�t'-..«---"U 19 Ra.rn �J Wgal— - - � Sadh.imcr j � �nroR / Mr. P—,d— B..dbi ....,... CITY OF ST. PAUL r�.c NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I IL RES GENERAL FORM / ==o WB=RLB, a petition has been made and filed, addressed to the Council of She City of 8%. Paul, for Fthe re -zoning and re- classification of Lot 9, in Block 15, Oakville Part, located aS the southeast corner of Greenbrier and Maryland Bsr*ets, and WA=RES, the 01ty of Bt. Paul In the Omer of the real estate situated at the southwest corner of said streets, which real Setas* 18 devoted to public playground, purposes and 1■ within 100 feet of the herein described real estate sought to be reclassified and rezoned, and WHIRLS, the consent of the OSSy of BS. Paul is essential to such reclassification and re -coning of Said real estate, now therefore be it RISOLPID that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he hereby is authorised and directed to execute in the name of and in behalf of the 011y of 8%. Paul a written consent to such re -zoning and reclassification On a - fon approved by the Corporation counsel. Yaws courvci urn en N Adopsad by 6. C .... i; EB I � r n 19 Co—y May McDonald 1. favor Approval f 19 Rosen/ Against - S / �✓ G� / . Pas.dB�ndl�< Mr,—d ans RUBLISHtiD—' � CITY OF ST PAUL NO. 11'�lfi oFfx^"a c••c`r ^^ L/ OF�IC CIT CLERK i O R OLUTI �'�f�N ERAL FORM -ESM so°Na REW2$♦cti WHEREAS, applications r"licenses to operate auto c e6 private liaeries upon tte streets of the City of St. Favi, have been made ea follows: mase Make Motor No. Serial No. In eurance Co. Policy No. Thos. J. McCormick Packard 126153 126153 Globe Indemnity Co. AP1424537 Joon Talty Buick 2246843 2167672 Midwest mutual Cc. 11007 Joh Talty Buick 2248368 2167845 ^ " " 11008 Jotm Talty Raiee 434767 420283 " " 10977 W—AS, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, anuli cants have filed copies of insurE.nce ;,olicies with tte City o£ St. Paul, aad .aid 'olicie' have been nporoved as to form by the Cor-wrati on C—ol; therefore, he it RFSO—, that licenaea be issued to sail applicants to o rate said autocar upon the streets of the City of St. P-1,, subject yo J;kw p ovisiono of saidordinance. PZ4h7ALS Yeasci�rwaH N., ys C roy L/ May McD... Id In favor Pearce �\ R.— —J Aga sr 5"dIb-- Ms. Pres,d— B^^dbr Adopr^d by nc� C .... I FFB 16 19 19 gPPo ��19 CITY OF ST PAUL ri�r. � NO. M17 !IFIC,7CITYCLERK IO EN ERAL FORM aaessl+rao ev Feb—ry_151°32 RESOIARW WHEpyAS,Confectionery License No. 8800, expiring July 15, 1932, was isseed to G. Del Signore at 764 Wabasba Street, end WHEREAS the building at 764 Wabesba Street, known es the old Ryer Clock, is to be razed for vablic improvement, thereby forcing licensee G. Del Signore tom i therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said license Nog e0 be transfe-6 Street to 97 Viola Street. to cover rem of li erase year July 15, 1932. t �"wn.�....le emume'.W�oia a`an_ E �" ! < eW e5 Nl- em Yr, courvci�M ary N., c o— M," h1�1>oneld I In favor. pear., � H �,rn Againsr Sudbrinrr Mr. I':..idrnr eundlir Adoprrd by ,hr Couvrd FEB 16193 EB 1 n - App,--da�'�_._. T_ 1 9 _ - CITY OF ST. ... �°N1 �f �NO._ 91698 a Ms Fre Oly/ �-NJ7/L`•r Februai' �15 .193? fiTEEif,AS, a"llcatione for licenses to ocerete auto c es taxicabs —on the streets of the City of St. Pevl, have been made ^e followers Name Meke Motor No. Seriel No. Insurance Co. Policy No. Fm. C.Rreckanridge Hudeon '020 47042 Great tmericen Inc. Co. 452490 Loretta Gottwald Packard 76457 75556 " v v 360167 Harry Rankin, Dodge DL 5686 3561629 Midwest Mutual I.e. Mo. 10987 Berry Hawkins Dodge DC 16939 E152 Illi ° " " " 10991 Pcalnh Lindstrom Hudson 496634 799762 Greet Amer!cen Ind. Co. 360152 Adolph Lind.trom Nosh 314803 431349 " " " " 36015' E. J. Loberg Nash E 5041 R-2".51718 Midwest Mutual Ine. Co. 10933 E. J. Leberg mou Plyth 0 267410 1561151 "- " " 10912 Philip Meel Buick 1739095 1678997 Great American Ind. Co. 360159 Justin P. McCabe He,pmoblle A-141932 A-141064 ^ ° 360135 Justin P. McCabe Packard 01641187-B 164439 " " " 360098 0. K. McGibbon Studebaker 7224 6006806 Globe In Co. 409656 S. R. McIlrnvie DeSoto 109003 AD 7039 Midwest Mututl Ins Co. 10913 S. R. 1.11 la " 7936 5006367 " ° ° 10928 Tho.. L. Otte Buick 2331974 360148 Great American Ind. Co. 360148 Thna. L. Otte ° 2442192 2324432 " " " 360136 Mrs. Josie Peterson Nash 293840 411525 ° ° ° '60154 S. R.MCllr.vie DeSota DCE 7687C 50,248 Midwest Mutual Ins. Co. 10904 S. F. MsIlrevis " 12860 5023546 ^ " " ° 10890 P. R. 11,.11-1, 109996 RD U. " ^ ° 10891 5. R. 9 11-vle 12762 5024101 " " 11011 5, R, M.Ilrevis Chrysler 11078 6502181 " " " 100896 T. B. Peterson Packard V16C406B 159220 Greet American Ind. Co. 360128 Cb.rle. W. Pratt Packard U 1465708 140195 " " " " 360157 CF rles W. PrAtt Chrysler P180743 P009EL " 560151 Geo. I. Rafferty Packard 55509 5492.6 " " " 360141 Edward Rep. Hudson 21036 51072 " " " " 560129 George Richter Chrysler V-2558 P009EL ° " " " 360156 George Richter Packard 106257 108063 " " " " 360172 Louie Robins Nash B-52141 8-3974" " " " 360122 Louie Stanek Buick 1991810 1921218 '60145 John Id. Si—er Packard 0133959 134249 " " " 452489 John M. Simper Packard 1588958 159751 " " " " 360125 David L. 9adnale Packard 0135161 154952 " ° " " 360162 Peter Vlehoa DeSoto SA2223 5012595 MSdWest Mutual Ins. Co. 10994 Peter Vlahos Graham -Paige 916349 914175 ° ° " 10937 Frank Walsh Buick 1770076 1741852 Great American Ind. Co. 360124 \y— couN ci�m ea+ Nay Ad"pad by Thr C....i1 19 Conroy McDo�Idl�or APProv<dMAYoa Mr. Prr^.drvr °"'""••• z "t ..� _ CITY OF ST PAUL .icc NO._ C �■z � OFFiGE OF CITY CLERK ESENr[o OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMlnissi N— _Februe 15 1932 REkej&r.D PrF1EP.EnS, sli.li coats - n _cordae ce .rith Ordinance No. 7321, have £Sled codes Of insurance policies sc t2zCt2'ie City of St. Paul, and said Policies have been apuroved ea to £orm by the Cor oozz-+tic>a Cotm self therefore, ba it RF1!OLVFZ, th,,t aicl --Ii cant= h— is:ved Licenses toonr,..te said auto cars n the streets o£stha C3-ty £ oWit_ Paul, subject to the roviai ms of said ordinance. Yeas vNc�LM EN N.,/C aroy �MAo��ld I.. fa..or Pearce Rosen _�� Agairzze / S�dhc�m<r l Mr. P,—d— B...dlic Adoprcd by the C...61 FEB 16M2,9 APProvcd PUi::.i °_"•'�«°^ CITY ST PAUL r�r� NO. O FFIC / F CITY CLERK EE U �ES N—GENERAL FORM COMM,ss R RESOLVED That Permission be and is hereby granted the ° Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, to set pole.,, string wires and pl ace thenecessary „e mchore thereon on the following -.medstreet.: On Vandalia St. between University Ave. south to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway track.. Pole. and wires to be r oved when requested to do o by the Common Council, said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Approved: Lste /A�3 Z 9up' t. of Lighting Bureau 7 / Approved• , !I Date pr t. of Police Alarm &Tele . Approved: Date Pl Comm sinner of Park aygrounds \ Approved: � ., , Dat. �.;� _ ommissioner of Public Works \ COUNCILMEN Ycae NaY° Adoprcd by d,c Coa°cd FEB 16193 / Loy � ��e Z McDonald In (a.or AppIq � ` Again / � Sudheimcr MAYOR` i Mr. P—id— eundltc // MBLISEILD4� S °900 Council File No._...._.17 .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The under igved hereby propoem, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: Curbing both sides of Thorn Street from Earl Street to the easterly terminus of Thorn Street at Hounds Park. .... _ _.. _...... _......... _... _.... .._.. ... .._.._ .._ ._ ..._.. 16th February, 1932 19 Dated this.. ....._day of - _... v gars r. ocaa. .t t,-taa? PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi..: Curbing both _sides of Thorn Street from Earl Street to the. easterly terminus, oP Thom Street_. at Mounds...Pgrk.__......_...._._ having been preemb,d to the Council of the City of lit. Paul. ___....... ..........__... __ _ ...__............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commienm er of Public Works be and ie hereby Ordered end directed: 1. To invmtigate the ncoomity for, or deeirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To invmtigate the nature, extent and intimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. , ftfa-prstetrn or �tatmpro.aaea.. j 4. To state whether or not said improvemeat ie inked for on the petition of three or more owners 9 5. To report upon all of the foregoing met.. to the Commimimm, of Moen— Adopted by the Council......__._ .................... 1.8 Yue Nwrs Councilor Coxaov /pproved.. wr A �MCDoxwnv .... ..... ._____ __.....__ Pawace � Rosetr �Suneetaav ... ..... M._.........____....__Mayor. .__._. .s. cw nr'.rw a Pavetvrurr � ) / rl;9t.ts1(I'.D ���3 r �\1 .......c,o c... ..... CITY C,F ST. PAUL rice NO. _• ICE CITY CLER! v¢essrvr orvE`n 1 C PEAR '.n"`n. ...- 12- 1 2 cl-- RESOLVED aq'"f nl• novo. - _-- .s , 9e In favor WHEREAS, The CoininisSioner of F.ducr:tion has rbp..'•1.•t to the Counc 11 in accordance r:ith Se ctl �n "' of the C'3 Charter t11c c stence of r e:ner�.ency which rendePed necessary trio ianr to y:.:e�.t of cert.a in er.ployrs of hls d e parl.r'ent fcr lore �" n t?,eir usun1 hour. of employ- ment; tnoref—, Se its, RESOLVED, Thati.he proper city officers ¢re hereby au- Mc P<uidcnr thorized t. pay the £ollo^ring na- emilcye s, at the rate of he rcri,;e Fixed Por extra employrt:,n, for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL M BIEBEAU COM LAB -7149 6 HOURS 45 CENTS 2 70 M BURROWS COM LAB -544 4 HOURS 45 CENTS 1 80 BURTON CARR COM LAB -7255 20 HOURS 45 CENTS 9 DO JOHN J DONLON COM LAB -7304 2 HOURS 45 CENTS 90 N JOINER COM LAB -2793 186 HOURS 45 CENTS 8 33 CHARLES LACKORE COM LAB -8150 20 HOURS 45 CENTS 9 00 E J QUAST COM LAB -4'718 20 HOURS 45 CENTS 9 00 T TRIBBLE COM LAB -5884 12 HOURS 45 CENTS 5 40 R A TRUESDALE COM LAB -9417 20 HOURS 45 CENTS 9 00 Ym Nays/J Adopred by rhe Co..cd ff°B 1 r 1q`�4_. 19 ZCooroy May McDonald In favor Approv< '_ 19 Pcarcc mnvo R. _.... sud6dm« �� MBLISHED „ 2 -x - 4 Mc P<uidcnr Bundbc COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER 9172 In the Matter of.. grading and paving- Alley :n Brack 23,_Lann'a HigLt nna-Park from Snelling A.-enua to Nacalestsr Walk, under Preliminary Order. .91190 .._.approved December 11, 19-11 - Intermediary Order _.-.. -. _-_____—__- .. approved _. __- __-__-.- . -I -__. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he. it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ._gado anu-pave ;11ay.-lzt 6lcak-23r-Lane -s--- - ----. Highlupd.Purk fro Snellinr_ Lvennn..tn. .Y.acalnster gc2tt_ material --to-.ba--6-inch-------.-- Concretet. _. ----- - ..._--- - ----- - _.- ------ - - - --------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pmo ceed with the making of said improvement il accordance therewith. Adopted by theFEB 17 1937 Council 19 City Clerk.� Approved - - - , 192 Cm, / Mayor. Councilman ros cnnnram n s �l��a•�'+ cnnnrtan Councilman Medlpr'earca *S .ie Councilman SndWAia'R�-�::n;...... Councilman �- Mayor H to Buadlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 / / circ o OWARrMENT`OF—"MANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER [o the matter of. 3r���lia; nd iavin, A11.�y In block t ro.n on<1Li n<; ;.venue ,, .c..l_ter .,-I.k, under Preliminary Order epp,—d ilee e:�ber 11, lO,'.l To the Cauncil of the City of Se. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby r,p.,t, as follows: The total estimated a of the assest for the abo.c imprmcmrnt ,s - - - t s. J J. The csv ma, ed cnn pers}oo tt(or smend,e abn.e mprovemcm s - - - - _ g .84 _ "1'he lots or paresis of land that may be asses —d benefits for ouch improvement, and the assessed -1-6- of each !ot or parcel as lasr reported by die Assessor, arc as follows: L-nv uni.�g 1 'ti.. Lane.; Hi hl-- Fark ?0; ly0 lot- 7 .,nd C z of 4 .—t _: of 4 .. .. do 75 5 21 do 150 lot T ="nJ C � of 7 2� 50 ..`.'S lot B ana west of 7 _„ do ;_P5 lot 9 .,nd asst of 10 5 test of 1J and '.11 0. Ll oo L..S 1:. _... do 150 DEPORTMENT O FF ANCE REPORT OF-COMMISSIONER'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (e) D15CRIPTION 10T 11oea A—T——'1.AT1oN 17. ._.. ,—[ s High] ntl Parr. 150 14 2.. do 110 15 ..0 do 150 15 3 do 150 17 .... do 153 18 23 do 150 19 '1,3 do 150 20 23 do 150 21 23 do 150 2 do 150 lot 2. . nc west 18 ft of H4 23 do 200 lot 25 od (Ere. W. 18 ft)24 23 do 50 26 23 do 150 27 23 ao 150 28 ..., do 300 &500 Th, f Finance f-,hc, repo,[. thax he ha. tnve tigated all of the aforesaid matte and hereby submits the foregoing a, hi. report [hereon to he Council, together uith the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public -W—k.. Dated - .y Do ---193E C Fi f Fi... . St. Paul, Minn. __ 192,... To The Ilonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: —✓'�"�t,+.rcL�n-¢. 7 St. Ave. uh w 11UVQ.-a-x l from ✓ - Sc Ave. to � _..._.. _.............._ __.. _. _.. St. Ave. --T- 28- F- 2 Z. PD THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE. COMMUNICATION (D—) Dec. , 1.'51 :!on. ldllton �' Couu�issioner oCCPu:. '.ic •o r..,. I tr:i_:..it r -_—,I th ir'LL!ir: pry _stie' I of cost for th, 'r din., "'d ";m.,of f,11,y in 1oclr z , Lt—'; Hit;La -1 P -:,k fano Snzlling P.v snuc to ma—lest- 1., under Pr t 0111" `,, N• 01190, �,�;�rov ed Dec. 11., 1031: L-nbth b�A ft. ;idth It. trontaoe Linaft. u Streit _) ft. P;.VING 61 CONG.-TE Tot I Sy. Yd. "'S" Pro,--ty Sh:.re 3 315.10 _ T o t a l 5,315.00 (o) Fr Ft ft. .84 Yoars truly, Chi^f engineer. App— d� r/ :,osmis_ion to the C6im` oner k+.C, h'insric e. `ldILTON ROSE.N, Commis.. inner � f P—ic -1— Office of the Commissioner of Works Report to Commissioner of Firiarz e Dae -kms S 18, 1931 193 TI the ('.ommiasloner of Finance of the city of St. Paol_ — "rhe tbmmieaioner of Pnbb, Worka, having had nnder preliminary order of the —�� Connell, known ee Council Filo No. 91190 approved DeC 193 relative to grading and paving of Alley in Block 23, Lacse s 3ghl—d Park from Snelling Avenue to MaCelester Wa1.1K and having iiveatig_1 the matters and things mfrrred to therein, he re l>y reQo rY.s: 1. saidimprovement ie aaary s d (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. Th, estimated coat thereof fs f end the total raof is S ,ad the naw- and extent of aeid improvement n ee follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached a n d_ ads a part hereof. 9. _ _... S. Said improvement ie aaked for upon petition -f of property, anbiaat a aa-aamant far said bnprovemaol. j /�� m loner of Pubha Worka. t� 0 Jackson Investment Company Shvner: P.uldmg Se,nc Pau1,,Mtnn. TO THF. HONORABLE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, AND .0 Till; HONOR:,BLE COUNCIL OF SAID CITY: In the matter of r oiderstion of final order (91702 for grading and paving alley in Block 2 , Lane's Highland P_k f Snel Llnr to Ma 1 ter 'Yolk c This will acknowledge receipt of your notice dsted May 27, 1932, pertaining to the above entitled matter. In connection with it will state: Ne own 20 of the 28 lots in Block 23, sad we object to the grading ani Paving of this alley sad ask that the matter be indefinitely Post,-Oned. Yen may consider this as a notice of our objection.. Very truly years, { JACKSON TMENT COMPANY Dated June 9, 1932 WFF:M J611 9 8 ?! M 1932 -1 rein , 1 -tb, I"? 5� 3ir�Lsrt "ull , �„r.tle sit Aa r astad I. your letter of rebrn- u y 1the C. :'.th -.c11 x111 hole —nt}: rr ! r _n tl�e a'.ter -� r.''1�� �.r nP�•tr_- els. oy t^ Blne}:, ^'.'Lona.. "1 ^':lrz.`� ._. Yov v11' receive a votiee From thn 91nance Y—r. v i toll./, City Clar'':. Ctlnn C-,xn sal, QAdinP. Dear Sirs On l.b--y 17t: the w �cil in the :..atter o ntnQ L^.� nr avin-; t'.e 11— 1nL�n�-,�a `[S:-hland Park fmr. 9nol lt:y; Avsn'.u3 to !dac.�lester '.Salt unr Co'v:cll Silo 1110.'. At t_ r est of roparty o mho elal,.:a he did not receive a notice in ti:.e, t'.o Co xacll .l ekes to r onoidar the'f this ea order, t a nem date if henrlw� and "eir,.aaot1fy; Darty osrnars. 'Till you kin dl;✓ ndvl so 'at cedaro Sa Hetes s.�ry to do thls :.nc-�x-easre a re aolut inn t!tat mqv Le Hata seary. Y-- ve_I truly, Geo.Benz Fj Sons J Shubert Building SLPaul. J.1inn :0 i :i '"YOI.'C'H c. Dr ,..i .. I fi0li0Fi.8L. COH::C IL OF '.'.:.II C1T; Gentlemen: '"his L:: toa or. -,,� r _ of nti oce vn a.t! of February 0, 18?2, in theomatte1 o£ Credine n my the alley in Block L— L o Highland P,,r'=, from .ne111nE to :'acelester '.,alk. ibis notice in aa public hiny to it, Held on the 1'!th o£ February, l9':'. r'.r It i advised ti.at Llan notice w ;oI r ece�at o offl- until 10 o'eiock .i name ",'oof lebrunry, ,rd ,t rre un lde to .ttond ',.us herring. xn twenty lot' in Lhi�bloc'', an :. nis Letter c Cutes an 'Pilication for a rehear i, g in Ltis matter. Courts —tly, BY AA-aL-- D,.teo Feb. 18, 13.'" A. D. i � ,�f t e-�T-� i%.�� � ,�-r t � .-moo .�[,c �K �4 �— � , .-cz<c-4�� L �'a..ol c� [�� ,'d > > �ZY c�c� r�cu� Glc..,' COUNCIJ. FILE: N0. __-�- /- ���" ��3 oaysn Y� s vssswr Paoo®mve o. vi+oa—er mme� a — FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNA^, S�k'yn.°?EDINGS r.: In the matter of__ oondemnin&_ and taking an_ easement_ in- the- lend-n@Cegslzy._ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 23, Lane's Highland Park from Snelling Avenue to Macalester Walk 91191 Dec._ 11,- 19,'i1--___--____, under Preliminary Order-----------------------� aPProved___-______-- IntermediaryOrder ----------- 91488_----------- approved ----------- .l -20r_1.932__--____ A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 23, Lanels Highland Park from Snelling Avenue to Macalester Welk. d the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. e RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands ents therein be d the ea hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for sthe purpose of making the said Improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in block 23, Lanes Highland Park from Snelling Avenue to Macalester Walk, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cinnamioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed anddirected authorized to pand dirlectedato Procnd eed with theions rmaking omid f ve ae improvementhe tr in accR dancoffieathere- with. mi �m �n s cor Adopted by the Council___ H1111 ------------- — -- I Approved___ _, Cit}' Clerk. __ ---- FU Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Su dheim , - .. Councilman Sudheimer Mayor r)EPAFNM ENT SOT; F INA NCE REPORT,OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the rof el-d-nin' n: t„akio,: in es,:,_nt lit t:.e 1—d _ ary or sloe es, cuts :n1 :Ylls to tho �radirK c ,v1n of A11e� In B- k , L=one's-'?i1'i: and isrk from Bnclli- Avg-:nur. :,o Macule -ter A'alk, �h under Preliminary Order approved i, -caber 11, ),4'1 To the Council of ,h, City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fimanct hereby reports as follows. The to[al cstima[ed amount of the assessment for rhe above improvement is - - - E_ '5.00 The es�imateJ cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 'I'ht lots or parcels of land chat may be —,—d benefits for such improve—,t, and the assessed valuation of tach I—, parcel as last reported by the Aset— , arc as follows: L nvn�uni g. 1 ... .. ..i .,..n. r .rk 'JJ .0 150 lot .n,i t. F of 1 _:0 ..:5 esof h .io ^5 o 1bJ lot n,' 1 of 7 :o lot 8 n: vest z Of 7 10 lot 9 ::nJ -uet of 11) .0 5 ,.e,t _ of 10 n.: 1: o' L. ,0 153 DEPART MENT-OT; F INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) VALUITION 1:' t3 L ne.� flighl—d k, 150 14 ._,. do 1.0 15 f do 150 16 �3 do 150 17 .,.- do ,130 18 L3 do 150 19 do 150 20 23 do 150 21 P3 do 150 2 do 150 lot 2. nd� west 18 ft of ',4 23 do 200 lot .5 nd (Exe. '?;, 18 ft)14 'r3 do 50 28 ` Z3 do 150 27 ,,3 do 150 .:8 ,.,, do S00 35oj The Commueioner of Fivavice further reports that he has mve.tigated all of the aforesaid matyr, and hereby submit. the farcgoing as hi. report thereon to the C...61, together with the report made to him �n reference to.aid matter by the Commi.aioner of Public W.,kk�, srDaad _kQ ..1930, ''% I_i.� �commi..ioacr of Fimaaa. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 10, 1931 193 To the Conimimionrr of Finance m the City of Sl. Paul. Thr Commimm,c of Public Work,, Im mg had undrr ronsidrmtion the preliminary arJrr of the Cbuaeil, km m Coundl File No. 91191 approved Dec. 11, 1931 .193. ,relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necess ary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and pavind of Alley in Block 23, Lane's Highland nark from Snelling Avenue to Yacalester Walk. and having investigated the matter, .n1 things ,frrreI W therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie mry and (ar) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie b ]ne ,and the total coat thereof ie S x1Cx end the nature and extent of said improvement is as follow,: 3. A plan, profile or sketch d said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Reid improvement ie aekcd I— upon petitii,. of thh�r/�eyor more owners of property, subject to „easement for said improvement /)�/ /` I'1 / G __.______.... Commi„ m.., of Public Work.. 3i 917114 _ ivfl °e:°°ia.weq .i��ee �°gfwl sefaau esr rreu'amoii oO°a: COUNCIL FILE N0.By e/wlmn° FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. reconstructilUg, ..laying-.� rapairing..the. .sid—.lk..?n the east side of Capitol Heights be6innin3 at Valley Street, thence south.:;J feet, under Preliminary Order.. 91050. ___approved Nov. 27, 1931 Intermediary Order __--__._ _.. _ __ _ ______ __.—_approved _.._... _._._.__ _...._. ._._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City ie.._Lgconstruc_t,_ relay_ any_ repair the sidewalk ,on ._the ._east sida_of, Capit91_@.ejgtits_beginning_ at Valley_. Street_ thence South I'D feeta_.____ .._.--------._ .......- — ---------.._._------------ ------ -------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adapted 6y the Council FEB 171932 , 192, City Clerk. i Approved _ , 192 Mayor. Coon man Con m, PIikLISFihb J"a0— Councilman p AcUoueld CouncilmanI"y Pearre Councilman }�c-bai 1;, .w Councilmq �mtlieimei / Councilmantl1 / Mayor uwao zr Bundl ie Ij Form B. S. A. 8-7 -I T;^11.. DEPARTMENT. 11. .REPORT OF commissi6NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) r-ao.tructioI .yir: ti, r Le, i,jeA: 11 east side of Capitol ii,!- , bc I—In t I -* 11A J feet, .,d,, I'M.,ni—Y Old" aPlllllld N — 7, T, the C.nn,l of the City of St P-1: The Cnnn,i,smn—f Finance hereby reports .. follows. Tin, 1 oi..,d -nn, of the assessment f,, the $ The —in-,d —, I, f— for the abote mprovcmcnt M $ Fh, Ino or parcels f land that ..y It, assessed Ib—fits for —1, improvement, and the .... —d -1-- of each 1., reported or parcel as 'ast by On, Assessor, — ., f.11.—: —RIPT— A111—N "11 _o ' A BI g. X-: t 7. . 110' of 7 L,lJ00 ::850 ad i tion tet aul !0J0 2e5i Th, C—i,o—, of Fin—, bnohe, reports that It, h., in -6,—d all M the aforesaid ma t , . nd hereby snb.,,, h, foregoing as h4 report thereon t. the C.—ii, .g,tli,, wi,h the report —&, to in, in d by the C—nnmi.— of P,,bli, k,. D-1 A, 19 "32 �, W— —y -�, , k-- Commi—, f Fni—. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 12, 1931 193 To the Cnmmi.sioner of Mr.— ,f the City of St I"-[ Th, C.00rrowwo- of Public Works, having h.d order eo-id ... too, the f"'I'oo—Y ."I", of the C.o.61, k.— as C-orit File No. 91050 approved Nov. 27, 1931 193 , ,I,tiv, to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewqlk on the east side of Capitol Heights beginning at Valley Street, thence south 30 feet. ,.d h—og investigated the r -o— and tho referred to th—io, hereby reports 1. Said mp—eo)— io o --y and (.,) d,.u.1111. 2, Th, estimated —t thereof i. S 14.73 , and th, total "'t thereof i. S ..d the rotor, end --t of said iorpr,—.1,1A i- - follow.. --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said jorp--t i, hereto attached end —d, a port h,mof. 4. 5. Said irop—roornt ie subject . --ot for ..id improvement. Baked f., upon petition of three or roor, o..,, of property, C.00roimo.or of Public Wo,". 917115 dt COUNCIL FILE NO. By.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,_-r-elaying. and repairing.. the__sidea'al-k nn the.-w.est side of Griggs Street, beginning 60 feet. snuth_of_Daytnn Avenue,. thence. aouth 4"s.. feet,._._.. S under Preliminary Order_ -:, - 31177 -__--approved Dec. 10, 1831 Intermediary Ord _ ....-__.-____-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be It RESOLVED, By the-Coubeil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is r-ecoivstruct,. relay- .an -^__repair__ Lhe.sidenalk on the.'n.e-t ,ide.. of riggs.. Street,_ beginning-o0_feet . south o]',Daytog_ Avenue,__ thane south -4P_fget,- _---_____-_ _..__. _ _. _..____ _----- _------------- __... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of acid i FEBe�7 jgj2�cnrdance therewith. Adopted by the Council ___ _ __ , 192 _ � �G✓�_ r C� City Clerk. Approved CouncilmanMayor. �om,oyai,t j PUBLIS1gp Councilman Ferguaoryry/ Councilman $ciidnald/ d 2— councilman Councilman ff'.QkjgA/ 1;,.,..-a Councilman �'=ucll.:�m q ncilman NVAM /Mayor t Hd'dgw Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 /. - 1111 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •% (D) I.thc mattcrof :—d the —e , side of Uri,gs Street, be;inning 90 feet south. of Day'.,. nve. thenee sout, hC ft., under Preliminary Order approved Dee. 10, 1931 To the Council of he City of St. Paul: The C...mil .cr of Fiance hereby r,,- as follows: The total—i—,d amount of the asaeesme.t for the above mpro,emenr ie - - - $ The ... i. ed cast per foot for the abo.e mprovement ie . - - - - - $ - --- - The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for tach improv<men[, and the guessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last r,p.—d by the A—,—, arc ae follows: SoutU } of L ti Enna F. Aum.-ey's-t.'dd. 775 ?050 ..o ..ne City of J.Pau1 .'75 .-35J The C—mm.er .f Finance further reports that he has mveerigated all of the aforesaid mar , and hereby e.b.i s the foregoing as his r,p.,t thereon t the Council, together with the report made trhim m ref4re.ce t [ d by the Commissioner of P.blic \\' ai matter . s. ee.m a. e. a. a -s n Commissioner of Finance Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 16, 1931 193 '1'a th. Comm imworr of Mo.-, of the City of St. I'.ul_ The Commimion.r of Public Works, having had under ron.idrr.tion the prrlimimry order of the Council, known m Council Id, No. 91177 ,pp,,,rd Dec. 10, 1931 193 , rcl.tive to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Griggs Street, beginning 60 feet south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 42 feet. end having i ... stig.ted the mature .od thing. referred to therein, hereby r.porle: 1. S.id improvement i. nee.. _ end (or) dosir.hle. 2. The e.ti..tod ...t thermf is i$11.10 ,and the tntrl met thereof is b end the —or, end extent of avid improvement is m follow.. 3. A pl.., profile or .ketch of e.id impmv.mrnt i. hereto .trached end made . pert hereof. 4. / 5. S.id imprry Trot ie.eked for upon p.titio [ or more op era of property, aubjecl W --t for eg�'�rnU'P,-" NJ, ..- Co caner of P bhc Worke. v -- 91706 P. No. ft m.rt .a^Wudwtvs� �i..y aw sae, uvr w�s a�iince_w � *y� tC (adt Lrtaar _ COUNCIL FILE NO. a n, ei eninton ,s By .aa.. o.... , FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. recaastructing,salayin&.. andrepairing,..where-.necessary, the sidewalks at the follov:ir�>, locatns: Bichigan.Avenue,. south side, beginniigoat Colborne_6treet thence .:xe9t_62 ft. be nn ng 8 feet farther west, thewest 40 ft., Lincoin_Avenue, north side, beginninng 4C�0 feet east. of Sarat.cga.Avenue, the ce east 50 feet Blair Street, north side, beginning -48 feet east of Albert Street,_4hence east 6 feet, under Preliminary Order _ 9122$ -.-.. --__.approved December 16, -1931 Intermediary Order __.___.__.______ —_..------ Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,.objections and rewmmendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- mvemepttto be de bhyv the r, 9 trRS.t - L214y_anp_Sepalr,._f:nere_neces- sPary, Lhe si�evralksdtC%t�t3�ol�2ow og locaf.ions.- Michigan -Avenue ,__.south- side,._beginning_at Colborne street thence nest 62 ft. be3lnnin, 8 feet farther west thencee e?t 47 ft., [,.in6Coln Avenue,.Onorth sj,de,_bg3inni ns_a00 Yeet east of Saratoga Avenue, E1dIr.SL> �igrye}de,_ be-0lnnin348_ feet _east of Albert treedthence east u feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of midj�prpvT jn accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council tCC 1!._ _ ..... _.., 192 tLTijL �i�l l7lCity- Q 4 t7 City Clerk. Approved -..... 192 Councilman 1�"-iConrnp j _� ..��y Mayor. Councilman •f`ei"I1r,n,I4 �•I„pyW.� Councilman Councilman ',.,,r Councilman .n';""r Councilman SDmmiKx Mayor ]DRO 6ax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.7 y �� "" o DEPARTMENT Ci FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) .-;o In the matter of �p� Reaonstruating, relaying tmd repairing, where necessary, r the sld ew tilts at the following locations$ South side of Yichlgea Avenue, beginning at Colborne Street, thence west S� foot, beginning at Colborne Strait, thence nest 8�. feet, oaglnnIng tl :=ot :'arthor wast, thonco West 40 'cot. ;forth siae Lincoln Avenue, oaginn!ag •IJ) fiat east of - — to.;i Av aaue, •.h mco asst SJ fact. under To th NO; thsada blvir Street, hags mini .4d feet oast -:f A.Lbert Straett th!maa snot S feat. The total estimated amount of the ---t far the above impr—ment i. - - - $ 4 _ The ca timaced cost per foot for the above improvement ie - - - - - - - $ "Che lore or pa ... 1e of land that may be assessed benefi to for —h improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Aeecs.... arc ar fi.H. e: oes<aiPrioN DoT ewes nooiTioN vuunT tg L:, n� 1 ..its e and 9 Nhit :ne, T_urm r nd 17JJ 7,JJ of block r:Jo. ul ��i1Las in .:dditinn to �t.Pfl ul 19 4 ..,malt vie, liJJ 4559 22 o Syndleuto :uo. , Addlti,n 375 :-e5J 0575 1154JJ The Commi.ewner of Finance further reports that he has inte.tigated all of the afore.. id ma trand hereby .ob,m the foregoing. hi. r,p,, thereon. the Council, together v.ith threma the ,p.,, de to him to re(cre nc< to'd by the C—mi..- oncr of Public \Forks. eat matter commieeionerofFin -�.- CITY OF I- PAUL DEPARTMENT cw FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE nm P $7579 '154J0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has msestigated all of the aforesaidmatr,and hereby submtts the foregoing as hie repor thereon I. the Council, together with the report made N, him in reference t 'd by the Cam missioner of Public W ks. Da d a_o__ — 1� 2.�kli a s -s et/ 1 Com ! F e. under Preliminary Order approved L.—f,ber Lir 13;1 To the C.un,il of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total esumated amount of the assess mens for the above i.pros..... is - - $ 8 11 Tee esumated cost perfmt for the above improvement is - - - - - s _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each I., or parcel as last reported by th, Assessor, arc ae follows: DESOrziPnon LOT .toe. ADDITION AI 5111 L, Lits E and 9 Kbit.-, Turn -r nd 1.'JO 7�0, r 1 ✓. i of Block No. in .�i11 ss iditinn to �t.l-rc1 19 4 6— At wing' lit) 4550 22 3 yndjc tc .ro. � .. Edi ti in 375 :850 $7579 '154J0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has msestigated all of the aforesaidmatr,and hereby submtts the foregoing as hie repor thereon I. the Council, together with the report made N, him in reference t 'd by the Cam missioner of Public W ks. Da d a_o__ — 1� 2.�kli a s -s et/ 1 Com ! F e. Office of the Commissioner of Public W,,,'IXINf,j�s . OF FINANCk Report to Commissioner of Finance JAe 6 Is3_ Jan, 4, 1932 193 To the Commiuwioner of Finenee of the City of SL Yaul_ The Commissioner of Puhli, Works, having had under --id ... 10- the preliminary order of the ('ounril, known m Council File No. 91228 approved Dec. 16, 1931 193 ,relative to Reconstruoting, relaying and re pa iring, where noces—ry, the sidewalks at the following loco.tlonst dot,ch side of LLlchigan Avenue, bogln ing ut Colborne .;tre..t, Chenoa west BE feet, beginnin6 at Colborne etrest, t" snca west 61 fent, be$ivan,,r 8 _sot f>;r th�ar roost, thence mss`. 40 ostLse t9d most _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $5,3.._S North side Lincoln Aw•. 8, beginning 400 f_at en:ac ._ ;!,—toga Av one,- th once esst SO foot. estimated govt, - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._..dS North sid:a e Clair Street, begininZ ::46 feet ennt, ;f Albert Street, th«nae ®Rut 8 feet. anti—t-d cosi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.21 of Public Work..._ Office of the Commissioner of Public W of RNANVA I and having --t'g-11 the ootu-, and things f,—d to therein, hIllb, "P.- 1. Said jopo,--t i. .,,d (—) d-i,.bi,. 2. Th, eoimatod —t thereof w S ,and the —.1 coat thereof I- S ,,d the —t— and extent of -id i,op—l—t ix as follow - 3. A pl.., p,.fik or A-1, of said improvement i. h—to mt.,lo,d and oo& . p— ho—f. 4. 5. Said io,p---t i- asked for own petition of three or more owners of property, .object . —-t for ..id imp ---t. Commi,A.... of PubU Wo,". J 9.1707 COUNCIL FILE NO.nL .. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructir,,,.—a.,Anz. and rape.ir?.us,--wher e.-neoessary,.-tbe- sidewalk on the east and south side of. -Terrace Park Avenue from. tit.. Anthony.. 4—mons Lo Hilder. Avenue, under Preliminary Order. .91225 --..------approved ➢somber 16, 1931 - Intermediary Order - - - -- ...... _ _ --_...approved -.. ....--. __. ... .-._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ___remnuatru_t,_ rolgy.and-repair,-c,hera.—aaaary, the aiA.—Ik — the _seat --end- south.sida-et Taeca ..P—IL AYen— t St, Anthp»y_.... Avenue.. to Hilder Avenue..... ___._____ —-_........ ... .._.-.._- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB. 17 WZ -_ 192 - City Clerk. Approved__.^_fi � � 192 Mayor. Councilman YWLiS CouncilmanR NuV)oveld Councilmanouncinmlmf /Councilman RB Bu Mayor H dlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 9 DEPARTMENTgOFP FIN ANC. / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .9'Q//� (A), ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the metier of regio nstructin.;, rel:.yin na refairia„ xhe['e nese-sary, Lhe s i;i ev.�lk� �n the east ..venue to Iild- A -- Ind- Prelim. ,ry Order upp—,d DJ e her 1 i, 19: 1 To the Cauncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports •s follows: The total esnmated amount of the assessment for the above improvement n The estimated cost per foot for the abose mprovement is ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and thea ,t—d valuation of each lot or panel a, last reported by the Assessor, arc - follows: (Exce}t �. 12,3.y.5 1't) 1 7 MerriamIE hearrof oJaj 27950 tr^ier- I2rk l„s t:.,looks N. 71.'5 ft of the 5. 1:,6.'S 7, ft. of lots 1 and — 7 :2650. _;ii7 S. 55 ft of lots 1 end 2 7 do 1'. 5 9450 The north 43 ft of 7 7 :io 4J0 550 Thesouth ;l ft of the N. 101 ft of 71 7 do 600 2600 (Exceit the north 101 ft) 3 7 do 900 1500 The. —e t} of alley vrcated ::nd tcjoinin, and E 50 ft o£ 1 10 do 750 2400 DEPARTMENT SOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) ASSEISED 'thc 'nest 37 ft of the E.Merr l:�m's t _ 4: went of 675 �,0) 117 ft of 1 ,J 6{c-rr ium Fork (as to h1o::ks 7, F, 3, 1J 1- 10) the ,:est SJ ft of 1 do 7:.5 "SJJ t};o east 1.7 ft of 1 . u .lo st 127 ft nC N. 15 £t _ of Io ad]4 oC vacs ted ny LLe . j, :i 1't of N. 15 ft of 3J do �..0 13J: and rest 1J ft of 4 30 16,550 65,250 The Cornmisswner of Finance further re Porta that he has role tigated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, stogether will the report made to him m reference r aid matter by the Cornm4sioner of Public \fork, Datcd19.3-�i—��oina ncc. Office of the Commissioner of Public WotIIIII;NA2ICf Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 6 1932 Jan. 4, 1932 193 '1'o the Cummivxinnrr of FSnance iA thr Cit, of Si. Paul The Cummieaionrr of Pablie W.rkn, having had under the preliminary order of tho Counnl, known as C--il File Nu. 91225 approved Dec. 16, 1931 19.3 • r,I.ti,, to ri-onst"I ting, relaying and repairing, ere necessary, the side -1, on the east and south side of Terrace lark Avenue from St. Anthony .:venin_ to W,,d a Avenue: Tne estimatedcost to ':,. e3sessed against the lots :n ;uestlon is as follows: Lots1 and 2, ➢lock 7 (except the south 12:6.35 ft.) of �Aerrl am's itearrengement of Merriam Park as to Blocks 7, 6, 9, 10, and 16, also Block 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a 43.[0 The north 71.35 ft. of the south 11:6.:55 ft, of lnt.a 1 and Tnr T •.r'It • .. �. LTpm, v B'Lr. ti�eaiFt.!' nI _I.J e¢r S.- - Gi J'n nn' rr rn 11 11� .gnt.'.T�m f`. tfr r T.�•::; 9' TnR. —IF g•p_, T.r' nr err IT" 1 1.c -`.'a,., ...nu' r nL .-- - .. n7ncKa 1' 9' B' "II—,Tn' aTzo To r o _ _ - _ _ .. _ IT, iy SL L; am,a la_,. 'N 4ar.r.ro4 Even; .�T ;q •,. *.Tvic r. - - . liar n:;zF 0.1 Cc• -. .., TTS I.C' !oL T' , -- Co PT-00fta 0 W 3' TO :.mc TO' rTao aToci< v! 4, Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo k FiNAnc► Report to Commissioner of Finance ?a/ JAN 6 1932 Jan. 4, 1932 193 To the C- -m- of Finanee cif the Cu, of 9t. Paul: The Commieeioner of Puhlie W.,ka, having had under runeideretion the preliminary order J the 91225 Dec. 16, 1931 las 10 6.a to C'ou nc 1, known a U.. -A File N. BPproved . Beconstructing, relaying and replriae, :':here necessary, the aid eviaik on the east and south side of Terrace Park Avemae from 5t. Anthony Avenue to Wilder Avenue: The estimatedcost to be assessed against the lots in question is as follows: Loffi 1 and 2, Block 7 (except the south 126.35 ft.) of Merriam's Rearrangement of Merriam Park as to Blocks 7, 8, 9, 10, and 16, also Block 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43.20 Thenorth 71.35 ft. of the south 16.35 ft. of lots 1 and Block 7, Merriam's rearrangement of Merrism Park as to blocks 71 d, 9, 10 and 16, also Block 30 - - - - - - - - - - 17.45 The south 55 ft. of lots 1 and ::, block 7 of Merriam's Rearrangement of Merriam Park as to Blocks 7,B, 9, 10 and 16, Also block 30--------------- - - 14.49 The north 40 ft, of lot 3, Blick 7 of Merriam's Ream- .agement of Merriam Perk as to Blocks 7, b, 9, 10 and 16, also block 30 9.91 The south of 61 ft. of the north 101 ft. of lot 3 clock ?, of M.rriam's Rearrangement of Merriam P,_rk as to Blocks 7, 9, 9, 10 and 16, also Hlock 30 - --- - - - - - - -1.51 Lot 3, Block 7 (_xcept the north 101 ft.) of Merriam's itearr ang em eat ok Marrlam P; er to -Locks 7, 6, 9, 10 and 16, al-:31ock SD 33.B5 The "est ; of All, vacated i-nLtg a b-- lot 1,Jb10 c," 50 sf Mer rictm's it :ng e-ent�o" Merri.m P-rk ••. J5 as to Blocks 7, 8, 3, 10 tad 1 ,-.1 se _lock '.. - - - - - The west G7 ft. th o_ e of Me..iam's Bea r. ane ement of Merriam'P Blocks 7, d, 9, 10 and 16, aflso Block 30 - - - - - - - The west 50 it. of lot 1,.BiS.), 30 of Merriam's 4earraugement 91708 wCOUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofconstructing.-a.-S.. foot. wnolitinic .sidewalk oa..the south- easterly side of Crocus 11ace_from the southwestline of lot 7,_. Auditor's.Subdivision No. _Z:. to the southeast line of ..lot 1,. Nest Crocus.11111 Park Addition in front of Crocus Hill yarkn_except where good an: su_£icient sidewalks ..nos exist, --.- under Preliminary Order ,91166 approved December 9, 1931 Intermediary Order _.. .__.__... _____ - __.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ construct_.::_ b_ foat_nonolitdlkc_sidewalk-.on the southeasterly.side-.-of..Cr-occas.Place-.frau_ to. _south,.—t.-line--n£_lnt..-7, .Auditor's_ Subdisisian_Nn_-S3_tn_the_ sautheast..line_af..lnt A-!'est---- �rncus.-Hili_.P:-:r1c.5dditinn.ln_Sront__o£._irncus-.Hili P:�rk,—exce:t-_sesta good - .and _su£ficieat._sidewalks.11ow_exist,--___-_.__.___. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissiarar of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 171932 Adopted by the Council _... ...._ _____. 192 I - City Clerk. Approved _-_--._.MIT �7���., 192 Mayor. Councilman 81'_ /�n'^� / YUBLISdED m Councilman I4igNev,y Councilman Councilman �'EIoggliq Councilman Councilman VORItOl— l/ )tdyor lftagaattY Bundlie / Form B. S. A. 8-7 Or ST. AUL DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Poo` .oli t_.1 =1 ]e '�.lk '.> th P, -, U'h—t^riy�J side ofV.. cus liace fron ..h� S�ut.h'n rst line of plot 7, Autiitorts Sub.!1 +'. 7' to Lire so uL�r•t, ;;t It— of lot 1, A, t Crocus . ion ;10 !1i 11 I:,rk Addition iii fr,,nt of crocus 11111 i:, rk, under Preliminary Order al, --d 'fo the Council of the City of Se Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby ,,ports as follows: The total esumatcd am t of the aascs,ment for 11—b— mproscment i, - - $ 'ITe es rimmed cost peg400t for the above mprovement is - - - - - _ . g J . 16' 7"he Iota or para is of land that may be assessed benefit, far such improvement, and the assessed valuation ,f each lot or parcel as last ,,ported by the Assessor, ere as f.11— DESCRIPTION IT AODinoN V. V11-111 Dldy 7 ot.Pau.nn. Cro— Hill Park ,. es -t Cr c ., Hill "D" 0 28,00 20500 The Commuvoner of Finance further report, that h, has in... 6gated all of the aforesaid —l—, and hereby submi s the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad, to him in reference to s���aid matter by the Commisaioncr of Public Works. C/ _\ (/}:11 Comm�eewnerof ones. ✓o \'� r ✓''' `: c ' � ��� ,,' �,J�� � , /�cfs � syr -=oo�. V St. Paul, Minn.L✓t.`!-',._,: lq?'// To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Relay sidewalk on the so ttheasterly side of Crocus Place frou. the s line o: Lot 7, Audl to" Sub No. 33 to the s.e. line of Lot 4, Wast Cro cue Hill Addition; said sidewalk being in front ofCrocus -Hill Park. St. Ave. from. St. Ave. to St. Ave. I' 1� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 12, 1931 193 To the Clon"traioner of Floors of the City of St. Paul: The C mmimwner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Concil, known m Council File No. 91166 approved. Dec. 9, 1931 .193 , relative to constructing a five (5) foot monolithic sidewalk on the southeasterly side of Crocus Place from the southwest line of lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 33 to the southeast line of lot 4, West Crocus 8111 Park Addition in front of Crocus Bill Park. and having iovcwtignwi the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is nese _ and (or) desirnhle_ 180 per sq. foot. 2. The estimated enet thereof is 3 , and the total cost the roof is S and the nature and -tent of avid lamprm.ement is as follows. - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of add improvement Is herein ettaehed and made a part hereof. 4. ...... 5. Said improvement is naked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, eubjeet to eeaaaaijgAi, for aril! improvement. ) Commiaei fl'ublic Works. pEl; ' 9931 COLVCIL FILE 1709 In the matter of_Op9II1ng.-Widecang_ADd BFLending-alleys. 7.n_Audltor_ts.____ - - Subdivision No. 60. Also opening, widening and extending a walk known as Saratoga Walk. gym, atvep p„a,_ oai fa.. :i..vre Ito .n 8r r. under Preliminary 0rder___31 82-------------- approved -_---Dec._ 2nsi,_ 1131 a_____------. Intermediary Order_______ 91484_____________ approved_____Jan. 20 th, 1932------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED BY the Council of the City of St. Paul that be sad the +e.'ae are hetaby ca.-.-_".,! , ' ,r—owea sed al'. Meaedinp in said nutter be diaxndcca:. JHEuncil hereby ders said improvement o be made. LVED FURTHE Thet the following Is d, lands sofa they 'n be d the same ordered to be to n, appropriated and c demned for purpose making the said ots, viz.. ortherly 10 ft. of Lots 1 to 8 th Snclslvs, B1 k 1, uth10 ft. of L to 1 to 6, both nclusive, Block 2, and n th 10 ft. of Lo a 7 to 12, both nclusive, Block 2, for pu oae of eztendl the alleys as S'!K out So Har sea ysl e. Also open, den and extend walk known as6atoga to width of 12 ft. from Otto Ave. the east and weay in lock 1, Auditor Subdivision No. 80,above referr to, cquiri the west 6 ft. of Lot,v E and 1 Block 2, the sea . of Lo a 4 and 9, Bloc 2, the west 6 f of Lot 3, Block 1the East 6 ft. of Lot 4, Block 1, Auditor Subdivision No. 60. ----------!----------� Approved___ Mayor. Councilman Conroy � ^ YLBLst3r.D Councilman Fesgucco,M Councilman McDonald \ Councilman Pearce r i Councilman Re7Jaad- Councilman Sudheimer Mayor COL'WCIL FILE 9 /(�d7 t In the matter of_Qj1laA9,- IISdenj.n9_3rld @a4ending_alleys_ in_Andl,torts---- ___-- SubdiTision No. 60. Alnding a so openings widening and eztewalk known as Saratoga Walk. under Preliminary Ord ------fl1OB2_____________- approved ----- aa._ 2VA-1@31-..-----------, Intermediary Order --------- Jan. 91484______________ aPProved______20thf1932............. Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard sB persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaid- wed the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 61bpd the Comoa hereby dtd\ms d improvement �o\ be made. •••o�d . fhr following taR4 Janda o[amenia thea * be and the same ^•••+� df making the said - - sem ..err- •�- a .• . ,: w ' �9i.t fes-„• ESOLVED F THER, That the C on f Public Works d ishmab+s� nd ted to prepay tans find specificati s for sai Procement, and proper city official we hereby thorized and di ted to proceed with the mak of =aid impro t in accordance th e - with. rrp�tp 1� 1y'.jl Adopted by the Council ----fED______-__------------. ---------- -- Approved--_. �_''.. 4 --_. 19---- Councilman Conroy Councilman F`arFaaco M `r Councilman McDonald Councilman Pear J CouncilmanRohl—d- ---^ Councilman Sudheimer Mayor DEPARTMENT BQFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMM$3SIOP4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER JJ In the matter of oFenLng, widenin n., cx tends n.; �l.e; :; in ., usiLor'� :;ut iivislc,n iia. dU by t:.kio the north er _y l,, ft. o£ lots 1 to ;, hoLh Inclusive, Block 1; Lhr: ut.h 10 £t. of lots 1 to �, both ir�c l��Iv e, block _. an, the north 1O ft. of lo's 7 to both iiiru_ive, block ;., for tie I.urio:;e of e,,te ndint the .11�ys >._-1,i ,ut in R,.rkne::s Suso nny�i.;e, olo;enin,7, wide::ing :.nd—tenuin, o —ikxr Down as •,ulk to :.i"t'n o1' 1:. ft. from Otto �.ve, to the cr..t-ct X11 'y in .dock 1, hu,:iLor'� pub :i vision No. 60 :above referred to, by nc ulring the ao.t ft. o. lot.. Z sod 10, bl r,ck �, the tS ft. of lots 4 'i nd 9, block r, th e •.test d ft. o lot Block 1 ant the cost o ft. of lot 4, block 1, Au,iitor'�, :,uh,:ivis.- n 00, under Prcli m,nary Ord cr approved Decemter , 1971 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports •s follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ab— mprovement is - - - $ 100.00 The estimated cost per foot far the above mpro vem ent u - - - - - - � $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as la et reported by the A—ssor, arc as follows: oescRiRnoN t.or aao« Aoo�noN nnwnnoH tll,.;g. 1 1 Aulit.orts oubuici_inn N,,—) 175 0h. p—, jinn. 1 do i7b 6 1 do 4 1 do f_5 5 1 do 200 6 1 do 200 1 2 In 110 ,., ., do 10O ., ._ do 125 4 ,. 5 OEPAR TME TIT FINANCEFINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS510NIZR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) DESCRIPTION LOT acoca AOOmoN VA—ATION 5 .. �v itar's :: u, �lvi sio❑ t+a.�0 100 o .; t. Feul, Minn. l0U 7 2 do '1:.5 B 2 'Jo 4:5 9 c do 475 1500 10 2 do 475 lest 4 of 11 2 ) do E;:st i of 11 2 1: 2 do 425 4501 1500 The Commissioner of Finance further ,,porta that he hae mve Ligated Al of the f.,—id matt and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, stogcth,r with the report mad, to him in reference aid matter by the Commillum r of Public \Forks. / eorm a. e. Date ao _ _ 19 2 a ��` �r�=�mm�saio� er�of Finance. dAllsy�� Bli ��le 2e og N SCHEFFER 5T. ELEANOR Co ST. Z, OTTO AVE. AUDITORS SUB. NP 60 A//eys b Wolk in B/oeks / s 2 OPEN/NG B—au of Enq,', Mor. 26 1931 ' Seole /"•/00 ' N _ Office of the Commissioner of Publicl� ,F -,,NAL .;. S Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC i:. IOU Dec. 10, 1931 1e3 To the C mmieeioner of Fi... ee of the City of St. P.vl: The Commieeioner of Public Work., having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known m C uneil File No. 91082 approved Dec. 2. 1931 193. , relvti,e to openings widening end extending Alley in Auditor's Subdivision No. 60. and having investigated the matte, avd thinge referred to therei., hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i. nee _ and (oN desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie f...xxxx .nd the total coat thereof i. $ ......, end the nature end extent of eeid improvement ie m follows: 3. A plan, profile or eketeh of said improvement ie hereto attached and made . pert horeof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie eeked for upon petition of three or more owy�� of property, eubjeet to .eeeeemeot for said improvement. ..... _.... _ _ ..P _ . `.............. C move,eorr f PbUe Works. 91710 COUNCIL FILF. N0. �S\_ By In the Matter ofgrading m_th.and-south.ellsy. is Block 2, ,[m„rican_;hrllding_ Compagy-Plot 3 from St. Anthony. 1,,,n,p to Central Ave,ue,_.. � n-.nv,[ �urinr been d under Preliminary Order 91212 - ....- __-.approved Ileeamber. 15, 1931.. Intermediary Order .....approved ...-____ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it � .� yB—Ad-2L}— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that w- Faasise axRxns awtna6 and Yi^d ^L Prov ent to be made by a said City isnorth and-sml'.k�s11a7c.Sn Bi 2.-_--___.__ dmarican diak_Campagy- . fram.SStt— tbony Avenuo t99---- ntrlsl..: — bs I710 [he yams are ngyp7 canCellbvl, air..: I!Y, sad rcxmdW W W assaladleP is said matter he imitSraed _....._._. ___..._- -------- -------------------------------- a the Council hereby ders said improvem t to be made. a\ ESOLVED FUR- That the Commiseio of Public Works be and ie hereby acted and directs to prepare plane find ifications for said rovement, find submit same to the Cou or approval, hat upon said approva, a proper city officials a hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed t making of said improv cut in accordance ther 'th. Adopted by the Council .FEB 17.1932._.... , 192 Approved Councilman Clewla- ^*cy Councilman Fe�gus�1 f1rl bruaid Councilman 9f1u81ij- I'e,irce Councilman i�'r-,,a Councilman �[ sudhr.i r Councilman 4999WF Mayor liP[ Bun.dlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 192 _ Mayor. - rwsLlsaED� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) I, th,m.t,t,.f grading north ana south alley in Block B,ilaing Company.ilzt 3 f-m St. Anthony /venue to Cent -1 Avenue, ,,d,, P,di.i ... y Oedtr approved December 15, 1931 T, the C-61 of the City of St. P..1; The C...mm— of Finance hereby reports as follows. The t-1 —z—td —Tpvf the ...... . ant f., the about mprovcmcnt i, - - - $4`'7.8p The —i—td —t p,of.t f., the above i.p—t—t u - - - - - S 1-20 — Th, 1— or p-1, of 1-d that may be assessed benefits f,, such ..d the assessed —1—i- of each lot ar p.—I as 1-t ttp,tttd by the A.—.... ... .. f.11.F.: Oesc—T— LOT -- ADDITION LantBldg. 2 2 6mericae Bl g. Co. Flat Z lol) 3 1 50 1250 11303 4 2 do 1125 11300 5 2 do 1125 11000 6 2 do 1125 11300 7 t do 1250 11000 8 do 200 150 $6,325 456,050 ........... ....... . -d.... hereby submits the f.ttg.j, as hi. ttpo,, thereon t. the C.—fl, t.g,,h,, with the ttp— -d, to him in ,tf-- to -- by he C...iesi—t of Public W -h. Date St. Paul, Minn. __ 192 . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property —c—, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade Alley in Block 2, American Building Company Plat X 3 _.__. St. Ave. from Central Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue $txAME,, nbwUM IbBrww THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF. ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) Dec. 22, 1931 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the gradingof the North and South Alley in Block 2, American Building Company Plat 3 from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue, under Preliminary 'rder C. F. 91212, approved Dec. 15, 1931. Estimated post - - - - - 457.88 Cost per front foot 1.20 Inspection - - - - - - - 8.98 Engineering - - - - - - 70.00 rrontage - - - - - - - 3b2.25 ft. Yours very truly WM. N. C / Chief er. Approve o trgensmission to th ss ner of Finance. L OBEN, ommissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public WbIR.rukiNANM Report to Commissioner of Finance V s JAN 4 ixi2 Dec. 30, 1931 193 T. the Commissioner of Finance of the City of fit. Paul The Commiao;oaer of Public Wmks• having had under .....sideration the preliminary order of tho Council, known as Council Fit, Nu. 91212 approved Dec. 15, 1931 193 relative w grading of the North and 0outh Alley in Block 2, American Building Company Plat 3 from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue... and having inveatigatccl the matters end things referred to therein, hereby reports: ry and (or) desirable. 1. Said hnpmvemm,t is ° "`aAaCost per front foot $1.20 2. The eatimatcd coat thereof is f 457.88 and the total coat thereof ie } - Inspection $8.98 Engineering $70.00 Frontage 382.25 ft and the nature and extent of Haid improvement ie ae follows'. 3. A plan, profile or ekotoh of said impmvemeot is hereto attseh,d sod made a part hereof. 4. asked for upon pethion oft, or more owaere of property, 5. 9md improvement to ^5 subject to a®esem .t for said improvement. / [_... Co Iseione o�Nlwor �°e .i. ■.•■a�R000Ia�in�wi■..:.:m,,. �:.■,n•��:auwaauu►■a. In the matter of ----- condemning_ and taking_ an_ easement in the land ------------- ------ - necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of north and south alley in Block 2, American Building Company Plat 3, from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue. 91213 Dec. 15, 1931 under Preliminary Order__________ aPProved____________--- __ 91486 Jan. 20, 1932__-_____ Intermediary Order __________________ aPProved__. ____________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it�'_�� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul I" tivz.pcs Pa nod tae ewe an n vby rar'lled. tr- i-:.!..vd reetmee 1-d ■U owseMelp m mid matter be dinsa—,. — ams°w� a1pr:°e ° �i°few a' oast n St. An homy Avenue to Cent al Avenue, to the ex ant shown upon the plan o the Commissioner of Public Works attache her which plan s hereby eferred to and made part hereof. ebIOL D FURTHER, That the Ci missions, f Public Works b end ie her hereby instructed d directed o prepare plans and specificati ns for said improvement, and a proper ci y o hereby author ed and directed to proceed wit the making of said improvem nt in accordance there- with. FEBFE1 % t0 en --. _, 19---- -81, by the Council ------ - ----------------- ----- - -- G! lQ Approved___-___._--___.--- ------- 19_-"" .' Councilm� Conroy ti� r Council rl PGUL:JID:D f�— ^ Councilman McDc l a Councilman peace Councilman s do ' er Mayor 'AGLEKBLK 2AMER/CgiY BLOC CO. PLAT 3 St Anthony Avr.C of o/ 4v, Typ--1 Nor — Fi9 *ab-r-rl n-eho.- C� "F.11 or prop- y line. Fiig.— b -I-. j- dur wbiph ..1 7'-�d b.y d prop- Y lin 8--k N-.2420 X5- Bk. No.242u Q hAMEF7/CAN B L G. CO. =,L,4 T 3 Q V Z 20 66 � 2 8 .:M .FSM kms' all 5`�- 4 Fr. Gan -56 Tao W AME A/Y L O G, CO. PG A T 3 h b GEX/NG TONY AARKYYAY Y6.S A//py &R.. 2 iLAnfhony-�nfio/ 1Y.. 2 41 Sco/:/=40 .,- -1 IT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A� in ce:; In the matter of condemning find t:, kin;, :-n easew—t the lent ::ein 13 fir .Loi es, cuts and fills in th.' or::aing of north and south Alley in Siock =1n:'. Com_a ny rlat 3 f,_ St. Anthony American Bui:nue to Certr:�l ��ttue, under Prchminary Order approved �ec emb er i5, 1931 To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Comms.noner of Finance hcrcby reports as follow%: nt s 5 1 � 00 t for the above improve me The total catimemd amount of the a.se.smen $ The esumated cost per foot for the above Motove ` " verve and the .-—d valuation of each lo[ or The lots or parcels of land that may be a.,,ssed benefits for ...M1 impro parcel as last reported by the A--,, arc a% follows: nor .coca A-11—LvRuinnoN Bl.lg• oescniPnon Co. t7 JJ SO 117)3 3 _ .0 11:5 11800 A o 115 111J0 5 do Llz5 11300 6 do 11000 7 _ do 15c 9 do tome. 6,325 56,050 s, t% pochat he he, investigated all of the —11—o11—o mart..., aoo hcrcby the f-11111 as his repot[ thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in The Commissioner of Finance further rerts %ubmita reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Poblic ` ,rl,, (��tcc. am v. e. oDared C$'ice 'of the Commissioner of Public I WkFINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 JAN 4 1932 Dec. 30, 1931 193 Ta the Communions. of Fi..sn.e of the City of St. Paul Thr Commies...... of Publk Work,, having had under ....sideration the I fiuoc,r order of the C.uu,d, known - C.—H File No. 91213 approved Dec. 15, 1931 .183 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of North and South. Alley in Block t, American Building Company Plat 3 from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue. sod having io—tig.-I the mettere and things referred to than:.., hereby reports' 1. Nsid improvement ie area. _ end (o.) desirnlde. 2. 'Che eetinreted ...t thereof ie S X]e:[ , cod the total aoet th.... f i, $ )[JCX and the nature sad -b,- of mid improvement is n follows_ - 3. A plan, profile o. sketch of aeid imp.ovemont is bar.to etteehrd end road, a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie asked for upon prtiti.n of three or more ocpnera of property, auhjeot to --for said improvement Commissioner of Public Work,. d CITY OF ST. PAUL 9VI2 FICE OF CITY CLERK U ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . —E. . I —AT— .IVF.NE 'y RESOLVED, of ��i c- N—dl C011CILMEN Y... N., � .... y May McDonald Preva Rosen S.d 6— W P—id— B—dim Ad.plcd by she c ... ca FEB 17 1-91% ig Approved -AY-.'9 ...u..CITY OF ST. PAUL / OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RE GENERAL FORM 7 OO,Mi55%ME _ - - onTe_ WHEREAS, On February 11, 1932, Electrical Permit No. 10,414 was Issued to Tony husks, 691 Selby ..venue, St. laul, hrinn., by the Department of Perks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings, to install electrical work at High—od, for which a fee of $1.00 was paid; and '.'.'Y;ERFAS, When said permit was issued, it was the understanding of said department at the time said permit was issued that it was to cover electrical work In an old buLlding, and it - :as since been ascertained that the electrical work is to b installed in a new building, in which latter case, no fee is c!,arged under the provisions of the Building Code; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to issue a warrant in the — of $1.00 payable to said Tony Muska, for th, purpose of refunding said fee. Charge Refunds and Repayments item of the General Fund. IGac xe,_pi,e-.e, cy, — Yeas COUICiyv.eN N ys /CeAroy O� � May � McD... ld In favor P -- R.— J Ag...., Sudheimer MrPrnid— Bundle I --rED a X002 Adopted by the Council............ 19 _ F�Gi ll `?1? Approve 19 MAvoR _... o.o....o .....e.. Y OF ST. P UL ri is e NO.. 91-71.4 / OF OF Y CLER OU LUTI r,—RAL FORM 10— - G. CH _All FEB, 12TH -1952.-- RESOLVED WHRHEAS, in the operation of the St. Paul Vocational School, it Se necessary to make emergency purchase of parte to be need inthe manufacture of articles or in repair jobs for outside parsons, and WHEREAS, purchasing these parte thru the regular routine would delay the completion of the job and WHEREAS, the money so expended Is reimbursed to the St. Paul Vocational School by the person ordering the work done THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that there Se hereby created a Petty Cash Fund in the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars to be charged to 16 - 0 - 6, said fund to be used as herein stated for the emergenoy purchase of parte, .took etc., and said fund to be undar the control of the principal of the St. Paul Vocational School - Department Y—Nays Adopud by .hc Council FEB 1719 C .... Y / May McDonald 1. favor Approved. 19 i Rosen I/ Again.c .• -. _. ._.. Mnroa S.dhd.o,. / M.. Paid— Boodbc. o„o,„, ,,,, CITY OF ST. PAUL ric — NO._ QJ=FICE OF CITY CLERK FORM RESOLVED* that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement With istelle D. Eelley, prodding for the payment of compensation to her at the rate of $9.90 per week during such time u Ohs shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by bar while in the employs of the Department of Lducation on the 13th day of January 1933; be it 10RTRZg 9EaCLVZD, that in accordance With Bald agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said Zmtelle D. Le11ey the sum of `49.50 Out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General yund, in partial settlement of her claim against the City, being for the period to and including yeDruary 17th, 1932. l MER FEB 171932 COUICIL Y— Nays/ Adop,rd by the C...61.. _.19 PEP May McDonald In Favor App .e — I9 / S.dhci— f / Mr. Prnidcar B..dhi RES CILOLUTION . m I ql '7/ 7. Ian�u.mam ]ISL ObS116P.y 16 18j2— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CRY TREASURY, TO THE $16 y AGGREGATE AMOUNT ,5s4,5 1740 OFi .COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED l�iD _TO S_ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AD—ED BY THE COUNc L FEB 171992 �— 1 .aPAOYEo FEB 17 M a.�., ,. .. . BY .a 7 5CO-Do p 622 653 I �I E..ME —% O .. c.......... L cn�� No r COUNCIL REEOLU TION ...AUDITED CLAIMS February 16 g32 69,. 26. 4 ,...E .o°"... TOTAL IN FAVOR OF eve."x "unaEr+ cr �cFs Foaw„ �. Ec ns M 1632 Charles H. Gerber '1 500 1 520 OI 1633 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 12 097 1 4 1634 1635 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. F. C, gorham " 3 1 0 0 j 1636 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin., 2 849 1 1637 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 428 4 1638 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin, 1 114 5 16j9 Salisbury Fuel & Ice Company 12 1640 Sarco Company 77 5, 1641 Soheffer & Ross= Company 25 9 1642 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 42 7 1643 Andrew Schoch Grocery Gompanj H 96 6 1644 x645 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company A. Schrader's Son,Inc. 31) 9 15 00 SII 1646 1627 Schuneman and Mannheimer. it Chas. 9oribnerle & Sons 135 5 56 7 11 1648 Seagrave Corporation 0 2 1649 J.L. 9hlely and Company 313 1 1650 D.B. Shotwell Company 2 7 1651 Silver, Hurdette Company 663 0 1652 singer Sewing Machine Company 1 8 16655'4 3 Jac. Skinner 5 0 67 1655 1656 Slade, Hipp and Meloy H.J. Slawlk & company, Inc. C.J. Smith & Company OC 87 5 22 00 1657 L. C.9m1th & Corona Typewriters,Inc. 73 Ws Smithsonian Institution Ser19s,Inc. 37 5C 8 1659 1660 H.Y. Smythe Printing Company! e C G. Sommers an Company 5 1 9' 5 7 1661 The 9 sakes Company P P 4 56 70' 1662 e Speedometer Service & Acc.Cp,'. ', 84 73 1663 J.H. 9petlaoy 10 00 1664 Sperry Of flee Furniture Compab�y Ii� 150 80 1665 9tendard Laundry Company 24 09 1666 Standard 011 Company !� 348 89� 1667 Stanton Lumber Company 78 001, 1668 Star Pro duets Company 5 00', 1669 Frederick A. Stokes Company 4 70 1670 Stumpp and Walter Company I 6 70 1671 Swift and Company V 108 351 1672 1673 John Y. Thelssen 7; Transit Sucply Company I 1 00 1 767 00 • 1674 Transit Supply Oomgany 946 655 1675 Travers Ink Company �I Company 32 64' 59 85 f 1676 1677 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. TTS -State Tel. & Telg. Companj 117 60 1678 Trl—State Tel. & Telg. Compan� 121 lj 1679 Twln City Hardwood Lumber Company 102 551 1680 Twin Clty Iron & vire Company. �� 2 00 j N 1681 Twin ^. Pty Show Card Company 7 50 �, 1682 Union 'eater Meter Company 5 32: 1;71I 16g U.S. Supt. of Documents 25 001 1684 Univer.ity of Minnesota, General Ezten.l&n Division 41 15 001 1685 Valley Iron 1_ke 20n 42 7 5CO-Do p 622 653 I COUNNCILCIL MEN-- ROLLL CALL —FICE of T�IE^com vTROLLER „�L . I � COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS February ncn RESRA OLVED ED .r �� NI x1139181 EB � , . 166 :—TLo oa ��� � NO � � � 117 "1 39-8 174� 0 .. 117 932 v ry . _--- I TOTAL COUNNCILCIL MEN-- ROLLL CALL —FICE of T�IE^com vTROLLER „�L . I � COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS February ncn RESRA OLVED ED .r �� NI x1139181 EB � , . 166 :—TLo oa ��� � NO � � � 117 "1 39-8 174� 0 .. 117 932 v ry . _--- TOTAL N MCEp � IN FAVOR OF cr ccs � _rcc ns 1686 BROUGRTFORwARD Henry Larson 28 22 961 0 1687 1688 Adrian Frances Primeau Carmel—Crisp Shop 143 6 1689 1690 Dearborn Chemical Company John H. McDonald, C, of Fin,' 21 25 1691 Linus 01Mnlley & Thomson, 769 vood and Hoffman 2 1692 Jeorge Radek Company 137 6 16933 peelty Printing L. Brastad 9 169+ 1695 John John Fitzpatrick 96 0 26 528 5 1696 John H. Mo Donald, C. of Fin. Fin. 36 161 1697 John H. McDonald, C. of 5 1698 'Walter %idde Company,Inc. 1699 Reubea Franzmeier �, 19 2 637 2 1700 BanoBorthweet Company 19 26 146 7 1701 Heywood—Wakefield Company 1702 The Addressograph Company 1 1703 .Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. Fox Fire Engine Comp 16 88 7 1704 1705 Ahrens y Allyn and Bacon SII 112 5 American Book Company 916 1707 Amerioan Bulb Company 1706 1708 American Child Health Assoo,'I 5 O 1709 The American City it 1710 American Gas Accumulator CO. 10400 6 1711 American Hoist , Derrick Com any ',y 8 1712 American Hotel Register Comp Y p 4 1713 American LaFrance & Foamite nd. 286 1714 American Linen supply Compan 55 9 1715 American Linen Supply Compan 15 5 1716 American Society for Test.Mt s. 1717 American Stamp 'Forks 49 1 1718 Architectural Book Pub.Co. �'' 11 2 34oi 1719 Arlington Machine Works,Inc. 16 9 1720 Asbestos Products Comp' n7 i� 5 6 21 6 1721 A tlas Gas & 011 Company 4 1722j2 Austin—Western Road Mach.Co. 1724 Auto Engine Works,Inc. 7 0 8 24 1725 Automotive Service Company B.W. Ayer and Son �5 • 1726 Ballard Ramp GarageIII 4 1727 George J. Ball 1 �I 14o 1728 Barrett Battery Company 1729 Bausch & Lomb Optical Compan; 'I' 1730 Beokley—Cordy Company 68 1 1731 S. Berglund Lumber Company 58 9 1732 Berland Peanut Company l So America l 3 1733 17 Bibllograpb o sl O. of Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 875 0 1735 Bowen and Sone 4 1736 H.C. Boyeson Company 115 3 1737 9. Brand Coal Company 21 11 1738 Breda Sign Mfg.Company 13 179 F.J. sricga Ana comp.,ny or 335 6 P, 17 O Stl% Library Of In*ormatiQn 1 0(� saEETTOTAL-111—O 7 521 25� 759 472 4 . :.:�. �-.... 91718 o.o....o�„�,.,. CITY OF ST. PAUL,g.+j§'.. yNO.— ccpp���p1 Mpaiti OFFICE OF CITY C4 a-+'P�1 Im' tee oe SNI IRESi WA 6iON WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain frame house located on Lot 15, Block 1, Dewey, Drake & Pence's Addition, also known as No. 365 Cathedral Place, Se in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to *errant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, That a public hearing Shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking Said building, on the 14th day of March, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Obamber in the Court House and City Hall, In the City of St. `aul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for Said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and be shall also cause a notice of such bearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior ' to the date of said hearYng eou ,i FEBYea, rveivaEry Nays '(/ Adop«d by the C-111 19 y. MM ” ay ' McDonald / Pearce C^� Rosin Aga. sr '/ y roa S.dh--, Mr_ P—id— 9..dhe �2 February 18, 1938. Villaume Hoz i Lusher Co., 79 IN Indiana Ave., St. Paine Minnesota. 6entlement Unclosed herewith please find copy of Connell Reaolut,ion which relates to a public hearing on the condemnation im- posedhis Department Pleas t on e building under your juris- diction at As you, will note, the hearing will be held in the Council Chambers an March 14, at ten o'clock. Will you kindly ar- range to be present at that meeting? Yours very truly, superintendent of Ingestion. HSH..0 ►.� C. R. May 698 ,... �••••�• STATE O_F MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Io the metro if eba mvd.mwtiov by the Commimw of Pu., Plsygmuvde and Public Ib. div of a houe e mid b be ewpta by 7illaame Dox b Umber Co. and located .p ,i the foci—ig ducfibed reel -w, t—t: Lot 18, Block 10 Dewey. Drake a Peaces ORDER WBEREAB, The Commiuiovar of Puke, P6 .— .d Public Buildin¢., hu uphe impemiov of the house V_1 ducribtd ... 868 Cathedral Place end eitwled upon shove deuribed prvperty hes found cod determined that: This is an old from) hegate• open, vacant, floors sagged. Roof bad. Pllmbing gone. A fire hazard. Beyond re,leonable repair. ny reu.a at one chow ree�a mid house is nwde and dmgemw to life, limb. and adjoining property. NOW, THEREFORE, by v'mtw of the mthprity md—I cpm the acid Cammwiooer of Puke, Reygmuvde end Poblie Build'mge, pureumt b the lane d the 8—d M- -d the Cl—..d 0,, i— of the City of Baivt P.W, and pertieWuly Otivmm No. 3hg0, entitled "M Ortl . pmaidivg fm 0 metwm —i --mg to, or etting the —ti-klwtttbo opsit, __i and mdomvmm d tit buddi-.r Nedutw or pert pf bvildivga or eweturee elected or m be erected within the City of Beim Paul." ,•APpmved Apt 1g, IM1, mid....... hogl8e----------------- . ie hereby mvdemved�"nk it u.1,M that it bii rdA1^d�T�tekm down—removed and the mebride therefrom removed from the premien within...... w .................. deye from the dote of Ibe e . of thu order and ))tire upon the owner or mcupmt thereof. 1. the ev t of the f.dure pf the ow.m or omupmt b comply with the ter:u d thu order within the time efaauaid, the mid Commi®ooer of Pub, Pleygmmade cod Public Bwlai—shell mem this order tv be romplied with, and the mpm. thus)( a -rd b and mad.. ism and tht pmputy .bow a bed. IN W NEBe WEEREOF, the foregoinY,ytu u d.�� d .ieotl She Cymmimioner d Per., Pl.vammde and Public Buil,be at St. Poul, Mi—b, thu.. . .............. J T7 .......... . JIB .JiTm rev— by low. ar e, Plv. gmuvdn m. Public H ' vp. NOTICE T. .... ........ Village Bei 8 Lmlber Co. 78 Sl, -Indiana AVG! _........... ............. ...._.._owns md......... gO9e ............... e vatic that the f order wu ironed by the Cammim' of Per., Pleygmmde end Public Buildi— ov the... P-**--- [.._...._&Yof__-........____..............IB. and Ym.re bemby dii—I b, ply [hmewith, that in the ewBer_that you fav m to do er that you do gp(�Bb my evewm, abjection.1. —1, u re imd by the Chmtar md 0r _ d the City d Bt. PeW, within ...............__..._•..[.--.._. ----- days fmm the dab d mrvice of 11 ads and votim vpon you, the etdd Commi®o.m d Pub, Playgrounds and Public HWdivp wa premed m enforw 'd aMm and said property will be 1ug.d with tb. jg tb.f and the p.mltim prescnbed by low ..p.� ....Comm -.... e1G�GP�[:..�-... ..........._. .-...... poen& end Pub4e dings. -- 17 T57 I if, 77V �j I �j �J� �Q.Llt�� �r,.�-2., ���.�-,�-.y ter'., 4_,�,. oaf ,a-��.� v C,6°1 ;IrJY .fl/� ry, ' CITY OF ST. PAU rise NO. FFIC F CI L CO 1 ES 0 ENE— PRESENT MISSAL WHEREAS n the remodeling of the Auditorium, it was found necessary t equip the doors of the two small concert halls Mad the two small halls on the second floor with door holders, at a price of $6.20 each, or a total of $49.60; and WHERE S' The Oommissloner aY Education and the Contractor have agreed that the cost of ea id door holders is the sum of $49.60, and a copy of the agreement has been oounterelgned by and filed with the 01ty comptroller; and WHEREAS, This extra has been approved by the Commnds dieBio or of Education, the Oommlssloner of Parke, '11y gr� Huildl nga and the O1ty Arcbitect; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper OSty officers are hereby anhorzed ofttheioontact dwitDtWm.irecedt Baumeletero add thee Coast rsat Jon Oompany49.6to theafor the remodeling of the old Audit orinm. Yeas Ado eourve��MEry Na� pted by rhr ce��rd ;:EB 18 '9`'x,9 Conroy F� May 19 McDonald ///�In favor APProGcd Rosen a. Agai st Sudhei - / Mc_ President B..dhe City of Saint Paul office of City Clerk MIKE I. GIBBONS, Olt, O.h -d February 17th, 1977. Mr. 1. L- on.l to ti Co—el, 3u11 dint•. Deer Sir: 6e n.lose he r,,itn o0ln—ioatill f... Co:':�i_i"B' PearceE-,t— f- a,;�. B—pi,Itl, In P1111 A,dittri= Rei,odeli,g _o.ri _' 1p—, Ilor t, the e 'ober. in the old lldlit—�, ii. in the anm of 61. " tatter ,, ref—red to you today for t .e proper resolution. Yours —y truly, City Cl—k. qRg of 6t. $sol Depsctmrnt of �dumttos M. r w.... -..,M Feb. 16th, 1932. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Gentlemen: Attached hereto kindly find an Extra for Wm. Baumeister Construction Company on the Bt. Paul Auditorium Remodeling covering door holders for the doors in the old auditorium to the two small concert halls and the two small hall. on the second floor. This requires eight pairs of door holder. at $6.20 per pair, making a total of - $49.60. This Extra is recommended and approved by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and by the City Architect. The same has been checked by this Department and we find that the materials and prices are correctly stated and are submitting this Extra for your consideration. Your. vary truly, ICP -L Commissioner of Education. l X / CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDSc AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS Hoa. I. C. Pearse, Department of Education, Hndioott Building. RE7 AUDITORIUM REMODELING. Dear Sir% February 11, 1952. Mr. Murray, manager of the auditorium, has requested that door holders for the doors in the old auditorium to the two small concert balls and the two small halls on the second floor. This requires eight pairs of door holders and should be contracted for through the Wm. Baumeister Construction Compaq at $6.20 per pair, making a total of "9.60. 1 recommend that these door holders be Snetalled at case as Mr. Murray has requested. Sours #ery truly, City Architect. CAB..0 Appro Eon. I. C. P-arce. City of Saint Paul Department of P. P. k P. B. ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER Date Feb. 11 193 8 Contact No. 0-2 Contactor ltm Basassister Censt• jobAnA4torinan Remodeling Prom To Under the pmvinona ae contained in Section 95 of the Chatty of the City of Saint Paul, the Commieeiooer of AAnnwtinn __baa directed that the following described additional work he done ouch the provision- of the plane and gotifiationa, and has agmd with the contractor that the prices a. given below ate the —1,k cents for the doing of the said work and [hs supplying of the —rul. regwred 193 Feb-= 11. 1931L (� _ �.�il_ Gl �-'�� t ,e ,�'-✓�-�� ca.nmr>;gned ton � 0ity 6 ahittfMPr • Description, Location, Quantitiea, Terms and PH ` onruty crry comrraou.eq To eight pairs of door holders with rubber tips at floor for the second floor ballroom ® #4.20 449.60. 0 " - //` FORM. No. 2. tt,, ry Council File No. 71/21 F Adopted by the FEBY 8 193E Data presented _ 1932 01 Ams 7932 Approved .// Approved / - !/ RS, -the ed, WRBF.A P Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in ac0erdonce with Section 53 of the City the Charter, the existence of an employment of certain employee emergency which rendered necessary his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said of employment being more than usual hours of employment, therafpre,.ba It Resolved,,That the.,Proper it, offioers are hereby authorised to pay the the rate otherwise fixed for extra emp toy - 'following named employes at meat for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Jobn F. Conroy Utplaborer 10 hrs. .56 18 Daniel OtOonnor' ^ ^ S .6-,, ^ 6 Nicholas J. Wagner �} hrs. 84 Ole Munsell Foreman Bd. %orde21 Mech. helper 13} ;62j, Leonard Munson Sub -foreman 6 n - Joe Bruno' Ditch digger Roearlo, Hioolletti. ^ ^ 6} ^ 86 _ _ Thomas Schaffer Uty I'iborer " 55 ' ^ 66 - James Tighe, Ditch digger ^ 1.00 Harry Mansell Ho1at.Eogr.-Gas ^ - .68 . l2 William D. Carlson Duch digger S^ 56 ' Mulkera, Jr. _ _ _ ,Michael e bene ` Y^ ' - reby>�als icl�e Ayes COonbilmen Nays // onroy - aDonald 5A1932 fly, - ////JJJJ F Adopted by the FEBY 8 193E Pearce , / dent Mr. President Bvndlie 01 Ams 7932 Approved .// Approved / - !/ odder omFsan. a Oeaerel.3uperintendent;� - - - . z `1;�?i February 10, 1932 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Chlorinating Dale St Reservoir.* Repairing 6" main on 10th St between Cedar and Minnesota Streets,# This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances -.*Dale St. reservoir nut back into service on Sunday; necessary that it be chlorinated. _ #Leak In main. d�, -% UORWSSTOrR OF MrC-VTTTr/ M p ov ed eanar ompaon General Superintendent RESOLUTION YwLn�wry17 18-32 —w V GU, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ L 793 1'c COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 17111 Tp 170.8 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, AD—O BY THE COUNCILIv_/I 7521 25 P66 265 I T1."cornelao��sa o F ca or" .�� �� No. co EN—ROLL uNCI�MEN— co"nor I C- COUNCIL RESOLUTION e % ° AUDITED CLAIMS 8ebruar-y 17 — g .°. "sn . b 793 45 ,r r 1. "u"acn IN FAVOR OF eaouchT Foawnao 21 25 759 472 2 -- • 1741 Mr e. H. MSLob Company 145 6 p3 1 1742 Am erlcan Plszo Supply Company 245 1743 Burroughs Adding machine Envelope Company 172 7 1744 1745 Capital John H. LLcDopaid, C. of Fin.' Mfg. Compa'ny 2 280 0 153 1746 Capitol Stationery P 1747 Mia. Lettisha E. Hander son '�. 42 4 1748 1749 Browning, King & Company Brown Sheet Iron & Steel Co.' 2 1750 BuIIdeTs Iron Foundry 5. 1751 Bureauof Public Pereonnel Adm. 12 4 1752 Barna Lumber Company so 9 175' Calhon %ipt company Envelope Company 99 1 1754 1755 Capital Capitol Laundry Company 25 1756 Certified Ice Company OS 1757 9hloago, U l-St.Pnu1 & Pi. c. R�. Co. 1 1758 ClIer Digest company �5 467 1759 Cities service 011 company 5 1760 Cleveland Avenue Meat Company 7 8 1761 Collyer's Publishing Compapyl 1 2 1762 Commercial Gaa Company 10 0 73 8 172 Commonweal tb Eleotric Company Co Laundry Company 27 3 1764 -0p. Supply Company 1765 1766 Co—O Photo Corning—Donohue,I , 1p 4 1767 Crene Company 105 8 1768 Daily Volkzeltung,In-. 1 77 0 1769 J. M.-Tk Dalglish 464 1770 A. B.Dick Company 0 63 3 1771 1772 DSceetive Ferment Company Dispatch—Pioneer Press Company 127 8 177} Electrical Installation Company I. 125 4 1774 Adam Decker Hardware Company'. 140 0 447 6 1775 1776 Electric Blue Print Company Eleotric Chemical Company ail 73 8 1777 Elk Linen Supply Company 128 8 1778 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, 171 3 1779 Empire Auto Supply Company 34 7 1780 The Emporium 151 2 • 1781 Farwell, Czmun, Kirk & Comnapy 78 2 1 1782 1783 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp., y Feist—Blanchard Company Finch, Slyck & MCConvillO Co. 7 II 7 7 2 308 1784 1785 Van Ploriete� Publi^h Sng Com pa ny I� 5 1786 Frozen Products Corporation 'I 1 3 VIII 1787 3an6l vnd company 29 5 1786 Emil ,;aiet 4 O I 7521 25 P66 265 Laid I & Ad I lees \ay, lea, 'N May Pe Race Ren Suri hi.", S.,h ..... . Ni" I'—, B."dh, .11" P... B—d1h, OR IN. NCF,�7':.,,'�'�.'I c An Ordinance approving the project of accujring the real estate known .. Lot 17 and the southerly 5 feet Of Lot 16, Block 6,7, na yton& Irvine's Addition, for anaddition to the School Shop site, ordering the ac.uiBitjor. of the 0 am.e by purchase Or con- demnation, and providing funds therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissions' of Education having reported tothe Council thatthe real estate known as Lot 17 and thesouth- erly outh- er 1 y 5 feet of Lot 18, Block 67,DaYtOr & Irvine'. Addition, is rem uired for an addition to the ,chool Shop site, and that the estimated value Eight Bunds e3 thereof is the a— of Six Thoue-d, H Dollars 6,800.00), and the Comptroller having certified that there is money available t 0 in he treasury of the City for the accuisition of said property, the 00=011 hereby approves the P a -Be and hereby orders project of Bon u iting the same for said pulp p red for ' id p r as by purchase and dir a ct 8 that the sale be ac this 0 by the Committee on Lands, consisting in his ase Of the Mayor, Purchasing ) urc- a inz Agent and Commissioner Of Educlt ion, if the same can be 8 0 ad at a reasonable price, and in tees said Committee cannot 0 procured ro ur d price and shall so report t the procure said land — d a a reasonable end Council, unc i I , then and in that event the Council hereby orders 0 instituted under t n e pc.- dirso t a t ba t c onds mation p , oceadings be i to secure Bald property, and that v i.jons of the Charter Of the City whether by purdbase or con- demnation, he coat 0at a, d expense of accuiring same, to be paid for out Of le.ation, be and the same is hereby ordered theEducation Trust Fund Yo. 4009, and so m,ch of said fund, -e d Bet apart for snid may be recess �y is hereby app purpose. an purpo.s. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and beiin an d on. force thirty days after its passage, approval Publicat City of Sunt Paul Office of City Clerk MINE J. GIBBONS, Ory 0-1k ..d C... 1-- .1 February lctb, 199 2. rson� Ca rporatlon Co _..I, Building. Dear Sir: Attached please£Snd letter from the Commissioner of Educ atSan reporting that the property described a Lot 17 and southerly 5 ft. of Lot 18, Block 67 Iki ton end Irvine's Addltion Se needed by Lhe Deoer L��ent of Education for an adcition to tine Sc iio of Shop Site. The matter s referred to your department for the pro. r form o_ ordinance. Yours very truly, (City Clerk. (¢tfy of 61. $nut 8epnciment of �Ducntlntl ew T �b .,.,.. ou January 30th, 7932. To The Bcnorahle Stayor entl Nemha�s of the City Co„nc11: 0ent'emen: I deeire tc r«(,ort that the property des- crlbed ee . Lot l7 end Southerly 6 ft, of L01 1R, Blon1, '1 Deyton erd Irvinn'e Addition Se needed by the Department of F.ducetlon for o Addition to the School. Shop Site, and thet it, will be poesible to secure the shone deecvlbed S,rol,e rry for s —, of $6,800.00. Mr. Seamen's eppre.l=a1 on this property ie y6,879.00. D'1.{�' Yours awry 1.•��7 y, r nr,nl es:oner of F6 -01o•,. d ^er-.th•'a000rfor thxct..nt f,in,le ]: rhe Educe tion Trua+. Hund Pio. above projor.t. ���� ��✓ Cfty C t ]ler. 07 CITY OF ST. PAUL "" NO. :7-1-J2A .........o ����=�^^ ♦ � FF - F CITY CLERK ~ESOLt ION—GENERAL FORM l y//t//yy77 _DATE_. February 1G�"_. - afaeseNTacaY LS�L!L(g.a.Jlwvr/2_e-- _. — COMMies,o.�Ee - --- - - - _ p AS, Janes Rossi, has made ap"licct"o 86n for license for three pool teblee et 535 5t• Clair Street, and q�ryEAS, the Bureau of Police re mends denial oY sP.id license for Pool room et eeid location, therefore, be it RESOLVED-; that the proper ity officers be—dthey ar reby authorised to refund to Jamen Roeni� the fee of $EO-� e -':d to ca cel eeid enellcnt.i �m .',60 for Pool room lies o,wb N.. an+.- �abwn. e.°a`aml°.♦ �� a v°wa:[o°°.`, I ia:ew ane°.o ��iwe .nvuawe° °aia oDpa°aee>ri$. °no�� m rn. u. nn. Yea° couNciLMeN Nays / WDomld h, fa.or R.— A...... Sudh° _ / M, p id.., Bendh- Adop:cd by [h° C...6 .4 FEB 19 1932..19 CG 1 19.. App:— ---- -- MAYOP rc--7, 1-1ti, J -- .—till F— —1n tlnn ii r p , 11 v1. t'f I 0—tin— he been e t l .Llvl 1 3 t I c Y, — truly, ::Sty Cl -k. °.°....°c....... CITY OF ST. PAUL si Ls� NO.. .I l OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RE 10 1—GENERAL FORM !y' aaaa i WHEREAS, a p:.ir of skates of the value of $10.00, belonging to Mrs. Chas. C. Ives, 1229 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, Were lost from the check room at the Dunning Field Skating Rink, and the City of St. Paul is responsibile therefor, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $10.00 in favor of said Mrs. Chas. C.IIves, to reimburse her for the loss of said skates, said sum to be payable out of the Park Refectory Fund. Yras corvrvciLracn Nays M ✓ My M:aD—Id In favor R— ^ �Sudh,imrr Mr. Prcvd— Bundh, Adop¢d by e6 c°.aid FEB 19 1932.19 Appro-ved��/�y�C R ' 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL rice NO._ - - - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �IL RESION—GENERAL FORM / PRE=c�ED ��� RESOLVED 'NrL:��F1.5, 'T -e Cn:n:r.isslnncr of Parks, PlsygrOuhds nl Pu Ulic L�Iildin,�s hes rE por tel to the Coan Ci 1, In accordance wi L^ Section 53 of the City Chart- thes!a,ce of e� emergency which rendered eoes sa ry ten.pio yment of certain en;ployes of his departmheent f'or more then eight hours per ria y, sail employment neihC ;rore than their usual hours of enr{:l o _..lent, bL IT i(F31LTEU, T! -.at the proper city of:'icers are hereby suthori zee to Ply the follow in., nuu.ed e..ployes, at the rate otha rw ise £ix el £or extra employment for L�.e extra time !ereinefterseRAT RAT', OF NI.h1N; TITLE ROCIRS 7VET7M John P. Roach Sub -foreman 15 4g .621 George Gombos Utility Laborer 3 'ee .55 Y- M,. Nay / McDowld J 1� favor gar �Ro.e� Agana / Sudhnarer Mr. Prrrid— Rondb, Adopted by rhe Co -[c F R 19 LO 19 Ap-'FEB g 19 j � � mnvoa mttB of 6t. Baal cEo ileparimeN of Ilarhn. 111aggroanDa s°^ °' "^^'• anD �u61fr 't8alldinga CLYDE R. MAY. coMrn issionsn c " c February 18, 1932 To �.... ........... i .,n1 City CfJ'I ": .,entle:,.en: Nn emerge�.cy h� isen in t',e "I", : tc,ent of Farks, 21ny�:,r>.uids antl Fublic ui L::inis, sender ing oseary the e�iple tm ar. pe, yes oP :.hat Deir,rtmenc for m.re char. eightrhours per 9u y, in Lhe ']Dine of the f'llowing work: labor. This enierver.c� gyrose by r assn oC the f�l- Lowirg Parts >>nl �irew:.s tences: Bnow removal in perks. Yours very truly, Comciissi Ine'r . OP,T.FSAINTFAUL °.°... o... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. (/���• OF CE OF CITY CLERK co a CI OLUTION—GENE RqL FORME PRE -10 RESOLVEDThat the C poration Oounsel a end he to hereby directed to obtain the names of engineers who, in his opinion, are qualified to make a valuation of the properties of the Northern States Power Oompany in the Olty of Saint Paul, used for furnishing the Oity and its inhabitants with electricity, gas and steam, and to submit to the Council the names of the men, together with a statement of their qualifications and experiences. RESOLVED FURTHER, That this information be obtained with all due speed, and the report made promptly. Yeas cour�ciLm[n Nay, Ad.Fr d by the C....,.rB p n 1� n 19 Conroy �iCC G May (/ '18 0 WD—Id J In 1-- Approved Rosen— , Again,r s'4h Mr. P,—d— Boodhc CITY OF ST PAUL ri La r NO. AM OFFICE F CITY CLERK (' N FF TIONTYGENERAL FORM PRESENTED Br _ pgrE )LVED That the Ott omptroller make anelyeie of moneys avail- able in the several departments which, in the opinion of the Comptroller, will not be expended for the purposes for which they were set up in the budget, together with a statement of what moneys will be available in the several departments if the eliding scale for city service is reinstated, effective March 16th, and report the same to the Council with all con- venient speed. - Yea. cou rvciuMEN Naya Conroy May McDonald le favor Pees.. R.— 0 Ag.-, Mr. Pr .de Buedhi If a iiema :° FB 9 Ign Adop,ed by ,he C—.1 19 Approved e^^^^. ro �•..^^ ✓Y CITY OF ST. PAUL - Nn :/1129 j'~. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK — • or un COUNC/,(I�(/R�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e•�e �, CeMZM6erotaeR,(C."'" Inx�C C (/� e� , _(j _ ��cy„�w �q gw�ln.mt. Iv .a vll� 9ofD, 1HIREAS, the Advisory Court House and CityHallBuilding Commission, at its meeting on February lath, 1932, authorised the following changes in the cabinet work contract: The wminscots in the following rooms are to be omitted: o -R4, 2-n7, 3-a20 7021 7021 11078, 14078, 1607fi, 11168, 14188, 1518B The 4t wainscot in the following rooms shall be �• Ina eased to 6,: K 3-017 3-P9 727, 726, 9031, 927, 1527, 17428, 1229 15061, 1 -vac, a -T9, 3-Y2a 7S -L82 , 4201, sus, 928, 8749, 16011, 1ea11, leas, end WHEREAS, the number of square feet of paneling omitted In equivalent to the amount added, and this change is to be made at so additional ooet, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves of and oonours in the action of the Advisory Court House and City Hail Building Commission. , Yea. "u—IME, Nay, Adopted by th, Council FEB 23 193219 Conroy / May In favor (4 Q Apprav �H9 _ Sndheimrr Agar at Mr. P—d— Bvvdh A .A Saint Paul' Bureau of Municipal Research Athl°nc Club Building •Mv�m...rp�.a.�... re,.,:d �... -.. 7ebruery 20, 1932. To the City C-cll, City of Sei at Paul, Mi nneeota. Gentlemen: 4t its meeting yesterday, upon the rendations of the Architects, the Advleory Court Hou=_e and City Hall Baildlne Com- P.Seeton euthorl zed the £olio wl ry changes in the cabinet wrk contract: The wain.cots in the following room. are to be omitted, G -H4, 2-4.17, 3-X210, 7024, 7044, 1107B, 14073, 15078, 1118B, 14183, 1518B The 41 waineoot in the following room. .hall to increa.ed to 5,: 2-H7, 3-G17, 3-P9, 727, 726, 8034, 926, 927, 1027, 1226, 1229, 16054, 1627, 1-420, 2-T9, 3._1,22, 3-1,22, 3-322, 420A, 626, 628, 629, 1602A, 16214, 1628. The -bar of square feet of paneling omitted is equiva- lent to the amount added. The chance 1s to be made at no coat. This matter is referred to you for your action. Very tivly yours, Secretary, Advisory Ccurt Ho,- and City Hall Baildiog Coond.eion. CPH:SH WHEREAS, In the matter of lighting fixtures for the new City Hall and Court Honse, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has approved Addenda 5 and 6 as part of the plane and specifications therefor; and WHEREAS, Said Addenda are satisfactory to the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission. . , .r .. I . " Yeas eouraeicM Ery Na/Y. M,uyay h N— Pcercc n Roam `J Again., / M,. N—d,n, Bundl.� Adop,ad by I,, council FFR 23 i 19 Approv..d- � L - ��. 19 `j ��nvoR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK )� COUN I,p L RESOLi-7—GENERAL FORM PReseRreo av cOWw.a�ewcn_ /i(_A--y'� (///l c"".t�..� ,y„�_< ATL -iff/_ _ ,/if. WHEREAS, In the matter of lighting fixtures for the new City Hall and Court Honse, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has approved Addenda 5 and 6 as part of the plane and specifications therefor; and WHEREAS, Said Addenda are satisfactory to the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission. . , .r .. I . " Yeas eouraeicM Ery Na/Y. M,uyay h N— Pcercc n Roam `J Again., / M,. N—d,n, Bundl.� Adop,ad by I,, council FFR 23 i 19 Approv..d- � L - ��. 19 `j ��nvoR Saint Paul R. Bureau of Municipal Research A,hle c Club Building •�.m.°.,e •r.o-. �'�"� w.I u<awaxr 'crd.r txio Feb—y 20, 1932. To the City Council, City of Saint Paul, NSnne rota. Gentlemen Withyour approval the Advisory Commleelon advertised for bide for 11 ghI Ing fixtures to be opened Februnry 17th. Before th e bide se a opened the Architeeto roamended that all bids be returned unopened Sn order that changes nl�t be made is the specl- flcatlone. ^hie suggestion sae adopted by the C—fission. At It, meeting yest-1r.y the Advisory Coamiselon ep- pxnved eddendae 5 and 6 as part of the lighting flrtures plane and ape Cl ficatione. This matter Se referred to you for your action. Very truly your., secretary, Advisory Court House and City Hall Building CFH:SH CITY OF ST. PAUL �i�. �c NO._--J1�-S�` ^1O1^•"o c'•c"•F OFFICE OFCITY CLERK .",...�—11 _1 —GENERAL FORM xxxxximm 1H1RFAS, at its meeting on February 19th, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, upon the recommendation of the architect, authorized changing the design of the %exrazso to conform to krohitscts' Sheet 10..12101 and substituting 12 for 20 gage bronze strips in all other areas than %home shorn on thin sheet, and 1HER1AS, this change will result in terrazzo of one color with a large bronze strip separating the secticne whereas formerly the terrazzo was of six colors separated by a very narrow bronze strip, and •HggxAS, this change is to be incorporated in the general contract at no additional cost, therefore, be 1% RESOLVED, that the Council hereby appraves of and oon- cors in the action of the kdvisory Court House and City 5611 cmo..nnoes Building Oo issfon• rnoh �a Qeewle° o �i'�:•wl-� FEB 27 1937 „ cour+ci�m EN Adopad by rho Council... Nay Conroy FEB 2s tg32 �MeY App'. MA�n•Id In fn.or Sudhcimcr Aha; °r 6i�m VOR / Mr. Prcs�drnr 6undhc 7 - Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hledc CIA Baddi., Feb awry 20, 1932. Toth. City Co"cil' City of Saint Paul, kq—ee,t.. Gentlemen: At It. me.tic, yesterday the Advisory F! ao,y C,ert ,—c and City Hall Hull ding Comadesioo, open the recommendation of the authorized- chite.t., 11tholiI changing the d11I,ftth, terr111�OtnI, to Arch I tett .1 Sheet 1'.. 1210, and etb.t'to -9 for a- br.... rips 1, all other aterc than those shown on this sheet. Present plan. —d ape cifications provide for terr—o of six colo-, Rep,iated by c lery narrow bronze strip. The revised design and plan, provide for terrazzo of ne,eIo'r,,1th , large bronze Bep-ratin, the see - tions. . .'r tc incorporated 1. eegt�ctl&l contract, is to be made at no cost. This matt,, Is referred to you for y— action. Very t, -,7y yo—, Advisory Court He— and City Hall Building C.—i.?Ic.. CPR: SH o.ror....a �.. c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL srcr r� NO.91732. -- -- d '�•, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK l COUNL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pe" C -wrE WHEREAS, At Its meeting on February 19th, 1932, the Advisory Oourt House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for accoustical treatment in the nen Court House and City Hall to Hauenstein & Burmeister, accepting Classes IS, II and III, for the contract price of $41,536.00, the coat of which accoustical treatment is covered by a cash allowance of $47,500 in the general contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commlealon. Ice wr ,a-ssor moaae_ m �r iii. o°o m ,�wi oil `i uisoe`ib w Ycaa courvcicrAE^' Nays �o�roy / May Fksa�ld / Pearce In favor / R.— Agv— / Sudhcimrr Mc. Pruid—, Bundbc FEB 83 In Adoprcd by nc- Council 19 9R Approved �r / Saint Paul e. Bureau of Municipal Research�,� m.a Achlak Club Building •ba"' """"'°• Itio Bebroory 23, 1932. db the City Council, City o£ Saint Panl, YSnn.eota. Gentlemen; At its meeting yesterday the Advisory Court House end C1 t Hell Bulldi ng Commi get on .warded the wcous t1 cal treatment c 0 - tract to Hsuensteln & Burmeister, the responsible bidderwhose bidnor proposal to the moat favorable to the City and County. The Commis- sion accepted Chess. IB, II and III. The Contract price is $41,536. $e coat of this .ro rk 1° Covered by m allowance of $47,500 Sn the gen- eral Contract. Very truly your., secretary, kdvlsory Court House turd City Hall Building Commi esion. CPH:SH S1733 d elrint. atoll." COUNCIL FILE N0. .ee81A,a�an,,, By a ur au,p rib reerrand FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. rea?nstruct-jc" ralayiug. andrepairing,where.. necessary, thesidewaiks at the following los.tions: Pr iox_ H7.efllle.,. east' beginnis... 7c feet no: th of �. L.- Anthony ..venue, thence north 72 feet, Prior-. 4.venue,. west side, beginnins 70 feet soul. of --St_ Aathony-_;. r:ua, thEnce .south 175 ieet north. of Iglehart ;lil,ieI ..—nve, ,— sid ems- beginnid _27 £eat .:,venue., . thence north 11f, feet, under Preliminary Order _ 9134 -.-.------approved December lo, 19:,1 ------- Intermediary Order ......-._-.... ..___--approved __-. _...... __------- -__-------- ---------- _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of me. provement to be made by the said City ie._xecons trust, ..-relay--:.n_-r-emir-,--»here..neces- Sary, the sidewalks at the followinngg locations: 1'rinr_Avenue, _ —St -side, -be_inniug- 7-'-feet--nor-th-of-Stn-41nihony--uusnue, thence north 78 feet Prior -.Avenue, west --side,-begino1 ng --7C. feet ..sonth..a--St,--^*^^^y-Ayauu2, thQnce south 125 feet. feet.-Itl:..of_1o1e::s.L_-m-erue__ thence north 112 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - i accordance therewith. teed with the making of said improvementFEB 23 193 Adopted by the Council ----- -- , 192 ___ _ City Clerk. Approved - - , 192 Councilman 6enneihna -_.. Mayor. C I an `le �. Councilman V-r� ,'Councilman >i�i��.��,.,,,,»r jCouncilman 'y6ermd�t Mayor Hodgemx B ndlie - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.C%— FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ;eA (D) 1—h—in—f kieconstructing# relaying :,nJ repairing, ,here nedess.ry the side -110 at the following 100atiOnSl East si.39 Prior Avenue be.inning 73 feet north of St. Anthony Avanue, thence north 78 foot. Was- side Prior Ave. beginning 70 feet south f St. Anthony Avenue, thence South IM feet. ,,I,d,,,P,d, East side Wilder Avenue begimin, :,7 fee- north of lgl,Ihert To th,, C.I, Avenues thence north III, feet. Th, C.—mi—, of Finance booby reports as follows: The —.1 ,ti,.t,d amount of the ---t for the above improvement i, E7 The estimated cost per foot (or the above improvement is - - - - - - - $-- — Th,, 1— or p-1, of land chat may be assessed benefit. (,, such improvemene, and th,, --d -1—i., of tach 1,t o, parcel ,p,,t,d by the Assessor, ... .. follows: DESCRIPTIONS IOT I,— ADDITION ASSESSED ON iU. rLy & baylz -ubAvi5' IiJO 6703 ^_f Lot 1, 7c^riem 3,fLotS 6 CID llJO 4 jD 7 Jo 1z). 7500 1n'_ 6, 9 ij do -IOU KDO 1_6.;5 it/ ic,z 1 7 1.-r ri__" -,, . .: 1 �, k -33 :7910 N. 71.:-,5 ft of S. 1,,i.'5 ft (,s 6) f D I 7070 — 7 73 f — South 55 ft of lc,,,_ 1 - M 2 7 19 i; 311Sj 8 19 'o., 11.00 6150 Minn. 18:775 71, 50 Th, Commissioner of Finance further reports that h, h,, investigated all of the aforesaid , -d hereby .b.it, the foregoing ., hie thereon . the Council, together with the report .d, t.hi, i. — ,d-- to.aid by the Commissioner of P.1bix Work, Dated 19 3� — .. .. 11. 11 Co..i..i.— of Fi cl"Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CVt FINANCE ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF AN. _C€` S - ON�P M ORF�ER •- �n LD1 - �s In the matter of - —.++na and repairing, mere nedenaary under Preliminary Order approved D— 113, 13.71 To the C...61 of the City of Sc Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am ,, of the assessment for the above improvement is— The... i ted cost per foot far the above i mprosement is - - - - - - S— -- The Io[s or parcels of Iand chat may be assessed benefits for such-prosem , and the assessed f each Iot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: 0151RIPTION LOT .roc. ADDITION LAN . Di, -,g 4 :Stirray & bay's Dub-iviL')n 1JJ0 67J3 of Lot :1, :derrism JLtL"AL g 11J� 6 a0 11",i 4.)V 7 a0 1.-J- 75]0 luta , 9 .1 10 do 00 9130 (�xc. 1-6.::5 t) 10f :. 1 _n:i 7 -rri o .r � k �JJO '-7950 N. 71-36 ft of S. 5 ft (as to hl— B. ,d,1J o£ 1 7 <"050 70 JJ South 55 ft o£ 10-.5 1 :,D3 ., 7 .:0 19.-0 9150 6 19 2 -ria, k—V., :...m-ey �0., 1.00 6150 Minn. '.61=75 71,:50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in.estigated all of the af.—.idmat ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to rhim in referene. to...iiid�by .the Commissioner of Public Norks. . Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public \V"f1KAnet —- Report to Commissioner of Finance an a .IAN 6 1932 San. 4, 1932 I93 To the Commissioner ,f Finencr of the City of St. Psol. Thr Commissioner of Puhlir Works, having had under rnnsid... n— the preliminary order of the 91224 Dec. 16, 1931 I93 , ,Isti- to Council, known u ('ounril File tv o. approved deconstructing, releying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks st the following locations: Last side PriorAv.. beginnin,; 73 feet r.ort'n s. ot. Anthony ;.v_ , thence north 73 f et. bstimated cost - Lot 4, Hurray and iay �Ulcivision of lot 31, y 1 ..9 Meer inlet's Ontlot s - - - - - - - - - - - Lot 5, Murray and Fay dubdlvision .I_ lot Meer iam's Outlots - - - - - - Lot 6, ldurrhy In Icy 8ubdivi sicn Z Lot 11, Merriam's Jutlots - - - - - - Lot 7, Murray and ray Subdivision of !-tll, Meer iomrs 0utl.ta - - - - - - - - - - - - 13.0+1 Lot d, Murray and Fay subdivision of Lot 31, _.73 ',:est side Prior , A beginnir�, 70 ft. south off at. Anthony thence south 135 feet. stimated Cost - Lots 1 anti � (except south 126.35 ft.) Block 7, Merri am's rearrangement of Merriam Perk a to Blocks 7, d, 9, 10, 16 and 30 - - - - - - - 6.53 :he north 71..15 ft. o£ the south 1:.0.05 ft. of Lots 1 and o r; i>ck 7, Merrlamts rearrangement of 11erriL Park as to clocks 7, -" 9, 1J a also block 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39. d1 The south 55 feet of lets 1 and :: Mork 7, Merriam's Rearrangement o' Merr i:am Psrk as to 51ocks 7, 6, 9, 10 ani also iilJck 30 46.35 cast side of 7111der Avs. 'oeginnin 7 feet aorth Iglehart thence north 112 feet. Y and having i nveeligatrdythe matlere and thugs ret erred to therein, hereby reports_ I. Said sett a and (or) desirable. 2_ "Che estimated r -t thereof is 3 and the total coat thereof is S and the natnrc and extent of said improvamen[ ie as follows. 3. A plan• profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said impn,vement i= asked far u`p�o/n( ti on of three or mor ownere of property, subject to aewceemeat for said improvement. / .._ Commissioner of Public Works. Si INCH FIELD. a S MCNA— ..,.�•,, �•�� February 12 1 9 3 2 Mr. John H. McDonald, oommissioner of Finance St. Paul, Minnesota near Sir: He: MS 6049 - Mattson 2017 Iglehart Avenue We have your notice addressed to Independent Holding Oompany having reference to defective sidewalks on the East side of Wilder Avenue beginning 27 feet Horth of Iglehart, thence North 112 h feet, and having reference also to Preliminary Order 71224. We are at for that company, and went to assure you that if you feel that there aredefeyou tive sidewalks there that we certainly agree w ith that the work should be done, andprefer to leave the repair in your hands rather than tc do it ourselves. May we suggest that the sooner that you do do that work, the more we shall prefer it. y,ursv Fp t my 1yt(Q^�/ �' 1734 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofrecoil:-tr=tin:.-,__el�yir,1 pa rtS uiLino, -r=e -F Ces_S.d_y, the side'.blk. at the i ll i. loc t ins: _ St. Anthony �vcnuc, north. si.:e, be._;i.nin.: :.t C1ev 1 o A-11"-, ther:ce e_.. .. 7a It., - ---- - - :�i In er venue St. Anthony r—th -Sae, 'oe;inni 7.4 �_ 1't. e„st o. live—, � " xt.end d thence -t -1,- f --t, - - - - - St -nthonynuc rtl, ��lde, be_innin_. 110 ft nest of Prior —enue, thah.ce t.15 ft under Preliminary Order 91;,4 _._ _._approved Dec. 17,_ 1931 _ Intermediary Order - -. --_ _ _...._—._.___-approved A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -. SEL�P�'tT 11Ct, LP.lzy_bIL1.: i•:l;ia]5.,--:A;lf+et. Ik`.CEs- ,>ary-,-t_e- �.t-e-eull�.-.t_the_fall�' •-loc._Li ot. �n thony ver-, north side 'oen'inni ek eg �c I :t i r -ccs eust 78 ieet" St. Anthony •+venue, rth side 3lnnir 1' feet e t of Wilc.er Avenue eutended_the ca as-t_1n--SeeLr St. Anthony.venue north side, beginning 110 feet u,st of Prior 2vcnue, _th '4_fEe-tom—_--------- — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementFEB 23 1 in� accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council G� City Clerk. Approved - a"- 192... -." Mayor. Councilman ®eife3VM .. ,•�,.yLISfiED -.7 %' j Councilman Councilman N„ncu l� Councilman budbaimer I councilman 7Kenm1 Mayor H;oUgo;ax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 '-� "tinchf Lold, !'aakdll,-Cr o-inso & 'fePally, 100 ''first '.:nt!nn¢7- — Llne �=d_'.., 1100) 1ais, ".1nne.tot n. ..entle�nen:- This Ls Lo acknov,ledi;e receipt of poem of t— 12th instant, relative to rt.conytr'�CtL g s1,1—alk on 'Viilder .!venue, find to v t',at 7 mall '_ nlenaed to p -=ont sa...9 to the i,o inc l w_..n th.'s -utter co,_.s 1p for con- .�1 lerat ian. . _ Commissioner of �'lnttnc �JT�NCHFie�o. MA ALL cC NSa S McN—I ..��•,. February 12 1 9 3 2 Mr. John H. McDonald, Oommlesioner of Finance 6t. Paul, Minnesota Dear 61r: He: M6 6049 - Matt -X.., 2017 Iglebart Avenue i 1 / we have your notice add—seed m Independent Holding Oompany having reference to defeo tive sidewalks on the East side of Wilder Avenue beginning 27 feet North of Iglehart, thence North 112 feet, and having reference also to Preliminary Order 71224. We are attorneys for that company, and went toasevre you that if you feel that there are defec- tive sidewalks there that we certainly agree with you that the work should be done, and prefer to leave the repair in vour hands rather than to do it ourselves. Ms8 we suggest that the sooner that you do do that work, the more we shall prefer it. Y urs v Fj{ t my'p/�( !1734 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER Inthe Malterof r000n-tructir ., _el_yire Baa rei;aritL.;, ➢+:;eSe Gcces,fl:'>, the s de,.olks at tY:e tolloxin lo. t.i:ms: _ 6t. nthony venue, north siae b,,,innin.; .t Cie e ni the:,ce es.;t '7; ft_ _ St. Anthony north 'iae, ft. c;.st of ;. i L,ier —nue enue - rGx tend ed tt.e ��ce s.,st 1;. feat, - -- St. :.nthony `venue north _las, be_innin_ 11U ft sedt of Fri— venue, Le.aest 1_5fi ft_, under Preliminary Order-. K-4 _..... ..__approved Dec. 17, 1531 -. Intermediary Order __... __. _ _ ._— - _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully Considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ reconstruct, rele.y snit ralaix_, _ nher e t'ec e s- ,�ory .the sL..,.iYs.-nt.-the_Fnllu,xir�-1oc:aio ot. Anthony Aver.ua, north siae, ceg nning at rev le[[dw�oue, Erece esst 78 Leet,._. -- St. Anthony ..venae, or tt siG e, ginoin 1^ feet e t of ✓JiL. er 6ven1e extended -th ace.- east-iti_Seet,. ..._-- -___ _ _ _ ...- _...._ °t. A thon L—nue north side beginning 110 feet �s st of Prior e.vcnue, _ _the_cz_� _.-1S1_fEet>-_--- _--- -- --- - - - -- — - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 102 Adopted by the Council FEB 23 192 � City Clerk. Approved _ _ - -_ , 192 Mayor. Councilman fMa�, councilman Y'c,�rce Councilman 14c4loga}i Councilman ��udbdmer Councilman 7Aetnzsl / j Mayor Blaosonx Bunelie Form B. S. A. 8.7 IJ DEPARTMENTSOFPFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (DJ v t•i-1de- w�Lks i t th, - i —Al, �u .I :_t ^e tt. }1 tort r, b,. �L St. , t..,ny 1;vc , not .i.e, b -i ic.,. 1. ft ,st i•SL.er t �vnce east 1,5 &"'t St. 11ntl,ony :+t nes, nortL 1_t, LL no:t 1Si feet, under Pali mioary Order approved � r" TO the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance bereby reports as follows: e f tht for the above mprovcmcnt is - - - $ 93.03 The to[al esu mate) amount Of assessmen 'Fhe estimaaJ cost per foot for the above improvement is -- The lova or parcels Of land that may be assessed ,—f— for and the assessed valuation Of each lot or parcel�as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: 111-0 o EscA 1101 DoT acoc. nooi[iory w[ IALUAIION t 1'�L :t.,..._ey t-- , bI_ ft) '.i ly 11J it ft of ` (('yc. 1J,1.:.� ff 3�J 5JJ (55 ft. of IC, 76 ft of L 4 _o 3lJ, y Co., -t. of 7 diT,-5i10) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in. eatigated all of the aforesaid mat, s, and hereby submiu the foregoing as his report thereon m the Council, t.,,,ht, with the repot made . him m re(erenee to s/aiid matter by the Commissioner of [.blit \\'ork, ve.m e. e. n. e -D Dtcd f.�.--}��_ _ 193 t„J� �Com�mineioncr of kTrencc. Office b4 the Commissioner of Public (;OMrOF r1NanCi Report to Commissioner of Finance `J : JAN 6 1992 Jan. 4, 193k 193 To the Commlaam— of Humes of the City of St. Paul The Commimioncr of Pubhc Wurke, having hnd undrr ronaiderxtian We preliminary order of tha Coou,d, known w G�mirll Fle No. 91234 nppr—d Dec. 17, 1931 193 ,relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repalrin;, whora necessary, the sidewalks at the following loo tions North side dt. Anthony Av >nua, beginning at Clevel^nd Avenue, thence east 78 fset. ...;sitnat�d 1o.3t - - - - - - - - - 6.. North side St. Anthony Avenue, beginnin; 1'. fact east of s.ild �r Avenue, :hence east 16 feet, estimeted post - - - - - - - - - - - d.15 North sideSt, Anthony avenue, bai,innin.J 117 fast »est Prior A unue, thence Best 164 lost. st. C.'t- Lotof i,Ll— 1, b=rri:in P,rk $ 5.77 1, ::3.81 „ �, 1 ior. 7, 6.17., 5. Said improvement is asked fur upon petition of three or more ownors o operty, eubj,,t w --t for said improvement. _ / .... ._.. Co iesioner of Public Works. CITY VjFISAiIYTy►�IMUM Uvpax+mmm{h of PuRic WJvrku MrM. J. Gibbons, i C t y C 1 e r k, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: February 18, 1932. Will you kindly attach the enclosed correspondence to the order covering sidewalk repairs on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue, and oblige, Yours ve truly, MILTON AOSEN, MR -D ommissioner of Public Works. (Enc.) ouparhmanPuf Finsave ..... ..... L'; ..... February 15, 1932. �,—i-.. i . Milton R11-7, Department I ll,b I is 'f—k., 9eur Sire Attached --t. fln,i latter from —th—rt I—fieldsidewalk 11 St. A�,t�i—y A-1,11 near '1-1-d. I this tf., .—, G�s`onor of FSnance. CATHCART &f MAXFIELD REAL ESTATE. MANAGEMENT GP PRGP V. M. -Ge �yy • al4 fTFebrueryN. T-ilfth 19 32. M. John H. Ye Doe.ld, Domsieeioner of Finance, Cowthoueei St. Paul, nneeota. Dear Sir: Replying to yaw postal cardrelative to the proposed repair. to the sidewalk on the north skis of St. Anthony Avenue beginning at Cleveland Avemra end extevd Ing ...t " feet, wa Leg to state that Sf yow department eoneldere the repetre net awry we have n objection. to them being made at the-tlmated coat of $21.32. Very trul�/�pu)je,� ACI: T L'17135 aN COUNCIL FILE NO. ^oeyn By.... ,r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... .;!. a=ycron-- the -+:est- sine --of ---- Milton otreet bet,een Portia- .venue :-nd Summi: Avenue, under Preliminary Order_ 912<2 -.--. ----approved D—ube, lo, 19;51 --- Intermediary Order .__._. _ __—_ approved __. __.. ..... _.__ _.......__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.__....crs truct.:11ey_ crossing-nu_.the.-�.e :.L..... side of Milton ?.tre t.. between_ Eortiunil 61sastis_4venue_r_....._.-_ ------- - __._..__- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 23.1in_� 1 City Clerk. FFA' 9a,:o Approved .. _. _ __ _ 192 Mayor. Councilmannecy Councilman yeerr• Councilman ldoeeu Councilman Su,lu,lmer ' Councilman WAnzekx '/1"ayer>ECpdzWA Bundli P. Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPAHl ENT OFP ANCE FIN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ��Ir ON PRELIMINARY ORDER )e)9 (o) i to the matter of , —tr,, Lit.; :11,y .Foss]t, tri, n.- t _i -fie l li i tre t 6_t"Irt Pnr Li.. i u-ucit ;'v t.I,, under Preliminary Order approved To [he Council of the City of St. Paul: Th. Commissioner of Finance hereby rcpor[s as follows: The total estimated amount of rhe assessment for the above mprovem<nt ie - - - Ef The es�ima�eJ cosr per foot for the above improvement ie - - - - - - - 8 _ The lore or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assns.d valuation of each lot or parcel as leer reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: 1-11 P 101 ror ... Aoo:t:ory t quo n,t C"'i"for alley 1:..1—k :It ,.omit 1,,k Ivo v, I,,tion U lea u in Fam; ey �CoV:try The Commissioner of Finance further reports that h, has it--igated all of the afar... id mattrand hereby submthere submits lb, foregoing ae his report thon t o the Cou. 1, together with [he report made to him in reference to s matter by [he Commissioner of Public ll ,I,, n Dated- Z._ 19 3 v - Com miee�oner of ante. Office of the Commissioner of Public WO&W FiNANCL 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 6 1932 Jan. 4, 1932 193 To the (Lmmixeio-.r ,f Flue-, of the ('itY of St. Paul - The ('omntiaaiunrr of Pubhr W -k, hecing hail under conxideretion the Prelhni-,Y onler of thu 91227 Dec. 16, 1931 1113 mleGvo to l'ouocil, known es <'ouncil hlle Nu. %PProvnl to constructing Alley crossing on the west side of Milton Street between Portland Avenue and Summit Avenue. end having atigeted the mettem and things referred ", therein, hereby reports'. 1. naidimprovemrnt ie .ees , and (or) dea1reh1, 3C) per square foot. end the lotel coat mercof ie F 2. The extimeted coat thereof is } and the. nature end extent of acid imnrovemcnt is ee folh- 3. A plan, Profile or eketeh of said improvemrnt is hereto attached and made a Part hereof. 4. asked for upon petition of th ore oM�1ore Uf�PrOPertY, i bald -pr---ti is 7111,� auhjnt to arwemmrntf[or,xa�d improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. S'1'�36 b: COUNCIL FILE NO. B5' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of recsnstr_uct"' r_layin;, Win:. aaere —Ces- a"- the siue.va!k� =t the f.11ou1nj loc:,tiors: ' ., scst ide,. be inning t lo—ti-11; :,ve,, theocenorth 1';.0. ft.., Vis_ o-ia_p - Victori�. �- , •set :,iae, be^inr.i r:� zt —ltr+ dvc., thence south 8^ ft., under Preliminary Order._. ..912-6_ _ _ _..-..approved Dec. lu, 1931 Intermediary Ord -._— .... _- approved A public hearing having_been.had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is S.ecu_:: '.- UC..,.__ s�ry, the si— alk= at the folloein_; 1oc�.tlons: V is for it., rest side, beginning st Selby Ave., thence soot..^_ Bi, ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- reed with the making of said inn rov23nt in accordance therewith. ME 6Adopted by the Council _ ..____-__..._. , 192 _ ..... City Clerk. i Approved 192 �' ^ v0 Mayor.._ Councilman 40 meet 7- 6eeneilasu yo. Councilman / r Cn ncilma /L!ncilm n Waael/ M yorrHadgnow Bu.- d11e Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' PA REPORT 0;EPA�T-1# 11.A.�. CoMf ONER OF FINANCE '.. ._S ON PREL[M.MARY ORDER In the Lt".f t, t. " , I � I I , : � , — , , . I r ". , , " :- :1, c, , ry, tk., _j.; - t 1, " 4 "', i ",: i �j, Vic I -,t,h I - f t '-, -�A th - -t'-. 4,, 't., .,d,, P111 -1—Y Order approved 1-- li, T. the Council of the ci, of S, p_j: The Commission.. of Finance hereby reports as follows: The t-1 "t—I'd --ll of lb, assnsment f., the ab—, innp--nt j, Th, —i...d —, per f.., f., the above mprovemcnt js — or pl—h of land that .,,.y b, -11—H lb—fi,, f., such improvemcn t, and the assessed -1--- of —h 1o, or parcel as last ..ported by the Assessor, as f.11.- DE—RIPTION LOT ..ocrc Abli-INASI—ED Ily .,5.J1 .-I ly, 1 hereby The Co..illi.n,, f Fm—- further reports 1h., h, ha, ml—ig—d a11 of th, aforesaid ma nd a.b,it, the foregoingas Ili, report thereon to the C-111, together with the report made t, •hinn in -fi,11— t. -id —1— by the C-nnnnmmn, of Nbli, fin' -k, D.t, Office of the Commissioner of Public WgMk& FiNAN(s Report to Commissioner of Finance '�Q a JAN 6 1932 Jan. 4, 1932 193 '1'a the �, of Fineace of the City of St. Fanl The Commissioner of Public W -k, having had under eoneidoration the preliminary order of the Council, known as couneil File No. 91226 approved 09e. 16, 1931 193 , relative Lo :reconstructing, relaying and r -,Le iring, where neca ss.,ry, ti- . id ewa lks at the following locations: lostside Victorla -t. beginnin„ at Hague Ar r.�nce north 1'0 ft. - os ti_ted most - - - - - - - - 1-78,97 .est side of Victoria It.. beg at oelby Av �., thence south 32 ft. Estimated mast - - - - - - - - 4y, y9 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made a part heraof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie. _ asked tar upon tion of threo or more re o[ property, euhjecL to ea --t for said improvement. i �i / _ Commteeioner of P.bJ Worke. x.037 COUNCIL FILE NO. By.. �'S\.�—✓�L_ _ oar °v In the Matter oY. aha 1 the grade of Deverloa'_ from Coda ru niy_to tient ottH st1'eec�to _c on -o— to red 1 n '. _ ti -c ` �—to ntt_'Tied cn3 .arc a art !.erect, ch_L.�.b 1 .;-ae bcl:.g s'aown by .: blue Llne Creon, _,lso - _rmns,. id Beverly. L44d JroM Como and hi or Boulev_.rc to a -oint on the center lne of Waverly R. 1DO ft. sou_then at of the 'nters action of rnr cectnr :J ,es of .,entworth Street ami Beverly Ford to the rro. osed red I,a —n estab'.ished�-and eonstruo tint; a curb >. •rd side.+alk - the so�tt iae of Beverly Fond £romGomo -le" B-. u'ev>-9 t.; co nn`ct .pith tho -.i 'inn, siJ-1k ^.pgrozi:ately ZD5 feet Went of C r: n., i4vcr B., - V-1-' Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that "- ---- - - - -- -- - - -_.. be and the ®me we hereh t�eeM4Lp m said --tt& be nt m be ma or R LVED FURTHER, Thatmiaeimrer of Public ke be and ie hereby instruct a d Council hereby orders sai\1hp d directed t repare plana and specfor said improvemen dtj submit same to the Coin= approval; t t upon said approval, r city officials are hereb uthorized anddirectedto pGeed w th th eking of said ineFTYljp,gccordance therewith. Adopted by the Conncfl , __._��.. __________ , 192 _... Approved _ _ _ _. , 192 Mayor. Councilma M Ito„nay n / I'li11L-J 7- ISHED��' Councilman' 'am'e Councilman Honev Councilman �r 61111111-1 Councilman XVaz= Mor K cB—dlie Fermi S. A. 8-7 under Preliminary Order 91222 .. approved Do... be, 16, 1931 Intermediary Order _... _ __ ._..__.________approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it µ /-- RESOLVED, — -RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that be sad the eeme We hereby rcrr.'. _.. .c::_:—mAed. _. �p�>md=strrr•-be-disrc"^:i...i J..: _ ------------ and a Council hereby orders sai improvement to be ma R LVED FURTHER, That t Camm as nor of Public\en and is hereby instruct d directed t rep plane and specific one for said improvembmit same tothe Coin_approval; t t uponsaidpproval, the p o e ity officials are lmizcd and directed to pteed with th eking of said imFIR" �ttccordance ther Adopted by the Council ___.________ 192 _._.. Approved - __.... , 192 i � / Mayor. Councilma ' n BLISHEDy<.rf1�,�' Councilman' 1'rnrcr Councilman leonea l/ Councilman r �u�ll,si.nrr Councilman AVnuat Mayor HsdgwwBundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 �" ST. P DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMNX SIGNER OF FINANCE ^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J'�J (D) In the matt cr of Changing the grade of Beverly Road from Como •and River Bouleeard to Wentworth Street to conform to the red line on the profile herato attached and made a part Isereof� the pros ant established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Beverly Road from Como and giver Boulevard to a point on :he center line .f Beverly, Road 100 feat southeast of the intorseetion of the center lines of Wentworth dtraet and Beverly Road to the proposed rod lino when established, and constructing a curb and sidewalk on the south side of Beverly hoed from Como andt.ivegr Boulevard to connect wish the existing side—appro.i—taly 05 feet weat o, Como Ind River Boulevard. under I'rcliminary Order approved D—u-1 r 1,;, 19 1 To the C ... cil of the City of St. Paul: The Commtsswner 4 Finance hereby reports as follows. The total estima«d amount of the assc ss m cot for the above improvement is - - - E1.41,1._7 pp 3.29—v�1th t1ei, The estimated cost pe/looi'for the above improvement is - - - - - - - 8 :®11 'fhe lou or pare cls of land that may b< assessed ben <fi is for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last ,p.,t,d by rhe Assessor, arc as follows: (..�... c—. ±. .1 ver 1.11,1.1 oI Co_.. Haas t-oT ewcx aooi.iory Lan,, uariory B1.:F. 13 � D—myar P—_ -.ma ., .,Hirai 14 6 d. 1;:10 17 6 do Ava. and 1 23 ) ..o (iso. a h ?livor 3 ) SW - rv... �nl n uv �., s.r,d+. 10 2:' it, 41 2'1, 42 2^_ do 43 22 da 1,n� � tine sF z or 45 zz as S&I 475 425 1150 5750 1200 _not-- other pro 1350 6200- nclu'.o� eth - prop 750 750 750 6250 '.125 6475 18,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has intestigated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby -m,m s the foregoing ae his report thereon t. the Council, together with the report made to rhim m reference atter by the Com mis sig n er of Public W ro sa' m Dated �.�... 193 f o—^..�\ Commissioner Finance. \ St. Paul, Minn. May..21, 1931 192 . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: As a public necessity -goading and lisprovLng Beverly Road -from Como Ri— Blvd. �xxAx'x. xfpQyp to enat used to be Columbus Sitx4X!tx5P Ave. St. Ave. St. Paul, Minn. May 22, 1951 192.. - To The Honorable, The Council, City of r,. