90387-90780_09-08-1931_10-27-1931y • ce Yaayy� off' �\ 5 ti \\ r • ce Yaayy� off' �\ 5 ti \\ SERIAL N0. OF ROLL DEPARTt�NT C ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED CIf L to LIMITED RETENTION --DATE MICRO£ILNED-2e_m h �fs✓6 CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT micROFILI ED C,F 90'1 (e3NC` 010_= ZtAT tc)3 j - n c SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY 14ICROFILM BY Supervisor CITY OF ST', PAUL , ox NO.. ORIGINAL TO CITY LER ^SSI 7'�Y i'�OFFICE 017_0 TY CLkVf1,¢tj'r�,'upt#er t3sn�w efal� t2 ' CIL R 6N—GENBg�°-0` 12 te�ik'�whmd , :r PRESENTED BY t 'AT COMM ISSIONE fig, 'oertain_additiline'and extras have; be®n Lound neoesn on the i'mpr9vlment described its the Annex to 8t. Paul Auditorium, under nbar Aoutraat G 526, and Waggig,,the unit Pri es eaifioatioasrattached•therecontact too,Mand Murphy & bon are set out in p RHEAEAB it has been found neoessary to make the following additions: Extra of June 12. 1931: er enbie yd.b20.08 65.01 cu: yds.;Rook 'Excavation •.5800 per oubio yd. 530.08 Bb.01 " " concrete 1:3:4 0 14.70 70.0 Sq. it. Forms • x.21 Per sq.ft. 239.96 4799.2 lbs. Reinforcement • 3.05, per lb- 4799.2 borings • 33.50 per set 33 r 52-159✓ Extra of Ja7z 28. 1931: 80 yds. cono:ete extra for tooting in north wall and footing for west well and ramp Rall* due to extra depth of footing in sand rook $640.00 ti • $8.00 per yd. 1,865.x8 158.16 cubic yds. sand rook excavation • X8.00 1,266.88 168.16 a ■ 1:2:4 oonorete •.#@•00 115.50 33 sets boringe • $3.50 per set 418.95 1995 sq. ft. "extra forme • .4.21 639.37 12 587.3 lbs. steel • 3.05 �7.17 143.3 lbs. steel • 3.05 (correction usly) "rods - Cols. 13A to 113 6t, billpr 1. the sum of the two extras above being $5,688.87, and �gEg g the Department of Parks, Playld- grounds and Public tb:e Inge has :agreed with the_oontra6tor, William M. Murphy & son, t the enm 4- 0,088.87 ie a reasonable 0oet of doing said work and supPlyiag the materiels specified herein,.aow therefore, COUNCILMEN': Adopted by the Council — Yeas Nays i Conroy May Approved McDonaldd In favor _ Pearce V Rosen -Against Sudheitner Me. President S dlie COUNCIL �Ofl101NAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL 'FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL.FORM " PRESENTED BY - ATEE COMMISSIONER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves. the aforelsaid work, the cost of the same not to exceed the am of $5688.87, said sum to be allowed as an addition to the considera— tion named in Contract known as Contract G 8586. COUNCILMEN - Council— Yeas Nays Adopted by the Conroy May N 1 `�P � � � McDonald ___ (ij_.__In. favor A—19-- • Pearce ✓ PP--? Rosen —V __Against - --- —----- MAYOR. Sudheipier PUi3LiaF3EQ_y�' l / Mr. President Bundlie Pli of Sair ;Paul �b crk - :lak CLARENCE A. STORMS ai.Fa�•R.ra.a� 7p%µtag of Ot. 11aut BUREAU.OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS �¢p.ct— of j..CKttou BUREAU OF PUBLIC. LIBRARY 'S. o. HseRwstL, 6U'alNrolewT IRVING C..FEARCE, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS _ GEORGE J. JACOBS, Dm— Commiss— BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRun— o—oR 0-- or C—..IbrieR D. D. MU—Y. MaiRreRuar " 9.D FLOOR, ENDICOTT BLDG. " Sept. 2nd, 1931. �t To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council# Gentlemen: Attachedhereto kindly find Extras for the Am. A Y: Murphy & Son, General Gontractor, on the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium, covering extra'ezoavation, concrete, forms, steel and test holes for footings required to go to a"greater depth than the plans showed. The Extra of Jung 12th, 1931 amounts to $10341.32 and Extra olj,July 28th, 1981 amounts to $4,341.55 making a'total of These Extras are recommended and approved by the Commissloner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and @: by the City ArclAtiect. The same have been checked by this Department, and we find that the materials and prices are correctly stated, and are submitting "these Extras for your consideration. g Yours very trul', RM(#-L Commissioner of Eduoatio d l/� � i�!-j e4l COUNCIL T CITY OF ST_ P L FILE NO. pR101NR1 TO CITV CLERK _ ^ �. �) _• OFFICE O'F GIT LERK �I NC ESOLUTIO GEIS I= FORM SEP 10 ]$31 .: PRESENTED BY DAT �,-.v-o•w _, COMM ISSI. E - RESOLVED I In the matter of "00210trat tial,, reowing �' lon�riag . where neaessa,27s . the sidelwsalcs at tba coil locations: 6a low side 8oblys Ave. s -beginning at lftrdinand St. , theme east 66' e i 561 east or ?erdinand St., thence east 50� Soot$ Sidi 8eblyn Awe. s bK'i� n6 +r+. m-1 St. cad Sowell lie. South stde. loblya lie. s bwtw�en Terdi s south 1121. last side DOW ave., bead—ing.: at 261eanrt lie., them A, s �giaaing 1001 nprth-'o�r Msrshall °►e., thence north to alley West side D4y4 Orrell hs. and- I61ebart ,Ave. Both sides q lie. i between last side-Bowell Me-. beginning 1004 - wovth or Carroll aveo thence 107th to slip last side Prior Ave., begimsiag alit I6lehart *Tro" thew, north 1to 9 i,y� a; to der Preliminary' ;prd4or-So. $9172, app broax 3390MBDs . that 8111 orders in tale' above a matter be and they are herely cancelled, aaatalled and res¢isded and all praaesdin6i D R Itq ,0889-By Ditlt6n knoean in said matter be diacoatistoed. In t6otnaaer pi ;reepnettncttnk �relaY Xng and tenafting Wile a :nec leaty� - tha`etflewalttq at thb.for{lgwing looey.'. IYortLa',18@ Aob? �a'�,�lvo begfaning at: >waTdfnanfl at Nil- a ea&t sJ < apntfF�Rlflo ROb{yn,.Aye 'ba 1`ming %8 ' - oalet: 6t SeMloaP-d. Sy thenao eddi;; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_' Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald—I. favor - ��P l Approv _- 19--- - — - - - Pearce Against -- --- -- — --- --' ---' MAYOR Rosen ---- Sudheimer Mr. President Bu#cllie Adopted by the Couacii ........... —193 Yeas. Nays. CONROY MAY McDONALD '� PEARCY ✓ ROSEN ✓ SUDHEIMER tX MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) Dui � f b Adopted by the Council._—...._—_ -193:.._.__. Yeas. Nays. CONROY MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN SUDHEIMER ✓ MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE). 90389 June 2nd, 1931. Hon. Hilton Rosen, Qomear of Public Works, Building. Dear Coamiasionar9 Ho attach herewith Final Order, Council File No. 992+03* in the matter of reconstructing, (72 0 relaying and repairing the sideways on Roblyn Ave., Avenue, Howell Avenue, etc. This matter was laid o r to June 16,✓� and you wore reouested to work out an estimate t cost each piece of properly included in the order and s s ✓ Information to the Com.1ssioner of Finance to send notices to ✓/. the property owners. V Yours very truly, ✓ 01t4, cip*k' Jana 2nd, 1931, Hon. v .� Tsvxsaa i c bear QOf_---'{ z=C3Z1C.P: The attached copy of final order, CounaiI. ? s 6'9103, was laid over for the Cavnell at its l. e- today to June l Gtb, 1931 aad the Coaxed e- eioner of b3 is :Yar= was instructed to prepo e estimates of cost $cs s- 4e-2xC- piece of property and the Comuissioner of, finsaco � S.astructed to send out now notices to property owners tLat= of the now date of TiOariag and the Yours very truly,, City Clerk. a 90390 ST. PAUL, /MINN. 8e_pteItlber 8, 193 Resolution by Corr:rszzsszoner Wi�R�AS die advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commis s �L oa -2s4sLa authorized certain extras in the er d ereo>• erection of tYse ries Court House and City Hall Building as �o a ettij� follows: 11'a OoY EXCAVATION. rla s�la tetra varo�3=� order No. 106, 107,. 108, f 109 110 A'i la�9s(i. J t7 i 1868 Oj0 111 J: 11 4C:=W2- a total Of jevtne aorata= 3 dtla 4T- - $286.98 n `Court souse' Extra �c3r� order No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, o ;;cifY'°coyuc}°i: 15, 1E5 or a total of Hedy&r bai 13485.44It i �; ,oelfea hr tris STONE FLUTING. E�Ctra v��r order No. 17 1856.00 COWING PRESSURE RELIEVING JOINTS. E:2c-trAOL order No. 18 3369.41 y ainci V n � maize said advisory Court House and City hall Buildiag C oT*iToL:MS i:sm :5- oa has made its report to the-Be&wd-@* -City Colmcil of St. Paul eq Gownb., covering the said extras, NOW `T`X3::'�-��'ORE,BE IT RESOLVED That the said extras so authorized by -t--X-ie advisory Court Howe and City Hall Building Commis ia i omrw, ire and th same r reby approved and the proper o��iciss oi' they goP a hereby authorized and i acted o s s'ue a warrant on the in payment of the pr opto�_r 3 ornate share of said extras upon the presentation o� tlae proper verified claims. COUNCILMEN CCp a Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.—SERL78 _19___ Conroy - May McDonald _______-___Zn favor Approved_ ;f Pearce Rosen --------- 10 -- Agai�zsr - - — - ----- - / MAYOR Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie COUNCIL onlotew�ro crrr cans CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOU NO—_ f FFICE F CITY _CLERK N—GENERAL FORM y/� 1/ PRESENTED OMMISS ONER 1P AT RESOLVED RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay the cityto proportionate share of the bills sub— mitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Euilding Commission as shown on Abstract of Claime fiber 14 of thQykdvisory Court House and City Hall Build— ing Commission, totalling $147,997.87, ,Us cites share of which is $73,998.93, and all as shown upon the. claims submitted by said Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May /M-Donald-----_-7In favor /Pearce(^ Rosen ---V-_tAgainst '/'� heimer Mr. President Bundlie AW Adopted by the Council_-- -1 ---$ 19— - Approved--------/—�- --`--�----�19--'--- MAYOR e COUNCIL- i61fiALTOCITYCLERK., _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENO. - , OI='FIGE, OF CI Y CLERK ~ COUI\IG_ Z_ �1 L—GEPJERAL FORM Pi�i1ee r Gers� �• �sad3ie HATE Se embeir " ' 93 In the death of 1_138 331o3rxorsb3.e Howard *heeler, Judge of the District Court, the County of ssy sad City of Saint Paul have lost an sable, fearless, upright, conscientious j9L-Anc beloved public servant and our citizens a kindly and civic -minded ne,:L �x mor sad friend. Be It Resolved that the =embers of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, herein and hers'aWl g3_-qr6 @=pression to the deep grief and sense of loss which are ours because 2ais Pass{jo; and Be It Further RBsoZvacL. that a -copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this CcsEsacil sad, also, that a copy hereof be sent to the ; J rC F No 90992 By Ma members of W[ s berasvel� i��S II yor sw:aiie.`--g Tn the':deat6 of;trig Houorable' Bow --1 COUNCILMEN yCas Nays -'Conroy %ay McDonald _ ___ ______in favor Pearce %-Rosen _ _ Sudheimer ✓ Mr. President Bundlie s .Ea Adopted by the Council__SU WK 19 --- SEP APProv - --- ----- ------------19-- - --- — ------ ----- -- MAYOR .NNfa.Tes NO ra)(�s��`�' o�x�o�eawd` ax - - CITY `OF ST. PA`...aEaaa bDeieu..----�7 "�� d-saatn Z'Hw liv�ia'H I 40FFICE OF CITY t _ / IL 'R ES 1�I—Gf=1�1�e PRESENTED elf + ¢ MMISSIQI�L - WHERMJS, GQ3.d 8001a 011 Compa=ny 48's petitioned the Council for persaission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at #390 =est Third Street, also hnowa as:< begizXaing ata point in the S Se line o= ZeTb- t=41 Thrd t Stree, eF,O See* northeasterly, as aeasured along Bain street line from its intersection With the northeasterly line of Bro&& 1 '�Y ez-teac3e4, thence_ northeasterlY sLlong the said etre•t line 150 i�st, theaoe southeasterly at right angles 80 *, thence southwesterly parallel z with the said street line 150 feet, thence northwesterly at right angles 60 Teel- to the place of beginning; and d Seal Oil Company has submitted a blue 11tSEREAB; said Gol- print oT the proposed lay-ont with drivewa ys, curb returns, pump location, stdewalgs, etc_ for- the informat:Losa of the Council; and WEMRE1S, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph gectios 5 of Ord=inance No- 5840; therefore, be it -- PESOLI:H that permission and authority are hereby given to,_. Gold 38s1 Oil Company to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan eubini.tted; say devia=tions from the plan as approved will su-Comat3o0saXy void the permit. The tanits and pumps shall be instelledAu s,eco�ce with the ordinances of the City, of St. Paul, under the direc- tion oY the Commissioner oT Pnblio Safety; the building plans and land - GO U IV Gl LM EN Nays _ __ _ ------ Against - _ President Bumaiie Adopted by the Council---------------19--- - ouncil— ______-_-__-19—__ L —Approved---------------------------_19— MAYOR COUNCIL onimHw� 1� c,�-ry cd.x ec CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERe -"*OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w- PRESENTEDnATE COMMISSIONE Max- 0c013Ping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of parlL-s s playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curts�ssg� aid.ewalks,• ramps, drainage or other public improse- meat s mr:Lthin the street linea shell be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. C> 1-5 NGi L -M EN ��pp 4q n yeas Nays Adopted by the Couneil_5L_ 8_J-_ 19-- 1\llcDonald f _____In favor Approved- _--- ------ -----------19-- Rosea __-. Against _ --"- 'OR ------- . Sudfic.mer ______ d IVtr_ Presiaernr: Bundlie CITY OF ST_ PAUL, - THIB APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN TRIPLIGTE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE Ct r f CLERK oPelee. - Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILL1P4C3 STATIQIii 1 TO THE HONORABLE. THS CITY COLJI�2CIL IJ. OF ST. PAUL. M i!V iV ESOTA APPLICATION Is Mereby WlU de B„ -- GOY_.i:> SEAL OIL COMPANY ----------------- -- --i:;R-------UAL-------------------------------------- (NAME OF FIRM OR tNDIYtD) . FOR P RM 1T TO I"VALL AND OPERATE A ---------- Q�=�S___----------- ----_------------------------- ('DRIVE INS OR -INSIDE GARAGE-) - Beginning a.t a. point in the S.E.Line. AUTOSYLE 1= ILLNG STATION NSTATION TO BE LOCATED ON Lo -r_____ ___ _--______________----- -BLOCK_____-__ ------------- t -__-----____-- oE. 3r St. 6l'.+_- -�. �t aoxtheo:eterlY aB measured along sa.icl street line from ite intexsea ion cmi a -a t3zg northeasterly line Df Broadeway -ex-teac38d; thenoe northeaster- 1y� along the s a-= s-tr,eet line 150 ft; thence southeaster�y at right angles Sol; t2�eYice _B thwesi-- -$rte -3 d a e3 �v'&tir t3setSef�s R18L 6-b -liaa— northwea erly an.g7>es 60 ft to the play w �- - `I 7Jo y,*o s.� C M OF EACH TANK-_15,XQ_QQ___$alL0 ! GOIJD Eur -OIL COMPANY F t LED I ANT. BY------------- 52S ZT10rth 7th Street -------------------------- -------------- --=-- BUSINESS ADDRESS. 3i3.*+T+espo2is, Mica. REGT=... -1/ED COPY FROM CITY CLERK COPY 1=i20M CITY CLERK >Q TE _-_-_--__-____ I_ VD -e-__- _c DF_PA mI CTpA 3m iT OF' PUBLIC SAFETY - -. CITY PLANNi KG SOAR u (91tit of SFltut Paul Department of Public Oufetm TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET O W EN C. DUNN. THOMAS A. DROWN - FIR[ CHID CHIEFOF FOLIC[ GEORGE C. SU DHEIMER. COMMI[3ION[R JOSEPH A. MACAULAY. D. F. SIMON, M. D. NEALTH OFFICER - - FRED W. SIMSEL. DEPUTY. COMMISSIONER SUPT. POLICE d FIR[ALARM �1l September 41 1931 Pdr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Gold Seal Oil Company for permission to instal a gasoline filling station at 390 East Third Street, and reports of inspection,.by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Ve�k�ruly Yo s s Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - - �- C11rY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-0FF�CE COMMUNICATION September 3, 1931 Mr. George C- Siadheimer Commissioner of Publi.o Safety Dear Sir: Referring to eWIp3.&oat1on made by the (cold Seal Oil Company for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at the location which is described as 390 East Third; Street: I have today mecle the usual inspection of these premises, ancl do not find that the proposed station will interfere witl L traffic_ 'Wer7 truly yours, H. N. Wettergren Superintendent of Traffic A"RdVED: _ Thomas A. Brown Chief of Police F1.16 0 9-3-31 Tl -11 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 25,1931. Aon. Geo. C. Su3'JasimCr Commieeiener oP Pu'blic Safety, St.paul,M3na� Dear Sir: =n r1moar3 to the application of the Gold Seal Oil Compmny Por parmi sgion to install a drive -yin gasoline fill- _:LnW ate,tioa at 390 East Third Street. Lie haves investigated the foregoing and report that such mn l3asta.22ation at the desired location would not increase the Pira hazard to tha extent that it would warrant rejection on these grouac3s� AseltrChief Inspector. r eau, Fire Prevention Bur This application For a drive-in filling station 3.sis a district zoned For Heavy Industry and is permissible vricier the zoning ordinance without a pub lie hearing. Applicant should be required to construct curbs at -Wme exit ana entrance-ways and provide expansion joints vrYsere dr3.veways adjoin sidewalk and roadway paving. Yours very ttruly, W. N. C p ed: Chief Engineer. MILTON ROSEN, Cam[missioner of Public Works U: I Itt CLYDE R. MAY tAUli J.. GOYM7{•IONlR - _ OtrYTT COY YI/•IOMtR CITY OF SAINT PAUL OtpARTMtNT ,OF.. PARKS, PLAYGROUNMS AND PUBLIC BUILDIN 5 OFFICE of, O011RMIsftON[R DIY CITY "ALL asoaat 1. NiwN. n,.r. s ►A.Rt VRHt t1..1OHNtON. wr. a v1.Amwa.c. CHA,. A. RA68PORC. Cm wwOYr6T September 10, 1931. Hoa _ Cozaacil, City of St. Paul. E3 -eat 2'e5,3nan : Attac�ad herewith please Pied City Clerk's Pile on the spp3_�oation of the Gold Seal Oil Company, who ask for pew ; ssioa to install a drive -1= Pilling station at 390 Tast Rrhird Street. This property -is located on the east 6ac3 tai what was formerly the old Great Northern Company bra 3_4jMjxt Ylouse, which has since boon wrecked. It is on t]aB south side of East Third Street, just opposite the s4c3Put3x and of John Street. '3'lzg property is zoned in the heavy industry classifica- . t iaa Lander the zoning ordinance and we believe that this proposed development is a logical one for this district. w4m s t3seref ore, recommend that the Council grant this per- ms � Your S / y, ' GGC o s sinner . r T.T - Soa- C. 8. U�rs Comm* r oS P. JP- & P. Mdes. , 8nildiag. 331 a Commissioners ,ttaclse3 please mind all papers - ia the matter of the spplication of the Mold 86a1 011 CospsW :row, laexmlt to install a drive-l= Silling station st x#390 Sas% Tb&rd Street. 'Phis matter was re=erred to you tmclmV 'bV the Co7mcil, for -report. ?ours very* trnlwv City Clark. 94 CIT OF ST. PAUL lacy ��• OF i OF CITY CLERK OC7NCi ESPI_l ON— GENERAL FORM 4f COMMl55 ONE OAT _ RESOLVED Whereas, im the paving of Biaras Avenue from Point Douglas Road to 250 ft. west of Johnson Streeter 3t has t9i T manholes and catch -been found necessary to construct -cer basins at once in order to avoid delay in constructioTs work, therefore, be it . Resolved, T-hat the Commissioner of Bnb110- Works be and he is hereby autY>arized and directed to proceed with the necessary work by City forces at an ester **la ted cost or $200.00, Said cost to be r:L— -rced from funds provided by Bond Tssue for improving Burhs Avenue. _ C F No 90531-8'Y ��11'COn Roseri pl - �.. , N �7vnaza� 2a Lie paviaiC of suras `- ' ,.�� A sand; Lratim-Poiati DoII81as Road to 254 Zt. :`w¢nto! ,So'aasoa Streets it Las - �beea�iduad u¢ca*19a.�9 ta,conatYucfi cer "te*.. matilsoiea sad catch basins at,.once .„ ,. in ardor YA s.t+ola' de38]* 3a'_ CoastYnCilon - WOlIC.�--thEtr6510'r8 2frr S! -. ' " '. - � 1 ubl�tc vV�or a Asa. ad he .min Lerebs sn .. _ `-taorisea xaa,: aii^eoL�ad to- rocema �svltL -the aacassary work b9 �!]• forces at {�idX�) / ��- an es*+ � coat or szao_oo Baia cost. �Cp�' 4 � C t1'S.pKl O�� Bond � u�aacOr�i=a3'+�a ods 3a_$rao�g edA�bY - /�• C� � G-aaAdoDied b'Y tiaec Coaacii; SBDt- 9.:1931. IF-p - Approved _sept 9 1983. - - - COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Naps Adopted by'the Council S E P 9 Ift 19- 19— In -19_In favor PP - SndFt+cinol>�Ir —Against MAYOR Mr. Presidcnt S bd4god FM- .GOUNGIL GITY OF ST_ PAUL FIL6 1V0-—d�Hsiv - -ORI ClNAL TO GITY CLER% - - - _ OFFIG OF GITY CLERK .J LRE -EFT-FOhi �+.EL1t.ERAL_FORM .PRESENTED AT ---/ COMMISS�ONE _ F2EsoLvs»¢ That the of WJE ter Commas one=s be _ &=I,& i t i s he►setsg gLmtlk :L zed to enter into an agreem=ent Frith Charles gtewaxt, p=0- .&diag for the payaaent of asaarpensatioa to him at the rate o= A16-00'-- w eek O.vmeek during sncb bare as he shall be totalir disabled by =mason of injuries reoeiwed by haat whilo is the em=ploy of the mcmiLmmumAk mater Department, oa the 10th day_ of &v ;uat 1931; be it F FmmR RESOLW3r.D, that is accordance with said a.gr 04WAW&Wt, the Board of Water Commissioner$ is hereby authorised to pay to said Charles Steias'$ the au- of X448-00 _out , of the Water-Depsxtment Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board. of �[ster Oommissioners, being for the period from August 15th =o September 5th, 1931, inclassiYe. c Ita. sss—sq a con:og xeleoived� ��rist- lea Boa:B of WStR= 4 _ k, May McDonald - --1a fervor Pearce - Rosen ---Against - ------ _ Sudheimer Mr. President Buimcme,_ the Department of 1pa6wke, playgrounds and Public Buildings ror & re- aewal of a 3 Cvv=N=xR— :3reyasa plumber's license, for which xenswal he deposit ed the sum ©::r --03001w4o Do17.ars with said department; and where&P,,1-At was thereafter that because of lapse of time, a renewal license could not be -%_ �aaue;d without said John J. Ryland passing a new examin- &tion;• and w•>hLe�ms, it is the intention of the department to cancel the renewal and refund the Two Dollar payment made therefor; therefore, be - PZBOL Tlxmt the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised, arab 4ff3r4eeted to issue a warrant in the sum of #2.00, p&y&ble w' to said John Sylsnd, said refund to be paid out of the departmental 'receipts for Winch licenses. COUNC [ Lrv1 Yeas Nay s Conroy May McDoaaid ____In favor Pearce Rosen - ____�-Against Sudhcimer `_- Mr. Presid t Bundlie Adopted by the CounciSf L 9- ' —19, A70 -v - - ---19-- _ _–OR _ -- yc MARTSCHMM L MIM ve : 1.ALJ%, court aerru�aN[w Loule J. GX- G>fTY OF SAINT PAUL` OCPARTM6NT, 0I PARKS, pLAYCsROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS -- p>r 1•[C! OF COMMIS010N[R 219 CITY HALL - conn A. nNrra4 eu►r. P r+wr.e.•o' . C. o [ASWOM, err .wn.r.cr., PMP" - siwr September 5, 1931. Hon. I+. L. 1►sader aoa a Corporation COt1Z13e2, Departesnt of . La=- - ; . < Dear Sir " Attached herewith plesae find aoaaaunication mailed by this office to 'Doha J- 7 Hague Avenue, which explains Itself. You will note, is t3z3s letter, that we informed Sr. Hyland that if he woulcl a�11 at this OFFioe a refund of the money deposited bT him ws4Wu3d be msde. We are now informed by the Comptroller' s < rSics that a co--mscil resolution must be pas sod in order rem siz4=2a a x eYnnd to be mads. As an error was 3nMLde Mss this. ott'ice, May I respectfully ask Intro - that. yon draw up t3za. aecsssar7 resolution which Z will dueo/Into the Coizuc32 so t2aat this refund of $2.00 may be made? -- Yofaa a very truly, �1:106 II t. c t ��} _ - � 4- _ � A V i � 1 a k Ft � t 90397 COUNCIL FILE NO ................... ... ................ By_.............................•----............--...---............... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Wellesley Avenue from _ tier? Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, AeaBasmmtrra 80397 matter an aaeeeaeNOnL r: '` aaefe ad e,ea9e9.:for 'hfag Ourbing Oanboth adj0§1 toACrettn fAvanC4�^` 90 a oars Or.. 86383 .yi�_, `f�txr 87s„F^oat Lj'- - under Preliminary Order ............. 8.5..31.3.3-- .................. -•---, Intermediary Order ............ 86626 .....................•............ Final Order ............ 87147 ............... app,roved................ CCt-.:...28a-.................... _... . 1930- The assessment of. ------_b@11Cf1t9,,••_CO8t8•_8Ad-_e8pBA888- .................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and fonud the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same'is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the --------------_.6:kA .. -day of October.................. 19-_31 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the = improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of -the particular' owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP- 9 �, Adoptedby the Council ............. ...............................:................................19... qFApproved..........: L . 19-... Councilman10141mrx Conroy Councilmap:N McDonald jf Councilman 3*=& [3 May U Councilman lMlb sdc Rosen Councilman!! Pearce Councilman Amax Sudheimer Mayor XkIVM Bundlie Form B. B. 17 .................. ........... ......... _...... City Clerk. .....�/.�....�..-------- --------- Mayor. ��pBLISFiEID 9039 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................................... By......................................................I.......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for v constructing ourbing,,on both sides of Edmund St. from Grotto St. to St. Albans St.,tet ts of the asseesment .ofi ,.cosaaq'"eaDeneee fr oon F .f '44prblgg oo bosh skied ;of, . ,rd.9ttrom-aro'tfo 9t n,::�!'. J161HP���gd►>�e � 4R ' la„' J,'Y l`lc ii l a+ under Preliminary Order .............. s587,Q........................ Intermediary Order..... 87978 ..... Final Order ................. 8.82a.4 ....................... I approved ............ Tei?e...1 th,..................................... 19..31 The assessment of........ban9.f--- And ... 812000.8....................for and in connection with the above improvement having Been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.........8.t ............day of ........... ..GQt.Qbex................. 1931, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner f' to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............... ......................................... 19 ............. .-....... City Clerk. Approved .......... �� p...'� _ .........1.......... - -......................................-------....:------.., Mayor. Councilman]M x Conroy Councilmanistr4 Em May Councilmah AMMIA 8 McDonald pl!Fef ,tar �� CouncilmanIDDXU3 Pearce Couneilma)iXU fe'GM Rosen Councilman99m=x Sudheimer Mayor Ha"MR . Bundlis .. Form B. B. 11 `'` 90399 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FLING TIME OF HEARING IUMMUMM THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES in the matter of_mndemaing-and_ taking- An_Bassment._in_the; land-nenemaxy--- for slopes, cuts and fills is the grading of Rockwood Ave. from Alton St. to the.west line of Palisade Additions. under Preliminary Order ------- B89M---------- approved ----- Apzil. 8,�_IRU-----------_I Intermediary Order ------------ AWN--------_, approved ------ J1111Y_-aii- i -RU-------------> Final Order -------------------- 9165--------->. approved_- ---- AU9A6t-19_,-M1------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is -hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- -------day of ---- Oft Oher---------------- 1911, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ��++ Adopted by the Council ------ " ,�-------------, 19---- a�---------- -- 1 City Clerk. -- Approved ------------------------------ 19 ---- - -------- --------------- Mayor. Councilman�Mia Conroy Councilmanlfd5x May Councilman IUM9 McDonald �tJ�LI9IL79 �1� / Councilman Pearce Councilman Zathst. Rosen CouncilmanMidhftw Sudheimer Mayor RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING I RIM x THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING (1N THE AWARD OF DAMAGES r In the matter of__Qondemtling_and_taking an_easement_in_the_ land _neceasar�__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of,Alley in Howard Greene Addition from Edgcumbe Road to the east line of Lot 5, matter of oohdemHing and`-tak=i �s art•=easement !n -"the land neces- for'.�sloyes,=cut9: and ffile in. t*= ding. bf aney ln'.HoWard��6k++` o3ltlop:;trom �dgctlmlfe'Rgad �' C st nnetot Lot fi, uH�1er ,Prep r' xg mo,88891: approved 7uri"vr rmGdlary 'Order -1988F' -P" ,t, 184} Flnaf'i0r u� ,v. dad el rsf...';(.,, e' irtii� . under Preliminary Order ---------- 9M3-------- approved --- Tune_.3,_1931----------------- , Intermediary order --------------- 89.@85 -----_, approved --- J.U1.y-21}_19$1.---------------- Final Order ---------------------- 990.58_------- approved ---August _19 101..- ------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also haidng submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the, Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- 7th -day he____7th-day of___ Q4-tAb-o C---------------, 19$1-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. - Adopted by the Council--- SEP 9 --_____--lyji ---------------, 19---- - `------- - -- - -- City Clerk.-- .._., �. Approved-------------- --- ---------/----------------- Mayor. Councihnan30PA=x Qonroy CounciimanzYnTA ffi ay Qouncilman�dlEpdiapEbd .McDonald U ilman- Pearce uncilmanrfix Rosen Councilmania -m mir Sudheimer Mayor THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE- AWARD OF DAMAGES in the matter of_ StQTllii@�IL1D$_BYId_�Ag_atl_8&891n@D�t _1A_thfl_] BDd _D9�4&9�T�___ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 3, Lake. Park Addition from Alsond 8t. to Atlantis 8t. and from Arona Ave. to the north and south alley, under Preliminary Order---- ------------- approved--- bi-IL-10i ----------------- intermediary Order -------__ 89895-----------_, approved__ July_ 21 _ 1931 --------------- Final Order --- ----------- 90160-------____ approved--- August 19_1931. ---__------ The _Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable -,'and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ __-__9th ------- day of______—W-019T ____________- 19sU_, at ten *lock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP - 9 IWC Adopted by the Council--------gg------------------------, 19---- City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19----'" - - ---------/------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman go4ax Conroy Councihnanwgim May Councilman7tOfadirlox}d McDonald 2 J .Councilman l�aac Pearce D �DBLISFIEI� Councilman Hix Rosen Councilman]&dllte ur Sudh&imer Mayor --------------�--- --- -- - ;,., .------- ---- - - - 90402 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING IWC NON THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES' In the matter of_ o4pi@4�A1D$ g31S1_�a�_Tl_S&98➢1�u _1A_thfl_],&url_u5�4ElA8TX___ for slopes; cute and fills in the grading of Alleys in Blook 101. St, Anthony Park North from Fulham St, to Hendon Ave, and from Hendon Ave. to the east and west alley, under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ----- Final Order ------------ __ 89A98 -------- approved- --- 8$1�@I ----- approved --- J111y_21.,-_lM1---------------- ------- approved___ Awuk _19.,x_1931,_ -_-______-_- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted, his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of ;said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of 'Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- -------- 7th ------- day he__________4tL______day of____ 0atobir______________,19_.3.1, at ten o'clock A. M.,.:and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed` by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------- E40- ------------ 19 ---- SEP —1 -------- Approved---------------------------- 19---- ILIS 9 Councilman 74MX Conroy Councilmanc[ May CouncilmanAil McDonald Councilman: Pearce Councilman 3SM Rosen Councilman StA1Mgm Sudheimer Mayor --- 90403 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING 10M�'' 111 ow TSEREON AND FIXING TIME OF NEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of --- condemning_ and taking_@ easement_ in the land necessary --- for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Reserve Bt. from Burns Ave. to a point 180 feet south of the south line of Burns Ave., also. in the grading of Alley in Blook 3, Mounds Park Addition from Reserve St. to a point 110 feet east of Reserve St., under Preliminary Order ----- 89b3a------------ approved___ iI I Intermediary Order -------- _ 898A8__-___----_, approved ---- Jkly_ 212_ 1831 ---------------- under Preliminary Order ----- 89b3a------------ approved___ MBy,_5L_1931__________________, Intermediary Order -------- _ 898A8__-___----_, approved ---- Jkly_ 212_ 1831 ---------------- Final Order ------------------ NIV ------------ �pproved----- ------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of We& be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ___ Stb�________day of --- Ootk4@!---------------- 19_31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council____: V_"�_______________, 19____ 89-4 ON -------- ----AApproved ------------------------------ 19---- Z� Councilmaig pproved-----------------------------,19---- Councilmad 9ftWx oonroy CouncilmanWMN ley CouncihnanxAANNUM CouncilmanxP&W MoD_.onald Pearce Co,mcilmanc Rosen -councffmanxj9V9=r Sudheimer Mayor Mayor. 90404 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IaAFNW THEREON AND FIXTIVG TIME OF NEARTNG ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter bf_�QgSi@�AIS�-aAd_saking_&A_B&SBDLflnt _in_th8_1And _nRaeHearlC___ for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., s Ho 90404 .. r Ia tho mattan:pS condemning an :' ingen ,eaaenlent<. ia•tbe -land hA ;eery .tor eloyea` it., 8na's� j `;krad.rg.ot."ane9{1., l k tis. �SOf'i.. from' 80yt, . AAad r'.Pranmlaary;OM�q e�etav_L.,_1S8uR3^.n-ar: . y under Preliminary Order-------=- 89183-------- approved --- 6: -1831} ----------------- Intermediary Order ---------------89883-------- approved --- d1L1y_2L__1Ral-P-------------- Final Order --------------------- 90152 --------approved --- Aug_uQk_ 19,-1.Us------------- The Commissioner., of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for, the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------- S-th he__.,________Rth ----- day of____-0010haz--------------- 19_,31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council______ SEP d 9 NJ --------------19---- -------- --- l:lr--------Clerk. - y -------- Approved------------- SEP-- 19---- ' Cit - ----------- ------------------ Mayor. CouncilmanW Conroy Councilmauffimm x May /, 4�*/ !!11 Councilman ➢ftEmoft McDonald 0 / Councilman FAX= Pearce /Councilman RaldxWa Rosen Councilman uftit m 9udhgimer Mayor RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSME AND FLING TIME OF HEARING �IAWSRMS THEREON AND FITINr TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_sfond@mrrlpg_and_faking_an_BasBm@n_iA_tliB_]sasi_uE�iBB$�F7C___ for slopes, cuts and fills in the krading of Alley in Block 8, Cloverdale from Frank St. to the east line of Lots'? and 24, under Pteliminary Order -------$9814---------- approved_ y raIiily_ 4�_1$ �-------------• Intermediary Order ------------ 89971 ---------- approved------ ------------ -. Final Order ------------------- 90237 ----------------, approved------ August ---- 26,_ 1931. ---------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St..Paul on the____ ____ 8t1L_______day of ---- fttiobu---------------- 19-31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP — 8 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 19____ SEP - i f Approved------------------------- --- Councilman %wx Conroy Councilman 32mm Ma Mayy Councilman c Councilman ,lam earoe Councilmanodx Rosen Councilmanvlk9w Sudhe imer Mayor T. 23 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING BMWOM11 l'KREON AND FIXI%j TIME OF BEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter thg _18Ad_A@4A&6.xY--_ for elopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block T, Hayden Heights from Sherwood Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave., under Preliminary Order -----__ @8115- ---------- approved.Malt_16,:1231.------------------- , Intermediary Order -------------- RM ---------- approved_July_214-19$1------------------, Final order ------------------- 90129----____ approved_ Auguet_ 18j--1931!--------------, The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ----- th ------- day of ----- QctQbe;-------------, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --- SEP -9 ---------- X31 --------------------, 19__-- City Clerk. Approved ---------------------- VM -------,19---- - �------------------------------------- -----------_-------------- Mayor'. Councilman Conroy Councilman 7BasOfR May al Councilman 1LeDonald 2 / Councilman Pk38EEx earCe "'''`'•'i''" Councilman rzk1e ct Rosen Councilman:&dbEft Sudheimer Mayor 90407 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME -QF HEARING THEREON AND FIRING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_Qondemning and_taking_an easement__in the land necessary____ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 1, Galarneault's Addition, from Macalester Ave. to Underwood.Ave., under Preliminary Order_________ 89411 -------- approved__J Intermediary Order --------------- 9.893__----_, approved --- July_21.,..-163.1.,---------------> Final Order --------------------- 9016O -------- approved --- Auguet__19-, _1931. ------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the makingof said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits;.at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on •the____ _Btill______day of_:'DitQheT,_19.31_________;I$=-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_______ SEP � 9 -1bji SEP -V 01 Approved----------------------------- Approved---------------------------- Councilman Councilman >sauwx Conroy Councilman F May Councilman D C;onald �] Councilman I== Pearce ICouncilman ItO saM Rosen Councilman M92 Sudheimer Mayor —19 ---- -.19---- ,y Clerk. Mayor. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING Axx� THEREON AND FiXIN" Tt+tE nF ttFARIN ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__-QQa1QMning_and_1AUJ g_ Aa_ea lt"Lt _YOS_ constructing and maintaining a public sewer in, under and through the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 4, Block 1, Galarneaultls Addition from ,Soheffer Ave. to the I411ey in the rear of said lot, under Preliminary Order ---------- 9.9413-------- approved --- Inne_2,_1931-----------------> Intermediary Order --------------- g8q$-------- approved --- JiMly 214_19alo---------------> Final Order --------------------- 90163 ------- approved --- 19� _1931. ------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ --_.ktAb--------d y of -- 00,0eX---------------, 19-11, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the CDuncil-SEfl-9-SW 19____ ----- - - -------- - --City Clerk. -- SEP Approved -----------------------------,19---- m ------------ ------------------------------ Mayor. CouncflmanXXWW Conroy Councilmanftm®om May Councilman 11[dDplp&VxXcDonald lJ / W Q�oouncilman7�2 =X Pearce tJ Councilmanma=x Rosen Councilmanft*kmtmzr Sudheimer Mayor a s Y i r 5 i< Sit` r t Y � s 2 G A i 3rd &app . ' Adopted Yeas I N ys Yeas Nays Conroy �Qonroy May / May /McDonald t�/Donald Pearce ,fearce i Rosen Rosen SudheimerSudheimer /Mr. Pres. Bundlie V Mr. Pres. BUn O{I{INAL TO CITY CL{R{ ::� O I � tbrdln�&Uce 4�t`ihoHdo,g S. , L /t I 1 mdaa OC=M�hIIoaa07te. Mlan:.//j}_�l��� (f eE ,r doaetrasC naa as n3lutli 4 ?�. FILE NO17 . /��j� g4,oltao'IQIVo'fa'dst.at _ 6 � yt-^�1 fy! aoiroarl�'atrXXel `Aveat PRESENTED Jot 6,,8ionk q BaltL& RY� AltYon ^aud Lo41t -Te ooK ANCE NO. ^�— t "eyia8' 6Aebune' Lnt .cr` j. A& ordinance authorizing S. T. Wiedemann, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, to construct and maintain a three-inch gasoline pipe Inside of an eight -inch pipe across Fairfield avenue between Lot 5, Block 7, Bazil & Robert's Addition, and Lot 1, Block 10 of said Addition, said pipes to be laid below the pavement for the purpose of conveying gasoline and petroleum products to underground tanks installed on Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, Bazil & Robert's Addition. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- ,tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8teotion 1. That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to S. T. Wiedemann, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, to construct and maintain a 3-1nch gasoline pipe inside of an 8 -inch pipe across Fairfield avenue, connecting Lot 1 in Blook 10 and Lot 5 in Block 7, Bazil & Robert's Addition, said pipes to'be laid just below the pavement, for the purpose of conveying gasoline and petroleum products to underground tanks installed on Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, Bazil & Robert's Addition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for the construction of said pipe line as above provided, upon his compliance with the following conditions: 1. That said licensee shall construct said pipe line entirely at his own expense, and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works. 2. Said licensee shall properly protect all excavations made in said street so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property, and shall properly fill and tamp said excavations to avoid settling; and in the event said licensee fails to so do, the Department of Public Works shall restore said -street to its original condition, the cost thereof to be paid by said licensee. 3. Said licensee shall furnish a surety bondto the City of Thousand.DolSaint tpenalhe f lars($10,000.00),conit conditioned to Ten comply with all the terms of this ordinance and all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul relative to the Construction and maintenance of work in the dt Set Of �� d O�ty � I d bond obali be 00ndition- �' I oWolthatIll Oull oa�t� or propa�ty Qao� �� � � Yea Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Conroy McDonald -- In Favor Pearce Rosen Against Sudheimer ,- Mr. President (Bundlie) ,i Approved i Attest: x City Clerk Mayor 3110 9-31 ;l. f 4 r � ;l. DRI -AL TO CITT CLKRX RDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.— , PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. -- (a) enoe, maintenanoe or removal of said pipe line, 4. Odd pipe line shall be removed when so ordered by resolution of the`Council. S. said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance, and shall, within twenty days from and after the passage thereof, file his written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. If said acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be revoked. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. " Yeas Councilmen Nays Conroy May McDonald Pearce Rosen Mr. President (Rundlie) Attest: V!� �4-- City Clerk M "I m JAN 111932 Passed by the Council /, In Favor I October 10, 1931. Tanisar Cas, Inc., 623 Central Avean'ze, Minnea-polis, Uinn. Garntlement The City Council has before it for consideration and final adoption an ordinance authorising your, CompWW to ConstyWt and maintain a Easoline pipe line under reirfiold jvenue between Lot 1, Block 7 and Lot 1, Block 10, of Basil a Robert's Addition. According to the records of the Finance Department you do not own either one of these lots. Will you kindly inform the Cauncil ghat your interast in this property is either by letter or by appearing before the Council. As this matter has been Attorney of tto his, City with awe vwest tview to get you tting this matterer i4th the settled. Tours very trelys City Clerk. October 2nd, 1931. Ben. J. D. McDonald, Ooneissioner of Tinsace► lnilding. U� Dar conditioners Its attadh;116re•ith all pep ars in the matter of the application of the ?sntar Gas, Ie.► of Minneapolis for permit to ley and maintain a 3 -inch pipe across Tairfteld Avenue between bots 5 and 7e gasoline Basil.d. Robert*s Addition and Lot 1►Block 10, said Addition. The ordinance granting Me permit was to October h over by theid Counoiione todaykand the mstterreferred to you- Check as to whstbor Tankar Gas, Inc. to the record owner of the properties between wMoh tao pipe line wilt run. Very truly yours, city clerk. DIN9�d�iL�.1100 TANKAR GAS, Inc. IM R MOAPOI^ N INN. August llth, 1931. Mr. Mike J. Gibbons., City Clerk, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Thank you for yours of August 10th, enclosing a copy of Section 150, Chapter X, of your City Charter. --% We have previously built a pipe line in St. Paul along Aldine and University Avenue and across East 7th Street, these pipe lines being used for unloading tank cars of gasoline. I think these permits were granted on a basis which might be termed temporary - at least the City reserved the rig<it to order them removed at any time it felt justified in so doing. On the same basis, then, why can- not our application for a permit to run the pipe line underneath and across Fairfield Avenue be.allowed? The situation is exactly the same and we do'not ex- pect a permanent franchise -but merely the right to lay this line under the same conditions that we were permitted to lay similar-lines_at_the addresses above mentioned. You may entirely disregard our ap- plication for a pipe line permit across and underneath East 6th Street, because that has been abandoned. Your courtesy in resubmitting our application for the pipe line underneath Fairfield Avenue will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, T {AR G S, INC: KTW : H 4 , Y ) T ->ust lath, 1931 Tanker Gas* Ina. , 623 Central Avenue, Hinneapoliss Minn. Qentl amen m your a�p3 S cations for permita to run pipe limes underneath mast 53- Street and under Fairfield Avenue were held pends-M32 ' opinion of the Corporation Counsel relative to tan:e� voiwsr of the Council to grant M=h a, permit under t3-se —1-4t& Charter. The City Attorrery is of the opinion t:lat it se3.11 be neoessary that you follow the _Q�rocedbare cutlia.:sa fxj Chapter 10 of the Charter relative to fr6=1--Ascs azxe mar your inforMation ae aro eaelosing a Copy of Soctian. 20 of said Charter. If _votx wi sa to apply for a teupor.ry permit as outlined therein* 1=1n41Xs Wg=j tify ne and we will again present the matter to tine Ci ty Council. If you are in doubt as to .shsat your ri 'hts 3noV- b�e under this aection, we sa:Peat that you confer W-I th tt City Attorney. YO—MT-a vary truly, City Clerk. mnarawg t�:rw�% _ - ff 41MALOW Inc - t _ August Sth, 1931. City Covxzei�s St. Pam: 1Yir=Tz�St�3� Gentlemen Soma time ago we made applioa- tion for a to lag a conduit for .a gaso1ia4a -t33acje:x-heath and across Fair- field AWeav-a -t=acr?az2ect Lat Z in Block ZO and Lot 4 1n Bloc '7 s 17,:3_16 and Robert's Addition to 17est St_ Psi- �.vi11 you kindly advise what d1spositl-OWL s tae as mad® of that application? Ziary truly yours, 2'A GAS, INC. B KTW :li TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITYeCOIINCIL OF ST. PAUL, ST. PAU1j MINN Gentlemen: - Application is hereby made for a special permit to lay an 8" underground pipe conduit across and underneath Fairfield Avenue, to connect Lot 1, Block 10 and Lot 5, Block 7 Bazille and. Robert Addition to West St. Paul. It is our desire to insert a 2" or 3" gasoline pipe inside the 8" pipe conduits and use this smaller line for transferring gasoline from tank cars spotted on the Chicago Great Western spur track at the rear of Lot 2 Block 10to the underground tanks now installed on Lots 4 and 5 hook 7, Bazille and Roberts Addition to West St - Paul. We believe this 8" conduit can be forced through ,underneath Fairfield Avenue, with heavy jacks, without disturbinjS the paving in Fairfield Avenue. We shall be glad to try this method first. your courtesy. in passing this matter for the attention of the proper parties, will be very greatly appreciated. Blueprint of the proposed pipe conduit is herewith enclosed, showing the lots which we desire to connect. Thank you. Very truly, T Gas, Inc. ak1�,, _ z�ep�r;rne�rit�G�f� ��a�rce r L_ JOHN H_M4 DONALD,Cow+7ss7enc7c' Ij TIiVS_Q-O'CONNELL.Der•vsv CorvwisseNen. ' H H RRNEreDan SOi/ CLIFFORD A.NYSTR.�M LEONRRn C_SEAMER�VnWwngn 6NasNsnnwT Emm�cCw- e CMsw1E w. October 6, 1931. To th6 oursc.il, City, of Gent:L e awe xx In re z -j%Lpp3i4--at1on of Tankar Gas, Inc. to lay and maint8. a 3—inch gasoline pipe across Fairfield Aveau401� Fovuld say the following are owners and des -of property affected: Jacob Schmidt Brewing Go., East 40 ft. of Lots 4 and 5, S3ocls ? , Bazil & Robert' s Addition. The Wes� ?98z:cjfeetuoftLots84cd an5,fthe BlockState York. 7, Bazil 4 Robert* s Addltion. I. $.yard., . East 94 ft. of Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Baz Robert$ s Addition. Ward e2!&= }zafga Hanna, West 25 ft. of Lot 1, Block 10, �• Baz 3L Rebert' s Addition. This �bte �+--r is scheduled to come before the Council, for pct s-tponad hearing, on the 9th day of October, 19 31 cry truly yours,- F Commissioner of Finance. 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL' : LEWIS L.ANDERSON: :.' COIVOMTIOM, pOYN�R - M�I,TANT AT,ONMM LOUIS P. SHF.ANAN NILARY J.-t•LYNN / t -P MURPHY IR11 aonlEa December 3let, 31. To the Council. Gentlemen: Your letter of December 30th, addressed to UT Anderson, relative to Council File No. 90409, has been handed to me for reply. The file discloses that Mr. K. T. Wiedemann has been substituted for the Tankar Gas, Inc. in the application dated December 19, 1931 - The file also dis- closes that Mr: Wiedemann has;a sufficient interest in the ownership of the property on either side of Fairfield street to allow him to make this application in his own name. The ordinanoe as submitted would grant a temporary permit to the Tankar Gas, Inc. Therefore, the ordinance should be changed to insert the name of K. T• Wiedemann as the licensee. We axe attaching hereto a propc6d ordinance making this change, whioh may. Properly be adopted by the Council. Yours very truly /� t t r � OFFice of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS; aty CIS HAROLD J. WORDA.N - - - and Commissioner of Registration CMDF Clark -City Clerk - 4 December.30, 1931. 1E3r- 3r�_ 3:_ �aderson, Cor�ao�—�- -�ioa Counsel, Bail Deer 2 E S W-� L_ We again hand yon an ordi-a ^e, C.:Lr _ qc" granting permission to Tankas Gas, Inc. , to gasoline pipe line under Fairfield Avenue together wILt3z ove communications relative thereto. YOU will the Compemy are withdrawing the original applies—are ilingnew application and copies of contracts tlo.eir- interest in the abutting property. This new app�f=� tion is in connection with their letter of December 19, aaa --IL- -1=zz1.clsr a separate clip. Will you now kindly give the Council your oaioa me to whether this ordinance can properly be ac3op �� We believe Ed Murpiy talked this over with Tanker Yours very tru.3y, CLARENCE A. STORMS Chief Clerk-Rcslwsfb �y�- ,, ,_ 7/0 City !!//Clark. GENEVA 4306 _ - �. - : _ \ GENEVA 4307 TA1�i�CAR GAB, Inc. SUPMRA"MO, MMM. December 19th, 1931. TO EEME: Ht31�TORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ste' -.w. PAT3L s St— Pam= s ffiiaaesota. G eat Z 63:zz.ea Please accept this letter as a regvass t €or withdrawal of the application made Por a pe c iaZ permit May 28th, 1931, to lay an 8" nxmcjEgpv- oxxT c pipe conduit across and underneath Fairiigl Aveaue� to connect Lot 1, Block 10, aad Lat 5 Biocic 7, Bazille & Roberts Addition to VV6 st St - Paul. Very truly yours, TA qAS, INC. B ?tib K`rW z H Deoember.19th, 1931. TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST.PAUL, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Application is hereby made for a special Permit to 147 an,.* eight inch underground pipe conduit across and underneath Fairfield Avenue, to connect Lot 1, Block 10s and Lot 5, Block 7. Bazille and Roberts Addition to Went St. Paul. It is m7 desire to insert a two or three Inch gasoline pipe Inside the eight inch pipe conduit, and use this smaller line for transferring gasoline from tank cars spotted on the Chicago, Great,,-, Western spur track, at the rear of,,Lot 2. Block 10, to the underground tanks now installed on Lots 4'.and 5p Block 7. Bazille and Roberts Addition to West St, Paul, I believe this eight inch, conduit can be forced through underneath Fairfield Avenue with heavy jacks, without disturbing the paving In Fairfield Avenue. I shall be glad to try this method first. I have purchased, under contract, from the Schmidt Brewing Company, the east 40 feet of Lots 4 & 5, Block 7. Bazille & Roberts Addition to West St. Paul;. I have also purchased on contract from the Education ducation Society of the State of New York, the westerly 79 feet of Lots 4 & 5p Block 7. Bazille &, Roberts Addition. to West St. Paul. Copies of both of these contracts are herewith attached for your inform- _ktion. I have also leased from the South Side Building Company Lots I & 2 (except the westerly 25 feet of said Lot 15 in Block 10, Bazille & Roberts Addition to West St. Paul, for a period of 10 years, which lease also carries an option. to purchase. The South Side Building Compan7 have joined me in signing this application for special permit. -2.. B1rou6 print of the proposed pipe conduit is isex- enclosed, showing the lots which We de- sire -ta 4--o33CXect. Your courtesy in passing this matter at an earZ-_-V- date will be very greatly appreciated. Very truly _yours, K. T. Wiedemann. KTW . H x �� XX23KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxx ,. gotath Side Building Company, as Owner- subject to eontrac of saMe , of Lots 1 and 2 except the westerly 25 feet Of 2.ot 3, in Block 10 of Bazille and Roberts Addition to West S- _ Da,,-xX , HEREBY CONSENTS to the granting of the forego- ing a37-w3icat2-on. sted dais L3 dap of December, 1931, SOUTH SIDE- BUILDING COMPANY, President. By -Ts tti 1 � r 0 SSI _ it I Y: Xet A7tllQltQ/11t�5%'�#l�8 ; 6Li III li �; I i I i i I' II I �N��yaoMf1} t: Aii'1/1►a+ IM j' }!A '�x+-0M}�iR-_pA t a: e i11aA owAil ��� Ott �►p: oc4 �epb� �0 1$ged:a�aa$eed under either ao o - : Q��p ��' st. �eotz et{a�►at ea9�� Great e�'t�s�e; kh�.o� b�aato � . �, >,_ peri i# :ems e�ae in2set:�vs �es�ag �1tT��19'� 1�tit�se7�$tbQd., �l1��4-'�A�$ $bGllnd pe�ctjf �ha�l � 31d� :tended �ia�a� ��M�' ��tdlicd� '��` ����'�� �� �,}► �_ �� } r .�k �; 4 ��� +j yy �� � V4�c��Qi'� 1�" .� +���r��k�;,��rt�;���� ii�dsS�� P�d'�i�'�e t;' I,�����F, ib�� yyy������p�`w yy }[�� +L,yy'yp�!J[� �yy� y}ry J t [y) A'�+j �wyi ���F tbe' �l�I M }I �M+�'�� �^R�� � .:��� T� ��+IT^��" �� ���� Y:. �f V i t p ��' 1 1 X 1 1 f !� ��) '' _' t }, ! r, 1 F � Vit J 'rIi r. t I� Plr� a t � � y t ' , � � 1 t "r' ` ,,r 4, ti �,f it � � 1 4 n) rii 7 t f� � 7 t l � '.+ y ?� Tl�i,i'A +� �,; ,1� c2<, t t � Ir � � t � fr, 1 1�. a 1 T' hr � , . ,�. �. a -,"441 efir:tRffpBti the btoo A Jal J Y f 1 1 f) I t 11 I 1 � Iff yny I fit, I, I1��f1 II;II 111 VIIII I I I 111"`9' —1,1 � �I u�'P�SIQ /7�',1 I l�l R 7,6 /I r 1 r I a ttl7y' A1 1 1'i. 1 1 I II � � � I 1 1 t I I'. "� I ! `� y� µg' + I �y�yl�,�y� �yy , /� y2 � ,y► y(�1 � � J y tr�6 f� gilt17 pe r Ya m6 4 d �i!lpu ldtti�� �1 } y�174; y� y��y} qI► +�, �i1 '}6, y �Y�( y� /�M�yy} �y�j 'M3.Tt 1 i iii 7 1 }>ct + v�� + ( , ',1 ..•til iL{. n�y!iI ,yl11JG, )Ni 1Y/��� '�is� `�'.�14 i1 ��1p,7��,�d,l11Ar Tyi�l117 r ,��' a jf -Y", , ,, "� A i4 ' from th+e pxa�ertyr E �� t1�86� 'Oiibg6 :> ,�` 4' No,1574—CONTRACT FOR DEED,—Dy Cat onttlon, Milkr•Davii ' 1 ' 26th Ws Aorrewr t, ,Made and entered into this ..day of IIL 13P,PTI. T 1. `UC TjI SOC?LTY GI TH °T 'i N '' YORK F9.�ltl ary A. A 19 , by and behiven a corporation under the latex of the State of—_..____ party;;of the first part and ....__.. . _1 T. ..... ................ ...................._........_............... _ part _.,.Yof the second part; Ivitnegilrt4, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the covenants and agree. ments of said part y of the second part, hereinafter contained, hereby sell Bond agree $o convey unto .�anty said part._...yof the second part, or ........... US .............. aui ns, by deed of �.pOC.�l�1__,. flT'I' upon the prompt and full performance of said part..y_of the second part, of ... his part of this agreement, the follow- ing described premises, situate in the County of.....__ Ramsey . -, - - - and State of �t4..�htLkC.&.Qt ._................._..__ .__. ._...... _ to -wit: vest Seventy—nine (79) feet of Lots Your (4) and hive (5) in Block number Seven (7), Bazille and Robertls Addition to lest Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in t nd for the County of Ramsey and State of Iiirr,esota. And said part ... y. of the second part, in consideration of the premises, hereby agree to pay said party of the first part, as and for the purchase price of said premises, the sum of ... ._ _.._. .... _...._....... ............_ T'0 THOUS 14D'J.'"�200.0..00) _ _ Dollars, in manner and at times following, to -wit: hive Hundred (16500 OP) Dollars cash in hand paid, the receipt of which ' is hereby acknovileiged, ani the belance, Fifteen Hundred (1500) Dollars, payable as follows: Two Hundred (200) Dollars payable on or before ",eptember 1, 1931. Two Hundred (200) Dollars ;payable on or before Larch 1, 1932. Two Hundred (200) Dollars payable on or before September 1, 1932. Two Hundred (200) Dollars payable on or before march 1, 1933, Two hundred.5200) Dollars payable on or b3fore Fopte ber 1, 1933, Two Hundred (200) Dollars payable on or before Varch 1, 1934. Three Hundred (300) Dollars payt.ble on or before September 15. 1934, with interest on all:deferred payments froe. date hereof •.t the rote of six per cent (61) per an, -,um, payable semi—annually on Larch 1st and Septeml-,cr lst of ach year, all payments to be ?rade at the office of The Minnesota Loan end Trust Company, Min:zeapolis,Minn. Further, said part y of the second part covenant s and agree s to pay all taxes and assessments that are now or may be lefally levied or assessed upon said premises subsequent to the yearL!._...._..._....._._.— But should default be made in the payment of any or either of the said several sums of money, or any part thereof, to be. by....... 44P.- ................. paid, or in the payment of the interest thereon, or in the performance of any or either of the covenants, a�reement.s, terms or conditions herein contained to be by said second p¢rt. —kepd ur I—Iormed, the surd t-, t,y of the first part -ay, at its option, b,t roritten actio declare this Contract cancelled and terminated, and all ri_'hts, title and interest acquired thereunder by .said second part...7 forfeited; said notice to be is accordance with the statute in such case made and pro- vided. Further, upon default after said notice said part .Y.......of the second part hereby specifically agree....s- upon demand of said party of the first part, quietly and peaceably to surrender to.........i.t__........... possession of said premises, and every part thereof, it being' understood that until such default, said part _.y....... of the second part.i.a..... to have possession of said premise.,. .911 the covenants and ag'reenients herein contained shall run with the land and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and as- signs of the respective parties hereto. i I ft is Mutualig Agrerb, By and between the parties hereto, that the time of payment 8h,all be an essential part of this Contract; and that all the covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties. fn Irstimong M4presf, The party of the first part has caused this instrument to be ere cuted in its corporate name by SWWOMnd its. ........................................Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and the said par '... of the second part ha.... . hereunto set .............. hand and seal ke day and year herein first before written, SiNd, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of TI�.;;IjfllxPlfiT LUUCt1"I0II SOCII,`1'Y Li, '1H ST!M. Ol' 11' YORK. By.....Kendmll._1:i..._C.UU.e ... _ Bertha Gretcrman ` Its Treasurer ...... 1 By. Esther G. Lintz __ ..Glenn. B-Barall Its _ Secretary. i *tate nf--Never_ Y. rk ss. County of M.QXWQ.Q._.__. _................... ...._..._. On this .................4th........................... day of .......March.......___ . ...4. D. 19 31, before me appeared ... ............. Kendal.l....5.,.....Ga,et.l.a.................... and _. _ .5. 10111.....1 1...._...................... . to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn _ .ttlicy.... .... _ ................. did say, that they are respectively the... Tr.9.9S11r.8r...1($RX and the .................. .. __......................................... _Secretary of the B.anti.s...t:Aua.e.U.on.af...li.ost..tor.k........... ............:........I the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation ........................................... and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation ............ by authority of its Board of Directors_ ................_.........._..__........ ... _...................... and said.................................................................... ............ and ..._...._........_...........__............................_....................................................... ............ acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. (Boal) %&Aiur J. Gosnell _ _.. _ - .......... 91y commission expires l4Sar.•_ 3119.31... k'ub.I.l.c .:.........._ state of On this ....day County of .._ of- .4. D. 19 before me, a within and for said County, Personally appeared_... ......... ...... .......... ...... ..................... ........... ............ to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that lee executed the same as _. _ free act and decd. My commission expires , 19..... __....... _. w � o 0 0. a w w a N ro d U W U y t 2 i31 Q w 3 THIS AGREEM:NT, Made and entered into this 19th day of January, 1931, by and between Jacob Sclmidt Brewing Company, of the City of St. Paul, County of Rakmiey and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "Seller', and Karl T. :Viedemann, of the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "Purchaser,'" '"ITNI-:SSETH: In consideration of the agreements andcovenants herein contained on the part of the Purchaser to be ,kept and performed, the Seller hereby Agrees and covenants with the Purchaser as follows: That Seller has sold, and hereby does sell to Pur- chaser that tract or piece of land, lying and being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, described as follows: The East Forty feet of Lots Four (4) and Five (5) Block Seven (7), Bazil and Roberts Addition to,lVest Saint Paul, County of Dakota, Territory of Minnesota, and will deliver to Purchaser the use and possession thereof upon condition that this contract shall not be taken as authorizing, contemplating or consenting to any improvement of said land by reason of which any lien for labor or material might attach thereto. That, upon full performance by Purchaser of all the covenants and agreements herein contained on the part of Pur- chaser to be rept and performed, and the delivery of Purchaser's copy of this contract, Seller will convey said premises to Pur- chaser by deed of 511arranty free from encumbrances, except such as may be placed or are suffered to be placed thereon by Pur- chaser, and subject to the taxes for any year subsequent to the year 1929, and the lien of special assessments levied or assessed against said premises subsequent to January 1, 1931, -,nd such unpaid special assessments or installments thereof and interest thereon heretofore assessed or levied as are or may be extended agcinst said premises, and payable subsequent to January 1, 1931, without any penalty other than interest, or included in the taxes thereon, herein agreed to be paid by Purchaser, and subsequent to the rights of the tenant in poss- ession of said premises at the date hereof. In consideration of the agreements and covenants of Seller herein contained, Purchaser hereby agrees and covenants with Seller as follows: That Purchaser has purchased, and hereby does pur- chase said premises from Seller, and will pay as the purchase. price thereof the sum of Forty-five Hundred Dollars.($4500.00) at the times and in the manner following: $500.00 cash at the time of the execution and delivery hereof, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the remainder thereof, amounting to $4000.00 in semi-annual installments of $250.00 each, payable on the 15th day of June and December in each year; the first installment to be paid on the 15th day of June, 1931, with interest on deferred payments at the rate of 5j% per annum, payable in addition to said stipulated install - menta. Purchaser agrees to pay all taxes levied against said premises for any year subsequent to the year 1929, and all assessments that may be imposed or levied or become a lien subsequent to January 1, 1931, against said premises, and any unpaid special assessments or installments thereof and interest thereon, heretofore assessed or levied as may be or have been axtended against said premises and payable subsequent to the year 1929, and to pay the same before any penn1ty shall attach -2- i Now thereto according to law, and if required, shall produce to Seller receipts or proper certificates on the payment or dis- charge thereof. Purelaser will keep said premises in good condition and repairsand will not do or permit anything to be done to said premises or the improvements thereon, which may in any way impair or weaken the security hereof, and keep the interest of Seller'at all times and first lien on said prem- ises. Purchaser is given the privilege of paying, in addition to said stipulated installments, the sum of $250.00 or any multiple thereof, on said installment datesy but such additional payments shall be applied in the s:me manner as is provided for the application of the stipulated installments. All payments under this contract are to be made at the office of Seller in St. Paul, Minnesota. Time is hereby declared to be of the essence of this contract. It is further agreed that, if Purchase shall fail to pay the taxes, assessments, premiums for insurance, or any other sums hereinbefore provided to be paid by Purchaser, Seller may pay the same and add such sums so paid to the principal herein agreed to be paid, and collect and receive interest there- on from the dates of payment thereof at the same rate and manner as that on said principal, except as herein otherwise provided; and it is further agreed that, if Purchaser shall fail or default in any of the agreemonts or covenents herein contained on Purchaserts part to be kept or performed, Seller may declare the entire amount then remaining unpaid as immediately.due and payable, and proceed to terminate this apreement, and thereupon all rights and in- terest of Purchaser in and to s:jid premises hereunder shall cease min 0 1 and terminate. That, thereupon Purchaser will peaceably and quietly surrender to Seller the possession of said premises and all improvements thereon. That Seller shall retain all money which shall then have been paid hereunder, as rent for the use of said premises and liquidated damages for the non- performance of this contract. And that in lieu of such ter- mination of this contract, Seller shall at all times have the right to enforce the specific performance thereof. It is mutually agreed and covenanted by and between the parties hereto that all agreements and covenants herein con- tained shall run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. IN `."ITi, SS IiENEOF, this Agreement was in duplicate ex- ecuted by Karl T. Tiedemann and was caused to be executed by Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company by its President and Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed the day and year first above written. K. T. Wiedemann In Presence of: JACOB SCFIidID^ BRA"DYING COMPANY H. 'r'. McCall BY C. E. VQwcome Elsie 5urna Its Vice President and P. E. Bremer Its Asst Secre =lry To the Council. Gentlemen:- October 19th, 1931. 1� Under date of October 16th, the O 1 t y Clerk forwarded to this office the file in the matter of the application of Tankar Gas, Inc. for a permit to run a gas line across Fairfield avenue, which file contains a letter from K. T. Wiedemann, President of Tanker Gas, Inc., with reference to the Ow n er ship of the property involved. Looking over the file, I find that there is some con- fusion,• and for that reason, before stating am opinion, I want to review the situation. The petition of Tanker Gas, Inc _ Is for a permit to lay an 8 -inch underground pipe conduit across and underneath Fair- field avenue to connect Lot 1, Block 10, and Lot 5, Block 7, Basil. & Robert's Addition to West St. Paul. After some controversy over the question whether this constituted a franchise, an opinion from this office was given the Council on September 25, 1931, which stated that if Tankar Gas, Inc. wdo the owner of the lots abutting on the street, then a permit could be given without following the requirements of the Otty Charter relating to franchises; in other words, that It was not such a franchise. The question then arose whether Tankar Gas, Inc. was such an owner. On October 6th, the Commissioner of Finance reported to the Council on the ownership of these lots, and reported that the Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company was the owner of the east 40 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, Basil & Robert's Addition; the Baptist Educe, tion Society of the State of New York was the owner of the west 79 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, of said addition; that F. L. Bayard was the owner of the east 94 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 10; and that (lard and Rafka Hanna were the owners of the west 25 feet of Lot 1, Block 10, of said addition. Tanker Gee, Inc. was then notified of the record owner- ship and asked to show any right or title It had to the abutting property. On October 13th, Tanker Gas, Inc . , by K. T. Wiedemann, President, answering this inquiry, reported that Lot 1, Block 7 had. been JMWbt by K. T. Wiedemann personally from the Schmidt Brewing Company on contract, and that Lot 1, Bloch 3.0, was leased for a Department of law CITY OF ST. PAUL LEWIS L. ANDERSON .,1� eoaroawnoa eouH,n waa,euar wrroaaere IS P. SHEAHf.N "AHI LARY J'FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIEB To the Council. Gentlemen:- October 19th, 1931. 1� Under date of October 16th, the O 1 t y Clerk forwarded to this office the file in the matter of the application of Tankar Gas, Inc. for a permit to run a gas line across Fairfield avenue, which file contains a letter from K. T. Wiedemann, President of Tanker Gas, Inc., with reference to the Ow n er ship of the property involved. Looking over the file, I find that there is some con- fusion,• and for that reason, before stating am opinion, I want to review the situation. The petition of Tanker Gas, Inc _ Is for a permit to lay an 8 -inch underground pipe conduit across and underneath Fair- field avenue to connect Lot 1, Block 10, and Lot 5, Block 7, Basil. & Robert's Addition to West St. Paul. After some controversy over the question whether this constituted a franchise, an opinion from this office was given the Council on September 25, 1931, which stated that if Tankar Gas, Inc. wdo the owner of the lots abutting on the street, then a permit could be given without following the requirements of the Otty Charter relating to franchises; in other words, that It was not such a franchise. The question then arose whether Tankar Gas, Inc. was such an owner. On October 6th, the Commissioner of Finance reported to the Council on the ownership of these lots, and reported that the Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company was the owner of the east 40 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, Basil & Robert's Addition; the Baptist Educe, tion Society of the State of New York was the owner of the west 79 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 7, of said addition; that F. L. Bayard was the owner of the east 94 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 10; and that (lard and Rafka Hanna were the owners of the west 25 feet of Lot 1, Block 10, of said addition. Tanker Gee, Inc. was then notified of the record owner- ship and asked to show any right or title It had to the abutting property. On October 13th, Tanker Gas, Inc . , by K. T. Wiedemann, President, answering this inquiry, reported that Lot 1, Block 7 had. been JMWbt by K. T. Wiedemann personally from the Schmidt Brewing Company on contract, and that Lot 1, Bloch 3.0, was leased for a Department of law CITY OF ST. PAUL LEWIP L. ANDERSON --RATION COON{[L rr f� A{{I{TANT ATT.{N[T{ LO U15 P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY . IRVING GOTLIEB Council -2. period of tan years, from the South Side Building Company, a corporation, which lease carries an option to buy. This lease was between the South Side Building Company and S. T. Wiedemann. This letter, of oourse, does not answer the ingairy of the Counoil, because Lot 1, Block ?, is not involved, and is in fact at the other end of the block. Probably the author of the letter was referring to Lot 5, Block 7, but of course, we cannot assume that. further, it should be noted that both Lot 5, Block 7, and Lot 1, Block 10, have two ownerships, and the exact location of the pipe line is not diselose4lby the file at least; in other words, it might run from the part of Lot 5 owned by the Schmidt Brewing Company, or that of the Mucation Society, to that part of Lot 1, Took 10, owned by F. L. Bayard,,pr that part owned by Ward and Rafka Hanna. Assuming that Lot 5, Block 7, was the lot which S. T. Wiedemann intended to refer to, and not Lot 1, Block 7, if the contract was to purchase Lot 5, Block 7, and was entered into by K. T. Wiedemann personally, it would not help the applicant, Tankar into personally. er onally.bynK. T Wiedemannor would the ;sin other we of Lot ords, TankBlock aentered rGas, Inc., the applicant, Has to this data shown no interest in the abutting property. This matter has been before the Council for some time, and therefore, it seems advisable to look forward to another 'Question which will probably arise, namely: What will be the situation if the rights of H. T. Wiedemann personally are trans- •ferred to the corporation? Assuming that E. T. Wiedemann has entered into a con- tract to purchase of , Block 7, and sells his contract to Tanker GasInc., and Gas, Inc., henaIsam oignsf the nis lopinion that ease to Lot lthelcorporock aTanker nwould have sufficient interest in the property to warrant the passage of the ordinance attached. Yours very truly, Assistant Qorporation Counsel. Sm -0 2nd. ^` io;A ....o..r 3rd. & app. Yeas. Adopted— �\ ays Ye Conroy May McDonald Pearce / Rosen /Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie as Nays Conroy May McDonald / Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie. City of Sero$ .lPaul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Clerk HAROLD J. RIOROAN and Commiuloner of Registration Chid Ovk-Cit, C "k 9 October 16th, 1931. L(T�,�� � Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached ordinance and appur- tenances was again referred to you by the City Council with the request that you give them your op whether or not Tanker Gas, Iwarrant the passageeofst in this the abutting property ordinance. You will note the letter of Tamar Gas, Inc. dated October 13th hereto attached. Very truly yours, CCii t//y��PPClerk. CLARENCE A. STORMS Chl.f Ck& ReMn.11- DINSMORE IIDO TANKAR GAS, Inc. as a.WO A.enni. 1QNMA"U46 UMNN. October 13th, 1931. Yr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk, City of Saint Paul, St. Paul, Minnosota. Dear Sir: 'v';ith reference to your letter of October 10th, concerning the application which we made for a pipe line permit to connect Lot 1, Block 7 and Lot 1, Block 10, of Bazil & Robert's Addition, we have the following to advise: Lot 1, Block 7 has been bought by K. T. ',^iiedemann, personally, from the Schmidt Brewing Company on contract and, while it is true the property still stands in the name of the Schmidt Brewing Company, yet it has been sold by them to me and will, of course, be deeded as soon as payment is completed. Lot 1, Plock 10, Bazil & Robert's Addition is under a ten year lease from the South Side Building Company, a corporation, which lease carries an option to buy. This lease was written 90a..«.... the South Side Building Company and K. T. ATiedemann. In view of the fact that both lots l' on either side of Fairfield are under our control., with option to buy, or actually purchased, we are , certain that the Honorable City Council will reel no hesitancy in granting the permit in question. Very truly yours, ASS, PIC. KT':" :H September 25th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Andereon, corporation 00gneel, Dai14ln�. Dear Sirt . the ordinenoe anthorieine TRUISr Gael Inc., to install a pipe line under fisirfield Avenue and the ordinaaoe relative to.areaware, *to., both of which ware referred to you for an opinion on September 18th, have been laid over by the CMUO one week to 0otober 2n4 Tours very trolr, city Clark„ Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, l�ullding. Door Sir# We attach and respootNIly call your attention to an ordinance dravM by your .office and pre- sented by Ca :Listsioner Rosen authorizing Tanker Gas, Ino., of Minneapolis to install a gasoline pipe line ander Fair- field Avenue. "A.M s matter uas referred ba& to you by the City Council' for a further opinion as: to the legality of this ordinance. We call your attention 6100 to yo= opinion of June let hereto attached. Will ytsu kindly return the entire 431e to us. I . Totlrs very tf ulY, Y Cit Clerk. i ✓LAI 1 Toultor dalr Inc. 623 Central Avenue, minmeopoltal Minn. S 1Paida�A Atts Gentleman$ Again referring to your application for pemdssion to raft a pipe line across 'airfield Avenue. we arograt to inform you that the situation is still WMa- what unsettled due to the hgt,that the Coaaoil bas no# been able to detemine the oinershIpL of the proDar1Y bs- %ween *high the proposed pipe line is to rou. II now appears that some of this property is owned or, teased by you personally, slisreas the application is made in the cams of a corporation. Is are holding this ordinance in abey- ance mtil you have had an opportunit+Y to present your adds=* of ownership in this property to the corporation Crnmgil of this oily. we smast that yoti arrange e 'conference, v4th 11r.8drli Narphy of the City AttornoWlI offioaO Room 223'Court Rouesp lelephona Coder 6014. Yours eery tru'lyl City Cierh. DIN9NONe 100 now {y Maw 28 Z9-31 =x' 10 THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COTIWC�=L OF ST. PAUL ST. PAUL, MINN. Gentlemen:- Application is her eby �» c3e for a special permit, to lay an 8" undergrouncl pipe across and underneath East Mixth Street, St`w Pau3s to 0-- 4c:waax-r:L*3ct Lot 6 Block 34 Sittsons Addition to St. Paul, With 1--la6 Pacific tracks across in a southerly direction Ps om s $ Lot 6; also, application is hereby made for a special t to lay an 8" underground pipe conduit across and 'urkc3er-� ea} the alley between Lots 6 and 3, to connect them - bot3a a iag 1n. Block 34, Sittsons Addition. We desire_ to insert Asa- or 3" gasoline pipe inside the 8" pipe conduit, and use ties s3�91.1er line, for transferring gasoline from tank cars spott6 axe -L-xnloading on the Northern Pacific tracks, across and East Sixth Street, to Lot 6, then across and vnd6rxzaat_ tie alley between Lots 6 and 3, to the retail drive-in gaso25-x3LgEa, station we are now constructing on Lots 2-3-4 BZc>c 3g Kittsons Addition. We hold all of t�-ei, owing lots in Block 34 Sittsons Addition - Lots 2 -3 -4 -6 -7 -S- V Blue print in Yiera�� sxLclosed, showing the ,1 location of the proposed pipe C-- t� and smaller gasoline line. If this permit b 6 R t 83 it x111 replace that special permit issued to us, Fab 28t3s 1931, wherein we were granted permission to mm same Lot 3 above described, with the Soo Line tracks across asst Seventh St. with a' gasoline pipeline to be SBLA—L aeath East Seventh St. This. was your. C.F. No. 88152 Orc�_ - -7 296. The reason f or asp; -tz3s@ change, is that the crossing of `East Seventh ia-�o3-ve=- >rexore complications in the 'way, of street car trac3is s 80CLC1 =s �+�r -flus public utilities underground, most of which ars xs_Q -t - present in Sixth Street Thanks for your cors sc4Mwrstion. �67C g -t:rslly, - --- -- — - -9!/ Gas s - Inc- -- w Mr. Murphy, . Legal Office, City Hall, St. Paul, Bdina Dear Sir: I have this date mailed to the City Clerk a 3=LBw application, signed by myself, per- sonally, apply' T+ g f'or tb a.e privilege of laying • the underground ga sol iae line underneath and across Fair- field Avenue, It--o coxanect Lot 1, Block 10, and Lot 5, Block 7, Bazi3-Z a Sic Roberts Addition to West St. Paul. Attached to the application is a copy of my.Coatract :rax- Deed with the Baptist Education Society of th.a Somata of New York, covering the West 79 feet of Lots 4 $ac3 5, Block 7, Bazille & Roberts Ad- dition to West: t - Pa-nl, and also a copy of the agreement between the 3'ac ob Schmidt Brewing Company and K. T. Wiede- mann,'to purcl3s-8' tla:e East 40 feet ofLots4 and 5, Block 7, Bazille Addition to West St. Paul- 2 also have attached a copy of the Lease and Opt3Lq=3a to Purchase between the South Side Build- ing Company szsr3 S- T Wiedemann,,. covering Lots 1 and 2, except the wLa -_- er1y 25 f eet ' of Lot 1, in Block 10, of - Bazille & Rob420:r t s Addi ti on to West St. Paul. s9ae application to the City Council, above describ4atc3 s carries my signature, as well as the written consazz-It_- of tYae South Side Building Company, by its President �- _ _ attach hereto a copy of letter just received from G.x-y Chase, relative to the matter of title, which appears to me to be clear. Mr. Murphy: —2- = a view of the fact that you will again be cal --=.6c1 upon to check the ownership of the various proms -ter t i s , I trust this letter from Mr.. Chase will b -IE� o #" benefit to you in arriving at a satisfactory— opiaion. Very truly yours, .7 K. T. Wiedemann. KTW:H ti 1 A. ,. f KELLOGG", "i -C=3-- -_3�GAN, C:3ASE, CARTER,-& HEADLEY A— ©raeys at Law, Mer s Nati octal Bank Bldg..* S Pay.1Minn. - - -_. ------ Dec. 26, 1931. F Mr. K. T. Wiedemann, 2504 Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. Dear Sir: Re: Permit from City for Pipe Line across Fair- field Avenue. I return to — Zz herewith your application to the City Council, dated I>----- ber 39 1931, at the end of which the South Side Builds z-_ -4—_ompaay Yeas added its consent to the granting of the applies mon_ This consent will doubtless be all that you will f iac3_ from the Company. If it joined in executing t: -1=3L_ application the Company would probably be held jointly respoT3 --z=>1e to the City, and such responsibil- ity the company cannot — E3-t,2TMs - With referaT= to -Gl-ie title, I think Mr. Murphy for his examination must mer g1y looked at the assessment books in the office of the Cozmyrii ssioner of Finance. I find that upon those books S same of Mr. Frederick L. Bayard appears as the record er . =a the County Auditor's office I find the books shoves e mamas of both South Side Building Company and Fredericl-_ - _ Bayard in the "owner" column. But neither of those reco� are correct. Deeds from Frederick L. Bayard and other owner= soma their wives, conveying the prop- erty to the South Sicie_— ildimg Company, were recorded in the office of the Red sten - .==aw- =:E' I>aads on January 2, 1909, in Book 501 of Deeds at pages arid' 23. 2 have the original deeds, and they bear the -c=2,f tYze County Auditor that the transfer was entered by him. also bear a stamp of the then City Treasvter that t -s ar 6 paid, but the stamp does not indicate that the had entered the transfer on his records. Some ti71— riaxt week I shall take the deeds to the County Auditoz- T= c3 tha Commissioner of Finance so that they may bring their r records up to date. This will probably be all Mr`.. hg desires, but if he asks for more, I have the abstract of -t--- 3e brought down to a recent date which he can examine also i — �� S clesixras. Yours very truly, ( Signed) Guy Chase. City of Sib a -u3 Office of C7-- C1er3c, St. Paul, ota� Dear Sir. I have your, letter of January 18th, encl — sxg copy of Ordinance No. 7381, which I have rear€ _ �are#'z�11y and fully noted. TYiis letter is the: written ac- ceptance r -- err sei - -t---o in Paragraph 5, Section 2, of said Ordia� —r--� es axict to advise that 1 accept the Or- dinance, a s ps s s ed, and agree to observe all of the requirement _===EEEr_ of t11-iis, and any other City Ordinance, which may 1--,w be passed, affecting the matter in hand. Ve trU,1Z yours, K 'T. Wiedemann. KTPl: H COUNCIL [] ■■■((((������.�{� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK GITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ZV3io RE, O FI F CITY CLERK ids_ OLU�TyON—GENERAL FORM . - , . � i COMMISSIONER ngTE SRDteffiber10� 1937 OWLED WHEREAS, Restan=r=3v-sat T-; cease No. 3062 at 167 E. 8th Street was issued to J. E. hest, and WHEREAS, it waaar- ae`casss-ry for said licensee to remove his Restaurant . to 376 Jackson Street, aln , _accvezat of the widening of Eighth Street, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that address on said Restaurant license No. 8062 be changed from 167 E. 8th Street to 376 3a_c ikson Street. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May w McDonald Pearce Rosen --_- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie pp Adopted by the Council-.------- SEP Approved- - --- pproved_--- - -- --- " MAYOR _ COUNCIL .NO.—_Jg0411 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - OFFIC OF CITY CLERK OLU ON—GENERAL -FORM PRESENTED BY - AT oe Igmber 10 193y. COMMISSIONS R>�EO WHMI AS, Remold Nelson made application to operate as a taxicab upon the attests of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Durant aceto car, Motor No: '26857, Serial No. scree s of License Of St 4, covered by Midwest lEawt�M Co. insurance policy and in accordance witjs oma; pence No.75219 ilea filed >�RF,I1.4, Retold Nelson, has �� approved copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, sari said pilicy as to fore by the dorporation Counsel; therefore, be it e aid REs MVED, that license be issued to sacci A=QT-old Nelson tvieieastof8said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul sub j6ct to the pro T _ ' adae.tmt — ordinance. Sarola o►ttos>L -=o -�'Da t�.Li� C�t7 of Pt' Y�tl17 8iriaa3�`�• �t�DYtd'el�N I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _ -_In favor Pearce Rosen -� ----- Against Sudheimer —Mr. President Bundlie SEP 10 Ae1.3p=ad by the Council--------------------- 19'--- Appeov _ _ SEP. W_19----- I - MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTI COMMISSI RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO 90412 rTY CLERK , OU O U I —GENERAL FORM That licenses .for which applications have been made by persons named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upoethe payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN p Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-___ `_._��- Conroy May no N. McDonald :In favor Approve _._ .__.____ _.__..________-19—.-_ Pearce Rosen ---`/f----------Against --- - --------------'-------------- Sudheimer _MAYOR -_. .._. .. Mr. President Bundlie September 10, .951 Frank W. Belde & Rusch 1076 E- l[aryOLaad St. Butcher Bowman & Herseth 826 A1cliae St. " Gruetzman Bros. 858 Thomas St . " Hasely Bros 707 SL ctgmc a Av- " L. K. Jensen 410 Pleasant Av. " M. Listizky 139 N_ Dale St. " H. W Longendyke 655 S SaelZiag Av. " Geo. L. Mikaceveich 979 Raadolph St L. Rose 3-46 State St . " Max Rosenfield 318 RO3CLc30 St - " Superior Piggly Wiggly Stores 10'5 W_ Summmi t Av. " Hate Thorman 3-3-58 Gr-aac2 Av. " Robert Trojan 1244 Forest St. " E. M. Alison 914 Selby Av . Bakery P. Apple 798 Thomas S*-- Grocery Harvey Braverman 420 S Saes � a Av. " Felix Cavallaro 3-075 C. H. Christenson 1Z 34 �. 7th St. " H. A. Clark 202 W_ Central Av. " I Cohen 3-45 RobeT-tsoa St. " H. T. Edlund 1200 Forest St . " F. 0. Fisher 242 0- TT ** -1 ;1n a Ac. Confectionery Herman Fudenberg 354 E- St. Grocery J. W. Goodman 763 N- Saes 1 i-ru Av. Confectionery Mrs. Jane Hart 1232 Payne Av. " Job anna. Hicks 983- MN.7 er Av. " Florence N. Hively 2309 Como Av. W. ^ H & L Hofmeister 848 Selby Av _ Grocery Harold Jacobson 3-558w Como Av. Bakery H. Kozlowski 98.4 Rice Sts Grocery H. L. Kramerman 3-173- Cortlsn.n Av. " L. T. Merrill 440 Aurora Av. " L. Michaud & Son 249 0- Sae1� t T+g Av " Mustard & Rowe 3 -SS :Fs tan -A-v-- Confectionery N. Olk 2040 BdarshA= -1 Av. Bakery Nick Pfif£er 725 W_ 7th St . Confectionery Pearl Schaffer 319 W_ E&.arylaacl St. It Otto Schmidt 224 1q- West ern Av. . Grocery Jacob Schneider 498 Z'�}sacross St. " Henry Simon 3-53-2 For e s . St . " J. B. Slocumb 707 WPB 7t0a St._ Confectionery A. Spiros 523- Selby Av. Fruit store Casper Stein 922 MC3nrL=+d St. Grocery Superior Piggly Wiggly Stores 625 W_ University Av. Superior Piggy Wiggly Stores 103 W. 0-txmn -; t Av. " Robert Trojan 1-42 Forest St. " T. P. Vojta X429 Crranci Av. " Dave Wimmer 340 QA's++ Av- Confectionery Arvanitis & Kochonkas 450 St Peter St . Restaurant Boulevards of Paris Inc 2100 Ua3.versity Av. " Bertha Cooper 443 Roado S -t. Frank S. Dowe 3-575 Oraacl Av. " Eat Shop Trust 383 Robert St. " Emporium Co 3-39 F_ 7th St. " _ Louis C. Fleming 23-44 Ua3tversi-ty " Y: .2. E. Holy=- 2225 Un:Lversity Av. _ Restaurant Geo. Joi--soa 499 Rondo St. " Nm. Wo*RA a— 463 Broadway ^ Christine 540 Rice St. " James S -t- sgrie s 191 N. Snelling Av. ^ Geo. E- laza. Pioneer Bldg. " t P. J- Z.avA z 737 Selby Av. " L & A 625 Selby Av. " J. M. 477 St. Peter St. Bob 641 Canada St. " Jos Pe x -t-- -T 3 r clh & Sam Moskowitz 722 N. Snelling Av. Rest. Nick Pfeiffer 725 W- 7th St. Restaurant H. Po:LzF, 136 E. 6th St. " Mrs. H ]H: Ses=E-recl & A_ T. Goetsch 195 W. 4th St. " Walter H- S-W-MA� =xmsn 685 N. Snelling Av. N. Striac3ea=k� 188 W. 7th St. " West 1ranc3 Club 825 W. 7th St. " Esch 8c Wo—cies_ 19 E. 5th St. " Jack Wcx 367 Selby Av. " H. P. 1026 W. '7th St. " O. G. -Ircx 191 N. Western Av. " R. N. 1491 University Av. Gasoline Station 2 pumps .Bax -t0 -es Tyr* iota Service Co. 19 W. 9th St. n " Crescent p� --I Co. 382 Front St. J.CXX== 484 S. Wabasha St. " " 3 pimps Gopher t3i� Proc3iicts 481 S. Wsbasha St. " n 3 n Goph6x- CQiZ C;o 260 W. 4th St. n n 3 n Geo. D- & Son Hudson Rd & English ^ ^ gervrl= mot or Co . 1906 Stillwater Road n n 3 n S. O. IK -V 1114 White Bear ^ " 3 " Lexirigtoa --'If r a 8e Battery Co 1187 University Av. 1 addml pump Miller Sc u -XABs Lafayette & Grove 1 " " Millar Sc HOSE s ^ ", ^ Gasoline station Miller s Mississippi & Grove 1 addnl pump Phi -1-1; Co 1343 Randolph St. Gasoline station R. J - Plat Sc -Akrchi a Delander 563 Jackson St. " " 2 pumps The Fore C3a Co 1220 Selby Av. " n 5 n The Pyr a3 Go 100 W. 10th St. e n 5 n Shell Co 782 Rice St. n n She -I -1 4E! + Co 1624 Rice St. Stand*= -� 1439 A:Eca.de St. Stanc3.ar4dL-_O --a ¢0 912 W. 7th St. ^ " 3 pumps Rea 923 Randolph St. " " 3 n F. A -'visa 563 Wabasha St. " " 2 " A. E- gov_r4-- 1.110 N. Snelling Av. " n 4 n Geo. 7Y'oaajE�_7 1400 St. Clair St. " " 2 Garc3ea Arrxiz —E-�at Co 927 W. 7th St. Motion Picture Theater Pub1i4 PTart7�est Theatres Inc. 1595 Selby Av. Rubeasta°ia Lc Saplan 6$5 Selby Av. Me1-wi a PIk3.er to Mackubin & Selby Av. Tent Show - 5 days only Twin Co 2399 University Av. Fumigator H. C- 788 E. 7th St. Oil burner H. P- M's 'v -s 601 Western Av. Dance hall Bilbcnw A3=m: s meat Co 406 Minnesota St. Bowling alley 6 aleys Esch. Sc VYv::L-ea==L 19 E. 5th St. 6 pool tables 011101NA- NUMBER .6 3 C} - _--'- Cf TY OF:imm MY:. , DITY OLt11K . - - ... OOYMGL GQLs IC F2ESOLUTION FaE No-- -> Ei 4=b We TM 4= LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS -- . FftM.NTED BY HON.- DATL-YYY^ a Resolved, That the 6o1�iz3c; 3 rebg conoura in the recon mendation .:_ of the Contract . Com=nit-t_6e sL-ac3 _ -awards the contract for- grading and ani the lsortkiOml par- o_ 33i o Robert • p ng y glith St; from Web sha'St. t St., Ninth 'St..from Vii$-bas3="3t�- t- 136 Pt: seat; of. the center of Wabasha St., M1rnneasvta St rcra Eighth St. to 107 ft North of Eighth St., also 1ne'l-1i3mg_ s m ar_ connections 'in accordance with plans and spec1f3 cathoz><s 3tmmeq� r to attached, to SUULI"y EQUIPMENT COMPANY, they be3.ng_ the Zc-vwss,t responsible bidders, for the sum of $28,400.00, . using Oil Asg3•iaZ3;., ars, the Corporation counsel is here- ". by instrytcted to dray up -C;ts_s groper foTm of - - - � C:;.F No 90431 BYi Milton Roseq--,� r Resolved Tbat the Couaoll heteb - - -- - Soneure Jn ttie reco3nmeadaUon of she I ContraC� COWRlltte0 Aad:, naWaTde, Contract forl:grading and paYig the nOt a 4L, pact oC EIEhCh Bt f�Om=.WB•� baeh$L to.Robert, St. N�aj}��L`L. gopi WapaBha t: to 38! 07 fi �.<11'. of wabaeha MI.jeN "tai S I1 ar ytt FORMAL BID NO. '8683 - ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE! 28,7.00 NOTEI TO BE ce—PI.. AS TO ".00I A.VAIL:ABLC 8Y GO?tif>r-rROLiBft BI8PORE PRKERWING TO COUNCIL FOR'AwPrION. . PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT. REVOLVING F.VJ Z=- - TO 8>E REI Mt9LR3EO FOR COST OF THIS. IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS-. 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BN.SVIEVED PRICIAV TY - - - - - - - _ _ - ! 3,250:000 !. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S-SNARE OR LOCAL iBK>RRp�/K;A.ENTS- .. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL. CODE ! 250*00 �. APPROPRIATEO ,FROM BONG IH8UC-CODE f !, CtOUNTV AIG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s24,900000 _ l28,400a00 COP19M TO: - I HEREBY COiTKPY T..AT Z}Bsroa KS.AN ll1VEtNCUMBERWBAL- cITY.CLB.RK ACX : AVAB-ABLS 3Tf-TFBE-AapViT gTA2�0 APPROPRIATIONBTO COMpY'ROLLEn REIMBURSETHB: PStRt E >t�t E—E-ROV=MEOiT-REVOLVINGFUND. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. IN THS ABOVE PUBLIC WORKS - ePURCHASING COMPTRC`. - '� DATE FIHAL ORDER ADOPTED COUNCILM YKAB NIA10 - ADOPTED BY TNR COUNCIL SEP 1 6JO- �. [Ni PAYOR AMROVKD A� _ . .. MR. PRi.IDEPIT _ T� p�USSED tA1.R tR N B • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL C#A CONROY MAY ______ _ IN FAVOR McDONALO PEARCE ROSEN ------ O_AGAINST SUDHEIMER MR, PRES, BUNDLIE ADOPTED BY THE CHECK NUMBER 21 21329 0,14 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL WO OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO_______________ tOUNCIL RESOLUTION September 9 1931 AUDITED CLAIMSXXXXmsx��oux RESOLVED. THAT CHEC"WRMIYY TRl_ASl]RY. gg {{ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f--- --•-•- COVERING CHECKS CLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ONRED FILE FFIC��,335�� COMPTROLLER. .................... ........ ............I ..................... 1 /y CITY COMPTROLLER `'........ (`V MAYORBY ................ V ............................... IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD Philip F. Young John B. Schaeffer S. Berglund Lumber Company Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compat Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & CompaY Fuller Brush Mfg. Company A. 0. Horn Company R.G. Leslie Paper Company Bt•Paul white Lead & Oil 'OW John H. MCDoneld j Go of FL14 John H, Moulds Ot of Fin, FI Ho Rohrer TWO penia 111erbe III Oompany Iloolax-Rill Book 003pany ilolesson-9toPau1 Drug 003pany Mack Into Motor No COIN Whits is Blue Book Company Mable wagon & Auto Company Marsh -Smith, Inc. May and Company Melady Paper Company Gus I Messing Henry ri Michell Company Midland Steel Products Compam upls. St.Paul & Sault Ste.Mar Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Comps Minnesota Hese Company Motor Power Equipment Company municipal Supply Company National Battery Company National Bushing & Parte Comp National_ Lead Company Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company Northern Auto Eleotrio Compan ,Northern States Power Company Northern States Power Company North Star Varnish Company N.W. Copper & Braes Works 11W. Stamp Works, Inc. W.S. Nott Company 013rien & Buabnell,Company Owens Motor Sales company Panama Carbon Company Paper, Oalmenson & Company Park Machine Company Peoples Coal & Ice Company Pioneer Electric Company Pioneer Maple Products Compan Pioneer Rim & Wheel Service Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co Pure Oil Company Pure Oil Company Purity Baking Company Quick Service Battery Company Ramsey Motor Servide Company, SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED V° TR II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK RANSFE e Ry. Co} y 1 50 00 260 00 84100 a 000 00 15 98 820 29612 100 2 75 4 900 444126 3 50 7 90 i6 5539 216 25 9 75 16 99 39 76 44 7 3148 14300 223 151 729 129 595 51 24 20 050 16 I7o 31 18 io4 �9 30 E 21 r'i 10 2520 2 6 6 47 S 54 9 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL (]�� Cyf OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-_________JCy� ---- COUNGILMEN—ROLL CITY. CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY ----- --___-IN FAVOR M.DONALD AUDITED CLAIMS ----------September--la---------19-3} PEARCE ROSEN ------ ___AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE ORACyy�jN O'NeT(y�E CJ'I�TY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-T1.5�t..�.9W 1 COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE y'J (� �{ CHECKS NUMBERED___{1- TO______2j4W -• INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--1-p-_I��I!------ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN FFI E OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ________ APPROVED____- _ _ _ 9-__.__ _ ___ __ __ __ CITY cOMPTBOLLER YOR i, CHECK jI IN FAVOR OF NUMBER i! TOTAL oa RET.113 V BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1?0 905 21358 'I Walter Salinger 25 OC 11 203;0 21359 Rydeen—Denboer 21360 Raymer Hardware Company 7 4o 11411 21361 Red Wing Filter Sand Company 21362 I Restaurant China Company 216 21363 Milton Rosen Tire Company 21364"-T.W. Rosholt Company �2!6 Royal Sales Company 21365` 21366 Wm. Murphy & Son 0 822 9 5 21367 Electric Supply & Const.Co. 4 335 0 2 0 21368 ;� David Baahefkin 2 7i sc 21369 Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. 21370 l Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. 616 6 &She le Inc. 21371 Fielding Shepley, 21372 ;I O'Neil & Preston 200 0 150, 0 2131 i!. J. O INeil II I 5 350 7 63715 21374 The Peoples Electric Company' '!a 21375: A.O. Thomas Construoiion Co. 249:3 0 21376 E.T. Webster & Son � 50 18 399, 5 i 21377 Fielding &Shepley. Inc. 39! ffi 21378 Louis Henle 21379 ;I St.Paul Arcade Company St.Paul Book &Stationery Coo i 1�0 649 21390 t 21381 st.Paul Book & Stationery Col 269 4 12 7 21382,; st.Paul Brass Foundry Compan 2217 2133 st.Paul Eleotrio Lamp Compan j 10 21384 j� 9t.Pau1 Glass Company 2138 11 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Com �,any 54 2 2 ;: 2138 ;I Scheffer & ROeawn Company ! 19912 21387Jacob Schmidt Brewing Compan i 52 6 21388: The Service Recorder Compsny ,!I 132 21399 W. A• Shaw Lumber Company & Company ! 1916 21390 C. J. smith 21391 ;! Smith System Heating Company; 17Z 1 ! 21392 W.F. Smith Tire Company 21393 Southern Fried Pie Company ! 37 6 S 21394 South Park Foundry Company �! Speedometer Service Company 177 461 21395 1 21396 S.S. Spencer Company 8 336�91303 21397 !; Hanlon & Okes 21398,1 Baldwin Supply Company 1691 21j99 Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk & Comp 21400 Inter City Paper Company ! 2511 21401 11 J.L. Shiely & Company 101 396 21402 O. Sommers and Company f i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _j _ --- -- j 1M a 0 CITY OF L tLE 18 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[NN 4V'i FFICE ITY LER ya CO NC 5 UTIO ERA M PRESENTED BY AT _ - COMMISSI E RESOLVEDi. That the plans.aad ificatione for ieatss�-bletoh�rs and ramps for the Mania pal Auditorium Building, and the plans and speolfications for the power trolley and hoist equipment for said WMioipal Auditorium, as submitted herOwith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the mums being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, be and the same are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent is hereby author- ised to advertise for bids thereon, in the manner provided in and by the Charter. , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _____--__._In favor /Pearce / ROsen - ---------- Against /Sudheimer ,/'Mr. President Bundlie C F;Np SU4I8=8y I,<G Pearoe�; +3toeolved '-Chat tiro Dlhna and oDac(d ' cations 3or„eeats. "b1¢aoliora and ramDa ior'ihe fiiunialiig,i A.uditorlum Butl¢fa$, and the Dlanm'aaa.saeait egfdao ent',1.r or-trolleyani hoist edutymenC:for natd Tfuntelysi Aadito�.Frium se aPrCItti- ted- $orewarkd _Dr'ava[edr byahe ?Glty, Arahltoot under% the',direatloa 'o>L the.i and Pualoaer • I4 Parks .Play q,', e e - Rad ,Pablig atP`-V #aBe; the same beta$ `Nduc tlob', tp;-7tia¢, Comffiteeloner' 01, aver vee 6e. t d theo II are heraby here and 'thn -Hurohaela$ Agent le. horeby: authorized io advertlae for bids= ' YY..hheroon la M, 6, ln,aad• by the Charter_'. .: Adoy;ed by the Council tieDt. 11 18811 I Aptirov88 ,Sent_ 1l. 1883. - z+E Adopted by the Councit_l Appro 1 - COUN CRICIHALTC CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICEITY CLERK OU CIL RESO ION—GENERAL FORM, j►' 1. { PRESENTCOMMISS, D.B AT QDtember 8� 1QA7 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing, Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 12,000 gallons of gasoline per month for the period ending January 6, 1932, as required, to the various city departments, except the Fire Department, to the ATLAS GAS & OIL CO., on a basis of $.0633 per gallon over current competitive car lot price at the refinery, Group 3, they being the lowest responsible bidders, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 8638. COUNCILMEN SEPp Yeas Nays 11 I�IJ� Adopted by the'CounciL—_�7�___--19--- Conroy g�py�pp; /IvjcDonald --------------- In favor APP ed-- ----- ------------19— //P��eearce 'Zsen __ �_- Against. - - _- -_-- __—MAYOR heitner Mr. President Bundlie COUNCIL ORIp11UL TO CITY CLERK ..a �.,..• _CITY OF ST... PAI FILE NO. IC OF CIT E "O -RES UT H— NERAL FORM ' COMMISSfONE ATF' - zigE�sotsaaolz Witzare, it ie ecessary to install. certain equipment in the new Auditorium Building, for the purpose of servicing said building with steam, light and power, and WHEREAS, the Northern States Power Company has submitted to the Commissioner of Education, certain contracts for steam, light and power service for said building, which contracts are to be executed before the installation of said equipment by said Company, and WHEREAS, the rates quoted in said contract are identical to the twteA now being charged by said Company for said service in the present Auditorium, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized iand directed to enter into contracts with the said Noiifi.ern States Power Company for the necessary light, steam and power service for said building, said contracts to contain a provision that if the rates quoted therein are, during the terms of the contracts, adjudged to be excessive and subject to reduction, the Company shall refund to the City any such excess paid by the City under the terms of C F No 9048p—By-i� O Peara¢+- said contracts. I whereas, it le nocess nr, to fnsC,all certain eulldln ent !n the ;lew ;B,udl' tarlum, Sulhitng for:the, purpose' aU ( -Jght; ag ,=said byHding with etsam� ight. and 'bower, an'd: E wheread, thb N'prthern >PoY,I MkahY. •.has suhMlited t4 W th thej;Coal61k--�1 a(gnei;;Rof '!^.� ertatn' Con.; t COUNCILMEN yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council <D-19-- Conroy /McDonald _. __-.._In favor APPro _� Pearce _ y _ ,-,7 ,Rosen - — Against dheimer MAYOR % u 2Mr. President Bundlie _ rUBLISilED_%ye'� BUREAUOF PUBLIC SCHOOLS S. O. Hume 1 cuveRtMeIIDUIT BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDU 01 -OR (¢itg of fit. 41aut Department of f-bttcatinn IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J.JACOBS. O- COMR.Issla.vt 0- OR COMMlssta+.v. 3RD FLOOR. ENOICOTT BLDG. BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM D. D. MURx surcnlMen- September 9, 1931. Hos. W. B. Scott, City CoMtroller, St.Paul, Minnesota. My dear Mr. Scott: With the advice and approval of Assistant Corporation Counsel, Mr. Hilary IrlVaa, who sat in con- ference with Mr. Murray, Manager o2' the Auditorium, Mr. Heffman, representing the Northern states Power Company, and myself, I have as Commissioaew oY Education, signed contracts covering steam service, electric and power service for the Auditor-'—. I am emlosing copies for your custody. Very truly yours, VL4�- Clmzmai!� ucation. ICP -R - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - O'COMMSS TVE RESOLVED COUNCIL 90 yA� CITY OF PAUL FILE NO. //OFFICE CITY CLERK d-f�ES TION—GENERAL.FORM P ATF Sept. 1101951 That the grade of Alley in Block 4, Syaclicate No. 5 Addition, from Albert Avenue to Pasca3 Avenue, in accordance with the red grade lixie oxx the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same :L --s hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May favor Pcarce - - �_____ Rosea Against: - Sudlzeimer - Mr_ President Buadlie Adopted by the Council-__-SER-1-1W19-- Appro d--- --C� %-& -----19----- - - - --- ----- - MAYOR OIYd ORIOINAL TO CITY C J CI'i'Y -01= E r � 9�8�- �on, p�g�dlYe 0. s�v'o-,aos.9�-z ergehrr"sate pat} OFFICE O_F Gi �a�-ems z p xrtd 9 oak;19 qRp Waditiohkz- a1bR 'knoWa,' IL RESO I Oa28�z 8 exy° f41 tea a� ' ' PRESENTED BY IC!.+�C^i/6LCw. t11Fa"Yore tie .^°' - COMMISSIONER_-�e.>gccxdt�ai Tll t; n,:=DATE WHEREAS, The Commissioner of :L2`1alr3cs, Playgrounds and Public Buildings hasreported to the Qcsua4--33 that a certain two-story and basement frame barn, located on. Lots 8 sad 9, Block 19, Ashton & - Sherburne's Addition, also hmowrx s 338 Valley street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous conc1it3Loa a.s to warrant its being condemn - e 'and torn down; there Pore, be it RESOLVED, That a public he ar3ag *shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecgiag saki building, on the 5th day of October, 1931, at ten o• c3 -o4 --7c S - M_ is the Oouneil Chamber in the Court House and City E(all, in the Ci'Gy of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That ao-b less tliam ten days prior to the time ' fized for said hearing, the Caz+mm: s sf.oner of Parks, Playgrounds" and Public Buildings sha11 mail t o t:2se last known record 0. or of said property, at h1s . last 1x3mL4*wa v A3a Ts es , or to the agent Ar occupant of said property, a notice stWb:L— -thg time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and he al -3 3 a3s4nI cause a notice of such hear- ing to be given by one publicat3Esza iz; the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul, said notion tc3 13e pinblished n as than five days prior to the date of said hearing- COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ! Ado y the Councfn9— Conroy May fl c i McDonald - __-__-_In favor - r"r - ; APPLO------- ----------- -\ - -----19� ✓}Cosen Against Xm dheimer -_- -_--- `f �-� �Ih1SLI$jI�ID : President Bundlie La.�d over to =2 ;� � aPP 3rd Yeas / Nays ✓Conroy \ — i Yeas j �pnroy / Nays May _ may �M-nonald ✓McDonald /Pearce arse ✓Rosen an-__ ��/-gve Sudheimer _ Sudheimer �r. Pres • Bundlie e- undiie Mr. PrsB r .111.11111L 1. CM ­Kl PRESENTED BY ANCE COUNCIL .FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 7 ✓ a $a granting permission to Susan B. S Callanan a ma lWELP 39P Gala a aT -to --construct a sewer, together With all appurtemLx ces, on Carbon St from` St. Albans 0-1 -to a. point 190 feet east of` St. 9lbaris St. This Is an orcijnt +ce rendered necessary for the preservation of -ftibue public peace, health and safety. Tire Ga c3.2 oP the Ci 3r or St. Paul does ordain: SECTION I. JRDINANCE0 A _ COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (G) The said licensees shall within twenty (20) days from and after the passage of this ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. SECTION III. This ordinanee..ls_hereby declared._ to. be. an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council SEP PR IN Conroy, May, McDonald, Pearce, Wbalmer Yeas: Councilmen Mr. Pres. B=h1s..6 1 Nays: Councilmen Approved SEP 2 Mayor. Attest: City Clerk. D�Y3 We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to the terms and con- ditions of Ordinance No. 7329, of the City of at. Paul, Minnesota, which was approved on September 28, 1931, and will abide by the terms and conditions thereof. Dated: October 1931. a �� i I r.' Laid ove to N� 31d. & app. Yeas f Nays Conroy, May /McDonald 4 /Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie r � 2nd. ' �1 Yeas"Nays` ponroy May McDonald � Pearce / Rosen /'Oudheimer Mr, Pres, Bundlie DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. mew oaIaiwa to carr cueK CITY OF. ST_- �AL3L - sou Neil .i.1.,... 90V5 OFFICE OF CITY �sgnast— eMoa In the maCLdrt o>? s COUNCIL ESOLUTION— M 3r%& RAL.-F'Oi *'etand`.Frankil¢strr 8oardruha ap dted`-L PRESENTEDBY �/L � - _ � - `- Iafaagda 'fort w'•., Q�'JIVNG� �A7� n.Ds vo�thvae8t xem . �a,.,.�.�.._ _ _ apLa etreQ{e;7n WHEREAS; In; the mattgr of wic��-3 � ag W&MI-th street and Franklin street, Caroline E. Boardman appealcRw=-_Mr_ Brom sa award of damages made for the taking of certain -property -cnw =rmL4em td by 3m8r, loce4ted at the south— west corner of Ninth and Wabash& e$ s is the 01ty of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, By an order of the Mt- s riot Qovrt, dated. July 3, 193.1, the net award to said property owner mor t7ze tagi.ng of said property was fixed at the sum of $147,075.00> a -zn d WHEREAS Said Caroline E. Bos4 =—r3—as.� hs asserted a claim for an additional sum aual to the amount v►xst&rest upon said sum of $147,075.00 at 6� per annum from aaem- April 1, `1931,• and whereas, said Oaroline E. Boardman has sought -moo tea= costs and disbursements In connection with the trial of sa:LcS- before said Court; and. WHEREAS, There exists on the -_jjg�-ft o:E the City as an offset thereto a Claim to the extent of the =easoaab3e vale of the bene- ficial use made of the premises by sc3 33raperty owner subsequent to April 1, 1931, which claim is 1a dLiges-_c and vvliereas, it has been proposed that a comp3wmise be effea��� � _ that the snm of $149,075 be paid by the City of St. Paul in am - 3�sFscstion. of all claims on the part of said property owner for the o:E said property and, for interest and costs, and that all c1� � cow 'the mespeotive parties be thereby forever settled and discharf�® c3_ Q9 xXC WHEREAS, It is the conoensun -cam --IE'opia3 on of "the COMO,, that no benefit can be derivedL by ;the Oil Zoy iim=-cher litigation; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oorporati�=� Cozusssl be and he is hereby directed to permit judgment to be erg- gyred ism the sum of $149,075.001 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the pryer City officers be and they are hereby authorized to satisfy- said 3 7t=m_M 'JM -t capon being advised by the Corporation Counsel that title to_ asp cML property ia. good in said. Caroline E. Boardman, and upon the 3=L�2sh1LXW of a 'deed by the owner of the property to the City of St. g--��� moo=" _the part taken, and upon the deOj�e� an agreement in writ<3e=tea eacuted by said Caroline E. Boa v4 w tug to delivgr pO sseg � �a of the premises taken, not COUNCILMEN'S' later than Ot bber X933 -EP 12 Yeas NaY j EAidopted by the Council_—__i9_ -Conroy /May 5 R W. McDonald/ ----- ___..�In favor Approv __ _ _19� Pearce /Rosen -- Against — / S dheimer ✓ Mr. President Bundlie j1CrFSIS��—< C� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOM... i COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ----------- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY -_-___ ___-IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ----$eptember--- la ----- 19---}1 McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN _____ ____.AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY [ TREASURY. SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S----1�#,gsOal j6 COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE ti,.n CHECKS NUMBERED___ }'y, [wJ'..7TO_____--_� L INCLUSIVE. AS • +' PER CHECKS O I 'THE OFFICE OF iK, COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY SUN IL,--- ni __-_________ APPROVE lt8"------- - ---- -� - CITY COMPTROLLER __ _ __________ ------ _----- CHECK NUMBER ____ — __.. MAYOR IN FAVOR OF ---- _ TOTAL DATE RETURNED V BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD —_::-i 21402j1 21404 1 Anthony J. Campbell i Nellie Campbell, as Exeoutri', I 351 20 of the Estate of Margaret 35� 1 0C ii 21405! Mary Magee Ted B. Jenson 6 1214061 2140711 Charles Stewart John H. 1�oDonald, C. of Fin, 4 165 3 360 6 6 21408!1 Commonwealth Electric Companl 119 X52 2140911 Foley Brotherej Inc. Plumbing 6 Heating Com any ! 24 0 9 5 21410!! Heal ! 13 6 1 21411 1. University Sheet Metal Works, 21412 111 F.Q. Leslie Paper Company Broom Mfg. Company 5 4 1 21413 ;1 Bt.Paul St.Paul BuildersMaterial Oo 264 3 21414 !1 I! 2141 !! Twin City Brio Compery 6' �5 6 COMPO 1� 214161 Perkins-Traoy Printing 7 � rIF, tT . as° CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - ' COUNCIL �1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ---------- ;f 1�-/ 2 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROv MAY _- __ -_-_-IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS-----------sapteabex--12.-----_'931M. MCDONALD PEARCE ROSEN _____+Xj AGAINST - RESOLVED. THAT CHECKSCBE DRAWN ON THE TY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER V TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5--13_ 2((,.- —_ COVERING MR. PRES. SUNDLIE CHECKS NUMBERED21417,----TO----.21466 - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS FIL T FFICE OF `fHE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILr.�}--A--s------ APPROVED -SE -p- - ------ - B --""'""j CITY OOMPTROLLER _____--__- -------- -----__.__-_ ----- _ MAYOR -- --- - ----- I ----- ------ -- -- TOTAL DATE li I CHECK RETURNED II FAVOR OF NUMBER IN TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ! • I.i ij 1 ! !� 21417 j Lillian Geisenfeld, Assignee,! 156 10 (ilea Leahy �F !' 214181 Harvey Proulx 392 4 11 21419 !j J.B. Probst { 21420 Pail Wade 3o1 21421 l: Feyen Construction Company 94010 21423 II; O"NeilG&& Preston, Inion o. 1 5 3971! 9 21424 ;1 Frank W. Dielke 34 9 2142 li Mrs. Hannah Peterson 2 21426 Cochran -Sargent Company 219125 214'27 General Electric Supply Corp 2142g� Grant -Bushnell & Company i 5 21429 II Graybar Electric Company �5 9 `;i 21430 Roe -James Glass Company i 475 2 21431 ! The Waterous Company 16 3 21432 American Excelsior Corporatil a 21 21433 American Fork & Hoe Company 21434 II American Sales Company 4817 21435 ,; O.M. Anderson Lumber Company,, 60! 1i 21436 it G. A. Ashton & Company 1 87 0 " 21437 ! Automotive Service Company �I 21438 �� Barrett & Barrett 10,1 j 21439 Barrett Company 111125 21440 Borohert-lagersoll, Inc. 12108 21441 ;! Bary Ice Company go it 21442 ' 8. J. Brings & company 1141 21443 Brookings Institution 2115 11 21444 I; Buckie Printer Roller Comp 2150 �,� 1�� Capital Envelope Company 127 73 21+Ni6 Central Garage, Inc. 19!23 11 21447 'i1 Central Machine Rorke 9f 00 21449 it Central Warehouse Company 3s -00 21449 11 Certified Ice Company 00 f 3 10 21450 ') Chase. Brass & Copper Oompauyl�l j 21451 Chicago Watobments Clock Oom y 1 2 63 ! 21452 ! Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 11 25 21 Cleland -Hughes Motors Company I 13 09 21. 01oaIs Tits Auto Top Company 2 00 21458g Coohran-Sargent Company 239 96 ii21456 Corning Donobue, Inc, 14 71 2100 4-7 Carol Cox Hook Company �! I! 00 21459 AdamOrouCompany 71 30 21459 V 154 37 21460 I� Domore Ohair Company 22 32 21461 i1 Bleo-Tro-gone Corpox�tsob 21462 I Elk UU00 Supply 00481726 19 2146 ! 'Choc. J, Engel Weldit & Mfgsl! orke 53 �00 21464 j Fg►e110 0MU00 111k 002pa 1N",90 21465 Foell, Onus,rk & Oompa� 4421466 ''I Finch, Van 31yok & kcaonviligi 9 ! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD V COUNCIL ORIGINAL ToCITY —.N CIT -Y Op ST. PAUL FILE - NO.— 'vac "' 1 OFC LERK O OL GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ATF September la 1931 COMMISSIONE RESOLVED That license to conduct a Tent Theatre at So. Robert and Congress Streets from September 16 to September 21, 1931, applied for by Melville Phanto be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of a fee of $2.00 per day. C. F No. 90428—BY G C sudhelmer=` Resolved That llc n e to conduct a T at Theater at So RoberCI and Coa- SePYemDer•21, 1933; DD Sed for. byEMol v(lle.1 --mG be and Lhe seine Ia here by. granto 'anfl the city :clerk is in-' 1steucte'd to issue eo h license; uDoa the j DaYment lot. the city tresatyty oL a Yea'i oY E2.00 Det Adopted by the Counclb Sept if 198E Approved 3eDL 1'4 1981 — (3ept.-19 1981) .----.- il C the c y te ounc____`�-GR-�-�---------19 Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted_ Conroy ✓ May Appro tiro r/ McDonald - _----7--In favor _____ % Pearce ---------------------- Rosen _�__ ____--.Against _-- ______—_______ MAYOR % Sudheimer - /Mr. President Bundlie Petition a ((����QQ Council File No......._-�71 IM PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 0 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imprpvement by the City of St. PaUl, viz.: - Grading -St �A 4 ._ Sttreet__ dram_-1�acicub3u_ Str_set---to---the-east................. line of lot 8, Block 2. Foundry-Addition- -------------------- - Dated this________ n?th ---- day of------------------ Septembgr,___1931 -- ------ - - 19 --------------------------- ----------1 r7tELiMINARr, ODDEM Yo. 90429 :.Abstract.` 'tae."A wrote" Dropo9al foi is of the following ImDroveme4y Rllneo¢ attest from�Ma PRELIMINARY IMNARY ORDER. tba east Ilne'nX y: y.Additton hay��' t A..pCounoil fi WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: *e bo ! �- GradIng Stinson Street from Mackubin Street to the east --------------------- line of__lot__8. B-Lock-2.--FPundry-Add�,tlmlt_____________-.__-............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•-- therefore, be it RFSOI.VFM, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-------------------------- YEAS NAYS vp Councilmsa coxoy d{oR MAY Y Approved_ ------- ---------------------------- AID— PnE61DENT . _ Mayor. Form C A 13 f2M 2210 Council File No... ......... 99430 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT vim, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Condemning and. taking:: an easement _in- the._land-_necessary► __..... for slopes,---cut_s _and.-fills-: in- the grading-_ of ,_Stinson .. ..... ... fxQl2i._MaGkiltbiX Str@.et t4-_the ::@.AS#__l ?e QP -lot.-$s--Block 2,--•---. --- - -Foundry Addition....... ••----------------------------- -- ------------------ ----------- 12th.... ..-Septembera._1931____ ______. Dated this. ... day of - ------••- C .F No 86498 . � ;,Lbetract. .. Whereas A'.tvrttten DroDoeel for the f ;,king o[ the:'iol3owln6 imDroY ` d4,�ti Aemn(ng and taking� a �,��a>' � d nhc BadlnK a5��'b: , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary. -- •-• .. for-slopes, _cuts-•.and fills__in _the -grading of Stinson street - _----_.._---_from_Maekubin•Street to-_the-_east--_line-of--lot: ,8=•_Block.-2,-.................. Found._ Addition ----••... ----•-..-- .......... ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .............. .._____.......__.._.._...__... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not Said improvement is asked for on the petition of three. or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 14 W Adoptedby the.Council. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS - Up I1 �i Councilman 0MUMIMU cotaRoY- MAYApproved.-.......... --••-------•-------•----------•----- ofteminp 4fcll057A�L`l /\ `W-ZNZ W `1- irit Eimrm ... ... .................... ...._...._....___...._.__.................__...._...._. Mayor. Ma. PRESIDENT F orm c A 13 t2n4 x-xw OInO1MAL. TO CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL CITYNO. VO��� CITY OF PAUL FFICE ITY CLERK rY.A1 naFrS�iit=s ION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED: Thatthe proper City officers be and they are horeby authorized to enter into an agreement with Erwin Rose providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be'totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 39th day of July 1931; be it FURTHER AE80LVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Ooper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Erwin Rose the sum of $86.40 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of hi@ claim against the City, being for the period to and including September 10, 1931. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _.___..__In favor Pearce Rosen...._ -Against SudlTeittt><f^' fit, Vice Pres. SU heimer �+�® Adopted by the Council—SH-15-A-1, 19---- — — --- AYOR NOTICE �CEva�d":+$R�Fe��x`' 3,cc0yyOlY '1'3i8L �b]1'��a On CITY OF SAINT PAUL x.P}a'fiFeae.'gi'n$CunIte0,3q 'o#fsT;co8ien8a86fl8tY tf'l..�avae�rcfna¢BB,cI'hBsecaltcea . COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRINTER UNCIL RESOLUTION :V/S1 , oq�oe-off iha.. - Clty ComDu'olIgr � + - - ° Apgcovea Se� xb x2981 Seak is 19$7... - _ _ tgeabki9 19$1> - Awntwmher 15 Ig --7J RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF; COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_�_TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE -OFFICE OF THECITYCOMPTROLLER. ;7 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL SE S 5 IWE uT APPROVED 3 EP 15 79 raw wo. Ml iw ms rY .. - BY �, 14" 1� 6" t CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No,._ ...... DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE ......... •......... COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION .cONROY September 14 ........ .,qji MAY 1"-,-]N FAVOR MCDONA D AUDITED CLAIMS PEARCE RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRjTN446HbjTY TREASURY. -AGAINST F 5 ----- COVERING ROSEN ------ TO THE AGGREGATE Aft --- ,_1_N.'LUSIVE, AS CHECKS NUMBERFD-�-;�-� ------- ToCOMPTROLLER. CHECKS L Mr. 1�1�- 5 PER _K. ON F, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --------- ---- --- - ------ ... . ...... �N� THE CITY ER APPROVED A -, ___1 ------------- By---- - -- 0- - ----- = ---------- TOTAL DATE RETURNED v CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 28'28 1 21467 Delia Brown 2T 00 0 21468 Mrs- Mary Emily Christ 00 21469 Anna Wagner Peitsoh 28160 21470 ! Elfrida Soderberg 100110 21471 John H. McDonald. C. of Fin. T i 2A72 , John R. McDonald C. of Fin. 7500;100 134' e any 214- 96160 91 7� �; S. Berglund Lumber ()OmP 11 John Burns 2147 1 51 21472 �! Corning-DOn0hue, 'no' 193 2147 1 John Geary JZ3 so 1 21477 II Frank LeitueT 66137 21478 price Electric Company 21100 23.479 James Quinlan 141 21450 11 Ford Straus 40 21481 .! Philip Young 26 so 21492 Anchor Baking Company 36 16 111 Kirk & ComPaA 2142 �! Farwell, 02mun, 10 00 I Arthur 0. fisober ii, 214 1 12.36 ji 21481 French Book Shop 36 71 21L49 E. Geiger Icompany W75 j 21487 il General Equipment Equipment CloIno. 445100 21488 1 General Tractor & 93'57 21499 j Generator Specialty Company 3.22187 21490 The Golden RuleI 1410 21491 Goodriob--SilvertOWn, 1110-.11 81118 i! 21492 Goodrich-SilvertOwn' 'no, T 17 so 2149p R.L. Gould & Company 38 23 11 214 1 Grasselli Chemical Company 480 00 I GraybaT Electric Company, Inc I 2149 26 �j The G ii Tinnell Company 21492 r Auto Electric Company 4 32 2A97 11 Grubs 46sloo 214989 Hersey Mfg. Company 43 12 Hiland Spring Company 214gh 32513 21500 J.A. Hoge 47192 21501 J -N- ulme company 425 00 21502 !1 Cha Rvs,88 & Company, no' 3511 lute City Paper Company 3125 03 ii Guild Inc. R2119 !i J Liter y 0 11115 21505 0 S t1goard Guild, Co[ 22111 ffel and P86T Company 2150b 9'x+5 21507 ,1 ew a Boiler Company 3100 21508 1 J.A. Klein 14 35 21509 i, E.L. Klingel 4139 Kohnstamm & Company 21510 i! H. Kohni 10180 ;1 21511 LaFran0j"Republio-Linn Sales I 21512 Lamprey Products Company 67150 I . company 5 00 2151 Lawyers 00-0P* Pub 39175 2151Z I Lee & Hoff Elevator Mfg'ComP Ty 140 21515 1 LibrarCon 1 n ' y516 Linde Airof producgrtsess 00 -Inc - R!79 21517 Logan Corporation 79�056 Motor power Equipment Company,,! 5 75100 121518 15100 21!519 Mrs- Y.J. phillippi gis 211520 St.paul Builders Material 00 any 15119 i. 211521 11 VaUghauls Seed Store 12.00 21522 Mrs. Minnie B. Wollan 7 5 100 496 959 3 -FORWARD SHEET TOTAL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL {'y COUNCIL ��A i- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.._______ 3�j LROSEN Ror COUNCIL RESOLUTION ___IN FAVOR AUDITED �D CLAIMS -- ----sap-temhez--15------- - 93l— ONALD RCE _____--- AGAINST RESOLVED. THA CHECKS BE DI(� E TREASURY. _ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S---C---__"_��� COVERING �(�1: CHECKS NUMBERE ___2 2.AS 3.Tj� _L�5- _ C ..T OL R. Mr. Vice res til] P.1mr A ld PER CHECKS ON F 1� I J OCE OF TH^ C COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BV THE COUIjQf3--------/J----------/%-'-'-- �J� 0 MAYOR /— ------- __— — _rdK__ v`/✓� HECK IN FAVOR OF l_� �5 TOTAL CHECKS RETURNED C NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECK til BROUGHT FORWARD f !� 21523 1 Caroline E. Boardman 21524 II Elsa M. Obst, Treasurer Ramsey County, Minn. 21525 ,I John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21526 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. i! 21527 it John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.,s' 21528 ,i John H. McDonald, 0. of Fina,' 21529 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21530 !! John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 'i 21531 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.. 21532 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2153 , John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. ';I !I 2153 1 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. %i "21535 !I Cairnoross Tire & Battery 0o any 21536 ! Harris Brothers Plumbing Comp, y 21537 Jennings D. McLellan 21538 W.w. Magee 21549 O'Neil & Preston, Inc. 21540, Perry k. Swenson & Hakanson 1 21541 '!1 Colonial Hospital 21542 II Joe W. $oalska 21543 , Nels Lofgren 44 Industrial Engineering Compare 21545 k.J. Pirkl Electric Company 21546 11 Drewry & Sons !21547 Johnson Printing Company 21548 Lilly—Cullen & ompany 121549 McGraw—Hill Pub. Company 21550 ! John MoLainr 21551 !; National Freight Company 21552 ;i Northern States Power Company: 21553 1 George Pltbst 21554 Ray=Bell Films, Inc. 21555 Rose•Brothers Company 1121556 Royal Typewriter Company ! 121557 Service Press Company 21558 L/C.Smith & Corona Typewriter ,Ino. 1121559 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 121560 11 Underwood Typewriter Company 21561 :I U.S. Rubber Company ii21562 iI UniVereal Carloading & Dist.0j. 1421564 1 Zaaer & Bloser Company 11215 1 Zinamaster Baking Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 145 3 25 2 3 4 10 00 18 354 08 595;00 134 6o 22100 1`83 so 100 39 67 57 85 74 is 5 400 .24 100 1 699 122 50 23964 50 46 65 90 100 1571 120 1600 7 '40 5 27 2 ',25 54 4107 i 'I W1010 Counefl File No ................................... By............... . ....................................... CITY OF ST. PAM Resolution Ratifying Assessment L,, Avenue, north aide, between: ;va.,8treqt "#,,,',Robertson t. 0 de, bigl In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for oonstruoting, reconstructing and repairing oement sidewalks Estimate no. 5, Oon-traot 5839, Season 1930 --Assessable-- r.o. 86936 Saratoga Ave. from Niles St. to Hartford Ave. P.O. 85992 East Sixth Street, north side, beginning 109 ft west of Jack— son Street thence west 21 feet F.O. 85993 East Sixth Street, north side, beginning 86 ft. west of Jack— son Street thence west 23 feet F.O. 85991 Hope Street., west side, beginning 120 feet north of Fifth Street thence north 10 feet F.O. 85982 Suolid Street, north'side, beginning 12 feet east of Maple Street thenoe east 20 feet F.O. 85984 Mendota Street, east side, beginning at Sixth Street thence Vk . south'48 feet F.O. 0 85636 Paoifio Street from Cypress Street to Earl Street P.O.. 85636 McLean Avenue from Earl Street to Johnson Parkway D F.O. 85818 Cypress Street, east side, beginning at Fremon.t.Street thence south 14 feet P.O. 85636 East Sixth Street from Earl Street to Terry Street F.O. 85634 Duluth Avenue, both sides, from Sixth Street to. Margaret. Street P.O. 87143 Minnehaha Street, south side, beginning at Forest Street thence east 40 feet F.O. 85818 Minnehaha Street, south side. 3 Heaney Street, south side, beginning at Payne Avenue thence west 85 feet F.O. 85992 York Street, north side, beginning 115 feet east of Jessie 11, Street thenoe east 15 feet F.O. 85818 Magnolia Street, north side, beginning 256 feet west of Arkwright Street thence west,'.50,`feet F.O. 85985 Jessamine Street, north side, beginning at the east line of Clark Street thence west 100 feet F.O. 85979 Brainerd Avenue, north side, beginning at the we" line of, F.O. 86354 Jessie Street thence west 166 feet -t- Pleasant Avenue, south side, beginning at Chesnut Street thence east 122 feet F.O. 85995 Pleasant Avenue, south side, beginning 296 feet west of Duke Street thence west 80 feet F.O. 85635 Webster Street, east side, between St Clair Street and Michigan Street F.O. 85192 South Osceola Avenue, east side, between West 7th street and TIL side, beginning 200 feet east of Milton Street thence east 80 feet F.O. 85995 Armstrong Avenue, south side, ._beginning at Pleasant Avenue' thence east to alley, F.U. 85728 Sheridan Street, south side, from Edgeumbe Road to Prior Avenue F.O. 83085 St.' Clair'street, south, side,. beginning 126 feet east of 4- IDA A L,, Avenue, north aide, between: ;va.,8treqt "#,,,',Robertson t. 0 de, bigl I. C) . 2SCa7c7�r"." + g17;8�R iK 'tiR p#`7c�,•+a�.' mss fi e=gsti; 'P�}}jt+ TS ", ,_ <', esuns fi�#s Ts{azct z;� a 1,•0• 82x82 1,secnT festtlf., j _ ZoesbvTu6 ;866esreonfiFcaigsBfiPG&Tuu;v� Tsegosg fioffbsTos eDns x oTyTs 8fix ; eorrlF ergs' Isom Eg&cep d S E•n• 82aS8 2ustTgisu 3fixssfi 6ff89Dfi 1Je6D t GX ,�U.>ucs sssfi "O,� eonfi.F_ 7gs, Asi&,TpuTU3 fffi bT t b'C' St8c32 yLme.cLouta yg6uae_.. s`sF saefi oT t77D 8.csssfi FF�s,t�G sssT 80 ,- shTu Tu* Soo ZG6F ' sl.saa yfbuns' uozr.. Tq F ee rxssfifTq i i B 0 8�a82 B c sTgs P sgesseu yi f I• BonfiF S]eos0s tlnsufse eaef aTgTs 8fissefi sssq t d. L o• 82aas IDLY- 841404 DOZ elsefi 82 I66 s& DA7D� fffi bff7w6 yesuns fivsz�Cs 1'0' 828x3 g68IT61L 8ess<>c sonfiv g?gs P T {;. n.sOL P.0 =,681:1rt L2.T•-�.£_:.,.2.�MQz 2r CTfGUGG '.. v " FDBDOe 689fi to bssfi a ea 8� DA DP 9fi �Oze8fi 8fis66fi 1; 0' Sa7fi3 WTDtJsifSP- 2fisest' eonfip Tq P 7 T 8.os ssfi 82e2i DnTnfiA YesUlr6' pofiF 8Tg88' Low 8TxgF 8rLesc ,90 X33 iiSssfi E•0• s2e2e Effefi Ux4v 8lsssfi Isom -FsLT 8rsssfi go .LessX 8fixes4 eofffiv TI bssfi s¢ uu aR s1 smou4 2rsssg ;vsucs Vol 828T8 C3bsses 84Lsst ssel a7gs' P T T Fueou 7,sztcrosa YL'0' 82e3e warssD yesuns ILom ESLT 8fizssfi go '10 1;•0' 82g8e-bff0;ITc efmGSV Isom Oabzsss 84Lesr go EsLT 8rssse eonfiP•fi8 �ssfi );'0• 8288,T 3Ysngofie 8fizesfi' ssefi BTge' Ae&TDurD& sfi•.. T�fiF 8fisssfi fivsucs S:T.GG; fiAsuce ou" SO Issfi >r'0' 82885 EBOTTq:Efisssfi' uoxcp 8T9e' ps&TDuTD& TS Issfi s98fi oI pisbTS gtxesfi fipsvice coup :rO vg$ L•Q• 8288T Hobs 84se00.' nsSfi BTgG"..Ps&TDDTV& TSO Iesfi VOL -CP Ob h,T:L" Bog 8;Lee; ;Fevre raee4'82 bssfi b,•0. 82aa3 F,96; STx47 8fi1644' VOL;" STge' Ps&TDuTu& se Irmsefi oI 99cK- eon 8fises4 fiveuas usafi ST Tssfi t; L101 82aa5 Eggr 2Tx�P grsssfi' uoLgP ST 61 Ps&TuTrTu& Tna Ifi fesefi oI 49CK- �•n• onejo T]9'L3l'QF47.,,T7J�.F, SI;QJ TA7T6Q Rr l0 LTgsr Z.OLQ tlA6 ,,,: jx� zw=:k jz=XQdM t%xxxxx.xx�$; ft'��AYYZYZY2Y$;' x6,, -... __ tW�Yi1�A h2$$�Z ZFYYZY$$$$$$yp�as.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respeets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 7ITTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ ..... _-. ......... equal installments. /'Adopted by the City Clerk. Approved.--____..__-....__._----------------___19-...---- ................................. xi. Mayor. ul CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Au&us t..A......... 19A smntof ben outs and eXpenaee for In n the matter of the also„ , , oonstruoting, reconstructing and repairing cement sidewalks Estimate No. 5, Contract 5839, Sesson 1930 --Assessable-- F.O. 85636 Saratoga Ave. from Niles St. to Hartford Ave. i F.O. 85992 East Sixth Street, north side, beginning 109 ft gest of Jack- son Street thence west 21 feet F.O. 85993 East Sixth Street, north side, beginning 86 ft. gest of Jack- son Street thence west 23 feet F.O. 85991. Hope Street.,, west side, beginning 120 feet north of Fifth Street thence north 10 feet F.0..;85982 Euclid Street,,nwrth,:,side, beginning 12 feet east of Maple Street thence east 20 feet F.O. 8,5984 Mendota Street, east side, begin 'ng at Sixth Street thence south 48 feet F.O. 85636 Pacific Street from Cypress Street to Earl Street F.O. 85636 McLean Avenue from Earl Street to Johnson Parkway , F.U. 85618 Cypress Street, east side, beginning at Fremont Street thence south 14 feet 85636 East Sixth Street from Earl Street to Terry Street F.O. 85634 Duluth Avenue, both sides, from Sixth Street to Margaret Street F.O. 87143.Minnehaha Street, south side, beginning at Forest Street thence east 40 feet F.O. 85818 Minnehaha Street, south side, beginning at Forest Street thence west 65 feet F.O. 8599x3 Reaney Streat, south side, be�inning at Payne Avenue thence Fest.85 feet F.O. 85992 York Street, north side, beginning 115 feet east of Jessie Street thence east 15 feet F.O. 85818 Kagnolia Street,: north side, beginning 256 feet west of Arkwr`.ight Street thence west 50 feet F.O. 85985 Jeesamine.Street, north side, beginning at the east line of Clark Street thence west 100 feet F.0.-85979 Brainerd Avenue, north side, beginning at the west line of j Jessie Street thence west 165 feet' F.O. 86354 Pleasant Avenue, south side, beginning at Chesnut Street thence I east 122 feet F.O. 85995 Pleasant Avenue, south side, beginning 296 'feet west of Duke F Street thenoe west 80 feet FA 86635 176ster Street, east side, between 8t Clair Street and Michigan Street f F.O. 85192 South Osceola Avenue, east side, between 'Jest 7th Street and Audubon Street j F.O. 85985 Bayard Avenue, north side, beginning 200 feet east of Milton ;Street thence east 80 feet F.O. 85995 Armstrong Avenue, south side, beginning at Pleasant Avenue Rp'b a et; north's de,. beginning` at Olinton"Stieet{3 enoe' ` i eafitm feet, F.U. 85982 State "et, west side, beginning at Eaton Street thea& scut -0 yyfeet `�:z ■■�■■F,S. R�lQi1�11 Knifln't�f141111i1 11111 ..,, :'r I'll nc;fs*ilt 'if5'J �� T'rr cer rt b rE• 3�rt�4 r7'G1i6' h, o, v. �r�n 7t -tLb•: JC :IIS j tT G 6 G.%, U �'- h C I, . fTc' s , � � �, p , t .r r:•T w. ry G Th, B ciJ,: Tp�' -.nS,b1�i..III bGf a Gb S r p r, 7., {L '' C' r ,�7 _•, a , w 9ii' G rt, J j n3��t.�ag�iiRx�c��Rxxxx�xxxxxxxxxp�.�r,�yxlg�cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12212M2XXagaxxaassaxxasasxx�wy a 3�xxx�cuxax��gzt 7�x xxxxxxxxxxx��xx.- a To the Council of the.City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $....4,.252..6Q..... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . $.....:......2fi..40...... Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $ ..............5..2$...... Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $.........425-2.fi.-.___ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $........: 2B.. ...... Total Assessable 5, 5. Total asgseadMRNa nonrassessable—. . $...3,,. Total Expenditures — 62656.67 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of ............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........... Ferro B. B. 11 ommissionor of Finance �. C r L, �, r .. l r' '� '= i j 01 �� I.r 4 C 1 r r � � � . } �T jr fjy fT i� flf 7•iJ t iJ�� _', l 1 '(• Y hx1, r} i'T ;l.fi{l* -eFl ,E{= S . I >✓ Q*, i _.. 3 ` . ?i 6a spa, dQ Z aC Yit � o l� T�sr, y — __,....._...rFevl_:'t ttIS�ICit I,Tefr:. t �. .r. �'. � I•� 1 ..,, :'r I'll nc;fs*ilt 'if5'J �� T'rr cer rt b rE• 3�rt�4 r7'G1i6' h, o, v. �r�n 7t -tLb•: JC :IIS j tT G 6 G.%, U �'- h C I, . fTc' s , � � �, p , t .r r:•T w. ry G Th, B ciJ,: Tp�' -.nS,b1�i..III bGf a Gb S r p r, 7., {L '' C' r ,�7 _•, a , w 9ii' G rt, J j n3��t.�ag�iiRx�c��Rxxxx�xxxxxxxxxp�.�r,�yxlg�cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12212M2XXagaxxaassaxxasasxx�wy a 3�xxx�cuxax��gzt 7�x xxxxxxxxxxx��xx.- a To the Council of the.City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $....4,.252..6Q..... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . $.....:......2fi..40...... Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $ ..............5..2$...... Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $.........425-2.fi.-.___ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $........: 2B.. ...... Total Assessable 5, 5. Total asgseadMRNa nonrassessable—. . $...3,,. Total Expenditures — 62656.67 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of ............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........... Ferro B. B. 11 ommissionor of Finance �. C r L, a r, e d vanue� nor a e,� a ween Eva street a- Roberteon 4 p.anus ,o. 8 9e4 BJbadvay. west'`eide• beainnina at trove Street thenoe Orth - y+�,�w,°^a s `s z t' e= i s<'s k. i 4y T 17.r Xy 4z_'"xAi ter :a;,N,a v aC"A n � * r Pkv h 3k @ ✓�'r �. t ; 3 sr r•3 4r?': r€ "'.`' i z, 3.!. $ Xsima jr�Y� F r y z*a' art iy 3 rx, t` ' ✓ '^'� 'r ?� s r•}' 'fir f n;;``�' -n" 4c €,� - s< {X�, .r j, �¢ •v w.eY j.. { � 6F" dr aas,f33s, '5�� fisLr a ' o-����� ,� fi� ,�� •"�. ,',���xd t �.:x& a�� e '� �r a a i =c � xrJ3��r�^�"� ��6y � �,�a�,-,� � �'ag���, 3#; 1„�, 1"F .+ aR .h I tas �, 4 i�ry� y- ,>• a 'T.§A��" '`�- �, e�2da4U� '9 't m. Lz �i�''�g�"T�� .y' fig. ,� -d-xr ''•�iS "f+'X+. = fr .y tWATI C-1, '{� r+ - i b r ti i r'n tM1 3 ry'btt^ $� sJ� `"'j` fi `+"s�W WMA �aa ,t kk 6.1A �t ah'v'^4+-.' q•i '• ,�..rr s';y.h _ r'[�tts 41 Mt r`w.S^,,f{^ t_•� '' :'¢}{. �r4 TO y r 2 3,.' `�E+5i�#�x+`'. t- �� � �`� ''w 5 /+y}}y���,s'dr+¢ a • + t t�r�}j s _ e ¢ k�ja 3 gR "•'�*�A° 8 Std 4 riy x.+',.rFlJ1 'v z"}K r1 t "R} J, F•"e ' f x A N ,'-s-y.; 4 �aY f. x m3 s •�` a'r a`r '.k f'� i r �'t� �- •� �' `� a r�T'ay �y 3��t; rt"•+',y �.,,. �,y,�'"'1gs,y p31 r '' '{ h Y x*-itsa} >�yi ✓.k,�F»�t4 i a4'�;;k' \✓,� , Tf '� f• .'. l � S°=gys �, N t -i4 '�z '9 3.1.r � a ° i+ � 'amu atai,} 4 4'} na'`r' x•�S�`? i {� Lf �'s t s k _I�✓t��,cC� .'� �� st �::�G.r�'F�4ti��� �� .+F "��}'''i (N.Ft'"t�� �P�bi`�,w� 34��vt� 3A a0 -�•• r •r 8-g •- '•rrrStrei an f • f f., :t Vlotoria str L eet and •'�sides,1;!' een Victoria IR om,,Hamline Avenue: "to e.r • the S 3` K F:'k fW r _ d'� SAY t'11h' y�S '•ih, -}�° ' yfY'f b F� mom d'�y���f j Council' e No._._ ............................ By ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for grading +-_.lir widened :,t. from Channel -"t. to >tlo :`tom-Rtrd..*hc .i: lcd .� i n:. of CSnco n :t fro I.tbel ti wt. to r,oL'nrt, . -:' --. _.L, C ,ncord St. C' q;, Soil.:?7 I nl to r1Y- Le strep . li c- ,s t b i Mrd by C r F196o, vcu JU y J, 13 1, 1 )-ViLL_ C t M out n i ab b. ,,b L I,. from -the - r _i .R �T I2uYu1 1_ t6 b lo= -incl-- r ")!U::lYr r rete xtt,-c rd and ?c rtrive- �1 Cab.., :e .'r, 1• jr -..> .street mclino . to -r7 `arty lines, tainin; ,iall ., s; > s, f :rices, a tructin; or,, 3 r C3ZY arY �'t;r _ x n' a r r: , 711 i, ur' jn: or rrC Y .Tutt C11J 1 -i a J�' `u'JLl`..t-!-.F,«.-.1 "4.. from �il?.,t-'' 1 ut. g'.� .. 11eOs Wit. �.,.n an b 3tfa 1 :Concord St. r z�1 5out�1 "'tib l�iiL at YU' F 7t e Tt St.) -�'i._LTi� " 11 t O5 T 73Yt11 Lb stYx t to a�inr 1 ,5 ft. of ivi >ii v ., nd ch rr- a*1< ,t.1e r- de of rY,. St. i2 I..a -1 .;t. � ._ .,_tint 73 ft. t r fiouth� Color rc ", 't me ,su a ton the 'Ce',ter. --Iiae of .Starkey ;:rt. to 'c mform to t',}tic red lirnson � t I"' itiC d RB9t ttaTr i.Q:. ; tt:3.Ci.1F4 silt,- A Ci.Q .pix -�i't thw;rr}:r,1"S'Ya6i'1 t.-. e: x%,elh— Ii vld r''e.. join r:n by Klu: lin , .an, al o rest i_g I) los t. ;n .rkey t bet., en a f )re 1.nit , l.c1u im, rcc -'truc io12; �, 4 'e ral e . 110 .3 .wtct`a7 i 6%c rll: o n:: = X13 „t in:, ,ern r� nL 1 T�. ins :)n South abs ^ } ;eet f fz t. ....3 a.an'c� �a'fiYlPT�iSb isS"i�• ^Rr.' fitT )`iC tt r fr�iiii'$ {ixri "'^r �.,:�8r �E. tc� 5-,u-2\„ j T O''.�rt�l�t+rst���flr,�t>} v�DF�a.a3�t., att c'a,.�lrzls,c:d. $,Sa..n.'.Lg$s iii$l'b' 13f�telYiCtnl�lto'ue ib3t(alL�r= 5.3 Po' t ro*.r.3t &,y; cr.m..t .lde a t.' be 10 feet r.) 11 feet rite -f IWI Adopted by the Council _...__OCT 19. City Clerk. OCT Lx¢� Approved---- _.---- -------- --- ......................19.. .. __...._..._-.....----....._..............._..... ...., Mayor. F— B. B. 18 &$on4 2'UBLT3FIED 7 , 6k; under Prehmmary Order-. 83640....-.., Intermediary Order —8417f'-, Final Order.--:.__.--$9:.m- approved. ...----Feb,,-- 25._------ _.- ---- 19.-s�Q having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment A public hearing satisfactory, be it therefore hatiing been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally gESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,tan�the same of Ramsey is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County determined to be payable BE IT FU, R�TEER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby •-`-•••. equal installments. Adopted by the Council—•--•-••-- -- --' � � City Clerk. ••.- Approved...__..»_-...---- __»--------------------- 19 Form H. H. Is r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .............19 31. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for till gralding the !widened ,-ortion of 3)uth r.ab_.s'i.. bt. from Channel Ot. to D lo_: 3t. -nd the ride ied portico:; of Concord St fro I ahel St. £o rto';art ., R,i rading Concord St. from ,ou h ''-+a a a ::t.to Iee,bel to the ne, street line- ,.is .,sta.bli_!ied by C.F. 51958, app. ,ved July :'-0, 19; 9, al o pavin , Co_zcom-•d :�t. fry m .south �' abasha _ out'^ :,bra sha ._ frn- the . nrt�' , i.- of Cn>na^1 to Lelo_: o-i.ne.. ;,n )n -„_u.. ri_1t rinreto attac,.,:�d c:nd r.cuc ;,. r:rt -:o., tuiti.. : le3 - .•'i. irive- #' a;! c -gyro e„er, , _:te ;^ conr.ecti on �,m treet .wins to oro_erty 'in s, . 'aini.n l� , stew -, f :ices, c m tructing or r recon uctin n,. at..r a ns, con t_uctin o-• ec) .truct- f ins i e t: .t: oth _;ides of South },<:sn t. from Ch n?.:1 t. to : Delo. ZI.t. anc. on b.tti i.ies of Concord ::t. ' om South Wabaslia St.to Souti ra ,ort St., .:Z: , ch in th do r[ Delos f m South "abr,,sha �t. to a ,Dint 1:5 ft. t of Livingston ',v-., no c-i:a- g- in.g, the „r,de of .'t.rkey St. fro.:, Is :l 11r. to Dint 73 .ft. southe,st of the center line of Colorado St. measur d cion:; the Center line of St=rkey St. to c.n'orm to thc. red lis:as :;n the rofi e m,,rkr--.d "B” hereto attached aad muL`i,e g x,`�. �a ,c`;,. the •ar .sent t4b- li,'i :.;races brain o::n by iva lin )n, al o roSr<aing Delos St. -.nV otarkey 6t. bet wen, afore-aiu its, .ixic_u,i.xi�;..rec::i.struc 'pion a ice<-alks, ,., :aid red lines ta bli-s d, a o _:. gall- int; ornam, ntal lig4ts,on South abas;i Itreet from at,er St. to Congress St. 'and.on d,racord St from 6outh o s St. to South Foc,ertSt.� 131r^ti'Aal �5h.-Al be " ;crick 14 i, 'lat with 7n cane: -t( base - 56 fo-:t roadtdy;'-ertttdat- sideT,ialks to be 10 feet :rd 11 Peet ide f ', ' monolit`-�ie"-cancrete 6;:riches thick AmotYnt of court costs for confirmation 22.95 Sewer connections 177.00 Water connections 950.00 Driveways 106.01 Balance to Owner 3,884.49 (Benefits $21,479.35 ) (Damages 4,291.00 ) t Total Expenditures $100,339.84 Said Cori ove ascertained, Less sum paid by street Ry. Co. 1 404.00 to -wit: these 98,935.84 ted benefited by Net Assessment (Balance to City) $ 21,072.84 the said imps Charge to 1931 Paving & Sewer Aid Fund 77,863.00 he benefitscon- (erred thereon; thass at the said essment has'_been completed and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the saidmmissioert and mads apariCreo�a the' sae$ pleted by him, and proP which is herewithAsa mi t t0 the Costae foeBfie]' dab»ktie' er. ---------- P -Z . ........................................................ . ......... .7 Commissioner of Finance. c909.1.1% To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: -Cost of Construction $93,231.95 E5i' ine8t� Item 97.48 Cost. of publishing notice 22.95 Coot` of'$p -Otal "bards 4.59 Inspection fees 1,842.42 Amount of court costs for confirmation 22.95 Sewer connections 177.00 Water connections 950.00 (Driveways 106.01 JBalance to Owner 3,884.49 (Benefits $21,479.35 ) (Damages $ 4,291.00 ) Said 666 Total Expenditures 100,339.84 ove ascertained, Less sum paid by street Ry. Co. 1 404.00 to -wit: thess 98,935.84 ted benefited by Net Assessment (Balance to City) $ 21.072.84 the said imps Charge to 1931 Paving & Sewer Aid Fund ?7,863.00 he benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto #Ut .e ,identified by the sig- nature of the sarxRt heotxhsatf7 pleted by him, and which is berewrtproper. til ------..P�z..`_......�%..0... �.....Ima-a..7 Commissioner of Finance. under Preliminary Order ....................... KOO ............... Intermediary Order ............ KIM ....................... _.......... Final Order 84.36.R ..................--- approved..-...:-.. -p �.. s - .... b 25 ................. ..............._., 19..30 To the Council, of the City:.of.St..Paul: _ _.. L, 1-11-11-1-_ diti me; of thea-expen- obove improve- -M'se r.. Total expenditures . . . . $................................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: tha sum of $_21,072.R4 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. F.- D. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. �iliGG;�i j � �Jr .: r L zGH,w6 �� CODE FROM ;. .P6 RTION HD ITHM - ;aaa 3 Z 'S 1 CITY CLERK COUNCIL IL -Y' 4Z> F7 S.Y. PAUL FILE NO. 904 >_.C> 1= CITY CLERK' A"*��1 COUN I I I C ERAL FORM ?RESENTED BY COMM ATE LVED That the proper C --mom ZP- 4mi:r:r3.ce:rs3 be and they are hereby author— ized and directed to dL-m- 29L wat.=xamt. In favor of the Griswold Safety Signal Gompany, fcr tbmet: 7mEa&-%-x3mm cb:r 813c Hundred Eighty-five Dollars ($885.00) In payment fog— arc a-to]p-aud-go signals installed by said Oompany at University mc�- MtAEL-ymcmd avenues; said sum to be paid out of the Mia oellaneous as �� -1r.3r-jmL:rc),=4mseen Account of the General Bund. lu COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nays Conroy May ?