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- � a 8•illl � i o:Z►���� '� �� i � i VIII � _ s.Fuai �e Zzlllll S�.E��iu �� U _j VIII SZIIIII- a—ZIIIII = l� 0 4,10 v i bti O, \Ar „a ,tea ` � fr 8•illl � i o:Z►���� '� �� i � i VIII � _ s.Fuai �e Zzlllll S�.E��iu �� U _j VIII SZIIIII- a—ZIIIII = l� 0 4,10 v i bti O, \Ar „a ,tea ` � fr SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPART2-1ENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION ✓ DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Lima ted LIMITED RETENTION DATE IIICROFILP-MD CONTENTS\'��i��t a NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS .NUI -MER OR NAI4E OF LAST DOCUMENT 1-1ICROFILt3ED SIGNED _ Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor ..,.,,�CIT I V C- ORDINANCE .E NO. 85S42 cNwaoEe �2—Ordinance 'No. 722` PRESENTED BYa,.SCE NQ. ' :anew granting . permieelor J - -J.'Keough to. grade Ne, from Aaael avenue ..y - - Thla fa an emerge no Tough to. grade An ordinance granting permissia r��anrea, n�eaapuhu�O1.'f 4 Nevada street from Hazel avenue to Cur:'.° "(ke . lie s an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for bho presex� i ion of the public -peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority be and they are hereb given to Owen J. Keough to grade Nevada avenue from Hazel event to Curve avenue. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Owen J. Keough for the grading of said street upon his compliance with the following conditions, viz: (1) Said licensee shall grade said street entirely at the cost and expense of Geo. Benz & Sons, a corporation, and to the satisfaction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works,, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by said Commissioner. (2) Said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection of said work. (3) Before entering upon or doing any of said Work, said licensee shall procure from the abutting owners such easement in and to the abutting property as may be necessary for slopes for cuts,_ fills, and shall obtain a written release, releab ftg and discharging the City of St. Paul from all damages for the taking of such easements for slopes, and re- leasing the City from all consequential damages by reason of the grading of said street. (4) Said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously with dilig nae and sball.�oomplete said work on or before the::" . day of c y:.: v�� ....... 193 0. If said licensee shall fail to complete the work within said time, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby - authorized, and the licensee expressly agrees, tl�at he shall have power and authority, to complete said work, and the licensee will pay to said Commissioner of Public Works the reaaofiable cost incurred or ex- pended thereby, and -such cost shall be a liability upon and a condition of said licensee's bond. (5) Sai& licensee shell give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of gti,ce r.••••• conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all loss, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and ex- 1//I Laid over to 7f! iU 3rd. & aPP Yea, N Conroy May L &lcDofralcl Pearce Rosen Sudheimer \[r. 1'res..Bundiic. 2nd. !l �1:I b Adopted 7�� 1 eas Nays .• Conroy �\lay Mc Donald / 4 Pearcc !7 Rosen Sudheimer Mr. Pres. P-idV CLZRKr ORDINANCE �� a ' - COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO. a (2) pense that may accrue to persons of property " occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (6) Said licensee shall, within twenty (20) days from and after the passage of this ,V ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. If such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Conroy May Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Mr. President (Blmdlie ) Approve U Mayor Attest City Clerk 3 i Iwo pe,Pa,r,km nit vF (Ju171rc vrkls" MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER FRED, LOVELL• DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - I. EDWARD GOTTLIREENGINEER WM. N. CAREV• CHIEF ENGINEER M. S. GRYTBAK• BOGE June 23, l 1 930CLAYTON S. STEW ART., SUPT. OF WORKHOU G. H. HERROSE JOHN R OA DOLD. 01- N. AN. GI 111-ANNING ENG NEEROF CONSTRU0N AND AIR IAr. Eugene M. O'Neill, Corporation Attorney, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Attached hereto is letter dated June 18th from Mr. R. E. Bemmels of Geo. Benz &Sons making applica- tion for permission to privately grade Nevada Street from Hazel Ave. 'to Curve Ave. Will you please prepare the necessary ordi- nance to cover the above Work and refer same to this office so that I may have it introduced in the Council? Will appreciate very much your giving this matter your earliest possible attention. Your truly, )AILTONSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. mh a r—� ►.r Y Geo -'Benz FJ Sons Shubert Building, St .lpaul, Minn. June 18, 1930 Mr. Milton Rosen, Commissioner Department of Public Works City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This letter constitutes application for permission to privately grade Nevada Street from Hazel Avenue to Curve Avenue. This office and Mr. Keough have agreed on a contract for the v,?rk. Mr. Keough has about completed Center Street and is ready to go to work on this job, and it will be appreciated if your Department could set the stakes within the next few days. As we understand it, the grade has already been established. • ani Courteously, GEO. BENZ & SONS BY R. E. BUIMELS V. St _ Psail , Mianes ota, Bt 1.930. To the city Clerk. city of St. Paul, ffiianesota_ Z agree to abide by the coaaditlone of Ordinance No. 7223L- sa ordinance d'eat iag ase permission to grade Nevada► str®et from Hazel avenue to Curve avenue. 8 Aei a1re88. NO._ C STY - OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE QF CITY -GL�RK O L RESOLUTION_—�EL�i$RAL FORM . - o�►r June 251, PRESENTED B OMMISSIONEIt Ri=-oLvsD That the C ty Comptroll be author:L=ftd to c -W a check for $20.00 payable to Anthony J. Coz;roq, Commissioner of Public Utilities, for the`purpose oY irg cimnge, in the office of the *14icipal Airport, and cImOLrga to 21 8 4. ; - jl gorel�ad. 'lfhaf t11e �b�'� ,� suthorl>sed to Araw cte fR :' EO 00:; ps7abU to AMMoe = Du4oDto�L Y ildhOiyM - - ah'arge — ALdoyted b9 t6e CaOfIoU iOaO 38 - _ - Ayyrovad June 86 19E0 .' 18901:: COUNCILMEN - Yeas Conroy Nays M�cqD�ona�ld In favor 7 �dheTiznor ainet Mr. Piesldent Ike BL'Lndlie Adopted by the Council 5 19— ' ro d_ =�1�J7''� f " 19— MAYOR COUNCIL ORIOIRAL TO CITY CL e1( CITY OF ST. PAUL - FiLE NO. OFFICV OF CITY CLERK w bC0 UNCI � ESOLUTION—GENERA�o RAMU PRESENB COMM1YE% A4 T - TL1Te 24, '1930��l RESOLVED ,t Whereas, In the grading and paving c5_' E;c3g eumbe Road 4 from Fairview Ave. to Ft. Sne1-i_ing Grade and pave W. Seventh St. from Edgcumbe Road to fit. Snelling Bridge Approach; Regrade W. Seventh St - £s-oa Ave. to Edgcumbe Road; Regrade Stewart Ave- :Cron % Seventh St., Z to Edgcumbe Road; and grade triangular by W. Seventh St., Stewart Ave., and Fort Bridge Approach, it is found necessary to rebus? c3 wall at 2677 and 2687 W. Seventh St. and "(V, fhereas"It is deemed advisable by the Coxumiss oner s of Public Workand the Chief Englmeer to cdo . said work by City Forces; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Department oS' -VVorlis be and is hereby authorized and directed to proceed vvztlz the re building of said retaining wall at a cost riot to exceed $440.00, such cost to be charged as a -i extra on Contract known as Comptrollerls File No. L-3281 vNerers In the""9TeAin� and:.yavinB:'i - p ffidRaPQ1bQ Road„+trom drvletr Ave -� to B6 9ae'< + n �+'��R��MVppb6+Rrilde:� P►b'e' Wg� vath 4t, fr. Qambe �pe/ tb }�Y:'9n$UlnR 3lHdRe AA '. - - ��roach F$tr.aepw�•, 8e�aottr � tra{n: _ tewart :Av$ fa Hdgetfmbd. Rtfad re - pe 9feavatt .-Avai:7Craiq W 8d{enth' ie Q'm's ba4 a al pyy �a't`�Ye 9t.. BEptvPft A`ra sn¢ 1Mi'ne111�jR- Br!:rab 1d roavh tf lelaUnd tlscedWITT - to rebultai+la relq(dlae• Qrelf qC 3674 - and 26pT.TV' eeretlttl4 ijawandf = WcNi—,b xt Ir d$$emed c2Wgrkw p7.,; _ the Cb>»'ugesib"n$r bC.Yubl(e Worke aad- Lhe-7d'as.-Abee)Ftn do geld wvrIL A7. - - - IC[ty.FtiFaee 'the><ratorp, be !t - �Reeolvad 'TheC�tite �leppaarfJm4n� off' 'Pub11L+ W6r$e'be aQd- ie haY4bYisn�bor - - Ifaed W -a anQ,dtreet4� to gre ed1 'Ith they r i(, et` ea �ct2tafa QR-ntl!s,11 'st 4' I oast liar toies:aeeAi�SO'.60 eua'9 a t;Yd be vharsed ar aQ tura pn anttevt'. - AdoUteH by the 04,1 -1 June X36 1990 Apprayed Rinne A6,1990 - - - ,�,_ taupe ae leant COUNCILMEN - - - Yeas Nays Adopted by the Conroy May McDonald 7__ -In favor Pearce ' Rosen G Against ------_--- ---------- ' MAYOR Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie aRlG INAL TO CITY CLERK ITN OFA S7. FIILENClL NC). 46 O FIc— = -OF CITY: CLERK C 1�IGII= 1=SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r► -PRESENTED- BY - COMMISSIANE ATF .Tina ?d, 1 <D-50 That the t -i ma specified for the performance of a certain contract cdated September 13, 1929, between the Clement F. Sc-Ia? a - c: --y equipment Company, Contractors and the City of S -t for the paving of E. Third Street from Sibley street to a point, i29 ft. West of Cedar Street, be a33c--4 is hereby extended` to the3-3tla day of June, 1930, �-r-acl this proper city' officers are here— by authorized to ars - amendment to said contract in - accordance herevritl3� grovicled� however, that this resolutiorz shall not have any, effectthe sureties on the contractors t bor�ci cor3sent th nd file such n conset in writing �. -t-kx alae City Compt o ler. C F •l�To 8684&-"8Y H?iitoa '�r���=a-- _ - Resolved � Thaf:thtime - the "krortorlj'ranee'ot a cartai -i>oats�c�t: _ - sated $aptegfger ;k3 Y989;., ite.��e-8z�.-,,��e � - - - Clelaeat F BealleY ffiQalDsacai �o�—:; A - ksahD';:co6 atla tha �-r-.�_. Lida! _ _ .'sa.tWi7oearmaee�aeasaeae.tsh..'rai=,ae!emeibF>irseyQBat}Y bt}lvstthat7b3e�ld�th' rPldedbe6r"d,reli('eso�tqeofoabtiyt�Iva. of'cwdsr BtA"ht Buhekbatpiiam{sa7f.s��af!r7cWa9_E thlCviftoltion'O-i Aad "rfiReabesh•-8Z"S>'.tRYC�r�3� x-=_�- sisg-aeyl�e.c=p�!�, : - - - - _ .. .surat•as;--s�szs- ,G�Ii: . COUNCILMEN v Yeas Nays 0 Conroy May McDonald "_____ Pearce Sudhe'M,L— Mr. President Bgndlie JUN2 Adopted by the Council_____-'---- Appro - ... .; M ALCOR w s 5 inr_. 3 TO.THC HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF GT• PUL. Gzntlernen'° our, 1?onor ble Body ;4ould respectfully ask that Y 1 et i � for c ont r � ct cause the time of'comp / To extended to Owing to tbis within the it was not Possible for oto '-Z23 sh contract time specified, hence c� desire t o a.sK that the time for oonr s hereinbefore stated. plating same be made Yours very 0Ontratct cr. ction to havin Tcre is no abjeg t ie texGznded-as it requested, time CLO far as tYse ee o $rued. ents of tb3s office ?-r nc 'Repairs gu of Construction & AP .c �pr1 s �h3_ef En¢i Commissioner of Publi COU CITY -OF sT. PAUL eour+c[L No..x y FF'ICE OF "CITY CLERK ' COur4 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY June 24, 1936 COMM SS _ DATA , RESOLVED In the matter off' constnucta.ng a sewer on Langtry Street from Wheelo_cjncz Parl&-way to Cottage St., on Eottage St. from Langtry St to Grotto St. and on Grotto St. from Cottage St. to Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F.- 85626, a_pprovE_-c3 _Titrne 7, 1930. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all progeedisn_gs zzz such matter discontinued. ViNNNI P-.44--t— .Mr. President fisc Adopted by the Councio— 5 193, 19_ PP9✓� MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'tel Qe–, %RD�•U E,�a _ McDonald In favor wed 6�v-z Sudheimer Against ViNNNI P-.44--t— .Mr. President fisc Adopted by the Councio— 5 193, 19_ PP9✓� MAYOR . man cu.c - - - C ITY OF ''. , L , . F10LU � P:O. 8585 _ 'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CV L. SS L-V-1TiOiV—GENERAL FORM l �O PRESggNTTE�D By - - - DATE' June 10th, 93 COMMISBIONE , - - ' 1 �9Pher`eas Urifareseez± conditions not provided for `s4a$ `$;'�n�t*taking o£ t7a8 im}�rovement 2cnown as the paving, Ji"E. Third St. from a poiwest point 129 ft. of Cedar 8t. o -Sibley 8t , t]se C3 en�er3 t F- Sculley Equipment Co. , Contractors, under FiasZ Qrder C. F. 52997, approved October 15th-, 1929 , 73ave arisen malting it necessary to do extra work as per st.naci3eci statement, fhe net cost Of same amounting; to $a, JLa5- 30- B3C80LVEI?, T2zat t%ze Council hereby orders, the extra work to be done -rzacler —.1 -le s'u'pervision of the Commiss otter of P13c �orlcs and in accordance with the specificatioubns tlXt—=,— r, -the cost .of same not to exceed the sum of $2,3.25. 30 szscZ to -be allowed as an extra under the contract itn.ovan as Comptrol3er� s Contract 1-3319 for the making . of the aforesaid improvement. The Dept tmeat of Public Works has agree with, the .� Contractors, C. F. Sculley Mcuipment Company, Suof $2,125. 30. is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying t%e extra material specified the foregoing resol•u-tioae _ Commissioner of Public 14orks. Co t ersi ed 0 ler. Contra. --or. Cheeked Q. {(. Will, S, Rill, Co, Con ii. COUNCILMEN r eas ir. Nays Mc Donald In favor -S�upd�haerim,er_Against �e Mr. President bFodAmt Svsi42 ie Appr ed County Surve r { owio�ww� ro err ea.wwe - .. � PQOYli�s�iSwa�Y -. CITY OF ST- eAClL COUNCIL 52 - - VILt - v10E OF_ CITY' =I-Rmk s UNCI R<:SOLUTION—�'-><ENERJI►L FORM RESO •vs, ;F '�°"n' '"Vi►her�$� the City of St. Paul ciic3 heretofore c .benter into a contract with Clement F. Sculley, doing busixzess. as the Clement E. Sculley Eciu3.pment Co., for the paving of East Third Street .from Sibley Street to 129.., --Et-- weys�t of Cedar Street, . kno and wn as Comptroller ' s L-3318, Whersa s,, the work under said coritract has been comaZetec3 and the Commissioner of Public Works and the City E�mgi.nger are about to issue their 11iofinal estimate, cais2g 'r the payment thereof, and T�hereas� Clement F. Sculley claims he is entitled toertain additional or extra compensation not included In e -Cizial estimate to be issued by -the Commissioner of Publac 90-rIcs and the City Engineer, therefore,be it Ii!-�SOT�VBD, That payment of said Final estimate may be made by the City of St. Paul and accepted by the said Clement r4'- Sculley without pre judice to the claims of either party as to their respective rights with reference to said claim o#' Clement F. Sculley for addi7tiox2al or further comperxsation. , COUNGfLM EN Yeas Nays �" �ie�aotCosaroy McDonald In favor XRkhLmA&om4wzx SudheimerO /►gainst Siez=d Pearce Mr: President Hodasoa Adopted by the Council _ 19. S MAYOR cOu cIL �" "" •",• eL d CITY OF ST. MAUI. PILE, NO V'V�CJ3.. O FICE OF CITY CLERK Gomes I OLUTION—GENERAL FORM . COMMISfISNlR t�ATF WHEREU, A pair, of 9S2a4c=w Ansew as of the value or 45 . 98, = belonging to Florence Johnson, Vsn $urea Street, 8t. Panl, Minnesota, was lost from a locks:� at the Phalen Park Bath house, and as. the City of St. Paul --Ear- responsible therefor, be it RESOLVED, That the pa-o mer _city officexrs are hereby authorized and directecr-to di-avw 42EEml wsrrarit is the sum of X3.98 in favor -of B �a said Florence io reimburse her for t12e loss of said shoes, said sum to bEEDSyable out of the Park liefectory Fund. �C, F Nd $6>7$8=-.'BY LiIYBe R, 'egg_ < <Yife}eab d pair or shoes oY tis. a . value of .{3 88, -babag tnq; to P'Ioraae=� __ Johnaoa 1666 Van .Bar4a. tit3'e0't� Paul; Ennnsa 1pn Was loat;3rbpx 'a: ;oma er at the Phaten PaNk ,HSth iTotig ` _�.a� - as -tRe CUv o[;Ht, PaaI la. r � the;eRore pe 1t:= ea<r,�ia>Fe Itepolv8s 'bat the oA a- asds`ehct- _ ;$ 98;IRt raYor^owC ea d�Fto ence�ffi as � - sah -Eo Vrifbur�e of theb p�It�" Q'a�M to bic _+1doDted by thre �o»nttcti Just $g ZS30 � ApDrbved Juae'$8 SB8Q ;7 (Jaae EB T980) . - - -- _ COUNCILMEN JUN 26Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 19— cbmsormor saw= 16LY McDonald In favor Appra 19— Rsdlblo�Ofen $udlleimer O AgaisST MAYOR XNUM Pearce Mr. President- Hodgson. ga tI _TC�iYI�i A7 RINAL TO CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL - Fo ENCIL NC85 OGIf& OFFI OF CITY CLERK �— 0...., IL R LUTON—GEPIERAL- FORM SEVCOMMISII N RESOLVED That the proper city officers 'be- and that' are herebyauthor- iasd to enter into in agreement witb6 !'rank DeYartina, providing "I for the payment of compensation to him at' the rates of $20-.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the 'employ of the Department of Public Works on the 3rd day of June, 1930; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in aocordance wit3i said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Frank DeMartine, the sum of $60.00 out of the WorkmenI s Compensation Account of the Oene3:� Fund, in partial. settlement of his claim against the Oity, being for the period to and including June 34th, 1930. COUNCILMENjwl} �, .� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Coun _____--------19__--- Conroy- © May McDonald _____ ___._._.In favor Pearce (/11I Rosen !_.__Against ..- — ---______MAYOR____. Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie - - _ CITY 4 _ COUNCIL- [8 [)-�j55' V�V ,`" JRIOIRAL TO CITY CLERK •OF ST.' PAUL _ FILE -NO.- -OFFICE O. .OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -- CO i\1 L RE O TION—GEl\IEF2AL FORM COMM SS ONEY - AT RESOLVED That 'the 80 of Rater 0Ommi8 oacr-a be and At is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with ]&orris 0ohen, providing for the payment o= compensation to him at the rate of $3.4.40 per week during such tame as he shall be tota21y disabled by reason of injuries reoeiveci by him while in the nftamploy of said Board on the' 7t`h day of Jurse , 1930; be it FURTHM RESOLV=, That in s000rdaac 4m With said agreement, said Board is hereby authorized to pay to said Morris Cohen the sum of_ $14.40 oat, of the Water Departmexa1f-- 3rvamLd, in partia.1 settle- ment of his claim a,gaAnst said Board, be — lEr fox the period to and including J-10 87.8t-, 1930. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May ' McDonald � ____ ___________In favor ..� R sen ----�/------ Agai_t Su"eitner Ma President Bundlie JUR 26 awn Adopted by the Council_ _—_______________-19-- ..;,.. - A' it d ----------- -- -------- -------- - ---19- --- -- - -----y- ----------------------------- `_ MAYOR ' - O_RIOINAL TO CITY CITY OF^ ST. PAUL _ �ONCIL NO. E OFFICE OF CITY' CLERK Gc� w-31�iCIL OLUTION—GENERAL F"OF21vt PRESENTED BY June 25, 230 9 COMMISS IONE��— RESOLVED That the gr$ 8 of Charles Street -from, Csr3ston Street to 3E s c+zad Avenue, in accordance w,itlx the red grade llxxa oma-+ tIxe accompanying profile aaa3 as recommended. by the Co��ii s s3oner of Public Works, be and the .same is hereby adopt as the established grade ORIOINII OCIT. CLERK - e - CITY OF ST. PAUL � >Fit—e- N.;0•�H�— CE OF CITY CLERK O 1 —1 ESOLUTION—GEIVEF2AL <—F=OF -M 'c• PRESENTED BV po PCR ST :INE _ ATS RESOLVED That grade of Alley i.n-Block 0j,3[>8s3moyer Park from Doane to at. Anthony Avenues is acdordance with the r sc]L grade line on the accomp profile and as recommVar-M+deci by the Commissioner of P1Lab:3Li4= Works, be and the s-Ee ism hereby adopted as the est$bl3shed grade. JUN 26 191() jum 26 1930 �PP=� --- — ----------------- -19— — --------- MAYOR C ' ✓ OUNCIL w�}} OI�I OINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF -ST FILE NO.. OF GE'OFF CITY,CLERK �riGIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GOMMI55 ONE '� / - ATE J' 2! RESOLVED` In the mutter of opening, widening and extending an alley izx Cr3c* IS Subdivision, Block 52, Arl3mgton Hills Additions under Preliminary Order C- F. 83876, approved 33e+c 1929. Reso3ved 2Ixat all orders in the above matter be and t3z---- s am+a are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded aac2 all proceedings in such matter dis- continue<i - iC; F Ko. 858b8—SY• �[icYtoa--Has¢g— - In tbeln'9.tteT o1`ODe�i?i'�- ���Sub-' dllvteion:5--BtoOC- - - � dlbnontulan ,Ad'ogted: by tha, ADDro�xed 3IIno,26. ,,.j ESunp-8�-�S3A3- �,caasaa=3.�-as�a� zs `-?' _ _ Z�a'6t -_ - COUNCILMEN - Yeas HaS'S Conroy May McDonald ------ __-_LPearce Pearce Rosen --------Agaasast Sudheimer Mr. President Bursdhe - '31 Adopted by the Councilg_g�pp__—c_ ___ 29 Imn _____--- 19 JUN _------ N `;6 1 APPt--19---- G� - a: jfy OR ct G,CE qF 011101HAL TO CITY CL-K i or 00W0 r COU ESE PRNTEDBY " - COMM ISSTONE - QS �0'1 app1e¢tyedll RESOLVED That the 1C8t�r an _ additional garage 0 v0;06 1�.,, 8t Anthony Park Nortp' 000ilelw, hereby granted, and 00 0 Public Buildings 18 pate permit therefor. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy �t May f0vor McDonald ------In .' Pearce e1 Rosen Sudheimer -Mrr. President Bundlie U1 85859 - cm nwww wHo pwyYlulOwww o! w[a1wTIUT1oM Jhae.2uth. 1930• o Mr. IL Y. O �ai31. Corporation Counsel. Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith appeal of Bels S. Swanson for permit to erect an additional garage anti 6. on the east nthony park North -5231 Chilcombe 0 feet of Lots Avenue. BThis appeal lock 25, twas 8P - proved by the Council todeV and referred to you for resolution. We also. attach application of Truman p. Gardner for permit to install a filling station on the southeast corner of Selby and Yackubin St., which was approved today and referred to you for resolution - yours very truly, y Clerk. Acting under ox-a:LTIallce 5.840 of z subsequent OLMen%z -MaE��-j -E3 August 22, and 26-6-11- 3.930 Ddt6 of 'Petitions �s9` 239M Oiziloosfabe Ave: ;i, and. 6--,,:. Ya5 13 ,,t Tij D -00:L .Jllq 7,C -b4: IL) J 4 Y -T o Fs.p, q, -3 x 4 -j -CG UUM110M out (:)/;1.{, JJ Q 11 :F- aj-GLIC,r- ozur-G) zi i. O(,vjlc, bt!14, Tp I& XaoQ8 Blowbpou 4:]JG P0.rf4-<# Q M;r -p I -T c-- Top po pyr. jrgz tATTY JJG OU Z4'o:p 2La.Lql -T T T -P jj .91jo, b m -71P_ 46, ;j7G ObGjjTXJI3, ox-, r.3 x c:)zy,b�oIr ,LPG 1.00g T-Z.Obo6eg Rv:rsrCG P: P-rYTT-P Tu -PJJC-; 4FPG 3:OZFM -,TO,72G VITCf ,Puyrxyr�, GajIr-- 0-� PPG CU-xe O:L -gjje uj:r T --aLVEG O.U.T2� boee:r -PT OT, ;p@ 4!01>.C>& -C- O:L -90 -9 I -T S at -7- P-T-TT4TG,8 ZOL X-Gii-->37X swq -#PG G�--Gb -RT-kl'qpB OTS 33r0WD;O.0 9;• PjjG OPT.TGOWPG zraw —,, -- ar -,-]=Le, Department' Of objections 'on -tc> Issue this Permit conclusions: PublIC Bx age On tile Park" PIaLv-K=CnXXLCLB 91" 1.8 M-1 One ax is based OXX 't-'J:L0 �factL=� tladL* under 9e,iating 3,ze Migin't IDe 3.se of the laY Of preMiBeS. 9Se ente=e!!Aa -t=0e--aa,, ,"xt - t b advisable ordinances i. -E. --0- LCI Y10 110 -use- A�g� �L-t; seems 'th , s land ema 3-400�ELtlon 0-f the Or -tlai-v; the appeal to enlaT94--- -t-lx'e 8.0ceer-a=7 use should 'be , 0=am-ted. . R@commexIc -0-p granted under Section I that t1le, app - Ige -on the East 50 f Act -10 I Of BoELX-Ck- 0 erect EL L>01 2�18 EgIEL=EL hony Park ITOTtU. _ para gr g20 t d 6, B3-0c3lc a!5 off' Lots 5 and $c:>Aj=;LD OF ZONING. Da=lin 14. J. Driscoll A, JIJ PuBIASBED 1 , r PETITIOi?. TO. T'r:1+. 00'N'v"IL OF T:✓ CITY OF ST. MAUL, iYU7,NOTA: The. 0etitioii Of NelS rT.-,ST'2,Ii00n reS�9e0 u'ly s"' v�r81 011. ::r )etlL—o i11er . '21ade Z1Cc.t1011 ca t'18 orF1Ce y0'Of the Departmeiit of Parks, Play, rounds a.:d Public $uilC:ings, for e ,)erinit tol erect a1! 18 x 20ax<<�e a t 2301` Cililco}:foe Avel,ae ,the �)la:aises 'nein; c•.encribec as Uhe i;ast 5rJ feet'of Lo�s'.5 ^.nd 6, St. Anthony Park aor�h, ea�ld,th_ t oil a.ic. c to Perini ?o . 41204 v c. issued. i � �.IJ V V11 Jr alp !',°T1t'Vell b .11. j� )jSOiiooll� 1u')�1Ji2�ti1(teli� Ci X11pectioli, !'l!iCli. s��tod �li,'�.� �;le �:�or.la !�,i s "r�e'.�ri� Tevoked 'or �1�10 �'e�:r�o�a� �l1r,�t theie anonny !?c c 2. pro"porty` }1d `h,, ,t te-Zo111I1 Ordinance forbids the erection of .:_ore than one La, ale accessory to r. hoose , U:1G!G'r +5'•f3Ct1C 20, is^r ;r2.7h 5,. Of the. �,iCAi'.',-Ordla2;.�iCe, the Council is ruthorized -to order t_ e .sea -ace of '�ernai is 00i1trp,ry. to tk:a Crdi,.2.i1Ce� 7.1103:e Cit,.^.tions nxise mictice,ble to Car '—d Your ()0,t .t:lo 1eT �," �, � � ,.�i�e .'�rl���y, ooaipt i ab of S� in Chil6zea residinZ r.t ho'P1e, besides hi'-nnelf BiiL. his life , ,^11C, that then- -Fre tilted c'_11t0?10'ii�BS Ol:'ileC.'(7y Lie iters of his fedaily. The garage C�Iready oft-tl:e ',ore.,.ises is erected one-half on the Ir0'Oel'ty. of to"1 ne itioiler and ane he! -_F oil the ;ze:l ses of 2695 Chilcombe n Avenue, ail:. ccess i'_creto s. aide »ossi'.�le by coOil criveo a.:y ruaii:l; loot t 'e co..;_on 1i:1e of these tco lots eforesiid. I._ u your yeti tioner coannot ::eke _d"iti0-1 to the eia e as i _ion so cs to : Gte � Fie, SaF0e for; ha o :Idditio_lel csrs, '26k o; his .lot a. -ad let:.thenn £.tan1 im-oroteot+eu. - U la,/oar T eiil 7�1 iel des -1279s 60 elect �. ''C �ilEZlt LOCYa6�111 tilu :t Or :1S _e s _"< CL..,,_ 01 _J."..,,on ,.]e,,t, � i 'It i "lrnM� I / I ;�('1;u1 i� ti''1 6:1 r<< .' 0 r000ZC. 0:��?E1' Of �,0t ��p. 11.E �:f�.00... .,J� '.C'•]J , e t_ -_C.:er1 E n e.:l SeS, for t,'_ e Erect on of such..,`�i Of Si3O'_1C oloc _S O t',,e :� b'70Ta r li.1C Oi Sc' C- 10,x, �TOz71C1 _ t :iii C::OeE _)t Corn ith 2il`tee_: (15)-'feet o. Lot "0. P—JocX 25. T <t o:ii 7e ti t`_o. ex deoires to e2:ect -2.-o'OO ,ec- r �e -T- at t;'... rt,Fr Of '":iS ^T .i'.SeB� L'•T (_) feet 'Jc;cfT0Y.1 1 ine of Br0ur'1 ion Street 16 ;1.011 o^ t''r061' e'?G Of his 11re:aises" c. ,lon': hem . r0"Jer t !"'a of LO t `G • C, BLOCK uJ. Your ,ietit i.0ler rc SI Ctf Lilly requests i":.'.'t t'_ 'ie _-.. w a JJi�Cl�. 0 tl;:, v_.Y Of "'.• Pcul c"liw':Orin ,,t�e07,,„_ )t,."i.'..Su_oi_ v0 :e Aven -in" to erec, - z �as descri,ed1,rein- Dau :F , , Petitio__er ORIGINAL TO CITY CWtK COUNCIL CITY OF _ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY. CLERK - C IL RE U tON=GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY - "-�- COMMISSIONE - - WHIMS, Trema- P. _ Gardner has petitioned the Council for permission to install: and maintain a drive-in filling station -- at the southeast corner of Selby avenue and Mackubin street; and WEMA89 A hearing has been held in -accordance with para_ graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No: 5840; and WHEREAS, Said Truman p. Gardner has submitted a blue-print Of the proposedlay-but, with driveways, curb returns, pump loca- tion, sidewalks, etc, for the information of the Oouncil; there- fore be it RESOLVED. That permission and authOLItg are hereby given to Truman P, asrdner to Install, and maintain a drive-in filling station in aocordanoe with the plan submitted; any changes from the plan ,as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances Of the' Oity of St. Paul, under the direction of the Oommtssioner of Public- Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Qommissianer of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings•, and any changes In curbing, sidewalks, ramps,- drainage or other -publio tmprovemaents within the street lines shall be made under ,the direction and to the satisfaction of_ the Commissioner of Public Works. C i No;:>RHBHH--x3Y�:C1yde R. �aY ` i - - Whakeaa fisuman, 4 gnednen bars I eriti4p 4 tb� .Couuyfx ror ytermtaotan - ----- - - �a !rls�k aaa tsathtaiu n, artxe to 911 ` : ( - - xax etptloq at. the tantbeaet. cazr{e t ar andokab4tstree- �'Fna)'oSIL .il h ng hno been fraxd ; _i , in aeogrdanoa wlttl,Pvr h:.8 Bae- q0 8_oLr Ord[nence'NSbO¢B4Hp'snd. - .xuyp eI'm rA ftW 8 bl a FIA ,or Merv, ?� . `Dosoa ]rYou th artrR, s, ntb„s'e - eVenr;,»p�pp xasldni1twna' sec. ; . . o ;fie, .l'ai'c ouF of W.e Qftncx! .Rasolvnat ThhY aelwfep on iRna an � - theHtY„$rk31bfHAY' ans9!r, LLman R` - - ttarane{ q laett{j anQ }'nx fain a-�- arivexn �lttpR'"AtRI�ePW accoraaa+ee -.. ", - wYttt tfie-v�ixan tYu4l 4 a�i'Y,,cltamgew*" - rrota,;th'e an aR 4 [o�e4„�`.���+'wtty>-- mattea�jw&pero�a �hE, �io'itL. S6e..Tbaka anc'2itri`t61�Anw�ottibi'-. .. ftF- 1+aa4 tonaq'ib �l�i- reatt� or kttx�aAs�s_ bullbmtktknpni s op t]d _ ,"' as-'itg ` ' - iR' rovax ,i` _ `/ft t{ tt1��l aSyy C # Yeas M V I 2 6 ase Md sta.k; Adopted by the CouneiL _19 �p��y n� 6 # C� mmiiHlo�[4 ;6}W'oe:ce. a ` sisc ' Mow � 2, tg �waoataa �yY`tbe Can cit June E� t9str .AhAr4'rma �en8.8p lase r d x ,. ,1 . - -- —_ Rosen Against ^ �✓ _—_—____---__ Sudhenner MAYOR Mr. President Bundlie'.: t ORIGINAL OFST. PAUL THIS APPLICATIGN- TO RE MARL IN TRIPLICAT6AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION V _.. DATE_ ;�--/ — --....w.79� TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF•ET. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made P� (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL))^/ FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A-_1.---�"==--�+------ -------"'--------------- (•DRIVE IN' OR •INOIOE GARAOE')� AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT- ALSO eSCR.BB D A5 - -- (EgREET AND NUMBER) -(ADDITION) NO. OF PUMPS----- UMPS —_—NO. OF GAS TANKS.—__—_- _CAPACITYOF EACH TANK—yL----C^Y . .. 910NATUflEOFAPPLI�NT. FILED rLGy.�ofL __ uawess wA Sooaes��/ '. OWEN C. DUNN. ' [. J. MURNAN& Qtt�TM* - �7*� _ ,F... CHIEF � ctv CHIEF or POLICE `l L[ •7�a iia ai o � OSCAR MICHAEL-O[BHARDT. A..T. CHIEF OF Pau= - - qa.T. F!RR •CXI.I .. _ � - _ ^ II , PUblk '6II fe*p WILLIAM IPARRON. ` PIRi PRiY[N�wN H. A. VALE CXInM.ncroR. FI:AI'TAINOFD[TtCT1Y[.-- - . THOMAS 6. DANIEL J. M. CLANCY., COMMISSIONER I RUFT. of AFFAIIA7U9 .IONIOR 'CA". OF DR[C -I L HAaav T. O'COXw[LL. Ds►u*v cowwl..IOX.R [. F. [LYON. M. D. - O..,H. BARFUIFS. HEALTH O►nCOI BUR. OF TRAFFIC A V- R: A. L lOOCIIT. A. BUREAU .OF POLICE ;.". H:K .Mull ' LIB IIK IHEPK OR o -JOHN NAM. ROOM ili'COURT NOUii - '- JOS. MACAULAY.. CNI.I N.IILTN IIMFiaTOR - . [UFI'i POLICR S }IR[ ALARM ' E. J. MURNAN6. CHICF OF POLICE June 16, 1930 I . Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City, Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: herewith is the application ot. Returned to instal a drive-in Truman P. Gardner .for permiilsion the southeast corner of. gasoline filling station on of inspection Selby and Mackubin Streets, and reports Prevention. by the Bureaus of Traffic and Fire and approval Commissioner of Public Safety x ' J. MUIUHANK� CNI[I OP PoLICR FIR. _ Saint _ y OWEN C.' DUNN.K_ I si _ OSCAR (:ANDER.. - CHI[! ' - MICHAEL OE'rNARDT. + .. ,.. ASST. CHIRP or POIAM .' ... _ - . - A.sT. IF �_Y■ �y.��y�� /*yE�1 , WILLIAM ®AKRON. , artmeut vrf... YVi� Safetp C..[1 IM[nCTOP.►IM PMY[M11`* ![.-A.'-VAL .. CA"AIN OF OR[aT1rd - CHARLES ._L. WILL(/. - TMOMA/ 6-GANILF. _ J. M. CL.ANGif. CO""I0810M=k - _ SY o! A"ARATYR -JYNIOR •CAR. 0/. D[TR¢T111tl. ' - - - NARIRY T. O'GONNR[.. or.vrT nerru.Ns!'u - e., or. �TM� - DII/[: M T[wlna.. - ... A. L N....Y. D. - BUREAU OF POLICE DKP T HwTN o.rlea A. tpwar tMRPaaIeR - - - Roo- ..M ---am .0.0K JOHN MAIM. CN'v Nd11.TN IN�►RaT011 J Of. YACAYLAT. . MM,. LI 1 PRs ALA"- C. J_ MURNAN t. Gsrlsr, Or POLJC6. . .jssZs® i7, 1930 Mr. George G. Sudize imgr Commissioner oP PuLblia Safety; - Saint Paul, lanneso-ta. Dear Sir: - Answering yoi_?z's or June .16 concerning appliOa_ for to instal tion made by Trtan P- Gardner permission drive-in gasoline station on Lot 12, Blook 10, a Woodland Parr also described as the southeast 9 -Addition, corner of Selby Avexxxxa and Maclmbin street, ,Will say that I have made an inspection of this location and do not find that this station'will interfere With traffio• k. Varyftruly yours, gar�ergren Traffic Bureau POST CARD NOTICE! - - -- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER CSF FINANCE St: Paul. Minn...----- June--- a`3 -s ----- -- 1 Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th. 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of ... - - - TrumE=. P -----Gardner------------ ------------------------------- to erect and install a filling station on the &_Mackubin= Plot___ 22,_ bll .-_ 19,Woos]l:and--- P_arX-_-Add. --------------------------------------- ----- ------ ---- ---------- ----------- will come up for consideration before the Council in the Couurncil Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the -------- _-----_------------------- day of---------- .---!711x26 ---------- 19$0. at 10 o'clock A. M. dOHi`s moi. i11cTJU2:�iLD, .. Commissioner of Finance_ IL U. JCNIVROI POLIc[ C. PUNN II III•{ 1L�AU� 1 OWCN[[ CHIRP M16MAEL OESHARDT. �Y` - i OSCAR LANDER. ASST. CHIRP OF POLIO[. N. A. PALL. -.: �} +\� �[T` AO\T. ►IR[ CHIRP Department of Public, Safetp WILLIAM ARN %ON, - CARwIM o►D[T[crrvu 1Y IYva1R10N THOMAS E. DAHILL. CHARLES, L. WILLIS.. JONIOII_CAR. 0► D\RRlva. J. M. CL.ANCY. COMMISSION[R EOR. OF AM--. o: H. SAR►USS. .. HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER S. F. SIMON. M. D.' .- SER. OI TRAFFIC HaALTN Omos A. L. EOOERT. .LIC[N\[ IN\BOTH t1. COURT HOYu A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. - D[ H[wLTN O►►IC\R JOS.. MACAULAY. EOR. POLIO[ -\ ►IR._ ALMIN JOHN MARTI. IM\►[OTol1 o. June 17, 1930. Hon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Truman P. Gardner for permission to install a drive- in gasoline filling station on Lot 12, Block 10, Woodlawn Addln, southeast corner of Selby Avenue and Haokubin St. We have investigated this application and report that the installation and operation of a gasoline station at the above location would not seriously increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Ftespeotfully yours, Chief Inspector. aroB/j App�a:catvrz_' �-¢zr License Mr. D. W. Birdsall, - - LOUIS BETZ. VICE-CMAIRYA,N - L. C. HODGSON: MAYOR CHAIRMAN-- - - � - - - - - - D: W. ASERLE ARTHUR CAINES ' ' J. H.. Co.. OF PY BLIC WORKB _ . J. M. CLANCY. _ ♦ ♦ r �`i��•� D00 . W. L: DARLING COM. OF PUBLIC SAFETY " W. J. DRISCOLL rf L. R. S.. FERGUSON. 'COM. or EDUCATION .BNly i- r"Ol ;JOHN FISCHER --- O. W.-ROHLANO. JR.. - �jljj. C�L_FL�i�C�Y ., of - DEN E. LANE . CCM. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES G. C. SUDHEIMER. - _ PITTSSL.)RGI"� BUILDING 6E0. F. LINDSAY - Co.; OF FINANCE I. C. PEARCE. ..CCM. OF: PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS _ .204 - _ _ - GEORGE H_ I-lERROLO. J A. SEEDER R. B.SHEPARD E AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. JOHN W. KELSIEY.' - - ' wTwraw c>I-rtc D>tnsc—o+c w. n EI•+OI'+tsw. A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE CITY: ENGINEER E. M. O'NEI LL- _ - - - ISAAC. SUMMERFIELD -CORPORATION COUNSEL - - H. VON DER WEYER - - WM. F. SCOTT. CITU COMPTROLLER - - Approved - G. L. NASON. SUPT. OF PARKS _ - Jtiine 232d, 1930• , Mr. D. W. Birdsall, city C1 erg. - Dear Sir Re Drive -In Filling Station, Block 10, Woodland Park Lot 12, Addition ( SE corner Selby & Mackubin) Applicant Truman P. Gardner, $y. Frank A. wallrick, . 1.35 Endicott Bldg. Tie above -1 at iozz is to be located in a is permissible under Commercial istrict , and . such use to a. hearing before the 9C the Zoning Ordixsance subject 0ity Council. M-:LT1eeWJLT1 The applicant has agreed- idewalk with to replacing the egistirig brd-ck ridato gradeand a new concrete- sidev�aZlr- eLx1c ramP the blue print filed with according to glare as the application a-nd s7aovau on �7s3-cY� 3 s hereto attached. Yours very truly, ty Planning Engineer. Approved LL I 7V ommiaslorier OT Pub130 �Jor3ss." - gh-=h _ y� COUNCIL /� R R 61 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF(4:iZ�!-AUL FILE N.V�V OFFICE OF CITY CLERK . -COU ESO N—GENERAL FORM r COMMISSIONER ATET RESOLVED That the application of the Midway Realty & Investment Oompany for permission to erect a public garage.on Lot 73 and the west 50 feet of Lot 74, Hewittls outlots, being on the east eof'Raymond avenue between University avenue and Myrtle street, is hereby granted, and the commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _ __.___....In favor Pearce Rosen .-__-�---Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie I . Adopted by the - I D. W. BIROS ALL. (&it_ of #aint f tlut. CITY CLKKK AND /p QOMYL.,ON[R 0► K[OISTMTION t®µ{ra of (&Ity. / \Aleck June 25th, 1930• Mr. E. M. 018eill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Midway Realty & Investment Co. for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 73 and west 50 feet of Lot T4, Hewitt's Outlots addition, located .on the east side of Raymond Ave. between University Ave. end IWrtle St., was approved by the Council today and referred to you for resolution. Yours very truly, City Clark. y - of the week, that the annexed printed notice of Application Yor. Per" -Mit. -To - great: A. Enbldc• -Garage ...... .............................. hereto attached and made part bereof, was cut and taken from the columns of Bald newspaper, and was.printed and published In said newspaper for ............thy"...:........ day that the said notice was first printed and published In said newspaper on .. VMrs"y..... the .......... =,hb�...... day of ..... JWW .......... L D., 19.0.aud was thereafter printed and published in saldne*epaper on each and every sue. cceding......... dAy............ until and including ... $afts'"r........ the ....... lAth....... day of .... LTWU• • • • • • • • A. D. 19.. ZQhat said newspaper was, during all the time In this affidavit mentioned, and still Is, a collection m of reading atter In columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary ftems, printed and published In the English language at an established office, and known place of business In Bald city, to -wit: Nos. 66 to OS East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof. In said city: that the maid newspaper was, during all the, said time, and stn 1% dated In St. Paul, and generally ciremated to said city and county, that Bald newspaper, for more than one year next. preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during alt the time of said publishing, was printed In whole, and published and circulated In said county; that during all the Bald time Baldnewspaper hap consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of fou• pages, of more than live columns to each page, each column being not lees than Beventeen'and three-fourths Inches long; that during all. said time Bald printer and publteher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" haa printed, published and delivered, at each regular Issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of Bald newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time,. has never been, and to not now a duplicate nor made up wholly or patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or.either or any of them. ' That heretofore, and prior to March Slat, 1901, the publisher of said news- . paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County,. an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 88 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1898, as amended. - Afflant known and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A.to Z Is the size and kind of type used 1n the publication of the ` annexed printed. notice: a b o d e f g h i l k l to n o p g r a t u v w x y :' That offlant knows personally all the facts set forth In this affidavit, and that each and all thereto are true. SubscribAa and Sw n t before me this Fee, $. 10 , . day f.: D ... • otery Ramsey County. Minneaota. .7. L. McCUOL, T.4 - No ry Puolic, Ramsey-Coupty, iiun• .Ivry commission Expire: Dqe. .. .......... Received Payment. DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ....... .....19... Per ............... ..:....... Form fe. 1•28 No it A - Affidavit of . Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, .I . County of Ramsey as. .dent=s .•gtasa.... ......... .......... .........being duly sworn, deposes and says: that She now 10. and during all the time herein men. _ . ?,Y o�w1e?w g�_IYlQ o� I' tinned has been In the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper N `y1e a tt''rm+'"xe�ay ao - known as -=ST. PAUL DAII.Y NEWS," sad during all said time was. ,,moi Rpg $�t jaw �p� en¢ now I% principal clerk of the printer of the mad newspaper; that the said M1I 'masa pp nme ?6,. Wn r newspaper, "THE ST.. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time. ' '.Ccun tof :O ey �cuaos�t mi c�oOY°tuci, aad still In, a daffy newspaper printed and published in the City of lit. Paul, �a�iEiway�itsai{t, rms dln'etlaer beA{'ra:f-sera I, ainam�Ao r to the County of Ramsey, In the State of Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, that the annexed printed notice of Application Yor. Per" -Mit. -To - great: A. Enbldc• -Garage ...... .............................. hereto attached and made part bereof, was cut and taken from the columns of Bald newspaper, and was.printed and published In said newspaper for ............thy"...:........ day that the said notice was first printed and published In said newspaper on .. VMrs"y..... the .......... =,hb�...... day of ..... JWW .......... L D., 19.0.aud was thereafter printed and published in saldne*epaper on each and every sue. cceding......... dAy............ until and including ... $afts'"r........ the ....... lAth....... day of .... LTWU• • • • • • • • A. D. 19.. ZQhat said newspaper was, during all the time In this affidavit mentioned, and still Is, a collection m of reading atter In columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary ftems, printed and published In the English language at an established office, and known place of business In Bald city, to -wit: Nos. 66 to OS East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof. In said city: that the maid newspaper was, during all the, said time, and stn 1% dated In St. Paul, and generally ciremated to said city and county, that Bald newspaper, for more than one year next. preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during alt the time of said publishing, was printed In whole, and published and circulated In said county; that during all the Bald time Baldnewspaper hap consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of fou• pages, of more than live columns to each page, each column being not lees than Beventeen'and three-fourths Inches long; that during all. said time Bald printer and publteher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" haa printed, published and delivered, at each regular Issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of Bald newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time,. has never been, and to not now a duplicate nor made up wholly or patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or.either or any of them. ' That heretofore, and prior to March Slat, 1901, the publisher of said news- . paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County,. an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 88 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1898, as amended. - Afflant known and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A.to Z Is the size and kind of type used 1n the publication of the ` annexed printed. notice: a b o d e f g h i l k l to n o p g r a t u v w x y :' That offlant knows personally all the facts set forth In this affidavit, and that each and all thereto are true. SubscribAa and Sw n t before me this Fee, $. 10 , . day f.: D ... • otery Ramsey County. Minneaota. .7. L. McCUOL, T.4 - No ry Puolic, Ramsey-Coupty, iiun• .Ivry commission Expire: Dqe. .. .......... Received Payment. DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ....... .....19... Per ............... ..:....... {Notlee i'le lsere4y�s1 n tett �oreu o! �j ttl 6380 I 4p4ll8eactl1atny.;;Mc11 etiastat'Na °f Paul t., one Toa 46:1 STATE OF MINNESOTAA ,made to the, City CoonelL.af.t4E-C14.oteaai pool, M14Db ate. M"Mlaw►7 R' 88. i County of Ramsey j '. .Realty fuvealtuebt. ca for 'Dermleelon tb. net a DaWla'e prase on,.t4e toilowms 0 ed ' Co 'Zia _ ------ ----- --------------=--�1ee 1�--_.... __ . -being duly mom, deposes and Heys that er1DW ;*eat ascot.yau t ice Ramsey C4ltaty, • ifiaaeagm. `.to-wlt Lot 7a W eu tt 91, Work R tte Osumi Aa, lltlta, Baht-ldl- n cats. On foe pfaR aide ! 'betwe he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the -Saint Paul Legal. L.edga,`a daily newspaper printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said RamseySo State of Minnesota,- si��jjYY + A,,,.,11 That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed�41. . Q-�y.K�i4 LOU Rasrao a e Cntveralty Ve. a•J[yeO °°•.". 'Vated,atgout 111 a sots,: J e lb,, 1P>'p• - �ywa .LYP_ Ji111� hereto attached cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published I%H 3__ in in Y�[._.._Eor #end that all of said publications were made in the English Stine 13-12 Is) said newspaper once each '------- _._ language. That" nqq�' was first insetted, printed and published on. II 'w��Ts�gci�n[ed ,., �tfj�lithed in said newspa r on each and ��y�j'-----f--►a'.lir_-..-_-_..--there- ---._ .-, 191R�_, an day 192�PSC. after until and incluli , the+ait of..._ -_—.-----1 ._.-_--.. That during all the rimes aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of o6de1 and legal. publication j - as required by sections 3 and.4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws of Minnesom, 1921, and that it has mcnPlI d with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as defined in {ayd actiogqqp 3 an toxic that for mote q, ca Lot ) - one year fat past from the daft of first publication of said _TtsOY-,OI �.. +'Ols - I newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issuedinthe English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to the page, each seventeen and three quarter f inches long.*y*y,,..�� 8 �� (2) Iuued�isaarYwa Imp o�ffim established in such place for publication and equipped, with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same, (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patenm, plate matter and advertisements or any or either of them. t' (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies re rly deli d 1p pajn aubsaibe � and that prior to the date of the first publication of said— -_. having 1 _ I - . S_� . _ __._.-._�� —.—. the publisher or printer in -charge of mid newspaper knowledge of the fact, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramary, store of Minnesom, jl an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Sessions taws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz.: abcdefghijklmmopgrstuvwxyz. abcdefghlJklmnoDgrstuvwxya. l Further affiant with not, -save th affidavit is made pu suant to section 4 of chapter 484; Sessions Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to eco any the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal j - advertisemmc. - Sub and swom to a -------day of _..._.__._..-_—'_'__ ---------- 190-0. .. .. - My Commission expires ... Ile.," t€+*140>. ih>tafbWs, Minn., Public, Ran soy Co ty. Notary _,___ . Cth. 1954. _ --_ "AM s STATE OF NnNNESOTA, T County of Ramsey J 88. ----------------------- _-------- bring duly mom, deposes and says that e now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, a jaily newspaper printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota; j "That he has knowledge of the facts and knowspersonally that the priumdUctiCO__-$If ",��p]..j,-Ci?'G.10I1 nT nPrrni . _hereto attached,- cut from the reforms of said newspaper, wai insured, printed and published _ c , said newspaper once in each _____ _ay ___—for____- al.TStand that all of said publications were made in the English That said no�t,'ce was first inserted, printed and published on_Re-da_, the�.a. ._.day of ------ __.____-. 959 I �sad was printed andrpublished in said newspa er an each and eve .---iy-_-_------there. after until and including A" 14aY_, the19ith.-.daY oF__.--"-.----��WE_...__, 1923_ .. That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified u a medium of official and legal publication as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requireasenta that consriture a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the dace of first publication of said Notice-. gf_QV-119,5.t fgr r�nj,} ..—pop— has been - (1) Printed from the place from which it purports w be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet forts equivaleat in space to at least four pages, with five columns to the page, each seventeen and three quarter inches long. d a:l ly , o xc epts. S und-Y u - (2) Issed -- -^ l wry from known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up, to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of parents, plate matter and advertisements or any or either of them. (4) Circulated its and nea r its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred aad forty copies r_�e$$ularly delivered to pa 'ng subscribers and that prior to the date of the first publication of said___ -__.__.....___- J. VL- Of _ -DUZ -_Y-O =_i ei ' 1 _� the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facr, filed in the office of the county audimr of said county of Ramsey, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required andsetforth in section 3 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a�printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2 both inclusive, of the site and kind of type used i. rhe eorrsposidony printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz.: abcdefghijktasnopgrsru--Vat. aeedetenuxtmoopnratuvw m - Further affiant saith not, save that this -affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws Minnesota, ,1921,- and is intended to accosspnay the bill for the pub' tion in said newspaper of the a oresaid legal- . advertisement. O S .and sworn to fore this----_—lt`-at_h_ .'_day of _-_.._....-. @--------_.--------- 19 �. ....__________—_—___— My Commission expire .-_ ----- Notary Public, Ramsey oun , Minnesota._ ' FL-ORENOE E. HARRIS, My L'o sission Expires June 9th. ttlw- 85862. CITY OF ST. PAUL FIE - NO. ORMNALTo CITY c"mx —=. OFF E .OF CITY CLERK O IL OLUTION—GENERACFORM Jude 88,-1980 _ P�EEIjIED BY AT SSE I IQNE . RE e'iwsf fleece- yr a�icon Caen -- _ . T7here8sa CountY'8�7vbr - _ . plaoe6.renD1 a OL htq j .tore oa o1lY,[mProve NaP$ Delaa 'Manola119 yt�eq 4 ¢wa'atQf RttnA a ,aaH= -i 'county Surveyor has placed employes being aiedbycountyfund., and tscity sent work being g financiall Yd Whereas, The City Engineer is responsible under, the Charter far inspection of certain improvement work. done 'finder city plans and specifications, and Whereas, To avoid duplication of inspection, it ears desirable that county inspectors assigned to aPP county skd city work be used by the City Engineer as city inspectors, and Whereas, The County Surveyor has signified to the City Engineer his willingness that such county n- spector.0. be- so employed, now therefore, Resolved, That the City Engineer be authorized to delegate to county inspectors assigned to eity improve - Ment work the same duties, responsibility and authority held by regularly appointed city inspectors; and that said county inspectors on city, work ,shall be responsible to the City Engineer in the same manner as regularly ectors; and that the City Engineer appointed city insp shall have the right to withhold or to remove delegation of said authority to county, inspectors for caused but shall not have the right to remove county inspectors from the work. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May, McDonald --- — ----- —In favor Pearce Rosen ____G____Against Sudheiater Mr. President BI ndlie I - JUN 26 Im Adopted by the Council_ _-____---------19------- AppSUN xa IbGb rove - - - ----19- ---- - MAYOR PUBLISHED -��- eowtciI- NO. �rawr. ri am, amort ' CITY OF 8T. ru.c OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL Rm OLUTION--GENERAL FORM 1 zI'ITEO SY CA -M Jt1rM Al,.�Qy COMMS ONE RESOLVED YPmna, Tbs Commissioner of Public Safety, Bareau of Health, bas reported to the Cormdl, in accordance with Section 53 of the City obarter,' - Of the existence of an emergency which rendered macessary the 'employment said certain employes of his Department' for more than eight boars per day, employment being mase than tbeir usual hours of employment: THERE13C18E BE IT RESOLVED, Tbet the proper city officers are bgreby authorized to pay the following named employae at the rate otharwiae hued for extra employment for the extra time }Iprs inafter set iortb: Nam Title Eburs Aate of Overtime Albert MoNeary. Utility Laborer, Carta *3518, 24 hours 550 isll0�''x Ivo a�amtlbceIl�oksRnuaatDoaBftmsPe`-uTfiDe - br- as TheCo ',Wetyuaubiath� Y ported tar ha Cocnc aeootdapetr With 8ectloa 68 cr the; Clty Charterk-:�I1 the,asletenoe O2 an msiet6engr Which 1 randered..neceaeary the emDloytiladt xFt (cartatri emplgyeb o1 h14.�0Ddrt+ilebt;or Y`I mote jhan el Dt' hotira; Dor day, aaiQ emDYovmoPt ;�elbg pfO�a than tneFr uevat houYe 'ot emDtOygt�Yt U.Thbratore 9e 'It �taob3rod That.�kbe - vS r atb o(tppDdta $ia; LeroD3!-dugLor sed to Dsy%-the�JojlorylnS named 'em ':: .- ' ployeS at-thjp rate ath rWl'pe ftY'eQ,tor '_ oxtraa emprovmeat< tnr'�eha A%tFa Uma. herelnµrter'eet Fpt3D Albert iibNeary YtC�IRyy 7,.ab4�'er. - - Cerd xo 1631 8b fro. -ai -Iidopted Dy! tho Conpo711una` Ea 151`p " ;gptiro "-' June S 3x1 (June. W398a� COUNCILMEN JUN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 19-- ' WmAonroy JUN Approv t9_ McDonald In favor 1Ca1lsa8ossa �i Sudheimer '" ;_L'-Apinst MAYOR BdematPearce Mr. Presidemt m6memalie t. In emsrpuoy bas arisen in the DWAMM MgN1' OB PU=C BA3MTY.' Bnrfau of Health, rendering necessary, the employment of certain emPlogeee of that Department for more than eight bore per day, in the doing of the following work Attending to regular Janitor work at Comfort Station. This omergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Janitor away on vacation and the otbar was sick at that time. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Bureau of Health. Rea Officer. "COUNCIL R: iR��.�. -OR161NALTOCITYCLERK--- CITY CW ST L: FILE - NO. FFICE OF CIT I T 'hK U C ESO TIOAi-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -A•FF.=�• ' COMMISSFO t�iE - -REsoLmEo, `i'xat the plans' and specifica-tions covering cafeteria equipmexzt for tlae Harding Junior High School, as submitted herev�itYi� prepared by the City Architect under the direction - of th8 Iominissioriex• of Parks, Playgrounds and Public buildings, be and the same are laereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Comnissdor�e sof Education, and the Purchasing Agent r' is 3aere ioy autb-orimad to advertise for bids thereon :in. tla-e manner provided in and by the cY2artar. -ZL.+�solved. Thal LLB 93azw ;sRd"apeci� - �-s-+* s>covoria"g xa3dsrla.. a¢qusameat i - _ -fs� LLe' -A •,moi•• -g Saaior-^8f"Sb SeAeoI[ - ag A�Itted It¢raWltla'grsp8rbd h4'.iha .�C1Yy.. A;oTtlteCt-.�nader.tha dtzacsiiaa -or - L3ae CozamiaslOaer .;ol ,r-ParSb Play' _I Lro�ds-_ sad "'E,'-ubHc '�*aSZdisBs -De, :ana - -Lh-6 68i1t4 .'RiQ` ',,t4�iCi:lljC aD¢nOQBd. +ytal$ _ � a' De1aS- �# •-'org to _Yha .forts,. a.Ttt�+2H@'a.1 1t1' authvrFzatF tb 30 aa�txsia'LF�Ycoa J,a the saasu - al.er-�roviaiBd'-Sa`8nd _bF tea- � 'rtar �doFatbd. bY,:ihe 'Cotiate3t Jat►9 S8 cY99� +4pD1'ai*eA Jazic ZB Y986 _ - COUNCILMEN Yeas plays Adopted by the Council— — _ - 19^ Coa=oy lvlay Its IVIcDoaald ______Ia favor Approve ----19 Rosea- --------Against --- ------ -----__- MAYOR Sudheza�.er LVIr_ President Buadlie toUNC � No 85865 - CITY CIF— ��■�iJL FILE -- o111o1N11L To CITT CLIKRK - FICE OF CITY CLERK., C N SO 16N—GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED By AT COMMISSI E RESOLVED, That the plans and apeciPicatioas for the addition to the Murray Junior. High School, located at the southeast corner of Buford avenue and Grantham street, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the s"ame being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise. for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy Mayonald._----In favor Pearce Rosen __._------ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie ppp g� a __ A•dopted by the Counew `7 ---19.-.— 7 oRIGINAL To.CITY CLERK PRESENTED f - COMMISSIONI PAUL _FILE OFP'1Gi= OF` CITY CLERK /J C R SO _,Lj �1--GEI-IERAl- FORM. / June 25" 1930 OAT REso�� In: the m IC � 86866—BY hI-ilton Etoaen= ,, - _ Na atter of co struottn8 a war �-- on Minnehah c' f iq' Oxford , SL ' A Ch8t5u' rie - �„ ha3n. -n th ,. i - $ $elder On s� :>� = 2n the ]9labter of con.strncti2l$ S t Chatsworth St. and minnehaha St. frOm %Jxf OTC1 t . o on Chatsworth St. from %irsr:ehals 8t to Seminary Ave., Under `Pre1i»inary Order- - %` . 84809 approved April 8� 1930, and gi ria'1 Order C . V • 85726, approved June 17, 1930.' Resolved, That fixe plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be an. the same are hereby app�ovgd. COUNCIL -Me" Yeas Nays 5 Conroy May McDonald __-___-In favor Pearce Rosen. - ------ - --------- Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie JUN 26'in .,Adopted by the Council-----_ - ---- _---- JUN -JUN. of APpt - --19 -- MAYOR IUBIASHED ��/ 3 r COUNCIL. �Q. CITY OF F.1} -E t`L �d- oalamwL.�o urr cenK - _ - - CITY .CLERK ' c per' ICE OF A. G�GZ �SOLUTI.O[�I—GENERAL FORM Jae 25 1930 iFt AT COMMISSIONS - - RESOLVED 1 C F -�No 86867—BY Mtltio Rfla¢a b C In the matter t conatrucdag@macer- YapnB9tr Gt from T yior:Av�aae a seer` on n D81ttt Ell feet 3 ut>ti r �s. o f constructing Young :E7Stro s aylor -venue to a point 20 feet n the i mat orthern Railroad Right of V'lay South of , under Pr lis � ry Order C. F. 84540, approved Ijjarch 12 , a -9Z0 cSid Final :order C - F* 85725, approved June 17 ' � the plans, specifications and ass OLVTTThst estimated tyle as submitted by the Commissioner =+T -'mss for thm e above named improvement, be of Pu -b3 -:Lr -Pu -b3 -:Lr -o and the sa�� a='e hereby approved. COUNCILMEN - Ycas , Conroy May McDonald --------3n favor Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Mr. President: Bstr>,.dlie _, 1 _- Adopted by .che COUni Q " -- JUA 26 Appr — — 'PUELISFiEA ON...M.. TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ALUL FILE w`jJ'(JLJ�� , OFFICE O CITY CLERK ,Yv. _RESO 101\t GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - - - - June. 26, 1930 -COMMISSIONER— BATF xr'YIa>mlt.*,..]trltenette..a- s.I� DIL- Mre.R a.�essRop� x a5 r tom_ they matter Of Constructing curbing on both sides of Magnolia Street between Payne Avenue and Edgerton Street, under Preliminary Order. C. F. 82570, approved September -11, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 84008, approved January 14, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN - .gut. 213 'n Yeas Nays Adopted by the Conroy .,.:��� � O ! - May McDonald-7___.In favor - Approv ---------------19---..— Pearce Rosen" --V7---- Against - — —� . r---' --- - MAYOR Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie ; i17.IS LD-�� � - C.—CaL 85869 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I -G �TY- OlF S;^aLIL FILE NCI. . 91 OFFI OF G1TY CLERK gg R I JT'lON—GENERAL FORM - y, ' PRE E661QNE :nA!T� June 26• 1fb0 RESOLVED e1 egnettnbtld� Gerbi>Dg. q°both�M.; or .WelteEleY /bvenes% _ - ..''Lt.NMMftod $ean�tb CYoau -`to Clevelar.T �� ter ofcoastructi curbing on both sides of We11.es1ey Avenue from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, atucigr Preliminary Order C. F.. 8"84, approved M=+ -z -ch 5, 1930, and Final Order 85297, approved May -.0>O, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are herby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _7 ------ In favor Pearce Rosen .0 -___-_.Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie AN Adopted by the Council�_1`��! `19.----- Approved - — - --- I / MkAYOyR� 85871- Council File No..-----• . PROPOS/moi 3�0 IMPRQVEMENl' pitmx IZblEI3�T�►RY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the MM&++s adE *XB €�0�8 pubha improvemePt by the City of 8t: Paul, vis. c ...ConatTnIP.ting:--a __asn►s= a��- a3z-�tr�ea __Lro>t: Stns:_Btraex_:.i<a a &4#ti.:Q-__ss�a_r� SSE: -------------- - -- - Dated this _5th ___.__--day of ------.�v-.ts3�?i lsz C F Ro 85871 Whoreas •Abstract ' - 1maktng of fh follow+ =onosaI r r I.. ".Coa9tructi� ,.-.:. lmarova���'�.,��INiI3�T �►��i-OZ2DER. .. WHEREAS,; A written pro p iiora—u+� ' A Tri T' g of tie following improvement, Viz.: Constructing—`$xa�er__3traet__from i�tna__Street: to_• a..P.oint__25 Peet_ Sas__o-.- acs__ ---------------------------- ... having been presented to the Council of the -City o€ -5 _ Psul----------------------- -----_----------_- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the -Commissioner of P�bI3c. �Oorbs be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To, investigate the necessity for, ,or CJ E: bzZ;ts _ o£> the malnng of said improvement. cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or slcetcl•><- at - ca 4. To state whether or not said improv6XXXeaI b. To report upon all of the foregoing Adopted by the Council------------- ------- - - + - YEAR CounoilmanxSaWDS0011rov, MaDomALD I _ - " BUDHEIMEB - - earca MR. PREaIDEarr 1,o.m C A 13 (2M 2-29) - -*Tr■ provemeaz.. is a4ltea for on the petition of three or more owners. s to tSe Cao* missioner of Finance. E3pprovedL- ....................... _---' / - - _ _- . Magor. // I'tTBLISHED�� 77 SHEET TOTAL-TORWAR � ;`,4 1!m COUNCIL ...... OITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAU .. FILE NO . �aZ"assZww.___ OF E OF CITY CLERK - GOLJ1tiIGIL ON GENERAL FORM Pf2ESENTEO BY A-rFJm-e S7_ 1930 - COMMISSSQNE - RESOLVED Shat the COnaes3M hereby approves the recommendation of the Qoatal�5tee oa L��R that the following described property, Lots 3— 2— 3 aad 4L., Block 1, Haller's Addition, which was advertised 1= Timmm this year and on which no bids were re -he given _ oa a ninety day option to billy to S. W. G ateche, 957 Z.iaeola Ate. , 3a ®onsideratlon of $5.00, at the price of $4e73LO-00, whicsh is the Valuation placed on this property by the Oity. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Conroy May , 7 McDonald__ -__._In favor - _Pe�LF Rosen, _ ---- Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_ x1_19-- . y�i� Appt -- ---19 MAYOR. _ City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT. OF PURCHASES OFFICES: C. A..CARLSON, PURCHASING AGENT' PHONES: - 301. COMMERCE BLDG. H. P_ aORNEMAN, DEPUTY PURCHASING AGENT CEDAR 8680 GARFIELD 33']1 GEORGE J. FISHER. 16T ASSISTANT BUYER _ St. Paul, NuDu. June 37, 1930 RBPORT TO THE COUNCIL BY THE CONKITTn ON LANDS TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: The Committee on Lands recommends that the fallowing---p- described allowingdescribed property, Lots 1- a- 3 and 4, Block 1, RallerIs Addition, which was advertised in June this year and on which we had no bids, be given on a ninety day option to buy to R. W. Gutsehe of 957 Lincoln avenue, in consideration of #5000, at the price of #4,710.00, which is the valuation placed on this property by the City. APPROVSUt 0OWUTTn ON S or _ VJ peril " G/ Commlesioner-of Mducation Pnrohae ng en't`er RZPC -TtW TO TSE COUNCIL, BF THIS COMMITTEE ON LANDS TO THE HO11O-%4-,jAzaI,L COUNCIL Or, THE C1FY OF sr_ Gentleman; Thi - Ccmrnittea on Larads recommends that the following described property, Lots 1-- a— 3 and 40 Block 1, Ha13erie Addition, vat►2cU vs.s a Ivvertiserl in duns this year and on which we had no 'bds a be g3 ven on a n-inetyr day . option to buy to H. W.. Gutsc3ze: oS 9PS7 Lincoln avenue, in consideration of $5.00, at th:s -pricer og . S4,7MO- 00, which is the valuation placed on 1.23.is ;orovex-" by the City: _ COUNCIL . NO. --&W5 CITY OFF ST- PAUL FILE ORIGIHALTO C- CLERK OFFI OF CITY CLERK CO NCIL _ OL U-rIOI-I—GaNF-RAL FORM,— ATE - PRESENTED COMM ISSfONE - - - e=zt: hereby authorized to RESOLVED Shat the Puresh�BiaB ♦� troller, one Auetia gee#bra` purohage, erith the aoasent oY the Doap - Aipmnorter to be egfs3pped with 13-�toot blade and mole bosr�, and aoex er Ceeth, or the BvXeau of . Street Oonetrnet Moss]¢ aad on Y & gam r, ILt a prise of . *485.00; w3 thout asking for informal used �asshinerS on =hioh it would be i>epoeeible bide, &Z this is Thad- yunioipal to obtaini I eOvUPett2:va tails. phe,rge General Zq ipsraat- 1003-0 138 COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays - Conroy / May / McDonald ----------------- 1[tt favor Ra— / Ro------- - ------ .Against Sudheirn— U �. Ma' Preaidcnt Buadlic � - - a91689'4 2700 19_ Adopted by the Council -- -- --- ' --- ------------- -- - MAYOR CI CL[KK - - _ FOUENCIL . NO. CITY OF T.' PAUL _ -- OKIGIKALTO F IT CLERK OU E UTI ENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BY - - IAT - 8e BQiIIer have rtsade appli- cation for licenses to operate nine (9) auto c8rZ� zesr_s pzivate liveries upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, described as f031Cw'mw 4mm- — Make 34�cz or Ho. State License No. Insurance Policy StudebakerS ?4 B-56590 Anchor Casualty Co. Ido. A-13195 It n o ° n 3�?_3 B-56588 n n n� B-56587 a " n?8 $-56586 n67 B-56594 n�—s91 B-56589 u n a n�98 B-56591 a B-56592 n n n�393 n a B-56595 _j&sLxr be Sc Miller in accordance with Ordinance No. 7181 have yP�tF_!i� �i^t T-�s.mcs with the City of St. Paul, and said policy has filed a copy of been approved ms policy -oxmm by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it gg Q s -that; licenses be issued to said Manthe & Miller to operate to the provisions Bald auto cars streets of the City of St. Paul, subject Rosen _ -------- Against: Sudheimar Mt.' Preszdcs� Buridlic AM 27 IS -it) Adopted by the Council_______ -_-----_----- ---19----- Approv .�1 !�7 R:3.:FV---19---- MAYOR .. COUNCIL NO..�-Li+.i�+-. GITY OF ST.. PAUL FILE - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - ` O GITY CLERK UTIO ENERAL,FORM G PRESENTEp BY oAT .COMMISSIONER _ S, applications for Ziceases to operate auto oars as taxicabs WBEREAtbs City of St. pa83t, have b®ea made as follows upon the streets of 1ie�e Notor No.. State License Insurance Policy Meme 1553a B-48205 Midwest Mutual 10586 $erry Peabody int X805, Midwest Mutual 10534 JoYn Talty Paige 419419 WHEREAS, applicants i2i accordance with Ordinance No. 7181, have filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form by the CarPoration Counsel; therefore, be it gESOLVEDy that 33 ceases be issued to said applicants to operate said auto cars upon the streets of the City of St" Pavia' subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Naps ,Conroy ' May McDonald ---- ----Zn favor Pearce Rosen -_-----Against sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie 2j7:1�'� Adopted by the —19 - - o-1A�V—19_--'— Approved__. ----------------- MAYOR -----MAYOR _ _- CITY OF AUL �,. _ owio�wwa.To clry c�Ea�c - 'POF .CITY GLEFRK r GENERAL FORM SOL AT COMM. 55tO E _ •, - RESOLVED sons named Twat Ziccases for whigh app3A ►tion i�as been meds by Pw an the attmc-12 cm Zist be and the same are hereby granted and the City alarlc is instructed to issue suoh licenses upon the Peyme3t into the city treasury of tl�a ,required fee CO ti tV Gl LM EN Yeas Nays Coat-oy May Z��icDonald __------ --- In favor Pearce Against SssdE'ieimcr �jr_ presidcnt Buadlic Adopted by the _ '— MAYOR----- June 27 1980 445 IIniversity Air: Butcher. Brucloser Market, Heni7 elbrtic3 229 Front St. Av. u -Hah Frk MoOauley� 503 IIniversity 1948 Ashland Av Oro A. C Boyce:'. 937- bSagnolla St Bakery Grocery Otto :Brauer E. J. Clapper 726= E. 7th St. Av. 1949 St. Anthony Confectionery E. H:•.Edwards Wilfred B..' Garec3gy 1488 St. Clair St Grocery, " 'A Gottfried & Sas 342 Raymond Av 1599:1601 W. University Av- Hovde Food .Mar'Szst 54 S.Syndisate Bakery" ' John' R. Kelly 201 N". "Cleveland Av.. Grocery " C. E. KsltY ,. H. KoZ10*8ki 984 Rice 'St. Confectionery John Lambert 878 E.- 3rd St 595 St. Peter St. Grocery Confectionery. R: D. Lanreaae- - C. J Luckesi 2066 E. 7th St. ` Peter St. " Sal i 9 Mal-ood Edward M. Mergaas. 518 St., 664 Bay' St. Grocery Delicatessen Abe` MO Abtional'Baldag - 1082 Grand Av.. 569 Broadway Bakery Co. 2049 Arcade St.- Grocery Mrs Ida NorcI3 - and Thomas O$Rou v - 3 520 Albany St: 614 Wentworth St. n Bakery paramount Piers: CO. lac 1912 University Av- Grocery H. D: Peteraogs Ida Silver ' 450 BlA r St. " Confectionery Pagl.Steinmeta 260 R. 5th St. ;,' 1211 E. 7th Coaf-drug - n C. , A.Tbompsoa � ar 842 Vfb: to Bear' Av. Grocery c.', A. TYiompaoa "3 918 E. 7th St. Anton Thede on"V0an 1B5 E., Winii'red St- " n N, Y S. `M. Weh na ` St 100 8. , Dale . 305 Robert. St. Restaurant RJ. avinev . D 260 E: 6th St.., n John Kargoff � 238 E.:.7th St. n Michel; Marco s_ Roe& Mua8oa21 3.64 N. Sne111ng Av. n Theodore Theodor 267 E. ;8rd St- n :J. James Pnat33s3 s� 418 Broadway 7th St: n Yate Petersors� H L« SeLtYa�]ri 180 E. 263 47.,,7th St. n Hotel (Ecoaaa 75 rooms) John AS-6131222-8 E. 7th`St. 516 St. Peter St. Hotel (Congrsss 44 •rooms) Hotel (Garltogs rooms) Joffi Califar�oi Gabrielson Sc`Co.Sacs- 493 St. Peter 6th St. - Hotel (Park 38arvoms) Gahm %argot£� 260 Z. 236 E. 7th St. Hotel (MerObugXrts i[ote l (Glasgo�s 24 rooms) Harry T. 1QagC1 2? L W. 7th St. - R. +' urn-g"12& avne z7, 1950 (Gasoline station S PCPs Gas 8c -'s Co - 962 N. LeydnBCoa Av _ n 4 PUMPS Atlas 'FederaGas _ �' ederal 01 L 82 E. 9th St. - 168 Pront St. ' a n 2.'Pumps „ n 4 'PUMPS PU 2289 Ford o n 3 pumps Standard 0; � Hca v 1537 St . C18- St . 4 pool tables Standard Oil � 365 Western Av. � Igaaa Hac � - 878 E. grd St John Lsmb--. �. Said Mahmc--- 518 St. Peter S -t _ Auctioneer' ' S. La Ltbm—='E s 665 Broadv-7 415 5.. RObex't S -t � - Avn3le, Hanger, Dance hall R.' E. Hu]:mar _� 453 No. Lexingtv�'v + Fumigating John J. LeL -'� — V. Smit �� 512 H. Prior : Av. 011 Burner Device H• Harry R. 7�Se : Cos 984 E. 5th Sty 2937 27th Av. S� �$S n n n r Motion picture theater Home.ffi'''g$y�g - N. VfTheat�rirauit 1595 Selby Av. Poolrooms -•-- 30QO Peet from schools CITY OF ST. PAUL F �eNci� NO. 79 OFFICE OF' CITY CLF_F2K r C NCIL RESOLUTION—CGE[11=RAL' FORM - comrnissEori June 25 1930 RESOLVED —- the Northern States Power C–_caaapany given permission to set 4--4-5 =c>at -�3ea on the West side of3L113-sues." between i — and 6th. Streets with me cs s sa xy s, wires, anchors and TeMfat pk3Lorae wires. Lima to #11596. Yeas Nays nvk,_0,k McDonaldjj� In favor Sudheimer� � _Against t�dlrlael Mr. President i Adopted by zlae CounciIJWAVR�10 19- 19— Approv MAYOR m COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY- OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-- - OFFI OF CITY CLERK C CIL R Lxj-riOIV--GENERAL FORM - + PRESENTED By -. June 28, 1930. .. { COMMISSIONER ATS RESOLVED Whereas, The City o:r St. Paul by C. F. 85363,' approved May .2.2, 1930, reduced the contract for fill to be placed on the MI -ml cipaIL girport property known as Contract No. G-2178, F3orida & Southern Dredging Company, Contractors, from 1, 300,, 000 cubic yards to 1,200,000 cubic yards, and Whereas, The Pizial survey by the City Engineer's office shows that 3.,P-305,3-70 cubic yards of fill was placed by said contractor, t7zereFors, be it Resolved, That sa3_d contract be increased by 16,170 cubic yards at 00-3-107 per cubic yard, or a total of . 2,05Z.59. . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays R Conroy Maya. / -A�Iepoygjd (:;L—__—In favor Pearce Rosen _____Q______Against Mr. " 1 residen�',e 9 J9l�I 2 F q'w" Adopted by the Appro -19--- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESEISSICNTEC COMM RESOLVED That thessioaer of Public Works be and he is hereby auaria- directed to complete the paving Of the East side o:E, intersection of Raymond Avenue and Charles Street bg �'o�ce account._ Estimated most 07oo.00 to 'be charged to fund 81-E1, City's Share o� 3r-4=)oczL:1L 2mprovements. COUNCIL N=o. CITY CIF ST. PAUL FILE rid OFIGE 'O CITY CLERK U[\i I RIES > TION—GENERAL FORM � e 7s 19x AT COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May Pearce (� Rosen Se>&Teimes- - Adopted by the Couacil—_____---------- — rov _ _-- ----=- 19---- r .. «�... CIT O IC OUNCI ESQ PRE_¢ENTED BY COmmMISS10NER RESOLVED COUNCIaL T. PAUL Fe-���77�7�� E O"Tif CLERK )LOTION—GENERAL FORM June 18, 193b DAT Whereas, The Joint City and County Civic Committee has authorized E. H. Bennett of Bennett, Parson & Frost, Chicago, Illinois, to render consultation services on the Third Street development, and Whereas, Bill was rendered to the City of. Saint Paul by Bennett, Parson & Frost for professional services on May 23, 1930, also traveling expenses,which amounted to $219.29; be it therefore Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $219.29 in payment of said services to be paid out of the Third Street Bond Fund - charge Bridge Building and Revolving ,/ Fund 14 B. cvvrval�m��� Yeas Nays 11G,T-,_1A In favor Against sident � �Adopted by the Council 81,"9— roved 19 yyyt •. C 1 fjgMAYOR YCOUNCIL ITY OF AUL FILE owwn+.LTO cm cuKK - OFF CITY LE'RK UN UTIO ENERAL FORM .PRESENTED BY ATE TT7�w 2a, lam COMMISSIONE RESOLVED That 1l0enae for which application bee been made by the Diller Bros. 101 ranch to conduct a circue'in the City Of 3t. Paul on July 50, 1950, only, be and the same is bereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee.`` 86881—Hy_.6 sudheimer+- - BesolYed. That Most-- for whtoh ap- Dlieatlon "D Veen'3nade',by the , -30116r, :Bros 101Ita ch t-conduc6`a etrcue m the Clty.'9f 8t, Paul%on JWY,b30.,1980,' ;only, be and,the same ie Lereygrana; -ed. snd,.the city clerk 3s.inetrnetea ;io IsI Pon tbe:_yairment- :? onto tbe'eity treasury o[ the<recuFred ee .. . Adppted'by Etre Couneli lune 80. i - ApDroved Jrd>t 86.:1990. , { r. (July..6-199.0) i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May S .• �_ _u - ___In favor Pearce Rosen --- -----Against I M ft den- 8� ab Isat% Adopted by the Council.—. ---_---------------19----- !!3F `= poV -- ------ ---------- MAYOR______. DM MS>I,. �s re{earOO l'iV i!i 1 L(1/ vwtra+ AMm"ll OAINB'I AQ�gQ ROCKS BE DRAWWON THE CITY+ TgEAURY:HC "6227 TO THE ,AGOpEO MAMOUNT OF f COYERIN, 1, IV CHECKS "NUM BERED'TO INGLUSIYE A8, COMPTROLLER.:, AtlOPT D B9". AntWdi x Linen supply PER CHECKS ON FILTNS 0 FI TY ApPR0V6 . �"„ OI CONPTAOLL[R '^ $a Serge Lwa�►e� Oospa[ay. J �tl� �roM BY. CHICK IN. ��ArURN6q NUMBER 1RANBPER' pIBBUgBERENI — CHECKB CN8CK8' , BROUGHT FORWARD Q�X YQ>Ri[ $ir.ygS�,rav� "6227 A,eesic�a� Linen SLIyppZr a�lP . 622i AntWdi x Linen supply B229 $a Serge Lwa�►e� Oospa[ay. Ll U_ u lu,ur L € I ` DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK AoRY �,� ClTv.OF PAUL' V ..COUNCIL OkFICE OF MPTROLLER . - •, LopQ' FILE - ..N.O..,_-_ t��) COUNCILMEN=R L CALL -. COUNCIL' RarOLll170N -i9.ClL_ w �.QnN D IN FAVOR ear0e" ieA AUDITED CL M - �/y G BUONlIMER W AGAINST x RESOLVED. TNAT C ,,. x _ ' I '- TO SHE AGGREGATE AMOU SBE DRAWN N'THE TREASURY f. EOVHRINO MRe'PREB: -CHECKS NUMBERED "` ADOPTED PER CHECKS ON FILE IN O INOLUSIVE, AS, OFT ITV COMPTROLLER. APPROVED CHECK' NUMBER . €N FAVOR DF, „ . „�, TRANBRERDiSBURBEMENT` TOTAL ,; DATE' RETURNED,..V BY BANK ' CHECKS - ' CHfiCKB ttt BROUGHT FORWARD,' 6P50 Bast 9sonri,tsMr Qorporatio 49 g3 00 , b2bt� r bssx+s;:PxintipB o ►I Y .. talsan Qepr �.. 2� b 10 7,2 6P61 rin8s7�s ,Ino. �2 6 1?ata k DWBati�ls Air Aeduotlon-Salerz Q4apenY db �_ 00 �� A1ata 1+rod>�oir�0+us� 62 tiitesot , f - S dry 0oap ePY : . ' Jbl+wYt. i +11 o®t ieafity T 2q 6F T 8onnA gowAA00"A t 62 t J. B1til�r l 0_ spy, 624+9 q>tirxri pa7�+►6e' 53, ` 6 Oei►tala7. $oi+►�s�itio goalpa�y > �1 53 2 Opti:eia ► �r�e d�' flee :Co�tpsaY,: 100 8 ti�Cs Aile�t#7i gompariy, 35 d0 . C�fiOl►xlpetoapa#�y 297L 59 d4ir. Diggle How► t0ski 8plr' gr"e�a!r #9 8 E Lit Id $APp1� grtT 88� I' tweil 0 Utk-:0omp ttp xbe 66 A4608 aas 3 .. ,. ootaapgar _.""n., 6 as�tbA "n.,ioOgalpeuiy 15'1 Hext1 At!'e¢ lift,10 sy 62$8 ` 6 ti it xtin iabsuo>a Dxulg Care. Fslse+• !! IEig. QOel AW Y 275 BPp Ali J..'Legir 5 6 61. 6 2 eN.ltagee Y�;pt►eeo a Nilk; Aompeay 73 17 ltotax Foarex �gttipment, A�Ipan 411 kdw Yaik ?ra 4 paAg llori�pweete 8langas ,gozapauy ' $i 9 4'boxge Petr . 2� 4 ... 29.7 paxaxouat P da Ino« 62..8 Pratt 1'e _EXpxeee ApspapY 19 <+6 Fxrsb-O•Litb CtalPM F ''ity Voge go�lpen�► .. & 01- tfertearaz�t phiruA Aoa►paay20 3 b 6 6302 i 63.0. 8lRFaai;;trilk- ONP 'jff 'Bilk OompenY ,. "OompanY 0 0 63 g(ix Re!'rigQre�tor 10 aii'k Shepard 0020e34 6306 6 . gi�'o S'soduote Opll�an . 130 304438 0. 0 634 dwAlkaA_Qre#dorig„ Aoti►paay � 6388 801411era Pried Pie 06000Y `. 204 5 630 d«A. It adex Bi,jR Coetpenp� 1 _._._ _. _'_ .___..__._ W_ - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD�--"'-- ; _--.- ills INST G'i .wear 77777741 ADOPTED BY E� N PI APPROVED 3 6Y 7 CHECK NUMBERW,FAVOR..Ptrl �305 776 53 1405 961 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD NO. A-12 2 SIM 12-20 1 _ NO 888 eounetc .._-_-�'- C OF L nIL1s oal. »w re mr+ «aea OFFI F TY CLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM T „a 98 pRESMssEONER I1iVING C PEj,liCE. DATE RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the alterations in the"Mechanic Arts High Schools to-wit; eransPorming of the and the remodeling of the upper old Gymnasium into a Cafeteria, part of the Gymnasium into a Library, as submitted herewith der the direction of the prepared by the City Architect un Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public being sang satisfactory 's be and the same are hereby approved, the same be ion, and the Purchasing Agent is to the Commissioner of Eduoat hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in the manner Provided in and by the Qharter w, C. WiNo 8G888fgy / Rea6Ived Thab; th0 v "a qya peo ::I avLeaalgtbiProaCbtpeaPlp r baga§ ao,,iAg'tf 1h 60W taohBohoa6a d'lataapeWftnhme rmla ato araterYm rafnomng,o; au_.81Uw;jPw, 7 9r6With yra•,... bdradd,;bY the C tY Atch�tect;(lnd.0 the dlreetlan at'„�he Comtafdglaq r {•at: E'kp� BIaYStoanaa aaa Yit>;na �anude: - lag�,._; a ani theieaMe aro'�h�gKzabY” ap'-: . Drdyed the eame`befa'g eatlkftgtntorq ,to. the Commfaefonb a[ �avealton and' ,thepurcaselagg �B6nE U LerebY aU .. thorlaed and dIc,80 dA to adveMleeSor.. WL ;,thereon fa+ a maaaar; Dtovlda fn ane by he CJjerte� A4opkofl d3^lha�Councl] �Un6 80 3880r Approved June AC 3830 COUNCILMENtile OOUnC1i 1LI-- Adopted by Yeas Nays Gime! r3 19_ ova v MCDonald� y ///��� In favor _. `ir - MAYOR._ sudheimer gainer utq�enel• P+�'`'� Mr. President � ORIGINAL TO CITY ELERK V - CITY OF $T. PAUL COENCIL N,O. {��(�[■ ■ OFFICE O ITY CLERK 1Y V�(1fvvII� !9 U I ESO 9ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY June 30,_ 1930 COM M ISS I.O N IE ATF RESO4 C F No-SS883=Sg- ton, 4Wliereasr 'Fhe ClL��r anG-Conatr- Im , I ,yrovamenr� com baa aaoiaea rd� j ~1ze� sa:s, The City and County Improvement Committee has decided -GQ engage the services of Mr. E. $. Bennett of Bennett, Parsons Frost, Chicago, as consulting., engineer on planning 9 the Third street project, and W1za� eas,'�r. Bennett has requested that the City Engineer Viand City AM --chiteat confer- with him in Chicago; . therefore, be it RE=s�3ved, „That the said City Engineer and City Architect be authors ned and directed to proceed to Chicagofor prelimi- nary 0o=iQ-4Etation. with Mr. Bennett, and the proper -city officials are dire- red= -to." draw -warrants of $150.00 each in favor of Wm. N Czar_– 88t City Engineer, and Charles Bassford, City Architect, respectiv _—may, Por the purpose of defraying travel expense entailed s ,which expense' is to be paid out of the Third Street Bond 1Pu_r <-X — charge Bridge Building and Revolving Fund 14 B, and the s d Wm. H. Carey and Charles Bassford shall, upon - I their, rain to St. Paul file with the Comptroller a statement Of travt:--#_ expense incurred and return any balance. COUNCILMEN - - -- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ UX s_®_ W19_--.__ _ Conroy- .. May ? McDonaldZn favor Approve. ____ -__ _ __----._19_..__ Pearce _7 • Rosen —O'----Against---'-- MAYOR Sudheimer PUBLISH —Z -- Mr. Pre iclejmic7 idlie rs ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK O PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIDNEEr— RESOLVED COUNCIL No CITY ORS 'PAUL OFFICE' F CITY CLERK I _ y1L RES TION—GENERAL FORM ,rUn6 3O, 1930 y .4T ecution Whereas, Winter weather prevented continuous ex of the contract for grading Johnson Parkway from Burns Avenue _ to Third St . etc., resulting in failure to complete the work until twenty—one (21) days after the completion date specified in the contract; therefore, be it Resolved, That an extension of time, from June lst to June 213t, 1930, be granted to the Feyen Construction Company in the matter of the said contract; and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized .to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and affect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent is writing with the City Comptroller. lul.y;e f(3V1Y' 19av� - -:1._I Yeas 94- onroy - ) ✓ May McDonald --- _----------- In favor --Pearce ✓Rosen J ----.Against I/Sudheimer Mr. President is ndiie Adopted by the council.-__ JUN _30 -------19--- .. MAYOR, _. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSfl OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION' June 27th, 1930 (Date) Mr. Ylm. N. Carey, C1,ief Engined In re: Johnson Parkway Grading. Dear Sir: The contract for the above captioned project was awarded to the Feyen Construction Company, on the 21st day of November, 1929, with a specified completion date of June 1st, 1930 established. Prosecution of the work however, was instituted twelve days next preceeding the award. Progress of the work continued until December 17th, 1929, at which time the inclement weather of the winter months set in, forcing the contractor to temporarily abandon said work. The above mentioned cause for delay subsided simultaneously with the arrival of the mora.fa vorable spring weather, at which time work was res}lmed. This was on the 11th day of April of this year. Work then progressed until the 21st day or June, the actual date of completion. f In view of this cause for delay the contractor was .forced to exceed the specified completion date by twenty-one days; hence the necessity at this time for granting an.,extension of time to him. Very truly ,yours, JOHN M. REARDON, SUPT. J?IR:W Construction & Repair. COUNCIIL Q�(�(; r CITY'OF ST. PAUL me NO.--�tlt?ol e QFF CE OF CITY CLERK OUNCI E3OLUTION—GENERAL FORM .�PRESE -MD sy"'; It 07 DATE June 27..1916• COMMRESOLVED ' That. the Commissioner of 'Public Warks be and is hereby authorized. end directed to oil the following streets: Alley between D&ytoa and Marshall from Grotto to:St. Albans.: Alley between Minnehaha and Reaney from Walerh to Heide Denny from Payne to Arcade . Vier from Jefferson to Pleasant Charles from Fry to Snelling Mill from Wilkin 't o elm Wilkin -from Levee to -Mill Farrington from Burgeas to Front Elm from -Levee to Mill Shields from Rgy to Snelling Kilburn from N. P. Ry.to Union Conway from Meria to Bates Plato from Robert to Eaton Eaton from Florida to, Chicago E: Eaton from 150 ft. West of Eva to'Stste m Conray' from Mounds'Blvd to Marie Pascal from Midway Parkway to L.Como Phalen Louisa from.Robert to State Reaney from Cypress to Earl Keeton from Chilcombe to Pierce. i 1'aD�IC �a d T�atp�.oe6ebp : �'tsed. and dhea ehaf8 ollh�e i t�°[hart atrae{ay ZA go21 rDee o BLS b raAd °IaR141pg - °By:';z+'om tpaeeq.,, 3[Inhdha�La �MSLaII 4tew*tom°W Pw� ad.� Rep.' Affix rlea4imcp On. to p ad0 Wtl&g!p19jai 8p671me g c 'Farringj[°+°1°"!+09ee�rtoq Am .s s 8Ibu troiq 8"0y�`3t1ll Cotr m' nR.iav;,tpb 6ndlt �ptoA Yeola�F1' pbe!!$'to" 8t�to4 fropt Igp Yd��"��Chb c� ° �R�� p� m AItG danlViL Fo'��p fe �Re.Ce 7�Y 5-7'Ar& 'btatlaj .. •LOIIIdp h 1'6atdhs � wad tO Reaneq °pyRehe , x JUN 30W-19— Ytaa rteaohaitO x Adopted by the Gomel +►Wove fa a°n d aeao� ell McDonald Iq favor - Ap 19— Sudheime[ V A�atnat MAYOR M[. Pmaidenty^dg"_ rl COUNCIL - 55893 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 'NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK. COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESS TED BY A — RESOLVED That'the appointment of Snbert W. White as a member of the Board of Public. Welfare for a teres or three years from JU17 1, 1930 be and the same In hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. iiC `F No 8689&+-HY �qoi SantWe"' Resolved. �,TbBt tIlfl I/DDGtuUn.Gt GS Hubert 'W : tette ° tea 1 �Y�RI term`?t � Hocid or pobllfl �Oe} this.. 9flarie herebqulu gd syDro?°d' Itba eR�Ge _ and buArmeti ADD GY d JalYeY 930A'_' Ju19 1 18EO;,I tJGlq 8.19807! 11 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council19-- Conroy J.11JJ ��- May McDanald _.-_.__In favor P - =?Y±'19-- 1 Pearce Rosen ----- ^------. Against -- -- - ---------'__'— - ------ MAYOR Sudheimer t' Mr. President Bundlie FILE NO. CITY O F PAUL Pu e OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM ^ PRESENTED BY AT COMMISSIONE 1 1�1�7/IY z` C }r Nd 8689h-�q J B�Dottaid j iV118rea8 On cane, UL180 dndg .� '-- ment fn tee sum at '4-A'O ou anp Of Three aSYnyred+Borf sl>wa 8 P vent judgment in the sum ave One $olid{ed 1]- wee aooketlq•�� rhw <,•,�?�.�, -�cy4 Jane 14, 1930, a Paul la �aysr '-wnP eflR ear;,, and Seventy—flue One Teo'Thousand Three Hundred FOrtp—� Hundredths Dollars ($2346.75) was dooketed against the City of St.psul, in favor, of Grace Bishop, and WHEREAS the Judgment and Compromise Fund is insufficient to pay said judgment, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay said sum out of the Miscellaneous and unforeseen Account Of. the General Fund upon the presentation of a duly executed satisfaction of judgment, to be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _-- --------In favor Pearce Rosen --- `- - ------- Against Sudheimer ,5 Mr. President Bundlie JUL ;.1930 Adopted by the Council_-------- 19-- u SOL Approv _--'MAYOR zy[Isrzs�D�'-_3� State of Minnesota Dist. ';ourt County of Ramsey Second Judicial District. Grace Bishop, Plaintiff, No. 188650 against City of St. Paul, Clara Lefkovitz and Morris Gross iDefendant. I Pursuant to the verdict duly rendered in the above entitled action and filed on the 22nd day of April, 1930 Now, -on motion of Johr. H Horeish and Yichael A. Schmitt said attorneys it is hereby adjudged that the plaintiff herein recover of said defendant City of St. Paul, the sum of twenty two hundred sixty nine and 13/100 dollprs damages with sAventy eight and 621100 dollars costs and disbursements, in all amounting to $2j47.75. Signed this 14th day of June A D 1030 N C Robinson) Clerk. I Geo. C. Hag.enmiller, Deputy Clerk, 2 \ } \ \ © § 2 >� \\� } 40\% » \ \ / \ \ / \�� \ \ \ � ) ( 2 \ \ \ { \\} � .\\ \\ \\ � \ w , « 2 . w . \ : , ,� < < - . . \ �:\� - v:2 \\ \\ I m r COUNCIL CITY O.5895 'ORIGINAL TO CITY L.R.CF AUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC POUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM )-k PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- RESOLVED That the proper oity Offioers be and Zey are hereby authorized to,.draw a warrant in Payor of the League of Minne- sota Munioipalities in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) payable out of the Misoellaneous and Unforeseen A000unt of the General Fund, for membership dues of the 01ty of St. Paul for the year 1930. COUNCILMEN JUL — 11930 yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---------- 19-- Conroy May McDonald _____.�___In favor p t ra Approv �, � _ ._19— Pearce t Rosen _)_Against _ Sudheimer - - MAYOR - Mr Prebldent Bundlie Population, (1920 Census), 698 To LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES, Dr. (Organized 1913) Room 16, University Library, Minneapolis, Minn. CONSTITUTION—ARTICLE 3. FEES AND DUES See S. 'The dura for each city, village, borcuab or town shall Section 2. The dues for each municiPality shall be based upon Leas than 260 P.P lation ........................E 7.60 ,,opubttione ea given by tfio lntenE state of nattonel census- This 260 to 600 ........ .. .............................16.00 fee efiall be payable -..any I. ¢d—ce on the Brat of 600 to 1,000 ......................................20.00 Septe,nber. 1.000 to 2.600 .......................................26.00 2.600 to 6.000 .. . .............................'.....80.00 Section 6. The payment of due shall entitle the member m�Id– 6.000 to 10.000 ...... .............................40.00 pa11Ly to subserivGom W "Minnesota Municipalities'• for its 10.000 to 60.000 ....................................60.00 60,000 to 160,000 mayor, clerk or recorder, attorney, engineer, health office -r. ........ ...........................76.00 and councilmen. - O— 160.000 . . ...................: ................100.00 Membership dues September 1. 1930 to Aii&tust 33.0 1931 1 $100100 Payment from Tax Funds Authorized by Chapter 212, G+eaeral Laws of Minnesota, 1923. State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin, ss: I do solemnly swear that the foregoing account is just and correct and no part ther paid. f/ . ............. ......