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition y,,ur Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Asa public necessity. Sidecalk_ on Beverly Road from Como River Blvd, to what used to be.. Columbus. Aye._.. -_.. St. Ave from.. _.. St. Ave. to._. _. _ St. Ave. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION December 22, 1931 (Del") Bob. Milton Kos-, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Beverly Road from Como and River Boulevard to Wentworth Street, also grading said Beverly Road from Como and River Boulevard to a point on the enter line of Beverly Road 100 t of the center of Wentworth Streeteand Beverly Road, ealso nconstructing a curbs and sidewalk on the south side of Beverly Road from Como and River Boulevard to connect with the existing sidewalk approximately 205 fe tr w 92122, eCOMOrand River Boulevard, under Preliminary Order Estimated Cost - - - - - - $1,021.27 Cost per front foot - - - with sidewalk and curb 5.29 without " n n 1. 38 Inspection - - - - - - - 20.02 Engineering - - - - - - - 100.00 Frontage With sidewalk and curb 205 ft. Without " 253 ft. Yours rulY, WM. N. C Chief Engineer. Approve r r sinFinance.to the o Finance. N ROSEN, O.mjssioner of Public Works. 0 rOFFINAM Office of the Commissioner of Public W or Report to Commissioner of FinancejAh 4 tsaz December 30, 1931 193 To the Conunie.iumr of Finance of the City of SL Paol- The Coro,....... of Public Work., having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ea Cooneil File No. 92122 approved Dec. 16, 1931 193. , rnlative to Changing the grade of Beverly Road from Como and River Blvd. to Wentworth St., also grading said Beverly Road from Como and River Blvd. to a point on the center line of Beverly Road 100 feet south- east of the intersection of the center lines of Wentworth St. and Beverly Road, also constructing a curb and sidewalk on the south side of Beverly Road from Como and River Blvd. to connect with the existing sidewalk approximately 205 feet west of Como end River Blvd. and having inve.tigatcd Lhe matte, and things referred to therein, hereby reporle. 1. 3aiJ impruveruent i. neee..ary end (or) de.irahke 2.The estimated coat thereof ie $ 1 , 021.27 end the total coat thereof i. 3 (See estimate on attached sheet) end the nature and extent of .aid improvement is ee tollowe. 3, A plan, profile or .ketch of .aid improvement i. hereto attached and made a port hereof. 4. asked for upon petition of three or more ow 7 of property, 5. Said improvement ie / .abject to aeae.ament for said improvcmont. -- - Commiswouer of Public Works. v� COU�jCILFY3. N0. r_•� 01 ;N In the matter of_ =1dee¢11ng_and_ LakJ-U& an_ sasement_Sn_ the -land _ necessary_. _ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Beverly Road from Como and River Blvd. to a point on the center line of Beverly Road 100 ft. southeast of the intersection of the center lines of Wentworth Street and Beverly Road under Preliminary Order___ 91223____________, approved..___ De_@,-18tj1--- ].@$1_--_____, Intermediary Order________ III Dk , approved -------- aA._ 28th _1$3a --------- A ________A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t ih&4W-" - -- -- '- - - id a N grI Abd the eine ce hereby "tcancel W7. ann:.';,N cnn`e• ;� ai I • . - ,.. aid matter be d:xco::^.w7. regi aU Road from Como d River Blvd. t a point on the center line os rev —y Road 100 ft, sou east of the int rsection of t e center lines of Wentworth Street d Beverly Road, to the extent hown upon the plan of the Commissioner o Public Works a tached hereto ich plan is hereb referred to and me e a part hereof. RESOLVED FURT R, That the Cimmiss� ner of Public Work be and is hereby ' stru ed and directed to prepare pl ns and specifications fo said improvement, d the proper city officials r hereby authorized and dir to proceed with the eking of said impr v ment m accordance th s - with. Adopted by the Council__.. ----- _______1 19____ ------------ �._%._<------------------------- Approved ---- . __- ----- __-_`_______• 19____-�,/`.. GitY"k Mayor. Councilman Conroy ,v PU13L151ILD�-�7- 3 Z Councilman F�RMMT r i �l Councilman Pearce _ J 7 Councilman ]ie{aeei = r Councilman Sudheimer Mayor 11TY OF 5T. 1AU1 DEPARTME[Tj O�,FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �� J (D) J In the mat«r of = ftll r ' n. r � e 1—Flas,� ^.d t.n - f ., li-r 1ln 100 ft. S8 oe tha .. -,s nn n. a cnn_ar .-nos�of qor`- -.h .51. a.,_ _evorly .1-d, under Preliminary Order approved ...co^bet 16, 1?31 To the Co—d of rhe City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 'Phe total a:timat<d amount of the asecesmcnt for the abase i.1, rose to ens is - - - .{'--.' JO__ -_ 'ILe estimareJ cost perfoot for the above The rcels of land that may be .sussed benefits for sucb improvement, and rhe a.. -d valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Asses sot, arc a, follows: 5625 11,950 The Commissioner of Fimance further reports that he has in..a tigated all of the aforesaidma and hereby -b.-the foregoing as his repot thereon to the Council, togethere r with the port made to rhim in reference to said matter by the Commiaamner of P.bli 11' I, Da. � c Dated -1 /�/( A 3 7 19 ' r2. J eo>w-ri -7N c _ ve.A e. e. a. a -s o (/ Commieeioncr of Fin c 1aft�ri ALUATiOr+Pld r. 15 r; Doan-:— P,, -V, 1Ls;r .,Ml— 425 ((E�.n. %o ', -t i..^r ➢oiln'erd) (letc lbmand 17 o do 1150 5750 --l:.rt..us ed,; L 1 23 to - 1200• do 2 23 ert_v S'P' o. r.. 2olm. .. ..s �. L r,0 22 it, 135o,1 6200. .nc1` n. other 1 22 0 _ 22 do 750 5625 11,950 The Commissioner of Fimance further reports that he has in..a tigated all of the aforesaidma and hereby -b.-the foregoing as his repot thereon to the Council, togethere r with the port made to rhim in reference to said matter by the Commiaamner of P.bli 11' I, Da. � c Dated -1 /�/( A 3 7 19 ' r2. J eo>w-ri -7N c _ ve.A e. e. a. a -s o (/ Commieeioncr of Fin c Office. of the Commissioner of Public WWJ%F FiNANCL Report to Commissioner of Finance - _ - JAN 4 UV Dec. 30, 1931 I93 n, the Commissioner of Ninancr of the City of St. pool 'rhe Commissioner of public Works, hoeing had under ronanhIstioo the preliminary order of the. con -1, known A= Coor,d Nile No. 91223 apprised Dec. 16, 1931 193 , rrlauve w condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Beverly R. from Como and River Blvd. to a point on the center line of Beverly Road 100 feet southeast of the interpection of the center lines of Wentworth Street and Beverly Road. mad having investigated the matters and things retroed to therein, hcrchy reports: 1. Said improv rnx•nt ie necessary and (or) desirohh. z. Tne eatiaaatea runt mere,r is s �cXx and the total enst theruaf is f Xx and the naturc and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part h—f. 4. 5. Said improvement is - -asked for upon potitioo of three or more ownus of property, ,,Licit to saeeesnaenl for said improvement./'/— 4. ..... Commi user of Public Works. ty N739 COUNCIL, FILE NO. /1 - By MKMJ changing the grade oi' :red .;treat fr_W B—fo— Street tos _int 280 feet :•last of the nest 'Inc of Bedforc Street to c.ufo rm to the red line on the profile hereto att�chcd made A ;art hereof, the present established gr.,de being shoxn bf a blue line tY.creon, also grading and paving said Fred Street from Bed Mord Street to the west line of lot 15, Irvine s Ad "I tion of Outlo:s, -«S th sewer, xater and gas connections from street mains to ro;.er ty lines complete, Where not already m , also inelucing curbing s avia,; alley and driveway appro^cher, 1end reg—din, saidbred btreet.frem the west line of lot 15, Irvine's �C`Iti n of J tlo s ;.oint ..50 feet gest of toe west line of Bedford Street to sed red ane vhen established, A public hearing having can a upon t e above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the acme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 1` be =a the esme ere be..by e_% .yna :cd. aad rsas nde4 MMUMO1f'wid muter be disaana_rJ, altq the Council hereb rders said SOLVED FUThnt improvemen to be made. the Commission Public Works be and is hereb tructed and directe o prepare plans an ecificatione for said imp ment, and submit same to the 11 for approval; at upon said approve , he proper city officials are reby authorized and directed to teed withth eking of said impS�R ,p q,,, ttraccordance there - Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _--L ..._ , 192 __. Approved , 192 Councilman OffMM= C'nnmr d rt;uLlSHED 1' — 7-7= Counilm?¢ ) (/) Y Councilor n �g�• CcuncilmanxWPMFF Mayor Addg m Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 A } COU r3°'u,;a� ice'%���%'`+�� t"✓ t '�c;ry _ au�c�wn:ul:�_ under Preliminary Order 91083 _. epproced 9ecenher 2, Intermediary Order -. -.__-. _-__approved--.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that MI � ChD ®e ate hetvb) re11M, .ync..::rC_nad-resDlsde4� �--_ di -,ti--, a the Counml h b rders said improv To be Made. SOLVED a TH That the Comm" slow Public Works be and is hereb tructed and directa prepare plans an ecifications for said imp ant, and submit same to the it for approval; at upon said approve , he proper city officials are reby auth.ri—1 and the to ceed with th eking of said imQ j� accordance lherewi rCt7 n Adopted by the Council 192 _.. Anprorea , tsz ✓ — — – Mayor. Con -Hunan 4GE4 r— Cnn c rt:uL1SFD?D 2�7 �7Z � U Councilmen - �I F— . , Councilman I��-"` Councilm Councilman�iPe'flEFR - Mayor WA Bund'_ie Form B. S. A. 8-1 I ST. P DEPARFMENi OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •�,� 1 In the matter of feet -It -�t Lhr red .'.ins• - the t_11� ' �et� ..tt_: � :. .rt , rc r..e: r .;a I t ! u LJ ' lri .'LlJ _ L V1:: under Preliminary Order approved �,ee e:cb r'r 7, 1.17,1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisei,-, of Finance hereby reports .e follows: Grp le I'avu C' Jy.I° —,.—d—,.—dThe total md ...—tof the aeecse—It for the about mpro vement y f_ Y i e 'fhe esumatcd cot pef f oto, the abo« mprovcmcnt is - - - sue . Y- $ J. The lou or parole of land that may be assessed bene4u for each im provemcnt, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel .a I.., reported by the Assessor, are as follows: oescRiPnoN coT erne. 1oo1110N uvn�nT1oN dld4• 'A. 1J ft of t.. 1.1,xft of 6Irvine'.. - Jut .. ::75 750 of T. 1J ft of E. 1_S ft at' N. 11 i of 6 do ..5 41 I't. — 1,. 115 ft of 6 do 'j) 175,) S. 1) f• of N. 731 ft of i'.. 1,5 ft of 6 do 13Jj fart of 6 do 300 LJ00 tom -6; th. 110 ft. o; th, : S.E. cot❑cr or lot 6; th. � A;.;. SJ eft.; th. m. 5.50 ft., th. N. 4::.50 ft.; th.- :1.50 ft.• th. F;. I'_5 ft ti:. S. 4) ft to :t. of bP:,i❑nirg DEPARTMENTSCIFP F INANCE REPORT OF CONIMIMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) a of 6 a of lb 4— 1150 to Tone 5 z of ti ; of 6 of 15 4�5 1100 I t of S of S ! or 15 .io 4�b 2450 of lb uo 'SJ 150 :t 6:, It of L. a of ? ,f:. Of 15 do 150 SJO 7 do 5700 60000 b G.1;. TurnbuLl's Sub. "JJ b do i'JJ 650 Lot 7 n, - 5 ft Of B 'o lu,7i,JJ0 The Commusioaer of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt ,and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 1/\/or1lks. Q ro.A e. e. it (/V//7 Coru rnissio�cr of Pinanc2� NC E St. Paul, Minn... -...._ -}92__. To The Honorable, The Council, (((� City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to uuae the following improvement to be made: __..Fred _. _.. __. _.. _.... St. Ave. from...@adSnrd.. _. _.. St. Ave. to __ Burr._ _ St. Ave. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) Dec. 18, 1931. Hon Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changingthe gade of Fred Street from Bedford Street to a point 280 feet west of the west line of Bedford Street, also grading and paving said Fred Street from Bedford Street to the west line of lot 15, Irvinels Addition of Outlots, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, and regrading said Fred Street from the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots to a point 250 feet west of the west line of Bedford Street to the proposed red line when established, under Pre- liminary Order C. F. 91083, approved December 7, 1931. Length of paving - 167 ft. Paving frontage - 334 ft. grading 83 ft. Grading ° - 166 ft. Total length 250 ft. Total frontage 500 ft. Width of paving - 16.5 ft. Width of street - 16.5 ft. ° ° grading 22.0 ft. v v v 31.5 ft. ESTIMATE OF C0ST 6° Plain concrete paving - - - - - - - - - - $ 809.16 Graded portion - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 11734 Total Cost 926.50 Cost Per front foot: 6° Plain concrete paving - $2.42 per front foot Portion graded only - .70 ° v e 8° House drain connections - $12.00 each 3/42 Water connections -$25.00 ° Note. This estimate includes $110.50 for engineering and inspection. �Chefl�gg' Approv or ans ��sion to t ime inance. MILTON OSEN Commissioner of Public Worts Office of the Commissioner of Public WMaClEAwAt^, Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 21, 1931 .193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the. City of St. Paul: The Conunieaianer of Public Works, having had under considerotioo the preliminary order of the Council, known as Coursed Pile No. 91083 approved December 7, 1931 193 , relative W changing the grade of bred St. from Bedford St. to a point 2BO ft. west of the westline of Bedford St., also grading and paving said Fred St. from Bedford St. to the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Add. enOutlets .etc. d having in esWgated the mattes and thin® referred to herein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is neceaaary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attaehed)snd the total coat thereof is f. 2. The estimated coat thereof is f and the natm-, and extent of said improvement is se fellows. - -- --" -- --- ' - 3. A plan, profile u sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mnde a part hereof. 9. 5. Said Improvfo, s t is .asked for upon petition of three or more uw I of property, - subject W aseeeement fur said Improvement. ----- - - Commissioner of Public Work.. Oi740 as..1.:° COUNCIL FILE NO.. BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. Cha nging the ,rade of bred Street fr,m Bectord S;.reet W e .oint "_FO feet •Rest of the west 11neof Bedford :.treet to conform to the red :ine on the ;.—file hereto attx. c:ped -de a a;rt heo erf, L` -�.e resent �t b:.15h.ej ;re�e bet::g sioxn by a blue :iel t',creun, .iso s.aStreet I �e jl'or1 Street to t- �v est Slnc of lot 15, Irvinets--jditlon of 3itiots, .nu regrc.. Sng said Fred Street from th^ gest '_ins of lot , rvinels nc;'lti— of Jutlets, to i joint £b0 feet west of the —s_ ''1nc of Bedford Street to thj ,_o os - ed line when ,stab: ishec under Preliminary Order... 9108A approved -. D,camher 2,. 1931.._..... _ Intermediary Order .....__approved ____ _ - — _- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ine- jr—creent to be made by the said City ie... cbu rigs the grade - Fres -treet frog Bedloru o:.rrcc to ,Sint 480 feet west of the a est :ine of Bedl'ard ..treet nform to t. i,_ red on the �rof ilo Pretotta,ae t hereof, the yrscent est:.blis d -;rude 'Sricie-� ho nnby :. Lluv:e ereun, .,is. grude -1d ,red Street frim de2for.i -treet to the n.st line of lot 15. Irvinels i—! tion 1' Sctlotst a-g:,,Je ::. 1.: ,ren street fromhe t—t 11... of lot _ , Irvine n aril son 01 outlets, to a b ioiut 280 feet west pf the --t _i:.e of Beaiure _•rest to t'ne io os - ed line xhen established, :vm-ems-,mprovementommM be mase. —+--" RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed aad directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvemFEBEent in.3 ordance therewith. 319 Adopted by the Council 192 ' / City C erk. Approved -._ __ .792 .. Mayor. Councilman Councilman >RADD_n for / Councilman�h!iWA1 a„� I...n / Councilman :. Councilman AYmcmix /Mayor 1419 u Buadlis Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEj (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J In the mat to of changing the grade o? Fred St re at from Bedfe rd Street to ,p 2FC feat west of the west 11ne of Bedford Street to c rm to the r d line an t}:o o .."ile haretd attach- ed odd mode a port hereof, established made bei,, shown by oa blue line thereon, also gradin, sa red S setaf msBodf—1 Street to the west i of lot 15, irvi de 's Addition of Ovtlots, an, res racing said Fred Street from the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Ovtlots, Lora point G50 ."set west o.^ tl:e west line of Badfo-d Street to the proposed line when established, under Preliminary Order approved D—r, or 2, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports es follows. Th< total ntimatcd amjjo''u nt of the..seism.. c. tar the above improvement is The estimated cost po ftat for the above improvement ie - - _ _ _ - - S 0.70 The lou or parcels of land that may be auosed benefits for such improvement, add the assessed valoatien of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are a. follows: W. 40 ft of ::.11:.2 ft of 6 I -1...'e Ad_:':ion of Out Lots I To— of St.Pa11 If. 10 ft of E. 125 ft o_ ... 41 ft of 6 do N. 41 ft o. — 115 ft of 6 ((Exq. H.65 ft) S of S of 5 3 o : f 15 14. 65 _^t o" S o^ S of S o, 15 7 5 6 Lot 7 and E 5 ft o. 8 L— Bldg. 275 750 25 600 1750 do 350 ISx50 do 150 500 to 5700 60000 G.H. T—bull's Subdivision 30C do 300 650 00 350 1100 BJSJ o610O The Commissioner of Fieance (arch,, ,cporu that he has in ves cig a -ed all of the af... s.id mat- , and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m reference to staid matter by the Commivioner of Public Narks. / uDated' / o.--- - .1 X19 -1-z TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) Dec. 16, 1931 Bon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Fred Street from Bedford Street to a point 280 feet west of the west line of Bedford Street, also grading said Fred Street from Bedford Street to the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots, and regrading said Fred Street from the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots, to a point 250 feet nest of the west line of Bedford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91084, approved December 2, 1931. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - $348.94 Cost per front foot - - - - 0.70 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 6.84 Engineering - - - - - - - - - 75.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 500 ft. Yours truly, ' WM. N. CAR Chief Engineer. Approv f tr smission to t r of Finance MILTO ROSEIP, Commissioner of Public Works. V Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 18, 1931 193 To the Commimioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The C,000imioner of Poblw Werke, hoeing hod order r—id,—t— the preliminary order of -the Council, known m Council File No. 91084 approved December 2, 1931 193 , relative to changing the grade of Fred Street from Bedford Street to a point 280 feet west of the west line of Bedford Street, also grading said Fred Street from Bedford Street to the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots, and - regrading said Fred Street from the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots to a point .250 feet west of the. west line... of Bedford Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i. nci. _ .nd (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.70 2. The eotimated cost thereof is $ 348.94 , end the total cost thereof w f Inspection $6.84 gngineerinz $75.00 Frontage 500 ft. sod the nature .nd extent of said improvement ie ae o Iowa: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached nod made a pert b—f. 5. Said improvement ie .asked for upon petition of three or more awgere of property, .abject to —.,It for void imp--nt. Commissioner of Public Works. k% \ m�^K.oa e COUNOIL FI _____/ 1741 BY _ ..u.. or .om.mote"Sri,oa t.a-I _______________________ euement ,n Nl' MiFe FINAL. ORDER IN CONDEMNATsa �;i:5 INGS a9S°o "..< In the matter of__condemning.-and -taking_an_easemenE,�:.:. ,i.4:..1s:.9fi ee'Gessar3r__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Fred St. from ford St. to the west line of lot 15, Irvinets Addition of Outlots, also in the regrading of said Fred St, from the west line of lot 15, Irvinets Addition of Outlots to a point 250 feet west of the west line of Bedford St. under Preliminary Order__ -910B5 -------------- approved____ Dac._2,_1931___-------- IntermediaryOrder___A1551_-_-_ , approved ----- Jain _-2atb _1.932--______--_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thlt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in theland necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Fred St. from Bedford St. to the west line of lot 15, Irvinets Addition of Ontlots, also in the regrading of said Fred St. from the west line of lot 15, Irvinets Addition of Outlots to a point 250 feet west of the west line of Bedford St. and the Couqcil hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be ta$en, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of eking the said improvements, vi For slopes, cuts and fi11a in the grading of Fred St.� from Bedford St. to the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots, also in the regrading of said Fred St. from the west line of lot 15, Irvine!s Addition of Outlots to a point 250 feet west of thewest line of Bedford St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public Worke be and is hereby instructed d directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper ciqdoMicials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accorance there- with. FE8____23____1932 Adopted by the Council------ -------- - y/ City Clerk. Approved ----- _---- :_i ltd__ --- . 19---- ------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy r/ Cuu '1 Fereaeeo- P7mldSHW-'— Councilman/ o uncilman lieh�` •� Council-. Councilman Sudheimer /- Mayor D kd— Gd. W= Ful. TYvlcel Ne1el:"n 'y Fyn. sbor.lin..hw C. a Fill at Vmw.b line. F.p.... b.6. If.. ab".. 40— 1. rkiM-6A ow.d beyen/ yeperb lin.. Le.Dw4 N..191I =fIk.N..117E h G6 rsd3. a<df�d- 750IY FREO ST Be1lFord37` to 25o•lY. afBPdfOro' S/ - Jf J SUB. Of Sa ADD. TOTUR/Yv11L.4a Ju O. /RV//YES AO D, /R✓/n'F'S 07/TLOTS i Q�, OTS, OUTL YJf w it "' z3J. Fr. �"• eein. /Sh. Na. arR --------- ----- - -- - -- e� as✓. VIA G i�oa/n 7 Schoo/ F � 6 A00. OF OlJTLOTS // COLLYS .51JB.i WWii�0�- i 66' AU1 DEPARTMENT OFF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mattcrofcondecminl and taking on easement in the lend neoery for elopes, cuts sr.d ^Slla in the grnd'_nr, of orad Str•ot from ..... ford Street to thewessast line -f lot 1 , Irvine's Addition of Outlets. also in the regrading o said ti Street from 1h, w st line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots t s point 2:70 feet wast Lo. the Trost line of Bedford S.raet to the proposed red line when established, under Preliminary Order appeo-d Oeomher ?, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commi..ioner of Finance hereby report. ae follow.: The total —i,d ed amount of the a.se..ment for the above mprovement ie The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement 4 - - - - - - - 8— -- The lot. or parcels of Iand that may be a..e.sed beocfit. for .ach improvement, and the asse.sed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A..—u arc a. follow.: Bldg. W. 40 !ti of Bald,, ft of 6 II, ho', r,d itiotl of Out Iota 275 750 to Tom of ::t.Paul W. 10 ft of E. 125 ft of H. 41 ft of 6 do 26 H. 41 ft of :. 116 ft of 6 do 600 1750 ((Exp. '7.66 ft) S . or S 1 of (S $ of 16 do 350 1660 W. 66 :Y of S � of S " of S a of 15 do 160 B00 7 do 5700 80000 6 G.W. Tutnballre Subdiaiel® 300 6 do 300 650 Lot 7 and ti 5 ft of 6 do 360 1100 *o*•t. 8J50 00100 The Commmi—, of Finance further reports that he has mtestigated all of tM1e atorcaaid matt na hereby .,boeit, the foregoing a. hie report thereon to the C .... il, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of P.1,Ix Works. Dated �-19-� � Commivio rof�� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Dec. 18, 1931 193 To the Communion", of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commtmo,— of Public Works, having had under tonslderatwo the preliminary order of the Council, known m Commil File No. 91085 app,..,, Dec. 2, 1931 193 , relati,o to to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Fred Street from Bedford Street to the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlota, also in the regrading of said Fred Street from the west line of lot 15, Irvine's Addition of Outlots to a point 250 feet west of the west line of Bedford Street. _ and having invmtigel.cd the matters end things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie I——y and (or) desirahle. 2. 'rhe estimated coat thereof is S. x ,end the Wtal cost thereof m S and the nature and --t of said improvement is - follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of ssid improvement is h—w att,,h,d nod made a part hereof. 4. 11. 5. Said imrovmn pent ie asked for upon ,1660- offree /thor more oadere of property, amem eubjecL W mnnt for ..id rmprovemenl. /// GFFINR4'nS Y///'�fll/�lV/.,•1 N/^`,1 •„ ,,,-�- Commieeimer of Pubtie Works. l a W742 COUNCIL FILF. NO. By 1n the Matter of CQn'.tructing. .cement sicanaik_on. the_5authsisie-. of Copgxess_Street..from-South-i,abasha. Street to. iiyingstan.-A—. e,. except where. good and sufficient sides_alks now exist, under Preliminary Order - -..__9L::13____.pproved. �'eceaber 15, 1931. -... _.. Intermediary Order ___..___-.-... .__.approved __._.__--___.___— __.__..__—____.____- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ,n,lu.e.,..x —1� -4-x RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that bite p seise Haters, W--' p t to be made by t �WdClty e.consSr cemert...side�aik +? -the southrCVPUre85cm_&nuth.haha-Tseet. in-Livino _jyenue, . ho md the ®e ase hereby conre:IM, m.n•,:IIM. end pexin" ed W InieijijpTa—>at3-ma�:er3eZ�h.t_�F:",[_._..--- _ a the CounmI hereby o e s said improvement made. SOLVED FURTHE That the Commissioner o blit Works be and is hereb trotted and direct to prepare plans and ifications for said impro ant, and submit same to the '1 for approval; at upon said approv the proper city official. are by authorized and directed to teed with th making of said imp meat in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 2 1q?^ 192 —efrs,:lt,*. Approved.. _-'-_-_-_-.-.-, 192 Mayor. Councilman 18MMOM Ccnmy Councilmanll...Id Councilman �7oy / Councilman - Peuma llliil// Councilman r Councilman rffi=Kx Dir. Vice Pres. Sudr-iner Form B. S. A. 8-7 JiZ �/ Gccol �/ s.H< ��L F /�—�`/�d1 fLr /; sCsyr��-�' y�-�s � �w < ccs c/�>L LiGi%ll. t'ri lss _�� ,.TT-d.�lU�ls�ihyiru ,d�� w � /l�m/tts/.c� L� �� /' .T%/,yiy�-�. door � �/��-ivJj� � xa�. �r .,r.t /Ll// r�/L •/b� - iLf1 .O /� i.G G/G i' r�-� �t.t Gi✓ A<L///L rJ /3G3lL K- CLj4z /�y✓ /s�C/y%/Ni/iC yo�/ (%/� t%�C `� .�rp�%� -�Gr1�lf/d.� �fic� 1* -Z �KTO�- � gKG�/�o'/v �1�� L�G/[-'�'TrKy6�� �lLV /�i li �-riJl �� � -//I� �'j;�/ JG''TiplL OifiGGL+e% e'G %J,'_ ,.., � ._ _ , rr OF ST. .. DEPARTMENT FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMM(SS NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s ���^ _SL LR t t. Vit. you. :-- .1 ., '�11 .. In them f t - (•L�:' ut0 „moo .. Lrc.L ..i jt �.. ... i,_ , odder Preliminary Order approved F-- To the Council of the City of Se Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby «ports as follows: The total es timed amount of the esscssment for the above mprovcmcnt is - - - $ --- - - --- 'll« est'nnated cost per foot (or the above improvement is - - - 'Fhe lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and tl,c assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oEsCAP,ta o,..o. Aoo,toN Yfw`A,0 tie soctn�..211rt t),n `LI n �4 Jo e 3:/ I ,3,JJi7 The Commi,im of Finance further reports that he has mvestigated all of the af.,—ld mat s, and hcrcby sumits the foregoing as his report thereon t. the Cooncil, together with the report made to rhim in referencbore e t 'd by the Commissioner of Public \4ork . A. s-Dawted mss.......=-� a.�_.. _- 19 3a l�Y'rLri �/Y �- mi.. f Fi - - (((JJJ Commissioner of Finance. NR.O N. R.c 1l/ St. Paul, Minn.. ➢e—rkex 9 193. 31 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Lay a sidewalk on the South aide of_. c;.00greee St,fror South - Wabaehaw Street to "vingeton Ave- -- - ---------- - - ---- XKYkAM z sti (�ORM.a ni i1VE n� h_ Z ONEGa_ST 7 s c LIVING5TOIN ,v.. -Office of the Commissioner of Public WOOMIW FINANU Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 6 IM January 4, 1932 193 'ht We Commienioucr of Finance of the City of SL P-Ul Th, of PuhhrWorks, h.-,, had under mneidcration the preliminary order u( the (:�,61, k-- asC(,,,I Pile N. 91214 approved Dec. 15, 1931 193 U constructing Cement sidewalk on the south side of Congress Street from booth Wabash. Street to Livingston Avenue. and having M-6g,Wd the _t_ .,,,IWings refrrred t. tb i, h,,,I,y reports 1. Said improvement Wa.d (.,) 200 Per square foot 2, The estimated -1 Ih,,-f M S .d the total -t thereof w 3 ..d the nature _d -t of said is,P11n is as follows. - 3. A plan, profile o, skd,h of said improvement ie hereto a,tW -d made a pert hereof. 4. 5, Said i.PCt M asked f,, upon petition of throe or more owns of property, (nnmmerrittl Cub w.....o...,..... mats„ m.agr,... m.n�a.a .aa smlaa,ma Of jjaul, l9inn., February, 25, 1932. Ta the Honersb le Counc!1 Jity of Spin'. Paul. ;entlemen: At aur meeting on Tuesd,y night Ireported what had aw �E.ls� taken place before you body At the heario% n the la ing of a eidewnik on the South aide of Congress St. from So. WAbaeha Street to Livingston. The club voted to have me request YOU ,fto tusw have this matter laid over for two weeks from Friday, or until March tbeM 11th. The club will meet nn March 8th and will MAU'( Ask tie _r two members, Mr. Sullwold and Mr. Radant meet with us and see if we cannot arrive at an agreement which will avlod any contra- versity before the Bouncil. Trusting you will grant this,the wish of the club we are Very truly yours Riverview Commercial Club By GP aido.t. This is agreeable to me o.o.•. *o c... c. CITY OF ST PAUL No._ X170 F CITY CLERK C L SOLU N—GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED er DATE Februe �lE. 19.'.E__ RESOLVED That licensee for which _,.7lcetion t:as been -do by ^ersone n ee on the attachel liet be enc the sane are .ereby grnnted end the city clerk is instrvcted to Sssue ouch licenses ,,,n t':e aeym ht into the city treasury of the leouire6 fee. IEne e. wvv. �• case. x1 u+xl u. xa� xsax. Y_COurvC�MEM Nay. /�[oaxoy / May yy,Q-46- Ic fa�o� Pcac, /Roacn Againar / Sadhcimcc Mr. Pxc.id— B—dill Adopxcd by xhc Coa„a.. FEB 23 19??lg e b 23 1932 App 19. 1'i17lL13Fii?D� a 7—,�a— Febr,iery 16, 1932 C. S. Adams 4571 St. Peter St. Confectionery Alquiet & Birkland 260 Rice " F. Amundson Co.Inc. 1040 Selly Grocery Andre, Anderson 942 Payne Av. Confectionery C. M. Anderson 926 Rice Bakery O.A.Anderson 180 N. Western " O. Applebaum 1936 St. Clair Gross, M,e. E. A. Badore 933 ca - John Bassi 538 Cada, GrocerY Ben Beier 712 N. Snelling " Bilbo, Amusement Cc 408 Minnesota Confectionery Geo. A. Boggs 1785 E. Mi—eh-ha" Booeelie Bros. 31-33 W. 7th ^ T. A.Brozak 999 Hastings Grocery F. fl. But zin 804 E. 3rd " A. W. G. -on 623 Univereity Mary Carletta 750 Payne " J. H. Coakley 569 Pascal " M. E. Coen 391 Prior Confectionery Mrs. Rose Cohen 25 W. 7th Grocery Conger Bros 501 Selly Confectionery Lucy B. Conger 740 Grand " Maurice Copne 636 N. Snelling Grocery A. L Cornelius 761 Mississippi " J. Cottingham 237 Rondo " S. T, Culver Co 1219 Randolph " J. W. D..1, .k 1039 Charles " David Delonaie 927 Marion " G. A. Dickman 798 Grand Confectionery E. J. Donate 962 Burr St. Grocery Alexandria E. Fedoreal 5fi0 W. Como Av. at Neat ^ E , p, Egan 333 N. 'rolling " Ray Eichler 957 W. 7th Confectionery Mre. W. Elliott 415 University Grocery Sid Engee,ick 1200 Payne Av. " Federal Bake Shop 380 Wabash. Bakery Joe Fink 535 W.I.e,eon Grocery E. J. Fuchs 7J6 E. 7th Confectionery W. G. uoldberg 178 Concord Grocery Golden Rule 95 E. 7th Confectionery Gr'atAtlantic & Pacific Tea Co -1607-09 University Grocery Mark Greco 459 Broaftey " Lilliam & Memie Greer 1956 Sigel Ca_1 Gustafson 418 S. Cleveland ^ Henry Haler 1-116 Reaney " George Hanson Globe Bldg Confectionery Haselberger Bros 535 W. 7th St. Grocery Hermes & Juagabuer 595 N. Dale " Hickey Bros Cigar Store Peter 359 St. Peter Confectionery Flora �.ntoa 722 W. Grocery R. W. Hruby 300 Bates " M. Januario 101 W. 7th " E. C. Jerabek 61 W. Winifred Bakery Johnson Bros. 973 Pyne Grocery Johnson Caeh & Carry 500 Selby " C. Ivey 759 Capitol Hts Grocery A. N. Kadrie SU Wabasbe Grocery LKammer A.. G. %jellberg 317 Carroll" 872 Payne a " John Klein 1017 FFt Otto Kohl- 730 Thomas ° J. J, Kokesh 1210 Thome- " Korman Broa 719 Hu,T " E. Kro...r B43 Rice 774 CapitO. Ste " Pearl M. LaVine Vasil Lemonowski 1022 Earl " " L P. Lenertz 1161 Sherburne Confectionery Lennon & Dth Duna 20 W. 7 Harry & Percy Loucks 624 Wabash- Gr... F. J. Maruek. 11.12 '7. 7th Groce9y John J. Malek 179 Colborne " S. Yeyet 968 N. Dale Anna MCDermot 121 S. Western " Miller it " C. EMiller 550 Decatur Minnie Mail- 301 E. 13th " Chas. Mosebrook 892 E.7th Wm. Mosley 500 R. Gantral RoyJ. Nodenu 320 Stinson 106 E. 5th Confectione-y M. Nardi & A. Gatti Grocer Nelaon Bros. 1020 Pay.. Grocery Olof Nelson New York Tea Co.Inc 911 Pgyne 69-71 E. 7th " A M Niemann 1336 Thome. John Nightingale 818 Como " Norman & Son. 917 Rooney Mrs. B. G. Novak 741 Van Buren " Olson & Bowmen 690 Wheeler " Job. Orlando 640 E. Minnehaha " B. J. Pabst Chas. & PoriPhelps 798 Margaret 248 S.H-,line Bakery J. N. Path. 312 Nniveraity Orocery Grocery J.0.t. 1197 P 2071 St. Clair Confectionary F. W. Ramaley n 1332 Grand " Grand "Grocery Bert Rieger n666 381 Edaad R. S Robb 269 Maria J. F. Rosentbal 217 Charles 52 E. 4th Confectionary Ryan & Filben Mrs. Mary Sabin 787 Selby " ASerosa aron 961 Forest 1160 Selby Grocery R. S. Sale-beide, 1008 Arcade Grocery C. S..k Senn 263 W. Central M. s.tt.terholm W. B. e 1059 E. Maryland " " L. L. Satterholm 1002 Payne M. Severe 900 Denote " T. T. Sbaull 2095 Como 154 E. 6th Confectionery Tom Short 673 Mackubin Grocery J. Sheen Theodore Sayder 1250 Edgerton C. A. Sonne 574 Rice Confectionery Cha.. Spanabau-r 799 Fd.—d Bakery Stahl Drug Co. 1338 Grand Confectionery R. Stubs 35 W. Geranium Grocery Superior Piggly-Wiggly 370 Selby " Geo. Thinea 1013 Front Confectionery B. W. Terhorat 346 W. 6th Grocery Louis Te ata 516 Bradley " H. This. 1051 Payne " ert Trot a01 Robn 2 Bate. " Sam Bnovich 676 Rondo ^ D. L Varney 539 N. Grotto ^ Chas. Wagner 736 Oakdale " W. E. W 1 aff 1338 Randolph Bonfecticnery A. G, Walter 742 Grand Grocery Warrens Confectionery & Grocery 1518 Randolph " Sam L. Weiss 500 Aondo - " We. Williams 554 St. `bthonp Confectionery C. Wily... 879 Fremont " Women's Work Exchange Ino 378 St, Peter ^ Woods Bhocolste Shop 4 W. 5th " Eugene Yohe 681 Selby " E. C. Young 21 Th p.m. Grocery Frank Zenle 437 Michigan ^ Perry Zoukae 238 Earl Confectionery F. E. Bremer 800 E. 3rd Butcher Bary Carletta 750 Payne " Sesee Cottingham 237 Rondo ^ Sam has 115 S. Wabeeba " S. J. Culver Co, 1219 Randolph ^ E. P. Egan 335 N. Snelling ^ R. S. Foote 44 S. Snelling D. Gautman 645 Candda E. J. Gouette 92 S. Robert ^ Ise. C. Hetznecker 1338 Thome. " C. F. Hoppe 742 Edmund Vasil Lemonowski 1022 Earl ^ Martina Meat Market 1813 Selby " F. W. Ramaley 666 Grand " Bart Rieger 381 Edmund " L. Severs 900 Demote " Frank Szybayka 1110 Arced. ^ Robert Trojan 201 Bates " Chas. Wagner 736 Oakdale ^ A. G. Welter 742 Grand ^ Sem. D. Weiss 500 Rondo " Al L. Cornelius 761 Mi..issippi " Andrew Anderson 942 Payne 5 pool tables Publix N. W. Theatres I -.c 1077 Payne Motion nicturn theatre 3�aa# Geo Thiene. 1013 Front 4 Wool tables Job. Alder & Geo E Lamp 602 Wabash. Restaurant Ahlquist & Birkeland 260 Rice ^ Andrew Angelos 1569 Selby ^ Patrick Capes, 152 W. 7th " H. R. Conroy 583 Web.sba ^ M. A. Dittenhofer 404-8 Jackson ^ Federal Bake Shop 380 Wabash. ^ Carl Gustafson 416-N. Cleveland " S.baah Hafia '1561 Selby ^ R. T. Harrel 193 W. 7th " Mary Rine. 739 Pillsbury ^ Annabelle Holliday 620 Rondo ^ G. A. I— 93B W. 7th " ""Job... 830 Raymond ^ Philip Kirmser 476 Wabaehe ^ Cbea Link & Ede Meiers 854 E. 7th ^ Lewi.a Martinscci 299 E. 7th ^ Arthur J. Mlz 396 Minnesota St. ^2 Mrs. Anna Olson 490 N; Snelling ^ D. E. Wuick 175 W, 6th F. W.' 20 W. 10th " M. Robles 112 S. Robert " Mae Trout 319 Robert ^ Walker Pence Go 75 Western " F. E, Warren 438 Rondo " 0. W. u'atkdn. 1625 University ^ Harry Yee Pon 418 Wabash. ^ Y. W. C. A, 123 W. 5th " Perry Zoukas 25B Earl " Ballard Ramp Geroge 3E 3rd Gas Station 6 pumps A. B. C ... y 1159 University ^ ^ Cit les Service 011 Co 1401 University ^ ^ 3 pumps " 722 Payne n n 3 ^ n nl 509 E. 6th n n 3 n 1320 Arcade " ^ 5 ^ " 235 N. Snelling ^ ^ 2 ^ " 987 Rice 3 " 617 Como ^ n 3 v " 923 Grand n 5 ^ " 255 W. 5th ^ 5 34 S. Cleveland ^ 6 ^ 244 E. 8th ^ n 3 ^ Hugo M. Lenteritz 279 E. 3rd ^ 3 ^ Metzger Garage 691 Arcade ^ ^ 3 ^ Phillipa Petroleum Co 719 Arcade ^ ^ 4 ^ " 1855 University ^ 3 " Potthoff Bros 216 Bates ^ ^ Ralph H. Protertor 1401 White Bear ^ ^ 3 ^ The Fure 011 Co 531 E. 6th ^ ^ 3 n 1022 Payne2 3 " Shell Petroleum Co 302 E. 6th ^ 3 ^ " 830 S. Robert " ^ Sinclair 011 Cc 415 Smith ^ ^ " 394 in ^ ^ Skelly 011 Co 1200 W. 7th ^ ^ 2 cps " 35 W. 10th ^ n 3 " " " 215 S. Wabash, n n 3 " -5- Standard'811 Co 825E. 7th Gas Station 3 pumps 511 Smith A- " 3 / n 1818 Univercigy 3 " n 623 Como " 3 2102 W. Como 3 " n 21 E. Congre se " " g " 639 E. 6th " " 5 " Superior Refining Cc 111 E. 9th Teas 011 Cc 1814 University Andrew P. Vogt 361 Main " " White Eagle 011 Corp 2387 University " " e pampa Wilhelm Cc 2381 Hampden " C. S. P. S. Nall 3B1 Michigan Dance t 11 Carman American Club 444 Rice " Am Po11eh American Club 1007 Arcade St. Paul Lodge IOOF #2 156 W. 9th Prank Wolf 574 Wab.she ^ " 3800 eq ft " 574 Wabash. " 2400 eq ft R. B.pl. 136 Livingston Junk dealer Barry C"" 365 E. 7th " Phillip Greenberg Co 276 E. 9th " 7ahn W. Remick 96 University 2nd hand auto parts State Loan Cc Inc 214 Hamm Bldg Salary Loan �')1i44 o..,....o ,... c..nrt , CITY OF ST PAUL c. �,� NO > OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL UTION GENERAL FORM Miss BR Fah xlaerY 11932 -- 139SmtX"Whsreas, the St. Paul Wrecks— Company, under a contract with the Ci tpp Of St _ PE. .rl for wrecking and remov ink shack end shed from the premises known as 2150 St. Anthony Ave., located on Lot 22, Eyck 5, Cepit^l Addition, paid the City t'ne sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) which was credited to the Public Building Revolving F -id, and Whereas, _iae owner of said premise, was to be reimbursed for the takio� _ _ the sale, now therefore, be it Resolved, that the proper city officers oe and they are hereby —thorized sn.i directed to pay the siva of Five Dollars ($5.00) to Dorotny P. Smith, 2162 Ann Arbor Street, .:aid sum to be p=id ou' of t -tee Public Building Revolvint ,.:d. wl` s$a ouc>'aN�a�Hre> Ce`P'� �gya. n oa oU MEQ FEB £9 19-1 Y— Nays Ad.,d by a,, Cowed 19 �ar J _la lAgaGP/ - rnnvoR19 Ro:cam Mr. Pccsidcnc B--dlia LLL CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND Sc AND• PUBLIC BUILDINGS lydo ao tial Co --, !t1 _ ttc:--J _.tom.,.-_ '11ty Co moil. t n`hc nyi -nl.l� . n ec-_der-ne�l `hia ep;r �n� aftar the neoeoo, �e :;o iu'.'<Lona r9 b r rrl Lp t1.c :it.i CC ".::Cil t1lC CC`, t'-.Ct b:-..��:; l ..t .. t., e ..tt, e,.... :lir_ nt t0 mt 5.1-. tI qtr a 1" 1d l, t., 2t o e.Lted i_ - I:' e uUlic � I t of 'e cm r rhe f t'.e prop, rt:; ryon 'clt t o„c bat iv'.nr-s st�rl. If1 yn_ , n /l _ _ n ��rdent� sP,ct cn. 91745 91746 .fOUNCIL •RESOLUTION COUNCILLe M^� ro as SSD" ^ . aa^ ... s.' Febraary 19 19-3-2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 6 6.a 1848 OF.�_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 17� TOINCLUBIVE, PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A.—I BY THE COUNCIL FEB 23 Io�2 APPA— FF8 231932 . �•"� II I i I f CITY M'/41Il DUPLICATE TO CITY CLEAT( OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL (� � d 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N000INI. CONAOYILMEN—r LL CALL COUNCIV RESOLUTION �kDITFD CLAIMS F"Tuaty_ 19 _..._.. _ 19 3Z. MAY IN FAVOR PEAACE ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE Dgj/,n4N ON7j,H I1Y TREASURY. BUD HEIM ER I I ; TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF J1!# �f1 �-- COVERING MR. PRES, BUNDLIE CHECKS NUMBERED 1 T INCLUSIVE, AS 9 - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN A OF I E 0 HE CIT COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY Tj CO t�f' . •• - - ` q _ - CITY NPTROLLER APPROVED '. - .._.......... J_ wRron BY TOTAL DATE RETURNED N FAVOR OF CHECK -- NUMBER TA NSF EH pIBB HESEM ENT CBY BANK CHECKS � CHFC KB BROUGHT FORWARD 7 5�1 '�5 766 265 7 1789 'I'.w• Kingston Company 23 5 • 1790 St.Paul Corrugating Company 2 3 16 164 1791 Fred Jost 164 ct 1792 Dave Nahlneky 1 217 6 1798 John H. Ne Donald, C. of Fin.'I 44 1 1794 John H. MCDonald, C. of Fin. 1792 John H. RODonald, C. of Fin.', 682 5 179 KRradi0 Company 1797 Keller, Broady & Chapin, Attorneys 100 for Louis J. Bozmeyer 1798 Keller, Broady & Chapin, Attorneys 200 for Alvina Bormeyer 1799 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.', 12 555 5 1WO Joseph M. Valet 4 0 1801 J.J.Gillen, Abstract Clerk 31 1802 J.E. Glass 565 7 leo3 M.J. O'Neil 700 0 1804 Louis Iereal 1805 Dennie Laughlin 35 2 65 4 1806 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compf}y 20 7 1807 A.P. Hersohler Factory 147 7 1808 A.C. Horn Company 12 9 1809 MOFadden-Lambert Company 66 1 1810 SMnitary Food Mfg. Company 120 1811 Sharp and Dohme 1812 Mrs, Arletta Shipman 173 18 9 181j 32 5 E.J Stilwell Paper Comrany 1814 Ru;eleon & Asah 1 504 1 1815 John H. McDonald, C, of Fina, p 4_ 1816 OENeil & Preeton,Inc. 1817 Blue & WhiteCab Company it 537 3 1818 Brown and Day III 589 0 1819 Capital city 3oenio Studio 417 0 1820 Dally News Publishing Company 695 6 1821 Dispatch Pioneer Press Comp y 4 1822 General Electri0 Supply Corp 7 1 1823 Mies Lettieha Henderson 4 1824 Lamprey Products Company 1 905 0 1825 MCCla1n & Hedman Company 1826 McKesson—St.Paul Drug Company�� 56 3 1827 Minnesota Chemical Company, Ina. 118 6 • 1828 National Lead Company 18 3 1829 Niool9A Dean & Gregg 2 146 6 1930 N.T. 90hoo1 9upnly Company 1831 L.N. Sickele Company 'l 206 6 1832 F.H. Thoma. I 182 0 18833 Trl-3tate Tel. & Telg. Compapy '19� 4 Cha;. Tuchaer 15 0 1835 Miss Ruth Turnquist 1 1836 7 st End Ioe & Fuel Company 33 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 521 25 796 789 41 0 • J sMEET TOTAL- FORWARD 7 521 25 830 222 57 w CITY OF SAINT PAUL I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERI( I COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No COUNCILMEN�ROLL CALL • J sMEET TOTAL- FORWARD 7 521 25 830 222 57 w CITY OF SAINT PAUL ! DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERI( I COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No COUNCILMEN�ROLL CALL c.NROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY9 L; IRFANDR AIIDITFD CLAIMS February 20 - 32 11111E ' : I ITI T A URY H' E cog «s F i ° '� 6 UEA .00PTEo e.r Eo �_ a TOTAL v�rnerx IN FAVOR OF rcNN/Fsq h • e. e.nn DROUGHT FORWARD —7-521 rrtG I, �NEc ns 25N19( 7A9 • 1837 Albert Aeohenbrenner 55 5 1838 1839 John SSmone John H. McDonald: C. of Fina 93 3 11 752 1 16 7 1840 1841 Fd+in R. Bayer John H. McDonald: C. of Fin.'. 13 590 4 1842 John H. McDonald: C. of Fin. 5 814 1 1843 Charles Stewart Fin, 32 0 319 2 1844 John H. Mo Donald, C.of 1 304 3 1845 Peoples Electric Company 1846 Thomas Parrieb 12 0 1847 H.C. Boyeson Company I� 329 5, 1848 Victory Printing Company, 113 7 • J sMEET TOTAL- FORWARD 7 521 25 830 222 57 ,.,n. n.,,.r.r.n..a,kae,,n• a oe COU�IrC Ii.. ILE— ___ •r a e. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Maner of__rJ�na: in;-She.,;xai e_oL_1r?1¢es_ L,__fs om.uiackuhln_a,__LS2_a pzinc_Iii.1�_SeeL_,::ist_nf_L:t._::u:lt_llr.o of_K;:nt_�t.... Lv."c onfsum_LQ_4bs rnd-110r_nn..1,a_pro-'±le_�. rs:;So_s`.L¢csnl_ ani mule_n part_ h�,rcaf~_the____ prase_ — _cYa11a'wel_.r_a;ie_ke'_n,L uhgym_ uy-_¢_-_geceon�_¢lso_grad- 1n.:- sa'_r1_011 xr _Cr_oa L:nc:cu6.ia_C t...to__E-Lr. `,:_t... _____---------------------- __________--------------------------- _. ___ _. _ _. __... _..... --- ------ under Preliminary Order_________ t,1h13 pproved _____ uer� ____a___ _________________a J¢n 1� 1932 The Cof the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .1.-.p= ient, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and thea s her byY apy oeA d adopted, and the .aid improvement is hereby ordered to be *n,. ,eX k3erkr d,l� rs�qcon tlnan ued. — -Adopted by the Conn.ILFEB £.Q IDa<_______ 192__-_ .4pprov<d______.�.s9iµ _._______192_ ''I ,�R 4 ---- -------------------- Mayor. Counci�r-Conroy L151 Councilman 9�cI)dto7 M... Pl1B U, �, Councilmen Ye"., Councilmn 1 Councilmaan / Mayor btete Bur Uie Form B. S. A. 86 St. Pan1, sirm., February 25, 1932. ar Ju hn-'La¢al ng.z. 513 Luer=traet, St. Pant. Mian. wear Tour y.tition of etobee 31, 1931, to grede axed 111 in liver Stroct from Kent to :4.ekubin ntr Date M� had .enaid.,retl.,n by the City Council. . esti ate- coat of thi.poaod improvement Se x.7.116.32 and th. 9ate.1 valor of land eubJect jr..Eu se. a.ont 2nd abut tlos along the line rf the inprovement ea ahem % the last report of the 'Sty atd County t.se.ser is ",21'00. J0. Thi. f11-ara '6.74 per .' ont foot. Thin ooet in doave3 o car v. ir. tit the property cannot ba r r—d benefittod t, the ..tont of the coat if the ntr..t be gY^-oS. herafer. the "Sty Councilhas can ..led all pr.—dlr ,- on n at rested to n�tlfy ,You to t11a ".feet' t15. p.titl.. and I have b -n i Your. very truly. .,am letter S::it City All r. _ LSv�T'yt. ry � REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY O'D 7: IN THE M&TER OF CHANGING THE GRADE OF OLIVER STREET FROM MACKU- BIN STREET TO A POINT 169.14 FEET EAST OF THE EAST LINE OF KNT STREET TO CONFORM TO THE RED LINE ON THE PROFILE HERETO ATTACH- ED AND MADE A PART HEREOF, THE PRESENT ESTABLISHED GRADE BEING SHOWN BY A BLUE LINE THEREON, ALSO GRADING SAID OLIVER STREET FROM HACKUBIN STREET TO KENT STREET February 23, 1932. To the Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: I have investigated the possibility of finding property benefit- ed to defray the cost of the above improvement and respectfully report that the total estimated cost is seven thousand, one hundred sixteen dollars and thirty-eight cents ($7,116.38) and the estimated cost per front foot is six dollars and seventy-four cents ($6.74). The total value of land subject to assessment and abutting along the line of the improvement as shown by the last report of the City and County Assessor is twenty-one hundred dollars ($2100.00) The entire frontage on this improvement is below the proposed grade of the street and approximately se-enty-five per cent of it is from _`i -e. to eleven feet below, making the cost of filling and bringing this property to grade prohibitive. In view of the excessive cost, the low value of the property and the relation of the property to the street if graded, I sm of the opinion that the property cannot be found benefited to the extent of the cost and recommend that all proceedings under the pre- liminary order be discontinued and the City Clerk instructed to notify petitioners that the cost is excessive. Very truly yours, / �ommlasionsr of Finance AUL DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ��f (A) ON PRELyMINARY ORDER `, j J the grade of ul'_vor =t. fron .dac4cubIn :'-t. to a point 169.7 h'f'0.' eQst of the east llna of Kont St., to conform to the red 11 he on the pro"11� ! roto attached nil :� do a part hereof tho Itr?sent astabl ished grade De'.n� s m by a hl�te l'ne thereon, el �o .r,�htn_ saiu ullver :tet. r'roat Mack ibin 't. to hent ::t., under Preliminary Order approved Jnr:„:y 1'.', 1. .,. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The C—mioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated —?g of the aas—.— for the above aprov —t �s - - _ y�111.38 _ Tb, esnm—d cost pc afoot (or the above mprosement m - - - - - - 8 _. .74 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed -1-6- of each lot or pa—1 as lart rcportcd by the Asecs a as follows. .E.oelet— LOT A-1— AIIEV El 10 4 ,omo Pr. :, ,,i -'.tion v0 75 1:Snu o St -6 4 do 50 _- 4 co 5[, 4 d0 50 16 4 uo 50 17 4 do 50 19 4 do 5(� 19 4 do 75 DEPn —.1 -_QF Farr CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER (8) 20 4 'jomo Prosoeot Addition 75 1000 21 cn. 22 4 _0 150 1000 23 4 75 F50 24 4 do 75 900 25 4 ao 75 26 4 do 75 27 4 do 75 28 rnd 29 4 do 175 8W 1 9 do 50 9 9 do 100 _--lot 2 1 10 do 200 650 1 no. lot 9 10 do 225 1000 10 in -lot 17 10 do 200 550 18 2100 8050 The Commi„loner of Finance further report, that he ha, investigated all of the aforesaid matt-, and hereby -bmit, the foregoing a, his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i, reference to said matter by the Commi,,ioncr of Public 1''V",,k,. Com mis,ion cr of Fin 2Y— St. Paul, Minn *`' 19v/ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follo,ing / ement to be made: St. A— from_. /' St. Ave. CDT BLACK ADDITION NAME Q ^ O � �P�( V�✓"l-� r y Sf 1'c .__ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Det.) Nov. 3, 1931. Mr. Milton Rosen, Carunleel ons r. peer commissioner: Herewith attached is a petition asking for grading or filling in of Oliver Street. The people in this particular community have been dumping on this street, but were stopped iby our ll you Please see whf�joe and atug gested this petition. can be done for them? Respe�nt/folll llyy�—youjr Supt. of Sanitati—. TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) February 1, 1932 - Bon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Oliver St. from Mackubia St. to a point 169.14 feet east of the east line of Sent St., also grading said Oliver St. from Mackubin St. to gent St., under Preliminary Order C.F. 91413, approved Jansaary 131 1932. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspections Engineering Frontage ApPr v fo tr mission to _ psi e f Finance L R SEN Commissioner of Public Works. $7,116.38 6.74 139.53 250.00 1,056.24 St. Yours truly, WY. �1. CAR Chief gnBSneer. Office of the Commissioner of Public ►naNCe Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB S iii February z, 1932 198 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul_ The Commissioner of Public Work,, having had under ...sideration the preliminary order 'd the Council, known m Council File No. 91413 approved January 13, 1932 193. , relative to Changing the grade of Oliver St. from Yackubin Street to a point 169.14 feet east of the east line of Kent Street, also grading said Oliver Street from Yackubin Street to Kant Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby np.- 1. Said improvement is necessary end (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $6.74 2. The estimated coat thereof is f.. ...7,116.38 end the total coat thereof is6.24-ft. f.... Inspection $139.53 Engineering $250.00 Frontage 1,05- and the nature and extent of said imp rovmnent is ee follows. ........ _._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie..... ............asked for upon petition of th/r/ps o0rmore ow/o!e/re/J(cipp/roperty, subject to assessment for said improvement./`�y�i "• I' C reaioner of Public Works. v� iit'Ii3iSE� lJdver...3t ivJ�E�ASs ELS t/Crnt 3Y... Of. PAUL k'1414W401A ,i' ! t— bl b ... atc PJM J - 'Al p•q !Dq[ tear qy.x .rt O/ vcr S}`. ;=" _j N748 a �� a INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___cnaloLlIl1II.:_am.L tsk7.n1_'t ea -s- p� nt-_in the land ne _weary Snx_altl.f:D_S.--G1its_tU1;i Z��y,--in_tl:e ,ir rs,l lnL of u11—r `treat from �nGklll]�D_..1:S VJ:L_l: D_-1�40.t.ctr�: ------ _.. __. _____- __. _. _. ____. _-----_____ . __------- _--.----- -- under Preliminary Order___ _____--_"`mak approved Janu¢r_-r 1_iy-1932______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improve mens, and having considered said report, hereby resolres: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby a ppproved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be� tdlAc ont inunQ. Adopted by the Counci ------------------- 192____ � Approved____________O a ________ ___192___ Mayor. VUUWSHM 2� _ 32 connalman c,,,,r y % Councilman He➢dda1B `lay' ' Councilman Councilman Councilman I J/ Mayor ttetacax Bun ille Form B. S. A. 86 — OF DEPARTMENT SO OFPAUL FINANCE ro REPORT OF C P=MlqSAIONER OF FINANCE jar /.>JY ON N R�r ORDER (A) . . 1.h, matt.. of 11—r— Ur'i 'UbloC an —`—t 'n the landece9sar,or s!O� cuts so —— tin , of 11 1— 3t f,,.. , t. t, .nt —t. ,,d,, P,di.m-y 0,&I -PPI-I'd J—.7 13. 1932 T. the C ... 61 of the Cir, of St P --l: The C--i.-, of ltm— h ... by reports as f.11- 1,1,, total -j. d ,, of the --.— for above mp rove m ens is - $ '1'he —m—,d —, perf— f., the above improve ...t is - - - - S Fhc I-- ... is of 1-d that may b, assessed benefits f., such in,p .... l—, and the assessed —1-- of each lot or p .... I as 1— reported by the Assessor, — as LOT .1... A111TION , '1'. AT 1.N A 10 4 Como P—p-t Addition 60 11 4 do 76 1300 12 4 do 60 13 4 do fio 14 4 do Bo 16 4 do 60 16 4 do Bo 17 4 do so 18 4 do so 19 4 do 76 REPORT OF COMP 1j;S ONFREOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 20 4 C— P—.p-t Addition 75 1000 21 stnd 22 4 do 160 1000 23 4 do 75 660 24 4 do 76 900 26 4 do 76 26 4 do 75 27 4 do 75 29 and 29 4 do 176 800 1 9 do 60 9 9 do 100 iao.lot ' 1 10 do 200 660 iaa.lot 9 10 do 226 1000 10 ino.lot 17 10 do 200 660 18 .o..� 2100 8(,.50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports tbar he has in sestigaI'd all of the af.—.id mats , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon m the Council, together witb the report made to him to reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / µ� Dated.(." // ��m ms,ioncr o! F�nancc. i N Office of the Commissioner of Public dW6wkgANk;h Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 2 1932 February 2, 1932 193 N the Commissioner of Fi-- of the City of St. P"I The C.."Mi.i—I of NhIt, W.Ikii, hi,—ng had ender —,,W—ti- the preliminary .,d,,, of the C--il, k-— as Council Fit, no, 91414 approved Jan. 13, 1952 ,, . rd,,ti,, . condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Oliver Street from Mackubin Street to Kent Street. and ti—mg investigated the -- -d things referred to therein, herebyreports: 1. Said improvement i. --i-Y and (.,) 2. The estimated — thereof i. S X)= ,and the total cost thereof i, S ..d the ..t— and extent of said improvement i. . follows: 3. A pl.., ti -file or sketch of said improvement i, hereto t—h,d and made , parthereof. C 5. Said improvement ie ked for upon petition fjh— or more —en of property, eubjeeL w eaees —t for said i,p .... —t. Commissioner d Public W.Azi: CITU OF ST. PA'. a,"�1e od IIi6i, in� '� NO. .a„ ..,, ,.. ,... 7,-1- e-e.miCITY C m.... Sa- E C E IV F D np r�ar� i�oe �', w LUTiG6 c°om iuen :a.a- FEB CB 1882 mol .M"°� .i71AYDR'S urrl�e com MsioA "c. — --._ --__- _ •mu.� 191m'REAS, Under the provisions of 0ounoil File No. 88852, the Commissioner of Public Safety was authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Oompa* for the furnishing by said Company of tie lines and ducts, tunnel, vault and riser space for Police end Fire Alarm ezahanges; and WHEREAS, The Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company was to be paid for such service during the year 1931 the sum of $3,592,60; and WHEREAS, Under the agreement with the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company similar service for the year 1932 was to be furnisbed the City of St. Paul for the sum of $4,592.60; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with said Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company under the terms of which the City shall request said Company to furnish such service for the year 1932; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company any unpaid portion of the Bum of $3,592.60 for said services rendered during the year 1931, payable out of Code 7-8-1.4. e Yeas eouneiLMM" Nay, Adop,cd by nc, C... .ii FEB.$9_=,9 Conroy May � a 1, McD..ald In favor APProvc/ PEP � 19 / Pearce - � R.—Aga.nsr �--rnnroa _ S.dhdi c / PrIBIslip- D Mr. Prnid—, B.nd1b,3%— CITY OF ST. PAUL rile � NO.°��"�`�� [" OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ER GILGENERAL FORM RESOLVED that the proper city offioare be sad they are hereby author - Lead so enter into an agreement sitL Job= i. Mullen, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rase of $20.00 per week during each ties as he shall be totally disabled. by reason of injur- ies sustained by him While in fe employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildinges on tLe 9th day of January 1932: be it rMHZR BS90LVLD9 that in a000rdstaue with said agreessnt, the proper city officers are hereby anshorised so pay to said John Z. Wallen the sun of $120.00 out o2 the Workmen's Oompsnsation A000uns of she General Fund. In partial settleeent of his claim against the city, being for the period to and Including yebruary 20th, 1932. Ic nnt"gK cls. �u.> m- .r iso 1. io'wkd ;"eu"�� . ioiprl ; p:r wN i ±°o'o o rwa�o m°�iaaeailra'. a.°„aa. Y.a. coorvciLrvery Na/ McDonald ^I� favor P-- Ro..a Aga�nar S�dh.imer / Mr. P ... id—, Bwdb. FEB 2d 1932 Adop—d by rh, Council I9 9 CAApp7vgl 19 ✓ �roa Bepartwitt of Siam ' �j� an or er. PAUL /� / � l i �OHIR J. "N HILARY J. .LYNN E RVINO OOT4Ea February 11th, 1932. Yr. Oen. 0. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: We hand you herewith resolution for introduction in the OOmOil, covering the rental of facilities for the police and fire alarm equipment for 1932. 9e are also incorporating in this resolution authority to pay the 1931 bill. The application for service Se also handed you herewith. Kindly execute the same and forward it to the Tri-State Telephone d Telegraph Company. Yours truly, `� 1s a ant Oor -tion OOuosel. AJF-U RECEIVFD (3 750 � t3 R 5 183'[ MAYOR'S OFFICE RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter 'lest All-:, lro .,amen o... to�E-t •-�I4 Pe=t Alloy, -- - c°i�ai w. o aa�. :i dei :ndrew awl r under Preliminary Order_----- . - nQ4---------- approved----v.-.__2_%.-:9,J------------------- Intermediary Order --_----__.--11.1.45 , approved_____-" `_ 19:51 Final Order ------ -._---91-.1`-_---------- approved____- __.._ 5 1'.; 3.' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed as essment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner oI Finance, and made a part hereof, sand the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby m all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for cofirmati— HaiC'.Yerbhecai�em!¢di%iaL ffiasraxrsxx=e4��tait�taxaaxbv.�hxpar 1�-6unL.dm�b�Elwnehrx FEB E4 1332 Adopted by the Council ------------ -- ----------- ------ t City Clerk. Approved_______ ___---------- __ 19____ ,� Councilman 09OYm+1. I s �,,:,� ; Councilmen V1i!'Erguson-: et 1 Councilman fr.�ae Councilman i MCuncilman ayor Ilundlie REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS _cc ^_c1IC\T OF 137\EFIT9 ra:.tn� es seecnen +.�. tto_]F ne�o:.ae ry for In the matter of_can__er_•:_a��:_________________________ ___________________________ -t _�t Eouth 2_ Est a^�'. '.e It Al - in .c.. to 49, ir, .., ,a_d-.: m_ , ro.,F. a n'' fron 'arbor. . —t — "t A11n,� �,.♦ 2P 1,•:1 under Preliminary Order_____o0 POt_...... aPProved____________------------------- 1155approved Intermedurry Order_________° __________, ________________________________________. _____ Final Order ---------------- 21_'G5____. approved____________="_"____�_ 19:2 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - commissioner oe. St. Paul. Minn., Yob. 23rd, 1932. To the Honorable City Council. City of Saint Paul, c/o the City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - I wish to strenuously object to any assessments on lots 37 and 40,0arden Momes,for grading of alleys in lots 1S to 40, inclusive. Garden Home", from Marlon Street to Gaultier Street and from Carbon Street to gaet and seat alley. The alleys bordering these two lots are in excellent condition and any expenditure on them would be as unnecessary and endue burden. I am purchasing this property on a contract for deed basis and wre not notified of the grading order hearings. This failure on the part of the City to notify me prevented mo from registering a protect previous to this. Very truly yours, 1220 Gaultier St. Clifford C. Soranaen. . !11'75t RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matterof___cc-_.ur_.r. - lanv rete:ssr.-Som-sl�.as_ Add3end fills f A!lev . . ._ - .r..... s t.e^. :n,'. 1 1, At of a. 't., "1 -927 °Pc under Preliminary Order ---- 9r'_ Z___________ xpproved---- _------ Cv_._ 'r 1@:1____________, Intermediary Order ___ _ 91"3F --------- a pprored----------- -------- 1:'.'� Final Ordcr____________ ___°1^_cr______ approced----_______------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easement., therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having only considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assmeat roll, Identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation - set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resoh,ed further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �,e,;dxtase4tsnex�faslx�#St!tS��<sa!� fir'""", �." ""'' A4>;�t.�hscekr�aiassreus><d,ta�c �ftxsme an�ar_vzzzaxisa�.m=k.. -3Alaxco� Adapted by the Council ----- _Ffa2—'+ba2------------- 19,---- - City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman 1,14�uald / r Councilmen Councilm linr�e Councilm Councilman .... , Councilm % Mayor �,mdlia 9/560 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AN*) �c�-, c ........-ITS In the matter of_coua t»=-nu--:s:1u=-nc_euseru�ai-i�t1,e- ac�_:r.:essn:-!'or-sloues, Il of JI -c r !1oX 1, t_cn , - n ^ h2rii i n C -^n. 'c ie er -Sne•. _ , under Preliminary Order ---- 9nP�7 _____, approved -------- -______ --------------------- Intermediary ______ ___Intermediary Order -------- DIZ-a------ approved -------- L_______________._____--_ Final Order --------------- P14'dl------ approved________ 1. 2',Llz1_________________-______ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -- Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. arnr— Ry CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment in the matter of the oascssment of benefits, costs and exienses for grading north and south alley in Alden Ad�ition from Bohiand Ave. to Beechwood Ave. also grading and paving the east and west alley in Alden Addition from its intersection xith the north and south ;alley to Macalester Ave.; also gracing Macalester Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Beechwood Ave., under Preliminary Order_._.._ ap5__, Intermediary Order _—ARAP2-..._., Final Order ....B9224..___. appr-rd_..._.May-20.--___ _...-. 19. 3,1. A public hearing hoeing been hod upon the assessment for the above improvement, and ..id e—ero— having been further considered by the Council, and having bee. considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby i. all respects ratified, and the same ie hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the C ... ty of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURJfH,R RESOLVED, That the said --t be and it is hereby determined to be peysble in. _........_.._....../-. Uegosl installments. FEB 2# M Adopted by the C-61 .......... ............... —19. City Clerk. ME i 19 1111F "I "lull OFFICE OF 11. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Jahunzy 1;.7 , , 19 Z-2 in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs �,ul expenses f., lrg grading north an. south alley in Alden Alaiticn from BW--1an: AvP— to Beechwood Ave., also 4,aai- -i p,vi- the —It L., w, --,t n11,y in Alden Adstition from it, int --tion mit!: the north ana south Lley to Massloster, j,ve.; nLso —suing ma-loster Ave. from Boh-and we. to Be - hwo.. —1., I.d" P,,HI-,— Order BE605 Ord - H -1 Order_.. 89224 I May24 ul 31 T, the Cl—d J the Cit, If ScP..l Th, h -,by -p-,, to the Council the Nb—mg ve a statement If the .I,, d,t,,,., necessarily i ...... d and to b, incurred f., anal it, connection with the making of the meat, viv. Coat If ---,twn C— of $ 3.90 Cast of portal cords ff �.7E A11111,t f,"It f— $ —)j 9' Construction L 66 eering Said further repo is that --d ..d 1,,i,d the -Il amount I, ahoy ..... la -,-d t. wit: the _. Ir,, 2,-697.19. ,-1 enrh and every lot, I— or parcel If 1-d deemed b-,fit,d by the said imp—,.—t, and i, the -,, If rash lot, I,- - parcel f I.Id in accordance with the benefits -- f .... d thereon; that the said arses.mutt bIa been c—.Il,nd, and that hereto tt.,h,d, identified by the sig- nature If the said ( —a -A, , 1—t hereof, i, the said assessment I. —pl—d by h—, vml ,,bi,b is herewith submitted t, the C --d for sash : li- there— I, ..y h, ...id ... d p,,p,,, _4 17 C...mh.— If Ffi,—, C ... eil Couveil File No By CITY OF IT. 11M, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the saseasea— of benefits, cost, and exp enses for grading Alley in Block 4, Che—a Heights from Hoyt venue to Idaho Avenue, also constructing a sen�er in the alley from a point 158 feet south of Idaho Avenue to the in Idaho Avenue, Und ut°fir°to, tto��' °rs o ftas sr8ei• under Preliminary Order. .891-a2 Intermediary Order__.H3882....._., Final Order.__.8.�]151..._.. approved.....(A}agll51-3.c3....... __ _....19.31. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, aad said assessment having been Nether considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore., RESOLVED, That the said—esemevt be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered ttbe submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for eovfirmatiov. BE IT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..........,__... egnal installments. FEB 24 1932 Adopted by the Council......_._._._....._.......___...._____..__... _..._-_ _.19...... _. _.......�::��..__y_✓i_` ��-.(.._�:�:._, City Clerk. G ^/ App roved.. ... _. _...._.19May— ........ row, a. a �r Puuusw:D- VMS 17"13 91,561 CITY OF ST PAU1, OFFICE OF 11 'o" MISSIONER OF 11th PNCE Report of Completion of Assessment J.1-oarY. ;�7 , 1x_32 1, matterassessmevbenefits, costs nd exi n -es for Mx gradingAlIcy in Block 4, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt -nue t, Idaho Avenue, also cocas truct I ng a s,-, in the alley from a point 1'. feet south of Idaho Avenue o the sewer in id,lio Avenue, sld- P-Imi".- Order 69182 hr --di- Old,, 89M2 Final Order__ 90151_._.-I I ',)""'d Au4stat 1.2 To th, Cou-il of the City of St, P-1 Th, of Fin.... here 1, reports v, the C. -,fl if,, f,]I-mg as a statement of the ditu ... ..... -it, incurred ld to b, ineurrcd f,, -1 it, comce fi- lith Che making of the above —t, Coat of '.oq-"l- $ aQj. DU Cost of publishing 8......_.1 50 Cost of P.'t.1 -d' $ _7.9.7_- A,,,,,,t of -,tt -t, for-,,fm-tim, $........1. 5C ....... Construction Ers4ineering 17.76 Total-p-dit.... 662.a6 Said Cummissioner further reports that li, li- a.. essed and 1,,i,d the total amount ns ab........ta,-i' to wit: the - of $_.6.69.,..6. j -, - h amt Bary tot, part or parcel f hand &—d b ... fitol b, the said improvement, and i, the -, of enrh h,t, 1-t or pn cel of 1-d i. net ordavec with the , ... fits ron f .... d thereon, that the said ........... t has been eo!!i;,h,t,d, and that hereto O-h,d. identified by the sig -'- of the '.jd C."-j.i.l"' and -d, , pa, he -f, i, the -d.-em- as completed by him, end 1-h is herewith submitted to the C-wd f,,, such i,io, th ..... .. may b, considered p,,p,, -4- JL C--il,w- of Fi...c- e . . '.;1704 Council File It. ____.... ... _. —.1 11 By_._...._............. _. __... CITY OF IT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aeaessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Howard Greene Addition from Edgmumbe ROLd to the east line of lot 5, ratn� mr7.. under Preliminary Order__.fl8544...... _., Intermediary Order......@413.8.1 .._-, Final Ord,—Q..4.1.5at`........... . approved. .9116.'... 19...... _.. _......19.31. A public hearing having been had upon the sasesament for the above improvement, and said maeesment having been further nsid—d by the Cuuneil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED That the said -eum— be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orde d to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be sad it H hereby determined to be payable FEB 24 1932 Adopted by the ComciL....___.. _.._......_..____. ......._._—_19_....... City Clerk. 2. n_ , si Approved_ __..._ __19- f_. _ „m 91754 !)1463 CITY OF ST, VAI 1, OFFICE OF 111E Co�i��j ISSIONER OF FIN.1-ICE Report of Completion of Assessment j --ry L7 19._.82 In the matter of the na,.ssment of bt,00fitl, ets find o.jer— f., N,Ex grading Alley in H.—d 3,ee.. Additi— from hdg—bl- B-mee to the east line of lot 5, 0"1" 89500 . (),db, 0684 9JI55 ......... . AU1. 19 h incl Order.._T. the Conseil of the City of S, P-1 - Th, C.j ,f Finale. I— h, rcpnrts t,, the Conseil the f -11.1i-9 as a statcmest of It, dit,— n.ccsxarily incurrrd and to b, M, --,,d f—,.,1 in cans., 1— mh 1h, making of It, b. - man t, i,.: Cost of PW,,i,Ibmg astir,. 1 .50 c"', f P. -O --d, $ 0.`0 ln,p, G,, f, $ 4-30 A,,,',,t of .Dart costs $_ 1. 50 Construction Engineering 20.97 T,O�l .,,,ditu... .$..58.87._____.__.._. Said further reports that he has --d and ],,i,d the -11 amount 11 lb", t_t: the _ If $.i _$ ? Q.7 ,.I -,b nail ...0 1.1, p- ., p.—I of 1..d d,,,,,,d benefited by the said improremest, and in the LI1, of . ,11 lot, J—t or 1—,d of I.Id i. accord ..... with the benefit, —I fi —d thereon: that the nid hn,, been and that hereto t, tt.,h,d, identified by the sig 1—', of the -id Commissioner, and -d, , 1—t hereof, is the said nsseaement es c—p1,t,d by hi,, nod tchicli is herewith t, the C ... (,I f- such .-w. thereon ns matey b/.—coy Md ... d p,,p,, 1� .7 v Commie r o[ Fi..fi,,_ Couvcil File Vo By_. __........._....__.____..... CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aasessoa— of benefits, costs am ex eases for cons tructina sewer on Walker avenue from a point 10i feet south of Taylor Avenue to the terminus f existing se-,er approximately 94 feet north of the center o£ He itt Avenueas , of �a me oa 4."rin: under Preliminary Order.__$9654___,., Intermediary Order......9.Q.Q92...__., Final Order...flC13fl4_...._.. approved_.S.eA.t....11................19..31. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said ase -1 having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOL\'ED, ut the said avecesment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ord d to be submitted to the District Covrt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. HE IT F RTHER RFSOLV ED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..___....__. _.._.__equal installments. FEB 24 1932 Adoptedby the Council__......_._____..........._—_.........._.__...........—_19......... i J- City Clerk. Approved. _.__ ....____ 19.... Mayor. J. !)1,162 CITY )F ST PAUL OFFICE OF11 [F 0-11)11SSJONER OF FINAICE Report of Completion of Assessment 4..uany L7 , 19.LE Iv the mnttcr o[ the nasessmmrt of benefit.;, —t: and expenses f., Xk. cons z --el on W.1ker A—nue from a joint 10J feet -othf.ft TaY nue to the terminus of _i �tin� -- ppr—i— t —y 94 es nor t�' of ti, c—ter of Hsxitt ;-venue, „'Au OM'r 89654 Final 0'&r9J364 T, the Council Nh, CA, f S, P -I Th, C...v,si-- of Fi—,— hem I .. ...... ... In the Canoed the following ase -t'-- of the dil.— nece.ssrily i --d and to b, w ....... I for —1 in comectiov with the making of the b-, —p—, "'J'). 00 C- f '-n-'ti— $ Cart ofp,bli,hmg —ti- $ 0 Coat ofP-sI $ I ...... n- f—, $ 6.00 A.—tf ..'ot $ I - Q -5.. Construction Lngineering 8-36 T.t,,l -j—dinn,, $ 390.67, Said Commissioner RnIh- the -.1 ...— .. above .... w4: the sum of $ " 9J - a 7up.nrnrh-,,,y lot, port or parcel f lend &—d 1—,fl-1 1,, the said improttmen t, and i. the rose ,f -I, I- port or p.— I of j—,I i. s .... d-,, with the b, -fit. f,,,,,l there.. that the -id ba, been e,,r,1-d, and th.t hereto -,,hed, identified by the -t-, of the 'n6d and made ,port hereof, , the -id ---t ee c,.pI,V,d by him, ..d ,,Lich is h—,60, snbenittad t, the Council f- such -ti— thenm, as may/be comidmd proper. Connell File No. ...... ...__..... _. CITY OF IT, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the naseeement of b-1Its, costs a2. expenses for paving Conray tet. from laria Ave. to M—ds bou:evard, with serer, water and gas co nections Srnm street mains to pro�.erty Lincsre not 'y made, also Snc'uding curbitg �n ;,vin ,.11,y anti drivenay approaches, ::here necessary, m�tr:. 1a1 -•nal l�be 7n reiai orced concrete - 32 Soot roauway, under Preliminary Order .._.._�A6S.6_-, Intermediary Orde,. 85145.__, Final Order ....._85430__ . A public hearing baying been had upon the assessment for the above improve meat, and said asseasment having been farther considered by the Conned, and having been coveid,ed finally e.ti factory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ,=^cssmeat be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the flame I. hereby orc���t...e,eed�to be e,b.itt,d to the District Covet of the CountY of Ramsey for covtirmatiov. BE IT yu/ tER—0LVED, That the said ameesmevt be and it ie hereby determined to be payable in..___......___... — eval ivatallmeats. Adopted by the Council____....tf$..fd.4..�..._.__._. _......___.._ 19.. _. _.. rr y, j City Clcrk. �6L Approved. __........ .....19...... /rUBL1S11F.D,i�'�"� J j�l CITY Oh' ST, PAIL OFh9('E OF'IIIE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment J anvilxy _.. 7._.. 19...:G In the m ite, of the assessment of benefits, costs and exlenses for Xh Laving Conlay St. from Marin Ave. to Mounds Boulevard, with s-er, nate= and gas conneeti as from street mains to Frolrerty 'ines coml-t, , xhere not already made, also inc_uding curbing °--9 paving allry an:; driveay a,Froaches, •vh,re necessary, material shall be 7° reinforced concrete - 32 foot roadway, under Yalindnory Order _ _ ....84696. IDtermnlinn- Order ...._....851:.5 I'Lml Order_ 65450...... el," -d _. May_. G7. u3l.) T. the Council of the ("it) of tit. Paul The Commi.sioner of Fin-, here by n=pnrts to the Convcil the foll.wmg es a statement of the ,-% ditnres nec°.snrily incurred and to he incurred for on.l in connection wllh the making of the eb.t-, ioiprore- meat, -u: Cost o[ constrnnbn $.2,371_ll9___. Etk;isreri n:. item 117. Z2 Cost of ptrhl fishing notice _ $...... _.:. S5____ C.et .f poetel cards $ _ 0.57 insvicetion fees _ $__._51. 7;..' Dri. .,ays" .1nmw t of roam costs for cr nhn tv'n $ .� .......... Cur Ding 'Sp4��. 03 i,es Tso1C?re`I�s lt`fSYs (Code '31'E'iJ $T 867.5........ Said comm sPkr6neYsf�iVAPPAPP� 0- he has s.. essed and 1e wd the'Yne eboce .....tamed. t. wit: the sn of $ 3.,.501_76 upon tach nml e. ry lot, port .r pared of Imd deemed benefited IF, the said improt� mcnt, and in the — 4 reek loi, part or,.reel of lend in ...—tenec -11, the benefits -,u farted Wereori. that the Leen com Plated, eml that herr 1. ettnehed, identified by the sig nature of the said t'ommi..simmr, and mode n part hereof, is the said ns�essment ns a mPlete•1 by him. n�.i which is her ,ith submitted to the C.' e,d for -,Ii -ti— thercoo nr �- I.e •�u.il� r� �l o T57 o•ia....o �i.. •.... CITY OF ST. PAUL r�cE c NO.— — OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R[E� WHEREAS, The Corporation Counsel, by report dated February 9th, 1932, covering the question -of utility regulation and control in the City of Saint Paul, recommended that the Council study and approve certain proposed amendments to the Charter of said City; and WHEREAS, The Corporation Counsel by the same report advised that he was prepared to draft, at the request of the Council, or any member thereof, the proposed amendments to the Charter; therefore,` be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and be 18 hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the Council the amendments to the Charter proposed by his report. COUNCiLMFN Y_ Nays / Mry / M�Doocld to (a.o� Pca Rosch Aeain � $udhc�n.v /M,. Prnidenl Bondlir. FEB 241932 19 Adopad by ,hc Conn - [T� 2/ ApP�F'iA /- 19 I(��)f3 u.io a «aF CITY OF ST. PAU!vo._ L% re ni t� �^ '^ OFFICE OF CITY C'% WHEREAS, John Ravenscroft, Chief Timekeeper of the D-partmsnt o- Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least sixty days (60) from and after the 24th day of February, 1932, and 'Yhereas, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommr.nded that John Ravenscroft be and--1'la—is ixa-rehy granted a sixty day leave of absence for disability, with pay, from and after the 24th day of February, 1932, said leave using in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, t-refore be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereoy authorized to grant a leave of absence for John Rsvenscroft for sixty (60) days from and after February 24, 1932, with full Pay. Co„IC,LMEN FEB $ YY N'Y' 4 u'� Ad.,d by 6 C1 i M2 19 McDonald r favor APP - Sudh�imcr / R0LISHED;7-3732 Mr. Prc de B^^dhc NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL rccNe AFF F CITY CLERK I s'spfo°n / SOL ON—GENERAL FORM _ _ — —.--_— Lrr� su HaQise et —_—f �'ebraery 24� 1332.__ C0MlI ja gWtXNV 7Tha rase. The City Clerk Dae duly certified to Che City Cuuacil s re qulrad by the City Charter, a Lroe and eorrecL 11eL of all persons e whoee mmee Dave Deev presented and who have accepted as cavdtdatee far no ad Soa Yor offic2 atotDL�C Yorei be it nary Election to be held To.. day, Yerth 15th. 193 n e =SOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed tv eau a said certif led list oY candidates for nomimtion and Lhe afficese to be 1111 ed to Da nnDliehad twice Sn Lhe ofYSelel paper of said City, together with a proclamation call lag the City Primary Election for Lhe nomination of euch officers tc theheld Tnaeday, March 15th, 1932• Yess eounei�re en N'/� MdY / MCDoruld In fa.or Pc.rcc Rosen Againsr / Sudheimer Mr. Presid— Bundlic SEB 2 41932 Ad°pled hr the C-111 yebranry 24,..1932 Appcov ,V j G��� Aroa Petition �] "lb0 - Council File No. 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prupoem the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Grading sl3ewalk_ area and boulevardr_.end constructing ____.....__-_... concrete sidewalk on the west side of Dale Street California Street to Iowa Street. Dated this 20th day of _February,._, 193 .f lg _.. �'� xer,mwutr orrn®a. v.. snas or m. PRELIMINARYORDER.^.d •ne ^ •tea e WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the fallowing improvement, vis.: ... w Grading sidewalk area and boulevard,__and, constructing __....._._._ concrete sidewalk._on_ the west side of _Dale Street from ,..,,____....... California Street to Iowa Street. _._._.__..... ______.._-.............. _........___........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..____._.._...._._......____......._._............__..........__.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necmaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To meaatigate the nature, ...at and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cconommi... r of Finan on. Adopted by the Council..... __.FEB 24 �._._..___.... Yue N— C — C...rdmegr6erraer�- r �+fj IaO¢ MwvApproved_...._._..._.......____....____..........�........ ...... �McDoxwLa aw,en 6 �"' Ma P...— Mayor. / l'�,.L1sIIED d-27-32 ("1761 Council File No.... , '-- - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ,nd PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby pr,poeee, the M&ki-9 Of the following p,blic improvement by the City of St. P.13, vie.: Condemning and taking ..ap, easement in the land ne—sa377._ for slo_pes, -'Ats aAd X11-10 Lq the _Q_q.natrqqtloA of -A- sid8w-lk on" th"ept side of Dale Street fromC4jjfqrjgl5tr.et to Iowa Street. Doted this.. 20th day of February, --1932 19 A PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written p,,p,,.l for the making of the following impl—oolot, vu.: Condemningand taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, onts —d fills ip theconstructionof7 asidewaI4 on the west side ofDale Street; fr= CAUrOrtliK.Stroet to Iowa Street., h.,i.g been p—tod to the Council Of the Cit, of St. Pool therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C.—iio..r of Public Work. be ..d ie hereby ordered ..d directed: 1. To investigate the --ity for, or desirability of, the making of said impr,,eme,t. 2. To in oetig.to the ..t—, extent ..d intimated e..t of mid i.,O-o—t, ..d the tow cost the—f. 3. To fumieh a plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement i. asked for .v the petition of three Or more —0. 6. To report -Pe- -11 Of the f.,og.j.g matte. . the Commissioner of Fi-- K8 2� 1932 Adopted by the C.oreil- Y.- Nei. Cou"ilreatu @e+�or V. M- MOD...LD Approved_..TEE .............. . P.A o. Rose St. -- M.. P—,— M.y- -0 z2- �7- 2 - CEJ G.40 Petition 1762 Council File No....__.��. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propeem the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: _ Grading Alleys in Block -2,_ Peck'.s_ Addition -and._&lock 2. -.---...-.-__ ----�--Oxford Addition from Oxford Street to the North and South Allay -and.- from --Charles Street-to-Fdaiund-Street--Also------- constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on --� the westerly -B--Ye'6t---df- lot -- II Block _21 "Oxford �Additlo from the Alley to the sewer In .Q.harlEs Bat _ ..... Dated thi. 24th . day of _.. February,_ 1932 imen PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Grading Alle s in Block 2 Pack's . -Addition and Block 2 .. -""-Oxford 'Addit-on from Osfobd Street to the North and South .._._..All ey_and...from..Gharlas-S.txsst-to-Edm..d- Street. ----AI.- constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on --..... the -westerly -e -feet of-lot-11;--Black2, Oxford edditibtl --- --""-- from the Alley to the sewern_,ChaFl.@.g.. Street......._._ ........... .__ _......____... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ......... _.........__ ... ._._......__..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimioner of Pubfic Work, be nod ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inve,tigate the nece„ity for, or dmirsbdity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, e.—t sod estimated coat of said improvement, end the total coat thereof. 3. Ta furnish a plan, profile or sketeh of acid improvement. 4. To state whether or .—id improvement ie ,eked far on the petition of three cr more owner, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing .,ttem to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Councilnfi,?4 1932_._......__ - Yue Neta Council... tbmtor- M,r Approved. . .... ...... __ ._ MaDoxer,n / Paeac, �- Roecrr M. Pasemrarr Mayor. r� c ♦ u na awn ,� � 1.,, i;..l 1 ^ 11I]G.- �' 1763 Cnnnei, He Nn.___...� . . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby propose. the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Condemning and taking..an.._eas sment l.n._tb.9._.land_nePffV$ary for_........... siopes, cuts... and fil.ls,...ln._tbe_grading-af_Ali.eYs._im..Black...2.,.._._....... Peck's Addition and Block 2, Oxford Addition from .Oxford treet to the North and youth Alley end from Charles Street to dmund Street. Dated this 24th -_day of Feb ary, 1g�2 ._ to ..._. - .o o.ee.a wneeeae. the (anowln¢ Imvro�emanR "•kin¢ en euemevt PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposed for the making of the following improvereent, via.: CondemninS_.and takingdn e4s@m2n1 ilk theland.. nese .dry'. tor..._.___... cute and -fills,. ia. Lhe_grading._ of, ..Alleys_in..Block..2,......... __ Peck's Addition end.Block 2, Oxford Addition from._Oxi'prd_. S.trget..._ to the north and South Alley and from Charles Street to Edmund having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. _ _........._ --.......__..._.. therefore, be it ` RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nteemity for, or dmirebility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the vat.,e, extent and intimated coat of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement h mked for on the petition of three or more —en, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters W the Comreismioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counml __._... FEB i., -..-...... Yens N— C—eilreae'C'tnPtmT M- Approved............_....,.. -..._e�'.. ... ___..... _._.._ / McDOae>.n /4J P.A.- If— So eeaceRose Me. PaemOvrr M rwm c, ie nH roan � l'Vull'.+'•1r.0 ,1764 Cou,cil File No___.._ _.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,dereig,,d hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: .__._..._....... Co"ndemniog.. and. taking_an...easement-for_..the...pumpos.e...of .conatruct- ing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across, the westerly- g_ft. -of-lot -llj-"Block..£ -Oxford...Addit"ion.i...from..... .....-. "Charles Street to the Alley in the rear of said lot al _ ddridemnlag and taking -a temporary easement for cons ru ----..purposes._on..a atrip_5..£t in width on .. t aide.. of ca.._... easement and on the easterly 5 Pt of t 0 said ock 2. Dated this a..... ay of a .. 24th February, 1932 _ o PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Condemning and_takipg_an"_easement__for._the.""pgrpose._of_copsFgetr and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across, the ._.___._._._weatarly...S..ft_ ofBlack --2,-"Oxford- Addition, _from .--- .._...__... Charles Street to the Alley in the rear of said lot, also __...._.......condemning "a nd..Ialing..a-.tamptirary p _......_..._...urposss._on._s._striE.5_ft,...in_ rlldth_.on_.iha...east._sids_of abnYe.._--- easement and on the easterly 5 ft. of lot 10 in said Block 2. having bee, presented to the Council of the City of St. Peul__..__._____._._._.........._.__._.........__._.........__........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i,veatig,w the necemity for, or dmirability of, the rookies of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end intimated cost of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish , plan, profile or ek,teh of said improvement. 4. To state whether or out mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the fomgai,gg reattere to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cou,eil ......_._..___�..&.�� Yt Nore Co..eilma, 6`asaaar Mor Approved .................. .::�:..r�pr. _......._._ Psoace / Rasta 11 Ma. Pammaxr Mayor. r..ca 13ou awn L'I LWttu� !A, 1765 . COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ w'm By---------------------------------------------- Ail INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Mat- f__p_lentinv-and--pr_otne-ting-sLada-lxBe-on-hoth-aides-nf ---- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- -- --------------------------------- .,d,, P,,Iimi,,,y CH --------------- qOa2B ---------------- pp—ed ------ ---------- The Council of the City of Pa.] having —wed the report of the C..,aissi.— of Finance upon the .lao—hap— ..d baying considered said hereby —Wes: 1. That the said ,,aft and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whiel, the Council --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- --- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, .,d that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That . p.b1b, hearing be had .n said improvement on the________ 22nd- ----- day of MCjj,--jBZ2 ------------ 392. -, at the ho- of 10 o ',I,,k A. M., to the Council Ch,mb,,, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of d of said meeting to the Fen— a, , them ao-, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place ht.,i.g. the ,m,e a the impro—ew ,dAWt,l cost thereof estimated. Adopted by the C .... il ---- R-1- 11 --------- w; sit Approved________________ _______ M - --- ------- -------------- -------City Ckrk. ---- 1Z C—eiloa.. cl..ey -771--ld C .. eil.— F.,,rKq,! ..�i;., Councilman McDoiO& Councilman'_. ..eilm.. Co. Cozei Ms. etso M, Xxt> Bundlie F— B. S. A. 86 !" 1766 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matter of--Plnntlng,-and.-PrntACt-in43---IMdZ-tM�on-hntl,.--13es-of ---- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- - On ... ..... . -------------------------------------------------------------------- Z" ....... th. _= - .1 — A ____ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - --------- mnl, Ptli.i-U Or& --------- DQOaQ -------------------- PPI—d ------ ------ The C .... if of the City of P—1 having ,e,i,ed the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,b..e improvement, and having considered and report, hereby resolves: I That the said report a nd the ,we i, hereby approved and adopted, and he said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp—em— which the C .... if recommends —LadH-tmeas-zn-hQth _.ajjQ& t _qL.._Albert_ _ _of__ _L to with no alternative, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-240.00 ------- Re,,I,,d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ and ------- day of M—chl- I -3a -------- at the hmn, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Gntmeil Chamber of the C.— House and City Hall Building in theCityOf St. Pant That the Commissioner of Finance &, notice of said meeting to the Fe.— and . T., provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of beating, the nature . the improvement'%ml 'T= cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... ij4;,-B-t4-.Vr -------- 192____ App 92---- App ....d -------- t ----------- 192--- City C -k- ------ ..................... -------- Mayor. C,,,,: M: lmaen C .. ei:m.. C .. ei'.- VANM Mayor Nka"B—lli- Form B. S. A. 8.6 f;i'767 �oP�s COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- .ve .°o.rt .e.v By .vvr...e .m n. y______________________________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter of___gl�t=n,;-ani_p.>•oAeGtin�_sklade_JSaes_DA_hoitLS7.dea_➢.i___ __PjeteF_Pl ec ea_from_I�ar s*all_nyenue_to_ _yton_wenus--___________________ ___ ______________________-____________________________--________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------------- 9022.2_____________ -pp .... d __-QQt_._ The Council of the City of Pauf having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.p1an.L_aIId_gnoieAt __slaed�_tzoes__;:n_bath_sides__eL_3xeSer__P1ace_Sr_om_G;a; �_1b__6Y_:ilut'__t o ____ __Iieytf)A_Araolla______________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1836 60 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 22nd ------- day of __ldALCYle_�1Z------- .�t-Wl6___, at the haur of 10 o'clock A. hf., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so and in the m neer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the [improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the ------ 192____ Approved----------- - -- -------192___ city Clerk. � Mayor. e�e„e;lm .n PIBLISIn;D .�—a�—az Couvcilman'Feig `i: i,ouam ALw Couvcilmav,A,D`opild rr-voa Coavdlman,7rsswgs`p',j p•.,,eu — CoundlmanrSt2dhUmSr : �,�ii ��•im•-r Councilman vAmmz Mayorjnffnx Bundl Se Form B. S. A. fib �l 1769 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of--- ----------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- -------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________ 90365 ________________approved ------ S -P P t QU Lb QX - 5 . - -10 1 ---- be Council of the City of P-1 having received the report f the Commissioner of Finance Pon the above improvement, and having considered ...d report, hereby re -l-.: 1. That the said report ..d the ..me is hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said improvement i, hereby cod red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C-61 recommends __________________l _----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ,vith no .1—native, and lb., the estimated cost thereof is ------ R—Ned Further, That , public hearing i,g be had on said imp .... mem on the-- 22nd_________ day of March 1932--------- at the ho- of 10 o'clock A. M., in the C .... if Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in !be City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Firomen give notice If said meeting to the F ...... and m the M., provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the rmtore o the improvement and the total —t thereof ., estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- XLELK-=-, 192 ---- Approved -------- ---- 192--- City Clerk. ------------------- M.Y.,-- Councilman laPlat Pl. uouwa C ... eilroom -- Pr Councilman H.— Council— S.dh..,, Councilman md M.y.,httj= B—Ilie Form B. S. A. 8.6 : J '769 .un p.. sone ..... ,aetaa,aa COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ `e:: ��"� �°uom'ir`• . v vrurrm.a B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... than-�ln�-the_gr-ade_Af_31ma11Q11_ !y -Q r_ r-9"Pascal_-hv_e___to Hamllne__tuce�_So_ronfnrm al ttQ_;.ha_r3ii i:r.C. 4n_ the__pno__11e_lere to_ ettac_S,ed s go1nL_150Peit_hesnf_ PssEal_�ce�eliv_A_RGdntgL�51C5M @astl of�Heaml ipem Ave., includin5 re sur Pacinc existing pavement•herWenot yelreaand dmade cotrrb- nertions_SrSva �tS9at_na:As_,,R_&rAperty_ l ines_a____ e________________ya__ Sn, and pav Sni; -.ir iveway and alley approaches, reconstruction of sldecralk io--nexi_crada_nndrave_athar_xalley cessazY__ta_sa1S1.1mPt G�er+en-t+- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------- _____________._.______________________ Dec. 10, 1931 91178 approve ----------------- under Preliminary Order---------------------------------- d ----"-----"----" The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having—idered sad report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. h�� yt� dd o 2. Th t [he natur f t t which C� '1 red mm 4 t'1'1 ' l lne Mar shah2From as�a%ve. o em ine e. i$s �6fi. �- oA_the_FF o'ile _here to_attachad_anri made _._part her_e_of, also grade ar.d pave :,ve. from a point 160 ft. -{to -s -po_rit 295 said ;,Issi>all west of ilasca. SL_aeatY4P__liflm llRC_ yyS.aa_�� GJ.�tagg��IIFS re_sttrfacin exi sting nflv errant w.r water ani. ,..as connec Ions i`rom-R OE :3a ns t2f"pr Db 9lTty 1pffl2r 'a".' -f -�s�63y_made,curbing_and _pay ink dr lvewav end alley approaches, ra--7-- uc- tlon of side �al.c to new grade en -t illy o£iver Work necess.ry io s::ia-'prove- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is p'' It Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 22nd -------- day of fix__• at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C— H.— and City Hall Building in i he City of SC Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of Charter, stating the time and place of said meeting to the perso a d the nner provided by the improypfgvj thereof as estimated. hearing, the nature of the a�ndet�hc total cost Adopted by the Council ----------------------- t� �r.S'_�_ S---- l__ �_____ 192----' `� City Clerk. Aa______ _____ _.. -_t. Pprovc _________ _______ ayor. j d PUBLISHED Councilan ylrl>"valA m rguso.. .lav J Councilman OW= I'evrce /V. Coundman midh l Slob Couvcilmav t� Suabeimer Councilman ffibxgd I Mayor Ileo- Bundl ie Form B. S. A." 91770 °e � �.wea .ee'irelir! �je�0 Nawut'.or ea t ,uW e�M •evn 0 '�anLml a O; ar al �� lmunn �1 :, vnnn atm ❑b d et +lune ILn +nDurt ee A. ,. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ae By------------------------------ �. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- sondemnix4 _and_ taking_Ba_easement_ Silr_5lal) s _QUtS._and f1115_1A-Sr_aaing_and._Pay.i.D6-9I-MBr'_Sh1;11_Ayenue_fSom_ 6-point__lbO- f9et--_ xasL_oE_Pascal_Av�nue_So_diem]lne_nyenue____________________________________________ ________ under Preliminary Order_____________814.51-------------- approved _aLanuazi _1 br--i+9-�2--------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, proveent, and having considered said report, hereby resolve.: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__cnndemn_and_Leke_ an -Easement-Sor__slnpes,_r.n.ts_and_Sills_Sn_�adin&-��_P&yui�„-4T _M.�r�.h&1� _Avrnue_tram.a�aint_16f1_faeL_rrast_saf_3aacal__6v_enx9__Lo _Hemline_ Kyenue� 1_d.n__sacnndance__t71t11_the_k7119_�r_10.t_h8r_eto_ attached_md made_ a_part_ hereof, _Sita_hatched-SArti9n9__shQYi:AS_tUE _outs _and__the_ shaded_�ortions_ showing the with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $25 QSL______ L Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ---------- day of - tggneh,_ 1832 --_--__ ,--W- --, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou.e and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so d the provided by the Charter, Hating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the rimpryr�gppi;pnd.tYe total cost thereof a. estimated. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ _ i �p C Approved----------- iMI.410--___192___--------------------City k. htayar. YUBLLSIBvD 7-4Z Councilman--Ferg�t , ?fr(tn,•+M l� / C, .0 _ 'lay eounetlman renrr, Coundlma r`o'an Sudboi.- Councilman Vft.T Mayor15b,7 . Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 x(1771 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING NDENAF- T7 FREON 1A'D Ffl'nG TLi1[ Of :IL.'.^:'� C : "C[ AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter ot_soruien�cin�c_�c'._lakiotysn_aasamen:. is _:3re-1en:i_i.ece=sacy___ slopes, c •Fred i" hlley Sn Block '2"ills 1p the , Gilbert's ur ,on .oitrtrrom vnd-cafe 1 771— under Preliminary Order ------ 9f1972----------- approved__.b----------------- Intermediary -,Intermediary Order____._ -----91422----------- approved_.- ----------------- Final Order _____-______-_91644----------- approved .... "eb._- _9,1932 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Pant on the____ __23rc1-------- day of----Lanch , 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB 24 Adopted by the Council_ ------------------- 19.___ 1 / City Clerk. APProved______.. _____ ______, 19-- - /' PL / �j ` Mayor. Councilman Ferg� � ... Councilman McDonald i CouncilPearce 1, man Cau cilm n'z Mayor Bunr,lie CITY OF ST. PPenu xeer t i• NO.__ peteroew�emant i • N 91e41nv F1 OFFICE OF CITU C.t� a � eeol n ue 'r•�•, xee 91nYlnv COUNC RE �.UTION—GI•iet tee civ •t eu _-- U WHEREAS, There is available cash in th Water Department Sinking Fund and the General Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul, in the sum of $140,000.00; and WHEREAS, The Sinking Fund Committee of the City of Saint Psul holds for sale in the Participating Certificate Fund, City of Saint Paul 4$'6, Water Works Bonds, Nos. 834 and 835 for $50,000 each, due December 1, 1952, registered in the name of the City, and City of Saint Paul 46 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds, Roe. 24777 to 24516 1ncluslee,- in the sum of $1,000 each, due April 1, 1945; and WHEREAS, The Sinking Fund Committee has recommended that the bonds so held for sale be sold to Sinking Funds above set out; and the Council is of the opinion that the bords should be Bald as reoommended, at par and accrued interest; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the City Comptroller be and they are hereby auCurized and directed to transfer at par and accrued interest the above described bonds to the General Sinking Fund and the Water Department Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul. ... FEB 25 m`) YNaye Adopnd by ehe Cooneil / Conroy /n M•Y / 1, 7 193E / MceDe—Id /V7 In favor Approved 19 / Ro.cn !� Againer �� Nnvoa Sudhejmcr G 1'WL.ISIiIiD ..7� Mr. Pruidcnt Bnndic FebruarY 20, 1932. A meetln, "f Cocn��ittee vrno held C^is : may, Preaent, ':nYor rh:rd Bandlio, commisaioner SOtm tl. FScott. 1-bDonelfl orad Com^troller ��• d Soso of taking uP -0 'i'tSa�mcetin6 a+ae held fc the port matter of liquidatin8 $200,OOe the indebtedness of the Partio- i, ting Certificate Fund to the ne,e°� National anal B- nkOf t- is as Pea. Commiseloner McDonald report ptlploata Farad to pe SasuCa ay ffioient cash I. the FarticiPatlne to fell eDut $140,000 this indebtedness, it eould be neoeaeary worth of seauritl 9s:held by the Participating Certifioate Fuad, and made a motion, soognded by COmptiolla 30ott and aranimoafly carried, U, at th 1e oom::Sttee reoomemad to tie Counoll the sale of the follo�+in, eeaurlties frori the 'articinatin6 Certificate rland to Via Gane: 1%nd anter Slaking Hands, at the lama -rice f n_ald by the .artieiPating Certificate rand: ;,100,000 3t. peal 4 % a ter aorks Bonds. due Dec. 1, 1052, Aegiatero000 Bond. I7gs. 834 and 83L Sr Q50,000 cash at Par and ancn:sd interest. 40,000 "t, Paul 4eN 1'era. TmP�. �;"v`1 Ferri Bonds, dao APl. 1 124et1Coupon inlua v=, Bonds :Ica. 24777 par and accrued $1 OCA each. at par interest. The meeting the eunon addonrned. �a-offlojPresident &pproved 0 9e Oner O nano'' omp ro er th_Offioio c;aoretary At CITY OF ST PAUL .,Lr NO. (s/1. • 3 w. OFFI�E OF CITY CLERK '1 COUNCIL R OLUTION----GENERAL FORM �.omm�ss ory ✓�[.-� , re Fehr—^y 25, 1232_ RESOLVED TLLt upon the recc-.endetion o: the Bureau cf kunicipnl Eq-.ilpme^.t the Parch—ina A,ent be, hnd he is isreby auth:-Sze' to purchase, with the co^..ant of the C—pt—I ler, one 1/^ -ton truck, Model pF10, squi_>red xith 4-c_*linder t -1k —1-, boc'y to be L.-rch..nt- e,xnr e:.e type, cab tc be equipped rith tap indivldv_.1 sects, suto:wtic wind ehiald wiper nrd roar ---, mlrro r, f—,t end of chassis tc be equipp'-', with bumper, for ti--- Eureau of Lighting, at a cost cf $70Z.^C, less an cllower,cz of $llb.00 far one 3/4 -ton Doj1a truck, 19£° model, Mptor 7-. A5CK55, to be ta,:en in t -z e ar, t— above p_r the ee, makin, tn.. n-7 Dost not m exceed $b90.00, without edvertieement, as t`�e Purchaeing Depar t.n�n ;, has r-- inf cr,-.a1 0t. c from Dod-,c de:,lers ,-,d—.id— in: sllorrancee :,ede, concur, in the recommendeticn of `.he Depart- . -ht, end as it is a patented article and no edvun`:-e co.'_d be eeined by adver:'_�- ing fo- for.c,:l bids. Ch.— G_ne,� l Fund - w lunicipe,l Eoai_ Y-1 courv�iLrnEry Nays Adop«d b—h, C°unnl FEB 25'Q" I, - McDonald In fa vo, App,00,d 19 G- � 5°dh,�mrr MAv orx Mr. P„sld,°, B°°dh° .04.,ry L7 oo: not: NOT R Qn: WWWWRONOM two 1A, Y� Also&Eq • CITY OF ST f AUI.; NO. Si774 o...• cc OFFICE/�F CITY CLERK 7 COUN IF RES//L/// GENERAL FORM 1111LE. "- oA,CF.ehiuerY 24. 1933 RESOLVED That upon "ae recc—eadrtion c_ the aur",a - ::ur.lc Spal in.' EQuiPment the pure h� aAeont 'o e, and '--.� Sa �..._ _ , with tae ..nsent I. tb.e Comptroller, one lk-ton Ford :r ick chassis ,i-ed with all--tel cab, frat ou,aper, rear-view mirror and auto^.,tic wJadehi,ld win", body to be _teel, d—P type, equipped w.,,h undo=-sl mg 'cv. 3t. panl Hydraulic Y.,i.t, i wheale deal, for 3a-eau tail ,_-ate of double ect!n, type, r_�` of W:_icipal Eci'Licment, at a poet of $922.00, lea- an ell cw once If $35.00 for one Dodze trues, 1825 model, Motor No. 35-305, '0 be to sen In trade cn the above purchase, le. les. a dlsconat of a ^,akin. `he let cast net to exceed $245.00, wit'.:.ut r.dver- tl semer.t, ee the P'�rc hzsinc De '--as had informal bids from Ford de-lers and coneideri— rlicrantes ,cade, c,noure in the recommendation of the Department, and as it is a Patented erticle -.nd no advantaze c>1d be Fined oY adlortl.11— for fc— l General Fund- Auric !Pol i.qulFm es t- 1003-139 i m�1-I mEm FEB E ,P cou Adoperd by rhe Council 19 Y— Nay: P MaY 9 In favor APProve - puuald n Agar er "�t-��"'�'�^� nroR / Sudhd— I lG elil5Ll5ifED ,Z.��- Mr. P,-d— I3u„dhi / o.o....o ,,. r. CI OF ST r..e NO. .ill It) OF �RK 1 R E ON ENERAL F RM �� �f, , / J T v Mr�S WHEREAS, In the erection of the Auditorium Annex, SL nae found necessary to do work not covered by the plane and specifics- ed of the steel a ecclon ec ofsthetar arena dashboardstiOnal work , consistingbOfnall angl Of irons and channels, and furnishing three new wares not lees then three feet Sn width; and WHEREAS, The CommissI oner of Education and the Contractor have agreed that the cost eementfhaslbeentya work is counterelgnedesum by and filed 5 0, and a 601), of the with the 0ty Comptroller; and WHEREAS, This extra has been approved bythe and Commissioner of Educ atl the Commissioner Cit Ye Architect;pthereforey be St Buildings, RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to add the sum of $225.50 to the amount of the contract with Wm. Murphy & Son for the Auditorium Annea 41 IgI co`- '1 o e s 9: :e FEB $5193° courvci�mEry Adop,cd hY she Council 19 Yeas Nays /co.roY May Approved / 19 McDonald In favor Hoscnc 'J Agai s, •em oa i Sudh--, Mr. Prc d— n.,.dh City of Saint PauA Office of City Clerk —E 1. GIBBONS, C1, Ci.,!, F.t—.,y P"a' Mr. L. L. Ands—, C---ti.n Ca—al' Des, Sir; Tlattached 1011--i'Stiln —ring 2,t t,a for $2P�.;O f oa r Mu,n'Rv & So, on the St. Paull all elsel ,actionof ti, or..Audi , n _ rd a f "" to to day,s 'Y t``E Council, for the ,,,a, resolution. Y.— set, truly, -Sty Clark. t$Ity sf Yat. V.al Bap.'Im t of P. -H. - February 5, 1932. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Gouncil, Gentlemen: Attached hereto kindly find an Extra • for Wm. Murphy & Son on the St. Paul Auditorium Annex covering the burningof all steel sections of the arena dashboards, consisting of all angle irons and channels and e,irnishing three new gates not less than three feet in width for the suis of - $225.50. This Extra is recommended and approved by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building. and by the City Architect. The same has • been checked by this Department and we find that the materials and prices are correctly stated end are submitting this Extra for your consideration. Yours very truly, RMG-L Cormnissioner of Education. 1, 'J quy of 6t. Pact �((�� 8epagmeni of �Du[ation Feb. 17th, 1932. .t To The Honorable Mayor and .ember, of the City Council, Gentlemen: �/ Attached hereto kindly find copy of work Order for $225.50 for Wm. Murphy & Son on the St. Paul Auditorium covering the burning of all steel sections of the arena dashboards, consisting of ell angle 1—ne and channels ato. You .111 notice this Work Order Mae not attached to our letter dated Feb. 5th, which included a copy of the City Architect's letter dated Jan. 30th. Yours very truly, ICP -L Commissioner of Education. I.. Murphy 4 ion. City of Saint Paul Department of ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER ',' lm. Murphy k Son Date _ Fury _I. -1932. Contact No_Q-2525 Contractor Job Auditorium Annex From - _ To—._.— Under the pro lova nn ae eonmmn d in Section 93 of the Cl— of the City of Saint NIL the Commimitmer of Educltlpll _ _ hae direct.) tlu[ the (allowing Jescribed vddiuonal wnrk be done under the Prov of the plan and speeifira s and hae greed with the n v nr thvt the price s giv.n bd— are the reawnable — for the d—g of rhe -d work and the supplying of the —.1. require) Fe 1 _ 1932 1932 �pq �_ Co..u'.gnedKt91� City Archit i"` • Description, Loation, Quantities, Terms and Pric psa"yevrxouru For burning all steel sections of the arena dashboard., const sting of all an;le irons snd channels; and furnish- ing tY.ree new gates, not less than 3' in c:idth, $205.00 Plus 10% 20.50 $225.50 0 C 0 P Y. February 6, 1932. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Gentlemen: V Attached hereto kindly find an Extra for Wm. Murphy & Son on the St. Paul Auditorium Annex covering the burning of all steel sections of the arena dashboards, consisting of all anglo irons and channels and furnishing three new gates not lees than three feet in width for the sum of - $225.50. This Extra is recommended and approved by the Cossais.ioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Building. and by the City Architect. The same has been checked by this Department and we find that the materials and prices are correctly stated and are submitting this Extra for your consideration. Yours very truly, RMG-L Commissioner of Education. C 0 P Y. "Additional work Urder" will follow dust as soonee the contractor, Mr. Murphy, has an opportunity to aign the ..plea. H. father died Monday night and we have been endeavoring to gat In touch with his office. C 0 P Y January 30, 1932. Wm. Murphy & Son, 1607 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. RE: AUDITORIUM ANNEX. Gentlemen: TheHerzog Iron works heve submitted a figure for burning all steel section, of the arena dashboards, consist ung of .11 angle irons and channels and furnishing three new gates not lase than three Peat in width for the evm oP $205.00. With 10� added for your self, it make. e total of $226.00. You are hereby requested to proceed with this work on the morning of February 4, and that work to be completed on the same date. As you agreed to do all the lumbar cutting without any extra charge, St will be n....eery for you to have a carpenter on the Job Thursday morning to do all thenece... ry sawing of lumber for the different sect bon B. The Herzog Iron Work. leve been requested by me, over the 'phone, to have two crews working on this burning of angle. and channels ^hu,.d.y morning. As soon as you yet this letter, you can notify them this extra has been ....pted and for them to at. rt on the date . above atated. Thla 1s supposed to be only e one day fob. As far .e the setting of the gate., the Herzog Iron Works can make other arrangements to take the e0.tions to the foundry and frame them and set them at their convenience. Your. very truly, (Signed) Cha.. A. Bee ford City Architect. CAB..B Approved by Mr. Pearce: Will you kindly see that the neoesaery resolution Ss introduced into the (Signed) Coun.11 authorizing this extra? Clyde R.May Commissioner. o . , NO. i'i'7fi „..., .,... .,... ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL .,mac OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C,�Ut�C IL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM P.E NTEoNE e� /� //� 1'�.� oAT. Feb. 21" 1932. RFsOLYEo Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to construct vitrified brick inverts on the curves at Aldine Street and University Avenue, and Aldine Street and Sherburne Avenue, in connection with the construction of the Kittsondale sewer system, contract C, Comptroller's L No. 3637, by city forces, at an estimated cost of $250,00, said cost to be charged to the above described improvement and fi- nanced as part of said improvement. I u u Y— COUNCILMEN A11& ` °io.o6x.4 'Aq— .4' Vni�iii6_'y.A���vu CIS -9S: Feau.m, ...... ....d wf �" In favor Ro61wd. � i Adopted by the Council+fg !A iQ•" 19 Approved _— _ 19_ 1. �� COUNCILMEN Nays CIS Feau.m, � McDuuEld In favor Ro61wd. � i � SudbEimW ✓_ A6einsl .W-1 j Mr. Presidentdi dr— Adopted by the Council+fg !A iQ•" 19 Approved _— _ 19_ 1. �� ,.... CITY F ST. PAUL ei�. NO. `� `7 .� ,•' •OFFICE F CITY CLERK UNN.11 RE^ LOTION—GENERAL FOREMXCI --'° = !�o - Febru Y 25, 1332 RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the grading and curbing of Midway Parkway Extension (Through Como Park) from Hamllne Avenue to/Lexington Parkway, as submitted by the Commission`5`f Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. cou Ycae p ' N N.Y, ;CL an[Y .. / Fezgu.on McD... Id In lavor Rohl.nd Sudyeimer - Against / Wenzel / Mr. Prnidenz Hodg.on IIc `e`�. dei a 6°a �e com rtoo h. Adopted 6y ehc CouncilR4 � ' N ' - 19 Approved ��✓• .s Aron Now 'MOM mmml� M W- R -A mom MR04 mom MOM" ff a l INDEXu<wrto,<at o� 9]2 Publl< Work. SECTION 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS i'xra8raD Il.nrli n8 1'e He 1 O1 Definition u( Term.... 1 10'1 Uae s Included i i.r nern yin rail. .- ument n I l [ 1 1 03 Snbnead ... 104 Pl.ns v J S frn [loan x n r t I 2 1 0fi Quantities t Planimeter 2 1. N oz eamnmrar 2 108 Underground S[rurtu res G 1.09 Fami 1.10 Conten liarity witty I.nws 2 r 1.12 .Irregular........ I ... ... .. ....... 't Service tlonx Pent g __.. _. .. 3 14 Guaranty 1. la AArco r puny+ urnl i 1 15 O ening of Propoeale 1 10 Diequahflret on of 0 JJera 3 1.15 Right rt snj— Pl 1.19 eight to Aelect Proposalx 1 10 Execu[ f C 8 1:20 Award [ —11- 21 Rt tP IC d 2 F il-- .23 5 LI A . I 3 2 R.,],l F- P d l« . 5 S of W k l 26 F J L f r 1.1] Contract f US.ppl a ... ... .. ... ... + ' Ise Drawings . Supplement Otnen._.... _.... _...... _.. _... _. + 1.29 Drawings to Le Aept ..n l4ork. ........ ..... ......... d 7 1 30 Special Work Iteiuir. menta a f 1 31 Altera[ one of Plana or W- I M Charn<ter of l4'orkmen d F n .., R 1 1 .3] Co aper.[ on f Cr ntra .38 Contractor 1.39 Pol Ging Grounds .. 5 1.40 SanituY Pronarons .. ... ... .. 5 1.41 PublicCanvenleD and Snfrty arr... ......... .... ... 5 1.42 Bicades end Dander SiHn. 5 1.d3 Prcamation of Pty, C..—' etc.. ....... C. I.dd ReaponnibilitY for lyamnge,. r 1.45 Find actor's ReaponsiLilily fry l4'ar k. r I.40 Field Structures of Punlir 1'r d it ire. t. d'1 Storage. of Materiel,.. fr fi 1.48 Line and Grade Stakes .............. 6 1.40 Un.utnoriced Work ..... ... ] 1.50 A,,— icy and Dutiex It lnspertore. .. 11 1.61 InaPection of Met<riela ar,d W'nrk ] 1 R2 Defeetive dlaterials and Work .......................... ] 53 Cancell ' f Canl cart .54 T—of C 1 'on.. N 156 Evtens on of Time.... .. . ... 8 1.50 Cleaning Up ....... N 1.5'! F.s[imates x 1.58 Final Inspertron ..... ... N Lfio ca.ran _. I. Reperr l dry f: uarnnl r L Iy3 Rlllleglle i r.1 nr Cityofls C- 19 Uep.rtmevt or Public Work. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS BEcrlon' 1 whe mr tensa 1.01 a,n Ana nr m I. na Pl.< er loam sed, the neem . rnno-.rrrtheir Ia n .en mew ensu Lem r n .a .e mu°w.. aftrn t'•cmr•'—Tne City of SL P-1, Mlnaevata, .v repraeented by iia p-- wuthrities. Terme Cuoncil o[ City of St. Psnl, M1l inneaau. ro "Council"- - 'tiammisvianer'"—C+�mminioner of Pu Llie Works of Ina City o! SL Paul, M1f inneeola. gineer''—The Chief Engineer of the Oel+artment of Public Work, n direcdlry o Ib—gh v gi Jul ^author reed oby 'b'. e -tl f:n r urh e u ith' me f then mulx��Gut�e. s Rn a t nim iriee.n nnHur r eechnn rw p pp t' o cov re<nor. 3 Anp ^t unr fur merw,r,�k performed end Irnir.Url.in gmrn xh,: me t"Complrvller"—The Comptroller of the City of SL P.ul, Alinnesot.. "WrcnesinR Agent"—Tne P—bevinR Agent of the City of St. Paul, M1linaexat.. "M1lumripnl Testing labor.lory'"—TM1e Testing r.obar.tory of the City of SL foul, Minnesota. "Bidder"eAay ind-vid .I, firm rata (or the k cvn mplated, ng dire tly o lhroughreodulyaeutM1orirede eprle e—.1i [Iv xor Fie "C nn or —PYee. of the second part I. the cont! , nc g die tly ur through mplr 'ser ane n r nor me con r r won, its mr fully —td, t kph e fe bvtmnsroen ad on roc[ ea[ h., will 'w¢n the pl .. m. d "Proposal Form" -Thr eP !roved Prepared form un wn ich the Bidder submits bis PruWsal for the work cvatempinted. "Prop 9818 uv n -Thu se u t drs trn i fe sal to be tar i.M1e6 by lhPe ➢ dJer oI -d 1-1, estray taarh..•�ntroct with g. J and uR- b d i stn _'knia _—,d hill. '`Plane ( All &—m n oaPPurt dluc of dg p leig to thr con u t i�. .ore.. rn err Ana "Specifics —The differ ro and ed hrr t rtF wise ell w m mnae o ne mnae s e co CII � 1— ii of p r'orm e- C,, tv hen unn tns nJpSu line sof terinl nab !aero —d undo thepcan ec . v t the eSpecilfit C.'" r Tna• agree arc ing the perform work .ml C.'" le ale of the ho tion [ the . on a11 a ,Ie - t ern wmicrM1tr id ; )d bee r red t mpl^TetFe t t IL, x rkgor mP ve a In e e hslenli 1 nd a clepNLle men "Co Th. pp pved foof y fdbyt[ a Con xnd th x �rk in mr .r w hfR de roithr nn tnr- urnishe roct °r the C, n car o e.e<ute lbr den Iiyte r the ea »hould Lr understand thoroughly by .11 eonrernrd tM1a all tningRe on—l'! nrre- Ovcumenl. "the finnl ardrr" "adrrrtisemen[ for pr,P xele ov Published in tFe nMriel ;aper;' Included runt an n bidders:' "v yds and rxecutio o[ cantrvct " cal p ml made hl' the bidder th for vidrd.' cifi< nn , cue nil r r bond ^ t ndvId..peciol m I m ntt tint. 1 nil die C otra Pin. r drofilee nrr at.1h1d eel pNn riser 10 lend¢Nle f set ¢doe vellln r Are end rod,' mhed le nr?Pr es for h—f., nt e ,I .e J Pan ached t opgAound win en pf the Lnv 11 ^nn° eoa�eBea p- plrmenlel cenirx end ode to bre mad,, toner made art of eheee S prrid,. p x al n o [athetatM1er ncideredro a m n rpThe iotas make olbenme sh II I, dela_d In teff m a,nall pares necens eJ to r bound ith I.nY a[ the arY Part they of. 1 03 Serb I-dinRa .nrr Send shtllgnnII net rinn (hese a4prcifirrl nn a ngnonll Perin erpr ratio refer - Id ed h.. I Snit to n lnerraf. 1 I'len end a cificn e s fur — be ee the office of the �IPa.04 Purvha.i g Agen m tlnc elllce oL L luf Public Wurlu� Add,l nal c PI .d of the plena .nJ epeciXcwt ion. y be obtaineAofrum the Commlaeloner or Tubba W.- S-11.tloa. me Ob .iv d n .. ..t o(____________________________Oull.ra ae a Buar.ntY for return of Plane. Upon et n u( the plan. wools t o 111 week. (rum tl Jate the Lide e e opened, e-oalr d m t dee eaM wieltb- rn ,. `I^ee a daps. t mr merpl.ne wJl Le f flair J -! [he pie err [ re eJ with -n pec hi Mme. of the ire of the pro sed me the plane and . -- bil0 [tle�e rorethe pp o t lid 11 from they m .the Con —11 d—lrt Q tree o n unale`nor ate ia,, Dol. end Suiprnen`mp,e fully ase a id .mproveme t I —=d— with the Plena end a11—="L'..l.nd Ie shell b e rev be eo uevd-¢!Phi; ac anther. meet m-9-1-1 .reex mr eaoma g v ntmee end PI.dmeler lA9 Thtita fh,himd el( Ball v„emine torsi. sal edactioa Le Juntr. of 111 PrIlraed wodk dd�l ell Fa Wi-ily the ronJibonv i ng to the work. to met o 11. use n o p Work Lisa City doe 0het the Loc a o —da—of under nd u h .v a we leo iv elec raelr o dui unser and- - IAB a ft public utibty 1--- � here eh.— lbi pl n, e�re`ev pp mately U.dergrouvd t Th. City will n relic a the cap of n expel volrrd nnoulJ a rust Btrvrtum locatiodoe the Ll— thwnLer.hownvby tthetlnele,r, should the locetioae oL such under - t. ¢rvuTheeBidaer is ---d to have ode himself femilir with .11 Stale law. end 1.09 Cit h Orwdenkna'.the meter ale, ,, ea 'ch in any meaner aged those engaged or employed 1. 11.d m "P _ht Pissed in or aP.. the im -,1, W., —t the conduct .f the work end lee of miaunderetvvdinRowill ba• onsid—d Wwe. Etc ai n gg r �< tnr�f. Tne pro -- nr th. Cl,.—f In city or sin Leu --da oL nt n9�lin.n r err said Ci Y pp Iic.Ldoathe n o e seemed to be t L M1ee rific ion. end !the nrr c r willpbe 1 and by the vlsla a Nereo(.e Special n coli n ie directed to the terms r City Ordi..nre Nu. 6903, approved Oe —1— 23.11927 obeing nn rdin.nce Providing hal the employee oa the work .hall be residents nr the Clty of BL Pauli .Ivo CI[y Ordinance N. 61201 au proved Julyw 16, 1919, being o "din.nce providing het eight 16) ¢Dura hall rove it to a dvyy a ork ork done by the City of St Paul; end .lea appended wage ordinance Nv. 6986 approved M1'ov mbar . AI—t n ie .Iso celled o City Ordinance n blert- endnnuldnlln nhnrcthr urn n Sj-111rt nand. po ted under City Ordinance N., 7— .. 386 elf thr Bidder or Con et onwll Jie a vn n lh Plan pec<`ce whin r F lh to ace lax,olinen o. eguLtl n,nhre Snell f rte.�nnlr�<nnrl it to <tho iF.ng err m xn 1. pun ePPlirvtinn the bidder will he fur .—d with rhe following by the Purcha.iag l- it Agmlt: lank pr sal form, infrrmalion ea to lim t date nd place t., bid must be Conle.te of filet: the ¢mount o! g. I—— iv the farm f . car h" cheek that m ampeny Propaeel bid; nand r it me that t`oe asfel bidder '"T n ompµy with; endla nd eel For nt^er in Lo irn peer nR she meld o[ n biiduLorcthe ark a well ere the flu I mw m tract that the —f.l bidd moa cora into. All bids xhnll M1e mode an the prnpn.al form blrnianed by the Purchasing ARent— unlesx otherwise orated in ".dvertmement:' The Bidder eh.11 sign hie Prnpoeal corre<lly. If the proposal is m.dr by na iadwid- 1.11 nal, nIe name end past once add—. ,h.11 be Riven. If made by w firm nr ppertnenhip, Sigoalvree the name nna poet oflkc add,—, of each member of he firm or Prt n11ip hell be en.wn. Ir mnae by . rorn.rn ion '[ mall he I ed LbY the Proper opMeciel woo eh.11 Propo"oede .naw the name of the slate .oder the law nr whim the fnrporation wee <M1ertered and the names, titles and b -I— addre.sev of the President, Secretary and Treasurer, and slvo the .ddr— of lbs Corpantion. All bide from Corporations shall beer the ofl3<id se.l of the C—lati— i` us.i` o ...1. mvy ne reje<ted if they show any omission, alteration of form, addilio 1.12 not celled far, condili... 