� --------------- In favor /Pearce -'Rosen YYYJAr. Vice Pres. Sudheime-r "(44 I Adopted by the '_19 -- MAYO - COUNCIL -OF. N O.zV9 oa�alew�ro clry c�raK _ - .CITY ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE CITY CLERK O i w RES UTION—GENERAL FORM 4 Sept. 16, 1951 - PRESENTED B COMMISSION ATF RESOLVED Tiat B�i1t �3 3�o s ea Commissioner of public Works, Department of P� - � � c Worl�s s be and he is hereby directed to proceed to MW �-mL- Yori City to attend a Convention of Public Works o� � �aZs dedicated to Sanitation and Public Works t� ��a �ielcd 3n. said City on September 24th, 25th and 26th; -;-� c3_ Daae proper city officers are authorized and directed tv� c �av�r a warrant for $250.00 in favor of the said Milton Ra --� t33_e purpose of defraying his expenses on the said tri ��c1 vupoxa his return he shall refund to the City Treasurer ;-=fir balaizc$ left from the funds advanced; the cost of -t-1:3t----tr-w to be paid from the Administration ,� Fund, Code 10— �i3Z p:YF N �:�a{tR1C�R "'b�tii t:HnYeffT�' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ Adopted by the Cottnc$]EP--.L6—'---19--- nroy- May APP V - -- 19 - -- ------------ �� favor Pearce A a r. �t ----------- -_` 1 --------,---- Rosen r- - --- --.-__.-- _________.. g ',ttf%MAYOR Sedi+eeeMw a Mr. Viae Preff. SuCi17-- - : COUNCIL CIIIOINAL I'O CITY CLERK_ ---QTY OF ST. FILE NO. Fl E OF C K O C E O 10 GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Thatore — ommendation of the chairman of Dental Hygiend c ement of Education, the Purchasing Agent be and he is herhorized to purchase, with the consent of the mayor and 8omptroller, equipment for the Dentak Room of the Crippled Children's School, at a cost of 01,309.04, without advertisement, from the M. F. Patterson Dental Supply Company, as the Purchasing Department -has had informal bids from several other dental equipment houses and after comparing the price and quality, and conferring with professional men, concurs in the recommendation of the department that this equipment beat meets the requirements for the use for which it is intended, and as most of these items are patented articles and no advantage could be gained by advertising for formal bids. Charge Public Schools— Crippled Children— Bond 510. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /C�Onroy / /May 'As 9 ld In favor --Pyarce -- _. _.--� ------- - --- .. _ _.. .. -- Rosen .__ _...: gains[ �PreS- heIcuer Adopted by the Council SEP 16 19—_ AP-- __—.AYOR -OR NALTO.CITYCLERK' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C L REy�/WN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �" COM MISSIONE AT R616G WHEREAS, as provided by Council File 140. 90168, approved August 19, 1931, the Council did, on the 14th day of September 1931, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold 4_public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two story frame and stucco house, located on Lot 19, c' Block 13, Michel & Robertson's Addition,valso known as No. 1037 Randolph Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210,. approved May 22, 1930; and itis the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed to the last known record owner of saidproperty at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure by the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, wit$in ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the oocupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the COuno-Al. c<' F xa >,oai $y ciyaa x xtar tivltereae sa bSoeidnd br Gounoll'! File No 88188 aDproVe�F ll�uEt 18,'� 1881 khe Coi+eeiL 9 d, n.. Yeas COUNCILMEN _ - Nays Adopted by the Council 's._W119 Conroy - May r.T..' i..a ...__....._..._In favor Pearce .-- --------- ---- Rosen ___ Against WQ,,d1W Mr. We Pres. Suabgimer m o a A771. COUNCIL FILE NO ....................................... . No so4�s a •.e Matter of th@< aeee9emem.._ '•flta. dAmafiee. ca6te-sand ezb-." ,haagSM -the to of ,h] TF By ......_ ............................' rn St Otto eonforinato the the-t{coflie ;hereto a ,'« t' Q `Dart hereat, th jrrade`being. �*end-`�-• a csi�i:. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for ohanging.the grade of E. Third St. from Broadway to 125 feet east of John St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto at- tached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also regrading and repaving E. Thir& St. between the aforesaid limits to said red lines when establish- ed, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, changes is watermains and appurtenances, where necessary, construction of side- vralks on both sides of E. Third St. from Broadway to 125 ft. east ri of John St., construction of retfining walls on approach to viaduct, t construction of orna-:cr.tal li;hts on E. Third St. from Sibley St. to the viaduct =1 all other , or'; 1'c' to the improvement - mat� rial s',all be 3'" as%'ialt on 7" r(Incrcte base; :;ith 50 -foot roadway - sidesva]ks to be 6" concrete base •aith a surface of 3" brick laid flat RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...._...... 14th......... day of QQt,Qb�Ts--------------------------- 19..._�l at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SCP 16 Am Adopted by the Council ................................ ................................ ........... 19. 7n I ffim ----......--/-- ....... - - Jerk. Approved.............................................19......... ----------...-----------------------------...................... Mayor. Councilman Conroy t�'tllly _Councilman : ' Mey (� Councilman Pearce t'UIiLISHED Councilman, Councilman=® . Sudb+'u+ Councciuill�man NU ormT�FYIH61IIIe.T i 90442 - wrrriovxa ssaa'ss�=. COUNCILFILE NO......................................... e Matter..oC LifB ttpeesemes Hts, damages, costs and,e""-, �•hsngtp,r-the a'rttde: f .E. x., By_......................................................'---...-...... ..M Broadway to 4, feet I'm St, to' conform ,Yo the -the.•Oro81e _horeto aA)art. hereof, th - oy ;made,hefne•: s: -'=k- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing -the grade of E. Third St. from Broadway to 125 feet east of John St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto at- tached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also regrading and repaving E. Third St. between the aforesaid limits to said red lines when establish- ed, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, changes in watermains and appurtenances, where necessary, construction of side- walks on both sides of E. Third St. from Broadway to 125 ft. east j of John St., construction of retr.ining walls on approach to viaduct, construction of orna:crtal li;hts on L. Third St. from Sibley St. to the viaduct anci all otlier rlor'c :.ocessary to the improvement - laterial shall be 3.;n as_%!ialt on 7" concrete base; :pith 50 -foot roadway - side;valcs to be 6" concrete base with a surface of 3" brick laid flat seeesment of benefits, damages, costs g_A gxge�sa or'end m oonnactrom;�ith sMONO RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the s>c is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the----.--..--14th...-----.day of 0V,1ober,........................ ---- 19.--_Z1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEPIoAK Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------- as Approved------------.-...` ....... .................... 19 19. Councilman .YMiF Conroy CMay ,Councilman ' ,r- l J �r Councilman ,• � Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman. Counciilman x Form W`, 11.9' a 81rP_t:P PUBLISHED -�� .1„ under Preliminary Order ................. 86250..................... Intermediary Order— ......._$.Q-,�4jG............. ....................... Final Order ........... 8.5274.4- ............... ... approved .............. -..Se-pt-'-ari........... ........... 19_W The assessment of_benefits,.._damages,-..costs-_and--_expgns.�Sfor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... 14th -_.......day of Otiober,---------------------- 19..._1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 16,44 Adoptedby the Council..............-----...-----.------........----......------ -----............... 19 ... /........ erk. Approved............................. _......----------- 19... ... ................................................ -......................... .., Mayor. CouncilmanEE99 Conroy�'f{%1S Councilman'NeoDai&- �:... May CJ Councilman Pearce PUBLISHED Councilman $oseu Councilman--® Councilman: �'�; rpTffiIIMEnIARY O$li 2 l iF Nd 90443—' - .the Matteri d4 dlt4bla�"Thi= bth etdee.'frdSA;81e'teath - e egeterl9_?andrw i I- Pr8uminary 'OrderOrder }, COUNCIL FILE NO______________ ',xuauntl' sah i OBAaen" or Ahe ? r:¢ recelveA the rt - m3^' -? INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__alarhing_2J=n_S.trEet,--bath--sides,--fs_oib_Hiawafha--Street-- to the__�asSX_�n�_S2_T1�QrA_StT_e9 s--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --�=-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------- 0l0--------------- approved --_ $11�1�_:ls'zs- �9s�1 '------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, a tl .having, considered said report, hereby resolves::4 1. That the said report andthe same is hereby, approved and adopied,,.and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_-cR> b_ EhQTA_Stx6ts bAt11_sill s�_ soib.Hia�¢a ha.-S.traet_ia_ihe._east.,erly__end- nf_-Tharn_.&tr-eatt- wrYw.1YMYOwwwY/YY//wYM//YYYYYY/MYwwY/Y/Y//OY/YM/IY/N-ww......111YY//wY/w/M///YYMYwY......w/YNM///11/M/Y/N ------------------------------------------------------------w.-YC------------- -------_ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 412 _64_------ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had'on said improvement on the ---- 13th---------- day of -Q,atab=,--L431- ---, 29= -, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of :St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the-nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --_---. 192_--- ----- ----- - - - - -- - ------- Approved----------------------------192--- City. Clerk. ------------------- - ----------- , --------- jsat!ag Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman" CouncilmanNay Pearce --CouncilmanRoeen mtjnTdSWD Councilman 41irjjp9sr Councilman he mer . Form B. S A. 84 J90444 � C F No:'9U,4f-- In the "atatter or curtiing'-� <` . aide. 'f Burne Avenue' beC .treat' and Seatar'8tceat 1 sae s an %M �Mdtlutea°iinI I:; wlelon„dmumanC[n"86d rt Street th Pqeseast y- '-ar Prellminllry: A! - Yd AvF;uet 19, 1981, COUNCIL FILE N0,______________ : nsnan or tha.c.: - �3eotpad �1r !PI✓ -.Q B-J+ ar' uL tt' igW INTERMEDIARY ORDER"` In the Matter of___-Q.ul_bing__the_J:1=i�h_L,i.dia_Qf_duns_AYenue_he �eexL�2sl____ �tret<t_Qnsl_gestet_�.tref:.t_in..brant_of_lats_�_Qnd_9.,_.��Guix�._aud. ilayfs___ Sut�diyision,�_�ommen��ng._�56_ fQ@t _��st of_��rl_St�eet,_ thence _east 83___ � ; 1�3-ie�t�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ........ 20171 .................approved .1=2114.1231 .......... The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.011— Q.01.... sne:.A£burns_,�venue_.b�ta�Een_1rar1_�.treet_and.�ies�er._Streei._in.ir�n.t._a£ Earl Sheet, _tJiencs_sast_51�_fest}----------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $M-11 -------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- .as=3--------- day of OCtObePy 1931 �_____,Jlipdc_X at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City, Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the _total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -AE -R.1-6-01______- 192_-__ 16 Nat ------ - - - - - - -- -�Cle- rk APProved----------------------------1�--- C--------- --------------- - ---- i�C�tttg Mayor. Councilman as Conroy GeeeeMS may ^Councilman per® Councilman Roaen- q S Councilman Siiwiros- ]bt}t31.t5tF�D / Councilman e:Pres. Sudheiaier Forst B. S* 'A. 86 •`l ------------------ ' 90445 .. I �1. t No ,. in 90f45- the Daattar of grading'alley-i; E 7,Iiflledale„ from Pututh Ave•,. -i tank-Strapt. ,alae-. grading:lsr -; anue't;Pm°Janka,)i:reet to 71. eE uu. . 1 e1 v,inll -. �p aDDro,Vad AugunG..ii,'?' r wunmr; oX wo"o?cy.-ul :r COUNCIL FILE NO,______________ cncafvpd,the rppurt bre; of B'lnance upont- dr, 54C'c'eii�•^ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of____9radi119_ _Uey__in_&kick-_7 a._1_illadal.et_fton Duluth_AYEnue to_Frank Strgeta,_a��.o_g�ad�.n�_Dta]�th dven�_fgo�_Je_nk� S�Pg�t_to_jta�Ason StrQet-------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---------- 9.0110 ----------------- approved __ 911L� _la_� �s'2�. ---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isgrad,@_Al ey-_ill_al.ock 7a•_Hillsda1e.}-f r=- D11lait.h_Avanue_ to_t'rank_B-tzeet,_a1 sn_gsa "_.Du1ut.}i.A3renue from -leak §Urpw I Aa_at T_@Ets-------------------------------------------------- 1108.8 - Ave. _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_=: 'T_ _-Alley Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 131h ------ day of �¢tc4�ce ��s21_--___, WRY—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -M-16-0 ------- 192.___ Approved______ g _____________192___ City Clerk. --------- ---------- --------------------------- RCtin9 Mayor. Councilman Clam; Conroy irh l Fe May Councilman M Pearce J Councilman Iiv Rosen Councilman Ste' ' $i18LiSi� Councilman ]hde> xdx Formr$VSIQ�fP>' Sudheimer COUNCIL. FILE NO.______________ BY------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY 90446 In the Matter of_-_.condEIDnJn9_an.ci_tak1n_an_EaGPmRnt_in_-thp_l.a.nd_rieaesaar_y ion._�.7:o�lew�.__cla_ts__and_.fi1Ls._in_ tk>�_�asling- Q�._A;].].ey-t1��J..QsJs_'Z,- Hj..l�.stl�le £ram-culuthr9r�.__ta-Ezank.�t-.r-a,lsa-in-t�.e_-gsa.ding-�� �u7.utli�.e�_fsem Jenk;z_Lt.__tQ_I,ay on_Straet---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order _________y0111 ----------------- approved ___ LUMust_14p _1981__-____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolve's: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____ -4Fldemri and_ take an easement _inthe land -- - necessary_ for_ slopes,cuts and fills in the ------------ --------- ----------------------------- _grArl_nf__B11 Eg_it>_Block_2,_illsdalPy_fsomJ2ulutb Ape.__tst-F�cank St:,. _alsa_JX- -the _ZXadIng.._oZ_Dulath _A.Ye-.._f91n_Jelit k t,__tQ LuvAgn-k9-1,._?4___ .blua.pxint.lado..a _.gazt.hae I _theja trhed-.gor-tions_sh=in.v_tYne_uuts_ and_t�_ _shaded_ wr�inns_shestir> thhe fiills wrtii no. Ithernalives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $iOD—D.Q______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- 13±L -_____day of _.Q-.Qer..._].13s°.zl.__--__, MUL_-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____WULMi____,192___- ---- - ---- - Approved___________? i____192___ City Clerk. -------------------------------------------------- AOttng Mayor. Councilman 11419 �— Conroy CouncilmanMay ".— Pearce•., `-' Councilman _ Rosen Councilman �•-ateSAM Councilman Vitmmmlx Form. Sic S. Sudheimer 1 ONCIL CITY OF ST. P FILE UNO. *1111 "^L To —1 —ERK C OFFICE OF CIT LERK RECEIVED " TIO GENERAL FO — SEP/ 7 1931 PRESENTED BY A, -MLU ,ATE MAYS) "s firricE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are. hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Edward L. Losluski, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason Of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 25th day of August 1931; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Edward L. Losineki, the sum of $48.00 out of the Workmen's 00m- pensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period JxxMdx1ZK%1dU9 from August 26th to September 16th, 1131, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearce Rosen 44�2Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlic Adopted by the Council S�p I_Z.1y3119--- Approve EP prove --------------- ----------- MAYOR COUNCIL V PORIGINAL TO CITY CLEPKO CITY OF ST_ PAUL - FILE OFFICE � CITY CLERK NCI UTIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER ��� ATE RESOLVED = That the proper City ofiics owrs be and they are hereby authorized 'to enter into an agreemezat with Barney Cohen providing for the payment of compensation to 3mLim st the rate of #17.60 per week during such time as he shall B:= totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while f:x:r_ _ the employ of the Department of Public Safety, on the 18th day of Axigust 1931; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that i3c3L accordance,with said agreement, ibe. proper City officers are hereby sLxthorized to pay to said Barney Cohen the sum of #70.40 out og the Workmen's Oompensation Account of the General Fund, in pe.=r--*_-3a,1 settlement of his claim against the City, being for the pe3c-3_ od Yrom August 19th to September 16th, 1931, inclusive. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _ __--In favor Pearce Rosen --!L./-_-_mpAgainst Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie BE? 17 ' Adopted by the Council --------- _-------------- --19 APPr -- -- - —19 -- MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST Wh6reu5 Tpt;Cknlmtekld+{en dC'E3rles P YBFdundh d3 V p.611a 9 �dWkt+fiae OFFICE OF CIT roreea to tl5q unerha` uroao cert; _ tap all4tPu 54r'-L v, RtdrS rraane: VL RESOL aig01HU d }RC¢ted p T t i.FSloak '1tA 'Razll ;& R9NErtn.:Ad$ltt 3k wn, PRE,TED BY ,/� CfLCics.+. +Rh N T.. .. • /V'.,a�l �/,� CO D. a510NEFiG4k+ 7I rT•rr'--DAT waRne , The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that. those certain-one and one- half story. frame dwellings located on Lot 1, Block 12,,Bazil & Robert's Addition, also known as No. 60 and 64 E. Fairfield avenue, 'are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant- their being.00ndemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- /7a visability and necessity of wAe king said buildings, onthe WI dap of October, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber, In the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minns- , eota; and be it TURTHER:RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, pl a and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also oanse'a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official Wws paper of the City of St. Paul, said notice to be published not lean than five days prior to the date of said bearing. ' COUNCILMEN � n Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_--aE7 9--- --'Conroy- G" �jcponald — -----f-----In favor �J Approve -------19_ .i Pearce \� Against \ / R-- a /Sudheimer — -- Zr-president Bundlie----=.--------- � 2i COUNCIL 4��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ CI OF ST. PAUL FILE NO•�p� J CE O C' LERK COU TI N— ERAL FORM COMMISSIONER oATE—Sgptember 15, 1231 RESOLVEDThat the Council hereby approves the recommendation of the Committee on Lands that the following described property, Lot S, Block 13, Roberts and Ranaalls Addition to St. Paul (except the southerly 26 feet thereof taken for the Eighth St. widening) which was advertised in July 1929 and on which no bids were received, be given on a siarmont3ssoption to buy to Joseph Friedman of Saint Paul, in consideration of n:`500,00, at the price of $45,000.00, the Cityte valuation being $43,532.50. With the understanding that the :iye hundre'.dllsg opneid'epation for the option, be applied as part of the purchase price. V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy __-__-In favor Pearce /osen • --,----.).saint %Sudheimer — Mr -Preside Adopted by the Council—M-1-7—M- 11, 9— Approved- - ------ ----- pproved-.----------- ---- MAYOR City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES OFFICES, C. A. CARLSON. PURCHASING AGENT 117. COURT HOUSE H. P. BORNEMAN, OEPUTY PURCHASING AGWT GEORGE J. FISHER. 7ST ASSISTANT BUYER Sr. PAUL, MILAN. September 15, 1931 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL BY THE COMMITTEE ON LANDS TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. PHOHLS: CEDAR WS QMV111 033371 Gentlemen: The Committee on Lands recommends that the following described property, Lot 8, Block 13, Roberts and Randalls addition to Saint Paul, (except the southerly 26 feet thereof taken for the Eighth St. Widening), which was advertised in July 1929 and on which no bids were received, be given on a six:monthys option to buy to Joseph Friedman of Saint Paul, in consideration of cftve hundred ($590.00)0) dollars, at a cash price of Forty -Five Thousand (45,000.00) Dollars. The Cityts valuation on this property is 43,532.50. App ROVED: THE COMM TTI ON LANDS ayo dnmm1891nnzr of Public Safety f� v, COUNCIL g045�'I ORIGIN AL TO CITY CLERK OF�UTJOQENERAIL She ;,PA FILE NO. P_ F I L FORM A` COMMISSONER ' ATF September 14 1931 RESOLVED That the;7n hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Comm itt:a:w1EL=c3-:2L=g contract for furnishing to vaxious school cafeterias durino -t3se school year ending June 15, 1932, approxi- mately 15,700 bric Ice ice cream, 5,050 dozen Eskimo Pies and 1,425 doz. Dixie* to the ORESOENT CREAMERY COUPARY, they being the lowest respon s :Lb2e bidders, at a total contract price of approximately $6, ?49.50, in accordanoe with city specifications, their bid and avtarcL of contiraot hereto attached, and the Corporal - tion Counsel is l.areby instructed to draw up the proper form Of contract therefor. F. B. #8652. COUNCILMEN SEP 17 1931 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council19— Conroy 'MaT. J _ In favor Approved_ ----- Pearce Rosen _ gairat --------- - ------------------- MAYOR -- - Sudheimet _ -.- Mr. President Bundlie em4TN.LRRE- NYMOsf! 'C Q �,� .CITY OF SAINT PAULu,' OOUNCIL o V v CO NCIL RESOLUTION F'� No.��� - POR - -' AUTHORI ION OF LOCAL Ih1PROVEMENT PROJECTS PRH60VT'BDZ BY.NONOA rResolved, That .the Council hereby concurs in the, recommendation of the contract Committee and arwards the contract for constra.cting • sL sewer in Alley adjacent to lots 10 to 16, inclusive, Block 13,: 6laelsea Heights Addition from Chelsea Avenue to the angle point in said Alley approximately 61-1/2 feet east of Huron Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to GEORGE DICSSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $335.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. y _, _ �C F. -No 904bb=8y MI1t0o'Roeen Reeo3Yed That the Qouncti h [¢Dy*� con¢pre, fa =the [e¢omm- on ut the- - Cdnttre.¢t 'Committee DIV', Warde CyyntTACt for COIISLTn¢ttnE %8 S¢WST Slir a1leY,. glpek {S tChelde ?RefHhte Addf•' Uon from ,Che�ee AVehue:to tho anRle1 SEP- 'Dotat In eald's71 approS�ivatoly - 'feet ryae4-ot �dO1l-De° ft.c-Ltor`w ance with pIC IT Loreto attached151.GEOItf3k3 A $ he ,belnRtho`lot¢pet-TeeoonsiDte bfdr .the-eum of 5586;Ob anu tlYO Corporation Couneet fe hereby tpe U , ep 7 0 d[aW uD.`Lhe DroDer form at ¢°n. 'tra8t theref¢r..- Fnrmat--Rld"Xo 5690 HUEtneer'e ee-; timet° 5960.00. Adopted by the Conn¢tl SeDk 14 19$i. . q;pprDVed f3eDk 1T 1953 193981) FORMALL BID NO. 8690 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ;1.6,56. .00 .NOTHs TO. BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMRROLLCR BEFORE 'RESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANHNT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT ASr�FOI.LOME: - " i. ASEHSSED:AOAINST BHNEPirTw ►flOFERTY - - - 3335.00 i A ROPRIATED-FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— CODE f st. APPROPRIATEO FROM LOCAL IMPROVRMENTS—LIXEMPT PROPERTY— CODE f A. A►PROPRIATED FROM BOND IBDYH—CODE f S. COUNTY AID - f a. f _ TOTAL ' f 335'.00 COPI IES TO: 1 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNNCUMBERED IA4 CITY CLERK ANCS AVAILASLH IN THE ABOVE wlPROlRIATIONS TO COMp'TROLLlR RI IMEURSBTNB PERMANRIT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. IN THE AEOVE AMOUNTB� V PUBLIC WORKS' - PURCHASING COMPTROLL DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COUNCIL _ : ' • YEAS -NAYSADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL IN FAVOR T "_ AGw1NiT - T MR. PRESIDENT MATBII M M -Y.. - - COUNCIL .rye■` ORIGINAL TO OITT CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.--d��avyVV OFFICE OF CITY, CLERK Vit, OUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM Sept. 17,- 1951 DAT'" O MISSIO ER RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the improvement of the Third Street Esplanade from Jackson Street to Robert Street, as submitted by the Uommissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. r O- F Ko: 8�468�-89� Milton l�td'eari" � HBeolvedF That the plana andv'�DeGi9 'yam ohs ton the xmDrovement � o� thep Thlxfl sAl.reet EBulenada.lrom.JaakBM'.. 9treeL,.to liohext ;6treetl Bb enblssitte4, bq the, CGTnrtve iealoclar of pssbUo"Works„ be anfl the Bame are llereb9 >3DDFodt Adopted by eethe Councfi 3�OL17 1931: APDroved- Pt ,1i 3933 (SeDG'39 399' COUNCILMEN p Yeas � Nays Adopted by the Council. �r 11--31 19__— Conroy b Approved_ - --------- ---------19----- {-dfavor \ I Pearce Against-__- __.-. ___. _._.--- .--- --.MAYOR / dheimer r,rPresident Bundlie - 'COUNCIL AW ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY - OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY C ERK . IL OLUTIO NERAL FORM - c MMISStONEY .... Sept. 17, 1A RESOLVED In the matter of paving well — Avenue From Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue, and From Sherburne Avenue to CharlEs Street, .and From Van Buren Street to Minnehaha Street, with necessary gas connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89591, approved June 22, 1971, and Final Order C. F. 90255, approved August 26, 1931. RESOLVED, That the attached plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points afore- said, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this said plans upon the Northern Stat COUNCILMEN Adopted Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council - —_ 17 ___:—.19__ Conroy 9W " KP 17 .� 114 {zj -'- - -.In favor Approved.-- ------- --------- ------ —19 -- Pearce Rosen__.. _,,._._Against ------- Sudheimer MAYOR Me. President Bundlie 2,4 Im-A til I T..l E s HOME h�01o'in9 Co. /006 Bui/cert Exch. Bk,� i /B23 f/sh/anl Ave. � �s b w ---------- - Gusi & Thea $rorhyy N. 202 A. 5ne/11129 Bye• �engta 4..Johnson 2 /o No. Sne /ling Ave. ll An a G. Jonson 92/4 No..Sne/ling Ake. Robed J. M` Corrmc% 2/8 No: Sne /ling Ake. �. ' N Moi timer o & Hamel 9.. Smith {:• N 222 No. Snelling fiye. j H Herman B. Heesc %r l S.-,? Ilan Buren 57' ` Chi. M//. & -51 Paul Ry. Co. �p A �> 11 C � � �1 Michael A. & Anna R. Tschide 464 M,?hasha Sf. k h C/emenlina Z. Kihhe Briar Place - Chicago, I//. //aro/ol T.S/ w/k 2056 Marsha// Ave. Kreszeniia Ratterman t No. Sne/lii Ace. 3 y Louis &.lobo B. Rat/grmann 82 No. i,Sne/ll' Ayr. �0 n y J W//iain H Dr. 5'alnue/Gross L. Sprerfer-efa/. p� $26 /Yewkn Aye Na, RhA. Mini, Do 98 ,No. ffiea & Lbnie/ D&•ien Snelling Ave. { Mn D. /Yesi erg No. Sne/ling Ave. %/earl 'eifa R. Rumminie //2 /Ya Sne///ng Aye. Henry H & Agnes Bennett 3650 4th, qm. So. iY/PYs., Minn. John fi, &Katie Lux 224 Au, -ow Ave. { i /B23 f/sh/anl Ave. � �s b w ---------- - Gusi & Thea $rorhyy N. 202 A. 5ne/11129 Bye• �engta 4..Johnson 2 /o No. Sne /ling Ave. ll An a G. Jonson 92/4 No..Sne/ling Ake. Robed J. M` Corrmc% 2/8 No: Sne /ling Ake. �. ' N Moi timer o & Hamel 9.. Smith {:• N 222 No. Snelling fiye. j H Herman B. Heesc %r l S.-,? Ilan Buren 57' ` Chi. M//. & -51 Paul Ry. Co. �p A �> 11 C � � �1 Michael A. & Anna R. Tschide 464 M,?hasha Sf. k h C/emenlina Z. Kihhe Briar Place - Chicago, I//. //aro/ol T.S/ w/k 2056 Marsha// Ave. wa - COUNCIL 90458 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ;t - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF T CLERK NCI SOLO O —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ATE Sent 17, 1931 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of pa - n - Selina Avenue From Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue, and From sherburne Avenue to Charles Street, and From Van Buren Street to Minnehaha Street, (including House Drain Connection), Also including Sewers on east side of Snelline Avenue from Hague Avenue to approximately 78 feet north of Selby Avenue,. thence approximately 60 feet north, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89591, approved June 22, 1931, and Final Urder C. F. 90235, approved August 26, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans& specification as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the. same are hereby approved. a COUNCILMEN SEP 17 IN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ___.____.___ Conroy r AFP , .- .-- favor Approved-- -- -------- ---- —19—.. Pearce ....Rosen �._ Against ___.___ ._ __ ..-- MAYOR Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie - RESOLVED CITY O OFFICE O COUNCIL -0459 �T. PAUL FILE NO. -M-59 CLERK ION—GENERAL FORM e Sept. 17, 10911, In the matter of paving Snellne Avenue_ From Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue, and From Sherburne Avenue to Charles Street, and From Van Buren Street to Minnehaha Street, with necessary water connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89591, approved dune 22, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90235, approved August 26, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plan's and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is here- by directed to do the work by COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Conroy M07- ---------- _.__In favor Pearce Rosen -�i .---_ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie SEP 4 7 1931 Adopted by the Council_________________l9_____ Approve _ " •- .19___-_ MAYOR r APP80iILAzE 2;11ANMIZIE S., FOR WATER CONNECTIONS ON FROM LAUREL AVENUE TO MARSHALL AVENUE, and -FROM SHERIMME AVENUE TO CSAHBES STREET, nd FROM VAN BUREN`ST,aTO MINNEHAHA ST ,y F Water Service Connectioui[ 9 -. 3/49 a Connee%ioae'. ' 3 - '3i4" " * oto renew) w»F x, I 1efer ,I. 5miih /593 University Ave. Harvey L. and Margaret E. Minn /900 AS. 14W. Jessie O. Vftum yy A! (illeeland /693 Van &w-' i-- a Swanson Realty Co._� 1,475 h� MinnehaJ� S� 6/D No. Snelling Ave, 1 0 a :53E /Yo. Snelling flue. 57/ E. CharkS 5ff V --- ' Joseph E. f(rnemer_° f 3 //-17// C1,616w 1h Si I ' JohnM. f a�d Clara Lchher Agnes do f} 556 No. Snelling 7mvr._{ j 'Arvid Edstam /23 CAInd/er 5t., Jameslown N. Y.{ Ierfha E. OBrien f 0 N Adrian, Minn. 1 Ar Mar Cr. Haawr 58nf7 Pail a, Ca/. Superior Refiningg Ea ton /NF Ca//um m Ne/s Nfelwn a deo. •Nelson 582 No. Sne//ing Ave.- i $e/me Sudheimer ' S9D Z /Yo. Snelling Ave. I�N Evany. Lutheran Long. Cor Sne//ing & Tha»as fs. The Jefova I 0 'nom I — '7— C;10f Sb Pei% a I p% o/ Piaygrounds 0 N L j I LAfO�D— Mark A $Cherlb?% Johnson J 3 632 /Yo. Sne//iraJ Ave. l C. isr/es A Menk //75 Laknd St. jaa e/ J.' al Ekins y� 975. 1.l9ain 55`,, lYorwa/k, Goran. W i 517ndard 0// Co. 0 ro /937-40,V S. E., bfpls., Minn. �O Pure 0// Co. N MpA, Minn. ` W� �O f/enrylL. & A- z W. Long 680 No. Snelling Ave Anna P 4p1h Snelling & Minnehaha St Logia llalll n z/o E. UniverslfyA� � V YAUY 54. i '7 I -------- _ lkbrib C. findMW1 I I I I cn ' I �T sl Sudheimer 502 No. Sne N17g Aye. y rn N N q 4Pioneer B.6'y. /9 j 4/9 Pioneer 814 Josephine M. Lbnaldkn o Chrisf Andrews Jensen x o ZS ZS y f. E. Sx//ing Sher3urne Hees. C ' AulMven B. Thompson 9/7Washing;i>n ki-.5-E. Mp/s., Nlinn. Je f%rson fl C. 13/2 Pioneer B(ig, Louisa Ne/s n /463 Hewiff Ave. I fEfer l esf/und l 927 ice StIN Q� Aldor Elrngu/sf /756 Marsha// Ave. homas W Sudheimer /673 Taular Ave. lwargaret v &rer 2/35 Ig/ehzrf Ave. (' Inde�oendenf f/o.bl/n Co. s4s No. Sne//ing Ave. Aoy W. Arilz 4Pioneer B.6'y. /9 j 4/9 Pioneer 814 Josephine M. Lbnaldkn Brede Sf Char e dmu�od Snie El ' AulMven B. Thompson 9/7Washing;i>n ki-.5-E. Mp/s., Nlinn. Je f%rson fl C. 13/2 Pioneer B(ig, Louisa Ne/s n /463 Hewiff Ave. I fEfer l esf/und l 927 ice StIN Q� John M. Wes�nfha/ 603 A. Sne//ing Av 753yorkSt _" }Mary Heuer 609 No. Sne//ing Ave. }Catherine F' ,In S/9 No. Sne%ing Ave. 62 hNo Sn l ing aA . oson Lewis L. Erickson 2/73 Sargent Ave. Mired A M`Car�re% 633 ldNa. Snelling v.. Lavinia Chesf� 637 No. Sne//ing Ave. fain rron MOM: Frank/in Aur. Alfred Ay.. Sandberg /606 Blair v lEdward Parker; Geddes, S0o.. Gi-iko fa l John A. &tie J 67/ Ho. Sne//ing AM ` }Albert AW.. Sandbe 1661 vn Buren S- G. D. Aa son 11731*rshall Ave Wed M. Sandbe t 166/ Van Boren S f(afie E. A-ny /595 Yan Buren 5f 1Mahel MElIrinsfry Wallace j 705 & Snelling Avv. Florian P & Doris M. Ailche/ 7Z0 No, Sne/ling Ave. Petition' nCouncil File No... ..._.a/V PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT aad' ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. following public improvement by the City of St: Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the SitTBS�iAB - a a XB.-:j A--Ba.aDk._9...YB f.ACk..PBT�i..from.-S.CbMf-f er ....Street to Bayard Avenue._and Prom. North-_and South Alley »to .....: Macalester__Qnenu�_..._. -------------- ........................................... 37ti�..:..da of.------• --- -SeptembeTa..:1931. 2..._.. _ e . Dated this.---.... Y , ............................. — .. ,1 F No bP18.1� etract. J `+i erase A :Written "yroDo961 fhr • cmg of the. Yollowin6', ish6roY.$' R aneye B)oc)t heKeer � S�e�„'kddt PRELIMINARY ORDER. ppFiEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz ” Grading..Alleys:,,in Block•_9x Mattocic._Park• from•:Scheffer._.. .. ._».... ' ........................ Street to ayard -Avenue and from North and South Al_le _ to Macalester._Avenue-- : -- ---- ----- _.._ -- --_..»................................................... .... .having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ----- _------------------------------------- . _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered,and;"directed: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and.estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ius asked for on the petition of three or more owners 4. To state whether or notssid improvement. b. To report upon all of the foregoiinngpmatterat,� the Commissioner ofFinance. Adopted by'the Council. ......._ aLT-....-. •........ YBAs NATO p Councilman CONROX 11:7 Approved.......... »..... ... liOSr Ma. PaEs1DENT . Po,siCA 13(1M 210) I. Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and• taking az} a dam t-_: A:.t.h.q if-ad.--Dec@-aaaTy...COX.-. --•--• t` of _Alleys in Block _9 s.. sloes -cuts and .fills in the•grading Mattock- from Scheffer•.Street• to-Bayard_Ayenue and- from ----------------- North -and South Apz..•o._ acaletster.-Ay-enue _-. ..:_......: f ..-_.---• --- Dated this.-.--:.:177th--..day of.................. ►Sehtemher-p-..1951-.-:..- 92�� ri AbetiaeL 'VFhoreaa A wrlttea Droboeal'tc - 1 making o; the foltowln6 ]mbrov e laondemninft `and-taking an:.eAq— he nd eceedary for s1QDe92$ flits' in �he ¢ceding pp; alley 2,��MettooK Park ;tam,;98}- PRELIMINARY ORDER. to sayers < ie yhsr WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Condemning_-and talo,g..al►-.-e�iSea�e.t j _in...theltzndneQassary. Zor.-....:. -slopes,w cntg...?a PL;Ljg! Jn .. e?..gTadl�-af.:Alleys.3n.$1o.Gk..�,.. Mattock_Park_-from-Scheffeg Street_•-to Byard_Agenu@_-andYroz�.:.�.-_ �is2a t11.- iso._.&aut}a.. �7.l�ty. t.A ai..Xacalas-ter._venue......... - resented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- ---- - ------- - --- •......................_. •. - --• -.-: having been p therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the: total cost'thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement.' 4__-To statewhether or,aot said improvement is asked for on the ,petit ion of three or more owners. b. TO report • upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ........................... IS��" ... , -_..•- YHAs NAYS Councilman CO2:ROY r Approved_ --_---. .: ROSEN*,;,, SQAEiEiMFR ...........r ___.-•.-_ Ma. PxEsIDANT May r. Form C A 13 (2M 2A2) `ZUBLISHED ' ri" 1st r.— P f 2ne.1, t Laid overt 3rd. &app. Adopted Yeas ays Yeas Nays Conroy Conrpy May Mayf4l' McDonald. McDonald r Pearce /'earce Rosen Rosen fir% Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bun dlie I ,,, ✓ v to such forms as may be prepared for thatpurposefrom time to time. by the City Comptroller. Said grantee shall also file in the office of the Comptroller from time to time such further and additional re- porta a0d statements as may be required by the -`Council, relative to the rates charged and received for public service,relative also to the character and frequency of such setvioet and the number of persona using it. The books, records, bills and vouchers of said grantee shall be open to inspection and examination, within the City of Saint Paul, by such officer of the City, or person or person as the Council, may direct. For each day's delay in complying with the pro- visions of this section, said grantee shall be liable to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) which may be recovered in a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction, and for a sixty-day failure to comply with the provisions of this section,.;said franchise shall become forfeit,ed,.Iand all rights granted by this ordinance shall cease and terminate. section 12. The grantee is hereby expressly exempted.from paying to the City any license fee or gross earnings tax. ` Section 13. This franchise is subject to the condition that the rates to be charged by the Grantee in the City of Saint Paul shall "not bOin excess of those charged for similar classes of service by the corres- ponding public service corporation in the City of Minneapolis. Pro- vided however if rate schedules prescribed in Saint Paul by the City Council are not identical with those in effect in Minneapolis and'pro- duce a different unit rate for the same.Kilowatt hour consumption, then and in that event, the rate.schedules,prescribed by the City Council of St, Paul shall prevail. Section 14. The grantee shall not refuse to QQ=t3:n"to supply any user of electricity with said service and product at any given place or address unless the'said user shall have failed to pay for said electril .` city furnished him,. her or it at said place or address, and said grantee shall not refuse to continue the furnishing of said,;electricity, for failure upon the part of a user to ,pay for some appliance sold said S user by said grantee. -'- Op interfere with the existing use,of said,tunnels.by the grantee and. in,. the event that any of said tunnels must be enlarged to permit the city's use, such enlargements -shall be.made at the expense and cost of the City. SecVion 19. In the event said grantee shall at any time fail to comply, with, or, in case of a brp.aoh by it of any of the terms, provisions, conditions or.limitations , ,contained in or -provided for in this or— dinance,,'after:Ahe grantee zhall have.been given.ninety days' notice by the Couno4 to rectify the, alleged breach, all rights and privileges hereby granted may be forthwith terminated and become forfeited to said City. Section 20., Unless said*grantee questions, by proper judicial pro ceeding, any order or regulation prescribed for- it by the Council within sixty (60) days after the resolution or ordinance prescribing such regulation or order shall become effective, said grantee shall be forever estop I ped from questioniWthe terms and liabilities of said order or direction. It shall be the duty of the Ci,ty,. Clerk to -promptly -deliver tonthe.grantee a copy of each ordinance lor.resolution, affecting the grantee, adopted by the City Council. Section 21. Said grantee shall, within sixty (60) days after the passage and publication of this ordinance and its approval by_the qualified. ele', tors of said City., as provided in the Charter of the City, of Saintaul P . file with the City Clerk of said City its written ' asceptance thereof in form to be.approved by the Corporation'.0ounsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and.. after its passage, publication, its approval by a majority ,vote .,of,the . qualified electors of said City voting upon said ordinance, and1the of zcceptance'therel&s provided by. the., Charter of the City of Saint Paul.' rail 1131112EIIIIIIIJ I OFFICERS NIRS. I. H. RUSSELL, Prnident River Blvd. Apa-n- 274 No. Mi.eieeippi River Blvd. - F. S. BRYANT. Vice President Wm. B. Ioym k Co. Vice Paeid— To, Honorable Mayor, and Council Of WALTER STEVENS, Clevdand Realty Co. The City of St. Paul% \IRS. A. F. HELPERIN, Vi-F—Idem o,kvicw Improvement Co. . - D. S. COFFEY, Treasurer Provide., I-. A-46— The St. Paul Apartment Owners' Association \VAI. I• DUNN, Secretary request and demand that.our City Council issue a temporary Sperry Realty Serie., me. ti for one year from Jaauary lest, 1932, granting the DIRECTORS permit Northern States Power Company a, continuation of. its now existing franchise, as covered in the City Charter, svbject WM. T. MORAY R—h and Conning to all laws and all amendments pertaining thereto. HARRY F. O'CONNOR O'Connor Realty Co. qe feel that this request 18 absolutely e88eL HARRY G. SANDBERG General Cnntrartor tial and necessary to protect the rights and interests of W?A. J. RYAN all taxers in the City of St. Paul. pay Durso @ Stringer, Inc. WALTER P. EUEFFNER Respectfully, CHAS. H. NIGHT - Red E,ate .nd m.eetmenta APAML C'j;gS,� IATION EINAR ANDREN , Ca61e Ap.—I. By President By vice—Pref. November 27. 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporatiou Counsel, Building. Dear Sira At its ameoting held this morning, the City Council requested you to draft the geoeseary resolution callint; a special election to be held Tasodgy, denary 12, 1932 for the purpose of Submitting to the voters the matter of the ratification or rejection of ordinances nos. 7351, 7352 and 7353, beim# the Northern States Power Company fran- ohise ordinances. Yours very truly$ I City Mork. t6entli ind that the Borthern,8tatea,Power, Oompany 1 no aooepted oa tebrnarp 4_, iau'�, vy. Dmptroller on that ddte .oi` a written 84�� granted_ -a trsaohiee - to the..St. a period;oi twenty-five yea�e from nt►airise cedar ' tie terms ,oi;tnat. ozdi- e►st ",deY. of thib'month. M. Gerhardt Bundlie, Mayor, and The Council of the City of St. Paul= It appears that the franchise of the Northern States Power Company expires on December 319t, 1931, and that no new franchise has been granted or agreed upon, that no new franchise can be granted until a considerable time after December 31, 1931, and that to the end that some regulation be at all times in force, it is desirable that a temporary license be granted to said Northern States Power Company. The undersigned, therefore, request that the City Council grant a temporary license to said Northern States Power Company to operate and use the streets and other public places of the City of St. Paul for its public service purposes for a period not exceeding one your subject to the provisions of the charter of said city and all amendments thereto and to all laws and ordinances in force within said city. Inasmuch as it is necesaaryibr the preservation of the public peace, health and safety that such ordinance go into effect immediately upon its publication, the city council is requested to declare that such ordinance does go into effect immediately upon its publication and that the necessity for such action be stated 1n the title and in a section of such ordinance. The Council is requested to ask the corporation counsel to prepare the necessary ordinance to accomplish the above named purposes. Dated: December Sth, 1931. Very respectfully, v^ INDEPENDENT VOTERS' CLAB President Sudheimer NirPres. Bundlie Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie u - f� 1 An ordinance granting to the Northern States Power Company, a. corporation organized under the laws of the State of Vinnesota, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to occupy and use certain streets, alleys and public grounds within the corporate limits of the City of Sai�k44" Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting and supplying e� steam to consumers for all purposes. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: `- Section 1. That subject to the conditions, terms, limitations,, reservations and requirements hereinafter contained, there is V��" hereby granted to the Northern States Power Company, a\j h� corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as grantee, for a period of twenty (20) years from and after January let, 1932, as hereinafter provided, the right, privilege and authority to enter upon those certain streets, alleys and public grounds as are set out in Section 2 hereof, all within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of con- structing, maintaining and operating a system of pipes, subways and manholes, with all necessary appurtenances for carrying on the business of conveying steam to consumers for all purposes; provided however, that such sytem of pipes and other appurtenances shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets, alleys and public grounds, and so as not to interfere with other uses to which said City of Saint Paul shall put said streets, alleys or public grounds; and provided that said grantee, in the installation and maintenance thereof shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be imposed by the Council from time to time by ordinance or resolution. us -1- w Y 1 f t l 1 �+t Section 2. The streets, alleys and public grounds covered by this franchise are as follows: Exchange Street between Third Street and Wabasha Street; Franklin Street between Third Street and Ninth Street; Washington Street between the point at which is now located div the so-called Hill Street Station of the grantee and Third Street, and between Third Street a.nd Seventh Street; Market I Street between Third Street and Seventh Street; St. Peter Street between Third Street and Exchange Street; Wabasha Street be Third Street and Tenth Street; Cedar Street between Third Street and Tenth Street; Minnesota Street T between Third Street and Tenth Street; Robert Street between Third Street and Tenth Street; Jackson Street between Second Street and Tenth Street; Sibley Street between Third Street and Tenth Street; Wacouta Street between Third Street and Tenth Street; Rosabel Strut between Third Street and Eighth Street; Temperance Street between Eighth Street and Ninth i Street; Tenth Street between Wabasha and Wacouta Streets; Ninth Street between Exchange and Wacouta Streets; Eighth ii Street between Wabash and Rosabel Streets; Seventh Street between Exchange and Rosabel Streets; Sixth Street between Exchange and Rosabel Streets; Fifth Street between Exchange I {` and Rosabel Streets; Fourth Street between Exchange and Rosabel Streets; Third Street between Exchange and Rosabel j: Streets, and any alleys and other public places between said streets and within said area. Section 3. The rights and privileges granted to said grantee by this ordinance are neither exclusive nor irrevocable, , ` Section 4. Said grantee shall at all times during the term of this franchise furnish and supply steam to all customers without unlaw- ful discrimination, and at reasonable rates. Rates to be charged it l for the use of said steam to different types of users may be deter- �` mined in part by the amount of steam used by the said different I:. types of users. The amount of steam used may be ascertained by meters, and the Council of theCity of Saint Paul shall have the spection and test of meters and the right to provide for the in .i repair or replacement thereof, if inaccurate. The Council hereby reserves the right to prescribe reasonable extensions of the service, the action of the Council in ordering extensions to be by resolu- i tion. Said grantee shall at all times during the term of this j: franchise use and exert every reasonable effort to continuously i -2- f €, r 1 furnish an ample supply of steam to all its patrons along its entire system and all enlargements and extensions thereof, Section 5. The City Council of the City of Saint Paul reserves for and fix the rates to be charged for all time its right to regulate said service; provided always that said rates shall be fair and reasonable. fk Section 6. L The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the right to determine the location of all of said system of steam pipes and appurtenances as are described in Section 1 hereof. ;. tt Section 7. l It is hereby specifically provided that the grantee shall not base any capitalization or collect any profits upon the value of this franchise, it being the intent hereof to restrict the grantee i to a reasonable return upon its tangible property in use within } the City of St. Paul. �K Section B. No charges or profits of the grantee under this franchise' shall be founded upon unearned increment of land, No loan made to i the grantee of this franchise or to any successor of such grantee shall be a lien upon this franchise. If any loan be a lien upon the property used in the public service given in connection with , ll not be made for a, term of years in this franchise, then it sha excess of the term of the franchise, and said entire loan shall fall due before the expiration of the term of said franchise. Said of said grantee shall provide that said grantee and the successors loan shall be paid and wholly liquidated during the term of said franchise, so that at the expiration of said term all of the property used in connection with said franchise shall be entirely free from all liens and obligations whatsoever, Section 9. This franchise is granted subject to the condition that the '� {� �° �' +I �t t ,� J E� 4' [3 � �'I � ?` �� �� � i t �:� .. ,� 11 t✓ grantee shall have no rignti do recCl��, uYV. — 11 .. ..- ceedings brought by the City to acquire for the City the public utility using such franchise, any return on account of the franchise or its value, or any return for good will, or for any other things whatsoever except the tangible property used in connection with the service for which the franchise was granted. Franchise values shall not be capitalized by the grantee or any successor of such grantee end the measure of value of the real estate used for said service shall be its value when first used in said service. I1 Section 10. No sale or lease of the franchise and privileges granted by this ordinance shall be effective until approved by the Council by a five–sevenths affirmative vote of all the members elect. The assignee or lessee shall, prior to such approval, file in the office of the City Clerk an instrument duly executed, reciting the fact of the sale or lease, and accepting the terms of this franchise and agreeing to perform all the conditions imposed upon the grantee hereunder. Said assignee or lessee shall also file a. bond with such conditions as the Council may require, with sureties satis– I[' factory to the Council, which shall run to the City of Saint Paul, and which shall be conditioned to dischrge the obligations and a liabilities imposed upon the grantee by this ordinance. The J. right to Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the approve or forbid such sale, as appears to it to be for the best interests of the City. Section 11. This franchise and all things constructed hereunder or used in connection herewith, other than rolling stock and power, shall be subject to common use by any other grantee or assignee of any other franchise, whenever there shall be necessity therefor, upon payiiient or tender of compensation for such use. The question of necessity, compensation and all other questions relating thereto -4- }. - ;. � i , I® suspend or postpone such use ii the peron or corporation desiring such use shall deposit in the Court such sum as the Court in a prelim nary hearing: may determine. Section lu The grantee shall file, annually, on or before the first Monday of February, in the office of the City Comptroller, a statement subscribed and sworn to by at least two officers of said corporation, setting forth in detail for the preceding calendar year the then actual cost of the plant or business operated by it, the actual encumbrances, debts and obligations thereon, the names and residences of all its stockholders and the amount of stock held by each, and the consideration paid therefor to the corporation. Said grantee shall also file at the same time an itemized statement of its assets and liabilities, the gross earnings, the expense and nature thereof, and its net income for such calendar year. Such statement shall conform to such forms as may be prepared for that purpose from time to time by the City Comptroller. Said grantee shall also file in the office of the Comptroller from time to time such further and additional reports and statements as may be required; by the Council, relative to the rates charged and received for public service, relative also to the character and frequency of such service; and the number of persons using it. The books, records, bills and vouchers of said grantee shall be open to inspection and examination, within tie City of Saint Paul, by such officer of the City, or person or persons as the Council may direct. For each day's delay in complying with the provisions of this section, said grantee shall be liable to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) which may be re- covered in a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction, and for a sixty-day failure to comply with the provisions of this section, said franchise shall become forfeited, and all rights granted by this ordinance shall cease and terminate. -b_ the City any license fee or gross earnings tax. Section 14. This franchise is subject to the condition that the rates to be charged by the grantee in the City of St. Paul shall not be in excess of those charged for similar classes of service by the corresponding public service corporation in the City of Minneapolis. Provided, however, if rate schedules prescribed in St. Paul by the City Council are not identical with those in effect in Minneapolis and produce a, different unit rate for the same quantity of consumption, then, and in that event, the rate schedules prescribed by the City Council of St. Paul shall prevail. Section 15. The grantee shall not refuse to continue to supply any user of steam with said service end product at any given place or address unless the said user shall have failed to pay for said steam furnished him, her or it, at said place or address, and said grantee shall not refuse to continue the furnishing of said steam for failure upon the part of a user to pay for some appliance sold said user by said grantee. Section 16. No pipe or pipes or other appurtenances used for the con- veyance of said steam shall be laid or erected by saidgrantee except upon application to the Commissioner of Public Works, and permission therefor granted by him in writing, subject to the approval, however, of the Council by resolution. Section 17. The grantee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a report showing all extensions to and/or new construction of all steam lines, steam pipes, tunnels and conduits used for the conveyance of said steam, in the month of January next structions are made. Section 16. The City of Saint Paul shall be permitted to use avail- able space in the tunnels of the grantee at any time it shall see fit for the purpose of laying in said tunnels, steam pipes and/or electrical conduits for the purposes of conveying steam and/or electricity for use in municipally owned property of the City of St. Paul or said City and County of Ramsey. Such use by the City, however, shall not interfere with the existing use of said tunnels by the grantee and in the event that any of said tunnels must be enlarged to -permit the City's use, such enlargements shall be made at the expense and cost of the City. Section 15. In the event said grantee shall at any time fail to comply with, or in case of a breach by it of any of the terms, provisions, conditions or limitations contained in or provided for in this ordinance, after the grantee shall have been given ninety days notice by the Council to rectify the alleged breach, all rights and privileges hereby granted may be forthwith terminat- ed and become forfeited to said City. Section 20. Unless said grantee questions, by proper judicial pro- ceeding, any order or regulation prescribed for it by the Council within sixty (60) days after the resolution or ordinance prescrib- ing such regulation or order shall become effective, said grantee shall be forever estcpped from questioning the terms and liabili- ties of said order or direction. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to promptly deliver to the grantee a copy of each ordinance or resolution, affecting the grantee, adopted by the City Council. Section 21. Said grantee shall, within sixty (60) days after the -7- 11 0 passage and publication of this ordinance and its approval by the qualified electors of said City as provided in the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and jrovisions of thie ordinance. Section 22. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, publication, its approval by a. majority vote of the qualified electors of said City voting upon said ordinance, and the acceptance thereof as provided by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. Yeas Councilmen Nays Conroy May ,s VMcDonald 7 r -,Pearce ✓ �T -� Rosen .'Sudheimer Mr. President (Bundlie) ✓ Attest: City Clerk :10V 2 "' Passed by the Council _ _ ---- – — In Favor ,_•_,._Against ef�//'/�/// 0 m im Adopted by the Council ._— -------------- _193.._..... Yeas. / Nays. CONROY MAY McDONALD ✓ PEARCE ROSEN ✓SUDHEIMER MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) t t 1 Adopted by the Council.____— ---------------- 193.___.._. Yeas. Nays. �CONROY -�" MAY 1-1McDONALD �PEARCE ROSEN / / SUDHEIMER MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) 1st 2nd. _ 2nd. J Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted yeas Nays Yeas Nays Conroy Conroy May May McDonald McDonald Pearce Pearce Rosen Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie Adopted by the Council.... — ................193........ Yeas. Nays. ONROY /MAY /MCDONALD �PEARCE / ROSEN --S-'UDHEIMER MR: PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) l/ An Ordinance granting to the Northern States Power ,..00!FDssyv. as:oorporatiom organised under the hiss of 'this` Stats' ts,wmassors and assigns, The right, privilege and authority to occupy and SNA Certain street*, bridges, parts and pasDljo g mds,with%& the ocrporate LUMN' of 'ths Otte+ Of _. asiat, Pte:; Ni3nassota for the ;parybe , O aenduoting and Supply- ing gas for all Purposes. the '41 t l of tis* city Of et. Paa1 does otditna Seotion 1. �4st.. 1je90 _to the oondttibns, teras, hesitations. leiili'va- tic>As apdj"UU i►nt• hereinafter contained, there is herdibyr g steel o the ,Northern .8tatas -Power 002pany, a corporastod `organ- ziso4 under,.tAe,laws:of-00 State of Yisu►ssots, Its suaoessore'and iaa•i ula,.JysejXafter retsrred to as the'4rentee for a per%d o ` :#a•a 1�y rs34) years troll and alter Janne:ry' III, 1938] as hetoiidtar t wr d! . Vie. x ►t, Vriv3lege and authority ,te- en'Oes ­ gtrir �'Q ; ::those :ontain Vtrsets, tartdg;ts ` paries 'rind: `pabiit '' aPpa. the map which° w hereto attached and t A 1pe1s:, tAw. sol,, as.. if :-#W strests�` baldges, parte sad` 1 D ' } I!ovtidi►: reae�s.;ftoh:_spesl#ioaily>ft"od iwthi* ssetion, t L wi hizs,;#�bA, oo o ate:liaits of the city of, Saint Paul' Yinne otst fii' i3s4-:1P1 lto+it of - srosting laying r obn•truetiag, installing, maintaining and operating gar -gains and all other necessary appasztent ape a•sd .lA conduotWo, distributing and supplilft'9'42 for V; le aAd ;pr:#vate'ussi -atad -for- the lauarposa of `coaduotbIg mau gas to and _Ahrowo said (allyl '"Ovtdid, howtvarn' tha#' `said' gnu, sMs;iau MA go service sisplissoeii shall 'be` do located as -12 40 ,11g! _to• istestaras :with'the safety and 06arsufi iii `ef 6rdii ;ae# .+h1.on6 'and ores said `atrs s asiai Pub"LIVA rounds, and rfo `as wt, ta„ tate" with esther uses to Va tb* 4f of at.f sbaU Sat: std asrssss and, public grounds; cried; proiided t 4*d Qreentsus; ti in the `installatiei► and maintenance thet®of, shall be is p, 1 1; off!`;. ,SAF Ps .r: CIT v. T%eFYSlrS.j".f. R'�� ..tl'ir .FJf( .. ^w C. �fI7 �;e y:17C "'!r..): yd :t'-r.q) cou;.,uw%l : V :x: e T -'Y i E'. d7 ,:= ( : Ut CvL .( ;: 3 k: .. 4 ; sub out to such rsasonable iegulitions ae msy be imposed by the Council from tiee'to tiie by ordinance or resolution. Section 8. The rights and privileges granted to said grantee by this, ordinance are neither exolusireno* ixrei►ooabie. �Sootion 3, said grantee shall at ali bees during the tors of tlii franchise furnish and supply gas to all customers without unlas ful disoriminatlon, and at resoonable rates. Rates to De charged for the Use of said gas to different types of users may be deter- citied in part by the amount cf gas used by the said different types of users. The amount of gas used may be ascertained by motors, acid tIis Council of the 010 of daiy►l Paul `shall` har►o a tight to Provide for the Inspection and test of metere and the'rePais cs rsplsorment fihareot, if inaccurate. Ths aovpoil'hereby rsae"er gh the rit to Prescribe reasonable extensions of the service, %he act ion of the Council 'in ordering e=tenelons to be by reaoluiiioa. ;. said ygrmitee chaff at all. tiMee during the term of this iranhise use and exert every reasonable effort to eontiauauy furnish as ample supply of11 gas to all its patrons along its entire syr _fid all'enlargements and extensioaa thereof. Section The Oily Council of the City of Saint Paul reserves for a1] time its right to rsgdlate and fIx the rates to be charged' for said service{ providid alesys that said rater died eherxi be heirs the pp�► b� iaix j ad CTbe &41a ctisnaaae., to .the heeti�ag 'aivre�, `que�llty, pnriRr sad kind of m��her' psesgrlbe , manutaotured, natural or shoed gas ehioh in the best iniel'sats... the City shall be supplied by the greatiee, Provided, hosever, that thin provision shell not be construed as limiting the power of the grantee to nske provident contrasts fora gas supply• section 5.: Thr Council of the Oity of Saint $aul hereby rersrree the .g- f r.- —r 4 r i 1 .�S,r a --.T ;. j., .a, g j;; ,. Iti. FSG:=. 7 G.P 0.• .: �jt,. ....3:J:.T4,x .'+ r right to determine the loostion Of all gas service mains an appliances as are described in Section l hereof. ssat�on 6, It is hereby ppeeiiP!►+11y provided that the grantee, shall -.., not base any, pepitalisatlon or collect eay. Profits,uppp,the value of this gran ohlost It being t0 restrict the Psntso to a its finable rota sn upop Up,0angible property $4 use within they MY, Of Saint P8111 - section 7. ll0 Ohargso or, profits of the grantee under thle f reashlse shall be founded upcij unesrned inorement:09 land, No losn,.made to the grentee_of this fMLOhise O.r 10 any snOcessOr Of such r ea ypoa this franahiu. .if .any lam, be a grant shall be & li . -.. lien upon she. property used in the publi0 eerv*0 given in.:00m- " . :.: nsction,with this frsnohloe, thea it shall_not,be made for &,term of years in szgess,of the term of the franchise, and said entire 'shall ; loan fall due before .the expiration of the term of said franchise. _ paId gsantee ;and the euaotet�ore of .,eaid,gx=%.l�s shall provi4e that said loan shall be paid sad 10114 y lWuidated dwsing the term of said franchise, so that at the ozpiratiO& p sai4rtera ell Of, the property used „in connection with *aid fsaaol#1 sa ,sha17.. be entirely free from all a;IM0 and obligations whatsoever- section 8. This franchise is granted eabjedt to the oonditioae,that the grsates shall _have no night to }reoeiverupan, poneiemnatI n 'prcaeedings brought by the City to acquire for the. City the ynblio utility; using such franahige, any return on account of the franchise or its value, or any return for 9004 will, or for any other things what- :. eosver esoept the tangible.proper used ! conasotioa with f?u �? service for which, the, franchise wse granted. ,.,ltrpnohise. values shad not be onpitallsed bx. the gra"os..` or ,.any s1tOQ,eesor.. of nigh s:. grantee and the Mgsaurs Of value; of the real eetate, tWe04 AX, service shall be its value when first used, in said service. ■r � � k II llflil�ltl r G T "; rj, - I X P IOU 01coys�.,,c ;,Z, nbor �pn n4T-',IS J bwj,,TP-.;7 V10� �.-TYG 8PS"TY e,-G0tT0jJ ?I TIJ P30470U T �eotton 9. jo sale Or l4a96 of the franchise and VVIVII4968 granted by thin- oidiagnie'sbift be approved by the - Council by'llilit-GetfUtWO affiriativ* vote of all tbe'seebers elect. ,T.ht -assignee cj I-eigoi Shell, prior to -such apP16101, Vile In the -office of 'an ths0umm6 lease, acid asajolig the *#M Of citing the fact 6f��' this`fxatt de And-agrisi* 16 Pstrole ell the o"ditions'laposod, upoa'the'`grantes hereunder. Said itsigAGS or !ewes shall also file a bdia-Vith'Buch WzAit"Am as the 0oUUOIl MY 2001161 with COUAbil, jh joh shali run to -twelty 0 1 f 7" St. Paul', and iihi'lih shill: -be conditioned to dlsobargWthS oil I Igations sid" lJkLbilities toposed"00A the 91-810166-bY this ordinance. 00aOil',of ths� City of Saint" Peal hereby r6*61`798 the right to a pprbvo: or-tolwit such sale, to appears to it to. be fot the bee of the Oltjr 48'GUOU 16. . 11 rmchise and al this, I things 6onstrasted;. h*rotmd6r or Used f in lootmeotibi Iiiiiifths other 66i "rolling *took and POWSrs °' shall be *0kj46i to 60imoli use by any o*or grat*00 or "2192160: Of SAY other ftiiablis, vheriwwr Wire *bell bt 36696610 thaefori upon payment or tender of Compensation far such Us*'-- Vhq, question of necessity, I compensation And all Other 04stl0l's rsl&tlng there" INA, be j , Udidis, question#, jyit to judicial proceeding thall, suspend - or I p I bitpolle `su6 use it the pore= or corporation desiring such use shall deposit in the fturt:vuob am as the Court in a preliminarr'bearftg itay'd 1 6*4 mine'. The grantee shall fildsvntBIIY, on or before the first Monday of Tsbr . U 1 ally, Is thi"'O"106 Of ths"Wocaptrollert:-8. slate >at jWjjmj*Ib6d sid4worill to by at jqag4j two ottlesi-s of said corporation, setting 'f orth in detail "for 'the preceding - dAI4AW -4- year the *on actual, 00at 0 Iti, the aottax tAiuftranoes" debts and o'bliEeit"t thsrbolai, the Asses and residifte of all Iti stockholders and the amount of stook Auld by 010, and the consideration paid therefor to thecorporation. said gristee $hill also file at the same time an Itatilted statement of'its assets iidAtikbilitiblif the 06iB earnings; the elpme4 and"isturo -thereof, and its net Inoozi for idah-calandar-yoiro 'Sn6b 4t9kts*s#t *hall conform to such forms " s 'be pkeWed for that purpose from time to time by the City Comptroller. Said grkntii shall also file LA the office of the comptroller from time to 195 ft6h tdithOr and additto repbrts &M Ststexents as may be ri4airid by the council, relative to the rates chargi&'sid received for public virdoe, rslgtive anti to the dhai"ter ftdIke"May of such Mervilae`__' and It* rAbor of pikibne'UBW it.' ths boots records, bills SA& Touchajo,of said grintis shall be open to LikBPectioll end etiminaii'ofti" 4SUIX the 007 -Of St. Paul, by such off leer of the City, or person or persons'AM-the Ceunall may direct. for each day's do Lai In complyingwith' of'tbis aieiti6n, i - said grj�at" 'eball! be liable to the City of "iA Nuti1the sm of Oce 8uftdr6d Dollars " (0100,40) �ihi 6h 2 may bt r9064644din a civil action IA 'gny O'curt of: ooupete" jiftidittiolm, and for a sixty—day failure to comply with'thi-provisions of this sections a1d franchise Aellb000mi forf,eiteal" end all rigbWgreAtid by this' ordinsnoe shall` Diad• and terminate. The grantee is hereby exprii 1 0*4 the City any license, OS Or Vote 'earnings tax. This I ianchisa i's subject to the oonditiot that"tile -rites tolbO:dharged by the* arsntd4 in the City of St. Paul $hall got b I a 01''t11000 OMM*d -for 412dox _01aggell "Of '46rvi , 0.* Z:E 76*31 TT IT year the *on actual, 00at 0 Iti, the aottax tAiuftranoes" debts and o'bliEeit"t thsrbolai, the Asses and residifte of all Iti stockholders and the amount of stook Auld by 010, and the consideration paid therefor to thecorporation. said gristee $hill also file at the same time an Itatilted statement of'its assets iidAtikbilitiblif the 06iB earnings; the elpme4 and"isturo -thereof, and its net Inoozi for idah-calandar-yoiro 'Sn6b 4t9kts*s#t *hall conform to such forms " s 'be pkeWed for that purpose from time to time by the City Comptroller. Said grkntii shall also file LA the office of the comptroller from time to 195 ft6h tdithOr and additto repbrts &M Ststexents as may be ri4airid by the council, relative to the rates chargi&'sid received for public virdoe, rslgtive anti to the dhai"ter ftdIke"May of such Mervilae`__' and It* rAbor of pikibne'UBW it.' ths boots records, bills SA& Touchajo,of said grintis shall be open to LikBPectioll end etiminaii'ofti" 4SUIX the 007 -Of St. Paul, by such off leer of the City, or person or persons'AM-the Ceunall may direct. for each day's do Lai In complyingwith' of'tbis aieiti6n, i - said grj�at" 'eball! be liable to the City of "iA Nuti1the sm of Oce 8uftdr6d Dollars " (0100,40) �ihi 6h 2 may bt r9064644din a civil action IA 'gny O'curt of: ooupete" jiftidittiolm, and for a sixty—day failure to comply with'thi-provisions of this sections a1d franchise Aellb000mi forf,eiteal" end all rigbWgreAtid by this' ordinsnoe shall` Diad• and terminate. The grantee is hereby exprii 1 0*4 the City any license, OS Or Vote 'earnings tax. This I ianchisa i's subject to the oonditiot that"tile -rites tolbO:dharged by the* arsntd4 in the City of St. Paul $hall got b I a 01''t11000 OMM*d -for 412dox _01aggell "Of '46rvi , 0.* r, .:, -. �Y OG;i i TCj ()A -Z.O.a' 11. ^ji 01, jTT 7i;8 t;SbGpjJG'i'r,G�,.� :tiJCf Sir`" Ei1liGST7J.� %soy, .Ciao rj,-ZJ fhb corresponding Public seawiee eorpoVa'aMM '-alp Humeap"Le6�ftg into censideration BAV differenoe in the prescribed heating value Of %h* gas supplied in the two cities. 'prcvidedy. k0Vssss'r, if rate, ebiledules proscribed in 8t. Paul by the 011T oo>snoil are 'seat ideatival� wi#h those 1a effect', ib. X1Znenppiih> aA& groftoe' a IdUfelftk vasit rate for the Sam* L _,. , heet,6*� value sms/or. volume of 0cmewmption, Then and ia'•.that ; eveat'l -+the rate shhedtass jprese ribet. by tjse 'olty ocunoil of , M* .. Paul mhal prevail.:) Sect ion 1 e. 3"hw %04> shall Ubt refsspo.: to :oantim�e ;o supply say, user"bf,;gee with said service and produot at any given place or � address unless the said user -shall have failed to pay for said gas funished hiu, bar.iol. it, at sai,d,.Pj*6e' cr address; and wa1d._ : gsran%" shall not refuse: =tt voutinue. the furniashing of •.eai¢ � " : i, far, J&J'JUae Upon '1thaJ,Pert of a user -tar°pay :for -some spplimn0e e0114said uses- by's"td z93antis. loo: gets s ins shell he'reattor be 1 sid: by:;eaid .grsAte+ skeept.-upon applt<sZ 1011 110 the 00sss11010"t 9"0110 0110 Works, and permission therefor grsatsd:by his in writing, subject to the approval,'•however, of the Council; by!-rssolu*IOW- Section le. The graatae:shall file with the Commissioner of Public. f 9iotks; a report showing-all':extenoic" to and/or new conatsuc.ttoa nY al1 $as malas, in the month of January next succeeding the ne and/or new constructions are made. year in which such exteneio Section 17. In the event said grantee shall at any time f841 to comply with, or, in case of a breach by it of any Of the terms, provisions, conditions or limitations contained in or provided for in this ordinance, after the grantee shall have been given ninety days' notice by the Oounoil to rectify the alleged breach, I i3C . •,,, ��,I< �„ ;,7ra<1 r� ,ill-, �,,; ,r��;.. 413- r;7 HIM elI rights and privileges Aere terminated and become forfeited to said City. section 18. Unless said grantee questions, by proper judicial pro- oseding, any order or regulation prescribed for it by the Council within sixty (60) days after the resolution or ordinance prescrib- Ing such regulation or order shall become effective, said grantee shall be forever estopped from questioning the terms and liabili- ties of said order or direction. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to promptly deliver to the grantee a copy of each ordinance or resolution, affecting the grantee, adopUdby the City Council. Section 19. Said grantee shall, within sixty (60) days after the passage and publication of this ordinance and its approval by the qualified electors of said City, as provided in the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Co*nsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep and perform all the tit=, limitations, conditions and provisions of this Ordinance. section 20. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, publication, its approval by a majority vote of the qualified electors of said City voting upon said ordinance, and the acceptance thereof as provided by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. -7- .. _ _ } �{ j _ _ ,.4. -- _ L I In = S ' �., w . � \,.' \ ,t".` ;� 1 • t� : `� - - � � _ - -- � ir —' `....+,, .-,.,.�,� ` �• .._._ - _ - ..- _ _. -: ' ... .. � ....:... 8 l j-- -- _. ..�I-.' _. _.. _�_.- _ -. n,.. - - , .i,•. �I `fir �l �� � .` t n \ a _ • .� 1} ; �`, ,�` `Cif 1 a -A♦ �'. \� / $° - -_..." • _—i_-3. ... i ff Q 6 ....,+ ., � -. .i �. i/ �% .'1 \`. I µ. 'y `°4' � a i i/ •App' i� i , . . .. a ...._• �,,� \ �•,, .,. �_� — 13 , rN 'I j 11 q a e - E7J 61. _ I r e'•,.� 9y v 111 _ TY, OF SAI T PAUL-r,_ p v I SCALL /spIOE'F.lT I INCH = - l�� fatr _ • '���}} 4_ a COM FROM RECORDS OF -THE 1 lE 1 w PILE: > . ,,.,.... �[ENT OF PUB LTC Z1ORkS, l ��'r� I Uo - l 1931 I I, I I I j I, 1 �Ul,M;,v,;� NW � vt s ,j I I t• d :: r•. ; ._ _.._- --__-_---Y ;_.::-- -. :_:.----___ -__.__ _,. ------- ... a.1 �rn J1 i r IL }: r - 1, I L — r .. j Ell I--- ;� c ...... ,,....; � I I' �, I I "' ,,.r ,. � --.�.._-. I .....-r.. `,.,,• . � _ tis J _ i ,... 1 a. I - i i L �� r L� :I . . ..., a I e ;: I k `.. .. � .- ...,. ..(.. � a., \ ^'�C.-�J 5•. ., '_-_, -_ .i_.-. � ! {..: ,c-.-....__- -__. _ ..— ._.:. _�LJt_y_� I @- � �,- :�'LP � 4 - m'�- •ii/ _ - 'a�-. rr r :.;.,.:y.. :�s�_Z-,. ,.>.•,. ,,�; i � i !"_ i .., � t ,:. �� _ •:r-�. ._..__-.__:.� '� _., �. awno t(� T - --T-r- f�-'r . --%._ t�•'��!_4_-'�_. It. . i ::. t ., ,. ., � .. �:.... :.': ::- ._ ..r. ..r• .. _J .._---� I ,r '1� 4r. I'.,! �� , r-- �I r..R.,j I' d • ._ :I A .. .. i '�. - -i,a y^^. k —'- - - [� i�' .• --� s^ +. Y% '.i _ _ T •t_, /[ � � : >;. , I _ � r •. .� .... __ _� _ u. y : \ _ .. : ,.-� w u.1•-:- - I I�'i t".^1�1 Ix..•- _... .. .�,� f as - _ - q '�� xi�. T 1 N f , fI 1 r ----- - I f I , r , i. '+. - -- ••-o-rn. a ti•, 'A � - I `� SYS + t �( _ _ _. -. _ 't ��` � �� - [ r • i" I �! I , - : k 1 I _ ` e u,.r t. .... -- .. _ : - •y -f" -- - - `*- j. � � .� �i Ir- ._. .. - -_—. rr rr �t. _._ ;r--� r� IN 77 - ,pia w .' --n•-.. : 8-� i '.--- .. �'' �_—, - \ :,emt-.,_--- _ >'•.>< _- ---<. _ - ::' - -- r— --n-- ... - ...,SR. i' ., - _ e Mal r a _. �i—J I 1 -�' � ..—` -___ - �_ ' _.. -..•- L--"- _ ��__ 4q �`. n,.i, r c _� �� LS. i�la 3 � •r ...... µ y i_, _-___._-- _- x 1,� ,i _ 1; - � G • y �• _ e 111 , f�. - \ � '-v r.... .., _. -__i.. �.. � �t�'•� .,,rte � .�� F. 1 .!' I � _ � ..-, .'��+; :_ ___ -.. i PZI -. �, 4j ` Y e., ✓ - __... ..,.. _ _ . _ _-. _ --- - -- _ i ?s - .r.' X moi,,. ,� ,\ ,./ 1i' '�. �� r •.,,,-.-_..__ _ �. ' II I 41 i 140' , I - .,. �:, •_- F- ... -. .... �_ F.I , .. _-_ --. _.. _._---D.L_ C F. �( ��� +�: may'- - � � } t r 1 - I - _ V c 1 ' : • � _ .,...� .vi✓. .� � ..• , ; -_ .ti-• � yy.. _ � t .. .. � .. ��' ,*nye / k _ ,� �,i4' . t , n \ L � I , • y; Z� Y a •1 � 1 I i \ F • i� - ,:. _J. ... � _.c -V • � to .- {� ... t .�.___..w__-_ �.. r:.. 1'!} I. ......_.rn•.i. .. .i1r 1 ,. � c � ":"/+ -. _. a..._ ... 1 DepE rtmeut of Kaw .N' CITY OF ST. PAUL LEWIS L. ANDERSON CO "p JoN COYNBBL 11BBIBTANT I�T�ONNBYB LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIEB August 13th, 1931. l,1lY t To the Council - Gentlemen: pursuant ouncil.Gentlemen:Pursuant to your direction, I have prepared and I herewith transmit for your consideration three ordi- P1,41"1 nanoes granting franchises to the Northern States Poser J` �t Company for the following services, to -wit, electricity, { gas and steam. 31t''1 •r You will note that in the and electric -• gas ordinances, Section 1 provides that the rights grenterw' 7 •�' are over the street$ shown upon certain attached maps. 2' These naps are not yet ready, and of course, are not attached, but this fact will not, however, interfere % with a discussion of the terms of the franchise. You will note that .section 8 of the steam ordinance is missing, but Section 8 covers only the streets over which the franchise for steam is to be exercised. That will be suppliedin a short while. Its absence will not interfere at this time with a consideration of the terms of the ordinance. ��L you will also note that each of the ordinances I have drawn has a provision requiring the grantee to Pal a gross earnings tax. The section providing for this tax is Section 18 in the steam ordinance, and Section 11 of the gas and electric ordinances. If it is your desire to eliminate this section and exempt this utility from the r�_! payment of the gross earnings tax, it is suggested that the following section be substituted: •She grantee is herewith specifically exempt from the payment to the City of St. Paul of the license fee of 5% of its gross earnings." The ordinances in question, after they have been submitted to you and to the Northern'States Power Company for consideration, will probsbly"b"banged in some respects. Any ohanges which you may advise, I shall be glad to make. Yonne very truly, LLA -U Corporation Counsel. M, e1�.tt+red _ pmt ,neap,"+dat bi!].� npt�3�t�� fbsun �eA err8 �► &f. Hoiurs .` mva►1th,:.4 etrrats peg► Ste,HIM MSi�lanmt o� i�l.•{�) �t►11€� pea";mt� h; wf weft imeak" l,%An �AMf 'b�218 � �e !Ox �1tbr reieaa�gi�+ed. c�i�iliee a�,�r: ��!�yy y1�r p� A�ql{f{,♦`i, y�y� `,,,��,�/� �,,j,,�y - Q478l4�ARM DRi�Q♦ I €+VOTRIO r: Soot. 9. ho sale or lease of the franoblee and privileges granted by this ordinance shall be effective until approved by .the city council by a five-sevenths affi#At vc vote of ell the members oleo$;, and o Ma9911ty amended i 9�A& A ® ®f tAr1.,c $fouls w+*Pr�anefor Seat. 9 o th a raac Be a published in t iai,ly paper of general circulation and establisbed at least one (1) yeast in St. Paul, rgiinieeota prior to said publication, this publication shall begin as or start at least thirty (30) days before said election and ®hail continue for eight days, beg3lting on Sunday ane ending on the Sunday foliating. no transfex,ahaii be oorieidexed'%gal othor dee Seat. 10. This franchise and all things vonstsuoted hereunder. or used in oatinaotiOn herewith, other than rolling etcok ani p©werp shall be subjsot to o=on use by any otheir grantee or assignee of any other franchise, when .there shall be Amended neoea'jity therefor upon payment or tender of ocaspensation for i.sect.10 suoh use. The question of necessity compensation and an other questions relating thereto shawl be judicial questions, but no 1 judIcial procneding shall suMpes gend or postpone-such use if tho coourt such aCorporation as the court, iia a preliminary such, Use heimingoin. the my t determine. In no ,case shall the 01* of St. Paul $ Hinnesota, be restricted by any Of the foregoing ccmditionsf but shall. have at all times I the gree use of $al the Constructed things ccs aforesaid and shall not be oomlielled to pay for such privilege in any way. The city of St. Paul reserves this right during :I the term of this franchise. Sootion 11 NO oil OE . Section-12 The tfuttoe shall. pay to the City of St. Paul i�itpueacts, arxAuL ly not later than Haroh firs of Amended each year, a liganse.fee equal to five (5%) per cent of the sec1.12 grosp earnings of the grantee in the City of Bis. Paul, for the year previous I.. soot. 13. This franchise is subject to tho*oonditions that the 3mtes•obarged by the grantee in the Clay of at,, Paul shall not be In excess of five (5) cents per K-W Amended' L hour for all olasess of electric energy service and all schools, 066t.13 Publio Buildings and offioes shall be grouped as one unit sad shall be rated as such in the bill for eleotria. servioe section 14' L NO'.CWGIC Seotion 15 go CHANG'T. Section 16 NO GROGE section 17 NO CMIGE Section ld NO CHANGE Section 19 NO CHANGE } � o i. _ CHAIi ,'* 1,J, 13Y C = tTHAL C091101L . UV DIu`THICT OLUDS. Section 1. That subjeot to conditions, tersre, limitations, res;trvationd Amended snd requirements herminrf ter contained, there in hereby. grantod.to the Vorthern•States Pow r Company, a corpor+ition orp ls:ad under the -lays of the State of ;tir resota, its successors and esslgns, heretraftnr referred to as the or$ntae,_for a period of five (5) years fromand after Jsanuery let, 1932, as hereinafter provided, the right, privilege and authority. to enter upon, use and occupy all those certain streate, bridges, pnrks3 and,publio grounds were, each specifically named in this, section, all, vdthin- the corporate. limits of :the City of �3t. ? u1,' MinnRacta, for the purpose of erecting, laying'. Constructing, instolling,,. maibtainlr ' and operating Cas wine and all other neceseasry . ` eppurtenances3 used in aonduoting, dtatxibuting � sand - supplyi.nr 1 sae far public and private uses and for, the piirwao of . oonciuoiing said gnu to and through said City; provided* ho."Ver, that said gas arsine send gag sr3rvioe operiinnces shall be so looted 'sae: its no hay to .interfere with Che: safety ,sand Canvenienco.of ordinary travOl a1on. ax>=d.ovtar edid streets,. and public grounds, and so as not to interfore ralth other like uses to which. the City of 'St. Putti. shr 1l put said stre1te and ,,public, grounds; .and provided the t said Grantee, it tiie J installation and-sintenanoe taaereof, shall ,be subjectj .;to, such; rogulationst as may be i�rpoAed by . the �Coltnoi1 from t1 °r.1e to .tlme, by ;ordinance or resolution. . t%en�ver aand)br wherever in ,the City of Sty Pnul public .work or City conitruotion of nn y kind i ss bn#i carried : out and becomes necasssniy to remove, te�!;�,rrary or parmanently any or all, sstxuoturqs, asppurtenarnoes and/or Appliances, of the l : ;;rantse, :the Grantee 'shall bear I the total expense of :re�oval and xepisc®crenty thn grantor shall s;ive,notice I, meriting srt 1 '-' t ten d�yya to the grantae before removal is required j and for evrary dewy delay onused by nab ldot of grantse to Comply,with '4aid notice in nritirg; the grantee shall pay to.:the City of Vit., Pnul',two. hundred* (?a_OO40) dollars per $spy,as daaaroges for each'deisay, abo d grantee.na, sot' t4 satart` to; rsovg: ob'stzotlon :the City e?anil sat rt the work and the grantee shall Pq the Coet, of, such Ti©rk d zrhagee.. added. ' Section 2. The rights and privileges granted to said grantee by this ordinance are neither exclusive nor Irrevocable. Section 3. Send grantee shall .�t, all times during the .ts ._ of this A eInded frranobiso furnish and supply rue to all Costa tre without un1ts-xful dissoriminntion and at a :raaximuet rate fr -eighty (8C); Dente per 1000 Cubic feet of goa < esassuresci"by v.)ter only. The grantee .shall at all timee keep the tf-!nters An Fa Vondltion -so an a courate monsurementonn be taken, . the yrantas shall rt alltimes pay the cost. of grater inspection azlrl rsapsir. The Citl Is hereby aut rorl osl and reservee the t right to order the said grantee to extond the, gas's mn-lne at lt�ast the re '*lieu in any one year, brat if * racessity res uiroa f ,n r this shell Ue ext .nded, the action i+ the Qa a cis in order— . i I _ ing e7ter.sions to be b resolutirn. � y. thn of this section 3. Snid grantee shall at all times during term franchise use and exert eVerY effort,to continucflly furnish Amended an &Tp10 supply of bus to .11 Its patrons along its entire I. system and.all enlargements and extensions thereof. There shall be furnished by the grantee to its patrons h uniform grade of ins and it shall have the'higheat ouality obtainable withou% 1)etra coat to the patrons, the heating quality may be tested by the City from tine to time as necessity re nu irea and the patrons demand. The gro-artee' shall pay the cost of all"tests. There shall be a d#s- count.,6 ten per cent on all total bi11s fnr all alaseeo of service for the prompt payment within ten days after bill is rendered. �. seation 4. The City Council of fat. Paul reserves the right for all Amended, tine to regulate and fix the rates to be obargod for said service; provided,always th*•t said ratjs fired sht).11 not excae4 eighty (SQ) cents per 1000 cubic feet of gas. Thera may be a minimum ch:Srge not to exceed "twenty-five (25) cents per month per, meter, Section 5o 110 ObOnG®O seotion 6j it is horeby specifically providod that the-rattee shell Amended to last b 0e any oapitali2ation or 0011aOt MY 9xa4lte upoc read as the value of this franot+iso, i$ beim the intent hereof 'I "follows: to restriot the grantee to a return upon its t€in 1ble property in use within the City of Saint P:iul. Section 7. 110 charge. { section d. Vo change. Section 9. po charge. Section.10. This franchise and all things constructed hereunder or used Amended in connection herewith, other than rolling stock and poser, 'supplement shall be subject to oommon'uso by any other grantee or nesignee of.any other franchise, when these shall be neeeesity therefor upon payment or tender of oo* ponsation for andh use.' The question of necessity, oompsnsation and all other clueations relating thereto shell be Judicial questions, but nojudicial proceeding shall suspend or postpone such use if the person or corporation desiring such use shall deposit " in the Court.such sum as the Court in a preliminary hearing ~' may determine. (In no case shall the City of St. Patel, Minnesota, be restricted by any -of the foregoing conditions, but shall have at aril times the froe.uae of all the c7nst=oted things me aforesaid and shall not by compelled to pny for suoh privilege in any way. The City of St. Pani reserves this right during the term of this franchise.) JJ Section 11. No change& qll lw Sedtidh 12. The grantee shall pny to the City of St. Paid, ?Itnnasotng ' i Amended annually not later than wirch fi rat'of arch y^ar ra, license i section I2. fee equal to five (5) per cent of the gyrosa cs€zrnine of Amended, the grantee in the City of at. Paid, for the Year previous. jSection'13. This franchise to eavject to the condition® that the rates by Amended. r charged-by the grantee in the City of 9t. Pnui shall. not be in exceso of eighty (80) cents per 1000 pounde of condensation measured at the point of sorvioo th70115h e proper meter for such '®firvioe. j ;section 14, No change. section 15. tb ohsnge, ,sectioa 16. DO change. section 17. No change. ! Section 164 iso chnn! S. Section i is 'I i 1 i t ,I ;L j i i I .. 19, no ohsmge October 9, 1931 Recommendation to the Honorable Mayor, and the City Council of St. Paul, iv,innesota, To Amending Proposed Franchise With The Northern States Power Company. MMEAS, Section No. 4 of C. F. No. 90465 now reads as follows; "The City Council of the City of Saint Paul reserves for all tine its right to regulate and fix the rates to be charged for said service; provided always that said rates fixed shall be fair and reasonable." It is hereby recommended fnr the welfare of the citizens of Saint Paul, h?irnesota, tLat this section be amended to read as follows; "The City Council of the City of Saint Paul reserves for all time its right to regulate and fix the rates to be charged for said serrice; provided ..Lviays that, ::aid rates fixed shall be fair and reasonable. T,.:,`, in the evevt that new rro- cesces are Invented or created w -,:,by artificial t;as can be I a l.es er cost the Cr ntee shall produced and ioanuiactured at , j take advantage of such savings and that saving srz.�1 ce passed on to all gas custon.ers, by reduction in rates in -ropertion to the cont of production of said gas, or if natri,L1 a.s should be made available at a price lower tht:n art fic-al 9:as, the Grantee must talce advantage of such offer a d pass the benefit on to the consumer." Amendment suggested by R. S. Ritchey, 2207 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Pr:innesota. qdi) �c 000, o,�� fs , 61, czz .�'icQ /ica-�..–..ems .t.�L -�—'�Aa—t-[�- ��/ �—u,•i1� 4,�G��Y��� _ APA '1C�A NT �80'NIF,HgIC.I9 AC-�l S-4"a'IArI"N PHONE MIDWAY 1976^ 199 NO. SNELLING AVENUE OFFICERS `(( DIRECTORS MRS. A. P. HELP SRI. vcHCRT co. WALTER P. KUEFPNER Ro REALTOR WILLIAM T. Mc SV NG con—TOR CHARLE"—`ICI IG IIAno 1NvcsiMeNTa WILLIAM RYAN. RINGeR. I.c. HARRY G. SAN G[neG —TRA-.. WALTER STEVENS ¢ tAnoRULTv co. Kwama Pwa a . MIImm>H:o-16Da,A T,o the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of St -Paul: Honorable Sirs: Pursuant to action taken by our orga::ization in connection ,:eith a report of our Franch;.so Cor^mittee rel atsnecto thelly requesedtha.t nl�rthern States Power Company franchise, public rates which you your Honorable body present in detail to the propose to establish go✓�rnin�r, the various service rendered by this ut#lity and the basis upon Which such rates have been deteremined, that such action be taken and information published prior to the approval upon the third reading of the ordinance now per_din;& before your body involving this subject matter. 77ill you kindly advise whether or not you can consistently comply with this request, and oblige 8 124 t. U7., of over Five hlillign. Value of Farms $s',c- to xaa�aL ADDnaI get of Val yup to get Bt. Paul, including 2fi6 COuntiea eluding 265. of mule territory, hus x ]wpulation Y Dairyl Pr S�18n 441 421. C. C. of D. Clubs stands rex3y v< Crape Livestock ><87i,787,89b and Acte in to - v A (fottltz1l of 91ig#xir# Culls G (Federated Civic Clubs of Ramsey CoumkO DIRECTORS: OFFICERS: Organised for Civic, Industrial and Commercial Development F. H. PneLes O.. F. RORTAD, ,Il ETS THIRD THURSDAY OF MONTH Geo. L. SIEOEL president GJury Room J. J. CONNOLLYGrand Mae. M F. Lema�N Court House E. J. HAaaeLL Vice President ere J. B. De Setnry Wn.Lnun J. MORAN M. A. LILLIS, Kennard L33 Kentmnl Bt. Treasurer Tel. Tower 1576 P. D. SCANNELL, C. S. RINnOLD, ST. PAUL, MINN. - Honorary Presidents October 'B, 1931. T,o the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of St -Paul: Honorable Sirs: Pursuant to action taken by our orga::ization in connection ,:eith a report of our Franch;.so Cor^mittee rel atsnecto thelly requesedtha.t nl�rthern States Power Company franchise, public rates which you your Honorable body present in detail to the propose to establish go✓�rnin�r, the various service rendered by this ut#lity and the basis upon Which such rates have been deteremined, that such action be taken and information published prior to the approval upon the third reading of the ordinance now per_din;& before your body involving this subject matter. 77ill you kindly advise whether or not you can consistently comply with this request, and oblige Respectfully yours, CENTRA6�9 ICT CLUBSByPresident. X r hh By '0�./Q� Secretary. Byc or. _ L rn � X� v< to - v A G p i0� 7 A CP n Q r rsl� 0 Respectfully yours, CENTRA6�9 ICT CLUBSByPresident. X r hh By '0�./Q� Secretary. Byc or. _ L sec. Addrm aei.�a8�il'b°XWONVUSKINMM I 404 New York Bi Master Electrical Contractor healers Assn of Saint Paul T1pMi SAtnT PAUL. — MIUTIESOTA Sept 28-31• To the Hon.Hayor And City Council. Gentlemen: As you ars coasid6ring a new franchise for the Northern States Power Co. we as an or- ganization of 2tle,0t=I cnL,1 Cosatraotors and Dealers wish to notify • you at t2xJL n time that ab- solutely opposed to. t2ze acid company doing any merchandising of 2EleatwL cal Appliances or 2100- trical equipment of ft=Y 3c1,3a,& or doing any 0100- trical construction wor3c oY any kind on buildings or property not owned by t3ze said company. We wish to add tjsat any time called up- on we are willing to 60cp2mi3m in detail or answer any question pertaining to the above which may not be self ezplanatO WWT- Resting aassur®d you will give this your sincere ccnsidermtio= we remain 'Itt1 JVt IlE . SCP 3�J 11 �5 �� 1931 I.I. .a.1 Ilk .' $1.V Yours truly . .D, en. S Ootober let, 1931. Yr. lfn. 8. I,ltsdbe, 404 New York Sullrr3xi.--, St. Paul, u1nnasota._ near Sir$ Zo�3r 3a t tar of Septenber 28th rela- tive to the new tranchisa ror- t'ao _northern States Power Compaay was read hegoro the Coi2n-cll today andwe were directed to adviSe gnu tit a public heart:^" vAll be held in the Cotmell. Chambere In tt a City Tiall and Court Rouse on Mondsy, October 5tla st 8 P. M. on t!ie franchise erdi- =mass anis the t92*:^_s itT-eof . ?ours vera tsaly! City Clens. n.. mei '' +. •` Y>f- 87. 3t. paul Bleotrio Lamp Go., 161 tt. 3rd St, 88. J. 11. Soanlau Joao. 24 N"t 4th St. Blas Ee T.loor t34r. 9 +_4� El. &14ine. 81 3rd t. {* ,� Pidinieer x].0.4• Co,, 1� y• , Qlie4ie03x, 0, g. $tui$ er; 1440 .;(6th arid, J eokflon ) D�1ekJman. Bthsdabl�u IO di�eotri4 X140 -0 • �' ; °�i11er.:Ei p+at�er fi► � �+I+II�d:;�Si4td�'� .��_,�r9.•-- �• bdt*<147 1C a ELM 1� P .'.. r� • �r� ., . �t. 1 1QtIs- ski. �.� 1113: ct 7i `3�:•. 1 0•' A�. �. Iran, 14 �Otd 4 tt ��. � '• 1 9tAAddp�rnitcire $ 3t• 11' lit iri®1,' ail li i + ,Oa:_. 9t1► # �e"kson s5 11 « �bt Arria�'�, pm,. ,tel W wi 6 h St. y 11 �r xbriu,twc�ita%s qb.+� 49 . Ti gt. li. -if i1ot41a� t3o. 16�i Neel ; 6Et • ilii 0se tbx4dR, ire d'_,I3attez�gi 1g9 v�em 6th 'It. 116: J. EioCaJ11, 4i�!elDy Ave. 119. Al batz 1148 W 7th 8t• 120. A. '1. Boner, 1107 � ?th sat. I 121. Al kergene Servioo. 1000 W 7th rt. 122. 2'. S k I%• J • Spriggs, 160 hast 4th St. 123. Haney � ?3tavies Garage, 156 vest 4th it. y 124. 'a. L. hinter. 638 univercity ,eve. 125. ziison Lighting Studio, 777 University Lave. 126. All Slahol, gal Univorgity 137, Sas. 3. Pnrooll, 1686 dnliut 9t. 1213. Lai Ir7.eotrio Co,, ME DO. Snelling Ave. 128. �iidma8 gds. Co., . 3. Ritt, 509 lio. Snelling 130. Colonia Earn. Co.. T. E• Jensen. 601 }3o. Inelling 131. B, g, 3toPer, 800 zlo. Snelling Ave. 132. Hes Goodml3li, 94 E 7th St, 133. Citiaeas ioe A .gaol Co. 6 So©eph Milton. Seos. 134. Geo. M. VOLoary & Son, 187 >,ost 3rd St, 136. D. J. MOXensia. 1209 Dec% 7th St. I 136. Max Iaereien. 146 Lex=$?9Sibleyn%Veo.: t. 137. Soestins 6 Sohilling. 138. Hill Hardware Co., 410 ulby Ave, 138. Milton. Hardware Co., C. E. Zng48111 140. Harris Brothers 91b. Go. by Charles turtle 1410 L. ,t. Thorson. 1571 Selby Aver 142. %%bort 31. 3;imb�all 7.810 :r. HaIIa 143. J. Leavitt. 1833 Ashland ,ve. 144. Z. No Only. dryly sales Co.. 1083 ::rand j 145. C. t. Ekstrand Co.. e73 Grand. 146. L. 9t. Pater. Plg. & iitg.. 164 ;leaeant ;,v®. i 1474 A. Swanson k sons. 883 Pti-We _yve. 146. 3olroodor Bros,. 902 IaYne :cve. 149. wren®on Bros., 882-940 Payne lave• 150. Carl P. Dahlby b Son, 1128 r gyne Ave. 161. H. 2'. Eery. 1199 ..roads 1$S. 0. Q• {77�9�Qn. t36fl �. Ith uitg Hde. R _T,eet CSD.• 1926 Univ. 164. ]purl 3aapare :Ins.. 844-1 University 1b,SE k�s'6r I+tlryy�g*.z.it"t + "iii i# ci�ie• 16�!'a �, l3t 1F:J{�:t ` �q1'. �rsbtlllti�:I�t• i a #it s 1,I<s6at i�Y °�6i�i '!3YArO#A* }i�ti% g >� 1�. Aif • S : A: fur f 167. Gran5"o CRe. A.* 9 Av l _ 1 � Y F31 7F. Y 1$S. 0. Q• {77�9�Qn. t36fl �. Ith uitg Hde. R _T,eet CSD.• 1926 Univ. 164. ]purl 3aapare :Ins.. 844-1 University 1b,SE k�s'6r I+tlryy�g*.z.it"t + "iii i# ci�ie• 16�!'a �, l3t 1F:J{�:t ` �q1'. �rsbtlllti�:I�t• i a #it s 1,I<s6at i�Y °�6i�i '!3YArO#A* }i�ti% g >� 1�. Aif • S : A: fur f 167. Gran5"o CRe. A.* 9 Av l _ 1 � Febxy 1929 To..t �[�A C,uipuyGgnnoil { Ge>xt�¢! r 4 to gnQ, bneineea firms established in the z}, CS_�t e8p�at�..�?y rggg;tt:hat, at the time of the ,o o Ag$oasbg the 1,qquMajj of the City of St. Taal ao>i ,{� a ,tihe .pgf ihagq,,by thb- gQrthG= States Power Ccmpamy of atgR o� the-: gt. 21a ;Gee Light Company. and in order c toy}be ,►ei466fl' of s+ ,grdiaanoe .•th® Northern States Paw or Co t ►rg 1Cp;�rs re�04 atives promised the City Council for the be o n( m.TQ)4gnts that Yl Rogld operate the joint + osa of welling and fee It �.,t � ,mglmid oo:�an��s �ax'rcho p.� ` b tixig $4�i� el a � a..tt1d "no did r 44& 11Q engage, directly 'or. i0 1y, '3t� 5i}1i�4t to R�gipaien ^.Rr gee appliances k r. r,� ai► '$tro es the"�iortjie�-states Power Company has ^g �jf f}de oq q now using its franchise to ego f II'i�ith' �. ' UI mercihadtb, the following applianOea; lias� 6 I.i4l 4i b¢4at 4. ga MAtar .hectare, ffieotria stoves, washing mabh its a Leel q ea�i e. HSCbQ px ,•'Toasters. Waffle irons, Electric p f1�t1e"otx`i o xa rQr�R,i a,�ric refrigerators, Gas inain- erkOdre01 ; a+� 1!'1rs,'egtr� d»btra. Electric water heaters, Mlibb'�3:t9inedti�; trabd ,n1B7l7d�a� @tri• The aupgzfbt LLd►aafl}tied t� aal.e and distribution of gee and ele�att3"10i�' , rse �� arei� b$ > e �Oii y� irf`�h. �e,,trjx.A lee,. ,are exclusive in t!$es� axhturro dti'� srtl aGt aria �,b1e_ to t� 9t.`'Panl aierahants. They werN net 1�it6k r ed. ' 1r% ue64t att� ;lie;e .snot Aged by, the st . Paul Gas dig QOa�e>a� ,to ooYpiiet» Bei#h ,�C!> 34343 � other lines. The Northern 9ta$dia'w ubing these facilities to sell anc� 44gtr1b�tte t ea Cfo9eg� hbpi% msntiched in active competition with St.ater�#ie�ata; iii+ 1;: ��.tAying ontsiae salesmen and service man who ooktbyiti ted imji7fot!=tl}ut Ythe Company is giving better aervlo ' shd Vbt"te'r t;bi 9. theaµ. s i' �.:rmer.ohas�te; it is using its list 03<' aRs� hi�6�ia ot3r9rerit �1g9.,at4, i%a monthly billings in csrgnl the tradf j dverE161ng, hese sitiales, promoting their i b take such action as it therr?'torb bpk that' yQnr` ]�ouore4blq, body may d�b�el rQey tp"jlrbt�tSi the gt� Pattil merohante in their legitimate ging �Y2 louse` d lee�ttxlbt ivtbjj tN` �rtkorp,. tater Power Compass to .theosaa' of thQ` ezple- fianou qe grin ed to it by your honorable Q, �,•� f 6f'L 1 'LWT"•: 4 '• + J 33'EJ� ay7�i%.f Juvr- Q Y, Y y '14r S;j Y'iV„ • �� •.'y 3Sti✓w-�� 5c`%'Ix• JQ I .t ll.i� Ci Febxy 1929 To..t �[�A C,uipuyGgnnoil { Ge>xt�¢! r 4 to gnQ, bneineea firms established in the z}, CS_�t e8p�at�..�?y rggg;tt:hat, at the time of the ,o o Ag$oasbg the 1,qquMajj of the City of St. Taal ao>i ,{� a ,tihe .pgf ihagq,,by thb- gQrthG= States Power Ccmpamy of atgR o� the-: gt. 21a ;Gee Light Company. and in order c toy}be ,►ei466fl' of s+ ,grdiaanoe .•th® Northern States Paw or Co t ►rg 1Cp;�rs re�04 atives promised the City Council for the be o n( m.TQ)4gnts that Yl Rogld operate the joint + osa of welling and fee It �.,t � ,mglmid oo:�an��s �ax'rcho p.� ` b tixig $4�i� el a � a..tt1d "no did r 44& 11Q engage, directly 'or. i0 1y, '3t� 5i}1i�4t to R�gipaien ^.Rr gee appliances k r. r,� ai► '$tro es the"�iortjie�-states Power Company has ^g �jf f}de oq q now using its franchise to ego f II'i�ith' �. ' UI mercihadtb, the following applianOea; lias� 6 I.i4l 4i b¢4at 4. ga MAtar .hectare, ffieotria stoves, washing mabh its a Leel q ea�i e. HSCbQ px ,•'Toasters. Waffle irons, Electric p f1�t1e"otx`i o xa rQr�R,i a,�ric refrigerators, Gas inain- erkOdre01 ; a+� 1!'1rs,'egtr� d»btra. Electric water heaters, Mlibb'�3:t9inedti�; trabd ,n1B7l7d�a� @tri• The aupgzfbt LLd►aafl}tied t� aal.e and distribution of gee and ele�att3"10i�' , rse �� arei� b$ > e �Oii y� irf`�h. �e,,trjx.A lee,. ,are exclusive in t!$es� axhturro dti'� srtl aGt aria �,b1e_ to t� 9t.`'Panl aierahants. They werN net 1�it6k r ed. ' 1r% ue64t att� ;lie;e .snot Aged by, the st . Paul Gas dig QOa�e>a� ,to ooYpiiet» Bei#h ,�C!> 34343 � other lines. The Northern 9ta$dia'w ubing these facilities to sell anc� 44gtr1b�tte t ea Cfo9eg� hbpi% msntiched in active competition with St.ater�#ie�ata; iii+ 1;: ��.tAying ontsiae salesmen and service man who ooktbyiti ted imji7fot!=tl}ut Ythe Company is giving better aervlo ' shd Vbt"te'r t;bi 9. theaµ. s i' �.:rmer.ohas�te; it is using its list 03<' aRs� hi�6�ia ot3r9rerit �1g9.,at4, i%a monthly billings in csrgnl the tradf j dverE161ng, hese sitiales, promoting their i b take such action as it therr?'torb bpk that' yQnr` ]�ouore4blq, body may d�b�el rQey tp"jlrbt�tSi the gt� Pattil merohante in their legitimate ging �Y2 louse` d lee�ttxlbt ivtbjj tN` �rtkorp,. tater Power Compass to .theosaa' of thQ` ezple- fianou qe grin ed to it by your honorable pppaaUfTm Fo; *N%! '.,N.'- ,_ o s C FL ob 3+' bvm,. beaasHe o� sou 0i4T7jWuoe, p2, pr. Corruc:T7 b uG a r..Ns FTws o` FNs C7Fl as iso? r s 2 ebGG. ;rrfT2, TebtaaanF -P F F tNe �ss.a' Aeg:mexCvanFa sUq pirsTmeea���sma se+�PjT4Ns9 �� �_No OszrF7smeu ob FFs cul. °; 2F* Burg* So FF® W172,4DL Ung CoMton CoauoxT y,epr2 rasa I."' ..44e11n obr. a is t. ' � �.• Ea : doAle' �aodFio Ca►,,s,�.b�& b ,,7t� _ , 2 a . dmAD►n rgiu�e CIO.. fir• . dri6b�CaP.n. GAY ��+, V��.�s,�'E.;`,, ,. 6a� dt11:A�iti1. k'kk".fii Pry A� Ti; d�4"�c�nBYgi( &4e Qui ayrYte Ave . Hs , Amur,Ct0, 4• 4dr e? t 94), BAtlklaA'.-.e ,DepttPr & SII 0ot�;., ; : , IN, B9lis?Sit4a A•�;'..$4*�. 11.' . B9ilkQkt. kutQgxep4h o Ji` . 18.. BAX�'r�4r4 6$1ti �a44t gfi 7th St. 13a':,. B/lrnle?�.-pQrt6 CQo . �•�,,, 8th Ce ar Ste. 14 BCS$ _ YoRsaA Fgmitn�g g _ i ► s 4.., ria 4401 Ciitole4,tCq `, 'AV 9t 16s: C�7ia�tea - QQtsia pa: of 3$`. 1�0t17. a§Q F4 . 1P ; CQOb aA 3 Got � Q • r IBS., cnmmaxn�os�1�Appi'eysloe da 7�'.s bin st. 19i, Cpxlso9 39mA4* $� sg•a g0� 20i. Cbngali0Bts11 $ eotXio go 474 Bdoabel St. 2V: Crllpee 0MPP4TBros +�ey 28: Di MIM 9644• $op�,a} 8 Bayne Av®a, ZV�. Driltlw..Se1#►8:;,80 alt Goa+� `'b �fma0n St 2W, , DE6&Or; 40A , dws�COo- Flo •"s tl x 26 :. Doy�ls.r: A.j.,, P $9. ll ra s7rl1; Av S,IT J.a.B�0t►a E9i, SbbiE,�079.';dTthl�r.si$�b xr:�?.�tB .*,-,46�„�• Como-Phelen Ave. 34.- �3oaomp Limit C0 _� ets St: ” ., &41aoA, EtBot 8 _igtAre �., 1,77 University Ave. 3E:.. Fic-t-riO P ,art. X84 �d'At. 38^.. E1"exitria ���y �0,•,• ��� .;#i�ae�aat.s'.St 34.• 19LagOviio. TMetellition Oo;: g 4 8. 3�c3' 9t . 35. E]eeLrol# kta.. All. 4faaaesbe 67�dg 36Eliot 19!44t t4 pP► . 6 q stirs AvB: 37>. riulo Aee�oaz�ti, q CQ ,, ''1 h ste. 38'. Rrtxalr. �El##4 AO Ali tnse Co., �E?'1 Jeal sop ,3t. 39.Ekfya�mod► Cl er "d¢•� 624 st'• ' 44• `MU, ,a .�� r. 8 t ii 8t q,A. 893den m�xe: �I3t & Bdbet Std.' A, Gra un", , 'Cx 8d,' t PaW i 4 t €El g e� 1D8'18FY1.. 4th at*, . sig Ave. So. 46.$t. 47. Holt. John E.. Plmbg. & Heating Co.. 340 W. 7th St. 48. Home Zleotrio 80.. 161 w. 3rd at. 49. Howard. Farwell & Co.. 5th & Cedar Ste. 50. Jaoobs Furniture Co.. 8th & Cedar Ste. tTI 150PO4 �. s77zr� o e,c x.;0 roi o 0bT Iu2xo "Jno• g • 790v o0 I voy.. •tfii e b 2 WSJ 'Son. e•9�. w. eon A0118 2 f• �g gx:rton E7oas.;O',Co•' ssae Gamo't*ae� S. 9ox.tbastuirrza 00•' BS E• .asp ax» s- VOW Zoo esF 7pSt'oKA 2• .CFF T • VB ,.. bl. Kellogg -Mackay Co.. 20V 36'40 $t• 52. Kempe W. H. Electric Co., 96'5`8. Magnolia St. 53. Kolar. E. T.. Plmbg. & 8, ating.,Co.. 459 St. peter St. 54. Skank, A. J.. 142 E. 6th' t. 65. Lembert-Otterholm.,:Co...:}W.7 ;X2dic.9tt. Bldg. 56. Lambert-Simpson-M:lle". 68 E. '6th St. 57. Leonard. P. J., 501 New York Bldg. 58. MoGeary, C. 0., 157 W. 3rd St. 59. Maier, John J4, 411 3o. Webasha St. 60o Minnesota Chap4plier Co.. 369 Jackson St . 6h - Miftio te; 4A4iture Co.. 275 E. 7th St . 62. tel;. Kan Flootr a ,po.f,p 1404 Hewitt Ave. 63. 8eZ�1bn., '%ids; 392 Selby Ave. 64. Neleon, 0eoar.._1� 4�. r"4 St. 65. Nelson. E'WIC. •plmbgg do Heating Co.. 593 Ho. Snelling Ave. 66. Nienaber, L. F.. 455 Broadway. 67o'A t4if'Centrel Electrio Co., 905 Rice St. 68. North End Parnitnrp,00. Sol, co;$t. 69. Peftlee•°Eiiiot!iO Cd.•' 9.p��ynAro a St. 70. Peterson. Axel F,� 8�?;,bttr. ,Ave.,:♦ 71. r- 2'e�er Mi8I6 do . ; 4 72. Raymer Hardware•09.. ,58 R b4,h,St..; 73.':-.Roberte "John M:'Biecitfio Co;; 151 Snelling Ave. 74. St. Paul ,HOQ13e FQjitATQ Go,.. 6th ;i XXIV2"O'ta. 76 ;:.e3eltatxb 8dn °ShO ; ^109` bjdiodtt Bldg. 76. Schmidt. Anthony,, .P mbg., & $eating,;.Oo.... .594 SO., Smith Ave. 77..y.. ifltatltlmaYie > e Etdnnho Mere; ' 6th ;a WiLbasha 78. Sohweitz Furniture Co., 1082 Arcade St. 79..,.,fieteilth .St, '$osnitnre CO., 208 z. 7th St. 80. Shea, Thom. No, 455 Snelling Ave. Na. 81. Shotka, AJUI`Vh;' '$71 W. '7th 'St. 62. Shetka, Thomas. 1019 Vit.. 7th S$,. 83. 3: er Z ectkc" af., 410 Cedar St 84. Sta a Electric Co., 459 .3t. deter St. 85. . $telner. W.1 -P.. -'940 W: 7t)i St `. 86. Stein Furniture Co., 456 St. Peter St, 87.,:,tpneon Bremer Arcade, 86. Stockyards Furniture Co., So. St. Paul 89., "Thenwsl-Epgineering Ce ; 111' 2MIcott' B1 dg. 90.' bbel. Frank A.. Inc.. 1$6 So.7th.$t. 91. Yietgr larniture Co.; '14 E 8th St 92. *46t End Electric Co., 381 Michigan Ave-. 93. _ NOW, Int F"Atture"]M6bnn&'Oo.'. 1097 W. 7th St. 94. Weyand Furniture Co., 21 R. 8th $t* 95.. WlOkwdrth A. E:°; 1050 ?Qr`&hd Are. 96. Zmehle, L. H. 675 Marpret.St. eo• g��ee�oFe aF$l�;tl�:,"��� �ep��g ar 88' yidi��4hx? C Solt-pQd T4 sem��dsTC B7g H • S T�• 9pF ''� BT• sr - at �o. Baa aF� bpfi6x ar. RVTCY• ., �• y;,, x�nps• gev 11eQaorrg ac• 87 •e710@&•• o� ST. ANTHONY HILL GO]dMER. CLUB 480 Selby Avenue. Saint Paul tovember 18. 1925. The Honorable _Eseyor snit Common Counoll of The Cita Of St. Paul. Gentlemen: To the careful investor considering a location for an industry or a home. poblic service rates for power, light, gas. water and transportation are essential if not determining tactors. The proposed merger. therefIore, of the St. Paul Gas Light Company and Northern States Power Company is of vital interest to the citl- sene of at. Paul. The elimination of competition and duplication of effort by combination may of material'bonefit to the public, pro- vided the eoneumer is full 'yIprotected against future extortion by the monopoly thus created. We assume. therefore, that, before approving this merger, your honorable body will secure from the consolidated company the'neoessary pledges for the protection of our homes and industries against unreasonable and discriminatory rates. And it is in this spirit that we suggest to you careful consideration of certain protecting clauses, to be embodied in the merger agreement, in sub- stance as follows: 1. DISCBILTINATION. "The company shall not discriminate against or charge St. Paul consumers t sm is charged rshigher rates for its service,"or for gas or electric This provision is not dissimilar to the "dost Favored Nation Clause" used by diplomats in commercial treaties to pro- tect themselves against discrimination in favor of other soheming countries. 2. C0MTETITI ON WITH lCi RCHAPTS . "The company shall not engage, directly or indirectly. in the sale of electric equipment or gas appliances in competition with St. Paul merchants." 1 Public service corporations in St. Paul have not, to eny great extent, entered into competition with local merchants, but in some cities where through consolidations they have become well en- trenched, the tendency is to invade all profitable lines. 3. C014,TINGENT PROTECTION. "The City of St. Paul reserves the right to deliver to the company for public use. and for the use of private consumers. gas or electric current of standard grade fordistribuaion throughsonable thesercon- duits duits and wires of the Company P Pa y charge to be fixed by agreement or by arbitration, or as may be pro- vided by law." Should it ever become necessary for the City to protect itself. and perhaps the company, against exorbitant prices for gas or electric current furnished to it by monopolistic interests, this clause would enable the City to step in and manufacture or purchase either commodity and distribute it through the conduits of the 0ompany without loss to the letter of its legitimate service charge. Pipe lines are already performing a similar service. It is not essential to public service that transportation and distributing agencies acquire or furnish the product to be transported or dis- tributed, except as a matter of convenience and provided the common carrier or distributor act in the interest of the consumer in the purchase for him of the comodity to be distributed. 4. SLIDING SCALE OF RATES. The principle of the sliding scale, as a means of increasing volume without material increase in overhead and fixed charges, is a sound one and has enabledthe small consumer to enjoy lower rates than would be possible under a reduoed volume. This principle governs the use of electric current, water and other utilities, and in most cities applies to gas. ije believe that e- sliding scale of gas rates in St. Paul would bring gas into farther use for heating and indmetrial purposes and. perhaps. obviate the necessity of an y increase in current rates. 5. REGULATION. We would also suggest that existing provisions vesting in the City the power to regulate prices and service conditions be retained. Very respectfully, TB ST. ANTHONY HILL COMERCIAL OLL By W. A. CAMERON, President. and C. E. SCHROEDER. Secretary. CHARTER PROVISIoNs "It is hereby declared that all franchises granted by the City of St. Paul are granted for the sole purpose of providing the people of 9t. Paul withneeds_ public services. *** All franchises granted by the City of St. Paul shall define clearly and fully the specific rights grante8. *** and no grant made in general terms shall be valid. and no rivile 6 shah. be ranted by implication." Seo. 162. "Said City of St. Paul shall have the power, through the council or other proper manner, to impose other terms, conditions and restric- tions additional to those prescribed by this charter, upon the grant of any such right. privilege or franchise aforesaid." 9eo. 162. ST. PAUL DAILY 1154S Nov. , • "Mr. Lambert wanted inclusion of a provision whereby the company would agree not to engage in the sale of electrical appliances or apparatus in competition with electrical dealers in the City. He said the verbal assurance given by the company would not be sufficient to enable dealers to finance their businesses. Mayor Nelson said that as far as he knew. the dealers are satisfied with the company's verbal agreement." By G. 0. Sudhelmer. 0. B. No. 62995. An ordinanoe ooneenting to and approving the purchase by the Nor- thern States Power Company of all the common stock of the St. Paul Gas Light Company. and approving and consenting to the Northern States power Company purchasing. acquiring, owning, making use of and exercising all the property rights, privileges and franchises, and g and operating the property. works, plants using. owning, oontro111nY; ordinanoearendered tneoessaryufor athe 1preservation ofhthe ipublemergency public ce health and safety. WHEREAS, The Northern 3tates Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, has purchased all of the common stock of the St. Paul Gas Light Company, OMinnesota ceoi,dto acquire. e f.anrisall ofthe rights. privilegesand franchises. and to own. use. control and operate any or all of the property, works, planta and appliances of the said St. Paul Gas Light Company in connection with, f` and as a part of, the system, works and appliances of said Northern ? States Power Company; and WHEREAS. The said Northern States 'Power Company, under and by virtue of that certain ordinance of the City. known as Ordinance No. 2645, appro- ved Deoember 26. 1906. now operates in said City of St. Paul a plant, appliances and distributing system. and sells and distributes electricity for power, heat and light purposes; and WHEREAS. The said St. Paul Gas Light Company, under and by virtue of the terms of that certain ordinance of said City, known as Ordinance No. 2424, approved January 21, 1904, and certain franchises in said ordinance mentioned and described. operates a plant. appliances and rtwsystem, ad sells and inhabitan s ofdistributes electricity st. ofSt- Peal, end alo hsatandpoertothe maintains. power t the terms of said ordinance. a gas plant, together with andappliances, including gas mains and apparatus gas aaidd sellsCitY d dioYsStibutee gas for lighting, heating and domestic purposes Paul; and WHEREAS. Bail St. Paul Gas Light Company has certain rights in the streets of the City of St. Paul for the distribution fof steam heat, rightand the Northern States power company possesses in the streets of the City of St. Paul for the distribution of 8Bte1m heat under the provisions of Ordinance No. 2457, app roved Jane , 904; and WHEREAS. said Northern States Power Company is desirous of procuring permission from the Counoil of said City to purchase all of the common stock of said St. Paul Gas Light Company and thereby to acquire. own, of the and make nee own, use. controleandloperate any or�all ioflthe pr , property. works andto plants and appliances, and to consolidate the business and works and appliances of both of the above named companies and to operate the a.ame jointly and as one eonoern and under its sole management and control, and_said purchase of said common stock of the said St. Paul Gas Light Company by slid Northern States Power Company and the consolidation of the properties of both companies is subject to the consent of the Council of the City of S'. Paul and the Attorney General of the State of Minnesota; and i '2tm:��LL»+ b+;:i,de.+u :.�i �_isa x..e. . ,:, f x. �h'. �k,?wu. `.;`�. �'i.#Kar ,-:: n...• WHERF,AS. The said Northern States -,ower Company, under and pursuant as to the provisions of Section 172 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul. the City Clerk, an instrument filed On November 5. 1925, in the office of the fact of the sale to it of all of the common duly executed. reciting stook of said 3t. Paul Gas Light Company and thereby the acquisition of all of the rights. privileges, franchises and property of the said St. Paul Gas Light Company, accepting the terms of the franchises now Paul Gas Light Company and agreeing to perform ;z possessed by said St. of the conditions required of the grantee thereunder, and furt.bsr all has also filed a bond with the Council running to the City and conditioned to discharge. With such conditions as the Council may require, with the obligations and liabilities upon the grantee satisfaotory securities, by such franchises% now therefore THE COUNCIL ON THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOM ORDAIN: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the terms of said Ordinance No. 2645, approved December 26. 1906, and rection 19 of ordinance No. 2457. approved June 8. 2484. approved January 21. 1904, and Ordinance no. 1904, and under and by virtue of 3eotion 172 of the Charter of the City of 3t. Paul. the Council herein and hereby gives its consent to and the Northern States Tower Coo panurtheTof all approves the purchase by said the common stock of said St. Paul Gas Light Company. ani herein and hereby gives its consent and approval to said Northern States use of, and exercise any and Power Company to purchase. acquire, own, make all of the property rights. privileges and franchises, and to use, own. control and operate any or all of the property, works. plants and or in any manner consoli- appliances of said St. Paul Gas Light Company, date or pool its stock or business with that of the It. Paul Gas Light Company. Section 2. Said Northern States Power Company shall file With the of Public Utilities monthly reports. on or before the Commissioner twenty-fifth day of each month. beginning February 25th, 1926. on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, which reports shall show all of of every kind and value and all its expenses and said Company's revenues net earnings for the preceding month, properly classified in detail under three general classes, viz: Gas Department. Electric and Steam together with a report of conditions. j Department. and Misoellaneous; usually called a 'Balance Sheet, at corresponding month ends, so that the Company's whole business shall be reported; and the Council. ?"ayor. City Comptroller, or any other competent person or persons designated by the of ic shall the right examineltheUbooksiof.account},ave records and atualllor the reasonablemtimesotor vouchers of said Company. Said Northern states Power Company shall also cause to be filed with the Commissioner of I'ublio Utilities of said City. at the times hereinbd- fore provided, such similar.monthly reports of revenues and expenses By -Product Coke Company and of oonditi one at month ends, of the Minnesota as that Company shall furnish the grantee for such purpose. Said Northern States Tower Company shall also file with said Commissioner of Tublio Utilities, within two months after July let and complete detailed statement, on forms to '' January lot of each year, a be approved by said Commissioner, of all additions to the Company's -- property in the City of 9t. Paul and all retirements of property within the aix months period preceding. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservatlon of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. approval and publication and upor the filing br, the Northern States Tow ---r Company, with the City Clerk, within twenty days after the passage and publioation hereof, of an acceptance of all the terms of this ordinance, said acceptance to be approved as to form and exeeation by the Corporation Coansel. Febly 1929 To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: The undersigned merchants and business firma established in the City of 3t. Paul respectfully represent that, at the tSme of tl�e passage of =ordinance by the Council of the City of 3t. Paul consenting to the purchase by the Northern .3tates Power Company of all the common stock of the St. Iaul Gas Light Company, ani in order to induce the passage of such ordinance, the '_:orthern States -ower Company through its representatives promised the i;itf Council for the benefit of the local merchmts that it would operate the joint facilities of the merged companies for the purrose of selling and distributing gas and electricity, and wou13 "not engage, directly or indirectly. in the sale of electric equipment or gas appliances In competition with St. Paul Merch.inte." In spite of this promise the Northern States -ower CcMT)an7 has gradually invaded the local field and is r;o%r osin�- its franehis- to sell, in competition with St. Paul merchants, the fo]lowin,; anp1;r:nces: Gas tank heaters., Automatic gas water heaters, electric stoves, :lashing machines, Vacuum cleaners, neroo3ators, Toasters, .,aflle irons. electric flat irons. sleotrio oarling irons. Lleotric refrigerators. ;as incin- erators, Gas boilers, Lleetrio Room heaters, 'Iectrie water heaters. Miscellaneous table applianoea. etc. The superior faoilities for the sale and distribution of gas and electricity, acquired by the Company with its franchise, are exclusive in their nature and are not available to the St. Paul merchants. They were not intended to be used .:rid were rot used by the 3t. aul Gas Light Company to compete with merchants in other lines. The Northern States Power Company, however, is now using these facilities to sell and distribute the articles above mentioned in active competition with 3t. Paul merchants; it is employing outside salesmen and service men who are conveying the impression that the Company is giving better service and better terms than ;it. Paul merchants; it is using its list of gse and electric current users and its monthly billings in cireularizin,,z the trade, advertising these articles, promoting their sale and making collections. ,he therefore ask that your honorable body take such action as it may deem proper to protect the St. Paul merchants in their legitimate linea of business and restrict the 14orthern ;t,A es `oar Pr Company to the purposes of the exclusive franchise granted to it by your honorable body. I . Adam Bros.. 565 Sent 9t. 2. Aome Electric Co.. 1042 W. 7th at. 3. American Furniture Co.. 22 E. 7th St. 4. Anderson �,Iectric Co., 2276 Como Ave. 6. Anderson, Geo, ri.. 604 viells St. 6. Anderson, Paul, 416 Prior Ave. IJo. 7. Arlington :aectric Co.. 1001 Layne Ave. 8. Arosln. Otto H. Co.. 414 Robert St. 9. Bannon's Dept. °Store, 7th & :ainnesota. 10. Baner, s. G., Hdw.. 1107 W. 7th St. 11. Beach. Hamilton. Sales Branch of St. paul. 12. Beier, Fred A., Selby Ave. 13. Berman Sporting Goods Co.. 92 E. 7th St. 14. Borg & Powers Furniture Co.. 8th & Cedar Ste. lb. Capitol electric Co., 404 Snelling „ve. 16. Central Electric Co, of Jt: fau1. 150 E. bth St. 17. Coohren-S argent Co., 3rd & Broadway. 18. Commonwealth Appliance Co.. 78 E. 5th St. 19. Conroy, James, 246 So, prior Ave. 20. Consolidated Electric Co., 474 :iosabel St. 21. Crane Company. 5th & Broadway 22. Dahlby. Carl P. r Son. 1128 Payne ave. 23. Dahlstrom rurniture Co.. 925 Payne Ave. 24. Dale -Selby hardware Jo.. 609 ,:Selby Ave. 25. Decker, ;;dam, Hard�uare Jo.. 347 Jackson it. 26. Doyle, C. F.. 89 Iveetern Ave. So. 27. Dyer, ii, J. Bros., 23 ,,. 5th St. 28. East Side Furniture Co.. 2110 a. 7th St. 29. Eoketrom, Arthur, Plbg. & 'itg.. 852 E. Como-Phalen Ave. 30. Economy Tight Co., 412 Iminnesote. 3t. 31. Edison Electric Fixture Co.. 777 university Ave.. 32. Electric Fixture ;fart, 386 jobert St. 33. Electrio Supply Co., 376 Minnesota 3t. 34. Electrio Instrllsticn Co., 45 E. Ord It. Z5. Electrolux Inc.. 717 Commerce Bldg. 36. Elliott -Electric -)hop, IC72 Grand Ave. 37. Emporium Nereantile Co., 7th 8 Robert 3to. 36. Eureka Electric Fixture Co., 377 Jackson 3t. 39. Eureka Vacuum Cleener Bo„ 62 E. 5th St. 40. 7ifford, E. S., 321 E. 7th ')t. 41. Golden Mule. 7th & Robert 3ts. 42. Gombold. -L. T. ;zdeotrio Co.. 237 Ann St. 43. Grand Furniture Co., 30. St. Paul. 44. Kealy Plmbg. A Heating Co.. 276 ii. 4th St. 45. Hedman, J. A. Co.. 404 30e11inb Ave. So. 46. Hoeft Electric Co., 54 S. 5th 3t. 47. Holt, John Plmbg. a Heating Co., 340 1 7th It. 48. Home Electric Co., 161 W. 3rd St. 49. Howard, Farwell & Co., bth & Cedar Sts. 50. Jaoobs iurnituxo Co., 8th & Cedar ata. 51. Kellogg-Maekay Co., 267 E. 4th St. 52. %empe 4!. H. Electrio Co., 263 E. Y agnolia 3t. 53. Kolar, E. i., Plmbg. & Heating Co., 459 3t. "eter 3t. 54.-grnnk, A. J., 142 E. 6th St. 55. Lambert-Otterbolm Co., 127 Endicott Bldg., 66. Lambert-Simpeon-Mille, 65 E. 6th St. 57. Leonard, p. J., 507 Vew York Bldg, 58, Vo0eary. C. 0., 157 :1. 3rd St. 59. Maier. John J., 411 So. ;•jabasha 3t. 60. Minnesota chandelier Co.. 369 Jackson St. 61. Minnesota Furniture Co.. 275 E. 7th 3t, 62. Failligan-:leotric Co., 1404 Hewitt Ave. 63. Pelson. Andrew, 1172 Selby Ave. 64. I]elson, Oscar, 1144 arcade St. 65. Belson, Uels. Plmbg. E• Heating Co,. 593 Iio, 66. Vienaber, L. L'.. 455 Broadway, 67.North Central rilectric Co., 906 Rice St. 68. north End Furniture Co., 881 Rice St. 69. Peoples ''lectrio Co.. 961 Arcade St. 70. Peterson, Anel F., 820 Payne Ave. 71, Peyer ".Iasis Co., 64 E. 6th St. 72. Reymer Hard:+ard Co.. 58 F. 6th 4t. 73. Roberts, ,:ohn ?', 10,ctrlc Co., 151 inellinp• 74. 3t, raul limas :"!Irniture Co., 6th g D'ir.ne�etc, 75. ,3ohLiub Pen :hop, 109 -ndioott 31dr. U. Schmidt, _'nthony, "lmbl-. F r;estl.,., .o., 594 3o. ?rmlth qve, 77. 5ehunemens & rlennheimerc, 6th o Yvabashe 78. Schwietz leurniture Co., 1082 ..roade .3t. 79. Seventh 3t. urniture Co., 208 '-', 7th ,it. 80. Shea, Thee. F., 455 Snelling Ave. T.io. 01. Shetka, Adolph, 671 7th .St. 82. Shetka. Thomas, 1019 W. 7th St. 83. Singer Electric Co., 410 cedar St. 84. State Eleetrie Co., 459 3t. Peter St. 85. Steiner. ,V. F.. 940 1^;. 7th t. 86. Stein Furniture Co., 456 St. Peter ,t. 87. Stenson Co.. 154 Bremer Ircade 88. Stockyards Furniture Co.. ^o. St. Paul 89. Thermal ngineering Co., 111 4adicott Bldg. 90. Ubel. Frank A.. Inc., 126 E. 7th St. 91. Victor Furniture Co., 14 s. 8th 1t. 92, av'est end Electric Co., 381. 17iehigan _:ve. 93. west End Furniture Exchange Co., 1097 7i. 7th '?t. 94. Weyand Furniture Co., 21 E. 8th St. 95. F,ickworth. . 1050 Grand .ve. 96. "achls, L. 3. 875 L:argaret it. SAINTPAULASSOCIATION St. Paul, Minneeota ;larch 15, 1929. Col. Geo. U. Lambert, 420 Guardian Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Colonel Lambert; Verifying our conversation of today, the meeting of the speoisl committee regarding the sale of electrical appliances by the Northern :.hates Power Company will be held Monday noon, March 18th, at the Athletic Club. You will be called 'tlonday morning. a Yours very truly, I'll. C. JON33 WCJ :FJ Secretary Sub -Division of Retail Promotion. Maroh 19. 1929. Northern 3tatea Power Co., 6th & Cedar 3t.. 3t. Paul, Wnn. Attention, Fr. Garrett 0. House, t'anaeer. Dear Nr. Hoare: At a meeting of a special Committee of the It. Paul Association of Commerce. yesterday. I wts requested to take ap with you the subject of a remonstrance to the City Council signed by 96 business houses in :,t. Paul complainirrg that, in spite of an oral understanding had at the time of the merger. the Vorthern states ^ower Company has gradually invaded the local field and is now selling in competition with dt. Paul merchants such articles as gas tank heaters. automatic gas water heaters. electric stoves, washing machines. vaeaam cleaners. percolators. toasters, waffle irons, electric flat irons, electric oarling irons, electric refrigerators. gas incinerators. gas boilers., electric room heaters, electric water heaters. table appliances. eto. It is understood that the Company has taken on these lines as load builders; but it was thought that some means mi ht be found which would permit your Company to continue buil3ing up Its load and yet not invade the lines of local merchants. 1 am therofore withholding the presentation of this petition to the Council pending a conference with you which I hope may result in an understanding satisfactory to ell concerned. IIndly let me kno-' lien it will be convenient for You to confer in this matter. incere17 yours, ,eo. C. ?.arrbert. cc to ss. C. Jones Lr. >Impson. NORTHERN STATES FUvf-WR COITAHY Byllesby Engineering & Management Corporation Engineers and Managers Chicago -New York st. Paul, mann. April b. 1989. Colonel George C. Lambert. 419 Guardian Life Building. Saint Paul. 111nnesota. Dear Colonel Lambert: Agreeable to your wish. expressed in our telephone conversation this morning, I will meet with you at your office on nem ldonday afternoon. April eighth, at two o'clock. to discuss questions referred to in your letter of WELwoh nineteenth. Very truly yours, HORTHERE S 3 AT;S POWER COPMANY, By G. O. House GOH-H @tanager. April 9. 1929. Mr. G. 0. House. G; Northern States power Co.. St. paul. Tann. Dear Mr. House; As promised. I enolose copy of the petition to the council and of the list of the ninety- six business houses subscribing to the same. Mr. Ordway oalled me up this afternoon and requested that his name be eliminated from the petition. Sincerely yours. GCL:MAB Geo. o. Lambert. 0 m The Honorable at. Paul city OOUU0110 St. Paul.- kixmeoot& Gentlemen$ At & meeting of the members Of the St' psn, Real Bgtots Board he38 tO1117"i WedneS(Laq* October 210t, a motion prevaileil opposing any orclinanes which may be passeA by your Honorable 2 ordinance � L 0 Om3gl dt iojvith the grmtiug c f & frau- ody u which .ohise to the Northern.5tatils Power GOmpsJV does'not Jno3nde a 6% gross flamingo tax on eleotri&# gas and steam service rendered by the oompa3Wo Very tru3y 70=8* C". iueoutive Searets-17 HG*F ?r - J ST. PAUL REAL ESTATE BOARD.'INC. 720 GrARD- BXTIX-DING DIRECTORS ST, p -NEBOTA.. JOHN L. BARNES OFFICERS WILLIAM D. CLAPP RONALD I V. POW&S. FLETCHER G. DRISCOLL WILLIAM S. KING, Vt.. L.AGILSERT JOHN A. LAGERMAN H. 0. MATTHEWS. -a- PAUL G. MAURER ROY W. MORITZ, A C. MAXFIELD H. F. GOODRICH. : RJ. ROTHSCHILD,L. J. SULLWOLD. DONALD W. TAYLOR October 210 1931 The Honorable at. Paul city OOUU0110 St. Paul.- kixmeoot& Gentlemen$ At & meeting of the members Of the St' psn, Real Bgtots Board he38 tO1117"i WedneS(Laq* October 210t, a motion prevaileil opposing any orclinanes which may be passeA by your Honorable 2 ordinance � L 0 Om3gl dt iojvith the grmtiug c f & frau- ody u which .ohise to the Northern.5tatils Power GOmpsJV does'not Jno3nde a 6% gross flamingo tax on eleotri&# gas and steam service rendered by the oompa3Wo Very tru3y 70=8* C". iueoutive Searets-17 HG*F ?r - October 26th. 1931. lir. Maurice Y. Stofferc 483 Indioott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs Tour letter addressed to the MWr and the City C0un011 suggssting that a provision be inserted In the franchises of the Northern States Power Compemy to the effe0t that books, records, aft. of the grantee be opened for inspection to such officer of the City or sash praoticing Certified Public Accountant as the Conmoil may direct, was read to the Counoil at its meeting held today and we were in- structed to'advise yon that under the proposed franchisee and the City Chartaro the City Couptroller has access to the books of the Company at all times and that the Comptroller has a Certified Public Accountant and other q$alified ac000atants In his office. Yours very .truly$ City Clerk. l Yr. R, T. Goodrich, Secretary, St. Paul Real Estate ?card, Inc.., 720 Guardian Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Hr. Goodrioht Your letter on behalf of the St. Paul Beal Estate Board, Inc. urging the continu nco of a: gross earnings tax in connection with the proposed. franchise of the Northern States Power Company was read to the City Council at its meeting held today. Thur ordered the commmnication Placed on file and will be pleased to consider your remu st in connection with this matter. Yours very truly, city clerk. i Y "St. Paul Minn. Aug, I3tn. I9.3L Mr. L.L.Anderson. City.Attorney, St. Paul. Dear gir. I am ;writing you in regard to the new franchise With the Northern 6tatee P9wer Co.which you ndiw have under. consideration Thetpreeent franchise appears to have no provision in regard to the kind of electric Current tYilet the power Co.would .be required to furnishi tha --As Direct or Alterna$ing current.° I lost,a fifteen year lease'amounting to-gver a hundred thousand dollars because the -.no states power covn6fused to furnleh direct.. electric:ou'rrent.to run the heavy printing 9Xesaee used by the party who waq about'` -to lease the building.'The printing Co said it wda impoesible to run their heavy presses With alternating ourrent.This was a building on Tenth�$t. near Robert. Z took i the'matter up with Mr.Oneil then city attorneyAAand ft Rohno - land. them CoQ[Y of Public utilities and was and .that there was e - i provision in the franchise to compel the pourer co. to furnish any ape- provision cific kind of current, with the result that I lost my leaser. I am -not writing this letter in any spirit ofetaliaiion but I #} beleive�'tliat no property owner 'who. is~paying hea�g taxes should have his t , idle. 'because the northern states pt7aver co. did rio ;want to go' the'small expanse nedeaeary'to supply the kind.oi'pow^srRne®dee. I'auld ask.for the protection of all property owners of the city tYat a Clause ba put 1n the°new franchAse to compel the,pour .co:,heTe furnish whatever kind of power the property owners require4l; anyw 4,4 in the city would k+k of st.paui., xhe_,gr'estex part of my building stili stands vacant.:"d I, like to Bee the franchise so written that„property owners waE?uuld'get the protection -t OY are untitled to. I ;am ready to come before 'the Council 4r ,any, committee of the same that'wou14 have this franchise before ik�'and give any;�further 1 information that may be. desired.`. Youyyr-s Trul . inns `1866 Summit Ave. St.Pau i is Deipartmeai of Law CITY OR ST. PAUL _ LEWIS L. ANDERSON eowrowwnon eouns.L wumrwwr di*onwsr. - --- - - LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J' PLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIEB August 14th, 1931. Yr. Y. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Urs - I submit to you for conveyance to the Council a letter received by me today relative to the franchise with the Northern States Power Company• I would suggest that you 0911 this to the attention of the Council when it first meets informally for the purpose of discussing the franchise ordinances. Yours very truly, e a4wz�� Corporation Counsel. LLA -U O eL�e Desi Etta commerrial Club of Saint Paul, filinmota 829 WEST SEVENTH ST., COR. ERIE September 12 1931. The Honorable Mayor and City Council, St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - in connection with the discussion of the proposed new franchise of the Northern States Power Company,at the West End commercial Club,the following Preamble and resolution were adopted:- NTHEREAS,the Northern States Power Company is now engaged in the sale of all forms of electric and gas appliances and,by so doing, enterainto unfair competition with local dealers, be it RESOLVED that we condemn this practice and request that provision be made in the proposed franchise prohibiting the Northern States Power Company from directly or indirectly engaging in the sale of such appliances." Respectfully, WEST D OMMERCIAL CL '� i ✓1 f By /Secret !J F S t f --s s a w v+� S i Ill i ¢ i 's - 1 it + -- i" 1 . I, s +Eli ^} :, -;•, `'� S 3 CITY 0- SAINT PAUL 1 S ' p i \ OOM ILED FROM R l.OlIDS OF :1'111 1'l.I7uc i K 11 CHANGES SUGGESTED BY CENTRAL COUNCIL OF DISTRICT CLUBS. STEAM Section 1. -- Amended. That subject to the conditions, terms, imitations, reservations and requirements hereinafter contained, there is hereby granted to the Northern -States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the grantee, for a period of five (5) years from and after January 1st, 19322 as hereinafter provided, the right, privilege, and authority to enter upon those certain streets, bridges, parks, alleys and publicgrounds as are set out section two hereof, all within the corporate limits of the city of`St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a system of pipes, subways and.man-holes, with all necessary appurtenances for carrying on the business; of conveying steam to consumers for all purposes; provided however that such system of pipes and other appurtenances shall be so 'located as in no way to interfere with the safety .and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets, bridges, parks, alleys and public grounds, and so as not to interfere with other uses to which said City of St. Paulshall put said streets, alleys -or public grounds, and provided that said grantee in the installation and maintainenoe thereof shall be subject to suoh regulations as may be imposed by the -.Council from time to time by. ordinance or resolution.` (Whenever and/or wherever in the City of St. Paul public work or city construction of any kind is being carried out and it becomes necessary to remove temporary or permanently any or all structures, appurtenances and/or appliances_of the grantee, the grantee shall bear the total expense of removal and-.replaoement, the grantor shall give notice in writing at least ten days to the grant as before removal is required and for every day delay caused by neglect of grantee to comply with said notice in writing the grantee shall pay to the City of St. Paul. two hundred_ (teoo.00) dollars per day as damages for such delay. Should grantee neglect to start to.remove obstruction the City shall start the work and the grantee shall pay the cost of such work and all damages added.) Section 2. Amended by adding — The City of St. Pau1,,Minnesota ereby -r r7es the right for all time to the restriction and use of any street, alley and public grounds even though they. may be named and/or designated by map or otherwise in this Ordinance. Section 3. The rights and privileges granted by this ordinance are neither exclusive nor irrevocable. Section h. -- Amended to read as follows - id grantee shall at a 1 times during the term of this fraachiaefurnish and supply steam to all customers without unlawful.d-tsorimination, and at rates not to exceed seventy (70) cents per 1000 lbs. of condensation as measured through meter at the building to be heated or at the point Of service. Rates to be charged for the use of said steam to different types of users shall be determined by the amount of steam used by said different tYoe, of users. The amount of steam used shall be ascertained by meters,and'the City of St. Paul shalt have the right to Section 4. (Continued) -- provide for the inspection and test of meters and the repair or replacement thereof, if inaccurate, and the grantee shall pay the cost thereof. The Council hereby reserves the right to prescribe extensions of the service, the action of the Council in order- Ing extensions to be by resolution. Said Grantee shall at all times during the term of this franchise use and exert every effort to continuously furnish an ample supply of steam to all its patrons along its entire system and all enlarge- ments and extensions thereof.. There may be a minimum charge of 75¢ per month. There shall be a discount on-all total bills rendered of 10% if paid within ten days after bill is rendered. Section --,Amended - The City Council of the City of S Pau eserves for all time its right to regulate and fix rates to be charged for said service. Section 6. No change. Section 7. -- Amended. It is hereby specifically provided that the grantee shall not base any capitilization or collect any profits upon the value of this franchise, it being the intent hereof to restrict the grantee to a return upon its tangible property in use within the City of St. Paul. Section S. -- No change. Section 9. No change. Section 10. -- Amended by adding -- No sale or lease of the franchise and privileges granted by this ordinance shall be effective until approved by the City Council by a five-sevenths affirmative vote of all the members elect and an affirmative majority vote of all the qualified electors of the City of St. Paul,, voting at a general election. All conditions of any transfer of this franchise shall be published in a daily paper of general circulation and established at least one (1) year in St. Paul,.Minnesota, prior to said election and publication; this publication shall begin and/or start at. least thirty (30) days before said election and shall continue for eight days, beginning on Sunday and ending on the Sunday following. No transfer shall be considered legal otherwise. Section 11. — by addinthewing shall the City ofended St. Paul, Minnesota, be o restricted by anys of the foregoing conditions, but shall have at all times the free use of all the constructed things as aforesaid_and.shall not be compelled to pay for such privilege in any way what- soever. The City of St. Paul reserves this right during the term of this franchise. Section 12. -- No change. Section 13. -- Amended. The grantee of this franchise shall pay to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, annually, not later than March first of each year a license fee equal to five (50 per cent of the gross earnings of the grantee in the City of St. Paul, for the year previous. Section 1:4. -- This franchise is subject to the conditions THat the rates charged by the grantee in the City of St. Pagl, Minnesota, shall not be in excess of seventy (70) cents per 1000 lbs. of condensation measured at the point of service through a proper meter for such service. There shall be a discount of ten (10%) per cent allowed on all total bills rendered on meter measure only if bill is paid within ten days diter correct is rendered. Sections 15 to 21 inclusive -- no change. M The Grantee in consideration of this franchise covenant and agree that during the term hereof, it will not engage, directly or indirectly, or in any manner participate in, the manufacture, lease or sale of any chattel, article or commodity (except those "4 which are owned and used by the Grantee in the manufacture, sale or distribution of its---electpricty---gas--steam ); and the Grantees further covenant and agree that no officer, agent or employee of said Grantee shall in any manner engage in, or participate, directly or indirectly, in the manufacture, lease o sale of any such chattel, article or commodity, while employed by the Grantee or any subdiidiary thereof. The Grantors shall have the right by suitable ordinance to provide penalties for the violation of tris agreement, or may at their election forfeit this franchise for h repeated violation thereof; and provided further that each separate sale, manufacture or lease shall be deemed a separate violation of this agreement. To The Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 3entlembn: Referring to the proposal submitted by the City council on October 16th to the Northern States Power com- pany suggesting amendments to the franchise ordinances now before the Council, which amendments the Counoii de- sires to include in these ordinances as a further consid- eration for the elimination of the five per cent gross earnings tax: The proposal's, are in substance: a. 1 provision which will give the Oity'the right to determine whether natural gas, manufactured gas, or a mixture of natural and manufactured W, shall be supplied by the Company b, An amendment to each franchise ordinance to �. the effect that the City may, at any time during 1932 and again in 1942, by a five - sevenths vote of the Council, order an �{ evaluation of the Companyls properties, for which the company is to pay not more � 2: than $75,000, the evaluation to be used for rate -making. At the same time the franchises are to provide that rates shall not be greater than in Minneapolis. c. A reduction of five per cent in all rates, in- oluding gas and steam as well as electricity. The power company already has agreed to a five per cent reduction in electric rates if the franchise ordinances in their pesent form are passed by the Council and adopted by the electors of the City. a. The Company suggests the following oluase with respect to the City's control of the kind of gas sup- plied by the Company, which provision would be acceptable to the Company: "The City shall have the power by or- dinance to prescribe the heating value, quality and purity of either manufactured, natural or mix- ed gas to be supplied by the Grantee." If this amendment to the gas franchise is adopted, Section 13 of the gas franchise ordinance should be amended so as to read as follows: "Seotion 13. This franchise is subject to the condition that the rates to be charged by the Grantee in the City of St.paul shall not be in ezr oess of those charged for similar classes of service 3• by the corresponding public service corporation in the City of Minneapolis, taking into considera- tion any difference in the prescribed heating value of the gas supplied in the two oities.9 Inasmuch as the City has the power under this clause to prescribe the heating value, it automatically is given the powerto fix a heating value which would have to be supplied by a natural or mixed gas. The Com- pany does not approve of a clause providing that the City may preeoribe "the kind of gas, either manufactured, natural or mixed, to be supplied by the Grantee," for the reason that such a clause might tie the Company's hands in making fair and provident contracts with sup- pliers of natural or mixed gas which would work to the detriment of citizens of St.Pau1. The Company should have a reasonably free hand to negotiate fair and reason- able contracts for the purchase of natural or mixed gas, and the City Is amply protected by the proposal of the Company that by ordinance it may prescribe the heating value of gas to be supplied by the Company. b. The Company cannot agree to pay any sum to- ward the expense of evaluating the property of the Com- pany during the life of the franchises. The City has at all times the right to make such evaluations at its own expense. o. The Company cannot agree to reduce gas rates or steam rates. The gas and steam business is un- profitable even under the present rates. Yours truly, NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, By President. RFP -H To The Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Referring to the three ordinances now before the Council granting franohisse to the Northern States Power Company: The Northern. States Power Company begs to make the following alternative proposal that the three franchise ordinances retain the five per cent gross earnings tax upon the following conditions: 1. That the provision in each franchise re- quiring that the rates adopted in St.Psul should not exceed those charged for simi- lar services in the City of Minneapolis be eliminated. 2. That there shall be no reduction in electric rate schedules. The justification for this is Indicated in our letter ofrii 24 f4� Ap . 1 931, V ,f 2. addressed to the Mayor, the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and the Corporation Coun- eel. 3. That the gas rate be increased to the sum of one dollar net per thousand cubic feet and that the present minimum bill of twenty-five cents net per.month be increased to one dollar net per month, and that an ordinance establish- ing the aforesaid gas rate be passed by the Council effective January 1, 1932• Only upon the above conditions will it be pos- sible for the Oompany to accept any of the three franchises as in this proposal the three services are treated as a unit. Very truly yours, NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, `ay !MK President. RFP -H COunell -File No. 90463 At -ordinance granting the Xorthern-States Power Gompany a Pranch ise Approved Sept. 18, 1931. 