_......... 3eerEeary-1�remurer. League of Minnesota Music ;;ift{e, Subscribed and sworn before me this .-..----4--.��___---__day of .... ................. Publi. is o d for Hmnevin County .nnesota 0_�/�,, Ili^' All, C— .Wion Vb,,. .............................. FRANK {7. HANFr - - Notary Public, flennepin cm ty, Mian. My gommiion expires 5tyt. 10, 1831. To the Mayor and Council: 1', T1� ci alit for A Statement of the dues for V,3 Sur F y membership in eethe league of Minnesota �rtz'r,-icYT'Iips�itaes for the year 1930-1931 is enclos& noun l.rsquest ��$� it be aub- m1tted for approval by y Membership in the League 330" 3 ao3-uses 36o municipali- ties in Minnesota. In looking forward to the Zes.gtme �A . a s rendered by this cooperative i.ation of cities aaa via-a-6es' we . ic.- aSsoc this another profitable year in the service o� the State. anY The j?ateLeague staff and committee members wi11 comet aur tofficials. inquiries on municipal e.fMunicisalities" +�z'-�� be sent as usual The magazine , M168O P to all of your, officials. ConfereacoiIIs ect rs'aSchool including Northwest Fire School, the Dairy P our annual ably a Northwest Police School, a d- particu�arlS convention in St. Cloud, June. 1931 1931, the ' _ legislature you will be will meet for oJn=E rd tosa3 L bi11e introduced informed through the Levu 8,ffel,3 rs. in the legislature relating t° ?SIS7Ticip2[1 member in the your municipality has boon. s co pp @xative League. Through this cooperation, ss expresssd by all members, . the aim in o render a Olear- the future as in the past wiZ3 beT�e, of information cut, impartial+ factual service is the egc��g and reference. Yours for 1930-1931: Siacs�e�-S + hdorris' B . Lambie T executive Seoretary MBL:HH Mu�ic3paiities TRDgAM-9"' - The League of Mi nn'e's'ofa - _ A'CIOD YORNG M FIND . BAgeY PBIX. kgggID6HT 0. D. CAyM - Fj[lCnaVC �jcG z _ .6 g, T. C W.X. CM( C,a' it m S, BROWN. HAYOff, kfONSRVIDRU - GUM 0➢ 6CH00Ds. TWO HAff9oRA Univ,_ >dk7..f M'me�—L-1-- - MInS1G8PD�+ - giRCUTIP6 BgCffYSARY' VGWr XWENT ... yo" 0. yAHgtD S. ALD YANDRG CAis➢. YU-C.A Cgpnt➢NCB BURRAV - gY.k(AVOff- Ayg"- .., --. N5,0N DMR,ON gBCRPTABY�im6A8U0tffi :' 28, 1930 VNMDIgMCfY OP HI9NY80TA IGCHArtD 16 r.= i D,gRUkDg OP UNIPRss,TY R1� BION UNNPARISY D➢ kHNN680TA June To the Mayor and Council: 1', T1� ci alit for A Statement of the dues for V,3 Sur F y membership in eethe league of Minnesota �rtz'r,-icYT'Iips�itaes for the year 1930-1931 is enclos& noun l.rsquest ��$� it be aub- m1tted for approval by y Membership in the League 330" 3 ao3-uses 36o municipali- ties in Minnesota. In looking forward to the Zes.gtme �A . a s rendered by this cooperative i.ation of cities aaa via-a-6es' we . ic.- aSsoc this another profitable year in the service o� the State. anY The j?ateLeague staff and committee members wi11 comet aur tofficials. inquiries on municipal e.fMunicisalities" +�z'-�� be sent as usual The magazine , M168O P to all of your, officials. ConfereacoiIIs ect rs'aSchool including Northwest Fire School, the Dairy P our annual ably a Northwest Police School, a d- particu�arlS convention in St. Cloud, June. 1931 1931, the ' _ legislature you will be will meet for oJn=E rd tosa3 L bi11e introduced informed through the Levu 8,ffel,3 rs. in the legislature relating t° ?SIS7Ticip2[1 member in the your municipality has boon. s co pp @xative League. Through this cooperation, ss expresssd by all members, . the aim in o render a Olear- the future as in the past wiZ3 beT�e, of information cut, impartial+ factual service is the egc��g and reference. Yours for 1930-1931: Siacs�e�-S + hdorris' B . Lambie T executive Seoretary MBL:HH COUNCIL NO.__- 6; CITY - UI- FILE onIGIMA To CITY CLERK ��F OF. �I CLERK ff RAL FORM COUAT NCIL C. ;F No n A rSW.:brtmhe gnvnoll'�for! - �0herene otatoned $atter ]laVet netsll and mWeSt{n a=: drl. et to fl t1Ca6, etatloh at -:}9 Ost' s, - ehy�phbr petitioned the TM y RSB, A. W- Ortmau and W. d Batts& have Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 49 West Exchange Street s' -and = been. WAEREAS r g hears ha held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordia40 aace 1Qo. 58; and e subted SAS, Said A. �- Ortmsucs and with driveway W. G. Sutter vcurb returns, a blue -print of the proposed lay --ant, pump location, sidewallzs, etc - for the information of the Council; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given bmItted.changes from to said Ortman and Batter to install and maintain adrive-in filling station in acscoTovanecdei? autsu omatically void Ihe�permit. The the plan as SPP tanks and pumps Shall be � Le= the diredtion Of the CommissioneOrdinr hof the City of St . Pav1 , laws and landscaping tand I sot of Public Safety; the bni3dinB P ga playgrounds to the approval of theme 3S�eaein euxW ng, sidewalks, ramps, Public Buildings; �b1ie improvements within the street lines drainage ,or other Pn shall. be made Lander the t].3.rection and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pub11c works - JUS - .�l930 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-------------- 19.-- Yeas Nays qp� Conroy 31 ! 9? 19 May Appr ed--- --- - — ___—Zn favor 1VicDonald ---- Pearce �J' -.--- -- -------MAYOR Rosen-----------°'gainst Sudheimer PUBLISM ).�-d a Mr. President B—atie QOYYIiiION[R OI R[OIiTRAT1ON - - - - � � of �y1t (A term June 26th, 1930 8nllding- Dear f it s Time attached application of A. R. Ortman and W— S'xLtter Yor permission to install a drive-in filling ssta �.°cs� at 49 Rent. Zzcbnge Street was approved by the Couaci.2 _=� �d referred to YOU for resolution. Very truly, Yours$ city Clerk.�n V I, Mother Sups rior, as head of the Saint Joseph Hospital do hereby offer no objection to the installation of pumpr for the dispensation of gasoline at 49- W. FA Exchange Street e POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF V1N.AACE St. Paul, Minn.,---- Y8Y ��9 � -------------- 19w— - Pursuarit to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the eLl:> U ti o£ �� Ortman & W. G. SU-bteT ------------------ erect and install a filling station on the -1i10 --- b7 g_a - .-4-1 ________________ SkXe7=3X113_-.Asad,---at._49__W.. __N7[S=haug43 --- 'fit ------------- ------------ --------------------- -- ------------ will conic up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City "all and Court House Building on the ---------- Q7-W#______________day ____----_-_, 1W- - at 10 o'clock A. M. Commissioner of Finance. At it. J. MUROF P _ t/P�y M `. of �aint flauy OW[N C. DUNN. CHI[! O! P0119l CUM, I I i■ 'IRI CHIEF -MICHAEL OESHARDT. OSCAR LANCER. A.FT. CHIT► OF POLICE . AuST. PIRCHIEF H. A. 'WALL. Department iTL uh*r -Sa`e}U WILLIAM MIBARR Cro[. F." PRiv[HTIOR . CAPTAIN OF DETECTIVE. THOMAS E. CAHILL.CHARLES L. WILLIS.. JUNIOR CA". OF DiiiRIVEE -%• M. CLAN CY. GOMMISHIONER SUPT. OF A"AMTUE O. M. SARFUSS. HARRY T. O•CONN)ELL_ OEPUTYCOMMIssIONZR a. F. SIMON• M. D. - Su►T. Or T -1c - HEALTH OFFICER A. L. EGGERT. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. LICENSE IN.FL•CTOR 21s GO{�llT HOU66 DEPUTY HWTN OFFICEII JOS. MACAULAY. JOHN MAATI. EBPT. POLICE 4 PIR[ ALARM T CHIEF HEALTH I .... CTOR June 2, 1930 Ma. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: Returned herewitlo. is the application of A. W. 0rtman and W. G. Sutter i?or permission to instal a drive-in gasoline Pilling station at 49 West E=bange Street, and report of inspection and. -approval as to traffic and fire hazard. Yours t Co**E*�i as oner �P.afety 1-3 • f - 1 I'll/ 444 �� Li '15A E. J. MURNANE. - CHIEF, or POLICE C. .�� ��`ii u� OW. F'JR. CN.FH. OSCAR LANDER. . MICHAEL OEBHARDT, A[IA Or u - weer. FOR. CHIEF �r"l'�rLIIL �B'i*LYR i�*L �,{1►Wy�L WILLIAM BARRON. PIRt plttV[IRIOH N. A. v^Llr. ' CAFVAIH OF Dtrtmvu GNI[F IN[PeCTOR. - CHARLES L. WILLIS- THOMAS E. DAHILL. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER. SUPT• Or APPARAWE JUNIOR CAM OF DeTOOM -M HARRY T. O'CONN[LL.DiPYrr ce N eI S. P. BIMON. N. D. 'O. N. 'BAjtPUB6. - - XtALTH OAIGAt SUPT.. OF TRAFrIC . BUREAU OF POLICE " D"UT"N�t�ALrNN.00FF- A. L. EOaERT. - LICeHtt.IN[KCfOR JOS. MACAOLAY.. -. - " ROOM tTf GOYRT NOUfE JOHN HK E- J CHIEF itr H[AINRI.[cTOw LTH . SI»T.. Pouct s VIM wuwH E. J. MURNAN 6. CHIEF OF Pouee - May 29, 1950 t Mr. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Pablic Saffety, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Answering your letter of May 26 relative to application made by A. W. Jrtmeu> k W. G. Sutter for permission to instals drive-in gasoline filling ata- tion on Lot So Block 4, Bazille and. Guerin's Addition, (49 West Exchange Street) will say that I have made the usual inspection and do not find that such an installation.will interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, G.'E. Barfuss Superintendent of Traffic Z. J.' MURRANE. CHIV OF FOLIC[ MICNAEL OESHAROT. AS.T. CHIRP OF PoLIG. _ N. A.'IVALL. CSIPTAIN OF DRTRCTIVR. THOM" E. DAHILL. JYHIOR CAPT. O►"D[TRCTIV.. O. H. BARFUSS. BUFT. OF TRAFFIC A. L. EOOERT. LICRN.R IN.FRCTOR JOB. MACAULAY. - BYIT. PoLICi d FIR[ A1.11RY Cum of Saint Paul Department of fluhlir SafrtV .S. M. GL..4[4CY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T.O•GO[VlV ELL. O�U'TY COMMISSIONO. 214 CoUFVr HOUSE �I May 29,1930- OWEN C. DUNN. P.M. CHIC! OSCAR LANDER.' A.— FIRE CHIRP WILLIAM BARRON. CHIMP N.P[CTOR, FIR[ PRRVRlRION CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUM. or APPA TU. B. F. SIMON. M. D. H[ALTH OPFICRR A. E. NICHOLS. M. 0- 0 UTY .DOUTT H[ALTH CFF- -JOHN MARTI. CHIRP H"A IN.P[CTOR gon.J.M.C1anoY Commissioner of public ga F' ety, st.Paul,Minn. Dear sir; In regard to the applioation of_ A.w.Artman & W.G.Butter for Aermission to trns-ta3.3- a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 8, B100k4, Bazille and Guerin I s Addition, 49 W.Exohange Bt. We have in�Testigated the foregoing and report that suoh an installation at the desired location would not great-ly in- crease the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respeotfully Yours, chief Inspector. TH16 APPLICATION TO BE MAD[ IN �[TY OF Ste: PAL -1 L. TRIPLICATE AND PLED IN THE CITY ORIOtN^L OFFICE. OF TH1= C' CLERK - - cLERK•s OFFICE. Appliication For License AUTOWlC)E3II__.I= I= ILLII�IC STATION TO THE HOI�IORASLIE. THF= CITY COUNCIL OF ST_ PALIF__ r%AII�II�FF=SOYA Appy�0�� �s Here'I�y Made By__— -------------' c>•awlM E= O7r )PERM OR YIOUAL) - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A �I AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT---- - �.- fr-'--- �G� - IADPITION) - PUMPS -------- OF EACH TANK --.-----No. NO. OF PUMPS------- —_� SIGNATURE F APPLICANT FILED _rev RECEIVED 'COPY FROM CITY CLERK R ECEIVED.COPY FROM CITY CLERK ..- - - - DATE__-- ------------------------ _—__ -CITY P_ LANNING BOARD 'DEPARTMENT OF :PUBLIC -SAFETY - s; '"�. L. "0ity_0lerk. Dear Sir Re Drive—In Filling Station Lot 8, Bloch 4, Bazille L Guertnls Addition, (#x449 W. Exchange 8t. ) Applicant A. W. Ortman & W. G. 8utter(979 Euclid St) The above drive—in filling station is to be located in a district zoned forCommercial use. This use is permitted in a Commercial District subject to a hearing before the City Council. Engineering Report The applicant has agreed to the changes indicated on the blue print attached. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineer. Approved Oommissioner of Public Works. gh-rh OH LOUIS BETZ, VICE.I:HAIRM ` L. C. HODGSON. MAYOR D. W. ABERLE CHAIRMAN J. H. MCDONALD. _ -- _ ARTHUR CAINES - COM. oP PUDLIC WORKS J. M. CLANCY. CON. OF PUBLIC SAFETY r_ the ���YYYY ss {{.• /�{ Y {,1 t.!'1 f ialatttng gar 19HIR ♦ MRS. P. N. CARDOZO W. L. DARLING - L. R. S. FERGUSON. - W. J. DRISCOLL COM. OP EDUCATION ♦ j[ D. W. ROHLANJR..: O Of '*a JOHN FISCHER COM. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES C7�_n - DEN E. LANE - G. C.SUDHEIMER.- FINANCE 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GEO. F. LINDSAY COM. OF I. C. PEARCE. - - J. A. SEEGER COM., OF PARKS.PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS GEORGE H. HERROLD. - R. B. SNEPARD JOHN W.. KELSEY. A. H. STEM CITY ENGINEER MwN�O1Nc Dlneciow wN0'�NCIN E - - J. CLAIR STONE E: M. 0NEILL. .CORPORATION COUNSEL ISAAC SUMMERFIELD WM. F. SCOTT... - - H. YONDER WEYER CITY COMPTROLLER G. L. NASON. tt rj O( May 29th, 1930. SUPT. OF PARKS '"�. L. "0ity_0lerk. Dear Sir Re Drive—In Filling Station Lot 8, Bloch 4, Bazille L Guertnls Addition, (#x449 W. Exchange 8t. ) Applicant A. W. Ortman & W. G. 8utter(979 Euclid St) The above drive—in filling station is to be located in a district zoned forCommercial use. This use is permitted in a Commercial District subject to a hearing before the City Council. Engineering Report The applicant has agreed to the changes indicated on the blue print attached. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineer. Approved Oommissioner of Public Works. gh-rh OH Lot o M efal 131 cl 6c Grease Pits Frczrrie Dwellinc3 Concrete Wash Rack Z5' I! , CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. -------- _-058-97 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A C Cl ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ppZ-g COMM 3SStONER RESOLVED That the Council of the itf of Saint Paul berebp authoriEe the Taping of water sains on the follOwing streets is the 01 ty O= Saint Paul: Coater Street, Torness Avenue to. gintbrolp Ovenueq Harvester Avenue, Ruth `venue to Yanl to/n. Avenue.. '95a97-131 A. Jr. Conroy— , i 3Yesolved, That the Council or the I Clty 02 SL- pawl hereby. author [ a the. :layfn of water-indins on the follow- .acre¢ts In the. City of Strat.. -Paul: 'SPinthroe Av¢nye Furneee_ Avenne'to . Harvester Avenue, Ruth Avenue to _ �M'aaitou-Avenue-' Adopi¢d-by the � Councll July 1, 1930. ADDroved: Tu}y 1, 1930. _ (Suly b-1930) 4=4=)3JTI4--ILMER4 Yeas Nays �y e - McDonald.___In favor Sudheimer _,Against Mr_ President on;5andhc Adopted by the Council— �! 192o __ jL 91 t��°Y' p ve 192_ c , YAYOR K PRESENTS r� Comm lSSiO Q(1Q CITY OF 57- PAUL eov.ve■� NO.----'- �3tJli39 J ��E - OFFICE OF. THE' -CITY CLERK - ?► NCIG�TIi%NERAL FORM- - REsotvEo F� � FAS the Commissioner of tment of Parks, Ps_ typ-rounds and Public Buildings lis reported to tiro ^ourlcil, in accordance with Scctzorz 53 of the City Ch_�3rter, the existence, of an eT_ne s cy wr.ich resndered nv c� ssa.ry the cmp3.oyment of of his clp3.rt rent for more than eight Yiou� p==r day, said ernp3oymant being more than t-•cir u-sua_3 hour. of em- p-10-S-iran-t, IIS REFORE BE IT RESOLVED_ That the p� cpE=r Fity .officers are iiereby authorized to pay the named emp3oy� s , at the rate otherwise :" d i or extra employ- m<=_,rzi for the extra time forth. - RATE OF C. F. No 86$95—BY-C19<3e R. MaY-- HOTJRS - JVERTIY:E TITLE Whereas, ,the. Comm issioaor 2 the :Public Building. h Xr2 g-ceanas and Council, ta-accordaaca-- witn sectloa ra or the CItYClu3rtar:- tiie-' eaiatence -oP $ ` •5O a, e3tiergencY which a eaaerea nacos- i Maintenance Laborer ( v -Y-. he emplol.-meat_ -or certain em- Sub Forem&n `2 �• .62-1 Dloyes of his denartni¢at =or more than 16 ^ cam- O eight hours per day, said. czaplopment I MntCe • Laborer- G being --mora Ilia. their asaa.l haus of emp109merlt, - -- I hereiorc Be Ft Resol ed. That the Prtlper .c(t�Y oT2o 8.ie �$areb9 anthoi- ised to ., o e ..� _ — Chas: F�:Ssf7ep, MafaLeaaace-La.boi- er edT! ar-fi ;d at 622*t ..cobaoa, SUL Foremaa, 2 lira. Nels..-Johnston. lkiatce_ .Laborer, 16 hra. at 'floe_ Adopted-bY the Cotzacil-3u12r- 1, I930- Approved JuIY 2. 1SS' 5-39307... - - GOU"C-1 LM EIV Yeas Nuys cl—.wy McDoxlald —_.. ---------- _.In favor SudlleImer Mr_ President �-t [a - Adopted by the Counci&t....-_1 1 _._-----192_-- AUL -_ APP d -- - .././---R...._...--.---.. --......192---- MAYOR $�}iarxmg?at of Waxks. VIxggxuunds vmb AButldiugs GEORGE t- HASON. - < 9urt.a P�mlc HERMAN G.WENZEI-+. COMMtsS10NER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. - ti2V[fi_G. C. pEARCF. O --y COMMISgtON['.R �T^- >AAT. M P11�Y6PpMG� - COMMISSI.. - pFFtCE OP ONEN PRAM eX. TEWES- 219 COURT HOUSE 1 0 � Jvne 19 1930 To the Honor�b3� �t aver and City Council- Gentlemen Ar �rn��ericy has arisen in the Department of Parks, p� �3�='o'�n�s and Public Buildings, rendering necessary tY�o e�P� oyment of certain emPlovE.s of that Department mor Snore than eight hours Per da -y, in the doing of tY� E f o� owing work: Labor Tj�- 3 s by reason of the fol- lowing circumstances: Extra work A.t Tourist Camp - yours very 'tru3Y , Cc�mmi s si oner� m a,cceaifan MOPS 10 Aske ar"'c (11"Mme OITY DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 0OU07OFFICE OF 4T PAUL COUNCIL oMPTRoI � FILE No ------•-- ? �' CLANCY ' �iODOt�0UNC11, RB601,UTION IN FAVOR OF FERGUSON WOO ALD —IN FAVOR 30 s�0, CLtIMS`� SHOPj DHOP ,� , ": -AGAINST pep�AUDITED RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRA 0 � CITY TRIASURY, WENiKI, �090N MR1 PRIS„ HO Ird,11,� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF g4fl CHECKS NUMIERBp:..6 ....."TO, ..•.«i COVERING «.«, INC��+U81V6, A8 CHECKS PER CHECKS pN FILE I T 0 ICR 0, CITY COMPTROLLERI ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL....•••• BROUGHT FORWARD •� OWN APPROVED ........ 49 00 6367 George Dickson Fin. CITV Co - nil 11 _ CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD O C 51 1� '4 $5,50 1 000 49 00 6367 George Dickson Fin. 6368 John H._HoDonald, 0. of 6369 Jens Nordeeth d 40 6378 Bernadette 0. Doyle 6 71 Joha Anal 80 00 6372 Florida d 8onthern•Dredging o. 22 612 54'96 34 T 66373 0eorge EPW* Nelson 7u Gem. Z., Hanson 172 50 637� John H. YoDonald, Cle of Fin. 6 76 John H. 'NoDohal4, 0. of Fin. 15 471 255 Q0 6377 John H. MoDonald, 0, 'of fin. 63 9 joba H, MODOneidl go Of Fin. 385 2 Oq7 00 29 4 808 6 CC � gr MOO,6 of III 6301 John H. NODOOdd, 0, of RAI, 3� 6382 Jobb H. 1011onaldo 01 Of Fins 4 655 '6 John H. XoDo0sldo 0o of I A -3,7f;'7 33 fin. 76 Join H, lobald �20 D d 0. of .6394 69 40114 H. NOOonaldo 0, of Fin. Fills 50 125 00 00 63 Join H. llAuddi Go, Of 6397 John I Vdonildo 0, of Fina 2 320 63 99 Jots H. XODOnald, 0, , of Fin. 21, 7 6399 John H.FMoDonald, 00 of ffi8. 4 C, "9 T" 86898 86900, 86901, 80909," I 80908— ' -- Resolved, that checks be drawn cit the of Tress cove ng eh okB numbered 6867 to 8681; Inclusive; a$' ; perphecks'on file In ,the olNee of the Clty ' Comptroller, ` Adopted by the Council'July 1, 1930, ' Approved July 1, 1880, (JuIY 6.1980) , Ili II f 6 -..4 f -. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - ORM NO: A•12.2 1&1 12.28 - t 77 DUPLICATE TO CITY;CLERK CITY i PAUL; COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Qooxoy OFFICE bF OMPTRpLO. FILE NO ;-;-----•- -• --,— MAW 1000461x. COUNCIL RBSOLIITION N .IN FAVORt r1.9 °p AUDITED CLAIMS _._...,., .�..- arce 8 Ac+uNer �Q�O RESOLVED, THAT CkdKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, »_ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1_4 „COVERING MR, pAEBii am" 8udbei�er „ INCLUEIVEi A6 CHECKS NUMBERED.. -...-TO.. ADOPTED BY THE COONC �, ";�;� PER CHECKS ON FILE 0 FICE 0 CITY COMPTROLLER, APPROVED 19' ITY copTBoiLIR ... ...RAYOR BY..-.-.. TOTAL tDACHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD165 21 iL 4' 6390 ouar.gtyoompany of New Yos 5-130 01 639 �y ,Ava* 52 00 . 6392 d. RililiA S 57 50 6394 3 Qla�re�.�pola, apido�► of H.A. 40 0o 639. AAn, Cs�pioo� arador► of D. o. � 639 He1�,nF. salivau vido�r of, 9.9 3400 639 64 fex the 00 6397 461*'B� dDoneid, "On, Of Fit24 B5 T9 6 9B JoAeraa 'Willi Coni. Compafz 2 6 9g. Rew�o� pndexeon `' lt�i o, 9to at�l�i a0� �i•Qoo 24 1b CbI(�d�o� �� �► �o�e�� , 64oe goo$t o i.lat lOolatox 7 5n 644 Ca0bier tel De to 137 07 �a � o � l' 0 40` aso I* xax4wit 6 � Join 0� 90Do> al ,Oaf fix. o� ilu 33� Q 64p7 Joh; 1�oDon41` ool��. of f 55 0 A� 11*10814 9zeout6io oft e etgte, of :Will �aL �3. D0 Air., 13 5i6 06, 6409 Elsa Y. ,0bet'. TraaiiiIrex 33 1' 6410 Elea 1t: obet, Mreaeagex 6 97 �aaep Omusir�i'iYlll..� 6411 do#u.:.11a1©riald� O� .. of H fin. 6 63 641 BtRAeu1eoi��;;d A�epte,.g0. 253. 9 6� B%aokN lrothifs O*07 goop Y 66 4 4 ,!i Blio0i gilit oapp1y 0 (Pi !y 33 641 tooleac!� 01014, i 641 lladndlor'Btl Itfg. gompally 26 6 64� Vidwaill 001110d'Coglpany 641 igatiana'LAadompanq 4� 6419 Doha S: 1laDqualdo 0:; of �'!n. 93 7 • SIAIEET TOTAL—FORWARD 776 5 93"":� 4. AM NO M131 +�4� 2 (d 'R�"k�z �"➢°.Y' �r rw,t.�m'�'p xn- -�aY :aQcvr^ax�.w 7' F: ...,.- DUPLICATE i0 CITY CLERK CITY Q� 8AI COUNCIL OFFICE OfI- T'ROLLER FILE: NO � -�����.J'L�u����`'- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL F OMP ,' om>a�a COUNCIL R660LUT,, ION 0 IN FAVOR yy PeirOvAUDIT81) CLAIMS AGAINST R5$040, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 0, til CITY TAdASI�AY, to THE AQGREGATE AMOUNT OF ly �,� tCVIRING MR; pREB, � .., If�CLUSIVk, 0 CHECKS NUMBERED..: . T F CEOITY go MR, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI PER CHUCKS ON FIL �M APPROVED.._.•, {��� 0� ITY CO pTADLlBA, sl .:. .. - .. MAYOR Air, CHECK' NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE , RETURNED BY BANK ;. TRANSFER •..DISBURSEMENT CHECKS. W; 'g CHECKS ,:; BROUGHT FORWARD Fred 10 6420 Henry D. D01161, Barnard 6461 Alphie ��mqu�et 6 0 Zim»termann� >aiobl�el �DZB"iE 646 Ars. C,ese>io Rpavy 8f, Zimme Blnn ianoe 2.el�oa .- ', 60�y 2 2 047; 4 " J. doh �' 21 JoUn 11.: 90D0*dds 00 oi'8Y z1vi l et, . 1 64` . 6465 Zirl LL L - Joseph Flltemeyer 22 t frib; qj ar Re�sey OvunCY•:;YinT>. 5'p 750 31.. ' 6466 642 6424 N.O.Robxop, tfletk a: Dist. Yr aha® Hassdor� t. S_ 7 10 000 0 642, 642 wie, N , C►arer c � Reviet< .. � -'Opp y 1 1. a.; Da 6427.. 0 �4e11 eiPr`eStQ>aa Ino. 'X�pha Ar. 0, Ward.10180 5 IN 642$ The oareomery. 6 , 64 1 ASA« Ai�+6q SHEET TOTAL—FORWAR.b..' pg20 PAINO.A•12.2 M.12-28 64 Chaer. pr, >' A�re�a4 6 � xsit' Rix, FireuAlt 8 643gg x,v. aeoiidm t x o 64 "� 640 �r�� �►' �, B1od�att 5 Q 644, • , I�eox�e 8�e � q 6442. �qn� BAS �' 6 .• 11 rad HTWO, Q 6 Re*� viae , Bymee r . 0. r 7 Dr. 44 , Cameron 0 Q 44; Rev, o.vl! Ret' 91 Joseyy 11xe. 1t� Challberg r � 0 . 6451 A� dl lgeae: State Bank 6 2• 0leveland Realty 002%AT 6 6 0042009-e Hate1' 9' 0 5 0. >It. 'Conners air. QaurC>aey 4 last '6tdo 10tor 8408 appy ilAbexe � i Q Air, W; 'g 7 d oh Fred 10 6461 Alphie ��mqu�et 6 0 646 Ars. C,ese>io 646 J. doh �' 6 64` . 6465 Zirl LL L - Joseph Flltemeyer 5'p 6466 Au. Finok S_ 7 0 646' ... 646 J.Fink hl obael J. 10107- T Da 6469 Ar. 0, Ward.10180 5 IN SHEET TOTAL—FORWAR.b..' pg20 PAINO.A•12.2 M.12-28 DUPLICATE TO'CITY CLERKCOUNCIL auroy CITY _7, "INT PAUL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MoDolleaflIcE OF4116$OMPTROLLER FILE No__ 'I CLANCY Rgy COUNCIL FERGUSON D, IN FAVOR pearos MCOALL CLAIMS RONLAND AUDITED SUDHEIMER lr AGAINST Sudbeimer RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS 89 DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY- WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING MR. PR s,; HODi . SON lie I - TO INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERS I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-._---------- PER CHECKS ONLEt— A 0 FIC9 0 CITY COMPTROLLER, APPROVED . ..... 19 CI C Frill 0 L . ......... AYOR DAT9 TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD __73 399 6470 Forward Lodge,,,, I.0.0. MIS50 6471 T 50 M, -. ar ar. 2 Carl P.: 01dersan 10 00 A. Godbout 6.50 E;' 60 to so Wi,;14 Gv 0 50 0-: fe OR. if elin 8 50 7 i;*. John 11=9161Z 75 0 Rev. Joe. Harkness a 50 64 9, J W" 577'-5a 6410 6 P Harrison, 1 50 YJ; Hartigan '64a k-0., Hastings 50 ' W R 136raii sales company 7 o5 f 64 We. J600b ffeutgas Hiber4sA Club 50 64 Bighwood Cominprolal Olub 50 642 H$sbettL, Bakery6457 e.1. 50 6499 John H. Roffman a 00 6499 HWW T 50 -64' 90 Geo.*D' linjohins 750 Won, 6491 1p. 14 0 6492 Intexl4lty Motors 7 0 6493, -J- irish Motor company 6 6494 WJim Axel i6buseni p 6649 . 09 'Ut O.J. Johnson it ri� Joiner, Ssoy. 0 649T Fred j"00halm 7 0 6495 Mrs. Allie'Rajer, 5 6 Mr-aw, Hel, Tempe 5 0 W* �4 Urby a 0 00 t 501 llinkerftes Brothers 6502 Mrs. 1100 0 6 0 6503 W. A, Zohls 6 o 6504 Frank'xobout 0 6505 Kramer .&� Diethert Motor comparty 0 6506 W.O. bagel 0 6567 ill IN ' Kroemer. 6,508 JUtz 0 6500 %J10 leoffter,, Agent 6 o, 65 Retj AA Lealtad 0 6511 V,. Lemen6wsky 0 2 9*99 J,,,Y, Why 651 Miso- Oi 4 - Lundsted 651,1 14C 11661il 0 65 - - xis: I , ;, t� , Mo4uluen 65 AJI Usibet' 6 o 6 Z Maier 65 Manthe,&.1iller,kato Livery 0 4-9-- 5:L Mass 7 Matson motor Company 7 W;tf, Yellin 7 0 65 Midday Advertiser 7 0 O'lit L Company 0 Midway Ohevr 7 0 65Alfred Miller a 5 6, " John We Mit0hell .61 0 SHEET TOTAL.—FORWARD K ,now, a. DUPLICATE T6 CITY CLERK, CITY OFA DINT PAUL 001voy * COUNCIL 859 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL jjoDo11jlfFICE OF 4'�*_WMPTROLLER FILE NO.____________ --- -- u may COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN FAVOR Pear;w AUDITED CLAIMS 8udheiOOrRoom M"MER —1 -.AGAINST RMLVEb, THAT CHIICKS BE D ON THE CITY TREASURY. .0 . ......... COVERING AMOUNT OF $10 TO THE AGGREGATE AMO 6 MR. pRES,,JjQgWN TO. INCLUSIVE, AS, ��.., CHECKS NUMBERED... E EOFT CITY OMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CO [L ... PER CHECKS ON FILE 1 0 . .... ..-TJ AP40VED ......... .. ..... . .... j CITY CO LLER .......... ................ —__ ...»� I I I By.. ..... ...... MAYOR DATE RETURNED RSEMENT BY BANK NECKS 191,145 1 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL TRANSFER DISBU CHECKS C 73 52 6527 fteo U61let Mrs. Jenuie Moore 6528 6529 & R.W. Moritz J9 No Mounts 6530 Murv67:'& 0OmP8uy 6531 1532 Neiihborhood'House Ray. .4... Hw: Nelson 6534 653 5 Andrew Nelson j�.%, NeISOU 6535 North 6931t7`6100mm"01a 6536 6537 #Oitfi8rh Motor company Frances 013rielIk 6538 OAXA04irtmints 6549. 01II6040iisn 00111PS0 65 John Olson 6541 paik Garage 6 42., Alfred Parlt 65N4 jot Peterson son R* Peterson 45 JO , Pinotti 6546 RT P.01'ski Rj Powers 6547 6548 & Wokservioe Battery compan 6549, Jobnlijo, Bile 65Q ire,so Ro ext ,6551 Bo 1-� 0908 0 6551 6555 Qst". NOW. 655, Stofwl Hotel 655 90*fts 2"wre 655 Jeeohtex.6559 ad , ipus Attuoke Rome Seidler 6560 7 -bei 0, 6561, Servios"Sheet Metal W94006 6562 gro Jess hian 656R� 0.4,821th 60 , 65'6 A400tia, 65661 Te"t'W", votor"Buo 001PSAY 6560 T T 6; 0, T 1180do Teeple 651 4 9 Vaek 6572 101at Motor Cat 002PSAY 6657.34 benne Brothers 'Garage 65 65 40i weaver 65 T 65 $ William Wolters 0, wolf 6579 Louis wursinges 656D When Br6thre 6591 Ross 38garis, SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ORM NO. 1. 12.2 11M 12-28 DATE RETURNED RSEMENT BY BANK NECKS 191,145 1 �CoUNGIL NO. FILE No.�86904—may Mitton Rosen--- CITY OF ST. PAUL R.eolvad; -That Cduncil Flle ITC_ _- 3s23o nwnrdlnk contr8ct tor. irtntdn- - OFFIC F CITY CLERK ,s3 s hau.. dint conn tions-:o St- -Pnut Ava. tom zeta t al SAA UTION—GENERAL FORM Cte elnnd'A .. S1u m r _. ' E rr st.;,•, , �w IL R ne 3Q 19303 DAT nekfr._ COMM STED RESOLVED That Counef3 File Ho. 85830, awarding Contract for making 53— 6s . house 'drai=n. connections on 8t. Paul Ave. from. Montreal Ave. to Cleveland A—we. and Cleveland Ave. from St. Paul Ave. to 49 OO�be, Ford par f for the sum of $1, ]nray , to peter banietti, Ja. , and the same is hereby cancelled, rescinded and annulled, Yor the Peter =,anletti, Jr. has refused to sign his eoatt rae, reason that 0 83 connections has discontinued worX, having and aftelr completing encountermci ungoreseen difficulties, Who Be bid was L� And lfherea-s ,the second low bidder, IIlderioo 1[ariani, X1,81?.CO' refuses to take the job, And as t13L4M contraotor to whom contract for paving 8t. Pew and Cleveland Aves. was awarded is tied up pending Completion of these Sewer connections, concurs in low, Therefore, be it resolved, that the Council hereby the T000z�endation of the Contract Committee and ddewardor the osnutmrof L tti he being the neat lowest s to (ierem�a � ' oifioatlons hereto $8,887.03C>, in accordance with plane and spa attsAheds and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw _ up the proper form of contract therefor, �n with the vdersstanding that laim for the connections Ceremist4 _ I,ametti satisfy peter bspietti's c ainst the Citof 8t. Paul F for .B. nsation installaa by him on y the pro-rated basis of $33-33 each, peter bametti Jr. wa3.ting any claim sg Estimate$2,994.00. g#83b3. for worms already done. Engineer's COUNCILMEN ---19------- Adopted by the Council,�.�� Yeas Nays Conroy May f p 19— Approve. ' %/ McDonald _ In favor ,�, Pearse t t V _---- —_ _ _MAYOR % Rosen __- --- - --- Against J Sudheimer I w Mr. President $undlie ✓ _ i 'oR10tNAL.— NUMO[R CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6r eFTr CiQK - - w°3333 NO. _........ . 4_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR /UTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TM�►�...� ! PazMiTED owTS_i"w ip. �9ilri . Resolved, That the -Council hereby concurs in the recosm►endation of the @ontraot Cossaittee and awards the Contract for grading ® alley in Block 24, Auerbach and Handle Addition from Cook St. to Oliver St., also constructing a sewer on the easement to be ob- tained on the southerly 8 ft. of lot SL Block 24, Auerbach and Hand*s Addition rrom the alley to the sewer in Woodbridge Street, In accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to GARRICK BROS. INC., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $499.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby i atnted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. � %' No. 86906—By. Milton Rosen 4cReeaiged,.- That the Council hereby C ,�aneBra In the recommendation of the GonEract Committee and awards the-� - ! CCCCContract fox Krading all v in 81ock2F,' � EAk '9L to d _ .from I FORMAL BID N..8359 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $666900 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT FEEVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENTJASA FOLI-owS: - 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - 3499.0 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE $ ,3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE ' f S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 a. s COUNCU TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTREVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. DATE FINAL ORDER A 3UL - 11930 , COPIES TO: CITY CLERK - COMPTROLLER PUBLIC WORKS - PURCHASING COUNCU TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTREVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. DATE FINAL ORDER A 3UL - 11930 , R• - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL - n �' ORIo1NAL— NUMBER /� �i POUNCE � 5m -' CRY CLI- 02 - - COU CILI RESOLUTION •'LE tVo.—�"�44„ii FOR . HORLZAT OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - DAT PRESENTED BY HO ------ -- • Resolved, ilhat the douncil hereby cononra in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for gradipg"" and paving alley in Block 6, Whitney and .Smiths Addition from Rosebel Street to Wacotita street, in accordance with plans *and specifications hereto attached, to PIEYEN CONSftUCTION COMP , o/,zo they being the lowest responsible bidders for the sum of -100 ft. using gravel aggregates and the Qbrporation Counsel is hereby instraoted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor*% ,C. F. No. 86906—gy gllton 3toeen `� . IIr. e8, Thai the Council, hereby '"'~' osn0ure So thetg1,dt commendation of the" G F. No 86806=Ry Wilton, Rosea-- I� o00aBlok B�Whaidtneg and nS alley.. Ct''t' 7ecommendaLibn oC the. d. the ditlou from y and . 8mith•a Ad-- Cbmmlttee Rud award. jthal Stree Roeabel'Street to -VVSCOyYs ontraet for 6radln sad L in acch IWa a with B Daving alley epecl8catlone he plana aad in: 81osk 6; Whltn.y--and Smlth'e;-AB YHN CONSTR rets sttached'--io dltldn from Ropabal Street to ih's A a • IICTION -..Ib Ng th8- Street In a0cardence with plane"and ' b Ins' the: lowest re.pdn-lble bfdders spool leetlon hereto attached, o.,00 for the sum o[ 71,021.E0,•uetng Grave; f yam? CONSTRIICTION COMP { aggregate; an8 the Corporation COUn.- { befag, the lowest responsible bl' t ' 3 el to FE - le Hereby fnatruCted to',dt'aw np for th sum of'..E3�201.20, usln g Gravel ! the Prop' for i �g'+'ot[ate. and -.the Corporation Coun- I m of contract therefor: sei la hereby,. InstMCted�.- to draw <'uy Formal 81d No, 8387,- .Engineer's esti phe Droper form of coat?act `therefor: mate Si,8D0.00. ormal 818 No,,.6387 .,Ery ��q " Adopte8 by the Council Jul 1, ate:;1800,00. Isineor's sett- •i,Vt/va� AD roved. Ju] 1, FORMA p <J ly 611830 y - 1930.- Adopted by the Couaci2 July 3, 1990:. MATE ADproVed .July 3 1980::- . APOPrION. NOTE: TO S. CERTIFIED PERMANENT. IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: a 1. A....... AGAINST SENEPTITEO PROPERTY - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - f .1 1 1 ?1 r. APPROPRU,EO FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE f 3. APPROPRIATED -FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY _ Co.. f 300.88 6. APPROPRIATED FROM .... ISSUE—CODE f S. COUNTY AID e. TOTAL COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAL - CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THC ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PER MANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER IN IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS - PURCHASING COMPTROLLER MATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED BY t COUNCILMEN JUL 1193 YEAS NAYS ADOPTED MY THE COUNCIL IN FAVOR JUL ®I O� APPROVED gGAiNST - .MAYOR MR. PRESIDENT CITY -OF SAINT PAUL - • COUNCIL 'ND.Y eM1IOINAt— NUMBER KOs, PILE N TY -CLERK' U V :COUNCIL R SOLUTION AUTHO l ,1(]tN//J//,, _ZrIMPROVEMENT-PROJECTS --_ .__���%%/�._..-----�_i._�� DATE PRESENTED BY HON. —� . - • Rbhoivedi That the noun°11 hereby concurs in the roe ommmeade!tion _. pf the 6ontraot Comsittee and awards the contract Yor. curbing ® both sides of Albert Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Aveme� in aocordanae with plena and specifications hereto attached' to B�YSN CONSTRUCTION CCU ANY, they being the lowest responsible ! �g.65- and the Corporation Counsel ia, for the amt o bidders, 8 , hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C F.� No 86907—�By Mfltoa Rosea-�- Resolved 11hat the Council heceby - concursin the ecammendatlon of the C tract Committee and awards the contract for curbingg both aides of Al- bert AV.nue from Nelirmka Avenue to 13oytAvenue, 1a. accordance with plans FEYENCCONSTRUCTION g9OMPANY Adopted by the �Counoli Duly I. 1980. Approved July 1,. 1930. (July 6 1980) J ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S7201000 FORMAL BID NO. Ir�ol NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTNoI . BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPr10N. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN. TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OR THIS IMPROVEMENT fS #bL:55' 60 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - _ f 3. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— E - CODCODE f a. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPRGVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY -BOND ISSUE—CODE f <. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - - - - _ f s. COUNTY AID - - - - f 6. - f 64:5.55 TOTAL - - - - COPIER TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEflE IB TE UNENCUMBERED SAL- - - —_ CITY CLERK ANCB AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSETHE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.._ COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNT.. - PUBLIC WORKS DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED PURCHASING COMPTROLLER BY YVY i IHUU. COUNCILMEN - ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL NAYS YEAS - IN FAVOR � M1 APPROVED L _ AGAINST MAYM: MR. PRESIDENT - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. NO. — 505 FILE CITY CAI.— NUMBER COUNCIL SOLUTION CITY L[RK ^/�p1 �/ ,,.�,�n,✓F1Y/SP,bpbt OF L L IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS --- • ResoiIredi That the Co"n"1 hereby concurs is the recoa+mendation Contract tsSowittee and awards the contract for curb of theing •both didea o! Vats Buren Street from gent Street to Dale Street in accordance with plana and apeoifications hereto attached# to the being the ioweat reaponalble bidders, STANDARD ST01M COMPAws y for the num of 840 00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby lu structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor* C. F. N0.; 85908—By-2bItpn Rosen— concurelin.the recommendatllon oPrthal Coitrnet Committee and awards the! t� contt'et for eurbing both -alder: of Vaa: Bursa Street from Kent Street to Dale I �I Street, is Recordau% with ylaa9 aad. Bpeelflcatlone. hereto -' Rttached,. -to: eTANDARD STONE' COMPANY, they; being the ]owest .ponelble bidder.; I for.the eum ot;8f4.00,,and' the Corpo j ration Counesl feherebytaettucted to 'raw .UP. the Proper form ot. contract erefor. Formal. Bl00.dNo. 8d00..,.Eag1-- neer's estimate 3710." • Adopted by the Council July 1,. 1930. AA'roVed July 1,-1980. + '(July'5-1930) �P Q��� ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S • 10*00 FORMAL BID NO. NOTE: TO_B_E CERTIFIE0. AS TO FUNDS AVgILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PR69ENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. y 5 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIM844000B_ _ - - - - _ URSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT A9 FOLLOWS! 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - CODE S p, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT.— - - CODE t APPROPRIATED FROM LOC AL IMPROVEMENTS- ---Pr PROPERTY— S S. SON. ISSUE—CODE 1. APPROPRIATED FROM - _ _ - _ - - - - t S. COUNTY AID - - - - - S e._ . - t TOTAL - - - - - - - 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAL- --_-- COPIES TO: gNCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. ----- CITY CLERK REIMBURSETHE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED • PURCHASING. COMPTROLLER BY — COUNN 'LMMN gpppTED BY THE COUNCIL NAYS g • Y[AS IN FAVOR APPROVED' 1 AGAINST M.wYe11 ' MR. P.-maNT 5 CITY OF SAINT rAUL F� ORIGINAL- NUMBER IV' LLi - `I^ CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS �Syr���, _ DATE PRE.ENTE B H N.----- - Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading, alley in Block 5. Lorena Park from a point 40 fte west of the West line of 8tna St. to Clarence Ste, in accordance with.plmie and specifications hereto, attached$ to GARRiC$ BRCS. X11080 they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sun of 4480:00* and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefore ----- 7--_._ C. F. No- 110 869'09—By 3111ton Rosen Resolved, 'that the Councll tierebp concurs IICthe T... ehdatlon. at the Contract Cbmmlttee and,�aWarde contract for ,awards 6' Lorena Park from a>➢o(nt40 ft 'meet IBct'tIn meat ltne of Etna 9t, to flaregce' atlo accordance with' and spec- RICK B roto attached, to CAR eat reapo IIbI. bJddara fort the sum of he80.00, and the Corp* ral/oa Counsel fe' hereby land to draw o, CouIt - seer.:a c, Yorm of Contract therefor. Normal id .o• 8399. Eng(neer's estimate ' S9f q Oq: ($($($ Adopted' by the Councll duly I, 1090. - Approved duly 1, 1930. " -- , QQ'.,:.Z//dSSulY 6 -*9803 /��/� /�� FORMAL BIO NO.SJl�a — ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S /1Sl 000 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS ..FOLLOWS: S 480.©0 1 ASSESSED AGAINST BENHFITTED PROPfiRTY - - - 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- CO.. - f 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-E%EMPT PROPERTY -CODE f BOND ISSUE -CODE - f 0. APPROPRIATED FROM 5, COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - S. f - - - S TOTAL - HEREBY CERTIPY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- R' COPIES TO: .1 CLERK ANCE ABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. CITY RHIMBURBE THEP.RMANENT COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNT.. PUBLIC WORKS - __ DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTEDyy PURCHASING COMPTROLLER BY -- { a e�tZ!f JLQ..." 1 9m COUNCILMEN ^ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL YfiA. NAY. /1 e IN FAVOR APPROVED AGAINST • MR. P.-meNT MAYGR 101 „ - .CITY OR SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL NO'—__ 859 ORIGINAL— NUMBER U LITY Cl....FILE .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR All ORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS l t93 DAT PRESENTED BY N -- �._ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommeadation of the Contract Committee and awards the oontraot for grading ® Alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and Davids Rasrraa6ement from Annapolis St. to VFyomin8_ St., is accordance with plans and specifications her attached, to(}EORO>S DICKSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sma of �114,00� and the Obrporstion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 1 C:,'il`•' No. 8691086910 Rosea -\ Resolved.' That the the Council hereby. Cont=',tl Colnmitteemand: awards the . Icontract for BradlD6 Alto'1 In Blocit. l dd d , D id'an Be& r n8em°nt fro nnlp* lis : SL. to -WYom S 6t•. -III BCCOrdanCe :with plane and st a tftcatlona hereto at-� I Bhthe`loweeCRre D Da b$9 blddar. for ' Covn .1 is �h11 °rebY Tee drtOrdTBW. uor p the proper Lorm o[ cont E glt tier's Lor., FormaT,B18 N0 8898'. aetlmate'SaE7.00: RR 1080. ADprovafl J IYei 19901 July 1. ;(July 6-18801 p� ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES 2217000 FORMAL BID NO. 8598 - CIL FOR ADOPTION. _NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTIND TO LOUN OLVING FUND TO Be REIMBURSED FOR COST.OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVED PROPERTY - �CL: 00 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITT- CODE F 4 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'S SNARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - CODE S APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVHMENTS—E%EMPT PROPERTY— - S ' BONG I93UE—CODE 4. APPROPRIATED FROM - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S S. COUNTY Al. TOTAL COPIES T.O: 1 HHREBV LERTIRY TNAT THERE IS AN UNENLU sUAT.. BAL- CITY CLERK ANCS AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO IN IMBURSETHS TXE ABOVE AMOUNTS - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER _ PUBLIC WORKS DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED -� PURCHASING COMPTROLLER BT COUNCILMEN D BY TRF COUNCIL , Y9A8 NAVE �IN FAVOR AOOVTe ��ppyy log �d E.1 �APPROVED - AOAINST t MR. PRESIDENT Council File No ................................... By .w•• 859.1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Hager Avenue from Maryland Street to Lake Como and Phalen_ Avenue, '. RATIFYING ASSESSMENTS. 'C. F: No. 96911. -- In the mater of the assessment of beneats, costs and expenses for grading HRger Avenue from MA.rV- ln�a 8t•- ";to Lnke Comp or, he under Preliminary Order.............., Intermediary Order ........., Final Order .......... , approved......... Aub....i4..................I9:..28 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment. be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. ----equal installments. L _9 Adopted by the Council = U � --- - 1 - .......----- 19- v y Clerk. J,1: ^. 19........ Approved............ : a. `......•..... ........---- ./.-•...--. ................................----.->.Mayor. Form B. B. IS y _S -3a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _June. 5 ................ is..30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Oosts and expenses for Wi rading Hager Avenue from Maryland Street to Lake Oomo and Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order........................74955............., Intermediary Order...... 76902..................................... FinalOrder 774a ................................ approved ............ AM, ...14............................................. 19g8.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - meat, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $.,�a.498.. 90........ Cost of publishing notice . $ ............ Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $...........l.sl�......... Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $.-.-„-.69.98 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $------------ 5.95 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $.- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $_3.,.581-. ............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been eorupleted, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action the as may be considered proper. F. B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 815912 CouncilHe No ................................... By........................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 2, oummin's Addition and Lots 8 to 15 and part of Lot 7�iBlock ne of 1, G. V. Bacon's" Subdivision, from oxford Street to the wes C, F. No. 85912 In the. matter of the a8aesgqmant of benefits,. costs and eapetlaee to, f"Ing a1�9y 1m Blook'.2, Cummtn's Addltlon and Lotr°?-'e 'S anrl•r,ri ',Lot 7,'Bloc- ;. tlalon,'.ey 83113 intermedias Order.. 943—, Pial Order.. 8389 under Preliminary Order ............... Y approved..... kgq!.4..........................19.29. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............ I..................equal installment I , ,2 f0` Adopted by the Council----•------------------------------------•• -- 19 ...--. ?11,Approv ed ... A. PP ........ •- - ............19.. Fom, B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. -3e CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .......... JIMP-.5............. 19.30.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tX1 grading alley in Block 2, Oummin'e Addition and Lots 8 to 15 and part of Lot 7, Block 1, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision, from oxford Street to the west line of Varner's Subdivision, 83113 83643 . under Preliminary Order ..................... ......... ........._... Intermediary Order............ ......-... ........ . ....... . 29 Final Order..................83897....................., Dee. 31 - ..._..... 19........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . ... . . . $-125,.00 ............. Cost of publishing notice . $...-.-..7a.... 5------------- Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $-------0.0 ............. Inspection fees $... 9e -5Q -------------- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $......_2..t.?.`�.............. Total expenditures . . $1-N-45 ------------- Said .x,32,, 45 --„--------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.-.132.._45................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action therleon as may be considered proper. .--.-.:..rr.:u....y............_..........iasi.---_______ Fo,m ❑. B. i� Commissioner of Finance. ' Council Filo No ................................... By Iffir, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for grading Alleys in Blook 4, Governor Johnsons Addition from Case Street to Jenks Street and from Frank Street to North and South Alley. C. F. Na 85919— In-the matter. of the asaesament of beneflte, coats -and' eaDenses.. for grading Alleys In Bf({6k.4. Governor :Johnsons Addition: from Caee Street' to ,Jenl• eei , and .from Frank 1h.. nd South under Preliminary OrderAZ$4-0.�3 .........--, Intermediary order._��.7j.99------------- Final Order.. .--------, approved.... D8Q8mb8T,_10-.......... 19_24.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable . ................equal installments. �(..------19 -- Adoptedby the ConnclL--•-----.--IL--------------------•-•-----•--------•--------------. Form B. B. IS -'__ty Clerk. -------------------- Mayor. CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -June- 5-, ............. ...19.30. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Mx grading Alleys in Blook 4, GoVernOr Johnson's Addition from Case Street to Jenks Street and from Frank Street to North F and South Alley. under Preliminary Order. -....-...-.-.-82840 .................... Intermediary Order ---------- $3319 ----- ----- ------- _..-. ---------, Final Order........ g3. Q- ------ ........ approved .......... DA.9—O 11?.4.1.._Mt-h............................. 19. 9_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 2 /� Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $....J.9�,_Q51--......-.. Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $........4.:0.5............ Cost of postal cards $ ------------ inspection fees . m . $......... '.95 !Amount of court costs for -confirmation $......._4-..-().F1------------- Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $ __ i4' =s7 ---------- ------------- Said Commissioner further TeportsAiat lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..._414.,_x-7 ----------- ---- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conn. that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the":sig ferred thereon; nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action th eon as may be considered proper. 7q-.. e-. .:.......... r...... r. n. n Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ................................... By........................................................ CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alleys in McKinnon's Addition and McKinnon's 2nd Addition from Lake Oomo and Phalen Avenue to Denny street, and from Greenbrier Avenue to north and south alley, In • the matter o[- costsand the _aexpenssaessmeseat of l benefits, ' grading alleys In McKinnon 'B Addl'tor• tion and McKinnon's 2nd Addition from Lakp Como - p^ nue to 1) ; pr" under Preliminary Order.; 80.8-8.8 Intermediary Order.........a2.4.2B....., Final Order, MR.—. approved ......Wt....24...................19...4. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IIT, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ..1�.---- in..................__equal installments. .�U� 2193 ........I9 Adopted by the Council_ ................................. - Approved--------51-3.�:- - -- - - 19 - Farm B. B. IS c - ?- ci-`2"Q�3fy Clerk. ................ . . - .................... .... ------ -_.. Mayor. / _3d 4s' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COi`JAIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of .Completion of Assessment dnne 6' ---......., 19...30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for 21 grading alleys in 31oginnon's Additionand MaKinnonis nd from2Greenbrier itionAfrom . Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Denny to north and south alley$ 8088882426 under Preliminary Order ............ ......................................... Intermediary Order -------------------------------- .------ --- ........... ... Final Order..... ----' .....M.91 ................... approved.... 5! pO ...2`?.................................................. 19.29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz Cost of construction $--!t7-0•-0Q------------- Cost of publishing notice . $------ 4-!5Q of postal cards $ ------A-e-9Q-------------- Inspection fees $..-----9.e.+. ........ .---- Amount of court costs for confirmation $-----A�_K............. Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $-A89.-30 ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $..489-. 30 _____________upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. c __) Furor B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ' .. r — 2 y I 4 04r 859"5 Council File No ................................... By........................................................ CITY OF 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Blook 18, Merriam Park, from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue, C,,F No. M916 - 1u the matter of the assessment of benefits, ,cests and expenses for grading',altey,imBlock 18, Merriam Iglehart Avenue to Car' Park tram nolap. A8enu , undrmeBPrelh;dnar Nov. 6, 1929. A publlo hearir���CA upon the assessr B orovement,._5ary Order...._...._.9.2498., Intermediary Order ..................... Final Order.............3...a,.„ approved .......... V -Q9-' -'5 ......................19_x.9... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOUVFDI That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same ►' � II1NC �Ox CD�G1'��i�tioi�, � � X10 c011lat 0���0 y � Co(Iti4 the 1)�NCII�C c011�C 0 t y oui�t Ito c �l � b vim Bt IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is horny dotormil od to bo P01)1� Y.......equal installments. 21930 Adoptedby the Council...........................................................................19......... P Clerk, 111�..''�r..,.. .......APproved.R1. .....1�.. Form B. B. IS , Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE or THE coM�JIssIoNEn or F INANCE Report oi Completion oi Assessment ........... June ...5 ............. ig.,30. In the matter of the assessment of benef ite, ooets and expenses for grading alley in Blook 18, Merriam Park, from Iglehart Avenue to oarroll Aaaua, 82498..... ._.......I Intermediary 8.9% --------------------------- under Preliminary Order ............................... Y Order.........._2..... 83281 Nov. ............ ........... is..29 Final Order..........--- ....................................... approved the Council of the City of St. Paul: T -he Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: 27.��.t.QQ Cost of Cotistnictioll ... ......"" Cost of publishing notice , . . , , . , . $....... &40.•.•••.-•-••• Cost of postal cards $.......Q..4Q Inspection fees . . . . . . . . $.......5i.K............. Amount of court costs for colbfirmation , . , , $...,.. 2, .............. Total expenditures . . . . . , , $.2 J? .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..285.418 ................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con - ferrel thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is hereicith submitted to the Council for such sction the eon as may be considered proper. .. V...1..".:.... ��:6. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance, Council File No ----------------------------------- By t CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading east and west alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and south alley to Greenbrier Avenue, C:: F. No, 86818= matte_: oo[ the a ..... merit bt benefits, costa 'and expenses for grading east and west alley Jn; 'Block I, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and South alley to j aryeOrder 829Avenue 6 Inte m dlary (Order 82959, Pinal Order 83286,` approved Nov, 5 1929 ;r ttty had_, 83285 under Preliminary Order.......... 2496.:; Intermediary Order..... 8.295Q...•..... final Order ............................ approved............Nov..........................19..29. . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................equal installments. JUL —2193U Adoptedby the Council.....................................................•.... ----.......19......... Approved......................................................19........ For. B. B. 18 Clerk, Mayor. �,� —D6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMAJISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment June -5 ..., 19 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ousts and expenses for tU grading east and west alley in Blook 1, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and south alley to Greenbrier Avenue, under Preliminary Order.......................$.2.498..............., Intermediary Order ----...82e0.5.0 .................................. .... FinalOrder......................83285.. .............. approved. ... NOV.-._5------------------- .............................. 19..29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.....345.-0.0.......... Cost of publishing notice . . . , . . . . $.......... Cost of postal cards . . , . , . , . . $.......... Q� .2.....----.. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $.......... .96 ------.,--- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $.........3.60........... Total expenditures . . . , . , , , $.,.. ?' 88.......... Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $...$-H-0.88................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con - ferrel thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such ection there u as may be considered proper, ......... .....'..... .......... k d ................ Form a. a. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council Pile NO ................................... By...... V 4 CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 4 from Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also gradin said alley from a point 200 ft. west of Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue in accordance with said red line when established C r No. 85917- the) assessment se In the matter ut costs p1loY Im booeolol damageo thogr at 4 for ohaa I►I9 )�lyh1oAwhrad HIooK Z�azolPaAvo to Carom Vnn U�k°�onfbe", rm ta'tho a 9287 a 82532..... Bev ",`'�� u1�ate e" , undo, t�nrelimmary. Lha�r...........�19�.1. Intermediary Order ............................. Pinal Order approved........�8pt �...14.................19..2`�. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...........�G-----------------equal installments. r Ado ted b the Council...............- - 19 --- P y{ .. - -- I 11 -- .............. ......._ F,-.Cjzgityy Clerk. t .. 1 �/l ............. .............. Mayor, Form B. B. 18 - *ice CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -June -5 .................. 12.30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages) costa and exnenses for M, changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Hazel Park Division Not line from Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue ohe�eofrm tothethe present on the profile hereto attached and madea nart established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading said alley from a point 200 ft, west of Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue in accordance with said red line when under Preliminary Order..................._81.811................. Intermediary Order ..--.....8Z5z.................................... Final Order...............a2.5.32............... ...... approved.......8.eRte...lQ........................ ........ 19...29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.02.x.4Q-----••------- Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $.......4...50 .............. Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $.--...Q.e.00.............. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $...1Q.e 04 ............... Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $.............. Total expenditures $.5.21,54. .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..521-._94.................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action ther on as may be considered proper. ...%...:............... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. July tad. 193• Hon_ Milton - Cos Ir Of Bui7.din�. Dear COnr.5a 3Z-- s Re - C'rienpir. ; the grad r_n 5r�3ing alley in Aloe c . iazol ?ar2c I�3ivision Po. 4, under,...0. 31,811. meatinc geld today the itesoiuzion 3ati- fyin 4sse s r - 'or the alcove imarove�nt :sss. adoptel. -'1� Property o°s= `=—,p =red and stated t?yjt a.los shot uaa ie�L in said s11 'Wiz icn -4ater collected. .-,a matter was rei�rre3 to your department, £air investigat i a - Yours very truly, City cleric_ , 85®x_$ FileNo ................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment benefits costs and expenses for In the matter of the assessment of � planting and protecting shade trees and seeding boulevards with grass on Wheelock Parkway from Western Avenue to Payne Avenue, xo. assts— r matter of theas ` sessment of 'iP' expenses for . ng shade trees wr,• I9 N Ith grass 19546 i r Ordcr„. 79937 final Ordcr.......80263..,. uudc' , hitcriucd a y r Prclimivary Ordcr................ ���� approved ............ Apq 1..16 .............19...29 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT U' THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in :5. installments. r. ifl§ Adopted by the Counml---------- ,,i.U.L..:.-..,r--- :.• ---•--•-•• PP n y^ ti h 19........ Form B, B. 18 Clerk. Mayor, f; v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment June ..5 .............. 1J 3U. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and . expenses for3ftx planting and protecting shade trees and seeding boulevards with grass on Wheelock Parkway from Western Avenue to Payne Avenue, under Preliminary Order .......................7.9.5. 6..............., Intermediary Order ........7.907....................................... 80263 .................. approved.........................April... 16............................ 19..29 Final Order .................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $••+9►-•�•6•�•�&•••-•-- Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $.......... N2J.5 ••••• Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $ ............. 6..57 Inspection fees (Force account) $ 0 0-.•00 -.............. . Amount of court costs for confirmation $--- -- --- 32 -- 85 ------------ Total expenditures . . . . . . . $ 9 6A0.95 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $..x9,.640.1.95....... ----upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereo as may be considered proper. ....-- .. -- _%(__ . - Commissioner of Finance. Fnrm R. R. 17 Council File No ----------------------------------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 85919 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hyacinth Street between Kennard Street and Flandrau Street, 85839 — In the. matter of the asseaementot b¢neate; eoets and ex➢ansae for coa- Streeting a sewer- on 17 nth .,- Street between Kennard @treat sad Orderr882603,eat. ander I'rellmlaary 83979; Final Orderer8 20 ary _Order Feb.'4, 3930, - A. Dubin.: _. . . ... 8260383979 84208 under Preliminary Order. ---------------............ Intermediary Order.-------------.--------- Final Order.-.--....................... approved ............ eb•- A........ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is Dereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....... --_...equal installments. jLl L - 2 5930 Adopted by the F Approved ---------------------------------------------19 -- Form B. B. IS F._(.,_Sity Clerk. -�--------...... --............................................. > Mayer. 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .............. June.5........... 19_30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 3W constructing a sewer on Hyacinth Street between Kennard Street and Flandrau Street, 82603 83979 under Preliminary Order ......... ............ Intermediary Order..... ..._.... - ............ .................- 42 -._�...8 pP Feb. 4..... ----- 19 30. Final Order. .............. ........ a roved. ......... ......... ......b To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction .. $._._97..2,_QO........... 4.20 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . $. Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $.........Q.84_-____. Inspection fees $_-._19.44__--------- Amount of court costs for confirmation $,.-_--.4.20 Total expenditures . . . . . . , $1000.68 ------------ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $..1.000.68 .............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment,has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereo as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Farm A. B. 17 _ r'] 8 5 9`- 0 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__condemning� and_taking_an_easement _in_the_land_necessar_y--_ for slopes, .cuts and fills, in the grading of Charles St. from Raymond Ave. to Carleton St., RRSOLLTIONS RATIFYING AND CON - FI ING CONDEMNATIONS AND ..AWARDS OF:DAMAGESAND AS- SESSMENTS T*IERE?on , ER r under Preliminary Order ------------- 9'221-1--, approved -_____Q t-de.1i_2LIU -_--__ Intermediary Order __________________$4868 ___ approved____-_ AT) ril---- 10, 1930 ____ Final Order ......................... 85135-- approved------ 9aY--------6-'--1930--------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ,----------------- Cq=jzziqseDE.4-as�t tt'"Parcel-or..iaDa- Iegcraoe[G-,�wr�uu. Adopted by the Council �U� ` 1 `________________, Approved ------------------------- 19---- jCouncilman gam*eyRosen Mayor. Councilman Fergmro8 Pearce Councilman McDonald ^ " Councilman R== May Q Councilman ItabhexiX Conroy Councilman Sudheimer Mayor Bundlie REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of---- for f___ for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Charles St. from Raymond Ave. to Carleton St., 83208 ..... October _29, -1929---------------- under Preliminary Order----------- aPProved---------------- Intermediary Order -------- 84888----, approved --------- April ---- 10�-1R3D--------------- Final Order ---------------$5135 -- approved---------May--------6-'--1930---------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---- ----------- commissioner --_----- Commissioner of Finance. V .' IV 851921 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matterof-_�1�nclemnzu� -ansa-t�kil-'an-Q�seir���lt _ice the -land necessary___ for ^���R$, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, "k from Doane St. to St. Anthony Ave., 'C. r. No. 86921 do the matter of condemning and tak- -ing. an esaemeat Ia She land neces- 3-°sary for -elopes, cut, . and fills, ,n the `,geadinK of` Alley in,.Toek 2,.!Deo Perk M, —T, Anthony under Preliminary Order ----------------------- , approved__ March_ ----1930 ______________i Intermediary Order ------------- 8.025--------- approved___A-pril 241 1930___ --_________-- Final Order --------------------85286---------- approved---1a-y----20, _ 1930 --------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of lienefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it'Yurther-Resolved,. that the said ossa"ssment be and it is hereby- determined to -be-.payable. in__ _______--equal=installments'ag-to eaclr'parcei of land`degeribed therein. Adopted by the Council _JJUL- 2.19M _________________, q ';l' --------- ;i - - ----- ------------1 City Clerk. Approved-------- `-- -----------,19---- j ---- -------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Q45YWx Rosen Councilman j"W Pearce FYED %—.� — 3 O Councilman McDonald Q �S Councilman Rcj= May CouncilmanConroy M. . Councilman er Mayor Bundlie I,. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND AScESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of___coni@¢�ning_an�_taking_an_easement_in the_land_necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Desnoyer Park from Doane St. to St. Anthony Ave., under Preliminary Order_____ @4aQ0_-_, approved ------------ Intermediary Order ---------- 85025 -------- approved ------------ April------- 24- ,1930 --------------------- Final Order __________ ------ 85286 __, approved----------- MaL'----- ---------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefitsAo property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - ---(-- Commissioner of Finance. In the :;atter of condgmnin; and tatin; an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the ;r,adin;: of alley in Block ?, Desnoyer Park froT Doane Street to St, Anthony Avenue, To the Qouncil of the wity of St, SO, and John H, Ronald) Commissioner of Finance. Gentlemen; The undersigned, St. Paul Title & Trust Company, is Us owner of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Z, o, 13, 14 and 15 in block 2, Desnoyer Park Ad— dition to Ke City of St. Paul, and objects to the :,roceedinE in the « above entitled :natter and requests that the final order therein ap— proved gay 20, 1930, may be recalled and canceled and the project aban— doned. The reasons therefor are as follows; 1. To the best of your petitioners information and belief no notice of any prior hearing in this ;natter Was received by your pe— titioner or at petitioner's office. If received objection would have been made prior hereto. The first notice thereof was of this. hearing July 2 1930, received by your petitioner June 18, 1930. 2. There are fifteen lots_.in this block, all of which, are vacant and unimproved extent lot twelve. t,gWX The records indicate that in addition to the nine lots owned by your petitioner lot eleven is owned by Anna I'opsin. who did not sign the petition .for tLe ir,provenent; lots 7, 5 and 9 are owned by Martin Eberhird , and lots 10 and 12 oy Joseph Freiseis both of whom, it is alle ed, have signed the etition. The lots owned oy both the last men- tioned arties nre at t..e south eud of t_:e olocl and abutt upon Doane St. and the owners of said lots n've Low easy access to the rear of t._eir lots and the _radin- of the alley is not necessry for the full use of said lots. The house on lot 12 is t_,e only one in the block, nd is owned and occupied oy Joseph Freiseis. 3. The improveicat is not r=cuired in t_.e Clic interest no_ is it in n_ rasiect recess -r, to Z..e to of _..c o,r. _s t..e lot- Hoc e. 4. Me esti. ated cast of t: e i:r. roveLeat is forty-four cents per foot and a serious and unnecessary expenditure at this time Will Ge imposed upon lour ,e,tj ti npr .,f `...6 vt .c".. U' nel : lots t_ in this blocit without an;� commensure,te ��.;n or advantage if the improvement is ordered.nOw- to reconsider f ERE FGRE your petitioner as.cs yrour honorable Body F �rhereby it approved the final order in this matter; that file a0t1on ti the sane may be canceled and recalled to tue end that another hear— inc as to tf. e re+erits of the be be ar: d whereof notice Eiven to all Oviriers of lots affected there'oy. Dated St. Paul, .inr.., June 19, 1930' St. Paul itle. &I. Trust CO., By r nt. - N- IJ �1 in this blocit without an;� commensure,te ��.;n or advantage if the improvement is ordered.nOw- to reconsider f ERE FGRE your petitioner as.cs yrour honorable Body F �rhereby it approved the final order in this matter; that file a0t1on ti the sane may be canceled and recalled to tue end that another hear— inc as to tf. e re+erits of the be be ar: d whereof notice Eiven to all Oviriers of lots affected there'oy. Dated St. Paul, .inr.., June 19, 1930' St. Paul itle. &I. Trust CO., By r nt. - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ condemning_and_taking__an_ easement_ in_the_ land_necessarY--- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Hospes Park from Finn Ave. to Wellesley Ave., C. F., No., 1'922 - In -the matter 6922 -In -the -matter. of condemning and tak- Ing aneasement In the land neces-'� an .• for slopes, cute •-0. fills In the. under Preliminary Order ------------ 84694--_- approved ....... March -26,-1930 Intermediary Order _____------------ approved_______ADTil _24 L_ 1930 ---------- Final Order ------------------------ 85289--- approved -------May --- 20'--1930----------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be,] _ ent be -and- tAs:hera determine o be payable inst�7lmenie as to°Eaeh-vartel,o€�1and,described therein. JUL 21930 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------> 19,---- ° --------- - - -- --------- f` i City Clerk. Approved------------------ `---- 19---- Mayor. Councilman Cwm= Rosen CouncilmanZ%F&Itdil Pearce Councilman McDonald 'iRi,t51� S- 36 Councilman Be=Rx May Councilman TAtft Conroy Councilman Sudheimer Mayor Bundlie REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENTFITS i of _tg fornthema matter Block fills in thellrradnngaofmAlleynin Blockdlneceasary Hospes Park from Finn Ave. to Wellesley Ave., under Preliminary Order ------34694 __, approved --- March__26�__1930------------------------- 85029A ________________________ 85029April 24 1930 _ Intermediary Order -------------------- approved-------------------------------- ------------- Final Order -----------------85889 =_, approved_ --May ---- 9'_ -1929 ------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------- - Commissioner of Finance. " -8e5V3 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ condemning and_ takingan easement in the_ land_ necessary__ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Lexington Park Plat 11 from Griggs St. to Syndicate �ve., C. "F;';30, 85923— and tak' In the matter of ccute and 011e to the Ing an easement 1n the land nece,- "ry:for sloDee. grading of Alley fn Bloch �• Lea �^ ton ParK Plat, 11 from to Syndicate ary Order 198, under Preliminary Order -------- 84544___-----1 approved ---- March 12,_ 1930 _ Intermediary Order ------------- _8.5031--------- approved_-- A�ri1 24, -------------- Final ______----1Final Order -------------------- 85291------- approved---- May--- 20; _1930 ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands, described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. id assessment'be and it is hereby determine payable _R in ---------- --equa ms aMnC' _ land tJescrabed-therein. 19,---- Adopted by the Council _______JUL __ M 21--------- - ,- City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- ----- - ------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman A)Mx Rosen Councilman$kagwon Pearce Councilman McDonald �j PUBLISf1ED �—S_ 3 Councilman XIMIx May Councilman Rokamt Conroy Councilman Sudheimer Mayor Bundlie REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSIAENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of__condemnin� and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading o� A17eyri �IocT 'T; Lexington Park Plat 11 from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., under Preliminary Order________ ___ 844_, approved ---March -121_ 1930 ------------------------ 45 Intermediary Order ----------- 85031_, approved ---April _241_ 1930 ------------------------ Final Order ------------------- approved --- MFLY---- 29,_-J 239 ------------------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. I Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter o#__condemning and taking.. an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of A71ey Sri 131ook--- 9, Louden Park from Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Boulevard, C. F, Nd 86924— In the matter of condemns LenIn jan nd tek- 91oPea, tcuta tandl"'I' fuothe earyafor grading and Paving ot. �11e9.. in. Block 9, Louden Par', - etin Ave.. to Mount C". der Prelllnlne prOved April ' Order 360 Final 01 ' 1030, �P upon th, 84740 approved---- 11 Anri1-�----------193--•-----------------1 under Preliminary Order -----------------------1 Intermediary Order ____________ 95033 -------- approved ____April 24, 1930------------- Final Order --------------------- 85293-------- approved---- May --- 20-,- 1930 -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners, of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be �i#nrthe�tesalx&';�the-paid_ ae m_entbe and tthei7TPxettni reti"tar in_ __-- eq as elr" fll�oland desclibed.therein. Adopted by the Council ----- J11L_--- 2_ I M -------------> _ City Clerk. Approved---------------- ----- 19---- 1�1i/gyp"" - / - - ---------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman cuE,rayx Rosen Councilman FXPUDXwK Pearce�g `7 _ t _ ? 6 1 Councilman McDonald • ��' Councilman pgx May Q Councilman Ilypj kx* Conroy Councilma%SudjLeUner Mayor un e 1 40 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of__enndelnning �nc1-t &ing_?�n_easement _ln the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, Louden Park from Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminary Order ------- 84740-, approved__ April 1, 1930 ---------------------- ------------------- Intermediary __________________Intermediary Order ------------85033-, approved---1930------------------------- Final Order ------------------ 85293 approved__ Ma_y____-20 �_-1930 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. /---- - Commissioner of Finance. M b RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR condemning and taking an easement in the land neees'sary_ In the matter of_ ________ _ __, -- f or slopes, cufs and j�ijls, l n the grading of Alley -iri -lock �I3; Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs St, to Syndicate Avenue) C. F. No. 86926-• In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land neces- aary for elope,, cute and tllle. In the grading of Alley In Die18, 9tln- aon's Boulevard Addltlon from Griggs 9t. to sygicute Avenue, under Pre- liminary Order 84642, approved March 12. 1930, Intermediary Order 186036, approved April 24, 1930, Final Order 86296, ars A pude h upon the ' the lar' ?h� under Prd roar Ork....... 4 ........., Y appro�cd_._ � O @ Q�l. �..�,.............., Intermediary Order ----------- 85035----------, approved___ Apr11 24,-1930 Final Order ------------------$52. 5----------- approved----May----20z-1930-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Ni1>Resolvedf t asst be and It Is hereby, dptgrmmed.Ao-bi'ppayallle -des4sr -�------- at installmentsM�of lantfia6es#efn. Adopted by the Council JUL---2-1930 111_ Approved ----- Eck ------,19 Councilman CmjM7 Rosen Councilman�g Pearce 1 Councilman cDona dd Councilman Btl zmx May a Councilman 10blOd 0onroy Councilman Sudheimer Mayor Bundlie, ------------ 19,---- � o ------ � �= ------------- City Clerk. --- -------------------------------- Mayo---- Mayor. Pil13LT^moi 7 5 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter an_easement_in_the_land_necessary for slops, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 13, Stinsonis Boulevard Addition from Griggs St. to Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order ------84542 __ approved------- --------------------- Intermediary Order ---------- $x.035__, approved ------- 1ziL24,-M0--------------------- FinalOrder ----------------- 5,?`.29aapproved -------MqL --- 20,--laa0--------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ----------------- e Commissioner of Finance. .1 r17.1 E" I il 8592 �...._.��_ ._ COUNCIL I V �.__ 6 2, FILE 868..8-8Y I C;Pearce<— - Ian, The Commiantoner of FAu FFA 91�e'1 CLERK ma rugoxted. to tho - r th. city, duu wuh Section 68 of the pity:. the ezlstenee ot.an emergency UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL-FORM endured necessary the a-nr y July 2 1930 DAT f eertaln emkI2 ea ��„ �: ,. _ M^ n bo ol+nP,_ VED �1 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence' of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ— ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au— thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE George Allen Jan. Eng. it It Geogge Barrett It F. Baumgart it to It Albert Beecroft It to F. Bursinger Is It Isaac Burlingame it to J. Callahan. It if Frank Chapman It It R.W,, Crawford It It Arthur Christy n „ J.E. Glass Andrew Engstrom Rd. Jan Elias Fehr Jan. Eng• n n Gabriel Ga gli 65 Mrs. H. Mallmmquist Janitress George Gunther Jan. Fang. to Charles Hammerlund 65 George Hayes it to tt it J.A. Heinz n It Werner -Hesse t, It P.F. Hickey 11 8 COUNCILMEN 1Vays Conroy May McDonald _-In favor _ Rosen ___Ct___Against Sudheitner '= Mr. President Bundlie TIME RATE TOTAL/ !* hours 65� $7.15// 2:19 32 622 7.15✓ lis 9 65 551 4.97 ✓ 7.15/ 11 10 65 622 65 6:25 7 585, 9 92 60 5.70 Z/ 10 2 622 6.50 1.25./ 9 65 5 : 86/1 9 65 5:85, 6:50 19 65 3.47✓ g2 57- 65 6.18 1 12 65 85 7.80/ 7.15 f 11 8 65 5.20 / 9 65 5.85 6.50 ✓ 10 65 Continued- izo 14 Adopted by the Council_ 9 �--------------------19---- --- APP- ----------19----- __ MAYOR Name Tit1a MOW. Time �� Rate Total J7�o- uL 'Elmer Hintz Jan. gz jk- 10 hours 65¢ &. SCi ✓ Gunn Johnson n n n n 9 9*n n 521 65 4&75Y 6.18V August Kehler n ' 8 n 65 5.20/ August gronke Hole Landberg Is Is � 11 n n 65 47,j 7.15' 4:28 Clinton Looks Cleaner 9 8 n 5.20 J.R.' Lynn nen. fig• n 62 2.50/ Gluseppi Lucia 2.j n 55 1.38 Robert Jabs Janitor 9 n5.851f 65 'Ev Manske Jan. n Frig. n 10 n 65 6.50 _Lester Mollera Mrs. E. Newman Cleaner 8 n n 65� 3.80 5.85✓ John Nelson Jan. •g=g 9 12Q n 65 7.15 f iNilliam Oliphant n It „ 65 1.637 G. P. Hodge tt n 9 n 5.85, 1N. Powers /t „ 10 n gS 6.501 Timothy Roddy it n 9 to 65 5.85 Henry Schneider /1 11 8 „ n 65 5.201 O. Schneppmueller 11 11 11 n7.151 65 Bert Seidler 11 n 9 n 5.85V Oscar Smolensky it „ 9 n 65 5.85 Lloyd bpetzman 11 ,* 12 to 62* 7.50 Nicholas Stadtfeld t1 11n lea 65 7.15 4.501 Charles Stern _ 1t „ n 6e Arthur Story Is *, 11 n 65 7.151 Edward Thomas » n 11 1t 68 7.157 I.W.Thompson F.O.Turnquist n „ 12 tt is 65 65 780 7:801. William Vienering 11 n 1111 /15 12 to 65 3.251 Carl Warodell ACI. Ja-xse 9 1t 65 5.85 f 5.85 T. Watters J. Watson Ja g2g . 9 n 65 r.: 50 1 6. Ernest Weiss it to „ 10 it 65 61.50 Max Werner CA0" � 3-aoel ply► vane' Hints a �UrAge, sae 7.26 s 4.18 �agsssL e � 3� Is $48 Bits Loxidbers C13atraa Looks G1ee�sei► Jan. *B= 9 e $ B* 8.2�.fln 2050 s.IF. tsar► � r es a Im � � 1.36 Rim aebbss� aatdtcw pane I�rm. 6.95 6.80 s ds�ska tenter 1011ers 10 X0 g *� .3 3'W NeUmm a l�e! ts,s�r�� is g i4 n$.88 �.� aViW "6280W �3.I1ZaM Q11pbmt *qy{w. et iS Fs.'�„4 0. P. Bodo ra � 4y � iaz .85 bn650 Fyiff�[7yVgg We vers #S �V .� Yi 0 6.il.20 gory sohr►e3Aer � � g " 0S 7018 8.96 aller rt Seldlemr Oscar CaBOIAD07 9 S 430 4g_ 5.9 4.50 t � Qm"ScbDiae 118 ntAtfeld Gtssrlei ter a O 4.50 7.i$ �rtbW Story n - .' 7.15 ar8 Thomas $ XL to g� 7.Qfl 1.4T.Tnompnm .�st 3.2 7f9fl .0. mialsmu liteverw u � x.26 Carl vervde12 $d. .iuft 9 � � 3'.88 To :natters a. �3tat"Go aaam gn. $ 3.0 `g 8.5D 6.50 R Ost` *,maUs a vs Max Terre. XmIg 2. An emergency has risen i ri the Department of Education, 3a.rea•_ of School s, necessary the emr oyment of oer- taln employes of that clzpar ty--E i fcr more than eight ho, rs per day, in doing '.he - :f,::>- a —xig work: Cleaning and watoA nQ school. buildings. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: specia3 Activities at school buildings - keeping buildings opexx oa account oi' State Primary Election. -his report is _r_ acc order ce with Section 553 of the Charter. COUNCIL nlclrvwL ro CITY cienrc n -CITY - F ST. PAUL FILE - - _ NO.z-i tl OFFIC F CITY CLERK RE LUTION—GENERAL FORivL June 50, 1930 SE ATCOMMISION _- RE No.�86 A7 onractitob r.�iva$a 8-VaLl- -&Xley for th. of -�Paul and ?is sca't between thE' City Of dlyY i�__rctor, for the gradinin #lock 5, Haze PA -r -3s Division No. 4 from Qar3 3D,yjce Ave. to a point 74-'7 west of Hazel Ave. and 93MEL4" —9 an approach on a temporary grade From a point 74.7 ft - west of Hazel Ave. to Haze— Av-e _' also to construct a suer Am the alley from a point '7-4=--7 :rt West of Hazel Ave- bC mp4a sewer er in Hazel Ave. s vias countersigned by the ty on March 17 m325©� and Whereas Sa icl contract contained th.e rov:Lsion that said work should ase comp]-eted within sixty (60� rays from date of countersigaati-eZre � and Whereas 2ts impossible without urrec�essary hardship on the contractor t© proceed with such work be -ore approximately April 15t1a, --=XXXCL Whereas s Si tY3e time for completion of was based on 60 days ,froom tints on which it was possible to begin said work, the contractor_- -VWau3C1- have completed project o33 time; therefore, be it Resolve4cM the time for the completion of said contract be and the S�e 3_s hereby extended to thea— th day of June, 1980 and the pr©per city officers are hereby auLtlzorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance Yierewith, provided, however, t1:3$ -t- s resolution shall not have any force and effect unless -t--3=-et sureties on the contractor To bond consent thereto anti such consent in writing vw:j-"'th the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN - RS�� 9 19'�b Yeas Nays Adopted by the .Council —19 -- Conroy May •ll.'ly . . Approv---------19-- McDonald Pearce Rosen ------ - MAYOR Sudheimer 7- Qj7BLISl�'D C61-If9CIL oRIoI AL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL - FILE - r O I OF CITY CLERK C L )✓ TIO EN A FORM PRESENTED BY AT CF. Tto• 86928—BY C• Pearcy- - - Wheteas.--There ie now vendiaS bg- � Yore th �, The a otethe Uait.a- t jp. a r . olutton ntitled —let"' No- '• ddtra.lnSnS08�ea.DOW¢r-t T'n-ere is now pending before the Congress of the United States a joint resolution entitled "Couzens-Knutson Resolution No 161, • w2z3.c2i has been draitecl and. is designed for the purpose of restra33aing the power of the 271terstate Commerce Commission, arse prohibiting said "Commission from exercising its right to cons olidate railroad companies, *until such time as legislation is acLopt6ci by Congress pertaining to such consolida- tions; and w FRMAZ, The Council of the City of St. Paull by Council File No. 73865 , approv ec2 November lst , 3-927, put itself on record as being opposed to the merger of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and the Q•reat :Uc>=thern Railway Company on the ground that such a merger Would be detrimental to the best interests of the City of St - Paul arid the Northwest generally; and 4PEUCIRMA8, The Council of the City of St. Paul is of the opinion that fvsther study show be given to railroad mergers by the elected representatives of the people in the Congress of the United States; tiaerefore, be it RZS0LV$D Shat it is the opinion of this Council that the proposed resolution should be passed; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized sac3 directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Congressional Representative® from the City of St. Paid - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ------ -------Zn favor - Pearce Rosen Sudheimer .iii' q� Ali f II Suadlie a�te�nt � Adopted by rhe CounciLjUL— 2 -=?5G--19-_--_ Appro --^l- ,- ----------------19------- 1 ----- ---------------------- ---------------------- MAYOR CITY OF ST- PAUL FO ar" OFFICE OF CITY GLERK " COUN 1 RF-SOLUT10N—C3E:VEF2AL FORM PRESENTED BYDii�2 Jul� 1Btis 1930• COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the plat of (38,801 • s Adciit iozi S me recommended by the Plat 00mmiseiO3EL and approved tap the 0c),m :Issioner of public Works, be and the _ sam® is h6retay gLacepted. C• S. No, 88829 _ -- CoReeolved That—tea Hed b oa C—gt•s Addltlon, d, r mmisalon arad DD1'Ogg�l Commlbaloner of $ Ythe-.Plat;. the ealne le hergby�g,�og Wor&s.bbe an ADDrovedDJU]Y 2C 19 =t July 2. 1980.' (July 6-19ap) COUNCILMEN Nays JU L Yeas Adopted >;y the Council 9- --- Ciesc* McDonald / In favor Approved fit` Sudheimer Against MAYOR COUNCIL C_� F- Ho-_ 85930—SY Clydo, R: LraY _ CITY OF ST_ R'74¢resa. The'•Commlggtoagr of tho: D07Dartia¢nt of Pa IcgPlaygroundq and. Public .$nlldinga haa'�rg7�orted to at OFFIC5 OF T.HE CITY CLERK - �CossnciL' is accordance h. R etfon 6S -oL: tit0' C1LY Cha.r�s a oL as gttYerseac7r: .iya CIL R�ION—F�`ENERAL FORM RESOLVED lNYRBF.AS, the Com issioner of the Departrr_E--slt of Parks', Pi:Lygrounds and Public Buildings has repor ted to the Council, in accordance with Section 5.3 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency whi ch rendered necessary the -mployment of certain employes of his department for more than c i-ght hours per day, said employment being more than t-cir u'sua.1 Yioura of em- ploymenti THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the propE:x- city officers are hereby authorized to pa.y the followir_jg� named . employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAI4E TITLE T--IOTTRS OVERTIOFE Basil Burrell Util. Laborer 11 .55 Thos. A. Brody Mntce. Laborer 5 @ .50 Edward Connor Mntce. Laborer 5 @ .50 Fred Jacobson SubForeman 3 @ •622 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a McDonald -�........ ._...... In favor —" s hSude mer .v --..Against Wenzel Mr. President Fiod�eenA f JUL 2IWO Adopted by the Council..____.._..__....._----- -.-_.........._.192._...... ...._.. - "4 ..... App= U �`° .........192__.... ------ ----- - ----.......................... _ ...—_ ++,,.. �� p�T$LISIiED: a July 1, 1930 To the Honorabj_s ITa-,ror and City Council: Gentlemen An has arisen in the Department of Parks, and Public Buildings, rendering necessary tY» employment of certain employf:s of that Department fox' rnorE than eight hours per day, in the doing of ivork: labor PYiis Etncrgency a -rose by reason of the fol- lowing f e-ct-- circumstn.nces: Planting and watering outdoor f lowexr beds Como -eark. m Yours very truly, Commissioner. �ecrealtoa 3 .IPS iS M.k. 1"rtirr eftf- ct�tt of a� - 3aeprtment of ;parks. 11taggroundf3 - 'anb "sthltc 3Bnil"1000 G:EORG�ER �P1SOici• E artEMV W. JOHNSON. S{�r. Or PIAYOROYNGf FRANK X. 