1 .1 alternate bide, orgul.ritiee of a y kind which ..y irregoly lead to make the proposal illdrfnil. or embiguo ee es to Ira meaning. Pro u City of St. 11Department of 1542 Public -- GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SECT 1001' 1 .. tM1e fellow m r nr. nr to `ln�i sits m,elo ,nidi `IP Bei. roan - Deeoi n ' runt,., r m n to re anon rnu�.`vr. oftw "City"—The City of St. Pam, Afine.ola, as m enanteJ by ibrproper a th. tire. Terme auncil C„unrll of City or SL P• b Alinn I., "Gon,missioner" -Commissioner of 1• bb Warks of tltn City of St- Paul, Alhneeob_ dircclly e n LAra The nIhiet Eng n r of the Uepvr nt of Public Wor `. .ctt h:n r use eghi . satin, r (did ^ vu vbe oby (then m o ll. BdM1leo nim or`tAea.0 M1on ve [la P r the P r[mvlar Jutm. ne ¢n t .n rgyn`K n nim. w o ga r r "Innpeetor'"--Ane xrd re .� the Engineer, v sed b ntnke e coomlrLvr y p vtlon. n[ lbc` w v rknperinrmeJ antl matcrimnlgfurnivFed ly lFe tr'Comptrvller"-.Toe Comp[reller of It, City of St. 1'vu1. Al innesoty. "I•urch.sinR ARent"--Toe PurcM1aeing Agent of the City of St. -b Alinneu,b. "Aluniripnl TenttnR luborntary"—Toe Te.tmg LeLorvtory of the City of St Paul, 6ltnn?DiJder" ¢Any inUividuel, firm o roto ng v ropo°vl for the work con mplated. R directly o Inroughr eo duly nau LF.— r roe e v . t'nPvty or the nerond Part to the contest, actng directly ur through n;, a ,n . ar mplaree.. '.Sar y' ec.aron ar ror me Cet r r who, with i`m [u11Yc ,Pivrow to b knn ° me bniioreronnn cuntr.et g thi,t the Cuntr.r[or wlu on ma pl ntt a e d m18 civ .n Ina Bidder a "Propann` Form"- TFe ved Prepared form on which the xubmib his proposal for he work covtemplrovteJ. "Prop sale ua n -The se u t des rnl i Fe rpp¢nauto be 1"1 .11111 by the D UUrr ns g,,,at, of good`1ni t t.. t to th cont ct ich ecus ens um dent bond if the w.,k ni. warded to him, e "Plan° -All ^Ira r .,w . of dre to the of n p ap'p p` 2nce ¢n Pe m� g to ranntrnet�nn t Reiner lith all wr ThE mo -9—-t de or to be made yp n np g to elmethoevnd of pdinR the work, nr to the yunntitiea and yumi[iee of m.teri¢h to be furnl,Fed under- tb Ile eon roc. "Specific Con t ` TM1e ere x co the -f ---off the work and the .,Fin etbmet rials agthe tr not the mpra e t ed arlu aupolu� bl n wine^ r nobly oulduc[iv ev tJreda(o mp^meth, tn, •.orkRrr one a Ina ° baba i I nit ble`m.n ere a aL ctlo of " t Bonn" ^Tthe tied fefm o; ° Y fu irh ontrn the C-- ..... an and �S'or ofpg .d f- o .n ^e` .r of tho C too seer In e xempme e e f M1e Co rnrkt c r o execute 1.02 It 'boort nr unJernt"nit thnreuRnly by all concnrn eJ that ell thing, eonlninttl Frrc- Documenb "toe fine order' me t ror svl. nx pnnlinFed the emaal Inaaaea ,• cdldr��lrrr ..nine and ,�.no° nr rano.,(' ngenrral P sip I In�nl Maar mfife dada mr ror .iced:' ,ifie Coen t r.r Ipond•" nJa.d, r "t °n nn r ca C ntra I�lar r arofllen her .1 had xrrlptrme thea `rtfmndvrdn fn 11 etre tagdn, .ellta Y D.P «F lit t , h` dole of pr a for 1h..Rg n ea IJ,I tel t -1 b- 1 Ith a ,ft`the above ele. la y andtallar ue� r nit C�tlru vnd v re o be ben id rredro her r mode n Part o[ ¢M1 tae SpOe , ub n`ae relmlllnL o afihetnthorr vrNn .� ,lym r b, n ones lh toy of t e dotnched th ref, all pore v occas o Pert th.r f. IryJ SB^ Fe ri - m'- n,. Saprrifira nr —d fpr refer Suh b d ng° enec d 0.11gnoi hr a iIla ng y bon g n the i,,e prrtation (hamate 0 Phi— and epeciflrattonn fur theimrly Le r the off- ,f the 1.01 hexing Agent or in the oRlee of C.. -.11 Public Work., Addl-..l copies Plasm and of the plena vnd epeclficatlon, y be obbined from the Cammteemner of 1'ubht Works SP ificatbm Ob.1— gua...ly tar return ,f phos. Upon return oI LFe plum whin two lG1 weeks nom the dale Lye Lida a e opened, b-half .[ the vnount Ja'paaited will be returned. 'rhe entire d...... ror lherplana win e mrf,i d it lb. ph...are not returned —tin lbs ep«ified Imo. }'rum xv a! the tt of the a x va Ch, Pl.na .nJ n clfi- In0'a e (vr`lhen topP u t nnJ/or (romp Leer otne Con sn.11 set pm LLw ttrn thioiii_ii of l.bor to ial, outs and en ext.mplete fully the e hie l ordan im me plyns end npeciflcellane and he shall bene tLiA a on eucFtdetarmin.[tvn. It ally agreed 1— the plan mall 1 sidereJ . of I.Od .d.pted for the ant o(i regulvr ereenofor erlim.ttog y it,.. it,and Planimeter ren`tteoeo n d - mix cantrart. Ii Th. biJJer nhe`I th to Fix via_ tee o� m 1. 1, work end chat` Familivity ief ^F meelf a then ollw rkttto b Jom elhod. b• used nna all Wlm the Jitta s parts( g 1.athet work. PWp k Work The City Joe. not guarantee that the 1«aLmn, x or condition at underground ch vs sewer°, water mains, electric cable.( cunJuib, or underground °true- 1.08 t oto public utility companion where shown o the plan, ere even ap ro im,tt id Underground The t, will no[ relieve Lye cannnetar of any uz Pence involve) xko11, actum Strucmree Le other then a e .Hawn nt me Ivo., or nhuuld the locations nr Hoch unJer- ¢round elructuren nut La shown by he plena The DiJJer m a.sumed to hove male himself rvmili.r with .11 Sttite — and CDtyOrdion nit Beguht which i m .Roc thns sed o melared —ill.." ha Lrkhu rin m ri.l ora eyuepmen uvea In p Lt.h m amen ` ill. w nR ^[the r nit c lot the wok nit na v'ee or nmirund r vain, w'n bee', xfde a 1,- 11 , , ELe ur h g mere ( The . x u( he Cn r u f h civ of `5 . P.vl _ or th`e .3ii.n ee`nt -id Citywu'pbe bl,, lh oto a doeernedt tto be . Paft f hese s iflca loo anU lFe ntr c runit by the, ,,info . th root. SPe11a1 i,testi ii e directed to me terms f City Ordinance .1'0. 6903. a ed December 23, t192i, ,being vn ordinance providing that the a ploy¢. on the pk ,chaff be reridenb of me City f St. Paul[ ebo City Ordinance No. b—, unproved July 16, 1919, being vn ordi...1e {Pr viding het eight (S) hours °hell cone tit.. v d,.yy . work e ork done nY theyCity of St. P.,1; end also app—M wage ordin.nce No. 6986 d 1 be 1 2N At4 I. IIM C' Y 0 d bl.nl- a 1 F ref Th B d r eJ 1 1 J C' O J' 386 t, 11' th J' nt h J. 9Ir M1 RWJ C d,.11 d' c vn a h plan eeec'ece regolvtton,nh. shml -th,th report it to `the F.nRlnrerhtn wrtucelves, ocJi or ar Cpon nXrylir nn the bidder will be furnished with hoe rollowtng bi t Cz Purchvs .I Agro t. BI k prtopo.el ¢form, informal ion an a t e, d to end Pl.m h. bid m a[ be C.."..". of AW: the v t of guarantee in the form of o rtified check the[ m Proposal bid; bond re menti flint me nue .....I bid"" at omply' withl. nit ell Forme other in rine uinn perteinmg to me mnkmR of o biJuf.r`tne work ea well v the fin.l cann.etftnvt the ,uceessful bidder moot enter Into. All bid, shall br made nn the prapoa.l term furnished by me Purch.elnl, Ag b, ntherw —led i, "ndv.rti.emrnt .. Th. Bidd- -11 sign hi. nroposal ,,rage Ir mr Prn ..nl ix made by an indivia- 1.11 0 1, h11 name end poet offlre eddreua ,hell be Rtven. If m.de by v firm ar pertnernyip, Bignatnree the name end o° arc, xddr of each member of he firm or p.rtner.nip shall be on shown. If made Fy . orporetion, i[ .Fall be st ed tby the Proper o.,i.1 who shall Proposal. °how the name of the Stet. under me law n( which he Cnrpvr.tlon wee eh.rtered and the name.. title. and boniness addresses nt the President, Seere[ary .nA Trra,urer, and .Iso the addrea, of the Corporation. All bide from Cotyar.tlone shall beer the offleim east of the Corporation. Pro L, may be rejected if they show A— omixion, .Iteration of form. ,ddith.n. 1.12 celled for, r,inditi,n1 or .Iternata bide, ar irregularities of any kind which m y Irnguly Lend to make the Pr poem, indefinite or embiguoue .s to its me.ntng. Propaub 1.13 The of Linder called L the (ac that Wer Sere find orden hi the .akin of ce end g n We Can red by the pee uta corder .ray Le yenJmg <befor ,the C-unc J. Pend'nR the aid t v m t be ivn- but the Veevi < - s a- ole sol av etre a nt,l all ouahnr xee am -r c -n ec one hs Leen I- 111 ^r lherC a I. Uecidedethat they endl o[ L hihi a r.o Cu No po wit Le c lid.— vote. Vanien L1 a roD.vl bu the C t lM1e cM1a end-- inti teU in he prep -w1 for ,, mde pvyvble fty -f ani s� P..i�lih.h. 1.1, Prupaaels will Le opened publicly and read it the timea t end the tdate eat in the Dpeni - "A Yver me nl (n I' v .rW` ed p^ec n said I'r-punnle Cit oftSl I'eul. tlidJere - he � � thortzeJ n s vr,. inkped Wne° e [. Ilia alltpr-V-sulk will bu Wcl d LM1e n for belie ,n that 1-Ilun 1.16 An M1e 6iUJer d an all Var s' urM1 c-Ilug' 1 -f- iddern Mdvre noble doubt will n [bee dnidereJ Ing fut a pro gala for Iben ork. Prop -when —,b prices obviously — ihbhht ed will be cure . N. rontrecllx will warded erre [ to resp-neible bidders. The bidder ¢hell (urnieh a cum dale st of hie alk- a Iia of M1in aileble (or the L>`sa1l Public• AccouneWu x iihtwln hts fin, i -I -.1 er and liebilitiee, ttr[iOeU elalpecemenn my f Wd by M1e Cum 1.17 Itefor nrded, the bdde, y be r1J to [ur ish a ,pial Maleri+I [ of thee-Hiihi, Mmp-efti-n and manufacture -f any �-r ell meteriale W br. used Semplm WmmM etm ge[M1er with ..m Il -which ample¢ ay he I subjeetednta whales¢ tete are requlredtt- determine thea ualily vnd fits¢. for the work. Ri,hll1. I,,je<t The C-uncll reacrvra the right to rejec an r all p ^ °ode and to waive de I, P" I. "r rcM1vi.11ties, ea it m y deem Fea[ r,, _M1e .tweet- -f We City. 1,19 [The aucceaeful bidder will be re iced to —t with the P.aav City for the d- 5 f the work -r furniehin thoe et 1 hert[n proposed, a d ¢hall -(lion xe.te a bond his en 110) days after Laing notified by the C epee- ion Counsel Conlrect th.t the ten ani hind are reedy ( xecu When the M .et end bond i ,_-d We afvre.id bidd r' the k kubmltted with tM1e pro ...1 will be .ems W t'ecbedd r. Troe con rat eh.11 n- be ro side d as exrl- Ipu ti` it M1. been ei e i b In Com Ile, and r of th ron re [ delivered to th Con car r. 1.20 The C —d mak. the award of .11 —t . The .ward -f the contract W the A. and lowest bidder eh11 not be deemed rejectiora°f the other M1ids unless and u til the °( cre.ful bidder hee viggnnM d delivered a ont.ct and bond. In case °( failure ° Conlrer[ refusal of the bidder, wM10 hoe been awarded the rvn[rv<L, to execute me contract end Hood within the time pp cified, the City may at npt'nn ward LM1e contract t° pother biddrr.A notice by�mnil by the Corporviian Counsel t° the Contrectar'e ,ddre. v even n M1in r panel 'll obs a euMcir t notice under tte�e kpem&Bion. that the ran .ct end bond ere reedy t .... i un n 1.21 L"I "14nposal Cuarenlie." except t- of the .ucce.ful b,ddrr will be rned Return of romptly following the award hit— a m.kib of the t-1-1 When the .ward ie deferred PrvPn..I (-r a priod n( [Imo longer hon five 151 Inyn utter lFe opening of the ro0^vele, ell C.uar+nty erns`ie except LM1mr of the ree th131 lowed LidJers will be relurnedt SM1ould ell n P-.Isabe refected all gvaran m. will be re —d. Fai1—hi—ply with vat °( the requirrmente of these .Peeifi.tione, the require- Fei�ure W me m of submitting bide and he terms of the <antrnct. . specified, ,Fell be iust cavae tEee tarn h a "I"th' of We d, n -f the n e t i(vexe trel, e d it undt nl-od b -ntr.n [M1e �idae. m mu en of lar a hall n <att�ne .rJ�u -t [he Ire th.t the -( th. g-.nnty dap- ti,dnwi h ins pr .I —11 Fe rem -d end pp+ee d by the Cd, ea hnmddrd d.m.ges. Ablfeent� Irl nTl he mti-sisM1lmsrer Yll ,uLI eel, nfrn odisp f tlrn ea^th-,,klp—id'd irth-trwf M. init° n'I On' oent°f the C-mes .21 If th, --t requir -r the Contractor deice me a of any J.ign, device. 1•+tenl F'ee., i.l, or proeeea covered by IetW. patent nr ._thtvhe shell Drovide (or each R-y.lties ae[by suitable ledd egrrement wits the patenteecor .rad n copy Vi thio gree - Lf �bd ev t khill be filed with [M1e C^mmiaei°ner. If nn aucheRreement ie made °r flied en ot1d, [he Co-.— end the Surety shell indemnify and Hove hvrml.e the City from end ell claims (-r infringement by reea^n ar the use of any eoch patented d.dg lit c material or Dreceah -r any trade mark nr MPyright in <onnec<lvn with the work agreed to 6e perfo ed under the convect. and eba11 indemnity the Clty farina h+oete. rxpmaea any damage¢�wh Llh it may hr ^bliged t° pay, by Zz., o[ any sue I ge- men e d g Dr-secution °r after me complet,-n °f the n°rk.n 3 The Cant ac ehdl d- II of me oro yy v Jed (or v the -.1—t a the I. the.pen rDle,m and "pacific¢ ailrmt s fru 11iin me lin of Scope mpro end ehWl do uuhseJJiu nal a and i ride telwwar4 eideredWn ma -m leleelbe uL xvac-rd Ian and a .fico u s \yuck n soba nl dtenh eo c lble n,mprul le ehdlt furn,eh,tunlenn offit— a pro -d I. the "Specid Prov,`=.'( me -nal end in the contract, dl implements, machin- ery, egmpment, tools, material enU labor nece y to lne Drouevutivn n[ lbc work. The C-nlrador shall ...... all arm and licenkee, pvY all rharI,- ane fere. I'ermim ane ane Rine all notices inclAent W the doe end law(vl Proeeru-ri o[ work. Licenxes The general cb... ter, extent, andy—..kdetails of lhr w-rk to be d -no are shown un me1 27 drawings. AII drawings a -d I.th y e proper c iels or have .thee o—.l ma of iJentihcetton vnd ¢.aid drn ,,, v p„n .f thee. e e iflcvlt-nn. Ilya ge r It is the in t u( the c-nl.rl dr—- t° showall the w-rk whicM1 i„ t. Le A-ne 1.28 I— t-,nJ the —kah.11 Lr c led nr rdan with W— draw- Ilya i e, but mese �nt.ct d,.—,g,m.y Lu suVDlnn ¢rated or I, W from li W by Su pplrme me nt detailed work.¢ drawings the functmn of whieh shell be to explain ur make tdenrer L'od r+. - LM1e contract Jrew ga. Dre g The -sire shell k p ropy of the drn uhd Ili— cif ca a -od orJ-r eine o-[ the ork I Wble Plec mrd fro .thee -where they Ilrn end y bene nut WJ a weed. nAnyu— m cane true --n or Jes gra, vd,ltionk - Specifics ommsmn. shall be dearly voted tM1ere-n. o be Eep j � 9ile of WorN Should any co —tion or condition which is n t M —d by the A n1.rd awpecifi- ne be anticipated on any prep -sed work,"special proviaioni for .u<h work 'II be 1.30 into_ on or —b— W the Pr -P -eel form or to tM1ese peciflcvti-ns ,ita1dl Fe con- Sp—I Work eidered v Dvrt of thee. epecifl.ttone LM1e same va though <..t. h,d fully harms. Sh-uld Requirements e '�S 1, 1 Pr-vii—iii oehdlrg MCi me c-nfl,ct with thee¢ standard sii—b b—, th Tne Engineer resew. the rlgbt W make such rraeoneble <hvnges, addi[i-ns -r 1.31 1 deJuc[ione in 11e plana end ap,,iflcethin, ne hh M1e sec —y W meet exigencies -f Altervlione of Ph color siW.tlone _h in the opinion -( the F:ngineer, each M1eng. are netreeary Plato ° or dr.irvble. In which cvee or .eek,,f eoch change. entail en edditionai expense upon CM1e\r\arter, d I, c.ht .< n dlowvnce wli be medt there( -r, rad if eoch change o changes ork reduce Fe [a of work, labor r a end which otherwise w Id M1e n undeI the con .<t, cmr.po.-I, deduction will be ..it. from the -b—it ecessvey TM1e ullnwnn<etor deduction in either case .hall be determined by the Commissm er of t Public Warks end his Jeterminvtian there -h shall be final. Such determination half however, .a tar ea practicable be based upon the ,it price, gIv n rn the hedule n for the -r miler work in Wee ° cificati-n,, No all -wane¢ will be made. io n an < tea p I..' c The C-1.1 or, when apreaaly avlh-rized iv w ling byhe Engineer, ¢bell per. 1 J2 (ons such extra w-1, vnd furnish —hextra material as may be deemed necessary far P.\xtre the er execu P1.Ption of the work. Such extra work -11 be d— in accordvnre with the ork epeciflcatione therefor, ..it where not eprcified the work —11 b,, done in the Leet and m workmanlike manner, d oe No claim for extra labor ^r material will 4 III.— by the Council vale. the coot thereof hee been [Wly agreed by the C-mmisai-ser end v rvndum or avid rat M1m been flied with the Comptroller of the City of Se Paul Minnesota, and c-vnW geed by him prior to LM1e f—iehmg of such extra labor or mvlerial. AII work culled for by the spa ifi.ti-ns, Fut no how. on the plans, or ah.— IBJ n the pian. and not rdh for by the epeci0eetinne. shall be considered ae part of the l:ncleeeified r aced by the Any"—k n t herein epMifled nr <vlled for Whir!,p ificnllynnncthe Diens, but which ey fairly be implied or understood W be included t, tthe improvement —11 b, so included by lFe contractor witM1-u[ extra M1nrge. Any —1, re einem —11be adjusted by umng the beet civ, r or work and/ -r Leida. It euagreed, in order to prevent di,pf-r, vnd litigation, met the Engineer .hall I. 1,1 e11 c mekr all the i erpretv[ione of the plane . d .De<ifl,,It, e, determine the D—W. of r-teuses unt, gvvlity, andlac =1bility of the work end materiel. whieh are to be paid Engineer underotnie <-street end render ell deciai— relative to the competency of the w°11, Fill perform the work Blotted I. them, and ,arh inlerprrlati-ns, determinate -ns, end dace. one —11 be .—pled by the C.meet-r ae find and binding. TM1e execution of the work will ba under the Pe bid 44 i ° of the £ngineer. 1.35 The En88 n y from time W time, drec it 'hit -rder in wh eFe and [he pointe at whlcM1 8vpervision he works shill be .rued on, end may exercise ouch general rnntrol over the conduct of and me work u ehvli be required in hie opinion to safeguard the interest °[ We City, but Proeernlion olhing herein ahBi be lakes W be yr to euth^rize ".2 a Lakin of control rat me work of the by LM1e fity ns to niece¢ the fontrnrlm ^f env -f hie obligations or liebilitiee ander Work 4 ante naulWn =2 rtikgm� wa L Polled act n the ^the era o ntrac oe En re shall have Ne reghttb an that ucM1ctht e anoretht enilasJJ Tt^ utflt as herdre peva shall M madew ,lAe � (ur naworkt toTtht ork Thdl•bem tit on uch I. a—.1d lhenP-1-11.tn(uw k'roomplYt °n Le dAt pued bort^ inutha• fournl ear hAuhn Lefx n f hr,nld, ..l otnc Eng r lar wCon n YaforrtAem n 1-1- e. oThe Itt-1, f m eh `yl, (Porta( a re a i 6 io r ntncto t end tiafacu,ry re wr pn�grea-. t 4uaiPmcntnu+eUIt, w y porttonto[ Network shall be suchsthet no ill rY w Na adlaren[ prat Y will meal( from il' use. 1.16 The Cnntncnr shall wor emtI-Y'u11-1enden[e, foremen end kmen who are care - act ro( fol and rvmpeun[ and [he ;nginetr nay JemanJ the dumim� oI an be^the n'o t ec •, ork wM10 shall m onduct FI self, ahaN� ei 4 aP ant'Z mP1YRwitth in nine anJntLY the Fngqarrn e' hfeh'u dot egl o re le hallbe din sella L>u n na ana aAxll nnnlnbe empXeyed t RuµFrn Render she mpl�y uch 5P eNerEng ter Rhoutnnthe oto gn sv the mpla M1: vrs or Y ncvme Jve, or y 1n LFe eF:M ntN o ed —2% oell a ate Ndoh uepend N �rkeu (til yucF , J a re c mpiied Lt1 Tne Cnn[rnctor Snell gine the work Fps conennl attention to fvcll— the progress Co -opera ion of (Parvo(. Ile shall c with the k:n andp He4u'mtdr ark', �plenJ,l Th traa;C ca" that .eh..... all (tames Nee work sNkafsetorily `het ork euthurzed W re 'n order and t antd religion r n n $zoo,oraonoo nC-1-1.1 e ' o i f c: nim on mauornun and a mi.Lice th. C t a a shoo c the aN.. [h�g pact r,.r g ars. t p rery r1,)d rug a fort the eeclueive e I 4i8 I( Ne eon mall J;x r dor ythin thr C RiRhtlbr'e I,Vin rA the Con aPPee ((lathe feulltY ere a bYoNd Ene n whi h in Ih- n e", me ;non iortbwi n f6 nze. nil F t gn oft the particu..rntnnd tualer wh.t re ally he ...... v h n I[ a unJereWod end agreeppd Chet i! no obi—l— ix r L to r n n rnthe o- r(anteu oar rlM1ea NeCon Less' o h[nulty a gmeohti.6 or�deaign[ Nle gun a nd— 'it on Ne 1`ai 3rn tie a hf Cdy re n the right to l,nail P^Y s ch office on N Iaw ur Ground+ (het orkxlsr thr nnJuPe tot of the routntl' 1 the en for inag f ed r andoeEa t Ne beat n -- of the r mntun nd the Contact r nJ hte m lot r. (shall aid at U n e tall and ell xc' olnce nIN error o[ Ih `lu[ �suc< pal^r `hall n rete thr YCont r fro a po th mance r acs p ifi a ^ n rola v [aohi wn aster enJ Seca y or the[ f he Public. u( 1.1t Thy fen sFvll p v;Je atm m Ren oil t !o NB' of Fie a ploy Gin nee[ v ail a tory m I. 11i tach P o-tstvna mens' ander Int a oI Ntr th ea Beard'of Realthdao of �IY with'the Ddu na. n v' oiler wi ni tit en n r � �e �"'aee lrntr xM1 Il (clean Fie c mp etre o he tiefec[ion of the lEng neer. Th Con ^ d lw �- ° tell ttn sh 11 cont c Ne ,rk in uch m to m Ne e^ the eeliJen lelnn anU edjace oLle. mho[ c o[ the neralapublica end or nil Ca y ana ee isfn e. m ttMatneiele (totem n naFall Le provide) for nil ede- a at arc ie'nnxl red anon he nd, 'bell Enpp1 c d vo ,. cv Anllvp 'dc vats the revellin publ;c n a Cy. h, Cn� NrrJBy- Y Le n arYv� a'�n mamod IW t[F J�`ocel-t,h t r by I ml n�1er nett c enJ hmlt tsravi tie traitor c dust' ted nr aDd' PP noel ex to e J erns inR of - e ecti Ret ate, stn to a .are cunt' r n [ po nes .al ata Th i Con tm shall furnish, c et and sin ce y hart Jea itaLle e'n nd of Jwatchm stoat Wke a I sang eignnls, lig ors and eillnn avid' a eufic her R' r nR Signs Vrotxt;on of thew k L;Rht'aahell net pinceJ"on., barricade. end .tract ana at night end alI each rgAte shall Le kept b.—Il [rum s et until :Vothighw y ethall he cloned W trnRlcm 'able nwith to adt✓4 rtrlYamerked wtt time vin Ale deumr.nd A>�. para a pr^vided by ethe City d 'Cha Co tr r shall prat t from ill yell pro t that m e with in 1.g1 thee a^k and cn n toy y sec "Aon get it shell immedt rely Preeenatb Lrr is red w W r r astir n hlftthea end Reelor�Van rRttg t raRc alga other nr`er mo—I ar d;e- ^f T Ib p;nreJ rpytthe Connrt�yctur sM1nll be 11ret at nal rr ndi ion the; oriR tel Monuments tit "t orlRi " n r w Imtt;ons en "Noll 1n, dal-ignnu-d Lr the Englncer. ret 8i[v, atTbe Contractor shell nut Disturb any --l- ar smkea found on Nn line of I lr EN uv ntil ordered by the Engineer, and shall reset any J -,'u ,d tam' P ems when dir ted bynNo En i A p salty of Twa a tE^^6u000lrlsnller wall ubr, a erd for i d e t, d v t aril r end filtr -11 Le ltd—Id from tit .—, ue ar to Lttome Ilan loathe Contractor. The Con t 'Fall indemnif end a e hn...I tM1 C;t vnJ ell of ; name L- and cmelorre fro .11 s et a cls; -.tt a cher^ r" Rex °n tlttY dve n brau 't for t of stn r t r `nm veJra sell CI"ims, E�r.• bye p, -,n ,ne yr rtunLY o fm ItM1ea aid til �� t n e glee - ardin the rk, a[hmfonghgtheo J edlo isle Itln ns ct n the u<k, or bd o 'ler onJuc oaf txid 1Ctn ac r by r of a ny1-- P-t- ui a e nJ [or intri tet tPnt .Jd (ark a oyYrigltt, ur fro vtcleir a er titin "O' rem n m n Lvr n lhee I... Ylew scillas other r 11 -1 -ung - u<h of Ina- v Ju •the aid Can - under ana bre: v of hie e .Full Le denrl t a �Y by Ne Gbm Iona be Wand far men rn'f the City, a no aur �' Jnr. Fie .shell rLevhylJ a tilt-vcn ' 6- -dl ls; clai ,tor u y r dam n for aiA, -th dlrb.—barn sa« I,JrnndnsmWble ev;Jeneo to 1- t. hat �lie.iia.ni-negate"tndaemntdjs-ioner. In " Tne unnulM1orirnd use Ly the Contractor 4 VULIic or Vcive[u yropmty for n l p Vose >' tie aonsiJered en in,url r don ka to the I 1 1 u used. Until v ane of the xurk, it 'Full I,anter the chnrga and n e n[ :he Cnn- 1 a.'. mtdth elhellaWke r us nvbin t n r Aame (cork o yr ther ,f 'y yrthe lu(cthe elem al rnfro other r Ca tactors The Cm tic shall rn'uaild, o e eoVv make¢ o d t h,, s unitl Hee neibilily trr Jam v of thv� 1 o m ce oned Ly .enhn(u fora N' k itx a mPlet vn vn�l y n.a. ❑afore b, --g work un any impro a ant the l;ontrnrbr shall natityt in wr;ti 1.46 uthur s hva nlrol,I the firlJ n r s oft Pobbc u iht Nr �tf antra m. it la e l b O ion nm set o iem� ,n�•na�diinm-nwl'L<r�r tir.nea i nttrr orenie n <�yy ar no- on Tho Conttracthr ah.dI n erfere wilM1 the town<rts of any public utility in tM1eir P blietf;tiliti a m king ape edditionn ort Netir Doing o[ en> ramnatruction work on Publ;c utility Held structures. The Conuvclor .'.I' ,t end Pr n r the prop y of ell puLlir. -b Nin N • cafe• of the r �' n . mo y of ht fl Id et ,lamaRtvlwbye the Cant r through feller myedys to gpmte Ihes a nett e n throtRh c lee r n his ork; Ned -.g. -hall be rrpe'red ubtyathe of the lnl lihe o W,f - 1, r asheil Le dt ed fro the n[ duo Chet co If such dnmvRra tic reofter the final e' n hen been nidus if the «[ t `e Jam o ha" t porn 1,ductedo there 0. r toape of "aid moa rhe onl ana �m vs his L nd ah II nmerthele be nasi lb, oda liableefu such dem g >felerials -Fall Lr Mored so as v the prexrnntion of tM1eir I—ly and tit- I— - [or lb. wo k. ll'ham c n -;dared arca--try [Fey -hell ba Flared un wmden Ole(- .4tnragr of form r nth r hvrd, Glee ur^ac and n ^ the.",,d;.,and -`ell tee faced anter ,Int r'roh- din ltd. St ...d mttrial 'bdh.be [ ill to n t trial- nsPThr Engi ter witl�ur tsh -d e t n e' stake rut Ne r lin greJ ,aide of .ag slopes, and other sec a n u coyer n ' Nereoo endo arcoepanied by any Line, Grade and nerea ry tit d d tnatrvci of n Th, li_ -shell furnish, free o[ charge, all eddi Measurement nal-etakee, nJ other ma i le n toasty rot eking end maintaining palate and RtaXes linea given. The Contractor shall be held responsible for [tie Preservation of all stakes and marks and if iv the opinion of the Engineer, any of the surveys, stakes ar markt `eve been carelessly ar wilfully destroyed or di"turbed LY the Contrxtor, the met to ha City of 'p "I" Nem -hell be charged him end shall be deducted form the per- m tit [or the k. Ehd%ed surfaces, to vll ceAell conform with the Ilnes ant grade. given end as shown ,.n [tie apprl— (lYen^ planevM1inwh ich he .I—l'kn Anhw EkQoneerler lttat the Ilene. as dvRnaesr the Lea¢Ivenl ant tha• meta ry evxurrments Wken rnr records and estlmeles. 1 N'o,k Jon :hhout bl —1- Lei m ,,Krol beyaod [M1e I`r: to rosea show n v. a err vid d, r e `mr ra��o��reer U1t ai,d .n .1 m b' Jr eJ rnmoveJJanJ mVlaced not the tw,otra y ° City, W rk a done y The IneVectur shall Le nuthorixeJ to :neper[ dl work Jone and materials furniahrJ. uthor:�t xoJ Such :n.Vec on .— tend t, ell u n art u( the work .1,d to the Vreperation o A Iyul:en of nufeclury 1,r ;1,e 1,:n tcri.is W be oxcd.y An -peclar m be etalio^ed un tFe w I ectnik oar to fh'aEneg „ h ork std the r`vn b k r mat he m er I J tl�i�. k p�rl`nuJl y' fell 1, It', me ¢ uI me nVm Beni oris a iiiJ :d111t e ant me "en stun tads, oLlig.t�Iri ieh; :n nox r o>hnll n ,alma `ilit o . 1.„ inti, a=nrJi worh n eth Y Lm eco inlnlv,ur :sneJthe n Per^nr n ork one nFvllrlex n o a t n v ninlanc nnuape J the wore u til the s r n refer and d1,, lh bre the Pidgin TFe .1—,shall gm[ar sucothemlex relerl ieJ to Fim Ile II �` t Le authd` t elks, 11tr stoma nl�e<ifica otheapp�vn ty'cVf to rel �Fc Inn g .Folli rnperfor other Juni [or e C'mtr: ct r etr[ere with the n u tu[ethan ai,k cy no clatter An> e -11 whirl: the Ins r may R Ina Con talfeNl i no wi cee ,lrv�d a me re W tie any w v. Har rel .; e Ise cum tW. Im m< miniiiRin of In�nI—n of n, tmtr,tc. f^ate rho 1, 0h.11 Iuminn the En ins e r n.bl tachy u,r true 1k ns prr`armeJ is inti c urJ n with lee r i J .ndaN ark at n uI[ mebefatr inJaf [Fee Ifetha Fon it,e- Cao . tne�b...`,,l work a yet,; Gir irk, mall r ore use sac e p Wo( lid Por m e�L Atter eu inatc or the CiCi, vtraltor 1 Ilton ono of the orek t Fe t nJa ed re I ti eau [he ens ifica o e 1,h a^J [the x1ornk cthuaelaP.ene 1 n nemakin Ptable, h n r m,v' a J the "I1 1 -fi eu eeBooJ of he ce to r moved enerll be Paid for Aar Eztre l6erk, o IJ he ,k w `ad o ned^p bl he uncover R r r m and the replacing of h ova ng o eking R n ,I Ln' Pnrtanasal int cantrattnr, exPmee. Alli me 'ale no onto, ng to the r en of thce.e pecifi ebidl be Mat rias+ --ha`I bea�defx t' end II aura m riale,�whetner n Ala e nm, nh.111 e j ted edi^Wly from [he i roe ant 1,d the premises of [heCity d N o k unless o herwiae Permitted. No materiel whichphas ebeen rejtt[ed—the detects of which ve been corrected or removed, sh.11 he used until approval hes been given. All work .chich neo been re rated or ,nAemned hall be remedied or if n ved end "PIT' ed in n acceptable manner by the 1bt- ar a hu —n— The City ,,hall neve ealbority to take over and sae defective work wi thou[ tom --I— t, the < ontraclor when the Cantrectar fade 1,r refuse, W rebuild each faulty work. I...1 It ti 1 Ilv ex aced 1,J sed that i^ see the C,otratwr shall became Can«Nation :nnaI- t or be declareJra bnnk_pt for any ca whatsoever, atber than a or fmm the arta of Ib r'i[y, Le prevented ar delayed in Pr,ceeding with end ""plat In, Contract the work according to this <ontrvt[, or ah.Il (nil to commence or Beed with [he work a me natinr.,e.n of me Engineer, ar shall 1 imvraPer m.ter:i or m.d,b ,r rad i —ply with thea' npeciflce[iann, that .M1e Engineer m g or se W be given I tFe Cnntmctnr, ch no[ W Abe served 'trier Peta,n- ellycor L>^lea�viag n mpynat the 1nue1 Plate of businma�,ry evidence of the Contractor or by me'ling u h no ice or notirea to the .ddreu given at the time of signing thio ant, and if the Contr.emr conainta o[ more than ono ye o ee m.y be made n itber or any of I—; and m cane the Contr.etor .Fall rot flue (6)t days after any tnch notice f.il W commence or regularly P oc ed with the work t, M1e satiaf.ccian of 1 Engineer, ell righbi ^f the cantracto,rnnder tnia contract hall rem d is ,greed het the City mo declare this eon tt . to any and 11 rights of the Con- tr 1 tnemwder forfeited, annulled, end twholly�csnt'll'd, and ma take away, hold d "plate acid w k by tame nccaunt 1,r by reletting the anfiniahed Part thereof. The Cit [.hell have the rigor to apply any[ sum due o, which may btome due and pa - abh, to he Contraetar under the ter , hereof to the completion o[ the ev d work. It is further agreed tn.t [he City m y, tar l": a, antrattom, seize 1,d use ,r e W be usN ell statim, machinery I—h, —1 im laments of very description e may be found on the site of - wnrk, carry an 1,d t. -II mAlete the work es hemi^ apmified. Sboula the coat l the work be a ter [hen Ili. t whlen world be n�yeble under this contr.tt if J, sums Wed —completed 1,y the Contractor, he or his ndlmen ¶hell per en' rz ,ane City; .hold the cwt be leas. tum the :h Rprenre wlll 1,e P.id the (',1,11.1[,11 - hi, 11-111 en by th, City. The soros improvement r,gmtared by these"'1a —' - oeP a lomm� none b0 finished ISI and completed W lie entire ae iactmn and eeV ce a t Public '11me of Complelioe —.k.,,", or .altar . ___ __ ___ -- d,y, from lee J W .11 mrm u a ue heeCity nom rut`s, Hurl ran a:nn mcompleta and unflnthat linFeJP fie by ptt herno[ e h"io specified, r a y par e i e above m I., Wed, the (:unlraclor shell n me City the num of 5---unJ above the dollar xh day w`^ch i. her Y Holl for they) ork awA hadams oulJ Lek u11 thil and n eJ b h Y fI.ilure .rid Itl -t PI ache an, d di >`h=. ri =� eaee�unlY in reed terte�etnesnbo z hmitea tg c nx+ae peed bid —p the Cantr.cwr in aubmiuing nia ra oval or bid ,green mal ma "Haul of each dam of engineering and intpettn nn lwnen�eLeidue by �netCommi�`�nmc d. M1blme. N'arka VsnaIt Le Jeduc4d from FF ant: ar may a�dinR If the wnrk to he Aant caneiata of gradinR,eie ins curbing. tree Pl"'I't ntme. Apel seeding, the tune Letween NovemLer 16th unlJ the 16tH day of IF1 low ..Yell a tontrnlered 1,P JrvJut R M1 dcmll vet. "^cllJed in reckoning ttime used t Uyi,n receipt ,f w lase ce from me Canlrattor of me cxi 1,t cvu,ca leek, 1.66 which anid Contractor hta. n�t [control amt which must Jelxy tM1exeon Pletion v[ war Eataieioa the Commu,loner ey as hi. dlncretian avd with LM1e ronaeot or [M1e Roodivg Gamp.n>' Tome or Surety a end the —1ecitfled for the cc nplet un of said work. n. of t'ie Na allow will be m de the can c r fur the WVPag r y�°me i.wt d ork by the ,C m 1,a v blot i[ .nrM1 owPD eg oineant Pp ge srdeuspena un ww Le the 0.e 'he mpie�io of the work: d uo C, ' tnae�o pp Gpnn campl,ti 1,l he ,rk Letor c i, nee end efina1.1 .Ymand lbe 1.56 made. the Can R enell le etd.d re ieletremn eel sanditemporarY a -63-- ClUpog rt ell, ,plus and -i c ma rI. m' i f c or the Engine ePll p - .nd Pavan^ n e nu b ficL epee seem dem gad ori ,table c,ndl 1111 y bo h ,bill P w rem n ro roP t on f he k e d h 11 t o h 1,J preeen It I. the op n of the F,ngincer the Contractor performs nro work ,atiafactorilY. Es[�male the E.in— will prepare a nthly of [he Blue of the wo k already [one under the proviei,na 1,r thio camr.c4 reserving therefrom fifteen (16) cent n t ,( each ..timate, end therelPA. the Conlrvctor ehnil be entitled W [M1e amount ,f such esti ate, leen such deduction, when eufllcien[ .—Y veet^ ppli-bl W the p.ymen` thereof snail be in the City Tremary. The sroreaeid re f fill(11) per leen shell be retained by the City ;intil the final rnlimete an completion end ^cep c of the work by the Commieewner. 8etnre any final e. mete Hell Le .flowed by the Commi.n er ,( PULIit Work., the Can `nail be tri,ed t a rtnficete e.'d eetJe mntern fuluTor 11 clai M1e City ofSt. P.ol�on etcau of work done r ial ( isbed and- thieecanlracf. The c rlifimle If Ile Commissioner an dIth.tC —atWhrlln fi^al,civaive es m amount oft work done and shell Le accepted by s All— 11, clew ,f the ork, P [r .11h ,manholes h cos y5g ,tum don a n o , way a em ane ted ePa6 e error an e of th the worn a wha�e ens`I Le. n0pttfednbsyeth. EnR r per v k nnn1iP In tra lute too d n he ,l the .lid-, ^n Yd,01'.sore loved b oto n the of a^o/tltf,e on ctor and old vnJP —t--1-Ykm t f the ,lett alLef lee slP sten,, Alltxrl,,,., J fee r dam .1,y V workra 11 be rem did -d mad good by the C ntr.cto . 9 A,, poymenla made nn wnrk Burinyy n roRreaa. on account of contract ar on Pnymml tire.... work, ar the telt Hat tFe� CitS ran nee' .n in.p `ler ,n net 1,a, .hall en n, cane be anatrued es en .ace ranee n( the work or m tri I, bat he Con - shall be liable der all the mnditi, , al rhes n tiflca[i .1,d tra until Ili, it mk i. flni0hed 1,d a minted byTth Co miss n er of 1,v antic lWeorks.eanµ if, afterntbefln.l atbb end ac c' ode, is develops that n, a tial or ork red .... rding tI Pid— �^nd specification, has Ween found defective, rM^ted n oo roperly rex sited, said final es a shall n tempt the Contractor from liabili[ytln raptors or execute avid work in accordance with tant,vct, plana end All mon. .1,1' ne"1 aPr re. b^ I` vin ,r eel Ven, er or tµ1 1.11Rf tP P cel P ype yle• ^lets'"t n! Ih Pe a tI P ov t R— l ' Rt Fund he t sbnll b m in a d�f ,1 applicable W Heid p . e. Th° Co rec or file vee re red t ... t the _ G verenle< memhip hell be fire 1 e tAroughou uAllnme erml she 11 ;e rev t vtJLee tcQue�tyre arpec�vfled anJ etre the inpru en xlfin�ehed, tvJ nd x d the [:Datta nail m n the a for x r riot of a s .. �t U^ final e car ever —tk, rtbm ^kl pxr Tnr�' y;'ornf;; etimae ell b ick rpa r for rrioJ �f fisc s I Ant a brlekv,vrfec the ork. p > r r o[nfi nal s i ate for that Uu cin t`he— tof the E the Cuntrn —II make eller n nnJ r w In not io weanita ri:�n�e n enaigm r, Le n�,`eeexrr. Mmme e Pe�„I a ,ewereenal wale he cr iU ew acv titer ii taxillly e m n<'udthere niA tie sdr t mda nen `w e n In t reii�re proLeMet; . wnwnroner ' yacoae ins a war ravel dhrow [tlem when Ne �nditi of lM1rn tinJ�c t `e[ the er rho e e t eg L...... Lena sl .. re arta` et s rP wivl^ulndi i nnid r d seed [ n h m t, n of J p' I buckl' M1 1 gid o M1 J 1t xhe'I be It by tle <k itracwr Atgood ca dil-on vnd r l d n.... xrvr nnJ tear a t d IA. 'F TTe Cm trectorrehnll make ell repo r oder the <ond-t on, o[ thio guar Repeire ante. ,Fen notified m - g by the E I( he ,hall fad to begin and <ontin- Gu•renirc Eng�nenr sM1Wlt ca he orad pithin ( 0) dvye after race ving ev d the deduct en fro y xr v r o r to be tide ` 11 he oat thereof .hell br r e X11 tld h d the —11--l'.nb d l h l. h e a oo heard neeem The FaR neer —11 be tFt IUJRe e. to tla p tion o[ ita - Pence f J.rrepnin unJer lM1e above .pec ificd ronditions. mpr �vemenl wF'ch :6n F'or the r ( nfor the cur diti of the r brick Gv t e hereinbefore ileac ribed LFe Con nctor shell be a rsd to corns oh v Door mento pond ¢ with a ved e t con m It, 1 F, pOve x1316•( ) p a[siheo ten tic alk hes pas ev mo( it els brick aortae if lh er ce b' e ( b c e d h the gvarnntee bond re vied 0.11 I.e torr L v I L M1irty fis (36, ) of e pr ce of lM1e Arick v � red in tho vnd h' F D be td'et P,i n f ny mvB p4ri�R tnentoI bock y doge nrd for completed Lr'ck pa meuted I— the tic e d 1 f nrrlvtacF d 11 tM1 a Sv"d R v tie banA for b k vv t h II ne for v ter of rfl vaol5) Y'- I— th, it of the flail slim e f r (network. 1.63 For the Purpaee of enforcing Its l-11-- of all Ruvrvnlrev I—mbr fore Je.crib,d Renew,, the City shill withhold from the final estimate the .um nf____. Dollar. of th. ii, for v penvd hi, ne,a ear frohellFe da[eleaeed I— h Cpnlerlor leve vnd of the re.r rvended bac[M1nv nitY e r them n n n< r t r omt` oro. Tho release .h 11 fin I rcl v. voftit, Cnn tee or fro h s ro tri City 1 932 Paul Pablir Work, WAGE SCALE ORDINANCE G. F. No. 73125—Ordinance No. 6'Jg5—By I1. C. W—it —. An oNmvncel per ace ibing the w'ge. which .boll be paid for .killed — unskilled labor udm works Ly cunt veru re where p fur g u<F work far the City of St P ul. Tne co�nml u[ the City of Sti'vul doe. udeln� SECTIO All cont s hereafter d red into I r he I o e oe per'urmi en work vf^r [he Cityr of Sift. -I. invUlr in Reei her n un tr o w rk o repnR w"rk o Dade, h idgee, s w etreels, alleys, arkne pe rkwey s bvildinge, U e y other puelc the kwvge, "dh cnrtainm.ki,ed pv nd runakPilNy lana rl ehellenat �evleas Lth-(the following: Sk II d L L I II ur kl 2.5 B irkieyer 4o em n -. d71 B kl T d °end Muer 5 U 1 C 4 1.laK i F h U t F' h F remm� 1.12"' LI 00 LI HOP— $ h t. .631 H Sn i E _. _. sneer 1.IB H 1enng Ene er __ _. .9u Iron Worker 11 inI....,gl .... 1.26 Iron Worker IRs .r Iron Worker Foremen nt) M bl S M- F r 1.90 P 96 P PI 1. b Plasterer Fore n .. 1.3]1 Plasterer'. Tender ... .g6 L12"' Roller Engineer ............ .... ..... .... .. .... ... .90 Rooter ...................... ... .. .... ib Rooter. Helper E0.47K to Sheet Metal Wn k 1.00 Sheet Metal Work {1 i .. .621 Sleemfltter .. ... 1.121 Steamfllters help r .62"' Steam Shovel ... Engineer M .. .... .... 1.10 Stone veon ...... .... 1.2.5 TerszryWorker O nekilled Lobar Yee Ilnur C,am mon Laborer ....... ... ... ..... ...... ..lit- Asphalt.LaMrer ....... ..... ... .... ... .60 Concrete and Curb Leporer... ..... ... ... .SU Garden laborer Hat Asphalt Bha 1 IRepair.l .. .50 Maintenance i.abnrer ....... ..... ..... ... ... .. .60 Sewer laborer ................ .... ... .. .. .60 Tree Laborer ....... .. .... .... ... .. ... .60 Bridge Laborer ........... ... ..... .. .... .... .66 BnildinR Laborer .... .... .. .... .... .Sfi Ditch DiRRer ..... ... ..... ... ... .55 Ilot yyAapFelt Shoveler T. ReftleerF�rene�n,) .82K Paver .................... .... ... .821 Sup -Foremen ..... ..... .... ... ... ... .... .. .... .621 Asphalt Raker (--0 par..) Pang Be.) .......... ...... ..... .. ....... . ... .. ........... ...... ......... f1r50Temr (,,,,ww Stavee6 Paver ..... ... .... .. ... .. .10 Asphaltt Ri, Riker (new work)... ... aU Team and Driver. ... 1.05 SECTION G A v mmd rape ar mie aram,nra anal be euamed to .red -sae . vn aI me .pe er for lM1e dome ar anY work . et forth in Section o e Hereof, and shall co u( me and cundiO sbharea[ and .1 shell benunlaw(W end a violet u( Ther of the t fur the subcun r fur any ouch work 1u bhci or empl Y to mVloy ropey euchrlebar at less than the fie pro, Wed fur nea,�n� SECTION 3. Inw e o a ithu t o City tar t`e loin 0f a uch work eFan ll v onlac me T.-'; ur lhiar�rdin Tole roar f Ly sub -c other me (ie, Heil m the end take [M1e ark and c ,plebe [he either by hie rrthen yU mbor ..it rchaa the .1 m Histo the r by re let R mu t for the ork n, the punaible tbidder whttM1ev, et ,od - In�w er anal t ca the wA, ne end en of ti ,inlin the orkehell be roar e,l t antd opnidao of tl, s aur u b r du, the ,oder mie nc and c of vutNci men 'Hall b.o titl edrt r 1- [ne• end then ty un his Lm,d�t Y ,il dlitmnnl ,••vc nnJ ........ aver and .Hove Lhea cm,lract pri e. SECTION J. The Provisions or thio orJinnnce shall not apply to or 1% '.-i scale oI wages I_ ,played by —, c it her ecnnicel o clerical c nolvlY x of drixkin omcr niVloy c, .who ore not a.tuoll vl rent anJc wurktng t [he e,4 oft ean,truct,on. 1EC'1ON 6. ,rdin ,Poll n POIcbi where bid, hove ne.x ere. �.ed �,an oma raW rapt ax ar iedabdt �t,Umraet x,t yet aaramee. SECTION 6. All co ntrov t. r r Ire AoinR of any xurk for the City or EC Paul .,.It... in Se- e hert.,f 'loll b the undii tna cold c shall p vide me the ork, and that or the dap [char of rthe ork, that me ork under them ted, with c rtifica it me ode addre af, ,na lherk nJ cof xorkr Lein$ performed tby e[M1at cllaaa of -ploy wh a fixe) byL thio- orJ in__ w Lh a terrific. is met Il r, 1, -play lei than the reale vide) further The eholleomorfur mh the tar ph with . miler rb— aaddit nal employ ,eh -bl nal labor mplayed, and nnlea eekly lifica ndt aril lit .ploy the nadir Thr oboe lificnt es sM1nll be mode , I n blanks fa r.i—d by� tlm �aeporlment ,p cher, or me nark' SEI TION 7. This ordinance and me —i-- w scute p cribeJ herein ,hall expire fire ,encs from the date ,f the V R ,f 11— --- �e, SECTION 8. Bili ,hall be rd n. provided in Sre n 3 hereof, the die tea r ref the n�f mL. __ eFnll be referred UI,.- lo ora d[ e ulo snnbao decwd .e lana., ( -nen borne nppai t,d16y 1, mi - M1 t• of the w�,1, cob h n pp—al of me C' y C u to enc rmemFer O be appalnfedcby me Dote na mr °, -ted t int a th, d a' tea red inn urn end fm S be tmae by the r the C o ,dl by �tb, mho In of the 'Hilar o[ either rty t Atte arbil n ,idea Rm bar ithiv di" nrter rltlen ebov vWd. c of me Cedar of tl a ,elected ! select e thudrarl r wilhln fiver dry Defter of mei Dimer arty may apply b P c twntmen[, o y Juaga or the District Court of eft.— County, Minneaote, f- the appointment of _y orb itri wr w, Flt g, ng neve Anyaanol^ce to ell in lerrslM pectic. of the me and place •n t., _,. rinK ors h ePP11m ti... The Hold Laard of arbitration shall. within five days ef.,, Im xt, hold a hearing, and .Fall Rive the mte-,—] pectic, ret leant three d.ye nubile df -th he —F. end shall '_ aider uch hen mr vidrn offered by the portio ested, Said board eFall M1ev vdjo At ouch hes witne shell be andta ahnll r: enJm.nd bske me nwhlch .hall Abe cribrd open ca mpl,e.. 1e1 the Hen cin Kms. which record aM1vI1 �He It", wgether witM1 tnendce of the board of arbilr ilh the y Con til. Tree dee made ny old hoard or .rbitrn 11.11 Ir 11-1111 or, finding on of fact, and —11 I.e final end concb,a,v p the ""'j, i p 'b� AllIn cthvr j-11, mr r shall L the r w be hoard Lefore .aid lb�onrJ of o,n�uml V a.nt 1ucF evidence a, ay be rble� me nntThe expenses oboar) of am11.an, lnclo Jing me co to kinK Inc u mony and tran,cribirifi ng the'Hall Lc,- sl,o red ..IuNly by the contractor and tM1e C.Ly, SECTIO\": The liming Herein of certain -11,d a ,_kill e.l l.bor down not ra'auire the a-pluy- .of a of sail c niJ c y juts, but ouch n ions nil rem.,„ .unm tine, is iadirno;,a'xyfiu eia`.ano-.,uar. n:C TION I v al.(i . of the rw, -c f mis ordinance —11 be e K of a mudemeonurs .nil up tnrreof 'Fall Lr 1 ni,M1ed Ly . foe not c -g One hundred Doll. r'.�oi y -ii-,...,n1 for n• careeaing n,n y day, r SECTION l 9'M1 ix orJinnnce 'Hell t-, effect , t be In I-- thirty days It,, it pan gu t panreauan. a am by lbs canoed N'nv ml I _N vee,—Comclanar. r —.-nneuen aanlen,i.laadLei-er. Wenzel, mr. sire Prea. (FmRa- ) Napa—t. Approved November 1. 1928. 1_ C. ODCSON'. >t ayor. Attest'. U. W. HIRDSALL, City Clerk. C. F_ N., 86957 --Ordinance No. 722G By ( lydr R. ]toy, Mllwn R—.— I-- uaen— Dello n -log for the ort n of ca pie of mu eWe, r eldene axe igh4 M1uu orh of he City of St. Paul,a plec upon worII k 1-, pur[or-ed by e s for the City ofx St�xul, dPeclaring the vlalatinn thereof a misdemeenrn nr coil P ovidinR a pmty mere for. Thr C--) If the Cily or Sl. Poul does oNain: SECTION 1. He lore any work .Fall bu pii,rf i a v,ntra n eyed in o by the th- a( 9� Pool for me a of perfor ork ro rapid [City, trtt either ark i urk., Dada, mi, 1 s alley p"."l , bi a, b ilding P oitn r p .p urk valet tM1- -Pea em tier public roperly, there shell be Do,mJ In e e place aSt, location Of' old improve eopir' of the following n dixanrea nor me City of St. Poul: Ordinance No. 6100, approved July 16, 191, —i n ace No. 0901 roved Dec mbar 28, 1927; Orlin nee 40. 98fi, a oval November 1928: •thea celled eiR�t hour day orJinnnce, naidence -i-- ordinance, and age .cafe ord inence, reepectivel y. I. Thr Cit Clerk of the C- of SI.SECTON 2 Paul i, hereby aumor s d and ,lire d semg w 1a wot�of ed nnlinancea t all c upon the a,Rn g of s y retract forlcity N�to be Perf.— far the City cof tSG Paul. Sk:CTION 3. A J r mie ord-none .M1 II h hrA to red -aar PP t or me peg f he d ind of .ny w k r M1 C- of St real aha shell ae -acture �nr r h. red ran[axe tl rr f 1 M1 11 be e v amt nn of tar ce s of � cw a� aar rantraamr car env am work or the, agema m ra"I w on'rrva me. wrm' ..r lni., ardmance. SECTION d guilty of a misdefir a or cared u iota me a na of v is dinar shall M1e o a of v - �- n thereaf,� hell be niched Ly ce foe no[ L. eeA One Hundred Doll— (EIOO.o0) ,or ,mpr annment in me workhuu se fur a period nut to exceed ninety (90) day ,rSF.CTION I. This-dm'nu ...e ll bike effect a d be farce thi,ty (30) I.y., xf(,, itsensg e end publication. p Passed by tar Council July I8, 1910. Yeas—Councilmen Conroy, MaY, Pearce, Rosen, Mr. President IHunJ1i0-5. N.Ye�. Approved July 18, 1930. G F.ItIl A Ito R—Chi F., Mayor. Attest. D. W. BIRDSALL, City ( brk. fill °1- Pe.l -INDEX SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALKS I ... pI. 11-1 R, ,•n R,. _2.111 f, redinR 1 ..21[ 4uundn li�ri 1 __u.. 5.1.Rrnde 1 __ 114 1--- 22 '1 ---__11lln trri nle 1 __ne Camen, Tilce 1 __ii, Snr..1 end lrn., nl 19.1. .2 __, 11 Tile I..y,,,, __. Eale,e,vn oin le. _,.11 fl rick and (J ,ant Il lank 1':, e ing vmere Leid z ..,.II P. undnliun __.I[ Site Il -d— 2 __. 1.. lonrra le l-, _ 22.14 Cvehion _._ __. Cement P - j- Nlor Ms. __. 9 llrirk I _•.I7 I.e Yi,, 131,., 811r 1, 22.19 Ilexri Vlion. Thiek ness, 1'ro y�rl mn, 22'211 Mnlerinlx 22.21 Concrete M,x r, aP Uepv♦meat of Pvbllr Workn I'e rugrnpM1 li—I Page. 22.22 —1- S.Vpiy E9.IVmenr 2'2'2:1 I{rid Ren, Smell Toole, etr.. 22.2.4 Molslure Ilelermmel,�n Y.0 uimna nt. J _2.2n pleenurinR of Mnterinle ., 22.26 I,eliv y of A- t, 4 22.27 Mixing C.ndit ion.. 4 2 - Il Coneistenry 4 22.29 Method of M.,.n 1 2'1:10 Strcl Heinforrement 4 22.31 IU-, enA Pin isM1iny 4 2'2.22 Joi,l , ... 4 22.:1:; C.ring __.A Extrn I(ein forced < n, ra to SiAe walk— \t'M1erc I.ni,l :. 2" f'urms 22 2e Thirknese and 14 inforrerr,.. _ 22.17 Il,i,cwey. 22.::11 M.—I" '22.'19 Marla, _. __.J1 C.nt rnrwr's Shiny � 22.42 Sod ..._.. - 1 n - ..f St. I aul Ilepemment 5f 19JI i'uhli< Nnrl+ SPECIFICATI0NS FOR SIDEa'AL.KS SECTION zz [,t ental All�cv Iks end— 1. all "1 ( I c co�cat. I Iks. 22.01 11 L hIk:, I A Ifnll Undmg f 1 M1 1 x�lk, Lut t�,., .M1. Lc JsturLel anti Ira by 11111 p snlnnx ihr I�nu( inti rlrct t Thr x tr r hr xalk +hall t, 1 .r fill 1 t , tl r Vn ° ede- F,IIs .hull .ckeJ in inyerx nut tx n". r 1�1 mch., in thirkneaeund ehxll Lr si mrhemx-idrr Ihan ihr walk :n .nlr. s hl--] (or filling snahil , Lr Burn as will innkt n 10,.1 f��unJnti.n rot thr It +hall not contain Inter s one-, nr lu 1 4c�anle nu . r nr nything of on unje roue Lle onto 2 OJ Ins m l1, ih; 11 1 n I -L., t.undet. t I p d l I 1 nN h f 1 Th un I :I II hl I urin. . 1 t nlln assn,u fon hII'I11- hf M1 11-11.0- 6 trd I drl 1 nd n In. r i air rn o 1. ria 1 nn a 1 n �� at�'A to n�l ,n in 'I llu the rP ��Jrunt�l prod lM1 Tho Ih�[r l0r Aar or vel m at Lr C 1 rx at II 11' k a.ln, i f rsfn n : I' klrr, I - f I. (. :Hall Lr 1 u t mvl one hanlr _ r 11 h h f ti i I h -t i. 1 n , drr-r er r,l ane I ,t n.a mr ., a dad ' .rdh�e t In, un t prcea Lid- 't Th -1- I hill 1 g i .hobzq�ade 1 M1. -I r M1 . a M1 .. M1 ll 1 1 I f f r I- IunL A- hi h alar.. RetFnb-h fu�n� or IedngOCif lV��l uh� ihvniglel le lAru'ill nnzshrilr „i Wont Fenn¢ ra1.r�.a TM1r. nun gnJe shall ladernn Lm n udJr r�hrnl�he tnncrrtc ,.r ,and r I,ed is placed a on �t- �I 1n ' n"' 1.uJ 4'nrms sha ia ll Le ndr .f —I l.niner Ir -h-Chir',:. n nr .reel 0! Forma rel gm. Ther ansa Lt rig�ab' i�.nl n. h... l�rlad. 1. Ih,l. I i I.r r .. nlAs, J I r pn4s shall t. yr •Jrl,f r ns g, a r.11. � 1..� .r. 1 1205 ill I hl -1.11 he rll - fit --1lale I.b M1 - k � I. a cls its f tin Stn Jar1 a .nllt n„i ,f er Paul li REhAYINI; UE It E('ll.N'SI'I(I1"11N1. E\IS']INf: 1'I!.R h:N'f Tll.h: SIUY:N\I.Ir ent'I'ile I r f I r l I f 1. r ,:'art. I ii 11 nihrl i nil thorougnl>r. Ihnkn. h,,,ZttncbeE,l:acepl matt eandauleetl furl bottom cw`rse°o[ Glee msY curtain not t. ea� reed shirt a eve v cer curt of coarse eggngete of hieh ell W e e o c':` n i d be repined on a one-quarter (u) ch clave, E ni ty (Bonarter ¢n will pave a .ne-IWf 1 %) mch •leve. Four (d) parte of ane mlaed .tone and euid are to be used wiN one Il) Dart of ttment ivmaklm[ ane bottom tour¢: of tiles Tn. IXd mr t.p r.ar.e .[ tile:, .h.0 rn wa n..nn¢ wmm� waw n. ) men eve TTe^roportiona or wn shell be a tnly orad in neyuerter Eeµ�ved by the Engi end Ne rnr shell be marline fixed In a batch mixer. bateh Fell be mixed(0r n pewri.d a[ not leve then two (Z) ionto. 'IT¢ .f 4r u.ed must be each Chet hen Ne mortar ie yylaced In the moulae and III- ht rammed, no cue water le Wrought f the mr(e,e. No mutter .hall be saved after atnining its initial eat. The sur[xe duce be ft. iened rough like til: ample in the 'It- o[ the Cammieeioner of Public Works. Tne wed .Fel^ b¢ toted DDee ndo.ed ,d,¢d nd Drol¢rt�d from .nn offing `'ndeac teen Fehr tThe Mex ehallaberkephtall [ tar a ello� 0f flveo(6 data from Ne IL.. they : de After fine flue I6) day rind Ne tGee may be ved to erd, ho tdtt :hell M ced on the ork un[ 1 they a at lwt thirty Id01 d. I, ddJ end dunnq thle time they ebould be Drotected from the hot sun or drying winds Td,,, moat Lt manufeetored under City ;n+pa[j... On the foundation ppayed described herein shall rt laid a o 12) Inch bed 22.0] bed ssed of ane (l) part Portland cement end [our (d) pa leen, sharp and. The S.nd end hell either b` mi `ed In a mechnnicel belch mixer, eh¢II ire mixed by hand m Cement Red ,d, I a Un a rater Igh[ platform, .r In a anter hgh[ box The sand and cement iII be mixed in a dry ante by torn�n t'1 h x of um(orm color; It shall �am¢rr'de et Iwt rout (omm� wmle dry Th �`n ren.. tom be Vlerea .n tn: �2 eurfeee of N xelka Hefetrenplacingf the tile, thetbed (etiall `be eb`low ehe�dn rater until it ie uniformly dam° prinki:d N t lav [h n`d b eev pBr`�`neheeb�be ween`ihe ed •hell be lvid uare ale muaunng x20P 4yin4 Par M video H...ge. i blacks m Tole Wying walk. All blocks GWI M laid °xolee (uroreeentmn trveleur[eee cod rnln[orm ha` d mac[ We of the ii- R, Awl thin Kroo[ing or neat Portland cement ehv2B be ep ed over from--g-- t'. walk ThefedQ tf`ihe erdetwvlk`ehall be lfln abed wiN aiplea h'il bb`of Port- Innd cement end evnd in proportion of one (J) o[ cement and to two (2) o[ Band Exp.,d- i e (1) mch m thmkne•v anon be formed wherever eldewalk 22.09 .bore the curb, ora butdmc r Intersect III, dewelk. Trenevene expeneion loin[. Wpe .-half (%) inch thick ehnll be formed c e Ne walk le no[ exceeding Jai -d" flftY 160) feel in ell caeca. All eapenelon joint, shell exnndeth ugh the enure thieK av oc the walk, and shall br Oiled with s poured bitumen Biter of rompoelGon end cone�et cy approved by the Engi , BRICK AND CEMENT HWCK PAVING =r. rJe Th' ehsll b¢ntion ar [he line r the walk t Iley Inggee nd driveway whet. MIO mmner. pavN with brick m cement black end shall be done in the following N"nen Wd The fvundetion ehvll be prepared ne epecifltd for sidewalk,. ¢n F od G0n f th9idronwalk and eecurcly fawned w Ifnet (gamin h Plank shall 4 mane ` aide ohe clot e r height end line byY f naked All, the needere`ahbcll bennmGy`tnmmed w m 4h Ne flniahed ,f—dk. th a hIi b, Bide Eeeden Alleny crnaeinRRe re w 4 dished three (3) hes except where .patent condGiona re n • modiP—m w be directed by Ne Enginmr. llpon the foundation repnred ea described above .hall be Inced a Inyer or co Y213 trete f[ r (d) oche¢ m thickneee Thi. e ere a •hell be m xeL In the rtmn of C-13 ne (11 pert Portland Cement, three (3) FF e clew eharpl d nd flue (6) pato gea¢ LroXen atone 01 gavel. The roncrow .hellehe mixed ne iflm hetero for ronerew olllhi< trete a dews lke, and ,hell We laced m°eNietely .(ter mixing IL abet be evmpM end ,trvek oR with a tcmplv4 and floated w s trve contour with wood m Rost.. UVVo the ronenn ben shell be eprcvd u hien t the aurfan h .14 thrn-quertere (%) fen 32 Ix`h tll;ec f clean and, of wich shell be penllel w the flnivhed aur- Cushion Is wear .��t»slue jl2lainvhvelo K. rr4l bel weir linen -f unAe (y�lthif-blocfik,onbe I. ng lilmke ro n v( retell [ Natured c and thrr. foilptna only izM enJ m mJeantlt refu l r nJm parte Ira cher , A^polnu vheuU o e-(uu r h I'4I eh II re derbnro el U j N¢ `vuLlYortolend ce- nt earl end 1;117.immirJi It Ik a oe use cher mnN tho ugmlry mixM sed :mire) tFi.kne ° V"^ N.1 war p d, lee �h i ram •d to her - Th1 W utters of thr. Llxka "hull Irr fln:shM smmM1n xiU rour:Jm1 M¢ee enJ in unl the un:Vle :n lM1e ogler of Ore f:ommreeiuner of I'uLlic N'urkn. r ltlurkx rraust Le m nu mA urrJer City in They shall br mrefu1131 ebenrdl Uoj lJeys olJ. the first h.a 1.51 U > "Llucka shall be unvJ unlenx v rickdrill meet thr. City StanJxra Sln<:fl.nlions fur lFrer 1:%1 inch vertiml flLra Hdck Im ryt beck. 21 ll The brick a nckx w'I bl id 11 an Fe cosh ort of mnJ' they m ahibt Ih elle, or drivewa3'. ne Llucksui I a11'neklne nJju n nu <roawa set ast,Wr ra[qulerl` bttek joint" Nu bn[n o Lro .'n blocks will Iw ar ila<ke nllvweJ, care .t far�loeuren and tM1e beginning of er other m The bluckx d¢ [ snvll Iw. IhanmgM1l3' rollwl or runuml to rthe � of the Cunr- vuf ei'uLlir \{'arks, end nf4r Iwing rnmmrJ or rolleeltrthereurlare shell Iw mwtn enJ e. en, enJ true to ¢red.. k �ller ¢ A`terar3oll�ng r ra m the brick o blla<k spell b. ru Wd with v i•urtla sV ar i m u Wed ufedree (µIp u[ 1'u laud c r argil o e (1' I ae clear l 1 :nt.r. uidnlrer wM1vll t..rttuk r: lu fllll ru:xte fluxhx�u ith riFens t vcll reedit Xux r t the a Uexrription. MONOLITHIC CONCPEI'E 9111EN'ALE Ik.h II(Y1,d re 1'd h M1 M1 b g,. de eVareJt h L Md —ian Tnfh A k N enJ d f n vemenl shall m F n n the P[vntlerJ h Ci[3' I S teal. AiY rtbairM i the nark but lu he wnich ix pax-firnely m ned :n Ne 4elr ape.ifim shall Le fur iehuI ler bUxt R I. d f to y tEn¢ii p M 21 Th hell M raM rt Iwl i r[enA c u Bvr ('r) p ['11ia le ,del lv to eVpeon ° td> twe 121 p of b6 shell I efl ems t acrd [I lanrrete plat mall Win no[ Icssethnn one AfClgg fRes c A" r rbm r "rte gregutvnd flflya 3n h ndrM[As I1 +11 ebur ala au( Tb. £.nlnnrer will compare the mlculated amount u( mment raaui N aceordin¢ W Ihrae epxiflcatiom end ....m anying Vlene, xitM1 thea u Ily u M during .n peeM . TFe mo t of c -d 4, mofnv a -half o(ra^ dee shall ndo'riren.0 n moire v i F�a� ativdr'tP�r:Wrt lb�em Iwlolw lithe p Dec roc rahp lk Feo nJ fl(tY �eevrn FunJ Tteam I. tri Is a cubieryyerd arts l �oncrele n al .. ne r J n.a 0 ,7) et lNeauipmaep, The a mm ro t shalt to of n su<c v yy and r m l t um more n. uslr ens aroml a far nl^�the en a [tees dr'kk xs n .IanJby' nn¢�:loplire r l p g lu:pmi n[rsnellobe raivld 1 Iir'pIf22.T]omUll Thio.� ;ant error eWnell cur cinch n spRin n u le of • all a 11 [twle ne<e r o o p`et [ mbar f brit m t[ p r IonRthe ui^J nil 11 clap Purlapi ae�oniu floe M1yvll nave r iu`t��amemth �aurfx. w�l ri aedr¢eiflM 12 eJLenheil b1 0! e! tem twelve 1121 once a 1, w II "Jed Ih M n21fa`Oanscrod" nu reeabyil mpthes fields a the moielurr c,l forredhyg th, an¢e F.�a meet ber a e peep Tne ethod of m RY.25 of which seware r "enJ uni(arn ftp Ins ca evf mch or(R ate shell bet one iMateruln mtelyh end el Wlyhn111 fh ^niaM1nenrl cin lull a 1 roedne fl °d o ride a fall rc n h n Mn F n 1 1 C 'Il to d h fiid fiM h 'e h 1 Ik f d ch M1 . Th hr nis. era. - lalwr for mak"n¢ eu xlurr d�term"naton s the En¢nreir deemia ace ehnr ennll Le "rade by tape 1Ir ,, a fancy ag eget¢ u[ uni(ar" p, ._b if a van e I adv u(n jy wideYyV div r re �t e n the chUr vh( duuLconn en s shell da too work illleru lLutl lV.au rm1 eJ < undnR of ,rebs u=T... Acorrtk :t <entl oe to x i h n r y-[ou 1 v( rem sh J Le amwnrd !,h c -d., tbrull Le pre r"d Ly x rgnt yy ovM le, which, n :rll t shell tLeh ke t cl i mleantJ ¢u WrMowfo n r vetln shell¢ IL x letfur i,e`1ee J, ll:er fsell ire u[ a self Il!.1 dVehu lea nn a LetweeumUre nl. kn I u r m¢ ym t rr ap wh:rth U: sv a ins` Dye nmf ne els shoo r eunntll of cher r un:Lersuf roLatcm Luis nxu Im ermtent i Dago avt� a<c e J e xVlva M1in o f th tt e uth Iksc ahell`I.cP u.n that n w v ail 1 wtlkx r Fnulin n to mall ehe.r nu Ric n d "hall Ire c n Rhe 1'rxeuf mat 1 ihi rnR a[ t`re UellverY of p k t ch h I' x M h J Aggregalam U r I I h l h s anA r eagle t hdghth an 1 ¢hl e [he ¢Vile ti ne betrM1 i the ... when duh,pith. SeckM .pmt twh1nh 11 Le Jelrvemdt [4e n Ore or Rrng I cn ag The a ck d ce n eh II b hvule�l u Ne L t hie ut th, mall b p'1 d el the of the works tSv ks shvµlt L neo and Jumped v thor p rrF du ru shall be sella stenos the r erly b IMzerd Eleri I. taeiljlaor er ant yby We in yi or. EecF Jay :uWl o oaf sacks hell Le veil t the jab. If s kedelM h c s arvu e r I[ e e ethVer daily tee Cun r hhIl m sena Ali r Yr 11dn rotrove c m t rn mekn f n Le vmin net in trairs:t. a arY van I:uriug roll weather, concrete ma>' Le pl_ 'hen then cal air M.pereture in the seals ra 35 degrees f'. ane rising; ro ere hall not Le place) when the natural a 22.2r ¢ m Ore ehadu is 40 deRre.e Y, and fa11mR; a d m no case ensu concrete La C nJitl au aemV [ed Pt a I z n nub grade. Onem < t en ^I not be dd.ddrW Inw r the fr¢ c nit ufO1. d U. [ he E Iri"ev aMa isle n and d e[ 'te ne '0 Iih I vt Lu ppaMr. 't ¢<bv hhh11 plasm( Ibgreae F. h nhel 1, < vrrM nwiLWtrsdrY Lurlep d hi two IJLI t of concrete W be c d R "T', oof depth f R Th, an our d hall be Jet ry then EnR near shall Lo ned aulN� i u h aormrned 1 h L d J f ' d 22.2h J f I h II be need. The inXow o[ Covaixtmcy x b�er [ Ne tank, the mrseuring or the amount for m<li batch vnd the dixhi, g, nr the T1, ain ant of writer u d aha10 lieu Yen tgcall ill rWuce the desirM eonsiatency, in I se my Yl more thr siz IU) dedn� f x p equilin¢ thew n tea. R end tutee, if any, be mMgp ck of cement stet i R Tlmtuae of diatamareau. s....ie admixture W improve workability m permitted but onlr m I ... dtY m may Le approved by th¢ Engineer. u: nF II b, lint) t. J 1r - tarnJy diareibuted and the o ae nhomted neouesend yuniforu itil cnloreemE fh sbelch 022.29 �hvll r main in ne 1-d at lemtto a g¢ on The imp furnmrixrng ennll he figured M tnW of a! th the t x'hen `I rhes ne nil ar m nuthe dru of t it z r until .I. tLr¢inn Mix' ¢ ratedrs 1d recgommendeJ by the emnnart 't r.....a b art to the a hall Le opera M et Nd b-te shell vee mixinu drum have a sVeed �ess than fouirenei(ldlnh gr Rrueste, then eighteen M c vulut:mie per minute. Where deal • nfarremUnt ie urde b the Engineer, it .hell be paid for u[ the u e Lid. The steel rmnfuremnt shall conniel of Je(nrmrJ Lura o Iectricvlly 22.30 welded`wire fabric r forming W the a d',,r specificetmna hereW e[lacned. Peinfprceimenl The weight and adrdribation of the reinforcmnmit shall Lc as orderM by the F,ngineer. ort x�th ee ems" eltirnhnd shall LenNnvteA Ln hrdt wood Boattunh.11 ll Ithr surface hhhd es co a true Gam shall be I. nor W I:ri hr aurlvice an encase of rater vnd fins I'la�al lir .n to " Finishin, mnJ. g l'hr walk shall 1. rut through to Ihr nuL-grade in eep lel, tan¢ular elebn h ( 1 f '1 . Th f eaed¢ex of 21.3 race don shall 2 Iw t1 .... Ied 1 1 h d Jolatinq F.xpa ( 1 rF hk 1 III ler rF 1 I' a rat w'1 wJk. TraiaxrnsUr .- namtvr 1 i l nch Ih'ck shall be famia�d news th1 xelk at. :nlervds oris exere<IinR fifty (601 feet in vll rnaes- all cxpeasrvr, 1 =Holl ex tnroauh the entre Ihrck of the walk• and snail 4 HII..1 •+, 1 rr,l I�,tun,.nrtlller of cr mpvxrtmn and cvr, n,stencr pprovN by the E.,.— R2. Attar IS, l c re ns bi n Neat.d vnd --b". nnJ a. n n be t. u .rtlrout in tact sarrace, me walk snail tK covered w,tn La'...belt wl easkN xa 1'hevb�o I. n xhnll Le key n.l shell r plat i .t -rear talon �: a me asap �� d yin inrea er+l d.r rr o pone or nnlxni� ma lni4 e,tm` 'anal°Lr a red i dlately follow unthe vol of the urcln, d nh n telt s x ,cher of clew Hey, st o IYle nukes al i rren sand ThvpAat%rst alshell b• kept plvee Iw th andwkeptteonTh, hly uet for a period of vh tee 1 1 dvys [rum e ti u[ finish' the ca ay, st aaJ mall men nmovN nnJ take ria ay and thThe u e walk and sturroundinus cicanN u Tne r anon p w� r aa,n darr,ayr I pede.o-ia.x ., ,ala want ne table n a..i Lnrr,cn�i., .end ly r.n uanlx at nikni anal a rx oar. «. permit treRc uWn rt. E%TR,\ EEI.\t'altC'ED CO.x't'It ETE SIDE\\:\I.E Where Laid Ext einl ed c walk will Lcr rally tai n the Las mraeroner I'ulrncr\V e, rba Nrer coY t�rucltron whet 'r ,xth.e uuJ�nmry�lryne Com or arks n N r`ins b-9.1 2236 'fha xhau c mr mr Ih b'orme Plac All IurtriLetr for (ec —k-IunJery Ja•sslvLs r Lem shell be Jre sed o aide nd WIS Nue vnd .1, fur .rk n t Le ,�,I with t " t the of c vnd andaru;d ee uuh to h.1drmrt av dao neic c eitcou a.em.nt art dislort,on- all [Dents nmst Lr clean and wette,l oca u�a — .orate. 2296 Where the walk is re4uired to span yr n the foundation. n Tnieknca avd x aial deeiun wJl Lw p are) Ly the Enuineer yern,lrmryrn�rcreteufill Lr reinforced with Reinforcement surf for a live loud ofrtwo hundrN anA firty 12:.01 ILs. p re tat. (;real care t be sad t make that all r ;nror vnd r fined me Ihnr wi the td.e-,I Ly t , .E All Im r 1 rr u �n ueta be i arelr tiN mace hY such m atnehenu,,n,.l l r,vrar .tr 1- 1 Ns nd ttt le oln alreer ma rccfiry a lar nfaWlithic walk shall apply to th a st etronsof rci force) ncretc :dewnik 2239 Dri c anvil be rel o aIle n,l rise nc s arJerN. Ths Ur' r shall conform all ilia ec,ficnt r f„r ,r nolithic walk a apt' only' th6 mo rn a [oeldo htll 1. x l oio ns m,lb 4n-1 th, 6e iney ehau. t Lc r Nuee"Pts ohe Doer t al n sholl l nded rt ndiu of n h. th i.b rn j A -I.. shall rIo len a .,h"rn.I �,f rhe nrr and aptha enter of the drlevew ci[ Iteolenum ex cods ly 1201 frrl. 4 relief to me lin o[ me well; sh D beer tr «ly In Ihr �Ir� vend eor etmq which ma abv .tither side. Th.sa 1 rnl. air to I,e ons[rvcI ere aIr dlJ )ascribe) under oncoroarse Monanth is xalk. SPECIAL C-STRI—I- 2238 Masonry hall c of s nd a riN s r Iry Ihen that (91 —h- . asonry t eek, Har win, le re tth., r v o tic half. rrS-1 f.r u uor ua i'r, io` losuree, the to c rse mrLr headers, rneninu 'It rouun me wslle Eerh st n shalrne laid level, .rope IY fi1tcA aN I,ondaJ, and well I,rvlderl in morlpr. � 22.19 All n r tar n shall I, rude of r, ,r 1'vrtlanU ce and Ihrce Mortar f91 n an,l, nil nm fiefs t, nx Herein �. icifird. TM1r n nt be mor- aun^y'rm xcd wither' itr h a ov,de arknLlr ,Hsi y atdvv Ivs rTh. shall . arhinp xen by' nand ibs W box Vlnt' r -11 n t beer xab �.n 'h� —d -Any . rvtih h ht, .--1 22.40 ,r.,utivl l„Itsnl�en hr - 22.40 rho d he work. w ,nu Private \Vhere vnyi n'vate drivcur>' cr �n In..irlrwvlk the nlan Ih, r. a( shall bw moA, fiN Dri.ewoss as JiratN by he Commissioner or`I'ul.l i, Norks. 22.1 l me L,Plink vnJ al of rrrcl, po ••t .. alk th, r C gape. vnd me year plpinlYnn stampemd in the walk "m ru.ror snnll hv.e his name 22.13 All sod dama¢rd rm��t b. replonal wlln ne.v soJ at the Conlrmtor's ex S. penes. ny m st. r.a' INDEX Dep.rtmem err 1961 Pablir Work. S F:1"1'Ifl\' SPECIFICATIONS for GRADING FOR PAVEMENTS SPECIFIC TIONS CHADENG FOR PANEMEATS -d, Oh" Ih ...... . ... 1h, "l - r ,he ,II h.f ba W —tabl, .1 .1 1- h, d . . 11 I h 1, ha—t 't, 'I —d b, th, I .1 by Ih, 11, ld h b, hl�, -len I n1! 1:4- . ............. ... . A, h 11 Irl F I Cher hart h Ad Q', !1.11, d t dplh f 4all h I hz�, rrydh p. rl ... . .. ..... I -- i— ',I' , I4—h ", P-11-1 t1l �1111'11 -— 1hxhKr ,,I h 1, ,h�-d- 1, h 11 1,� I to 1. ,l; f", h� 1, "k ... . . ... . ..... .. . ....... .... 1h,II Af h .III f ..... .....I 1 Id, .11 h—, I'd 0-11 h ......... . b —11 hb, �ld 4.11 I h. I r Old I Ih, p-, rarfl II II -, . . .... h ...... . ... k h b-- 'I, . th W, 3 Cil, er el. P-1 INDEX 1 q 991 Ire yerrmenl of f 1'ubliv K �r k. SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING 1 9 17.0E Myterialx 1 l� OS Excavation I 1]_pi ROrru v 1 17.06 llinpnnel d Exvevnliun. 1 1].04 1)ix pawl ��! \elveNenble Atn ieriel.. I I..U. 4: n. Len kinem I I].OB SloPee I Ii 00 App,... hex 17.10 N,. Clexx ifiwtiun r.( o—heul. 1 .12 P--.1 n of Subewde All Ruydwx3'x- L I:.Is Gwvel sPrrxdnR , j I IA RvllinR [.rar el _.,_ [M;@ 6 IloulzverAx g t............ 17.10 Stone Gutterz ,r 17.1] U-xPoxi limn of Nbh, ` I7 .IR Ili.poxit ein ..t Privnle Slructnrex.... .... 7,21 Al ecell... yx C...xtrucl... 17.21 AdAlir nx xnJ llvJurt un. _. .l 17.22 4:xt mxlc t Quant tax 1 t u'9St 11-1l Ile Varl mens ..l 31 I•uLlir N yr A. SE�IIU] 17 SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING 11 '1 1 t1 cl.. nK Ir ne all Ilencriplliun ons ut I f n f `µhyo I fh 1- t ........ ,.Plate I +ithe` ark N h I • 1 +' , • .rrar .x. en a n Tn` ."d t n n hill meet t Nater .Ix r hr r e A . .n l rla.:e tie 5 andard bu.I f I 1 h k t f 11 I 1 fi l 1 I.- '. h J f h l +I n ! 'rd J I a� -pi. I t1e I Tie tamr ate >niill t .. e mat rn i_ .cin n.�[aunJ un the s,« li.f thv 17-13 In r. wrb.al below the pinna n[ me +u1Kraf Eaeavalion .- here m.e.- > are roe.. mn,a rial wnieM1 r. unau,taLle !or .ubgrede„r. lana, . rr die a+ia t nr Ir Ifarruw tame .� �iincieni t mks phe fill r theoContreebr e,dl furor. hti eenl eVlnreurfillinK ,anti nrrl -v,it r.fnct..ry Ie lb, P.ngmeer- P.a n 1 ea n- a I ,zdeva I I: � — _letvr'al m oris l fll al i.'.nJA V. -ted at.ueh f- - t Vl r(n rn - a Je.,RauteA, Inc Contractor .hall fiod to ,Iuml1an. accs rt I..II n rVluv ren riot. If uu side p tr a AexixmteJ for the V e ..f ete,1 t + rnl. dei. wtill Le mnJr un n sneer atterhrA w inr�. Iemfi,.tians. uJehcodeil u� Iemnl I'imdition+" \lalerinln enc.,nntereJ i, Ina Ir of me 1 work ouruch a nnhole frnn,v�xabla<k.�biJewalk wo—It-1 tile, rhy eiilvert 5 ,Ivr'Reable rink rood tr �n�M1er mtl,r n ad m ori 1 wnicn is 1. Le ab..done-,l burl.' leteriel .rtn x nslhxll b salvaged Ly tContractor end aelirereJ tv Ina n 1 a ,nK pbmt unrle��r atherw rs 1 eifivd or JineteJ by the Engineer. 1]n- t rnu hall br pissed m Inver, a.— the fon widen of to fill. Emhenkment Ivycrshall n, i ex. sed [,.u, itl feet in Jeptn_ —b-- shall be mode of .: nl .clav,.r team •rc,mhinxrx.ax tnereof. \4'hen embankments are PhceJ ar 1 u IUI Ver andJ -11 etni ed f nli al mil+. flewrv.un R<J band udth me em thedb V sl.,pex u[ a and ni SLip., + e-nrdr rr mo ia,raaawl t.. sae 1 aeon �n.a.eroraimhAll ,+i ,„i,•h<e- ,1ll riVpn +. , and fr.rvm alloys shall be c I or tilled - wnre.�nex one wiu•b .rdipA rplL� arnl;ne and erirLlinAm,ai I a�ri i,.rttrn:e aper, ach x f`d�aea pn Wer°n;;i�ln ..i rgpamrtn.. TM1e npprmehes [rem it r tree t. =Fall b g - a n d I. width of thirty ,-tt feet and the Nleys shell I. Iv,l loot Felrf,rll x ,Ith, unlessath-1-0a.wn ., II n II t ffered tan dlu n fel inch+. 1 n m+1 1— f br�el 1 I =remofir thi [i rmot .ongrnde_ 7 11 T1 ; pl :nil fol see i n f e e v I xi n w Ih ut r mx en [ maeriax r a -h. Ire I 1 1 I I uaaa. of n 1 be .er t o u e I + I novena 1_ TFI 4( f n 11 1 1 rfr h .el wF �n :l ell sato urrnc nK inJ.r th,. Pitt , - less ill un lth�rnmvunt IixivJ is the 11 xiniate estimate of 4 ntrtre. ct'. 17 1...,. LFe ell yy ane wholear¢a yr the .1ky o Lc aaed .Fall be ur(aaeil vela osteo rho the of 4Wy 1ch enag1 the Y line. of [the block to dthe road ay lieestof the slreetn with which the alley onnecla. 'The , ren x eeial 'arterio et nal ;, —I, the W nxangre leldanm rr1].@ t1. dear .�+a. a e �F: �.w�al pxrnaad me a�lYen1-11'21'...of rx termed [h.�[aundatidn. n it e Eubxrade ,\II R.— 1. n th W'M1 h f J + .txLlmateriel suiable in cnar rnJ 1 n r n 11 b 10 depo! five Ili) m t ch 1 I xublxrraJ J h 1 M1 11 l ne refil1 tled to the proper aubgrade h 1 riel. M obla fur [+. fl-- I, of thea b rade is herein d fl d ax [�tcalm n I clay U eel dna der aemixed 'n pp .amt a,. rarm a is l a t dna .tame .�unmt mr tram'e� Tne aper T"'I to t al or qo it as aaver tached n.ew tha a ec first one ie thu umion tnot me faundwatinn II hto bee voted five 16) Inches Lel�w the .ubgrade ochre i ell ca.en, but wherever the itural foundation e f d e taLle for the vubgrede the Cuntrecwr wJl not be repumed to case 6 1 to ,abgrade surface All .ubgrade shell be inspected end approved by the Eng neer he! g eel .oche 's placed [heon. er y Crave .nal n tgbe amced o aab¢raae xhich is The -I1.x.d h.— be mainl i..d wgtn a xmnntha nnnd oleo .adore et me r rrect diva- ., ¢the P—ni, 1 rs•e Tne vel .Fall be dap ted i npiror ridge of the d and sad u 1 a sen ath and a I[or ur(ac oblained —th ix rn t-f-Inily to thv .nes. .ammo end profile ax shown un the plana. Th, gravel surfacing shall be rolled with a self propelling three (31 wheel roller 1].11 ghing no[ lees than five Ibl tan.. Eo11icR II The gravel snail be well xPrinklvJ wit x er during me oye io of rolling and ill dap— ops mall ble filled with additional a .el 11.1hi,gg .hall tbeneo d t car the art. eh:,r ugght [ n oth -dru for RRrraJe Itfor th end thvel Ito thoroughly is d Tne cruller hall cps,. a plan. R c ec .11 1—, of the .a rr.ce area net lees lb- four 111 tome.. In x--], tli.t p.-,,,, of me [ra•e n nd.d fur LoulevnrJe and xo xhown on the ewil rola e a shoot be ruerfac.d t a J at�n a IUI inches with :+ 17.15 Itnule. ardn eplh I. t Inck, I umy r F, free fwm sand a J ton , . d nurleLl far o in of g ms ur ol. Cobble x n ter .Fal Le c n traria, where indicated on the plana, nnJ in tNeuepacification. 17Ah --dance with andtI—il drawings. Eton¢ Gvtlerx a firm Tne aubgrade far the Rutty .hal Le prepare) by Rr ding and nIt. [ounaellon tar me a Ther a ieI i the a bgrad mall be ucli to of = clay and .and a vel rwF ich willtr n fico and stable under mel Bandit obs Material wM1,h, mRthe judgment or lh ElIgineer, I. mailable .hal re vud w depth of four (41 inch,. below .abs d, pod eM1 all be repl.red with s.R.bleo m.ternni for me [ounJ.Wan on the x.bgr.d, repareJ as .periled, cobhle alone. shall be laid is a bed of Band Slow nr eulflcient dap h to far [h—r b ram,. g r the ¢[one. The .venae .nal be sei wi h large.t dimen.ion vert cal nnJ Fe large e d down. The lerg,.[ .w .hall b, .elected and ae t the •alts o[ hag After the atone. nave been eat and 'ell rammed, me getter .a:hre .Wali be raee�ea with.dna ..d al ioinra broamea ion. Ewne. used forRutter..h.11 be• ba ..sand .vena varying in Biu I— tm . mm+mom r.f six Minch¢. to a maximum of I—. (121 inch¢. il, diameter. M t4'henever cu be, .idewalk., cro.s-walk. or other public a[rv<luree ore found [ re located within the limits of the work, th Contractor .hull remove same where necea� grade the ee or alley ccnMinR w the len. and profile., end replace each Ili.pueilian ul 1'ubllc xtrueturen in RowlVondi[ion to the correct line end grade. Structvree Whene.er structure. owned by abutting o.ke nyludeJe in nM1e found to be loco Li he limits of the w rk, x that me x k I)lap17AII n of t 1 p—ly —1— they ere removed 1mm the me such etru b—III .hall Le coed byrtn Contractor end ,epos it” on the pr.Pert adjacent tnereto unless othe I•rivatc Strurturex called for on the plana The Con I"" , .hall ex... ae reasonable ce t n the re....I and disna.iCon of smn etruetums to avoid u rvtJee,- r utF All a fen va•J shall be seta ed a to to lite by lM1e The LP + o m moM1 di..,b a .ha&e . ax t by i-graor otos , edvc n al g er nndr[he sett ng f nd ma mgyof a kesotehall not L a and vred such order. n Dr me r. ml^. xxlee, .,tner ,a „ae I�r .. lww xr >u w Vin`,d.m.ee t .nn.n�.n .a tM �.f ktrxll'r. 1 ,.suns xs era osteo Y [xr tXe proper The ConvxcWr Snell i�alxll ell Jrxinnge work s! w . tnv Vlnne and ix 17 xnnn� oanxl`J u.l n'�I a xEx• .nn ^lee lchxbne .mnx urd r ,I.nu Le ........ptl.d t ....,lrxm.x�. ••'°`� v l I�e.xi ,,, o�xd rdrxw mK� n`„ leed.,,.t.„��,. Ih, en_. A❑UI'I'IOSB 1.AU ❑4:U 1't "p111]5 tT h, Ni.w.nK e,h. ulr ..r pr. ,x mo un by n raeJ u e l� the Ilvd ucdm n, ''I It Jun rn,' Lxs rJex,ln It, �x�h�M1xn ,N�Lvin utle.led rLytldi nn lmhealonrk �¢ tel tlo rt - ail n rr t�� t.nns n d�pr.,v.a, uns e( th.s cun[rec. !M1e Cotm c t P: xc:u'num.. mdud.nK th",— l ,, .o.,,,” per SxLKenJe meta ri xl iuclud mK M xnJ kve11h.K, ,xp,xK nrJ Pli- Ii rr, w, ' u'1 1 nK ennP K nn 14vJl ng perm i wr I i. xxnei xt n 1 F oul L . $ �nl, trfivl, I-1'1rx.x Aen.xervn 1 1 AI'1'IiOXIMATE ESTIMATE DF' 11'0ItE 1'0 RE IR1YE r thdd -11 1h,,t1h, r if t k 1l uant'liex 1' d M1 eunJer enol err b done s fir ep L lex M1 C xd,ill nal c n lhntrxy a t! xtdanct-wil1. n tht epinn� and .1 t�dnn for the pr de b J.mVleteofull Yctne work ------------- )uLgrede meterixl Dxrk -- '1 Su rfxcinK mt nnureJ loose sat leen tl x� Ydx. city pf St. r.m I NDE X m.nt pf IB12 Ip.blic \Yorke —ii- 6 SPECIFICATIONS I O r CONCRETE CURB P rn pM1 Il evdin¢e Pxgo cos M 1 G.06 Fmnd.t'.n AxlVIu Ezc.v.tinn I u 6.07 -d- .t R.dii.. 6.09 Setting Forma , G.OB Me..urine ur \le4riu lx. 6.10 Mir -n¢ Cpndillxnx ... �.. L G.11 f;uneiatencY ... .. .. 2 li.l't McJlW of Miaing .... ... � 1 G.1'1 Curl Sect'onn „_.. _ 1 6.1� He nf, rrnK Steri 1 61 Curb 6.16 F:r pxnxion Joints. 3 G.1% plu in¢ Concrete .. A 6.18 F'in'snmg 6.19 Der W. Curb nJ Iteieclionx.. 't 6.20 rrpltai- xnd Curing......... .1 G.21 Drx"nage St rust urt. .... q 6.22 Adl tmext of Sidewxlka...... ... .. t 6.21 Appi--im., F.stimxte.. 6._< Ad,hlixnx xnd I d rtmns... ... ... < c0INCRETE carts 1 I 11 1 I r„ f 11 n h d I 1 ( �.. 1 ( 1 WI e kS 1 dE I S 'N 1 I 1 I onx �hnll ler n.l.l P lily mJ.v r k Jona_ n the �I. preremr • lol ire a .Mixer A', xy J h .1 II b . k h [f i n t k[ 1 M1 1 1h nllb 'ped 1 1 1"m 1 k If J r irder t� RI °fv h 4 ulrluw thv work a r d 1 F ulnar `tr )nh j`nul r.M1NI I J I r h.t I k cM1 nI Herh h h l h e 11 r nRIY The t�minR dr F.nq nalM 1 rot nN II nl..hvll La mnJe ix the pre.- f The m .noel Ler R nr w nd Jieche k cM1 11 hxvt a u¢e n mount relt.r m i Rid b r I �hnnw `�r w Forme Tho l-onlreeUr ahnll nd ( .M1 nil a red ne I ! B.e 161 frw i.. M _ I. 1 to [ulen�.ned aM r nd'ue tAvn fl 01 root rodiue_ M.tel rw .b t. rmx eY n, used I s ,alba Nr..' Metol f n 11 R .11 plate .urrnce. w thuut h� r'ann W lomtr n M1' h w 11 M1 xna aLell by made m ronG rm m nr n. n. +1 : it f nn 11 n. a xna =Hall Le nrov dad women M1 th tM1e> will mt be hent or twieled in ,.' rn ooden rormx ohnll he mode to conmrm to tee tm nor the -b,, Lnmh r f f e work xnxll i drex a J n d ,, All 1d�et winhet �pre.r ,r n M . �' ble M1r . o tint cne. w'llt n d nendri r h.11 w 1 .�, xn Nave nnml hr „(mernl „xr.�lnxner rn rr an hnmi kn !� 1 IFinixhin¢ Toxlx Thi t'on Iwll (urni.h a Irndex, n •rs, flnnte, xdRinR Inolx nnJ ..t Ferllurley y l Im. nl nnrx. r> Fi ennstru.t and finise the curb nr pally. Rurlon v� nrlu lreA ,mal Lr o[,,: leext twelve 1121 ounce me rivl. ` 1rc I' mtrnclr .hill d.. nil r v n, filling. tnmpinN ur other work n� rox t the (nundetivn rnr mr �u1-11 �`• xTh, exnernn< ,Lill L. r. xl.d mxreaNnls br mmpinq. onrinN I. nulatien ..hell Le demmmA n ul ,hill rnnditiowhr� mil All .ort, vird linR 1M bid that I mcreteni ��u n rnnr ed, xid rrpincrJ wi Ili ni,itrr�ixl uh irM1 .... .... Nble (orn tFen e foundvti�n s.M1nll l.. mpx<t. Fill fur foundntion Hall Le < parted LM1nrouBnlY by Ia ..I ei: Is) mrnen In depth. mp' when IN rr orb. 4i ^iyN <xxtrv<t. <x.emq x.d bxmr..r�uxN en.0 nr reaeo-„<laa ix N IIY, inJ(n4•J n plana .1 h 11 be Jenmod 11 t Loulevnnle h l I J nr u L I'ne to tn. aew Jk rbc, or tY line in n Ik ex unlene <^ cur _ shown in M flceCone ye WM1 q dcdethe dope ref mcrFVulxvar lrxnell L lfl h. Ione ¢ elvoJi Ik. err stret RrxAe+ ut pr maty"nr unhu othrrwier I l r r ql,v 1 ncnev rt 1 1 Hard mall be of a rirn Jerk a 'I eu�tuLle n a b' eJ, Inc• curb shall be WckrJ u LI flf the a k I f xt wu rt 12) n r o! the buck Ian of tFr curb Ivn�ls the 1 ^low h 'I . f 11 h 1 11" n n bmooth eurfaze apl rox mately roar W) brrn di.IdrLM by It, c b r, orb rantroclor At L h dI. tb,J curb mall be Rrvded eo rxaJwpr x [y elo n IFex t' I 1 1 r 0) Th. o Ieveerd ll v e 1 and h y y linen —1—ded hvllbe rndeevl -f mly Irr he top n( Ise b tFe edewelk greae. F�rmx nx n .ci6eJ xhull ne vet where reg aired. The rxrmx sM1ell be jnineJ nvlly and IiNM1Ir unJ lxnnll be et ntely to thelmrrect elrvetion end nlienment. Forma M1xll upl rteA and heldxinuplxrm I.y ade9uate xtxkex and brx[InN� After fnrmx h xnell Le tented b U the Cnntrertor witM1 e n foot 1 rlhan n ri M1tn 141- F.M1 11 Le mr I L 'i"! n a. F nxu ne rr�e rmmdi,t .Inn r F R . TM1e6 xnnll Im droned M1nrouI,l* vnd n led be 1 e rnnrrete ylv<M n (nem, a r. TM1e mr th d f tFe meterixlx for the <on<rrtr includln8 the venter, ohidl L. M1mM1 II - acute t v d 'fort ons ex<n( h of the II v<a raa ttnI o F 1 i F'b d. S ph .. �k onl> sh 111 II er n II 6 1 v d1,d ton them 1 t cM1 k M1 II 11 xndum d atn Emp ka far each day x r n WWII L. enllerted neer the mixer,er1Y bxlMea d pi1M to fvcilitate r b M1 t h 1 1 r ckc chvll Ue removed Ja ly from the p, I I n I M wM1en the nnmral v M1 h 1 I F 1 C « vFvll nut be yluced when [he onWrni ed 0 d 1. xnA falling but - nhnl, c -It-It drp ted apo fr r sub 4edt. mhem colo ei ell not be addM [o low he (roe yl" J h h of he F.nRineer. If on< ate has been n n v. xna tnr mmnrramre annperm emrcr Iwo It) A 4 h'Id from freex"nq by bmnq raverM witF pdn xnm.tun. .hell ba• d1t Wed by the dgi h`n eve or hny. The omoun[ of curb to be covered aThe ehcell be miz e x use a nn) r wh1 n n d 11 d Bio h i x enaii Harr beo�spJ fo immedlvte Thd wet`ed shall be xu h an will produn the denirM conautencY. Lu n hall m then n 1]) Rdlon or ter e• v nd nd-m i(nhe r. Le axed pe ncludia8 tweer in the .n1YTAetualicy ondv!a vs ilnaY Lmd—;, ravererptheeE rk- itr M permitted but urns a neall be mixed to deal tM r xinten< xnd n til m< .hill r� undnrn tIeedd the t lee s nem ou d unirorm minwmhF cM1 b. en urel r �mx�m�xumeall nex;xav`r l n,�e do me d�,tmmer (the mei R �wlue ne- ln ¢ nr thx diornxr8e of the coo<nm rrnm the mixer. The mizer Beall be operxtM n;wmeh. a ye � le smth f rteenclld) nor`¢rere[e�th.n —di lief revolxtiova Ihou^mvmtwwith tAelnNgregateu nMepch evpunt thxtrthnlenns sten yl or JI bvmb dm Avee in. be form. ma 6.06 Rxxleva.ee 601 Grzdt-� _• Radii 6.08 f ormn 6.09 11 n¢ rri M e i.lx M6zlne (nndl[�vnn 6.11 Coneietm<> 6.12 m enM Mi 'ne abdi be cut in .e nn five (6) or `ix (6) feet m lengln by m uru- n r Ir+l al x�.o nen hick. Th—plaex —11 be a I'll, "I .,drom s'bc( used, nndt abet n t b. re ved until the c 1— ntlrr open The Pmt made I the place .hal .,.r A the rnr g .t tn� �a...eetmn o—b. . Itcrnfr.rcrnq Lnrx .Irell be pmcM in the curb o,.r x11 open in , -,l pn.rex .x are xnawn an the plan.. ' >a.l Bel melee in mord.nce wan pmn detail shell 6 fur-- end imtnnr..r .:r uub Su'h— xh.—. p au.r F.xp e. half ('z) ince thick xh.11 M made .,bn edingnf fty 1160 fee and a the endo ur ell redll. The Jol eM1elttl .nd „lean n he r nn ,before e s pound, p-1— exp...mn J ... omm.., to _ fdu aeptri .hdr e.<,1, cone cex (l) inn Ida shall be made wherever u walk. neat the curb. Thi, -P-1.9.h.11w formed bi cu the Wolk rf r.r ni¢nl, clean cu `hell be ee en hely thru.gM1 he walk. Such ........ nllydr with nnphnit�filler the full Aeyth of the .0-1k. - 1 17 111—lcrate a Wured, the Contr.ebr shall check the curb form. [ I'I`rgrwe�u 1 ..r.r,rnodi , after th. rete xhell be placed i the b r." t pare eharvugtll w d P. `ur in pl nIh . m ., uiJs n J ou h, n'fo redo sed .odea Pine, of c c .hnllmbe c e bet n dive When c fi1leJ nag mplelely, enJ N dothtoruughly, the concrete n`helln be etrvck or . r 1, malate cut to the r uirtdreurb sec i— .After IFS c le he` been poured, the forma enJ the metal dividing pl- Pini'hln t be di,turned u til c e h.x i— ,offie'ent ` gtn t with.W 1 .rn of ore ens them -ith- h.LI me form J® ylarn l eIale(per.yldd til llmlc a �ee fined a ante a Ln eb-1, after the -, sof tib` f.—W and inn di-mgepint all j ,„ell Le eJged ith no rovM Mging ol. Whert nae 1. thexpose) fnr,.r! r e curb tM1en `hall Le [rowelled [o . amootn end uniform eurfnce. CurF, wnicM1o u.l in pectin..pPe out of dignment, oR g ,h, or wM1i,l. r.. niAx, wnrpx, bulges, raugM1 —, -h or uneven .urfeeen, crock• mrd cheeks r Ji.colar eh.11 be xid—d defee Curb which show vide, , Itr orr r,ro. M1 ¢ been fro rnthet `how of die' `bell be a .idered drf,.I euro n o gen ntegr.tio on Ice urrcb hely be re'ecledtebT tee IFt,n end nh.11 be eplxed 1 r..ntru, Irrr. eRej tM rb ennll be av d i 1u11sectlo e. - orb hs` been fini.hM levet xh.11 be coeyed with burl.,, which ph krJrl ,. nd xhell r pl.ce.1 tw y -four (24) h..— When the 1. and ra ior,.l athe curb `Fall be covemd immedl.bly with earth, e.nd, h.y, strew .r for 1 urine Ia,1nThis revering shell remeln 1. Ph-, and be kept wet (or nix (6) days. lgM1rrever eaten basins . tared o dfied the Contr.clor xh.11 0 Ili the orb and nnnlI —.-I . nhown ,the plan uch o nlnmhrne •hen ifcA nbax iM twelve t1) ncn double I heb .tuned plpn gpAb.nd�m. r tcF I,Ieh.11 be clneM with brick ms nW'hrr tcaah btared o e aehow n the plan within 11, rrn n( nee ondwnc 11e Con r. to nh.11 rcb '' d,t In plec .-11.11, m, and rm�rr, -d --t curb inlet to - catch b.sin with twelve 1(12) inch d,,iid. mh vdrih n W M1er cified- show the pl.nn, e Con eh.11 c [cM1 b. nil xi,lr inlet melee witM1 St. Paulth...d— detailed d—ib, �t Th-, xFnll Lr ted l eaten b.`ine .r manhole` with twelve (12) inch Aoulo• t angtF ritrifieJnprpr..x indicated. t5'hrr the urM1 c with a exl`tie eidewnik n \r nl 'alk 1 rahnll tnkuaup and relay match with the cub .. urn of , uolm walk i� walk erljn the curb . y ben eeury in order that the Sldew`Ik` add c nitf 1 n for public el m.y n t be Imp.ired by ree ark ,tan under tb t vid d that the C -1-t. .hall n h M re u rid 1 take ml r1,, ewdk no nidew.Ik for . dipV .o(m than M. 161 fry Irani to urR S,Jewnika« n shell be Jope In accordance ewilh the Sinndu.i 'ity ry ecifiration. co, rr ng 1b. tty, o[ nidew.lk to be reconstructed. 3 Approximate Estimate of Work to be Done Additions and Deductions rye (ollox 1-1111 11 of wM1i p �—1y a reed u n by the the n L.ev tar de r He rice`max evnlue of y b., uti rdd.t and sc a or` cnited f r96y th. ,lean h may be --dby ne Gomm,esrune For radion circular cement curb, inrludin rxr.vntion. Stone gutter t.krn up enJ relaid, including ......to I2" diem \ ( pe lad Iter, inclu lin¢ excev. pi enJ n¢ Exc.ention, incluJing backfill end Jiepa`al of xurnlu. NOPE: All -,bi,lK t¢no e.id t nmr 1, wm ,a m .ear4a ex _. .int arb- " rn P.al INDEX ftaPawPeal of Pub1lc Worlu 9 ECTIG\ 12 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SEWERS 1'.77' It —di.,12.01 De —pliun ... 12.03 General Conditions 12.Od 6zcavelion ....... 1'1.07 Mainwne.ce at Treneh........ .. .. .. .... ... ..... ... .. .. . .. .. 2 � 12.09 fte0aving and Renu rtaeing.. ... .... . .. g f 12.10 Sidewalks, Curb. end Mieeellaneaue 9voewree... .. . .. .. ... .. ... .. ... 3 ' 12.11 Schedule of Prieee for Street RePaire. .... .. .. .... .. .. ........ 12.12 Apll imnte Lenglba .. .. .. ... .. .. . ..... ... .... .. 4 of sl. r.a1 uep.Ttme�I „ Irdl rw,l:r a,,,1, GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SEWERS Tar, eifirx x me T... Mn Cx my mnted.l xw m< ron.,ue_ De an Irn,f a,:w�r �r .'ewe r Int aIT aria aim xre nlpa r.R elxne. Meter fits T isle ueeJrinytne rc netrartio of the a Atilt m tar , , t t. k :ds I I S Innl M I S tfi n.,( It, CC I f S i 1. 1 Ar 1 F rk 1 h h --,—d r; 1.-1 f s e 11 6( net f b. 1 1 Y ,..- fnrtar> to Ihr E.nKineer. 12Udx 1.) er Strocturea —dib... ,n x Si ° c ° red the work, the Con actor r m�emr l:a�hg n:„: gr�dfl�r��n cb) Linen xad ¢rade¢ All .'ewe hell be IniJ In Ne Dive° and ¢Titre Rer. by` In. ....... nn - The C. lh.n r t 11 Tu irtha,l a Duet 1, r F.nKinex 1r for nn Lerrto In Vut it, Ime unxl ppruJr a IKVv �� Icer 1:� xrw a Ne rxde iwvrt melhaA it lernel, v ride Iwurds, plumb IwL incl Rrxte pole, xnd -lits memod ah:dl b. �u..l x h,mv clnLle. :c) Ilouae ('annectiau Thr ri¢hl in n'vd Ly thr City v r during the c veli„n of xr.� �rmLrveeJ wthm Ne l::nitn o! rhix rontroet, temin.'ue v yv rcayerty ,..,.r gn xI�rnprdrinrxe«l rrxlTxrmT, la erxxrat ares v the lar �rtpwilnam in Telles he laotrv, wr [r„m � �plel K F'n rostra¢- aee�J-n yle::e e:.. .Oeciflntiova. R Tnr iaaaxnrr et e rernm ny Nr Clq��m t of a x<:�nnrm w,nr. No 11mna u( IM1Iz mnu:mt. aM1ell in no urns I aLL xa one v ace of e p Ilio work. (d) Icy¢ ItnvrM1e> Slams and J -6— t,, 'fl I 1 .hall <on.'n of wt rn I 1 1 r. sl f r of of oth r shall a of p e ha. g pi itall nRle "Ji f fur y -five¢ ((1lr ,, r Lc ri fleh-1- All c ansa t �fi) gra .. vnida xN<rWlnnw elec1 . branrFclno eM1pll Le built lxn .�nla of tw y (20) ferieo of thr s ¢long men )' fmm.g�,IuNrss athrrwiee-cull W far a nln.rp K Ixterxl �rwrrn < ur r[ r F h 11 6 t cht no IKhtr xnd nRlu Th.n ' I t II 1 11 fl..h the xr Th 1 1 I II M1 w all Lr cl .e w'in r fila my cap., r'ck or Dine xpeJ tend end o[ M1nu.e connecti.nx .'sell he 6—dwith 1111111,dclay e -pp - 11 opp nIle mov.l of -d, It,,. xnd Ilydgce The CwJrpclur shallnot nlxwrb or damage a Nede t , or formal M1rdm. notelt by .'Pro'Ixl nTJer oI th, EnKlnrer. Th. .a R of and —,kt, of .'taker cLJ_ w considrred Hoch urter. F:xm2-xtiona (a) fenerxl F,sr , is .'hell ii lite o m .° elra of obit n Ir-: n:r I:n of Nen r the mvk:e of all n mbankm ria Inn cr[nr of all .Ili ark n ymer mole-<wo ser ncpI Rrn them cifirJ Ime xvd de vndi-h r a�nT c �rtvnm n an IEzc vv sM1:JI I. ¢vain.' oNurwisr epmified or n cw Jrdfe`Tn< 1< Rth oI trench spa "I I'll,,,” L. p all t n Nen vol of Inc F.nKneer_ F.xevva-inn i ,Mk p w yl ¢non Lr� ��.iea avmne�mly I,rlrw Na in en Rrnde N <rmu et f ire”N 1 of u' Lln vrth or m� lilt to M ylverJ the Inttom bird rrp uc' ane ah Iln',< nlncnf by Ihr nrt�t—f oft scab¢¢ nh II be ehapeJ Tnr. foil i frnn the .'hop ,f lM1lnwrr of pip,¢carr. (b) 11......I .... c. The m width of trcneh far ae a shall be eu h n a horir.ntaI Clea ofnx�t len fight (S) Inchrn the rloa ¢ch Ids of the rvrfa.e of the ae Tho tht tnce apecifleJ shall Len aced inside of Ne Nrell.g, iL Neet Ing is aced. 1( cleeranna are aFown on Ne plane, the plane —I go ern. (4 Sheeting s.d Hncixg Th. Contractor ah.0 P the hotmm and aide¢ of the trench agge a any In W bilA, which m lerfere -1 Nr IaymR of the se aprelBM. ShretinR end bracing may be owed for min p and the chat of eem4 whether left h the trexch . ¢hall be included in lh 11 c[ price. Where the bottom of the trench le or ell ml xheeting oath, shall x nA below Ne a All a ing I n Whl w th P ga lin .'ball b< 1 ftli lac SF <rte ting',i=ltne P ing line maYy be withdnum and .ach re v I eh.11 be d � e tunng thbeektilling. Slice ing may De driven in an manyR eta ex ea the Contactor Jeairee. (d) -Soft F...-- When the materl.i at the bottom of the trench ie found b, b. -6.1-1, ea n eoyea'fi,alianeoo thhoxn en Ne plane �asrfln .'peach tonal afae[o� odndetiou'nNen the Contractor shell make the foundation<e factory by each m u Ne Engineer upon writ- nrderc oflNe Enginoer�Lthe Contractor nhlell Le paidle ea ac therefor. I! a ordered Loandxt andilou nhdl be Clae extrapwill Le Veidnf r nab be filled with each Tonere In wet trcncne.,wxlerpahall Le removed befo a rawer in laid. (a) 11e1hod All VencFee shall ba backfilled ae coon m p ttm.bl. without rick of injury b the vnJ ee er true —, Selected materiel free from rock or lump. shall be hack- filhdranJ 1 —'¢folly I— and over the sewer to a depth of ova (l) f the lap of Ne ower. The r --d- of thi, backfill ih.11 be flushed or p.ddW with wpter in nulflcient gauanti `y b compact and conaolidx[e thoroughly Na backfill materiel. ee \\'bore the aewere a then fourtn (1 4) feet In Jeplh Ne -Tenth¢¢ shall be fl.— with water when lheobackflll hue been placed b a depth of five (6) feet above the p of the ower d xR : when Ne backfill hu been brought to ithin two (2) teettut the grid I rf-,. K'here Ne aewere are more then f,-. (14) fret deep. Fe barkfllll:ng8 hal be JI—n IxYere a[ flue (6) feet in depN d each fire TI foot layer xhell be flushed V dd- with water. In every ease the last fluillit .'hall he done whm� the trench nae been backfilled to within two (2) feet .f the ground avr- lace. wM1ere Ne at—t ie I,—d, oiled or m.c.d.mixed, or 1. coon to be need, the —k- - 11 be consolidated further by tamping or rolling m directed by Ne Engineer. TrencM1<e on eanemenV thrnuRh p pr.Perty .'bell h bn<k Nled d flushed i the sena -rn x Fla F wan w a above d c— be :myu idd ante yr<here 'e I. by xithm flee banded lWo) feet reWliBu lila¢ �a o 1- under thi. provuvmp�ng will Le req fired. (b) T., Serfad.g If- Ina mat<rivl In the [mach has been camp.ctW .e .pecifl<d. the top six (e) ochre of the trench ah.11 h filled 'Ib a I,—fie[iI`— of road hKrnvel peceJ in P.I. 2.11 of St. ¢Paul S-.nd.rd Speci wbvre pavement is m be oI trench. in IwulevarJa roperty r ave c ed wdhin than (3 `'mole he after the time of 1b1 I Whore a [op layer ct. law -I m n ed in . e F the gravel .'hail bit compacted this—gl,l d Ne aurl?rr ¢hall beublad<d to Ne Rg rxl cont r of N< .'t The top ei (6) Inches �a hauleaarvle shall be filled�the1 lick I. table for twe growing of gKe and Ne loam shall Lr co acted and -,ft— o the -—1 co f lh ed) en[ ground. TrencLee cut lhr.,ughV a ala ¢hell be repavede T.. cher cut thravgM1 .'led .t aM1ell be urI—d wit haoiI.drgravel o . depth at four (4) inches The x (6) rich to uTface for ocher through Pri .'Fell be of the lei I_ Tlhe x (1) inches of the unit;¢ .,btd RrounJ .Jjem the nchao benanow o-tlerw cue oleo WFee e ern era fist vele n privet¢ pr er nr baeulevarda�eaod.f equal quality ea th.t removed .'nail Le replaced. pAlly.arplue material ¢hell be removed end dine..¢.' of by Ne Contrutar, and Ne alley.' o y ¢hell be restored . ro dition an Rood ea before work was red. A p bbl eel m < ll filch i , o ceded o prim `de Ne ria eu a H91 o 1- plane to fill Ne r c.11t n fill p aelll e. or N properly std by or incl condition of the et alleys or �1,tl property ¢Fell b. fur- s eM1eJ by the 1Cantnctor lrom eaurcex con i n e em ble clua of material lyyy Tne Contractor ¢hell m Intal in a —1 stud err iceanle <ondith. for .period of { d cal l Irw� ryn t - L Ne tin 1 c mate .II ,1 11 d n which ha a bee ea v ted 6Y{ F d . bed Ly' h \Vn 1 en N place edJitron.I flit which h led. h 1 to Atilt be refilled and e d” Jri e h ma n�e r --p fl I snit¢ B kflll g;' Pangrap1 12o6, Sub (b) 1205 Baekfl111nR I2.o6 9unlae a DeBciencr r Mxlerisl M.I—...- Trcnchea 1 T.0g Hefore Join any x k C 1 ks ur I`a rkways the Contractor shall R• Sewn a in the f r c Wer of k'erke anA trnnam,t s py a( came b the r.rk; o wmmree ere.miworitd . kw ya The Ct oNe shall take a ial c t no r J razW f eh ube,s b u(1 er ee ehellgLe rr oM withouttn�pe ark pr.Vea(yIM1 SCon roWrtior` f arks r A Y t e in [urM ar Jar aRN ehal`t eLe Weplace.i ni meJ atelY by th.C to wit newelive er o! Ne da d [h, n,d mr Con or -11 p ac r1Y < re for and m h tr oN oda a hru been pail Trree ab r ncM1ea J a rat whim -, irt m y ben piled s hall Le Protected by a Plank over... r Tbnchra for . Park Property en all na• back1111N va hereb(.re AescrinM eph 12.06, eubfel e), put Doli b the level of adjacent ¢r und, tad with the bee[ a'Inon rmmM,e telF afner t(e inch h a Ler. Iaekfiilr,, , here n i �n enw°ay o path the orf re o the rex fill and ell a s .-d Kround snxall berh eeMea with mWrarY evdmR a Pern. ala > e 1'160Ill Pound of need to hundrN ea J fifty 1 a fttt f sur[ace. R lxu Final eetimate of the work will not ba mode until every part of Park or Parkway damaged by the Cantractor has tarn reatorM o ca dition eatisfactary to Ne Com b,sabner of Parka end the Commiaaionar of PuLlic lVorka. During the P rind of reserve specified in thu contract, the Cantractor shell refill .f restetlmm.he trench shall Le ucnvetN a as depth f ni ne dl9) th�heed rad then rhad Le f,11.d in with dock loam to restore the it und to its original level. e t e After trench hen been fillM with loam, the whole surface disturbed, lbdtd eM inR an a where the ue Foe been injur rad by Nwo reawn of e rk en ail Le rteeNM with of r ea aa nbining 0 i� by wet ht of Kentucky III. sea, OL% ray erNht tof HrIbP. by weight Perennial live, the egad a be raked In, veinR one (1) pound of Beed to two hundred end fl([y (260) a0 tare feet. tifrWh Lnpav nR is redµ. oiiM rfec ired, a e Cantrula shall Reba in. ^ n cr n g ben the refl11N tee gcF h tab ted that Hesu *bd'i.R nR U(rth urfec lr n'd the rC nM acb Ashall pa atl,e eoet olf enche'(['r the C t ehnil P. amen[ eraoil reetrfae ng av r tr ncFee willr be none by eeiLYr fore e� e[e�hefa'{ng. sM1.wn in the schedule of price. rI.r etre o e u Ri en n peregrnnph 12.11 of the ec,flcn ..... The Con h it bee aib^e forvNe�en it pec of the nch, anJn m par" nil re u foci g which eee[tle ve �e new n shall Le aired LY �[ne Ci[Y ae often a y W rarlaired end Ne Det of euehvmpaire eh.11 be eaetainN by Ne Cont ract�r. sr In aU.til a pbl�ned aionpair ha�nblee t d,.aryr Contnctof sh.11c.. tion d maintain Pa eervDe it beomea a table or dange,ouaePbb City shall hove the tee ht [o ke uch immediate rev re as are aecee ry and the C- shall par the c. Neral. t 12.10 The Contrnetar shall repair, relay o ¢plea all sidewalks, orbs ar other street 5idew'I's. Cu.M structure¢ diepplac or dam.ged by r n of the work done under those ap.xiflotion a. and Other All work of ll,le Wotan shall M Ganes a Drano. with the --,d C'ay epeciflee- Str.tturn tions co. tang the part,cul.r work in No . Per 30 Yd. 12.11 Concrete found.[ion ......................... ... ... ..... ... ........ .... .... El.R6 Schedule of Shce[ aePhalt, surface only,.................... .. .. . .. ...... ... ..... ...... 3.00 Fricee (or Asphaltic .neral¢, surface only .............. .. .. ... .. ... ........ ... .. ... ... 2.'!6 Street He Dein Hrick -i k] on e[—......... . .. . ... ... .. ... .. ..... 236 Brick . bl ,deli ................................. .. .. .. ................. 130 Crroeote block, deliverN on etrtet.............. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ... .. ... .. ... .. 3 00 Crrowte block, laying new blak. .. 1.00 Shtbd a black, cleaning end relay:... old 11.—.... .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ...... 2.00 S..datone block, deliverN an street .... .. .. ..... . .. .... .. ..... .. .... ..... 0.60 Sandebne black.ar 1.on .......... .. . .. .. .. ... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. .......... 2.60 Granite block, debliverN etrret.............. ... ... . .. .. ........ ..... .. .... 3.'A Granite block. Ia_ tt......................... .. .. .. ... ....... ... .. .. .. ... 2.60 Concrete, Pavement nit ................... ...................... ....... 3.26 .11 a. macadam Davvnent.... ... mg............(1)... ................. ............. 3.00 Oa ,, v d or I_ 1. rock reaurmcin g, fur (dl inches in depth .............. 1.60 ,r ilio. tad mizin. in Piece of nu brei travel eurfno.. .. .. ... .. ... ..... .i6 , er Lie. et. Svr Lrmnc urn 10 b, el'v et. 3x.00 ten ,'ra„te r curl - 0 SettnK sur Intone ar aro - Ihlea cut -n Krari b orL ern 1l ulna cuv in senaeurne curl,, me n..-. Jo0 Com plat t vein tole 1 1, -Y,. sheet canna¢ a torn Wane o ern a1,Wan - _ -. Ed?o Aanhalt ncF 1 nch asphalt a Hr rk,r h I,— .. ... . .. l ]5 Cres wt LI k, new :i v- h .-iF.,boar. fi26 black relu'J on 12.12 The appr.i mote Ir h. f II . 'e I eA fr t. All...... l - n[ manholes. The -de I -n h f rrauc, re. 1 ,c d p-Naf other a.d xcl u.lrn from the lengths n[ aewere R!ven. All newer pipe fiftywn 1161 Approximate inches in sn iamater nr smeller sM1 Pll Le ,:trifled clay irm unless oNerwvs n e iI,d. I.engthe Scwrra n trifled .r shown on the plane to he of a definite type of canatrpctla. m.y ba of any War of the (ollawinR types. \"ilrifirn pipe fur diameters of t,. y -four 1211 inches or leas. ]icln foreM eancre a pipe for divmetere of eiRnteen 1101 in<hee or aver. m ... i'thi< concrete relnf.rceG for dlnmeter of thirty -a ix f401 ineFes .r over. Hrick fur diameter nr thirty IN) inches or over. mR IWcial < uclle d reduc n�bead Wetton r other oro rep SwF ch Plans have beenneprecally are shell a rhea a I.r meds rro t of c inner a manhole_ toles h P a ed e me I PitI .ae yPe wear I. ,oe of 1-1--. na n, n. _t_ rt snox o n arta. M carrot mat P lu v ed ror f w und enol be oeA wh a ee iud�n�o. Ne Eng Y th e.r(oNu soul`dat e e rho ee b Pmke cyte t nee. ry to ,au o nate and P mane t n tru inn. Z s, P- INDEX 8-10N 13 SPECIFICATIONS for MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, SIDE INLETS AND MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL STRUCTURES —-h h Hevdin PeQe 13 03 General .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .... .. 1 1304 Manhalex 4.. .. .... t 13 05 catch 13.08 Side InIMn .. ... ... . ..... ... .. .. .. .... 2 1-7 S--- 1 3.08 UL-deninn13.08 SPecivl S[rvc[uren ... ... ....... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ? 13.09 Ex[enelone vnd AdJux[men[x........ ... ... .. ... ... ... .. .. .. 2 13.10 Now Cvx[Inen ...................... . .. .. ... . .. .. ._. .. 2 SPECIFICATIONS for MANHOLES CATCH BASINS, SIDE: INLETS .AND MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL STRUCTURES afx oo rl„urne. xx . .bre. rr Inr lr. rm.�n L xr rx x . -nleu x..al n.ol :fl rn:exFell nut to I - r h k' 1 I nx "iel he SLxnAenlrxMxter I S 'fi f l P I A rnrrhvll n th. work hal mt xVe.'firnlllnaJ in t c 1 r vl SPnM1cerran+. n�.liurrr,i.nel ac me Lxr Inmiq' non ,err,nr, I, r> tryr en¢meer- lhr. n Ih ll br IIu'Ir x- I,. ut.I +n Ih. Irlhuwn nJ Jll J 1 1 I '1 [,r rhe nrI cul S I I d m'rarm . I r, xftc wA rM1 ,nl> R- nl xer.r xnnll Le eAdeJ Io ••Flern v .murkxblr mr.. !nl vM1ene 31enh.1 n 1 1 ,. 11 1 II f: er brick chr,.. a r n n. m a l II r rmed ro mvka rl f i tl F l of erh. Snell bi finl'Ired . n r to J Holl F. me I�r. c rn urn h. n n v I .hely �.w,r ar wear mx�rnennan. r. Irnul. Ib, uel¢nt de,l sore r . r xll 1 . "hell Le Luilt tan 1 n h' nforme I. I'.h,a stn t nr xll N I h ,r unJ �l alt `rear nl Ila J V nF, lav Vxhxll 6 1 I lom Ver n IM1r Ixnx- F.xcM1 nvnhale shell ba red 1 d e f the rkinl eell.,l [or on tn. Ir ens rhe , c bottom ( ha —W, _. �df .,w .Ina reale „Tabs ar wM1ieh .nxu b.. rw.ar,. uxl r, r.. w�ia+�. orklne ,Irvx x all Lr .,xl„n nm Ind,e.:ma mr xl enxnxll xlerr : r rereln¢ rm,� me irouom at Inr rnennah. weal. l rlr Ilrick Menholcx II .I ry D'k �h II rrlxx h r II ' Ixn [ 1 I h lig ! h n L n 11 M1r Hoar ¢anter then are�lrnlf f rnl 'mch in• thnkncxx nnrl xll �r nIe xFxll he uek rR �,nmry n r -ear on¢.x Haar mxtne :, x,er arr enna{r. Tne Ini�•r o[ in� well xi�eux�r u1Tnr . arr°xnral L, NxxWrea;owlln roraend r, rn.m nr,nnr L..r .err ��in Ir�rra ,ern xrrrrxrrae o.I c anrrel. n.nnxlex 'rnr r xndnnl rl [ rh. I I. I'eul L.r 91n IL'l a Qmerete Sewers _hrl¢ I: rl:•.m I rear nrnnnni,�� xr�. i�mn. M1 Lu.rn. .bell b x Drawn o the '1.lays unrl ,hull Lc burl, or xcwr.r Lrrck, f�lxx. ".1” conch «. mhef vl rmnbrnerrnn �rf hour. c Rede L.,.,rr. xnr,n L are � Wo rr n ,< mr rr rnr r,rrermra x Ihr,nx wJM1 twel.e f121 inch .�trifleJ Rte rr Pe IuIA o xrr ,i ht line nnA ¢redrnfranr rbc Ir uIIcI to rhe x. N'M1rnWhr mr 1�p ewer o Irxll III h 111 J Ver w>' nlik r h h 11 I F r h thrVVlnn- ylucrrl n �x n.. Nrx . r lM rld.wnik r n. Rutter '.r Jreturbed Irxll r .0 Ja Thr ,µ rase x't erl`I. xnnJ .Fell rviw or luw,•r. I+rJewr.lk enJeRUI cr ,.n .ncF .rJ. or x Aixtnncr ..f fifrrrn f1.51 I,.I ro ,ore ,I t�tnr ¢rvJe. t1'nrn c IMIr the .x reV, JrrV"ronen, a th. I I 1 1' I,n LcnLu It 1 r h I. h li f- Ixd r. x, Id.dn'rrd.xx In.rw'x� 'n,n ea an I . ,x r:x.r raven Lxxrr v I Hall Ix , mew9 rrylnr e.mn LxlainVwrxlVly i� o Len iii x iea ;o n mn xrea roru�� lull 1 'tlr r (:[bl ,�m.lr f.r, nnJrcxne Felr 11 xr 1 ick I h II , r I r I r n ' r l n i een i_ II nr r nxtrn.Ier '1 I I1:i 11 1 I 1 I r'1 t ; - 1 Ir 1 k . n, I x••.k fr side ,I.Ix nhnll . v. I 1'.J rr Frick r . «. nholcx. k N'nrrr ruL+lrainx e n'if rJ or xhawn an the Jen,,, thek .r..11 le Lnill ••r ..............r h I h TF I nl 1'IM1 h n h- 1 1 1 1 k. I mVlerrA rnk tF.n¢ unhe I M t k h I ,. I •hell 1 nln¢¢ 1 witnx V n .I where 1 n.I. rl by IF 4.n¢inrrr. t JrxcriheJ In JrWil hnrrin h cxl'rJ Tar Iryr Irlenx xM1ell r°:noire rn�.�m� n 1 a mr nmrenxron. shown on I Vl,rnx rma err earoreen.. „illr trh, r VVlrnrcnlnr)' xl.u'ificelion.- \I` A nr 11 II n form t Ihh C n ardrnencic y tJ I eafu= II I' ch xnharn, ,r xtarh¢finew x�u mole: rmll nc bn n.. TM1n xlrvlln --h nllln ... x> rnl,riel en,l Inbar to make IM1r exlrn+ran, urlju.^mrrm or r rw°ucM1 o. mnnholun noJ cnt.h Lrrnrn ,r•..r. vneJ ,n mw work "Trull br r., r. .rte -ten¢ [.r �I.nalit Fie I om tr Srx.r., „iron I r, nnJ Mxtrr'ml . I cificxtlons, Scctirlon I'f O4 de l-1, 13.9 7 dun-Ar.mx 13.9M ht Vnurlex 13 09 Aa)unnm rat« 13.10 ('axlin¢x t anrrel. s,. INDEX D.P.am.m.1 e rotuk zo. el aP1,0a u . SPECIFICATIONS i' for ,I i PIPE SEWERS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS '" F1 UeDvtme t o1e . ,> °( gt. Taal 1'ublle Workx City a( Hl. Yaal INDEX 1f•oblir Wo.4 991 1932 SPECIFICATIONS ,trnGN II for PIPE SEWERS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS Tn;x .mer I dpeAIS U Jot uon2 ¢overs thereon f Plp. a f tn m^ Ir n" bouom o r U 02 Sewer v;Pe t„.o r n f n�reo. ..... v t .. ... ea n ne contrx°ti I.a> R 1'1ce reneh i h e vu�table material in the franca .° met the pip may be IeiJ shall ft,mh nxd plus ox xpecifled. M1ill Pipe xM1ull Le I riJ h 1 f h grteJe of we newer or' uV Tha end or bell enJ to > h II d aThettbell anumforme full deVlh of «ii° wn mia x 1 l h p u b< eCt ox hn,li ee ��onon`w�� on p1 re JoinW ,h. w P' . " Vhel Ih fled en a r 1 11 be made �(C r e �r rte neJ of one (bl f d Cement and t o (2) p^rta of m and rTiiaannd and rc after l hell P Ix^be mzeJ dnY ^ ¢farm eY I°e m vrin�v.xz^rte ° ��blxn n whish only _htlty to water"nhdlVL xdJ d u > workable m�z nes aortae¢ .(tM1c lower half of the^bellen(e her D`pmlxxlrinidh.11 TTe[roweleJ and tofthhe Inez vre eeJinR pb enallbe sled int° the bell a keeping the eeigtt¢Qday hi,h h b II h Intl J'epth^°rf thv ne 'n ru11Y erred. After the pill g on he mortar 6111 .1 1ne pipe xnnll ba low ¢red Rent,y no t° inwr then) h II bf II I' d t1 lhn ))� t anA already laced in ne bell Add�tr°nnl mf°toe bell t° fill I 1 M1e 'h','uln nepace xnnll he (need mb L, a filled p 1O^ ntxide. of the• jo nt xhall be le.rlled oR with xpi..t x J t`e bell.°woe o -omen rrom mr. °uta eJRe <f the bell. °(ween t x d'xmnce f 1 (2) 1 ,'J of the P- Pxxt motablWt—den xh°pP d t^hnll be ArouRe"aorth the 1 d fi f In (reeving tnerNthe xn"dexnJ °h f h pplird h°t end the tom[ Protected the water for the t.; itmc hall 1, ah-11d,Vlh, on tar frm frarzi.0 o t eYnent t (cl Tha --1 I 1[ �nlei; jr h f r 11 be .pp,.— by h t - only n ale I 61 xpecdificnti"nx � f Tlflc d d b'1 1' mdxncc w'tF mi J l r Th. jt hlb thr DIu c a l;"xx ne.eman r -0 11 M1 f d - 8^ I the 1J O4 Th C h d mu of lip¢ cone rvcti°n 65' ntc'dent or othr rwo'x"e. �aerY ortdisturbxnrel from ani eau n WdkmR P;Do rz Ikinex J �Ieet1Y r^punteplt m�Plxce xnJ wn�ch ere under hree e(3) feet in d�ameter �x rohib,", 13.05 °Unlem olherwiw `hrhwnpan theVlme n"t xlWniflnxn M1e ht lN) teettbelaw the�l'Jb� 'If er a IneJ wi`M1 me nv for (lot enP" Yt^ex t, - e 1") "h)- blow eidewaTk grade t u e onx w rlk u w`e rand swim x ni[or de r m the rrn 1y Rr 9CCIION 2 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS l --graph Ilendlxux Pelle 291 General 2.02 A, -t 2- Hrick P Ing _ _....1-2 -4 Hrlck, r ... L 2.05 Cale'um Chlor Je 2 200 C-1, H T., and -P.—I., I 208 Cement P 1 d... _.. _. _. :1 200 Coss. Ready m -zed 3.4 219-- . E-11, _. a 1.11 Gravel S f .... 4 2.12 Jomt M 1 P Id d 5 < 213 Joint Mater;al rr molded k,zp... °n Jnmt. 4 2.14 J.,.t ]laterinl for I— Aephall c.. 4 2.15 Jomt PI te,xl 5 21r. —h°1 5 2.1i I';ne \ fid f 1" 5 2 le Prpe Copere,c ... I 1 b 210 Rock, Cl— "A" C°nc ........ . 6 2:20 Rack F ... deli.0, Clam H end CConcrete 6 2.21 Rock Curb and Sidewalk Concrete... 1 2.22 Send, CVcerele ...... ] -A Sand, \I ar ..... -- - 0 2.24 Sand, C--,, n .... I 2.25 Steel, Remf—mg 0 2.26 Water i gBCr10N 3 L.OI Gwer.l ME CBy el Bl. Paul Departmevl of 1932 Pobllc Works MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS It u the intent of Nese Meleriel Syeclflcatio. N obtain n1,,ids a I.b a f.,._ o y work done by or for the Dep.tment .f Public Works. .tet Before<f lhecang�rt cis ewnrded, the bidder may be required to furnish e e Plate a ompomt�urn or menu( eturmaaf I'll be .late N be axed amen[ Cher w e e h plea e y o u deby the ETglne<r. 91^1,m�leof.Ahml me Lrlel forotnecn `�ete .. meY be required to determine Na modify and l.) G .rel Rwuire bi -The .Phalt filler t. be furnished under thee. p nn r shall be lige tl' blown ane .hill m [he f.11'adug eater r ehdl b Irl to elh�[[e^I oee !re i o w inn d . alar onsOtuents a n hlmxlinlle Le flus ,mnhownghtn(90P g soLblet rrnrbn teVachlnride. It s dl bave a-1mgcP.- of of lees.than tone hundred end forty (Id0) deg6 e e then one hundred anJ seventy (190) degrees F. (Bd) nd Ring meN,od), F n�rhe penetre,iw a eve y- v1, (99) degree. F. (A. S. T. M. 100 gm. b eec.l ,hsll .t be lee. Ih.n thirty five (361 nor more than fifty-five (661 The ductility at brhirtY-two ill)degree. F. `Hall rn aro ese.eonhvU threat `3) qua n aq a en mete se 1,c lied a he r a[ o<n - u iter ser c en r1�9] ,faire 1,c F. ^hell n t ca taw tar (W carne aoe(i,tn eta brie p �Iled n [five. fifty nt""'eampi' .emPlet n hedem five ((i)<th.0 int ter�e htubnydred lend tw [t fine (326) deg. a 1. it h 11H t lo. o e eh th eee(3) P et. enTh flaib po nt .hell nn be 1--lid-hl our bund. d (.400) deg 1,e F'.. Op - Th y en cup. The material shall nut be e. y .attered when a pi_d. ce aI .even -moven (]]) degreeF ^. i temperature i [ruck a sharp ^low. t r. Inmil .re ane<iried the material t.rvienla en.n meet earn req.memw . within he above limit... lee Engineer y pp e Intl 9.mpin-A one u ll ..1b,11 o1 the filler gored for use ddl be vubmi[led ,.lee Engineer ror feet ll filler .hall I used until it ha. Baca anpwved. ia) Cla.igc.lion-All brick to be (uwuM1ed under Neee spemflntion1, M1ell be is ly number one paver. made expree.lY for paving P.p..ee a d .f . br d hieh o be unable [. viae e.rpoe e heY eh II b,, f the Lar. .....menwi.11Y kener n e Ver nl Wib a Bn [" Ver c 1 Fib re.R 8""<." 3Te ^rick hall be of . eeknown a1, "T o and on -bel( i%) i ,ch: (3) in W. "Four (dl inch;' a. may be specified. ah end durable, ILI GI. -id ti -All brick, shill be -Heeled tn.ro.ghly,.Hell .now s dense gvler in air and nape, end evenly burned When broken heY nelike body, uniform in calor inside, tree tram lime, air pockets, creeks, marked m Lich would tend to weaken the et e[ e. All brick shall be subject t. ,borough in piton bef.r< end after laying end rolling. cad all mate i.l not accepted .hall be removed Immedidely tram the street by end ,t the expense of the Conlrwtr. (c) Sues TTe width t the brick ibd) be four (d) mcbee d the length eight end one hof i%) t hes' the depth of the re pectus -it-- .hall bet cad -bdf IL%1, three `31 .rid four (d)inch^ re.nectivrlyy Throe dibi n lin nhdl be constrveJ lying o the body ! h b k ly cluetve of Ivge or bevded de. a Purim.. from lee. b d .hall 0 veeed ane-ei.b (%) of an men width Dr h,10 ,r more Nn ane11- b I .ter I u I[ of an inch to length for ucn eme o! brick. brick hall Le unvided with not leve Nen two (2) Ivgs n1, side .f each .g rick. Lu R. +hall ro 1,r[ of leen than three thirty-second. 13-321 0( mete, nor taw i. -q arler l`%Inni.n n-1a'ro the nide. of the brick, .Hall Ne width ani ins wg m ..area . nr .n or .ear no mg n1, roe r lean (i) <h. Beveled endubr k .hall I,1, d.uble.Leviled n.[ more tnanlone eighthne(%) ofn an .ncM1 led NenTeelea1,r 9 e- Repre.rnLlive .ample. of the Frick .Hell m t the (ullowunR re men . hen whlerteJ In the rattler Verlicylo to Fib Are erirk No B Size % tame 2p% 22c1 2696 26% Vertical Fib- LreA.ug Rric4 bi-B 311 2 d 21'i 20d ^e N'.te A -Average In.. by nbreeion, no[ mare than N.. B -Lo. by .healon .[ each ividud Lrick, not o e NAn ones The test end Ne rattler ena8 nd conform w s ecifiution. o(rNe m n Society I., T-1-9 Materiel., .rid tlesilfnetlom C 7_- P-1 J0,VWd Ivpecd -The 11-d— be .ubjeeted to InePertiw eabeeyuent ddl (eq) at the pluv of n1,.. Prior t end... Lying, in nide. 11 run .ut ort i�cW y the bric4 hieh do not mnt Ne airemenl epeeifled. The [ollowtg brick .Heli . celled out or rejected: All brick. which ere broken througih or cbip d in each a nner hat pd[tier) w n cart¢. eme eubetntiellY inLc rh a nner Na the lower o l Bevin udntt 1u reduced in by m anti,,. o e<i¢ th ((%I' (p; All br^ k1, hieh m ked m e deVLF ear r 'h e a ¢ o! a nch n ..fere o •which a cracked o iemd, moo suds.. o Ali brick �wM1icM1 a imhowd, bent,. - r kiln marked s flat they(rn'll form a wroperr...face diRn p operlymwith other bnckrN endure el At brick. huh ere obviously sof[ tl tw poorly v -fled b r whwh snow abnormally high flan Itl Bemplet and r-- Theon reel.. nlurll fu i.� euc c.emPle. of nR keer the Engine yy 1 ten 110) b i k will Bele ted by M1I E from the brick whicF would Le 1,c pt o in the siin.pec n onAvif Neyl beldiowed. M1e sw iftce e, .n t re brickvl.ke m Nei eine e 1 e if re ie r� . ted and nt Je and Wtn o 1 'nal .-Pies end ret el fail pa sitter lest. the COnlr.<lor shall p 1' to leer 0l ii P., Tenting laboratory of -Pal the o! I2e0.00f doelerT. PUn .i t�ere4 red taste mads r uidenuf rn gals fyartnrY Irricu oge d ( vidN.feet the icon to Ne Mun cippal orkmg b. r. will be made Pro pee. ewe oto thiin N maki .en t ,deni ncbnrk bated iro mately five (Ii-) dollar. 4aho In . hepCrorn[rPnet If ^ted by the rn, he nh II f leer t' m lee tos lh M.n .l T t R Engineer, he Conk t. Hall r<lren po tYl rick ea oar rn Leb.n , . r 'n luded in Neee 1,.ciftcetions. (.) Cl. bh,.liw-Two clam of brick ere � sew r N.mdy, "Clue A Vitrified Bn V end "Medium Brick." Where the w rds . n1, bed -.oat -'.". dee lion n o Cit' of hi, Paulsylai-file bark" ra merino Specifiutio it eh Il) b and. ood thol the "MeJ u B ck" h r Pi ended. nrdwce with the "Standard (bl Qe.li[y-The brick famished hall .. , sec Bpeciflee[iona far Clay Sewer Brick;' B. T. M. Serial C-32.24, for the Isseiflrycetion Ile, (") Ab..rpliw-TTe etlention of bidder^ ie invited to the "Absorption" A Viry- of the A. B. T. M. epeciflceti.na cited. Tne ebeop[ion I�mit for' Clea. [n fled" brick hdl be three 13) y r Ines far a mean o[ five uet. For "Medium" brick the ebeorpt ion limit xb.I lie ten (10) to fifteen (16) per cent for •mean of flue with an individual maximum of seventeen (19) Per ued by the Engineer. le.L(d) S.mple.-Samples ^hall be furnixheJ ii req. lumps u (.) Form -Calcium chloride shell be in the (arm .f Inose, dry r flakes, dee pouch b di.olve readilyr i ter. c (6) Chemkd Ci).-lvs�tiw-Trn genie Df Ne m teriel diewlved in 100 c. o! bolliv¢ water shall .hw less taw .0 per can tn1,oluble residue. Not m re Nene 1.0 o! Hormel d shill be d to n u 1 the alkali i f h ftlVa 1, e methyl orange aTTe chemwal n nh II f rm o Ili lid qu c 'tin t A nt C.CI 2 (.nhydr... ), Hol I -11, ..... .... .....93.0 MgC12 h ... 0.067 Neel. n M1 _. _. ?.0 9. other i P it then 1.0 The percenGRe of cacium cnlonde ehdl ba cab ulotvd tram Ne iie 0( csl- ne filtrde above rete _ lo. after m.klnR a deduction for the 50-< which mall be .:amid L be m comb�..... .s CeSo-d. (c) :id cilmum chloride snail be delivered in -tight, .tare prop! Baca or Becks ronl.ig approximately 100 ib.. each, or in airtight 1,111,1 drums weighbid,- . then 360 Ibe, each. The name of the enufecturer, lhr lot number, th the 1,o[ mor weight, ..d the Dercentgee .f calcium chloride goer. d by nrulerturernet be plainly ',P,, ed .n wch cwtiner. e la) Pernose-The c. n described m ,hie p fiwnon ehe11 bi, d is the feta.. t men -hole a ro whole .t h basin cov let ¢ir end m chuotiber cmtinge a1, may be srequired, unless other ap*ciflwlio. ere 1furniabeJ cover- ing web other casting.. C.ti.ge shell be made io a int acr.rd.oee with d�meneio. j,h,-, .v(� Hv.lily-The cutinge shall be made from a good grade of foundry Pig it.. zed with flr1,t quality, clew, machinery it ecraD. From ten (I0) N ,wen Y -five 126) per cent of flat q.dity .beet scrap may be Dert of lM1e i, but no inferior matt be used. Cunogs 1,hdl be free from imperhi, t v1, or defect which tl detract from Nee once, etc nggN or laetulnen. The cat i Mowhall ba tough, of evw rid bol comply N Ne feet requirement RivRgesn. u e6ovn on 1,P• n No 6 6ocehdlebeemo hLedoito lrva� pl.neneurfeee, end cutin¢ "A " 2.00 Brick !1,r gewen LO6 Gldvv Chlalde 3.06 (uttg.. 4se m C., of 91. Paul BeD•rtmevl of 1932 Poblle Worke MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 11 is the intent of meoe Materiel Hy ec'0nlione to obtain --id. witeble far — o work done by or for tl�e B<Dartmenl or Psbhl Work,. `Befarerlmnyy ncl ie •warded, th. bidder msy be required to fumieh a complete t of the`origin, composition or minufecture a( anY or ell maleri.le m Le aced men Char w h each nmPlee may be regain- by Ne Engineer. mplutrehall be vubj —bto M1 s y be required to Jetermme lM1e goody end bt v of the m.terid for the work.N u`lel Cenenl Hryuiremenlw—The •eph•11 filler lv Le turn—d under these --di ra „ .shell be Ii fitly id— end ehdl meet the following re menta: It sh.^1 M1e !re fro w and do roduc 4her nalttuente shall Le n non gg o eolul m show ily o ti M1e I, •Imll`Lr1.l leulnn eig'f (901 Per semi eolb pd(-pd(tetrnchlorid,. roll have a melting`paint of not lees than one r... J and forty (, deg'dea F' r n e thou one hundred and seely 11]01 degrees F.. T end Hine me M1b '1'M1e oen itro +n o wventy. even Ina]) Je¢rees F. IA. S. T. ). 100 gm. 6t eec.l snxll not be leve than thirty-five (31) or mare M1e1 fifty-five (561. "I'he ductility et thirty"two 1321 degrees F� sM1.11 n [ be leve Nen three 131 n . br qua a Ile eq enl�meter cross .wlmn pulls) el Ne r x n l ton - u r ('e) r e r p r lr the-uetill ty e n I I'+1 deg,-,,,.F,,e shell n E be lM1on tb,rly 1901 o tri` of n e (ll u. entimeter Cron .nt�on, pulled al x n,rtvr., u n ix of fire l51 cgenli etgerel Peymi ote. e Ofty 1501 ¢ TV in M1e.ted flue (5) hours three M1ondt<a end t tivhfive (325) degrw V,. it — na Ince more then 1!,ed (3)t per rent by weight. e t'he d -b P n .h 11 not be leas Nen four h nil d 1400) deg a F., Open cuV. The mn 'eel len^n n 1 ee near n ed when x p� « nt seventy- nen (i]1 v F. t`tc P rot is ck eh.rP`bi w. tt'h< a I�mits a e cifiedtthe t r el f iehed eh•11 meet suc1, r< cements w, Ne above timate .e he Engineer y p 111,1 Semple' --A o yy u d xnmpie of tne�flller` it he (or use eM1xll be submitted t,the i:nRNttr for teet�` No filler shell be used . it nee been -l""J. Ixl ('I.wlflalion—All brick to be furnieM1ed under New eP ificslians hall be ly number nne pavers made expressly (or paving purpose. end o(1 brand hich 'rax Wren sown by experience to be suitable for paving purpowe. They shell be o! tb. rally known as "Vertical Fibre Brick" or Vertical Fibre Log Back." The nrickmnM1xll be of size known ee "two end one-half (2H) inch; "'-1 131 inch" r "f'xur Id) inch:' as may bee tfied. h) t'enersl Qu•lit>—AII bricks shell be annealed th.—Rbly, -1¢1, end durable, r.eumr in iz and shape, .nd evenly burned. When broken Ney -I show a deka- e-like bodyy, uniform m c for i—de, fru from lime, sir Pockets, lr-e, ar m leminetiou which would tend to weaken the el aura. AII brick shill be subject to e t'arnugh �nsDe<tion before and after laying ..d rolling. nd dl materiel nut erceDted .nen be removed immediotely from Ne street by end el the exDenee of lh< Gmtr.cmr. Ic1 Eil<• The width lf the brick andl be four Id) inches and the length elghl end one Halt 1041 t Fea the depN of the reepacYve asses shell Let 1nJ one-hdt n.^ e v 1 Thne dim one .bill b neA x. e31e1'm" t3 )lh< bodyero[dthe b ick o IY lex Ivet of e nn Ibe eng�Hld,, nen V( h b d •shell nol`ene egg i .. A l d h r h n fisc 1'F1 0(. InrA to l f <h a ,r nil k g. an nne I,uq Lrirk xhxll Le Provided w lh of leen Nen two 121 lu e d .r rerM1 _ I.uge *M1nll Pr pct no leen Lh I three NirtY-eeth, b (3-32) of on �neF, n r e then o 1--1jf'y 1 of ,p r from the side of the bricF, nor eM1ell the w:dtM1 ofthe lug m vured et the lx ar bees o[ the IUR be fee reN.n one 111 mcM1. Beveled ndk 1M1e11 be Pdouble-beveled not more thnn on eighty 141 1f en mch n each end. 1) Tot.—Hepresentauve em I<n of the Irick 1M1x11 meet the (ollmving regmr.- rn. nt, ahrn nunirrtcd to the nulveit I Fs- Brick ase Nnle A xle ❑ 2869.. 2 229¢ 219. 261. t enckal Fibre L•R Brick s—NnteA - _ - NateB 31 �. 2- z6^� \are A _Average lass nY ^bruin', n re than--.. o' m —,d- of each individual brick, not o ln.n...... ...... r.lder anal conform m epecificatiove o(`Ne American Society wnd tlee�gn.dom C 7-30. eUeo--Tne brick shall be subjected Ivepectloo eubeequent to (ve, Pnor to and during laying, in ober b cull out ordw njwt t the repuirementn eDwifled. TTe followu[ u n etactory .flak shill be cuueq out or relwtn: Ill AB bricks�N'tecM1 arc broken through or chipped in -h • manner [or eli vdNer wevi au ememe aubelanU,1ll� intact, •rfen eh s .ht ed lower r Bevin v urfe� ie re ked w Je th ¢cuter lllh one -,b N l(H)1 (t)n Ali br^ ke hien • y ^ o[ an ch v ly eurfan o which are cr eked un he ween eurf•c<. o All bae4 which a imhaDed, bent, lwlated, or 4�In make- s ltil th•y- haform a pwroD<rreurlue o lien Properly pwilh other bncke. endurAl elel lt bricks hich ere obviously oI[ d too poorly vitrified to which chow •bnormdly high •beorption. 1(1 S•mplre ndrNetnte—The Contractor sMll furnish such nem lee of brick ee In e I t n 1101 bmc4 will be wlnled OY h EnR ser It..Ltneneri<awni�n woue,l Le c<V�d�nLNe tekel �nnih<i n and i( tµey b I avoP �_ IfereMetfla• eled entdsm of land WL` • ik nal e.mpin and��re foil o[ 9L BPNI tiler Leet the C rs r hill V Y her Mun c pal Tee in y the of (5¢0.00' Joel r u Pert of be ont of tt 4 and r nRrtmguler fuRoryvbri<4 oRer d fo u Teat• or re es required Loeb ¢made outbids e, arking boors will be made provided [M1at 1`e lContn pey,1 to lne Munm pal I<ba n ext • oe a (o mnkin ucM1 TM1ee e < to e a IY five tlil.0onrdolls p t In a tees rrdeet ¢`brick su`ted fnnm m hors s `ell f r ie < are I :Mr o ttpnet of 4'J byrnt' R Engin r he Contr t h II tnnsW lubr�ck Psem les to th Municipal T ab nmry. CI •iflntlon—Tor <I.e of trick e e ncl,' 1, lh` orJflnt o N^mdY. "CI oA a iorifi d Brick `s d "Me d'um Br k" 'sew r b 'e4 n c i e,au o'a<r dee n o her Ci or` bt I i. 1 pPl•n one NpU ifl<el�o_ t eh II b anile tool tf,anlNe "Med um Brick' x ecified i naso. d.— with Nr "Snnnam Ib) Qu•Bb—Tne brick runieheA shell be arc SDecifl<•tione for Cley Sewer Bnck," A. S. T. M. Seri- Cr 32-24, (or Ne la.e�finlion 14[e( The attention of bidders ie invited to 1M1e "Abed y Ire- �el Abemplion— limit for Cl— A Vitra S. T M. pecificatione cited. The absorption fled" brisk eM1dl be three (9) yy cent r lees for • m n o[ 8ve taste. For "Medium" rick the 1.1,11 boli uh.I be ten (10) la fifl n (11)^per rent !or .mean of 8ve N inJtivid d m of se sen (III the Engineer. sta(d) Semple•—Semple¢ shill be fornix'.- r1 ex require) Id Fl—Um. <nlariae —11ne in the form n( loo.¢,bydry lumps or fi.kee, 11ne .••ugh m d'uvolve readily in water. c (b) CM1eminl Compaeilion—Ten gams of the [arid diswlved In 100 of boiling water shill ¢bow Ina Nen 1.0 per cent inaolubl< r idu<. Nat m re Nan 1.0 c of normal d shill Le re d t trel h Ik unity ( h filt it<.mu m[ methyl arenas aThe chem¢Ll r V hall r M1e rill ebb: MegCl 2plfi dn lh I fi n .i3 0 9 0.06 NeCI of h ... 2.0 9 Other, -mD t h 1 0 Tne porn f 1- hl d nal uph 1 e of <d - n M1e filtrele shave ...... a to after •king a dada i N Io -d which eh.li be assumed toe in comb—i— o1 C- 0 4. (e) P.li. -The edcium chloride n -I be delivered in airtight. mvielure proof b.gs or sacks eonmining npproa�m.lely 1001L.. e•eh,mor in eirliRnt steel drum. wmgh- dngre than 350 Ibe. ch. The name of e enur•cturer, Ne lot number, Ne .Dpr•aimele net 'ght, a d the Derrentagee ofthedcium rhl•ride gu conies- by the numclurer .hal be Plainly mocks) on en<n container. (s) Purpose—Then n dewribed m this a 'finEion shat be Jin Ne . u(sdure !man -hole et ro m note coven, nta'n b..m coven. -<t ggrr ..nit men other cutins. u mar be required, urine other epemfintiona are turni hed`cover- Ingother caeUnn. Caetmes •hell be made in strict urordance with diin—iau Npwn o^ the pplane. y pie iron (b) tQgallty—The caainee .hall be made from . g.d [de 'f 'oundrwenty-five !.ed with 'ret -Illy, clean, —16 cry 'rbc p.rtpof the t, but n^ inferior meta (25) per cent of fiat quality awl D may ey be ued. Csetinn shall be free form mp fwdpn. r defect which will etrxl from Ne .ppeoronee, etre' lh or uee[uIn The nil Iron sheat be tough, -f even and .hal comply with Ne Leet requirement. gtv n below. et (el The Beerint Surfaces between Menhola castings "H" or "C" and cutin¢ u eM1own on Plen No. 9060 en.11 be machined to trva Sane surface. R 101 Caldvm Chlnld. 