7MIRZTRIC. SECT. 1,. That subject to the conditions limitations vr �*Ot kons and requirements hereinafter contained, tber�Is hereby Xted to the rorthern-States Power Company, &,,corporation organized under the lwvs of Amended the State of Minnesota.its successors and assigns,and hereinafter referred to as the grantee,for a period of five ,�."iears from and after January lot. 1932, as hereinafter provided,the right, ptivilege and authority to enter upmn use and occupy all those certain streets, al leys,bridges parks and public grounds shown upon the map which to bereWattached and made a part hereof, tbD same as if said streets,alleys, bridges,parks and public grounds were specifically named in this section, all within the corporatelimits of the City of St.Paul,1nnnssg, for the purpose of erect ing, laying, constructing, installing maintAjni�-,, i qperating posts.poles, wires conduits. subiays . pipes, man -holes, service boxes9cables, conductors and all other necessary appurtenances used in conducting, distributing and supplying electric energy for public and private use, and for the purpose of conducting said electric energy to and through said City; provided , however, that such electric service appliances shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets and alleys, and so as not to Interfere with other uses to which the City of. St.Paul shall put said streets, alleys or public grounds; and provided that said grantee,in the installation and 'meintenanos thereof, shall be subject to sucikregulations as shall be imposed by the City Council from time to time by ordihanee or resolution. "rhenever and/or wherever in the City of St.Paul,publio work and/or 'Te natruotion of any kind is being carried on for said City and it becomes necessary to remove, either temporary or permanently any part or all of structures and/or appliances that obstructs the progress of the altv construction d -the obstruction is caused by the property and appliances of the grantee, the city through its proper officers shall notify the grantee in writing at once and the grantee shall use every diligence to remove the obstruction,and for every day over ten days I from date of notice in writing the grantee shall pay to the city of St.Paul. twobundred($200.00) dollarB,as damages caused by grantee, should the grantee neglect to start removal of obstruction within the ten days limit, the city shall make the removal and charge the cost to the grantee In addition to the twohundred dollars damages. The grantee shall bear the total cost of removal and replacement in every case and all damages for neglect on thair part. SECT. Z. The rights and privileges granted'to said grantee by this ordinance are neither exclusive nor Irrevocable. The Standard Resodential Litrhting rate shall be as follows. First 3O Ka". I+ours per month 5 cents per K --.Hour Text 30 K id. Hours per month 4 cents per Y1". hour Excess L,". Hours per month 3 cents per K -i'-'. Hour Minimum obarge 75 cents net per mouth. There shall be no count or chargo. There shall be a discount of 10 per cent on all total bills allowed for the prompt pavment of bills not later than ten days after bill is rendered. All bills shall be for meter measured ouantities only. The Standard Commercial rate shall be as follows, Pirst b0 K -Al. Hours per month 5 cents per K,". uour. Ne%t 100 Kms'. Hours per month 4 cents per K--. Hour. Fscess - K -r. Hours per month 3.4 cents per Kr. Hour. t4lnimum charge one (x$1.00 ) dollar per month. There shall be a discount of 10 per cent on all total bills allowed for the prompt payment of bills not later than ten days after bill is rendered. All bills shall be for meter measured eTuantities only. CLASSIFICATION= Commercial and industrial customers. AVAILABILITY. Available for lighting, incidental use of appliances used on lighting circuits and motors totaling not more than one horse -power in capacity. General Power Rate Classification: "" Commercial and industrial Availability: General power purposes. Rate: First 50 hrs. use per month of maximum demand @ 5 tL per K.W.H. Next 100 hrs. use per month of maximum demand @ 2.50 per K.W.H. ' Excess hours use per month of maximum demand @ 1.80 per K.W.H. Determination of demand: Installations under 5 h.p. of connected load: If load consists of single unit- 85% of connected load. If load e6nsists of several units,= 75% of,connected load. Minimum demand 85% of 1 h,p. of connected load. Installations of 5 h.p. or more of connected load: Maximum demand measured, 15 -minute interval, monthly. Quantity Discounts: 0% on first $50.00 of monthly gross bill 10,% on next 50.00 of monthly gross bill ;20°% on neat 50.00 of monthly gross bill 30% on next 50.00 of monthly gross bill 40on nextsr,, o5O.,XOt f mgnthly.'.,gbbss bill 25p on excess of monthly gross bill. Prompt Payment: 10% for payment of bill within 15 days from date thereof. Minimum Charge: Based on rated capacity of connected load. $1.00 net per month per h®i�se-power for the first, 10 H.P. .75 net per month per horse -power for the next 20 H.P. $$ .50 net per month per horse -power for the excess H.P. No minimum less than $1.00 net per month. Amended ELI CTR3C section Sect. 3. Said grantee shall at all times during the terms of this franchise furnish and supply electric energy to all customers without unlawful discrimination, and at maximum rates Pal ot t� ex five �� Wts r hour for shall, be and/or omestio service and shall be by meter readings only, room charge,no meter charge or any charge only the quantity of electric energy used as measured by meter. / The grantee shall furnish and connect meters without cost to p customers and bear all expense of repair of same and keep meters in accurate i\ condition at all times. The council hereby reserves the right to prescribe extensions of the ebrvice.thei.aot1fbhtbf the' 068 m6Alta'ordering: g3--1 11 ons"to'be :ty resol on. Said grantee shall at all times during' the terms of this franchise use and exert every ^ effort to continuously Tarnish an ample supply of electricity ,Rffto all its patrons along its entire system and all enlargements and extensions Lt thereof. 611 ear There shall be a discount allowed on all gross bills of not less y than ten (10% ) per cent of the gross bill, for the prompt payment of bill within/ ten days after bill is rendered. ))) Section 4 The City Council and the qualified electors of the City of ST.Paul. Amended. TAinnesota, hereby reserves the right for all time to regulate and fix rates to be charged for said electric service. pr ovided ways that rates fixed shall not exceed five (5 ) cents per R 'T hour for any service. er bill There shall be a discount of at least ten(10� p allowed for all classes of service for the prompt within utrin tan days after ' bill is rendered. All bills shall be on mete easured quare see only. '&ECTIU�1'�•+ I Section 5 The..coon 1mro 'thi,m I hacebY i'8t�g tib ta-da ar''.: +/v" �•�Y�—ry _ ',mlg0.the Socktri°-'Oraudnei6eQtlnO 3F Section 6 It is specifically provided that the grantee shall not base any Amended. capitalization or collect any profitsuaedoforhotherue of than the sfranchise supplying and/or on the value of any property of electricity, a and stgam; it being the intent hereof to restrict the grantee n p.���L to anreturn upon is tangible property in use within St.Paul and not used for other b- �t p es than supplying eleatriaitg.gas and steam. yRFr �!i Section 7 lQb 4at66a or, bro8 ...o w5' 1. ,4 undar ih�r ttaaonfee enall beoap0bd ' utwa,.ttneetped jgereme4 'of land. No c +.load lasde tpttthe yteabta0 ot"R41S trap �� � � I:�S �e�ibatlh6e s 11 nert'r�ubaboa th/a ir�ano�Liie 3t ¢aY -iekn ba a,.gLen dg50 e�tY uabd fqa the Ubnosafrla9 .. s- , rttsnaL�7goo be n7adettofr 0„tekm'4t Year�a, i Section 9 No sale or lease of the franchise and privileges granted by this ordinanbe Amended. shall be effective untill approved by the city council by a five -sevenths affirmative vote of all the members elect; and a; affirmative majorit;?rVote of all the qualiied electors of the a of St.Paul voting at a general election,. A11 conditions of any transfer of this franchise shall So- published 3n a daily paper of general circulation and established at least one( 1 ) year in St.Paul,btinnesota,prior to said publication,this publication shall begin attd/or start at least thirty(30 ) days before said election and shall continue for eight days,begining on sunday and ending on the sunday following. No transfer shall be considered legal otherwise. Section 10 This'franohise and all things constructed hereunder or used in Amended. oonnbotion herewith,other than rolling stock and power,shall be subject to common use by any other grantee or assignee of any other franchise, when there shall be necessity therefor upon payment'or tender of compensation for such use. The question of necessity, compensation and all other questions relating thereto shall be judicial questions, but no judicial proceeding shall suspend or postpone such ,n the.bers �{fQ�,��c o tion desiring such use shall deposit in the court n a im�narylraV determine. In no case V the City of St.Paul,minnesot8, be restricted by any of the foregoing conditions , but shall have at all times the free use of all the constructed things as Aforesaid and shall not be compelled to pay for such privilege in any way . The city of St.Paul reserves this right during the term of this franchise. Section 11. 4WG{ Section 12. The grantee shall pay to the City of St.Psul ,Minnesota, annually Amended not later than March first of each year, SC 'license fee equal to five ( 5 ) per cent of the gross earnings of the grantee in the City of St.Paul, for the year previous. SEC. 13 This franchise is subject to the conditions that the rates charged by the grantee in the city of St.Paul shall not be in excess of Apended flve�(5) cents per K'4. hour for all classes of electric energy service and all Schoolsq Public BuildinCs and offices shall -'be grouped as one --- unit and shall be rated as such in'.the bill for electric service Section 19 / 7 Section J. Seation 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after dwended. its passage, publication ; its approvalw,.by a majority vote of all the qualified electors of said city voting at a regular election, when said voters will decide the rejection or approval of this ordinance and the acceptance thereof as provided by the Charter of the City of St.paul. ELECTRIC - -- --- , SECTION Said grantee shall r rve for the Section 14. cluslve use of the Cit* the upper arm of all poles or masts erected o owned by It in said City and o e dull11ach and ult n r hereafter a ected or In- talled. a d said ¢ran tee shall at the nuest f the City by reolutlon. oro - of Ide for Section 15 1 ivf vi �' all neces dry tri Heine elt wires as may be desired for use NO Oleg mHat� 1 es Jnr ctinwith the Police nnd;or fete te'hB 1qt' fire alarm se -vice of the City upon the all Its Id Doled Section 16 �''t(ome�•• eicepL 'p �bulrlrlpbloLer Hoer a of fists, and provide the labor n spry to null such Tres teroueh said duets for the use o[ said city in nnectlon with Its Douce d/or fire alarm r verve �610d thea 1 e and knout cost to ItProvided. however. ever, that the a Id erantec may Section NtfCfoff HHb]ed,make of tha C use of the P.M... f said Poles, the ,17 vgr fists co ndults r er ed for e ofthe Clty until such time as the City I. Wh neverire to dir direct by sthe sCC oncile by N solution, theBran tee shall set and set uP Poles for the Installation of Section ls. rrll ehts a without cost to said City but R^Id ol shall remain the Property of the cHrnncee. Section 19 / 7 Section J. Seation 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after dwended. its passage, publication ; its approvalw,.by a majority vote of all the qualified electors of said city voting at a regular election, when said voters will decide the rejection or approval of this ordinance and the acceptance thereof as provided by the Charter of the City of St.paul. Section 16. Seotion ,17. Section 18. Section 19 x Section 2 Seotion 21. This ordinance shall+ take effect and be in force from and after dmendea. its passage, publication its approval -,,by a majority vote of all the qualified electors of said city voting at a regular election, when said voters will decide the rejection or approval of this ordinance and the acceptance thereof as provided by the Charter of the City of St.paul. Amended. section I That subject to the conditions, terms, limitations, ranteatioothand e requirements hereinafter containedg there is hereby gr Northern-states Power 0ompany, a corporation organized ander the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as the ft,, January 1st. 1932. granteo, for a period of five � 5 i`years from and a as thereinafter provided, the right ,privilege and authority to enter upon those costa: certain streets,bridges, parka, alleys and public grounds as are .,set out section two hereof, all within the Corporate limits of the City of St. Pani, minnesota for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and ,operating a system of pipes , subways and man-holes, with all necessary appurtenances for carrying on the business of conveying steam to consumers for all purposes; provided however that such system of pipes and other appurtenances shall be so located as in no way t0 interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets.bridges,parks alleys and public grounds,and so as not to interfere with other uses to which said city of St.Paul shall put said streets,alleys or public grounda,and provided that said grantee in the installation and maintainance thereof shallbe subject to suceregulations as maybe imposed by the council from time to time by ordinance or.resoltio ion kinder ais/beinor g carried our in tland S of St,Panl public work or city construction of any or all structures It becomes necessary :to remove temporary or permanentltany dutee shall bear the total appurtenances and/or appliances of the grantee ,the gr expense of removal and replacement* the' grantor shall give notice in writing at least ten days to the grantee before removal is required and for every day delay caused by neglect of grantee to comply with said'notice in writing ,the grantee shall Pay to the-city ofSt,Panl twohundred ( 200.00 ) dollars ae Acral, damages for such delay, Should grantee neglect to start to remove obstruction the city shall start the work and the grantee shall pay the cost of suoh work Vis{ .0 damages added e .+ Section 2 Amendment The City of St.Yaul, L?innesota hereby reserves the right for all time to the restriction and use of any street,alley and public grounds even though they may be named and/or designated by map or aotherwise in this ordinance. /anted by this ordinance are neither Section 3. The rights and privileges gr exclusive nor irrevocable. geotion4.Said grantee shall at all times during the term of this franchise Amended to furnish and supply steam to all customers without unlawful disoriminattono read as lbliews. and at rates not to exceed seventy (70 cents per 1000 lbs. of conduction as measured through meter at the building to be heate4 or at the point.of service. Batas to be charged for the use of said steam to different types of users shalob a determers.The amountthe of unt of steam used by said different types stem used shall be ascertained by meters and the City of St.paul shall have the right to provide for the inspection and test of meters and the repair or replacement thereof. if inaourate,(and the grantee shall pay the cost thereof. The Council hereby reserves the rirht_to prescribe extensions of the service, the action of the Council !n ordering extensions to be by resolution. Said Granteo shall at all times during the term of this franchise use and exert ever,)k effort to eovtiatiDusly fuz^tish an ample_supply of steam to all its patrons along --__-- duAre _system and all enlarggents anfl extensions t.� bore f. - i ' There shall be a discount ona&li�'tiota bi is Qered of 1 ,`\` if paid within .ten days after bill to rendered. Steam Seotbon 5. The city council of the city of Maul reserves for all time its Amended right to regulate and fix rates to be charged for said service. Section 9., �I for. aha beet 1at'ereete of the. City 0.I: Ssotion 0. No sale or lease of the franchise and privileges granted by this �ended ordinance shall be effective untill approved by the city council it by a five -sevenths affirmative vote of all the members elect and an affirmative majority vote of all the qualified electors of the city 'fit of 9t.Paul, voting at a gonera!'election. All conditions of. 9118 transfer of this franchise shall be published in a daily paper of U general circulation and established at least one (1) year in St,Paul, Minnesota.Prior to.said election and publication; this publication shall begin and/or start at least thirty (30) days before said election and shall continue for eight days, beginhiRg on stmdey and ending on the Sunday following. No transfer shall be considered legal otherwise i a stC _ N So ti n 6 NP�t:tpe„ldedtion xNC �ua011 ai the tits oPHsinc Paul: hai4lsY 1'ea0rvea tlie.,�ttRht to dOWrmla of all Ot'eat d Byatetn DOand-aDDu:tenanoeq ae are-. atec,,,_ e, 1 de0crihCd in -Section .Y heroof.T Section 7 nded tlgg,,antee G tri ..•-"""'�"'� RECTION It Is hereby - eDec]Hca11Y Drovl�ad Yhat the,—grantee shalt sot bea0 any caDltaHzation or: collecC aay proflta 1 uDon_Eh0 Value of thfe Lran�IIiae tC ba ing the intent here C to re8trlct the to atFr.�W.iMa.r tutgf VDOn its 2angthie P_ pyerty to u 0 'wltIIin� the Cltyn 9G PatiL' Section 8 .. BEL'T30N 8 , No-,`charg6a ari DroIIta Ot khe Brantee+l a�der LhigwHnin iramenfr] of f Lld s X701 Section 9., �I for. aha beet 1at'ereete of the. City 0.I: Ssotion 0. No sale or lease of the franchise and privileges granted by this �ended ordinance shall be effective untill approved by the city council it by a five -sevenths affirmative vote of all the members elect and an affirmative majority vote of all the qualified electors of the city 'fit of 9t.Paul, voting at a gonera!'election. All conditions of. 9118 transfer of this franchise shall be published in a daily paper of U general circulation and established at least one (1) year in St,Paul, Minnesota.Prior to.said election and publication; this publication shall begin and/or start at least thirty (30) days before said election and shall continue for eight days, beginhiRg on stmdey and ending on the Sunday following. No transfer shall be considered legal otherwise i a r ji Steam z� 960.11. In no case shall the Oity of Bt.Fsha, 1Binneaota, be restricted by say of the foregoing conditions,'but shall have at all times the free be use Amended by adding 'sk of all the constructed things as aforesaid any and shall not ever to this section S compelled to pay for 'such privilege in any way whatso ever. after the word i The City of St.paul reserves this right during the term of determine'in the this franchise. last line i SECTION 19' �� � The grnotee ¢heli 81e, `dnnual7Y on f _ -Defoxe the 9rei.biondnsi'ot �Dne s <he offioe p{ the �ltyh� EW ksi to by ���v) neat P77Y, rr� xD,Oin Sec. 13. The grantee of this franchise shall pay to the''City ep leensel, t'innesota, annually, not later than 5laroh first of each year a license fee equal amended per cent of thb;gross earnings of the grantee in the city to five of St.psul, for the year previous . that the s charged by the conditions Sec. 14, This franchise is subject ct.Paul�hall not be in excess of severity (70) cents grantee in oiint.of service through a per 1000.1ba.of condsation measured at the p proper meter for such service• r cent allowed on sll total There Shall be a discount of ten ( 1p'bill,ia paid within ten days / bills rendered on meter measure only after correct is rendered -�{{*' Section 1. That subject to conditions,terms, limitations,reservations and requireme = Amended hereinafter oontained,there is hereby granted to the Northern-States Power Company,& corporation organized under the leas, of the State of Minnesota I' its successors and assignsg hereinafter referred to aethe Grsntee,Por a period of five W years from and after January lot. 1932, as hereinafter provided, the right,privilege and authority to enter upon, use and occupy all those.oertain`streets,bridges,parks and public grounds` were each specifically named in this section, all within the corporate l limits of the city of St.Paul,ginnesota,-for the purpose of erecting laying ?y constructing, installing, maintainning and operating gas mains and all other necessary appurtenances used 'in conducting.distributing and. Supplying gas for public and private use and for the purpose of,:conduating said gas to and tbrough said City; provided'however,that said gas mains and gas service appliances shall be so located as in no way to interfere with the safety and oonvenienceof ordinary travel along anover said streets and publie grounds, and so as not to interfere with other:uses 1( to which therQity of.St.Paul shall put said streets and public grouhds= and provided that said Grantee,in the installation and maintetauce thereof, shall be subject tosuchregulations ss-may be imposed by the Council from time to time by; ordinance or resolution. �( whenever and/or wherever in the City of St.Paul public work or.eity X construction of any kind is being carried out and becomes necessary to remove,temporary or permanently any or all structures ,appurtenances and_/or appliances of the.Grantee,the Grantee shall bear the total TTOke of remetal add replacement `tbi *,graabor shall gloms notles in writing t, least' ;tel+ days, to the. grantee before -remoeel Is required and for evory day sassed by n@glent.of $rents@ te.00mply with acid notiee in writing ,the ey 4 se::@bai} Psy to tbs city otst.Eaul twshundred.($W0.00,) dollars isr Any a, snob deiaq,Sbould.grantde negieot to start -to remove obstrastion i iW1 start the irork.awd the grantee shall par the goat of suoh work � � A add". k seeti2 The rights and privileges granted to said Grantee by this ordinance are neither on exclusive rior irrevocable. 1 Section 3, Said grantee shall at all times during the term of this franchise furnish and Ameuded supply gas to all oustomers without unla*ful di'soriminition�and at:a-Maximlm y rate of ( 8 o:at) eighty cents per-1000"-cubio feet of''gas measure8 by meter only, The,grantee shall aV all times keep the meters it,. aedAdttien: so an aoev1*6b meaauredlblit oan be tskbnIM* "grantee ehisl at all :times pay the cost or metes inspection and repair .Y) Sao.3, The City Council is hereliy authorized 'and reserves the right to order a�+►c the said grantee to extend the'gas mains at least three miles in any one year, 'bot if'necdssity requires .this shall he extended, the action of the Co3ncil in ordering extensions`to°be by resolution. -- Said`g�antee shall at all tildes during the.,`term�of'this franphise use and exert every effort tp continually farfiish an #Mple supply of gas to all its patrons along its entire system and all enlargements and extensions thereof. There shall be furnished by the grantee to i°ts patrons a uniform grade of gas and it shall have the highest quality obtainable without ,.- extra cost to the patrons,the heating quality may be tested by the City ' from time to time as necessity requires and the patrons demand. The grantee shall pay the cost of all tests. Sectin 4 There shall be a discount of ten per cent on all total bills for Ip classes of servioe for the prompt payment ,;,within ten drys after bill is rendered. TblW ohYAe l �sraatod x45 eat`to.: dltla the fanne iha{�th¢ $' tee 9ha11 'The�ConnalLaG e64 Ct� of 9aftit , fPdm '�a>tt tmrgderva p n, oas .. ` -„� YB�WeY8�7-rbeOrVes lbe}r Rht'ta de ����� Ybotl!_ brong byD c s [e a e'igratlan pY�eY.alab r{ r 1 4 �, xm p an'd4 aaF71auoeA yXeeopad. iue�Sp pp,�q;°out a prte, �ratno �rmny 'fIles�'�thltf era. - il.n O sept, tlf.R. tsn$fb'Y,f�D, ft�'�, `Iptptlns. necUafli 1th the' ee sten s3) ano the, i Mohli � d ' Fr8nahfYb ` M 81 yb + d b7 tW 1 / RralttQr a �r q7Q uchg / real�$RR844� fuApGzSB �� riles NhalY' / r BECTSON 8 a: i ber'1l,4y`v{}tu"-,.v{.pe�lrl Bald Yq� pD1�� �p� W i ABYtQ 9v `-y. th6 nRt�anr4rK'tltl114t 'a y eEcma B d'9 sit"_ apse tti4vRlue o! falpeeycafit �` - Na ep�o. or,lebe'Q�S �'ae and# fnR tkhe 1pt$st he !e !a."rEtltrlatr O Allvile i}rAYI,� IaanCe {, AA RYaB 4ef t,4 a ratnrb n f i shall Doo ec 0. d Dy the ,..rt iayRlble yrgegrty�V.td vee WJ �{hYCo nail er 'bQlrp7atly1. vnpe of'; e au �ibn to e1Rat. mrra - Iessikna'.i�i 1, �arr.},a' Pnoh.. aaprQvp�, eh,:b�loe q!_the CItY,�, ems. SFA. 10 This franchise and all things constructed hereunder or used in Amended connection berowith.otber than rolling stook and power,ehall be Supplement subject to comma use by any other grantee or assignee of any other franchise, whoa there shall be neoesWWy therefor upon paymsat or tender of compensation for such use.Tbe question ofr' necessity, compensation and all other questions relating thereto shall be judicial gaestiona.but no judicial proceeding shall suspeal or postpone each use ifthe pere n e rngratio i . h use shall dopcsite in the Oour e ro imi°x� determine,(ln no case shall the'Oity of St.Paul.Minneaota.be restricted by any of the foregoing coaditione.but shall have at all times the free use .of all the constructed things as aforsaid and chsll not be compelled to pay for such privilege in any way The City of ST.Paul reserves this right during the term of this frauohise,1 SectionSa. ;The i grantee shall pay to dmaded �Z not later than, harsh f! five ( b% ) per cent of pity of st.Pau1, " for tl Section OM /3 this 'franchise Is sdbjoe 6lasnded Obarged, by be antes esaesse of pp tint Measured at ,M snob service. rr•.==;Ta;. t r,`oity of st.Pan1, Minnesota. annually 1 of eath\$sar 'a license fee equal to / �k .a eiiltlAge of the grantee in the roar t to t conditions that the rates£! In. t1 dity Of 3t.Pan1 shall net be oentspsr' 1000 lbs. of soudensetion P'se,1oI* threngh a proper motor ff I.¢RIOINAL TO CITT CLERK PRESENTS COMMISSI RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO.80466 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _J:;OD�NCILy1POLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'REAS there has been proposed an ordinance, Council File No.fjihZ entitled "An ordinance granting to the Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to occupy and use certain streets, allefgs, bridges, parks and public grounds within the cor- porate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting and supplying electricity for all -purposes.° RESOLVED That the said proposed ordinance be published in full once in the St. Paul Review, the official publica- tion of the City, and that said publication be mad.esslSA 19th day of Septe=bslj"1V8T.` -T rdipanp¢Q118Se HHB b¢@R�ron¢Eeq:e, I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ___In favor Pearce �Rosen ---------------Against -"Sudheimer /Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council—_ EP—d-0_1sFt'�19-- I Approv _-----_-19-- MAYOR COUNCIL 90467 ORIGINAL TO CRY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE F CITY CLERK NC L ES TION—GENERAL FORM ? PRESENTED 6Y DAT COMMISSIONER RESOLVED M1EREA8 there has been proposed an ordinance, Council File No.jaf,64entitled S "An ordinance granting to the Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to occupy and use certain streets, alleys and public grounds within the corporate limits of the Qity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting and supplying steam to consumers for all purposes." RESOLVED that said proposed Ordinance be pub- lished in full once in the St. Paul Review, the official publication of the City of St. Paul, and that said publication be made on Saturday, the 19th day of September, 1931., COUNCILMEN Yeas /. Nays Conroy May McDonald ---------------- In favor ..____... Pearce _. _. Oc. � oxen -- ---------`°`gainst Sudheimer Alt. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_-SE-P-.Lt---�'�&19_-- Apptov .----- ------ -------'----19-- MAYOR 0 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO. M8 } /�FFICE OF CITY CLERK /�.UNCHL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7qmwldr�n� RESOLVED WHEREAS there has been proposed an ordinance, Council Pile No.9o46Sentitled 2 � I "An Ordinance granting to the Northern States Power Company, a oorporat�on organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to occupy and use certain streets, bridges, parks and public grounds within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes." RESOLVED that said proposed ordinance be pub- lished in full once in the St. Paul Review, the official publication of the City, and that said publication be made on Saturday, the 19th day oI�»wxo�e of September, 1931. F rio awes- sr a doar'.zr COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I/ Conroy �J May I( /McDonald ----------- ---- l. _ ____.In favor /Pearce -- /Rosen ___ . __�. Against - Sudheimer /Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council --p I.8 -W19 -- Approve --19_-- - _ - .. ,-. % MAYOR i COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ITY F ST. FILE NO. --90469 FI CITY K CO 1 O ON—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER ATF SEPT. 16Tfi-191. RESOLVED W=3131, Donald B. Hurray is Secretary of the National Auditorium Manager's Association and Is scheduled to describe'in detail the plane of the new Annex to the St. Paul Anditorivid and for.the remodelling of the present building, be it- :Resolved, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Donald D. Murray, Auditorium Manager, not to o"Ised the sum of Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars out of the Auditorium Miscellaneous fund No. 17 - A — 7 for defraying his expenses to be incurred while attending the Auditorium Managers' Association Meeting at Chicago, Illinois September 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1951. Opp COUNCILMEN cca �yp��ppg� Yeas ✓ Nays Adopted by the Council._________—.__�.�..�V..__ Conroy SEP { May SCf McDonald _.—•.__.In favor Approved ___..__.._._ _______________19______ /Pearce / ' a+ osen ----Against ---'-- MAYOR AS eimer Mr. President Bundlie COUNCIL 90470 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.�----�- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ?��ION—GENERAL FORM t.L� SSE AT PRESENTED RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME TITLE HOURS 0�i E H. P. Adams Electrician 16 1.12, Edward Brown Electrician 16 1.122 J.C.Jorgenson Electrician 12 1.12, Melvin Krause Electriciants Helper 32 .52 J.E.114ullen Electrician COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _._- __....In favor Pearce Rosen . 4�1--:Against -- Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council-_-_--_ JCr---19___ 9 Approve l _ _-_..... —19-_-_ MAYOR • (Attu of OIL ?P=t Department of farho, 111uggrounbo GEORGE L. NASON. S_ or PMR5 sub puhlir Utbtugo ERNEST W. JOHNSON. S..r. or P-1-..... CLYDE R. MAY. COMMISSIONER CHAS. A. BASSFORD, LOUIS J. BARTSCHER. Deport/ C.......0... CQTr AR—IT.cT Osrlc. or C........... 218 CITY HALL 'MMO8 September 17, 1931 To the Honorarle Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Electrical work. This emergency arose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstances, Preparing lights and necessary wiring for pageant at Nighland Park, held Sept. 3 and 4. Yours very truly, ACx��7' ssioner. M FORTOF�AINTpAUL 11 Gateway totile Greet Northwest RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO n.e OF E OF CITY CLERK XgdNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM Whereas, The Mayor's Committee on traffic sig- nals has recommended in its report that .the four corner type traffic signal be used in the future, and Whereas, The Department of Public Utilities has submitted estimates on installation of necessary conduits in advance of paving for proposed four corner type traffic sig- nals at various intersections affected by improvements now in progress, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the nec- essary conduits for said four corner type traffic signals to be installed by city forces at the locations below listed at a total cost not to exceed $874.41, and that the said cost shall be charged to the project known as the improving and widening of Seventh Street and to be financed as part of said project, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. Eighth and Robert Eighth and Minnesota Eighth and Cedar Eighth and Wabasha Ninth and St. Peter Ninth and Franklin COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ Clancy,< . i :. Fergueoa;, - MCDgAald In favor �.� Ruhland;,e Sudheimer Against Wenzel^ 3: ,/Mr. President!Iigdgws:�a Adopted by theCound! QCC 10 1" 19- 114R. Approve 19 "_- �J1iLl:rllEli e DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 72 COUNCIL (J COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._________ __-- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION �7___' _•MCDOiNALD IN FAVOR September 16 31 MAY AUDITED CLAIMS p _---19--- PEARCE PEARL ___AGAINST RESOLVROSENED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUGHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5-----2- - s }`--. COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE CHECKS NUMBERED--- tFI7 ______� INCLUSIVE. AS $_ Gi�113C_ PER CHECKS ON FILE I OF COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BYTHE CI�—___ CITY OM PTROLL[R \' "• i 1_ TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 21565 ij Cleland -Hughes Motor Cpm any 21566 11 John H. McDonald, 0. of in. 21567 11 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21568 j! John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.',. 21569 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.; 215710 , John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.i 21571 it John Brastad 21572 Central Electric Company 81573 it Commonwealth Electric Company 21574 j' Thomas Talsh 2157 1 Erwin Ross 21576 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21577 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 21578 A.ASohenbrenner 21579 S. Berglund Company 21580 1 John Burns 21581 11 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 21582 I' Ernest R. Johneon 21583 j James F. Ka.in, Cashier Water Department 21584 I Frank Leitner 21585 Paul Leko 21586 J. quinlan 21587 I A. Runge 21588 '1 J.L. Shiely pompany 21589 1,1 C.S. Stewart, Supt. 21590 The Marrin Foundry, Inc. 21591 1' Midwest Chemical Company 21592 John Millner 2159 National Lead Company 215954 1, Northern Pump Company 21596 I. Northern States Power Company N.w. School Supply Company I 21597 II Osgood -Blodgett Company 21598 Professional & Technical Pree 21599 Rand McNally & Company 21600 Real Ice Cream Company 21601 St.Paul Coffee Company 21602 St.Paul Eleotro Plating works 21603 St.Paul Stamp works 21604 St,Paul structural s teel on 21605 ! Salisbury Ice Company -_ 21606 Satin Soap Company 21607 J.L. Shiely Comp 21608 Silver -Burdett Company 21609 Singer Sewing Machine Company 216io 1 Solo -Horton Brueh Company 216,13. Stookland Equipment Sales 00. 21612 1 Frederick A. Stokes Company 21613 I� Straw Products Chemical Comps 21614 II P.D. Sullivan 21615Superior Refining Company 616 21 j Surety Rubber Company 21617 l; Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 68216 4 426 05 11 393 72 SS 00 185 28 232!05 1 05056 4 000 740 04 156 00 269 50 59 i 80 13100 1 132 80 67 20 100 80 21 6X00 66 51 39 50 225 00 84 7 X84 7441607 205 14 265 loo 15 90 90 1 419 60 17 p0 462 �io 36 o `271 1 1 512. 0 6Z 9 2 0 2 12 230 0 42 XO a96 :7 3 I rI � • pt` 1 ,� 3 I `;� I �, �_ I 1 ij I � i 3 � S� I '• I• � � E �♦ I � I. I s. � � f a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 72 COUNCIL (J COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._________ __-- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION �7___' _•MCDOiNALD IN FAVOR September 16 31 MAY AUDITED CLAIMS p _---19--- PEARCE PEARL ___AGAINST RESOLVROSENED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUGHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5-----2- - s }`--. COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE CHECKS NUMBERED--- tFI7 ______� INCLUSIVE. AS $_ Gi�113C_ PER CHECKS ON FILE I OF COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BYTHE CI�—___ CITY OM PTROLL[R \' "• i 1_ TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 21565 ij Cleland -Hughes Motor Cpm any 21566 11 John H. McDonald, 0. of in. 21567 11 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21568 j! John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.',. 21569 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.; 215710 , John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.i 21571 it John Brastad 21572 Central Electric Company 81573 it Commonwealth Electric Company 21574 j' Thomas Talsh 2157 1 Erwin Ross 21576 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21577 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 21578 A.ASohenbrenner 21579 S. Berglund Company 21580 1 John Burns 21581 11 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 21582 I' Ernest R. Johneon 21583 j James F. Ka.in, Cashier Water Department 21584 I Frank Leitner 21585 Paul Leko 21586 J. quinlan 21587 I A. Runge 21588 '1 J.L. Shiely pompany 21589 1,1 C.S. Stewart, Supt. 21590 The Marrin Foundry, Inc. 21591 1' Midwest Chemical Company 21592 John Millner 2159 National Lead Company 215954 1, Northern Pump Company 21596 I. Northern States Power Company N.w. School Supply Company I 21597 II Osgood -Blodgett Company 21598 Professional & Technical Pree 21599 Rand McNally & Company 21600 Real Ice Cream Company 21601 St.Paul Coffee Company 21602 St.Paul Eleotro Plating works 21603 St.Paul Stamp works 21604 St,Paul structural s teel on 21605 ! Salisbury Ice Company -_ 21606 Satin Soap Company 21607 J.L. Shiely Comp 21608 Silver -Burdett Company 21609 Singer Sewing Machine Company 216io 1 Solo -Horton Brueh Company 216,13. Stookland Equipment Sales 00. 21612 1 Frederick A. Stokes Company 21613 I� Straw Products Chemical Comps 21614 II P.D. Sullivan 21615Superior Refining Company 616 21 j Surety Rubber Company 21617 l; Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 2 68216 4 426 05 11 393 72 SS 00 185 28 232!05 1 05056 4 000 740 04 156 00 269 50 59 i 80 13100 1 132 80 67 20 100 80 21 6X00 66 51 39 50 225 00 84 7 X84 7441607 205 14 265 loo 15 90 90 1 419 60 17 p0 462 �io 36 o `271 1 1 512. 0 6Z 9 2 0 2 12 230 0 42 XO a96 :7 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL W-4-73- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL ! - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No. _C- -1 COUNCILMEN—ROLL L COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROY tember 18 MAY -- D AUDITED CLAIMS ---------- MeDONA PEARCE ROSEN ------ D__AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, COVERING SUDHEIMFR TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_�4q#;V !R. 'RE.. UNDLI. �76,982-54 CHECKS NUMBER TO--ag-ft4� INCLUSIVE, AS FF1 COMPTROLLER. PER CHECKS ON I ADOPTED Sy_T�COUNCIL -------------------------------- 19 APPROVE ------- .... ITY COMPTROLLER .PP - ----------- ---- ------- - -- BY-___ - -- - - -- ------------- ------------ AYOR TOTAL DATE v CHECKETURNED IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 1! TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK M CHECK BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 2111 13 r 5 000 0( � 36 14 ic afts' Northern states Cont. ComPanj • Fin. 21619 �! John H.. McDonald 0. of 21620�j John H. McDonald: C. of Fin. 14 45 1 53 7 ,1 2162111 Twin City Brick Company I 21622! Typewriter Sales Association' 7013 236 216 union Brass & Metal Mfg.Co. Service j1 19 2169 Universal Library 473 8 2162 J.C. Vander BIG Company 320 0 21622 J.C. Vander BIG Company 2162711 Velvet Mfg. Oompany 11 Villaume Box & Lumber Companj 35217 1; 21728 11 21629 !1 Bureau or municipal Besearohi 50 0 2163011 City of st.paul, Minn. 207 9 1! 2163111 Carl P. Herbert Company 250 0 0( i! 2163211 Joyce Insurance 137 60 0( 2163Z11 Raymond P. Favleoka 11 2163 11 Int. Assoc. of ?.works Offiolals 1 5 Oc "2 59 21635 j1 Mrs. H. Mitch 2163611 kame construction Company 4 27 11( 2163711 Geremia Lametti 216-,58 St.Paul Cement Works 705 0( 4;09 001 216*"' h Jv3hn Sandquiat Stone Company 979 0 Standard 100 0 21641 Thornton Brothers Company Pavljoek 2 21642 Jolt. 148 110 21tZ I jos. Pavljoek Oil Company 9140 1 21 Standard 21645 1 Claus C. Clausen i . - 2 1 I 216W � U.J. Hartigan lo6407 ii 21647 11 S. Brand Coal Company 5 i! 2164811 Theo. T. Belle Company 11 216W Mrs. Jennie T. Jennings 42 7 ! 'i 2165011 The Koehler—Hinrichs Company 10 0 21651 11 Miss Louise Markert I 2 21652! St.Paul Real Estate Board 21654 !1 Standard Oil Company a 4225 Standard Oil Company 6 072 2165 1 1 1 2165 Sterling Printing Company i( 11 Tbouton Motor Company 994 o 21652 21657 1 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Comp 240 1 4 ill 21658 1! Tri—State Tel. & Telg&. Compa Villaume Box & Lumber Compan;j a 69 3 21659 42 2 21R911 Warren Webster Company 4 o 21661 O.B. Webb & company :1 12 4 21662 11 M. I. Welch 21663 white Eagle Oil Corporation 14 7 261 i: 21664 White Fuel & Ice Company Company i 1 279 6 it 21665 John 0. Winston 21666 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin e i II(This warrant drawn to canoel I outstanding warrants as Per 11 attaohe& list) 50f I,_ SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD RDINANCE' COUNCIL FILE NO vA .�:�i��.:.-,cam: ORDINANCE NO._: September 18th, 1931. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs Attached please find petition in the matter of rescuing Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, St. Catherine's Park Second Addition, together with letter from Reece J.. McGee requesting that petition be amended to read "Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, St. Catherine's Park, Second Addition, ex- cept the south 60 feet of said lots". This amendment was accepted by the Council today and the matter referred to you for the proper ordinance. CLARENCE A. STORMS ChkFO,rk•R,sIW.".. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council. - -------------- _193.___.__ Yeas. Nays. r CONROY MAY McDONALD ✓ PEARCE ✓ ROSEN / VSUDHEIMER MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) City council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: In re: Re -zoning of Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, St. Katherine's Park Second Addition In compliance with the statements made before the Council on September 16 in reference to the above matter, and with the request of Pair. Bremer, Mr. Bremer hereby requests that said petition be amended so that instead of re -zoning the en- tire two lots said request be for the re -zoning of ,Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, St. Katherine's Park, Second Addition, except the south 60 feet of said lots." This would eliminate any chance or possibility of a flat building or other type of building not authorized in a Class A district from being erected on that unoccupied portion of said fot, said portion being a plot 80 feet in depth'by 60 feet in width, facing on Cretin Avenue. The portion to be re -zoned would be the north 66.4 feet, or a plot 80 feet on Scheffel Avenue, and 66.4 feet on Cretin Avenue, and now occupied by the building. Very tru y yours, ROW: IS '�1�;�C1T11t�i t ��:; 9FiGLD SEi' 16 4 2954Pit 1931 ,�1�J, cicucV�,ciTy ot�Rg. These two lots face Scheffer St. The house faces Cretin Ave. and it sets crosswise of the lots. To chane this zoning not only legalizes the present structure which has one a)a.rtment in the attic, three on the second floor, three on the first floor and one in the basement and three rooms to rent, but it also makes it possible for the owner to construct a large apartment building on the rear 72 ft. facingon Cretin Ave. or two buildings similar to the one already erected of slightly less width. It was moved by Mr.Rothschild, seconded by Mr. House and carried that as no evidence had been presented since the matter .. was previously before the Board indicating a changed condition, that the Board reinterate their former stand, which was made to the Council January 29th, 1931. The Board is of the opinion that this is not an apartment house district. It is essentially a single family home district, and we recommend that the petit to rezonebe denied. S eptember 4th 193i — ma r e Secretary BOARD OF ZONING. Isaac Summerfield, Chairman Louis Betz G. 0. House Ryland Rothschild C. A. Bassford Mrs. W. D. Villars August 25, 1931. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have re -checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning: Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, St. Catherine's Park 2nd Addition, at southeast corner of Scheffer Street and Cretin Avenue from "A" Residence to "C" Residence District, and find that same is sufficient. Very truly ,yours, Commissioner of Finance. rl A , 3rd. &app. u Yeas Nays; Yeas Nays �onroyj May � roy May ��il Donald ;. McDonald Pearce /Rosen / Rosen Sudheimer ✓, Sudheime '�Mr. Pres. Bundlie - Mr. Pres. Bur'' 4. 777 st.'Paui, Minn.. To the Honorable, ... The ;City Council,; _ c 4Y ,of ;V-,',-,,Nbtary"�ic, Ramsey County >�1Y Commission expires M� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK~�J coy �PSENTED ABY Q C MISSIONEI� COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO FICE OF TYCLERKc F 2tlo aQ47s ax a c audll' �y1 Bq Jtedueai /7 f/ "T9hereae QUI Jarvtar7Sa9 yet L OIV G Q^ ERAL FOFC U°f�`-torw.ii NhI_I.0dl to WHEREAS, Paul Jarvis has petitioned the Council for per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1895 Hudson Road; and WHEREAS, Said Paul Jarvis has submitted.a blueprint- Of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, eta. for the information of the Oouncil; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to -Paul Jarvis to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; anyILeviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the._permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public im- provements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works.. t 1 ' COUNCILMEN yea, Nays Conroy McDonald ------ _---- _In favor _20"� Rosen ___!� .__•Against ,�ydl+�i,oer Mr. Vice, Pres. Sudheimer Adopted by the Council-___3Fp-- SEP 21 21 RAl --- - - - --- — t i A.W20M. __. MAYOR POST CARD NOTICE! OPFICE'OF'THF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Q. P...] M;— Sept. 5, 1-91 Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of ...... ................ ................-..-.-.-.-.-.P..-.a-.-.u. ..l-.-.Jarvis arvi.s ---- -----– . - ..... .... .. . ----..--.-.-.............. -..-,-.-.--.-.-. -. NW qpr ofHudson o erect d install a filling station on the .. _ toad de Hazel Ave.--lOtB-3--...4. . I ------G, gudson .... ----.- - will come up for cctrksideration before the Council in the GvW164toF-hffmbtr'- 7. in the City Hall and Court House Building on the of S.Q.pt.eMbar ....... IU.-, at 10 o'clock A. ,L,jili, m McDONALD, Commissioner of Finance. TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAULTH�PGLAPPLLCAAT�)LED TO C -�A--. R - TR �-A- NF LED IN TITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ILER S OFFICE. Application For License 9(k7 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE -- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made _-.__._._.____-_.19 -------- ---- --------- - ------------- ------ -- ---- - ---------- -- - -------------- oY.______ -- --------------------- ----- --- (NAME IF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) ------- - -------- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A-- ----- -- (-O-Riw-LN--0-R-'-jN--S?-DE -G-A--R-A--G-"-""-GE') ----------------------- - -- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 8 LOC/K/ - ----- ------------ -- ---- ----- ALSO DESCRIBED AS -- ----- -------- - - -IAt;DIT.-- NO, OF PUMPS NO. OF GAS TANKS CAPACITY OF EACH TANK__________ __ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE, ---- ----- ------------------ - ------------- 19 ------- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFET BY------ - --------------------- ------ -- k ---------------- BY--- ------- ------ ------------------------------------------- - ------- �1­14ESS ADDRESS. RECEIVED CO L DATE_____ = --- - - ---- CITY PLANNING 13 ]R - By Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, S Sint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Paul Jarvis for permission to instal a gasoline filling station at 1895 Hudson Road, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. 4ery���"� Commissioner of Public Safety (biiu of Saint Paul Department of VubUr *afet!) TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET O W EN C. DUNN. THOMAS A. BROWN FIRE CHI" CHIEF OF POLICE GEORGFI. C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER JOSEPH A•MACAULAY. B. F. SIMON. M. D. SIEGEL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPT. POLICE B FIRE ALARM HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. September 4, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, S Sint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Paul Jarvis for permission to instal a gasoline filling station at 1895 Hudson Road, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. 4ery���"� Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 4, 1931 Mr. George C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs Referring to yours of September 1 regarding application made by Paul Jarvis, for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on lots 3 and 4, Block 6, Hudson Road Gardens, which is also described as 1896 Hudson Road: I have today made an inspection of this location and do not find that the proposed station will interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, q 04M H. N. eettergren superintendent of Traffic APp MM: Thomas A. Brame Chief of Police File 0 9-3-31 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Sept.3rd,1931. Hon.Geo.O.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public °afety. St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Paul Jarvis for permission to install a drive-in gasoline station at 1996 Hudson Road. We have investigated tUe foregoing and report that cation wpuld such an the warrant nincrease rejection on these grounds. Re'sspjeotfullq yours, 4� 1�wv,-1� 91Qr. Fire Peevention Bureau. ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ \tL�- Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE___�LSCL!-S!_ ._____Q"- - __ __-____7 9 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUN L OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY------------------- — ------------------ Lr___�-__-`t--Y-------------- --------- (NAME OF FIRM O D IDUAL) AT 1� FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OF A.__ _____ __ _ __ ' 1'OflIV IN"OR 'INSIDE OARAOi')� AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT--------- ----- BLOCK -------- —___ _ _------------- I_50 DEBCRIBm AS.__� �l__� _____ __ _ _ _ (AD�ITI�O.Np.)](� (6T EET AND NUMBER) /) NO. OF PUMPS. __-_--_ YAC-__ ____-_. NO. OF GAS TANKS__ _---- _ ------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK___ - ^J G/. FILER }' BY____________ ______ _____________ ________—_------------ — ..._______ BuslnefiB ADDREB . • RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE.. ________ _ ____ _—__ --___--_—,.18_.__.. DATE___-___________._— ------ —______IB_--__-: .. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD COUNCIL n 6 ORIOINALTO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. `'fin OFFt OF CLERK O SOL —GENERAL FORM yy��ygyqESENTED BY A-�g Sevtember 17 1931 _ COMMISSIONS - - RESOLVED applications have been made by persons That licenses for which I I named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury Of the required fee. C edvem The AesolBean ee ° yet o q', hare. rtebed 1 et ba+and th nain9a':on the,Aartte0 add�the tity dame drd herd yr 0 :QT to iesUB . t �ht�� olork„Is tnetroe y�yment Into' ]] treadUr d th Ijgq bvnell 8891+'21 1991 `, Ad99 . 1 4991 ADDrovdd (BeDty _ S 2 , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounnL__=-9--1--- Conroy _ ^EP 2q _ APP J - - 5-.- ---_-_ McDonald :In favor Rosen _.-__.. _ .Ehga'msC - tum r,,u Stwlleeleier MT. pre0deffe Ball' - Mr. Vice Pros. SuanelmOr Christ Averbeck J. B. Hedden Mrs. Celia Jannetto Mrs. Harry McGee J. McNerney Geo. S. Mikacevich gak#enal-Tea-Ger Andrew Noonan Geo. A. Ostedt & Edw Norton Mrs. B. Rohweder John Chalkis John Clarisio Cool Drug Co Mrs. Ilma S. Ermatinger H. H. Hiland J. J. Kohn J. McNerney Geo. Mazotes Fred Merrill A. A. Scott Gus Siedow Geo. W. Smith H. S. Cohn A. J. Reich State Leon Co. Inc. Max Salute F. W. Wilcox pablix N. W. Theatre Inc September 17, 1931®V/6 575 Farrington Av. 1511 Randolph St. 425 Upper Levee 1093 Payne Av. 473 St. Peter St. 979 Randolph St. 1669-8elb5-Av� 322 N. St. Albans 946 Payne Av. 1035 Charles St. 493 Wabasha St. 421 last 7th St. 382 St. Peter St. 337 St. Peter St. 468 N. Lexington Av. _173 W. 6th St. 473 St. Peter St. 29 W. Exchange St. 467 St. Peter St. 62 W. 7th St. 54 E. 4th St. 44� W. 4th St. 467 Wabasha St 233 Hamm Bldg. 214 Hamm Bldg. 824 - 26 E 7th St 532 Endicott Bldg 449 Wabasha St Grocery n n Bakery Confectionery Grocery n Bakery Confectionery Restaurant n n n , n n n n U u n Hotel - 42 rooms Salary loan n n n n 2nd hand auto parts Oil burning equipment Motion picture theatre ORIGINAL TO crrr cLenKCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NaiL NO. ----90477 4eza��F: COMMISSIONESentamber 17, 1931 111HEREAS, applications have been made to operate auto cars for hire upon the streets of the city of St. Paul as follows: Name Make Motor No. State -License Insurance Co. Policy No. .Glenn Barkley Hadson 454788 B-325-052 Great American Indemnity 261088 M. J. Ellsworth Chevrolet 492500 B-49705 ^ It " 261108 Loretta Got- ald Buick 2322404 - " " ^ 261135 Mrs. JosieC. Peterson Nash 293840 B-75-980 " " " 261120 Mrs. Josie C. Peterson Nash 290422 B-13-616 ^ ^ ^ 261105 Rocco Peterfeso Buick 1766641 B-351-935 Anchor Insurance A.C. 4181) Private Livery ) WEEREAS, applicants in accordance with ordinance No.7321 have filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be issued to said applicants to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. All of the above applications are for renewalrof licenses > a, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays :. Conroy Ad" 1 McDonald _/__/_-_In favor ----- -- - DoE sZa °~ -----Against - �r. YC93� JUQtIdlKt7.f.Y SEP 21 19;1 Adopted by the Council___:__ IrpR App /� - -9--- ORIGINAL TO CITY. CLERK CITY OF ST: PAUL F.ILENCIL NO. S OFFI F"C Y U CLERK O OL1 GENERAL FORM PRESEF��TEDBY ' CO.QN�5IANER HATE Sent pmbl:r 17j Ipm WHEREAS, applications for licenses have been.wade as follows; D. A. Pfaff, 376 Maria Av. Grocery Appl. 1965 Florence MacGoon 183 E. Fairfield Av.. Confectionery Appl. 1980 R. H. Langhoff 599 N. Dale St. Confectionery Appl. 2011 WHEREAS, said applications for licenses have been withdrawn; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that "the "proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to D. A. Pfaff the fee of $10.00 and cancel said grocery application; and to refund to Florence MacGoon the fee of $1.0.00 and to cancel said confectionery appli- cation; and to refund to R. H. Langhoff the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said confectionery application. O 7' No;-`89fTB-13f';4 C A`n �IelMgr—:�: . ^�'axn dhhllbattnha r Ileeaeea; ,i�avo been o ek a tblloY-j + D ,A Pta48 ��,r CiYoeprpi t 87oYeneb 3itR1`61o0ti'fi 1 8 �.� iY�frIIe�d' _ d9fl.S1.'bnYoo'Ho4i>lit,��y� 19g�' �• $ 3anRho 699 r Daae ✓jt.i Con � _ teotlnnbry A•ubL $011. k Wbpereea Bald h`Dpplfratlhila 'So1F. j('' cbBnit a LkLe beet] Svitb�'rawaT ihere><orP, 'IItenblYeil that xhq-p ben,altir oE[T-5 Dora ha and the sara!:5Y anthOrlaRfl ;o dr retnnd;Yq D � Pt4tkt�e fgoot;3U 00 - - _ aanencAl•,_eaid IarO>;etyY avagbatlonl:� and to rb[und to �pr440a. DtaCQtion hn: teb. pf-f1q:00 and tb Nahbek eafd,:bon;ec+; tioae adD]!carton xel?tt to yoritnd,lxo: - R•'ll+�h9tt �B Yee of Bk090.and Yn` A80P}ad.4yntp eLo+oun 1LseQtp i�xasi; ADpryved £lent al :3981 n .. COUNCILMEN SEP 21 1��+ CI" Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_— Conroy D Wald _ In favor /gyp SFP — — - `— ,— Rosen-..... _, __ --Against — S4tlfteitltex - MAYO R Mt-. V� ire;. �uit3�ieimet'' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENCIL No. gm OFF C.4TY CLERK ,Y �. OLU ENERAL FORM *'/PRESENTED BY $gptember 17 1931 COMMISSIONER— ._DATE , RESCd V -M WHEREAS, applications for licenses have been made.as follows: National Tea Co. 1669 Selby Av. Grocery Application 2382 Quality Oils Co. :No. Robert St. Confectionery Application 1840 MMREAS, the Bureau of Health recommends denial of said applications for licenses; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereb7 authorized to refund to the National Tea Co. the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said grocery application; and to refund to Quality Oils Co. the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said confectionery application. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓Nays Conroy McDonald ___________In favor /'Pee�ae Against Mr. Vice Pres. Sudhaimar 11 Adopted by the Council. -..-'EP 2101 --19 -- SZP It Iffil 11112 121021 employment being more than usual hourS'_ofyem Z!en;, 11eres v .. 1..wti...«1 snA *n -m ment for the°extra time hereinafter set NAMETITZB SUIiDAY RI9�UZAR RA' RIA vaoey Barrett Moron aboerer 8 Eeorge, .DnprA..a of Zangevin B . a 8 his": ►toe"Zeroux U .laborer' E3►, Feorge.Leroux MaMnt.labprer. 8 „•,. 'im;C. McCarthy8 foam Z. io1[anna UtTr Ist, aper x � ` •• , [ertia IPalberg. Ditoh digger 'id,Anderson IItI liborer vsr Zo oea n N., eoz a t1Affi Z.. alanoy ' 8 ' w 3d. A� ;Sch�artz pi;toh digger 8 8 aitdwig sirner.; IIt.labSorer 8 a.: �'an]t Flemming:: axrg Oas* DiOh digger N K, . 8 s s1 O+Connor [�F. :Conroy II " .1&borer Coon laborer 18 " las J� lfagner Jle Mnn's'on n> - t i Foreman18 8 ... i b .. . Rordel� >_ Xe-dh. SeRper " $ -a !, t'lws.:Thoraon loo Bruno "Ditch digger �aub-PoScA®ea � S 6'eonard "ltaaaoa; . N. , 18 - L'homsa;3ahetter Vty:laborer 16 s Ames"Tighe Dtoh digger 8 n prthur'J."Garay IIty.laborer w 8 '+ Toho B. -Collins Rilliem -D. Dania a nub-Poreansa " '" Garrrenceg8ama►er [+rank, -No Sarney.e utr.laborer a r Peter 'J Murphy Nellaoe Zv Murray..8 e p " * 8 Ed QuIhI 'Van E'rank,F. Raoine a "' � r Et Barie awes 8nporito Maoh.hel`per 1� : Aathony:AnsSv3ao Colos401!imo Dithoh d3 8es .• 12 6" Bairmtora y#e Cook Diem e _Kp 8 a. Jc�ael3h�'iorito e ,. 16 " 8 doe l3rappali e` ` �Tamea .T'. II"td Common laborer ' MAY BE MET BYSaAII AID FRAN,SPERSTHOU7 ;HAMPERING THE WORK PfioVloEu MONEY IN THE, ITEM8 FROM WHICA THE,TRANSFERS ARE MADE AMOUNT' TRANSFRPRED. 'CODE - '' APPORTION 6D.�T,EM DR ' FROM%"• ATO Continued Prom page`1 13^0 100.00] 300:00^ 13-G6 ,OOO Q7 13-.G ;1,000':QO.'i 3�700.QO,' 13.-$ �� EP � � Ygg-',� � � COUNCILMEN � � NAYS ADOPTED rBY TH6 C 1S APPROVfiD OR -. ,' . ✓MCDONALD t A6AIN ST oR C *w. rw r _ �'e PlllvNfie FILE NO.9Vice/^. OLj, i0 CITY CLERK , - } CITY OF ST. PAUL V 'dFFICE OF Y CL OUNCIL RESO L FORM NTED 6Y AT SSIONE REsotvEo That the p oiler City officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Peter Isaac,.providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings on the 11th day of July, 1931; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper City offi'c'ers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Peter Isaac the sum of $20.54 out of the Workmen's Compensa- tion Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period from July 17th to 31st, 1931. Adopted by the Council --_SER__ Z_WL19-- MAYOR ,7. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Conroy Nays McDonald _.__--In favor Raa"s- n RR'oos�seeyn'�'— _._ ^�__..--- Againat i�r. Viae Pres. Su$heimer Adopted by the Council --_SER__ Z_WL19-- MAYOR C17 F ST. PAUL /l InFFI OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL F'ILE NO RESOLVED Whereas, Request for an etension of time has x ion been received from the Feyen of East Seventh Streettfrom BrCo.oadway to or for the paving Sibley this e t, said ct reques dueato;ttinthehfailure ofnthe Pub- inglic utility companies to make the necessary changes in their service and by failure of the property owners to remove the buildings to the new property line, said causes resulting in a delay of approximately thirty days in the completion of the work, and Whereas, On due investigation Condit onsit t forth above bave been found -to be true, thereforeResolved, That the time specified for the performance of the paving contract be and the same is }r hereby. extended to September 18, 1931, and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an rovidedntto howevera contract in accordance thatthis resolution shall herewith, P force or effect unless the sureties on the not have any contractor's bond consentComhereto ptrollaenrd file such consent in<writing with the City �c� xo ante aelte? "' ,WLeiBa1. ' 9qL m�tlml "4N SEP 2110 doped by the Council 19— P21 Ap v 9— MAYOR COUNCILMEN /Yeas Nays M'curdam In favor. It�tili�kt�'�; :; 9ddtieitiiMl_Against /,,,�°� 811' 5aneiiner F1r; iae ras SEP 2110 doped by the Council 19— P21 Ap v 9— MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY a cse CITY .OF ST: PAUL ;Xlhr�le� 1�� 1� � FtCE OF CITY CLERK 1�Vwlafns X, ddbd tot b -X,�Ab r - / COUNC wRESOLUTION—{yENERAL FORM thgnea'�oocgl, 911 - �i/ it :mar vaei`'w1H GOMMISSIONE - --- ' - PJMIcumc WHEREAS, The Advisory Court House and City Hall Building. Commission has advertised for bids on the finish hardware for the new Court House and city Hall, and WHEREAS, The said Advisory Court House and City Hall. Building commission has awarded the contract for supplying such finish hardware to the Adam Decker Hardware Company of St. Paul, Minnesota, the lowest bidder, for the contract price of $30,489.00, and WHEREAS, The said Adam'Decker Hardware Company has also bid on alternate #1 on stall doors, the acceptance of which alter- nate would add the sum of $1345.00 to the said contract price, and WHEREAS, The Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission in awarding said contract to the Adam Decker Hardware Company awarded the same with the understanding that the said commission reserves the right to accept the said alternate within 'thkty days after the signing of the contract, and WHEREAS, Under the terms of the contract, with Foley Bros. Inc., the said finish hardware shall be installed by Foley Bros. Inc. and WHEREAS The advertisement for bids requires the successful bidder to enter into a contract with the County of Ramsey, the City of St. Paul, and Foley Bros. Inc., NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the action of the said Advisory said contract be and helsameiisihereby mission n Court House and ppro ed awarding theand the proper city officials are hereby authorised and instructed to execute the contract provided for herein. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy �- ZMcDonald ------In favor Pearce 1_1/R0 �sen°1--Against Mr. Viae Pres. Sudheuner Adopted by the Council _--__JGr_1-'19-- SEP APpr e ------------ — --- - — D MAYOR DUPLIOATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL VV 9O1V5 NO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE ----------- ------------------- - CONROY -�"�� %` COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONALD __._r ._IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --------september__I--___,9�1_ PEARCE - 1\) ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROSEN B --___—✓_.AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S____3-5,282.-r�'5--. COVERING - "'- p' 7 � CHECKS NUMBERED_ �pp-TO__.-- ---. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FIL INT)(FF�ICT �FjITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CO - 719_-_____ ---- ---'-- - - CITY COMPTR LLER -------------- _------------------ � Avon BY___------------------- ___ TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD IL 82201 X14 216671; John H. McDonald, C. of Fina C. Fina; f I 21668; John H. McDonald, of 13 722'8 21669 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21670 W.H. Barber Company steel Company 3?i 2 21671 21672 Concrete Goodrich-Silvertown,Ine. 5716 21673 Price Electric Company & 011 00.. 120'0 2 21674,; St.Paul White Lead 1 21675 'I L.N. Sickels and Company j 55� 4 2167611 Barney Cohen 'y 6785 21677,1 Griswold safety Signal Comp 10 566 2 21678; John H. McDonald. C. of Fin. 21679 Dennis Laughlin 4bp Company 35! 2 20, 0 21680 ' Capitol Auto 25119 21681 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 127,6 21682' The Speakes Company 14 21683 i 21684 Harvey Proulx Louis Henle 49 21685 Edward L. Losinski 91 0 21686 Donald D. Murray 75 0 30, 0 21687; Wagner & Son 216881' I or — 31'' 6 Doris Hanson 17 2 21689'''', Mrs. Anna Schneider _.( ... - .. ... ,. DUPLIOATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL VV 9O1V5 NO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE ----------- ------------------- - CONROY -�"�� %` COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCDONALD __._r ._IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --------september__I--___,9�1_ PEARCE - 1\) ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROSEN B --___—✓_.AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S____3-5,282.-r�'5--. COVERING - "'- p' 7 � CHECKS NUMBERED_ �pp-TO__.-- ---. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FIL INT)(FF�ICT �FjITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CO - 719_-_____ ---- ---'-- - - CITY COMPTR LLER -------------- _------------------ � Avon BY___------------------- ___ TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD IL 82201 X14 216671; John H. McDonald, C. of Fina C. Fina; f 4 709;9 8 416 7 21668; John H. McDonald, of 13 722'8 21669 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21670 W.H. Barber Company steel Company 3?i 2 21671 21672 Concrete Goodrich-Silvertown,Ine. 5716 21673 Price Electric Company & 011 00.. 120'0 2 21674,; St.Paul White Lead 1 21675 'I L.N. Sickels and Company j 55� 4 2167611 Barney Cohen 'y 6785 21677,1 Griswold safety Signal Comp 10 566 2 21678; John H. McDonald. C. of Fin. 21679 Dennis Laughlin 4bp Company 35! 2 20, 0 21680 ' Capitol Auto 25119 21681 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 127,6 21682' The Speakes Company 14 21683 i 21684 Harvey Proulx Louis Henle 49 21685 Edward L. Losinski 91 0 21686 Donald D. Murray 75 0 30, 0 21687; Wagner & Son 216881' August L. Schempf, Guardian or — 31'' 6 Doris Hanson 17 2 21689'''', Mrs. Anna Schneider --- , __ _ - ---- .gyp? SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 7 5001 OO 8161 2� T3_ pp I IM 6pC I I I COUNCIL FILE NO:__— ---- ..-------------- By _________ By______-- - --------- - --- - -------------------- - --------- FINAL _______ _________- FINAL ORDER 90486 i FffiAY. OH.�, i C "'the ISatfer of grad171Hs;: ':lilkea a Ad$Ition lrom a*., 'y Ave. andafrom Flnn-Ati; and South 0.iley um„ - y Or$ec: 89881 a 0 e* 1 heaClnH'% In the Matter of___9Tadin9,_A11EjCe--in M'11- ikjMoS__Ad131tiDIl__ F9m__,L1111Q_Htr8Bt tp_jfjlea Avenue and frnm Finn ApannP to the North nod SoUth Alley, under Preliminary Order — ----------- --_89861—____approved Intermediary Order _ approved _-- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ ---- racia_AlI a s__in MLllikeu� s Alii •ion from jUr,Loft e,at {�_j�l11Pa Ayanna a_nd frnm Finn gvAnlle to the North and South and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are'hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said i PPprove in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__________ !!— _._____, 192 _ --------------- -- - — - ------------- — City Clerk. Approved--------------------------- 192 ---- - _ v T— Mayor. Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman itrse�D Councilman IgNOMM..Sadhtlfnfer �) Councilman Xkzalx / Mayorxpftpax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 _ CITY or ST. PAUL DEPART.4 9Wf OAF FINANCE f2EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Ay Inthematterof' grading alleys in Mullikenls Addition from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the north and south alley, under Preliminary Order approved July 21, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - _ $ anz q¢ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 48 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED AD DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'VALUATION 1 Mulliken Addition 925 2 do 850 3, do 850 4 do 850 5 do 950 6 do ..500 7 do 550 8 do 550 9. do 550 10 do 550 TOTAL. jr t B. B. 10 5000 6350 2400 CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 DEPARTH&VOIP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOaKj ADDITION SESSED VALUATION 11 Mulliken Addition ..550. 12 do 550 13 do 550 4750 14 do 550 5000 15 do 600 16 do 600 17 do 550 5400 18 do 550 4950 19 do 550 5200 20 do 550 4600 21 do 550 22 do 550 23 do 550 1200 24 do 550 25 do 500 2600 15-25 47450 'I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated. ei s 193-L Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 12 . St. Paul, Minn. --.947---14 h,---------19?F31 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: C °` dditi n between Cretin Avenue_ 0 L1T�4�3xag-Q�1@ygn Mul-liken-s + --------- --- -- - and_Finn_Avenue.and Juno_ treet__and_Niles Stre------ Fiie. ---------------------------------------------------------- $iXA,wBXira • ------------------$DLA NAME - /LUT BLOCK A DrFION NR.o. •n N -R-0- COM, OF EINAPICE JUL �Pa• �3 �O. 7"• 0' �,. 31 19,31 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alleys in Mulliken's Addition from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. x.89861, approved July 21, 1931. Estimated cost - - - - - - - - - $603.64 Cost per front foot - - - - - &.48 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 11.84 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 1252.12 ft. Yours truly, Al*qf.0A"'j' Vim. N. CAREY, Chief Engineer. f -x pn q n Approved for transmission to th G�/��� ner of Finance �. MILTON ROSEN, C=ssiWo Public Works. G �J c jUL 31 1S31 1931 . .............._192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...89861 approved......... -July 21,. 1931-- ---192____.._., relative to .................. . grading of Alleys.._in-idulliken!-s--Addti ion-_from-.Juno._Str-e.ei�...to_.___....__---...- Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North -.and Sth ou_A11ey.__:......__ .....................------------------...---------...---..._------_.......--------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... -------- ------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.48603.. 6.-_ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._.-.- ------------, and the total cost thereof is 5..---_._-_--..- 4--- Inspection $11.84 Engineering $100.00 Frontage 1252.12ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------ ...._..._...._--- _--- __---- .---- .--.--- ------- ---- ----- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------ --------------- ------------ __......asked for upon petition of three more owners of �Y erty, 5. Said improvement is ..................... P subject to assessment for said. improvement. OF FINAM Commissioner of Public Works. L:7 g `, &' ML 3E 936 COUNCIL FILE ISO. =_______ 90487 FINAL ORDER COND N to D ae�!-TDINGS �' F. No. 90189 By A'., J Ca Request. •matter o[boridemnIDc., easement in the 1 ', =-�iopee cute:and fl,J;, In the matter of- __condemning_and_taking_ari_.pagQI¢eut.-in_the- Innd neCessar3c- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Mulliken's Addition from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley under Preliminary Order_____ _ 89862 ---------- approved-------- JulX_ 21,- MAi--------- Intermediary Order ----------- 90231---------_t approved -------- Augnsh-25.,--1931--------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th it the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Mulliken's Addition.from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: 1 r'or slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Mulliken's Addition from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Forks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council- _SEP __________________ 19____ u ----- - -- City Clerk. Approved------------------------- 19---- --- f -- ------------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Pe>DonaldCouncilman McDonaldO 3'UBLISHEDZ'146� Councilman Pearce7? Councilman Sudi;Zier Mayor t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMtNT OF- FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Mullikenls Addition - from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the north and south alley under Preliminary Order approved July 21, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total 'estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ F;() -()o The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 ''ulliken Adds tion 925 2 do 850 3 do 8i0 4 do 8--0 5 do 91-0 6 do SOO 7 do 550 o do 550 9 do 550 10 do 550 - - TOTAL. Form B. B. 12 ASSESSED VALUATION 5000 6350 2400 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. _.. _(C): DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 Stull hon Addition 13 do .. 550 13 do .. 550 4750 14 do 550 5000 19 do 600 16 do 600 17 do 550 5400 16 do 550 4950 19 do 550 5200 20 do 550 4000 21 do 550 22 do 550 23 do 550 1200 24 do 550 25 do f'0: 2600 15,125 47450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dateda Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Report to Commissioner of F nqnce July ....30 r--.1931..-----------192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No --- 9862 -------approved. .._._July. zlA:: 1931 192- --, relative to s condemning and taking an.--easement-in _the__land_-necessary_--for---------------------- ................. slopes cuts and fills in the _-grading_ of All eys_in-.Mulliken-'-s---__------..._. Addition from Juno Street to Niles Avenue and from Finn Avenue to -----------------------------:--------- -- -----------------...... -- the North and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is Q.....-_ X.xX-_..--_--_-- and the total cost thereof is ea.._..:...XYX-------- ------ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------- -- - _..__....._..__.._._. ----- -- - - ......._. --_._..._._._._--- ............._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------- --. - .......- -------- ------- 5. Said improvement is__._ ------------- --------- ---asked for upon petition of three or more ;n4er8lroperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. JUL 31 1Y`' 90488 =1nNDtNV,t f noSl11110 ;con$tructlns� eldewalk 8ummlt Avg :lli franr' - COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------------- .'rk 'trcm than� m euftfete��}},, y�•,_ ,Pri By __ _ ___ ------------------------------------------------, ner,d TWenhftY 3 it.tllehflatlo^t:� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-ODmRtr_uC_tjMg_B L__E mnno i thj_c__-aidevi lk-on-tbe past -z de -4�--��Pm�t__AY@R13e in fron��f C�dra1 park frim thesouth�ide of Selby Avenue to Fourth Street., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, _ under Preliminary Order-------------- jU28,a--------approved -------- ,Iu]1B31---------------- Intermediary Order --- —----- approved A public hearing having been had 'upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the -same; therefore, be it ;.; RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._L`DnB_tSUCt8_�__mnnnl i +) _ a i rlPma� _-the ide -eppaat__�syi dral- D�_>���tge-sauth am wal ke now exist, — at,�__..�er-„_�-$O���$�s�e_ i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ S�`� 192.__._ Approved -------S –12-- L ------r 192 ---- Councilman Conroy Councilman MclMnald Councilman, May Pearce Councilman` nos \ l/Jl Councllma ” Sudbeimer Councilman, kwm =kx Mayor X*k=x Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 ` City Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTT,IIENT 9F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE troll ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing an 81 monolithic sidewalk on the east side of Summit Avenue in front of Cathedral Park from the south side of Selby Avenue to Fourth Street, under Preliminary Order approved Jelly 31, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $1.25 per frt ft The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Lots 1 to 19 Subdivision of Block No. No Valuation (Except Summit Ave.) 87 in Dayton & Irvine's Add. to St. Paul ji The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated rA gsse o '� �--19� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-3 D Office of the Commissioner of Publicgtp►NC6 i Report to Commissioner of Finance a f r bus to �' ugust--8tth----- -- ----- ............ 1981-.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the -preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ........ 89985 --- approved --------------- Silly-.-53-Ati.- :_.-.-----19AA_-, relative to gi u Constructing -.a ---m - k..t.. ----------------east-_side.--of-.Summit.-Ave_Uue-_!nfront--of._Cathedral- Park .............. from Yrnm _the...south..side---of--- Selby ... &TODUe-..to-. Fourth. -Street------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.—i —. ...—.necessary and (or) desirable. $1.25 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 --- ___..._--_--_-_----:.;`and the total cost thereof is 3.................... ......... and the nature. and extent of said improvement is as follows: .____:----_._._--------------------------------------------- ...------.--_-- - -- ----------- ......... _........--.......... ... --------- ..-..----------._-------.................................................-- -- ---- _.-- . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ...... ............... .. . ..._ ------ .... .... _ ------- ................ -- ... ------ ... .-...-....------------------------------------------- I Said improvement is .................... .---_--.--.asked for upon petition of three or more owners. of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- ... -- ...... . �n�ea' Works. COUNCIL FILE NO -------- ---------------- By--------------------------- - --- - -------- - - ---------- - - - - FINAL ORDER jq the Matter of----------------- --------------------- - constructing sidewalk extensions to connect existing eidewalks to curbs at the corner-s--af the followtnT street intersections' Jessamine Street from Forest Street to Arc de Street Edgerton Street from Ivy Street to Denny Street 3Ielleslt-y Avenue from Olevelnn,] Avenue to 1—tin Avenue Gonc!ress Street from Stry1cer Avenua to''sin to -,i Avenue Eknincl Street from Grotto Street to St. Alone; Street anorStreet froiFairvia,,,7 Avenue fc. Frederioka Avenue , L<Ik- Como and Ph :len Ave. from Arcade Strut to Forest Street 31,ir Strut from Fn -.line Av nue to Syndicate Street inrt£ord ,venue frc-:-, tTnderwond Avenue to Fredericka Avenue Cr, -,r ' � 1 1r,, -t to Voi,,nd Street n,: n, it- t'r oL r, !mi f'li,-il n Av Tiut, t, C, no Avg. ,int Sci)offnr 6Li oL i*r(-.,-5 Syndic Lo hv;-nu:� to —U'oe Ro:'d iiose !3tre:.t tiro:,. Ar,i,die strr3 i; tr, Oulut Av nue itreet frr.m Prior Av �rwe to 71 vol -�n 1 Av-nue Ali a a onst ess.rn}ne_Br@L,frorg-_Forest Street to Arcade Street d t sYellesley Avenue from Cleveland Avenua to in Avenue Congress Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslov Avenue Edmund Street from Grotto Street to St. Albans Street El---anor Street from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue Lake Como and Phalen Ave. from Aroade Street to ForeStreet Blair Street from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Street Hartford Avenue from Underrood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue Burns Avenue from Earl.Strpet to Uound Street Hawline Avenue from LakeCpmo.and Phalen Avenue to Como Ave. ''Wert -4 Scheffer Street from Syndicate Avenue to Ed^oumbe Read roc ,.;re, -t frc-. Alrcr:dp Street to Dul,.ith Avenue frc-' Prior Av,-Ylu.e -V !--nne .......... .... Mayor. Councilmanc k MDowl� �/ May Councilman Pearce Councilman N'Now -Rower A / Councilman r Councilman VAOModxx Mayor hbdgzom Bandlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 cavrt�•'»; under Preliminary order —......... --8gg28__---------approved -_July_-25,__3231---_------------------------ Intermediary Order _----- —_________— ----approved ----------- _____-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sime;ferefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said'Cityis---- ----------------- ---------- :--------------------- oonstruat oidewalk exte n,.lcns to oonlieo_t existin7 sidewalks.. to. _aur.b$--. at tho oorriere of the followin,x street interseotionSI fees. m no rot .tram-_>•�rest Areet to Arcade street Edgerton Street from Ivy Street to Denny Street ylellesley Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue Congress Street from Stryker Avenue to linslow Avenue Edmund Street from Grotto Street to St. Albans Street 3;leanor Street from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka kK Avenue Lake Como and Phalen ave. from Arcade Street to Forest Street Blair Street from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Street Hartford Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Avenue Burne Avenue from Zarl Street to Uound Street Hamline Avenue from Lake Coma and Phalen Avenue to Como Ave. 'Nest Scheffer Street from eyndibate Avenue to Ed^ruMbe Read ire; fr;x Krn�de Street to Dilith %vattue P 1 ce ItfeLt it i' ioi 1v r�u 1 nsiz Approved__—------- — -- 192—__ �t — --- Mayor. CouncilmanAF CO°TOy McDonalg �j'/ CouncilmanMayCouncilmanPearce Councilman S� Councilman r Councilman VA=dxx Mayor 1 Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 ....... ................. _.............. _..... ....... _. , ��IIIl IY�YIN�111,IIANIMMIM�I.IMAIIIIIIA�YIY.IIY�IYIIYYIIIIIIAI/Y1AI.XM�h11N11hA11�N��IM�r�Ij/ Nil7i" Mph ''� ✓.S�F ii1rox�l~fl�C W,' q.g a kt rr d� a ' # `rOT ►rOeati�xritii' ri dae' ote `and ii'Cou>tc havmg'heard a71''pers0 ons."and recommendations relative thereto, and havmg fullgconr�i�1 oaAnt and knid of inir and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.& �. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- SE 192-__—__. ------------------------ Al - — --- City 51erk. Approved-------__— ----------- ------ 192---- Mayor. Councilman °CConroy Councilman F McDonald May / c Councilman . Pearce Councilman MOMReser �D Councilman r 5uctbnsmer> --T Councilman Vltn dxx Mayor I*m BtndIle Form B,S'A,M CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F2�p�RT OF-COMUIS'SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) . In the matter of construo in- 1-r = �rinIons to connect oTi ltin:Y ri. = <;::lk tc curbs :.:t tlLci corners, e:f =-1-1 ain.z ,trent Snt+r^,3ett01"A tre-t .:;tre;'t to Arc d S ;rant er n * ^c r r T _a Sire t to Denny tro t AV_nue� �'; a �v 1 a.' "v,3nl to } :in %v:�nue .n -roor, stse i; =; --�» a ^r :r all e Le .;log Sv,'nve _,t.re!t to :'st. aJ"vnue tc Fred4ri^r vanua ..•r: Arcade ,>tre t :o cn 3o -;t iY,> 3Ct t0 uyn: ir) ,C't i 'r_+,nuc� Avenue t,G it1:.'nn :ivmau �r Com,_. �. O,_.n j1"r At tt,n � . Pff Jr': _ � _.- ." may 3-3 '_io t !'rc To the Council of the City The Commissioner of Fiaaaee )Eaereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoua.-r- of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1 2.5p 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of laced mat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arm as follows: DESCRIPTION _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION Intersection o£ J es gamine St. and Forest St. n " j -s s saLmine St. and Mendota St. a as S B s s amine St. and Arcade St. eclgerton St. and Ivy St. '�c3gerton St. and Denny St. n a We 11 e s ley Ave.and Cleveland Ave. B a VWe11gs1ey. Ave.and Finn Ave. u a We11es1ey Ave.and Cretin Ave. 0 Is G oagr e s s St. and Stryker Ave. n_ e C azzgr ess St. and Winslow Ave. n n Trirnt�2lcl St. and Grotto St. n " M+ clznuzlC3 St. and St. Albans St. a St. and Fairview Ave. a " �1eaL <>r St. and Fredericka Ave. e s Labe Como & Phalen Ave. and Arcade 8t. a s Lake Como & Phalen Ave. and Mendota St. 3L.aL3--e Qomo & Phalen Ave. and Forest St. a _- '= Blair Street and Hamline Avenue - TOTAL. Form B. B 19 ASSESSED VALUATION No Valuation 7777777777 CITY or ST . PAUL - under Preliminary Ord approved July 25, 1931 To the Council of the: 4�';V-y Of St. Paul: The Commissiox=====m�er of Finance hereby reports as follows:- - - $ 12.9 �n The total eatira wed amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated r --ase per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parr -els of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation -of each lot or parcel as last report — by tl> a Assessor, are as follows: LOT e6.00K ADDITION DEE, �p'TiON Intersect on a n n a n a n n _ a n a a n a a u gym B. B. Is of Jessamine St. and Forest Bt- as Jessamine St. and Mendota St. s Jessamine St. and Arcade St. Edgerton St. and Ivy St - s Edgerton St. and . Denny St. a Wellesley Ave. and Cleveland Ave. a+ Wellesley Ave. and Finn Ave. . Wellesley Ave -and Cretin Ave. Congress 8 us Congress St. end 'Kinslow Ave. n Edmund St. and Grotto St. u Edmund St. and St. Albans St a Eleanor St. and Fairview Ave. a Eleanor $t. and Fredericka Ave. a Lake Como & Phalen Ave. and Arcade St. a Lake Como &Phalen Ave. and Mendota St. a Lake Como & Phalen Ave. and Forest St. n Blair Street and Hemline Avenue TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION No Valuation - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F::;I—=PORT.OF.COW.MIS'SIOr4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRl1� TIplV LOT ADDITION ASSESSED BLOCK VALUATION _ ..interseotioa cif Blair _St. -and Hamline _Avenue No _Valuation ro a Blair St. and Syndicate Avenue > " >sa Hartford Abe. and Underwood Ave " s Hartford Ave. and Fredericka Ave. B o Burns Ave.. and Earl St. " s Burns Ave. aAd Clermont St. Burns Ave.. and Mound St. Hamline Ave. and Lake Como & Phalen Ave. I3amline Ave. and Frankson Ave. • " $amline Ave. and Midway Pkwy Hamline Ave. and Atlantis St. " ss Hamline Ave. and Almond St. WX ___13amline Ave. and Albany St. " !s Hamline Ave. and Como Ave.W. Scheffer St. and Syndicate Ave. Scheffer St. and Griggs St. " s Scheffer St. and Edgcumbe Rd. " Rose St. and Arcade St. " o Rose St. and Mendota St. " >o Rose St. and Forest St. " ss Rose St. and Cypress St. B Its Rose St. and Earl St it Rose St. and Frank St. " a Rose St. and Duluth Ave. Palace St. and Prior Ave. Palace St. and Kenneth Ave. " " Palace St.' and Cheveland Ave. The Comte :a:- siouer of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submitr_- foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated - - - - T a 5 193. r d-�I Commissioner om- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 row 0ffiC@ 0 deport to Commissioner of Finance ----- August --4th --------------------------- 19231-- To the Commissioner © Finance of the City of St. Paul: The of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as File No --- $9`2' 8 -------- approved ___ - 4�U3—lr___$rjth..._._..._.___..___..19$1..-, relative to Canstruiat5-t 'rte - s:LCIO alk extenSIONIS tO COnnQCt existing sidewal.1cm cnr'bs at the corners or tts® following street inter sec t;3- s # .7e95 *--- r Wet Prow Forest 6trest to Arcade Street Sdgertori -'�_ — mat =rom SFW street to Dersny street Wellesley from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avc.;nue Con�,ress from Stryker Av:;-,=U : to WlnslOw Avenue sdniund 15itm-� t f'rf--sm Grotto Street to at. Alb. -Ms Street l leanor -- -et rroza 1`airview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue Laine Grs c3 pI2xL:L8 i Ave. from Arcade Street to Forest Street Blair rralsz Hamline -4venue to Sl-zidicate Street Sartrox-ci - - nue rrom Underwood %Avenue to Fredericka Avenue Burns f'r+am Earl Street Co Mound Street ay.r,i:Lne na morn Lake Como and FUaJ-en Avenue to Como Ave. 179st Schefi'er ,- �€3t rrom Syndl,c=: to Avenue to 5dgaumbe Road Rose S ri i rc)- Arcade btreet to Duluth Avenue Palace, :from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. 5. Said is ------. ------------- ----------- for upon petition of three q} more owners property, subject to assessme3ix- -- said improvement. Wm. OF FmAnct ---------------------- - ... -r" : ------- --4-- ----------- ---- ----- y,a,,.u.vYy�� � CommYseioner of Public Works. `s = D F AUG 6 1931 1st. t R 2nd. 7� / Laid ove to 3rd. & app. �Ad.ped_ Yeas Nays - Yeas' Nays ✓Conroy May Donald Vt r- Yres L'unilie Conroy May IbI McDonald I Pearce Rosen /Sudheimer \Ir. Pres. Bundl� NowORDINANCE A& COUNCIL FILE NO. --W' r ORDINANCE NO.--� PRESENTED BY t_ _ s // _nroY--99 Aepho ; 'graanElttg, per7plsef seto. construC4k . -w,Ao le neoesear �a�Rotile Street fro An ordinance granting permission to S. P. Rasmussen to _eseasnt Ase construct a sewer, together with the necessary appurte- ey�armp care, nance , on Robie Street from the terminus of the exist ,e&i ams eater f ing sewer approximately 75 feet east of Charlton the cltY of ar,' Street,:' thence 35 feet westerly. This is`an.emergency t ordinance rendered necessary'for the preservation of icrro`x s t. the public peace, health and safety. ,161 and sutherfttr ';tr.h6rebp B1vet� tr F . - - - 'anatructa sewn Paul does ordain: necessary apr8 The Council of the City of St. street from' to -atlnB shar3Eparewer`aW F E:of Cy9. Section 1.terir That permission and authority be and the same are wither S` given to S.:P Rasmussen to construct a:sewer together with appurtenances, -on Robie Street from the terminus the necessary of the existing sewer approximately 75 feet east of Charlton Street, thence 35 feet westerly. . 2._ The o The Commissioner of public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said sewer upon hip -compliance with the following expriss conditions, namely' (1) The said 1 censee shall construct said sewer entirely at his own cost and expense to the satisfaction' and under the.; supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accord.; ante with the plans and specifications prepared by him., (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. (3) The said l.censee shall properly protect all excavations made in the street both by day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons and property; shall properly fill and tamp said strest'to avoid settling and shall restore said street to its original condition. (4) Said licensee, after the inception of the work, shall prosecute same continuously, with diligence and fully Complete said work.on or before the 1st of December, 1931, to the satis- faction'and approval of said Commissioner. (5) The said l"ensee shall employ a regular licensed house v drain contractor, or ,in lieu thereof, shall give a bond to the.Cit of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00 i conditioned to comply with all tY tgrt ,andhall ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless, offnn liability, loss, judgments,..suits, costs, charges and damages and expense that may accrue to persons or_property occasioned by•, the making,`of the improvement or arising out of the same. -C Nate Passed by the Counci Councilmen l Conroy 'r . In Favor McDonald Pearce Against Rosen : - — - ----- Sudheimer Mr. President (Bundlie) Approved_ Attest: City Clerk 'amiNALroc�iireueK ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTE4 BY ORDINANCE N0. (6) The said locensee shall within twenty (20) days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in.such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. 3:f such acceptance - is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. '. 3 Rection �Z4:_ This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaceo health and safety. This oxdinanoa shall be in foroe ad t9h of f eon lzdigt�lf upon its passage and publication. OCT 8 Yeas 'Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Conroy . May MoDonald In Favor Posen � Rosen Against Sudheimer Mr. President (Bundlie) Approved 7 Attest: r a City Clem8sy�h �[iRilgii[CD M/U �� COUNCIL 90491 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF PA - FILE NO. — F OF CITY ERK O NC ESOLUT —GENERAL FORM COMM SSIOIV ATF' RESOLVED T33 s= --ft:O oil hereby approves the appointment by the i� oommisea�-� t1aP Education, of Jennie T. Jennings, as Librarian of the 8t. PPublio Library. COU NCI LNS — rj Yeas I Conroy Nays / May ��V1cDonal� -_--_-__---- In favor Pearce Against /Sudheimc� ✓ Mr. Pres: mat Sundlie C.<'g NA 98481 $y 1- IteRolyed:-Tbat the _CounMl hergby- aDDroves the aDDolatment b3 the,Com misaloner�Oi IBdooatlonG� the Sty, Y4u1` Jenatnas�br�SDrarlan; Pltbllo -Adt.Dtud+by the Council Sept. 22. 1821t,I �ApDi ored-8 TL 22 1851 _ Adopted by the Council—SEP__Fe__` _19-- Appr d $ --------- ------"---19-- -'----- - ----- - --` --- — / MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl--- CITY OF ST. "PAUL FILE �O77 7677 ` FILE OF CITY CLERK c s xo s�si-may ql q saaa �Rno. esplrendet aadl 1911%`Wd •coatlnufn tttz tLe. y� +' COUNCIL RES T10N—GENERAL�o a�eee;?i6aWl -RESOLVED commencing September 233rd, 1931 and continuing for3sass �er3 od of two successive weeks there will be conducted at Wisconsin, a meeting of the Police Training Trial Board at rrlsicia there will be in attendeM+re representatives of vasicaa p4ml3oe departments throughout t)sa 'Gaited States for the pnx�csa a oY m bn4r ing and perfecting Alam$ and methods for the of police training schoolo,. and It is essential to the best interests of the City of 3s �t Pa=l and to secuce and put in Force in the police taw-� a school of the City of Saint Pa-es3 the best methods for polio iaatractioa and training that Cio.Btav Barfas, luspector of IIaita�'� Police, Department of Public Suety who is is charge aril a-�es�isioa of the Police Tralm;na School of the City of Saint Pe1.al was authorised to and attend the aa.id meeting at Xilwaukee, Tis94=as2L_1Wia s acid �BSdS it is essential that the a� of Two Hundred Dollars f►2©Q— Zr3 be appropriated and set maids =rom the funds of the Cites :=mf St- Pant available for ancll purposeay to pthe incidental aag essary expenses for such attendance at said meetig, :r: Ttr. �s+c±tsasr, BE IT RESOLVED, That Gj=mtav Earfms, inspector of IIai:1_-4c:w�� police, Department of Public Safety be and he hereby is aatlaes3aed and directed to attend the meeting of the Police Train- izlg 01�a1 Board at Milwanlaee, wisconslia =or the period of two weeks c iag September 23rd, 1931 and that the proper city officers be ecs�_'IdIL t7aey hereby are authorised and directed to issue a warrant paryaZe�3e to him in the son of $200.00 to cover such ,expenses, said a� o ba 3;p,8 d from the Police pond, 7 -AL -4. COU NCI LM ES_i Yeas /onroy ✓ May —McDonald -4earce i2ese� �Sudhe imcr ✓Mr. 'President i Nays �� Adopted by the Council___ sEvy-_ 19— Approve favor 'Against ----- _________ _ _________—__t__,� MAYOR RESOL.N.-r-- M==iw -COUNCIL CITY <DIE� PAUL FILE NO.- Ml.hat Rose H. Harper, Dins c mor c;f Social Recreation, :Is hereby authorized ea_qmL4=-L instructed to attend the National Recreation Cc3i,30Lg=_­ess in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 5 to 9 s 3931, as delegate and represen- tative from this city, zaL3mLc3 the proper city officials are hereby authorized emL3c3L4='L directed to draw a city warrant for the sum o:e, X350.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, paya7J=)1,38 out of the Playground Fund, Item 19 A 2, In favom, o :F-!, ]Rose H. Harper for the purpose of paying tlia gapsnse as a delegate to said convention. An :1tem:Lzeit4=-L aiaL.4_-count of expense to be submitted to the CozuP-#_-m-,c:*334qr, and any unexpended balance to be returned. ISO ec Drea86" tion-; laSihereby6r. ID4�' ' oted twatteftdthe fn, .Toronto Ontario tobp 68 1081 ' Yrom W:1 r d 16 di for t -qum at 1160 00 or aa.-ri(Uob thereof"as In e able '!A'W"" �' .';1r r�' 0, ' 11 1the, : f e� uayinfrthel,expeps i Idelegate to. ` 804't6dAvantl.n�',, A., teftil CO L3 FSS I t' -MEN Yeas Nays -_---_------In favor 1�/=r_ president Bundfie Adopted by the - ------------ --- - - - --------- - - ---------------------- MAYOR Approved-- -------- ---- -- --------------------19------ OIIIOIMAL TO CITU COUNCIL CITY /� CITY OF ST_ PAUL FILE NO— 9D4.94 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES O C)"EERAL FO M PRESNT21 COMMISS.Y qT - RESOLVED --l=- _71M8$ the prope ity off ems b and they are h eby author- ize� to enter into. an agreement with James Edwards, providing for the: payment of compensation to him at the rate of W.40 per week, dura �g such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- jtir es sustained by him While in the employ of the Department of Pnb� �c Works on the 20th day of August,1931; be it FURTHER 3F3=::::�93O;aQF.D, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper Olty --Cf3Lce7re are hereby authorizecl to pa' to said James .Edwards, the slt=z -3 02' $57.60 out of the Workmen' a Compensation Account of the Gene=— lv4umd, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being mor the period to and 3ncludiag September 18, 1931. COU ILM EN Yeas Nays / ConrQy McDc�.riald ---------------- In favor Pears Against �SudZz zazer _ % Mr_ resi dent Bunaue SEP 22 W1 Adopted by the 11 �� W Appcov ------ — - -- - - -19— ---'------- ----------- ----- ----'-- MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1 CITY OF ST.- PAUL v FICE OF CITY CLERK L -jAF=;;-ES9t=1c� _QV—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 90495 FILE NO.- WHEREAS, As presv_. c3ed by Oovneil File No. 90256, approved August 29th, 1931, the' cxnncil did, on the 21et of September, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M- � T'E the. Govncil Ohamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing apvsi -- ,E� advi sabillty and necessity of wrecking that certain house and Slier ��-Kx Z.ot 28, Block 7. Woodford Park, also known as No. 1231 Otto avex�wza following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance �+ - -qm===w _ 7220 , approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the C c uxsc iZ 2z8Lt said buil dings are unsafe and dangerous to, life, limb and acLj of property, and should be wrecked and removed; . therefore, b� _t RESOLVED, . That s ---9& ct buildings be wrecked- and removed, and that a copy of this re �3.utioa., directing the wrecking and removal of them, be mailed to -�-fie last known record owner of said property the agent or occupant of said his last known adommiasioner of Parks, playgrounds buildings or by theC and Public Buildings ase it pURTHER Rzgp waist :Li, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to sac property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no a eat has been to 73ML�Sm this order, said Commissioner of laygrounds =*-r+ c� �ub13c Buildings shall report said fact to ar s, the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays --,Conroy May / McDonald --------------- Pearce ____-------Pearce 4&WAW �S`udheimer .' N . President Bundlie M Adopted by the Council_` GP 2 2 19-- Approved=---- -- — --19- --- -p7�OR � �i33LiSHEI➢ / �� HAROLD I RIORDAN Chid Gwk•Oly Clerk ity of Sart Paul CWFice of City Cleik DIKE J. GIBBONS, City C-Iwk Mnd C XF;IMF tons of Resis&stion CIARFNCE A. STORMS Odd Gsh•Re,htrWon September 21st, 1931. Mr. L. L. ,adorsc=w=w=- a Corporation Corte =a1, Building. Dear Sir= At. *Jae Colmcil meeting held this morning the matter of of wrecking that certain house and shed locates 4z=wsm Z.ot 28s Bloc]c 7, Woodford Park, known as $1231 Otto Ave-ML—ma vrae tap ror hearing and the Council confirmed said condestnat!t.=f a=w+=Irorder. Z'he matter wsa elso referred to you for the proper reser_ Son_ Youre very tralyys n City Clerk. No. 90496 I G S O F= C COMMISSIONEY�,,rr{' THERMAS, by C ani= 3_2 33"i3.• Bo. 90289, approved August 31, 1931, the Cc3ox== ¢ :!L- _ 4=1L:2_d determine that the following described structures and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should bs and removed: A two-eto=y- veneer building on Lot 7, Block 35, Rice & mm gcldition; also known as 55-57 Irvine A double house o� 'X- o t 25, Block 9, Mackubin & Marshall I e . Addi ti oa. Z mav-� 0 7b— c>wrn as 519-581 W. Central Avenue; An old shacg oa south 50 feet of Lot 16, Block 18, Winter s s Acle -tI& :�k_ozi; also known as 836 K. Oxford Street; and WHEREAS, due rs_ o c es 3zave been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. ?��-Q s -Esk -z+r3= ao appeals hale been taken by the owners or agentl and said buil gg s :3= as=Fi& not been torn down; therefore, be it " RESOLVED, tha— � _ Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be aacl. 20Le s 33Lereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises anti. tear Ac=_1Lo=a and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures, and to d94a.13Ly --EaT= $a-3- things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protec -*--:2L- Qmw=3w of ]Life, limb and adjoining property. COONCILMEN - Yeas 'UNays Adopted by the Council__. _�___21_W_-19____ --Conroy May McDonald --_--_.In favor APPt e ---- SEP --------------_.19--- Pearce Ate. -Against _ - -— ---------- ----- ___------ ------ p.� VC MAYO �Udheimer p.VL1LISBED ✓ Mr. President Bundlie I HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chid CI-,k•C1ty Clerk City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, MY Oak and Comminiona of R491*+1100 September 16th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Coldnsel, Building. Dear Sir= Attached please find letter from CoemLissiouer flay reporting that no appeal has been taken from the orders condamaing the following structuress Building at 51-55 Irvine parr s N 519-21 Best Central Avenue 836 80. Word St. The letter was referred to your department for the proper resolution authorising the wrecking of thews buildings. CLARENCE A. STORMS Chid Clak•R.elunnrn Torre very tru17 70 �n ' i�i%zICP 7y- City Clerk. ` Vim" LOU18. J. 0ART0CHIER coat as >E s s = o s� = Ja.a= - .Harr eoN4unowaw CITY OF SAINT PAUL OCPARTMENT OF PsAF2 K S� W=wLAYGRaUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE Or COMMISSIONER 210 CITY HALL OEDR66 L NA80N. .Urt: O1►Mto' ERN�T W. JOHNION..wi..I .LAY.R.1Ma CHAT. A RASSMRD.IMMIMMMMIMW CDY MCIRIaC� - aADR ►Aw.ro Naw em HALL wNaa Caaaaer ..otasac _ ®® September 15, 1931. Hon. Couac;il_, City of St;. ]Paz —'. Minne sot a.. Gentlemen r On August 3Z . s r a s o Ztz i ors NO- 90289 was passed by your Honorable BQciW-, BLZ� 3oT �Z 3ag the wrecking and removal of the condemnxxec7. biz�3l_c3ag St 55-57 Irvine Park. This reso- lution regnireCl t3s4EBR: C49=P=Vz3ncX-'F ssioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Publ-ff-I= ciirig�i -t7- O report, within ten days after i mailng o -f t23@ a4= --t-- A A=ie3p the owner, agent, or occupant, whether an. apps ?:*e ea taken from the order. I, therefore re spa c� �'t3� �y report that the building is still in place aril ao agpB� 3-=1Ea s been taken. This aa=te re solizt i oa covers the matter of wrecking the building at 519-2Z:f@ -Ifr Central Avenue, on which also no appeal has 'beer; the building is still in place. It also incl=ides �=^e�ding at 836 North Oxford Street, on Which. rna .app68� 33as —sen taken and the building is still in place .. yours very truly, Cc ssioner. J COUNCIL FILE NO. .............. By INTERMEDIARY ORD 904'9' In the Matter of--------- ----------------------------------- oondemaing and taking. forthe purpose of a_Municipal Barge_ Terminal:.._ An.easement to fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad tracks -and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Paoifio Railway Oompany lying in Block 17l Suburban Hills and Govern- ment Lot 8, Notion 41 Townehip 28, Range 22, between the north and South oenter line of Said Notion 4 and a 1100 parallel th0tewith fast welt therel m� ad Southerly of a line srallel '10b ��d X60 toe of the he , a d � I toot 10401111 frog the 014t0x t cad tr OAC � l pagloul to 10?d lot, lK MOON � b ortoi of Lot 11BIoo 17 Idurbo I Is lyhj fight of why of the ohioago, Vilwaakee, St, Paulba plotfio hilway Alio on and aoxoee that portion of the right of way of the 0hioago, I[il*aukee, St. Paul and Paoifio Railway Company in Government Lot 3, ir., 8eotion 4 Town ►ip 28o,R&098 no lying south of a line parallel with i and distant 39 feet southerly from the centex line of the souther►+ most railroad traok on the right of way of the St- PSui Bridge and Terminal Railway company. � V�"�"�g� of olie oago, Milwaukee, 8t, Paul aria Paoifio Rdlriay Company lying in B1ook 17, Suburban Mille and Govern - sent Lot 2i', , 8eotion 4,. Township 28, Range aa, between the north and south center line of said Section 4 and a line parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and southerly of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly'from the center line of the southern— most railroad track existing previous to August 1st, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the a right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on --and across''titat po iQn of the right of way of the Chioago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern— most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company, Councilman X112m>o= MaY Councilman7d71R1OM Pearce Councilman WEMKX SudhelmeT Mayor 3MIM Bundlis Form B. S. A. 8.6 pAMMMMNM NMIMMNNNd 0100010 yW0N0NMMNNN•""""•""•••""••""• -...___... -"'-' 1927 t�q apP ved MaX_ 25, --- - - widero Q� J1 P'lazy Order--- - 919 AnEniei 1p 3933 --- ---- ur lE - 6 88 ---------; ----------- The ouncil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby res adopted, and the said improvement is 1. That the said report and the same is hereby app P hereby, ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement, which the Council recommends is__________ ---------- - Condemn aarld,'take for the purpose of a Muniolpal Barge Terminals.- ---- An eageineht to fill, 4yel, grade, Construct and maintain railroad tracks and a paved roadfij with neoeeeary alopaS on and acroeh.that porton of the right of wa of the Ohioago, Milwaukee, et. Paul and Pacific R411Nay company lying in Block 11j Suburban Mille gad Qovernw sent Lot ay Section 4, Townshi 28,Range 821 between the north ta d t rine of ae�d gset oa 4,and a line parallel there south center and 550 feet west therefrom, and southerly of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly'from the Center line of the Southern- most railroad track existing previous to August let, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the t" right of way of the Chicago, iiiilwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; ' Also on--and-aerosh that porttpn of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3,,' Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel frith and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern— most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. !f fl�i0na ' 9 Councilman 1t,f�VIN 1�, May / pITRL.ISFiEIP Councilman�idPearce GeitneiWas Councilman IXVAKX gudheimer L Mayor 3=IW Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-_ 11350 :00__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 20-tza----------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of .the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ SEP 22 WI 192---- Approved---------- �---------- 192--- -------- City Clerk. --------j---------------------- T Mayor. Councilman t7gx Conroy Councilman IreiWX McDonald Councilman XED= kK May 9 Councilmanglatm Pearce. Councilman xx 8udheimer Mayor i!>iam Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 w V -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-_ 11350 :00__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 20-tza----------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of .the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ SEP 22 WI 192---- Approved---------- �---------- 192--- -------- City Clerk. --------j---------------------- T Mayor. Councilman t7gx Conroy Councilman IreiWX McDonald Councilman XED= kK May 9 Councilmanglatm Pearce. Councilman xx 8udheimer Mayor i!>iam Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE By..... ................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on the south side of Hartford Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Fredericka Ave., „�rxovnva Asanieamaic'; 90498— yaatCer of tlSe. aases�M n epata .apd;eipene0lt ..y -rd 'Ave., Av '?Ad Ave irtt' . sr. R.. under Preliminary Order.................... -SE4.01.......... ....., Intermediary Order .............. _._ aOBB........................._ Final Order.. £X82.32 .................................. approved ............. Sh.21............ .._.............................. 19.31. The assessment of ... expenaeB.....................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... 21St.....day of 0cloher..-••------------------ ------ 19.._3 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council.................q.F .....------------.................119........ c.......................... .......... .... .. City Clerk. ,.Appnved..i.... ::: 1. " 119.......,.-. i Councilman }'.q° Conroy .... ......................... .........----®.., Mayor. / Councilman McDonald _ May Councilman Pearce Councilman 49orr4r 4�Z) Councilman Sudbeitner L'T^ w ;rr1 H // Councilman 1KNxXxx Mayor Xxft"&x Bundlie Fam B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... _............ _.. By.... _...... _.... _.................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of Ucncfi t s, costs and e;:nonses instalil.n orn:rnontal li-its on Ura,:Q Aac. 1:ro 'aaAve. to ^d Lexin-t„, Ave ----- for under Preliminary Order .............. EA202......................... Intermediary Order .......... UU.z..................................... Final Order.........B.5-0.4.2 ................ .... approved.....-... ................. 27.x........--- > 19..._30 The assessment of. -..hl efi: .,.-.G.os. ...1:.d..� den ........................ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ................ 2lst,____day of _Qi;.t.o-b= ............................. 19....3 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required 'by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................. 2.. Approved ............................ Q-2 Councilman uy^^ Conroy Councilman McDonald 1 6 Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman M"Sw Sadhelrner Councilman Mayor Ho¢lgamax Bundlie Form B. B. 17 y Clerk. Mayor. 90500 COUNCIL FILE NO ......................................... By.................... . .................................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the north side of Eleanor St. between Fairvig�,-{_Ay2nue and Fredericka Avenue, C., F. m. the matter d I f the , asoes, "Refits. coo & and expenool'it lu under Preliminary Order ..................559 .................... Intermediary Order 87.77......................................_... FinalOrder.................9&225----......... ..... approved ..................... zeb....17 ................. . ................. 19.sZI The assessment, and...jexpaas.ez ...... . ................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... Uat ...............day of ..O.c.t.o.b.er.............................. 19..31, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court .. .. .. .. .. ..... House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. ?aul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 4Fp 22 Adoptedby the Council ............................................ ........................................ 19 .......... City Clerk. Approved......................... ---.................19 .................. ..... ...................... ............................. , Mayor. col Councilman M Proy c Councilman Donald May Councilman - an Pearce Councilman FUMM Councilman Sudhoirnerl Councilman 1W96a Mayor MmUmax Bundlie F.- B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ....................................... By . 90501 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on Edgerton Street from Ivy Street to Denny IC F. No 90501 "9 Street, a -the atter of 6.'aeea. �•neate, coats andiexpeaer7 ictinR curDinR oh EdRe�. gt.;'IVY atreep'-eto ,-Dgu:= Ord, Prell?Otdeta edlary Otdet.869ZE;;4�, rapmoved 9eyt $ 7�: 'aeeesameat"uR;be>> ;;ysneeg for 'an6'.Z above 3rF t' .,matted t5 under Preliminary Order...........................849.35..........., Intermediary Order ......BE324..................................... .., Final Order. .............. :..-.SfifAOL----------- approved ...................... -S.ept.....2................................. 19$A -- The assessment of.._bnefits,-_costs and___xpgnses-....... _............... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..__...21S.t............ day of ..Qatobex.................... 19..,31 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. q Adopted by the Council------------- - �' i° - - ...........................—.1 19 WP%P. R"f,.'{ .................. ... ity Clerk. rApproved ........................ --•-.............. -- 19.... .. •-• --------------•----......--------------..., Mayor. Councilman Conray Councilman McDonald MayPearce/ 1 Councilman Pearce Councilman lJ Sys Councilman WWNWW Su ihaimer Councilman NEyagitk Mayor jbalgom Bund11e Form B. B. 17 . r COUNCIL FILE By........................ CITY OF ST. PAUL 90502 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Congress St. from Stryker Ave. to Winslow Ave., �IC F No. 90602 Ia th mptter of the esegegment -tru. v,-gopte and EZDep9eaty o f .�tructing, nurblpR.: on'6; `.mRresa. 84 from:;Strrhr neloav Ave...undeS Frellni:-= S67f8, Lntermedlary Oraj-' I Order 88222,`aDDroVe^ zeeeaement nsea for enA ,�nboi t Smr;_: under Preliminary Order ................ a&7.4B ................. Intermediary Order .................. 8.7.17-9............................. Final Order ............ E822.3 ............................ approved ........... k Zeb—J-7 ------------------------------ ----------- 19.31. - The assessment of. .--.-benafit.s.,—ao-st_S.. and ...expenses .....................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all.respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 21st........day of Qctobet..- 19..21, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 2 2 SEP C Adoptedby the Council ---------------------------- ........................................................19 ...........City Clerk. approved--- ...................... '... ------....19......... Councilman Conroy Councilman ? pg g % McDonald May Councilman „� ' Pearce Councilman J?iwos� Councilman &OZER Sudheimer Councilman kx Mayorlbadgaa¢x Bundlie Farm B. B. 17 --.......................... Mayor. i'IJBLISEIED����� / ✓� COUNCIL FILE NO ......................................... By 90503, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Blair St. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., C. A No. 90503-r the niatterVI'lWaseesop" behofito, 00sts"a%P6006", ;1roetlog Cott 41!* W,l 0epordotof b,060 M .."d 0 under Preliminary Order .......... 0.54QQ ............................. Intermediary Order 8899�9 ................. ....................... Final Order......._88231. approved zg.b.t �A .........................................119...31 The assessment of beriefita,—.C-O-StS. ..anji expens.e.5 .........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 21st day of .......................... 1 19 31, at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City Of St, Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 22 1931 Adopted A L 11 opue y the. Council.......................... W Approved................................................19 CouncilmanConroy McDonald Councilman may Councilman Pearce Councilman D'W" Councilman Sudheltner Councilman WAWXX Mayor jx%vowx Bundlie Form B. B. 17 19 Council he No ........... I ............. .......... By.......................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL bend etrUnl 6, Cor 90504 ,tYo Aed , Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses Oonstructing, remstructing and repairing cement Sidewalks, WIMAQ 10, 610WIRA N01 685818eam of IN0 o-Asssssable•- A for F.O. 96046 Aroh Ave,, south Side, beginning at Park Ave,, thence meet 90 ft. F.O. 86545 Farrington Ave., east side, beginning 114 ft. south of Blair St., thence south 100 ft. F.O. 86545 Minnebaha St., north side, beginning 32 ft. west of Dale St., thence west 44 ft. F.Q. 86547 Maekublu St., east side, beginning at Burgess St., thence north 145 ft. F.O. 86547 Maokubin St., east side, beginning at Front St., thence south 80 ft F.O. 86547 Mackubin St., west side, beginning at Front 9t., thence south to alley, F.O. 86690 Front St., south side, beginning 1,36 t. eastNof,Western Ave., thence east 54 ft. F.O. 86691 Rice 8t., west side, beginning 45 ft. north of Maryland 8t., thence north 52 ft. Y F.O. 6.6687 Maryland St., north side, beginning at Marion St. -thence west 14 ft. F.O. 86687 Marion St., east side,beginning at Maryland St, thence south :40 ft. F.O. 87571 Dale St. and Maryland St., Southwest and Southeast corners. F.O. 86353 4Jheelook,,Paxkway, south side, from Maryland St. to Grotto St. F.O. 86544 Hoyt Ave., south side,, from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave. F.O. 86046 Blake Ave., north side, beginning 84 ft. west of Raymond Ave., thence west 130 ft. F.O. 86546 Blake Ave., both sides, from East Langford Park Place to West Langford Park Place. " F.O. 85636 Wellesley Ave. Krom Hamllne Ave. to Grigga St .F.O. 86688 Lexington Ave.,`east side, from Palaoe St. to Juliet St. F.O. 86546 Toronto Ave., west side, beginning at Grace St. thence south 12,0 ft. :Aon -Assessable--', F.O. 86547 Mackubil St., east side, beginning at Front St. thence south ft. F.O. 86547 Maekubin 3t., west side, beginning at Front St. thence south to. alley. F.O. 87571 Dale St. and.Maxyland,St., Southwest,and_Boutheast corners. F.O. 88353 Wheelock Parkway, south side, from 'Maryland Stw•to.Cbrotto St. F.O. 86544 Hoyt Ave., south side, from Albert Ave. to Hemline Ave. F.O. 86046 Blake Ave., north side, beginning 84 ft. west of Raymond Ave. thence west 130 ft. F.O. 85636 Wellesley Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Griggs St. F.O. 86688 Lexington Ave., east side. from Palaos St. to Juliet St. l r U 6�Udf7a�Tu7r?uss b<VK'n .tf�u;xqxK}s1HxaGet�' 901seSTV! r a.Paq"Ts ,usujup ra + ,NF;rzJ9;i�rp 6100 Tqe sVJPtiz+ I t1Qr Tub y7�J.t!Z0u u�sor•sg s0ngu .;o s77a�• q Sun Trr4s4don ¢0 :teles ;ff4 F" ° ; xzrszs• 1 qe "U� 0n j1 8U , " Ae �uuru y� �zoll ' BU��,� �Jecpp�u 7�" 68d sTqe° AeR�nuu� �usuGe 4,1111111 Al WON JI + lrq x �rt(iA. , it�. t%"t �+�x �. IFx �f �jj' ��"y 1��`` rl' � ,l� �j, 1 �j��•�l �,.ti �,. �`Oi lJ w� 1, ���6� h I Inc•!� . boxKg.kl� oorr�p l}0s � tn., �w �'rri3 �''tfZi1 arirJlt , J.U�I 7Vb14�e�Utj au q Orr 9�@cS Tou t1 ''' ssc , �Jl�ir8� o�,xvsx9• p,rJoru� s,r?17�Ara r �' B�PSdTr ;u1nxAj,>1q�� ' e� � nr1 Y•JJh.r�a .J•U (A r &1c.sI Y k, 1 jt4ii�'IrfJJ1J1' �; tilyTTOJJ • " n F'QG �'i.6IJC6 SJ c• -n• u o-. i.,+. , k � .i r U BBE'o0 @,r.o,r� ��" ::crr `d �4 -E zAj�.Jq 8.F" aen�rJ �•c y �u a� ,a p ,Tvu?uEi •,n 7Ta1, 7 .. Ir r o: , ;,3 B���F i E'''C-','"�7 c z r.' a cr" .r:sap j xuuTu5; r , .a , ^ . , ao;,�g 80 ��' C' 9EPvd va'c,�fr) T:, * -r r;�suce �P TP23�' Saar T_ ^>' n> fuuT - c LE:zt .,,. , ee2jS A: Iii ,, • , Gr fPUGIJCG UGUGG iatid,F � �'1FI.3'SE2 � ^' "•C' g�?v� iuSuuspa;s •, d k�• 2r' rJeuC6 �7iJ�Z , r UOS.,^. Y: vlCrv' ,J4TiJr SS PUG �s taG al);`U Toojs r ,n NF T1'tf TF• i��rrtr„ na twriaisiadey Q m........_ ................. 112zMrdtz7xftft%x ......................... $1zt7 Z....................... a;ala}y----------------------------------- 1$ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to a submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .......................d ..equal installments. SEP 23 Adoptedby the Council ................ .. ....................... -.............................. 19.- Approved............... ------------------ ---------------19... Form B. B. IS n V Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment pufS.e... 26A 19.11 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the Constructing, -reconstructing and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 6, Contract No. 5839, Season of 1930. --Assessable-- r.0. 86046 Arch Ave., south Aide, beginning at Park Ave., thence vest 90 ft. F.O. 86545 Farrington Ave., east side, beginning 114 ft. south of Blair St., thence south 100 ft. F.O. 86545 Minnebaha St., north side, beginning 32 ft. west of Dale St., thence west 44 ft. F.O. 86547 Maekubin 3t., east side, beginning at Burgess St., thence north 145 ft. F.O. 86547 Maekubin St., east side, beginning at Front 3t., thence south 80 ft. F.O. 86547 Mackubin St., Rest side, beginning at Front St., thence south to allay, F.O. 86690 Front St., south side, beginning 136 ft. east of W=estern Ave., thence east 54 ft. F.O. 86691 Rice St., west side, beginning 45 ft. north of Maryland St., thence north 53 ft. F.O. e6687 Maryland St., north side, beginning at Marion St. thence west 14 ft. F.O. 86687 Marion St., east side, beginning at Maryland St., thence south 40 ft. F.O. 87571 -Dale St. and Maryland St., Southwest and t6u'Eheast corners. F.O. 86353 Wheelock Parkway, south side, from Maryland -fit. to Grotto St. F.O. 86544 Hoyt Ave., south aide, from Albert Ave. to llaimline Ave. F.O. 86046 Blake Ave., north side, beginning 84 ft. west of Raymond Ave., thence west 130 ft. F.O. 86546 Blake-lAve., both-sdes, from East Langford Perk Place to west Langford Park ?lace. F.O. 85636 wellesley Aver from Hemline Ave. to Griggs `'It. F.O. 86688 Lexington Ave., east side, from Palace C'16 Juliet St. F.O. 86546 Toronto Ave., west side, beginning at Grace St. thence soutb 120 ft. "won -Assessable -- F.0`. 86547 gackubin St., east side, beginning at 'Front St. thencesouth 80 ft. ' F.O. 86547 NMokubin '3t.,' west sids, beginning at Front' ";t. thence south o alley.,. ,,. i F.O. 81571 Dale St. and Maryland 8t., Southwest and southeast corners. F.Q..$6353 11beelook Parkway, south side, from Maryland at* to Grotto St. F.O. 86544 Hoyt Ave., south side, from Albert Ave. to Hamlin Ave. F.O. 86046 Blake Ave., north side, beginning 84 ft. west of Raymond Ave. thence west 130 ft. 70. 85636 Wellesley Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to Griggs 8ti i 1-:0. S$688 Lexington Ave., east side, from Palace St. to Juliet St. `.7 1A + a i, • i r' ti t � t+ t om'' +,70x.S}a {I{i .g C' a 6 7tr `."` 17f3,•'.(,J r J•.�'x ,i�a 3t*yJ7.�^Il t' r' �Tr�1S x'.7aj u.'S) -r P Y i .ri r V RA53Sx>ea_pt ' ,. •Ss° JGk _i f9.�,Q�r.t }'6 iT w5 'i'4.h{ i�3 a YAJ4§�IJ d�t,1•• 1Z ft.uOi,T1.: :: t.. a j• ;•�.,• Glu J'3 t"`>X�'ll L !i ":.:J l I's;J� I Jr �; Gv o-U3P.0-d i. - {, c? j :i C e7P. :•r,.i :i 4�13; '..I � a . ' - -riP']"-j,T_y r,3i n 4.EIS, Ga .. ``• t•; �::Jv i" e .. • '-i.a;,"Ii 'r,`' ;�.>.i TU 1T) a' A' l: J.{' } ' tLJ:. y? `TL A l rr' a `r) vaa lr Y' .r I', t1j-� ,�:i1".�L' till i� • ,.T G s :: `a il;l:.f!1'i I,'T q C, , 6;3i,�'tiJ' ii¢ �''•;l'C;.J 'Re, •.i ;:r7C43 �.. ;�..1: �' .'ti: .tt,r.:. �2 .o;. IT Z130"flnu 1!0 �; 3:..,.. t? �ri1r ;s°.' �t'{':t np • - a � . r i;rr;r� t..i x�. ,,,� , r � , -- `, ..`tV �.p--�-iGitSp,TS7 .:< � _�:j.• �Tt;i)' ci:l'Ii s _. r'� :1i fir" A4� r ' r T v 'Y V\ aak5 b . a r alj<aG won4(J lot) Zp i�fuExT,�si rd�, jJ<, sJ9 lrfi, T - a,�%r i�> 1v r!• -.34Ya��'.»ea,.l�'.`5w1...,.�'"�.. �zrwa•"•�7,.�,.k� a fi is r u'., � , r� uML;lPiAMMFR#r;l3r.........................................._...... x�Mi?4XXAf XWA......------------......................................... FZ29X+3AFU...................................................... a;rWiW ................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve. ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $---_2., 366.60. Cost of publishing notice . . . $................ 85 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . $............... 1,17 ...... Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $........ 236.:66,..,. Total Non—Assessable 1,028.66 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $ .............._5.95 Total Assessable,2,616.13 Total expenditures . . $-._3,1!79--___, Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $._ �. ........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F- H. R. 17 Commissioner of Finance. R e: lst, 2nd. A Laid over to 3rd, & app, " Adopted— .Yea dopted_ I fa Yeas /` Nays Yeas / Nays Conroy �Onroy f May`, May eDonald - ; McDonald Pearce Pearce Rosen Rosen &dheimer udheimer /Mr, Pres. Bundlie /Mr."Pres. Bundli An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled I M ".74.nT.X uuafr ----pSt. Farm, tlinnosotr. Daer Sirs fts petition whiott you oircnlated in the matter of resoulne Lot 1, SWAM= Flu (South wee% corner of $t2th ana Forest Streets) in a Commeroiat Distriot instead of MMM "8s Dssida OO, be# been Rivad insaffielent b r the Dag*rtmeat of linaIce as it does not Contain the required number of signstvres of ,property owners. Yours vory trulyp City Clark. September 3rds 1931 Hon. J. S: ttnDona3d• , linanco• eomt��jr� . �o�f Dear Coaxaissionerr Iffimes..Q- wjkjj bo held be•Yo" the 01t Connell On x6t lv 193M In the matter of resmangt Lot I, gCJ%41_�r+ a JnALCce C SCMXtbaeat COMOr of 9izth and 1Rs3V-4sat Strsetsi 332 a Comercial. District W&aA -Vcrm 7s!!nA2317 notify the inter- sated property 097MI M of szac21 �aearix�? S0us-0 'Wery trout City ®f Saint. ?Paul Office of City Clark MIKE J. GIBBON S, CA*v Cfalc CLASENCE A. STORMS .HAROLD J. RIORDM7 - and Comminloner of ReSistmlion andaero•Rowe'- a,�d ae*-nn aeh August 26th, 1931• ids. Gso. A. Harrold, Secretary, Zoning Board, Saar Sir: Attached a3.8ase find petition in the matter of rezoning: Lot 1, Schi£fman Place (Southwest corner of Sixth and Forest Streets) in a Commercial / District. Will yon 3c=iad7y bring this Petition before the Zoning Board at their next meeting? Yours vary truly, City Clerk. IV City of Saiimt Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GiBBC)MS, 41=11v Owk HAROLD J. RIORD ' •—mW - and Commimloner taf gt w ami4alion Chl*f Clerk -Gey C:1 September 16th, 1931 ZWET-_ L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, ms's ld1wg. tsar Sirs Y'he attaahsd pemtition in the matter a� raroning Lot 1, Sohiffman' s PI mk=gw t Southwest corner of !Mf mow+ and Forest Streets) was rb=e,rred to you today, by the for the proper ordiaaaae. Tcrmrs -very tray, City Clerk. CLARENCE A. STORMS Chief Clerk-Reefinetton PETITION TO A03ND i O A R D OF Z 'O N I N E September 4th, 1931. 193 .-sting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Pette ��� c�rz : August 7th, 1931. Petitioner = Cha.rles E. Sandeen(993 Fairmount Ave.) Location Z,ot 1 Schiffmant s Place(SoutansForrest Sts- r of Sixth )/ Z one �T' -'jE7W Residence Amendment for Commercial Date of Irns -X� -.a-- coon : September 3rd, 1931- Date of m-3�9 Se-member 4t1l, 1931 Appearance s :JZ-r or Petitioners None None. Appearance mor Opposition Petitioner Arguments : The purpose of the change is to legalize to taKe care of a growing business. the structure .and enable the owner to increase .the size of the building Inspection disclosed that the lot was occupied Action o: �arci a nousconforming structure in a "B" b-5r store building, the owners of Res � r���rsce District; that the other three corners were occupied by �idences; that the petition was signed by two c� these corners and the OWhale signeOf d a residence immediately aa a the store building be granted The Board recommends that the change a mt 1 Schiffman'D Place be madeBOARD OF ZONING. -� tsry Isaac Summerfield, chairman Geos > err Louis Betz G . 0. House � Ryland Rothschild C. A. Bayil p ord Iltirs. WD. . D. Villars - pgP�r�r%erzl-�G� '�=ria�Face JOHN H-M4DONA L��Coi.arwissw,V�,t tq WT - THOS.O.O'CONN ErLL;OEPVT+� Ca/h/h ,55,oNSR HgRRY N-JDH NSON CLAFFO RD M- NYST leZ.p /�A LEONNRO C. SFAMER.Vn�.vnz�oN a. Ps. �.ssrwE�+z En o�nc¢�e �H�EF V -RK AuEptst 26, 1931- -X!' q=m� the Council, Cr iy of St. Paul. tlemen:- I have re -checked t3se petition attached 3r3Ls 3 eto, filed in the matter o=E' rezoning: sot 1, Schiffman Place st corner of Math & Forest Streets) rpm *Bp Residence to Commerc 381 District, and find -t---Jk=3L-4Mm_t same now is sufficient Very truly yours, C c3mart 3 s s loner of Finance. C4.1 Sta a of Minnesota ) ss County of Rams ) . being first duly sworn, deposee and says; that he is the a on whocirculated the within'petition consisting .of Page- ; that the -parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately -following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners 1A the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ��s � 4iJ? omit Subscri ando b ore this `/ 99 ji t C/1./IvYLB��vt' No b1 c, Ramsey Co �iq My Commission -expire g& U �— CITY OF oP1o1NPL To CITY C1.EPK N OFFIG a ter• .I COUNCIL 9 L B CODeII 'FILE _NQ. aGouncll YDr D .. ddittonp.:;drive .. On yf'�,Lti�lortTl! '•• .or the 3nfgi'tt� , WHEREAS, E. E. Copeland has petitioned the Council for per- mission to install an additional driveway at his filling station at the northeast corner- of Bellevue avenue and West Seventh street; and WHEREAS, Said E. E.Copeland has submitted a blue -print of the proposed driveway for the inYormation of the Oouneil; and whereas, a dar_ce with Paragraph F, Section 5 of hearing has been held in accor Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to E. E. Copeland to install and maintain said additional drivdway in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation therefrom will nutomatioally void the permit; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and anY changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas i` f Nays _ Conroy May McDonald -------- --- In favor r Pearce . t Sudheimer --- --- Against — r//Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Counci&E-;2-2-3--1916----19__-- Ap oved__ ti----- -- - —19 -- -_--- 'et�LT�sa:� ���� APPLICATION TO .1 MADE IN TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL TTH;'PLICA1. AND FI LED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE-------------------- ------------------- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ------------------------------- -------------------------- - ------- BY------------- --------------------------------------- I -E F - FIRM - - - N - - I - NO I - 11DUALI j_ ------ FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL -------- _ __1� ------------------ ---- -- ---- -- -DRIVE IN OR INSIDE GARAGE I AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION V@8G LOCATED ON LOT______.__ l.. - -- ------- ---- __ BLOCK --- -------------------- -- --------- __(TREET AND NUMBER)------ ALSO DESCRIBED AS S ------- (ADDITION, NO, OF PUMPS - - - ------ --- NO. OF GAS TANKS FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE.____ _________---------------------------------- 19 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY_______._ _CAPACITY OF EACH TANK-----___----__ -. -----____________PLIC__ - ----- SIINATURE OF APPLICANT. BY I, ------ II, ---- ( BUSINESS ADDRESS. RECEIVED 11P ROM CITY CL�� DATE- _............ CITY PLANNING BOARD -PPPPPP ------------- THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY of TME CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER OFFICE COMMUNICATION C 0 P Y September 12, 1931 n Mr. George C.°Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: Relative to application of E. E. Copeland for permission to instal an additional driveway at his filling station at Bellevue and West Seventh Streets, will say that on September 11 I made the usual inspection and do not find that this extra driveway will interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, H. N. Wettergren, Superintendent of Traffic APPROVED: Thomas A. Bro�,m Chief of Police File 0 9-12-31 MILTON ROSEN. COM MI/tiIONER FRED C. LOVELL. D[PuTY COMMIB[IpN[R �CrTv v�F I0--gi Hv'AL WM. 'N.. CAREY,CNI[► ENaIN[[n JOHN M. RCARDON, SumOI CON[TgUCTION ANO R[PAIR. ' .0. H. HERROLD, OFFIp[ ANO CITY PLANNING CNOIN[[n L to WARD GOTTLIE B. Sum OF fANITATIOM MARK W. WOODRURF, CNI[F E.G.. CL[RK M. B. ORYTBAK, B[Ioo[ ENOIN..R September 22, 1931 • CLAYTON S. STEWART. Burr. or Wo..Hoa.[ Mr. Mj J. Gibbons, City Clerk. He: Additiona driveway at station located on Lot 7, Block 5, Home - Dear Sir; croft, (NE corner of Bellevue and W. seventh St. E, E. Copeland, By- S. R. Chamberlain 1010 Commerce. B„t i ding This is in a district zoned for commercial use, and inasmuch as, it is a request for an additional drive- way for a station on which a permit has already been granted, no public hearing is required. �ac Due to the surface of Bellevue not beingablished grade, the applicant has requn the existing grade of the sidewalkwr.�s. noted on the attached blue prints. As these changes will affect the roadway no work should be permitted in the street untilherade, applicant has provided satisfactory cross-sections and Profiles of the regrading of Bellevue Avenue, as affected by this station driveway and has received approval thereon by the Commissioner of Public Works. The applicant should also be required to agree, as a 'condition of the permit, that any new street surfacing he .provides shall be equal or better to the existing surfacing of Bellevue Street. Yours uly,, . N. AR wnc-mh Chief Eng . Approved: MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL PICS OF CITY CLERK COU I 111_1 NO.. ffi I. PILE RESOLVED Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the nec- essary conduits for four -corner type traffic signals to be installed by City forces at locations below listed, at a cost not to exceed 6375.72, and that the said cost shall be charged to the project known as the repaving of West Fifth Street, St. Peter Street to Seventh Street, and to be financed as part of said project, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby au- thorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. Fifth and St. Peter Fifth and Franklin Fifth and Market Fifth and Washington Adopted by the Council i F P 21 UK 19 Approv i 19— MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �'•t_;� :,:,t,:: "MeDoBahl In favor 'Rdhland'. =Sudheimer 0 Against °Wenzeh:.: " Ar. Presidentlodgedrr C Fifth and St. Peter Fifth and Franklin Fifth and Market Fifth and Washington Adopted by the Council i F P 21 UK 19 Approv i 19— MAYOR eae AddMODO ana yea . tight DCDVe tp be nepeeee.';. NO._ --W ro e. eat deecrlbed. a the, CITY ST. PAIL aet Seventh Streetarpt, & K+ �c/// SIb1eY.;ikYea C`Fov uctlr,-t oFF1cEi CITY GLbre fisc„eboen�roVtd�0t3 prove b be necessa- ry whereas, Additions and Deductions which might ry on the improvement described as the paving of East Seventh Street from Brodd- way to Sibley, Feyen Construction Co., contractors, have been provided for in tie specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract,and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make additions and deduc- tions to the contract, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in accord- ance with the unit prices stipulated in the contract, and Table 2 showing addi- tions and deductions made on the Tforce able Nocount basis as provided in the contract: Table No. 2 Additions 10.00 Relay 101 12” V. C. P. @ 1.00 Deductions 11 Cu.Yds. Bituminous Macadam Surfacing @ 4.00 !+11.00 00 Net Deductions Table 2 6.00 Net Addition to Contract And, whereas, the net addition is 064.00, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public works and in accord- ance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to ex- ceed the sum of $64.00 to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3568 for the making of the afore- said improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the ract * aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contractor The Department of Public.works has a eed with the; s Feyen Construction Co., that the sum of $6/x..00 he reasonabke net addition to be made to said contract. `j -, Countersigned: Comm loner of blic Lrr^� 4AiLtmp troller. _, Co t actor. — COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays Additions Clancy FergUWW' MaDomalg 22.00 Appro ` y ?" A 19— - 1 No. 2 A Catch 1 No. 1 Manhole Basin less castings A and B 66.00 55.00 $143.00 441 1211 V. C. P. @ 1.25 Against MAY91R Deductions nze�— 14.00 1 Casting A and B 31.00 45.00 155 S4• Ft. sidewalk 20¢ Net Additions Table 1. 98.00 Table No. 2 Additions 10.00 Relay 101 12” V. C. P. @ 1.00 Deductions 11 Cu.Yds. Bituminous Macadam Surfacing @ 4.00 !+11.00 00 Net Deductions Table 2 6.00 Net Addition to Contract And, whereas, the net addition is 064.00, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public works and in accord- ance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to ex- ceed the sum of $64.00 to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3568 for the making of the afore- said improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the ract * aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contractor The Department of Public.works has a eed with the; s Feyen Construction Co., that the sum of $6/x..00 he reasonabke net addition to be made to said contract. `j -, Countersigned: Comm loner of blic Lrr^� 4AiLtmp troller. _, Co t actor. — COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays � Clancy FergUWW' MaDomalg 6In favor Appro ` y ?" A 19— - .. - Rohlztrdm Sntlheimdt Against MAY91R .. .. , : nze�— Mr. President Hdd0610 COUNCIL Y OMOINAL TO CITY CLERK CITYOF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFA i/t�E OF CITY CLERK I26UIdCIL E6OLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESO#VED That the Cj/nci1 hareby ap7ryroves the action of the Purchasing Committee, in awarcling the contract for furnishi rg to the 'Water Department 1000 tons of Basic Aluminum lfate (filter alum) to the GENERAL CHEUICAL COETADY., they being the lowest re- sponsible bidders., at a price of $1.22 per cwt., in bulk, car- loads, f.o.b. Water Purification Plant, or a total contract price of 8:pprox1mately $24,400.00, pricy being based on present tariff rate of freight from Chicago Heights, Illinois, toter Pmrifioation Plant, of 23¢ per 100 pounds for shipment all rail J ,and any variation :Ln freight rate to be followed by corresponding variation in price of material shipped under this contract subse- quent to the date of such variation, all in accordance with specifications of' the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw -u -p the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #8687. c F xo' solos -b> ReeolveThat .th I aDProved t the aptlpri of Lm� -A COUNCILMEN SEP 83 Yeas /: Nays Adopted by the Council— __—_--19___ Conroy May j McDonald _In favor APPr ed________ -- -------- /Pearce /-^ iie"M Against '----------- ""'-- — -- A R /Sudheimer MIASHED _,,-Mr. President Bundlie i N DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No. ------ 94511L CONROY J. COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY FAVOR MCDONALD AUDITED CLAIMS ----------------- Uptembei PEARCE ________AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-,2-7iIiI-747-.jj--. COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIECHECKS NUMBERED--2 ]EII2 -6 INCLUSIVE. AS F I T PER CHECKS ON I TMC ADOPTED BY THE COUNCSF ----------------- . ..... APPROVED ----------- 1! --- Caw - --------------- BY --- �.y - - --------------- - - - -- - ------------ - - ----------------- -------- A -R k TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS C S CHECKS BROUGHT FOR RD 7 • 21690l Inter—State Contracting Comp ny 21 882 75 21691 Charles Stewart 3021, 0 21692 Milton Rosen, C. of P. Works 250,0 21693 Frank E. Dielke 351 2C 21694 Pat Kelly 1851 8 i�' 31695 August Nelson 15010 21696 Specialty Printing Company 34!1 21697 McGraw—Hill Book Company 1413 a : i 6 21 69 Marrinan Medical Supply Comp 311 99 Minnesota Sporting Foods Com any 375 21 21700 National Battery gompany 18i 21701 National Meter Company 201 21702 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 421 21703 Northern States Power Company 56413 21704 !1 Northern States Power Company 814 21705 N.W. Fuel Company 652 8 21706 11 Orientalla, Inc* 217 21707 A.N. Palmer Company 3612 21708 Robinson, Gary & Bands 0ii 124,sc 1 21709 Royal Typewriter Company 1015i 1 21710 1. St.Paul Book & Stationery Goap'any 769�9 21711 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 128117 21712 St.Paul Machine Works 50!54 2171 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company &.70 21714 Schaaf'Janitor Supply Compare 67190 21715 Slade, Hipp and Meloy 109i0 21716 H.J. Slewik, Inc. 9196 �5 - 21717 G. Sommers and Company 346,55 G 21718 Standard Unit Parts Company 59, 2 21719 :1 Swift & Company 66199 21720 i John N. Thelesen1100 21721 Mabel Uirichis Book & Print s4op 13 112 l 21722 University of North Carolina 6150 21724 11 Van Paper Supply Company 213173 ji 2172 j Vaughanla Seed Store 371952 9 2 21725 !j Waldorf Bindery Compank 21726 11 Warren—Given, Ino. /I 11�5 21727 i! Washington Foundry Company 99125 :21728ill H.E. Wedelstaedt & Company 4 372 I 21729 1 Welch Grape Juice Company 3 1,, 21730 1 western Auto Supply Company 62139 21731 if R.B. Whitacre & Company 517 21732 173 White Sewing Machine Company 2!50 217338 �92 John Wiley A, Sons, Inc. 21734 Willis Circulating Library 2190 69 21735 i John Wunder Corporation 1191 21736 'I Wm. H. Ziegler & Companyiii 148146 00 SHEET TOTAL-FORQARD 7 5 100 889 04'1 0 511 CITY OF ST. PAUL . FIX NO -.»....... 9. _ f� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTION— O COMMISSIONER ATE — ' RESOLVED)' W10REAS The Commissioner of Public 71orks has re- ported to the Council, in accordance With Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence or: an cmergcncy which rendered necessary :the. employment of certain employes: Of his Department for Chore than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual 'hours of employ- mcnt.: THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named em- ployes at the rate othori'is.e fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours We of We Hauk,,Andy J. Staty.Engr. 2 .78 Heller, Walter A. Truck Driver 1 409 Putnam, FredSub-Foreman 13.62;9 Rasmussen, Robert Utilityman 1 .749 Simmer, Ray Hoist .Sng.Gas. 81 1100 Telke,'Robert Utilityman 1 .749 Winkel, 'Fred L. Truck Driver 1 .67.14 C -Where".'-The ere .'-The-Co set Rosen ,Works Tae-CommiB loner of Pub- lie, Werke -.has reported to thuCounci}„ In pecordanoe 'with =8ectlon .¢f9.;Cf the City Chatter 2ha ezlPtence ergeney awhich ropdBTod,aeco'eBaty'�he employmgpt� of oortaiN employed, f pie Departnie_nt tppr.tn6N.'Yaan etkht(ac' r.. n r dayr�.§mdhemployment}.tie nlr'tpor. . than,thetc ural hovea bf employment: Therefore Be it JX w aat th over city officers aTB h M' author- IBe$ tO Zo'Y the feli6ivinR natded emi. ployee.'atthe rate; 6thoWle9td=ed'foE Xtra-. PmulovmPntI for 0 eitra t1'd. hereinafter Bet forth:, Hank, Andy S jgtatr Enrtr e"houre at 786,',.5 Heller.' Walter A:; TrucS�111rlver 1' - ho q at 78iG4 Putnam: Fred Bub=Foreman 18Lh6µrB at 9834 n Raemµ§Ben Robeik $tI1ltYinan , 1 8lmmee. Ray .$olet, EnR 6.. 8$" h: Te Bt fi 00 7tyllce, ,Robetk IItltltyrnaS 1 hour=fit - Winkel: Fre$ L,, Truck Drdror ;1 hour at 973St - c Adopted hY tha Connell Bepk 84 1991. Approved SBpk '94 3991: - =,(8epk 89=1991) COUNCILMEN _ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council SEP EP 2 -4) 192— r,Styr6asd 4 ga­ preyed _____.-192__ McDonald In favor Sudheifner A a}nst Mr. President Medpow, An emergency has arisen in the DL ARTTMWT OF PUBLIC WORICS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Repairing sewers, tunnels and bridges and adjusting machinery This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances:Emergency calls for sewer repairs received at all hours; repairing and adjusting machinery after hours to avoid delay of crews. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK FORM FILE - FILE NO.9O That the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Paul J. Dudley Post Bo. 1139, be and they are hereby granted permission to hold a festival at the corner of St. Clair and West Seventh Streets, from Septembir 28 to October 8, 1981. Approved: Thmas A. Brown, Chief of Police COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays onroy May Donald -------- In favor Pearce Against S-Aheimer /Mr. President Btnldlie C. F. NO.'99612-8y C9 -C audheimep� Resolved {'hat. the Veteraps, •61 FGrefpp Ware, Paul J Dadley poet No. 1189, 6e hnd they=aro hereby Rranted Permtssfon to„hold G, festivaT at the F rner.ot 8t. Clefr and 'West Seventh Streets,- rrom, Sept 28 tq, goober., 1431: - Adop'ted by the Couneit 8epk 29 1881: Approved sept .24 1981 (Sept.._86 X981) - - 24 SRI Adopted by the Council _-_______--_,.._-_____- APPr -- 7- - --------- ---------19----- _. MAYOR - OfliO1NAl TO G: `Y C�EPtt � COU RESOLVED V COUNCIL ^ FILE NO. CCqL���E�-�R�_�K-� ����1��iiVV L FORM DATE Sept. 24, 1931 In the matter of paving Johnson Parkway from the end of present paving at Wakefield Avenue to a point 420 feet south, under Preliminary Order C. F. 80244, approved April 11, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 81241, approved June 11, 1929. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald tj ..._In favor Pearce 6'� _ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie IN Adopted by the Council - ------ SF,.p-1�{{--Pli9_-_--- Approv----------- ---------------- ------------------ MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK SSW t RESOLVED CIT OF $T. COUFILENCIL NO. V 90514 I —C-3ENERAL FORM DIY ,. Sebt. 24. 1931 In the matter of grading Alley in Howard Green Addition from Edgeumbe Road to the east line of lot 5, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89500, approved June 9, 1931, and Fi.na1 Order C. F. 90155, approved August 19, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement,be and thesame are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas - - Nays !Conroy May McDonald ------ .-----In favor Pearce Against Sudheimer C� Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_ ----S _ _24 �4 E9 Appro d---- -- - ------------19--- MAYOR r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1 - AUL FOUENCIL NO. 9®55 O FICE F CITY CLERK CO N 111 R LUTION— RAL FORM COMMlss o E Sept. 24, 1931 DATE RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 7, Hayden Heights from Sherwood Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89184, approved May 16, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90128, approved August 18, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ Conroy May McDonald _--__In favor Pearce �. %� -7!_ _-_ Against Sudheinter Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council__--�.L-C__k4__ Appr ed--:- -- --24 -Ig— - ------- --- � — — - MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERJ$ t PRESENT. COMM 1551 IIVV�� RESOLVED PAUL COUENCIL' 1v C1. 3051-6 V csFFICE OF ITP CLERff TFEent _24_., 1971 Mn the matter of grading Rockwood Avenue fr<=s--==z=3L ATton Street to the west line of Palisade Acid — tion, under Preliminary Order C. F. 88935, approved Apri1 28, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90164, appy—owed August 1-9, 1931. :Ei ESOLV ED, That the plans and specifications as — --�bmitted by the Commissionerof Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same arm -w— �reby approved. COUNCI LME 1--S Yeas `Conroy May McDonald Nays In favor Pearce ram- �Sudheime r �. -- ------- Aga>_nst -- /Mr. Preside� z Bundlie r Adopted by the Council---- IAiil-14 Approd----- ------ ------- --------- - ----19- - -.-- - - --�-- MAYOR C UNCIL 90��• ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK. CITY OF S -r- PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'WI .