'LEWES• OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER Cmr ARCMrt>«T 219 COLRT HOUSE July 1, 1930 To the Honorabj_s ITa-,ror and City Council: Gentlemen An has arisen in the Department of Parks, and Public Buildings, rendering necessary tY» employment of certain employf:s of that Department fox' rnorE than eight hours per day, in the doing of ivork: labor PYiis Etncrgency a -rose by reason of the fol- lowing f e-ct-- circumstn.nces: Planting and watering outdoor f lowexr beds Como -eark. m Yours very truly, Commissioner. �ecrealtoa 3 .IPS iS M.k. 1"rtirr eftf- {ryKarhPJ , COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY C1E CITY OF S '`I'ALIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK REso`L T4t)Y—GENERAL FORM wwwaw WHEREAS, Ray McCarthy has petitioned the Council 11br permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at #63 West Seventh Street, on Lot Nine (9), Block 2, Rios & IrvinelB Addition; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph "F", Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; and WHEREAS, said Ray McCarthy has submitted a blue -print plan of the proposed lay -out with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; there- fore, be it RESOLVED that permission and authority are hereby given to Ray McCarthy to install and maintain adariiveeQfrom tion in ch accordance with the plan submitted; any g Psta approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public im- provements within the street lines to be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Ye May McDonald ------ _---.---In favor earc, .(_`- _- - Rosen _.._--- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council. __AIL 2---193a-19--__-_ 11 j- Api j' MAYOR D. W. BIRDSALL.. iii_ - offiinfttlt�t - T C'" CLKRK AM1D L s:orr�aKlorten'or aeo�.rRwt�oR - (voice of (9terk July let, Mr. M. M. O lMB 3.31 . Corporation 04=rt233,ss3L. Building. Dear Sir: We attach. herewith appl icst ion of Ray McCarter :row- permit to install a. filling station on Lot 9. Bloc3s 2. Hite & Irvinele Addition (63 W- Tt), St.) This application was agpraved by the Council today aad referred to yon for resolutiaa_ Yonrs very truly. C ity Clerk. COST CARD NOTICE! q r- OFFIC>✓ OF- -7117- IE COMMISSIONER OF FINANC)✓ e 13� ---- ----- { `}-� -- St. Paul, Minn., Jun ................. Pursuant to Scctio n 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St_ Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby rzotafzed that the applications of ----------- ------------ - -- Rey_- 240-9E xtbY............... --- --- ----------- erect --------- erect and inst: 1-11 a f=il3zsig station on the .lot ._9.,.._.bllc._ t& Irvines --ALcici_ _ --63 W.- 7thSt. ---- -- -------- - - - - - - - - - will come up for corssid enation before the Council in the Cou�nciI. C Icamber in the City Hall grid Court House Building on the of---- .-. _J»+✓_ - 1 9$0, at I0 o'clock A. M. 3CHMT $_ 13L-c—TY0�11TALD, , Commissioner of FinzL c - E. J. MURNANE. ' - CMIi► Or roue MICHAEL GERXARDT. ASST. CMIi► OF FOLICII M. A. VALL. CAFTAIIt OF DifiCTlV" THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAR. Or DYTiOTIYii a. H. SARFUSS: Yuri. Or TRAFFIC A. L. EODERT. LICn.. INRIKROR JOY. MACAULAY. -- YUri. PoLiGi S r... A—H (Vtv of Saint jlaul Department of Public 3afetp J. M. CLANCY. CoMMIYSIoNER MARRY T. O'CONNRLL. O.FYTT COYYIRRION.R BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM 212 COURT HOUii E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF Or POLICE .�1 June 26, 1930 Mr. DOW. Birdsall, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNK. FIRi CNIA OSCAR LANDER. ASST. F111f CHIV WILLIAM BARRON. CH- INi►iCTOR. rim FRiYRNT10H CHARLES L. WILLIS. bun. .,A---. R. F. SIMON.r► M. D. NiALTH omen A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. 0— NfALTH OFFICER JOHN MA 1. CNIR► HR TN I.— Your letter of June 24 to Mr. Barftiss relative to application of Ray McCarthy for permit to erect and instal a filling station on Lot 9, Block 2, Rice & Irvinels Addition, located at 63 West Seventh Street, has been re- ferred to me for further attention. I do not believe that the driveway will constitute a traffic hazard inasmuch as it will not be used any more than at the present time. The filling station vrill not be patronized a great deal by the general public but is more for the convenience of patrons of the park -Ing lot in opera- tion at the above address. t Very truly yours, arry Nettergren Traffic Bureau 0 a 11'g-, - I I a. J. MURNANK. CHIRP or or POLIO[ MICHAEL OERHARDT. A[[T. CHI" Or POLICE H. A. VALL. CZAIN or DtR[OTIVEa THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR CMR. .Or D[TSMW— O. H. CARFUSS. SYR. or TRw►rle A. L. EOOERT. LIO[N[i IN[r[OTOR JOS. MACAULAY. ♦UR. POM" d FIR[ ALARM -.;•r Saint flau owEMt c. ou NM. FtseE CM16r Lll QMto of OSGAR LAN OHR. ASHT- FIRB CHIBI {�Yr- }�* }� Public ti>`� ��lii �LH 1►�lL ��i Letv Wit...l-tAM BARRON. GNIBr i NHPBCTOR. F.R. rRBV61aTION Cl-tARL68 'L., WI1170. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER SuvT_ or APPARATYa li Ar<Rir T.. O•CONN[L�, oav�rrcer wla.IONaw .. B- F. SIMON. M. D. ti�..�TH C1rrlca�l OF POLICE d BLJ BEAU pBTUTY t{BALTM Orrla:Bw NI ROOM Ila couwT Nous[ - JOMN M^ 1. E_ J. MURNANE. CHIEF Or POLICE CIa16r Haua.rN INaT.aC R June 25, 1930 Mr. D. W — BA-x-asts11, City G1er� St. PeotXZ , M-2--esota. Dear Sir c Retsarned herewith is the applicatioa o:E Ray E3cG8 rtY3y mor permission to instal a ga:solixaa Filling station $t 63 West Seventh Street, and rorepts of in— spections by tiie Bureau of Fire Prevention, aacl tiie Bureazz oi' Mra:Efic. Very=!�y �o� Commissioner of Public Sarety f. Mr. George C- Commissioner of Rib71-3 c Safety, Saint Paul, Mane s a a _ Dear Sir: Referriag -1--o tie application of Ray McCarthy for per- mission to instal a g� s ohne filling station at 63 West Seventh Street vvi7 s $� tYsat 1 have today made an inspeotion of this locati on I findtha the driveway entering the station from Seventh street 3 s located in what is the present west -bound car as cis sitate those boarding or leaving street stop. This wY 11 cars !nglthem1to t a zardsoo£ vehicless which n the dri may cross there.hus expo At the pr g s ext ti ma vehicles are parked in this parking lot in such a 9 = so that no vehicles are driven over the driveway located zri tie oarstop, but a re -arrangement of the to the�sideewalk,1vaha='a$�'e P1e would be aitinglow i'orvstreetsearsoross At one �+�ea- station located in the same manner as this would be, considers �1 e d1Fficulty has been had, his and the better arrangement WC" -_L -L— �e to lmave the driveways of tstation start sixty feet east C>::0,t:lze Sixth Street tbuildingfrom r in oarshwithoutis d e. permit oar r5 dgrs o board or align interference Very truly yours, I G. H. B £tits s Superintendent or Traffic ' E. J. RIFF OF PO. ,y M - sa*TM* �Yi Si�� i{.1 OWEN G. DUNN, ARe CHIRP AND OSCAR LANDER, iiHl[P OF ;PoIJC[ iJLLµ A•/T. FIRK CHIEF MICHAEL OESHARDT. AarT. CHIRP OF Pouu y flub *` WILLIAM BARRON. WILLIAM F.R. Pn[v[xTlOr M. CA".'" OP DR[CTIVN CHARLES L. WILLIE. THOMAS E. DANILL. J _ M - GLAN CY. COMMISSIONER SUPT. or APPARATII/ - JUXIon CAR. or D[RCTi HARRY T- O -G ONNiLI. OCTCT Teo w •.oX•w B. P. SIMON. M. D. H{A TX OPPIC[n CIS. H. BARPUSS. SUR. or TRAPPIO B U R IE A LJ (DF POLICE - A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. D -Z H[ALTX OPPIC[R A. L EOSERT. LIO[H[[ IX!•[OTow 1RooM • ss counr Xou/[ JOHN --I* MR ,HH[ALTH IM/w[CTOR Jos. ,Rwcwuur. SUR. PoLIR a PfR[ wLwwr E- -..E - M Li RPi AlV E. CHIEF of POLICE -4c^.,_ , J-u2ze 23, 1930 Mr. George C- Commissioner of Rib71-3 c Safety, Saint Paul, Mane s a a _ Dear Sir: Referriag -1--o tie application of Ray McCarthy for per- mission to instal a g� s ohne filling station at 63 West Seventh Street vvi7 s $� tYsat 1 have today made an inspeotion of this locati on I findtha the driveway entering the station from Seventh street 3 s located in what is the present west -bound car as cis sitate those boarding or leaving street stop. This wY 11 cars !nglthem1to t a zardsoo£ vehicless which n the dri may cross there.hus expo At the pr g s ext ti ma vehicles are parked in this parking lot in such a 9 = so that no vehicles are driven over the driveway located zri tie oarstop, but a re -arrangement of the to the�sideewalk,1vaha='a$�'e P1e would be aitinglow i'orvstreetsearsoross At one �+�ea- station located in the same manner as this would be, considers �1 e d1Fficulty has been had, his and the better arrangement WC" -_L -L— �e to lmave the driveways of tstation start sixty feet east C>::0,t:lze Sixth Street tbuildingfrom r in oarshwithoutis d e. permit oar r5 dgrs o board or align interference Very truly yours, I G. H. B £tits s Superintendent or Traffic i_ J. MURNANE. CHIS► or.PoucE ..n MICHAEL OEBH/ARDT. A—. CHIEF or POLIOS M. A. VALL. CAPTAIN or DETERIYE. T'FIOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAR. Or DETICTIVt<f 4a. H. SARFUSS. IS— or TRArrIC A. L. EOOERT. _ LICENSE INErEcrOw JOY. MACAULAY, YYPT. POLICE 6 FIRE ALARM -A Ctu of Baird �Patul Department .of JHultlir —ARkifeip. J. M. CLANCY. COM nt7SStoKt=r2 HARRY T. O•CONNELL. UEPLTTY GOS.�EM tYY10NER 21l COURT HOUSE - J-urne 3 2 , X930 - Hon. Geo . 930. gon.Geo. 0 _:L-ner Oommissiorse of Public Safety, St. Paul, *.Yip—= Dear Sir : OWEN C.-DUNN'. ►IRE CHIEF OBCWR LANDER. A.ET. ►IRR CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INFECTOR. FIRE PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIS. BUFT. of APlA _. B. F. SIMON. M. D. HEALTH OFRIC_ A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DVUTV HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF NG I- :E egard to the appliazt ioa o:C Ray Mo0arthy for permissiori - - irastall a drilze-in gasoi ine filling station on Lot 9, TEB�--M 2, Rice and Irvine ° s Addition, also described as 63 wee t � � la street. VW wave investigaibed the foregoing and report that such an iris a3lztion at the desired 3oce.tion would not greatly increase iire hazard in that vie it i-ty. �/�/Resys�ct'u31y yours, Chief �Tsspector. - - LOU15 BETZ. VICE -G r1A IRM AN 2.,._ C_ 'HODGSON.-MAYOR - D. W. ABERLE CHAIRMAN _ MGDONALD. COM. OF PUBLIC WORK. - GLANGY. _. COM. OF PUBLIC SAFETY - ARTHUR GAINES �j j`j .� til '�[�lanntn����7� WR L. OARL NGROOZO �Y "[[�� 77�g _ L_ R_ CGUSON. - _ COM. OF-EOUGATION W. J. ORtSGOLL -w�ry�.�..Lu- JOHN FI O_ W. C2.. ND. JR.. COM. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES u.l_l l___7_ L.i-�i K- u•LG>L ]MI DEN E_ LANE - G_ C. SUDHEIMER. ' COM. OF F—ANOE PEARCE. _ _ ;--C>.4 PITTSBURGH BLJlLDING CEO: F_ LINDSAY - J. A. SEEGER CNO P.Ell BUILDING. ROUNDS - RSHE GEORGE H. HERROLD_ . B. PARC TEM'. _IOHN G TY ENOENEER A. H. S - MANPGING oiaecroa wvO ENGIN Essz J. CLAIR STONE c M. O'NEILL. CORPORATION COUNSEL ISAAC SUMMERF3ELD Y M. F. SCOTT. . CITY COMFTROLLER - L. NASON. SUPT. OF PARKS H. VON DER WEYER June 11t1z,193C3- City Clerk. D e a.r —�— Re : Drive—=n Fillixag Station, Lot 9 , BILc> a,, Rice & Irvine' s A-dc9-- (63 R. SevexithL St. ) Ray Ii40Gart11y y Applicant (Ray's P a rls` izlg Station) 63 77. 7t b. St The above drive—ixa fill is station is to be �3-c=x-- 9— iss a Commercial District and this use is - ecl under the Zonirn= Oxdi3n3�--ace subject to a lyes — before the City Council_ Engineering Report Vere are no di ficulties ixivo3ved_ Yours very truly, Zty --lanning mngarneer� .rune 24th. 1930. Mr. Gus Barfu®s Superintendent ofx-s�Fic, Building. Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held today the application cam Miay !AoCartbY For Permit to erect and install a Yi11ia� si:atioa on Lot 9, 33lock 2s Hice & Irvine's o Addition located a t. 63 'Nest Tth Street was brarngYst .up and referred to yam �csr rther check as to the loc�tioo of the f`nlst. driveway. The Lter was laid over for one wee$ to .)hly Yours very tralys City Clerk. Hon. ldilton Rosa, Comtr oY Pdl '12c Brar%s, Building- Dear Commissioaars .it the Council meeting Yss73Ls3_ trsc3.$7 the application of Bay McCarthy for permit to e�=e3ct z3aice install a f Iax nag station on Lot 9,. Block 2, al Tri B •s Addition locatad at 63 West 7th street was 1>roxs4E3-_tst z3� aa3 referred to ger department for check as to t'� the driae=ay- The ap?lication was s3 sa �� over for one Ta9ek to Sulg lst. Yours very trs3l�Ts C _ tLy Clerk. oRIOINwL— sr NUMBER / - OITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY GLRRK, - 5 ■ � 1 _ COUNCIL 3 V 1 OUNCIL- ESOLUTION PILE No.- - +--- FOR .. AU 1 N OF AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS), �—:7 PRESENTED BY HON.____ OATP.-yAwii4_—t93�_' S Resolved, That the Oaounoll hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and •paving alley in Block 8, Louden Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications herstomattached, to FEM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $8,367.90, using Gravel aggregate, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Czzg Ved6 Tha t Mllton Roeen— concur '.'he recommendatloD. hereby .Contract. Committee and awards In nB(o jrfor gradfa8. and Dav1a6 alley Avenue t B'Cretln eA park from alley ance with plana and UB' In accord - nn . hereto attached, to andeye ConatSC tt on Company, they being.- the lowest re onalbl' -bidder., auto of t, $3'367 noratl n Qouneel beree, Bad - atructed to draw uD Khe DroDer form 839contract. therefor. Formai r, r '. 839b. Engineer's E99titnate 52,660.00. Adopted by the CDun CII Jltiy. 2, 1930. ADproved July 2; 1930. 6-1930).. � FORMAL BIO NO. 8395 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 80 550000 NOTE: TO DECERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT As ;OLUOWS: - 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $2,367060 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - CODE $ S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE f 9. APPROPRIATED FROM BONG 169UE-CODE f S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f . 6 1 - TOTAL COPIES TO: iHEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAIL SLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO .COMPTROLLER RSIMBUR SETHE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. _.-. _..-. IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS -. PURCHASING COMPTROLLER DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED BY COUNCILMEN e YEAS NAYSIN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE L__ COUNCI✓<ti�A'" � n APPROVED AGAINST n/✓ ///0�^ ' V Y MR. PReaURINY MAYaR Council He No ............ 8t1933 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER_ - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Constructing_ driveway___ on__ westsideof Sixi _ _Street_- beginning_____ 62 feet- north of SUmTni-t__Ave__1__ thence__aor'th_ 22...C4et----------------- ---- - ----------------- Ju1y_� -1930 +92_.-... -------Dated this - 211d -------day of--------------------------- -------- -� - - ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------ L Councilman. C.- F. No, 861133— Abstract. -- - Whereas, A written proposalfor the making'of,.the following Improvement. - vlz. - oh the went conetructmg artvewav . PRELIMINARY ORDER. side of, Sixth ;Street beginning 62 fPY• �.nn^th:dC.Suiamft Avenue, ti - Leet; baving been - en of Me CUT ri written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: e it 1P'd'tructing-_drivev�ay__ on__the_west_sideofS Y_t}*Street beginn.... ,3 _ __ _ ------------62 Pest --- liartki.._of_.-S itx. -AV— - ---t - n- --- . M-- k� -_� __ f s.�t.. - ------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, -be it RESOLVED, That the CommiRsioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity far, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof_ 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement_ 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matIT&W the Cornrr+i inner of Finance_ _9L 00 Adoptedby the Council...--------------------------------------------------------------------, YEAS . NAYs e. CiOUDC11maII CiJii4._ Fs'aee6olQ— ! / Approved --------------------- t MCDONALD J SUDHEIMEEL wmq��,C��,,._a �i,._________________________________.........._..._._..____..._..........._....__.__. 'MR. PRESIDENT `� —`" May or. 2 Form C A 13 (2M 2-211) I � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Council File No... ----MOOR 1, PRELIMINARY .ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the'City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where n@... -- the ------...---fol3twrinB sidewa33ss: 114 ft.sSuth of Blair St., --- ------- ---- East side Farrington Ave.beginn --- ----------------------- - therice south 100 ft: SQutkf---side._iaY�@y._St..heginning---at-- Seminole_9y-e...,thenc a---east-205._.ft----. North side BLinnehaha St.beginning 252 ft.west of Dale StWes 44ft. .,thence ----South-side---Pleasant-A$e� across Lawton St: 45 t - -------- s Dated this. 2i�d day of.............. ..---- -- J Y' 1830 - - ....., 19 --------- - - - - .. --- C F No 869x4— OunCl IDSn. - AbetiBCt. Whereas, A written DtoDoealfot the ' makW9 of the followla6 lmsndtoll�win6vs per_ '. v�7?uconetructln6. _I.yln6 the wkereaecessary. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following hi ere°ement, viz.: necessary, the Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, ------------ --------------------- ..................... -------------------- following sidewalks:..--------------- 114 ft south of Blair St ton Ave_ be inn '' -East side- Fairing-- ------ ---- '- --g--- - ��-- - -- - -- ..------ - --- - ----------- ----- -_.. . -- thence south x.00 it. South--side-.Sydney.--St.beginning---at-..Semi nol s-Ave.-,thenre---east-206--ft.-- North side Minnehaha St.beginning 232 ft -west of Dale St.,thence West 44 Sout)r--sida "Pl89S t-Av'e-: -across i.awtorc St: ' 45 -- ----------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._........___....__-..---.------------------------ - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ----------- .------ si'Ua•-c=-2- i - - ---- ............. YEAS NAYS councilmanQh*mtr —" / McDONALD SUDHEIMER MR. PRESIDENT F— C A 13 (2M 2-29) Approved------------------- --- ----------------- -------------------------- ...... Mayor. rI1sLIs 7— S - 3 d Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council ISIe No ----------- 85(J 5 .s + The undersigned hereby proteoses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: sig__ moot___gidewallt-_on__hike___g�atia___side_-.off---SAY-t----- -------- -u --------------- --------------- -------- ____---- Avenue from A — b6r ly Avenue to-JHam7 rasvenue-'--------------------------------- - - ----------------- / -------- -Dated this-- --------- RACI -- - —IC F. No. 8643 Abstract yphetens. A 'rig oyro9os� —'� SnB ivni��ovemeat. moXing of the �.-..a1K PRELIMINARY ORDER. oposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written p Constructing a six Poot sidewal.}s__ on__t}se_- south--side--of,-Hoyt_._.__-_.._ -------------------------------- .-- - _.._ - - ---- to H ----------- - - - -- - - ------ -------------- -- - ----- 6aving been presented to tha Council o£ the City of St. Pa _------------- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commi_ cioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: i. To investigate the =�^ - �cessiby for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the o titre, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Plan, �3 ofile or sketch of said improvement- 3. improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 4. To state whether a not . 5. To report upon a1I —tet the £ore9qgioaing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. s.i V � "v' e� ----------------------- Adopted by the Council---_— -------------------- YEAS Na Councilman i�.a� terms MCD��NALD MR. PRESIDE'*' Goren C A 13 (2M 2-29) Approved ----------- r _________________________ ___ ___ __________ Mayor. �-S-3a _ petition ✓ Council File No.:...-.. 5936 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop >r s- IAh a making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb - -ing---thenor__ ___siei_e__of__El oy__Street__�� �s�en- 'airxiaw.---------------. - - -Avenue---and__ -Fir ------- ... - - ...... ................ Dated this.. -`tea day o�C------- J3tt- 1930- -- -, 1 2- ---- - ---------- - --- - ---------------- ---- --- Councilman. ADttv Whereof, written en DroDo88Z for tlaa Mnking of the e following fmproQemeaL. Curbing the �-' •' `�'- — - - _ — !street beta" Frederle- PRELIMINARY ORDER_ kn sented •' St. �' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v1z.: - Curbing-_thQaor' 3 ___s cie--- Qf.-Eleanor_--S7braja�__tz4a.t_W8en___Fairview---------------- --- ---- Avenue..a>sa Fec�,�a_A�tenua. - - --------- - - --..... --------------------------- - ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- --------------------------- ---------------------------------- having ------------ having been presented to the Coaacil o£ the City of St. Pa ----------- ----- - -------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That theC'omT* ��— Gioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the natzzra. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, pro£zia or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the, petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of -Clbo—a oi0n�mtt rs to the Commic4:ozzer of Finance. Adopted by Council ---------------------------------------------v y ------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman Crae3eer A..i E F Faavz� y Approved------------- -- -- -- - McDoxdT- SIIDBEIMEA Ma. PREsiDErrr /r Mayor. F.— c A 13 (ant 2.20) I INTERMEDIARY ORDERS' --- C. F No 85937- In tllD kattOr Of Olien'lig' w1dorillig ................... and extendUg Johil8oll parkway 0 alley In, Block 3, Kiefer Park, by taking and 1 condemning the following described property: �,RMEDIAIRYL ORDER So much of the property described un- der certificate No. 47390, Torrens system dated Februi�J vs ary 11, 1913, and running to Koehler & Hinrichs.Com- ------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------- open Ing i - wid-eni-ng and -e%tendinf Johnson- Parkwa7- froir -Stillwater- Ave. to the alley in Block .7, Kiefer Park, by taking and condemn- described -prorPrt7-_ So much of the prorert7 described under certificate No. 47390, Torrens System dated February, 11, 1913 an' runnin[- to K(5ehler 4 Hinrichs Company, a Corporation, being teat part of the NortNest 1/4 of Olection 27, Tovinship 29, 19nFe 22, as lies of a line from a l:oint on fte nort�Prly southerly and easterly, Void 1, ft, wostor],7 of the wostorly lino of N northerl�l lino of o�C�on � S1-111WRtOT Lots 28 to 45,, both inclusive, CorningIs Addition, Lots 15 and 16, Block 5, Kiefer Park, 2. fiat the nature of the improvement whichtheCouncil recommends is__________________________ --.--open,-,vidc-n-an-d..ext-pna.-,Tobn5-Qn. Parkway from Stillwater Ave. to the alley in Block 3, Kiefer Park, by taking and condemn- ing, the folloviinr daszribed__property So much of the rroperty described under certificate No. 47390, Torrens c;vst--m dated FebruarT 119 1913 and running, to Koehler & jjiq.rjclS Company, a Corporation, being that part of the Norf"""p9t 1/4 of section 27, To�!,nslip �q, Rpnre 22, as lies southerly and easterly Of a line from R point on the northerly line N ^fIll"'latowr Road 95 ft, "'Iestorl", of tl,e �,Iestnrly line of Corni% biro, to a poini. �n tbe, IN of ljornlif i1vo,, 85 ft, nortr,,,�jy of trp, port prllr line of 'fillwRfor eve, Lots H to 45, '�,Jth inclusive, Corninrtls Addttlon, Lots 15 an-' DO), Yiefer Park, 'n -ram.- inai;TneVDTfflTU3wu"�---_- ,% _:the Uty or zm iri the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of amd fit _!g e 41�,Fmeeting to hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__jbj___.2_= ------- 192---- Approved_ City Clerk. �J -- --------- / Mayor. Mayor. Conroy _5- .3 6 Councilman p3W 7onaI) Councilman May Councilman 119MM Pe8rce Councilman _ Rw,en Councilman STRIPMW budlieimer Councilman IM=dx Mayor Nalsirm i Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. under Prehm'inaryOrd849/rYM//nYYY... a proved J9. ......... rrY/.Yrrr.YYrr.Y/ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance Upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-------------------------- -Nid�-n-and-extend-:7.obnsan.Parkway from Stillwater Ave. to the alley in Block 31 Kiefer Park, by taking and condemn- ing the following descrlbed_.property: -� So murk of tre rroperty described under certificate No. 47390, Torrens Sv3tem dated F`ebruary 11, 1913 and running to Koehler & Hinricrs Company, a "orporation, being that part of the 1lortl';gest 1/4 of Section 27, T07 Range ?,?,, as lies lout},erly ad easterl`r of a line from a point on the norther17 festp,* line line of ^tilllvater er]� of thn ,I of Corni% rale, to a point nn the !^!eater�vrline'of na^rind ,�v�, 85 ft, nortr-ly of t},e lortherT7 line n, tilL�ater ,.ve, Lots 28 to 45, `')th inclusive, CorninFIs .kddition, Lots 15 ani lu, `10^.k 3, Kiefer Park, mase and i utldmg, iq the, Uty or Sr. rani. I nat the said meeting tot a ' In the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of - hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__----- 192---- / P -� --- --; ----- - City Clerk. Approved----- - Y' ------192--- 5` --------- ------------------------------- - Mayor. T' 7�:' Conroy Councilman t McDonald 17Lt LISf1ED Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen / Councilman SVRWMWW Sudheimer ` Councilman isifim dx Mayor Xelselnx i 1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 II( INTERMEDURY ORDERS. --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_61500_ 00 -__ 29th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____________________day of lathe 1930 ;ZRUX-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall pBuilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of bearing,ethe naturethe of the improvement the manner nd the torovital cot the eof sthe hestimatedstating the time and place of Adopted by the Council-_L!,--�-�------, 192-_-_ Approved[ }--------192--- PP 5 ��-� T, --� --- ---- - — - -C" ---- �� - '� City Clerk. ------------------- �-` '- ------ Mayor. Conroy Councilman t` Plcllonald Councilman May Councilman Fearce /j / Councilman Councilman R oden Yosendheinjer Councilman *'*=dR Mayor itiad ;,,,,;,;__,. Form B. S. A. M --� --- ---- - — - -C" ---- �� - '� City Clerk. ------------------- �-` '- ------ Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ $y ---------------------------------------------- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- ock_1,_ Bergman! s _Livision,_from______ Cl�rence__Street_ _ to Johnson Parkway, ------------------------- -- C. F. No. 26938— Inithe$Mgmgn of Divisional from CIS' in -------------- ___--- __--- ___---------- __________________________ enc' Street to Johnson R�379 n prov- der Preliminary Order edMay 22.1930. 1,.,,.__c.___________________________________________________________________ ---- The Ccore g�-----'- having recei•; • " 3 2 1930 miprovn r ------approved ------------- •------ undetmsolone.,lhary Order ------------------85378--- Y 2, ------------- said ' '-, a Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____gr8de _211ey_ in _ _Block_1,__Ber nanls_Division,-from Clarence Street to Jo.insoil Park'fay, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $4.:1.7_4___-___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 2°th------- day of ------- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilAq�__ K �1 ------- 192____ Approved--------'-- _ -�----------192--- Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Pearce v!//J Councilman kuEen Councilman Suiitaeimer "I" Councilman }f1yd=d Mayortbasol4x Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. -- /--------- ------------------------------- Mayor. S -30 pLi3LicNED i - COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER g--- In the Matter of____4QDA991nin}_end_ talon an -easement--in-the--land necessary lar__s1oRe�_cuts_and_fills�_in_the grading of Alley in Block 1----------- -Johnson--Parkway - _JohnsonParkway,------_____ ---------------------------------------------------------------- In theMatter ofcondemning and tak- Ing•an easement In the land neces- ____- sary.for slopes, cuts and fills. in the ________________________________________________________________ grading of Alley la Block 1, Berg - man's 13M. o.. from C^, Street to. Johnson P-11— - _____��. �_„_________________________________________________________________ nary Order ,r The The c 85379 d ...... s1Y_ 20, 1930 undeliji- tminary Order__________________________________approve The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Condgmri_ 2lld_take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the "-gra2[ing-of"A1Zey-3n Blook-1;-88�gIItan's-�lvigi�n;'fro>rr-�tarence----"-'- _ Street_-to_Johnscn Parkway, in accordance with the blue print hereto ----------------------------------------- --- -- attached and made a mart hereof, the hatched portions snowing the cuffs -and- th.e-sba6Pd---goxtians_shn}Zin,_-1Ae_6119,-------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ 50.00 ---------------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- �i�------ day of ------ MM_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. & `> scdgn Adopted by the Council ------ _L__= _e"'v____, 192 ---- Form B. S. A. 8-6 - Approved -----192--- Approved-----------�----------- City Clerk. ----= -- --------- --------- -------------------- Mayor. Councilman �i Conroy &ST3LI9iIEi� �� / Councilman McDonald Councilman May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman sudheimer Councilman Wfi91¢dcx Mayor x&= Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 - COUNCIL FILE NO.___ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_gra_din� alley_ in Blocks 1_ a.nd 21_ Dorr and Stone' s Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arkwright Street to --- ---------------------------------------------------- - - t5estminster _Street--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------- C.F.No.85940—______________________________________ ----- In tbe,: Matter of grading mile)' in B,ocks and 8, Dorr and Stone's Subdlvlslon and Woodland Street va- ca- ted 'from Arkw-;ght Street to,_______________________________________________________________ Westmtnvter c.. 80345 Anril 19 1929 under Preliminary Order------------ ---------------------approved ---=------------------------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Fr3d2 _alley In Blocks 1 and 2z_Dorr and Stone's Subdivision and lVoodland Street - xa.sia�.erl_f�om_Arl�l>ri�t_ s�e�.t_ �9 _�l.�stmixlsie�_B_�re�t --------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__7 _______8LM _______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 9th ----------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_L41__.._¢_ -------- 192__-- r S Approved ----- -----------------192--- City Clerk. - - -=- - ---------- ---------------------------- Mayor. Councilman SIMOr Conroy Councilman im McDonald Councilman May Pearce Councilman hose❑ Councilman WN-101jOW Sudheimer 4/ Councilman 4dR9MV Mayor Bnndlte Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof___condelnning_and taking an_easemen_t _in the land necessary fg_slo�e,_ cys__srid_ iblla,__iri t11e_gr�lin of _Alley__in_Blocke_1_and _21_ Dorr_&_3tone!s 3ubdi_v_ision -and Woodland, -Street --vacated from-Arkwright-- �@ t_ tco_ WeaI9iriat@T_-$Fe@ ----------------------------------------------------------- c. F No. 85941— ------------------- _________________ ter of --3n ng'alf easeme tin the land tas. .. sary.f slope 8, in the land. in the s eflnor slopes, nate and flus, in the _ _______ 's. Brading of Allev In Blnrks 7 xnd 2. '-----------------'- -'------------'-�--------- __ ________ - Z Dorr & Stone's 9ohllvlslon and T"!",,^d from Aril 18 1929 under Preliminary Ordcr_______________50346__---_______approved ____ April The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___QilAdklAil_AASl _i ak2 ari eri�ag�A__�ri_th�__lAsi _t��4risr23X_4 r _e),.ori@ grading of_Alley_in_Hlocks_1-and 2,__Dorr & Stoners Subdivision and. - - ------------------------------------------- PJoodland_Street_vacated _f rom_Arkw_right_Street- to_ estminster Street, in acco.�'dsnce_w�•�h th@_blua_nrint_hereto_attached_and made _a mart hereof the_hat�Y>�Gl_gSLTt�L4�1@__BLLQw_the_ cta_and_he_shri�ed_nortions_showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_r`G.--------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 2?th_-------- day of _ JUly1_ 1930________ awex _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.._®?_J_' ____, 192__-_ -------- - --- �----- ---- City Clerk.APProved------ -------- 192-_- yMayor. Councilman Conroy- �� pUBL1SrlE�� Councilman mewileld Councilman Peace , /1 Councilman REQ Councilman 6n41heime�" Councilman 'dRfdW&x' Mayor NgabYtq Banalie Form B. S. A. 8.6 C0!',W'r, s) )9 k1" .'EI',i COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- gradinL_ the _ east_and _west_alley-in_Block 49z_Desmyer__ dark_ from Cr@tia�1p,1wy__t-Q-Ex0tex_P_l8LQe,------------------------------------------- C, F No. 86942— ------------------------------------------------------- ... Iu the Matter of grading the east and Wost alloy l(�'In 11100k 0, Uoonoyor PA from Croup AVOnnOO NNW u.YY ................MY.Y.YY.pNYYYY !loco updor l'rollminary ordor 86M31....a.YYYY......„......... . .....,Y11 11prowd May 13,1�4p ., "tie Council of . 1: IpR racelv................................................. llnrr' r ............................... under Preliminary Order-------------- 352LZ ------------ approved ------DY_ ia----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_grade the east and hest_alley_in_H�4�k_49�_J2epgyer-2a,k_f�om_Creil_ey_znue_to_�xet=r Place, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is-___.__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____________29th ________day of -------- 7MA--at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprrovemen� he total cost thereof as estimated. 11 Adopted by the Council__J_____--- _____________,192_._- M1�k�t' Approved --------b ----- --------- 192--- J 1 CouncilmanConroy Councilman CouncilmanPearce Councilman 0 Councilman McDonald May Rosen i Sudh6mer Councilman Wjcvackx Mayor > It BundUG Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------etticity4' —ie k. Clerk. - ----------- ------ Mayor. PUBLISHED --.y- --5- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER r,e� 9e� I'll Al. In the Matter of ... condemnin and taking- an easement in the land necessar y _=9x_�1Q�gg,__�u��_e,i3Ll fj110,_ in_the__grading_of_the_east_and_I^r_st_alley in-_Bloc.k__49-r-D_snn-xes_P�.r1s,--fsom._Cxe�in_A.�tenus_�n_Esatex_P1aCQ �--------- -------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------- C.86993--________________________________________________________________ In g an, egsement inethe land neces- ,ng an, g adlntr L the east and fills, In a1leY --------------- In Bieck 99, Desrry rerk. tunrare Cretin Avenus : 19 _- unt -der rPrel, l.p,8ry Order -------------�'�?i y -------------approved M3Y--�3�----30--------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ Condemn and take �n_easEmsn�_in_iha.land_nesesaa.roc_�ox_ alfl�es,__olzta_and_ f a l��s_ in _the__ _gxading_nf_ tha_east_and_meat_a1LY_-in-B1aak-_4B.,__nea=-e_t Pazk� _fxom___ Cretin A_v_enue to_7,xeter_PIace,_in accordance_with-the_blue_orint hereto a.ttached_snd_mad.e_.a_-pari_1P_Z2s.f�_Ihe-ala.taheti_.ROxtiara_ahQjzllP_6�_ the------ _OutaSlstY��_hd�d_T�OSi�4da�_allszl_nz thA_fillsl-------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 25 _00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______29th ........ day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of $t. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----- J-UL_T44W__, ,j192-- -- CityClerk.Approved_______ 9�) ----- -- --------------------------------- ----- Mayor. Councilman *NOW Conroy CouncilmanMcDonald �\ CouncilmanMay ) 1 CouncilmanPearce 1/ kosen CouncilmanSudh ; Councilman *VM e mer Mayor ]ffiAISM JBIMM e Form B. S. A. 84 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__grading_East- Fifth _Street _from -Germain_ 9treet--to ---------- west line of Barclay Street, --the----------------------------------------------------------------- -In -ti Q4,-- (K Iter of. grading East Fifth ----- -. StreCsnm: Germain Street to the ---------- _________________________________ ---- weetwlln'e bf. far. C/ under . areniniu'ary. Ord-- .. _ ... ...-ed ----------------------------------------------- ------------------ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ under Preliminary Order ___-____ 85266 ______approved __ Ma.y 15,-1530 ------------ - - ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__grBdG_ East Fifth __Street__from_Germain_ Street_ to the_west_ line_ -of _Barclay Street,__________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 29th-------- day of ---------WML at the hour of id o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the' manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ iLL m2_ _____, 192____ Approved-----.JU9� �'9 :��" -------- - -- - --- C�J _______ ______________192___ ' Cit Clerk. ---- -- --------- ----------------------Y---- / Mayor. Councilman Councilman Conroy 111cDonald �jJ$j ISi�D - 5 — 3 Councilman Councilman Councilman r1a Pearce I\'11yC❑ Sud bei�ned' Councilman W&TAK Mayor I4 %6ff Bandlle Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE N0,______________ By-------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER condemnin and takin In the Matter of --- an easement--in--------the--land necessarY-- g---- --- --------in--------the--land necessary ------ --- for slopes, cuts and fills, in the gr -)ding of East Fifth Street from �Qxtt1A_Ie4t_4_h�_we$t_line_of_ BRrclay__Street----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -- C. F. No. 85946— _____ In the Matter condemning and tak------------------------------------------------------------- --- Ing an easement in the land neces- sary for elopes, cuts and fills. In nth _- _- grading of East Fifth Stre,-'`J,: . 6ermaln ,9,t,_-+-. w.i.. of____________________________________________________________ reW, c-" under Preliminary Order ---------------- 8426% ---------- approved ------ XV The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Condemn_ and_take _ an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the gxa n7 of1M'"FifTWO from Ba19la _gtreet,_in accordance with the blue print :hereto attached -----------TE--------- yd-------------- ------ and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing tie cu£s and- _tYl@_ ahad�d_�24s1i�.4ns_ fi115L1J A - }11Q'--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$_.9Q_______ 9th ------ day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________2_____ __ I ly,_ 19'40 --------- 7j� C7r__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_'�'L-_m1- -------- 192____ a Approved------------------------------ -192--- L City Clerk. ---------- ----------------- ------------ Mayor. Councilman Conroy S — `� Councilman McDonald PUBLI$HED�_� Councilman PMay e Councilman Pe Se Councilman r Rosen Councilman udheimer Mayor $t11411[91R Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 1��wy _ti_7 COUNCIL FILE N0,_____ BY---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ condemning and_ taking_ an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Fast Fifth Street From _C es4l iri_�s_e_�t _4_b� _�@at_ 1 ins_ of_ Barclay__ Street_____________________________ --------- C. -- N- 85--------____-_--_I___________________________________________________________ F. _ In the Matter of condemning and t.k ------------------------------------------------------------- Ing an easement In the land neces- sary fon elopes, cuts and fills. In the grading of But rlfth Stre,. ''m Germain qt, �;'..: a•�,^'J;". of____________________________________________________________ t_ �^rclai� � .......x_-xw_xxu.............. WWWWIIw WWMNNWWNWWWWWWW�IWWWWMw NwwW...W..ww+aw.+N.WWw xxw+xxwwx....w_x._x.w �� .._.1x. DJ:Htinnev 01 -AAV 8� V _ __noroved .......ay.1._5.>.w+....X93 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_COIldel'@_ qnd take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading-of"East"_'9.fVK_Streef"from Germain -S reet'io-t-hZ-Press-l�rle Barcla} Street, in accordance with the blue print,hereto attached and inade a part hereof, the hatched portions shoving the -cuffs and- _fi2L� fit7sidttd_Rfl�t�.4TL9_ ihSZ�]A-ill@_ fll@r--------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$_9 _______ 29th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ --------- day of ______ __;u1_(,__LU2--__-__- II x__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thepersons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, �Ivc Adopted by the Council. �:L'j.,*. ....... 192._ Approved----- (K- _ 2 ANG!`; r -------192--- Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Prance Councilman r 12usen S u.il,cimer Councilman Mayor $tr)4bWW Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUsLr7— s — 3 COUNCIL FILE NO._____-_ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER _grad In the Matter of__ng_ iand Aavinp2 alley in _Block 3, Underwood- s First Addition from_ Sue Street to Prior Avenue, _________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- C. F. No: 86946-- ------------------------------ - ---------------------- Ina�l Y 'natt81ockY S� IInderwood's F1rat ----- M1,1111—Yrom Sue Street to Prtor .---------------------------------- ----- ----------------------- Avenue, under Pretiminary Order A5259 aDP---- - -- under Preliminary Order ----------------- 85259 -----------------approved --------- ---- may -- - 14 -- 93 -------- - 1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsis__r�ae and pave ---------------------- alley_ in_ Block_31_Underwood-s_First Addition from Sue Street to -- -Pritzx_Av =e------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is591.65--- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___________ 29th___ day of -- July, 1930 ......... 192x--- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- f1_I,--------- 192____ P :qtr;. Approved ------------------=---------192--- ------- -- City Clerk. �--,�„"r" --------------------------- --- jMayor. Councilman Cjh� Conroy J 9/ Councilman 101� Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman X McDonald Peace f,'nsen Sudheimer `/ MayorXRa7 KX 7jnndi'l Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------- -- City Clerk. �--,�„"r" --------------------------- --- jMayor. u Ev'-'�i i COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___9QTld@YaBJ13g -and t>��SJ31-3ri_Bs 9�21xAt__Sl_fkle__�stind_neces ary _fs2r_�lap�s,__outs_and _f� 17 s,__in_ShL__��asli_an Black- 3._llndezwacd_Ls__Ei.rat_Addi tion_ from_ Sus_St— e- _t.e_2rioz_A-Genua.__ ---- --------------------- C. F. NO, 85947— In the. Matter et .condemning and tak•.__________________________________________________________ --------- ea easement In the land neces- s y far :eidDes, cute an ofill-, llN t/n r. _, .ding and PaV ' __________--, Underwo� 's Flret Addition. �- Avenue, un-:__________________________________________________________ Prov- - 1r35260 May 14, 1930 under Preliminary Order_____________ __------------approved -- - ----------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___C0XlL ,A n_ -a d- + D10- �I�_4a�4sPJ11�3]�__�ri_t]3�__�riDtl_Tlk'45..8&&TY_�4�_$a.032eii._Sc1Lt.f3__�Ild_�.lal&i_ i.n the__ irnr��ua_SY,.neat_ ta_1's.i�_Aue.nue,--in_accnr.danna_�iih_the_ blua_nz"int_____ hese i.Q__at �3�.bad_�,ud_massa_a_.naxt_he�eslf,_-the_ha_�chesl_par�iszn;�_�h4w i��-- the cuts and the sha.ded portions showing the -fills, ------------------------------------------------------- -- ------ --------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is -_--_-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-------- 9.2.1h —_ -day of __J111,X,__Jaa---_____-_,IMX-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. N Adopted by the Council_ RR __-__2__1_-%__0_ __-___, 192____ v Approved-.----1�� z -------- 192--- City Clerk. ----------- -------1------------------------ -- Mayor. Councilman 011IMM Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Conroy3 d McDonald May - earce /1 Pearce,, Rnseu Sudlirin,rr Councilman 17VXXXXx Mayor ISDUBW Buudlie Form B. S. A." COUNCIL FILE NO.___ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__g.CQsllnP-ADA _Raylag -F11- Sry-v_enth-_$t__from _3nQa_dway_ to _Sibley St. as widened under C. F. 84884, approved Aoril 22, 1930, with sewer, Y�atSTT_r211�_ga£�_�Qiulenl]�QnS._�x9Sa_sit�Qe�_tua_1.D;1_�Q_RT9_AQ.S.tY__lines_ complete where not already made, including the necessary changes in water mains _and_app=tEnnncas---garbing_a.nd_PEI yJ -alley-ancl- dr_iv_ewag_anpnaachea.__ where necessary, constructing concrete sidewalks end ornamental lights _QD-bn.th•��•, n£3i___Qo V?�j'.h-$}�_hej'iEC9E.11_sa±__limlt Sr----------------------- -C. F. No.86948 I¢ the Matter of grading and paving-- --------------- -�-- E 9 venth ,3 from 13 o dway to Sible at as widened and r C F. _ 8489, appr4yed April 22 1930 wlta-85241------- ------------------- ----- r ----------- -------- sewer water old gas conneetlons Ma 13 1930 'a from street mains to propO ty' llne9 nn_pI.i.e where not ai.,.,adv made -_____g roved ---------------------------------- underjd!¢ding the n^^Y' " -'ianges in ----------------------- pp The ''Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends E. Seventh St. from Broadway to Sibley St. as widened under _$�$�4,__a}�.F�-Qy-e.cL�nr�.l_22.}-19311,- Frith_eE.wnx,--satrr_and_gas_cnnne�ti.s?.D.a. from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, inoluding_j;.hG'_Aec�@@.xyC__cbage.6__1riWat-r_Jlla—tua- >_______ curb and pave alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, construct _aids xalka_and _ctxnamPr }aL-ligh-ts_en._hnth_sides__of_E-_Se-menth__3.t_._.hstw-en said limits, ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =---------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- � -------------- 1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $42,183.00___ � Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 29th ------- day of July1_ 193Q_______--:39=—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ---- Adopted by the Council______u9gL - 2 10 192---- , --------- - -- ---- -- --- - ' Approved -______L _i-----192--- City Clerk. -----�------------ -- ---------------------------- Mayor. CouncilmanConroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Pearce Councilman Rove❑ '✓ Councilman Sn.R..-;mer Councilman I&9 MIXx Mayo ckWAgwx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 85949 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ conatructin�_a six foot sidewalk on both sides of - -,------------------------------------- A@hT�3ki3__AYeA?�e_fS9_gimoson Avenue to Arona Avenue,__________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________-_____ .the. Efatte of constructing a siz oof41dewaik on both sides of eb1 ka, Avenue from Slmpeon----------------- ___________________________________________ -"---'-.may enuArona Avenue, under Pre - It mlfit[ry Order 85646, nr. *ed June ----2 under Preliminary Order --------------- 584Z ------------ approved ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ConStTUCt a 63x --------------- foot sidewalk on both sides of Nebxa.ska. Avenue from 8imnson Avenue ---------------------------------------------- to Arona Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------1.0 5 per frt f t -------t Y1e---------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Z: O- pez-irt ft — monolithic Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 29th ------- day of July, 1930------=319=g at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___jA__.r2 .____, 192____ Approved --------�--R----------1--- L Councilman Conmq Councilman - 111, Donald Councilman Councilman i`7"y Councilman Sudheimer nrr Councilman MemfAx Mayor Natscac $endue Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. ,a i COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_CYk�A�i_thp_gr��_ of_Vandalia_3tre?t _from_Territorial Road to _a point_640_feet_north of Territorial Road t- o conform to t]�' �esl ����_Qp__ty�_prQf�,a,�__ii��'�t.4_ attgched_ �nd_made_a_part_hereof1____ the -pre sent-_establ i shed- gzade_-being-shawln__b�c_ _hlua_11ne-_ tb:e_reaa. ------ - _ ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. F:No. B59fi6- In the Matter of than -in -the -rade _ __ __ _ __ ____ _____ of Vandalio Street from. Terrltortal _______ I Riad to a�Dolnt 640 f. t -north Ofl the rltorlan Road to . ' --Ce1d at- a 9Q 1930 under ane on.. •: "Orders: ' ire 3''a2 -------------------approved ------x-y -d , ----------------- Th! Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_DhiTl_the _grade__ of_yanda,lid_tFeet_from_lierritorial- Ro@_c?_to a_boint_640_feet-north of _T YrTitS2r�c��_RQ�Si_Q_�9AfQrn_4_h�_red line_�n_the profile_hereto attach— _..U__mad&_a_Dr?T _YLYF_Y4f,_ fire_presentestapli@hed_ rade_beine shown- -bY-a=-blue line thereon,- --------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ n9__QAP-UIpe incurred. 9th ---------- day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____2_____ ------- _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ -6- `�,_' }___-, 192---- v -•rtr Approved----------- ----- - ---- -----192--- e� City Clerk. --- -- ------------- ---------------- Mayor. . _ d Councilman 111111M Conroy I,IgFU�- Councilman McDonald Councilman M❑y Pca ree Councilman llnc<,n Councilman aSu,l a infer Councilman Vkm(dx Mayor ]afslu= $=dlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 ��rrHrM�,�ppr� COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ch�ngjn_t�n� _�r�@_ 4?__tlie__ti9 _�_17.eX_�xtenina_�ast___ and west in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and summit Avenue Terrace, to_Lonfnrm_tn_t he _red__Line_an_ nfile_ nex�ta_attached �nd_made-a-�axt--- hereof, the ppresent established grade being shown by a blue line there on,_alsn_ascadiJig-_2nd_.pa_millg_.&aid=�aLlex_from_Zale_-St.__±,0_.LaklcanCt_Axe—,-__ - F. No. 85961— n theMatter of changing the grade of the.,30` ft. alley extending east --- and west 'In' -Block 4, Terrace Park Addition an@ Summit Avenue Ter. race, to conform to the red line on pronlo WOW attacllod and mado a 0111 1 1, A 11., AJAIIollAll gado bolug ohal� w bluo Ihlo 11101'0011 � P UI1�,.�P,Id",�19mi�ary Ord�r.NN.NNN»N� ...........I.YNNN..,.....n.......••..--,........,...............--....... NNNNNN—NNMN. apptu d NNNNNIIYNNN4N /F� NNNM NNNNNNNNM The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 22 Thai the natu of the i rovefrtent which the Council recom is is Charie the orale or the 3U rt. alley ex enaing ea and viest in �ock �, Terrace park Addition_-apd_Sumrgit-Aven!Lt _TQ_rrace--to_conform_1Q_—tbe r_ed_l_,Lo_ _Qri_1lo_ profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established gxads_:o.eirlo_abo¢n_b _a_hlue_Ja ne_ taeraer> >_Szlso__rad�ng-and__p 7 -sad _ alley frora Dale St. to Oakland Ave., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_I?LO'- Resolved _0? Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 29-t1L________day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ __1_____, 192____ ------ City lerk. 192 --- Mayor. --------------------y- � Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald \ �(JBhISIiFI) — S — 3 d May Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman SudheimPr Councilman WXWXk Mayor Nxbtgln Bundl i e Form B. S. A. M ...... ..... u.u.....u..................•..A1..........• 8' 01rI � �. ., (k,. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- QDri>a6;_a�ul_ d=nils�iz _ _ �aaemer�t_ n_ tn�_Iand_neae'seaxy _fQr__s�4�@s.�.cuts_and_fi11c,,_�,n_�,h@_gr�_din� ana_bavin�_of_ 3�_ft._ alley _extending east and rfest i _ n Block4, merrace Park Addition and Btunmit_- Av_enue_Terrace,_ from Dale_St, _to_Oakland Ave.z_________________________________ ondemning and tak• " j�C,F,No.86962— ------------------------------------------------------------- -"-1 °In�thed4lstCer or c Ing an easement In the land neces- sary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the'; ----i grading and paving of 30 ft. alleY' -------------------------------------------------------------- .xtending east and west In Block 4; unde Terrace Park Addition and summit5158 iLLa o 1930 r 1'Pi 0Ilt1,�, Ty'"iJrder::i�.,'nP, st to The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... COI mn and take _an_easement_in_the_lnd_r_ecessry_for slo�ea,_cuts_and fills, in_the__ _rding_ and_ oayin�_of 3G_ ft :_ alley__extendin� east_ and vest_ in Block_4, _i�x3�fl_�ak_�Adlili4S1_1k3_& 3k1and _Aye—,_in_a�c�dan�e_ iti>__tne_�Ilse__prirLtL_herntn_atfaclleA anL-u�Lda_EL-Par t showing the fills, 50.00 with no al ernatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $________________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- LI-------- day of ...... ,Iniy_,-1gM------ x _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_- JqL _ & ---- 192._-_ 0 Approved--------------si5i1-----192--- City Clerk. / Mayor. Councilman ISBN= Conroy McDonald Councilman %' LISHE Mny Councilman Pearce /Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudbeimer Councilman 'Xmxxk Mayor Nxbwn Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 �F_ 1111111111111111/111111 11111111 81TIRk. COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- R$v_ing_Eley__in_$loek_l,�_uliet_lace�_Lots_ 3,_ -------- ---------- West _______---------- west_ line of -Lot _______ q, Underwood_Acre Tx,+^ ___________________ ---- --- ---------- C --------------------------------------------- i C. F. No. 85953 In the Matter of Paliuie alley 4,1 5 &°6 l lullet Place ---------- ------------------------------------------- Underwood Acre Lots, and Prescott's --- ------ Acrer Lo sin from Fairview Falrvie n Ave o to 6, llnderwoeB ---------- -----.. the hest line of Lot inion ,v '------------------------------------------- Acre Lots 1. 85156 ......approved under PreliminaryOrder ............................ .,..,.Ma�!.6.1.19-30 ....- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finanec op the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is pave _alleyn _ i Block _li_Juliet_Placei_Lots_ 3,_ 4z 5_ nd 6,Underwood_Acre Lots, and _ pies.co�tSs_Iies.xrangement_nf_s,nt_2,_ Undet�no3_Anre._I.�n�s,__f�Qtn_E�3�v��__ Ave.__tn_ihe wa st-_1 i nP _af_.I,ot_a,._IIademwaad--A=e__Lata,.-------------------------- ------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__3 296.40 ---------------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----------- 79th --- day of jljy.,._j23_Q-------- 4=Z _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv at ki j,0 total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ r Approved--------- i - 1 -- --- City Clerk. -- -----------� Ma or. N.�iBLIS€IEn�a Councilman Conroy Councilman Councilman Councilman McDonald / M°y Pearce J Rosen ✓ Councilman Sudlrr?mer Councilman XVJMX Mayor Dt&=X Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 -- --- City Clerk. -- -----------� Ma or. N.�iBLIS€IEn�a COUNCIL FILE N0,______________ By----------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__pElpg_a11ey__in Block_2,_Plum Orchard Addition from - Faaxy�eyL_AyQ11>�@_ t 4_'r�d� ri cka._ AvenueI----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- C. F. No. 86964— In the Matter oY paving a11ey In Block ,,.',_Plum Orchard Addition from Fair=---------------------------------------------------------------- ____::_ `tiAvenue fo Frederleka Avenue, Prellminary Order 95612, ap- \ �^ June 6, 19?,^, , ^- ------ +1.i,ounSh� _c------- ------------------------------------------------------ 85 12 June 6, 1930 under Preliminary Order_______ �2_ ______approved ________________ ------------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..... pave alley in Block 2L_Plum_Orchard_Addition _from Fairview-Avenue------Fred,ric-- a - .Aye.nuea------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ - 603.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 9th ------ day of __,ju1 y,__19,3Q_________-UZZ — at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the -Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ JuL------ 192 ---- Approved 192____ Approved------- `=-- f F� 1 ------192--- Councilman Conrny Councilman Mi Donald !`lay CouncilmanPearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Vfmadx MaY01XN dWtx Bundlfe Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. _ ---- --------------------------- Mayor. U COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By--------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_-cnn>itx��t�n�; cuxb_-fin_ boiih_ sides_ of ,jessamine t__________ etre t from Forest _Street to Arcade Street_______________________________________ •------------------------------------------------------------------ C. F. 1d0. 85966— In the Matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Jessamine Street __________________________________________________________ .---_-.- from Forest Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order 84864, ap- proved April 10,1930.t. _________________________________________________________________ - The Council of the CieY ort Sof pout------------------------------------------------------------------ The having .received -.the.... p..0 on thel Commisatc- �vfe.-r_n'-` --------- under Preliminary Order -------- 84964 -_____ __-___approved ______ April_ 10,__1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, construct curbing 2, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ on DQth ,�i;Lu�_p _��������e_ rest from_ Forest_ ----- t_ to _Arcede _Street, ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-1, 463. 53 -- ---------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on -------- day of _ July1930_____-____, MxR_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,illi Adopted by the Council ....................... ,192.._- n Approved-----------f-----------192--- Councilman Contoy Councilman blcllbtlul'd May Councilman I Councilman Yearc� % Rr,aru Councilman Suditeirr. - — Councilman 1f65cxz d x Mayor Dzlm R ffftndllP Form B. S. A. 8-6 -------------------------- Mayor. tbjLlg 7 — 5 :2tj � COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By----- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Cumin on both Bides of -Columbus -Avenue--- In the Matter_...-----••------- ----------------------- --------- ire Snmexy�.11e_�v�ult�_4__�syerly_AyQnue I----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ---------- .. l Avenue 'oYpre 1 n 93oB ove y ------------------------------------------ 'n -- -- ---- -- ---- ----- --• In the bt o4 conetructing on both sides from 9omUndere Avenue, A`---- ,.+.cr.----------------------------- ---------------- 1 84313,aPProved, ^` _____ ______________________________ The eou°�+..y $4813 Aril 8, 1930 hnA' under r,elimmar Order----------------------------------aPProved ---------------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____CS2II&1uCt_ CUTblrig _Qs_ of _sides_ gf_Columbus Avenue_L _Somerv_ille Avenue -----to Beverly - -Avenue-)----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 920:15 ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ________;,9th ------ day of ----------W-R__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciJU__m 2 ---------- 192____ r Ifo- -------192--- ------ -- ,- - -- ✓ ---- � , City Clerk. Approved______ �,� -=-=-=---- ------- Mayor. Conroy CouncilmanMcDonald 7 Councilman May \]BL1S�)3 U Councilman Pearce i Councilman Rosen Councilman � Sudheimer Councilman i oMldxx Mayor N93 13undile Form B. S. A. 8-6 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 4 ORDINANCE NO. c-= PRESENTED BY I fff / An ordinance providing for the posting of copies of the wage' scale, residence and eight hour ordinances of the City of St. Paul, in a cornspio— nous place upon all work being performed by con— tractors for the City of St. Paul, declaring the violation thereof a misdemeanor and providing a 6 penalty therefor. osniicsxc�s�- a'.86957--0rdinanoa _ g.. DSsy-Milto,g,ogea— THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ,tea yroviainic =o= Lne Dost- .: ni s f the wa8 scale, rea- section 1. Before any work shall be perforW6c d e`'`h -nu; ria rai naDi or contract entered into by the City of St- Paul for the purpb o `aork,baia� forming any work for said City, involving either new constructionr*'drlt or repair work on any roads, bridges, sewers, streets, alleysk , p , parkways, buildings or other public work involving the improvement Of tbLe lace lat locationroofesaid improv ment,lic pprty, there shall bcoppieseofci ithe following ordinances O:E the City of St. Paul: Ordinance #5120, approvecl Juloved December 19191927; - Ordinance #6903, app Ordinance #6985, approved November 1, 1928; being the so-called eight hour day ordinance, residence requirement ordinance, and wage scale ordinance, respectively. Section 2. The City Cleric of the City of 9t. Paul is hereby authorized and directed to issue copies off aA& Orc y work o all contractors upon the signing of aay performed for the City of St. Paul. Section 3. A printed copy of this ordinance shall be attached to and made apart of the specifications for the doing of any work for the City of St -Pau -1 and shall constitute one of the terms and conditions thereof, and it shall be a violation of the terms of thcontract for ore their agents toefail ttocobserve tor Or stlxecterms cofrthis ordinancesuch worg, Section 4. Any person, firm or co oora-tion vm llsting the provisions of this ordinance sha.11 be guilty and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to emceed One Hundred Dollars (0100.00), or imprisonment in the workhouse for a period not to exceed ninety (90) daps. ORDINAN(;E COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Bection 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. JUL 18 wo Passed by the Council Yeas Nays -"Conroy May U . AIL IS ✓Pearce Approv d.,- .,,, Ro sen a.. aim Mr. President Bundlie Mayor: ATTEST: City Clerk. ._ fir• Ist. :: c, r 2nd. er Laid over to 3rd, & app. 7 /'' �!) Adopted 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Conroy May Conroy } McDonald C, Pearce /M/P' cDonald i Rosen J Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie COUNCIL NO. ORPOINAL TO CITY C-- CITY COF- Lj L_ I .,FILE 859 8 6&C E C11 -171y, C__ F:z U �;� "— -1— 11 --- I— )k 0 0 TION F=F:;zesv J.ULJY 5, 1950 PRESENTiED BY —ATE ------ COMM 55 ONER__ RESOLVED That licenses for which app1:L0ati-(>x'0 j3e3,v-,eRt been made by persons on the attached list be and the same are hereby gm-4st--trEw<1 _cj the city clerk is instructed to issue said licenses upon the payment into the ciy treasury of the required fee. 'C. F, No. 85958—:sy C. C. Sadhelmer Rc..Wcd. That 11—ScU for which PPIL"tions 'have been made by per - sane V. thea attached list be and the same are hereby gractcd and the city clerk is Instructed o issue said 11, sense.. upon the payment into the city treasury of the requ�l red fee. Adopted by the Council July 3. 1930. ',Approvcd July 3 , 19W (All, 12-1910) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearce Rosen __-.---.--. Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie Y ` IL -310 Adopted by the Council -_-._.--.----- -----------19 L Poroved - --------- --------- -I - ----------- -4/r July 3, 1930 L. J. Abe'rwald, 3-820. Grand Ave. Confectionery M. Berkus, 257 Arundel St. Grocery B. Bernatein, 384 Pleasazrt Av. it Geo. A. Carpenter, 498 Lafond St. ^ Adrian G. Carlson, 1124 Payne Av. " A. H. Carson, 676 Ashland Av. " Mrs. Anna David, 959 Gaultier St. Confectionery W. F. Dickow, 461 University Av. Grocery Harry England, 308 Rice -St. Bakery C. H. Floto, 456 Western Av. Grocery Dill Galloway, 608 N. Western Av. " Dave Gordon, 265 W. 7th St. Confectionery—drug 0. Johnson, 1019 Edgerton St. Grocery David Senig, 193 State St. " Norton C. Lieberman, 676 S. Smith Av. " Theo. Martinson, 1858 W. 7th St. " Charles Modelevsky, 559 Charles St. " Walter Most, 1026 Front St. " C. L. Mullaly, 729 Pelham Av. " Northern Cooperage Co. 551 Concord St. Confectionery R. H. Primean, 563-5 University Av. Grocery Natalie Rocco, 286 S. Snelling Av. " George Ryan, 1702 Laurel Av. " Albert N. Scharfhausen, 993- Arcade St. " Clara Serbine 249 E. Fairfield Av. " Belle Silberstein, 197 E. Indiana Av. ^ Snelling Confectionery Co _ 3-582 University Av. Confectionery J. Soman, 700 E. Maryland St. Grocery Claude Whitlock, 483 Broadway, Confectionery Major Wilson, 500 W. University Av. Grocery F. J. Boucher, 359 UaAr-'V Minnesota St. Restaurant P. P. Gilbert, 1045-48 Grand Av. ^ C. Hollinger, 1764 University Av. ^ Peter Lellas - 5540 Wabasha St. ^ Drusilla Porter, 364 Rice St. " C. R. Sterns, 694 N. Snelling Av. " White Castle System 1081 Payne Av. " Marie Ziaskas, 168 E. 10th St. " M. G. Niehoester, 23-0-i Plymouth Bldg. Fumigation James Snyder, 491 University Av. 2md hand dealer, (auto parts) Sarver Texaco Station 145 W. 3rd St. Gasoline station 6 pumps Shell Petroleum Corn. 3-62-4 Rice St. It " 2 " Shell Petroleum Corp. 1940 St. Clair St. It " 3 " Shell Petroleum Corp. 782 Rice St. It n 3 n Shell Petroleum Corp. 253 University Av. ^ " 3 " Standard Oil Co. 877 S. Robert St. ^ " 3 " Standard Oil Co. 2058 Grand Av. ^ " 3 " Carl W. State Sighwood & Point Douglas Rd. " " 3 " Local Loan Co. Room B. New York Life Bldg. Salary Loan I. F.Schiller dba Acme Co. 376 Robert St. Trustee Finance Co. 4-24 Midland Trust Bldg. " " COUNCIL 85��., onlclrv,.cloc,r.o�EaK - CITY OF ST_ PAUL FILE NO:— OF -CIT LERK OUN S UTI ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ..7� COMMISSIONER - DATE --T-1Y �-31 1930 a I -.e." :ii:a�r'-:�g WHEREAS, Martin McNulty, made application to operate as a taxicab upon the streets of the City o£ St. Paul, One (1) Studebaker auto ca.xr, Motor No. 44903, State License No. B-257384, covered by Hartford Insurance Company Policy No. 2325, and WHERKAS, Martin McNulty in accordance with Ordinance No. 7181, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. PEt l and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Martin McNulty to operate said auto car upon the streets o£ the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. Ghee � 1 conn. "Pro tion Rea atoaid auto oG st a oG sa AP API COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays LcNulty. made ap- as a - taxicab upon y of St. Paul. One o -oar. Motor No_ - o- 33-257384. cover- sissrance Company council July-- 3. - iic. Conroy May McDonald. _In favor Pearce Rosen - _. \J _ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council --- 3<3f -- _ 19-_ -_ W `11�ppr --- ------ ------'-- -...---------1--- ---------'---------- -- -- --------- MAYOR CITY O �UN . cour�c�t_ - �QfJ crclO (= S AUL----"- C I ERK ION: ERAL FORM HATE TZ�a �, ZQ �iO-� WBER.EAS, on June 27 1930, James F. Ceclsa, made apalication £or license to " Overate a grocery store a+ '408 Vie'H Street, and WBEREAS, the Bureau oP Hula-bh recommends denial o£ salcl license, Por the reason that said place has ao 2yot vrater installation; there'ore, be it RESOLVED, that the proyTJar city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said James F- Cecks, the fee of $10.00 and t0 cancel said application for grocery license. C. F. No. 85980—By._G. C. Sudheinler— i Whereas: on Jnne 2. .1930. James F-.. C—ha,, nlade'ft—lied-6n 'for 11-- to_ overate a gr .... y store at 408 Vleca Street, and - Whereas. the 'Bureau. of 'HeaIth pm Z. denial of said. license for the - reason'that .aid -mace has no -hot wa- ter Installation:. therefore. be it - Resolved. that proper clty' offi vers be and they -a.re hereT.y authorised to refund to;sald. James F_ C—W.. t2.e, feeof 110:00 and: to cancel Bala app3i- cation for. grocery Sicen"s e. Adopted h.Council. -July 3. 1930 Approved Jnly 3. 1930- F - (July 12-1930>. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald --..-- -----In favor Pearce Rosen _ _. __..-_ Against sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie i U L — o Adopted by the Couaeil-------------- .----- ----- -------- 19------ C - } c APP a -- -- __------------ 19---- MAYOR . COUNCIL i OR1O1M•� *� _ *• «�"K G ITY OF ST. PAUL, FILE O ICE OF CT IY CLERK �jQU,t/C1E.SOLLITION—GENERAL FORM CiVMM1'DI VI.crt �^• C. F. --Na 86981�BY Mllton Roeen- WheTesY. a:'2'egne9t. for eZteneion of time has been recety d 3romI:.-$rt " Sau12 Contractor for the �Vid request - 8t Grade 3mP,rovem ompietjng We atating that. delay - contraci -'U the aPe IRed time. Ju1Y let, has boon Se to dela . elvmg hta sr68B, a roque St $Or extension Of time has _�.�r from b. H. Saul Contractor for the South atgned contract........ i� tlaer. t„s=,aRobert�St. Grade Improvement ' Saie1 request stating that delay in completing this coat: rsct by the speoified time July let, has been due to cielass is receiving his signeAL contract from the city. that delays have been caused on account of rain asci aas3zcsuts and resulting difficulties in placing and -fill, and also, that he has been ordered to c'Lo emkitional work in connection with the footings for the ws.Z:]L- Whereas, upon atm a :2-avest1gation the above conditions set forth by the c4cwz31G ra,cter have been found to be true, and el Yeas Whereas, no damage t;o the city will result by extending the contract, therefore s be it RESOLVED That t23e t; ime specified for the performanceof the L. H. BaxX3-t csoatract the Bouth Robert St. Grade Improvement , be azsc3 tae: same 1.3 hereby ext encle a to the let day of August, 19 34=3 ifadt that the proper city officers are hereby. authors z ec4-%- t o execute an amendment to said contract in accordaaoe 3=&-er4mvr3th, provided, however, that this resolution shsaX ao 13ave any force or Effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writ sag with the City Oomptpoller. COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson % McDonald —1 --In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council `, U L — ei 19_ _ Appro oY l 'xa : ii- 19_ / MAYOR C, F, No 8b&&82 Ay A. J. Conroy- �Uhereae, the Cemmisslonor of l3uh lie Utllltlea has reported In: acrord aneo with Sretlr� t' of tWRY Char tb�, tfie ;exlat an emeraencY �« r the employ 0 JOF' -02 Out") n � r A I 0 -02 Out") n � Aa ansa rgency. has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities Bureau of Water; rends ring necessary the employment of oe*ataIn employes of that department for more than eight ho%=gB per day in the doing of the following work: Repairing 36a gate MLt Dale 6t Reservoir .# Comule t ina —AL"n inste�llation at; Chace and Pleasant Ave * Bevairinu 6" main on so.Webasha St a t Colorado ff Installing service connection Linooln Ave 4000 CFreaeing eauivment.*** This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumsta==, s : *Fill in ditch #f[ain brolcen widening street. **To finish Job sad avoid going baok neat day. ***Had to have machines for zss at day's work - _ vii • i41 - COUNCIL. IVO ��� FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL - ORIGINAL TO CITY 'C LERK G1=. OF CITY CLERK , U GI LUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE --1- PRESENTEO BY COMMISSfON EROF ,�gERFeS Council File ITO. 85699 was adopted �y the G ownc i1 on HER 14, 193o, authorizing the issuance of a IC" > it to Ethel a Doherty to maintain a school for bacgWBTd children on Lot 8, Block 0, Fairbanks s Addition to St • Pata1 and WHEREAS it appears that the Commissioner of .P�b1ic 13 1-c inge t s pet :Issued said permit and that said pe rmit O to W868 thont the Council being ear8ythaZi etaiciabuilding all of the facts, and that it now app e8ria that the is not of fireproof construction, and it apP property owners in the vicinity have objected to tine estab- lish.ment. a:f baolsghthto theattention ofd other tthe1Counciloas to having uestion Willy said school should not be located at the pts►-oe in q '1`HEREF,�RE BE 2 T F3ESVLVLD that Council Fite 1Qo - 85599, approved J11cie 14,3_930, is 930, be and the same hereby rescinded a'nd rep eased. --F. No. 85963--BY-C19de: R_ -May—_� Whereas. _Council File No_ 85699 » 193¢ suthori ing'th¢ lssuaace o= a-Der- .mlbilto Ethel A_ Dohariy to. malataia a- ch4o1 for backward ch iidren o Z.oc 8 Block 2, FairDaalc's Add3tSon Lo St - Whar¢as St a.DDears ihaL the Co><liraias- sioneroY Publlc Bu;ldia gshasaot Yet- issued Said pe.Yznit aad-L1is_t said permit Fwas .authorized with"out. t3Ye - 'i Council being -sully. advised. as to ali facia. sad that It sow appears !thatofthe said Du11d1nS is aoi oY 8reprooi _ S coastruction��_ ra - is the �ic n3tYa havR �u aueation.. Therefor¢ BaI2 Resoiv¢ii. that- Coua- ,c11- ila No. -86698. spDrovad Juae- 14. F 11930,- be ani the same 3s -hereby re- scIaded-and repealed Adopted by the Couacii Juiy 3. 1930_ APDroved. juiy 312 30 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay s Conroy May Pearce ------ Against Rosen - Sudheimer Mr_ President Buadli- Adopted by the Appv --------------------19----- ------------------- ------------------ MAYOR Ern- �ai Int vau1 G.TO CL<Rw PMO - corr�ss�orcw or wcm�rwwnow (Office gf Cabe 4Ur, terk .lily 2nd, 1930. M. O �Ne ill , - Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith resolution and other papers in the matter og ttse application of Sthel A. Doherty for permit to mesiataia a school for backward children at the northeast corner of Llarsball Ave. and Milton St. This resolution was reconsidered by the Council today and the matter referred to you for a resolution repealing said Council File No. 85699. - Yrnirs very truly, Beard`that I;=voted`with d311geace in the purchase of the';prop.ertp known ag 91? Matshall Avenue. That L: Conferred with Mr: H S Bronson; the' $uperntendeut df Inspection pefore I;purehased,tae nropetp and that..' a$eOQnQ, Ory ,���U. P 01 Rug �c'z�g`��ia � �Quaea wtiiu�r,� aur uua��, vuv a R c d CO• Board of Control, Form 71C Q _ �J' Pl,. (Chapter 51 and 52) !� e-� (Special Laws 1919) ' APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE --------------- 192 --- To the State Board of Control, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned hereby makes application for a certificate ________________--------____------------------ ----------TA.IIQBT�_Snl-irinrrnal------ in the City of_____of__________to the provisions of Chapter 51 and 52, Special Session iavvs, 1919 grid the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health_ The certificate should be issued toThe address of the premises is Z__qb8j„j��yg______________ The rn� imum rii* IT r of children to becared for atany one time _ t.@n`----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The applicant wishes to receive children ---------------- of age. Children to be received through or on the approval of the following supervising (This agency is certified --------------------- -------- or --------------'---------- ------------------_. by the State to place children in boarding ) <County Child Welfare Board) Yours truly, (Signed) Ethel-A.- of thelA.of Boarding Mother) 11P TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL, We the. undersigned, residents of the Oity of St. Paul in the vicinity of,917 Marshall Avenue object to the granting of a license to Ethel A. Doherty to operate a school or institution for sub— normal ohildren at 917 Marshall Avenue 4Ad we As-ffiat thT*e ebunotl: re -consider the action taken on June 14, 1930. NAME ADDRESS mw� 11 -'sane 25th -1930 - Miss vthel A. Doherty. c/o Mr. Robert?. Liesch, 707 Guardian Building. St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear madam: Tons appl.icat iaxx For percmiss ion to conduct a school for bacicward chilciress at 917 Marshall Avenue, which was granted some tine a?a "i13 came before the Council for informal hearing oa Jul;/ 2xxcL: 193 at 10 A-. 3V. - owing to the objections of property neighbor- hood. Yours eerg tr+z3 ys City Clerk- Y WDUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY PAUL 885964 Conroy COUNCIL FFICE OF THCOMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MoDonaI�FILE No..._ Pearce CtANG* may COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN FAVOR Rosen AUDITED CLAIMS ¢{ID R —AGAINST WON"RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ;11Y TREASURY,WiNN ` MR. PRES., HODGSOdL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i--212'1 COVERING CHECKS NUMBEflED.. TO-- __ INCLUSIVE, R As Y. ...... pER CHECKB ON FIL FOF�IC 0 E CITY COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE CDUNCIL_.. .-•,• . f APPROVED...... - „-1�CIiY MPTR9E ..... MAYOR TOTAL DATE.. v CHECK RETURNED NUMBER �. TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i 7419145 04 00 d582 wm.J.Yoore d� We Moore �2� • 658 Board of Poblio '181418 9 2 6 84 JobwH. MODonaldp 0f of Fin. 1 309 1� 6� John He goDonaldi 0 of Fin. 13 003 d 6581 John H. MoDonaldt O. of Fin. di 04 e . :Oliver: 7 6 d7 gatti . E 6;8'8 John;H. McDonald, O. of FLU. 36' g S 61 6589 John H. MODOnald, O. of yin. 5 " 0 6590 David Kiri 3 272 5 6, ;1 Olt of Strpaul 114ne 1 073 24 4COO Unthern 80�rety oamDRAT of Yo 6 710 61 �) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IORM NO. A-122 . 12-2b '190 00 100 00 30 00 32 47 1 25 15 00 0 00 2147 28 11 58 166 53. n 1 731 56 919 70 J55 2d ia6 55 a go? 8tip4ul P106440 001poy 6 Top* 11tol 'Dopey 6 Thontol $rat M 00401 6 9 ��bM �nydax, Osraatar 6 97 �r�aa ���bop 6598 1 Morris Cohen 6r�99 Dec. Colyer 6100 meyep 0onetruotion..0ompany Fresies 6601 6602 Emil'. aoodrioh441vert0wn,Ino. 6603 H.J. Keine Oolapany 6604 timer Re Jbbnoon 6605 6601 $e0. Ringwald J, La, 9hiely Company 6607 SITO Produote 00mpany 6608 Standard Stone Company 6659 state;of Minnesota$ Metropolitan Drainage Commis i( Turbine Sewer Maohine Compan Ml hies Anne Whitten 6612 oe00% bead Company 66133 John R 1030061d) 0o of Fin a 66N John ate MODona d� Q. of fine ai �) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IORM NO. A-122 . 12-2b '190 00 100 00 30 00 32 47 1 25 15 00 0 00 2147 28 11 58 166 53. n 1 731 56 919 70 J55 2d ia6 55 a go? PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER_ V 5 Council File No --------------- y ti The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follovving public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - Condemning_ --and taking---an--easement---Far-- slopes in_ -cuts ---and------------------- -- -------------- - --- fills for the construction of a sidevWa-IIc on the south side of .................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - -------- --- -------------------------- --------- Shields Avenue 1.n front of _ 3-ot_ 22? B3ock__4. Lovering__Park--Add.-_- -------------- ----------------------- ---- -----------sem as h- den -exist �sxg id_e 17s t�---� QPM tY line' ------------------------- 2nd _ ' y -----------41 ---1930---------- -- 2 Dated this--------------- - ---- - -� - --------------------------------- /------------------------ p1iELIMII4A$Y ORDERS. Councilman. C. F. No. 85565— Abatract. 'tiwreas. A riiien proposal for the _ oY. th¢ Yollomin� improv meat. ' PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CondemrL ng and taking an easement __mor slopes in cuts and ------ - - --- - --- - -- __----_..-----fi11s__for__the___construction__OF__a__sidev�al7s__on_ the--south__side of -__ -- _Shields--Avenue__in__rront_ or -or --_Block- 4i Lovering Park Add. ------------ ---sQ -es t -0 ---tae e a t i¢ew tq- Q�� t9 line - ------------------------------------- having - - ..._..having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul----------------------------------...---_-------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be sad is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the ma.I--i lag of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement_ 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coxxxxxx susioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ----------------------------- J UL - - ------ YEAs ¢V AYS Councilman CLANCY ,. FERGUSON Approved- ------- -------- MCDONAX D - Rosl.axn C 4�; �E; SUDHEIMEIi WENZEL_______________________________________________________________________..__.----..._ Ma PaESLDENIr Mayor. Form C A }3 (2M 2-20) 6 Council File No --------- —..........' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT O and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct _cement_-the---sidewalk-.-one__ and__ one--ha].f_.(l1)_._P BPt--in-__.-_._..... -------------- _ width -on -the south side of-. Shields_ --Ave,-._ in- front of -lot 22,- - . Block 4� Lovering.__Park_-Add..-._-so-_as--to:-widen-__ezistin$ sidewalk ---------- -tO property.. line..----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1930 ---------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- --------------- . July, 1930 ----------- ---------- ----------------- Councilman. -------- 19z- iC Dated this 2nd... day of_.... - - - ----- - --- -- -- ---- -- ----- --- - - Councilman. C. F. No. 86886— i Abstract. Whereas, A written Proposal for the i toaking of the following imp --ement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. +truct cen�f,... - r-; .,.-•ne-half, .. ,. ,:�•_� , VViiEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct cement the sidewalk one-- and one--half---(l)feet---in_.._.__... ---------------------- -------------- f 1 # 22 to ro er line -------- --- --- -�ye t----- > l f f ghi.. q ----- Q ;--------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -----.___--------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........... .------------------ u, 3 -- ------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FEnOUSON MCDONALD ROHLAND _ ,SUDBEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Porro C A 13 (2M 2-20) Approve.------------ -- -••----•--- --------------------------------- ------- C Mayor. Petition Counci ile No. -_.....6o 7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ---------- Constgugting.--a.-- sewer --on_Rean-ey-St-,--- From_a--- oint_approximately_---- -_____--_-_ Clarence_St. t9_connect-_W#h--.the._Belt-.Line _-------------------- --------- ewer_ - ------ ---__:__-at_a._point-.approximately--210__ft.__west_-of Birmingham St. -- -- --- - ------- -- --- - ------------ --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ ---------- --------------- Dated this. -��.. a ......day of Jul ---- ..- --1930 . 1� - --------- ----------------------------- - -- ------ ------------------- C. F. No. 86967— Councilman. - Abstract. Wh.re-. A written proposal for the - makfnR of the following improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -_.Constructing-_.a-_sewer__on--Reaney__St.-..from--a--.point-_approximately -------...265:.ft.-Bast..-of...Clarenae.- St.....to...-..C.onnect...with-..the--B_elt.-Linet---S.evw-er---- .........at..8...point---approximately_-210--ft-.-__West-.of. Birmingham St. - - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_---------------------------------------- -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------- ._------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner -of Finance. Adopted by the Council - �, P 3193D ----•- -------- -- . - ------------------ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLAxcY FERaesox Approved --------- - ---- - -� � ---- J --'�-��---------------------------- MGDONALD BORLAND Q ------------------------------ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (2M 2-29) 7 Council File No— ------ 85-9.68, .5-.6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 4S PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - - Grading.-_Ke.As.. AYBxIhe.._to..Hudso7n... i4aa-.----------------- ------ -------------------------------- -------------------------- -- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................................ --------------- -------------- Dated this----- ... .........da of.......------Julys---1930----r---- /s 9/ 2nd y _ ----- --------------------------------------------------------------- - "' "" Councilman. C. F. No. 86988— et Wherea�, A �Itten, p[ogI I [or tha _------ _ aking or the rollowing Improvement, 1 vtz. Avprn Burne j PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------Grading_KeAnArd-.Street.-froM 13urns---A.v..ezxue...to..Auds.oa-Road...--------------------- --------------------- ------ ------------------------------------ ------------ ---------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- .--- .--- .---- ------------- ..... ---------------- ----------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 00 Adopted by the Council .......... - ..1U.. ®3 ......------------.... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY !d. FERGUSON APPy--------•-- --- ---------•----------- -----MCDONALD RoHLAND SDDHEIMER WENZEL..........................Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Fo.m C A 13 (2M 2-2U)3I,I Council File No.---- --------- ��! PROPOSAL FOR I PROVEMENT. 1 and PRELIMINARY. ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - Condemning--and_-_taking--_ .. a -a 3elteXt.t J.t► the ...1,and.-z�.ecassary---f-°r------- --------------------- ------ -- ---------------------------------- ------ slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Kennard Street .....-..-----...------------- - - ........- fromBurns--Avenue--to--Hudson-Road..--------------------- - -- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------- - Dated this_--- ........da of..------------ .....- t- - 2nd Jul 1930 - - 9 /. y ---------------------------------------- ------------- • --- --------- -------• Councilman. n F. No. 86969— Abatt" c akmg of ti a onowtna °nvr for I" PRELIMINARY ORDER. �1Co demni . 1 teklnR a ees trent , y °- AS, A'N.aten pros s the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning---sement---in..tk►e..land-.necessary---°r-------. ------..... ... - - slopes,... cuts._and--fills-- Gf . emard.--Street---------------------- ------ ---------- ,_from Burns-- Avenue._to_ Hudson_... oa....._._..-------- ------ ---- --- - ---------------...------........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau -------- _--- __----- .-.------ ----------------- --------------- therefore, be it RE50I.vED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J 3 19K Adopted by the Council...._ _ .......................... YEAS NAYa Councilman CLANCY Approved..--- --------• ...... -_=-•-- --- t(/�j/n. FERGUSON LD BORLAND RoHLAN 1. SDDHEIMER .......................... WENZEL Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT 2 � 7 d Form C A 13 (2M 2-29) CI Y:O� - counelL NO. 85 tr 0 r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY PRAH tT. DATE .ane 20th -193N COMMISSIONER THUTNii L RESOLVED WHE1tEAS, in the construction of the New Eastern Heights School, it was found necessary to install additional plumbing and heating in this building, and WHF:NF.Ag, this additional work was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, -xhEktEF0uE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon -the recolmnendation of the City Architect, that the plans and specifications and contract with Elmer R. Johnson be so amended as to provide for this additional work, and the contract price increased in the amount of Three Hundred and Thirty Nine Dollars and Sixty Three ($339.63) Cents to cover the cost thereof. 86970 -By L C. P_e, ._lnvhereonetructlon, of the 11h �-,PrkPI.. theoflginal 8.ne Adontedby -the Council July 7, -1930. ADDroved JUIy 7, 1930: (July 32-1930) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays llcxguaw —McReloid In favor Fe9wh"d e Against Mr. President Hodgem Adopted by the Council 19— Ap 19— rl� MAYOR GITY OF rST. PAUL - p�ppRTMENT OF EDUCATION - -a C-- G. PEP.R CG. COMM+-s�or:en - C��GSRGE _5. JACOBS. Deur} Go.+e.�ss�on+aa June 20th, 1930. Ron. Irving C. Pear -CB Commissioner, Department of Ednca i oa St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Referrirx,=,_- to the attached letter of the City Architect, Mr. Bass ox -d regarding an extra aP $339.63 for plumbing and lases iag cn the Eastern Heiglxts School, I would like to attach tue following explanation: After -t:3ze pastern Heights Building was under way certain altex1at-'5 oxs.s in. one of the classrooms were made in order that t]38 local improvement organization could utilize the rocs= as a community room. The extras oa the general contract to Edward H jorklund amount:L— to :82,981.00 has already been authorized. At tYia-V-- time no. provision was made for the plumbing and heatixig c13mxiges. This seems to me a relatively reasoaab3e figure, and I would recommend that the follOw3rg Re solution be presented to the Council for approva3- e Y ours very truly, JWS-L ttesearch Statistician. 