2.06 damn. Inv These a eciflcatioru end detailed plena of m.bh.le ring. manhole coven nd ceaI Iron cp.tt beein frame and cove ill not exclude conaidenlion u alternate, other atterns of caeOnge t. be unM far the above named Omuno a provided that the pt., lan of Fe alternate ca ting submitted dee. n t diger m+ IIYy the ,(and.rd plana, and provtdM further, hat lee VuaBty end weiNhte of the elWt—, caatinge are u+l to Inose of the Standard Specincatione. AnY alternate eea[ings chafbe epProvM �n wrilmg by the F:n marc before [hrr are aced an the t.P _v b . Id) Tc s -The -pew n of the actin m tel ren 11 n t <eed o e.lenm or . r n 1., ban chalet rte red era toe vm me el v true a and e tee d urn pTic b r,�,en h �.M w hes 1, aye n oft—ib na from each oral o el.11 sin. Teel Lara ahb1l be in eilF of the following si On< (1) inch by ve (1) inch Ay thlrle<n 113] inches, or one 111 Inrn by tw. I(t1lein— by twe y x x(201 Each feet bar chaff be rut integrally with a en wM1IcF it shall remain a [nched hell broken oR Ay the Inxpeet. c. When eateJ trbna hely, the ha a chaff meet the n below. The l..,I mall Ae epPlirJvnnd denerti.nrmeaeurM at tM1e c en[ereofc the bar. Deflection at Minimum Break- Minimum Breek� Size of Bar ng LoaJe Pounds ing Loode, Inches .I2 1x2.26 28 tn. an 24 inch .Van .. ...... .....' 2do0 0.36 Teat will be onJuctM a that the full m imu breaking lead r i- i appl'ed f r t Ir. a the m e o SF old .n tnbnr fail t mea the nifle n, hen the enti.eI.t of ams Ii Vl for whi F the liafactory bar Chep myle, o,hell be r acted. Teem .hell bem.de by the blue <�pel Testing laboratory. es 2.OS 1 (a) M.terl.l—etch beein tope and dripstonee .hall be furnished yr Aeltle River C un n.ai hvnJemne or -.I. or of Portland cem<n tante e. UdpW.. Ib) DI n.b, Catch bee s and dri ne .eau be made to aimenmone in atria a ,d.nce with 54 Paul atanderd plebe forocheee arti.lea. �I<I --t, -she g R em and w r u,m1 tee .... -1 of c ten h. t.py aha � r peel be en 11i .f.rma o lee r n e for 6r mend wetter Ili— in F e epeciflratione. TM1e tVusnall have a c.mpr= engtM1 of not lean th.n twenty-eight hundred MOD) p undo er ibch. Comp wi, gth reale will be made i e cord.nre with c ant atand.rd of the Amerism Spclety for Testing Material, for making end gLeet<ylmd,n (d^ Standard of telanu hru^a d....fac[urerbt Map ofestabliah ,.-g rep atton,�halpl be l a fe Dry by nigh ria,,, indi.i :to a product.. lop ' le) Finian -Each con r e —1, beein rover shall havei.end fin one lace - _ed not lean teen one-1.11e(K) inch thick with ... c 111the c -r- .-t, of which m prey rani all tee aldy with the re f the block. The dugrf o1 the �lor on lend -h h.11 bbl. natural J lry t+chaff eahow n. free remevt or Ptner Ifl In.pe<tlon rThe En .rchis rr shall has sea, to the nufectur plan wFrr lr o dpdrip neerz bein8 mmola�tdrM roc the pus oxe n( Lakin c n cyb.der r ¢the n re is Ih may fimhad of produ <[ lee judgment of the F.nR relntice . the ut bility of Ne aeullr Le fl .I. 2.OX (al Omeral Bequirementr-She cemrn hull M , mdard PoNmd C<men[ of . well.kn.wn —M. am.lM by the F.nginnr[end shall meet the requirzmmt, .f aund 1'o�lmd erA eperinnti^nx, Berlet dee�Rnatir f.? -80 of the Amer nv Saiery for Testing Mvtrriele, wile ell eubnMuenl ammdmrpis nnJ additions thereto Wopled b, se oclety. (LI 'text -fin eddii n eet� R the ab•v. ,1.— 1. : we tA< tt .hall, under eprc' c , which fur o([ d. 1 alb o[ W ae<en TIt1111 the a ire, [or hall ort meet W three (31 da` I [. 'lets lh(2 YnA,xrd bri a shall hn Je atreaRln of le ^ I�undrrJ t e+!! 1't2olc p,uml, nrttn n< ex<�M ae.<a �t Sys well n 1. d welch r I.r1Y Fax re,.� n + e -elenl (2g) a.retr, .. nrtr.pvn„rdt rFr LLe �.n< -ork wo paaamg to eau to m thefuwen iRMelt Inc calf be(om ee ut • n< tela awu rg ter DR Whm rvlifled far a herz rt a tvr y Se v Ilr`Ar Mleed pt torr l� hent lelnba'1 Arady mixed ronrrete shall k un..m:.bJ u mea. roc- c,nrml< xed h central plod slrvf na.le.i :�i�ni ateR<<�a,kn ttvebvprvrM �nh.' 11 n,..n. rc a prop Uone a m v vroaa a of -it.- trucks. Before reedy mixed conn. a ie heu1M to the work the h culege truck. shell be approved by the Engineer. Beady`mixed connetetbhh.11emeet -flet fthet Muiremenfa set forth in LFe epecificatione far c ea p r quireme the cohere a be mixed on the ei a of the imp ovemen . Bef.. eddy mixed c here aM1elcobu aeJlu lee aeJ anbd erne cm<thed b' wnh� h,iFeeflo ec pts mn1. ben .. punned inn 11 be I. cb In wr n v u^e F:n one St,h .elft sou bei <Ree<sfoxr mec(n Y< r Ifrn tn< Anle tine ¢uf lea erli< ithd� by ih E n_ Pl.n n or n Iola and z ennll b e Y r iehed by the Ci y F.ech eloed or reedy n xed co`l't e t ^t ettM1el plant n goi[ying City work n^ cls ea with it a ticket n n J bye ecl5uch loud tickets 1ahall he dot Leee yt le l.. lice hoA rI�� pli,,d, d live dc1. `Fel tn. oro [�e u rk berPre tM1<Icnncrtte as le) muelil -9TM1e dielombceuux carte or silica furnieheJ shell meet the followmK ly. 5.10 . rtvluir cele. Y n u q0 m tree IF..rth of more ll- 1% by weight of tI,, mnlerinl .Feil he rel.inM o eah s Not mora• then I67o by weight or the material ah.11 be retained an . 200 mesh screen. SettllnR .et with di`uNd x tr shell aM1ow of Ina then 66". 01 the ala tial nen on ntY rm d nolo fl 1 eut—g la 11 A— n h nai28','e ear llrxes hm 6.. p ^ta Thetme eclat shall no ...I— more [nen I by weight of mmv are. p m e free sample of lFe materiel shall not show a loss .n g mn bt Ibbb deg,- F'..f mare than t,o. An ted a .pb, shall can to at 1— 92`io of silica end f alumina. Croce l'for rued or alley aur(acinR shell 1, c..p..d of frngmenta nt herd durable 2.11 o<k .i Fi h rr bre and nand togeteend wit' clay othe e�ndtnm coerce Surfecel int. a shell Le (free from Nineornel.n ted a sF 11 be well p rad d fro .. g o It— eedin ecu m die er the revel wen. tF<gravel depo.onUine stance ass shell Le screened. OnIY .b arcy .r shaker sneena M1evinRefi thenrtM1ree �qunrteot larger LFan .n ch to diameter, or equate .peninga or fno�yrvlane will not be perm�tted* nn inch wJl be permitted. The ane on Rete gnz Cravel, ween tntM Ly m .f lelwretory acreen, by w,,bin R. shall meet I" f.11odry weight baeie: P,,.xing v ane ince 111 scri,ton th.n 1007. Paeaing a number ten (Ne, to) . _ -no more than 06';, nor ices than 86",. TM1e rel pc of Bund and silt Des m� fiftu (No. +ol sic -c shell n e rned twee y-fivecper cm2 (26'0) of the P.R P%+sin lh n mbar len 1N.. 10) sieve. Loading from pita .hall be perrormed in such a manner and b' each methods lint . unif.rm grade of afar al will be dei�vered gh,y other foreign o ve .table matter, or x na nr send nr zlu� Nxhb1 beea<11. 1 Ynlondsiaken on t ualbee ^ken th chi object nn�n ted. 1. he ruorrk c tai inB . t able materiels w'll Ae rRJn Premolded jo el for we pipe ehaIt b< of en , "bb` or nr eompcns 2.12 of approved q..lily mIt e"an n<defiv rM in a ra r pxifld wiarm nnJ rn r,iinxn dM 4Maredrf.l. The i I ehweel b of each `oar set w 11 to wenlherd by o r molded A dl�nRt du ring hot a her nor be omecharJ r brittle r. < Id e The Bituminou, 1'e -molded joint tar pavibR hell be of the dimensions ¢Fawn on q ley the plena. TM1e j.int material shall be of au h chenclur that �t w 1 n.t be deformed dint Material, Ly ordinary handling during not weetM1er ear become brittle in c.IJ wentlaer. The b.dy Pre-m.IdM of the yotnt me nal ¢heli be o p.aM of a mteFle fibrous filler impregmted with Bxpsn,r.n . Felt or a c.mbinatian .f eaphelt impregnated fibrous filler and ameu piece of rubber J urs di,[ribule•1 tFrouggho�t the joint material. Joint materiel ehea by to u 1 to 'Elastite” nufnrlured by The PhJipp Carey Co., and ehau bis approve he E^eineer before u ibK o the "Pr v• en Th bi[u us body of LM1e n m iul hail be more ted with a tulle fibro n fill r ends thin or fubri "Iffe will b` ell wed mr the rp0. .r mre.e, R me atr.n.rel ntxmhlr of<lbe temps melee ole' ieel. halo yea ei np prnvrd, shel1.br subjecledgt cls tot 2.I1 Bean bri tlleneee and di tort b, na ern tear In mer b< r r<Je br n< ,taint me edea E R era Aepnellie, Mt= is rh.ldic a 'n nl ials xis cl' be eh teats .s m.y be For Beware q ti, lh E it er and wh 11 pp - h l e -nil, ed. Th ece apecifiutiov and detailed plea. of mmnnle cins..-d,,..-d,,rarer. ud it catch buin fames end covers w II net exclude < ideration a o her patterns ^( eating. t, be .eJ for me above named purgnea pray J J M1 plan o[ he alternate c ubmitted Jne a n [ diger mete IIYY from h pima, and provided former,shat the o1 the tquatty end we KFIe of the eltemete. g eOiW mor e Sfenilud Sq<ifiut. Avr nlfemate casting. ental Le apt„ in writing by the Engineer before may ere need — the im rmement. (d) r ca —The Iphw nett y of the -li ig m tel ah.11 n t �ed Ne m t A i[� ars ah.inl tea hn—, cru n m al ,, run zn r 1 om tie h h. f aleft run. b e poured —h -11, J.y'n ,f —U,- �. Te,t Lara ahvll Le in either .f the fallowing Wiz One 111 inch byane Lr minae. Ila) ,hes, - one 111 inch by two (2) —h -b ant six t[Ol t. Each t et bar hell be a g Ily with a which lxehnll re n[il broke, oR by me In....... When is teltlr . ins be , 'hell n e Rv n before The IpaJ .null be epplieJvn tJr Jelleet,on meaeunl „tt- fethe bare Deflection ei Minimum P... Atg—dm ,Rn•uk. S fB ng Loads, Ppunde 'ng LnaJn lnrl,� lxtx l3 L - h pan Lti60 0 I2 i lxtz38 in. on LA inch .Van Tea will be md— f r ectetJv i,n th.t the fall am brarg In . "" lns oteoSh lel ee tlafail t the ifieons pplFiei' n the ol f th"1 mple,ahell Le Ts b,, made by the M... ,u [ T -nig Ltb...-y. ie] C ten Ba hn)nJ,tone or a esti or of ntdapennd t Jcrpinpe,Ir—i, hall he fI—d! o1 Kettle Rvr PuWc tee Toq and Drlgla.en fbl ..i,—, Catch basin d enJ dripem^ea annll Fe made to dimeviov slot[ accurdnnce with Vit. Paul etnnderJ V lan. for lase. articles. (d can to- -,nr n gre nme nna water n,ed in tee mnnntnet rat < lch b�ein gpV 1nJgd i ensu _t_ t rm m me n r rn . mr n zr ereant nJ w en µTepee cifl nn The .Fell nnu c m eh of not lone m.n t bI, i,,ht li-dtea I2—).quad, rr n<n. ¢th m t. will he made it a <ordntce with < endarJ of the Society fornTee mg M.—.1n far mak'. end teed. rat <ylinden. (dl Stzndvd of manner memo a ,h bra, ane arm ^, fsnnn'. made n a fa t, bi n caper acrd m nut[ector r vti entnnli,hed nDntxli° r ducing nigh cl ificial one pr,, 1.. Fliiid tE'uh connate lch buin cove .1.11 1, ve is top enJ f 'uhed enol It.he v half r55<) in h thick wire co < t n or. f which ie ,,tY granite all cue[ qqh ally with the r .t f the block coThet tl dolor ib, raIt lid, d elidl ih,dI ,, n.Wrd nd grenn`al .how no free semen ^r (() un ^ptrllon—The E,R r or Fis epr e e 'Fall thm a re. nu( Doman where pn r end Jripnm t k L 'hg m f purpp m trl`fae� n e,r . ., 0 of ki g c << a bililY at the f M1 he fudgment of the Engine I - h ,belle be final 2.OR (e) Cr�rral RNpr. d by The ,.ell ne +tanJard Porlle J Cem well kno br the F not n `d1 m the f r rata. 4 .rd ifica .na .pnrnoedlby—et 1,. _ifi y e ti it ..i Mal nine, with•ell nubaeque amend en n and sell n. coir ,A Sacie(b) eecia re t dd, i g the �la, sd—1 + c fee ,hdl, ..d,r < it - faRr h h r —,- nft' d 11 f day feet before the cement i. r 0 J far ue ,n thew k 1 hm feet Omre, the[ o ntendnNn .1 nun l hundred twenty IL O1 d n h IvrJ a I,—. bund hick e I I h n been pu R y e1Rht tee i-. ) Lr aPDrovcd fpr u. h x'nrk , iFrret [dl day tc129) r Feld n , laµl`day . mea coven Ityl itre me t+mley + result of the t en eight i2g) day t<a beff ore bei. -"Y flet (nr u, herc'mehll b Iters 1 30Mized rxreWhenerer ca eI.I,L.ep RenA iced <n ctrl R f ontrNe ret faenf<i me trot onan tan hrtuled t cot and mr,ede rnrrutinin ,n I I ... p tyTr nr ra rr a Mnpnr i rJte c .cal plan 3 .f trateit-mix truck'. Before reedy mixed cn e e in hauled to the wvmk the h o lege tmcke .hall be approved b i he Engineer. Revd ctmixeA con<retet„hIl,I II tfttht tnwlremmt� .et fart. m ne ever n<.tinn. Inc p r e .amen the concre a be mixed b the site of the ,mprovemen BO. qdy mi W < Wore e ,nde<ne aedt a the rn matt ov reJ ray the <iflaa be plan Wan the < , Lem zed .na 0e .-- by whichntFe nc eli'i o be t a tea ,Fell 1 ., eA in ver u^e Fa n Bn<n . altrahnu ne i art«iarnne n I r r Ir:o me date m: of 1 a .rare a hdrewn by n Plan epf m isle enJ n .hull bee Nr n- _. Engnnee a nr lh t ilmt 4 uhed by kn hdltY, F.achln J f k dypn J L h he plan f City wor Ythe Ined nm hada(, n<ti—i Ioa <keta .hull Ltr delivered to lhet, or u the x rli beton they vn<rrte pl.ceda (al tiuelity �nTFe diatomaee.un <erm nr ,ilirn [uuieheJ shall meet me following 2.10 a Dialomnh r irementn: Earth e9u No[ more lh.n leo by we.b, ,[ me materiel shall Le ---d ono 30 meal, rtes.. Ivo[ more ih.n 16%•0 by weight of the materiel eh.li Le rrmineJ un a 200 —1, n<reen. Set[lin ^tea im distilled w .hal` snow rat le.. mm g stn aha p Ste +r nal atter five hoe ettJin show no more then 28 ,fr nor ticsn th n re a nu,0 rasion The -I -ml eau not ran am more lh„ I- Ly w ignt n1 mals are. A m e nee sample o[ lLe mnterivl .hall not .naw a Inn. nn ig ,on at 1x00 degas, I�. sof mare than 1:.. Ani sited eamDle .hell coils„ at leant B2';a o[ silica enJ apt over .,'. o[ alum,... Gr,sel roc road or elleY nurfuing shell Le ro hit of Sr,gmenta o1 herd durable rock p(Figh reaietance to nbrn,ion, and Band togetherA eindllLe or well the Jed from moarne int. It .Fill be free from thin or lb—brad piece an g toff Where the suet dap 1efeker n�hav color o1p—t-not larval .heft a cr tea. Omly - �� n IWh n m n of gen ln< oneamon in di..—, The une9of a grate og grizdYrelone ll no be lyienn'LteJ. r i h will bo ,—itm cra.eh when teeth by m rat IaLoramteen. by wamm�g. nnaR meet lee follpxi mimpm r iremente on der Rat Lnnie. Pas -m non men (I) ,ucan—nal less than 100.6. Pun number en IND. 01 sieve- no4 more thm OS;•„ n r less than The tocol per —t .1 1 dhilt —r fifty (N.. 50) h 11 exceed twenty five Der c (26:'0) rat iisinK the number ten C 01 Loading from pit. .hell be performed to nucha ---and by .n<n.T,11— ytn.t . uniform grade of materiel will be deliverwl on ne rood. No uta, +or. ether foreign or vegelaMe matter. or any excess pf nand or clay'. shall be allowed in the gravel end ca a+t b'e t , this the n r , a �ot reel wiehtg pe eI Any Ioad. taken tp he rw k h b' t' D nbl - I w 11 d It p hItb of hl of apo J q 1- I h.11 b el l e d 'p we fid 'd The foist materiel .hall bra of such chs h t 11 bis decor d L 1 handl-tg dirl.g hot wee her nor Lecpm F J brittle ,n colt w'etb. Tne Bit—n— Pre molded pint for p 'hall Le of tht dime^ ' M1 the plan'. The Dint material ,Mall be of such dharncter that i will be deformed by primary handl ng during hat weather War Lecome bnitle rt cold w?ether The body f he joint ma rvel 'hall be co peed o(a uitable I-- filler pregnamd th Fall pr a combination of e.phalt i_ tlneludi flbrov fll'erhell Le all p;ece, oEf1>�bbur Q bugs- throughout h d L "T E g b f i o f d b Th Ph'I'pnCb C b el ufn n p-Id' h 11 b pr` T sled w h p bl fib fill d 1' f f b -R ill Le allured for the pf in....etng me e4 uctural at b'I rat the t n extreme, of �mp5emple. ^f tart61, fe'ari, clog ...d, 6.11 b�eeubjrere9lrede by the bnorp b - 1 nem rad ,hpotter be e £.gine Ment c aephdt n -n rat r:d' .Holl b Riven .dch teals as may be 0 —1 by the Engineer and nhayllibe app ovi,d .afore bean¢ u,a•J. 2.13 ]amt Mdenal, Sewer rremnlaea 2.11 Joint Material, rte -massa F.x ]scot. -1. 4 Joint Mamnd, A.phdllc, For Severn 2.16 Meld joint pl.U- for VavemenU hell be f the deformed type. They ehdl be of Joint PI.- of lam then kWit- f161 g6 e me I puncFd flprl Nkee apd� a the lhkrknne of Me 1 the playa. The pile chat' lig o e-M1a�( (%1 rn< m wt n the p t Blab. Longitudinal joint Olalea hdl be furviahea iv o Ina tLnv (10i footmlengthe. Traneveree leant place ehdi be furninM1ed in leng[he Allowmce o Fe m t wie^h and aM1p.11 ba nae tr wn of V e�av ant. shell be madenfor end In o. Ile cacti. a( lm join n. 2.1s Wrnugnt iron or steel eteP". ae eigM1tha Ira inchex i .diameter, ah of hii fum mall be fo ea l the dim sFuwn n Set. nN aulne anJaru land WI MStepnle ianedmanho'e e u . Q I.dJ rt Ypr .telrnxtoe lu r -lent et th Y be sed aubjec Urthe apP ov.l ( tbengineer. ^ t R.1] lel Rodltr—Tee ¢ewer piphe u eJ in 1h, contyle,dif first 9ua11tY. aaund, lrhor� Plpe, ancFee, tee., —,, shall be of e bell and x r(ectionn end Vi, d d �ghly .nJ Derfecdy burned, without warps, bli gtere, cracks or atoer imp¢ . . .. ...... ...n ".o, r e entire inner and outer eurfacee._ exmPl r. a.. t — a r^,Inlr•tedlvher ,llbe t1r- bure.P The Ppe nM1ell be m f red a LI temperature t m Z.-ttd-g- r 1 wh ch, when b k hall nh d a d eolid body wi s enfd eracka or lnminatrona. IL shell be of each Uughnrm that it may be cv[ with M1isel anJ hemmer end whe k - h Fnmmer shall give a leer, bell like Bound Each bell or sake[ -Fall be tf fit - d- ¢ter to receive to iU full depth the eprgal end a( the nezt (ollowing p p'tial wtFout chip' -ng of ertM1er anJ dao U leave s emPle width ell erapnd afar makin u the Pipe¢ and epe<iva hien of Le than freely fll[ed in v each ether shall be ejected. All pipe -11 b subject U tnape ion and approval by the P.ng e nr before bei l, and in Fe work. c ctLength.—Tee p Pe me M1e intwo 121, tw anJ one -Half (2%] ar three (31 (e1 Iniks utheru iodic teU a tnurf-ansthe mall gena at lee apllE.1h the Oo ill I,—seed o t ..chodvle o[ qualiue-. Each pipe mall Fave Ile dY imp tU u er e n trade -mark or the manufacturer. m ( h Thlrknme of Shell—The following A. S. T. M. standard^ for minimum tM1ick- nem end' be requ'ved unlexa ethers are sprcifieA: Internal Diameter Thicknenn Internal llinm<t<r Tnickn<es mine, ern:. mchee mrnm 0 % % 9 2% b,2% 21 I NDTk:'. All otM1er dimenxlnions -na11 be In acrorJ.mc with 11, '."It A�S. T. M_ .Un�larJa car •IlrifieJ ae IJI AM1xorplion—ThervitP ifiM Ilii!' Prne . r t tFall nnndarda5pecifirelmna of nna A)me r� t o(we r when t<.cea in .rromanr. wen tes ee.n r mr Tear g blatedd., sr rid ureiRr,I,uan ¢13.34. Slciel.nnd n Sunni lid n nnmvlenre wit^ tM1e standar. -P dflcaUov o[ Me n. s. r. >l. sr, i ilea c1:1 I. < . U e Itnnchea S.. and Jandron -Jun afar -1111 an - o °r e for sM1d' a U "' k branenea bar 1 1Wnli a moo( rap erh vert the cap of d lieu clod n n le of for y -five 146. Jeff alhat n o(o ee r^<rv�ce con ra t the Built n v rbl_ i of n e d. vAll e n, I moeFnll be s Ifi) inches n dial �t. vnlcaa ath wrae eelfied. Ile' ilapprr.—Vitri(rA alnpper =Fall h n( tM1e n m ¢rid and quality a ecifird far vitrified pipe StoPPrrn .Fell ', int leext nn ncnnIck, flat, cater in (arm anJ aM1.11 L of PP, 1f Ammeter to a,at rn the bell end of p- ,1- p or brnnrhee to dine ue opening- e IFI Appreral—All Pipe anJ A"in tbrviworkr TII.rl1ontrac arreM1.11 (umrehr end Ly ter Enemeer before hemp n sem Plee of prPe or specials m ,teal rgfor n the Mun vel Te.s g LuLarntarl c th nen ineer may require ici t n ' nu 1B Thconcrrtr Pipe lurninFeA aM1.11 lir mnnu(acUrnl under the eunderd npecifiralionn Plp<, canmeu nl the CJY of St. f'ac'e Section 1N, mr rmnfarrrd roncrel Ppe. unlet- .uerwine ecified. (al IL ie lee lean[ of hme peciflcatiom to aide the r uiremente iii, co "Iggr.) for one covr-e Partlena Cement Concrete ravemenU or Clam "A" I'orlland �x[rk G for Cement Concrete. Portland The mazimum viae and grading of courne aggregate for � in Clam a?ert - Cemen4 Cem t Loner¢ w'dl L moJrhed bmtne o! roncretz a ar 1rn1 re�n[orced cancra p :°ncrey a con ell Dine f cone to by e a m .Clam Aor ett rmre t cloeelY aPareJ ¢Leel.^ Carureta gradin are aeJ, tM1e vd of Ne Eng n t pefore any modiflerl size. or ga u wrltte vv - eer -hall be obUlneJ. v (b) Sourhe tf Materiel— The no of the cruxhea atone or Rravel ',d be apty e rove^ bYt iced andr on Fo calf cele.' it _,,,ih, ttFeaI is` t vp cera ed to farbidtrtM1 ru a of any ki J of aggregate from n.Y DI. t e hen the c ^ ter o(cthe of ul. Plan ucF a to make I, rabablr the it rid or eine mode operalion in a t'u a aP furnishing of the repaired kind or aggregate. (c) Grading—Coerce aggregate ^hall Le well graded crvaFed atone or Rravel. It M1aR cone in no cohnl and Fandr clonrgatedwnr bMeeB1"g IULlegm [e ndrahe�1r Jele[eriuue finetter lump:, atac pe o at at r It hdl confirm to the !.''^wing mecnemcel malraia: P.:sing E -inch eicve. .. .............. ........ WT R -inch nc.e Sb9 Pa IN ra. ' w.incn a eve s m 65m- , r.amn %inch ar ,nut mare en - - a th The note . lyeia ¢Fell Le de in chalice with lh< American Society of TeatinR Materielr Standard method, Serial Deeignatron C-41-24 (aqunre opening-). d that the <oer-e eRgregaU shall he the uniform product of the lent It ie roducingr irvand con 1 -ting a[ ell he varroua .rze- of materials within lee grading epeciflce[rane. (d) Creelxd 9li. —C shed ^tone :M1dl be obuinb from dean, Louie, 1—ing trep rock. gr te, limeamne, quartzite or eandalone, wM1icF shall meet the following ani requirements: more tM1en.. _.5 PereenUge of wear, ebreeton tent. "- d TFe --.g. of wear ane toagbnem ebdl be datviu L lFe Ab r d . Tg for rock, American Socretr for Testing Metgriale eunderd method. U, D3 -lb, reaprx- m of Rork, American Society for Testing Meurials, eunderd method. trvely. The atone chat' co eiat of the product of the dry her betwren the IimiU off flet above specified end be fan¢ from duet ar coating end shall not hove an ezcem o or elongated piecm. Cry had -tone Fall be of uniform ha...W, 44 rigid from dreu f proximsU u 1 herdnem, and the richt ie re rved by the Commm inner to farbidl the acing of rushed .tone aRRRrregnte from en quarry when the mode of operation blmting eke bd handling or the character of Ne atone in he brae -t being opernUd ie earn Improbable the fumlehmg of uniform nna gmdea era -nae done aggreeae. a e item der, ant or loam. (el Gnval—Genual abet' he compo -ed of dean. herd. he�.bceareUTA, grnv<I env n elze ane fres tram fardgn or deletenoue m.ted.l ov en. c [ r tM1an one-half 1%) per cent of -late and ¢hale end h.11 -lith, any coth., t ,IThe 1el abet' how more than ten (10) cent Iiia. when teetea f^r abatenal. rwlan, A. S. T. M. eunderd ted, Serial Dea1g tion D2-28. Coarse aRRreBaU for Portlnna cement concrete been 0--- "IT' - Cum "C" Con -2.20 e nM1ell coin IY with ell of tM1e requirements of Coane AR farfP.rtweelr of Rock, 66Covee Cement Concrete," Clem -A d no apeclflcrregvirement mdU unuaRFneee.raGr.vel -hell neve Aeportlsndfar e teen. line ) teen ten (10) when tested for abrnaion nor conal^ Cement a^pereenu t [wen tt of date qr shale. Cremate , m Lean three (s) er ran ar cl...aar When erunhed -tape offered for -i, Fee a pereenuge of wear of more than flue (6), Cll.ac such -[one ¢hell flan[ be approved by [Fe Engineer. The GOntracUr ehdl fumieh lean e be Idled for by the Engineer. The cereenuge of wear shall be determined by the Abin Tmt for rock, American Society for Testing Ma[eride, eunderd method D2 -E6. 3.15 MeW joint pla«e for cavemen- Nell be .f the deformed type. They i— M of J«et Plates not Ieu tlmv --teen 118)g n m< 1 p heel for stakes and tie rod- .e ind- Metal the atom. The Dlate. Hal•be o e-lu�( llX) in h Ices width Nnn Ne thicknexe of the cavemen[ l.b. lan¢Itudiml join[ plats e11 be furni.ne1 i not leve N.n to 1101 too[ Ien¢Ns. tb bb,l ru j plates .hell be furnished in IengNe co cuntorm he peviid nI width and elWl ii rut ti the Vue mown of pl pavement. Allawuz� eh.11 be made for an end Ina on all a«tions of meW joint pl-tee. il6 Wrnu ht ire o steel etc - ighlh- Iral -hu n di--, —11 La M --bole :•heel. TT y mall be fo ed b[he dim xn n SLY 11 a .Car pl-� stew `or anhoh a hg ^er 1Y ntgenef rn luivdent sVengln o Ne aPp vel of N e - r. Y4la a (h) QWity-Tse sew rer Di, d i he e[ ct n n` w F e V' 16N r hes. shell been[ the bell end yy t�nlYIt. of firs q -1.1Y, oun 1, 1h,e o .hlI, and perfectly burned. without w-rpe, bli- 1., crake or other imwrtectmns "p" "W' be telly end smoothly -It -K ii— over the entire inner and outer eurl-ces, except that Ne imide of the hub and the 'b aide of the spigot racy be unel•zed for x Jist•nce ud W two-thirds I%I of the depth of lbs bell. -ell other wrtmn. of Ne pr pe. N. loin. shall cover compl—ly .rad form an integral pert of the ipe body. 1( glazed. the inside of the bell .rad the .Maids of the epig.t 0-11 be -roved hree 131 parallel lines utending mmplelely around the circum(erencu. All pew andlt be ly alar bare and we w form Its f1111evgth` whetter -4uNh[ or curved, and all of Ne --ified di..— d of uniform h'ekneu. Rete shall be concentric :b '11hhww bore. The pipe eh.H h anufnctured n .1-taL1e temperature e•C1 ou[tdetari- iV rW hip, who broken, •hell snow . dews .m .olid body v ental ire ke or lamimcions I''hell b<.f etch foug4hneu Net it may b hwi d hemmer end when et—k with n hemmer .hall g1 -e • clear 6 11 I'Ve and. Each MII .r —kat —il b,, .1 alMcient di—ter to receive Ni full depth No .p .t end of Ne wzt following pi De or a ecial without c „pp'a nl.I PiVea eon oleo. ; 1eBFlcA "pace ole ale wldN all "round for m k- u t an epx�ae w of be thus freely fitted 'n e h oth hall Le reje ed. Ali pipe shall be subject to �nepertion and approval Lyt the Engineer before being used in he work. (bl I.engtne—Thep m be in o 121, tw and one-half 1241 nr Nrce 131 fo le th he . t n,u( the Cenlr c rola ns opera sed osis feu o react cn .�.chedulI b qudille-p r6avn Dipe "n.1� h. vie dr imp il" rater . m< mm rW ark of Ib m•nlfa< 1 rTTiekof .1h,11—Th, follg A. S. T. M. stendardc for thick neo (shwa all be I - I -——anises others are erifteA_ mrn�mum incerml Di -m ter TI <ne es lnirrni^enP mel<r Th. dna"° mrh<" Ihr 21 2 x X Y 10 12 1 30 L`h Y G Lv. �X 5 ' 21 KCTB All nIheeraim sone eh.11 Le in ecrerdnncr wiN the mirth .t. '[ A s oda d fur rift d e w rnpiw (d) A—Ittinn—ThrevicrifleJ by Pinr shall n el,"orb more than ei M1t rs of w to wF ied - orJen with the xrnn"rJ Speriftrutrnv of OM1, T rearr n SociecYrfor Ten mg hletecials. Serial Ile. a C13-24. i rl le) I.o.d Tut—Shall acrordnnre xRitht the siandanl specifics ir.. A. S. T. )1. Serial Ileeign.tian C13 24. ` fcl P -ye Bwn hew SI a burnddJ n rhos ..... a ^n o ... [I c ref. p��lm shell u brick bran^ a we shall °ol .Pipe F r r lM1er vnJ 1. cy.five e46) drRr es hav_pi n "thee[ s gonrende os Alll sun rr, r. < dl• scat hie 'f Il it mPi� �nlen roth tpj "�"�ndl b<�: I6i n�hea i�c°xmr r' e SmDpe!fitl�Vlttified5m0lrensehxll incest beet m nth �Fiok. brat. cDecifled far s r pMyer diameter t. n Ne M1ellner"d .f n P er 1 r form d ehnllt he of seat r T., the open-°¢ r insp• trnn m„I nr'r^s ^I (h) App—A11 ipe .nJ . ...`..axil I,r eul,lert 1e PP ork. TA s'o M1nll '-cavae o nc Ne Engin . befokrl.0 pal Taetrn¢ L bumf ) u h . em Vlea ofcP p 1 1' •• d.1 for l ale the F.nain er m•>'tr<g:urnc c� ^ha'I be nu(nf^trc<J c.nrreleep D< eluates o�Nrrw 2,18 The concrete pica (mare s ,.e Pica. concrete .f the City of St. P ul. Se specified. 6 ane req of ...... ilJ (a) It ie the ivMnt of hue pxificatione to .1-m smears gregnm far one course Portland Cement Concrete Pevem o °Claes "A” 1-11-d �P N mer Cement Cancrerc. PC The muimum size end gradingq of source .ggreeate in Claes "A"'uPortlnnd Cement. Cem t `once will be m°d'fleJ Omt•e bo conrrete g or �o reinforced t, pa�nevt-or eectmne conlellre gcloerin cedyeteel.n fg. r o - "men foolrele Beore n fn,modia zu or grWinga are used, Ne xntten epP vol of Ne k:ngin C ° ser 11 be .bfieJ — rained. r vel chest be \ o^gaMet iel—she of the -shad e 4 "pron LY°te Eed�endrof hu -•lit eel te aF•e -tined, t1h l;¢hl blloH oee'ed d N vehth ff.".dt�lberu 'n[ a Y kanJ of e e It ra la sY aura s wnmxke M1e -.better the t ia¶or tFeemoaenof Pe eller euc�pinn s M1te r^p furs:"Fi got he re wed k rad of ga Ic) Grading—Goer g r e shell be a or gravel. It hall c° lain o 1 .the aie`e hi h ews ve die n<tegmsFeJno souls re e e canoe frozen lumw, stick-, fie[ end ciwga ed pebbles, gcNb^e mntV N J let r matter. It -boll conform h (IlowI chenical a lyse: -inch ' .....100% Passing 2 ase --�� 01 Poising 1X -inch eyes e. .. d6% Pn+sin. inch ",eve .5 a lo% R ' Passing X inch "leve not mo h ..-...-..-.-.-.. 0~= The screen en lyras hall be de ordmre w h h A n S.mety of Testing Meterinle SLand.M method, Serial Deaignntion C -41-2d lequare openmge). [t is required that the coeree aggregate shell be tfe unifor ; prodhIt oM1e1M1e p- producing i and connie[ing o[ oil he vxrinue sizes o ran- wit t gu spe<ificeti.na. Id)ckC Fed Stora --d .hedrtzitee oshallnbb d.b.n in hiichrohalllean, Ilhehfolow nig ren crass-: g r °° w e men t [rap ro Percentage of wear, •brae.. teat. no mare tnan................5 TTlgnne.e, not me. N .......... �.............. _........._. The percenNge of w rend toughn<u shell be determined by the Abruion Teat neuro k, Amerman Rocie[Y t°r fortTeetine Meteriale.amnd.rdnmeNW ID3-111, resPec- r Rock, American Society R t�vely. The eco eh.11 co .ist of the produn o[ the nJ "Feil betwheveten eixceu oft Po[ above eDttified and be free from duet or co.,I., a not ° or elongated piece. 4 Cry had stone shall be of uniform cnaruNe Ceram am'oner to forbid the using of ¢ru•1 hardneu. and the right is reserved by peutron uched atone .ggrege[e tram any query when the mode d o in bluling and Handling or the character of the stone in Ne brae-[ being op� rated ie such ( e {okra impmbeble he furnishing .f tmi[orm end graded crushed x ne aggregate, clay, a I[ or llonm. ze)nnd tree ltromr forelg..1 deleteriove m.teriai .f by c., r m`r. h gravel -hell in than one-half 1X1 Pe e t of elate and chole end shall not c.nNin u[ib , other toreirgn mnterinl. The Rrnvel shell ..L snow re [hen len 1101 per ce lase when tested for nbneion, A. S. T. M. e[andud teat, Serial Designation D2-20. rat Coerce agm eget" for Portland cement conrrete base Clun "B" ar Close "C" Con- R.EO e shell co ply wtth ell of the rcquiremente of "Conus Aggregate fm P.relend R«k. Coaru Cement Concrete." Clau "A". except crushed atone endl have a percentage of weer of Aggregate fur t not more then eight (el. and n° apecifte requirement -e --1hneu. Gravel snail have Portland rage of weer of noct ofr elate sepals.) when feared for nbruion nor contain �e rete cue ore [hen pre. (3) per sen or Cluef4.a p WFen crushed atone oRered tar axe nu - percedaae of weer a( more then flue (6). Clue C each crone endl flat be approved by the Engineer. Tne Contractor shell fumieF testa Cmureee • be .lied for by the Engineer. TTe percentage rat wear shall be determined by ahs Abrasion Teat fur rock, American Society for Testing Meeerlele, standard method DEPARTMENT OF PU,�?L/G WORKS. G/TY OF S T. PAUL, MiNiv: XPLANAT/ON OF CONVENT/ONAL S/CNS, TG. USED ON THE ATTFlGHED PLANS. Proposed Curbs ___-- Existing Curbs --- — proposed 5ewcrs & Storm {voter Oroins, ca or Side /n/at Cotch Bosin �i Mnnho% Connections �ro. �. ian ✓Cgafes .r,%e- o;;d, �uef — o propascd M"/"/e N° / '� ha cd N/onho% N� Z r�� Propos -- r— Exisfing Ma/7171/e5 M H. e:cg. Exisfiny Cofeh Basins O'" o Proposed CC;Z Eosins>b.{ziian ;c, os /ype.l -- +-- Exisfiny Side /n/cfs it Pre ent c r6 �_ P�"nposcd Sidc /n/cis in nesv curb _ �---Proposed-Sidc /n/e/s in presen/ curb °" ��-- Proposed iYood Heodcrs. e. �. Proposed E,rpansion Joints. - I L--- Exisfing Si dawa/ks. - Proposed co Joints. „i r�rr {:.^SLG WORKS. C/y`Y aF =AUG; SXPLANAr/ON OF C01YV /YT/ONAL 516NS, ,5M USED N THE .A, TT�GHED` PGA/YS. Proposed Gurbs � ----- .Existing Gvrbs -- Proposed Sewers 4 Storm !Yater Drains, _. ar Side /n/ef, Gatch Basin 4 Monha/e Gonneefions �//o�/ion dano/as size and iypaJ ! ----Existing Sewers. I' l; _ yv Proposed Manhole N? nv Propos pd Manhole iYQ Z M H- Existing Manholes ' .: ce. Existiiiy Cofch Basins O}e piAPraposed Co%h Basins/Aafoiion devotee typal —_+-- Exisfiny Side /n/efs in .present curb ST— Proposed Sidc /n/eys in new curb --+�--- Proposed Side /n/efs in present curb µ''N Proposed /good Headers - E• �• Proposed Expansion. Joints 5�-- Exisfiny Sidewa/ks. Proposed Confrocfio� Joints. II t o■iiiiiei�i�i��®®®moi`%� m�®=oii�sa�=iii=�P■�C=i���ia■� �o Willson ��i►ari■��� ii�i��iw��i�■Ciiw era=®�ii��®■■i■�i��®■ W %/ I I I I Regivde pyo rmmd /is'nor/h of g mlPraPosedr�rr ^00M HOOMA/"AR AVE. TO LEX//YQTO/Y /'gYE. i • ' / , I I _ romdwmy dmdwrlmce ,ri%fi mmco� tom n from _ o _ •Cons/. naw �" 1on0. cane sidewm/h j II �I Prs-z romdw�+v Seepioti:E fdrn<irgrmmE•. ScA�E- ^ /" = 40 FiE•�o BOOK /i- /2%3 SHEET / OF .3 65 dv ••..•.Pe/v SP/in, ff. eidt /k vnd fmde bvu/. - -� ` ; \ \. GENERAL NOSE 9 Ar {ufure povin and infersecfiny A / Main r0adwa railed in sub rade e` ;a 7owtrgiode wi h fop 9�oam. saw. : rl sa'a. \ ` tt�� 9 he des as shown a roadways sha7/ be graded /n 7'14 is d graon Profi'/e. - , j'�, top /2"'/vvm m// C I��� •�Fuf./d I-\v'��s'�p -- ,`.:_...� :fr.g..Rf.. �ti. - 'royfi//6/ps_. _ _Lbrking4 mer \ ., a '_ - .. _ - - , _ •.� c_. Beim T o F ..,.......,...�... SCO e;e. _ i / 5 RzsJYMrt oASP /f fbY%n� g �I t.... Const. cti i�f3.'.L'"wrr�r,-...... 1 44p�h� .•:a`: /.CY .f:i Cu�'.S/e i— :: -a.v ..r siga.> 1•'_. ~��.� \ -.�;- E F!Y�-s/P`s o y m - `g- e ,See shoo '"P foi/al rofi%e. � F Jr10 ._tlu:/tl�:. ' ... • - ` �oi..�. �' f0 J�•�i... '� `Cans//irxstoxnm!/. '; . ,.,r. °•-�.s �.h ti 1 .� .- - Brick up n hg Cspvi inl- M. -sa'.Q ~ Remore mmexCmin lion rea /lmre/%d romdv� .... .'"�iip �'. N g _ j 4I h resurfvice with /omm. P "-.'` moo, ,..� � ` i .."� _ `...irnirfinery �mm pres /,Ldiasdox:' Yrvrr PKR �� o •'ap 9`/aam /o /owergrm�. , C, - .. ` 66' -. •-'Carut new "f" man0. cane. sidvwm/k. � •", : k' Grade 200 &,r a/ feet of #am/'ne Ave. across Midway Parkway i I I- -- - D/a� •t - ia fblshedpavisggraoF and - /ia•R' surface wlfh 6es3-a ai/ab/e _ I. I - Aq0' maim%aL See �orofiYe. - � \ : •Regrmde romdnvy 10 S1o. 3x60 mndsuir^mee with besf - - �.� / o✓vi/mb/e mvf_rim/. See praf7egrmde. /leo berms. I 'O� Rearsdvraadnsy.toSts 2+R� vrxlsuc'e .......... Seeprof%gide. � i I � 3 �\ s _ = -- �aRAO//YG ANO CURB//YG FSG A/YS MIDPYAY 0qARl<YYAY FXTFN.S/ON AVE. %O EX / ,9 -01Y /060 AvE =40' Sheef 2 o73 ,/ - b ` ash@-t�� �� \ ••• ^, .. A \ = •. ConsfP�fh a.........e wifh Lrsf a✓ai/a6/e materia/ �^� e - ....6 cr - . - --- - . ,' s fo ma uno� /e✓e/s p 9 _ /aim p// e �• .\ F' auih easte_nd of Li/y Pond kh gro To blr ------------ - o -- M \ . .. ... ...... .. ...... ---- -- --'--- �;✓j j'q �e�ye'�Sfpne Strocfuie /b he mored w/xrc dircc%d. / Bet N ffge V 9' A' iIle Kto e /�•.. area �ae {r. i Y /'x R'm 1, - ......CofY P `,7 o led macadam fiwn ok/parking b Bet / ..Eofncn-- _ -- -'---- -- av e to P "d Cove oPo FII sbf (o° _ x5 0 F 5ti�� 6 -� ;�Schi//erMonumenf _ GRAO�/YG A/YD CUQB//YG PL A/YS *' St MIDWAY* AAoQ1< 'YA Y FXTF/Y.S/O/Y TH'QLJ Z. New Road CO/wo Q Faoni HAMA.iirZ- 4w—. To 4Ex1"4S7-oh Avz-. �' ., ,• _�...�� o \ �.d1 - .SCALE ^" f, -•¢O• Sheef 3 of3. F/ELO BOOK /Y- /2 63 _ _ _ x, • '� \o \\ n \• �-e /oark V \ - - _ __ . TP of's/oPe; F Pure �i Re ade road//o SY 1+7 andsvrlace _ vi _ �e ;�Schi//erMonumenf �'•,, . wi s avai e e ma erva ':� Na be.•m. . Sec Pro fi/e gr oE. tis io mafeA/ores. /e✓e/. • '� sod cu/ q Sfa. 2/•00 �b LoexiiiYon Pih side from 9 arkw - /oark 1p Fj�'/ `„ - - _ __ . TP of's/oPe; F Pure --3- .. �1r?aoo A. ZekiHg Sn g„• 'r' Remove macadam from presenf }rave/%d 0 'r oadandresurface —A9"/aam. h • M1� o,J�Po o _. _ _ �_ yix . ro '''� •' � cuf ryp0�o. h �• - x ------------ eT--- _ . - CJS _ ------------- b/aAQ 4.V � '7 �•��'o ��.``,.or�rsy _TP afs/ope - e" 9/o - sin2cce I,a 'gin B ss• _ T. „ ff � �h TYPICAL GRADING AND CURBING SECTION MIDWAY FARKWAY EXTENSION THRU COMO PARK FIOM HAMLINE AVE.To LEXINGTON AVE. - - Scale:-�/a"•1=0" M'•1 F�n�e SECTION OF LIMESTONE STEPS TO LILY POND APPROX.STA.17*73 1 Width of Berm '__shown on Plan Width as shew on Plans width of Berm shown on Pions Pions eho AtW Plans / "In l2^ Stonderd 5 Cono fe Curb (Profile Grnde 6 Slo 9lpepe IN f%EA9 e""in 12" _ Slo Bas shown on s`LpAtf OAM :x _ I ., -- °o s as y.L; h MIN / pMBAn en Plon Grade Berm thus on North side Sidewalk Area Surface with from Sta. 15,00 to Sta. 21 100 6ea ovddeble m tariol. S/o e ps ° show^ g^LOgryPions Plone No Bermon North side toe eehowno g•G from Stn.21 r00 to Lexington Ave. Rubeee Limestone I 9^LOAN ,o i' c laid 1:3 cemen4 meriar Dry Stone Wall Usestens from ob—d—ed �t0 N h: Heighth to be g•' __ a'' I --- - Dry ...ell. s+'somens prcs.wolls. _ Slo I 3" Wee P@ 10 ole 'etrs. aaee n' can�rete -- . ..._rD. TYPICAL SECTION -RETAINING WALL TYPICAL SECTION- LIMESTONE WALLS ACROSS S•E.END.OE LILY POND. STA.1+00 To STA. 2+50 ,GOWCRETE C41RB SECT/ON. STANDARD-. PLAN lyi 2z 25;2 CATCH -BASIN B: INLET LOCATIONS. DETAILS. STANDARD PLANS. ST.PAUL MINN. Isis. PLAN NO. 13644. INLET DETAILS MIF ELEVATION ,SECTION BOX FORM DETAILS ..tion PLAN role.01 lzlll�lreinforced curb __ is __Z , I / el,"Illll -,;h Thus.— —Iloriob/e —w J- mI i n ,�SYnndori� bus;( ,3',de In/e{ NV'3 ' Curbin M i INTERSECTION PLAN Scn/e 1--2,9.' V, CURB •6'di The width of 1 tliV ded by 40 rRE NCRETE CAST COCa ER 5.4 de}xailxl,' roadwafa q y ,t Pav enf 9Vrfoce II I dish n00.TAR _ ---i12"VIT.PIPE CanCREI�E e thick ,,.\ O V h l h I f ixh'A l- L ' „t•p 'v'+•"y - t BRICK L SECTION- A'A qY evcrinPlS" _ L CONCRETE COVER When angle is less thanthot shown on plan.fhebellmay CAST' DETAILS v� berema aatram z pipe. PRE ' Cover to bo reinforced with sues h of n9 - — n•yk Q! Concrete to hove compress) See Spes fleations!9ec 12 Pnragraph 2.07 I R' po Thec%urb ends shown obuttinq bnsinssa�the ends, joln �__ tull6fl.lenghtlswith expansion d a, , I t > x _ r NOTES, Oenervl o Acatehbaein complete. includes the following (Notfully shown) to mein e 12'vitrified clayy Mpe ° ennection - variable). i sewer.(Len9th ofm 12' Y-branches(of cormpond(U ei. Y brooch e, - ain sewer) to been adEed caet�roofitti:°ysore lett«atoaarreepandwitn u .BELOW COVER - those shown ondetml plans. I CATCH -CBASI N DETAI LS - St.pbui,Mmn. May,1929 Scale:l'+I'B' - CURB CASTING5'm'&T povemvnt i 1�2 MORTAR _ \ ) k a BRICKWORK _ ._,04 CONCRETE I / NOTE r (Special) The curb ends shown abut}ing basins - ore tobeinfu116ft. len9thswdh SECTION - eKponsionjoints nt theends. - a4 gcnkhbosin complete, includes the -following (Not fu Ily shown) R"Vitrified Clay pipe _-d to �. Ma in sewer.(Lcng}h variable), lE"Y branchbof correspond:hq s:Ee of --- - r Mein sewer)FF be installed where a Y - branch hos not p—iouely been provided CwtironfittinAps dre tottered to — emrespond With thoseshown on ail plans. I i o � SII li d d=6'tol2"orthe wi dt h roadway divided by 40 0 ZI I ZI I- 1 _ PLAN CATCH -BASIN 2-D DETAILS 5� < st.peol,Minn.Boole 1. nay,lszs ILSW0WM. - CURa CASTINGS .1.1.1. Povomvnf Surfaee MORTAR./ \ �' BRICKWORK— P4'CaNCRETE / NOTE; (Spcciol) 9' .- 2'0' _ .Ij...- B'• .- The curb ends shown abutting basins 0. Tobse infW16ft.Iength%with SECTION e><ponion joints at fheen. 3•.4• NOTES:(Generol) Aealeh basin comple4e, includes the tol lowing (Not fu lly shown) 2"Vitri f ied Clay ll.ngaction to /, Moin sewer. (Length vanahle) ___ 12"Y brdnchbof corresponding re. 1 Nein sewer)l1 t in ata 11 on whcreo Y• branch has not prnviaualy been p�vided Goat i. n W c are lettered to - de}respond w�h those shown on ail plops. I I t.. } a -d - d:6'toI2" Ortho width roadway divided by 40 0 I c - PLAN CATCH -"BASIN 2-D DETAILS St.Paul.Minn. Ma 1923 153 9eulc:. y� ' it I I I No M. Na AA. No. 574. AY sone Co . Curd 0,p 51— A rv'ii., Sfire�,y rZ3 yr Igo -4d CATCH -BASIN. —f4 - 54•— DETAILS. STANDARD. 1924. CITY OF - - ST. PAUL. MILAN. PLAN NO. 17920. Sm/e, /r"-/' Avpo�� n/ /o/ Pub/c lSbnFs No./A R�.3�9. a. q.ers cnyf F- S/one Fbviiy Curb E .8"-.1.0'._B'- iib /1'Nl Ope - - -C re/e _ 10 - ec/ion /o Surern -1A�-' Lio No M. Na AA. No. 574. AY sone Co . Curd 0,p 51— A rv'ii., Sfire�,y rZ3 yr Igo -4d CATCH -BASIN. —f4 - 54•— DETAILS. STANDARD. 1924. CITY OF - - ST. PAUL. MILAN. PLAN NO. 17920. Sm/e, /r"-/' Avpo�� n/ /o/ Pub/c lSbnFs No./A R�.3�9. a. q.ers cnyf No/et; A Co/chbntin rom /e/e, ix/vdet /he /Z rnrAi/ /ed cly p,* conneclion /o Moin Senor Y-d(ro;V/hf —6/ / Sre/ h he 2/1/eo'yh , A—h Mrxbranwpvidoe dtiro a owe M bw7, ro res%M v r e�b /iron , h /hate rdeMr/p/ ns I —20'—I J-, 7 rxz>a f / B�DrrcPnWk �� Mn 2tA �6.-Sewers 4-1711 S6 WW/ M 4-0' QSaner GO'lo6%' 'ano' p' 1 // M SYy Lo / /bl,Unkrr o/hx- - prorr� IM b/Brv/ Y 36 Caxre/e. SMADPW LATERAL. No. 3 MANHOLE DETAILS. STANOARO. 1924. CITY OF ST. PAUL. MINN. PLAN NO. 17898. �rxnu o/f Pvb/t Nbrkr. 4uye,u.SAyme my/l3vw• ii?i 16. kJ- 1N. h MANHOLE B: CATCH BASIN CASTINGS DETAILS STANDARD 1927 ST.PAUL MINN. PLAN NO. 19860 w,me..rop..u...emo.g. oew.c*nwr o. P„o uc won ws "B".r"C ..d aalq "1".IJI 6. a�=..� o. c�o•.,.a••.o uelb.d l.. tre. 11.11nNn QD❑ � s dDDDDDD DDDDDDDD, aDDDDiDDDD� DDa000pDDD I I Lr,P fie, aA.g000QCG p�DDOCI"�D@L,\ �D� r[l i CasL-g]&CD,F.GI u.'J. `...rcleila�ed a� shaAn ca itL t' . Th, r,wnera] .,Wl hall fK I of th J J . U• pM.'E. C. i h — V 4- ELEVATION SECTION Steel -%i 0-f,'-0-Lg. -4.0 Lba. Dripntone to be floated with plain finfeh 1 PLAN ORIPSTONE •`✓ Gonv GoAnrtC,I—Q-11 5-iOP&C—AC[°nLY VITnICe •E, SECTION N i C far Concrete Cavin shell be 4 inch- �J.�-� far Cot 5toue,6 i,wh d D. ptherdlmeme forarCo ,t. ., udR..Pefll the d fm�Corerete. Por L�t9tone dl mrnen and ma ba cut c.-roUC enrea dD Lp b mx nwa ad m nhonn.oConcrete h p,, ve atren5th f foot leve tLan 28f10lb,ba. pecaq irch. Sfeel '/,"0 -15TI,g, -10L5 lbs. CATCH BASIN COVER \s\ y B. DRIPSTONE DETAILS REINFORCED CONCRETE B. CUT STONE STANDARD r PLAN St. Paul, ML— Depornt of Public Works COVER B tmeeu e Aprtl.l 28 C.r. 91779, 91779. 91180 8880LVM, that checks be drawn on the City Treesory, to the aggregate amount of $115,633.73, covering checks npmbered 1849 to 1990 inclusive, as per checks co file in the office of the City Comptrolle, SEB 85 i4'? A.& pted by the Connoil Approved l --T TOTAL-FOSWASO 7 521 25 836 �19 39 7 OCOUNCIL Y DMary-ao L�'ALL RESOLUTION* AUDITED CLAIMS ryA^ns February -23 32 a ..Mo. �.EF 5.74MR PRES o .Eo oa��L e[n IN FAVOR OF crcc --TOTAL--E-- - fl ns cH [c ns ryn BROUGHT FORWARD 7 921 A 1 Stenographic Bureau Air Reduction Sales Company 25 � 83Q 11 8j j 18 j •- 1649 1850 1851 American Linea Supply Company 706 3 1852 John D. Anderson 4 3.. - 1853 Baldwin Trenefer Company 'ii 76 2 1854 S. Berglund Lumber Company 91 1 195`� Consumers Milk Company 153 7 185D ES th Street Parket 1 1657 J.3. Fitzgerald, Reg, of Deady 24 7 1858 The fj'ederick Hotel I 38 1859 Froze Products Corporation 1 6 7 1860 General Electric Supply Comp44'nyii 355 4 j 1861 General Electric Supply Company 38 1862 General motor: Truck Company' i� 56 1863 General Office Enulpment Company 10 5 1864 Generator Speci slty Company 77 0 1s65 Gillette Publishing Company 1 1866 Ginn and Company 1 395 2 j 1867 Gopher Stamp & Die Com. any 91 5 1868 R, L. Gould & Company 460 35, 1969 Gould Store ge Battery Company 288 00 1870 Grasse 111 Chemloal Company 2 9 1871 Graybar EIsotric aompeay 49 7 1872 Great Nortnern Railway Company 43 3 187j 1874 The Grinnell Company Griswold Safety Signal Company 70 71! 705 45' 1875 Gruber Auto Electric Comrany 44 92� 1876 P.R.L. Hardenbergh and Company 9 95� 1877 Hersey Mfg. Company 702 00i. 1878 Highland 9prin3 Company 45 951', 1879 H0Imse-Jordan Radio Company ' 7 2W 1880 Hou hton-Mifflin Company ! 63 z01i J 1881 R,Ea Hulme Company 20 00 1882 Inter City Fuel Company,I.,. 147 10' 1983 Jack. Mfg. Company 150 DDI 1884 Jameson, Hevener Company '� 188 10 G 1885 Johnson, Schaffer Drug Com -ay 18 50 16 Kaplan Paper Box Company,Ino. 12 75 1887 Kea Lox Yfg. Company 12 391 l --T TOTAL-FOSWASO 7 521 25 836 �19 39 7 ona� wIL •• 0 "" o ICEc• r o. ra Ea n,LE " . �r 1. i A l) co uNClLMe ccnLNO vv or He c Ma o � Y H�aoiry rwvo COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS February 24 9 32 1849 1.939 � o, o.ao�LER n IN FAVOR OF i nr II' e. awnn vur+ee BAouGHr FoaWnqD • 1888 Rydeen—Denboer li 156 5 1889 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 21 6782 5 1890 Addie Miller 'II 82 0. 1891 Pat Kelly 1 150 26' 1892 T.P. Lowe Company 1893 J.T. MoMillan Company 166 7 1894 Yarrinan Chemlo al Company 1895 Meyer Engraving company 7810 O1 1896 Midway Creamery 0omoany 69 1 1897 Minnesota Fenoa works 163 1 1898 Minnesota Milk Company 12 0 1899 E.A. Moeller Company 11 4 1900 National Cash Register Comp apy 9 1901 National Freigbt Company 11 11 1902 Northern State: Power Company '( 1903 Northern States Power Compan Ij 474 4 1904 A.N. Palmer Company 98 0 1905 Pollen And Pell en 20 1906 Perfection Ty anetting Comp any 6661 7 0 1907 Public Management 2 0 1908 The Purchasing Agent Co.Inc.' 1909 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 1 292 4 1910 9t.Pau1 Book & Stationery Company 'I� 99 0 1911 St.Paul Foundry Company 82 2- 1912 St.Paul Glave Company7�5 9 . 1913 St.Paul Legal Ledger 1914 St.Paul Provision Company I'll 469 6 1915 St.Paul Stamp 'Norks 1916 Sanitary Farm Dairies 216 3. 1917 Aadrew Schoch Grocery Company 1918 Andrew Schoch Grooa ry Company 102 7 1919 L. C, imlth & Corona Typewirtere,Inc. 138 1920 Standard Brand:,Inc. Ill 4499 7 1921 J.C. Vander Bie Company,Inc. 217 7 1922 Van Paper Supply Company 1923 victor Anlmatograph Corporation 7 1924 F.F. wedeletaedt Company 103 9 1925 H, E, wedeletaedt Company 511 0 1926 westi nghouse Electric Supply Co.Inc. 913 2 O 1927 westlund Meat Company 75 7 1928 white House Coni. oo Child I Health & Protection pp 1 2 1929 Donaldson Sheet Metal torke,I 1 773 0C, it , II 1930 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compagy 74 3141q 1931 F.O. %irk Company 102 01 u 1932 Howard & Morse 10 27f 1933 G. Sommers andCompany 3 692 3 1934 Travers Ink Company 11 2 1935 Tri—State Tel & Talg. Company 35 8 1936 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 293 1 1937 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company V 176 4 1938 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Compagy 370 9 'II 1939 =. a. & H.F. were 225 0 Sn EET TOTAL—FORvraRo 7 521 25 875 174 42 I 1 ona� wIL •• 0 "" o ICEc• r o. ra Ea n,LE " . �r 1. i A l) co uNClLMe ccnLNO vv or He c Ma o � Y H�aoiry rwvo COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS February 24 9 32 1849 1.939 � o, o.ao�LER n IN FAVOR OF i nr II' e. awnn vur+ee BAouGHr FoaWnqD • 1888 Rydeen—Denboer li 156 5 1889 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 21 6782 5 1890 Addie Miller 'II 82 0. 1891 Pat Kelly 1 150 26' 1892 T.P. Lowe Company 1893 J.T. MoMillan Company 166 7 1894 Yarrinan Chemlo al Company 1895 Meyer Engraving company 7810 O1 1896 Midway Creamery 0omoany 69 1 1897 Minnesota Fenoa works 163 1 1898 Minnesota Milk Company 12 0 1899 E.A. Moeller Company 11 4 1900 National Cash Register Comp apy 9 1901 National Freigbt Company 11 11 1902 Northern State: Power Company '( 1903 Northern States Power Compan Ij 474 4 1904 A.N. Palmer Company 98 0 1905 Pollen And Pell en 20 1906 Perfection Ty anetting Comp any 6661 7 0 1907 Public Management 2 0 1908 The Purchasing Agent Co.Inc.' 1909 St.Paul Book & stationery Company 1 292 4 1910 9t.Pau1 Book & Stationery Company 'I� 99 0 1911 St.Paul Foundry Company 82 2- 1912 St.Paul Glave Company7�5 9 . 1913 St.Paul Legal Ledger 1914 St.Paul Provision Company I'll 469 6 1915 St.Paul Stamp 'Norks 1916 Sanitary Farm Dairies 216 3. 1917 Aadrew Schoch Grocery Company 1918 Andrew Schoch Grooa ry Company 102 7 1919 L. C, imlth & Corona Typewirtere,Inc. 138 1920 Standard Brand:,Inc. Ill 4499 7 1921 J.C. Vander Bie Company,Inc. 217 7 1922 Van Paper Supply Company 1923 victor Anlmatograph Corporation 7 1924 F.F. wedeletaedt Company 103 9 1925 H, E, wedeletaedt Company 511 0 1926 westi nghouse Electric Supply Co.Inc. 913 2 O 1927 westlund Meat Company 75 7 1928 white House Coni. oo Child I Health & Protection pp 1 2 1929 Donaldson Sheet Metal torke,I 1 773 0C, it , II 1930 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compagy 74 3141q 1931 F.O. %irk Company 102 01 u 1932 Howard & Morse 10 27f 1933 G. Sommers andCompany 3 692 3 1934 Travers Ink Company 11 2 1935 Tri—State Tel & Talg. Company 35 8 1936 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 293 1 1937 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company V 176 4 1938 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Compagy 370 9 'II 1939 =. a. & H.F. were 225 0 Sn EET TOTAL—FORvraRo 7 521 25 875 174 42 ry 1 «EEr,orn FORWARD 59 683 68,1 893 493 Si !T, 1 orvotl n....l.. t..n .... o.an,rv...ry ,oEry NO ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COUPTROLLER COUNCILMEN— v COUNCIL RESOLUTION R�ooRn.o " AUDITED CLAIMS Fa�uasy —16 a.. aESOLVED a a �n�ry 70 p„..a o.rv.n o Ra i940 19 qq o� -- j TOTA rvu.e.a ;N FAVOR OF rvc Ecss ar anon crv.c ns • 1940 General Chemical Company 7 5PI 25 A75 17 982 2 1941 1942 The Waterous Company Ciampi Brothers ! 676 22 1 194g Specialty Printing Company fit.l 28 0 460 1944 19455 John H. Mo eriDonald, C. of Louie Gun 0 194b J.F. Hain, Cashier D.Dept. 172 5 1947 B.A. McLeod 15 1948 John E. Mullen 120 0. 1949 John H. McDonald C, of Fin, ! §on 10 408 1 1950 1951 J.S. Sweitser & North—West Roofing & Cornice Co. 1 586 lic 46 6 1952 William J. Murphy 375 7 1953 Board of Water Commissionere 423 78 195u Board of Water commissioners 140 19 195 Board of Water Commissioners 1 118 01 195 Board of Water Commissioners 333 24 1957 Board of Water Commissioners 312 775 1958 Board of Water Commissioners 86 68 1959 Board of Water Commlesioners 1 o47 95 1960 A.J. Conroy, C.P. Utilities 453 2 1961 John H. McDonald, C.P.R.F, 696 57 1962 John H. McDonald, C.P.R.F. 650 02 196'(3 Clyde R. May. o.Parke, eto. 205 85 1964 Clyde R.May, C. Parke, et o. 53u 60 1965 Clyde R.May, C.Parks, eta. 16 558 55 1966 Irving C.Pearoe, 0. of Eduo. 500 36 1967 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works 16 00 1968 Milton Rosen, C.P, works 3 522 82 1969 Milton Rosen, O. P, works 1 600 97 1970 Milton xoeen, c. P, works 3 020 92 1971 Milton Rosen, C.P. works ! 1 512 82 1972 Milton Rosen, C.P, works 251 17 1973 1974 Milton Rosen, O.P. Works Milton Rosen, C.P. works 1 2 315 82 923 86 1975 Milton Rosen, C.P. Work: I 1 820 ] 1972 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works 911 4 1977 Milton Rosen, C. P, Works 5 848 jl 1978 Milton Rosea, C.P. Works 915 94 1979 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works535 16 • 1980 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works '157 89 1981 Milton Rosea, C.P. works 11 5 645 '5 1982 Geo.C.Sudheimer. O.P.Safety 2 00 1983 American Book Company Wm, B. Joyce Company 2 304 o0 5 00 1984 and F.G. Company 46 67 1985 1986 Leslie Paper Plank & Neal Slate Company 649 on 1987 N.O.Robinaon, Clerk of D. Ot. 3D5 75 1988 F.B. Spindler 6 1989 ThOlpj➢II�� Re 6taurant 21 75 1990 Universal Carloading & Diet. C¢. 26 37 ry 1 «EEr,orn FORWARD 59 683 68,1 893 493 Si !T, 1 Petition G.36 C.—al File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 11 ..dc.ipd hereby prop— the 1,,;aking of the fUoi,g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, i- ngi�g the grade In Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. red line when established, and constructing r in the a- PoInt 200, ft. west of St. A1,6affff S`t:-. - t6 Iff-11; Dated thi . ...... 24td,.-.Aay of......__ -February, -1958-...........;, 9 ;.-.- PRELIMINARY ORDER. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 7, Holcombe' a Addition from St. A-1-barts- Sti to-Orotto ftc**ta nor.f rm-**try-thB -red 1-inv utc-thv hereto attached and made a p _4 art h_ereof, the present. establi.1�24_gXev e_ .......... I - Faag sli6 -6y i -blue made thereon, also grading the Alley in Block 7. Holo-rc sta-Addition.-tr—at—Alban. St- to--G.GttG St- to th&--jyvGj)"ed- red line when established, and constructing a sewer in the Alley from s --potnt 209 ft. west SV. ttf-the sewer 1:11 ' having been preceded to the Council of the City of St. P-1---, . . ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To mledigate the necessity for, ar dmimbility of, the making of said finpro,mcned. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cod of said impro,creard, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is saked for on the petition of three or more ... em 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters W the Cmamimio,ar of Fit mon Adopted by the Cou,,iL-..., FEB 25 1902 Y... N— Co ... a... Cozaar Mar Approvad--..... McDol— ,_an. R. - M.. ad.—May.. C I u cal 1.0 Council File No.. ........... a7 v2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ......_._.._....._ ._ Ggndemnin..E.. and.. takin8...an.._easament_An._ the ... land_. nac.easaxy.__._...._. for slopes cuts and f111s in _the_greding_ oP Alleyin Block.. 7a.__..... Bolcombers Addition from St Albans Street_to Grotto_Stree ._......Dated thia....Uth.._._day of.._...__ Yebruary_193E._ .... - _.-.._. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written p opecol for the making of the following improvement, vu.: ........_.. Condemning._and _taking._an_easement_ Sn_the.__land__necess_ary__.____,..__ for slopes,�.._cuts_and _fills_in._the_grading_of.._Alley-_ia_Block i.,.-.-._... Boloombets Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street. b,,i,g been prece,ted to the Council of the City of St. Paul.... __.....____.......... ------- ._._...._.._.-_-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commie,iooer of Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of, the makivg of mid improvement. 2. To invmtlgate the nature, extent and estimated coat of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furmieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for an the petition of three or more --cre 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Co—ed..__..._._....__...._s.F.B..g.�j.-...__....._. Yue Nero Councilman Coxxor Mar ADPraved_....... �. �.��T....._...__......_. McDoearn Pa roto , Roam Ma. Polemsrr Mayor. o.,�,....o �.. ,,,... CITY OF ST. PAUL ri.E r NO. --:WV OFF E OF CITY CLERK 4UNI���ERAL FORMMM1sOMEa—_ _ RESOWLD That the Purg Agent be, n3 he Se hereby suthorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to arrange for the furnishing of all lebor, tools and ecuipment, except piles, and successfully driving in place in the boiler room of the McCarron Pumping Station at positions indicated by the Engineer, ten round wood 90 foot Norway piles, at a total cos! not to exceed $593.00, on informal bide, without advertisement, as an emergency exists whereby the Water Department finds that this work must be done before installation of boilers purchased on Formsl Bid No. 9615 car. be made. Charge Water Department Fund. COUNCILMEN Y— Nays / /[ nroy May McDonald In I-- avorP--Rosen P-- R.— Sud6�imcr __ Agai— / dor, Vico�Prea. Sadn Il — use°xu°n°'m�: cenai.i'eR nw.te r mouS�i.Si . �e 'OM:m�VngvrC.°rS'°a:iaepl: �El �'a•a:eolima. ia�.�o o°c°e�Naml 4aen <o.r n°.anSM1a mio.: ie- mSi�S I'r0 �° lu:eon''o'iuin. Adopmd by hCoa.cil. FEB. 2.6 1-92? 19. Approve__y� 19 MAYOR ,i7ri4 CITY O PAUL r��c � NO. — i OFFICE OF ITY C NCIL O TI ENERAL FORM onre er I INO C. _. _FSO. 3;rd-s9:te_ RESOLVED W CounoilT in eccordanoeh. ewlth I of Ercti eD 53.a of therCidyto the Charter the existence of an emergency rthich rendered necessary the employr..ef.t of certain employes of his department for more 'ban their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- ratei oche rn'ti ayflxethedfforo extganemployment for extrao time hereinafter at forth: NAME TITLE TINE RATE TOTAL T. Lynch No.8143 Com. Lab. 5 hre. .459 2.25 N. Joiner No.2973 ' ° 11 ' .459 4.95 " ° 11 ° .459 4.95 Robt. Roberta NO -4931 Rode Reaeth Snergency " " 49 " .44 24.05 36.20 -Y S11 s0.1e`.eu tih-ova rtei rte rt e".n �a_ ° ua .moV h,r-.mdr .mu en.° r .rmolo> ii g onnOr e,v °"i- I., °mf0c ee°pmo-r{na;i �� rOT 6ti netnNa [i t: Cory. L?.'a'hven a RS�Ivee x f f Cam. LG, 1I N. ° 6R iii aveD1 N,B,r �$.M.0 kfNcom. iae.: 11A a 9°t'f6R. 1Rf6.. L.q ,S. iiif. COu rvCiI.MEN w en..e Ilhrch. 6-1a7f) Yeas - Nay. Adopted by rhe (;ouncil F.ttf-Eh_t��itt - - May LLMcDonald Iv favor _ FEB2 Appc/%q/vf/��jJ�y/ / Pearce 1%r5 Rosso _ A,,i— ...__.._ _.!__.. MAYOR � M _ Nr. Vioe Pres. 3uat,e—r N 1 Feb. 23r4. 1932. ..n --7--y h— nr l.s en _i. `.he Pe?nr'.n,er.� o.` Z. h --'s, ne,es_ ',he—.T—y—,'- of ^e_- ,e_., eT,�yes of '.:ha: ?>pa r'. T.er:`, fc_ .....ir ',han eiM ho'.:,•e ['er '.ay, In aloin[ '.he _k: Helping and corking in Auditorium other then Regular working Hours. ^his n—rg noy arose by _—san of '.he fo'-wing fa,;ts On auoaunt of shrine Circus. 'his report, :s _r. a-3-1a�//ce with �—o ion 5.',-f '.he Chn_".:er, C � CITY OF ST. Q OFFICE OF CITY J -.o EI== oNER.- AILM WHEREAS„ Holm & Olson, Inc, hes appealed from the decision of the Commise Y6ir? of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, denying said ap Scant permission to erect on the property located at Edgcumbe Road and Lexington avenue, a 10 x 25 ft, sign at a point 150 feet from either street; and WHEREAS, The notice of appeal was duly published and a bearing held before the Council on the 24th day of February, 1932; and WHEREAS, The Zoning Board has recommended that said applicant be given a five-year permit for the erection and maintenance of said sign in accordance with the terms of Subdivision d of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the erection and maintenance of said sign, to the General Outdoor Advertising Company, said permit to provide that the sign shall be removed at the expiration of five years from the date of said permit, and shall further provide that the blanket bond in the sum of $25,000 heretofore posted by said General Outdoor Advertising Oompany shall cover the maintenance and removal of said sign. CouIC El Yeas Nay, Adoprcd by ,he c...ril..cEB 2 R 1932.,9 - S nroy /McDonald F m la fa.or Pearce /l Appro.c'/'Mwvoa19 - Roam Again.r � PUALISHr City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cllr CIu4 cnn ci.n cin ci.n ••d Commbdon•r el R•flrb•Uon I/ Febrmary 24, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Comreel, Bailding. Dear elrs- The attached appeal of Holm d Olson, Inc., for persLLasioa to .—t a eign on property at aftc be Bond and Lexington Ove- wa- referred to you by the C�L�Ceo�o11 to draft a reeolatlan U_tlgg -aid appeal for a period of flue a provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Yours Very truly, City Clerk. A P P E A L B O A R D OF Z 0 N I N G February 18th 193 2 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition : January 14th, 1982. Petitioner Holm & Olson, Int. Location : Edgcumbe Road and Lexington Ave. Zone "A" Residence Appeal To erect a sign 10tx251 Date of Inspection , February 10th, 1932. m's Date of Hearing February 11th, 1932. Appearances for Peti,ioners Mr. Holm, Reed and ehon{y7.. Appearances for bppit-ioa None. li Petitioner's Argument hat their eries of EdgeumbeTRoad, west ofsLexington eAve. anr a d elieealong north the right of way of the C. M. St. P. & P. ty. Their offices and greenhouses lie under the hill where they cannot be seen, and off of the St. Clair St. frontage which is zoned for commercial purposes. The customers to fined theBnurseeriof esslTheisl erof tthe s to enable n w 10 ft. x 25 ft. and will be setback 150 ft. from eitherlll be street. It will be of an artistic nature suitable for adver- tising a nursery and will be maintained in a first-class manner. ,_j` A P P E A L B O A R D OF Z 0 N I N G February 18th 1932 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition : January 14th, 1982. Petitioner Holm & Olson, Int. Location : Sdgcumbe Road and Lexington Ave. Action of Board This is an undeveloped section of the city and there is no objection to such a directional sign artistically designed at the present time. When the district becomes fully developed, undoubtedly the nurseries x111 be removed. We recommend that a five year permit be granted. (itbga e'Herroidf BOARD OF ZONING. Secretary. Isaac Summerfield G. 0. House Hyland Rothschild C. A. Bassfdrd `Holm (&. Olson �dampe�rchrlects 9Ae.A�`IrAr+ucmies SAINT PAUL January 14, 1932 HonorableCommissioners, City of 8t. Paul, Minn. Attention Mr.M.J.Gibbons. City Clerk. Gentlemen; We ask your consideration for a permit to erect a sign on our property on the corner of Edgeoumbe Road and Lexington Avenue. The size of the sign to be 10' x 25' and to be located 150' back from the corner. Our reasonfor asking for this permit is that we want this el gn to act as a Directional sign to enable our customer. to locate our nurseries situated west of thi. intersection. We agree to keep this sign in first class condition at all times so that it will not be offensive in any way. Weearnestly ask your favorable consideration of this rBeuset as it 1s cf cute some importance to UB. Thanking you we remain Very truly yours, HOLM & OL90N, INC., ;`; " By MN VIOL -� s City of Saint Paul Office o{ City Clerk wvRo µ MRM 1. GINOM, Gly Clmk and awury a.n •nd Cnmmhalenr W R•ske 0- n. scows January 16th, 1932. Ron. R. vay, Comair of P.P. & P. Mdge., Building. Dear Co®ieeloner: Sttachad please find application Of Rolm & Olson, Inc., for s palmi[ to erecta sign on gecumbe R their property on the corner of Edoad and Leung_ ton A— The Council today referred this matter to you for investigation and report. Yours very truly, w-�'� City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND ScAND• PUBLIC BUILDINGS • Sanuary 19, 1932. Aon. Clyde R. May, Commissioner. Dear Sir Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the ap- plication of Rolm & Olson, .who ask for a permit to erect a sign on their property on the corner of Fdgecumbe Road and Lexington Avenue. This property is on the northwest corner o£ this intersection and though it is contiguous to the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Rail- way Company, it is zoned in the "A" Residence classification under the zoningordinance. For this reason, it is impossible for the Building Depart- ment to issue a permit for the construction of a billboard on theproperty as this is specifically forbidden by Section 8, paragraph (h), of the zoning ordinance. However, on ap- peal tothe City Council in accordance with Section 20, par- agraph ( d ) , the Council may, after obtaining a recommendation from the Zoning Board, grant in undeveloped sections of the city temporary and conditional permits for a period of time as warranted; however, not exceeding ten years for struc- tures and uses in contravention of the requirements of Arti- cle 1 of this ordinance. In such cesea, the grantee shall give a bond of $5,000 to inanre the removal at the expira- tion of the time limit of non -conforming structures and the �LI return of the premises to the use the property is zoned for. y2 - Aon. Clyde R. May. The property in question is undeveloped and I can see no reason for refusing such a permit, though I understand that there Is some objection to It on the part of property owners in the vicinity. Hoeiever, I re—end that the matter be referred to the Zoning BO—d and that the Council consider it after a recommendstion has been received from that Body. yours y truly �L�"V :superintendent of Inspection. HSB..0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFj'-jCE OF CITY CLERK yapped y!�6' C' H°aeelvw i � .lhi++IL. aw6ie COUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,{p"F�4 e: to cfwowlvcl �� 4.Mt' cdmmaoa%ra»a . aEdENTEo BY issioNEa Tat lPnMnlb t ,9. riA�RKat wHYRBA9, it appears that the owner of the north 80 feet of the following described treat: commencing at the southwest corner of University Avenue and Jay Street; then• west along the South line of University Avenue 88 feet; thence 'oath 118feet to the north line of the alley; thence east along the north line of said alley SS feet to Jay Street; thence north to beginning, being pact of the Wou%heast Quarter (SE*) of Section 88, Town 29, Range 23, unplatted and the holder of th8"mortgag• thereon cannot agree On the division of the award of damages mads to this property by reason of its condemnation for the widening of University Avenue, and WHEREAS, sash failure creates a doubt in the mind of the City Attorney an to whoa to pay the Money, end wHEREAS, ehot(it> nq,' LOh°1921, as amended by Chapter 898, Laws 1931, provide' that wbensver the Oily Attorney shall certify is writing to the Oily Council that he Is in doubt as to whom Ahs pid award shall be paid, said Oily Council may order a warrant to be drawn for the same,payable to the Clerk of the Dietriot Court amd providing that the City Clerk shall deliver the same to the Clerk of Court and take his receipt therefor thus enabling the court to decide the respective rights of claimants to the fund, sad wHzRE►S, the asoma% of the award was 68494.889 and WHEREAS, the purported owner of this property has by his attorneys requested the City Council to y97 this Money to the 01srk as the district Court, therefore be it RESOL7ED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant for the amount of $8494.88, payable to the Clerk of the District Court and to deliver the same to the City clerk who shall deliver the same to said Clerk of Court and take his receipt therefor, advising the clerk of said Ooart that this money is paid to him pursuant to the statutes herein set forth and for the property herein described. oNN� MEN FEB 2 6 101' Y— /N.Y. Adopted by the Council__.19... Conray / M.Y � WD... Id In favor App __.t i c A..te.r " 1AY11 - /seesdmrs wu„t.ISHED ?_� �� Mr. vice Pree. 8udb.j t., Meparttawt of EMUOF — PAUL � IOUISP.sHMHXW HIUIRY J. PLYNNRPNY eDWIN MII IRVINO OOTLIHB February 98, 1938. To the 0ouncil. Gentlemen: We are is receipt of a letter from Jackson, *Walsh and Tacksl, who represent Seen Berglund, who claims to be the owner of the following described property: *The north 30 feet of the following described tract: Oommenoing at the southwest corner of University Avenue and Jay Street; tbenoe west along the south line of University Avenue 88 feet; thence south 119 feet to the north line of the alley; thence east along the nortD line of said alley SS feet to Jay Street; thence north to beginnin, being part of the Southeast Quarter (SB*) of Section 36 Town 89, Bangs 83, unplatted a which property has been oondesned for the widening of University avenue. The attorneys state that the property is encumbered by a mortgage and that the owner and the sort - Mee oanaot come to terms as to the division of the award and therefore have requested that this money be paid to the Clerk of the District Goat, where the Court can decide the relative claims. This office is in doubt as to whom to pay the money, and therefore under Chapt394 Laws 1931Ser 219 Laws 'his is to cerM yato--thedfact ed of suuchObuapterdoubt and to ask that the money be paid to the Clerk of the District Court. A resolution to accomplish this accompanies this certificate. Tours very truly, SH -a8. Assistant Corporation Oouneel. o......'. v....... CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe cit NO. !)J787 1 OFFICE OF/G ITY CLERK �Rtt99 l!pp. YY� COU CIL RESOLUTZ7GENERAL FORM CeMM18TT818NER--- 0 AREAS, the Ccmmissic r.er <f Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an e rge ncy which rendered necessary the employment of certain emp'_oyes ,.f his Department for more than eight hours per day and en Sunday, aid employment being more than usual hours of empl-yment, therefore, be it That the proper city officers are hereby RESCDIED. authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emp_cyese nt for the extra time hereinafter net forth. r e o rs a e- n ay ems Camoobasso, Frank Com.Lab. 45 Util. Lab. z X45 Dolan, Henry J. 0o1Lab. Donovaror Edward Con.Lab. 2 •45 Farinacci, Paul F. Cnn.Lab. 4 2 1!-1.11, John G. Sub -Foreman 26 '62�z Plumbo, Anthony Sewer Foo—n 16 .68 Putnam, Fred .Lab. 3 .50 Steinberg, Msec q .55 Whaley, Fred D. Ut it .Lab. �9 ']1 Paden, Clarence Truck Driver 19 71 Welch, W. P. Truck Driver 19 .,J1 Einck, Welter Truc Wet Paul Truck k Driver 1 RabiDriver �NIF Ne.eusr e: a.7.. �eieeo,. no w• a COUNCILMENFEB 2 61932 Nay. Adopted by the Council-- _ l9_ yeas //��rymr rl_AfYIYYY k / r _ In favor Appp�tj17"l19— %M...s...iae°eamne«»+°` G ruuusf�u 3-5-32- .._ An emergency has arisen in the DIIARTUM CF PUBLIC WOR1B, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Making emergency repairs to sewers; removing and plowing snow. This emergency areas Ly reason of the following facts and circumstances: Calls for emergency repairs to sewers received at all hours and opening streets to traffic account of cent snow fall. CO 33I PUB IC ORIL4 C) Council File N.......: 117.88 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th. undersigned hereby propenes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pa.], is.: the...s.1c t ................ dQvAlx On VKQ q, 3QUth Dated this -d-Y If February s a_ All, sa PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following -RecanatrUc&,---rAlaY and X-09air tbA-js3idJklmlUk -ox . ............. .. thence. ..... . ..... b.,ri.g been presented to the Conrail of the City of St. P-1 .... ....... ................. - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To j,,eatigste the neenasity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sad astiouted and of said improvement, and the tow cost thereof. 3- To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is inked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon 0 of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner If Finance. Adopted by the Council . . . ........... I-- . ".D.2 Y— Neva Councilman CONenT M" Approved...._..._.. -8 -j --m .. .... ........ M.D.—. P— R.— Mayor. Coursed Pile No ------- -- 1789 _. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is, d Recons truerelay and repair where _neca sear_ythe sidewalk -at -the "- --follo�dngiocetionsc - north side -of --Lincoln Ave .,begiming at Prior Ave., -thence west g6 ft. _ __ ._ ._. West side of Prior Ave.p beginning at Linco Ave thane orth .to Dsted this Rath ""d y f roue erOimc Ac'oKl PRELIMINARY ORDER. s.+rd� v aw�JeTvt� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the melting of the following improvement, via.: "_.$ec=Atm ts. relay .amd"."r.4P.eir_ -Y"re_necesasrythe._sidexalk"_at, the .. following locations% -N6rth.14 de -of. Lincoln -Ave.-begitining at"""Prior Aver-'CNe11t"6`wav-8g'ft. _..._..__.._".._... ___.. _ ....... _. -._ at- Li:n"oolu._AW.9..�..tIIAllc-e"'tta -_ .. West side oY-'Prior Ave �, -beg----- 'g having been presented to the Council of the City of St. _?At .._._...... _......._........_......._.._........... _.......... ... _........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, besod is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the moss eity for, or deeimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end estimated roar of eeid impmvemeot, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plm, profile or,kewh of end improvement. 4. To erste whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three ,r more owners 5. To report upon allof the foregoing mattere to the Commi,eioner of Finsoce. FEB 861902 Adopted by the CrunciL__...____._.__.......__._.._.._. _.............__...". Yses Ners C—ouman Cormor QQ �pp Mer Approved__.....'_-a_pf_11..f�C. ..._...._._._..........._ / oweun P.. Peseta Eoaam*war—_r'_............'....._.._....... ._.._._.—..._—_ Meyer. v..cuare �tir4ma l're�. :,�e..,.mu ptwu...rs Council File N--- if PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: _Reconstruct•_rel$y._and_repaf,�_wh,@rq_n@cQa;p_47 th@...p dgg .._g. .......... .... .._. thQ west s],de_of.,Da1e ¢t•__beg�nc}Sng_40 ft,__south of._881bp . t1aeA.C.e__.south_ the__p4leF, ......__.._ ..-...__._ - _.._...... _ _ .. _.._.._..-. ..__ ................ _....._._..__..._....._.............. _______...__.. Dated thia_.....E9.th.....d.y nf...__....__.......February- PRELIMINARY ebruary.PRELIMINARY ORDER °• •�e,r •�1•r Sapo `•,wee WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following f nprovemmt, bW-'o-�g�,' ' Racanatruct,..xaldy...�ad..xausiz._ahsre ueaeasaxs...tha...a�eila7�c..ax---------- the..aeat__side..91._ng?_Aes7+SnS_40_it.,.._aouth._4f.._8elby ayes,......._..... soAth...txf.._tD.e._a].1.aR._....._.__..._.________._... _..._._._----..._._.._._ having been presented to the Council of the City of SL Paul_.._ .................. therefore, be it - _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be dad in hereby ordered and divested: I'To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattesttothe Commissioner of Pi ... on. Adopted by the Co ... 0. ........... - -FEB-B 6 1rr�rtL Ysea Ners FEB 86 02 Comcilmao Coxaoy ( / Mer D Approved_........_ ..............._...... __..._...._...._..__.._ M.Donern Pasac. Rower k4s'P®teee� Mayor. Vice Pre.. Sudhei^:' PI wl.rcrmD.3-�-�7- 2nd.j J. j tLaidI3rd. & app.�.,'1�AdoptedYeas Nays Yeas ConroyonrMeyyMcDonald McDonaldPnrce RoaevSSudheimern 4'+'V./�1EI lJ L' C GIL FILE NO.--:}l-('7— RECEI�4"� (� PRESENTED 9Y --- MAP 15 1932 ORDINANCE NO. — yJ- -� - --_ —_ MAYOWS Anordinance amending Ordinance No. 6674, approved June 11, 1926, entitled "An ordinance relating to and regulating the con- struction and installation of oil btu•ning devices and equipments for heating purposes and the storaagge and use of oil fuels in connection therewith in the City of Ht. Paul, and providing for the licensing of all persons ins tailing such devices and equip- men t. in said City." This is an emergency ordinance rendered neo a Seery for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 6674, approved June 11, 1926, is hereby amended by adding to the end of said eeo- tion,after the words "as soon after collection as possible" the following: "Should any person, firm or corporation begin -° r work of any kind such sa hereinbefore set forth to n0:'^F and for which a permit from the Fire Prevention Bureau le re Wired by this ordinance, withoutU"e` �,,'�.•"la"°;. having secured the neceee�ry permit therefor from Said Bureau either previous to or during the day of the commencement of any Such work, oron the next succeeding day where stn h work is commenced on a Saturday afternoon, or on a Sunday, or a holiday, he shall, when subsequent- - �,• ly securing such permit be required to pay double the fee hereinbefore provided, for Such permit, and Shall be subject to all the penal provisions of this ordinance." Section 2. That Subdivision (c) of Rule1 in Section 3 Of said ordinenoe is hereby stricken out, and the following in- serted Sn lieu thereof: "(c) The aggregate capacity of exposed storage tanks in any basement or cellar shall not exceed 550 gallons. The maximum capacity of any one exposed tank shall not exceed 275 gallons." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and Safety. Section 4. This ordlnanoe Shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. MAR 1519/Y Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council____ - Casser` n May — McDonald %1 In F..or Pearce IJ './ Rosen Against Sudheimer Mr. President IHundlie y /Aypro. cd City 1<rk \layor >w r n YlIltl LCDIrn — `' 1. St. Paul Fire Department Permits to he issued under this ordinance shall he se- ,ut-i at the office of the Division of Fire Prevention Fire Headquarters Ei,,hth and Minnesota Strcel, ST. PAUL, MINN. Garfield 1141 fehrowry 27th, 1932. Bon. C. R. UR9, Comdr of P.P. h P. Bldgs.. Chai—an fundi- Code Committee, Banding. User Comoissionert lttaohed Plasee ftod OM of ordi—, C. V. In. 91791, big .a ordinance —ding Crdt,unoe wo. 5674, re oil homing derlee., -t-- TM . tc.121. ordinance had first readtcg Defors the Coonoll this m W .and was referred to the Building Code Ce Ittee for report. Your. rery truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL c , PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS o"rc11, ^Sane _ota. ,entien: tt-hed 1--l'_t1- nle .se find city c1e^--:'s file nd ordi. c intros .,ced by Co-:.iaaion— .;udheic:— re1 LLQ '-o tl_e "I"�.�.l tlon c oil urnera and o'_1 bu r stora-c ti-- referred '.--o t'^...a office rc" r r... r regard '.:o ',..tion 1 of t? -ii - desi�r tc r, crt 'i1'/ t 1 .r St �r11 t 1 bet e -l',_ 1 0 _ root .11 st:ai ted. . desire ion 2 of }.i ino� loos t?�o u-ount o1 oileal�o-e�1 b stored 1l oase^:onts frr,- : 75 gallons to 5. 7u11on 3. _his an —t i. ���� rrved by i7 tL ^iro '1''nd—,riter.: ,ins there is no ebieeti r._ tc It Cr m a City of Saint Paul Office of city clerk MINE J. GIBBONS, Cny CI.,L ..d C—J.aon., nl R.,I,e..e. Feb raary 27th, 1932. Hon. C. H. Yay, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Chairmen Building Coat Co Jl tee. Building. Dear Commi..loner: Attached please find copy of ordinance, C. F. No. 91791, being en ordlnance amending ordinance No. 6674, re oil burning device., etc. This ordinance had first reading Wo the Cooncil this naming end sae referred to the Hn1ldi.g Code C—Itt.o for report. Yours very truly, �,>�. City Clerk. CITY 'OF IT 'RAUL r.i, " NO - _ A792 • ^ 1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK R p C E i V F D ' y� (�COUNCIL R OL{UUTION GENERAL FORM LF[B 27 1832 WHEREAS, It Is very important that there be no delay In the University avenue Improvement; and whereas, the Department of Public Works proposes to let contracts for such work in three Bectione, namely: Contract "A" from Dale street to Arundel etre et; Contract "B," from Jay etre et to Park avenue; and Contract "C," Arundel street to Jay street; and WHEREAS, Plans and specifications for Contract "A" will be ready to go to the Council for approval on or about April 20th, and the work under the contract to begin about May 9th, and for the other two astione shortly thereafter; and WHEREAS, It is the opinion of the Council that definite notice should be ;Sven all owners and occupants of property on University avenue affected by this impfovement; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby author- ized and directed to notify the occupants and owners of property on University avenue, included within the scope of the improvement, of this action of the Counc ll, and to vacate and clear of build- ings that part of said street now occupied by them, so that the improvement will not be delayed. o"t°n n urvciLMEN Ycas Nays / C..„oy / � May it M �D-1d In (a.or / Pura Rosen /J Again., <Sdh�mrr' Mr. P—d— Uundll. Adop,,d by ,h� C.-61 FEB 27 1962 19 App—d.y i F F Pj G T W',: 19 1'Ulfl.I Sl11iU.3 —.�' �� 64! uF r!4Paul "••'•••"• "",••• LAW DEPARTMENT February 27th, 1932. Bon. Gerhard Bundlie, Mayor of the City of Saint Vaul. My dear Mayor Bundlie: As requested by you under date of February 6th, Mr. Ander eon has assigned me to the work of trying to expedite the University avenue improvement. I felt that the first step to be taken was to find out the earlie at date when actual construction work could begin so that it would be possible to give definite notice to tenants and owners of property in- volved in the improvement, when they should cease occupying any part of the street. As you know, all awards not yet paid have been set aside 1n the treasury of the City, including those awards from which appeals were taken; and the City has a clear rigbt to enter upon the property whenever it so desires. I have learned from Mr. Carey, Cbief Engineer of the City, that the Department of Public Rorke proposes to do the work in three sections, thus avoiding eerlous delays that might be encountered if an attempt were made to complete the project at One time. Mr. Carey states that plane and specifications for Section 1 should be ready to go to the Council on April 20th, and the contract- or would probably start work on May 9tb; the other two eeo- tions to follow immediately thereafter. As suggested by you, I have prepared a resolution for the Counoil, Inetruc ting this office to notify the tenants and owners of property to vacate the premises within a timesufficiently far ahead of the date when the contract - ore must begin work. This resolution is attached. Respectfully yours, Assist ent Corporation Counsel. EM -D �, X751`3 CITY OF ST. PAUL -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK f COUNCIL/ //qn�� OLUT�ION 5'N RAL FORM C. f1llYCGi V WHEREAS, At its meeting held on February 24th, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the cabinet work hardware contrect to the Adam Decker Company for the sum of $5,749.00; and WHEREAS, The contract for finished hardware has already been let for the sum of $31,834.00; and whereas, there is a cash allowance of $40,000 in the general contract to cover the cost of this work; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council approves and concurs in the action of said Commission; and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw up a proper contract therefor. ft- ° v.: °:.i. T wMEry Yeas / N'Y'C Conry /Mav i McD... id In f°.or Rearae Rosen ` Agalns: Sudheimrr M,. N—d— Ro°dhe AdoPred by rhe C ... ed FEB 2 7 tD'd'i19 A,,,—d F: y'�2' IJJf1 19 - �� _MW rtY` Saint Paul / Bureau of Municipal Research mY^klPl Athlrcik Club Building a. uumox� Cede 4110 Febrvgry 25, 1932. To the City Conncll, City of Saint Peal, YS me eota. Gentlemen ♦t Ste meeting yesterday the idviecry Conrt Hone. and City Hall Baildtng Ccaomis.ion awarded the cabinet work hard- ware contract to the idem Decker Hardware Company, the low bid- der, for ♦5,749. The coat of this work is covered by an allow- ance of ;40,000in the general ogntract. The finished hardware contract smonnting to ;31,634 also came not of this allowance. CPE. SH This matter is referred to yon for yoar action. Very traly ycnr s, Secretary, 41vlsory Cont Hones and Clty Hell Huildicg s ova, o.. °....°�. ..c.. CITY OF ST. PAUL r�.e �s NO. U794 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK t `` COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P1 ENTED By_ BBARkYiF �.• WHEREAS, At its meeting on February 24th, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the pneumatic tube eyetem contract to the Standard Conveyor Company, the low bidder, for the sum of $?,998.00, which amount 1e an addition to the Healy Plumbing & Heating Company contract, and provides for a tube system in addition to the one already con- tracted for; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in the action of the Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized end directed to draw up a proper contract therefor. Baa h+r-s• r°'°'s°^ '� ` . a eros" :` 5"' cap 1^N°gc Yeas couuclLM er+ N,y. C.—Y %M.y MdDo Id In f.... j Pea r<e R... Agai^:c j S.dhcimcr jMr. Presidc^r B—di., Adop«d by rhe Co.^cel 9 9 7 IV 19 Approved �� Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Researchk Achledc Club Building ib""'""nipp1i .. uonunx Cul., 1110 .:r. February 26, 1932. lbthe City Council, City of Saint Pent, Yinneeota. Gentlemen. At it. meeting February 24th the pdvleory Court Hoaee and City Hall Building Co..ieelon .—&.d the pea�eS? fort.b$3,W 1. c'&Se pro 0 the Standard Conveyor Company, the lee o..trmtrwZi1yba nnoedditl.nebimdRto tbeth eHealy plum ng and Heatingone .1--y contracted rCompany contract. Very truly your.y Secretary, Ldvleory Court Hone. and City Hall Bain Sng CPH: SH CITY OF ST PANE r �.r NO. – °[••[`p^ OF CE OF CITY CLERK _ /CI SOLUTION =GENERAL FORM a [9 c Februar7� ory BY 1532 RESOLVED Thet the OVt hereby a roves the action of the Con act AO'Co,maittse in awnrdin. ocntrect for furnls Yl ny all lsbor end materiel end metalling with all ,e.es.sry supporting structural steel frame-work at kc Carron Pampin- Strtion, one ONX12 L;ungstrom revenerative type air prehef,ter contci,mg 5160 nc.ft. of heating surf,ce; inclading also suit blowers, to the FUEL ECONO'n ENGT_NEER- I 1.dG COMFAdY, they being the lowest ree onsicle 'e iddera, for the sum of $4,450.00, lees $40.00 deduction allowed for the omission of the master control valve, mekir.: the torsi =mount �f the c ontrect $4,410.00, Sn accordance with epee ificetioh. of the Bureau of '8ater, their Alts-ate Bid "B", and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation ou Cnsel Se hereby instructed to draw up the proper fore of contract, therefor. F.B. #8741, w i„r.orm m`F e� m .'.cM- am.E5aa�vguris o i...00°° 8. aui7710 oa °EE °rsia`•• n+Ery Ad,,d by Thr Council . � 7 1QV 19 Yra: / it NaY: FEB f Y Appr°v<d 19 ,MAomld Ir, f�.or /� No. Aga�� S�dhr�mrr Mr. p, d— B. -dill 91 u:> "796 :""." NNcll No. Ifthruary 26 19 -AR ,..il .:1.1: 32. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFf ?6l,945'Fi7• COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-1993—TO 2046 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DI A.—TED a. TIE IOUNCIL cFB 27 7477 J PPao ED FEB E7 Vii? °FF. E o THE ..11.°11ER No � J796 COUNCIL RESOLUTION i February 26 32 AUDITED CLAIMS 266- 845, 57 o - • ZS�2-r. I1= ,. ervpoX — _—� TOTAL IN FAVOR OF rv�vecn cw+c ns � crvccRs BgOL6MTF-1... 59 683 99� 893 493 6 • 1991 David Beshefkin 32 0 1992 John H. McDonald, of Fin„ 39 531 2 199j The Cslhon Paint Company 31 7 19944 Emma Louise Thon , 948 1995 Wino enzo Palumbo iu 3 2 1906 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin., 40 684 7 1997 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. I 101 062 0 1999 Jon, H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 65 Coo oo 1999 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.'. 30 COO CO 2000 Delia Bo rn 28 2 2001 Mrs, Mary Emily Christy { 27 2002 John Lennon { 40 0 2o0) Mr e. Hannah Peterson I� 24 9 2004 Lis, Anna Schneider 17 2 2005 E1fTids Soderberg 1 28 sc 2006 Clara Aamold, Tldow of H. A. ill 30 0 2007 Ann F, Campion, Tido: of D, H.C. 30 OC 2008 Helen Sullivan, widow of M,s: 30 OC 2009 So c, for the Prev. of Cruelt$ 200 Oc 2010 Bethesda Hcepital �� 35 0 2011 Drs. Chatterton & von der weer 44Oc 2012 Dr, Earl Dedolph 22 0 2013 Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratory 10 0 2014 Dr, Arthur J. Doom 27 0.' 2215 Dr e. Hammee & Kamman 11 0 2016 Dr. L.A. HilgerI' 18 o 2017 Dr, A,C, Ingerson �y 30 0 2018 N.E, Johnson 2 1 2019 Dr. Geo. F. Kelley 6 0 2020 Dr. J.F. Madden 9 OO 2021 Mayo Clinic 25 0 2022 Dr, S.N. Mogilner 14 00 2o2j Dr. E, 'w. Ostergren 6 Doi 2024 F.A. Parson 17 00' 2025 St.Joseph's Hospital lol 6o 2026 Dr. B.J. singer 24 oo 2027 Adam. Tax Products Company 34 111 2028 Elkhart Brass MYg. Company 158 76 2029 Fuel 011 & Tae Company 126 24 2030 Gerber -Reiland TireCompany 132 96 2031 Hanson -Bennett Magazine Age on 610 50 • 2032 „ Johnson's Market House 91 45 203j A.L, Law Agency 5 00� 20344 Northern States Power Comvsny 1 613 75 2035 Northern Stat% P.:er Company) 268 52 2036 Northern St at ee Po:er Company' 3 461 21 2037 Northern States Power Compenyl 174 54 2038 Northern States Power Company) 1 288 71 20 9 H. Peitz & son 476 69 2040 Joseph A. Rogers Agency, Inc.' 17 0'� 2041 Tesohersl College 1 50, 2042 A, P, Upton 15 00 2043 Victory Printing Company ! 38 50' 2044 western Union Telegraph Comp, ny So 86 2045 Teet Publishing Company q 15 00 2046 Zinsmaster Baking Company 91 82. I SHEET TOT I- OawARO 134 883 98 1085339 2i 1 CITY O ST. PAUL Adoptcd by the co��ra..FEB 2 9'0��_,9 OFFICE CITY CLERK R E mn /ySF �yC UNCIL� RES CUTION—GENERAL PRESER Eo ey / 9 � FORM rW MAYI m i FEMMZXKM TNERNAS, upon and along University Avenue, between the in therewith of Part Avenue and Dale Street, there is now and has been for several years last past, an appreoiable number of poles owned, installed and used for the carrying of telaphohe, telegraph and electric power wires jointly and severally by The Tri-State Telephone 6 Telegraph Company and Northern States Power Company, and TREREA80 it in necessary in order to prevent interference with the safe and convenient use of said section of street, that all poles now located thereon and used for the carrying of such wires be forthwith removed, therefore be it 1,11, that The Tri-State Telephone 6 Telegraph Company be and it hereby Is ordered to forthwith remove all poles in- stalled an`S owned by it and now located on said University Avenue between Part Avenue and Dale Street in the City of St. Paul, and further, that Northern States Power Company be and it hereby is ordered and directed to forthwith remove all poles installed and owned by it and now located on said University Avenue between Part Avenue end Dale Street in the City of St. Paul, and be it TURTRER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and he hereby is authorised and directed to serve a copy of this resolution on said Tri-State Telephone h Telegraph Company and said Northern States power Company forthwith. mail n 11 Ycas ILMER Na /nroy Adoptcd by the co��ra..FEB 2 9'0��_,9 M.y McDonald In favor MM+a� APProv//' - � L. –19 Para / R.— % Against Sadhciasa / Mr. P.csidcat Bu dhc RECEIVI-D N798 If --:t 1 Wu MAYOR'S OFFICE saws$. d um - COUNCIL FILE NO.�eeLae By . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ------ - --- - ---- n 1n� the _rade of Arvn, dal ^trout free ', y rs'ty ..v ruo to '_t north of —ce"i ,.venue me the vest side sn from ':r_v,r-'ty rnua 'to ,11 ay';: Block 1, Anckubin oni sarshall'a-I'lit'on o. t.h: east ?el nluo ct:n.,�,:� the -rade of .!�:clar',in trent from or..: i•�uo to lltl fast north or Aurora .,venue on the "eat s bis n •'^r lity• , c to 1111"" it br lock 2 :1-1-1111 !;",1 �111'-I ton nn !' oat aide, to -r -to +.oth.: rod 111-a. ar C, 7;1 ;> '_, r':to attuc F.ed e;n le a ;.art ! said of r,rta >cos enry to th, v damn of en roadway ant 1 .P'. 1''_ of n v�rrolLy .,v nu, ns vat ^ort'. :n v,-. ,;90847. sppr o.. ed r �.rr r. 19'51 _.sillYltm A public hearing having ng been had upon the above improveme as no me, an cfl having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precies nature, extent and kind of im- provern-t to be made by the said City is chancre the grade oflmundel :'troot from University Avonuc to 66 foot -.orth Am•ora-crus-on the west aide and from University "venue to lcllny in :dock 1, kaekubin and Marshall's Addition on the oast sidol also chsn-�ade n the ,rof M-1rubin -treat from Univoraity ::venue to ,118 fent north of Aurora -unuo an the west 9Sdaan•1 Sbau� Un!--ity .,--num, to r12 -� Sn Block 2, Mackubin and War vhall's �,d.?ition on the easside, to conform to the red linea on the profiles '-u•ato at,tachod an: made a part heroof, said cherngctl� of 4rndq nots„�.sapcy to Ghp+.p„ of �114�RRpuaa����gy,: and `g.,,inZ and v sity Av'ejlii6 as'sat or ' n C:;i. y90847,. approved NovemD9r % 1451 Adopted by by the Council -.-.. --..-_____ , in _.... i City Clerk. BAR Approved _... - Mayor... �I�Il,.oeld YCBLISIIliD�� Councilman FerB¢eos- ../ Councilman ,McI)oriakj��„µ,w /,J// i Councilman MaSIM I:...,o I% Councilman 4@ � r `�46 - Councilman ypUAzs1x j Mayor llGaBsunx Bundl ie / Form B. S. A. 8-7 under Preliminary Order.. 91326 _.-approved Jan. 8, 1932 Intermediary Order -__--. -.- _-.__.... _- __--approved -.__._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is charge therade of Arundel street from University Avenue to 66 f^ot north At ora aaanee-on the west side and from University ,,,stun to /11'"y in :Hock 1, Mackubin and Marffi:a111a mddltion on the '"sat eidel also chane the ;;rade of Mackubin 'treot from University -venue to,110 ,^act north of Aurora ..v anuo on the sleet side and from Uni v entity ,L -u? to i11 n-._ in ;dock 29 Mackubin and Maruhallta ad -.Litt on on the east aided to —form to the red linea on tho profiles :.aroto allAclxod an made a part hereof, said ch �ae. of grade a=ns.naapey¢ry 6e Ch.� q' .of t1in, as fiqnn$g qq—��-�,+yr,!q' Q and'KdtJ avinz of iVorsity'Avellle 6b -set- LOr t)'1 in C. � y OR4 approved xovr6or 3, 1651 0 Adopted by the Council -.... _-.___-_ _ -.-.. , 192 .... j 1 0^- City Clerk. Apprmed -WAR. ;192 ... Mayor. `I�Uoneld 1'l:HL1S111sU �'—�' 32 Councilman �FerS4soa. . , Councilman ,McDpriaic� Councilman i Councilman iNWJII lr Councilman ZROMAx Mayormsdgx Sundt Ia Form B. S. A. 8-7 / CITY O �EPARTMRIT9�FFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) e,�l r In the matter of tho rado :tP '—dol ".treet Prom u11 -19'.r7 t t, an to boat ant •or t'.�n ory �„mte on tho ,est aide and rota irf sLty .•. nl' t..o ale of Deist' :n t—,t fro " 0 711 int • orti. i a o o on tie est I of r,lo a r - L�t� nr. op roadway l ty . .r ,I as �. �t -C:n ., 90E147. o r , 1 itl andel To the Council of t he City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as (ollorvs: mpr$ tnn,nn The total esu mated amount of the ase<ssment (or the above ove m<nt Is - � - ---- 'n—,i—,d cost per font for the above improvement is . . - - - - $ --- - '1'helots or percale of land that may be assessed benefits for each improvement, and she assessed valuation of each I—, parcel es lust ..poral by the Assessor, are as follows_ ocscnlFnory I-oT e.o« Aoortlory LasuAno bldg. (lixo. Unbaer sl cy xns.) 15 1 IA::c',cuoh',n c I�ar shell's ;:3d, 3550 8900 do 1 2 do 3350 2200 30 2 do 950 12.50 0 15 2 do 3050 11350 do 1 3 do 31100 1800 14,700 25,300 The Commmi— of Finance further reports that he has maestlgated all of the aforesaidmattrand hereby submits the foregoing as his repos thereon t. the Council, together with the report made to him in rcfcrcnce t aid matter by the C°mmusloncr of Public \V rks. os ° 193-� �. ✓'� —� iKe�ex-�a�.._ .o,m o. s. a. s -s u C°mmissi°ner of Finance. DEPARTMp.IT (411P FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of �l�� -do of A—tdol street from Univ—sity ,.v^nue to V under Nd urinary Order approved .T itnu nry To the Cooncd of the City of St. Paul: The Com missianer of F-- hereby reports as Ulaws: The total estimated amount of the ---rt for the above —,— —t i, "Fhc rstimatcd cost per foot for the .boss i.p... cure,,, u - - - - - s _ The lou or parcels of land the, may be assessed benefits for such improv<ment, and the •sensed -1-6.. .f each lot or parcel as laar reported by the Assessor, arc ar follow.: 14,'100 25,300 The Co..mi er of France further reports that he h.. mvesti,,d all of the aforesaid matt. , and hereby -1,—, the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference t,aid matter by the Commissioner of Public R'orks. Dated X?y'-' r--s� - 193_ o f Finance. oc nooiriory su Lend ,, T� bldg. (.-c. University :;re.) 15 1 '.f �c".cu'�'.n -c 1,1rsh.11', �!,I. 3550 8760 to 't:. .su1 do 1 2 do 3350 2200 30 2 do 950 1250 do 15 2 do 3650 11.350 do 1 3 do 3200 1800 14,'100 25,300 The Co..mi er of France further reports that he h.. mvesti,,d all of the aforesaid matt. , and hereby -1,—, the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference t,aid matter by the Commissioner of Public R'orks. Dated X?y'-' r--s� - 193_ o f Finance. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 0e THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) lion. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: January 13, 1932 In the matter of changing the grade of Arundel Street from University Avenue to 66 feet north of Aurora Avenue on the west side and from University Avenue to Alley in Block 1, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition on the east side; also changing the grade of Mackubin Street from University Avenue to 118 feet north of Aurora Avenue on the west side and from University Avenue to Alley in Block 2, Mackubin and Marshall's Addition on the east side,said changes of grade being necessary to the widening of the roadway and repaving of University Avenue as set forth in C. F. 90847, approved "ovember 3, 1931. The physical changes will be carried out as a part of the general widening and repaving of University Avenue and the cost of same has been included in the estimates previously given. The changes of grade herein proposed are necessary to the widening of University Avenue and should be established as a matter of record. It is believed that no serious damage will be done to adjacent property by the proposed changes. Yours truly, WM. N. CAREY, Chief Cnginef;r. Approved�fbr rans ias to the Cion one of Finance. MILTON ROSIN, Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public %&FINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 `a JAN 15 1932 January it, 1932 103 To the Cnmmissinnor d Fb -nee of the City of Sl. pool The Commissioner d polic Work,, hoeing had under oon-iderstion the prelimloory order of tho Council, known s, Council File No. 91378 -pp—d. Jan. 8�. 1952 103......, rel -ties to In thematter of changing the grade of Arundel St. from University Ave, to 66 ft. north of Aurora Ave./on the west sIde-and from University A— to Alley in blk. 1, Ma ckubin & Marshall's --Add ion the east side;lalso changing the grade of Mackubin St. from University Ave. to 218Pt. north of Aurora Ave. on the west sideand from Ava, to Alley in 81k. 2, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. on the ..at side, _. _.. end having invsatigated the matte-- end thing, referred to therein, hereby report,: 1. Said improvement is. neceeaary and (or) dashable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is E.. xxxx and the total coat thereof i, f........_. sod the --tore sod extent of said improvement is ss follows: 3. A pl-n, profile or -ketch of --id improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. S -id improvement i,. .......asked for upon pentig6bf thr or more,o ors of property, -object to assessment for amd improvement. / .......... mt-na,ro«e��wo:ks:_. 91799 COUxcuy B,FJx�o. °'F n.—gym a v. BY—_��_ _'______fi'=C_�_� Imiw°'rr'ior o.�a 4 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMN '',';' °{OCEEDINGS In the matter of ..... condemning_and taking an_ easement in the_ land _ necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of University Avenue from Dale Street to Rice Street 91383 Jan. B, 1932 under Preliminary Order ........ approved -------- -------- --- ---------- ----- 91612 Feb. 3, 1932 Intermediary Order ....... 91612 aPProved------------ _____---------- p _________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cmaid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St- Paul thlt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of University Avenue from Dale Street to Rice Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands o ants therein be nd the ea are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for sthe purpose of making the said rmprovemcut., vi— eor slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of University Avenue from Dale Street to Rice Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Puhlic Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and epecib-ti—, for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Map t moq Adopted by the Council ---- -------------------- ---- -. ---- 19 ---- -- City Clerk. Approved— _ .--- ¢fin``--_- 19---- ��---'y'�.. _ %------------------ Mayor. OenneeMnen'6mrteT PI 3LISHED Councilman -- --- "� 7' Councilman McDonald Councilman Rwd»d i c r -- Mayor - ©� Ind'cafes luf - �- Fi'// Univers �yll✓r. - - Tgpea/No fa flan Figures ah— hne sho..- Rice Sf. CuforF.//afPropye�fLlne. N Figures Lehw /.ire siio.v - Disfance is which slopes - ExtendGeyandP PerfyLine. Book 124.9. soa/: /:/00.' W E h SUB. OF BL K. /3 57/NSONS D/ v /I l C H E L SS U B. S / T H's / 24 26 27 28 29 30 l6 17 Ig /9 20 2/ 22 2J 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 / 2 3 4 S 6 7 /7 9 /0 // /2 /3 /4 /S l 2 3 4 5 6 7� 16 /o e "r a t ry s x�e ms $ t ? ? a s µ s `New P Pvfy Lne - New Property Line... �, J /S /l " /2 /l l0 9 8 6 S " 3 2 / /5 l4` I // /0 9 8 7 6 5 4 " 2®eN. Y �l4 i3 /2 // /a 9 7 6 S 4 3 2 s/ ® 11 / /0 M1'CKUB/N & 3MARSHALL'S ,9pD. M CK /N � A S .ELLS .� D. Ao t N / R H LLS DD. 3 ll /,ers/- /. Dr. 7 N- Sheet / of 2. �,eet /aft. ®+Indcafes Cuf 7yPica//Yon + - Fgures a6 ove /:,e show Cuf or F.'// of Prope�fg L:na F.'gurm be/ow /."ne show O sfanoe to wh/cb s/open Ex tend�eyondP per/y.G:m. B o/( /249. W R E 4j & R /A.D DCHAMBERS ADD. ROBERTS O N & AN E TENS AD D. MAGOFF/N &BRECK/NR/asES K. Q L 5 `New Properry: , 6e Q 4 �.". R2fo/ uE 5 4 / /4 / / 6 6 WISCEL. TRAT 4 2 S 2 Line o /kw Properly Lix. d S y'' Ci/AM6 RAS y� EL FEL T BER H E ME R O OD. dI 71zA17 y F L ,9 UD/TORS S lz Univere,l Ave. - si. 9-.7 Sheet 2 /' de 2. Sheef 2 o102. , - orsy. nAut DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFoM M`SSIQ. NER OF FINANCE ON Inthe ER (A) rof condem `.ng and taktng an e ent to the land n cessar-r for sl o:Je s, cuts an in'ills, for rad!ng andmpav!nC Un!versitye Avenue from Uale Stre-t to Rice Street, under Preliminary Order approved January d, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Pao': The Commisejoaer of Finance hereby r,p,,t, as follows. The total unmated amount of th<aeeeeement for the above mprovcmcnt ie - - The _imated cont per foot for the above mprovcmcnt �e - - - land chat may b<aesused th benefiu ande •sees for each 'mprove me sed valuation of each lot or The lore or parcels of parcel ae last reported b, the AueaI , c ae follows. oescR�rnoN t-oT .soca A—T.— ISSISSED LaJYA- 1'0i ldg. (:xoept Un lver�ity nve.) the Subl,ilisi-n flBlock 6700 3000 (south o5 ft of 15 2 4000 100C (cxc ept Unive:�slty rise.) 17 2 do 2600 400 do ld 2 do 2400 3000 (.xcept Un---i..y -0.)) 19 2 do do 20 2 ) do 7200 2056 do 21 2 ) do 22 2 ) 2400 3950 do 23 2 to 2400 do 24 2 do 2400 2600 do 25 2 do srrAEN r. e REPORT OF oCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) (-except University Ave.) 26 2 )Subdivision of Block 13 72(,0 5800 do 27 2 ) Stinson Division 'o 28 2 ) do 29 2 ) do 62CO 18600 do 30 2 ) Michels Subdivision of do lots 16 ant 17 1 B1k.14 of St inson's DSv.5�,00 6100 .. of Sec. 36, T.29,R. 23 do 18 1 do 2000 900 'do 19 1 do 2000 1750 _ do 20 1 do 2000 2800 do 21 1 do 2000 2950 do 22 1 do 2000 1450 do 23 1 do 2000 1650 do 24 1 do 2000 4750 do 25 1 ) do 4000 5300 do 26 1 ) do 27 1 do 2000 1500 . do 28 1 do 2000 3700 do 29 1 do 2300 1100 do 3) 1 do 3300 2600 Smith's Sub idlvisior of do 1 15 Stinson'. Div. of the N.W. 3250 3350 of Sac, 36, T. 29, R. 23 do 2 15 do 2000 650 _ .0 3 15 do 2000 3950 do 4 15 do 2000 411( UO 5 15 do 2000 1500 do 6 15 do 2000 1400 do 7 15 do 2000 2700 do 8 15 do 2000 2700 do lots 9 and 10 15 do 4000 1500 do 11 15 do 2000 600 do lots 13 and 12 15 do 4000. _16150 r 7"` a rnfcNr o REPORT OF COMMISSIONER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) (sc. Unlverlsq Ave.) 14 15 Smith's Subdi- off StlneonIa 2400 4750- DSv. o." the N.W. c. 3500 9000 do 15 15 36, T. 2�, R. 23 Bio 1 16 ) do 6000 7350 ''.. do 2 16 ) do 3 16 do 2200 do 4 16 do 2200 4300 do 5 16 do 2000 6800 do 6 16 do 2200 do 7 16 do 2200 3600 do 8 16 do 2200 100 do 9 16 ) do 4400 7350 do 10 16 ) do 2200 1050 do 11 16 do 12 16 do 2200 1450 do 13 16 do 2200 1700 do 14 16 do 2800 4700 - do 15 16 do 3950 7250 1 2 1 Macktn and Mar shall'e 7900 3000 - do and Add. to Wit. P-1 1975 650 do 3 1 do 4 and 5 1 do 3950 2650 - do 1975 1500 do 6 1 do 1975 4450 do 7 1 do 8 and 9 1 do 3950 16300 do 10 1 do 1975 3200 do 11 1 do 1975 2500 . do 12 1 do 1975 1600 .. do 1S 1 do 1975 2900. do 2100 2700 do 14 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Exe. University Ave.) 15 1 Manklbinto otM%shall" 3500 8700Add.. do 1 2 ul do 3350 2200 do 2 2 do 2000 1900- do 3 2 do 1900 1550 do 4 2 do 1900 1800 do 5 2 do 1900 1900 do 6 2 do 1900 1650 do 7 2 do 1900 do 8 2 do 1900 do (Exe. W.6 in.) 9 2 do 1960 do lot 1C and W.6^) 9 2 do 1950 6800 do 11 2 do 2000 14000 do 12 2 do 2000 do 13 2 do 2000 1300 _ do 14 2 do 2200 400 - do 15 2 do 3650 11350 . do 1 3 do 3200 1800 do 2 3 do 2000 - do 3 3. do 2000 1500 , do 4 3 do 2000 1600 - do 5 3 do 2000 1800 - do 6 3 do 2000 do 7 3 do 2000 do lots 9 and a 3 do 4000. 3400 . do 10 3 do 2000 7850.. do 11 3 do 2000 1350 , do lots 12, 13 and 14 3 do 6300 13100 a;a��, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .(B) (Except University Ave.) 15 3 Mackub In and Marshall's 3775 5900 Ad ], to �1. Paul ,to 1 Beck's Addltfon to the City 3600 7300 of ::t. haul do 2 do 2600 2500 do 3) 3900 34500 do E.25 ft of 4) do do(Exc.E.25') 4) do 900 and do 5) do 6 do 2400 800 do 7 do 2400 do 8 do 2400 do 9. do 2400 do 10 do 2400 5450 do lots 11 & 12 do 4800 1650 do 13 do 2600 600 do lots 15 and 14 do 11200 685Q do 1 1Elf elt, Bernhelmer & 4875) 49100 Arnold's Add, to 't _l ) do 2 1 3250) do 3 1 do 3000) do 4 1 do 3000 2000- do lots 6 and 5 1 do 7000 3600_ do 1 2. do 4000 3050 do 2 2 do 3000 - do 3 2 do 3000 do 4 2 do 3000 do 5 2 do 3000 500. do 6 2. do 4000 100 (3xc. univ. Ave.) lot 1 d 4950 25000 and (q,}C ft of 2 3 o,_., prr.%Nr oCOMMISSIONER EOF REPORT OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) W. 10 Elfelt, 13 rnhelmler & Arnolds 4200 650 Ave, an 2 (£t ) (elso (Ext. Univ. Ave.) 3 2 the 11.20 ft of do 2800 14260 (ixc. Univ. Ave.? E. 30 it of 3 2 Gast 30 ft of 4 (and W. 10 ft of . Un ".v er:,ity Ave.) 3 do 2500 4800 (the as at 40 ft OP 4 (also (:=xcept 'University Ave.) e City 5 3 Chamber's (lot 6 an%1 ;gest 6.62 ft of Paull,141nn. Comment Ing on the S. line of University .,ve. 252 ft. W. from 850 to St.Paul; thence south the E. line of Chamber's Addition Bernheimer and Arnold's 99 ft. to the alley In Blk.3, Ell, lft Add; th. '. 21•f 99aft; IN..11 to placeaofobeginning,tbeing th. to University iwe Imer n, k E5,eblock 3,hCh—bar's Add. tosthe Sr Pe ill of 'i of lot3. City of it.laul 800 700 commencing on the S. line of University .Ive. 231 ft.W. fY•om (:Sty of St.Paul, Mlnn.; the �. line oi' Chamber's Add. to the in `l ock 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer thence south 99 ft. to the alley to °t.Y aul; thence east 20 feet along the and Arnold's Additl on north 99 ft. to Unly ersity Ave.; north line �f said alley; thence of beginning, bOing part oP thence west 20 ft. to the place loh , , andSArnold'lelAdd. blocks 3,dElfelt,teernhelmer PePblue. to St.Paul 800 1100 S. line of Oniversity Nvs. 191 ft. W. from the Commencin0 on the St.P 9h £t. E. line of Chamber's Add.. to the City of w. along sa i�l ,M inn; 20h1' t: more or less to the alloy; thence 5v•ndYe• , . with said E. line. 99 ft•bein, N. and parallel pr tsesf letsn the place of beginning, St.Paul, and th. i. 20 ft to Bernhalmer and Arnol d'e ndd. to 6, block 3, Elfelt, 3, Chamber's .i1. to the City of St.Paul,Minn. lots 4 and 5, Block 800 950 on the S. line of Unly. Ave. 171 ft. W. from the E. S. 99 Commencing line of Chamber's Add. to the City of St. Paul, Minn. ;th. W. along said alley 90 ft. ft, more or'less, to•��tha alley, th. said E, line 99 ft., snore or lees, to thence N. and parallel with Ave. th. E along the S. line Bernheimer Un'v. ; 6,UblockA38•Elf elt, place of bec,Snnln,;, being pSt. _ Lot 4, Block 3, and Ar 'it, tf St.PaulfluMinn� ro's1 .9 d1 t1ontoftCity REPORT OF COMMISSIOWER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Commencing on the S. line of University Ave. 151 ft. W. from Soo 1050 the E. line of Chamber's .�di. to the 'Sty of St. Paul, Minn.; thence S. 99 ft. more or lase to the all+v, thence W• el Ong sal. alley 20 ft. th. " and per"lol with sold E. 11ne 99 ft. more or less, to Univ. Ave. th. E. along the S. line of Univ. sve. 20 ft. to th. pl._ of beg1.ni g, being parts of lot 6, block 3, u1,,olt, BarnheimAr and Arnold's Add. St.Paul and lots 3 and 4, block 3, Chamber's Add, to the City of St. Paul, Minn. C omme-cingn the S. line of Univ. Ave. 151 ft. W. from the E. 1000 1260 l±ne of Chamber's Add. to the City ol St.Yaul,Minn; thence S. at right angles to said Avenue, 99ft. more or less, to the alley In Block 3, Elfelt, Bernhoimer and Arnold's Add, to St.Psul, thence E along said alley 25 ft.; th. N. parallel with said W. line 99 ft. to Univ. Ave.; th. W. along the S. line of Univ. Ave. e5 ft. to the pl ce of beginning, being lot 7, block 3, _7felt, Hernh oim.r and Arnold's Addition to St.Paul, and part of lot 3, block '5, Chamber's Add to the City of St.Paul Commencing on the S. line of Univ. Ave. 126 ft. W. from the E. 1000 900 line of Chumber's Add. to the City of St.Pflnl ,M inn.; th. S. at right angles to said .,venue, 99 ft. more or less to the alley n Blk. 3, ::l felt, Bernhoimer and Arnold's �.dd. to St.Ye 1 extend I'd ed; t1, ; alarm said alley, so extended, 85 ft., th.N. parallel with the E. line of Chamber's hdd. 99 ft. to Univ. Ave.; th. W. al Ong the S. line of Univ. bye. 25 ft. to the place of beginning, be' part of Lot 3, Blk. 3, Chamber's Add. to the Clty of St.Paul, M Snn. Commencing on the S. line of University Avenue 101 feet west 1000 1100 from the east line of Chamber's Add. to the City of St.Paul, Minn. ; th. 5. at right angles to said Avenue 99 ft, more or g less, to the alley in Blk. 3, Elfelt, Berngelmer and Ar Old's Add. to St.Paul ..tended, thence E, along said alley, so extended, 25 ft; th. N. parallel with said W. line 99 ft. to Univ. Ave. th.W. along the S. line of Univ. Ave. 25 ft. to the place of beginning, being parts of lots 2 and 3, blk.3, Chamber's Add to the 01t7 Of St. Paul, Minn. The west 25 ft of the E. 33.32 ft of 2 3 Chamber's Add to the City 1000 BOC (Exc. Univ. Ave.) of St. Paul, Mlnn. Commene lur, on the S. line of Univ. Ave. 51 ft. W. from E. 11ne 1000 900 of Char. is Add to the Ci t� o f St. Paul, Minn. th. S. at right angles to said Avenue, 99 ft, more or less, to the alley in Blk.3 th. 3, Elfelt, Bernhelmer and Arnold-. Add. to St.l au1 extended, line _ east along ..', alloy 25 ft; tri. N. parallel with said W. 99 ft., mom or less, to Univ. Ave., th.W, along the S. line of sai; _P. 25 ft. to the place of beginning, being parts of lots 1 std 2, blk.3, Chamber's Add. to the City of St. Paul inn. o warm r l`N AN REPORT OF COMMISSIOUER CE FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Commencing, on the S. line of Univ. A s. 26 ft. W. from the 1050 800 line of Chamber's Add. to the City of St.Pacl,M inn. th, S. at right angles to said -a. 99 ft., .rare or less 'to the alley in Blk, 3, 'ilf alt, Bernhelmer and Arnold's All to St.raul extended, th. 3. elonri said ell,y so extended 26 ft. tbe,r 1'. along E. line of said Chmrber's Add. 99 ft to Univ t};,,V, along the S. line. of said Ave. 2f ft. to the place of beginning, be'.n part of Lot 1, blk.3, Ch-- Add. to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Commenc'ng at the SW corner of Univ. Ave. and Jay 5t. th. W. 4950 15100 along the S. 1!ne of Univ.66 ft.; th. S. 99 ft. to tha 14 line of the alloy; along the beingN. ipartne fofatheid aSEe 66 ft to Jay .3t. tri. N. to be�,inn in;;, of Sec. 36, T. 29, R. 23 Beg, on the N. line of Univ.Ave. 125 ft. from the E. line of 2200 parr, ingtcn „ve. th. E along said N, llne 36 ft 11 inches, th. an ellel with said E. line 107 ft. 9 inches, thence W. parallel with Univ. ..ve. 36 ft. 11 inches, thence ^,,uth 107 ft. 9 In to the pL�cs of beginning, being part of Section 36, T. 29, R. 23 (except Univ. Ave.) 9 2 Chamber's Add to the 2400 1700 City of St. Pa r1, Minn. 2400 do 10 2 io do 11 2 do 2400 150. do 12 2 do 2400 3250 do 13 2 do 2400 2900 do 14 2 do 2400 do 15 2 do 2400 500 do 16 2 do 3000 3200 Univ. Ave.) lots (5 and 6 and W. 25 ft of 4 27 Wa ronand Rice's Add. 8500 35000 to P (-.pt Unly. Ave.) 1 26 do 4000 10150 do 2 26 do 3000 and the mist. tract ly'.ng S• of and add. said lot v V. s e.) 3 26 do 3000 800 ni Uha mist .tr et lying S. e_ nd aij, said lot REPORT OF DCOM MISSIONER OF FINANCE oN PRELIMINARY ORDER ,�B) noolr�oH � 750 1580a 9900 550 8700 5800 400 2600 6500 6150 2150 1000 3500 . 3350 2500 2300 warreen Addition 3000 (3xcept UnlvcrsitY Ave.) 4 26 S:i.Plac is (g i the As tract 5. of and adj. sari lot do 3250 erlty Ave.) (�xee-t anive 5 26 (gnn the misc, tract and (adj. Sall let do 3750 (That part of 6 26 adj. (a�,'1 the mise. tractand that lies S. of a line (sari lot, (parallel with and BO Pt. N. from the (N. line of Univ. Ave.) 4250 1 25 do (Sxoapt Univ. Ave.. 3200 2 25 do do d o 3200 do 3 25 do 2000 ft) 4 25 do 6300 Lot 5 ani � . 'ZO 4 25 alley) 1 2B Ho'�ertson a Van �t ton's 4000 e (axe. Un' -v. Ave, gn. Ad,1. to S% Paul 2700 do ani W. d ft) 2 28 do ft o• dolV, 6 ft f 2 ) 3 ) 28 do 2625 do G. 38 ft of llniverltY :,ve•) (nd 4 28 do 2400 (ado LY, 12 ft of and do 3 do 4000 (�izc+pt Univ. Ave. � 1 89 do 3250 CIO 2 29 do 3000 do 3 29 4 29 d o 3000 do do 3000 do 5 29 do 5000 do 6 29 do 2375 do ?. 45 ft of 1 k 2 30 750 1580a 9900 550 8700 5800 400 2600 6500 6150 2150 1000 3500 . 3350 2500 2300 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .(B) Lot. 1 end 2 30 SO lee rt son and ^en Etten's Add. 1700 2500 SExoepet tlely ersity A—) to 'f . Paul ithe eat 45 ft and the W. 72 ft ft) (Exo. ilnly. Ave.)the E 32j ft of 'f. 72:' ft or 1 end 2 30 do 1750 1750 (Exc. Univ. Ave.) 6. 40 It or 1 end 2 30 do 3300 16600 (Except :,iv-.rsity Ave.) 9 4 'ledkenridge'e 2700 1R(x V 1. P-1 do 10 4 do 2700 1700 do 11 4 do 2700 800 do Lot and W. 5 ft of 13 4 do 3150 2400 do also ('r;xo. 7r 5 ft) 13 4 do 2526 3300 do 14 4 do 2950 do 15 4 do 2950 do 16 4 do 3300 11600 C—o.im at the N.W. e ere d of Ride St. end 'Tnivity P.e thence 13500 17000 N. 25 ft. th. PV. 65 't, th.S. to =aid Unly. Ave. th. E. tobeglnninp, beinv part of Sod. 36, T. 29, R. 23 (Exo. the N. 170 ft, of the F.. 76 ft and a est the th 25 ft or the 31900 155()7 ast 65 ft) c nc ins at the N.E. c or Pslolk.4, Mogoffin and Predk enrid ge'. Aidt tl on, thence E. al—rUSherburne .A— '_'60 ft, to Rice St. th. S. along Ride St. 235.16 tt. to Univ, A— th. W. alone ^aid Ave. 260 ft.i th. N. 235.16 ft to begioning, b,4,,,port of Seotion 36, T. 29, R. 23 (Swept University Ave.) 1 Auditor's 311 division 11, 6, 12000 10460 3t. Paul, Minn. do4) and do E. 6 itches of 5) do 2250 5200 (E... pt - iversity Ave.) s�( '.0 6000 10500 (end (d o) .r. 39. 5 ft of 5t (Rxcept 1'nivereity A—) 7 do 2600 150 do 6 do 2460 - do 9 do 2400 1050 aT.PAUL ' �EPARTM 1;1 1010FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM(NARYORDER (C) (-:xc. 7Jn1v,;r5ity ,Iva.) 10 Aulitorls Subdivision No.6 2200 1400 St.Paula Minn. do 11 do 2400 1750 io 12 do 2000 10700 do 13 do 2000 a`ove '. do 1 1 Ilor anee hld to . Paul '2400 ll(( (corrooted Plat) do 2 1 do 2400 1316 do 3 1 do 2400 11<0 Jo 4 1 do ?4,1 1300 do 5 1 do 2400 1400 do 6 1 do 2500 do 7 1 do 3200 do 1 2 do 31, 0 2650 do 2 2 do 2500 2650 do 3 2 do 0300 2650 do 4 2 do 2215 6000 do 5 2 do 2275 3650 do 6 2 do 2275 do 7 2 do 2275 6900 do 8 2 30 2275 1700 do 9 2 do 2275 2050 do 10 2 do 2300 do 11 2 do 3CC0 11800 Land $617,550 $790,400 The Commissioner of Finance forth.. reports that he has in.cesigated all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submit, she foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in re fere nee to said matter by she Commissioner of Public Works. 0 o e sllated.3 ____ 193E- N'-,°" C...mi.— �oner o[ Fin ance. a Office of the Commissioner of Publics �N^NCF �e Report to Commissioner of Finance January 14, 1932 193_ Ta the C mnmi..ionor of Finance of the City of 81. Poul: The C mrmm.rover of Public Work., having hmd under comdd—t o the preliminary order of the Council, known m. Council File No. 91383 approved January 8, 1932:..193. , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, for grading and paving University Avenue from Dale otreet to nice Street. and having investigated the mntten end things referred to th... in, h,mby reparte: 1. Said mofn mnent i. me _ end (or) deeirobk. 2. The estimated coat thereof m S. XXX ,end the total coat thereof i. S XXx nod the nurture and extent of -id improvement ie am fnllowe: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of -id improvement im hereto attached end mode a pert hereof. 4. S. Surd improvement ie.. ...eked for upon petition of three or of property, subject to a—onenl for maid improvement. Cmmieeioner of PubGo Works. kN COUNCIL FILE NO. --------- 9101/0 BY __`-`i 1}bn_ R4sQ11______ FINIAL ORDER - —ON PR - videninr Sixt'. Sr. `)e tween :Hoff^_, Ave. and :o� rcial In the matter of_ `________________________________________________________ St. for the purpose of constructing; and r t. st�,.irr,.y end an`^insn sidewalk on the sell the rlY silo of 3i.-t:i Sc. �c the e;sce rly end o_ '..e Sixt:l: St. 3r ii -e. under Preliminary Order --- 91382 ------------- nu.rY 8th, ------ Intermediary Order________ 9161') , a pproved--------- Febru r_i r1, 1932 A public hearing havingbeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all Persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it u' RESOLVED. By the Council of the City oto kconde T,nt the l rev se nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is . ace of fir. lrl '.---lc .'i>.th St. Bridge for the purpose of 1 -din_ 1 otair,, y. aSS° and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, landssments therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for�the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. A strio of land 4 ft. in width Nein- the northwesterly 4 ft. of Lot 15 .rd the northwesterly 4 ft. of the southwesterly 11 ft. of Lot 16, .11 in Kock 17, L; --n D.yton's Addition. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city official.., are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_ --------- ----- --19____ ity Clc - City lerk. Approved----. ___�?1I---------------- 19____ � Mayor. Councilman Conroy Coune;Imen�McDonald T P0lc ,i Con Aman R.Yaau Ow 'I - Ilarer Mr, Vice Pres, Sudceimer Pl:t1LISlIED3�- J or eR, rain ql ppo DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) • In thematterof Widening Sixth Street between Hofftrnn A-- and C--1,1 Streot by �v,� adding to it a st r Sp cf lend 4 feet in width being the northwaste rly 4 feet o" int 15 J and the no rt F.vre etarly 4 Poet o" the scuth—terly 14 fust of lot 16, all in Block 17, Lyman Dayton's Addition, for the pnrpose of c natru ct ing and main-.aining n stairway and sidewalk on the southerly sidef SS xth St teat at the cast ar ly end of the tai brad bridge, under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The of Finance hereby reports as follows. The ental —imated amount of the asscas — for the above improscment ;s - - f _.25,00__ _ 'Fhe estimated coat per foot for the above i.proteme.t i, - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of Iand that may be assessed benefits for so 1, im preve meat, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: lots 15 and 16 17 L.— Dnyton s Addition 1000 1000 to tho City of Saint 1000 1000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports chat he has mteetigated all of the aforesaid mr a , and hereby submits the foregoing as his repot thereon o the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to aid matter by the Commmioocr of Public 1V/-h.pp 1, n Dated 3_ 193. d. -�-/. r4.--_-71 Z, - encs. Camm of Fin . January '19, 1932. Hllllas H. ID Oare�y!} Chief a11 near, DeDariment of Puoiic works, Saint Ma,'Ylnaseota. Doar Yr. Carey: There Se now pendicg In this office Prollminasy order How 91382, aHproweofJA yDtRee9S2LePro- vldiag for the widening , an epaement neoessery to construct stairway and eiderelk on Hirth Street het*een Comneroial and Haff -nn AYenoes. Th1e order comes without any Comment, potation or any Information to guide this Office as to who made the soquest for the ieprovement, �sho Is t - pay for the construction of stairway end slaevalk, ate. As a consequence, pleaee give me such In- formation an you hove In your office, which justl- fles the lntroductlm of the order. Thanking you, I em Sincerely ycare, LC9jC Valuation and As.eSB eut Engineer. TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUMCATION (Date) J-inuary :,2, 1932 mr. L. C. ae—er, Assessment & V.alu':tion Engineer, Department of Finance. Dear Sir: In the matter of preliminary order C. F. 91382, approved January B, 1932, for widening Sixth Street, the matter arises through the necessity of either removing or replacing an existing stairway leading from Sixth Street to the property below for the reason that an unsafe con- dition exists. The existing stairway was constructed by the City for public use, and although it extends beyond the line of Sixth Street, we have no record that the City acquired any easement for its construction and mainte- nance. before rapla Ging this stairway with a new one, the City should acquire an easement, and since it is the purpose of the stairway to provide the public with access to that part of Sixth street directly under the bridge, theeasement should extend from the bottom of the stairway to the end of the bridge approach, as indicated on the plan. Thus the portion of the easement between the bottom of the stairway and the end of the bridge will be a part of the street, and the portion of the easement which would be occupied by the stairway may either be a portion of the street ormerely an easement for the construction and maintenance of a public stairway. The cost of constructing the new stairway is a necessary part of the maintenance of the bridge, and it w111 be done in conjunction with other repairs to this part of the bridge if the proposed easements can be ac- quired, thecost to be charged to the budget funds for bridge maintenance etc. Yours truly, IVM. N. CA-RE.Y, ess-mh Chief engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public WNF FiNANct ` � 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance - JAN 19 1992 January 13, 1932 193 To the ('ommiasim, of Fioamr of the City of St. fool The ('ommissomer of public \Yorks, having had undo, coneideretlon the praliminary order of the 91382 January d, 1932 193 minGvc w ('ounril, known a» Cuvncil File No. approved Widening Slxth street between Hoffman A,,enue and commercial Street. and having lovestigalyd the omtwm nod things retroed w thrrcin, hereby reports 1. Said improvement is nece _ end (m) desirable. xX Xxx , and the wtal .at thereof is f.. _.... 