-RESENTED BY A COMMISSIONE RESOLVED That the assignment to the City of St. Paul by the Midway Nation- al .Bank of St. Paul, of #7G000.00 worth of United States Treasury Bonds and City of Saint Paul bonds , which said assignment is dated September 22nd, 1931, approved by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Conroy May '/McDonald __.__In favor Posed /0' Against Adopted by the Council -25 W— 191— Ved- Mr. Vlot k'ress. buctnelmer y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK t �. PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE' NO. q�ri/7 OFFIri OF CITY CLERK FORM That licenses for which applications have been made by persons named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in— structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the re— quired fee. e� 44 CRegio at llceneA for which aU-•.' Dltaatfone. t been made by;0ara NO named ioh'hy attaohed .lief ba:=and thy; eame ace hereby'Branted and'the Clty; Clerk, Ise lnetruoted';to.leeue such I1 tr0aeurY a[ teleav[r98 fee to aha city I . �'Apyp oyeQ eeDt• 86.E 1931seDk 26, 1931.: coct.: ioasau COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy j May . McDonald _..._.__..__In favor 4earce _.......Against-_.. SfIdLeimer ,, E iw . n ._.Ilia Mr. Vice Pres. £udheimer Adopted by the CounciL_S'_FP -- W 19_____. off. . ^ MAYOR 90518 September 25, 1951 J. W. Anderson 450 Robert Butcher A. L. Devine 1459 St. Clair St. " M. Garber 648 Jackson St. " Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co 786-88 Grand Av. n Longman & Sigel 245 E. 14th St. " J. W. Malesky 1088 Grand Av. n Michaud Bros. 128 E. 8th St.- n Minnesota Provision Co.Inc 254 W. 4th St n L. Nemer & P. Rados 2075 St. Clair St. ^ Wm. F.Smith 2065 Palace St. " Emil Bachtle 181 N. Western Av. Bakery Donald Bader & M. L. La Rose 253 W. 6th St. Confectionery Bannons, Inc. 60-8- E. 7th St. ^ S. Bernstein 649 Selby Av. Grocery Frank Burtis 2119 Grand Av. n F. Van Caspellen 1871 E. Minnehaha St. " A. J. Conley 1853 Randolph St. n Crea Bros. 304 Rice St. " 'T. A.Donobne 185 S.Chatsworth St. " Paul J. Earl 1041 Osceola Av. ^ J. G. Elmquist 1054 Arkwright Confectionery Lester F.Erickson 397 Case St. Grocery Goo. W. Ewald 26 E. 7th St. Confectionery Russell S. Foote 44 S. Snelling Av. Grocery Arno F.Funke 128 N. Cleveland Av. Confectionery M. George & Son 50 W. Fairfield Av. Grocery C.Gensch 376 Maria Av. " J. W. Goldfein 1700 Grand Av. Confectionery Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 786-88 Grand Av. Grocery J. Groetsch 192 Arundel St. ^ Gruetzman Bros. 858 Thomas St. ^ M. J. Hartman 1346 Thomas St. ^ Hasley Bros. 707 Hudson Av. n Catherine Hendricks 1217 Edmund St. Bakery Andrew F. Hokanson 2190 W. Como Av. Grocery H. A. Johnson 267 W. 7th St. Confectionery Sadie Johnson 1091 Payne Av. Grocery S. B. Katz 628 Jackson St. ^ Frank Kendall 951 Arcade St. Confectionery W. Kissin 524 W. University Av. Grocery Joe Kubes 65 W. George St. ^ Mrs. E. LaFountain 572 Robert St. Confectionery Tames F. Logar 619 Grand Av. n Bessie Makiesky 248 Rondo St. Grocery C. J. Margellon 438 Jackson St. Confectionery Nick G. Massy 148 W. 7th St. ^ I. T. Miller 498 Thomas St. Grocery F.A. Moore 164 Iglehart St. ^ Jos. Pentelovich 722 N. Snelling Confectionery Arthur W. Peterson 1062 E. 7th St. ^ W. J4 Prescott 1057 Grand Av. Grocery -2- 9-24-31 Phil Reilly 188 N. Snelling Av. Confectionery M. J. Rowan 1930 University* Av . Soft drink Join R. Sevcik 421 N. Dale St. Grocery Ida Silver 859 Front St. " Mrs. Perry Smith 251 W. 6th St. Bakery W. P. Spangenber 686 Selby Av. Grocery Superior Piggly-Ifiggly Stores 531 Wabasha St. " H. J. Taylor 1623 Rice St. Confectionery E. K. Tibbling 1088 Grand Av. Grocery Anthony Trantanella 580 Robert St. " Earl Werness 980 White Bear Av " Wallraff Bros. & Fiero 492 S. Hemline Av . Confectionery G. A. Wiedl 425 W. 7th St. Grocery Joke Williamson 451 Mendota St. Confectionery F. W. Woolworth Cc 957 Payne Av. " Mrs. M. L. Maple 911 E. Jessamiaa St. Grocery George Zalkin 441 Thomas St. " 0. M. Zeff 176 Western Av. " Mrs. T. J. Boucher 494 S. Hakline Av. Restaurant T. Cunningham 843 E. 7th St. " J. Hutchinson 891 E. 7th St. " Mrs. E. La Fountain 372 Robert St. " N. T. Miller 344 W. 6th St. " Louis Price & Bruno Bruer 600 Wabasha St. " Artbur Riley 120 S. Robert St . " F. C. Thompson 376 Wabasha St. " A. Udstad 40 W. College St - ° White Castle System 176 E. 6th St. " Rafael Adora 380-382 Jackson St. Hotel (Garfield) 40 rooms Jokm Clarizo 424 E. 7th St. " (Mullane) 40 " Josie Greer 4452 Jackson St _ " (Greer) 26 " Mrs. Adele Hageman 603 St. Peter St . " (Belmont) 50 " William Hameid 159 W. 7th St. " (New Eagle)22 " Jokamson Bros. 474 Wabasha St. " (Spalding) 72 " Herman Jobason 276 E. 7th St. " (Fairmount)26 " Mrs. M. Johnson 452 St. Peter St _ " (Palace) 14 " Sam Kadrie 475 Wabasha St. " (LaSalle) 19 " Mrs. A. Kazeil 24 W. Exchange St.. " (33 rooms (Gladstone) Anton Kramer 197 W. 4th St. " (Rvlington)50 rooms Leonard Larson 3212 St. Peter St. ^ (Palmer) 48 " Helen Mathison 481.Wabasha St. " (Empress) 35 " P. C. McMahon 337 Jackson St. " (Summit) 50 " Albert Schaen 4442 St. Peter St. " (Arcade) 20 " Frank Thurston 467a Wabasha St- 2 ^ (Blackstone) 38 rooms F.E. Turgeon 9 W. 7th St. " (St.Francis)101 " Walker-Pence Co 699 Laurel Av. " (Anthony) 25 rooms Ida Weiser 17 E. 5th St. " (Jewell) 90 " F. P. O'Malley 108 Concord St. Motion picture theatre Publix N.W. Theatre Co 18 E. 7th St. " " e (Alhambra) Publix N.W. Theatre Cc 26 W. 7th St. n " n (Paramount) Schubert Theatre Players Cc 483 Wabasha " " ^ (Shubert) Edward Linehan Mechanical Service & Mfg Co L. H. Hienaber Bilbow, Amusement Cc H. A. Johnson C. J. Margellon Phil Reilly Wallraff Bros. & Fiero German American Club Phil Reilly Wallraff Bros & Fiero Aaron Freeman Kaplan, B. S. J. B. Keogh J. W. Schult Walter C. Anderson Charles Ell.itt Atlas Gas & Oil, Co Jas. C. Kennealy Petroleum Service Co. Raechsler Bros. Louis Rachsler Rex Oil Co Shell Petroleum Corp Shell Petroleum Corp Shell Petroleum Corp Skelly Oil Co Skelly Oil Co Skelly Oil Co 107 E. 8th St. 2324 Hampden Av. 798 E. 7th St. 4411 Wabasha St. 267 W. 7th St. 438 Jackson- t. 188 N.l'gha113Ag Av. 492 S.'Hamline Av. 444 Rice St. 188 B. Snelling 492 S. Hemline Av. 387 E. 7th St. 148 Plato St. 308 Frontier Bldg.. 410 Midland Bank Bldg. 699 H Snelling Av 1111 Payne Av. 805 W. 7th St. 455 S. Robert St. 6th & Sibley St. 1251 Pt Douglas Rd 1251 Pff Douglas Rd 207 Como Av 224 H. Cleveland Av 286 Rice St. 1042 Grand Av. 3.138 Payne Av. 1222 Randolph St. 2067 Grand Av. 9-24-31 Oil burner n n n n 27 pool tables 4 h n 4 n n 15 n n 8 ^ ^ bowling alleys 9 bowling alleys n n 2nd hand furniture Junk dealer Salary Loan n n Gasoline station 3 pumps n n 4 n n a 4 n n a 3 n n n 4 a n n 3 n a n 1 addpamp n n 1 add pump n n 3 pumps n n n a , n a n n n n OU CITY CLKNK C F ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. -OF OF CITY 'CLERK ( COUNCII/��pp. LUTION—GENERAL FORM7 '' q PRESENTED BY // AT 2 'I RESOLVED That the various unta of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the seve al departments, bureaus or activities of the 01tp government+f the City of Saint Paul during the fiscal year beginning January lst, 1932,'sball be the Bums i set forth opposite the various entitled funds, as shown upon attached. the schedule hereto � II . , s�a4nmiwrra `I /�e�'✓.l.✓�O 8� •�%i9�•P �i'iYervl�A/��� 1932 OFFICIAL BUDGET. r i CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN. rr POPULATIONS 276.297. r..printlons.... ?A RTER T?MITA"'ONS• CITY COUNCIL'S 1932 BUDGET Amounts Fund NO. Chart er Fund 1 City Officers' Salaries 37,000.006,100.00 2 Wor's Office 27,660.00 3 Corporation Counsel 32,276.00 4 City Clerk 1,500.00 5 Contingent Fund 79.698.00 6 7-g-9 Finance Commissioner public Safety Administration 31,0 8.00 714,133.00 7 Police 1,006,907.00 8 7-8 Fire Police and Fire Signal Service 61, 18.00 118,339.00 9 Health 211,885:00 10 11 Public Works Street Construction and Repair 125,160.00 21,000.00 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 250,751.00 1j Street and Sewer Cleaning 32,467..00 i4 Bridge Repairs 3,546,669.00 15 Public Schools 249,650.00 16 Public Library 98,437.00 17 Auditorium 148,510.00 l9 public Parks 62,545.00 �9 public Playgrounds 57,549.00 20 public Buildings 70,081.00 21 Public Utilities 217,271.00 22 Public Lighting 1,100,280.00 23 Water Department 268,705.00 2 Board of Public Welfare 49,793.00 25 city Hall asd Court House 1,270,879.00 26 Interest 350.000.00 27 Sinking Fund 575000.00 29 Redemption of Bonds 5,000.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 60,951.00 30 Comptroller's Office 952,030.00 31 General Fund 11,940,682.00 Total CITY COUNCIL'S 1932 BUDGET Fund Amounts No, Charter Fund 1 City Officers' Salaries 37,000.00 6,100.00 2 3 Mayorre Office Corporation Counsel 27,660.00 4 City Clerk 32,276.00 5 Contingent Fund 1,500.00 6 Finance Commissioner 79,698.00 7-8-9 Public Safety Administration 714.14g•o0 33- 7 8 Police Fire 1.00 6 907.00 7-8 Police and Fire Signal Service 61,418.00 9 Health 118,339.00 10 Public Works 211,885.00 125.16o:oo 11 Street Construction and Repair 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 31,000.00 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 250.751.00 32,467.00 14 15 Bridge Repairs Public Schools 3,546,669.00 16 Public Library 249,650.00 88,437.00 17 18 Auditorium Public Perko 148,510.00 19 Public Playgrounds 62,545.00 57,549.00 20 21 Public Buildings Public Utilities 70,081.00 22 Public Lighting 317.271.00 23 Water Department 1,100,280.00 24 Board of Public welfare 268,705.00 49,783.00 25 City Hall and Court House 26 Interest 1,270,879.00 27 Sinking Fund 350,000.00 28 Redemption of Bonds 575,000.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 5,000,00 30 Comptroller's Office 60.951.00 31 General Fund 952,030.00 Total 11,940.682.00 CITY COUNCIL'S 1932 BUDGET Fund Aacunts No. Charter Fund 1 City Officers' Salaries 37,000.00 2 rayor's office 3 Corooration Counsel 27,660.00 32,276.00 4 City Clerk F Contingent Fund 1,500.00 74,698.00 loinanoe Commissioner 31,048.00 7-9-9 Public safety Administration 714,133.00 7 9 Police Fire 1.006.907.00 7-9 Police and Fire Signal service 61,41s.o0 9 Health 118.339.00 10 11 Public ?corks Street Construction and Repair 211,895.00 125,160.00 12 sewer Construction and Repair 31,000.00 13 Street and sewer Cleaning 250.751.00 32,467.00 14 15 Bridge Repairs Publie schools 3.546.669.00 16 Public Library 249.650.00 ss.437.00 17 is Auditorium Public Parke 148.510.00 19 Public Playgrounds 62,545.00 57.549.00 20 21 Public Buildings Public Utilities 70,081.00 22 Public Lighting 317,271.00 23 later Department 1,100;-280.00 24 Board of Public Welfare 268.705.00 25 City Kell and Court House 49.793.Qo 26 Interest 1.270,879.00 27 28 sinkinP Fund Redemption of Bonds 350.000.00 5750000.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 5,000.00 30 Comptroller's Office 60,951.00 31 General Fund 952,030.00 Total 11.940.6BE.00 I ;a 1932 5 MbG3T 16010it' POPULATION 275,297 general D*et A0propriations - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - lee 043j *5 60 Financed butsids of Tax toi*.i 13,789*100 utz . 11cipAl Coutt 3.PON06 ? 'idow*coverable a 4,OOQ,OQ J% iAioovirable. Nzpease 2,000,00 Police 66 !Ire Alarmm XV161we 150.00 Health 3ecoverable»ttse Ii:MlOO Public WaAft .00 Bureau of neorw or W, kbouge, Street 66nttuciio'* & Repair 6 W.(* Seger li "Itd 00 ti!qdtiO#�0*4. P,000.00 Stied and Seer 0ltoning 2-3 WOLOO Education 179,437-00 sdhoolq 20,(M 00 Public Library' PO�A 70,000.00 A9ditcri" gg- U77 AA e- Iesks.PlaVgrounds and Public 100.00Play .900.00 r.ublic Utilities 1,131t213-00 city wiet9, 10,033,00 Testing Laboistorles .8 400,OD Docii, Tbarv'es W levees LOOM AArport S. i.00 Lighting Fund 5,000.00 Water Department 1.100.2t�. Financed by tax Levy: Sinking tutA Requirements R$&JstVtjot of Sonde & Jotee 350,000,00 W4,000.�-,O 0�woo t., BorA -Interest Payments IAP,979-00 Police Pensions 108j985600 Metropolitan Drainage Comm., 141, coo. 0a Reforestation R 4 n Expenditures outside'the per capita limitation 1932 Z-Veuditureo. WitIA-A per -641til limitation EM® i crff-*A-4�1 ISR r IMT t'Aertl7F AmDtiAtp - i' Ete�rb3cain� �sS xar '37 000000 tsp aex L €otta n; s:t 32,$16.09 x ,ao 71.9 •�# �ely,aitatr��io�1 io .tx.' , �� 310 ,. !, �+9 7, i u sop i , tit g'i6 S rpp.1�M�<'! OR 38r'f►]a 31Ttr•t ttl�:'3ts '�411.fif60 26 , litelt..Si.tlb y t -OppaME�N 3c# t�quApt�l+cr �a►�a atttat ,. ib�M� t ��k�►EX� - 4i f 7-s.9A 8uildang Maintenance 11•$9 o°o.00 xnonse i. 7-g- C£flce1 Fs - ►.TIO exponso o` foie uraau is apportioned tlt 9}1 to: 60101100, Fire at ftlth Fandel ,� . ec� J 1932 ms's BUDGET BSWQ �'ui►d No. Pads and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totale 1' CITY OPPIO S SALM lAl Salaries 2 SALANIES�ANA,EXPENSES - MKYO&,S OPP`ICE t $alexias :3,50 CC 2A2'Automobile Maintenance 'Meyori'e 2A Contingent Pond 2A Office $spensa; r.a 1r2A0a0C //°o..° 6 /oc.ao e _ IF 7e6�c i 3- SALAR ER An MWS - CORPC- � , .I{A'1�D� C�t�SFSi s 25,li©, 342' Leg's 1,200}0 3A3 Lar► LibraiY 550,00 3A4 office UPense 500OD 3A5 Auto Allowance` 300,00 27,fs6o.D0 4 SALAWS A%;A, 1 3 -CITY CIS 4A1 Salaries "Pnblioation 7*0� kA2 Official �1A3 office Expense 5 ODNT�11 iT P't Council lisaolutione /Sco.00 6 FINANCE COWSSIOIMRIS BUND. 6A'Binauce Office 63;�9b 6Al.Salariss 6A Automobile Maintenance; ffice Expense �, 1,600.E S 6B`rtiCipating Certificates'► 681' Salaries 11,313;00 61ffice$spensa 2 13.7 00 7y, Total Item:6 Oinanced from Participating < Certificate Reaenne. 7-9-9 .PMIAC SA27TY X3VrRISTRnTION* 7.•8.9A7 Salaries: fir 608:0 7.8,gA2 Automobile Vaintenawe 7-s.9A 8uildang Maintenance 11•$9 o°o.00 xnonse i. 7-g- C£flce1 Fs - ►.TIO exponso o` foie uraau is apportioned tlt 9}1 to: 60101100, Fire at ftlth Fandel ,� . License InspectiCA, t} 150}00 7$1 Salaries, 7$2"Autoriiobile , 100 7�# Office 'Uvense 4T,,g1fl,�OO Irf EYniformed Ponce, 70.5itpplisa fi' jOj TsaffiC 5#gnala � r�'� , 70 lutomobile .Wintexl nCe S�/3 oo.°c 7D Detectives' 71alaries 929�5:bo 7D2 Trayeling ?avenge 1.,000 Od 7D3 $npP lie s- Pivisip, 737 44846810,� o.eo Light, Heat and "Torr i O0Op�O 7�3 5uppliea 0 7+ $epairs and Renewals; � 1t1sc811aaeQuB ` 7.525,00 � 7]i �ol3oa; Stouoaq '; b5�isrea .. _ .3g►275aDo �- 7g 1,i�ht• $eat acid Water 200.00 Prisonora 1i3OOO.00 pg 7 jpaire antl'ItenenaIn 5�+� .700.°• . 7i �;'aiCellaSegt7a �iO.OQ ?J "G.?s o° 7G Rureat� df Records --° ` •� 7G1 oil. t lOOON0a 7b2 OfPiCe Eapgase Total t ,1 1, S- •.1 .x 1i 1932 `�s BUD0E2'$` No; s Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 8 Flit,F gA �dminigtrat�o�- W .Salaries 39,2V,00 8$2 Supplies 26@:9C /fa•a SA3 Office Expense 12 063firg ,oa 9171re Prevention' 8BY Salaries 19,360.OQ 02 office *Pause aoo a 8o Fire FI&Ing 301 Salariib 807,.��02.Op 802 Gasoline, Oils anddrease 6,060:00 803 Tires, Tubes and Reppl 2,Z6 - N Nes: Rose S�O�r00 905 8epsirH to Equipment 2,pbi00 966 Supplies.. ��qq S; Iootoo 807 Vater Hydrant Rentals 73;.008;00° SCS viscellaneoUs 0 foo.•a 609 Nevr kquip ant ft 7•ao. oo 8D Maintenance of Fire,Station 9111 Salaries 24,50000' 8]32 Telephones 550.00: 8113 tight, Power and Vater 4;�6,A8 3'00. co BDiF Heat .SDS supplies 1�iQ69t60 / /,.?b`O o 0 /,3So.00 $D6 RepslTe asld . R8Aew81H �. " I, 00 0.0 0 SD7 Miscellaneous 90.00 Total Fund No.B y� ;�•oc 9m;oo 7-9 POLICE AND FIRE SIGNAL"$BAPTCL 7TSA1 Salaries- 50,530r00 7-,-W,Antomobile Maintenance 750}00 7 —4 Supplies 7 TelephQAB Z 4 S-J7o o . E 8epaire to Traffic. Signals 72-77 100.00 ` 7Office Expense 200,00 7»49 Miscellaneous G/ N/ Or 00 Total Item No. 7-9 5 - "ense of this bureau is apportioned equally to the Police„grid Fire Fund.. y '1 Lj 3J IN 193 EtD* Fund - No, Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 9 HEALTH FUND` 9Q Healtb Administration 9A1 Salaries 9 Act 9A2 Office ftense 300.00 9A3 Auto Expense 1180 OO 93a :Vital Statistics 9B1 Salaries 6,051.00 982 Office ';Xpenbe 0510 1 00 1 .0 90, Promotion of Health Schoolo ' 901 Salaries 902 Supplies 12,145►00 7" 90 Uff,#q Eapenae roo.oc 91) Food aeealatioa 91)1 Salaries Maintenance. i6afl. 1 912 Autoitdb3le f034.Q0, 9D3 Office Sapea9e 9. Quarantine 921 Salaries. 23►216;00 932 Automobile en nos 3,9006 . 94,8pppliea 10.00 9ffi4 0f ioe 12, 468Q 9 Y 9F �Ubercdosis 911 Salaries >' *A900 9�z Rent 600,00. 03 dies 99'4 Car Bare 40►p0. 915 Offin ftena0 9p Sa1 95 7�2 0o 90 4O'D 2,Otl000.;•2oa.eo 1 ea '9j=, t° q yyzS do: 9n Health.I,abbratory' 9m Salaries, 7,000too. foo..a 9H2 8*11es =910 Off tee Expense �000.00 ,':{iQ� ..8'11446 �aaa 1Ti.0ID0. i11�W146 QI .V ALO' _ aV rwv 9, LT �on�sm�ea 91 Aarriet Island Park �I1 Salaries 4,20,06, 912 Light, Heat ana 14ter 20Q"f00 913 svpYiea 5;4.xio 750,00 9=5 epaira aid. Renewals 125,.Q0 916 Y1'eeellaneous 79.00 Sc�3"GO 9�t.>iarriat Yslaztd Hefectorie�. ��� "manned from 8efectory Heceipte. 9S Dog �icease ,taforcement 91II1 W1 'r as . - 1r44or00 91<2 Automobile Maintenance 200.00 9$3 Si�plea �}gg� y000 //k33 ,00 Tot"ai ltem,iPo. 9 Sulam= department of Public Safety 78.9 Public Setfety Administration 1/0�:�a9 " - 7P01.16a �ePart{nent 8 8're .Depa'talerit '//y./9 i, o a � ca'G, 9v7c o a „ r��� 74 Police and Fine AlarmGi 9 Health Oepartrxeift Ni�oa , Total SgSY`^4 411410 W4 - d 1932 GojFfF&bUWS BUDGET ISTIldk'W Pumd No. 8h�ada and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 10 OoMMISSION£& of PUBLIC mm 10A Administration Sa 30A2 ariso /a,.o tl90:CFi 104Office rapense JOB Engin®rs 1081 Salaries 6 lOB2 Automobile ;Maintenance Papense 1083 Office /53�,2ao, o0 10O wbrl#ousA 6,2t°, oa loci salaries 1002 Automdbile'lCaintenance 1003, bight, Nest and Water; OCR h%°" •" loo Slippiias. lao5 Rdligl4ft Services., atc, 3�; 10061pairs and=Renewals 1067 Miscelxaneous Total: item ITos• 10 11 . STiOCET CpNS�1tTCTTON� R81PAI8: . 1LY Repairing.gtroots aro Walks 6�aoo.00 11AI Salaries end WageB 11A2 Team , 7gr":' 28 � 996y94 /f, "0.. c 11A3 A-atomobilq Maintenance 660x06 ' 11A�4 TrJ1 ' 1289�}S9 25.000,00 /0,.0°•00 11A5 Materiels and Supplies liA6 bkleceTlanoo s 500,00 llA7 lietrt $quipttlent Total item No. 11 . 12 SZOR 00NSTRUCTION AND ?PAIS 12A1 Salaries and Wages 22,800,00 12A2 Automobile Maintenance 12L Alto Allowanoe 3020,00 1, 00 5,000,00 12A4"MQterials ani. supplies 1245 Paving Repairs 425.00 12A6 Miscellaneous 555.00 Total Item No,112 IRA 4 1932 cowIS BUDGBT 3 rund No. Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 13 smk Aab SEAR CL3aNYI2uG 13A A.dministratioa _13A1 Salaries 7,521,00 13A2 automobile Maintenance 66o CC 1343 Office Expense �oo ./3/, o 0 13B Cleaning Streets and Walks 1381 Salaries 1382 Teams and Truck Hire 55,000,00 / a*/ 11fgeepse ;/ Doo.oc 1383 Equipment Maintenance 1150a}OQ: 13B4 Supplies 11OQ.00 1385. Miecellaneoua -�� . i, ..... a - • 130 Snow and Ice Removal 1301 Salaries and Wages 54,000,' ioo' 13C2 Teams and Truck Hire 12,000,00 J. Equipment Maintenance 5,300M 1304 suq�pliea 50pt90 1305 New.Lquipment 2,000.00 1306 Miscellaneous 1.0 13D Weed Cutting, 13D1 Salaries 1, 20..00 13D2 Teams and Truck Hire 250.00 13D3 Supplies 150:00 f .1 o 133 Collection and Disposal of Garbage 1331 Salaries and 'wages 16,080!00 1332 Teams and Truck Hire 33;000,00 1333 3quipmont Maintenance 11,000,00 13;4 Supplies iiAB:6p 35.. 1395-Misoellaneoue 700.•+ o 133 Removal of Dead Animals 1331 Truck .Hire Z� 13G City Dumps S Soo.o 0 13G1 Salaries and Wages 13H'Qleaning Sewers 13H1 Salaries and wages - 23;00o,00 1332 Teams -and Truck Hire 1,200,00 13 'Equivment Maintenance 1,200,00 1334 Supplies 300.00 13H5 Miscellaneous 190.20 25,850 UMM LWAMMEMORM 1932 cO39901*AKS BUDGET 3915 FundL No. runds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 13 STAT AND SEWER 6 LWING-Contimed 131 Sewer Pumping station 1311 Salaries. 5 600, 00 1312 Light 04 Powdt 1206 :'00 1313 Supplies ," 15%00 1314 Hi0cfellaneou.8 13,t Miscellabeous 6Z watek —,Strait Fountain Total Item No 13,25 14 3wbo"BUILDING S a and W lul Salaries arl Z t andZes 2 660.00 Xte i �a 14A, 'tenoes and Si iV , c ai 'ten i7,10 Total, em. o14 N UMM LWAMMEMORM i 1932 CNONNUOS BUDGET E Duna No, Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 15 PWI,' SCTCLS 15A Business Administration 15A1 Salari e,; 18,904.CC 15A2 Office Expense 750.00 19_654.00 153 Education Administration 52,061,00 1531 Salaries 30,288,00 1582 Automobile Maintenance 1,250.00 1533 Traveling Expense 250.00 1534 Office blxpense 2,500.00 4 234,299.00 . 150 Attendance Division 16,754.00 1501 Salmies 110lCO 1502 Car Fare 2,000,GO 1503 Office Expense 300,CC 19,og4a 15D Operation and Maintenance 52,061,00 Division 15D1 Salaries . 12,922.00 15D2 Office Expense 4�;„ pp �009`0 15F3 Office Expense X3,9?2.00 152 Supply Storeroom 13,174,00 1531 Salaries ` 1522 bight 110lCO 1533 Truck Maintenance 6o0.00 1534 Office Expense 14,�84.00 15F Promotion of Health 52,061,00 15F1 Salaries 15F2 Supplies 1,00C.00 15F3 Office Expense 500.00 93.561•ao 15G Instruction ` 15G1 Grade and High School - 2 O 6�-?,Y-eo % Salaries 15G2 Fb7sical Training Salaries 15G2 4,5on,00 15G3 Athletic Direction Salaries 2,500,00 15G4 Car Fare 6,000,OC 15G5 Laundry 600,00 15G6 Supplies 70,000,00 15G7 Medic al Service - Athletics 1508 Miselaneous 5C0.00 750.00 /o 000.ou �.1Y7 r404 If Ps ATA Tia✓ c,P1/P[ e'P 0"'Plf ✓ —� a ' ¢ - rr 4 I, wr IAl; 1932 NAME" ?UDGET *Mt' , Fund Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 17 AUDITCAIUMit 1741 Salaries end Wages 35,152,00 172 bight, Heat, Power and Hater 21, 77C,GC 17A3 Organ Maintenance �?0000 1714 Supplies 1715 repairs and leneaals 5,5C2?20 17x6 dee equipment 1G,000,GO 1717 Miscellaneous 8,255�C0 17A8 2entals .?+' 86,437,00 Total. Item 10, 17 1: a1 SUl9E= Department of Education 15 Public schools 33`f�lG GG9°O School Cafeterias 150,000.00 Less; Receipts 15C,OCC.00 16 Pub].io Library 17 Auditorium Total 18 PMLIC PALMS ISA General Administration 9,450.00 1;H 1 salaries 1&12 Office taoense ASO° 183 Park Adminiatrat'ion 7,720,00 inn Salaries. 102 Autoaobile`Vaintenance 660:00 103 Off ce acpenae ' 20C:00 8, 580.00 180 Parka Maintenance 1801 salaries f 1802 Equipment Maintenance T,868 5.500,00: 1803 Supplios 1804 Repairs and Reneealg 4,500.00 l y° 18C5.Miscellaneous 74,9 x i Police and Watchmen I6E1 Salaries and Wages otale 1SF Greenhouse and Nursery 16,000.00 1671 Salaries and Wages' 6-.009=,W 102 Light,, Heat and Power M3 supplies 3.000.00 A7°-•°'. 18A Repairs and Renewals 2.000.00: ISG Upkeep of Lake Como 6 6 00,00 1801 Salaries and Wages, 8,000,00 18C2 Electricity 103 Supplies 1861E Repairs and Renewals 200 0 - KIM - 18H Outlay 188I Improving Public Parka -Highland park Hater System 865,00 28H2 Phalen park Water System 328.00 1SH3 Como park Water System 215-00 ISH4 como Golf Water System2� 200 1,730.00 18I Park Refectories* 1811 Salaries and Wages 18I2 Automobile Maintenance 1813 Merchendise 1814 Laundry 1St5 Ice 1616 Supplies 1817 Repairs and Renewals ISIS Miscellaneous 1919 Equipment and outlay 55.000;00 110 00 400.00 U00,00 3.000,00 4,76o,00 1,700,00 6.000.00 20.000.00 140.000.00 Total item No,, is OPinanced from RefeCtory Receipts. 1m KERMIN I �j 193.2 Obi ?5 BUDUT SWRO P1ad No: Punds and Items Amounts Sub-Totals Totals 21 MWISSIOM OP Punic I nILITIH$ 21A.,Adminiotratioa 2141 $merles 5,071000 2W l ast 300.00 2W Office enee T00.00 5,471, 21 Te,iti1.& JIGVQYatCrle$ 201004#00 lO,gQGt00 212 lent l 1►�D0,00 210 City 11a leets* 6,660!00 2101 Salaries and Wages 2102 8pppliee 2103 8epaira and,Reneeale 1,500'00 2104 imrovomentB 500.00 2105 MieceYlaaeaus 1.029.00 0.0 0 f?i6uOd from City Uarket Receipts, 21D Doolrs, 1lw"s aad Levees 21DT"Salaries and Wages 1,150.00 2112 Wntenance 7�� QO 21DT9isdb11ane0ua 2,900, 21E Investigation 21181 Salaries 11,189.00' 2122 Office ,34ftse 100.00 11.289.00. 21i Municipal Airport =1 Salaries and (ages 2,8$8.00 218'2 Supplies ia,3 "light Heat and Power 2� .Z,000.oJ 21A YEaintenance Hangar 6.000.00 2M Maintenanoe-!sex 70,0Sb00" TotalItem No. 21 gr- , 4� • r. � r � 1932 Is xtGET EllSWAM Band No. Toads and, Items Amounts $iib -Totals 'Totals 22 pm.16 LIGHTING' 22d 4Aminidtration 224 5aia'riea 7,141;Oo 22A2 Autiomobile Maintenance' 360,00 22A3 Ott �ice:8xpensa i 7,901.00 223 Lighting i 2W salaries and Magee 39 02Q.00 22E23e1eatricity XJ 4164,,. 9 2 4utomobile Maintenance 5000 22W Wbs "O,: Globes 2215 8yypi es 228 8epaire mid laenenals - y I o,. o, 0. lir{ ;gp 0 S Total U04% No. 22 23 WATER DEPJI$Y'MAT I 2U Wasies And Magea 291M3 00 23A2 Other'lsxpensee 2343 hnter�at 204747160 ' 306 9WAO 2344 Sinlddbg.Sund Requirements 1%00& 2345 Acquisition of Property 141.762�go Total Item No. 23 1,100,260,Q0 SUMAY Department of public Utilities 21 Commisnioti,s- of ;ublt6 Uqutirs 22 public Lighti g 333 :603/7, Z7/.00 23 WaterDepartment 1.100.2801,00, lk7 4.; 3 2 0 0 � �30: 2110 Ramsey County Home (city's 1/3) 2401 Saleri'ee and Wages (City'a 1/3)13,621.67 2482 Other 3apeasee (City's 1/3) 14 11 29,333.00 24D Outside, Department 214D1 SalinAsi JbityIa 1/3) 5,026,67' 24D2 Other 38pendituree (Cit9Fe,1/3?49,15s.33 City's Share one-third, of 4 18 00 214E Veterans Hest Camp 2431E use (city's 0) 3,000.00 Total rtom No. 214` 1 25 CITY BALL AND, GNAT HOUSE 2541 Salaries and 17ages 20,033,00 2502 Heat, Light and Power 13,000,00 2543 Telephones 895,00 2544 Maintenance' 3,750,00. 2545 Alterations and Repairs 3,250.00 2546 Outside Rentals g.855.00 City's Share one-half of Cost of Operation and Maintenance 49,783.60 26", INTEREST FUND 2641 Bond Interest 1,270,2614,00 26A2 Note, Interest 595.00 Tota Item No, 26 1,270,879.00 27 SINGING FUND 27A1 1932 Requirements 350,000.00 28 RIMEMPTION OF BONDS 2841 1932 Bond Maturities 555,000.00 2842 1932,Note Maturities i11 A69-,80 1,7 � Total 'item No. 2$ 5 A HE 11.1 i F "! 111,11 1 P11, I 1 `1 11 F"I 1,11 - F1 E I "I'll V! 14 1 F 1932 Nay roads -oUltems Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 29 JUDGMENT AIM 0014TOMISS 29AI Judgments and .01a ims, inancial Records: .-30A1 salaries 110,901.00 . 3042 Alit 606 bile glowance 3"3 Office Expense 900. 303 Civil Seryide, Bureau 30P2 ftecibl 300 oOO .SxaininOrb 3Q33 Office vanse , 3OB4 Ahw,xjJ,ftort 100.00 17, Total item Vd. 30 31A 31U $41AW so 31A2 P"rintang W Stationary 50O jOO 3143 Office Expense o v 0• oo ,t( Roo.o o 313 wdpipd Court 3L3i •$c arses 42,597,00 31a2 Jury Expense 500-00 3135 Office rapenso 3110 Armory' 310i'Salaries and Wages �Gao 00 3i L1ght, Rea t "it Power re ArA Sqplies Ro#ai It. _ 1,0,10.00 310& scellankous Mi, Asseelementi-Exemot property :271 3M- City, GLI Shade ­,to cal *. "*V', t 4CO,600.00 3]2Zo. undsr Station 278 65,000.00 31M3 Non-Aaseesable-loaa-1 Im- provemon a 200,00 3334, Sprinkling tempt Property 9,262,00 3135 Fdreatz7 .170rk4Xst:Pt property 1,130,00 3136 ProntageTax-Exempt Property 96,00 3137 PI,R Deficit /o 000.00 11.1 i F "! 111,11 1 P11, I 1 `1 11 F"I 1,11 - F1 E I "I'll V! 14 1 F t r� BIMT "off y o�. ode abid Itee Amounts Sub-Totals Totals 31 GMM PUM-06d Hued, 317 Miscellaneous 3171 ~orlsmOls OcmpensstiOn 25,000,00 3172 boat'►. �Scpenee 3173 Debt Service Ezpensazoao.eo 3V4 3.ieforeatation 3175 Financial Forma �j�o.ao �'%'�' 3176 st. Paul institute 3177 X=ICipal'Zvloyment Bureau 3,5DOr00 �. 311'8 Miecellaneoue and Unforeseen 3 1►ater — Wilder Bathe a,Soo.co 318'10 Humane Society 31711'Flidoi►s and Orphans Pensions 2, OrOQ 1,500•00 31712 plblio Ezaminers Pass 1,000000 31713, Surety Bond promiums 31.71 Maropolitan,Drainage Coin. 4,540,00 31G 116" t, n8 31G1 Police As#ociation 108,985x04 3162 Fire Asiodia<tiol► 5I.99sr0Q 31 Teacher Aasc t 60.850x00 082 31WIdaD��iu 2 6' l =" 313 Election 8iperid6- 3iffi 8alarlea r Judgas and clerks 3132 Labor — Placing Iboti a 1;200;00 1t,200.t00 3. Rent, Hest, and Light 2,400144 311 Truok Mire 3 5 Supplies and Postage 3,60000 , 3136 iter 866ths 570.00 �o vpx,co 3R7 i6oellaaeoue coo , 9 Toad xte� I�6�1 Total Budget 3etlmat0 AA n Alit 4Ak .> k44n00 I, Yeas 1932 APPROPRIATIONS. ` I RPY lL�80LIIII'IfiTl';COUNCIL 905 ORIGINAL TO CIT � 4� . CITY OF STPAic TIL sat �►rrxa$arwf[E NO_ + i OFFICE OF CITY CL�'tbeasn�{t or t�.' the various departments of the City of St. Paul COU L RESOLUTION—GEonhla cl� aeon n - .able; thereier !a t y�i.�. ��a-�.-.[�C,.�� � _ 4E �- 5 PRESENT �o� s'< y � r each Charter F + �� ./� -V '--� i �umate o! a:: Charter Fund, ::ae herein rr`.�., �Bspp>�p[!dx TAX RESOLUTIOA s annual estimate F/%i�eau�lna LEVY y, Yeas CO /NCIL-MEPN4Nays CoMaMc_____--In favor osen Against Sudheimer Mr_ President dlie Adopts 1932 APPROPRIATIONS. RESOLVED, That there be and is hereby levied for the support of the various departments of the City of St. Paul government and of the special school district of said City, upon all the property taxable therefor in. the City of St. Paul, for each Charter Fund, a tax for the year 1932 in an amount equal. to the annual estimate of expenditures for each fund as herein recited and set forth, after deducting therefrom the amount of the Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being am follows. No. Fund 1 City Officers, Salary ippp_00 2 Mayor's Office 6_100.00 3 Corporation Counsel 27.660.00 4 City Clerk 32.276.00 5 Contingent Fund 1.500.00 6 Finance Commissioner 79.698.00 7-8-9 Public Safety Administration 31,01+8.00 7 Police 711.1;;,00 8 Fire 1.006.907.00 7-8 Police & Fire Alarm 1L38 O 9 Health 115.339.00 10 Public` Works Administration 211_g85_00 11 Street Construction and Repair IPy.a].60_00 12 Sewer Construction and Repair 31.000:00 CO /NCIL-MEPN4Nays CoMaMc_____--In favor osen Against Sudheimer Mr_ President dlie Adopts FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLf�RR CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE6,€�1TED BY - - COM SIONEr2 _ __GATE i RESOLVED . 13 strss aa,3 Sewer cleaning 25O.T51.00 14 Hrld4r_ a 8+=31d4mg and repair 32.467-00 15 Publ-M_ Sc]zeols 3.546:669.00 16 Pmblic_— M.3brsry 249.650:00 18 Pubis mac pargs 148.5-10.00 19 Pubis -c =3mWwrovmd9 62.545.00 20 Pnbl.is— a3_ _ di=gs 57.549-00 % 21 Pnb3_3_ c gt3.13ties 70.081.00 22 Pub1.� -,c-- s igi3ting 311.271.00 24 S^. ---Y pablla Welfare 268.705.00 25 OitZ �31 a a courthouse 49.TS3-00 26 I=ts 1.270•$79-00 27 51*+3CS_-_ —m Wt -m& 350.000.00 28 Rea ion of Bonds 575.000-00 29 * UdLAR_ zt M= comrraamiae 5,000.00 5.000.00 30 caswa— ro32arss Office 60.951.00 31 Gea,emm 7===m9L3L 3rcumA 952.030-00 S!s---; Z=m=L-jCma-m in Tm collections 220_0-M* Total 10.971.965.00 COU NCI LM E:— Yes Na Conroy May McDonald ---------------- In favor Pearce Ros ---------------- Against So eime r r. Presiacsit Bizacllie - Adopted by the ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - -CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO• -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE'-ENTEY- DATF COMMISSIp ex�asaoaa 3rL-- a ss General Revenue Receipts X932 Taa Levy .mad. the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify a copy of t73L_ AL—_ foregoing tax levy for the year 1932 to the County Auditor o:E' Ramsey County immediately upon the adoption and approval oTc this resolution. ' V } COUNCILM RE= XV Yeas Nays I' Conroy May rI' MCDOr1a1.=_X_ _._.In favor Pearce = Q � dheiaz � ✓ Mr. PrCsz mat BX aCu ie: "eel Adopted by the Council -r__2`�---------- --- _- ----------------------- ------------19-- / /MAYOR -- ------- -- - - ��' ORIa1NALm COUNCIL Ty �((���� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-.. _90L OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - [M RES—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY Z� �- COMMISSPONE AT. WfREAB js provided by Council rile No. 90300, approved September 1, 1931, the Council did, on the 25th day of September, 1931, at -taxa o 1 clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, 3mo1c1 a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of -tlin.t certain frame house located on Lot 21, Block 41, St­ Ant3soay, Park Worth, also known as No. 1256 Eustace street, f03-lov.33M0 d.us notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved McLy 22, 1930; and it is theopinion of the Council that said, building to unsafe and dangerous to life,, limb and md_J oiaiag property, and should be wrecked and removed; there- Yore, be it RESt?i.VED , That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal o'f said baildixsg, be m2a led to the last known record owner of said pro}ierty at his last known ° address, or to the agent or occupant of said bui2diag, by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Builth Cgs be i t F"UnW13MR RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing OT this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council VsEeocva�ax. o m 1Qo .oss1 "°' 3>�`t7vdb 1L bfnY—`: FIle'- 0804 aD>'pvlded 9bDy Conncll� Ahe COGi .111 did oA tha E6th d y of hep! - .:i*mber�.A 631 eaten 3;o elock, A.;crM.': fn - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the C �-Conroy McDonald 15�In favor Appi ed ✓' Pearce: - Sudlzcimcr-_-- t% Mr_ President Scxadlie - HAROLD J. R10RDAN C34ci Clerk -City clerk City of Sint Paul Office- of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Clark and Cosmlrloner o1 Ralbtrallon CLARENCE A. STORMS Qlel Cl.Y.Rsakk.R. September 25th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: At the meeting held this morning hearing on the advisability of wrecking that certain house located on Lot 21, Block 41, St. Anthony Park Horth, also known as 1256 Sbstace Street was held. The condemnation order was con- firmed and the matter referred to you for the proper reso- lution. Yours very trayR` City Clerk. 0 1 t NO M 1 ^{ ooli 7 t t r ! )f : ns. / n W / • :+.Yn: )Jie ?. °J W � .t .f a..i ... .. . n . vi ! .._. ti T f .._ r f T, 4—sE--• .tea,. ..!. nlnAt TO clrr cutwn.. ����8�~op!=bY' Cl de�:R COUNCIL olQ { CITY OF ST Rb 1be rb/a.u„ t NO. m1lii— t+ytteoun3e';aud P 11L eyortad ,o the Cou" OFFICE OF CITY m twQstiolryl and-dg. - kment ulding 'lo / T PIooY �' Roba ESO 1GE' 9ao2a �atreel, fd� �yJ — P175ENTED �BY de.agerpua �'ff9� r-1,'MMISSIONE T be1nR Qo ajklf _ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story and basement brick apartment building located on part of Lot 7, �loek 6, Robert & Randall's Addition, also known as No. 540-543,Minne- sota street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 30th day of October, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St, Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City Of St. Paul, said notice to be published of 1,eas than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 3 COUNCILMEN V ,� ��pp OO e Yeas - Nays Adopted by the Council—SLL_�" Conroy May 11j/1P eDonald ___._�An favor ' n Approved/ __ �_v __`_19-- I Pearce c.. /R0 - Against,(j' ___ _ ___ --- Sudheiraer - "_/Mr. President Bundlie RUBIsISHED tel/ CLYDE' R. MAY Louis J. E0,NTSCHER COMMI,BIOPI6R /q/� C.MMIWOW r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF - PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OI COMMISSIONER 119 CITY HALL 5 OEOROE L NASON..11I'. aF MISat ERNEST W. JOHNSON. —T. Or .LAY.SP.O CHAS. A. SASSPORD. a A1ICISI6T I ®ERK-'- -aeuas SAINT FUX.-S NOS CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE ®® May 19, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file relating to the condemnation of the apartment building known as 540-542 Minnesota Street, which was referred to this De- partment for further report. In this connection, may I submit to you, herewith attach- ed, a report made by the Bureau of Fire Prevention under date of May 13, 1932, and in which this Department con- curs. There is nothing further to state as the entire sit- uation is covered by this Fire Department slip. Yours t uly, Superintendent of Inspection. HSB..II CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEQ R'�'Ty��TT OF PUBLIC SAFETY sioa of Vire Prevention Date .lial...3 193. -- The following made by an Inspector of the Division of Fire Prevention to be refereed to...._i���____ ...for further investigation. Budding located - MkCw a - - - - -Occupied T� a8 ri0 0 - / _ _ _ _ _Occupant. QO_k_ Name of Owner._A2j Sd - - QOVIV-d--Randall-A•--Add- Nature of C$m_plaint-- _... jammisk.� - -- ,r....L.a --=*aom---- -- rr:� oesudss�m�e# :-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- • -- ---.stir.:: �.. `-�,�c, -- ,�s�„r� _ _ �� ��bc _ _ ��uea ia►aa�a 1a-- ' 1JIa�s►'�s b*r s--- --- rar�abbish •�4�errd 4u rare r6- ekr_ +s3nd3 (teOYSais_taaluui i<3d. aW irh ioa r j -- Pop WILLIoW e as we= mw--mmmm�- -AwAft ear # aware, can bye .eel lt�ee by a vatcb- or oigass la! — o.ra rwom the oldeval " gha► —�� ue oozsaemned at cane, a building be►e been vacant "d opowk ��� � ala© �.Yept for at least two years. booker fire Iaatxm, WILLIAM BARRON. Saint Paul DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK C F No. 90526—�/t��^ COUNCIL 5 Re alved, Tbo checks be drawn an FILE NO.___-____ -------- COUNCILIA N—ROLL CALL tfie Clty Treasury, to the aggregate I/ amount of 5111,893:82:. ooverinq chceke. CONROY numbered 21737 to 2er 1817 fnciueive. ae �f 11 MAY _---,9-_-IN FAVOR CItyeCotllptroll rfile In the office o[.the - ___ tembe P --r 18 r' MGDONALD -- —- F --- Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1931., PEARCE Approved Sept. 26. 1931. HA7 CHECKS BE DRAWN O IF CI Y TREASURY. Reat31� —_--__AGAINST (Oct. 3.1931) Z ((pp����F{{}}��EE__ SUDHEIMER C E AMOUNT OF 5-103��+-i-y,-g Y COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE L.� {) — ED _21,. 3.7 TO__—__.P1 91-' INCLUSIVE. AS L.F 9t PER CHECKS ON FIL 1 OFF OF TFIE GITV COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY T COUNCIL �_6j-_•_- r -�- - ------------- APPROVED !^ ------ —+'--' - - -- m COM/TaOLLER -------- BV___� _______ MAYOR _____.,�___ ______ - -- - — - --- - — -- CHECK I IN FAVOR OFRETURNED ;I TOTAL I DATE BY BANK J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT II NUMBER 1i I' CHECKS CHECKS - BROUGHT FORWARD 21737 Inter City Fugl Company,Inc. 612 03 42 S 21738John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 1 26010 11 21739 1' P.H. Bohr6r I 57153 I. 21740 ' Empire S40ply Company 11I 21741 Lillian Geisenfeld, Assignee!' 84100 21742 i ThomaslParrishy Com �ny 144.00 4j 43 21 74] St.Paul White.Lead & Oil 55 s 11 21744 � G. Sommer & Company II I 37 6 00 21745 Stearns Printing Company 200 ! 00 21746 G.A. Barfuse !121747 John Sandquiet 1 190'00 'i 21745 ! James Edwards 21749 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin;', 57 15 150 60 63 21750 11 Louis Henle 32100 21751 1: David Bashefkin John Burns 25 20 21752 60 r!i 2175'] 11 John Geary 7 fjl 31754 ij Frank Leitner 4p 00 i� 21755 James Quinlan ! loo 50 21756 Ford Strane I ';i 5 �j5 21757 J.J. Gillen, Abstract Clerk 9 5 21758 ;I Laves Oleson 21759 ; John H. Mo'bonald. C. of Fin. ' I 81 795 21 21760 I. Dry, F. L. Webber I 3 5.50 00 j 21761 A 1 Stenographic Bureau jj 21762 The Art Digest, Inc. Company 5 49 00 00 21763 S. Berglund Lumber Mfg.Oomp 23 l; 21764 i Capitol Stationery 28 11 21765 II Chicago, Mil..St.Paul & Pao.R I Oo, 25 I' 21766 1 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 51 o6 21767 Factory Service 25 50 i': 21765 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compa, 217 71 II 21769 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk &comp 144 70 21770 Frigidaire Sales Corporation, 2 54 00 25 21771 General Motors Truck Company;, 20 00 j1 21772 W,. Heyne, Mgr 21M James F. Rain, Cashier W. D. 1 178 06 i; 2177+ Lamprey Products Company I 2 2 355 21775 N.W. Bell Telephone Company !) 557 9 • 21776 i N.W. Fuel Company 21777 St.paul Builders Material Oo.' 95 00 21775 j. St.Paul Real Estate Board, I4. 25 406 00 39 li 21779 II J.L. Shiely Company 61 12 2 1751 1 L.C.Smith &Singer yCoronanTypewriter',Inc. ny 50 11 21782 �� Specialty Printing Company 47,50 2;00 , j 21783 Star Photo Company Oomp 35191 21754 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. i. 21755 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp 107157 21756 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp 64145 21757 I Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp 22 32 32 21758 ` U.S. Rubber Company 452 21789 E.M. & H. F. Ware j 6,g4 2100 O 790 I! Western Union Telegraph omp y 25100 ii 21791 West Publishing Company I i , I� ZOO 27_23 88 -- SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD M e O 17 -.-I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN-71,LL CALL CONROY MAY NFAVOR MCDOtIACO PEARCE Resew ------__AGAINST SUDHEIMER MR. PRES. BUNDLIE/ ADOPTED Sy,'rHE COUNCIL - 2j CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._____ Y ------------- COUNCIL ---COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ----------- SeOember--25 - ------ 19-31- RESOLVED* HAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THFITY TREASURY. TO THE A..REG __ AMOUNT OF i----841--00— COVERING CHECKS NUMSEAK._Z�1W_'T\ INCLUSIVE. AS P r _�__218-47 !� . E two PER CHECKS ON ft -E I E OFFI E OF THE Z:ITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER I! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1. (__-____-cin TOTAL DATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS. CHECKS 1 34! 85 3 170 8 85 10 00 10100 23 00 248 oo 157 0 000 7 00 5 00 15 00 00 00 ISO 00 27100 5100 61oo 2!00 111100 2100 1213 65 00 26 oo 16 100 10 I00 244 CC 50 000 25 0 13 00 1 1 136 go 373 00 27 00 136 175 As 139190 567 ;19 601 137 142 137 2250 4 105 200 6100 )074o !94 BROUGHT FORWARD 11 21792 !1 John Schaeffer 21794 j 2179 Anthony J. Campbell Peter Isaac 1! 21795 1 Clement F. Sculley Equip. Co�� 21796 1� Clement F. Sculley Equip. Cos 21797 11 Al. Aschenbrenner 21798 Central Soap Company ,1 21799 Corning -Donohue, Inc. i� 21800 'i Farwell, 0muns lirk & Comp4� 21901 11 J.L. Shiely Company 219012 11 JiL. Shiely Company 21803 '1 Dr. A.S. Arnquist 21904 Brown & Day, Inc. 218015 Drs. Chatterton & Von der We 21806 1 Colonial Hospital 21907 �!j Cool Drug Company, jnc. 11 21808 i Dr. Don M. DeCouroy 21909 Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratory '11 21810 Dr. Gustaf Edlund 21811 Dr. Leo A. Hilger 21812 Dr. F. V. Langenderfer P 2191 Dr. M.L. Larson 2181 Drs. Leahy, Dunn, Alberts & HD 2MIS15 i, Drs. Lewis and Leavenworth i il 21816 D. Joseph J. McCarthy 21817 Dr. C.F. MoNevin 21819 Martin Auto Livery 21919 Mayo Clinic 21820 I Dr. S.N. Moggluer 21821 Dr. H.A. Molander 21822 Drs. Neher & Hochfilzer 21823 Dr, Edgar H. Norris 21825 Dr. L.O. Quast 21825St.Luke0s Hospital 21926 it St.Paul Clinic 21927 St.Pau1 Hospital 21829 Drs Eugene E. Scott i 21829 Dr. George W. Snyder 21930 Dr. H.L. Stolpestad 21831 Dr. G.B. Teleberg 121839 Dr. C.C. Thauwald 11 21193Dr. F. L. Webber • 121834, Dr. E.H. Whitcomb 21835 j Davis & Lagerman: 1121836 H. Bretz Realty Company X21937 Ryland J. Rothschild, Manager,il 1121838 Walsh Investment Company 21929 American Linen Supply Company,, 21 0 i Hamm Ice Company Northern States Power Company !121941 121842 'i Northern States Power Company 12194 Tri-State Tel. & Telg, Compaqt Telegraph Compaq 21 Western Western Union 21845 11 Jessie E. Greenman 21546 John J. Hyland i21547 Chas. Pugsley SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1. (__-____-cin TOTAL DATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS. CHECKS 1 34! 85 3 170 8 85 10 00 10100 23 00 248 oo 157 0 000 7 00 5 00 15 00 00 00 ISO 00 27100 5100 61oo 2!00 111100 2100 1213 65 00 26 oo 16 100 10 I00 244 CC 50 000 25 0 13 00 1 1 136 go 373 00 27 00 136 175 As 139190 567 ;19 601 137 142 137 2250 4 105 200 6100 )074o !94 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO. ---905V F CITY CLERK (IL O OLU;TipN—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED ' That Confectionery License No. 2540 issued to Lee Brothers, at 1596 Selby Avenue, known as the New Noon, be and the same is hereby revoked. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / -Conroy /May J hien,�+a._ _I . ..:.e–. ._----- ------- In favor Pearce Roeetr— -- ----.- --.Against S dheimer 1 Mr. President Bundlie C.. F No 90647 By O. C audhelmer= ` Resolved That COnfeOtlOnery License. Na,4610 fesued to Lee Brothers at 1696 9atby Avenue knoWa ae the New Mogn., b0 and the same Is hereby revoked. Adopted by. Life Coaactl sept 48 198L . Approved Sept 48; 1981. SEP 2 8 Wi Adopted by the Council_______________________ APP ed-- -------- 3- MAYOR _ COUNCIL 90528 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No• " OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �C-� 1 RES TION—GENERAL FORM ��_ / PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONED - DAT ESOLVEDThat the application of Jacob B. Thompson for permission to erect an oversize private garage on Lot 6 and the east half of Lot 7, Block 2, Rogers' Addition, also known as 1064 Marshall ave- nue, is hereby granted, and the Oommissioner of Par)cs, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy May McDonald 1/Pcarce Sudheimer AMr. Presidet SEP 2 8 1,341 Nays Adopted by the Council--------------- favor ouncil_----__---.---favor Appr ed-- -------'---- ------------------------i9------ _----_f __Against MAYOR Bundlie — HAROLD I WOMAN Chid Gak•Gtr Gvk City of Sunt Pate Office of _amity Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS City Clnk end Cornenissioner of Registration CLARENCE A. STORMS Chid Gerk•ReymaRon September 26th, 1931. a Ur. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Jacob H. Thompson for permission to erect a= - oversize private garage on Lot 6and east' half of Lot 7, Block 2, Rogers Addition, known as lin. 1064 Marsball Avenue, was referred to you, by the Council today, for the proper, rasolution granting such permission. Yours very trLily, W :ox�>;7e" City Clerk. OEOROR L NASON. alvl. or Iwlucs ERM¢ W. JOHNSON, .wf. A RwYowallwf CMAA A RI188FDRD. CRY IIRCIYT.YY September 25, 1931. �J Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerkts file on the application of Jacob K. Thompson, who asks for permis- sion to erect an oversize private garage accessory to the building at 1064 Marshall Avenue. The matter has been duly advertisied according to the ordinance and we believe the request reasonable, as this owner is merely supplying garage facilities for his ten- ants. We, therefore, recommend that the permit be granted. Yours ver truly, isaidner. HSB..0 City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Cale HAROLD J. RIORDAN ,nd Commiaiona of Re9idw1lon CLL RENCE A. STORMS Chid CRcrk-city auk Chid O.A.Reyrtr.tion September 214th, 1931. Ron. .C. R. lows Comstr of P.P. & P. Bldge., Building. Dear -Commissioner: The attached application of Jacob S. Thompson forpermission to erect an oversize private garage on Lot 6 and east half of Lot 7, Block 2, Rogers Addition, located at 10614 Yarsball Avenne was referred to your department today, by the Council, for report. The matter was laid over to Saturday, September 26tb. Yours very truly, /J , City Clark. StAT-0 OF M11VNgOtA County of PWW.N : � Nonu.. o[ AWntit nnd n ie O a•Peg h $ eV ttise PtlYte ht� ' l7otice fe a -e1 Qlwd tDaL Du[lvant to OMlaanC No 7 area 7 0[ 84 Paul ul-00ee. 1y "1fVmO� mee� en,�t Us 1981,• w. Ds JacaD' tW.O(tY of 8t Paul K ThoADten Sor:49 ern. � wenBeyrtvate� age the }oll� lux�doe-, coinulnesoTa b aldaD s ana F. yL.. T look R ' iteglP.t' Aaaltl 109 4 Pnuy' tl tu E..�14t1p���ptaDbnw¢ ;itlnnebe on tic x End at, be. b t OSf0 d 8t N 1084 M r4D 11 Ave. 9 1931 t Bt Paul, n[Inaeaota•.. BeDt.tmbu'C 5; J'�u g duly sworn, deposes and says that he now is and luring 11 the times hereinafter mentioned has been a clerk of the publisher or printer in charge of the.St, Paul Dispatch, Bt. Paul Pioneer Press, -pill, newspaper, printed and published in thfe/�crittyy of St. Paul, is said Ram' eey Coute ofMinnesota. ...^..... .f.'�,C•ni,�?2r/( That he has owledge of the facts and ows p nally that the torted ... .�� . 4•!� : a .. . .... ..........:.... . hereto attached, c t om the columns of said n e aper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper... � •times, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice wa& first inserted, printed and publishgd on. the .... !.:a/• .. day of ....... ............ U .193 and was Printed and pub- (Q.:-... ... f(/,r?i / Qom! :... ... . lished in said newspaper thereafter on.. •••�/ l r ..193./...'s the.... -day o£...... That during all the time aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified to a medium of official and legal publications as required s sections 3 and 4 of chapter ent Sea- sion Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that constitute harm one vear last past from the date of t�; first pu�ieations defined iid S l that for prior thG a flaje of the first Publication of said. !. ":� "`•�"'�` • • %`%i` • • _ ...,the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, ,filed in the office of thetheuname and to anon of said newspa e=P sand the of Minnesota, an affidavit showing ��aa11 anseforth in tion 3 of chapters484a1Session Laws ofiYlinaesota P1921. require That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to l; both incIvsive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and pnb- l;cation of said legal advertisemeMa stilekam°Dartacuwrad, via: n ,..et,,.....�.•- Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit >s made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid 1 gal Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .................. .',::. •its . ev County, Minnesota. Form 141. My Commissloa es T„ • - m c Con tY p!atntY F,il,li 12 199G. . September 24tho 1931. Ron. C. R. Coms'r of P.P. R, P. BldP,s. Pailding. Dear Commissioners The attarhod application Of Jacob K. Thowason for permission to erect an overelso private garage on Lot G and east half of Lot To Sloe4 2, Ro,-ers Additions located at 1064 Marshall Avenue lwasor was to your department today, by report. The matter was laid over to Saturdays September 26th. Yours very trulre City Clerk. r COUNCIL FILE NO. ________ _ _______ 90529 r84NAL.a: fC. F No..DODY9 -f; Ib the Metter of consist', on bothsldes of. Creth: f 3ummlt Ave to St M: m nerY OTder 8D — -`-K•�,yy -,2vn.1da93.1 b b 8 hnv,Y -I..aAn''tb... lx th. Co.n l-It FINAL ORDER In the Matter both _sides _of_Cretin Avenue,____' from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, _ under Preliminary Order 89710 ---___,approved ----- _July-_ 2 Intermediary Order ...... ----------approved----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ..... construct- curbing _on_both sides of � _Cretin Avenue from Su=it Avenue to St. 01air Street, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement ' ccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council______ SEP 2 9 — ------- -- ------ Ci y Clerk. Approved-------------- --------- 192----- /�'�`� Mayor. Councilman Mum onroy Councilman 1===X'MMsy Councilman 11� CAonald Councilman Xgq ,"Pearce Councilman 9xRmkmr-9oeen CouncilmanVxxj�t-tudheimer ! Mayor imgmx'Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFCOMMISSIONER PRELI^W#NARY ORDER FINANCE (A) ' gg In the matter of Thom°OOAvenuef ton Stidlalrboth 9treetdea of Cretin Avenue �� under Preliminary Order approved July 2, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $2 762 37 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - frt. Tbe estimated cost pefoot for the above improvement is 924 ft. Inspection $45.7 Eng• ;275.00-FrontSge 3, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Except Streets) Part pi River Boulevard of 200000 EasterlyTOf MiiSSiship 265000 Government Lot 3, Section 2si 1 1 King's Maple Wood 2100 5600 33 1 do 2100 10000 1 4 do 2100 5600 15 4 do 2100 7100 1 5 do 2100 5400 15 5 do 2100 5100 Lot 1 and East of 2 9 do 3100 6500 2100 15 .9 do .5450 TOTAL. Form B. B, 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OONPRELIMIYARONER OF Y OR ER FINANCE (C) 'pESCRIPTiON ADDITION - LOT BLOCK . 15 16 Lot 45 and West 20 ft. of 44 46 75 Lot 76 and West i of 77 Lot 105 and West 10 ft -of lm 106 Lot 135 and West 23 ft -Of 134 Lot 136 and (Eaoept East 15') 137 15 16 ($xaept the East 7.35 ft.) 7 8 gummit.Wood. da do. do do do do do do do 1 Oak Knoll, St. Paul, Minn. 1 do Riverwood Park do ASSESSED V ALUATION. Land •. Bldg 2950 610Q 1300 3800 111250 1000 5350 1000 1575 2550 1300 3450 1650 1625 7200 1675 4250 1050 1125 4450, 1500 3pQO 2300 15W 241,650 480:754 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 193E Commissioner of Finance. Dated_ Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, M ------ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following, improvement to be made: e` c!`J-. •----------------------------------------------- -------------------e---4--.-,---Z--------i----fit. Ave. ----- from---- 1`� " . ,. . "c ----•----•--------------- fat Ave. to----------------- --'-------------- --- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION V Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance nuG 20 1931 1 Qugua --- 1931 ------------ 192 ------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 89710 July 2, 1931..-____._192-_-.--- relative to Council, known as Council File No.........................approved the --constructs On_of.. curbing_ -on_ both -.-sides.- oY_Cretin_Avex>ue...from._:....-._... Summit Avenne to St. UlairStreet-..__...........------ _ tt- -:..-------------------------------------- - _ ------------------------------...------ _... . amt having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: • 1. Said improvement is..._._-- ---- ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.71 and the total cost thereof is $ 2,762.37 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.................. _- ....__......___-------------- Inspection $48.77 Engineering $275.00 Frontage 3,92/1 Yt. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......_..__ --- . . --------- ..._.. ----- _-------------- -------------- ------_.._---- ------------- 3. ------..._3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is --------- ._..._ ..............asked for upon petition of ree or more owners f roperty, subiect to assessment for said improvement. _ Commissioner of Public Works. �LI 1. �f F�.:.. _7� i•:uAi.� 7 ACCOUNTING DIV. . THE DEPARTMENT OFEPUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 12, 1931. Hon. Hilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Cretin Ave. from Summit Ave. to St. Clair St., under Preliminary Order C.F. 89710, approved July 2nd, 1931. Estimated Cost $2,762.57 Cost per front foot 0.71 Inspection 48.77 Engineering 275.00 Frontage 3,924. ft. Yours truly," WM. N. CARE Chief Engineer. Approved ran mi On to the Commi -f ce. 'TON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. PIEDMONT APARTMENTS gra 6TREET &L4MITH AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MiNN. _ KR-kkN TTE APARTMENTS FURNISHED OR '+ UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT I� r� PRIVATE SA— ane 26th, 1931 • IIepartment of Publio Works, Oity of St. Paul, at. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am enolosing herewith two petitions for ourbing on Fairmount amd 03L*bin avenues and trust that you will give them the neoessary attention. ReopeatftllY, \ nJ 2176 Fairmount avenue. T0: EP BY: RWP COUNCIL FILE NO._-____- By--------------- --- ----------- - FINAL ---- -- FINAL ORDER '90530 �ti the Matter of curb{a6 ;; Weet Con$reae $t ton to Henowa $t.;. under Fret;'. 'dei. 897,24,aDDrOvedhavi5..,;�` A:,; Dubuc : ho4% g vyoa the above'ImPro er mot{ce, and tha-Council PI, mlgatl" '.yeraona. ob]ectl - In the Matter of__4uriu�tii _ eisiaa�i_Yeast__CQngrasa__fraQS�alll�id9ell Street to Bellows --- under Preliminary Order — ----- R9224 --------- --------approved ----- -duly-_3;__1931. Intermediary Order _____------------------approved __------ — ---- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, beit RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be.made by the said City is_OUTb_bOth__eide9__of WeQt Oongress Street — Yrom Bidwe;ij,A mel—tk Bellows Street._--_____—_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improveement�in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--SE-R- '__ 1—�_a7__—__________�9�--- --- /�'- / l -------- - - City Clerk. Approved------------ ----------------------, 192------ - -- - — - Mayor. Councilman E9tMx '�Oonroy Councilman May // Councilman E�c!> gd 'Mz/ ol)onald/e Councilman Mcft=xT P�B aroe Councilman 3xJWTiIIWr Rosen I �J Councilman X*=91E / Sudheimer - Mayor Nu>asm/Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CommISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIVANARY ORDER (A) In the maitefof curbing both Sides Of West 0ongress Street from Bidwell street to Bellows Street. A' under Preliminary Order approved July 3 . 1931 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - - $ 747 79 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ • T5 f rt- The estimated cost/per foot for the above improvement is - - Engineering $70.00- Frontage 1000 ft. Inspeotion $14.66. The lots a parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. Robertson's Addition to Porth 58.50 ft.of West 45 ft. 450 2500, 1 156 deet St. Paul. of Lot 1 and all of 2 156 do 775 3950. East 5 ft. of 750 3 156 dO 60°0,. 4 156. do .750 75° 2900 5 156 do 750 4150. 6 156. do 750 4850 7 156 do 750 2950 8 156 do 9 156do 750 , 3050. TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTMENT QF FINAKgF- REPORT QF cQMMISSIQKC NER QF FIKAE . OR PRELINOWRY ORDER (G) pESCRIPTIOPI ADDITIQK LOT BLOCKVALVATIPK ASSESSED . LgMd a1d&. V) 154 R9100TOW Ill A44"k9a to X25 34Po last 10 ft. of Lot 12, and all RQat 9t, Btu1. 11157 do 9175 55 qq .OL woos -c 40 ft. of 12 157 do 600 1,6091 13 157 40 759 125q &aot Of 14 157 40 375. 754 asst Of 14 157 40 375 1559 15157 410 750. 4A59 161,57 do 750 1209. 17 157 40 75P 1600. 13- 157 40 75P 3758 19 1.57 do 750 4009 20 157 40 $00 2400 The Commissioner of l'inanec further reports that he has iavcstivted all of the aforeaOci matters, afld hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the commissioner of Public Wurks. Dated— ,��L'_ Fommi4siot?arof}�iRaRce. Worm B, 9. 12 - - ' to St. Paul, Minn. ---1 !t—lqj1. To The, Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body. to cause the following, improvement to be made: ------------ ------- ------------------------------------------ ------- ---- V ( �i -- ------ ---- --- - /rG(i�°/�D - St. from------ --------------------------- St. Acre. to. �- -------------------- ---------- ------- St. ----------------St. '1JOI€,- NAME _ !, I LOT I BLACK - ADDITION L M r • ��is =`iINce > �� Office of the Commissioner of Public WA%ANC6 Report to Commissioner of Finance `'' 3 { AUG 22 1931 August...2.1-,...1.9.3.-..1s2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 89724 July 3, 1931 192 relative to Council, known as Council File No .............._.... -----approved ------------------ .......__--------....... the --- curbing _Of...both...sides--of...➢GES.-It.-Congress. -Street .-.from-.--- ._.- ------------ Bidwe11...atraet.. to Bellows-. Street ....-- --- ......_._ .... -. _ _........ -------------------- - and_------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- ..............necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 75¢ 747.72 2. 'The estimated cost thereof is 3 .......... and the total cost thereof is $._.-.._.------- _-..._...-.., Engineering $70.00 Frontage 1000 ft. Inspection $14.66 and the nature and extent of said improvement is asfollows: ........._...____._.___-........--.----.-------- ------ ---- .....__ -.... ... . -- - - _ .. - ... -... I--- _....... ... ..._.-.._..._.- ... _ .-...._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----- --..__....-- ---- -....---- --- -------- 5. Said improvement is....__.__....... ___._..asked for upon petition three or more o rs of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �— COM. OF FINANCE Commissioner of Public Works. AIM 22 1931 `THE DEPART'MENtT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 17, 1931 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both sides of West Congress Street from Bidwell Street to Bellows Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89724, approved July 3, 1951. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $747.72 Cost per front foot - - - - .75#. Engineering - - - - - - - - - 70.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1000.ft. Inspection - - - - - - - - - 14.66 Yours truly, Chief Aong�er. AppSomismso4ioner r trans ssion to "isaion of Finance ROSES of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE N0 ------- -- _------ By FINAL ORDER 90531 ie� 1-- Inther .Q.Adleyto Bllta; Q. Vacon's AddltloR from Wh(L6 Bear Ave.-to+.Flandrau st.. unpprovdeed;r;, r ':.prellminary 'Orde � a99S4 '.a; , Tulq 89 Y883. eon, . hearing having :been. had o .: the the abovep Improvement upon notice aqd .the Cotinnellab one • nd reavtneg �erphne.'obtec-. i?�intive. thereto, '. and' In the Matter of—$TedinB-Al1e3C-1II �1Qok--3 r --�-�� �a� B_A$dl t1QA__f]CO]D__ OPhite Bear Avenue to Flandrau 9treet� —_--_ under Preliminary Order — ----- 89954 ------ --------appr-oved------- JU1Y_--- 99'-_1.93-1 --------------- -- Intermediary Order approved -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_$Tade_Alley in__BlOCk_ 3�—G. V.—Baoon! a _— Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandreu_9treet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_________ S��{?� .------ 192-- "o7 p� 4 Approved— ---�� - - ------ 192----- i ' f Imlay Councilman 6piEd X onroy Councilman Fft5 Councilman Mk mtd SODona Councilman Dd7E4IloEaOo[ ROaen Councilman ixaeitma ✓Fearce ouncilman B ✓SudheimeT / ayor �D�nEx Bu Bundl i e Form B. S. A. 8-7 mayor. Tt+�u� /o %31 CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMIN*Y ORDER Inthematterof Grading Alley in Block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street. under Preliminary Order approved July 29, 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 939. 40 If rt The estimated cost pedfoot for the above improvement is - _ _ _ g .70 Inspection $16.44 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1129 7 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed -benefits for such improvement, an the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as' last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION 1 3 Q.V.Baconls Addition Land 400 Bldg. 900 2 3 do 3 3 do 4 3 do 1�5 5 3 do 125 1900 .Lot 6 and the East i of 7 3 do 200 500. Wast of Lot 7 and East of. 9 3 do 125 600 West of 9 3 do 200 50 9 3 do TOTAL, Form a. B. -70 .... _ ... ....... CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REROAT OF COMMISSJQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION A L ATED .VALUATION ( 10 3 G.V.saoonls Addition 125 (t 11 3 do 125 12 3 do 13 3 do 125. 14 3 do 125 2660.: .15 3 do 150. .4750_` __ 16 3 do 125 3600_ - 17 3 do 100, 450- 18 _ _ 3 do _ 100. 19 3 do 100: 1000:_ do 100._ - _ 21 3 do 100: 50. 22 3 do 150, 250._: -West + of 23.3 do ',.Lot 24 and the East of 23 3 do 150, 2900 25.3 do 100; . 26 3 do 100, ': . 500.. _ 27 3 do 100 ; . 2490: 28 3 do 1W 29 3 do 100. 30 3 do 125 .:-_.1...-... - - ........ „ TOTAL 3.500 24,309---- ] The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated /% Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 4 Office"of the Commissioner of Public WWOMFINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 J3 AUG 20 1931 1 ---------- ...------------------------ _....--------...192.....-.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having sunder consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..89954__.-.approved .........441Y...29P --- 1931 ---------- 192_._..., relative to the grading of Alley in Block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street. --------------------------------........... .---------------------- - ....._._....._.. I..--.............._...._... ----------- ---------- - ........ . -------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------.....__..._.__..............---------------- - ....... ....... -------------- ------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said im rovement is.........._............necessary and (or) desirable. Cos per front foot 70¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5. .......... _.....___...._., and the total cost thereof is S---------8M.:.�_...., Inspection $16.44 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1198.7 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -- ..._-..__.__................. __._---------- .--- ----- --------------------------------- ---- --------------------- -- ...._............ - ---._--..___.. ___..._........_- __........... ....._..... ...... _.... -------------------------- 3. ----------- -----------3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ------------------ ------------- ---------- --- --------------- 5. Said improvement is...._ ------------- ............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners f f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of,Publie Works. L"Aa -COUNTING DIV, .THE DEPARTMENTOFtPUBLIC WORKS OF THS' CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 12, 1931. Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in Block 3 G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. 89954, approved duly 29th, 1931. Estimated Cost 838.40 Cost per front foot 0.70 Inspection 16.44 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1198.7 ft. Yours truly, WV u PAUR /i/ 90532 ' COUNG�E,'N_____------ .. rxoorm»n�a,,. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATI''ce2f1&ttio8'emn EDINGS • q ;ins slop en cut L n-' s of Alley. in n'e- addition iron - landrav Set • r BA966C: T �", In the matter of____condemning and_taking_an_ez�Qlriei�t_in_i'_d_____________ necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, G. V. Baconts Addition from Lihite Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street. 89955 under Preliminary Order July 29, 1931,E --------> approved----------------------------------- 90 318----------------' approved--------------Sept--2-,--l951 ----- Intermeduuy Order ------____-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thzt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading_ of Alley in block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of tnl�ngltpe said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading o A 1 y t in Block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_____ SEP -2-9 } _______________ _, 19____ City Clerk. Approved----------- -------' 19---- c ----------------- ---------- Mayor.-- Councilman Conroy Councilman Councilman McDonald McDonald /D Councilman Pearce / sad R 0 n eWklen� R o Councilma13 Councilman Sudheimer Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ._ In the matter'of Odndemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 3, G. V. Jaoonta Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau .Street. under Preliminary Order approved July 29 , 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT SLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 3 G.V.Baoon's Addition 400 80o 2 _ 3 do 3 3 do 4 3 do 125 5 3 do 125 1800 Lot 6 and the East of 7 3 do 200 500. West of Lot 7 and Fast # of. 8 3 do 1 125 600, 8 3 do 200 50.' of 9 3 do Farm D. n. 11 TOTAL. .. CITY OF BT. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE d ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)_ DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 3 G.V.Baoon+e Addition 12ij 11 3 do 12:3. do 121a 16DO 13.3 _ do 195. . 143 . do 125 : 260°: 15.3 do 159 47 16 :_3 _ do _ 125 3600 j 17_:.3 _- _ . _ do _ - - 1Q0- _10__..3 -_. ___ do _ _ _. 140; 19 3 do 100. : 1000 .20 3 . _ do . - _ _ 140, 3 _ do _ 22 _. _3 do _ _ 150 -rest 4 -of. _ _ __ _23_.:..3_:.. _ an _ _:. do Lot. 24 and the East. of 23. 3*0 150 _t 25 3 do 100 26 _ 3 do- 100 5 r: 27 : 3 do _ 100, 12 50 28 3 . do 100 29 3 do 100 30 : _3 . do 125' _..... --.. - TOTAL .>...... ,, 3,59Q 2't.300. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4 2-.x 19-31 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 WY1 TE BEAR AVE. FL il/YORgI/ S7. t BEECh' 3T. G V B ,4 C O N S A O O / T / O N Q m /5 6 5 4 3 2 zit ,n �' 39.35 40 .. .. .. •. .. .. ., F .. .. .. fi 40 ID 3 Gc� I p Na�ee co, a „ 66 ops 1a� OI'' ^f �j mw'lm i :iP Gor. J Q j /St kn No. � 7 /B /s 20 2/ 27 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 3 O'i6 V. B A C O /Y S .q O O / T JG MARGARET ST Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 20 1931 _----- August.-18,x-..1931.--192----.--- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary or4r of the Council, known as Council File No ... 9955... --.--approved ,.......... .duly --29 ._1931,:--.--192__...., relative to condemning --and-._taping-. an--easement.-.in. the._lamed..:meca-s sary...for....slopea,--------- cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in $lock 3s_ G -..-Y- ---------------------------- ------- ..... .................... -----------..... ........- . . Bacon's Addition from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street. --------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------------------------ necessary and (m•) desirable. X87[X and the total cost thereof is $---------- ------------ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-----.-...-._-..._.. ....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------- --- _------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- ------.--------.------------------------- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----... _----------------- - ... - ---------- .. 5. Said improvement is -_____-asked for upon petition of three or more ow of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --- --- ------------------------------ .. ... ---------------- Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE/ In the Matter of -changing tbA--g"a-Q-01--oh ateeorth_9t _ fTom_Thomae St.____ to Lafond St._to confor-M-_to the red line on the_Profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown bq a blue line thereon, alsAlley in Block 2, Chatsworth o aradina St. Add. and Block 2, Joseph R. Weide's 5th Addition, from Milton St. to Chatsworth St., under Preliminary Order-------$29$2____—_—_---approved __---JlIlly-- $1 x__� 5�.------------ Intermediary Order approved— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be ita, tir '6.4r '.! RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul tha -' '"�� be =6 the same are heroby cancelled, annu n, and rescindW sem'SU P"Wdisa in said matter be discenac: e:i. Adopted by the Council-__-_$-EP-2 9_ tr--___, 192--__-. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------ -LiLY'9lerke- -- j -----, 192------ Approved--------- �-=------- � Mayor. Councilman 6MW Sionroq Councilman XIMMU n[ ✓/McDonald Councilman 2ftZKXd& L�y n Councilman9rce Councilman 250MI M v46sen % councilman VWx6Rxx VSudheimer Mayor I>Meti>d7C Bundlle Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ISSIONER OF FINANCE (A)' ON PRELUNINARY ORDER In the matter of The changing of grade of Chatsworth St. from Thomas St. to Lafond St., also for grading Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth St. Addition and Block 2, Joseph R. Weidels Fifth Addition from Milton St. to Chatsworth. under Preliminary Order approved July 31 , 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $740.32 / in . .62 The estimated cost pef foot for the above improvement is Inspection $14.52. Eng. $120.00 Frontage 1188.521 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLoOK ADDITION ASSESSED -. VALUATION - Land Bldg. 0 D.W. Moorels Addition 400 (Except West 40 ft.) D 950 7000 1 2 Chatsworth St. Add. to the300 2300 2 2 City of St. Paul, Ramsey 300 3 2 00., Minn. 300 4 2 do 300 5 2 do 300 6 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 8 2 do TOTAL. 300 . Form a. D. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -VALUATION Land Bl-- .' 9- ; ? : Chatsworth _ St._ Addition _ .. R5_ _. 10_. ,2 toa_Ofty of pt. Peal, 5.00_ 4 - - 11 2 Aernseq.0o.,_ 1[nn. 475. -. do 47.5. 34 00 13 z-. do. ___ -.4751 14-. 2 _, do _475 _: . _..29W._ do -.475 _:_ 2600- do do 18 _. 2 . do 475 _ ._ .. __ 3150:__. 1 2 Joseph R._ Weide 1 s _3-th Add..: 350 2_.:-_2.__to._8t._ Paul. .__..._._ 3 2 - _ _ do 395 _ _ 4000:_ 4 2 do__.-_- 5 : ? _ _. do _ 325, 6_ _ 2 _ _ do 300'. 7_ : 2 _ d° _ 344 g _ ? do _ 9 _ . _2 do 340 ! - -Lot 10 -and West_ of .11 ..2 do 650: ;_ :_ 3000-. and $set _J of _ _ _ _.11 _ _ 2- _. do. _ _ _ _ _ :..700 , _::. 38Q0--_- 13 -2 _ do 14_. _2 _ _ do- . 475. . _ .. _. 16.54_--_ -. - -15 P do _ -_ 500. -_ : 16QQ_.:. - - 16 __ .2 __ do - - 5Q0 _17 ._ 2 .. do 500 _ 1800'. `: . .. -. .. - ---- - _ _ 16 2- _dc_ 550 2150_ r .......,, TOTAL 15,550_, 56,650-.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' n Dated, 19z— l / > G Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. - -1 'To The. Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. C8 Gentlemen: G4 we, the undersigned property owners, hereby .petition your Honorably% -----------------------St. Ave. to.----------------------------------------------------- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCS. ADDMON rL s � y" '01 \xe C NOWM N.Yz, N.W 35- -T-29- 2.23 VAN BVWEN ST. BLAIR ST ol Z L A FO N D u 0 x �Wum 000 1 1 'Off'ice•of the Commissioner of Public W&1 FINANCE Y F 9 0<, a . Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 11 r August. 21,-- 1931- - ................ -...192. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.89982-..-.-..approved ..._July_ah__.193.1_-____---..192........, relative to the changing of grade of Chatsworth St. from Thomas _--._---St...... to Lefond St., also fo grading Al ey in Block -9P-- Chatsworth PChatsworth St. Addition and Block 2, Joseph R. _._....... _------ Weide's--Fifth-Addition- from -Milton St: to-Chat-sworth. _ - --- ------ - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 62¢ 740.32 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_ _ ... ____-.-......_- and the total cost thereof is &- Inspection $14.52 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1188.521 \ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -- - _ -- - - - - - _.._----------------- __ ._...._......... ---- 5. Said improvement is.....__._... ----- ___._...asked for upon petition of three or more ow of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. // ............ .. ... -....... - ..... - COM. OF FINANCF Commissioner of Public Works. L1 AUG 22 1931 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 17, 1981 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Chatsworth St. from Thomas 5t. to i Lafond St., also for grading Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street Addition and Block 2, Joseph R. Wei de's Fifth Addition from Milton btreet to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89982, approved July 81, 1931. Estimated `'ost - - - - - - - - - $740.32 Cost per front foot - - - - - - 0.62 Inspectit - - - - - - - - - - - 14.52 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - 120.00 Frogttage - - - - - - - - - - - 1188.52 ft. Yours tru y, . N. CAR Chief Engine Approved or transmi ion to the o ssioner f Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. 9868d" -Hy Mlifon32oeea �' 9053 atter of ooadelnaing and tak= JJJ (J(4 ea8emeht !n .tha Sand necee- COUNCIL F___ ____ atones aaIllp elle la,the1 of AllAddltloaer lan Hlock Y, Chate!:1 " and'Hlook :: Y,d Welda'e from'. BY '------ - r_ - ---- tq Chatewerth 8a under 'aDDtoved wr r� �r sr ♦ df'='. Older '88998: 6th.Addltlon,4' 881 Intermediary Order, -u-� In the matter of_____ condemning_ and_ taking_ an__e_asement_ in_ the_ lapid -_-__--___-- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street addition and Block 2, Joseph R. Weidels 5th Addition from Iailton St. to Chatsworth St. 89983 July 31, 1931 under Preliminary Order-----------------------, approved------------------------------------' 90316 --------------- a 1931 Intermediary Order ------ ----------------- PProved________Set.P__2_i__-----------___--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it+ - be wo the mime we hereby carceiliA, :,.::! i rescinded a" aU C6e9E(fiRP in said matter be discen icn.:. SEP 2 9 19M Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------, 19---- ---- f�9~ ------------------ Approved---------- r ' :xi --' 19---- ii L -------------------� ------------ M yor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Fe gweeH M n Councilman McDonald / 1 Councilman Pearce V Councilman Reihlam• � o s e n Councilman Sudheimer Mayor j In the Smatter' ..--condemning_and_ taki an_ eaP@mgxn it3_ �hg lad- ----- -= c necessary to r- slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of. .:Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street Addition and Block 2, Joseph R. Weidel4 F+h AA,4- -- r_ Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth Street Addition and Block 2, Joseph R. Weide's 5th Addition from bLilton St. to Chatsworth St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. SEP 2 9 0 Adopted by the Council------------------------------------ 19---- p�--� ----- ------------------------- Approved ---------- f Li -Z= b- 19---- l or. Councilman Conroy '��� J Councilman FergaeeM a Y / M D ld 7 Councilman c ona Councilman Pearce li Councilman ReMand o s e n Councilman Sudheimer Mayor / CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the band necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth St. Add. and Block 2, Joseph R. Weida's 5th Add. from Milton•St. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary Order approved July 31, 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 50.00 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 0 D.W. Moore's Addition 400 (Fxoept 'fest 40 ft.) D 950 7000 1 2 Chatsworth St. Add. to the300 2300 2 2 City of St. Paul, lamsey 300 3 2 Co., Minn. 300 4 2 do 300 5 2 do 300 6 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 B 2 do 300 TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK E ADDITION VALUATASSESSIOD N Land 9 2 0hateworth 9t. Addition 325 10 2 to the City of 3t. Paul, 500 11 2 Ramsey Co., Hinn. 475. .. _ _. 12 2 do 475. _ 13 2 do 475... :. _ 14 2 do 475. . _ 2900 - 15 2 do 475. :., 2600 16 2 do 475 _ _ 2300 ± 17 . _ 2 _ do 47.5. _ :_ _ 3210 19 2 do 475 3150.: 1 2 Joseph R. "►aide s 5th Add. 350 295. 2 2 to St._Paul._ _ 325: 2-600 ---. 3 2 do 325' 4000 4 2 do 300. 5 2 do 325 1300 6 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 9 2 do 300 12900_- 9 2 do 300 Lot 10 and l est � of 11 2 do 650 3000 A0 12_and . of 11 2 do 7D0 3900 _Vast 1j -- _ _ - 2 do 475 __. 14 2 do 415. 1650 15 2. do 500 } 16 2 do 500 ,2050_: . 17 2 do 500 1900 19 2 do 550 2150 ,.......,, 15M0, 5�1165Q--___ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / Commissioner of Finance. Form H. S. 12 Indicates Cut. ®-Indicates Fill Typical Notation ♦33p Figures above Ime Chow Cut or Fill of property line Figures below line show di5fance fo which Slopes exte nd beyond property I I'ne. Loc. Book ?289 THOMAS S T 0 i SNJ8$OQAT2%4-NOW2TAN:) SNS .aQA "27t-3di3w.A .20s- . HA1q 39012 a+99nipn3 �a u0siu8 BSQ1 A+liryyA 01£0% -XIX i L Indicates Cut. ®-Indicates Fill Typical Notation ♦33p Figures above Ime Chow Cut or Fill of property line Figures below line show di5fance fo which Slopes exte nd beyond property I I'ne. Loc. Book ?289 THOMAS S T 0 i SNJ8$OQAT2%4-NOW2TAN:) SNS .aQA "27t-3di3w.A .20s- . HA1q 39012 a+99nipn3 �a u0siu8 BSQ1 A+liryyA 01£0% -XIX i f p r Office of the Commissioner of Public WO&P"'J" ��j13 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance j-.iJIG 22 1431 August_ 21---1931 _..---.192.._--_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 89983 July 31- 1931 192.._..., relative to Council, known as Council File o......__._......------ approv ...._____ ------- -- condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary....... _______________ -------------- --- ---..._-.....--.--.- ----- -- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Chatsworth at. Add. and Block 2, Joseph R. Weides - ... ..:..__._..._............... . .....- .._......-- 5th Add. from Hilton &t. to Chatsworth St. and having investigated the [natters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._...... ........... necessary and (or) desirable. i I 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3.-...-__X$X._-...- and the total cost thereof is F...._.._......-.._.-----.---, l` and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - ---- .... ------ -------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------.. 5. Said improvement is-,— - .........__._..._.asked for upon petition of three or more ow of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. { gg i Commissioner of Public Works. } AUG 24 1931 COUNCIL 7�4 ---- 90535 ' I i/;;v f l:f'o;l '1 714 174 J'U '1 1.�,�; `;f; 1 / l f N'f'f; i f, i f f l r4v'A 7414 .1 In the matter of --- eatending_a 16_ ft. _alley_ from_ the _ west line of Wheeler Ave. to the west line of Lots 4 and 17 Block 12, College Place West Division.,\ MALORDEa - F. No. BH35—Bylniton d n - no_ opening..wi�g and ,Ifne of wheelee�,.: ii„ ode dt_. Letn. n Sw nil}. sae io Ir:+i'• -I approved---- Yay -�- 1831------------ under Preliminary Order__89824------------- 90813-----_, approved-__ sept. 2nd, - -1931------- Intermediary Order ---------------------- .----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th it the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to open a dead end alley 16 ft. in width. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condenmed for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: A strip of land 16 ft. in width from the west line of Wheeler Ave. to the west line of Lot 4 and 17, Block 12, College Place West Division, the center line of which is described as follows t Beginning at a point 5 ft. south of the northeast corner of Lot 20, thence west and parallel to the north line of Lots 19 and 20 to the west line of Lot 19, thence northwesterly at an angle of 200, Of to a point which is l ft. south of the north line of Lot 18, thence west and parallel to the north line of Lots 17 and 18 to the west line of Lot 17. All in Block 12, College Place West Division RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. OCT 3 0 =1 Adopted by the Council_______________________ r. r, r s3 Approved------------------------- 19---- I Councilman Conroy Councilman F %x� _Councilman McDonald C/ Gem Councilman FAWsod R > -c 11 n •t - e .at. NGFW ✓ Mr, Vice Pres. Sudheimer .OLLEGE PL -WEST DIV whcelegW to Lofs4al7 DPENI NG DR3 rye 1 0 CAPITOL AVE. COLLEGE PLACE WEST DIV. BLK.I� Whe,elerAve- W.toW line of Lots 4 ail OPENING Bureau of Engineers May 21 1931 Scale 1'� GO I Jil W I. 7/ MINNEHAHA ST. r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEMY OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIW41SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _. In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley in Block 12, College Place West Division from Wheeler Ave. west to.the west line of Lots 4 and 17, under Preliminary Order approved May 26, 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total Estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. Lot 1 and (Except West 44 ft..) 2 12 College Plaoe,West Division 1900 3100 West 44 ft. of 2 12 do (Except West 20 ft.) 3 12 . do 600 2950 _- West 20 ft. of 3 12 ) do 600 3350 and East 19.78 ft. of 4 12.)) West 40 ft. of 4 12. do 600 3450 17 . 12 . do 950 3750 18 12 do 950 1800 . TOTAL. Yorm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C" ,. ... ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ` Land Bldg. „ West 40 ft. of 19 12;Oollege P1aoe,west Division 750 2600 North 13 f t. of East 20 f t. of 19 12 . do and North 13 ft. of 20 2 .,, 121.," 5 12 do 900 3250.. 1 16 12 do 950 4000, (Eaoept North 13 ft.) East 20 )) ft. of 19 12), do 1350 4250. and (Eaoept North 13 ft.) 20 ,12), 1550 32„500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �h 1 .9 _.f Q>� 7- Commissioner of Finance. --i�orcra�a,12 FRED E. LOV ELL. DEFUIT CO"19410HK. MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER -. . Y Ilk - Q.. L�blc3 pe��,a mte �F ��� WM. H. CARRY. CHISF RNOINEOI I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB. BU►T. O. BANITATION JOHN M. REARDON. SUFI. OTC KSTR"=OH AMD Ri►A1R M. S. ORYTBAK. BRIOOi ENGINEER -O. H. HZRROLD.OFFICi AND Crt•/ PLANNING HNOIHiiR CLAYTON S. STEWART, BUFT. OF WORKNOUii MARK W WOODRUFF, CNI[F ENOR. CL[RK May 6, 1931. Mr. H W. Palmer, 1774 gapitol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am returning herewith your petition for opening a public alley.13 ft. wide from the west line of Lot 4,on Block 12, College Place easterly.to Wheeler Ave. as sho ched Beg to advise our Engineering Department do not, approve of a 13 ft. alley because its width is too narrow to permit safe passage of two vehicles. The absolute" minimum for any alley Opening should not be less than 16 feet eferable. Nearly all of the alleys opened and 20 feet is pr or dedicated in recent years are 20 feet in width. If this alley is opened 13 feet in width and later graded, this depart- melt will be charged with its maintenance. It would-be extreme ly difficult to maintain a 13 foot width alley except by hand and such a method is out of all proportion as to cost. We, therefore, recommend that you return your petition with the recommendation thatthe opening be for a 16 ft. alley or if possible 18 or 20 feet which is far more suitable. Yours very trulya MILTON ROSEN, oner of Public Works. MH -D Commissi Ph— EM.—a 3038 u � EIDMANN METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING CO. FRED EIDMANN, Manger 16336 Randolph St. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . GY yv � �r �-tel' -��� 3�✓ �-,-� ' �-�' /_.� � ��L Phony EM ....n 3939 Y EIDMANN METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING CO. FRED EIDMANN, NI—Q-1 1636 Randolph St. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 7�/ tow avvwx e-mA7-4 46- 6"" - r� VI" -; C�' f - OiTice of- the COM'Missioner of Public,NVorks CON. OF ANANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance, "JI" 3 q June --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -89324 approved .................... Ma. Y --- 26-th ._----__-199)1-..., relative to open, widen and extend a 16 ft. alley from the west line of *Wheeler Ave_ --to the west line of _ Lot S __4 and 17.:-.Block.-.12,"".Cqjlp.gjp ... place West Division, _ .......................... the center line of which is described as follows : Beginning at a point 5 ft. south of the northeast corner of Lot 20, thence west and parallel to the fi6ith'-line of L&tSl9__ arld--20- t6--th6- west -line of" Ldt 19- thenCO'MOrth- westerly at an angle of 200 01 to a point which is 1 ft. south of the north line of thence -west and-parallel--to--the-north line--of--bots 1-7 and 18 to the west line of Lot 17 - All in Block 122 College Place West Division. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5......r._-....-...-...-., and the total cost thereof is S-..___._ ............. and--- -- _ ------ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........._......_ -- -------- ------ ----- --------------- ------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----- - ---- ------- -- -- - ------ --------- 5. ----- 5. Said improvement is . ......... asked for upon petition three or more property, subject to assessment for said improvement. I 1--eof ............ ------------------- ....................................... Commissioner of Public Works. Harriette C. Budd, for her objection herein,alleges. That,she is the owner of Lot Twenty (20) and the easterly twenty feet of Lot Nineteen (19)p excepting the northerly thirteen feet of said lots, in Block Twelve (12) of College Place West Division, Ramsey County, Minnesota. That this property lies at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Minnehaha Street and wheeler Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. That it con- stitutes her homestead. That when your objector became the owner of tins property there was no provision for an alley in said block. That an entrance and drive from said wheeler Avenue onto the rear end of your objector's property has been, provided and used for some years. That while the pro— posed alley will be of benefit to property west of her, it -:will be of no benefit to her property whatever. For the reasons set forth, she objects to any, assessment against her property in relation to the proposed im— provement. DESCRIPTI N; FRONTAC October 2ndo 1931. lion. J. =d. McDonald. 0=14sioner of Finance. Building. Dear Cormissionert At the meeting; held today. the final order in the matter of Opening$ widening and a stending a 16 ft. alley from the gest line of Wheeler Ave. to the nest line of Late L and 17, Black 12e College Plats West Divisions was lead over to October 16th and your department re- quested to send now notices to property owners of such hearing. . Yours very trulys --- - - - -- ------------ - °R lAAisFvVtBIeo N' A"'tfoLroehmaQonEae[Iho/Heefr6 ete'hte ;�f'I° - QQ o aaE".c6Eoh,- ...' fd , grade being ahoi e thereon also,, -,fm➢• \ ' t •,betty en the afo� W •' tebot" B and ollln ' rbb and eldeWalk.'or �• COUNCIL FILE NO--nettng new etaeWa' ________ _________ •e 'neceeear9. conef '1' ale In arnd -- _watermat n.;1 --------- 111 1• �- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of—oiiangitbe grade of Quota Ave __from JarL9t.__to _-___ ,c> Farrington Ave. to conform to the red lines on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being` ghpwn by bljte linen th_A?-p?, Alap impnrpvi ng egg a+rwwt between the aforesaid limits by regrading and oilin , reaettin curb and sidewalk �� a �^a' •••, $t3� e 8 stye 823 OliFb w1�93i nRce � 0 constructing additional catchbasins and drainage, changes ,n water-main. and appurbenance he: work that �. necessary to said improvement, under Preliminary Order—_ 89847 —____-approved Intermediary Order --Approved --, A public hearing having been .had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council haying heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered Q the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- i. J provementto bemade by the said City is-change._the-grllde_-o-f-Aur9_a. from Jam St to Farrin on Ave. to oonform to the-� lines on the profile , hereto a ached and made a part hereof, the present established grade a 'h-i ri abown by h1ve__1j,neg_ ng_sp+id a reet -between the aforesaid limits`by regrading and oiling, resetting curb and 4;, necessary, oonstruoti additional catchbasins and drainage, changes and neaeaeary:to said improvement, and the Council hereby, orderssaid improvement'to be'made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the-Commissioner 'of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and ' directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for apprbval;that upon said approval the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said i iovement in accordance therewith. QCT'` 21931 Adopted by the Councils.__ --- ------ --- l City Clerk. OCT Approved-----------------------., 192----' --------------- Mayor* Councilman VWXx Conroy Councilman Iftum May Councilman 2 a>QE3aWcuuonald 14WJ Councilman YeAkoWosen Councilman SmS*Mzw Pearce �. $[8. slice Pres. Sudheimar <, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C014MISSiONER OF FINANCE ON PRMLIMINR.RY ORDER In the (atterof changing in the grade of Aurora Ave. fromJay St. to Farrington Ave. to-conform to the red lines on the profile hereto attacned and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by blue lines there- on, also improving said street between the aforesaid limits by regrading and oiling, resetting curb and sidewalk, or laying and constructing new sidewalk and curb where necessary, constructing additional catohbasics and drainage, changes in watermains and appurtenances, and all otter work that is incidental and necessary to said improvement, under Preliminary Order approved July 20, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - - - $1,722.68 The estimated cost per �ot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ 65 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Commencing at the N.W. corner of Aurora Ave. and Jay St. 1700 1600 th. N. along Jay St. 119 ft. to the S. line of alley,th.W. 66 ft., th. S. to Aurora Ave., th. E. to beginning, being Lot 11, and the E. 15.20 ft of Lot 12 , Blk. 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Add. and part of the southeast k of See. 36, T. 29, R. 23 Beginning 45 ft. E. from the SW corner of Lot 13, Blk 3, 850 4500 Th. E. 3y.8 ft. th. N. 119 ft., th.W. 39.8 ft th.S. 119 ft. to beginning, being part of Lots 1 and 2, Chamber's Add. and the W. 34.8 ft of 12 3 Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's and the E. 5 ft of 13 3.Add. to St. Paul _._TOTAL. _... _.... __ Form B. D. 10 . - CITY OF ST. rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COfyq NSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER it DESCRIPTION i LOT iBLOCK! ADDITION ASSESSEVALUATD ON --:,Beginning-9 ft. E. -from -the -co T ,. ner_, of -..Lot -13 - Blk--3.,--th.E. 800, 5600 -. "36 ft., th.N. 119 ft., th.W. 36 ft., th.8. 119 ft. to beginning,, i, -Albeinpart of LotBlock 5, C1�s 36of W. 4 ft off 4ast3 3 Elfelt, Bernheimer & i Arnold's Add. to St.Paul - Beginning 35 ft. E. from the 8W o9raer of Lot 14, Block 3, 875; '2850 th. E. 40 ft., th.N. 119 ft., th.W. 40 ft., th.S. 119 ft. to 1'beginning,- being -part of-Lots,2 and 3, Block 3, Chamber9-s Add. - "and the W. 9 ft of 13 3!Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's . !and E.31 ft of - - 14 31Add. to-St.Paul - West 35 ft of 14 3 Elfelt Bernheimer & 775 2600 -Arnoldls Add. to St.Paul _--- t 15- _ 3: do 100: _ : 2000 — I. 16- _ 3, dp.. !1100.. . 4850 -East 27ftof 17= 3, do 600 2200 •-- (Exo. E. 27 ft L5 17; 3, do 800. .2750 - (and (Exc. W. ft) 18' West 36.50 ft of 18. 3. do 800- ,2900 -- r• East 1/3 ft of 19. 3; do 725. 2200 _33 ._._. I West 2/3 ft of 19,- 3do 725 j1850 and the E. 16 2/3 ft of 20 West 2/3 of 20 3 do 800 3900 lExc. S. 82.67 ft) 1_. 4 do 450:_ 750 3— 4. - do .1125: __l ;.1750- .: --- West ..J of _. _. 3 _. 4, do 575- 1450 - .. East � of 3 4:. do _ 575 , 1500. _.... West. _of 4 4 ; . do 57 5-.;-2050-,-:._ ._ East_- of 4 4, do 575, .1800 (Exc, the E. 10. ft) 5.: _-4_. do - _ 900. _! 4800 a East 10 ft of -lot 5 &_W _of 6 4 - do _ _- - -- - f 775 2906 !I TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMfSSFONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION E of 6 4-Elfelt ,ernheimer & Arnold's 575 290 2 of Add.W to 7 4 do 725 250U E of 7 4 do 725 2400 8 4 do 1125 3900 W of 9 4 do 575 1950 E Of 9 4 do 575 1950 10. 4 do 125U 3850 22750. 7625Q. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _-. Dated �{��% , .�' 193E ()�z") !9! A, B. Porm H. B. 13 Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn.--/ ..._ .. -- To The Honorable, The Council, ` City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: cc We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -------- -------- -------------Q�--------------- St. Ave. l from--d--------------------------------------t St. Ave. to.___544---------------- ------------------------------------------------------- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION R:v. \`\ 3 U To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....8984'/ - -a pproved.._.J�y_20, 1931 192...-_,., relative to changing the gades of Aurora Ave. from Jay St. to Farrington g . --- ---Aver - -improvingalso - said street ---between the aforesa7 d - - limits by regrading and oiling, resetting curb and sidewalk, ................ or._laying..-and..constructing ---new.-sidewalk--- and ...ourb--where-------------------- ------ - necessary, constructing additional catchbasin and drainage, changes in watermains-, and...appurtenances-anA...al�,_..otber---work ---------------- Nati is incidental and necessary to said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... .----------- necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.65 1,722.68 2. The estimated cost thereof is �S_..._ and the total cost thereof is S-----. 7 ............... Inspection $33.78 Engineering $150.00 Frontage 1,042 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.._................._. ------------------­--------- -----------­-------...........- ....... _......_ ..._ _......._.._..- - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ----- ----- -----------------.--- ...- _ ------- - ----------------- ---------------- 5. Said improvement is....-. asked for upon petition of ee or more owns of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. GOM- OF FINANOF '- - - . . 1t 12 Commissioner of Public Works. -AUG 4.... III ~ THE DEPAR14ilENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) July 31, 1931 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Aurora Ave. from Jay St. to Farring- ton Ave., also improving said stet between t e aforesailk, limits by regrading and oiling, re or laying and constructing new sidewalk and curb where necessary, constructing additional catchbasins and drainage, changes in watermains and appurtenances, and all other work that is in- cidental Nand8n�eecce saryrto said improvement, t, under Preliminary Order s Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $1,722.68 Cost per front foot - - - - 1.65 Inspection - - - - - - - - 35.78 Engineering- - - - - - - - 150.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1,042 ft. Yours truly, WM. N._CARE Chief %gineei- Approved r and ssioninatice to the _ n MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. ^� „?, v ',z AUG �.4�� TO THE Y1AYOR AND COUNCIL OF fHE CITY OF ST. FiIUL: The undersigned free-holders of the City of St. Faul, owning property on Aurora: avenue from Jay to Farrington respectfully petition your honorable body .to kill the order to change the grade of Aurora Ave. from Jay to Farrington, also improve said street, by regrading, & Oiling, wetting. curb & sidewalk or laying neer sidevralk and curb where necessary, etc., for t;:e following reasons: Cl),Wile there may be a sidewalk here and there that has sunk ;and needs regrading and relaying, it is not necessary nor f desirable to regrade and reset all of the curb and sidevialk. (2) 1:ut in this time of financial depression it mould work'a r great,hardship ,on your petitioners, if this order is passed by the council. (3) That the majority of the free-holders on the street affected dill if X5,o::. r.: c) G f ^Er rr i ®.2 G ~ COUNCIL 053• ORIGINAL TO CITY CL#RK ^ 9 OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 9 JI FICE CLERK CO N— ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ATF rtXSMXM= WHEREAS, Fred Johenning, 125 Delos street, filed a claim with the Public Safety Department, for damages sustained by reason of a police squad oar crashing into his car while the squad car was responding to a call; and Whereas, it appears that the claimant was without fault in said matter, the facts appearing that said claimant's car was proper- ly parked when the police car., in attempting to stop, skidded and crashed into claimant's car; and WHEREAS, The claimant has presented itemized statements for the necessary repairs to his car, in the sum of $80.17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Fred Johanning, in the sum of $80.17, upon the execution by said claimant of a release ap ov d by he Corporation Counsel, said amount tp be paid out of th �u�� Fund. ' l t th-.aid : ma.it tws it'Uafault- appearing thatBald t Y,r pnG rice c7, parked r, in - attempting } 1� atte eeasUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council__vcr Conroy May McDonald __.In favor A roved_________ _____ _—___.._19.. •Pearce /� Rosen Against Sudheinter _. _ /Mr. President Bundlie / /� Department of law CITY OF BT. PAUL CORMTION COUNSM . ASSISTANT ATTORNSY8 I.��Ii4�M"AS�♦iQ�F HILARY J. FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIEB August 14th, 1931. Yr. Goo. O. 9ndheimer, Oommissioner of Public Safety. Deer air? - /e are enclosing herewith certain oorres- poadence received from you to -day. We have no reoord of this case and no claim has been filed in this office relative to it. Will yon kindly furnish us with some in- formation as to haw the accident happened and a re- port from your officers relative to the condition of thet.itreet at the timet 8-0 THOMAS A. GROWN, CHIEF OF POLICE O. F. SIMON. M. D.. ' HEALTH OPFICER W31"isWIN V TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET OWEN C. DUNN. GEORGE C. SU DHEI MER, COMMISSIONER FIaa CHID - FRED W. SIEGEL. DEPUTY COMMIEEIONER JOSEPH A. MACAULAY. - SUPT. POLICE 6 FIRE ALARM August 13, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear SV: Enclosed herewith find account of automobile accident on August 1, 1931, together with information as to the extent of damages and amount required to repair same. If you are satisfied that the City is liable and the amounts are reasonable, you can prepare the necessary resolution for presentation to the Counc RC o .s Commissio er o _ is Safety INVOICE CRT OF SAINT PAUL Q6 AA0 LNT OF PUBLIC WO"S BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT DATE ------ _.._ AUU ?� 1. iNVOTCE RENDERED TO Pub rttmaka Safety MAKE ------ Pontiac DEPARTMENTOF_________ ___________----------------------------------------------------- Police ________________ ___ ______________ Police CITU 162 BUREAU_________________ ._.__-____________.__ ____ CODE-------------------------- V-,T ___--____________ _ ._____ OUTS-iE JOB NO. I DATE I --- ---_ REPAIRS - - LABOR II MATFRI L WTO AL -1 V 3329 6/2 Installed new fenders and runn board. on left side; strairhte, and refinished left door and installed new Blass; reoaired front axle and steering. (DAMAGE ACCT ACCIDENT) M2 t0 W � RF 0 9 z w < U a rc THIS INVOICE IS ACCEPTED AND APPROVED FOR PAYMENT 192- - TOTAL 3115111 1*113911 1511511 98105 31 511, 41 391 15I15II Sal _______CASOLJ E LLg3R1C kNTS BY- -- ---------------------___- E. INDU2ECT EJU'ENSE TITLE _ -.- _____---NILES RUN - GRAND 'POEAL F- M. E. 51 9M 9-26 • L Duplicate Invoice TEL. RIVERVIEW 3530 SUPPLY DEPARTMENT INVOICE is foe YMOMU FINCH CHEVROLET COMPANY ROBERT AND CONCORD STS., ST. PAUL, MINN. Aug. 4, ,S 31 5977 N2 A&3xl& Ford Automobiles and Trucks SOLD TO DATE Fred dohanning Auto Accessories and Supplies 125 W. Delos St. Tires•Tubes•Oils•Greases ADDRESS St. Paul, Minn. Genuine Ford Parts Truck Supplies ACCOu PAYA—Z ON TINTN OW MONTH CUSTOMER'S ORDER No. Lio. #B324-437 QUANTITY PART No. ARTICLE PRICE AMOUNT Labor Repair- L. F. Tire,--put-in _n— salsa item_ 1.50 !Straighten front Axel 6.15 Replace Pitman Arm 150 Replace L. F. Hub Cap Replace R. F. Brake Cable 50 Replace Right Head Lamp Lense 25 Replace Right Head Lamp Rim (Repair Stop Light 75 Miscellaneous 2 50 Parte -- - - -- 354415 Pitman Arm 1 00 1'i 358508 Hub Cap1 95 35786 BrakeCable2 CRim e 50 - - 11 - 357037 90 354790 " Lens 80 - 1 _Valve Stem ___ — - -- -- - 60 - - 5 0 -- - -- - - - 344259 Shaft - -- -- T--- 1 - - _. - - _. -- - -- -- 551032 Worm - I I Total I. $20 90 — ---L----_ Duplicate Invoice 5944 TEL. RIVERVIEW 3530 SUPPLY DEPARTMENT INVOICE N? _-- FINCH CHEVROLET COMPANY Replace L._F.-Fender Weld------- --------- - ROBERT AND CONCORD STS., ST. PAUL, MINN. 65 Ford Automobiles and SOLD TO DATE August 3, ID.3l Trucks Fred Johanndng Auto Accessories and Supplies ADDRESS 125 W. Delon St. Tires -Tubes -Oils -Greases Genuine Ford Parts Replace R. R. Wheel St. Paul, Minn. Truck Supplies ACCOUNT. PAY—— oN T.- oP NTN CUSTOMER'S ORDER No. Lie. #B324-437 QUANTITY PART No. I ARTICLE PRICE I AMOUNT — ---L----_ - I___ Il - -- - ace 1--y. _---- _-- Replace L._F.-Fender Weld------- --------- 2 65 Replace L. F. Wheel & Rim 1 Replace R. R. Wheel Straighten front Bumper 00 Replace Short Steering Con. Rod 75 Straighten L.-R.__Fender & Touch Up 1.25 StriAghten L. F. of Cowl & Refinish 5 75 Strdighten -P S are Tire Rods -- - - ---- -—_ - - - - 1 - - 00 - Replace R. R. Axel Shaft Straighten L. R. Wheel 3 50 ---------- 1 Fender Brace 80 1 Wall Fender 12'50 2 Wheals (Painted) 9 90 - ___$_ _-938379 Rime 4 50 - -- 1 354613 Hub Over The Injured Were Taken Whemo If School Child, What School Attended? escr Diption of Accident Bt�R{� (San Other Side for Additional Remarks) WHAT WAS DRIVER lgol,NG'( (Check Items X) ' 1. Turning righ• ST. PAIiDL POLICE DEPARTMENT -VEHICULAR ACCIDENT REPORT WHAT WAS PEDESTRIAN DOING' Creasing at intcroection: 1. With.o..1 2. Ae.itut signal 3. No signal 4. Die— Ily Puss ( fJJ Date of Acciden � jl � .-ANISP, TI. 002 Sex /I�� � Gas", 1 3. Light Post 4. Sntety We: x. R=-^ - b. Floodlight_ a. Sige. 5. 8dewalk 6. Strret hie^` 7. Btop Signa O I.ocetion: On +q" No.1 A. to F. ❑ Street - 16taroecling Street or hens, number y 4. Snowy hl. ❑ F. ❑ Yuxe. ❑ Ped. ❑ ZO A - ho ase No. OOwpagcad by Pxss. ❑ Ped ❑ vehicle 1 - vehicle 2 4 - . Al. ❑ F. ❑ Yaw. ❑ P' d. ❑ Driven 2. Cloudy5. 3. Fog or mist6 �, _- X -Diepoeitio^ 4. Rai7. 5. SnowS. _ _ 1111 (1. Driving Sr! Direction ��` APp.odw,te so _ IOparetor'e License No, D.1 ga k7P �Y Fxperienen iii ° of tmrcl Ai cpecd Accident Involved Pedestrian -p Stroct Cor ❑ Fixed Object ❑ Animat ❑ (check X which) 11 Automohile_ ❑ Btayele ❑ Non<oIIW.- p Other vcbicla- ❑ `Railroad Tmi p H.ma-drawn Vehicle -0 Nonoper°ting ❑ _p (If another1 vchj� n'.e_e i� 'v )tt a information concerning Vehicle 2) A Licema No.303340m Owned � Mak OMW `�rr�� r5 dbby DOUSA - Driven In address 12 uoet Operator's D,winR Dination Approximate License No. Ag• Se Rxperience of trxvel gPenl The Injured Were Taken Whemo If School Child, What School Attended? escr Diption of Accident Bt�R{� (San Other Side for Additional Remarks) WHAT WAS DRIVER lgol,NG'( (Check Items X) ' 1. Turning righ• Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 WHAT WAS PEDESTRIAN DOING' Creasing at intcroection: 1. With.o..1 2. Ae.itut signal 3. No signal 4. Die— Ily Puss CITY PROPER'L'Y X 1..4utomobile (City)-- 2. Hydra nr Nartres of l nim- Injured t4 ' Addr- Age Sex Ped.or Vehicle 1 3. Light Post 4. Sntety We: x. R=-^ - b. Floodlight_ a. Sige. 5. 8dewalk 6. Strret hie^` 7. Btop Signa - ht. ❑ Puxs. ❑ No.1 Na.2 5. Crossing between B. PI°YinR in street 7. Riding or hitching vehicle B. Waiting tar or getting r off trent nor at eafeLY sone 9. Beme--no safety sone- 10. Getting on or oQ other rehire`s Il. At work in randway 12. Not in roadwayi.Clew4. 13. Other actions- tribe below CONDITION' OF PEDESTRIAN 1. Wea intoxicated 2. Had physical defect_ 3. Conivaed by traffi- 4. Vices obxtructcd F. ❑ Pm1. ❑ - 2 1l 4. Snowy hl. ❑ F. ❑ Yuxe. ❑ Ped. ❑ 8. RAlI,ROAID CROSSIN7.. 1. Ungunnled c 2. Watchman o 3. Automatic ai WEATHE3.I8. 3Nam - Al. ❑ F, ❑ Pxss. ❑ Ped ❑ vehicle 1 - vehicle 2 4 - . Al. ❑ F. ❑ Yaw. ❑ P' d. ❑ The Injured Were Taken Whemo If School Child, What School Attended? escr Diption of Accident Bt�R{� (San Other Side for Additional Remarks) WHAT WAS DRIVER lgol,NG'( (Check Items X) ' 1. Turning righ• Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 WHAT WAS PEDESTRIAN DOING' Creasing at intcroection: 1. With.o..1 2. Ae.itut signal 3. No signal 4. Die— Ily X CITY PROPER'L'Y X 1..4utomobile (City)-- 2. Hydra nr LIGHT 1. Dny1u; X 2. Dusk or dews 3. Artifirinl IiRht-¢o t 4. Artificial light -poor *.- 2. Turning Ieft��_ 3. Going atraizhj through 4. Blowing down or awppivg_ 5. Aitck1 6. Parked or a rag a i' g 7. Skidding---.interaertionn 8. ExeeedinR ep. d limit 9. On wrong nide of road l0. Didn't have right of wey Il. G.LLInR i^ l2. Pe>ein. et..din xtrael ca l3. Pmaia. on cu or hilt r 14. Paa Img on wrong aide I5. Failed to aignd Imprper turniu 7. Failed to atop tar Thru At. Disregarded affi,r or signal Drove oB roadway 0.Dthrusafety zone Doable or prohibited parking loft cn t3. Cor ren away-n.rdriver 24. Filed to atop after neeiden CONDITION OF DRIVER 1. Wan mtoxiratvi 2. Had physis.` defeos 3. R-- fntigw, 3. Light Post 4. Sntety We: x. R=-^ - b. Floodlight_ a. Sige. 5. 8dewalk 6. Strret hie^` 7. Btop Signa - 5. Dnrkn STREET CONDITION 1. Dry _- _ _ 5. Crossing between B. PI°YinR in street 7. Riding or hitching vehicle B. Waiting tar or getting r off trent nor at eafeLY sone 9. Beme--no safety sone- 10. Getting on or oQ other rehire`s Il. At work in randway 12. Not in roadwayi.Clew4. 13. Other actions- tribe below CONDITION' OF PEDESTRIAN 1. Wea intoxicated 2. Had physical defect_ 3. Conivaed by traffi- 4. Vices obxtructcd 2. We 3.:ll uddy - 4. Snowy 8. RAlI,ROAID CROSSIN7.. 1. Ungunnled c 2. Watchman o 3. Automatic ai WEATHE3.I8. 5. Icy 6. Under comtructio^ - CONDITION OF VEIFICLE 0. In APp...at Good Condition 1. Brokee Defectivel6. 2. Seeming Mechanism Defect. Glaring HmtdliRh19. One or Roth Headli.bte Out Headlights Too Di11. Tell Light Out or ObscureCutting I'nknnun_ vehicle 1 - vehicle 2 2. Cloudy5. 3. Fog or mist6 _- X -Diepoeitio^ 4. Rai7. 5. SnowS. _ _ mo of pa.. arra d - N.re Cherg _ D.1 No of Wit Addrr Age Telephone Dixpmition of can 1 00 ftnas $ #a %*an ft" QZ tv on"$ - - Did OPteer gee accident? Ye` aysyNox 1.0.1... UO3A_ & ma�; Star No. M& 39 Received at Bureau- 1't'� 193_ Bd No pun.10 Acd&ftlk, Officer in Char To the-Qtficer filling out th report:. Gia full ne ...t- of reide,t, di -ti- traveled toasted -speed defeateof car or equipment. were Phyaic.on1 cditin or them of driver others re -rued, eta Mention if arrests made, etote charge preferred. -- _ - He careful to mention when, where and what city property u dama¢ed aad also whetter .r not the city may be liable. Al -ht -d... with vehieln concamed. 7-31 all VP.C..' (Use Other Side) LL Additional Estimated Property Damage OD QOWMS 9{pff{ to at 01110 �ilsfn be &M"t wombed {bS SOSO$ Of WW SO0UM* he SW {U{ {11f f{1ff11 va �10� In 1--�.� {� f{trt► bit oeita•d oa1� on Obf 1K{ fidf f! {hf f{rw{ le�ine aff{ warn "f — I Anti Squeak $.80 14 1/4 a 3/4 Bolts .42 1 117077 Nut .10 Total $59.27 FINCH NELSON MOTOR CO. "BETTER "BETTER FORD BALESSERVICE FORD SERVICE" C SERVICE" Obert and Concord Streets Phones Riverview 3530-31 / St. Paul, Minn., O. _ r_L..l.._-.. _ _... ... ....... _.._ 193_.. Name �. .. -- .{Phone No. gess......./•. ---.-i*.c. .,./............_--•-7-------- .Model - -----------...--•---------•- Motor No...................License Il.A.W.Y.0 Promised S STRICTLY CASH 41 INSTRUCTIONS LABOR A- A N° 5977 P TS USED i LABOR ------- --- -------------- SSP ✓ 4L • PARTS ACCESSORIES _ GAS. OIL and ALCOHOL y- TIRES a d TUBES SHALL WE CHANGE YOUR OIL? ___ --- - _ _-_-fo No TOTAL TOTAL PARTS ONLY OVER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIAL ESTIMATES ARE FOR LABOR ONLY -MATERIAL ADDITIONAL This Work Authorized by__._.- ........ .____._.._..... ............ __..... _...._.---- _------ Received by— .- . .. . ..-......... .,,....wu..nw NOT REAPON81BLq,.F•OS ARTICLBq LEFT IN CASE. OR IN CABG OF PIB6 06 ANY OTHER CAIISS;-BBROND OVR CONTROL i r .. v FINCH -NELSON MOTOR CO. ••BETTER - "BETTER FORD SALESSERVICE FORD SERVICE" C SERVICE" Robert and Conrrd Streets Phones Riverview 3530-31 St Paul,Minn.,1p1_,3__'--- ..._........._.._..._....1931- e/ •.. • . ........ .. ..........Phone No ....................... Address . �.•a..- . \ Model �:.---•--......----•----- . Motor No...................Licens 2..... _.V a Promised ........ .-.......... Mileage -._-.-.--..-. TERMS STRICTLY CASH INSTRUCTIONS II LABOR LABOR • ACCESSORIES GAS, OIL and ALCOHOL SHALL WE CHANGE YOUR OIL? � Ye. TIRES and TUBES A N° 5944 PARTS USED n No TOTAL TOTAL PARTS ONLY I - OVER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIAL ESTIMATES ARE FOR LABa ONLY—MATERIAL AD ON This Work Authorized b , y..._........_........__._.._....__.._....._......._....__.-_...... Received by- - ......�_...._.._._......... .�....wue ..n. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ARTICLES LEFT IN CABG. OR IN CASE OF FIRE 06 ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND OUR CONTROL Mr. pre& idbanning. 18S b. Delos St_.♦ city. Dear Siri— Commissioner Cu&heimer bas fOra'arded to us your Claim for damage® to an automobile Caused by a polios Gun Squsd °ar- 8iudly Cali at tbis office at your I earliest oonvenienoe. Yours very truly. Assiittant Gorporation Counsel. W$ D • u . ;: FINCH -NELSON MOTOR CO. 5944 A N? ..BETTER FORD FORD SALESO- SERVICE SERVICE" SERVICE Robert and Concord Streets Phones Riverview 3530-31 -'-............................. 193.._1_ St. Paul, Minn ....... A11B.r..._3 -__ Name ---------Fred__Johsnni--------•----••------------•--.......--•---•`----..Phone No.----------••--------••--•- .-•---�--%-•p - - Address ---------- S _K_ A..De�g�=:St.t......................... .............. ------..Model ......... $Ziian-.....----- Motor No----- -------------License No.B324439...... Time Promised .................... Mileage..15L.72..... - - PARTS USED F e B or VJhe 1 Painted 9 � TERMS STRICTLY CASH Rod INSTRUCTIONS LABOR 1 Axel Shaft 3.25 Rep;ace L F Fender Brace __ 990 2 9BB379 Rims .50 Replace L F Fender Weld Replace L F *dheel &Rim) —_ 1 3 Hub Auto S ueak .30 _ 14 1 x 3 4 Bolta Hut •42 .10 Replace R. R. Wheel & Rim) Straighten front bumper .65 __1.00 .117077 $3 .42 Replace short steering connecting rod ,75 Straighten L. R. Fender & touch up 1 25 Strai.-hten eoare tire rode -- 1 Straighten L. F. of Cov;l & Refinish Ji5"x� Replace R. R. Axel Shaft (Duplicate invoice) _� Zz 7.Z a o Straighten L R Wheal / 7 LABOR PARTS ACCESSORIES GAS, OIL end ALCOHOL ❑ Yea TIRES and TUBES SHALL WE CHANGE YOUR OIL? -- -- -- ��] No TOTAL 1 5 TOTAL PARTS ONLY OVER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIAL This Work Authorimd FSTIMATFS ARE FOR LABOR ONLY—MATERIAL ADDITIONAL Received bs—.—....._-_.—._.... .... IppM.wey, eY� M co+..•. NOT BESPONSIBLB FOR ARTICLES LEFT IN CARS. OR IN CASE OF FIRE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND OUR CONTROL El 0 FINCH -NELSON MOTOR CO. • ••BETTER 'BETTER FORD SALESFORD SERVICE SERVICE" O SERVICE" Robert and Concord Streets Phones Riverview 3530-31 St. Paul, Minn., ..... ................ Name----------------------------------------------------- Phone No ------------------------ Address---125---rY. Delos St.------------------------------------•---------- ------Model -- - - - - - - Sedan --------------:r' M..t.,r N... License No. -B32445_7 -----Time Promised.. ._...Mileaae_15fl71n. 5977 A°P94nx PARTS USED 358508 Hub Cap ^� TERMS STRICTLY CASH 357037 Lam �RimV+____4 90 INSTRUCTIONS LABOR _ 354790 Lens Repair L. F Tirol gut in new valve stem _ Valve Stem rn Straighten front axel 15 _ 1 344259 Shaft 1 50 Replace Pitman Arm .50 1 551032 Worm 50 Replace L. F. Hub cap _ 08 Replace R. F. Brake Cable _- .50 Replace Right H. Lamp lense) Replace Right H. Lamp rim ) .25 _ Repair stop light -- _ -75__ (Duplicate invoice) --- LABOR 12.15 _ --- PARTS 8 75 ----- ACCESSORIES GAS, OIL and ALCOHOL TOTAL PARTS ONLY - ❑ YG. TIRES and TUBES SHALL WE CHANGE YOUR OIL? -- - ❑ No TOTAL ---- 020.90 OVER FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIAL ESTIMATES ARE FOR LABOR ONLY—MATERIAL ADDITIONAL This Work Authorized by.....................Received by_._._.._._...._._.__.... .—..-_........ _ Baa I—w� .wrou� •.an ������ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ARTICLES LEFT IN CARS, OR IN CASE OF FIRE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND OUR CONTROL -COUNCIL 40538 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK REgnL4j9ON—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The contract with Foley Brothers, Inc. for the'con- struction of the new Court House and City Hall provides for the payment of the wage scale adopted for public work by thr City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, The ordinance fixing said wage scale provides for a different schedule for common labor than for building labor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Advisory Court House°.and City Hall Building Oommiasion be and it is hereby requested to enforce the provisions of the specifications and ordinance, and to require sqi d Foley Brothers, Inc. to pay to its building labor the schedule fixed therefor by the ordinance of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nroy May /McDonald __In favor /Pearce -� osen ___ _ _Against �Jydb....r Adopted by the Council____.'_ ----9-4--M09------ 19 MAYOR L�Cg CITY OP SAINT PAUL . yuw� ; •S4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE No.O ; �i�irrEw r f _ September 2819 �1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT rP1 2 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON ,FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE QITy ,§ar TROLLER. SEP � I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 19-- U - 4 i93i APPROVED op 19_ BY rq,Y aa. MI. la am P��. AI " COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK"-- yvV3� YC. F. Nos. 90639. 90540— FILE NO ----------- —."_ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Resolved, That checks be drawn an - the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount ofj93,23A.66. covering check. MOAY4 s numbered 21842 to 21929 inclusive, as ___________ Sept ____ ------ IN FAVOR per checks on flle In the office of the ' wa. ji vMbeT McOONALD .City Comptroller. PEARCE �\ Adopted by the Council Sept. 29, 1931. ROSEN ----- .(�--- RGAINST Approved Sept 29, 1931. NECKS BE ORAWIN ON LiHE CITY TREASURY, SUDHEIMER (Oct. 3-1931)O^UNT OF S_—Yp*7W-2�—• COVERING AS MR. PRES. BUNDLIE ) -2 O ---JO& ----" -- ----y�-L/--Jttl,/hV,l�- C MPTROLLER APPROVED,------ -- j - -- ------ ---r-' ------'---------------- ' cITY o ___________________ ------ --- M�VOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OFRETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKSCH ECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ Brownfield, Attorne'Is • 21848 Defory � E.J. Wall 4 1 for . 2&i 8 21849 Erwin Ross 21850 !I Board of Water Commissioners'i 493 0 21851,; Board of Water Commissioners, 145 0 21852 ! Board of Water Commissioners, 2185] Board of Water Oommissionere' 249 3 4 130 7 ! Conroy, C.P.OtiliRieys 6 218541 A.J. 42 21855 John R. McDonald, C.P. 85 3 21856 Clyde R.May, O. Parke, etc. 21857` Clyde R.May, C. Parks etc. l 444 4 21858 Clyde R.May, 0. Parks, etc. 1 052 9 21859 ' Clyde R.May, I. Parks, etc. 21860 Clyde R.May, C. Parke, etc. 2 394 5 21861 I.C. Pearce, C. of Education 2 9 21862 I.C. Pearce, C. of Education 0 21863 Milton Rosen, C.P.'norks 12 173 1 1 699 21864 Milton Rosen, C.P.'Norks C.P.Works 5 71� 6 21865 Milton Roeen, 1 241I 9 21866'!, Milton Rosen, C.P.Works !, 3 133 4 21867 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 21868'! Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 8 44 8 21869 s Milton Rosen, C.P,Works 4 21870 1 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 11 21871 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 21872 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 22, 7 40 1 Z9 9 Rosen, C.P.Works 2187 I Milton Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 85 3 2187+1! 5 5 21675 I! Milton Rosen, O.P.Worka 3 21876 , Milton Rosen, O.P.Works 144 21877 , Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2j4 4 81 21878: Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 235 5 235 21879 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 156 3 21880 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 927 67 21881 '! Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 218821 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 305 5 1 -- ---- _ — SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 56 224 0 100081 - -._- iM c.ao : DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 90540 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.___.______- --- ------------ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROY MAY - INFAVOR MCDONALD AUDITED CLAIMS --------- September" 2- --"'1-- PEAROG ' ROSEN _ (.4: __AGAINST ;g44 493 31 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR E {QTY TREASURY. j___. COVERING SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AM pap i---- r��jp MR. PRES. F".LIE �(�,�'J -- _ V,('TO"_____-Ly -29. INCLUSIVE. AS 8�111I CHECKS NUMBERED—_ _ PER CHECKS ON FILE OF THE TY COMPTROLLER. n DOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____. _..__ --.. _ APPROVED____ _ �r_-_ _..J 9- '"' -"-------- C C MPTR o LER MAYORBY___. __ ______ _______________ __________________________ CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED J NUMBER ?. TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD -� 2188j ' .vm. Mupphy & son 5 688's 28 21984=' Philip Young 29, 2 21885 Delia Brown 27,0 219s6, Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 40 21887 Anna Wagner Peitsch 24!9 / B1S88 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 1-29'8 218M Elfrida Soderberg 728; 0 21890t T.P. Lowe & Company 613 21s91,; Review Publishing Company 420 21892 J.L. Shiely Company 21893' G. Sommers & Company , 3 125'6 Company 6249'7 21994; The Speakes 2189 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Comp 9 21996 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. ComParY 27 59 80 31x91 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Comp y 7 3 21898 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp 24 97954 218991 W.W. Magee Company 75 2 21900 Vita Crisp Dist. Company 21941 Feyen Construoti�n Company 30'00 21902 I.O.Pearee1 0. of Education 1 720 26 21903 American Linen supply Compare Company 19'00 31;00 21904 American Linen Supply 60 55 21905 American Linen Supply Compare 9'00 21906 Armour and Company 20 49 j 21907 H.C. Boyeson & Company 141104 21908 H.C. Boyeson & Company 46'35 i; 21909 Bradford 011 Company 2191D Brown & Day. Inc. 4 00 14,00 1 21911 Capitol Bus Lines, Inc. 13 51 21912 Capitol Stationery Mf g. Comp 1973 2191'j Central Soap Company 11 Print Company 19 21914 " gleotrio Biue i!, 21915 Electric Blue Print Company 1 61 21916 Electrical Installation Comp y 55 95 21917 H.B. Fuller & Company 21919 Grigge, Gooper & Company 4 3 4 540 21919 Northern States Power Compan 9 �' 219 Oriental Laundry Company 14 49 420'00 21921 R.L. Polk & Company 15,00 21922 ! Dr. B.A. Pomeroy 475,00 I! 2192.Paul s. C. Ringwald 2192 StBroom Mfg. Company 4 71698 2192 Standard oil Company 104 75 2192 Victory Printing Company 21927 is Western Union Telegraph Comp y 265,00 121928 Westinghouse Electric Supply o. 21929 '' Amherst H. "gilder Charities 1 50'00 24� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BF-NUITS I0-v'to, In the matter of- xlslen1ng..I7A1_Y@TAi1Y-A-ve.-3rom_Itala.8i--ta-Park-Ava. ---_ by adding thereto a strip of land twenty ft..wide on both the north and south sides of University Ave. from Dale St. to Rice St., also all those parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Ewing and Chute's Addition and of Block 2, Ewing and Chutefs Addition, lying north of a line parallel to and 60 feet south of the north line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31, Town. 29 N., Range 22 W., also that part of aforesaid Lot 2 lying northerly of the are of a circle having radius of 100 ft. tangent to the southwesterly line of --- Wabasha St. and the above described line, also all that part of Block 1, Ewing and Chutels Addition, bounded by University Ave., St. Peter St. end Wabasha St., under Preliminary Order—AM-8 ------- approved -------------- Mev -V -,_1331 ---------------- Intermediary Order ...... 89475---- approved------------- Z ---------------- Final Order ------------- H -M-----_, approved-------------Mune-3A,-1931--------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---,---------- /gull __ _ _ @� Commissioner of Finance. ,�F�:-2'T'r C--'J-G-1�G/Q-1J!_'..I✓JJ"r..l r.� J /J '� September 30thp.1931- Hon. J. H. McDonaldo Commissioner of Finance. Bailding. Dear Commissioners We bend you herewith the following objections to assessments of benefits and axards of damages filed in tre matter of widening thiversity Avenue from Dale Street to Park :Lvemi.o: Rosa Rothschild A. R. Benjamin Dickerman Investment Cmpsny Edward Frits and Agnes if. Potben A, A. Rossini ef. A. Ronesean Miss Pogue Worakep Lodge No. 9, Sons Hf Norway a� Apreat. Hicks and Company - y J. Adrian Frances Primean Ells Strandlof Thorwald C. Barg A. F,. Ben Jamin Jobis G. Schmidt wolf 8issin Elisabeth Quinn Mrs. Charles H. Bennett Aaron Tankenoff and Dora Tsnkrenoff Andrew Kbaknea Acme:Meat arket - by George R. Janssen Mary J. Metzger Joseph H. Cletus J. R. Mahoney Pauline Grosse M- F. Dickaw Edw. F. Theines Mrs. F. aundlsch George Bactch and Joan Masuran .2- Km. A. Nass Pr®nc�os^ Applebaum Nola Bruce and D. D. Clark Rachel Anderson and Olaf Anderson 4ikorea Caroline S. Bartlett Janes M. quInn Elisabeth Uanthe and Agnes 14. Pitsgerald Shea R. Unruh A. Mark A & B Cleaners - by Robert M. Fink, Rose Sagerslsy, Annie td. Pink Prank McCauley Zenith Land Company Charles K. Hartsell Patrick b. Reilly# A&=. Ustate of Patrick McGrath Gertrude Mae Allen-- Gertrude bine AlleD Patrick L. Reilly, Adapt. Estate of Patrick McGrath Thomas P: and Utherino i". Malon-V Will you kindly return these to us when you have finished• with them. Yours very, truly, City Clerk. Received all the above objections, Ie date. (9-39- �+1M�1TOC1TYEL�eCITY ST. PAUL eoueen ND Q(��r42 PILE -d�.4M OFFICE CITY CLERK FORM RESOLVED That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary conduits for four:corner type traffic signals to+be in- stalled by City Forces at the various locations listed below, at a cost not to exceed $720.08, and that said cost shall be charged to the project known as the repaving of Snelling Avenue from Summit Avenue to Minnehaha Street, and to be financed as part of said project, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. C F No.-90yt2—gyC.' Snelling and Selby Resolved,,abe hbrkdi-a Snelling and MaYgam]l M'reeten ary 'eanQuue+ttoY Snelling and U Pon. at'thd to`bl g University Forcea at i' varta .� bAtow at;a. coat H'ol Snelling and Minna baba npeteat' sad, costs Adopted by the Council SEP 3 0 19_ Approved 19_ COUNCILMEN / Yeas Nays "'' 1t IIiY�iR --/I. favor . IidhAl9li�gse dhd-,dAgainst �` - �CS121T1^1n3 C/ Mr. President Iiddgto . Adopted by the Council SEP 3 0 19_ Approved 19_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILENo 90543.. OFFICE OF CITY LERK COUNCIL RES U O ENERAL FORM COMM155lONER L Sept. 26, 1931 DATE RESOLVED n J COhTOY e xler C ir86$EB. ,J;: Whereas, A final order C. F. 88228, approved-be`!tp D°e°� 1 asMstruetlonrl, • on_the meet tilde venth 8U to a Dtliptz February 17, 1931, was passed by the Council covering K a xeeeiytiie`u:= �t+the NorthWeet the reconstruction of sidewalk and curb on the west —"e ceaarsc„ue- :-:walk anp:±ourb. therefore., be side of Cedar Street from Seventh Street to a point 'nb *.'us' 61! ettlag%agbs 150 feet north, and , oactuctlnjt. ;� t corpen. ; by: $orae_ t of SS60 00„ -a slnee4 street. Whereas, It will be necessary to reconstruct thegepc ao,•eai.f paving and reset the ornamental light posts at the Northwest corner of Seventh Street and Cedar Street before the aforesaid sidewalk and curb can be constructed; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to do the work of resetting the ornamental lights and reconstructing the pavement at the north- west corner of Seventh Street and Cedar Street by Force Account at an estimated cost of 8350.00 to be charged against Business Street Bond Fund - 300 B. ell Dfip T� Cf[Y COM�KO►,I.ER COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the frlCouncil --_.SEP f,�_0— ulrt__19___ Conroy May McDonald -.._ ___.._In favor Approv Pearce Rosen— ___. ------ Against ---- ----------- - -------------- -- //Sudheimer ..._... D MAY R - ✓ Mr. Presidelt Bundlie p1)ylA 1a+� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY LEI COUNCIL RES 0�7- ENE FORM COUNCIL^ 9®5A FILE NO. 'Whereas, Alex Alex C. Warren, 110 State Street, is desirous of renting from the City of St. Paul, a small frame building, located on the St. Paul Airport, No. 654 Bayfield Avenue, for the purpose of maintaining a refectory and soft drink stand, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that said property be leased to the said party for said purposes, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the said Alex C. Warren for the lease of said property for ode year, said lease to provide for an annual rental guarantee df Three Hundred Dollars ($500.00), payable in monthly installments of Twenty-five Dollars $25.00), and the City is to have the privilege of taking five (5) per cent of the monthly gross sales, providing said percentage of such sales amounts to over Twenty- five Dollars (25.00) per month. COUNCILMEN C��rD� ) /� qq��pA Q Yeas /Conroy Nays Adopted by the Council..—_SE -Li_ -4119_ -- /May ,. . /McDonald ------ ----- ___In favor Approv . 'Pearce• Rosen -- -- - - Against - -- --- -- ---" --'---- - ----- ----- - -_._.--_-. i Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie COUNCIL - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ' .I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK l -ES' GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� J/ COMM,SSIpNER— DAT E:•,:.c; pj" WHEREAS, All that part of the north and southAalley in Block 11, Harrison & Handy's Addition to the City of St. Paul, lying north of the center line of Wheelock Parkway, has been for all practical purposes abandoned as such; and WHEREAS, Ample means of ingress and egress to the adjacent property is afforded by other public highways, and there exists no necessity for said portion of said public alley which crosses and intersects the north half of Wheelock Parkway; and WHEREAS, The public interests require. that the same be vacat- ed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Clyde R. May, as Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute a petition for the vacation of said portion of said Aalley, on behalf of the City of St. Paul, said petition to be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. Ic F No,'e0y�c->� iraex aaag- 4Vdereab All tLa_rt ot` COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -___In favor Pearce n ' Rosen _________Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundhe Adopted by the Council--SE-P-3_A- 19— Ap ved - - ---- -- 19 E��6q MAYOR I`K ORIGINIL TG`GITY-ERff • CITY OF • OFFI E OF a A, ji_Iac ! j I Tl _m • INKITIM, I 1 WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain one and one- half story frame building, located on the South end of Lot 7, Block 6, Roberts and Randall's Addition, also known as No. 534 Minnesota Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be had upon the advis- ability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 26th day of October 1931, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less .than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN cc Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ._____SLP_a_0 ! gig_______ I- C.Gy May SEP I f4 P>~3 9 McDonald ______In favor APProv _____ ___._...._ _________.____.__---- Pearce ` Against Rosen _ ,__.... _-- --- -------------- ----- __.. _.__._.. __.. __. -----MAYOR Sudheimer ,144r. President Bundlie *hercaw oUNCIL 1a9XrDUpda ehd;'*Pllbllo BuIF ro clry cLenrc CITY OF ST (+rt9d;j0 tha CGp!l011 tbalrILE NO. tpq-s4uth OFFICE OF CITY aet ts3 feet of 8tocx = it Addition located ai++ corner of Bayand and CIL f2ES C_ srcte In aucp- dllar / may.,",5/s+/.�O ,te_ve tonditlon `ae to I f'L PRESENTE_D_SY /l _ /� '//�6/C"�i-•en MKSCDXN= It WHEREAS, The Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain frame shack on the south 45.75 feet of the east 162 feet of Block 1, River Boulevard Addition, located at the northwest corner of Bayard and Cleveland avenues, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be�had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 24th day of October, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minne- sota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publiccation in the official news- paper of said Oity, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. /�'n��V/''� COUNCILMEN 1 ' �� Yeas Nays W" Adopted by the Council___�'_'�._,yY_I9____ Conroy ,/�j , z Y /McDonald _--- _____In favor Approv _--- ------- _--------- ---------.19-._-- Pearce _ Rosen - Against --- --- _ _ _ —------- -- M YOR XSudheimer "LIST ED,- Ime. President Bundlie CLYDE R. MAY LOWS J. HARTSCHER CON Y IIINNBR D-U-CONMI861-II CITY OF SAINT PAUL Dz-*-6NT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICL OF COMMISSION611 210 CITY HALL OEORDC L NAWN. MY. OI/ARA. ERZ W. JO., 8 I..IRT. - YUYDIICIIIp CHAS. A. II-IRD. CRY AItliCY6T October 14, 1931. Hon. City Council, at. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The Department recently condemned a small shack on the northwest corner of Bayard and Cleveland Avenues, and your Honorable Body sustained this condemnation by Reso- lution No. 905 etting a public hearing on the matter ay of October. The building in question has been removed under a proper permit and therefore no further proceedings are necessary under this condemnation. May I suggest that the City Clerk be notified to this effect and this matter dropped? Yours ve ruly, saioner. II NOTICE —T MUL R9ihYRbd Vitt-bheekr be` COUNCIL FILE'NO.9® ;glty 1ii'bab4rp Yo the`- t To �a��ttmmt uF t9t1s1646 a versa ESOLUTION PRINTER 'au16tiAKe6 91880'xu 21876 iii `� per cheeks =,amntta 1n thf; 9RIc . .QItd:Gomatrollar.� 6 d8[1atB1IlbBT 30 1933— - `.AooravedBent-90 f49f +: -, owi THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT RESrL'VEqr OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-21-9-3-0—To P1975 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL p� n q� eoforN4uar. APPROVED �3 {� 19— Y roNr Naw iN nm •u I , Ln DUPL lt$ KATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO _-_-______-_ CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY--_IN'FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS September 30_________,.3l MCDONALD / _--___- PEARCE ROSEH _-_____-___AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA�N- �HF1 TY TREASURY. SUDHEII/LII TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f--- •-- COVERING MR. PRE% BUNbLI§.• � o _21-9L75., -9 J INCLUSIVE. AS //'' CHECKS NUMBERED-j�0--T ------�i1-�• ADOPTED' BY THE'COUNCIL_-_-___.----3_i"��JM----- PER CHECKS ON ILE THE FICE OF THE CIIX,, TROLLER. WRI APPROVED _ ---- ________________________ _ MAYOR . BY__-____ ii TOTAL DATE CHECK it NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ I BROUGHT FORWARD RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS r.7 AWL2, __ 21930 Ii Brown & Day, Inc. 786 6 II 21931 John H. McDonald, C. of Finj 26 X45 3 i219321- ! 219331 Edward Mattson Charles F. Christians, Marie;! Ij •.J Christians, Will J. Christi nej Otto F. Christians, Henry J. ,s Christians, Fred L. Christi 1 2071 1 and Emma OlMalley McGee O 21934 i! 21935 11 V.J. Tri-State Tel & Telg. Comp y j 19711 2 219361 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Comp Y 1 45 11 21937' Atlas Gas & Oil Company 1299 4 li 219381 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 31 21939 P 219+400 Coca Cola Bottling Company Drewry and Sons Company I 57 9 I1 21941 li 21942] A.C. Horn Company Review publishing Company 141 6 111 2194 A.G. Spalding & Brothers 565 9 ,i 2194 1; 219451 U.S. Rubber CCompany John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. j i i5 342 3 - 21946 'I John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. l 2 097 4 3 21947 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.,' 232 3 II 21948 John H. MoDonald, C. of Fine +! C. Fin., 7 j21949 John H. McDonald, of i 70� 9 9 112 1 219}0 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. ii 250 39 21951 j. John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 51 92 2195211 Roe—James Glass Company for 11 219531 W.J. Giberson, Attorney 0 0 �i 21954 I Marie Schultz John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.]; I 330 0 11 21955 ,I Clara Asmold, widow of H.A. 'I widow D.H'C. 301 0 21956 Ann F. Campion, of of 21957 Helen Sullivan, "71dow M.S'� Cru,lty 20� O II 21958 Society for the Prev. of 21959 Airports it 219 01 21961: Anchor Baking Company 'j Atlas Gas & Oil Company g2 8 21962 i' Atlas Gas & Oil Company 282 1o3 5 % 219631 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Oomp y 299 4 219641 Commonwealth Electric Compare i 102 1 ' 1 219651 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oomp 1Graybar Electric Company y 1 330 2 21966! 219671 Kremer Auto Spring Company 5 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 48 2 219681 Gompan', 16 o23 4 11 21969, Northern States Power 255 9 I{ 219701 Geo. Pabst jj 219711 1 219721 Pioneer Tobacco Company St.Paul White Lead & Oil Co. ',j 6 9 2 219743H ii G. Sommers and Company Company 15 7615 219741 Specialty Printing 21975 Dr. A.W. Thomas li �I SHEET TQ.7AL—FORWARD j 57 944,26 111344oll39 I ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 90549 . �MIDDYASY OY 90619 �. tatter or Krading -.�` - mltne Ave,. to Paeta� ;fag,the grade otAY; eaaor, SE to Bayard'M� to, the cod linde oSr- •.:o attacAed anmare ne 9teeelat Beta�npY- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ call in r hind nrr. Order>' 25; 493 1. ril:ror-the.; Cftr- By ______________________________________________ ;sed;ttie _teDos:J• Fltianee.'�RA INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__,—gm= din -_S - h P ffsr__Slse-at__fr_nu T nni i _r _ to_2-aaca7.___ A��atze}_� Q_»P _the_�r�cte._ �f 9lhert __?_. cntle _from �learor Street to Bayard Avenue - to conforl1 to the red line on the Nrofile hereto attached and *Wade a Tart heroof�, the once .r established grade beim• Shown- b a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '--------- - y--- 1lap— _Si__D D---------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____QQ2.28---------------------- approved ________Pit i1 ------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered, said report, hereby resolves: 1. . bat.the said report and the same: is hereby approved and ad top ed,p slid the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pioceedid with. \ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ts____JrbL�@_j4rL�ffer_ Str.QQ tsz_!3 ssuu L-gf- alb _ �inutL_ixQs1_:�l anax__ ts��t__ii9__moi=I9Si�_a 'OX, t9tjj 'Ced established mrade bcinr� shorn bsr a blu.e line thereon -----------------------------'-----------"------------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__2.,2:25 Q7___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __ 2'7'tr__________day of 19=__, at the;,hour of 10_ o'clock A. M., in the Council; Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_______ SEP_3 0 �_ 192____ ---------- ty Approved -------------WE ------192--- -- Clerk. ' - --------------------1---------- r Mayor. Councilman asaa Conroy Councilman' McDonald Councilman a May Rosicen Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudbeimer Councilman WmixeLx Mayor is zko x Sundl i e Form B. S. A. 8.6 ""Mm 20-43) 30550 �ecMatter �of,0ondemrt",p - as easement' in ,the-' =for eloped, cute andE' :nR of 60de¢er St. f�� - Paecei Ave., ,u1� ";• - nr 902E9•.. aDDn- - COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ani�•a.es:;.u.n u1C__L tiri r �-,-. - nn - ' ,ne 1FL!, ^rscecsa LL -i= 2.S- =w 17,E@_raaii____4 Sches,.er Street from --------------------------------------- !J:ti11.1�@_::�r�'A1L�_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________ M.9�L------------------ approved ------ tuL_ 25 -_1931 ---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___�QPS31i17_ 21_ta to for slopes cuts anil fills_in the-__- �c11,__AI__S.0.hi�f�_1:2�s.LC e� morn iIamli�,.e F,�rcnue to P^,scal S�renue i_n a�CAA2_LQG__`'J_L}`_%18_t��t�_rL=L_�1FPto_ettac ed_a_;_d rade a nart hereof ar:d. -the----sh--naded orti es shorrinF _Cidj�--------------------------n------------s�- •-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_2.1r'..Q-Q-------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 2L/ th ________day of 192z._-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. izj�i Adopted by the Council_____-� _ __ -------- 192____ Approved ----------- _ ___--_---192--- ECity Clerk. - - ----------------------------------------- I -------------------------- --- Mayor. Councilman icy Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Rosen / Councilman Roden Sudhuimer Councilman UtAmettx MayorZIe s m Bundli e Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By_______________________________ 90551 C R. No.:90663 Ia the Matter oL coneI 1 0 walk on' tha Bast tilde of . Ave, from Thotpas 6Y to 3 [a under Ptellminarq'Arflecl . proved: Aug 26 3931 --'rhe Counclt o[ tke[CIt�di A7 ng of an rep9Y ' ot RlaanOe��P'- iaemeut, and ogt berehp.='�' �- th^.ktuF' 1'•.n INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ --- 4413q_tnig-ting_A--al- ema31_ Q33_ -the _-.a5t__aUle__Qf__iam.UrLe---- LAxenus;atreedt._ tn_Iaion.d--Strepat,--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---- ---- __90226____approved __— 1931________ "The Council of'Ahe City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: .1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__CnnztrUc_t._3_SidEd �aik_nn_�he_east_sicte_n£ �2ID1ir18_AYErille_frnm_"'h�a,a G_3St.>=eat_fo_.�afnnd___ S_trae±.,__a=e.pt_achEra_gnarl_and__miffinient_sidewal Irs _nnw _exist______________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.a QL1_=__frt ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- :,_2Tth_------- day of (lttubesr_1951_______- W3L__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. Thatthe Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner.: provided.. by. the,: Charter,, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as -estimated. tyJl Adopted by the Council____SEP _3 0 ____,192____ Approved ---------- ��_�192___ , City Clerk. Councilman IME Conroy Councilman McDonald May Councilman Pearce Councilman Konen / Councilman Sudhelmev Councilman VFeT felxx (/ Mayonfthax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 -------- -------------------------- Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of from Pascal Avenue ta_Situpsf�n 9gflnlas__ans3_Pac�l_Av@nug_from_ Lfond_ Street_ -Edmund -Street, -------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ________________89845 ---------- approved ___ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. %. 2. That'the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___a01 StrtlL'.t_-C11rbl..ing -on Th rom_E'd.&0& .AY..fllul�_ 9__Sam.RQ9 _lyftj2 e_and-P_Ecal Avenue f�4ln_1�a 41�g_ t_r_��t_to_ Edmund Street-----------------=-------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____-22th-------- day of -------- 992L- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council 'Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--LEP-.3.0-ft______, ----- ____________Approved�1_192_Ci Clerk. Mayor. CouncilmanConroy Councilman McDonald!/ May V Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman INN19M Sudbeimer Councilman x Mayorl*kw.x Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8 6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- 90553 �In tho -Matter u;"eonaf��� walk!on the eolith eld?� (4r166tl 9G=to_8yy. •,where not'a1r6dQr Teliminary Otded -' ' .:! rtOfv �ot et P °'+ceived-ahe��nJ �' 9t'::A7nnn 5' (t8t'1-E� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ --- nonstmlZting s sidei2a1k -on-_the_snuth-sid-e_nf_ Charles__ Street from_ Griggs_ Stgget_ to Sy_n�i�cate_Ayenu�,_ Nhere_not _alre�d�r_�n ___ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- 6,DM7 s25. ---------------approved ____Augnt_T_1931________ The Cotmcil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above'iinprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1: That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby, -ordered to be proceeded with. Z.rThao the=nature of improvement which the Council recommends is__BQ=tTUS,,t_A_AjcjQ1va1k sui__tkle_�Q1ztYt_sift.e_izf_Charles__S.tr�e��.>=om_Gsiggs_�tree�._in_�.gndica_te _�Yenue, �hQce _cat_�7�csadx_in_�lace,--------------------------------------=---------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_L-0a_Aer__front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------------- V-th_.._day of SZCtJ]l�ry _]937 -------- W2x__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____ SEP 3 O 1931 192____ ------- ------ - -- - --------- Approved ----------- _.,ter____- --- 192--- Ci---✓-��-Clerk. - -- ------------------------------ Mayor. CouncilmanConmy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen SudheimeY Councilman Mayorgx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 90554 RESOLUTION OF COUNCH, APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON' T HE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__Eondemnin-and-#akinq-an_Easement_in_the_land_neceasa�y-- for slopes, cuts and fills in the Grading of alley in Block 1, Lane's Pnalen Place from Walsh Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue,.' 1 VM90LVTION OF- COC>, T11M OF. DEADINO - . :;:NATION-F"GFXDINO -the matter bf.condemnir i. ��gran oasement tln the Ac Y ry for slapea; autq and `F• -11nga[;alley',ia:nlock',� a .Placeirom Waleh;r STrIeT 6Ve:;;i:uadlSii s�4aa:_ aRryra-.:rrs: under Preliminary Order ---------- .9 23__----_- approved ------ lune. -4_x_1.231---------------. Intermediary Order --------------- 8ya24-------- approved ----- .duly -21-.1231_--------------. Final Order ---------------------- 90J.31-------- approved ------ Aug__18,192U--------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount Of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_--_ 2fit:kt___day of__---___--__ Qc-tQbEx____--, 19-.a1, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------- SEP imA ------------r 19-_-- aa ":"--------- - - -- -------- '�f - -- --- City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- ' 9---- —^ ,.----------------------------- _ -_ —:-; Coaroy - � ------`- Mayor. Councilman n McDonald Councilman $ May- - U Councilman De= O "LIHHM Councilman Sydbeimer Councilman Councilman Sh x Mayor Bundlie 90555 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TI1ME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__�oudemning _and_ls�ng_ au_�3s�me>Lt_jn_the_J3t _n,<nesaT__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 5, J. A. & W. M. Stees' Addition and Miscellaneous Tract from Cypress St. to Forest St., 77 under Preliminary Order --_011-------------- , approved-----1'-eh.--4+,-1.9 31_--------------, Intermediary Order -------- 89.90,4.-------------- approved ------ 1u1,y_2S,_19?,1________----_, Final Order --------------- 9Z209_-------------- approved ------ Aub.•--25,--1:131-------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom• payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---- 2B th ------ day he-_______28th_-___-day of ------- actnber-____-______- 19_.3]., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----------- ---3-0-- -----------, 19---- ----- - -- - - ------- i City Clerk. Approved ----------------- -'=-= 19---- r -- --------------------------- -- nMayor. Councilman ! McDonald Councilman May / CouneilmanPearce Councilman '; : Rosen Councilman �uciheimeY Councilmen ie Mayor . 