1�...�-+-�' (twit? "�z� r. %>.�-:^�iG-al..�� t �r '"Zf-t� GZ�/2�tt-•G.t�CJ . - COUNCIL . - - -GITY OF 5'i•U I- - FILE NO. 85_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ppp' OF GITY CLERK C ,CIL SO LUTIOI-I--GENERAL FORM July 1, 1930^ o A -r PR -N S, NE RESOLVED in Whereas, IInforseea coacions not provided for ng the making of the improv6megt described as the curbing of Cromwell gveaue from Myrtle Avenue to Wabash Avenue under Final Order C . 1` • 83894 apProved December 1929, Standard Stone Comparsy' Contractors, have arisen ecessary to do t aee following extra work: ' C. _ o. 85'8 h71—T3Y Milton Rosen— wereas.. unforeseenhInsaot the Mt FN$ '�yrovided torltt the tun. 'PrOvementd%ttlD from th'MYr3.08 tler Ave ne at 550 4.08 Cromwell Ay ..rnor-Ftnai.ordV: Straight Cl1rb 650 - to w abash Aver is T7 F. n889a - •.:n 'b, •28° Radius X7.16 Total Additions Resolved, That the Gouzacil hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Co�Ymissioner of Public Works aad in accordance with the specifications theefras andrtoobe, a1lov�ed ast�e co£an eextratIMaC Txthedcontract knownor Comptroller't s Contract L-34 4 for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Department of Pn1o1Sc VYorks has agreed the sum Of contractors, The Standard Stone Compant,he extra work and $7.16 1s the reasonable cost of doing supplying the- extra material specified 7..n the foregoing resolution. Commissioner of Public Works. Countersigned : �biP C p o11er . - e� COUNCILMEN Contractor j%-7VW Adopted by the Council ------------- 19-- yeas Nays Conroy �- I �,'- 4f May _--19--- Approved -- uj;w '------ _________In favor Pearce O `--_ -------_-- MAYOR Rosen--- Against ------------ Mr. President Bane CITYTt PAUL OFFICE CITY CLERK courlcl� NO. FILE 0-sk i J FZF S:—�Tj—GENERAL FORM Tn 1 l a�fl PR ESENTEO BY SAT COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Whereas, conditions not provi<3ea for i.n the making o� �e improvement described a.s the curbing of. H.ewi fromAldine Stre Fairview Avexzue� _�� .c3er Final Order Septamb�r 3, 1929, Standard Stone Company, approved ���e arisen making it necessar-5r to do the Contractors, Following egtr a �or� AAAI t_.i OIIS 1 Manhole tom �-'-sa Cover $ 3-0.'75 7 ft, at 60¢ 4 $5 9 77 fo 'B eeMnllcondlTtti 6es not otal additions 14 _ 9v Whar aR. the nla.]ctnw of the im— - prm _ bra... tho.cu bins of �� the Council hereby orders the extra work t' za street `� C o*n� : s s loner of Public 7 Order - , co b-16 -d,.; ^n_i�3�e� ��e supervision of the Works and iiz accordance with the specificatioxzs therefor, the cost of same xso to exceed the sum of1Go�5 troller'd to se allowed as an extra the contract known theaaforesaid improvement. Contract L-346 mor the making The Departxrita�t of Public WoCom has gg that thesum with the of Corytractor� T1�a eta xclard Stone oixig t2ze extra work. and $14.95 is t; e�so�able cost of doing material specified irl 't-Yse foregoing supplying tYie e:tra resolutiori _ Count ersi�rsgc3 Commissioner of Public Works om ro�3er - Goa.tractor COUNCILMEN Yeas r'Tays Conroy May 15 aeL Pearce Rosen ------ N4,. - Mr. President Suadlie JUL 9- - Adopted by the Council ------------- a _i9--- Approv __ MAYOR Brea . cation hae reported to the f th etl to accordance axis ence of a -oY the City. Charter the ezietenceot'an emergency which orf en .dretrei. enderefl necessary the emyloy- HIent Por more than thelrt coal honrs- oP mployment• therefore. -be it Resolved, That the. prover city ofa- cers are hereby authori..d,. to vay the -followingamed employee, atthe rata otherwise fixed.: for -extra -.-P 07 for extra time hareinatter set forth. Charles, Hammerlund, Jan. Eng-, 12 hrs. at ao $7.80. - - E: Manalts, Jan: Eng.. "4 hrs. at 65E, $2"60.-. - Tan Eng., Bert Seidler, ...$2.60..- Oscar- Smalenalcy, Jana Eng.,. 4 1— at - at65t'.� $2.60,-- .Charles Stern, -Jan. Eng.. 2 hra: at -_ 65Q. $130. William Vlevering, .4 -hrs. at 6St% _ $2"60:opted by = Adthe Council 1930 Tulp 7, - AV_,ed JoJly %2a-� 1980. <nly aol � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May b"D ,--------- ______Zn favor Pearce Rosen _-_-_-----Against - Sudi.e.wwr Mr. President Bundlie .AUL:-7 VW Adopted by the Council ------ -------------------- --------- 19--__-_-- Approved- - _._19 4111. i r/ MAYOR . - - "1 —UNCIL UL FIL To cry c�eaK CI NO. �• r-'� � .E O Y ERK COIJ[VGIL-_RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM irl(� �PArf+n DATE 7u1�3 1930• COMMISSIONSY ER Tryg RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Com:nissionExr of Education has reported to the City the Council in accordance ,--rith Section 53, of envy which rendered Charter the existence of n.n e:ner t of certain errplcyes of his ne cessrary theI- EL Y'ELn treir usua� hours of erlploy- decesti.ent f:.^ ram: re Ment; i..;refi' c 1t RE'SOLVE'D, `_"hat th., ty officers are hei- eby au- Ic,Y at the thorized ', Pa`> t 1-.� = c-t-1.:;ring named el t for extra rate cther�:� ,c 1: -F-caextra employee time hereiiiaf Ler- of forth: IVAIIE TT -TT TIRE RATE TOTAL Charles Iia>sunerlund ,Taxa. Eng. 12 hours 65 jZ 65 $7.80 2.60 TIP ¢ E 1..4anska n tr ¢ 65 2.60 Bert Seidler fr r* ¢ 65 2.60 Oscar Smolensky „ 2 65 1.30 Charles Stern �* 11 ¢ 65 2.60 William Vievering C. F. No:: 85973—By L C. Pe Warce— h s The Commissioner of. Edu- Brea . cation hae reported to the f th etl to accordance axis ence of a -oY the City. Charter the ezietenceot'an emergency which orf en .dretrei. enderefl necessary the emyloy- HIent Por more than thelrt coal honrs- oP mployment• therefore. -be it Resolved, That the. prover city ofa- cers are hereby authori..d,. to vay the -followingamed employee, atthe rata otherwise fixed.: for -extra -.-P 07 for extra time hareinatter set forth. Charles, Hammerlund, Jan. Eng-, 12 hrs. at ao $7.80. - - E: Manalts, Jan: Eng.. "4 hrs. at 65E, $2"60.-. - Tan Eng., Bert Seidler, ...$2.60..- Oscar- Smalenalcy, Jana Eng.,. 4 1— at - at65t'.� $2.60,-- .Charles Stern, -Jan. Eng.. 2 hra: at -_ 65Q. $130. William Vlevering, .4 -hrs. at 6St% _ $2"60:opted by = Adthe Council 1930 Tulp 7, - AV_,ed JoJly %2a-� 1980. <nly aol � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May b"D ,--------- ______Zn favor Pearce Rosen _-_-_-----Against - Sudi.e.wwr Mr. President Bundlie .AUL:-7 VW Adopted by the Council ------ -------------------- --------- 19--__-_-- Approved- - _._19 4111. i r/ MAYOR FCP_ M NC. Vi�A: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, 5'area'a of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Janitor work at school buil s O night activities. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Buildi s be n u Ranger BOYs meetings. This report is in accordm ce with Section 53 of the Charter. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 2EIN FAVOR ROWLAiW SWMENMR -AGAINST wetew MR. PRES., 0*6801Qloll AO0:::DGY THE DUN APP InrOyC*.Al.T PAUL COUNCIL ICE IQF OF HE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION taroo-, AUDITED CLAIMS 1 --1910— loon RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAgN CITY TREASURY, E CITY e. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S—' I. COVERING CHECKS NUMBER --To-- !.5LINCLUSIVE. AS C� F'THE• TY'CO' FILE I T FFIC THE COMPTROLLER. PER CHECKS ON go CI OMPTROLKR By MAYOR TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS CHECK NUMBER BY BANK WARD FORWARD BROUGHT FORWARD BROUGHT 287 161 Di 66 GarTi Ok Brothers,Ino Bank. kssi� I n * A08!81 a 6 671 68 6611 midwaNational 705 00 Carrick BrotherevIno, , 0 ' Mary Now 3 ki 6617 KazimioTz & Mary NowIokI ier z K:� 2 1 $28 95 Rose 66id Mary. B4, Rose 1 M 6 1 909 50 661g Elea 9j, ObStp, Treasurer 61 65 Ramsey County, Minn. 7 662o J.2, Irlohvaum 6621 Fielding & Shepley, Ino, 25 9132 22 5 6622 Northern States Cont. Comp17 662 John H. McDonald, Cot 'T'L of In. in. 890 15 343 13 94 Or 29 89 66224 1 John It McDonald, CoWwr. Of ;;eiseig 47 00 66 rmil i 662 John H. MoDonaldp C. Of "A' is )0 41 01 6627 of Fin. John H, MoDonalds 0. Fin. 1 2 2 47 40 6628 John H. McDonald, C. of 6629 0 & Preston 962"00 . Mfg 6630 Capitol Stationery Mfg 92 466 95 65 6631 Central Garage, Ino. 86 85 6632 Gangl & Company StjP&ul Book & stationery 00 1 402 29 6634 Specialty Printing COMPMY 57 10 50 Standard Brandfalnos 6 00 6636 star Photo Company - 6637 StOOklaud kqUiPment Sales 0 0 pang 4 446 45 66 vi tory Printing Company 99 7 00 00 6639 GeorgiaBorup 9 Greenwood664 Walter o 3 75 6412 Henley Sales Company 6 00 6642 Apes Johnson 7 7 0 66a Carrie Love I 7 0 aret quinlan 66 Margaret 6645 I Lucille G, Williams 7 0 COUNCIL NO. o,:G ro rr CePK CITY OF ST. PAUL - F117 OFFICE CITY CLERK 7y/C _U L RES UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i/ ATF duly 3 1930 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED " Yeas In the matter of installing ornamental lighting system on Mount Curve Boulevard from Randolph Street to Highland -Ford Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 80836, approved May 16, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 82214, approved February 13, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. i - - I mens, be and the..eame are-nereDy, nP' Proved.- �; Adopted by the Council July 7, 3990. Approved July 7, 1990. ;(July 19-1990) mak.. COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May ,_ _-__In favor Pearce Rosen _--_"------"----Against .+awv= Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CounciL__3RL-'-- — Appr 1 MAYOR • Council File No._......._ k 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and i PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing,relaying & repairing,where necessary,the sidewalks at the ---fallowing locations------------------- "- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Northside LawsonSt.be-ginning-_116-._ft.West--of.._Earl---St.-,thence--West"--80-_ft, Toth sides 9i Ave. rom East Langford Park Place to West Langford Park Pl. West---si.de-..Toronto--A.ve.-baginning----at•"-Grade--St.-ythenee south---1-20---ft-------- South side West Seventh st.beginning at Richmond St.,thence est 340 ft. Dated this ......... day of.. ------------- JUJ.y_s-19.30- *yi�-� 192 - --- --------- f ----- - ----- a F. No. 33973— Councilman. Whereas. .A wlttenot. making or the following zImp ovemen Recohetructing, reiaying andrep9lr- te, where. nece9sary, th -;walks. ac ' the Y th"Ing iota �+ � RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing,relaying & repairing,where necessary,thd sidewalks at --....---the fallowing locations:---------------------------------------------------- - - - - - North__ side Lawson_ St.b_ eginn_ ing--116,--ft."--West-.of.._Earl--.St.",thence-" YVest--_80-" ft. Both_skies $raise Ave. from Last Langford Park Place to..West .......... Lang.fard.-Par-k..,Place--------------------- ----------- --------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------------- West side Toronto Ave.begginning at Grace St.,thence south 120 ft. South side West 'Seventh--Flt:begs:riving--- at- Ri Ciiltidii8" St":; t}ierice "9Pe?Jt 340 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council --------------------L m -----...--- YEAS NAvs Councilman.^�.er "1 11�eHeA47.71 Qwm.*N`. G� WawxeS r�.i.sw�..l.� MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (2h1 2-29) Approved....----.........-`- - :.... .......................----------------------------------- .._D.. j Mayor. TUBI Council File No..---------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying & repairing,where necessary, the sidewalks at -- the fol-lowing -icreations: - - at Burgess__ St _� ___taence_-north- 145- ft.__---_.--_ East _side Mackubin St.beginning------------ - --80 East siae Maclialiin St.beginning at Front St. thence ce--no th ft. west--side-Yackubin..St..-beginning.-.at---Burgess- t.-,---thc3nce--nor-th--to-.alley'--- west side Mackubin St. beginning at Front St. , thence sout to alley --------------------------------------- - - -J�'� 1930 192_; -. -Dated this -7th day of.----------- - j ---------------- Councilman. . C F. No 664`FZ�b9 f thract. Wier .A kilt en ,rovoae.l for the — �mngirag oe fO17ow1n8`'"�rovement. — PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Re constructing, relaying & repairing,where necessary, the sidewalks at the-following locations ------------------ side Mackubin St.beginntng at Burgess- St., thence north 145 ft. -_--_ East- -side MaaIsiiiiiii 'St.beginriirig at Front St . , themee south 86 o- West--.si.da_Mackubin--St-beginnJ=g---a-. tBur=-ess--.north---talley_.--- West 'side Maekubin St.beginning at Front St., thence south to alley ---------------- ----------................... _---------------------- - e City of St. Pa -------------------------------------------------- --- -- ---- ------------------- ----- having been presented to the Council of ththerefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a-plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.---........ ` ------- YEAS NAYS Councilman ry � pWA.O= 1*1'�_ t - APProved------------ =-- --- --- -- 1k> 3w- wavrm- n��.�- -------------------------------- - '-------- Mayor. Ms. PRESIDENT - 'F■iJBLIS'f�D 'J — J 2 -3 0 Form C A 13 (2M 2-29) COUNCIL FILE N0._-_____---__- ------ --------- - By------ ---------- _ - - --- - -- FINAL ORDER 85978 In the Matter of... Q_0nB_tTuQ_tinR --- on --- bothsides --- Of --- 8-cheffer --- Avenue ---------------- - ----- --- Syndi-Ga-te _A_ve�alle_t a. line I ------------ ---- - -------- -- -- ------ ------ ----------------- -- ------- - --- --- - ---- -------- - - ------------------------- ------ I - ---. - ------------------------------------- ------- ------- ----- --------- ------ --- - ---------------- ----- ---------- --- ----- - ------------------------------ - -- -- ----- ------- -- - -- - ------- ---- ---•------------------ -------------- -- - ------------------------------------ ---- - -- ---------- ----- ---- ---- -- ---------- - --- ----------- under Preliminary Order.-----------_ ---- 65 58 May 14, 1930 ----- 2 ------------------- approved --- � _ - - - - I - -- ----------------------------- IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------------approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered* the same; therefore, be it v. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ....... --- on --- b-o-th --- s -i -des of S-che ff er ---Streit ---- from --- S-ynd-i-ca-te --- Ay -e -nue ... to --- Hamlin, --- Avenue, - -------------------------- ---------------------- - ------------------------------------------ - ------ - - - ------------------- Matter - - ----------------- - -- -- - - -------- No.- ----------------------------------------------------- - - M,tte, , e.ustructingStreet --- - ---- In the bath sides Of SebOfel sn,"r. Ing On A ... us to Hamlin, , syndiemte U. from' under m -------------------------- - - --- --------- Avon a5259 V.dl --------- - - - ---------------------- - ---------------------- IL putblic., 'i upon 1,- ------ - — -- - — — -- - - - - - - -- - --- - -------------------- - --------------------- - ----------------- - --- - --- - ---- and the _18.-uncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -------- JUL 192_-_____. -- ----- ---- City Clerk. Approved---- -- --------- ------------ --------- - - 192 --- -- ------------------ ---- ------ ---------- --- Mayor. Councilman Conroy CouncilmanMcDonald 3 b Councilman am Mily ri fiED Lear e Councilman n Councilman _ Councilman NMAM MayoriUmtIRM BxndUe Form B. S. A. 8-7 -- � �� - — ?s;- PAUL D A MSNT Of FINANC REPORT OF COMMISSIONER INANCE ; ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A - In the mactX.of. Constructing curbing on both sides of Scheffer Street from Syndicate Avenue. C3� under Preliminary Order approved #85258 May 14, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 7titl. 24 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - front $ 0.67 The estimated costfoot for the ab ve im rovement is Inspection 15.6 Frontage 1,197 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION �i_.. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION — LAND BUILDINGS 16 Hackett's Sub. = of B1k.4,Lex- 17 ington Pk.Pi.5. 500 18 do 500 19 do 500 20, do 500 _ 21 do 500 2350 22: do 500 23'' do 500 2950 - - 24 do 50025 . do TOTAL. oo sT. PAvs:. r .. .i A& FST t3-FINANG REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O NAI�iCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDEF DESCRIPTION f LOT 1RLOCK - ADO[TtON S O ' VAWATION i r LAND BUILDINGS ; 26 _' . Hacke t o_s -Sub of B11c_ 4, Lem - 27. ingt.on Pk_ P1.5. _. 500 _ 28 do 500' 2400 29 do 500 1350, 3U f do 525 1 '; 8 Leging-toia Pk_ 525 P1. 11. do 500 2600 q 3 8 do 500 350 8 do 500 3050 _. 5 g do 500 650 6 tf do 500 250 7 is do 500 i is 8 do 500 9 8 do 500 lU 8 do 500 j-750 11 8 do 500 3150 12 8 do 500 2900 .13 b do 500 3350. _. 14 8 do 500 3650 Ii ! 15 8 do 550 4550: f r: -L5,3 50 - ---. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to smatter by the Commissioner of Public- Wor Dated -- a / D 19 3 0� _ Commissioner of Finance. Duane. R. 12 THE DEPARTMENoTr OF PUBLIC WOR$S CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Btiay 2? , 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Works. Commissioner of Dear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Scheffer Street from Syndicate Avenue to HaTn-Iirie Aven-ue, 'under Preliminary Order C. F. 85258, approved 11iay 14, 1930. Estimated Cost 788'24 Cost per front foot 0.67 Inspection 15.46 Frontage 1197 ft Yours -t--X-LL-Ly-- Approved ruly,Approved for transmission 70IMj-S'MS missioner of Finance ione� Public Wor " office �of 'the Coxnmissoner of public orks Report to Comi-nissio- erof Finance MAY i -------------------------- 192 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File ho_-- _-__ 85256__approved--_ --- a _Zat-__1930--_:___--192_-____-., relative to constructing___cux-bin:g_:on botla sides_ of__Scheffer Jtreet from Syndicate Avenue to Aamline Avenue. -------------- ers and things referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the matt 1. Said improvement is ------------------------- and (or) desirable. . Cost Per frost foot $0.67 788.24 2. The estimated cost thereof is F ------ -------------------------- .and the total cost thereof is $------. ..... ......, Inspection X35 _46 Frontage 1,197• Et. and the nature and extent of ssi-r} improvement is as, follows------- -------------------------------------------- --- ----- --- --------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch o£ said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------- ------- --- ----- -- ------ ---- ------------ ---- --- -------- 5. Said improvement is-------------------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, vement_ subject to assessment for said impro Commissioner of Pu a Works. COUNCIL FILE NO..: E>a the. hia�t�r o� ra,9onetruotidg� r�laY , , lntl;�� rd��(ring �haNe neoea�arp, toqs►aelV& kg nt lh9 tollnw►ng ��� FINAL ORDER Hralnerd prcq;�'i''. a,� „��Innlna;F^. In the Matter of___:Tenons#sucting_,—rela�Cing-,ands8�aixin�44here neC�B9ar , the sidawalka at the fllowing'loeatio a• Rraingxd_$v ._,_.n4xth_S e,_ 2e lgjn g 5 _fit._ east of Clark 9t.�thence east 12 ft, $raiperd_Av_e _, 130 ft. east_of Burr St.) thence east 80 ft., Brain --r Ave __north sideLbeginnin _a.. _the-wes------ line of 9t. _ extended, thence west 165 ft Fairfield- Ave__,__north__ side�_beginnng_ 30 it. west _of Daniel 8t. thence -, - west 70 ft., -------------------------- - - - -- - .84991 .............s . Pri under Preliminary Order.. approved ..._ A _ l 22,..1930...:.. _..-._-------------• IntermediaryOrder.......... .. ......................approved.................................................................... public hoorin haying boon had upon tho above improvement upon duo notico; and the Council p g � 1 tl�o thoroto and Wing Y Pull conoldorod ha�ing hoard all Prim, i j�dla and rocommonda im ro a ' th8 �ti�1d th8x8l�OC8, b81t I�ESnL� D, By tho Council of tho City of K PA01 that tho prink Datum, oxtont and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is_._.reQQnstruct, relay-. and -_repair -where_necee- sary the., sidewalks at the following locations; flranar�l.:9ue.� r�xt..aids}._�egaicp>-�..ft,.:e_aet_af Clark St.,thence•east 12 ft., n4><t�i.. ll��••b��ianing 130 ft east of Buxr St., thence east 80 f., Brainerd--_ve., north side,, bSinninLat the west line of Jessie9t.M-- extended, thence west 165 deet, FairfieldAve„ no wrth side, beginning 30 ft. west of Daniel St., thence e - st 10 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. .RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.________JUL_--LLW APProved----------------------------------� 192----- Councilman ConroY CouncilmanMcDonald Councilman May Q Pearce Councilm - Hoorn Councilman ~r tl(,,16Trler Councilman iIAK*tx Mayor 1W>;= Bnndlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 OP, V mr, I 3, D —/2 —3 e Vi t" CITY OF, Sr .TAUL DEPARTM!5 T O_tVIN4NCE '�^ - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary, the sidewalks at Brainerd Ave., the fo..ilowing locations: north side, beginning 50 ft. east of Clark $t., thence east 12 ft. Brainerd Ave., north side, beginning 130 ft. east of Burr St., thence east 80 ft. Brainerd Ave., north side, beginning at the west line of Jessie St, e' extended, thence west 165 feet. Fairfield Ave., north side, beginning 30 ft. west of Daniel $t., thence west 70 ft. under Preliminary Order approved #b4981 April 22, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ sq. 8 U.09 The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION LAND BUILDING$ 6 Rueoker's Add. Beginning at S.W.corner of Blk. 5 .Clarke & Wilgus 700 4900 thence N. on W. line of said Blk. Addition. 246.8 ft. thence E. at right angles . 52.6 ft. thence S.parallel with W.line of said Blk. 211.1 ft.tO S. line of said Block, thence S.WIly 63.b7 ft.to beginning. Part of 5 (Ex.the following: Commencing at do 1850 the S.W.corner of Blk.59thence N.on W.line 246.8 ft.thence E -at right angles 52.60 ft.,thence S.parallel to W.line 211.1 ft, to S. line, thence S. W I ly 63.57 f t. to beginning.,) 5 Block !i .... ...... _ TOTAL.... 1wm a. H. 10 CITY OF ST. t-AUL f,. DEPARTMENT OF 51NANCE .t REPORT OF COMMfSSIO ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C_) ' LOT •BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION lj LAND BUILDINGS j Commencing at a point on N.line of Unplatted 12 0 00 . Brainerd Ave.110 ft.N.E'ly from in- tersection of W.line of L.6 with said N.line of Brainer Ave.,thence N.W'1y 154 ft.to intersection of Elly line of :,tract conveyed in Book 707 of Deeds, !Page 115, thence N'ly along said Elly.. !line to N.E.corner of tract so conveyed thence to point on N.line of said Lot, 42 ft, from the N.W.corner thereof, !thence Elly to N.E.corner of said Lot, thence to S.E.corner, thence to be - _;ginning, being part of Lot 6 of Sub- division of E.� of S.W.¢ Of Sec.20, }gown 291 Range 22, according to Book IIYu of Deeds, Page 349. Commencing at the intersection of. do 1100 2i3O O ,W.line of L.6 with the N.line of Ave., thence N.Elly along ,Brainerd said N.line of Brainerd Ave.110 ft. thence N.W'ly 94 ft. to intersection of Easterly line of tract conveyed 1n Book 707 of Deeds, Page 115, thence 'N'ly along said Elly line to N.E.00rner :`,of tract so conveyed, thence N.to a :point on N.line of said Lot 42 ft, :'.from N.W.corner thereof, thence W..to iieaid corner, thence S.zo beginning, :!being part of said Lot 6 of the Subdivision of E.2 of S.W.* of Sec. ,.20, Town 29, Range 22, according to ,Book "Y" of Deeds, Page 349.. 11 195 Irvine's Add. 1 800 12 195 do 120U 6600 7350. 18 , tsUO The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tos d matter by the Commissioner of Public W1�1 ` Dated "019 2 Commissioner of Finance. +Form B. B. 13 - Office .of the Commissioner, of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance s:>� May 1, 1930 ::.192..:- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Ne.. 849 ......approved -APri1 22, 1930 192:.:..:_:, relative to reconstructing, relaying 7 repairing where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations N: S. Brainerd Ave: beg. 50 ft 'east of Glark St'.thence east 12 Et. N. S. Brainerd Ave: beg. 130 ft. eastof Burr St.,thence east 80 ft. -N 5: Brainerd _Ave-;. bag: at:west line ..of. �ersie .St-: extend -ed -i-- thence - west 165 ft. west--o€..Daniel...St:,----thence west --70---€t. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement rs........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq. ft I The estimated cost t (riot is 3... ---- ....:......... and the total cost thereof is $..... __.... ..:_ ., and the nature, and extent of said improvement is as follows:: .......... .....:..:... ...... .... _---.. . 3. A plan, profile or sketeb of said improvement is hereto attachbd and made a part hereof. 4.- _----...:.:_. ... ............. ........ .._...... --- ......: --------- - :.----------------------------------------------------- 5. ....... _------. ----..5. Said -improvement is ........:.......... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. :. a .�ate1 - ---- ----- -- - -- - ------ ---------- Commissioner of Public rks. 85930 COUNCIL FILE NO.------- -- - ---- By- - - -- - - ---------- - --------- - ------------ - - - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-Xe0L0X1S-tZ=tin9# Qp XIAg.94-Qre CA 4199U ahe follow�nj sidewalks ide be 100 ft. South of Carroll Ave.$ thence a , outh 80 ft., d St. Anthony Avenue, - - -------------------- - ---- - ---------- - - - - - - - - --- - -- - — - - - - ---------- - - - ---------- - -------------------------- - ------ 'C so - - ---- - - - — - - - --- - ------------ — — - - -------- - -- - ------ - ------------------ -_ ------ I - In tt ofc ruin ,%, - Isrtnt; nab or e es. bie. 0; ------ — --- — -- — ----- — — - — — — — — -- — --------------- — ------- — ------- — -------- — ------------ 411e 85196 _approved --Xq8-1930 under I I --- -------- intermediary.. Order approved — -- — ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council ha ons and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the"same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement m. pr . ovement tole made by the said City Js—Z2=St= e0essary the following�eidewalks: Farrington Ave.$ botb.sides, between Rondo Street and St. Anthony Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement.in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved-- - =-------- ------- ----- 192.----- -------- -- - ----- - - - ------ - -- -------- - ----------------- Mayor. CouncilmanConroy d erSucifieimer Councilms, McDonald May Counci1hia d Pearce vfmnsam—�-- �21 Co,unctima Rosen Councilmh Councilman V*Mz1X Mayor Had"M Bund"a Form B. S. A. ig-�7 j, ICI -AUL DEPART FINANCE REPORT OFPRELIM NARY ORDER FINANCE d repairing where necessary the In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying an . following sidewalks:beginning l0U ft. south of Carroll Ave. , Cathedral place, east side, thence south b80hfgides, between Rondo Street and St. Anthony Ave. Farrington Ave. , � under Preliminary Order approved #85196 May 8, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:- $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 0.0,9 - The UThe estimated cost perAootlor the above improvement is improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ` - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION -� LANDUO BUILDINGS 9 9 Rondo I s Add. 1250 625 2050 North of 10 .9 do lU 9 do 625 235U south of .. 2100 _,.. (Ea. St. Anthony Ave.) 1 1 Niningert s Add. 725 16.1 do 1125 2300 16 . is do 725 28OU (Ex. St. Anthony Ave.) 1125 8tsUU 17 S do _ 6200 26900 tigated l of the aforesaid s, and The Commissioner of Finance further rt thereon o the Council, st together lwith the report made torhim in hereby submits the foregoing as his report reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public.W ks. Dated 19 !l 1u/ / Commissioner of Finance. Dice of the Commissioner of Public Wgrl�s Report to Commissioner of Finance �.. -maY.a3,- 1939. _------------- 192---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: had under consideration the preliminary order of the The Commissioner of Public Works, having .192relative to Council, known as Council File No..85196 _.-_-..approved...-.. MBy.- 8.f..-.1930.. ---.-.-:----.., reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary the ----...following,---sidewalks East side Cathedral -Place beginning---10-0--fts uth of Carrol ve, thence 'south...80--Tt': Both sides Farrington Ave between Rondo St and St. Anthony Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said improvement is.-... ..--_.-.necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq. dt. 2. The estimated cost thal cost thereof is $-- ereof is S-- ....., and the tot andthe nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... . . --- . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and, made a part hereof. ---- 5. Said improvement is... ... _:... ...--.-.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. "" "'-Commissioner of Public Wor 01 COUNCIL FILE NO -------- - -------- By------ - -------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-_rE.cons#suciing.-rela.X-.ng-a-Ud-.repaiF n9 -_where_ -necessary he f llowin idew lks: 4 Game-ve,., a gulb.__s�.�a,_ ale �r�liin �__0_ft.___east__of__Farrington Ave , thence east to van Buren St Ezont,_,__zlnh_ide,_beglliling_32_f __west -_of 8t__-_ Albans 8t_ ,--___ thence west 80 ft.`, — -- ---- — - ------------------- -- �] --- — - - - - F 86963 - atter OYrgandWrgotln6re �7aylnB and ray��,�7,���� +wLere necea —------------------------------- — ___ - _ _ ___ ______ ____----- 140 _ _1by 'YL 7%," Yaepce. _ ___ __-___ __ _______________ _-- -i ��eaeL -t= VT�-x( VI' m• 4 $ 85194 May. S, 1930 under .Preliminary Order ---- ----------.approved ---- ---- ----- ---------- Intermediary - ---- - -- — Intermediary Order _ —:--- -approved —_--_-- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of. the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—�econstruet , relay and repair where rieces— ary the 'following sidebwalks: omo___gq_e�s_south_side, eginning 140 ft east of Farrington Ave., thee e et to an Bur St , Front 9t., north si'ae, beginning2 f�. west of St. Albans St. and the Council hereby orders said' improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the: proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- eeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the ----��=L�n�t�? r City Clerk. Approved--- -,---,.rW- `° -- • 192------ -- - - - — --------------------------- Councilman vdh� Conroy Mayor. Councilman McDonald Councilman M Peaay rce d Councilman Rosen Counilman r Sudheimer Counccilman 'JUMIZ X Mayor XMIM ml gundne Form B. S. A. 8-7 i � Or ST. PAUL DPAN MEN FINANCE REPORT OFOMMIS ER ORDEROF FINANCE ON In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary the following sidewalks: Como Ave., south side,. beginning 140 ft, east of Farrington Ave., thence east to Van Buren St. Front St., north side,beginning 232 ft. west of fat Albans St,, �f:= thence west 80 ft. ap under Preliminary Order approved #65194 May ff , 1530. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 0.09 The cost pelhoot for the above improvement is - - $ estimated be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: --- ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS (Except Parkway) 3 6 Humphrey's Aaa. 65U 7000 do 4 6 do . 35U do 5 6 do 100 23 6 Ware & HosPes 125 950 Addition to St. 24 6 Paul, .Minn. 125 25 6 do 125 1475 7950 _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the. aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his -report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s id matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor Dated ° 19 e y_,�,��,�(1� _� Co,nmissfoner of,F Form 81 B.A. l.BD - — Office of the Cominissioner of `Public Cdr •Ly 9� Report to Commissioner of Finance b May 13, 1930 ---------- 192 ---- - --------------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St- Paul: ad under consideration the preliminary order of the The Commissioner of Public Works, having h Council,. known as Council File_ No 85194.....: -approved .. KaY- 8,....x.93------------------ 192.. . , relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary the following sidewalks.. .:..---------------------------------------------- ---.... South side Como Ave _beginning 140 ft. east of Farrington Av .,thence east to..Van._Buren _St:.. _— - North side Front St. beginning 232 ft. west of St. Albans St., ----------------- .......... - ...thence--:west--80.. ft.- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is: .... --- ----------- necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq ft • and the total cost thereof is $.- -- 2. .The estimated cost thereof is 8--- . ----- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... --.-. ------ 3. A,plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ------------ 5. Said improvement is.. -------- - --------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to, assessment for said improvement. 14 -----------CommissA . 'ioner�bcorks. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of___reconatructing,_ rela�i and repairing where necessary the following_sidewalke; _ Euc3�d $ ., north §ide, -beg'inning i2 -ft. eget af-idaP3e 8t.; theme --- - --east 20 ft., - -- - - - - South Osceola Ave. east side, between .7th St. and Audubon fit: west_side,_beginning at -Eaton 9t., thence south 150 ft., _ _. _ _ _____ __ _-____ ___- _____ — Ip the:. Matter of I reconstructing re Isyln� and .reDatrlag where neces- w�'^^�r. the LoUowlnq eidewallce _ _------- ---- ___ _ ___ __-----------_--------------------------__ _____ ---- —____ --a'cr� St. north -tilde beglnning 12 LA -- -- MaDie �9t t(ip a ea t 20 ft.! annrnvrrl MaY S,._ 1930---- -- ____-- _ t'ii'r3r' - Intermediary Order __----------------approved -_--_------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie__ reconstruote lay and repair where - neoe a he followin id walks: Eunorth sdegenning 12 ft. east Of Maple 8t.1 thence east 20�£t.',. South Osceola Ave, l_ east aide, between W.7th St. and Audubon St. State S£.; west aide, .beginning aEaon�3l: , encs sau • 1 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-_ y -L' m $ i PJ _.---- Approved--- ---- o -9' VT--- 192 CouncilmanConroy Councilman McDonald May Councilman Pearce Councilman R—en Councilman NiftWOr : vahes...er Councilman Vhxmd Mayor %undU, Form B. S. A. 8-7 • clT�r o�}_ � _ OEPARTME��["/NANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER 01= PIMANCE Ohl PRELIMINARY OFtDHR In the matlerof Reconstructing, rele.ying and repairing where necessary the following sidewalks: Euclid St., north side, beginning 12 ft_ east of Maple St., thence east 20 ft. �1 South Osceola Ave_ , east side, between W. 7t1i St_ and Audubon St. State St., west side, beginning at Eaton St_ , thence south 150 ft-. C� under Preliminary Order approved #t35193 lyiay 8 , 3-930. To the Council of the City of St_ Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ _ _ $ 0.09 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLocK AK> r> FT ON ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 7 KennedyIs Sub. of _75— P a. =' 5Part of B1k_ t32, of L. Daytons Add_ 12. 1 Beck & Brecken- 1275 8500 ridge Add. to Lots 13 and 14 1 St_ Paul 1075 3500 Crossing for alley in Block 1 do (No Valuation) , (Except Street) 5 9 Morrisonl s Add_ 500 to West Saint do 6 9 Paul 500 do 7 9 do 550 3975 12000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to a d matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor Dated Form B. S. A. 11-5 D Commissioner of Finance. - - -. - O$'ice of •tie-CoznxnIssioner of Public o Report t<3 -Commissioner of Finance --May---15-, 1930- - ----------------- 192 -------- To the Commissioner of F33iz2ELnce o£ -the. City of St., Paul- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of alae Ma 8 1930 192 --------- relative to Council, known as Council- File TIZ<3,- 85293 "approved._._-- y.--__-� - reconstructingo r�aydXx� and repairing where necessary the follovviri� - - - - -- -- - ---- - North side Euclid St_ beginning 12 ft. east of Maple St.,thence- east 20 ft. -- --- ------- East side So. Osceola between W 7th St. and Audubon St. West side State SA:;� _ b�g3��-��ng at "Eaton "St:; thence- sautir- 150 ft= - ----- and having investigated tiae ms.tters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: L Said improvemegt is_____ ______: ______ -necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ mer sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S ........ ..... and the total cost thereof is ----- -_- and the nature and extezit of said improvement is as follows:. __----------- - --- - - ------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof_ 4.--- - -` - - - ---- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- - 5. Said improvement is___________ ________ _ ____----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pryparty, - subject to assessment for said impx-overnent- Commissioner of Public oris_ F COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------------- By� FINAL. ORDER in the Matter of____e�Qllatx>1Giiiclg,___xelay_ing_and__repairin,- where necessary 1 e 1g on _ between Eva 9t and Robertson Ave., ai l 4__Aia .,__ north__ sills'- -- — -- --- — - - ----- Farrington Ave., east side, beginnin at Laurel Ave., thence north 12C ft aurel Ave_._�_.northside_L_be�innin a Farrington Ave., -thence east 6----- CF..ko.� 86988=- - — -- - - - --- - --- - ------------- - --------------- - ---- - ---------------------- ----- thb'3latter or reconeb!re-' g relax-. ing' and reDaltla8 where; aecessary sidewalks on -------- - Fniraeld Ave., north * side, between ------ ---- •Eca $G and Robertson FarrIngtori Ave, east ee^ . b t I aE: Laurel Ave. tr _-__-__-_ ---- -----_ ---- __----------------------------------------------' - 4 �Lanrer Va. nnwo i eA� May 20, 1930 ;5329 un�,or-rren�r er - -- --- - -aPProved ---- Mal -2-02_19-30 - ---- - -; Intermediary order ....... ..... -........ ---..... -------------aPProved----- -------------------------------------- A public he having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• rovement a air where neves p to be mads by the said City iEl......xe.��.net�»`�ta...xe l>�.. � ��..�'..1�........�....................... a sewalks °o th. si a between Eva St, and Robertson Ave. .-aro �-�....................._..,................._...._...._.............................._........1.... 4t.) t 6D axrington Aver, as sill be innint L ur 1 Ar ng on e,, thence nort 0nort�-..s de.,.......Aurin.-. . ar...... vthence eas and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. __ Adopted by the Council__W _- 8_ __—______–__, 192___—. Approved---------------r�r--� 192 ---- Councilman lk� Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Conroy McDonald May Pearce Q, mrr Councilman >:P6l4= Mayor iMIM Bundlie Form E. S. A. 8-7 i ICTBLISIdED 7 — � 2 3 O :�_-- - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME �T Q FINANCE REPORT OF COMIJ�iONEFZ OF Fi"^"(--E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of. Reconstruct; �—Xg , relaying and repairing, where necessary, sidewalks on Fairfield Ave., north s ic3e; between Eva St. and Robertson Ave. FarringTon Ave., easz s 3 c1.4EB: beginning at Laurel Ave _ , thence north 120 . Laurel Ave. , north sides beginn1ng at Farringtion Ave _ , thence east 60 under Preliminary Order approved t:3 5329 May 20, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount o£ tI-ze assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ sq-- - - - $ U.09 The estimated cost peryfoot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that aiay be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT e�ocic At7 GIT�OlV ASSESSED VALUATION - LAND BUILDINGS 13 St. Croix Lbr. Co. I s Rear. of 14 B1 k. t3, Mar 8ha.11 s 65U Add. to West St. 15 Paul. 650 16 do 650 17 do E550 1 is do 650 19 do 650 _._. 20 do 650 21 do 650 40 1550 Farm 8.8. 10. - - ,� GiTY OB ST. PAUL ..'. i►`_;> �_,... _... , DEPARTMENT � F FINANCE REPORT Ox' COMMIVER OF FINANCE OH PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION VAI_.UATION ' DESCRIPTION LAND BUILDINGS 23 ! St. Croix Lbr. GTO Co. I s Rear -Of B11K..rs,Marshajl's ti 5U - 24 Add. to Vilest St. - Paul. t3 77 & Irvine's 2500 33UU 'gest 50 ft. of Lots 7 and .Dayton Addition to St. Paul. 2500 3300 ft of Lots 7 and t3 77. do -W e s t 50 Digest 50 ft. of East 100 fti. 77 do of Lots 7 and 1925 3000 ters, an The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mat hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public orks• Dated � � 2�'' � Commissioner of Fin--ance-_ Form B. B. 11 s - - :O$ice .of the -Report to Commissioner of Finance i ,rlv ?: ....192.. - To the Commissioner of Finance o£ t373Le City Of St. Paul: Public-7�orks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the The Commissioner of �g 2Q 1930 - ._ ," .-_192...._-, relative to 85329_ -_-_.approved __-___-----�----- --- --- - sidewalks on the -, Council, known as Council File 1V o---- � Tepairing, u�h0re ri.,,SSary, reconstructing relay -rx Rob_ ertso . _Ave ... Ave _ beglnniiig at i.azyrQl Ave- thence north 720 ft. Norta. side ofair?i��-__ Awe_-_. between__ Eg_a___ -___tea ��e,' thence east 60 ft.. East side Farrington at Farrington _..... - North side of Laure3- eve — beginning ------- d the matters and things referred to h terein, hereby reports: and having investigate ____ _ ____necessary and dor) desirable_ 1. Said improvement £: 090 per sq , 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ - and the total cost thereof is $. ---- - and the nature and extent of tsz3Acl improvement is as follows-_ ------ 3• A plan, profile or sl�etch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. is _ _ - - - asked £or upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5 Said improvement subject to assessment for said 4-r3zprovement. - -- -- ---- - Commissioner of Public W ks. 85984 COUNCIL FILE NO.-------- - -------- By--- ----- ----------- '------ — - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_�Ce�Qnst�to tiny. ing andrepairingwhere< necessary, the sidewalks at the foow�i ng`ocaions Greenwood Ave., west side, beginning at Robie St., thence north 60 ft nn n -g -m f1t: far Fier north; theno"e nortH 12"-f t.-, ----------------------- Xendota $t._,_east_side, beginninJ3_at_Sixth St., thence south 48 ft., St..Anthony Ave., south side, beginning at Victoria 9t., Thence west"""" --- ----- ------ --- -------- ---- -------------- �—� --, — - -- --------- -- rep 1 -- -ci tter p'wh a. reconstruen re I airing.eree, aeeeerl th9'.3ollowfa8,'_"—___--- —'---- —_ __— ---_"' _— ---_""' _—'-- —_.__ - - -__' '----- . _Inteunder Preliminary Order__ Y__85292 --___approved ___ ----------- May_SZ__193--- _--- ---- Int ermedia rmediary Order ---- _--approved --------------------- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement.upon.due notice, and the Council having heard allpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered 2.: the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___reconatruct _relay and air, where neces rep- sary, the sidewalks at the following locations, g s_enwop 9,vg,, w $ _aide_, beginning—at Robie St., thence north 50 ft., beginning 34 ft. farther north thence north thence ft. D4end_ota-9., east eider beginning at 6ixth St., hence sough 48 ft., St. Anthony Ave., south side, beginning at Victoria St., ence wes 95 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and. directed to pro- ceed -with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUL Approved--------- aYusY - T , 192-- 12-3a W CouncilmanConroy Q McDonald ^ I . Councilman. May Pearce ICouncilman Councilman i'j $7t Po"n Councilman gu�r Sudnmer Councilman XaMXX Mayor 2TJD Jia Bundfle Form B. S. A. 12-3a W 4=1-ry OF ST. PAUL y OEPART[fEl58t`7T -t3F %J 11 1CE_ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAhICE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) necessary, the In thematterof Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where sidewalks at the following locations: tihence nor -ch 50 ft.-, Greenwood Ave. , west side, beginning at Roble St- , beginning 34 ft. farther worth, thence north thex�ice south 413 ft. W k Mendota St., east side, beginning at Ing -ch St. , -thence west St. Anthony Ave. , south side , beginnin at Victoria BIG- , iii 295 ft. under Preliminary Order approved $135200 May 13 193U. -ro the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:- $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - U. U9 The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is valuation of each lot or land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed The lots or parcels of as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel AssESSOn DESCRII°'TION LOT 6Lo=K AootTtont VALU ATIO LAND BUILDINGS -2350 -- 6 7U _ Town of West 900 750 4300 7 70 Saint Paul. g Dana & Hume Is 600 650 3750 41300 7 Sub. of W. * of B3.k.98,Lyman Dayton' s Add. 3- 1 Stone & Rogers 950 650 4600 3350 1 Add. to St. Paul , 650 3350 3 1 iti�.nn. 31 650 2350 do 650 2300 5 1 do 650 3350 E3 1 d o 650 3950 7 1 do 7750. 413,450. that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters,, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports thereon to the Council, together with the his reh report m ade to him in hereby submits th e foregoing as port toe 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public o-- reference Dated �' 19 Z a Commissioner of Finance. O$'ice of the C c�znYn ssioner of Public "o 3 e Ar��E _ tC1� 33 Repos- to Commissioner of Finance h:Y 13100 • May ------ ----- ----192-------- To the Commissioner of hinanoe o£ tie City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Pzib3ic _V16T4:3rks, having. had under consideration the preliminary order of the Counc'1 know as Cou it FiLle� o_____852oQ--_.a roved... May 8, 1930 _ 192..-_._, rel ive to recons�t�uctng, rer'�ayir a�c3- repairing, *'here necessary; the sideways at the following 1:0 4--- a A7_ fL- = ' West -side of---Greenwoflei--- ID --ginning -at-Roble St;;-- thence north ---5©---£t beginning 34 ft. Fame- north, thence north 12 £t. East -:. side ... of --- Mendota__ a �_ � -% jinni n -.-at... ixth--S.t..,.-..thence--- s-outh_48.. f_t..------- South side of St.Ant;kx<= r Avg beginning at Victoria St., thence west 295 ft and having investigated the nim_ t-- ers and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost-- t ereoF is S__ ------------------- ----------- and the total cost thereof is $.----------------- . ......... . and the nature and extent of Ixxaprovement is as follows:.. ...__ ........ ____._. --- --. -...- 3. A plan, profile or of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - --------------- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ... - '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Said improvement is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____._._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said_ proveruent. .... - -- --- - - - - Commissioner of Public W rks. COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------------- By , FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ---- T%-QVAt-rKtiJa9-1 ... 12 the sidewalks at the following locations: lin of Clark St ------------------ thence west 100 ft., _pas of--- _Qa1_Av_a._p ---- we -at-. -aide-,haginaing north 25 ft., ---- tb0nQgL__!!Qr1'h ... 1-5 ------------- - - - - ---- - thence - e ,Bayard Ave north side, beginning 200 ft. east of Milton St th ---------- ...................... ...... ........... . . ................. ......................... ............... ............ ........... 0 ..................................... 1>r thall�r��Iacod�L as ns �pproV�d.....t................... . ............ tU4t't he-, tohoWing ur Qbeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice,,and the Council 5 e �,Ag havi iv having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that -the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_._K_eL0_04_ neces- sary the sidewalks at the following locations: line of Clark St. _2Le ak4q!4,e e thast thence west 100 ft., n Ave., thence north 25 ft 4 ", i -Au .... . ......... he Bayard:kve 0:th8idej beginning 200 ft, east of Milton St,, thence OAS. t1bjt............. . .............. ... ........ . ............................. . ........ . . .............. .............. I ............... ......... . . ............. . . . . ........ . ............................................................. ... ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans, and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said f said aid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Ing 0 pro- ceed with the mak' I iffoveme8nt inso accordance therewith. L Adopted by the Council ---------- ------- ------------ - ----------- — ------ - - City Clerk. Approved.--- - ...... 192 ------ Councilman I I OW Conroy Councilman MMERMT McDonald Councilman May Pearce Councilman Roseu Councilmaner sudheillw Councilman Ifta Mayor MW%ndlie Form 13'. S. A. 8.7, �7 1 iiNll '.'Op"JL! Mayor, CITY OF DEPART14EN• FZEPDX=;;a'-= OF COMM ISSIO[v OF Frl"ANCE ON PRELIMINARY 'ORDER In the macterof -I-- =TL-Z1g, relaying and revairix2g vwhere necessary the sidewalks at the foZZa, mag locations: Jessamine St., nortih s a c3e , beginning at the east --xie of Clark ST. 00 thence west 100 f -I-- _ Pascal Ave., west sicJLP ' beglnning 124 ft. nortih of TJ-ncoln Ave., thence. nor -ch 25 ft. , 1:)eg3-----I g 2U ft, farther north, thence north 15 ft. Cti Bayard Ave. , nortih - si <3-P beginning 200 ft. east o£ TfilZon St., thence east 80 :ft. under Preliminary Order approved rs5-L9ts May ti, 1930. To the Council of the City of St- Paul = The Commissioner of Finanee reports as follows: The total estimated amootl o£ assessment for the above improvement is - EI $ Te estimated cost pej(foofoabove -fr � e oe improvement is - - - - h - $ 0. U9 The lots or parcels of land tha 7r- =—+ ay be assessed benefits for such improvemerit, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION —.-_---__ LAND BUILDINGS' Clark St. (not graded) b a en Van Blylte & L eW i s (No Va cation , Blocks 2 and 3 Rear. of Humbi rc1; s _ 14 3 Add. to St_ Pau- 275 Lot 1 & E.10 ft. of .2 4 Summit View 2000 5550 22 4 do. 1725 t340U 21 Bartons s Acid. 450 4050 22 do 450 2750 4900 20,750 The Commissioner o£ Fzaaaee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the £orego>Eug as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s d matter b3Lie Commissioner of Public W rks_ _ Dated 19� - - Commissioner of Finances Form B. S. A. &5 D Office off. t C omrrti�ssi�ner of Public �Torks Reo rto Comn1issioner of Finance May 13� 193Q- -_-192-------- To the Commissioner of Fiance o the City o£ 8t_ Paul: The Commissioner o�blac Forks, hag had under consideration the preliminary order of the 85198 May. 8, 1950 Council, known as Council File \ o-------------------------- pproved------------------------------ 192---..---, relative to reconstructing, re1a-- �� =^T'� re pa ring where neecessary the sidewalks at the following - 3-o c osis-- _- _ -- -� �-�giT„ a -b --tfie east line of Clark ----- "-North side, Sessamin-= �� thence west 100 _ --- - Wgst side --- Pascal--- A��-_ - ��a�ari�zag 1� - ft-� north of Lincoln.Ath 15 en. north 25 ft. ,b6g-�-+ — 7g 20 :V I:; tea= ther north thence north e ft. North -side--Bayar-c2--Av--�aZ�-,n3 meg_-_2Qo --fit'---east--oi.-Milton...St.-,-th�nee---east--�^ ft. and having investigated tea tetters a==d things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvem��t z�______------------------necessary and (or) desirable. p9 per sq ft. 2. The estimated cosi t-1�areo£ is S__------- ----- _.___.., and the total cost thereof is ------ ---------- and the nature and extern —I �-3 id improvement is as follows: ---- -----.: -- ------------------- 3. A plan, pro$Ze- 3:3L of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------_------------------- 5. Said rmprove�ar3�. 3�_-__------------ ---- _ _ _ _ _ _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment far = c3 i �Qprovement_ ------- ------------- Commissioner of Public orks. 85986 iy: i 1 COUNCIL FILE NO,.-..----- By- ---•-- - ------ ----- J FINAL ORDER In the atter of_..---.- -9up41 ing_:sidewalk_ on the.-:__ aoutbL.Title...o-f_.Eaat--- f--- Sibley_-.8t.------ .thence._eat-:50_ft., ----------------------- -------------------- ------------------------ l ...................................................................-.-....-. under Preliminary Order...... 85201 .......................approved - aY .g.,..:193Q ....:.. .......... IntermediaryOrder....:..:. ......................................approved................................................... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the,Couneil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement tote made by the said City is ---- - Construct .Curbing and__repair sidewalk om-:the--- aouth-.side,...ef.-East._g-venth.:.St—__hegi.nnin"B-fi—WB _4 ___---.— ,91b1Py- t..,._thence- west_ 50�ft.,-----..._....................... _ .._.----.. ..... - - _ C Y,: No. 86988 in 0i Matter of'bonetruoting curbing�';....... _ ................._.:_....__.,.........................—..__.. _ .. adp�repairing gfdgwalk oa; the gonih �: 118: tt wrst °n r ..................... . ........... e% �0 tt, u+� • ............ .. ................................................. s t luouncll hereby orders Bald improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;'thatupon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed 'to pro- ceed with the making` of, said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--- `� �---._ 1------------, 192---. City Clerk. Approved.-- -------------------------- -192------ O , -----------�--.-_......--••- ... -----------------------Mayor, Councilman Conroy Councilman, May Councilman y rce Councilman Rosen, 'Rosea•• Councilman r sudheimer Councilman Mayor nW tmdh Form B, S. A. 8.7 - GtTY Og -ST. PAUL. f . CEPARTM �T' Off, FINANCE REPORT OON PRELI^S3.YARY ORDER FINANCE In the matter of Constructing curbing aazcl ,pair sidewalk on --he ' south sid e of Eases Seventh 8t. beginning 143 t- west of Sibley 8�- , thence CDP ` st E5<:> ft•� we I under Preliminary Order approved #d5203 - To ti5201To the C07171G11 0£ Ilse City of St. Paul: The: Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ The total estimated amountOfthe assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per�ooi for is r the above improveaaeat - The lots os parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of ,adz lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows : Ass>EssEo _-- LOT ss_o cK ADDITION VAL-Ly ATIO" DESCRIPTION LANDBEJY2sS3�1�TGa �C3 4 Ewing & Chute's t34UU est of Sub.of L.1,Blk.t3, in Whitney & Smith' s Add. Ydhitney & 8 mith' s 41125 1170Q - 49525 15200 _ort made to him in Tate Commissioner of Finance: furtlser reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and is ereby submits the foregdng as his report zisereon to the Council, together with the rep reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public W s• C� Dated 19CommissionerIJ of Fiaanca. E—S D _ _ g �rnc Wb�� iv A�1VCE Office of dhe Com-•missioner of Public. 2 9�_ , °3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 mAY 13 1WO 192 -------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 85201aPProved May --8s.. 1930 _----192-..-___, relative to Council, known as Council File No------------------------ repair sidewalk on the south side o ------- constructing curbing and ------- . East Seventh Street beginning 148 ft. west of Sibley Streets _- thence west 50 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: nt is 1. Said improvemeer fr0sagy and.(or) desirai;ie. __ necessary 750 p nt ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S---------------.--.--- - ----- and the total cost thereof is S .. _.-. and the nature andextent of said, improvement is as follows:. ; -------- 3 A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................. ----- - -ent is--------------------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. Said improvem subject to assessment for said improvement.. -- - - Commissioner of Public --W ks. COUNCIL FILE NO-------------- --•------- By---- --- -- - ------ ---------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- oonatruc-ting._alley-cr_Qs_aiug_.nn __the__-we-t__.aide_-0f-------=------- ;Faingiion. Qyenue_bwe�n--j3Qno_.�treet__and ----------- ------_________ ................................................................................ ......................... unsera 9 1930 .. pp i ............. ............ ......... ...... Preliminary Order. ..... 9��Q,�................ ....... s ioved _..... IntermediaryOrder------------------ --------......... —... -------.approved ......................... _.................... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City Qil&tuQ t_aey__� o�sinon_ahe west _:aide_.of_Farrington-Avenue_between Rondo_Strest and Carroll W - --------------- ----------------------- __ .._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be,�nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby /kuthorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _.__JU�_i___-T_----_, 192___—_. v City Clerk. Approved-- ------------ — -------- -------- 192- --- 92 : - - - - —----------------- - - Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald May d Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman 41@NFMr Sudheimet Councilman Wmzzk Mayor 31MVE19pundwe Form B. S. A. 8.7 85987 COUNCIL FILE NO-------------- --•------- By---- --- -- - ------ ---------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- oonatruc-ting._alley-cr_Qs_aiug_.nn __the__-we-t__.aide_-0f-------=------- ;Faingiion. Qyenue_bwe�n--j3Qno_.�treet__and ----------- ------_________ ................................................................................ ......................... unsera 9 1930 .. pp i ............. ............ ......... ...... Preliminary Order. ..... 9��Q,�................ ....... s ioved _..... IntermediaryOrder------------------ --------......... —... -------.approved ......................... _.................... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City Qil&tuQ t_aey__� o�sinon_ahe west _:aide_.of_Farrington-Avenue_between Rondo_Strest and Carroll W - --------------- ----------------------- __ .._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be,�nd is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby /kuthorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _.__JU�_i___-T_----_, 192___—_. v City Clerk. Approved-- ------------ — -------- -------- 192- --- 92 : - - - - —----------------- - - Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald May d Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman 41@NFMr Sudheimet Councilman Wmzzk Mayor 31MVE19pundwe Form B. S. A. 8.7 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - �IIEPARTRIENZ-OF 1%1%iAi%CE REPOF2T OT COMMISSIOI R OF FINAI-IG1F_= 41=0or-4 PRELIMINARY ORDER CDS r In the matter of Con11 structing -3 �Y Crossing on the west side of Farrington Avenue betwefs--m-a -_=P_ozndo Street and Carroll avenue_ C� wader Preliminary Order approved jyE- Z �_— <Z> za May b, 1`d30. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby ra port:s -as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ s. The estimated cost pei oo for the above improvement is - - - - - - _ $ O. 27 . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, auc3 tfxe assessed valuation of each lotor parcel as last reported by the Assess;ASSESSED are as follows:. DESCRIPTION LOT e�oCK ADDITION VALUATION C=c>r_-sing for Alley in B1oc3— The Commissioner of Finaaee further reports that he has investigated all of rhe aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as 3EmLs report thereon to the Council, together --T- the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by fixe Commissioner of Public rks. e 2 Ningerl s Addition_ (No Valuation) Dated 19 o Commissioner of Finance. Form 8_ 8_ A_ 6-5 D - Office of the Commissioner of .Public ©yks,, •, x Report to Commissioner of Finance 9� o May...a 3,...x 930.......... - .....-192------{ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the ` 85202 May 8, 1930... Council, known as Council File No...._...................approved.._...----------- 192relative to constructing Alley Crossing on the west side of Farrington ..----- Avenue between Rondo Street and Carroll Avenue. ------ ------------ ...._..------------------------------------ - _....... - .... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said, improvement is------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. 27¢ per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S- . -- - and the total cost thereof is S..:-- ------------ and ------ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -. -. -- -- --- ---- --- -. _._-1.....-..----........... ............. ---- ........... ---- ----- --------- '- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 --------------------- - -5. Said .improvement is... __-.. - ...-....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public W ks. P 000�� COUNCIL FILE NO.------------- By------ ------- -- - ------ - ------- FINAL ----- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.___QQxaszttcting_,&�@X Cro�si27g@ on---------------- GrariiSt., north Bile, beginning 150 ft west of Mississippi ------_st'tte _thence west5 _ _ ft Lyton Place, north side, between Rice St. and Hardenbergh Prace Rose__St,_, _._north—side_ between,_Pa�ne_ Ave._ and _Greenbrier--e.-,-__----------- - - - ------------------------------------------------- -- -------------- - - ------- --------------------------------------- F S7D 86@68 �ih ;Matter L D —_---------------------------_— ____—_ d tags Graaitat eG aolertic iQe. '-- ?Inn1PB 160 tt.: W aoL MeteatDDt -. th n t;16 tt..-F ma - _ _- _—-----------__- imderreliminaryOrder___-__---85330 __—__approved -_-May 20, 1930 Intermediary Order------------------ approved------------------------ -- --- A public "hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard allpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City i9__S�og4t,ruCt _alley crbesin s on _—_— Grit ane__9t._�_northbeginning_150 ft-west of Mississippi 9t.,, thence west 15 ft., onL a _north _si g- between Rice_ 9t _ _and Hardenbergh Place Rose St. north ,side, between Payne Ave. and Greenbrier Ave., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made: RESOLVED FURTHER,.That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - .0 17930 Adopted by the Council ----- J------�-----------------, 192--- --• a - —' -------- ------ �* v City Clerk. Approved-- -- --_�.:. , 192------ - -- — ----- — ----- ---- - --- Mayor. Councilman Conroy y, \ Councilman McDonald^ PUgLI9HED J —� Councilman May ` 'f-=-{.+z-- Councilman Pearce Councilman r Rosen Councilman . Sndt,eimc} Mayor NxdgunpundYfe Form B. S. A. 8-7 J , CITY OF ST. PA MF nF.PARTMENT- OF FI I+ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER W ' In the matter of Constructing Alley Crossings on,- Granite n,Granite St., north side, beginning 150 ft, west of Mississippi St. 1-0 thence west 15 ft. Lyton Place, north side, between Rice St. and Hardenbergh Place Rose St., north side, between Payne Ave. and Greenbrier Ave. under Preliminary Order approved #135330 May 20, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ -0.27 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 3 Crossing for Alley in Block 1 Edmund Rice's 2nd Add. (No Valuation) do 1 .Lockey's Add. do Crossing for alley between Block. 1 tolterhCity of StMead'sRAdd. do and Co.,Minn. Block 1 Evans Add. The Commissioner of Finance, further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference toe 'd: matter by the Commissioner of Pubic Wo s. Dated /7�,7a/��� ° I9 3 as Commissioner of Finance. Office of the-Commissiorter o Publiclols Report to Commissioner of Finance _�aY. 26a .1930 ... ......192 ..._:: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the - 85330 Ma 20 1930 Council, known as Council File No.. _approved ............. 3r... - z........ ---......192..._..., relative to constructing alley crossings on - .. - - North side of Granite St. beginning 150 ft. west of Mississ ippi St., thence west 15 ft.... PI: ----------- ........ Ndtt"Yi"§ids"Lytori Plage between Rice St. arid'�ardenbergh ace North side Rose St. between Payne Ave. and Greenbrier Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,.hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is::--. ..necessary and (or) desirable. 27¢ per sq. ft 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- ...... ......... and the total cost thereof is $------------............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows :..... .... ..... . .. . ...... .... ...... 3. A- plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is.-. ........ ....... -------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. I Com�oiorke. 9` 85989 COUNCIL. FILE NO ------ ---------------- - -- - _-- -------------------- — ------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__bnnatruc-ting--- a11eX-JQxoe-a1-11�_-o -the _west slde--- f Walsh _ A_v_enue—b etween_Orange_Street and_Hawthorne- Street, —----------- ------------ - ---- under Preliminary Order___ --- - M197_ ---approved -------------- lfgy-jRJ1930 -------- Intermediary Order -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to he made by the said City is_�Construot__ allelr crossing on_the west side -of.-Wal-ab Av nue hgt�aen _Qr n 3t��e _ �l}d_ Hawthorne Street.r-------- � �Ta the`-3tatter ,� •� oraesfa of eonetracilnB aIle Avenge betwe f We — a'0hd1Le Street under Prei�mnand' ' • i 0E*1ec 862.94E »rra' .a ms's - ---- • and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __JUL-:$-��-----------, 192__—__. Q ---- ---- ----- — ---- City Clerk. JUL � . Approved-.------.--- -------------------------- 192 _ /�`� `- ------ — ----- ----- ----- — ----- - --------- Mayor. Councilman �. Conroy PUBLISHED_, Councilman McDonald Councilman May Pearce r Councilman Rosen Councilman r Sudheitner Councilman Wx=k Mayor Jftctml`?"ndlie 1' Fotiri B. S. A. 8-7 caT�r o�' s -r. ws►v1.. � - ,.� CEPARTIJI NT# Ofr �FINANCE REPORT_ OF CO-mMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM 1NARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing Alley Crossing on the west side of Walsh Avenue between Orange S -t. a33 -c- He}Wthorne street. T 8 under Preliminary Order approved �t3519? y � 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows= - - $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost peVlffi for the above improve ment is The lots or parcels of land that may be asse:ssecl benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION L.OT aLoc�c ADDITION VALUATION Crossing for Alley in Block Oak. Ville Park (No Valuation) i .i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Cormi—iotne:r of Public W Dated —19 e / commtsatoner of Finance. 'Form B: S. A. 9-5 D. _ --- mssioner €' Public i� ;iacc Office of the C o om 9i , �4 Report to Cc)mm issioner of Finance 4ay 13, 1930 . ------ - Tinance of the City of St- Paul To the Commissioner of The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order. of the 85197__" 1930 192....., relative to Council, known as Council Tile No...-- . - - -----approved ...May. 8,-. constructing_Alley.";Cross3n�__on_the west side of_Walsh_Avenu@ _:.__. between Orange. Street and Hawothorne Street. -------- --- ------ - - -- ------------------..__._ -- -- �- ..................... ................... ........................ 1 ....". ing investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: and hav 1. Said improvement is ------- -----------------e ecessary and (or) desirable. r sq. ft. 2 The estimat cost thereof is S______ ------ and.the total cost thereof is S ..--�----- and the.nature ---- tent'of said improvement is as follows : --- .................... .... ................ -- 3 A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - -- — - -- -----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. Said improvement is----------------------- subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ------ ..... ._.-------- ... - ... .............. Commissioner of Public orks. 8599® COUNCIL FILE NO -------- --------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-.cant=.unting_-drisceWs--- a.t_Ihe-_ -0-1 Dg locationa�--_----_- Aurora A ou�h s e beginning'.159 ft ,^,est of Arundel St.., y&& w st ft.3- St. Anthony Ave., north side, beginning 16 ft. west o£ Dale Sl:�: - --------thenoe_we-at--- 1Q_3t-------- -- — -— - ------------------ - ------ ------ ---- -- -- -- --- -- - - --- -- 8, 1930- under Preliminary Order---------- rder— _-- 85199 ------ -----approved ---------- May -------- - -- --------- Intermediary Order ____---_— ---approved __--: ---- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City at the following — locations: Aures _Ira_, -_south side_, aaginn�U& I59 _ft,_ west of Arundel 8t. thence west 12 ft. S_t�-.Ant1DMy A¢a., northsi bftgA n l6 ft. west of Dale 8t., thence west 10 ft., C11 the .Dfattpr _of coaatruottng drive -- - — aaia St the fOIIDWing IpCatiOno ¢ft ma.ftlei si uth�ald� beglnping,769i 'Anth `< —1 -_ and �1'> `Ancil hereby � f 6rs said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and - directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval,'the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ - JUL `—� ego ----_ 192-_--. v JULCity Clerk. Approved-- -------- --------------- , 192 ---- - ------ ---------------------- Mayor. Councilman MOM "Coity Councilman 'li9cDonal� PUBLISHED 7—, Councilman May Pearce �• Councilman Rosen r Councilman 6169MW 8udheinter PUBLIshu, Councilman N74M— Mayor 11531W-.nndlie -7 Form B.S. A. 8 OEPAR�MENZ OF GE i REPORT SON pRE I�MSNARY ORDER �INANCE_ In the matter of Constructing driveways at the fos.lowing locationsz Aurora Ave. , south side, beginning 159 ft. west of Arundel St. , thence west 12 ft•ronin 16_ ft• west of Dale St- . ;.. St _ Anthony Ave., nortYi side , 'beginning s; thence west 10 f t - J under Preliminary Order approved 5199 May z3, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 'The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ The: total estimated amountt�"Of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - 0. 30-- 1'he estimated cost per i6ot^For the above improvement is - - - - 'The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follovvs: _ ASSESSES 1I APOITICIN VALUATION OESCRIPTIOPb LOT Bt-ocK LAND BUILDINGS 900 5, 5 Mac xub in 8e Mar sha11 I s Add_ 100 30 11 Butterfield Synd. 1000 I -- - i 1900 1500. The Commissioner .of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference t 7 id matter by the Commissioner of Public Wo Dated 196 % Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A- 5-5 D , y - i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 9n =z3� Report to Commissioner of Finance_ ay...13, 1930.. -...------------ 192-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 85T9g________approved..._._..May 8, 1930 .192.... relative to constructing driveways at the Following locations: ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---- South side of Aurora Ave. beginning 15.9 ft. west of Arundel St., - -thence west-12---ft-•- -------- ----------------- --------- - North side St_ .---Anthony---Aqe...-beginning-.lro jt.-..west."od" Pale._St... ........ ..__ - ---theiioe west 10 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. 30¢, per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S----------------- and the total cost thereof is .. ------- ___--., i and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....._. __.._..__.._...__-......._.. ............_.------ _..._----_. ------------------- - ------------- -- - - ------------- ----- - .. - -- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. I 5. Said improvement is_ _._------------- ----- for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pu ie Works. J1 85991 COUNCIL FILE NO-------------- X", O--- --------- w FINAL ORDER . _pya eS- �011o,ving. S°sapbna $6 "gest eMa VYtb b46�nnin6' 1 20 al. it rt6 OL 8th fit. t�ea0e aSO - '+Gra, iiXe � abat6 aide _ beB�aaln& - 80 --,:sr�tfie Mat�taa�as ab_t, et_�.tgtiBg__d�iLr�w.a�rg -s.t—the igllQwing__locations___ _____ Hope' 9t.; wes�G .,made, .beginning 120 $�.� Y¢Estf of llsforsi-_flte ,cihen�ehwf stft Aurora_Aye.._,.-sou-th_aide ,--bQn4- 14 t., Fuller Sf_,__-noxth_side ,__beginning 90:ft east of -Western Ave-, ---t--h--e- -nce east 9ft, Duller St._,___north__side,_ beinning_268 ft - west of_ IPestern Ave thence west - bettinning 38_ft___farther_west,_thence_west_10__ft__-,-_---_-___- _ Fulier St., north side,beginning 104 ft. east of Dale St., thence east 12 ft. Belmnni,_H-t.-;._sszuth--- side.- eginnin.g--141i--ft---east---4f--Mamomin_flt._:_thence_ east 12 ft., under Preliminary Order-----------M19-5--approved ------ ---- --- day--$s--?930--_----- Intermediary Order------- approved _------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, t objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it and kind of im- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent provement to be made by -the said City is construct_ driveways at the following locations:' Hope'8t., west side,beginning 1120 ft. north of 5th St., thence nort�i TO ft.,` AuTQrB AvP , A�uth side, beginner ins-aQ-,f.t—weat 9f_Q 4� �, thence_west 14 ft. Fuller north sides beginLai_ ng ?_ ft. east of Western Ave., thence east 9 ft.,' Feller 3t �: o t� _idee beginn_in268 ft. west of We Ave., thence west 9 ft. thence west 10 ft. _..._begin _nin —68f t. farther west', Fuller St., north side, beginning 104 H. east of Dale 8t. encs eas 12 ft, - thence east Belmont t south side beginning 146 ft east of Manomin t. and 'tha unei Terebg orders, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- —_At _-8-i __ - -, 192--< J -------- ------ ------- ------ --- — --- City Clerk. Approved— ----- — - - 192- t - - — — — — ---- - ----------- Mayor. Councilman .qft� Conroy Councilman ] I> McDonald }PL1BLIsiiED Councilman l May Q — Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Sudtieimer - Councilman Mayor Nodg=13undW Form B. S. A- 8-7 CITY OF ST_ P. - OEPAMTMEN-1OF REPORT OF COMMISSIOhIER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY Oi2DER - - $ _ CAS The estimated cost peVj o�gdaai for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ In the 3;matte!rof Constructing driveways at the follovring locations: ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and Hype St. , west aide, beginning 120 ft_ north of 5th St. , thence north 10 west 14 ft. 13urora Ave. , south side, beginning 80 ft. west of Oxford ;St. , thence 90 ft_ east of" Western 'Ave. , thence east 9 ft. Fu11er St. , north side, beginning side, beginning 2613 ft, west of Western- Ave., thence west ASSESSED VALUATION Fu11er St- , north 9 ft. beginning 3t3 ft. farther west, thence west 10 ft. 12 ft. LAND , Fuller St. , north side, beginning 104 ft. east of Dale St. , thence east Manomin St., thence east Belmont St., south side, beginning 146 ft. east of B11k. 21 , Lyman 12 ft. 0 . Daytonls Add. 3 2 L indema_na ' e Sub. 50U. under, Preliminary Order approved #t353-95 May 8, 1c0- 30_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The: Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The: total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost peVj o�gdaai for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ $ 0.30 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: OESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ^COITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 21 Ne11 s Sub. of T— B11k. 21 , Lyman Daytonls Add. 3 2 L indema_na ' e Sub. 50U. of 1. 1U, of Hyde PIC. Add. E1felt,Bernhelmer 1125 Arnold I s Add. to St._ Paul _. 22 6 MaCKubin & Mar- 900 2450 - ` sha11 1 s Add. to .23 .6 St_ Paul 90U 1700 .24 6 CIO 9UU 1500 - Form -8- 8 11 - TOTAL. CITY .OFT ST. PA" DEPARTMEO NT F F CE + REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER FINANCE ASSESSED (C'1._ ll -- ADDITION VALUATION. " _ _ - - LOT 6Loe1c ...... Ali DESCRIPTION -LAND BUIL i 16 28 . B1k. 26,Add. to 900 3350 Mackubin & Mar- shallAdd. 450 1550 4 46 . Lawton Bros.Add- 4UU 2150 5 .46 do rV� is I ' 'r 6675 14,2UU. mattgated of the af The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investo etheralwitth the report'made torhimlin hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, 8 reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works / C � 19 3o Commissioner of Finance. Dated Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public W'c�ks'12 RNU A P eport to Commissioner of Finance g` MAY 13 mu May 13, 1930....--- -192---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:. i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council down , Council File No___.. -85195.... approved.._- ...:May. -8, . 1930 -_-._-:192..__..._, relative to construct ng•.driveways at the following -locations West side Hope St.beginry:Lng 120 ft, north of 5th St.,thence north 10 ft. South side Aura --Ave:b-eg±-nning 80 ft;west of-`0xford'-St:�theric"e"W'OsM-14 ft. North side Fuller St.begirming 90 ft.east of Western Ave. .thence east 9 ft. `Nor-.th::.side:-Fuller---St.------- n- -----268-ft.west--of--Western---Ave.-,-thence --- west 9 --ft., beginning 38 ft. farther west, thence west 10 ft. North side _Fuller St. -.beg- nning 104..ft east .of _Dale St..,therlce...east...12.._ft. S outh side Belmont St.,beginning 146 ft. east of Manomin St.,thence east 12 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred t9 therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------------------------necessary and (or) desirable. 30¢ per sq. t. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S - -- and the total cost thereof is S :-....__ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._... ------ - -------- - ----_----_-- --------- .-_----_ --- --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ::_..._.. -------._....... ...... ............................. ..... .... ...----------- - ----5. Said improvement is_ -------------- ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public W ks. i ! •_; 85992 COUNCIL FILE NO.. ----------- -- ,Iar^tII2 or,f. ConetruPttn�drive ;, - � ways th� LPiCPWtnit-tdCB((Gna - � FINAI. ORDER IOWA tno�ncaaac�x6 deiale'� gea0 aldt.**+tiestnnigs Hp, ,.i -rnarth RoHc9t. tLPnce aogth i� - s'aK'slYW 39ta northge no8tnk X409 tt. We9t of 3 on, Rt. tbs, rR+Pat Bk Lt•, Hagor PtaU Y �7f apnrovea . --i9so y9ao .-oConstriwiin S1,r19�Ways of _th@ fgllowing__loc atione._-�__ �FnP S•harUsY'+Avlp6 6 . no�side, beginning 115 ft. east. of Jessie St., thence east t - Jessle�t:,'Wes side, eginnirig 9� f :-noi Yi-of York 8t.-Ghenae north-l0 ft ---- --- East Sixth $t ,north aide, beginning Ib$ ft. west of Jackson St the _--ttce -west _: 1 ----f-- t . 2 — -- - — -- - -- ---- -- --- --- ----- ----------------------- - -- -- --- - ----- under Preliminary Order'_____85331____—_—_:approved ____�a$ a0 z 1930 Intermediary Order --------approved --------------- -- A public _hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,; and having fully considered ' the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-- Oonstruct driveways at the following. - — — locations: York-fit.- nor ai3e; �eg�nn�ng 11�ft:7east o ass e . , enoe east 15 ft.: Jessie Si:; weal side;-b�ginniii "39 YV-. nortyof`ror enee nor 10 _ft._ East Sixth St. north side, beginning 109 fi.west of Jackson St•, thence west 21 ft., —_— — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to, be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said, approval, the propercity officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making, of said iToYgiQAitii� accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ------- 4-__----------�i—U-- -------- --------------- --- -- -- - --- r+ - -City Clerk. Approved=--- -- ---- --------- 192----- i i - - ---- -------- ------ -- " -- — -------------- ------ Mayor. P[TBLISI315D� Councilman Mey ' Councilman Ros ne. \� Councilman Mayor Bauffi Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF it FPAV DEPARTMIk"T & F*NCE REPORT OF COMMISSII) ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER W. In the"matterof Constructing driveways at the following locations: York St., north side,b-eginning 115 £t, east of Jessie St., thence east 15 ft. - Jessie t.Jessie St., west side, beginning 99 ft, north of York St., C� thence north lU ft, t of East Sixth St. , north side, beginning109 t. well ft, Jackson St. , under Preliminary Order approved #85331 May 20, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ U. 30 The estimated cost periaPlor the above improvement is - - ` The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION -- - LAND BUILDINGS East 90 ft. of Lots 23 & 24. 12'Edmutid Rice's 2 13 First Add. 500 5ti00 - 3 13: do 45U 2350 5 Aud.Sub.#56. 700000 250000 6 do 140000 25000 841500 283150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits. the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public rks• Y n C a Dated 19�y Commissioner of Finance. Form B. 9.11. !-S D J Qceffi{ of the Commissioner of Public A, 2 Report to Commissioner of Finance q�AY 21 May 2.6 1"930........................ 192. " To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St.'Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the relative to ------------ 192. - Council, known as Council File No.85331- " ""--"approved_ . " -, constructing driveways, at the following locations: __ North 'rifle Y�sr St= fs�giririing" Ii5" ft: -east ""of Jessie" "Sg;; " thence east 15 ft. West --side-Jes-s-�e- ng ft.-north S9 -ftY north- of-York- St y - thence north 10 -ft•�0"9-.-fit..---w"est o-f..Jacksola.---t-.wst 21"ft. Dio th s de:_ . - ixth_S -•----beginning.-. things referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the matters and 1. Said improvement is_.. .....:...:...necessary and (or) desirable.' 30¢ per sq ft.-"-, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ . -- ---- and the total cost thereof is S ... - ------ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:---------------.. " -.... -. "-.-.-." ached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto att - ----- .. ....:........... asked £or upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. Said improvement is .... subject to assessment for said improvement. _. Commissioner of Publia once• 993 �� �Ae M�aPttdesiot t9aonstrneidewhlka _ -- aT1DB:S ?�`r8t the d11P,gIIIR la�?II°` ntn nt °�aa';►` ASR FINAL` ORDER �t.N tOACB 1tiile Matter of___recox�sr_uct_i1g�__z�_iaying_and_repa1ring the -_sidewalks at the' fof1iowiinaa locatipns �Miasissipg1..St.-, wea__..sides beginning at 13th St., thence_ south 24 ft. E. &th 9t, nor£h side, beginning d6 ft. west o JacTisori:$t.-, thenoe t--� _-- - -- ---------------- -------- - ----- - $eaney St.., south side, beginning at Payne Ave., thence west 55 ft. .,5$1bK..�uQ_°+_..eQuth_$ids+--liegrming.:144._.ft_...e_aB ..of__Griggs i` east 40 ft, ..........•.................•.................. .......... 8 8 �y sol �Y930 : N Odor prdminrY Oda... i l . AxYYXAXYY.......XN.....lixYAYMYN/'•Y... Y Y...1•..Y�YFYYNNI 'yI M,Iry'IYI {A��11t' Y1u' ���xOV@d X.NNYYN,NN N � I, I �II��1 �IIVII���J ����� AYxyYNYA1MAN/YhIIXYXY7MN,MINAN+i MYY NYIMIYYMiI111.Y1NX YY1 .111 111YY•1� A: public hearing having been had Pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it R>JSOLVED,y the'Council of the 'ty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- reeonstruct, relay ,and repair the sidewalks ento b ado b the sail City i _..._.._ ..- __._ _----------------------- prove- - at le fo� owin `locaiiohe -� west�si_de:-beginnin�_at�l3th 8t.� E. 6hthence south 24 ft. 6t Wi8side, be t. ,northinning 86 ft. west of Jackson St., tfience -- Reaney St., south side, be inning at Payne Ave._., thence west 85 ft: ._�lby._Ave.._s---s91ttJZ.aisie,�_binning_l_44..�__�aai.�of.�S�.gg6...H.t_t�.-- hence east 40 ft$$ and the Council hereby' orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the p oper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro. ceed`, with the making, of said improve ent in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.-__ JUL--_� ------------------------- - --- ---- ----------- ----- - -- City Clerk. Approved-- fi {C- _._, 192- ---------- - - -- - -- - - Mayor. Geu�ci PMLTSB Councilman May (� Councilman 'Pearce ' Councilman r Rosen Mayor, [G[Bnntilie Form B.S. A. 8-7 CITY OF S'T.Ppt,� - DEPARTMENT OF�CE REPOFZ-r OF COMMISSIONER OF FII�A>t�iCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)_' In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing s i cievra.1 ks at the following locations: Mississippi St. , west side, beginning at 131,Ix S-_ -tizgxice south 24 it E. 6th St. , north side, beginning�36 ft. west I of- Jack-soa St. , thence west 23 :Et. Reaney St. , south- side, beginning at Payne Ave _ t3zLeace west 85 ft. Selby Ave_ , south side, beginning 144 ft. east O:E C:ri ggs St. , thence east 40 ft. under Preliminary Order approved #85328 May 20, 1930. To.the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is — - - $ The estimated cost sq p - - — — pe�foot for the above improvement is — - - $ 0.09 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such sad the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD lTi OH - ASSESSED VALUATION M.AND BUILDINGS 1 4 Dayton' s Add_ 3300 9900 6 Aud. Sub_ XE> _ 340 ,000. 25,000. 1 Watson's Div_ "D 2300 300 North & South alley in Block do (No Valuation) (Except Selby Ave.) 10. 10 _ Anna E. Ramsey t s 1000 3000 do 11 , 10 , do 3000 29OU _ 346400 39100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has rove tigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, roger zer with the report made to him in .. reference to s d matter by the Commissioner of Public W ICs- Dated Commissioner of Finance. ..-: Form D. S. A. 8-5 D - - _oYnm�ssioner of Public .Oe off` t - R to Commissioner of Finance y q'ry May 26, 1930 - : 192 :- To the Commissioner of o£ the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of lEilic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council's known 85328 May 20, - 193Q92 relative to �_� o-_--- ---- - -... ap roved .-.-..-.... -�- repa�ring the sidewalks at the fo lowing reco, 'z r e - rsg and --- locationsz - > lei S3L"Sz. p --- ---th�o-e--sD�xt�i "24 "tt: — _-% ginning at 13th "5t s thence west 23 ft west of Jackson St.,thence N. S. # 6th St _ - S • -� 86 ft. - -------- of; Griggs St.,thence east 40 ft. a P$Yne-gye.,.r.-.thence--west - 85 -f , t S. S.- Selby eve �Tsrg 144 ft. east ha ving investigated t hers and things `referred to therein, hereby reports: and Said rovem�- 1: imp — necessary and (or) desirable. C) J - ar sq. ft. - ------ the total cost thereof is $ 2. The estimated-" c - - and .......... the nature and ekte� .......... . said improvement is as follows: ......._... - - - and A profile car 3�etch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 plan, --asked .............. -.......... — for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. -Said improver �� — 3s---- -- subject to assessment fcsr �1 improvement. _..: -- Commissioner of Public Wo 85994 COUNCIL FILE NO.------ ------- — ---- By --- -- – – --- – ---- --- FINAL ORDER I In the Matter of____xenQnetxuctang,-�aXing--d--xel�l`ing_where__neaeesary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Ilesoto�t��--both_:sides, bstween_Minnsiiahaflt._ slid_Qolln$_-$t'-------------- Lyton place, north side,,befinning al Bice St.thenceeast to -t 1--.......