2. The ratimawd coat thereof is $ end the nature and extent of said improvement is m follows: - --- - --- 3. A plan, profile or skewh of said improvement is hrod. attached and made a part hereof. 9. .................... 5. Said improvrment iscaked for opo- peLitia 7 L re or more ow t property, sobjeet w assessment for said improvement. - C mt�to-e f Public orke. v v� r 918% 6L rn COUNCIL FILE N0.By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_..o..aszruciin�- -z:wuali: oa. thaaec[. ice a — of%rims-St.reat -- -- frnm.Pnlace..5treet to lir'. S:.ree c, e -': �0iere load. 1.... sxfiic ie^t sideim_:cs under Preliminary Order._ 91363..---...... __ approved Jan. 3, 1531 _ Intermediary Order .. - — _....___...._---- ___ _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said .City is __.cq .true .,. id—lk- on_the. -est_s ae ef__.,____ �Jrigga.. Street_ircer Palace _ at --t tQ-Jll'--at qzpt _n—nd._=,_rri cl ept ,id—lkc .n- exists. ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro. ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 10^2 Adapted by the Council -__._.. ...-__-_..._.. ___, 192.._..-. NAR 1 1937 C4 clerk. Approved _..... __. .. ._._.. , 192 Mayor. Councilman Councilman. vev Councilman CC�oouncilma /lea=�a Zuncflman n '1 ti1�k M yorttadg— 6u-ndlic Form B. S. A. 8-7 I CITY OF ST AUl DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the�cr of CU ns trUotin.; si c+2lk In t-- I e �11. 0_ ., [-t _r—'t. '_o Ja ie t ..t. under Preliminary Order approved Jan. 6e l').':, To the Council of the City of Sc Paul: The Commissioner of Fina ncc hcrcby ,,ports as follows. The total est�matcd am�r)t of Ih, assessment for ,hc aborc improvement is - - $. 'I'h—,t!,nat,d cot peffoo, for,heabove improvement The lots or parcels l' land [hat may be assesseJ benefits (or such improvement, and the assessed valuation of eaeb parcel es las, rcpo„cd by the Assessor, arc as follows: of CRIPTION LOT ewcv aooinoN v'�u ATio _ E -t 7,7�, ft of 1 ., .. r•:: Lnr tote F 1 1-1, 6 6',0 4550 ,} t ao film [:350 1425 6910 The Commissioner of Finance forth,, reports that he has msestigated all of the aforesaid mat, , and hcrcby e.b.i,. the foregoing as his report thereon o the Cooncil, together with he report made n, him in reference [o said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work, rote, e. s. e. s -s o � � Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. octooer loth 19231 _ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentleme We, the undersigned property own , hereby petition your Honorable Rudy to cause the following improvement m be made: L. -4 - .Sidewalk on lI�L aide of GrigA, - Sl. from f al— _ St. Ate. to ..Juliet St. A® ADDITION 1vll"�- C .- i.Uo-eL 0 --ail d ff Office of the Commissioner Of Public W0*?kSFINANU Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 AN 16 1932 J.h.-y 15, 1932 193 'N theCommissioner of Fm e,- of the City 'If Sl Pe'll Th, ,mse,s ... t ,f P,,l,li, Works, b.,i,g heed mAtt —,sideration the p,,-fimi,—y -der of the if known se fil, N.191380 J— 8, L932 193 t, the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of 6riggs Street from Palace Street to JaJiqt Street. and lm,ieg the m.tt— seed things rrf, d t(, therein, h,,,,,Y 11 -P -Its: 1. Said improvement is ,_s, and (,) d-i-bl, 2. The estimated coat thereof is S I.ob per/—fud,�,AVE6"et thereof is S ,,d the nature ..d eaten, of raid tmpl--mlst is se follows. 3. A plan, profile ., sketch , ..id improvement is h,,,et. .,Inched and ..de ee pmt hs -.f. 5. Said improvement is mk,,, f, P,,n petition er three e, more ow.,m �pmpsty, subject to _11,st for ssid imp.... meet. Commies nor of Public Werke. 91802 a, _,tip, m.. COUNCIL FILE NO. so„� o,`�t 6Y t . . FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofc0nstr1cti1Z a ide.' —X ea the adrth s'_ae of -.++.vada.. Street fram Greenbrier Avenue tn. halsh Avenue, excel:t 'where good and - suiTieient side-tva krt under Preliminary Order-.. 91361 ___-. -----.approved auary B. 133:. Intermediary Order __....-_--_---_.-_-_ __.-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __costs title t-.:; sitiex:llx_ _a-th�_nart = suede_ Of. 1Jevutia. 3treet-fros.(;re.::br1.r..9venue_to.. :;alsh...avenue,..-zxci--..+-Here goo„- ;C.d_5ufSacient_sic.a:1lts.-uoa_ exlat,_._______.__.. -----"_._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR192........ City Clerk. , Approved SAP .192... � t� ,C � Mayor. Council Councilmanman Councilma Councilman i it councilman Heilman xci _xSlBs Mayor EiWwmy:� Sun: �-1e Form B. S. A. 8-7 OEPARTMENTBOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMARY'ORDER I. the n(tt—of con-t^Uc'Ln �1ye xn'k �n t— .ort.:1 ::ldc ricV:rd:. otreet from ,r enbrt-r a. _1 to h-I�h A nor, under Preliminary Order approved J— b, LW:. To rhe Council of the Cily at St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total est�matcd a {,of the avcssment (or the abov< mpro�cment ,s - f - -- — The estimated cost per�oo a improvement is - ' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits Ior such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as Iasi reported by the Assessor, ore as follows: —UE DsseaiPnoN t.oT eeoeK Al -01 n ASlEl '3 1J ThoL -50 11 0o 250 U; do X50 3 do :5J do -'5J The Commissioner of Finance forth er ..ports that he has intestigated all of the aforesaid mat and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon m the Council, together with the report made to .him in reference t d by t-3 19 �he Commisn.oner of Public W.,ks. 1 n, � &J X�Ifc ..,.-o- P..(. Datcds, — r� J Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. -94'1 - 1 19V "Po "I'he Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. ll� from - St Ave. to St. Ave. R.O. )CO. R.0 R.O. P-0. r ,u: eU U- - rr-. � . i Office of the Commissioner of Public N��jnnncF 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 9; JAN 16 1832 January 13, 1932 193 TI the Commissioner of Finonre of the City of St. Pool_ The Coormi.ioner of PAA, Works, having had under eoneiderotion the preliminary order of the Conacd, known as Cnuooil File Ne91381 approved Jan. d, 1932 193 rrl.ti,e to constructing a sidewalk on the north side of !Jevada Street from Greenbrier Avenue to tlalsh Avenue. and having io—ligated the mortem and things referred to therein, hereby r,porW: 1. Soid improvement iereand (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The eetoomed coat thereof ie i ,and the total cont thereof w f sad the nature end extent of said improvement ee ae follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto att,,h,d and made s pert hereof. 5. slid improvement ie asked for upon�fth— more owo o[ property, 5. w seeeeement for acid improvement. C ._...... ..._ C tuner of P bLc Works. 918W rI lr COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the at of. rO"cr'r- . - -:. -re necessary,.. the ='a of t::il r[9et, -o. lee _ iLeace north L1 ft., eet, • 7.0 t 1 ,' h erc port C f , 13 ft. fn.t c _ .: 1_ u� _7. fcot farther -. n—th, tho.^.a9 rcrt`. P est, 13 :est the.^.co ne rth 9 feet, under Preliminary Order. .'1 X50 _._ ...__approved December 21, 1931 Intermediary Order _..__. __._. spprov d A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to b d by the d City _ 1 P _."'resank__ t,d lks th - - oil1 _i 4'11-.on.,..t e>.t, � t- roil e_i-rib__n ut_nur,:. ,o ,..._1LXi: .vo Idilton Street, -lt s i.':e , be; -in -in- 7.0 :t. nor-- 'f 1 Aven—, .e.^_e north I ft., bebl.—=-�1D north, `.b^. -c .h e , .. 1;5 e.,t t �rth, . . e ..girth d the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in arrordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR ?.1019_.__ _. , 192 __.. --— City Clerk. r Approved In Mayor. Councilman Councilman k'ergnsnni f Plpid:�.,:i[D.`-__e�. Councilman McDon914,+.....e- / Councilman 1dcClb Councilman "y'�� `'' / uncilman :UE®et Mayor N Igam< Bun:' Se Form B. S. A. 8-7 (D) I. the — 01 DEPART.ENT5T, OFIAU4 FINANCE REPORT OF COMOISSIO'NER OF FINANCE 11/4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .,d,, P,,Ii.i.,,y Order pp ... td �'— ` ', 1r1 T, the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fit,.— hereby reports as f.11—; Th, total —1,—d ...—c of the --.— f,, the above mprovcmcnt is Z—ttd—1 per foot f., the above mprovcmcnt u- - - - - - Th, I— ., p—th -f ],.d h.t ..y b, —,—d bt-fit, f,, —1, —d th, — ... td —1—im, of each I—, parcel a, last ,p.,t,d by the Assessor, arc ., follows: Th, C.—imi.— of Finance further reports that h, h,, i—,,tig—d 11 ( he f ..... id —t—, .d hereby submits the foregoing , his thm- t, the Council, t.g,,h,, with the report ..de t, ,and it, ,,f—.- t. nid —1t, by the C—,mi.— of Public Do 1931 -;�- -A I -- - I— .. .1 . T-4—Commission r 0 FINANI:! .Office of the Commissioner of Public o Q Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 6 1932 Jun. 4, 1932 1113 To the C'onunlmioner of Fit-- of the Cay " St. Pani. Thr of I'uLlic Work", ha,i.g h.d umlor the pmlimin.ry order of the rowvil, known d. c'onmil file No 91260 "..proved Dee. 21, 1931 193 ,rel"tire to tee—tructin,;, relay 119s,i t il�i,i:,p, where —e— 'y, .he sidewalks ,t tl•,e follawit, loo- It -: V:e;t side of fit on ot. V.6 in:.i, 46 It. north: Layton tuence north 1J 1't. ±s tlmat ed Inst - - -�b1e.10 �V_st side 1dil ton��6lnnin6 7.0 feet north �f Lnurei i—?.,thence north d f�.-t, be innin l0 1' far LL=_r nurth, i,h:,ce north 14 feet, he6ln.�i:. -7 le=t �': r',n,r north, tnanee north d feet, feel nn ink t rther nort':i, �-;ance north 8 feet - - - - - - - --.:st'—A �d post - - - L3.:,.4 3. A ple., profile or .ketch of void improvement i" hemlo .,Lathed and mad, a part horeof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie ""ked for upon petition of -r-rr- or more owa>E of property, subject to a"ena"ment for oid im t C loner of Pubh Worka. CITY OF ST. PAUL �. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENF;R, FORM vR.......eY �- DATE � sIVHZMB, there to in roller's office a large number of cancelled bonds, interest coupons and redeemed and cancelled participating oertificates, and VHZMS, more than a year has elapsed since the State public Zxalpating derhis audit of said bonds, interest coupons and •HMAS, there is no further used of keeping the same, while on the contrary they clutter up the office of said Comptroller, therefore be it HySCyytp, that the Comptroller in hereby authorised and directed to de.troy all cancelled boo&tingnds.3er interest oo ons and oeupo�aeedanddpaxtiaipatielled ng oertif loaf s. havetifbeensexamined and wk ch a� audited by the State public lzaminer, and have been kept for a period of one year or more sines the date of such ezaminat,un and audit. I,z 91804 Yeas /Conroy Nays / May WD ... Id I� fa.or R.— S.dh,—c Mr, P—Ld— B—dh� Ad.,,cd by .hc C—di MAR 1101 19 yobrmry 29. 1932- A e ting of the SDI t�, Pmt Oavdttra v.s heL: thio dey is the Meyor.e Office. prasaat. Meyor Osrha-1 HaodlSe. awvds.t�r J. A. McD—ld and 0"t-11— wa. T. Scott. xells-Mati+P 0-"W of it. Peal mdvieed the U -M-9 Food Oa dit" that they oro a wblo to deliver the M.A tate of Xlooesoto Registered Roods flan Feb. 1.19444 st a dissomt to yield 4450%.en1d. Lacy afmaa So e:d.eade for cartaia boaas caned !a the atndag food.. as eameretsd Sa Oomailmlr #91663. approved Feb. U. 1932. and s=ue to oNatttete the lollorind $10.000 State of Miaoesato MM$storsd e ar July 15, 1943. 1000, r • r • 4 a vs.. }5. 194j 5.000 a a • a e Joe 1, 1954 25.OW s r • s • tab. 15. 19+ to yirad 4.90%. Omryteoller m. T. Bastt meds a motion. 4sooaded by Omedssioaer UtT000ld arm atmmiawdt married, that Lao aoo"ItMiaa of Kell p mckey Oa,.. aoy be accepted end rasaameadsd to the Cammil. the matin tharecgon aijourned. tmv'ar Appror� Ae.ottiaio pasel8sat pion# Fincma Oomp"'I'v l..ofnoto 'Vocrataw o.�,.., .o_,...... CITY OF/Ml , ST. PAUL ri�c NO. 918 V OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 7„ COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR ESENIEo By M1' GATE- _ WHIMS, Welle-Dickey Company of St. Paul advisee the Sinking goad Committee that they are unable to deliver the $50,000 State of Minnesota Registered Boffis due Feb. 1, 1944, at a discount to yield 4.50„ which they offered in "change for certain bond. owned in the stoking funds, ae m®eiated in Council Tile /91663, approved deb, 11, 1932, and wish to substitute the following $10,000 State of Minnesota Registered 4}s dna July 15, 1943 10.000 • , • • Dec. 15, 1943 5,000 • w Y w w Jun. 1. 1954 25000 P Y ■ Y .1 Y Teb. 15, 1944 to yield 4.50, and C WR&RUS, the Sinking Fund Committee has recommended the accepteaue of the substitution of Welle-Dickey Company, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Ti—e and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to accept theBgb4u stituttonOff Well „a Dick- (Company consummate consate the transaction. I I111ii Yea. courvCILMEN Nays Ad.j nvrov 1n.K.v.as �y,el .r.ci�,v ,.I. 19 Conroy `�I .,aeo,mu°e, Ir M 9 McDay onald Iv (+vor APP�cd/, 17UL 19 Rosch l Again., ` / MAYOR i Svdh.—, i Mr. P—idcn, B—dim CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. -846 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK U IL s RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' orv_ WHEREAS, There is held in the Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul five Village of Sauk Rapids 6% Improvement Warrants, dated December 1, 1927, of $500 each, due as follows; On December 1, 1933, December 1, 1935, December 1, 1936, December 1, 1937, and December 1, 1938; and WHEREAS, The Village of Sauk Rapids has offered to pay said bonds on a basis of par and accrued interest, and the Sinking Fund Committee has recommended that said transaction be made; and WHEREAS, The Council is of the opinion that the Village of Sauk Rapids be permitted to take up said warrants on that basis; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and'dlrected to accept in payment of said bonds from the Village of Sauk Rapids, par and accrued interest. c_ r. x...va—as v.— s„^enol YeascourvciLM ery N., Conroy / C.. McDonald („ Ir, favor P.arrr Rosen Again s, S.dh—cr Mr. Pasidm B.ndhr APP. f. // mnroa 2�..9,�a rebraary 29. 1932. ♦ meeting of the Sinking rood Cittee .rag held this day to the Mnycr.e Office. Praeeat. Garb—d Redlle. Mayor, J. H. McDonald, Con' mieeioser of riaamee and Dm. V. Scott, Comptroller. Th. meting ma held to disease the contents of s letter feceived From the Treasorer of the Village of Sank rapids in 'hirh he stats- that due to financial conditions they will have to tefinsaee their bonded debt ever a longer Period of time in order to meet their indebtedness hen dna, and offered to Fay the City of St.peol par and accred Interest for $2,500• Village of Sm@ Rapids 6% imprevmomt earrants, dated December 1, 1927. $9DO doe u follosst On December 1, 1933. December 1, 1935, December 1, 1936, December 1, 1937, and December 1, 1935, drich an held in the General Sinking P.A. A motion sae made by Comptroller Swtt, .&waded by Commission - McDonald, and menimomly carried. that the offer of the Treasurer of the Village of Sank Rapids be accepted and recommended to the Conseil. The meeting thexevpon adjoarned. Approved Mayor Er -officio President. Comptroller Ex -officio Sacratery. r h��Is42 THA H CKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED�ZOTj �[—TO 'EDF INC�OIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED D. THE COUN-, MAR 11222 - APPROVED II I 11EET 10111--F0-- 134 883 99 0954e3 7# I 7 i I � f I I couNcaMervrv-no��cn o co o E - corvnor COUNCIL RESOLUTION 9 No. AUDITED CLAIMS ---Febsaer ..2 Y 7 noeery ,,u.rve. nEsouvEo. .rv.. crvEuxe ne o���.� rv��.r lrvueun.. .uorvE�wen ,o ,r..00.no..e .sou . _. �o�enirvo l.n nne. survo�e crvEc�. rvu„neneo 2n41 ,o _ 2095 rvuneen _. _crvEcus IN FAVOR OF TOTAL en . aaopo�TroawAap 134863 8;� 2' • 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 200555 6 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2o69 2070 2071 20732 074 Tri-State 4 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 208j Elea M. Obst, Trees. R.Co. Elea Y. ChatTress. R.Co. Elea M0bet: Tress. R.Co. Raea Rothe ohild Calhon P, ptCompany Bps 'ial t Printing Company Ca bon Paint Company A 1 Stenographio Bureau S. Berglund Lumber Company 5. Brand Coal Company Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company M.A. Gedney Company Gering 9upp1Y Compsay Goodrioh- Slvertown,lno. ;rig e, Cooper Com➢anY A. 0. Horn Company Kennedy Brothers Arms Company Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company National Lead Company Northern States Power Company Clasen CandyCompany Peilen and Pellen 0.0. Rindall St. Paul Broom Mfg. Company St: Whits Lead & 011 Comoany Sanitary Food Mfg. Company Tel. & Telg. Company Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company Geo. R. Turnquist Mrs. Minnie B, wollaa O.M. Ander eon Lumber Company; Farwell, 0==. Kirk Company Farwell, Oamua, Kirk Company Farwell, owun, Kirk Company A, C. Horn Company C.A. Pearson Company Tri-9tate Tel. & Telg. Compagy it 'I '! �u G �I 1 7 209 3 52 7 5 414 7 341 9 165 9 93 8 90 1 1 ls2 63 1 3 5 6 168 4 52 9 179 6 1379 2 446 3 26 9- 10 0. 15 0 3 3 31 6 82 8 . 297 1 5 0 20 0 62 7 169 4 66 0 170 0 148 9 30 4 26 4 I III h N 1 2084 Trl-State Tel. & Telg. Compai'y Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compa4y 93 4 44 2085 II I 11EET 10111--F0-- 134 883 99 0954e3 7# 0 o cw ro n.v �c1 6 F ov He O vwTR eR .,�, NO. srsr - liana O v cL r ca 1 o courlcamsN—Roy Com .comxov -1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS - 29 i2- 1ES011ED ° T- 1 TTI T"I ° ---- --� c� TOTAL E "umasn IN FAVOR OF c"cc xs I' °4am c"stns ev ew"n sROucHT FOR ARD 4.88 3 8 ® 2086 Revl ew Publl shing Company 505 1 8 494 8 2087 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of DSst.Ct. 2088 St.Paul Tent & Awning Co.I no,17 I? 1 2089 Estelle D. Kelley Fin. III 49 5 15 363 2090 John H. McDonald, C. of 5 639 2091 Jona H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2092 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 5 381 5 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2 102 5 20993 44 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 4 393 5 2095 John A. McDonald, C. of Fin. 55 Po96 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 55 0 2097 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 244 2098 John H. Mc Donald, C, of Fin. �j 2099 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin,7 5 422 1 216 9 2100 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin... y 3 261 3 2101 John H. McDonald, C. of F1 n. 4 438 4 2102 John eon Printing Company, 50 0 2103 Anna Aagner Pelteoh 0 0 2104 JohnH. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 428 3 2105 Donald Quirk 45 0 2106 T,9,'4. Briza 8 1 2107 Mrs, Cha;. C. Ives 10 2108 John H. McDonald, C. ` Fin. 1 164 6 2109 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.j 2 894 6 2110 Lillian Gelssnhoff, Aasl gneel Glen Leahy 45 0 2111 Thomas Parrish 62 2 2112 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 26 700 0 2113 J. J, Gillen, Abstract Clerk 3 5 2114 Elizabeth Redding formerly Elizabeth Adams 145 45 2115 Sobwartz Brotbex e, Inc. 13 5 2116 Feyen Conetruotio❑ Company 17 085 0 2117 Henry Larson II 28 8( 2118 Davie & Lagerman, Agents f r 576 9222 2119 H. Kretz Realty Company 373 001 2120 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 137 47 2121 Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. 500 00jI I 2122 North -vest Roofing & Cornice Co. 139 6oi! S 2123 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2124 Mrc. H. Mitch 13 230 56'� y 156 50p 2125 Fdward Campbell 24 OO 14 sHaeT TOT^—FORwnao 11134 883 88% 1215987 � t 9liili9 Conneil File \n...... -- By CITY OF ST. TALI, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matttr o[ tho nasessmrnt of ..<-_ _. -�. _s fir undte Preliminary Order.. 7 __. Int —d -y 0,d- -de" , Final Order approv,d__AE.E.-7,.— . ..............1!�%1... A public hearing having been bud upon the assessment for the abovr improvement, end said a.n� umint I o mg been further e ,id, red by the Gmnril, and having been c.—d—d fimlly sa[isfaclon, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ascus t be and th, sum, Is hereby in all respects ratified, end the 'mt,, is hrreb_v ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Itemne_v for confirmation. RE 1: L�`H<")(�THE.R RI,601,N'ED, 'I hat the said rise --t be ant it is h-0, dotermined to b, pnyahle in. .. J...--. egnxl itastatlments. MAP ? 1932 Adnpt,d by th, Coun,il__ _.._ __- ___. _ _. _.17. -__I City Clerk, Approved_ ILA! t ITY OF ST PAI 1, OPFI( E Ok 'I HE ( OMMISSIONER 01' 111.1A_'Cll Report of Completion of Assessment 3 1 1, 32 In the F th, ----t of HIna'i—, f., wider 1'relimitmry 0''1" P, 7-2 O"I:nME. I'innl Order_.. $?7w. 7 T, the Council of the City ni St P-1 Th, Cotntni.sioner of Finance 1 the l'.,—, ll h, Wl—m, dit.— ...... -il, m --i —I t. 1, in. urrcd f- —1 in mvveetiao with the ..king of the above —.t, 0," oC $ C- of P,ibli,h $ t a P-0 card, $ Inspeetinn f— 36.44 A.aunt of court co. is f- �,Ii— . 7 T.i,,l 2118, 70 S.,d further reports that ha. 1,,ied the -.1 --t L 10 wit: the s,,..f $ 2,118.7) ,upon each I eery ](,t, 1—t ., P.t,-,l of I—d d"."I henefitrd 1" the —d ictpro. rment, and i. the e,in .,f each 1, pa,t ., 1,,,, eel of N,nd in .,,onl.nce with th, benefit. can thereon; that th., s.id ......nti ni has be. 1"'d, .,,,I that hereto .-A,d, id-lifi,d b, the sig nature f the -id 1— —,1, t, ,, hereof, is the said �t - comF.leted 1, h—, and which is h ..... ith submitted to the C.uaeil f- 1, .-- thrr77ean ns tn.v b, considered p,,I,,,. 41 o..... ,. �.. �,... CITY OF ST. PAl'tAvenue ,'^ t NO.- — ---_ OFFICE OF CITY ii` a...n a�a�`: NCILR Y— WHEREAS, In the matter of t?:e opening, widening and extend- ing of University Avenue from Park Avenue to Dale Street, --hich Involved, among other tinge, th.e condemnation and taking for street purposes of the northerly twenty (20) feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 Sn Block 1, Elfe1t, Bernhsimer & A_ of d'e Adlitl on to 9t. Paul, the Council of the City of St. P au.ly. c on firm ed the award of damages for such condemnation and taking, in the sum of 4F,S 000. W, which award contemplated the wreckine and removal of the northerly twenty (2 0) feet of the building situated — said premise e, and WPEREAS,said premises are owned by Minnesota Milk Company, a torpor a. on, which to now and has been for several years last past operating a milk pasteurization, bottling and distributing plant upon said premises, the suspeneIan of which business would result in creat prejudice to a large number of the employees of said corporation and would be detrimental to lthe general into rests of the City of St. Paul, and �- WnEREAS, the said corporati or, now reoueets permission of the Council of the City of St. Paul for leave to mos said building intact, to the rear portion of said lot and without the new street line and to thereafter remodel and re -face the said building in accordance with plans and spe cificatione heretofore submitted by it and filed with the C6fmlheioner-of Parke, Playgrounds and Public 3uildings, and WP.EREAS, St Se for the best Interests of the City of St. Paul that permission eo be ¢ranted, therefor,, be it RESOLVED, that Minnesota Milk Company, the owner of the above described premises be and it Is hereby authorized to move said balld- Ina to t`s rear of said lot so that the same shall be without the new street line, all upon the condition that said Minnesota Milk Company eh al 1, wit-nin a reasonable time from this date, remodel and reface a aid building, all in accardance with the plane and specifications provldln g. for such remodeling and re-facingheretofore submitted by it to the City of St. Paul and filed in the of flee of t*.e C6mmihhioner of Parks, Play crounde and Public Bnildtngs. urveiLM Ery Nays Conroy Adopred by rhe Coonril Q".QR 9 eae,q 19 �„L May � fi#Hr �. M,c�D7�onald In (a.or ,,may IS sr voa / ",—d— Rund�Agai h I'Cll'..IS', I; 'U �— lt�- F'IARRV Weiss ...oebr osry '6th, p195L. To the Council of the City of Saint pau1. gentle men: In connection with the widening of University ;,venue, the Minnesota Milk Company, as a result of negotiations with the Bureau of Valuation .and Assessments, was given n nvar3 of eighty-eight thousand (y8B, 000) dollars for the damage to its Property at the Southeast corner of Unlversity and_estern Avenues. It w agreed, in connection with Said ndju stmen t, that all the salvage in snid building should be the property of said ',!ilk Co,pany, but that buildings thereon at,an,d not be moved, but should be wrecked, or at least that portion standing, upon the 20 feet taken by the City. The property, as you k M , was o copied a milk plant in which milk is received, bottled and taken by drivers from the premises and delivered to cus- temere throu.;hout the City. i t:e Company emPlogs 'bout ninety wagons and trucks in mal', akin[; this delivery and it is necessary at all times to have every facility for quick loading so as to insure prompt delivery of its product. The Company has completed plans for rebuilding and remodeling its plant, which involves tear- ing, down of part of the structure at the South end of the or operty and rebuilding the same and the plans pro- vide to reconstruct the entire exterior and interior of the buil-iing,. The exter for of the building will be a base of blx ek marble and the balance of cut stone, all er which is better shown by the sketch thereof, which 1s here- with submitted. That if eAid building, now used as the milk plant, can be moved back twenty feet, it will be possible to keep t- plant operatinf, while said improve - "ca s are being made. If, on the other .and, it is neces- sary to first out off the Borth twenty feet of the building 'long University avenue, the plant will be closed down unt ll the building can be completed, which will take approx- at the imately three to four months, due to the fact the 1 #2 machinery is so located therein that it will all have to bediamanteled and the operation of the plant discontinued during the necessary period. That the cost of remodeling said building, if said plant is kept operating, is greatly In excess of the cost if the plant were closed down and that portion of the building wrecked and more than one hundred twenty-five people would be thrown out of employ- ment while the plant was closed down and that there would be noadvantage to the City financially or otherwise if said alterations were made by wrecking. My clients, therefore, ask that per- mission be given by your body to move said building back twenty feet and that after said building is so moved, it will keep said plant in operation and will proceed with the alterations substantially as shown by the sketch and by the plane and specifications to be filed with the Building Department when a permit is obtained therefor. at. , Attorney lot, 6 nneso a Milk COEpany W. -T o.. o ... .o ... �..... CITY OF ST. PAUL ri Lr �NO, 9011 /�,. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA FORM By 15s' Orv— g`f`�/�d/J WHEREAS, Jo.eph H. Maaek, the owner of Lots 2 and 3, Masakts Rearrangement of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 89, West St. Paul Proper, has instituted suit in the District Court against the City of SaintPaul for the recovery of damages in the sum of $2,000, predicated upon the claim that said real estate was injured and diminle had in value in said sum by reason of the public improvement effected by Bid City adjacent to said property, on South Robert street from Concord et rest southerly to Tyler street, involving the change of grade, regrading and paving and other improvements; and WHEREAS, It has been proposed that said suit be settled and that all claims of said Joseph H. Masek involved therein be com- promised and discharged by the payment to him by the City of the sum of $300.00, which settlement and compromise have been recommend- ed by the Corporation Counsel, and are deemed advisable and for the beet interest. of the City; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be end they are hereby authorl zed to pay to said Joseph H. Maaek the aum of $300.00 in full comproml Be and discharge of hie said claims, upon the exe- cution and delivery by him of a good and sufficient release, and upon the dismissal of said action with. prejudice to the plaintiff. Yca'/cour+c Lr..ary Nay',/ Conroy May / McDonald In favor Pearce O Rosen Apain.r Sudhclmrr Mr. P ... id- Bundlie. J mnvoa CT. PAUL ITY CLERK nuc " NO._ (��U 12 O P-5ENTED By =GENERAL ;tic �_-, R FORM 26. 1932 W --MEAS, applications for licenses to operate auto c rs for hire upon the streets of the city of St. Paul have been made es follov,s: a I Name !Cake Motor No. Seriel No. State License Insurance Co. Policy No. Geo. G. Barkley Hudson 454788 766097 B-430-210 Midwest Mutsul Co. 10981 C. P. Dunn DeSota 106087 KD400E B-425-268 11020 David J. Merck Chevrolet 2607301 21AE49048 ^ 10946 S. P. McIlravie DeSota 12762 5024101 8456-367 " " " 11011 WHMRAS, applicant% in accordance With Ordinance No. 7321, have filed copies of insurance policies witb the city of St. Paul end said policies have been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, ths at thelicenees be sued to said ppli—ts to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, bi „vnvieions of said ordinance. Ic'm.........,n.....,. ..,. ,,.......'� �i COINCIL Y—/nroy Men YNays May � fd Donald I^ f".or P R—n Again.r /S"dh"i,^^r Mr. prnid"n, Bundha I. :N,�^° ao A^ ,`,° Adop,.d by ,h. Council MAR 2 i0liq. §AR Al v / a..°�....o ST. PAUL v�Lr NO._�J.V FF OF CITV CLERK L OL TIN—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Slat linacase for which applicatiome have been made by persona named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk Se in- et—.ted to issue sash llcenaea neon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUICILMEN Adopted by the Cou,MAR 21932 19 Yns Na" //C_oy Approved a�� M]Y `MR 19 / In favor / MAowld / Ato.cn Ag. -t --% -- MAYOR Sudh°im�r / Mr. P,d Bu.dh� 0. Applebam E. F. Brown John Erwin Bene Bros. Job.Hobert Job. Klein C. Llime.hagen Hoy J. Haden. B. J. Pabst Otto m W. Rohld Go Sem Rossini Frank Stasny Superior Piggly-Wiggly D. F. Bergstrom Blum & Grinini Yrs. G. A. Brands Oscar Brink Geo, Bash E. A. Cooper Jabs W. Ego. We. G -tile Y. Gerlich Hese Broe. C. F, Heller, S. Zaikner F. Yeohoveo E. A. Y..1111 Barry Yagglal G. E. Belson, C. J. Pel q int, Aa. J. Potter, M. Robles, R. Sa,mdere, Steve Sahweitz, F. Stoney Theo Alas & Pa.loe A.A. Anderson We. Aline Bm.lti. L. F. Grab - F. P. Kelly Oscar Batts Hoy C. Killer Y. Isrdi A A. Gatti J. E. Went We. F. A4h, Tony Fargoson A. Boris, W. E. Otto, Philip Pet - lam Co. Standard Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Standard 011 Co. Standard 011 Co. Standard Oil Co. Standard 011 Co. February 26, 1982 918,3 1956 St. Clair St. 178 Western A- 859 St. Anthony Av 740 Blair St. 567 University Av. 1017 Frost St. 850 Selby Av. 520 Stinson 798 Margaret St. 481-7 W. 7th St. 239 Nelson.Av. 341 Goodhue, 570 Selby Av. 991 Payne Av. 825 E. 7th St. 1099 Payne Av. 989 Payne Av. 870 Payne A- 629 Aldine St. 183 N. Western A- 495 Bradley 382 Wabash" St. 740 Meir St. 55 W. 10th St. 1038 Front 999 W. 7th St. 820 Rondo St. 383 Robert St. 957 Payne Av. 977 Payne Av. 710 E. 7th St. 112 S. Robert St. 741 Selby Av. 1111 Arcade St. 341 Gcodhae St. 626 Selby Av. 515 Sibley 840 E. 7th St. 154 S. 4th at. 751 Wabash. St 187 E. 7th St. 541 Jackson St. 106 E. 5th at. 576 Jackson St. 816 Hastings 705 University Av. 1.179 Arcade St. 10,0 R. Mexylend St. 420 Mar^ Av. 845 Pane Av. 857 Payne Av. 2600 University Av. 856 at. Pater St. 427 Exchange St. 254 E. 6th St. Bntchar Cooifactioaarp Crrocary Coniactlonary Grocarp con��ctionarp Cn-o¢ary Contactlonarp Gro¢ar7 Coaia¢tloaery Cryo¢. y, Balcar7 CoaracOlonary Gro¢arp ReatanraaE Ga a1^a Station S pumps 4 ^ g e g n • S ^ 4 S '3 S ^ a g Standard Oil Co, Geo. Bush Barry 9-g81o1 Garvood Boiler Sales Go Joe. Breisler Aaron Sa aner Y. Russel Feb. 28, 1952 458 Self A- Gaeolina Station S pumpa 870 Payne Av. Poolro® 2 tables 585 Robert St. 8 b—ling allege 420 B. Hennepin Av Yple Oil burner 989 University Av. 2nd hand auto parte 415 Rice St. Junk dealer 581 Yiaeieeippi St. CITY OF ST. PAUL r�cr� NO, til I F CIITTY�CLERK o^o'N• vREs OLUER TIQJ<GENAL FORM TEo Y�- TE p Ora ebsry. 281 6! a coM�sioMEr+ _ _ - WHEeE6S, applicatLoas for 1lcaneas beve bem wade as follows: Sem Cob® 589 Gates St. Grocery application 54 Vel G.Ners on -ski 985 Randolph St. Cfeetimery a 562 Jn11ne Poore 515 R -d. 8t. 4 pool tables 555 118SRg1.9, the Dnrean of Health rano®mds denial of Grocery liomae, applicatim 54 issued to Sam Cohen, and Confectimery license, applicstion 562 issued to TU' Ymrawald, and wbareas, Jm11ws bore has withdrawn epplicatim 555 for pool room license; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. be and they are afl by authorised to refnmd to 8m Cohm, the fee of =10.00 and to cancel said tion 54 for Grocery license; to refsad to Val D. M1lr WEU, the fee of $10.70 and to cancel applloatlm 562 for Cmfectic.ery license; and to refund to Julius Poore, the fee of $25.00 sod to cannel appliostlm for pool room licenae. r. .. d MAP 21932 coup LME AdoPrcd by nc� Council 19 Yca. �C.... y N. May // APProved 19 _ McDonald / 1� favor purr, i Roscn Agaiar,r — MnvoA ,Sudheir�er Mr. P,. d.., Bu dlic o.o... .o -.. «.. CITY OFIST PAUL ri.. NO. 91M OFFICE OF CITY CLERK jCOIJNC;IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Paas111E1 er -1�L /. onTEFebruary 29, 1932 coMMissiory-a_ �j `�'1 - - --- RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purcha Ting Committee in awarding contract for furnishing approximately 2,10o,000 Gallons Road Oil No. 1, 1n four different grades as 1', red, at a price of $ .0366 per gallon, to the Department 1 of Public 'Work, for the season of 1932, to the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (IND.), they being, the lowest responsicle bidders, making the total amount of the contract approximately $76,860.00, to be delivered as required, 1n *ccordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporati— Counsel Is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #8755. 1 rr ^ Yea: cuurvciLM N.,AdoPied by rl,c Council MAR 19 - Coaroy May V4pt+ McDonald fa In vor AP 9 / Pearce i Kona A......- / MAYOR 5„dhc�mar J ^ Mr. P,—d— Baadim ... ITY OF aT. PAUL �o iwci� No. 9116 o......., ..�.. OI CE OF CITY CLERK 7 OUNCjL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM corrnlse`lo°Nei-_._onre. larch 2, 1932 _— RESOLVED In the matter of paving Ramsey otreet from Pleasant Avenue to Western Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89696, approved July 1, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90367, approved Sept. 8, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. my - ro"`w 1 J I I°' unvi:J erv..„ se sloxa"r. x. nx. I �Yeae eouneiLrnEN Nay. a.nn i Ferguwn McD... Id In favor Rohl.nd S.dh6— v-ggainet nzel Me. P e6devt Nodg.on Adopted by the Council___ 19 MAR ^ loog A ov jrri_ .�Noa 19__ �r Dema. 916V COUNCIL FILE NO sa ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- gr ding-and_paving_Ghailes_SYsent_Sr_om_Yatlda7.10._SY.SS_@5 to_:ha_wEeL_ Line-af_L1ev81and _A_een� _ YAC atad+--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 0012__________________approved _Q0to3ieir__?2,_-1931 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and be said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C.-61 recommends is__J3z'ade_ and nave IIlat=lea_SS:xaeL1'Lom_Yanda].,1.a_SCP�@S._5o_the__yrest _line_of _Cleveland _Avenue ______________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- 29f1'L____day of Md ch._19Z2__________)GBE.E__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thep so and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the rimprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council[; --- 1Q3'2--------- 192____ Approved_______________________ 192___ City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman �� Councilor n F,,-,, 1 Councilman. Councilma 1:. ..... Couvolman � udba-t n�.r Councilman W&TMPtx Mayor XKUdWx Bnndlie Form B. S. A. 86 COUNCIL FILE NO._ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M,tter of_LnnsYsncsin.;_nur_bag on _>zchefler _Avon=,__s9uth_a7 sIQ ------ to,____._________ under Preliminary Order ------ al= --------------------- approved --------- The Council of the City of Paol having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resohes: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approveb and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__LnnsLi'ssCh_o.rhlnF, -on_;;ct�f fes'--.lssenue�-south_�.�,_Srnab_CrEtib9ner�ue-_tu_;So;LnLLurve_Boul e - _v_ard}-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th e rcof is $__aU 9.3______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ 29511____ day of __Liar ________,#88s__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Coo -1 Chamber of the Court House and City 14,11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give votiee of said meeting to the persons and in the m neer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. =,.. Adopted by the Council________ Councilman fiiRE� C'nn rr.v Councilman. 'Ic l'��uaw Councilman Councilman l�'une Councilman swallow�udl,eir,�rr Councilman WiiiF%% Mayor3kl— B—dlle Form B. S. A. 86 j City Clerk. -- -- ^ --- V 91819 COUNCIL FILE NO By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY _______________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__insL.11in;_crn:v:ex_tai l t,vhts_nn__o=th-Stteat_ ir�_______ flt�_Petar__STseet_ ta_S151cy_�traek,_ 22:e£Rt_ en_th§__n_r_i:a_ s�_ e_ be��,peen _._ }i_rsesafi szaa_Roher_t_Stceat s,_an_'__cn_ tL... an„rr. -..a laet;ee en_Sti_Pster_ Ani_____________________ ____ _---- ___------ _--- ___------------------- -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- ¢1SZA______ _approved_�I:.nvurs_29r_L432_________ The Council of the City of Pan[ having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adapted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Sn, tes1L orstuae=ta] llama;.s_nnxoarYl��StseEt_Srn2_�t__�eSat _ itrs eSyou_ SL*.1ep_ �lsastr_escept nn_ S.ba_norl:h_s:sle_ixets¢een_ldinn�snta _:utd_ BohaFtStseets,_s�_on_the_sossth side_heLvcc>L_Sh._3e_tes_sw1_ilnbasha_S*.teats--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ____________________________________ _____________________-_______-____-___ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_14x400 e00__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on —d improvement on the ----- 3th_________day of DLrA11^_14.�57.__________y3�.___, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the per and in the m r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, the nature of the timprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. r qq ��r��syy�a .up4 Adopted by the Council_,t�9___Sr_------- 192____ Approved_______�a^ ' ___ _____ ____________________192___ __ ' City CI<rk. �_____--__-___ ayar. Cea cilm ,��r�� �I11:. —— 3 / Couveilman I'.nne Cnaneilman cmmeilman �� s m enner Councilman 7e6ccut Mayor Nw me Bt dlie Form B. S. A- M -SD20 COUNCIL FILE NO._ •se n.v:as rao.ii ..sic r.v.rt B O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the matte, ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- - - under P,clinum.q Ond ---------------- 21.E3A -------------- pp,o-d ----- ------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commission,, of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having emunds,ed said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the -. me is hereby approved If and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the -t— of the improvement which the Council recommends IL------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft. Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had Im said imp—em— no the___ __ gHtll ------- day of _Yxil,b_ 1 "9 ---------- 2912--, at the jum, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chanute, of the Cman House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan! That the Commissioner of Fina..e give notice of I said meeting to the ons and in the In ... � fmm,.�,d by the Cb,,t,,, stating the time and place of hearing, the nam,c of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --MAP --- 2 -IC ------- 192____ Approved__________R192--- City Clerk. /_________ --- — ----------------- 1W.-Yot.— Councilman Conroy ✓ ti— L:), Councilman n CouncilmanNoseu C ... �:. — , - 'u o C 6.di,cim- Councilman Im.peask Mayor Dieu m B-icilie For. B. S. A. 86 .n 91821.. COUNCIL FILE NO........._... e. r..vurrvenne .oe rvva�.- Hy .ia.watt.. si`sii uv erv., CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs —1 expanses [or e onstructin-1 r -strurtinr ant ropairin- cement siievalks, SstI.ste Go. 4, •Contrset 5994 - sawn 1931. .,ss,issable-- 90489 Hos. .�t. endo Luluth .. .�. 83228 �adnr t., rest s1'.e, Se..inn ink at .set eien th 5_. the .ce north 150 `t. --.:on-Assessablo-- ' 90409 Rose ,from-.readis -1t.-uluti. F:'.:90488 Snmmlt•Ave., east side, 1. front of,t:sthedral Park from so,.tth side elby .. air tom. t• �. _...._�.ay..w. ..�• the above i_mpro.ement fo -mg ben. submitted to the Cuunril, sod the Council having considered same and found the said -,aa .-L,, -to,, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said nssaasment b. end the sem, is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the30th _day .i lif—h._— _-.. ___. __., 1932.., at the hour of 10 o'rloek A. Df-, is the C .... it Chamber of the Conn H .... ..d City 11,11 Building, is the City of St. foul; that the Commissioner of I•Sasn11 give notice of said meetings, as r,goi-d by the Charter, stating is .said notice the time end plat. of hearing, the nature of the improvement- the total cost thereof, end the amount assessed against the lot or lots .f the particular owner to whom We notice is di—t,d. ,pe MA •' R 2 Adopted by the Council •'��r� - -- -- • 19.--- fti 1 Approred _. __. _...10... C.n eilm n3MWM—rte Cn, Cn..61—n Olrl)ou.ld ,i ... cilman >Iny e e neilman \�•„ep J .nncilm.. udh.imR C.nn ihaan V;ww Mayr Sx Bundlle - City Clark. 1:. _. 3 -.- ��- 911322 .r ,., W. .,a 1: a is... COUNCIL FILE NO..._.._.._.. _...._......._...._ uo.ganm"` wo. a. B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter of the eaeeesment of benefits , costs and expenses for nstructin , r nstructin- and r=p,lrin,� cement sidewalks .etinate 'o.3, Contract 5994 - season 1931 --Assossa`le-- �. 90213 N. an'? ':5', corner Annapolis St. end Hall Ave. N. corn or .. ,,,polls t. ani -tyke, Ave. 1:, and N. corner Annapolis Wit. and .:lnelow P , U. 89996 Curtice St., south slde, from Hlverview .,vs. to Oakdale e.v e. ,v. 87155 Tyler .It., north side, bs,_inn lnc, at Htunt,ol"t Ave. thence Lk- es 170 ft., 9089 Lke i; onto and Phalen Ave, from ,road* A. to Vlore et St. --`ion-..sseseable-- la..t. 90215 N, and N, corner Ann *polls 9t. and Y.vll Ave. N. corn:,r Ann,pol is t. an try.— N, 5 an�1 N. ',. corner Annapolis t. an _,ve 1—low Ave. 89996 Curtice outh s:3e, t, ',IV" iiv erv1 ew .:v . to Jeklal:, 90213 Yauquier "�t., �Northe est corner o. ..tlant ice'.t. �. 90489 Jessamine St. from =orost 5 to .,rc ade 5t., _ Lake :;onto and Phal— A^e, from �rcede ..« Mai. �y _ ,.. _....., 19.32., at the hour of 10 o'rlork A -M.. iw the -( nvail.4:hamha, ot. the Cal" Houae and (it, Hall mskling, in the City of St. 11av1; that the C'--h-i.... of Fihanec In— notice of said meetings, ea rc:luirM by the Charter, elating in .aid notice the time end piece of hearing, the netnrr of the mpro —st. the total coal thereop and the amount aaseaeed against the lot or lots of the parnrular owner to whom the notice is directed_ Adopted by the CaunAZ ril AR 9 'o" 19- -- _- tOn.. City ('lerk. App—ed _. _.19.... ,,layer. Count dmen � Conroy '� .�ICUovald Cov e'hn ;In rc lr coat.,ilm Cou nilm Ito-• v Con cilm n 1 uAl,eimer Covvcilmav 1> .atx Mayor E,,,&,df B—Ilis COUNCIL FILE By— ------ Th, easesemctit Of f,, Od i. OnectiOn with the tib- i., ...... 0, ha iOg b,,. snbmittcd to thr Council, end the Council hexing sidd came and f d the said ___, there fl- b, �l RESOLVED, That the said -111-1-t be and the , is hereby m Oit P11t, appy "I RESOLVED FURTHER, ThOt 0 ,bji, J,rn.g b, had on said assossmca on the29th __..day Of MRrab 19.32-, 932, at the. hour tr of p) o'clock A It, i. the Council Chamber.b,, Of the C -Olt 0,,, City 11.11 jj,,ij,jjOg, i. the City Of St IIO,1I; that the Commissioner Of Fina.ce give Of said meetings, os I by tha "Ol Og 'It .id now, th, time and place Of hearing, the .attire Of thr mpnt. the t.t.1 -t th"Of, ..d lh, amount xss_d i,., the 1., or 1- Of the P.,'.1" .-1 t, whom the notice is directed. M7 IQ" Adopted by the COO -ell 19 City ('lark. vAtT Approved y - lc Do ld Oy l en Pearce c C..O,i man �C.O.61_ B.ndli "ity" t, o.o....o=•.==.... CITY OF ST. PAUL E C . 1 v p OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ry OU C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NAS 6 109E MAYOU's Orric_Q COMM ss o _ �u _— RESOLVED i That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into se, agreement with James Simone, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by remson of injuries received by his while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 31st day of Jen nary 1932; be it rDHSHEH RXSOLP&D, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said James Simone the was of $72.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General rand, in final settlement of his claim against the city, ,<. being for the period to and including rebruary 22nd, 1938. g[ras oUNci�M eN N.Yz �/ Conroy / h1eT / M,D—Id f—, P— R.— .// Againsr LIr� �1G0 k't en. �uu. c. �ic Adop«d by hc Council W 2 1C-)9 App, /—dd C* y voR o.�oi..�.o �•.+�. ..//_ 10Y?. CITY OF ST FIAUL LE NO. OFFICE OF CLERK UNCIL66RFBp LU ON -5 RAL FORM PRESENTED ByrvEa ."4./(/1/71LIlYZ'1-�.. on RfiEo)IAffi( _. WHEREAS, At the invitation of the representative. of the City of Saint Paul, the West Central States Regional Conference of Civil Service Administation will be helve, in the City of Saint Paul during the month. of Hay, 1932; and WHEREAS, It will be necessary for the representatives of the City of Saint Paul to provide a program and other in- cidentals for this conference; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a sum not to exceed Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) be and the same 1s hereby appropriated and set aside for this purpose from the Mayor's Contingent rand. ......... . "ina ooi"^ e ° ^^ om*« oe son ... n. e ) A eoury elLMEry o Y- NN.,Adoed ptby she Cau nail Cooc"y MAo".Id i^ fa^or Apyo^cd� Ro,cn Acn.� arca p p� Mr. e. oe�Pres�Su°Od eimar - FORM No. -2 sabjeois 'If Council File No. Date presented 1932 WABREA.4, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of en emergency which rendered na.as,ary the employment of certain employee of his Department Por more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said ppment being more than ueval hours of employment, therefore, be it eeol�ved, Thet the proper city officers are hareby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: RAU TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Edward Walsh Common laborer s hr.s. .45 John F. Conroy Uty.laborer 10 .55 Daniel O'Connor 18 .68 • • Nicholas J.Wagner 455 man Leonard Munson Sub-fore4 bre. .62} a 4 a g Royer Uty.laborer 4 " .5b Jack Heihart Iron Worker - Erecting 4 • 1.25 Aye. JCo-Oilmen Nays oarcy McDonald ///l Aoaea X' Sa�eimar tVice Pros. Scdnauner General 9nperint endeat Adopted by 1_ _.-9YG Approved _1932 FORK No. 2 8nb3eot: Council File No.1�325 Date presented 193E WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Publlo D"Illies has reported in e000rdonce with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an em^rgency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee Of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said 2mnlflgment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it leisolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate Otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Edward. Walsh Common laborer 8 hre. .45 John F. Conroy IIt�.labOrer 10 .Sb Daniel O'Connor 18 Nicholas T.Tagnar " " 4 " .55 Leonard Kunson Su4 Kane Sub -foreman 4 bre. .821 Roy er 4 ■ .56 Roy Bene IIty.laborer Jack Nelhart Iron Worker- 4 ^ 1.25 Erecting AyesJCeunoilmen Nays onroy KnDonaid / 3 X932 Adopted by the MAR 1932 Rosen 1952 mss. --Fs Swd'`_.Ss� ^ Approved Vic. Pres. S. rov d• AA / eonar ompa General Superintendent :*air ,. ... � ..... ,.. ... Form go. yaroh 1, 1932 An e,erg.noy lee arisen In the Department of Public Utilities Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more then eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Re ai service connection at II Portland Ave.* i d end Hezel Park pumping Stations.* operating This h- This emergency arose by reason of the following fsots and ciroumstenoee: *Leak in connection **Operating stations an Sunda Le nand H. Thompson General Superintendent - `-- THAT CHECKS BE I DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT RESONED, OF 3n.18E.29, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 21 P(. TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ APPROVED B �n a J 4 No y�82b vNCIIMEN—ao�� CA— ' co a c°rvxov it j COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Laroh_2 3.2_ t .. °323,182.28 �rvE°ns rv"Maa ° as Mr Vi,, TOTAL IN FAVOR OF rv�Ma.A aao���r Fonwaao _ � en= 141, • 2126 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin, +— 292 0 2127 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 812 5 2128 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 261 0 2129 John H. McDonald, C. of Fina 9 533 2130 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 12 228 7 2131 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. !i 128 399 9 2132 John H. McDonald, C. of Fina j� 114 117 8 2133 J.E. Hood Company 22 5 2134 A.C. Horn Company 411 6 SII 2135 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 36 732 5 2136 Board of Public 'Pelfare 9 941 8 2137 Braunig and Sona Company 101 4 II 2138 C.3. Stewart, Supt. 56 o 2139 John H, McDonald, Cof Fin. 55 0 2140 John H. McDonald, C., of Fin. 155 2141 John H. Yc Donald, C. of Fin, 2142 J,e. Pavli0ek 53 6 2143 Joe. Pavlicek 117 1 2144Gr1g„s, Cooper 6 Company �� 5 1 2145 Haneook-Ballon Mercantile C04 122 1 2146 A, P, Hereohler Factory 119 9 2147 McFadden -Lambert Company 383 9 2148 Sanitary Food Mfg, Company 115 9 2149 Johnson Service Company 126 7 2150 Johnson Service Company ��i 2 681 0 2151 JohnsonService Company 1 275 O 2152 S. Berglund Lumber Company 105 7 2153 Brown and Day, Inc. 52 4 2154 Burne Lumber Company �i9 6 5 2155 Calhon Paint Company 30 8- 2156 Cleveland Ave, Meat Market 9 951, 2157 Corning -Donohue, Inc, 103 98 2158 R.E. Funeten Company 1 5 07 2159 Goodrioh-311vertown,Inc, 67 6 2160 ,lrayber Electric Company Iii 49 47'. 2161 A.B.Hervin 3 75 2162 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 45 02,, 2163j Robert M. MoAdam 00, 2164 Marrinen fedical Supply Co.Igc.3 1% 2165 F.J. Morse and Company 9 8711 2166 New California Fruit Company 7 OBIT • 2167 oi8rlea & Bushnell Company it 62 621, 2168 Royal Naeeau Soap Company 4 90j 2169 St.Paul Builders Material Co. �i� 108 59 2170 Sharp and Dohme 8 761 2171 S. 9. Spencer company 39 74 2172 Vaughan Seed Store1� 13 03111 217} Vita Crisp Diet, company 6 6011 2174 '�eetinghouee Electric Supply Corp, 12 671 2175 Amherst 'slider Charities 50 On" 2176 J.R. 'Nil eon 47 On. 2177 TnlvP rt ne B... tom any li 17, i s.+EEr rorn� Foawneo 323 182 2@ .e c'••cL••• i/�I COF ST. PAUL OFFICFJOF CITY CLIER- COUNCIL /RESOLUTION—GENERAL _ i°i NO91wo.,.,.�. 91wITY, FORM lurch 2, 1932 RESOLVED McDon.ld [n favor That the grade of Alleys in Block 2, Peck's Addition and clock 2, Oxford Addition, from Oxford Street to North and South Alley and from Charles Street to Edmund Street, In accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Ycou EN Nay. Chnc9 McDon.ld [n favor Rohl.nd sndheiwer__ _ Aa•in.t 9 nni5`oo Adopted by the Coundl_ AI" 9 14i2 19 I 'i yaC 19— Counnil File No 91" PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undmeigoed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, 'i - relay @Ad req&ir ia.:relay..@Ad_repair_. where _neceasary_.the _aidewalk __._..__.. on the south side_ of Rondo_. St, beginning 184 ft, east_oP thenae...east 7e ft___ Dated thia...lat ..day of _Ifaroh v. A wMlttewe n _ __ _ _ �,-nr tM1e relawleq Imore�emev4 b�r W PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ' Recoustruct,relay end repair where necessary_the side ...... _on._the.. pouth_aide.. of_Rond..o._at. _ kegi[IT.tinR..184_t.t.—eaa.t._oi ..._ . ..._..__. ........ F@r.anxtaa. A,xe...._theuce...east...7R_it._._ having been promoted to the Council of the City of St. Paul.. _._.........___....__....._._-- __.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thatthe Commimioner of Publie Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the vem city for, or deeirnbility of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To ivveetigete the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvemeet, sed the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a phm, profile or sketch of acid improvement. 4. To @tote whether or vot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mom ownme 5. To report upro ell of the foregoing matters to the Commimioner of Mom— 3 1932 Adopted by the Counul _.... ..._..._...._.___.__......_._ Yase Neva Councilman Connor *'... Approved .._.. _.____.._.. .._..___._..._ McDousao PeAaoS 8eeernr.� / ...._... ......__..._...,/................... ..___....__........... Ma-Penem.w� v/,//A` Mayor. Mrd Vioe Prea. Sudnaimer � off. nCITY OF ST. PAUL r,�e �a NO.. _.11829 K MM'AR 4 IM 0FFICE��� ��r�Occ�c�F CITY ERK OUN I ION NERAL FORM — MAYAj'5 lilt F1YI: oMMissi11— O7EMarch 4l 1932._ RESOLVED That the sum of Fifty Dollars (=50.00) be appropriated for the payment of the 1932 membership dues in the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, Inc., which sum shall be paid out of the Municipal Airport Fund (Maintenance 21 F4). Yea. eoorvei�M Ery Nays , WDon.ld 1I. f—, SeNm�. R, Mr. Vlca�pres. e3uR°helmer "ieso eo�`ee :ac 0ee e z�x iR u mrio i` " eoo.o. Adapx.d by she Council MAR 4 M9 _.. Apr—d 19 f MnroR e.io....o c... c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._ 911J!)V �.� rile ..--_— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU I R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM cOmMI SSi ONn, WKMMLS, the rirst Securities Corpora onof St. Peal has offered the SidCag road Co®ittes of the City of St. Paul, 1—*500.00 St. Pant 4% Fire Dept. B—d, due Aug. 31. 193T on a 4.T5 basis and. 'HEMS, the Sinking rand Co®ittee has seconmanded the acceptance of the offer of the First 8ennritiee Corporation of St. Paul, and the Connell is of the opinion that the purchase will be for the beat interest of the City of Saint Paul: therefore, be it 2380LFED, That the Mayor, Co d.Sioner of Finance and City Comptroller be and they are hereby anthorised and directed to except the offer of the First Secnrittes Corporation and cone—ate the transaction. Yeas couNCI�M EN Nays M,D... Id In fa.or Rosre Aga. ar S„dFr;m�r iBL'31n[ �n.Y�i.�Ba$rene m x rmrecn res uka� oo nese ifie aec„o ce c o<' Adoprrd by rhe Council MAR. 4._,qq? I9 App --d 19 / NAYOR Hnroh 3. 1932. A meeting of the 9lakin9 Fuad 00mmitt" we held this don Freers. Seltm- Smillie, Sayer. Jahn R. McDonald. Oeamteeiacar of nmom and tr. V Scott. Camptroller. Tho Mot Ssaoritiq. Oorlea-tim of St. Paul Lao offered the dinklM Foal Co mdttoe 1-$9DO.0 St. Fad 10 Fir- Dept. road. due Aag. 31. 1938 on -a b.75 bade. A mets on — —de.bF OaoetaMemes SoDemld. ".Dada& tr COW tsell— Scott eM —cL O47 arrtod. tLat Hw mads:" aoeapt thie offer eM reaammud the Sees to the Comon. ft. —tint thereupon edjo—d. Approved 9r-offl.CIO fteoidaat ss tof lainfid" uer ft—cine!. soarotwy CITY OFST. PAUL NO._%% OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE NTEO v 11T1 RESOLVED; That the propur City officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Chade• Wilson providing for the payment of oompeneation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Rorke, an the 8th-day of iebroary 1932; be it TURTRER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles Milson the a= of $28.80 out of the ■orkmenls Compensation Account of the General Fund, In 10f+54.1 settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including February 27th, 1932. o I.. elIti aE1°n[ 8,°t7,�a6 1111C IMEN MAR 5193219 Y Nays Adopi<d by th. Co°°.il Co°.oy M.D°°aid In favor APPS°VCi" 19 Rosen Apain st - —_ MnvoP 5°d1--, M.. P.nidm a°„dli. WHIMUS, gdward A. Ismer, Inc. has petitioned the 06mail for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Farrington and University avenues; and WEZFd B, Bald petitioner has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, ourb returns, pump location, side- walks, etc. for the information of the Council; and 18f8LS, 1 hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 8840; therefore, be it FMOLVID, That permission and authority are hereby given to said manrd �. Kramer, Inc. to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted= any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tasks and pompe shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the Oity of Saint Paul, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Oommissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Oommissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings; end any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public forks. The permit herein granted for the maintenance of said station shall be forever subject to revocation by the Oouncil whenever said Oonnoil shall determine that the main- tenance of said station oonetitntes a fire or traffic hazard. a.: t �a vaY � � apo,ae�u� Yeas COU111Lm Ery Nay, Adop�,d by fl,. Council MAR ^I9 Conroy MayMn McDonald In favor Ap19 .— Rn. Rouen Agains, .... ...'- --- - MAYOR S.dlb , Mr. N—d—, B.ndbc PUTILISnrn_�_ /_ X334 CITY OF ST. PAUL rac �� NO._.. �y1i7i2V OFFICE OF CITY CLERK PRE TE�BorvEY H NCIL RE I ENERAL FORM - unTE. -- -- — COMM ss _ — _ _ WHIMUS, gdward A. Ismer, Inc. has petitioned the 06mail for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Farrington and University avenues; and WEZFd B, Bald petitioner has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, ourb returns, pump location, side- walks, etc. for the information of the Council; and 18f8LS, 1 hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 8840; therefore, be it FMOLVID, That permission and authority are hereby given to said manrd �. Kramer, Inc. to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted= any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tasks and pompe shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the Oity of Saint Paul, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Oommissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Oommissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings; end any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public forks. The permit herein granted for the maintenance of said station shall be forever subject to revocation by the Oouncil whenever said Oonnoil shall determine that the main- tenance of said station oonetitntes a fire or traffic hazard. a.: t �a vaY � � apo,ae�u� Yeas COU111Lm Ery Nay, Adop�,d by fl,. Council MAR ^I9 Conroy MayMn McDonald In favor Ap19 .— Rn. Rouen Agains, .... ...'- --- - MAYOR S.dlb , Mr. N—d—, B.ndbc PUTILISnrn_�_ /_ X334 Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY --CIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPIACA,riON Is Hereby Made J/ FILED TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) March 1, 1932 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. Re; Drive-in Filling Station, NE comer Farrington h University, Edward A Kramer Inc. Dear Sir: 315 University Ivenue. The above location is In a Light Industry Distriion is ZoningcOrdinanct and ae without lling t athearing permissible ibeforethe Council.Zoning Fogineering Report: The front 20 ft. of this property has been condemned for the widening of University Ave, and in tbq alteration of the building i the applicant intends to construct a filling station in conjunction with the garage. It is recommended that the applicant file with the Department of Public Works a copy of the plan approved by the council. The driveways requested by the applicant do not exceed 27 ft. In width. The repaving of the widened University Ave. will demand a reconstruction of the storm water sewer inlets and no decision can be given that matter at this time on the plan filed. Yours�.r_ W C wnc-mh Ap�tov:7�_ /MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, TH. CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINN-1A APPLICATION is Hereby Made �,v=.P��.�o oV.op,E �o�..�o o� �o. �r'� 6 e�o�� � � 'Alt, z 10 - .S i �I W o/•C• TOJL E 7 .200M. .SG ,C U/GE - - Room d S;' S TA T1 Dh' C 0 � �soLii�c �pr�•,-. t / n S/o'awaLe Jf�ClYl.^1G `r'.2. L'zP11AY.S 14 -7 P✓'C� GFIJ !4 .STATION D/ew. aP�.Pe.s�6y �'O TH• 9 5 COQ Oi' U1?lT/_7-e5,TY ",-Z67' 27 ' ii!/� DePsrhtnet►h Qf ?vblic 5*f" TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET 29, 1952 n Mr. r< J. Cdbb®a, City Clerk, Beim peal, Qinnesote Dear 81r: Betnrned herewith ie the application of gdw d 1. Bremer, Inc. for permission to im-tel end rearrange tha present g. -IIA. filling static° located on Lot° 5 and 8, Block 2T, parrent and Rice's addition, which Se nl m dvenoed. bad ae the northeast earner of IIniveare emd f ?ire end report- of imepe-tion by ° and Traffic. vaCr'" � ,� Conmiseioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL February 29, 1832 Yr. George C. Sudheisser Coamieeiener of Fublio Safety Dear Sir This is in aaewer to yours of February 24 regarding applioetion mde by Edward A. gramr, lac. to instal end -- arrange the present gasoline f11liug atation located on Lot. B end e, Block 27, Marren sad Bioe�e addition, which Is also described ae the northeast corner of University and Farring- ton Aman... In inspection of this location has today been —do by Yr. Fettergran, Superintendent of Traffic, who ak ieee that the proposed installation and re-arnnge®e� x111 act laterfere lith traffic. Very /yttr.17 yours, Thome I. Browa Chief of police THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Feb.23,1932• Hon.Goo.O.Sudhsimer Commissioner of Public Safety, st.Paul,lunn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Edw.A.gremer Inc. successors to Kramer Diethert Inc. for permission too oporate and rearrange present station located at A.S.Corner of Dnlver— sity and Farrington Aves. 11 have investigated the foregoing and report that the desired changes would not inor ease the fire hazard. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. ox,ni HA. OFFICECOF TRE CITY CLERR c. a,. a o..ic.. a� Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ✓ I ,s �Z TO THE HONORABLE, THE OITY OOUNOIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FILED ee -;, o /o THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a i a 211 COURT HOUSE February 89th, 1932- Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application for filling station at the Northeast corner of University and Farrington. This station is to be built in connection awith parttof theeg ground nng of ow University dAby the occupying ppied garage of Edward A. 6raer, Inc. It wtlofbwhichuwill m in connection with the new garage, pa be used for display purposes along University Ave. There is no objection to the location or to the layout of the plant. We recommend that it be granted. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh 0. 0. House Ryland Rothschild C. A. Bassford Mrs. Villars ��._*�>` THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 0w 214 COURT HOUSE February 25th, 19132. os�«m o. �unu Yr. Y. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir t In the matter of application of Edward A. Kramer, Inc. successors to Kramer & Diethert, Inc. for a drive-in filling station at the Northeast corner of University and Farrington Avenues. The widening of University Ave, cuts into this building 20 ft.,and in the remodeling of the build- ing it is the purpose to use a portlmn of the area for a drive-in filling station and the balance of the for auto display rooms. Driveway off of Unlver y Ave\ is to be 27 ft. at the sidewalk line. 1 The Board finds no objection to s location for a drive-in filling station and recomme s that the permit be granted. i Yours ve truly, Secretary. gh-rh p. S. The above location 1s zoned for Light Industry. CITY OF ST PAUL r�Lr� NO.. �FFICE OF CITY CLERK 10 E L FORM S— > RES—TED cy MARCH 1952 RESOLVED WHEHEASr The Comn]sslono, of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of n mergIacy wh Sch rendered necessary the employr.ett of certain employes of his department for more 0*an their usual hour,of employ- ment; thr:refor, be It, RESOLVE 1)r That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorived to pay the following named emi.loyes, at the it rate of herwiso fixed for extra employment for extra .m. time horeinafter set forth: - NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Joseph Langenberger Mtee. Lab. 5 Hrs. .50d $2.50 John Ma -Ravin ° ° 8 Hre. .5q 4.00 Thomas St.Germain Co.. Lab. 8 Hrs. .4q 5.80 Rollin Todd ° ° 4 Hr.. .45 1.80 George Turnqulet ° ° 20 Hre. .45 9.00 �oeN��tMEN MAP 4937 Yca: N., Ad. ,cd by ,bc C- d 19 C .... y May McDonald In favor APL^ aro R19 Rosen 0 Againa, -- S.dhcimcr Mc. Preald— 6..dlfe 1'U tlLlnt te. t. r,1_����✓ O" x I— a._sen in .r_a. If '.h— ei vh; h,— ^r:s Ane ,� y ars-e by reason of he fI"-�++1nd f."- ana rlrcixstm:c— Brok W r— M-1. ,hl s reF".r ., _s _r. —3-c— .,e wi'.h '_ti- s�, ',f '.he Chn_'-er. .•91335 CITY OF ST PAUL ria or, F CITY CLERK DI FI vaesEr+rO irr \ RCN -6 1932, commissea_ _ RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Cor isslnnrr of Educ,:tion has re Forted to the i°ie cl% C cunt 11 Sn a co rd an ea :ith Secti�'.n 53, of the City ;"rem>bAoia,• Charter the c_istenoe of on o-:^rCency ,ihich rendered necessary the �Ir lc }a:.�lt of ee in erptoyrs of his demos •.re nt for emrc ,b c r. the Sr u_un1 hours of employ- ment; therefor, Se St, .. RESOLVED, That the propos city officers are hereby au- thorSzed to pal the folloncing named emfleye s, at the ^ rate othe"I'r fixed for oxtra employment for extra - time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLETIKE RATE TOTAL J O�Blls>< Janitor 20 Hr e. 56'1 11.36 Hilae Fehr Jen. .Eng. 16 64 10,24 George Gtmther ° 10 64 6.40 Charles Re=erlund ° 7 64 4,46 George Hayes ° 3 n 64 1.92 4 64 Werner He sae 2.68 3 ^ 64 1.92 FRatr3ek Rieke, 9 n 6 4 8.76 8.76. Yanska n 16 64 10,24 John Nelson 6 n 64 3.52 Thimothy Roddy 8 n 64 6.12 Bert Seidler 4 ^ 84 2.56 Ju11ue SSkaekl 8 ^ 64 6.12 Oscar Smolensk, 69 2,36 Arthur Story 4 F.O•Turngoist 8 64 3.54 Wm.Vievering 6} n 64 3.62 J. Watson " 2 64 1.25 o COr e gory SOh.Eng. 30 77641 21.9E ° 3 Frank Linn Jan• Eng. 683 1.70 J. F, Goheil Jan. 2} ° 44 1.24 Walter V. Lee Jen. Rng. 6 ^ 84 3.20 Nicholas Stedtfeld 6 64 2,96 Gunn Johnson u 3 64 1.92 Alfred Peterson " 3 ° 84 1.92 Hugh 011Mnne11 Cleaner 24 ° 47 11.40 Frank jDonn ll Y- N" Adop,cd by nc� C...1, l 4F 'i � 19 C .... y y 19 Ma McDonald b In f..or Appro.rd Roam C Ae.i,u1 i mnroa Sudh6 Mr. P ... id.nr Boedlic N has.,_,. -e ce,es., ry 'he esi:oymeni o_ ,.._- '.a'r. _1 ioye s �_ rhe'. �.epa,'.ren', f,r ',han eiah', hl�:•s F o.. ay, in Ioi ne '.he —'r.g r: ._,.. CleenSnR end flrinR Sn schools on account of scoc� Night school activities ''hl- Fiey arose by :•eeson of `he fads 'hle rep-- .s _r. _cjj,oa , 'rvi th Z- .1 -n `.. -he Chn*-- CITY OF ST PAUL �r NG---�-`�"6 FIC CITY CLERK CC/ CI E O ION—GENERAL FORM J cpEinM rvrspNer ✓�/SJ- Maroh •8 ss oR - - - RESOLVED Upon the taco -dationof the Superintendent of the Water Department, the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Controller, Diamond Automatic Valved Model G-9 Soot Blower equipment for the new boiler at McCarrone Station, at a coat nit to exceed $791.00 f.o.b. factory, Detroit, Michlgen, with full freight allowed to 2t. Pau!, without advertis Hent, as the Purc rains Depart- ment has had informs} olds from Diamond and Bayer Scot Blower dealars, and after comparing speclficatl ms, eonculSin the recommendation of the Department for c:hon this purehsae is made, that this equipment beat -zeta the requirements, 2nd as it Is a patented article and no advantage could be gained/by advertising for formal bids. Charge !Rater Department. Yra. Nays Conroy May McDonald In (a.or It�.srn A,iv S��dh��mcr Mr. Pre A—, B.ndlic Adap,,d by ,h, C... 6WAD �'SQq 19 ////Mitt' 19 APProveL�dj.. __ �iyJ,'fJ////////MaroR C -Q--F Y St. Faul, Ca rch 1, 1982 G, C. A. Carlson, P—h—inv A,zent, Cttv of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: Af+er hr.vlr: "'.' carerul et,,J- to the 11 11-1 bSds subnitte3 bo vovr office for the furnishirz of a soot blower ae requlalll ,ned `or uee with the n— boder now b=Ing ina@alled et V, Carron F,;^.�: �g Sta `ton, and after having given due etude to e m^rata of the a veial vak es, I ev >f the o;inlcn thet it Se to the be^t ir.t=reeta of the Board of Tater ^_omm1=-l�nera tI curch-gee the Dia—ad not blower, in acr orda nce ^1!h vy previoup letter,-ritten nyder date of Ft ruery 11th. Yours very 'ruly, (Sian=t) Lennard 1. Thaaoaon Den eral Superintenient C 0 P Y Mr. C. d. Carbon. Furon—' nc Asent, C1ty of Saint Feul. St. ::.,!, February 11, lc32 Dear sir: At a M—tlnF of 'he 2oerd Of yeter C—Mis.-..loners eb ruery 10 tT., it ^'as v -ted to rurc ha se One 'o mF let2 T:arc :nd soot ^'-na equlrment fo^ '=- w!th the new holler whl ch w1i1 b= !nstallad _ S.c Carron Pump+.nF Stati-n, as a paten"e3 a`tirl=. 9equisitlln #22207 for that 'y'.: i; mr is etta chsu h2 ret :. For —1 Sn`^rmatlr^., t�:er2 sr= f .:r —'_1 known types cr meksa Of s ntol one -re —"Its to red end rnJ the �.a rket today -- s is handled by J" 1 Whitac :e Com pc ny Sn 3t. Pa.:1; Yr_s 3eyer, handled Jy the Fuel Ec�ncmy Eng:`cerSna Com_.=.ny .' 3t. r, �1; the Car L;n, hart it ed tY 3rb ins � Cary & Sands Company I, St. Pa ,1, nd 7u1 ce_ :^.S ch cpm �a i� s� fa= .. .. - no local r2prfl a ante tive. T:n= Frin 1F'_es cf cgerstlon -il four are ver.: si...ailar, conaleting eeeentlfl lly Of e tube carrel nr a ser les of rmalla sesr of s or orlfloea Fo siti—I at auivacle loca`.1 :n wit`.in t`.e Pa- the holler, these elements te!.nr rrtr,t ed bYe ha❑d by rz nne of a a"iteble or erati,F mechanlam or sn-call- r`tirel, in 1`e tinetructlrn differences betveen t''r varl— ::.e..:e. - of this operatin head and t'- censtructlon of t- nozzl =s Sn the I do not believe tcet the 10 rione 13 '-!Etype bof -poet blo•v^.r would Care t� ;'J TC:. -F2 fes_ use wit=- £nis a'_ler. The Dismrrd, Vul-h on.t Sayer use a desizn that Ss aim.-st identical 2xce2t for sno verY important feature. T9ie fes lure crneists of entomstieally cont—lit-the rrenlng an '. closing �` *he steam odr..leelon valve arc1 the ao.t blower head tiro u3_*. e eui table Sear arrsnge—nt so that the soot blower rill only operate over sueh a Portion of its travel as ray, be d_„lred, e amcunt of thi^ travel b�;-.F pry -?star a.i ned en1 def ir.S taffy fixed for each =lemen'. at the tise oIs a patented feature, f its installation. This which Ss found On1Y 1. the Die mond eo of -lower. It 1e a very i:nuortalt feature since It reduces the operaticr, to the alaple fuse"!en of -Z - cont" w ny rot"ing tics sort blowing decent until that particular pass Ss clear. It I. impossible with this desl¢n of soot blower for a tarsi^_se ape r.; :or to d'r mage the baffle or t,bea of the boiler and superheater by improper operation. In other -ponds, this feat -e is, I believe, hizhly important and well warrants a hi. -her price. This d=epartment has installeu in the present bailers et ycoarron Btatlon a Bayer s oct blowing equip.ner.t. Iqe have in the cast hai dama,�cC bafflesand lost super:cester elements, due "rtly to Improper a;nratlon in Fpart of tin opera'ors, which, however, is largely doe -a the fact that toe operator h— ti operate tie steam admi—ion v,,lve at t'ie same time that he is rotatinz the element. These difficulties w-10 have been eliminated with the ase of the Disnond equipment. Tin V�lcan equip:neat also lacks til, e,tom.tic patented feature mentioned in connection with the Diamond blower. I believe that the lard± mejurity of ce:ural power pIanta ,as :dacd .=sot bl-Ing eg_�iomant. This equipment can be purch-0 for approximately $900.00, aid it is requested by the 9osrd that it be purchasedas a patented er ticle. Yours very truly, (91wned) Leonard N. Thompson Approved: 8eneral Superintendent (Signed) A. J. Conroy C —1s=ioner of Public Utilities. ` % F1 CITY OF ST. PAUL riaE NO. 9�US71 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,% nU L R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GinaE&ER i-_ " _!orgy/ o W$WB&18, Yrs. Z- A- Gilliland, Bp -rt-. WSecovein, has offered the Sinking lend Committee of the City of St. Pml F 1-500.00 St. Paul 4% school Bond, dee >.pl. 30, 1938 on a 4.50 beat. Bad ll=iS, the Sinking pond Committee has recc®eaded the acceptance of the offer of Yrs. Gilliland of Sparta.Wiacunsin, and the C—il is of the opinion that the purchase will be for the beet interest of the City of Saint Pauli therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Oommiseioner of Finance and City Coaptroller be and they am h®by authorized and directed to accept the offer of Mrs. Gilliland and con.a®ate the tranaactlon; Yea: cou NciLMEN Nap Adop„d by ,hc C .... d MAR 5 1932 19 Conroy M, MIA;, 7 -7," McDonald fa fa.o, Ap/p,o Iq iles— S.dh—., Again /// MAYOR Mr. P—id— Bwdllc *an h t. 1932. A rmeting of the 91n`ing Amd Oesmltteo res bold this den FJM®t. Ityor Oothe.d amAiis. Oa-404om1 It 9lamees J. it. MdDoneld ebd 00-0. troller ' . F. 9oott. Slw 91W-Ang rand Oesndttee 1welved m offer fr Un. Z. A. 6dllilead. TA.. 5i.. of • ,,,do,OB•11F 1%. Panl 9oheel Hmd. dtts Apl. 30. 1930. an a 4.50 mese. A motion vas trade br Omwtrellc eoet4s saemded bir Omadpioner udno mend n..dmuow onrried. that the omadtum seeept this offer sad r'eawmrA the voce to the 0---U- the rooting theraapoa e.yonrnad. Yeror App --d $-offdeie presid®4 ewer riu ae Oooptrollor He•offielo 9oorotW ...,.... �.. �.... A - ..CITY OF ST. PAUL l/ OFFIC�OF CITY CLERK " , � UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OM MI99EONEH_- /- CDATI - RESOLVED .�. " NO. 9105X7 March 5, 1932 In the matter of paving Ramsey Street from Pleasant Avenue to Western Avenue, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. 90367, approved September 5, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. mates t - — Y— COUNCIL NEN Nay, Chncy Fugues' M.D... Id ,� favor Rohi-d , O_ S.dhumu A,i— w—V Mr. P ... id— Hodg— MAR 5 imq Adopted by the Council___ 1 19 Approved. l� r • — 19 -- MAYO' - _ APPROXIMATE yUANTITIES FOR WATER CONNECTIONS ON RAMSEY STREET FROM WESTERN AVENUL TO PLEASANT AVENUE 2 - 3/4" Water Service Connections 4 - 3/4" Water Service Connections (To renew) ITITKAUp 3TAMIxoHggA Hol UOITOMOO UTAW Mo T33HT8 Y3aMAH MOHq VA TKAaA9.Iq OT eiUMVA K33Ta3W floe --O eolvxea selsW np\E - S 210en¢o0 .01—a 1e1sW ^B\S - P R.gIW5EY ST. - SASER} —WATER COn"NEC TEO 5cs,lL/: /00 �a - EWERI WATER NOT CONNECTED a DlqyTolyS V, { s M. R q�EDAY LII AMNA 64 63 1D 9 8 7 6 5.13 2 ! 57 56 55 54 ra' �+e wr l5 Eln `�"a ,SPF NE o� Wa N Z TO, DlqyTolyS V, { s M. R q�EDAY LII AMNA 64 63 1D 9 8 7 6 5.13 2 ! 57 56 55 54 ra' �+e wr l5 Eln `�"a ,SPF NE o� Wa N e e «.., � 'CITY OF ST. PAUL :,°°.H��t NO. UB39 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (TpUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM arch 5, 1932 — DATE RE`SOLVlO In the matter of paving Ramsey Street from Pleasant Avenue to Western Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 90367, approved September 5, 1931. Resolved, That the attached plans and specifications snowing the gas connections to be made on Aamsey Street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a co,.y of this order together with said pl, upon the Northern States Power Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nzys C6ucy Pesgnwn McUossaid 1. favor �..� ReWand.'. C Sadheim Against Wrmsel Mr. Prc ident Hodgson. Adopted by the Council 19 -IVfRR 5 A�^ l App,o ScA--.-._..19— - MAYOR - AP ROAIJ TL 4UANTITI-:; FOR GAL; CONNECTI if- ON RAMSEY STi—T FROM WujT.EN AVCNU� TO ?LLAikNT AV;:NUE < - New gas c—ecti—s Ri9/I�ISEY ST. a q \C y A SEWER ---WATER COnNEC TEO Out SEWERI WATER) NOT COH EGTEO c,J�p���,a, �h h o� h �O h �a �a A SEWER ---WATER COnNEC TEO $. SEWERI WATER) NOT COH EGTEO GAS �h h o� h �O h �a �a A o.,oft E-0 El `' V D CITY OF ST PAUL NO— MAR 7 lata FIC, OF CITY CLERK ,�yU tJF IL N—GENERAL FORM / mav0, s ufrlc j -� ayF E _2 e�xr� LRdY, The Polar Ioe Oompany hu cede opplioation to the 0oanoil for a permit to erect a cash and carry Joe station on Lot 10, ][Look 1, B. L. ware-$ Lddi ties; and whereas, proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph l of section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the occuoil is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it R=016 M, That the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized and directed to issue to said Polar Ioe 0ompany a permit for the ereotien and maintenance of said Joe station on said property, said building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Voile. Bald permit is granted smbjeet to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by 9 me3ority vote of I the 0omaoil. (°W. ,. l Yeas j rvclu tery N,, Ad.p«d by Ih. Council. MAR �g32 .9 c'—, �MdY k McDonald la f—, App.... / ,pCaccc ^ Sudh.�mcc ` N / Mr. P,—d— Bnndh, - City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, City Cl.d coni ci.,� nri.n -d Comml,J—of R.geo-.eun March 5th, 1932. Mr. L. L.indereon, Corporatlon Cooneal, Building, Dear Sir: We attach herewith all paper. 1n the mailer of tha application of the Polar ice Com- paay for permieeion to erect a aeh and carry Sae Station on Lot 10, Block 1, R. L. Nareie Ldditioa. Thie application w approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper reao lotion. Yours very truly, Pity Clerk. St. Paul, I:inn, tli—h 2, 1932 '2o the :'ono—ble, ti;e Jourci 1, City o` St. Paul, 71nn. Gentlemen: I the under-i;;na,i or .r of lot 9 Robe ? - ".:eros Addition, hereby petition your Honorable Sod, to a reit an _ne service station to to or,-otei on lot 1C, Nobe rt LEr^ r- .� litionI located or. Et, Clair Street next "ret o'_' X2032, Yours very tru r;, �J ;u1mr�•a. 7t. scul, :'inn. ..rch 3, 1932 .o ^hc Fonoscble, The Council, �ity of 't. 3au1, :ann. Gentlemen: I the undersigned ov.Ter of lot 6, block 1, Obert _. res ddltioo, hereby grant perrt:i;:ion to erect onoice service station on lot 10, Robe. rt S.. '-,.res nd3.tion, o3t.0leir Ctreet neer Cleveland .:venue. ,A L .1 ,r._ ?QST CART) -NOTICEI OFFICtOF:ME CWMISSIONER OF FINANCE 5LPaul. Mi_ P-- to l3.—,.qrYh F. Section 5, an ...m.d. of 5.ildi,,q Z.. OIdw -me. approved July 7th, 1922, you are h ... bq ,t,R,d Ih,1 the application Of for p-6sion to --t or oo,ti—, retail ice -1— lo-I,d -b1k. 1,_R-qboxt_ LYjArg'.iI. A-dd_-b-t 2a446t..L:j.j,, st—_ .Al came up f., —id—lice, before the Council of the Cilq of St P-1 to the C—cil Chamber to the Cilq Hall and Court Howse B,ildi.q o, the -Z4th day Of A93 2 .,l to o'clock A M JOHN ti M.DONALD, CO—SNONER OF FINANCE. LYDE R CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRZNDScAND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS ..,., .........�..........<........ rte. Pe'rruary ©, 1932. Hen. Co,mcil, City of St. Ynul. Gentlemen: Please find herewith returned, City Clerk's file on the appli- cation of the Polar Ice Company, 'rho ask for permission to placo n cash and carry ice station on Lot 18, Bloc!: 1, of R. L. ',is ce Addition. This property is immediately east of the store building at 2044 St. Clair Street. The property is zoned in the commercla lass ll'±.cation under the zoning ordi- nance, but the entice ek to the east is occupied by houses with the exception of one commercial building used as a barber shop. I would suggest that before the Ty Council pe:�mi'.s the —� tion of this retail Ica storo th�A the consent of the two hous- es to the east of the propepty be obtained, in writing, by this �% petitioner. ./ / V) ,' /V ,.'bars very truly, Commissioner. City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CH, CI<h February 5tH, 1912. Ron. C. R. Noy, Comerof P.P. & P. Bldge., Bui,d,o; V Dear G—io.io ner: Attached nleaee find application of the Polar Ice Company for permit to install a aeh and arty ice ete [Son on Lot 1�, Blcc2 1 of R. L. Ware's Addi- tion on St. Clot, Street east of Cleveland Avenue. This matter n ferred to your depart, e—t Tor Snve.tigation and r port• re Your. very tru>,y, City Clerk. yebroary 10th, 1932. Hon. I. E. koDonald, Coov�t oelonor of Pinnae, Hn11d1nC.. Dear Cmmoteeicnort bollpetlnn Me been —A. by the Polar Ice C --Y for oeRSselnn to plegia a cash end Derry ice etetlnn on Lot 1^, ?Joe', 1, H. L. ' mle pddSticn, which property Se locet" i—dletely -.t of Lhe store bcSlding et 70411 St. ""' street. R. ?. Howne 1247 Otte ¥s appear. tc be mokln the a 111 tion for the Polar Ice C. -any. wl11 yoo kindly set date of hear- ing and notify the property owners If each hearing? Yours very troly, City Clerk. C.y Eos. 91841, 91g42 EE9CLPED, that checks be dr—c on the City Treasury to the Aggregate amount of $111,915.10, covering checks numbered 2118 to 2295 inclusive, as per checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. MANQ32 Adopted by the Council Approved 1 IIC. . Atm: aupua,a. rt .osv. ev s.�ba tmRenky�l. d 11 I � i FFicE FIL RESOLUTION a oCOUNC EN% AUDITED CLA S 1 Marsh 5 _ a 3p 68sg57.14 T< a - - - - ---- TOTAL .... FA OF IN FAVORR x ev e, nK eaouGr.r Foawnao 2 18 2' • 2178 Electric supply & cons.Co.993 S1awik. Inc. 8 1 573 0. 2179 Harold J. 2180 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. I'j 1 554 0, 2181 Jahn H. McDonald, C. of Fin.'. 390 8 2182 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 662 7 2183 speol,I ty Printing 'company 146 73 0 2184 F.T. Dogge Corporation 2185 3iFo Products Company 2186 J.Anderson 0 0 AL. 2187 A. eohenbrenner 2188 P. H. Bohrer 96 177 2 2189 Borchert—Ingersoll, Inc. 891 9 2190 Thomas Parrish 2191 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin.' 42 0 11 742 77, IPMI 2192 St.Paul Blue Print Comp any9y 90 4 2193 J.E. Glass 30 8 2194 Joseph H. Ms.k 300 0 68 2195 Edward S. Peterson 2196 Funk and 'Ailcor 0 1 500 0 1 2197 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 1 008 2 2198 Frit2sche Brothers,Inc. 85 1 2199 General Chemiosl Company 1 987 831, 2200 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7 500 00 4 2201 Aorthern States Power Company i'l 4 016 511, 2202 Hohn H. McDonald, C. of Fin. �, 11 865 031 2203 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. �I 4 747 2 2204 John H. McDonald.C. of Fin. 13 200 23 2205 First Securiti ee Corporation 482 211 2206 Rm. A. Hitt 235 0 2207 John H. Elmond 51 35' 2208 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. �� 55 00 2209 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 487 101 2210 Henry J. Crepeau, Guardian for Children of A. Duchene 158 401 2211 Dennie Laughlin 35 20i P212 Mrs. Anna Schneider 17 28i ' 2213 Dr. F.V. Langenderfer 25 00 2214 Anthony J. Campbell 35 20i `2215 Louis Guerin 60 Goj 2216 S. Berglund Lumber Company 48 32' 2217 Capitol Stationery Mfg.uuompan 266 28 2218 Farwell, 0 mun, Kirk & Company 475 3 2219 Berber—Relland Tire 8ompany • 150 40 2220 Hertl Coal Company 357 52, 2221 J.Ir. Hulme Company 19 60 2222 Joesting & Schilling Company 544 50 2223 Kelly—Springfield Tire Company 455 ld 2224 Mrs. Caroline Larson 1 75 0^I': 2225 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 52 191 2226 T.P. Lowe and Company 1 64 2227 Minnesota Chemical Company,Inc. 62 PP28 N;tinnal Lend Company 58 66 149 66 2229 Pioneer cl actr lc Company 2230 3t.Paul Letter company lol 85 2231 G. 3ommera and company 103 02 2232 Twin City Iron & 171re Company 264 87 2233 Universal Carloading & List.C¢. 62 87 a1.o,A FoaWAao 7 500 00 84 539 42 NO 91-b42 �O—UNCILIIN 1011 1— oq COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Ma—b 7 32 TOTAL IN FAVOR OF .—T • 2234 Velvet Mfg. Company 66 31 2235 Victory Printing Company 218 5( Tony Muska 1 0( 2237 Char 1 a Stewart rt 32 0( 2238 Back of SDAta, 3PATta.vis- fora count of Mrs. Elizaceth 4. Gilliland 493 61 22�9 Charles Wll..n 1; 129 9( 2240 John McDonald, c If Fin.169L� 2741 John McDonald,oC, o F n 102 0( f I 2242 John H. McDonald, C. ,f Fin: 271 0( 224 John n.1d. C. f Fin. 1 339 0( ?2N John 'H' H. Mc"Donald f Fin. 3 fT2 2 , ' Ciao 0 224 Board of Publ c lel re �5 2 91 F Baldwin 1 w 10 0( P242 .".. in 2247C. E, D ley & N.V. 10 0( 2248 3am Rosenblum 10 0( 224,, Herman 3 chums,oher 20 0( 2250 Aetna Life Insurance Com :any, 117 9 2251 American InsuranceAgency 235 O� 2252 Fitzhugh & Robert A, Burne urna 235 0 225� Cullen Insurance Agency 235 M1 225 Hugbson & Wbite.le 70 5d 225 Freak H. Klein '117 5 225 N L ng n71,5 2257 Lilly—Cullen cInsurance Company 255 T, I C & C I ' 2258 TPI Lowe omD.ny 11117 1�� 22�9 H.Y. Miller 7 22 () Ray 3 Miller 15 - 2261 Jos. Moor. 7 00 Neely In, 0 2262 uranoe Agency 235 0 226' N NaN,, ti onel Insurance Comramy 23 1264 Peil,n and 'e, len IM 2411 2265Ramsey County Insurance Agenqyllnc, 11 117 50 2266 John Roge— I Jr In. 235 00 2267 3t.P.Insurance bs.ra�ce Ins. Agency 117 50 2268 Cleveland Container Coavany r, 31 6e 2269 Diamond Chain Comnany Ino 88 2270 The Tir st National Bank 100 00 2271 .1. 1. Kolp k 1;,0 90 2272 J. t. Lucius l 14 u.iu.14 )o • McAdam R.M. MpAd5 00 227 May., Ice . eecrew Company.Inc. 475 81 227 , r Equipment T -ny, 872 00 22756 Motor Power Conference f e,,,' s on lancing 50 00III C c City P 2277 N.ItIal. al & D ck Com—.Y 11 3 429 2278 N.7. Fuel Coal 63? 92Tj 2279 N. 5. Fuel CC377 9611 2280 H. PePeitz&2Znaly 65 Po� 2281 mis,m rie, m Schaefer 0011 2262 3ec u, i t j B , ni Note Company ^64 2284 C.J. 3.1th Co—nny ,2,54 J111h '1— & B��ttery Jom nY 22� gr 2P55 Coof uma nt 00 a !i 1 111- 1-1 .-- . 7 500 00 {427 597 665^ 2 u SO CO UNSOLUTION Resolved, That the Council hereby conoure in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and award. the contract for furnishing all labor, tool., appliances, material and equipment necessary for the tearing down and removing from the premises, of the buildings in the block boundal by Unlverslty, 9t. Peter and Wabaeha Ste., c,nBl6t1ag of Lots 14, 15, 16 and Lot 1, including vacated alley lying north- easterly of Wabaeha St., crown a. the Ryan Block, to the AMERICAN LMIR & WRECKING CO., they being the lowest responsible bidder., for the sum of $1,237.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ' 6768 ... , nm..n s ,eas, .. .... .,...^.on.,a.,w.,a,,...o..,..,,.+-.........a...o.o oo. _ ,1,237.00 1,237.00 MAR 71q`A c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL ri.s NO. - 91M OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED Dist the proper city officers be and they are hereby nuthorim.d and di—ted to pay the city's proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Casart House and City Hall Buildi.9 Commission as shown on 4b.trant of Claim. Humber 20 of the Advisory Ccurt Hone- and City Hall Building Commission, totalling $222,891.20, the city's share of ihich is $111,445.60 and all se, shown upon the claims submitted by said Commission. Y— N., Nays /� Conroy May / McDonald la (a.or Por<a Roscn ' Againni / 5adh—, M, P—id.rsr B..dhc nmiamIly ny c., .'I "wmm� nC Adopred by rhe Council MAR � �9Ci I, - Appro d �' MgYOg19 Olk.° CITY OF ST. PAUL nus NO.. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTIO N— �ENERAL FORM L WHEREAS, At its me sting held on February 24th, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission redised the plane and specifications for the elevator doors on the first, second andthird floors of the new Court House and City Hall, which plans and specifications originally included the employment of three sculptors, and which revision provided for one sculptor to furnish the models for the elevator door on the first )floor, namely, E. R. Stewart; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission. Yeas c,ourvci Lr''=ry N'Y; Conroy May McDan..Id l� lam or P.+r« ,p>,. Agalvr S.dh +i rr Mr. Prrsd— Bundle ! aa' i NveC �aPzu" a"Dr° az.r°x a znz� •°. v. zsoz. MAR " +932 Adup,,d by ,be C..—1 19 A ppr ov _ 19 III oR r Saint Paul .!: Bureau of Municipal Research a IC\/} Athletic Club Building xx I^11�1 cads 42:0 February 2{, 1932. To the City Council, Cl ty of Saibt Peal, Hinnaeotn. Gentlemen: At its meting yesterday the Advisory Court House end City Hall Hui 1Q ng Commi anion revised the plane end specifications for the elevator doors on the first, second and third floors of the ms court hove Mane and city hall, which plend specifications orig- inally included the employment of three sculptors, — E. H. St—t, $3,600; !. ►. Eat ser, $2,600: Hosard Storrs, $3,000 — to include only one sculptor, E. H. Stewart, to furnish the models for the elevator doors on the first floor. This matter in referred to you for your notion. Very truly yours, Secretary, Advisory Coact Hoaee and City Hell Building Co®ission. CPR: SH o.io... .. CITY OF ST PAUL ri�r� NO. 91M6 ` OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' " COUN�y- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORT, araGmm (/�5f`..-,LGA WHEREAS, since the last report to the Oouncll, the Adaleory Court House and City Hall Building Commiselon has author- ised the following extra work orders: GENERAL OOWTRACT - FOLEY BRO8. INC. Extra Werk Order Number 32, authorising the provision of a temporary enoloenre between Columns 131 and 141 on the first, second and third floors, this enclosure to be located at the south edge of Colons 131 and 141, of and shall bs built enb�eot to the approval of the ara hit act super l¢tsnde¢t. This will be as provided Sa Article 1-27-0 of the specifications, provided, however, that the cost shall not exceed.. $200.00 Extra Work Ordsr Nu:b or33 provides additional access panels. This Increases the contract price..... 28.86 Extra Work Order Number 34 provides 40 angles 3-}a i 3.4a by 6/18', 61 long, for lintels ower double doors at radiator cabinet e. The contract price is increased ............ ...................... 50.00 Extra Work Order Number 35 provides the following: ruraiehing all labor and material necessary to out 1sdeep reglet in center of present stone coping on Fourth Btreet penthouse roof and install 8 lb. lead counterflashing for same{ oounterflaehing to be caulked into reglet with molten lead and sealed with plastic cement, for the w of ... $254.68 For changing the roof over concourse as outlined by Nr. Palmer, our superintend- ent, for the em of ........................ 168.22 Total amount of this extra work order ................ 410.78 Extra Work Order Number 36 authorizes the furnishing and installing of one -inch of 8prayo-Flake insulation under the portion of the ceiling of the fan room which is below the sidewalk on the Fourth Street eatraooe. The contract prios 1s increased........... 239.00 \\ cour�ci uner Yea3� Nays Adopted by d- C.-1 19 M.y i McDonald 1. (avo. - Approved -. 19 Pearce Rosen _ Againar --' ---- --- _ mnvoR Sudy.�ma / Mr. P—M—, B..dbe CITY OF ST. PAUL �� NO, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PATT %AFI orrE Malammm and WHEREAS, the sztrae authorised since the building wne started total $60,317.92, while the oredite receded are {46,930.00, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves and concur■ in the eztra wort orders herein not forth, and the proper city offi.er. ars hereby authorised end directed to add to the contract III=the 01 tyle share of the amooMt. set forth. Yeas Cour Cl— N,yS /c— y IMay /M11fDOnald � In (e�o� /Pea cc Roscn Againsr Sudh-- Mr. P—d— B—dhe Adop«d by bh C... l MAR Approved 19 IAYOR Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research n:hlcnc club Budding •°^'m.""P"""` m cal., ilia �.. p ate.......° o....... March 1, 1932. To the City Council, Cl ty OfSaint Peal, Minnesota. Gentleman: Thi: ,t, advise you that the following extra cork has been antIc— Ssed oa the new coact hoose and city hall building since the last report: i GMTOAL CONTRACT — FOLNr BROS.. IPC. rstm work Order Number 32 anthori.es the pravtwioa of a temporary anclosare between Colum.. 131 and 141 on the first, second sad Lhird floor., this enclosure to be located at the southedge of Columns 131 and 141, and shall be built subject to the approval of the erchltentte .aperintendeat, We will be paid for ae provided in Article 1•.27-0 of the specifications, provided, hoeever'that the cost .hall net exceed . . . . . . $ 200.00 - ra Work Order Number 33 provides additional accewe pls. This increases the contract price . . • ane zxtra Work Order Number 34 provides 40anglee 312• z 38.66 31 2" by 5116 •, 51 long, for 1Intel. over double doors at radiator cab The contract price is increased . . . . . 50-00rainets. a York Order Number 35 provides the followin Nat Work g, ycrnishiag all labor and materiel necessary tc cat 1" deep in center of present atone coping on rotb Street pent - reglet ar harass roof and install 6 lb. land coanterflasbing for wane; coanterPlashing to be caulked into reglet with molten lead and sealed with plastic oene.t, for the sum of $ 254.56 For c angj.g the -of over coneoarae as outlined by Mr. Palmer, onr superintendent, for the sum of.. . 166.22 onnL of this extra work order . . , , • . . . • Total am . 410,76 Dara Work Order Number 36 aathorises the furnishing and in. telling of one -inch of Spray. -Flaks insulation ander the portion of the nailing of the fan room .bleb is below the aide- n- welk of theroartb Street eat—ce. The contract price is I— . c reaaed . . . . . . . . . . . 239.00 II.NCTRIC CONTRAOT — COMMONWEALTR MSG COURM lxtra Mork Order Number 7 aathorisas changing the svitchew o.. the mala switch board from dead front fas.d knife To the city Conooll –2– Perch 1, 1922. switches to dead front nutosatic circuit br.Q re and perfoss- log the to extension. in the board and baa bare that are required to meke oonaections to these circuit breekers.The cow• $ 2,326.00 tract price is increased . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This extra was approved by the Advisory Commission on Tanmry 28 and by the City Connell and County Board ca February 1. TOTAL HETHiS Thu extras aathorised herein aggregate $3,264.64• The extras -thorised sues the building sae started total $�, 217.92, while the credits received are $46,930.00. Very truly yours, Secretary, Advi wry Coort Hone. and City Hall Buildiag Commiselou. CPHISH 4 �47 CITY OF ST PAUL NO A847 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �C'OyU,NC„V� RESOLUTN—G L FORM 7,1—TE. ce_/]_ ////�. -••Ll_- - nr[ WMUMAS, At its meeting on March 6th, 1932, the Advisory Court Hone and City Hall Building Commission approved the plane and specifications for the metal furniture for the new Court Hone and City Hall; therefore, be it nSOLVU, That the Council hereby approves and con - own in the action of said Commission. IK. �ro. eT�rn a, ,sass .r c}aam You cour+ciLn+Ery Nay' Ad.p,cd by ,hc C..nr,l MAR n "19 �Coaroy /% May McDonald L, (..— A p—d 19 Pcaccc ' V Road ✓ Again„ �.:._ ._. __j ,nnroR � Sudhc�mcr / - / Mr. Prcvdm, Bandl,, Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A�hlenc Club Building 'bo"' m"""'0• °i°` C— I- �... ...........o o,...,,.. March 7• 1932. To the City Council, City oY Saint Paul, Minna nota. Gentlemen: At its meeting on March " the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commiasiou approved the plane and epeclficationa for the metal fu itnre for the new court house and city hall. This matter Se referred to you for yanr action. very truly youre, Seeretary� Advisory Court Hoaas and City all Building Co®SasSon. CPS: SH o.o.,c.o c... ..,.. fITY OF ST PAUL .��r 1 NO, -... 91348 - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUifs L F2ESOLU�ONAL FORM -- coWu6e.erteA - - -....--- 1 AS, The Ldwiecry Court House and City Hall Building Commission at its meeting on ]larch 5, 1932, approved the form of contract with Haneastein d Burmeister, Inc. and the Bt. pan] Mercury Indemnity Company as eurety on its bond; therefore, he it BnOLVID, That the Council approves and concurs In the action of said Commission. °" onY�I�•lipaHea`oaieil aw�r� :` f/ �mpeoni.er° n , o bis° Ir j9 wpD, .larcn li-haft � 1 Y— N., Nays y A o / � WD—Id 1^ [."os P-- �S"d6.'im.s Mr. p,d Bandl, Ad"prod by she C""^dl MAR 7 ui9'1 P?I1 APpsn 19 rC: Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Aehlam Club B,"" cm.. 4 - March 5, 1932. 1bthe City Council, City of Saint Paul, tfinne wto. Centlenen: At its meeting today, the Advisory Court House and City Hell Building Conni..ion approved the form of the contract with Henn- .te1n 6 B—iet.r, Inc. 'and the Saint Pant Mercury Indennity Company ae earety on the hand. Very truly your., Secretary, Advisory Court Hone end City Hall Building Oommi.eion. CPH: BE o.iai... ro �.. �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL ,i�, NO -91849 r ` OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cGimi 5s�Cue -/�//. • - LLL/// 'd rte' �� oA,E ■MMEABy,at its meeting on March 2nd, 1932, the Advisory Court Howe and City Hall Building Commission approved ohaaging the elevator hangers from those specified, to Otis heavy duty hangers, and WHEREAS, this change was recommended by the architects for thereason that it centered responsibility on the elevator contractor, the Otis Company having the contract for the elevators, and that the hangers are superior to those specified and their Installation would reduce maintenance coats, and WHEREAS, the change to Otte heavy duty hangers results In an Increase in the general contract sum of 11,874.00, therefore be it re solvedi That the Council approves and oonours in the action of theAdvisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, and the proper sit off icere are hereby authorised and directed to add the Cltyls share of the amount herein named, #1,674.00, to the contract mum with the general contractor. e6env�a �e g..vy y— / cILNEN Nays Ad.,M by .h� Co.—I MM 7 C ray / McDonald In f.— App�—d NAYOF S..dh6— / Mc P—.d— 6..dh. /� Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Affikd, Club Building •Fpw�'P °•' d ••�^•••••��••""• Harch 3, 1932. To the city Council, Cl ty of Saint Peal, 1'i -t.. Gentlemen: At 1te meeting y..terda, the Advisory Court House end City ..1 Building Coefmieeios, upon the recommendation of the Architect., ap- proved cbeoging the elevator baogere from those specified to Otis heavy duty hanger., aL an Snores.. 1n the general ooutract of $1,674. It sae explained that else the Otis Company hes the coatrxt for the elevator., the acceptance of their hangers will farther center responsibility for the operation of that egcipment upon the Otte Company; that the Otis beavy duty hangers are superior mechanically to those that can be instal- led under the specifications; and that their inclusion in the building sill result is reduced s intemnoe coat. Very truly your. Secretary, Advisory Court Hones I'd CIty Hall Building Co®Sesion. CPH: SH Rect.t% ro 91b50MAB 8 1932 _ MAYOR'S OFFICE; me"I COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the ggtter of gra-i n Randolph_ Street _ -from Duke .Street. to Qmaha_5troet i ar,rY�_,tmaha)treet froin :tandolBh._Stroot to a point 470 feet south of the n sec tjon �f the Anter linQS of Randolph Street and vnahs Street, under Preliminary Order. 9115 _ --.approved January 15, 1932 Intermediary Order _.. _.__.._..-----.._-.----approved------ A public hearing having been had upon the ak�ve improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommea�tations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �y� y,y;.. � _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , prov%nt b de by the tya-- gr-ade}2 olpn St etf o Duke Street en�mhr t rom R 1ph St eet to o1 t 470 fetJi of _the._.int erre 14n of the_., t Rana 1ph rest ani t`msha. _tre eti. !Leah]-sanc^VkH-s^.-.-'4v1� 0�11l�ip b Bid matter he dose—.::_,-.:. an he Council hereby ord said improvement to b made. R LVED FURTHER, Th the Commieaiorer of blic Works be and is hereby ted and directed t repave plane and spre[ovemone ; or said improv ent, and submit same to the Coc it for approval; th upon said approval, the p per city officials are reby authorized and directed to teed with the king of de e n accordance theretvt Adapted by the Ca,mcil MBS $ 19'2___- 192 Approved __. _. _ _ , 192 Mayor, Councilman Clawy._ YUBLISHF.D_�_� � tloInellman I�+f`?iaon i Ih11i^l1 l Councilman Councilmen Councilman I .ru Councilman AYarmex r u o ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' -t REPORT OF COMIGIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) i<un .olpa stoat fPoll Dc.tr' St. ro ,e fft. thco�ath� Ictorcuatto Inthematte !`rom'in tolpc dn• to a pl.. 6r cabs ., tolp!� r,. rf tcP tor t.n .., - under Preliminary Order apFroved Jur.. To the Council of tl" City of St. Paul: y reports as follows: 'l14. �l-��'t�h1Ph. The Commissioner of h Finance eceb f...r;: .� ft"h' above mprovcmcnt .s - - I. .2y_;,a'olph The total estimated a ort�ot the assensmen $ 1. The cst�matcd cost pc�to°t for the above mprovcmcnt ie - esscssed valuation of each lot or The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for each improvement, and the parcel as last «pored by the Assessor, arc as follows: nooirioN unci oescnlvrioN coT ago=. Lana �'lks.'23 and 150 650 ;ttt 67 2tl 29n '�!v! of ',; inson, "rorn ant 300 650 2ED `terns \ o;l's to i;.Fettl 74 3_5 900 '/5 an '. vi g of 76 20 io 'CO 650 .,ot 79 20 dO �ast >�.} o. o 250 400 77 2F 250 10 2t Ao 300 6 29 0 350 350 600 7 _ o 350 4CG e 29 to 350 1300 9 gc� io rotac. C" a ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 10 29 FLbl.vision of Blk- 28 & 294350 250 in `tlnson, Brown an.l 11 29 Ramse7's A'id. to :,t.I eul 350 300 1- 89 ,l0 350 250 13 2F do 350 600 14 do 350 600 ..ast of 19 29 'lo 200 80C 20 29 do 300 1200 21 29 do 350 1200 22 29 do 400 1150 24 89 do 350 450 :'.5 29 do 350 26 24 to 350 700 27 29 to 350 1150 28 29 do 250 600 67525 X15000 The Commiraioner of Fit.— further reports the, he has in estiga,ed all of the afo id matt and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report the— to the Council, together with the report made to him ,n reference taidep tt by the Commissioner of Public W k —1112_ ? • '+'-Co.. " =of F a cn c St. Paul, Minn. Aup;ust S;2�e 19231_ "1'o The Ilonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. somewhat impracticub a to try to g de, but it in in such poor condition that n r sir -or- as a e y r, .y ams /YR,O. _ N A. . Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: To jLrade or. iimprove in some manner OMARA ST.. from Randolph St. to Burton at. also Randolph St. .from 'hike St. to Omaha St St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. R o NAMC� TV gD0IT10N A'&// A' 4 d/ z 41 ZE. �� C��-✓ �� somewhat impracticub a to try to g de, but it in in such poor condition that n r sir -or- as a e y r, .y ams /YR,O. _ N A. . - 369 S.0.4 Scc. /1. T- Z8 -'e. 21 0 a Y a o�T �1 Y i THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) January 32, 1933 File G.23 Hon. Niton nosen, Commissioner of Pubiic works. Dear Sir: I transmit herevrit:a preliminary estimate of cost for the grsling of Randolph Street from Duke -treet to Omaha Street, and Omaha street from Randol?h Street to a point 470 feet south of the intersection of the center lines of H�,ndoloh Street and Omaha Street, under Preliminary Order C. V. 91415, approved January 13, 1932. Grading Omaha St. from Randolph St. to a point 4701 south of the center line of nandolph St. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - $714.51 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - - - 1.59 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14.01 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75.00 Frontrge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 448 ft. Grading Randolph St. from Duke St. to Omaha St. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - $018.32 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - - - 1.29 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.12 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 480 ft. Yours truly, App{{''o/6e�i ror trmission VlidN. C%" to i3Ye�lpnan ce Chief Engineer. II� MZSTON RII08 EN, Commissioner of Public ++orks. '�- Office of the Commissioner of Public kFSFINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance 4. JM 29 M2 January 30, 193'L 197 To the Cnmmimioner of Finance of the City of St. Paol. The Commissioner, of Public Works, having hod under, co-iderntiun the pralimiaary ordor of the ('nonoil, k,o—-*Wooacil File No. 91415 approved January 13, 1932 197 ,relative w the grading of l—dolph ot. from Duke ot. to Omaha St., and Omaha ,t. from handoldh 5t. to a Iroint 470 ft. south of the intersection of the cent=_, linas of iid.l,ph street and 0—h street. and having investigated the matters sad things referred w tberein, hereby reports. 1. Said improvemeot is oecrseary and (or) desirable. (Oee estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof ie i and the total coat Lbereof is i and the nature sod extent of said improvemeot is ae follows: ......._... ........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pert. hereof. 4. ---. 5. Said improvement I. mked for upon petition of three or more o�— of property, subject w aasemmeat for said improvemeot. I -- L -- - Co mt i nero� f Nb Works. V� 7 91851 COUNCIL I. NO. _S.'- In the matter of ---- c ondem long_ and_ taking_an _ga_aemeAS_ in the .land—;es—ly_ for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Omaha Street from Randolph St. to a point 470 ft. south of the intersection of the center lines of fiandolph Street and Omaha Street 914 ___16_____________ approved___ Jaa__13a_ 1932_______ _ -__. under Preliminary Order________ _ Intermediary Order ----- 31653----------------- approved_______ Februar3L-10,_1932____-_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pe objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consul ered the aame; therefore• be it 1 : -'4J = �- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that improvement t. be made by the said City m condemning and taking an easement in the land rneessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of O—ha Street from Randolph St. to a point 470 ft. south of the intersection of the center lines of Randolph Street and Omaha Street. and the Council hereby .,dere .aid improvement to be made. aid I he wo the � m hereh7 mn,-�: kM. an -.,•i., re<In_EeE r ab pNelAffip is said matte b' d—c_-.. a. Adopted by the Council ---- MAR -----177% ------- . 19____ Approved______ ___________"+,r 19_____ 4� ay Mor.______ uCovroY i_Coneilmmm Councilman McDonald' Councilman P..... ICouncilman RWd—' Councilman Sudheimer Mayor i Os Ind ohs Gd. ALLEY-BGK.7%RUTiH Z1✓11YGS70/Y2&"ADD. AM - I�dimb Fill. b. BG.K 2 RUTH L/✓/ryG_s TON MD. ' 7yvicol M—t— 'jg Oun/op -5/ Griggs - - - Ff1Ir. (above lice chow C.ror Fro line. _/ - el v.avay Fiv..es bob.. I�n<�he. P di.—re which sbpcs ____ �md b.yerd'pepeNY lino L... Rook Na. 1356 X -Sec. Ph. N..13s6 - -5-1 :/ =40' - LAFO/YO ST. h h 3 G T 0. /Y S C Q 9 A 0 �o 9 e G Gai Fi. III/' f.6r F Gar. Ger. FiG �. . Gor. 6o Naaye bb" f _ yedga 60 Fi.G1r Fr F. F F. SGan - 51uc. Gor Gan Gn Gan �1O^ F. Ho. sh. Q R U T H L / 1/ / /Y ✓` TNOMA3 ,9T -- 414168II(IRZrr1n1a/en - 'C7 T Indicaraa C, AL LE) ,62 7,41/ 7// ZvIlYG.5Tn/y 20 ADD. AL1- Fill. ba BLK. 2 RUTH L/✓YYYGS TON AOD. m - iyaul N -t- .N - Oun/op 5f. Griggs-�` - Fig ..... b.-li-A.. - C— Fill at pmpny line. J l Fi-.. be4w li—haw di.ianc. T. which alepee - rmd b.ye.d WoPary line. L -8.0 6,235C %Sec.BM. No.lise . A//eyB/,f7.71 vi�r/>n Ads&47FLirrq�yn LAFOHO ST. � h R U T N L / V / h G 3 -T O N a A 2 D. ;. 7 6 -3. f- xn f.6.r. Gam F.Gor Gen e. ry Gai. F. 60 N Hedge F. i Gor. Fi.Ger Fr. P Fn Fi. F' Gy, Sf�a. Gar Gan Gon G �. 6s� Fr. H. 5A h 5 THOMAS A//eyB/,f7.71 vi�r/>n Ads&47FLirrq�yn +Indlc.r•.C�t. - AL - IMfmu Fill. Tyvir•.I Nomrion `y Fi�..e above Iin..Mn C.r y Fill al v.yarylin.. Fp.. W— bn. do d.•mn.e m nW.F eI.,. orad beye,d voy..y lin.. L... B•.4 Nw I2'15 N=Sc.. Bk Ns, rfle OMAHA - T- fiom A6—d p9 s/ h 470' -SG, ofMv aft do/Pb 3f JUB. OF OL /C.? 28 6. 29 � z 3T//Y3Q/Y, l I / I 6 I 97. n� a sl ae i� v RAM•SEY.i .100/T/O1V A PAUL$ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF+$�NANCE �Of� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �+ �A) to the matter of nio;-nln.' nnl ta;:l n� an e_:ent Sn tha ]anft ntcessa^p0 slo. 'r.t g aaha �t� . S•om -ter t v Polon r�n ].na, .19 �tL �^ t' - n under Preliminary Order approved J—. 1 -, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as toiioae. The total --ted amount of thea ...meat for the above mprovcment ie - - - S. QO 'nh ... i_,d cost per loot far the above improtement .e - - - - - - "Che lou or pa reds of land that may be .....seJ benefits for each improvement, and tb..... e.ed valuation of cath lot or pa ee.l as I.., reported by the Asseuoe, are as follows: Su0eseniPTtoN aoT ----A00tnON Lnntnno 6 29 -. ision350 300 d. 2n-1 , Sn �tl-.son, =50 600 >�I .1^ t to Vit. atlo: r 4G 29 t 350 0 2c cio 35( ,-00 10 29 -10 350 250 11 29 to 350 30G 12 29 to 350 <5o 13 29 10 350 600 14 2U 3o 350 800 19 29 ]o 200 A00 .o,.a. ST.16— 1 DEPARTMENVF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDERS' (c) ISSESSID OesCRIPTION LOT .1— ADDITION vALUATIIN 300 1200 nol Z9tli� 1260 5r 'an 2.-, ,loi C 1150 27 „5000 :S1G400 The Commmioner of Fi Rance further report/ that he Lae mvc tigetcd all of the af,—aid matt and hereby submits the foregoing a. hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m reference to .aid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-J�I s_ _ig 3_Q vo.m e. a. u Com missioncr o1't'inancc. Office of the Commissioner of Public WONJos FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 29 1932 January z7, 1932 198 fo the t'omn-inner of Finance of the City of St. Paul_ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had u,,d,, runaidcrntion the preliminary order of the t',nn1, knnwn na Council File Nn. 91416 approved Jan. 13, 1932 193 , relative W condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradin3 of Omaha atr=_et from nandolph otreet to a point 470 feet south of the inter- section of the center lines of Randolph street and Omaha Street. —I hexing invmtigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports- 1. Said improvement ie neoe _ and (or) deawable. I 'Phe catini—d rost thereof is f xzx , and the total anal thereof ie f xXx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petitiov of three` neve of Property, suhp,t to assessment far said improvement Commiesiover of Pnblic Works. 91 52 COUNCIL FILE NO. By '`,y,�/�- .,c/✓ —�,C_m sig."e°�e i�.": me.�,�.fa^a:n::°°°�. In the Matter of. curbing Charles . -Street, both .aides,. from Grigg. Street to Syndicate nv sous, under Preliminary Order 91379 -- -_ approved January 8, 1932 Intermediary Order -. _. -. -- .... _approved .._..._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that tTw,pyuypo.eaL}rq.eata+�ben}indA9^in+- pro ent to 6e made b)*tpe d C'ty is b Charles StLe-st �b4Sh..5ld5 s �%'Cn._. -Griggs treet to. S\gnThcate_wx tm ®d the tome are --!M , - ed d W .-d —lad-_____ - III Mi$-5ris-f:v Le" ds.M�`.::.-_.-•.. SOLVED FURTHER, t the CommieamaPublic a the Councd hereby or, said improvement�id made. Worka be and is here tructed and directs prepare plane and else ications for savemt,d submit same to [he uncil for pproval; t uppproval, th roper city = ls a hereby authorized and directed ,ed with the king of said imp tin accordance there h. MAR t93c Adopted by the Council -mi tsz rtes-eft'e - Approved td - ��A 192 ,. - -.... -... Meyer. ^ Councilman ,... - r \I Councilman CouncilmanVbspa Councilman Councilman � Councilman Wena4x Mayor flaftmma B-11ie Form B. S. A. S-7 D EPARTMENT IT'^"FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS91ONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '�✓`, In the (atter of cortin.' botl. .es 0. Charles ::Greet Gr ,;s Street to VV Svnd'ca-.e .. t s J3n11 d. 1L32 ond,, Preliminary Order approved To the C,nncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commission.. of Finance h ... by reports as follows: The total estimateda t of the assess , for the abut. moil improvement Is - 70 The estimated cost pcY(oot for the above improvement ie - - ' b, benefits for such improv. ", and the ease aced valuation of each lot or The lots o. pared. of land chat may assessed as last .,ported by th. Assessor, arc as follows: parcel acocK AovI—N x AT,of%1 oEsc RiPTION 10T Lan,ALU E• 16 24 Svnd'_oate Ida. 575 450(' SCO 2600 17 24 do 0 650 3700 lE 24 do 65C 3150 1p 24 do 650 3350 2C '24 do 650 3900 2 1 24 •o 650 2900 22 24 to 650 3550 23 .4 0 65C 2300 Lh 14 do 650 130C 25 24 do CITY OF ST, AUl DEPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 26 24 Sy,l'—to No. 5 Arid. 650 38C( 24 do 650 35( 24. 10 650 .:n1 3C .:4 `.o 1-5C 51C( 1 25 to 650 2 l5 do 600 3 25 0 60C 4 .,5 to 600 5 25 do 600 6 25 do 6C0 7 25 do 60C 6 25 do 6C0 9 25 10 625 14GC 1C 25 do 650 3600 11 25 do 650 3150 12 25 do 650 3150 13 25 do 650 7000 14 25 do 650 3550 15 25 do 725 2500 $19,G25 $64,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as hie repos thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i. reference toysaid matter by the Commissioner of Public \4orks. Dated�L�i+.._1_0 1931, t' u7� 1 """""i"..'"" dna ce. " St. Paul, Minn. octobe. 2711, I9P To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own,,s, hereby petition your lonorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: curbr�n�; on M;-1us st—t,.. St. A— from r iav S[. ANC! to syndicnta i+, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) January 18, 1932 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public 'Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Charles Street from Griggs Street to Syndi- to Avenue, under Preliminary order C. F. 91379, approved January 8, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - _ - $838.04 Cost per front foot - - - - .70 Excess inspection - - - - 16.43 Inglneering - - - - - _ _ - 80.00 Frontage - - - - - - _ - - - 1200.8 ft. Yours truly, �,��" WM. NN. CAREY, . Chief Eng inee Y, . AFP o ed for transmission tner of F Nance 7, / MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public WK,%P HNANO �F Report to Commissioner of Finance pa JAN 25 1932 January z , 1932 193 'I'll the C'o...... ouer ,f Roane,,f thr City of St. I'nul_ Thr Commiseiunrr of Public Nnrks, hnving had under rouniderntiun Lhe 1,I—inery order f the c•uuuril, km— aw ('ounril Fd. N0 31579 eI,proveI January d, 1984 193 . re61— to thee construction f curbing on both sides of Ch it les btreet from Jriggs 4treet to 4yndicate avenue. soil hnving i—cstigatrd the melt" and things referred tri therein, hereby reporla: 1. Said improvement ie wary eod (or) desirable. ,ostper front foot 70¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is E 368.04 eod the tolnl coat theroof is E Inspection $16.4,5 Engineering $80.00 Fronta,e 1200.3 ft. and the nature and extent d said improvement is ae follows _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch d said improvement is hereto otm,h,d and made a pert h—f. 4. 6. Said improvement in .asked [or upon p���eL(((i6- d th— or more own o[ properLY• subject to eeeeesment for said improvemoot. / /(//_....._._........_...._.......__....._ Commiseiouer of Public Works. L� GEO. B. BOVD REAL ESTATE St. Paul, :t1nn.. Llerch 2, 1932. :Yjohn i. Ms D,>nald, Commissioner of Finance, Glty Court ]IOUs., 4th & Wabash. ;ts., St.paul, Minn. Deer Si- Re: Property 1267 Charles St. We have your notice of February 26th covering proposed curbs far hath sides of Charles Street from Griggs to Syndicata. We a,e having considerable difficult, is making both ends meet, and esr�oinlly to get enough together to nay taxa.. Rents are being forced dorm, vacancies more fnaquent and Lases still --ring higher. We feel the curb would be a good improvement b.,t a very in-portone time to n teed, a ccially I'r— the tax payers point of view. Please re.-ister us as opposed to such improvement at j Lula time. / Your. very truly, f / BY / 2260 Sargent Ave, n[3/.T / V/q^1� 91853 COUNCIL FILE. N0. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofconstruct'surhing on Sherman Street.,. 'gest side,. from Smith Avenue. to .Pleasant avenue,_ -. - - under Preliminary Order. 90999 _.approved Nov—ber -�0, 1931 Intermediary Order _-..-..-..-- _--__..._approved-.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. _"natrue t curbin&- 9n Shezman_S tLaet,- _we at side,. from Smith. Avenue_Ilo_ Pleasant_Avenue, ____ -------- _---- - ____— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro. ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR iQ Adopted by the Council city cl�mk. as Approved -- - ."h j'� � 192 i Councilman - , ,I Mayor. —�a Councilman 8esf{Tenp',,.�� Coucilmn itAETh7nla' X coon man Councilman ' - ,,,., Councilman /Mayor tt Bandl le Form B. S. A. 8-7 f ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF ZINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In thergatccr of 3tr—t'n,' c—b ing on t", We^t :.. tr" c 2I: anon _tr^et from 3..i-tt� .. rI..1 to Pl,- ant ---, under Prclimioary Order approved Ido,. 20, 1931 Ta rhe Council of the City of St. P --l: The of Finance hereby reports as follows: t for the above mpro - - $ The total enlmared am of the asacsemcn vement .a The esu mated cost pe�toottfor the above mprotcmcnt The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed b_, for mch improvement, and the +sensed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows. vnocsCRIPTION LOT +coca AIIlmOry 1ot� 1, 2, 3 an: 4 67 Do 'too y irv'.ne's ,idd. 9000 360(0 s.. the ,.r ti-^.u:It 1 ."t c, 5 67 to pfl tl (....—pt , u "est 5 ft) 18 67 do 3700 16706 12700 527L, The c m!.