90556 .RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING Oil I ., ,oN AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__con�lemnng end takiny_an easement_ in --t he _land_ necessary _- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 25, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Griggs St. to SyndicateAye., approved__ ay _1S' _1931 under Preliminary Order -----__ 89143 ---------- ___________________, Intermediary Order ------------- Sa75.9 ___----_, approved- _JIu] Y -x,_14331 -----------------> Final Order -------------------- 9M1J_--------- approved --- 4+- 1931 ------------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That•the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ----- 28til ----- day he__-______2$.yh_____day of ----------- il131tnher--------- 19_3..1, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------- S'EP- -0- -------------, 19---- ------- - -- - ----- --- -------- 3 ( W Ci Clerk. Approved--------------------------- 19---- r---------- ---------------- Conroy Mayor. Councilmary Co ¢ _= McDonald Councilms, May / �d 3Councihna Pearce Councilma Rosen Y�h�,ISHED Conneilm - Sn iheimer Councilman x Mayor Bundlie COUNCIL FILE NO ... -................................... By---- _------------------ ------------- -------..................------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grad in alloy in. Block 3, Syr-dica'..e :.>d. i:o. 2, and Joseph R. ';leidel s Rearrar7oe2,.t from Grotto St. to istrer, St., also constructin7 a sever from the alley to T%draninJ St, in the ea <:�:ie;�t to l,e obtained on the easteriv 8 ft/. of the ,est ' of lo'-. 12, Joseph R.-.1cide's Rearranu,e- mert of the rorth 1- of block 3, Syndicate Addition 2, 80183 _................ Intermedia Order........__._.._8-0-7-3-1 under Preliminary Order .............. Intermediary - ---------------•--------•-•-> FinalOrder ................... --------• approved ........... 1L: ` 1"-----...---------••--------------------------- 19..2.x. The assessment of.... u cci_i _�-}---c o at -s--_ _u.. g ,-rl;;}; .4 ........ ..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...........2Btl1.......... day of ._Q_e{,nl,es............................ 19....3 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 3 0 JW1 Adopted by the Approved .................- - - Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald May Councilman peace Councilman Rosen Councilman Sadhei— Councilman i4�im"Ix Mayor 30407nx Bur.ali.e F.- B. B. 17 .................... 119........................ 19.------. _. •... - ., City Clerk. ---•• ......... ..............---...-..., Mayor. d . i1�LLSIiED COUNCIL FILE NO...-.------------------------------ -- ............................................. _ ................... CITY OF ST. PAUL 90558 7a�.,.the matter of the aseeeea{. bpaeate gpete @nd ezDeaees ft las Burse Ave both. eldee, � .:.Earl' and Erouad Btteete: Und; ';llmippry `Oeder 86719, ?a�er,1, 'order 868BB,; FIna1 Order Bir �teeeem9at of ac�beaelltel; ?or sad to oaga, '�Lrowg3gpat W.t�r. Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bonefi.ts, costs and exonnscs for clu,bin; Burrs Ave., otlt .,i�le-s, �ci,.veen Earl and Lound Streets under Preliminary Order.-.........8.Q7J9........................... Intermediary Order .........._ !U-6....---............................, FinalOrder. - - 8�3.52.4................................. approved. ................... .w...a 1. ................................. 19._;x,1 The assessment of._bene-it-��.-_cosi..s a1}d- oxnerses.......................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...................2S.tJlday of _CIlI Aher. 19..31, at the hour of I0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. -o�n1� Adopted by the SE'10' I •. N' f Klinl Approved ---- ..........................................19 Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald 7 Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman / Sudheitner Councilman A*eerl%h-- Mayor ID5dgc6iY Bu.ndl F— B. B. 17 i e .......................... 19... - City Clerk. ...................................................... , ayo COUNCIL FILE By-------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL 99559 L Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e;:nenses for paving; the north and south allei.* in 3locl, 7, Lake l'a'rk Addition from Corso Ave. -Jest. to Al,,.any St. a: d th.e mast ard lest Alley from t_le i:orth and South A11e7 to a point 100 feet east of the north and south alley, material to be 611 concrete, under Preliminary Order..........................._3 _116 Intermediary Order.......................... SBB77..................... FinalOrderfl9.19.7 .....................--........ approved ...................... !_:Q -z 12 ..................................... 19.s�.:. The assessment of...._111X1 k. s-�-_co Ls nd,_eYY .nses._____________________for and in connection with the. above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......._ z$th.......... .-day of ........................... 19.-�1, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. gr,Q 10 Adoptedby the Council................--•-•--------...---.........-------•----------••-----•--••---., 19. - -- City Clerk. Approved -...................... 19......... ` ............................................. ., Mayor. Councilman C'u-W-7Conroy I Councilman P'r" n k{.cDonald - O may C il y oune man Pearce CouncilmanRoman Councilman im Sadheimer Councilman WmuzalKLISiiED Mayorfl6d&&-, Bundlie Fm B. B. 17 90560 C F Tio:,$0688— e e --•---•••••••••••••••---•-•- Ia the matter of thal. COUNCIL FILE N0 ......... _. beaeatd,: codes aad papea.! '. etructlnRa sewer oa�Elea,< a Dp1nt80 fL east ofSne11M ..................••-••-'-----................. 'Yadoal Ave and .,,Ott �..................-- , k7leaaor,`; ar,: to .:Otto A-'' y ' elimiaary Order,88164. ��• - - rlOrder 89988,,;Ftnat..q„ ,oved. May 98; 3991 ddeddmant-" - -for aad i' ,is"t a r CITY OF ST. PAUL " Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from a point 30 ft. east of Snelling Ave. to Pascal Ave., and, -in Pascal Ave. from Eleanor St. to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order-- .......... 1:i8.45.3-------- ..... -............ Intermediary Order ........... ....... ................... Final Order - .... 892 9.9------- -----------------------, approved ................. MAY -.-:r - 19--31 The assessment of-.-be)a.eftt.0.,-._Q91?-ti-&... sa?'1_d... -------------------------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -----------7, U113 day of. October 19-_'.1, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 3 SEP i 1y;ii Adopted by the i 01 Approved,------------------ �• .... ---------------• ............................. 1 19 .-., City Clerk. ----------------•- Mayor. CouncilmanWi ConroyMcDonald Councilman playCouncilmanYearceCouncilmanRosen Councilman SWUM Sudbeirner Councilman 3FXRwkx Mayor $Dimas Bundlie Form B. B. 17 ---------------• ............................. 1 19 .-., City Clerk. ----------------•- Mayor. -------------- 90561 0 8ID8f6LII9101F! ad Hlo; k 8bAeaaoyar'P COUNCIL FILE N0------------------- Y lroad to Doaae at at red 71ne, oa th.,,; taabed t,-' d, e._ . -he prbseat eat'- $y-------------------- __----- _------------ __ i -bY a, bluee: I t ]n ,onr Allay, far87orj: -wrinea, Ave h' ,. ha-Drop^ r In the Matter of_--C11a^... o1Dg_-the-Bra-de ef-Allfly___in-B1DQ1L_3a-DRRnQY.O -P&rk- from Beverly Road to Doane Street, to conform to the red line on the pr—oii2e re o SQ ao s a ma e a parte ereOT; e r s lied ado bei shown b a blue line thereon, also gradin Alley in_ Blloo�k Desnoyer Bar from Bever q Road to Doane S----- mthe proposed redline when eat9bjiehed and oons�>3g_a sewer3 the alley to Glendale Ave. in the easement to be obtained on the northerly Yt. of Tat "%, Block + flwannowr� 9s+rkr- under Preliminary Order------X9-0-6-----------aPProved---- Intermediary Order ____---- --Proved ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it o-scfiibFir vx�/'� RESOLVE B the Con t„ of aul that be alai, toe suufe are iterry c r,, al d, .1.,_ ?.r rFscinded,M�d 1�OOeeAiO* aiitl-matter be dsscgaa --- Adopted by the Council ----------- -------- - - ----------------------------- ---- Approved-__-, --Approved— _ - — --- Mayor. Councilman MW Conroy. Councilman 1WfX=& MAY / Councilman ITdCCD�ld 6ehnei3a fte 1 MI& v Councilman 911fiR NMFJ,o Ben WEi Councilman Bu '3udheimeT / [lBiI4F1��7- /Mayor �x Bandl i e/ - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI(iIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Changing the grade and grading Alley In Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane Street, and constructing a. sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to ber*1 obtained on the Northerly 14 ft. of Block 3, Desnoyer Park. under Preliminary Order approved June 22, 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1,004.49 The estimated cost pe✓f or or the above improvement is - - - - $ 84 Engineering $90.00 - Inspection $19.70-FFont%e 1 1 4 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such Improve ent, 3n t e assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land B1Qg. 1 3 .Desnoyer Park,Ramsey Co., 400 2 3 . Minnesota. 350 3 3 . do 350 4 3 do 350 5 3 do 350 3500 6 3 do 250 3200 7 3 do 250 8, 3 do 350 5400 9 3 do 250 7. 10 3 do 250. _. TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (C) T BOC, ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION I-LK S VALUATION.I - Bldg. 11 i 3 : De snoyer Park, Ramsey Co. 250 12 3 ,Minnesota, 275, 13 3 . do 275 14 : 3 . do 2T5 15 3 . do 275 16 . 3 . do 275 17 3. do 550 50P 16 . 3 . do 275 19 3 . do 2T5 20 . 3 do 275 21, 3. do 2T5 . 22 . 3. do 275 23 : 3. do 3�5 24. . 3 do 350 25 . 3 . do 3T5 26 3 do 400 27 : 3. do 400. 295Q _ 28 : 3. do 40or 3950 293 . do 400 30 3. do 500 35Q 9,850 191050, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19-31 oeff ✓V1� f�AitO�G Commissioner of Finance. Form H. B. 12 77, S/ cv NW/ -F S -'c, .3 -Z 3 77. 41V C13 0 .5-r [FF� Q 5 i -1 0.C. cuRrrcty j".q-rz A- 7 -1-f T M OF FINANct rnioner of Por Public I N ..O$ice of omiss the C Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL Z 1931 June 30, 1981 -----------192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 89606 roved._. .... Je..22s _1931 -.-. 192... relative to Council, known as Council File No _. app .- changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer ....................----------------- - Park from Beverly Road to Doane Street, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue the easement to be obtained -----------------------------------.................... on the northerly 8 ft. of Block 3, Desnoyer Park. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........_. .....necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.84 1004.49 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.-_. ... ...-.... ._, and the total cost thereof is $_. .. s ..._. ....... , Engineering $90.00 Inspection $19.70 Frontage 1,194.41 andAhe nature-and extent of said improvement is as follows:. ----- -- - ----- ------ --- ----- -- --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------ f -- - --------------. ---------- 4 5. Said improvement is .. ---_..._......asked for upon petition of thre or more owners oft operty, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ....-- Commissioner of Public Works, i� o THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 27, 1951 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 5, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane Street, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly 8 feet of Block 5, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89606, approved June 22, 1931.. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - $ 1,004.49 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - 0.84 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - 19.70 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - 90.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 1,194.4 ft. Yours truly, N. CAREY Chief Engineer. Approve or trani mission to the sio er of Finance. L ON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. rr - October let, 1931. Aon. J. B. McDonolds Comissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commieeionert tie enclose herewith Petition of $emonotrance in the rmttor of grading alloy in Block 3p Desnoyer Pari: Lot,:;._ -overly Ave. and Doane Strout. The ordor for this lmarovement wag laid over to October 6th and the petition referred to your departmont for check. Yours very tralye City Clark- October let, 1931. Aon. J. B. McDonolds Comissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commieeionert tie enclose herewith Petition of $emonotrance in the rmttor of grading alloy in Block 3p Desnoyer Pari: Lot,:;._ -overly Ave. and Doane Strout. The ordor for this lmarovement wag laid over to October 6th and the petition referred to your departmont for check. Yours very tralye City Clark- IVE'�.FII,T a D JOHN H.M�+D3NNLDy CoMMiss�eneR THOS-Q.O'CONNELL,Dervry COMMISSIONER HARRY A.JOHM"N CLIF.FD RD M.,rVSTRCM - LEONiiRD C_SEAMEM,V.—n'6fl5see5Mu�r Enc�NeeR rc�caa October 2, 1931. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gent lemen: — I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of! Changing the grade and grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane Street, and find that same is insufficient. This matter will come before the Council for postponed hearing on the 8th day of October, 1931. Very truly yours, Commissionerof Finance. J HAROLD I RIORDAV Cid Clerk-Oey Lark pity ®f Sgni Paul Officeof City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City awk and Commlaioner of Raglfislfon October,,,let, 1931. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commissioner& We enclose herewith Petition of Remonstrance in the matter of grading alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park between Beverly Ave. and Doane Streets,, The order for this improvement was laid over to October Sth and the petition referred to your department for check. Yours very truly, C ARENCE A. STORMS Chid Lark-Raehtr.u- 4�" City Clerk. 90562 COUNC I N0. ----- BY-s' ------------------ In the matter of__c°ndemning_ and takin�_an_easement in the_land necess_arx_ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, __t o Ste 6 F. No' S05Si.HY mllton Rosen: Doane In tg on easement condemnip6 d ing an easement In the land >' Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to 881,3,, for slopes, cuts and 011e (_gradln6 of Alley In Hlock S De ark trrm Beverly. Read to DF j. ,_,dar ,. �,Iimtnarv: PTd , June 229 1931 approved-------------------------- -------- 89607 Order-----------------------� 1931 under Preliminary 90322 aPProl�ed------------P -----z----------------- Intermediary Order ------- ad been had upon the above improvement upon due ndotica�g fully the Council public hearing ons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, having heard all Pers Bred the same; therefore, be it J; ESOLVED,_.BY.:t)e-CoUncil of the City Of-StPaul thlt .efe was ere bmbY eanM-Ued, mmulled, and resdUM 66 94 in usid matter be diwont=ued. Adopted by the Council----- ---------- ----`----'---------" -------------- =?� ;'`'----------- 19---- ------------------------ ----- - ---------- ----- Mayor. Approved --------- Councilman Conroy Councilman ]tea 6 Councilman McDonald Getmeil�e�" Councilman R 64r� Councilman Sudheimer Mayor n CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFPRELMMSSIO ORDER FINANCE (A) and taking an easement in the land necessary for cid of 0ondemning of Alley III Block 3, In the matter slopes, cuts and fills in the grading Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane 9t. Ca under Preliminary Order approved ,lune 22, 1931• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is rovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Yorm B. B. 10 ASSESSED- - ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. ParkCo., 400 1 3 Deenoyer ,Ramsey 350 2 3 Minnesota' 350 3 3 do 350 4 3 do 350 3500 5 3 do 250 3200 6 3 do 250 7 3 do 350 5400 d 3 do 250 9 3 do 250 -�... 10 3 do I TOTAL. Yorm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE At ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C -+- - _ DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 3'Desnoyer Park, RameeY 00• .. 250 12. 3.Minnerota, 275 13, 3 . do 275 14; 3 . do 275 15, 3 do 275 . 16 3. do 275 17. 3 do 550 500 / 18. 3 do 275 19 3, do 275 2p 3. do 275 I y 21. 3. do 275 i 22 3 do 275 23. 3. do 325 24 3. do 350 25. 3 do 375 26. 3 do 400 �7 3 do 400 2950 P8 3 do 400 3950 29. 3. do 400 30 3 do 500 350 - 91950 19,950 _- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - - Dated �0 7 %� - 19 - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 © + c.t. ANk — Indicates Fill Tjpia.l Not.h— 'AA. C t er F ll 01 P—P rfy lire Figures below 1— s.re-mac. to rni<n slopes ecte.+d E.y"r'd ►n perfy Iv�e. Lx B—k No -2291 X -5.c. BkJl .2231 do re�/_y ie Onons S/aP. Or 2 iYo. 2 /4 i 40 RAYA-fO/Y.O AYE. Q A K Y.. 24 23 22 2/ . 2 /9 /8 /7 40' 32/G2 , (6y I .. k�bm F<inr 3.. 0 All s.-K- ^=°';? 00 --.-. ,N�R - __ -�nbms OJ •1V � _ _ V N ra_ yl. �1 TN•Q p a ` .0. m M.V' Nel '� Ngi' M N NM lUb �b N� ♦R N O,a ♦a ,^ ♦. SN _I� 1:,U a �� �.� qm, �p NQ !�1 000 NI O QO Nom. N �H' �� h O♦p I 40 QO E S � Q GG EIYOAL E AYE. do re�/_y ie Onons S/aP. Or 2 iYo. 2 /4 i J. J,*�tyan, President M. E. Barbe, Vire-Preridenl E. R. Swanson, Tre&urer sli��a �1�11TH(U NY IFATR /l�ii IM]P UVIEMIEN-f DIRECTORS �� �1—i'1.TW1�Cll DIRECTORS J. Sandqist F. P. Webb W. F. Farley, Serrelnry R. E. Alquist R. A. Walk u 739 Raymond Avenue J. Olson F. P. Clark rn . R. J.Harms K. L. Fieseler R. Terga` - F. Troaz y St. Paul Minn. April 7, 1931 Honorable Members of the Co„noil: Gentlemen: We, the nndersigned, hereby petition the grading of alley in Block Three, of Desnoyer Park Addition. The grading of this alley should be no higher than the west facing lots in the middle of the block, with a sewer con- nection from the alley to the street: w Lot Block Name %x V� APR 1jeW o" a A H .,...�� Y• v CU •" 1 c7 E CITr CLKKK ANO ' eorrnaowu o►wulirwwt+or ctv pf Oaint Paul WrAcc of (4itg April 20th, 1931• Hon. Milton Rosen, Comsir of Public Works, Building. Desi Commissioners Attached please find petition for the grading of alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park Addition. This matter was referred to you today by the Council, for the proper order. Tours very truly, City Clerk. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 896071 ' June 2211931 ..... 192......... relative to Council, known as Council File No.................... ..... approved.._..._............_ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ..... ........... ................._ ............_..---- .............. -------------...--------------------- ..... -- .------------------• --- ----------- - ------- slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer ---------------- .......... .._._._----------------- -..............:...__........... ...._................ ................ ..--------------- ----------------- Park from Beverly noad to Doane St. .............. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---- -------------------------- --- ------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is------ ---- ------------necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.. XXXX .... and the total cost thereof is $ ------------------- ----------.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..__._................... ........................................ ------..._..--------.._........ --.._.._._.................__......... - ----- ... ............ ---------- _..._.._..-----...- 3. A plan, profile or-sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------...------------------.------ .......... - .--------------------------------- ....------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ---------------- --------- -asked for upon petition OfIthree or more owof property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 6 COUNCIL FIi 90563 13Y------- -- ---l-------- In the matter of___ gcndemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and ma�ntaisiing a-puTird-sewer-on,-tinder ani---- across the northerly 8 ft. of Lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Glendale Ave. to the alley in the rear of paid lots etc. C. F. No._96563—BY. nton Ro..n— _ - In the matter of. con demnfpg and talo ing n toaement: for th' P-3)oae'' lfc -—ton. under across the an , I"8; ft. of Lot 9i Block 3,: Dee�:a Park -from 61enLA1 A M: JG1:r' under Preliminary Ord6Q9608------------------ approved-__ June 22nd, 1931 ------------- Intermediary Order -----9.Q=----------------- approved-----Sept._jarid., -1233------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be its RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul Wit the prvaise HMM, emtOfit --' kind Of NDes e by the•�ea44*6rie—tp construct ani a7 nd across the nor erly 8 ft. of Lot 9, Bloc , r Park from Glendal ve. to the alley inthe r r lot. bg =a the ®me we hwaby comelled, mmulled, and resdmled aced all is mid matter be discontinued. JOLVED reby or\at provement be made. 17RTHEfollowing I lands or easem is therein be an the same to be priated and co demned for the se of making he said : Thly 8 ft. o Lot 9Bloc 3, Desnoyer rk a teeasement for onstructionposes only p of t. in width o the south s e of the abov ent and on the s erly 5 ft. f Lot 8 in3, ark. R OLVEDNnM:R, That the Ci stoner of Public orks beand i ereby instructed ect to prans and specificatio for said improvem t, and the pro r officials are y autkorizedcted to proceed with the making of said rovement in actor a there with. OCT Adopted by the Council------------------------------------ 19---- ------ --- ---- ---------------fir Approved-------- - IC7-- ij °7} 19---- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman I+ie�eeen '�"i• Councilman McDonald ` D Councilman '-�/� Councilman Sudheimer Mayor YUBLISTIfiD CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM T OF FINANCE REPORT ON Orr r %SIO ORDER OF FINANCE an easement for the purpose of constructing In the matter of Oondemning and takingan sewer on, under and across the northerly and maintaining a to Deenoyer Park from Glendale Ave. to t��� s3 feet of lot 9, Block 39 also condemning and taking a Alley in the rear of said lot, sea only on a strip of temporary easement for construction a of land 5 ft. in width on the sofh ofdlotf9tin said Block ant is lot 9 and on the southerly 5 t. Deenoyer Park. under Preliminary Order approved .Tune 22, 1931• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:, $100,00 - The nnnrlThe total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg - 9 .3 Deenoyer Park, Ramsey 00, 250 g 3 Minnesota. 350 5400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. O Dated Commissioner of Finance. I— B. S. A. bb D - 0 0 z S 6 ani x m a GLENDALE AVE. 40 � N 1 T I T ALLEY -1 . pq 0 x �lo" Ln:Z rl a- -C<) u� �. rn m 70 n co ?o�� D ornm� 61, U W� Ko C. mo i u Z D LO fo / i �� U Office of :the Commissioner of Public'iPd 4 94 53 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 1 ION. ................_June_. 2.7..,--.1931:.. _192------- To the Commissioner of finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council Nile No ---- 89608-_--_approved------..._J�e...2.`.......1931"-._""_1g2--_--- relative to condemning and taking an easement -for the purpose of constructing and maintaining-- - maintaining --a sewer ori--- under" 6ni3 across"""ttie "riortYierZy 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Glendale Ave. to the . Alley----in--the.-rear--of---said --- lot,, --also -condemning and taking a- ----------- ------ - temporary easement for construction purposes only on a strip of _land_:5 ft. ...in"widthon.the...eopth:.>Tde.-of..the._.a_bCge:..eaeetaent....... in lot 9 and on the southerly 5 ft. of lot 8 in said Block 3, Jehsnoer Parave mvestiga c e8 the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- --------- ------------ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__XXX% ----- ........... and the total cost thereof is S..._.XXX.................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.-...._...._......_.._:- ----------------- _ - .......... ------------------------------------------------------ ---_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. ------------- -------------3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................ - ....-----------..----------------------­­------- 5. -----------.. -------5. Said improvement is........ . -..-.___..asked for upon petition of three or more ow sof property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - - - ------------- .-... - Commissioner of Public Works. v COUNCIL FILE N0-------------- _-_-_-- By__- ----------------------- _--- --------------------- FINAL ____ _ __-_____ FINAL ORDER 90564 •�,E. No.,98884 - r b he Matte; of t-'tr, ucttng . ,ArkwrleV8 SL'S I wf .O Dofi:' bf :Geranium et.ao Rox'• with ezleting sewer � ,proifmptely figs (8) f .�. ,Ight St., under Pref u'. ;19984. aDProved'July-3.r. r' --'.hearing:having - °�-bbve lmDrovement -; .,2�tTterl CoUncfi,�•;;-�a�:, SL d In the Matter of --- g4.n0t u iHB_r WOF oLl_A ks ight__BtTeet_from anoint .. 3o_f feet' northsi er i Street tp ftB& $fleet to oonne0t with existing sewer on Rose Street apnroaimately five 5) feet east of ArkwrightStreet._— under Preliminary Order -----_699fl4____--___--_—_approved--- Intermediary Order—_--_---___-----------approved_------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is �QstS1�4�t__#!__er12A_AL1��18�t Street _ _from_-g_olat SO_f��,t_llort oY QQr,Ba�i1�_A_t_.—,tQ.Aose St. to oonne0t with existi_g Sewer a proxilna el ve (5) "f�e4� etofrkwright AM, -- — — - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in ccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__-_--� _T .------ 192 ------ Approved--------------- ----- --------- --f 192----- L- Councilman c3kl cx `Conroy Councilman lm May Councilman 22JMzn `"HCDonald Councilman XW3601 Paas Councilman $211VAHM-110een Councilman 4MMX amdhobwr Mr. Vigo Pres. Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 8-7 Clerk. Lw.�ids7 � Mayor. �T1BT.iSIiRi ly /a �j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI'`SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMNARY ORDER (A). In the matter of 0onstruoting a sewer on Arkwright Street from a point 30 ft. north of Geranium Street to Rose Street to oonneot with existing sewer on Rose Street approximately floe (5) feet east of Arkwright Street. under Preliminary Order approved July 31, 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1,036.00 frt 2.74 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above im rove e - - - - Engineering $67.00 Inspeot on � �.00 Frontage 3719 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or - parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION I(Eaoept Rest 50 ft.) 1 and . 2 3 4 . 5. 6 north 41.191 ft. of Lots 5,6,&. 7 ;South 190 ft.of Lots 5,6,and , 7 North 190 ft. of Lots,19,9 and .10 Form B. B. 10 ADDITION John Hongan's Stewart Park Addition do do do 4 .Van Slyke & Lewis Re - 4 .arrangement of Humbird's 4 ,Addition to St. Paul. ASSESSED" VALUATION i LandB1,- - :. 500 606 - 350 325 _. 325 2759 _. 350 i 325 2750 550 100► 450 TOTAL. 31175 12,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .2—.c 19_6L_ —� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 0.0 D a 5�1JBMONGANS-J TEWAR-T I PARKADD I H 4 5- 6 °„ L 3 N e } Z a h 5 I G N 2 I zA £ w Q t5 W..E to 5 4 IS RE o OF HUMZACHRISO AUD.i31 AUD. :fk Htt- 5�1JBMONGANS-J TEWAR-T I PARKADD I H 4 5- 6 °„ L 3 N e } Z a h 5 I G N 2 I zA £ w Q t5 W..E to 5 4 IS RE o OF HUMZACHRISO AUD.i31 AUD. :fk St. Paul, Minn.." = ----------------- 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. F Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following im6rovement ito be made: p 1 Q�----------- -- - to - -----St. Ave. to.-------Z%- Ave. F." NASSAU PAPER COMPANY Cf/ Paul 04?2�7n. July 13th, 1931. Tar. h2ilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: We enclose herewith a serer petition for sewer on west side of Arkwright St. between Geranium and I.1aryland. uie obtained the petition form from. Ivir. Trott and Mr. Colestock in your department, with whom we have talked about the matter of t:is sewer. We have been in touch with all of the parties interested in this sewer but vie have been unsuccessful in obtaining any other signatures than our own to this petition because the people who onn lots ,3 and 4 (to the south of ours, which is lot 45) and lot #6 (to the north) are not interested, inasmuch as these lots are empty lots and the owners do not want to pay out extra for sewer. All of the lots just mentioned are between Geranium and Hose. In the next block north, Rose to Maryland, are six houses, all of whom ha7e a so-called private sewer and all connect into this private sewer, vAiich in turn connects with sewer on Maryland. We have, there- fore, the only. house in these two blocks which has no sewer. We have a cesspool and are having a great deal of trouble with it. ','e understand from neighbors that the former owner and occupant had trouble every year. "4(e bought with house and moved in last year,and this year, in April, we already had to have the cesspool cleaned out at a cost of 024.00. Early in June the'"sapool was filled up again, mostly with water, and backed up into the house. ':ie are now in a position whore we have to do as we understand the former owner did: carry out all of the water instead of lettir- rrr, into the cesspool. '1Je are aven afraid to flush our toilet only -at infrequent intervals and all in all it is a very inconvenient and unhealthful sit- uation. Ineidentall, we are paying high taxes for what we have, about .K94.00 per yr., the street be- ing unpaved, there being no sewer, etc. We will appreciate a viord from you as to the possibilities of getting a sewer in here and how soon it could be done. Respecti'ti13:Y yours, OfRee , of the Commissioner of Por �OF FINANCE _3 Re -port to Commissioner of Finance" AUG 22 1931 -------- .----- 'ugust 2i'--1931- 192.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..899P4....._-approved.-.._...44431p 1931 192........, relative to the constructing of a sewer on Arkwright St. from a point ' .......................................................---...-------...__.................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------- 30 ----------------------------------- ----------------30 feet north of Geranium Street to Rose St. to connect with ----------_-------------------- -- ------- ----------------------- ---------- .... _........... :_._.._._...._ _.-- .--.....--_.... - - ...--... existing sewer on Rose St. approximately 5 ft: east of ------------ ------ - - ------------------ I ----.---------------------------------------------------------- Arkwright St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._. ...... _........ ...necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.74 1 036 00 2. The estimated edst thereof is 5-_.__ .............__........ and the total cost thereof is $..._.----�--------._..------ Bnpineerin P67 -90 Inspection $20.00 Frontage 378 ft and the nature an ex ent o said improvement is as follows: ......... ........... ...--........---.----------------------------------- ......... -- --- --- -- - ----- ......---------:__ :--- ---------------- _ - ........ .... -- -----...._..----------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........................ -- _ --- ------------ ---_ -- ---------------------- .--- ----.­----­- --------------------------------- 5. -----------------------------5. Said improvement is -------------------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more o rs of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. I•QFi fiiNAl�k, — •�?,�„ s .............. ------....... Commissioner of Public Works. `do AUG 22 1981 THE DEPARTMENTQF PUBLIC WORKS OF TAE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Data) August 17, 1931 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Publio Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of a sewer on Arkwright St. from a point 30 ft. north of Geranium St- to Rose St- to connect with. existing sewer on Rose St. approximately five (8) feet east of Arkwright St., under Preliminary Order U. F. 89984, approved July 31, 1931 Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - $11036.00 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - 32.74 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - 67.00 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - - 20.00 Frontage - - - - -- - - - - -- 378 ft. From our investigation, it is recommended that the final order read wConstructing a sewer on Arkwright St. from a point 80 ft. north of Geranium St. to Rose St- to connect with existing sewer approximately 5 ft- east of Arkwright St.• and the estimate is made accordingly. The Cotner lots at Geranius St. b&ve access to.the sewer on Geranium St. and a sewer built within the limits suggested is sufficient to afford sewer facilities to all the interior not otherwise served. 0n account of Public improvements in place, it is proposed to build the sewer on the west side of the street, The property on the east side to have equal access to it by the build- ing of a 6 inch pipe extension for each 40 ft. of frontage from the sewer to a point distant from the east property line, equal to the distance of the sewer from the west property line, all of which is included in the abov4 estimate of cost - A plan of the proposed improvement is hereto attached. Moura I. C n Chief Engineer. to the oner /q���p r % - LTtf1I R09<rdF'�- - -•-- 91565 In ;he Matter .o[ coneEr son., on both eldee nf, ffimpson '.Fiankeon Ave.'to Midway ? =under PreUmfnary Order -',i, COUNCIL .� ':�»yed July'ifi, 1951. -_- COUNCIL FILE NO. _______ _ _ ubua hearine having r ° ' she, shove {mpT0Yem04E v..snd ,the Couneil._ haul i "' :. ne.-objections"and re ' By________-----------------------------------------_ ',dative thereto' and>1" d the.snme ther �� FINAL ORDER (' n Y4JtY^ In the Matter of__S}A_Ilfi�t14_1Ag_ G1dS�lII$ __4Al_120}�-_h# 5�98__Gf_mPgOA venue _from Franlsson-_Av__enue _to__Mid�ay_ Parkways----------------- -_--- —--- _---- ---------- _- ------- under Preliminary Order --- __------ 89840__________approved _________July___16-Z__1931. Intermediary Order ______-__— approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement,upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and, kind of im- provement to be made by the said City, 1s_oon8tru0tourbing on both sides_ of — _girpson_Avenue from Frankson Avenue to__Midway Parkxay, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--------(iL_i_ _ �_�_______-, 192 -- /yT -------------- ----- ._ --_ City Clerk. Approved------------------------------- ----- ----- 192 ------------------------------ -- - — — _ Councilman mmjsagXX Conroy Q� Mayor. Councilman 14=2M _ May Councilman Z91PUM/MoDonald / Councilman litb6lbW ^ Councilman Ser oeen J f C ncilman lbx3dx 64WAa4NgY t r, lue Free �dlu'14 Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER.OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) in the matter of from FranksonAvenue on both to Midwayi08 Of ParkwaySimpeon Avenue Parkway - under Preliminary Order approved July 16 s 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement frt. - - The estimated cost erhoot for the above improvement t • inspection $15.33 Engineering 75.00 Frontage 1039 p The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each'1ot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Except the North 50 ft.) The North 50 ft. of alarm 8. 8. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. a 19 rranksonls Como Psrk Add. 950 a 19 do 750 3400 9 19 do 625 3150 l0 19 do 625 4000 11 19 do 625 3450 12 19 do 625 4050 .13.19. do 6�5 14 19 do 850 1 20 do 7�5 2 20 do 550 3050 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . r I� DESCRIPTION I LOT �QC� ADDITION D VALLUATIOASSESSED N tl Land 3 20-F>vank�eoa's_Como..P_ark__Add...-.550, _... 350._. __ - 0 37OO_ 5--_; . 20 _ do 550. _; _ _ : _3860 -1- 20,_ - _ do _ _ :- 550 5390L 20; do_ _. 550 ago. t3 i 2Qi __ do- -__ -550 9 _ . 20 _ do _ 500. IQ 20! _ do. 750. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ' St_ Paul, Minn.___- --- ---------- 1911. To The, Honorable, 911ie Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the. undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Hoporable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: � J - ------------------------------ - -------------------------- ---------------- 1 �t--------'------- --- ------ ` - --'<u - Ave. ---------------------� Ave_ -o- ----- -----------------------------------------------------------St. Ave. r ■ A S 8 U-P-Y----, AVE. Iz AVIK --- _ _ - --------- - ----IDC �ZC •� s PASCAL AV Er. A 70 ALSSP-T A%11-. N SHELDW4 AVE-. < L -H^MLINE -Avr-. ' FINAPiC6 `Office of the Commissioner of Public r 3 , Report to Commissioner of Financed ` AUC, 22 1931 -6ugust_ —p -.1931...192 --..---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under co4sideration the preliminary order of the � Council, known as Council File No... 8984 - 0 .--------- approved_....._._Jul....._. y . 16 ............ 1931 ....._.....------ 192 ---- ...., relative to the cost of_constructing-_curbing_ on both side of ........._ . - ------ Simpson Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway. - -----------__ ----- __--- ..._ __, -- - ....- _... .. _- _. - I — - _ ..... -- .......... __- - - - - ---------- _------__ -- - _.__.... --- ... - ----- --- -... - _ .._ _.... - -------------_------- ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..............--------- necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per fr-ont foot 75¢ 781.88 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5.....__-_._...-.._._......, and the total cost thereof is $.._.._........_.�...._..._--- Engineering $75.00 Frontage 1059 ft. Inspection $15.35 and the nature and extent of said improvement is asfollows: __.__._.______..._.._.__............ .......-------- -------- ___.. ----------------­ - -- _..._...... ... __....._ __ ... - - -- ------ - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................_._......_...._.......__.... ------ ..........- ...- ------- ...------- ------- ------------------ 5. Said improvement is ........... ----- .__._------ asked for upon petition of three or more owners property, subject to assessment for said improvement.7� CUM, OF FINANCE - ----- ---- Commissioner of Public works. 3 M 23101 • • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE . CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 17, 1931 Hoh. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate. of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Simpson Avenue from Frankson Avenue, to Midway Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89840, approved July 16, 1981. Estimated Cost - - -.- $78188 Cost per front foot - - - .75¢ Engineering - - - - - - - 75.00 Frontage - - - - - - 1039.ft. Inspection - - - - - - - - 15.83 Yours truly, . N. CAREY Chief Engin er. Appr for tr Sion to Sion of Finance MILTON ROSER, Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE N0, --_.__--------------- By ---------------- - ------- --------By-------------------------------------------------- _ FINAL ORDER 90566 i Cr F. No 90688— In: theR.tter oL-reconetrudir � Higand repairing where 'n the sidewalk at: the followinA tions. wthorne Si.,:Uth sides.-.`- . 5 Payne Ave., thence weir' la Ave., west side, br=t y Thorne St;;ahenc .r it Prellminary V In the Matter of__IflQ-onBtT]1Gti11g,_SE1Byi1]�ISd__T_@pf1j31$_Where_II80EQQ&y the sidewalk at the following locations: �.w#ides •_ a in ing at Payne Aver thence west to Payne Ave., west aide,beginning at Hawthorne St., thence north 50 ft., under Preliminary Order -----------90105------- _----approved ------- Aug. -_13+-_113]- ------- ------- ---- Intermediary Order ---------- ------ -----__------approved - -- - -- -- --- — ---- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____I�4.9_A>3o,__Se1$y_8ad r8�9iT _Where necessAyZ_ he sidewalk at the followinrier_locations: _ Hawthorne St.—.both sides, -_.beginning at Payne Ave„ thence west to Payne Ave., west side. beginning $ xthnrne St thence north 50 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvemeqt ' . ccordance therewith. s 0C I --------------------- ---� 192 ------• Adopted •span— ------------------------- --------— — --- Ado ted by the Council __ City Clerk. Approved---------------------- 192 ------ Councilman //Conroy _dhmx Councilman j. ----Councilman lkkwahk /McDonald CouncilmanIl li Raa" Councilman �>� /Rosen Councilman �2T n—Al4,i. Mabe- Mr. Viae Pres. Sudf wmor Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. ommm-242-4)) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENNT�T OF FINANCE REPORTF COM ON PRELD 1INARY ORDESIONER R FINANCE (o) In thematter:of REOOnstruct, relay and repair where necessary the sidewalk "a at the following locations: beginning at Payne Ave.,thenoe Both sides of Hawthorne Bt. begs west to Alley•Hawthorne St., thenoe West side Payne AvB., beginning at north 50 ft - 16 under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 13, 1931• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. 10 1 Joseph R. Weides 2nd Add. 225 1 2 to the city of 9t. Paul, 150 75 2 2 Minn. 450 orts hat he has l of the aforesaid Th. Commissioner of an Finance further ort thereontto the Counc lCBtogether thertigated alwith the report made ttorhim�in hereby submits the foregoing report reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19— Commissioner of Finance. Pam B. S. A. 5.5 D w A' Office of the 4K= o=rnissioner of Public w6;IVFrnA%Pi cls. 9, 4 0 '3 Repo r- to Commissioner of Finance %sh AUG 25 193t August 22, 1931 ----- 192 To the Commissioner of Finance o tl-ae City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of -VCTorks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 30105 __ _a roved.___ -._.. August 13y 1931"192_..., relative to Council, known as Council File____-._-. PP ... Saying --- and--- epairing--where_necess-_ary---the.............. sidewalk at IMIML— _lowing locations: --------- -- - _... ..._.... . -- - --- ------------------------------ Both -------------------------- -- Ave. thence Both sides of �a���izorne St. beginning at Payne - - west tY West side ayae Awe - 6eg3nning at HawtYiorrie St: thence "north"""50"' an�having investigated the xzza yrs and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ necessary and (or) desirable. 118.42 2. The estimated cost Ltiareof is $--__._ _--- _------> and the total cost thereof is $ --- _.. ----- .:..."--------------- and the nature and extent of t—sd improvement is as follows:_-..____. . -- ------ --------------- ----- . -- -- ----- - - - - - - - - - -- ----- ... 3. A plan, profile or c3.-�:AL of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_ _ _ _ _ _ ____________._-_____asked for upon petition of ree or more o ers of property, subject to assessment for saidprovement- -- ---------- -- ---------- nu i us --------- - Comoner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.-.. By----------------------- FINAL ORDER 9056'7 In the Matter of ---- --------------- ---- Monolithio_meterial. thA_1 dQwalk- 1 -the-el atES�y aide of under Preliminary Order -- ---------- 2412fi_--___-_____approved---------- ltg.--- 13;_19$L---------------- Intermediary Order ------------- --approved --------- _ _ _---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council _ having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, e"t a'nd kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_TeCOnetTUCt1__relay__andega1T, with — monolithic material, the sidewalk Q�the__eDjLtQZly aide of Hoffman AV8n11@ b tQ 1Y�_Q�S?LdfloIl_AYen11� anA TA,r.�id � .r a .� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --------- - ------ -_ ------ OCT ---------------- ---------- ------- — - - City Clerk. Approved---------------------------------- ----- 192 Mayor. Councilman 614E -,Conroy ,----Councilman !al MM ay 111 IP"M Donald ounei man Councihnan><]i[Mgft Rosen Councilman SJMiFlW 904400 C�oauncilma .�1w,aalA3i➢iL MI. las b'ifatl�ffddr .MLIS�, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONNISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter Reconstructing, relyaing and repairing, with Monolithic material, the sidewalk on the easterly side of Hoffman Avenue between Hudson Avenue and Euclid Street. ; under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 19, 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ frt. 1.00 The estimated cost pe*Got for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION Land �i,d-g-. Lots 10 to 15 54 .Lyman Daytona Addition 19000 b '3 to the Oity of Saint Paul. Inolprop other property. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�, Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. !-S D • � 'INANCE Office of the Commissioner of Public 9g Report to Commissioner of Finance %' 1� AUG 35 1931 --.. August_.22.,..1931-....-----192-------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ---- 90176 -...-..approved....___ AllgiiSt_.19.}--1931..192_-.--.-, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, with Monolithic ----------- --- - _...-....._ - - - --------- ---- ..----------------- ----- ---- material, the sidewalk on the easterly side of Hoffman . - ..._---- --------------­-­- --------- - -_---- --------------------------- --------...---------- ........__ _... Avenue between Hudson Avenue and Euclid Street ----------------- -- ...... ........... ..... ... ....--------. ...... ......... - .. _ .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --- ..------- ------- -..necessary and (or) desirable. $1.00 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3_ _-.__ ._._------- ------ and the total cost thereof is --- ---- __------ _.-...__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._ . _ _..._ __.... _._.___...._....._..........__.__....- - ----- ------- -------_-------... - ._ - ... ... ._ .._._...._ .. ...... _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -- -- - -- - - - - -- -- -- - - ----------------- 5. Said improvement is_ ------- ------- _-_.-------- asked for upon petition of three or mor owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i -- - Commissioner f Public Works. COUNCIL FILE N0.____-_-_- 133'--------=--------------------- --------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____44Aflt.Tll4_ting _d11-Y��L-on _the__north_side__of Magnolia ---- street beginning 121 feet east of Burr Street, thence east 9 feet, — under Preliminary Order —_-___-9017fi------- -___-____-approved _____ Intermediary Order ______—________ "PProved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__construct__.dr_tTAWA --- Qn the nQrfh._ LtdB--QL-_ _ 3,18._8_trAet__beg111n1IIg-.1$1 fast wast of Bupr Strwwt, thenad east and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ 7--ij-_.____----- 192---_ ---------------- - - > - -- ----- 1i tti`F: City Clerk: Approved----------------------------------- 192----- . Mayor. Councilman 439Bdy1c Conroy Councilman JMTZ9onax May Councilman XXMMNA f[ McDonald Councilman X)6g= Pearce Councilman &Xtmkm Be � Councilman >»i:Mx g"'"�-hal ax— �Q IVIr: Vlce es. u eimer / � / Form B. S. A. 8-7 FST. PAUL dT OF FINANCE REPORT OF "COM OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing driveway on the north side of Magnolia Street beginning 121 feet east of Burr Street, thence east 9 feet. c� under Preliminary Order approved Aug- 19 r 1931• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisgsioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - -18 ffi0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK a ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. Smith and Taylor's Sub— 550 division of Lots 3 and 4, Block 15 Beaupre and %ellys Addition to St. Paul. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated AAS / .Q 19,9/�dissioner of Finance.6�0 Form B. S. A. 6-5 D !/ CE OMce of the Commissioner of Public o Y A, r 9®Q 3 t r'' A ` Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 24 1931 -Augnst...22,-. 1931------- 192 ----- -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 5' 90178August 19, 1931 192.......-, relative to Council, known as Council File No..._ _.......__._approved._._ construct driveway_ on --the north side of Magnolia Street beginning,121 feet -- -------- __.... - -------- - - .- _... - - __ - .._ ._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ___.._- _...._necessary and (or) desirable. 18.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..__ ._.._.. _ _.__ -, and the total cost thereof is $..._._.. _....._:._- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - ----- _._... _......... .......... - - .......... - ------------- 5. Said improvement is.....___ .......- _..._....asked for upon petition three or more ops of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----- ---- ----------- --- -- ----- — - ::-...... - ............... Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER 9056'9 In the Matter of__cantzu0_ting__- AV_BnuO ------------ under Preliminary Order ------ - ------ 8S71l____—___—_approved---------- ----------------------- Intermediary Order _—__--____-- -approved—_-- A public hearing having been -h" upon -:the above improvemeit upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the'precise nature, extent and ]rind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construct curbing on both sides of —_ -Fairmount-Avenue from Avenue to_Cretin Av-enue,__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- nrT___� -------------- ------------- 192-----• --------------------- - - - --- - - - ------ P1 CT Mt City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------- 192 Councilman L "*X 1—Councilman ZWXM SCof, Councilman i4LeIffid Councilman ZftgdM= Conroy May McDonald Pecasee� Councilman 910614iW Rosen Councilman 1I1Sd$iyEyaX J aSkli 44awr iMa . 1111". SuStT6IIIi Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISe810NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OFi�ER (A) In the matter of Constructing curbing on both sldea Of Fairmount Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to cretin 'Avenue. I under Preliminary Order approved July 2 , 1931. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $1,714-50 frt. The estimated cost petfoot for the above improvement is - — - En�iaeerin� 170.00 Inspeotlg$ $,1?.62 +'rontage 2 4GG ft/ The ots or parte s o land that may be assesse ene a for suchimprove ent, Ale as dssed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 6 4 Grovelarsd Addition to St. 1550 4700 7 4 Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 950 3450 9 4 do goo 4600 9 4 do goo 9600 10 4 do goo 4400 11 4 do goo 6000 12 4 do goo 6000 13 4 do goo 4700 14 4 do goo 3700 15 4 do goo 2900 TOTAL. Form B. B, 10 =rrr.vF-w" Wk MMffNffrr46j4TrCZFFFTNA"05Z SRT Or CWWWSSIONER QF 1'ri[t444alrl<CF—Z� m�u rx+ m Eg3? _��T•rm+: 'user a;:�,: rxamrxasw u� of mmmvemmmt Aftwittm trm. vtl 3� T?7f (k, h h �9m J�LI�l+YFi�J 4M IL 5. C5x ma 5 d�m Y �KFC7(J dm 9w Fm lot -0a=d Tam 21 5 dm 1 ¢ rat 2 ,imt mast Q the vent ]1O ft_) 24 5125 tis : ss 5 Lot 26 and Test Of 27 5 da 1 M ®f zest *26 27 S do 133 5 do ((106 9nmmit Wood 1(i50 .(zw4pt fast 17 ft.) (107 do .Lot 106,and fast 17 ft.of 107 do I" 109 do low 110 do 1000 4050 :Lot 111 and hest of 112 do 1500 t'jOQ :.fast I of Lot 112 and 'Rest 113 do 1000�� fast j of Lot 113 and West 30 ft. of 114 do 125o 5000 ',Lot 115 and East 10 ft -of 114 do 1250 6450 Lot 116 and Westerly i of 117 do 1500 5250 Easterly of Lot 117 and Nest of 118 do 1000 5650 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER (C) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION West of Lot 119 and :East of :,Lot 120 and East of ,.Lot 121 and East of ,,West of Lot 122 and East of ..West of Lot 123 and East of .,Lot 125 and West of ..Lot 130 and East of Lot 132 and West of ..Lot 133 and East 17 ft. of .Lot 135 and West 23 ft, of Summit Wood 119, do 119, do 122 do 'ASSESSED VALUATION Lana Bldg. 1000 2400' 1600 41450:; 1600 2950, 123 do 1000 5600„ 124 do 1000 6550., 124 do 1500 5400, 126 do 1000 4150 127, do 1000 129 do 1000 4900, 129 do 1000 131 do 1500 6400, c 131, do 1500 134 do 1425 5000 134 do 1625 7200 53,400 213,200_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ' P4 / a"x 19-1 L_ i � ✓ �� %li x �l,� O Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 zT�OM OF FINANCE I Office' the Commissioner of Public WW or a 9 •3 Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 20 1931 August...18z..1931 ------------- 192. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had underconsideration the preliminary order of the 89711 Jul 2�...19a1_.1g2.---._., relative to Council, known as Council File No....._...__ ---....-.--approved...._..___ _._._._.Y. --- constructing curbing: on both sides of Fairmount Avenue _--__----_----.------- --------- ---------_----._ .. . from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue. _.-....._._.__ ---- . ------...------------- ............ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....--- ..... ..........necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.78 1 714.50_- - .. and the total cost thereof is 5..._....t......_.. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3....___._......-.. Frontage 2349 ft Engineering $170.00 Inspection $33.62 g ' . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...._.,.._...- ----- -- ---- 3. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _.._. ------------ __...... 4. 5. Said improvement is._------ --------- __. ..asked for upon petition of three or more owner property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- - - - - Commissioner of Public Wor s. �� L; ':,\A St.. Paul, Minn.--- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: — -----------------------------------------------------'---------------------------------------------- Ave. from--- ------------ -----St. Ave. to----- `-- ----------------------------- - - - - Wit. Ave. t - s� i THE DEPARTMENOF PUBLIC WORKS THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) iAugust 12, 1931. Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Fairmount Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 89711, approved July 2nd, 1931. Estimated Cost $1,714.50 Cost per front foot 0.73 Inspection 33.62 Engineering 170.00 Frontage 2,349. ft. Yours truly, WM. Chief Engineer. Appr9MILTOV7,Rto f tr mission to the f Finance. SRN, Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL NO.—.q1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE 1V t OFFICE OF CITY CLERK i N IL CIlON—GENERAL FORM J/ PRESENTED B DATA / COMMISSI�ONE J 11 WHEREAS, George Fa Faller, General Bookkeeper of the Department of ,Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, wi11 be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a perjod of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 2nd day of October, 1931, and WHEREkS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended that George F. Feller be and he is hereby granted a thirty (30) day leave of absence for dis- ability, with pay, Prom and after the 2nd day of Octobers 1931, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph Ego Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for George F. Feller for thirty (30) cia7s from, on and after October 2, I - �". F N'o 90676—By= C1Yde B, ASaY�. 1931, with ilzl 1 pay.. EeeDer 6or SLe ; beppBasei In , b P1ay6ibnnde and Pubile •Snlld the City oY st. •Paul, well be=Iq 'ted and anable,to perform; hij, Y `a- Derlod -of'at 'leot,thirtyi T iand'atter thel8nd=daY. °rom ., - 1e Commlaploner GPaekq,. 't, icrsnte�+`' Yeas COUNCILMEN - Nays Adopted by the CounciL_------- r r' r___4-JW— Conroy -__— T - �W. 4 APPa ------ '----- -- ----Y ----- MAYOR D 3 -3 �c Conroy /May McDonald —________.In favor Pearce Rosen /r. Su11�dheimar lae Pres. s. T - �W. 4 APPa ------ '----- -- ----Y ----- MAYOR D 3 -3 �c '. COUNCIL NO. 9057.1 O-INAi. TO CITY Cie CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE �FF�IC3OF CITY CLERK • ��CILTION—GENERAL FORM �� / ��. I PRESENTED BY _ 1 DATE BtBSZMx1EM WHEREAS, By Oouncil File No. 90441, approved September 16, 1931, the Council did determine that that certain two-story frame and stucco house located on Lot 19, Block 13, Michel & Robertson's Addition, also known as No. 1037 Randolph street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, Due notice has been given, as required by Section 1=16 of Ordina ce No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, _That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter ipon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. c F Nd 00671—By Clyde R.,MaS ' whereas By'Counc l lflle 0u 80 11 approved , nw 18. t C tha Gounctl d1d,� , determine taat+t),at ceiI-atewo-e[b- t frame'andsyucgo tiouso located on Lot iD, 83ock 1L, known Mpw" '& Robeftedn a Ad-+. 'on; -also ae an •1037 Sian- . .h '8treet,,,ls;uneafe andangerous- - limb and adloinln f,, pperty, and Wrecked. and P:" nd COUNCILMEN Nays ncT tt Adopted by the Council- _—__—._.1-,-- Yeas /// ., (:onroy `xMcDonald _:_._---In favor Appro --' -- - �/Pearce ' �Rosen -.--_Against --'--------------------'---------- �----��_.—'-�-�--- MA OR �iie- 3'UBLiSH1;D-�� ice Tea. Sudheuner amit=y of 'Iit Paul C)Mcm of C 6t-jor Clerk MIKE J. — Ctev auk H� J. RIORD/4N ow se wUl thou aARFNa A. STORMS Chid peh-CtW C►Kk akfaak. R.dw.elon September 30th, "1931. Mr. L. L. ladarsoa, Corporation Coaasa3, Building. Dear Sir: We attas¢3z 3^�rgwith Communication Prom Comffii ss3oasr itaW aacl CoaxLr-- 33 3g'�-3a No. 904411 covering the ccndaunatioa of that certain 'iso *tory frame and stucco house at 1037 B&sacdolph street_ Os tlas C oR ; ssionsr of Public Build- ings reports laaraw3.t x that ao bas been taken, the matter was referred to you Tor -r--Mss proper resolution ordering the wrecici ng of t%a same. Yo -XL-m— very truly, 49.,, 2w' City Clerk. CLYDE R. MAY LOUIS J. SARiSCHER COMMISSIONER D{.YTY COY YIi iION{R CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 CITY HALL ClAROB L NAEON, tUVf. O/ MRIu HRN1— W. JOHNSON. .VR. OI RAYOROUNW CHAS. A.BA98F01ID. COY AIKWfeCI JIUN RgPiq . - E�r3t�u-a��a�r MOR MUL'i M{M COY MLL AND COURT NOUNS �® September 28, 1931. Hon. City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen; On September 16, Council Resolution 90441 was passed by your Honorable Body for wrecking and removal of the con- demned building at 1037 Randolph Street, The last para- graph of this resolution provides that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to the property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. In conformity with this, I am hereby reporting to you that no appeal has been taken and the building is still in place. Yo rely, U mmissioner. COUNCIL ��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK p. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 90572 r." OFFICE OF CIT LERK ✓ IL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED BY DAT Oct. 1, 1931 COMMISSIONER x.71 RESOLVED In the matter, of constructing a sewer on 7�alker Ave. from a point 100 feet south of Taylor Avenue to the terminous of existing sewer approximately 94 feet north of the center of Hewitt Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89654, approved June 26, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90384, approved September 11, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,,tonroy -,May -,'McDonald kIn favor Pearce ,Rosen.._ Against - _ -- Mt. Vice Pres. Sudheimer i i---19 --- Adopted by the Council___.. - i :__'__.________.__.qq S J. 1J A ved------ - --- ------ ------ 9 -- ----------'-------._--------'-----------'-'--' MAYOR s _ oR101N/IL To CITY CLERK, r 1. COMMI SSIONER� RESOLVED COUNCIL �J CITY OFYSTAULNO.�����-�� FILE M OFFICE OFCLERK pRESOLUGENERAL FORM Oct. 1, 1931 DATG n In the matter of constructing a sewer on Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from a point 220 feet west of Adams Street to Quincy Street and on Adams Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to connect with the sewer in Como Boulevard approximately 220 feet south of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89783, approved July 10, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90290, approved September 1, 1931, RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Uommissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be andthe same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays �Contoy May jvjvlcDonald ---- ---------- In favor 1� �earce - Rosen _ ------------- .-- Against W.'rice Pres. Sudheiin®r Adopted by the Council____-:------------- r ---------- -__MAYOR : Y COUNCIL CITY OF ST PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO To CITY CL.- -OFFICE Y CLERK OF ,{ ON—GENERAL FORM N,i1�ESOL Oct. 1, 1931_ RESOLVED r In the matter of grading Alley in Block 41 Chelsea 4eights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 158 feet south of Idaho Avenue to the sewer in Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order 6.1Y. 89182, approved May 16, 1931, and Final Ord4r 0. F. 90151, approved August 19, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Uommissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN t Yeas _ Nays Conroy ay McDonald ___:___-_.-__In favor �1 farce Rosen__ f--- Against Mr, Vi4e Pres. Sudheimef !'A-_19- — Adopted _- by the Council — -T --- 01 - / - 19 A- --------------- a Td -' $gYdli'titif 8 VI`e ' �x7E nlr gheckr- - ,, �e�o atneoaloe Dune 8e tember 30 .19-11L QI C611f tree t r p AhOgte�a-gy h dnndt Oct _2 '1881 k� `, �! ADPI'Ov b t 1r 1881 T^. RESOLVED, "THAT CHECKS 9E DRAWN ON THE C►Ty'TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT COVERINP CHECKS NUMBERED TO' 21987 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ' ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT 11i� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 18�_ . - OCT � ertr wYrtwa+ae APPROVED 18- ^� BY � • , - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ga575 V - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL FILE NO._____.._____ _ - _________— CONROY MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION. ___L�]--- IN FAVOR --------19--3t- - MGDONALD - AUDITED CLAIMS ----------September- 3t� PEARCE ROBEN-_ -AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA N(P,p THE CITY TREASURY. 9COAEifR COVERING MY. ICO res^ 'c 'd TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNTOF S ---74,s191-29___. 'r" CHECKS NUM RE {;_� O.__-___�� i •' PER CHECKS N I N Tlfe FICE INCLUSIVE. AS OF THE C�TY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED THE COUNCIL ____________. ___ __ APPROVED_ _IS______ _ __ __ ______________________ ____-_____-_-__-____ - _-._.__t_________________ `- .-� CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS RET RNED V DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ,. 1. YN 21 1144401 U . 21976 Fielding & Shepley. 12,996 5- 21977 John Braetad 60 0 219781, Louis Guerin 120 0 21979'! John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 36 80$ 7 21980 Board of Public Welfare 9 55$ 0 21981 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 27 0 21982'- John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 812 5 21983 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 5 424 7 219841 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 057 6 219 John H. McDonald, C.. of Fin. 4 410 0 219 Richard '..Davie 64 0 2198( Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company 121 0 e.. a.� r. �irr a... counts NO.-___� CITY OF IT PAUL rae � OFFICE OF CITY CLERK v N7 � 9U CIL FZ O UTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONEY DATE Oct.2} 1931. RESOLVED That the sum of $200.00 be appropriated and set aside out of the Contingent Fund for the purpose of opening the auditorium on October 27 for a mass meeting in favor of disarmament and the proper City officers are hereby directed to draw a warrant in that sum for that purpose payable out of the Contingent Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays f.x Clang•-,� Fergusonw; C(/n McDonald In favor / Sudheimee Against . 'Mr C. F No: 90b'7&—BY O•C•�Sudhelmer Reeolved..That the sum of {200.00 ba appropriated'and eetaelde out of the, Co%�ttfngent Fund' ;tlie purpose--of1 opeding. theAtidltorlum �.on OoL 27 tOr' a mase meeting 1n ffiv. o[ digarma-: merit and thea_VUfOb!'. City oClcere ars: fiereby direeted•to'drawa warrant in I that anm for that purpoe ofContingent u e.paYable out �the Fnd ' Adopted. byAbe ouncil of. 2. 1931... Approved'Oct 2 1931. (Oct 10-1931) _- �I 1 i A Adopted by the Council -ApptQ1 19_ MAYOR COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST, PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CIT�GEL4ERALFORM COU t� SOLUTI PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the sum of One gun d Dollars ($100.00) be and the same is hereby apg'opriated out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Item of the General Fund for the purpose of defraying the expenses in connection with Fire Prevention Week, October 4th to 10th, 1931. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i onroy IV//////, May McDonald _------------ In favor /Pearce ,./Rosen __ — ___AgaiWt un le Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer C. F. -No. X0677—BY O. C.,9udhelmer—.I Resolbed, That the sum of' -one Aun- Ared Dollars {5700.90) he and the same 'iso hereby Appropriated out.of the Me- ' cellaneous and Unforseen Item of -the 6Qaeral Fund for the Durpoe. of de fra}'ing Lhe eZpeaBee in, connection with -Fire Prevention Week. Oct. 4th to 10th, I 1931. Adopted by the Council Oct. 2, 19$1: Approved-Oct.1931. toes.. 10-1931) Adopted by the Council-__��-!-----,--19.:__— OCT 1 APPro - ----- ---- ------------------- MAYOR Iatd over to 3rd. & app. 3 Adopted Yeas j Nays Yeas onroy ays May onroy Donald :May 0 McDonald earce Pearce Rosen Rosen /Sudheimer c„_inter. Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie DINANCE n( COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE. NO. �. L OFd(ro Nol An ordinance authorizing the Chicago, St. Paulo �e Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company permission to:' a1bwezomata. construct .and maintain an extension of its existing «,o ata an spur track on Prince Street to a point seventy—five Iu 4nty8Yy” (75) feet west of the center line of Pine Street. he center nae# THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: . ass Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby given. to the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway.Company., to construct and maintain an extension of its existing spur track on Prince Street to a point seventy-five (75) feet west of the center line of Pine - Street, as shown colored in yellow on the blueprint annexed hereto, and to operate freight cars thereon for the"purpose"of receiving and discharging freight.," This permission is granted and is expressly subject to the following conditions: (1) That -the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha. Railway Gompany'ehall savetheeaid'City harmless and . indemnify it against all damages, claims,judgments, g suits, ' costs and expenses whatsoever in -any way arisinout of the oonstruction,-maintenance, use, operation or removal, of said tracks." (2) That. said tracks'.shall be so laid that the` top of the rails will'be even with the surface of the street and said Railway dompany shall at all 'times maintain.said.track,, so -as to render tiavel safe and convenient on said streets and. shallat no time allow care to stand upon-thestreet 90 aS.tO -interfere with public travel: (3) That,1�said track shall be taken up and removed 'from said street and..the street restored to its original condition ,s at the.axp6nse of said Railway Company whenever. the Council shall so order..- . (4) That"the said Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis &: Omaha Railway Company shall signify in writing its acceptance; of. this ordinance and:all the terms thereof within thirty (30) days after the publication` thereof. Section 2. This prdinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication._ WTI o . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CouncilT—_ Conroy Mar. . McDonald In Favor Pearce ' z — Rosen Against Stti6n •• c ff �• "1 Po4rPru� ' � E s '• i�,wG /�iuv . Approve Attest City Clerk Mayor �� ppBLISHED_.._. TO' THS HUORABLB, THE COMIL OF THS OITY OF BAST PAUL, MINNE9OTAt The Chicago, Saint Peal, Minneapolis and Omaha Bail - way Company (a corporation) does hereby request that it be granted permission and authority to construct and thereafter maintain and operate certain industrial trackage on and along Prince Street between Olive Street and Broadway Straet, sub-. stantielly as shown colored Yellow on the blue print plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the purpose of en- abling the said Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaba Hallway Company to switch oars for the use, benefit and,a000mmo- dation of structures now treated and operated or that may be hereafter created and operated, along and adjacent to said in- dustrial trackage by the Northern Jobbing Company, or by such other concerns and industries as may hereafter be located along and adjao`nt to said Industrial trackage or spurs leading there- from. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this End day of October, 1931. OHIOAf30, SADAT PAIIL, M LS AND OMAHA RAILWAY C Y ` By .1 / Its Vice Pr74 & Oen . +v1 The Northern Jobbing Company (a coaporatica), as the owner of real estate situated on the south side of Prince Street between Pias Street and Broadway Street, and adjacent to proposed trackage designated in Yeller on attached blue print plan, hereby consents to the granting of the foregoing petition. Dated October End, 1931. NO BB COMPANY P 0 i I L-, 7,, 3 2 it _ 1 �:..,' 4 3 2 I I i - I I I I 4 3 r I I q- 1 3 T._I i I a I 3 a I 1 I 1 `n 1 I t I a 1 a I 2 I- 1 1 1 a 45 a 46 0 47 f o _ r 48 - r-- r ---i -- T-- —T-- _. _ ... - I <ZCCCtR R _ _ I I I i I I -� NORTHERN PAfIFlG. Y. REIGHT HOU SF o I EAST FOURTH 1 L + I L-, 7,, 3 2 it _ 1 �:..,' 4 3 2 I I i - I I I I 4 3 r I I q- 1 3 T._I i I a I 3 a I 1 I 1 `n 1 I t I a 1 a I 2 I- 1 1 1 a 45 a 46 0 47 f o _ r 48 - r-- r ---i -- T-- —T-- _. _ ... - I <ZCCCtR R _ _ I I I i I I -� NORTHERN PAfIFlG. Y. REIGHT HOU SF o I EAST FOURTH 1 COUNCIL NO __x'79 PILE REsoLvED Whereas, Additions and.deductioris')intghb prove to be necessary on the improvement described as the paving of Third Street from St. Peter to Market, Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co., contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make additions to the contract, Table 1 showing additions made in accordance with the unit prices stipulated in the gontract, and Table 2 showing additions made on the force account basis as pro ded in the contract Table 1 7 so. yds. asphaltic surfacing @ $1.25 $68.75 Table 2 Labor and Material for placing steel supports under sidewalk in front of Booth building 4146.00 Filling under sidewalk in front of Booth 91.75 building and placing concrete Labor and Material raising c Mates at St. Peter & Third 8.40 2 6,1 Total Additions - 254'90 And, Whereas, the net addition is $254.90, now therefore be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of 0254.90 to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3566 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipular in theaid contrac The Department of Public Works has agreed with the )reasonable ntractor, Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co., that the sum54.90 is t net addition to be made to said contract. „ 2 _ Counte si ned: oinptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �. Fergusop McDo .1d_In favor Rohland � Sudheim4r Against Wewl ;.; Mr. President, Hodgson= ssfoner 'of Public works. �a.�y Con Adopted by the Council 19— r OT , 2Approed_ 19— MAYOR FORM'_Eo. 2 3ubjept: Council File No. 90581 Resolved, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for. more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That`the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named.employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ-, ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME., TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE George Leroux ` Maiant.laboarer 8 hos. :50 :50 Tim C. McCarthyS 8 " John L."MoManus Uty.laborer 8 " 955 :50` Thos: Peltier Maint.laborer 8 Anthony;_',gone ComMon>lab„rer- a !45 , Clem Hamilton n n, 8 g ' 045 Edward Walsh Daniel O'Connor Uty.laborer 16 n 055 John F. Conroy, Common laborer, 16 n 45 Nicholas J. Wagner `Ed Kordell Mech. helper; .045 6 hrs. :6 Leonard''Muneon_" Sub -foreman 3 a •$2 a ':62 $enry J Conrad Plumbers' helper 6 ; Sem Narducai Ditch diger" 3 a 56 Nicholas Nicolio a ° 6 n :55 Andrew Yincelli 6 .55` 6 a .62j Sam,Tuminello Meoh.helper - Joseph Fiorito Ditch digger 16 James J. Zirwan Common laborer 16 a .45 0. F. No. -90580—BY A. T Coni."""- . - :.-. -s.:........._...,..... .-. __ .. Where-,the.Commisdaaar Imes- has reported in , a - " ,NOTICE 4 81 pit:. ui TO � IAhnek! H`8 .d'rsrn, 09 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PRINTER .YmA�A ' 88i 8j8 tl4 �eoveelkepb�tB CIL RESOLUTION nu arbti,:a198g to g§fya, e$ COUNCIL FILE. Np, �pper'gheckbon Slo l�;tt�e o¢Iceb olr�n OISX .Compt Lh . rldoptb3bjyy gthe Cduncll Oot a; lggi, ^., A.DprovaA Oct a lsal oOctober Q 19 cont lxggx) RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT �, OF $ 2 •�79'Oli COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 21 lid TO 2204 �_INCLUSIVF,, AS PER CHECKS h ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---jQDT OCT ¢5 lOIIYN0. MI IM Ifi rY. Y 1.. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY MAY ___-__IN FAVOR McDONALD P ARCE ROSEN --6 --- AGAINST SUDHEIMER MR. PR ES. BUNDLIE ADOPTED BY TMCOUNCIL-r4�-T ----- CHECK NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 9,(J4581 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._-_ -------------------------- COUNCIL ------------COU14CIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ---------------------- RESOLVED. I TH, CHECKS BE N� H TY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE F AMO0 S OPK CHECKS NUMBERCZ _-22 — COVERING INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F1 OF T CITY OMPTRO ER. --------- --- CITY COMPT LLER -1 -------------------- -------- --- �Y -------- -- ------------------ -- _______________________ IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD • 21988 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. Fin. 21989 John H. McDonald, C. of 21990 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21991 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 21992 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 2199 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 21994 Kimball Piano Company 2199 1 21992 j! t ' General Chemical Company 21990 James F. Kain, Cashier W.Dept. j. F.G. Leslie Paper Company 22000 McFadden -Lambert Company 22001 The Mathieson Alkali Works,Izo 22002 Marblehead Lime Company 22003 Jobb Fitzpatrick 22004 John H. McDonald, Co of Fin. . L 22005 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22006 Capitl Ice & Fuel Company 22007 Factory Service 22008 Martin F. Falk Paper Company J. Fitzgerald, Reg. of Deedi NOJ. General Electric Supply Corpq 22011 Griggs,, Cooper and Company 22012 S. Gumpert Company, Inc. 22014 Hamm Brewing Company 2201 Hancock -Nelson Mercantile Ooq 22015 A.P. Hersobler Factory 22016 Hertl Coal Company 22017 I Ideal Metallic Packing Compaiy 22019 H.W. Kingston Company 22019 Koehler-Hinriohe Company 22020 Edwin Meihofer 22021 Mergenthaler Linotype Company DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY MAY ___-__IN FAVOR McDONALD P ARCE ROSEN --6 --- AGAINST SUDHEIMER MR. PR ES. BUNDLIE ADOPTED BY TMCOUNCIL-r4�-T ----- CHECK NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 9,(J4581 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._-_ -------------------------- COUNCIL ------------COU14CIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ---------------------- RESOLVED. I TH, CHECKS BE N� H TY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE F AMO0 S OPK CHECKS NUMBERCZ _-22 — COVERING INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F1 OF T CITY OMPTRO ER. --------- --- CITY COMPT LLER -1 -------------------- -------- --- �Y -------- -- ------------------ -- _______________________ IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD • 21988 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. Fin. 21989 John H. McDonald, C. of 21990 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 21991 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 21992 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 2199 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 21994 Kimball Piano Company 2199 S. Berglund Lumber Company 21992 Farwell, O—un, Kirk & Company 21997 General Chemical Company 21990 James F. Kain, Cashier W.Dept. 21999 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 22000 McFadden -Lambert Company 22001 The Mathieson Alkali Works,Izo 22002 Marblehead Lime Company 22003 Jobb Fitzpatrick 22004 John H. McDonald, Co of Fin. 22005 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22006 Capitl Ice & Fuel Company 22007 Factory Service 22008 Martin F. Falk Paper Company J. Fitzgerald, Reg. of Deedi NOJ. General Electric Supply Corpq 22011 Griggs,, Cooper and Company 22012 S. Gumpert Company, Inc. 22014 Hamm Brewing Company 2201 Hancock -Nelson Mercantile Ooq 22015 A.P. Hersobler Factory 22016 Hertl Coal Company 22017 I Ideal Metallic Packing Compaiy 22019 H.W. Kingston Company 22019 Koehler-Hinriohe Company 22020 Edwin Meihofer 22021 Mergenthaler Linotype Company 22022 National Cash Register Company 22023 Perfection Typesetting Company 22024 Purity Baking Company 22025 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Co. 22026 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 22027 Speakes & Company 22028 Twin City Iron & W Ire Gomp + 22029 U.S. Radiator Corporation 22030 J.O. Vander Bie Company, Inc. 22031 The White Company 22032 Zinsmaster Baking Company 22033 Ed. Bunkowski 22034 Fred L. Eisenmenger 22035 Healy Plumbing & Heating Comla 22036 Elmer R. Johnson 22037 Geo. M. Mc(�fary 22038 Harry Co N6nnemaoher 22039 M.J. O'Neil 22040 Rockwood Sprinkler Company 22041 1. Rosen 22042 Thornton Brothers Company 22043 W. S. Vent SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 14 7741 0 9 111 3 10 1 41 6031 64 117 562i 7 �75! 0 0 2 15 SR: 99 25V 1 375 7 395' 8 828; 0 1,281 0 53517 14311 1. 81 2 G 4�i 6 8; 0 93 a 254: o 291 2 107', 0 07� 2�� 4 1231 7 228:1 9 33, 661 8 4'o 9 5 4 41� 11 291! 5 52, 7 lli 7 173� 5 51 0 13� 5 12 � I 374,2 74� a 44 6 41 14' 9 y 51 7 97 10; 9 3101 6� oc 21: 37 317 22141 -5-5-13-7--- 264 279'1 Council File No..._._.•.9.J 3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by'the City of 6t. Paul, vis.: __ __ Constructing a six foot sidewalk., on the east side of .-_ Duluth Avenue between Maryland Street and-.Hawthorne streets,„ except where good and sufficient walks exist. _-_..... . -( .. _ ,_ AhetrBot. -_-„,,;_-„...._....._._..... • - wrlttea proposal Lor She 192...: $e tolloWinF SmprOvenlent, .Dates this --•-.fid . y '” da of__.....------......_Qniiober . or Bi u e Aveeaetsre o ___. __.. _ ...... ..._andP:..,Hawthora4 8t. (.. good TMd antlicleat :walks ., l,r been b esentlq to ++" - o s city", $t. Pnof d 1 back L'omm[eeli �htuF'- - - znd fn hereby�p PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Constructing a sib foot sidevralk on.the--_east side of .......... ... - Duluth Avenue between B�aryland-_.t_azx�..awtlaQxne.-Sweet, ....:...__ =' exce�t_where•_gbod-end suffi •. C�Bnit__.�alli .._exist ._._._ ...._.... ..._... ...... .. ..._..._. __.... ..... .......__ ... ._. . ......., . ..................................... .. having been presented to the Council of he`City of $t. Paul.__..._-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered directed: -and 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3.: To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. ` To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ^T!- Adopted by the Council. .........---....---------- YEAS Nexs Councilman Olwmm i7f6AiF1fY ,.. WAY ApprXj ...._ . PEATtbk] Ttosru / ..................... ......_............... 5LiDfllat.[rTi ' Mayor. Ma. Pnzs►nnrrr F orm C A 13(2M 2-20) - VUSI.I3IIPD Council File No ............ tLTt PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 6 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -Grading _Alley in- Block... a.:.9tto..Avenue---Addit1on--ansi--Blorls_2s-•- ------ GalarneaultIS Addition from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue ................ ----•............................._--.-__.......-............................................................................... ....... .............. also constructing a sewer in the easementto be obtained on ................................. ----._.--------._......--------...------•-----....-•-•---------.._..........._...-_--•--•..................-•---•-------•---------••--......--------••--. the easterly 8 ft. of lot s--_Block 2x--Galarnea tIs-_Addlt�,oR.- - ....... -from the Alley to the sewer in Eleanor Str Dated this--------- day of------... ; y_ fid..... October; IG�I••-•- ... ---•-•----— ...................... ...... . _.: eroDobal !or th e vtng lmprovemenG to B1oak,i� Otto Avei - :" Block 8'dglnt'ResUlt'e 1:�,JnC&1 AIS0,,; AaATu.W1, AveUuO Alsa 'conatraotlb tLe eaaem gtnto� het 4, PRELIMINARY ORDER. e: eaeterlF. iw,fne&nlfa Additl­: sewer 1 fkSle .a WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: '" p Grading Alley in Block Q� Otto Avenue _Addition--and-:B14Gi••;r; --------------- Addition from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, ... .. -- ..._..----------- -_----_---!------------------- .._................__._ 910-constructing a sewer in'the.easement to be obiained on'the ................. fly`"8'fi. "gf.107 � $Ioak 2 Giliiiiiaultls Addition - --•---•from-.:tom Ail ey #.a tine Sewer in Eleanor-Street:-7- --------- having beim�preeented-to the-Councilof L1te City of St: Paul------------_----- _-------- .................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: i. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...................... _... ...0St.t.. ................... _ ' YEAS Nexe Councilman 909=mm couRoY '1WAMOMM MA-P Approved .. .. ..................... .. 31cDOVr\GD /fit) -PF4RCbi `� Mn. PREStDIMT P Mayor. F arm C A 18 (2M 2-20 /. Council File No.".._"__ c1?4J!idJJV - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking_-an•-easement__in theaa d:.za ojeSsarY•-•----•------•-• "- for slopesa--cuts._and-_•fills-:_in thQ"-gx&ding--a--AllnY �ock"'2.'""' Otto Ave. Addition and Block 2 Galarneault s Addition from:_"--•"-""-"-• ........... Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue .••_-- -"---_ - . _... y Dated this-•---•- 2nd.------ da of---------- -----•---aGtobaP•y-•-1831 + : !�s, ror Erre •--------- ........ mur S=; � topOwiIIs mus6veeyilat: 9 itld tak[ng aII eaegmetit ' ggrorrsaaenry, fpr elo➢ee,+erste �v00 Additl4nand1 nlij➢k; E. alYe Addltluntfrem lrafalegter rinderwood Ave havt S .bgen to'tLe Council or therClfy oL PRELIMINARY ORDER. r�tore ue tt .,yqR tba,$omml�apn�rNr WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning"-and:_taking" an..-�agLemen ".in---the"..land._naeessarg .---- ............ -for slopes-_cuts•--and".fills---r�_-_t11s-"_9r-ading---of---A]1e4 is Blnclt 2r ,II I . ...... - Otto Ave. Addition and Block 2. Galarneaultrs Addition _from _____ ......................................................------- Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue. —... ....... ••---•- - having been presented to the con of the City of St. Paul -------------------------------------------------- ytierefpre, beh—. RESOI.VFD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered sn� direoted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To repot upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council- ..................... +� 3.-�g31---•--•--------... YEAe NAYS Councilman C0NROYjWAMi e NIAV- Approve d___---•------•- �� ..". PEARCE lJ - .. - ROSEN ..."............ Mayor:' Ma. P$EsinENT ` F a,m C A 13 (2M 2-20) . ti Council kyle Noot 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ina PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul; viz.: Condemning__and__taking an-. easement--- for-_the--purpose„_of constructing -- ; and maintaining a public sewer on, under or across the easterly 4--feet ••o€•-lot 4, $lock 2� Geiarneault s addition €gem E3 eano Street to the alley.in the rear of said lot, also condemning and tiak9Yig '9 akri i0 kr}► `2e5eMF t -f6f• 676MMi`uCtion""pur-po 89 oil -feet.-_ ._Y+ dth._oz;._the weSt...A0.0 _Qf.:abQV@ ea.S.etRB)<Zt.. d olk the westerly 5 feet of lot 3 in said Block 2, Gal ault's Addit da.......... Dated this.Y of ---------------------- --yY ]rte 2nd October, 1951 �0 8osaa— .......................dbetreot.` 9 �e .A`written phoppoent for (h'tl _ } the followltlK�imprbceibeAt:! ing and ta8irts nn otll,emanc oae at oouekrUctia �nn6 IM1 pnbns improvement, vis.: 9'7' , On der ' - eseterly�8 feat o t 4; PRELIMINARY ORDER. n t e Adei�onn 1R WIiEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ' Im p ------ - - --- -....--------- --� - !s-:.Addirimn.�rnm. Elsanox _:: g Condemning and taking an easema nt foeiLuir the purpose of constructin and mairitairiing a public sewer on under and across the easterly a_faat.-Df Jot..-4,..-Block-.2,_.Oal Street to the Alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and = taking &-. temporary easement for --- constru-etion-purpos'es•`-on•-a-•striV 5 feet in width on the west side of;_above aem esent and on the - --, ---- -westerly 5 feet-oiot 34 in said Block 2, Galarnesu t s Addition - having been presented, to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................ .- ..........................._.... ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comm siouer of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, -or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-C,T.._:.r�..l�� - -_:---.-.---_ YEAS NAYS Councilman C;JSit2Y -9 �+ MAY Approved........ � - ....................... plWWW" StcDONALP gVffigpffln PEARCEI ,- xos> x SUD1ik iRP It_ ...... - ......... -----.... May ot. Ma PREeiDENT Form GA 13 (1M 2.89) +�2r �••I+IS�+D___� / [' COUNCIL NO. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF PAUL FILE yOFFICE O r CLERK �OUO : RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, on the 19th day of January 1931, George Thompson, a laborer, was injured while doing wotk for the City,George the said $21. per week, payable oin groceriesnawages the t orcoalid by theBoardofoPublic Welfare, and " WHEREAS, the State Industrial Commission, on the zathtday of September 1931, decided that the City Of St-this man, in the Board of Public Welfare, should pay compensation Paul, the amount of $57.60, being for four weeks disability, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers ersaid be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay Gorge Thompso I the sum of A$$57.60, osaid sGeneraleum to Fund. able out of the 6j, COUNCILMEN Yeas _ - Conroy /May Nays ,-MCDonald�—_7In favor Pearce / / "I Rosen ��/ _tABainst. r/Sudheirner r. President Bundlie OCT S amt, Adopted by the Council ------ -----------------.�-191�----- OET Approv ' ----------- --19------- - ---------- _-v ___-___-________.MAYOR O 40684-89 'DY11EoY �l,r �i� Whetgatl, nnher-.tne terme.k � � cou NCIL---t1d.6'i�4��' ORIGINAL TO CITY CL RK. +b - CITY I10 Na 84417 ,�y rOYed Oqt FILE NO• 1.. Ctt9 6 8t. Pau entered f - ,c ,wtth Case 4ilberte Tnc1'd OFFICE OFu•tna ternebtwnlgntne K: IhgarlSorated was ; ti6i Sor apyroaynee to �4'NORM COU ESOLUTI4•ning ana.-- �� _ eaccording to tb'. . . PRESENTED BY fIqa and th0 cgnV;k �� `� , 06107M1551,G3if6R— ^danoe",tnerowl DATA WHEREAS, under the terms of Council File. No. 86917, approved October 4, 1930, the City of St. Paul entered into a contract.with Cass Gilbert, Incorporated, .under the terms of which the said Case Gilbert, -Incorporated, was to prepare plgns for approaches to the State Capitol Building, and WHEREAS, according to the terms of said resolution and the contract entered into in accordance therewith, a supplemental con- tract was to be executed by the City of St. Paul and Cass Gilbert, Incorporated, upon the appropriation of funds in the 1931 budget for the completion of certain work in connection with the planning of the proposed approaches, and WHEREAS, said supplemental contract provided for_tberein, has been prepared and subsequently executed by Cass Gilbert, Incor- porated, and is attached hereto, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer and the County Engineer have certified that said plans are complete, and have approved the same, and WHEREAS, said Cass Gilbert, Incorporated, has submitted a claim for Its services, to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of $5400.00, and -' WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the County Attorney that said amount be paid by the City of St. Paul and that thereafter the City shall be reimbursed by the County of Ramsey, in the sum of $3000.00 toward said expenditure, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into said supplemental contract with the said Cass Gilbert, Incorporated, for the completion and delivery of the plans and specifications provided for therein,and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be ( and they are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant in rjl favor of Cass Gilb rt, Incor orated, for the sum of $5400.00" payable out of the Public Works Fund, and 144-A -! COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------- -- ,.. Conroy May McDonald - - .In favor Approved----------------------- _- ------------ 19 ----- McDonald 11— -- a.t ---------'- --------------- - --- Rosen - g AYOR Sudhe' President Bundlie COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK, ,1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-- OFFICE O• - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED OMM 9S ONER DAT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to bill the County of Ramsey for the sum of $3000.00, representing the County's share in said expense, and to credit the same, when paid, to the Public Works Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Conroy L,-'May '"McDonald __ _-_._–In favor Pearce Rosen ._____._Against � Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie OCT 5 Mi. Adopted by the 0Cr $ Ap ved_ ------------- -----19------ ------------------- –' - ---------- -'- --- �JMA OR MILTON RQBEN.COMMISBIONtR t 1 FRED C. LOVELL. D[PuTY COMMISSIONSA. �CjTy' VF�SR�IYT ' A11L WM. N. CAREY, CNISP ENGINKKR JOHN M. RCARDON. Buvr. oP CONSTRUOr10N AND REPAIR 1. EDWARD GOTTLIEB. SuPT. or SANITATION G. H. NERROLD. OPPIC[ AND CITY PLANNING ENGINERR - M. S. ORYTBAK. BRIG.. ENGINtRR MARK W. WOODRUFF. CNIRF ENO.. CLERK CLAYTON S. STEWART, SUR. DP. WORKMOUO■ August 10, 1931. Hon. Gerhard Bundlie, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: I have examined the two new plans submitted today by Cass Gilbert which cover.en- gineering details of his Capitoi Approach Plan. These two new prints give street widths and princi- pal elevations for proposed grades, and, taken with plans previously submitted, give the necessary infor- matlon to make the eeneral nlan eomnlete. PAUL N. COATES - COUNTY 6NGINffM L 920.922 Guardian Life Bu9dinc 9A7NT PAUL. August 13; 1931 Honorable Mayor Bundlie, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am forwarding two prints of the Capitol Approach, plans, together with the report of Mr. Carey in which I condo'. 4e truly yours, PITC:id C�a MTGItEkR o GINAL To cin aca - 't CITY P L cite ca NO.U�89 OFF PIO ` COUNCIL RE ENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employmel.t of certain employee of his department for more han their usual hours of employ* ment; therefor, be its RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinaftersetforth: tAME TITLE TIME ..RATE TOTAL_ Gabriel Gagliardi Jana Eng. 3 hrs. 61-J¢ Charles Hammerlund " " " " 4 2 64, 64 George Heyes " " 4 64 Nets Landberg " " 6 64 John Nelson " " 6 64 Bert Seidler Osoar Smolensky " " 2 64 Lloyd Spetzman " " " " 3 4 64 64 William Vievering " " 3 64 Max Werner COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May McDonald ___ ----- In favor ✓Pearce y -1" Rosen c -------- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie 1.85 2.56 1.60 2.56 3.84 3.84 1.28 1&92 2.56 Adopted by the Council n Cr - - 5 "—"'=y"---19------ OCT 5 rug, Approd---/—--,'-f--�- —19--- M OR eUBLISMD b 3> FORM NC. 1 Oct. 5` - 11. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, 3urew.i of Schools, ren3ering necessary the emrloyment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing 'Lhe following work - Cleaning Schools. Phis emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Naeessal9 to keep buil nps open fnr s m A i a�venj-*!QrrlG�ij.SL� this report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK =SENTI RESOLVED 1.; CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ^h - CO�UN'CI ESOLUTIONyn GENERAL FORM /� ✓ //AT 0 FOU ILENGIL. NO. U 6p, -.e- 15 /;F 3 / PaSOLVE9, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay the cityts proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission as shown on Abstract of Claims Nomber 15 of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, totalling $166,350.94, the city" share of which is $63,175.472 and all as shown upon the claims sabmitted by said Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeas Y Nays Conroy /May. % McDonald ---__-In favor Pearce �`_�-Against Rosen Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the -L. APPr ed_ "l, E ---�-�----�---19----- --___- AYOR-----_ COUNCIL N0.-_-_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERKt CITY. OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ill RESOLUIO , o ,L__ _..,✓ _._- Off. .1q;�- WNPUS, !hs Advisory 0oart House and 01ty Hall Building commission has approved the attached proposed oontract4 to be entered into by and between the Adam Decker Hardware company, the 01ty of 8t. Paul and the County of Ramsey, and ]Foley Brothers, Ino. for hardware in the new court Boase and Oite j therefore, be it, RZ80LPZD, That the oontraot an e and they are hereby approved, and the proper Oity officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy /�f1 /May //— / McDonald favor Pearce ,"Rosen .__2 ---Against SSS dheimer / Mr. President Bundlie OCT 5 D�i1 Adopted by the Council__.__.__._.____. --.-.---19.--- o � � 1° WApprove ------ ---o---------------19---- ----------- ---- -- -------- ---- - --- �`�amour roa 08niD(ANOAa O R D I`N�C N 5e59J (jid,paTpp Hr Hinton, &osea�- , - "T An ordinance autliprl:,ag !he' I Dili$ CpmDaor"t¢-IARlntafn n 'SLE NO.- PRESENT e�'� � alDe across Ubta 9ttaet. vest -. EE BY 7 f tract Srom bouec copm to oG _J; etvetgeacr ordlnan,�. nfCE NO. . neap An ordinance authorizing the Yoerg Milk Company to maintain a steam pipe across Ohio Street, near Ethel Street from boiler room 'to offices. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health andsafety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1 That permission and authority be and the same is hereby given to the Yoerg milk Company to maintain a steam pipe across Ohio Street, near Ethel Street from boiler room to offices, said pipe line to be not less than three (3) feet below the surface of present ground. S ction 2, The Uommissioner of Public r+orks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for the' sof said pipe line -across said Ohio Street as above provided, upon -their com- pliance with the express conditions namely:, W. That, said licensee shall construct said pipe line entirely at their own expense and to the satisfaction and under the super- vision of the Commissioner of Public viorks (2) That said licensee shall properly prptect,all excavations made in -said strut, both by day and by night, so as to avoid , all -damage or injury to persons and property, shall properly fill and tamp said street to avoid settling, andshallrestore said street to its original condition. D �• (3) Said licensee, after the inception of the above named work, shall prosecute the same continously with diligence, and.` shall fully ommplete said work without interrnijtion. (4) The said licensee shall give a bond to the. City of St. - Paul in the penal sum of $5,000.00 conditioned -to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and all ordinances of the City of St..Paul relative to the construction' and maintenance of work in -the streets of the City of St. Paul'. Said bond shall indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all claims,, liability, loss, judgment, suits, costs, charges, damages or ex penses that may accrue to persons"and property,.occasiormd by the construction, existence,; maintenance 'or -removal of said pipe, or from any cause whatever arising from the construction or mainte- nance of said pipe line.! Said pipe line shall be removed when so ordered b "` y the -City y Council. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by- the Council Conroy a McDonald In Favor - Pearce — Rosen Sudheimer Against Mr. President (Bundlie) ty - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. --9f— PRESENTED BY' -'wl ORDINANCE NO. (5) Said licensee shall pay the cost of the ublica- tion of this ordinance, and shall within twenty (20) days from and after the passage of this ordinance file written acceptance thereof with the City Cle* in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby decalred to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 3l- 1 r Yeas Councilmen Nays Conroy may c O McDonald -r Ro - Rosen sen 'Sudheimer Mr. President (Bundlie) Attest ,• ) City Clerk AW Passed by the Council OCT 26 In Favor Against Approved May r Adopted by the Cmin.Ial Yeas. Nay/ -----CONROY MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN i SUDHEIMER MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) COpNCiI. NO. 3 aiwM� n arr cpm CITY OF ST. PAUL Int.e OFFICE OF CITY CLERK N— ERAL FORM PR6gEN'FED a Johl- H. McDonald oaT-- COMMISSION RESOLVED That Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, is hereby authorized and instructed to attend. the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the National Tax Association to be held at Atlanta, Georgia, October 12 to 16, 1931, as delegate and representative of this city, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to issue and draw a warrant in the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($275.00.) or as much thereof as may be necessary, payable out of the Commissioner of Finance's fund, Code No. 6-A-3, in favor of said Leonard C. Seamer, for the purpose of defraying the expense as delegate to said conference; said-Leonard C. Seamen, upon his return, shall file an itemized account of his expenses and submit same together with any unexpended balance to the City Comptroller. c p s Nb 40698—SY 7 ,3eDenala Resolved That :Leonatyl G:- 8eameq Vglnation and Aseaeamett n1o-'16 - the. CftY of Halnts Paul, , hbrebll%anthbrized; and lnetrusted to at}- teQd,Ahq,TwentY^Fou4th Anitval'Con- Soeltnoe of the'ltattonnLTns Asooccitott�o C;, to be :I of A lantai 6eerBtp., 11 19 tie le 19a3 aii', de egatd ;n reDre', / eentat[Ve oL thI6`V1t' and'tba, nrfiDer. Senta fClelaltl are lioreb}�' hUthOrlaoJty_d, (htreoted to leaue and draW'a_'yrareant i.eii Ye (394P0)';brv.ae'mnceventhereoftan maY.'aie neaaa<nrY ppewabla,,,.qut of ' Comtutasioner ot::,Ftnapoe e. nd • Cod `. .No. 8-e.iYotntha Pnrpoem n dof s9 R6 ' SoRme md,eiDense`.ae 'deledate to.; 9aId upuii ferenCeSaid Leonard C 9esmA h1e'T.mturn•efiatC fllb do ;1t@mtsed eo count; of IW'anY unaD ,hh1eneea o; end6d pal�anC COBether'wlth'a toatis.Ci, . ComDti'o114r 'AQoDtBby .the Goun 11U t 6 1981:_ - ;ADRroVed Oet:S 1981 COUNCILMEN (� G 1 � 19— Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council °may OCv 6 war 19— McDonald In favor Ap 8udheimer AYOR ce � ie Mr. President ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK k COU CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 2RESO O —GENERAL FORM ---�� DAT_ WHEREAS, clothing of the value of $8.15, belonging to Mrs. M. Wardian, 1142 Farrington Avenue, St. Peal, Minnesota, was;lost from a locker at the Phalen Park Bath House, and the City of St. Paul is responsible therefor, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $8415 in favor of said Mrs. M. Wardian, to reimburse her for the loss of said clothing, said sum to be payable out of the Park Refectory Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Conroy �J May McDonald ------------ --- In favor Pearce /Rosen ___.._._Against Sudheimer / Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council-___�____Sa �___I9--- r A�d---- --------- --- - — 19 — ----- ------- ---- ------------------ ------- MAYOR -----MAYOR G CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL TO OITY GLEPK OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL FILE FORM BrAWAMW By Counoil rile Ito. 90386, approved Septembernth+ 1931, the W9ZWmoil did, on the 8nd day of October, 1931, hold a 1 31, t A. 0u in the Oouaoil Ohamber of the 0ourt bo swteckiag that pnblio hearing'npon the advisability and necessity 9, tuditores certain frame bass located on the rear of Lots a and certaiisiea go. 84, also known as Ho. 181 E. >Tinth streelSubdivi, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinanee 10. 723.0 1- approved tiny 88, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Comeil he said be= is unsafe and demgerons to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it MOLV>tiLt11,.lhst said barn be wrecked and removed, end that a copy of this resdlation, directing the wrecking and removal of said barn- be nailed to the oast ,mown ageatror 000upant of of said arty aB',ihis last known addtsss, meads and public property, by the GONStaeioner of Pazks, plsygr Buildings; be it rQRTHfR gs8pL7ID,'lhat if,,within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner his agsnl, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from Ibis order, said Oommisl d f of parks, piaygroun'� and public Buildings shall report said fact to the Oouaoil- nrT COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council-------- Yeas OCTCJtt Conroy May -- - - - 19--- Approved--- -------'- --- McDonald -- In favor Pearce -------- -— ------------ - __---.----f----- ------ MAOR • Rosen ✓ Sudeimerbeimer � ,,'Mr. President Bundlie City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk WKE J. GIBBONS, City Cink HAROLD J. RIORDAN and Commiaionn of Registration CLARENCE A. STORMS Chief Cled-Ob Clc:k - ChidCluk•Resi.tr.0- October 2nd, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation CoTmsel, Building. m Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held today, hearing was held on the advisability of wrecking that cer- tain frame barn, located on the rear of Lots 8 and 9, Auditor's Subdivision $24, known as 181 E. Ninth Street. The condemnation order was confirmed by the Council and the matter referred to you for the proper resolutioni we attach Council File No. 90386 herewith. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE JJJJJOF CITY CLERK �NC CIL UyFW—GGENERAL FORM COUNCIL --0�6 FILE NO. WBM1S, By Council File No. 90495, approved September a$, 1931, the Council did determine that that certain house and shed located on Lot 38, Block 7, Woodford Pari, also known as No. 1331 Otto aveaus, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining . property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WS"IMAS, Due notice has been given, As required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7310, and no appeal has been taken by the Owner or his agent, and said buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLUD, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he to hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in S. is opinion may no necessary for the protection and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May 7 cDonald ___----_ favor -In �earce i ,Rosen _— __ __-Against idheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council--n(.T_ _V*9_____ Approve------------4&-C------'z--��'!='d�i---19------ -- -"- - - ------------------ j MAYOR j / VLTBLISE D2� /4) • City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk HARMIKE I GIBBONS, Ciiy Clak Chid 0 J. RY a k I and Commfaiona of Resbtogon Chief Cluk•Citr Clvk CWtENCE h STORMS Chief Cluk•Reym•uon A , w October 5th, 1931. VvV` n� Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached -please find letter from Commissioner May reporting that no appeal Las been taken in the matter of the condemnation of house and shed at 1231 Otto Avenue. We also attach herewith Council File No. 90495. The Council today referred the above 11ou for the proper resolution directing the wrecking of said buildings. Yours very truly, VA 5;,- / I City Clerk. LOUIS J. SARTSCHM CLYDE R. MAY R.YTY COM Yt�R10N,fR COMMISSION" CITY OF SAINT PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS L OPrICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 CITY HALL 'WD z L HAWN. MT. or �A100 ..MT W. JOHNSON. twvT. ar PIAYOROOt<ti CH". M BASWORD. eRT AKNR[CT -IWO® WIR'_U NM CRY - AIO COORT NW . October 5, 1931. Hon. City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I On September 22, Council Resolution No. 90495 was passed - by your Honorable Body for wrecking and removal of the con- demned house and shed at 1231 Otto Avenue. The last para- graph of this resolution provides that, if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to the property own- er, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. In ting Vo ou no appeal mhas been taken and the ity with this, I am rbuildingris stillythat in place. Yours v y truly, issioner. U CITY OP rAmT PAUL 90597' COUNCIL FILE NO. to CIL RESOLUTION ar990�F')Bt�iR��cl7usl>R�•C 7lINTE.R a,N4nn1 ED:- DnAte xtxe a t�e-n the poteber r'f _1931- D0Y i7t17l�bt � doDtad pY th9 Colinbll OfiG $ • .. roVbd OaG 8 1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN .ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ''' ' ^ ?2079 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS OF f�+y�8-� COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED --TO ON FILE- IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. T 6 t� 1s THE COUNCI Or 1 :ADOPTED BY APPROVED 19.. fOl1Y IIp: W IY WY !Y I TOTAL DATE' CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 22044 Feyen Construction Company 22045, John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 22046John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 22047 Mrs. Rose H. Harper 22048 Mrs. S.C. Ringwald 22049Thornton Brothers Company 22050: Florence Rood, Treas. St.PauL I Teachers Retirement Fund Ass o. 22051 Barney Cohen 22052 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. ;22053 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. .22054 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22055 Dennis Laughlin 22056 James Edwards 22057 Board of Public Welfare 22059 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 22059 Frank Dielke 22060 Al. Aschrubrenner 22061 : John Burns 22062 Emil Freiseis 2206 Standard Stone Company 22o6z August L. Schempd,Guardian for Doris Hanson 22065 Mrs. Anna Schneider 22066 Hancock—Nelson Mercantile Co pa 22067 Hanoock—Nelson Mercantile Comps 22068 MoFadden—Lambert Company 22069 St.Paul Blue Print Company 22070 Broadway Coffee Company 22071 Electric Supply & Cons.Co. 22072 Cherry Burred Corporation 2207 Commonwealth Electric Gompanr 22074 John E. Holt Plumbing & Htg.)o. 22075 The King Company 22076 A.J. Pirkl Electric Company 22077 St.Paul Blue Print Company 22078 Specialty Printing Company 22079 Standard Statistics Co.Inc. 5 432 1 26 133 2 15 210 0 g 5 9838 80 30462 o 43625. o 2 5d$ 0 9519 2 0 35 2 20 8 8 56 14 19;6 1 9 9 5 60 9 15 0 5 a49 a, 3i 6 171 2 75I 205: 21 147, 41 15� 2: 14 5( 6 375: 0( 2058'11 991 0( 161 oi N9 6, 71 of 21 0, 34i 5( 35: 0( 7- SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 376 14ol 1 'W DUPLICATE CITY F SAINT AUL COUNCIL 4 COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.--._ CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY__ MCDONALD AUDITED CLAIMS -----------19-------------------------------------------- P ARCE ROSEN AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHEgAWATWI`50141TV�ITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER --- TO THE AGGREGAT� AMOUNT S._jjj#.&61&0A__. COVERING ID MR. PRES. E NDLIE CHECKS NUMBER 2 INCLUSIVE. AS ( )�1111� SON CITY COMPTROLLER, PER CHECKS FFOICE OF TH ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_----------------------------- APPROVED .... ------- ----- - --- ---- P" 0 LER ------------ MAYOR Y___ -- - -- -- -- ---- I TOTAL DATE' CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 22044 Feyen Construction Company 22045, John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 22046John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 22047 Mrs. Rose H. Harper 22048 Mrs. S.C. Ringwald 22049Thornton Brothers Company 22050: Florence Rood, Treas. St.PauL I Teachers Retirement Fund Ass o. 22051 Barney Cohen 22052 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. ;22053 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. .22054 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22055 Dennis Laughlin 22056 James Edwards 22057 Board of Public Welfare 22059 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 22059 Frank Dielke 22060 Al. Aschrubrenner 22061 : John Burns 22062 Emil Freiseis 2206 Standard Stone Company 22o6z August L. Schempd,Guardian for Doris Hanson 22065 Mrs. Anna Schneider 22066 Hancock—Nelson Mercantile Co pa 22067 Hanoock—Nelson Mercantile Comps 22068 MoFadden—Lambert Company 22069 St.Paul Blue Print Company 22070 Broadway Coffee Company 22071 Electric Supply & Cons.Co. 22072 Cherry Burred Corporation 2207 Commonwealth Electric Gompanr 22074 John E. Holt Plumbing & Htg.)o. 22075 The King Company 22076 A.J. Pirkl Electric Company 22077 St.Paul Blue Print Company 22078 Specialty Printing Company 22079 Standard Statistics Co.Inc. 5 432 1 26 133 2 15 210 0 g 5 9838 80 30462 o 43625. o 2 5d$ 0 9519 2 0 35 2 20 8 8 56 14 19;6 1 9 9 5 60 9 15 0 5 a49 a, 3i 6 171 2 75I 205: 21 147, 41 15� 2: 14 5( 6 375: 0( 2058'11 991 0( 161 oi N9 6, 71 of 21 0, 34i 5( 35: 0( 7- SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 376 14ol 1 99598 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__¢9AdBI� A$__a_ad$lA$_@ri_ea&emeIIt_ 1Aba _land n@9@@Aa�Y___ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Rockwood Ave. from Alton St. to the west line of Palisade Addition,aA8es8l qS 1 fl ud^ under Preliminary Order_-_ ------------ approved- -_ApyAl_28,__19-Z1-------------- Intermediary ___ ___Intermediary Order ___--___-- ------------ approved___ xapproved Jul�_21t_ 1931------------- _ 19 Final Order -----------------9-Q!6 ---------- approved-----A-u�s-t ---- -2 ---1 ----------------- ' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. I Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. x>><o= �iat7E�s�t9wW[d�]dR7ceoa]xiix�xl�Ca: cBeta�a�cKEd«8 i iitil:]C7iE1C7LbxJ[>SQ47kT74S4tE1i4E&C1tR7gB7CfA7CBdh��]iggx76A �fdFEA�9�E7iI[f��3 Adopted by the Council--4p.J--_-_ A--------------- 1 -- t€t---------- --- -- - --� Clerk. -- s.• ; Apred----'r'- 2=--f-w---------- 19 ---- Councilman .2nroy &e n i3s an XXBJ Councilman )aSDi .SIC Q;!}ald , Councilman Rica tbaf6.6 Councilman RWtm*k Ro je Dor. Vice Rtes. Sudheiiner ---------------------------------------- wetffi0 '90�9'9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In. the matter ofBQndHmning _&nd_taklAg_tU1_8&BS1Il@ILt _jIl_th@_)aAd_4SF�B8>�TY for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Rockwood Ave. from Alton St. to the west line of Palisade:Addition, under Preliminary Order ------- 88930-_, approved --------- eTI!1-2S-,__150 ------------------- intermediary 0 ------------------- Intermediary Order ---------- 899Q0 _, approved--------- elly_ 211,_ 191i -------------------- Final Order ------------------ 9165 _, approved --------- 6uguet__lk}_JUl-'---------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: i That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein {aken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor. to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------- � � Commissioner of NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of.. (AII$9ffiil1f;..aIIB - '-•--r---aII eL't3®f'1532t#. in 1'.iS1 ;le�S .. IIeESBAs�tiStJ-__------. POY 619 %Qli� CII�i9 ezYd :rills ill Siam #,pva $Fit; 3i �ia`vkav•%'i .,:�• Alton St. to the Toot line AS Palisade Addition 199936 Anai? 2-9 1931 under Preliminary Order......... ................................. approved..._..._.:..........:........_.............................................., 89900. IntermediaryOrder ......... ......................................................... fly 21, 1931 , approved ........_..- ............... . ........................................., 9016.9AU9Wt 19, 1931 FinalOrder...................................................._.................., approved... .:.......... -....__.... ............_.... .--..............-....., TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the .........7y�...............................day of .._.._......Oatober ........................................... -----•19 �� _., at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages -to be awarded to the owner or owners of the Iands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objection to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or to the awards of `damages therefor, m t be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City v Q Cle prior thereto. �+ @QteT.UbS ' 14, Dated........ ..:.. ............ - .......... , JOHN H. McDONALD, Commissioner of Finance,` II 59+99 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter ani- 0&1ng. -an _emeraat A n--tba_1s1Ad_-lelr@e§ary___ for slopes, cuts and fills.in the grading of Alley in Howard Greene Addition from Edgcumbe Road to the east line of Lot:5, under Preliminary Order_______ 89501 ---------- approved_JVAO_-Qs_-1931--._________________- Intermediary Order ------------ @6&fl5____-----, approved-JUlY-214--16.31-------------------, Final Order ------------------- 90156 ---------- approved_Aug-uet_ 19-,_ -!5Lq!2 --------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �e�ditf>mtiffixiism. v]�c�.G9y}�ac�a*�t3[a�sx6d�asys�nvssl[�oas�]m�txgh�x�lttk�ihciw��teaehXxlehe�oo[i[aed�la�exprayshhea TlTT7YY�=]Q��xAAYFR1�i1�xi�%�]FA`R8 XS`]l94]C`iF�R� Adopted by the Council ________________, 19, f}q Cit erk. Approved------------- =`--------, 19---- ---- - ------------------- ------------------ Aonnq Mayor. Councilman COMM Conroy CouncilmanAet2lCsZ z Onald / Councilman VAN= Pearce /CouncilmanMINSdx Rosen fea�:iit+e - - _ -- -, _ P[1pL1SiIED Mr. Vice Pres. Sud1,e1— .r► 90400 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BUBFI118 In the matter of__ QOAd0=111g_.&_nd_t4king_ an_ easement_ in_the__land_neceesary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Howard Greene Addition from Edgcumbe Road to the east line of Lot 5, under Preliminary Order__ 89501-----_, approved -----------June 9,--1931:__________________ Intermediary order ------- 89885 ------- approved -----------July- 21, -1931P_________________ Final Order ------------- 90156---- approved ----------- 191 193.1. -------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of i the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _____________�1 _,------ 1.Z_ / Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__0=demning_ and. -taking - an. _easeaent__im-the._Land- -nec-0SpArY--- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 10, 9t. Anthony Park North from Fulham $t. to Hendon Ave. and from Hendon Ave, to the east and west alley, ve:oosoo—' matter ot.condemnl;,. c eaeemeut 1. th.ww'. i Alleye*1w Bloeki rk— North • irom-'F..,_ srlrt Ave. rad-ZromAe .,east and westaltey:2_ Y.r ntermedtat yDR my 21, 193 i -•fl: Aug.-, �, •il so under Preliminary Order _-_--__ 89498 ___----_, approved_Jldns_ '2a_1M_-._________________, Intermediary Order ------------- 89B83 approved-July--21,-Ml ------------------- Final Order -------------------- 901554---------- approved_ August 19, _1931.--------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. s�xasmxmerx>ae®lvectarisn>e�tlm�a��e�s�,cecat�ex�cid�cisx�era»oa�$�ems�aa<xa x�rap�rama �laaxaaxaaakc���c>sx sa�x�eixac�dmahc;�o� Adopted by the Council -___--_ ul^--------- 19 ---------- -- f----------- ty Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- _ ---------------------------------------------- AaUno Mayor. Councilman fx=Dxx Conroy Councilman E'ICD63atd c ona1d Councilman 11=ffX Pearce / Councilman 3Mbft Rosen /mer Mr. Vice Pres.: �doouuc 90402 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of_rondamnl.ng_-and _takking-an_easament._in_the-land-neaesaary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 10, 3t. Anthony Park North from Fulham 8t. to Hendon Ave. and from Hendon Ave. to the east and west alley, under Preliminary Order-_MRS approved -----------JIM -_q,-_1.93.3 order -------A.98h1------ approved ----------- July_21,-1931------------------ Final Order -------------- 90154---- approved ---------- Augus_t-_IR- _1931--------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That'- -he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------P."Ll _-sLi_ -t�C ---- '. Commissioner of Finance. 80601 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_-Q=delmni,ng_And- _t aking._an_-ease ment_-in_ tha_land_.neaassary__- for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 3, Lake Park Addition from Almond St. to Atlantis St. and from Arona Ave. to the north and south alley, under Preliminary Order-------- 9142_____--__, approved -Mn -la, -1231 ----- intermediary Order ------------8989.5---------, approved-July-21,_IM-------------------- Final ----------- -----,Final Order ------------------- 2016.0---------- approved_Auguat-19.,_19.1.________-______ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation, of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set foith in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $lAtcfYCL�S�7[$1BlD]L�7Gl�xy7�]G9[7y61[.id�x8glAy@J�Q4@][>1�Ffty9ltxlRoc]4y�C7[11C?e�[SQA{�yk�]Cx1]FbF7070i[CECY7d47d]esAsy�,kll =xiS22XXX==dx =XkVW*%"�9Ph91' Adopted by the Council ____O_CT ____ 7_ 19,---- 0 t ------------- _ � /fir. `Nice Pres. 5udnxiasr ---------- - L ---- ------- L City erk --------------------------- =----------------- Ao�ng Mayor. Et;1A Approved------------------------- 19---- 'CouncibnanlAER18x }�Conroy r CouncilmanSME16E90M Mebonald Pearce ,/Councilmanx �/Councilmanlll6bf Wx Rosen _ /fir. `Nice Pres. 5udnxiasr ---------- - L ---- ------- L City erk --------------------------- =----------------- Ao�ng Mayor. Et;1A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of --- 4ndemning_and- IakIng_an--.asement_J,n_xhe_land_nacaasary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 3, Lake Park Addition from Almond St. to Atlantis St. and from Arona Ave. to the north and south alley, under Preliminary Order ----a.914T------ approved ----------- Ma:y-13,-1931------------------- Intermediary Order -------- 989.5------ approved-----------July-21,--193-1------------------ Final Order --------------- 90160------ approved ----------- August._1.2._1931.________------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as ab64 and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------ Commissioner of Finance. F --, V r i'TY'ItLr- October 7thi, 1931• Aon. U11ton Ro em r C=-_ieaionor of 8nblic Wore J. 11, U690r4l44 Caralaeioreor of vineme. hear Cosui aeinnttre At the Cotimail Metinp, hold todal t1t® Resolution £lntifAn:, mad 00ni-its2tn^ COndwt nstionv ata. in t, -.o tatter of Conddasalnlo d a91su1ancatr2ealomflilla+ Sain etMoInDBrad- uettogsmrg lea oA alloys in ?slod�: 3r I.atca Park Additlar► 4rora _ Almud St. to Atlantis 4t. =d from Arorm :%v$- to the north and earth alloys vos adoptoo r vAb,}eot to bids. Yours eery tralyr City Clerk. October 7th, 1931. Mr. G. D. Yarnell, 1520htlauti�"St., St. Paul, Minnesota. i Dear Sir$ . At the Council meeting held today the Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemmatiom, etc. In the matter of Condemning and taldng an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cute and fills in the grading of alleys in Block 3, Uke Parts Addition from Almond St. to Atlantis St. and from Aron& Ave, to the north and south alley, was adopted, subject to bids. This will give property owners another opportunity to be heard at the time bids are opened. Notices will be sent property.owners. ?ours very troly, City Clerk. 1520 Atlantis Street, St.Paul,; Minn. October ,6,1931. Mr.John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Finance, St.Paul,°Minnesota. Dear Sir:-.. In compliance to -yours of September 14,1931 concerning grading the alleys in B12w :u,Lske Park%Addifion from Almond St. to Atlantis St.( Not Atlantic St. as you have ,at in yoursof above date) and from Arona Ave, to north -and south Alley Will say that we ,the undersigned are not opposed to improvement= of .ale.7lleye,but we sign our names herewith in a firm protest again$t a'work of that kind.mainly for two reasons:- 1.In loosening up the Ground of that hillside by grading it the rain will wash away the loose dirt and gravel and land it on the -sidewalk and •bulevard on the west side Atone, Ave. from the alley down to Atlantis St. That is just what happened last year when some cinders wast put on,. 2. The estimated cost '7 r 3, fr for that work we consider is outrageoue,too high. Why should we pay about $6.00 MORE for the Lot then,ae for instance the same Alley across the street? In our case there is no hauling of dirt needed as it had to be done over there. v •q Simed by owners : - &A ` 2vm av_k� t-1-1- it 3 ��602 CONDEMN AND AW AMAGES AND In the matter of -:condemning- and- -taking__an Q&'Le 1eAt_-1u_ —e- land_ necessary --- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave., ¢0008, at= ..Ool. th. 1 and tak-I .. n �eseement to the land nin ec� r�¢oTe3hog eoeteBl4 Andi l under Preliminary Order ----- BR26a------------ approved --- May_27.j_i,M_________________- Intermediary Order ---------- $9875x------------ approved___ jlqlY_21L_ 1931 ______________ Final Order -----------------90133 ------------ approved _ __-u st 18, 1931. Resolved that all ord*e is the above matter ba and the same are hereby can "--(1 ,.......:c i, and rrsClaG6d 40 fU woaXdbWi"ia mid matter be Adopted by the Council _- --7------------ --------, {- -------- ---------- -- --- ------------ Approved------ - �!--- -- --- 19---- -------------------- --------- -----------AYa110R---------- t>a Mayor. Councilman 6Mx1 R8 'Conroy Councilman FWr9Ma Councilman ldzl mx&l Mo ona S Councilman FAUM Pearce ld Councilman lahiwft /Rosen Councilman �111[3losius�c / ,� Mr; V ice Pres. Sudheimar REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF RF\ EFIT`; In the matter of_ condemning_and taking an easement_ in_ the land_ necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Albert Ave, to Pascal Ave., under'preliminary Order__ 89263 ------- approved -----_Max_ 21,_ 1931 ------------------------ Intermediary Order ------- 89876 --- approved ------July_ 21, _1931----------------------- Pinal Order ------------- 90133 ------ approved ------ Au-gu@t-18,_ 1931 -------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. t 1V4S hI;J::I ¢'ri17 A.'D 11r,�D OCT 3 8 s All 1931 � 1` %T. G7LBC 'c CIT 1�Lt:1.JSts1'�p• d�j WARDS CW DAMAGES 30603 In the matter of__condemning and_taking_�_gaQeYg�p__}�Q_��Q�@_gl______ constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 4, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, from Minnehaha St. to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposea-Du.a 5 ft. 1n width on the west side of above easement and or 5 ft. of Lot 11 in said Block 4 ter -f: maLYOr O[ CORdemnlPB aPd.Lak tlAn easement for the V Meas o{ +sW. ^ar+Ang ,and :maintalPin6-B .nnb- Yonn, under. and: aeroee' the, lo. ,! x"nt 12, Voc), 4: Syn- " 4• n the, -re J,ihing t of. , ament for con�'- .n,.... �•4Ya strle-5 f" under Preliminary Order______ 89 84 ____--_ approved______ Mgy_�?L-_I931 _____________- Intermediary Order ------------89877_________ approved______-uly__21t_ 1931------__-___ Finn] 0rder.-_—._..__901a4__. - nn—pd August 18, 1931 Resolved that all orders in the above matter be sod. the same are herO)y -ar, . -o', %r a^d reselnM oW it1 10AMOSsRs is said matter be diso Adopted by the Council -----i�� ___ ____ , ____ fl'�' -- - -=----- ' -- ------- Approved ---------- - ----Approved__________ i ____- j, 19____ --- ------------------------------------- Councilman OCOMX --Conroy j i A4UM Mayor. Councilman 3=m mx Councilman XXBM h?d ✓Mc Donald Councilman R=a x earce /pUgLgS1�D Councilman IRGG]ls118 Rosen Councilman Budh& u= mmlcr— ✓Mr. Vice Pres. Sudhttuner c-9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of_ confiemo ng_A.nsi_ ak1ng.-six _eaaemant_-foz-the _purpnsa-of___ constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 4, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, from Minnehaha St. to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the west side of above easement and on the westerly 5 ft. of Lot 11 in said Block 4, under Preliminary Order ----B9264 ----- approved ------------- Order -------- 89877----- approved ------------- JuJ.X_21,_1831__________------ Final Order-------------- 90134 approved------------ Augugt 181_1931 ------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Liv= ----- Commissioner of Finance. PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE T6 the Oounoil, City of St. Paul. JGentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of property abutting on the Alley in Block 4, Syndicate #5 Addition, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave., most strenuously object and protest to the grading of said alley, as proposed by Oouncil File No. 89262, 89263, approved May 21, 1931. OWNER / II ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION ylfh �'6a,r ✓,i�z-��� q 91 121 i STATE OF MINNESOTA) ,:COUNTYY OF RAMSEY being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says thatthe circulated the foregoing petition, that the names as 43hown thereon are the signatures of the owners of the property set opposite thereto, and are personally known to him. Notary Public, Ramsey a , Minn My commission expires 9�7 li I CI ORIOINAL TO cily CLERK 0� d J(nOFFIJ�F � ft en to the ==LW M under the proposal for bids for the &MtI the contractor should include In Auditorium, It was ovided that )at of furnishing light- ing to cover the W bis bid the Bus Of corridors, etc. In the now Ing fixt=es for the exhibition hall, ele jction of Such lighting fixturSs to rGAL"tt-b Auditorium, the selection AuditGAUS AdvisCrY COMis"On'r-Ije differ - the architects and t pasted allcw&SOO and the actual 00 t of such once between the -stipule :0 might fizturse to be adjusted as an ortr& or credit, as the a be, to the general contract; and ity entered Into an SAB, in Contract NO- G-25261 the a agreement with Va. Surphy & son for the erection of the addition t Auditorium for the sum of $e43,590.00; and to he AS, The Auditorium Advisory Commission and the grobl- lig6tion of Xeyline eq%dLpment, an toots have recommended the IUB%s Lo 00 any, it being the r manufactured by the Westinghouse Zlectri I t .00; therefore, responsible bidder, for he sum of #5' 25 lowest be It RZBOLVZD, That the City 0ounall beTibly concurs in the eadation Of the Auditorium Advisory 002migstou sad the STObi- recom the Westingb"Be ZlOctriO 00 any for the toots In the award to .91 r line fixtures, at & cost of $5 9 15.00, and the Installation of Zal 10ted to notifyin. of the recommendation of the 01%y Architect to hereby authorized and dire general contractor, 11=phy & son, the and to install Lon and the Architects, Auditorium A"Isory Comaleal �mptrojlor in hereby autborts6d and total gwaL d,of such fixtures; and the 01tY 0C T directed to deduct the Bus of $3,675.00 from the direal - X=Pby & son. the contract with said In COUNCILMEN Yeas _//Conroy . Nay/ 4"Y McDonald favor Pearce �IRosen _ ------- ---Against r. ioa res. Sudhe;mer OCT 7-I 'Adopted by the OCT ved - ----- �:­ ------------ -- .. .. . --- - - - ---------- - — ------ ------ ----- - ---------------- . _;';i; � MAYOR PU n, 6 _.,`4 SAINT PAUL ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE CAPL.T. SCH ON EMAN, wM calocrvr H.S.SOMMER S. vlcc wwcs'IPcrvr GEORGE W.MORGAN,v�cc ww[elOcrvi H.J.SEES EL,v�[c ww[s�Pcrvr C.A.CUSHMAN.vlccw elocry T. A.PHILLIPS, rw cwe�wcw r P.rELl0 W5.0 cMcwwc eccwcrwwv SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA October 6, 1931 �. Irving Pearce, Commissioner, Department of Education, Saint Pant, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Pearce: At its meeting held yesterday the Audi- torium Advisory Commission considered bids received for the furnishing of lighting fishes for the exhibition hall, corridors, etc., in the new Auditorium and wit- nessed a demonstration of the. Marline fixtures as bid on by the 9estiaghouse Electric Compemy and the Molophone as proposed by the General Electric Supply Corporation. It was the unanimous conclusion of the committee that the MWliue fixtures were entirely satis- factory for installation in the exhibition area and they hereby so recommend that the contractor be directed to furnish and install Marline equipment an manufactured by the Aestiaghouse Electric Compe:;y, at their bid of $5,925.00. An allowance of $9,800.00 having been made for these fixtures, the city willbe entitled to a credit of $3,875.00. spectful ttea, ^ / Chairman Corium Advisory anion. pORToF CAINT p® _ Gateway to the Great Northwest MEMBER-CMAMB[N OF COMMEOCE Of THE UMIT[O STAT[3 September 29, 1931. Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Education Endicott Building Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioner Pearce: According to your request the architects for the Saint Paul Municipal Auditorium recommend that the light- ing fixtures be awarded to the Westinghouse Electric Supply Company for the Sayline fixtures for lighting purposes at a cost of Five Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty - Five Dollars and No Cents... ($5,925.00) without accepting any of the alternates. Amount allotted for these fixtures ........ $9,800.00 Contract awarded at above stated price.... ,�5ss92��5.,0.�0., Net allowance by the contractor for creditsel7b.00 Respectfully submitted, V/ Ellerbe & company Consulting Architect C as. ase or City Architect 1 ORIGINAL TIt61TiiYGLERK CITY S . PAUL FILE I COUNCIL IGE CITY CLERK L SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED : That t City Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of th architects and the Auditorium Advisory Commission and awards the contract to the H. C. Boyeson Company for three thousand (3000) portable assembly chairs, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor and the bid of the H. C. Boyeson Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $3.69 per chair, said chairs to be delivered not later than December 1, 1931,,the contractor to furnish a five year guarantee, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Corporation Counsel i hereby authorized and directed to draw up the proper contract' therefor. 6-17 ��� - �.--.meq 6--� �. COUNCILMEN Yeas /- Nays Conroy McDonald __ _ _._.In favor Pearce i ✓ Rosen ___.____ Against Mr. Vice Pres. 5udheimer OCT 7 Wi Adopted by the Council. -------- ___________- ---------- 15 in&:IL jW40M MAYOR PiJBI.fSIIED SAINT PAUL ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE a CARL T. -UNE MAN, Pwc.locwr / H. S. SOMMER9.vlcevwesloewr GEORGE W.MORGAN,vlcc wwcalOeMr H.J.SEESEI,vlce Pwesiocwr ' L.A.LU4HMAN.vlce PweelRcnr T. A.PHILI_IPS.rn cn.a�wcw F.P.FELLOWS,Oe.cwn�.ec.crngr SAINT PAUL, MINNESITA October 6, 1931 Mr. Irving Pearce, Commissioner, Department of PEducation. saint Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Pearce: At its meeting held yesterday the Auditorivm Advisory Commission considered bids received for upholstered opera seats and portable chairs for the new Audltorim and after careful consideration of the samples submitted and the prices quoted, offer the following recommendations: That the contract for the umber of upholstered opera seats required be awarded to William Yungbaner & Bone for the furnishing of seats manufactured by the Heywood -Wakefield Company, under Alternate A. using 3/40 plywood backsad uphol- stered seats throughout instead of the last five rows in accor- dance with specifications at $4.86 each net installed in the new municipal As:ditorim not later then December 1. 1931. This chair to be equipped with Heywood -Wakefield 426 Paramount-Pnblix hinge, finished color of wood$ and upholstering to be in accor- dance with color blocks furnished by the Auditorivm superintend- ent. That contract for the furnishing of portable assembly chairs required be awarded to McClain & Redman Company for the furnishing of Cla:sn steel awditoriva chairs. under Alternate #2. their Sid #3 for chairs with upholstered seat and steel panel back, as per sample submitted. at $3.48 each net, delivered and ready for use at the new Auditorim. Delivery to be made not later than December 1, 1931. ORToF AINT AUL Galoway to the Great Norlhwoet F Advisory MEMBEN'CMNIBER OF COMMERCE of THE UNITED STATES City ®i Saint Paul Office of City Clerk I MIKE I GIBBONS, City Clank MRENCE A. STORMS HAROLD J RIORDAN and Commissioner of Regl,iration Chief Clcrk-R<,Im.non Chid Clak-City Clerk October 6th, 1931• Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council at its meeting wing held this afternoon oquestio thhat You d�omt a follo gloraing resolutions for snbmi if possible: A resolntion concurring in the ecommendation of itebe&son,ciity oa nAuditoriumrCO-,, consulting the new Auditorium and awarding contract for fur- u1sbing of lighting bition corridors, fixtures etcc. inn the newAuditorium or MWliueeall, fixtures as bid on by Westinghouse Electric Compeny at their bid of $5,925 as per letter of the Auditorium' Commission hereto attached - A, resolution concurring in the rem idatiand Of Advisory Commission and the City & Co. and awarding contract to Wm. Yungbaner & Son for the furnishing of 5800, more or long, opera chair* man- od-Wakefield Company as per plans nfactnreti by the Sgyw and specifications and their bid ,order Alternate No. at $4.56 each installed: said wires 1g�o tood_pro ide that this chair is to be equipp No. 26"ParsmaouMt Public" hinge and that such chairs are to be furnished and installed not later then e d 1931 and to provide further for 29,.year guar chairs and that all goats be adjusted I tinct stading to compensate in any irregularities all as set out in paragraph 2 of the letter of the Andi- torium Advisory Commission hereto attached. City of Sart Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIKE I GIBBONS, qty park HAca- �' RIORUAN and Commialonar of Ragbtmllon Chief CI<r4-Clry Clerk CURENCE A. STORMS Old Clerk-R,slm lou —2— A resolution awarding contract for 3000 portable wooden chairs in accordance with plane and speci- fications and their bid to H. C. Boyeson Company at a price of $3.69 per chair; said chairs to be delivered not later than December let and to carry a five-year guarantee. 8e attach all bide in these matters. Yours vera truly, �AA 'IY�G IN? n/J City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CLERK FORM COUNCIL FILE RESOLVED That t a Oity 0ounoil hereby conours in the re00mteendation of the Auditorium Advisory ()omission and the architects, and awards the contract to Wm. Yungbauer dt 800e, in0• for 518001 more or less. upholstered opera seats under Alternate NO. 4, formal Bid 1b. 8695,: using it, Plywood backs and upholstered seats throughout, such chairs to be manufaotured by the Heywood -Wakefield 00mpeny, and to be equipped with Haywood-Bakefteld 110. 86 Paramount Publiz Rings, finish color of woods and upholstering to be in accordance with 00102 blocks furnished by the Superintendent of the Auditorium; such ohairl to be furnished and installed not later than December 1, 1931,: St-. a price of $4.56 each installed; the contractor to furnish a twat* year guarantee on said obairs, and providing that in iustallat ba all seats. shall be adjusted to compensate any irregularities the theater floor, all of which�bairs will be in accordance with`tbs. plans and specifications therefor, and in aeoordanoe with the bid of said.Zm. gbauer ► Sons, Inc. B= TURTM RZSOLVZD, That the Corporation Ooemsel is io2m of oor said the hereby instructed to draw up Proper nai { an •the' FeapaOendatlon, _ rfu�p • AdVleory Commfe- chairs •arahUeota and awards the 'Wm Yvngbraver & 8ona�. 'j9ti 0 moR W&1;eas uPhofeter' !. Ander Alternate N Y19wn r". ,J/, ll 't-� 8896 Ueln6 oleteb pest :r t , be ri'n6C:f � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy 1j7cDonaldor /Pearce Rosen ::�--------ASatnst hfr'PlEsttl4 er , - Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer Adopted by the Council -i7------------ MAYOR ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK U �1 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED �FS AUL OF9-EI FORM COUENCIL NO. 90607 FIL That the stmt of Two Hsmdred Fifty dollars ($250.00) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of Public Safety Fund 7-A-41 for the purpose of Paying„ the expenses of Thomas A. Browns Chief of Police of the City of St. Paul, to the International American Chiefs of Police convention at St. Petersburg, Florida, from October 12 to 16, 1931, and that the proper city officers are hereby directed to issue a warrant in said sum in favor of said Thomas A. Brown, Chief of Police; Said Chief of Police is one of the officers of said association and has been called upon not only to preside but also to deliver an address on a subject pertaining to police enforcement. -A i n �L DEAUTV GTV romprROLtBR � �co �i4 -LZ COUNCILMEN Yeas /Con'r'oyy .407 nald /Pearce / Rosen Mr cs'Pi Nays/ -------- J __In favor --- — ------------ . Against e i rt �!" Adopted by the CounciL4GT------4--- WL -19.----- PPr ..------'- - MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITVT. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFIITY CLERK /OU�V9IL RESN—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, on the 7th day of January 1931, Elmo Christianson, a laborer, was injured while doing work for the City, the said Elmo Christianson having been paid wages at the rate of $21.60 per week, payable in groceries or coal, by the Board of public Welfare, and WHEREAS, the State Industrial Commission, on the 28th day of September 1931, decided that the City of St. Paul, and not the" Board of Public Welfare, should pay compensation to this man, in the amount of $57.60, being for four weeks disability, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Elmo Ohristianagn the sum of #57.60, said sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas % Nays/ Conroy McDonald ----\a---In favor p rce Rosen. _/":0_Ii�gainst $edgier Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer Adopted by the Council OCT 6 Ap° ------ ----- ------ -------------------- MAYOR Council File No....... _.... 9OYoa7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __-__-_Repair.._sidewalk-_on_:the--_east-,_side of Albert _Avenue, beginning 82 feet north of Grand Avenue, thence north 12-feet, beginning .....................................-- --- - ------• ----------------------------------------- ------...... � ee kle]c..x?orth+ - h ce._north.-10 -feet- ................................................... .......... ...... -........... ................................................................ •-----------------............. --- ----------- 6th October, 1931. Datedthis ----- ......... of------------ ----............--................... , 192 -------.----.--.._..... .. .......--'........._. �. ttgn pKouuosai for Thee ultowing improv8ment,,l Id sw9ilt on the `enst blde.;ut:yl tglal{!ng 88 18et nprth -or�� '�oaco aorth 218 toe4 � be-: �xr.':rarther portp .them ,, �. �..v1ag �baon yresentea (y^ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: m _--._-.-_Repair-_sidewalk- on _east side of Albert Avenues beginning ............. feet__no�th of Grand_Avenue,-_thence north 12-feet,_beinning 26_.feet...Earth-Qx .wroth,....then -P e..nprth..?-Q._feet ------ ....................................... ...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......................... ........... ------ ............ ---- --•-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To, furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . Adopted by the Council- ................................ _..V1iT ----- ----- I3 1 YEAS NAYS Councilman @BkWW=9 CONROY - `N"kr'— APpr ed ............... --OCT-- --- ......--- r jjj@MVAff= mmDoxALD YEAFtCE qpw�ROSE-,4 W_..... {"q ............ ...................... .................................... ..._......... _. , ''``'' per sy�� Mayor. F.—CA 18-(2M 2q7,. Vice Pres. Sudheimer - Council File No ..... .......10 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Constructing__ driveway--_anti-.repairing-_sidewalk-_on--_the-_south___________________ side _of Edmund"treet--_beginninp,...44__feet._west._of Grotto _Streetx------ -thence__west-_18_fee.t.----------•----------------------------------•---..................... ------............---------•• ---------------- ---- .................••---.... --•--•---- - Dated this..... 6th........... day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ....,-Constructing- driveway-__and-_repairing-_sidewalk•._on_ the -_south.._.,___;..;.. _ side of Edmund Street beginning--_44_-feet-_west- of Grotto Street,,,---- ._ ................... thence west 18 feet. - .............:. ..................................... •--...---•----...._..---...---............................................... -------------- ......................................... -••----•----•-------•------------ ..........----------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............... .-------------------------------------- .----------------------------- _.:.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 101.'I's i 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 7 JW' Adoptedby the Council. ....................................................... ................... YEAS NAys Councilman C.) ROy zzf;i2:� 1 15TH Approved-ai�i)ovnr.0 , l 10E 119111122M fiUS r' •-•--• ...............-.-......._.._-....... M�-P�ees�,� Aatibg Mayor. vice Pres. F«rocA13(2AU) 3udheimec pIJBLIS* �� 90611 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of --- condemning_and- tnk—i_no an EasPmPnt-in_1:he_1anr1_n-Ca&Sa.ag_- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 53, Banning and Olivier's Addition to 'West St. Paul from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St., also grading Alley in Block 52, Lawton Bros. Addition from Wyoming St. to Winona St., rioN OF COUNCIL F[XING�I A OF:� BEARING - IN CONDffiX..: #ON :PROCEEDINGS. No: 90611 ?. ,..j e matter. of condemning and b n eaeementAw the land r " ie"cr eloDew code and fine ,ol of alley. in -Dawson'', J''�"dditloBlock bV $ n nllsl�t .. under Preliminary Order --------H9145--------, approved ------ Mag_13,_19.31------------- Intermediary Order -------------$98-20--------. approved__-_.Tu1_y-23-r-].93]---------------. Final Order --------------------- 9.0136--------- approved ------ Aug--21.,--19.31--------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it . Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ 4th _day of ------ November ------------ 19_31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ______�CT __7 -------------, 19____ y y ity Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- ------------------ ---------------- ---------- `_Conroy AeUng Mayor. Councilman/McDonjad Councilman Councilman Pea — Councilman INJUMM.,oRoses Councilmanti_:_ Councilman Mm 02 ✓ m, v;ra Pres. �,Idh91mer 9 6, 612 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND PIPING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of___condemning �d_t5111!}_ari_eri��n�eot 3u_tY_1ancLneriessary__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the following alleys in Block 6, Hayden Heights: the west north and south alley from Sherwood Ave to Lake Como -Phalen Ave., the east north and south alley from the east and west alley to Lake Como -Phalen Ave., and the east and west alley from the west north and south alley to the west line of Kaessl Subdivision, of condemning and tak-.' n;nt In the lend necessary -cute and fills 1n the grn0-�I _following alleys In Bbek Heights: the west uortt•? alley 'fromSherwood A, fno-Phalen'.., r- -1, ' under Preliminary Order-------$956`x---------r approved ----sLune_"-_l931------------- Intermediary Order ------------- a93a7---------r approved-----Jul-y-2,11--19,31 ------------- Final Order --------------------991-58-------- approved----- Aug---l-q-r-1931--------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement anti to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- ----- he_____-__ 4th ------- day of ---------- Roy-enbpr-------- 19__31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ---- OCT -------- 7i ---------------------- 19---- -------- --------- ----- y - � ------ '7 /� --- City Clerk. Approved --------------------- -----,19---- ------------------------------ ncumo Mayor. COURCIhnan Conroy `�� Councilman McDonald Pt1DLtSt�UCa Councilman 11W U Councilman Roam ce Councilman Councilman *fiery er— 4119A i4 - tdl_ V!,e i-rc_ �utl�w.imer 98613 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of___candemning-and to ino an -ea sement--in--th - -land -siec. aSa_ry__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 5, Lexington Park Plat 11, from Eleanor St. to Scheffer St., - ,o[ condemning and tak_ I "seat In the land. "T iA '% s, cuts and -aIle In t' !ley In Hlock 6, Leib 11.'frnm'Flwnnnnr- UM F�� under Preliminary Order ------ 81a40� _____-----, approved----- ---------------- Intermediary Order ----------- _951069.