� L- - – – – – In xhe Matter.of ree000trw, lag relay –– —. u I and-{epal ink wdere meoaesa�---------•----• ------ $oeu a1�ksboe foalowiag loc a A { ea betr --------- lhirehaha gt nna Colilas 8t c ------------------ --•----- ----- zYton rlaoe nortb arae bar 1930 j x7ce 8t :ilteace aasr;;roe� A Til_22, t nr wase a 84990 —_a roved - 19 ary� Order---------- --------------- Pp Intermediary Order ___--------- aPProved--------- A' public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be, it RESOLVED, By the Council made by the said City is reconsof the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent an kind of im- provement to be truct-- relay and repair where necessary, the ;sidewalks-at•-the_ng locations: .followi yon Place, th side,'be inning at Rice St., -thence east to alley th BrSlad4eEy;_=_14s&t_sd �, lzsginnxlg_atroge 9t ence north36 ft. i -- and the Council hereby. orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council __,UL 1-6 iso192 -- ------ - ------ City Clerk. Approved------------------ � — - ------------> 192------ ----- ------ -- Mayor. Gaansii,war,l) r, , ,, I'UBLISEiED Councilman May Pease Councilman Rosen Councilman Ee�naikmn Wxmxk i Mayor JM&gm T'an81la ! Form B. S. A 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4PI- - DEPARTMENT OF INANCE - RIEIQORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER InthemaXterof. Recoi2strzic'rr3zsg, relaying and repairing where necessary, the sidewalks a. -G. t3ae £o2 -Sowing locations: Desoto St., both sides between Minnehaha 81. and thence Collins St. alley, Lyton Place, nor�li side beginning at Rice 8t•, Broadway, west side � 1j6g3zlning at Grove St., thence north 36 ft. �7 under Preliminary Order 5990 April 22, 1530. To the Council of the City of St_ Paui The Commissioner o£ Fia auee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amov.xzt o£ tine: assessment for the above improvement is - U. U9 The estimated cost pe� foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels o£ laud that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by Mize Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIOI`i North 52 ft_ o£ South 79 ft. o £ South l/2 of North 1/2 of Paan B. B. 10 - - - LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION . LAND BUILDINGS 14 1 Sub. of & Add, 'SOU u - to Irvine's Add. 5UO 23UU 14 1 of Out Lots. 15 , 1 do 60U 14UU 16 1 do 300 17UU 16, 1 do 30U 1200 17 1 do 500 1500 la . 1 '. do 500 1300 19, 1 '; do 450 1900 _20 , 1 do 45U 23UU 400 23UU — -- 21. 1 do - TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTOTINT'Or N tl REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE R - ON PRELIMINARY--ORDER -- -- - -- - -,- _ -- f ASSESSED - ADDITION +! VALUATION - DESCRIPTION_- - -- - LAID BUILDSNr:Bi y _ 10_{. _...�_I r_vine!. s Add,- of Out Lots to i ! 1 - - 11 -Town-of Bt.Pau1 - 600 - l I - II� (Ex E lb ft._)_..9.45.._ft.o%_._ 450 11100 do_. } _ P-ax-t of Begin t al - - - - �_ described as follows: Beg 1d� 45.._Y point. On-.W.line _oi._said-_lot_. 1, . N.from B.W•corner, thence N. n said- -1;: :lina_�34_ft-.I thenoe_..E.-para] e1IwitY --- - 1 S.1 us oY saki-lot, 165 ft. to the E. `1ine,_.thence- S. on ..said_ E_linq--2"t• j thence W. parallel with S.linq 15q ft•I thence __S.5-ft. , thence N. to i !I. beginning. 65U 1350 South 5U _ft _ of do -i-- -----_.. _.475- H W 7U _ f t of _S, 44 ft of N,1021 _!._ll '� _ do- 2750 - '" 650 , 65 ft _of. NI lY._ 58 ft. Of do_ wil1 g Warren & S. 52 Yt,_). __ !-VPrielowl s Adu. 20D0, { -1 _. .0 i to _Town 4f Bt. 275 do 300 f ' �I Bouth52 ft,_ Of Paul -- _.-- �6 A__ i I+ _. - 18:._ - I - - -- North_ 58 ft,_of _____ ' U' i - - ; -- 18 __ 35 l do _ orth 5ti. ft,). C A,I - 900 4750- - - -- - _ i 675 boud gouth. 38 Yt_. _ of __ _-- 700 3000 - II 70 LO t 4 ofl 4 I_10 , do 3_ &__g 26-2[ 3 _._ i ++ lebo to ' do 700 - :_ -- '�[.Z3_-1L31. of L._4_8� B 15 ft of 5 I I 1_I --- I' 550' I, of . I N..3_5 ' szf__L.5_.-&-.H.5_f_t of E..�I _... 50 85o!-,. .-23 f 110 ! do .._ ._ &__�Ex.1_ i3 _ft 7 ... 64UO I 4 U! - II lU i do - l I 290__ ____ 1 �10 , I� __iEa :P[.�52.._it,1 N•23.8__ t,, of_ ? 450---.--- i 450 g 110 do - - ti�North f - -- i 9J 1p _ -_ d9--------- 900_ dO ' - -- i TOTAL 019ce--- o___the Commissioner 'of Publicarks- Report to Commissioner of Finance April 30� 1930-.. - 192-------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the ,preliminary order of the a Til 22s--1980 ---192-_------, relative to 84990 approved........ -- ---- -- --- the sidewalks Council, known as Council File No .-------------------- nconstrueting� relaying and repairing where neces5ary, at the following locations--------------------------- _____ $�St41 s des Desto-.--b'etweeri"�inrieYaba i3t-- auci" o2�tizs St North s# de Lyton Place beginning at Rice St thence, east to alley Nort---83Ici 1-Y-tOn ---beginning at Grove--St-w thenee norIth -8&--€t-. ---- ' WeIs ------------------------- .... _.7 "- .. .....J... and having investigated the: matters and things referredto therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is----- -- -----------necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq ft.--------------------------- 2.' The estimated cost thereof is 3.. ------ and the total cost thereof is S------ - ------ ---- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows...,:..-_- --- ------- -- said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof.,. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of 4. ------ ---- ....: ---- - . _ .-_---_ ._ .. -;--asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. Said improvement is subject to assessment -for said improvement. orks. Commissioner of Public , Hon. _-Ii3. —ZI ozz�_n, Corns t n 7 _ _ -_ i 1 o rvs, 3uilY.ira �_ Deas Co s ivner The finzl orIsr for raconstructlag. rel ayia� ;��. rte.--siri3� the side allcs on both silos of Desoto St.. 3 aL--- � '.`it nom? <>h-� St. and Collins Ft. was laid over to July -.L L--- t'^e r-qu_=st th_t your engineers investi.ate the nuc s^ 3 t.y resnort back to the Council. Yours very truly, City Clerk. July 16th, 1930. Hon. 'Wilton Rosen, Comstr of public Works, Building. Dear Commissioners The matter of reconstructing, relaying and re wiring where necessary, the sidewalks on Desoto St., both sides, betneen 'dinnehaha St. and Collins St. was referred to you by the Council, to check the width of the roadway and sidewalk which the property owners allege are broken and also the advisability of ming it a one way street. Yours very truly. City Clerk. ------------------ '�' 85995 ef":ot reconst'ructin6, re .4 Fegilring, where neces :a el4ewsnte wY:the following.; me: ,ng t RveAver':o�th elder eat t to lnR thence 'er to . COUNCIL FILE ate Ave...eaet eider beglnn'= Orth Of is P[ ('nit.St.".— to BY----- '--• - ----------- . s. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of--- �oflris_tTizating,_mislaying--ancL-repa r1ng__.wh_er_ __n�4eesarY, thg sidewalks: at_the_following_ locations: ____ __ _ _ ArmstrongAve., south side, beginning at Pleasant Ave., thence east to -- -- -aley,-------------------- - ----------------- Syndicate Ave„ east side, beginning 6$ ft. riortT� f oSt: Clair"Bt:, ________ thence north to alley±,__ __ _ -_ _-_ _____ _ __ St. Clair Stnorth side, beginning 64 ft. east of Milton St., thence - ------asy if -5 ?t , -- -- ---- - --------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------ --- - Pleasant Ave. south side, beginning 296 ft. west of Duke St., thence -ft , -- - - — -- -- ------------------------------------ --- - ---------- under Preliminary Order__ -------------- S -4 82 -___,--_.approved --- Apiril-U,1930 -------------- _ _.______ Intermediary Order --------- ------------ -__-approved ----------- -- — - - - - -- - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and. the Council having heard all persgps, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered . the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that. the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___ reoonstruct,relay and repair, where neoessary,__the_aidewalke at the_following locations: Armstrong Ave., south side, beginning at Pleasant Ave., thence east to - -------- a- ey } - Syndicate ve., easy si3e, beg3nriing E8 fes: "north o bi- __ ___thence_ north to all ff. _—_____ St. Clair St., north side, beginningof�iTn fit:, :nae e8t 175 ft.,__ -------------- ----- ------- - ------------- Pleasant Ave south side, beginning 296 ft'. west of Duke St., thence and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that .upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said im eMf�v'981 t,}' eordance therewith. �' 1 ,? , Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192 ------------------------------------------------ City Clerk. Approved--- --- - ' ---'- -- --- - 192------ /3�LCi) _________—_____._-_.________—_- Y__._—__________Mayor. Getitteilman 8ett1}eil�ian U Baal ISr�n �) .Councilman May 'Pearce Councilman Rosen' Councilman Mayor dile liun -1/ V � Form B. S. A. 8-7 r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTN,, NT OF FII NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOIy' E OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Armstrong Ave., south side, beginning at Pleasant Ave., thence east to alley,thence Syndicate Ave., east side, beginning 6b ft, north St. Clair St., OC north to Alley. thence St. Cl-jr St., north side, beginning 64 ft, east of Milton St., east 175 ft. Pleasant Ave., south side, beginning 296 ft, west of Duke 9t., thence west 18U ft. under Preliminary Order approved #84989 April 22, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ggqq � 0.09 The estimated cost pe/fodt for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED LAND BUILDINGS 6 3 Cole's Re.of 2 U Blk.l,& Blk.2, Sub.& Enlarge.of Blk.3,of his Randolph St.& Pleasant Av..g.Add. 16 13 Stinson'a Blvd. 1000 6000 17 4 Kidd's Re.of Blks. 1200 Quo 5 & 6,Haldeman's 18 4 Add. 1000 19 4 do 1000 20 4 do 1000 21 4 do 1200 TOTAL, Form B. B,10 CITMgNTY 'OP ST. PAUL# EPARTOE FIN CE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONOF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) FINANCE rl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 2 Wright's Add. ;;ortheasterly 30 ft. Of 4 2 do S.Wily 30 ft.of N.Elly 60 ft. of 4 2 do ..S.WIly 20 ft.of L.4, & N.EIly ... 13 ft. -Of 5 2 do .S Wily 33 ft.of N.Elly 46 ft.of 5. 2 do ,.S.Wlly 34 ft.of 5 2 do & N.Elly 20 ft, of 6 2 175 1000 175 125U 325 7950 15,700. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s id matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated 19 3° � c Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ASSESSED -------VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 150 1750 15U 200 175 1000 175 125U 325 7950 15,700. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s id matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated 19 3° � c Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 r /Office of the Commissioner ` &Public "\orks • ai ;� I1`• =3! Report to Commissioner of Finance -- --- .._..May. 1:...1930.. 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 84989 approved ..April__ 22, 1930 .-192.._...., relative to Council, known as Council File N'd....._...__... , reconstructing,relaying & repairi.ng,where neces"sary,the sidewalks at the following locations: S:".5.�.-"Armstrong Ave."b g. at Pleasant Ave.,thence east to alley E.S. Syndicate Ave. beg. 681 north of St. glair, thence north to alley N S, --St Glair -St -.;beg: 64- ft-ceast of -Milton Sty thence --east- 178 ft: S. S. Pleasant Ave. beg. 296 ft. west of Duke St., thence west 180 ft. ---- -- - -- .... _...._.. - - .... _.._ _......-.._.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..____ _.._.._necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq, ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8_- __.... and the total cost thereof is �a....____._...._..._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------ ___._.-__..._.. __ _.. ---- _.....------ _.. ... ......... ......... --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - - ....... -------..-- ---....... ..... - _ ... - 5. Said improvement is.... _._--------------- _... asked for•upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------- -------- -------- Commissioner of P"r Works. COUNCIL FILE NO._.-_-_____--_-__.____ By ---------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER 85996 In the Matter of______pa.-v_ing__10hn_-Stseet_frQm-__Gr_nye___Street-_t_Q__Eourteenth----- Street, with sewer,water_ and _gae__connections from street mains to - - - -- ------- ----------------- ----------------- _P_xo)zert.y__1i1Xas---0o_mp2et_e_whera__nnt__a] reas3y-_madai--- also --- including ---------------- curbing_and__pav_ing_ alley___ansi Sl_r way_approaches_,__where__necessary_,___-___- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- --- - - - — C. F. No 86998— In the Matte �� +a----------- ------ wing John Street �--- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------- . Yrom Gr�r - ".V . teenth St, __ _�vcon n��. under` Preliminary Order_ :__;34983---------- - ------ --approved -------------- pril__22..,___193-0 ----- _ ________ Intermediary Order -------------------approved ----- ---- ---- ------ ----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of, the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- r vent nt to be made by the said City to i_wth__seuver, wa.ter_and__gas__oonnections_from street - ma 1D_s_A_o-_-pi- per-ty_-_1in_e_a__QQlnple_te_lgher_e_-_nQ_i__ 1&e y__mesle,_ al_&o including ourb-ing__and__-pa_Qing--allay--- a.nd__driye_ v_ay_--azi»soe nhas_�_vrhes ne c e s �a y, -- Tldaterial :shall bei reinforced concrete - 40 foot roadway,_------ ----------------- --------------- ---- -- - - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- 3-1 Approved. ---------------------------------------------- 192----- Councilman JJMIMM Conroy Councilman Emom McDonald CouncilmanMay Councilman Pearce Rosen Councilman Sudbelnnet Councilman Mayor3ffo%ZM $nadUb Form B. S. A. 8-7 r SPBCIAL ➢RBO MM preliminary Order go. 84987 In the matter of paving John Street, an existirg Street, in the City of St, Puat from Grove Street to Fourteenth Street. PBOTES'7' OF PEDWIM C®DiER Now comes Tri State Land Company, by Charles G. Sturtevant, its Tax Com®issioner,. and respectfully shows that it is the ommer of real estate in the City of St. Pahl, In the, County Of.IW=6g, and State of minneecta, described ss followsr Lots 18, 14, 15, 169'17, and 18, Schnrmeierts Subdivision. outlot 2, esoept West SO feet, Bass# Addition of Outlets. parts of Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, and all of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15, Jarvis Subdivision of Lot S, Bass Addition of Ontloto. The said owner objects to the proposed assessment of benefits in said proceedings on the following grauuder Said Street inprovemeat, between Woodward Street and Fourteenth Street, is —necess"T, unwarranted and of no benefit to the abutting property Owers; that your petitioner, as sell as owners of other lots affected by the proposed street Inrovement oppose this project in good faith for the reason that no benefits will accrue_Oonmansurais with the burden of the special assessment therefore. For the above and foregoing reasons, and other good and valid reasons, the owner of the property hereinbefore described objects to said improvement and the con firmation thereof by the City COuaoil• T8i STATS LARD COWAXT Its Tax mmissionere July Ith, 1930. CITY OF 0^+T.,PAU,� bVPARTMENT OF FINANCE S REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O =INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of . Paving John Street from Grove Street to Fourteenth Street, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to. property lines complete where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and riveways approaches, where necessary. CJa under Preliminary Order approved +84967 April 22, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: LO'o � M -.-2� - -- _- ' ' - ' _ East 1/2 of 5 4 do 6 4 do North 1/4 of 1 1 do S. -� of N. -� of 1 1 do Form B. B. 10 - 7625 15250 4450 3750 1600 3750 1500 TOTAL. Length - 6108 ft. Width of Roadway 40 ft. Frontage 1,274 ft. { 11 11 Street 60 ft. Brick Laid Asphalt or 3 711 Reinf. it PAVING Flat Asphalt Conc. Concrete. i Total Sq. Yd. 4.90 6 3. 7t3 2. t36 ¢ Intersections 7,433.00 5,734.00 4,339.00 t & Wheelage Property Share cs , 325. OU 6,422.00 4, ts59. UU T o t a l 15,75b.00 12,156.00 9,198.UU (a) Front ft. 6.24 4.75 3.52 Curb extra Add for concrete curb where not in 5U¢ per lin. ft. 11 611 Sewer connections, each .537.50 If 3/411 water 11 11 39.00 LO'o � M -.-2� - -- _- ' ' - ' _ East 1/2 of 5 4 do 6 4 do North 1/4 of 1 1 do S. -� of N. -� of 1 1 do Form B. B. 10 - 7625 15250 4450 3750 1600 3750 1500 TOTAL. CITY OF rpT•.PAUJ- :( 61kPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OMISSIONER �NANCE (A) In the matter of Paving John Street from Grove Street to Fourteenth Street, y with sewer, water and gas oonneotimoade,from alscstreet includingmains curbing and lines complete where not. already also n .chiding ,Davina. pT j Av onA ri r; vAWays a-010 hPQ _...--._..._i.be"e5titila'Ce`d' cost-pe`r'�YStlY"iOrYri2-xb'OVe'9rYTpfOFeTffeYIY78 "- - of each lot or land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LAND $UILDINC*• S ______._.— 1 4 Paterson's Aad. 3750 North 1/4 of 1 4 do 3750 8.z of N.� of 1 4 do 37 50 N. -2L of 9. � of 3750 1500 South 1/4 of 1 4 do 2 4 do 15000 4 do 27000 181500 Lot 4 & '+4. 2 of 5 5 4 do 7625 East 1/2 of 6 4 do 1525U 4450 11 do 375U 1600 North 1/4 of 15UU 1 1 do 3750 S. j of N. -� of TOTAL. CITY OF. PAUL } - DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE - ; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t LAND 'BUILDINGS N.31 ft, of S. of 1 1 Paterson's Add. ncl.other propeitq- 1 A strip of land 20 ft.wide extend- do 5000 ing from Olive St, to John St. through Block 1, also the South 9 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 1 North 131 ft, of 2 1 do 565U 5 1 do 15000 (Incl.other prop) a _North 1/4 of 6 1 do 375U 70U t ! S.* of N.* of 6 1 do 3750 1800 �t South 1/2 of 6 1 j do 7500 2000 Commencing at the intersection of Jarvis' Sub.of 25 _j E. line of John St. and the Saline Lot N0.3 of Bass of 14th St.as opened, thenceiE. ,Add,of Out Lots along said 14th St. 9 ft., thence ;.8.4.30 ft., thence W.9 ft., thence N.43U ft.to point of beginning, r_ being part of 6 Commencing at a point in the ;E. Line do 1150 1250 of 6 thereof, 23.70 ft. from the N. E.cornex the , thence West 11 ft„ thence South 4.30 ! ft, , thence West 9 ft, , thenge South; to the South line of said lot, thence - E. to the S.E. corner thereof, ;thence , North to the beginning on the East line of said Lot 6, ! _. r, (Except Fourteenth St.) 7 do 2850 1150 (Except_Fourteenth St:) 8 )'; do 21700 _ do 9 ), do 10); do a )i Lots 11, 12 and 13), do 14: do 3750 2050 15; do 3750 - (Except John Street) 16 do 150U , _ _ .e.ti TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL „r-{,QI*ARTMENT & FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF "ONANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRII-TION' _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except the !Vest 30 ft, LAND for Bass Add. of 3=0 BUILDINGS John Street) Out Lots to the 2_ Town of St. Paul. 4 ) Schurmeier I s Sub. 25750 of Lot #1 of 5 ) Bass Add. of Out Lots. 6 ) (Except. Street) 7 ) do 8 9 ) 16) do 21350 17) (Incl, other property) 18) 243,400. 200,500. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Work . i Dated /O lg3o Com B. B. a Commissioner of Fi /p�'_-MAn U.ACTURERS WlFANCY BpPND PROCESS F. W. SHARPE, P....... Gcrv.Maw. ST. PA16L,M1Pirc A'iril 16, 1930 MANUFACTURERS O-Cl�• HIGm GRADE BRAND' CREAMERY BRANCHESAT DEVILSLAKE,N.D. TRACY. MINN. Mr. J. H. McDonald, Comm. of Public Works, Court House, St. Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: We respectfully petition you to pave the little strip in front of our new building facing .on John street between Grove and Woodward. That block will now be subject to a very heavy travel and as it is now only a dirt road and will be out down to a level with Grove street we are afraid that this piece of street will be almost impassable especially after a heavy rain.' If you can in any way expedite our request we would appreciate it very much and try to reciprocate whenever an occasion presents itself. Yours respectfully, IME R. E. COBB COITANY Rt7S-AB VV THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • - OF THE - CITY OF ST- PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Fi1ay 6, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith prelims nary estimate of cost for paving of John St. from Gro -we St. to Fourteenth St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84987' approved April 22, 1930: Length 698 ft. width of Roac%a3r -40 ft. Frontage 1,274 ft. a a Street 60 Pt. Brick Laid Asphalt or Mu Reid£. PAVING Flat Asyhalt Con.c . Concrete Total Sq. Yd. $ 4.90 3.78 2.86 znte sections 7,433.00 5,734.00 4,339.00 & Wheelage Property Share 8.325.00 6 , 422 - 00 4.859.00 T o t a l 15, 758.00 12,156 . 00 9,198.00 (a) Front ft. 6.24 4.75 3.52 Curb extra Add for concrete curb where not in 504g� per lin. ft. a 6n Sewer connections, each $37.50 u 3/4u Wat er n n 39.00 Yours truly, Appro fo transmission to t e C ssioner of Firlanc of Engineer. o ss over of ublic Wo s . - r e o& the Commissioner o . f Publicrks, Report to Commissioner of Finance.,. .�,•� tiny_--8:- 1930 ------ ------------- 192-------- To the Commissioner of France of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner o£ Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -X987 --------- approved --- APrz;�t__ 22_.V ---- 193fl-------------- 192--------- relative to _tlze p ----------------------------------------- aving ole_ -Tolan St. from Grove St. to F'oux-teenth St- ----------------------------- ------ ------------------------- and hay bag investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1_ Said improvement is ------------------ .----- necessary and (or) desirable_ (See estimate attachecI)I 2_ The estimated cost thereof is S ---- ...------------------------- , and the total cost thereof is S ------- ----- ----------- .-_-_--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows_-----------------------------------------------------._._--____-__--_---_._--__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - --- - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ------------------------- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5_ Said improvement is ----------------------- - ------ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pub c Works. v1 T #. jbk July S$22s 3 -930 - Hon. F,iilton ?oserf, Co;as it of Public arks, Building. Dear Co=issioner: /^xbe matter of pavin_— -X<2—SL` from Grove to Fourteenth Streets seas up for firaal. before the Council todiazy- inasmuch as the R. - will be the only -,nc3 to benefit from tnp order as you ese requested to confer with them reg rding •��t=�zxr. �� assessments. YO,Lrs very City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL C 00NCIL FILE NO.. Nays, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r--'t---OtJNCIL RtSOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM McDonald PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Pearce 0 Rosen RESOLVED Sudheirner RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a wax-rELrvt In favor of H. H. Burling in the sum of Seventy Five Do3.3-aLx-s and Fifty Two Cents, ($75.52), same being the amount erroneously paid into the City Treasury on Lot 6, Block 2, Hardenbergh Heights Addition, for which Receipts Nos. V1205 to Vl210 were issued on June 3, 1930. Charge to the P. I. R. Fund Imp. No. 3.876 4.23 it n if Imp. No. 23-49 16.06 of tt it n Imp. No. 2205 5.70 to it Imp. No. 2172 3.11 Imp. No. 22.38 8 26 to v Imp. No. 2562 27:85 Charge to the P. I. R. Int. Fund 10.31 $75.52 Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays, Conroy May McDonald --- ___-__In favor Pearce 0 Rosen ------Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the councii -- - -------------------------------- JUL - 8 IM APP---- ----------- - ------------------------- 19 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RE4UTION—GENERAL F-OF2M COUNCIL FILE NO. --9W G"I RESOLVED That the Bo of Water Oommi sioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Sam Ranelli, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally c13Leabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said Board on June 11th, 1930; be it FURTHER RESOLVED That in accordance witli said agreement, the said Board of Water 0ommissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Sam Ranelli, out of the Water Department 31und, the sum of $60.00 in partial settlement of his claim ag-minst said Board., being for the period to and _including July 2, 2-930. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ! Conroy M1onald-------In favor Pearce �/1�j Rosen ____S,_/__. Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council__JUL__—b_Fs9dC__19_ ___ AUL APPra-- --------- -----------19------- I I --------------------- ---------------------------------------- MAYOR ORIOINRL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE CITY CLERK �i d;ounlClL RE5; TION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, A request for extension of time has been received from John Sandquist, Contractor, for the grading of Luella Avenue from Autumn Street to Orange Street, said request stating that delay in completing the contract with- in the specified time was dqa to winter conditions and wet conditions in the early spring, and Whereas, Upon investigation it has been found that it is not ordinarily advisable, due to winter and wet conditions. of the surface,to proceed with such work before approximately April 15th, and COUNCIL i FILE NO. Whereas, If the time for completion of work was based on sixty (60) days from date on which it was advisable to begin such work, the contractor would have completed project on time, and Whereas, No damage to the.city has resulted from the failure to complete contract within specified time, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time 'specified for the completion of said contract be and the.same is hereby extended to the 19th day Of' June, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby - authorized to execute an amendment.to said contract in accord- ance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing With ,__t. :City Comptroller. �C. F Na BBUD1 By Mriton Roaen � Whereas' A. equest for ,eztensioa tlme'litA leen r.. IVed from fJoLn 19andanfst CohtraotOl• a?thm ftdf- x . �otAuellp $ U� u ' •acOrsl �, I xiri>;ic '� ' eu>u' COUNCILMEN � ���� .s COUC1L_1LH.i.-- 61�19—. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Il Conroy i May �jjaa a7• ? —_19� Approv McDonald Pearce "----{--------In favor (1 i�GLI Rosen .._-----____--Against _ 146YOR Sudheimer Mr. President Bundhe / � BLIS `�7 —" CITY OF SW 46MJL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESiOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE 8' /93o RESOLVED That the bond of Edward Hanft, as Constable, in the sum of 51,000, dated June 16th, 1930, with the Constitution Indemnity Company as surety, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to file the same with the City Comptroller. C •F No. 880113--th bend ldl/er �I 1ZeaaiPed, That the bond, of �8anft, as Canatable, fn the s"ldardfl! 57,000,. dated Juna 28th, :1930,mith that. Coastltutlon Indemnity surety, Abe and 'the eame !a bezeby asI � ceDt t and It a Cltp Cierlc to by a.. dtrected to file the same With the Clty' Comptroller. Adopted by the<Counci7, July 8 1830: ADDroVed Jilly 8, 1930. 2- 930) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _ In favor Pearce Rosen -------- _-_- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ___----- `��L__�_$_'"`"I9.____ cY14Y � � APPr� - - - ----------- 19------ ---- -- ---I-------------'-------- MAYOR CITY OF_S( L rcie-=00 0 cT w.*"CkRK L FORM COUNCIL. M3 FILE NO• RESOLVED That the application of the Mileage 011 Company for permission to maintain a private pump and tank at 2221 Ford Road, be and the same is hereby granted, the tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ------ In favor Pearce Q Rosen ------------- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie V. JUL - g Adopted by the Council ___--- -__—__--- _------.----- /-.-- - _ ----1199-------- - i MAYOR '* D. WG.TBIRD IRDSALL. lif Q�*Nit Patti CL.K AND ��ff �pJJJ{� y L fAMY1K.lON[R OF R[DIfT11AT10N yy,µCE OL (!{tig lE rh A� July 3rd, 1930. Mr. B. M. O'8elbl, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir. The attached application of the Mileage Oil Company for permit to install a private pump and tank at 2221 Ford Road was approved by the Council today and referred to you for resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. L. C. HODGSON- MAYOR CHAIRMAN J. H. MCDONALD. COM. OF PUBLIC WORKS J. M. CLANCY. COM. OF PU LIC SAFETY L. R. S. FERE COM. OF DUCATION O. W. HLAND. JR.. �... OF PUBLIC UTILITIES G.,C. SUDHEIMER. COM. OF FINANCE 1. C. PEARCE, COM. OP PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS JOHN W. KELSEY. CITY ENGINEER E. M. O'NEILL. CORPORATION COUNSEL WN. .F.SCOTT. CITY COMPTROLLER G. L. NASON SUPT. O.F PARKS ghe eug planning TaIIara of *V&d F 'whumoota 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GEORGE H. HERROLD. MANACINo D11-11 AND ENOINEe. O July 1st, 1930 - LOUIS BETZ. VICE-CHAIRMAN O. W. ASERLE ARTHUR CAINES MRS. P. N. CARDOZO W. L. DARLING W. J. DRISCOLL JOHN FISCHER DEN E. LANE GEO. F. LINDSAY J.A. SEEGER R. B. SHEPARD A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. VON DER WEYER Mr. D. R. Birdsall, City Clerk.' Dear Sir Re : private pump and Teaks 2221 Ford Road Mileage .011 Company, By- D. N• Reber, 50.54 A , Yater, 8t• The above pump and tank e�ze to bO located in a district zoned for Light Industry, and are to be for private use only. This is permissible under the zoning ordinance. znginsering Report s The pump and tank are to be located at the rear of the building about ,75 ft. from the street line. There are no engineering difficulties. Approved —comErLesiom o gh-rh ohh yours very truly, -Cw-ty Fganning Zngineer. �. q , /71-/) - E. J. MURNANE. C.— — POCK. MICHAEL o®HARDT. A.ST. CHIM, OP POLICi H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN — D- -THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR C— OI Dx--.— O. H. BARPUBB, SUPT. OI TMAIC A. L. EOOERT. LICwn.. INV[— Jos. MACAULAT. BUR: POLIO. O PIR. ALARM Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herwith is the application of t#e Mileage Oil Company for permission to instal a private pump and tank at 2221 Ford Road, and report of inspection and approval by the Burean of Fire Prevention. Yo�e�rulys .� Commissioner of Pub3-&c Safety (Pito Qf-� au 11 L OWEN C. .— N C UN 6�FY •■ OSCAR LANDER. ,Tpp p } R y1� yam* Depaitment of ?Bublk Safriu A..r. PIR. Cum, WILLIAM BARRON. N C.— M.R. F.R. PR—. -- X COMMIBBIONER .CHARLES L. WILLIB. 1". BUPT. —APP AMTNi N/Q(. osru wusloN. B. P. BIMON. M. D. BUREAU OF POLICE A. E. HICHOLB, M. D. D—urr HMLTN cm— ROOM Ili COURT HOU— JOHN MAIIc M. C.—MLTH INi►.ROw .41Fw I Jnlry 2, 1930 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herwith is the application of t#e Mileage Oil Company for permission to instal a private pump and tank at 2221 Ford Road, and report of inspection and approval by the Burean of Fire Prevention. Yo�e�rulys .� Commissioner of Pub3-&c Safety E. J. MURNANE. CHI[, OF POLICE MICHAEL OEBHAROT. A.R. CHI EI OF POLICE H. A. VALL C—IN OF DETECTIVE. THOMAS E. OAHILL JUNIOR C— OF OEf.cTIVEE O. H. BARPUSS. BUTT. OF. TRAFFIC A. L. 900 RT. LICEHE. IN— Jos MACAULAY. SUR. POLICE & FIRE ALARM Ctu of SAFt Paul Deportment of J301ic -Sttfety J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER iN COURT HOUSE ..'e.' July,lst 1930! Hon.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissio#jer of Public Safety, St.Paul,Hinn. Pear Sir: OW EN C. DUNN. P.R. CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. AER. PIRG CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF IHEFECTOA. PIKE PREVEHTIOM CHARLES L. WILLIS. BU— OF AFPARATU. B. P. SIMON. M. D. HEALTH OFFI CEA A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HEALTH IH.F.CTOR In regard to the application of the Mileage Oil Company for permission to install a private pump and tank at 2221 Ford Road. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, ---------------- Chief Inspector. ORIGINAL CITY T 15 APPLICATION T. .. T T.. _Y OFFICE OF;rEWCITY LC:L_ERK 'RIPLIF'ATE'AND FILED 11 I_ERK FICC. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE__ _ _ �_ -- ----- ------------- 19 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CI -17Y COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made A BY------------ - ----------- ----- - -- ------- ----- -------------- RN ---- - --------- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A_ II__ f� (-DRIVE IN OR Sm� cwRwGE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT------ - - - - __ BLOCK -------- ---- - ------- ---- ------ ---------------- ------ ALSO DESCRIBED AS L__.____._ -zi, - , "7� - --- le'e' P' -Z.-4 r (wDDliloNl (STREET Z_4(STREIT AND N11BER1 NO. OF PUMPS ------ ------------------- NO. OF GAS TANKS.___.._. __.CAPACITY OF EACH TANK --- 19-11�rl . FILED - ------ ------------------------ - ------ ---------- ----- -----------BUSINEss ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY OM :�CLERK DATE----_---- -- -- ----- ---- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY By ---- -- ...... RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE---------- -- ---- ----- ------- CITY PLANNING 7ARD BY COUNCIL NO.- ffi 4' i CITY OF ST. FILE 1V ��ll ORIGINAL TO CITY OLERH .OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ICIL RE `GENERAL FORM }` TPD FIY / O. j DATE WHEREAS, Wm. Mosley has made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain a cash and carry ice house at the southwest corner of Central avenue and Mackubin street; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Para— graph F of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted;6.therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Wm. Mosley a permit for said ice house, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ---7------In favor Pearce Rosen Against Sudheinaer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council Ap------------------------ 19 �- -- _ MAYOR A P P E A L ac�nc�c�cx� -B 0 A R D OF Z O N I N G- June 19th,1930. lc, Acting ander Ordinance No, 5811.0 of August 22, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition: May 31st, 1930 - Petitioner: 14m. Mosley,500 W. Central Ave. Location: Southwest corner Oentral and Maokubin. ApZone: l+B" Residence Oash & Carry Ice House in rear of non—conforming store. Date of Board Hearing:APPEAL. June 19th, 1930 t _ i A aottc of O1` ¢DDe¢I hnviag be n ftled f Date of Ins e r action: June 18th, 1930 sn1� i�'t+ th�CinnerC O`¢"•k ae pl+on, ♦o lney bu Appearances for Petitioners: Mr. Wm. IrTosley Appearances for Opposition: None Petitioner's Argument: Operating a grocery store and customers demand that he carry ice. Conclusions: Mackubin St, is unpaved and there is no tuAffic on it. Therefore, no hazard for children to go to the store. Ice House will be between store building and a three stall garage on rear of lot. �+ �n Location is central to a large neighborhood. of a and Public divanBulldln;�;e-r. �:lo¢tlon f Ord+nano Y?., 1 ?;: Jul9 1.m at to U ante+}Y t f�.+,at 8outb h+n 8t .ink :::NtI Action of Board: Appeal is approved under paragraph °b° Section 20. �H -- BOARD OF ZOidING Secretary, A. H. Stem W. J. Driscoll Louis Betz Ba.ssford GEORGE L. NASON. Su— IF PAP H. J. BETZOLD. ERNEST W. JOHNSON. SUPT. OP Puvaxouxo. PRANK DRASSAL. PLAvaxoux0 Suv.xvl.OP (Qiig of $i:'iaul Department of parks. 111angrounds and vnblir Isuaingo IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ✓�: OFFICE OP COMMISSIONER 219 CITY HALL JAMES C. NIEMEYER. CITY ARCNITHGT H. S. BRONSON, I—B .Ix.Pe .. ADE DREHER, .U-. BLOC. -..TRY-- G` June 11, 1930. t i Hon. Clyde R. Iviay, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: Please find herewith returned to you city clerkls file covering an application on the part of 71illiam Y'Osley for a permit to install .a cash and carry ice station at the corner nf Central and N.ackubin-.. As this district is located in the 'I&I Residence classi- fication, Mr. Diosleyls application is made in accordance with Section 20, Paragraph c of the Zoning Ordinance. ,'.'e have inspected the location and recormnend that the permit be granted provided the ice station will face on Mackubin Street, in the rear of the present store building. However, this application must be passed on by the Zoning Board, the district not beinr_, coy.-nercial. I, therefore, recommend that the Council refer it to the Zoning Boara in the regular way. HSB..0 IY Your s my 3uper.intendent of Inspection. H.Ci..11Od x.tp. I. A." Pau. . Giti—I. a `rty owners in the vicinity of and Central Avenues we tie following prope St paul.7dinnesota.respeotfully request your honorable body to allow a cash and carry Ice Station to be located at above corner on Mr Trio Mosley property. Ll �Ta 41Z9200, f cP.1 `.:.� .—. El Ll _ �! �f`i !/ f � � L..�...---„” ••f i. 1n1; "i"`.. � y... ... _.:�,a`d .v f f t�"t. L.a�`.-%—�� ��, l_ Xv60-- �.,. CIL, Jv 44. !d f �Gw IT, t )j�r/�,7� .,\7 � L ( tom. �..{ - � �' i♦' c _._ _._. -. ___. \' �/l.ZyS.� ...v...�i'"�:.V L.� '"1:T..�il�l'9"Y�z-�c� -J.�� �.7._.. (�!� •. ��.fi`/��C�—�^".!/J.f��.+,�..._ 3 r .r r-t„� �.4r �.t?.-�� '. _ _ _ � � _--a-�• ,...� r� �' ,fes" . _ i D. W. e1NosALL. of Omit Paul CITI CLLAK AND COYYILLIONLfl 0I (Office of ,..{ty ( le[l: June loth, 1930. Hon. C. R. may. Comer of P.P. & P. 81dge., Building. Dear Commissioner: Attached herewith please find application of Wm. Mosley for permit to install a cash and carry ice station at the corner of Central and Mackobin Street (500 A. Central Ave.) This matter was referred to you, by the Council, for investigation and report. Yours very truly. City Clerk. s 46NO mr. Tm. nosley, S:J,^, ,. Central .,ve., St. ;:m:i, `1— D eir ,in. Deur :i it : July 2nd. 1930- Your application for cash and carry ice house in the rear of store at V i or +S L« t'iCawicilr e i6of Canty<il ::n,i 'ac;cabin Street warn in g. The::.attar p.,s l.:.i1 over to ',?onday. July 7th ::ith tt:ex - ;u= t, -'rest ycl �r>u sc a ;:,clition ss .l ave it si ne.l L t e neighbors. "inrly hiBV s,l. 'pot it ion in :.p• oft ice „r ore 10 ::. oaisy. Yours vary truly. City Clark. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �+ l+l i t VF ST.of 01L - FO ENCIL NO.--ffiffl5 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IIIYYY IL RESO O GENERAL FORM M, _ RESOLVED That the application of L. A. Tweeddale for permission to erect an addition to his public garage at 97 No. Snelling avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. I C. F, No.. 88006 --By, 61 Resolved, May— Resolved, That. the application of ,L. ! A. Tweeddwlefor-.'permlealon ;to. 'erect' anndditloa "to: hie'-pnbllc gargge. at. 97' No. :- Snelling.;avenue,As- hereby' -grant-. ed, and 'the .Commiseloner'o[ Park. , Playgrounds ,ere tiand 'Public Bulldinga is y authorized: and 'lost rueted to, eeae -a, permit: therefor. -. Adopted by: the Council. July 8, 1930: ''.Approved, July. 8, 1930. (Jul" 13-1930).: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald __-_ ____.In favor Pearce Rosen -.___..Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council n8l�ly'_�__ea 19____ MAYOR D. W. BIRDBALL. g Jaant Il u t GTY CL6B[ AND COMMI�BIDN6R DI B[OI�TMTID" (®fre of (4(tg (9(erk July 7th, 1930 - Mr. E. M. OIAeill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear W. Attached herewith find two appeals which were granted by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolutions; Wm. Mosley, - to construct and maintain cash and carry ice house at southwest corner of Central and Maekub in Ste. L. A. Tweeddale - to bui9.d addition to garage at No. 97 &o. Snelling Ave. Yours very truly, City Clerk. APPEAL -B OARD OF Z 0N,I N G- June 19th, 1930.19 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 229 1922 and subsequent amendments. a Date of Petition: IIay 4th, 1930. Petitioner: L. A. Tweeddale, 2173 Commonwealth Ave. Location: 497 No. Snelling Ave. Lot 6, Block 9, Schroederis Addn. Zone: "C" Residence. e Permit an addition on the rear to a non roonform- ing building in existanee at time of passage of zoning ordinance. _ Date of Board Hearing: June 19th, 1930- AP PPiAL •. Date of Inspection: June 18th,' 1930• A notice of appeal tpA tnq beleec aloe xvlth the City:Cle h Appearances for Petitioners: L. A. Tweeddale t Appearances for Opposition: None Petitionerts Argument: Garage has been in operation ten years and tenant requires more space for his growing business. a�. This isanon-conforming garage in a "0" Residence District. Snelling Ave. is rapidly changing to a business street, and this change should be recognized. Action of Board: Appeal is approved under paragraph "b" Section 20. H.H. Herr d BOARD OF ZONING Secretary A H Stem W J Driscoll Louis Betz Bassford GEORGE L. MASON, wUrr. or PAR.. H. J. BETZOLD, ERNEST W. JOHNSON. hurt. of PurORauxo. PRANK ORASSAL. PtwYOwWND EDr[wY1.OR r � V - 1 4 `vt (Attq of A116aut Bepartment of Farko, Flaggraunae aua F61tr Sutldtuga IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOOS. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER Z19 CITY HALL .41160.8 Hon. C. R. May, Commissioner. Dear Sir: JAMES C. NIEMEYER, Cm A—TCCT H. S. BRONSON, Burr. El.00. Ixar[cnox ADE DREHER. RU Pr. ELDD. CONSTRUCTION June 5, 1930• Attached herewith please find city clerkls file on the ap- plication of L. A. Tweeddale, for a permit to build an ad- dition to his public garage at 97 North Snelling Avenue. 11r. Tweeddalels property is in a "C" Residence classifica- tion under the Zoning Law, in which it is illegal for this Department to issue permits for any new construction of a commercial character. However, the Zoning Ordinance pro- vides in Section 20, paragraph d, that the Council, after the proper application, may "permit the extension of a non- conforming use or building upon the lot occupied for such use or building at the time of the passage of this ordinance." The present building has been in place prior to the enactment of the ordinance, and the appeal, therefore, is in accordance with the above mentioned provision. The ordinance provides that this appeal shall be submitted by the Council to the Board of Zoning, who, within ten days thereafter, shall hear the appellant and transmit, in writing, its recommendations to the Council together with the reasons therefor.. The Council then publishes notice in the official paper for a hearing of the appellant at least one week before the hearing, and then may take whatever action they see fit. I, therefore,,,suggest that this matter be referred to the Zoning Board by the Council. Yours ruly P er ntenPntf Inspection. HSB..0 �}'� /.wuou MOP. 1. A k. A.1Nr cut.— D. W. SIROSALL. �[i&aInt IlaNt SIT CL.RK AND (grace Of (�iY1J leLk (,pyY1..lO,N[N OR [[OI.T[ATON [limn 4th. 1930. Hon. C. 8. MAY - Come I r AY.Comer of P- P- & P. 81dge. gnilding. Deer Commissioner: Attached heresitia' please find application of L. Aa ��Lh Snelling pox-It vto b ld an addition to garage This matter was referred to ym today. by the Council. for report. Yours veru trait'► X1/2 City Cleric. VERN L. EERR.YMAN A- rORNEY: A7 301-305 @ DIMW BUILDING . + - ,. PAUL. MINN. � May 4' 1930. To the Mayor and the $oaorable Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota gentlemen:•. I am the owner of a garage on Lot 6, Hlook 9, Schroeder's Addition to the City of St. Paul, known as 97 North Snelling Avenue. I expect to build an addition to the garage already on my premises. This property is not in the bus- iness sone, bat I built the present garage on the prop- erty with the permission of the adjoining property owners. The building inspector has informed me that all that is necessary is to obtain permission from the City Council to build this addition and I can then precede with the building; there being a structure ofthesame kind already on the premises. Therefore I respectfully petition and ask permis- sion'of your honorabi body to build the addition to the garage at 97 Horth Snelling Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Sincerely, �. AD ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST < PAUL Cn!� OFFIC F CITY CLERK ,�UMCML RE UTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. 8600 RESOLVED That the.0ounoil hereby oonours in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for grading and paving alley in Block 9, Louden Pyk, from Cretin Ave. to A Yount Curve Boulevard,•as bidsFreoeivsd were in excess of the Engineerts Estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Forge Account, pro- curing the necessary materials through the Purchasing Depart- ment, as provided by the Charter. F.B. No. 8404. COUNCILMEN y Nays Conroy May McDonald _ -....____In favor Pearce Rosen Against Sudheimer IMr. President Bundlie JUL e 8 Wo Adopted by the Council _______.—__.---------- —19___— Approve -----L-�--- — —19- — — MAYOR Council File No.......--• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Opening, widening and extending Pleasant Ave. by taking and condemning_.a -"strip of I-and aeveYi• sftd one='ria:Lr ftt-) feet- 1n w1dth - along-_ the -_southerly ;-_side -_th ereof,extending-_southwesterly from the intersection of Pleasant Ave. and Western Ave., a distance of 39 ft. Zeasur-ed---a-1101V tha--southerfroly -lite og•�leasant Ave. y- #kie w#de ►ro portion to be occupied by a footbridge, stairway lea m tYfg•-.sc'(itilwest-':CorrieT --o - P eas-aria-"Ave: ----------- Dated this-----=----9th day of--.....TU17--s 192---- - --- ------------ ------ ---- Councilman. C ?—Na 88007— SVkereae Ahatracp makla A Vn'ItteL ProPoea2 f, th. �— v18 Bot the tolIowln6 imps , Plo,�eenlr•.. PRELIMINARY. ORDER. "WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Opening, widening and extending Pleasant Ave. by tailing and comdemn±ng a strig 'of --land sevea $nd oae"=ga3Y (7 fest in width alox► the., southerly side- thereof, _-extending southwesterly _from the intersection of Pleasant Ave. and western Ave., a distance of 39 ft. --------- measur-ed•--along ..the --sonther3:y•-line--og--Rleasant--Ave.-y--- the--wi` med----------- portion to"be occupied by a footbridge and stairway leading from g- ----•--Oak1&'eId`-A�'ems--tC---t2ie---5o7Ttiiwfist8r "c"sb-crier oY'--'PZea�arit ve:- ..-----" having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._ ......... ..... . ...................... ----- ----- ------- "--- . `.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. k 3. To furnish, a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state'whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance: Adopted by the Council---- ........ � �. �. .................... YEAS NAxs Councilmanfa�tter % Fsae0FR7R 1 Approved .. .. .... .~�..... - McDoNALD�� Refflziffm $IIDHEY6SE8 ` - n"o.v f ayor.E `�� ' . T'IH.`P8EBIDEHT Forte C A 18 (2M 2-R8) + / • ••µ � v 3, Council File No----------- --=._ .. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curbing both sides of Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from- __-__ _-----•------ ------------- ............... ---....... ------------------ ------•-----••-------•----------•--- Arcade Street to Forest -Street. ---------- - ...........- .......................... -------- ----------- ----------------;7/---------- - 9th July 19x0, 192 Dated this --._day of. - - - ----•------ --- - -• -- - --------- - ---- -- - C %• ouncihnan. Abstract ' I Whereas A written pt open, i, king oL th �o [e �inB imDi'�; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing both sides of Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from - - -------- ........... ....... •.................... -- •-----------. - --- --------------- - --- - - Arcade Street to Forest -street.---•--------•-• - ................................ -------------------•------ i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-------------- .......................... ---------- ----------------------- -•--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. . To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..-----•---------•- YEAS NAYa'• Councilman Gacw= AK FMeeevx - - / .....= �. �Approved -..---- ----.-....-•-•-•-•---- - ----••--- - -•----• ; McDoxArnm,� SUDHEIMER ._ {1L .- ..--..-•.......................................... MIL PRE91 rL Mayor. EIti Form c A 13 GIM a-zei 86699 In the matter of_SigeAiD$� R dl i$S-fid_ eztendinB_ a_Streat_( oka Oat-0fY ) between Larpenteur Ave• and the interseo an South -St: eo►d-- Grotto St. and widening Grotto ,St'. between Scath St. and an Como Ave. an to a width of 104 ft. d in addition thereto of Seas.' basement for slopes for auto an;d fills in the grading O. .F. No. 86009" -` -- In,the matter, of aye ing gddening "d ezteadiag a street (Anoka Cut - thebetween Larpent ur Ave ad'f, 21st 1930 itis intersac la. of fi..'�h .n.3 ------------- approved ---------------� -------------- 97e,�,a' Intermediary Order --------- 45472------------, approved------- June _llthi l�jQ._____---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th-tt the ;;xasise-Hata", ard" qnd Wed Of be made 4he said City is to ape thoroughfare t. wide with two 20 It rues two 12 ft. de and a o er parked strip 40 f cis. be eY the awne are hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded sad oil oeresso bw is amid matter be dLmentinued. the Council hereby ord a said improvement t be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, at the following 1 , lands or easements ther " be and the same hereby ordered to be tak appropriated and c demned for the purpose. malting the said 7ments, viz.: A strip of and 104 ft. wi e. the center line f whioh is described as ollows i RESOL D FURTHER, That the Immissioner of Pu Ic or be and is hereby insN'tS.Ee- and d directed prepare plans and speciS ions for said impro ement, and the proper city offtchereby autho •zed and directed to proceed •th the making of id improvement in accordance with. pilq, — RIM Adopted by the Council--------------------------------- -- 9---- ----- - - ---- ------------- ---- ---- o 1 ----- 19---- ''- Approved_____________ --------- ------------ Aamr, Mayor. Councilman Conroy }L councilman Pergem )IoDonald MJBLISIM, Councihnan WeBe"Md May Conuc"lmanPeerer Pearoe councilman Rd Rosen ° t Mayor --� Sudheimel CJ .J�i��L ✓ �, Y� /9 1 i. /a lV 23. L /3 ti 23 /3 �04 V2 - �. 6 21 7 20 .j C I \ C - '?\ y 3c. mss, __—_ -_ 3__- `1', - r J E (�O/ ? 3 •. E ? B 9 / ? 3 4 5 -6 7 6 O � r. oio�nv � - vow vIM. oo Vh.. 1 vmM �m v�tmP vo hrn. �A/ � ilk a10^ole, ala• h:m hp\ 0h a�� I 1. �^�.h 1, is ,la ��� /J7.35 _.- n AA nn N\t'1 ' :bn�. Hm a al - .. t he o°��4 hq IM na w0 hro @c o.", •h �I° :I�. Z'�` �iM � i y e s 4 IN ANOKA CUT-OFF / - OCENINC� \ - Coreo to Lorpentuer Dn 3 No. 65 _ -- -I ...__. _— - - �'�•. �[' 'moi �` I I _. _ _ s , GROTTO ST. Se A/YOKA CUT- OFF. Como AVE. L ARPE/YTEUR AYE - -f 71 I \\.\ �7ROTT0 QST !Sc AJYOKA CUT— OFf� Como AYE RPE/YTE A \\ i Ji /4 'S i /6 /7 i • v N l�• 9 - QIP � ' h h _,_.•_•.._...... _., w _ o moi? O!o °i '•� hI / . m ,� . + 4a 64 - - i ry 20 vl.i �i. vin NIv'. h u: � �i � ���? OI\ �I�•y Io o j _. - - -._, � r i�n� I .---1393 �r •• v n.. T *'- h h� - - - t�3tl 3.9..13 tet_— --I __.__.. - i � I 3913 .. �. I �I �����°' � �i R y ��" & � � i - �� T •� .� I` i � _ � I I N-� I � - - - /269 -. /169 - �- I ANOKA CUTOI F �t1 CET o F- cj h F -r -T OPENING C: --no to Lo'7er'uer ',`,c 3 No GS � • D 52' S2 I \ a.0 73 /B0 BS /3.3 6.0 r72 t0.3 .40 /3.0 I Sa a1 -c- rtr'' 7L .40 LB /3.0 98 rB,9_ 24 I, I; I. /L7 _-S4 35 a1 -c- rtr'' 7L . LB /3.0 r1.B 43 _-S4 35 -� 40 Cl • \ O'er 7.0 - � 178 --8 rs'9 90 q1 Lr _ 0 L 0.9 "e P4 .al v 0 0 O r -I b CD 29 o. s nom: ..�� % 0,`'/O�QS , •' -C� J. Hm v,V '�0 O�� 0I� pfO�iY �IN `iy \ .\\1Iti �X iI'� Y.� l t5.. J Y � � / .. .. o'd.`_ y— �v � "' h I oio ♦i.+• N � m � c` ~ a h b -� V � hIo � �a 2� O A NOKA CUT OFF i - - opl ll Como 10 Lorpenfcur Dc 3 No GS 0 G w7- ro S7- co r.4n'ost a CUT- OFF. COMO AYE. L i{RPt�/YTEUR A%�E. /2S9 /259 - ✓cz`iE r- =too' �',_. _ �/�IEET 01= J��t1EETj A_NOKA CUTOFF OPENIN4 Como io Lorpenleur Dr. 3 ' No. G5 CITY OP* ST. P4UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE LI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Farm B. S. A. 8-5 D Opening, widening and extending a street (Anoka Cut -Off) between Larpenteur Ave. and the intersection of South St, and Grotto St., and widening Grotto St. between South St, and Como Ave. by taking and condemning a strip of land 104 ft. wide, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Como Ave. and a line 22 ft: East of and parallel_to the North and South j - � line in the Northeast j of Section 26, Township 29, Rana 23 W.; thence I North in a straight line parallel to the said >± - line to its intersection with the center line of Maryland St.; thence Northerly in a straight line to a point on the North line of Carbon St. produced Westerly 22 ft. West of the North and South- line in the South- east jof Section 23, Township 29, Range 23 ., hence North in a straight line and parallel to the last said North and South - line to its intersection with the East and West * - } line in the Southeast L of Section 23, Township 29, Range 23 W.; thence North- lot or westerly in a straight line to the center line of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. 67 ft. East of its intersection with the North and South } line in Section 23, Township 29, Range 23 W. Also all that property out- side of a curve of 300 ft, radius connecting the southwesterly and Westerly street lines of the last two described tangents as herein proposed. Beginning again at the last above described intersection of the center line of Lake Como & Phalen Ave., thence Northwesterly in a straight line to the center line of Larpenteur Ave. 475 ft. East of the West line of Section 23, Township 29, Range 23 W. Also all that property lying outside of a curve of 80 ft. radius drawn tangent to the North line of Como Ave. and the East line of Grotto St. widened as herein described. Also triangular pieces of property at the intersection of the Southerly street line of the herein proposed street with the following streets: East line of Niagara St.; North line of Idaho St.; East line of Shrub St.; North line of Hoyt Ave.; East line of Adams St.; North line of Nebraska Ave.; East line of Quincy St.; East line of Osage St.; North line of South St.; and at the intersection of the Northerly street line of the herein proposed street with the following streets: South line of Lake Como & Phalen Ave.; West line of Grotto St., said triangles measuring 10 ft. on the herein described street and lU ft. on the above named streets. Also a triangular piece of property at the intersection of the North line of Como Ave. and the West line of Grotto St., said triangle measuring 10 ft, on each of said street lines. Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes of outs and fills in the grading of the above street when opened, widened and extended as described herein. Dated- Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. S. A. 8-5 D under Preliminary Order approved 85353. May, 21, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 40,000,00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - f The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or 1 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 4 1 Royal Oaks 4`-u0 The Commissioner of Finance further -reports that he -has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the' Council together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by .the Commissioner of_Public Works. Dated 19- Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. S. A. 8-8 D - - � DEPARTMETtT OF' FlI�tAN GE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIMAMC--a ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l70t TION DESCRIPTIONA ASSESSED - VALUATION - LAND DINGS BUIL! Commencing at a point on the north: ` 1 3-iae . of Como Ave. 160 ft. northwee t :rro>9ra the southeast corner of Lot 35 Bloc]c 3 Ware and Hospes Addition, tjaLeace northeast parallel to the southeast A 213,Le of said lot 150 ft., thence son-theas-b jPars_11el-to Como Avenue -87._70 feet'- to the. gest line of aforesaid addition theace X- oss said west line to the south line o� Mcgenty Street thence west on ss.ici south - 3 3rie to the west line of BE Of 2y8: o Section 26-29-23, thence south orm section line to north line - oY Como ence Sg to beinnning n 8E of g e- thi 3400 6000 ME -JL of 26-29-23. T2aat part lying south of '=ice Tight of way of St. Paul s -r CL Northern Pacific_ Railway o g the HE j of the NE k. of 26-38-23 i�� O Eae Hale and MOKenty Sts) 1 4 2 301a.2e St. Garden 75 Lots StPau1, 4 . 3 Minn- 350 5 3 do 350 6 :3 do 350 7 3 clo 350 Forth 295.16 feet of west 295.16 feet of NE� of of__sect.26-29. 3 north 30 ft taken for o�.ening Maryland_ 3t.) _ _ ; 3000 3000 __Ssot_14. and _that part_ of 15 La.k a Camo V111gs_ - 5200 _ lying northerly of a 2-iue 75- feet southerly_ from and parallel to - ----teeter- line of railroad. East 40 feet of ; wrest So feet of 6 ? 12ogers tan Hendricks 200 -- ' Wiest 40 feet of 6. -7 do 225 _. TO ' i Z FST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDPER DESCRIPTION LOT -. BLOCI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f LAND BUlLDINGS A strip of land 150 ft. in width Unplatted being 75 ft. on either side cf u center line as located over and across the Northeast j of the Northeast of Sec.26,Town.29,Range $3. 4 '. ;Slayton's Sub. 125 of L.7,Blk.7, 5 Rogers, & Hendricks 125 - ;, Acre Lots. 6 do 125 10, Slayton's Sub. 125 !of L.8,9 and 1U, 11 Rogers:& Hendricks 125 Acre Lots. 12, do 125 13, do 125 i;. 14 ! do 125 15, do 125 16. do 125 1400 17, do 125 300. ltl:do 15U ;. 3100 (Ea.Wheelock Pkwy.) 1 9 ;Como Hgts.Add. 25 to the City of 1 ! 1 ,Saint Paul. 200 2 1 '. do 125 3 1 _do 125 _._.. 4 1 _ do. __ 125 5- .1 do - I 125 6_ ; 1 ..do_- 125 - 7 1 do 125 do 150 - (Ex.wheelock Pkwy.) 9 1 I do 200 do ! 101 1 do _ _ 150 1740. I TOTAL_ .. -.._ -.. .. CITY OF JT. PAU4 • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOTI eLoc�A I T I O N, ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS N.E.t of S.E. of Sec. 23, Town 29, Unplatted SOU.:: Range 23, (Ex1 198 ft.of N.W.} t ereof and except etreets) (Ex. N. 50 f t. of W.158 f t. and do 1,140 ;I 20551 . excepT Avenue) 5.198 ft.of N.W.} of N.W.* of S.E.} of Sec. 23,Town,29,,Range 23. 3 2611 Oomo 400 (Ex.X.50 ft.) 4 26. do 500 X.50 ft, of 4 26, do 150 2800 W. of E.line of N.W.} of Sec. 23, Town 29, Range 23. 8.50 ft.of N.103.79 ft.of 5 26 do 150 2350, _ (Ex. N. ;03.79 ft.) 5 26 do 300 3000 i; 6 26 ; do 75U 3100 North 50 ft. of 4 251 do 100 1 25 do 450 2 18', do 45U 1200 3 18. do 450 . c 4 18' do 450 5 i 18 "', do 450 6 118 do 450 300: ;! (Except Hoyt Ave.) 1 19! do 450 µ_.That part-. of do _ _ That palest 2 10ge _-300,.,_-- of West line of -N.E. of N.W. -of_Sec.23,Town 29,;Ran 23. � That- part. part_ of _ _ _3 ,_1U do _ 3UU lyingWest of West line of N.Z.} of .N.W.of Sec.23, Town 29, Range 23. that part of 3 lU, do- 150 lying East of West line of N.E. Of N.W.*-of Sec.23,Town 29,Range;23.; 4 ! lU; do 45U 5 _ lU _ -d° - - -._ 4.50 - I CITY OF.fr. PAUL, - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI "^"CE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B) -- DESCRIPTION Lor e�ocec ADC)I TION ASSESSED VALUATION BUILDINGS That part of 6 :10 . Como X50 lying East of west line of N.E. of N.W4 of ®eo.23,Town 29,Range'23. East 1/2 of 1 9 do 250 500 2 6 do 550 3 6 : do 450 i 4 `: 6 do 450 5 6 do 45U 6 6 do 450 . 1 7 do 550 550 3 1 ; Royal Oaks 1300 3650 1 1 :Como Pk. 3rd A c3, 150 5 1 do 125 6 1 do 125 G 1 ; 2 ! do 175 ;, 2 2 1 do 175 I. lea 3 2 do 125 4 2 do I, 125 5 2 ': do 3-25 6 2 do 125 _ _ 1 3 i do 75 - -- j2 3 -do __ _ 75 _. w 4 3 i do 75 5 3 _do 75 6 3 do 75 7 3 do 75 8 3, do_ 75 Fo11w n.e.il , r .r A.\teaCITY OF Sr. PAUI, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION SOT DESCRIPTION :3- LAND BUILDINGS 9 3 Como Pk.3rd Add. I 75 1 4 do 75 2 4 do 75 3 4 do 75 4 4 do 75 5 4 do 75 6 . 4 do 75 7 4 do „75 ti 4 do 75 9 . 4 do 75 16 .2 Ryan's Sub.of 15U B1k.6,Rogers & 17 .2 Hendricks Acre 150 Lots to St -Paul .16 .2 Ramsey Co.Minn. 150 (Ex.Parkway) 19 2 do 200 5450 do .2u .2 do 15U do .21 .2 do 50 do 1.24 2 do 300 do ( 25 2 do do ( 26 .2 do y .27 .2 do 15U .2d .2 do 125 .29 .2 do 125 250 30 2 do 125 4500 Ella M.Warrens 75 .17 .2 - Sub.of Blk.3, 18 .2 Rogers & Hendricks 75 Acre Lots .19 •2 do 75 . i Torg`65,565. 4ti,605. e.a., of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �& - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 / / Office of the Commissioner of Public Works JU Report to CdYnmissioner of Finance nim 27 1986 Bray_ 27.:...193Q- - -------.192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 85353 May 21, 1930 Council, known as Council file No...._.__...__......approved._.__...__..._..._...___.......___.._---192._.. relative to - -.....(A .-k - - - - , -- -- - - ----- opening --- .,-._wi.�lnng..-and..-extending_-a_.street (Anoka Cut-off between Larpenteur Avenue and the intersection of South St. and Grotto St. - _... . . - . -- ..-...__.....- ....--...... _.... _ _.... - - ------------ - '- and widening of Grotto St. between South St. and Como Ave. ------ -- -- ......--- - ... ......... . --... - ..... _ .._ ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... _....._....... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S__..X_.- and the total cost thereof is S-_...____...__Axx.-, and the hature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....__ ..._ .___ ........-.._.__.....____....__......._----- ----- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --------------- -- ......._.._...- --- -- - -.. ........... - ------------------- ...-..._-- - ------- - ----------------------..._. 5. Said improvement is ---- _.__-------- _........ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Publi orka. PETITION WE THE UNDERSIGNED, residents and property owners in Dale and Como districts do hereby object to the pro- posed location of the Anoka Highway cutoff, but favor the use of Dale Street instead: ii V7 94, i s 7V ;7116 14, /nryC2 , tot cl, C� IXJ7 ST. PAUL. MILAN. S114 --- B-Unalie-z- --- _._..._. ---- - We the undersigned residents living'on Como Blvd. west of Dale St. her protest the routing of Highti:'aS No. 62 for all or aw distance on said Blvd. Ye ' ;x/c }'i WF ST. PAUL OF CITY CLERK ENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. 0� 1 FILE N 1�1 WMCREAS, Wm. J. O'Rourke has petitioned the Couacil for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1332 Selby avenue; and 11� r WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph IF, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; and WHEREAS, Said Wm. J. O'Rourke has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out with driveways, curb retui:ns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to Wm. J. O'Rourke to install and maintain a drive-in filling station In accordance with the plan submitted; any changes From the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subj ect to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds asci Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines sha11 be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. C de F_ No 56013 `By ClyR Mey— Whereas Wt- J ORourke hay pe- �tltioned: the C un fo oe ztl nt to staDl R ,y n t _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ___ In favor Pearce �% Rosen _____` --. Against Mr. President Bundlie �f1 L 0 5 193, Adopted by the A o e — - ---19 -- t ----------------------------- -------------------- MAYOR *AW p IL D. W. BIRDS ALL. �itij of *aint vau1 CST CLKKK AND COMMI�GION[R OI KKDI{TPATON Metre of (ptU (A ierk duly sth. 1930• Mr. E. M. O meill. Corporation Counsel. Building. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please find applications of the following parties for filling station permits which were granted by the Council today and re - ferrel to you for the proper resolutions% Paul H. Peterson - oNorthwest occorner of Snelling ndolph Wm. J. CrRourke - on Lot s Add ock112. Anna E. S Ave. Ramsey Yours very A—'$ C CARD NO COMMISSIOW, F FINANCE St. Paul. Minn ............June 27 x. 19230 Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of - --'N-J'---O1-Rourke... ...._-- to erect and install a filling station onXK .10 14 —Bike _, I4-1_--.--_-- Anna-E,. Ra sey'.s_Add.--1334 e.1bY...Ave...-....-.. - _._........ .............. _ _ ..... - ............ __......_. . will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the.......8th day of..__..._ .... Ju1Y--------- .., IM... at 10 o'clock A. M. �V111V fl. gtt_iYVl\AWIf T �. Commissioner of Finance, f` S. J. MURNANK. CHIEF OP POLICR MICHAEL ORSHARDT. AYBT. CHI►► or PoLICB H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN Or DETECT.— THOMAS E. CAHILL. JUNIOR CAPT. or DETECTIVE. O. H. BARPUBS. BUR., 'T TRAI►IC A. L. EOOERT. LIC[NRY INSPECTOR JOB. MACAULAY. SUR. POLICE S ►IRE ALARM *itIS,., V of Saint Paul Deportment of 1301ir Safetg J. IPf-G'CAlY . COMMISSIONER . DEPUTY CO. -..ION.. BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM SIE COURT HOUBB Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ANT. PIN CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INBPB:TOR. FIRE PRNINTION CHARLES L. WILLIE. SUPT, O► APF=%. B. P. SIMON. M. D. No►S.Ia A. xL M. D. DEPUTY HGLTH O-1— JOHN MARTI. CHIEF H—H INSPECTOR July 2, 1930 Returned herewith is the application of William J. O'Rourke for permission to instal a drive- in gasoline filling station at 1332 Selby Avenue, and reports of inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and the Bureau of Traffic. VeryL!Y� tGlinlGV Commissioner of Public Safety 0 (j /Le -j - E. J. MURNANE. CHIP Ow POLICE MICHAELOESHAROT. AM_ CHIMP OF POLIC. H. A. VALL. APTAI CN OP D--.YM.THOMAS E. DAHILL, JUNIOR CAR. OF DMTECTIVMM O. H. SARFUSS, SUPT. OF TRAFFIC A. L. ESOERT. LICEN.. IN.P[ . JOS. MACAULAY. SUR. POLICE O FIR. ALARM IMP of Saint Paul Department of JHub1fr SafeiV J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNMLL, -U - BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM 112 COURT HOUSE E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE June 26, 1930 OWEN C. DUNN. FIRM CHID OSCAR LANDER. AMMT. FIRE CHI" WILLIAM BARRON. CHIMF INMPECTOR. FIRM PRNEHTION CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUPT. OP APPARATU. B. F. SIMON. M. D. H"LTH O"ICME A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DMFUTY HEALTH OFFICE! JOHN MARTI. CHI., HEALTH IH.PMROR Mr. George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Pablic Safety, Saint Paul, Uinnesota. Dear Sir; Answering your letter of June 25 relative to application made by William J. O'Rourke for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 14, Block 12, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, also known as 1332 Selby Avenue, will say that I have today made an inspection of this location. There will be no interference to traffic from this station except that the driveway thereto is in line with the present strebt car stop. To relieve this situation, the Street Car Company could be asked to have the street cars make a near -side stop at that location. Very truly yours, /� Harry Wettergren Traffic Bureau tv of Sat in 1� C. --,P, POLIGi MICHAEL OEBHAROT. ASST. CHIEF OF POLICE H. A. VALL. Department of Public Safetg AFT C.IN OF DETECTIVe. THOMAS E. DAHILL. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER JUNIOR CA". OF DET[CTIVE. O. H. BARFLIES, HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUR. OF TRAFFIC A. L. EGGERT. LIC[NS[ INSPECTOR JOS. MACAULAY. SUPT, POLICE 6 PIRG ALARM 214 COURT HOUSE eOgR.. 1 Hon.Gee.O.SudheiMer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.paul,*!inn. near Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIR[ CHI[! WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSF[CTOR, FIRE PRMNTIOM CHARLES L. WILLIE. SUPT. OF A—M-U. B. P. SIMON. M. D. HQALTH 07-7A. E. NICHOLe, M. D. DEPUTY HGLTN OF— JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HBALTN I.M.— July let 1930. In regard to the application of William J. O'Rourke for permissi6m to install a drive -iii gasoline filling station on Lot 14 „ Block 12, Anna E Ramsey's addition;1332 Selby Ave. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatity increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Al Chief Inspectsor. Dear Sir : Re : Drive -In Fillip Station, Lot 14,_ Blook 12, Ann ition BOY=S Add1Vm, Jo O;i Rourke, 1330 Selby Ave. The above station is to be located in a Commercial the Zoning Ordiaanee suhsubject cttoa heause is permissible under hearing the e city counoih. ?he applioant` has -agreed to setting the pumps 14 ft.' and lb ft. from Hemline Ave. as shown on the attached blue priest in red penoil. yours very truly, city Planning Ms - 09r - Approved o issioner cC Public WOr]Cso gh-rh oh LOUIS BETZ. VICE-CNAIRMAN L. C. HODGSON. MAYOR �I!-`�, O. W. ABERLE CNAIRMAN J. H. MCDONALD. ARTHUR CAINES - .. CON. OF PUBLIC WORKS J. M. CLANCY.• COM. OF PUBLIC SAFETY �. �j� T Y �KL MRS. P. N. CARDOZO W. L. DARLING L.. R. S. FERGUSON. COM. OFEDUCATION.R.r — 1 f��y�.A��..LK W. J. DRISCOLL O. W. ROHLAN lAFtL A�JJII�✓ -n_ Paul, JOHN FISCHER GDM. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES' - Cin DEN E. LANE G. C. SUDHEIMER. COM. OF FINANCE 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GEO. F. LINDSAY I_C. PEARCE. J. A. SEEGER COM. OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNpS - AND PUBLIC BUIL.1... GEORGE H. HERROLD. R. B. SHEPARD JOHN W. KELSEY. CITY ENGINEER p c on wvv ErvcINBER MwNwO1Nc In[ * A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE E. M. O'NEI LL. CORPORATION COUNSEL - ISAAC SUMMERFIELD WM. F. SCOTT. CITY COMPTROLLER July 3rd, 1930• H. VON DER WEYER G. L.. NASON. - SUPT. OF PARKS ][r; D. W. Birdeall , city clerk. Dear Sir : Re : Drive -In Fillip Station, Lot 14,_ Blook 12, Ann ition BOY=S Add1Vm, Jo O;i Rourke, 1330 Selby Ave. The above station is to be located in a Commercial the Zoning Ordiaanee suhsubject cttoa heause is permissible under hearing the e city counoih. ?he applioant` has -agreed to setting the pumps 14 ft.' and lb ft. from Hemline Ave. as shown on the attached blue priest in red penoil. yours very truly, city Planning Ms - 09r - Approved o issioner cC Public WOr]Cso gh-rh oh T. PAUL 1. BE AN. F, �N DUPLICATE OF TZ:-�.FSATO.FFICE. LED IN. TV .I I MAOe IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLER Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATE ------- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made By--------- ---- ------------------------ ----------------------------------- fc.lt�RM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A ----------- 2� -In ---------L.,------------------------------------ - L., ------------- — ------------------------ —RIVE IN On —SIDE GARW(�)�- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT -------- --------------------- DESCRIBED A - ------- /4 �Ijl- (ADDITION) (STREET ANO -;'u. MBE RI NO. OF PUMPS ---------- 6 ----------___—NO. OF GAS TANKS._______._ -,-----APA-.- OF EACH TANK___________ may^ -1 FILED ANK----- FILED S1.4-T.—RE OF APPLICANT. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE______________________________. ____.______ ___IB.______. DEPARTMENT --19 ------ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY By------- -- --- ------- - ------ BY 1_3 ------------ BU --7 --1 Q RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK CITY PLANNING BOARD By-------- ----------------------- - - - --- A. -- — POST--CARL' NOTICE! _ _OFFICE OE TH`E C ER OF LANAI, lCE June...27.t- _ St. Paul. -Minn.,_.._......- +'7 + Pursuant to Secoif St. Paul5 of , July 7th. 192 Ordinance ry uaare adopted hereby notified Council of the City that the application llfm J. O tRourke Y _. lot 14, blk 12, to erect and install a filling Add.station .-133 Selby AVP-. _ Anna E. Ramsey. 4 come up for consideration before the Council in th8thouncd ChamdBY `Y m the City Hall and Court House Building on the _ _. +of.-. July.. - ... M , at 10 o'clock A. M. JuKN H. McDONALD, ` Y Commissioner of Finance. at Paul, ilii—, July 7,1830. gongrable, Bohn H Mo Donald, (Attezntion of the Honorable Comuieeioner of kinanoe, Board of Councilmeea) Court" House, at Pani, Minn. Gentl6men•+ We the undersigned owners of real estate situated in Blocks 6 and 18, Anne Be'Hamseyu.hdditian -to the City o4 Ste Paul*- jainn.'which said properties are..desoribed herein opoeite our raspe- otive names signed hereto; Hereby obfeat to, protest and remonstrate against the creation and insthlling of a filling station on Lot 14 Block AE AAAG E. Ramsey addition to the City. of at. pe", Minn. " 1335 Selby Aver as applied for by one Wm. T. O'Ronrl- for the follow - Ing reasons. pfret-On account of the proposed location of .said stat- ion at practically. the toot of the Eastern approach on Selby Ave* to' the oserhead railroad bridge, there at; whioh bridge, and the steep Inan=e at the Baste= and thereof,(Towarde to East),would make such station and ite attending business operations, at Claes, at least, a, dangerous if not impassible obstruction to Bast bound traffic on Selby wvee SgOONg-On account that such station and its attending operations, storage of Oils, eto. would make it a continuing hazard from fire and eaplosion,and accident, to our said properties and we believe it would materially decrease the value thereof. THIRD_ That there is no public or. private need) demand fora filling station at such location. There scut being thrVe (3) fill- ing station now in operation within two blocks of said .property location - SIG* �{ ' OW.NSR OF LOT - BLOOK ASKS Be R&MBY" ADJ IL t��' &;Y /t nfc �f 4 epMtR IU e.,: 4 11i _ �! rvA+T4 L 779 Jp X41 0£6/ £s qov __ TO .. MADE 1. ORIGINAL CIT OF ST. PAUL T" T.. TRIPLICATE E D LED IN CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLER B OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ------- TO THE HOINORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made J) !(NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDU-) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A---- ---------------- - --- - ---------- - --- - - - -- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT___ _____------------- -------- BLOCK --------- ------------ --- -- �27111- L91DESCRIBED AS — -IADOITIONI (.TREETAND NUMBER) NO. OF PUMPS -----------------------NO. OF GAS TANKS. ------- - 27-1 ---- - ----- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK ------ - --- ------- - - -- ------ -;,.TUBE OF APPLICANT . - FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE___-_ 0 ------ I PUBLIC DEPARTM;E �PUBLIC SAFETY By___ . .. . ..... . ....... ................ - - ------- - 3-, RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 39 ----- 19 ----- - DATE____f -------------------____ ----- - ----- CITY PLANNING ARD By--------------- - - -- 10 0 ORIC INAL.TO c TY aEaK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL O• N '( FIGE OF CITY CLERK 'V PRE` yySENTEU BY CO SO �Ga:ME:RAL FORM • COMMI55[ONER DATE WECREAS, Paul H. Petersoxa Yeas petitioned the Council for perms ssion to install eL drive-in filling station on, the northwest corner of Randolph and Snelling; and WHEREAS, A gnearing has been Zse1cl in accordance with Para- graph P', Section 5 of _No. 5840; and WEOMEaQ, Said Paul H. Peterson has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out With driveways, curb returns, pump. location, siclewalks, eta _ X`or the information of the Council a therefore, be it RESOLVED, T$at permissioxx and authority are hereby given to Paul H. Peterson to install and maintain a drive-in filling stat:Lcvxx In accordance with the plan submitted; any changes from the plan as approved wi11 automatically" void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in aacordaace with the ordinances of the City of St_ Paul, under the direction of —the Commissioner of Public Safety; the bruilding plans and landscaping to be subject to the °`fir f the Commissioner of Pa='ks , Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any- changes in curbixag,ANDidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisYaetion of the Commissioner of Public Works. . gL^90LII'PIOFS - No. �56012—gy Clyde R May— e ens, P-a:ul H.. Peterson h.as - pe– edthe Couscit -Lo>• permission to •- a drives- n filling station oa - tha •.Ced zedzv - r COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May McDonald V___________.._. In favor Pearce Rosen ------_./_. Against SWA6miw. Mrf President Bundlie, iC O� Adopted by the Council ------ ------------------------------ --------- ____ __-________.__________ _________s _____ ______________ PUBLISHED a POST CARD NOTICE! - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn ........ June-- 27_,.......... 1949. Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the applicatirtaUl H. Peterson -- -- - -e- - .._.. -._.....-.-_...................................- to erect and install a filling station on the Nt corner.of-_.... of______ ..8nelling. &...Randol.ptl—Lot 6, . ally. 8.,. Elmwood...... will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the .._ ...8th .....day of ._. JUlY------- _, 19150, at 10 o'clock A. M. joHa`I H, Mc -DONALD, Commissioner of Finance. K. JCH [ ROF POLICE MICHAEL OEBHARDT. Ater. CHIEF OF POLICE H. A. VALL. Cw . OF DET[RIVEE THOMAS S. IbAHINn' C ' JUNIOR AR. OF DET[.TIIi[E O. H. BARFUSS. _ BUR. O! TRAAIC A. L. EOOERT. LI..... IHEF[CTca Joe. MACAULAT. OUR. POU.[ a FIRE Auer Ctv of Saint Paul Drpagmr�j ml�lic �ttfei WAIQCV. COMMISSIONER �. D VTY. oMMlaaloNaR F. W..Siegel BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM III COURT HOUSE ate. Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: OWEN C. OUNN. FIR[ CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. MET. FIR[ CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INEPECTOa. Fla[ PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIB. BUR. OF APFARATY[ B. F. e1MDN• M. D. NSA._ E. NICHOLS, M. p. D®UTT HEALTH OFFICER - JOHN MARTI, CHIEF HEALTH I- -- July 31 1980 Returned herewith is application of Paul H. Peterson for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Randolph and Snelling Avenues, and reports of inspect- ion of the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. L Commissioner of Public Safety E. J. MURNANE. C.— O► POLIc[ MICHAEL OEBHARDT. ABET. CHIEF OF POLIO[ H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN or DERCCTIVi. THOMAS E. DAHILL. JYHIO. CAPE. O► D[T[OT . Q. H. BAR►UEE. EY►i. Or TRA►►IC A. L. EGGERT. LIC[... I- Joe MACAO -AT. EOPi. PCLIC. 6 PIR. AU Ctm of _*ahtt Paul REprttrtment of fluhlir _-A_iktfrtg J. M. CLANQY-. COMMISSIONER Hw RY T_ O'CoNNELL. O n CCAir lcslol.cR BUF2EA*.0 OF POLICE ROOM tti COYRT NOYSE E_ J. MURNANE. CHIEF of POLICE June 30, 1930 Mr. George C. Sudheimer, Cormnissioner or Public Safety, Saint Paul, t;innes ota. Dear Sir: OW EAI G_ DUNN. FIRE GHIEf OSCAR LAN OE.R. Ai�T: FIRE CNIV W ILJLIAM BARRON, GMI6f INSPECTOR. PI[i PR[V[NTIOM CHARLES L_ WILLIE. MlU__ Of APIA _. B_ F_ SIMON. Y_ D. FiRA[.T1. C—ImIDI A_ E_ NIGMOLm. M. D. JOHN MARTI. CZ—. HEALTH IN.P[CTO[ Answering yours or June 27 rti v else to appli ca- tion made by Paul H. Peterson for permissiori to instal a drive-in gasoline Filling station on Lo=c 6, B1oc1c L, Blrmvood Addition, 1=avrn as the norti-hves-t_ corr_er of Randolph and Snelling Avenues, will say that lfr F�usnLier of the City Planning Board and I made an inspection of this location. We find that there is a car stop at this corner but on account of street cars making a turn to go .•Orth on Snelling ,venue, it is necessary for south-boczici cars to stop far enough back to give north-bournci esrs c3oarsnce. This v. -Ill allow passengers to board street cars set a poirt north of driveway into oil station. Because of this, this station w4L12 not inter- fere vaith traf£i c . Very truly yours Harry ettersrer3 TraS'i'ic Bureau ApprovedJ/^�/ Thom�r (R . B Chief of Police E. JC.1. ROI Poli.[ MICHAEL GEbHARDT. ASST. CHIEF OF POLICE H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN OI DETECTIVE. THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAFT. OF DET. -II. O. H. BARFUSS. BUR. OF TMFFIC A. L. EDOERT. LICENSE INSPECTOR JOB. MACAULAY. SU POLICE b PIR. ALARM eitV of Saint Paul Department of jaublir Safety J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O,CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 3I4 COURT HOUSE .y4sw1 gon.Geo.C.gudheimer Commissioner of public Safety, St.paul,Minn. pear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIR. CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CNIEI IN.IECTOR• FIRE PREVENTION CHAS F EB APPAMTUS B. F. SIMON. M. D. HEALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MART" CHIEF HEALTH IN.1•ECTOR July let 1930. In regard to the application of Paul H. Peterson for northwest $corner oofnRandolphstall a dand Snelling iAvesng tation on the 'Re have investigated the foregoing and report that lsuh an yoincreasettheation at,,the fire hazard inired location that vicinity would net great- Reessspeeccttffuully yours, chief Inspector. CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TNIB APPL-TION TO BE MADE IN TRIPLICATE ANO FILED IN THE CITY �LERK'e OFFICE. DATEC/( / S ----------- TO-____- TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made -------------- ----------------------- --------------- BY-- -- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A ------ -pq�vE Irv' oR 'trvBIDE BLOCK_____ ___ _------------ —__--_ —_ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT L_--_ — ALSO DESCRIBED AS �V^ tBTREET ANO IONI NO. OF PUMPS----------- --------_NO. OF GAS TANKS .------- ------------ CAPACITY OF EACH TANK __-- — ----- :9 — er�IwE OP APPLICANT. RECEIVED CO 70M CITY CLERK DATE------------ DEPARTMENT ______—__DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY C _ -- --- BUSINE68 ADORE88 lea, A 7 A 7— RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK -' // l9 DATE -------- CITY PLANNIN BOAR --------- — ________—______—__— LOUIS BETZ. VICE-CHAIRMAN L. C. HODGSON. MAYOR _ D. W. ABERLE CHAIRMAN ARTHUR CAINES J. H. MODONALD. COM. OF PUBLIC WORK' J. M. CLANCY. Y■ * r V 1ann `n$ i�IIFir MRS. P. N. CARDOZO W. L. DARLING COM. OF PUBLIC SAFETY i. �✓ �T W. J. DRISCOLL L. R. S. FERGUSON. COM. of EDUCATION - v ` �4YvsA+ JOHN FISCH ER O. W. ROHLAND. JR.. W�.��■sa.R�.rA2ElT}t �u`-L uj,j,�7 11►1 DEN E. LANE COM. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES G. C. RGH BUILDING CEO. F. LINDSAY COM ~OF FNANCE Q4 PjTTSSU J. A. SEEGER I. C. PEARCOE. _ C NO PUB Pc BUILDINcs ROL rlos GEORGE H. HERROLO. R. B. STEPARD A. H. STEM JOHN wAAI.IACInc alaec-oR Ano EnclneEw J. GLAIR STONE CITY ENGINY. EER E. M. O'NEILL. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD CORPORATION COUNSEL H. VON DER WEYER Wm. F. SCOTT. CITY COMPTROLLEF fglp 3rd, 193 • G. L. NASON. Suvi. OF PARKS W. Birds e3ZZ s Q i -t -73r 4='JL cam` Dear Sir a Re Driwe-ln Service Station, Lot 6, Block 6 Elmwood Addn. (FW corner Snelling & Randolph) Psu1 S. Peterson, BY- D., N. Reber, 50 1: Water St. `2wI3L3r_s s-t"a.tioa is to be located in a district zoned for C34cwNE133Me30'csi19Ll use, and such is permitted under the Zoaing subject to a hearing before the Oo nci1. �.ea =4s 4a=:LENT Reaort There are no engineer- ing diY�icuZ Zss 3.arolved. Youre very truly, _ ity. Planning ngineer. Approv _ ommissioa4ei= 0 tic orlLa.' St. Paul, Minnesota. July 10th, 1930- D- A. Birdsall, Esq., City Clerk, City Hall, St.,Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is a formal objection to the erection of a filling station on .. the corner of snelling Avenue and Randolph Street, this city, which plea;wpresent to the Council at Its neat meeting, Obliging, Truly yours, To the Honorable the Moil of the Oity of St. Paul; Please to take notice that the undersigned, John F. Brown residing at #Z$C Dayton Avenue in the City of St. Paul is the owner in fee of Lot 5, Block B, Elmwood an addition to this city, and which is commonly known and described as 475 South Snelling Avenue. Said lot is the second lot from i the corner lotion the southwest corner of the intersection of said Snelling Avenue with Randolph Street. The undersigned complains that without notice to him application was made to your Honorable Body for a license to ,construot a filling station on the corner lot which said corner lot immediately adjoins said promisee of the undersigned, and that the under- signed objects to the erection of a filling station at said location on the ground that the same will damage his property and render it unfit for human habitation, and this is his formal objection thereto, and the undersigned further respect- fully prays your Honorable Body for an opportunity to present his formal objection before your Body. Respectfully submitted, i To the Honorable the Moil of the Oity of St. Paul; Please to take notice that the undersigned, John F. Brown residing at #Z$C Dayton Avenue in the City of St. Paul is the owner in fee of Lot 5, Block B, Elmwood an addition to this city, and which is commonly known and described as 475 South Snelling Avenue. Said lot is the second lot from i the corner lotion the southwest corner of the intersection of said Snelling Avenue with Randolph Street. The undersigned complains that without notice to him application was made to your Honorable Body for a license to ,construot a filling station on the corner lot which said corner lot immediately adjoins said promisee of the undersigned, and that the under- signed objects to the erection of a filling station at said location on the ground that the same will damage his property and render it unfit for human habitation, and this is his formal objection thereto, and the undersigned further respect- fully prays your Honorable Body for an opportunity to present his formal objection before your Body. Respectfully submitted, COUNCIL NO. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE , s OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 4 1- /�?`7/ JL RESOI'Ui'1;`D��jGENERAL FORM oOFCFN Y TFf] BY �/.iD, lel/✓ i��J SAT _ �-- WHEREAS, A sweater, of the value of 44.00, belonging to Charles Wallblom, 1083 Bradly Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, was lost from a locker at the Phalen Park Bath House, and as the City of' St- Paul is responsible therefor, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of qK.00 in favor of said Charles Wallblom, to reimburse him for the loss of said sweater, said sum to be payable out of the Park Refectory Pund, Item 18 18 COUNCILMEN JQL m 9 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_.. ---------------19--- Conroy illi y May McDonald - -In favor Aped ___.—_Pearce Rosen __. Against ___.._- ______ MAYOR Mr. President Buodlie 1 , I DUPLICATE TO CITT-CLE$i Conroy CITY OF SAINT PAUL 7CITY 4CO�,j .qCOUNCILMEN ROLL CALL oDonal&FFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILO.,___---____! 3 �- -May COUNCIL Rosea AUDITED C LUT�oN �a NFAVOR PearceLAIMS---------- --- 19 30$YGMG{MFji _-Q-AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKSN OON�T(HE TY TREASURY.MR. PPRE .. FfGB6SOIPBundlie TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 183. . COVERINGq6 �[ CHECKS NUMBERED_—a__. INCLUSIVE. ASADOPTED BY THECOUNCI7Jl4GF._-w-�- ------ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN T F T CITY COMPTROLLER.i --------- 9___-_______—__-_-- APPROVED________ -- O TY cOMPTROLLER-_-----_.____ BY___._____- CHECK 1 IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED BANK , NUMBERBY ' TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 4 BROUGHT FORWARD I 12 bo 383217 26 '' 6646 '', Kilimerts Northern Nurserie, 394 50 6647 Lamettl & Mariani 2 162 00 Jae. F. Dore 6649 The speoialty Printing Comp 'y 60 31 6642 60 6650'1; John H. McDonald, C.of Fin. 6651 John H. McDonald, C.of Fin. 710 2 746 00 94 6652 1 Theo. G. Hells & Company 133 33 6654 ij Pasquale Del Fiaoco 32 02 4 Peter Alexander 6655 Delis Brownl 22 29 28 OB 6656 ! Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 40 00 6657 „ Anna Wagner Peitsoh 24 92 6658 I! Mrs. Hannah Peterson 22so 6629 ! Elfrida Soderberg I' 3 040 45 6660 David Corbey 6661 Elsa M. Obst, Treasurer R.OoI 78 23 66632 ! John H. Mo Donald, O.of Fin. 00 666 G.4 1 Theo. G. Hells & Company 1415 100 20 Ford Strane 6665 j American Insurance Agency 522150 11 031 191 6666 !1 Board of Public Welfare j 6667 f Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burns it 190 i 6662 Central Soap Company 48 6669 �0705 Central Supply Company 53 6670 E.H. Crabtree Company 61 23 °, 6671 !! Martin F. Falk Paper Companyl, 320 2 6672 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Compa y 6673 Federation Insurance Agency ',I 190 1', 6674 Feyen Construction Company ' I 249 66755 '' Chas, Friend & son,Inc. 452 7 667b General Electric Supply Comp'; y 5 ! 6677 jl Johnson Printing Company 292 132 0 9 6672 j J.F. Kain, Cashier Water Dep t. 6679 Kenney -Michaud Agenoy,Ino. 190 475 0 6620 W.T. Koop Agency 0 !' 6621 Lamprey Products Company 45 0 6682 ;� Landon. -Sauer Insurance Ageno j j� '1 6683 Walter T. Lemon i1 400 95 0 6684 T.P. Lowe & Company ',. 17 4 Maendler Brush Mfg. Comj%ny 668 F.J. Morse & Company j 38 6687 Nicole, Dean &Gregg 15 16688 $prthern States Power Oompan ! 3 012 6669 1 40s. Pavlloek j 425 3 0 6690 ( Peilen & Pellet 15, I! 6691 i; The Plant Company 0 6692 !i Joseph A. Rogers Agency 25 66943 St.Paul Builders Material company 2,07 9 6694 sanitary Food Mfg. Company I ii 3b 57 2 6695 Somfers Company 6762 6696 Standard stone Company 1 7 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 6697 & 6698 11 Twin City Iron & wire Company, 36 121 0 6699 ; Victory Printing Company 6700 ;; warms Famous Fudge Shop II 16 2 67QI I The waterous Company � 470 6702 lil Westinghouse Electric Supply o. 1 50 q0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 12�qo 422 000 9C -- - - NO. A-12.2 YM I3-2.41 I - • DUPLICATE TO CITY CL CITY OF SAINT PAUL r I Conroy COUNCIL )� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 10DOna1�FICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO—'---- --------- - -- - "GY, uEy COUNCIL RESOLUTION ..... ....IN FAVOR pe on AUDITED CLAIMS ................. Jay ...9 ................. ,9.3�.. Aaee� 81IDMtHAF9t ........... AGAINST �' RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DR'lAWN 0 THE C(JTY TREASURY, MR. HODG(Il dlie TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 8--_'T�rO ���+--, COVERING L ,m Q CHECKS NUMBERED__jl��'AWTCOI 1---___ 7GJG-INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI .__PER CHECKS ON FILE OF T CITY COMPTROLLER. ,n ----'-- APPROVED----------- BY -----�--"'.^-----" - �-sl � CITY COMPTROLLER ___-___ _ ______ _________________ MAYOR, _____________________________�___--___----__- i _. TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD a lljo AM OA 6104 'I �9e11enDiokeno0omeanEquipe0o, 670 y Company 6705 H, A, 0henneseran 6706 Fred G. Albreoht 6707 ;! A.L. Snyder,, -Director 6708 i Otto J. Zupfer 6709 11 Mrs. A.D. Goldsmith 67101 Midway Printing Company. Inc 6711 i'; H.A. Olson Speoialty Compan7 6712 '! St.Paul Letter Company 671 I Mrs. Wm. 0. Schemann 67 '11 G. Sommers & Company 71 Twin City Motor Bus Company 6716 !j Rose Hazelton 6717 11 General Chemical Company 6718 II Koehler & Hinrichs Company 6719 ''' John H. McDonald, C.ofrin. 6720 City Of Stepaul, Minn. 6721 ;i Elea m, Obst, Treasurer 6 22 Elmer Peterson 6 2 Harry PittelkoN 672 Anchor Insurance Oompan-y 672 ;I S. Berglund Lumber Company 6726 1 8, Brand Coal Company 6727 !! Me Brings d Company 6 28 i1 Capital City Lime & Cement C 6 29 1 Capital Ice & Fuel 00pany 6730 ji Oapitol Laundry 0011pany 6 31 1 Citizens Ice & Fuel Oompany 632 Crescent Creamery Company 6733 �j 1,4 0heokwriter Sales Compa 6734 'I; R.L. Gould & Company 6735b I Griggs, Cooper & Company 11 Harper Nut Company 6737 11 E.F. Houghton Company 6738 R.E. Hulme Company JohnaonIs Market House 6740 Wm. Kline 6741 Sand OfLakes Creameries,Ino. 6742 ii Chas. Mayer Tobacoo Company 6743 ri Gus D. Messing 6744 11 Mpls.St.Paul & Sault Ste.Ma, 6745 .j National Equipment Oorporat! 6746 Niools, Dean & Gregg Company !6 47 ii N.W. Bell Telephone Company ` 6 48 N.W. Stamp Works,Ino, II 6 40 N.W. Trust Company 6750 Price Electric Company 6751 1 Mr. James Rasmussen 6752 Royal Typewriter Company 675 St.Paul Hydraulic Hoist Comb: 6 IHydraulio Hoist Company 675;�St.Paul Stamp Works ;6756 ISt.Paul Statuary Company 6757 1ISt.Paul Vooational school 67158 1Mrs. Blanohe Savage 6759 j A.G. Spalding & Brother 7 500 00 Ry, Co. 15 654134 15 438 21 10 00 1 4o8 5o 1 280100 65 2476100 24110 31' 00 7 11 12 00 40 0 2 074141 200!00 556 �006 39 50 00 10' 86 ��6 8010 81 8 125 0 6o 8 2250 397 0 132 3 5g 17 1 91 8 288 0 26 68 6 18 7 22 5 12 0 50 0 0 10 5 81 850 qdt0 17 � -294 30 --- - SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD „ 7. 51s I ...462 565156 .... NO -2-2 IIM 12-28 - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couHnu NO. ................. ��1���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK le -8y Milton Roesn Te Commissioner of Feb.I. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,-reported to:;. the Coun aneq with' Section 63 of 'te' he ezlstenoa of an' end red aeoea my ..... _.......... DATE.. ... . ...... _... .. .._...... .......... �- a t�lll;• � .. ... WHEREAS, The Comini.ssioncr of Puolic ,•forks has r RESOLVEn ported to the Council in accordaVzce vdith Section 5-DOf the City Charter, the e,.istuacc of an emerg ncy which rendered no the umployment of curtail umplo6eiaof his'Departmcnt for morn than cig'_zt hour: per day, e-nploymcnt being more than their usual liours of omploy- munt: THEREFORE BE IT RU,SOLI-j?,D, That tlic proper city Officers o pay the fo are hereby authorized tilovring named aro at the rato othor:'is e fixed i cr extra employment for the extra time he-reiraftcr set fortis: Name Title . Bernard M. Andert Mtc.Lab. Aussant, Jos. A. Util.Lab. Brown, Edw. J. S.S.Engr. Brunner, Joseph Sheath.Foreman Brygicki, Gregor Util.Lab. Carroll, James H. Mtc.Lab. DeMarais, Mike Util.Lab. Diegnau, Felix 3r.Wkr.Foreman Diegnau, Marvin Util.Lab. Duren, August J. Stat.Engr. Elliott, Ed. Sub -Foreman Faust, E. A. Supt.Gar.Coll. Flaherty, Martin Com.Lab. Heller, Walter A. Truck Driver McGinley, Toney Mtc.Lab. Maidl, Francis Truck Driver Marhoun, Frank Mte.Lab. Mulkerin, Pat J. Com.Lab. Olsen, Tom. G.S.Eng. Paulson, Kenneth C. Com.Lab, Person, Olaf idtc.Lab. Petranton, Michael sub -Foreman Price, Carl A. Util.Lab. Putnam, Fred pub -Foreman Rich, Augustus L. Staty.Eng. Schriefer, John Mtc.Lab. Y eas Clancy Ferguson `Jin f, McDonald McGlogan J,,.-"' ,Against Mr. President Adopted by Hours Ovcrt3.mC. Approved W1� ,50 4.55 1 1.25 75 1 .55 .50 3 1.50 4 55 13 0 .6232' 8 . 63;1, 3 5 .66 3 50 x4 2 •59 1 •45 4 1.25 2 .45 2 . 0 2 •621,2 31 •55 a .62;1, "2 • 74 1 50 Approved W1� CITY OF SP Net, acoueca NO. ......... ye •- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` _ _... DATE .: _.......,,..._....----' COMMISSIONER._....... .._.__._.../ _..___. VrEFRFAS, The C0ml.l1 sionc.r J1 1710711(! c�ith S^.c µ j of RESOLVED rtod to the Council, 9.n accord:.�."Ice �xitich the ity Charter, the e::iete:Icc o_` n cm' icy to cs oronf the um to ort o or ail' umP y his Doc ecessforary p hours per day, said his Depio tm for Coro than cc,ir uaual Hours of employ- e'..1ployment be ing c tha munt: .cr City officers Ti-IrFiEFORi BE ESO Tha: prop n^,mod cm - arc here uthorized to pay the foi � to t plo at the rato othcr�'is c fircd f cr ex yrcen�l th(: c):tra time hereinafter set forth: Hours Rate of Title pvertimc_ Name— — — — — - — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Simmer, Ray G.S.Eng. 932' 1.25 Sullivan, John T.. Utilityman 1912 .14 Tighe, Thomas 2ftc.Lab. 50 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In favor .............. ,_....,._Against SndkelffllP UX.eeeF' Mr. President JUL ? g 18sr Adopted by the Council ............................................... ...92Approv -- ..... 'Alit T '! ._ t92 ..... /n'L�GY/i�" ._._._....................__..._ MAYOR PUBLISHED-, - CITY OF STS 2'� 'COU "CIL NO. ............................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lc COUNCIL RESOLUTION—CENRRA - FORM COUNCILMEN PRESENTED BY DATE....... ............................. COMMISSIONERWHEE - ---- AS, The com'a-LSSionc r o`u0�� Coancil, -4Jith Sic ,rJnich RESOLVED rted to tie ity Charter, the tom' yp cs of cm loy the rondcrc eccseary the-rmpl0y- M. - e . - - c_tpe hcurs per uay, said his Dcoartm for more than c - u5uc.1 flours of employ- cmployment be ing c tIILL _ ci r ment: T'ria: P roper city officers T1,rrEFURi BE �SOLV-r'� , uthorizcd- to p�-y t110 foi n-'iacd cm- I loyrnen t arc hero t the Nato other='is c fixad -to set for cx Cr plo the e%tra time Noe s Rate of Ti t1c Overtime_ Name - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---- --- ---------- Simmer, Ray G.S.Eng. - 9%Z 125 , 19 %2 F� Sullivan, John W. Ut iti tpman .. 50 1 5� Tighe, Thomas 2dtc.T..ab. COUNCILMEN Y cac Nays 6lawey In favor ar&r• V Against 17Yrece� �'+�vr� Mr. President Adopted by the Council ............................... 5__..,....�j............192..... - - Approv �7��/G��Cf�' 11 q �ii0. 192.._. /------- ' ._.._...__...._..._..._._.... MAYOR JIBLISHED-, �Aa. An emergency has arisen in the D=+kRTH 1 OF PUBLIC WORIM, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Repairing Sewers, Tunnels, and Streets; adjusting machinery; oiling streets; This emergency arose by reason of the folloving facts and circumstances: Emergency calls for sevzer repairs received at all hours; Cleaning and making emergency repairs to streets caui COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO• OFFICE yy%%yppgqpq CITY CLERK- 011f�RES'0UTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller,. 10 Ford Tudor sedans, equipped with automatic windshield wipers, rear view mirrors,. red cowl lights, spare tire rack and wheel, front and rear bumpers, color of body and fenders to be black, for the Police Radio Department, at a Bost of $5,545.00, less an allowance of #530.00 for one 1925 Lincoln touring oar, one 1924 Dodge sedan and one White patrol wagon to be taken in trade on the above purchase, making the net cost not to exceed $5,015.00, without advertisement, as these are patented artioles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund- ftnicipal Equipment 1003-A-139 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _.-. _Jr, favor Pearce / 1 Rosen ---___ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Jud. b 1 . Adopted by the Council ----------- -`°___ _------ vpfl{il"p'n APP- - - -------------------I9 - -- MAYOR COUNCIL NC1� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK T Fj PA L-� O IG E K CO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -Nr - - AL'F? f-M.T7.1 TllTy COMMISSIONER RESOLVED WHEREAR, in the Cor st ruction of the Eastern Heights School, the City finds it necessary to alter the specifications to order the contractor to add 3/8^ steel rods 12° on center it order to make the plastering work on the ceiling perT+A went and satisfactory, and WHEREAS, the stairway leading down to the basement is too steep and danger -o xt3 s and by extending the steps 3 and 320 on the platfor= we secure a 11" tread in place of a 911 tread, THEREFORE BE 2T FSS OLVF'D, that upon the recommendation of the City Architect as per letter attached, the contract price with Edward Bjor1r-3-LAxxc1 be increased by Two Hundred and Twenty Three ($225.001 X011 ars for the steel rods and Fifty Nine Dollars aLx'cL zt Five ($59.85) Cents for altering the stairway, making a -t,-ota1 additionalof Two Hundred and Eight Two Dollars and Five ($282.85) Cents.' C. F. No. 80018—Byi C. Wb. --.-I.- -.11 Wbe.-In . the e onstrueti— of r1.n ,;encs. - Adopted by. the Council. July 10;.1930. Approved July 10. 1930. -12-1930) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May meamlatd— ------------ In favor Pearce O Rosen _____________-Against S.4eemTet— Mr. President Bilndlie JUL 10 1Q Adopted by the Council___________._____-_-__--- 9------- ■NIB � 0 c-J� -- -- 19 - ---------------- . .._ —________ MAYOR 5MIMMN�- .. 4ci-I -. O P Y. OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS �� �TSL1C BUILDINGS C i o -r Saint Paul 2 X lz�> City Hall. June 27, 1930. Hon. Irving C . Pe ar cP a Commissioner of Ecitzc� cvaz9 Endicott Building RE s HEIGHTS SCHOOL. Dear Sir: The plans and spe c i cam_ i ons on the Eastern Heights School for plastered cei �i r �_ © metal lath show that it is direct- ly applied to oasts, secured by nail inserts, which makes a spax'x 6 " for lath across the 'Joists. This procedure w111 -toe iical and unsatisfactory and will give a ceiling sub Z cracks and waves. I have ordered t13e C ���_ -Tactor to add 3/87 hard steel rods 12" on center, sa c��� � 4czfx_ by the present nail inserts. This will give us s Firs c was s plastered ceiling, that will stand up. This 11. cost $223.00. Kindly write me your approval. The basement stairs oT-•e Eastern Heights School, leading from the first the grade entrance to basement, in my esti- between Door #132rac3se jamb of Door #1, are, By extending the steps be- mation too steep �z-��agerous. tween 3 and 32 f'� e -t--- o -r—= X_Da_ atform, which has ample room, we will get a 11 irnc-tnL $4cl- in place of a 9 inch tread as shown, that we will for an additi ons i o f $59.85. That means have to put this whole flight of stairs and for in the specifi- extend it, andf aria s � 3-ze same as called cations. I thinlz ; -wwou1d be very advisable and would like to have an early r a_ from you. CAB..0 Approved by Clyde R. May Commissioner Yours truly, (Signed) Chas. A. Bassford City Architect. RESOLVED CITY OF 1,144MAUL 'FICE OF, CITY CLERK :ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL w� ;* FILE NO. A-, July 10, 1980 In the matter of widening and paving Prior Avenue from Marshall Avenue to a point 121 feet south of Iglehart Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85880, approved June 27, 1930. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of this improvement by..force.-ancount.. Rngineerts estimate $2,600.00. The cost to be charged to the Fund known as City's Share of Local Improvements, Code 8151. Yeas COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ -- Approve .---------�-�*-�==*1-19-- MAYOR Nays Conroy Mpy dabs �,-I-+ __________..In favor Pearce (� Rosen ___._`.__.._Against Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_ -- Approve .---------�-�*-�==*1-19-- MAYOR COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER, 0 "('1 In the Matter of__aeguiring,_ taking and_ a.npropria_ting for_oarkwa.y_ drives _ McLean's Reservation, lying northerly of the Point Douglas Road, - - - - - - ---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- - - --- _- INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. C. th No. 88020— In the Matter of actlnlring,. taking and ----,.. approprlating for parkway dMve', and s" rodrh `.that Aart. of B1o51 ________ _ K. Suburb ter""`. ..Addition ar,lrf ------------------------------------------------------ Leans R.j under Prese 8:< Order-------------- 55-12 ------ i -----approved-------MaY- l l_ M ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_-&CUuiE.L- take a_nd -_ appropriate_ for_garkw�y__ri_v_es _g_nd_ ap�roche�,_ th@t _pert -of-Block 35 Suburban Hills Addition and McLean' s Reservation-_1�!in-northerly of .................................. ................. da----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1500.54 ---------------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- 5JLL_____day of ---- d11911af+-19s°d0 ____, 392S2L_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -1.Q ---------- 192-"--- v a Approved----------------------------192--- Councilman Conroy �acDenaid- Couacilman Mey Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman WJh1WX Mayor 1>ZMW 'Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 councl. er. ... O ..... CITY OF' SAINT PAUL !ar NO......%J.6.b�l'�PCK .. CITY C -RK APPROPRIATION\ TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 7P ER CHARTER -SECTION 208 L` {' PRESENTED BY - - Rµ �C.'�F No. 8882 By Clyde R t By ReQUeath L ,. DA Resolved. That the toliowtng = •• COMMISSIONER......!-- .... _ _ _ _ _____ _________ __ _______ -......... . ... ...:... lira be made on tha books o .pable1edeft lenoytnCertaf'"i, _ - be met'by nafd tranefel -`�:+'" Ing the work pr�� RESOLVED. THAT THE F-O�_LO�IVIIVG TRANSFERS BE MADE h' n-SKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO 1=ooa1IV4C=— AIV UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET SY. SAID TRA1C�iSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM IVH IGF-I THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT 'TRANSFERRED CODE g p p 0 R T■ O N E U I TE M - FROM TO 789 R G � �%rS` nm ON - Revenue 2.46 ' 789 - Al a ¢ - Salarlee 1!197.54 PC3 00 789 - A2 G,+IrElzeT_ sw�ru=S`I=ON - Auto Mainten. 600• 789 - A3 n n - Office Expens 800.00 r YES GILMEN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 19 ' - CLpNCY - - APPROVED"................................................Mwv19 FERGUSON .Y.noo ..... .......... ....c ......... SUOHEIMER COUNTERSIGNED.B........................ . MR. ..... IL— PRESIDENT - 04tQINAL TO NO..... ft860M ITT CL... CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION okm PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.............. ........................ ....................... ................. ..................... DATE...... ........, ..... LVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE. MAD E BOOKS OF THE COMPTRO S BY SO DOING AN UN E DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID T OUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MO E ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS TRANSFERREDAMOUNT FROM CODE To APPORTIONED ITEM R.. 7 - a POLIOS - Revenue 2,2412 :85 7 -32 - Lie. Insp. Ante Maintenance 48.21 7 -31 - Mot. Veh. SalarleS 4,2oo.o0 TO . 7 B3 POLICE - Lic.'Insp. Office rapense 20.00 7 = 0 a - Uniformed, Div. Hiscellanemw 5,220: 7 4 0 - Detective Div. 12 95 'y 00 7 Met- Veh Div. 1,200.00 7 W Reserve 8.21 NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ....................... q YES ✓ Co EN C CLA LANCY, • PPROV......... .................................................... 19 ............ HODGSON ..................... IN FAVOR ADOPTED . .... -NCY FERGUSON- G N 7- USO --G ON FAVOR _ L ................ .......... .... ..................... McDoNALD, ........... OR $U..E.M. G Al UDHEIMER ................. AGINST COUNTC T. ERSIGNMED BY ............................ ....................................... un ww'raou4wW MR. PRESIDENT e"r cienK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fay c" NO....... 86019 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......................................... .................... ............................................ DATE.........................................: HAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MAD COMPTROLLER. AS BY 50 D UN LE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSF ITHOUT H G THE WORK. PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN TH FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MAD CODE - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM I DR. CR. I_ g - R BIKE - Revenue g _ D5 e - Maint. of Stations Supplies TO g - A2 BIKE - Administration Supplies g - as ° - Fire Bighting New Equipment COUNCILMEN ( V) NAYS CLANCY FERGUSON HODGSON ..................... IN FAV MCDONALD SUDHE14ER ..............AGAINST W EN R. PRESIDENT Rr Daa +000 was 549.79 651.21 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL .......... APPROVED ............... COUNTERSIGNED $ 200.00 1,000.00 ............ ............. _ ..... ............................19.......... - Op1°'""`TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL-�UNC1� circ tune Nu NO..............�'i.AF.4z�.,.�, APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CSHAE2TER SECTION 208 ! w PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......................................;._..."_.____._______.__...._...__.__.__._......_-...._.----------- DATE ............. :..................... ................................... RESOLVE. THAT T II IG TRANSFERS BE MADEONS - COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN LI DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MIST SY SAID T WITI LOUT HIAMP ERING THEW VIDED BY THE MON ITEMS FROM W H IGH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED A P PO F2 Tl ON E O STEM FROM TO DR. CR. - 78 - 8 POLICE & FIRE 99.00 TO y s as 79 - A9 POLICE & 33C-WM ns.ARM _ Mi.scellsneOUS 7 8 - -W - _ - ��-,-•�� s3 ys c U_ S \ �� COUNCILMEN 4()MAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ......................... ........... veaa dye Y FERGUSONAPPROVE..................................................:......79.......... . HOOGSON .............. MCOONALD.®...................................................................................... NAToa $U DHEIMER .......... W ENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ............................................................. n cOYvraO��ca ESIDENT - - YD29 fD00 •1-24 �^..��-^ - ORIGINAL TO Ncl _86022 CITY CL.RK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1IL. NO..... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............................ ............................ ............. .................................. DATE................................................................. RE OLLOWING TRANSFERS BE M�Au_v%E---WJ64W6F THE T L D 7COMPTROLL:ER. AS BY SO DOING ABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS D I MAY BE MET BY SAID T S WITHOUT HAMPERING 15�.WQ!RIK�ZPROVIDED BY THE�., IC T S S r = M MONEY EMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE, AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED -ITEM FROM To DR. CR. 9 W HMTR - Reserve $ 99 9,-R - Revenue 120.99 9 - III - Food Reg. Salaries 550-00 9 - zi - quarantine Salaries 46o.00 9 - G2 Workhcui;e Hoop. Bd. Prisoners 25-00 9 - 12 - Rar.Isl.Pk. LigbIt.11eatMater 150-00 9 - IR - Confort Station Revenue. 53.22 TO 9 - D2 REACTS - Pood Reg. Anto-Maintenance 62149 9 - D3 a 0 Office Expense 50-00 9 - 112 quarantine Auto Maintensuce 400.00 9 - Workbouse Rosp. Miscelldneaus 25-00 9— Rarriet Island Park 150.00 9 - Comfort Sta. Repairs & Renew. 53.22 YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL-- `1 19 ........... APPROVED ........... ........ ................... ...... .......... IN FAVOR ................................. ......... ... .......... ................. ........ nyMwrog i5jjxww& iotapt— .......AGAINST wlemvriw� 'AAAA— CoUNTERSIGNED, BY ..... ................ ......... . ...................... V COM—OLLIOR MR. PRESIDENT 86023, CIT cC K Cl-rV OF SAINT PAUL .1V0....._... APPROPRIATI4=3W 3'-4 TRANSFERS—RESOLUTIO" FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY . . PRESENTED COMMISSIONER...................................______—_ _ ______ .8 -------------------- LATE ....-_._. _._� ------ -- ��g---��--Vie.::.......:.... RESOLVED. THAT THE TRANSFERS BE MAGE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS SY �a GOING AN UNAVOIDABLE Ir4 CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TW=QtAiSFERB WITHOUT HAMPERING THE VVORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS IFF'iC�3�r! WFIICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MASE_ CODE A2MOUTIT TRANSFERRED A PPO - K T I O N E G I T E M FROM TO _ DR: CR. 18 B 1 Amlmira arks Z 523 29-_- 18 B 2 G T A1lowanoe 322 20--- C 3 Mut, c e S 3pIJ 13 e S 3 000 00 18 C 5 Misc 462 14 18 D 1 Musk 3Z4 50 18 F 2 Graa �' -3 4cz=3,- usa Supplies 3'?? 21 18 F 4 Re irs i L s-7 c- 377 X7.1 18 R 14 F s Rece p3 S 3- 651 27 +4i7. 19 B 1 Sa2ar- -r s 1 E3172 39 19 B 2 Stzpg a- -W 8 5 O O 00 r 19 B 4 Mi sc 164 55 1.9 C 2 Mnt c g 5 00 00 r_ 19 C 3 Supper ss 1 200 00 C 4 Reps; 2 606 00 19 C 5 Mist 166 441-- 19 R Rece; s 58 60 4 130 99 4 130 99 20 A 1 Sala_ _ s 590 00 20 B 1 Sa � 3_e as 1 500 00 i' 20 C 1 Sa1ar = -EE!Et s 1 $92 25 20 C 2 Sv.p 1<-X -3 a s ,SOD 20 R Rec s 69'7 15 2 39 f3 -00 2 390.00 JUL- -12 IS30 YES COUNCILMEN \ rADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ......... 79 ___.-, P£T=O'Cl3QIT APPROV .. ... ...... ..__ .. .... .. ..19 ........ ....-...-----_---"" __ - ........ ........: ....... YO ------- 0i - - 7 COUNTER_ SIGNED BY ------- _______ -------------------------------------------------- MR. PRIkSIDEN-r ________-------------------.-MR.PRESIDENT - - - CITY OF T. PAUL _ !T�f /O—FFICE CITY CLERK /%�¢t�440"ES TION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED COUNCIL FILE NO.— 8662 O. -_16S2 Whereas, The St., Paul Junior Association of Commerce has requested the City Council to have Milton Rosen attend the National Convention of the __United States Junior Chamber of Commerce held at Brooklyn, New York, from June 9th to 14th, inclusive, and Whereas, It was deemed desirable to have Commissioner Rosen attend this convention, therefore, be it Resolved, that the sum of Two Hundred Dollars (200.00) be appropriated from the General Administration Fund, Code 10 A3 to reimburse Commissioner Rosen for expenses incurred on this trip upon submission of detailed statement of expenditures to the City Comptroller. 'IC.F No. 88026—Ey Miiton I Roeen— Whereas,-The St. Paul Junior Ass— � efatioa of Commercoa. has requested _ - COUNCILMEN Yeaz Nays Conroy / May rd&Q—AAL&L ____._---- -.In favor Pearce ' Rosen --___�.__-.Against 9sdiwiwar Mr. President Bundlie from the General Adminietrallon Fnnd, � Coda 10 A8�to're3mDnrae Commisath" er 32oeen 'or expenses tncurredori this tr[D upon eoDmieelon Of detailed etate- ant of expenditures' to' tha -City Comptroller. A opted Dy the Council July IE,' Y9E0. 9 A�proVed'. July 12.''39E0. 1 . �-- (Ju1q. 19-YEE01 i Adopted by the CounciLIt j 2 1� —19— nl_" A ---- --- — — - —19-- MAYOR Saint Paul Junior Association of LESLIE B. FARRINGTON, President W. STEWART PINKERTON, Vice Presiders Saint Paul, Minnesota WALTER F. VILLALIME, Vice Presiae t: ROLAND J. FARICY, Vice President June 4, 1930 HONORABLE ; MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CSTY rJF SAINT PAUL, Saint Paul . Minn. Gentleme•a o Commerce 86025 PHILIP L. MOYER, Secretary A. E. EGGERT, Executive Secretary PHILIP J. GEIS, Treasurer Z`3 -_-Le Saint Paul Junior Association of Commerce is sending a delegatiozz of twenty members to attend the ITational Convention of the UnitaB States Junior Chamber of Commerce, to be held in Brooklyn gest weer owing to the rapid growth of our 1oca1 organization, which now exceeds bates hundred twenty-five members. and the strategic J1 - position Swat Paul is in to land the 1931 convention of this organ- ization, carrying a delegation of some two thousand delegates, we expect to a bid for that convention. And with the work already done thrc>-x '_+ men±bers of the organization we are very much encouraged over the fro spects. $owev=r, it is most important in inviting a convention of this. ZL 3acL . asci by the way a large delegate convention is particularly advantageo -,._s for any city to entertain, to tajre with us an official represeatactive of the city who can present the invitation- The presence of an official representative of the city, with such a delegation as ours, will help materially to bring the 1931 convention to Saint Paza_l _ Yo z are, of course, aware of the Fact that the Junior Asso- ciation of Commerce is purely a civic organization to promote the best interests of Saint Paul, and in sending this large delegation to Brookly-.m i t is primarily with the thought in wind td tell the world what a 9coa3e rfnl city Saint Paul is. It is an opportunity for publicity for our c i ty that we believe will yield a tremendous return. Sa v3ew of the fact that we are fortunate in having as a member of tine Junior Association of Commerce Lir. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Vorks, we ask that authority be granted by your honorable body, making it possible for 1'"r. Rosen to accompany the delegation, and officially represent the City of Saint Paul. Your favorable action, I am sure, can only be construed as having as uaysual advantage for the city. Respectfully, to President. Saint Paul Junior /01*�ss4oeiation 510,000 Goll Open, KeMar Course, August 14-15-16 'j 17 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL --- Ir --- --- COUNCILMEN--,ELQLL CALL oy 0 IFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.___" Ct*Nctp COUNCIL RESOLUTION "Raus" - � .... IN FAVOR ?$arc$ IJIGHLW AUDITED CLAIMS ------------------July 30- SUOMEMR - ---- AGAINST ROOM RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, WiML i ; !111 0 x TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ .... in -14A-25- COVERING MR, PRES., HMM DO& ie CHECKS NUMBERED... TO.... INCLUSIVE. AS OFF "� ;�� A111T11 1Y 1H UN IL_ .... PER CHECKS O� E 0 ITY COMPTROLLER, .. . ........ . .................. A VE ....... .... ... .... T PPRO 0 ... . .. C T COMPTROLLER . ... .............. ............................ MAYORBY..- — ...... ..... ................. TOTAL DATE CHECK IN OR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK ii C C . CHECKS CHECKS el BRO G FORWARD a 462 6 6760 E.A. Bohrer 312100 6761 H. Busse 58100 6762 Mueller company2 334'36 3 6764 1' Northern Pao. Railway Companr i 5 53 6 6 Irving C. PearoeCe of Eduo. 6 6765 St.Faul Stamp Works 466 2 6766 Standard Oil Company 78 12 6767 Wiestlund Meat Company 15170 6768 White Fuel & Ice Company 1 100 6769 L.17. Baumeister & Sons 2 426 66 6770 60 00 7'71 JOB Hs MODO 88M Ranelli ii 6 nald, 0, of fin. 26 355 98 17 7�7Im. MiSke 4b A. wenoon WON 56 125 50 Mrs, io 677 Arthur W. White 50a77 1 Lindstrom III Anderson 12 200 10 1� 6777 Frank DeMaTtina 40 bo I� 6778 Martin Eberhard 146 )o 6779 J6bn Sandquiot 20 )0 5' 6790 Ida Douglas ts 6791 Fred iraven 6782 Florenoe Johnson 3 8 ii 67� JA Xapeski 1 0 Fred Leer 676 lA Peterson Calm 1 1 7 0 6 �� ;� American Gae Accumulator 11 697 11 Bray Ice & Fuel Oompany I 40 o 6798 li Brooks Brothers Lumber Comp 0y 147 0 6799 l� Buffalo Meter Company 1 537 0 6790 1 Burroughs Adding Machine Com any 35 6791 1 apitol Stationery Mfg. Company 29 6792 1i Zrier Ice & Fuel Company 10 0 !','6793 Daytonts Bluff Stove.Works 20 0 6794 11 Louis F. Dow Gompa'n 155 6 6792 1 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp aI 19 a 1 679 11 Friedmann Brothers 73 32 l� 6797 li Wm. B. Joyce & Company 2 11 6798 11 Lake Shore Meat Company R 6799 11 Robert W. McAdam 15 6900 j! MoYadden—Lambert Company 2 _• 6801 11 J.T. McMillan Company an 6 6902 M1oh1gFn Valve & Foundry Oom y 274 0 6603 John W. Mitchell 2 6904 National Hower Company I g6o '4 6801 y 9 so Northern States Power Company, 6 I'Peilen & Peilen 115 6907 John Peisert 31 6 8 0 6 6 0 3 0 6 6808 1! Price Electric Company 16 " 6809 °, Rose Hill Nursery Company 270 0110 6810 ISt.Paul Builders Material co*l 22 40 16811 jiSt.Paul Investment Company 46 16912 ISt.Paul Milk Company 138 4 69NlSanitary Food Mfg. Company 17 0 .1691 IThe School Arts Magazine 42 6915 '19tavis Company 48 62 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 519 00 57,3 991;81, 61M NO. A .12.2 IM 12 28 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL '�l,C ;G) Q.onra.oy FFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._______,__�_4W._fr- j_- COUNCILMEN—WLL CALL - Cru?+cltl COUNCIL RESOLUTION Flemaus"— __—IN FAVOR May D rce AUDITED CLAIMS ---- — - - ------19--30- Roe an �nHl eNn SyWiiiilSR __— —AGAINST Q••� RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WE#"L Ate. Jyex TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-11-1,426,25. COVERING MR. PRES.. HODG361i- __ ___, INCLUSIVE, AS Hundlie CHECKS NUMBERED_—/Q7� TO_—_ ADOPTED BY TH UN L__ -RL—---- PER CHECKS ON FILE fNI� OFF E O ITY COMPTROLLER. —_ APPROVED___ -'--= -��8--VQ_ C COMPTROLLE BY _- — - MAYOR __ CHECK ''. NUMBER �`i �N O R O F TOTAL DATE J RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS TRANSFER CHECKS rrlar-rca= �_._.. BRO G FORWARD 19 I09 462 YC O 312100 59100 • 6760 E.A. Bohrer 6761 H. Busse !! Mueller Company i 2 353 53 61662 3 !1 Northern Pao. Railway Compare Educ.;' 95 6764 Nrving C. Pearce,C, of 466 6765 st.Paul stamp Works 6766 Standard Cil Company 158 6 6767 Westlund Meat Company 70 67669 White Fuel & Ice Company 2 lb 426 00 66 7 9 L.W. Baumeister & sons 6o oo 6770 6771 Sam Ranelii John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 26 355 98 6772 University sheet Metal Works) { 665 66773 Perry A. Swenson & Hakanson 56 125 46 LO 4 Mrs. Wm. Miske 6775 Arthur W. White 50 i, 6776 Lindstrom & Anderson 12 200 40 �_0 IDD 6777 Frank DeMartina 146 0 6779 Marcia Eberhard 6779 John Sandquist 20 0 6790 Ida 0. Douglas 1 9 6791 Fred Graven 8 Florence Johnson 3 6792 6793 J.C. Kapeski 1 0 6794 Fred Leer 5 679 679 ; M.W. Peterson American Gas Accumulator Company 1 7 94 5 j 0 6797 Bray Ioe & Fuel Company 40 147 0 0 6799 Brooke Brothers Lumber Oompsqry 6799 j Buffalo Meter Company 1 537 0 6790 r, Burroughs Adding Machine Com any Iny 35 6791 !gQapitol Stationery Mfg. Comp 29 6792 Barrier Zoe & Fuel Company 10 0 6793 Dayton's Bluff Stove .Works 20 0 Is 6794 Louis F. Dow Company 155 6 6795 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp 19 6796 I; Friedmann Brothers 8 ; Wm. B. Joyce & Company 23 6797 6798 li Lake Shore Meat Company 14 �l 6799 i'' Robert W. McAdam 15 0 6800 !j MoFadden—Lambert Company J.T. MoMillen Company L2� 666901 6902 i Michigan Valve & Foundry Com y 2 7 0 6903 I John W. Mitchell 2 3 6904 National Mower Company 1 960 -. 6905 Northern States Power Company, 494 0 6906 Peilen & Peilen 115 6907 690e John Peiaert Price Electric Company 31 6 9j 6909 'Rose Hill Nursery Company 216 70 Op 6910 St.Paul Builders Material Co.! 22 4p ,;6811 St.Paul Investment Company 46 6912 St.Paul Milk Companq139 7 6913 !Sanitary Food Mfg. Companq �'' 17 4 j,691� 'The School Arte Magazine � 42 0 6915 lytavis Company 49 62 I! SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 516 _- 5a3,_ j ,"_�-1-�l_ FORM NO. A-12-2 IM 12-2e DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ct�nrcy COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—BOLL CALL ICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PILE No ------ s�%#46* TIN Fwvon may,COUNCIL RESOLUTION M.B6MRkD - Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS ----------- -July--l0--------is-— Ro sen Btle"C119 R 0 ----- AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. MWR PRES Fj0' .�� �ViJ'1�ie. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $--99,992-97—. COVERING til CHECKS NUMBERED–_4 _------ TO___INCLUSIVE. A6 ADOPTED BY THE CO, - --=t----1------- PER CHECKS ON FILE TIT�OPlJ CFiOTY COMPTROLLER. i MAYOR ------------------ CHECKIN FAVOR OF NUMBER I TOTAL DISBURSEMENT DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 00 1 51 heater W. Gas all 6517 A.G. Forzley 75,0000 10'00 6515 'i Stanley Gates & Company 27 525160 6819 John R.Mcnonald, 0. o4 Fin. 4617750 29 746 6820 U.S. Pipe & Foundry Company 62 6821 „ University Electric Company 6522 West Publishing company 000 170 00 6523 John Geary 129 I}F.O. Brown 682 Edward 5 614 35 5 25 B�orklund 7 480 00 6522 John Kromhout 6827 L.H. Sault 11 91j 60 6828 Thornton Brothers Company 7 514 85 6829 Thornton Brothers Company 3 51475 6830 Stone—Ordean—Wells Company 141 70 -2 048 50 6531 Joseph Sack I i ,I i i i ;i i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD am No. A -i2-2 IM i2-xe 7 518 00 �' 669 974 7 ■ f 1 ■ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK. Conroy CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL �[rpseoia �1g*,,,,"FICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE -. _N0.__..__ AL U"May COUNCIL RESOLUTION FGRCYCON _.__IN FAVOR Pearoe MWOUP Rosen AUDITED CLAIMS 11---------------190 SUMIGINER ___AGAINST _60a"Or RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. M"`RP_.• 9oD� polie-5,4%7d CHECKS NUMBERED T OF E-___ g____, COVERING I -- __-._____T0._______, INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCV�`------------- , E vFFICE OF JHE CITY CQMPi'.ROLLER• TO THE AGGREGATE r � I 19 _ .___ PER CHECKS ON FIL TM APPROVED ------------ - �1- '-_-__fJ--___cam--_C___ COMPTROLLER �,CITY COMPTNOLLER w � — — ------------ - -- YO ---------- BY ------- MA - CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL DATE V RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD T 510 00 669 974178 6832 Ad Signs,Ino. 6833 American Linen Supply Comp 32 10 761,07 Service 6934 Associated Letter Atlas Gas & 011 Company 6835 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 54b8;80 98{30 I 6837 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 959128 792128 66$839 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 6 3 Atlas Gas & oil Company g�}Q H.0. Boyeson Company 7387143 6841 ! Brown & Day,Inc. 49108 381°7 6842 'I Calhon Compaay 14',44 684 Capitol 'Laundry Company Ice Company 5,50 6844 V adrufled ii bbioagoj Burlington & Qy.Ry. o. 3 8'97 40100 Clarke Sandberg 692& 21114 6847 Consumers Milk Company 149163 6648 Cowling—Donohue,Inc. 6849 Diegold Safe & Look Company 148'58 6850 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 8 197 6851 Electrical Installhtion Comp' Linen Supply Company y. 2694 6852 Elk � 0,95 68533 Leonard Frank Company 46;95 66854 ii The Grinnell Company 150110 ii Hertl Coal Company 35!0500 695 4 Robert w, Hunt Company 24 A.P. Jurgens Company b 6858 j McClain & Hedman Company 53 1 18'49 6959 "i Maendler Brush Mfg. company 6866 j Massey Concrete Products Co . 1 173 6861 Meyer Engraving Company 00 49 6862 Midwest Ohemical 0ompany i 00 66863 innesota Mining & Mfg. Oomp'ny 1 85.99 00 (4} ;; Monroe Oaloulating Maoh.Oo.I o. 46 6865 �r F.J. Morse & Company 6866 'O.B.Mullen Specialty Oompanyll 1 7 6867 it National Freight Oompany,Ino 'y 99 6868 il, National Steam Laundry Comp 20 00 14 -65 6869 New York 'lea Company 46 65 6870 Northern States Envelope Oom'any Northern States Power Compal 252 b3 !1871 s 72 Northern States Power Compan' Power OompaA 936 X03 1 114 • 68 j Northern States Company 51 6874 Oriental Laundry 16 (00 6975 Otis Elevator Company Q2 Owens-Illinois Glass Company 4 6877 H. Peltz & Son 6878 Pioneer Maple Products Comp ,y 4 75 6879 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter c mpany 98 20 79 9 6880 1! Purity Bakeries 6881 ! Quick Servide Battery Oompan86 42 8 6882 Railway Express Agency 4 6883 Raymer Hardware Company 149 0 6884 lj St.Paul Cement Works 483 8 6885 ; St.Paul Glass Company j: 6886 Sanitary Farm Dairies,Ino. 41} 1 h 6887 Andrew Sohooh Grocery compan' 6888 J.L. Shiely Company 117 038; SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD 7 518 00 679 433i5i FOAM N0. A 12-2 Irl 12.2. ORIOINAt- NUMBER Vp - CITY Or HA1NT PAUL CITY CI.HRK 5 COUNCIL COUNCI ESOLUTION PILE No.f4 _ FOR .. '.... 1 ON'O OCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRHeENT'eD BY HON._ ----- OA B9 Resolved, That the Counali heroby oonours In the: r000mmen"tion of the Coutraot Commi`%too and awarde the oontraot for the: Construction of a sewer on Nebr4lgBkA AIM. from a point 30 feet pest Of Adams Sti to s point 835 feed *eat of Shrub St. and on Shrub St. frog Nebraska Ave. to`t�ie Sewer in Shrub St. 340 feet south of Nebraska ` Ave., in a000rdaua B with plane and speoifioatione hereto attaohed, to Gerods, 1+ametti-_a he .being the lowest responsible bidder, for the Sup of,#1,991.00 aa4d the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to drew'up the pra�a form of oontraot therefor. F• No g88Thbty Mllton,Roeen-+ eeolved; •That_ the Counoth heYeby .I - - �gnolils ln'tho racommondation. of the ' �Onttgot . ColnNitteH'^`taad "awards the Cgntraot for the conetruotlon 0f a ' �gwep oa-.Neblsaka, Abe Lroni a: polat f d_tgeL WEE! Of 8brub gt an8 oion ' Q;tYDD 8L' L iU Nt. 240 a �t to the: • �7\Tebr908a: 6veb fnL"6ocdrd.ao.V Sil BnerSwlatBeLA OUt heobelo6 tQe"^I trob opetplg bldd4E, for tl)0 Huns cw ,,p 01.00 and the QorporlaUOUn 0un- sk41 1g heroby`laetructed•to drew. uD' oto ACoper toren o[ o0ntract there tor. rmoi Bld No 8906; Enstneer'e ee- , - gdppted'Dy the Connell Jply 12. 1920: p�� r'' Apptoyed duly 12. J980 FORMAL BID NO. o7v ; (duly 19=19SOT' ' ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f a, 60%00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED' AS TO PONDS' �VAIUI9LE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRfiSENTINO TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOE-V,NO FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS:: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENSPRT� PROPERTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f' 1, 391.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'B E.ytAR@OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - CODE' f S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL I' f1FROVEMENTe-EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE f 600*00 0. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -COVE i S. COUNTY AID _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f TOTAL ' _ _ f. COPIES 70': - I "BRED' CERTIFY THAT THERH IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- ' CITY CLERK AN AVAI4ADLfi,IM THE ABOVE -111 APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMDURB.TN@PSRMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.___. IN THE AB�(aVC AMOUNTS - PUBLIC WORKS O PURCHASING M.. COMPTRGIyER. OATH FINAL ORDER ADOPTED BY COUNCILMEN • �Y¢AB - NA -es J ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL JUL 12 IM IN FAVOR V APPROVED AOPINHT � MR. PRESIDENT ORIGINAL- NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK 50-8 ' ,COUNCIL UNCIL RESOLUTION ""E Nn' �@UTFi tlION OF LOCALI MPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1 Q/� PRESENTED. BY - OATS July _10•._193OISS Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a serer on the east side of Thito'Bear ,ve. between Geranium 8t* i and Rose St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to OtNell & Prdaton,Iuo., they being the lowest respon— sible bidders, for the sum of $353.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. 'F. No. 88080—=8y Mfiton RoeeD'- Re.olved, That, -T. Counetl heceby I.ntr 1 Cone recolland. tlor of .the - Contract (:ommlttee, and. awards 'thou. cEwrsct for the codetructi- of er Sewer on thea. aat Side Of White,$eaY Ave. between` Oeraritum Sk aad ROS4 - f;k, 1. acoocdahca,wlth Diane a d Sppec iHcattone hereto attached to ONeil & Preston, Iam;'they beteg the lowest reeDoneible b$daca: for, th4 sum ' of C Is She ebyaImn lot dr *1* dl'aw up the ` • pTOpei form" Of .OatraCt therefor. -i Formai Bid No 8406. l0agfaeees ea- tlalate . E648.gb: .i9 aj Adopted -Julk' Couneff Jnly 12'1i0. 'Approved -July 38,' 1888: ..(July, 194980) FORMAL BID. NO. - 8406 ENGINFER'S ESTIMATE Sea* 00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO PONDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OR THIS IMPROVEMENT A9 FOLLOWS: I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - _ _ - - - - _ - _ _ I,MAO 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - _ CODE f e: APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE , 4. APPROPRIATED .FROM BOND ISSUE—COVE f S. 'COUNTY AID - - _ - - _ _ _ _ - - -,CIS - TOTAL i 35$.00 COPIES TOi I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE'AVAILABLE'IN THE ABOVE 9TATED gPPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER - R6IMBURSETHEPCRMANEWIMPROVBMENTREVOLVING FUND L LOCAIMPROVEMENT NO. IN THE. ABOVE AMOUNTS. _ PUBLIC WORKS -. PURCHASING E - COMPTROLLER DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COUNCILMEN JUL I AO7e0{7�ii�a.O • YEAS NAYS J ADOPTED BY THE 'COUNCIL u d IN FAVOR O APPROVED." 12 AGAINST M. -se -N' petitl CVX3L - / r V Council File No.---...... It PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and r PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersig;tnO4c=- hereby proposes the making of the followitng public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gr Walsh Avenue f-Zo�Wheeloak Parkwa to --------•-----------•• �_Aas--------------------------•----------------- --------••---- ..... -y Nebra_�_a Avenue. -----•- ---- ---------------- -----•- -- -------- - ........................... .............................. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... •- - -- ------•------------- ---•-------•------ Dated this _____--- 'h ----day of-------------------------------------------------- •7311 1930 ----------;� ------------- '-------....``�'-------•---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A_ --written proposal for the making of the following improv .Ment, riz-c C4r8 -- T+¢ Walsh Avenue from Whe6lock Par 1aELIDIINAnp 06DICRB __----------------- __ C F. No 88031 ' Atletraet. Nehras � Avenue . ---__ __-.__ - - ---___---------_, --------• - -- W1,erea6, A'wrltten vr6oeaUdor thaw. ____.---.. - �.__—___— -----" . '---'- - akln6 of jth0,tollowln6 imyrovameni;;�. - - -------------- .__..._________ ____---------- —_—_...........................• 11-k Wa1eh Lhrom h ....w c„ -i' ..................-------------- _-- --------------------------- - --- s.tei ........... having been plecea� 3 to the Council of the City of St. Panl-------------------..................._ .__..-- .._._. ..._... ---- therefore, be it RESOINEID— - - nt the Commissioner of Public Works be a.nd is hereby ordered and directed: lr To invest! to the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of acid improvement. 2. To invest!£ -te the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost -thereof. 3: To fu_rnis.1 +, plan, profile or sketch of said lmprovenaent. 4.- To state vim -. -*.her or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report = mon all of the fore=going matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the C`.o� cil --------------------_WL 1 19%,------------------ - YEAS NAYS counc;lnta� Gam:. -x^ w�” Jul .Ty�tdu f Approved—____"..... ........ ....... ...... ..... �_...W_-------- -------.-------------------------- Mix F¢msarr ayor. P orm C A 13 t2M 2-2910�.TIILISHED / /) n ✓ � Council File No.---•---• - 8032 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: in-theland necesar-------- --------------- ndemningdng--n-eaemn- -- s_---- ------------ .._ - Gina aaa._t,11S..e grading -°f -Walsh -_Avenue PairxwAY.---tQ-Msbrgska._avenne. -- - ....... .-• --------------------•-- - --•-•---•--------•---- Dated this 12th --day of -----•---- ----Jy� -190 ^ e folIowtnS '+� pp Pk 9 of th7. v3Condem Sn6. R.nd takfn6 he .Iaad aecesep.ry for PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning. and taking an eas ment in the land necessary --_- ••-- - - slopes} Cdte---=d.11113 --in the_zradIng --- of__Walsh-_Agenue--_------- ,Prom •Wheelock Parkway_-to-•Nebraska-:Agenue-- --- -_ - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......... ........................................... ..---.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.............. .. - „W _ZZ!) .................. YEAS, - NAYS CouncilmanIZA—use��$Qa[d n y f Approved .......... ------ --- --- ---------------------------•- J, lC�r Tnx T = O 1 W.L .-.... ..-_•.___-__•-•--.._......... Ma. PREscDENT ~ Mayor. , r«n CA12(2M2-20) �7VLISI D '> Council File No.__----,.x� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE_I%oXEN'T and 4 - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __Gonstrugtix�g__a__ser__on Nevada _-Avgnue__Prc>m-_Haze].Ygnge ao_______________________ Curve AveauB ---•--------------•----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------=--=--------------------------- c--------------- ------------------------------ -- ------------------- Dated this --;P t-------oay of-------------- July= -1930 ----- - --- -- 88835— - Councilman. Whereas; A written DS'apoSal SOr- the i4�ag�ag of the_followlag iaaproveme-3,' 77ss�pnetr�eting a'sesver _ on Nevada- - - A.irenue from Hazel-"Aveasse to �asve Nvenuo having beep pr6a@Y�ted t,o tae- PRELIMINARY ORDER 'Jin be altthe.:CltY of 8� 1 sul .#icere-_.. -_ j-+�tlrve! F �?; site Cb�mi'saYc; x �iLj li>�, • +_' b" �� proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ConstructirA s--M-x- -_-oNevad-a--Avenue ---------s----Ua.zeX Avenue to -•----••__-•-------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------- -- -= Curge-_AVe23Z28_ ----------------- - ------------------------ ------------------ - - - ------------------------- ---------------- -- ----------- •-------- -•-•-- ------------ --------------- - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, T}*Rt the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mak i" o£ said improvement. 2. To investigate the natuxe, extent and estimated cost of staid i—provement, and the total cost, thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state w1bvet33Ler or sot said improvement is asked for ou the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upo3m all o£ the foregoing matters to the Commissioner u& Finance. Adopted by the Council____-------------- YrAB NAYS Councilman -1 RIM / 7r ay Approved----_ -- --------- ------- ------------- :f IE 36� a --____---------_--- -__'-___'______________-__-'__. Ma. FEL3 ncZDEN'r Mayor. Form C A 23 (2M 2-28) _:_ .o "`.` C1T Or^ ST. PAUL FILE N0 Pae OF CE OF C ITV CLERK UNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM REsoLvEo That, Anthony T. Coxaroy, Commis si. oner of Public Utilities, is hereby designated to r epresent the City of Saint Paul upon the Avia-b3on Goodwill Tour to Winnipeg, and the sum of One Hundred 33o11ars ($100.00 ) is hereby appropriated out of the :Airport Maintenance-b4isce1 laneous Fmpense Bund No. 21 B 4, to defray his expenses, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to issue check to him for that amount. Adopted by the Council JUL 14 19__ ;Approy Y. �.r%f 19_ MAYOR �C. F. No. 86D34—By S�Iltoa-Iioaen—' -':� 'Revolved,, That AaYb.oay _T ConYop. Coaunlealoher' ! Pubiic 'Qtilitle9;" isy herebp doatgasted Yo,- reigreae$t.- the�1 Cfiy -, of SL-:Paul'uDaa '-tlae 'Aviation Goo'tl Taur tq, Wiaaipa avd-'-the - f aum>tif Oae_8va@re8:�o1 (SlOOaO� -s, - is hereby appropriated oat oS the Air ' Port:= nc8e eos MFuanindt',e 1 pep8a Nn'oa'30– 4 I' V. MD ezpnethe GVy Mces s iare 'he etiy dir clad 'to issa¢ cheClc'tb hfiq for.ihat'amovat` -- - 7 Adopted b9'-thd C"tiimcid TIs2y 14,';980 `/-- Suip 4,"-29E8 Approved- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Conroy In favor ar a —Against /"Mr. President 391WIFac Bundlie Adopted by the Council JUL 14 19__ ;Approy Y. �.r%f 19_ MAYOR • " COUNCILa 86035 ORIGINAL'rO CITY CL- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIC OF CITY CLERK O! REiUTtON—GENERAL FORM �. kSOLVED : That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Irvin Rose, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 27th day of June 1930; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Irvin Rose, the sum of $40.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including July 11, 1930.? C'aeao1 ed. That we vlioaGr�� 011 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i Conroy i May .___.__In favor Pearce / Rosen -_--- Against Mr.. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council-g��- AP - - - — --19--- --------- ----- ------ �''- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL -'FICE �OF CITY CLERK FORM COU FIILENCIL NO. 5 WHEREAS, A pair of shoes, of the value of $4.00, and a pair of stockings of the value of 25�, belonging to Mrs. Agnes Stebbins, 50 W. Winifred Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, were lost from a locker at the Phalen Park Bath House, and as the City of St. Paul is responsible therefor, Be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $4.25 in favor of srid Prs. Agnes Stebbins, to reimburse her for the loss of said es and stockings, said sum to be payable out of the Park Refectory Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May ggepq„jj_ In favor i Pearce Rosen ------------ Against --9wA6&iwe / Mr. President Bundlie JUL 14 191r) Adopted by the 1010 ve----- - -------'---------19--- ------------ ----- MAYOR OUAORUPLICATE TO OEPAPTMENT • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCfL NO. �t-iS1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE - COMMISSIONER S6i:3F�.err� 3t t+ilt t,i i.5o t guir ,x Sr Q-09 Of the v0: 3.-atD of 4.J;io Lnd s fir oi` stockin6s of t^ei v&--1ue of Bbd. belonpine to tars. ,gnus tei"ne, bO .y . :1an:LT ve• d : troot, Z t. lzltmesote, w re lout fro_:z u locker i t-rz i°c.z:Ie n Paz•'r. i;c.th t;ousse, usid Be the Cit;,i of --t. jLAA jl Is erefOr, Be. it „ ,Vi;., fhi t toes px-oper cit; -)fficers tire hez•(�oy authorized and d1r, eted to drIUcr ir. wz-rrant i:: th<_ sum of 4.25 1n fucvor of s id eere. ..;net; to rei, puree hor far Si:u lose �f so, i.: cocs .,ns said wun to b€- puyc:ble ou 01' the: vt. r� i; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _ In favor Pearce Rosen - - Agai—r Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ---- JUL Jw 11 4 ,:,L. Approved.----------- ------------.-------------19- MAYOR Z,4- -1<N r, T-n_the Northern States Power be E�;3ven.pertnission to set 2-40 :Coo -t_ poi. o=_ -s on the ?fest side of Livir_�sto DTor t:;h of Indiana with necessary gu a s s rrire?s, anchors and Telephone wire: Est timate#11674. r 4� a COUH 41= aLM EH Yeas Nays / Frsguaaa aid IT --3 -�Tjn l�favor / od*l �— C _Against Mr. Presi-3L -int 4 f>. Adopted by the Council JUL 14 IRT 19 Appr - 19 / YOR COUNCIL B60 1-P CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ -, OFF E OF CITY CLERK NCIL OLUTION—GENF_ ZAL FORM COM. SSEION Ems— DATE�y 7, 1930 RESOLVED C. F.�; No. 86037 I:Leeoived. Thar --_--the �y Miifou Fiosen-.— _ Noribern .States ' Power Compa$y- tie. givea_pe:rmisaton to yidte I set=.8-40 !Yost - "elr: LiYingeton. _ 1¢s onr L2aa--"e. orth. oS =adiane.-.with neceS9arYS�� - - Telephone .wired -wires.--aaohore- and __ _. Eatimat- 11634: Adopted -bye tt= y 1 a Conucil Svly'.14, 1980.E :Approved -Sulam - 14, 3SS O. T-n_the Northern States Power be E�;3ven.pertnission to set 2-40 :Coo -t_ poi. o=_ -s on the ?fest side of Livir_�sto DTor t:;h of Indiana with necessary gu a s s rrire?s, anchors and Telephone wire: Est timate#11674. r 4� a COUH 41= aLM EH Yeas Nays / Frsguaaa aid IT --3 -�Tjn l�favor / od*l �— C _Against Mr. Presi-3L -int 4 f>. Adopted by the Council JUL 14 IRT 19 Appr - 19 / YOR 860138 COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------------- Ps, or reconstruction of ornamental iignuing s}•sucu,, a�le�--- and --- r-ivewa-g--aP zoachea,--nonstrut-ting--ae er_,__ star---end-_gas_-con - nections from street mains to property lines complete vibere necessary &nci-ala--other---work__which--- is --- incdenta5.__.and.__ne_cBss_ar7- _t9 t7 e_ v_�idening_ and id street, -- --------------------------- - paving of sa Preliminary Order .... ........ ...M.50. ................ approved 7 1930 IntermediaryOrder ................................................ _..approved.................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard 411 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havingfully considered the same; therefore, be it M4 t,,& ,f, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that pro ment to be made by the s 'd City is_. wig en_ a Ad pave Oakland ." e_. _from Plea, ant Av to Summit Ave., including gradi g, construction re£aiiiing ales __and: te�s.,.._eonstructi-_�--- nev�-S. evia. kg.-4r__relaying_._ _existing iva ks, nd relo at or reconstr ction of orname tal lighting sy tem, curbing, -as ga¢i allay.._and._driuev aRpxsza�hes,___c nstructing__se71 y�uater and_ asyy connec ions from street ains�to�pnoperfal A InPCPssamPlry toetvieewideningsard paving �f said street, ------------- _ N.= the We ve hereby cancelled, annealed, and rescinded and all 01' id..matter.he-discoat' „ d,------------------------------------------------------ an the Council, hereby orde said improvement to\made.ESOLVED FURTHER, at the Commissioner Works bo and ie hereby instr ed anddirect to prepare plans and sp cifications for said ent, and submit same to the Cou '1 forapprova -that upon said approval, the proper city offhereby authorized and directed to o•teed with the making of said impr vement in accordewith. Adopted by the Council --_._1S_ ------ - ----- 192 --------- --------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Approved- --------------------------------- so Approved_:_1-.5- --------------------, 192----- -- ------------------------------------------ / Mayor. -Ge�eilmaa 6enrbY / � (j Councilman rl"y C� ►Y,IY Pearce Councilman' Poben Councilman YbuoekX Mayor Bnndli@ Form B. S. A. 8-7 M CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 ■ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R)i=PORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof Widening aacl TDaving Oakland Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to summit Ave. , incA-uc3ixig grading, construction of retaining walls and steps, con of riew sidewalks or relaying or existing walks, relocation or recoas�ruction of ornamental lighting system, curbing and paving alley asci cir iveway approaches, constructing sewer, water and gas conneczi ons from street mains to property line complete where necessary aacl a2-L other work which is incidental and necessary to the vviclernirng and paving of said street. under Preliminary Order approved -*t33950 January 7 , 1930. To the Council of the City of St_ Pa7L21 L'ength---2,530-f't: TVidth of Roadway 15`ft. Frontage 3,334 ft. ' Street 72 ft. br PAVING Br3c1L T—aid Asphalt or '%" Concrete 1 1a -r. Asphalt Conc. Intersections and Wheelage 240 , 330. OU $ 134,331. 00 $ 12t3,99t3.00 property share 13 �o'eU.00 lU,6Ei9_UO 8,UU2.UO T o t a l 260 UOU.OU 145,000: 00 137,000.00 (a) Front ft. 4.10 3.20 2.40 Add for ro - Sewer Connections each $37.50 :Yammer " " 39.00 5 4 do 3000 11,350 16 4 do 2000 9,000 _ 17 4 do 2000 37,400 16 4 do 2000 4,900 19 4 do 2000 16,900 TOTAL, Fa B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL a a, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE SPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Widenj-ra and paving Oakland Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to Summit Ave. , iric i ceding grading, construction of retaining walls end steps, construe -r-- of new sidewalks or relaying or existing walks, relocation or r 4EB:� -c instruction of ornamental lighting system, curbing and paving alley --73.nd driveway approaches, constructing sewer, water and gas oonnec z :1- �- =is from street mains to property line complete where necessary zn—__—^d all other work which is incidental and necessary to tYiE� widening and paving of said street. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of -2-_ Paul: ' Length 2 , 5 3 f PAVING Intersections and Wheelage property Shar e T o t a l (a) Front f -t- Add Add f o r 11 / Form B. B. 10 #63950 January 7, 1930. Width of Roadway '� ft: 11 II Street 72 ft. brick Laid Asphalt or Flat Asphalt Conc. 146 , 33U. OU 134, 331. UO 13 , by U. 00 lU , 669 . UO 160 , UOU. OU 145, U00. UO 4.10 3.20 4i— — Sewer Connections each $37.50 <� / 4:0 Water It II 39.00 5 4 do 16 4 do 17 4 do 18 4 do 19 4 do Frontage 3,334 ft. '111 Concrete $ 12ti,99t3.00 d,UU2_ UO 137, UUU . 00 2. 40 3000 11 , L-50 2000 9,000 2000 37,4-00 2000 900 4"300 2000 TOTAL. 16,900 1p - LL. CITY OF ST. PAUL I A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 14 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of widening and paving Oakland Ave. from Pleasant Avwa118ed Summit Ave,, including grading, construction of retaining wet steps, construction of new sidewalks or relaying or sysieexistngcurping relocation or reconstruction of ornamental ligating system, �gteT and paving alley and driveway approaches, constructing sewer, and gas connections from street mains to property line complete where necessary and all other work whioh is incidental and nail Otr-Pt _..ra`ysluou The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the asses" parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: VAL s. • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LAND 1u", North 55 feet of South 90 2 4 Terrace Pk.Add, 650 feet of 1 and South 35 ft, of 1 and 2 4 do 1200 2I North 15U ft, of 1 and 2 4 do 6000 3 4 do 3500 4 4 do 3000 11, 5 4 do 3000 U, 16 4 do 2000 17 4 do 2000 16 4 do 2000 19 4 do 2000 TOTAL. I- B. B. 10 i CITY OF ST. PAUL ts. DEPARTMENT OF FyNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LAND BUILJ� DINGS N,50.ft. of 20 and 21; 4 •Terrace Pk.Add, 1 OU measured on the West line 11 of Lot 20. do 1650 6000 West 5 feet of South 100 ft.. 21 Of 20: 4 and (Ex -N-50 ft,) j (Ex.W.5 ft -Of S.lOU ft.and do 1'750 6000 a Ex. N. 5U ft. as measured on the21, 4 West line of Lot 20. 3 5 do 2500) 14300 Lots 1, 2 and 2000) 2000) ;. 4 5 do 2000 10500 5 5 do 2000 ;. 6 S do 2000 3750 7 5 do 2000 4600. I� is 5 do 2000 -. 4700 d2500 6000 23 5 do 2000 10650 24; 5 do 25 5 do 2400 5700 13UU of Wily 15U ft. of 1 Elly 50 ft. do (i and E.5U ft, of W'ly 150 ft. 2, 6 of N'ly 74 ft. of do 6150 U0 i jEx. Avenue --&-Ex,1W-'ly 150. ft-) 1 y00 also (Ex,N'ly 30 ft -of W'ly 100 _. _I.- ft, and Except -Elly 5U _ft, Of i wily 150 ft. of N'ly 74 ft.)' 2 6 West _50 ft. of Lot 1, and do 1175 3000 Wily 50 ft, of N'1y 30 ft. 2 6 of Elly 50 ft, of W.100 ft, of 1 6 do louo...go ft.of E.5U ft,o125 N ly .30 2 6 W'f do ly 100 ft. of 3 6 do__ 4250 !__-.. TOTAL - r • r' PAUL CITY OF ST. ''� OEPARTMEWT OF KIN AN CE REPORT OF COMMISSIOiVER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION - LOT ' a�oc.c AOOI TION ASSESSED V ' VALUATION :-__- LAND BUILDINGS 4 6 Terrace PK_ Add. 6=0 5 6 do 7250 Part lying S.of OakIa-xid Ave. of Lots 8,9,10,11,12,23,14, 15,16 and 17 6 do 5850 Part S.of Oakland Ave_ of 12 do 2350 i East 5U ft, of 6 3 do 55UO 24500 - W. 90 ft. of E.14U f t _ of 6 3 do 7200 •West 70 ft. of 6 3 do 5600 East 20 ft, of 1 Thurstons Sub. 1200 of L. 7 , B3 -k. 3, W. 30_ ft.of Lot 1 and E_ 40 Terrace Plc_ Add. --- ft. of 2 do 4200 .6000 Lot 3 & West 10 ft_ of 2 do 3350 9500 L.4 & E. 7.74 ft. of 5 do 2950 4800 & that part of the private alley lying. North of and acl j o icing . -- Lot 4 and said part of Lot 5. West 42.26 ft. of 5 do 2125 420U and that part of the Private alley North of and adjoining the West 40 ft. of - 3ae above desoribed part of- Lot 5_ 6 do 2000 7 do 2000 6800 That strip 20 ft. is width lying North of and acljoiaing Lots 6 and _ 7 do 725 1 GoodKind Terraoe 3650 2 do TOTAL 175U . CITY OR ST. PAUL ` V, OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - T - I, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOcl( ADDITION ASS SED : VALU TION INGB That art of Lots 3 and 4 Goodkind Terrace p - �0 370 j', lyingWily of the following,described ; line, beginning at the N.E'ly corner.. of said Lot 3, thence 8.E11y along the Elly line 53.06 ft., thence $fly, at an angle of 1530 431, 56 ft. to center of top stone of stairway, thence �. Wily along top of said stairway to Wily i; line thereof, thence 811y along said r Wily line to a point on N'ly;lin4 of` Oakland Ave. 19.55 ft. easterly from. the S.W'ly corner of said Lot 4. That part of 3 and 4 do 16000 24000 lying Elly of the following described line; Beginning at the N.E'ly corner of said Lot 3, thence 8.Elly;along the Elly line 53,U6 ft., thence 911y.at an angle of 153b 431, 56 ft. toicenter of top stone of stairway, thence W1iy along top of stairway to Wily line thereof, thence it $11y along said Wily line to'a point „ on the N11y line of Oakland Ave. 19.55 ft. Elly from the S.W11y corner of said Lot 4. 1 b Terrace Pk.Add. 22000 77500 Lot 2 and that part of Lola 3, do 27000 ,. 14200 4 and 7 is lying E.of a line commencing ,at a point on the N.line of said Lot 41 6 ft. West from N..E.00rner thereof, thencg B.E. making an included angle' 85 121 with the N.line of said _. 1._of Block, to the S.E. line of said Lot 7, also the _N.W.-_of vacated alley . ii adjoining. _S.E.-' of _vacated alley adjoining do 350 and part North of Oakland _ Avenue of ; 10 8 S.E. of vacated alley adjoiningi do 425 23000 _ and part North of Oakland Avenue of 11 , 8 M e.s.TOTAL - , . CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT Of RINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS B.E.' of vacated alleyad,o in Terrace Pk. Add. 950— - and part North of OakandAvenue of 12 and (Except N.E. 40 ft.) part N N.of Oakland Avenue of 13 8 , S.E.Nof vacated alley adr'oizain do 600 375 0 andN.E. 40 ft.of part North of Oakland Avenue of :13 . 8 !-S.E4 of vacated alley adjoining do 900 8000 an d part North of Oakland .! Avenue of 14 8 . S.E.- of vacated Alley adjoining. do 1000 ,3000 . and part North of Oakland y Avenue of 115 8 _B.E.� of vacated alley adjoining'. do 1100 2850 and past North Of Oakland Avenue of .16 8 . S.E.* of vacated alley adjoining do 1250 10000 . and part North of Oakland Avenue of 17 8 (Except the S'ly 145 ft.) the do 500. Elly 11 ft, of Lot 3 and that part of 1 and 2 '; 12. lying Nlly of the NIly line of the above described part of Lot 3, produced to Elly line of said Lot 1, Block �2. (_The 8!ly 145 ft. of the Elly .11 ft. do 1775 25000 . of Lot 3 and that part of 1 & 2 12 lying S'ly of the W ly line of the above described part of Lot 3, produced to Elly line of said Lot 1, Block 12. (Except Oakland Avenue) West 49 ft, of 3 12 do 1225 5200 (Except Oakland Avenue) do 2175 5150 Lot 4 and E.* of 5 12' (Except Oakland Avenue) do 2125 42000 liot 6 & West of 5 12', .: • �.e.: TOTALS ,:�:.; • , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEiCT OF FINANCE REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ewcK ADDITION VALUATION _ . LAND BUILDINGB I (Except Oakland Avenue) 7 ,12 ,Terrace_Pk.Add. ITO-0 (Except Oakland Avenue) t9 12 do 1350 (Except Oakland Avenue) 9 12 do 1350 430Q - (Except Oakland Avenue) 10 ',12 do 1300 (Except Oakland Avenue) 11.12 _ dq 1300 2650 '!; Part lying N. of Oakland do 1250 Avenue of 12 12 Part lying North of Oakland 13 do 1250 3700 Avenue of ,12 W.10 ft.) part lying do 1000 _(Ex. North of Oakland Avenue of 14 12 Vacated street adjoining and part lying North of Oakland Avenue of and of W.10 ft. of 15 14 , 12 do 1400 7850 Part N.W'ly of Oakland Whitacre, Brie- 1500 3500 Avenue of Lots 13, 14, 15 16; bine & Mullin's !Sub. of L.I & 2, of and. Leech's Add, of lying S.W.of a line; Outlots. 500 1200 . M_(Ex.part drawn at right angles to Oakland Avenue, from a point_ thereon,'; 1 10 ft. N.E.from s.W.corner) That part lying N.W.-Of Oakland Avenue of 17 j (Ex. W,q ft.) 4.1 20 do 300 1150 -- L.21 & W.tt* ft. of 20 do 450 2500 22 : do 375 950 23 do 375 _ 24 : do 425 Part of Lisbon St, vacated do dou 4100 ---- and adjoining and 25 •: Part of Lisbon St. vacated &i do 450 adjoining and W.33 ft. of -�— 1 26 TOTAL '.. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT MOCK .ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS (Ex.Oakland Ave. & EX.W.33 ft..) Whitacre,Brls- 575 5250 Lot 26, and that part of Lisbgn bane & Mullen' s Street vacated and adjoining the Sub. of L.1 & 2 same, also (Except Oakland Leech's Add. of Avenue and Except E.32 ft.) 27 Outlots. (Except Oakland Avenue) East 32 ft, of 27 do 400 Part N.W.of Oakland Ave. of 2ti do 500 1600 Part N. W. of Oakland "Ave. of 29 do 40U 175U Part N. W. of Oakland Ave. of 3U do 15U Part N. W. of Oakland Ave. of 31 do 25 54 86 Dayton' s & 125U 9250 Irvin Is Add. 55 86 do 1 325 2850 56 86 do 2000 215U (Except Avenue) lU Whitacre,Brls- U25 4000 bane & Mullin' s do 11 Sub.. of L. 1 & 2 575 500 Leech's Add_ of Part South of Pleasant Ave.of.12 Outlots. 575 2250 Lot 19 & (Ex.Oakland Ave.) 18 do 775 5300 also that part of Lot 17 lying S.W.of a line drawn at right angles to Oakland Ave., from a point thereon 10 ft. N.E.from the S.W.corner of said -- Lot 17. - 254, 525. 70u,80U. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s id matter by the Commissioner of Public WIS. C Dated_193- Commissioner of Finance. Form H. B. 12 ' THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) March 17, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary, estimate of cost for widening and paving Oakland Ave. from Pleasant Av.-. to Summit Ave., including grading, construction of retaining walls and steps, construction of new sidewalks or relaying of existing walks, relocation or reconstruction of ornamental lighting system, curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, constructing _ serer, water and gas connections from street mains to property line compl_te where necessary and all othe work which is incidental and necessary to the widening and paving of said street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 83950, approved January 7, 1930: Length 2,530 ft. Width of Roadway 56 ft. Frontage 3,334 ft. 54 Street 72 ft. PAVING Brick Laid Asphalt or 7" Concrete Flat Asphalt Conc. Intersections and Wheelage 146,330.00 $ 134,331.00 128,998.00 Property Share 13,670.00 10,669.00 8,002.00 T o t a l 160,000.00 145,000.00 137,000.00 (a) Front ft. 4.10 3.20 2.40 Add for 61t Sewer Connections each $37.50 it 11 3/41+ Water " it 39.00 Yours truly, hTef Engine r. Approved for transmission e� isioner ouFinance 11XC,C—i_,sicnero or ks. s _- --------- To the Commissioner of Finan a <>e City of St- Paul = The Commissioner of Pu'nl4c works, having had under consideration the preliminary order o£ the Jain 7, 1930192_______, relative to Council, known as Council File 1�To___- 85950 �--------- --- the widening a32cM � vi of oa3cl2nci Ave. From Pleasant Ave to --Summit..-Ave-:,--iZi�"� gradis -c oris of retaining wa33s azia- steps, const_. o:r' -3 w_ --w sidewalks csr -relaying of existing . walks rel"aticm or ---r = — ��s t of ar�s�e�rt�3 IA-93Mtixg-- - and paving a11ey driveway approaches, etc. ---------------- ------ -- - - - - - - - - --- --- ------------------------ and having investigated the matters — ad things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ________ - - -________._necessary and (or) desirabr. " (See estimate- attached) 2. The estimated cost TL --------------------------------- and the. total cost -thereof is $ ........ ____________------------, and the nature and extent of saie3 is as follows_ ----------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch Q said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof- -- - - - - - ---------- subject to assessment for said impr®�sment. -- Commissioner of Public orks_ h 0 .h c . Ji eafone yYr.: -- Lj MUG NUS " �I - ml to el nl gl 61 lrt� - e 'I_� �z Y _ r— h Z7' 70�- zs/ �D �i � / TION._` OAKLAND AVE. Doke St - P/easonf Ave O PEN/NG Bureau of Engineers April 29 /930 - Scale /" = 50' Shee j i i I f Oo/!/onli Ave. jummif ^ Ou/se Oaf/and- P/�oxonf � sem. Ltr3 '°'SS OAK LANG AvC �►... JUKE PLEASANT I OPE N IWt 1R 3 IVU - i e • I iii o � w ,�.�// —�_� ' o� CIS + n ,,y,13/.-f� ry� /� �\ 0�2� moo. �. - _ � � � �� � •_' o '\' ¢ OA KLANL \� \ _ Sheer f � I - 4 �� . ryP%ca/ No�fian \ � 60; � f9ur�a obou� /ii�F 3hn/v Prooerfy /i17e. ir OA,�lL.q.'�lD- .. - Summi' - ve - Duke_ St DUKE ST. R9 Oaklo d ve •P/easan!Ave I \ OPEN NC -a sLOPEs 60 ° -M r 14 1930 35 She J� oc ip �4 r g 0 °6 7 OC 20 act' qOO lkf/ND 2�7C"� �L \ h 0 - ! �-70 /UUP _h 94 - � •n ry+�nt o in Q— ((J 710A,7 OAKLAND AVE. - Duke St - P/easonf Ave O PEN/NG Sureou of Eiagineeis Apii/ 29 /930 Shee f 2 0/, 2 ewle cu/ • - _ /c; _ _ % � � ,\ �/ \ �� Ty;.o.%co/ ND�fion � OA/S[AND AVG NUG - i \ by \ fgtir�� obovr /ii�f 3,h0w \. p Vol Of _\ / ro �� nq. ara Q �� qo o� �-siw o Tf Z22 (7c� `�vQ 42 � J0.' F L/' GAS•%OrP YJ�:.: - . gool !ate iv, 1. .41 rX /and- P/�o�ronf _ uw:w Rim iw.... i Tt'Z S -T.-a. S i! ! 2!T T: •C: .... r f _ In the matter of --- QP-4=J--ng-,--!Videning_ end extending Oakland Avenue from t8� ng anit eeasementto ain the vland forslopesand retaining walls in outs or fills for grading the widened portions of said street and temporary easements in the land necessary for working purposes during the construction of paiA walls. C: F. No. 86038— Innndeesten&n. Oaklsndi Avea le.from -Summit Ave. to Ples.aat Ave. Al.o condemning and t.ating an .easement 8 021 ____ _____, approved-----April-21}11.x-.19�-Qa_____-_-_I In the land for,;slopes andre[stning ,au, in eute or 1111. or g;t Ing the _ June 17th 19 j0 the partioae -of said atr�et and ,inporary easement. in th land �5760-------__ approved------------------J------------------ <;;n Rr wonting pu_onae_8 dur- A publicr'hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it 41, X4 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th1t- un to be made by the said C is to widen the pav nt on Oakland -Ayre• two additional es of traffioproper entr way into Summi e• be and the same are hereby car:cel!ed, annc''!M, and nscinded end ail #mweemwin said matter be d'.scont; :'.ed. a d the Council hereby orders sal improvement to be RESOLVED FURTHER, That he follow'. are hereby ordered to be taken, al) ropriated imp vementa, viz.: if 3, trace F Su tA8d. Par Add ly .or. es f point on th rt. RES VED FURTHER, That the Ci and direct d to prepare plans and specification hereby aut orized and directed to proceed with 'th ag land, land or easements therein be anc� the same and condemn for the purpose of making the said VIA lock Irk Add and .trhu on. EXg yvssterly of a alae e- 1 w C mencfng2 a s uth ll ..,M a4mm1A issioner of Public Works b and is hereby instruct d for said improvement, and a proper city officials a e � e making of said improve nt in accordance ther wl Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- 19 ---- �a------- -- ----------------------- . r ', GOT Glerie Approved------------------------- 19---- --- - Mayor. Councflmanik m May / 1 t:ft:M&wwvid *OBMMI* U ➢8 /j bowee Pearce Com/ Count sudheow Bose Mayor mayor— Bundlie mice o� the CoJ_z-is_ - -_ ..__ _eof AL r Public Wo`rks.:_ a'y � 19c :moi Report to ---Ir- of Finance \ °'• May 6, 1930_ 192 To -the Commissioner of Finance of the City oa St_—� The Commissiorncr of Public 1--aL---a- a _ — — — - er consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.$5C32 aPF= — y ,. -- --- - �, - - -''- '>�_3'_ :L 24, 1931 ---.-192-----.--> relative to openingp w:Lciening and ext �r c3i _ ____ ._---------- _. � � -+-ad Av � from Summit Ave to Pleasant Ave. andt _ ---- --a =�1and Ave. to Pleasant Ave. and having investigated the matters arac3 hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--. r_ocos_as ----- - _-. oz--� cesiralile- 2. The estimated cost thereof is S- and the nature and extent of said im�rovezr�erxt is 3. A plan, profile or sketch of =ai4c3 ifzaprovE�r� ---- 4. ..__-- - - ------ 5. --- 5. Said improvement is subject to assessment For said improvam-xaE nt_ �e the total cost thereof is E__.xxxx io attached and made a part hereof. petition of three or more owners of property, -- --------- --- of Public Wor s. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMERV OiC ,-OANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of opening, widening and extending Oakland Avenue from Summit Avenue to Pleasant Avenue and Duke Ftreet from Oakland Avenue to Pleasant Avenue by taking and condemning the following described r-, property: All that part of Block 3, Terrace Park Add. and Thurston's Subdivision of lot 7, block 3, Terrace Park Add. lying westerly of ; a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the south line of Summit Ave. 15 ft. easterly of the east line of Oakland Ave thence south and parallel to the east line of Oakland Ave. a distance of 118 ft., thence on a curve to the left of 360 ft. radius tangent to last described line, through a central angle of ?5 degrees, 40 minutes, thence on a curve to the loft of 120 ft. radius tangent to last described curve through a central angle of approximately 24 degrees and 20 minutes to a point of tangency with the present southerly line of lot 6, Thurston's Subdivision. Also all that part of lot 21, block 4, Terrace Park Addition lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point westerlyon the northeasterlycOakland A corner of saidlot21, thence southeasterly formathe distance of 82.7 ft., more or less, in the direction of a line drawn the ofnthefintersectionpofdthednortherlyt line id Grand Ave. of Grand Ave. produced easterly and the westerly line of Oakland Ave. produced, trance on a curve to the right of 25 ft, radius tangent r to last described line to a point of tangency "lith the southeasterly line of said lot 21. Also all that part of Block 5, Terrace Park Add. lying northeasterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the the southeasterly line of lot 1, theencid elnoorthwesterlyock 5, which iand2parallel mwith center line of Oakland ..v e., the center line of Oakland Ave., thence on a curve to the left of 75 ft. radius tangent to last described line to a point of tangency with the southerly line of "rand Ave. Also all that part of Block 6, Terrace Park Add. lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northwester- ly line of lot 1, said block 69 which is 63 ft. from the center line of Oakland Ave., thence on a curve of 17 ft. radius tanEent to the lot a curve of , nce tangentstorlastine describeddcurvelto aepointnof tangency withta lineus drawn parallel to and 42 ft. distant from the center line of Oakland Ave., thence southeasterly along said line parallel to the north- easterly line of lots 1,2 and 3, said Block 69 to an intersection with the production cf a line drawn parallel to the northeasterly line of lot 4, said Block 6, 8 ft. distant therefrom and on the southwesterly side thereof, thence southeasterly along said line parallel to the northeasterly line of lot 4 to an intersection with : Beginning at the northeasterly -corner a line described as follows of said lot 4, thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of lot 4, a distance of 61 ft. thence at an angle to the right 24 degrees and 30 minutes to said point of intersection, thence con - 5 timing southeasterly on the last line to a distance of P5 ft. j from its intersection with the northeasterly line of loi; 4, thence on a curve to the left radius 287-9/10 ft. tangent to last described r«m southeasteline rlyaoneatral tangentltole of 31 last describedrees ncurvemtouaepointeofe tangeney;with a curve to the sight of 30 ft, radius tangent to the north line of,Pleasant Ave., thence along said curve to the north., line bf:Ple"e�asat- Ave:;, - _. .. ..- -� �_._�z.,,,;`;;�e,.'fs`."'l♦np of d%ig from Duke 'St.'to pleasant Ave an easement in the ]send nceesS07 for;:.: under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1 0 000 00 $ 1.00 to 2.50 The estimated cost pl/1-rtthe above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK . ADDITION •. ASSESSED Land UATION Bldg... West 70 feet of 6 3 Terrace Park Addition 5600 to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota That strip 20 feet in Thurston's Subdivision 725 width lying north of and of Lot 7, Blk 3, Terrace adjoining lots 7 and 6 Pk Addition to tre City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 6 do 2000 7 do 2000 20 and N. 50 ft of 21 4 do 1200 5750 measured on the west line of Lot 20 (Exe. 1. 5 ft of South do 1750 6000 100 ft and except north 50 ft. as measured on the west line of Lot 20) 21 4 TOTAL, . ,Form B. B. 10 ,l CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR.TMEj�ft-OIF rINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAL Lana ATIO Lots 1, 2 and 3 5 Terrace Park Addition 6500 14300 to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota (:Except Avenue and except 6150 90000' westerly 150 ft ) 1 do also (except northerly 30 feet of Testerly 100 ft.and except easterly 50 feet of . westerly 150 ft of Northerly 74 feet) 2 6 3 6 do 4250 Lots 5 and 4 6 do 6250 That part lying, south of Oakland Avenue of Lots 8 to 5800 17 inclusive of B do Part south. of Oaklanve Ave.of 12 do 2350 11 22 Auditor's Subdivision 8000 8200- x(11, St. Paul,Minn. Lot 19 and east of 18. 71eed and Nill ius 6000 24000 also west 11 f* of 20 2 3 Rearrangement of Block 23 of Woodland Park Add, to the City Of St -Paul, East 39 ft of 20. Ramsey County, State of .. 3900 11000- and west 21 feet of 21 23 Minnesota Lot 22 and east 29 ft of 21 2.3 do 7000 West 90 feet of East 140 ft. Terrace Park Addition 6 3 to the City of St. Paul, 7200 of Ramsey County, State of. Minnesota North 150 ft of lots 1 and 2 4 do 6000 21300 3 4 3500 No. 55 ft of S. go ft of 1 & 2 4 do. 1650. 10000.- So. 35 ft of lots 1 and 2 4, do 1200 2600.. Ely 50 ft of !9ly 150 ft of 1 do 1300. and Ely 50 feet of Testerly 150 ft of northerly 74 feet of 2 6 W. 42.26 ft of 5 Th rstoon'sPSu}ldi f Lot 7 Blk 3 er ce dd U` ,Ai 3 ion 2125 he-"—"-- 4200 and trat art of the private alley noz�th n a. p F tre described part of Lot 5 � ''--'1 "lest 40 ft of above TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME;T'r`OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Bldg:'.. _ Land,.-, Lot 4 and E. 7.74 ft of 5 Thurston's Subdivision of 2950 4800. and that part of private Lot 7, Blk 3, Terrace alley lying north of Park Add. to the City of and ad ,joining Lot 4 and St. Paul,:�'inn. said part of Lot 5 1 Goodkind Terrace, 3650' St. Paul,Minn. 2 do 1750 That part of Lots 3 and 4 do 16200 37000 lying westerly of the following described line, beginning at the northeasterly corner of said lot 3, thence SEly along the Ely line 53.06 ft, th. Sly at an angle of 1530 431; 56 feet to center of top stone of stairway, thence westerly along top of said stairway to westerly line thereof, thence Slv along said T11ly line to a pt, on N17 line of Oakland Ave. 19.55 ft easterly from theS',1F1v corner of said lot 4 That part of lots 3 and 4 Goodkind Terrace, 16000 24000 lying E1,, of the following describ- St. Paul,Minn. ed line: Beginning at the NEly corner of said lot ;1, thence southeasterly along the easterly line 53.06 feet, thence southerly at an angle of 1530 43', 56 feet to center of top stone of stairway, th. "('ly along top of stairway to westerly line thereof, thence southerly along said Wly line to a pt, on the Nly line of Oakland Ave. 19.55 ft, Ely from the S'.Rlly corner of said Lot 4 SE 1/2 of vacated alley adj. Terrace Pk Addition to 350 and part north of Oakland Ave the City of St. Paul, of 10, 8 Ramsev Co., C.tate of Minnesota. Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley ad,j. and part north of Oakland Ave. of 11..8 do 425 23001 Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley do 950 4500 adjoining and part north of Oakland Ave. of 12. and (Except Northeast 40 feet) part north ^f Oakland Ave. of 13 8, Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley do 600 3750.. adj and northeast 40 ft of part north of Oakland Ave.og 13 8. Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley do 900 8000- adj. and part north of Oakland Ave. ro11M e.e.ii TOTAL CITY P.sF .S.T. PAUL �, DEPARTM h1V't"Ok' SIN ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - � .-- DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION Land . _-. Bldg..:.. Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley TerraceParky Addition to 1000 3000 ad!. and part north of of Oakland Avenue of 15 . 8 Ramsey County, State of Minnesota Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley adj and part north of Oakland do 1100 .2850. Ave of 16 8 Southeast 1/2 of vacated alley adjoining and cart north of do 1250 1000-0 Oakland Ave. of 17 8 The southerly 145 feet of do 1775 25000 the easterly 11 feet of 3 and that part of lots 1 & 2 12 lying Sly of the Nly lineof the above described part ofLot 3said produced to easterlyline Lot 1, Block 12 (Except Oakland. Ave.)3 12 do 1225. 5200 'blest 49 feet of (Except Oakland Ave.) do 2175. 5150 Lot 4 and E 1/2 of 5 12 (Exe. Oakland Ave.)2125 do 42000 Lot 6 and Gest 12 12 of 5 (Except Oakland Ave..) . 7 12 do 1400 2350 8 12 do 1350 do 9 12 do 1350 4300 do 10 12 do 1300 do . 11 12 do 1300 2650 do Part lyingnorth of Oakland 12 12 do 1250. . Ave. of Part lying north of 13 12 do 1250 3700 Oakland Avenue -f (Except W 10 ft) part lying north, of 14 12 do Oakland Ave. of 7000 Vacated Street adj. and part lying Nort' of Oakland Ave. of 15 and of 'gest 10 ft Of 14 12 _ do TOTAL 1400 7856 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMElk 6-- rINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -,—i. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. _- Part.Northwesterly of Whitacre, Brisbine and 1500 350.0 Oakland Ave, of Lots 13,14 Mullen's Subdivision 15 and 16. of Lots 1 and 2, of Leech's Addition of Outlots to the Town of St. Paul (Except part lving southwest of a. line drawn at right angles to Oakland Ave. from a pt. thereon 10 ft.. NE from SIN corner) teat part lying, northwest of 500 1200 Oakland Avenue of 17. do Lot 19 and (Except Oakland- do 775 530.0 Ave.) 18 also that part of 17 Lying SIN of a line drawn at right angles to Oakland Ave. from a . pt. thereon 10 ft. NE from the ST corner of said Lot 17 Part of Lisbon Street do 800 4100 vacated and adjoining and 25 Part of Lisbon Street vacated and adjoining and wast -33 feet of 26 do 450 2400 . (Except Oakland Avenue and do 675 5250 except W. 33 ft) 1 26 and that part of Lisbon St. vacated and adjoining ,the same, also (except Oakland Ave. and except East 32 ft 27 (Exc. Oakland Ave.) East 32feet of 27 do 400 Part NW of Oakland Ave of 28 do 500 1600 Part northwest of Oakland, Avenue of 29 d9 400 1750 Part northwest of Oakland 150 Avenue of 30 do Part northwest of Oakland Avenue of 31 do \ 25 �.Ma.e. TOTAL 164,650 420,850__- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work . Dated - 19.30 Commissioner F.- B. B. 13 of Finance. G Office—Ced. 1591 __.... REAL-ESTATE APPRAISALS a .CT 10 e; t House—Dale 4861 CHARLES H. BRONSON REALTOR 7013 COMMERCE BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9 / / If/- -d /93.0 Lake—Dale 10796 INSURANCE - CARE OF PROPERTY Y" ly July 15th. 1930. Hon. H. P. Holler. Chairman, Joint City & County Committee. 1506 }derchants national Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: The matters of Opening. widening and extending Oakland Avenue from Summit•Ave. to Pleasant Ave. and also the matter of widening and Paving Oakland Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to Summit Ave. were discontinued by the Council at its meeting held today because they were informed that an assessment for the widening probably could not be sustained in the face of objection of property owners. The matter was then referred to your Committee to determine whether the County could aid in finan- cing this improvement. Yours very truly. City Clerk. I- �u COURCIL FILE NO. By.._ - - In the Matter of__chanEing_the,_E_rade__of St. Antrony "ve. frim Syndicate Ave. to a point 200 ft. east of Hamline "v e. to confor to the red line _.___on_.the--- profile _her_eto_-attacrPa__axi�-ade_a_part_rereof, the_oresent- established grade being srovrn by a blue line thereon, also rP rrd'ing St_. Ant) ony ave-._ _from.__-r_di_cte_A e...to_i aniline Ave._.to-----e__re ine wYen establisred and reb:AildinE tre presx"- sidewalk to new grade and - - --line,-. - - - - --------- - -- RESOLVT10NS _ C. F. No. 86040— ......... ... ... .. . . ... In the \latter of ch¢nginy the grads of St. Anthony ave. from Syndic¢V undei ^Ate. to ft. e¢st or xy njg2`9------ ---.approved _- I'4ay .l-3,_ 1930- - - - - +ye.rel' - Intermeditt`y "Order -----------=---------------------- ------•-approved —------------------- ----------- ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and haying fully considered the same; therefore, be it e&OA� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that ovement to be made by the aid City is____change-_trs_- d -e__ -of__ St --Anthony- _ e..__f'rov ndicate Ave. to oint 200 ft. east o -aniline Ave. to co\_�eo rEd_line_nn__the__.- _ofil:__.1_er_e_to_at_t2_cre___ and__ma�e--a__rart_tYe resent establish. grade bein shov.tn b;; a blueline trelso re4 " St __An.thflng_Az_e,_ r_cm_Syxtd_catP---h ----_---Hm'._i7e__i{ve.red lin when establisred d rebuild tre prose t sidevialk trade be a& t�_A �e m J rab^ ranc!0W. a nrn:':ed, and rescinded &.j; ---------------------- ------ ------------ ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - i eau EL�,3' he ...._ ..