— of Fio+nce further reports chat he has Inveerigaled all of the aforesaid marten, and her by submit s the foregoing as hie repot thereon to the Council, t,,her with the report made to hi- ,,f im In reference r aid .-toll by the Commissioner of Publi k . sDs ntcd��-O- --193 2 -n ' Commissioner of Finance 971 ORB of Ot. ]Nut Bcp.,tm,.t of fkatawn 19, 1932. Conmlisaion•r of Public 'or4e, 'I, dComm ss!ene r: — On Octob., 2B we 104-310d y ^ap=rtmPnt to i,tmjU�q p—jjmj7y or j b — the -'t ioor:hl— n 3t -.t betll— 3-Ith and Fl sent i,_,_ -t abutsthe Repair whop ,,,d• — the Llrd—y h-1 for Cri plo d Children. j:indly ,d,i- n, Wjj,t h— bl- 1,- Ar, this met ter. Vary truly yo r. oor :;dlColion. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) January 22, 1932 Yon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of curbing on the west side of "hcrman "treet from Smith Avenue to Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order �• P• 90999, approved Nov. 20, 1931. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $227.03 Cost per front foot - - - .65 Inspection - - - - - - - 4.45 Engineering - - - - - - - 23.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 349 ft. Yours trul�y`,'�-l���ry, VIM' N CAREY, Chief °ngineer. AppJISION ftrah mission to er of Finance. ROSEN, Commissioner of Public "orks• Office of the Commissioner of Public )jb"§INANU Report to Commissioner of Finance _ JAN 29 W2 January 47, 193% 193 To the C—olimilor, of Finance of tho city of St. pou6 The C-1-d-]over of Public Work., having had under eooaid—t— the preliminary nrder of the Conneil, known a. Council File No 90999 approved. Nov, 40, 1931 198 , relative to toe construction of curbing on the west side of Sherman Street from Smith Avenue to Pleasant Avenue. end having invmtigInd the m.tku...d thinp referral to herein, hereby repom. 1. Sold improvement ie re—,y and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.65 2. Thee timated o .t theroof is f 4%7.03 and the tote] cost he sof i. y Inspection $4.45 (engineering $%3,09 Frontage 349 ft. end the nature old extent of acid improvement is m follows: 3. A plot, profile or sketch of .aid improvement il hereto ottoched end m.de . pert hereof. 4. 5. said improvement i. _ .Skad for upon pet; 'of hre or more oWno [ o property, Subject to .saeeament for slid improvemo.t. _ / \ -�y _. _._C toter of Pod, 1m Worka. t� 91t� COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofcoastruct:n,,..curb...a side -1k -_fin the. east side_of llnderw.¢oi. Avenue. from Romo Avenue..0 Saunders Avenue, under Preliminary Order 91353 - ---approved January 5, 1932 Intermediary Order — _ _— __..._._-_— __approved A publia.hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __ cn truet_curb _Bnd_d-1dewglk_ on- the east si3e _oS_ Uadsr}9ood...L,Qule from -Ro e..Aven e to_Saun_3er Avenue, -_- - -------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissions, of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR 8.1932 192 - � City Cl -k. - _ -MAR , 192 Mayor. Cooncilmnn Councilman Councilman MIMd I'd Councilman - fca �� Councilman sonnenr,o. Councilman /Mayor l Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 (D) Of CaV OF 5T PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o'JI, approved J--` 11 1 5� T.,h< Council Of the City Of St.Paul: Th, C,.U,j..tO, Of F-- h,IlbY reyoru as I"— Th, 101-1 f., the The 1,1-1 parcel. of land that may be aaseveJ benefit. for each imDrov<ment, avJ the aaseucJ valuation of each lot or ,a I a, I— by Ih, A 0, a- [011- ISSE-0 L_,�AT 64, U LSGI 6460 X600 The C.,..mb,, °( Finance lusher repo tcth-I he Lac �n vectigai<d all of the afore` 'J n, and ad, I. Limrclerence m tLer<on m the Council, roger Ler witL the repo I. said martcr by the Com _i,._ Of p�bjj, D—d 19 ;< Of eiaft N.9a N. %4 3EC. I& THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) January 10, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing and sidewalk on the east side of Underwood Avenue from home Avenue to Saunders Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91353, approved January 5, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - 411.75 Cost per front foot for curb - - .57 ° sidewalk - - - 1.05 Inspection - - - - - - 8.07 Engineering cost - - - - 40.00 Frontage - - - - - - - 250 ft. Yours truly, &,,'7 WM. N. CAREY, Chief engineer. Ap o*ef.r t ansmission to Finance MROSIN Commissioner of public iiorks. Office of the Commissioner of Public WR4jiNom 9 p i3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 25 1932 J3nnary 22, 1934 193 To the Commis m., of Fl-,,, - of the City of St. ruin: The Commim..... of Public Work,, having had under eoneideration the preliminary order of tho t'mmcd, known an c•oum it Fit,- No- 91553 approved January 5, 1931 193 ,relative to the construction of curbing and side -walk on the east side of Underwood Avenue from home Avenue_ to Saunders avenue. and having investigated the matters and lhlngn referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvmnrnt is ueeewary nd (or) desirable. Cost ;lar front foot—curb $0.57 2. The e li ..d coat thereof i. b 411.75 " '18g walk 1.05 andd the total coat them—rs i. Inspection $8.07 rigineering $40.00 Fronta;,e r.50 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement w ae tallows: _.. _......... ....._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made . part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .asked far upon petitii..ree of thor more own a of property, eabjcet to assessment for seed improvement / C �.aiooer of Public Work.. " J.1ti55 COUNCIL. FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofconst—tin,; side alk extension,s.. toconnect-. ealet.ing. aideaalks to 3—b at the narthmest and tte south'xest corners of Cherokee Avenue -and 'Syoning 5tre t, _. under Preliminary Order 91445 _. -... approved January 15, 1932 Intermediary Order -_.-. _. ..-.-- __. __- _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ell persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is cnnatr t..s_dawalk.-tonzi— to-. C.?nnec t _Existing sidewalks to._c—b_ et..the_ nosthyeat _and_ the _ southwest corners of (;h:-ro'Kee .,venue _and Wyo_mi_Z Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council � _ _ - _ 192 i City Clerk. P3< Approved - -. - , 192 C� . Mayor. Council... W Councilm8n'*Th>bs]t1 Councilman ')$Q .Igsm Councilman SpdHatmer ". B Councilman �r (f Mayor AdQgDDYR undlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 C- OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT , OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMISSJO�4ER OFINANCE ON PRELIMNARYORDERF (D) t J.,h10fA— jf, t,; cu b at the , IFY I" UId,, p,,jj.j..,, Order aVPI-lld To C ... til of the ca, of St. p --l: The C,.,jssj.Ic, If Finance hereby reports as follows: Thc I-1 lm-tld '-"t of th_.... The estimated cast p,,f-t for the i'PlI se 't 'd tion of lot or Th, 1-11 or Ptll of _d that -y b, -,-d lbfil- for -h improvement, "d n' ' ,_1 ., I— I, .... d by the Anscsnor, arc as IA.— ISSESIED DISCRIP-nON L.' A...Tl.N L Atuo�j !w. 12 66 P. R.1,1c!)onnell Is H "-ar 700 5550 a ;5, 925 Unll ul 1� . pa,i, 1225 5550 The C..,n,j, If Fi b,,th, p.... that he h- n,,I.tig.t,d all of h, aforesaid Id with the ,p,,t made I. hin, m the In, reportthere o the Cooncil, together referenceheretyid matter by the C.,_sjo., If P.lblk W It, ,.. lz,L4 hr l �' '" _ �sr"S, Officeof the Commissioner of Public \V*AsFinAnC@ B • � 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 28 1932 J.tnury L7r 1932 1,3 'i'o the /'ommissioner of host— of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Work., 1—mg had under eousideratinn the preliminary order of the 91445 Jan. 15, 1932 f9.3 ,relative to l'euncil, known as Cawicil Dile No. approved to constructing sidewalk extensions to connect existing, sideaaiks to curb at the northwest and Lhe southwest corners of Uherokee Avenue and Wyoming Street. and haying in ... ogatcd the msitera and thing. r,f,. I to therein, heroby reports: I. Said impravcon— is nem _ and (or) desuchle. 2. The eatinnawd coat thereof is f 57.97 , and the total -et thareof is f and the nature and extent of paid improvement is ua fullawe: - -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvcmcot is. - asked for upon petition of three or or wacra of property, suhject W aaeeasment f., .,id improvement //`%/(?'/ /[//•r///,nl l'�` Commieaioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLIER RESOLUTION GENE AL F "h - ATE PRESEW EiMETR COM, in matter oil of the Ity f LIP ity Atha f Om TSMAS' the no .i=.a god .1tendin VU Ml-' " a Of ths,:�".'%O'Dma, Strom% confirmed =.&-&rd Of dmg*s in the park*A , taking end TuNion Of a portion of SUM f 11,5�.32, f*L,, to at. Paul, up a k 1 W. I. � M..:b:. 11 Addition d 1. to :d I'Ot ll&*!Io t h &war be un =dlug tha % 0 Owner a d to 60000 such t�f the buildla� On which OOct:%i.a.11ddth6,r 1::t1jon by t 0 Owner hO said pro .. e:1. of the vame to t a re� th.re.j, In ,I_ j.t,,,:opr rd of dem.gede 'in the a= of f2,071.32 moo al of the portion of pl? t::,d th:ws. which demolition am lines and the re - said building between the old and new it ... Vt I&Oing of the remainder Of amid buildi g, and WRKMS, it appeare.from the potitil on of the owner, fil 1i it, the officS th: Oit lark that .. .%ch election was in so sm'. and tb:1 y ',,,a of,r,%stI.n of said &word, t t. a..,, in .ted under a mistake a. to the f"ts, v ad Oogmd.sio.er of Iris VHERUS tb Fs rporation I have re:ommended tb&t said f d by inorssf- 0 to be In the So conditional ou tlo"L Of the building Ithi 0 1, a d wr ld and V tree a a an, amid PTemis Oil r r:s I Li r oning ug and removal 0 b:IPd b othertef. c b the f t Jog. 'h. n up j..6t.d fth %he re-fao of the nde t the said award of I Jim $� er:d by the _SOL .=ed' -:1- ke 'n,.t,.,a of I b a.mod so 99 ..:A" kin d C con-il 'I.., upon th 00 Is" bin th.%Wr be in th. .. of $2,- f said building NI ld "d r mO-1 Of the Portion a of the remainder of said building, .treat lines and the ref&oing imprOTeMODt Revolving Fund. 'Md sum to be paid from the Permanent 1. 3"q A. E --L— Ad.pl�d by lh� C""' Y- -Y m�, ... Id P'.- R.- Ag. -I s.8 6-1 M,L P' -d- Department of Elam CI or BT. PAUL 1= L A=212N Ule P�BH EA XAN eY J. PLYNN N MUNPHY EIEVINO GOTLIEB March 7, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: This is in response to your communication of March first, addressed to the Corporation Counsel, requesting a recommendation relating to the attached petition of Eliza- beth Quinn, pertaining to the award of damages for the taking of a part of Lot 11, Block 1, Mackubin 6 Marshall's Addition, in the matter of the widening of University Avenue from Dale Street to Park Avenue. It appsars that previous to the confirmation of the award of damages submitted by the Commissioner of Finance in this matter, the owner was given the opportunity to elect to accept either of two proposed awards, one in the sum of $1,571.32 which contemplated the retention by the owner of the entire build- ing upon said promisee and the removal of the ease to the rear of the lot, and the other in the sum of $2,071.32 which contemplated the demolition and removal of the portion of said building be- tween the old and new street lines and the refacing of the remain- der of said building{ that the Council confirmed the award of damages submitted, in the sum of $1,671.32, upon the first prop- osition, upon the understanding that the owner had elected to accept the first proposition. The petition contains allegations sufficient to support a finding that there was no election on the part of the owner, as contemplated by the Council when the award was con- firmed. The election in this sense presupposes full knowledge Of all the material facts, appreciation of right of choice, and the evincing of an intention to accept one of two propositions submitted in the alternative. It is our opinion, assuming the facts and oircum- stances set forth in the petition to be true, that the 0ounoll may amend the award in accordance with the prayer of the said petition by adopting a resolution to such effect. Yours very truly, LP548 iltntsn counsel. City of -Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MINE 1. GIBBONS, City CI.,L .nd Comminlon.r of e.gi,e.ea. tlarch let, 1932. L. Anile reon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached petition of B1ieaDeth Quinn relative to the award of damage. for Lot 11, Block 1, M9eknDin & Marshall's Addition, inthe matter of the widan- tog of University Avenoe from Dale Street to Park Avenue w referred to you and the Conner ine of Finance for Snvestie gation end reM.'sidatt... Io-. very truly, City Clerk. 'MR F TC T jC19i O' Th � C ITY COVIT 1:, fill TIT! C 7, 1131T F.ntT7 t ;4tlllll . \ r,, W. FOR fir', -T.l,li A' 17 !IF 1, T ',71 NIT- 7 :-, "IF. W, !IA' ,Vf- , ,e :j U: -t -�DITIC17 PALPL. THAT LI ilolmT V 12.,L irn (201 717, T 3101'1! "1 -:11'1 .1 UTH ',U : 0" 17Y 'A73i =:, L. :Y c"'UN, InG L+ the I` the .:,a, I-— .-danilli; ,n Xt,jn3i , ,if, , 11. ve Ity %vonu fro rk me—o t. ".,le 3t—.t, Your -Uti�: or —1-0 ul It t— t this !:one ub 0 CO-Icil tl-t she is the "oord o,eier Sufee singleof the I ild —1 p—,U , hor,' n).,f,ra descri ad, r" th It this Council liubmitted t the uderA,;s.,l t,,. offer-, If :,—re- in the altern.tive, .0 foll-3: i 7 'Nie retention of the ntire b"l,11,,_ nd the --v-, 0- the to the — - a- the lot iarei.o-fore le - I riiod, or wrioll t�,a nw: of Fifteen --ired I-Velity—li. ,n 1 .5'./10 0 1,571 .3-) Doll"' frerwl t1 j, -:etit is and, 3 :c ')anal it 10, .11 —1 of P.rtio of build- bet'lae, the Old --d nee --t line, I.f.Will; .;* . - 1 le—IU —„ . .mJ.-! 1,lt, for xhioh t is Council offered t this p,ltltionor the letes, of T , Tbouound j.ty-. nl 32I100 r*; -,07-321) Doll .1. in thia ;,!tit -oncr furthe .t A— th t ah^ iswain x, and p -,t olghty3oarn of .Inh , that as i,. no ouffioicnt .: o:�i ,!l:o or ','vice of thn ft" lav lune in o .'. offs. ro of ,.,aai, eubnitted to her :-:nd did not c ❑pre- beM the no. ing, off^ct or ro,Qt of th" —0,t—ce o' th" �- n .o, 'n.'. t'::r:��u,:: nacident, -,, et -ie an in:'vortenoo, thin petitioner accepted the A:.r'i o Fifteen I4tndred 9eve.:ty- one and 3::/100 ("•7,571. 1 Poll r , on ron i,t,on th t Dile ,,rout., remove hor said danll ln,; Lo'.: :c, c nt ry t l.or .,.. :lenire -:nd Ju1475ant. ("!", thin P..t Sticner pr,ye for o n if in ti.,•, of th. d:, r 1.•. '.),- .,- of Fiftnnn !:un'. red ^.,,ve;t.._�•,. rm e /If0 ('1 .3:., '�o" :r -,lo. her un.. in 11-•.: tl::,.. ••of �,: rt i I •tit'. or 'he n T 2) :ou3m•.1 +nmy-mr nd 3:7/1"0 ( , ^71.3',011i- tia L t tLin ,titi uer cla „ , id : orther-.' ..a;y (:I. ) fret of c.id ot1—ori, ed 1.: caption herno° u:d 0910~ .._.. c',n 1y +lth tho o -A - n 'Id ru'^, 'infect -n. tl:o 10, -nd tli t t i . tt^r he ••t f— l,n rin. it t),o nnzt .satin,f o City Co ncil o' th— City .,f 3t. Paul, .. far o..a! at 1: •.. nrl fart ' re11n" a .^-:y sno:n -t .nd e •,u i',ble to tho real c,. t t!.o un,I—IiCnod. ^11 both ";u Sn,:, 1'otitlonsr. Albert J. ::uo er, At tfor Pntltinner, I- a,. c Wry C- It :e; 'Y I:SSz:.beth cyuin being fir it dul o orn, u on oath apo -yo t .t he Se th^ patit/onar in the wJthln entitled _tter: that the -. rur ie truo t tF.n beet of her rill -1n169, i- 1 t ouoh -tt.r- nh, be - 1 vas it t ho txvo. cul,00ribed and ewo rn t before ::o t to _.utt: y of o- . ::ry, ,1Lert ! . ,wall or, :uL S- ub lic, -x!azBey C•,unty, Cornleelan ^x��i rea lfov.��'t}., l:ecu CITY OF ST PAUL NO qpO n.o... o ... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Q IL RES �(RI GENERAL FORM oA- l _ RESOLVED That the appl1cat10a Of Joe ResnikOff for permission to erect and naintaln an oversise private garage at 313 last Thirteenth street, is hereby Vented, and the 000sissioner of Parts, playgrounds and public Buildings is hereby authorised and lnstraoted to issue a parnit therefor. Aa°P „d by eh, C—`1 MAR 8193219 Y— N ys �Con,aY vv T Mir AI9 / Ro Dnld mavoR Sudhum�. Mr.P—.de 6.ndhc City ®f Saint Pani Office of city clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, City Cl.h .nd Comminlon.r of R.ylrt.eon March 7th, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Co®Bel, Building. Hear Sir: The attached application of Joe Besnikoff for permt.sion to a act an rete. private garage at 213 East 13th Street • e approved today by the Council and referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clark. Q,w NOTICE P? OF APSCATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 193 Z tar the Clty Counc of the Saint Peul, Minnesota, ilf/7Y for by �,� a a e on the following describ- pem sion to erect 9 g ad real estate, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to "it: Lot Y Block 7i Saint Paul, Minnes te. On the side of St. bet pn and Aro-e.- S kve. Number i Dated at Saint Paul 11 �, Minnesota, % -193 2 S1AT8 Of MINNMI A, i , cp�nro ai Raaaer. l ` bAng duly morn, dapwaa a d enp hotly is noel rlu g nll lhr times iter mentioned 1mv been Irrk of the nuhliehe r printer rho r o[ tM1r n SC i a P1 —I'd ru b!ished in the c ty of St Paul, In veld 13amr Pre n dull' r nrin - es, rt' .1n l TT�h�nt^�h F k I II M1 f u J� dpl'Ps nett h� pri ted. -ry,y M1rfeta vtfLched t f n/i dyvY (`r/- �wYNne-il.- He�•r/ltfeiL.ma publisFrd in void newv n ier -times, nnJ that alta of apid publiratlova nl were mode In LFe b:nglinM1 language. n f I,,' , Thut said notice wns flml sertrd, printed nnJ p.bliehed the..... / � - of.... . . 193 ✓and m printed and ppb I'ned in svd p, he f th J7..d f.. 93.l 1 fled qt R 11 he ti r wrid. av I 1 per w ae a vellum of ollicivl and -'I public^ inns as rrquirerl by eectione 3 nd d f ampler 484, bas n L.— of mi --Ht' 1.21, —1 thvt it h. cvmplwd with nll the regairemente that nAlt— n Ir,ml n w...... as —'d in svid sections 3 end 4, to -wit: that for mora p f f• m he [ the�fl{ t/p bl tion o d u runs 1 aprnw �"r%a^��u• �'f�t 't '•..f:i: ....avid ne W r baa been Ne Fhgg- m i�`e^r^^Yts r"""w e'+�: pur til Printed from the plvrr tram which it nerd to bo iseved in lien IanRunFr, nYM in column wul sheet corm r mvalrnt in space tq a tenet eight inches tong. e.m..' IaF rages, x,m ei8ht rolamnn to tnr nage, earn lw..ty-one and one-gmrter Ironed delle from n knnxn nrtirr. rawmisnrd m earn pmu for ppubtiea- thnnd equipped with akdlyd workmen vml the necesevry materiel far pmparing noel ai '�loi.o•rm. r.v xu.Ra printing [ne a .d' to contain nrrnl noel lorvl news, mme t and Y, 51vde pt,— n t wholly JuplirnlinF n other puM1licutinn. vnd o entirely made up of patevte, .11 i .b them. plate mutter —] ndrerti- —t" or vny ar either (d) CirruinlrJ in n 'ts pincr o publi to thb-ibe— odd Int p.y two hundreA nnJ tarty c max�nFUlnrlyd%/rlJ)iv/pa-rjed to p Ying vU . PH., to [h clog fthe fret p�Yl'r %y(��f✓ / �..�.... Ln h p Ll'sher " r�hn.Rr f Jnp 1-1-g k 1 dge of [M1r. (nrin, filed in the upim of the o varhlar of aeid a ty of Ramee�, elate un pr Dfinnraom, nn nRiJnrit snowing the mu noel locution pfc avid ewspvper d lbe ronJil o lilutin a ili8cn o a v. v lural newspaper a regvlred zisten of .Pd set froth in sr� linnr3 of rbnptrr JF1, Srssiannl.nwe of NlnneevN, 1921. TFvt. he lnllmving ie n rioted copy of the Inwrr cme alphabet from inclveive, of the rive vnd km,l of type. -e l in the composition, printing and pab- ,.'h t rm^nnAWl�w v. ,� 11<n[ion of said irevl educe i. t hr 4�rhrd, z. 'rti lHb,r ngiant —11, not sr tont this o r e mn lvsit de pureuvnt to ae h abs at chapter 684, 9eisivn Lvwv bfinnrsp gl, d�1 mended ec for publientivn in sniri newspaper of a v[1�'�for sa atd"lC' vl vdvert em , Subecribcd vnd su oro iv baf re me I'll -dv] f� 193.1-. PuWtc, Minaevoh. Dunt Notary iiamsey, Y. Poem „t. Alv Commission ezpiree ......................... SPAPB OP kINNBSW N. Cope, of Ram a. " balnm dolt' v depow and eeys Nnt hr now rindr 'all Ihr ee herelnnrter tinned hnr been nz Jerk or Ne publisher or pr cr hargr tM1e SL Peul Dlepatch, St-PeuFWoneet' Sae,, vJnIIy nr—P., ,printrJ�and puLllsFed in tFe city of SL Foal, In Wd Ram - y coo MY, Sure of Minnesota. ,Th -h, nae o I J f l ear Ikn 1 that ,o p� x. �lnpeeKh heme(t^o vtterF,d, cit rrom rn f d paper, a Inset ��v'ted':�n WublierJ i n'ul ne r !.!.4^^. lime, -d 11.1 .11 ol Wd pobH,mjoo, m ore ode in lhr Em:iish I.agua e_ That snid../otire was fret inerrtrd, printed rind Published ptivted nod pub- lbhed In avid no ..... .... the..... 9 ..I r ✓.".. Th t fl II th f I I an 13.y" lided en a oo alvm of oRicial and ",,I Pnbl ear Pnv ;:v red Ft' e. tivnn 9 and or ehepter 484, Seo- 4 alon laws of Minnesota, 1921, —1 that pit hav r..Ili,d wilh all the regoi__; Net r"°°.ua..3.f�rr8!' w nstitut 1 rwv If rd in A tions 9 d L it that for mora en n r Y ],,,t ya,epi P: ri d tr or r la. ... ... . ....... ii ..id newep r he, beev Prinlr,i from LFr pinrr irnm whirh it nu ria to be leeued in Ne En8- IieM1g Inn roan b_ yo, )�.qp�_tlC L. nil rolomn n�^ she,[ rq vnirnt i spare to n le eight with eight rolumn.v to lFe p er encF twrn[yuone anA one quarte 1 flee lonlI{{. (21 Issued doily tram v knnxn aRice, rstnblished in each Plegia for t.e,vt i� e. �°a'1„.oam. L,wy ppvblira- tion vnd cquipprvf with skilled xorkmrn and the nereemry materiel for preparlvg and a Levo nrinnng the eamr. (81 "tup to 'o in g neral —d Incvl n , eom e t end Wsevlleny, .olwho11Y Au Pliratine a olnnr puhlicatian, and n entirel9 made uP of Patent,, plot, matter vnd oAr'erti.�n�rnL, o or either of them. (4)Cin-ulatrd in and n .l pinre of puhlicatian to the ,Rent of of l000t two hundrM -d forty copies r gninrly drli"'d to paying e.b,c be and flat prior to th, dote f the f pµbli"tio r I 1 .... ...... ..thepubli,h— or printer iv rharg, of avid newspaper hoNng knowledge or thI reru, filed i, the —,of the c nu,litor of said a maty of Ramsey, Ac te of Mi ... —, nn nRiAavit showing thun nnJ loration of mid n wbpvper and Ne of conditions ron.titnlinK it li"if—ti.no av o legal n w,paper ae required andtert forth in or cnaptrrsn F -t, Session l.nwre of MinnesoN, 1921. Thnt the follo�wiing i' ted c or the lower m o alphabet from A to Z, rin both inclusio,, of ,1 size rind kind of typcyuecA In tM1n rompovition, priv[ivg and pub uraeon or ems Irsm ndl x. Fortner rtianl snith n t sa a that Win vRidnvit iymndo iurev tion a or chanter a8a, Session I,nw.l biinnesnty, d le tended o o pori bN for puhliralion in said newspvmr of ti, o dvertise eat y e Subscribed vnd sx oro t, Mori, me this. �dny Notory Pout' Ra ey Caonty, Mlnveaots. G tc.w tat, My Commission expires ......................... uarch let, 1932. Sun. aeo. C. Comer9odheL:er, of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Door Cmn:leeioner% At tho 0.-11 ma atW hold today en epplloation of Joe Aeanikof;o� t 13th! St ei reet. e t rae private M_O,a a heard. The matter aaa referred to the ri- Prevention Bureau for report and laid over to Th—aday. M.b 3rd. Yours very truly, City Cleric. pepartmoO sf Pvblic I5vF*N TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET March 5, 1932 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clark, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Attached hereto 1e the report of the Fire Prevention Division relative to the application of Joe Resnikoff for permission to erect en oversize garage at 213 East 13th Street. vaCy'"'3' i Coa�issioaer of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL March 4th 1932• gon.Oeo.O.Budheimer Oo®leeioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Joe Reenikofl for13thpermi Btreetloto be used for Private useaonly. e at 213 &aet We Have investigated ehatf the aboveaaddrnd e address that an oversize private garag would not inoreaee the fire hazard and therefore recommend that permission be granted. Yours truly Ohief Inspector - Fir a Prevention Bureau. City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, 0-1kCay .1R .od C ... 1,do— of March lot, 1932. a... Gee. C. sndbelmer, Coms-r of Public safety, City of saint Paul. Dear Commi.eioner: 1t the Council meeting held todgv en appllcatl.. of Joe Beenikoff for permission to erect relxe private ;garage at 213 Ea -t 13th Street.... heard. The matter .eo referredto the Fire Prevention Bureau for report and laid over to Thuraday, March 3rd. Your. very truly, City Clerk. 58 o..c.„..,o �...,,.. * CITY OF ST PAUL, ca'IC%.- dd'� OFFICE OF CITY CLERSKi4�� ' t H e .. r IL RES —GENT G TED �EA AHfERAS, U provided by Ooamoll file NO. 91847, approved February 10, 1933, the Oounoil did, on the 7th day of Yarob, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Mouncil Obasber of the court House and Olty Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two—story !rase dwelling located on the east 41.25 feet of the east 82.5 feet of the month 115.8 feet of Lot 20 Irvine's Addition of DQtlots, also known as No. 489 Horth street, following due notice of said bearing given pursuant to Ordinance NO. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion Of the Council that said building Is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and ad]oining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be It 08OLPID, that said building be wreoked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Oommiesioner of arks, Play— grounds and Public Haildinge to the last known record owner of said property at bis last known address, or to the agent of said property; be it F086'H6H $IBCLyID, that if, within Sen days after the sailing of this notice to said property owner or his agent, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publia, ftildings shall report said fact to the Oocnoil. o NC MEQ MAR 8 M? Ycaa Nays Adoprcd by nc� C ... 1A 19 Co�ror ti 1� McDonald In favor AP pro d 19 R.,cn Againrc — --- f. - - - MA— Sudhcimer M,, P—idem B.ndhi r city of Sunt Pain Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Gly Clrh ,nd Co.mlulom�ol March 7th, 1912. Mr. L. L. lonndsreon, corporatiConceal, Building. Dear Sir: "t"' meeti.' held to dqy, the ec advisability of w king that certain t•c-story frame d•elltng located at 489 Porth street was heard before the Council end the matter • e referred to eouldrdwel- proper resolution confirming the wrec s ing. Sour. very truly, —2 - City Clerk. � � • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL cou,.cic NO. 91659 r�ca •\ OF ICE OF CITY CLERK ¢¢�g IH EE VV CO CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OOWI981oNER_ L`� _ ATE THETAS, the Ccmmi se is r_er it Public W—ks has recerted i crdance with Section 53 of the City ^parte r, , istence of a he e ^me rpency which rendered necessary the e n'_oymenl cf certain emF_oyes s.f his Depar tmsr.t for m,re than eight !:euro per day and rr. Sunday, aid employment being mire than usual h,-- If empl-yment, therefore, h, it RE SC:.'IED. That the prr*ger city officers are hereby auth.ri-d to pay the fallowing named employes at the rate Ith er"se -ixed for extra emp.Cyment far the extra time hereinafter se firth. Y— COUNCILMEN N*.y,/ / An thorry, John L.il .L - b ,r ---3 -_-- il t tc} nY. Jol: , Henry 7't-'_...-.1 McDondd :55 Edstro,., Cscar „L.- TRY - �� encurh, ,; ee ^e•- 1 ,41 54" Me McGee, 1, D. titi1.L^h, Mr. P—id— Hddp— Pe trcr.ton, Yicl,ael Util.Lzb, •55 Plumbo, Anthony Sub_Fore, h 6 Putnam, Fred 9 ee•er Fare^�ir. mt 22 Steinberg, yax ,.tc. L -b, "' 2 .68 Tuc cit'.., Anunzio lltil.Li7 2 .50 •55 Y— COUNCILMEN N*.y,/ / ClaRay Fee`uwu-• McDondd In fnsoe / �� Sudhelmv At.]— Wsme4r* � Mr. P—id— Hddp— MAP c Adopted by the Council___ 1soar 9 1 Approved - _ 19. J - MAYOR - - r An emergency hnc arisen in the DF.PAATI=T OF PIIBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the ei:iploynnent of certain c,:ployees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: ._,._krnN emergency repairs to sewers and tunnels and cindering slippery streets at danaero— intersections. This emergency arcs,, ly reason of t1- folloving facts and cireumetunces: L'mergenep ce11s for se—r re—re received at al_ hours; streets becoming in a elinoery condition on account of recent th—s e.nd freezing. %J 0537 ?IfiR Or YL� ORiCS q..T'' ° Cl NO. _ MAPA, 0, 1932 ICE ERK MAY UIIteri lrril;L UN O OK—GENERAL FORM PRESMiss BY O _T yVM l A L1AR0Fi STH -1932_ R LVF%— _. — --_ - WHEHEAS, The CeR jee10M r of °dll`tlon hes re Por ted to the Council Sn ecco rd snoe r:ith Section 53, of the CS ty Chsr to the exietence of a morgeney which rendered ne co.sary the emcloy: :<>>y of Dor twin er:rloyrs oC his deper t^.e nt for more �h an thclr usual hours. of emp1oy. men t; to -r for,obe it, RESOLVED, Thatthe proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to psy the following named omrloyes, st tha rate othc—iso the for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth; NAh1E TITLE TINE RATE TOTAL N9rman Joiner Com, Lab. 10} hours .44 $4.73 eeeo--e. r. Y— couricerr Nay Adop«d by rhr Cwnrd y:.�^. 111 ti9ai 19 Conroy Y �t M,Dnn aid In AX i So dh—er j Mnvoa Mr. N—drm Nondb/ M h Rth � 1"P, :wP. ..__sen _1. '.h„ Fera —1 eyes 'hat �T r '_mer.'. ^�. ._.,.r '.hnn eigM h�_�•1 ^pen^Y I _I by :1111— of h, f�'_>vi:ng &gnlojad on o f k t 8 + k 'his ^er ��. :� r. a.,��. _a. ,.e :ci',h S. .f '.he. ,•"••`•`"•"`•` / CITY OF ST. PAUL cour.cii NO. ,91WA OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR M, L[ i vnE6Ervre — ' cordssl$pr� - __ DATE March 9s 19 RESOLVED In the matter of paving Alley in Block 3, i'lum Orchard, from Fredericka Avenue to Fairview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90838, approved Nov. 2, 1931, and Final Order 91346, approved January 5, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the "ommissioner of rublic Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby app—ved. Yeas eourvelcrvEry Nay, Adop,,d by,h, Council_ 1--, 111 1M19 Clancy Fcreu,on y,,.,; 1 McDonald B, favor - Aglttovcd 19 - Ro6lavd SudheimvAeainsr U_ //w I 'Avoa ✓ Mr. P—id— HM9—P 2,uNa c'c NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ca a o -- - � Onre_ march 9, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving Alley In Block 2, King's Maplewood from Princeton Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89991, approved August 3, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90953, approved November 17, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specific+tions as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. y— N... Nav Chacy _ Fag... F j4cl)oD�d In favor 8oq" /) r�.p,�elm:r .; _ Against Pruidenr{Iodpm- Adopled by rh, co—ii--MAR 10 1932 19 APprovad / Council File No.__..' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r K and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby propoees the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: Constructing_a six foot _sidewalk_ on the south aide of Lafond ... ... Street from Oxford Street to connect with the _existing ._Sidewalk approximately 396 feet west or ttilton Street. __.. ......._.._. ..._.__.___.._....._ Doted this10th _day of Marchr19 2 9 - -- rtl fib a. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propteal for the making of the f ❑ ing uoProv t °': CanStru.cL.1nB..Qot_.sidaw.alk._QA the south pide_ofLafond __.._....... Street from Oxford Street to connect with the existing sidewalk apprgximately_ 396 feet _Neat 4f Milton Street. -- _..._._......... ......._._.._.... having 6ecv preecn ted to the Council of the City of St. Pau .---- therefore, be it Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the 1. To investigate the necessity for, or deeirability of, the making of said improvement. y. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimewd cost of said improvement, sad the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. q. To state whether or not esid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ow -ere 5. To report upou all of the foregoing u t e tote Commiesioner of F1... re - OR I Adopted by the Council ._..._._.._.._._.._ Yses �iAvs ggRe 1 t Councilman CoaRoy Approv ed �a - /�IcDoxetn / Psaacs _. � /Sunesr""'r"' - '._.. msa M � aynr. roves �M, Pnvemmrr j A. CoU-0 File -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and ....'°Pm6. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mimaigned hereby pr,pm a, the making of the following public improvement by the City of Bt. Peol, via.: Widening the intersection of Winifred Street and South Wabasha Street on the northwest corner by adding thereto a triangular piece of land in the southeast corner of Lot 6, block 62, west St. Paul Proper, measuring 17 feet on the north line of Winifred Street and 15 feet on the northwesterly line of So. Wabasha Street, and con- demning and taking all lands and easements necessary therefor. Also changing the grade of the sidewalk abutting said lot 6 to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown thereon. Also constructing new sidewalk, curbing and paving, and making the necessary changes in existing sidewalks, paving, hydrants and catcabaslns for the improvement of the streets in conformity with the new street lines and grades herein proposed. Widening the I.n,:eraee cion �• --;ding ° c -- — Piece 6treet on the northwest corner byy addingr thereto a LW st iter of land 1n the southeast corner of lot 8, Block BE, West St. Paul Proper, measuring 17 feet on the north line of Winifred Street and 15 feet on the northi*ra neeasemo. W beoeeeary thereforeon- demnlag and Laking Also changing the grade of the sidewalk abutting Bald lot 6 to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached end made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown thereon. Also constructing new sidewalk, cttrbinB end pavingr and s and the necessary Changes Sa ealsting sldowalka, Davina hydrants and cetahbaslne for the improvement of the street- La conformity with the new street lines and grades herein prof Adopted by the(:ooncil...._ ................___.....__.._...._._._.__..._......... Yr,a NAT. Canneilemn Curvaov MAT PTA... co Pzeac¢ Roeary Ma Pasemssr Bonar.,aea _....._....._...._....___._.__....__.._.___....._..ayor_-... Mayor. r�c♦utiu Iwo l/ PUi,,. T. n6. •r,t�f oL fV6 :-fr eFFc Tu LouyoL�rTFe. mT CJS - �. cl�nuf:r. .. Tr•, s"T=t'Tt�c ... l�. c:; ,•7K::v I;,.n lv. r: T^f K. -",I Tit P. -q banTL B' a is KTP`= F{tc, Tion",i fi'e t. t.ou' •., hwt.c let' fps b. --r Tq—jK ELaqY a L`a.m��Fo ;ue ersc�ea oesq �auq v - rps bTav p., 111 cp^uL'Tu? Cp6 :Lac;sLaL �1:e zT17G—Tf: snrrFFT, F —Tq TOF I I. r� 11", 'IT To", avq s fivrz u6csz asL?. Fuczs LOL• T.2 �L66f oO Flie u. FNa6z Fez Ta TTvr6 oyf2o• ,,,aPazfra 2FL6s F' situ col-_ Lo 11—` tos anL 7tte TJ L6cr OL F:ts uoL fp T7u6 oL IATll TlL 6q 2FLs6F su a <. __ _� Tf'p.9 I�' Fps zon rfAeszj....c o:.v.d. oT 70� H' PIoLK @5' M.e of 2F' 6an7 _ Dated this Sth _ day of ._._ Co—cilmm. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Widening the intersection of Winifred Street and South Wabasha Street on the northwest corner by adding thereto a triangular piece Qf land in the southeast corner of lot S, Block SE West St, Paul Proper measuring 17 feet on;the north line of Winifred Street and 15 fee t on the northwesterly line of So, Web.he Street, and con— demning and taking all lands and easements neoeseery therefor. Also changing the grade of the aldewalk abutting said lot S to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown thereon.. Also constructing new sidewalk, curbing and paving, and making the necessary changes In existing sidewalks, paving, hydrants and cItchbasins for the improvement of the streets in conformity with the new street lines and grades herein proposed. Adopted by the Co 1._...__._. _._.__..._.. Yale NA- C .... 11maaCoraor •3 +'fj;'. Mer Approved em P—e.eence Roesn Baoeeraea �q .. .._ ......._ _...._....._Y...__._ Ma Pneamaar v' May or. Vul- 1n —17 Tu e -T IT rJ' p cPnilriA rp, T,IT— L TLL.' . .......... .... . ......... . ...... —"�; b,,i.g two presented be the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Public W,,k, In, and in hereby ond,md and directed: 1. Toi—catip, te the cocceity f.or doeimbility of, the making of said improvement.2. To investigate the nature, cutcoit and ciuna-d met of mid inapm-oo-t, sod the total coat thereof. 3. TO fumih a plan, profile o, clocich of said improvement. 1. To state whether ., Out said improvement i. asked for .n the petition of three or more —tern 5. To report upon all of the foregoing ttota �8* Coneminai—, of Pi ...... MAR Adopted by the Yam IS— C1111ilecal CONROY V, MAY App ... cd M,DIIALI P.Ant. R .... .. MR. P= Mayor. YN FD R YAH 9� I= 91816 Conseil File vo__._ _... _.......... MAYOWS Of -t IGE By_.... _....___. _.. _... _._.... CITY OF ST. PAIL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the ..xvenui, of benefits, costs —i expen— for grading alley in Block 5, Lexington Park Plat 11, from '11 gar or to Sct;ef; er no ......wemra. it under Pre6minary Order.___BLACIa ., Ii-n.tdh,ry Drder__..9DD6H___., Final order.. approved _ 3ep.t.r .9_ ...............17..31. A pvblk hea ing h - i., bre, had upon the .... mcnt for the above imp....... t, and said ..ncsment having been f-tht, considered Lf the Cin ncil, and hnviog b,en --id eyed fi-lly satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Thnt the said assevment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the some ,s hereby ordered to be anbmittcd to rhe District Court of the County of IWn.,,y for confirmation_ 13E IT I•'U&THEE, RESOLVED, That the said .....—.1 be and it is hereby determined «, b, pacabl. J in _— ___ ..... _. _.. egnnl installments. Adopted 61 the Council._ Approved. fir 19 J City Clerk. .9/6.- 149 I M 111' .1'r P-11 1, Report of Completion of Assessment 7el--y 10 , ,,32 [n the —1, If the essessmrnt of b—fit., nte and expenses f.,.kL— grafi Ir alley In Block 5, Lexington Part: Plct 11, from -'leanor -t. to Sheffer ESt. under Prclintinnn 0''1" 8,'408intermedinr�Ueda90068 Fin.] 0"1" 9036a ........ .. I 5opt. 5 I!j 31 T. the (:--il If the Cit, of St P,,n] Th, Commi sinnrr of F i—I, , liereh. , —1, to the Co the following ase -t-- of the n dit.... I ....... i-ily incurred ,"-I to 11r incurred for I in eonnee tion ilh the —kin, of the b... n, in'nt' C"o of $ 375,00 Cost If pnhhsIiin' I-, , 2.10 0.42 7.50 amount If —1 for ennfinuntiun m2.10 -ot .1 13zpendl tures-474.I2 Said Cununisstoncr further rcPorte that t—it the ,,,m.f$ 474.12 lot, P.'t ,parcel d I—I d'—'d brvefited by the .,d iand in the en., If . n. )i lIt, Port or 1,.-1 If I -d in .—,d,,— with the b-,Iit, eon f—Id thereon; th.t the snid asussmrnt Ina, been coin pn,l that b-10 tI-h,d identified hy the sig ostnre f the -id conttnissioncr, and mode n I,- he —f, i, the -id - ...... I .s —ph -IM by him, .,,,I ,,hwh is h—,pith submitted to the Conned I- -A, ai.. Ih ... b, (—d ... d Commies io-, f Fi.... 91867 C... 61 File Vo. _........................_...._ ;ti:� oa m.......m.. • .o ,a., aao n. d B _. _. a... Wne .. w...... CITY 01 ST, PADL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aa...--t of banfit, ,ost:=ll n I ape..; es for pa"na Burns ,. , from tha Po'ntclou t. a nc 1nt ..50 ft. s est, •r'th water s:.. n�-ctions from street ..'ns tonr or er tv 1'n— rolete, ih P. not already :-io, _also includ- c,:^'' an. "'n- 9r e:+s'- acpron: he s, ry =re .necessary, ricter'.al �_a11 be 2-.ce1. i 1se . t on 6-:nncrete ba- noadwa, to be 46 f, t. under Preliminary Order.- 8041A_.__..I 1.1,—.diary Order._._91793___., F5..1 Order.__ X16.82........ approved..._J' i 13.'_9___.._..___.._....19. 29. A public h.. mg h—ag been had upon the assessment for the ab..c mprovement, and said a..sessmen[ having been farther comtidered by the Conn.il, end having bees een.id... d finally sa[iefactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said aa, —ta be and the same is hereby in all ...peat, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be ..bmittrd to the District Court of the County of Ram.cy for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the .aid assessmett ba and it i, bereby determined to be pay,ble ehO4 g }G'l`Z Adopted by the Cooneil__ _.... _.. ........ ...........19..._.... .......`.... .... ... .....:.. _._ .., City Clerk. Approved. _.__ .....__.19 Mayor. i 1N CITY OF J'"P. PACT, OFI'ICE OF'IIIF, COAIMISSIOSER OF FIN,.SCE Report of Completion of Assessment Pahr—Y 10 .1s N In the matter of the eesisemr at of ben -fits, costs and—p-nsos I- I, z n-1—Burns .;- from the Po'nt !),u, Joe Road to a P. nt .'.5C ft .vest or J+,7^.sn..n let,+ ...j qs-,r, water� a s connections street -stns to rrc-^�rtr l� �Onplete, w'.-reof alroaiy made, also 'ncl-rd- in- cur in an ca j- all,p an: trivelor areroocans, :, 3"n"c essary, mate'¢ r1. `.all 1,e 2-_nc'. a _^alt On 6-1nch ncrete base- ro¢iwa� to '— 46 ft. •+'de, wider P" im'iiinn 0,1" ©1414Order e13C3 I -I-1 0rder...._016BZ_ 'pp --d __...... _Ju1y 9 i,,, 29 To the Council of the Cita of St. fool The Commi.sioner of Hoopes hereb. -p-1, ,,, ,he t'nuvril the fi,11—m, os rt stvtemrne o[ It,, expen- ditares n, censnril3 Inrurred and to be it, --d for and in .Done, tion —0, the ..king of the ab.—, impro.e- . Coat of .nnvttmai„n - - 5 21_.7411,51 Cost of ImLl iehing 1m Urs $ _._ 3..QO Jr'- rays 156.54 t'n,t ni pn.il,i enrd.s _ _ ff _.._ 9._50_ ter c ec t'ons 390.00 I :p tion I,, �, _ _ _ ff 437. 53 on 3.00 To al Charge to Bono Iss1^Pr�cj ec t^#1212 1 Jaid Cnnllnissianrr forth.. mp... and Ie,'ied the total .mount se to ,.1t th..vnm of $. �.x�.%.1...28 npnn en. h and ..., lul, port or .,Inst of Innd deemed hens tiled Ii, thr said impra.-ement, and in the eu., of ,o„b Int. port or pnr.el of Innd in nn•orilnnee with the benef tc rnn f, rmrl thereon: th.t the .-id nas,a. t—I hn. 1- 1 —vI,u let,d, -o l thnt hereto nt lashed, id.ntified b, the sig onto.' of the -i'l l'omn,icsiuner, and muds n t—, hereof, is the spirt e..ses—,nt ws completed It, him. and ,0 1, i, her,„itn m t.,, 1—t, di fn. th—..a. b, prop... wn o..=..•. •o ....,..• CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe �1 NO. 91868 F OF CITY CLIERI COU R ON—GENERAL FORM Ilp_rch 8, 1982 WHERgeS, Gasoline Filling Station License No. 1915, (application 5256) aspiring Rowember 10, 1982, vas issued to J. L. Flynn at 62 W. Winifred Street, and WRERP.RS, William L. Coleman has purchased said gasoline filling station, and is now the operator thereof; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Gasoline Pil'ing Station License No. 1915 be and the same is hereby transferred from J. L. Flynn to William Coleman. Y— IN— Nay/ �Co�roy d McD...Id Agai— S.dh—' M,, P—sd— B—dh, Adopad by ,h- C.—d MAR 9 jq" 19 Apprmvr 19 MAYOR 19 6a W. Wn;f,d s+ o.oi..�.o r... �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL .1 NO.. UO OFFI OF CITY CLERK -SO ION—GENERAL FORM -. _ _— Parch 9, 1932 issio s °A F2 wMW S, applications for licensee have been made as follow.; SabaehHafiz, I%qj Selby Ave. Restaurant - application 670 Y. Cooper 228 Indiana Ave. Butcher : 28ll Lloyd Lundahl, 58 A. 7th St. at store 3390 WBEh 9, Butcher license, application 28ll is hereby denied upon re- commendation of the Bureau of Health; and Restaurant application 670, and Pet Store application 3390, have been withdraw by Sabaeh Hafiz and Lloyd Lundahl, respectively; tberefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they, are hereby authorized to refhnd to Y. Cooper, the fee o£ $25.00 and to cancel application 2811 for Butcher license; to refund to Sabaeh %fiz the fee of $10.00 and cancel application 670 for Restaurant license; and to refund t-= Lundahl, the fee of $10.00 and cancel application 3390 for Pat Store Liceune. rc9: by —M Hafta b. —Mj, 111j1.1 h. cOu� ME "!R a t93�, Yn, Nay. / Adoprrd by rh. Coaacil i Conray J(/ �, WD—, In favor APPro°r 19 �Sudhcl / Aga. sr mnvoa /Mr. Pr.idem 13 rdhi r o.o....o �.. ,...2 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._. .i•O OFFICE CITY CLERK /cJ/,'j(�'�CI ES ION —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED: o Ea ll� ___ _ That the Bo ofWater Commissioner. be and it In hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Eugene Tourville providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Yater Department, on the 31st day of January 1933; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Eugene Tourville the eum o1 $80.00 out of the Water Depart- ment Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to and including March 3rd, 1938. 1h, rp v MAR 9 1931 Ycza coorvciLm ery Nsy� Adopacd by ,hc Cownl 19 Co coy i McDonald V In (Ivor Ap 19 /Sudhclmcr i / MAroa / M� P,—d— B..dGc / zza R91KJ ,ESOLUTION oouNC�� PILE Yaroh 8 ta'JE_ REOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 11is�705.6 , COVERING CHECKS NUMSEREO 2286 TO 2325 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .� .00PrEo a. r„E 10-11L {AR 9 1922 ,oma „PPIOVEo R9RR ag?? o o I I pr. - FORw.ap 7 500 009 446 303 � WiA - vLuu 1 ce Ea or rHE oM raoc o c P c .,�c No. couNci cra _ CALL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION `"I° AUDITED CLAIMS March 8 32- .I i I I I pr. - FORw.ap 7 500 009 446 303 � WiA - vLuu 1 ce Ea or rHE oM raoc o c P c .,�c No. couNci cra _ CALL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION `"I° AUDITED CLAIMS March 8 32- Eozza$'°e z3?5 TOTiR ry urns cn IN FAVOR OF i Ue. �rccRs '�00 e. r.. 00 I'2286 Ciampi Brathere 2287 Tbomas Parrlsh 2288Temble 2289 Lee—Hoff Mfg, Company Julius Moore _2290 2291 John H. Yc Donald, C. of Fin., 35 2292 John H. MODonold� C, of Fin. 0 22U 2294 Helen O'Connor P.r. H.J. Prendergast 2295 Atlas Ga e & 011 Company 638 4 Gae & 011 Company 1 879 3 2296 Atlas & Cil Company 85 3 2297 Atlas Gas Company I� 931 1 2298 Atlas Gas & 011 Yfg. Compapy �u 2299 Cincinnati Rubber 9b Co{ 41 3 2300 R.E. Hulme A.ning & ads Fuel Company, Incl 9 3 2301 Inter City Harvester Company i 15 9 ., 2302 International 40 O - 2303 230 Johnson Printing Company urs. Freaole MoEuslck 230', 6, A. Yoel ler Company 15 7 11 6 2306 PS oneer RS bI_ & Carbon Comnsny 21 3 3 2307 St. Paul ohne Lead & 011 Company 258 . 2jo8 Tne Speaks- Company *hate 011 Company 3 9 2309 St,Paul Lead & Comneny 78 4 2310 Vlllaume Box & Lumber 228 9 2311 The Wateroue Company Company 929�69 9 2312 2313 Crescent Creamery L. iisenmenger Meat Company 2314 L. &l senmenger Meat Company 467 4 88 0 2j155 Leonard Frank Company 39j1 0 231b McFadden—Lembert Company 2317 Purity Baking Company 15`� 3 2318 2319 Purity Baking Company St.Paul 'ilk company 23 1 2320 2321 Standard Laundry Company yoerg Milk Company.. 47 1 1 1j3 6 2322 Zlnemaster Baking Company 3 2323 Hertl Coal Company 418 4 ' 2324 Hertl Coel Comnany �� 10 228 6 , 2325 Hertl Coal Company II • I I I pr. - FORw.ap 7 500 009 446 303 Council File No .......... .71Li./ F+ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uod,nd tosd hereby proposes the making of the fo0owing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk, where necessary,_ on the west _side of Prior Avenue_ beginning _at Laurel Avenue, thence south 116 feet % Dated thio. 7th _day of __March 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER.; WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement; vu.��r° n Reconstructing, relaying and repairing .the sidewalk here ......... ..._....... __ _._.__ ' ____.. .. ... _ ..1. ... necessary, on the westside,of_Pri.oT Avenue„ beginnj,.ng_.e5 Laurel Avenue, thence__south 116.. feet. _.. ...._....__.--- _._ .......... having been presented to the Conned of the City of St. Paul.__..___.__._..........._____....._._......._._.._...._.._. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thnt the Commimioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or dmhahility of, the making of mid improvement. 2.To investigate the eature, extent end intimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is eked for on the petition of three or more owvere �. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matfnre to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._____.___ Vim.....$....._._____ _ ... Yxee Nera Councflmav Coxaor 44J.t'�" MaTo / PProved ......�// ._...._ MeD xenn RoscN i Bvvaerrrge % /'._..�:............_......______._..__._..........._._or.._... Ma Passrvrxr ( /,�J M y I�Uut.iatC�U3-/aha NO. --- R SOLVED O_-- RESOLVED . WAS, in the matter of the taking of property for the widening of University dvanae part of Lot. 25 and 26, Block 1, Michele Divi.ioa of Block 14, Sti....Ia Division of Section 36, Tomship 39, Range 23, City of Saint Peal, Ramsey County, Minnesota was taken and the net damages awarded for that part take. was the w® of $3,960,00, and WHM71$, heretofore, Ella Strandlof, the Owner of said property, accepted from the City an amount of $711.10 as net damages for the Laking of a part thereof and has appealed from the balance of the award as affecting the easterly Seven (E14y 7) feet of said Lot 25 and all of Lot 26 and has d®ended an additional $1500,00 as compensation for the taking thereof and said appeal ie now pending in said Court, end WHEREAS, said owner has offered La settle for the pertof the easterly Seven (8r ly 7) feel of Bald Lot 25 and the part of said lof 26 Lake. Sa said coademnation proceedings for an amount of $3,998.90 AND WHEREIN said offer is ea advantageous one for the City of St. Paul; NOW THEflMN', BE IT 12 LVED, That said offer for settlement be accepted and the proper city officer. are hereby eathorlaed and directed to pay the e.m of Three Thoa.ayd, Nina Effidred, Ninty-eight and 90/100 ($3,998.90) Dollars to the said Ella Strandlof upon thetation, of aEasterly Seven (Eiy.properly e7)euted feet ofeLotfor Twenty-flvea feet of(25), and the Southerly Twenty (S1y.20) feet of Lot Twenty-six (26), Block One (1), Michele Snbdivieio. of Block Fourteen (14) of Stinson's Division of Section Thirty-six (36), Town Twenty-nine (29), Begg Twenty-three (23), according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deed. in and for said Ramsey County, and further upon the di ®i seal of her appeal which shall be in foam eat isfactory to the Corporation Coffieal. coUNCIIIErr Y<a, NaY, /onroy Adopr<d by rhe counciY'.!— Mry � /f fyeDonald In favor Approved 19'� L Rosen Sudh<im<r Mr Prerid<nr 8undli< YUHLIskll U _�- �i_ oi, CITY OF ST. PAUL L w OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P—ENTED By__ March 11 - 1932. COMMISSIONER RESOLVEDt for the widening �S in the matter of the taking of Property of IIaiveraity kwanm, part of Lots Twenty -rive (25), anal Twenty -a1. (26) Bloek One (1), Michelle subdivielon of Block 8onrteea (14) of 9tineon'e Divleioa of section Thirty -:ix (36) Tom T— meso ta29), RangenTwent the three (23), City of St. Paul, Samsey County, wa net as awarded for that part,, taken was the ans of Three thoneand, n.lnety-eight and 90/100 ($3,099.90) Dollars; OMB e�aH E11a Strandlof, the owner of said property appealed from the said award to the District Court f Ramsey County, and has demanded an additional 71ft.en hundred ($1500.00) Dollare, a. ---P tion for the taking thereof, and said appeal Sa now pending in said Court; AND MEW said owner has offered to settle for a total net award ofThree thousand, eight hundred, forty-eight and 90/100 ($3,949.90) Dollar:; AND RHSB&AS said offer is an advantageous one for the City of St, Paul; MOP THMPORR, BB IT'0'; That said offer for settlement be accepted and the proper city officers are hereby aathun orised and directed to Pay the aof Three Thou-aud, eight h dyed, forty-eight and 90/100 ($3,949.90) Dollar - to the said Ills, Strandlof upon presentation of a properly --ted 117-7) f® L ffrlott Twwathe mthy--fiy 1(25), (and she) fast of Sontharlythe Twentyt(s1y. 20) feet of Lot Twenty -sir (26), Block One (1), Michel'- Subdivision of Block Tonrteea (14), of Stinson'- Division of Section Thirty -wiz (36), Tom Twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty-thr-e (23), according to the plat thereof m file and of record Sa the office of the Register of Deeds Sa and for said Ramsey Oomty, and farther upon the diemteeal of her appeal which shall be in fo,m satl-factory to the Corporation Counsel. Yc+s cOurvcii.M Ery N.ys Adop,cd by nc� Council �{�(_1 L_is32 19 Conroy May / 7JL 19 WD...ild APProvcd Pearce Rosen _ A,inu MAYOR W. Prc,idcnr Bundb, ��/� RECEIVEDi� � VOIi'y ONrWB WHEREAS in the matter of the taking of pro ty for the widening of University Ave pari o Lots Twenty-£ive (25), end Twenty -sin (28), Bloc ae•( ), Michelts Subdivision of Block Fourteen (14 , of •6tinson's Division of Section Th rty-six (36) Town enty-nine (29), Range Twenty-three (23), City of St.Pau , Ramsey County, Minnesota, was taken,and the net damag awarded for that part taken was the sum of Three thou d, ninety-eight and 90/100 ($3,098.90)Dollars; AND WHEREAS Ella Strandlof, a owner of said property appealed from the said ward to the District Court of Ramsey County, and hdemanded an additional a Fifteen hundred ($1500.00)Do1 rs, as compensation for the taking thereof, and said ppeal is now pending in said Court; AND WHEREAS said own has offered to sQttle for a total net award of ree thousand, eight hundred, forty-eight and 90/100 $3, 848.90)Dollars; AND WHEREAS said offer is an advantageous one for the City of St.P ul; NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED: That said o far for settlement be accepted and theproper city officers re hereby authorized and di- rectedto pay he sum of three thousand, eight hundred, forty-eight d 90/100 ($3,848.90)Dollars to the said Ella Strand f upon pros entation o£ a properly Said deed for Southerly Twenty (81;.20) feet of the Easterly S van (El .7) feet of Lot Twenty-five (25), and the S uth erly Twenty (Sly. 20) feet of Lot Twenty - 2 Block one (1), Michel's Subdivision of Block Fourtee (14), of Stinsonts Division of 88ctlofi:Thir% six (3 , Town Twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty-three (23), actor g to the plat thereof on file and of record in the fice of the Register of Deeds in and for said xamsey Co y, and further upon the dismissal of her appeal which she 1 be in form satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel. Ycas co ury ci ui+.ery Nays Adopd by the Council mAR 11 1y.)L19 C.—Y 19 M,D... Id N.— R.— M, carccRoscn Agains� -v CITY OF ST. PAUL a.o....o .. �.... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n as acne Tel � Ycc Ir • COUNCIL ESOLU I —GENERAL w —ESEN P Ts oN a - — - _ Of Linnen o11s desires WHEALS, the Success Broom Oompany D to rent the old Brior A»nue Police Station for n period of Siva years, at a rental of '300.00 per year, said period of fi» years to begin June 1, 1932, the Oompeay to Lave the premieee from Lhe present time to June first, rent free,jabuTsifor She pnrpoae of xe- ig as welltnefor xeplso Ing bricVrepairs pus of the build Ltlg Sn nowdsash and doors which have been burned out by a fire, and entered forRaAperiod the to gerrthan Onesyear` and ase shall not be WHEREAS, the Oommissioner of Public Safety approves of the lease of these pemises for the annual rental of $300.00 Per year, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper '.city affioers are be"by author- ised and directed to enter Into a lease with the Saccess Broom Ooapaay, of the old Prior Avenue Police Station for a period of one year from and after the first day of June lw32, the tenant to have the use of the premises until June first, 1932 rent free, for the purpose of makig repairs and getting the builBeing in shape ro- for r cupsaoy and each otIIer uses as itt may find necessary, all such n w thealeaeeof orofurtherap erlodet the e ossee f one earl each nnrttsm eding four such periods, �Svenpt octIIe Oit 'TOlerk atbn timenotles. than desire so to renew, B termg and thirty days before the espiratio.Lhntf theeO Sty ishnotebioundato renew with the further understandig the said 10680 unless the Olt, Doaacil eIIsll, by resolution author- ise the said renewsl, it being the intention ms sfford the �uooees Sroos OomDaay the sole right of leasing the yremieee herein fox She five year period from and of ter Juneand 1, 1932, if the Oity desires ao to sel lsuthot"Bedxandedirect dytoePreparehtheoproper W&Beath sefor. herebyri Up l l tgls Y— c0 UNc MEN Adoprcd by rhe Councd 19 N.Y' /Conroy i,tp I .. /MaY A 9 � McDoneld In favor PPsov �P-- �Roacn A,inn j _-- M OR fiodaw-rr 1'I:LLa..�L:U 3 C�' � O' Mr. Presidcnr B—dhi C,�►r�.I ��1 T�r/i� s1��g Qewa►�ment 9F Pvaac 51,FeN GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMhiceiogeq Mu..x orricr. v�D . 61aDe1. Drrun Caxx...exu nun. pails. o F�rc waua March 7, 183E Mr. C. A. Carlson, City Purchasing /gent, Saint Paul, Minnesota Deer Siri Relative to the rental of the old Prior Avenue police station by the Success Broom C®pamy of Minneapolis, under the Plea as outlined in the attached letter from Mr. R. J. Carling of the Saint Paul Association of Commerce, this meets with the approval of this department. You may therefore pro - seed with the rental of this building, Very t Commissioner of Public SafetZ%4 SAINT PAUL ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA March 4, 1952. Mr. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Commisaionw, Department of Pmblic Safety, Public Safety Building, Saint P®1, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Siudheimers For some time peat, I have been negotiating with the Suess. Broom Company of Minneapolis, a mroom all band hist broom factory, to locate this indu.try in the Midway District, and they are sow interested in eeouring a lease at W a year, for five years, an the old Prior Avenue Police Station. I took this ratter up with Mr. S- and he advised that he could reoommand that this amount would cover SIX par cent on the land value and eight per cent on the Wilding valuation, as wall as allow for insurance and tame. While this is a small industry employing only five or alt men, it would be a walcome addition to our Midway District and has an excellent chance to develop into a sizable company. Be are very anxicas to locate thaw in this Wilding provided the city will ®ar into au.h a lease. If thin Is dtone, they desire to have the lease dated Joan lot, giving this company occupancy of the premises up to that tim free of charge, this being requested in order to reimburse thea for nom ..ed - ed repairs to the outside of the building such as replacing Irick which has fallen and putting in new each and door. which were burned by the fire. If the lease le made, there will be an requests far any repairs of any sort made to the city during the life of the loam, sena will have to be tak® care of an- tirely by the tent. I will appreciate your taking this matter op with the proper anthor- dtie. at the earliest possible moment on that I cam advise our Mianeapolis parties as they are drou eala of making the wave within the vert few weeks. Inure v trolly BTCSFl Indu� :.°.� oea,....o c... CITY OF ST. PAUL X875 in of tFewcmi: NO._. OFFICE F CITY CLERIC. , 1 NCIL R N—GENERALTL t-eo W Clw WHUMAS, J. Z. Zvenoskis has appealed from a decision of the Oommiesioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, forbidding the erection of a shed to be used for a workshop on Lot 6, Block 2, Point Douglas addition; and P, 4HZRnS, ♦ public hearing on said appeal was held pursuant to not Ice by the Oounoil; and whereas, the Board of Zoning bas recom- mended that the petiti0ner's request be granted; therefore, be it BESOLVZD, That the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to Issue a permit to said J. Z. Zvenoskis for the erection and main- tenanoe of said shed upon said property described above; provided, however, that said applicant shall poet a bond In the sum of $5,000, as provided in Subdivision (d) of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, to insure the removal at the expiration of a period of five years, of such non-oonforming structure, and to insure the return of the premises at the expiration of five years to the use the property in zoned for. :.i YcouNciLM err /Conroy Naye i Adopud by nc� Coaacil MnU r0�� / / McDonald f In avor App— 19 l Pearce MAYOR / Mr. P,—d— Bandl,,. — r APPEAL BOARD OF Z 0 N I NG Feb. 28th 193 2 Acting under Ordinance No. 5040 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition : February 24th, 1932. Petitioner J. E. Evenoskis Location Lot 5, Block 2, Point Douglas Addition(north side of Burns Ave. Jost east of English St.) Zone "A" Residence District. Appeal To erect a shed 141x221 adjoining the ice house which he is now operating. Date of Inspection : February 25th, 1932. Date of Hearing : February 28th, 1932. Appearances for Petl'ionars Hr. Evenoskis Appearances for Opposition None Petitioner Is Argument : He wants to build a shed 14 ft. x 22 ft. long adjoining the ice house which he is now operating, to conduct a repair shop where he might do some repair work at the same time he was atter ing the ice station. Action of Board :I disclosed that the only development was a filling station and this ice station, that th'ere..were a few houses on Burns Ave. which backed up against this property and that other development was on Clarence St. to the east. It was thought advisable to grant the permit for five years under paragraph "ld" Section 20. we so recommend. orge H. Harrold BOARD OF ZONING. G. 0. House Ryland Rothschild C. A. Bassford Yrs. W. D. 4111ars ��J nor. cc, -..o!1, City of ;t. laul, 1.'innssotc. ;ent ler'en: I of :,et v, 61oc:c C fou -1�.s ;!Jiti, 'ch 1., onVtle no:, side o- 6u^ns ��rn.,.-ivat ;t o" _ ect u._cn 1'. .- al.c] 14 Sect eet 1 n _z eh i 7111 a �:_!l shop. 1 -t Svc Cs -led t .tn'ld' _.. E e fcr impactor for :,mit,�ich a be �nndenied oto^ol-tnt or fMet t.._t tPeelet is in thea'.. ..esidenoe cl-+cifi-'1cn _mae .. e _o.._ ordi-._:ce. 'Phe T-.— t: Sa a sclutely undeveloped -nd there a no resl- dences in t. ed' - ate vicinity, 3_,y 1, thereforo,-ppe-�1 r.ora'cie _cdy t cr i::e in t, S.src eto� to o :t •: tc me fo t '_: 1, 1. .ccor: -.eo- t n ( (d) of t!:e :o ..ce. - hieh rl c c1. d" es 1-n:'. .!. po',rer to ,t: , 1. 'uc'.- i :levr:lep- __ �1_t�Icta :. ?-e city. Your v. truly, 7. 975 r / -Ana Jroe' W C.t. ! ul, / ✓ ,ire--" !'�� �f CITY OF ST. PAL':ir9 =ur.-r NO._ 76 OFFICE OF CITY CI;�,�r�igee�relon otn I O .. • ..... of Ncnace ns - IL R TION—GI rp°°oa8`ineiouniic�ees� e pa E5L!1Eo,EA er ra e(t.. a a notice br Emltb• n..� nnln.. — 3 •HERZAS, Trent J. Tighe hag appealed from a decision of the oommissioner of Parts, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, forbidding the erection of a small shop for storage of furnace material, upon the property described as 1880 Hudson Road; and a public hearing has been held after due notice by the Council; and the Board of Zoning has recommended the granting of such permit; therefore, be it RESOLVE), That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he to hereby authorised and directed to issue a permit to said !rank J. Tighe for the erection and mainten- ance ofsuch shop on the property described above; provided, has - ever, that the applioant shall poet a bona in the sum of $5,000 in accordance eith the provisions of Paragraph (d) of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance, which bond shall be conditioned to insure the removal at the expiration of five years of said non-oonforming structure, and a return of the premises to the use the property is zoned for. IF/ `1""`"MEN MAk 111Q'12 Y—Nays Adopsed by nc� Connca 19 c—, May McDonald In fa.or APPto 19 �/p<accc / Roscn � Againas — __��� roa / M,. 7.t�r o�nace J City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS. Oi Cey r -d Cammi.,l —.1 R.ylm.non March 9th, 1932, 14r. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: 11, attanh herewith the following appeals whiclf re approved by the Couacll today and referred to ybu for the proper resolutions: J. E. Ev a ... kls for permit to a ect a had o Lot 5, Black 2, Po1vt Dovglae Addition (north el do of Burne Ave. Just east o£ English St.) Freak J. Tighe for permit to construct a small shop for storage purposes at 1660 Hudson Road. Sour. very truly, City clerk. A P P t A L DO ARD OF Z 0 N I NG February 28th 193 2 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments., werewc IR Date of Petition . February 17th, 1932. Petitioner Frank J. Tighe Location 1880 Hudson Road(on the portion f Thomas Gn i4n � 5 acres lying on the east side of Kennard Rt.) Zone "A" Residence District. Appeal To construct a small shop for storage of furnace material, tools, etc. Date of Inst, e ctfcn February 25th, 1932. Date of H—ring February 28th, 1932. Appearances for pati .ion-- Mr. Tighe Appearances for Oppo.;ition None Petitioner's Argument : Mr. SLghe stated that he is occupying a f' furnace repair shop an Bates Ave. for which he Ss paying rent, and that he could conduct his business from his home at the present time to a mucin greater advantage if he had a store house on his property to store the furnace material and have his wwork ahop there, This is to be a one story building 18'x24 r' Boaid take the setback of the only two houses in this district. After inspct action of the ground and 61vaccount of its undeveloped character, St was thought advisable to grant the appeal for five years. (Rection 20 paragraph "d"). We so recommend. til , a.r. r-�..` George H_Herrold LOARO OF ZONING. 5 zcretany. G. 0. House Ryland Rothschild C. A. Sassadrd Mrs. W. D. Villara 166'0 C.F. Sos. 91977, 91979, 91979, 91990. 8&90Lv&D, that checks be dram on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $255,310.96, covering checks nuabered 2326 to 2505 inclusive, as per cheek. on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council lY�' o Approved —ETTOTAL-FORWARD 1 7 500 00 1462 311 i f 9 j E t I } No N rLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ I _ CQUACIIIEAUDITED CLAIMS -A' March 9 ... LIE 11A..jt-lbb�j..b�- Vv 237-, o -Z TOTAL IN FAVOR OF 1-11T -WARD oo oo 446 0 0 • 2326 H.C. Boye8onCompany, 311 9 6 3 2327 2328 H.C.Donovan13cy.... Company Donovan C netruotion Company, n6 100 i0a 4 2329 a Peoples EIs trio Combany 2 2 1 lo 406 2330 I;o John B. II.Doaald,O* of Fin. o 2331 Acme supply Company y Addressograph C0-1:nI 4123;2 �i 23 A"'elr U...,ad Cc.panj Bearing Company 1� 16 i2334 2332 Ahlberg Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company 99 0- 7 15 0 233 2337 kmerioan Academy of Pol. & Smo.Scipnoe kmerioan L . BookCompanyXXXII Compan 5 III 72 2338 23 American L,asp supply A- -- i... Supply "mP-T iY ( 30 sZg Radiator Company lork. 1�41 22 4 A,,,,,,, Stamp AutoEngine 'crk,, In,* AUtomot'va,eryi .Company 15 3 7 134N Auto The Company of St.Faul'. 7306 2345 Baker Mfg. Company 1 13 3 2346 Bal lard Ramp Garage 1 5� 2347 1. Sidney Beane1 0 2346 Beebe Laborato rise 1 0 2349 John Beisse IComp Company & 6 s2i 2350 argl Und Lumbe r Company 3.Berglund 725 2351 Both . I Id 'Tr il 1 Company � 6, 2352 Lew Bonn Company 0 2353 BoTabep%-Ingersoll, Inc. . Company 374� 0� '( 2354 2355 i. Brand Coal F.J. Brings & Company 65 3� 2356 Brown and Day, Inc. 367 16 III 2357 CairnoroBs Tire & Battery Company 46 9! 2358 C.15. Campbell 1 Y 2359 Capital Envelope Company 68 5� 23L Cab'tal Joe & Fuel Company 2 5( 2361 Capital Belding & Mfg. Company 1� n' 2362 Case -Sheppard -Mann Pub. Corp, N 23U C:,Ar- Garageag, 42 24 '0 dc 23 2365 Central supply Company Chase Brass & Copper Company 3� 9• 1 2366 2367 Chicago Apparatus Company Chicago, Mil St Paul & F'o y co 75 20 0 2368 Chicago, St.;S-1*. MPI & 01y:Co: !1 10 605 2369 Citer-Digest Company 5 0C 61 2370 Cochran -Sargent Company 55 2371 Cochran -Sargent Company 75 �7 2372 Commonwealth Electric Company, 5 8 2 0 237� 237 Constrution Yatb.d. Co ti _ Photo Surnly Company 297 1 2375 -Oiler . Daily New. Pub Company 312 4 2376 Dainty Products Company P5 251 86, 16, 2377 2379 Adam Decker Hardwer e Company 1 Demoo Library Su p r1i as 3 15 —ETTOTAL-FORWARD 1 7 500 00 1462 311 N * N'oLLrccn� COUNCIL P H NO91678. o FFica of r e�coMaraou�Er+ ; �� . - corvno y "=oorv. o na n COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Mareb 9 a .rvE 1.11 esEry aaso .p ,o.rvE.��AE rv.o. 2Z�}�35 —� 2j 80 �rvEc.�..... 2381 -- — TOTAL crvscns ry IN FAVOR OF - .rvxo 246 5 105 0 57 d24 8 41 O 6s 6 11 0 152 g9 5C 44 64 19 6o 10 oq 1 95 12 85 18 65 30 20 2 60 142 58 16 8n 65 00 7 00 lot 66 60 81 31 26 2 no 4 50 3 95 91 on 20 00 29 50 15 50 6 00 10 76 2 On 32 90 67 97 2 59930 �o 94 0 387 00 165 71 15 30 392 03 310 1 1 073 32 z6 00 1 959 n0 q.Iy69 065 40 V � A le a p I 1 � l' I erxou crvr Foawnao � 500 ,2379 John H. YOD nald, C, �f Fin. 2j 80 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin,' 2381 John �'. McDonald, C. of Fl n. 2382 A 1 Steno gr..bi. Bureau / 2383 yDeoialty Printing Company " 2384 John B. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2385 Drs. Chatterton & von der 'Weyer 2386 Dr. A.J. Dohm 2387 Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Company " 2388 American Linen Supply Company 2389 Armour and Company 2390 Caritol Stationery Yfg.Comp"y 2391 central Soap Company 2392 Coos -Cola Bottling company 2393 Diebold Safe & Lock Company 2394 DSeDatob Pioneer Preen Company 23935 Ditto, I.C. 2396 Dix Baking Xpeny 2397 Nrewry & sox19' 2399 R.J. Dyer & Brother 299 Eastman Kodak Stores Company 2400 Eleotrlo Blue Print Company 2401 The Emporium 2402 R.L. Ettman Sponge Company 244003 Factory Service 4 tlnrtln F. Falk Paper Comnany1 2405 Farwell, O=un, Klrx & ccmpaly 2406 Farwell, 0»un, Kirk & aOmDelyy 2407 Farwell, Ormun, Kirk & Company 2408 F&E Checkwriter Sales Company; 2409 Fel.tla Smell Animal Ho.pitap 2410 Ferndale Nursery 2411 Finab, Van Slyok & McConville - 2412 Fl cher Roasting Company 2413 The Floz Company 2414 For sley Company 2415 Franklin Tranaormer Company 2416 Chas, Friend & Son 2417 Frigidaire Sales Corporation 2418 GarrisonBrooke Company 2419 Emil Geist 2420 General El ea trio sur, ply Corp. 2421 General Electrlo SUpDly Corp. 2422 General Motors Truck Company 2423 Ginn and Company 2424 Jam ea F. Kai n, Cashier Tat;Department 2425 Nn Lionel Lead Company 2426 Northern State. Power Company 2427 Northern States Power Companyl 2428 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 2429 St.Paul Bottling Company 2430 St.Paul Foundry Company EE„arA—FoawaAo 7 500 246 5 105 0 57 d24 8 41 O 6s 6 11 0 152 g9 5C 44 64 19 6o 10 oq 1 95 12 85 18 65 30 20 2 60 142 58 16 8n 65 00 7 00 lot 66 60 81 31 26 2 no 4 50 3 95 91 on 20 00 29 50 15 50 6 00 10 76 2 On 32 90 67 97 2 59930 �o 94 0 387 00 165 71 15 30 392 03 310 1 1 073 32 z6 00 1 959 n0 q.Iy69 065 40 V � A le a p I 1 � l' I r i, _. L LKcgL 01, 11 of r1EnC11PT1o1LEA DoE " No 91679 v omno COUNCIL RESOLUTION �\ March 10 AUDITViD CLAIMS nooa.Eo e. ,aE �o�a��..� _ oEa _aE_as oa"F��1aE oda�'b55EE c... �om,.aoL,Ea -- —T TOTAL numeea IN FAVOR OF cr ec.z � caEc xs rI ev e, mx I I • 2431 John H. NCDonald, C. of Fin. I 1 B94 ill 2432 John H. Nc Donald, C. Sf Fin. 4 2433 Blue and 'white Cab Company 365 0(Y, 2434 Capitol City Transfer 68 6 2435 Daily Yolkezeitung 2436 E.A. Moeller Company 183 5 2437 James Rossi 20 0 2438 E.J. Stilwell PaperCmm�any jj 4� l 2439 Anthony J. Campbell B 2440 Nary Waters 2441 Joseph A. waters 509 1 2442 David Pcshefkin 32 0 2443 Review Publishing Company 1 552 5 2444 Eugene Tourvllle 60 0 2445 Comonwealth Electric Company 3 212 1 2446 Foley Brother e, Ino. 1200 9p3 5 2447 Healy Plumbing & Heating Com(�any� 12 240 0 2448 Healy Plumbing b Heating Com¢any 1 530 0 2449 Braunig & Sone Company 91 3 2450 Donovan Construction Company, 4 3844 2 2451 Farwell, 0 mun, Birk & Compagy 104 6 2452 Graybar Electric Company,Inc., 112 7 2453 Price Electric Company 2454 Villaume Box & Lumber Company ',� Be 2 2455 Walter xldde & company, Inc. 1 385 8 • smEET T0111-Fomwaao 7 500 00 1 698 eig _. L LKcgL 01, 11 of r1EnC11PT1o1LEA DoE " No 91679 v omno COUNCIL RESOLUTION �\ March 10 AUDITViD CLAIMS nooa.Eo e. ,aE �o�a��..� _ oEa _aE_as oa"F��1aE oda�'b55EE c... �om,.aoL,Ea -- —T TOTAL numeea IN FAVOR OF cr ec.z � caEc xs rI ev e, mx I I • 2431 John H. NCDonald, C. of Fin. I 1 B94 ill 2432 John H. Nc Donald, C. Sf Fin. 4 2433 Blue and 'white Cab Company 365 0(Y, 2434 Capitol City Transfer 68 6 2435 Daily Yolkezeitung 2436 E.A. Moeller Company 183 5 2437 James Rossi 20 0 2438 E.J. Stilwell PaperCmm�any jj 4� l 2439 Anthony J. Campbell B 2440 Nary Waters 2441 Joseph A. waters 509 1 2442 David Pcshefkin 32 0 2443 Review Publishing Company 1 552 5 2444 Eugene Tourvllle 60 0 2445 Comonwealth Electric Company 3 212 1 2446 Foley Brother e, Ino. 1200 9p3 5 2447 Healy Plumbing & Heating Com(�any� 12 240 0 2448 Healy Plumbing b Heating Com¢any 1 530 0 2449 Braunig & Sone Company 91 3 2450 Donovan Construction Company, 4 3844 2 2451 Farwell, 0 mun, Birk & Compagy 104 6 2452 Graybar Electric Company,Inc., 112 7 2453 Price Electric Company 2454 Villaume Box & Lumber Company ',� Be 2 2455 Walter xldde & company, Inc. 1 385 8 • smEET T0111-Fomwaao 7 500 00 1 698 eig °ue�i ..� r-po��ncA� rFic E�oF rH cpc oM v..... .. NO 91mo oGO 14CIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS March 11 a°�E"`...��b�E.��:Mo��:� RESo 0T.1 11TI A - — - TOTA_ IN FAVOR OF n ume[n crec.s _ cps ,10111T FIRWARD 2456 AcmeMetal Spinning Company 17 4 2457 American Rir alter Company 5 7 2458 F.N. Amundsen l 9 6 2459 John D. An de reon 4 O 2460 Beck Duplicator Com Deny 6 5 2461 Blomberg'. Grocery 1 4 246j2 Buck. Brother. 17 9 2464 J.H. Coakley �'� 14 1 S.C. Coumbe Company 8 1 2465 Dunn,. Fairway Market 18 7, 2466 East Side Grocery Company 10 7 2467 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company ''f 5 0 2468 Elk Linen Supply Company 11 29 9 2469 Herman Gliema 1 14 0 2470 Herman Goldberger 24 0 2471 The Golden Rule X11 3 6 2472 Goodricb-Silvertown,Inc. 55 4 2473 Gordon and Ferguson, Inc. 14 5 2474 R.L. Gould and Company 43 5 2475 The Grinnell Company 143 0 2476 Griswold Safety Signal Compagy 179 2 2477 Gruber Auto Electrio Company 133 4 2478 W.J. Haas MYg. Company 48 45 2479 Quincy A. Ha 11 22 00 2480 Hamm Brewing CompanyfN 73 75, 2481 C.S. Hammond and Company 5 00 2482 Harnischfeger Corporation 230 13 2483 Hazel View Garage 1 00 2484 Hedman Mfg. Company �. 1 67 2485 Willism Holburn,Inc. 16 00 2486 Hersey Meter Company 748 80 2487 A.B. Hervin 3 75! 2488 Highland Spring Company 40 00 2489 Highway Trailer Company 142 80 2490 F.T. Hildred and Company 46 99 2491 Holm & Olson 4 20 2492 R.A. HrubyJJ 3 43 2493 Inter City Paper Company �y 171 56;1 2494 Iron Fireman Coal Stoker Company 76 601 2495 Jacobsen Mfg. Comoeny 1 11 13 00 2496 C.I. Johnson Mfg, Company : 1 36 50 2497 Johnson High School Print Shop �i 14 90 2498 Journal of Preventive MediclnC 5 001 2499 Kelly -Springfield Tire Company 83 39 '. 2500 Keystone View Company 15 72 2501 Rm. Kline 6 90j 2502 E.L. Klingel'7 00 4 1 2503 Kremer Auto Spring Company �, 21 35 250Laidlaw ST. there, I no. 79 21 2505 L.ampland Lumber Company 115 33 11 1 � sREETTITAL—FORWARD 7 100 110 �oi 613 9� o.o.., o... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL ...r .. NO. _S�} OFFICE OF Y CLERK CI SOLU GENERAL FORM n o" _ —E 3ch 7 1932_.. RESC;vED That the Council hereby appro%es t`e action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing a.p—imately 150,000 gallons Pocd oil No. 2 to the Department of Public Works for the Beacon of 1932, to the 912NDA'S OIL CMIIPAJY (IND.) they being the lowest re sponclbl= bidders, at a price of 8 .0479 per gallon, f.e.b. at. Paul, caging the total amount of the contract approximately 87,185.00, to be delivered as require_', In accordance with handsrd city apeo^_ficatlone, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel Is hereby authorized to draw uu the proper f.,_�- of contract tharefoc. ,'19755. c o. suneu'rn°cna� n.. acwimwnu`hoe ascan 1 932 19 Year / Nay, Adoprcd by rhe Connril �R I �� _ - my / McDonald In (aver APProvcd 19 Pearce // / Rosen � Agaie,er Sridhei�ner Mr. Prraidcnr Bundhc CITY O�C^L'. UL .��r� NO. OFFICE ORKC IL ESOLUEERAL FORM YRESEre,I ev RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the fiction of the Puro'h—ing Committee in ewarding the contract for furnishing ti.e Department of Public Works during the season of 1332 with approximately 7,650 cu.yds. crushed limestone end eand cnd aroxima'ely 7,000 tone of buckshot gravel, road surfacing gravel and lime- stone binder rock, to S. L. SHIELY W., t`:ev being the lowest responsible cldders, at a total contract Price of approdimately $15,445.00, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is aereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. $8753 You /ocirrn EN Nay. C roy / / Mcy MD ... Id M f—, Pearce /Rose Againrz 5udheimer Mr. Prnid—, Bundlic Ado,d by he Co-ll }MAR 11 193219 _ Alm' APP / 9 / Mnvoa CITY OF ST. PAUL siac NO.._ 918M OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C COUffCIL ,SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R Wp; k V F n coNMrTSIF'o°rvER__. DATE— 'IRRn leO[ MAR 11 1932 MEMO, Salman 6 Company of St.Paul has offered to purchase from the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St.Paul, $20,000 City of Ortowille, Minnesota, 5% Sewer Warrent., due 1945-1950, now held in the General Sinking Fund, at par and accrued Interest, and 1113 MU. She Sinking Fond Committee hes recommended the acceptance of the proposal of Aman b Company, and the Connell Se of the opinion that the sale will be for the beet interest of the City of St.Paul; therefore be it hiE'SMV= That the Mayor. Commissioner of Finance and City Comptroll* be and they are hereby authorized ead directed to accept the offer of Kalman & 'Company and consmate the transaction. i 4 tuvio � l.tesfl r. tf. taei. coorv/ MEry / c 1 ^ 1939 Ycas / Naya Adopmd by ,hc Cooacil �p'..." �... "..--. 19,..... / Conroy 1 ;AeBvrnl} �/ In favor Ap� � � � 19 PRoseearce ra Y n / Against A oR /Sadhein,a J / Mr. Peesident esodic 91883 I - Maroh 11, ISM. meting of tun Sinking lend Comittee s4. held this day at St46 P. M- in the offl os of the Mayor. Prasst. Gerhard Dondlie. Mayos, John H. MOD.nald. Conalaeioner of Pis --e and d. y. Soott, Comptroller. This meting sae held for tbs pnrp.se of oansid-1-9 the f.11osing offers es, hoods held in the Waring fonds of St. Peal$ stairs 6 Compemy, St. Paul. Mia-. Marsh S, 1932. ' fillis f. Scott. City Comptroller, St. Pani. Minn. - Dear Sir$ ` We em pay par and accrued interest far $20,000 City of Ort—rill.—Minnesota a% Sever warrants, dm 1948 -EC. V. understand from Mr. Sundlie that tba Sinking pond Comedttas will sell - thee. bonds. r If yon wish to reinvest the money, we nan 8811 yon "Oaat� County bonds on a 4.60E basis. 1 circular 001-1-9 the ass issue shicb m pmt' chased yesterday Se nttach.d. Your. eery truly, i4lilH 6 CCMPIM2 By M. A. Aber-stpy Doo. D147M. sLbp d Coup. -p 9t. Pawl. Minn. March 10, 1932. Mr. ■a. P. s..tt, City oomptroll.r, 8t. Paul. Minn. Dear Dir$ We ere ad,i..d that there atw local funds at Hasley, Minnesota sith aes which to pur.b$6,000 Haslq, Mimeeota f di.g 611s, doe May 1, 1935-W, bald by the St. Pant Sidking land. If you sieb to sell the bonds at that pries, n will he glad to handle. the tamsotim for you or yon may take the natter ap di -.t with J. D. Jeb..-. Tillage Sonora— . Toare Lary taly, I11M►9 6 OWAIfp 4 H. A. lbsreethy, (319-44) w a3a1san b Compaq, St. Pent, Rim. Mr. Ia. F. Scott. city Oemptroller. St. Paas. Rim. Dear Sirs Mreh 10, 1932. we are advised D7 the City Reaerdor of Tracy. Rlmeeota e$ b they 2111 par par rd aeereed interest for the {3,000 Olt y of �jeaq, 6f beads, dna Iovember 1� 1904, held In the St. Pool RSaYiog 7bad. If yon slab to dlapoae of the Donde at that price m will be glad to beadle tbs transaction for yea or yen any tab it up direct with 0. 0. Coot, City Recorder. Tours eery truly. ULM b Ower Ba►i1P R. A. Abernethy (Signed) A -tion.— ren D7 Oemptrellar Scott. seemded qr Comdesipoar RcDonald and py117y e!rrtad,that tbs offer of 41m 6 Cem{ray for the {20,000 City of Ortonill'lf�Rltmeeots a% Sever Warrants, am 1948-0, be �1 acoeppd and reeomsnded to the Connell. .� action ser cads tr Commissioner IoDooald, ascended D7 Comptroller Scott and aneelaecnl7 car'lea. that tba moc.y rscrired from the pie of the Orten- Ville bonds be invested is 9t.'peul 7 -de. The offer of Waco b Company on the City of Tracy and Sadq Bends me taken ander adyiaeaent as the Sicking 7bad Ooeaittee is sending out a letter Mareb 14th pursuant to a motion adorted 7ebrearr I1, 1933, at retina of the committee bald that day. ft. meting tbarsupon adiocmed. Myer Approved.. Ir-effielo President Cemaleaiener of iaence Comptroller Is -officio Secretary CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUfjI{:IL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NBE �Mss�oa % WaKad.9, Barr Brothers b Company, Incorporated, of Sew Tork City has offered the Sicking ToOd Committee of the City of St.Psul, $3,000 City of St -Paul 46 High School Bonds, doe Oct. 31,1940, to yield 4.60% and 4 NgMEW, The Sicking road Committee hoe recommended the acceptance of the proposal of Barr Brothers & CompOay, Incorporated, and the Co -11 Se of the opinion that the ynrobase will be for the beet interest of the City of Saint Pauli therefore be It FMOIAED, That the Mayor, Commissioner of Timncs and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to accept the offer of Barr Brothers b Company. Incorporated, and consunate the transaction. Yca. Co�rovLM Ery Nz y/ Ad. ,ed by ,he C....61 NAR I, I9 AP�� .navoRl9 �In favor jSudheimer Mr. P ... id..., Bsedhc Ad. ,ed by ,he C....61 NAR I, I9 AP�� .navoRl9 March 11. 1932. ♦ meeting of the 4ia7Gu9 Amd Coumittee was held this day; Preesat, Cerbani Bendlie. Mayor. John H. McDonald. C®Sesiener of Finance, and Wm. y. Scott. Comptroller. Barr Brothers A Company. Incorporated, of Hes York City offered the Sin7tin9 Hand Committee $3.000 City of st.pml 4a I School Bonds, don at.31. 1940. A motion sae made by C®dseioner McDonald, seconded by Comptroller Scott and carried. that the -ittee accept this offer and recn®eui the same to the C--il. The meeting thereapoa adJearaed. 6pproved Ca®issioaer of yinaaee. Mayor S -officio president. Comptroller U-officto Searetary. WlwCITY O ST. PAUL ,.ce NO._— J OFFICE CITY CLERK OUNC L RES TION—GENERAL FORM Eo Harch_9,_ 1932 RESOLNEO That the 0-Una"hereby app as the action of the Porch o ng Committee 1. awarding the contract for furnishing the Depart- ment of Public Rorke daring the Beason of 1932 with approxi- mately 400 tons Asphalt Cement, penetration 60-70 Mexican, to the STANDARD OIL CC. (IND.), they being the lowest responsible bidders in strict aoeorda me with specifications, at a price of $15.20 per ton, delivered in car lots to City Paving Plant, making the total amount of the contract approximetsly $6,020.00, in aeeorlance with standard city speciflcatione, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel Se hereby instructed to draw uF the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #8754. �co`miwer:al°;b�`RVie° ail .o�ie5 Gfe��No. etfil` can ere or. IJ °m°v ,oaten t9 19SS1 CUUIC AMEN M0. 12 +912 Yeas j Nays / Adopted by rhe C°°nc�l.... 19...._ Co°toy c. r. �/U/\/ In favor Ap 19 / �L°dhelmer `� Agal .r f - MgvoP Mr. Preaidenr Bu°dh i. COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION couNua. FILE i • as t ugmh 19 Ig�Z RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY7R TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT —OF f 12.' F�q , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED '.K(1(. y 'JG_��,] INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. //" AD -ED NT TME DDD,.D L u, r 1, O F THISC011--COUNCILMENo. J_lUUV ry �O L CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION D Ac'rys AUDITED CLAIMS Ma—b 12 s32 12 -99-5.3a - -�I TOTAL .s rvr� er a IN FAVOR OF IIIA ,NK eRou Gr:T FovwARD it 25o6 M.I. welch 52 Id 2507 Or. W.C. Rutherford 25 O F THISC011--COUNCILMENo. J_lUUV ry �O L CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION D Ac'rys AUDITED CLAIMS Ma—b 12 s32 12 -99-5.3a - -�I TOTAL .s rvr� er a IN FAVOR OF IIIA ,NK eRou Gr:T FovwARD it 25o6 M.I. welch 52 Id 2507 Or. W.C. Rutherford 25 2508 N.C. Boyeeon Company 2 2509 Bureau of Munioipal R...Slob: 50 25101 Citof PCompany' aul, Min. 93 Ellerbe andand Hol abird and Root 4 359 2512 Carl P. Herbert 250 2513 Raymond P. Pavleoka 16o 2514 Julia M. Bcneee 13 2515 Roy F. Morgan 2516 D.D. Murray, Supt. 55 2517 D.D. Murrey, Supt, 2518 D.D. Murray, Supt. 21 .. 2519 Mrs. H. Mitch 182 2520 Delia Brown 28 2521 Mrs.Mary Emily Christy 4Q 2522 Jobn Lennon 2523 Anna Wagner Peitachi 40 24 2524 2525 Mrs. Hannah Peterson Elfrida Soderberg 28 2526 Dr.J.A. Cameron 20 2527 Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratory 7 2528 Dr, O.W. H0loomb 18 2529 Midway F:oa,ital 8 2530 Or, S, N. Mogilner 2 2531 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 2532 DT, A. Schwyzer 10 2533 Or. Georga w. Snyder 86 2534 Dr, 11. L. Stolpestad 203 2535 Dr. E.H. wbitoomb 64 2536 S. Berglund Lumber Company 4 2537 Brown and Day,Ino. 55 2538 Commonwealth Electric Company 1 25 9 H.B. Fuller Company 151 S; M. A. Gedney Company 24 25 41 Gr Sggs, Cooper Company 23 Hanoock-Nelson Meroantile Co. 2542 254 A, P. Hereohler Paotory 26 KSTP Broadcast g 2544 45 McFadden -Lambert Companyn 457 2546 McKesson-St.Paul Drug Company) 124 • 2547 Manners -Matz Company 1 552 2548 Northern States Power Company) 3 215 2549 Northern States Power Company 470 IIS 2550 N.". Fuel Company 2551 Elea M. Ohs t, Tress. Ramsey Do. 68 2552 H. Pelt. & Son 309 2553 Sharp and Dohme 2554 J.L. Sbiely Company 288 2555 Terminal Motor Bus Company 'I 350 2556 Victory Printing Company 136 2557 Cita Crisp Diet. Company SHEET T0111- FORWARD 7 500 0 714 6o9 o..,..,o r.. ,..... 1YJ CITY OF ST. PAUL `sou�cl"L NO.–. 1'V YYY OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (z F CF 1 B COMM SS' ' V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .1791" 4 r RESOLVEct That the City Council of the City of Ht. Paul hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission that Carl Hllles be employed to design and execute a statue in the concourse Of the new Court House and City Hall, said statue, including the erection thereof and the pedestal, to coat not to exceed the sum of Beventy-five Thousand Dollars (=76,000.00), and the maid Commission is hereby authorised to proceed with the ce- 9010ition of contracts for the said work and to submit said contracts for approval, to the City Council. _ toT—'.11h Clts C enG LLlan one�'nA onnPt6 .ve cu>>`na Jei44'i �)OBv Vnceu nojh f6:Y0 ;olg ealne44 wok �d is nu Itn Voro ed .—,C-101 1B-tNB1 r. IB. 19 Yras /ry i�mEry C nroy Nays / May / J //�gM(rponald In lavor //✓ Hosene / Againsr McVice P— budl,ell— Adopt,d by t6. C .... I MAP ) .4. 1E'� CITY OF ST- PAUL v OFFICE OF CITY CLERK • IL RES —GENERAL FORM - =11T- R 01-VED1'hat permission and authority are hereby given to 1Snn Posers to install an additional gasoline storage tank at his filling station at 1788 University avenue; said tank to be Installed in acoordanoe with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, ander the direction of the 00mmmissioner of Public Safety. .'I °...m .... ea ilm. ,.. Yom. lulEN N.�C__ / ylcDovid I. (.voc /q�Pc.rcc � �Agai sc Mr. Vioa Prea. Sudna lne� Ad.,d by ,b. Co.. c11 MAR L �93� 19 Approved..'?:- i' U'SIPB TA90 of Pvb1 5eFeN � TENTH AND MINNESOTA STH. - r /I c...... ne.... GEORGE C. SUDHEIM EH. C ... les1— ""•�"'•" s..... o...... Naroh 11, 1952 Yr. Nike J. Gibhone, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Deer Sir: Serewith is report of inspection by the Division of Fire Prevention on the installation of an additional gasoline Storage thnk at his filling station at 1786 University Avenue. Capacity of tank Is 550 gellone. very py;ily �yours, Co�iastoner of Public Safety 1j THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL March 10,1932. Hon.Ceo.C.endheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Mian. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Winn Powers for permission to lnetgll an additional storage tank of 550 gallon capacity at his filling station located at 178b -- University Ave. We have Investigated the foregoing and report that this additional storage tank at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. SAINT PAUL, MINN Misr. 9th, 1932. - Fire Prevention Office, 10th & Ml onesota 8t.., St. Paul, Mi no. Gentlemen In accords Ince with our conversation over the telephone, I am writing you for permi.el on to install a gasoline tank, of 550 gallons capacity, at my filling station at 1786 Ohi ve ratty Ave., corner of Beacon. Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter, I am Yours ♦eey truly. Wino Power.. P -M Council File No. ..__-91889 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __..,_..._,.,Paving the .widened...portlan..of..Concnrd.. 5traat...(East, Roadway).._.. from 124 feet northwest of CurticeStreet .to..Annapalls..__._..._.._. Street, Dated this 14th ,...day of March_.1932 1 . m ........ Councflmay. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: (/f Paving the widened_.portlog_.og C9pS.Qsd..St,L.eat_.(Fiast..xaadway.�._... from 124 feet northwest of. G.eS..tis.e..5treet...to...Annapalis_.._____...... _ _._.Street.nre,- wa.r... a 9Eoe aw ...r rn. r.... r8: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_._____.___.._. ..... `=:ar V11" ...u...r c.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and ie hereby ordered sand directed: 1. To investigate the nee pity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigvte the nature, extent aad estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To f...iah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement ie asked for no the petition of three or more naves 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Conned_____ _ ....__ ___......MAS -14..1932....___. Y.A. N— C ... oilLu essC...oilmau Co.... MevApproved...__._.._.._...._ ....... ......./:.......... ......____....__ -- McDoxenn Pneeon i Rosnx »weerrrca• _.._ PUBLISHED Mayo r. wo,n5nArlc r. C� PUB1.ItiFiED�_[,� � 01 Petition. `}- mlayn PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ° Amrruc ➢° o e.m. Pmor6::G:ot and ' e� .`°idn� w•°. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodereigoed hereby propoaaa the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: Open, widen and extend Wynne 6t, to a width of 66tak1 from Snelling Ave. to the west line of Wln ton 6t. by ng and condemning the followiastngs The aouW 33 ft. of the North 1/2 of the Northe between the east line lot W/ynne'8 Section 28-29-23 lying - Addition, Block 1, and Snelling Ave. Also ttdsl0'north 33 ft. of between the west linerthe at 1/4 of he rofawins ton IS t1/4 of Section 25-29-23 lying oand Snelll Ave. the South 1/2 of the N° St. produced southerly ng Open, widen and extend Wynne St. to a width of 66 ft. from Snelling Ave. to the west line of Win=ton 6t . by taking and condemning the following: The south 33 ft. of the North 1/2 of theJortheast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 28-29-23 lying between the east line of Wynnets Addition, Block 1, and Snelling Ave. Also the north 33 ft. of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 28-29523 lying between the west line of Winston St. produced southerly and Snelling Ave. M� Adopted by the Counefl_......_...'1!_�._....._..____....._.._. ... Yaee Nave F%h�pvvroved_.._-{;r"...Ar.. r _. �..,v - ......_ �...__...._......__ Mayor•.._... t e,mc�unw Mr' t%dee Pre Sutlllanunr 17 **�PROPOSAL FOA IMpROVR$SBN'f DeWt hi.11th P•..dey of March _- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written gr000 for the making of the following improvement, riz.: 6pen, widen and extend Wynne St. to a width of 66 ft. from Snelling Ave, to the west line of Win=ton St. oy taking and condemning the following: The south 33 ft. of the North 1/2 of the(Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 28-29-23 'lying between the east line of Wynne I Addition, "lock 11 and Snelling Ave. Also the north 33 ft. of the South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of 6action 28-29�i3 lying between the west line of Winston St. produced southerly and Snelling Ave. �.....o rp.rc�,orpppov-win rw . •nub wnu.cm w uua wwwue.�.�� �• • ••••••"^' Nab Adopted by the Comm1.._.....enwn..l!�.�?V" .. Ywee NAYS Coaneflmen rev— xuy _ ... __......__............. G ,,.. Mayor. r.... c. a �.a �. Vtae Prey suaneunm 3-H-59- /fo.o... ,.. .... CITY OF) ST PAUL NO.—.� 4 / t,k OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --s.orvEp' RESOLVED I `� B t w t°svN q bete Nn ciF{'ffPle Al,,, ea ;4�ch ,f , er. 16. u That the Northern States Power Company he given permission to set one 40 foot pole on the north side of Burgess Street, at alley west of Bent, with necessary guys, wires, anchors and Telephone Dom— pany wires. Estimate #15727. 0 y �� Yea: cosi rvciLMEry Nry May / MAo°.ild 1° Favor P— — Rosin Agai— Sudh°imcr. Mr. P—id— B°°dIn Adop,,d by <ha C....1 �" 19 WJ+ j Is i App—1 / 19 --/T MAYOR I o..o.... �o .�...,... ` CITY OF 5T. PAUL r cc NO. I r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / COUNCIL REO6UTIO SN—GENERAL FORM M "ss o/.— DTE January. 30.r1}32� RESOLVED C F. No.�i�� IIYe eHnilu�ee— is1 �Bi� e • r _ •Aon o III,�en lB �Bift— That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 16 foot guy stub on the north side of Annapolis Street, west of Oakdale Avenue with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. Estimate $15676. Yca.. cou NciLMeN Nay' Adopd by 1h< C ... 1c 1 MAR 1 ri i`dJ.t 19 MaY rI gf'1`l�r cDonald In favor Approve Y 19 Ro:ca , Agai— MAYOR Sodhnm<r M.. P—id— Bundhe NO. _. r CITY OF') ST. PAUL � Le 7 OFFICE O1 CITY CLERK O IL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM vAcs—rco ev COMM TED 6y 1931' ' T�- onrc January_ j0-._ - 1 RESOLVED Ira este _ _ t o foot p t � oCsitA �.- 16 nm an w ro.. •' tans Wit. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set 50 foot pole on the east Bide of Prior Avenue at the south Bide of the al ley.south of at. Anthony Avenue with d Telephone necessary guys, wires, anchors, an p Oompany wires. Estimate #15658- Y-1 15655.✓rf- Yta. courrciLrw Eru Nays my McDonald lJ la fa.or Pear<c �\I Roaeo �� Apt— Sodhuma Mr. N—d— B—dim 11, 1 ! I;1JG.19 Adopted by 0,e Coun nd Apro / 19 M Yr o.c..., .�... .... CITY O ST. PAUL s.Lc NO. _.. J OFFICE F CITY CLERK w CO}I N/yIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM O°NEYr_.L D� embeS B, 1931 DLVED Ir alto„„e..n i. ee zlven oe,m u1 aov ie a ,. tswtsfi. .eo.ov lase an tei faft That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set one 40 foot pole on the south .aide of Laurel, between Farrington and Nina, with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. municipal Estimate #15335. oK, ��- Yeas COUNCILMEN Nay' Ad.,md by rhe C ... 6.A” 15 932 N McDonald 1.'.. In frvnr APProve _ 19 i Pearce R..en Ag.inrz _..,_�.. r. MAI- Sudhumcc / Mc. Pscudcns Oundlm CITY OF S AUL NO. _.91&% OFFICE OF I CLERK OLU N— GE�NERALL FORM IA— bruarY 2%-1932.__ RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company he given permission to get one 40 foot pole on the east aide of ESchenwald Street, jn,t north of Beat Sixth Street, with neo- essary guys, wires, anohore, and Telephone Company wires. a"80. ion 4Pma �9.: �I n,eo Estimate #15852. e° .0 `.. ' F° €, atK...E`...a T.IPE a°.'8om . co 11—EN N y Ad.,d by h. Com nI 15 1P^ f9 ig�gg� ' Dowld .'D I. f-0, APP< 7 19 i vim «. /--7) S.dh.im.r / /M.. P...id— B..dli. CITY OF PAUL NO. _J3.i33V T OFFICE O ITY CLERK L RESO ION—GENERAL FORM DA Y ibru&m I'S. 1932 — fRESENTEDeY _ _ f.OMM 55 ONE - - - -- RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set one 40 foot pole in Olayland Park for lamp at hOokeY rink with necessary VYe, wires, anohors, n and Telephone Oompa y wires. Nunioipal Estimate #15177. Yca. cou rvciLMEry Nays May McD^rind tl I^ favor N.— R.— - ) As— sAh.,mrr Mr. Prnidc^r Bandlic Ad,,d by th. C-61 ..MAR 15.1%2" _ BAR 1%9932 I9 ApPr^vc - MAYOR •".�•"" CITY OF ST OFFICE OF CITY / _ PdiiLERK NO. CL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Miss o DITL T.ehruary 29x_1932. RESOLVED -- _----_---__--_ That the Northern States Power Company be given Permission to set one 40 foot pole on the south- east corner Como -Phalen and Ruth; set one 40 foot pole on the north aide of Como -Phalen, west of Winthrop; set two 40 foot Poles on the west aide Of Winthrop, north of Como-Pbelen, with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wire.. Municipal Estlmate ;15844. N� r is i (l Jl,� �A<r i ` ���,�/�r oo�o•°n°;,. �� r Ycas LMEN prays Ad.,rtd by he Council wMfl\ 151932.19 May McDonald /T ]n fa�oc �' Prarce APRrovc 19 Rosen Sudhcimcc S � MAraR M, P—id— Bu dlic CITY O T PAUL r OFFICE F CITY CLERK COU NCIH RES TION—GENERAL FORM L, ATE 7ebr=rxl9. 1932• RESOLVED That the HortherndBtatee Power Company he glfen permission to set one 25 foot guy pole on the east side of Marlon, north of Thomas, with neoeseary gays, wires, anohors, and Telephone Company wires. Estimate #15607. CouNCILMEN Adopicd by chc Council 15 1JJ�y 1 MeY McDonald I l) Iu favor iNA'i5 _ Appcavcd IS Roan :/ Agai— Sudh6— W P—idcn, Bund1m a•o.., .. ,,.. CITY ST. PAUL ,�cc " NO. 91M 1 OFFIQE F CITY CLERK _VZ -4 R...OLUTIONGENERAL FORM RE_ I - 1 _ -� E Februe.xy 1 1o3a- RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set one 40 foot pole on the south side of Como Phalen Avenue, between Adolphus Street and Windmill Street, with necessary guys, wires, ancbrt oh AesaA�•••— Telephone Company wires, I c°�mpa''",,,°`o Estimate #15801. Yeas COUNci—EN Nays -6eneer- / May McDonald In N... Pcara Ronin J Ag—., 5.dhei— M, N—d— 8und1w Ad,,ed by she C....1 j `,j 19 Approved. Iq � rtnvoa f CITY F ST PAUL site IN ' OFFIC CITY CLERK ONa C =L RE UTION—GENERAL FORM DAT.February 29• 1932 RESOLVED ` 4 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set two 40 foot Poles and one 25 foot pole on the north side of Cottage street, west of Arcade Btreet, with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. I __ Estimate #15854. Ycar COU111LIE' Nay' Ad.,cd by ,hc C ... ai 'Aa 15 IS&,v _ bme J MayV�k'f McDonald .. In favor Ap 19 R`— Ag.j— nvoe S�dheim<r Mr. N—d— B—dim 91901 WHEREAS in the matter oP the taking of t-= Property for the widening of Dniverslty Avenue, a_.. �r part of Lot Viva (5), Hlock Sixteen (18), Smith is Subdivision of Stinaor�ta Division of the Northwest quar- ter (HW} of Section j'hirty-nixTownship Twenty- nine (29 , Range Twenty-three (23), was -taken, and the net damages awarded for the part taken was the sum of Seven thousand, seven hundred, seventy-five ($7,775.00) Dollars, which amount contemplated the wrecking and re- moval of fart of the building now axis ting,on said Lot Five (5); AND WHEREAS CharlesP. Arzt, record owner of Said property has -requested permission to move back -•the building thereon,. and has offered to pay to the city of St.Ia. for the part of the building on the land con- demned in said proceedings, the sum of Five hundred d ($500.00)Dollara, and further agreed to rebuild the front after the removal of said building, according to plans as shown on the blue print hereto attached; ARD WHEREAS said proposal is an advantageous one for the city of St.Paul; HOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; That said proposal be accepted and that permission is hereby granted to said Charles P. Arzt�y' move back the building on the above described property„ conditioned, however, (u on the payment by him of the sum of Five - hundred ($500.00)Dollars, which payment shall be made to the Commissioner of Finance not later than ten (10) days after thepassage and publication of this resolution, and conditioned further that the said owner shall re- build the front of said building according to a plan � shown by the. blue privy pe eto attached ;= � e Yo: courr ci uaEN N- Ad.prcd by the C--1 rye 15 1932..19 6..w1. - May McDonald 1n favor Approv 1', 19 Pearre _ Haven A,,.— S."-- M, gainstSudhcimcrMr. Prnidmt Bwdhc .. , CA>T r � � � I l i I I I II I �I i li I T •I Ili _ i I I; _ j GR`LRCED0:/ L_ 1 WCv+ STo R0. TP�NT I— �F- I Ilia id I - � - - - � � iILTERATI0N5 To jjU51NE55 BUII-DING FRONT ELEVATION - lJoe:sT lP u23 UNIY ER>ITM YNry. ENOL Y4 I' -d Dp CHARLE5FcP RAY f$. GAUGER, P-Ey1�7ERED AF.CI1�7 620 NEW YORK DSD S. S7. PAULi MINN. - CITY OF ST. PAUL QFF E OF CITY CLERK �-Jn�ll CIL Fj SOLU N—GENERAL FORM orve _ _ _ —T. Yarah 10— .1952 D WRIIIEAB, applications for licenses bave been made as foll— C. 6G hie Grafin 426 Pt Douglas Rd. RI application 5 Ye (t. Aallsan 521 Robert St. Confectionery : 1077 H. W. Yeske & E. Aallses 521-5 Robert St. Hotel 1078 (69 room.) WHEREAS, said applications for licenses have been withdraeo; therefore, be It RESOLPSD'j that the proper oity ffine- be and they are hereby authorised to refund to C. Arohie Grab- tha f 0.00 and 0 cel application 5 for Restaurant license; to refund to 11 Aellsan the fee of $10.00 and cescel application 1077 for Confectionery license; and to refund to R. W. Yeske & E. Aallsen, the fee of $54.50 and ceocel application 1078 for Hotel license. Co rvC LMEry MAR 15 tgTl y— Nav, Adopad by ,h, C ... 61_. _ __.19 �M 11,41 ? / MAon." In ..... App—d __19 / PR a1. � � _- oaen A6+inn _-� MAYOR / 5"dh.i.— / Mr. P—id.n, B"odh, 914M RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDE GS I"F7` 1N'D FIC'6 RIF 0` :i'' "" " T::F AWARD OF DAI'.Ari ^ In the matter of__reldc:.Rninr_s^_i_xa-s�nn-Q-zs9'ae._t._1r__Y.iae_La:__^.sae�ser_¢_Sor slono s, ;'tsIn 1 ills into -- t ..t 1:, '�d'itlon of .�It- 1 s to x nt '.'.��C t -vest f :.c .+ t .11— of _ �tiford under Preliminary Order__ _210{it_ - - _.__ —, approved ---- Intermediary Order _______--31S:i1 - approved__--.Isn.,.28T_1932----------------, Final Order ----------------- 1741------------- approved --- Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report aad for a ron- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on thc____ 13th ------- day of ------- ADx11____----------- 19__U,atten o'clock A.M.,and that the Com- m ner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council__-_ htAB_li --------------- 19____ - City Clerk. Approved--- __'4.Le------------ ________ 19_-.- ---------------------__ Mayor. Councilman Ferguson "• „ / G' 3 Councilman McDonald I J Councilman Councilman ed Cnuneilmen rimer Mayor sundlle 91904 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING HV"CO1VD ON AND FIXING TI`.tI CF Il`_t. :..: AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_ rs ciz_n:__ Le_-_.sa 9sser-ec_:__-�--t,:�_.-u:_ecaea-_-;:__a r- -----__ ,l cels e .11, _. — A,_:,:e, eol-- so. le nmFrom 8 under Preliminary Order -------- 3597;----------- approved— 1--l— L, -------------------- Intermediary _- -Intermediary Order ------------- _1476 --------- , a pproved__.,`2._...... 1. ,- Final Order ______________________"_"-_________- approved_ -_ ------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- ----lfL'r.' ______ day of _A -1i -------- -.193=_,atto. o'clock A.M.,sod that the Com- ioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAP ' S Inic, Adopted by the Council--------- - ------------------ 19__-- C ty Clerk. Approved __ - - __ ___ ._ _. 19 G ---------------- N . or. }I,IId Cnnannmanrt arau966, yt,- ' Ccuncilm-Mcl7bnald T Co... ilman ,site �ilmnn E Waed 91905 COUNCIL FILE NO.—.-- nr nn.tna s. emoY Me:o e BY_._...............___.............. ..... _............... _. u ....e.. .neer ane .. eon-. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of th. assessment of benef: t.-, cow... ... i c 1-- for —di—, t31:ro d a to it d d rr 8 .L1, - it 2::, 1.30it� -t 1vrs s fro _t _. tr lt_ -c^ .l, -to vv r. c. .. r b r rte - 0 7 11il tl - o tseer �1 a all 7 r¢l, With 3—in. •t..n =nlr, to , under PreLmmary OrderI.lermedmry Order Jut—, The assess t f. lzt.naTlt9e_c9 sS __ /.P, - for end m ...... tion with the above Impr....... t h -i., been submitted to the C..vcil, end the Council havi.g c vsidered same and I ... d the said .ssiscm.nt s. tisfa.t.ry, therefore, b. it RESOLVED, That the said arsr.--t b, and the same is hereby iu all respects approval. RESOLVED FURTUER, Th.t .public hearing be had oo said aaaessmant on tbr__.. 13th _ —.day of _.AnP11..___....... _._... _. 19.....)4.t the hour of l0 o'clo,k A. 1f., in the Co...il Chamber of the Cort 11.... a.d City Hall Ruilding, in th. City of St. P.al; that the Commi.si.... of Fi.... a give ..tile of said me.ti.ga, as rt,ai—1 by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of h ... mg, the native of the mprovement, th, total cost th.... I. end thr .mount xsseesed against the lot or lots of the p.rti.ular ox..r to whom the notice is di ... ted. Adopted by me C.a.ril I MAR 15 1932 _ '19 Approved. - '� i _...19_.. _. / Co. e'laa egn. Cou mlm n iRI76n81d' , G Co.d u.mea 5. 1 ,,, Councilma. Q4 -v Cat .'Rman 1Celle4Sx hfayor Hudgosv zttn�?l it City Clerk. .:_: _, 91906 COUNCIL FILE NO-_ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment I, the matter If the nsecss.vent If red=n; vl Lay in :nlk 7, A- 1. -1 AF .... I.de, PrOilliI.1Y Old" I.t,,,edi,ly Order Fire] 0,d- 1.128 npprot rd _—, 1_'. 19.--1.. Th, ac,es,ment of...a for ..d ii, eonnectiov with the It,... improvement 1,e,I.g been svhmit I,,,i I. the C- I, vnd the Co... it having considered . -1 found th, said e,"'It 1-tivIf-1—Y, therefore, be It RESOLVED. Th.t the said II— be and the . i, hereby i. all re,pe Ipp'lled RESOLVED FURTHER, Th.1 a pIbli, lI,.,i.g be b.d .. said on the_..... 13th d., If 1 19 ,7....,It the h..l If 10 ',I.,k A \f.. it, the Council Ch..b,, of the c l, Umme ..d City II,,11 Miildmg, III the i' ty If lt P-1; that the C..eri.wne, of I'm ... I, give notice III said mir tin- ve --,Id by the Ch,,e—, —firg in -id l,ti,, the ti., end place If l.eeriog, the nntnre of the he -.1 cost thereof and the vmonnt rssessed against the 1.i or b.t, If the pI,ii,,bir --1 I. wh.m the nntme i. direct d. M 15 Adopted by the C.,il City Mrib, M.1111 C.I.effi 24OL142M Cot eilmn Bdli, 919177 COUNCIL FILE NO By...._.........._.........__...............___.......__........ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the easessmevt o[ hPn _ , �'^t. .n . >- -n. a for con etruc tiny, reconstruct inn and ropairin� .. ce-te-t sidewalks, .aa e No. 5, Contrsot 5994 - 1931 --As sessabla-- .... ..e . F.O. 90213 Northwe.t corner .I.tson 've, an d Chatsworth :t. 90489 Blsir St, from ilaa'. tel '�—. tocTmdicate we. w x. --Non-Asses-111- 0_905617 able--0.90687 Hnf'riss.. Ave „ east side, from Hudson Ave. to Euclid St. F,G. 90213 Ylea sant Ave., north s'de, opposite the Goodrich Ave. Stens Northwest corner -Matson Ave. and Ohatsworth St. Southwest, nert'—st, sout'.. ast and northwest corers Marshall Ave. and Fry St. Northeast and southeast corners Mona eve. and :1lbany tit. Northwest, north -et an9 southeast corners Ana anti Atlantis Sts Southeast and nort'•.-ast corners Dal, it. and Wheelock Parkway F.O. 90469 Blair St. from Htm11-.e Ave. to Syndicate ;,vc, RESOLVED, That the snid assessment be ana meeamau.natvnY+a��+a'P^�"�PP'^�<°• `-' -gym RESOLVED FURTHER, That n public hearing be had on slid esseavnent on th,....._._lz.tkl._..._.. day of April .. , 19..32 It the hour of 10 o',],,k A. Df., in the Coun.. it Chamber of the Coon House and City hall Building, in the City of Sl. Poul; tbat the Commissioner of Finance giro nntiae of said meetings, se rewired by the Cbnrtcr, elating in -id notice the lime end Ploce of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the amount tm,.ed against the lot or Iota of the to-tieutsr ownec to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Councd... S.. 14.T ....... -.... 10. . _ C /( `f'. j-,r�t�Y<�'�• ..City .^Jerk. Apprnrcd .2c'.....- .... 19....... Councilmen ghso^ J Covneilman Councilmen Conneilma uunu�nor Councit. it.., 'WI,Yatr MayarliSx Bun311e FILE NO_.._ ........ ____...._ By u�ea�ik�hIIine$'xt7edgttxxxxx::i= �:xxxK:=.x<".Yx[vbaf75XdfYdfxO7H�n7..7vf...T.XS.147.x-.�X]cX_;.x_x:'>_rxxxx xxxa&nxatxxxxxxx�4.:'.xxxxl•.x�x�praezd:xz'�.:cxxxxrx:s:�:.rarxxaaxa7as.�au__... The assessment oL ?l—fits,... L ts..8tui.:x[1Cr s.ES........... _..__._.for and in connection with the above improt'emeot having Lcrn suLmilted to the Conueil, and the Council having considered same end found the said -- —t satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said be end the same is hereby in ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thn[. n public hearing be had on said aria --t on theday of ._A.P l.l..... _.. _...... _. 19. .32 et the hon, of 10 o',],,k A. M., in the Council Cbsmber of the Court House and City 11,,11 lNildiag, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commi.ioncr of Financo give notice of acid meetings, ns r,,—,d by the Charter, arming in said notiee the time end place of hearing, the nntnre of the improvement. the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed eg.mt the lot or lots of the particular ownor to whom the notice is directed. Adopted b, the Conncil_.....1-5__14:7 -... -..-, 19-....- ......�_...�..iZ City Cleric, Approved.. Ar - .......19 .. Couneilman der `I, J1. dd / Councilmen Mclb'uflld sl"' uo Cnnneilman-,�/5-.3�- 0.> Cou cilm .naiiruux ennoeame� xwenxax Mayor )3dg�i§lSx tiun.'11e °'�•"'°•^•"•• CITY F ST. PAUL iocrvc�L NO. y�yVO OFF OF CITY CLERK C UNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMissEo°Ne DATE_ March 16, 1932 Rccni vrn RFCFI� FD MAR 1 7 1932 ��herea s, John Larson, Storekeeper, DepartmeN6yo ,y UI-I-IGE of Public Works oi' the City of St. Paul, will be NN�� incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after February 16, 1932, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that Joan Larson be and is hereby granted a thirty (30) day leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 16th day of February, 1932, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules{ therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for John Larson for thirty (30) days from, on and after February 16, 1932, with full pay. Yea. eourveiuneN N.y, Clancy , Fe.¢arov J�� McDwdd 1. favor / RDh6ad ,- / sndhdmv ;/ AH.inft Jyensd M -P.efldlnt Hadgw.v; Mr. vibes Pres. s halm•' Adopted by the Council MQR 16 1�` 19 Approyed _19—.� `. _ -MArba __ o.a ....o <,. ...... CITY ST. NO._/1�LVV ErvTEo e • �� ' F CE OF TV CLERK onT� I ESO LU —GENERAL FORM P—S ONER WHEREAS, The Success Broom Company, of Vioneapolis, desires to rent the old Prior Avenue Polioe Station for the period of five years at a rental of $300.00 par year, payable mcnthly, said period of five years to begin June 1, 1932• Lhe Company to have the promisee from the present time to June 1st, 1932, rent-free, for the purpose of reimbursing the Company for necessary repairs to the outside of the building, as well as replacing brick and potting I. new sash and doors which have been burned out by a fire; and WEMMLS, She Commissioner of Public Safety approves of the lease of these premises for said period of five years at said rental; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officer@ are hereby authorised and di rooted to enter into a lease for the old Prior Avenue Police Station with the Success Broom Company for a period o_f floe years from and said lease toter June tp1932, at rovide thatnthe Is seetal shallhave0the, right to enter upon the premises for the purpose of making repairs and getting the building in shape for occupancy and such other vses nee St may find neeeesary, without paying any rent therefor for the period from and after the passage of this resolution to June 1, 1932; and the Corporation Counsel is hereby ant horired to prepare the proper lease therefor; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That Council File No. 91874, approved March 11, 1932, be and the some Is hereby repealed. �I onb ve~tD � - Y.a, co ory ciLm Ery Na� Ad.j—d by Ih� C---[ @Inas 16 M"....19 In favor APPr d _ 1�✓19 / Rosen Agai— MAYIR � 'J .,'lic 1•r^^ 'cPf,'rT �� of Mr. Vice Pres Sud --.1 Bevartment of -caw CITY Or ST. PAUL 6WI8 L NA OERSON LOUIS P eHEANAN LARY J. PLYNN "eOWIN MURPMv 1RV1N6OOTL'Ee March 16th, 1933. Yr. Ceo. 0. Sudhelmer, 0ommissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: The Success Broom Oompany States that St does not want to rent the old Prior Avenue Polios Station for a period of one year with the option of renewal for subsequent periods of one year each with the consent of the OOnnnll, saying that the amount of money neoessary to get the building into shape and put in equipment to operate successfully their business is too large an expenditure to make when their rights to the 000npanoy are so uncertain. We are of the opinion that it is legal and proper for the Council to authorise the letting of this property for a period of five years, and we have, therefore, drawn a new resolution authorizin letting for said period, and oancelliag former resolution. This resolution is attaohed. Tows very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. zM-U _......, ........ CITY OF ST. PAUL coury ciu NO. 91x710 �/ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ga�ws oorv__ OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM — TE March 14, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving the widened oortion (Gast Roadway) of Concord Street from 124 feet northwest of Curtice Street to Annapolis Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91009, Approved March 14, 1932, Resolved, That plam and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted herewith by the Commissionerof Public works, are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, That the oroper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the Iyl making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ... ... Y—courvclLNEN Nay. r C6nvy (y/ Fergueov —"cDovaid In lavor Rvhl�vd a / Sadheimer L Ag.i— f- w.—I � A4w-W..id.rreNodlua" Mr. Vice Fres. SudLeimv Adopted by the Cou.61— lR I r_ 1912 19. AppravedL4� 19 C -r. ro.. 91911, 91912, 91913. I 9890LVZD, that `checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate emomt of $104,064.36, covering check. annbered 2559 to 2709 inclusive, as per check. an file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council LR 1 c 1 I Approved A—bod by Ice b_ F F � ouvL;cnrs — ciry or s.Hr v cau+ci� cou Nc;LMo c;r. A L of FicE of THE coM RTROLLER „LE No. EN COUNCIL RESOLUTION J IMS Me—h 15„ECT 32 AUDITED CLALVED o M1r a 52x.3„ TOTAL IN FAVOR OF ,NK aRODGRT FORWARD 2558 Vin en Palumbo 'i 52 8 • Company,Ino. 4 8 25 9 The Oakes 767 2560 Charles 9ileon 28 8 2561 John E. Null en 60 or 2562 Lillian Geieenfeld, Assignee, Glen Leahy 24 oc 256j Thomas Parrish 43 5 2564 Ella Strandloff3 998 JJ 2565 Standard 011 Company 2 043 0 2566 Parry H. Fletcherld, 15 2 2567 Hamm Ice Company 211 2 2568 H.C, Hendrickson IjII 2 5 2569 Institute of American Genealogy 4 4 1 2570 Int.City Managere Assn, 2OC I;i 2571 #. J.T. Jennings, Librarian 27 ; (< 2572 Joesting & Schilling Company' 2 2573 Johne Hopkins Press 5 7' 2574 Johnson Printing Company 64 5, 2575 Junior Literary Guild 16 5 , 2576 Keuffel & Esser. 15 9 2577 Keystone Vie. Company 40 9 2578 v, Koepke 2 6 2579 s.T.q, Loop Agency 2580 's.A. Lang,Inc. 26 6 2581 Lawyers o—Op. Pub. Com. any 7 5 2582 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Company 2� 25, 258j Librarian, Library of Cnngress '� 14 97'. 2584Lilly—Cullen and Company d 45 00, 2585 LillygTen & Sundberg Auto Co. ; 61 o0'. 2586 Linde Air Products Company V 118 64 2587 Little, Brom and Company 63 75'', 4 2588 E.M. Lohmann Compeny on 2589 Herman Lundborg, Agent ii 6 58 2590 McClain & Hedman Company 109 98� 2591 McGill—Aarner Company 2 50 2592 McGraw—Hill Book Company 27 4�5j 259'j McKesson—St.Paul Drug Company i, 12 74 259'+ Paul McFbarlin 5 1C 2595 Mack Int. Motor Corporation 54 86, 2596 MacMillan Company 2597 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 47 98 2598 Mahle wagon & Auto Compeny 72 501 is 2 225599 R.C. Malley Grocery 52� 260n Malmo. Motor, 8 Sc �, 26o1 O.H. Mann Company 20 on';, 2602 M rrin Medical Supply Company 80 32. 6o an vp r p r 26oj Ca& E Marshall Company 16 901j it 2604 Martindale—Hubbell Lsw Dir.Inp. 25 60, e 1 10' 260 John Mauru 9 5 I 2606 Mechanical Service Company 10 onl '. 2607 Edwin Melbofer 59 90 2608 Nelady Paper Company 37 22 2609 Gus D. Messing 6 70 2610 M, M, Netoalf 10 75' 2611 Michaud d M there Inc. 25 29 au Br o ; 2612 Miokelsenle Grocery 2 46� 2613 Mid -ay Creamery Company 3 38� s1EET TOTAL—FORWARD7 500 00 723 137' 7 500 00 137 70 i 11 SHEET TOTAL—FQRwAso ; 7 500 0o u747 3o6. I f i o E ........ER 91912 EN NCI M —RO Lc oFFICE`oF, Na COUNCIL RESOLUTION AliDI'I'ED CLAIMS March 15 32.. ' aE cw^N6 24,16 nE�n� rv�Me 261 a ci E� eo-7f TOTAL IN FAVOR OF rvn BROUGHT FORWARo 366 381 5 5 • 2614 Harris Brothers P1umb.Co.Inc� C. Fl 2615 2616 John H. uc Donald, of n.�� John H. McDonald, c, of Fin. 642 0 2617 John H. McDonald, C, of F n.l 2 102 5 2618 John H. McDonald, ;. of Fl n. 3 856 9 2619 2620 John H. McDonald, C. if Fin.I John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 244 7 17 6 3 2621 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin., 3 234 2 2622 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 750 7 2623 Miller-Bryant-Pleroe Company 15 O. 2624 Mining Auger & Tool Aorks 4 5 2625 The Ylnneapolls Journal 6 4 2626 Minnesota En lepe Company 17 Rp 5 j 2627 Minnesota Milk Company 841 2628 Minnesota Yining & Mfg.Compa4y 59 5 2629 Minnesota Newe Company 160 12I 2630 Mitech & Neck Company 51 80 2631 Moohe & Brazilian Coffee Company 32 00 26332 Model Laundry 3 20 Mutual Underwriter Company III 2 00 2634 5 Dennie Laughlin Robert T. Copp i� 35 16 201 60 2636 Donovan Construction Company 17 25 2637 John Foley 2 42'l 2636 eo. J. rant Conet. Comcany 35 00' 2639 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 133 89 2640 American 'eater forks Assoc. N 75 00I 2641 Baldwin Transfer Company ! 160 50 2642 266 Concrete Steel Company Farwell, Kirk Company 73 63 61i 4 Ozmun, Yr. C.W.C,, Loeber 76 14 550� 2645 Mise Louise Markert 1 68 2646 John Psisert 30 70 2647 St.Faul Vocational Training 3ghool 1 53 48 2648 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company! 19 35 2649 2650 C. w. Schulz Company 27 16 19 63 L, 2651 9peakee & F.B. Spindler 1 55o 2652 Twin City Book & Stationery 00. 104 45 2653 feed -Parker & Company 131 0 2654 'eestlund Parket House III; 2655 wm. wondra 9 04 SHEET TOTAL—FQRwAso ; 7 500 0o u747 3o6. I f 0 o I[Ifj I aK I o y1y13 FTa to pF E oM pL NO EouN — —�o L CALL Io COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Marc. 16 932 aESO EO a 7=,366.97 -- — --- - —� - TOTAL unecx IN FAVOR OF • 2P656 aaOu T FIRIARD r;m nn 747 306-7 55 7 1 ' Ci emp1 Brother. `5 John H. MC Lonald, C, of Fin. 12 167 2 2658 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 4 ''. 2659 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.', 4801 2660 Johneon's Market House V 129 5 2661 Specialty Printing Company 43 0 2662 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 26 248 11 2663 Albin E. Djorkllnl, Atty. for Natheri ne &hez 15 5 2664 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin, q 173 951 2665 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 6661 1 167 55111 2666 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin, 49 0''1 2667 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 13 414 44 2668 A 1 stenographic Bureau 1 22 561 2669 Capitol stationery Mfg.Compogy 173 61 ?670 General Chemical Compeny p 979 80 2671 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 156 80 2672 Mathleson Alkali Torks,Inc. 1 280 61 Malady Paper Company 158 47. z6673 4 G. Som:cere and Company 166 70' 2675 VSllaume Box & Lumber Com,._nyl 265 58 2676 Glen A. Leehey 16 50. 2677 Awe C0netruetion Company 500 01' 2678 A, Aschenbrenner 91 50' 2679 Lei• Bonn Company 142 04 2680 Ted %nelp 40 OC 2681 9m. McMurray Company11 1 76,-,. 