----------- approved ----- Aug- -lkr_1.KL---------------> Final Order __________________90469 ----------- approved___ SeQt._ 8,_ 1931__ ----__----__-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------ 4Ltb ------ day he-___----_-4th----__day of ----------- Ngyember____---, 19__31 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council____ 11UJ__-7 _^'_"________________, 19__-_ V U 7 at n., . Approved---------------------------- 19 ---- Councilman Conroy / Councilman McDonald Councilman Councilman Pearce Peart Councilman Councilman ��� ce Prete. ity Clerk. ---------------- -------------------------�►CU126 Mayor. OUOG14 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING WPM 0 THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_ �DridEllAlri�_sUld_akiTla ail_�aS�mQ11t_jA_t�]Q_ land_n@C�Bsar�_ for slopes, cuts and fills in the .3radin? of Alleys in elulliken's Addition from Juno St. to Niles Ave., and from Finn Ave. to the north and south alley, 69814 -- Etter of'condethe ar: '.easement In 11111" r'eloyee, cute he 11 } fromA7pe2yo St: 1toltt. the ., ', a11Z4dei4.141Mhr , ;, aDDroved' "'Y "' 1 pry OMHer "I"' aD1: �� 1. Final Order: 904 1981. e•IaC.::; under Preliminary Order ----- 89afia------------ approved- -Jaily_21.r-1931----------------- - Intermediary Order ----------90k3_1 ------------- approved-- Aug— -2F1>_1231_________________, Final Order ----------------- 951483------------- approved- fieP-t.-?42s,_1EaU----------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---------- Atb--day he______________4th-_day of ------- Noyemher------------ 19-31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. U 1, Adopted by the Council ----------- Sudheimef ------------- 19---- ------- ___Pity Clerk. ---------------------------------------------- Aeunp Mayor. F(jBL1SH Y,0_1 Approved -----------------------------,19--- - Councilman 'Councilman Conroy MCDona li Councilman Councilman 'MAW— Pearce Rosen Sudheimef ------------- 19---- ------- ___Pity Clerk. ---------------------------------------------- Aeunp Mayor. F(jBL1SH Y,0_1 Cul 0G15 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING2 ?DFREON AND FIXING TIME OF FEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of -_n onriemnino nri_ akin g_an_eaasmanv_iri_Lh�_l ilsl necessora __ for slopes, cuts and fills in the ?radine of La,vson Street from 1Yood— bridge Street to Gaultier Street, A :'t of. condemning and talc-, •U"•s.m.a cute t6adl dl e1n J.Ztrf ' c. to Gwaon St:. from �.1, °� c. to Gaultier at., under .Order -:89776, sPProve�•' d al•.v--Order•- ,. cortne taemr.: under Preliminary Order -------- EaU-a--------- approved__-__ _______________, Intermediary Order ------------- 9II991--------- approved ------ ug--Ia-- 1331_____-____-----, Final Order ---------------------03.73--------- approved ---- E•-�,--�9'zl--------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the__-_ Ath___._____day of ------- liamembar__-___----, 19_13, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_____ flCT -----------------, 19___- Approved----------------------------> 19 ---- Councilman Conroy Councilman Plcllonald Councilman S Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer Coundl File No .................. ........-------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing ourbing on both sides of Edmund St. from St. Albans St., under Preliminary Order -907A Intermediary Order .......... Final Order Waal approved....FebP 17#.1. ...............19.3.11. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BETHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................equal installments. i , Adoptedby the Council. ............. ............. ................. - ................ --............ 19 V Clerk. Mayor. 1:1�I.:�.�.11�SdJ OLl 90898 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment q!!_P .r.._9th..--'-- 19-_31 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Aax constructing curbing on both sides of Edmund St. from Grotto St. to St. Albans St., under Preliminary Order ........... 8.587.0 ...................... Intermediary Order.... ' ----87-9-7.9. ......................... Final Order - .8-8224 Feb. 17th, 19_31 .......,apProved.... .. --------------------------------...., To . the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $,.-._f>.08_, 00.--.--.... Cost of publishing notice . $..........4,.65.......... Cost of postal cards $.1 ............. . 9.3_ Inspection ..............93. --Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $......_A,.73........... Amount of court costs for confirmation $-........4� 65-.......... Engineering 132.35 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $....-783 3.4.............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nattiie'of thetsaid Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. �.�......... ..�...✓... �:' " Commissioner of Finance. Coune{1 File o----------------- ••-------- ---- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Wellesley Avenue from _ Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue,er ef,;the aaeese'ment ef, Date and ezpedsee for con- dcurbing oa both -side .of: iey Ave ,from Claveland Ave:- •r tin Ave under :Prelimlgar- 86888 dntermedlary pOrrr iYnal Order 6, ;ay 7147 i880. 1. hearin6 h -vl'- Neasment 4� under Preliminary Order ------.053-+3-3----.., Intermediary Order ----8.5—R76.......... Final Order. .._87147---_• approved ............... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inT_-•---_-.------_..-equal installments. d Adopted by the Council IIrTg- ----------/----------.1..9-..X-�7{ ,City Clerk. ............... G' ._-----7•.------------------, Mayor. ST iS? Mj ✓ �y�J/ Approved---------- ------------------------------------------- 19 Form B. B. 18 7' j - 90397 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -sept-* -9th-------------- 19.._31 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for](ZX constructing curbing on both sides of Wbllesley Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order ............ 8..5-3.3 ........................... Intermediary Order.." ....6 876 ------------------------------ Final Order-- ......._87147 ............................ approved..- -Oct28th-----..................................19.....30 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $...�.x2iQa.QQ......- Cost of publishing notice . $1 ............ 8._10 .. Cost of postal cards $..... 1.62 ....---------- Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $...--.....26.96--•---- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $-- _------ 8.10 .. -- ----1111 Construction Engineering 61...99 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $..12392.77_--__- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $1111. 1, 392.77 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is hereivith submitted to the Council for such fiction thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. 90G18 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of- _eondemning_and- taking.an- -ea eAmAnt_An- thaland_nec$asamy__- for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Reserve 8t. from Burns Ave, to a point 180 feet south of the south line of Burns Ave., also in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Mounds Park Addition from Reserve at. to a point 110 feet east of Reserve St., rot condemning meat.. in me; lat fT 89032--______ a M 5 1931 under Preliminary Order--------------- approved- a3___a_____---------- bee;;' ncTnrt� Intermediary Order --------------- Meg --------- approved_ July_ 21,_ 1931____----__' Final Order ____________________ 90127________, approved__ d1Ag-uet__18j--1931-----_____---- A public bearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ;�S�iE1FdFt1I�l¢396�1�>�]tkSAEAH3IDmdx13A[gad7i4[29�1416k1dy[7flk&�>IS1i���8�$z�big Ed[=XXXXa2"asixffiixxxaixp miiimoadk rbd*mntm Adopted by the Council __OCT 8 City Clerk. Approved ---------------------- 19---- ---- ---------- --------------------- Councilman CDED[$7C - Mayor. . OOIITOy � / Councilman-NiMap CouncilmanM3lS /McDonald 1 CouncilmanVAEUx /Tearce (� ! Councilman l6IIdx IWsen Councilman ndimewumC Audhelmer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of_oondemning and taking_an_easement -in -the _land neceseary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Reserve St. from Burns Ave. to a point 180 feet south of the south line of Burns Ave., also in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Mounds Park Addition from Reserve St. to a point 110 feet east of Reserve St., under Preliminary Order---- 89032____, approved----------- Mai*_ 5 L_ 1931 ------------------- Intermediary Order --------- 8V_a6$ -- approved ------------ July_21}_19,3.1----------------- Final Order --------------- 901 7----, approved ------------ AU9Uf t_Ua_19U-------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -----------l- - � 4 Commissioner of Finance. F RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of .... Qn@puLiug_-ausi_taking-all-eaeatnent _in_iha-land_neBeasgT�t- for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., under Preliminary Order --------a9ja3---------' aPProved-Mag-16t--193"x------------------' 21 approved-JUlY- Intermediary Order ------------ �9 5� ___ 1931. Final Order -------------------- ------------------ 901$---------- aPProved_I13bl�at- 18�----------------------- ng and lands or easements A publiceabove hearing im'rro ement and been had upon he awardslof damages condemnation herefor, and also upon the assessment therein, for the abo P now therefore be it of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, and condemnation of the ]ands described in the annexed reof95 essment Resolved, That the taking and the roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part awards of damages to the owners of such la nds assessment roll, be and the same is hereby n all f respeor cts sratified and coking and firmed. condemnation set forth in said further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects Resolved ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $i�4E7f89tHaEX1�7����00�x1�ac7n8d[atr39[3tso7e19Cxleb��� xSACEEx7Cx]ULx KX0L bsxa9C*CC]Pl[9a]CD7k biAdC119 DG Adopted by the Council----�T---- ----- — ------ C�- %G>� � - Clerk. - --------,19---- Approved------------=--- Mayor. ("puncilmanWzx y Conroy „_.,,K ,wrw f'i Councilmanzkwoom MMcDonald Councilman anx Pear ce Counncciilman j Roseu mer Councilman? Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESS31ENT OF BENEFITS a In the matter Of___aondslaninB_and- tE&Wg- an eaaawnt_ a_ tJaa _l and- negaaBfLrY- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., under Preliminary Order__ 89183----__ approved---------- Ma1'-16,_ 19311 ------------------ Intermediary Order ------ l98P------- approved---------- July_ 21�_ 1931 _________________ Final Order ------------- 90152----- approved---------- kuzu- p t-19 --1931:-------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------- -,./ _- --- Commissioner ✓Tl__Commissioner of Finance. -- - 00620 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__nandamninvg-and _taking._an_ easement -in -the _land_=eB ELrYC__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block S, Cloverdale from Frank St. to the east line of Lots 7 and 24, '1k.t¢r �of.':cohdetetllt . d ."Mont 1 --:the under Preliminary Order ----- AMU ------------ approved ___ -July_ 14,__1931_______________, ^- 9 71 Jul 29 1931 Intermediary Order ---------- 8 -9------------- approved--------y------------------------- FinalOrder-----------------90237---------- approved ---- Aug'--26L_1931.-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. B9[I�MiFx7�i4911X91� 7�3t§l�[itlFx�'tlk fi�t�FR�7bJF7�Jdx�k�ufUdDG]t0b8Xf�>Io�7aAecbCffic�t7�7C�t9C zx xx xx-xxnl[C kx=W acmxmx4t'xkxxcwksfxi 9d7dG'=Ib1G4tftz=. Adopted by the Council -----�T_--R_--------------, j? 7 If City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- �= ----- ------------------------- Mayor. Councilman 6=%K Conroy Councilman ffi>9ME May E" m ,}„ " J�_��Z Councilman XxRxmmid Mo onald Councilman 12eB¢= Pearce Councilman R&UMh[ Rosen Councilmamdll %Xhi ea Sudh e i me r Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of__ F4ndS1AA1l16_l�F!$_ t�akng_ @asemgt_ in_ thy_ land_ necessary for slopes, cuts,and fills in the grading of Alley in Block Q, 01overdale from Frank St. to the east line of Lots 7 and 24, under Preliminary Order______flB814__, approved -------------- July_l4,_19$L______________ Intermediary Order ---------- 69971__ approved -------------- Jul1(_29,_1931--------------- Final Order ----------------- 90237__ approved -------------August 26_1931._____ ------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- a of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------------�1 Commissioner of Finance. 4)6621 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__aandemning and_takin_g_an_easement_in_the_land_neceeeary__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 7, Hayden Heights from Sherwood Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen A� Ftim t�a�nf �nndmm�ina and talo ��ry for Flo o�, outs an kn�a� Al A�: �, A 1111, " ��suing h91p.. cor,,,ur;'.rw)' 89185---------- approved_May_ 16, _1°31 ------------------ under Preliminary Order_______-- -- Jul 21, 1931 Intermediary Order ---------- 89872 ------------ approved___-- y ------1931-----------------' _qqk ved- approved_ August 18, 1931. ------------ Final Order ------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. B0C�t7mo0t1$DEA]?�ki9��E91C6C;tlE7�lIdC7d371'!g�' i73�� �C7jb]UC�3 �A9C8AAEP,®Eli71�ECe1[E11C7B�1>d7�'IibEd��7[. 19,---- Adopted by the Council _ V CT ---$ --- 1939 ----------- - - G/tom 22, C City y Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- -------------------------------- --------- Mayor. Councilman Cdr ✓Conroy IZ Councilman:' l�&y Councilman 390MId MCDonald CouncilmanXDLWMx /pear0e Councilman $fix / Rosen /Councilman a n[Ed= udheimer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter ofooridemning and_taking_an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hayden Heights from Sherwood Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave., under Preliminary Order ----- 89180--_, approved ------------May- 16,--1931------------------ Intermediary Order ---------$987___, approved------------ 1---------__ Final Order ---------------- 90129__-, approved ------------ 18�_ 1931. ------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------,J--/c --I� .JCB-- Commissioner of Finance. 98622 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__9ondemning and taking._an_easement-in -the -land _necea_eary___ for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 1, Galarneault's Addition, from Macalester Ave. to Underwood Ave., under Preliminary Order -------- @.9413--_______- approved_Jl P--a,-19.x1,-._________________, Intermediary Order _____________$9957 ______--, approved_July__81, _1931- ______-___-__-_- Final Order -------------------- 99162--___----, approved-AugusS _l ii_193)L-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,�and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. >CYC[�xthBexBes>�¢Adc7d�tixid�e[aaiat�se�e[at�d[hexa¢xbcitx>7ixlg�cded�tet�EOt�E�ig7[� x�xxxlCx7[ x �yE&�iif� �iii�id[34iE�7� x967Cb�x�gt�76E dB3G[7i�E�t![Ar�ih3 Adopted by the Council __0C I g , City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- >= -------- ------------------- Councilman CM*S C Conroy Mayor. Councilman NALIMM May Councilman 1=MXaa McDonald eC #�.: _ 1%�.• / Councilman 8iiiax Pearce Councilman X4MM Rosen Councilman 54= 102 SUdheimer Mayor m 9040, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESS117P:NT or RT'v !?FIT'S In the matter of --- 49AdD=JJ19-and_-taking-an_-ea.aement-1n_ tha-land-mecessasy for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 1, Galarneault's Addition, from Macalester Ave. to Underwood Ave., under Preliminary Order-_ 89411-----_, approved ----------- June -2,_1931 ------------------- Intermediary Order ------ 89892------- approved ----------- JUIS-21t-1831------------------ Final Order ------------- 90162----- approved----------- -------------- ------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------- Q�s 1---�-�/"L- -(/jr Commissioner of Finance. 90623 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__candemningBnd__taking-an-easement__fnx_ths_gurpoaa_ct______ constructing and maintaining a public sewer in, under and through the easterly B ft. of Lot 4, Block 1, G&larneault's Addition from Scheffer Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot, osa� F Lter of.. ondempJag and tak a emeat for g purpo4 of'1 r agdiytna7ntatatag a pub e j C der and. through th' +- Lot under Preliminary Order -------- 39413 -------- approved- June 2=_ 1931:_ ----------------- Intermediary Order ------------- 89-Q$8---------- approved_JJUly 21,•,__19$1__________-----_, Final Order ____________________94,16--------- , approved- Auvist -199,-1931. -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. x2aiMtmikx,xfta=krd;xtlbsbC mCaacXMXX'q¢er9ld�exma[tCidatisxha�yx7d0tBmIIin®itSail a EEGE xI%axxltimzx*W =AtM57S&1tKMLX l6xxzcAxX1Xa==it =ElfiM OCT 8 W Adopted by the Council --------------------------------, 19,____ C1 City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19 ---- ------------------------- Mayor. Councilman PX11MXX Conroy Councilman FK=NmxZ5z9& Map pUBI I9fiED1Q % Councilman fi�CSE>1Gltrt MO onald Councilman ftimacR3M— Pearchoses j Councilman E.al�ffidtx oxen CouncilmaixAmdd7aCkm Sudheimer Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF l3rr!'FIT9 In the matter of_�QAdflmtllAB_>�Ad_t�ki�nB_an_eaeement_for_t he-pur-Pose_of___ constructing and maintaining a public sewer in, under and through the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 4, Block 1, Galarneault's Addition from 8cheffer Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot, under Preliminary Order --------_-8-Z approved ----------- 1T11D-O -2 - 1911 -1 ------------------ Intermediary Order -------------- 8989$approved ----------- July- 21-L-193LL_-_______------- Final Order-------------------- %BB approved -----------Ail @t__1_9�_ 1931. -------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------- -� Commissioner of Finance. ` CO v r1j try PRESENTED BY COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE //OA�F CITY CLERK FRTSol TION—GENERAL FORM NO.�: RESOLVED That the BO !>t/©S water onjWmesioners be and it is hereby authorized to entar iata an agreement with Joe Cook, providing for the payment 'of 0amX3" s scion to him at the rate of #17.80 per. week during such time am heft shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received bt him while in the employ of said Board on the 82nd day of Septemlm4ftr ., 1931; be it FURTS$R RESOb'V13M, That in accordance with said agreement, said Board of Rater tTonmaissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Joe Cook the meas oS $23.48 out of the Tater Department Fuad, in final settlement oar hie claim against said Board, being for the period to and 1na3Lno5-2 — October 7th, 1931. COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy / May McDonald _____— Pearce 'osen , dheiracr / Mr. President Br cUiet OCT 8 e Adopted by the Council ---- _----------- k - _.________k- ' Approve ' - 1 ' `-----------19 - -- MAYOR COUNCILORI CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Y f�fCl OINAL TO CITY CLEAN - ., OFFICE OF ITY CLERK C UNC ESOL ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE ' .OMMISSIO N ER city officers be and they are hereby author- RESiULVEDy that the proper ized to enter into an agreement with Leonard Voyer, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employe of the Department of Public Works, on the lith day of September 1931; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Leonard Voyer the sum of $43.20 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including 0Wtober 4, 1931. Dk• 0A. OCT °Y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council __..___-_----------- -----19_--- Yeas Nays i �onroy 01-T Ip May APPro ----`----i -_-_------------19------ McDonald ----------- In favor ---- --------- -'Pearce Rosen /� MAYOR $udheitner ✓ Mr. President Bundlie FILE L NO. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF//CITY CLERK (--,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,;�ED lmat the sssignaent to the City of Saint Paul by the firet $ational Haar of St. Paul, of 'United States fourth Liberty Loan Bonds of the value of Two JU2.11on, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000-00), ohioh said assignment is dated October 7th, 1931, approved by the 81-1u ng Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. COUNCILMEN yea, Nays nroy May "McDonald ---------- In favor Pearce '/�32osen _-_ _-__-Afainst Sudheimer President Bundlie OCT t9Jr Adopted by the Council -___.____._____.__.___. o,t a . Appro 7- We- --------------- - -------- -- - ------------- ----'-----'------ ----------------- MAYOR COUNCIL • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF CITY CLERK y!� CL RESO GENERAL FORM Cl PRESENTED BY. DAT 1 COMM ISSIONE f yPgEgg, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and public Buildings has repoBrtedktoo'thEe Council�R.eteaSe ondrAddition, house located on Lot 19, condemned also known as eTo s6condltion as 2 East Acker torwarrant its being conded1laPmned and ., g therefore, be it and t0 ; RESOLVED, that a public hearingashpbll a ha Upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the 2nd day of November 1931, at ten o'clock Ain�the nCity of gt11 Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, Paul, ,Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the CommiseLoner .Of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings shallast addressthe last , Or to record owner of said property, at property, a notice stating the the agent or occupant of said of said hearing, and he shall time, place and nature or P to be given by one publics also cause a notice of such hearing City of St. Paul, said tion 1n the official newspaper,�,_„ piQP days prior to the notice to be published date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Conroy i' May,i jMcDonald I In favor Pearce /.Rosen __--Against S%dheimer 4 lie /Mr. President Btmcl i / Adopted by the council __-0��------- -19 ----------- -------------�------- 19--- f - Approv` - /t_ ____ ______MAYOR Y iClyde R MaY - ea 6lbea a aDpllea --%W28 �„r 2 irLmenO at PArke Plar —�d-ii Mil i'. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _� CITY OF ST. PAUL n vbLLo SulldlpQa for par NO.— Wl+r 9 eDnth: � . qttab' roto th6 borth alder OFFICE OF CITY CLERKaPelhemsz apn ad Dartnlabloa was depl�d. _ ��EN that the loaatlpn to IL RESO LD+ �C 'ERf Sea la to be moven 1• /1 /eJ r � SAS, Agnes Albee made application to the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for permission to move a house from the south side of Myrtle street to the north side of Myrtle street at Pelhem street; and Iff AS, Said permission was denied an the ground that the location to which said house is to be moved is within the fire district of the City of Ste Paul; and WESMS, The said applicant thereupon made application under Section 5-1, Paragraph (f) of the Building Code, for per- mission to move said house to said point within the fire district, and whereas, the Commissioner of Parks, playgrounds and Public gnil4i-nga,,and the Commissioner- of ftblic Safety hays reported that the moving of said structure to said proposed location will not materially increase the fire hazard therein; therefore, be it _f_=0LVED, That the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and they are hereby authorised to issue a permit: to said Agnes Albee for the moving of said structure; provided, how- ever, that the permit shall be granted upon the condition that said building shoal be removed at any time that the Council, by a majority vote, may determine. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy i May / McDonald -_.____. In favor Pearce /Rosen -____Against Sudheimer /Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council--4GT------ 8_--19--- Appred------ --------------- --------------------19 - -'- - ---- ------- --`- ----- _.--.---------------- '— MAY Viz: , Cioty of Saint Paul OFfice of City Clerk NIKE J. GIBBONS, qty Oak HAROLD J. RIORDAN and Comminiona of Registration CLARENCE'`' STORMS Chid Clvk.Oty Clerk Chicf Geh• Rcsen.uon October 6th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith all papsrs in the matter of the application of Mrs. Agnes Albee for per- mission to move a house from the south side of Myrtle Street to the north side of Myrtle Street at Pelham Street. The Council today granted this per- mission and referred the matter to your department for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, R / / / City Clerk. CLYDE R. MAY GO,, ,,,StiifO HCR =_M.; _ J. B/1R'f9CNmt D{.YTY COY YI..ION[N CITY OF SAINT PAUL `g DCPMTM6NT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND.PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OP COMMISSIONER 219 CITY "ALL 6®D N ar m FANF.ST W.. JOHH NSON.H, Ow ,uYOMIRmI CH . A. pASSAOHD. CaT 11MNRHLT .war •woos Ntw crtT xYt wro co.a�rr s-�.o�s� September 30, 1931. C i Hon. Co��r= r city o� --� av1 Gentlemen—> = J Attached please find City Clerk's file on the ap- plicatio— -c==* _JE� Mrs Agnes Albee. who asks for permission to J/ move a V=21- e from the south side of Myrtle to the north side o:C' at Pelham Street. This lady applied for a permit office and was refused as the new location is locate 33rx t -1--e Fire Limits District of the city. Section —_W _,EE5. ---a O, paragraph b of the building code states: "ITQ t shall be granted for the moving of any fr EEEBW wilding or structure from outside of the F':S- '— ::F-- IT TT+; t s t o within the Fire Limits." However s e c t ion 5-1, paragraph f., of the building code reads � it appears that the construction of a one st m� game building will not increase the fire the Council, by a majority vote, may author- iy -fie issuance of a permit therefor within the 3c:>3strict upon such terms and conditions as it se e ZWEEM11- 3t: ; provided, however, that such structure or bxM_­W ---7W ; xig aha X be removed at any time that the Coun- ci sy a ma joz•ity vote, so elects - Mr s lects.Mrs. n_ -s -EEmmw 8 : s application was, therefore, made in accordance with ­ L oa 5-1, paragraph f, of the building code. It is our op--'qF ora tYsat. the fire hazard will not be increased and #2 recommend that the Building Department be authorized to issue a permit on receipt of the proper plans. We believe, however, that the matter should also be referred to the Fire Department for a report. Yours ry tr ly, ommission�, City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, city avis HAkOLD J. RIORDAN and Commiulona of Rtg6hitlon CLARENCE A. STORMS Chief Clerk -City Clerk Chief CI.A. Resjmfte September 29th, 1931. Hon. C. S. May, , Comair of P.P. & P. Bldge., Building. Dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith application of Mrs. Agnes Allies for permission to move a house to the rear of 726 Pelham Street, facing on Myrtle Street. This matter was referred to you today, by the Council, for investigation and report. Very truly yours, QQD� __ City Clerk. THE I S i'. Aus 1-7 Sz' P 29 1931 xl, IL t tv of Saittt Paul Depurttuent of ilublit 0ufety TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A. BROWN CHILI OF POLICE B. F. SIMON, M. D. GEORGE C.SUDHEIMER.COMMISSIONER HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. SIEGEL. DDINI-1 COMMISSIONER -NOWN: October 5, 1931 Mr. M. g. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith report of inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention on the application of Mrs. Agnes Albee for permission to move a house to the rear of 726 Pelham Street, which would be located 60 feet from the present dwelling and facing Myrtle Street. O W EN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF JOSEPH A. MACAULAY, SUFI. POLICE& FIRE ALARM Very t yours LGL, Co saio of c Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 3rd 1931. Hon.Geo.C.Sudhelmer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,ginn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Mrs.Agnes Albee for permission to move a house to the rear of 726 Pelham pStreet, which would be resent located feet from the dwelling and facingMyrtle Street, We have investigated the foregoing and report the the moving of this house to its new location would not increase the fire hazard. Respectfully yours. Chief Inspector. City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Oak '1 -"OLD -R iMOLD J. RIORDAN and Commintonsr of RssiNnmon Och;70RM5 lma.dW.uo. chief oak -city oak September 29th, 1931. Hon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Cometr of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Commissioner: Application was made today by Mrs. Agnes Albee for permission to move a house to the rear of 726 Pelham Street, which would be located at least 60 feet from the present dwelling and facing Myrtle Street. As this property is located in the fire zone, the matter was referred to your depart- ment for report. Very truly yours, City Clerk. COUNCIL ;fj�; 9 oaloleeLro clrr cLsnK - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.__-_��isr--v�- OFFIG CITY CLERK O I OLU N—GENERAL FORM - �✓G!/J YL�G1,`- DATE_ October 82 19551 4EINTEDNiaa-le SSIO RESOLVED 1 TYiat �� pC Ql1e ]hand=ed Dollars ($100.00) be and the same is hereby approp+r:jA-tgc oat o� I cl 7-A-4 for the purpose of sending Harry H. Wetter - `Satz Sai W Cosaxzcil convention in Ohieago, Illinois, from October 12 to 16, 7981 v +s<� c3 tltsat -bbim proper city officers are directed to draw a warrant in favor of Qs a a XWgs, �,- W_ Wattargven in the sum of $100.00. COUNCf LM E iV Yeas I�TaS�s '/Conroy May i McDonald ____In favor Pearce / Sudheimer �Mr. Presiclea Adopted by the Council ---------- OCT ------ --tt iRj ----' Approved--- – -- i t A - _---- MAYOR COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO crtr cLenK. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. IC CITY CLERK OU OLUTI GENERAL FORM �COMMISSEONER DATE October 71 1951 WHEREAS, applications for licenses have been made as follows: Joseph Murray 1786 University Av. Gasoline Filling Station Appl. 2649 E. J. Mellin, Jr. 207 Bates Av Restaurant " 2645 Hiss J. W. Anderson 286 Laurel Av. Restaurant " 2754 Prank Kendall 951 Arcade St. Confectionery " 2504 WHEREAS, said applioanta have withdrawn applications 2649, 2645, 2754, and the Bureau of Health recommends denial of confectionery application for license 2504; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Joseph hurray the fee of $55.00 and cancel application 2649 for Gasoline Filling station license; to refund to E. J. Hellin, Jr. the fee of $10.00 and cancel application 2645 for Restaurant license; to refund to Miss J. W. Anderson, the fee of 110.00 and cancel application 2754 for Restaurant license; and to refund to Frank Kendall the fee of $10.00 and cancel application 2504 for Confectionery license. COUNCILMEN OCT Yeas ,. Nays Adopted by the Council ____________---- -_--------19_------ --"Conro y �+ P May OCTCG C. McDonald _In favor APPro d._ _-------- _-__-_------- Pearce /Dsen .-----�=—Against -- ----------'------------ / / MAYOR 'dheimer Mr. President Bundlie COUNCIL O.A=� Atl CITY OF ST, PAUL FILE 1 N ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFF OF CITY CLERK ESOL N—GENERAL FORM ATc Ortob 7 l9Rl .'PRESENBY COMMISSIO TED NER OU RESftY&D S, applications to operate auto caTe for hire upon the streets Of the City of St. Pauly have been made as follo$03 Co. Name make Motor No. Serial H° State License Insurance (Taxicab) iac P-821507 718157 B-483-561 IYidReat 1Eatusl(Livery) Frank 0. DeMarre PontBrick 2246843 2167672 B-77-275 ^ John Talt9 said applicants have filed �S, in accordance cd tli Ordinance Ho. ?321and said policies have been copies of insurance poliCorporation mitre iionCCounselgy Of ttherefore,' Paul' be it approved as to form by the Corpo RESOLED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby treatsauthorOf to issue such licenses to said applicants to operate auto cars upon the streets of the City of St. h ulplicenses subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Conroy May % McDonald -- --In favor Pearce _ Against Rosen Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_____ aCJ----- ® ( get Approv --------'-19---'- - - --------- ------------ ------ - MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COU RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL IFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL w FIV I L;E C). Oct. 8, 1931 That the grade of Alley in Block 2, Gilbert's Greenway Court, from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby iadopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays �onroy May /McDonald _._-_-In favor -' Pearce n Ilosen / _-_____0-___ Against Sudheitner /Mr. President Bundlie i �C 8eao1'Pba TbatF,x�b"MllMlt Bpe y "yy )oolt;8 `adbdk-rc Qttle��,(n�.�Fi'Din `� on sygaloafe +iveuae to ne;a4eaue in °L' ID `tivlth:epe yed skade 11ae ,I fle oeomple$d /p$ pr'vd'e� Ynd ✓ht I FubLd Works y 2ba Cwdta)seldher of _r� by sdo ted "'� "aPd thb seme'ile'her6 D ee th"e'e@teblished Mopted by (ke"Couaoll Oat, 8�ggy ,� ADDrioved Ocf. g, 198E (Oot._18-1881) OCT 8 fi Adopted by the Council --- ._---- _----- __----__.___19____ --------- NT q ". Approved --- -- ..+-.�-�--19 - d. a. .. ..� • '. ..� r4b. COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ME NO._._....._ « — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IrAouNCIL RESO—GENERAL FORM� VENISTSEIDOER DATE RESOLVED VHEMS,'The Commissioner of Public Works has re- ported to the Council, in accordance With Soction 53 of the City Charter, the c.:istencc of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes.of his Department for more than tight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employ- mcnt: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named cm- ployos at tho rate othcrriao fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of i. Bates, Carl D. Tract.DriveV Putnam, Fred Sub -Foreman Sullivan, John F. Com.Lab. Steinberg, Max Mtc.Lab.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays G"""� 11 / 'McDonald In favor Su�eiemer Againat wwaii Mr. PresidentIitdnft 1 Adopted by the Council—XI-8 Appro _192 - MAYOP i An emergency has arisen in the DEPARTP= OF .PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Repairing sewers, tunnels and streets. This emergency arose by reason of the folloring facts and circumstances: Emergency repairs to streets, sewers and tunnels caused by recent heavy gain. C01gt2IS5I0NFR OF PUBLIC �FIORitS TO C �`. os `8$63tr 9Q - ['TY Or SAfHT PAUL .- OTICE .gee6vPd 'FAai oL1�r+abysk-`aOa - 90 PRINTER tgii,70 Treull R.- ifs A ,o ni of,�{Wig;$ �:s�x� - fiL RESQLUTIONcouyci� PILE No. pet'ohehicqrwd oS^flite. Ad3Pte by itha C:anp�'afY.��f.t�" Z9$Yt �QtiObOT Arotlt'�S <Q-t. aia-isaz3' _ _ 19_ RE$O'LVED, THAT CHECKS E3M DR^"IM - ON i' �HE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 3 ,66s 2 OF$ %COVERING CHECKS N9JME3JM E22189 TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITYgum CpMgi F2pL,L,ER. T ®C ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - 19. 'APPROVED Or. 19•' \ IMIY N0. W ,Y Y-4 •b BY r i l John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. Fin. -� 22081 John H. McDonald, C. of DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..___-__-_�i-''_'____ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL , CONROV 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY MCDONALD ------ --- IN FAVOR ____�O tO� r _�______ ._-_.___-- _ 1 9 AUDITED CLAIMS PEARCE ROSEN �h AGAINS RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE TREASURY. S UDHEIMER .AGAINST ---_V --- VVVV ,C,^ITY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S---- - IIIG MR. PRES. BU NDLIE INCLUSIVCOVH BE ' AS -{�/�/}�I _ +��+} (((NNN PER CHECKSMO NIFII�f`�1'YMr TOILE OF YfM•Y COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL________:_--- - -------------- YL N .. �t APPROVED ------ ----- J - MAYOR ... ___�__—--------- _ --- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS {VIII CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 441 848161 IM G+30 i 22080 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. Fin. 1 580' 1 9911 22081 John H. McDonald, C. of 22082 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7 2271. ; 22083 Charles Stewart 4 3�1 906! 22084 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22085 John R. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 11 6 5981 987: 22086 Wm. Baumeister Construction o. 22087 George Thompson 57i 22088 John Wistroell 601 366'' 22089 Griggs, Cooplbr & Company 22090 Griggs, Cooper & Company 10291 601 22091 Griggs, Cooper & Company 16, 22092 22093 Philip Young John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 70' 22094 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Oompazy 309' 22095 Corning—Donohue Company,Inc. 51' 22096 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 77' 22097 Capital City Roofing & Corni a Wks. 7 097'. 22098 Leonard 0. Seamer 10 275'', 351' 22099 Feyen Construction Company 21 22100 Anchor Baking Company 22101 Anohor Baking Company 22102 S. Berglund Lumber Company 469' 22103 Capital Ice & Fuel Company 37 22104 Concord Steam Laundry 25 22105 Go -Operative Photo Supply Oo 129, 761 22106 Crescent Creamery Company 22107 ! A.B. Dick Company 49': 22108 General Elea. Supply Corporation 36 22109 Quincy A. Hall 1251 22110 ` Theo. Hamm brewing Company 22111 `'' Howard—Farwell & Company 1 zi 22112 Jacks Mfg. Company 46 22113 Kenney—Miohaud Agency, Inc. 22114 Peilen & Peilen 10 438! 22115 ',' H. Peltz & Son 2401 22116 Ray—Bell Films, Inc. 22117 Rex Linen Supply Company 31 22118 Rex Linen Supply Company 22119 St.Paul Bottling Company 1211 6 ® 22120 22121 St,Paul Builders Material Oo St.Paul Machine Works Z3'. 0' 22122 St.Paul Milk Company 22123 St.Paul Milk Company 105'. 22124 St.Psul Milk Company 391 22125 St.Paul Sanitation Company 58 68, 22126 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Co. 22127 Sanitary Bottling Company 328, 22128 Sanitary Bottling Company 523 46 22129 Singer Candy Company 7 416! 22130 Standard Oil Company 47 22131 White Ice & Fuel Company SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 441 848161 IM G+30 i 4` F [Y I 'I a i ; 4` F [Y I 'I 1 lop T DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE OUNCIL FNO.___ --------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL, CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROY MAY 7 --- T'N FAVOR McDONALD ----- AUDITED CLAIMS ------------------ 04atGbsr --- 9 -------- 19-31- PEARCE ROSEN ----- ___AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHE MER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5---___ 14, -95,5-93, COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE 0C!T CHECKS NUMBERED-_-..- 08 ----- F INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILEA 0 COMPTROLLER. ,OUNCIL_ ----------- �j ADOPTED BY THE ------------- I�ILI ......... -------- APPROVE -------- ----------- r� ---- ------- -- -------- C_1;�_ZONPTRWEER MAYOR BY TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 22132 Davis Basbefkin 22133 :i John E. McDonald, C. of Fina 33 00 1 453191 22134 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 397'26 2213 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 22132 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fina 7 03 150 22137 O'Neil & Preston, Inc. 522r92 14j08 22138 O'Neil & Preston, Inc* 1834 22139 Ablberg Bearing Company 22140 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Oompany 62154 22141 American Book Company Company 3 489115 13,10 22142 American Bulb 221433 American City Magazine Corporation 100 20140 22144 Amerioan Faint Amerioan Prison Assooiation 221451 3 00 122146 Amerioan Steel & Wire Company 253100 50!10 22140 Anohor Paper Company 22148 Aebe0tos ProdUotO Corporation 7121 22149 Go As Ashton Company 21 22150 A8800iatlDn P1088 2 Aqstin4e8tern Road Va0hinery 00, 19R 122151 22152 Automotive Service Company 77 193 22153 'Barrett Battery Company 210 945 22154 Bartles Minnesota Company 22155 Beebe LaboTat0rieS,1110, 2;00 22156!'Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc* 183;35 I 22157 : Bowen & Sons 852 1 22158 F,J. Brings & Company 91125 22159 Brookings Institution 2115 22160 Buckie Printers Ink Company i75 22161 '•!Burroughs Adding Machine CompRny 1625 66 �22162 The Calhon Paint Company 38 22163 Aampbell,Coal Company 50 1 I Envelope Company 22164 Capita. 7 i50 22165 Capitol Melding & Mfg.Compan7' 00 x,16159 22166 Central S:ientifio Company 1 22167 Chicago Apparatus Company 1 22168 'Chicago, Burlington & Q0.00. :75 22 .12 22169 Chicago Flower Growers&Ino. 4 zo 22170 Chicago,, St.Paul# Mpls* & O.IR70000 2 , 2 8,16 .22171 Cleveland Container Company 47 !13 22172 lI J.B. Clow and Son '2217 Goohran-Sargent Company 67 i57 22174 Goohran-Sargent Company 59 75 22175 coobran-Sargent Company 38'99 11 617 i22176 Columbia University Press 26 122177 Carol Cox Book Company 10 2 40 22178 s Coward# McCann, Inc. 'The Crane Company 248131 22179 1 170 22190 Dainty Products Company 20124 22181 M. Dalglish 1;22182 Dearborn Chemical Company Company 61 54 33, 12212 Adam Decker Hardware 2 50 :1221 Del Auto Radiator Company x'22185 (Devoe and Reynolds Oompany,Inp. 2171 5 '00 22196 F. D. Dickinson L22187 Dist. State Boiler Inspector 15 00 22198 Drewry & Sons Company 83 30 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 456 so& 4 1. 4130 ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK CITY ST. PAUL FI ENCIL NO.�U0D OF ICE O CI LERK ::�> COUNC E N—G AL FORM I PRESENTED BY DAT COMMIBBI,ONER WHERMi HY ouSWIM' ?ole No. 90606, adopted October 7, 1931, the Ooonoil on red in the recommendation of the Auditorium Ad- visory Commis oa sad the architects and awarded the contract for 5,800, more or less, upholstered opera seats for the new Auditorium to Wm. YulmgbRuer & Sons, Ino., said opera seats to be manufactured by the Heywood -Wakefield Company; and WHEREAS, It appears that Wm. Yungbauer & gone, Ino. was Mere- ly the selling agent of the Heywood -Wakefield Company for the pur- pose of putting in a bid for the Heywood -Wakefield Company, and was not authorised to enter into a contract for the delivery and Install- ation of said seats; therefore, be it REBOLUD, That the Council hereby awards the contract to the Heywood -Wakefield Company at the same price and subject to the ease conditions as embodied in the award of contract to Wm. Yuingbouer & Bons, Inc., and subject to the further condition that if said con- tractor does not furnish and install the said opera chairs not later than December 1, 1931, there shall be imposed a penalty of One Hundred Dollars per day for each and every day after December/l, 1931, that said- contractor fails to complete the installafteM, be it FURTHER RZOOLUD, That Council File 90606 and this resolution together shall constitute the award of contract for opera seats in the new Auditorium; be it FURTHER RZBObYED, That the Corporation Counsel to hereby Instructed to draw up the proper form of contract f �, .,; :;• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciL�------19— Conroy May McDonald ---In favor Approv �- -- — -- -----19 -- �Pyatce �) --'-- �,Xosen _Against -- ------' -- MAYOR /$udheimer Mr. President Bundlie iJBLISE7L� � � x iW'I 1 3nd.1—�.5 / Id, oveer'to, 3rd. & apo.—lei_ _ t) YeasNays �onroy Yeas ' )Nays o May nroy May Donald �' Pearce lki)onald (Rosen Sudheimer' .Pearce �Rosen Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie /' 14ir. Pres. Bundlie ORDINANCE ` M' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENr1r$Y ORDINANCE NO. i — An ordinance emending Ordinance No. 9810, entitled 1 eon ordivanoe providing for all .natters con=neDOe xe corning, regulating or affecting -the construction; lding tu? dlt�=. alteration, regulation, repair, reaoval saintenanoe, gulating^oC of A t ,en a,te[atrD ; mss and inspeotion of all. buildings, wells or struo- �lemuva7, neDentlDa tures erepted or to be a:ectad within the limits.of, : �[bukbtea ,¢Feet- - r=-Itnla t,b,,>ral�-1 al ser the the 01tyof 8t. Paul for the rotectioa ofproperty" p Dr at s[e<- against fire, for the purpose of seonriag hoalth- ' ag ~ eeUri ng .health , enWkoggrim'0nka e _ fu1, safe and sanitary environments for the 000apaste f ibor do[heswlee� of buildings used for htmon habitation ei otherwise ' of eucn :br' ulla,, futon te', altery to- compel the owners et snob buildingswalls or° the ,a�,ek D4[D0 9 ;- etrnotnrsr.to alter,, reoenetraot or modify the,, sales:. u-we'ua,aw $ll b 1fim.A -: ar axy ,part thereof, .for the purpose 9oresaid-, and i Labliehlri&,ape SheD4'[:6re to prohibit. the anlowfal use or oconpanoy of 411 nmleeleaer of . R iformltY Wl�t buildings, well o os etsnotares; eetabliehing fire D[OWding at limits, and preeatUL ng the powers and duties of. n tliereor ..ild the Dow defiener . of Publio $nildiags in conformity. °erY fDr xhas With.'the Charter provisions; providing a penalty ° ubllc :¢0°cery}� for the: violatiea thereof, and repealing all *rdi- bfintl o+ nanoes noonsstent:herewi#b. This is an emenc rgey ��the osdinenoe"rendered 'neoessary for the preservation of the'pablio.peeoe,.health and safety,¢ , s proved -My 83, 1930. Thio In as smergenoy ordinance rendered . aspesessy for the preservation of the public peace, health and 00MOV6 0r ? :011i' OiP Bf:" PdIIh DOBB: D/ if s - 8eotion' 1. That Ordinanoe Ho. 9914, approved Ary 48, 1930, . be snd the some is. hereby .amended- by striking out �fof<' 8eotioa:.'3-9 of said ordinan'ee. teotion'8. This ordinance is hereby,deolared tp bs an emer genoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation dd ,tbs.pablio , peeps, hen lib and safety. 8eotiva 3. '.This ordinanoo,#bell take eifeet and be to foree from :end after ite.:passage and'pnblioatien. OCT 6 , Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �I Conroy - ..May McDonald - In Favor Pearce - Rosea Against �Sudheimer //Mr. Presidi:nt(Bundlie) Approve f,� %",'!`fid Attest: ity Uerk NYayi/orr CL"!� R. MAY - LOUIE J.eARTDCHM. « I ON= J COM ..IONLN ....'YC........... CITY OF SAINT PAUL D -PARTM[NT Or Jill I 111ff PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OrrICR Or COMMIs610NLR 219 CITY HALL OHOR06 L NA.ON. i1l1'. OP lAl.il ptNC4f W. JOHN.ON, alf. W R11YOAd.p CHAR. A. BA.SPORD. <DY AIK1.D51' - October 5, 1931. Hon. Clyde R. May, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: May I respectfully refer you to Section 3-7, Paragraph f of the Building Code, which reads as follows "The annual fee for the maintenance of roof and projecting signs shall be one half of the permit fee and shall be paid annually between January 1 and February 1 of each year and. such fee shall entitle the rnlrtenance of such sign until the 31st day of December following." I recommend that this paragraph of the building code be cancelled by resolution of the Council for the following reasons. It is a fee which is practically impossible to collect and in the average case amounts to $1.00. The Corporation Attorney hesitates to issue to us warrants for the arrest and prosecution of persons who fail to pay this fee and as a result we have hundreds of delinquent sign owners in the city, many of whom have been delinquent for at least five years. Considering the work necessary to be done by this Depart- ment and the hard feelings produced throughout the city incident to it, the $2,000 or $3,000 obtained is a drop in the bucket for the General Fund. I consider it an in- justice also, as all sign hangers are bonded and licensed and obtain individual permits for the signs. #2 One of the great sources of difficulties we have in con- nection with this is that a sign permit may be taken out by a certain party who in a short time moves and the sign comes into possession of another party so that eventually the above mentioned ordinance makes a collection agency out 0 -four Building Department for the last two months of each year. May I submit this to you for your decision? Yours cry truly,__ ASSL7 ner..n ndent of Inspection. .. October 5, 1931. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Law. Dear Sir: Pday I ask you to draft a resolution, which I will intro- duce into the City Council at an early date, which will cancel Section 3-7, Paragraph (f) of the Building Code? We desire this cancellation naccount coll£ the fact that thisfeeisalmostimpossibletoect Yours 9a • ` issioner. U Laid over to — 3rd. & app _ Adopted --11144!3 Nays Yeas '�' Nays r CynFoy Jvrcl�ona�a//�.) y rv�onaiaoo %Pearce ! (/ rce Rosen Rosen �Sudheimer ` Sudheimer ,-; YIr.. `Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres Bundlie ORDINANCE �/ COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY c:ORDINANCE.NO. 3 �^ ���� �� mu lIMIN City of int Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS. City auk HARIXD J. RIORDAN and Commiaiona of Re96IwUon CLARENCJ: A. STORMS Chid Ct.rk•Cnv C1.rk Chief Cferk•Reetantfo October 7th, 1931• Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith petition in the matter of rezoning Lot 12, Block 16, Woodland Park Addition (IT. E. corner Holly and Dale) in a commercial district. This petition was referred to you today, by the Council, for the proper form of ordinance. Yours very truly, City Clerk. X4 7 PETITION TO AMEND I30ARD OF ZONING September 18th193 11 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition August 11th, 1931. Petitioner Hugo H. Radmann et al. Location Lot 12, Block 16, Woodland Park Addn. - - (NE corner Holly & Dale) TO REZONE. Z one "C° Residence 'h a sled Amendment asked for Commercial. Date of Inspection : September 16th, 1931. Date of Hearing : September 17th, 1931. Appearances for Petitioners Mr. .Hugo Radmann and Mr. Poppe Appearances for Opposition None. Petitioners Argumentsand the texpenditure between eon exthef llingnse station they would `experfia total of $15,000. That Dale St. was a car line street and business street, and that they would improve the property withmu't injamring the character of the street. Action of Board Because of the mixed situation as to the character of buildings, the frontage on Dale St. from the alley to Ashland Ave. having a garage and two stores, and because of the car line, the amendment to the ordinance from "C° Residence to Commercial was recommended. BOARD OF ZONING. Secretary Isaac Summerfield, Chairman Louis Betz G. 0. House C. A. Bassford ©eparheRh>G;" F'iTRarEel JOHN H.M9D4NAl.D,CuMMlsslonca TH VS. V. V 'C VNN ELLDEParY COMMIHEIONER LEONARD C.SE MER,VA-M a NBaaa MT ENcINacR September 4, 1931. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning: Lot 13, Block 16, Woodland Park Addition Fromt NCp Residence District To: Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. 'HARRY A.JOHNSON - cMlae c�caa Ron Imilmu- Imul f fi SO s St. Pauli St =6,06u. to 8b,'Sb`1�lA+l flay , I�49, WOO . As ktlf y�ikkt9,.?i . tj SO to 8b,'Sb`1�lA+l flay , I�49, WOO . As N N ti� Si✓ � }r17 ; f c � z September 219t, 1931. I Bon. J. B. McDonald, come'r of Finance, Building. Dear Courai�ssioners n9arine has been sot f0T, October 7P 1931 in the matter o4 the petition for reaoning Lot 12, BIoo c 16, Woodland perk A d.itIon (Northeast corner Holly and Vale) is a Commercial District. Will you kindly notify the interested property oeners'of t'riis hearing? yonre very trvlys City Clerk. COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK CITY OF 1pT. PAUL FILE NO. — .l / OFFICE ;ON--GENERAL Y CLERK ,t�i / U RESO FORM COMMISS ONEY DAT RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John West providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $19.92 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by him while in the employ of the Department of public Works, on the loth day of September 1931; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John West the sum of $46.48 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period from September 17th, 1931 to October 4th, 1931. ----------------- COUNCILMEN --- Adopted by the Council__��T___�-X19--- OCT Approve - ----- --- - 19 - - --- MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Conroy /May /MCDonald _._ In favor Pearce / �2osen __--Against / Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council__��T___�-X19--- OCT Approve - ----- --- - 19 - - --- MAYOR J�`9(71Yd68 M8Y � `7(j�� bl t+tctak has` .P •%y v��� ORIGINAL TO CSTY CLERK�� 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Heli to)'rpertrt/aelon •'� 110. — 1 1a R deive-In 411 b 33 E4 -n nod to Rl t+ OFFICE OF CITY CL;,�. pddtttonsaocated i1A 7dv,�Arglt � h�ves.� / CIL REI GEir 'e__��'` PRESEN TED BY GOMMISSIpNE �.�DAT XTsidE WHEREAS, Michael Liptak has petitioned the Council for per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 29, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, located on the north aide of University Avenue; between Albert and Pascal Streets, and WHEREAS, said Michael Liptak has submitted a blue -print of the proimaed lay -out with driveways, curb returns, pump location, side- walks, etc. for the information of the Council, therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to Michael Liptak to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted, returns of ten foot radius to be built on University Avenue and expansion joints provided at the juncture of driveways with sidewalk and roadway paving, as ordered by the Department of Public Works; any deviation from the plan;.as approved will automatically void the per- mit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordi- nances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direc- tion and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy May ��IvlcDonald /Pearce _osen Nays ----7--An favor __ —_—____Against Adopted by the Council ------- APprov --------'------- ---'----------L9----- yy— -------- ---------------- _ __ . __- .________.. MAYOR �udheimer Mr. President Bundlie�'T''�� Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Michael Liptak for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on University Avenue between Albert and Pascal Streets, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. �VeG!e� �urs? Commissioner of Public Safety UP of Saint paw Department of ilubtir i6ufety TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A BROWN CHI" O! POLIO[ OW EN C. DUNN. B. P. 91MON, M. D. GEORGE C.SL)DHEIMER,COMMIBSIONBR FIRE CHIEF HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. SIEGEL, DEPUTY COMMMlIONERJOSEPH A. MACAUI.AY, SUPT. POLICE& FIRE ALARM September 4, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Michael Liptak for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on University Avenue between Albert and Pascal Streets, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. �VeG!e� �urs? Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 3, 1931 Mr. George C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety: Dear Sirs Answering yours of September 2, relative to application made by Michael Liptak for permission to instal a gasoline filling station on Lots 23-24-25-28, Block 29, Syndicate No. b Addition, which is also de- scribed as University Avenue, between Albert and Pascal Streets, will say that I have today made the customary inspection but do not find that such a station will interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, E7. 1w targren Superintendent of Traffic AFPROPEDs Thomas A. Brown Chief of Police File 0 9-3-31 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Sept. 3rd.1931. Hon.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,ginn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Michael Liptak for permission to install a gasoline filling station on Univeasity Avenue, between Albert and Pascal Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to such an extent that it *ould warrant rejection on these grounds. Respectfully ypurs, Chief Ins actor. ORIGINAL ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION r THIS APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY CLENK'S OPIICE. DATE------------ G__________/-------------------- 19 Jj TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ( E OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A_�=''-r- _ _ _ ! "-- f ____ ___ __ _-_-_--_ (•DRIVE IN^ OR "I/�NBtOErjGARAGE^) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT_iC__-C___!. __~-BLOCK.___._ � _____________ if 1J_ Y_fZ2.11-ALSO DESCRIBED AB- _ -- --- ----- "- (6TREE NUMBER) r � NO. OF PUMPS ._'-P- ------------------- NO. OF GAS TANKS --- _--- __-__________.CAPACITY OF EACH TANK./f/__ __. .. .._. /yy� _ __------------__ _ _`x___ ______ ----------- FILED BIO ATOF APPLICwNT. ---------- BUSINESS ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE-------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY- ------------ _------------- _______- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE. -------------- ---- CITY PLANNING BOARD THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUMCATION (Date) September 26, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, CitY Clerk. Re: Drive-in Filling Station, North side University Ave, Dear Sir: between Albert & Pascal Aves. Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, Block 29, Syndicate No. 5 Addition, Michael Liptak, Applicant 1443 University Avenue This application for a drive-' is in a district zoned for Light indu t filling station under the zoning ordinance without a and is permissible Public hearing. ENGINEERING REPORT: boulevard where the westerly driveway iset0 be located two ~ manholes, frames and covers of the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company. The lowering of the manhole covers may necessitate the rebuilding of the roof of the chamber to which they lead. _----arterialReturns cOf 10 streetft. radius should be built on this the Juncture of driveways wi tptdewalsion koants provided at and roadway paving, Yours truly, . WM. N. C wnc-mh chief Engineer. P. S, The Board of Zoning recommended the approval of this application. Approved:: MILTON ROSEN, Commi�er Of Public Works. �uDlNwt- NUMBER ,CITY OF MINT 'A A4 CM CLMK 6. 1 " - - COUNCIL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION N°'—[-- FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTIS ^-y'�.^_ ��rr •7 En BY HON.-_- DATA4FL ,LSI1CJIoa_: • esolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the reeommendation :of. the ContractCommittee and awards the contract forpaving Snelling Ave: from Laurel-Ave. to Marshall Ave. and from•.:S.herburne Ave.to Charles BtA,: and from Van Buren St. to Minnehaha 3t. (including house drain oonnec tions) also including sewers on.east-side of.Snelling Ave: from Hague Ave. to approximately 105 feet north of Hague Ave. and from approxi- mately 78 feet north of Selby Ave., thence approximately 60 feet north, in accordance with.planeL and specifioat.ions hereto attached, to THORNTON BROTHERS COMPANY,, they, being 'the lowest responsible bidders, for the euro of 37,60O.QO, usin` 011 as halt and.the Corporation- Counsel is,, hereby instructe to draw-up the progei form of contract therefor. -. C Ir. No: 00041 3iy bMlltan Roacal .ReeolYed That, the Connotlp hereby. noncore I ' hYle!repommendattOn of the Contract Commlttea .and!,—ards. the contract for; Dav(ng.Sneliing Ava,,froln Laurel; Ave: to, MArehaILAV., and from . Shorburne dve. to Cheirlea SL;and from Van Ebren• St to Mlnnehaha`-St.. (1n ' cludlag'•-home :drain connection.) also- , lncludlhg Sewaie on eaePEide:et Snell InjrtVo:: Rronl Bague.Ave. to approxi- .mately..d06 , feet north of;'8amta Ave. and•,from; aPProBBC' tjy' ce i feet - .north�,'o[ Selby, ,Avenue, thenceaD- prozfineG h tt t north; pec ' ac- ordahce. with 'plane and .eDecidON tlona•:hereto.•atMPAN. to they b.I NTON' - B cat res 8 COMPANY, they being Rhe' .f $37, 00.00, ugingoll aSe• for Rhe euro 'of porn 0 00, vaing'olt asplialt;;:anfl the Corporatl R jCounael. to-, here hp 1n etrUcted:to draw `up Rhe proper form - • of contract therefor Formal 'Bifl No. 8097. Enginder'e Estimate.42111.234:00, Adopted by the -Counetl Oct. p 1891. Approved Oct9 ,3981 FORMAL BID NO. 5687 •ENGIN[dR`B ESTIMATE t 38, 834. 00 NOTE:. TOBECERTIPIEO AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESEFITINO TO COUNCIL FOR ApOPT10N. '• :- a - ;PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVKMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BSNIWmI I PRO"[RTV - - - . f '10, 000. hh00 t. APPROPRIATED F1.ROM CRY'S SHAR1.E OF LOCAL IMPROV["WeT COO[ - - f Z7, 600. V0 a. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROV[MKNTB-[KEMPT PROPERTY - COD[ - f 100.00 .. MPROPRIAT[D PROM BOND MBUE-CODK .f E. COUNrY AID - - _ _ _ _ TOTAL. - .. f 37 ,600.00 COPIES TO: I HE SAY CKRTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED DAL, CITY.CL[RK ANC[ AVAILABLE.IN THS ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO IN TN. R6K TN[F[nMAN[NT IMP ENT LVOLVI PUNA LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. GOMPTROLLKR IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS O` i1',/�j PUBLIC WORKS '- PURCHASING COMPTROLLER. �OAT[RINAL ORDER ADOPT" COUNCILMEN • YEAS NAY. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT IN FAVOR AGAINST APPROVED VT I� is uu MR. FRtlID[NT ( MATM4;; tlR1a1NAL- NUMBER C �� t OfTYOF /AINT,PAYL CITY me 6 - �PILH COUNCIL NOw.�- 642 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR ... AUTHORIZATION. OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS f." --- DerOctober 8. 1933.—; Re,LL fired, That the Council'hereby approves the action of the dontraot Committee in awarding the contract for,the improvement of the Third • Street Esplanade from Jackson Street to Robert Street, to J. S. SWEITZER &.SON, they being.the lowest responsible bidders for the sum of $37,609.00, in accordance with plans and specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract C, F.':No 90842-8y, Milton Rosen - therefor• Reeolred. -That .the .Council hereby. �appMYea the _aetlon et :the Contract r Conimittee In.: awarding the'cont=act - for-the'tmproyemq.,Vof-the. Third Street` Eggptanade,` from Jackson ISL to Rob efBe4 rto J. $. MMITZER;&,SON.: they being, tieing he, lowest: reaDonelble I ' bidders for the'.eum of $37;808.00. In ac- ' - their bis, wHh„ plana .f, co peciffcatlons::� their: bid �IId award .f ,co -to r ettauh0d. 8nd•Lhe CerporBtiDn COnnSel� Is: hereby'Inatrnofed Yo Q"raw nR;the -vr v 0m4 ,of ContragC th [efo[: r Formal d8899: Engineers Eek timate =40.120.00. Adopted btiy-.tha Council1931:.. Approygd Odt. 9, 1931: FORMAL 1310 NO. 6698.' � O/ ENOINHHR'R EBfTIMATH f '!O, 1GlOt �O NOTG TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDa AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BERORS PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. -. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: "SESEEO AGAINST BENEFRTE , PROPERTY _ -_ - - f 170 assessment L - APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - CODE f A. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL iMPROVEMENITS-I KEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE A. APPROPRIATED FROM BONG -ISSUE -CODE f a.. COUNTY AIDS _ _ , TOTAL - f COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE Ia AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REI MB URSETNEPERMANENTIMPROV R OLVINGFUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. x _ . PU LIC,"RK6 PUHABING COMPTROLLER OATH FINAL ORDER ADOPTED BT COUNCILMEN . YGS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL nCT gin IN FAVOR OCT Y APPROVED . AGAINST .MR. PRESIDENT M.— d` ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t1`ai.�c ------ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK NO.---- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROY .__._____-_--_$@tabeT• MAY __.IN FAYDRMcDONAUDITED CLAIMS 7 PEARCE LD PEARCE RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAW NEON THE CI^1'1TGOV ERING ROSEN ---,_____AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S----375117 ~IINNCLUSIVE. AS SUGHEIMER g,�((�¶ CHECKS NUMBEgEO ' 27 §Q� - OMPTROLLER. MR. PRES. BUNDLIE nora !S E1GE ER CHECKS ON FILE IN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _____--- .`� _ __-______ - ITY c PTROLLEq 7.. APPROVED -- - ///\� -------------- --------- ------ -- -- -- --'-' -TATE — -- ---- _ --- TOTAL — -- — RETURNED V CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DIS URSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS NUMBER CHECKS -- - BROUGHT FORWARD 4 6 so 4 22189 < Edward Losiuski80 14a 22190 C.A. Dunham Company 2 22i91 22192 w,J. Dyer & Brother John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 40 0 10 6 22193, 221 '^ John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. John H. McDonald, C, of Fin,' l 12 92 5 I John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. GBO.J. Grant Construction Co 7 071 0 35 2 22197 Anthony J. Campbell 511. 6 P21g8 22199 " Elmo Christianson John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 1 � 22200 John H. McDonald. C. of Fina 57 1 22201 22202 '!., Martin Feist C, of Fin. 7 504 0 John H. McDonald. 14 7 2P20j I', Sterling Printing Company 3I 22204 22205 John H. 9ahaeffer Lillian Geisenfeld, Aseignea 0 Glen Leahy 1401j1 22206 ': 22207 '! Pat Helly W,J, Moore & R.S. Moore 260,0 22208 22209 P,H. Bohner H.R, Johnson 20 4 22210 Frank Leitner 841 22211 22212 Thomas Parrish Wm. Murphy & So$ 1643050 1 071 2221] Commonwealth Electric Oompan Inc, 135 3181 6 2221 22215 Foley Brothers, Healy Plumbing & Heating Com any 28 79110 550 22216 Bureau of Municipal Research 2 PP2i7 22218 City of t Paul, Minn.M Deed J.J.Fitz raid, g. 110 3201 22219 $2220 '' Carl P. Herbert Raymond P. Pavleoka Company 16010 31 2 22221 22222 Review Publishing University Sheet Metal Works 537 0 16 22223 Eastman Kodak Storda,Ino. 814 22224 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 1591,2 22225 ' Elvgren Paint Supply Company r, 22226 22227 The Emporium ; Thos. J. Engel Welding & Mfg Works 261 5 22228 ,, Equipment Sales Corporation 21 • 22229 22230 Fairbanks, Morse & Company Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 7' 61 22231 22232 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk &Comp Y Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Compa. 152 0 22233 2223+ F,W. Faxon Company Feist—Blanchard Company 391 29, 2223 The Flox Company 18!,2 2223 P2237 ? Leonard Frank Company Frigidaire Sales Corporation 2'0 3115 22238 ! Fuller Brush Company 16817 22239 Gamon Meter Company 17175 22240 22241 Gangl & Company9.0 Garland Luggage Shop 65 22242 22243 Emil Geist General Motors Truck Company i71,36 3100 22244 Gillette Publishing Company 100 24 481 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _-- 1 ly d` ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL t1`ai.�c ------ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK NO.---- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROY .__._____-_--_$@tabeT• MAY __.IN FAYDRMcDONAUDITED CLAIMS 7 PEARCE LD PEARCE RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAW NEON THE CI^1'1TGOV ERING ROSEN ---,_____AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S----375117 ~IINNCLUSIVE. AS SUGHEIMER g,�((�¶ CHECKS NUMBEgEO ' 27 §Q� - OMPTROLLER. MR. PRES. BUNDLIE nora !S E1GE ER CHECKS ON FILE IN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _____--- .`� _ __-______ - ITY c PTROLLEq 7.. APPROVED -- - ///\� -------------- --------- ------ -- -- -- --'-' -TATE — -- ---- _ --- TOTAL — -- — RETURNED V CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DIS URSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS NUMBER CHECKS -- - BROUGHT FORWARD 4 6 so 4 22189 < Edward Losiuski80 14a 22190 C.A. Dunham Company 2 22i91 22192 w,J. Dyer & Brother John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 40 0 10 6 22193, 221 '^ John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. John H. McDonald, C, of Fin,' l 12 92 5 22195 22196 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. GBO.J. Grant Construction Co 7 071 0 35 2 22197 Anthony J. Campbell 511. 6 P21g8 22199 " Elmo Christianson John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 14 OU 3 22200 John H. McDonald. C. of Fina 57 1 22201 22202 '!., Martin Feist C, of Fin. 7 504 0 John H. McDonald. 14 7 2P20j I', Sterling Printing Company 3I 22204 22205 John H. 9ahaeffer Lillian Geisenfeld, Aseignea 0 Glen Leahy 1401j1 22206 ': 22207 '! Pat Helly W,J, Moore & R.S. Moore 260,0 22208 22209 P,H. Bohner H.R, Johnson 20 4 22210 Frank Leitner 841 22211 22212 Thomas Parrish Wm. Murphy & So$ 1643050 1 071 2221] Commonwealth Electric Oompan Inc, 135 3181 6 2221 22215 Foley Brothers, Healy Plumbing & Heating Com any 28 79110 550 22216 Bureau of Municipal Research 2 PP2i7 22218 City of t Paul, Minn.M Deed J.J.Fitz raid, g. 110 3201 22219 $2220 '' Carl P. Herbert Raymond P. Pavleoka Company 16010 31 2 22221 22222 Review Publishing University Sheet Metal Works 537 0 16 22223 Eastman Kodak Storda,Ino. 814 22224 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 1591,2 22225 ' Elvgren Paint Supply Company r, 22226 22227 The Emporium ; Thos. J. Engel Welding & Mfg Works 261 5 22228 ,, Equipment Sales Corporation 21 • 22229 22230 Fairbanks, Morse & Company Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 7' 61 22231 22232 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk &Comp Y Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Compa. 152 0 22233 2223+ F,W. Faxon Company Feist—Blanchard Company 391 29, 2223 The Flox Company 18!,2 2223 P2237 ? Leonard Frank Company Frigidaire Sales Corporation 2'0 3115 22238 ! Fuller Brush Company 16817 22239 Gamon Meter Company 17175 22240 22241 Gangl & Company9.0 Garland Luggage Shop 65 22242 22243 Emil Geist General Motors Truck Company i71,36 3100 22244 Gillette Publishing Company 100 24 481 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _-- 1 i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK l CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N0.__s7 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RES 10 GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER E 'AHEREAS,,.the award of damagea paid by the City to Thorwald C. Borg for the property located at Eighth and Minnesota Streets, was made up of a large sum of money for the value of the building taken, the cost of wrecking and restoring the front and other allowances, all of which allowances were made under the assumption that the owner of said property intended to out off the portion of the building paid for by the City and restore the balance, which assumption arose from the fact that no information was given anyone connected with the City that the work would not proceed in the manner assumed and because the owner of said prop- arty or his representative refused to move back the said building, and WHEREAS, information has come to the Council that the owner of said property'hae let a contract to move back the said building and that the work of moving same back has already been started, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to inform the owner of said property, to-wit, Tborwald C. Borg,that in the ev,att rt.�q� q�t �}�,].��R owned and pafor by the CitiW"remo �d°,^"�tie"�it?'T*1 Y`Bok to the owner of said property for reimbursement to the amount of the allowance made to him for the purposes set forth herein and which were not followed by the owner. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolute --' shall be enclosed in the letter o1 the City Clerk to �iyde 1t M6y caner•i io Ttlo Wald a0.t°BGergtn�r �"2yl"located at 2lghth' and to * f'' Ino waldmadc uPuo,'Of - I� n 4t' MGaey for,the 981n0� 'O[ 4 Ing faxen ""of wreck- reetoups the .febnf andotpei r , a'of which allowanoen ''nada'andei tha`aseumptlon that - aer,of`eald propeety'In aded<to of he pG?ttoa of the; bUil�ng,ppold; eb a CItY'$ad ;regtoCe the -bq�'= sunlptlon,'aroe tror�+ 1"t*formation wae. �taepulg mir.. COUNCILMEN OCT 10 IWI -Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ___—_._—_--_-19.—__ ,6nroy OCT Msy �` cDonald ------ —In favor APprov ._- '- ------------- -__--19-- 7osen-----------.Against . . -------- --- --- ---- dheimer MAYOR/ (/ Mr. president Bundlie �Q*-� t Qoto'bar 10thr 1931• 8restded► BOX 8org O & Pewsre 1hTnitt�a Co. r 9R. Pal bthlotia Mubr 86. Peulr ldmiWts.. Bear 91x1 The 011ty_0ommoil at its muting bald todoW instroated to to inform you that in tho anent that OAS PUSIOa of the tai ALne IMAod at Sighaae a IWA- sots etraete nhiCb eas farmsrl3► owned by youItis dssttaQ Wd pair Mb - for 'tr the City and is MW 0!$ Will ryd py W >9sarthad ether than fib+ stiee%in@lr rm look to you for ImbWses�sxt to the a OM% of ttheM ailamamae luttaut W" to him for tbs PMONo Set fhart WtUOU. ab ao� of ahlcsb ii eamotoosd for YOUr TOW0 very truly# City Clark. am to vr. A. i / COUNCIL f ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 9U CN@ EI� IL RO�LUTION—GENERAL FORM �r ,�Bundlie DATE October 8, 1931 RESOLVED Whereas on October 12, 1931 a memorial to Christopher Columbus which has been erected in Capitol Square, Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be dedicated and elaborate preparations have been made for the dedicatory ceremonies and other ceremonies in connection with said day, and Whereas, there will be present at said dedication the Royal Italian Ambassador, the Consul General of`Italy, the Governor of Minnesota and other notable personages, and Whereas, in connection with said ceremonies and celebration of said day there will be a grand parade on Robert Street-fr4m.Third to Summit, thence on Summit to Cedar, thence on Cedar to the State Capitol, and the Saint Paul Chapter of the Christopher Columbus Memorial Day Association of Minnesota, which aq ssoctaos a ed said Memorial to be erected,has requested aid Mazlonpthe AWItato of march and it appears to the City Council ; that assistance, aneh as requested, should be given, Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the sum of not to exceed $150.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated from the Mayor's Contingent Fund to help defray the cost of such decorations for the purpose aforesaid, said expenses to be evidenced by proper vouchers. �C. F rto 9884u -8y Mayor Bundlte�`� Wh-oa. Go October SE, •3983 ma• jj sad hei ceremonies la o f wlth Id day, and W ae there will be Dre _x.,...;t —. the 'Royal I.tA,-; Consul Gene- .. 4 t ",+•� `:' COUNCILMEN ..Yeas / �nroy Nays May McDonald __._- _In favor �7- --Against Su eimer President Bundlie TQjl Adopted by the Council- ®�-----19-- ?a Y A.' Approv --- ---------------19— - ------- MAYOR I ORIOINAL TO CITY Cl ­CITY _ cou COUNCIL NO. - OF T. PAUL FILE OFFICE CITY CLERK CO IL RE ION—GENERA�FORM PRESENTE�- COMMISSIO E RESOLVED C. F YQo 90646-$y Mptoti'RoeeD=--' IIIII P e - od That the_ Northern olv Power Company o'e give a ,petmise(on- 1,81 t4 eat 48+fk �-appron the east"elde'.of ' a ...t11 he'soutrozlmately.388 lee outh of the "Routh Ifna, or W. Ninth et,-:wlth the--neceeeaty buy Irea, an. chore. and TaSrahoae Company wlrea. 1 Eetlmate 14881, Adopted by,the Counal Oct 10, 1931.' ADroyed Oek 10, 1931: D (Oct. 17-1981) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set 1-45 ft. pole on the east side of Mayall's alley approximately 136 ft. south of the south line of W. Ninth Street, with the necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. Estimate 14661. COUNCILMEN 0 C T 10 / Yeas Nay Adopted by the Council ------- --- ---- ,-Conroy /p •r May 007 --'McDonald '.---_-'—In favor Apptove _---- ----`.............'---19---_--- Pwele ^ - /osen ._ / ,Against ' "'S" imer MAYOR r. President Bundlie J ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl- CITYO ST. PAUL OFFICE FFIC F CITY CLERK i NCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM CO MMIST N SAT RESOLVED COUNCIL Wl�l1 FILE NO. C �F No 90847—Ry 3tltont h— St Resolved, That the Northern .Htatee Powe Company be Biven,nermleslon to -t 1 444—It Dol on•the N rth aide of., Pleasant W- 61! ClIC"nut=and 2 40 -foot; 'n6les. on the�Bo, e14 Q: of'Pleasantfl.oC. 'n"Mnut Wlt>t necessary says, wires.. .nahors.,aad:Tele hoop mpaY wtrea.' 'Municipal Est No. 147 7 _ 1! Adopted by'the Council Oct 10..loci._ pproved,'.Oct 10 1991:1 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set 1-40 foot pole on the leoo side of Pleasant -W. of Chestnut, and 2-40 foot poles on the So. side of Pleasant E. of Chestnut with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. e Municipal Est. #114727. COUNCILMEN OCT 10 8 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council________...__._._.._..—__l9_.__._ Conroy OCT 1! o ° ps May IW II lU7 19 McDonald _ In favor APPro------------ ------------------- _-----' Rosen -Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK FCOU ILE CITY ST. PAUL L N FILE NO. Yeas OFFI CITY CLERK Conroy CO IL R UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y -' �— COMMISSIO q7F RESOLVED _SL --Against Sudheimer C 1R 'NO 80 8,•-$y"ldilioa IiOgen i Mr. President Reaol9e� ThIIG,t1tB NOCtliern Btatea . - Yower CofnDpnp be �19en rlhl el0 to"eeti9 86 tt In the aj�p'No of Dolee oyt, a east and Weet�T 9b;ub •1- St with lfeeeeea;9 guys wltea an'bpo;e_- s andTalaDhone, Company, wlrea. .(4 Estimate No. +3 619 Adopted 6y the Council OCt 30 1931: ADP oved Oct. X30 1933. I , That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set 3-35 ft. poles in the alley No. of Hoyt Ave., east and west of Shrub Street with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Tel— ephone Company wires. Estimate X1114649. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May / McDonald _—/=_—_In favor Rosen _SL --Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie 0 OCT fl W1 Adopted by the Council ____________.----- ________19-____ Approved- ---- ------- -----------------..19- - rr .--.-. --_________--------------- ----------- — /% MAYOR couruCIL�VV 9 ORIGINAL TO CITY -CLEJK CITY F ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFI OF CITY CLERK i L R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED RESOLVED Yeas �C F No b.90048hBY 1111 ton Roseti- ReeolYed{[That tha Northern, State6. .i Pow r CA1nDany a'6tven permfe93ont- to set threel0 Loo[ Dotes on the north 1 'elde of TopPfng, w'eet of Dale. -with" 3 necee6ary. guys, wlrae anc2(ore.. and Telephone Company wlree .-.: j '. MuniGlpat e9ttmate Nu 1!908 Adopted by the Councl} Oct }0.'19x1 LT Approved -Oct 10 198E _ (Oct 17 3981) That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set three 40 foot poles on the north side of Topping, west of Dales with 'nec— essary guys, wires, anchors$ and Telephone Company wires. Mmicipal estimate #114903. r. % 6-4fl COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May / McDonald 37____In favor Rosen ___v— Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie OCT 10 t. Adopted by the Council_.__.___.__. --------- "C", ___._." y I Approved - --------------------19-- .V-----------`-- ------ / MAYOR O _5Q COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C /NC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D IC F No. 90060—BY 311[oA'Rosei— R¢so1ved That the Norkhern 'St Seu �,: Po Wer ComppanY.be elven petmisgion rth:el'i e t one �0 tt. pole un tho nodB ofOf 1 70leanor,,W oL Fattvlew 1v1(L.'neeee - IsarY' 6uYd wlroe ^ anolloss, and. Tele– phoaCofnpany xviree Eetlmate Na 1i7sII> ,Adapted by the .Counen bet. 30 Approved Oot 30;'1831 (OCL 17-3031) _,� That the Northern States Power Oompany be given permission to set one 40 ft. pole on the north side of Eleanor, W. of Fairview, with necessary guys, wires, anohors, and Telephone 00mpan7 wires. Estimate #14780. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _—_ _Sn favor ..peeves 0-- Sudheimer Mr. President I Bundlie r r. Adopted by the Council._ ®UL A A 031 19 ----- Approve i��_____ _ _ ----19— ' __ MAYOR ORIGIKQL TO CITY CLERK A COUNCIL Ty ST' PAUL L FILE E 0 CITY CLERK So�LU7.1 GENERAL FORM RESOLvED That Hotel License No. 759 Issued to Mrs. May jars at 48f West Tenth street, and Hotel License No. 770, Issued to John Oallfano for the 0ongress Hotel, 516 St. Peter street, be and the same are hereby revoked on recommendation of the Bureau of Police. C 8 e use 709)Issue 9 t il�i is I West e is 70to john .1 ,.To. 1, me ore hereby. revoke OA 0� el" ou of Po- end lies.omm the Council Oct. 10. 931. AdOP COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �onroy McDonald _______Jn favor -Reffree— ,--"R..cn _______________.Against Sudheinier Mr. President Bundlic Adopted by the Council Approved- ----- -- - .___MAYOR________. MAYOR- NOTICE aoltred TDnt yohaohtG: bo wa'; n CITY of SAINT FwUL 70 edounlero[ a17 i4Z Y7iOntl0rineoiw°°''�`°' V(;I I„ RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO.� PRINTER nuryD6e°m EHY46 tb YYE93 Inalu' re -q° qer ebanki,,on dte i qhe oEiGp ot`tho J' -. City Cbm0tcoll°r doDtad•by`tDe Countll OCt. 10,41!31. October ' 1Q__ -1911— A ed Oct. 30 ;198L - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $--17-VI �27—+COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO 2 .1 2291 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / J ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL c,iv wrn°oa+a APPROVED �e T 19319�_ BY lO,IY p6 YI IY V.Y !N .. DUPLICATE TO Cj CITY OF SAINT PAUL .t =� ---- - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO _;,�lYut c -i COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL V , TRANSFER CHECKSCHECKS CONROY BROUGHT FORWARD COUNCIL RESOLUTION FD,,S4BURSEMEN4T 4i MAY MCDON ____ _- ---IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ---------- Oatober--M------- ----'gin___ ROBE. h/� AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER ----yJ___ VVV A 23j 4 4 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S___-141-92-27---. COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE "' T y �l !,2'WCHECKS N DL 22 Q� 44j ADOPTED BY THE C CIL__-______ --------- _. _._-__ PER CH ECKSMONR THE FFI OF THE C}TV COMPTROLLERS APPROVED____-_ .-?.._._-_..14.�•�_ Y{J,'`/ ______ ______ ________ COMPTflOLLER ----- -- ------ MAYOR 515 i I TOTAL DATE __ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RETURNED BY BANK V TRANSFER CHECKSCHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 06 FD,,S4BURSEMEN4T 4i 28 8 43 2 22245 Ervin Ross 22246 Leonard Voyer 22247 Joe Cook 23j 4 22248 Golf Tee Company 244' 7 22249 ;! Goodriah—Silvertown,Ino. 515 22450 Gopher Stamp & Die "Forks 160 22251 Grasselli Chemical Company -1 22252 Graybar Electric Company 2.0 22253 Great Lakes Golf Corporation Company 3115 201 22254 Phillip Greenburg 22255 Grinnell Company, Inc. 80!9 22256 Grossmann Instrument Works 915 22257 Benny Boiler & Mfg.0ompany 521;1 22258 Thomas A. Brown, Ohief of Police 250!0 22259 Peoples, Eleotrio Company 1 96817 22260 J. Adams Puffer 1001 0 22261 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 47 2 22262 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 55'; 22263 Harry N. wettergren 100!0 22264 S. Berglund Lumber Company 90'1 22265 Bishop Towing Service 7,0 22266 Burroughs Adding Machine Com any 118;7 22267 General Chemical Company 854,;9 22268 Griggs, Cooper & Company 161 1 22269 A.P. Heraehler Factory Compau 28j8 4 053;9 222%0 Northern States Power 22271 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 18i5 22272 Florence MacGoon 10. OC 22273 Johnson Service Company 238; 22274 Peoples Electric Company 391'0 22275 Rydeen—Denboer 5 024 3 22276 Synan Plumbing & Heating Com any 42 22277 Delia Brown 28'2 22278 Mrs. Mary Emly Christy 27.00 22279 Anna Wagner Peitdch Woo 22280 Mrs. Hannah -Peterson 24',9 22281 Elfrida Soderberg 28;8 22282 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compazy 31:93 22283 Martin F. Falk Paper Company • 16',6 22284 Hancock—Nelson Mercantile Co. 8136 22285 ;; Pioneer Tobacto Company 298,001 22282 Price Electric Company 617 22287 Stearns Printing Company 400 22288 Tri—state Tel. & Telg.Companj 30416 22289 Twin City Barge & Gravel Com'any 1 700 22290 Victory Printing Company 56'00 22291 Vita Crisp Dist. Company 3,13 -- —� SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD -- IM 8.30 7 500 ,00 841. 673 ,72_ - 1 S -------- --- 06 - :titer or gradlag Alley 1i' � COUNCIL FILE N0..___-__ _adale, from Dulutlt?KW, 1.-:,8treet;�-also 7grading. i; f,- from jenks Stroet to.'� a,I-.under _1�relfmluory,., By________ ------------------------------ ---------- - -- - - ---- -,Proved Aug. R. 1931,. haring4 h - aving i4f'I FINAL ORDER l In the Matter of_Zradin_,--A11ay-31L1LLQck --- 7,-R1 I 1�dale,--fr-onl--Duluth-kv-pnii,e to Frank St -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - — -- — - - ----- - --------- - -------------------- -------- - - ------- — - - ------------------ - ------ - --------- -------------------- - - - --- — - - - - ------------------ - - — -------- - - - ------- - -------- - --- - --- — -- - ------------- under Preliminary.Order-----9QllQ-------------aPProved ------- Aiwus-t--14,--J-q31 -------- Intermediary Order --approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to he made by the said City is- grade AIJ-P-Y--JXL 111 ack -Z' Tl qr3n Ia. fr I nTn Duluf2L-Av-env.e_to4rznk-i�treet,-al--n grprle Duluth AV,--'P-XZ= Jigilks-atmeet L son Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-. teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the 6ouncilUCT-13- WJ ----- --- 192-- ------------------ - Cit Car—k.— Approved- OCT 192----- Mayor. Councilman VWfi=='--C-,nroy Councilman 17cDonald May IL,4' Councilman -aVC40 Councilman Me oven Councilman Sul My fj PUBLISHED P -s-i ouncilman muWax P Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t9� In the matter of grading Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Avenue to Frank Streit, also grading Duluth Avenue from Jenks Street to Lawson Street, under Preliminary Order approved August 14, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1108.18—Ave. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 712 - 2;7 —A] 1 ev frt The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is - - - - _ g 0.60 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg.. - 1 7 Hillsdale, St.Paul,Minn. 150 2 7 do 150 300 3 7 do 150 4 7 do 150 2100 5 7 do 150 2150 6 7 do 150 1100 7 7 do 150 1200 8 7 do .150 1100 9 7 do 150 �._._ 10, 7 do 150 TOTAL. Firm B. B. It _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE c- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 11. T. Hillsdale, St.Paul,Minn... 150- . 12. 7 do 150 500 13- 7 do 150 150 14 7 do 200 3000 15. 7 do 250 250 16 7 do 150 17 7 do 125 18. 7 do 100 19 7 do 100 20. 7 do 100 550 , 21 7 do 100 22 7 do 100 2100 :. • 23 7 do 100 24. 7 do 100 25 7 do 100 2600 •. 26. 7 do 100 2500 27 7. do 100 28 7 do 100 29 7 do 100 2050 .: 30; 7 do 100 Exe. Duluth Ave.) that part lying south oHillCo.sdalean ..6000 . 200 west of right of way of the NorthernPacific the -----east a -of the northeast a of Sec. 28, T. 29, R. 22 9975_ 21850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works./ n Yf �1f e ] 1 f 19 a Commissioner of Finance. Dated -3 Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn ------ ADFJU_13.,--------.1:-. " To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade Alley in Block %, Hillsdale Addition, From Frank Street ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- to---Duluth_Av-enue,------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------Same. to= -----------------------------=-------------------- --- Ixxk=Eno.----------------------I-------------------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------BtE &vzx b I_ vt . a t • /x/�/j THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE =` CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Aug. 22, 1981 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale from Duluth Ave. to Frank St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 90110, approved August 14, 1981, Estimated Cost - - _ - - - - - $712.87 Cost per front foot - - - 0.60 Inspection - - - - - - - - 13.97 Engineering - - - - - - - - 80.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1190.62 ft. (See alternate estimate on Duluth Ave. from Jenks to Lawson) Yours truly, N. CAij� .Chief Engineer. ApprovWt n ssion to theof Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 22, 1931 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Duluth Avenue from Jenks Street to Lawson Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90110, approved August 14, 1931. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $1108.18 Uost per front foot - - - - 2.21 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 21.73 Engineering - - - - - - 70.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 502.08 (See alternate estimate for grading Alley in Blk. 7, Hillsdale) Yours - y Ap�RIA d for ansmission Chief Engine - tomi ioner of Finance. MILTON ROSEN,P Works. Commissioner of Public r Office' d the Commissioner of Public'W%"1►NU% a Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 28 193E Aug'-28,_lMl......... ......192. To the Commissioner of Mnance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 90110 August 14� 1931 Council, known as Council ale No......... __....approved ....... _--- _ . .. _ _....:192......-, relative to the grading of Duluth Avenue from Jenks Street to Lawson Street. ------------------------------_.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ __---------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. .necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.21 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------------------------- and the total cost thereof is Engineering - - - - $70.00 Frontage 502.08 Inspection 21.73 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-__-_........__.---..._.--_-....____-..-._-_.-__-.--__-__....._._._... _-_(See-- altQrnat®..g ad1-rlg.. Alley---.in_-Block._ 7-s-.Hillsdale)............................... ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .............................. --------------------- ................ _.......•............................................................... -------- 5. Said improvement is.:_..-.-..-_-.--.--...asked for upon petition of three or more owZoffperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------- - -........:.:....:. .............. of Public Works. 0 Office 'of the Commissioner of Public W 6QF H , to f . o •r Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 28 19" August 28._1931----------192.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No907�----.------0.approved..-.August 14� 1931 ---- ..192.__..., relative to -- the..grading- °f -Alley in...1Pck..7s-.H.?lledale.._f�Coln-.Al�� ---------------- Avenue to Frank Street. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ _....-..._........_.. -- - - - - - ... ------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -----_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.60 712.37 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------ ------- ----- and the total cost thereof, is $.._.---. ----------- ........... Inspection $13.97 Engineering $80.00 Frontage 1190.62 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows :.............. ............ (See --------------------------------- _...._....---------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.....--_---------(See-altern te--grading-Duluth--Av-'from Jenks to Lawson 5. Said improvement is -----------_------- -----------asked for upon petition of three or more owne o property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ex f P Commissionoublic Works. 4 COUNCIL NO. _______ 'b54 1?Y ---------------------- FI�L ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDIN;;.-. ; ap _ condemnin and taken an easement in the land Tye. `° Franr<ac,^ of ----------------3; ----------------------------- _ or nni In the matter utx wca e •'90111 aD necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley P oQ +4Carmea+arr. order in Block 71 Hillsdale from Duluth Ave. to Frank St., also uag19b�a p a in the grading of Duluth Ave. from Jenks Street to Lawson St ?P'Y*entut) d e; on, paving he aret4 and' "tiliv'�:,' aS`eame they,:' oracle d `tenon under Prelim' 90111 August 14 19 ----------- Intermediary wary Order---------------------� approved -'�-- 31 Intermediary Order ---- A4t6----------- _--- approved --------- ___------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in -the land necessary for slopes, cuts -and fills in the grading of alley in Block 7, Hillsdale from Duluth Ave, to Frank St., also in the grading of Duluth Ave, from Jenks St. to Lawson St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same Fe hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: � ror slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale from Duluth Ave, to Frank St., also in the grading of Duluth Ave. from Jenks St. to Lawson St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_-- �CT_13____sy3a ____________________ 19 ---- Approved ----------------------- 9__--Approved----------------------- , 19---- ------------------------------------- Councilman Conroy Mayor. Councilman McDonald L.LL. _ Councilman McDonald � O pvgy��D /�. /,,, Councilman Pearce Councilman Asideed CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR*MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `9O� Vl) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Ave. to Frank St., also in the grading of Duluth Ave. from Jenks St. to Lawson St. under Preliminary Order approved August 14, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 100.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 7 Hillsdale, St.Paul,ISinn. ..150 7 2. 7 do 150 300 3 . 7 do 150 4 7 do 150 2100 5 7 do 150 2.150 6 7 do 150 1100,; 7, 7 do 150 1X00 .. 8 7 do 150 1100 . 9 7 do .. 150 10 7 do 150 TOTAL, - Farm B. B. 10 -.. . , ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTWENT+OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION -. LOT b:.oeK'- :. ADDITIONASSESSED _- VALUATION I .:_11. 7 ': Hillsdale, St.Paut-,Minn_ 150. _-- 12. 7 do 150. 500 13 • 7 do 150 150 14 7 do 200 '3000 15. 7 do 250 ?.50 18 7 do 150 17. 7 do 125. 18: 7 do 100 18 7 do - 100 20 • 7 do 100 550 ,. 21 , 7 do 100 22; 7 do 100 2100 23 • 7 do ' 0o _ 24. 7 do -100 25 7 do 100 2600 26, 7 do .100 2500 27. 7 do 100 28 • 7 do 100 29, 7 do 100 2050 30, 7 do 100 Duluth Ave.) that part,lyini; sd of Hillsdale and 6000. 200 Gest of right of way of the'Nort�hernuth Y Pacific Ry Co. of the (Esc. east- - of the northeast } of Saa. -21-29 1 - R. 22-- - .. _ 9975:.: 21850- A'11 -- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wo Dated ( fo F—s. e. u Commissioner of Finance. /?09 , /209 hr cp flu ho. 0� MIS. �Io oho �.n 4 �� al h�V. v1V ol7 � VIV n� _ -30 60 ' 1 h�i till• �..: ��.�J � l _ P ALLEY -BL K. 71LI/L L SDA L.5 DUI- UT// AVE• f, ?ANK ST LA 1'Y.50/Y ST h L L S D A L E I � N /5 /4• /3 /2 i // /0 9 8 7 i E i 5 I 4 3 2 40 O .. -- - --- __ - 60 +..- Gan an Ct. t.0 O,b O� r h\ ` e„1 T.m �_ '�� N_^ __ O0' � �R m� p�ONry b Q^I 4r♦ Pim SOI p O �'�. yY 'C 'C p n ♦ � V b� ���` .Irv" hl� �loa� �Ip pl,p - >trp p Tt. VbOp Q�N. hd 4�:N iO ai,� hH. ae. V'n �riO �'c ih. •p'� O'C' yy��'Yl. HEF Goa Goc 353/' ao' 1!. 2E 27 28 29 I 30 22 23 24 I '25 aiiPyai� yii oiP Du/u//� Jo fio�iF IXI I . j s L _ P ALLEY -BL K. 71LI/L L SDA L.5 DUI- UT// AVE• f, ?ANK ST LA 1'Y.50/Y ST h L L S D A L E I � N /5 /4• /3 /2 i // /0 9 8 7 i E i 5 I 4 3 2 40 O .. -- - --- __ - 60 +..- Gan an Ct. t.0 O,b O� r h\ ` e„1 T.m �_ '�� N_^ __ O0' � �R m� p�ONry b Q^I 4r♦ Pim SOI p O �'�. yY 'C 'C p n ♦ � V b� ���` .Irv" hl� �loa� �Ip pl,p - >trp p Tt. VbOp Q�N. hd 4�:N iO ai,� hH. ae. V'n �riO �'c ih. •p'� O'C' yy��'Yl. HEF Goa Goc 353/' ao' 1!. 2E 27 28 29 I 30 22 23 24 I '25 aiiPyai� yii oiP Du/u//� Jo fio�iF IXI I . j Office of the Commissioner of Public Wot OF Report to Commissioner of Finance F"n� 3' AUG 28 1931 _..._.Augus t--.28,---1931-------..192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the - Council, known as Council File No 90111 -approved--.-..-. _ .-August 141 _ 1931192 _ , relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ----------------------------- -- -------..................-_-- ------------------- -- -.-...........------- ---------- and-filIS In --the grading-of-Alley-in--Block--72 ----------------- Hillsdale,--.fr-om_Duluth.-AY-e.....to.. Frank. -St.-,- also In-- the- gr&d:Ing--o€- - Duluth Ave. from Jenks 5t. to Lawson St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -------------- _.......necessary and (or) desirable. '� .- $...._XXX---.._.-- 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8_.... _ ......-. and the total cost thereof is ........ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....____.._ ._.'.-..._......... ....... ......... ..__------ _......--- --------_-(See---alternate---grad ng..Puluth-.Av..e.._from Jenks... to_.LaWSOA)---------.---------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --- ._....... ................. ..-----------.._.._--------_--.-------------------------------------- 5. ------------ ---------------------5. Said improvement is.....__.. --------- ___----- asked for upon petition of three or more owne of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ---- - - -.......... --------.. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ------------- -_------- By FINAL ORDER 98655 90856— In the`hiatter'of chrbtng Thorn Street botheldes. from:Hlawatha SC Lo tittl .eaeterly end of, Thorn Street, under PrellminarY :Ordetl 99188 atleroVed .>,ug.iS. 1853. A-Dubltc- hearlag having �treen bir' not ee nand theCou'eV o}lmhaving h.? gn-ioreons,-roblecttoar ands te(� mea 't""relave thereto,-: auf Ing fell, oongidetireQ the Baine .Y: In the Matter of_-Curhitag--Thnrn__�-treet_}-_ho_th__sides_r__iram-Rias¢atha__-Str-e,et ,t9 __tb P___aa5_ter_ly__-.e_ ui __of_Thorm_ktre_et--------------------------------------------- ---------- --------- --------------- under Preliminary Order _- --- - ------- 90.106 ------------approved ___August--133_1931- Intermediary Order _____----_—_-- approved --_---------- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____B11T12_Thorn-See�t---�4-tb -�j�r� — — x a3Katha__Str�et___t4__the__easte iy_encl and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said im"Efoll iR._accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ----------- _______—_____._____-__ ZN�4 Approved-------------------------- -------- _, 192. Councilman 6 Conroy Councilman F_ ro Mallonald Councilman y Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman 80� sadhei— CWXj]" mmix Mr. Viae Pres, Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ' Inthecnatterof curbing both sides of Thorn St. from Hiawatha St. to the easterly end 'of Thorn St., 9%3 under Preliminary Order approved August 13, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 4'I 9 64 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ n a9 The estimated cost per/OCttPor the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg: 1150 3850 (Exc. Ely 52 ft)Lots 3,4, & 5 McDonough's Re-ar. . Ely 52 ft of lots 3, 4, & 5 . do 925 4900: West a of 6. 28.Suburban Hills 1200 3200- East z of 6. 28. do ..1250 4400.. 7. 28. do 1250 3500 West a of East z of 7. 28 do 1250 3250- (Exc. Johnson Pkwy) the W.45 900 ( ft of 8 28 do Lots 1 to 32, Clifton Park, A Re-ar of 19200 Blocks 18-22 & Lot D of Suburban Hills 27125 23100> The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public n Dated (0 19�..L Commissioner of Finance. Porm D. S. A. S -S D F� h F � n Q J f 01 Q W < i THO¢.N I N D I Ahl St. Paul, Minnesota. aril 11, 1931. commissioners of Public Works, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: WE, the undersigned, property holders of record, in the block on THoM4 Street, from Hiawatha Street to Johnson Parkway, hereby make a petition for the placing of curbing on the(Sout side of THORN Street between Hiawatha Street and Johnson Parkway, and would thank youi;to take the necessary steps to place this petition in the regular course of procedure so that early action will be instituted -.thereon. 1109nrrhorne Street (optional) 1133 Thorne Street 1121 Thorne Street (�, W 1139 Thorne Street f2O, 11f9 'Thorne Street �G O. /> Z y �'4 - THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 26, 1931, Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Finance Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both sides of Thorn Street from Hiawatha Street to the easterly end of Thorn Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90106, approved Auguat 13, 19$1. Estimated Cost - - - - - - -- $412.64 Cost per front foot - - - - •62¢ Inspection - - - - -- - - - 8.09 engineering - - - - - - - - 35.00 Frontage - - - - - - - -- - 672 ft. Yours truly, eA r WM. N. C Chief vIngineer. Approve fo r ssion to a of Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public works. ► / F{NANCE ce of the Commissioner of Public " 2 4 Off'i �•. 13 Report to Commissioner of Finance i AUG 21 1�i1 August27a 1931..._...-192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 90106 AUg. 13a 195l..192 relative to Council, known as Council File No...---..._._..........aPProved-..- --- --...----------- - - _.the_-curbing-.of-..both-.sides_-of..Thorn_._...1 er _from--Hiawatha-_Street_----.---_.-. tg. the---easterly_.end-.of_Thorn..Stree-.-, ._____ - ---- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --- ..-.---- ---- --------- necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 62¢ 412-64 _.--.-, and the total cost thereof is ----------------- 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--.----nearing $35.00 Frontage 672 ft. Inspection $8.09 Eng and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------- -._- __.._.......... ........... . - - 3° A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ---_____. ---------------- -- -------------- 5. Said improvement is ---------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------ ---;i---------------------------------- - -Commissioner of Publie Works. 56656 In the Matter of-curbing-the__nnrth--side-nf-Hums_.Av_enua__betweEn__Ear1-__-___- Street_and _AQ :ter__ Straet___n __fFont_- of_ lot s �ubdiyi nommenaing__Z5fi-feat --- east---of--Ear_1--- tneet-,--_theneR_sast--8 ---- 1L3_feet--------------------------------- --- --------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---- under Preliminary Order-------------901-77----------approved--------- AUgas t---19 Intermediary Order -------------------- . --approved ------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, t�e it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that'` nd be ad the same ate hereby n-!' rescinded MW all-_ ---------------- --- - —r _-- -- ]x�atlead a in said matter be diwcntiLu.:,- d the Council hereby ders said improvement be made. ESOLVED FURTIIE That the Commissioner ublic Works be and is hereb tructed and direct to prepare plans and ecifications for said impr Ment, and submit same to the it for approva ,that upon said approva, he proper city officials are eby authorized and directed to Geed with making of said impro ent in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council ---------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ (�'i�CCloiTT ,. j ,k A Approved --------- -------1-- {----------- , 192 ----- - -- ---- -- ---——--------- -------- - Mayor. Councilman ClanConroy Councilman Ferg `sal McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce Rosen Councilman ennn ilujon Kx mwyolp me* Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT] OF FINANCE REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing the north side of Burns Avenue between Earl Street and �ly Hester Street in front of lots 8 and 9, McGuire and Hoyts Subdivision, commencing 356 feet east of Earl Street, thence•east 83 1/3 feet. under Preliminary Order approved August 19, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is $ 68.14 The estimated cost per/ooPt for the above improvement is - $—Q-82— The 0.82The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 8 McGuire & Hoyt's Subdiv. 600 9 of lots 14 and 15, blk 30 600 1700 Suburban Hills Add. to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey - Co., Minn. 1200 1700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public WIS. Dated-Lll I __19 —hr, — 1 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D �: _ �n�. ,��• b�. �i ^ b'G �v n, -� l \ � _ ` ��/`��, �C/4y /v�/ SriG< � C � 1 St. Paul, ------- 49-�4 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing on the north and south sides of Burne Avenue between Earl ._--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------•- ---------------------------------------------------- and Hiawatha Streets where curbing is not already in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- SIX5 Vl 3OX---------- ---------•--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------•------------SxATAT C. =01IFTI .99", Suburban Hills w EY4.SEC-30-729-)Q V 7nF 71 7 F ,WcL EA/Y SUBURBAN � BUQNS MU0.50 AVE. AVE. v II AVE. O V2- ` AVE. 236 VE 236 r r THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 25, 1931 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary curbing estimate of cost for the/of north side of Burns Avenue between Earl Street and Hester Street in front of lots 8 and 9, McGuire and Hoytts Subdivision, commencing 356 feet east of Earl Street, thence east 83-1/3 feet, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90177, approved August 19, 1931. Estimated cost - - - - $68.14 Cost per front foot 0.82 Inspection - - - - - - 1.34 Engineering - 10.00 Frontage - - - - 83.3 ft. Yours truly, CAR Chief AR Appr d smission to s of Finance. MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public works. O�Ice of the Commissioner of Public WQ*J&FINAN6E 9 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 27 1931-. August ... 27., 1931.._.... --..192. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..90177 approved...........ugUSt 191 19x1-_192----- ..., relative to the curbing of the ._north-----------------------ide of Burns_.Avenue-between_-Earl----------------- - --------------- - - - - .---_-_-_Street-- and.-Hester__ Street_ 1n-..front._Of lots_ 8_. and 9,.-McGuire-_and-..--.-___-_ Hoytts Subdivision, commencing 356 ft. east of Earl Street, thence -------------------------------................... . _.......--------------------------------- ------ - - ---- ------------------------------------------ east 83-1/3 feet and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 82¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------- -..---- ----------------- and the total cost thereof is $------__......_� Inspection $1.34 Engineering $10.00 Frontage 83.3 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:............ ---- ------ .......... . --........--------------- ............... _..._-........ - ......... ­1 ......... ---- ---- ------ ....__........ ------ --- ----------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ----------------------------- - - - ... _..._----------- ------- ....... .-------------------- 5. Said improvement -------_--_ --- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. YeasCouncilmen Nays -Conroy May iMcDonald i Pearce ( J —Rosen - -'Sudheimer V/ Mr. President (Bundlie) Attest: City Clerk mail ,1 ORIGINAL TO CITY OLlPNOU CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO-A008 O - �-{� 8 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK —1l RESOL FORM ( /D � /. I/Eb That the application of $aobu= Brothers for permission to erect and maintain a pnblio garage on Lets 15 to 20, 8tinson's Boulevard Addition, located on the north side of Grand avenue between Griggs and Syndicate streets, is hereby granted, and -kVe Commissioner of Parks,. Playgrounds and Public Buildings is h4reby authorised and instructed to issue a permit therefor; provided, however, that said garage shall be need only by Zaohmsa Brothers in connection withrtheir florist business at said location: provided further that no gasoline or oils shall be 'sold and no public repair work shall - be done on.the premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays +r Conroy - ,✓�l�M-ay � jl!cDonald _____ _ In favor �pearce / Rosen Against Mr. Viae Pres. Sudheime, Adopted by the Council9--'— OCT _-_OCi Apprd----------- ---------- --------------------19 -- / _____.____.__/--------------------------- MAYOR.____— Citi ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN end Commialoner of Registration CLARENCE A, STORMS ChId perk -CD, Cleh - Chld Clerk-R.6iw uon October 9th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirt Attached please find all papers In the matter of the application of Zachman Brothers for permission to construct a public garage on Lots 15 to 20, S:inson's Boulevard Addition, located on the north side of Grand Ave. between Griggs and Syndicate Streets. This application was approved by the Council today and referred to you for resolution; said resolution to include the restrictions as set out in Com- missioner May's letter hereto attached. Yours very truly, M�' City Clerk. Adopted by the Council -------------- _193..._.___ Yeas. / Nays. CONROY /MAY /MCDONALD EEW /ROSEN /SUDHEIMER /MR. PRESIDENT (BUNDLIE) 6 0 CLYDE R. MAY LOUIS J. CARTSCHER OONNIB{IONRR o[r—to. Y Issl o... CITY OF SAINT PAUL DlPARTMlNT OP PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 CITY HALL OFAROE L NABON. sun. OF .ARID MN_ R. JOHN N. sun. M RAY6R011lOt CHAS. A. BAEBFORD. COY ARCIRIIIT October 5, 1931. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: On next Thursday, October 8, the matter of the appeal to your Honorable Body by Zachman Brothers for permission to construct a public garage on his property on the north side of Grand Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate will be heard and I wish to submit to you the following informa- tion concerning this appeal for your consideration. The construction of the building was started some time ago without a permit and this fact was ascertained by our building inspector and this appeal is the result. I believe it should be strictly understood that if the Council is disposed to grant this permit the building should be used only by Zachman Brothers in connection with their florist business at that address as this is the information given to our building inspector. We have information to the effect that portions of this gar- age may be rented to others for storage purposes. This is not desirable. n o� J Yours ve truly, 07 Co issioner. U �' - / NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No,. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 19�y to the Cit' jermisgion cil of e City of Saint Paulo Minnesota+ by .� for to erect a public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situated in Ramsey County.) Minnesota, to wit: 'Lot o ® Block Addition STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 as. County of Ramsey S d ser that ....0 JK-JRP8 ". __.._-____-. ..._.being duly sworn, depmn anYs he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has bees the publisher of the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, e daily newspaper printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota; That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed..._.noii_-M----- -'"-- ....__..—____.__.. . hereto attached, cut from the raincoats of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published ll of said publications were ade in he English ,in said newspaper once in. each day­­fora..-"y$and that amt ,language. That said notice was firsa inserted, printed and published marid the-.---1.8tl1.a__.day oE.__ept..reI11 1931-, a d w s printed an ub6h',ahad in a4w ne spape on each and evpty. day.. there- after -- g Lplet a ----------­------�lA-c after anal and ig al t a na ?1 aforesaid, this . -new ape of_ qualified aedium 'of 9o(ficial and legal publication That during all the Ames aforuaid, said newspaper was qualified u a s required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and chat it has complied with all a m defined in d sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper tai c said one year last past from the dao of first publication of d ....._..Y14..-�e----------------- - - __ ------------ d newspaper has been and in column and (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, sheet form equivalent in space to, at least four pages, with five columns to the page, each seventeen and three quarter inches long. (2) Issued once each week from a known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. duplicating any ocher (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the exam of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the dem of the fast p publication of said ...._..._.._..__.-..- .nQtive- ------------ the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having "file of Ramsey, state of Minnesota, knowledge of the fact, filed in the office of the <otmry auditor of said county Y. an affidavit showing the time and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constimang its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Sessions laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz.: abcdefghijklmnopgrsmvwxyz. a1iiOiy s't"O�9a'sst�pz Further affiant saith not, save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended m accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. -- y of _ 5.e. em ber__..__....._-_. ] Subscribe a d ocn to before me this.._21.a____._-de �- My Commission capita; _..F...-e;T44,N.h.l:, - --- --"- Not Public,Rein. County, Minnesota. Xota,.y i•_�t,',,r. I:uns�•y Uountp, Wait, My Comms Commission EX1111 Mar. ?G 19 t5 , _— Farm as 1.98 bo0 la A STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey py f ss' —�•�TpU�F9pa�. ot A arcs° 4 pas,.1 tion o MW ►., ,/crap Oa'Na follotWef d tl. tpp•?ew dtw°ii:M We NPI 97841 a. bn°wepown��ot�ili a'W all �r1a K. .s aw 1 tat. nut, liana•-, Mpt'11. 191(News, Hapt 1748.18 1��7t.) Affidavit of Publication 961U219tt9..at"Z%.......................................being duly sworn, deposes and says: that 6 he now ie, and during all the time herein men-® tioned ben been In the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspape known as 'THP7 ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS;' and during all said time was, and now it% principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the 164 newspaper, 'THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time, and still In, a dally newspaper printed and published In the City of Sl. Paul, W the County of Ramsey, In the State ofamMinnesota, on each and every day of the �Ippweekky. that the annexed printed notice of .4pliaatAm 3=..par- mit A . O..i xQQt. A .1)t11Q . G=4ge..................................... .......................... :.................................................... bereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for ............. tl=ee........... day.i that the Bald notice was first printed and published In Bald newspaper on ... TbWedey... . the .......... 1Zth....... day of +9ept4mbaD••••••.A. D., 19$1; and was thereafter printed and published In mid newspaper on each and every suc- c7xding........ 447............ until and including.... SaAg •a$ ....... the • • • • • • .... day of .$eptembex. • . •A. D. 19.31 that mid newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter In column. and sheet torn, the matter consisting of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary Items. printed and Published in the English language at as established oftice, and known place of business In said city, to -wit: Noe. 88 to 88 East Fourth Street equipped with the necessary material., newspaper pressen and skilled workmen for preparing, Printing m and publiahg the mine, and the whole thereof, In said city; that the mid newspaper woe, during all the mid time. and sum 1% dated in St. Paul, and generally clrcuated In said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of add notice, and during all the time of mid publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated In miff county; that during all the said time add newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent In space of fou• Dagen, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths Caches, long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular Issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that mid newspaper during mid time, ban never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of - patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 81st 1901, the publisher of Said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting , forth the facts required by Scott 01 2 of Chapter 88 of the General Laws of the / State Of Minnesota for the year 1898, as amended. Afflant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case - alphabet from A to Z Is the aim and kind of type need In the publication of the annexed printed notice: a bod of 9h 1I It M n o p q rat u v w x yx That affiant knows personally all the facts at forth In this affidavit and that each and all thereto are true. Subscribednd Swor to before me this i Fee, $... .......... Received Payment. 7 da r TH BtAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ry bii roans county, u1nneaota -- =sate ....... �.19... Per .................. I....... tintarc Public, .Lt�.msey Ce tr, ��n• "''y Oommissidn Expires 16, 1898. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO. : �9 o ZR F CITYCOUNCILTIONacticalfy.nm nowfan°aur- t Quarser of thi@' year end:; PRESENTFr -B bue to t eee abnormal-� Oct. 9 1931. COMMIS_Z�11 the-etree wlthla the'eityK, pnot and kgp[-clean o[.dlet'1 .,a04' RESOLVED ne- - `ro Whereas, r'or the first time in the history of the City of St. Paul, there has been practically no snow- fall during the first quarter of this year, and Whereas, Due to.these abnormal conditions, the streets within the City had to be swept and kept clean of dirt and dust to keep them in sanitary condition, necessitat- ing large expenditures of street cleaning funds, reliev- ing thereby the snow cleaning fund from expenditures for snow removal anticipated and provided for in the budget for that purpose, and Whereas, These funds are to be used for paying wages to common laborers and thereby to eome extent assist in unemployment relief; therefore, be it hereby Resolved, That the following transfer of funds be made on the books of the Comptroller, in order to reim- burse the street cleaning fund for expenditures made under these adverse and unforseen weather conditions, and in order to avoid a deficiency in the street cleaning fund and thereby prevent the streets from being kept clean and sani- tary during the fall months: _. From snow cleaning fund, Code 13-C1 4,,000.00 To street cleaning fund, Code 13-B1 /,000.00 pEPJTY CITY C0r4j,rKOLLE COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council___nrT Conroy May .. McDonald _.___.... In favor Pearce Rosen __ .�.__._ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie . . Approved---- --------- ;-,,.z--`�--ra---19-------- -'------------- MAYOR COUNCIL offio ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.- .. ;'.:+ OFFICE OF ITjYj��CLERK sCf�O ESt� NERAL FORM Yeas ERSSfs WHEREAS, on October 9th, 1931, the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, thru the Superintendent of Inspection, notified the owners of the four story building at Eighth and Minnesota Street's that Building Permit No. 5920 theretofore issued to them to move back the saidbuilding was revoked, and on October 10th, 1931, supplement inpthe said letter, the said Superintendent of Inspection communicated further with the said owner by letter, in which the said owner was notified that the revocation Lof—Permit No. 5920 applied only to the moving of the south twenty-six (26) feet of said building, which twenty-six feet of said building now belongs to the City, further informing the owner that it was not the intention to apply any cancellation to moving back that portion of the build- ing not included within the south twenty-six (26) feet, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, thru its Superintendent of Inspection, approved by the Commissioner. i U COUNCILMEN X1 Nays nroy / May /McDonald ---- -_In favor /peame /Rosen .__j_tigainst Mr. Vice�heimer PC / OCT 13 18di Adopted by the Council __----- ..____------------------ 19__---- P --------- -------------- -------- :---__.-- --- -7---.. MAYOR �l �E�t�Ctilt�li� II� .�-IIw CITY or ST. PAUL. LBWIS L. ANDERSON eowroRwnoN eouN.n J1MI.TANT Al RNZYR LOUIS P. sHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIEB October 13, 1931. To the Council. Gentlemen: You ask whether any member of the Qouncil voting for the attached dresoution would for incur, damJA, event of its adoption, any personal The resolution recites that on October 9th the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings revoked a certain permit to move back a building. On October 10th, another letter was sent to the same party notifying him that the letter of revocation applied only to the front 26 feet of said building because said 26 feet belonged to the City. As a result of the second letter, the permit for moving back the building is not now revoked except that the owner of the property has not a permit to move back the front 26 feet, with the result that the Council in voting for this resolution has not voted for the revocation of the permit but has rdiPublicaction Buildingstin nothe of Parks, playgrounds an owner not to move back the front 26 feet. This can be done without any liability on the part of the Council individually or collectively. Yours very truly, 44" W, A-909-4 Assistant Corporat n Counsel. EM -M3. pity of Unt Paul Office of City Clerk WKE J. GIBBONS, City Clek HARO1D J. RIORDAN and Commleloner of Rtifletrallon CLARENCE A. STORMS Chid Clerk-Cib Clerk Chief Clerk-Resimetlon October 10th, 1931. / Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached resolution was re- ferred to you for an opinion as to whether or not any member of the Council voting for this resolution in the evdil.of its adoption would incur any personal liability for damages. Yours very truly, ,/� City Clerk. October 13th, 1931.,e Mr. T. C. Sorg, c/o Borg & Powers Furniture Co., Bighth and -Cedar Sto., St. Paul, Uinnesota. Dear Sira Wo enclose ani call your attention to a resolution adopted by the City Council concurring in the action of the Building Department in the matter of re- vokation of permit No. 5920 insofar as it applies to that portion of the building on the south 26 feet of the lot. Yours very truly, City Clerk. "Ill TICE O'LESOLVED a'E�o'opad$tn 8°co'9dUtrcyft'r TO ";t'"9 fSo , aQ�CiiJozs8laeina$tesh°SaUaei`l_"1 oqnKco'$f l��aa sleatiqp°°�iAegi0.+�g'r}oeatr�a�§d°netiS':= CITY OP GAINT PAUL PRINTE0 NCIL RESOLUTION TION go ,- UNCIL FILE NO kg1eAntnhar 1.� �3! � THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OFCOVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 2_T.O--223-52—INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL O4 ff►T1 ,1 1-1 1 APPROVED _ _�'L1 - l6a. !- . W BY a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL LF.� fip COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE 40 ----------- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 00 jpber 10 31 MAY --- IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 19--_ MCDONALD _ PEARCE ROSEN .... 6 ---- AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TH CITY TREASURY, TP THE AGGREAAOUINT S-•}T�• � --- COVERING T CHECKS NUMBTO_...22&-.. INCLUSIVE, AS TIT 91111(lucADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ................PEA CHECKSFfICE OFT CITY COMPTROLLER. _._...... ..._.APPROVED r •; •��• PTAOLLHA ,fit % � ...._.... MAYOR SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7--�Qp q0 �L� _j�►iS i s i( -77 TOTAL DATE '! CHECK 'li ../ IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS !� BROUGHT FORWARD 75001 00 g4i 673 17 P.1 22292 M. J.0'Neil l 274. 22233 �I M,J,O�Neil 7 22 22294! Barrie Brothers Plumbing Co., 97 2 22295 Synan Plumbing & Heating Colony 46 2 22296 Capitol Stationery Mfg,Oomp y 5 1 22297 F.G, Leslie Paper Company 41 +► .1 22298!1 Mrs. Arletta Ohipman ! 5 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7--�Qp q0 �L� _j�►iS i s i( -77 ®I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY MAY ----1. FAVOR M.DONALD PEARCE ROSEN --______AGAINST C SAINT OF ST 1A'L COUNCIL QFFICE OF THE E COMPTROLLERFILE NO._________ 1c V ___ COUNCIL o--------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ----------- - RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D '�IJ�CITY TREASURY, ,F S__;rr COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE 2 M I NUMBER -70___ ------- — ---- INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NU ------ --- T PER CHECKS ON LE N OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED THE - --------- ---- ------- — - ---------- --------- R APPROVED -------C.- TRO LE BY--------- -- — -- --- ----- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECKRETURNED V IN FAVOR OF 1 NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECK BROUGHT FORWARD 7500100 952 14811 22299 Auto Engine works, Ino: 9 22300ij Builders Iron Foundry 10� 3 Central Foundry Company 5 22301 2230211 Central scientific Company 1 4 223031 Central Soap Company 5 22304'1 Chicago Apparatus Company 1 3 22305 Co—op. Laundry Company 2 22306 Demoo Library Supplies 22307�', Denver Fire Clay Company 223011 Diebold Safe & Look Company, 22309ki " Dist. State Boller Inspector' 1 0 Installation Compsny 20 7 223101! Electrical Instal 22311!1 Elk Linen Supply Company 1 2 22312 Elkhart Brass Foundry Oompan� 1 5 22 2 22313 Farwell Omung Kirk & Compaly 11 2 22314 Fuel 01, & Gas Company 22315 H.B. Fuller Company i 9 86 0 22316 General Electric Supply Corpj 22317 !1 'w, T. Grant Company 22318 li 1%H. Grohs 2,4� 9 1 5 22319''Louis B. Gundlach 22320!! Heger Products Company 3d 22321 Hersey Mfg.Company qd �; 22322: Highland Spring Company 2232 ii 7.7. Aildred & Company 5 2232411 Hobart Mfg. Company 5 2232 Holt Motor Company 1 5 22326 E.w; Honsa Printing Company 22397 Houghton Mifflin Company 3q 0 22328 R.E. Hulme and Company 11 25 0 22329 Rolgert W. Hunt Company 59 0 41 115 10 6 2233011 Hydraulic Hoist Company 22331 International Harvester Comp.' y 22332 Iowa Valve Company 309, 0 2233JiH. Jansen 4 joesting & Schilling Company 7il 6 2233 0 Johnson Mfg. Company 1$ 4 22331 S*40 69 4 I. John a Johnson & Son 0 22337 11 Kee Lox Mfg. Company 6 22338 Kellogg Switchboard Company I 22339 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compass' r 174 7 •223 1 40 Keystone Press 1 22341 N111jam Kline 1 2 22342 troch's Book Store 2�1 3 22343 Lampland1umber Company 22344 Lawyers Co Op. Pub. Company 5 22345 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 8 9 22346 Lewis Institute 22347 Librarian, Library of Congress 3 2234811 Liggetto Meyers Tobacco CompDny 2 9 223W! Linde Air Products Company I 22350 Tea Company 3 0 Local 1 3 22351 ii Logan Corporation 22352;1 John Loss 7 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 1 7 500T 855 3�93� 4,' 11 - W �' a 1 � ii ! � � I i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY MAY ----1. FAVOR M.DONALD PEARCE ROSEN --______AGAINST C SAINT OF ST 1A'L COUNCIL QFFICE OF THE E COMPTROLLERFILE NO._________ 1c V ___ COUNCIL o--------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ----------- - RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D '�IJ�CITY TREASURY, ,F S__;rr COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE 2 M I NUMBER -70___ ------- — ---- INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NU ------ --- T PER CHECKS ON LE N OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED THE - --------- ---- ------- — - ---------- --------- R APPROVED -------C.- TRO LE BY--------- -- — -- --- ----- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECKRETURNED V IN FAVOR OF 1 NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECK BROUGHT FORWARD 7500100 952 14811 22299 Auto Engine works, Ino: 9 22300ij Builders Iron Foundry 10� 3 Central Foundry Company 5 22301 2230211 Central scientific Company 1 4 223031 Central Soap Company 5 22304'1 Chicago Apparatus Company 1 3 22305 Co—op. Laundry Company 2 22306 Demoo Library Supplies 22307�', Denver Fire Clay Company 223011 Diebold Safe & Look Company, 22309ki " Dist. State Boller Inspector' 1 0 Installation Compsny 20 7 223101! Electrical Instal 22311!1 Elk Linen Supply Company 1 2 22312 Elkhart Brass Foundry Oompan� 1 5 22 2 22313 Farwell Omung Kirk & Compaly 11 2 22314 Fuel 01, & Gas Company 22315 H.B. Fuller Company i 9 86 0 22316 General Electric Supply Corpj 22317 !1 'w, T. Grant Company 22318 li 1%H. Grohs 2,4� 9 1 5 22319''Louis B. Gundlach 22320!! Heger Products Company 3d 22321 Hersey Mfg.Company qd �; 22322: Highland Spring Company 2232 ii 7.7. Aildred & Company 5 2232411 Hobart Mfg. Company 5 2232 Holt Motor Company 1 5 22326 E.w; Honsa Printing Company 22397 Houghton Mifflin Company 3q 0 22328 R.E. Hulme and Company 11 25 0 22329 Rolgert W. Hunt Company 59 0 41 115 10 6 2233011 Hydraulic Hoist Company 22331 International Harvester Comp.' y 22332 Iowa Valve Company 309, 0 2233JiH. Jansen 4 joesting & Schilling Company 7il 6 2233 0 Johnson Mfg. Company 1$ 4 22331 S*40 69 4 I. John a Johnson & Son 0 22337 11 Kee Lox Mfg. Company 6 22338 Kellogg Switchboard Company I 22339 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compass' r 174 7 •223 1 40 Keystone Press 1 22341 N111jam Kline 1 2 22342 troch's Book Store 2�1 3 22343 Lampland1umber Company 22344 Lawyers Co Op. Pub. Company 5 22345 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 8 9 22346 Lewis Institute 22347 Librarian, Library of Congress 3 2234811 Liggetto Meyers Tobacco CompDny 2 9 223W! Linde Air Products Company I 22350 Tea Company 3 0 Local 1 3 22351 ii Logan Corporation 22352;1 John Loss 7 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 1 7 500T 855 3�93� 4,' 11 - W RECETVFD Council File No -------------------•-1--------- OCT 14.1831 -------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessmen' 90663 In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits, damages, costs and expenses changing the grade of E. Third St. from Broadway at to 125 of -TV". ohn St. to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto grade being tacked and made a Part hereof,the present established E. `j'hjT'd shown by a blue line thereont also regrading �t n,�an St. between the aforesaid limits to sa red lines when frm street ins to E ed, with sewes,completn drh recno vrater ealr onnctions ady maodes also including property of alloy ar.d d.ri•rovray ao proaches changes in Y Curb=n, and paving rc ccc ary! con traction o£ side- �nd, aapv t n�1 ("IS , � onr -_ 1?_� ft. east orator lsins J+r c n i s l� h o iad.zct, crallcs o c i o of Jo L ., i -- sc _ a.,. c� 71 oc a` Z 01 . . 1-i-11 50 -root. to { rlal l� ' to Jc Ji "c�n,,rctc, ss., t a .,x. face of n c.. flat l al C't _..._. .. z tieanng hking 6aeu herL neon the assessment #or the ab9va imQeln�� for -- is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the county of Ramsey for confirmation. able BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pay in ---------_----bo .......... equal installments. Ir;- 1, ; Adopted by the Council ...............:'.:...-.. --- ---------------- ...19. City Clerk. S;Y ... 19- Approved /..-'''''�'`'`' ---, Mayor. Form B. B. 18 PUBLISHED_/&_:�7.J / under Preliminary Order. ----.86250--..---, Intermediary Order .. -86464-----..---, Final Order ..--86.7-0.4L ....... . approved .-sSept ..................... 19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUp.THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable " in ----------------1 0 ---..--....equal installments. nr..,. Adopted by the Council- . . ........................................._............-- 19. City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------- ------------19 ........................ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 .e : - under Preliminary Order. ----.86250--..---, Intermediary Order .. -86464-----..---, Final Order ..--86.7-0.4L ....... . approved .-sSept ..................... 19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUp.THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable " in ----------------1 0 ---..--....equal installments. nr..,. Adopted by the Council- . . ........................................._............-- 19. City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------- ------------19 ........................ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 YIiIlIIn 111l1Ut1lilNlll1ll 11111 '911 44 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF ME COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment September 16 jq�31-. ................................ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for DbXX c1lall --,*n,, thu ,rade of E. T1 -i*_""_" S"-. irc)" 1_­on_r_­.-!ay to 125- feet cast of jo I 3 '-o 11-u red line _,n the 1-0:".1" ---.veto at- tar t- orm. to -- de i 1, 0 sen=t ta '-_d 0 le, ­ , -. el'. , "I , , ' - � -_ 1� -- � � — J� --- s' -o-:n lr- a !Fn o 7 s a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction 31,833.88 Cost of publishing notice 2.55 ----------------- Cost of postal cards 0.51 Inspection fees 691-38 ----------------- j Amount of court costs for confirmation 2.55 ----------------- Sewer connections 102.00 Water connections 203.69 ------------------ Curbing 220.80 Sidp.+alks 3,170.30 Driveway 115.83 Balance to Owner 0.00 ................ Benefits- $20,850.31) Sardsl Damages - 8.00) nount as above ascertained, Total Expenditures 36,343.49 to -wit : Net Assessment (Balance City) 20,842.31 land deemed benefited by Charge to 1930 Business the said ii Street B-)-nd Fund 15,501.18 ante with the benefits con- ferred the Bond Issue iroject No. 1 Shed, identified by the sig- nature of Luccompleted by him, and which "is hereproper. fF inane a F.— a. B. 17 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. I under Preliminary Order .----.---......$.�..rJQ....................... Intermediary Order.---... C21 ------­------­--------- ------- 86704 .......................... approved --------....Sept Final Order ............................. ....16 -------------------- ................ 19.-. 30 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction 31,833.08 Cost of publishing notice 2.55 ---------------- Cost of postal cards 0.51 Inspection fees 391.38 -•--------------- Amount of court costs for confirmation 2.55 ---------------- Sewer connections 102.00 Nater connections 203.69 -- Curbing 220.80 Sidewalks 3,170.30 ----------- Driveway 115.83 Balance to Owner 0.00 ?•------------- Benefits— $20,850.31) (amages z< ( Saidry D — 8.00) not�nt as above ascertained, { Total Expenditures 30,343.49 to -wit Net Assessment (Balance City) ~0.842.31 land deemed benefited by CaL ge to 1930 Business ante with the benefits con- the said h Street B-)nd Fund 15, 501.16 :hed, identified by the sig- ferred the Bond Issue Project No. 1 sacoou.eu� as completed by him, and nature of Lae anu mztue a 1`4 ItC1OV1 35. 6llC nuau " 1;E ^' p Gky y &considered proper. which is Isere Fo B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL d A � . r. - Intei�nediafy, Ord a G .................................-" �� under Preliminary Order 9 8670 , apxgv, Q 6 Final Order......_.... z fi . •� � r � ,,. � m -�- .. 1 3 To the Council of the Ci h s wing as a statement of the espen- The Commissioner' a •. the maldng of the above improve - ditures necessarily ini} ment, viz: ,�Cc F{3Ori y i5 y 8 Coiaizg �iot3ce X55 _.._.... Cn, postal cards Q 51 Irispectiolr fees 6 138 = ;. Amount, of court costs £or canfirmatinn 2.55 -----•-----.... < ' •Total eapenditnrea ;" .' ` ,. � _"�`---------- ------ Commismoner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, Said ] upon each and every lot,apart orgarcel of land deemed benefited by to -wit: the sum ofd F the said improvemelt, sad to Cfi@ caro ai Qaoh lot' part orpaxoeT o£land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the �atdeent has�b8ot[ etimplet dx and that hereto attached, identified by the sig leted by him, and nature of thesaid Co oht; oFx,moa assessment as comp se may be considered which is Herewith submitted `proper. ; G4 ..._..£I. !ri..K._ ... i v Commissioner of Finance. FO B. B. 17 OBSECTIONS OF TI CHICAGO'GRW wB'SMN . RAILROAD GOMPAI . irOV comas the Ohieago Great Western Railroad Company and objects and protests to the assessment made against it on account of the above entitled improvement and demands that said asseasnont be cancelled and anaUed. The property oamed by the undersigned and assessed for said improvemeat is described as follows, to -wit: .That part of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), Block Sizty-two (60),.lyin .North of Third Street; also Lots Five (5 and Sia (e)• anal that part of Lots Seven (7) and Sight -18) Block Sixty-three (63) lysing North of Third Street; also 0&vStreet, located between Lot Sight (8), Block Sixty-two (62] and Lot Fire (5), Block Sixty-three (63 Northerly of Third Street in Ki,ttsonts Addi tion , to Saint Paul, - against which the amount of the assessment is Three Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-five and 80/100 Dollars ($3,595.20) and aleo The &outherly one-half of Blocks Sixty- four (64), Sixty-five (65), Sixty-six (66) and Slaty -seven (67) in said Kittson°s _ addition, - against which the assessment amounts to One Thousand One Hundred Thirty-seven and 07/100 Lollars (41,137.07. The undersigned objects to said assessments upon 4iia uzZOT u ' a0 r, RT')a,' T iM' 5:1 }3�T 1.J. 1) ! On T fv? �t c T iZ 3�T %. S.TTrT_. 0; _off G.aC uu T Q t :._u u9S .i O.?TJ1b1G'i"r the ground that the same are 111eg.` equal and beyond the jurindiotion and authority of the City to assess and oolL.eotlll. (/ Dated Ootober 14, 1931. CHICAGO,GUAT WESTERN RAILROAD COMP/ANY ITjS A% orne s. 90664(- COUNCIL � ORIOIHAL TO CITY OLE , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. UUY OFFICE OF�CIIT—Y CLERK /CIL RE //CGENERAL FORM t�/ T va PRESEN D BY _DATE - - RESOLVED, that the applicatio4,,of Amundsen coal Company for permission and pump to install and operate a 550 gallon gasoline tanknat No. 8191 Robbins Street, for private use only, be and the same is hereby granted, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the. direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold on said premises. ,y __- a• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Z Conroy May McDonald ___ __-In favor Pearce Rosen _,�.�.._ __Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_.A�y�—-'---19__— jP vel-'`� --19- - - ---'--------./----------------------- —'---------------- MAYOR (Eiiu of Saint idttid bepartment of f uhliC.'ufi ig TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A. BROWN OWEN C. UNN. CHIEF OF POLICE FIRE CHIEF B. F. SIMON, M. O. GEORGE C.SUDHEIMER.COMMHISIONER JOSEPH A. MACAULAY. HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. SIEGEL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUPT. POLICE S FIRE ALARM �!1 October 15, 1931 Mr, M, J, Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Amundsen Coal Company for permission to instal a 550-ga3lon gasoline tank and pump for private use at 2191 Robbins Street and report of inspection by the Division of Fire Prevention, Very G�37yours Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ootober 10,1931. Ron.3eo.o.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, gt.Paul,Minu. Dear Sit: In regord to tuo Application of the Amundsen Coal Co. for permission toainstall t 2191 Robbine gallon StXeegasoline tank and pump for private We have investigated the foregoing and report that tsucnhehfireihazard'toonthe extent at tne sired location that it warrant increase ejection. Respectfully yours, Chief $nspeotor. vire Prevention Bureau. ATION I' - • CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIPLICATECAND "LED M HED CITY ORIGINAL CLERK'$ OFFICE. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ----------- 9 DATE ----------------- 1 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made INAME OF FIRM R INDIV IDUALI , , � n FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A___- ' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ------ .__--- ----------- ....... -______ BLOCK____"_____-___—_____—__-"__.______— y�.lrAND-- - __. ___ALSO DESCRIBm AS__-__ _ --- --------------- ._. (sTREET NUMBERI (AGDITIONI NO. OF PUMPS ----------- /------------- .NO. OF GAB TANKS------------ 1__--------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK --- __--- - AT -------------------- ----------------- --- AT OF APPLICANT. FILED By FPLANNING RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK ROM CITY CLERK ______–_________–______--_________GATE _______________________OARDDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY______–_—_–____--_____________ oRIOINIIL" CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Qld NC!KrSO LUTI ON—G EN E RJ �� !!moi • .. �.i FORM FILE NO. 90665 RESOLVED That the Council of the CS y of Saint Paul hereby concure.in the recommendation of the Board of Water Commissioners and authorizes the laying of a watdr main on the follow►. ing street in the City of Saint Pauls Mohawk Avenue from Stillwater Road to Harvester Avenue C F N '90686—BY A 3 Conroy— Resolved Thnt the Cou cit ,o['tieI Clty of 9a1nt Paul riere bY concurs n the r000mmendatfon of the Board of Water,Cammisslonere and authorises. the laYing of a water main Dn the tol-, 10a.:I In the _City oG Baint Paul Mohawk 'Ave..trom St1wa)er Road to^8arveaterAveuue: Adopted by th9 Cou cll Oct.=14 19311. A,DDroved Oct 14:1931 - (pot. 17-3931) COUNCILMEN Yeas / onroy Nays iMay McDonald _____. _ _-In favor �,Fearce /Rosen)- ACgainst Sudheimer 'Mr. President Bundlie T/ Adopted by the Council'-44---19-- �P-'—O 0 1 -0--19---- ----- r - MAYOR CouncilFjle-No.-...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: � Pgving Alley-_in Block_l, Ur�derwood1s 1st Addition from. Fairview Ave. to Sue St also changing' the grade of Sue Sty --••-----•-•---froze•• ei mound Ava---•to---GGGd-ic1>-AVO--.to•-•el='f --to--the red lines on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof,' ..................tie° pya-gGWt. _ejytrLb13sh88 gF016--'Ue1119 gh!Jwir 2sg blue tins -._th4mpn., - ... •--...-•--...---••-.. •..... --------.. 14th Octpber, 1931-----•-•� Dated this----•----• ---- day of....---•-•--•------ - ........ n, ,PR®LnKi<lYhBY onnsas � n Dib 90868—: a �qt ;, j , Abetraef. 1. wrltt '{,c f It ' •1 t"''d 'y tnl )I[1 d tl gftdu¢,A PRELIMINARY ORDER to {va t supe° n.n tion .n7 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement; viz k Paving. Alley-•an Block 1� Underw__ood s-_l... Addition- from x Fairview Ave. to Sue St., also changing the grade of Sue gut. ..................f-rom••-Fairmount---Av,& - to Good-ri©k�•-9�te..-.t© Qor�fr»rm---to...the•-rad••-• -- • - --• Y lines on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, "-tlyd pie e i .--6-gt tSit fled grad- Deahg'-:Mum ISy � Y�itt�'"I YYie ----- --..._:........ .. ....... .... having been presentedto the Council of: the City of SQ Paul-....--. -•--•• therefore, lie: it _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. , 2: To nvestigate'the nature, extent, and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total 600 thereof. 3. To furnish a pian, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition.of three-or more owners. b: To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......., DU . .. ....................... YEAS Nevs Councilman 9101111 CoNnoY MAY . Approved ................. j. i -------------- McnuvALn PGARCE ROSEN SUD)1i?IMER. ..... .... ..._.... . Mayor. Mx. PaEstn> W F orm C A 13 (aM R-RB)io 47-- COUNCIL FILE NO ... .......................... _.----_.. By-•-•-- .... _.......................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL �;fuca .tea>aa`sai�rrra =r tar. ¢• of the aeeeaemal{ f.i`- aDQ E211Ea8e8 L^j( i 2o•and, eoLth 'elle �-,. tweet ': Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving the north and south alley in Block 59, Desnoyer Park from Dayton Avenue to the east and west alley, under Preliminary Order ................. fl613A-..................... Intermediary Order .......... 8.6467- ......................... -.-......., Final Order .......... 86697- .............................. approved .......... fle-gt-..-1&.......................................... 19.-3Q The assessment of--.---_benefit-a,---zaat-s--- and .-.exp-enaaa.................... for and in connection with ; the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be itz. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.............12xh-.....-day of ------------------ 19.31.,19-31-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St- Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said n meetings, as requi; y the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the r improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 141 W1 Adopted by the Council ........................................ Approved .................. M1 - ................ 19.....-.-. Councilman tCl 7 Conroy McDonald Councilman er May ,.� 1 Councilman bSc lg I Pearce / V w.: Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudheimar Councilman falx Mayor It Ig Bundlie Form B. B. 17 ........................ 119 .................... ......... .. • ----- G J Clerk. ..... ..................... ............................... Mayor. COUNCIL PILE NO ....................... ............ __ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefitst costs and expenses - for repaving Summit Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Wheeler Ave. and Baldwin St. by removing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt surface except where asphalt surface in good condition now exists under Preliminary Order ....__......_87647_______ ............. Intermediary Order ......_.87.97$ .............. ,,.. Final Order ------88221------- ......................... approved .... .............. .......F.o.b.....1.7............ ................ ., 1931 - The assessment of......k29.n8, ,i1..._�Q.g$._a�'�5�...eXB.e;'1_s69_.._,____.___..,-„-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............1'letXl.........day of Novembex-r............................. 19..33, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner. to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council.............k�✓ ._ . .................................................. 19 / Approved. . ........ - - ................19.. .. Councilman Conroy Councilman �P.eii McDonald Councilmant. Meaaprce �J b �. P Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudbeimer Councilman Mayor KNOP a Bundlie Farm B. B. 17 Clerk. Mayor. MBLfsIWD ZL,J `f — 3 J COUNCIL FILE NO ........... _........................— By r, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Roble Street from Concord Street to State Street, and State Street from the northerly line of Robie Street produced northwesterly to a paral- lel line 100 ft. southwesterly thereof, with sewer, water and gas connec- tions from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also._inaluding curbing and gaving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, material to be 7 reinforced concrete, with 30 foot roadway, under Preliminary Order ........... 5647 .......................... Intermediary Order..............- `�i�....................... FinalFinal Order ................ 864 S... ---------• approved ................. AUg-718t•-!g-s--•--- _--_--_-•--_-- 19 The assessment of...beneflt81--aoat8.Aind...exp9na58........................ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .............. .12.tt1......day of Np embeL............ _............. 19..231, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber' f'the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said .,�. meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. j 1� Adopted by the Counkil ............ ...............-.................... 4'', ................... 19........: - __... ......�y Clerk. �r.-_ r - Approved................................................ 19-.-...... erConroy.. .. ............... ... ................... ................ ........... ----, Mayor. Councilman McDonald Councilmania"' May CounilmaPearce . D -ISHED ) h Counccilmann JTMfilM Rosen Councilman Sudhesmer Councilman Mayor !>fC F— B. B. 17 906'0 COUNCIL FILE NO..................................... _.. n the ageee�mant oti. ,N and az4enees for qon�' i'btng-on:Paltice streak.;!. By ....... .... .........._.....--..... _.................................. i and PrEreliminBrY Oew— dtary order ssasq ie i ;� � aDDroved hN;;r - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs anc expenses for constructing ourbing on Palace Street, both sides, from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave., under Preliminary Order ................ 8.6441....................... Intermediary Order .......... fl8.8.0 ...... Final Order 891a ....................... .. approved .... ....... May ...la ................................... ........ .. 19.31— The assessment of. .............. JaenefittO-, o.o. a I E L .&SA..a7xpem.ea............. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .--.--.-.J.2et-}1........... day of AROX-em..b.BS......................... - 19-..3. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner M whom the notice is directed. OCT 14 Wt Adopted by the Council......................................................... ............................ 19.. Approved....... ti' -.:::.:_:.19.. Councilman y Conroy ConrMcDonald Councilman ,� .' May t Councilman . Pearce Councilman �� Posen Councilman NOW= 5udheimer CouncilmanlWkmak Mayors Bundlie Farm B. B. 17 Clerk. Mayor. . „rs>rt,"'D—Za=LZ— 0 / COUNCIL, PILE NO .... ..... ........................... _ By 906'71 7777=7�ly� �matf@r of the ae3 r. eneate @Data and; exDea r .tIi, t11g carbtnsaon 8efil� mtroun, ee, Irnm _synd?:' 1'dRoad. ;undr,,3 prder,'88811 •Infer ' S7, Blnn] r`rdr �.ri.r" e r .mo CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing ourbing on Schaffer Street, both sides, from Syndicate Ave. to Edgeumbe Road, under Preliminary Order ................... $x$41.................. Intermediary Order ....:-88..4117----. .............. - ................... , FinalOrder .................... 857.0.1 .................... approved. ............. .A.pT-..._.7............................................. 19.._ 1 The assessment of..........--beneflte.� q-Q.8.t.q.. f�.. !'i. I?�xlfl Pi B._..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......._ 12th_ ........... day of .1'LOY.ember 19..31, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 14 1-4,)1 Adoptedby the Council -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 .................. - ..., City Clerk. Approved-•----------••------• .....................19.... ..................... ......-----------... Mayor. Councilman'„ `"' Conroy McDonald %2�� Councilman® May pUgLISHhD t—"� -- Councilman.- Pearce Councilman" Rosen Councilman Sndbeimer Councilman IDZW Mayor ins mmy Bundlie Form B. B. 17 906'72 . r _1 Ifo 8UBT8—r. COUNCIL FILE NO .......... _...... _.._............ __ a matte et taa';appeb pfttp;.pop b aM AZP6asep,.,' ' � aaA'V6ving a;roadway;' pnPark romatie P� By ..___ ............ _.................................................. 1'^itprrolavb at,�Thoe t oTIY'- boundary' oi•. 1 -}at I[ae o2 Rppbr�� ttieace n. _ - 3n 7 r• CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefites oostb and expenses for grading and paving a roadway, in Indian Mound Park from the present easterly terminusof Thorn Street along the northerly boundary of the Park to the east line of Reserve Street produced south, thence northeasterly to the intersec- tion of Johnson Parkway and Burns Avenue, also grading and paving an extension of the above roadway southerly from the easterly terminus of Thorn Street and westerly to the Park pavilion at the southerly terminus of Earl Street extend- ed through the Park, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains, to property lines complete, where not already made, also including ourbing slid paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, material shall be 2 in. asphaltic concrete with 5 in. concrete base- 36 foot roadway, under Preliminary Order .................. 8u 23 ..................... Intermediary Order ........... SZ17.3................................... Final Order- ..............$ 45 ........................ approved ............... apt----- ........... _............... 119.29 The assessment of. ......-b.Mef.UJR,�._Q.Qa.tA.8—aAd...eX.PsASAA...-_..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .............. 18.1iib--.....day of Navember .................... 19.31-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT 14 WK Adopted by the Council---- - - ___ ........................ ..........................19--- � � Y931 Approved................................................ 19:_...... Councilman. Conroy Councilman er oerl McDonald Councilman May Councilman i iMkWl Pearce Councilman S0 ItjYig&= Rosen Councilman �x Sudheimet' Mayor B;a Bundlie Form B. R. 17 City Clerk. PuBuslu-1, /( —1 V Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ BY-------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__C..Qnsixu0-tlnP.-B-Jri.fln�.1.hiQ-Aon4x@t_e_iS1e�,3�.k_l.t�_f111J__YE1.dth oi_the b4uleysartl_sln_ the _rt21>tl> `_sj dE _Q_Eif_tb _Street_ bB?'egn_e-T-k�_ et and_lashi.negton- -Et r-ee_t--=-------------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------- ----------------- -------------------------- - --------1-----L-----------------------------=---------------------------------- -------------a roved __gR�mb@T_ a� -1931------- under Preliminary Order_________ �D_$`J_`�_-- _PP The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. .That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.s That the nature of the improvement which_ the Council recommends is --- GS1iLStxIl9_-a------- 1 �-�9 g e e_ � lk__ hQ_f>311 v dth_ of_tne boulev rd_on_th----south e i rte _af _Eiitli_Stxset_hetseeean_ltiaxitnt_Stxeat_�nd_;las]i; n On -9 - Pt �here_�o o��nd_Bufi4i�.xit _s i tis<��211te _ 114I�_��i ata. ---------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $Il.2O _Ael—aa . f t . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 01b --------- dad of jjQyp}r��.$s ______ M&-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _--Q.L_1.4- ----, 192---- I ------- City Clerk - - Approved----------- �----------1�--- --------------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman M my mucid Councilman.. May Councilman pearoe Councilman Rosea Councilman Sadholunr Councilman 2VMX&x MayorA Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLLSHEL 0 -- 51 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 90674 2ter of OOa92tU0tlhg 8 elfl ��� . w F1,glet¢ A P totSec ?a elder Pt6111iitaBrr Ord6r ved Reyt::r7 1881 I-'OUhOn ot�:tha CIt9 Of"R?� ",r Df' Flaaace DDDP f',' eat. an,t-- F , ' .��'.n•mm�^ . In the Matter of__Gen&=urtin9--a--si6Esealk--on_t_ae--sauth_side_nf__Bzya d-_____ Amenne__f.nom_F.sixuiel9 _&xenul-_t-a-Kenne-tb- Stxe-et--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order — ----------- U_442 ------ _------- approved ____-___SentembEx_17,1931 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby„ approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be,proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_nanstrnat__a__side— lgallc_on_fha_snufh_nii3e_ of__HayA:rsi_Atcenua_fzom_Fa9xlri.el�_A�tenu.e_f..n_1�enuaiih Str tb :Pxc� t_sihex�_ aotL_and_�uffa tient_-ai iem 1ks_-n.aW--exist.-------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1.1UU_ pet_irt ft. Resolved Further, That.a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ ii.Ltjl --------- day of SD -V lbST.,._IQ3i.______-=%_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_-__ 192 ---- Approved ---------- a -- 92____Approved----------_`1'�-_— --192--- City Clerk. --------- ------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clifi, McDonald oy / Councilman FFhgtj&May P1J11LISd�I9 ^ 1CouncilmaPew O ) Councilman Roecp Councilman Sadhoimer Councilman XffiftKtAffl==01x Mayor Dtelmtnc Bundlie Form B. S. A. 86 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 90675 L a4il': Ave cfXo A& m�Hyaclnth�BL a� ], to, conform 'taI-, t.t 2.r pr6me hereta'sttat'r $�Dart`hOreof, •tAeprrs . aiifade' being 'ehov�> - eon, eleo gtadP�� L in. BYaelhth is [se he', DroDoaeT t' tndx- In the Matter of_ Q nnolna_+he_gZad8__pf_ysIL�gke _AYe�_$'o311_HyAGinth_$t�_tiD Aut��n_Sts_tQ_aonform tsa_the_rad_line-mm -the_-pr-Qfi7.g._herata_attaahe&_and ma,�e_a_par �_her_a9�,--the_.>ar aaat�_s�ta'�].�.�hesi_S�eade_ h��nE_�+�u_�-a_blus Ltna_jib.Qx'fil2my_al aa_8sadinB._Yen_J2yke_.Asanuae_�rQa�.�s.�.ntl�_�h._ �o_.,Asttwna &t�_tQ._ths _D;copoaed..r�llne_ �lt�n._eatette].�shssl,_and_g7Cading-alleg_].u_}�l9csk under Preliminary Order --------- 907-3 ------------------ approved ------ AUBJl@fe._r281-19-5 .-___-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby ,,approve_ d and adopted, and the said improvement is --..:..heig6y. or,�eredao be prgceeded vytith. _ ,' �,..., ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__rh�_±a1&_gr_ade_ of Van_Dgke._A¢e—_fMon_Hyacinth_. t__ta_Aut_iana_S.t—_"noronform_ta_the_s�13ne on_aha_�o:£ile_3aarato_Bttachad_snd_mada_ s_��_hezenYt_the_�rassat._aAt6tb- i.�ahssi_Slee�fis_ triilaB_ahueu_by_a_balms_]�iue_�be�es�_sla2_grada_Y.aa�j►ka_B�venue from_Hgaciath_St�_tn_Aut�mtn_St.-ta_tha-pxo�waed sed-line__whe>._eatabliahed, and _in_Blnck _] r_HazsLPark SliYieion lio.-b_ from $a ze1_A4B._t0 Van Dyke Ave., 766.94 -Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 4U .-S - 1 -ley Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 1911 -------- day of HGYelAb@r�_1.�s ------ol=___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- OCT_14Ml____-, 192_-__ ----- - - - - - — ------------ Approved------------- ------- 192--- City Clerk. Mayor. ,4^ ^� { Councilman: `C+onroy Councilman Councilman Plcllonald May Pearce Councilman Councilman Rosen Sadhoitner Councilman 1>II MNX Mayor= BuncMe Form B. S. A, 8L COUNCIL FILE NO.____—________ By______________________________- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 96676 -777 :78 ,er of eondemning sad tak= easement In thg Sand,necee • eloceA.+cola nndBIIn tn=the;j, of AutuVAutu 9 Aver frotn'HYa=? to mn Alley in Si;also 1In the; oH , Ha under,-Pre7�r • In the Matter of__BQIIf19i11U3A$_811C7_ t&k317� Bri_9Hsri_111_�hti_lArid_ri@Q888sr� Pos_ Al Apes _cuts_and_fills_ in _the_ grading -Oi-3teagke-AQeriva_om_____-- Hgaalnth Stseat _t1l_Aut=n._Stsaeh,_ oil ap_in_the_gr8ding._of_Alley_in_Blaak lt_Ha2@l_ BdZ�C��.4j fld G11 �14�_F2_$1lLLZfl2e3._AQe—_.to—V=-Dy1 8_Av.@--.--_------_- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------=------;..r-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- undei+'Preliminary Order__ -:20279___________________approved -------- AUgnet,_2a,--lW1____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon- the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby. resolves: 1. That the said report and the same Whereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to,be proceeded ynth: -_ That the nature of the improvement which the - Council recommends att_�aaement Sn_tb� _I amsl_aeaasaary_dor__alo es,_�utra_Bnd_�ills_in_tha____ 6ras�u8._Q�_Yan_D.irke_AYau»_fx�HyaaSuth_qtr_@at_to__Autmn>L_Stsaet,._alaa , av_e,--�Q _v_�. nJc�e__AQe�..-.�a_e.�gst�es'�uaa_xlt�z. th@_hlua_�r�_herssta._atta�hecF = , ';: atui_Masi@_a_,,��_hs�slf.,._ihe_3satsshaii_}zartl.ons_sho�ing__tha_nuta_and_the._ shaded portionstshowing the Pills with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost itereof is $_2s-L1II______- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- IQU1__________day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted -by the Council__-= :_14 -JW ______, 192____ OCT ---- - -- %�-:----- Approved----------- ---------------192--- City Clerk. .r - ---------------------- -------- �- ' Mayor. CouncilmanConroy McDonald ej Councilman Mayw Councilman PeP��ggF,D Councilman Rosen Councilman sadheimer Councilman Mayor XIMXX Bundlie. Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By 90677 oCgrading a11eYe In I k.Pa{k from SaheCter( tt Ave.. and SrOYn'.'.noTth I ,lleY to- Diacsteeter. Ave..1 - •lnarx'ora6r so+eo aD;; z Y7,-1891 = '•�' of�th6-Cltr.ot B[ Panit '1 's the report oL Lhe Com-. �Ii .: tnanca vaon, the-eba^ na ihavinB .aon�l��; annd7 5 r_ca'�sa.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___gr2.din_alleys_in_Hlacl�_9y _bL2ktnck �as)L�souL_Schc��f er__ S:txeet- tn_Bayazd_Asenu.e._and--fmoUL_nnrth_and_soirth- a11ay_-to_Maaalestez--- ------------------------------ Avznue-------------- ----------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____________ e94DiQ_____________approved --------S2,,T @ __I_%a_ 1%1 _ The Council of the.City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, andhaving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- gxzde_.&2.Le;ra_1n__ Black_9.,_Ma-ttank—P,=k_fsom-Hchef_fex_BtrEe _fin_ Raffia r�_AvEnve_�nd_fxnm___ nfl-=h_ax1S--==_s2LL y__(2_XaDaLa�tal_-A.xQnu-P�---------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $x3Si.ZZ_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- AQfeb--------- day of Xp— 1II11)9x� 101_---__,499-g at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 'House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of *aring, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_______OCT H192____ Approved ----------------------------192_-- 4�6i"City'CIerE = --------- ------------------------ Mayor. Councilman PI Conroy PUHLISdiCD D 7 J Councilman ESSNM McDonald ` Councilman May Pearce 'U\ Councilman Rosea Councilman 9adheimo Councilman s-mkx Mayor NzWe Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 90678 Bo�rs— �latteY of c ndamntng afkY` .f Caeemeat la tha Iaa .o>-giope9;-Cute 9L i Of Nleyg fa Blo«o nB rlc fmm:$caflIIer 8t..' f f a �noctfr .,:a COUNCIL FILE NO______________ - t stet. rzob. y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__.a"d,emnin,_an,d._takinm,-an-.easement_a_n__th.e_land_neaeasaxy Lcr__slones,_nits_and_: ills _in_ths_gzasiin;_�f_ A71e�cs__iIL_�l o�dt_�,_ t 44k Park_frnmcheifax_�t�est_e_Bal[d]Cd_Qv_en11s__and_TS2m_�19_T1]_ansl _gggth_ alley iQ_Naq�3 efter_Ay�nu@----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 9Q461 ___________________approved --- gePte_mb@r_17,_ 1P31___:_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,. and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That she said ;ort and'the same"'ls hereby`. -approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered -to be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___-a0licLemn__2nd_ tike an_-easemen_t_in_ the_land_necessaxy_t'Qx_stones,_nuta_ansl_fills_in__the____ gxadin�_of_Allags:in_Hlnck _9�_Mahterk laxk Isom fiche hes3-trB IL-ta-2ayard AYs111z�._antt_f�o�_Ans�.b� �nd_�Qu�h_�?1�1'__�9 _�agn�ns��s_ �1_v_enuq.,,�_p_ accgrd_ anQe_gLikl_Llfl_i2�q_nrk_A@r�#g_aach@�i_��rd�re_a__gart hereof_the__ ha�L�d__n_ saxt�ons_ shnlv�.uo_ihs__cut>�_an� tha_�.�d,ed_�o�i�nit�_a>a9�in� thq_ fAls, wrtfi no 'alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.25,QD_______- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on.said improvement on the _______10-t1L______day of 521L-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------- Y_CT 14_ 1 192____ „- A f Approved---------------ity Clerk -------------1�--- �*- <'-'----------- C -- - r°---------�`----- -- Mayor. Councilman 32HIM Conroy Councilman McDonald 1 Councilman May Peaces /\ Councilman Rosen J Councilman 3adheimer Councilman 2x Mayor2kkmix Bundlie Form B. S. A. 86 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- 90679 tot coueEructlug ar[vc^'� �b,andDutting fn iso, 4 t 1R. eldei2Sarla =A�; + tr feet nonh r`t)inAn 0185 vtr<ie - tlndi�;% INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__c-nnstxiicxis ,---drivawey,_cut-.in;_-.uzb_and-ZEL ti.ug-_in_______ tadiuses_nn _the_East_airir�_o_t�T3ri��yerule�_l�� nil7ilil�_7_ feet north_ of__ FQ=±Ja_.13=0_e_t,-=0119A_Iior1h- 3- ft -'---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- 90.43.4---------------- approved ---- Sep ta he z_3.,2,__1.9-$1 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is he ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____S�OTL9�SL1Q�_J3T� Ye- eta-g,_�.11t_curb_.am7._nu�_inN�tarliueeP..k`-trri_-the_.east_�.i..de_s���xi..�_AY_e.�1ue.,__b poi n- ni n_57__eE _1L4TkL_Q _F_Q1lFL _sit r@et,_ thence_ north _ 8 _ft_1____________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_26.15_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 1=1 ------- day of Noxmibax,_1231_____-, X___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and4he total cost thereof as estimated. OCT14 Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ OCA 14- - -------- ------ -- -- - Approved -------------------------- --192--- City Clerk. Mayor. Conroy x J Councilman McDonald PUBI, %MD1U. Councilman May Councilman 'Peseta Councilman_ R°sen Councilman 8rdhairrar Councilman 7Gkcmcdx Mayor li dx= BuirdlYe Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 90680. i 7 oC'%radla8 alley in lilic.�., !tty netrom Aatlaani%gsi Qt'i 9r0ve4 A 891m9IImFY;rj "On of tha CItY =ut f ecelvad'tha er or $finance uRRr n- at. aad havlr�--, ' hergbY res 9 � In the Matter of__grading al-1p—y--in-.Block-12—_A,__.Go- zian_'aAearrznaenent_-of Sigel!s_Ac3iiiiion_izsua_Adanti�_&tT�01-10_E.__Sixtt1_,St eEt-------------------- -------------------------------------f-------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------- K171____ -_____-_--approved ____R ust _281__1931 __ The Council of the City, of.Paul baying reeds ed the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the . abpye_ improvementr�aud having owtaidereik ld p p14 ! egby. rgsolves : 1. That the said report and the same is hereby- approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- gX de_-3JU8y_J..I>`__ Blxck_12,_JL__ Got Zd Rn i aBEarsan�P t- °of_SiFel_' e_�ddit is> rs�m_ Atl�t]ii]�� Stseey_tn_E._$ixth_Stree---------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-Q.0.1-Qu ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _______1Qt31------- day of N�YErilY1@Zr>_', ice_____, __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. a d total cost thereof as estimated. OCT `A � Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192___- Approved ----------------------------192--- City C�k --- ----------- ----- �. - -- - Mayor. Conroy Councilman Councilman Councilman McDonald May pe Councilman seu Rosen Councilman Sadhaarer Councilman >S Mayors Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 90681 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________>a `uncsi ct tta.csu orsc- ➢f -elved th reparY.of th , d f BJaanae '3�¢- t^'n --------------------------------- BY ------------- WTERMEDI NRY ORDER In the Matter of --- aandemnInz_and-_taking__axL_eacament _ill_fh£._�3Tld_riec�aF.BTY ,f.ox-s].opesT_c.uts._and-fil]s_in._the_ radin�_�_Alley__in_H1nciL_l,ti,_A._____ -Gatz1ar0s_Rea=angement_nf_8ige1!s_Additicl> fxotrt_Aib�n 19__Str�e __ 2_ • _Sisth--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______a oved _____AI"M1$ 28,_ 1931 under Preliminary Order____________i12�2�_________ ppr � ---____-- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is -hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- cnndemn_and__taka �.n-e�s�msn�-in-#.]ate-].aad-uecea�y-f oz_slc�?�es,-�uts�,nd-�i,11a.-in-�h e.--- gxad�_ni_9]ley__in_Bl:ncl�_l2,_�_Psntzian!s_Aearrsln 7ement_nf_�3.Pe.1!a___ ..6dditiau_.frnm__8tlan�.ic_�S�aet__isi_�,._&ixt1�_R.i.Tae�._Az>r_as;eszxdan�e_�i�t.� the _blue._nxint_hQxe.to_.ahtacYied_ansi_>jade_a_�t_hese�i,__the_lzatchetl_n.nriinne .ahQ�in ;— tba_�Ix�si _ axi_he_Jslu�s� ustena_atu��i ag_ihe_i17 a ---------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ___-___- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- liltkL_______day of s I lla embaxT _1B°a.1------ laxi_i, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building inithe City of St. Paul. That the.Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and a the manner provided by the' Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ -n �r 14 __, 192__-- - -_ --- Approved ------------- ------192--- City Clerk. - ---------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy d'UBLI9Fj� %�/ Councilman McDonald —1 Councilman Mey Pearce Councilman Rosen mer Councilman Councilman Wmmx [x Mayor Nib= Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 I'C)f F 1;Yo P0688—Hy 7,-C� POarce Whereadi, The Commlaelnner oCF GIL NQ, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY (' Cat(Oa }188 d(reoted that ads., work be done ,under the Diana and ... 'tflcatfoae Co the Annex'ao th (2ri ICE O tortum whish addition is a rami - the Flcet Measanfae through L. CIL. so9ting on the second floor IOP: 'bultding aaTped A oorrrwlrrn ev �olhet�esa .contrantor ar . CA IBJ WHERX fl, The Commissioner of.Zdueation has directed that additional work be done tinder the plans and specifications for the Annex to the Auditorium, which addition is a ramp -from the First Mezzanine through 17, intersecting on the second floor of the old building;;sad WHOiZAS, The contractor and the Department of Education have agreed that the cost thereof for labor%ond material -;be the sum of $261.00, and have entered into an agreement to p'ay;`-and accept that amount, which agreement has been filed with the City Comptroller and countersigned by him; and WMM39AS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the City Architect and the Commissioner -of Zducation approve this extra; therefore, be it BZBOLUD, That the Council hereby concurs in the allowance of •said extra, and the proper City officers are. bereby authorised and directed to pay to the contractor, namely, wm. Murphy & Son, the sum of $261.00 in addition to the -general contract price. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ""Conroy May McDonald ---------- —In favor Pearce # ,RosenAgainst /�dheimer � - Mt. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council--p:�.-� `-19-- �lr - ---S"3 3i. Approve ------------ OC 3-19--- J _ - -- '- - -- - --- -- MAYORR City of Saint Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN ark Commlaloner of Ragbtraffen CLARENCE A. STORMS Chid Clerk -City Clerk Chid Clerk-RgIMtf- October 13th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please find Extras for Wm. Mnrpby & Son, contractors, on the St. Paul Municipal And'torium, covering the BEtmp from the Birgit Mezzanine through M7, intersecting on the second floor of the old building. This matter was referred to you today by the Council for resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Sept. 30th, 1931. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, / Gentlemen: Attached hereto kindly find Extras for the VAn. Murphy & Son, General Contractors, on the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium, covering the Ramp from the First Mezzanine through M79 intersecting on the second floor of the old building as per plans submitted in the sum of - $261.00. These Extras are recommended and approved by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, .and by the City Architect. The same have been checked by this Department, and we find that the materials and prices are correctly stated and are submitting this Extra for your consideration. I Yours very truly, Y; 60zalar�' RM(}_L Co ieaioner of Education. (41tg of ot. Faut Repsrtment of faarulton BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mm. JT. Jn.nrwu, •rnn. ueluFUN . S..O. HM11Wdl. nlFn.tRvaooR J" IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER J. . C.MMI..IuxBl GEORGE J13— JACOBS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. T--.. o1pttT.R - 0—.1 C...'-- D. D. MunFwY..Y.aIMmmBlf 3— FLOOR. ENDICOTT BLDG. -4910® Sept. 30th, 1931. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, / Gentlemen: Attached hereto kindly find Extras for the VAn. Murphy & Son, General Contractors, on the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium, covering the Ramp from the First Mezzanine through M79 intersecting on the second floor of the old building as per plans submitted in the sum of - $261.00. These Extras are recommended and approved by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, .and by the City Architect. The same have been checked by this Department, and we find that the materials and prices are correctly stated and are submitting this Extra for your consideration. I Yours very truly, Y; 60zalar�' RM(}_L Co ieaioner of Education. Mr. Jambes Please cheok with Don Murray in regard to the proposed additional work order for the Auditorium,and If 0. S., arrange for the necessary resolution• I. C. P. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Departmut of Parke, Playgrounds and Public BaUd:ings Office of Commissioner 219 City Hall September 28, 1981. Mr, Wih. Soott, City Comptroller. Mr. I. C. Pearce, Commissioner of Education. Wm. Murphy & Son, 1607 Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attention: Mr. Fred Watson, BE: Auditorium Ann a* Gentlemen: You are authotlzed to proceed with the ramp from the First Mezzanine through M7, intersecting on the second floor of the old building as per the plans submitted to you, for the sum of $261.00 to be added to your con- tract. Yours truly, (Signed) Chas. A. Bassford City Architect. CAB..0 Approved by (Signed) Olyde R. May - Commi ss ioner• om. M., Murphy& ; Son, City of Saint Paul Son. 1., C. Pearce, Department of Hon. wY1n F. Scott, P. P. & P.°.L. B�lkkpr. Pak Dept. ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER Date September 2-& 1931 , Contract No, a 2526 Contractor Win. M. Murphy & Son Annex to St. Paul Job Municipal Anditorinm From TO Under the provisions as contained in Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul; the ,Commissioner of Education has directed. thatthe following described additional work be done under the provisions of the plans and specifications, and has agreed with the contractor that the prices as given below are the reasonable costs for the doing of the said work and the supplying of the materials required: 1931— -Selotember,24. 1931 Commieaoner Countersigned 193L City Ax` mot cam q • Description, Location, Quantities, Terms and Prices. 4c-Y COMPTRILL Ramp from First Mezzanine through M7, intersecting on the second floor of the old building, as per, .plans submitted $261.00, RESOLVED - ti;xtw Whereas, A-dditions and deductions that might prove to be necessary 6n the improvement described as the curbing of Jessa- mine Street from Forest to Arcade Street, O'Neil &Preston, Inc., contractors, have been provided for in the specifications, and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the fol- lowing deductions from the contract: 2 Ft. Straight Curb @ 50¢ $1.00 9.,42 Ft. Radius Curb 60¢ 5.65 .Total $6.65 And Whereas, the total deduction is $6.65, now, there - fore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net deduction due to same not to exceed the sum of $6.65 to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3586 for the making of the afore- said improvement, for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, O'Neil & Preston, Inc., that the sum of $6.65 is the reasonable net deduction to be made from said contract.'. Counters gn d: - e CO I MEN Yeas Nays Cdaury s� FcrBueon mss;, In favor CITY OF ST. F/—By DflltorrtRdaenyaT.OIL N�,__�3 abtttons and deanotlonA�i ' t cove to be tjeSeeearp OFFICE OF CIT'.'taut aeeoriheaass chs et / / ulna 8t. trofn'-FgreetP jl. o,)'Net1 ¢c ,t'+reefon ]ns COU IL RESOLUTION ,ee'and un5ivpi%ceeorlM / rcRppSEN TED BY _ viilpninted la the •^ +rt ATr Orf' K� lC�•11. - COhtMIB510NE� __ t 'hoe been touYw RESOLVED - ti;xtw Whereas, A-dditions and deductions that might prove to be necessary 6n the improvement described as the curbing of Jessa- mine Street from Forest to Arcade Street, O'Neil &Preston, Inc., contractors, have been provided for in the specifications, and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the fol- lowing deductions from the contract: 2 Ft. Straight Curb @ 50¢ $1.00 9.,42 Ft. Radius Curb 60¢ 5.65 .Total $6.65 And Whereas, the total deduction is $6.65, now, there - fore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net deduction due to same not to exceed the sum of $6.65 to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3586 for the making of the afore- said improvement, for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, O'Neil & Preston, Inc., that the sum of $6.65 is the reasonable net deduction to be made from said contract.'. Counters gn d: - e CO I MEN Yeas Nays Cdaury s� FcrBueon mss;, In favor Commissioner of Public Works l 0,0 -. `' * Contrac Adopted by the Council 'T Z19— AN rov ® 19— AYOR McI)onn�d I�Qhl�ttd xa / Sudhe;mm,! 4�21Against /Mr. President E 0480*TS Commissioner of Public Works l 0,0 -. `' * Contrac Adopted by the Council 'T Z19— AN rov ® 19— AYOR I COUNCIL NO.E mTr ca LeaCITY OF ST. ro PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RES TI —GENERAL FORM� � —DATE 5 C.`OMM1510NE - RESOLVEq That the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parkas f Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the trimming; removal and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering public highways, during the year ended Sept. 1, 1931, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees and grass plots bordering year aforesaid, which has been public highways during the approved by the Council accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. No:94884 C dots y1aY- C F BY' 8{�a08pntenf anb' 1 '9.eaotved 'Chat- it fitted the Co,n,Dealoner of Parke. taYg,o nda and Peel end $}t e— o og1pu. , ndt tlt grass Dlotai- -border `1: o�rio iBhWaga d➢r1nB tli$Year edded.9�n, 1981;:he and the;�sIDe le hereby 11 , - roved:ond tho Ol He g6rkpeato thoi A. oted to ertiry p� ttor o!, SiamLeY ant. a,trie`,.e8ee,smc nd Brasts bo If, bloedeldn Dnyifo Wy�h' Ytte tilaD9ede�4y the Co 010ntha ae allyl Raid';. "eo4'tl4cat4 ' coDA-btY;tha Qnnc110at<!s 1881. � v 1 ADprovad d0Y7 18831 ? t - �� r L V OCT 15 COUNCILMEN _-19— Nays. Adopted by the Couneil --- Yeas ---"Conroy / May Appro -1McDonald_-�Iio favor_ I Pearce /Rosen -- )(gamst -- ---- MAYOR "Sudheirner Zw President Bundlie 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I _ �j Ol .r COMMISSIpNE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ®06[85 FILE NO. RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and they are hereby author- ised to execute, with the County of Ramsey, a lease with the North paoifio Mortgage Company, covering the rental of offices for the Mothers' did, at Office No. 410 in the Globe Building, at a rental of $1633.38 for the period ending December 31, 1938; a lease with the R. trots Realty Company for Rooms 1001-1006 Commerce Building for the Child Welfare Bureau, at a rental of $2318.00 for the same period, and for Rooms 801-806 Commerce Building for the Civil Service Bureau, at a rental of $2160.00 for the same period. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays ',�onroy �ay � 1l�cDonald -___------ —In favor /Pearce $osen --------------Against /heimer Mr. President Bundlie OCT 15 W1 Adopted by the Council_____- 19--- Approved -- --- -- ---19---- -- ---- MAYOR--- HAROLD J. RIORDAN Chid Cerk.CRv perk wCity of Unit Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Oak 41nd Commlaioner of Re91fi811on October 10th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Comsel, Building. Dear Sir$ We enclose herewith three copiee of leasee for renewal of leases at Rooms 1001-1006 Commerce Building; Rooms 201-206 Commerce Building and three rooms No. 410, Globe Building for the year terminating December 31, 1932. The Council today referred the above to you for the proper resolutions. QAENCE h STORMS Chief Clerk•ReWa.non 4 Yours ve17 traly, -V - V City Clerk. ORO. J. RIES COUNTY AUDITOR . BOWARD PBTBRSOR 0- AIOIIbR OPPIGE Or v Um!k �wA. mG: - .. - '' 6AINTNPAV6Lo, October 8, 1931. To the Honorable Members of th'e City Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: } I am submitting herewith thrd& copies of each of the following leases, which have been renewed for a period of one year terminating on the 31st day of December, 1932, with a terminating clause of sixty days: Rental location Per Annum Department H. Kretz Realty Co. Conmmeroe Building, Rooms 1001-1008 $2,318.00 Child Welfare Board H. Kretz Realty Co. Commerce Building, Rooms 201-208 $2,180.00 Civil Service Bureau North Pacific Globe Building, Mortgage Company 3 Rooms, No. 410 $1,833.32 Mothers' Aid Department These leasee were entered into by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee on behalf of the City and County and were approved by the County Board at its meeting held October 5th. Will you kindly approve said leases, after which please return one copy of each lease to this office for our files, and forward one COPY of each of the leases covering the Commerce Building to C. S. McNee, and one copy of the lease covering the Globe Building to H. M. Walsh. Your early attention will oblige Yours truly, Geo. J. Ries, County Auditor. r� By l f DUPLICATE TO CITY _ CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL i COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No -------------- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY -__--------IN FAVOR M=DONALD AUDITED CLAIMS - Qo-tober 1 ------------19 �1 PEARCE ROSEN .------------AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON ^THEJCITY TREASURY. S UDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_--80,.7l..l t._77 -• COVERING N9 MR. PRES. BU NDLIE C2(. CHECKS NUMBER __2 _. _ __TO____.�2�L�_-. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F F CE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------------------------------- VVV 111111111111""""""...--- APPROVED__________—____�s:��__f_7'0T ______________________________— ----------- ___—_________—______ ----- CITY PTROLLEfl --------- MAYOfl TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 22353 Frank Kendall 22354 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 1010 48 515'2 22355 'I John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. ", Inc. 25 83516 1 530' 22356 0°Neil & Preston, 22357 ':! O'Neil & Preston, Inc. no. 22358 O'Neil & Preston, Inc- 192' 5 223 9 '' P;R. Seward 22359 444 5 22360 Robert W. Copp 22361 iI Griswold Safety Signal Compally 445!oc 22362 '' Griswold Safety Signal Company 111 22363 Koehler & Hinrichs Company 66210 22364 McClain & Redman Company 8j6 22365 ' McGraw—Hill Book Company 1 8 6812 22366 ! MoKesson—St.Paul Drug Company 22367 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. 115 22368 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 34, 22369 ', Manhattan & Bronx Directory Ilub.0o. 300 22370 ', Marvin Law Book Company 10 22371 : John Maurus 5 22372 Mayer Battery & Ignition Com any 2i 2237 Edwin Meihofer Company 17'5 95'0 2237 ; Malady Paper 22375 Gus D. Messing engraving Company 470 22376 Meyer 22377 Midway Creamery Company 9 5 22378 Midwest Company- 'forks 22'5 6 22379 j Mining Auger & Tool R 22380 1 Minnesota Chemical Company Z5 22381 I Minnesota Envelope Company 2� 6 0 22352: Minnesofa Historical Society, 22383 Minnesota Mining & Mfg.Oompa y ilio li 22384 Minnesota News Company 172,0 22385 ''. Mitsoh & Heck Company 22386 E.A. Moeller Company 25 11 3343 22387 F.J. Morse and Company 27,0 22388 Motor Power Equipment Compan 580;3 1 22389 Mueller Company 61!9 22390 , Nassau Paper Company 22391 National Battery Company 212 22392 National Biscuit Company 22393 National Lead Company gig 94; 22394 '' National Meter Company 30!0 6;0 22395 Thomas Nelson & Sons 22396 ":Neptune Meter Company 22397 New York Tea Company 10'2 70,7 22398 ,; Nicole, Dean & Gregg 134!7 22399 '' Northern Auto Electric Comp ,y Com 46!2 1 9 22400,i Northern States Envelope States Power Company any 47 6 22401 11 Northern 409 9 22402 :' Northern States Power Compan', 269,9 22403 Northern States Power Compare Compan' 202 22404 Northern States Power i SHEET TOTAL FORWARD T 00 6 104 IM 61P0 -7_500 I- E I. � i 1 i d ljrj I • IVU.-------- - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLEIrj � OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROV October _111______isT11 MAY _------ IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -- - --- - MCDONALD TIj4�CITY TREASURY PEARCE RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE ORr'6 . V�_ COVERING ROSEN _________---AGAINST TO THE AGGREGATE AI.�JO (j7�TQ�f 5----Y=/a;Gr INCLUSIVE. AS SUDHEIMER , C •- CHECKS NUM SERE --X-+" 'fA .I MR. PRES. BUNDLIE I obi q FIC OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER CHECKS ON FELE IN /Y•�f/ __ _ _____ '-----� -�— i1PTROLLER -ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---------------' _ ........ ----- CIN APPROVED_____________ t1 tlY ----- ---------_ ---- _ TOTAL oar ---"--- / RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS NUMBER --_— - -x--. -. BROUGHT FORWARD 7r1n 22405;1 CairnOrOSSBattery 0 `7$ 4 • 2Q406;! Specialty Printing Company 10 0 22407 '.i 11 22408 R.B. Langhoff Dr. Charles W. WaaS 153, 1 22409 Northern States Power Compau States Power Compeer i5 9 22410 224U Northern Northern States Power Compaq 14 5 , 22412r, Northern States Power OOmp 1 2241411 Northern States Power Compare & Brass Works 1 0 22414 1 22415 I N.W. Copper Nutting Truck Company 17 8 22416 ''; , Owens motor SaleeCompany 2 22417 '', Owens and Phillipa, Inc. 22418 A.N. Palmer Oompany a 2 22419 22420 1 Panama Carbon Company Pan American Wallpaper &Pin. Co, Company 2 54 1 22421 22422 Paper, Calmenson Park machine Company Oomp y Patterson Dental Supply 121.6 28 5 22423 224241 ! 22425 0,A, Pearson Company Ino' Perfection Type Company, 20; 7 5 22426 Perkins -Tracy Printing Com y 25 5 22427 22428 ! J. A. Peterson Sona Pioneer Eleotrio Company 104 1 1 22429 '?' 22430 Pioneer Ribbon & Carbon 00111P y Pioneer Rim & Wheel Company 102 5 22431 Pittebulgh Equitable meter C . 2.5 1! 22432 " Pladaen'a Radiator Shoe 18010 22433 224341 RL. Polk and Company Porterla Electric Shop 136 22435 Postal Telegraph Cable Comp y 261;8 22436 Price El Company 130 22437 22438 J -F. Ptaaek &Company Public Utilities Reports,Ino IS 5 224;9 Pure 011 Company 31 15 224110 it Pure Oil Company 22441 22442 y Purity Cone Company91 ', Quality Park Envelope Compan Compare 146145 22443 ;; quick Service Battery 224441 Railway Express Agency 22445 22446 Ramaley Printing Company !� Ramsey Motor Service Company 461i 411 22447 • 1; Ray Bell Films, Ino. 16217 22448 22449 I Raymer Hardware Company Red Wing Union Stoneware Com'any /'5%;5 22450 22451 A.J. Reiser Remington.Rand Business Sery oe,InO. 127'lO 3 22452 2245�j D,J. Riley Company 'Robinson, Cary and sands Com Sands Com any any 332!61 48410 lE 221155 Robinson, Cary and Robinson,N.O.Clerk of. Diet. t.. 9835 3214 22456 Thomas S. Rockwell Company 121,55 22457 r, Royal Typewriter company --'--- - - - 7500 (P 940759 R5 ' IM 8100 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - _-_<.__ Petition g�68• Council File No........-. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of fit. Paul, vis.: ------ Grading A11py-_1n- Block-_1-_of,_Block-_l3,-. Stinson! s___Division-__•___•.._.__---. from Fent St. to Dale St � also constructing a sewer in the ...---------- ......... -•---- -•-------------- ---......... • easement to be obtained on the easterly 12 feet of lot 8. Block 1 ----..... -- -- •-- .. ............... of Block 13, Stinsonrs Division from the alley to connect to 'Dated e e - the in Charles Street. 1 1�-tir-- day of _.. ---- - -•---Qot'oi��r;.._l93%------..------ •- _ --• -•-------- ilman. C ,F Na 98888— t,,%• Abetreot VRhereof,th foltten g ljj r .E king of .,the fonowing 7fm. _ k"ding Alley In Block ,r PRELIMINARY ORDER 3 e Dlvf ion frn• bun L ncy fn.t WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,' vis.: Grading Alley in Block 1.,of Block 13, Stinson's Division ------- -- .................................................. ----------------------------•--- from-_Kent.-St. to_.Dale__St.•,___also-_constructing• a_sewer in _the --- easem--ent to be _obtained on the easterly 12 feet of lot_ B 8.lock 1+, Diu3slo tha.;al]ey-to.connect _to-the_ of..Black---13;x..:Stinson!-s_ enwerntCoutfte hecilhGityof`VPal-- having been to n::......._ -- therefore, be it RESOj.VED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-----_-----_----_-- ` YEAS NAYS Councilman @ZMGXDM CON'ROY ftm=== MAY Approved_.......................... . .......... ................... _ bd b'[cLON.1LI} - I SnTiA3QD'.8 t PEAFICE 8on7i s1itiF.:� VVi `+) DHEIM.ER ................... ty................................................... ........ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F ena C A 13 (2M 2-29) �.+loLM7Il16if���i / • � �. Council File No ............ ��.I•hi179 PROPOSAL FOR,IMPROVEMENT ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: ................. --..Ad --tal lmz... a --- oaaEIA.ent--- in the --lea Decessary .............. for__slopes.__ cuts -__and fills-, in__the_--grading of Alley in Block 1 ................ of._Block-1.3,__Stlnson!_s-_Digision from 'Kent St. to Dale St. Dated this.:........lAth..day of .... ..............October,• -_1931 192._ ............................. ...... . . .. .... .. ......... 41 Abetraot tI�I f "yy�eaA written bronOval for they to o[ tha fo110wlna Proyrovemen4-,1—_ �:na nad.tnktrig aa;eneeme,%� PRELIMINARY ORDER. "e88RLY rOr-elouee s - nrf 'f]tlY 1 n13: - WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following P P g wing improvement, viz.. Condemning and taking_ an easement in the land necess ary•for .-- _-___. ___slopes,.__.cuts_..and fills in._the... grading of Alley in Block 1 --------------a—lao:si>c... s�► .$ti�a�at�! s ll !ti. � on..fxom _K. t � :..._to Dale- St having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul... ............ ........ ......... .....................-.. .......... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby orderedanddirected: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Co;mcil .:. . 6CT 15 YEAS NAYB CouncilmanG"idxcx :X ��i Filiitios6N .t Approved_ .................. 1F�eCjb V,:nONArp II`e> l = PEAitCi ROSEN UMNIMM SurmlElmlat - .. . .............. ....._...................................... Ma. PMSIDSN•r Mayor. F oim C A 13 (2M 2-20) Council File No ....... -_... "go PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: Condemning._andtaking" an._easement_ for-_the•"purpose__of constructing-. .and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 12--feet-•o€- mot---By--B-l-oek --- 1-9-f Bieck ---------- Charles St. to the Alley in the rear of said lot; also condemning aYi8-t6kirig-""a"""temporary...eas ement f6f""-coristTuctioripurpo"s2son"a" " slr.�.P.__ ..feflt in._yri d Yx--Qn...tlie- est side.---af...abave easam�nt.... --- I Dated this --14th. day ° ............ October: ---1931. 192------• Abetraot. ld tereaei'A written propodaL for the, -A Inc.Of tbp folio Mng improvement; = emning and taxing an-oaeeme. ...__.._. •. p e oY`Conew�rvootnn P rF• PRELIMINARY ORDER. q o` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing -----------'arid""liiairitairiin "apublicsewerons"-under"-ain3 ac"ro"ss the""easte"rly" $... .e.e.t of 1.Qte.._8i..:Ba OC�S,._l.__�f_..lf2Cli--a'�d .l�t�nsQZl!.5_. Qi.Y.isOn...fI0A1 ... Charles St. to the Alley in.tlie rear of said lot; also condemning ...... and -taking"-'a temporary easement f-or--eanstruct3on purposes On a. strip 5 Beet in width on the 'west side of above easement. --------------- ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............. ..._ .......___:_: therefore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.............................. _.....Q,1e.1' ----...__... YEAS NArs' OCT Councilman co utoy FgAGUOUNM'MAY Approved_.--' ......................-_........ ................................ PEArc[,; WAMNSWU SL DUE[Uh' ................................ ........ .....-- MIL PaasmErrr Mayor. r.m c n 13 (2M 2-20) CouncilFlle Noi _a7S1691 y n PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT dttact� ! I-5ten pNoial for t1u'li A.fO11oW1AB Atprovem l?!." and _ r � am,g dpiVeway. an ter" nt'tTc nidaet of�� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of fat. Paul, vis.: Constructing a driveway and cut -_curb on the south side of --.. _ Maryland -Street beginning 226 feet.east of Cypress Street thence east 8 feet. ----.................................................................. ....-•--...........----_.............-- -----------..--- Dated thia._.._12th-----day of_._......-0ctober....1931.-----...,192_....�y ........... - . --_... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, AS written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: C - geew�,y...and 4t 91t>'k oz> the South _.4 - onstructing a d r - - .......................... -Maryland Street beg ening 226 feet e..................st of Cypress-: Street .---- _..... ...... -... � thence e�st8 feet --------- ._. ....-.::-- t ........ ......................-........ .......................................................... �j having been presepted to the Council of the City of St. Paul.. ........... +3 - therefore, he it y - lD'` - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby`ordered, and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, -and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. .......................................CT -15 ................. YEAS NAYS Councilman 0SHW*MM CONROY ., MAY ApproveX ; � �� s�...... .........--_.... PEARCE !. RO5EN � SUDHEIMEii: ...........-................... ....... ..._.... -....... Mx. PRESIDENT Mayor. r Form CA 13 (21f 2-?% ,/ Council File No 992 PROPOSAL 060. IMPROVEMENTo '- "cgas A wrlR% DkoDp 4�'y A. and a; or the Songwme nip '. v+ I_Se Idopwalke atBtMlp g.-1 i- . PRELIMINARY ORDER. oop1.. Llf :88NLp'. P f)IPrlp The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement .b byrcfn c'!rof St. Paul, vis.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalks at the following locations: West side Fisk St. beginning at Marshall Ave., thence south 206x, West side of Fisk St. beginning at Selby Ave., thence south 121. West side of Fisk St. beginning at Laurel Ave. thence.north 101, beginning 241 farther north, thence north 10;, beginning 301 farther north, thence north 141. Best side Fish 6t, beginning at isiarsh-ll Ave., thence south ?061, 14est side of Fisk St. b^ginning at Selby r_vc., thence south 121. +lest side of Fisk St. beginning at Laurel Ave., thence north 101 beginning 241 farther north, thence north 101, begin_�ing ,;01 f, arther north, thence north 141. Councilman R(faa ��aa a at nz Approved _............... •---- ....................... :�pno�nLn / PE�iRCE v{^� Sti DH P:f 3i RR .... .................. ................................................. 3••---------• MR. PRESIDENT _ Mayor. 1 , P orm C A 13 (2M 2-29) � 7.1 1 4' T! 4� T, _TJ c o T U-0 T i z�7 J;D31 G G a -)is ;00!' P r,- ----------------_- .......... j4tha---------------- Dated this -------------•---------day i PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v1z' Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sioe,;;alks at the folio -wing locations: V!est side Fisk 6t. beginning at Marshall Ave., thence south X061, est side of Fisk St. beginning at Selby ­ve-, thence south 121. lest side of Fisk 6t. beginning at Laurel Ave-, thence north 01 10fa1$ rther beginning 241 farther north$ thence north lot, b--gimi-ing 5 north, thence north 141. Councilmanefirmar'"M"n Approved -------------- 0 . G'T ...... ............................. INNjOUNORM MAY I@MDMUM McDONALD FAMBOW30D PEARCE svm� ROSFN -UD_HV1MF.R .... .................. Mayor. Mn. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (2U 2-29) S H E D r ,•1.1 r• having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. A. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matte the Commissioner of Finance. OCTA: Adopted byAhe Council.----------- ----------- YEAS Ness Councilman OCT COJROY v :ItAYApproved _......................... ................. ............................. MCDONALD PEARCE @NNR� ROSF.N SL' DH E'I:S ER ...........................__.............. ME. PREs1DENT Mayor. e ' Form C A 13 (2M'2-28) f Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalks at the following locations: West side Grotto St. beginning 42;► south of Holly Ave., thence south 581, beginning 381 farther south, thence south 61. ikr>. Fast side Grotto St. beginning 181 north of Laurel Ave., thence north 171, beginning 251 farther north, thence north 251, j beginning 111 farther north, thence north 41. i i leconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalks at the following locations: West side Grotto St. beginning 4z' south of holly Ave., thence south 58', beginning 38' farth<ir south, thence south G'. East side Grotto St. beginning 13' north of Laurel Ave., thence north 171, begiruiing 25' farther north, thence north 251, begin-iing 11' farther north, thence north 41. mxtin'c 4 ' '� ±� .,. YEAS NAre Councilman ONOMV= CO,'ROY .r+.. .� MAYApprovedEL ..................•_................. --•--- -•------------••------ McDONALD PEARCE . ROSEN :SUDA E(\SER... ........................... ........ _.... al? / Ms. PRESIbENr Mayor. Form C A 13 (RM 2-20 P �/ i V ^u t 1 d iF Y "g, r � Tir T?��'T . ... r �4r; d � )lv: T -,T qc 3J { S., F'+7.r4 rlJ l? 3111; _ �T"10 CT,O-P w"J..1 z jd .: rT rj'T �T'T01 U JOf .. i. X33 •..{.`I, iC �'; :7`--'� Z fi'1 t _ .:'iJ_ L .� - .'j � �a r. - 'TL f 'J:- .. ............ ......................."-..—......._.......---_----_.........._..............__....._.... ___ _......-.._......... . ................................................................................... ........................ ."........ ......................... Dated this 14th. day of-Octoberz.._1931.---------•-•-• fl. ; Z� ----------------.......... ........... ---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: i;econstructing, relaying and repairing, the side,alks at the following locations: Viest side Grotto St. begim.Ling 4ti' south of Holly Ave., thence south 581, beginning 38' farther south, thence south G'. East side Grotto St. beginning 18' north of Laurel Ave.., thence north 171, beginning 25' farther north, thence north 251, beginning 11l farther north, thence north 41. Adopted by the Council..-------------Q�i �- ... ... -- YEAS NAYS Councilman GELIV112=11 CWROY n - MAY Approved---- .. �:...�. ................ ................... MaDONALD PFARCE ROSEN � . Po e! MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. FCA18(2Usso) & 1=L.��3✓ Qfi Council File No ... _ .:. a%6✓_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. bat- - `, A writtenp�propoeal [or tb� and t YLa tollowltfg Pmprpvemr. R9 d iO oructlhgg relsying or vn ie 41kp rf a r rf...r PRELIMINARY ORDER. na )Herm• ...: t The undersigned hereby proposes t�e making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: ............... .............. . Reeonstruetirg relaying and repairing, the Sidewalks at the following locatiorts$, East side Avon Ste beginning at Ashland Ave., thence south 9t, beginning 141 farther south, thence south 181, beginning 331 farther south, thence south 431 East side Avon St. beginning 341 south of Dayton Ave., thence south 31t, beginning 201 farther south, thence south 201. East side Avon St. beginning lXj)1 south of Marshall Ave., thence south 191, beginning 401 farther south, thence south 391. West side Avon St. beginning 461 south of Marshall Ave., thence south 15t, beginning 1041 farther south, thence south 451.. East side Avon St. beginning 34t south of Dayton Ave., thence south 311, beginning 201 farther south, thence south 201. East ,side Avon St. beginning.11O1-south of iriarshall Ave., thence south 191, beginning 40t farther south, thence south 691. 'hest side Avon St. beginning 461 south of Marshall Ave., thence south 151, beginning 1041 farther south, thence south 451. YFtRC% %vnammomnnos,,"? Ma. PREsln>oxr Mayor. Form C A 13 (2M 2-70 ;J WbFrr j }, Z l;'� {2� "S3" •t r ra *pp; --L, ^711,i- Y.ilir+.:�•S—[. q �S t.•.i . .{T.a SIS .1(. •� :'...t C'� L .. -�•: ••^Ti' D .•+'.. - ----•-- 14th October, 1931 ,192....... Dated this ------------ ...-----day of----- --- --------------- 1 - Councihnan. • 1°RELIMINARY. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, vis.: keconstructirg, relaying and repairing, the sidewalks at the follotirin locations: East side Avon 8t, begin_iinP at Ashland Ave., thence south 91, beginning 141 farther south, thence south 181, beginning 001 farther south, thence south 461 e East side Avon 8t. beginning 341 south of Dayton Ave., thence ;f south 311, beginning 201 farther south, thence south 201. e East side Avon 8t. beginning.1101,south of 14arshall Ave., thence south 191, beginning 40t farther south, thence south 391. Voest side Avon 5t. beginning 461 south of 16arshall Ave., thence south 151., beginning 1041 farther south, thence south 451. -.ININ N 1 0 McDVNALU PFAliCE . ROS FN Mayor. MS. PREs1DENT�`�!1� Form C A 13 (RM 2-29) i TIT! 3 73 1 t3' A ;TJ L ;j;)-7 i TLP—'T �' �4:, �' Tic T 4: I- 2FC16 7�' PGETTJUTLJ-,. CE?j '�3 G 1-T4 T 2, . C'7,'•r,,--TA 1; r3TT C)7 -rl-, T. Pc1, j :jI ;;,..0 G j pj (Djj C j ------------ ........................................................... . . ....... ................ ...................... ............ ........................... ......................... ......... . . .......... ............... - .................... .......... -------------- - ------ ........... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .......................................... ................ therefore, be it Work,, be and is hereby ordered and directed: RF,801,VFIDO That the Commissioner of Public 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said 'improvement is asked for on the petition of three or. more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tot a Commissioner of Finance. OGT 15 Adoptedby the Council- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAg NAYS Councilman co.noy Approved - ----------- O.0 , ---------------- - ---------------- JWNW� MAY ------- 111101 WDONALD Jim PF ME' suVH El DSER .. . .. ... ... ......... ......................... . ............ ----------- MIL PRESIDENT Mayor. F.— 0 1 13 (2M 2-29) COUNCIL �����r`�((��%�j ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO, 9069 i OFF OF CITY CLERK %C:OU L ESO ION—GENERAL FORM -I COMMISSIONER (2 AT' October 15, 1981 RESP WHEREAS, Gasoline Pilling Station at 1406 Arcade Street, for which i License 1850, expiring April 211 1931, was issued on payment of the fee of $85.00, - was discontinued an August 81, 1931 by the licensee, The White Eagle Oil Corporation; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city; officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the White Eagle Oil Corporation the unexpended portim ($20.42) of the license fee covering a period of seven months. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy McDonald ---__---_---In favor Pearce /Rosen _--_Against �udheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the401 Approved — - ----- -- - ------------19- -- MAYOR I CITY OF ST. PAUL >LGE OF CITY CLERK rre��rrmN—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL w�\jlyp�S FILE NO. VWWarr WHEREAS, applications for licenses have been made as follows: 505 Eabasha St. Shooting Gallery application 1712 Ben Katz, „ 2898 Otto Domsyl 878 Robert St. Restaurant *HEI AS, said applicants have withdrawn said applications for licenses; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ben Katz the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for Shooting Gallery license; and to refund to Otto Domsyl the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for Restaurantaicense. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays nroy /// ay McDonald ___ ------- In favor Pearce Rosen _--`.Against Sudheimer /Mr. President Bundlie 16 1�;ii Adopted by the Council____._.__ G-------------19-- - Approv d----- ;� ? -- ---------19---- ------------ ---------- ----- --- —'-- MAYOR COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl.tSiK ` CITY OF T. PAUL FILE NO 1 OF CITY CLERK OU R OLUT O —GENERAL FORM or�durFo Hv / DATE October 15 1951 RESOLVEDrsons named 4hat licensee for which applications have been made by pe on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. i COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Conroy `-May McDonald - ___In favor Pearce -'Rosen _---Against /Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie C ` F FIo .6697 nX d C 9uphelitiee-; Heaolv�4d Thal licea4ea.l r tvhiah aD yYteatlpbi- haus beea4 made by Derpone' napted oh iha;; &ttached llptbo said aha ry. pao pre hereby Brantad<and the Cfty;: Clark is �inetruat d co ISSIi aucli =11. 'cahoo StD.oa' tho payment'lato the eity treaoury of .tlie+i•ppnlred`: Fee - AQaDt�d byy:-'the Connell , -Oat. 16 1881.` `?�DDraY6d OcL i$ 1981: +�: (Oct 841981) Adopted by the Council_____0C7__.__6 iia 19-- ____--__ — `_ T Approved- - -- - -- --19 --- MAYOR fi 3 COP, October 15,,1951 G. Bartusah Packing 000- 567 H, Cleveland Av.. S]suBhter.houae Buteber 219'. Charles.- S't, 577` Wabasba, S'g- n : Hvehex Bros. 229. Front St:, IFterY_�ce 74S Tatug St.. n r... �. norae- -� Iereet" Baclmer 1060' Earl St.• E.. Z•n 1461 Pmque x686.•-Grand, Av., $i ng C:, &Toatermsn 778 Se]by Av.- 494 S:, SnellinS Av. n: n, C" H. Idbolm & J.H., Clark, 644 S., Smith 9v: n National; tea Co.. 1w. University Av.. " i Hat onaT. Tea Ca, Horth. American- Go, 25 W.: 7th $t:.:.. n, sr.Hosenblmt 687mSelby Av. 250 T.horas. St.. n Affia StPSeas' Tittle Bros:. Packing CO.- 445 Wgbasha St.,, n_ n S D, Mintz 2042 Marsba. Av. R3 ca Stti W0o&ur74SR S Wabaaha, St, GQ ectionery, , Ntcic AbramTAI YAWw, Amaadsea , 901 Payne a<. a Bflbom Amusement 441*-Wabasba St. 180: E'. Fairfield Grocery 1 Gabriel.BsnsiS: Ga riel, Bread' 1126., nee St, Bakery T.918; Grand AV,., 00490ctionery- H. Y. Brotebuer 321 Themes. • Grocery E. P.. Burke Hazel Clarkin We Stryker' F.. Cohen ' qg8 Brainerd. x398 z wed St. Cbul Couroyer 547 Yiumesota St. Ba�keT7 3gnery R, J. Davint C. Tiavisoa 7191 Earl SU 1657 E. Yinnebaba St. Grocery H. L. DDe ieno John De Law 1162` 1, Tth St. Bakery Grooery S.'T. Dorse 748 Tat= St. 865 Bradford St. 0Onfectionsry Jabn T. Doty 120 S, Wabasba St. Sieg°ria Berrie 940. E. 7th St. n L. Y. Foley 489J Wabasba St. Soft drink, Robert Frank 262 8t. Anthony Av, Grocery Y. Freiberg Gana 859 Thomas St. u g. 564 Main Av. at. 569Pain Av. Confectionery G. H. Hanrahan 419 S..Hanlien Av Grocery 11" 'Chas. HaR1a Yrs. Agnes Hennessy Av. 145 a Chas. Hoeba iceMarSall St. 559 St. Anthony Av. 559 St.. a L. H. Jorgensen 167 State St. a B. Kaplan 176 W. 7th St. p Harry Kosans Kregel &,Re ebin 621 University Av. Confectionery Grocery A. R. Kruszewski 661 Van Buren St. 3.558 St, Clair St Coufectiol"17 Harold.Leng 572 Wsbashe St. Bakery MMrsl r Lang. Adeline La Point re. 1332.Forest St. Grocery _ A. W. I,aylin &`G. C. Cris$ 846 White pear Confectionary, l October 15, 1931 a- E..A.:Lenthga P�cchange,-Bank Bldg• 858 E..7th St..; Confectionery Gronpry G. J�,Lieberman 571 Forget St.,; Roca,Luoisano404 Yrs 'Kathryn Ludovicy . Front St. 563 Mississippi 3t. Confectionery 'Grocery, Fanny-Masink 258 Yackubin St. a C. Mastbaum iippi'.St. 520 Yissss Henr Merta, HenryMert: 200 Si.St. Forget Confectionery . :: F.1382 Payne Av. Grocery John ,Olson ' Nellie;Olson 869 E.: Mi.nnehaha St. " ° H. Peterson;. 69? CasenSt. n ' .. Adam Rieger" 201 Baran 1100 Grand Av... n, Yrs. N. Riley Saveria Rossi 258 Maria Av. n Bskery Jos,, Rybak 945 W. '7th St'.'< 212 W. 4th St. Grocery EE.eShimota; 275 W. Winifred St. " Confectionery N.'T: Sial 1039,Selby AT. 274 Maple St. Grocery Sigurd Sonnee Harry A. Spaeter. 1437 N. Cleveland Av.' `2258 n Superior Piggly Wiggly Como Av. - n F. Szalag - J. G. Tatman &.F. M- Mace 956 Rice St. 477..Wabasha St. Confectionery, Tilson Cash and Carry 67i Oakdale 419 140 W. Summit Av. Grocery " W.' A. Trottl6r 1631 IIniversity Av. Fruit-Vegetable store Van-,a Katherine Winters ll68 Selby Av 932 Arcade, St. / Bakery Restaurant John Bengston Broin &Bigelow 1310.IIgiversity Av. j 11 Rey Carr, Omar Couture & Art_Appleby 5WW. 7th at. 248 if. 7th 3t. " " Napoleon. 1)6 Roma" :, 1355 University Av. 1385 University Av. " Leonard Frank the'Golden:Rnle 95 E. 7th St. . " Agnea Hanson 871 Areade St 104 S. Robert St... " Elton:Joyel John J r Kohn 468 Wabasha Sti " n . Harold Lang 1558�St. Clair St. " A.. Leylin & Y. C. Cries 846 White Bear Av. 1336.Yisaiasippi River Blvd " W. D. McKenna LF., Murphy 938,W. 7th '3t. n " W. O!Grg� 129 E. 5th St. 1033 W. 7th St. " N." trinden E..:T. Williams 985 9rcade $t. 2742 V7. 7th St• n " DollWinters Elizabeth J. Wright & Margaret E:Ohrig - 643 IIniversiy Av. n A..Y3ankoulis 602 Wabasha St. 819 Selby Av. Gasoline station 3 pumps' "n G: F. HcGrail Mileage Ail Co. 485 Robert St. " n 3 Nelson 012 Co.207 650 Rine St: 4 n Rex Oil Co.. " .. `. Como Aq. 1190,Aandolph St... B. F. Ryan. Geo. Sohneider 621'Lafayette ° " 5 n 3 " Shell;Petroleum 4orp 1940 St. Clair°St. f. y OCTOBER .bS4 .1931 Shell Petroleum Corp. 1728 3e1by Air. Gasoline Station 3 pumps Skel]y;011 Co: 2w Concord St.'. Standard Oil '06 485 S✓ Snelling'9v.' n ' Auto Parte; Sales Co 494'RSoe 2nd hand auto ,parts G. G. Id inlmer ` 381 Edmund: St Rear. ,David Reenick _ 234 McBoe1,.' Cosmopolitan Finance .Cc 25 E 6t1i St. ,,Salary Loan C. O. Holt 294 Eadicott t g " n C. O: .Holt 294 Endicott Bldg;:' Chattel -Loan Heyer 9 .Levitt 210-14 Minnesota $ldg * " Mack Finance,. Co. 866Robert- Roomw211. Mack,Manc'e Co. 360 Robert - Room 211 Salary Loan T. Ginsberg 410 Cedar St Pawnbroker Fredrick E:'Patter 62912 %niversity,Av Oil burning equipment Standard Heating 8e.P1ubbing Supply Co:: 1042 University Aie. .'.n "- „ Twin :City Oil "Burner 2639 V er'sity An. -.Nick Abrass 191 S. Wabashe St 4 pool tables-` Shigori Ferris.: 120 S. Wabasha.St. Poolroom Germis Al. H. Geris 264. 10th St. :Bill Poster "Hall'Assn 454 Onega'` Dance hall St. Paul Sanitation Co. 20$ Court Block Scavenger ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ]ST. PAUL 36 OF CITY CLERK' WEERM, T. J. Pewtere has petitioned the Council, of the City of St. Paul for the payment to him by said City of the sum of $75.00 for damages to an automobile owned by said petitioner, which said damages were sustained as the result of the automobile owned by said petitioner being struck by an automobile driven by a criminal attempting to asospe from a pursuing police car; and WHERUS, It appears from the facts that one of the police officers in the police car fired several shots at the occupant of another automobile which the police ear was pursuing out University avenue, one of the shots taking effect, and the car with the wounded driver at the wheal crashed into a car owned by said petitioner; and WMERM, It appears that said petitioner sustained the damages requested without any fault or negligence on his part; therefore, be It HZBOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant In favor of said T. J. Pewters In the sum of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00),payable out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, said sum to be paid upon the execution and delivery of a proper release therefor, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN _,CT 16 k* Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council__ . toy May ' y__ !`•;3=:,;. Approved----- 19 ,--P..rce favor ---OCT--- -------- - ------ ---------------- Against - MAYOR /Sudheirner AM, r. President Bundlie Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Saint Paul, Minnesota •Dear Sir: Will You kindly prepare a resolution in accordance with the petition of T. J. Pewters and report of the police department pertaining to the claim of said T. J. Pewters for $75.00 cost of damage to his automobile. Very t , Commissioner of Public Safety TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A. BROWN,- - C— or Pouct GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER GW ENFitt C. DUNN, Cx�er B. F. SIMON, M. D., FRED W. SIEGEL, Deni- Corr`...owu Ht.�rx Onictn JOSEPH A. MACAULAY, Su-. ft—. 6 Flat A�.tr October 14, 1931 Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Saint Paul, Minnesota •Dear Sir: Will You kindly prepare a resolution in accordance with the petition of T. J. Pewters and report of the police department pertaining to the claim of said T. J. Pewters for $75.00 cost of damage to his automobile. Very t , Commissioner of Public Safety o damage were done in pursuance of the enforcement of law and order in the City of St. Paul and were done for the benefit and protection of all of the citizens, tax payers and residents of said city; that your petitioner does not feel that he should be called upon to sustain all of the loss and damage growing out of said happenings and circumstances. Wherefore your petitioner respectfully preys for an award to him in the am of Seventy—Five ($75.00) Dollars, reimbursing him for the doss and damage by him sustained as above set f 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA C7 as COUNTY OF RAMSEY T. J. Pewters, being sworn, says that he has read the foregoing petition by him subscribed, that the allegations therein set forth are true of his own knowledge except as to matters stated upon information and belief, and as to those mattter/ believes it to be true. Subscribed to and sworn to before me this.ist day of September.1951. a Ad An 1 C. PAUL SMITH Notary Public Ramsey County, Minn. Vy .commission expires October 25, 1M C.B. 9.0699. ' , � . 8ssolvchick, be drawn on the,City Treasury to the aggregate amount ea, :that of $74s51• � covering check, a*nbered`22503 to 22554, imclusive� as per checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. OCT 16: Adopted by the Conacil Approveda. Resolved. Wat cheokp be drawp,'o - - the ` Itp Tree.6uTYtd fli0 aggTbgaf gip qq by s7A867,U6 aaVbe/a op 896A?F toy A865� p e��p 'ACOTDDLTAlIbT i "`� dbPLe ed OoC. APDro4 �ok {UP DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL TRANSFER CHECKS NO ------------pyo, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ CONROY DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 'I COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY IN FAVOR _- AUDITED CLAIMS - ---sober36-------19-1— McDONALD PEARCE \(((1/ BROUGHT FORWARD BE DR WN TY TREASURY. ROSEN _— "'�.�IGAINST I • RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS O6_7'MI OF S-♦+jQ'--• COVERING _ SUDHEIMER MR. PRES. BUNDLi� ,� ^ Finn TO THE AGGRE ATE AMOUNT 6 Hd 3 CHECKS NUM RE Z} _TO_J'rj'T, INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS O IL IN HE OFFICE OF TRE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____-_____-_______---------- Board of Water Commissionetel! 32 _ [�� r. E APPROVED_—�-.G- --auF14.�--f'-??-^_!±.�1�------ ---- --------------------------- --- _ � CITY COMPTROLLER 2250 Board of Water Commissioners; 6 0 22507 II Board of Water Commissioners 69 20'3 22508 Board of Water Commissioners 5 22509 Board of eater Commissioner 80 1 I 140 � f II22510 � Clyde R. May, 0. of Parks, et . 1 70 22512 !' Clyde R�May, 0.. of Parks, et � C 2 i 22513 I� g I F 22514 it Hilton Rosen, O..P..WOrks ;i � I. 1 • t. 22515 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 8 22516 I Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 481 2 481so 7 22517 Milton Rosen, C.P.;Worke j 22518 Milton Rosen, C.P.WoTke 18 9 jjs Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 28 47 15 23 22520 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works Y 22521 Milton Rosen, Q.P.Works 2 0 47 9 22522 Milton Rosen, O.P.Worke 67 22523 ! Milton Rosen., O.P.Worke 56 22524 I Milton Rosea, C.P.Worke �! b7 20 22525 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 26 41 22526.Milton Rosen, C,P,,Works (': 1 14 34 22527: Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 22528 Milton Rosen, Q.P.Worke '', j5 22529 i Ifllton Rosen, O.P.Works 22 400 122530 Milton Rosen, O.P.Worke DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL TRANSFER CHECKS NO ------------pyo, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ CONROY DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 'I COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY IN FAVOR _- AUDITED CLAIMS - ---sober36-------19-1— McDONALD PEARCE \(((1/ BROUGHT FORWARD BE DR WN TY TREASURY. ROSEN _— "'�.�IGAINST I • RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS O6_7'MI OF S-♦+jQ'--• COVERING _ SUDHEIMER MR. PRES. BUNDLi� ,� ^ Finn TO THE AGGRE ATE AMOUNT 6 Hd 3 CHECKS NUM RE Z} _TO_J'rj'T, INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS O IL IN HE OFFICE OF TRE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____-_____-_______---------- Board of Water Commissionetel! 32 _ [�� r. E APPROVED_—�-.G- --auF14.�--f'-??-^_!±.�1�------ ---- --------------------------- --- _ � CITY COMPTROLLER Ij CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF I�'. TRANSFER CHECKS TOTAL DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 'I BROUGHT FORWARD I • I 22503 ;' 22504 !i R. W. Copp ' John H. McDonald, 0, of Fin.ji 538 0 14 397 i 22505 i Board of Water Commissionetel! 32 6 �1 2250 Board of Water Commissioners; 6 0 22507 II Board of Water Commissioners 69 20'3 22508 Board of Water Commissioners 5 22509 Board of eater Commissioner 80 1 Board of Water CommissioneM 140 1 II22510 22511 ;i Clyde R. May, 0. of Parks, et . 1 70 22512 !' Clyde R�May, 0.. of Parks, et 185 2 i 22513 I� Clyde R.May, C. of Parks., et' 3 41 22514 it Hilton Rosen, O..P..WOrks ;i 1 91 22515 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 8 22516 I Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 481 2 481so 7 22517 Milton Rosen, C.P.;Worke j 22518 Milton Rosen, C.P.WoTke 18 9 22519 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 28 47 15 23 22520 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 22521 Milton Rosen, Q.P.Works 2 0 47 9 22522 Milton Rosen, O.P.Worke 67 22523 ! Milton Rosen., O.P.Worke 56 22524 I Milton Rosea, C.P.Worke �! b7 20 22525 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 26 41 22526.Milton Rosen, C,P,,Works (': 1 14 34 22527: Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 3 22528 Milton Rosen, Q.P.Worke '', j5 22529 i Ifllton Rosen, O.P.Works 22 400 122530 Milton Rosen, O.P.Worke 99 93 22531 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 2 21 83 92532 E,J. Mullin, Jr. I 870 0 22533 Jahn H� McDonald, C. of Fin.i',' j 25 o 22534 John Brasted 66 0 0 225••35 22536 Louie Guerin ) John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. i', 231 2 22537 Mies 4-W- Anderson 10 0 j 22538 I Joseph Murray �; 45 0 2253j9 9. Berglund Lumber Company li. ! 22544'0 Drewry an&$one Company., Inc. II 2 2 4 22541 Farwell, Qzmun, Kirk & Comp 33 i 22542 H.B. Puller Company 5 5 55 9 1 ® 22543 mail Geist 52 9 22544 A.C. Horn Company 22545 Midwest Chemical Company 2 22546 Northern States Power Oompan , 2 562 22547 Miss Helen Rugg I 400 3 22548 -St.Paul Bottling Company I' 22549 St.Paul Stamp ?Forks ! � 33 } 22550 S,te Paul Stamp Works b ++ 22551 Mrs, Arlette, Shipman 58 0 22552 Sterling Printing Company 22553 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comps I 187 4o 0 22554 I ii J.Re Wilson -& Company it I URNED II V BANK oRIBMAL- - NUMBER - GITY Or iA1NT /AVL COUNCIL 271 DTTY D""" 643 - COUNCIL ESOLUTION P'u No.� � AUT ATION OF L L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS October 15 193 M"pIT.D BY NON DA -----:--- S-� • RESOLvED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation ® of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Johnson rarkway from the end of the present paving at Wakefield Avenue to a point 420 feet south, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to CONSTHUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $5,768.00, using 011 Asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. Rceo1ved.7Thatt the tltCouncil hereby I from the end of the present P.g.iz at Wakefield Avenue to a point 420feet South. in accordance with plane. and@ see)fle.U.n. hereto attached, 'to! FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. they being the lowest responsible bid- ders for the, sum of $5,788.00, using oil Asphalt, and the Corporation Coun- Rel is hereby Instructed to draw up., the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 8699. Engineer's' Es- ttmato $6,820.00. Adopted by the Counrll Oct. 10, 1931. Approved Oct. 16. 1931. ' (Oct. 24-1031) p ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 5, 820.00 FORMAL BID 'O. 8699 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FYNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s None 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'. BHARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - Co.. S S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE 4 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE 4 e. CpUNTY AID - - No.- 5—R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 5,788.00 s s. TOTAL - - , 5,788.00 TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBEl.QD BA4 .COPIES CITY CLERK CE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APP PNI^ IC HS T ANO THE PERMANENT IMPROVEM NTREVOLVINGFUriD LOCAL IMPROVEMENTNO. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE IN THE ABOVE AMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING DAT. FINAL ORDER ADOPTED • COMPTROLLE ` COUHCILM NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 1' �IN • YDS FAVOR ` n APPROVED _AGAINST! MAYOR ' MR. PRESIDENT cIITT 1=Q NUMBER 6 4 C - CITY OF SAINT PAUL . • - COUNCIL V .J RILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR. - (AUTHO TION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS G- PB TED BY H DXTE October -16�, • L Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommer�lation • of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading Alley in Block 70 Hayden Heights from Sherwood Avenue- to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, in accordance with plans , and, specifica- tions hereto.attached,;`:to EMIL PRE SEIS, he being the lowest responsible bidder, .for the, sum of $198.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up tive proper form of con- tract therefor;. 9040E Sy milk nlRoEdn " - lcont - 'nGcorda _ R0g0IvGQ ,Tbat the., _COUCcU dtecoby con wra to "the teG4mmendatien of-th0. Contractract .Commltte0 sed awarde9the tor:; gtadlR6R?I y 1» ,Slpck ,7., Sherwood' A1 Hayden 8elghtB 70'A trPllelen Avet>� .p. to Lake, Como abfl lth planei Rnd apeG »eb.- tion h6reto'nto" �'I - - �IBEIe 'the i attached. he.beb1Ethe�,;loweat redDo»-, le bidder:-for theahm of f198,00,,,a»d COTporatlOn CoundCl fa heteDy.,.aD-, 8ft»Cted to :drawllpthe,pr0pe�torrp of contract there[[or •.Formal id SYo f70Y EdeiRoer'e Eetlblate f818 00. ^Adopted by the Council Oct 18 1981 ' ' • ADproVed Oct, 1,8 1991 1931) ' FORMAL BID NO. 8701 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1 216&00 NOTE: TO B[ CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESBNTINO TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR Coax OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1.ASSESSED, AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - ,. - '. • 198400 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'S SHARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- . COD[ - S . APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY—- CODE 1 A. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND IBSUE—CODE 1 S. COUNTY AID - . .. . _ _. . _ - s / TOTAL - - - - - '_ _ - _ _ - - : 198.00 ..Copies. TO:. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAI,. CITY CLERK ' COMPTROLLER ANCE AVAR:Amx IN TME ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS .TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROV[MSNT.REVOLVING-FOND IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. PUBLIC WORKS " PURC14ASING- COMPTROLL51 .1 INAL ORDER ADORED OCT V . YEAS NAYS '_ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL IN FAVOR p 9 ,AOAINET APPROVED MR. PRESIDENT - .M: ORISIN R : NUMB[R ,..(>' �/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL -MCLARK V `j : - COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No POR., AUTHORIZATION OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 4 MaO1TaO sv Hor4._-_ DAr� October 15, Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for: grading Alley in Howard Green Addition from Edgcumbe Road to .the east line of lot 5,, in eocordance:With plans and specifications hereto attached, to GEORGE DICKSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $214.000 and the. Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. . j 010 90¢03—&Y h.l, Co Rosen n e rsJUL That "the Council h;9,'- conoure in the ,reoomMendatlon of O4ho. Cont.�aot Commtttpq x/nd ,awArdB khe' OntraCt for gradfAg Alley.ln-:HOWS{dt. Green .SAddttion'frgm EBRcumbe .Road'. . With.", W h.", leant lion ot�ilot 6 ; Intt(t'aecordahcppe''`,. �is heBaSnio ¢E RR(+$d,IIICKBON beln�:lhg lowe6t-re69o19eib18 bldderr fbr IA' the'eI 5814 00 end 4h4 CorvofaHon Co'un6e1B hereby-dn fsuoted 'to drily, uD the ytoDer form of contraeY thDra i for -Formal H1d NA 8700 Engflleps e • E6tfmat. 5282 aeoot¢d Dv the Conn fl Oot 18 1981:, : A.DDroyed OpL 18; ib31 � �y� ' (Got• E4 1981) ,�{,' FORMAL BID NO. 8700, fiNO1N6[R•B EBTIMATB:3 222,00 J �NOTl1 TORE CERTIFIEDASTO lUNOtI AVAILABLE BY COMPTgOLLERBEFORI pR05QNTINO TO COUNCIL !OR ADOPTION. J J+ PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF TI4I5 IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOgS: 1. "6605660 AGAINST BENQPTTTED PROPERTY _ _ --_ 3 214X0 i APPROPRIATED PROM CITY -9 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— CODE „ _�' S. APPROPRIATED PROM LOCAL IMPROVIMQNYS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE ; 3 4. APPROPRIATED FROM - BOND ISSUE—COOS 3 6. COUNTY AID _ - 3 TOTAL _ 3 COPIES TO:' 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBEBEG BAL- CITY CLERK ANCA AV.U:L". IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE. THE ►ERMAN.=,VK,ROV[MENT RBVOLVTIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. PUBLIC WORKS IN TRI ABOVE AMOUNTS. S PURCHASING COMPTROLL GATE FINAL ORD" ADOPTED COUNCILMEN Y6A6. NAYS ADORED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 16 IN FAVOR _AOAINR APPROV I T_R ' %r MR. PRQSIOlNf ' - COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFI OF CITY CLERK NCCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY HATE Oct. 16 1(x31 COMMISSIONER �--- RESOLVED Whereas, The owners of the so-called Maloney Hotel property at the northeasterly corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets have not at this date cleared the property purchashed by the city at this location in connection with the widening of Eighth Street, and Whereas, Further delay in the clearing of the street property will prevent sidewalk construction at this location this year; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove the debris from that portion of the new Eighth Street once occupied by part of the Maloney Hotell', by City Force Account at a cost not to exceed $350.00, the same to be charged to City Aid Bond Fund, Code 31—E1. c:F xo �oioa sy nLttt nicoRon 'Whereas The owrte.pe ;03 Uta ed- egtled Maloney,'Hotei proPert� at the: ' norkileaflterly-: gatneY ot,;Eighkh And. Sacli4ud streets have not:t tbta dace. cleai'dd the 9r6perty pvrctis9ed,fiy;*lio, elty at thf a tdaatton , Str tnaon tree treeI br," vtlth t>lermfdenlntr .ot h, t. agt4:2. whores; 'Fui-thtieiey'}n the oloar IdRnt the gtreeL prdperty will"Pro sidewalk oriatrvbLfon•at; thlfl locgtlpn this. Year ItaW, thare Yore. -pe }t oner.. • Reebly d. Tpat Lha: Commtaef"nt• P,ubllc :'QVrkebe and ba ifl hereby 9.n^ ,trtrad and ;dttected hoto- }smove the deliria Yram that Dort9on o; the new: Elghth i8treet,onae oacttPled by Aart bt=the atatoney Ho�et. ijy City Fora'e Idd AObPnnt qt a colt not to exc@ed:BdQ'Pd. 1•thq; same Lo-.ge oharR'odto Clty Atd qqq Bond Fund Cade 81 EL. iA,dopted ttq�the Covnatl Ont. d8 .t881 SPPCbved O t. 76 1s8L' jr t�iot ziaea>t t. f COUNCILMEN OCT 16 }u,y8-^ Yeas Nays - Adopted by the Council_______ V_._t_—___ +— ��nroy ®CTay ' McDonald _.11n favor AAppro,�/Pearce /Rosen ----�--/---S_Against--------------------------'-- y MAYOR �udheitner Mr. President Bundlie OIIIOIM114 TO " : cou"c .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL NI APPROPRI N TR NSFERS RESOLUTION FO PE ARTER SECTION 208 ' .PRESENTED BY '0 ISS ....f.; K ... �... fAs .....; ............ DATE ....i..OGtOIi9I�..i • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE COMPTROLLER. ASSY SO DOING AN,UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN MAY"BE MET BY SAID, TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PI MONEY IN THE ITEM 5 FROM WHICH 'THE TRANSFERS ARE, MADE, ' _ ' CODEAMOUNT. APPORTIONED ITEM' FROM.:, TO. _ DR. Receipts.3,491:95- 18'A 1 l 2 Salaries Office"' Ex pause 31320 75.00^ 18 $ 1 Salaries 100:430 18 Ci 18 S ] Salaries $aiaries,; 2,213.36; 38 S 8 ltotOroyole A1lowane 499 X3 - 18w $ laght, ;Heat dr 'Power 1,000,00 -. i19 ;2 8lectriotty 1�30U.d Supplies:' 138:45_ Repairs &' Renewals 18 I.2 ..� Auto N&lntenanne_ 200 00: Auto, Maintenance ' is C 2 Equipment Mairitenanoe 38.;G 3:Supplies .:' 18; ;0 4;,Repairs Bc�Rene�$ls � 18' C g , •l[isobllaneous' - 18, D 1 itasio & �tertainment 18 D2 Fourth o!-",hay..,Celebration. 18`D 3 Supplib6 :' �18 _� 3 lileaelleueous '. l8 F 3 . Sti�ppliea ' 18 Q, 1 Salaries 18 4-A 18 T 3 Salaries X6rahan&isa + 18 � ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL:;; APPROVED ....... _ r IN FAvo ....... ...::: ,, 6AINST„ ,r +• • ^ . OPfO1N�1.T0 . � cT%c«v CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCI.. •uc NO.i:. ,..... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM ARTER SECTION 20B3 k .°' PRESENT BY //� .. COMMISNER. e.;R.....May........................................................... ....:. DATE— 'ItSeQLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF, THE COMPTR0LLE . AS-B D0f l AN UNAVOIDABLE D N ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRA AMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE" MO,NEI�IAfPHE"�TEMS.FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS A D '. CODE. - APPORTIONED ITEM - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED- FROM. -T0 _ DR. CR. 20 R Public Buildings Receipts 516j 20 A 3 Auto Maintenance 600.0 20 B 4 Miscellaneous 300.00 2� C'1 Salaries` 2,34340.- 20 A 1 Salaries 300.p0, 20''A 2 Office Eapenae '30Q00 20 H l,Salaries 2,859.65- 2O'H'2 Automobile Maintenance 300.00 51, 3,759.68 3,759.65 , - • ' ✓ COUNCILMEN ��✓� NAYS.: ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..:; .,. �.reti ........ ' CLANCY .. FERGUSON A ED ........: ......... ......... .........19.. ....... HODGSON ,. .........IN FAVO MCDONALD .... ..... ......... ....... SUDHEIMfi t... .........AGAINST .'.. W L COUNTERSIGNED SY ,•„•,; • it. PRESIDENT,, roPN O:s +Ooo... Cm c aOLLu COUNCIL - O 1117 ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl�1 . TY F ST. P FILE NO. FI OF CLE L COU I ON ENERAL FORM �i 1 PRESENTED BY Cl COMMISSLONER—'_ ` DAT=Od WSMEAS, Commissioner of Education has directed addition- al work to be done in the altering and remodeling of the Auditorium, which additional work consists of excavating and extending three ool—e and reinforced concrete girder, north wall Unit No. 1 as per specifications, and the contractor, Am. Baumeister Construction Company, has agreed that the sum of $1385.98 is the reasonable cost of doing said work; and MWEAS, Said extra work has been approved by the Commission- er of Education, the Commissioner of parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the City Architect; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the allowance of this extra, and the proper City officers are hereby authorised and directed to add the sum of $3.385.98 to the general contract, .C F-'. No 9Q767=8Y price. Whereas. The.-Commie.toher arr�au �II Adopted by the Council? rT �> App roved .---------------- ---19----- r --- --- --------- ----------------- MAYOR 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas -'Conroy Nays May ""McDonald .___In favor -"Pearce Rosen __._____.Against.- //"Sudheimer /Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council? rT �> App roved .---------------- ---19----- r --- --- --------- ----------------- MAYOR City of Saint Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIKE I GIBBONS, Cny Cwk HA9OLD J. RICAN - - •and Commfuiona of R"IdrWon CLARENCE h STORMS Chief Clerk -City CI"k - Chief Clak-Rce6tradon October 16th, 1931. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached please find papers relative to Extra for the Wm. Baumeister Construction Co. Contractors for'the remodeling of the Auditorium, covering excavating and extending 3 columas and reinforced concrete girder, etc. in the sum of $1,285.96. ,N This matter was rsferred to you by the Council for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. • Cai#g of 01_ EMaul• BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ��irYlltEnY Itf�LttalLLlll _ BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY Mw. J. T. Jowlnov..cTt.o u.RMlu! S. O. HRmweu..wurtrrnmmrr IRVi<=VG G_ PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS G7E03F2GE ..1. �ACOBS. Ova+Tv C:oMMIssloHm D. D. M--- suRuuttomvrt A. E. TRU- October 15th, 1931. To The Honora1>3-e axicl Members oP the City Council, Gentlemen : AttacYiec3L -to kindly rind Extra for the Wm. Baumeister boast Co . General Contractors, for the alterations 3 =-63nocleling at the St. Paul tdunicipal o-Nrering excavating and extending 3 columns and 6cl concrete girder - North wall Unit No. 1 as per spg c i-ffications submitted in the sum of - $1,285.96. Tiiessa'=fres era recommended and approved by the Con='[ oZE• Paxlis s Playgrounds and Public Buildings and by tiiB City Architect. The same have been checked by t-M7iis apartment, and we find that the materials and ps-ic e s are correctly stated and are submitting this :'ox- your consideration. Yours very truly, RMG-h Commissioner of Education. j COPY. October 7, 1931. Ron. Irving C. Pearce, Commissioner of Education, Endicott Building, RE: ALTERATIONS AND REMODELING TO ST,. PAUL AUDITORIUM. Dear Sir: The additional work noted on the attached Additional Work Order was found necessary when it was discovered that the limestone at the elevation of some of the column.and wall footings on the north side of the ball room was in an uissate condition. This limestone ledge apparently was shattered during the progress of excavating for the exist- ing basement area under the stage and it was found neoes-, sary to carry three of the steel columns down an addition- al fifteen feet to the level of undisturbed rock. The condition of the shattered stone also necessitated the substitution of reinforced concrete beams between four of the columns in lieu of the wall footings originally design - ad. We have checked this work and recommend that the sum of $1,285.96 be added as an extra to the general contract. Yours truly, (Signed) Chas. A. Bassford City Architect. RLE..0 Approved by (Signed) Clyde R. May Commissioner. C 0 P Y. Date October 5, 1931 Contract No. 6-2579 Contractor Wm.Baumeister Const. Co. Job Alt. & Rem. Auditorium Under the provisions as contained in Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Education' has directed that the following described additional work be done under the provisions of the plans and specifications, and has agreed with the contractor that the prices as given below are the reasonablb costs for the doing of the said work and the supplying of the materials required: October 5, 1931 Clyde R. May, Wm. Baumeister, y y�Commissioner Contractor Chas. A. Bassford 4 Countersigned Oct. 9, 1931 City Architect Vim. F. Scott Comptroller Description, Location, Quantitites, Terms and Prices for Additional Work: Remodeling in the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium, Excavating -extending 3 columns and reinforced concrete girder - Worth wall Unit #1. 69.3 yds Rock Excavation 9.3 yds concrete 30yda sand filUng 718# reinforcing steel 300 sq. ft. concrete forms 3 steel columns as per bill Erecting steel columns Plus 10% 6.00 415.80 10.00 93.00 1.50 45.00 .07 50.26 .15 45.00 425.00 95.00 1,169.06 116.90 $1,285.96 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COMMISSIONEF?�-. RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL CITY OF IPAI, UL /F 1—= C>F CLT'Y CLERK ?ESOLUTIOI�i GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. -0V . 17,_ 1931 whereas, s'he o --o- minter renders necessary all possible speed in time of the Auditorium Addition and the Fifth 3g3aving contract now under way, and whereas, It will be aecz e�sary to use high early strength concrete in the pan g base in front of the Auditorium building in order -moo avoid extended delays to both Auditorium anti work; now, therefore, be it ttLr,S'Ol.V1;D, That the %-i�o3=x3mL=T--3sioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed. to t — range with Thornton Brothers, contractors oa t3.3e 4a-1 d paving work, for the supply ofhigh early stye -t7- z eaacrete in the concrete paving base abutting the property where necessary to avoid delay to ether Auditorium or paving contract, the early stre 34E9 -Jt ---h ¢oaerete to be obtained by adding cement at the rat; 4C:30:r not more than 1.5 barrels per cubic yard o� cc��crste, the additional cement to be paid for by the: city at current cement prices, the said extra ma1t7.gmC-: - az to cost not more than *475.00. the cost to be -:3Ls an extra on the con- tract for the paving of• - iatreet between St. Peter and seventh streets — SCMEMLIZZOM under irinal Order G. r. 812", approved suae 19 -- COUNCILMEN Nays May McDonald _______________In favor Pearce ��osen _----- Against udheimer � Mr. President Bundlie veo i • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL F�( � �­9 {9na-� COUNCIL -9G1_ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER' FILE NO._________YYY------ -V ../ CONROY I__• COUNCIL RESOLUTION October 15 31 MAY MCDONALD, _ - _ IN FAVOR - - AUDITED CLAIMS - ------ ----79--- PEARCE �/�) I Ep ITY TREASURY. ROSEN -____'__--- AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN O/Nr�TH SUDHEIMER 1 I� �T i d j TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S--�Zw4-}i----• COVERING x MR. PRES. BUNDLIE �2 �- �rye1 CHECKS NUMBERED_ _ TO____ -22 C INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI ' _______ PER CHECKS ON FI IN E OF OF T E CITU COMPTROLLER. s APPROVED-__-� - - COMPTROLLER __--------------------M------By __AY___OR \/�Y%//y�/ / ________ 4 -' --__-_ _ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS John H. McDonald, Comer. offin, in. John H, McDonald, OcmOr. of 1 Pin. John A. McDonald, Comer. of in. John H. McDonald, Comer. of! in. John H. McDonald, comer. of i, in. John H. McDonald, Oom Ir. of! in. John H. McDonald, Oomlr. ofl in. John H. McDonald, Comer. ofl in. John H. McDonald, Oom fir. of! in. John H. McDonald, Comer. of in. John H. MoDonald, Comer. of is in. Aome Construction Company j; Commonwealth Electric Oomp O'Neil & Preston, Inc. Clement F. Sculley Equip.00.. Standard Stone Company National Tea Company D. A. Pfaff Quality -Oils, Inc. A. Asohenbrenner The Citer—Digest Company Cochran -Sargent Company Inter City Fuel Oompany,Ino.i, ioKesson-Bt,Paul Drug Comp N'IN, Bell Telephone Company Prioe Eleotrio 4ompany 9t,paul Builders Material co'' G. Sommers d Company Miss Mary A. Taxney White Eagle Oil Corporation John west John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.ii H. Brooks M.H. Tucker Dennis Laughlin August L. Schempf, Guardian lirs.,Anna Schneider Dr. E.O. Eshelby Dr. Thomas Gratzek Dr. Merril A. Howard Bernhard Low Dr.:HdJ. Prendergast Dr..Eugene Scott Dr. 0. W. Snyder Dr. F. L. Webber SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 12 2 3 2 4 7 1 1 1 1 36 1 ®1 7. uCu .aro»e D I N 90710 �rdlgsn0e Nn 4$10 r 1 SOai 808en . ' elde H Dne pundregsnd Teg•'� Ana glaift• 8nndrea F X' :FILE NO. r- J1o0 Dqunrt (;1ao.a1a.6a r 1 oae°a ID1 ttonine.:PP INANCE NO. PRESENTED' 8Y �' aegC _Itevolvl , ��ys ,. � , 7111717 s r t ♦ x �Ar-}:: 72' #,u+.ky�^wF 7 f,r d� �, �A -�* �"' b!< � `t- zy-�''f� , �• i? .JT.CI J T ..rn l�yjr. .�• U C vt ^1 x`�.ru Oii rY 4 L l3...T ^ r..4 .. "!iJ ,'.:JCy ]• s J .-r C; .) .�3 ClJ '.. Tl .1 L J S:\. 3 : 3Xje 47ifi- 78 1,+' O't' 7'0' U4-" t qr,T-fToxJ• VTVO : r �GJs i r a, o -r. r • of i''-" 3 �Po TO T,.Jc j f:t: rr>e Z-1ja P!,'G g,)fJ jq 8.2 VggTPTOD Ozsq .r e:JT s,s2 2rrfJ* P2 I•-sYTz2G :Jz;g co;: .. FJ S27a. .:rT�7 Ca.Ir.•-913cS (3][��C-uY moi+ Y2 F.'F� ". ............................... ..... ... .. .....-. Dated this ....... 19t11�-.._day of--------------------Octo "'ber ------------------- r .......192 ..................................__.. _.. _. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.c Open, widen and extend an 18 ft. ^T^ alley in Ackermants Addition and Fiedler's Sub, by taking and condemning �. the°Eastex+ly 9 ft. of Lats`'i'to 10 Inclusive and the South 18; ft. of, hot 10,_Ackermapts Addition., Also the West 9 ft. of Lots 4'to 13'inclusiVe and the !Worth' 18 ft. of Lots 1,2 and 39 t b .F'ied3er s Su , axld itiQ hereto two triangular pieces of- property measuring' & ft: on" each "of the outside lines of the above described property. Ma. Psss)asxm P- C A U MM 2-9Y) +� pl 1 s fi; .•7Y h 4s j7J i si , (: r,i t7 �'? GS..> ,.� �,.(''�' 'r� r)fj� I'np jr.4 O;, '• ! 7 J., ? -.fp .. JC: 7'J rr,., i .yrs t)u ps .;.J r :.t:> y'L7 .. 7J �{ t'q{ 3 • 3-53 '�.d=� Q� Frtr �'O� �� � `.a� "`� r ��'. `a �� }�. Ci T, a V I11GLI-:s'TJ1 a `,44 pTaaa,'- `i1G sipnne cr�aGLTp�t7 I.-iLoFi.. 1:F:.' oL }ILD 63.F% u��-y ;(r.TuEi p L f. Ou fl: cTl OL FFa 017�VaT46 :l Iu;a oL B.Te9?sr.,2 2np' UUq Tu jggTVTOO-VP'LG.FO FAO -PL UUq bl`ccGa POF2 Fu 79 TucTr2Tn� oLyq FFG 101, -PP TS LF' OL POFa T':; uuq g' T9 LF' OL POF TO' ycjc(3LW-au+a VggTFTOrs- VT20 FF© IAG24 a LF' OL r FSG EU2FP—TX a LF' OL POFa T FO TO TIIOSrr2Tns auq FFG gorrFF dc7tsr.mxvaa V447-FTou UUq LTGI3-asaa-'2-Vp� pX !ayTiiie,: suq cougejffi3 uR r .<3 .-_.__.--- .._ .__.......... _._.---.-__. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----- - ----- -_-----• therefore, be it RESOI.VFD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is heofea rmdpro and directed: 1. To investigate the nepeesity for, or desirability of, the making 2.~ To investigate the.nature, extent and estimated Dost of said zmpiOment, and the total coat thereof. 3 To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of acid improvement 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition t on of � or more owners• ' 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to'the Commissioner < OCT Adopted by Council--- •.... the Coune YEAS NAxs Councilman Qlaworluax _._ Approved ...... . �44 Paiasinarrr j F orm C A 13 (2m 2.20 COUNCIL FILE .--------- '. 900 FINAL ,ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS condemning and taking far the purpose -of a Municipal Barge Terminal: An easement to fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad tracts and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across that portion`=of,_tue_right, of.way of -the Chicago,. Milwaukee, St. -;Paul -and _ Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Governer ment Lot 2, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, between the north and south `center line of said Section 4 and a line.parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and southerly of a line parallel with t and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern most railroad track existing previous to August lot, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the sight of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway u A aomisayon and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, .Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and e Terminal Railway Company. improvement to be made by condemn and take for the purpose of "a`ZWffzaspar'Barge +Q���u�-• An easement to`fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad �I tracks and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across that -- portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, between the north and south center line of said Section 4 and a line parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and, southerly of a line parallel with and distant 89 feet southerly, from the center line of the southern- most railroad track existing previous to August let, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying .south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on'and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, cSection 4, -Township 28, Range 22, lying south of ;a line parallel with an -distant 39 feet southerly from the center iine-of the eouthern- most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway_ Company. and di an rom the center line of the souther— most railroad track existing previous to August lot, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on and across that portion of the right of Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company Section 4, Township 28,, Range 22, lying south of and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Terminal Railway Company. way of the Chicago, in Government Lot 3, a line parallel with of the southern - Paul Bridge and u der Pre' Order---, 5 -- -----. apiroved----MUL-2-4-M7------------------ �ounoi Fie 4 6 August 21, 1931 Intermediary Order ----------- 040______---- approved-----aepte-40 'S_T,e?- 1931--------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th%t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the__is condemn -and take for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal: An easement to'fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad t•: tracks and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across the portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul ani_ T Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, between the north and south center line of said Section 4 and a line parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and southerly of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- 4 moat railroad track existing previous to August 1st, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, 'Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Paoific Railway Company, Also on and across that portion of the right ofway of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul,and Pacific Railway Company in Covernment`L10 3, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying South of•a Cine parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the 'southern- ¢nj most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. from the center line of the sou ,4, most ailf-6990179051 eexisting previous to August lot, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, at. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. suaneimer i � � £ l ri��' COITN(illt �'YI+E i�I$- _ ��.� ..1► �". E y I L T1;- 2 _ T r J. .;.j T .J , - r. Tr 7S'T. + L., i. cvJ�,,r"' tv tyF .: ?:. '�} _:2.i__7.. T I U6 Da ;. u der Pre' Order---, 5 -- -----. apiroved----MUL-2-4-M7------------------ �ounoi Fie 4 6 August 21, 1931 Intermediary Order ----------- 040______---- approved-----aepte-40 'S_T,e?- 1931--------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th%t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the__is condemn -and take for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal: An easement to'fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad t•: tracks and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across the portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul ani_ T Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Govern- ment Lot 2, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, between the north and south center line of said Section 4 and a line parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and southerly of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- 4 moat railroad track existing previous to August 1st, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, 'Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Paoific Railway Company, Also on and across that portion of the right ofway of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul,and Pacific Railway Company in Covernment`L10 3, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying South of•a Cine parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the 'southern- ¢nj most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. from the center line of the sou ,4, most ailf-6990179051 eexisting previous to August lot, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, at. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. suaneimer and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the 'same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: _ t An easement to fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad tracks and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Govern- j ment Lot 2, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, between the north and €, south center line of said Section 4 and a line parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and sontherlq of a line parallel with k and distant 39 feet southerlq.from the center line of the southern— most railroad track existing previous to August let, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, Sao tion 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. ,r Conroy mayor. un awn' blr. iae es. Sucneimer i'i0�kC�i FILM NO. _ #mss i►. -' �... 'rS, . ;{m� •. 1Ld� OI, .FUs3 +. _SIT ;'.l i :; Vr• .. p i4, T I A and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the 'same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: _ t An easement to fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad tracks and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Govern- j ment Lot 2, Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, between the north and €, south center line of said Section 4 and a line parallel therewith and 550 feet west therefrom, and sontherlq of a line parallel with k and distant 39 feet southerlq.from the center line of the southern— most railroad track existing previous to August let, 1927, excepting that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; Also on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government Lot 3, Sao tion 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company. ,r Conroy mayor. un awn' blr. iae es. Sucneimer i RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepaze plans and specificationa for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. i:. 9 Q "c Adopted by the Council----------------------------------- ---- ®CT 2 0 'r° - City Clerk. Approved------------------------- 19---- --------------------------- --------- - Mayor... Councilman x -:--Oonroy [ Councilman May Councilman btafos& �oDonald pUgj IS7cTED / f - Councilman x aToe Councilman Z*ft dx � Ro Ben uncilman ardl�eir� 8e�mez— ' ML 1Gt3 ,23. Judneuaer r�T*,F- ity . of Saint Paul Q1 ice 'of City Clerk mom J. GIBBONS, City Owk and Com balm of R"I*anon Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir:. September 15th, 1931• y The attached resolution in the matter of condemning,and taking an easement for the pur- poss of a Hnnicipal Barge Terminal was amended by the City Council on Aognst 219t to eliminate therefrom all reference to the easement across property of the St. Pant Bridge & Terminal Railway and was then adopted, as amended, It being understood that an agreement would be entered Into between the City and the Bridge & Terminal Railway. As weare in doubt as to just what part of the order should be stricken, we ask that you.kind- 1y amend the order and return it to us. Jane 5th, 1931. Don. Milton Rosen, Comstr of Public Works, 1 Badding. Dear Commissioner# The attached resolution in the matter of condemning and taking for the purpose of a Mmllcipal Barge Terminal an easement across a portion i of the right -of way of the Chicago, Milwan%ee & St. Paul Bailor ay Company and across a portion of the right-of-way ® of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company was laid over by the Coancil to Jane 12th and referred to the Commissioner of Pab?io Works, Commissioner of Finance sad the Corporation Attorney for a conference relative to the advisability of amending this order in accordance with a plans saggseted by Mr. Carey and Mr. Seemor. Yours very truly ) `?. Ci Clark. k. j" %j June 5th, 1931. Son. J. R. MoDonald$ Commiesioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commissioners The Resolution Ratifying and.Con- firmirg Condemnation and. Awards of Damages and Assessment In the ratter of oondomning and_teldng for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal an easement across a portion of the right-of-way of the Chicago$ Milwaatsee & St. Paul Railway Company and across a portion of the right -of -war of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company was laid over by the Coµnoil to Jbne 12th and referred to the Commissioner of Public Aorlas Commissioner of Me and the Corporation Attorney for a conference relative to the advisability of amending this order in accordance with a plan suMeated by Mr. Carey and Mr. Seamer. The above order hatil been referred to the Cosmiiseioner of Public Works. Tours very tralr$ �'A,. City Clerk. •4� y s.+ June 5th, 1931. Son. J. R. MoDonald$ Commiesioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commissioners The Resolution Ratifying and.Con- firmirg Condemnation and. Awards of Damages and Assessment In the ratter of oondomning and_teldng for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal an easement across a portion of the right-of-way of the Chicago$ Milwaatsee & St. Paul Railway Company and across a portion of the right -of -war of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway Company was laid over by the Coµnoil to Jbne 12th and referred to the Commissioner of Public Aorlas Commissioner of Me and the Corporation Attorney for a conference relative to the advisability of amending this order in accordance with a plan suMeated by Mr. Carey and Mr. Seamer. The above order hatil been referred to the Cosmiiseioner of Public Works. Tours very tralr$ �'A,. City Clerk. •4� y ; t Ur. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs X, -tA June 5th. 1931. / The Resolution Ratifying and Con- firming Condeciaatiou and Awards of Damages and Assessment in the matter of condemning and ta]:14, for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal an easement across a portion of the right-of-wer of the 'Chicago, Milwsalwe & St. Paxil Railwsy Company and across a portion of the right-of-way of the St. Pearl Bridge and Terminal Railway Company was laid over by the Couroil to June 12th and referred to the Commissioner of Pabli% Rorke, Commissioner of Finance and the Corporation Attorney for a conference relative to the .9dvisability of amending this order in accordance with a pf.an sWeeted by Mr. Carey and Mr. Beamer. The above order has been referred to the Comiitasioner of Pnblto Rorke. V Yours very trays City Clark. f At�xst 21st, 1931 Mr. lift. 14. Carey, Chief INi^l esr, Building. Dear Sirs The matter of condemning and taking an sasenent for a spur track and a paved roadway to serve the 14naicipal Barge Terminal was amended by the Counoil to eliminate that portion of tqe order relating to the property of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal 82ilway Company and the order was then adopted as amended. i 'Jill you kindly have the proper order, drawn to take caro of this amendment. The order was sent to your office on Ame 5th, 1931 for conference with the �A_ _ Commissioner of Finance and Corporation Ommal. Yours very truly, City Clerk: / June 5th, 1930. f .. Hon. Milton Roeen, Comer of Public 'Yorks, Building. Dear Commissioner: In re - Condemning and taking certain land for the purpose of a Municipal Barge, Terminal. Ne attach herewith Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages, under Council File No. 73031, in regard to the above improvement. This matter was laid over to June 19th, 'by the Council -today and referred to you for check. Yours very truly, / City Clerk. "IN THE HATTER OF, CONDEMNING AND TARING FOR: THE PURPOSE OFA MUNICIPAL BARGE TERMINAL" CERTAIN �." PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. TO THE HONORABLE TRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: z PLEASE TARE NOTICE, that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, one of the persons who is named as hav j= ing property,which is proposed to be taken and interfered with in the above entitled matter, objects to the taking or condemnation r of the land described, in the "Notice of hearing in condemnation` proceedings" -heretofore published and served herein, or:of any: part thereof; and, likewise objects to the award of damages there for, and states as its grounds for such objection the following, among others:, 1. ;That the said Council is without" jurisdiction in the cases i; 2. That the said Council is without jurisdiction: to fir= take, appropriate or condemn the said, property or shy, part thereof» =' 3. That this proceeding on the part of said Council is arbitrary, oppressive, and the result of mistake, fraud, or of acting on illegal principle, that said Council has no power or x. authority of law. to take, condemn or appropriate the property of the objector; that there are irregularities in the proceedinga,of q said Council by reason of which -the same are illegal and without; force of law. 4. That the valuation of the said property as fixed 'r by the Commissioner of Finance, is unfair, greatly below reasonable r,: valuation, and utterly unjust. " ri 5. That the award proposed by the said Commissioner of Finance is unfair, partial, and greatly.below lawful or reason able compensation. 6. That the property so proposed to be taken as afore said was acquired by the Railway Company for the purpose, among others, of enlarging its; terminal facilities; and was and is neaes ose sexy for sash purpose;.and the proposed taking_for the purp"set `_ �i troy the rights Of your objector forth, would either entirely des and its Receivers therein or seriously impair the use thereof for ch it was acquired and U is n908BXY-' the purpose for Whi 7. That the use Of the said property as in this P rO— a I eading proposed would make it impracticable for the Railway Company or its Receivers to use the Property for the public Purpose for ,-which it - Was acquired and would deprive the Railway OOmPany and its Receivers,Of the beneficial use and enjoyment of other property Of a the Railway Company adjoining the same. g. That such taking and use as is proposed will be istent with the public Use for which the property was soquired inconS and is needed. control of said 9. That the sole and exclusive use and cont Property is reasonably necessary and required by the Railway COmPanY, ' and its Receivers. to enable it and them to Perform its and their duties to the public. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY It Solicitor. ......................... ........ ........ ........... ....................... REPORT OF COMMISSIONEUF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS -oal . . ............... In the matter ak Aa?LgjeL Terminal.: ................................... I ..... .............................. I ------------------------------------------------- -------------- Un railroad traoko,aAd __$h&t.portlon of thee-41gbt 003pany, 1y st"On the- south c�sntex line ,vt said 5setioa 4 send a lila lal thereto and 550 feet lroad track on said excepting A, portion of Lot 10 nti -4. 1110 A-*A*Vft­ 9411,111111 11riviv nei-ath of, A ght of way ot1ho dioagoo lyS jo4th of -the right of at, Lot 30 sectio.oath:aea,or line of said 8 776Gil 504tion 1 4- o center V. the"Gaid, lune, ali of the above shOlm '4= 'W'Ved lines fte of filling and M feet, horizontal to ions foot: line of fh#'s6uth*#sterly ba and fesRailway COMPBAY Lwttw track on said right St. V P 28, the a north L Of I Ad ia an & an tirllr Irom if .09 Mast and West center line :of -said outheasterly of the said Zmat and West- *, -be me . asured- Parallel to. thil, TIP% O:r _WW tracks and paved,roadimy to be -located ad, iriat hereto attached &Ad MR" ia.,00t he"011 the right of way of, the St, Paul Bridge and "Kent Late" 3 and 41: $60W 4# 'to* t -now , he,mogt southwqsto�r Ail;qao #90, bm`i`p61ut* of" he d" AGOWMA o" t Pont 609,00 soatbiAsplerly, heiiFaiiW696- 'to b6:"' i.qjvky liue$ the said easement to be, for ,Wining an earth slope of iwo aiid one-half i1cal, the, top, of eald,810PO to. be on the Iof the right of Vmy of the at. Paul Bridge, the . same elevation as the existing acuthro ............................. nu ner of Finance: FWAM 1 e x`Ji f } 7.i , Qt'iJr'-1 1 C NF4 ,;•-................. ...................... _..... ........... ._............... .......................... .......................... ._..................... ............. ....................... ......... Up&ader Preliminary Order....... 71540_ .___.: approve Y. _2 .0192 .._. Intermediary Order_ .._7!805__..... __. 6 -. approved......... .june._l5, 19p7, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. RM r k �'`'7.640-,, Nq; 7ai9sy' J 8 Dfpadpald jtstir d4l' e matter ofgondeinpf! g&-ra mak,Ire I tgg 'yFhDM, z lDngwln em�tr y an;. easement to all Sevel r•gra a OOO D; AN,�.+.N..., etrdet, and �,ma:'ntatp ratlroad ylxA, r t � d g-i4t*k�"pu aokerand s pavedsrpadwaY`wlth C"ondem£In�r ? Bargh1.wermla8Lan ecgeesryy e[op�a for too put pee of beDaL a }tndlc� a nafrugt a Dfudfuipa Barge Ternilnatp under eabeNP t`to nl4 ,eiF°� t cldt andr- • Prantplpa Order'q F 41640 aD- hd fgtal;�rai tPa41` ,aa���, eloped proved'EMay,88,,1�1987 end Iatermedl-i'yhtAgtytfon k0� €nA.. lab f88 er Cl 83�, BpDroved Juno 'ch of. way oL"thg ChlcagD TAtl, Commitlal0Aefl=ot Pnbltc-S�orka eli3t jy g, by i6e abpWe titteClIbe fj°rt add pled nn�ltien tl bta8 9e 0 S fiownelilb Resolved hatltde ¢ltq of 8t Paal 88; RaliS �L between trio t r� 4 an . hereby fixe and determfnes the amqunt sobth Dentetf 11Aa of ad7d';S@c� p r 1• of land't0�e takoa fDt that :above a411r8 paraflgl trib t;%ZnAhe6e0u ht�• nagted fmprovOmenE.,;aO he-ae fellows: went thsfeof,:,aand-j stllrosrk. track�PnF On and`>'aer0es that Portion'At'tha ernmosE ezte. B right of -way of, the-ChloaBo,. liil wau- said rI84t' of:lraY yen the Dileef$slDp, kee 4ad St. 1?adl RafiWay.Company, #titer acepting 0.1 y'erttOn of e6ut lying;:1n '.government 'At a, •.Rection Block Y7 $uliudban RI1/4, lYfng sputh' 4 •Townablp a8 Range 88,.bstween the of the !}ght�;of way of-•t6e t.hf6bgid'_, north a'nd 5611th cegter •line ot- eald Mllwankppe�and St. Paul`stallway. - SeeUon• 4 'and s hneparallel tbarOtb piing also oq and serosa teat DortM and 580' feet seat :thereof, ot, the .rTg�tt Of 'wat .qqt the (:A16°6et, tweerV the soutbernmebt efi$ting `,raft " M¢wauk 0 AR St. peal gg,lway Conn road track on Bald f16ht of iray and D qY lY 118 Aouth at the Z,ght. of way tthe Y<tieelealpDt lEEver;;, e:oeRting; that o,tb' �8� $ridge and Terminal �portion bY. LOLL SiDak .17, Runurban ItaRwaYLn,povernment .Lot a,ne6tiba IHills Iying $both 6fand'rl ht t: way, 4I: TowHshiP?D$, RBnge^.88 F-frbm•�the pi ! a ChlbagO° IHflwaukeO` and 8t. north and.eout6 oeutec Ltae o eafd 8ec- lPavt�R4Uway Com nY - the easterly:lllevel, hgrebt; aero$$ fisc portton�of_;fie rl �t8 of also Rn eaao�°++t to oily rade' way of the CAy11mgo;; MtlWaukee•.-.and construct, ,bad platntalq a t�aileo LA 6 7?a il 1latlSvdy Company lying $bath traok o that Dortion of the .. O the' right of, way. of the S -PsuP right of(q rrny of ' t1iR Rt Paul Bridge angd Wrminai'"$ailwaf In_gov- Srld88r �°,Ad' Terminal oa-,4 Town emivoht ,t,et a 8e0tlop l Tdwnahi 88, ,¢overpmen Lot 4 - eouthr .flange 88,;tro* he north aqd .0 1 ship '98 fkt°nger 8a-.lytae tontor tine At d HeotiOn 4 Yo the. weatsrl of the 6o11thweeterly railroad {esaterlq 71td1 tberetf ; also an ease- track r�iovl a=Isflng+Op;,eetd right; of mefit t0'1}24, 009e4 ,rrede sconetruct� way from,a Pofnt 960 feet southmatgr- dndrmafntalq_a railroad trackon;that ly of the'Eaet and VPlesf center lire of a ofnt 1a60�feet ortloa;Df`.t6e right 'of Way bf the_St. said Section 4 tP j*P_ t .and Paul $ridge and •Term/nal $allwar in southeasterly of the said Esp (tloternrnegt LSectlon 4 'TpWn -West ceater.l(be the liafd distance to 963-2;47:i11'960 thweeterly 'be wea5ared parallel ;Eo the right ofii Sof the • southwestgrly:; railroad ,-track, way lineeli of tha�+sbove raU[osd :now eitlatle8 h $aid right of�waY .tracks and.:Psv' roadway ta,-oa ike irpm a p01nt 980 feet southeasterly, oA catad- a°•-ehowm^ty-;efl 7t:tha Eaat and Wget center line oL eatd'blue print Aere td�attacpe and ,made a Igectfop 4 to $ yblllt.f860 teat sabth+ Dart hereof; also an, 'cut WAW .gaster y ot�tbe mfd�-flees and. bleat. .mart';f .We rightrbf:wirg� ? 11 St- ';f I line, „ the °aldz" distance to> be 1Paul t3ridge 'find 4t7P ay ineasured'parI a to the right of w Company is Oovo °sepqt Lots •9 `and'+, Lire AR of%t a abpvfln railroad traeha faertloW4G wo, ne6lp 4` ' a9; lyJnB and paved 'rodwa'� to As lomted^ab eouthWeat:^ot tmoe tbloutf�n$til hjn� by red Linea on the filue :punt, railroad track e pp b o attached aqd L.. mdde a ��-yypp6tt• right of *ay trotp a r Dol 460 "teeth hereof aleo".an easement'bn, thal::part northwesterly of the 'East and Wean oftbe� 'lght hC way of the t; Paul reenter, lim0i frsald gectlon 4 id a point, Idge and ,Terminal R417Way Com 60 feet S, LL nterlp oftthe "Esti; an,A .}any Eq OOrs, -W , LOte a and 4 -,West +cen ilne df psid,'nectton 4�i ,BeAcUon 4 rl$rj wnahip a8 Rsnge 38,-1Y ,thgee blstg�"i6 �' °a 1fae,ptde'+ a:«wuthweat of the,;, mdat eodth •1101 witWt rl ht'ofs u one of eaterly, railroad track, now, ezleting - Bald agee�mmpppnt td beI �qr e D rp, 'en Bald right of way from a point+460 filling and°7nalntalning an earth elope. Peet aorthweeterly' of the east ";;nd cf two pai{.oAe Aalt Yeet horlsoAtal'to; Sheet centar':une of eald8ecti o 4,�to:6fld fc0p vertical the'toPAf eatd,alope attlolnt. 960 Leet southeaaterly-gt he od the line offlte a6uthsgegterhe East add West cepter }lie nY Sectiop r darT, :theR1>;hL of iway�'ot`tha �: mead dlbrangeq to be measured' aql be eamaYation� eparallel wltwLto4yy right: -qt way line,the Bald eaWsion to be-: tot16e,`;Dnr- p8 ,eonthweeterlY track On? said pose sDf,nntrtg pnd ruhiafalgtug�an rle¢kl�t'AP\YaY hat1ng been Preeonted� 0 meth Alop0ofr LWo and�'One half feet the Council of i6e Qty of St Put. •libpiwntal'xtt'. oqe togt v rUOal, `the thereforer"' iJtqs i t615, bf °aid stplje to, o the Jill 'of Raanived Triit the miss 0461, Dt She igdntbweatarl + h� dory o1 the Ppbllc Works a and:hs U hereby Or+ , 8ht of WaY of�fhe�ffl $paaHpl $rWge detL'bdopaell Neyp °g;ee tAtp ne6essltyr ' °ams s�7iva[lon peel the�e=tatine soutfie or deelftlty oL th4 making of d westerly track on Bait right of way. tmptbtement. $doe d by.'the ll -j 18 1987. J 3O" lnveet�ta the natere.,' stagt A ProYed JaiYy'38,d98Z. -I and Pilo- •cost OY said [tdprDvs ' �1 19.1@J7) =nt.,aad the dotal Post toesr�eeOG ,_--�,�� 7 To idrdeh a ppian Me,Dr, ' fketelroLaild,ImDroviment• t O r o said Em �me t I- jodt et D A r D vemsnt f° apked�tOr re thf.pgUtl4p 0; rea>or more Owpefa TO tetlort ptl04 su b! tll0 ♦;Prelto I Ipnygp all to th°.,CDt4uuledoaer of pdo�fgd hY tAe goUpC, Dint 86 1887 a1PFfoved rMN°Yy811J , l r T .. ... - o. W. elwoswtL, tit offaint Paul un, e4[nK wND ' ., CAYYI[[IONpI O�R[OI[TRwT1OY ': Office of (41tiJ Mktk - January 30th, 1931. Hon. Milton Rosen, i Comdr of Public Works, Building.' Dear Commissioner: Y Attached herewith please find: letter from L. L. Anderson,Corporation Counsel regarding the dis- posal of the matter `of -condemning and taking of'certain land for the purpose of the Municipal Barge Terminal; also "all. papers in said matter. The Council referred the above to you and the Commissioner of Finance for the proper action as specified in -the last paragraph of Mr. Andersons letter. Yours very truly, City Clerk., f K n.t77 soe held%in tne'orriae,os LAO 4Qi0i'LIIg)uvar ur,vYa vsyy ?all, it was. agreed between'GooShepard, John 11.; and Arthur A..ezewart, repreeinting the pity, and' - Q lP: A.4 '5. ... ; COUNCIL NC t Y AUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY`1/�RK- •,� y iiiii O I .CITY CLERK (` t SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT O ?D RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of onemergency which rendered necessary the employmel.t of certain employes of his department for more -ohan their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL John Crosby Steamfitter 2 hours $1.25 $2.50 C. A. Fredrickson n 2 n -1.25 2.50 M10hael Heicenrieoh Steamfitter t, .62 1.25 Helper 2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _--.In favor Pearce Rosen --Against -Sedifei— D..a' Bundlie AQr. Vice Pres. Su ae Adopted by the LY--__— OrX11 APPro — - - ----- — —•--- -. �qp MAYOR - FORM NC; 1 October 20, l An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Burea'a of Cchools, rendering necessary the emrloyment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Installing new steam pipe at Central HSgh This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and Circumstances: Necessary to complete work before the next d a . This report is in acoordmlce with section 53 of the Charter. I a k' CITY 0 F SAINT PAUL �, 11 '! r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK � �� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-.___ V ----------- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY --- -- -----IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --- �atoher..19 19 -� MCDONALD PEARCE ROSEN ------ )--AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. S'OORlTI7IEIT llt^�I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S____l.©_, �2 j3— W-, COVERING ����, I �- I�'- CHECKS NUMBERED--- TO_______ // INCLUSIVE, AS { ICG I ' . �. ,. • >{ 1 COMPTROLLER. ` PER CHECKS ON FI E FILE OF ADOPTED BY COU CIL_..___-._ ; '1.°------------ _ IB________ _ __________ APPROVED ----- - __--_ _ ___ ________-- � CITY COMPTROLLEP ___--____________________ _s.__________ MAYOR_-___ BY- ...... ______________________________________.____________ CHECK NUMBERIj IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD 2255 !i William Bevins 225r,5 22557 11 Maria Moore Catherine Nevins 22559 I Mary Phalon Greschan 22559 !! Margaret Phalon Burke 22560 ''. Estelle Phalon Curley 22561 '; Joseph Phalon 22562 George L. Warr 22563 George L. Warm Guardian of Estate of Marion W arr 22564 '' B.C, Crooke 2856 J,J,.Fitzgerald, Reg, of Deedil 22566 Frances A. Capeeius 22567 Alfred A. Tuohelt & FW, Tuol.lelt 22568 James F, Hain, Cashier Water Department 22569 `; Go Sommers and Company 1 22570 The Speakes Company 22571 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 22572 l o O. Watson 2257 ;', Edward Vollmeier 2j 4 Frank Dielke 22 Griggs . Cooper & company 22576 Hanooc�•Helson Mercantile Co 22577 it Joesting and Schilling Compa y 27$ Price Electric Company 79 , '; J.L. Shiely Company 2c'' 0' Mrs, H, Mitoh 22591 ! Davie III Lagerman 22592 H, Hretz Realty Company 2258 Ryland J, Rothsohild, Manage, 2 Walsh Investment Company 22585 Mark Dalglieh 22596 '! Haskins Brothers and Company' 22587 22588 '' Helps Carpet Cleaning Works R.E. Hulme Ivning & Shade Co 22589 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Comp y 9 j 22(90 '', Twin City Brick & Wire Compaiy 22591 �i John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22592 j Rex Linen supply Company 22593 Ij Rex Linen Supply Company 22594 225955 b St�Paul Abstract Company St, Paul Arcade Company 2259b St,Paul Book, & Stationery Co. j; 22597 11 St.Paul Book &,Stationery Co. 225.98 '! St,Paul Book &'Stationery Co, 22599 1i St,Paul Book & Stationery Co 22600 h, St,Paul Braes Foundry Compan '1 22601 j 22602 St,Paul Bridge & Terminal RyoCo. St,Paul Broom Mfg,.Company 22604 St.Paul Builders Material Co., 22604 is SL,Paul Foundry Company 22605 11 St,Paul Glass Company 22606 I'' St,Paul Goodwill Industries 22607 St.Paul Hydraulic Hoist OompAny 22608 St,Paul Machine "forks 22609 St.Paul Milk Company '! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 2 1 2 1 los 6 105 6 105 6 1051 6 351 2 7014 201 0 61 94� 0 425 9 i4g57i 2 1;4I 6 313 6 1§ o 599 D 351 2 2116 37i 31 282 136 i01 241 lI 1+�2 288 39 16, 7! 43, 399! 1631 311 61 4262 1 113 1 321 PPP n 3 ` f J F I i 4 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCILMEN—RQLL CALL OriFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO --------------------------------- CON ROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY MCDONALD '----" --IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ------------------ 8otob&r--20---7831-- PEARCE ROSEN S.r48"de ---- _-- __AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S---22 DRAWN ON 1T1HE CITY TREASURY. +}---• COVERING %__ CHECKS NUMBERED__�Z 6 Q_TO____ ' INCLUSIVE. AS }} 1Cf3 ( U 1 (J _ PER CHECKS ON FID N T O ADOPTED BY COU --- ==© - ------ y?,i_ CE COMPTROLLER, ______ _IH_.__._ ______________ APPROVED --- -- ------------ ---------------- /� _ __________ BY____ ___________________ MAYOR ____ ______—___________ CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL DATE V CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER -- TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 37 6 6 qoz' 04 • 22610 x Barney Cohen 22611 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 35' 13 690 0 22612 John H.. McDonald, C. of Fin. 1 756,7 2261'3 `` Charles Stewart 321 0 22614 :; St.Paul Office Equipment Co. 66 22615 '..; St.Paul Pattern & Model Work z�1 22616 ;; St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Oompan 610 22617 St.I'dul White Lead &oil Coo 11514 22618 '' St.Paul White Lead & 011 Co. 5612 22619 Benj. H. Sanborn Company 3715 22620 satin Soap Company 52,3 22621 Schaffer & Rossum 2011 22622 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Compani 112100 22623 1; Andrew Schoch Grooery Oompan 80111 22624 Andrew Schoch Grooery Compare 253'51 22625 Andrew Schoch Grocery Compan 1231,30 22626 '1 School Diet. No. 1 3195 22627 Sohunemans and Mannheimer 2,00 22628 ',I Schwartz Brothers 1!50 22629 ',j American Linen Supply Compan 22630 167!89 G. Baglio Market 200192 22631 Central Soap Company 40'69 22632 Crescent Creamery Company 1 659118 2263 Crescent Creamery Company 47900 22634 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 2001 62 22635 , Factory Service 15 X85 22636 Leonard Frank Company 10470 22637 George J. Flynn !, 8 47 22638 General Electric Supply Corp. 99,01 22639 f,Graybar Electric Company 11 196 00 22640 Tbeo. Hamm Brewing Company 111 00 22641 'Kenny Bonier & Mfg.Oompany 38,15 122642 ;J.T. MoMillan Company 61160 122643 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 22644 "C.&E. Marshall Company 19 '39 i4 12 22645 May's, Inc. 241 382 22646 ;Malady Paper Company 58 97 22647 Minnesota Provision Company 20 63 22648 ',Raymer Hardware Company 22649 Rex Linen Supply Company 47 46 5 ;22650 I!Rex Linen Supply Company 19 j8 03 • 122651 Rochester Germicide Company L. Shiely Company 12 297 00 9 11322652 2265'3 ,iib Products Company 138 92 '12265 ;Southern Fried Pie Company 84 0 1226555 i Sperry Office Furniture Com 472 22656 "The Sponge House y 10 5 0 122657 N. Thorbus and Sone 22658 J.C. Vander Bie Company, Inc. 17 348 6 4 122659 J.C. Vander Bie Company,, Inc, 152 0 2060 iVan Paper Supply Company 320 7 922661 1westlund Meat Company 65 j2 -,i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD—_ IM _ j� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF 2T. COUNCIL . PAUL :FILE NO. OFFICE OF, ITY CLERK RESO ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y Oct. go, 1961 COMMISSIONER ATF' RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 1, Galarneaultts Addition from Racalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, also construct. ing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 feet of lot 4, Block 1, G'alarneault's Addition from the alley to the sewer in Seheffer Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. Y. 89410, approved June 2, 1981, and Final Order C. F. 90161, approved August 19, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay - 'Conroy /.May McDonalda favor Pearce _ —// Rosen _/OAgainq ter deRT ItQr Yjae P. 8'un3lie Sudheimer Adopted by the Council__ -,OP AM� MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. Jai►'FFICE OF ITY CLERK C Ct RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM i4�4_ Oct. 20. 1931 RESOLVED In the matter of grading alleys in Block 3, Lake Park Addition from Almond Street to Atlantis "treet and from Aroma Avenue to the north and south alleyy under Preliminary Order C. Mr. 89146, approved May 13, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90159, approved August 19, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Lommissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the s` a are he eby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May �__In McDonald ___ favor Pearce Rosen ___-_--. Against Swdheim" dlie • �1r., 'd•�e Pres. c ��diiaimet OCT 271 Ift Adopted by the Council-----__--- ---- _-------- r� APpro -----j -- – – 19 ------ MAYOR - f: ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL co LINCIL �- FILE NO.___�M9. ' E�I .try OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES TED 8 �� COMM ISSrONER DATE_ (1of� •J' A 1961 ` RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Arkwright Street from a point 80 feet north of Geranium Street to Rose btreet to connect with existing sewer approximately five (5) feet east of Arkwright Street, under Preliminary Order C. r'. 89984, approved July 31, 1931, and Final Order C. r. 90564, approved Oct. 1, 1931. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May McDonald_In / Pearce favor _ ... Rosen Sudheimorr _ Against Ms_.,Ece Mr. Vice Pres. Su heimer Adopted by the Council -_--n ^T 2 D E3 App r -------- --- - . — --- - MAYOR I COUNCIL U ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._—� ` OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n.+. 20 1951 PRESS DAT COMMI55 ONE RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Thomas Street from Fairview Avenue to wheeler Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89261, approved May 21, 1931, and Final Urder U. F. 90220, approved Oct. 1, 1931. RESOLV%D, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald .__--In favor Pearce Against Rosen _.___._`"----- Suelheia+et' �t?r.'/ol> �tcs. S,ud.i�eiu,cr Adopted by the CounciL_OC1_2_y---931 _I9.___ ep 4ASOM MAYOR +C Council File No 1514721777_ pROPOSAI. FOR IMPROVEMENT AbneraoL ^ `` H .ti vFrittanvTogosal foc`t1y.�1 - - Ahe foUoPotAJ= tm,mvameq} and - -, pjden an0, mig4»d Sakan } ?(le -00ZIQa:d9r'a e PRELIMINARY ORDER. ~ The nndersi d ereb9 P—P�a the mel g of the followang public improvement by the a tgof 7PAu1, vte•^ C> s - Widasa . aael _ e3MOnd _Eaton. Avenue across Blocks 4, 6 and ?� moa $a ik&orrisos* s Addition, and lot. 3V Block 18, Morrisons'W time easterly line of said opening being a �. straiglz-� J� s c13L.8.vrrs from the intersection of the west line of Marshall*s Addition with, the north line of Eatoss $c%3rriso7Ci! s Addition to. the southeast corner of lot 8, Bloc7i S, 3WLvrrison s s Addition, and the westerly line of said streB't 4EM-� a straight 11ne drawn from the intersection of the aor 173L -I oY sSatoa & Morrison* s Addition with the west line o� '-=toSi 8penil@ as now laid out to the intersection of the Sast ; :-ag of Laton & Morrison) s. Addition with the southwest lice off' L =toa avenv.e .as now laid out. so opga atzd extend Florida Street to a width of 60 feet across ods ? and 8� Block 4, Eaton & Morrison's Addition to connec-� -6j r-s said l=:aton Avenue. _^P- i�orri �Q�•� s -&dg3tion� the easterly line of said opening being a stra �3� 1.# xa8 dravvn from the intersection of the west line of lot �3s �3LocK 22, 1Aars1aa3-11s Addition with the north line of >;atssr: F� Morrisons s Addition to the southeast corner of lot 3, 131oc3�orrisoziIt s Addition, and the westerly line of said tress �a�g a straight line draem from the intersection of S tnao ti3cm li�^�e oP Isaton & Morrison' s Addition with the west lie Qali;oss Avenue as now laid out to the intersection of t a4a �a S� ir.e of Latou 8e Morrisons s Addition with the southwest linas now laid out. 'I Y' so o-o63a and extend Florida 6treet to a width of 60 feet acres s scss 7 axed 8, Bloch 4, Eaton & Morrisons s Addition to said baton Avenue. r L'.p-.3r. c—_'#r.r�.gr�.,•®^ �c3 �-z rJY - &UAy 9 _ Approved------------------- ---- -_ _ LF £orm CA i8 E Yrx r :- ad %v �'hl� ,i "f ^r }�l?',.1��7�A,I'1+np�'Trs,`' = - , ,' r` "_;A#1yx Bit4tl�! #fYttft'tYa#vFF. �{�t � �u «pxpj!«�n �l: Lk'1a$�ljY MI f k a � 3#3i ���tSI� 3;1,._ #a +M%hl � � u,4�t* ,orf Mrj iflf. {lITY4 Yi d9t;f{Y�}IH 'NYi k` f�+ i.,z e«. Wx« r+«f +fiRr,lxli+4 ow 0A PA . :�) c, uF#r 1 frll�, #'krpM7tir�gud« sur rc. ia�,H kY4�s ,+Yi1� rp««{ +«M 5e r«►y« , «! v�n1Yr;° 1 r l+l.,«i M7 Jrla 1rMw var+Ir Yb «Y.#' it r!l itA «bY ir«n «tM Y.9'✓t*,Y,«« W IVJ«Y74'"0JYOt" Qm ri'trrt�F�oor.vrn�c�x ;roC{3� :b y �l'76e` l'no�a e:ta =.o�V lu,i >T7�vj V�7tii7F@moo FTcvYoVW- FNao.M.a�F rT7'vaoTL aoy,,,.r.« r- TSvo s+...>N.v�Zna.,, atlo SVF®A =va oy avrg IRT -7u6 Lz aovgro'>gsQ.er'Fozai...ov�a aroz oaf va4. 7-oF SDSoe ' lt-..Tg -................... '. ....... «s ...... .. .... _ ...... -Dated this 21st.....day of --•---.....9 tobers........ •...... ......... 19 - a --------- • Couneilman PRELHIIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maEng of the following improvement, vis.: Open, widen and extend Baton Avenue across Blocks 4, 6 and 7, Baton & Morrisonts Addition, and lot 3, Block 18, Morrisonts Addition, the easterly line of said opening being a straight line dravin from the intersection of the west line of lot 13, Block 22, Marshall's Addition with the north line of baton & Morrisonts Addition to the southeast corner of lot 3, Block 18 Morrison's Addition, and the westerly line of said street being a straight line drawn from the intersection of the north line of Baton & Morrison's Addition with the west line of Baton Avenue as now laid,out to the intersection of the east line of Baton & Morrison's Addition with the southwest line of Baton Avenue as now laid out. :Also open and extend Florida Street to a width of 60.feet across lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Eaton & Morrison's Addition to connect with said Baton Avenue. t r r Al Mr3 MINE Y v y,rrTrt y,p, ,VA,oit�w�"� a 9n licazrgcly,u V49rPT0it Pp r �priikrx t+" MrOl� wucf 0 r1T K >veoF -T cr A1T$Ft� OX, 00 LedP 4r�t.Qfpit,T�G ,,77�� \ OQ Q N P `�� +R.Yao glaav lrarg tlx�aixfQ Ti,?oa4Tgv RF `t �TTxre o6. raFt�u Vw�vunu vk1 uom �'�aovoaFV4gTF7ou - f^X'FF - F)ro aonFfrmeaF FNvrR"oymgrou V�ouncsoan�uoMz7xi'9 onF Fo FJ-rs ruF9zaocj:X'arJ oX. 'ppa\ uonFp. T7�•�o oL m>sFou SP WOLLTaou,a V4�trFB'�rv�eia.C'To'VPG eap 'U ®CseoF PoTsrB V QPT-VTfZ 7X-ue gLeenv Lzom FF RSor%1t Te' WOoL �aors,a V44TFro1J su4 .CJJ.o nneaFeL TA True oy 0Vrg' r.=*Foss g yQox^yraou,a V(14?Frou Fo Ftre aonPbresvr COLTJ9L oL 7•oF 3 TOP 73' DTOCX SS' m1V aWVTT,a Vi397F7orr Mr FY FYs zroLFv 7-rus o'b 'VL Tg1,V TTve 91aMxr Y,zom .Ft,Ya rvV6:&2G T-U oL FNe msaF TTue OL „goznTaovaa d4grFTou' CR®:: Oga.F.6L7'a xre oL.: 2sTg. ObOUTUR POTUR a aug A' FSFov g. y¢oaLT soar. \ =� ;$J�GK, T.8,; ,as'0'"ii,, > j�1 Er S . --------------- u` r �ry i Dated this. 21St 7 �' ` EhOtbbgra'$KAmrT F-i °r 'Councilman... i 3Yk .� ♦t( A i.�Y rk�� ( - - i_1: � . 1 _..11a f' .« 1 1 •il 1- gTrT 7 i,i.TG Off. :i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-------• -----------------------------------•-......-------------••............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. c ` 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_ .......... ...........00T... 2 iyi :YEAS NAYS Councilman CU C0"RoY A� - 1� .S:7Y Approved........... ..... .......•----:. g $OS F:V ....... .............-....: M1141O ,Mayor. Form C A 13 (2M s?kS Woo Pres. 5uailr�iiuyr �iJBLISFTEI➢ _ 9=2 Council File No ................................... �.—_.• RATWM. G AB8E89MEW".. $ F No .907EE ..F .•••._.• ............................................... In the matter of tpe assessment of By beneflteJ� costa antl: eXp¢nsee, for - curbine• tho hajth atdb of Eleanan 8t. low efla_Falrvlewr;.�ve andr erleka:Sve unde:Prd}`lminlly= _` a , ! r2e*medlarr, OfrQer CITY OF ST. PAUL ki- Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing the north side of Eleanor St. between Fairview Avenue and Fredericka Avenue, under Preliminary Order..-- .......... Intermediary Order.... a. .......... Final Order ...........8B26is5 , approved -_Feb.-.1.7. ...................... 19.31.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 7T'Ueq`ua1 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -.--„-....-.... installments. a� Adopted by the ConnciL.---.__.-....._�Q�!----------------------------19..m.._-----.. _. Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19 Form B. B. 18 ,� t Vi11� sun H1'� 11M 90500 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .......... 19.3 1. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for %Zx curbing the north side of Eleanor St- between Fairview Avenue and Fredericka Avenue, Intermediary Order............--.--- under rder� ------------ 879 77 - ------------------------- - ............ under Preliminary Order3619 31 pproved............ ............................................ Final Order..--...... aez�5............................... a To the Council of the City Of St. Paul: hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- The Commissioner of Finance ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve ment, viz:Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $..327_00 ............. 2.25 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $ $ q!�45 --------- Cost ..........Cost of postal cards . . . . . Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $ TAP .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 9!.9� .............. 27.94 Engineering Construction $_36 6.2�) .............. Total expenditures . . . above ascertained, Said commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as ab to -wit: the sum of $..366 .99.................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits eon- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such . fiction thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. F- P., B. 17 .CLIFFORD M. NY STROM r I�VE' PUM LrOT—Fark Z -For0 �rza.ncei JOHN H.M4DONALD,CoMM'.5'mER THO5.0.0'CONNELL;Dsvvry COMM'ss'oweR LEONARD C. SEAMER,VALWA—M & AS.eaeM.eMT E—M-M Oct. 13, 1931. HARRY A-JOHN6DN' CHI6�CLEaH City Clerk, Building. Dear Sir: Attached hereto find letter from Gertrude C. Borden regarding curb on Eleanor 8t. Will you present this letter to the Council at the time of hearing? Yours very truly, Commissioner of Finance. I, Imo, ,M, V-4. 0 -------------- Council File No.................... eoe a ane ee' eMae°nefoincont' S.:cufbfng on both. aides of; S ;-from Hain�line Rve;, teFgtn By-----------------------------------------------...._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Blair ot. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave.,, II' under Preliminary Order___l -640.0Intermedia ...ry Order...-..flflQ&it...., Final Order.......88291.._. ; •----, approved_._. Feb .._24 19._.3..1. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............ �....... equal installments. NOV-4 tea Adoptedby the Cooncil....................... ............. ....... -- ................. .......... 19.. N0V .. Approved------------------------------------------------------ 19........ Furor B. B. IB �I Is CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COmAJISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment �°sQ3 S nt....22........... 19 .3-1 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expensesforxx constructing curbing on both sides of Blair St. fromamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., under Preliminary Order.................$.6.400.................... Intermediary Order .......BB066------------------- .---- -------------., Final Order .......... 8826x.... ...................... approved .......................... .F'. ell. 2_4__ ........................1 19 -31 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $-Fil(l. l .......... Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice . . Cost of postal cards Inspection fees . . $--13.•�� - - 4 x.5 Amount of court costs for confirmation . $ 45.24 Q--------------- Construction Engineering 8845.24 .............. Total expenditures • Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.678' 2` -----------•-----upon each and every lot, partor parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. -------------------- Commissioner of Financ . :F.- B. B. 17 Council File No.. ....................... By CITY OF ST. PAUL 90724 , >(�TI>�11YQ AbbEbbAY�P+t'8 1Infi7a4- stteri of tho.'aseeeemepC of besebfa' ooetB'� n� ezponsoe fqr Coa= etryoting'curbfpg on -the eoutty etda". of Hartford Ave trpm `-Uaderv+oofl Ave: to,, rederfe, Ave,. -under Pr'e -11 roar Order 88401,`Iutermediary Orfler 88066,.:Flpal Orfler's8888 ap-; proved Feb,'84,;188I A"pubita Tta@rfpg bavIng' been *51ij1�ntfortAe:app'r. Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits,. costs and expenses for constructing curbing on the south side of Hartford Ave. from Underwood, Ave. to Fredericka Ave., under Preliminary Order.$6.40.1............. Intermediary Order ....... 8$0.fi5......., Final Order....$$2 2.......... approved ......F.eh.24.......................19... a A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered a submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. .----..:.equal installments. Or,T 21 Adoptedby the Council. ..................... . .................................................... . 19 - ...................... .... ... . , ity Clerk. Approved.-....------•--•------•--------------•-•--•-...-...--19-... -•.....................___........-----•--....-...-•------ti .......-•-----r Mayor. F— B. B. 18 4/- ✓ 11`9(9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COmAJISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ----••---5`'-��t-. --2�--------19._31 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses furxOhxx constructing curbing on the south side of Hartford Ave. from Underwood Ave. to Fredericka Ave., under Preliminary Order ........ ............. 6-6`401----------------- Intermediary Order ............ B.80n5------------------------ Final Order...... -88292 . ...................... approved --------------F }1..2.4 ----------------------............... 19.31. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a, statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $----35Fi•DD--••------- Cost of publishing notice . $-----..._2'10 .42 Cost of postal cards $-".......................... Inspection fees $-•----•--x.,..67 Amount of court costs for confirmation $........' "Q ------------ Construction Engineering 27.57 Total expenditures . . . . . . . • $ ------------ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $... 9U $6___._... -.--.--.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and Which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon asmaybe considered proper. F.