„ed. d the Council hereby or rs said improvement to be e. ESOLVED FURTHER, at the Commissioner of Pub ' Works be and is hereby i trd and direct.prepre plans and spe i-ations frid improvemtd submit same tothei] for approval;atuponaid approval, th roperctyoffiilsarehe y authorized and direcpro- ceed with th aking of said improvem t in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilFp -7 2--1------ ------ - 192 -------- -- j SEP 12 W? Approved - - - _ 192 44-------------- -- - ------ - Mayor. Councilman INUNIM Conroy C ncilman McDonald on Councilmanen Pj 1 un It' Councilmani;,,".,,Councilman [Er ; ,,.,i ,•;,r,rr Councilman 4l9AUX Mayor T BuudHe Form B. S. A. 8-7 POST CARD NOTICE UPPH`li uP TIIE �GO �, AIISSIOSPai UP PIS:ASCI': l SI. Paul, Minn.,..... July. 3.........A .... In the uur.rer or GRADING, mndcmni- ,I,d rAinc an EASEMENT ill it � h,,;Ji In, i„ changing the-grade of. - 8t.,;Anthony..Ave,.. from Syndioate. to..20 !,.E....of ,Ham- line. ncl.regraciing.St,. Anthony..Aye,. from.,8yn( At to to Hamline a� .. ... o I .....852$9.... „ May 13; 19"30.. nnd• PMi od,..... 852m...........:.•,.„,L.MaY.1.3.,'.1930.... '1).Evang....Luth.Synod- of-Mo...,..Ohio..&.other-states.. bat 8..'f5'�5,�OO..or Ta public bearing will be hdd on-il5hc�, eni in thonned e CChzncr d,r the c.,..., noun and Cit, Hall tIaY lf...... July.. .. IgZo.. in t1” cm. or S:. Pnul, 10 TT24'L !'cr�'?C 1T.➢. ��-=,Tr3Ti3+LfSL7i1'.Q,' --- Cnuuniwtiinnrr of I'i n;mrr. CITY OF ST. PAUL y 4"4DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT O' ORDER FINANCE N PRELIMINARY (A) In the matter of eharlging the grade of St. Anthony Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to a point 200 ac east of Hemline pa A°e. to conform hereoft the presenteestablisbednthe gradepbeing hereto attached and made a part AnthonAvenue from Syndicate shown by a blue line thereon, also regrading and rebuilding present Ave. to Hairline Ave. to the red line when sidewal'{ to new grade and line, under Preliminary Order approved May 13, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ 51:- .00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 0.43 frt _ _ The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed 'benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: TOTAL. 136,775 250,000 Form B. B. 10 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public WArks. -�� / 19- C Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. e.s D ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION IYA1r1LUATION Bldg. - C1 5 4 Midway Industrial Division 3700 6 4 do 3450 7 4 do 3225 8 4 do 3000 9 4 do 2850 10 4 do 2550 Concordia College Campus- 118000 250.000 A TOTAL. 136,775 250,000 Form B. B. 10 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public WArks. -�� / 19- C Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. e.s D V40 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 20, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of St. Anthony Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to a point 200 ft. east of Hamline Ave. , also regrading St. Anthony Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to Hamline Ave. and rebuilding present sidewalk to new grade and line, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85239, approved May 13, 1930: 76 ft. Length 600.8 ft Width 40 ft. Roadway Frontage 1200 ft. Estimated Cost $ 510.00 Cost per front foot 0.43 Inspection 10.00 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co issioner of Finance J Commissioner of Public �Vo�s. t Crffice of the Commissioner of Public ,.. Report to Commissioner of Finance "' a -May--21:--190 .....------------- 192 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.:._--8.=9....approved____.Iday..l.-j,-_19$0....__...192........, relative to changing the grade of St. A nthony Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to ----- .....-- ---------------- ... - - .... - - - -- ----- ._...-- ------ - .. _._.- a point 200 ft. east of Hamline Ave., also regrading St. A nthony -- _ -_- - ---- ---------- _.__._....... - ------ - Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to Hamline Ave. and rebuilding present --------- ....... - - - - - ... _ ....._ _ ... __...._. ....... ------ sidewalk to new grade and line. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is______ _ ___..necessary and (or) desirable. Cit gpr front foot 0.4d5 2. The estimated cos her is .- - ._. -..-- ......__---.., an the total cost thereof is $....__.5].0..0.0..__., Inspection $10.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......___ _.. _........ _ ... ___.._._.__...._...._.- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------ ........ .... ... ..... ..._..... _ ... _ ... .... .. 5. Said improvement is __.._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public W k's. pyo y Sentember 2nd, 1930 Mr. Martin C.raebuer, President, Concordia College. St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; The m.tter of changing the grade of St. Anthony Avenue from Syndicate Ave. to a poing 200 feet east of Hamline avenue, also re -grade. St. Anthony Avenue from Syndicate to Hamlin Avenue, was before the City Council today for hearing and was again laid over to Friday, Septem- bor 5th. 1930. Vary truly yours, City Clerk. -+f COUN FIL NO. _ BY/--'-- ----� - ---- condemning and taking an easement in the land In the matter of------ndem ------and- talo--- a - ease--- a necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the regrading of St. Anthony Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to Hamline Ave. 1F. No: - 86041 Byn Muton noeen— I the ]intt t co demning end tp`k. 8 eae m nt la. We land n - ecee- ary for slopes, outs. and 011e 1n the regrading of 8t. Anthony Ave fro -T_ 8yndtentMay-13.-1930 ' to 8amilad A '- - under of ---------------- approved-------- - Intermediary Order ------26759---------------, approved---------J-wk-1 -12-39 ----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that bite r ee - - �LZ R -'T' -Rd- "f ndemning and tak an eas ment iXad d necessary fo slopes, cuts and f ls, in thng of St. Antho Ave. om SyndicateAve.to Hem be ad the lame are hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded and all ::!!.:ft t1 eaid matter be dL'Conan::ed. - -- mder RESOLVED FURT , That the following 1 d, lands or easements th in be and the same ereby ordered to be en, appropriated and c ndemn A for the purpose making the said vements, viz.: For slop s, cuts and fill , in the regrading f \e, Anthony Ave. om Syndicate Av to Hemline Ave., t the t shown upon a plan of the Co issioner of Public Work at heret which plan is h reby referred to and made part hereof. RESOLVE FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of PubI Works be and is hereby inst cted and directed to epare plans and specifi tions for said improve ent, and the proper city official e hereby authoriz and directed to proceed 'th the making of sai improvement in accordance the with. SEP Adopted by the Council__-- --- 12 WO} ----------------- 19 ---- ; Approved----------------- --------- 19---- ------- -------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce \� SudheIMISHED,�� Councilman d / Councilman Sudheimer Mayor CI OF ST. PAUL w DEPART &r. -OF FtNANCE REPORT OF COIV'MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the regradinU of St. Anthony Avenue from Syndicate Ave. to Hamline Ave., 00 under Preliminary Order approved Mal 1.";, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 25 Of) The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED g•.._ LVanyATION Bldg. 5 4 Midway Industrial Division 3700 6 4 do 3450 7 4 do 3225 8 4 do 3000 9 4 do 2850 10 4 do 2550 A Concordia College Campus 118000 250.000 TOTAL, 136,775 250,000 Form B. B. 10 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public W k�s. �j� Dated 19 3 C O k,c Q c. Commissioner of Fina e. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D --)YiYOfcw SCOfe: / • /00 - -- //YDL/-3 'TR/AL D/V'IS/O/Y e /-O32' b Q � I \ U� SCG CO/YCORO/A CDL LEGE S/.An/hany Ave. SyndiCofe .Nom/ine _ - - - - "►- f T4 46 Office of the Commissioner of Public W8f �9 c 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance WAY 21 1934 May.. 21.,-_1930 - ._ ........ .192— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. approved MaY 1,3p., 19.3.0- -. -.---192........, relative to condemning and taking .an_.easement_in_.the_land--.necessary.-for__.._....._---- slopes, cuts and fills-in__the regrading -_of,St...Anthony -.Ave .._..from. -.- S yndicate Ave. to Hamline Ave. _ _ - - - . -' and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- - __ ._ ._..._necessary and (m') desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.. -. - _ - _..__._.., and the total cost thereof is S.- - --- - ----- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ... ___-__._ . __ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - - Commissioner of Public Wo s. y'o COUNCIL FILE N0.__._-______-______ FINAL ORDER 86(Ma In the Matter of___r-esUrfacing--the --- pavement--on--13>iQadway___Street__from_-______-___ .__S.aYanth._Street___tq-- ississippi._Street. and Mississippi Street from 3r©advr ---tu--the--- bridge --- omer_the_NQFthe_rn__Pacific_-Railroad,_____ ---- - - :FrNAL 6RDM8. F. No.. 86012=. - - ____------- ________ ________ '— ;.In the Matter of -of the pa ment on Br a(l anth .Street to +:��^ 't.from'F� - ________ -------_____ _____. __.------------------------------------------------------- Mies? ,.. ' z A ril 10 1930 under Preliminary Order----- 8W§ ------------- ---------.approved ----- ------ '-------------------------------- - ---------------- IntermediaryOrder--------------------------------------approved-------------------------------------------------------- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upondue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- re-urface-_ the__Qav_ement _on Broadway Street _rr�m_ke_y_entb—Street_to__Tdississi�pi__Street-f-_and Mississipri Street from -I�rBaduzag--Stras i--fo--the-luidge_-oYex__thg_ Nprthern PacificRailroad, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __JUL-_'2_q_ ----- -___________- Approved ------- 3-- __ - _ -- - ---.- 1192 ---- i Clerk. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald 1 Councilman May % iPenrceCouncilman Rosen Councilman rgudbr;„,rr Councilman ]wed Mayor R0d=WXDund114 Form B. S. A. 8-7 i Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM*ENTMW FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC�c� (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Resurfacing the pavement on Broadway Street from Sevent:i Street to Mississippi Street, and Mississippi Street from Broadway Street to the bridge over the Northern Pacific Railroad. W under Preliminary Order approved #64858 April 1U, 1930. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above i rovement is $ 22,957.00 front Property Share 12,985.OU The sti ated oat p ,¢o t ftor th above impr vement is _ g 1.30 Tota q. `Id. T.o55. �lntersec�ions & Wf eelage $9,97 O The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Exc. 7tb St.) that part of Kittsonls Add. to St.Paul 14000 5000 lying Tly of Broadway and bet. the N lv line of Lot 3 and the Sly line of Lot 5, Blk 4, ..hitney & Sm tits Addition extended to Broadway Lots 1 and 2 4 Whitney and Smith's 27500 2500 and that part of Kittsonls Addition between the Northerly line of lot 1 and the southerly line of Lot 2 in said Block extended to Broadway E. 22 ft of Lots 3, 4 and 5 4 do 12000 1500 (Exc. E.7th St.) (Exc. East 22 ft and F.7t1- �.t.) do 60000 24000 a: lot 5 blk 4 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT'�AlrFINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT eLocic: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i (Exc. E. 22 ft) 4. A 71hitney and Smith's included':- -- ii (Exc. E. 22 ft) 3 4 Add. to Saint Paul Lot 1 12 Hoyt Is Add. to St.Paul 47500 35000 also that part of Kittson's Addition 'i lying between the Nly and Sly lines --- of said lot 1, extended to Broadway Lot 4 12 do also that part of Kittson's Addition lying between the Northerly and Southerly lines of said lot 4 extended to Broadway Lots 1 and 2. 9 do 35000' 10700,... and that part of Block 8 lying between the Ely line of - said lot 1 and the wiv line of said lot 2 extended to lOtr St'. also (Exe. the Slv 125 ft) 3 and 4 9 also that part of Kittson's Addition lying between th^ southerlyline of 10th St. and t'-e Sly line of above described part of lot 4 extended to Broadway The south 125 ft of 4 9 do 16500 5350 (Except the west 9 ft) -- also that part of Kittson's Addition lying between the northerly and southerly lines of said south 125 "t . So. 125 ft of 3 9 do 10000, and south 125 ft of ".1est 9 ft of lot 4-- (Exe alley and except B10^k No. 15 in-Hovt's 4300 4950_,_ south 1 ft) 1 Add. to the Town of also that part of Kittson's St. Paul (Bagnell & McGronan's), Addition lying between the northerly and southerly limes -- thereof extended to Broadway i. (Except alley) southerly 1 -- foot of 1 do 100 also that part of Kittson's --- Addition 7ving between the' northerl-r and southerly lines thereof extended to Broadway TOTAL { - CITY OF ST. PAUL '..y `y DEPARTiMENT 61rFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN4 , • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B).:: .: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. ' �Exce t alley) 2 Block No. 15 in Hoyt Is Add, Town St. Paul 4500 4750, a so tat part of Kittson's to tre of Add. lying between t e (Bagnell & 1,IcOronan's) northerly and southerly lines of said-lot 2 extended to Broadway Part of Kittson's Addition & 3 do 6500 3000 commencing on the Nly line of 10th St. 87.42 ft Wly from the SJly line of Broadway th. Nly at right angles, to the N. line of lot 3, th. E. to the '".1. line of Broadway, th. S., to . 10th St. th. to beginning 3 do 2250 4000 Part of commencing on the Nly line of 10th St. 87.42 ft I91y from 11117 line of Broadway, th Nly at right angles to the Nly line of said lot ?, th. W. to the E. line of alley, th. S. to 10th St.,th. E, to,begin ring (Exc. alley) 11. McHenry's Subdivision of .. 2950. 1500_: also that part of Kittson's a part of Block 15 in Hoyt's Addition to Saint Paul Addition lying between the northerly and southerly lines of lot 11 extended to Broadway (Except alley) 12. do 3000, 2200,: also that part of Kittson's Addition lying between the northerly ndsoutherly lines of said lot extended to Broadway i (Except alley) 13, McHenry's Subdivision of a 3000 .2200.: also that part of Kittson's part of Block 15 in Hogt's Add. lying between the Nly Addition to Saint Paul and Sly lines of said lot extended to Broadway 3000, 4200, (Except alley) 14 do also that part of Kittson's Add, lying between the Nly and Sly lines of said lot extended to Broadway 650' 1 Auditor's Subdivision No.12 St. Paul,Minn 2500 2 do 3 do 380Q ,3690.:. 4 do 3900 _ .., 5 do _ _4000 _ TOTAL 1r - CITY OF ST. PAUL -FINANCE , _ DEPARTMENT OF REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANA1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED - •� .,...__. VALUATION (Except Grove St.) 1 L. C. Dayton's Enlargement 13,50, 2$00 of Yis Addition to the Part of 2 City of St. Paul 1000; 1700 s south of Grove °t. and west of a line drawn parallel with Broadway from a point on the south line of Grove St. 50.60 feet east.froM the west line of said lot, -measured on the south line of Grove St. to the north line of lot 3 Part of 2 do 450 south of Grove St, and E. of line parallel with Broadway, from a point on the south line ,of Grove St. 50.60 ft Ely from 7% lin-, of said lot, measured on the south line of Grove St, to the north line of lot 3 (Except Grove St.) 3 do 2200 Part of Kittson's Add. L. C. Dayton's Enlargement 2000 180:0 adj, lying between the N & S. lot lines extended to Broadway and 4 do and 5 do 1900 1040 -- do and 6 do 1900: do and 7 do 1900 . ' do and 8 and 9 do 3.800 1450 do and l0 do 1900: 120;0 - -. North 26 ft of 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. 23 St. Paul,Minn. 2200. :750 (Exc. N. 26 ft) 3, do 8300 1850 4. do z000: 2900 3; 3. Kittson's Add. to St.Paul 4500. 65p__._ 4. 3 do _ 5625: 2800--- _ (Exc. SE 73,50 ft) 5 3 do 1475 2800 -.- _ SEly 73.50 ft of 5 5 do 4150. 2850. .. 6 3 do 4500. Lot 3 and 14'ly 10 ft of 24 do 6040 2000 4 4 do 6250' 2150 5. 4 do 7900: 400:0__ _ 6 4 do 6250.. Vac, alley adj and lots3,4,5 & 6 blk 13 do M e.e.ii 28100 86900— _ TOTAL — CITY OF ST. PAUL y DEPARTMENT OrFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN4 ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION Loi BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION F „Land.,, .- Bldg— ldg-inc. inc.other prop 3 14 Kittson's Add. to st.Paul 18300 29000 4 14, do 7800 350 (Exc.Bth St.) 5 14. do 10250 .2250 .: do 6 14. do 14000 , inc.l,ot_.. 7 That part of 3 28. do 4300 _ lying Ely of a line commencing at a point on thenorth line 6.20 ft from the N'^! corner t�-ereof ; thence southeast 96 ft to a point 9.18 ft east from line between lots 3 and 4, ti-ence southeast 5.70 ft to a point on tre northwest line of alley 9.35 ft northeast from the southwest corner of said lot Lot ? and part of 3 28. do 10000 8200: Commencing at the N71 corner of said lot Hr.E. along tre'N line thereof 6.20 ft.. tr. SE 96 ft to a pt. 9.18 ft E. from the line between lots 3 and 4; trerce SE 5.60 ft to a point on the N'.".' line of,alley 9.35 ft NE from S"' corner of said lot; th. to said ST corner, th. to beginping. Lots 6 and 5 •28 do 3500 0 13500 - inc.other 3 1 Dayton's addition 27775 prop. Lot 4 and that part of 5 1 do 10500 4000 lying east of Miss`..ssippi St. North 40 ft of that part of 5 1 do 12001800 lying soutrof alley and west of Mississippi St., also north^0 ft. of part of _ 6 lying south of alley (Except N. 40 ft) do 5 1 1250 2400.___. Lot 6 and t1-at part of ; _-. •' lying south of alley and west of Mississipri St. inc. lot 8 " (Except alley) 7 1 do 3300 600 ' ', 5 2 do 4550, . 6 2 do 4040. 10400•_.. 7 2 do-, - - TOTAL CITY OF ST., PAUL DEPARTMENT GJ-FINANCE REPO_ RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)_ ASSESSED ' LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION V ALU _. DESCRIPTION g 2. Dayton's Addition 5600 X300 --- Lot 9 andnorth 16 2/3 ft of. 10: 2. do 47501 8000. south 33 1/3 ft of 10. 2 do 2400, 2600 , 11. 2. do 42501 500.. 12. 2, do 3700. 2500 That part of lying west of a line from a point on the north line thereof 148.75 ft.from I tre west line of Pine St, to a pt, on the So. line of said lot 14$.86:ft from the SE corner of.said blk 2 That part of 12 2 do 5550 - lying E. of a line from a pt. on the N. line of said lot 148.75 ft 7. from tre W. line of Pine St. to a pt. on So. line of said lot 149,86 ft from the SE corner o f said Block 2, also trose part of lots 15 & 16 2 do lying west of a line from a pt. .on the north line of lot 14 in said block, 98.55 ft from the NE corner.trereof, - to a point on the south line of said lot 16, 98.37 ft from the SE corner. do of said 'block, also all Of 13 2 1 3' do 3150' 2 3 do 27501 6500 - 3 3 do 2750 3650, 4 3, do 13501 26 11 3 do 1225 5600 ISP. 43.77 ft of 11, 3. do 175 ! East 6.23 ft of ft) N 2 of do 4025 4000 (Except soutr 2 12 3) do la 3 . do 130701 700 South 27 ft of 14 3 �� do. 5 1200- North . - of 14 3 do 1550 2200 South z of 1 4. do 3300, _6900 ..__ 2 4 do 2750 3 4. do 2750 .15800.',_-_ Lot 4 and East 5 ft of 12 4 do 1525 2750• 5400, 2200',.... 13 4 do do 2750 , 600 14 4 (Except Broadway) do 5000 3000.,._ Those .parts of lots S and 6 5 follovring described line: do Commencing the 3700, 1000, hying E. of the So. line of 17th St, 98,82 ft E. from E. line of Miss. St. -- tr. So. to a pt. �n the S. line of said lot 6, 98.27 ft E. from the E.l_ne_of_Mississippl._St,..also all, of Lot.4 an-- said Bj.Q,.pyu. I TOTAL'. _ _. -- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL } DEPA5tTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION., - Those parts of Lots 5 and 6 5 Dayton's Addition 8000 2650 lying 7 of the following described Line: commencing, on the S. line of 1?th St. 98.82 ft E. from the E. line of Mississippi St- th. So. to a pt, on the So. line of said lot 6, 98.27 ft East from the E. line of Mississippi St - Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 2 ) Scl-urmeiAr's Add. to St.Fau' 21,000 (Except. Mississippi St.) 9 2 ) Mt. Airy St. vacated bet'veen 3 ) da 12,400 blocks 2 and 5 3) 6 3) do 2450 7 3 do 3000 8 3 do 3000 (Except Mississippi St.) 9 3 do 1200 Those parts of lots 10-11- do 3000 9500 12 and 13 2. lying S. of tre following described line: Beginning on the 71. line ,of Mississippi It. 81.83 ft N. of the N. line of Mt. Airy St., th_ 1,7.. at, right angles to the west line of said lot 13 (Except Miss. St.) . N. 30.24 ft of its 10-11-12-13. 2 do 825 225Q. (Except Mississippi St.) (Exce. N. 30.24 ft) those do 2, 1775 360Q part of lots 10-11-12 and 13. lying north of tl^e following described line: Beginning on t, -e west line of Mississippi St.. 81.83 ft nortr of tre nortr of lilt. Airy St. _thence :vest _.._ -line at right angles to tre west line of said lot 13 (Except Mississippi ,st.) -- North 371 ft of 14 2.Seburmeier's Add. to St.Paul. q5! . (Except nortr 372 ft) 14 2 do 725 1650 North 50 ft of lots 10-11- 12 3 do 1600 3650 (Except Miss, Soutl- 50 ft of lots 10-11 and 12-3. do 1400 1000___ (Except Miss. St -) 1.3 3 do 650 14 3 do 650 1200 �_... _.. •M eA.i TOTAL '.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CWFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (:._) _. _ _.. _. ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION - DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK. ,.,, _ 1 -=• 4 1 DeBow, Smith, Risque and 1100' Tilliams Add. to St -Paul 5 T do 1500; 3550 (Exc. W. 50 ft) So. 45 ft of 6 1 do 1250 2050' (Exc. W. 50 ft) lot 7 and do 700 1300* north 5 ft of ' l West 50 ft of lots 6 and 15 2 ) do 38600 Lots 1 to _:.. 10 6 ) d,, 78 500 ince, inc otter 11 6 ) prop'. Lots 12 to 21 6 ) 1 7 d0 1875; 7300:: 2 7` do 1350 750 g 7 do 1125 800 4 7 do 1125 Lot 5 and So. 5 ft of 6 7. do 1225 1250.. lExc. So. 5 ft) 6 7 do 1000 q 7 do 1100 g 7 do 1100 '1600' 9 q do 1100 7400, 10 7 do 1100 11 7 do 1100 ?600, __-- 12 7 do 1100 1850 13 7 do 1850; 1500 1 8 do 175 550 That part of lying 71. of a line from a pt. on th'e So. - line of said lot 22.27 ft from the SCJ corner thereof, to apt. on the T1.* line of said lot 2?.7B ft from` the yN corner thereof The west 39 ft of the l 8 do 275 650 E. 110.40 ft of (Except E. 5.60 ft of north_ 24.66 ft thereof) 'TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART kiENT F FINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANL ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' - --- _- DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - `--'_-- (Exc. N. 24.66 ft) re Bow, Smith, Risque the east 71.4 ft of 1 8 and Williams' Addition 650 2900 to St. F'aul _- E. 77 ft of N. 24.66 ft of 1 .8 do 4715 9,50: 2 8 do 900. 3 8 do 750. 4 .8 do 700 5 .8 do 700 . 6 8 do 1500. inc.lot- 7 12, 9 do 46900,.11 _ ,35000_ .) Lot 13 9 ) do includes and (Exc. 111. 70 ft)14-15- 16 ) other prop._ and Exc. 1% 60 f t) 17 ) 'P,Fest 70 ft of lots 14-15- 16 9 do 6750 and west 60 ft of 17 Lots 18 to 23 9 do included in ;abo also that part of Minnehaha St. vacated and adj. said lots Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Miss. St. 48,00. and the S. line of erection '30,th. N. to So. line of Edmund Rice's Trout Brook Addition, th.Ely along said So. line and said line produced, being a line 50 ft.Nly from and parallel with the original center line, to the south line of Section 30, th. W.to beginning, being part of the SE h of Section 30, Town. 29, Range 22 That part of south 2 of 18325. 15000 southeast 1 of Section 30 29 22 lying west of Miss. St. and soutr of Block 8 Edmund Rice's Second Add. Lots 7 to 14 22 Edmund Rice's Trout Brook 1675 (Except part included in Add. to City of St. Paul.; Soo Line Plat No. 6) West z of vacated alley adj and A Soo Line Plat No. 6 5625 _ K do 1000 Lot d do 370Q and N1 of Acker St. vac. adj , and S 15 ft of Genesee St. vac. adj and N18ly 2._ of.. Walton _St. vac... ._a_dj• _.._ TOTAL _ .._ .._.. _. ..:. ._--- .owM e.e.,i I' �. cITT OF ST. PAUL } " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED _ 'VALUATION H:. Soo Line Plat. Number 6 1700 Lot and southerly of Acker St. vacated adjoining So. 15 ft of Genesee et, Edmund Rice's trout brook Add. to the City of 1000 vac. adj and 5 21 "t.Pau l _ 6 21 do 700 7 21 do 700 8 21 do 700 9 21 do 700 10 21 do 675 11 21 do 650 PTO. 15 ft of Genesee St. vacated adj, and west ' of do 1000 alley vac. adj and 11 15 west z of vacated all?y ad•j 12, 15 do 700 :- and _ west 1 of vac. alley adj and . do 2025 750., included those part of lots 13-14- 15 15 _.._ lying southwesterly of a line from a point on the east line and 25 ft north from the southeast corner of said lot 13 to a point -Ti the north line and 50 ft west from the nortreast corner of said ,lot 15 (Exc. So. 150.28 ft of thq.north 1844.08 ft of tV,e west 94.53 ft) that A Soo Line Plat No.'S 13700 34600 part o lying southline of Lot C_block Park ksDitison produced East -- also the east lPG ft of that-." part of said B1ock.A lying nortr of_said -produced line_ and those parts of Jenl�s & Case Sts. lying _ within the boundary of above described part of said Block A (Exc. Soo Line Plat No.5) 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. B,. 175 do 7 do 275 600; do 8 do 300 do 9 do 300 TOTAL _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OP•FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i ,.._.. DESCRIPTION - LOTBLOCK- -ADDITION -: ASSESSED 'yALUATION 21. Auditor's Subdivision 80.0 ,650 No. 8 St,Paul,N.inn 22. do 809. 3000:: 23. do 425 24. do 42.5: 2?,00 -- ?5. do 5?5 '; 2500; 26. do 475 25561. _i Lots 27 and 28 also a strip 15 ft wide adjoining on the south and 29- do 1025 50U, (Exc. E. 22 1/6 ft) 13. 1. Edmund Rice's Second Add., 175 900,; to the Citv of faint Paul E. 22 1/6 ft of 13. 1. do 150 1000" ._... 14. 1 do 325 15. 1 do 325 16. 1 do 325 17. 1 do 300 19: 1 do 575 700 E. 90 ft of 20. 1 do 700 ': 180Q '".60 ft of 20. ] do 400, 1350: _. ^'.50 ft of 1 6 do 350: .1400,; _. E. 100 ft of 1 6, do 1100 .4800., 2 6 do 3 6 do 775 4 . 6_. do 400 .. _2800___. 5 6 do 375 21501,___ 6 . 6 do 375 1000! 7. 6_ do 350 900.___ 8 : 6 do 350 150' roIIM e.e.r, TOTAL II , ' GIT, OF S . PAUL - - DEPART:4rNT QF: FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED ;. LOT 'eLaCK ADDITION 'VALUATION p DESCRIPTION - --- 19, 6, Edmund Rice's Second Add. 500 2450, - to the City of !�t.Paul 20 6. do 500: 1550,, 21 6 do 475 1400,.. :; 22 6. do 500 150,- _ 1 f Id a o ?3 6 do 250 23. 6. do 250 :1400: - E z of 24 6. do 775 25. 6 do 775 26 6 do 1250. (Exc. ^.'. 30 ft) 1 7 do 775 2 7 do 725 36.50., do do 3 _ 71 do 775 7. 30 ft of lots 1-2 an'' 3 7. do 450 4 7, do 350 1900., 5 7 do 500: 850 1; 6 7 do 500. 19.00:': 7 7 do 500 _ _,.-._ 8 7 do 500 . 21 7 do 1800, inc.. :otl er:_- proF. 22. 7:) do 1200. 10350, 23. 7.) do _ 24. 7. do 600 1100" 25 7 do 600 1600___-. 26 '7. do 400 .1050. (Exc, S. 21 ft). 27. 7, do 475 1250.:... S .2.1 ft of 27 : 7. do 350 900 4500 _ 2B 7 do 29 7 _ _ do_ _ TOTAL 1350. _.__2100;. - 954,275 610,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. v l Dated 19 3 el)- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. O. 12 � - (.� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE { REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATION . 1 8 Edmund Rice's 2nd Add. to 1300 5000 tPe City of St.Paul 2 8 do 800 � 6 do 500 1 ft) 4 8 do 475 1 ft of lot 4 and E of 5 8 do ?50 450 5 8 10 950 900 w. of 6 8 do 475 7 8 '10 475 1500 8 8 do 475 ?300 9 8 do 475 1550 10 8 do 475 1700 954,275 610,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. v l Dated 19 3 el)- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. O. 12 � - (.� U A THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) April 21, 1930 Hon. John H, McDonald, Works. Commissioner of Public Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for resurfacing the pavement on Broadway St. from Seventh St, to Mississippi St. and Mississippi St. from Broadway St. to the bridge over the Northern Pacific Railroad, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84858, approved April 10, 1930. Length 5,680 ft. Width of 40 ft. t1 it Street 60 ft. Roadway Frontage 8,562 ft. PAVING ASPHALT RESURFACING Total Sq. Yd. $ 1.55 Intersections and 9,972,00 Plheelage Property Share 12,985.00 T o t a l 22,957.00 (a) Front ft. 1.30 Yours truly, Approved for transmission Ch ngineer. Vto e C mmissioner of Finance5� ommissioner of ublic Wor s. Offmce of the Commissioner of Public Torks Report to Commissioner of Finance April 22, 1930. ..192 - To'the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul.- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File5$.--.----_......-approved_-_-A.pril_ 10.,_.1930-__...-.192 _----, relative to resurfacing_-the_.pavement_-on_ Broadlyay--.St._..from.--S..e-v-enth--B-t- .-to---.--_-... Mississippi St. ._and _Mississippi St,.. fro Broadw-ay_.St....-tfl_the-_hr3sige over the Northern Pacific Railroad.. __.__ _ .----._.... _.--------------------- -- ..--.. - .... ......... - . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-..- _...._, and the total cost thereof is $._ _.-..._....-_------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._-_..._____..._ __..-.... ........ _----- _----- _..-_.__-..-._-.. _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........__........_..... - - -- --- -- --- --- ------------ ----- ..... 5. Said improvement is ----------- ----------...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �izsi_er Works. -- giRY I tir c E \ i oLM1Tdo Sr. NAsN ST i /-q•T sr- a � � 14LL� Son<laer ST I e h � I rte. zv ->-,- �T• :r .] /sd - 7.29-/F2,2. I eq Y./cR sT I I - � I WY 4) i N I I/ 19C9TE Ile a & July 15th, 1930• Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commissioner: The final order in the matter of re- surfacing the pavement on Broadway Street from Seventh St. to hllsaissippi Street, and 4Aississippi Street from Broadway Street to the bridge over the northern Pacific Railroad was before the Cly Council for hearing today. After hearing property owners the Council laid the order over to July 29, and referred it to your department for report as to whether or not it will be possible to reduce the proposed assessments against the benefited property. The property owners apparently were opposed to the amount of the assessment rather than to the Improvement itself. Yours very truly, City Clerk. COUNCIL FILE NO ------- By------------------------------------- FINAL ____.By---------------------------------- FINAL ORDER 86043 In the Matter of ----- constructin __curbin _on__both-_side---of__Fulle-- Avenue C F. No. .86043 I the Matter of conetr"etingcarbing ll� on both -eIdea of :Fuer. A—a—from ! Victoria Street to F1ek.. Street. under Preliminary Order `85355 approved-------- A"Y "' 1930: - A publln hearing havt�ig' been on the above notice, 'Imr.,oc:'ment..�------____— and' the - So'.= .all pereen under Preliminary Order-----------85'555-----------------approved -----------RaY---2-1._18.34------------------ -------- Intermediary Order -------------------- ----approved ------ — — — — — — — - — - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____9Qnt_r zct_cur__bin_on_both sides of—____- Fu11er��enue Pramt,------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cfommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit game to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- - -- �?--r --19 ------------------ -- ---------------- ----------- --- City Clerk. Approved----------------- - , 192------ ---- --- ---------- - — y.- --- Getweihnan - Ge4ta :' lgri� ..tw / Councilman MWORM may Councilman Pearce earce (J Roaen Councilman k MayorAkftKwBUndft Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY O'j ST. PAUL IL DEPANTM ENT OF FI REPQ,,RT OF COMMISSIONWF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthernatterof constructing curbing on both sides of Fuller Avenue from Victoria street to Fisk Street, under Preliminary Order approved May 'I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 503.70 frt _ S n 7n The estimated cost peifoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION 'ALaUn8o' LL CCII Bldg. g . 10 5 Butterfield Syndicate Addition 725 6650 No. 1 11 5 do 650 12 5 do 650 3750 17 5 do 650 2650 14 5 do 650 4000 15 5 do 650 3500 16 5 do 650 3550 17 5 do 650 3350 18 5 do 725 1 6 do 725 TOTAL. 3750 Form B. B. 10 1',075 53,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Mork . Dated Z—_19 3v i C Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITYPAUL DEPAiII'IN ENTN-r OFFIN AF REPORT OF COMMISSIONFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 2 6 Butterfield Svndicate Addition No. 1 650 3 6 do 650 4200 4 g do 650 4700. 5 6 do 650 2650 6 6 do 650 4100 7 6 do 650 2950 8 6 do 650 9 6 do 800 4150 1',075 53,950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Mork . Dated Z—_19 3v i C Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Rdll go's R.O. R'O"IO 85355 St. Paul, Minn. -"7-'.L7... - X9=------- ----.1960_.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------ ------ AL. Ave. from- -----------------St. Avo. to—�..------ -------------- ----- ------- - -----------------St. Ave. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: (Date) June 4, 1930 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Fuller Avenue from Victoria Street to Fisk Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 95355, approved May 21, 1930. Estimated Cost $503.70 Cost per front foot 0.70 Inspection 10.97 Frontage 719 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approve or transm ion to t C Ione of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. OAice of the Commissioner of Public W6JJ !''W4GE Report to Commissioner of Finance _...... - June...6, 1930 192_ ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No A5355 approved-_....... day 21, 1930 .192. relative to the construction of_.curbinonbothsides of Fullerenueg.-_._ ------ . from Victoria Street to Fisk - Street. --- - _._ .._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__...--..- ... -.--necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 70¢ 503.70 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3.... __ ....... _-.___._., and the total cost thereof is 5....._ -_....._- ------- Inspection $10.97 Frontage 719 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._. _... _ .._ _- ....__ _ ...__..._ ___......_._...__...- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - _.... - - - -..... ---_ -------- 5. Said improvement is___._.:.._..- _.. ___asked for upon petition of three or more owners property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... ----------- ------------------------ -------------------- - .. Commissioner of Public Works. 4t CIS LO COUNCIL FILE NO.-- ------ ----- -- By FINAL ORDER 86044 In the Matter of ----- cmnsir�zcting__sig_fnot._�_eant___81dev�alk_on_-tl e--- east --- side of __�Iatnline kyenue from_Ashland Avenue to th:e alley -north of Portland_ Avenue, ere lod and sufficient sidelvalks now exist, - — r , , C. r. No. 88044— ----- --- –---------- ---------------- -- In the. Matter of constructing nix foot sidewalk on eaAshst ide of e Aatallae Avenue fnorth of Port ad ______—---------------------- -- ----- nue to: the aney Avenue, except where good andsuffl- tsidewalks-now exist under 7 lnsry Order! .86484 approved _ —__ _ __ L 'J, 1931 hearing. having be; maa :g_� 193 undels °,°u_lflarr_ " afe- -Sa4a4 --- ------approved ---- .,7$X - Intermediary Order - - -------------------------approved- - - ----- - - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, an the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having full considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent an kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- aonsx111Ft--- six_ f oot__cement__ sidewallt on the _� P jjamlina y-enue_f_rn>;i_Ashlantl__ Ygnue_the alle orth of --i—q Avnnna_ axrnant vii -ere rood and sufficient side:valka n w exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instr ted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the C until for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and direct d to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement idance therewith. Adopted by the Council__________JUL 5---------- 19 , -- ------------------ - ----- • -- - - - - t>xr ity Clerk. Approved------------- -------------------, 192------ --- -- �--------------- -- ---- Mayor. Got Councilman Pay U Councilman Pearce _ Rosen jv) 'Comicilman W3.omkx Mayor JJVdZ Bundlle Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY ,QF STI PAIAh DEPARTMENT OFNCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthematterof cons`ructing six foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Hemline Avenue from Ashland Ave, to the alley north of Portland Ave., under Preliminary Order approved May "9, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ frt 1.05 - the The estimated cost pey400t for the above improvement is - $- mono. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 10 27 Anna E. Ramsey's Addition 350 Enlargment of, to It.Paul, Minn. 350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to aid matter by the Commissioner of Public r". Dated ��193 o U Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 9-5 D IMS St. Paul, Minn ------- --_�____ 1% To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: CPC�rs.t.--moi __ --------� -C ---- ©----------------- O�/----(�A-'-�----------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Ave. from ----- �`,,---------- -----St. Ave. to_.:a__.____d=_'�(�.. f{ / -----------------rI ------- ,--.0 C----- -...� St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wow s,r hiiANCE. Report to Commissioner of Finance:,, JUIN 7 1830 June 6, 1930 192 -___- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. ---- 5484approved--.._.Flay -29� 1930 192 .... relative to constructing a six foot sidewalk on the east . side of ..Hamline --- - ... - ... -- ..... - ............ .. ... - -..- .. - ....... ... Avenue from Ashland Avenue to the.alley north of Portland Avenue . ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..__ ..__.....necessary and (or) desirable. Monolithic walk 61.20 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_.__.._..._-_._........, and the total cost thereof is 5...___---- _._...._.___, Tile walk 1.05 per front foot and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.- _ ... - — -------------- 5. Said improvement is_.......- .._.._.asked for upon petition of three or more ow ers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � _ _... -- ..... ss . ioner - ...--- o - f P-ublic ---- - -- Work - --- -- 8 Commi. COUNCIL FILE NO._ --- __ - -- - By------------------------ ------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of______onst-r_uciinE---a --- i_x_foot__s_idewalk on the north side of Al�ue c} ogt be Gaultir Street and--".latilda Street, except whe_e Q_and sufficient sidewalks now INo 36045— n: Fthe Diatter - of T---_—_—___---_ - ,mot `sidewalkont i.iQ4,._, __ underPr am .....+ -------- — —----- ---— ---------- proved May 27. 1930. — - ____ p -,p the hearinB h rotve ens<' npon` t as a hee pcnuncu: 8 28approvedPda .' ?7, 1930 e n4tige..------------ - - -- --- :ard'ari Doreons,a:�"cti.one:: �________________________ trmandatlona cont ~ Inten� :nu9__--approved .,tore. be it jer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- y Pam' l' tb wring having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council d kind Id _''persons, ob ections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered havings idewnik,cY- J the saMe;'z b"i :bre, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__a--- s ix fo :t sidev✓alk on tl-e - north side of Oliver Street between Gaultier Street and 69atilda Street, exce t �vrere good and sufficient siderialks now exist, --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imp rn§% 1pteordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ----- -___-___---_—_____II``-----------, 1�2`----• J------------------------------- ------- - ity Clerk. Approved----------- ----------- - --------- 192------ i �w ------------------------------- - - Mayor. t'.mm ilma eaBlE�-- I, Councilman May (l/I� Pearce Councilman b:c .•n ✓ l/ Couasilxns . �r yQcin, Councilman Xik=edxU Mayor IjoAM ellpu0g Form B. S. A. 8-7 ® CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CJF FINANCE —111 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing a six foot sidewalk on the north side of Oliver Street between Gaultier Street and Matilda Street, except where C;-1good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order approved Map 27, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _ $ 1.05 — the i 9n- mono The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg, (Except •—est 8 ft for alley) 9 15 Auerbach Sc Tiandls Addition 475 North and south alleyin Block 15 to the City of St. Paul do i,o Valuation 475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to Id matter by the Commissioner of Public W ks. Dated= 1930 9 Porm B. S. A. 8-5 I (// "" Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner ofPublic Works,u3z Report to Commissioner of Finance _60 Jun 9 June 4 ,_l 30 ...... ...... 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 85428 approved May -.__-__,---192.._...-, relative to constructing a six foot sidewalk on the north side of Oliver ------ . ..... ..... .. ..... .... . ___ ...... .. ....... ... -------- ----- - Street between Gaultier Street and Matilda Street, except where _ � � .......... .. - -------------- -- good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. . ............. (Only piece of walk not in between Matilda and bice Qt.) and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -necessary and (or) desirable. Monolithic walk $1.20 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is s... _ . .. . _.., and the total cost thereof is S Tile walk 1.05 per front foot and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. ---- ------ ------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4• ....... ............. -------- --- --------------- 5. ----- - ---------- 5. Said improvement is . ...... asked for upon etition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. "-----------..---------------------------- - Commissioner of Public Works. 86046 — `,E NO :r C. F..NuJ 66048— In the. Natter. of reo� :. 1aY1nB.and rePairlng�.-_—____-______________________._ - where-nece95arYat t 'ncati°na: hake Ave•, orth side heli' RaYmond Av i ]FINAL ORDER ft.west of � . Rsb St.. south aide, begs.' Ave. 11 .e west 90'� en' Id., begin-_ the sidewalk In the MaCit.°e. --x onstructinZ,_r.!aj _ing-_and__repairine Blake Ave. north side, beginning 84 ft. west of Ra✓monAve., enc -------------------------------- Arch St., south side, beginning at Park Ave., thence mres� SO--£��, ava_, WPst_side beg�nnine_14 ft.__nortrof James 8t., tYence— north 20 ft., under Preliminary order_________8 451___________________ -approved ----- -------- 28, 1930 Intermediary Order -------- —----------- --- — -------approved ---------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____reconstruct-,___relay__and... repair- the sidewalk --- -are Blake locations_:_______—____ Blake Ave.'orth side, beginning 84 ft. we! o£ Raymond v� e �enoe vy, i, i3'Q ft.: --- Arch St., south side, beginning at Park Ave., trence wesz vu lu., — Prim 4ttP- ,qt. Cider- Dze n_ninZ__A4 ft,_nortl of James t., ti encs north20ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUL 15 MO Adopted by the Council ---------- - -------- _ - ---------------------------------------------------- ----------- City Clerk. Approved-_---------------------------------------� 192 ----- . � ------------- -- - - -- --- - Mayor. Cemeilma CouncilmanKI =Pearce Councilman` VLMLIS ED L� L o Councilman / Mayor KNdgamBundtle Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEyT OFr %IN*CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthematterof reconstructing, relayinp- and repairing, the side—alks, where necessary, at the following locations: Blake Ave., N. S. begin. 84 ft. west of Raymond Ave., thence w -st 130 ft. Arch St., south side, beginning at Park Ave., thence west 90 ft., Prior Ave., west side, beginning 14 ft. north of James St., thence north 20 ft., under Preliminary Order approved May 08, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. (North Side Blake Ave.) That part of 1 44 St. Anthony Park, Minnesota 400 2200 south of a line beginning at a point on the north line of alle- 117 ft. from the south corner of Lot 1, thence N17 -t an angle of 450, 41.70 ft. thence to a roint on the west line of said lot 1, 45 ft from the said south corner of Lot 1 That part of 1 44 It. Anthony Park,Minnesota 900 5000 north of a line begin, at a rt. on the N. line of alley 1171 from the south corner of said Lot 1, th. N17 at an angle of 450, 41.70'. th. west to a pt. on the west line of said Lot 1, 45 ft from the sd. so. corner of Lot 1 20 44 St. Anthony Par'r.,Minn. 675 Crossing for alley in Block 44 do No valuation (South side.Arch St.) 11 1 Fletcher's Subdiv. of 600 Brewster's "dd, to the (West side of Prior Ave.) Cita of St. Paul 30 5 Hankee's Cleveland View 875 4600 3450 11800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to* matter by the Commissioner of Public W ks. Dated / 19 SO c Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D -1. SAAW Office of the Commissioner of Public Wi&k.sNIAW04 9 =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 6 1930 _ dune...4,.-.1930.---- _ --- .._..192 --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publjc Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..85451___.--approved._......Xay_ 28,_1930 ------------ 192.......-, relative to the reconstruction, relaying and repairing of sidewalk, where necessary, at the following locations: - -- - ...._......- - ..... ...- . - - - - .-.._................_ .-- _... - - .._...._:.._.......--.._.........._._----------- North side Blake Ave. beginning 84 ft. west of Raymond Ave.,thence -. __IN.est_13-0 ft.. .................-- South side Arch St. beginning at Park Ave., thence west 90 £t. West...side_Pr.iar -Ave. _.b.eginning _14_It- .. North . of_.7.ames._S.t...,...thence_.- North 20 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- ___ _._ ____necessary and (or) desirable. 090 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S__- ...__ ....__ .._..., and the total cost thereof is 5......._._..-..- ____.._-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - - _. ......._ .... - ---- ------------ 5. ----.._ 5. Said improvement is-__.... -------- _---_...asked for upon petition of three or more ners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - - --- -- --(/ ---- - ------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. F`: No.- 86047 ,ot. reconattuP tde ,Sntte reP ._the. a------ atrinn� the'- tollo�' x� ng: �deaenrY. ere..n -. begi..' e By' oet I 8W th .c a 18 thblV ; - " :ibtwg S8t th n r8fi4Ff1' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_rS_IIs�S7�%tint+-r�lairlg__and_repairingthe__side_valkx____- where necessary, at the following locations: —Ta.-ne-Ave., west side, beginning at_MaQlolia_St., thence north 114 ft. __Xon[ihr_id�e ..,_mast_ a,_beginnin at -_Atwater St trence_ north 162 ft., under Preliminary Order -------- S_E4. 2____ -_____--_-------approved --- Na3'--- 81__1930 IntermediaryOrder ------------------------------------approved ----------------- ---- --------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- rje_cnnsZuct,... rela__and_regai r the_ sidewalk, ._wharQ_neaesaa _Pagrl__Ave._�west__side�_be�innin at_-A4aarnolia_St_.Lthence north 114 ft. .u4dbr1dgZ et _eaCt__%irla, hegjnn— ina_at_.At ai_er wt•, thence north 162 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. UL Adopted by the Council -----------J---------� 5 ---1930 19 Approved - - ` a� ----- 192------ Geuxeilma7 May Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman ONNEW SH'Allter Cteuiseilmau Nh=cdx r Mayor NDdvmw Bandlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPPrR'fN1El4T INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk, where necessary, at the following locations: Payne Ave., west side, beginning at Magnolia Ct „ thence north 114 ft. Woodbridge St,, east side, beginning at Atwater St_ trence north 162 ft. under Preliminary Order approved May 28, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner'of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated costpdoq ot for the above improvement is _ $ 0.09 per H( -ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg, ;"/est Side Pa,me Ave. ) 1 4 Joseph R. Weidels Addition 2275 1350 to the City of It. Paul,Yinn, 2 4 1225 2350 7 4 do 1125 600 4 4 do 1125 2050 5 4 do 1125 1050 (East side 17oodbridge St.) 10 7 Lewis (2nd) Addition to 300 1250 (Exc. South 4 ft) 11 7 St.Paul,Minn.) 250 Lot 12 and south 4 ft of 11 7 ) do 1450 6600 (Exc. South 4 ft) 13 7 ) Lot 14 and the south 4 ft of 13 7 ) 15 7 ) 8,875 1,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Worl Dated I 19 3 o Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. " D V �}� i%i1GE Works A Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: June -.4-x...1930._. ...... -....... 192.... The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No... 85452 approved.... May. 283._ 1930 192_......, relative to reconstructing x --relaying and repairing the sidewalk, where necessary,, at the following locations: --West side Payne Avenue beginning at Magnolia_ Strueti thence north -314 ft. East-,si..de WoodbridgeStre.et. beginning .at Atwater -Street, _thence ..north 162 ft and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: - 1. Said improvement is.....___._ ..... ..necessary and (or) desirable. 09¢ per sq. foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.. __.___..__......... -, and the total cost thereof is S.__._._.___...._..._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._.._. ___ _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is.. - ..___.asked for upon petition of three 4r more owne of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -.......- .... -- X—&�- .._.. ----------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. onntNAxoEs:, .rte 86 048 C. F. N. 880{6—ordinance No. "7228 By'Mnyor-Bundil — By Re4u68t— i r • -+nr« nmendin¢ AAOC. F Introduced byQhf�`�-�iG��'^!r ',"°W An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 32503, passed AIW,ust 200 191+4, as amended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent amendments, ontitled, "An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Civil Scrviee Bureau of the City of St, Paulo approving and adopting rules and regulations thexssfora" THE C(MO IL OF VII CITY OF STo PAUL DOES ORDAIN' Section to That Ordinance No, 32503„ approved Angttst 20, 19140 as amended, in horoby further amsuded by stritiny, out all of section 1S, which reads as follows", Sec, 16, False Statements,—Aty attempt at de- ception, any fraudulent conduct or any false state- ments by an applicant, or by others with his connivance, in any application or examination shall be deemed cause for the exclusion of the applicant from any examination or for the removal of his name from the eligible reg- istor or for discharge frog the service after certif- ication and appointment, provided that the name of no person shall be removed from a register of eligibles, nor shall any person be dismissed from the service under this section, without first haviag had an opporta-. nity to be heard in his own behalf, and by Insertics in lieu thereof the followine section', Sec, 13' False Statements,_,Any false statemente, any fraudulent coud)Art, or any attempted daception by an applicant or eligible, or by others with his connivance, in any application or examination shall bar mx.io applicant or eligible from further exemina- /°t tionp for city employment for at least five years, end, in edditi.on, if couch parson is employed in the city service, he shall forfeit *xis position or VOKJMOW14z� ++ { employment and shall also forfeit his rights on any and all eligible registers on which his new may appear; provided that the name of no 1W, person shall be removed from a register of eligibleso nor shall any person be diemiseed from the service under this section, without first having had an opportunity to be heard in his own behalf. In the Case of connivances 811 parties thereto shall be deemed equally guilty under this section. Section II. Thio ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Yeas Hays Conroy Adopted by the Council JUL 3 � MoDoneld W Pearce Rosen. JUL a � 1 SnAheimer APPrO Mr. President Attest; May City Clerk. I hereby recommend for passage by M4;: edamendments to the Civil Service Rules.r (7-10-30) W . COUNCIL NO.--_�� oalc,enL TO err C- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF ITY CLERK U C( SOL ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE July 15, 1930 COMMISSIONER REsoLvEDPThat the purohasing Agent be and he is hereby authorised, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to enter into an agreement with the Great Northern -Railroad for the construction of a spur traokage to the Dale Street Shop and Storeyard at a total oust of $3,165.00, based oa! Raise 350 ft. of track Throw 100 ft. of track Oonstruot 1385 it. of track using track material furnished by the Oity for 460 ft- New ties throughout without advertisement, as we have to tie in with the Great Northern Railroad and they would not allow any oontraotor to do this work. Charge Workshop Bond Bund — 300 A. I I , XAd.ped COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'i uncil-__---:--__------_------------19__--- 1, ' )) v May ✓ 1 o .jr}— In Favor -- Approved. - -------------------- ----------19 -- _ _ _. _ r V Pearce � Rosen - _. __ . -- gams[ MAYOR 9ffdhE1""x_ Mr. President Bundlie July 15th, 1930. Hon. Milton Rouen, ComsIr of Public Works, Building. Dear Commissioner: The attached resolution which you presented to the Council at its meeting this morning failed to pass by a vote of three in favor and one opposed. We are keeping the original in our file and are sending you this copy for your in- formation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. COUNCIL �6��® ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. VV OFFICE "O'�FCICITY CLERK CID �ESOLL}nyfv��ENERAL FORM �tXdCi%6Ci1fEFDRX WHEREAS, The contract between the City of St. Paul and the E. N. Cookman Plumbing & Heating Company, Contractors for the complete Heating installation in the new Fire Station No. 17, under Contract G-2302; has been completed except incidental work necessary to the final completion of said work, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized. to pay the E. N. Cookman Plumbing & Heating Company, the contract price less five per cent (5%) which 5% shall be retained by the City of St. Paul until the final approval of the work and the adjustment of the contract price by the Com- missioner of Public Safety, be it further RESOLVED, That before the payment of this estimate, that is, said contract price less 5%, -the said con- tractor shall file with the City Comptroller a statement from the bonding company consenting to such payment and further agreeing that the bond shall remain in full force and effect until the final adjustment of the contract price is made. C. F. No. 86060—By Clyde R. Mey— Whereas, The contract between..they. City. of SL -Paul and. the." N. c k -j Nunn -Plumbing Heati, Com==a ' ' 'Installation' inorthe a - sew Fire'_ Stntlofeto n', tly lfi, 1880.{ Adopted by the Council. ______._--___._____-_____19-_._ Apr . e - - - ---------------------19 --- ----------........... _ -- ... '1/ MAYOR pf thtsentire t 9,1..less5%. 1 le with the C from. the Lment seuUng to one 1agreeing that: in, full force s adjustment- of made. Adopted joy t Approved Su tJ i COUNCILMEN -- Yeas Nays May McBein4- __1__..Infavor Pearce Rosen _._- Against g,,d6 Mr. President Bundlie tly lfi, 1880.{ Adopted by the Council. ______._--___._____-_____19-_._ Apr . e - - - ---------------------19 --- ----------........... _ -- ... '1/ MAYOR °c ,-K i°y, - CITY OF SAINT .PAUL cc`NcL 8.6 No... APPROPRIATIOIJ ;TRANSFERS—RESOLUT ON FORM PEIi:CHARTER SE7 ION 208_ ` PRESENTED BY, ��&''/" All COMMISSIONER.......... .. � ..... DATE ............. :.............. ........................... ......... RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING'TitANSFEI49-BE MADE ON _THE BOOKS OF,THE' COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE 1DEFICIENCY. IN .CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMMR119G THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE. MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM O OR. CR. 200 - B Central Headquarters - Land $ 29,9+1.46 200 - 3 Ross & Earl - hand 11990:00 TO: 200 - C Payne & Hawthorne - Building $ 791.46 200 -.D Ross & Earl - Building 16;o00.00 200- F Otto & Snelling - Building 6,lo0.o0 200 - 0 Ashland & victoria -Building 9,000.00 C. F. 14..'80061—By Clyde R May7— -- By Request Resolved That the : jtwwwing trans-' ' ' fere be made on the b ok of the CoplyytrAar. Ae bY.e doing an un- avoldabla-'deflol o.Y in certaln 'Items may be metbY. eald tre.pefere wlthout hampering the or provldep 'bY the money In the items from which the transfer. are made: - "1I Traneforred from c 200 B Central - B'eadquartera—lend f3884L48 , hom; e code 200-E Roae o Earl Land fly - 960 00: to -dude SOD -C Payne &`o o - f78I to code Z00 thome�8utldll n D Rose & Earl—Building 318,000.00' to code 20o -F Otto &"Snelling—Bullding: f8,100.00;.to code 200-0 Ashlan& and Vletorle;-84Haing -39,000.00. AaopteA by tha-Counell July l6;.11939'- . - ADproVed Tuly,16518f0. ^(7ul�y YES COUNCILMEN✓� NAYS 'ADOPTED. BY -THE COUNCIL..:.'(fL.....19 .......... Gettffev APPROVED......:.............................19.......... //)�o-w IioacccK a� InI FAVOR i McCeM,tErt1 ..... ......... .......... M r OR summe!" E ...........AGAINST _- _ _ _.. COUNTERSIGNED BY ................. MR. PRESIDENT cm coMlraotLeR IORM — Inne 11.04 - COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF CITY CLERK % UNCIL RESO ON—GENE FORM PRESENTED BV DATE COMMISSfONER RESOLVED: That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John Abel, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department, on the 20th day of June 1930; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said John Abel, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the said Board, being for the period to and including July 6, 1930. C.F. No. 800695 -By. Milton Roag¢ Resolved. That the Board of Wats � Commlpaloners be and'. 1t fe hereby an thorlsed: iO..mtor lnto_an a6 `eemen Pearce Rosen-_-:S//.� Against Mr. President Bundlie • L d 1 TT -f 19._--_ Adopted by the CounclL___X------`-------- Ap v --19— - ------ ---- . -______.__._.__.__..—.______.. -MAYOR the water uepartl 'eottlement'of hla said BOard, belugY - including July 6. I Adopted by the C - ADDroyed July 1 (July:. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �wcoY-- May _In favor Pearce Rosen-_-:S//.� Against Mr. President Bundlie • L d 1 TT -f 19._--_ Adopted by the CounclL___X------`-------- Ap v --19— - ------ ---- . -______.__._.__.__..—.______.. -MAYOR COUNCIL NO.-'-'--_�3 onlclrvAL TO clry Cl—CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFIICC OFf CITY CLERK «�sir�n av �e/�/ IGENERAL FORM LA "I W r �. RESOLVED that the proper city officers be and,they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Dave Bashefkin providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 3rd day of June 1930; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Dave Bashefkin the sum of Ninety-six and no/100 Dollars ($96.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including July 15th. C. F.'NO. 88068—By Clyde IL Y__ Adopted by the Council___ Approve 1 — ---- — - - -------19-- i / tk -- -------- — ------------------------- MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays G,_.. May MrB"ffR44__ __ __._ In favor Pearce Rosen c Against -ii __ - _ Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council___ Approve 1 — ---- — - - -------19-- i / tk -- -------- — ------------------------- MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAULa FILE NO. --FICE_QF CITY CLERK lk. FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the West End Oommercial Olub to hold a festival on their grounds at Jefferson avenue and Oneida street, from July 14th to 19th, inclusive. 150• 11111 _gy_Clyde A? i I That Dermleelon and aU�i t e hereby given to the WeaE11 e erclal Cluh-.to.hold.. a fea 7! heir gratinds at defa fee-; th.CInclt sJ e�dt' from- July (' A by the Counoll 9'uly 16.1930. Ju]yy 16; x.3930. (JulY19-1830) COUNCILMEN yeas Nays 6ewas,;L May In favor Pearce Rosen Against Mr. President Bundlie q tl Adopted by the Council_____._._ 1_5-_2S.�c___19_______ Apprq.Ve}4 'r�ik(R.A�G---------- 19------- - -`� MAYOR J A j D. W. BIRDSALL. U 10aint Jaut Cl;r CLeaK AND wJJJ7 Is`�? wrriaeioaen or acolarxAno" (Office of (AUg deck er July 11th, 1930 Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the West End Commercial Club for permit to hold a festival on their grounds at Jefferson Avenue and Oneida Street from Maly 14th to 19th, inclusive, was approved by the Council today and referred to you for resolution. Yours very truly. City Clerk. Mr. D. VT. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN, FIR[ CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ABET. FIRE CHIMP WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INePECTOR, FIR[ P11—TION CHARLES L. WILLIS, A BUR. or PPARATUt B. P. SIMON. M. D. HKALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. C.— MULTH OFPIC[R JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HEALTH INS,— Replying to yours of July 7 with enclosure regarding festival of the West End Commercial Club, would advise that upoh investigation this Department finds no objection to the granting of the request of said Club. Very truly xot Thomas A. Brown Chief of Police JNM E. J. MURNANE. aMIMP OF FOLIC[ Ctp of Saint JIM MICHAEL GERHARDT. ASFT. CHIMP OF POLIC[ H. A. PALL. E[�� ��M[ }}}}►M �E}}}} '* 1*{ Safety Department ent Qf flubfir Safety CARAIN OP D[TMLTIVMI THOMAS E. DAHILL, JUNIOR CAR. OP DMTS-SM J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER O. H. BARFUSS, HARRY T. O'CONNELL, CMFUTY CO 1-1NF1 BUR. OF TRAFFIC A. L. E°ami EGGS BUREAU OF POLICE LI IN MF[CTOR JOB. MACAULAY, ROOM IIs COURT HOURS SUR. PoueM m FIRM ALARM E. J. MURNANE• CHIEF OF POLICE .1 July 9, 1930 Mr. D. VT. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir: OWEN C. DUNN, FIR[ CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ABET. FIRE CHIMP WILLIAM BARRON, CHIEF INePECTOR, FIR[ P11—TION CHARLES L. WILLIS, A BUR. or PPARATUt B. P. SIMON. M. D. HKALTH OFFICER A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. C.— MULTH OFPIC[R JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HEALTH INS,— Replying to yours of July 7 with enclosure regarding festival of the West End Commercial Club, would advise that upoh investigation this Department finds no objection to the granting of the request of said Club. Very truly xot Thomas A. Brown Chief of Police JNM Y �np 'Mrst Eua Commerrial Cub of Saint Tina], :Minnesota 823 WEST SEVENTH ST.. Con. ERIE July 7 1930. The Honorable Mayor and City Council, St.Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: - We respectfully request permission to hold a Festival on the grounds of the Club at Jefferson Avenue and Oneida Street on July 14th, to 19th.1930,both days inclusive. This Festival will be entirely a Club venture and will be managed by the officers and members of the Club. Yours very truly, WEST D COMMERCIAb CLUB, Secretary, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLIERK qeLmoy CITY OF SAINT PAUL �6 55 COUNCIL COUNCILMEN— OLL CALL FFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO---------------------------.— RR1vax may COUNCIL RESOLUTION ...m Bl•I __ _ ____IN FAVOR Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS-------------'�' Rosen 6UDMeRRER _—_ ____AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WEN2EC __ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-- COVERING MR. PRES.. +HBBBSBN• Bundlie N gy�Rp�Sp CHECKS NUMBERED-�-------TO_-__ INCLUSIVE. A6 ADOPTED BY THE .COUNOINK-1--------------- PER CHECKS ON FIL FFICE OFT E CITY COMPTROLLER., -. ---_ J --_ _-__------- APPROVED-___---_y-�..p.---tea-Q1�.3M-1---�-� /�/ CITY COMPTIIOLLER CHECK yI{ NUMBER`tJk i; 6999 6890 ; 6s91 68932 66954 6896 6897 6998 i! 6900 690332 69o4 j 6906 6909 691g 6911 6912 I: 691 11 6917 6919 6919 692 6923 69255 6927 6929 6929 6930 6931 6932 ji 693 693 �6�8g936 G93 II 69 9 95 6942 6943 j; 6944 BY l TOTAL DATE URNED TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMJNTBY CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD7 519 0 679 433 St.Paul Blue Print Company George Cunningham, Assignee John Salera J.L. Shiely Company E.T. Shims Pat Kelly Sperry Realty Servioe,Ino. Kalman Company John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin..' John Sandquist Wm. Selby Standard Stone Company Jos. Sack John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.'i 11 1 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.', 7 341 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.',! 984 3 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.;: 42 5 Christine Hanson Mrs, Ethel Z. Parker, Guardi August L.Schempf, Guardian Mrs. Hazel M. Stegner, Guar an Mrs. L.M. Armstrong Diaalnostic X -Ray Laboratory EarDr. J.C. Harding Dr. D. D. Hilger H. Martin Johnson Drig Compa#y Dr. George F. Kelley j Drs. Larsen, Wheeler & Wold T.M. Larson Midway Hospital Dr. H.J. Prendergast 1 Drs. Ryan & Ryan 1 St.John+s Hospital Sohone X -Ray Laboratory Dr. S.E. Stinnette Dr. C.O. Thauwald Dr. J.H. Wallinga Louis J. Bartscher, Deputy 0 ►elr. General Electric Supply Copp.', National Biscuit Company A 1 Stenographic Bureau i! Gordon Ainsley Air Reduction Sales Company Allen-Bradley Company Americana Corporation American Library Association,' American Museum of National History American Printing Company American Stamp works G.A. Ashton ¢L,Company I! Austin -Western Road Maohiner ICo. jl Badger Meter Mfg. Oompany jl Beebe Laboratories,Ino. ,; r I Borohert-Ingersoll,Ino. [Brooks & Sons Baking Compan [ Brooks Brothers Lumber Oompan SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i5 90- .0. A122 1M 1220 91156 4724o slot 16 00 33 I6o 519 53 16 143 95 6313-31Woo 4 730 125 2 126 ill 3 254120 3326 E 24 15 45 42 2 12 2 3 125 1 13 3� 4 2S Q 39 it q 41 29 99 i 1� 242 f � 156 t DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK GIN OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL CE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO________ ----- --= COUNCILMEN —JAI CALL evnacr //May COUNCIL RESOLUTION D - �f} ____IN FAVOR Pearce AUDITED CLAIM5RVRrM Gyps ER --- AGAINST Rosen ____ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OON�THE QCITY TREASURY. mv?_ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 8---1}97y�-�•f--• COVERING MR. PRES.. MOD95blh' 1e INCLUSIVE. A6 .- y p4— CHECKS NUMBERED_--E[3 [J�'T1 g� TO------ d PI C_f PER CHECKS ON FILE If•! TFIE OFFICE OF THE TY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL________ ____________ _ APPROVED_______---.ii3�-� I ,. ..� CITY COMPTROLLER --- - __ __ ______ _ ___ BY ---___ -___ MAYOR �_-- ---__ TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ?5 905 139 1 I ® 6945 Wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg.company 1175 6946 A.D. Brown, M.D. l3 QO 6947 Capitol Auto Top Company 47 31 6945 Carnegie Dook & Fuel Company, 6949 Central Supply Company 95 60 6950 Chicago, R.I. & Pac.Ry.Co. 151 131 6951Chicago, St-Paul, Mpls. & 0-]W-00- 47 6952 i Concrete Steel Company 61109 6953 Carol Cox Book Company 55 6954 Crane Company 152Ill4 6955 ! Daily News Publishing Company33 00 6952 J.M. Dalglish 5100 6957 j, Dearborn Chemical Oompaay 5 75 75 :I'6956 , Del Auto Radiator Company 6959 A.B. Dick Company 500 6920 Dispatch Pioneer Press Comp y 10 150 6961 Domore Seating Service 110 6962 W.J. Dyer & Brother 7224 6g63 O.R. Eckhardt 75 6964 Editorial'Researoh Reports 1 6965 Electric Blue Print Company 114 0 6966 The Emporium ii 6967 Thos. J. Engel Welding & Mfg 11Wks. 13 6965 R.E. Erickson Company, Inc. 3 3 6969 Everybodyos Health Magazine 1 5 6,9 Fairbanks, Morse &Company 1753 6971 F.N. Faxon & Company 5 5 6972 Finch, Van Slyok & MoWonvill,'. 95 g 6973-Frenoh Book Shop 6974 Garrison Brooks Company 5 00 669975 Gaylord Brothers 19 05 2 Emil Geist 15 52 6977 General Electric Supply Corps -1' 25 6975 General Electric Supply Corp.: 266 3 6979 Generator Specialty Company 26 Q1 6950 Gerber—Reiland Tire Company 6 5 6951 German Book Importing Company 9 5 6952 Herman Goldberger 150 6953 i Griswold Safety SignalCompa 194 6954 Grolier Society 45 7 6985 Grossman Instrument Works 3 0 6956 W.J. Haas Mfg. Company 53 0 6957 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company' 3775 13 6955 Hamm Brewing Company 6959 C.S. Hammond & Company 3 0 6990 Harnischfeger Corporation 30 6991 Hazel Park Ice & Fuel Company, 100 6992 Highland Spring Company 44 12 9 69933 F.T. Hildred & Company 6994 N.W. House, Printing Company 10 50 6995 Raymond B. Howard 1 Q0 I , SHEET TOTAL--FORWARD I 15 904 39..�I71I-�1diI x I { u i Al L- iDUPLICATE TO CIT!!jj�ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL•- "{ COUNCIL EffIg OLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. -.____--'.'i•_ " Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION •! 1 _ 1 FAVOR eeSoe Jul 14 osenAUDITED CLAIMS ------------ -s ---- - - B____AGAINST O THE CITY TREASURY. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D�R/AW �(y� M ie TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 520. (.lu►G _ COVERING H" flA 1A �m� y CHECKS NUMBERED --- 6 ----TO______ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____ PER CHECKS ON FILE IIG TH�- E OF ICE CITY `QOMPTROLLER. CITY M_ - DATE RETURNED TOTAL CHECK ' IN FAVOR OF NUMBER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS TRANSFER CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 09 11 4 4 ® 6996 John H. McDonald, Comlr. of Fin. 2 614' g 6997 J.M. weyandt 2010 6998 Healy Plumbing & Htg.Co. 8 330110 6999 Geo.M.McGeary & Son 1 95T 1 7000 Hertl Coal Company Company 52212 87112 7001 John Martin Lumber 7002 Mpls.St.Paul & Sault Ste.M ie Ry. 89!3 61;7 7003 Price Electric Company 7004 St.Paul Builders Material C 72!83 700 Stiefel Produots,Inc. 15617 10 0 700 Emil Freiseis 7007 Garrick Brothers,Ino. 2 422 5 7008 Elmer R. Johnson 2 465'0 61159 7009 R.R. Huntting Company 7010 Inter City Paper Company 492130 00 7011 Int. Time Recording Company, 7012 Int. of Social & Re1.Researd 1190 7013 Jameson, Hevener Company 70100 7014 Joesting & Schilling Compan,, 1198 7015 Johnson Printing Company 23'150 7016 Journal of the Outdoor Life; 31100- 7017 Joy Brothers Motor Car Compa 7018 Junior Literary Gu9ld0 Ino. !, y 81187 166150- 7019 I Kee Lox Mfg. Company 43,440 76'140 7020 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 273136 7021 Walter Kidder Company 7022 H.W. Kingston & Company 31113 7023 Kremer Auto Spring Company 15190 67 702$ 1; Lampland Lumber Company 22 7025 Rudolph Lesch 10126 7026 Library of Congress �jJ9!70 7027 Linde A1r,Produots Company 484;00 7028 Literary Guild of America,In . 7029 , C.B. Lyon & Brothers,Inc. 7.20 7030 F.N. Amundsen 15 07 1181E 7031 John D. Anderson 6 20'66 7032 Blomberg's Grocery 7033 Bucks. Brothers 25102 7034 '', J.H. Coakley 2g 131 7035 East Side Grocery Company 5 22!19g 7036 Glancy Grocery 4 7037 i, ._H. Hauer '' 112 7 8 7038 Peter J. Memmer • 7039 Michaud Brothers,Ino. 54 123 7040 O.R. Mickelsen 2 7041 C.E. Miller Company 2 0 0 7042 Mounds Park Grocery 29 5 7043 Mullarkyls Meat Market Tea Company 1 60 2 45 7044 National 7045 Phalen Park Grocery 736 7046 0914Rohland Company 2 7047 W.A. Scanlan 5 2 7048 Andrew Schoch Grocery Compan 2 1 7049 Carl W. Schulz 3448is 7050 Wm. Skoog 6 7051 Westlund's Market House I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .rcr.H Ho IM ,xz. 19C8 39 I T32429 Ll �y�058 Council File No ----------------------------------- By-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gradin1c Center Street fromWinthrop Avenue to Furness Avenue, RATWYIS ABtiEl6ffiENTB.- C. F. No..88068— In,the matter of the aseeeement of •beneate. - ;costa a.d gP-!;e9 ' froDor grading INnter Street from Wlnth A¢enue_:to Furness Avenue. -:under Prenmfnsry. order S3018. Intered- m ry order 83646, FIMV order.. 83896; •roved Dec. 31.:1929 .bue hearing.'having, t naeeeament foi•� the hd d'. eeee'1 .consider . • r been ft under Preliminary Ord4 :'-:'...NQ! _ Intermediary Order ---------- 83645. Final Order..._83895------• . approved.._.Qec.-, 31------------------ 19. 29 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for�the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F//U��RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable m___-__.--.._/1/....--..equal installments. Adopted by the JUL 16 79W, 'JULs. Approved ---..... -------------------------------------.19 Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. U 8,588 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMAIISSIONEA OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -June._18-----.... 19 30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for *K grading Center Street from Winthrop Avenue to Furness Avenue, 83018 83645 Intermediary Order--- ---- - ------------...----------......--- under Preliminary Order ............................... 83895 Dec. 31...- 1x..29 FinalOrder..........._---------------------- 5................ approved....------...------.........................----- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $--kB-5-3--09--------- 1.85... Cost of publishing notice $ ----------- 0.65--------- Cost of postal cards $"`"""' """"- Inspection fees - . ' $- V_.06 .......... 1-,_ Amount of court costs for confirmation $---------- 85---------- --- Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.._1894.:41 .............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. perm s. a. n Commissioner of Finance. 86059 Council File No ----------------------------------- By---------------------------- ------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 3, Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue, C.F. X0:;:86059— In the 6069 In -the •matter. of the. -...meat of beneate,. ets aad'--.ezyen9ee for Add tion`tront-Van Dyke a Avenge to - - White'Beni• Avenue,:: Under.Prelimin. -=Order. 82E66; 1nter-ad lary,.ON. - c $2768, Mat Order 63073 a 9 OOt. 2E. ISM. ,ynbllc hear) under Preliminary Order --.-.----$22 6-----> Intermediary Order Final Final Order.----.....fl30.7I. approved ---...---QC t . ---22 ..................1m.9-._ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITFUR HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in---.--.----------•--- ...-----equal installment: Adopted by the Council- -------------JU.L--.1.6«M ............. ---------.19.... Jul Approved--------------------------------------------- 19 - Farm B. B. I6 City Clerk. .......................- ......... - - -------•............. .'�..E..................... Mayor. VMLISHED 3/% CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment June -33 ............... 19..3.0. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Xb4: grading alley in Block 3, Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue, 82256 ...... Intermediary 82758 under Preliminary Order ................ ....................._ y Order....- ---..... ------... ...... - - .............. Final Order....... pp . 19.._29 83073 ............ . _ approved Oct... -- 22---- ----............................................, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $ 4u24 ._00 Cost of publishing notice . $.... 4'" Cost of postal cards . . . $..--_0-• 90 Inspection fees $___8.48...................... Amount of court costs for confirmation _ $__._... 50 -------------------- 442.38 Total expenditures $................................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.2.._3$.................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action th eon as may be considered proper. --=-.e of Fi- Fo B. R. 17 Commissioner Finance. Council File No ----------------------------------- ' By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gradin` alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 118 of West St. Paul Proper from Winslow Avenue to Bidwell Street, C. -F. No.: 96860— rnthe b benefits, cults aof nd se:Peneest '0! r grading.!alley fn. Dawson'sCRear-: rangement of Block -138 of west St Paul ' --Proper from. j,1. Pa., to Bidwell Street under.Prellmt1rdZ Order-. 8Reb8, ' Intermediary .-.Artier. B8387,171in9al Ordgr,-83676, approved; �uDllo?Eeatlag Davfng �e aeeeeemn.t.-.for-. -1+t. and eald.. 83397 83676 under Preliminary Order--------- IUB -t59--.--, Intermediary Order ............ ............... Final Order...-- .................__.. approved ............. D.e-G....--1.2------------- 19...21..4. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in................................equal installments. Adopted by the Council------------- - -1 �JJ4...- - 19 •c�t�"- 1C qQ��k' Approved----------------- -------------19 Form B. B. IS iilliT..lsz City Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment June 1..-- ....., 1s_30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Dawson's Rearrange!nent of Block 118 of Nest St. Paul Proper from Winslow Avenue to Bidwell Street, 82859 83397 under Preliminary Order------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Intermediary Order ................... .----------- -----....._..-- DeC- 17 FinalOrder ................... 83676.------.... approved.................................... -.................................. ..., 19.-..2i.9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.....530.-QQ.---------- Cost of publishing notice . $..........1.a 80.„ --.----- Cost of postal cards $.........0...36........... Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $....._1-0_._60___.-.__-_ Amount of court costs for confirmation $......-..1.•_80.-...-_.__. Total expenditures . . . . . . . , $........... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $._`544._56..:............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action theRon as may be considered proper. Fo B. a. 17 Commissioner of Finance. F - - 86061 Council File No ----------------------------------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 6, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 3, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgensen's Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, 1 F. 2Tw a the--maattertter to the ' aeaesameat of beneate;-:.u." t B oci-eYOeaee s, Re- gradfor ing alley'in $lock B,Hoyt'e Ae xrrang MM 1Hlock .Y• -1 an-. Addltlon and $lock: 2;1.11.1: e r;ao ;:Additloa'-from'. Nebraska H. venae.: w. ^ - ,.. i -8 S,. Order -b::, � under PreliminaryOrder .......... _... 2886 Intermediary Order -....---_8 233---- Final Order....._83533•-_--, approved NII9...... 6► — 19...29. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby order d to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable In ................. _ --•-....--..equal installment. JUL 16 1' Adopted by the Council ••-------- ... - .-...19.... JUL L r 1c�4 Approved-------------------------------------------19------ Form B. B. 18 / v0 T Clerk. Mayor. 8177 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ------J--ane - 18 .............1 19_30.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tRJI grading alley in Block 6, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 3, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgensen's Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, 82886______________ Intermediary S3?33 under Preliminary Order.........._ ......... .... y Order ..... ....................... - ....., 3 33Nov. 26 ............. 19 29 FinalOrder..........................U- •....... ...... approved............... ov.---_...._....... ............ .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $___156.00 ----------- Cost of publishing notice . $............ Cost of postal cards $--------�-'- 90 --•--------- Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $....------------ Amount of court costs for confirmation $...__...4.50 -_------ Total expenditures . . $--,169.02............ Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $..._169.02- -------------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action there as may be considered per. ------------------------ F-B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ----------------------------------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment S- <WQ �i0mZ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on the northwesterly side of Parkway Drive between Hoyt Avenue and Iowa Avenue, C. F. No.86868— In the. matter oY the,-ene ft for t oY behea[e, cee;e and giDeaeee for eo t- etructfug o'j' er bn the-northwvo.n erly`alde. o; Parkway Driveybettveen I3oyt Aledve aad Iowa A'vebue: "un- ier+Preliminary-Order 88888: --Inter- '+Mary. Order :84186 FIna1; Order -. aDproved March d` 18SF•� '1... ']earla(r.-.hBVtIIg }.I 84185 84379 under Preliminary Order ----- - --- -a-it3.9�.., Intermediary Order--------------------------, Final Order approved ------------ Mali. --A------------------19...3Q. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordere o be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i- --.. •.........equal installments. Adopted by the Council- -iU I- _.1. 0 1930 ............................... .....------- ------- ------.19......-.. l` v. 'u Approved-------------------i----------------------------19..... Form B. B. 16 \rI / I y Clerk. Mayor. j.dT, � � 7, -13 0 M CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment I ........... une- 18....... 19..30 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 1BFx constructing a sever on the northwesterly side of Parkway Drive between Hoyt Avenue and Iowa Avenue, 8339384185 under Preliminary Order ............................ .....------------ ------ Intermediary Order----------. ... ..-..........---------- .. 84379Mar. 4 30 FinalOrder ---------------_---.................._...... approved ....................................-- ........................ 1 19.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 455 00 Cost of construction $-------------'-----• ........... Cost of publishing notice . $-.-------1'00 Cost of postal cards $-.--.....0.15 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $.......... 9.10- Amount of court costs for confirmation $.--------�'-75 -- ----------- 466.00 Total expenditures $-----------------------•-------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $._AEE -0.0 -----------------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action the n as may be considered proper. . ................................_�� F.— B. S. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 860G3 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__Gillldgmnip _ and_ takip ._qn- easement_ in_ the _land necessary___ for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alleys in Block 3, St. Catherine Park 2nd Addi'ion from Cretin Ave. to north and south alley and fron- nl,anor St. to Scheffer Ave., 1 -- 18AT7FYlRG aoNABS 11ONTe IN, CON. t usrgNarraoca.�nnvae. - I 'tii matter f eondemriing and tak- 1 -'deg; enc'—r—t W tCe'.Iand::necea- aary for nloDee, euta'ehd 611e, ln: the �:grading of :Allege ih: 81, k 8. St. 17Ztherine- Park 8nd Add�eton from In Ave. i. rKrh ead ; :..t.ylea under Preliminary Order ---------- 84860------- approved___ April 10, 1930 Intermediary Order ---------------65117---- approved---May-----h 1930------------__ Final Order ---------------------- SL3fL4------- approved ---- L[PX---- 27 -i -19.'.O A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. tt __+:a,.�....,a +1,e o�,nn .a harahv nxdPrP4�1tC-a- •t^�+.k'^a }4'+`�'" ti'ak�+ �' irk fn�n_a�rm,�+1ns1; Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------y'---- - --- , --------------- j � � +� i 1 City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19---- a v—•�, --------------'�-------------------------- Mayor. Councilman al$d May ( ouncilman Pearce Councilman Rosen fir;- y,j_ !!! Mayor BnndN e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND SSSESs:-SENT OF BLNUITS In the matter of___ condemning and taking an_ jaL. f ent in the land_necessary for slor.es, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alleys in ?locl: 3, �.t. Catrerine Park 2nd Addition from Cretin Ave. to north and south alley and from Eleanor 'it. to Scheffer Ave., under Preliminary Order -------1348&11_, approved ---- ------------------------ Intermediary Order ----------- KILL, approved ---- MAY ----- 2�-1. �-lR30 ------------------------ Final Order------------------35�fl4_, approved----"`F---27r-0------------------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ___ Commissioner of Yinance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__QoniiQmaiul -and-ta C ng _an_ easement_ in_ tre_ land_necessara--- for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Chelsea Heights, from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., 1d ItLtatt.Oftf '... demak 'law as easement- ln: the '• eery for .elopes; -.cuts and IF grading -of AneY 1n Block ...' Helghit _tram' Hoy to Ave.' oder'P'rellminary- Or: �.. approvedAprll 2, 1930 In"' Order:90109 ve approd Ma,(' :rV., order • �. .rove •.?- under Preliminary Order ------ $47,56------------ approved- __APril__1930_______________- Intermediary Order ----------- 5L5199 ----------- approved___ Mag ___ 1, 1930 --------------- Final Order ------------------ BL3M----------- approved--- Maw-- 27'--1930---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. is r - ti-' a-yable land- d,.seri,,,a.._.___a t1+z rein_. JUL 1 & jg p Adopted by the Council _________ --------------- --- - ------------r---.------- 1�g 1 COR Clerk. Approved --------- c -CPL-; ------ 19---- --------------------------------------- ilMayor. G mn-- ouaocm ,,((}}/ Councilman May 10 councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Mayor B,nMt REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A\D \SSESS31LNT OF BEriEFI`rO In the matter of_ cgndAmnin and_ takin�_an_ easement_ in the__land_necessary for slores, cuts and fills, in the grad inf of Allep in Block 6, Chels=a F.eights, from Ho -t Alpe. to Idaho Ave., under Preliminary Order ------134756-_, approved ----- gniL.2,_19ZQ------------------------ Intermediary Order -----------85- 09--, approved ----- adz ---- ,-193Q------------------------ Final Order ------------------ approved ----- Ma-g--2.2,-193.Q------------------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL:, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persobs to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__�QDslemning_and_taking._an_easement in the ]and necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Griggs St. from Seminary Ave. to He%vitt Ave., C. F, No. 86066— Io-: the matter of—demntng and tak- -'; tag an-eseemeat la ;the, land. neces- sary fpr; sloDea. ants and 8118: in, the grad Ing of Griggs St. from Seminary Ave: to -Hewitt Ave., under Prellfi' -- •i i928,Orde Int er8ir Itpary Orrdereb7 , :��28, Ftnnl�• under Preliminary Order ____7_4$$q------------- approved ---- Februar� 7� 1928 _-_- Intermediary Order ---------- 7552-5 approved ---- APril ___ 11,_1928---___-__ 5-___________, approved____ June 2, 1930 - Final Order ----------------7 7585585 ------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. e er is la 'Ictal en to each-parceYof land describeditierein. �n Adopted by the Council =n�>______________ - f-----_- ------ -- --- City -�i--------------------------------------- Mayor. LG City Clerk.