2682 National Lead Company 58 861 2683 Thomas Parrish jl 24 00 2664 National Battery Company 90 96 2685 National Bisouit Company 69 01 2686 11 Col.. Dean & Gregg Company 205 35 2687 2686 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company Nicole, Dean 8' Gregg Company 66 % 268 0 7511 2689 Northern Auto Eleotrio Company Coal Dock Company 37 % 26j 87' 4g 2690 2691 Northern & Northern States Power Companyl 70: J 968 2692 Northern states Power Company,, 9 276 35 267 Northern States Power Comoany, d1 1 465 156 37 26911 2695 Paper, Calmenson & Company Park Machine Company 47 59 75 2696 Postal Telegraph Company 45 50 2697 • Price Electric Company 130 74 l 2698 Price Electric Company 76 53 2699 Pure 011 Company 1 230 244 2700 Railway Express Company 14 88 l 2701 Raymer Hardware Company 193 30 2702 Re.mindton-Rend Business Servio '� 188 4p9 2703 Remington -Rand Business servl�e 225 641 - 2704 Robinson, Cary and Sande Compjny 523 731' 2705 Roe -Jame. Glass Company j 46 74 2706 St.Paul Book & Stationery Comosny 223 37 2707 St.Paul Book & stationery Comp1. ny 237 50 2708 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 473 58 s„E.T TOTAL-FORW—c 7 500 00 s18673 73 CITY OF ST. PAUL C—il File OFFICE OF CITY Clm COUNCIL RESOLUTION 4+x , Prseents{d-by �C d Commies! ' _ By Hegeeet Data WboiroAl+y The C it of the City f St. Paul has duly ad the returns of the votasoset a'k1. a City Primnry Election held on Tuesday. the 15th day of Msroh. 1932. Whereas. It am-. from said return sed the .save.. thereof, that the fall— ing mored oaedidates reosi—d the f-11-1-9"'bar of wtea. for namimtion for the folloelmg named om.... FOR JUDOS OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT. ivl °.`AiW'• Heard T. Diehl . . . . . . . . .. 6.761 r John J. Dudley . . . . . . . 8.711 Sydney W. Geffeteia 11,534 Charles A. Iethert Clayton Perks . . . . . . 29.063 ,cv FOR MAYOR. A. N. Ander.. . . . . .. . . . 1.229 21.216 Gerhard B.adlie . . . . . Joh. J. COO`tney George L. King 21.276 William Mahoney . . . . . . . . . .POR. CITY COMPTROLIER. Due J. Andrea . . . . . .. 2 ,631 15.413 Harold F. Gooirioh . . . . . . . Fred J. Mora: . . . . William F. 9eott . . : . . 29:� 7 E. M. Skipton. . . . . . . . . . . 4.115 FOR COURCIIMAN. Mrs. I—ille Bartlett . . 2.325 Raymond c. B.—gardmr 3.139 5.777 Fred B. Bind . . . . . . 1.73 Harloe E. Suck— 3.963 Mrs. Mary Callender • . • 19,E Jame. M. C20my . . . . . . Mrs. W. 0. Clayton .. 5 AathJ• C . . . . . . . mq Peter P. Dombekonray . . . . . . 14 .322 4 1. William P. Driscoll • . • • 1.,594 1.R. S. Fargo.— .. . John C. Flange.. . . . . . 7.126 Scott L. Sipple . . . . . . 3.22E Wm. B. Barris . . . . . . . . . 6.138 138 H. Martin job usoa . . . . .. . Joh. Beller. .. • • . ' ' • 55 4imemt Raymond Imnnon .. . 4.317 6.238 Walter Mallory . . . . .. Job. Bermrd Ma— .. . . . . . . 3.977 ' Clyde R. M►y . ..... . . . .. 15.227 Henry McColl .. .. . . 9.389 John H. MoDomld . . . . . . . . . 13 W. H. MoGroarty . . 4y E Eugem L. Merrill• . . . . . . . . 6.. 31 Thames J. 0*Neil . . . • Irving C. Pearce . • 15.059 Keith J. Peter... . . . . • .. 2:823 William F. Potthoff . . . . .. George Heary Robinson . . . .. . 74 4.532 oe Milton Rea .. .. . .. . lhn. J. Seymour 31.743 1.992 Peter Simon . . . . . . . . 3.154 Total Number of Names J. R.gi.tratioa Card Cabimt. . . . . . . . . 100.828 Total Number of Vote. Cast end Canted . . . . . . . . . ... 63,263 Nhareea, it appears from maid returne and the osnveae thereof that the follow- ing ocaed-cavdi'datee reoeiv d more-e6tiem tbea-sny other candidate or pereoa for nom- Snaticm for the following naumd offices. FOR JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT. Obarlaa A. Datbart, Olaytom part. FOR MAYOR. Gerbmr6 Buailla. William Mahowy. FOR CITY COMPTROLIER. Harold r. Goodrich. William r. Scott. A J . Page 2.1', E. Slaidk .. 3.403 Albert M. Saoliak . . . 1.143 .. A. • . George 0. Sudheimer. . . . . . . 15,1T1 .. Fred M. Taus . . . . . . • . . 12,470 . Robert Tamer . . . Mr.. Fred A. Wentlak .. . . . g Herman C. W-1 24.080 V. W—k ... ........ 3,196 Albert Waaderlieh . . . 5.174 FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE AT IARGE. Rdwnrd E. Delaney 6.555 Pat J. Delaney, Jr. ... .. 9.622 Joh, F. Doyle. 16,050 . William Remy Dunbar . . . . . . . 4,206 ee,j.mia W. Friedman. . . . . 5.969 M. A. Gn1o1, • . . . . . . . . 9.737 Joseph P. Saanedy. . . . . . . . 8.008 Eugene A. Moaiok . . . . . . . 15,743 5.936 H— HieI... . . . . . . . Harold P. Rutledge .. . . . . . 6,392 FOR CONSTABLE AT IARGE- Ray W. Carr . . . . . . . 5,291 William Conray . . . . . . . . 6.591 Archie Cook . . . . . . . . . . . 5.581 Bea J. Each ........... 3.959 Henediet G. Fisohar . . . . 9,vQ- Edward W. Hauft . 11.1196g Job. J. H—shen, Jr.• 3,966 - Jolla. H. Holmberg . . . . . . . . T.144 - Walter J. Job-.--. . . . . . . 8,5Eo Freak L. Erneseweki. . 2.865 F. Misk... .. . . . . . 10.053 1 . Edward F. Mnllmmy . . . . . . . . 5.917 Harold Edward Olinger. . . . 2.014 Ferry J. Roe. ........ .. 2, d51 Frank A. Rae. . . . . . . . . . . 2,056 - M11 8 2.3j8 Matt J. T.ohi. . . . . . . 4.945 FOR CONSTABIE. 6TH WARD. Joa.ph I. Burke . . 2.068 Tom Murray . . . . • . . . . . . . s566 Charles Silverstein . . . . . . . 826 Total Number of Names J. R.gi.tratioa Card Cabimt. . . . . . . . . 100.828 Total Number of Vote. Cast end Canted . . . . . . . . . ... 63,263 Nhareea, it appears from maid returne and the osnveae thereof that the follow- ing ocaed-cavdi'datee reoeiv d more-e6tiem tbea-sny other candidate or pereoa for nom- Snaticm for the following naumd offices. FOR JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT. Obarlaa A. Datbart, Olaytom part. FOR MAYOR. Gerbmr6 Buailla. William Mahowy. FOR CITY COMPTROLIER. Harold r. Goodrich. William r. Scott. Page 3, FOR COUNCIIMAN. r James Y. Clancy, Anthony J. Conroy, L. R. 9.wo rarga, Clyde R. Mag, E-7McColl, Jab= H. McDonald. Irviag C. Pearce, Milton Scam, George 0. SGdheimer, Fled M. 'Ever. Mrs. red A. Woutink, Harman C. W-1.FOR JUSTICE OF PEALS AT LARGE. Par J. Del.ahay, Jr. John r. Do71e, M. A. Galvin, Eugene A. Monick. FOR CONSTABLE AT LARGE. Benedict G. Tisch", %QWard W. Hantt, Welter J. Johnson, T. Mute, FOR CONSTABLE, 6TH HARD. Joeepb I. Burka, Ton )Nrrey. And Whereas, It appears from the r ..ds in the office of the City Clerk, that tha following named persona era the —17 ones ahoee won here presented for nomi. tion, for the office. hereimater, named and who accepted such namdwtio=, as the andidatee for each offices and that the number of such esndidatee for such offices doe, note e,d twice the mmber of persons to be elected for said office. reepeot- 1-17, to -wit, FOR JUSTICE OF PEACE, 6TH WARD. W.. J. Bollen, M. L. Nile.. FOR JUSTICE OF FEACE, IOTH ANC 11TH WARDS. Thames J. Nash. Therefore, Be It Resolved, That each of the aforesaid persons are hereby de- eLred to be the nominees and the only nominee, for their re.pective offices at the nsot :caving General City Election to be held in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota, oa T. e-day, May 3rd, 1932, and their w shall be printed a, evob candidates On the official ballots of said election, and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to notify them of the nomination and to deliver to them the proper certifications of .00h nomination. COUNCILM Yea. Nays Adopted by the Couaoil MAR 17 IPP 19 Conroy May L- favor M.nanasa x932 Pearce APProved& 19_ Rosen O Ag.in,t Sudhetne. r MrVice P�='�d '� QQnaroR CITY Or at. PAOL Camou elle 90%zz: ---z oevaot or o1m MISS OMMI . aedmlrrlos o stddia0�nPY Room" Coto UveasA1'9'=1E.- tbp Paul hoe duly ma.anad the —to of eatoo oheld m '11rod4f the 750% dq . Im. wd fie. It a.. frm odd letmme and the amp" %hereat. that *4 lollae. Im wood a a weHwl tow ate' of rg aof •etas Ow bmdm%im tar Us tolb FM dCU® Cr IMS MMIPAL 00WT. FA.a'wd T• aldol .......... 6.761 deb d. Wdbp • . • • . 9.711 8e,,YT�rpyr� W. oarrobla ... • . 1.770 Chalon A. W2004 .. • ::: . 11.514 olyrve tm Pam ...... ... 29.063 lox soros. Ass. .Hendee ...... . 1.829 Oahu amu% .....: :. 21.816 dela d. cowk Y ....... . VOW GooWill Bdiew Miss ... o . • .. 23^ eos CIS. CCUPTaOLIMS. Cas J. Anind . .. 2 oW Herold F. 000&14L .::: . 15@413 rnd d. town . ....: .. 9.166 u1 Mm a 2� 8-" : • : • • e 4 115 M. eldrem ...:.:.... FOR coaeona.s. Mrs. Isollle Borble. • .• . Hyesad 0. Hnm2aredr ..: : Harlan e. awlam . .. erne tt.ry allwyn • . Je 14 OINM .. . 1t7. 11, 0. o ot— • ... • ..- sa0hay�. • Cor41r • • ..... •. rdta P Daandt • ....... tu11m P..Drin011 • .... I.. E. r. edrpaam • • . John O. PLape • . aeoH ]r OI" • . . T!. a. 11"I". • H.. Wrtis dahmm • .... . Jobs wells • ........ • . . Tldnat�ldmoa .... • dohs 8oraard • . . Olydd 2. dp ... •..•• •• BeOy IIeCo13 . @aha M.lb0asa7d ... • • • • e•16lt u........ ■ayes L •..... • . Thrix@ d. o•wu .. ....• ... a'•!ni C. raasw • . • . . . ldlW J. Pebens MI1lm F. Patuar • • ..... Od- 8—YEoMeem •-.....• Ulltm Zoom ........ • • • •. u" J• .gaup . rob- 81s ....•.•... Pop 2. Apart ® 81adb ... 3.bo3 A. H. smal"t 1.143 Damp o. sadhalm s • . . 15.171 Peed Y Slums ... ... 13.170 RdbWb Tlaaar 2.477 Me. Mede Wastlmt . . 9.116 En+rm o. wimmol . .. 24.0 0 v. Homaak 3.196 Alborb WWinriiah ........ 5.174 FOR JURTICR OF PEA CB AS LAM. 6detd X. DaIEMW . Pat J. Mama Jr. .... 6.5`i5. 9. Jdbs P. Dcrb... • ... . 16.050 wuum Rro7 Dmbdr ..... 4.206 rZa .. • .. H. Peded_m 5.969 Y. Ci Oel$ ... . • . 9. T37 aoaayb P. FAUMW 8.006 BdPme A. lad • • • 18.747 Raw Eldsw ........... 8.936 n.rdld P. RubledP ........ 6.392 FOR CONSMIE AS IAM. milli C= . 6.291 .891 Ara" Cook . • .. 5.581 Ran J. Rssh 3.959 Dsmdtot 0 Pimobv 9 }60 Rbrd A. Ramft •11:61 ao6s a. tYmaheo. Jn 3996666 J031w H. Ho A6- . • • 7.144 Y.lt- . adhnm . Msnb L. Rla.eaaebl P. Yips . . . 10.013 Ra.aed P. YolLoq ... 9.917 Herold �d 011mpr . a,p14 Perry J. H Pemab e. soonn 2.056 Ylb $R— . . . 2. 8 UM J. Taahtds ......... 4.949 POR COHRTAms. 6m HARD. Josgh I. Dorm ... 2.068 D6erL� wablm • ...... 826 Total ffad a of Ramos in R463ateetlm Card CablADU ........ 100, 828 Total Dour of Vat" Cast and CaAO" ....... • ...... 63.263 thlrnso It apynrs frm add a0b" dab the oaatsaa th~ that tbo folldr latl°011mdfw tba tollodm;2� m.®medf =I than MW a0M asoMen or Parsm far mss POR JUD® OF TER MIOIPAL OOM. dh.r1.. A. LOOMS. Olaytom Paris. FOR YATOD. O.rh.rd 9daalle. 11111m m.bdaq. FOR MY COYPIROLIM. Harold P. ooddriah. lllltam 1. BOOM POP 3. FOR 000011M. J— U. clow. AOtbM .7 . C—Y L. 16 S. Y-V9m= ard. P. law: McColl. Coll John E. Mo-ald. Irving 0*i,aaros' Alton H-M, 00"'"C, Oudbl. rasa.. Tgass. Mra. Owed A. 6—tiak. Eberann C. a....,. FOR JOSTZM Of PSWO AT 1AW186 Pat T. D4AM. Jr. IT-to Y. Awl.. a. A. Galvin$ z -wgng A. Umiak. FM OONSTAME At LUM. Donadies 0. plachar. Ad"I"11 Haan, .ls.r J. labnaon' r. minka, FOR 00802AB=. SM WM, .T.-Pb 1. TOM Utirr*Y. ADS Move". It appOd" 9VM "0 rOPOW& In th@ Off"$ Of th* COV 01491. the* Mao tonoxims Umd Fieaaaa WS us a4y aaan 16m oat etw pWM*Dd for noolub- =We offft" bowels~ I end AI I n sashMdRA19D. " OW tar sob afft" and that Vo MRhW of radh esmaidaw for now arm" dag nab @NUUd edw IM UqUW of powees to be eisetr6 for "it aft%@" ospwb- LV@3r@ t*dAfAs FOR JUSTIM OT PRIM &Z MRD- Val. J. Douds. U. L. Moss POR jM= at FRAoss IM MW M WAM. swag J. NLdL. fbbwt� Do Xt assolvada what gab of IM ateroodd pmrsons an hers?w an- olay" to be 70 1.1"s 1A as a.* Mdw. Car am, ft"Mu.6 am" .6 tw MVxb Sulaft essond Ofty =SWUM to be ben tm the COW of ftc FWal, UbzwWb4 as to=* A= 19X4. ant Mob oUows OMU bb vrhfti SO Vd0b SOMMOUS an Clak IS bNO" Instroom to wo 09 a of so" �4=W ta%md Me C1Aq k wed to uVw to then an FpOar owtstleawwas at area radaeti=a BAR 17 1012 Yom NOVI A*"" tw as awmalk 3 mq favor raBacam WAR 1? 02 ROM prooldwat VATOR CITY ST. PAUL .itc NO.—. ylytt/ I OF CITY CLERK OLUTI GENERAL FORM HT oo e _ �Y,v± _ — – . Xer"37r 1952 mmsb WREREAB, applications for licenses have been made se folio..( A. J. Kcginnis 148 S. Wabasba on St. Confectionery application 889 Karr De no, & Martha Ng__, 248 W. St St. Reet—cot • 925 WH6REA8, said applicant. have vithd-- said eppllcatiane for licen.ee; tberefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. be end the same are hereby authorized to refund to A. J. McGinnis, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel application 889 for confectionery license; and to refund to Kary DeRov end Martha Magee— the fee of $10.00 and to cancel application 925 for Re.taurent lioerc.. IIII-ev a. c. r�4A°o ee ave toe cense.. nelYeEa°TW _l��e°a' ee `i`aoatreoo a �i Ae el .°Wile('= &2W, ee a to rt° +l n942,ti6� rR°MS#Wt•4t.it °4 ��KK66 uvea (u•'ce'ti ° Yeas cou rvcitM eR Nay.+ / ..ray J IAgaI Rorc. er j S.db— hoe-Preaideneeuadl•� Mr. Vice Pres, Sudhnimer Adopmd by the C ... ril. MAR 17 1931219 -- uaR. 71932 _I9 Appro ono... .a �., .,... CITY OF ST. PAUL sie �� NO._ yLy16 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n CL RESO I —GENERAL FORM 1fREAEAB, Emil Peterson Company has petitioned the 0ovnoil for permission to installand maintain a drive-in filling station on Lot 1, Block 59, Irvine'. Enlargement, loo ated at the southwest corner of Summit and Rice; and WHEREAS, said Emil Peterson Company has submitted a blue- print of the proposedley-out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, eto. for the information of the Counoil; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in ncaordanoe with P.ragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance W0 . b840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to Emil Peterson Company to install and maintain Bald station in accord - once with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved Will automati o ally void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be in- stalled in accordance with the ordinances of the Oity of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parka, Playground' and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalk e, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the dire. Zion and�to the tatiafaotioa Of the 0ommissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted for the maintenance of said filling station Bball be forever subject to revocation by the 0ouncil whenever said Counoll shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes s fire or traffic hazard. Ycas C011CI1MEN Nays / Adopccd by ,hc Council RW 1.7 1917, Conroy MaY di'. �.7i 7.i� �A7�BmaI3� —' Io favor �c� 19 ,Pea Rosmc Avon pir. Vioc Yles City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Ory Clu -d Comml,.lon., of R.yl,n..an Yarch 16th, 1932 Y, L. L. Ander..., Corporation Counsel, Ruilmg. Dear Sir: The attached application of 11,11 Peterson Compal for pernl eeloa to construct a fill, -stat'.. o. Lot 1, Ill.. 59, Irvine'. Enlarge - ant, located on the southwest c u of Sit and Rice, w referred to you today by the Cco..11 for the proper reaolutl.n. Y.ure very truly, City Clerk. THE BOARD OF ZONING d., SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i3 214 COURT HOUSE February 29th, 1932. snw< Rw..vsian. a.��. loo w c. o. r�a� erw+o ronru�un o. vn.nu Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Emil Peterson Company for J. B. Forrest to construct a filling station at the southeast corner of Rice and STamlt. This station will lie on low ground ..at of the Miller Hospital Nurses The me and nornt of tore of the Wilder Dispensary. corner will clear up an eye sore and will change a dark unsanitary ccoornnerBBinto a well lite filling station with a large paved the TftSummithas Ave.been lt has ed to been settback future wideningg o to conform to the eningsetbackoof 6T�itnA a sinnviewich was built with the widening We believe that this is the best type of t the will eventually this wan hiselandnanderecommend thatc the the perms/t be granted �v1'� � Yours very truly, gh_rh G. 0. House Ryland Rothschild C. A. Bassford _ Mrs. 9111ars i. I �j THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) March 1, 1932 Mr. M. S. Gibbons, City Clerk. Ret Drive-in Filling Station, Lot 1, Block 59, Irvine's Enlargement Dear Sir% (SW Corner Summit and Rice, The Emil Peterson Company, 408 Selby Avenue. the above location is zoned as Commercial, and a filling station is permissible under the Zoning Ordinance, subject to a hearing before the City Council. Engineer+ng Report: Thelocation of the diagonal pump island nearest the intersection of Summit Ave. and Rice bt., as shown on the blue print attached, will cause the vehicles being serviced to project 3 ft. on the sidewalk. This pump island should be relocated to prevent any projection of the serviced vehicles over the sidewalk. The driveways shown 28 ft. wide at the outside edge of the sidewalk should be reduced to 27 ft. in width with the measurement made along the properly line. The island on private property at the inter- section of the sidewalks on Summit Ave. and Rice St. should be curbed along the sidewalk to prevent vehicles from cutting short across the channelized way f the 27 ft. drive. Hearing -- March at. Yours tttrruujl/l wnc-mh. N. CARRY `. Chief Enginee o MIROSEH, Commissioner ner of Public Works. (f ^ej� A-- Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLIGA,rION Is Hereby Made VV EFILED A/. i Y : 2, �. " P, Z;,..SB 111 ATE Auev ! '• ::cuG Sroee .,-,C.- S,— GREASNI tPSM IpG Tiea G.�4�= TL Li AvE. A tc 0"STI "1006 d'®parim$nk 4F Pvb1 5efthy TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET e.iA GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. Cowwlnn�orven n'•• c"'•• H..... o..�... iebmery 29, 1952 c.... n,.�.. a n... ..... Yr. Y. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Pan].{ hlincesote Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Mail Peterson Co. for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 1, Block 59, Irvine's M.largemmt, oleo described se the southwest comer of Summit Avenue and Rice Street., end reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. v Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL February 29, 1932 Yr. George C. Sudheiner Coemi-ioner of Public Safety Dear Sir Referring to yours of Feprusry 24, reletive to oppI icetion node by Wl Peterson Co. for permission to iastel n driro-in gssollm filling station ontot 1. Block fig, Imine•• Enlargement, also described se the southwest corner of Su®it A-- end R1- Street, A. inspeotion was Wade this day by H. E. Wetter- Sop etter- Soperints-dent of Traffio. Be advises that the pnposed atsti.on will not materially interfere with traffio. Very t�tr/uul�y, Y...' Thomas i. Brown Chief of Peliea MAYA File Q THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Peb.23,1932. Ron.Goo.O.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Emil Peterson Co. for permission to install a drive-in filling station on the S.A.Oor.Summlt & Rice Street. Station to have 6 Pumps and 3 gasoline tanks og 1000 gallons each. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not In crease the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully youre, Oh1ef Inepeot0r. OFFICE 01 THE C111 11. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION IATI �/ � ,may TO ma; - TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY 11111IL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made TAIII FILE. FORT[ R0. E y Subject: - Council file No. 919i/ Date presented 193E Reeb].b�d, WHIDiEAB, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section'53 of the City Charter, the existence of an amergencv which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hoo-s of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATS Anthony Arens Common laborer 8 bre. .45 Albert Truso, Sr. " ° S ° .45 Martin Walberg Ditch digger 8 • .66 Clifford Andirson. Uty.laborer 8 " .55 Hdward Walsh Common laborer 8 • .46 John F. Conroy Utplaborer 10 " .bb Daniel OIC or " - 16 " .65 Nicholas J. Wagner U"ty4ab"olxr. 8 • .55 Ralph Mulroy 6 bra. .55 ct o�m. -/ Ayes youncilmea Raye 6en a una uo xO5'onnor..... nt.. ... "•k nn '. / Conroy 10 JleBaaaie: /May. IV • Adopted ti FoA'°`�� c..�s �, u,x� �S2 %Pearce D Appr 193E Mr+—Px'aeSdee Prea. 8udhetq Mi. Vtoe Approved, ones a 0eaeral Snp.intant FORM No. 1 march 16, 1932 9lyl� An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Rurean of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Changing 3" meters at 605 Wsbasha St., sad at 366 No Snell Sng Ave * Operating Highland and Hazel Park Pumping Stations .# Patrolling 4adnais Lake." This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumsteaoee: *Work had to be done outside of business hours #Sunday work. engv.days. PB Approved: ner ompsoa General Superintend t o,a....o ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL . NO._. JW OFiICE OF CITY CLERK 211�O —GENERAL FORM CO_Ss 0 EA_ o.Ta_ FNN9a9Qxx RFCFJ� FD A7 MAR 1 a pR2 '�YR'..R&AS, George Ligday, 673 Selby Avenue, St Vpo ul,Oh FILh Minnesota, was overcharged One Dollar ($1.00) for electrical permit No. 11047, issued on March 16, 1932. RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to issue a warrant in the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) payable to said George Ligday, said sum to be payable out of the Refunds and Repayments Item of the General Fuu d. Yc., /N 'LMaN Nays Ad,,d by rb< C ... c.I MAR 18 JM 19 Conroy ���1• M.y / McDonald , 1. favor APPro p '.1: 19 Sodhc�m.r / rrnvoa ,... / Mr. P—,dcr,r B..dI6 CITY OF ST PAUL NO 9919 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - c ESO T ENERAL FORME- — March 1 932 RESOLVED Th the ectlor. of the C-,mmittee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuan' to Ordinance Nc. 7383, fx the purci. of t4;t real estate known se Lots 18, 19, 25, 2E and .:7, Black 19, Ashton & 6herburne's Addit'.,n to St. Paul, being located in the block b—nded by Jackson, Valley, University and C—ads. Streets, from Joseph d,lkush for the cum Of $4,1CC.00, this p.ice to include all taxes, delinquent and current, to be peld in full out of above purchase price, also all eseees.i:ents to 'oe paid 10 full, as p -rt of site for a play- ground, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby autborized and empowered tc draw warrant in amount subject to *.e eoove conditions, in favor of Joseph Malkush, Then the proper deed convevine s_d land, approved by the Corporation Cour eel, has been delivered to the Cir.' Como*roller. Cost of ceid land to be charged to Playground Bond Issue Fund. Ycas co ur�ciuMEN Nays Conroy May McDonald ^ I� livor R.— S,�dhcjmcr Mr. N—dcas B..dhi A �Psav cily of s.i.t P-1 DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 'I.,nh 17, 1132 REF' -T T' THE C -11'7C-, L OF T:-- CITY CF 9AIN' FA -L TO -:.-' :: --- ',.% �-- L: The C1--' t te ? on Ler'- , t re 1t 11 rt.k - t I E, rc- 9 1 r - 1 e , t m , e .1 — as L, to 13, 19, 25, —1 27, 211n., 19, Aoiton a She,b. . . e'z AflIlti- to St. F.,,l, being "'I'ted in ": 71-4 _-.cd -1 by jEl'.,,,n, VrIl—, __J%-r,ity ,j CpnaJR street., in accordance Tith C. F. No. 01711, , Ved 1" 1:31�, LE pert of th_ eJle for a -ymound, and th,' sHi,! Z—erty can be —rch sed -'-m t- )—er ":re=ef f— t-� � '� r of Fc— Thou -nd p, ,rice -3 Ell taY.e., an'. current, In f1l1, ' '.--:.t tr be rade -t .f n' : — —is -Pe Fri—, :._,c I/ .-ee—ent. tc ; 1,1 11— 'Ecludee the tulldinF it—td in Lot IP. Tha Co—t:tee -7 e_j, i— th= of--, of the -e' of "Id 1—' t- cnd '.12 the terms —ove -t forth. n, A -rt. City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 5r. P.- Mina. Nerah 17, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE H)HORA 3.E COUNCILS The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has undertaken to purchase that real estate known as Lots 18, 19, 25, 28 and 27, Block 19, Ashton d Sherburne's Addition to 8t. Paul, being located in the block bounded by Jackson, Valley, University and Canada Streets, in accordance with C. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, as part of the site for a playground, and that said property can be purchased from the owner thereof for the sum of Four Thousand ({4,000.00) Dollars, price to include all taxes, delinquent and current, paid in full, payment to be made out of above purchase price, also any assessments to be paid in full. The above price also includes the building situated on Lot 18. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the Lerma above set forth. CommI E B ANDS 0 Do Parks,P ygr e.6 Pub to B dgs Purchasing Agent. CITY OF ST. PAUL nu N0. —91920 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEREAS' in the matter of condemning property for the widening of University Avenue, a part of Lot 23, Block 1, Michelle Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division of Section 36, Town 29, Range 23, wastaken, and the damages for the part taken was the sum of $1,998.00, which amount contem— plated the wrecking and removal of that part of a building now existing on said Lot 23, and WHEREAS, Helen L. Hertz 11, et a1, record owners of said property have requested permission to move back the build— ing thereon, and WHEREAS, the Commiseioner of Finance has fixed the sum of $200,00 as the amount of the saving to the record owner If such permission is granted, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission Is hereby granted to the said Helen D. Hartzell, et al, to move back the building on the above decor abed property, conditional, however, upon the payment bythem of the sum of 4200.00 which payment shall be made to the Commissioner of Finance not later than ten days after the passage and publication of this resolution. Yee COUNC1LNeN Naye/'/% McDrna.ld —_In hvm &,",d, Rosea %=Wx May Mr. Redden' IL>dym Bund lie NAroR 19—. CIT�YLL ST. PAUL o�uea°d oma n. in a c OFFIC,t F CITY CLERK _.'..;.F' CO CIL RE� LUTION—GENEFi E�sarvd�� � WHEREA B, Dennie Laughlin, an employe of the Department of Public Work:, was ia�ured on the third day of September 1929, while in the employ of the City of St. Paul, and Wu a_'REAS, the said Dennie Laughlin suffered a permanent injury which was estimated by the doctors who attended him to be a fifty per cent lose of use of his right hand and wrist, and WHEREAS, ell of the doctors who attended him :tate that this di :ability should hav�b sen a Y1Yty per cent lose oY use of the right arm, and WHEREAS, the additional amount of compensation payable for arm ov peri0entplo:e of use er cent s offthe right use Of hhandght and wristeIs the weekly ty wage for twelve and one-half weeks, and ✓. WHEREAS, the compensation rate for said Dennis Laughlin is $17.80 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper oity offioers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to pay to the said Dennie Laughlin the sum of $17.80 per week for the period of twelve and one-half N e, Bald oompen:ation to begin at the time that any comp eneatl on heretofore awarded ceases. MAR 1 R 193^ courvci�mEry Adopnd by ,h< Council I9 Y_Nays conr<y A i9a4 May / A 9 M<Donald / .Yewwe Rosrn Agains,� Mr. R< drn fiundh< .o. .... CITU OF T Prto FnN°n °i nPoev a�Pe 91922 OFFICE OF CI TV UI �R r'rm s 1^I^rf �e OU CI RESOL em � ...na -OEy .r.°wnte CG^ inn °a tw" —. �p1ID WHEREAS, Robert Talks, an employe of the Department of public Rorke, was inured on the lath day of February 1932, while in the course of his employment, and from Such injuries died on the same day, leaving surviving him three minor children, Delores C. Talks, Emily A. Telke and Robert A. Talks, and WHEREAS, the Probate Court of Ramsey County did on the 11th day of March 1932, appoint Catherine Y. Claugherty guardian of the person and estate of the said minors, and WHEREAS, paragraph 12 of Section 4275 of the General Statutes of Minnesota provides that if a. deceased employe leaves three dependent orphans, they shall be paid sixty-five per cent of the daily wage, not exceeding, however, in all, Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per week, to be paid during dependency, and WHEREAS, at the date of his death, said Robdrt Talks was re - the ceiving/ Sum of $5.94 per day, therefore, be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to pay to Catherine M. Claugherty as guardian of the above named minora the sum of $20.00 per week, beginning February 13th, 1932 and continuing during dependency. couNci�mcry R 19a 19 Adop,cd by ,hc Co°^riI 1,12yy Yns / N y C^^r°y ��1 Klee d i May APP d 19 In favor�- `^I8 `ABains, Vo - Rosen i Sudh^Ima / / -2 3 Mr. N—dc^, eu^dbc -;Y/ l OF ST PAUL ripe NO. � (///� CC LERK v E ENERAL FORMIRE TEI 11 ERtyY�Y� X18, Council rile 10. 81824 through error appropriated a sum not to erased 8eoenty-five Dollars (#75.00) out Of the Kayor's 00ntingent rand when said am should have been appropriated out of the 0ontingent rand; therefore, be it HSSOLVSD, That said Council rile 81824 be and the same is hereby emended by striking out of the last sentenoe thereof the cord •Ysyor's•. ..Sa Yea. cour+cir ^^Ery Nays/ May � McDonald In favor Anw �RoSen //) 'Againn Sudhumcr Mr. P,—d— 6..d1kc Adoprcd by hc Council P'099 Ap 19 / rnnroa NOTICE N& 91( Qh�4� cI— c, ....T -- PRINT—"—Te �°. cn, UNCIL RESOLUTION c....11 cA._ REiOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 127,806.4a 2709 2759 OF f COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -TO -IN E. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR 18 AOOPTEO E. TIE COUNCIL aH oFF of E" oMeTR 91924 Cn T LER NO r Ery /ROLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDI"CF,D CLAIMS March 17_. 33 "°" "�• °�� EAEo�� , 127.806.48 nuneEn IN FAVOR OF TOTAL --T `°R°'"R° 7500 - —� � 00 � ele 673 73 -- • 2709 2710 August Fischer JohnH. McDonald, C. of Fin, 7 i 1 289 1 2711 Harris 5rothers Plumb. Company 1 563 2712 John H. Mcbonald, C. of; Fin. 35 00 2713 41ncenzo Palumbo ; 11 7@ 4x 2714 2715 Fells -Dickey Company Henry R. Terry 50 004 5 0 2716 2717 John H. McDonald, C. of Lop Central Fleetric company \\ J 36 108 4 148 5j11 I 2718 Yielding & Shepley, Inc. 7 918 2� 2719 Corning-Donohue,Inc. 62 74' I 2720 Benitery Food Mfg. Company states Power Company 149 6p 347 Sd' 2721 2722 Northern Northern States Power Company Company 24 317 3 28 VIII II 2M 2724 Oriental LRundry Ryan Transfer & Storage Company 57. 64 0 4 2725 St.Paul Book & S tationery Company 226 2726 St. Paul Book & stationery Company 150 11y 2727 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 257 231'i 26 2728 St.Paul Braes Foundry Company 551 li 2729 St.Paul Builders Material Company 7 43 9 I�' 42 2730 2731 9t. Paul Le tt ar Company St.Paul Milk Company 0611 ',. 296 (i0 2732 9t.Peu1 'Thita Lead & Oil Company 152 82'1 2733 SU PouI Stamp vorka 21 901 249 20i 2734 %735 9t.Paul Stamp vorka 3t.Paul Stamp'Forks - 42 70„ " 2736 Schaffer & Roa sum Company 76 70i 2737 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 117 50'. 2738 Andrew Schoch Jrocary Company 18 69i. 27 9 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company' Company 64 O0' 221 27'+0 2741 Andrew Schoch Grocery Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 52 99 581. 2742 J.L. Shlely Company 267 951 2743 G. 9ommera and Company 250 78 2744 Speedometer Serv, & Acc.Co. 88 67 2745 Standard 011 Company 509 01 2746 2747 ata -Vis Company,Ino. Stegmeir Tire Company 106 52, 109 95 u 2748 • P.D. 3u111van 26 951- 2749 2750 Transit Supply Company Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 1 440 ] 68 �+B .. 2751 Tr1-9 tate Tel. & Tel g. Company 83 2752 Tr1-State Tel. & To 1. Company 26 28 III 275) Tri-State Tal. & Telg. Company 51 191 2754 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company 5 40 ,y 2755 Twin City Show Card Company 5 001' 2756 Typewriter Sal ea Asociation 24 901 2757 'White Eagle Oil Corporation 719 50 2758 loblg and Company 1' 00 194648o 21 s1EET T011L-F0RW-. 7 500 R x R heimr Jud heciiier DINA�KC yl�z5 PaeseNreo BY qPP An ordinance approving the project of acquiring the reel estate known as Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50, as a site for an addition to the Hancock School, ordering the aoquiel- tion of same by purchase or condemnation, and providing funds there- for. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. The Commissioner of Education having reported to the Council that the real estate described as follows; Lot 8, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50, ie required for public school purposes, and that the estimated value thereof is the aum of Four Thousand, Two Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($4,275.00), and the Oomptrol ler having certified that there is money available In the treasury of the Oity for the acquisition of said property, Ib, Council hereby approves the project of acquiring the same for Bob. purposes, and hereby orders and di recta that the same be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Committee on Lands, o oneleting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commis- sioner of Education, 1f the same can be so acquired at a reasonable price, and shall so report to the Council; but In ease said Oom- mittee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price, and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedingeCe Snetltuted under the provi ei one of the Charter of the City of 8t. Paul to seoure said property, and the coat and expense of acquiring same, whether by Pura base or condemnation, be and the same Se hereby ordered to be paid out of Eduoat ion Trust Fund No. 1009, and Be much of said funds as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and Bet apart for said purpose. Section 2.Th1e ordl nanee shall take effect and be I. force thirty days after its passage and publication. r„ c, n��,�,� co R�orcc dh� de.u. li i i lliil 6111. I�I�ILI City ®f Saint Pant Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Clv rn,.r c.�i ciw r.., ••d Cemml,.lon.r of R�fim.so. �,,,,� ri.,. ..,�..,,o. March 17th, 1912, Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached please find c nmunica- tion from Cosyslsslo ner Dearne reporting that the f.11—ia6 desnrlbed property is needed by the Department of Education ae m addl tion to the Hancock School Site: Lot e, Block 1, Anditor's Subdivision No. 50 The Council today referred tine above to you for the proper ordinance. Your. very truly, City Clerk. tLity of Bt. �anl 111-11 J^" , l9n. N.. 50 v "Ij hr Fo�9th'e i4r. oql I OF ST L NO. 91926 F E ITV CLERK I (% COU 2 R UTION—GENERAL FORM I' / s�o IY3 — A,E aasscirm WHEREAS, She College Club of the City of St. Paul is desirous of leasing the theater section of the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium for the evening of March 29th, 1932, at which time it proposes to present the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, and for which it proposes to charge admission fees, the profit therefrom to be used for a scholarship fund and for no other purpose, and the Council is of the opinion that it is for the beet interests of the City that the said Club be permitted to lease said Auditorium for the cost of opening and operating, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Auditorium be leased to the College Club of St. Paul for the evening of March 29th, 1932, for the coat of opening and operating. C' �m gh,111r, Y—/ Y�ra [ry Nays/ C / Ro:.. Mr. VII afdPros Sidrelm. ."R 1 q 10 Adopnd by ,bc Council 19 dr6{. APP.avc 9 MAvoR �� �"'�}• � a•g'�OUNCIL •RESOLUTION 9195+, PRINrL'.enrna n ,..NT— coUNOIL No gaB .h lath ,ate R06-1VEO, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 17.47E. 19 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 2759 TO -2101 --INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MAR 191932 ) J ADDPTID a. T11 1-111L gr .— By m sN eeT ,ora �- FORWA 7 500 00 983955 40 1 _ �rF CO-UNCILMEN� LL cn H COMPTROLLER o� THE LLa . L -�� NO. 2759 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITFD CLAIMS March 18th _ s_32 OOi 2917 91 -2759 EFW' J First National J. E. C1 ase *oAI687 206 TOTAL u�meEa IN FAVOR OF c��c«s _E_e e. nx 'LVL --T ForaW aRD H sN eeT ,ora �- FORWA 7 500 00 983955 40 1 inn nn; a4F4xn zi, 2759 Eugene Tourv111e Bank OOi 2917 91 2760 2761 First National J. E. C1 ase 31 E0; 2762 L.C.Smith & Corona Typewriters 276}3 Inc. Nassau Paper Company 16 301'. 2764 National Safety Council 20 ODI 4 2765 Neisner Bros. 751': 9 50„ 276E 2767 New York Times Index Northweetern Retlnning Co. 7 75�' 2768 Northweetern sanitary Co. 9 001'. 2769 Emil C. Novotny 7 001; 2770 A. J. Nystrom & Co. 21 50'1' 2771 Eugene A. Oberfelder2 001 2772 Oil Burner Service Co. 10 P51 001 277j Omaha Iron & Net al Co. 12 277'+ Otis Elevator Co. 22 731 2775 A. N. Palmer Co. 7 081, 3 25 '1 2776 2777 Pink Supply Co. The Postage Meter C o. 1 001 60, 2778 Poetofflos Newe Co. 8 801 2779 Powers Book Importers 31 2780 Press Assooiation Compl lers,Inc 12 501' 50 2781 Public Utilities Reports, Inc. 65 2782 2783 w. F, Quarrle CO. Rand MONally Company 72 00' 2784 Ray68ell Film., Inc. 53 161, 2785 A. J. Reiser " I OW 6 751, 2786 2787 The Ronald Pres. Co. St Paul Electric Lamp Co. 27 671 2768 Goodwill Indtistriee 24 75 2789 St.Pau1 Scrap Iron & ketal Co. 37 2666,,, OOI 2790 Salisbury Ice Company 25 36 251 2791 Chas. 9crlbnerle sone. 373 81;1 2792 Seagrave Corpor atlon 601', 2793 F. R. Sheffield Co. i1 2794 91fo Products Burdett Co. i7µ OOH 2795 silver Co. 26 354 2796 2797 A. P. 9nith Mfg. South Dakota Dept, of HSetory 1 7 760� 2798 Standard Brands, Inc. 16. 41 2799 Standard Elec. Time Company 4251 • 2800 2801 Standard Unit Parte Corp. Supt. of Documents 2802 John H. MCDOnald,Com'p of Fin. 12032 2803 capitol staty. & Mfg Co. 12. 2604 Blue a white Cab Co. ?492 5 2605 Cleora wheeler,5xecutrix 3i3 �5 2806 Elsa M. Obst 1It 45 2807 Eben IV Muroh 3 0 2806 Ran. Peter.on sN eeT ,ora �- FORWA 7 500 00 983955 40 1 CITY OF ST PAUL NO. -- - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Eoet� =CER -: -- - - RESOLVED That the assignment by the American Sa io al Bank Of St. Yau1 to the City of Saint Paul of $22,000 in bondefwbioh said assign- ment is dated March 16, 1933, approved by the Sinking Hund Committee, and approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same to hereby approved and accepted. qau4 v imp �o u oUN LMEN MAR 21 19S2 Yeas N."Adop,d by ,h, Council 19 C.„oy May J 19 McDonald In (ago, APPS. Rosen AR -s, IAVOR - Sdh-- Mr. P,—d— Boodbr ....o r .... ^ CITY OF ST PAUL ri.� NO, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL R ION—GENERAL FORM —TE ENTEI> ev /lrt,-d-C '✓l — "3� RE;" -4 That 00nooll File No. 91883 be and the same Se hereby amended by striking out of said resolution the words -Subject to restrictions of Paragraph (m), Section 30, Ordinance NO. 8840,' and Inserting in lieu thereof the following:-sub3act to the provision that the entrance to said garage shall be at least forty (40) feet from the front street line;- be it FURTHER RESOLVED That the permit to erect said garage to granted under the provisions of Paragraph (1) of Section J /30 - of the Zoning ordinance, upon the recommendation of the Board of Zoning. • h. r° ins°�� aai n1:e 10 raahe lyahoo ov °(Hvmn aelsafcal tail. COUNCIL-MEH C .... y Nuys Adoprcd by d- Cowed 19 - M.y McD... Id 31rar� 1. f.... �. �✓/�,v / �/,L Rose A,... /'— MAyoa Mc. P,—d— B—db, City of Saint Pana Office of City Clerk n.r�ci.n C. ri MIKE 1. GIBBONS, C1,,CIseL m % a ,nd Coml„lo.�r of pyl, rT// March 17tH, 1932. dr. L.- L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Bulldiag. Dear Sir: The City Council r sated that You draw a solution -dlag Council File 91622, hers - to attachedria conformance -ith the recasmendatlon of the Z. og Board, elso attached. Very truly yours, City Clerk. 90) THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINTPAULMINNESOTA 2I4 COURT HOUSE March let, 1932. GO- .� Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir C. F. 91622 is a resolution approving the application of Anna Friedman to erect five garage stalls on Lot 1 excepting the southerly 28 ft. end on ,,at 2, BIock 1t Charles Bazllle1s Addition, subject to the aestrletions of paragraph amR Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. These restrictions being that the garages must set back 60 ft. from the street. Mr. Benjamin Friedman appeared before the Board at a subsequent meeting speaking for Mrs. Anna Friedman and stating that their contractor, after drawing the plans. had pointed out to them that it was not possible for them to use the existing garages in the rear of the lot if these five new ones were set back 60 ft. from the street,and asked that they be permitted to set them back 40 ft. which would still keep themwell to the rear of the residence on the southerly 28 ft, of Lot l,which they did not own, and at the same time permit them to enter and leave the existing garages without too much maneuvering. After sun examination of the grounds and the making of measurements, the Board wish to recommend thatthe resolution above referred to be amended under paragraph ai. Section 20 topprmit these garages to be constructed At a distance of 40 ft. from the front street line instead of 60 ft. This property is on Cedar St.28 ft. north of Twelfth St., and the property acro aa the street is zoned for Light Industry. Yours very truly, `.f...—�s�N Secretary. gh-rh °°n....°.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,iL[ �L NO. VS OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RENERAL FORM IIATI I�SIII WHEREAS, Mos. G. R. Metzger has made application to the Council for a permit to conduct and maintain a cash and carry ice station at the northeast corner of Arundel and Charles streets for a further period of five years, from and after May 1, 1932; and the Council is of the opinion that ouch permit should be granted; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to issue to said Mrs. 0. R. Metzger a permit for the maintenance of said station an said property. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote o1 the Council. Yeas cou Ncil. rn Ery N.., / Conroy M.y WD.—Id R.— �I Agii °c Sydh 4Mr. Pr°°id— 6undlie Adopl,d by the Counnl 21 !01 19 2 19 -"(" MAYOR City of Saint Paull Office of City Clerk MINE J. GIBBONS, Cey O.'k •nd Co. -O..•, of R•g b•de. rn,.i ci.., e.,.,.,o. March 19th, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Reattach herewith appllcatlon of Mrs. G. A. Metzger for r wal of permit to conduct annsh and carry ice stationnon the northeast corn r of ��// �1L aArdel and Charles Street., for a period of five yeare,�n.s / The Council today referred this j matter to you for the proper resolotion. Yours very truly, t" City Clerk. eZ--< --- ✓7 o.. .o...,... CITY OF ST PAUL s��rNO OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CSL R�,a ON— RM GENERAL FO sP rvEY ��C � R., WH&REAS, John Behold has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice station on part of Lot B, Block 25, Warren& Rice's Addition, which building will face Western Avenue, in the rear of Dux Brothers' establishment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said John Behold a permit for the erection and maintenance of a cash and carry ice station on said property, said building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted subjeot to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. h. coury ism Ery ��a iQ;{q Y— �c Na, Ad,,cd by nc� Co""cd 0 C— j Mayr M<D... Id In favor Approved / �9 f, G' R.— Agai"., ✓ MAYoa S.dhcimcz / Mr. P,—d— Bundlic City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE ). GIBBONS, Cil, CI.r ..d Commedo.er of 0..gim.eo� March 18th, 1532 Mr. L. L. Anda ,eon, Corporau tion Consel, Building, Dear Sir: The attached application of John Bahold for a pe mit to erect a cash and carry tce house on part of Lot 5, Block25, Warren 11 Bic e'e Additioan, which building will face Western Avenue, In the r of Dux Brothers' es tabllehment v referred to You today by the Council for the propereresolution. Yours very truly, i f City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDZND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 15, 1932. Hon. Council, City of Minnesota. ;cntlen : At�ac'-ed . e•:rith ale .ase find a rlloatiou of rTo',r. "ahold a permit to ereet a ells- and carry Ice h—se on part of Lot 5, Block 25, '7arron & Rice 's ;Adition, nhich building vr111 face :,estern Avenue, In the rear of Dux Brothers' estab- lishment. It is on the northeast corner of 'Nesters, and University Ave- nues, and the property is zoned in the Light Industry classl- ficetien under the zoning law. r... -end that this application be granted Yo�Co s ve trul on City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cny O.,L ..d Commleb.., al ft..bb.eon Parch 8th, 1932. Bon. C. R Idgy, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Co®Ss.ioner: Attached pleeee find eppli—tion of Jahn Behold for permit to erect a cash and carry ice house on artof Lot 5, Block 25, Warren & BSce's Addition, to face western Avenue, in the r— of Dox B... which we reYarred to you by the Council for investigation and report. Youre very truly, ,'/,I kr _ -- City Clerk. (;R EyIF,R L. (:ALIIWELI. To the Honorable Coo ncil of the City of Seint pool: The undersigned, lessee of the harxinaftar described eat estate, situated in the City of S int Pa�l, Ham aey County,:4i so ta, e spectfLIly requests that a p-dt be issued to him to a ect, p nnintnin a ash -and -carry iceh.— thereon, to -wit: Part of Lot five (5j in Block twenty-five(25) in .a rran b kite's Addition. It is the intention, if said permit ba Pranted, to place the said i- hoose on that part of the above descri led pr.:m isae facinP „astern Avenue, in the rear of Wx Bras. cleaning and dye no rrs. Said location i classified a "Lht Industry District" o oder the so-called son. i ny, ordinance et avid City. .. ,aotf„lly, 91932 OF ST NO. _. IC F GITV CLERK O LUT —GENERAL FORM CO mE155,oNER %1 oaTE RESOLVED That Butober Lioense No. 3663 issued to Stanley Jambor for a meat market at 531 Stryker avenue, be transferred to 916 Grand .venue. Y— co UNCI LMev Nay. / m., V WD. -Id f..— ihnee Rosen Against s.dh'i— / Mr. P—d— 6..dI., nd,ad by ih� co.. I MPR 21 19'.129 City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Csy O -1k vid C ... I.,..o March 18, 1932 Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Covneel, Bu11d1re, . Dear Sir! Attached please find request of Stanley J=bor for tranef ar of his Bui6h,r Liicenssee� rand k. Ao. 2863 from 531 Stryker Avenge to 9 The Council today referred this matter to you for a resolution granting the transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk, St. Paul, Mino., March 16, 1932 To the Honorable City Counoll, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I nish to have my Butcher License No. 2863, transferred from 531 Stryker Avenue to 916 Grand Avenue. The paving of Humboldt Avenue diverted traffic and business from sly place of business. This license wee issued December 2, 1931, and I find it a great expense to take out a new Lcen se. tanley 916 Greed UNCIL RESOLUTION w e...COUNCIL — No. 91933 ° .o .oi snu�al March 19 ,e'er R (SOLVED —THAT, `CHECKS SHE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFS-30_523 PA .COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 2809 TO 2855 INCLUSI E, AS PER CHECKS ^I ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. IBN\ 21 IM? ' e r •oovreo er me COUNCIL . Q i 1Pi'j 1° li s�ceT TOTAL- Fon o� 7 5oo oo 1 994478 68 1 ofrl 01 11ewCOMeT-1Ea °� NO 91933 COUNCIL RESOLUTION r�j in v.vo AUDITED CLAIMS Yash-lA0ta5-- s32-- s0o.E�w__c�gp �o32e-4X T.« �oM..rvo��EA _Eo a TnE _ IN FAVOR OF L 1R0111T 11—ARD 7 xsxs—TOTAL 5oc 9639§5 40 • 2809 John H. YoDo¢al d, Com'r.of Fin IIry 25027,50 55 27 2810 2811 F. G. Leslie Paper Co, St. Paul Vocational Train 9ch. 78 61 2812 The Speaker Company 113.35 2813 St. Paul Builder. Material Oo 592 50 2814 Cooper Hoee Jacket Co. 209 72 28155 Aexonautloal C of C of Amerlc� % 50 DO 281b Cities Servlos Cil Co. 476 D5 2817 Cre....t aresmery Co 862 55 296 22 2818 2819 L. Elea nmauser Meat Co. Northern States Pover Co. 330 21 2820 Arthur Thomas Co. 15 29 2821 A. G. Spaldingand Brae. 15 bo 2822 Tnornto¢ Brae. Co.28 Shop 50 45 96 2823 2824 Mabel Ulriohls Book& Print United State, Hadiatox Corp. 3 29 2825 University E:tension Division 1 00 13 49 2826 2827 University of Chicago Press J. C. Vanderbia Co. Inc. 520 5j 2828 2829 D. Van Noetrand Co. Van Paper Supply Co. 12 +111,1 226 2830 Wagenvoord & Co. 631 2831 Waldorf Paper Products Cc 10 83 2832 Waldorf Bindery Co. 192 95 _ 2834 waxren_Glven. Ina. 2 85 98 j0 2834 2835 Warren Bros, Roads Co. Washington Foundry Co. 157 10 2836 W. L, Weber 5 00 2837 u. E. Wedelstaedt Co. ! 150 06 2838 ee don Co. 9, L. Weed 9 15 28 )9 west Disinfecti¢g Co. 88 0 2840 We.tern Badge & Novelty Co. 7 00 2841 IN I & Rim Repair Servloe 1 75 2842 Wheeling Corrugating Co. 55 98 2843 The "hate Company 25 14 00 44 2845 Amher.t H. WSlder, Charities Jno Wiley & gone 50 25 15 12 50 2846 2847 willoox Out Stone Co. H. W. 'I lean ''. 14 75 6 2848 2849 wcodrow w1leon Institute John Winston Co. 8 459 00 • 2850 2851 wood Insert Brake Lining Co. In V. world ag 3 33 2 0 2852 world Peace Foundation's 8 71 2 Lyle BTeat on .laugherty.Gu:rdi 1 70 100 00 28 2855 Catherine Y an A. T. Penning 6 50 s�ceT TOTAL- Fon o� 7 5oo oo 1 994478 68 1 91934 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of, planting and.-pint—tiny sl -de is.eea on. Capitol A9=_nue . from -Lexington avenue to -Oxford -Street, - - under Preliminary Order. 90355. -. --.approved 5eptembgr 5, 1931 Intermediary Order _.._.____ .-___ Bpproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.. _. plant .and ._Prot ect_ shade. tr Sas_.apltof Avantte..£roct La+n9tnn :,venne__to_ 01f0rd._Streat�.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Cmme,l MAP. -'1932 sz - Ci[y Clerk. Apprmved` , 192 , Mayor. Councilman Councilman CouncilmanI'- e, Councilman HAGIdlt9il Ir, .. Councilman 80016 Connciiman W-1 Mayor ibdgeeax B=dlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARjMENTSOFPFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •^��� to the matter o[ Plu-'t-''V �nl proUNc t'r, -s[©e trees on �+PStol -�.rua frog LPz'n,ton :� �..ua to xfor lro t, under Preliminary Order approved .'.ey'. �s t.�n„r 5, 1931 To [hc Council of [hc City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as -10— for the improvement is - - - 51 SEi QQ- - -- The total eat --d am frt f the assessment above The estimated cost pery(oot fot the above mprovement The lots or parcels of land the[ may be assessed benefits for such imprnvemen[, and the --d valuation of each lo[ or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oescRivTioN DoT Aoo111oN Lut �a -T�o�f31 ig. est 73 ft o 11 l L��;c int on n; ., ld. to t_to 625 J 12 1 G ty o. OL. P 2 25C 13 1 do 250 3550 14 1 .10 250 15 1 do 250 2500 1 2 do 250 3050 2 2 do 250 2250 3 2 do 250 2200 4 2 do 250 2150 Eeot 73 ft. of 5 2 r'.o 625 "� DEPARTM€NT SOiP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT 11DITION —LN'Tl'.N 1 21 Wintarts Atld. t, St.Faul 275 2650 2 21 do 250 2300 3 21 do 250 3'750 4 21 do 250 2600 5 21 do 250 2350 6 21 do 250 2150 7 21 rlo —50 2650 6 21 do 100 23 22 do 100 24 22 to 250 2950 25 22 do 250 2200 26 22 do 250 27 22 do 250 2200 28 22 do 250 2150 29 end 30 22 do 525 1150 $70W 344600 The Commissioner of Finance further rcpm to that he ha siigated all 01 the aforesaid —1—, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public N\oaks. D—; 19 _a y 193 a o 7� ltits Commissioner of F�� n /E:.% RO R.� ICRC .N.R. R.G R, ev IVR St. Paul, Minn.. Augvot 10, 19731 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _. Trees on boulevard..._.___ _... _.__. On_oaEltol ______ _.....__ ... _....._.E! Ave. from _ Lexington _. _._ _ _ 99 Ave. to oxford Street _.__.. _. _... _._... .. __._.. St. Ave. At,i t TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL NITER-0FFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) February 1, 1832. Ron. Rilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on Capitol Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Orford Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. 90385, approved Sept. 5th, 1931. Estimated Cost $158.00 Cost per front foot 0.20 Engineering 8.00 790 ft. Frontage Yours truly, .K.' A Chief Engineer. Approved or ansmi SioFn t/Kei/y��ongr o inance to ` /RILTON ROSENi, Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public fiNaNCI Report to Commissioner of Finance FES 2 1932 February 2, 1932 1pa T1 , the of Finance of the City of St. P-1 The C.rnnmiu+ianer of Public Work., having had under --id ... tmo the preliminary order of the 0-- 1, known .. conmai rdo No. 90385 approved Sept. 5, 1931 lea ,relative w planting and protecting shade trees on Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street. and having ii. e.tig—I the matters nod things referred to therein, hornby reports, 1. Said improvement ie neeemxry and (or) desir.ble. Cost per front foot 20¢ 2. The estimated coal thereof i. 9 158.00 • and the total cost thereof ie S Fmgineering $8.00 Frontage 790 feet. nod the nature end extent of Haid improvement i. as follow.: S. A pl.., profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvmnent i. eked for upon petition of It or more own of property, subject to �aeusment for said improvement r" Comminioner of Public Work.. 91935 COUNCIL FILE NO.. "eh . m" By FINAL ORDER �m In the Matter of.. .plant int; and Hr ot,ot InL shade trees on .both sides. of_-. SouthLexirfton Parkway.. from L9n1l)exd Apenue. to Randolph. Street.,.. _. under Preliminary Order 9OB28 _._ ..__approved Oct. 30, 1931 Intermediary Order -_--_.- _.- --__. _.. -_ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __plant "I ;-,'.o tet t._s Lade_._ Lr egs__ or, both .id— f..South Lex.ingtnn--Parkuujr_from Lomba 'Iir:en:,e__LA...aandglph_$tI'set, —apt --that _part-_odjp ntpg-Lo-t 5,.Blo k_4, Laztagt n Park Plat d6 and artapt the Westerly-aide.-bat.ee Zd9—^*.]load _.end- the. &ilxau$.ae._RY:--tranker__-____---- _------------ ___ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- coed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council M�R _s1. �.._._ . 192 G City Clerk. Approved .3 f l'4. 192 Mayor. Councilman !P - - eneoga Councilm , n "I —1d �� YC bLwliliD �" Councilm Councilman_... Coun ilma Mayor$nd➢eem Bundlle Form B. S. A. 8-7 I'll DEPARTMENT I'l REPORT OF COMIVIIS81ONER OF FINANCE •� - �A�. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1—hema-1of pl�l—In- e, rot, t'n.- shade trees _n bath -1,ies of L-1—ton Fer',c rtav, pro -, t t to it ,n lolph �'tront, under Preliminary Order approved Jctob- Y , 1431 Ta the Council of the City of St. Paul: V e" T�, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. 601.60 The total eanmated amYurY of the aasesament for the above mprovement is - - - f The —m -,d cost pe�f— for the above improvement is - - - - - - - I he Iota or —I—f land that may be assessed benefice for each improvem<nt, and the asaeesed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follov.s: DESCRIPTION t.oT acocs nOOrTION 1. anvf��nTi . l¢. 7 2 .tool Fer".c ..-nc _u s lot 6 2 3 do 45C rt .0 betwsoni 1o�;<s -:, .rnd 3 do 150 Vso. till ^y ` or an. ¢d]. 3 do 100 A strip o" lvni 1,,(,rt, wide Sub 11,1,ion oP Avdls itarm 7500 belnv 75 ft. o 'thnr :.de o£ 100 kcs. N.'h'. ? of °. the cuter 1!ne or s - (a il:tav 11, T. 28,4. 2 vs lonstod ac. o.i lots 7ar,1 e pommissloner Rosen: Moves to amend Council File #919135 by adding the following - Px`Vcept that part adjoining Lot 5, block 4, Lexington Park ?let 86 and except the as terly side between Fdgcumbe Read and the Milwaukee Ry. tracks. ol REPORT OF COMMISSIONER EOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) (Exc. Jefferson Ave. and Juliet St. Subdivision of Ayyd'ls 1600 and Lsxinl;ton Ave.) that part of 1001l s R.23 lot b lyin,, S. of tha R/W of the of Se.J2w, Ch is a'o, Glilweuke9 & `,t. Paul RY. 11 19 Ridgewood Park Add. to "50 6900 inc the Clty of SC.Paul, other nr op arty N. 50 ft o!lots 1 ,13,14 & 15 19 H-7 Co., Minn. 40C 5. 40 ft of N. JO ft of Lots 1., 13, 1} and 15 19 do 275 5.41:.15 ft or, lots 1 1:,, t1k 19 275 15 'Nash'.ngton Heights 250 16 do 200 17 do -. 225 3750 18 do 225 3350 19 do 250 4000 20 0 250 W 2 ft o' lot 11 end all or 12 14 M'_ch.al :< Hobertson's Ada. 250 3300 (Exc. 1ex'ngton „ve.) '(,ixc. L--.,xington Ave.) 13 4 do 350 8000 5 Rueth's Add. 350 6 do 300 7 do 250 8 do 200 1 t}latofpnrt Ely (Ex L-1—ton pit tRe 175 l.,e& ,tu Paul Yh f4 thef N.{'. of the Chic. Y• /' ° + sec. 10, T. R. 23 A stttrip of ;, '1 15G "t.1wade be!ng 75 ft. on - thor side of 3300 cor theastnp oP the ���ortheest �soCoc at adlO, oT., 28,aN.o G 3 the Ezc. 3dge unbe ',d, —1 Lexington ,. e ) that art 1W Sly of nt.Paul �of the of the 13200 the Chic., Mil., '. 7p of the :,. ... of Sec. 10, T. 26, H. 23 ) .' �'T Ed=cwnte:ii.) on heights 1 875 3250 N. 3C ft of 2 ) S. 10 ft of lot 2 an'1 all 3 do 700 6450 ' 4 do 550 1600 DEPA RTMENT 60 FP FINA NCE 44200 87100 The Commissioner of Finance fi—her reports that he has ml—igeted all of the aforesaid matt s, and hereby sub mita the foregoing as hie report tb erc_ . the C....it, together with the report made to him in REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE of Public R'orks. rr'[=s.�•!'I�. r'-` �a;o— of F—'.ce. C ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) 5 'Nalton liei-hta 550 6 d0 750 4'750 1 4 L,x r.; -t<; Pcu :c P1'-', 6 625 2 4 .to b75 3750 3 4 It. 515 55(l0 4 4 do 57.5 4310 5 4 10 625 N. 40 "t of 1 1 LexlnFt— Par§ Plat 7 550 3900 lot 1 ..nt G 1 500 4200 r 5. 67.�k ft c 2 1 d° 500 31,50 ft of 3 1 1_.06 "t) 3 1 to 525 3500 a 1 d0 650 5 1 d. 100 8800 1 A— 3950 2 3terrberg's Aril., ^C.tau1,l000 d! nn . 44200 87100 The Commissioner of Finance fi—her reports that he has ml—igeted all of the aforesaid matt s, and hereby sub mita the foregoing as hie report tb erc_ . the C....it, together with the report made to him in reference to said ma by the Commissioner Dated -i- 0.___1982. of Public R'orks. rr'[=s.�•!'I�. r'-` �a;o— of F—'.ce. C Sc. Pa J, Minn. To The honorable, "I he Council, j City of St. Paul, Minn. Cenllemen: ' We, the undersigned proper[y oun hereby peeftion your honorable Body to cause the (oll�,ing imp ro t.men[ to be made: , Plant and protect shade trees on Lexington Avenue fro,n Lombard to P1>asant aveaue, and on Pleasant Avenue from Lexington to West Seventh Street, and on the south aide of Juliet Street for a distance of 125 feet east of Lexington Avenue. LOT 61ACK ADDITION �et- GA / 6d In - y U fl THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. February 1, 1932. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of S. Lexington Parkway from Lombard Ave, to Randolph St., under Preliminary Order, C.F. 90828, approved Oct. 30th, 1931. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Engineering Frontage Approv f traa6 scion to t 9 1 f Finance. MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. $601.60 0.20 30.00 3,008.0 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. CAREY, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public WMFOANo6 Report to Commissioner of Finance HB a 1Sa2 Feb. 2, 1932 193. To the Commieaioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul'. The Commimioncr of 1',,bGc Work,, having had order—,id... tion the preliminary order of tho C,-61, known as Coonan File No. 90828 aPP__,j Oct. 30, 1931 193 ,relative to the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of S. Lexington Parkway from Lombard Avenue to Randolph Street. and having inve,tig—d the ,-- end thing, referred W therein, hereby rc,.— I. Said improvement ie neee,aary and (or) desir,hle. Cost per front foot 200 2. The estimated coat thereof ie $ 601.60 ,and the tate] coat thereof i, $ Engineering $30.00 Frontage 3,008 ft. and the nature ,,d o,W,t of said improvement i, m follows_ 3. A plan, profile or ,ketch of „id improvement i, hereto attached and m,de , part hereof. 4. ) .._ 5. Said improvement m asked for upon patio T three or mo/re ow-- of property, ,object to --t for „id improvement. // U� A Commimiooer of Puhlic Works. v ISM4,„ftd. 1932. am. 0. R. ma. 0ome1a of P.Y. A P. "us., emidlxg. Dear 0=4991onerl fhe Mnd orders In the matter of planting ►Lade trees, on Doth tides of Exeter Place from Rarehall to Dorton Avenue end on both sides of south I.Lndton pulmay from Lomtard be. to Randolph street sure Wd over to varob 30m and Dem' daWtsnt wee rd - quoted to oheot thaw looattahe with a viae to a PoesSLle wlp.tnglon from the orders of thou parts where the pro sty omen objected. We bAlsu yon have cards of some of the objwton. 7oors Very truly. 01ty 01oft 91936 Data e COUNCIL FILE NO.. �eelec By _ _.. _.... e.�iioon.te.rea FINAL ORDER In the Matter of plontin: and -protecting shade trees on -both sins; of Exatar_F1s.:e. £_oz, Maashall.Avenne to iayton Avenue,.. under Preliminary Order. _ 90829_approved Oct. 30, 1931 Intermediary Order -__._. .__._.___ ...._.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the acme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the saidCity is __p3—t__and..Px Qtent. ahade..tr.e-Qs_ on _both.... .aides -..of _Exeter .Flare_,_ faom_ 3lnrshal.'yenaa_to_zftyton_,fxenue,______- eaePt..that. part _adJolning-ft ,-.k10Qk.43. A?.enoY4r..Y.arkr —_------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council It/j(tj2 -2'... iq.'_-__--- - 192 ' ` City Clerk. Approved _ , 192 Mayor. Councilman"' Councilman lyggymn. i L e( o Couencns i un. n r k'UULl_.HF.0 X05 ilman g1� ta.,,,.0 Councilman � ` t Cmm'ilm n Wx. kx Mayor— B;tn:lie Form B. S. A. 8-7 _M Co—issioner Rosen - Movesto Fx Cept that partadjo iningdiOtn1,iBlock d4#91DesnoyerdPalk an o 5T, PAUL CCPARTMENT0F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER >' ORDER FINANCE ? ON (o) In the mai�cr of p]ar.tl n.; ant nrot nc yin,' s-Ita:le tr oee on 50'.::: 3, I- o, .r.��.ter Ylr3ca Pra:� lanr stroll ,�v .i. i�. '_o u.rton ..v<,m s m'inary Order approved "t"""' t 1'x31 —I of the City of St. Paul: 'hc Cam missloner of F,,—,,hereby reports as follows. 'iinpsoccment The tonal _;.-d amount of the asscssmenc (or the above ..,0 The ,,6111—d cost per loot for the above improvement is - - - lot be benefits [or such impsovemcnt, and the assessed t'al—.— of each or 'fhe Ines or parcels of land shat may assured parcel as lase reported by she Assessor, are as follows: oEscr+iPTioN DoT.1-1 Aooiriory ESIEO Lanvin ariory 31,1g. 1 ..xet— Ouhaiv_sion 150( 1500 5650 6 do 7 do 15Gt 1500 5950 8 do 1.500 5450 9 do 1500 5400 10 do 1000 6600 11 do 1 49 mss: ovor Ynrk, fi--V 24 49 G1lnne rota 700 (C) 111Y 01 AUL DEPARTMENT 9OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o. 25 49 aoy or Yar;c, :_an,7i Co., 800 13500 M inns otos Lot.26 un. (-xc ....2U�) 19 1200 5400 L:=G "t o' 2'r 4J 110 1200 29 49 10 1000 0-0 16000 $51050 The Commi.stoner of Finance further repo.[. that he has mttstigatcd all of [he afore. aid maty , and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the repon made [o him m reference —.id matter by the Commissioner of Nblic/\�fork, .Illatcd� i.� 19-3. `d vas e. eLJciL....,�f C/ cnm of ri St. Paul, Minn. septa ccr at 19231, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ♦ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Plantk. protect shade tree. — Both aide. of.B z e t e r -P 1- a s-.- _... St. Ave. from ;kasha 11 Ave. _ _J&. Ave. to Dayton_. Ave . \ . _ St. Ave. Nov. 13, 1931 !,! . Oa.. L. aason, juyt. of P-ks, ii u 1 1 d 1 ❑ g. Deer 61rt Ki..,dly givo us 'reliain xry esti..Iatc. of cost on the followin4 proposed improvemsntst P. u. 906.:8 - Planting end protecting .i:ade gees on both si '!.es oriLoxilieton R_rl,—y from Loubard Ar.:, to ;t. P. 0. 93829 - Planting —d protecting shade trees on both sides of Lxeter PI:'cu , from Marshall AV nue to D.=.yton avenue P. 0. 30830 - Planting and protuctiug d s detrees on both sides ofo . C1 it 'troet from Albert Avenue ;o P—c-..1 Av=nue. Yours vry truly, i!. CAlia, Chief Engineer. Aop-mh CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS`AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS -^^•"^•"'�"'"""`�" October 1, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am attaching herewith petition turned in to us, requesting the planting and protection of shade trees on both sides of Ph:eter Placa. Ale: another petition requesting the planting of trees on St. Clair Street between Albert and Pascal. Ycurs very truly, �� ss one . City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MUM J. GIBBONS, Ory Oak n cin a.n •M [enni.iena el BnlJneen October ard, 1931. Hon. C. 8 May, Coms'r of P.P. 6 P. Bldge., V .1dlag. Deer Commissioner: ♦ttached planes find petition of property owners regnseting the following Improvement to be made: Plsnt and protect shade trees on both sides of B:eter Place from Yaraball A— and Dayton lee. The Conncil today referred this petition to your department for report. Some vary traly, ice•-vef � -%�D City Clark. YpEg M CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS,PLAY N DSaAND•PU BLIC BUILDINGS January 27, 1932 Hon. Milton Rosen, Cprru, a.1_r of --lic Works, City of Saint rain. Attn: Mr. D. C. Gayton Dear Sir: V1 th regard to planting of trees on South Laxin�ton fron, Lombard to Randolph. We figure there Ss 710 ft. of exempt property here and 3008 ft. of ssea sable oro pe Y. "' figure the assessable pro- perty will be assessed at the rate of 20¢ per front foot. In-hnection with t2e planting o: trees on later Pince fro c:;.:arshall to Dayton, we figure t;ere is assessable 833 ft. and that the assessment wi;l be at th .to of 20¢ a foot. On St. Clair Prnm albert to Pascal there is assessable 1.:00 ft. et e cost of a_proxi—tely 20¢ a foot. On Capitol Ave. from Lexington to Oxford there is 240 ft. of exeiapt property and 790 ft. of lrrol:e •ty n"assails' a- we believe the cost will be 20¢ per front foot. Yours very truly, UJ\ Supe, intend nt� of Paris Approved: TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) February 1, 1932. Han. Milton Rosea, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear 61r3 1 transmit herewith pre11m1narY estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of Exeter Place from Marshall Ave to Dayton Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. 90829, approved October 30, 1931. Setlmated Cost $186.60 Cost per front foot 0.20 10.00 Engineering 833 ft. Frontage Yours truly, WM. N. CARSY, Chief gagMr. Approa ��jj qq}};; ssioa �f�;& tr Lo the ssi ^ of Finaace. Com nissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public OW4RANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 2 1932 February 2, 1932 193 T,, the J M—o- of We city of St. j,_I The Cllool—w— of Public W -k, having had under lllolod—ti- the p,,Ii.i,,,,y order ,f th, council, known as ('--ii File N.. 90829 pp,—d Oct. 30, 1931 1913 "I.tim to the planting and protecting of shade tress on both sides of Exeter Place from Marshall Avenue to Dayton Avenue. and hawing —,,,,tig..d the ..t.. ..d thi., mferted to therein, hereby reports 1. Said nop---t j. --,y -d (or) desirnhle. 2 The estimated coat thereof j, S 166.80 Cost per front foot 200 , and the Will coat thereof i. 9 Engineering $10.00 Frontage 853 ft. -d the ..t." ..d 'xt,ot of loud top,- t is m follows. 3. A pill., profile or sketch of said improvement i, hereto attached and .,d, I folft h—f. 4. 5. Said i.,—l—t j...asked for o,lllo petition of three or more .—tof pro,,oft, .subject to --t for id improvement., /. " - " Coloot mlone, of Public W,,I.. 91937 Fol. �a� ��Peenmi� Er io COUNCIL FILE NO.0.���P°ev By.-.... .i ee°soon°. FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofplanting.. and--pxate ti' g -.shade trees. on. both.. a: des of St.. Clair "treat from Albert Avena, to Pascal under Preliminary Order 90830. approved Octarer 30, 1931 Intermediary9rder--.-..._. -___approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementtobemade bythe mid City is -21a t anal Prot,ct shade trees on both .id.. of St. Clair Streat_from_Alhart_AYenue.to-_Pascal _ Avenue, _ ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - read with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _..j;]' _.._. __. , 192 �rZ R7WLl `1. •;;`. City Clerk. Approved , 192 Councilman Mayor. Councilman Counedma I'C'i3ylBlif I,__ Councilman Councilman 1r `�.•�• Councilman Woolvzkx Mayorldndgm Bunrilla / Form B. S. A. 8-7 �. 9-M7 COUNCIL FILE NO. °ie°br°pen, c 1�°.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of planting.. and ..prctecting_.shade trees_ on. both._s des. of St. Clair 7treet from Albert Avenue to Pascal .;venue, under Preliminary Order_ °0830._. approved Octot-or 30, 1931 A public hearing hating bove een had upon the abimprovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the ...;therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ Plant an,l protrct shade trees on both sides of St. Clair atree.t_from _Albert ._nvenue_ t_oPascal Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adapted by the ConnciljIM_. 192 City Clerk. Approved _.. _ _. , 192 / Mayor. Councdman _>l¢� Councdman Councuman Councdman Cmmrim= Councdman Atex 1� MayorJhtk=lx Bundl le Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENTeO FPFINANCE ', ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Io the m.uerof plu. t n.- a..: orotelt:n,_ shedo trees on both 'ios of -t. 01¢ir St. from .,Ib,rt ..v to PUs s-, „re. .oder Paliminary Order approved Uct. :3l To the Council of the City of Se Paul: The Commiesioner of Finance hereby reports ae follows: The total eso.—d mo a f the.secesme.t for the above �ce improvement ie The —i—,d cost for the above improvement is - _ _ _ _ _ . $ 0.20. The lou or parcels of land that may be aesemed b<nefiu for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assesror, arc as follows: DES11-11, LOT AoortioN ISSESI L¢ndTIO Bldg. 5 4 -k,,,,,. aul ,Minn. 1200 (-oc—pt .—t 6 4 d° 675 6116c, Lot 7 gin. „ ft of 6 4 do 850 7850 8 4 to sue 33(10 12 3 :—gen't's n::liti.o 750 3900 13 3 do 800 8350 14 3 cls 800 4900 15 3 d, 800 2.500 16 3 do 800 17 3 do 800 7900 .EPA -ENT s'. ?I` FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED 18 3 Zargentls A,lditlou 800 3850 19 3 do 800 3700 20 3 do 800 850 L1 3 do 800 1200 22 3 d0 1100 1 2 Jeff arson Park :.il to 1010 -500 the City o" Ct.Yaul, �tamsey 2 2 Co., hfinn. 800 3650 3 2 do 800 5000 11 2 do B00 3700 5 2 do 800 3450 6 2 do 800 4650 7 2 do BOO 8 2 do 800 8000 9 2 do 800 3500 10 2 do b00 3850 11 2 do BOO 3650 ,'ast 35 ft. or 12 2 do 700 3050 „est5 ft o, 1 12 ani _. 35 ft of 13 2 ..0 800 2900 ast 5of lot 13 and Y Nest 35 ft. of 14 2 to d0, :050 Lot 15 ani 5 ft of 1, 2 do 1100 $ 24,975 $ 105,950 The Commuswner of Finance further re pons that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt r , and hereby submits the foregoing as bis report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him io reference aid ma er by the Commissioner of Public "',,k,. 19 coin ri miasmner — CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRCUNDS`AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS October 5, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, CS ty Clerk, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: Attached find petitions covering the following improvements: Plant and protect shade trees on both sides of E t., Place from Marshall Ave. to Dayton Ave., and on St. Clair St, from Albert to Pascal. We have gone over this work and recommend that the improvements be made. Yours very troly, y' Su rinVebdent of �Parks. 7omm2.io.a- ,. M THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) February 1, 1932. Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of St. Clair St, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. 90530, approved Oct. 30, 1931. Estimated Cost $240.00 Cost per front foot 0.20 Engineering 10.00 Frontage 1,200.0 ft. Yours truly, WM .., Chief Engineer. Appr f r tra>Ls salon to t o ssl of Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. Office 'of the Commissioner of Public ' AW! �NpNCE r4 Report to Commissioner of Finance ;5 �� a FEB 8 1 February 2, 1932 193 To the Conoo-, o,, of Finnncc of the City of Sl. Pant: The Commimioner of Public Work,, having had under co..id... Go. the preliminary order of the c�nm 1, k-- m Coancil File No. 90830 approved. Oct. 30, 1931 193 , ml.t-, to the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of St. Clair St. from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue. and having invvwtigsted the matters and thing, referred to therein, hereby reports. 1. Said improvement ie ..canary nod (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 200 2. The estimated coat thereof ie i.. 240.00 sad the 1nta1 cost thereof i, s Engineering $10.00 Frontage 1,200 ft. and the nature end extent of said improvement i, m follows: 3. A plan, profile or ek,t,b of said improvement i. hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i,. inked for upon petitfgb of three or more ov�ners of property, subject to ,em..ment for said improvcm.. t. Commimioaer of Public Works. �°e 91933 COUNCIL FILE NO. .. :i By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of thanin tha-trade. of M hall va £rnm.P cal1 Ase. to Hemp Ave.1to confor �o the red line h profile hereto tt ched and _.partha_,)also grdinC..and pavin� s 7,d Marshall A e from a po'.�t I ft west Pascal . to point 29 fteast of Bamli e Ave. Sn- eluding_resurfacing existing.. Pa vr, nt, se r water and gas connections from street .uains to croperty 11n,s :rhsrenot already made, curbing .and pav- ing driveway ane alley approaches, reconstruction of sidewalk to new grade and alllother .vork necessary to sairi improvement, under Preliminary Order... 91178 _ _. approved Dec. 10, 1931 _ Intermediary Order -_.-__ -.-----------approved _.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie-_chanr-e the grade of Marshall Ave. I'— Pascal ..ve. to ham ire ave. te, nonfarm t the red line an The-o'_31e irerete et- tached_ and. masse-_-a..part h -e-of-, 1 _ _d v 1_d Marshall Ave. from a pont 16C .ft. .vast of Pastel ..ve. to aa ' .int 29.E ft. e—t of H IZne Av , Sncludlna..r e`; cine__saladna;--Ba-vament--.--er'-water and gas connectionse from street mains to property s whet of a1r 9 de, and pav- ing- dr-iv—y -a -alley _apprnarnr .,_s ec on 1r.lcS-Scp. - idewalk t _Er ads and all other a necessary tc said impro"ement, Materiel shall be 6 in. ror}c port oonerate-lase-ee- wideaed��Port}os-sad-}.}s.-aephaitlo--et1faeisg-ea-aeP.1-:',:.d�qy width of roadway to be 52 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MIR 221q:it Adopted by the Council !f�pprcved. __ - 192 ,(,-,,..,- Mayor. Councilman ,i'u__ conncil Cman -u ouncilman Pen�re Councilman Conncam n , cnanruman SYam�c Mayor gaw dile 1/ Farm B. S. A. 8-7 G/ . -City Council St.Paul, Minn. Gentleman; Wa, the nndersignad proper:, ommers, rich to ,.present, for your ooneideratioa at the Cegaoil Meeting r= tp'be held M*ZOh 22nd, -the following suggestions: Why not give us time to Ray for the new _ - newer before starting the Marshall Avenue Paving? The Present paving in good enough for the time being, i 2, We protest against the contemplated grade ohango in. that it will mdan. e -damage to oar prOPOPY to the extent of aboat-0601000.00, it would appear gone : that the engineers who suggeavid suoh an elevation wars thialdag Of getting rid of the: Laxpa,erD money Father a • Shan'mOkiag an improvement. lid think that to out down .the &W as Marshalls Avenue bp,L eon Psaeal sad _?polling v'... 'Avenges.would be far mho b6nelloial end'Wh l,4ee oz� endive than to mate the propOb10 elavatiouBil .'be a Hamlin* and PaeO.ti. Why replay the sidewalk north on,Mgasehall. T�`bn at etween gamiAvenue stoPascalAvenue? T sit 57 - d.w4 etion plated only eighteen mouths ages OF i Too many improvementa.at:.One time only serve -'a, to bgukrdpY tea rt are, eipecialiy during ftimea snoh� ee the pest tm g>_ We has that you will give these sugge0tions some. very careful thought. We, ea eitiaens of-.q%?aul, T do not went to stand Sa the way of iapioveaOnta:to; our City, but we also do not wantiiloy :hen Sp piyv onLs taxes we Cannot pay, pa proposed .are so wnneoeeeary, SIG=:— L Property Owners Frontage � �, No. Orleans, le., 'arch 19th, 1982. Mr. John H. McDonald, C'eac aionar of Pinsnae, Roan 119, court House, Saint Peul, Mich..... Dear Sir;- AveYear notice comldering the Paving of Marshall — and the of bar .ork mantioned in your notice of pre- liminary order �9t1dt has been received. 9/l78 I regret very teeth that I will not be able to be present at the public malting to be held oa the 82nd of March, he I am opposed to the work being dons at this time. I tan sea no Snnediate need for the work and the expense at thio time wceld be a hardship on ngself and, I belie,., the other Xpayera on this street. Very truly years, J. P. Opurtne JPO:DP "ll 11I'll .-.TM-T9.1 FINANCE REPORT OF CCMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthem f ehnn ng th, nio o£ h: 310ll " ":r. Pu -. t _—A '.n- . to le rel 1'nnn the I '!7 t' utt�: -1 and - a part 0 h r�r£, n -rs I. r,; ¢ ni-r'n : I:nru ,¢11 _ m a pont 1 0 Pt__t of Parc nl „ .ot 'rt ./5 Pt. e : .. .---.i'in.- rA afttc'n -'stini r •'t' .—ll rater nun! 'at'Tnn9 from street n s to p—p-ty lines 'u not .1 ln�u_ 1'pov in I^1ve -n'. ra?1=v ¢ppro�cl,o ¢1 -,i nstr .r r�7 or. c .. 7',c t ,. ulo ¢... all o':her rorP ,_.,s _ s¢11 im- pr- ont, under Preliminary Order approved .),.c. 10,19.'1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commiavoner of Finance hereby report, ae follows'. The total esumated a ��� of the a.....mens for m//oC t the above mprovcment r, The esr imated cost perpoo %r the above mpro.ement ie - - - - - - 4.? $ 5. n3 ri The Iot, or parcel, of land the[ may be --td benefi[, for each improvemen[, and the --td valuation of cacl, !ot or parcel ax last reposed by the Axxaxor, arc ar follows: oescnivnon LIT awca aoomon Lan .vntuATol 23 4 :,t -1 -tor to 550 o .:4 4 do 500 2750 25 4 do 5010 25 4 do 1000 4850 7 2 Griohle & _ ^-s.t's ar 525 8 2 do 450 9 2 do 45< 10 2 do 45C 11 2 do 450 12 2 io 450 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (0) wo of tioN v KittsondalO, being 6400 8000 Wly 200 ft of �3C ft of 14 Auditor's Subdj,+,s on No. (Gxo. Gly 230 ft) 14 27 .`t. Paul, MIM -13400 That part o" the 32 £t 15 do 2200 200 lyinN- 0 of the N. 1'ne of r Lot 14 r- 1, ed 2250 beat 30 ft of ' :. 62 ft of 15 d0 - - (i:xc ept Sast 62 _'t) 15 do 23CC0 16000 A Co,cordia C:llege Camps 118000 261250 8 Sohn B. Hoxsie's He-ar. 825 3450 of,11..4 of Anna 9 Aid, to C1ty Of -t.Pan1 800 3550 10 do 775 4750 1. ,bo 750 3150 12 do 725 300 13 to 700 14 do 900 1 ) Albert 1. Seiter's Add. 1200 2 ) to St.P-1 , Minn sots 800 3000 3 ) 4 do 600 5 do 800 6 do 800 7 do 800 (?xc. Yarshall :ve.) N. z of 800 (vacated allay aflj and 1 20 Boulevard Add. No. 2 do 2 20 do 750 do 3 20 do 750 do 4 20 do 750 0 5 20 do 75C do 20 d 1500750 do also .E. 3 of Obert Ave. vac. and TOTwL adj. said lot - O ,.A IAENT SOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) Al crt'6vsh all od^ .h Nth,n :'i of of vac. all �? ^ot ., th- N ' of vac. alley a'lj- 1 ft o 1 1 and all of 2 1 ) do N of vac all ey) (5xc. a all :=. 3 1 adi. and V'3xc:: ar sh a]] :,.. ,•) N ' of 4 1 do ^ ac. all ,r adl an! _0 5 1 da do 6 1 do 0 7 do 8 1 and " of 1 ) do of and Ao do 10 1 do do 11 1 do do 12 1 do do 13 1 do do 14 1 do do 15 1 do k .,cal ) Com t '_ t c. t;_, zDaLl 1i of t:ta of th. of 1 : 3, T. 2 , t ho, Nlv li o of th., Ch1ca„ hil'.vtho '� St.Faul —1 Fa�i'tc Ra'. lroad R/, th. Scaly along; said R�Yi to tate n t•rsect'or :-'tl '_IT ,45 t.47, ofa parallel >ith the of or esa'd s- ectlon line, th.N, alon..'Laid line to n pt. 175 ft at £rox se' 1'n^ of I.1 ar s11e11 A+r-, th. N-11to e point ,r on said sac t'•on 1'm' rhto -r+a st from the center of the alley 1,1 .1, Bo�'1 ,v and :, 1'l., th.N, to '.r ei;ina'n,;, bal n_ -n Sec. 3, T.2F R. 23 1369 185P 335C` GO ''cc PC0 120C 12f 2200 B00 800 8G0 800 a0c 900 181-100 25000 ''19,1b0 ti ;i--1,90(1 Th, Com missloner of Finance further reports that he has mv, Ligated all of the aforesaid matt s, and th er the Council, stoge,her with the repot made to him In hereby sub m,u the foregoing ae hia rtpo,t eon ro r,ferenee to said matter by the Commission,, of Public %Forks. iDare. p_tf _ - 19 =a Commissioner of pnancc. b!%2 _NW.%4.-SEc. 3. TZB. e.zj .I I IOA YTON\ \, AVE. 71 A SEZSY - _ J o W h J L� Q \\ \ LA4¢fL A✓E. �I I 244 NA2 NX ya.. S Ec: J1 L Y1' OAYTeN �4�}qf A✓!. I AYE q n THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dere) January 27, 1932 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public "arks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Changging the grade of Marshall Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Hemline avenue, also grading and paving said Marshall Avenue from a n_oint 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Hemline Avenue, including resurfacing existing pavement, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, reconstruction of sidewalks to new grade and all other work necessary to said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91178, approved December 10, 1931. Length 1835 ft. Width Frontage 3358 ft. Rdway 52 ft. -Street 100 ft. Estimate of cost: Removing paving $ 417.00 Asphalt surfacing on present base 7,171.00 3" Asphalt paving on 6" base 19,576.50 Sidewalk to relay 377.30 Curb 1,900.80 Drainage 1,109.60 bxtra grading 800.00 Rein. steel over new sewer 973.80 engineering and inspection 3,232.60 Total Cost 35,558.40 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATE: Cost per front foot Total Cost Asphalt surfacing & paving $ 4.77 $ 35,558.40 Brick 11" " 5.93 45,293.40 Concrete Curb .50 Relaid Sidewalk .10 per sq. ft. New monolithic sidewalk .20 ' " " 'Nater connections 52.50 each Sewer connections Not needed -2 - Changing the grade of Marshall from Pascal to Hamline, Also grading and paving Marshall from a point 160 ft. west of Pascal Ave. to a point 295 ft. east of Hamlins - Continued. Property City Division of Cost Share Share Total Cost Asphalt surfacing and paving - - - - - $17,700.00 $16,856.40 $35,550.40 Brick surfacing and paving - - - - - 21,550.00 24,743.40 45,293.40 Yours truly, .� AM. N. C Chief Engineer. "pIth f tr, mission to s10 of Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of PublicOW*Wee6 Report to Commissioner of Finance ° --- FEB 8 19K February 2, 1932 193 To the Cnmmiaeioner of Finece, of the City of 3l. Paul. The Connniaewncr of Public Works, heving had under eoneideretion the preliminary order d the 91178 epproved Dec. 10, 1931 ma ' rel.ti. to C uracil, known ae C unci) File No. changing the grade of Marshall Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Hemline Avenue, also grading and paving said Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Hemline Avenue, including resurfacing existing pavement, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, curbing and paving driveway and alley _approaches, reconstruction of sidewalks to new grade and all other work necessary to said improve- M60-heving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby m,,c : 1. Haid improvement is vecee.ary and (or) desirable. as estimated cost attaachded) wtal coat thereat i. f 2. The ratimeted coat thereof ie 5 and the nature and extent d said improvement ie ae follows'. - -- - 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of acid improvement be hereto attached and made a part hereof. ._... ..._.......... ....._ 4. 5. Said improvement ic caked for po petit*f thr r mare re of property, subject to easeeament for Baid improvement. ° , � commiseiover of Public Warks. 91939 COUNCIL FILE NO� BY_____------ '------------ .FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ndemni and taking-aneasem------- In the matter of____co necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the matter of grading and paving of Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to Hemline Avenue, 91451 approved----__ January_16 _1932__, under Preliminary Order-----------------------• Februa 24 1932 91770__-_-__.--_, pprove d_______________ Intermediary Order_________________ a A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council havid the same heard all person be factions and recommendations rela[ive thereto, and having fully cons[d- ere RESOLVED, BY the Council of the City of St. Paul thM1t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the matter of grading and paving of Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to Hamline Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands cas ents therein be d the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said [mprovements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to Hemline Avenue., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part ]Fg t?,f RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmisswnor f I'ubllc Works be ad is hereby structed d directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper citydaffi—ce a are hereby authorized and directed to =with the making of said improvement in accar with. Adopted by the Council --------- ------ --/-- ----- City Clerk. Approved____ _______________________ 19____ ------------------- Mayor. Councilman Councilman Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Councilman Sudheimer Mayor ADt. DEnARTMIINT901 FINANCE REPORT OF O MISSIOY ORDER FINANCE ON w In [hc ma[tcr �: c,n ....r.fn I to In rru ss^:=,[ts flnr' flus 1n Of nt rr =1oc-.., grad tn- n '. pav �.nn a`r o:.; v Int 1dG ft. o -" Pnsc al Fve. t[, r:amisn under Preliminary Order approved Jfln. 1,-, 19.,2 To the Council of the Gty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reporu -'"10- Th, 'followsThe total es i"O'd -moon[ Of, aascss men[ (or the above mprovc men[ is - $ — 11�e estima[ed cost per foot (or the above im provemen[ is - - - "lhe lou or parols of land that may be assessed Senefi [s for such improve mens, and Clic assessed valu-[ion of each lot or parcel as last repor[ed by the Asecssor, arc as follows. 23 4 Mee Jo.tor View odd. to t'.-� City o- �t.F n[rl 24 4 25 4 do 26 4 do 7 2 Grirbe^'ost °t - t� tho City f p -8 2 9 2 do 10 2 do 11 2 do 12 2 do LE —TION Bl�tg. 550 500 2750 500 1000 4650 525 450 450 450 451- 45( cer1WICRT or —ARCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Wly 200 ft of E. 230 ft of 14 (Exc. Ely 23C ft) 14 That cart of the E. 32 ft of 15 lying S. of t`e N. line of lot 14 produced Kittsondale, beinj, Auditor's 6400 8000 Subdivision No. 27, St.Paul 1 Minn. 3400 do 2200 200 W. 3c ft o. .. 62 ft of 15 do (Exc. -. 62 ft) 15 do 1 ) Albert I. Setter's Add. to 2 ) St.lsul, Minn. 3 ) 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do (Exe. Marshall .+ e. ) N A of 1 20 Boulevard Add. No. 2 vac. alley a'j an do 2 20 do do 3 20 do do 4 20 do do 5 20 do do 6 20 do do 7 20 do also 3 of Albert ;,ve. vac. and adi, said lot (Exc. Marshall Ave.) the west 1 of Allart .'1". Vac. on 1 N of vac. alley both adj. 1 1 Bolevard Add. end E. 38 ft of (Exc. Mar^.hall -,) the north - of acatel alley adj. 1 an _f 2 1 do and all of ) (Exc. 14ars1a17 Avo.) ) N § of vac. all -7 a-ij and 3 1 ) 2250 23000 16000 1200 B00 000 3000 BOC 800 800 800 B00 750 750 750 750 750 1500 1300 1850 3350 DEPARTMENTa01 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c)ISIESSED IESIlIP71ON LOT .1— ADDITION VALUATION e Gxc. '^sl unllev a1i. d 800 do 5 1 do Boo do 6 1 do 80C d 7 and do of 8 1 do 1200 r_O �. of 8 1 do 1200 2200 and d0 14 9 b'_k.] (2xc. t9arshnll A e.) N Of -'aa-10 800 Aldo y n i,1 and 1 do do 11 1 do 800 Y,-• do 12 1 do 600 do 13 1 do 800 do 14 1 do 800 do 15 1 do 900 (Ere. Paacal e•) ::om. nt the :nt�r soc. o" the :; dine of !:':ar shall 18200 25000 Ave l the lne o^ the 11'.I . of2�, lt. 23, th tt th lily lino of the"1 ca -o ilauk t.Y a�. �l and P ac I, le5.19 alon _- so' ^. ii/",i t to - ect'on n't'.. a line '45 ft "i nn:t parallel av'th the n. or e:id .; `.ec. lin e, th. N. nlon- o`ll_ to a pt. 175 "t. :. fray. the c¢i'. ! ]ine of Mar s'r.all .. n �Y.. NEly to a pt. on sa'.3 g; 5=c. line due Y' fro¢ th, ant 1r of +� � al le -r '_n Blk.l, i -v levard Add. th.1', t begins!, , t-e'n- in Sec. 3, T. 28, R. 23 $ 95575 $05350 The Com m,saioner of Finance further re porta that h< has m�< tigeted all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the goin (or<g as his report thereon to the Council, stog<thcr with th< report made m him in reference to Jsaid matter by the Commisswner of Public NVIlks. as�.a%. _... _19 3 a %b-. rKC-6-a^-a2ancc. L� =+Indicafes Cuf TyQp ca/ No la Pion +oc Figures above /ne 5/7ow Cuf oi' f //a ow h -n erfy /ine. Figures be%�✓ /ine s w 0islance to which slopes & lcnd beyond properly XSec. & Loc. Book /163. Xar,5 ia// Ave. Ham/'ne A'e. /60Wsfo�Pasca/Ave. S U 15. . 27. LQ C /1' TE /EW ; R/ B/ R S RS fl U D T O R yQ 8 23 24 25 26 Q 7 9 /0 // q2 s F eo: F We.e H.. l L- Wa O d.., .ry rvN ,w J Cca eeef WiII Q 6 5 5 14 /3 /2 /I l0 9 7 6 5 3 ; b 6 5 Q 3 2 is 4� b DD. PART OFNhi% OF • 2:4L ER J. SET es N.W. y OF SECl -28-23. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wim§ FMANU Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 2 MW February 2, 19,32 193 T,, the CO-11nMinall of Of the CUY Of SI. P --I Th, cnannina.a, Of PO1,1w W.A., hnvi.g had under id,ration the p,,4iaOY order Of the C.On,fl, k-- . CO.O61 File Na 91451 approved Jan. 16, 1932 193 ,relative I. condemning and taking an easement for slopes, cuts and fills in grading and paving Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to Hemline Avenue. end having ntigd the -t- and thing. referred W therein, hereby reports: 1. Said na,r ..... at a, --Y and (a,) d,.i,nbl, 2, The -mated c., thereof 1. S XX.end the ..I coat thereof i. 5 ,ad the nature and extent of said Onpr in an follow.: 3, A plan WOfide -1 akI, Of and On,,,n,n,at in 1tO nt..hnd and made . pert hereof. 4. 5. Said nap- Int la naked for a, p�jtjoa Of three or a.a- Of p-,nnt,, subject W nt fo, ,id uap,1111-t Cnn.j.6.nn, Of P.bb. W.,kn. S-\ CITY OF ST. PAUL "L' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I rJ SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES, NTEo eY lctr —_ _ _ -- — VEMAS, i!ds- is available Cash Sa the Water Department Sinking Fund and ghe Oerer._I Sinding Fund Of t.,e CS.y of S'di t Paul, in t:,e sum of Fifty T_,o'..a. ad Dolltrs, 550,0"" and Whereas, Fns Sin j, Fund Cos®ittee of t- C,:;f SLS t Paul holds for sale is the Participating Cert1`icate Fu.-, Cit; o: Sai:.t Paul 4j$ Permanent Im--o:seot Coupon: C00 each, cue April 1, RevolvIng Fund,IHonde, Noe. 25067 to 25106 Inc1.:sive for ounol 1945. and Cit, of Sai:jt Peal 4j% Water Wor:_s Extension Ho..ds, .:as. 24579 to 24558 O $1,000 Iedlueive, due Dec. 1. 1940; and IMMUS, The Si:i_Sng Pund Coacittee iia. reco oOded that the bond. so held for ,is be sol, to t:ie Simi.., Funds above set eut:at par gna accrued interest; and the Council it o_ .he op_nion .i4.t ..,e iads should be solo as reco.marc ed, at pea' ani accrued Interest; the. fore, be it Z=LVM, +%t the Mayor. Cottissioner of Fir_rc, and t:.a City Co:.Ttrollei be v..n : by are .iereby e.u,,..orized ant directed to transfer at n sat i.c.ried, interest the above Described bonds to the Oenerxl Sin: -i.0 Fund and the We:ter Depert�ent Sia:ing Fuad of t!"City of SLAnt P::ul. J. wx.............na_. . ~ Yca. COUNCILMEN Nays May MA) ... Id 1^ P -- Z R.— Sudh-- M.. P—id— Bu^dli. Again., z t� lelYT 2 2 .fila ,uncii 19 - � 19 MAYOR neroh 21. 2932- A metirg of the SIdds9 Food Oomidttae =0 hold this day( Precala. Gerhard Hundlle, Uycr. John. H. Moth—ld. Costdmtondr of 7111;reo and em. P. Scott. Co.ptroller. hal= present. TMs meeting spa hold for the purpose of tak1M up Lha matter Of llquldsiing $100.000 of the Indebtedness of the P.rtiolpnting Cartifidste Pond to the Anarieam National Bank of Saint Pawl, Oo®Sssioner VcDomld reported Chalk thine s0 Insufficient CMOs In the Participating Osrtificats Pand to poy this Indebtedness and teat tbma sen available Gosh in the Gernand Slntitg Ptnd cad Lha rater DW."nant Stski. 70VA to the ®sans of MOOD. A motion use made by ceamiaelamer poDoeald seconded 17 Onaptroller Scott and amalmoasly a-rieds tbat this oomMtteo recommd to the Council the sole of the follow& 6 ssavrltioa from tbs ParticlPsting Outificate Pond to the 0enero2 and mbar Sln>!ag !modso at the fame prier paid tp the POUCIPating Odrtif&Gota Pull at. Pad Ponds t� Hands. don yl 1 194% coupon Donde Act. 23DR to 83106 Ina -Iva. at par end aCoraad Interest. $10.000.4 St. Pass& Aster ftft Indo don BDam. an Neo.I 1 . coupon bonds Nos. 2439 to Iealnaitro. at per and accrued Interest. The balgoos of the lndebtedmee. $5D.ODO. Will be wlthdman tram the .commt of he Pertitipating Cartif tate MVA at the t3Mtoy National Hast. of St. Pati. This mm4ey to be redeposited at the Xtdoy Nstl— Holo" {cop AS funds are available. Ihe moting the/ahpon Woalaed. lkm Approved b.offlao President oner of nnano. Orantro r he.ornaio daermu y o.o....o ...+•1 I ` CITY OF ST PAUL ri,r .. No.. y_1y41 OFFICE F CITY CLERK C RE —GENERAL FORM PRES.ENTE,D,— AT COM S WHSRLAS, Through an oversigbt the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings issued to L. H. Sault, on December Sth, 1931, Building Permit No. 9834 covering the moving back of a building at 348-8 University avenue; and •HMAS, The award paid to said L. H. Sault in the University avenue widening matter was based on the cutting off of twenty feet of the front of the building; therefore, be it 9EBOLPED, That said permit be aanoelled, and that the proper City off;oers be and they are hereby authorised anotrected to issue a warrant in favor of L. H. Sault for the sum of One Dollar. Yea, cou Ncic MEN NaY � �aaroy May McDonald In favor /Sadha�mcr � Asa ar �1 r. Pres�drar 6vadli< Adup,,d by ohr C.„ard MAR 22193' 9 A"z 19 City of Said Pari Office of City Clerk MIKE J, GIBBONS, O,y Cl.h cnm n.n c na.n ..d Cammb.lono al wgbb.ean March 21st, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Bu11d1ng, Dear Sir: Attached please find comauntoatione relative to a refund to L. A. Sault of the eom of $1,00 'aid for Permit 9234 to co er the moving back of a bulldlry; at 346_9 Dnlvereity Avenue. This matter w referred to your department for the prone, resolution mith'riz1P this sf-d. Yours very truly, City Clerk, envo ere CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRLNDScAN D, PUBLIC BUILDINGS i:i.. jo,..i. .,entl.—n: 'cl'ed hOr Oiv ltli nle:..,cod! c rto L. o�ticn nc:-lreos- od bf C.ia Dao irtmonb —d" ce:-"" El, ill 1'. .+ult, `;:-1.rilf Sl lnn oc'�. ^'.:1:: letter r_ s the necessity o^ c ^cell'_•.:- ^..'tt 9264, for :. e. cl- irl': n,id L,.c t tJ' oacl - sed o o c.l n tee ^in -nco 7ei�rr triont otc �e31 .e ci:e or t' 7.1^gin You—, ^r-, 1 n'r. December 8, 1931. Mr. L. n. Sault 861 911fillan MOCk,, St. Paul, Minuescta. Dear Sirs on today, December 8, our permit olork issued to you by mistake, building permit 9834 to cover the moving bnek of a Wilding at 346-8 Dhfoeraity Avenue. The check of the records of the valcation and assessment engineer shove that the award to be paid by the city to the owner of this building to based on the cutting off of twenty feet of the trout and it Is, therefore. illegal for this Department to issue a permit covering the moving of the building under the present circumstances. we are, therefore# compelled to cancel the above mentioned Mrespectfully ask that you consider it null do no work under it. Mey we ask that you copy of this permit so that the matter of a permit fee can be taken care of by the Dlty Council. Yours very truly. Superintendent of Inspection. IISD..V L. H. SALTLT GENERAL CONTRACTOR ST. PAUL. MINN. ztv :., _. . ._..,..,.. • FOR CONTRACTOR QIY OF SAINT PAUL • PERMITa • .REn Dal.__`/� 193 •cu __-, -_- uol uu. - tc - —_—_.— _. __ S[ruc[ure • cv an- `c Uead • PcnM incur _A-- A Stu0w 0-1 — . Ada 0-�,'l���/,�J�(,,,' Add S/ 4Lrx.xfe.. Lu^---�� • • C n / e r - b s a h h m a - a .. d rh ' I k h k d I hr Cry o1 5 'nr P�uI, ov • • Mixx..or.. b. .rx�k�d n h solei ox o! o ( hr of .. d WARM AIR <FLECTRIC.4L xPLASTFRING • �BVILDIM1'G I'LL—P,c IIFATI.\'C SIGI.'S BILLBOARDS ELEVATORS • � rxeu rc xr.-rrl vrr.w u I " I _ .I __r • • , ,r�xx xrxr.� xr,,,rn.xr,.r xr�� ,�• • _INST_\LL,\TI M1 R. rrr ",v� a rc xu.n • h'e „ — c cnZ • - —z W .x x n r•r� r .r r ermrr rer: r. • +Ir.wc uinxux u..i.,. h.OTORS • - _ � -_ _ FIKlLRES _ ,i r.i. uxr[o v.[uxc iox • '.5 x xl er •ni r[[r [ OUFLETS -� 1. •L11 1111�Ta L �K • PENALTY I OR VIOLATION PROVISIONS OF RUIIDING or ANY OF TFIE CLYDE R. MAY CODE. [JIiU l.NA%CE No)1111_ FINE O 04 IROM FIVE • "INLFY U\\I)li O\IhIE\i CO OM1ER OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS 1'S. A.\D PUBLIC BUILDINGS FOR FROMRIVE [n 6Y a iifee rw,.+nrux,.m..axw.nco aum.oe,.. c. e. •. �• City of Saint Paul B U I L D I N G PERMIT No. ISSUED FOR THIS WORK BY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS and PUBLIC BUILDINGS LOCATION 11 Street or Avenue Clyde R. May, Commissioner ,- — b;w � To by placed in a conspicuous place 10 feet above grade Council File No., --919.v PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby p,,p,,u the making of the f,[],,i,g public improvement by the City of St. Pool, i,.: Reconstmeting, relaying. ;rep.alrlU, P149,walk, Qn. the north -aids -of St. Anthony -Avenue, beginning .110 faet-sast, -_of Lewis..St,roet, t.h.e�UCO ealt_7Q feet,,, Dated thi,.-22 114--d ey of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A —itten p,.p.W for the making of the f.11—i.g i.p,.-...t, vi— orb r 10 40rth.-A.4.0 Or. St. Anth=Ir ATenue, beginning 110, feat sest._ qf_Le-la strQvl— thoum seat 70 feet. ........... lb-i.g been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pool . . .... ...... . .. ........ .. ........... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C...mi—r of Public Works be ..d i. hereby ordered ..d directed: Ail 1. To investigate the —eeity for, ., dmi,.bJit, of, the cooking of mid hop—ooe.t. 'D 4 2. To investigate the ..t—, extent sod intimated ..t of mid improvement, ..d the bet.1 e..t thereof. 3 Tofumi8b ' plan, p""', , sketch of said improvement. 4. To etoto whether r not said improvement is asked for .n the ptiti.n of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters W the C,m,i,io.e, of Finance. Adopted by the Council-._._.___._. _.....- -vkr%" Y— Neva Co ... ileop�oweo,y 4 >*— ' App—ed McDINILI Sopsnrsrcg�.............. ............ Ma. P.E.— //Mayor??. 1. C I rl — I'll) 1�� Council File No_.._._..MIS PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propome the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing,_.relazing_gpd..Tepalrl.ng,..__where. the 9ldewalk. on the,.eQ_gth...aide_of Cal'rQ11_Aeanue.,._Al7g1nxting_____ _..... 3.8._feet _Bait of..Moore _A-VMU.,_.thence_. east .-to..Prior...Avenue-�___...... Dated this. 22nd_.aar of _. Ruch, 7.932 2 �� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WI3EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: or me r Reconstructing relaying and repairing,_ where necessary, bly the side"_ on the_ south side_ of Carroll. Avenue,_ begim_7,pg._____ 6 0,w 56 feet east of Moore Avenue, thence east to Prior_Av=iAQ, _._.... having been preeevted to the Council of the City o7 5t. Paul... ....._. __._.._....._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the nenmaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement i, naked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR E21932 Adopted by the Council.. . _......__.... _-. __. Yves Neve Councilman Coxaov MevApproved._ — ____. _. _____. _ .._... _........_........._....._ 7 McDoxenn McDoN U P-- ROSEN i Eauavraea ......_.Y........._...,1.` -.."'.__-_...._._----------...._.---- Ma. Panervvere / Iy. or Council File No. gl.g" PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, � ting, relaying Z sidewalk ...ap�. repalrin on the side of Front Streetbegirtning 16.3 feet east of Gaultier Street, thence east l t Dated this day of, 1932 .. Nor m. m. ........ a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following nomm-cm-t, vi -Reconstructing .,.relaying ,and repairing north sidewalk on the no side of_ Front Street e&Inning 163 feet east of Gattitier. oaffl 1.6 feet. having be,, presented to the Council Of the City Of St. Pool ............ — ...... ..... therefore, h. 1-t - — - R M�OLVBD, That the Commissioner of Public W.,ks be and is hereby ordered and directed: I TO investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. fl.2. To investigate the nature extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. V 3. To fumiBh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the Petition Of three Or more Own - 5. To report upon all Of the foregoing matters to the Commissions, of Finance. MAR E2 1a�9 Adopted by the Council..., ,, , Y.- Neve Councilman CONR Y rl"Y Max Approved M,D,1111 P.A 0 Ross. Me. Peeamn.r Mayor. A r, C ... 61 File No. y14j - LAU PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,migned hereby fw,p— the making of the following public irop—eall.t by the City of St. Paul, ei- 4qqqAs"octLn rela_yi nZ and r8peirig si4q!ve ontheeast JA, af-SnAlling Avenues -beginning 43.1"t -Orth of Carroll AYenU8,--thMo8 north- 42.feet. D..d this. day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pl,pall for the making If the following i-Prolorel-t, Yi- Reconstructing_raleying,and.repalring__sdewallF,_on_ the GASt aide o.f Sne4i�...AVMIP. b8gionin.g-�i3 feet north of CarroU . . . Avenue, UIPAC9 129rtb_112 Peet.__,,,.. h.,i.9 been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Con,ou.sin-1 If Public Work. be and is hereby .,dwYed and di—ted: I To ilveatignts the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature. -tent and eeti..ted lost of said i.pl.v.-I-t, and the total lost thereof. 1 3. To furnish , plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is eked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoinAARg matters to - the C,mmimio,,r of Fill'— 22M Adopted by the CounciL. Y.A. NAY. Councilman C... y MAY Approved McDONALD 0 PaeIs R... ................ Mo. PRE.— Mayor. Council File No. _...._ _91946 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uaderelgned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: Reconstructing relayeg__.e�d...re.Datr.�.ng...t.4.a. aldewalk.... .on the north slde,of_Tenks Stre.et,. baginpil)g at_Jessie- thence east 60...Seet. _ Dated this.. 22nd.._.day of Harsh 1982 4 n.rr.r PRELIMINARY ORDER.on e4 WHEREAS, A written proposal for tho making of the followiog improvement, vis.: .-. mm• - Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Jenks Street, beginning at Jessle .Street, thence east 60 feet. .... _........... _ ................ _.. _......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Dom' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said imp rove most, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of Said improvement. 4. To State whether or at said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners dr 5. To report upon all of the foregoing on Item W the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Conned. .... .............. ._.._____..........__ _ _......__.. _... Yeas Nere Councilman Coxnor Mer Approved__ __....... ..y,.;... l_ . . McD Penxce /J�J ROSEN Suoemxee ..._�: ........_.. ..._..... Ma. Paestoexr / -. __._._......._.__.._..__._...or...__.. Mayor. mc.unxrwo _ �., 3 'p, Council Fde N,-_ _91947 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT led PRELIMINARY ORDER The and igned hereby proposes the mekiug of the following pubbe improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and revAiriag�..Ahera necessar sidewalk an the south side of Laurel Avenues beginningyatthe___.. ._ Fairview Avenue, thano---_--- .... a eaat_48 feet......__. Dated the Mad ....day ._ of Yarchl_198E 1 F PRELIMINARY ORDER. " .. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foaowiog improvement, via.: Aecoastruc'tlag relaying and_repair .. ir.!g,...rrhe?'e Aecessary,_.the__... _ sidewalk on the south side of Laurel Avenue, beilnning_. at Falrvi ew Avenue, thence east 48 feet. ........_. ovmg been prexvted to the Council of the,City of St. Paul therefore,'be it _ ............._..._..___.__.__......_..._..__.__..... RESOLVED, That the Commisai... r of Public Works be end ie hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or drwit,baity of, the making of sold improvement. 2. To inveetiio to the nature, extent led estimated coat of acid improvement, and the total —t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. AG.y 4. To elate whether or not said improvemeat is asked for -the petition of three or more ownm 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commimioner of Fimmce. Adopted by the eennea_... _... _ MpR 221932 Yew. Ners Councilmen COxxnv MR 2 ; Mer , Approved.... McDoxevn v ...._. _ ...._... P.eaee 6 Ro.ex / /i 8nvserMee Ma. Paeetvexr "�- F.c. a (IM man � // Mayor. YSJR*-.Imo".^ 3-r� ! - 3 ov lry '.Ic^^I ewtHr Www ,RESOLUTION Fy✓+� vivia counc,, eF no. March 19th _19_12 +'l • O°`" ice:=�sieeisin ' RESOLVE-'- HACHS ELKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT S 1.1 9•� 2856 OF f. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AOUPTEU E. THE CUUNc11 MAR 221932 —PaUVED 0 E 1-1 IOTAL—FORWIRD 7 500 00 1028102 i i r .... . .... ... ... ILMEN ROL--AL-L— .1 NO ..... ALI COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS march lgtb 32 T"IT 1"1111 _-E A ... —11 33 23 .R I— ... 2" eEn IN FAVOR OF TOTAL --T F-1— 7 500500 �qq4478 68 2956 John H.moDonald,Gomer of Fin. 13837 57 2957 Charles Stewart 32 00 2e,58 (,I Inspa Smother :tor Z 25 7 25 28 Plad..." E Red i Shop 37 50 o E. J. T endi. f 2829 261 John H. moDo ald,Com4r. o Fin� 1341 5 2862 National safe Prot. -tor Co. 70 Do! Ed. b 28 o rp 11 .2 ;I.C. cDonald.Comir. of Fin, J 5 00 610 9 15 1-1 IOTAL—FORWIRD 7 500 00 1028102 i i 11IJ-11MEN—ROLL 11LL of "F1— . . . —OLLER N 0 COUNCIL RE OLUTION ....... L. �? 1-10. Maxoh 21, .)2 4^ NSAUDITED CLAIMS TOTAL HumeEx IN FAVOR OF 7 500 Q0 1028IO2 49 9� 'M • 28966 C H. Darling John H Com -r Of Fin 7 50 1910 2867 wi,,,�;MoDo nald r g. 1 and: Agent 136 il� 286e PhilA - waae 50 00 2869 Harr i a Brothers Plumbing Co. 252 85 2870 H. C. Boye on And 1 Co. 132 28 2871 2972 John Brace6 Cho n,Co. The al o0 is 4 0 287 Central ' 18 75 287Z .t Produo cCs-Co. 2972 M. Dalgi-h 1� 65 297 A. B. Dick Company 20 00 2877 Martin F Falk Paper Co. ;14 951 28 9 2M 8,56 Fax -ell Oz.vn Kirk Co. General Electric Supply Corp.� 124 11 ffl2 John Eon,'PEio� ting Co. r.m . 401 ;0 8 2992 McFadden—Lambert Co. Pos Ss 28' 299� X i .. 1 Car ldi.g Corporation Art id N.1 on 5 36 18 50 2885 Paper Call "1 11 oo* 61 87 2986 P c Pei len 11 11:1�1 a2887 63 oo 2889 R ... r., Chief Engineer ?;T;F '.1;1..tr 1 Co. 27 25 88 2989 St Paul Bottling co.Cc* 1 17 65 2890 Smith Sales System 27 93 2891 G. Sommers " Co. 30003 2892 SterlingPrinting Co. 4 40 299 2894 Ruth G. Turnquist Universal Carloading & Distr.�o 14 35 9 94 299 western AutoSupply Co. 0 2992 American Linen Supply Co. 176 g% 2897 Davis & Lager, an, Agents 1 154 56 2898 t 2 Realty Company H. KT eta 373 00 2899 H. G. McCall, Agent 59 DO 2900 HamIsIorCompany 121 00 2901 HelpsCarpet Cleaning Co. 8 CC 2 902 Tri-9tate Tel & Tel Co. 140 37 2 912 W. G. Watson 2 50 n. or Northern Stat:: Fo,.:r Co. 2791 38 2905 Hot thern Stat Po r Co. 86 30 • 2 2907 L. Li enm a nger Meet Co.35� Johns on 1, 11 srket House 47- 1 7 2908 B. A.oL.od N'OO 2909 YeBke & K.11aen 4 50 2910Tri Stat: Tel & T:legr. Co. 200 73 2911 Tri Stat Tel & Tel. Co. 184 39 2912 29 VLoD John H.o nald, ComIr. Of Fin. Dr. Scott 6500 00 97 00 29N R e;,'.; P'u-bli.hing Co. 509 40 i�N� 29N 291 L;C.Smith.&corona Typewritar,C o Star Phot Co. 67 55 8 00 1-- —1— 1-1— 7 500 00111045657 88 e.m....e r. 1-1 "Y T PAVELE G .• NO._ • I FIC O CI _ /R�� CIL O ON—LENERAL FORM PR- N v on E WHEREAS, At its seating on March 5, 1832, the Advisory Court House and Oity Hall Handing Commission awarded the con- tract for lighting fixtures to Walter G. Warren 8 Company, the lea bidder, including the following alternates, to -wit: Base of =105,000.00; Alternate No. 1, no change; Alternate No. 2, $1,000.00; Alternate No. 5, $6,000.00; making the total award of the contract $110,000; the Advisory Commission reserving the ✓j n=ee,— right to accept within 60 days Alternate No. 8 by adding $3,800 to the contract price; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council approves and cononrs in the notion of said Commission, and the Corporation Counsel to hereby Instructed to draw up a proper oontraotitberefor. Yea. coY MEN Nays / Con..ro..y —Mi D d , In favor Porrc X Rosen Again.r Sudh-- /Mr. P,—d— 6ondhi e4d Adopted by rhe Council 19 /-- Approved .:' j �� 19 Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research.d Athletic Club Building ^^^'•'P1i°•'^- w.� uun"x. C.d., 431- c.. ...._ ... March 7, 1932. Toth e City Council, City of Saint pool, Minnesota. Gentlemen At its meeting on March 5, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Hof ldi g C-1-1.. nwnrded the contr.et for lighting fixtures to Walter C. Warren & Company, the low bidder, including the follow- ing elt.roste e: Hese Hid . . . . . . $ 105,000 Alternate $1 . . . . . . . No cb— " ¢2 1,000 " $5 4.000 Total 'a' 'd'... 110,000 The Advlecry C -m A..ion ale- r rued the right to adopt within slzty days Alternate }8 by adding $3,800 to the contract price. This matter is referred to your body for its action• Very truly your., �-- `�-I secret.ry, Advisory Court House -City Hell Building Commis.ion. CPH:SH CITY -OF 5T. PAUL - COUe Ia NO.__qlffifl. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WHERBA8, At its Mating on heron 5, 1972, the Advieory Oourt Hoagie end Otty Hall Building Oommieeion awarAed the oon- treat for lighting fixtures to Walter o. Warren & Oompany, the toe bidder, including the following alternates, to -wits Bose of $105,000.001 Alternate leo. 1, no chsnget Alternate No. 2, $1,000.001 Alternate No. 5, $4,000.001 making the total awarA Of the contract 8110,0001 J+be AQtTigory commission �{re Agi4prving the right to accept within W day ^"te at ~g by 6ddi 3 600 to the contract priaet therefore, be it MOLM, That the Council approves and concurs in the action of said Oovwiaeion, and the 0orporation oamsel to hereby instructed to draw up a proper contracttherefor. COUNCILMEN Ym N.y, Conroy "W"" ... Id J In favo, N.— S.dl,6— M,. P—id— Bundlm Adop,ed by ,he C—aI..�0..VY19 3-V _ ) X&JL'.Q MAYOR o.o ...o......CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO... }� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COLNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �1 ,- Y'.��✓.+. __ RESOLVED 1"23 ' MAYOR"' ,That the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized and directed to pay the city's proportiomte share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Curt Hcuse and City Hall Building Co"lsslon as shown on Abstract C£ Claims Humber 21 of the Advisory Court House sad City Hall Build- jag Co.:x.i salon, totalling $10,000.00, the city's share of which is $5,000.00, and ell ae shown ups. the clelms submitted by said Com¢S eslon, Yeas NaY', McDonald //�� In fa�o� / R.— V Aea� se � Sudheimcs M,. Prnid Baad1m ,"22)11 Adop..d by eh. Coined 19 App .d .. 19 J�ly�r.-J-O-- MArow O .1. 91952 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of- _c=aft :.r- Z arA Dk11" an -£A9 ala, nt-_'-n _ch^_1>n-11r. Ace sarg__ for slopes, c, ani fills in the :;radin: r.11ey in Block z, !,Ilbert's uts °= roenway court from 9yn�l'-- Ave, to neurl're A—, under Preliminary Ord er_---9Q977------------ _ approved ----- �ay.__1Ei,_1931__________-___, Intermediary Ord or --------- 91422 approved__-.. Je'D 32 -1932 -------------- Final ----------Final Order--------- .---- --91644- ---- -------- approved ------ eb. g-1932 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the land.,, described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �3EcitxEtR�tC%�etadxaFFrRhab:Dhexsuakaasv�mtk�er�n'dXxMuo-i'aTry�4Si950Xe�fir't4��� bier $ltV'�xxxx%]ce�1�Xn32a11fEf�EctxR.Xn>ai3%'p'§itd§%rigffi�HU�XeFibi��j ii. Adopted by the Council ----- MAR 7: ---------lq—V ---------------, n. . City Clerk. Approved ------------------------- 19---- --- ----� _ Mayor. Councilman CenroY Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald, I d Councilman RR Councilman$a51@nd� Mayor) Bundl �x / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BrNEFITS In the matter of___ennilemnin[;-an_i tulcin„_ar: easea.=nL __r__t'.u_1nn:i_-ssar", for slo Fe=,'`il]s In ttc a tr 1 - of All c^ .r '31ocY .:, eilTert's l _r_...wap CourtM1£2'omSvnd'_cflte "l- t^ Ea:nit^.e ."' under Preliminary Order__ 90°77--____, approved_``-'- 'fir 19�]---------------- ------------ Intermediary Order ____-__:L'U�_-__--PProved 4an.__L�._---------------------------- Final Order ------------- _--- 1-144------- IPP roved-ah.___9,_1S31_---____----_ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Fine— hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner off Finer— ITV 5 A `rye;a a! 9�y53 nor r r4 OF C C CoU CI \ ER FOOM coiAMBy " WHEREAS, Louie Peterson, an employe of the Department of Education, was injured on the 18th day of June 1931, by reason of which injury he was totally disabled until July 27, 1931, and suffered a ten per cent permanent partial disability to his left leg, and WHEREAS, the said Louie Peterson has been paid for the time lost by reason of the total partial disability but is entitled to twenty weeks compensation at the same rate for the ten per cent permanent 1066 of use of his left leg, and WHEREAS, the compensation rate for said Louis Peterson Is =20.00 per week, and WHEREAS, it is now more than twenty weeks since his total disability compensation stopped and he is therefore entitled to the full amount of compensation for the permanent lose of use, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. are hereby author - o` Seed and directed to pay the said Louie Peterson the sum Of 8400.00 in payment of the permanent partial lose of use of the left leg, such sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. rva Mme Y— Nay: nd.,ad by oh, C.—,I MAR 29 'm Can roy May. 4�l4i ';ISP% Appro de , I9 M,Doaald I� fa.or � 6asrn / Agains, ` / voa S.dh—,r M,. N—d—i B..dhi cnu....°... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�.. �� NO._ 91y54 E OF CITY CLERK C I ESO' —GENERAL FORM coM,i,,15EONBv _ nnTE.. lflrck 23i 1932 RFKREAS I Bneller Inc. made application 1188 for Confectionery license at 1599 Selby Ave., and WHER AS, said applicant hoe withdrean said application for Confectionery license; therefore, be it HESOLYID, that the proper city officePs be and they are bereby authorized to _fund to said H. Hueller, Inc. the fee of $10.00 and cancel said application 1188 for Confectionary licence. y.n. co urvci �,nEry Na� Conroy May M�Doa°Id///��� Io favor i Parc . / I Rosen / Again„ ' Sodh.j,o.r M, P .... 8— Buodb< °. eiga—a�0o "`g M1 Adopmd by ,h. Council 2 ry,inlr l9 CITY OF ST. PAUL rice �c NO. OFF RK OF CITY CLE / IL ESO N—GENERAL FORM ENtscoNe, yJ7/y 1. _. n _ March 25, 1952 1011, RESOLVED That licensee for which applications have been made by persona named on the attached list be and the aeme are hereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Y�aa cou rvci�w+Ery Nay. i Conroy / May " WD—." In fa.or - Pcarcc Road / / A,—, Sudb.imar / Mr. Pea a— B—d1, Adop.ed by d" Council App --d _ March 23, 1952 9-19�A VV�� J. Big law 507 Wabash. St. Butcher A. Budiah 248 Rondo St. ° Sem Doan 426 S. Robert " A G1-- 463 State St. " Geo. Raper 1182 Arcade Jae. Jensen 525 Ohio " Paul G. Malmstron 1037 Payne Av. " Peter Mammer 1064 Haetinge Av. National Tea Co. 1197 Payne A— ° Joe. E. Schwartz 699 Randolph St. " GM. Smith 501-303 Rice St. " W. B. Setterholm 1057 E. Maryland St. " Wm. Supornick 1340 Grand Av. ° A, H. Tawe 615 Wabasha E, J. Wall, 794Grand A, " Rapp & Wittman 919 St. Clair St. " H. Anderson 1592} University A, 8rocery Yrs. H. Anderson 2052 St. Clair St. Confectionery ToAaaone 627 Jackson St. Baldinger Bakery Co. 369 Carroll Av. Bakery F. Bartho 854 University Av, Grocery Max Hellin 604 Wabash. St. ° MaierBernat 393 Western Av. " G. P. Bingham 1675 Selby Av. Mra. J. Birnberg 654 Hall A, " C. F. Bisa.a 496 S. Snelling Av. " Braonig & Sone 299 Maria Bakery Car. Breitman 807 Ohio Grocery Wm. J. Briggs 925 E. 7th St. Confectionery Fred Bunce 381 Puller Grocery Central Drug Co. 694 St. Peter St. Confectionery J. H. Coleman 595. Cleveland Av. " M-1- Comore 501 Blair St. Corby Sr... 448 Jackson Grocery C. A. Costello 1298 E. 7th St. Confectionery J. F. Courtney 1588 University J. Doroshow 91 W. Sycamore St. Grocery Sam Dann 426 S. Robert St. " Mre. Dora Frisco 561 Bradley St. Gene Grow— 2190 Como Av. Job. A. Heakmom 919 Woodbridge Wm, Hainrick 564 Bradley St. Confectionary Thomas H. Hall 059 Thomas St. Grocery Gust Han eon 1137 Payne Av. Bakery Harry Harris 1575 W. Minnehaha Fruit-begetable store A. F. Hokenson 1488 St. Clair St. Grocedy C. F. Hoppe 742 Edmund St. " A. Jmuario 469 Wabaeha St. Confectionery Japan Tea Co., 188 W. 4th St. Grocery Jae. M. Jensen 525 Ohio St. Howard Jermt-14 612 W. 7th St. Confectionery Carl A. Johnson 1103 Payne Av, Grocery Roy T. Jolmeon 919 Armstrong " A. H. Heap 171 W. Central Grocery J, M, Harter 162 Stet: St " 0. Lae, 90B Payne Av. Confectionery August T. Mareli¢a 1058E. Maryland " George C. Marsh 1099. Randolph S(rocery C. S. Ygyer 957 E. 7tb ° J, A. McGregor586 E. 7th Wonfectioeery William Menold 799 Dniver:ity Grocery J. J. Michaels 454 Selby Av. " Michaud Broa. 234 S. Snelling A- " Steven M", 844 White Bear Bakery National Baking Co. 569 Broad"ay National Tea Co. 1197 Payne Av. Grocery E. M. Neleo¢ 465 N. Soelling Confectionery F. L. Nioclin 446 Wabaehe St. Soft drink Mrs. A. E, Nyberg 1196 Arced. Confectionery Mr e. J. Y. Orth 50 S. Cretin " John Priester 1182 E. 7th St. Bakery Leo Pritzker 450 Robert St. Froit-vegetable store J. H. Reinere 2258 E. 7th St. Grocery H. W. Rietzke 380 Selby Av. Confectionery M. L. & E. E Schroeder 1981 Ashland Av. Grocery Scho eman & Mannheimer. 405 Wabash, St. Confectionery A. C, Sedine 1410 Arcade Grocery Y. R. Smith 453 S. Cleveland 1.1"B . Sokol 120 State St. " Frank Steiner 920 Randolph St. Bakery Superior Piggly-Wlgglt 2038 Marshall Av, Grocery William Supornick 1340 Grand Av. ° G. W. T ... ie 1080 Grand Av. Bakery E. A. Thor 677 Hague Av. Grocery C.J. Thomas 1941 Grand Av. Confeoti... ry Rd Till eman 800 Raymond Av. Grocery A. Trautanells 580 Robert St. " Francis Trzaanko 560 Thomas St. " O. P. Tsimiardos 217 W. 4th St. Confectionery We, Wallace 1654 Grand A, W. Walters 937 E. 5rd Math Nardi- 1142 Farrington Av. Grocery J. J. Weetgard 740 Iglehart " Mayor Wilson 1159 W. Central Av. He..is & Mary Zuckert 194 E. Indiana " YW. All 750 Grana Av. Restaurant R.. H, & Rath Bloeser 435 St. Peter St. " Chris Carfardo 147 W. 5th " J. F. Courtney 1588 University Av. Chas. Dedskle 505 Wabaslm St. ° R. P. Galvin 103 S. Wabasba St. " Chas. Hoschette 1214 H. Snelling ° A. Janusrio 469 Wabasha Carl Jesk: 403} E. 7th St. " A. M, Hnorr 419 W. Wheelock Pkwy ° Per Hochiras 16 W. 9th St. " Mr:. E. H. Hr:idler 1662 Grand Av. ° T. J. jj,,iimmenberger 1581 Grand Av. J. B. OcC.rmick 224 W. 4th St. " Julius Nickel 258 W. 7th St. " -5- F. L. Hicolin 446 Wabasbe St. Bestauraut Amn. Rost 445 Jackson " Matthew 0'R ail 690 Gniveratty Jaunts C. Paulding 1128 Payne Av. F. W. R-aley 656 Grand A- ° J. F. Redmond 489 Wabasha St. Baby E. Rust 13 E. 5th at. " Luke 3amosuk 463 Braodway Job. Sunk. 262 E. 7tb G. Sp— & Joe Gorges 494 Jackson St. ° W.. Spiel 828 E7th Louie Spellopoulos 144 E.. 4th ° Bingham & Horton 857 Grand Av. Gasoline station 2 pompe . J. Danes 2060 Randolph ° ° 4 " Economy 011 Co. 781 Hampden Av. ° 4 ' Ed Mysub 65 E. Congress 3 " R. W. King 1766 University Av. 5 Lowry Garage 4th & Wabash. St. 2 M.-Mellon 605 S. Smith " " 5 Joe But— 285 St. Laurence " ' S " W. F. Webster 856 Rastinga A, ° " 5 " Amer & Robina 108 S. Robert 5 pool table. Tony Azzone 671 Jackson Wm. J*Briggs 925 E. 7th St. 5 Maurice Connor, 501 Blair St. 3 Ewald & Kane 26 E. 7th St. 4 " J. A. McGregor 866 E. 7th 8t. 1 • " B. R. Wheeler 474 Wabaeha St. Bill Poster Bea But— 287 St. Laurence Junk dealer L. Silberberg 108 Robertsoh S. S. Silverstein 102 Roberton " S. C. Notley 374 Jackson Hotel Colonial 88 rooms Mex A. Orenstein 105-07 S. Robert tad hand auto parte B. E. Rood.11 & A. Briadenmuhl 5S7 Rice St. n n . n . o,..... NO. 91956 ,........, v. �.... OIZIF,PANL .iee OFFIY CLERK —GENERAL FORMowreMarch 23, 1932 — - RESOLVED In the matter of grading and paving the southerly part of Ei ehth 6t. from Webasha St. to Robert St., and xioth St. from 138 feet east of the center line of 'Aabasha St. to 140 feet east of the center line of Dedar St., and Cedar SSS• from Eighth St. to 104 feet south of Exchange St., and in a=ota 6t. from Eighth St. to 20 feet south of Eighth St., under Final Order C. F. BS664, approved March 31, 1931- Resolved, That the plana and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas eouNe11NaN Nay,� % Clancy / Fe,e aoo McDonald In favor RoWaad /! i Sud6eimer ! - Aeainat .. Weosal Mr. President Hndganv<+ wou.o �a r�i::�n .c Vaasa •. xa. v x Adopted by the Council MAR LJ 192 19 Approved _ _ _.