— E. B. 17 - Commissioner Of Finance. l EM J, r Council File No ................................... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on Edgerton Street from Ivy Street to Denny Street, under Preliminary Order... -...84935--..-.- Intermediary Order......... $632I Final Order..... -_86540_--- approved.. -_Sept• 2.. ....................19..'�.-Q.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby order to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........... .............equal installments. OCT 21 i�31 Adopted by the CounciL................. -................................ 19 City Clerk. pK,�4 i1R� 'Y� ,•. Approved............ -------------------------------- -- 19 Mayor. Form B. B. IS O — CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Sent-. 22 19 3�. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the constructing curbing on Edgerton Street from Ivy Street to Denny Street, under Preliminary Order...........................8.4935..........., Intermediary Order ........... :_MZ24.-.-....--...-----.....------.., Final Order -._...----$6-`5,40 ............................. approved .......................... >52pl-,--..2............................... 19.'3-Q-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $---B9E -0-0....-.------ Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $ ............ Cost of postal cards . . . . $---•---_0.96 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . • $----_21.07 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $.-...-..4.$Q ............. Construction Engineering 157.87 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $1085-50 ............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $1085.-50- ............... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the. said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such sction thereon as may be considered proper. p Form H. P. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. ................................................................................................... Council File No.... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Congress St. from Stryker Ave. to Winslow Ave., under Preliminary Order -._85Y4Q---------- , Intermediary Order..............$7979 Final Order.._ aQ.2Z approved ......Feh a...17..---...-•------------19...'21. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _......__.... equal installments. Adopted by the Council .... -----••--�Cr.......1.....°...._................... .............. 19......... ............... �Jd City Clerk. Approved ................. ....................19 ........................ --.......... -.................................. - Mayor. Form B. B. IB q PiU-nmdmlJ ��3� 1 Qe CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 5 1.1.. 2.�..... 19.....31 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t1Wlx constructing curbing on both sides of Congress St. from Stryker Ave. to Winslow Ave., C7 under Preliminary Order....................65.748.................., Intermediary Order ........... 8.7279................................... Final Order ........... 88223 ............. .. .. approved................... Feb. i7......---...................19.-31 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $..384..Z5 ............. Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $-.---._1.80 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . $ .............36 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . , , $......... 17.........__. Amount of court costs for confirmation 1.80 Construction Engineering74.14 Total expenditures . . . . . . . $471..62 ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of$V1,._62................... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........ n• '%2t. N.fi?`:�-:p-r . ....... •......... . ................. .... .... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. t ..... By ... the aeeed�paent of f 2 / •ua ezpeneba fof,ta• Y ! ntBi llghftl,:dd A d; iapd the cko spacer 9r. Preilaltnaty Order nedlary Ordps 7,, � b60f2 approved May 2; � acing having" Leen `had'' ;mgnt for'theabove .tm- a 3 RAseaement, L^r n e�• • CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eX0e,",ses installing ornamental li -hts on Grand Ave. frorl 0a'.cland Ave. to Lei:i.rgLo Ave., s r, under Preliminary order .--........ 24202..., Intermediary Order......_24f2�.-...., Final Order......._ 242 approved.___ -:,say- 27,.__._..........19--L. for A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. _..........equal installments. OCT 21. 1� Adopted;by the Council- _..................... ............ ... ___.......... _.-..--•--19.---..... City Clerk. T N Approved.... ......... - -—-------------------- _--19 -.. --- ......... ...... - --------- Mayor. F- B. B. 19 t s ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COM31ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment t In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exne;,.ses for Pittyx installi;:f_; ornar.ontal ].i<17ts or. Grand Ave. fro -1 u:1.1:.'ar.d i:ve, to Lexi rn"t on Ave., under Preliminary Order...._.... --......_---84202 ............... Intermediary Order..............._`�`t765................ Final Order ............ -25042 approved.....................................:7_7_27 .. 30 111 19. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . $-,15�955.00 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . .............. .95 t Cost of postal cards $----------------6'39 Inspection fees $--••.--,--319.10 -- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $............. 1.95 Enrzineerinr- Costs 13.9332 t s 12'344f17.. Le?�s� ��A� tB�.led to S+;:Ry. C: o $--- ^- Assesgnent ��O�:JI Said Commissioner urther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount ae abovscertained, to -wit: the. sum of $.._16=35 3.31 „ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be/coonsidered proper. :FFia- missioennce.r°^B. B. n Comn ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FoILE NO. -=28 I8 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �J y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESENTED BY COMMIS055IN t DATE RESOLVED That the application of the Atlas Gas & Oil Company for per- mission to install a gasoline pump and tank at 136 last 12th street, for private use only, be and the same is hereby granted, and the tank and pump shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of -the Commissioner of Public Safety; provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold, and on said premises. COUNCILMEN OCT 21 WA Yeas Nays Adopted by the /onroy McDonald __! --In favor Approv ____.__— e--- --- -- — — — Rosen .Against — -#AW0V MAYOR Sudheimer ie Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer" (ditu of Saint Paul Department of Pubtir.6afetg TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A. BROWN - OWEN C. DUNN. CHIEF OF POLICE ►IRE CHIEF B. F. SIMON. M. D. GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. COMMISSIONER -JOSEPH A. MACAULAY, HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. SIEGEL. DEPUTY COMMMSIONER SUFI. POLICE h FIRE ALARM -OwE7 September 28, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith is report of insertion and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention on the application of the Atlas Oil Co. for permission to instal a gasoline pump and tank at 136 E. 12th St. Very y a, se oner Public �Saftty i" JI'✓ J� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Sept.25,1931- Hon.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Atlas Oil Co. for permission to install at gasoline pump and tank at 136 East 12th Street. This is to be for private use only. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazisd to the extent that it would warrant rejection on those grounds. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Fire prevention Bureau. CARL NELSON Phone Dale 3493 Atlas Gas & Oil" Co. Petroleum Products Como and Farrington Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota. Sept. 18, 1831. ERNEST JACKSON Mr. George Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety Public Safety Builhing Tenth & Minnesota Straps St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; Please grant permission for the instal— lation of a gasoline pump and tank on the premises known as $136 E. 13th Street, City. This equipment is to be installed for private use only. Your immediate attention to this matter will be appreciated. RGD;CTM Yours truly, ATLAS GAS & OIL C ANY BY �1 J r B ld/ �-.f 0 COUNCIL �(y����j(J��/a�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. .�{LSL1 29 ` OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED That the application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to install an additional pump and one additional 1000 - gallon tank at each of the following locations, namelyi Dale street and Dayton avenue; Ninth and Robert streets; Snelling avenue and Ed - "Kind street; and grand and Snelling avenues, be and the same is hereby granted, said tanks and pumps to be installed in aocordanoo,with the ordinances of..the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the 0ommiesioner of Public Sahty. COUNCILMEN Yeasj' Nays Conroy I -'MMc^Dcn'ald —fn favor Rosen —t ------Against j3ne}Iteisoer Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer Adopted by the Council ___U rT 2 g `------ ---ijU 'Appy _ -- --_19--- ----- ------ ---------- asow MAYOR Hr. M. J. Gibbons, 2` City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention on the application of the Superior Refining Company to instal additional h pump and one additonal 1000—gallon tank at the following locations: Dale & Dayton Ave. Ninth & Robert Sts., Shell.i3:g and Edmund Sts. Grand & Snelling Ave. yours4!io.ezrof i�iicsafA �' i City of Saint Paul Department of 11uhlir 6afety TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A. BROWN CHIS/ OF POLICE OW EN C. DUNN. B, F. 9IMON. M. O. GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. COMMISSIONER FIRE CHIP HEALTH OPFICERJOSEPH A. MACAULAY, FRED W. aIEOEL, DEPUTY COMMMp10HCR SUPT. POLICE 4 FIRE ALARM 0410-22 September 28, 1931 Hr. M. J. Gibbons, 2` City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention on the application of the Superior Refining Company to instal additional h pump and one additonal 1000—gallon tank at the following locations: Dale & Dayton Ave. Ninth & Robert Sts., Shell.i3:g and Edmund Sts. Grand & Snelling Ave. yours4!io.ezrof i�iicsafA �' i 'THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 25,1931 ROn.Goo-O.Sudheimer Commissioner of pudic Safety, St.paul,Minn. Dear Sir: ill regard to the applications of the Superior aefoineing Company for permission to install one additonal pump additional 1000 gallon tank at the following locations. Dale & Dayton Ave. Ninth & Robert Ste. Snelling & Edmund Ste. Grand & Shelling Ave. Nis have investigated the foregoing and report that such installations at the desired locations would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that they would warrant rejection on these grounds. Reeessppectfully( yours, ohlef Inspector• Fire prevention Bureau. swlCs erATIONS d w. DEFE Dayton A— and Dle 99 M. IL DRIFERL sc.uert.naxmwsr.. ' O,..d—d anewnn A.... anatoa.oa smmnna 9a., Gasoline Distillate Motor Oils Gas Oil CWFIC8 AND FLAPM F^TON AND MCCULLUM BTnWM ST. PAUL, MINN. September Eighteenth I 9 3 I . Bureau of Fire Prevention City of St. Paul. , ittention Rr. Wm. Barron Gentlemen: Application is herewith made for permission to Install additional 1000 Gal. underground tank and 3 pump at our Dale & Dayton service station. Respectfully submitted SUPERIOR REFINING CO. A.W .Def lel-BE![ seavlca srdaoxe H.u..a.na rnnw ed.BQ . cb.na...a eamon A.... snauoa.oa Ha.o�a ab. Gasoline Distillate Motor Oils Gas Oil OFFICE AND PLANTI RATON ANO MCMA LUM ST"MZ" ST. PAUL, MINN. September Eighteenth Bureau of Fire Prevention City of St. Paul A��r`x, ,,,, ur 47m. Barron Gentlemen: Application is herewith made for permission to .install additional 1000 Gal. underground tank and I pump at our Robert & Ninth tat. service station. Respectfully submitted, SUPERIOR WING CO. A.W.Def101-M IL d `W:DICRffi. L A. DIFISL SERVICE STATIONS A. W. 1)EFffi. Dgtm and t SG .� BoEert andd NtS nt6 Bb. , M. R. DHFISL Grand ad Swelling Am. L A. DRIM BneOlna ma Edmond Btr Gasoline Distillate Motor Oils Gas Oil OFFICE AND M AMS, EATON AND MCCXn LUM ST qmM 9 ST. PAUL, MINN. September Eighteenth I 9 3 I . Bureau of Fire Prevention City of tat. Paul. Attention Mr. Win. Barron Gentlemen: Application Is hereby made for permission to install additional I000 Gal. underground tank at our Snelling & Edmund service station. Respectfully submitted SUPERIOR REFINING CO. A.W.Defiel-AW SSSYICS STATIONS - A. W. DHFIID. D.Tron A� end Dale St. M. IL DEFUM RGd and SneMnd Ammar • & �apaws'e-AL A. DBFffi,5-111" —d Edmmd Sta. o Gasoline Distillate Motor Oils Gas Oil . OFFICE AMD PLANT. EATON AND MCCULLMM SiRENM ST. PAUL, MINN. September Eighteenth 19 3 I . Bureau of Fire Prevention City of St. Paul Attention Mr. The Barron Gentlemen: . Application is hereby made for permission to install additional I000 Gal. underground tank and I pump at our Grand & Snelling service station. Respectfully submitted SMRIORIOjR MINING CO. A.W.Defiel-F= ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENGIL No. is2� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the app, lioa ion of the Fred Thomas Oil Company for permission to sink an extra 1000 -gallon gasoline tank at 377 Borth Snelling avenue, -be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Oommis- sioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas / on�roy Nays McDonald ___________In favor Rosen _ _y�___Against .ME'.. V!I`,e d �.rn'$. ri 17Q1',Ct.iitf rT y t� Adopted by the T2 Appr ----------- t02 ------ ' — - -__19---- ------ – 19 - ----'- --------- ay', ---'-'--` - MAYOR---"_"— , �"0 Ctv of Saint Paul Deportment of VOW Oofetg TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET OW EN C. UNN. THOMAS A. BROWN FIR[ CHIRP CHID OF POLICE GEORGE C.SUDHEIMER.COMMISSIONER J SePH A. MACAULAY. 13. F. SIMON. M. D. SUR. POLICE & FIRC ALARM ""LTH OFFIC[R FRED W. 81CO6L. D®[FUTY COMM15610NRR $d tl October 13, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbousp City Clerkv Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Fred Thomas Oil Company for permission to sink an extra 1000 -gallon gasoline tank at 277 N. Snelling Avenue and report of inspection by the Bureeuof Fire Prevention. Very/ Y F Co esioner o blic SafatY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEFt^OFFICE- COMMUNICATION October 10,1931, Hon.3eo.0/Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.raul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Fred Thomas Oil Company for permission to sink and extra 1000 gallon gasoline tank at 277 No.Sne111ng Ave. We have investigated the foregoing and report that this additional tank would not increase the fine hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Reessp/eotfu7.ly yours. G%(/_.�e Chief Inspect r. gire Prevention Bureau. ORIGINAL - - - CITY OF ST.. PAUL TN Ie APPLICATION TO ee MADE IN TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN TNS CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - CLERK'S OFFICE.. _ Application .For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE.__99tiober_Bth,1931__________79 _____ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made Fred Thomas 011 Oompaay;._------- BY____ __ ---- ----------- _------------------- ________________-_____-_____ (NNAM�E OF FIRM OR♦INOIV IODU-II/�/� FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A.__-BiiiTi_.all__i�=yrA--i00--g4alon--taa*"---------- --F ----------- { DRIVE IN' OR 'INSIDE GARAGE') AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT______ ... ._...------------------ ------ BLOCK ------------ - ------ --_____________ ____________ _ALSO DESCRIBED AS_______Z7-7 --- No. e.� ��l - A�7______._________ - 8YY ��EET�A 66ff11 g EM (ADDITION) NO. OF PUMPS ---------------------------- NO. OF GAS TANKS --------------------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK- 100q!__Ba..__._-_ FILED SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. BY.___--___________--____________—_.__._______ ADDRESS. ---- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE.---------------- — ---- _--- — ----------- _____19 ___, DATE .____—__________—_____—______10________ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD By— ------- _____________________________—_—__�______ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL CF OUNCIL ILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .O... T,.N-Y RESOLVED That the APP110atiOn of the Gopher Oil Company for permission to install a gasoline Pump and tank at, 346 Main avenue, for private ume only, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank and pomp to be installed.in acoordanod with the ordinances of the City of at. Paul, and under the direction and to..the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Safety; providedt however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold, on said premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy /M Donald _,__ --In favor pe"fee .A. ___O_Against ty'r. Vice Pres, Sudrjaj Adopted by the Council---oiC12_Lt4kq___ App ----- ------- --- - ----- — ---------- — ----- - -- AWiili MAYOR .-efty of Saint Paul Department of joublir 0afetg TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET— THOMAS A. BROWN OWEN C. DUNN. CHIEF OP POLICE ►IRE CHIEF B. F. SIMON. M. D. GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER. COMMISSIONER JOSHFH A. MACAULAY, HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. SISGEL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER SUR. POUCH a FIRE ALARM �Er September 28, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith is report of inspection and approvll as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention on the application of the Gopher Oil Company for permission to instal a gasoline pump and tank for the Radio American Cab Co. at 346 Main Avenue. Very truly yours, Depu o ssio o Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Sept. 25,1931• Ron.Geo.c3.Sudheimer bommissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Goat phheer Oil Company for permissionanY, to one this PUMPtobeeinssttalled at their Radio American Oab Oompany, garage at 346 Main Ave. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection on those grounds. Respectfully yours, chief Inspeo Fire Prevention Bureau. ..JOB. J. BdURON BOW. S. BARRON _ JOBN J. W.KABON . 60 -FAR Qopher Oil Products Co. 60 -FAR. WA iilinnesota Distributors of Champlin De Waxed Motor OUs Telephone.'. td Salle 4060 - BRAND . BRAND South St Paul, Minn. Sept. 9, 1931 Comr. of Publi0 Safety, St Fei�tl, Minn. Dear Sir: We wish to make application for a permit to install one gasolene pump at the Radio American Cab Co. This pump is to be installed at their Garage ouch 10 L3 /j • MaineY and used o4ly for private purpose e. !rte Yours truly, Gopher Oil Products Co. Seoy. Lp L4_c WHOLESALE DIBTRIBUTORB OF GASOLINE OILS AND GREASES "DENATURED ALCOHOL — BURNING OILS DISTILLATE GAS OIL, LIGHT FUEL OIL - • COUNCIL tJV i/ �N ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - GITY OF ST_ PAUL FILE NO. f OF'F'ICE OF GITY CLERK COU Nip[ C-F2ESOLL3TI<:>"-GENERAL FORM COMMISSTON EY FI ATE RESOLVED, that the spec: fi ioxis �'om- s public address system for the Municipal 1'iuditori-L�.,, asi submitted herewith prepared by the City Architect u-ncler t7ae direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgroza.n-ds a—J Pezbl3 c ]Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfaetory to the Commissioner of and t as Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to aLclveertise for bids thereon in the manner urovided in and by taaa char ter I COUNCILMEN y"= Nays Adopted by the CounciL��-4-' 19— /onroy 5¢�4' pg favor McDonald - - __. ----- In Rosen__ Ag ust --- -- ---- --------v- MAYOR l�%�-�1CB7; ORIOINIIL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE:"EF2AL FORM PRESENTED BY r COMMIS SIpNE DATE RESOLVED That the assignment by the Fireft National Bank of.St. Paul to the City of St. Pant of IInited States Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds, of the value' of Tiro Million -Dollars ($3,000,000.00), which said assignment is dated OO.tobar 35, 1931, approved by the Billking Fend Oommittee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Oosel, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. COUNCILMEN Yeas�' � Nays -CC-onroy McDonald __ �—favor Mr. Vice Pres. Sudhaimer Adopted by the Council__-_—_ QCT 21 —_ 0Tg 1 �h `Ap v -------- ------ --.19--- — ---- --- - - -- -- ------ OR R — �� MR. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST.COUNCIL FILE NO• , UL OFFICE OF CIT CLERK UNCIL RESOLD —GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER ATE Oct.. 20, 1931 RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to rent to.the.O'Gara Coal Company of Chicago one Caterpillar crane withv, clam shell bucket for use in rehandling coal on the coal storage pile at the Municipal Barge Terminal for a period of approximately thirty (30) days at a rental price of 615.00 per day for the crane when in use. ,I COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy Nays _ Donald /__In favor /R ORosa --Against Sudhaiwer i Adopted by the APPro e - -----!!� ------ � `-- ---19-- -- ----------------------------------- - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL c0"cu- iVO. � V FILE ff OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - OU C L RESO TION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE Oct. 15, 1931, RESOLVED That in connection with the widening and repaving of Snelling Avenue, the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to recon- struct the ornamental lights on Snelling Avenue from Hague Avenue to Dayton Avenue by City forces at a cost not to exceed $471.00, as per estimate of Lighting Bureau, said cost to be charged as part of the project known as widen- ing and repaving of Snelling Avenue from Laurel to Marshall Avenue, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. IJ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Me-Ddheld' In favor IFolildtid 9iidhe,mer, tgainst i lI.'----! fit e-„ Mr. Vice Pres. Suaheimer OCT 21 Adopted by the Council 19 star ra Appr 9_ MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK If RESOLVED CITY OF !Sr. PAUL FILE NO 90 J3 OF'FI OF CITY .CLERK �(�j C LS GIL R OLUTiCDI"—GENERAL FORM ATE Oct. 17,. 1931. _. In t3�e �*+�tter of grading alley in Block 4, Syndicate M<> - S Addition rrom Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue, also ¢oas tructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained ori t33e easterly 8 Fest of lot 12, block 4. Syndicate tHo _ -11--5 Addition :rrom tIma alley to connect to the sewer d_a Im;T•3:x-e1aa1-Aa 5trest, under leinal order C. F. 90132., approved August 38, 1931. HBSOL�TE��. 2}3at all orders 3n the above matter be and the s--x3m*c are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, aracZ aZ1 proceedings is such matter discon- tinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /onroy/ McDonald _..__ __-ia favor PIM IC. _ Aga=�+�t / RIe >F4esieleeee $e:eei}ie Adr. Vice Pres. Suct:jei�� OCT 21 Iasi Adopted by the Council__ -__I Appr 19— ____—____.______19_— A 44aft9 MAYOR RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPR FIXING TIME OF HEARING r Mai „rx o� abvircn; s�uxe ,� ussHtNs � boRUlnAty; i }�B00$IDRINpB: � , 1�akter o! condematifg and fait:', . tde ".purpose Of ,t� Muniolpal'. 7 or�tti OYIN�ii1eV�1,� �radW, � AND le,,! ili '{o':Itviy� THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF BEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of----------------------------------------------------------------------------- condemning and taking for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal, An easement to fill, level, grade, construct and maintain railroad tracks and a paved roadway with necessary slopes on and across that portion of the right of way of the Chioago, Milwaukee, 8t. Paul and Pacific Railway Company lying in Block 17, Suburban Hills and Govern— sent Lot 21 Section 41 Township 28, Range 22, between the north and 101 nolor 1W of 111d 1101100 4 and Hina ;1x11111 WrIT12 ii�9t �� �� �oilill.,0 � 81nda�n9 ar and distant 59 feet southerly from the center line of the southern- most railroad track existing previous to August let, 1927, exoepting e„ that portion of Lot 1, Block 17, Suburban Hills lying south of the A- right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Pacific Railway 'I Company; a ! Also on and aoross that portion of the right of way of the Chicago, , Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company in Government bot 3, q ¢ Section 4, Township 28, Range 22, lying south of a line parallel with and distant 39 feet southerly from the center line of the southern— most railroad track on the right of way of the St. Paul Bridge and Terminal Railway company. is t��� rhavulgxtayb his ' m ed "his assessment of benefits to property m `t e' making "of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also -upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in thl'Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- __----__17_t1L__day of ------ VAIND&OT ------------- 19_31, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council____ nO T 2 --------------------- 1 -- City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- -----------------------------=--------------- aa Mayor. Councilmaewmweihimn �x ysIfiCon- �r Councilman zomm McDonald CoARra,.,..., $as�ffi1Cp "tT3I I9WL .a " Councilman x1Rioeen�_ �aQr, mice Pre -5. 3udheimer RM 25ZZ, 11993-;r---------- eyOrder___ __ ---- s�oovev rdPr V S, Se tember 22 1931 90497 ----------- approved ------------------z-------'------- Intermediary Order ---------- OCt _ _ 1931 Final Order --------------- 11----------- approved---- =---------- ----gbeT ZO z------ 907 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above ortter s the a amOove amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the'Court House in the City of St. Paul on the___- 1'ZU __day of N "Ml9 g -r------------' 19-31' at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. OCT 21 lx31 Adopted by the Council-------------------- n -q � 1 0, �j i Approved --------------- --------------,19---- CouneM n >S aha Conroy c*AwCouncilmanMo D nald Councilman E 088 "360l,Qr v;-- Drea 4udheimar ---------------------------------------------- :�tP3I.I9�I�� a -� i 90738 �nreax bflads�g�, ,,� �C ttar or caa�trhdt�fa alrti- 'lv8lk oa rho oAbb:sldo dregd r: a.'i�ettvaea Maryland stY•ol. vtborae_sfreet arae t,W4 8�E; d pualclaht p8xke8 uV* COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ +ehmtnnty Ordgr gods a,: Z ot'thb Clty of 84 Pa 'ved: Lhe reDoet of By ____________________r__________ _______`--___ of Finance u on � vament and. Laving r^-nor6 hereby rapol INTERMEDIARY ORDER ?aid reaart d r meed ann In the Matter of__ eoustxu�t3ng _e _eis_ �oszt__e1.ds�re] QA_trtl�_ ��.a _5ds _0____ _I2ta].uth_AY�xlu4_hQt.'sQQbt_i�cpl�nd�_d�eet_ and_sawtl�grne_ St�eet�._exce�t____ _>erhera$ood_anrl_s�xfP3cient_�calka_aaiat---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -- - - - ----------- under.PreliminaryOrder----___-__-909 _______________approved Of:tbber The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ GQ]lat2'uSije_�_9�r__ _coat_�3.deAra3.k_nu_tha_aast_..aids .off_Duluth_AQenva_hst�tf3an..l�axy�.�nd_ �tleQet andTraythnrne_.3treat.,__eaospt._wheme_.goad-And_Suf fiaimit._xca7 ks__exiat;___ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1A0__=__rront ft • Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--------- .------ day of NOveml�e y 1 31 W at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place. of hearing, the nature of the improvement 'and 'the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___»__ll1aL_b_1_------- 192____ Approved---- ---�� 91 --------,-• 192_ _ — ty Clerk. i t r ----------------------------------------------- d Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman ' P UBLIS Ir Councilman.. Rosen Councilman. Councilman VifC07mt7d[ Mr. Vice Pres, 8U6neurior Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 990739 In the'Matter oLnoAanztm ting,_xe].aging_an&-r-epair-iug_tbA_aidfzsalk_on__ the_�a.s�_sides_��_gtryiker_rBsexwe�hegSnnin¢_1712_�ts_sslutb� Qf__�N�xli.�rnd.___ street__e_►��__s4x1�4$-►--------------------------= --------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -____-__ 8R4i'z___--------------approved------ dsae._4_1.9.U----------- The'Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havingconsidered said report, hereby resolves: - -1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded `with. 2 --46t' the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is S's3Cf�118 71Ct�_SQ.�.�y and_mapalr__tha_Bidewalk_D.IL the_seat_Bide_ of _Stsg3cer_AYanus, hag nni ns__ 71Q_ I ts_ raQ�ath_o�_Yiinifxesl_&trns.- theus<e_Lauth_48_�t�------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 34 X68 -------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--------- 71� _____-day of NaYemh9r _]831_ ----- AM___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paula That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of . said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement -and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____QVZ�` 1_1it_ 192____ Approved PP ---192--- City Clerk. -------------------------------- -- --- ------- iii Mayor. Councilman Councilman Conroy PUBUS McDonald Councilman Councilman P i r ' Councilman Councilman" Hosea Form B. S. A. 8.6 90740 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ a r rra cit ,30.,0. *,KeyOr tuuo..� _i a-uy nnvin By---------------------------------------------- da^[v INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-_aonatr-umtir g&Arir-awayAsd-gopR ring -sI deNa 1 k -on-the______ $ot�th_side_oP Edmund Street be i1ning_44_feet _west of Grotto Streeter___ thence_ wast-_18_feat..s---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order _-____ S=0____________________approved ---------YQtQY_e'_ Z.,_11._$l The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- 9-9D, Aliy_Vt_ way--_and-x=air- _s1_dAm ak._oiL e- _asLtltr11_.111@_ Qf--9 imd -Ur 1?p$l3auTula -', 4A_P.eet_9¢e8t_df_-iiotto--St aet,.r_+hAIIOH_lieHt_��at----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 21.2b___ -__-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _____—MIX-------- day of Aoy_e�gbe�+$3�,-____--'-c.__at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--OCT-2-1-10 ------ 192__-_ f` ----- - -- ----- - - ------ Approved - ----------- �- -------192--- City Clerk. -------------------------------------------------- Mayor. CouncilmanConroy Councilman Councilman Councilman McDonald U! J,PUKISMD "go. Rosen Councilman Councilman XAMMIX A[erergft*=X Btafdltr Mr. Vice Pres. Sudheimrr Form B. S. A. 8 6 T 9074. '?deotewood ?rol COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ aria Lavtng ebgdaen - °•'si'eAy reeolvee _ ` i D�06 apDaovad ana v�", BY---------------------------------------------- pnko ement +i.. a rd wltw_.,. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ --- paving -Allay .in._Blonik2, i ig a-Vaplenad-frrm-.Erinceton _.Avenue__to.-Gnodri&-Av.enue,.------------------------------------------------------------- M.........................M....Y...M.N..r.M....Y.M..........0............. 4 M+. 0. Y...............0... under Preliminary Order ----------- 8999, --------------- approved _______L11 A t_3s_192_______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon' the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same 'is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- 4HMe_-M6,g_?3L___ tQszsL_�t��n_PxixiotQn_Ayonua_to_Q=d 1A1LAVAMQ,.-- -----=-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... IU L......day of Ate._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A, M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City' of St, Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thepersons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvementall the total cost thereof as estimated, ' Adopted by the CouncilICT.................,192..__ �t 1 Approved-------ins------1�--- Councilman Conroy Councilman.' WR McDonald Councilmana� MW _Councilman lUd"'"`moi harts ` Councilman Yosen Councilman "r r, M Pres. S-udheimer Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. �r ,`� COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 9XMI2 In the Matter of_Sc}d�ggil}g__bhe _�rac�e_ oP _lllley_ in Blook 1,_ P. _V. Dwyer! a ___ Additi9A_ #z351_I34Ss1; Tlzursto>A and Lambie! s_ Addition from St. . .to_3ierna._st.._ ta_cnnSnrm_�a_ tlta_�esl_Ltut1_sz>u� �b�@_R�sz�3,l�_b�ere�g_ �t���li- Q�_sp�d_p�ade_a_aart_hereof� _the �geeent_eatablished_grade being shown__ �• b8 ah1>ie�.lina_there�nt_alsn_�aviug_the__said_Al.l,a�_k�.>ar�.en_tJ1B_.�b.QY�__ hata�Llimi----------------------------------------------=--------------------------- -- -- under Preliminary Order .______ Q9-Qg3___________________approved --- AMust _A,_ 1931___________ The Council of the City of Pauthaving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be -proceeded scvrttt, 2. That the natureohan a the ade Of of the improvement which the Council recommends is________!3,________PsY'_____ .A71eF-in_aloclt_4-.E Y—_Dzrsri-s_.Addiiian_andt_Bloak...3,__Thur.stnn_and----- yamble _s_Additinn_3rainEr�_Bt� _ta_P1e�ec�_ t�_ts:_con�suaa_tsi_ths sad`a.ine stn_the_�rnfila_herata._atttiche�i_and.mada_er_part_herao�.,_ the._;nesasnt_ 1i.f��d_Br�d�_he3,n�._ahQso�ky__e_ h]aas _l�,nQ__thQr_Qfln�— a]_eQ_RQ.pa-e--s,�isl-�7.ley _batwaen_tbB__ab e__atstscLllmite-------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.1e.%57_af___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- 17th ---- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court !House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ;said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of 'hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__________ OCT 21 Wil Approved___192_ City Clerk. ------------------------------------------------- 9i' Mayor. Councilman Conroy �{ Councilmaa'i r DlcllonaldLISFlE1D Councilmantffi�d Councilman I:osen Councilman Councilman h r. Viae Pres, Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- 3�7 43 ;rh. fir..`_, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ------ _e aat__1inE._g1_;_Q1-8.,_hIPA 2,,,_Foundry_Addition,---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ; Preliminary Order ------------ 9Q429 --------------- approved ___ Segtember- 14,_1931 ----- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: yyy 1. That the said report and,the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ---- gTBde_.Stin 011__, Stcaarar�J�a�kubl�_Stxaet__s:_thf, --------- B'nundx3e-AdcLl.tlotL- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-.22A..48 ------ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- I'M _______day of 4% NQYfilsbex. _].8 -------- 1*x-x-__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That.the Commissioner of Finance give notice of r said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council lCT 21 L.;__ 192____ OGT 21 ------i - ---- - - _ Approved------------- --------------192--- City.Clerk. ------ ------------------------�-`City C_ -k d1A�v Mayor. Councilman Conrov PUBLISHED�� Councilman Yrponald Councilmaa Councilman l��q 1 k e (!f Cotlneilman�' Sl.lir:�r'-� �Cooun�ilman W�'kS - Form%Vice A.8res. Sudheimer COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-C"d4=iag--and- taking -an --easement_- n-_t.he_1and_ nEnEaBar}c- fos- 8] opeer-aat8-and �i118-1n _the-grading-of_$tinflnn _Street_ PrOM-------- �QI�u1J1B _Strs�t__tg_tpe__@aQt_l�ng_oP_lot_8,._blook_2s_Fonnclxy_Addition�_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---------- tl'h$Q----------------- approved ----- — The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. :2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_A01det1121-and._t2]ra_ aa_$a,aBmEn�_in_�he._].and_neaes.ae�R-3ot_elapse,-Ante�_anci3i].la-in-�.ha---- gxsding_ _$tinaon_Strae _fzom_Maakuhin_f3tr$a _tn_ hA-.eaat_11ne_nf_3ut 8t_b1oak_2}_FnundrV_Addi1i.an.--i1L_aacardana0 With_the_blue--print_hexetn a t chid a d_masl�_ _mart_ hErsQ a _t2]S__ �Cgkwi_P-OgI =A _.0WA111 g-Ahp._outs an&tha_shadad-.Poxti Ons_ehalf ing_ tha-iiJ.la>---------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_25-aflQ______- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- M�_-____day of November i_ 1931 _____, mag, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of ` hearing, the nature of the improvement and :er iotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _-Qltl_I�1.itl------- 192____ - ----- - --- - - ----- - -- ------- Approved -------------r '" -192--- City Clerk. -------------------------------------------------- him" Mayor. Councilin Conroy Dlcllouald FUBLISHED Councilman"4A Councilman 1 G Councilman ` hose VI( Councilman Councilman VAWMX ldr. Vice Pres. Sudheimer Form B. S. A. 84 - Cj COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDE =45 In the Matter of_ --- repairinW_eidawe1.1L_Qnthe east _side of Albert Avenue,_. g{»n v;no_g��Q_rti__gf Grand_Agenue�_thence north 12 feet, -beginning 26_teat_Artlaer_Agrts_thence _north 10 feet=_________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___.SOfi.Q$----------------------- approved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:i„ 1. That tt�a said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.- That the'trdtdte of the improvement wMeh the Council recommends is ---- r_QPA1X_ 1a42W1!lk ors_the_ asst _side_Or_AlYLQr _AYg�lle,__beginning 82 feet_ north of Grand-- Ayy a}_}�g�q�_ttgxth_�2 feet,_beg3nning 26 _Peet farther north. thence asl�th_1Q_QQt*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..2,LQ -------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- ITUX-------- day of November1 1y31___�_ W___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. UC i 21 lnji Adopted by the Council, ----- _-------- ________,192____ Approved--------- ---� - ---192--- ---- -- - -- - --- - _ �_derk�------------------------------------------------- -- Mayor. CouncilmanF , Conroy Councilman Fecs'oa McDonald pf�13LIS'f�D Councilman ; e14RWMW ' ^ Ids/ Councilman Rosen Councilman Councilman VXQQWX ��iC@ :'t 8. S��drieimet Form B. S. A. 8 G COUNCIL FILE NO --------- ------- _.------..._......_ 13y.... __.... _.......................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment 46 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for repavin&-Summit Ave. from Dale St. to Hemline Ave. by removing the wood; blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt surface except where asphalt surface in good condition now exists, under Preliminary Order .......... 6.746-4 ............................ Intermediary Order ..........._.$ Final Order .............. - ..... a -82W-- ................. I approved ............ Fel—lrz.................. _...... .................. 19 .31 The assessment o£........b-Qn0.YltA*---0.Qe.tA and..03MOMS.02..................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the --------------- day of Navember ............................ 19...A at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of )Finan give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..................... OCT ��--t.•--j-----.....-......................19 ..... y ............... City Clerk. IB Approved ----' ................:.:?I .T--•� •-9------... .......................•--•---................................................., Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman P McDonald Councilman Councilman Rosen PUBLISHED 14 Councilman Councilman 19TAkWx F,, HBv ioePros. Sudheimer &777 - p ar4t8Y;;7 �� ,`eDoklsid (� 41� ORIGINAL TOCITY CLEPK CITY OF ST. • ARIL' ( n�� DIl�O.e� r 47 .onp L..�fi ri teatoa to`=: �,-• !, - ,— w _ - t"; at n" dr2de ia' iilni4.-. OFFICE OF CITY CLEvt+aontLeA.YFi orsfeoIIa CC>U"4=IL RESOLUTION—GEI -'. VVV9t t�mi:D#�• etc:'., °I PRESENTED BY - �� r a1 COMMISSIpNER 9 s s .n. ,' t ipR4}F SAS, T. G. �izagsrord has petitioned the Oouncil for per- aliesion to install sled �i ate3n aiwive-in filling station at the southeast corner of IIrsi-w­mxsity avenue and Soy street; and MMMAS, Said W - CM- . Singeford has submitted a blue-print of the proposed lay-oat, driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, ate. for tie _ 3aYormation of the Oouneil; therefore, be it AESOLVZD, That p.a-rxnission and authority are hereby given to said W. G. Eingsford to izistall and maintain said station in acoord- ance with the plan any deviation from the plan as approved will awtomatically vol. c'jL the permit. The tanks and plamps shall be In- stalled in accordaftoe Frith the ordinances of the alty of St. Paul, under the direction of . the Comnam2 a sinner of Public Safety; the buildings and landscaping to be; 9wab:3 act to the approval -of the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds s+ad-Wwi'b110 Buildings; and any ohm es in aurbing, sidewalks, ramps, draia$g+e or other public improvements within tide street lines shall tae musaIeUs under the direction and to the satlsfaetien of the Oommissioner of 3E*u'b11c Vorks. COUNCILMEN -- - yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council- -44-GTL--2-a4'9---Conroy App a to / McDonald ___ T.•. favor ---"-- Rosen MAYOR ib_f fr--�...�-•�'I'= Pi733LISiIEY9„1b �� aft �� . Mr. Vice Pres. 8udhears3La TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUMCATION (Date) October 14, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Re: Drive-in Fil:.ing Station, SE corner University Ave. Dear Sir: and Roy St. W.. G. Kingsford, Applicant, 1603 University Avenue This application for a drive-in filling station isin a district zoned for Light Industry and does not require a hearing under the zoning ordinance. ENGINEERING REPORT: Expansion joints should be provided as indicated on the plan in yellow, and a six foot space back of University Ave. on Roy St. for street signs, etc. should be reserved between the driveway and the sidewalk on University Ave. Yours truly, N� C wnc-mh Chief Eng neer. 1 Encl. Ape�LTONRSEN, issioner of Public works. THOMAS A. BROWN CHI.► 0► POLICI< B. F. SIMON. M. O_ H1A - O►►ICER (Uitm of -Saint i3Aul Mepartment of Public oafetg 'TENTH ,r4M MINNESOTA STREET GEORGE C- SlJMHEIMER.COMMISSIONM FRED W_ S[<GEL. O<PUTY COMMISSIONER 4M,1f October2l, 1931 359E ---s — PA- 3 - Gibbo>2 s, C-- -7% y CZc-x-Ic 33-E� --Ear = Szra OWEN C. UNN. FARE CHI" JOSEPH A. MACAUI.AY. SU►i. POLICE @ FIRE ALARM Retux-ned herewith is the application of _ C Kiugsforci for permission to instal a gasoline ::E7 --:7k --T --I irzg station ori the southeast corner of University v nasus and Roy Street, and reports of inspection by o£ Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very �C ssione o blic Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF F+L3SLIC SAFETY OF TFIE CITY OF SAIAIT 1=x'APkUL INTER -OFFICE COM ML2rZt C.ATlOtd October 20, 2332 Mr. GBor ge C S�actheimer Commis s io= a3ma s r of Public Safety Dear Sir a RaP arriag to yours of flctobar 13 relative to applicatzoa -AnsLda by W. G. 1CingsPord Yor permission to instal a gaso21aa filling statioa oa the southeast corner oS €Taivarsity Avenue eiad 8,vy ^treet. will say that I have tad.s+gt made the regular iaap aa -bion of these pre- mises aad dc, x of Pied that tha proposed station will iUtert'era fifth traffic. Very trsz3y yours, 8. S ettergren Supe riat easiest of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF TNS CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTE34b-0FFICE COMMUNICATION October 10,1931, Hon.Geo. C - -v-mc32%eimer 00mmisaioa a of Public Safety, St . Paul , MA- Dear Sir: T segasd to the application of W.G.Kingsford for permis mon to install a gasoline filling station on the soothe s corner of Univessity and Roy St. S 3save Anvestigated the foregoing and report that such installation at the desired location would not incre�Em- 8 the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant re —� eation. yoouum Respectfully Chief Inspector. Fire Psevention,,Burwau. E 1 O courri.�(Roeen (�1��V ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r' + CITY Of ST. AUL F F vk of Oar dgaVlkot; uee of fan o1MfinUA, r OFFICE OFtGCENERAL LERK" $treeF Ketwpen' Rtpho P Pro y` ot'the "IfIoCI RESOttI - Fula p�ih600��na:aln z PRESENTED BY COMM I SSI,ONE, WHEREAS, the Church of Our Savior has requested the use of an old building located on Earl Street between Beech and Minne— haha Streets, ;which building is the property of the Department of Public Works, for the relief of the poor, during the coming winter, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is not now using the building and probably will not uae it during this winter, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that permission is hereby given the Church of Our Savior to use said building for the period from and after the passage of this resolution to and including April 30, 1932, without rental charge, provided nevertheless that the Church of Our Savior shall file an, acceptance of the condition set forth in this resolution, namely, said letting shall be for the described period, subject to cancellation on the part of the City upon ten days written notice to the pastor of said Church, said Church to assume all liability to persons or property, including -the property herein let, glowing out of the use or, occupancy of said building. k COUNCILMEN 6�. Yeas Nays Conroy Conroy ��� �� --__----19—___- Adopted 6y the Council __-____-------- —19 -- J� q 1 ____-�__In McDonald-_-___ favor � �J ' Rosen -- - — - Against � �ds...Pss a A r --- ----- ------ — -19 — PP ---- - --------------------- ----- ------- — — ------- MAYOR Pe UIILISiYE7D__cT'—�' '� COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK / CITY OF ST. 1=' -AUL- FILE NO -1049, r' OFFICE OF CIi'Y CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUT1C>" GE:NE:RAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'COMMISSIpNE DATE By Oonaoil- 3'114& Rom 89061, approved May 6, 1931,. the Lahr Realty Coapssp was given permission to ersot a ssrirics- �-- aestatiaon on the southeast corner of Bates and Hastings. avenues , Said station has not yet been ersoted, and the time imder said permit Iwi31 expire November eth, 1931; thereto be it a3.V3CD, That said 8icho3as Isahr Realty Oompany may have an am -tie --,qw_ tszs of six months att45r the above expiration date, withisi �� — c3h to ereot said ser'wice station. Yeas I�Tays Adopted by the CounciL_____.6tL l 4 6c14- ---/Conroy McDonald ------/—Infavor '`SPP -'--'- --"--- - Ik---------- --- 'PswM ,,-'Rosen <-4---Against MAY - Mt°Vice F� _ �_ Sudheimer City of Saint Pani Office of City Clerk WE J. GIBBONS, City Clark HAROLD�J. RIORDAN and Comminlonn of ResMatlon October 20th, 1931 Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs Attached please find letter from D. H. Michaud, Agent for Nicholas Lahr Realty Co. requesting an extension of six months of,their permit to erect and install a service station on the South- east corner of Bates and Hastings Avenues, on Lot 6, Lahr Addition. ..This matter was referred to you, by the Council, for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Gentlemen: On May 5th, 1931 I appeared as agent for the Nicholas Lahr Realty Co, before ,your body and obtained permission to erect and inst&11 a.service and filling station on the Southeast corner of Bates and Hastings Ave., on Lot 6, Lahr Addition. According to ordinance this application will expire on the 6th day of November, 1931, and I beg of the Council an additional extension of six months. Yours respectfully, 71M'iN 1201 41 c`:7 fi' fil 19� p'1i�.:��(kl' tt:1 �lli(CtiUi�SV�11 L---- TgI:�1�1,L'sSi iz](ill�il itDE CITY OF ST. PAUL - `wuLNO..........V N 50 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Co*mn ssioncr of Public Works has rc- ported to the Coiuncil, in accordance tivith Section 53 of the City Charter, the e::if:tuncc of an cmergoncy which rendered necessary the umployment of certain cmployes.of his Dcoartment for more than eight houro per day, said c:nployment being more than their usual hours ofoy- mont c THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers arc hereby authorized to pay the following named cra- ploycs at the rate othcrrisc fixed for extra employment for the extra time hcreinaftor set forth: Name Title.. Hours overtime. Anthony, John Util.Lab. 1 .55 Arcand, Henry Com.Lab.- 1 .45 Bourquin, Harold K. Gene Chauffeur 2 Ellsworth, Chas. A. Truck Driver 2 X782 Hauk, Andy J. Staty.Engr. 2 .78 Kelly, James P. Util.Lab. 1 .55 Lindstrom, Theo. J. Br.Laborer 1 5 Neihart, John Br.Foreman 1 .89; Newstrom, Wm. Utilityman 1.749 Putnam, Fred Sewer Foreman 12 .68 Rasmussen, Robert Utilityman 1 .749 Steinberg, Max Mtc.Lab. 2.50 Telke, Robert Utilityman 1 :749 COUNCILMEN veal Nays r 6iAey Qt–ane-I v Mc�Doneald C ------....:.----In favor �d Se ..Against ✓ VYesebF 4:7"Irlrinb. uat,cia s OCT 22 Adopted by the Council ................. .. APprov _ 92 .... c JBI.I9FYEFJ,..��i�� An emergency has arisen in the DLPARTIIMT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Repairing sewers, tunnels and streets, finishing conorete work poured prior to quitting time. This emergency arose ty reason of the follovring facts and circumstances: Making emergency repairs to sewers, letting down pavement heaves to avoid traffic hazzards for night driving. Finishing concrete work on Mississippi River Bldv. B idge poured just prior to quitting time. OMf�T SI pR OF pUBLIC WORKS ti"`y 'DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK "'Y OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL uC17COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No - --------------- oumlCOUNCIL RESOLUTIONTO THE AGGREGATE AFU ------ ERINGToJti, CHECKS 0 0 ------------ ---------------------------- CHECK 1: IN FAVOR OF TOTAL R UR E BROUGHT FORWARD 22662 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 12 131 SC 22663 011Ne1l & Preston, Inc. 6 54111 John Fahey 22665 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 24 a 4 68211 22666 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 22667 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7 378 3 22669 Mrs. J.T. Jennings, 11 4114 226 0 MoFadden?.-Lambert Company 1915 22672 C.S. Stewart, Supt. 21119 226 Mrs. M. Wardian Decorating Co. 150 0 22674 Pioneer 22675 0. H. Nielsen Diokson 4A1 22676 George I 22677 Frank Dialko 1 22678 P. H. Bobrer 236512 01 22679 Capitol City Transfer 00. 6i 22681 Oommonwealtb Zlectrio 00 671!5 22682 Hanlon & Okee 23 800-0 22663 J. H. McDonald, Com. f ll 6all - Request of Harold Stair ��� , r Council File No ---_ -. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT k0yrc7�ffo tor;th� ij 1 owtn6, ImDTbvbment and ygy Ing end r- - +�agiks a PRELIMINARY -ORDER. HMTa The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the Gity of St Paul viz Reconstructing, 'relaying and repairin-------- g the following sidewalks, _-`- --•- ---- .- •••�here--`necesssry=-- - south:.sIde.- of-- St .-- t.3si� -Sir hetoreea-i;#e3smond St" -"--and -d:- SeveatYr St Northerly side of__W .---!even h---4St, ---1�et9►---6t-._- ve-3.1 _.and- . nd- 'Dated thin..-----21st-.-_day of --------SiQt.Ql2Etr,__1831. - -- ...... -- - --------•--------------------- Councilman . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHIMAS A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz Hecons},ructing, relaying and repairing the following sidewalks, xhere .necessarg� ---------------------------- - -- -- -•-south--.i}1dR off_-bt_R__Clair:>t t.._heiareea-Sichmond'-s-t --and•-V�. "-Ds"nnth•-tet WSeventhSt_ betwge%_:St..CI.aIr---- amd.Richmond-St. St - Northerly side of •--.-..... - - S -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul___-_-_ ---. -- .-_ _- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be. and is hereby ordered and di reoted: � 1i , , 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. fi 2. To investigate thea nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof: 3. To furnish a plan,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the. petition'of.three_or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-:- - - - •----t; ri ------------- YEAS ----------- YEAS NAYS Councilman ,oy - Approved ----•--- -- MUNWASUM McDONALDmass= 11 1 /•� l{/ iT4S r1:� __.. _... .................... 9000 Mayor. Mr. Vice Sudheimer r—oAWMaxu) v Y 1 9 Laid over to— .' 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Conroy onroy / May May McDonald /McDonald Pearce / earce Rosen Rosen >` Sudheimer Sudheimer /Mr. Pres. Bundlie VII. Pres. Bundhe _.—plseLrn our cu.K ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- elk An Ordinance appropriating and setting aside Seven Hundred and Eighty Six and 54/100 Dollars ($786.54) from the Park Bond Fund, Code 430, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, for the`purpose of paying the cost of seeding on Johnson Parkway from Third Street to Seventh Street, known as L-3496. This is ion emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health .and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1 That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Park Bond Fund, Code 430, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum. of Seven Hundred and Eighty Six and 54/100 Dollars (4786.54) for the purpose of paying:the cost of 'seeding on 'Johnson Parkway from Third Street to Seventh Street, known as L=3496. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency.ordinance rendered necessary for the preserve - tion of the public peace, health and safety. section 3. This ordinance shall take.effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. - - - :;oan>Qrdxo�tli Sd: No. fl0768—Ordfnancallo_.7841 Eflltom Rosen— - cdl.—epptoprlating and set selde,: Seven Hundred Z'td s .irv. Sli- and S4/100. Dolln. .d) tom .the F -! el �� - - •t80,-tbthe Porn+ ,-' - n9volYilfa ts4 .i2 aE p�GaVgyT1/N'��� - Y� Yetis Councilmen Naye Passed by the CouncilGV 1 Q 7= - Conroy May McDonald In Favor Pearce, ,Rosen Against Srelb�i�ar UdheirntrAPPcoved may, Mayor no S t. 2nd. d. V R , Laid over to 3id, & app. 1 Adopted YeasN ays Yeas Nays �o . n roynroy May May ,"McDonald Q� onald "'�earce Pearce arce Rosen "Rosen %Sudheimer - Sudheier /Marn Pres. Bundlie r Pres. Bundlie - ORDINANCE' COUNCIL FILE NO. 907M PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance appropriating and setting aside Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred qnd One and 18/100 Dollars (6151,501.18) from the Business Street Bond Fundv Code -300-B, to the Permanent Improvement He- volving.Fund, Code 3001, --for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Third Utreet.from Broadway to John Street, known as L-3606. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservat ion* of the public peace, health... and safety. The Council.of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from.the Business [Street Bondi"und, Code 300-B, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, the sum of Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred and One and 18/160 Dollars (015,501,18) for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Third Street from Broadway to John dtreeV;,known as L-5506. Section -2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rbnd6jed necessary for the preservation°of the public peace, healthand safety. - Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. 54, ordinin e N.,718- % -0 appropriating and set - Fifteen OUS d FIVe ' and Que. 18 ,6,60L18)' fra %,nond-rund, -Coda --ent Improvem q v tjj- mg olv, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council NOV 1 6 f9ji Conroy Mm lonald In Favor Pearce Rosen p 'A gains KA - Mr. Vice Pres. Syjdh Imer Approv Attest: Cl Ity erk ,,Cog Mayor PUBLL,MEi,-/j- im .., COUNCIL 07 5 ORIGINAL To clx«ERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. _ _ "" F E OF CITY CLERK yy L ESO1L ON—GENERAL FORM PRffSENTEDBY ATE. October 23,-1931 Cf'1MMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent With the consent of the Council and the Comptroller Is hereby authorized to purchase, one Buick, 1931 model. Amtrulance, color bine, as per specifications hereto attached and being part of this resolution, without advertising for competitive bids, as this is a patented article sold only at a standard price and no advantage can be gained by securing competitive bids:; The purchase price of_said Buick ambulance is $3,695.00 and is to be charged to Fmnd:•7-a-u. 4, The present ambulance is in such shape that it is absolutely essential that this purchase be made J=ediately: otherwise, at any moment, the present ambulance dne:.to its mechanical condition, may fall apart and thus cripple this very important A'�n NA 3\ . II C'Yr NG;; fldT66—ggyq� (x C Sudhelmar--� - ,ReflolQeh That tbB`P#�'oLeaida.ABe`nt • wlthRRlleconflen� ot"thG ConndtY and R g t"ONpRTol18T 1fl h6Tiby Snth,L*ifl¢A EO, =.,pup 8atck; 1881 mod91. �'a4� 89 CITY col" OLLER DEPS COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays d Con W1119 D-onald ___..____In favor Pearce -------- Against Mr. Viee,Pres. Sudheimer , OCT 23 iy31. Adopted by the Appro _ - -- ---- _ - — A-typp MAYOR Series 81 Model 11 Flxible Buick SterlinS Ambulance Specification for Police Ambulance Intent It is the intent of these specifications to describe a Buick Police Ambulance to be used by the Department of Public SafetyBureau of Police. General The chassis shall be a Model 81-H5 Buick Chassis 155" wheel base with one piece frame. Assembled frame will not be con- sidered as meeting specification. Motor to be eight cylin- ders —Brakes 4 wheel type - Body limousine ambulance to contain strictly high grade materials and workmanship through- out. The finish to be comparable to that of high grade pas- senger cars. To be equipped with 6 wire wheels. - Detail (A) Motor - Buick - valve in head - eight cylinders in line Specifica- 104 H. P. 88-90 series. tion of B) Wheel Base - 155 inches Chassis C Shock Absorbers - hydraulic D Spare Tires - carried in well fenders on two wire wheels. E Cowl .el li ghts on cowl - lense to be red 3 inches indshid wiper - to be visional trico type G Front bumper and rear bumperettes H Radiator to be equipped with winter front I Wheels to be wire J Battery - to be 15 plate - 120 amp. Hr. K Tires - not less than 31 s 650, 6 ply Body(A) Limousine ambulance body Specifica- B Exterior frame work sheathed in 20 gauge patent levelled tion auto body metal free from waves or other defects. (C) Roof. The roof is to be well arched and fitted with a cadet visor. Cross bars are to be of heavy construc- tion and well braced so that a second patient can be suspended from ceiling. The cross bows must be of sufficient strength to eliminate any possibility of sagging when second patient is carried on litter from ceiling.- Felt insulation must be placed between slats and cross bows to avoid squeaks. Roof to be well padded of soft type construction and covered with 4 ply heavy deck material. Drip moulding should be of aluminum. Roof to be'equipped with fine copper screen for radio aerial. (D) The partition in back of driver's seat to be strongly built and fitted with sliding glass panels run in felt lined channels. A division cabinet shall be construc- ted in this partition and fitted with a number of com- partments for first aid equipment including two thermos bottles, including space to allow for the in- stallation of radio and battery equipment. Lights with frosted glass are to be located in the division. (E) Upholstering. All seats and lazy -backs are to be trimmed in genuine leather. Driver's seats to be of deep wire bound coil spring construction, upholstered with hair felt with cotton and muslin underneath the trimming. (F) Interior. Cot to be built-in type on left hand side, 90" long with two compartments underneath with the following dimensions. Height 10 inches, width 23 inches, one drawer 50 inches long, other drawer 32 inches long. The two attendants seats on the right hand side are to be hinged and folded against the right hand wall instead of mounted on standards on floor. (Note pencil sketch and cut attached.) An extra cot is to be furnished to suspend from ceiling. Heateri A suitable hot water heater to be furnished and placed in floor for heating rear compartment. Lights. Two dome lights in rear compartment and one in driver's cab to be operated with separate switch, lo- cated on instrument board. Fan. A suitable electric fan to be placed in upper rear corner of rear compartment operated by separate switch. Curtains. All windows in rear compartment to be fitted with roller shades of special opaque fade -proof textile material. There are to be two setts of curtains; one to pull up and one set to pull down. Floor covering. The floor of rear space to be covered with heavy plain linoleum. The base mouldings are to be of special composition so that interior can be scrubbed out. Cab floor to be painted and covered with heavy rubber mat with burlap back. Mirror. A suitable rear vision mirror to be furnished. Windows. To be of shatter -proof glass and frosted. Rear Step. A substantial folding rear step covered with corrugated rubber and bound with heavy aluminum. Doors. All doers to be fitted with rubber bumpers, dovetails, high grade locks and handles. Rear door to be fitted with a friction door step. Finish. All exterior surfaces including cowl, hood, and wheels to be lacquered with duco. Color to be dark blue. Body, fenders, wheels, black. Lettering to be in gold leaf on cab doors - City of St. Paul Police Ambulance. Windshield to be one piece ventilating windshield op- erated by mechanical lift. Equipped with trico vision- al windshield wiper and shatter proof glass. Dimensions: Inside height approximately 50 inches. Inside width at belt line approximately 55 inches. Length of floor in rear compartment ap- proximately 7 feet 4 inches from cabinet to rear door. Particular attention should be given to provide ample clearance between bottom of steering vdieel and seat cushions. Siren. An electric siren to be furnished. Spot Light. Spot light to be furnished. Note: Manufacturers specifications will be considered with the foregoing specifications. Trad-In. One Packard chassis with ambulance body to be taken in trade on on the above purchase. Car #75. Motor #161772. q COUNCIL NO - ORIGINAL TO cirr CLERK ,CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE .., ,. -OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C F: Na ao�co=i y._ __-• ZPhe"I .Harry Mtloned the Counc UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR Instail-and mafnta etatfoti on the soul __------- __ a• Y r,1 vi. WHEREAS, Harry Goodman has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive in filling station on the southerly 70 feet of the easterly 100 feet of Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Roberts and Randall's Addition, located at the northwest corner of East Eleventh and Robert Streets; and WHEREAS, said Harry Goodman has submitted a blue print of the proem ed layout with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to Harry Goodman to install and maintain said station in accord- ance with the plan submitted; any deviations from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public im- provements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN 9W ��----- Yeas Nays Conroy 71 ' ___-„ In favor ----- -------------------- ---- - -------'-------'--------- ----- .14RNLn¢: MAYOR '�McDon�ald R/ .sen -_..--Against /. y�--pr ndtlr PUBI.ISfD'!;D_�-- V 9W ��----- Adopted by the Council --------- --------- -19 ------ 71 PP-- -------------- — - ----- -------------------- ---- - -------'-------'--------- ----- .14RNLn¢: MAYOR PUBI.ISfD'!;D_�-- V Ctu of Saint Paul Department of Public ��fety TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET O W EN C. DUNN. THOMAS A. BROWN FIRE CHIEF CHI" OF FOLIC6 GEORGE C.SUDH EIMER.COM MISSIONER JOSEPH A. MACAULAY. B. F. SIMON. M. D.SUPT. POLICE B FIRE ALARM HEALTH OFFICER FRED W. SIEGEL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER �` E1 October 21, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Harry Goodman for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Fast Eleventh and Robert Streets, and reports of ins,ection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very t yo , blic Safety Vrr VV TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET THOMAS A. BROWN, Cn . P.'... GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON. M. D., FRED W. SIEGEL, D.1— H_ 1 . nnutYH_1.0...... October 21, 1931 Mr. George C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir OWEN C. DUNN. F—C._ JOSEPH A. MACAULAY, S.— F.U.. It Fina A— Referring to application made by Harry Goodman for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southerly 70 feet of the easterly 100 feet of Lot a 13 and 14, Robert and Randall Addition, which is also described as the northseet corner of East Eleventh and Robert Streets, will ee that after the customary inspection I do not find that this station will interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, tergren'`�i�CsS Superintendent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE ._..__.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 16,1931 Hon. Cleo. C. Sudhe imer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Siri In regard to the application of Harry Goadman for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of 11th A Robert Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire to the extent that it would warrant rejection. yours trulyy Chief Ind tor. Fire Prevention Bureau. CITY OF ST, PAUL TRIPLICATEGAND FILBG OR101NAL IN THE CIT' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n ERK'S OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ------ ------------------------- --__ / TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY„ COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA k ppT .m ATION Is hereby Made ------------- _____ _____ ___.___ _ _--------- ------ NE O$ -f IRM OR INDIV IDUAI) -------------- ----- - - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A______.,.D-'� - N• oR •INSID/EaGARAGE•1 � All, /LOCK_______________ _____________ ___AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT�y�`-FJ-"--ALSO DESCRIBED A_----------'--- / IaTREET AND NUMBER) ��VJJ"^^`ODI ION 1 QUO ��){//. - _NO. OF GAS TANKS _______�------CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_---�-� NO. OF PUMPS------�.?G�--�-------- "� J61GNATURE OF APPLICANT. [7:FILED �y -- -- Buawesa ADDR RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK - -I DATE ___________ ____ _________________________.__ –_ DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY _ .____________________________________________________–__ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK /4 I 4 - l43 DATE____ _ IB -__--- CITY PLAN NIN,G11 ARD BY------- _------ — ____________ _ THE BOARD OF ZONING Eite611shed By Ordlunce No. 5840 Auowt 42, 1922 aaa�` SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE h ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Ch.i—. LOUIS BETZ G. o. HOUSE October 23, 1931. RYLAND ROTHSCHILD - MRS. W. D. VILLARS CHARLES BASSFORD, City Mchlt- GEORGE H. HERROID^ccr Sccrctary Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: In the matter.of the application of Harry Goodman for a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of East Eleventh Street and Robert Street: This ground is zoned as Light Industry and a filling sta- tion is permissible under the Zoning Ordinance without a public hearing. The ground has been inspected as well as the surrounding development and the Board of Zoning wish to report that they know of no reason for denying the petition. The Board recommend that the station be permitted. Yours truly, Secretary, Board of Zoning. GHH..0 Summerfield Betz Rothschild Villers THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 21, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Re: Drive-in Filling Station, NW corner E. 11th 5t. & Robert St. (Stly 70 ft. of Etly 100 ft. of Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, p xobertts & Randall Addition) Harry Goodman, Applicant, 278 N. Kent St. Dear Sir: This application for a drive-in filling station is located in a district zoned for Light Industry and is per- missible without a public hearing. Inizineer a Report: Driveway from Eleventh St. should be moved westerly allowing 6 feet of sidewalk and boule- vard for utilities, street sign, etc. Expansion joints should be provided as indicated in yellow on the attached plans. Catchbasin and side inlets should be reconstructed by the Department of Public Works. Yours ve truly J WM. N. CAR Chief Engi wnc-mh Appr pd• ,, MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Forks. DUPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL 1111 APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S TRIPLICATEAND FILED IN THE clrr E. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLIC).TION Is Hereby Made BY-------- ..------------ -----4.VN�"11 --------------------A--------------------------------------------------- ----- IRM OR IN OIV IOUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A .-----------------------------------------"-------------------------------------- "D. _ --------------------------.. 1 -INSIDE GARAGE-) A AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT _ LOCK_________________________ -___.- ----- .._ ALSO DESCRIBED Aj$�A_ [`�^_RI(STREETANDNME_ .,::.2 -S�v0 NO. OF PUMPS -..12� ._--__-__NO. OF GAS TANKS .-CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_-___�_�/ 0.00 FILED J SIGNATURE OFAPPLICANT. RECCIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE.......---- ..------ .--------- __.._------------- 19.-______ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY_______ _______------- ________________ BY _. BUSINESS ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FRO CITY CLERK DATE.___________ __� ___ / _____ __ __________-_ CITY PLANNING BOAR - BY------- -.i. _______-------- ------- ------------------ HARRY GOODMAN PROPERTY- s'LY 70'F T. of EL Y I00'FT. o -F LOTS 13 AND I t - ROBFR-F AND RANDAI:LS AODITio14 EXCe�'T ELi 20FT. TAKEN FOR wIDEMING-or KUBERTST. OCT. 12� 1931 ,$GALE I OFT. ,Q o EAST ELEVENTH 0 TCEE JTwwo Q 01�?c El ST. C CENTER LINE OF STR.El,-T _ _ DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED- LAYOUT 'FOR. FILLING STATION - - FOR HARRY GOODMAN PROPERTY SLY 70'FT. of FI -Y I00'FT. of LOTS 13 Arry Ii RO(3E(ZT AND RANPAIiCs ADpITIoN EXCr-PT ELY 20FT. T^KEN FOC, WIDENING OF P,0lBEU:r5-r. O CT: 12 1'{ 31 ,SCALE I OFT, = I ir+cH 80.0 i I / GREASE PITS o LL OFF I C E— M u -i -. C�) gas W v ORIGINAL TO CATV CLEPKCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. Q_�"7�1'7 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -- semi i 1{ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper Citf officers be end they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Harvey Hammergren,'providing for the payment Of compensation to his at the rate of ;117.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by his while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings on the lot day of September, 1931; be b FORTHSR RESOLVED; That in aoeordanoe with said agreement, the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Harvey Hammergren the sum of $35.30 out of the Workmen's Compensa- tion Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for September 9th and 10th and from October 1346h to 83nd, 1931, inclusive. COUNCILMEN Yeas ---Conroy Nays -"2R McDonald ----------- - favor Foaeee� Rosen __.-Against Cn.i l,rim 1Z ' Mr. Vice Pray. 6-t—moc Adopted by the Council.__._jj) -----`----------- -------- ---------------- F I� MAYOR x on. IL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL 14k ',rle:1 oftIGINAL TCI CITY C—K I -I ; ber-10i,WMs 10. OFFICE 9"ITY CLE -4, P'11 A 0/P6)Rin-v' ES UN—GE4c ji ZOw " PRESENTED gj MMUM, The Board Of Water 001212i'VAO""' an October 19,. 1931, adopted a resolution allowing the Donovan Construction Company an.extra. In the sum of $690.00 to its contract for furnishing and delivering to the Water Board & certain boiler, 'which sum of 1690.00 has been Weed upon between the said Board and said Donovan Con- struotion Company as a Proper cost for Increasing the size of the superheater elements and making all necessary Ohaug`88 In the boiler in order to Install the necessary amount Of superheater equipment; and a memorandum of said agreement has been filed with the City Comptroller and countersigned by his; and MMOL AB, The Board of Water Commissioners has obanged.tbe boiler from 11ttubse high to 10 -tubes high, at & caving Of #195-00; and . SIRIVAS, The Board Of Water Commissioners, by resolution 04 the same "to, hes requested the Tuet-AcOnOXY Zu0n9oring Company to provide an extra in boiler OOV821ij, newly, the use Of Phillips- Carey High tempt or Johne-jenville gW$r-lx as boiler 00'rarift In place of Silo -0011, at an agreed price of $410.00 In addition to the contract price, and the manorandus Of said agreement has been filed with the Comptroller I and count I arsigned by bin; therefore, be It zti MISOLUD, That the Council hereby concurs in the action Of the Board Of WiLtaT Commissioners, and the proper City Officsfe 920 'hereby authorized and directed to SAd thg sum of $495.00 to the general contract Price of the Donovan Construction Company, and the sum of $410.00 to the general contract Price Of the Vuel'sconaIpy: Zngineering Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy lay Nays _MW -1 McDonald -_-_------- favor Rosen 0 --Against hoe Fseslde�r Randfie— V1[4 Viae PJ -66- Sudneimor 94)9 Adopted by the Council—OC-R.3-L -- 39 Apo ------- --- - - -- -------- ---- — ----------- eU)3L1SBRDJ- P �--'�W - ,ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED B' COMMISSIONE Itzlexrm CITY OF ST. PAUL M FoENca NO. 90735sJ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHZRM, It is necessary to install certain equipment in the new Auditorium building for the purpose of servicing said building with telephone equipment; and WOMS, The Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company has submitted to the Commissioner of Education a contract for such telephone service, which contract is to be executed before the installation of said equipment by said Company; therefore, be it RESOLUD, That the proper City officers are hereby authorised and directed to enter into a contract with the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company for the necessary telephone service for said building, said contract to run for a period of one year, and there- after on a monthly basis until renewed or terminated by either party Upon thirty'.days notice. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy /MMcD ald __—!�_._�n favor 10 /maRosen —. —_____.Against Mr. Vice Wires. 5uanelmor OCT 23 IJJI Adopted by the i�jk�o MAYOR CITY, OF SAINT PAUL --COUNCIL �Ary rILH ma1NJU, �' NUMBER, 6'Y 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION mTT OL[R[ _ POR AUTHORIZATION OP LOCAL IMPROV6M6NT PROJtSCTs atober SS 19 "BY HON.- -- ` That the !.'hereby ooncurs in the recommendation oY Rolved, alley in the Contract Committee an awards the oontraat for grading Block 4, .Chelsea Heights'from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., also con— e S sewer 1n the'alley,from a'dpoint`158 feet south of struoting a lana Idaho Ave. to.the newer in Idaho Ave., in accordance with p ia and specifications hereto attached, to-the,pEYEN'CO� oYT600000, they being the lodrum est;reeponsible bidders, for the. and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. c NP 9U790 - 9t eo no°ii hereby $BBDIyedl ;Mhn �oncuT,U }D ;the" r g0t0hdatlon of tho CgDisBEt. dift CPmNiBbd hWarda, thgl '.tWPirabt foT dlfroRglte9oyIt B YpoMtinj - :CheIBE1 Hn1� AAs SaSUO Ase:.L Ponatnto58US-pante ` tIhWS116A 9 toakpphAl :ebTserfin -3daho 'e9�aCitlCail nsoEdePreta `a ta01 IS hd `,FEYEN CONt1T1tUGT�N � 'fey bq" : `ing the>7ow et zeaponetblo btdgeT./ for !"_"� 'Coi*nbol'lbfriereby InetrugteQ�iodtagw, :TIP the ,>tiropar form of Cbntrtiet; here "tor'PF1O[1 Bld No 8708 'E�nglpe{'s SSD pYad qaL 3H �398I1 Oct. 981 1981. BAR,a EATIMATS f 9 57 80. c t �� U ORMAL BID NO. 8703 HT1'<..._ 1.J pTp TO [B CBRTIFIHD AS TO AV BY. COMPTROLLER HBFOR[ 'RESENTING TO COUNCIL POR AOOITION. '1 ws: 3 600.00, HRMANBNT IMPROVEMENT R6VOLVINO'FUNO TO DEC R6IMBUR9HD FOR COST OF THUS IMPROVE =8 POLLO L' AS3[{BSD.IIOAINSi BENtPITT[D PROPERTY - -,, _ Coll 3 L APPROFRIATLD FROM CRY'S SNARE OF LOCAL, IMlROYBM[NTS"' - CODS 3 APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL INPROV8M8NT&—H%8MP1'PROPB TY BOND 1.560 --co" 4 APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - 3 _ - f 3. COUNTY AID - - f 60000, TOTAL COPIES TO: 1 NEREBY CHRTIPYTHAT TNHR[t!AN APPROPRIATIONS TO ANC[ AVAILABLE W TNt ABbV[ IRRITATED AMROPRIATIONB TO ....,:CITY CLARK � RHIMBYRS[TNBP[R MANBNTIMPROV[MBNTRryOLVINO FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO•�--�� COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS ORDER ADOPfHC 'PUBLIC WORKS ♦ OAR FINAL, `. PURCHASING COMPTROLL • 23 COUNCILMEN A°OIT[o BV THS WUNc NAYS •YEAR IN FAVOR AIrROV AGAINST Tyyp MAYaI�: MR. PIUSN'S"T :.M NA .. 11 ow1O1NAL NYMBR is,.� Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL NoRaL No - ITM i; DCLUNK b v COUNCIL RESOLUTION Nor FOR .AUTHORIZATION or LOCAL IMPROVEMBNT PROJECTS `.pA October 22'i 193,_! RITm SV XON.------ l hereby concurs in the recommendation of Resolved,, -That the Counci the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing a sewer on Walker Ave. from a point 100 feet south of Taylor Ave. to the terminus of existing sewer approximately 94 feet north of the center of Hewitt Ave., in accordance with plans and specifloatione hereto attached, to the FFyEN CONSTRUCTION CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the eum of $300.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. c F:rYe sB7Bx`syMtu�n{Itggen lP461*,4d Thet th4 ouncfl hereby, gtlnahXa ih Yhe'i^ecoglnfenq Uoa 1 *, they 1 CgriYeagt Cortwlttee add awatd1he,I 'co�tTtlGt ior..ponEtraottng;;�. eewer+.oit ith "We,;tk9Y.T,rrom ...potnt 10�.. teet� xgleyt. nA.0'nY.Tor Ave i¢athq tey�,Btnue; of eztBUnB"ee}yet' approzimatnly 9A, tggt '. ` e Slotlh oT'centeX nt liewitt�•A.ve t1aa,,, as=^, ji6fe stta1bdd,tane andrenecidchtlone 1 ] TRU attached Sq y -bot set 9.-6hiTION C6 they 6bt}SB the IgWeaL - rgPnonaib)e IhtdderB tqr ahe qdm DT 5800 O6 and tha GgrporattGh CoTReel.;Ilt hereby Inatracted to draW.up tGb MDtop er:'�gFtn of contract there[or T'grypaT• Sld.` NtA .B404' P.1DIStheer'n EeUWBter�` pted bytl�e Coungfl get 88 1981- �lApproped O t, .._.:-` • _ ...rte ,ti.�E..., . FORMAL BID NO. S?04 ENOINEER•S awrimATE [ 438.00; Ne's{ -Nom TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE 6Y COMPTROLLER BKPORt PR[SWTING TO COYNCIL POR ADOPTION. ' SI PZRMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING lUND TO RE REIMBURSED FOR COST �OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AB�o 00 l N 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENKFMKO PROPERTY - - - - � ' - - Q - CODE f M.( L. AMROPRIATWFROM CMY's BHAfl[.O! LOCAL IMPROVEN[NT6- - f ,`+ S.. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVKAUU IDIWMPI' PROPERTY- - ..COCK_ - f A. AP - - - - - - - - - BOND ISSUE -CODE PROPRIATED FROM . f I. COUNTY AID - f TOTAL. • 300.00 COPIES TO: 1 HESHBY CERTIFY THAT THER[ IRAN UNENCUMOMM SAL - CITY CLERKANC6 AVAILABLE IN THE ABOYK STATW AMROPRIATION6 TO '- SWIM NO- THE PtRMAN[NT IMPROVEM REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER 1N TH[ AS VZ AMOUM PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING COMPTROLL MTs FINAL ORDtR.A00PT[O COUNCILMEN 9 3 IM Y-9NAYS ADOPT[O BY THE COUNCIL IN IAVOR t APPROVED MR. PRESIDENT ',A` o CITY OF SAINT PAUL ► CIL NO DR4BINAL NUMSSR 6 Z r. , -• COUNCIL'`�RESOLUTION FOR ^ AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS', DA,,.0otober. 22,1931.._` 111001T I BY MON.-- , Resolved., That the Council hereby oonoure in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the,contraet`for constructing a e sewer on Lake 0omo and Phalen Ave.. from a point 220 feet west of 6_ _ Adams 8t. to Quincy 8t. and on Adams St. from Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to connect with thesewerin Como Boulevard approximately 220 feet south of Lake Como and Phalen Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the gEYEN.4O0N$TRUCTION 00r, , they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 2,498.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw un the proper, refor. form of contract thec;>r D1P spze .: •ReeolvaO. That tl}e Cblotio hp f,t 0' CQACute fn'tPP reCODUnOnaBLiP1I•. 0� pp itraC! Commtltee ana �Bg �eCwer ton; ..fln{erPft I1nn4or.;.onatruCtln6Ave. (roma, o1nt+ 20�feet Tpeg ttAOE •AdoR 8 irp pp 99 '1yUIneT onNAdelm an n It thOeWer 70IDO.out'out�VBY"$B• pprozlma A 220 feet ,sh Ot `;7•ek Como,.eaa Yheten Avef _fn eCCOrdedce " attscilea nto'tlae BP`ID='F+N tOOe ReII� o sp4ne461e dderB el = r�hWBA gym, f ;2 402 QO a d the Corporation lip" the, $2 hetebX JrtetruOted to draw u� the. X . mral BIQ No 86 n RnBneerBH HHtim4t9i _. 3B QBO 00 F� = A4F[a� d Octee%81981 OCL.�28 1081' FORMAL 810 NO. 8705 T� ••. I - NOTMx TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FU AVAILABIR SY'CONpTROLLBR B[POR6 PP[SWTM6. "'..+1`�'�'-LOR-AOOYLIOW PT/y :AS FOUO%*Sj PERMANNT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS. IMPROVEMENT E 1, O 82 1. ASEEB8MD AGAINST 8HNVITTHD PROPBATV - - TY- - - fCODE 2. APPR,OPRIATHD FROM CITY'. BEAR[OP LOCAL IMPROVHM[NT8- COD. APPROFRIAT[D FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-%HMPT PROPER592!! VV1 .18 f BOND JBquc- ve (, ] .. APFROPRIATMO FROM . ' V B. COUNTY AID - - - - f o e. TOTAL - - - - - - - - - x2 498.00 COPIES TO, I HBRBBY CERTIFY THAT THERE I8 -AN UNpCUMB[R[D SAL- CITY CLlRN. ANC. AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO " R[IMBURBM TNM PERMANENT IMPROVMM@R REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT N0. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS• PUBLIC WORKS e PURCHASING - ADOPTED. FINAL ORDER ADOPT �QOMPTROLLE COUNCILMEN • YEASNAYS ADORED BY THE. COUNCIL .P. IN FAVOR / AMROV � AGAINST MR. MHSIOMNT' w w / Whereas, On the improvement described as Contract L-3348, Western Branch "A" of the Kitcontra a sewer syst has been Northern States Contracting Company* a found necessary to make additions on the force account basis as provided in the contract, as follows: Repair existing brick sewer on the south side of Carroll Avenue at Moore Avenue, $29.31 therefore, be itll Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications there- for, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $292.31, and to be added to the lumpps� Ten anonid named in the contract for the making of ement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the afore- said specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said con- tract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Northern States Contracting Company, that the sum of $292.31 is the reasonable net 7zszioner toLWOrks contract. Pu Countersigned: kw-M-Mm"Nowatal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguton McDonpld In favor Rohl;md-, / Sudheimer Against j Wenzel Mr. President-Hodgsop" �— Contractor Adopted by the Council OCT 2 A _19_ Appro 19— MAYOR 1FU�LSSIiEI _�C���-•31 - - mdw acheRer 8t.' AA ..ha g'raAe. OE Aibert z . or at to Bayard AVe. there llne:on the OUNCIL FILE NO -------------- attached ops made a """"' ------ i he Preeeat eatabllehel� showap by oblue' y $rellminarY c An6. 26 192T `- " liavlag o. FINAL ORDER - In the Matter of?din, Sche z_er__S .reet--�rom Hamline__. ------ _---Zr- e to Pascal venue alsochar.cii n; the a,rade of Albert Avenue from Eleanor -Street to ------ - -�- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - -- - --- Ba7ard_Aye;lue_to --- cpnfor.to the__red line_on_tne'arof 1e_here+o:_attached aril-the_-lzein� ia] ne_1i e--- ther-eour- ------ ------ ------ -------------------- ----- - - --------- ---- --- ---- --------- under Preliminary Order------.422$------ —------ --approved Intermediary Orderpproved --_—_ - A public hearing having been had upon-the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ Rrade Schef _fer Street from Ha__ilire Avenue to from Eleanor red line on the profile hereto a1aclzrd d_Li @dP Hart hrr_�tl�c present establ-ished .rade beinT Sho^rn ` h _fl 1,11 [Ll ire. thc.renr..' and the Council hereby orders` said ,improvement to be-made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and. is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of•said,.improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -2�g9} ;a! 192_--. C. ity Clerk. ?. Approved ----- - --- -t� e------- 192----- Mayor.— Councilman ''Conroy Councilman 4agma'McDonald STn CouncilmanwrSudheineMay t�TJk?f.I 'Pearce Councilman' Rosen Councilmannel Ej /Councilman 1kazetx Mayor T4�x B-undue Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMBr4T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the m'itterof grading Scheffer St. from Hamline Ave. to Pascal Ave., also changing the grade of Albert Ave. from Eleanor St. to Bayard Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 25, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ _ $ o ��� nn The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - 0.97 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED _ ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Land Bldg. Bldg.- -- 1 3 .Sattler Is Add. 400 17 4 do 375 18 4 . do 275 1 2 Kensington Pk Add. to 275 St. Paul 275 1 3 30 3 . do 275 18, 4 do 275 19. 4 . do 275 6 4 tattler's Hdd. 575 200„ 19 .:. ... _ 4 do TOTAL. 250... _ - -- ,... _ -:: Farm B. B. If . GITr of ST. PAUL DEPARTMQ4T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK' 6 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION �. ELag 20! _4__{, Sattler+s. Aad. L -._ --Lot_.21-and_ W - of T 22 ; .1 4 _ __do -_ 750 Lot 23 and E 2 of { 221, 4 — ! I 250 J 25, 4 do --- x'250. p--- -- 26. 4 .__._-do - _ _-250 250 28. 4 1 do _ _ 225. n 2 2 , .Kensington Park Add. to 250.----- St.Paul j - -- -- _ - - 3_, 2 - - do __ _ _250• I i 2.. do 2504 5 2 - do - _250. 2. ; do 250: 7 2-', do 250:_ 6 -S _ do 250 g 2 do _ _ 250' .. 10 2 do _,:. 250 0 - .... i 11 2 do 250:-; --- 12 .. 2 ,.do--. _ 250; -13 I 2-- do _ 2 50 � - I do- ._._.___ _ _ _ -- -250-- 2b0 --i-15 -15 + -2 do 250._ y _do_.-.. _.. 250',..._ 4 3 _ do _.3 .__do .. t - 25Q . TOTAL 6 6t �nk-t1:.lcs i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPQRT OF ON OMMI ISN 16 ORDER -- -:<- -' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK;, Land Bldgs., 6 3; Kensington Park Add. to 250. _ St.Paul 250 7 3, 8 3 . do 250 9 3 . do 250 10. 3 do 250 11.3° do 250 12.3 do 250 13.3 do 250 2200 ,. 14.3 do 250 275. 200 15.3 do 1.4 do 500 8.4 do 225 9:4 do 250 10 4 do 250 114do 250 12.4 do 250 13.4 do 250 14 4 do 250 15 4 do 250 16.4 do 250 17.4 do 250 15500: 2600.`; that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. reference "'— p' O 19 3L oG� �' Commissioner of Finance. Dated Form B. B. 12 - Ll • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) September 1, 1931 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Scheffer Street from Zaml ne- Avenue to Pascal Avenue, also changing the grade of Albert Avenue from Eleanor Street to Bayard Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90228, approved August 25, 1931. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $2,255.07 Cost per front foot - - - - - - 0.97 Inspection - - - - - - - - 44.22 Engineering - - - - - - - - 200.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,341.4 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. CAREY Chief N%ctgineer. App v d f tr emission to ss of Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public works. 0OF`FINANCF Office of the.Commissioner of Public ors 3 Report to Commissioner of , Finance WERA 193� . -----. S.ept---..3rd. -------------- 1951 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No .... 90228 -_----approved .......Augtl9t 25th 192x1:- relative to Gradini§---Rcheffer---Street-_from- SAMI ine--- Avenue --to--PaSCal-..Aveni, "k ------------ -- ------- also changing thegrade of Albert Avenue from $leanor Street ........to Bayard:Avenue--.to..conform._.to-.the-red--line on thepro-file hereto _-.-.---_- attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. _• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....-..- 'necessary and (or) desirable. (See attached 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ...........__--- nd the total cost thereof is $.............-.> and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.: ------............................................ -- --- ----- ..... --- ......... ...----------------- --------------------------------------------------- ........................ - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------- 5. ----------------------------5. Said improvement is .................... ..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners pc roperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. - -...../J- - ----- --•--•-• Commissioner of Public Worke. i a' i.COI1NCIL N0. _-____ ! 9M�Y --- - ----------------- FINAt ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of__ condemning _and taking_ an_ easement_in_the_ land--___------- ,fFATION necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of °nR48ea niag ane tak acheffer Street from Hemline Avenue to Pascal Avenue ne aad•�fln4 Yn Phe: I Ave ' nd- radarPre- - rB.99, aDDtbvee S d90o Y81. 90229 -------------, approved________August_25Z 1951 under Preliminary Order---- ---• Intermediary Order --_ 90550__________________, approved________5eptember 30l_ 1961 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th it the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the landnecessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Scheffer.atreet from Hemline Avenue to Pascal Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of 1 Scheffer Street from Hemline Avenue to Pascal Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. K'271Adopted by the Council ----_ —V%----------_- Approved --------------- Councilman Conroy Councilman Fin in a � Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman IbeWmd "? Councilman Sudheimer City Clerk. ----Mayor. SCNEFFER S 7 - KC /Y -5 /Y KENS//Y GTO-/Y PAR/l W .5AT74ER3 ADO. I � I 40¢ Ad 8 7 6 5 4 ip-9 2D2f 2223 24 25 U 27 28,'.�y4. 4 i 405 I /S, /� /3 /? // /0 9 L ,2`5- e co n Nb. ,I .N 'll. ^h Rd �.IKI .I� NKl I1� M1I�� r^� C% 4I� O� � ♦I° ♦I°. OIO V " /-5 %4 , /3 /2 // /O 9' 'B 7 S 4 3 2 / B /7 /6 /S /4 /3 %/ /0 9 S 2 /Y G T Q /Y /� A R f� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAF}"f 4T, OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER S� a Inthematterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopesr;.cuts and fills in the grading of Scheffer Street from Hamline Avenue to Pascal Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 25, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - s 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or 6 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED , VALUATION Land Bldg. 6 4 Sattlerls Add. 575 200.. l& 4 do 275 19. 4 do 250. 20. 4. do 250 Lot 21 and W z of 22 4 do 750 Lot 23 and E a of 22. 4 24 4, do 250 _ 25 4. do 250 26 4 do 250 _ 27 4. do 250. -- ---- TOTAL, Vxm B. B, 11 CITY OF ST; PAUL . DEPIA¢T0W.;,i QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER v --r ASSESSED �I I� - LOT �GWCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION VALUATION - - 28'_ ,4.j _-Sattler+s Add._ __ 22�i + - fi �- t {}- -- -- 1 �_2_ __.Kensington: Park Add._ --- - to St. Paul 275 1 y , {. 251 _ h- 12 _ j... a -� 2 ��_25� ii_250 1 2 �-do---- - 25'0 --5 2 do 2 - a 250 g _ _do.--- { do - I - _ ,1 x,_250 1260 8. 21 . do.- - do._...- { -2.. - -- -- { I I 250 { s_ -E --10 2-i.. - do-_ ;. 2501 ' I do 2 2 ` do - 250 II 1 2-I do- - 1 _ lI.2510 - -2I--_ do --!r-- 11.275-- _ 245 _ 2� do 2�0 4 260_r, i J -- — - do-..__ _ II 25Q0- do i 250 _ 1 7 � -__- { 250 - do CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF CONfMISMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT �ocK;� DESCRIPTION (� O ADDITION ON . VALUATION 12'; 3 ,Kensington Park Add to �125A — St. Paul 2200 i 13 3 ; do .;250 . . . 14: 3 do .:250 D 15; 3 do 275 200 1 4 do 50)b g. 4 do 225 Pr 9, 4 do 250 10 4 do` .250 11 4 do ,250 12 4 do 250 1 13 4 do `250 14 4 do 250 15 4 • do 250 16 4 do 250 . 17 4 do •250 j... 18 4 do _ Y 275 14175, :,..2600 I_-: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ec�� Dated'G� 3 b 193E Commissloner of Finance. Farm B. B. 13 Oie of the Commissioner of PublcO `a INCE y 1 p,3 Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 4 1931 s _.5e9t., -3rd ........ ..1901--- To 90 ----To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..90229..--.--..approved... August 25th ...............1951-.-., relative to _---Condemning_and--taking_.an-_easement---in-:the-:land--ne-cessary__--_- _- -------- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Scheffer Street ---------...----------------- ..._.._----------------------............ -... ---- . -. ,:--......_................................ -------------------- .-.. from-_Hemline_ Avenue to ............. .. ..-,------------•---.------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..-...-.. -. necessary and (or)_desirable. l . 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..-c.-..c... 7n--:!7 and the total cost thereof is 3- ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.-. --------------------------------------- ........ ......... .._-----. 3. A_plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4• ---- -- --------------------- - ............. - - - ............ _..... ,................ ...._:.......... .. ..------ 5. Said improvement is.................... ....... .... asked for upon petition,"O or more owners of p operty, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. d - - - i '�onetiuogidB anbin�z - =front Pascal �v tom gd Pascal, Averom and St-'V64- 8BB &DDed Tktq' COUNCIL FILE NO ------ -------- - 1ham* k n-b,d!f --- - � cquuncii 7tavinB hes - . By ------ -- ----------- — — — ----------------- t ;thernSa and h .,. 171 :tl(C Dap10 'th0 FINAL- ORDER In the. Matter of___constructing_curbing on Thomas Street from Pascal,' r <. a.menuE._to Simpson _AY jaue__3nd__PAS_Qa1_Ail_QnUe--_f_rQM__Laf_0 j._-Bj'r_e 9�'' d1 _ ---- ----- - --- ------ - - - — - -- - under Preliminary Order -- -------- 9848_— _approved Intermediary Order ------_ approved - -- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and° the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully'considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and load of im- provement to be made by the said City is—_construct ourbin_K on Thomas Street from pysp _ Avenue _to:_,qj mpg an Av .n i_[ t a anti Rasca] _A_�+ nP ,�t?*_pm::_Laf_ond Street to EcIs1 --Str-est,—aioeP! '-bat _W_tion-af-Pssca] izeffis between Sdm�md, and Thomas :' •Streets--=............ and the CourieU hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans=and4pecifieations for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; thai-upon said approvAl, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and- directed, to pro- eeed with the; making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ACT 21-10017-_ Adopted; by•t6; Coumcll____`___—_____, 192_-_-. City Clerk. Approved_------- N 1J -------- - - - ----- ----- -- Mayor. COtmCiIman o /�"on coy Councilman ' / clloual& i Councilman. fey Councilman:_*_earce been Councilman /Sudhnlmtl! Councilman WZx Mayor ZMffMxBundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMSVT PST FINANCE 64 + RtPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)... In the matter of constructing curbing on Thomas Street Trom Pascal Ave. to from Lafond St. to Edmund St. Simpeon,Ave. ana Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order approved July 20, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is on - The estimated cost p4 foot for the above improvement is - of each lot or land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION _ Land ,_.___._. Bldg. 1 6 Hemline Syndicate 800 3900 .The Add. No. 2 to St.Paul, 500 4200 2 6 ,Ramsey Co..,Minn. 550 4200, 3 6 do 550 4350. 4 6 do 550 4400, 5 6 do 550 4400 6 6 do 650 325Q 7 6 do 650 4000 18', 6 do 600 3200 1 9; 6 do 650 -- 20 6 do _ . _ .-3250:. TOTAL. mil _... -... _. ___.. -_ ...-..-. .... .-... Farm B. B, H . - 'R[:PORT OF DEPARTMFNT COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY CrrV OF ST. PAUL... OR FINANCE OF FINANCE ORDER'. u -B� DESCRIPTION LAT eLoeK ADDITION soup ASSESSED VALUATION } i t p5 I --- — --- : - - - iNo. _�_Oo..,Minn. 2 to St.Paul, Ramsey ? - ��.. $0'- �_.._� I 2�7-0 1j 1 The Hamline 8y-ndioate Add - �5 3145 - I No 3 to St Paul, Ramsey 0 _ 3'30, 3 1 _ _ .. _ 5501 � i 4156 -- - 4I 1 ' dou50 -�._:� i- 'u,30� ... 51 1 f do 65,,_ _Q _ a 14- 00 # - 6 _ 1 _ _. _ � do--.-.,,- _ ..,.._. j 7 1 i _ do _ ._ _ _. 654 ._ _ } j4300 ' do _._ - !-.. . _ � {5100 ,_- i �OQ__ I do - __ 5 I _12t 00I� - _10! 1 1 _do_ _ _ 'i 550 II' 4_• '21001 � _ - ._.. _ -- u �OQ , !_�- +2150 'do I do 65p- i !4000 '__-15113_- Syndicate No. 72, y � { &7150 -- 16113-{_ do _ X50 j X30501 _.. 151 20 i do i �3400� - 16120 } - do - r 750 12800, ------------- s 6,'9$5 j 101,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Publictar s. Dated 3 19 �L c. Commissioner of Finance. Po`m 8. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn ---------- --- -------------- 192 ----- 'To The Monorable, The Council, _.... , City of St: Paul, 1Giinn.... Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby Cmc petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------------------------ - -------------St. Ave. -- -St. Ave. to.- ------------------------------ ------ St. Ave. — -•----- - -) - LOT BLOCK NAME ADDITION �• AR,O, f . L. 01 N.R,o. - o. N. Q, JUL l6', - ,a. De e►xtcnent o1E /6S N '/z N.W. % S Ec. 34 T 29. R. 2 3 — MiNNEHANA 5T. W , I ST. VAN BUREN I❑ � I I I S T. I[: I IE LA El T. Ll L IA F�O N D � � ❑ I f; � i I w f F Z c � _ (Q J Q J Z THOMAS 5 r. V) I I II I 'I i _. 977 i i Eonr�p S r. 3 Ui✓irE,Q�'i rY (�✓�. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Sept. 4, 1931. Hon. Mi,�,ton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on Thomas Street from Pascal Avenu6 to Simpson Avenue and on Pascal Avenue from Lafond Street to Edmund Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. 89848, approved July 20th, 1931. Estimated Cost $1,39716'61 Cost per front foot .80 Inspection 27•40 Engineering 130.00 ?i Frontage 1,737 ft. Yours truly, WM. N. CARE , App for tr s ssion Chief Engineer. to o �i of Finance. MI ON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. I Office, of the Commissioner of Public 1Na,, �n 2 Report to Commissioner of Finance w3 a. 6,�y.[ SEP 10 1931 _.. _ Sep.t..----5th.....---- ----------------- 9251.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -.$9$48 .... -.. approved ............... ... July... 2Qth----------- 19251--., relative to Constructing curbing on Thomas Street from Pascal Avenue to --------------------------------------------- -------------- .... . ...------------------------------------------ ----------- S meson.--Avepue_- Ma.-Paacal,.- .venue . f.rom.. Lafond-.Street.- to Edmund------------- - .Street...------------- ---------------_- --------------- - _ ..... __. _............ ------------ ---- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---- ---- -_.-....-.necessary and (or) desirable. (See attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 ............... ................ and the total cost thereof is $... ---------------- . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_.._ _..._: .... _--------------------___. _.._.. ---------- ------------ ------- -- - ._..— - __ _._-- - _.._.__....... ........ ..._._.__............. - .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------- ........ ...------ -------- -------------------------- :--------..------------------------------------ --------- 5. Said improvement is ---- -------------- ...._.......asked for upon petition of ree or more owners of)roperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. Y 1 Commissioner of Public Works. d ImunnInnuffillmiln 1111uni St. Paul, Minnesota October 21, 1931 To the Honorable City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota: We, the undersigned fee owners and purchasers under contracts for deed of Heal Property in Block 1, Hemline Syndi- cate #3 Addition and Block 20, Syndicate No. K Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, and residents thereon hereby request your honorable body to exclude from preliminary order No. 89848 that portion of the curbing proposal as follows; On Pascal Avenue from Edmund Street to Thomas Street account being inadvisable and it would be a severe financial burden at this particular time. r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___constructing__a__s3walkon_the__sog�h_jde _of;_C�ar7 eS____ Street_from__G iggs_Stxeet_tn_$7ndicau_e__.Ayenue,_wher-e_-nnf<_a1ready__in____ place,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - - - - under Preliminary Order-----------90297—__---approved ----- AUguS_t__25--1931------ --------- Intermediary Order ---------------approved ----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___-�Qristr_t]Ct a _amide -a llc_on_the__ G�»th Side of Charles__fitr t--Y-rom-�piggs-Strsat- o- 3a Bate--Aue>3ueJ—where _^^+ already and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ ( T -41__W—.__------- 192_---. `City Clerk. Approved---- ------- - , 192 ------ -- ----- ----------- j Councilman C1anC j Mayor. Conroy J n �/ _'3 / Councilman F n: 1`lcllonald �,},,,,1,{j�, Councilman May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sadhaimer Councilman Nummix Mayor UDdc x Bundlte Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 6F FINANCE , FZEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of constructing a sidewalk on the soutno side of C adyhinlStreet place from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, where under Preliminary Order approved August 25, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amy t of the assessment for the above improvement is $,QQ - The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. 1 .25 Syndicate No. 5 Add. 650 2 .25 do 600 3 25 do 600 4 .25 do 600 5 ,25 do 600 6 .25 do 600 q 25 do 600 g. 25 do 600 4850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sai matter by the Commissioner of Public Won � sH a Dated C,19t Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8.5 D _ St. Paul, Minn._____.. - ---==•---------------.192-- 1 - To The Honorable, The Council, City of -St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: BJP ------------------ -- ---------- ---- — -- ------------ ------------- ---- ---------------------------------St. Ave. from ------ -- i ------------------- _St. Ame. ------------------- NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION V0 A;' d?"W' 91 01 1�51 -7 IY14.0 Y-7 IYNI IYA X/) t Office of the Commissioner of Public FIINANcf eo a � Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 4 1031 Sept. 2 1931 .... ...... ------------ ----- -----------192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under 'consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -.90227 approved......_...... A --------------t 5, 1931 192_.:..--, relative to ---- ----------- G.on&truo.ti ng_.a._sidewalk...an_the-.south..side....of.-.Charlea---------------------- ---- - street £TOm Gr glx3. Street. to._ Syndicate. Avenue. where not already in place. -- - -- ..........- - ------------- _...._...__....._._._.... _.. -....--------------------- .... - ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is S......._ ...__......_.., and the total cost thereof is S ----- _....._....._...-._.-.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-......__._..._.__..__....._...__....-- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................. ......... ._._...... 5. Said improvement is .................... ._ - _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners,of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ) -' - - Commissioner of Public Works. 4 9w COUNCIL FILE NO._______________---- By ------------------------------------------ -- — --- ------- — ------------------------------------------ - ."now M una a , e ".rd90226 ayDraved Aug 2 ___-----____ _______ _-------------------------__ 6esring travlug treen _y._. dva [v rdvemeat -- ♦1'!J .l 'Y' under Prelimingry Order___-_____-A0226_____________—approved --- AuguS1-25,>_'_1931 -' -- intermediary Order +ey---__---aPProved— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consi the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pr vement to be made by the aid City is_ con ct a sidewalk 'the east s fae of gam _venue_fr-om_ s�Street__ —La 4rl r _ t, eA.Dt where goo arid- ij Ci 2n t-s3.dAuaal,___ tc c_ „�➢�_exiBt}--------- —b- -gq�' 2 8TS"ISSP?} % - 2.7-F.:t_tiE n r so au in said matwr be disc 1 the Council hereby or said improvement to b de. BSOLVED FURTHER, t the Commissioner of lie Works be and is hereby ' strutted and direr to prepare plans and spec 'cations for said improv ent, and submit same to th Council for approval; at upon said approval, the roper city officials are reby'authorized and direct to pro- ceed'with th making of said improvem in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council __ _ _ DCT 2 7 ---- ----- ------- -- ----- ------ --- - 6ifiy E11w�lc ra?'T Approved-- ------------------- -- 192------ Councilmana Conroy McDonald Councilman May Councihnan Councilman ~ Pearoe Rosea Councilman Sodheimer Councilman Mayor Dont Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 • �, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF TINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE vV ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthematterof constructing a sidewalk on the east side of xamline "venue from Thomas St. to Lafond St., under Preliminary Order approved August 25, 1931 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ��— The estimated cost per/foo}t for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15.15 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 700 3400 16 15 do 1250 1950 .-400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work 0 'z . , :�q'nx Dated 3 193(_ C/ Commisaloner of Finance. --Form-B.-S.A.8-SD Ad A A A A St. Paul, Minn. Gl f 1QL To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 1 We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----------------------------------------------------------------- St Ave from__✓ v ! a<4 -----------------------------St. -Ase. to .... 1:4 St. Ave. i �. �� �, �� a�:i- Et A Office of the Commissioner of Public WftlftFINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 4 1931 --S.Ppte Pex. 1937.__....... 192-- To 92 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 9.0.226 ------- approved- - AUge-26,—.19-51..-...._.__192.._...... relative to the construction of a sidewalk on the east side of .............. - -- - ---------- Hamline Avenue from Thomas btr eet to - L a f . ond - Street. .................. ----------------- ----------- ....... .... . .... .... ........ ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. $1.00 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.- , — - ', - -, and the total cost thereof is 8 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....... . .... ........ ------------------- 5. Said improvement is... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------------------- -------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 9W_ PRESENTED BY—, 7XY1161— ORDINANCE -NO.----,, 22,11 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6873, approved October Wth, 1927, entitled ffiAu ordinsmoe governing oonneottow with sewers located outside thecitylimits, which sewers connect with the sewer system of the Oity of St. Paul." THE-OOVNOIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6873, approved October 12th, �1927, be and the same Is hereby amended by adding to Section I there- of, Immediately after condition numbered four (4) In said section, the following: W(5) The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed to apply to sewer connections serv- ing land owned by the State of Minnesota. "(S) Said connections shall be allowed subject to the PrOvisicn,�that no storm water or ground -drain- age round drain- age water from said premises shall be directed Into such sewers." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. -F. No - By Uni 90769 Y -n on Rosen An ordini October 32 d %pd. d. en -d connection—Ith side the city �uotii;i onnoct City " of c..n with h. F due th 9,t Yeats, Councilmen L -Conroy —May McDonald —Pearce ,Rosen Sudlisimer -'Mr. Vice Pres. Attest: Nava E 2.d.. L Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopts Yeas Z Nays Yeas/ Nays Conroy ZMcDonald May cDonald P ZRosen Sudheimer : rce Rosen Mr. Pres, Bundlie Sudheimer ""'Mr. Pres. Bundlie DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 9W_ PRESENTED BY—, 7XY1161— ORDINANCE -NO.----,, 22,11 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6873, approved October Wth, 1927, entitled ffiAu ordinsmoe governing oonneottow with sewers located outside thecitylimits, which sewers connect with the sewer system of the Oity of St. Paul." THE-OOVNOIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6873, approved October 12th, �1927, be and the same Is hereby amended by adding to Section I there- of, Immediately after condition numbered four (4) In said section, the following: W(5) The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed to apply to sewer connections serv- ing land owned by the State of Minnesota. "(S) Said connections shall be allowed subject to the PrOvisicn,�that no storm water or ground -drain- age round drain- age water from said premises shall be directed Into such sewers." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. -F. No - By Uni 90769 Y -n on Rosen An ordini October 32 d %pd. d. en -d connection—Ith side the city �uotii;i onnoct City " of c..n with h. F due th 9,t Yeats, Councilmen L -Conroy —May McDonald —Pearce ,Rosen Sudlisimer -'Mr. Vice Pres. Attest: Nava E /� 1 V ��lr � j ' T4 y;! �* OADIAiI� ,. .: Cawmoil lite 80. +90769 ,, } CITY OF ST Peonuetowt NO.___-!����1 ONIOINAL"TO CITY CLEIIK y, `� r.>•. A771G By Ol AD R May y wfYltrrp J&dYoa amitn d OFFICE OF CITY ttiaop�blt for permlreloa f �, ; • yKad >rfallitald P. drlvo ln-llt; � ut toil, northeast eoraerR. -CIL R ON G aaa-Dela atreE aaa 7 PRESENTED BY / q ruDmllted a;biuop COMMI SINE d..la� out Tvith arl „pump.looatlpa. �,: intormatlott'o/, - - WBUUW, Wil�lam Judson Smith hag petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Holly avenue and Dale street; and Wmacm, Said Williams Judson Smith has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out with driveways, Curb returns, pump location, yai; sidewalks, eto. for. -the information of"the Council; and 11HSREAS, w hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph P, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RSBOLIRD, That permission and authority are hereby given to said William Judson Smith to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from said plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed ia'accordance with the ordinanoes of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subjeiVto the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks,, ramps, drainage Cr other public im- provements within the etToot lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN - - Yeas �' Nays Adopted by the Council_QJ"-- -jW 19_ oy or May McDonald In favor �Peatce . �_Aamst -- ----- - -- — - .Rosen $ Sudhcimer / Mr. President Bundlie ✓ e ' I CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN INAD TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN TME CITY O 110E OF THE=CITY CLERK CLERK -5 OFFICE. P fwy" 0 pphcation For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ' DATE____ fttober _�_ .__ ---------------- 19 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made William Judson Smith — __-__-- _-- _ ------------------ BY --------------------- ---- ----- --------------------------- __-____—___-_ ---------------- -- (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) 1 _Driv_e =j� — - - --------------------------- ------------ FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A {.'DRIVE I.-OR-INeIDE aARAOE') QQ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LIT ------ _,_--------- -------------- BLOCK __-____-1L-_-__--------------- VPQQC�IflllCl__ ------ ALSO DESCRIBED AS•Y�.----4�.n+Qr.-4,4--K`al��'; nd DalEI.--- (ADDITION) (STREET AND NUMBER) ree s NO. OF PUMPS._=_. _.1F.I----- .---------- NO. OF GAS TANKS -------- 3 --------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK -1.J -QW -gallons OF APPL ANT._-_ FILED t406N.n n Ave., St. Paul,Minn. =-------- ---- - - - - - 706 Merchants tl. Bank Bldg. St. Paul, Minnesota -------------------- -------------------------------------- BUSINE98 ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK FRECEIVEDROM CCITY CLERK GATE___________. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OARD I . TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,§ OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 22, 1931. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r k Re Drive-in Filling Station, Lot 12, block 16, woodland Park Addition (N.E. corner Holly and Dale - Wm. J. Smith, 406 N. Snelling Ave. By F. R. Poppe, 706 Merchants Natl. Bank Bldg. Dear Sir: This application for a drive-in filling station is in a district being rezoned for Commercial use. If this rezoning is passed, this use will be permissible subje9t to a hearing before the City Council. Bneinaeri-ng R"art: Driveway entrances should be reduced to 27 feet as measured on the property line, and expansion joints should be provided between roadway paving, sidewalks and paved driveways on:the property, as indicated in yellow on the attached prints.. Hearing - October 27, 1931. Yours truly, t WK. N. CAREY, wnc-mh Chief 8ngineer. A MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works.,_ M POST.CAtD NOTICE! vOF810E OF TH$ CMMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn ....... _AQ.ti...... Ira,----------- 10,a.. ianuanUo Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified 'that the application of William-J -'---.Smith., ..................... ............................ to erect and install a fillip station on the -- b Baa.-------------_- ......__....................................._......_..-.._------------------- ------ ............ _..... will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the ------------- ?A7tA........... day of.................Ootober.---, 19S.1, at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN H. McDON ALD, --P -11 1l0Gt;QE0%W - Commissioner of Finance. GITY OF ST. PAUL TNI/ ICAT9APPLICATIONF TO /C MARC IN INAF. INNI GT6 AND PILBD IN TN[ CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -CLERK'S OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Made �Ei'11Si �3t�daGa 1tfih' – _ ; t F -DDDR-- AL - -- --- --- --- --DDDR-- --- -- ' " " - (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) Drir�w— - - - --- - – –DDDR-- -------- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A._----(�oRIVE IN' OR.•INe�Dg DARAOE'1. BLOCK– AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 70 BE LOCATED ON �teod3�md Part AAdt tion "r__ort��E+_t___OD N_U 3r,A ___----ALSO DESGRIBm AS DR -(STREET AND NUMBBR)� i _ (ADDITION). NO. OF Pumps ------- --. ___ –__NO. OF GAS TANKS –_-_ - --.......CAPACITY OF EACH TANK- N?; ANK –."�-e1GNA UPgE OFQQP__PLI Ny��� FILED 408: it $cr!R "R J1VA/.+ RG♦ ,Cf11i%� - --- -- BY -- '- –DDDR-- DDDR- ,. 706 ter 4ha to ft ti. Hank 5149 St.. Vaal}, >¢i��►eto4ta -— - - --^"'--""" DDDR-----/UBINBBB ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK � jj� ,'E1VED.COPY FROM CITY CLERK . DATE._–_-______—_----__—___�.--_ DATE.--- _— ---- _---- —------- --- — CITY.PLANNING BOARD - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY , - ---------- '-- THOMAS A. BROWN CHI" or POLICE B. F. SIMON. M. D. HEALTH OFFICER (iffy of Suint Paul Beportment of Ilubtir #ofetg TENTH AND MINNESOTA STREET GEORGE C.SUDHEIMER.COMMISSIONER FREO W. SIEGEL. DD91UTY COMMISHIOHER .qv1] October 21, 1931 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: OWEN C. UNN. FIRE CHI" JOSEPH A. MACAULAY. SUFI. POLICE 9 FIRE ALARM Returned herewith is the application of William Judson Smith for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Holly and Dale Streets, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very Isne y:&c i -Co Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY J . - OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 21, 1951 Yr. George C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs Answering yours of October 9 relative to application 44 made by William Judson Smith for permission to instal a drive -1n ry l gasoline filling station on Lot 12, Block 16, Woodland Park J Addition, also described as the northeast corner of Holly and Dale Streetes I have today made an inspection of this location and do not find that the proposed station will interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, H..N. W tergren Superintendent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 14,1931. Hon*Geo.O.Sudheimer commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. - Dear Sir: In regard to the application of William Judson Smith for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 12, Block 16, Woodland Park Addition, also described as the northeast corner of Holly and Dale Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, Ohief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. COUNCIL �ry�*J ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-Wa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK '► CIL LU ON—GENERAL FORM / PRES'NTED-BY 60 GGA COMMISSIONE, DATE Ar- RHESEAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the-Aouncil that two buildings on Lot 9, Block 30, Rice B Irvine's Addition, also 'known as,No. 315 and 317 South Franklin street, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition asto warrant their being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it , Z RESOLVED; That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 33rd day of November, 1931, at ten ofolook A. M. in the Council Chamber In the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minne- sota; abd be it JIMTHER RESOLUD, That not lose than ten days prior to , the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Play— grounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owaer of said property, at his last ]mown address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, &.notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of suoh hearing'to be given by one publication in the official sews-, than fer �etdaysip ty for toSt. thee daPaul�teaOf said bearing. notice not lase Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy /May / McDonald Pearce _____...__In favor Rosen _._Against Sudheitaer Mr. President.Bundlie ' COUNCIL ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK .CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK EE CIL�R2�IS'I N—GENERAL FORMCOMM1661pNE BATF 1BERNAS, As provided by Counoil File Na. 90595, approved October 6th, 1831, the Council did determine that that oertain frame barn located on the rear of Lots 8 and 9_11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 24, also known as No. 181 Nast Ninth street, is unsafe and dangeroms to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and IN AS, Due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by they , owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RNSOLQND, That the Commissioner of Parks,laygrounds,and Public Buildings be and he to hereby authorised end dtected to enter,upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous struoture, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be neoeseary for the protection of life, limb and ad j oining Property . I� sir?? Rc mr'nu� �d by "i gntio�3, COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Conroy May /MCDonald ________.__In favor Pemce Rosen ___Z-_Against J$udheimer / Mr. President Bundlie. Adopted Appr ed_ ----------- -------------' — -19 -- w... y - ----------- ----------- --------- MAYOR- city of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, atV Clek A. STORMS HAROLD J. WOMAN and CommWona of Ryhkdten Odda.&-R.*mU.. Chid avk-Oty Gnk - October 26th, 1931• Ur. L. LAnderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attaobed please find letter from Commissioner MWadvising the Coancil that no appeal has been taken in the matter of the condemnation of that certain barn located at 181 Enet $inth Street. The matter was refeired to YOU by the Council for the proper resolution authorising the wrecking of said barn. Yours very truly, City Clerk. LS CLYDE R. MAY - o.9 UT COYYI Commission" - CITY OF, SAINT' PAUL O[PMITMSNT- OP PARKS. _PLAN YGROUDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS �FF1CS OPR . COMMISS/ONS219 CITY NAIL. <;=RCB L NA.ON. . 0" EST W. MNNWN. N�• D• .IJ1YORalYO. CNA& A. OAS9 R% CRY A11GWr i r �AvrrnoR» rar mr ....: uo muRr Nave - October 19, 1931. Hon. city council, 9t. Pauls Minnesota. Gentlemen: On October 6, Council Resolution 90595 was passed by your Honorable Body, confirming the condemnatiou.by this Depart- ment of the old barn kaovm as 181 East Ninth Street. The last paragraph of t1Zis resolution provides that if with in ten days after me.iliag the notice to the property .owner, his agent, or the oocu-pnmt, no appeal has been taken, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And. Public_ Buildings shall report said fact` t o the Council. In conformity with the resolution, I am, therefore, now no- tifying you that no appaaT has been taken and the building y3s ppatill in place. theA 9980�6.— oY1�ttCi3aRlla rloy90886f1 r.`�°aevt«��tb 3saL Sae c.qnw� Yours Very truly, .eMo En8 nttY.-.%z,gctobat..XO V`Rt A. 3t IR'tbe COI1? Com% t 86nse ho16 A;' ubL. „ � ! - i aQA3� MIl Y and;ne- �l in train. r,�cnt.Fa,�RR�o ommisaioner. U.. COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 'TY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. I - ICE OF CITY CLERK ryry ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'COMMISSIpNE pgTp' OOtob er 27 1931 RESOLVED That the Piirehasing Agent with the consent, of the Council and the Comptroller is hereby authorized to purchase one Buick 19321 model Ambulance, color blue, as per specifications hereto attached and being -part of this resolution, without advertising for competitive bids, as this 1s a patented article sold only at a standard price and no advantage can be gained by' securing competitive bids. The purchase price of said Buick ambulance is $3,795.00 less $100.00 - allowance on one Packard Chassis with ambulance body, Motor No. 161772:purchased_in 1926, to be. taken in trade on the above purchase, making the price to be paid $3,695.00, which is to be charged to Burd 7-C-4. The present ambulance is -1n such _ shape that it is absolutely essential that this purchase be made immediately, otherwise at any moment the present ambulancedue to its meohantoal-Condition may fall apart and thus cripple -this very important department. This resolution oanoels, rescinds and annuls Council File _ d, Upon }{IIt6h;Ro4bn— F" No. 90755 approved October 23, 1931. glRtF/fi s°I°� u'oiotaPa°xQ iDmn°i that the: Furgbablag Arent with the eon.ent'or'the"Coun�R'I and the CoiaE= troller, lb heY1b1p 5thokibed tb-Dqi� these n Bfi,1eB 11(IIt rriodel Amhu e th i,�r lilac ep `yler pDectflcation . hed anQ b61gg;ParG ai tole wlthcgl adVeTtt.th 'for ta�hfdb es LhltoDategted I �d>;ly at a btangard, vrlce COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council—t=-22J019__.._ nroy 14, aY McDonald __..__.._In favor -' - Pearce - n Rosen ---------- -- — — — MA R k�udheimer , letwBundlie-L_.�� �✓ ...4�—_fr,�r J 'a �'�� f I undere7gned hereby propdses_the'ma]¢ug of the following public imarovement by#•ho- aty n. n:a "• _. r._.._ bY T Widen.Bradley St from set,�Bemru sonTs -acid a ©aati--I der:.oP Blocks 5, 8 and 11, ,Addition.Al'sb that part of Sot i2t;BX,Ock 2.,Brunsonnts Addition lying east of a line "dra'�n,',from a: ' WAt :on the :worth; line of l3q�akins street, 15 feet west of Bale3!;'+tr®eta .:to a .paint on the wsst'}i>}e of Bradley IS feat north of Ro'kins,'Street, also by adding,to, it that part of Block 1 Bsiuna9��s-dxtiou and Greve�s_ Rearrangement lying west of a line:descat►eh.a§ followst Commencing at a point on the southeasterly line of --D citnr, Street 182`feet"north- easteily of its intersection with' the present east line of Bedford f3treet, thence on a line drawn from this point to -a point on the east line of Bradley Strest AOZfeet noxth',of°Hopkins Street to a point of tangency with a`e ve;of`goo'fodt radius which_,is also tan geat:to the, _east line of �?radley Street, thence along said curve to the"south l$ne of°Block i� Hrunsonts Addition Aso w deli Bedford Street from North Street to Decatur Street and Decatur Street from Bedford'btreet to -Beaumont Street by adding all that 1? t ;Af S1oa F, Irvii�e�a Seacnd Jkddi 'I -1yiqg,ngrthwesterly t oa ,tbe -pf,a .Line deseribeidasfo7ltoat- a p of� S i�P6et. .thence .aa8t l of Bradley btreet 4€1 feet n+p�ett gf B9.R�., a draftrQm t�tie Pott toiipilim.s sterlg line tS�raecSiaz w1th the p >alplSe l B&, t R ,Vf Bedford X11 'elet fe0 s p£3�f t �i�8 , Vlixkt .a �s of0ot radius wta icJi is; a sq the, sAuih@Aster ly :�y�.y, g���ti�'se#x thenl•(te' ��titea ts5ely �. said. curfe to its:. �� arl7. #he;tl pmt '� �� ��5 r~•!i�'a ,edition fli- �}t�ots lydng .eau9 :s tine dry >para ani g�,`fset, Senort4westelly, of pt dssax b ci in a3sQ t►y� a�tdi z<that Wit. of 7,sterly.:s tV9Rd-Ab'!1'M3sBa8'te'rl7i•Of the a P6 ra. 1lo theprth>aie8teriy lima of peetur :Street to a po a eni;�r w#b ''a care of iQ foot radius, thence southwesterly a� ski d, iilpCXe ts� asxl�ereection with the . northxes terms 'life of Decatur, Bta,�, at , Polni.2 i'eet, northeast og its itsterseotion` nth ti►e ea$t ine`'of Bedt`ord Atreet, til#g open caidea an, esteai8, f3ecstur 'Street krom'Bear�pat �3treet to' -pie �rrer"6,%by adding to.it'all the land in Block 1, Plzll�ip�s; Q¢ditio>rt,, wad• is `Block 4, 1rvine1,s •Second:9ddit on, 1y3n8: southeast Bt' .a line drag fioin the .southwest .corner of `lot— Phfllfp=�"r,�`�r-"Lo- s .. 20 feet south of bEinnahaha btreet; wise by add]stg a seri 1 d' eQ feet i.n width in :and across -Block 4r Yrvinera Seaoncl��tinn, the y zsrthvrestcx'ly' lizte 6f sa �1' etrip :being :tile afore�ttfc 0ayst -from ttte eC►uthwest corner of t 5y Blgek S, p�s "Additt anx tq a :point , the wea�t ] ne ',f •;. ayite A ek[} feat sA} tit' of eht a ham, Pit 3 Pry T 4 in lila of .lot �° >ir��si�s 4 fio`'th8,goutheaat corfler off'' �',t` x g• g' Nty„ VtC�kItva1+H •Bl s„ { r 9 :ton a north' line: oiri street f; 25 feet -west .of the'west line o Payne Avenue; t e north '. 'on a lit%,paktillel.,to •tlie;west ]lie of •.Payne Ave to' the south of lot ,5'; 'Watson�s Division` nDI", thence; nor , asterly �a-the-southeast corner of Block; 2,. Borup and Pa -�a Addition. 'i _: 1 t } �'�� f I undere7gned hereby propdses_the'ma]¢ug of the following public imarovement by#•ho- aty n. n:a "• _. r._.._ bY T Widen.Bradley St from set,�Bemru sonTs -acid a ©aati--I der:.oP Blocks 5, 8 and 11, ,Addition.Al'sb that part of Sot i2t;BX,Ock 2.,Brunsonnts Addition lying east of a line "dra'�n,',from a: ' WAt :on the :worth; line of l3q�akins street, 15 feet west of Bale3!;'+tr®eta .:to a .paint on the wsst'}i>}e of Bradley IS feat north of Ro'kins,'Street, also by adding,to, it that part of Block 1 Bsiuna9��s-dxtiou and Greve�s_ Rearrangement lying west of a line:descat►eh.a§ followst Commencing at a point on the southeasterly line of --D citnr, Street 182`feet"north- easteily of its intersection with' the present east line of Bedford f3treet, thence on a line drawn from this point to -a point on the east line of Bradley Strest AOZfeet noxth',of°Hopkins Street to a point of tangency with a`e ve;of`goo'fodt radius which_,is also tan geat:to the, _east line of �?radley Street, thence along said curve to the"south l$ne of°Block i� Hrunsonts Addition Aso w deli Bedford Street from North Street to Decatur Street and Decatur Street from Bedford'btreet to -Beaumont Street by adding all that 1? t ;Af S1oa F, Irvii�e�a Seacnd Jkddi 'I -1yiqg,ngrthwesterly t oa ,tbe -pf,a .Line deseribeidasfo7ltoat- a p of� S i�P6et. .thence .aa8t l of Bradley btreet 4€1 feet n+p�ett gf B9.R�., a draftrQm t�tie Pott toiipilim.s sterlg line tS�raecSiaz w1th the p >alplSe l B&, t R ,Vf Bedford X11 'elet fe0 s p£3�f t �i�8 , Vlixkt .a �s of0ot radius wta icJi is; a sq the, sAuih@Aster ly :�y�.y, g���ti�'se#x thenl•(te' ��titea ts5ely �. said. curfe to its:. �� arl7. #he;tl pmt '� �� ��5 r~•!i�'a ,edition fli- �}t�ots lydng .eau9 :s tine dry >para ani g�,`fset, Senort4westelly, of pt dssax b ci in a3sQ t►y� a�tdi z<that Wit. of 7,sterly.:s tV9Rd-Ab'!1'M3sBa8'te'rl7i•Of the a P6 ra. 1lo theprth>aie8teriy lima of peetur :Street to a po a eni;�r w#b ''a care of iQ foot radius, thence southwesterly a� ski d, iilpCXe ts� asxl�ereection with the . northxes terms 'life of Decatur, Bta,�, at , Polni.2 i'eet, northeast og its itsterseotion` nth ti►e ea$t ine`'of Bedt`ord Atreet, til#g open caidea an, esteai8, f3ecstur 'Street krom'Bear�pat �3treet to' -pie �rrer"6,%by adding to.it'all the land in Block 1, Plzll�ip�s; Q¢ditio>rt,, wad• is `Block 4, 1rvine1,s •Second:9ddit on, 1y3n8: southeast Bt' .a line drag fioin the .southwest .corner of `lot— Phfllfp=�"r,�`�r-"Lo- s .. 20 feet south of bEinnahaha btreet; wise by add]stg a seri 1 d' eQ feet i.n width in :and across -Block 4r Yrvinera Seaoncl��tinn, the y zsrthvrestcx'ly' lizte 6f sa �1' etrip :being :tile afore�ttfc 0ayst -from ttte eC►uthwest corner of t 5y Blgek S, p�s "Additt anx tq a :point , the wea�t ] ne ',f •;. ayite A ek[} feat sA} tit' of eht a ham, Pit 3 Pry T 4 in lila of .lot �° >ir��si�s 4 fio`'th8,goutheaat corfler off'' �',t` x g• g' Nty„ VtC�kItva1+H •Bl s„ { r 9 :ton a north' line: oiri street f; 25 feet -west .of the'west line o Payne Avenue; t e north '. 'on a lit%,paktillel.,to •tlie;west ]lie of •.Payne Ave to' the south of lot ,5'; 'Watson�s Division` nDI", thence; nor , asterly �a-the-southeast corner of Block; 2,. Borup and Pa -�a Addition. 'i _: ?lv rer< 1 �} f ,, �'�rw4 i r 6:Lq ,.. ' �TD9'�..f "i tf j 1 I q a T J 3 E AS parr..; to $m i' r c>4 c�Xgt)Yi (a +"a'u�• Y��, ry'sg oil f" i- 0 '` J t7 43 fad } $ �� hx3 ti SI �S tl f e l t s��� T'rs CCFg'T 3Jt- Yi.:„ws= j is �.{ ra : y 'Z GS n ST. G J n Oi i �T J T ' r4 rr `t t 1 c"r::� .r t"fi3 'r•?: a.T � � It1 .� 13 —IJ t 'C Qj } ,7 fi .. S`%k r atildi' ext Yui T3 J F '1 3i € C G- owl, { t o,G �'fiT...n{�'T.e...r . .t +.,t: � t?:l, �i 5. G C3 a r? ,j J+ } arr,*[iTrs-:>w£bx3 Cj rS3J4A' j cCSlt T Y ; '� a xri�TgCss { JAS r3 :o p”, V..:'�� dory=;' -..S 17 j' 3" w^ °t.?3.: "' flt'M �,^ SSC.i.•vji� Qc, Dbyj'i'e; 'z^i',v" Cr.G�{ ,F:�7v S n,? �T} 3;rc�rt u s,�'T13 tI� zo3S T '�c a Y ? rY� isr�.d 1 j 19J �)O{U� T ri"71iS __ l� �,,.ar ?Z 1 x T 7�' f r � �,; T7 {,}' G-. �`JL�pG-Ft'a 00.a�A"'wrltteA Dropoeat for th8, "' -the Sollowlna llmvrovemout, ..................-............ �... e k, 2 uoaDn a Addltlkn _................................................ ................... BradleY Rt. t to 14 there 11. Dated this .._. -.. BB ....day of ..................... Addition ,vso tha4 dart of It r { e dfawn tram &n,+V•err ...... .. ot"�HoDklAg �t"'rf-.... -- (, Unelmn• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Widen Bradley Street from Seventh Street to North Street, by adding to it the easterly 20 feet of Blocks 5, 8 and 11, Brunson's Addition. Also that part of lot 12, Block 2, Brunson's Addition 4 lying east of a line drawn from a point on the north line of Hopkins Street, 15 feet west of Bradley Street, to a point on the west line of Bradley btreet 78 feet north of Hopkins Street, also by adding to it that part of Block 1, Brunson's Addition. and Grevets Commencing Rearrangement°'lying.west `of a line described as follows: at.a point On the,,southeasterly line of Decatur Street 182 feet north easterly of its intersection with the present east line of Bedford Street, thence. on a. line. drawn from this point.to a point on the east line of Bradley"Str'at`40 feet north of Hopkins Street to a point of tangency with.a curve.xof 800 foot radius which is also tangent to the east line of Bradley Street, thence along said curve to the south line of Block`l, Brunsonts I Addition. Also widen Bedford -Street from North Street to Decatur Street and Decatur Street from Bedford Street to Beaumont Street by adding all that part of bioek;6, Irvine's Second Addition lying northwesterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the. east line of Bradley S,txeet 40 feet north of Hopkins„6treet� thence on a line drawn from this point to a point on the ,southeasterly line of Decatur Street -:182 feet northeasterly of its intersection with the present east line.of Bedford Street to a point:of tangency with a_ curve of Soo foot -,radius which is also tangent to the southeasterly line of Decatur Street, thence northeasterly along said curve to its point of tangency with the southeasterly line of Decatur Street, by adding all that part of lot 5, Irvine' also, Addition of Outlots lying east of a line drawn parallel to and So feet northwesterly of the last described line, also by adding that part ofLangevints theasterly of the - Division and Block 3, Phillipts Addition lying following described lines Commencing at the intersection of,'the �. east -line of_ lot 1 .;:Block.,4,_Phi17i .'s.:Addlti with 1 e,draona y y 1 or r Y f Asa s tom; t' �< 0 4 ry i r c r t i SLC � •"` xr we r4� C Bila r�"tl��� iceaii$ S� eet ,y; adding.°to it that part of Blo- Iorupa and P *s Addition, and Watson's :iivisi'on "�": 1Y. east of, -the .fol ng ,described F.Mine. :B�ginnng at `a point on�he,north 1ine;o ehaha.btreet; 26 feet west :of "th6, west, line Payne Avenue, oe north:- on a line parallel. to 'the - ives naL of ;Payne 'Av "to,;the south <.-'line of lot .5 Wa£$on!s•Divisit5a'"Dt�, thence non easterly Via. -the southeast corner of Block 2, Borup and P els Addition. '4k 1t t_.Ad �� FA L Ltror K Doi nb ,ijq E UxuG, a VggTPTou' • 13, Du a DTA;aTvu nD?l' Pu�ucG uoLPpegaPsLTA Y< o� .bs2ius VAslstfe po 4136 aoffpp r e yASTJ w gpeucs IIospp T 1 ppe uOLpp TTAG 016 pT"Opgpe npLesp Vj y gug t; � ;o nDu T2LTu� ssap ; o� FFeoTToaTIIg gszcL;psq fi 80A a t ".; ? TOzr° ijTaG4T6;(Y6LY h,1 76 yfsirvfr'IL 6131 o?7IE1.. ,,PfC'C'F w� r" pp sep sc oza B3oc�r �',ILATuefa gscouq VggT;Tou' sa gs2cL;psq spores• ?p%66p}yq pgugP �OjJ6 T�Obba9t;"�TOL�"jJ6t68�SLj� jjx?fi 0� T79C8�17L escpT� es jxxfs cig bsaue �Aeuas' 8" eep ao-iRTspFs jai aofr F®ss� T� qb?-ppe spa ob�g to ;00; Lsgxixa c;L T Tu sL ssou �frao:,st7gi: -f- *3 ob ;�g�;,7 ;B7°c.: I�l►�gi� ?so0uq9gIZ-6i. . _ _ _......_ y..,•rntm,cr.si erzR� scxoaa,BTo�K..s• zsa{uesr�:-rvu.o+y vyns.-.: – _- SO+bs�p aof7pp o� ➢ TI=, ji Fs p�xssp� sTao "Pa sggTII� � s�sbVaeunsuq i'' bpT7 jTb ► '` y qT ;ozr 134, s bo;up ou' ps "2!V 2;ge � oT, fi o s .T;us gLsn+u''�LOm fps ao40]:TMOa-; COLfteL O; 1.0;; p' ,BI c3;: ?' po'Tju sug 6xpeuq'.;?fise'5��4TL�oxOu�Ti7zo t7PFc, BToc3TIATUOi! 00Iqr&tggTpTOJ $ SJ 8`PI, Gap.AAur6LDscg;s Tao o aqe �+. AM ppe sgaP True.°�';Bs oLq•2 ysep: ssap„o;, TP2 Tirgezaec+;oA DscspuLpzespsP s bo;vp.Taa 5 Zee Aoipp u6 0t 0 = jVpGL3GG9ToA;A%T;P 1346 uozpF s2�sLrA S7 sTouQ as;q crfzes,p , 00 L'79Tff2' PPGuce 2offpprAe2psLTa pffURGuca ATP31 0 GIILAs.off 800 us oL DscgprrL RpZGGP Po g bOTuP Ot bgL9TTeT Po PP6 uOzpurAs2PsLT% TT us 9LUMP OF, auq bgLSTTGT ppsLspo' PPGifes a017ppA'162 fCLT�LSTOU” 2g:rgLGGp IAG2;GL3-% 7� Tssp 1Lor1 PPG uOLPgMG24GLTX TTusb°2 rl't Prou'p:.TPP TTp 3 us OLsa+n 6329 T7z:6 of Top T' B7 -°CK 3 bF'TJTT ( Vg ITP. u �c Tnu off, r" E; LOTTut.:Tzr-� 46acLTA64�7Tue: 0=—GucTU'7 .zrp DTATa: ov suq ATOGY 3 iuTTTTbI2 VggTFr v 7 4 uu' Lp OT, SUaGATIf�2 PPs pNG Tgzp ge2GLTPG9 TTus' ST2o pA sggTug Pp p bgz�uo PFus2psLTa oT T%Tut 6929 OL s TTue gzorau bsLUTTGT go suq 80 'e" Ou G2OT, GLTX Oa 9Tao A 9g9TuR %TT ;pgp bgrp ot".Top 2 IIATueaa VggTpT bo p ag psu�sl3c3 , atT pp pps 2onppesagGLT2, T;us OT, nscs"FnL "Leap" True ob I76cspfTL gpLssp' ppeve uoz uesapsLT1� gTouB as;g. crfzns po ;pa T T UQ ob 800 ,€o0P .Lgq;ffa IApT cp ;a sTao , 4SUEOup. go Pps aoffppasapszTX bzsasup ,ssap STfrs ob_Req�oyq, 7pzssp 130 s. boTup o1.psu9suc2. n;Fp ff bL6!' ecg 69 P TTUS 0; :Leap"AoyppesapsLT2� 01 TPa TupezzsGVTOu ATM Pps ou's TXAB gLsxsr.�Lom,;pxs,bo;up ;os boTuP ou fps 2afr ssapeL7� 7Tgs ssap True ob gzgg7s2.:7pLesP.:�fiO ass u6LpF1 °T HobxTu2 7piesp� ppsAGe 61 s Trus ge2GLVeq..ez LoTTo a• t`omfsuc;ugoa�Ia ub� uoLppAsOU sageLTx ;1* bfiL 01 R?OsK @. ILATUGI �6GOzrq-�9���7 p6C9;17L; P,FLSG; ;LOW $6��OLg ?.F1r8; �O'B�ff1IAi0Ao ��C96fJb� Z66;AM9 aTao �qsu BegbOLq g��ss�LOIIt �� q o pFs, aorspp rTns ob: BTOCK ?� girffJaozr�a..VggTpTol?' pspSeifp go ppe ss2p ?TAG ob RLsgTs3 p�issp ppeacs out as;q crrLAs bo p o psuRW02. MTpp s a AFTpp Ta 97 2° ssap 7Tue °� L9gJela ?pL96p:�0 bsgp A°zp oT.ggli i2 !;pLesp;go s sacs ou y Trus gzgew bLom pp;2 bo;Ifp<po g boTlfp off 1346 gpLssp p ou enTpp Ns"bLeasup egap.TTUG bz Req;oLg ssapeLTX off, Tpa TV;GLascpT ss uoLpp- sF s boTup MY gVG aofsppe$2psLjI- TTUG o� nscsprfz,, gpLse 785 b P gsgLLewRemeup T2LTuR rasap 9Z,9 T;ue geacz;psq's2 �oTToM2: i6mmsacTug s bsLp oZ BTOCK I gLrn 0V. 2 V99TPTOU suq C msa TrTIYE ue o:L $Lgg76a ppiaap.L . e[P VOL9F °� AobKTu2 gprssp' sT?o Pa gobFTUE RtL69 ° T2 Z69; msap °L 13Lg4Ts2; OpLes;', go s bo 6P°off PPG T?,;uR esap 01 g Trus gLsAw ;Lom g boTtrp ou ;ye VOLPp TT VS VT2O Ppgp bvig oL Top Tu PTocK S% pLT7u2ouja�VggTTgTOu,z uQgTug ;O -T; Pps 953p9LTI So t66p oL BTOGY2 2 8 guq TT B Lflu? having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................................................. ................................. ._.. therefore, be it !; RESOLVED,° That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: i 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2.. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. " b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance: OCT 2 7 IWI a Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------------------------------------ YEAe NAYS Councilman MRIMMM CONROY Foam ret aY Approved ............ }c --a9•� •. � _ 1RbANOW PEARCB D MIL PRESIDENT Mayor. i PUMIS M COUNCIL FHlE NO --- - ------ -. ---------------------- By---- -------- ---------------- ------------------------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bene fit S, damages, costs and expenses Ifor changing the grade of Cypress St. from Cook St. to Magnolia St. to conform to the'�red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grad- ing Cypress St. from Cook St. to lagnolia St. to a proposed red line when established, errxovxosssBaee�aaTa In- ? In- the e2 of the aeaeeameat of! ben dt , damages voetataad eme ie t r cl..I., tha'grade o[ Cypreae! Cook ak to=S�4gnoYCa SC: 2gi ` a attttiaced llue�ha the proBT;. hed end��-,mafle a t_- ,Ihe;nt- t•:eetabn6hcd-.�' r under Preliminary Order ............................. Intermediary Order .--..._88067-... - .......................... - .... , Final Order .............. 13.5.'�- .a.--•------•--------------� approved -------•--k:Hk2.... `.Z4. -•-------------_-. ........................... 19..$1 The assessment o£-.benfkf.1t3yllamag a., casts..-and...expanae.S.-fur and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. a A RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......-BStb............ day of 11A441Ab� v;------------------ ---- 19.31., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court- House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and.the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council. -•-...--_O GT21-WI ..................... 19...----- .,° , "' � ------•---•--••----- • - • - -- --•- -- • � Clerk. �Cn Approved. ---•--------• ....... i ..................•--•--19-------.. , ................................................ ., Mayor. Councilman, Conroy Councilman UNDO= McDonald PUBUSHED_ZL— -3��� Councilman y U Mam c Councilman Pearce Reaen rs Councilman Sedboimer Councilman Mayo" Buadlie Fmm B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO..._......_......_.._. -------...._.- By nnl�e.t� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, coats and expenses, for changing the grade of Benson Ave. from Springfield Ave. to Madison Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached -and made a part `hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Benson Ave. from Springfield Ave. to Madison Ave.,, to the proposed red line when established, 7i- -atter of the aeseoaltent of.: �i damages..costs and 0.ponsea �ing(ng the-Fgrade et, Sensor gym, apriuBrm,,,Ave 'r6d;1d1-- e contoreto7 ttached anc �� k10 hereto attacheq --, St - 'ereot the pzen-b -s% ibninB ehowa:_bY ,w' under Preliminary Order..................8726.6..................... Intermediary Order -.............. 82667................................. Final Order... jx7860 ................................ approved ............ J.an....13.... ......... ... ......................... 19...81 The assessment of...banOfltB.,...damagea,....o oatL a..Bali..expensefifor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be -it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....-....2sth:..... _... day of Hayemb.or........................... 19_31, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Con rt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .................. P!/T.IT—Wil..................................... 19........ t�1............... . .... .......72 ....I City Clerk. Approved ............... i-- .._ ...19 d. 1 Mayor. Councilman iiet 4 Conroy Councilman NOguson.. McDonald / Councilman ;eHi1+1 May h PUBLISHED i Councilman A Pearce U Councilman , a Rosen Sudhnimer Councilman XraWWX Mayor $1S1 FM Bundlie Form a. B. 17 COUNCILFILE NO ........................... ........_.. By------- ---- _........_...._--------- _---------------------_..----- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Cauncil Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Humboldt Avenue from Winifred Street to George Street, with sewer, water and gas.eonnections from street mains to.property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving.alley and drive- way approaches where necessary, material to be 7" reinforced concrete, 40' roadway, 9s— ' �t4 at dfie;?'aeaeeemenL, ot; ^�oDLtl aafl;;e;Dentletl-fo! DaY o { l�boldt AvY iFgm ;Wtntfrefl�. f{posBe $t.,, agwef. -.water' gad^ Gonne dm tltrdet: -3' to propet•.i a< ComDie{� " e ,not alte�d , �- step ! L nurbtn� a1� Ditib�n6 `�)_`-. ' appro8C5ed wfiet�• ander Preliminary order .............. ------------------------- Intermediary Order ................... ......-..-....:-....r. ...... approved .... , 19...30. Final Order 86350 .................-- .•1'2....................._................ The assessment of.-._benaflt.a,-..ansta..and...expenses ..... _........ _..... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... 25t11.._......day of 1518 ober.......................... 19....37 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount essessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .................. QG-L1.2.7--ft............. .. 19 ..... .; City Clerk. C� E °)'J ..-19 Approved................JL-4 ^:.::......... ......... .....- --- ......................... Mayor. pUBLISIIED Councilman Conroy , Councilman McDonald Councilman May ; Pearce Councilman Roee>a Councilman Sudheimer Councilman IK&MIS Mayor RK4902k 1'zndlle Form R. B. 17 y ,, I RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AN D FIXING TIME OF REARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING UON TMI E AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of ----- om%mning-anti-bald r,-.an_aasamen.ti-in_the-land-U=0J .ssrZ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Ave. to Flandrau Sty, r - under Preliminary Order ---------- 82955------- approved-_Ja 1y M-,-1W3------------------ Intermediary Order----------------qO= --- approved- _ septa_ 21- 1931 _------ -> Final Order-----------------------q01;M' __, approved --- 8AAt"9,-_1AZ3------- --- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the -above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for *?con- firmation of the awards of dawages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ---- 2,1r'.tlk------ day of ---- hwumbgm-------------- 19_$1,., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----------------------- — ------------- 19_--_ r ®C-j.f, c"r City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19----' -- ------ ------------------------------- Conroy ---- Mayor. Councilman McDonald Councilman May �.� Pi1BLISiiED �.� V Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudhoimer Councilman Mayor Bundlie SERIAL NO. OF ROLL /q/meq D£PARTIT.NT Rb LL IDENTIFICATION SLIP L✓ PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limit LIMITED RETENTION DATE 14ICROFILIAED e 6 CONTENTS e NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS ke NUMBER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED X80 C-4�=rdi- I ; � -, 1 SIGNED Operator - JOINT CITY COUNTY 14ICROFILM BY --- Supervisor 1tlYN0 1531 N01103053tl Ad000tl001 ��'� • 9•i I� �Z•illlll i�•TI •, 8.i IIIII _fie �� , T • 1 IIIII 1tlYN0 1531 N01103053tl Ad000tl001 S08VONVIS 30 Rinne 1VN011VN • 9•i I� �Z•illlll i�•TI •, 8.i IIIII _fie �� , T • 1 IIIII o�z����� p� SE iIC - IIIII �1. si�e�l��� �' O •T IIIII 1 �J