— 19-- / MAYOR °"'""' 'r •^ CITY OF ST PAqL �c r NO. M57 F ICE OF CITY LERK r.oM Miss <�E s'a COUNC E50 'T'.' TIO GENERAL FORM Pa est"r ;Lerch 11aIJ32 RESOLVED T.':at the C.—cil -•—by r,pprovee the ectlon of th_ Parch-sinC 1 ^.^IS ::ee In-Rclii-ie oon`.ract for f`�Tn_ahinv 400,000-11,ns, more or lees, C,. _ ck ,h�,1t in three grade, de-i^gated as No. 1 Lizht, No. 2 1!eilum nd No, 3 Very H=-vy, required for the De,.artment £ Pctl,c "-- daring the cf 1232, 'c tF_ STANDAfiL �IL C_.. ;Ny (IPV.), th;., j the lest re- so-clS12 bi id era, at a -ice of $ .0,339 per gallon, making the total cmount of the contract approximately $25,580.00, in accord-nos 11th star.;.. rd city sp eciflc:'tl-r�, t'ce_r bid^nd ;Ward of contract '_fere-, attached, Ind the Corc.o rction Counsel is -�,. , y eut'hcri-d to 9r�•. the or ler iorn of contract therefcr. F.P. +8954. +no. 'ago°Ma:ee kei »o`r•. :a. ser and n Yeas /onr ALM E" N' Adoprcd by the C.—,l AAR 2 3 1932 19 /� ay /McDonald In favor Appro�ved%_ �I/W/Ii/1'/� 19 Roane 1AY11 Sudh eimer / Mr. Pre:ideor Bondhe ,.,_... ............'� �o����e ' CITY OF ST. PAUL „ee N0, �f O CE OF CITY CLERK V T7 COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR COWNSN REsoLvso WHER^AS, the C. sueiss...er ,f Public Works tae reported i. 1 ordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, rhe existence of an cerg, n y which rendered r. e ceseary the emp_oymer.t if certain emp:oyes �f his Department for more than eight hours rer day 'r, d�� . Sunday, b—id employment being more than usual hcure if emp l..ymer,'C, therefire, e it f2ESCI=. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emp.cyment for the extra time hereinafter set fr rth. 19fMe _�^�tr Anthony, John Utility Laborer .55 Bigelbach, Frank Utility Laborer ell 1 •55 u Burke, Wm. Sub-Boreman Cl -110n, Edward C. Truok Driver Elliott Ed Sub -Foreman .62;€ Ellsworth, Charles A. Truok Driver o�.. .r .n, . 1 .78 Hauk, Andy J. Staty. Eng 1 8 Henderson, Hugh H. Sub -Foreman _ I" �y62)}z( 8uhne, John D. Utilityman im. n..., Uaidl, Francis Truck Driver Putnam, Bred Sewer Foremen 16 Simmer, Hey Hofet.Eng.Gas. 24 .68 1.00 Steinberg, Max Uto.Lab. 2 .50 Elnok, Walter Truck Driver .�1 8abitz, Paul Truok Driver 8 Paden, Clarenoe Truok Driver g .71 Welch, Wm. Truck Driver 17 .71 Yee. eouNncrneN N,/ �__ C4nc7 Fagowo AfcDoo.Id favor Aohl.ntl. Sedk _ -� Ag.l.., .Wmu1n "Y Adopted by the C.... l_ AAR !11 109 I9 yk� , AppauTh /Y'^.. A - A An emergency has arisen in the DII'ART}dP•.NT IF P'JPLIC WCRKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain empl-y--a of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Repairing sewers and tunnels; snow removal; This emergency arose; Ly reason of the folloving facts and circumstances: Making emergenoy oalla for sewer repair- and rushing repairs on St. Peter Street Sexer; operating snow plows on snow removal. CO1dtdISSI Oi1F.R Or PIIP LIC WORKS ,.,.,,...,........ CITY OF ST. PAUL .i�. OFq1 E OF CITY CLERK OU NCI: ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y.Nreo a -� onrF Parch 24, 1932lssloaa�y_ - ResoLLvEDD In the matter of grading and paving Pleasant Ave. from St. Clair St. to Victoria St., and regrading Grace St, from Vance St. to Pleasant Ave.eet , and regrading trace St. from Pleasant Ave. to 455 f west of the center line of Pleasant Avenue, and con- structing sewer on Grace 9t• from Vance St. to Pleasant Avenue, and constructing sewer on VAuq —Bt. (produced) from Grace St. to Pleasant Ave., under Final Order C. F. 91233, approved December 17, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of ubllhaWsame are for the above named improvement, be anP hereby approved. 96' — w��e `u 4 A!a to tt nareDekrynt . ye-COUN111rn N N.Y, Claney / Fergueou MCDoneld In fi—, Rohh.d i gudheimer J. A,i— _ w. -I Adopted by the Council_ MaQ " Qi�lq App—,d, /A _ - _. 19_ 4 Mama - CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�« NO._.'%UV OFFICE OF CITY CLERK R F' C E I X F D COUNCIi-,R TION—GENERAL FORM MAO P B 1832 P„u, .-^/fllrysr� (///O,f oA, — MANOR'S bYFLCt� .�6ero math. re°on°o[ [h mml�tn . o teeb, tbl. ounW1. mem Ste+ us'. heretofore the report of the Finance and progress •° v' Committee, attached vhe—t- v.re time aad financing eohedul:.-,I— t.. e and basic data sheat., eo-c.11ed, vas adopted by this Council, and TMMAH, therein certain eetimated allocation. of food. were ,b �e�`• aa'o made far the various dlvisioas of the differ te-t- Included anaee to therein •�° in the gaited Improvmeat Connoil program, andrefer sere made, and °1°i� ei�ii C hien Sea sub-aommittae of wmREAH, the Fact Finding omni _S_ hich 1. composed of doff - said Finenoe and Progress Committee an °a v Brent experts, in acaoadanas with the Snstruatione of said last named M•°F' f_ time to time to keep the basic data sheets of committee, meets ro see made La sash divi- .aid report up to-dat. and to cote actual progr sian of seat project, and WHEBEAH, said Feat Finding Committee has reported that in the e of Divi H of PZO.: Ho.2 the sat-- erpanditures mounted to $2,382.15 more than the estimated allocation for said do ivision and n D of the said sec of Se avaLlable in the emounttatteallocated hsd dulyireaoo ended to sees p.Jeot and "aid Fact Ruling the PSaence and Progress ;.—itt.. that M aum be transferred from Division D to Division H ed indsid rec ®ndationsand pproved of -- larch 25, 1832 duly cone said transfer, +$ WW THFIiEFDHE,HE TT H.FSOLVED that said action of said Finance and Progre"e Committee be approved and concurred in and that said transfer be made paracent thereto. Yeas Co1MC�MEN Nay: �'C°. v /'I� o°.d M<DF..... I..— Sudhdm<r Adopicd by rh, Council " l F }0'+79 - APF<°vfd _ G 19 GI, M/�Ma.OR 1-1 Y OF ST. PAUL „L, 11 NO. :l�✓� FIC O CITY CLERK CO TIO GENERAL FORM corn Nee ffi9� WHEREAS, Walter Grua, a police officer of the City of Bt. Paul, was involved in an accident on the 21at day of January 1931, while driving a police car, which car collided with that pf one ownedby Walter Eel tz, and Whereas, said accident occurred in line of duty of said Walter Grua; and WHEREAS, said Walter seltz brought action against Walter Grun, which action resulted Sa a verdict agatsaid Walter Gr —in the sum of $250.00, whiWi ch, together •i th costs, amounts to $272.24, and WHEREAS, the statute provide. that the City Council may pay damage. of this kind if, In its opinion, the same should be done, and WHEREAS, the verdJot of the jury is a determination of the different chime of the parties involved in the accident, there- fore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to pay the attorneys for the Bald Walter Weitz, namely, llorphy, Bradford, Cummins & Cummins, the sum of $272,24 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, the same to be paid upon the satisfaction of judgment, approved by the Corporation Counsel. Y_Co 111rncN Nays Coo roy Rosen � A,i ax Sod hc�mcr M,. Pre.idvs, I3un6lie w sma`i wrk Ad.,cd by ,hc Cou—iko 2 6 Vin.? 19 APP,° IS �1 nyoR (Hilo of *.Vmtt oo..o....a. ce..e.� LAW DEPARTMENT '^ .e.�e..+�• March 29, 1932. Mr. George C. Budheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, public Safety Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: I There is attached the resolution requested by you, settling the claim of Walter Heitz against Walter Grun. The verdict in this case was for $250.00; coats bring it to $272.24. Assuming that you want to pay the verdict and the coats, I have drawn the resolution for the amount of $272.24. Yours very truly, EM—Y9. Assistant Corporation Counsel. Ea.F ' WIERAI— "' NO. ,190 RK FORMsorvsa,E e6arch 23, 1932 RESOLVED That the action of the Committee >n Lands on oehalf of the City o`_ St. "Paul, under and nur-want to Ordinance No. 7383, for the purchase of that real saute kntwn as Lots 12, 13, 14 and In, Block 22, Aa.^.ton & Sherburne'- Addition, from F. E. Taylor for the smn of $1,400.00, this price to include all a -se s -meat. and t—ae paid in 'all, ae a site for e play— ground, is hereby ap?roved, and the proper city officer- are hereby auth"ized and empowered to draw wanrant in amcunt subject to the above conditions, in favor of F. E. Taylor, when the proper dee:i—.1'eyis- same, a; roved by the Corcor=tion C�Unsal, h5 b=_rn uelivered to the City Cutroller. Cost of sz. it land t, ce charged to the Flaycround Hand I -sue Fund. I — C13 loll—MEN Y Mc(1""aId 1" f�.or Roses Agri n � 5"dhe�ma Mr. N—d— e""dar Adap,,d by 11,e Cou"ciypR 2 F 19 2 19 Approved / 19 City of Saim Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES omm.��'Pna�. Minrv.xr euro March 23, 1952 l REPORT TO THS 00J!1JIL 0: Tac JITY OF SAINT PA'.;L TO T -HS H]:::i-.;BLS "7JNJIL: Tne Ooma.ittee on Lends 'oeza to raoort that it has undsrto,k=_n to ,rch se that real estate known as Lo's 12, 13, 14 and lo, Block 22, Ashton & Sherburne's Adiition, as a site for a pley_round, in accordance v�ith 0. F. No. 913 L1, approved January 14, 1932, and the, salt ._roperty can be pur—sed from the owner thereof ror the sum of Fourteen Hundred ($1400.00) Dollars, ;rice :o include all taxes and assessments .,aid is fu11. Tae - mnittee rec—enda tnat the offer of the owner of said lana oe accepted and the property pure—sed on tae terms -ave s_. ar-h. 0' iA,DS y- o rk�s,/Plyzrde.& Publi Bldee. Purc ha einT Aleut City of Seim Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES Sr. P—L. Mieaum aura march 23, 193a REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has undertaken.to purchase that real estate known as Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 22, Ashton 6 Sherburne'e Addition, as a site for a playground, in accordance with 0. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, and that said property can be Purchased from the owner thereof for the eon, of Fourteen Hundred (1400.00) Dollars, price to include all taxes and assessm ante paid in full. The Committee reoommends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the terms above set forth. COl1W1�.T ANDS �Yo o .Parts,ppP ygrde.d Publ Bldge. Pero ae ng Agent City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES SY. PAII. M111. aura March 23, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OR SAINT PAUL TO THE HONO3ABLE COUNCILt The Committee on Lends begs to report that it has undertaken to purob,se that real estate know as Lots 12, 13, 16 and 16, Block 22, Ashton 6 Sherburns's Addition, as a site for a playground, in accordance with 0. F. No. 91311, approved January 16, 1939, and that said property can be purchased from the owner thereof for the sum of Fourteen Hundred ($1600.00) Dollars, price to include all taxes and assessments paid in full. The 1 m ittee reoo®ends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the terms above set forth. 00 YITT OH ND9 yor Cosr. erke,�P7 /yyg"m.a Publi ldge. l0// (X-Gv�-�/ �11I0 ee ng gen CITY OF ST PAUL NO. Vy" OFFICE OF`TY CLERK NCI RES= GENERAL FORM OP oily office be and they are hereby ResolNeot That the authorized to enter into en agreement with W1lliam Perry, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works; on the 5th day of March 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Willi am Perry, the sum of $48.00 out of the Work- men's CompensationAccount of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including March 26th, 1932. - F. ...11, 1h R e n o9��WoiluRu e. 1. urvci�Mery ed e�no 9 F {Q co Adop,cd by ,h< Com Y_ �Cunro� MT ApP,gvfd oc McD.ld � Rosen` Aga'i s, AY �S�d6eimcr Mc. I1 c idm, Uundlic C.B. 91964, 91965, 91966. RESOLVED, that checks be d- on the City Treasury, to the a,greeate amount of $229,603.70, covering checks numbered 2917 to 3077 Sncluelve, ae per checks on file 1n the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Cooncll W 2 6 19o2 Approved FSM 0 yV,)(A R uo�., Te .a �FFiec F T M Al. - DR NO. ME —eO1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ° AUDITED CLAIMS March22,932 `:�62$.clVco.F..o��Ea .4 19?: ,00PTEo .. TSE --_- _ -- �- - - TOgTAL - Nu n IN FAVOR OF - _.I' 1 IT - wx 7cr+E5c(.�s � crcces BRIUGIT FORWARD 0 101,5697 gg--- 2917 Ernest Boerner II 7o 4o1 2918 Aron Tankenoff and Dora Taukenoff 626 Do 2919 John H. McDonald, Comr. Of Fyn 136 24 2920 Airport & Airlines 3 OO 2921 Acme Sun nly Co. 14 I- 2922 The Ahrens Fox Fire Eng. Co. 25 41 2923 American divie Assn. 10 no 2924 American Library Assn. a'i 3 50 2925 Amerioan Linen Supply Co. ! 73 87 2926 Amerioan Linen Supply Co. 25 51 2927 Amerioan 90 o. Of Meoh, Eng. 'y 2 OO 2928 0. A. Ashton 'I; 40 52� 2929 Atlas Gas and 011 Co. 253 09 2930 Automatic 011 Heat Co. 17 7511, 2931 Bakers Supply & Equip Co. 2 95 2932 Beebe Laboratories. Inc. 0 2933 3 01 4 Blooh Publishing Co. !'I 13 701 2935 Brown & Bigelow 75 DO' 2936 The Buokie Printerel Roller Co 5 70' 2937 Buffalo 11 sr 0o. 1',� 28 33 2938 Burnitol Mfg. Co.5 8o 29j9 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. ' 4 50 2940 Capitol Laundry Co. 28 51 2941 0oohran 8argent Co. 53 91 2942 Dommonwaeltb Electric Co. 115L 2943 CO—Operative Laundry Co. it 22 43; 29411 Ditto Inc. 14 37 29 John Doeren Cigar Co. Ina„ 3 5 2946 Economic Publications Ino.00 2947 Factory service 1 38 2948 Farwell Osmun Kirk & Co.185 52 2949 General Electric Supply 0orp4 15 31� 2950 " " ' 122 19, 2951 General Radio Co. it 85 00 2952 Generator specialty Co. 61.05 295j Gregg Publishing Co. 6 DOi 2954 Griswold Safety Signal Co. 269 SOI 2955 S. Oumypert Co. Ino.. 21 001, 2956 Job A, McDonald 245 4o 2957 John H.MODonald 1360 75 • 2958 John H. McDonald 10131 04, 2959 John H. McDonald 40807 52'i 2960 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 450 801 2961 J. Gaetke 610 50 3 70 2962 A, 0, Horn Co. 296} J.F,Kain.Cashler Water Dept, 212 07i 2964 H. W. Kingston Go. 29 25 2965 W. W. Koenke 5 40 2966 Northern states Power Co. 4324 63�, 2967 Mao. Arlatto 9hipmen 78 05, 2968 George Turnqulst V 30 11 2969 Mre. Minnie Wo11" 30 00� -ET T,DTAc FDRwARD 1 7 500 00j1105946 hill mol i, 1' 11 i yV,)(A R uo�., Te .a �FFiec F T M Al. - DR NO. ME —eO1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ° AUDITED CLAIMS March22,932 `:�62$.clVco.F..o��Ea .4 19?: ,00PTEo .. TSE --_- _ -- �- - - TOgTAL - Nu n IN FAVOR OF - _.I' 1 IT - wx 7cr+E5c(.�s � crcces BRIUGIT FORWARD 0 101,5697 gg--- 2917 Ernest Boerner II 7o 4o1 2918 Aron Tankenoff and Dora Taukenoff 626 Do 2919 John H. McDonald, Comr. Of Fyn 136 24 2920 Airport & Airlines 3 OO 2921 Acme Sun nly Co. 14 I- 2922 The Ahrens Fox Fire Eng. Co. 25 41 2923 American divie Assn. 10 no 2924 American Library Assn. a'i 3 50 2925 Amerioan Linen Supply Co. ! 73 87 2926 Amerioan Linen Supply Co. 25 51 2927 Amerioan 90 o. Of Meoh, Eng. 'y 2 OO 2928 0. A. Ashton 'I; 40 52� 2929 Atlas Gas and 011 Co. 253 09 2930 Automatic 011 Heat Co. 17 7511, 2931 Bakers Supply & Equip Co. 2 95 2932 Beebe Laboratories. Inc. 0 2933 3 01 4 Blooh Publishing Co. !'I 13 701 2935 Brown & Bigelow 75 DO' 2936 The Buokie Printerel Roller Co 5 70' 2937 Buffalo 11 sr 0o. 1',� 28 33 2938 Burnitol Mfg. Co.5 8o 29j9 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. ' 4 50 2940 Capitol Laundry Co. 28 51 2941 0oohran 8argent Co. 53 91 2942 Dommonwaeltb Electric Co. 115L 2943 CO—Operative Laundry Co. it 22 43; 29411 Ditto Inc. 14 37 29 John Doeren Cigar Co. Ina„ 3 5 2946 Economic Publications Ino.00 2947 Factory service 1 38 2948 Farwell Osmun Kirk & Co.185 52 2949 General Electric Supply 0orp4 15 31� 2950 " " ' 122 19, 2951 General Radio Co. it 85 00 2952 Generator specialty Co. 61.05 295j Gregg Publishing Co. 6 DOi 2954 Griswold Safety Signal Co. 269 SOI 2955 S. Oumypert Co. Ino.. 21 001, 2956 Job A, McDonald 245 4o 2957 John H.MODonald 1360 75 • 2958 John H. McDonald 10131 04, 2959 John H. McDonald 40807 52'i 2960 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 450 801 2961 J. Gaetke 610 50 3 70 2962 A, 0, Horn Co. 296} J.F,Kain.Cashler Water Dept, 212 07i 2964 H. W. Kingston Go. 29 25 2965 W. W. Koenke 5 40 2966 Northern states Power Co. 4324 63�, 2967 Mao. Arlatto 9hipmen 78 05, 2968 George Turnqulst V 30 11 2969 Mre. Minnie Wo11" 30 00� -ET T,DTAc FDRwARD 1 7 500 00j1105946 0 THE,n...ao.EER Fisc No Mtn- Jiv r,vo UCOUNGIL RESOLUTION r ALDITF,D CLAIMS Me11 h -24, „32 62 76� ° Y E TOT IN FAVOR OF numeEn crecrcs I� creeks �T kl — - aROOO�oRWARO J � 05 0 0 'illi 11o59u6 6z'll _ _NI _ 2970 Erickson Construction Co. Inc., 1 20 0 IIS 2971 Mre. C. C. Robinson j 32 0 2972 Dav Rashefkin 297) W.B.Craighead 25 2974 Specialty Printing Co. E7 8 2973 O&Pitol 3taty. & Mfg. CD. I,� 2970 Farwell Omun Kirk & Co. 273 8 2977 Price Electric Co. 30 1 2978 Sanitary Food Mfh. Co. 1 4� 2979 G. Som. ere & Co. j 112 6 2980 Victory Printing Co. 109 2 2981 Vlllaume Box & Lumber Co. 33 3 2982 Western Oil And Fuel Co, 710 6 2983 John H. MoDonald, Co,'r. Of Fie. 20 0 2984 Elea M. Obst, Tress. Rsm.Co. 103 9 2985 J. J. Fitzgerald, Reg. Of Deeds 4 2 2966 Helen D. Hartzell 809 7, 2987 A. J. 11oGinnls10 2988 Donovan 2989 Ellerbe &o Cot And tHolabird & Root 10000 ion Co. 300 0 2990 Mary L. DeRoo &Mamba Magnuecd 10 0 2991 George J. Flynn 9 3 2992 Mre. H. J. Flynn 17 2993 Mr a. H. F. LOClel lan 10 00 2994 Horthwestern Bell Telephone Co 48 2 2995 Mrs. Anna Schneider l7 2 2996 John H. McDonald, Cc m 'r. Of ';n 112138 33 2997 John H. MoOonald, coma. of Fn. 12736 4 2998 Board cf Tater Commissioners532 76 y 2999 616 77 ',i 3000 95 06 3001 z 62 . 4 44 30032 " 185 03 II 3004 A."J. Conroy, Com-r."Of Pub.D41 1245 62 ;005 " " " 66 6e !! 3006 Jahn H.Mc Donald, C.P.R.F." 1232.79 'I 307 Clyde R. May, Com'r. Of P.P.&FIB 5273.28 3008 Milton Rosen, Com'r. Of Pub�WY 1465 90 200 31 3009 7 3 3010 244 30111402 90 3012 2536 12 301 „ , 4 45 11 3 2 77 66 301 4 63 301 " 1774 71 5 3016 1064 z I' 3017 4232 95566 3018 " „ " „ 264 52 3019 " 3020 Geo.C.SudheimeT, Com'r Of P.S. 4000 3021 " " " " " 3022 Charles E. Muliken 10 00, I� SHEETTOTAE—FORWARD 31,833 93 243944 55 IHEIT 10111 `-- , 31,833 93 i1250327 qv)66 No COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS "—h 26th, 32' 6 3 20 TO -1 - =uneen IN FAVOR OF --T 1-1— 8 0 9 9 98 • 3024 W. J. Callahan Co. 302 302 Griggs Cooper And Hancock Nelson UI-oactil- Co'. 84 181 30R A. P. Her schler Factory 39 47 3027 go Fadden Lambert Co, f 189 62 3028 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. Lumber S. Berglund Lber Co. 73 gO':; 257 3030 H.rtl Coal Co 951 7� Iii 3031 Victory Printing Co. 219 00 3032 Hertl Coal Co. �06 98 45 3034 John R 9 Donald,Comir. Of Fin. oo 303 John D. Anderson 43 28 3032 Braunig And gone Baking Co. ?0 �q 303 Brown & Day, I no., , 5 3037 Central Soap Co. 12 13 3039 Cons—r. Milk Co. 128 50 29 3039 S. C. CouI,sbe Co. 5 Doi 3040 3o41 Dainty Products Co Leonard Frank Co. 7 z 5 3042 H B Fuller Co. B. 5 9Z 3gN Y. Gedney Co. t 5 74 150 50� 3 G her Reiland ire CO. Inc. Gerber Goodrich Silvertown Inc. 19 11 304J 30 Snake King 45 00 3047 F. C Leslie 11 -Ir Co. 20 37 3048 Lone;—wiles Biscuit Co.4 5 1! 3049 B. J. McGlynn J 30 GO I 3050 . M coillan Co. Inc. 38 70 3051 Mayes In 408 0 8 3052 Mi.b.d B;... Inc., 19 44 3054 midwayoCre=erYCo- Ss 24 305 3055 Minneata MilkCo. New California Fruit Co. 141 75 6 15 DO 3056 3057 Harry C. Nouns.s.0her30 St -P-1 BOttli ag DO- 100 75 Ill 3058 San,tary Ferns Dairies, Inc. 218 31 3059 J.S. S"alt-ev & So 62 Go 3060 Tri State Tel & Tsleg. Co. 87 11 3061 3062 Velvet Mfg. Co. Westlund Meat Co. 1 71 1 3063 Toerg Milk Co* 127 6 a5 28 28 O 3064 306� Delia Brown Mrn.�IiMs`ry Eily Tl-ty 27 00 11 31G6 Dennie 45 20 3067 job. L.nnon0 00 400o2 3068 3069 Anna Wagner Peltsoh Mrs. Hannah Paterson 4 g 3070 Elfr ida Soderberg 28 80 1 3071 Louie Gus r I a So Do 3072 Alb. Asohenbrenner 106 50 3M Glen Leahy 57 00 3074 A Rung 307 S;. Paul Carriage 'Yorke g 219 75' 3072 T,, State Tel & T, legr. Co. 365O 9 3077 Louis Peterson 4050 002 1,1 IHEIT 10111 `-- , 31,833 93 i1250327 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ("1 Q5rFq5,8F CITY CLERK VENERAL FORM BY E March 2 y 1932 4hat the Council hereby approves 'he action of the Fuch,a"7 Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing Radio Telephone Equipment with Transmitter and Antenna System, especially designed for the transmission of speech, for use by the St. Paul P)lice Department, to the ELEC-TRO-FONE CORPC- RATIJN, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a total contract price of $6,4',0.00, in accordance with City specifl- cations, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, said contractors to furnish proper contract surety bond end a surety bond to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, properly pro - tactic, the City from any claim for damages from suit for patent infringement, and the Corporr. tion Counsel Is hereby Instructed to draw up the proper form of contrast t'nerefor. F.B. ##740. Y—/n ciIrnEry roy Na�C Id[s fevo. Pearce R.— Agan¢ Sudhcimer �Me. Prnideol Bundlie Adopred by he Couned MAR. Q P "_I� 2 fi i982 Approved Ig MAYOR � "U" -11 NO. 91968 ... 1"" OF ST. PAUL- --. • DpF E OF CITY CLERK ♦r // UNCIk ..LUTION—GENERAL FORM Yflreh22, 1932 COMM..TaIONEe - -- _—--- - RESOLVED ren sa.a—r ac in the matter of widening and paving the roadway on Cleveland Avenue from the center line of St. p�•t,+a Clair Street to a point 220 feet south, and relocation of ,w�ura4°a street railway Wye. Resolved, That plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner a�ins. of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, That the St. Paul City Railway Company be requested to relocate and pave its tracks to conform with said plans, and that the Commissioner of Public Works be hereby authorized and directed to carry out the remainder of said improvement by force account at an estimated cost of $1010.00, to be charged to the fund known as City Share of Local Improvements, Code 31E1. �K�iaLe.[w sr o«v*Y m COUNCILMEN Adopt,dbync� Council-W-281lW 19- Y�ae Nay. / GhacFg— ft . /+- l9_ M.D..ad _ h favor — Rchhd- 9udh6mo _-1_. Aeainsr F� l a / waoseh+. Mr. P—id— COUNCIL FILE NO. ease.' . e.�..., acBy r.....„n FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofinstalling -_orna_ bul .Lights on Fourth .Streat..frnm_-. St...Poter Stre-- to. Sihle-y.-Strsat, ezce;t on the north -side_ -between Minnesota and .Robert- Streets,_ andon the south nide. between_5t..Reter. and:Nahasha. Street.'- under Preliminary Order _. 91574 approved Ssnuary 29, 1932___.__ Intermediary Order --___--_ - approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _instalLornannntal_ l iihhta_on.Fnurth_S.traet Jackavn from-.5t.--Peter..Street. to---Straetr_-1-.,t-- the_nor-th--side--bsta�een Minnesotti._and ..Robert _ 5troet3_,_ ,nd_on_tlie-_soot l_ sifle._betw.e_en.St. Peter end._d basha__Stneatar and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR. -2_Q IM -_. , 192 __11 City Clerk. Approved __._. __ Q J.. .192 _ � Mayor. ou Cnnccil Couilman Mc Donald Councilman /S,udl,vimet / Conn ilmanW50.7,1k y Mayor ddndge>m Bundl is Form B. S. A. 8-7 0 EM;Qll �# V FINANCE 'REPORT OF ON PRE IMI COMM ISARL OER ORDER OF FINANCE (A) . 1. them -11 i,ht, --t A1oy --t, --pt — t� i'lo ,.do, P,,Ii.i..,y Order approved •T-,� 19.52 To the Council of th,, City of St. Paul: Th, Commissioner f Finance hereby ,,porta as follows: The:—] --h ---- t h� fh —— b— i.p--t i, - - - _-— s L�C�, :::--d The s,. d—tp,/ff"tb,,,h—b—m ....... is - - - - - - - $ Th, lot.., parcels ed —1—i.. of —1, lot or parcel as 1— reported by the A--,, arc as Wit- 1ESCRI—IN L.T 111-01 f YASIESSED —111IN 7 A rd C17' , G01 IC 2:0,000 1't of 7 19 1S0"00 -0, cc 0 9 —it 10 11 0 110, X00 11L, 000 do South loi ft 11 19 do I :0,000 1A.000 110 ft 110 1 c. lofs 9 —d 30 17 'It, 311,5110 slo'cot, ea nR rntEf� Firs REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - Privata Alley, .,hr the ednt2,erly 110 ft of the Ely 14.5 ft of the Cit: Pf :;� t Yuu , ;upital - ,Ry 124.5 1't of, 8, 9 end also the Nly 10 ft 0C the Sly 10 17 of tLnne:;atd 20,000 ILC ft of the Ylly 164.E ft of snid lots i', and 10 17 Eastt of the South 100 it of _ Except that pert Of tha My 8 ft 10 17 ) do ) 430,000 275,000 lyino Nly of Sly 100 ft) 11 17 ) (Exc. East 9 ft for u11ey) 12 17 ) - (1,,.1 --,St, eu cept W. ,l�3xaC or 9 ft f ell ay) Sly lots 13 and 14 17 do 75,000 25,000 1 23 do 100,000 90,000 - - N. 125 ft of E of 4 23 do 28,000 6,000 N. 68.91 ft of 6 23 ) anu ... 06.88 ft of -.Y ? of 4 23 ) do 62,000 25,250 N. 65 ft of lots 6, 7 and 8 23 do 100,000 250,000 Nly 5/6 oC 10!-.s 1 and 2 24 do 139,.500 93,000 3 24 do 64,500 17,000 (exo. Allay) lot 4 and i of 5 24 do 95,000 22,500 (Exo. Alloy) Yi a of 5 24 ) do 6 24) do 113,500 610,000 do lily 1/3 0" lots 1 and 2 25 do 112,000 36',00 So. 20 tt of 11. 70 ft of E 1 - of N. " ft of 3 26 do 31,000 5,500 S( L of I;. 50 ft Of 3 25 do 21,000 2„000 4 25 do 56,000 400 5 25 do 70,000 30,000 6 25 do 124,000 195,000. •inclti,i os othor (Exe. 3rd Si.) Property That Part lyinf; Ely of a 11na pdrallei With the pro...- 'Wly ' line of .Indk son Ct. nna dls�ent 50.14ft.tiic rafrom,oliein;; lat 1, U1.26 - and part 0f lots 2, 13 and 14 28 City 0i Saint: Yadl, Cddital Of kin. -c ;o to 85,000 30,000 x,4,879,750 '6,340,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has m—ligated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as his report there.. to the Council, together with the report made to him i, reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /W.,ke.// / D—d� �a 193 iC...mio�n'M .Finance. DEPAfjTM 4,FPF INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 1'het .art of L _o of :: !'-l' ., ti tal 41,_50 21,000 mo�.- L•�L ,' _ of Min:.a co to ent lily line .1 Jao✓aon .... —d A.14A.14 f' t_.r__r.". 3 26 do 750 19,7aU (uz ily 7 ft of tho ,. _. 't) tl'o of 5 _� a. �50 1n,"Do 'co it 6 d and u .G do ,750 1, d50 a. be I . 1 loo n. o_ �...s . _. _o lcl,:)oo _ ,noo (;;mac. All^)) to c 1 and '�'/ 100, 00o 71,000 do 3 i2 ,,00 , 11 ,'AGO do 4 L'I 42_00 G0, G00 :1. 130 it of 2'! do 41,:00 19,000 lot o, all of fi 1'/ do 110,Goo 67, 5�:0 ..) 7 27 r and Th; .) P 11 (:.x.. Third St.) lot-, .1111 .1' 10 17 do ':Rv o a lisp nt richt to�! 'third St. : I pint then... 11 ft. E'1, Irom tho S:11 o. ..a`d lot to . 744.475 Coat .^ L..c "D' Fm^i.or'c Stl �5 D�.ne�a 20arrma-� orr .,ont*. '.t. ;a•-7, 1".1111. 70.^° ft 15 2 "A" ) "c,.. Lot x,4,879,750 '6,340,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has m—ligated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as his report there.. to the Council, together with the report made to him i, reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /W.,ke.// / D—d� �a 193 iC...mio�n'M .Finance. 913`3 St. Paul, Minn, Hovesaber, 2Q,-..19231 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: is•.bl. l'.�I.t HewAtype. of _ornnmente,l lights_ on Fourth Street St. Ave. from . St.. Peter. _... _._. __._St. Axm to ..Hobert. St. hsa NAME I LOT I BLOCK ADD -DN I �✓/, NE%, SES 6-rze-R2z r iditg of Oaint Paul DeUsrtmevt o[ jfnblie atflfife• v��"„ Ro•�,�o .�"Ma"� December 28th, 1931. Mr.William N. Carey, Chief Engineer Den a tment of Public "Yprlta Court House St. Paul. Minnesota Lear Sir. I em enclosing herewith a petition re- questing that the orescut five light ornamental standards on Fourth Street from St. Peter Street to Robert Street he replaced with the new two liaht standards. Kindly have e preliminary order introduced for these lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter to Robert with the exception of the north side of FourtF from Minnesota to Robert, which nosts have already been replaced. Very truly yours, Anoroved by. SUPERINTENDENT OF LIGHTING. S ORToP SPUNTTDA PUBLIC UTI TIES. P®S ea�owar more o.m rortm.�n TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) February 3, 1932. Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sii: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the installing of ornamental lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter Street to Sibley Street, except on the north side between Minnesota and Robert Streets, and on the south side between St. Peter and Wabasha Streets, under Preliminary Order, C.F. 91574, approved January 29th, 1932. Estimated Cost $14,400,00 Cost per front foot 4,35 Frontage 3,317.0 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. CARRY, Appro d or ansmlasion Chief Engineer. to !mi aioner of Finance. LION ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works, January 7, 1932. Yr. R. C. btrelchp Supt.p Bureau of Lightings Dept. of Public Utilitieso City of St. Paul. Dear 51rt In tl,e mutter of reconstructing ornamental lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter Street 'o Robert Streets except on north side between :Minnesota Street and Robert Street, by installing new light standards in 11aee of existing ones. under Preliminay Order C. F. 91323, adproved December 3Jp 19,31, will /ou kindly give us the preliminry estlme to of cost to cover this proposed improvement. Yours vary trulyp 146A. N. CARO, C ief tmgineer. J Office of the Commissioner of Public WW rkNAaCt Report to Commissioner of Finance 4( a February 5, 1932 193 To the Commiaeiover of Mr.— of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Public Work,, hoeing had under con, id era tion the preliminary order of the Council, known . Council File No.91574 approved Jan. 29, 1932 .193. ,relative to orueloental lights on Fourth Street from St. peter street to Sibley Street, except on the north side between Minnesota and Robert Street, and on the south side between St. Peter and Wabasha. and having inve,tigated the voatwo, end thing, referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie no awry and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $4.35 2. The e,timated cost thereof is $ 14,400.00 nod the total coat thereof i, f. _. Frontage 3,317.0 ft. sad the nature and extent of acid improvement is m fallow,: _....._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvrmcnt i, hereto attached end made apart hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is eked for upon petition. three or more owoAra of property, subject to „ee,sment for ,aid improvement. _.. 1/ .....1..-. r ..... Com ,sines, f PubGv Works. v� GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY �'^uL St. Paul, Minnesota March 25,1932 Mr. M.J. Gibbons City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: There is enclosed herewith petition of remonstrance of the Great Northern Railway Company in the matter of installing new ornamental lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter to Sibley Street, hearing on which will be held Tuesday, March 29. The Great Northern Railway Company objects to this Improvement as being unnecessary at this time, the present ornamental lights on the street being in good condition. Per�.-Yyo-8 N � • RSnd & Tax Commissioner D To The Honorable Mayor and Council . of the City of St. Paul: PETITION OF R-EIAONSTRANCE In the matter of installing ornamental lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter to Sibley Streets, except on the North aide between_Minneeota and Robert Streets, and on the Sputh aide between St. Peter and Nabasha Streets. State of Minnesota ) County of Ramsey (SS Gity of St. Paul ) James T. Maher, Right of J)ay, Land & Tax Commissioner, Great Northern Railway Company, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is authorised to present for and on behalf of said Company this Petition of Remonstrance; That the Great Northern Railway Company is the owner of part of Blest 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 32, and part of Drake's Rearrangement "A", which property is liable for the assessment for the above named improvement; That there is now a good and sufficient system of ornamental lights on Fourth Street between Sibley and St. Peter Streets; and that said lights now adequately serve all abutting property; That since the property is now served by ornamental llgh'.s, the coat of a new system will greatly exceed the benefits; and that said new lights are wholly unnecessary and unwarranted at this time. Wherefore, Petitioner prays that all proceedings with reference to this improvement be discontinued. �o Subsor ed and s or o ay,Land & Tax omm asioner beY e e thisJ"1 of Great Northern Railway Company Ma oh 1932 To The Honorable Mayor And Council Of The City Of St. Paul: SIIPPLEtENTAL PETITION OF P.EMONSTRANCE In the matter of installing ornamental lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter to Sibley Streets, except on the North side between Minnesota and Robert Streets, and an the South side between St. Peter and Nabasha Streets. Stateof Minnesota i County of Ramsey (SS City of St. Paul ) James T. Maher, Right of Way, Land & Tax Commissioner, Great Northern Railway Company, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is authorized to present for and on behalf of said Company this Supplemental Petition of Remonstrance: That preliminary order provides for the installation of ornamental lights; that ornamental lights are already installed, and that additional installation is wholly unnecessary; That said preliminary order does not provide for removal or replacing of the present ornamental lighting system. Wherefore, Petitioner prays that all proceedinge with reference to this improvement be discontinued. 01 /�G��2�ZGW of �" o sy, Lan ax omm asloner Great Northern Railway Company Subscrt,bjA and sworn t efore me this day of Mar 1932. e.n.A 91970 n ^ eltie o nnk e - 11 �, °. .°. COUNCIL FILE NO. _ m By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofennstructinr,_y._.si:learalk.. on the eastside nf__Granthant street_from Hendon Street to Hufford A —ue, except _w"rioregood and sl,ffi- dent sidewalks now -,Let,._.. under Preliminary Order 21834...__. _.__.approved February 6, 1932 _ Intermediary Order ___...._ _____.. __.—approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommem atiens relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to byroads by the said City is .._Construct- s_.sida-2-k_— tha--Ea3t_aida_ 4f Grant!—SL e t_iE t Head 1itr—t -t-b1 f.rd_AL anllE.e_—CE_pt_Wh£S.@-S44ii and. sufSieie,t—dE..ika_nOri..£XY4t_r.___.____._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit eame to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of ,aid improvement in accordance therewith. q2 Adopted by the Council 192 ' City Clerk. } Approved , 192 Mayor. Councilman ce"ae,le"° councilman Couneilman Sudbeimcr I Counramn Yb � Mayorx Bundlie i Form B. S. A. e-7 ~_~=��NCE ns�mror FINANCE ^1v« - ""~"�'~''~^'---R .v -d,*^-_~Old�'~~~~ .'.° ^`= T,.^~~-^tb'~,^St"°` *~~~^^*~°^^^�~' ^..~~~~^.^.^~,'.~,~~�_ �.^.~~~^^.^d^..-,^... -d^~__j,.~,�'~~ ~~,. ��:� ~,~ ,~~ ~~� ~,~. 21° = °~ `h, C�,-1_.^Fi,,.~_°h., �11^th, �id=~, I ...^ ~b.".h� ~���^.. °�o~�~"^~~^�~~ ~~~~~- ^�~^~'~°~^'''*�°~-^—°`^li�"~T *��^ °^� ~/^ - �f~^~~ x Office of the Commissioner of Public W0A&0F FINANCI Report to Commissioner of Finance 'B 19 1932 February 16, 1932 193 To the Cmnmissiuner of F,o,,,, of We City of St. Paul: The C—,.i.o— of Nldw W.,kii, h—iog hod under —id—ti— the preliminary order of th, C.—J, k.... esC —d F& N.. 91634 Pp --I Feb. 6, 1932 193 1 "I'ti— to constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Grantham Street fr6m Hendon Street to Buford Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. and hii,oig investigated the mutters and things ,f,—d to th ... it 1—,by 1. Said improvement m o --y ..d (,,) d -i -M, CtS.per square foot. 2. The �titootd coat th—.f i. S. , -d the total coat thereof i, $ ..d the -0— and extent of ..id improvement i. . follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said io,p,--it i, hereto attached -d -6 , part hero.(. 4. 5, Said improvement o, asked f., p,n potition of three, more "t of property, „bj,,t to --t f,, said i,p .... oo,t. ” z ��� Commimi—, of Public Works. 91971 COUNCIL FILE NO. a c°�e .p m.ma eIl s�cena.. . °°iuv. unr.m. ra om B5 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing curhl— on.. Scheffer Avenue, south side,. from..Cr-etin Avenue to tiount Cnrve..Boulevard, under Preliminary Order .91387 _ _._ _ approved January 9, 1932 _ Intermediary Order _. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _approved _ _ .. _ _....._ ___._........_ Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___-QmLruct. curbing. ^ts SGheffQr_AYol Us,--_-- south-side,--from--Gra-tin-A anus--to-Mount.-Curve..Boulevard,-.----- and the Council hereby orders said improvement ta be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of P,hlic Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 9 ��------ Adopted by the Council _... 192 ✓i i - fir . City Clcr Clerk. Approved -.?^.14192__ C/ l0� ,, ✓ _ y - - Mayor. C-� councilman 8AY@aff. y I�e.aia / PLl — f � cpnneilman � Mayor Hs2pamBundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT OR FINANCE Illy REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) A ..d, Preliminary Order approved „,, , 1`., To the C-61 of,h, Gly of St. Pool: Th, Commissioner of Fm-, hereby reports es k,11-1: The total estimated a of L--�L h: 1assessment ,,,h,,b... abovei ..mneme 1 u 0. "1"hc lots or parcels of -d that may be assessed b_,fil, f.,_, improvement, and the assessed -1-6- of each 1-t 01 reportedpa reel as Iasi by the A-,,.,, art an follows: oescaianoN LIT AD11TIll AISEIIED I . ATIII;,,_ do 450 4601 4 d,sol 47- 7 4,11 d. 4' 10 d. V, "o, 11", 600 .�19,050 The C..,mill of Fm- further report. that he has m6p,d all of the -f.11i.ld ..tl and h ... b), .b.;:s h, foregoing as his report- PlIt h,,ro the C-61, together with he .& t- hi- in reference t. said matter by the Commissioner of P -,,i, 193 � f F . A. vi . St. Paul, Minn. /. -- I.— 1@3� To Tl+e Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gendemen: Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curb. South side of Scheffe, Ave. St. Ave. from. _.. C,etinSt. Ave. to Mt..Curve. Ave._ - St. Ave. 382 S. YX 5.E %a .SEc. B- 72B -T 29, I I L - oAYA<�o �� I Z J, �I f fL EANa2 � 2 - JT u V A THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (net.) February 15, 1932 Bon. Milton " Commissioner Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on the south side of Schaffer Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminary Urder C. F. 91387, approved January 9, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $386.93 Cost per front foot - - - .69 Inspection - - - - - - - 7.59 Engineering - - - - - - - 38.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 561 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. CAB Chief ROE neer. Appr C for trap mission to sip er of Finance TON BOSEN Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public W, MAW Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 19 1932 February 16, 1932 193 To the Commissioner of Finaoee of the City of St. Paul: The Commisei..er of Public Work., having had .oder .onsid... tio. the preliminary order of tho Cou.cll, known o Couneil File NI. 91387 apprnvad January 9, 1932 193.. relntivo to the construction of curbing on the south side of Schaffer Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard. and having investigated the matters and thinp referred w the -i., hereby report.; 1. Said improvement is .....eery .nd (or) desirable. 388.93 Cost per front foot 69¢ es 2. The estimated -t thereof i. f. ,and the total coat thereof is E BagSneering $38.00 F'rontaRRa 561 feet. and the nature and extent of said improvem.nt is m Tollowa: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 9. 5. Said improvement ie... .asked for upon petition of three or more o If propwty, .ubjact to eseemmont for said improveme.t. / Commimio.er of Public Works. 919'72 COUNCIL FILE NO. By _. In the Matter of_. grading. and.paving.Charl.es. Street from Vandalis,Street to the..xest.. line of Cle—landAv—e vacated, _ i vs— { ° S.s.. zoeiz raeuo aueoa stoma e'en .m u,..ao.. �counag°oeiV wo. a'v°. m'..e .�e°0n: 91, under Preliminary Order fl0012 ___. __..__approved October 28-. 11--- Intermediary p - Intermediary Order. - _approved -_. ------- _ -- __ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it a —,/"— — X,� —4— y Zt-r- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that khe p,esion natamr-tent prove nt to be made by the id City is gr e. and_.save- -Qh laa_,atr€e�SS.9N_. Y—dalia_Streat_ to. -the. st.11ne_o1_ vslanrl-Aua— 1. ate.d,\-_.__._-_e_ be and the wme ere betuby emeel ed, and rescmaeY a1. Mbededbip 7i-iad mStYer be dsxn ceel:-.-_. d the Council hereby o er d improvement ESo, ED FURTHE ,That the Commissioner direr to prepare plana end ificatione for a city to b made. o blic Works be and is said impro mens, and submit officials ar ereby authorized hereby ins ted and same to the Coc it for and directed to approva that upon said approval; proper ,red with making of said n rn orrorJance there . ppimW�prove Adopted by the Council i 6zt7'E'lerlr Approved _ -._�-J , 192 Mayor. Councilman Fgrglwoa. '1rUnvald ''!ny PL1iLaH1:1) l _ i�_3a. Councilman M' Councilman lRozce U S. Councilman Sadhimer .h Councilman Mayor Bwi¢,zm, B—dlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 0,� COMPANY Ootober 24, 1931 Milton Room, Co=issloner, Department of Publin ;-orks, St.Paol Minn. Door Sir: Yoe are inolosing herewith our petition for grading and paving of Charles Street fron Vandalia Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, whish we would appreoiste having your prompt attention In order that this work may be done in the early Spring, as there are a number of Industries on wr property that are being served over this roadway and with the improvement believe It will result in securing additional industries. Yours truly, CENTRAL WAREHOTBE COMPANY, —Z A -, J.P.Fouli.g/H THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) February 3, 1932. Ron. Hilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of Charles Street from Vandalia Street to the west line of Cleveland Avenue vacated, under Preliminary Order C.F. 90812, approved October 29th, 1931. Length 403 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 850 ft. Street SO ft. Paving 7" Rein, encret Total Sq. yds. 2.42 Property Share $1,880.00 T o t a l 1,860.00 (a) Front Foot 2.19 Note: This estimate includes $170.00 for engineering. Yours truly, WH. N. CARRY, Chief Engineer. Approv for ransmission to t oaer of Finance. R06ffiP, Commissioner of Public Works. I . Office of the Commissioner of Public WWAVINANCE ea 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 8 IM February 5, 1932 10 T, the U.—imi-, of Finance of the City of St. P -L The C.—,i,i,,— of Nbfi, Works, having had node, 1111id ... ti,. the preliminary order of the C-,�61, k— . C-n,fl Fib, Na. 90812 approved October 29, 1931193 . relntive to the grading and paving of Charles Street from Vandalia Street to the west line of Cleveland Avenue vacated. ,.d having investigated the —tb,, and tl..p referred t, therein, hero by 1. Said improvmnent i. -,—y ..d (.,) desirable. See attached) 2. Th, -im—d cost thereof i, S estimate , ..d the total —t th—d i. 8 end the ..t., ..d extent of said i.p,.—.,.t is as follows: 3. A pl.., profile or sketch of Haid improvement m hereto vtt.6,d and made a part hereof. 4. 5. said improvement i, ked fi.,upon n three ,property,�f three of property, — subject W ,t for improvement fi,p.�7 C.Mmumoner of Pblic-W,,],. It Ysrch 30th, 193p. Hoo. J. H. N0110o014e Omdoeloner of Tinanai Mdldlmg. Deer Oomaieelwnml Attached Pimm find potltion in the matter of Howling amd paring Chwrlm Stant frem Tamdelte to mat line of MMIand Arwm9e. The order for this lmpraraemt. ehloh eaa adopted rmterdpr, ma rmmdderod by the Olty Conooll today rod Ltd arar, to Joe let. The petition est referred to your depwrtmmt for a moheok es to the ownership of the property. Tonne my truly. City clerk. May h, 1932. Nr. Nike Gibbons, City Cl.rk, Building. Dear Mr. Gibbons:- Answering your letter relative to the grading and paving of Charles Street from Vandalia 'treat to the west line of Cleveland Avenue, you ere advised that a re -check of the ownership of oropertles abutting thereon reveals that the Central Warehouse Company Ss the owns, of Lots 3 to 6' Block 2, parts of Lots 2 and 7, Block 2 and parts of Lots 1 to 6, Block 4, Robbins & Others Rearran-e:ment. The above mentioned improvement will come berore the Council for postponed hearing June 1,t and property omers will be notified ace ordtngly. Very truly yours, Commissioner of winance. City of Saint Favi Office of City Clerk MIM J. GIBBONS, Oy 0" .nd Cnmmlulonu W Req,W.Ben ... i... v. •....... March Toth, 1332. Aon. J. H. McDonald, Cn® Be, oner of Finance, Building. near Cpmmiasipner: Attached pleaae find petition in the matter of grading and pavina Charles Street from Pendell. to ..at line of Cleveland Avenus. The order for Chia Smproveaeut, which was adopted yeaterdgy, was neldered by the City Council today and laid over to Jv¢e let. The petition w referred to your department reofor a recheck ea to the o.nerahlo of the property. Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn. Cot' 21, 1931 _ 192 To 'rhe Ifonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Blinn. Centicmen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 141 Grading and paving Charles Street. St. MM. from Vandalia &. Ave. to west line of Cleveland gy Ave. (vaoated) ry.W LOT BLOCK ADnITION CENTRAL WAREHOUSE COMPANY 1 4 Robbins and Other. / 2 4 Re -arrangement of 4 Minnesota Transfer. 4 4 ✓5 4 g 4 2 3 2 2 7 2 DEP4Y N eT. PAUL TMEtO� OF Ff NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In them o[ grrt'1'r tln- Chis1 ...re et ."rota Vnn i,li., _... t, the ..est 1 •,t^ttc le•a �l floc .eve. v©c nt ol, .oder Preliminary Order appt—d Vic`.. " •r , _!•31 To the Council of the City of St Pe.l: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estmared ..,-t of rhe assessment tar the abwc mprovcment k - - - Toe esumared cost p<%(oottlor the above mprovcment is - - - - - - $ 2.19 'rhe loro or parcels of land that may be assessed benefi,. far such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A.--, are as follows: DESCniPnon Lor et,oca wooiTloN Lon`;�uwrio Bl— co l . Com. at a pt. �n tre Ito•: o. 'd9, T i9, 1. 23, Sec 1:5]t.75 ft. oC tha S�; cor��,:r of sn'9I Sec.; th W. 46.96 ft.to a pt. t!,.-. 131 .77 Ct., scared on a str ni;:ht liro, Co a pt. ft. th.=:. 864.1, .-t., a r,3 ren n str al,;ht lira, to a eorntr 40.2E ft. .4, th..:-, to e pont on rhe (.line :5'a, 11 t,nc.t 941..:4y1't. of sefd ' t: -e 1 21,, 22:i.5. P9 ftc� l;1— b, in r. ba `n- nr is o" lots 1, a n:,l 10, 1"t2 '1n lots 1 n..: L hl—.t Yobbins an! �t:_ers aearrar e.�nt That :art of 2 2 iiob,1— ani t,tl:ars rtn-nr. 78,650 e75,00o VI o a l lescr!bad— follows: 1. �,r -. line o.' .. ZomsHnc i:5]... thae c. th.:.. 46.96 ft. th. �oint rn tho t lir.•_ o t:'1 .,ac. 39.:0 t lti of sn ;_: cortr, er 5 !o t �64.1u ;'t to n p:. 4(...:, st .Y c^ the of ore snia E Sec t loo line also nll o' lots 3 to 7 2 T.T.I. REPORT OFCOMMISSIONEROF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) g ., �toL ns anr. �tera lnu rrn:iement H:576 8400 p do 5 1C L do 3600 53 . 1 9 4n re 74.110 ;,500 Coum _ bl 'lob 1 d Ct a- rt. t 1 oast e o --Fl l dxgr '/ lnuZ63.-f- en'.; t - t u l f l loo el u-ve nri s 7 d u o 232"' ft ' t' .,ot 'the th line 1 bl , t 1 1 1 e ti.. is 133.,, ft 'tet f'm II f �= said 31 4, th - ll—'F' aeid 7 dogree 25 m e 175.60 ft.rto Lha oontar o. :u>>dalia :;t.l th•s; slonf said aente rnl Sne 30 ft. 1'v3r. elon. u 7 ve groe 43' "1"0 o '.( Y t 'l t the .l 1 o ifl c -'tanL 15 ft"rom the 41,ur ol'a 1 rk; Fl. S.eS t Ircl.. .1 eloak,_ the 51yo 350 tal— t""' 1 n o f wi Ylinl 1 di o tl h b I.i _ tip h' t..e.uo Sa p ral'ol t1 she "I" i t eou e 'S-.1.72 P ad 7 degreo 2 lute cu ft. to - ' of thor-. -. _Otion; thence Bort u4.71 t' eiere :�nl-lpar and 7, .,Lac. lobi. ins and 11 ke arran',ement, 3, .lout 4 iiobhl�.s and C�.hers - a -"rt 3075 Those carts cv' lots 1, 1 e 2t -afoot t V.at lie northe riy of tl= b'.in ota Tran cl'er gni limy oi.pun.,'r strip e est f 110. i.+ Qointr lin t 2i bloo4. K a .'an t 39.0 1`t st _ 1 ortl t ' P eotion'3G, To:m,s'r.ip 29, nsnt'.n 2'3, UhoncO south ' ^4.,p it to a nointo h0.25 aet —1 fro- t'ne east Soo of s eot on; _V,c .uthui. si,erly to an oat in the nnst i_.e „n_i...eot i on 9,11.o.4J_set south floor tho e.ola.,n,n nortl.oast seo..i-.�-.i.�er 6 4 :tohl,lns cn. Cthors oirre... o- 701) Parts of to s 4, :i and - onU lying :+ly o:' the b'innesota �'rn i;t'er lany Company's 30 ft. strip 4 4 :hat part of do 7900 of E'.in':�.:.,ota 1''e kailways Company's 30 ft, stri11 6 4 do 11M1f11 Of That part o S1/ of bfin .e .a __for hail} y Corpany,'s 3C ft. strip 6 4 do 40p0 That .art of o:alrv,est or Mi —.— ait— 'ompany'a 30 ft. ,trip (C) 0`-T P DEPAR}MENT'q F. FitiANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IAIUAIIIN 7 �1F.1,975 =2F,-,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports [list he has investigated all of the aforesaid mets , end hereby submits the foregoing ae hie report th erenn to the Council, together . ith the report made to him m relerenee too -staid matter by the Commissioner of Public W. kkJ-/�� � yn .� / )�� y Dated—Y .. 4,. 7 - _.19.32 tl'*..�- 17p)W{�: J commir.ionr,nf ri'n�an\e. COMPANY .......... May 25, 1932 Milton Posen, commissioner of Tun1ic "orks, St.p aul , M In n. bear Mr.Rosen: Y,e are in receipt of a notice of a hearing on the grad .ng and rovLng of Charles Street under Preliminary Order 90812 as of June lat. The writer finding it necessary to be out of the 01tY on that date, would —preciate very much Your effort. 1. having this hearing held over until the following day, at which ti.e we would be given the opportunity of e.plaining our reasons why this improvement should be made. .hanking you, we are, Yours very truly, Gff:TRAL W&REHOUSE C0:'.: P -14Y, J.P.Fe,libg/H By CITY "FIT PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment h: U, i'r 0, nv.rn.m a 'f 'Its s_ t f., t'1,. ^.:, tr .t,'n_ an -1 r spa lr Sn; c --t uldens.lks .Smete o.3, .or trur,t i99 - ,ason 1931 , 90.:13 .,nom. a�eol is ni !!all ..vo. . corner :..+spalls t. trek^r live. .:. anI N. �. corn •r ..nna�nita and Snslor. ,.�o. 99996 Gurtico o:.,tl: "ron 1�•ral e,u .ve. 87155 'lglor t., o rt, i.-!�, '.t v . thon— q 170 rt.. ,.. 4 .�. 90489 Lakes�o o d rhslon evo. from ,cede 1t, to 710—st St. 077s t. n =ninon . x59996 �urt�ca �utl rn n.row ..iv ore Soi :.ve. to —k-1 ..v .. 9021:° auq.ii Vt„ l:ort`: mst�. . 90469 7z—,1nr os , fro ' o t *. _ s ale t., ., ].uko �oCa.fron:��r cudo o. r,t i. Ad:,l„ld l:r ,n1 Coancd MA:R 'c 9 IQ?, __— 19__.. A,p—ld 19 !1t47R cmmril rde vI anmz*u,.,um;��x�a _x�aMamutasa�,t� � $iffiEt{hdamvxsz .pip—.d....x _. A lmblic hearing having been had upon the avers meat for thn above iml--alInt, and said a-.n"ement having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered Cnnlly sntis[nrtory, be it therefore R ESOL\"ED That the said nssemnient be and the soma Is hereby in ad respects ratified, and the sum" is hrreliy orderedt be snhmitted to the Ilistrirt Court of the Cnanty of Ramsey f I —r—anti— a afinnntionISN lip"I'C IcL'IL Ib:lt ILN:SOI.\'NU. That tha said assessment be -I it is hereby determined to b, linynhlc in...._...__.___... ..orlon, instalments. MAR 1932 Adopted by me Council -2.9 ...... �r-. i.., C"y Clerk. -9 tI YOh'.T. VA C I, OFFIC l? OF '1'1lF COMMISSIONER OF I`I\,1.NCE Report of Completion of Assessment 1932.. in the matter of [he as.cssm nt oC b—, -fits, costs an_ .xpenses for mcWc tr .ct n- a..._ r=pairin._ cone r.t s__ewa'_i!s .s `.,imate o.5,;—tract .994 - .,..ason 1951 9.9996 Cur-- - ttt;-.iv-•rt :a.v .ek'.e�_ . e. - - ^r e. rov Tyler-t.,._i --n.,, at 't ,.ve. thence s U. 90489 Lake from .scale t. to otast It. non—s.,essa-ale-- nc orn::r „ �.apolis^t. e lnslov .', 8999E ..tc 9021 "1� r t ort : t ^�t r; _. 91.4c9 7easa:.:'no .: fl—�« I tna nr pnstnt cards - - - t .33____..- Lrvpaainn tete - - - - $ ..39.03_____ amount of court costs foe conrenmtion &..___1..E-5__... _... tr I'otal .:s ses sa'le 432.95 ,' - ahle 275.65 Tutee - -----=---=---- Said Canimiseioner [urthrr �elinr:., that he ha. a. --d and leeird the total amount ae nboce nsecrtuinril. to -.pit: the sum o[ $ each en•ry lul, part ae pnmcl of Ivnd deemed benefited the Haid iinPtoaement, andit the of oarh Int. I a,t oc p,-1 of Innd in ¢i, nrdnner ,,ith the benefits enn f -,,d th ercon that the said has been cam t,leted. and that hereto art ached, identified by the sig n'U— of the s.dd Cnnitni siunr', and made n pa,t hereo[, is the said assessment as c mulcted by him. and ,p hi, It is heron ith s.h,iJ-d to the Council for tmn th,—a ns may be considered proper. . e 11 ,: T,, th, C.,,cil of tb, Cita of Sl h- . ...... it It, 1- $ 3flL.29 J..65 OZ5 I.C.5 Tltal sssssa� t 0. —1 1"i,d th, _1 f-li .... .. ..... it $ the -d has Leen ..... ...I -d, ,,A th.t h,-"tl it-Illd identified "Y the sig . ......... and 1,,t h -11f, i, the by It— suture o[ the enid -y b, ,iiid,1111 PIOPCI CITY OF ST PAUL ri.e NO. 919I4 O�E'CNITY CLERK OUNCIL —GENERAL FORM coEiiiA�lsiorvERyL>,d-'+�,-. W WHEREAS, theChicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company has filed its petition for the vacation of a portion of East 8e0 and Street immediately east of the pre a ant Robert Street Bridge, more particularly described aBthat portion of East Sac and Street immediately easterly of the present Robert Street Bridge, lying between the southerly line of said East Second Street end a line joining the southerly faces of columns G-1 and G -B, as ahoxn on the blue print drawing attached to said petition, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City of St. Paul Se the owner of certain real estate abutting along the line of said section of street sought to be vacated and which real estate was acquired by the City of St. Paul for the opening, widening and extension of Third Street, and that the City of St. Paul is one of the neoessary signer. of said petition, and WHEREAS, it satisfactorily appears that there is no necessity for the continuance of said portion of street Bought to be vacated, as a public highway and thoroughfare, and that the same should be vacated, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Milton Rosen, as Commissions of Public [ort., as and he hereby is authorised and directed to execute a Yorm of concurrence In said petition, in the name of and on behalf of the City of St. Paul, the fora of such concurrence to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. u,5 cour�cipmEN Nays/ Y_ -c�y- Z17— McDonald - In boor �Veascc ,� Rose Ag��on Sodh�im« Mr. P—id— B„odb� Adop,,d by ,h� Co --I 1W 2 c) lo- 19 App �«a � m Yo 19 �'�" ^ "" `"'• CITY OF aT. PAUL.� �.nu NO._ _. ___9 1 �• 5 OFFICE OF CITv CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—'GENERAL FORM hn N. lAcnnn a'Id w UArch 2q, lq'iP RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the matter of condemning property for the widening of University Avenue, a part of Lots 5 and 6, Auditor,5 Subuivlsion No. 6, was taken, and the damages for the part taken was the Bum of $14,054.00, which amount contem- plated the wrecking and removal of that part of a building now existing on said Late 5 and 6, and WHEREAS, Thomas Spence, record owner of Baid property has requested permission to move back the building thereon, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has fixed the sum of $2,335.00 as the amount of the saving to the record owner 1f such permission Is granted, therefore, be St RESOLVED,that permission is hereby granted to the said Thomas Spence to move back the building on the above- described property, conditional, however, upon the payment by him of the sum of $2,335.00, which payment shall be made to the Commissioner of Finance not later than Len days after the passage and publication of this resolution. vrti couwclLMBN Naye auwt Deerey Pearce MtD-1d _b, h—, SWM IRos an Sudheimer pine' 9tamt'ILwge M'. Pmddmt Nsfgm Bundlis 'by'tbe Com 9 TMpAy�R? Q 193219 Adop.d— �c177�z CITY OF ST. PAUL sLNO. J1a7I V OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sF8 rvy ..TE — — — WHEREAS, Charles E. Sandeen has appealed from a decision of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, refusing him permission to erect a cash and carry ice house on the rear of Lot 9, Block 15, Oakville Park Addition, said lot being located on the southeast corner of Greenbrier and Maryland Streets, and WHEREAS, due hearing was held and the Board of Zoning has recommended that the permit be granted under the provisions of Paragraph (b) of Section 30 of the Zoning Ordinance, no. therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorized and directed to Issue to the said Charles E. Sandeen a permit for the erection and maintenance of such ice station on said property, Bald building to be constructed in accordance ■ith the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Ycas counc�LMEry N— Ad. ,cd by ,hc Council .ilii[ 2 A 19319 M,D—ld In f°.os Ap d / 19 - R.— / Ag°I ss S�dh°�mcr M.. P.d 3undI6 P[,'nl "11 A P P E A L BO ARD OF 7,0N I NG Acting 22and under ordinance subsequent amo dments40 of August 22nd, 19 Date of Petition March 9th, 1932. Petitioner Charles E. Sandeen Location Rear of Lot 9 Block 15, Oakville Park, k Maryland• being the southeast corner of Greenbrier Zone "B" Residence To construct and maintain an ice house on the Appeal : rear of Lot 9, Block 15, Oakville Park. Date of February 24th, 1932. Date of JQL,ring February 25th, 1932. Appearanc:as for : Er. Sandeen Appearances for OpPo;ilion : None in Peti bone stated ,thatt he hadrle sedeanpieceaof gro dhis at the �rear � n ice il of t. and then found thafacing t he would rier S require for aa special 1pa miting 8tion Action of facing MarylandrStisandr thisl ice statlonrocery ow111nbe in the rear Of the store building, we recommend that the permit be granted under paragraph "b" Section 20, which provides £or the extension of a non -conforming use or building upon the lot occupied by such building. vt � ;AWARD OF ZONING. Barge H_Iis:-r 3 {/ G. 0. House ;.ureter'. ..!(// Ryland Rbthschild C. A. Bassford f Mrs. W. D. Villars TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentle— your petitioner, being dis eatiefied with the applica- tion of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance hereby appeals to your Honorable Body under paragraph "bs of Section 20 v of said ordinance for a perrdt to constrict and maintain an ice house on the raer of Lot 9, Block 19, Oak-llle Park, being the southea at on rner of Greenbrier and Maryland Ste. 2a "^ ' d:" Appellant. ®c�Y*ere THE EBOARD OF ZONING a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE pI"n February 29th, 1932. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, ` City Clerk. Dear Sir : Your letter of February 17th enclosing petition to rezone Lot 9, Block 15, Oakville Park, - this being the southeast corner of Greenbrier and Maryland. The petition is to rezone one lot in a residence district to commercial. The corner is one block from Payne Ave., which is zoned commercially, and four blocks from Arcade 6t., which is zoned commercially. It would seem inadvisable to rezone ane lot in a district which is otherwise residential, notwithstanding the non -conforming store building on the lot. As the petitioner is not the owner of the lot but has leased a piece of ground in the rear large enough to hold an ice house,whi ch would be on the Greenbrier side of the lot, it would seem advisable to give the petitioner - Mr. 8andeen, the privilege of ng constructiand using this ice house under paragraph RbR Section 20, which permits the extension of a non- conforming use or building in a residence district. We so recommend to the Council. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh encl. G. 0. House Hyland Rothschild . A. Bas ford Mrs. villars ^('CSTV •Vj fl u Fi 1'b°1T %i ��p•arF"mRnh,,p,F '�"i�nen�e, TIV February 17, 1932. To the ounc ll, c it ofCSt. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have re -checked the attacf,ed petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 9, Block 15, Oakville Park, at southeast corner of Greenbrier and Maryland Streets, and find that same is sufficient. Very truly your-, C�ioner of Flnance.. St. Paul, Minn. Jnn lO3i. To the Nonorable, The City Covncil, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned om a of two-thirds e of the sev rel deecr'ptions of real aetate situated within 100 ft, of tile reel estate affected, have acquiesced herein; and ne, o..,. of 50% o ore of the frontage to be eclnssSfled, petition your Hp orable Bo o the u follow Ing change from a PC9P.a,�1s trio . S -art. u+u-,.cs.e,, to p,r , R'a`il (m This yetit Son for "" "e ins cY Ills rii=trio la presented h'r ('harlee x'. "arde er, This petition is made pursuant to Section 23 Ordinance No. 5g40. Record Owner Lot Block Addition plc a, G'l i'� _4 - State of Minnesota ) County of Hemsey ) se 1 �/(/nWXE1�J lsl,R first duly depoaee and says that he Se the person who cl rculated the rwithin petition consisting of Q"h/�_Page that the parties de sc Abw Abed above are the o s respectiv a iy of the lots placed immediately followingm each nae; that this petition signed by each of id o s in the presence of this affiant, and that tsa oe el gnaturee above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Sub ib,�H and to before me thi�; day Qn� 3v fa xocarr PutOL1n, —R—,,y c y, Min 3 My comviseion erzpir se ,�w: y; a o* p��a;r-hm�nh:o�f '�aine:nee JOHN ........ LO.Cox.�aaexex February 13, 1932. To the Councils City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 9, Block 15, Oakville Park, at southeast corner of Greenbrier and Maryland Streets, and find that same is insufficient. very truly yours, Co:mnlsaioner of Fln— Ranh Tib. 1932 - Sr. manes t. Smasm, 912 tarprst Street. St. pml, tlonsaota. Dear Sire Referring to your petition to r BMW let 9, Black 15, OAT1114 P&*, we an sasloeisg herewith the Mort of the Sontag Board reeomsaatrt against the re-sbalm of oee, Int apariag to faor the filiog of m eppaal masr Paragraph IV, Seetla 20 of the Soar Orainmdo, to corer the uss of this propertt for the Operation of m too beau. So awl*" a for+ of appeal to be filled out, but it Pon wish to matinee with the POMIOR to :lane ee will be glad to lot date of aeerbW Were the Oocaoil. Zinay edriee us ar all at the offiat as Som as poesible. Vary truly yours, city oink. �,"••••"."•<••,^ CITY OF ST PAUL . NO. 91977. OFFICE F CITY CLERK aq UN IL RES UTIONGENERAL FORM RESOLVED: that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Russell Quinnell providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in]u)ies received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 14th day of March 1932; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Russell Quinnell the sum of $16.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including March 28th, 1932. _ I.H. C, A( Yee. co�NciLrnen K.br� Na/ MD fe�oe .Id Vear:e In S�dhdmer j Mr. P—id— � // Be.dh Adop,ed by she C.ueed MAR 2 9 193219 Awed 1.1.11 �._... .o �,. .... CITY OF ST PAUL , NO. 91978 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI ESO Lyy��ION ENERAL FORM PK ENTEo rLL � «ti--.ATE WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has awarded the contract for cast bronze elevator doors to the Herzog Iron Works, the low bidder for the sum of $13,500, the cost of which Is covered by an allowance of $33,000 In the general contract, there— fore be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves of and concurs in the award of contract, and the Corporation Counsel Is authorized and dir eoted to draw a proper contract therefor. Yeas Nay./ M<DId In 1—, peas« Rosen Againu Sudhei Mr. P,—d— Fundh< :naY UR nil Inl ��ft��le me�w:�oWs.r.mi Yn.: iiiso"ao'am mm� . MAR 29 Ad, d by she Council Ql4 Apprgrtd r9a 19 MA. CITY OF ST PAUL r " NO. 91y79 °.�... ,.. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM xE rdarch S 1932_ scoN A R Esow Eo sThat the P - .oil .nerE �y a'r9rcves the action of the o ittee on Lends reconmendi- the sale of property knov'n as Lot 12, Block 8, B1 off Addition (form,rly „otzien'e Rte-erre:.-ement of 1oo'ted at Mar raret and ;otzian etrel-ts, to A. E. 'N is ka orth, :or the sum of $200.00, n, --,apro:-er citye . of:icers are hereby authDrized ,o convey s-i� procerty to -id A. E. i7lc ksxor tS by de -d of rerranty .,on receipt of :zip ourehsee price. Appraised value not to exceed $2-0.00. Credit t rk Re'.l Eetete- 3Pe-iel Fend 17:8. eourvu�MCN Nay. / Yea, Mme• ` � 1. (supe //[geDe�ald / Pearce � Ro:m Agal�n Sodl--, Mr. N—d— au„dlm six°i a�uo4i:a M�ekep nn. �1nnnor°v° to nrllx xaii u. fl, lfxi. Adop—a hr xhe eo..ea _ 2 9 w Approved `� 19 City of Saint'Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES qqq z counr z+ounc oW^aMSrNPrzz .pMi Nu.r avrw / iterch L 1-32 / A '�i A R D Tae C—ittee on L:,n.te 1 --by reoo—e-, tile= .ale of o—oerty —wit as Lot 12, Block 8, Bluff Adtition (`oraerly ;otzien'e Re-all—we- meat of Sieael-s Aillti)n)I lac -`.ed at ii regret rn1 :;ot,,i— et—ts, to A. E. lio—lith. at a price of $2131.11. The revenge acorn, !rom t:1- :ale to be credited to Park Real Est to B;eoial Fund G/rCIJ ..._, City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES omro.�5r. PAUL. Mia a. Marob 23, 1933 A W A R D The Committse on Lands hereby reoommends the sale of property known as Lot 13, Blook 8, Bluff Addition (formerly Gotzian's Rearrange- ment of Siegel's Addition), loented at Margaret and Gotzian strseta, to A. E. Aiokwortb, at a price of $200.00. The revenue aoc ruing from this sale to be oredited to Park Reel Set,te epeoial Fund 1008. APPROVED T 0 IIT E 09 LAPD9 /- Chairman City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES Si. PnVL. Mia rv. March 23, 1932 A W A R D The Oommittes on Lends hereby recommends the sale of property knoen ss Lot 12, Block B, Bluff Addition (formerly Ootzian's Re—errsnge— sent of BSegel'a Addition), loovted at Margaret and Ootzlan streets, to A. X. eloksortb, at a price of $200.00. The revenue aoo ruing from this sale to be credited to Park Real 98t�te BVe01a1 fund 1008. Ak110114111 TR U OLARDS Ohe I rman COUNCIL RESOLUTION Resolved, That the oouncil hereby conours in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Ramsey street from Plea int avenue to Western avenue, in accordance with plane and epeoificatione hereto attached, to the FEYBR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $7,786.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby inetruoted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 11 n<aR .,..� .�o .,.. 8771 .ro��.......�M<,.. 7983.00 3995.00 .......... �.....,......,..a... �...........- . _ o.o. . 5441.00 coVffigineering Coate .o.o 'v'ut con[ 650.00 , asaa_nn ....o�.�.o... ... u...ov.w.r.. moo. o. T MAR 291934 MR• ... �... �—�...... ,�.. �� Fri Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councif File No. __. y1y81 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: Constructing a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to _ 22, inclusive, 1n.. Blcek 1, Gfton Grove, Plat 1 from _.__.... California. Avenu.0 t.o_a. point 25_ fast south..of, ..iarpenteur ._... _._... 29th March, 1934`19 _ D. ted this nay nr PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, visa: ' Constructing a sewer_in _the alley adjacent tolots _.16 jEo..___._.... _. 22, inclusive, in Block 12 Dfton Grove Plat 1 from California Avenue to a point 25 reet.. south of... Larpeuteur._._...._.__... having been presented to the Council of the. City of St. Paul _...... _.._._... __ ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the ....mity for, or desirability of, the m,1ri,g of void improvement. 2. To investigate the -tum, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for re the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fi nanae. Adopted by the C-161-- MAR 2 91932 Yaee N— C ... silers. — ersCounailerso'CtttraeY M— Approved .. . .___... MIDONeLD Peeace Rose. ........... _. Ma. Paesmexr May or Council File No.... -9.19.82 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned es hereby proposthe making of the following public improvement prement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing,- the sidewalk on .the north. side of Third Street beginning 105 feet east of ,Robert Street, thence east 12 feet. Dated this 29th day of March...192 ,..ema x me mn..pne im °nrPor"ia PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impr... namt,ol ... Reconstructing relaying aad_ repairing,- the sidewalk on the north side of Third Street beginning 105 feet east of . _Robert Street, thence east 12 feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.. _........ _.... _......_.._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i-aatig,te the -comity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sad estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To fu.,ish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or tot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or me` .—re 5. To report upon all of the I ... going mattere to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... MAR 2 9 1932 Yee, N. - Councilman 6etrwet-- i 4 1,' /*h — Approved.......... ____......_...._. MIDoxenn / - Peeaee anx So nnnn.naa __._... Ma. Paestnaxr --_........ _....._..__ / Mayor. r.. C 111 a ,a n o . 4—,.) t 91983 Council File No.. CITY OF ST. pACL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the ess—ro-1 of benefits, costs and ezpen+es for e nn etructln , rotruc tin- —i r pairin, cemont sidevalka, .,,. t Fo, 4, YC.ntract 5994 - .ons -•n 1931. --.�esess¢blo-- . 90489 Rose t.from .ac udo ..t, to Duluth —e.. 88220 Jedar t., .est ei ba.,innin6 at .ast ev ar: th th n.ce north 150 ^t. 90489 Rosa t. ^r o:. _rcnde'o.i]it! .ve. .1. 90488 J..ylt .:vo., east aLle,'r.'ront of t?acral F¢rk ^rom south 'I 'o o. -.elhy otu•th t. .- A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above impro.-ement, aad said ossa went u having been further considered by the Coil, and having been con.idered fim11y satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the .aid assessment be oad the same ie hereby in all re.peets ratified, and the same I. hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramey for ee.1—otion. BE 1;:1'11711ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable m...__.....__.✓...._........equal w.lallmenta. Adopted by the Council ..mna.2_0 q32.._....__ ._...19..... . City Clerk. Approved.. _. ....... _.. ........19. __.. !i E•'.'. ... _ � ------------ .. ..................... McYor. y Gr 91821 PITY OF IT PAI 1, OFFICE OF TIII: i -OM IISSIO\ER OF FM: XCR Report of Completion of Assessment L'a_:a..L................... ld.::_ Tn the..t-o f the nssessme nl tf benefits, costs ant expe'sea ford— censtructi r n... pair in ,.[dent a_ue calks, .,._�t^ .o. 4, to tr c.. ^994 a..c:t 1531. --s— catle-- tt.�i ,.or �n I:�c 't. 9041: F.t. 50488 Summit 4 ant id .ourth :. . •o.we wanou of ene —7 n[ SL P-nl The Comnttsvioner of Finance hi=re be repo t. to ,he C,,-61 the fnllnwing as a smtemcnt nE the exl en diturc.' ncccs.—ilc i.......I and to he 1,,urrnI fur nal in convection with the .-king of the ebar'e i.proce- meat vi:: Con of ,2H0 10 C- of Pnhh.,hinp R.---1.50 Post of Po't0 rnrd., _ _ _ _ { -..- •3 la"", 2b.1 1 Amount of court cunt., for cnnfir --, 1.50 Total-sscssable 311.91-- -� 'Pot-xp,ble - 771.26 Tora n, ares"-- �CB2:67 S.id Con,. issionrr further eePorf. that h, hn. I and levied the ta!-1 -mount ns n1—,-veer--ne�i, t. 6t: the sum of slQBP,.67...__. anon ens 1, -ml e. n lot, 1, -rt or p -n el of land deemed benefited br the said imp.....c , nd in the en., of oneh lot, Pun or P,—I of hind in -e. oNnnce with the benefit., eon ferred th, rcon: that the -'aid ay._..tn„it In,s he:n �ovupleted. and thnt here,,, .tire 1-1 identified by the sig neture of the avid l'ainmissioner, t n.I tnnde n I,— h, reof, i., the said ...,.,.,mint -s c mpI—,I by him. -nd which is here Hith submitted to the Coun, iI far .u, 1, :. ct ion thereon es .-y be consid... d proper. �A- Fineace. IC CITV CLERK�on ""a•m�°effdF•e rsetnasi r. wi Er�1v OU LUTI GENER �"��,ee 6 POrnSE NEA WHEREAS, F. M. Blamqui et has petitioned the Council for per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Pleasant avenue and St. Clair street; and WHEREAS, Said F. H. Blomquist has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, ourb returns, pump location, sidewalks, at o. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordancewithPara- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance NO. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permissionand authority are hereby given t o said F. H. Blomqulst to install and maintain said station in s000rd- anoe with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan ss approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordlnew as of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the build - Ing plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of ParkePlaygrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public im- provemente within the street lines shall be made under the dirThe on and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. She permit herein granted for the maintenance of said filling station shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station con- stitutes a fire or traffic hazard. Yras couNci�M Er+ N/ave Ca rov V McDowld I� favor P<arce k osen O Again sr S.d1-- Mr. P ... �dm nondl,e AdoPad by 0- C-11' MIRK .11! t4?19 19 MAIII F'U6LISHCD y' j A POST CARD NOTICE! Of- iCF OF THF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn.. Mar. 19,___..____...._14_ .Pureuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul. July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of F.. IL Blamqulet to ere t and in tall a fillip station oa the S.E. our. oP Pleasant k St. lk. 6, Stiaeon, Bl— & Iiameey'. Ada. will come up far coneideratim, before the Council in the Council Chamber n the City Hall and Court Houae Building on the. 30th day °f Maroh.. . 1932, at 10 o'clock A. M. J�HN H. WDONALD, C—mi.— of Fi... ol THE CITY -ERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION -- March 3rd, ,s 32. TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made F. M. Blo.quist part Of L.— Six (6) Stinson, Brown and Ramsey'- Addition, specifically described on the plat attached heretoSoutheastPleasant Avenue and' AgV —Clair Street, St. MinnesO 2 ®1000 four (4) F— ( 4) 2 a 550: FILED 281 Maria A-v6null, St- UVROrknetO of F0,11c 5"fety March 29, 1932 c•e,f^••4^y Yr. N. J. Gibbous, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: '- Set- I herewith Is the application of F. Y. Blomquist for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast comer of Pleasant Avenue end St. Clair Street„end reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Flre and Traffic. wary ' Your s, '� ossisaimer of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL March 29, 1932 Yr. George C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety Door Sir Referring to your letter of Ynrch ! oonoerning appl iontion mode by F. M. Blomquist for permiselon to instaln drive-in gnacline filling station on part of Block e, Stia n, Bron A Ramaey�a Addition, .high Sa also described a the e,-th---t corner of Pleasant Avenue and St. C1 air St reet� a Nr. N. N. Nettergren, Superintendent of Traffic, has today made an Sa,p sot ion of thio looatlon. pe repo rte that the proposed etntion -ill not mote rlel ly interfere -ith traffic. V-7 truly your,, mom„ A. Bron Ch Sef of Polios —/Pi File 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nash Llth,1932. Hon.oeo.O.Sudheimer oommlesloner of Public yafety, St.Paul,Nlnn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of F.N.Blomqulet for per— mission to Install a drive—in gasoline filling station on the Southeast corner of Pleasant and St.Olalr Ste. we have investigated the foregoing and neport that such an in®ta11ation at theulesired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yours, Ohlef Inspector. —Y ERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .,32. TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Made a. V. v. uioqul-t port of Su (") ro— ,olficolly tie pi, L 'tte —od hv-to -'-t En 1000. bw- for (4) (4) FILED ,,,,j I'Erl& IVomf), 3L- 0(* THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE March 29th, 1932. o.HOu vinim eonawnn i+ss w. o. �unu usrom, c.. —.._ cloecl H. Haemo. s.>.� Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of drive-in filling station at the Southeast corner of Pleasant and St. Clair - F. M. Blomquist, applicant. This corner is zoned for commercial use. It is at the intersection of Pleasant Ave. and St. Clair St., both streets carrying consider- able traffic. There is nothing in this locality that would in any way be injuriously affected by the location of a filling station, and the design of the driveway layout has taken into consideration traffic hazards. The Board recommends that the petition be granted. yours very truly, flecretary. gh-rh MILTON ROSEN. Cou��..Iou sn .n.o .. .ov.u. error. m.xuuoxu V%Y/ fSmiev'Vp1R- V-park-O eRIP a- f Ful 6'Tiv`3l b-rlss wn. w. w000.�... �....x.x. <.... ...., March 28, 1932 «,.,on ...,.w.n,..�....r ., .x.... Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. Re: Drive-in Filling Station W. 109 ft. ofthe East 209 ft. of Dear Sir: north North 100 ft. of the W} of Block 8, Stinson, Brown & Aamseyts Addition (SE corner of Pleasant & St. Clair St.) F. M. Blomquist, Applicant 281 Maria Avenue. The above application for a drive-in filling station is in a district zoned for commercial use and is permissible under the zoning ordinance subject to a public hearing. Ene ++eer+*+o Renor �: The layout of this pro- posed station will not alter the present storm water drainage. The driveways across the sidewalk are 27 feet or less. Expansionpointe as required are indicated on the drawings where the concrete driveways from the roadway abut the property line, sidewalk and present paving on St. Clair St. Hearing - March 30th. Yours truly, wnc-mh N. C� Chief Engineer. MILTON AOSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. AF Y Y Sr. CIAIR Sr. - Exp. Jb_ J-- 101, u S6RD7c,- Srariav LAYOur f M. Blomauisr, ST. PAUL, MINN- s1 b - W Sr C[A/R ST. Erp, Jh k 144 q� — � - Jeda ✓:pn� NO. 91965 OF I C// RK UNCIL N GENERAL FORM MPREiory _ RESOLVED t the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Charles F. Craig providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.80 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 4th day of March 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles F. Craig the sum of $52.80 out of the Workmen's Compen- sation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and t' including March 28th, 1932. .%may;`a:roBT!.� Y:'a' p e��_�aa'Y'r''�im1°..°�8 Pe'e�, v$"We`�.a" �wurl a i..a ns n°m' �6 nu"�ieSRpmm.np..0 r: Yns cou rvci�MEry Nays Adop,.d by ,bc Council IAAF. 10 �QJL 19 M.D.—', In f"vo. App, cd ,,, 11 - 19 S"dh�iina Mr- Pr.sld", Bu..dh1 v CITY OF ST_ PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM H. ?Ac Donald E Mar. 3oth 1932. - --- --- . _ _ _- RESOLVED Ilhereae Leone Mary Albaohten Is the owner of City of St. Paul �'articlpating Certificate # 176883 Por the amount of One Hundred Ten Dollars; and Whereas, Said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued In lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Leona Mary Albachten has filed a bond in the sum of Two Hundred Twenty Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Faul from "y1 03 a or damage growing out of said lost certifi- cate or theissuance of a naw one, and ,1hereas, 991d bond has been approved as to form end execution by the Corporation Counsel, and es to surety by Judge Carlton F. Mc II ally, of the District Court all Pursuant to Section 1971 of the Genera]. Statutes of Mlnnes ota for 1927; therefore be it eso]ved, That the proper city officers are authorized tc 13sue to tLe said Leona Mary Albachten a duplicate certi fioa to in lieu the said certifi- cate ?/ 176883 which has been lost or destroyed. F:�uoka�I�Po° N e ccUrvci�M Ery ayrt °° re>onrl�a... Yea. NaY• Adopred �unA,ine Vf l = Co�.ray— A' - McDonald In favor w1 A ywd I9 O Ro°cnc Agai�sr '�5 S.dh--, mnroa MrP... id— B„.dhc r — c. ;; "; 91987 CITY OF ST. PAUL .o�.y �p°off nPrleNr°i�vehue FF F CITY CLERK �s.�va sO aces ' C - ESOLUT GENERAL- FT40 etT...' n°tlh n• WHEREAS, by Council File No. 91909, authority to lease the old Prior Avenue Station, for a period of five (5) years was granted to the Success Broom Company, and WHEREAS, "Success Broom Company" was atrade name, and It was he intention of the parties to have the lease run to t the St. Paul Manufacturing Company, a corporation, and wHEREA 9, negotiations were carried on by a third party who misunderstood the business name of the intended lessee, and WHEREAS, the officers and stockholders of the St. Paul Manufacturing Company are the same individuals who operated and used the name "Success Broom Company", and WHEREAS, the structure itself is located solely on Lot 135, Union Park Addition, and the City owns the adjoining lot, known as Lot 311, Hinkel'e Third Amendment, which latter lot is neoeesery for the purpose of access to the building and was purchased for that purpose, THEREFORE be it RESOLVED, that the leaseauthorized by Council File No. 91909, to the Success Broom Company, be changed and the .aid lease be made to the St. Paul Manufacturing Company, a corporation, for the same period and under the same terms, except that the lease shall include Lot 311 of Hinkel 0a Third Amendment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council File No. 91909 be hereby amended in conformity with this resolution. Yeas courrcrLm [ry Nays Ad°p,ed by she Council 19 C -.711y I"h ; 0 1gn D,n..id In favor Apyeeved j— ,:G� _ 19 N.— Roscn hQ Ag°inss clmcc M,. Mc. pcuidc°s 6°.diic ` � ���. �I It t. ✓J'' CITY OF ST. PAUL rice NO._.UlyUi7 OFFICE OF ITY CLERK NCIL RE LU I —GENERAL FORM, eMMIaeo�aR R RESOLVED That the 0o4issioner of Parks,VTleygreunds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to proceed by ':orce account, with the co netruction of a refectory stand at Cc...o Park in the Zoo area, as called for by the sketches prepared by the City-rchitect. The cost of su- construction, including labor and mate: ials not to exceed 11,475.0o payaule out of the Park Fund, Refectory Item to -I-9 � r i. comm .•lov.. yr rveuv am�a- neiluA:�ve:alb ren kea4ea: etlo mea " Yca: covNcii.M ary Nay` Advp,cd by nc, Council MAR _3 Q L'l.1l19 _ Covrvy McDonald In favor Approve �' Iy R.— /l Sued) e� ll, Agai si MAYOR MrP,—dery 6vnd6 ,� °"'°'"•••�`••,.••,• CITY OF 5T PAUL NO.. _1.7179 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK cn...c COUNCIL ESOLUrION—GENERAL FORnrM reo ER � E`" �~"t'�✓ � ��'3L WHEREAS, She Council has considered certain proposed amend- ments to the Charter which emend Sections 351, 153, L54, 159, 171, 173 and "4 of the Charter, and which also propose now sections to the Charter, namely, Sections 154-A, 154-8, 175-A and 175-B, and after said consideration approved the Same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Said proposed amendments, copies of which are hereto attached, be and they are hereby submitted to the Board of Treebolder9 of the Oity of Saint Paul; be it TDRTHZR RESOLVED, That the Board of Vreeholders be requested to study and examine Said proposed amendments at its earliest con- venienoe, and that said Board be solicited to approve said Proposed amendieats and direct the submission of them to the electors of the Oity. Yca.. courvciLm EN N.aye P -- .a—Mr. m, Preside: B—dhr J. d w Inl{:ue w'... - -e: �iz neuro oma n. ��asr°n:i ni.R : `•°gem Iryns.... uoa .n�xuopm Ad.p,ed by xhc Council 1°Ina 3 n 1932 19 npp,�.ed �Uk�Y mA.o R19 ^••^•••^•••_•••• • CITY OF ST. PAUL iiiiNO. 91990 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUI�C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cornNlseE� r AT. larch 30, 1932 RESOLVED That plans and specifications for filling, grading and improvement of Third Street Esplanade from Wabasha Street to F. 0, K. Building, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ''al c�eamee er... 1.. S °111 M., 10. 1911. Ye11 COUNT -EN Nave Adopred by he Council_ R :i i1 i93z 19 Cl ncy McDonald In favor Approved. __— 19_.. SudLeimer 0- A;ai— '- / ..._ - 1AY0a Weoael Mr. Prelid— 13odp -. G 91992 ��•rom ;a�e� - ,. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ Hetee,.e. aroi eeu., INTERMEDIARY ORDER Io the Matter _9.C_ Al_1_ey_ in -Block_ 7. Hole—be, s Ad?ition from St. Albans .;t. to Grotto St. *o conform to the re3-line oa -tie-arnfila 1 =^ata_uttac:led_and.nade_ a__nar.t_ hesao:'+_ Gh5 _P_resen t_ establish- ed —ade beim* hovm by blue line thereon, also gr ding, the Alle in s a a 131nck_7_, liolc4mbe!s_Adsiltivn_fs9m_Sy,_Alb�n_s_rte_t_o_Grot to_St.__to_. _1 proposed ed line '.,hen established nri c�nstnur,tinr, a sewer in the A71ey r a a_pni t_20Il_f2�_wast._o!'_$t__Albaaa_St.__La._ihe--e^rer_in .`_�.t. 9l2ans St., under Preliminary Order_____91ZHL--------------------- approved _____= (ft=y 25,_ 1932_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby res 1—: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the ,aid impro t rs hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Councilrecommends is___chs� _the_„rade of Alle_y_ln_ Bloc___�iiolcomb e'_s _Addition from `.:t. Albans St, to Grotto St. to o f rm the rad linen the ,r ofil ,to tt. he't anT ^ade ii� -offal soa�tneAll t eatahoc SY>s:lde_�11. pP,Aah3 Ei n1£rornl SE.AI'nign sR6 t• .,,rade_ 31 k _a_i'1�LtA_z._v_iQ_t'?e_�r9s4sec�_redline__. ri,n _r_s _t_a_biis:^ed, and constr�t�t a e r in t1^ -illey from a no_nt 300 ft st n 't. P ^ans "t. to t__ se'^er with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had m, said improvement on th e________25L11----- day of 1 ,nrll+_19 2________XfZ___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building m the City of Ste Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to they ons and m the n provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprao�vnepment and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___tOnn 192____ - > Approved ...... ________________------ 192--- City Clerk. ---------------------- May Conor n `ouuc Imam pp 1k llounld ' t> t „argtts.. t'U lti.:-'!.:l) -: ,,,s 1'enrce / Councilman I:nseu - Countilmanldi�r Sudheimer Councilman 5Mm>e3x Mayor bbd.-. Bundlie Form B. S. A. 86 91993 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter _-e--nt I n--tb_El_ I, ndnecessary�essavy argil ---13.1-1,1;---,'a-, n -- 0 1 Ill'__ vin F -11-k 7,1-1. ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- - --- --- ---------- - -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- --- -- --- ------ ------ --------------- ..d,, Preliminary Order________ 2 1732 __________________approved -------- � b . _ 'd'' ,1',1 s2 ........ The Council of the City of Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ab-, improvement, and having considered aid report. hereby —]...: 1. That the said report and the s,., is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ ea eMrt in the 1—d i L llsinthe —il"v" ------ ---- --- - - ------- --- ----------- AJdit?—, f,.– LA. �lhana :street `o (;sotto —It —t the I ru.tbi,. _: 1Z5,______________________________________ _ with ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with m, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said imp.... — on the ---------- 26±211 --- day of —1=11... 1 9xa --------- ?UML— at the hour of 10 ',],,k A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fin...e give notice of said meeting to the ..... and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place, of hearing, the ,to,, the ,improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il ---- 1932 ------ 192---- Appu.,ed -------------- ... .... City Clerk. -----------------------------✓ -- Mayor. in !Cfirn L Coun,ihmm Im I C a u_,ummum C.Untilumsue. 0-" C ... eilm... Weitaistx MyorAilef— B—Ilie For. B. S. A. 8-6 91994 fib° "a s° COUNCIL FILE NO--------------- y _____________y---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____^x¢div:_A]..leys__'eA___loc r_ 2,_ ec k'_s ?.dr1ition and 31oc1, 2, rd A dr tt. on 1'ro 0 ;0^7 reet to th. Nort o t': :117.ev In the fscv3__: nL:s_�Zraet__.;a _.:.:nunt:_w.tr?-t.-_._1_..0_ c_ r. _t_ -------- n_ _ es cement to be obta�-cd 0n the teri F £e�.t --------- lot 11, block $, i?x^ord ddltSoP_fS9�_.he_=.dlP�r_to-_tlt______rer 1 _rlc-s trret, -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------- under Preliminary Order_____ -'ebru': ..�, 1932 ______________--________ _______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report1 of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ove abimp— ment, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Erede_ dulls_ in_Block 'aekLs__dd�ltion_antl__71o_ck s_Oxford Add'`.ion fro, Oxford .`,trent to the _2,_ . _________ ..ort: xni :south Alley and from :,?tarl0s Ctreet to mcm Rrer�t---Clsocon- 7T ase _nh __o be_obts ined on th_e -re_sterly_ 0, fent of lot 11, bloc', 2, Oxford d-ltltien from. the Alley e ----------------------- ---------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1 e�92 X06 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ =9t'-2________day of -------- 7Wz____, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the, Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o d in the n r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of thns an an e mrovemen t and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------- 301932 _______, 192____ Approred________ 1MI��s`- ------192--- City Clerk. ------------nr. Mayq Councilman conndlm �m ,.,� ' renrrt� � Conncilman WAARRIM V Councilm sndt, ....r Councilman utams6c Mayor xtkatic Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 91995 #sr,a ire. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- B - ______________By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the MatteroL__p.4l.demr:in: an I _taking an_ea-, —nt in the land necessary __________o __ _Sor slope sy_c f111s in the ^red I— of Alle,rs in a1 ek 2, Peck's _________________-___________________________ �dditi2n and_vilec:i_2,_Jx__or3___di tion froT Ox: ord Street to the North _snd_�nuth_:ll1ed _al_ial'_4n_=hgr�e __ _tract to muni Street__ _____ _______________________________________________._______._____________________________________ under Preliminary Order__________ UZU_ pprove ;'ebruzry 2- 1932 ________________a d_______________._____�____________ The Council of the City of Panl having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: L That the said report and the same is hereby app .... d and adopted, and he said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the impro.ement which the Council recommends _an__ea5etaent__LA_Lhg__Iand__ne cessarv_::^or sl one_; cats and fills, in the -ra3inr� of Alleys Sn 71oc'r. 2, Peck's ;,driM n enc 31ock-2---i'iz!'dPH-T2ditton 0 _Srp1n_QXt4rd_ Street_ to the North and South All e.v and from no —les Street to 1"mund Street, in accordance v,3 ti: tfie-hTti,; --print -nese `o-&tt-�etreH-and -_m L._s_�azt_Ja.ecen y._SJ1---1 tubed_ -24r ns_s'_ovilna__t__h_e___c_u__t_s ani the shaded norticns s:oraing the 'ills, ______________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof k $-5R--.20 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______2_ th day of - —1 1981G.S_' at the hour ------ of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building T the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p ons and in the r hearing; rt provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of the natu a of the improvement and the total cross thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CoandlMAR-3-440,a'i---------- 192____ Na____ Approved____---_Yt!�F 3f, ____192_ i ty 1 2_ � City ClEerk. Connenman Conroy :IeU°veld - q /^Councilman V Councilman I - Coundlm n sudbi lim �,.,.... - CouncilmanJl4l—k Mayor XXX= Bunalie Form B. S. A. Bb COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By------------------------------- 91996 rc,. AoM m .1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --n Ord c,ns I he_ sto�—st In - ' rd �I-mnttl-la- a —hlic se— on un'or ind acros,,, the ord Adlt , epSJRqet -jon --frQm_Cha to the Allc7, in th,,'o` said lot, also conde nn4 ta'cin,- a 0 s on the ... �sld. of .—o o—nd � thnt easterly 5 ft. of lot 10 In , -', 2+ ------------------------------ ---------- -------------- - -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --- - ------------------- ------ ----------- --- node, Preliminary Orde --------- D17 -U -------------------- pp --d------- The Council of -havinghe City of P1havingecei--t d the ,p - of CoCommissionermai�,mof Finance P.. the above improvement, —d b—mg considered said report, hereby resoles: 1. That the said report and the —e is hereby approved ..d adopted, and the said improvement i. hereby ord...d to be proceeded with. 2. Th., the --e of the in,po-t-e., which the C—neil recommends 5L, f Qr- -'�un-.nn j 0-1: Q ;ja tZ Vi t a ma 1 , An' � 1"'� 11. .,is I � -Totl --- � on, orlo, and ,,,a., the'.vester7y A _ 'd _ , tion, _from a Ali ey in_the rear of _s al to t,_ also —nds— and to", a ts.111—ory —1-1—t for contruct' on —nose o strip 5 of lot 10 in said *lock 2, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with ., Ate—ti, and that the estimated cost thereof i, -------- R—I-d Further, That . public hearing be had an said improvement .. th ------- Z tll -------- d.y of --',.ri1,-19.32 ---------- 122_-, at the b— of 10 o *,],,k A. M., in the Council Ch,mb,, of the Court Mo.- and City H.11 Building inthe City of St. Past. That the of Finance give notice of - e—., id meeting to he F..d m the I m snne, statingplace provided by the Charter, stating the time d place of hearing, the ...... . the impo—,nem, aad the total cost thereof as estimated. 11 o Adopted by the C .... il ------R 192---- Approved____________ - ------- 192 --- City Chet, M.Yon. cnandlman C-111 C""'I councifis" Su*bi6 C,un,ilm,, Woulet Mayor Nat B—dlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 91997 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ••^t^^..Dort .r a' By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the m,tt,, of--- -tt— -- -'t E --k-_______________________ and --k------------------------ -d Preliminary C,de--------- 2J-ZQ-Q -------------------- pp,. -d --- he Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fha,— op., the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby .... 1—: 1.That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said improvement is hush y ordered t, be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C—.cil recommends is ---- t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, end that the estimated cost thereof i, Resolved F-ther, That a public hearing be had o, said improvement on th -------- 2Ltib -------- day of .111171 I ----------- W ----- at the how of 10 'clock A. M., i, the Council Chao,be, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the Ci of St Pao That he Cm-aisFinance— oc, of Finance give tics of said meeting _ g 10 the pc,e... and I. he %..poaj�'d by the Ch'""' stating the time and place of hearing, the — at,,, of the improve and the total t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il ---- qY-3-I.L= ------ 192---- App—ed -------- ----- 192 --- - --------- -------------------- City -- Mayor. Cmmcilm—'G1nXA&— :'4NM C""C!:-" C ' ""LMI -:n '=t C.—i C ... cil... M.Y..)&k— B—d1i. F.— B. S. A. 8-6 91998 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ 'r- �tm•t, �a�`m.`o':.i `ii,°,"' B O--------------- B---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mail,, of ��v!g� Hd§m - ad n,lud- Lagcurbing aadji:dri,aweqppr ... has, —, star sed gas -co�;otluu. — t -from-at ... —I. us_qla�' tj'c- inludiny, construct- ing H..ti.g. Aw—a from . p.— - feet --at of the east line of lot 10, blook tr,awt.--j_fMm I _ 0 _Kc� -10, _ Lindley- -Bark- �L, - lirIffith -S _t)le_exIstjpZ-ps'vjp&-= the Hudw, _ ad to the 1;,:: Out LO, let. 14, 15 and 16, block 1, Lindley Heights, and orth- _.,:r ewer which - —i—t-- -I— ruadway—te--t with -t"" -AERF ly 194 ft. —theset-ly of the canter — Of Husti,ga Avenue, -- ________________________________ under __February 6r 1932 Pruficci..0 Order_____ KIM -------------------------- —d The C of the City of Paul having received the report of the of Fi ... te p., the .b._ improvement, cad having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That he said report and the same is hereby approved ..d adopted, ..d the said improvement i. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2: That the Oct.- If the imp— which the Council —.m—ds i-.RRYOJI--st-ga-Avwn— from _PASIIt_A¢nE7.44_Rperj to in _curb!ng _sad peffin_F, alley end driveway c, pr.. .-1, water and ,, 00—ticas from treat aulu, to p"p'jWZine.-complete. ,car. 7,ZI !at 10 feet west of the east line of lot 10, block 10, Lindley Park to Griffith Street sod from .the_ - 14, 15, 1 and 1,, black 1. =11Y Heights, stud northwesterly on this OrXi,e roadway to cciiLWIF iath the .,at;,_ Hastings Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-13-QUQQ---- Res.l-d Forth— That . public hearing be had .n acid improvement .. the --------- 26th ------- day of ------------ 1112--, at the hour of 10 .*el.ek A. M., i. the Council Chs.b,r of the Court House and CityHall Building is the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner If Finance give noticeof said --g tothe persons and in the ma—r hearing, the nature of the imp—e—t ad the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of total cost thereof estimated. . Adopted by the C ... W2 -------- 192---- App—ed ----------- - - ------__192___ City Clerk. ---------- ----------- ---- -- C ... eilma. '.sum Councilman .... Councilman Cc i ISM C .. eilm.. Councilman V??RW1(x May, Xj;S0 Bundli. F— B. S. A. 86 91959 V., COUNCIL FILE NO._______ ______ �"b"z.^..n<a u- - �.. i. - By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the t._SubJn._"—u - - ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- -- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- - ---- ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------- - ---- -------------- I -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------ - ---------------------------------- mnlu P,eli.i..0 order____________ 9JAl --- — ------------ pp --d _2ebxls _13,_2.93 2____________ The Cn,,,if f the City f Paul having lh,ed the -p—t f the Commissioner of Finance upon the �Imaboveimprovement, send having considered ssieesdreport, hereby resolves: I Thatthe said report and the same is hereby pp .... d and adopted. ..d the said improvement is hereby ord... d In be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --memis i,___&mde,b_Aud ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ - -- _--__ ____ with n, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on .,id improvement on the_______ - Utch -------- d.y of ARE ------------- AV=_ Chamber, t the h.., f 10 o'clock A. ., m the Cmm,iI Chamber f the C.. H..!s ..d City 11,11 Building in the City of St. P-1. That the Commissioner of Finance give no f said meeting In the p- .... and in the ...... provided by the Ch.,t,,, Isli.g the time ,d place f h's'mg' ths -7 f the in,pt—e—t ..d the mt.] —t thereof 'snen—d. Adopted by the C ... AAR_;Lfl_= --------- 192---- ------------ Approved_____ l - k� ----- --/__ -___19 ---- ---- City Cl—k. -------------------- M_ -.-y ------ Councilman Cm, C.E.... �' Cm.meihmm Ms,,, NMWOW B=dli, Form B. S. A. 8.6 92000 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ - `+ia By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- -2 n" b.-loymn!, = nd_cens true t inf,_ Le orria -------------- - ----------------- -------------- --------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - ------------------------ 25 1932 .,d,, P,,Iimi,,U O,d,, ---------- Q IZ 5-Q ----------------- Ippl—d ------- The Council of the City of P..I having received the Commissioner the C..m�i, of Fit,.— upon the above improvement, ..d having considered ..id report, hereby —.1- 1. That the said o,p.,t ..d the s— is hereby approved ..d adopted, and the said imp --m is hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2. That the ..t.,, of the improvement which the C.,m,il _sid—lk on _ the nes_side_ of_ Tale Stret- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with .. alternatives, ..d that the estimated t..t thereof is ------ Resolved F-ther, That , public hearing b, had on said improvement .. the_______ ______day of ---------- PMM--, t the hour of 10 .',],,k A. M., i. the Council Ch,mb, of the C.— House and City H,II Building m W the City If St. P.. That the CommCommissioner.of Finance give notice of -i meeting to the F-- and it, the .,,,e, provided by the Ch,,—, —ting the time ,d place of hearing, the -- I the i.p,.—,mt ..d the —.1 —, thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il ---- 192--- Appo—d ------- - -- -- -- ------ 192 --- City Clerk. C .. ------------________________________.r. --------------- May - y— PUBT !"i.N:,) Councilman ... iI Councilman lm. Councilman fff6qW&n— i'""�'tt C .... iIm..,H6qW&n— C ... d1m.. 'Smflki— Council... vb.—k May-tbehm Bun'llie F.,. B. S. A. " 92001 ...... f ga, COUNCIL FILE NO. -------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matt— f__�^^+_^^j, -tl- -land- --a-7 -fo—lojau. -------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------- ..d,r Preliminary Order_____ 91701----------------------- pp --d ______________Feb: 25 _1932 .... The C .... il of the City of Pa.) having —6-d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b.— i.p—m-1,and lb -hag considered -id report, hereby r-1, 1. That th, said report and the am, i, hereby approved .,d adopted, and the said improvement ai. hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. p....... —om-e-��dtaka as That the at,,, f the im b - is__________________________ cut-sand fill. blueand apart lt.r�of,tA� hatched _pjft�a filler___________----- ---------_________________________________________________________ --------------------------________ with .. alternatives, ..d that the estimated cost thereof i, $ ------- '5' Do --------- Resolved F,nh,,, That , public hearing b, had on said improvement on the________ 26tb ------- day of April_ 1932 — ------------ bft&--, at the b.., of 10 .'d.tk A. M., i. the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose ..d City H.JI Building i. the City of St.PaulCommissionerPThat tl,CommissiCommissionFinancei, fFinancegivegi..flee of said meeting t, the p,,,,,s -d it, the ._t provided by the Ch--, stating the time and place of hearing,the ...... of the improvement aad the b—I cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... iJ--M4-R-3AJM ------- 192 ---- Approved____________________ ___ 192--- City Clerk. - ---------- ----------------------------------- May.,. C'u'cilm" chh�? V �c C ... 61... luidgkwl I C .. ci:m""" , : . ........ C .. 6m.. ;Fgmw Mayors BUndlil Fat. B. S. A. 8-6 92002 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- "<< By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In he M.,, _poRthof _Selby_ Avethm1c2_south --- to the, A.11190L. ------------------------------------ ------------- ------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- -- ---------- - -------------------- ----------------------------------------- -------- ---- --------- ------ ----------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------- --- --------- ---------------------------------- ..dcr P,'Ii.m., O,d- ------ 91729 ----------------------- p --d --- 1932_______________ The C .... if of the City of Punt having —wed the ,p.,tf the CommissCommissioneri, of Finance upon the above improvement, -d having cmudd ... d ,id hereby —.1- 1. Tb,t the said report ..d the —j, i, hereby zpproved and adopted. and the ,,id improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Bide_ -17_De1._St- bari-njng40 ft. - alley-__ w Y --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$--19-QQ -------- Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement no the____ 16th ---------- day of --Apzil,-1932 ----------- t the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co w ' House ..d City H.11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the C...mw— of Finance give mticz-'6f said meeting to "' - and in the mu.— — j, provided the Charter, stating the time .,d pl.,, of hearing, the nature Xth�, improvement and the mt,1 —t thereof ., cefim—d. Adopted by the C ... cil --- MAR 30_1932 ------ 192___ Clerk ---- ------------ App—ed -------- MR-2-ft�"q -- ____192 M -yo, C ... c.l... ylcllu C--mllnum Councilman Council— vict M.Y., X13ga B—d1i. F.— B. S. A. 8-6 92003 COUNCIL FILE NO._ .ie., e.am•i•. By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- —tanacti-ng,-ralaying -and Aha-sid-1), — -------------------------------------------------------------------- Litmoln Ae., worth side, beginning atPri or Ave., th .. e -t 96 ft. RciDr. Aye., eetst side ---- b gimain&st_Linool. Ave.... - _Js _th_—t;h_. alley-_________ — ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ..d,, Preliminary Orde ------------- R_kM? ----------------- pp .... d Fqb,_261932 ----------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1-s: I y_ That the said report and the same is hereby pp .... d and adopted. and the said improvement is — h1, ,d ... d to be p,,,,,d,d with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council -.-ods is__r000natr t, -relay --- end— ------------------- Lincoln Ave north side, beginning at Prior Ave., theme —1; 96 ft., - ----------- with m, alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $_}57,20_______ -,IA7,20------- Resal-d Fmrtbc,, That . public hearing be had Resolved on said improvement on th ------ 2Ath ---------- day of - U—IM -------------- 4432L--, at the hour of ,,2r 10 'clock A. M., m the Council Chaosbe, of the Court House and City H-11 Buildingis the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and is them ... er provided by theCharter, stating the time and place of bc,,i,g, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereofas estimated. Adopted by the C ... cil__!W_1_QM ------- 192 _Ph_' Approved ___ -_____r 1.0^______]92___ City Clerk. Ma Councilman Councilman vC..i:m'z CouncilmanVA..& May,, 1 Bumdlie Far. B. S. A. 8-6 92004 COUNCIL FILE NO. By O-By ------------- — ---------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- e—af—tiAg.-eWing -Md--MAtdt'g 'he" -nPen ... rXAhe_-e!'Owan za - f -t -- ----------------------------------------- ------------- - ------------ ------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -------------- ..d,, Preliminary O,de ------------- 9lue --- r ------------- pp—ed --)kL-JkA.-M2 ---------------- The Council of the City of Pan] having ... 6-d the ,P,ft of the of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consideredconsideredaidrep—. hereby I. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordto be proceeded with.2. That the nature of the imp—eme.t which the Council .... mm;.ds -f-Rmod--St-bar, _164 ft. - --------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated —t thereof is $Af!!LC� --------- R—Ned Fm -the,, That . public he—mg be had .n said improvement .. the______ 2Wh ________Jay of -Aplil 1—IM ------------ 792a--, at the h— of 10o'clock A. Nf., i, the Council Ch,mb,, of the Court house and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the C—mi—, of Finance &, notice of said meeting to the F,,,o,, and in the man— provided by the Charter, -mg the time and place of hearing, the .,t,,e o the imp,,Mlfl nj y total —t thereof ,timfd. Adopted by the C .... il ------------------------ 192-- Approved___________ 1&4.,.- __192___ City Clerk. -------------- C .... i I man f)j Councilman Fg3j9 C ... ciloom C ... imn Councilman May,, ibel-ci, Bundlie I'me, B. S. A. M 92005 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- saoaaatruatir>g.-relayirsvisepciring_iha_sidavalk-oa_th4_-_____ nast_@J.da_ot Saratog�A¢e.,_hagl.anlag2Q9_SG._nnnth nS �nYZnrannlra�,_5hanaH_anuih 40-'tte--- +a. eaoaa— -- eal4tter at re2opetnettva, rots-' Qrivalrina tTe Ones -- under Preliminary Order_______________ R1Z89-------------- pproved ____ __Fnh._Zfi._19 .2__________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ieomatntat._IElgy__ @AIL_L@DHIr-Sh@_@�.fidaH]lC _nA tlia_HRkt_H tla_HY__80rAtn;AACa,i 4eESNaSrag. ZQ9--tb _eonth_of Jaffersntt_A—,-tl—south_40_-Ct.e_________ _ ___ ___ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- with no alternatives, and chat the estimated cost thereof is $_24.00_________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 26th day of _ Apx11e.1232___________- ]O�___, at the hour of oc 10 o'clk A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court not House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give ice of said meeting to the persons and in the to er provided by the Charter, stating the time end place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR_3__0__1931 192____ Adopted by the Council_________ Approved____________________________192___ City erk.__ ____-_ - Mayor. Councilman qty_. C...eilmau = „, I„� did 0 Councilman PL'BLISII17,13— � Councilman Cou cilm v 9 Councilman xv—ft. Mayor Maw Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 92006 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING iN CONDEMNAiTfMk �FEIIIDGS RC0\ i\D ISI\G T111F. OF D`�°` 0`' TLF AR'aRD OF DANAfiC� In the matter of_xidc: ir__..SsY.h_._�=- aL_flT:v ^.� 9_�_RA_ �:'/S_nue_ and --y omtne rc isl Street for the nu_^nose of constr•ic'.inr. too :nal oti lnil- a st a'. r,�^.y and sidenai'+ on the so :rh r1r side of Sixth at tt- eaeterl-r of the _i th _ o It a stele of land 4 ft. 1 `''tth he inr nor t':.v r lv 4 ft. o'lo'. 1 -.n^,-'. ...,. terl7! 4 '1. of the I o-ith.vc s erl 14 ft. of lot 1.1, :ill r ir. lock 17, Le-:s.r dyG�ae .o S' r.. , under Preliminary Order------Li32—______--_--, approved ______--...__._h,_ 1252______________. Intermediary Order_________ `)1610_____________ approved___ --__'_`-n .- 972 Final Order----------------- _ 91100 __ __s________________ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court Aouae in the City of St. Paul on the____ ------- 27 t1- ---- day of__- ------- . _--r-i-1----- ---, 19Z2, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com - r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing asprescribed by the Charter¢ MAR 2 0'01' Adopted by the Council -------------------- ------------- ---- - City Clerk. Approved ---- ..____------------- ______'19---- ------------------ ' 1 Mayor./ Councilman.i',onray3- Councilm Councilman McD mld Councilman $ea{ce Councilman iRoe e Mayorlma3 W alio 92007 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IMLCONDEMN€ TION — TH RFON AND FIXING TI9C OF 7i 1 '•^ o......I ....:. In the matter of_____________________________ ___________ - -. . ------ widening Bradley 3t, fr^n 7eventh II, to North 51, by adding to St the .a aterly 20 ft, of block. 5 Blind- 4T Brunso-'s Addit Ion also thet part of lot 12 block 2, true sons tl on 1 ng seat of line drawn from a point on the north Iine f Hop'�Ins :-*. 15 feet west of Bradley It. to a pnint on the west line of Bradley St, 7B feet north of Hopkins St., also by addine to it that part of Mock 1, Brur.sonIa Addition and lot 7, Greve's a sr rangem nt lying 'we at o` the :Lee of an B00 foot radius circle. tan;{oat theline of :5radley St, and to a line drawn prom a point on the I line of + dl, _t, 40 Peet n to of 'oP��<i ns ..t, to a point on the southeast linc�of .:ecat ur St, 182 feet northeast of its intersection �'!th the ?resent e t 11ne of sodford :it, sl so widenin'a8radley lit,, , Bedford -t, catur It. by addin:- all of lots 1 to 5, inclusive, Greve'9 Hearrenq nt, an. lots 6 to 22, Snclus've, block 6 Irvine's second ,dditi.n, also by adding those parts of lobe 3 and 5 dock 6, Irvin 'a Second 4d1ition, 1 ing northwest of a line drawn eraliel to the south'.a.t line of Decatur,, t and 14 Al southeasterly hereof, also by eddin,7 that nart of lot , frvi ne'e Addition of Out lots l lying east oP a line drawn para)).:) �o end BO feet nor thweat erly of a lona drawn from a point on the Deet line of Beadle; St, 40 ft° north of Hopkins St, to a no lot on the southeasterly line o_ :;scat ur St. 182 feet northeasterly of its !ntersoction with the present east line of Tedford St., also opening, widening and extending Decatur ot. from Beaumont St, to ?nyne Ave., bS adding to :t all the laud in 'dock 1 Phillipe Addition and in block 4. Irvine's econd Addition, lying southeast of a line drawn from a point on the south ilea of lot 5, bloc:c 1 Phillip's l.dd'tion 12.:,46 fe+,t vzea of Preble St. to a point on the east l�.ne of lot 8, block 4, Irid ne e Second Addition, 101.01 feet north of Beaumont " also by add- ing s strip of land 80 feet in width in and across block 3a�IrvSne's Second Addition, the southeasterly line of said strip being a line drawn from a point on the west line of lot 12, block 3, Irvine's Second Addition 52,07 feet north of Bdaunont St. to a point on the east line of lot 4, blook 5, Irvine-. Second Addition 125.65 feet south of lilinnehaha St., also by a that ,�¢�t of lob 1, block 3, Irvin+a. second Addition lying so uth�o asEerl, of the arc of a 80 foot radius circle intereaet!:>,y the west lion of Psyne va, 8 feet south of tl nn ehnha :areet and tan��rrant to the ?-oposed nortrhwE starly line of Decatur .,t, across block .3s vi. ne'e Second +.idition as described e-ove, also wid..i g Payne Ave. from Airualoahe _t, t.o %.eaney t. by ad'1cg to 1t that part of block 3, 9orup and Payne'. .d di t!on and is to oils Jivis`on lyi.ar- saet of the followin;, described linea ieginuim at a point on the. north line of ;dinnehaha ..treat 25 feet we et of the west line of Payne ',� , thence or th on n line ncsallel to the melt line of Payne :vc. to the south line of lot 5, latsor'e J1�`isior 'D , thence northeasterly to the southeast corner of block 2, Isorup an., :syne's Addition a h, r.�� '✓ � Mayor. Couacllman �- II., �1� O . Councilman erggeyn- '-/ councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland ..,. , Councilman 949XZMW Mayor 3undlle under Preliminary Ord -------- ----------- a pp—ed ---- - Intermediary Order----------- —___ aPProved__— •'___'__ 1_}_ ----------- Final Order _____- ------------ approved___-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his asaessmcnt of benefits to property from the making of and improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the _7th------ day of_____— --_'"='=1------------- 19_ -�-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Core- nomwomer of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. BAR ;i 01932 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ .--------- 19____ _ - City Clerk. Approved______. -& ------------ 19_--- tom. M Councilman Pearce , Councilman Rohlsad Councilman &l� Mayor 3»-111, "••••••`••`•••• ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 92UU8 ' OFFAE OF CITY CLERK / ,OOIINCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM ra � NrEo /✓' �`--¢Z March 30, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of grading and improvement of the Alley in Block 11, Eastville Heights from Cypress Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89738, approved July 7, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90370, approved September 8, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas COUNC11MEN Naye Clancy F,,g—. McDonald In favor Rohlcod C Sudhei— _ .Against Weozel Mr. P—id— Hodgson °Fs Iw avu o� t —1 - Adopted by the C--WA9 3 0 1932 19 ApprovSd � _ 19_ _ o N ,L "'•'"""""""' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 92001 Q_�fFIC" OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL F.CWTION—GENERAL FORM 'aMM NEva l wr,Ch J/ ,.� March 30, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of grading and improvement of Alleys in Block 10, St. Anthony Park North from Fulham Street to Hendon Avenue and from Hendon Avenue to the East and West Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89497, approved June 9, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90153, approved August 19, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas COUNCIL—Nays C6ncy / McDonald U In 1—, Rohland �'. sudhei— Against w.—Ie Mr. Prceident Hodg 6o — a wea AI' > n 93i�eioC'$Ival oe= e AUC: I d e0ry�ueci➢- eeh�d6ma . tt^K1aPi Adopted by the Co unci l__ MAR •i b 193219 4 - APP /' --.. 19- C M m.n _ CITY OF ST. PAUL C'0 1L 1L NC. 92UG QFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,Le COUNCRESOLU TION—GENERAL FORM —__srf R _ _ _ _. _._T. March 30, 1932 RFsoLvED In the matter of grading and improvement of the Alleys in Block 6, Hayden Heights, being the West - North and South Alley from Sherwood Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, the East - North and South Alley from the East and West Alley to Lake Como -Phalen Avenue, and the East and West Alley from the West - North and South Alley to the west line of Raesls Subdivision, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89564, approved June 16, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90157, approved August 19, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUea—EN •� •. aom o s.l YeasN. Adope— b.N,Yr Chncy % .�.. Ferg.... McDonald In f.... Approved Rohland ���`,• Sud6eimer C _ Aga in si � Weoul mArOR Mr. Prcridenl Hadgwn / °.°,....o.,.. �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL r,.E � NO. SMQ FFICE OF CITY CLERK O S LUTION—GENERAL FORM �oN A ago _ DATE RESOLVED, That the proper city ffioere be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a renewal of that certain contract entered into by the City of St. Paul and the United States Government, on the 18th day of February 1915, for the maintenance of the lights on the bridge crossing the Mississippi River con- necting Fort Snelling with the City of St. Paul, said renewal being for the year beginning July 1, 1932, and ending June 30, 1933. Yea° eourveiLM Ery N , M Do°°Id R.— I° I... � A— g.— /M, /M, Pr,sA— Bu„dL, 'a a1"111 b1l° a'e Ifth Ad°P,°d by d„ C ... �.I VAAR 15 19 APP d IaC. 19 - o.,o,„...o c......+. CITY OF ST PAUL rca NO. FFICE OF CITY CLERK S LUTIONGENERAL FORM Ts�o R 0onroy Tr �ilGn�^( ,p32.— RESOLVED, That the proper city fflcers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into a renewal of that certain contract entered into by the City of St. Paul and the United States Government, on the 18th day of February 1915, for the maintenance of the lights ps the bridge crossing the Mississippi River con- �necting Fort Snelling with the City of St. Paul, said renewal being for the year beginning July 1, 1932, and ending June 30, 1933. Ycas cou rvciLM [ry Nays Conroy McDonald In (.ver Pcaccc kosen Against � Sudhc;mcc Mc. P,d B—dbc RE °aho"'evdn`�i�� aC Ad.,I,d by rbc WIQR '3 1 .Ta I, App cd a k 'd SEPIAL 110. OF ROLL /f5lA DEPARTI4:NT (7 , �91 4�_ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP // PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If —L 7rto LIMITED RETENTION DATE IIICROFILF_D CONTENTS 1 n �+ • / p c� ` o -S NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT IQCROOF//ILIED SIGNED Oper .or JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supero sor 2 4 X °aoa, o` 9\ �cac A 0 OS� j 9 �I VIII 9Z•III b�l lull � oal "=1 i•TVIII 0.1 Mill 2 4 X °aoa, o` 9\ �cac A 0 OS� j