------- Approved---------------------- 19---- Z --- --------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman htay Councilman Pearce Councilman_ Rosen Mayor B mdne REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__con�e ^niE_ arrd_ takin�_n_ easement__in_ the _land_ nece^_ ar for slopes, cuts and fills, in the Eradin_ of GrigEs St. from Seminary Ave. to Ft-nwitt Ave., under Preliminary Order__ -7A@$9 -____, approved__F_@bs_ua=_7-,_19.23----------------------- Intermediary Order ------- 7b52S------ approved__APr-i-1---- 1a -r -].32R ---------------------- Final Order -------------- 75855------ approved---LDIDS ------2,,_]930 ________________------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 81F)() 6 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of______ condemning_and taking_ an_ easement_ in_ t}^e_ land necessary -nese sa for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grr.dinE of Alley; in Plock 8, Oakville Park frog "'eide Ave. �o PJalsh Ave. C.' F: In the matter o[ condemning and.'tak- Ing an:. easement In the land,neeea- :.;tlary.toyee. Cute -.and 911.. 1. ttie 'gradiag [-Alley 3n. glock 8';:Oak- v111. Park -from w. -:'la 4v Ave.,. under-Prell.] "aD Mveed rAprll 16, under Preliminary Order ------ 8486----------- , approved____ April 10,- 1930-------------- --------- approved ----May 1, 1930 Intermediary Order ________________ 85115-------------- ------------ Final Order ------------------ 85a86 ------------ approved ----- MaZ--- 27 _1930 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. es 1 f thPr that -the -s ' o e Mafia the same-is--hereby-in-all.respeets r rise. ,�a ma 'a h<.rehx_prdered-.. - 1i";.•,."''to-the-$istriet-Court-�olrCoililYmation. .Reyg]vQd that -the said assessm'ellt be -.d ii -is -111 payable ink==�etlual-ink ltd described itTereln. Adopted by the Council ___-J� -------------- ---- - - L 2;' City Clerk. -- Approved--------- -J,---.. � 19---- y�i �t1S - ---------- ------------------------------ � ayor. Couunc ma /v/ i TdI ISFiE1J (� Mav I// Co uncihnan I'" iYY(lI�AAA" ea rce Councilman Rosen Mayor Bundlie objections to award. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neo - for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block B, Oakville Park Addition. Now comes August Seidler, owner of the following described real es- tate, together with the buildings thereon, and through his attorney, Jos. H. Masek, objects to the proceedings as above entitled, and all thereof, and to the proposed award of damages as set forth in the report of the Commissioner of Finance to the said Council, and to the proposed assess- ment of benefits, as therein set forth, and claims that his property will be damaged in an amount greatly in excess of the amount set forth in said proposed award, and states the following reasons and grounds for his ob jeetions: 1. That the Council of the City of St. Paul has no -jurisdiction in the matter, and that said proceedings have not been properly and legally conducted. g. That the value of said property as reported and determined in these proceedings is unfair and unjust, and that to take the said property under the alleged condemnation proceedings for the valuations so reported - would be unlawful and constitute a taking thereof without oompensation, and in violation of.the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the State of Minnesota. 3. That the award of damages so made and reported herein is not fair and impartial, but on the contrary said award i��PsrJil B'elow the pre sent sound market value of said property. 4. That the provisions of the Charter ;f the City of St. Paul, re- lating to the taking of property for public use, under which provisions these proceedings are instituted, violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and the proceedings herein are null and void in that the said City is attempting to deprive the owner of his property without due process of law. 5. That the proceedings herein are null ani void in.that the said City proposes to use the owner's property for purposes other than as set forth in the order for condemnation. 6. That the owner thereof refuses to abide by said proceedings and to accept the award of damages reported and tendered herein in these pro- ceedings for his said property, and to require said owner to accept said award would impose upon him heavy sacrifloe'and loss of money and pro- perty. 7. That the following is a description, of the property owned by the undersigned objector and proposed to be taken by'said City in said proceedings: Lots 12 and 13, in Block 8, Oakville Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of reoord in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County.' Dated this 14th day of July, 1930. Vu REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMEXT ul, B1.]_NEFITS ary In the matter of__r_ondessLing-ansa-t�ki21-an_e��ement_in_tre land necess ----------- for slores, cuts and fill=, in t? -e F_r•,,din;- of Alley in T31ock 8, oakville Park from "'eid.e Ave. to "'alsh Ave., under Preliminary Order ----- approved-------- Ar ril - 10, 19 70 ------------------------------ Intermediary Order --------- Qa11.,71-- approved ---------M-aY ---- l,_ 1930------------------- FinalOrder ---------------- RS?i&-- approved-------- ------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---- Commissioner of Finance. 11111 -OW sawmill 1H 86068 . An ordinance authorizing the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul (( and Pacific Railroad Company to construct, maintain and operate spur track across Griggs Street. The Council of the City of St Paul does ordain: Sec. 1. Authority is hereby granted to the Chicago, Mil— waukee, St Paul & Pacific Railroad Company to construct, maintain and operate a spur track over and across Griggs Street, such spur track being an extension eastwardly of the present track in Lot C Block 3, Midway Industrial Division, substantially as shown by the double yellow lines upon the accompanying blue print. Sec. 2. Said permission is granted upon and subject to the following conditions: (a) The said Railroad Company shall indemnify and save the City harmless from all damages, claims, judgments, costs and expense of whatsoever kind or nature arising or growing out of the construction, maintenance, use, operation or removal of said tracks or any thereof; (b) Said track shall be laid and constructed under the super— vision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and when ordered or required by the said Commissioner, the said Railroad Company shall plank and replank said crossing so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow cars to stand or remain upon the said street so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. (c) Said track shall be taken up and removed and the roadway restored to its original condition at the cost and expense of said Railroad Company whenever the Council shall so order. (d) The said Railroad Company shall file with the Clerk of the said City of St Paul its acceptance in writing of this ordinance within thirty days from and after the publication thereof. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, publication and acceptance. approved. -a,- co rm and •x.-cuti thi 1.-. - -- ,.::v of -- � Coroor oArfarn.. Yeas Councilman Nays ConroyQ May In favor Adopted by the Council �,.. , 19�02 McDonald Pearce Roeen.Againet Approved c Sudheimer _ Mr. President Bundlie r ATPRST: Mayor. City Clerk. .:W E. ,Z-. n ter.."o:, s3.. 743 �/•• / •• . � - 99 49 to 100 � oe n / • -c - -. 9 � F70S7EF2 _ ST - LOT C � - 99.1 s•. .. 1 i 1 _ r l0 iN T I1 IZ 13 - `r ..7 8 9 10 11 1Z ' �- - 14 I - {.i IZ ileo' - - 125 12S ❑ fie. 2 loo' •• - 8 O F-( t-4" i ST j . I 9a�7- .too• ..100• I F'-14109 8e 5hepley Co. I I - .•rr,q cow+,-a��or-g =� I ...._ ,� I .5 4 Z I tjtj . %. Spaakes g 'n 7 8 9 10 - • �rN, ... // \ - W. Kb 9S. 3 loo' loo• - 1�, Z A to IN n II IZ 13 7 6 9 10 j1� �I Corninc3 �i .14 - - I Donohu¢.Ca. F] .3 12 ee. z .., loo ., •: too g 01--1 N -. •� � .�•n _ ,ST .. -� 9D 74'.. .loo. .. T Z9�.cS FYedg nd 8e Sheppey Co. I N N .S 4 25 Z 1 m- _OT D. W. BIRDSALL. Cln CL[PK AND COYyI[[ION[P 01 R[OIOTPATION Or (t itij of ftni 1jaul Office of (41ig (4lerk ,Maly 7th, 1930. Mr. E. M. OINOIll, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith papers in the matter of petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company for permit to construct, maintain and operate spur track across Griggs Street. This matter was referred to you by the Council for approval of the ordinance as to form, if satisfactory. Yours very truly, City Clerk --& qt,00 . C. r., jzQ 16 Tjg M11ton R ��n�rru� AV�ai ca.* �� � � j a St Paul A'bnlwauke.; is anthorixing the Chloagos Milwalukel v maTntai and paclijo Railroad Company to construct, maintain and operate gpw track across Griggs Street. The Council of the City of St Paul does ordain: Sea. 1. Authority 113 hereby granted to the Chicago, M'1— waukeet st Paul & Pacific Railroad Company to construct, malutala and operate a spur track over and across Griggs Street, such spur tlnck being an extension eastwardly of the present track In Lot a r .Aook 3, Midway Industrial nivision, substantially as shown by the double yellow lines upon the accompanying blue print. Sao. 2. Said permission Is granted upon and subject to the following conditions: .(a) The said Railroad Company shall Indemnify and save, the City harmless from all damages, claims, judgments, costs and expense of whatsoever kind or nature arising or growing out of the construction, malatenanoes use, operation or removal Of said tracks or any thereof; (b) Said track shall be laid and constructed under the super– vision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public corks and when ordered or required by the said Commissioner, the said Railroad Company shall plank and replank said crossing so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow cars to stand or remain Mon the- said street so -as to interrupt or interfere with pubHo travel. (o) Said track shall be taken up and removed and the roadway restored to its original condition at the cost and expense of said Railroad company whenever the Comwil shall so order. (d) The said Railroad Company shall file with the Clerk of the said City of at Paul its acceptance in nTlting, of this ordinance within thirty days from and after the putUcation thereof. Seo. 3. This ordinance shall take 6ffeot and be In force thirty days from and after its passage, publication and acoeptancee Yeas Councilmen Nays -� Conroy -,my . 1McDonal& In favor earce Posen Against Suiheimerz ?resident Bundlie ATTEST: =A Adopted by the Council Approved Mai— il CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK uuu�nf PUBLICATION NOTICE \� Date August 4th, 190-0— The attention of the Chicago, Milwaukee.St. P. & Pac if is R.R. Co. d is respectfully called to the following c9hl.h h.. been adopted by the rnundl and approved by the mayor. C. F.ldo. 86068-4rdSn— No. , 13y -Milton Rosen, $R "Mil—u no. ¢S. P-UlR' the Clila' Milwaukee, 8t•'' Paul and P"' Railroad CompanY aerate to..;xnsZ�??" _ �maintafn5!rnd,; ". ebur-, .a ..s Received copy of Ord. No - 7224, adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul,July 31, 1930. Sl—Pr D. W. BIRDSALL �nG�6 CI CLERK FORM G. !u N V The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL and PACIFIC RAIIROAD COMPANY hereby accepts the terms and provisions of and contained in that certain ordinance passed by the Council of the0ity of St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 31st day of July, 1930, numbered Ordinance No. 7224 (C.F.86068) and in consideration of the permission granted by said ordinance, said Railroad Company agrees, for itself, its successors and assigns, to do and perform all and singular the acts and things specified in said ordinance to be done by said Railroad Company and at all times indemnify and save harmless the said City of St. Paul from all damages, costs or expense arising from or growing out of the construction, maintenance, operation or removal of the spur track mentioned in said ordinance: In Witness Whereof said Railroad Company has caused this instrument to be signed in its behalf by its proper officers thereunto duly author- ized and its corporate seal to be affixed this ,day of 1930. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL a -t PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY By C President A eat ecretary STATE OF ILLINOIS. Be COUNTY OF COOK i 0 h d of �� 1930 before me apps ed and to me pereonally bei g me y sworn, did. ea hat they are respectively the and Secretaryof the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL and PACIFI RAILROAD COMPANY, the oorporation which executed the foregoing in- strument and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in be- half ofefco c ® b thority o%n't�� ectors and t e said and n ack edge aid instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public .4pp pTp - Q,aP'M OtsPSwrr ' I; V COUNCIL 06069 ORIGINAL TO cITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL/ESOL/4VTON—GENERAL FORM / July 16, 1930 oCFNTED Fmookmm 40 SEAS, on May 27, 1930, Grocery license No. 2088 at 201 North Cleveland Avenue was issued to C. E. Kelty, and WHEREAS, said C. E. Kelty never operatkocery store for which said license was issued, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are herePy,authorized to refund to C. E. Kelty the fee of $10.00 and cancel said grocery license. C. F. No. 86069—sy C. ' R. May..Sgy Request I - Whereas, On May 27, 1890, Grocery license No. 2088 at 201 North Cleve - 1 land Avenue. was Issued to C. E,, Kelty; f and , Whereas, ,Said C, E. Kelty never operated grocery store for whtch. said lice... W" Issued; there be it - ..R solved, That the. Draper city ottl cera. a and. they are hereby -author- Ited a -refund to C. I Kelty'the fee Of-' 51000., and cancel.'eald; grocery llcInae Adopted by'Rhe Counefl July 16, 1980. -App oved , my. 16, 1920. .-- Jply 19-1930) Adopted by the Council-___JUL-1-6--=9----- A _Y�' 19_ --- -- _.___� - _____-___________-_ MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays May McHeneld-In favor Pearae Rosen O.._.�- Against St' Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council-___JUL-1-6--=9----- A _Y�' 19_ --- -- _.___� - _____-___________-_ MAYOR COUNCIL omclne�ro ciry cLr.a CITY Ofd ST. ~PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE '''O'''...FCITY CLERK /�LQ�NQIJRESO!!ON NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY it!/� /I/ i�"'1 DATE RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have bedn made by persons named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. I. C. F. No.:-98010—By �C. R May -By Bequest- That Ilcen.es for which application. have been"madee,, by pereonanamed on the attached list"' and the -.ams are' hereby granted .Ind the city clerk�ls instructed to laeue ach ilcenoea:.upon. �. the; ➢aymegt into the elty. treasuiyof the -required fee: AdoDted'by the Couhcll July 16, .1999.- pD➢roiled July 18, 1890. t " (July 18-1990) 4 COUNCILMEN yeas Nays May &WD__ a _. __-In favor Pearce Rosen Against Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ---__-. % _� 99 ---- APP--------- -------- ---------19 MAYOR July 16, 1950 Isaac Dannovsky, 244 E. Fairfield Av. Butcher Albert N. Schaffhausen, 991 Arcade St. it Capitol City Bakery, 552 Front St. Bakery Donald Cassidy, 629 Aldine St. Grocery Alf Kask 1558 Bayard Av. " Jean V. McHeffey, 589 St. Peter St. Confectionery James J. Mee, 1410 W. 7th St. it F. A. Manch, 1941 Grand Av. Conf-drug A. Munzenreider, 651 S. Snelling Av. Confectionery Arthur G. Nelson, 146 W. 7th St. " Violet Notley, 1511 Randolph St. Grocery Axel Olson, 599 Case St. Confectionery David Rudoy, 2075 St. Clair St. Grocery Tony Scissente, 50 Leech St. " Mrs. Dora Shaw, 475 St. Peter St. " Tom Skarda, 1184.W. 7th St. Confectionery Smallwood Grocery, 919 Scheffer St. Grocery Max P. Snuder, 406 Wabasha St. Confectionery Robert Stiller, 560 Van Buren St. Grocery C. W. Swanson, 744 Rondo St. " J. M. Velat, 1184 E. 7th St. " Joseph Vitale, 1616 Rice St. Fruit -Vegetable store Mrs. S. E Zeis, 286 Van Buren St. Grocery Thomas Andros, 1559 University Av. Restaurant Arvanitis & Kochouk&s 450 St. Peter St. " Peter Blanos, 450 Broadway " Mayme Flynn, 452 Wabasha St. " Andy Kappas & Louis Trigas, 82 W. 7th St. " Richard Knoblach, 154 E. 4th St. " Northern Cooperage Co. 551 Concord St. " Salvatore Terrizzi, 40 W. College Av. " Lexington Tire Co. 1187 W. University Av. Gasoline station 2 pumps E. A. Northrop, 1056 Ross St. " " 5 " William H. O'Connor, 1544 Marshall Av. " " 6 " Phillips Petroleum Oil Co. 561 N. Snelling Av. Salhow Bros. - 1255 Payne Ave " " 5 " Standard Oil Co. 2249 University Av.- " " 5 " Andrew P. Vogl, 594 N. Dale St. " " 2 " Carey & Co.1112 Hennepin Av. Mpls Oil burning device Caroline M. Per rard, 64 W. 10th St. Hotel (St George) 55 rooms COUNCIL NO. +- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE RI -oslameL TO CITY CLERK I �/JJ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /1411'e nn l-. RESOLIBPION'77vENERAL. FORM WHEREAS) on April 19, 1930, Jens Landey made application No. 1665 for Butcher license at 756 Forest Street, and WHEMS, the Bureau of Health recommends denial of said Butcher license; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Jens Landey the fee of $25.00 and cancel said application No. 1665 for Butcher license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays May .� �Jo favor Pearce RosenAgainst Mr. President Bundlie fQr Adopted by the Council -___.--__--_ f--- - --- 19-- --- 4"t L I? a� Approve - - "----"- -'------------19---- — ----------------- -- — —�- MAYOR R COUNCIL w, O. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE %, J �FFICE OF CITY CLERK //d x/ OUNC/IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED • That the plans and specifications for a foot bridge over South Robert Street at Dearborn Street, as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for carrying out this.work. C. F. No. 50072—BY Milton Roeen— Resolved: That the plane and-Decld- catfone -for: , foot bridge over South eubmRtedt,eher withB by �LhaBCommle eloner of . PublicWorke.- be and the- -ama arehereby_ approved and' -the Puroha-Ing: Agent, I. haroby author lied and directed to advertlee for ptd-: for:'carrying^out Chi- work. Adopted by: the CGnncli duly 16. 1920:. :Approved Suly 10. 1930 :(July 19-1930), :RSL 16 X o COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council—__. ----------19----- Go "89- W41111 May / ___._-19_-- pq y._. _____--__In favor APPpO - -- - ---------- Pearce--- Rosen __-_.Against MAYOR i Mr. President Bundlie CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL RIOINAL— NUMBER C I\� FRF NO CITYCL. RK. JV _ CoxCIL RESOLUTION �I � FOR Y / wU7HORIZAT OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - Resolved, That the Cogncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for c structiiig curbing on both sides of Argyle Street from MoKenty Stre to Cross • Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $575.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C, F. No. 8 Th t .Y o Cou Rosener Resolved. That the Council' hereby concurs In I"I"" ,endaU,.- of the Contract Committee nd awards the a pn bothra d.a".f Arg Io Strtructineet fron], Me I Kenty Street to Crose Strels;tn accord9 ance .with -Plane and apeCIACattOae aeret'? t hld.b o.1 Hien lowoeet TTe=- pNt�_1 0 II I 848.00. Adopted_ by tha: Council July 10, 1930. Approved (JIY10, 1980. (JaIY 39-1980) FORMAL BIO NO. 8408 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE t 642.00 _NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BV COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEML'NT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: S 575.00 I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENFPITTEO PROPERTY - - . . - 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - COOK t APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPflOVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S a t p, APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S S 8. S - TOTAL - - 575.00 COPIES TO: I HERE,Y CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED "I CITY CLERK ARCS AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS _• PURCHASING COMPTROLLER DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED BY _ COUNCILMEN • YEAs NAY. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL IN FAVOR JAPPROVED AGAINST MAYOR MR. PRESIDENT - - o RIOINAL— ""ITS 51 O CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL g'4Yv � r CITU No — CL... PILE- No• --���' CO NCIL RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZ ON OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY H ® Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recomn&dation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading Charles Street from Raymond Avenue to Carleton Street, In`accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Garrick Bros. Inc., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,799.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C F. No. 86071—BY M1lton R.osan- Re9olved,. That, theCouhcll hereby j concurs 1n the reeommendation of the Contract.Committee'. end awards -the ` contract for, grading.. Charles Street''1 �from .Raymond Avenue to Carletoo- i B there# e-ttaebod, r. ."B""acaUons to Ga 'rick Bros. :Ihc!, they being the lowest ee$1,799.00, la bidders, the um dt responsible s, 'ratlon the p Counsel-'� I.- hereby Instructed to draw up the dproper form ofcontract therefor. For- mat Btd No. 8107. Engiaeer:s E.UT,t. j1,987.00. Council July 38; 1990.. Adopted by the Approved July 16, 1930' (July 19-1990) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 1,987.00 FORMAL BID NO. 8487 TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. _N_OTE: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLO 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - �S: (W - - - - 1 1,799.00 3. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COO. f 9. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S A. APPROPRIATED FROM BON. ISSUE—CODE f S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - f e. f TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f 1799.)Q COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAl CITY CLERK AHCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATION. TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT No. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROLLER. BY COUNCILMEN JUL i6 , ADOPTED. YEAR NAYSIN BY THE COUNCIL • FAVOR N'�� N (y �'�'L{Ij?I ,u7 'I �!F {RLr}�j�M APPROVED AGAINST J Ms. PRESIDENT MAYM Council File No- _._.....s6( f75 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT As and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -Acguire�_ condemn-..& d---aP-PrQpr3ata.- as..-a---ai to--for---iha--a®v¢------ Auditorium, _the._North-.a0._ft,..-° ---10.t..9-.- and --.all_of..lot..l0-s..... •------------ Block 12 and lots 1 and._2,.-_ll_-_and__12. B14C-1s.-�3.,.-.Mica and -------------------- --------------------------------------- t....... Irvine's Addition. ------------ Dated this. 16trk4......day of ------------------------ TUlY S 192 a F xo 33075— Councilman. Block 13 "il lots;IGsna s r,. r 13.-;Rlee ana:rrvine cPRELIMINARY ORDER. to 'o -c�11" ?proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Acquire,.. condemn._and._appropriate.-.as.-_a---site---for-._the new----...___.._.._---. -- Auditorittm�.-_the _North _ 70---ft.__of-_lot.-_9__and. all._of._lot__ 10:._....• -_-_-___,- Block 12 and,lots__l and 2�-_ll and-.12�-:Block..laz-_Rice--and------------------- ............... ............. Irvine's Addition having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul— ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --........ ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 16 �1�� Adoptedby the Council. ...........................•---...................................... YEAS NAYS CouncilmanG.ltd"o-, T�seeeeaK, Approved.... :... - 41sPeNrhu MR. PREemsxr j� D Mayor. F orm C A 13 (2M 2.20 I CO _Ner. dm eueR CITY OF PAUL FIILEnetL NO. 860"76OFFICE OF TY CLERK CI L ION—GENERAL FORM PREBENTEO EY DATt Jttly 17, 1930 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED..".. That the "ComisissfdIWr'of Public Works'be"aud'is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following Streets: East & Test elle p-L.Como Phalen-Denny from Areads to lbndota. Gorman from Louisa to deorgb ---- montais from 1hite" Bear to BaselF:.rio. 86078 =8y Mntoa' Roeen Yteeotved, That the Commlesi ne marylacd from 1�aokabin to 119etelu blla' Works be and 1. hereby sutba" marylaud from BAr find to miesiesippi and, directed to .0 the fell.. d rairvie* roWest atfey I'- Bseohwood f romBehleaB t0 r A em. I. Bohla -d fom"Bowen to rairriet sva from"L6age to•Indlana Baithorne f r6k JLSUP. & Bob. ay to 44th Hiirns from"He-iter-to Griffith Earl "Rest 6idolrom N. P Ay-to York Bobland from clutelemd"to`Sow+ll Kgntletii from Bohland to"rozd Road Argonne from"moatzenl to Bohland 06mo Blvd.-Service Drive fros South to Lakeview. Dousioan from Von minden to Yankee Prospe.at from Curve" to'" Ca1.in from %-. Paul to gsgoiona $mood from Setindere"to`Bobland Maryland from witesu to'Bsnd Goodrich from Pleasant to Darringn nl iquiir from gennard to ft*ie -Bear rlandren irou'Viiinshahm:A0 Seventh ff4t f'rom-Bamline to t0mingtM BAariey fram 6ivsoith1 1 -to roreet 1�eieein f rom Phe%1 to" Tracy . Yksoal from Vari"I to Carroll gestoid from Boeiull 'to• Chilcombe _ 2"il" rrom-lohneon Perkwit to mourth Runcon-from-480*A- -S of ltiryland to L. Como Plop 07' ubnrben fro: Sari to Heider Ito frda Sevev to 140'-ft. Weat of Cantos a_1A li ka Ykod Eimi�7Qlig tg`'ftlyol3na:n Larson from Arttodel to rarrl%ton.. YeasCOUNCILMEN ' 7 Nays Adopted by the Council 19 �� r In favor ov 19 OAgainst MAY R Mr. President iiel�n� ` 1tUBLISHI.1� ,l°"':' 'o'e OF SAINT PAUL �171lJ - - COUNCIL i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK aouroy NO• COUNCILMEN ROLL CALL FFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE _ -------- d-L-�-�- �tzclacYCOUNCIL RESOLUTION /� CCFiEii _IN FAVOR May __ __J-y-l�_____� 19*iL- � Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS -- _-D-AGAINST AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. �� r TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S__-__5939.-Ol•• COVERING MR. PRES.. HODOGG� e CHECKS NUMBERED_ _ --ICE __-_ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE CO IL____________ ___________-- PER CHECKS ON FIL O ICE OF H OI COMPTROLLER. APPROVED----- - -- --- -------- ITY GONPTROLLER e Nos. 86077, 86078, 86079— 6079— Resolved __----------------- Reeolye., That cheeks he drawn oa gy_ ----__.. t------------ the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o 118,167.37, coverin -- - a -'-- numbered 7052 to 7166, Inclusive, DATE - - TOTAL per checks an file 1n the oRice of the _ RETURNED ger Comptroller. BY BANK CHECK �� Adopted by the 17. 1911 July 17, 1930. TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER Approved July 17. 1980. (July 19-1930) CHECKS CHECKS I - BROUGHT FORWARD 1 OSS 2 42 7052 Anthony J. Conroy, C.P.U. Parson & F ost 1001 219 2 7053 Bennett, Colonel L.H. Brittin 100 0 7054 7055 R.L. Carley 150 0 7056 ; H.J. Carling 100 0 7057 '; John Faricy 200 0 7055 P.C. Justus 7059 '' L. J. Sul lwo l d 200 c^O 0 3 70 0 Brown & Day,Inc. 216 7061 '; Mark Dalglish 94010 7o62 Nimis & 91mis 7063 John Antl 3 2 � 7064 Review Publishing Company 97 2 David BashefkizL Ij 24 4o 7066 ' Frank DeMart na 40 0 7067 Irvin Rose 7065 Feyen Construction Company kke 11 502 21 7069 ',' Milton Rosen, Com r. . W 200 12 537185 00 7070 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.! 355 0 7071 John H. McDonald, C. of Fina 2 083149 72 'John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.; 3 963199 7 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 223 20 7074 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7075 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.;' 1 502.25 7076 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' 4 735 50 7077 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.' '': Com." " 7 39 6 53 7075 John H. McDonald, 7079 " John H. McDonald, Com."` " 535 10 7050 John H. McDonald, Coma " 4 937105 7081 John H. McDonald, Com." " 3 22100 7082 John H. McDonald, Com." " I I � Ij ff DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ":. • f'2N OF 6AINT PAUL COUNCIL OoIIrO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL y OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._________ _________z� erA++er CMaRens"OUNCIL RESOLUTION F' ---_IN FAVOR Pea D ____rce AUDITED CLAIMS ---- --------- R9NtMN9 SUGNEH•>:M__1 __AGAINST Roden RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WEN21TI: l• ® TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5----3LY,-222♦ 57 . COVERING MR. PRES.. HODGSON- INCLUSIVE. AS �. a CHECKS NUMBERED ______-J-0�29----TO---T13f[i� ADOPTED BY. TME OUNCIL____-__------------------- PER CHECKS ON F LE N THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. j APPROVED___�.6.d- -f_ �YSS__ — - _ THE. _ __-____-___--__— F--�CITY COMPTROLLER a TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7�+ J 15 7a+9'37 92 069 709 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. • Stationery Mfg.Oomp ny 4 48014 99 4 7094 Capl.tol Company 7095 St.Paul Blue Print 726,0 7092 Victory Printing Company 6�Ot 7097 J. Brastad 57150 7099 J. Resemius 7099 John H. McDonald, Tread. Ass., 6 660;00 Health Employees Relief 1 30$117 7090 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fina 7091 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fina 13 100 2l 7092 Fred G. Albrecht, Director 1 160 00 7093 Minnesota State Band, 1 126',00 A.L. Snyder, Director Book Company 381232 7094 McGraw-Hill 9 Mack Int. Motor Truck Corp. +F 4 7095 Minnesota Hews Company IN 0 7097 Mitsoh & Heck Company 7099 National Bushing & Parts Company 24100 7099 '' National Geographic Society 7100 'r The Nation's Schools Pub. OC' 3100 49 99 7101 I' Northern Auto Electric Compy 425152 7102 Northern States Power Companr 3 4339106 7103 Northern States Power compan s6 79 7104 N.W. Copper & Brass Works 6156 7105 Owens Motor Sales Company & Company 87126 7102 Paper, Calmenson 31;10 7107 Park Machine Company 7109 M.F. Patterson Dental Supplyco. 7109 Phillips Petroleum Company 50146 106119 7110 Pioneer Electric Company 69,19 7111 Price Electric company 2195 7112 Ramsey.Motor Service,Ino. 1 Remington -Rand Business Ser 7116 ce,Inc. 521170 ag 7114 Restaurant China Company Sands Company 239174 7115 Robinson, Cary & 32179 7116 Roe -James Glass Company 14 26 7117 John Ruze 7119 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company i 560169 7119 St.Paul Brass Foundry Oompawt 11;,59 7120 St.Paul Broom Mfg. company 19125 19 00 7121 St.Paul Drug Company 7122 St.Paul Foundry Company 152 10 White Lead & 011 Com • any 93,69 7123 St.Paul Soheffer & Rossum Company 16113 7124 7125 Andrew Schoch Grocery Oompan 62655192 7126 Andrew Schoch Grocery Oompan G. Seestedt Company 113!00 7127 1129 D.B. Shotwell & Company 5 150 7129 Simonson-oreadorff Company 92121 7130 R. J. Slawik & Company 117 C 7131 Slingerland-Cometook Company 2180 7132 Smead Mfg. Company 7133 C.J.Smith & Company 49 60 7134 L.S.Smith & Corona. Typ•Ino.21 500 l0 7135 W.F. Smith Tire & Battery Co pany 70 94 7136 Society of Automotive Engine rs 210 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD :. 15_909_139 - - 929 2911 -- FORM NO A122 IM 1238 I �„ j j A, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK Conroy CIT -F OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL N 0 COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL jL0jj0ft&2jjWFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE -------- I=CA,Iqclo May COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 16 30 �_IN FER-WON FAVOR Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS --------------- Roo en eU0"etMrft AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BER2j=.7j%ITY TREASURY. �vs MR. PRm4 tLDDJ3SZLbI, TO THE AGGREGATE AM?]."F COVERING ES JULCHECKS NUMBERED - --- - ------ - ----- -------- INCLUSI E. AS R LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---- - -------------------- - ---- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFI OF H CI COM - - ---- CITY CO LER APPROVED____-____-- -- ---------- ------ BY__ - ---- - - - iix� CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 15 9009 928 2 12c- 7137 G. Sommers & Company 8917C 7138 The Speakee Company Z9117 7139 Specialty Printing Company 02 71 Sperry Office Furniture Com any 1502� 81 71 41 Standard Laundry Company company 1616 7142 Standard Unit Parts 714 Swift & Company 91i ;07 2; 7W Transit Supply Company 7145 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 'y 5139 7146 Twin city Tea & Coffee COMPI 7147 Mabel Ullrich Book & Print hop 2i'115 I 93 7148 valley Iron Works 9 1 26 7149 D. Van Noetrand Oompany#Inc.- 4100 89�;26 7150 Van Paper Supply Company Comp 147120 7151 villaume Box & Lumber 7152 Warren -Given Company,Ino. 121 0 7154 Washington Foundry Company 24N 5 715 H.E. Wedelstaedt Company 1 95 57 715 Westinghouse Electric Supply!Co. 150 92 191 06 7156 R.B. Whitacre & Company The White Company 74 7157 7158 John Wiley & Sons Company 1 121.02 3 197 7159 zinsmas ter Baking 5 0 7160 Connolly contracting Company, 6 60110020 7161 Lovering & Longbotham Compaq v j 7162 M.J. O'Neil 5 901125 1 o91146 716 M.J. O'Neil 7164 Oorning-Donohue Company 2150 7166 Villaume Box & Lumber Compaur 7162 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 77!91 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 15 39 8 0 8 '09 COUNCIL ORInIH.L TO rlry CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— -% OFFICE OF CITY C4 RK COUN L O,L' fiF9'N—J(�'' ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /( DATE_— July 16, 1930 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of repaving University Avenue from Lexington Ave, to Snelling Ave. by removing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt or asphaltic concrete except where asphalt surfacing in good condition now exists, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84235, approved Feb. 41 1930, and Final Order C. F. 84880, approved April 15, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays/ Conroy May nn_n,,,,h L- In favor Pearce 12 Rosen Against S Mr. President Bundlie C. F. No. 85080—By WHO.Rosen— In the matter of repaving UO rally Avenue from Lexington Ave. to Snell- ' Ing Ave. by removing the wood' blocks d re rfacing the isting base With asphalt or asphaltic oon- rete except where asphalt euefao- Ing In good condition now exists. der, Prellmine.ry Order C. F. ` 84235, ppt'oved Feb. 4, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 84880, approved ADrll 16, 1930. R.solve. That the Plana, aDecl(Icn- tlone and a tlmated quantities as an b- itted by the Commieeloner of Public . iyorka be and the came are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council July 17, 1930. - (July 19-1930) Adopted by the Council__`Ivl- — --------:'2 19------ A ffSo e4 - y y - --- -- - ___19 -- - ---------------- ------------MAYOR v ,I - r CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY C RK COUN L O ENERAL FORM ENTED BY / E - AISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of repaving University Avenue from Lexington Ave. to Snelling Ave. by removing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt or asphaltic concrete except where asphalt surfacing in good condition now exists, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84235, approved Feb. 4, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 84880, approved April 15, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCIL 16, P DAT 1930 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May Eawr Pearce Rosen ._-D "_._.Against smahomm— Mr. President Bundlie approved. , . ' Adopted by the Council July 17, 1 (July.19-1930) Adopted by the CounciL�t4l..--•---.-,. gAlu r 19-- -- MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 'r�(elnlrll,>/RBSO ION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE In the matter of repaving University Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Prior Avenue by removing wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt or asphaltic concrete except where asphalt surfacing in good condition now exists, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84237, approved Feb. 42 1930, and Final Order C. F. 84885, approved April 222 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No:918081 BY Mllton Roeen- In the. matter of repaving Unlveralty._ I; lid r i'rellminarY Order-: C: '..F.: 81837; 'approved Fell. 4,/1830, andj Final Order C. F. $4885, approved. April 8¢, .1930. Resolved, That the plane. specidca- 1 Uone and "tlmated. quantltlee: ea'. eub-:'. I mated tiy,-:the.. Commlealonor: of Pub ;Iic Worke,-be and the same are here by approved. Adoptedby the Council July 17, 1830. Approved july 17, 1930. (July 19-1980) COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May -_—__AA _ U_In favor Pearce Rosen ----__Against Mr. President Bundlie JUL -17 19M Adopted by the Council----___----------- A----- --------------------- – 19-- -- ---------- ----- ~ "CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICEA F CITY CLERK // O ( IINPAL RESCX-UTION--GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL NO. �(W32 FILE July 17, 1930 In the matter of repaving University Avenue from the West End of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Bridge to the West City Limits by removing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt or asphaltic concrete, except where asphalt surfacing in good condition now exists, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84360, approved February 20, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 84961, approved April 22, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I C. F. No. SB )s4—By muton nosen— -?- 1In the, mGtter or teP�vtn6 t the COUNCILMEN NayConroy May PdcB" Eayor Pearce ! Rosen --._.Against S+.46mmliff— Mr. President Bundlie F 84980; sDProveA Febr arY--,A;;D provedved1ADrI1C 2e 1930. rdr C. F- 84981.... Resol.: That the --.Plans, epecl8ca- Itfone and, estimate4 auantlttes an --sub muted by the Commlealoner of P.dbllc' Works tyt, the ahovenamed ImPtO¢e- mer bo.and the same are-horeby ap proved. I Adopted Eby tha,Counctl July 11;,1980. IAPproved July 17. 1980. I (July � Adopted by the Council—°{ -U4_---1-----19— Appro f----- -- — ----- —19-- —//-- MAYOR Request of Mr. I. C. Pearce. Council File No.. 86(1183 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 0 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - -Changing---the... radq.. of..Cypress._Start._fxvA#..agaolia-..Street---------------- to Jessamine bt., to conform to the red line on the profile -----------------haret0--attached-and made a---part--hereof; the- present -------------------------------- established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also ratTi -------g W press gt; froiii"�aagrioZi"a"".St�..to...Jessamine g ------- ------------ Dated this..._? 7th ----"-.-day — r 5808&- yi .. AMetraot _! PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,"iz +:'114v.j.pi6posal for the making of the following improvement, riz.: Che.Xing -.-the ...grade of._Cypress.-.-treat...from.-Magnolia.-Street------------- to Jessamine Street, to conform to the red line on the profile ---------- herete attached- and made -a" --part hereof-•; the present ustabl3shed grade being shown by a__ blue line thereon,_" -_also -"grading_ Cypress_ - 5t "'from iSagnolia St."to �sssamine $t. to the proposed red .................... H;a_when..established..---------------------------------------------------------- .----------------- .......... -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-----------------------------JUL 11.1m..-.. YEAS NAYS Councilman CL&waw �r . Wzvraem % a+-1. n4_ MR. PRESIDENT F — C A 13 (2M 2.28) Approved... - - -------------------------- ....................... .......................... ......................... - Mayor. 1Pu- 4� 41�1 Council File No ........... 860M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and - PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -- .conaemning_..and._taxing--- _0.&A.aMent...1n._tt�e_-L.and--neceaaaz�y___f.Qr...._........... slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Cypress street from --- -- - - Magnolia_Street...to_JessemiAe._�. Ae.G................... ................................ ------ . Dated thia....._l7th day of 86084Abotrct. Tjlere@ �i A Written pTODOaal 10(. kingi'Qr the following lmprovem-, .m ndeIIitg�and taking' an eaeev.__ _ _.. . a—wn.rv. f- abyss. , om Dfut oraAiceet PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement -_ in. -_the:_land _necsessarq.-for...............: slopes] cuts and in the--grading•._of-_Cypress-.Street. from _--_-.----- - -Magnolia .Street --to Jessamine._Street.............. - - ... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 9. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 17 W Adopted by the Council. ............... ---......... = - ---------- ----------------- YEA6 NAYS Councilman rt.a.e-OL 17 W 0 Iaraa 7P-� `)�1� Approved---------- --------------- ---- ------------------------------ 49 P Imp. VQCDSi�L �i�d.<4fL.J4...................._..........-------•'............................... _................ Mn. PRESIDENT. / Mayor. Form C A 13 (2M 2-20) _ (, Council File No.-:......._ �� () 8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and to PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.,. .......... ---------------_---- ...................... ....... -_ --_ -- ---------- - beginning 116 ft. farther west,_thpnee west 12 ft; thence west 21 ft., be ............. Ve7a C J Weft ft.-, be-igiriifiMg' Dated this. ---------------------day of --------------- 17th C. F. No. 86086— Ab f_------------ 86085-L whereas.,A written proposa akieli N the i.nowing Improvement vlmc�..struct drieaya at the fouowinE "f?,t,'%n`0de Carron beg;Ifinini t at lffestera Ave., t4encl - W116 M f4tthe nning 90 ft. farther west, thence ft. iwgdt.; there w e July, 1930 / . Ai ORDER. W'HEREAr,i';'Yfil'dtlbn"L,.l',',A.bZI,,;R-tle making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct dr at the...tq;L;LqLW:.Lr1 -------------_- ----------- ......... .......... --- ........... .. ............... South side Carroll Ave. beginning .. 1.4.4 ft. we.. st . of Western ..A..ve-.-- - - thence .glfiiilE9 116-f t ..farther west, thence west 12 ft. -Sauth..side.--,S-t-..Art,thony-.-Av-e--beg-i=- Ing68 Western Ave- ............ thence west 21 ft.,, -beginning 50 ft. farther west, thence --------------- west '3 --ft-;-; b-eg-b=iTig--35 ft-;; fartheir-wests-1C�xeYi�'e west ft --- ------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...------ . -------------------------------- ............................... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----------------- ---------- YEAB NAys b Councilman GA&MG& #,/ F.... MIL PRESIDENT V — C A 13 (2M 2-20 I Nip Approved------...------ . .. ................. -- ----------_----- ------------- . . .... ----------- ------- --- ..... . ................ .. ................... ......... .............................. �7 Mayor. JBd.tsl�t):L /1) Council File No . -.-.---.960S6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and • PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making of the following Public improvement by the City of St- Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes 1,onstructing driveways at the following locations: ijg--S-t th"ence -------------- South sidig-Garrol-I Ave-i-begirmtng 286--. ft: a -an OfR5:V0 east 12 ft.,begipnin rther Afk-51,jL .... then-ce --_--------- _g 262 ft -.._TA_ thence north ... ..... ............... T opping: St-, Kiat di:a:�i"wigi5�]Fii"A:ie'-blginn:lng 46 fi.north Of c ., beg -inning '...north-� thence north 1-0 --- ft ----- bef _.farthal! th, thence north 10 ft.., b farther 10. '11:113j.13g 26..ft "farther --- 28 ft. farther nor, ------------------------------------------------ ... north -i thence, -north , �19 2. Dated this 1,tth. day of----- -: ----SU'ry"j, iHSf3. .. ..... Councilman. No. 8608e�— Abstraot. w lon9'A soutWFa`idt1"&roI1 Ave. b PRELIMINARY ORDER' I- I , ft—oat—ot Rax St—th.1.1 I improvement, viz.: king of the following imp proposal for the me, rs at the following locations: Constructing driveways 2N ft ea-st . .ofhence St-;-ithence South --side- CaT'rO*l Ave laeg-inning- thence east 3.5 ft. . . .... 2 ft.,begjpp�Aj 262 ft! farther ... @AAt2 thence north ...... .... ... . I ............ I_- ................. th of $[., thence Ave.beginn ag 46 ft.... 'beginning East r north, thmne-enOr-tb�'Q f.t-' S A t. farther 14 f_t,-,-b,61Mjg•2 ..ft -fax -4116 lo ft. ybeginning 26 f ............................. 28 ft. farther north.. thence north .......... ------ jidrw; t1ranug-wortir-lo.. fV; . ...................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St- Paul.----------------------•----------------------------- ---------- therefore, aul--------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be ita directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered and dire . d: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability Of, the making of said improvement. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost Of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more owners. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pe 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. till ----------- Adopted by the Coun ---------------------------------- YEAS NAYs Council- Ca-- Eanswe""N MQUOU".60-- swaff!""Row W Mp PRESIDENT F .- C A IS (2M 2-20 rUJUAsHED Council File No ...... ... ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 40 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relAy __K@PP44LA);uq ............ f6n6 g _16-6-ations: Sdifflf--- diffb St-:- biye ................. ........ ---------- .................................. .............. East side of Humboldt Ave. beginning 28 ft. north of the south line of ---------- Wjnj-f-re&St-w ... ext -ended -i thence soutlT100 ft': -------------•--------•-. I ........•---.. - e begi ing 45 f.t..-...n.o,rt14 9f ... Ma3149a - ncl St-, thence Wejq&&W# of..RiC d4tdf --------------- - - --- -- �;) /L north 52 ft. C. F., No. 86081— I . I Abstract. .... . � 9- "'. , w..t of'seventh PRELIMINARY ORDER. EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: thence West to Milton St- ju W ---East---side of�'Bumboldt--AveF:lYegiYffil ... ......... Win.. f -r- . -e d St pxtejXd - e4,.th.ence B.Q.11th -------------__---_ ------------------------------- West side of Rice St. beginning 45 ft. north of Maryland St.,thence having been presented to the Council of he City of St. Pa., ................--------............---------"north &2 ft:..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council jQ�J.71_93.0 ................... . .. . ...... YEAS NAYS Councilman QL&UGW- I Foneweew 1AGRO"a" MR. PRESIDENT F — C A 18 (2M 2-29) RL 17 TT -------------- ---- .......... Approved ---------- ........................ -? . . . .......... . ... .... ................... . ............. ... I ....................... ..... ....... 6LISHED Mayor. Council File No ........... ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relaY and repair the sidewalk at the following locations: f'" -----b_Yt eaSt -SU-tjence East 54ft. a6utu gaCwFAVe.e N.orth..zide Univ-ersit* --- kv-abeginn'ng- WestOrn Ave.,thence East 54 ft. South sidd Front St.beginning 136 ft. East of i --- thencre�--North --- 1-00 ft -i East side---8t-:--Peter -St-;-,-beg�imim:g-'-at'-Ntntt'w ....................... ............ ------- - ------------ ................... July 1950 ..W----------------- -- - 1--- 9 Dated this day of- ---- -------------- ------- P. No PoSstz---- _- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: locations:. -- -------------------- _ Reconstruct,-- rela__and-_repair__the_ .aouth side Carroll AVe.beginning 438,ft-eaSt of RaVOUX St-ithence East 54 ft. at t le ) Z4,g�t 54 ft - jer.A..AM� ....... .... . A .. South �e Front St -.beginning. -.136-..a. ...... h( - q0. !k:V! .................. --------thence North 100 ft. i9iiij."'side St. Peter bt.,bejj;j�ng t Ninth St., ........... __ ..................................... ............. . . . ... ........... .. ............ ---------- ......................................... .......... ------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ....... .......................----------------- therefore, ----- -------------------therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan', profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To.report upon all of the foregoing- matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JU1L 17 iM Adopted by the Council ................................................... ........................ YEIs NAys Councilman G&6& -or-- AL 17 we P.m. Appr7oved ................ ......... ....... .... ................. .......... ................................ .................... W.Womb . ........... .......... Mayor. MV_ PRESIDENT F_ C A 18 (2M 2-29) "? Council File No.....----- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Reconstruct, hereby r& repairs making of the sidewalk at etheafollowement ingthe Clocaof tionsviz.: Nax-tla---side---Lafond--St,hegirming---126--ft.east of---Western--Ave".-,-thaxiee-east 40 ft West side Marion St.beginriing at Charles St.,thence south 34 ft., ------begYiglfg 30 fti�fartYtBr 1"o�itYi�"'tileric8-abiitYi go SYiBriiirri8"-AVB • side._Mar�on._St..beg.,nnix�S a�. arVle. nd S-t-•-+then-then�Qu#..�...�t.-------------- North side Maryland St. beginning at Marion St., thence West 14 ft. 17th July, 1930 - - 92& -------------- Cited this . .................day of......--- . - ....... --- ------------- ---- ---•- -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay aand repair the "sidewalk at the .following "locations: Diorth side Lafond St.beginning 125 ft.east of Western Ave.,thence east 40 ft Vl<est"•aides Mar-ion••St.begi i -In -- g at-St-.-s-thenee-south 94 -- ft . j --" beginning 30 ft. farther south, thence south to Sherburne Ave. >> at -aI$sa" Mari"bYi St":ts2giiuiirig -at Maryland' St�;tFierice-'goutw 40ft. : .. __ —__i 1A P4 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------- ------------ .---- ------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all -of the foregoing mat1� a Commissioner of Finance. WU Adopted by the Council .................-----------,�� ----------- ................ YEAR NAYS n �� ry Councilman Chef 6 1 iLst cl yApproved-------------- =--------------------------- Mayor. MR PRESIDENT F orm C A 13 (2M 2-20) ... ��C•L1n1� -. %� -- P40 � �.7NTID7iMEn7A7tY O]iD1089. C. F. Na 88000 f Id tde Matter of changing o tttdhe. gra•: -]fackubin St froot Coto load 84 tocoafornl :e reEe : maon --the - Proele_ heroto- attache •� de a Part her of, tha PreEa .,tablfahed Brad being �j bluek n .. tY.* :�• COUiv E NO._,___'_ ------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- rhang_tD.g_�-eL_ZMaA@_ Qf -Mackubin St , from_ Cook St. _ to_ Maryland St___to_conform to the red line on -the profile '-ereto attached and made apart hereof, the presence-esta�iTisrecI-grade "Uei13g'-sflzs xt-by"x"'"" 12111_ line_ trerAon=. from Cook St. to a point _ also gradin."Mackubin St 620 feet south of the south line oi` fi'farylaHd--St:"moo -7-er1 _ ]jrin _roman_ e s�lzlb�a >-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85613 under Preliminary Order ---------- ___________approved ___ June 6, 1930 ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to .be proceeded with. 2. That.the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ change_ the-Tr'&de- of Mackubin, St. from Cook St. to Maryland St. to conform to the red line 4n _tre_rnfiln_rerstb_at1�Gh@a and made_a_�art rereof� the present establish- ed grade being s', osrn by a blue line thereon alsorac5ingackub3ri Ste. Maryland St. -------------- _from._Cnok_.t.__tsi_z�_BQi�1t_620_Lgft_south of the sou h line of to the proposed red line'when established, ------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 12111 --------- day of _LWkg1_x_,1930____7; 49 x___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imparnfil and,jhe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------------ ------------ _1'9-2-_ ___ Cnty i CClerk. r. ----------�------------iMayor. Approved -------`J& 17---�192--- Councilman co,,oy Councilman DScLbae.. ,,---Councilman May Councilman Pearre 1:-r•u J Councilman Suu:ad Councilman Mayor lk*=x Bundlie Form B. S. A. 84 ----- w 1 tto81 Sn the Matter f condemning aad Lek' low, an eaeemeat is the laufa fnCthe.. eery tor: 01.0ba,-cute and d -,gr ,11.9, of Maekuhin atreet trom Cook etrept to`a`Dolat 880 feet -oath of the -eolith lfge of Mar,landat., under'-Preltmtnar95Or4 r S8, —1:ar � � Sana 8, 19301- - � ♦_ tb.=-Gifu of ; COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__.aondRm�_and__takings_an_eaSEIl1P11 _f or_sloFess_cuts and_fills-in-the_gradinE of Mackubin Street --f rom _�.onk_Htrieat__ta_��niT>rt_St29 _f�eh_&4uth__of _the_ south_ line_ of_ tnary_land_ St . , --------------------------------------- 8561$ under Preliminary Order ----------- -----------------------aPProved __ June June 6, 1930 ............ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___sonde^1n_ansl_t�k@ _an easement_ in_the_ land necessary_for slopesa_cuts_and 111.1s in the - _gradin _fl_biardsuhlri_tr�e _fxD1Il_49k_i xe�ii_4_ g_ Point _620 feet _south --0€--t�-sout,Y>.-�.3r>�_�£-�taxgl.and-Stxeat,--in_ancnrrlanca_�aith_the_ biue__P�int _heseho_athanhad_and_made_a-Pa rit_hsne,ol,__the-2'_W Q1iQ91- _F2rtions_ shov_ring_the _aut.s_and_.i::a_zhadesi_.ior-t1=a._B110 Ing_ --------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__U1Q_ 1Q______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 12th _____day of ------- 19M__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councili4-4-7-------, 192____ 1710 Approved ---- ------------------192--- ` City Clerk. - --- - ----f----------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy MrD113ib18— CtatsneiM:t May 'Councilman Peerce L/ Councilman W Rosen a..aus:�� 3i]iILISHED Councilman Z, Councilman WigffigX Mayorg Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 -------------------- F� f Ip the Mattel of opeuing, widey�ns extenfltng 'alley in Clarkes3#ubdi' -eion otHlook 98. Arnngto IIIb � .takingand ooademniag th orti ' Ord .. approved-. J iry Th. -�TAe CoUnpiunotf of tA6�- ^�ing�recetved-ti,e COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__QF+-wig@nng_and__extend_i Ig_alley_ in _Clarke s_________ _Sub(gLkLinion-ofBlock_32�-Arlington-Hills --- by taking and condemning - ------------------------ _fl]A_LLQrf 11 24__1 �Qfc_9_f _ L4 t -1 S------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 5$4�__________________approved ____Je _ `�s_ 1930 _________-- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_4Pen,_ ,riiden_ and _aa�.end_A1,1e�_3.ri_ �1,.�Tk@'�_Subdiv_ision_ of_ Blocr_ 32,_ Arlington_�ills _____ -b3 -talon&-and_�nndemnin�_ _nnrib 2Q_Peed_ _I -o ------------------------ ------------------- with no no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-laQjQQ_-___- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 12t! --_--_______day of _AugnsLt-12.30------ X298$.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the jmprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. WO Adopted by the Council___ 'JUL 17 7 ____, 192____ ------ y..� E. - Approved ------------ -----____--192_-- City Clerk. ---- ---------a ------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Conry o� Councilman, , "' Councilman ,. Pearce Councilman '.rq 12a—o l - Councilman _ Councilman V&mukx 7/77 Mayortbefsm Bund.lie Form B. S. A. 8-6 IN C. F. No. -86089- In the.Dretter of widening the soY. and ➢aving'Pleaeaat Avenve'-� a.We'. Water a"d saa.. con-011-st fromreet malas to yro➢erty;" com➢late. where not s➢➢roalreadS-P!•o'9Wiuding -au➢6l P. av[ -i»aY i.,h ------------ By----------------'--t------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__v{fid@nin _t :e_roadtya�_and _r aying_Pleasant_h_v_enue_from Sixth Street to Ramsey Street, with sewer, 'r:ater and gas connections i�QJ_3tSS�t m�ins_tg_Frocsrty_lines_comrletet_where_not_already_mades__ also including curbing and Faving alley and r'riveway approaches, ✓h=re accessasgr-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --- ____8s5611 ----------------- approved ___T_une _6i_ 1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ ariden tY POad1N a� an rave Pleasant Avenue frog Sixth Street to Ramsey Street, With. sewer, uatax_.sad_gas_con_-iestinns_fsam_stree� _mains_ _tn_rsa>:e.rt;�_Lin.e.s__c izmp�e�@, where not already made also including curbing and paving alley and dry------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__aII,k5B .L1f1_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 12t}l__-___day of August z_ 1930 _ xx_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the im rpovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. so Adopted by the Council) � 9 ---------------- Approved_______________ -------- 192___ City Clerk. - - ------ ------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Councilman Conroy WeeeNarr, ' ncilman 5 Councilman Councilman May Pearce Rosen .. TJBLISBED Councilman VAMWx Mayor h d mzx Bundlie Form B. S. A 8 6 r In the Matter. of conetrvef3ng d e Oalz - toot eldoWT-the eovth eldf 6treet io Gioton to attest, under Pre-„ .:nmlhery ordec_�96679r approved,,2y_W- . b. 1999.•- — 4;uun011 0, '��-_'�ttJ t? ,The �•.v1nR.rerniv d ' COU14CIL FILE NO --------------- By--------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___cnnstructin�_ six_v9_ s i�l�yialk_on_ the_ south _side _of =__________________ ___" e1Qsk_ 1'arkvr�� _fxQm Mary_land_StreetGrotto Street,. ---- - under Preliminary Order_________ 85579 ------------------ approved ___June 5 L 1930 ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded.with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ p-ozis.t-rurt- & _ i 3r-- ___�nnt__sidevelalk._4TL_xhe__ssLt1t13_�id�_of_!",'heelock_P�rlr�ra;__from Nar�land ___Stse L__tSL_�xotSi_�se�xL_ercept__rrhere_oocl_and sufficient sidev�alks --- jma- ey-Wt a ------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1.05_ per frt ft - the �;b per frrt ft - monolithic Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 12t1- -------- day of -- August, -1-9--'3-0 ------ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_______ f{ - 192__=_ ----c��la�1 Approved_______ ------192--- ---- City Clerk. Al ------- --- -- rV---------Z? City Councilman 19� Conroy Councilman Maktcmnam` r 'councilman Pearce G� Councilman l2�Frn Councilman Councilman HWOX Mayor Nodmt Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 NJBLISHE%)4�Z/—j l/ C. -F. No. 8flb96= In the Matted of ccaetracting Moab ;� � • , llthlc walk ba the south atae,ot.8lzth ;'.: ': Street b�ginning at-Jacktdn -street ' th t -:e6 Leet. unfle llmin- '�. ary Order :BbEEE ayproved W11-4 ... The Connall-of eheCftT ^.v,1ag rpoolwd •� ort r:r COUNC SIL""E'NCl:_ ;-.a________ By---------------------------------------------- WERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____ Q9ngtXucUnZ,_m(2nolithic_ __ Sixth_ Street_ beBinning_at Jackson_ Street thence east 85 feet, ---------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________ 85828 pp June --24,--19-30 ------------------a roved ----------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1' That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__nnnstnurt_m0n01it!"ic --_lvalk_an the_soutr _sida_nf_.Sixth_S ���t _be�tunil -tet_-Ff�Fis�orl _ ae�t -- ___thenc�_East_B.5_ie'�i�_axrept_yhis__�sLo�l_asld__slxffio�al_�_�.id�walk_now --- Eaista--------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.30 per sq. ft. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_—_____________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 12th________ day of AU�pjst,__1 Q -",;R_____- t@2,X__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adouted by the Council2UL 17 10 192____ 17 Approved____ - ---------------------192--- Councilman 111� Conrop Councilman 1--D"Q"W6 1✓'YCouncilman Mey Councilman Pearce Rosen s' Councilmanr:.wer Councilman )ALjtNWk Mayor:&Js mt Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 Kik) ------ --- ---- ---- -- ----------------------------- City Clerk.-- -' -- Mayor. -� �1� p�IBLISIILD 86096 85098— In tho .Matter of canatru foot eldewalk Oar the aorh., Nohraeka Aveane from Haml;� aue to- tba eas[ ,Hne o[ Bheld •{, I aueended, "under Prem. x; rder•86719 aDDroved June 17�.. ,-0aaC71 OI tho City Or ::,� By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER of In the Matter of__cnnstryctill _ _ ix_ Q4_t_ idewalk-on-the _north -side ------------- -VAb.raslC-a A_v__nue_ from Iiamline Avenue -to- the east line of Sheldon -Avenue -ext.end.ad,.---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order__________ 85749 pp June 17, 1830 ----------------a roved ---- !L�1- Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- G=-&tr]1CL-.E _�Oot_sirlewa]1t_�_ tha_norlt_sid� _4_IL�baska _A_v_enue _f rom_Ham line Avenue -#To- �l�a-seal:- �i�--0f---Shea,dors-A�Ientze._axienrlert,_�xcegt_sYr.er�_�4s1_ �.nd __-- -Suf f! ni ---------- -------------------------------- 1.05 per frt ft - the with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $________ r______ 1.20 pefrt ft -monolithic Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 12th ________day of _Au&ua-t,_1RsZ9 _______- __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL Adopted by the Council____17 SO ______, Approved-_------- JULp7_ 27W -----------------192--- City Clerk. --- - ---------- ----------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy l Councilman Councilman Councilman May Pearce o 44 Rosen Councilman $.•.7 L. •-=--� Councilman ft -mod Mayorjt Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 861097 Ia' the Mattes Ot Fonatructing drlve� ways -toe at'the , tollowJnB'' lecaUene:. - � Cn Ave-. seat efde, nnkn, e4 f�-aorth: of Congress 9beglt:,. `."Orth A ntoT2h t.. eWl v.V !,,abeeglno' 1LB NO. -------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ constructinE_driveways at the following location: _- Clinton Ave., east side, beginning 84-f:-nor£Y-of`�ongrdff-vt:, --------------- tLe.n_FQ_ 19rt1 i --------- Anita 16_ ft_ --------Anita St., west side, beginning 72 ft. north o�`',inifred-5:; tFen83"" --------------- n=th_12_ft,s------------------------------------------------------------------- Lake Como -Phalen Ave. south side, beginning 60 feet east of Payne Ave. ---------------- tI:enca_e a s I _1Q_.te_-t-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order _________8.a6s3Q------------------ June 24, 1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ---- Cd2AS_�ruet _drive_ taxa --e I _JhQ_ foll_o!King_locations_____ _ __ _ _ Clinton Ave., east side be inning o4 YE. north` of -Con€fes-s- St.-; thence north i6 f - ------------------------�- ------�-------- Anita St., vest side, iieginning'T2`-ft.`nortFi"i5Y-?riffifrezi-St:;-t 2nte" ---------------1S2Zhki_ 12 ft_ --------------------------------- Lake Como -Phalen Ave., south side, beginning 6i5 fee£`eas£`oi"PafiS""Ave. --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $(:Lk.30_per _sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- J.2th--------- day of 1__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. -Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement -and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___UjL_j_ -----, 192__-_ City Clerk. -- - -- ------ --------------------------------- Mayor. rl Approved ------I! �'-g�'---------192--- Councilman Conroy Councilman May i�t:Heat�tR � Councilman Pearce l Councilman R—en IVOLI IiE9) Councilman Councilman V1fMael Mayor bb#atm Bund 1 i e Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F.No. 86098 In the Matter of conatrnoting alley croeeing on .the east elde- f Green-, -'.Drier. Aveaue,. between 8awthorae '.street 'andOrange:Ekreet, nude: 'Preliminnry -Order 88891, approved C.June 8f, 1980. ":The Coaacll of the Citrof �.' received the reDor4 of ti -' B ___ t of. o, a upon_1 y ------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___Do0&tIld�t311E? al�e�_crossing_on_the _east_side_of Gr�enbr_iss_AY Street --and - Orange _Street, under Preliminary Order_______ 8k831___________________approved ----- Jtzn _ 24, 1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- QCM01r Q a11e7__ _CLr_ossing__e11_i11_e__e.0.5-t i�_of__ reenbrier_Av_enue,_betv�een Ha_rthorne _____ _� rye _and_ Orange_ Street ----------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- J2Yr21---------- day of ____August 1930_____ fix___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprAtelt7a a total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- __________________,192---- -------- - ----------------------- ----- Approved____:__AL-1-7-0______192___ City Clerk. -�----------- ------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman jjj� Conroy CouncilmanDQe� ,,--__Councilman May (( ^� Councilman Pearce /J Rosen Councilman c =C1BI.1SH1sD Councilman ]hunt', Mayor Nalsoax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 No. �88099— Sn they Matter f eoaeeru i.'.. mage `at. the following loo...., agey o[ Wat., soualth aide begt1 80, ft. east, eh Avenue, tile. 1 Atwater at., elh dt aide, beglnnl ?g -;east rf: Alhem-le 9t., the �rrh elde. b COUNCIL FILE; il�G._______ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 01 8,6099 In the Matter of___oAA�T_t1�G�Zlg_d iy�ra�s__at_the_ following_locations;_______ peaney St., south side, beginning 30 ft, east of "'alsh Avenue,thence --------- eas_t-3_ft.�--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ativater St., south side, beginning 36 ft. east of Albemarle St., ----------------------------------------------------------------- Belmont Stsouth side, beginning 72 ft. east of Smith Ave., thence eaS�-i6jt...--------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____________85723 ------------- approved ____ 1930___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement .is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____4S1ASTL14t_dF --Lags_wt_ the _f nLloltirlg_1a�alszS ----------------------------------------------------- Reaney St., south side, beginning 30 ft. east of t,':'alsh Avenue, thence ------------ °-ft..�--------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------- Atwater St., south side beginning 36 ft. east of Albemarle St. ------------ihenaa_ — s-t_12-fl-------------------------------------------------------------- Belmont St., south side, beginning 72 ft. east of Smith Ave., thence ------------- . r--------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $g.30_per sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ l?th--------- day of __Au2ustt_ 1930 -------- 70E_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ "_, k i ! ------, 192____ yA --------- ---- ---- --------------- "=== 'i.� Approved ----- _il� 11O`_"_=_-------192--- City Clerk. ---- --------------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman M.. TL.__.+ _ uacilman May Pearce lJ Councilman 40111NEW Rosen Councilman i ev� Councilman 83tams 3&, Mayor NitbiomcBundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 C. n No. �88100.- � Sn thfnB ande =tter of reconatructtt. _.repatring the etdeW + the following locatloha Pleasant -Avenue. eouth 2side: Rlftgg at-Eheataut at, tLenc�.'. X128 Mee at..east side, begin Tgirhar� COUNCIL FILE NO:______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__rgcon=truct_in_relavinp�_and repairing the sidewalks -- at the follov.,ing locations: _�]ensant_11u.nua,--ss11d1 --��g� beginning_at_ Chestnut St_ L thence east 122 ft. Rice St., east side be._ft-inning 40 ft. south of Iglehart we.; �Zence -------------------shut -,-E ---------------------------------- -------- ---- 7,7est Central ,ve, north side, beginning 64 ft. vrest o� �t3ce 5 :;-tFence -----------------l�fl.t_IQ_Ra_v_oux_S!,�----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --- ------- ___________approved _ June_ 14y_ 1930________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is______ reogpst ------_relay and 5911&jI_hQ_ide,_alks_ st_the_ following locations: ----------- Tf-122 ft. ------ --------- Pleas ----- Pleasant Avenue, south side, beginningsouth oftIulehart Aven,eea thence122 ft. VA A -- e+ Afl F e,i dpe beginnine 40_ ft. --- utl- ------ Eleh______ _____________ south 122 ft. _East-1"eutraL9v:�y_nor_th_sidsY_bginnin�_64 ft. ^rest --- of Rice St., thence -------------------------- ti^rest to Ravoux St., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------=------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_0i-10_2er_sq, ft. Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ______-1____ 2 ________day of Aiigtls t�_193Q----_-W.:! _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__- -------- 192 ---- 0 t ____ ------- - _ __ ____ -_ ----- Approved--------_----------1�--- -� �.2.-� City Clerk. ---- ------------------ ------------------ Mayor. Councilman i� Conroy Councilman � Councilman May ilPearce Councilman Rosen Councilman S vdMe4"ep Councilman ybbatm dx Mayor Npimmc Bundlie Form B. S. A. 86 �Z2 �+il7gLdS� By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__se�onstxu atjnr_}_� G lay_ing_and _repairing_ the _- sidewalk-- - at -- the following locations: Iiutlsan_Acle._sQtLtJI__$idej_beginning_285-ft. __est of Bates Ave_ thence -_ west 84 ft., -Atvza�er_SA..r_LtnrtYL_aide,,__beg_inninJ,_at--Albemarle St., thence hest 40 ft., Milford St., south side, from Rice St. to Albemarle 5., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------ 5NA_______-_ pp ------a roved ------ June 14, 1930 ....... ------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the -improvement which the Council recommends is__r-eann tl�dGta_ relay __ancLsa.gairt _aitleE�a7ks_ at__the_ follov_ring locations_ _ _ Hudson Ave., south side, beginning 285 ft. west of Baies Ave., tY�ence ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Atwater St., north side, beginning at Albemarle St., thence ^est 40 fit., }-Sty,-south_sida,__frnu�H_i.G� Wit._ t9_ A — ------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0 s 10_�er _s q . ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 2th_------- day of __Augusts_ --------may__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and •City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement andel rtth�e total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___!' 17 _192---- v g -- --- - - ���----,`� - Approved -------- _ _ ____--__192___ City Clerk.~ -- -=---- ---------------------------------- / Mayor. Councilman Conroy PUBLIShTLD 7 /9 -moi C1 Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman amu" ' Councilman V*cuah: Mayor XpLim Bund lie Form B. S. A. 8.6 7777 F: No. 88105- the Mattez of paWaq Humboldt Avenue from, Winifred attest t,, g'ae r6 Taectto;. fromsetreet matdeW .' property linea- complete...:vrbere'r' ailready made, also laeludfag'cu�' _ ng and paving alley .aad drlve�+ COCT, saebeer!waere, nedee6azy m '•;ry Order soo app------ By---------- J�-----1t--------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofP_aying_fiumboldt _A_v_enue _from Winifred Street to_ Georgie .3tneat�_lor3t_r _se>5�r.,._nisi.er__and_.�as_�Qtu1��t�ol�s._ fxslm_ s i<xe et_ ma ins _ to _____ �rap�siwg_lines_nn___m_rnl $.te.,_sthsre__nnt_a11'eady _mat7a,_.sJ,so__3n�1.u4 ing_________ -cur-bi-n_antL_paving-allag:antl_ttcitteYeax -----------------------------=---------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ $�_58k___________________approved --------- _ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__4aaXe_.HLtmb111s1±_____ _Av_fluue_�rQIILl'1133 r@Sl_$ �e@t__t�_George Street1_with_ sevae]I ater_and �as_connections from street mains to__pr(lperty lines complete �^rere not ajFead�_mad@,__�lso_including_curbin�_ and_ LL n _alley__and drivev�a� - - $gprsaanhEsr=a erg_JasceYsarB------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 12th______ day of __Augu3�t,--12Z-------- 3XLiL_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__JUL _1 7 ) ___, 192__-_ --------- - - --------- Approved,-----U iY W _______192___ City Clerk. ----- - ----------------------------------------- Mayor. CouncilmanCon pCouncilman Co Councilman . Mny CouncilmanPearce Councilman Rosen Councilman �.�099— Mayor Nsbuxvx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL NO.___-°-� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CI-c— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C NCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ju1t 17, 1930 r�' PRESENTED BY _DAT COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the phasing Agent and he is hereby authorised to purphase, with the OQneent of the 0ouptroller, one BBT Type ISE Intermediate Air Hail Landing Flood Light at a price of #1,485.00, less allowance of #500.00 for Type H -8-D landing flood light, slaking the net cost #985.00, without advertisement, as this is a patented•articls and no advantage could be gained thereby. Oharge Public Utilities -'21-7-2-. C. F. No. 86104—$y A. J. Conroy— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent t be, -and he 19 her; authorlaed to I yurc.I W�eby th.�ihe couaent of the �:ComDtroller, on.:)3BT Type -8-8-E In- termediate Air 'M& -Landing Flobd �. Light at a Drioe-of i1��{48bA les 1—n..of Sb00.00 2b!-T9De 8-8-D 'Landing Flood Light,�mahIng the net ..at $986.00, without advettlecmeat, ae thl9-le a�,DPto ted article an no: ad vantage. could be gsined thereby. Charge Public Totllltles-21-F-2. Adopted by the Connell Ju1y 38, 1980. Approved July. 18, 1980. - (July26-1980) Ir COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays y -'Conroy I/ May ,-__In favor - ---- - V Pearce - (/ Rosen --- /.-._-. Against / Mr President Bundlie Adopted by the Council._19-M--19.__... Approved--------------------- -------- MAYOR 89105 COUNCIL FILE NO --- -------- ----------- ----------- -.- By---- ._....------ ---.-------- --- _------------------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a se,rier on Roblyn Avenue from the terminus of tre existing sewer apFroximately 342 ft. v7est of Pascal Ave. to Pascal Ave., iVINO .1BHE88BtHNTH. 88186— �- tter ot, the assessment of costs andezpensee for coa- a.-hewer-eu' RODI r. A—U, terminus of. the ezlst;, *;ezlmatel�y 342 eL 7! ie.. under Preliminary Order .................... 8115.3 ................... Intermediary Order B2,57-7 Final Order .......... a29-19------------------------------- approved.-------- Qct- g--------.......- .......... 19.20. The assessment o£..,.._benefit-s,----,costs---and.-_e xpenses......... _.......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ---------- 13.th day of „Augu.si ...................11 19....3Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ��pp�ypp Adopted by the Council -----------------a�?Y6..18.- --------------------•------- 19 - -,�,,,, I? 19r, . --•• --- -- -• - .t 'rc ` icily Clerk. Approved ----------------------------------------....19 ...... . ......................... Mayor. Councilman Conry f councilman bl:y Councilman pearre PUBLLSI-ly-D Councilman 15.„ 1:' -en Councilman kaheime t Councilmant�x MayorxjEodgm=x Bundlie Form B. B. 17 861106 COUNCIL PILE NO.------- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a se;vsr on Roblyn Avenue from Pascal Avenue to a point 230 feet east of Pascal Avenue, �cros— �nattar of the.ansessment- of te,-coets and'exvenses for cor -uWusewer, on R.oblyn-Aver• '. e.•�eaeeof Panoo to . point ^nlln�tlarg Order SEEE91Inter �eh 83980, .Fynal llyd�- �•� Feb.. - r1, '11!n 82336 .................... Intermediary Order .---...&3.980-----.....---------------------•-----, under Preliminary Order ........................... Y F4na1 Order ............... i•.. -----842.Q.7...... -------+ aPProved---............ -• Fab ...... .................. -....... 19...3.0 The assessment of. ............ banafits-r...Ao.sts...and...elt�enses...............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..... --._13th day of August 19-30 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. A 18" Adoptedby the Council ........................................................................... ...........19 9 -i� q Sfi,ft ----- -- -- ------------------- _�ci�(.,�C.ity Clerk. ApVroved-----------------------------------------------19.... ----------------------- Mayor. Councilman � Conroy -Councilman il6.r4, .. -.,. r C Couuncilman flay. / PUBLISIII D 7—/% 32 Councilman Pearce ✓/ Itoseu Councilman Ser CouneilmanxW bcxx Mayor ffXdV- R Bundlie Form B. B. 17 x"tiY' COUNCIL FILE NO.._----------- ---------•--------- By...._ ---- ----- ----------------------------------_......---...---- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Nebraska Ave. from Pascal ,ve, to Asbury Ave. to conform to the red line on the profil, hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by blue line t-ereon, also grading said Nebraska ,,ve. from Alcert +ve. to Snelling Ave, to the said red line ^ e '-en stablisred and tl,e established rade :were not . changed, alsoconstructing a sewer on Nebrasice hve. from a point 134 ft. east p? the e{s,t_lipe of Asbury, Ave. to the sevicr in Asbury Ave., Xo. 88107- - -- - ' 'imatter of the aeeesexnent or aftte• damages, coots and-. ezpaneea 1 changlag the grade o[. Nebraska •g:, from Passel Ave to Asbury e. to conform to the red nae on Droftle h roto attached andmt, "t hebn t."t bourn bybs stat under �rell�:i�"-- ............fl?�38..........., Intermediary Order---- 5.3241 ................................... Final Order - aa52-4 approved ............. DEng --Z.............................................. - da a e c is exr,n eorsand in connection with The assessment of................_---.>?Pn- ..f t -1-=-0-+------.:._Y�-.......-=---.•_ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the-.-..U3th................day of Aikgus-t------------------ --- ---- 19.-.-3Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUL 18 We Adoptedby the Council........................................................... .....--•---... ----, 19--- - a ---- - ity Clerk. Approved........................... .. .. .-- --......19... ----- ...... Mayor. Councilman Xlaney; Councilman i4l:aexld eU,1b111 D 7! ? r) ,-C-o-uncilman NAM= Mny j \ Councilman Pearce `L J Councilman Rosen Councilman x Mayor Hm9Estmx Bundlie Form B. B. 17 0 COUNCIL FILE NO --- _------ ----_---_--- -------- _. By_.._...... - ..... .. ------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL 8F_f)"c8 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 1, 'feed and Halle's kddition from Kennard St. to Germain St., c, _ F. No. 18108- In"the matter' of the eeaeeemen!-of >•ene44 c�t_n_ extd__gznana ._for. grading alley in 331-k 1. Weed and Plane's Addition from $enns:d. St.�l "-to Germain':St., under Preliminary 82g74, Intermediary Or," 83874 84174 under Preliminary Order ------ ---- --- ------ --..... Intermediary Order Final Order -84366 ..................approved ...................... FQ.t ...... 2.'15.............................. 19-.3Q. The assessment of. henef-i-tal c.o_S.ta..an.cl...p_zpen,ses .............. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 13th.............day of --_.AU,g_Uz-t............................ 19....3Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total co$t thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. All 18 Adopted by the 1a is Approvied------------------------------------------------ 19 ...... Councilman �+s+ Conroy Councilman ��ouncilman Councilman � W"P"en4& May JCouncilman PearceRosen S3Ler Councilman vieZIA911y Mayqr,RqdXX= Bundlie Form B. B. 17 ........... ....-- ...... ................, 0 .. ....... ................. lty Clerk. .......................................................... Mayor. YUBLISI-Il'sD 7 _/9=.ate 86109 COUNCIL FILE NO --- ------- _---------- _------------ _-- Byaslos- -- —"`matter of the aaaeeemenp •Its.° damages;or "..cost:8. :- and +�%' $tock.— 7 and e 8 Bln'' me Addition from Portlaa•<" "at and weet aney to cont:-'" red line on the PrOBle her.-. a and made a vert here " CITY OF ST. PAUL -'t egabn `. _Arad°. Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, darrs;Ees, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Blocks 7 and 8, Summit Avenue =-ddition from Portland Ave. to east and hest alley to conform to tle red line on the profile hereto ntt�cYed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a -lue line thereon, also grading and paving the alleys in Blocks 7 and 8, Summit r+venue A.ddition and Dobsonls Rearrangement £rom. Snelling Ave. to Saratoga .eve: and from Portland Ave. to east and crest alley, excepting alley in Block 7, from Portland Ave. south to east and ,vest alley, 83115-__-._--_------------- Intermediar Order....._8973 . ...................'---. under Preliminary Order ............................. Final Order -----------------a44-10- ...................... approved ....--------------------------------- Feb.1..-4-......... -............ 193-0 The assessment of..-bene-fil,s.,-danage.s...... cosh..&...Ex ens.es........for and is connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...........day of AuF-u st.................. 19..30, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. --'..._._------------------------------------19- - Adopted by the Council ---_----------- JUL ------ I8 ---------- 1s. ity Clerk. t� ........ Approved ---------------SOLI :: -- -- -- ..... ........................ Mayor.Councilman CarDy Councilman Ne0om"_ ----Councilman ® MaY Councilman Pearce Councilman" Councilman MayorIWdgsmX Bund1ie Form B. B. 17 COUNCILA NO .......... ------- ----•--•-----•---- By �111�_n`J CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Autumn Street from Prosperity Avenue to Hager Avenue, ttt� g� l 0 ', In iho:1[tatter of the'aeaeeament of -..bene8ta;,coete ands ezpenaea-for . t; Ing. Autuma'-Street: from- ProeperltY Avenue to Hager Avenue, under Pre 11 nen -Order 74961; Intermediary :der 78470, F1nal:Order 79966, ap- "r.-,d July 24, 1926.. _ t - Aeaeeement-�of _ beae8ta. coat•. aaneea for : oed %da .Conn -W -+e:: above Improvement ,,.. - mttter, to She-c•_!—iI under Preliminary Order ......-.749fi1------------------------------ Intermediary Order ------.7.6.4.YD---------------------------------- ----- Final Order - --7&955---....................... approved .............................. ju1-Y 24 - ----------------1 1928.. The assessment of ------------------ bene-fats,...cos.ts..and..exg�nseS.......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... IZth_........._day of Augus_t................... 19..-30, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council-----.-: .-s -'AGOdt----._.............-.........................19---•--- 0 - X12 tt G �f ity Clerk. Approved .......... - ;r..`.'.....19 - - - ................. ............................................ ...... Mayor. Councilman Conmy 11 ,. 1 CouncilmanMON MaY PUIiLLbi l ll -7 Seilman11911MPearce / Councilman Rosen Councilman95MSEW-Sem*heim r Councilman. $fix Mayor}1*"9'kx Bundlie Farm B. B. 17 COUNCIL NO.— ffilAft CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OLN—GENERAL LERK CO L F�,KO�LU FORM ' 7°!.� _ July 171 1930 RESOLVED Whereas, Unforseen conditions not provided for in the making of the improvement described as Contract G-23 08 for furnishing all labor and material. and erecting, less mechanical equipment, Airplane Hang#T for the Municipal Airport, under Item A-1, L. W. Baumeister & Sons, Contractors, have arisen making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions Extra steel sash $ 52.00 125.25 Water Hauling Extending door tracks 138.50750.00 Plastering first floor ceilings T o t a l $1065.75 Resolved, That the sum of $1065.75 be paid to L. W. Baumeister & Sons, Contractors, as an addition to the lump sum contract and -that the said amount of $1065.75 be charged against the Airport Bond Fund, Code 6007. C. F. No..86111n ogeeenlloondittloone Whereas, theA t.r rp°� r rovided tar in provement $esC n 2308 Lor furnlr: _t8 lal and--' IxtIPCIP, cifI: Countersigned: Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Conroy May McBene4d In favor _ _ J Pearce c Rosen _____ .._-_—Against Mr. President Bundlie 4- � Adopted by the Council_.----- 19— MAYOR I;� `aagontrriol�g �auitt xBWt t e. hae_ilo ort �::tde��. -CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�McIL NO.---------- 7th .�12 �!gdereaa. She Commt .loner o[e arta' If. a. Playyyground� and OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK Counal) les accordanan wlth aectlon 41 of the City Charter the a at' Ce t -an emergency Wdtcfi: renderedf nem U CIL L GENERAL FORM sry the empl0ymeat of or ta:. rn /Gl yes Ot'hte department for ore than j i hours p d ,� n. ".Id h ployment DATE hour. Of' RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Piaygrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the t.mpl.oyment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day-, said employment being more than t'loir usual hours of em- ployment, THEREFORE BE IT RESOI:VED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to Day the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME TITLE HOURS OVERTIMIE Basil Burrell Sub Foreman 20 @ .622 Martin Amon Util. Laborer 8 .55 Thos.-Brody Mntce. Laborer 22 .50 Sam Casalenda It It 2 L .50 Howard Callender Common Laborer 14 @ .45 John Dickey Mntce. Laborer 10 .50 Elmer Deebach " It 4 t✓ .50 Andrew Ekstrand " It 18 @ .50 Stephen Foley 't It 16 @ .50 Chris Gruntner S>D Foreman 8 @ .62Q Chas. Gerber Mntce. Laborer 2 @ .50 John Halek Util. Laborer 2 6 .55 Chas. Haas Mntce. Laborer 4 G% .50 62-FrFred Jacobson Sub Foreman 12 @ .62- Frank . ank. Johnson Mntee. Laborer 8 @ .50 Henry Meinke Mntee. Laborer 8 @ .50 Isaac D. Nibbelink Sub Foreman 8 @ .62z Wm. Smith Mntee. Laborer 24 L .50 Richard Trudeau Util. Laborer 4 " .55 Chas. Tuchner Util. Laborer 8 @ .55 John Tracy Mntce. Laborer $ @ .50 Fred Tetzloff Common Lab. 12 L .45 Martin Wigen Mntce. Laborer 8 @ .50 Harry Claytor Sub Foreman 8 @ .622 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council____-al.._J. - .,192_...... ey q R y r pr ed__ :..._12 ........... 192 A4eBort>;tg' _._.........._.....In favor Ma6legan �oU _ 6_ Sudlroieler iA ainst I) J r-`- :.. ........ .............. _... __ ULD _ MAYOR Mr. President U@ July 19, 1930 To the Honorable Ma.vor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more: than eight hours per day, in th.: doing of the following work: labor This emergency arose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstances: Preparation for and clean-up after Fourth of July celebrations in public parks - m Yours very truly, Commissioner. Eeeeention HAPS to 081te NOW eftfunB Q�ity-af sit. �uul department of�ttxks, �lriygraunds - - -' - ^y�j and lubitr,Ouilbings GEORGE L NA60H. W.JOHNSON. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER.�� 61 7 ERHE9T BUR. N PUYaBouNOe IRVINE C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER PRANK X. TEWa. OFFICE OF COMMIS1110NEn OT, ARCMTICT 219 COURT HOUSE July 19, 1930 To the Honorable Ma.vor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more: than eight hours per day, in th.: doing of the following work: labor This emergency arose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstances: Preparation for and clean-up after Fourth of July celebrations in public parks - m Yours very truly, Commissioner. Eeeeention HAPS to 081te NOW eftfunB Em No. 2 Subject: 00=0 ii File No. C. F, No. 66116 -By A Conroi Pnb Wherea0. the-Commlea oner, o Iter Ut11 1.0 ha. reported In'aecordance, i9ZQ with 8ectlon 68. of, the City:' Charter„' / the existence of>an emergepcy which Date Presented rendered nec meaty the employmeat o[. - eertafn empioyesof his, IYepartmeat- Reso'rm ��afah�hP aavxngsloner of PubliO Utilities has reported in gOoordant:e wisp section 53 of the Oity Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than ueuel hours Of employment, therefore, be it ..Resolved, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay the followingtnamed employes mp e oyshat the frate sOtherwise fixed forment for extra employ - he ra TITLE SU REGULAR Hied Leroux Mairnt.Laborrer R AN g hrs. •50 Geor6e Leroux r 0 Arnold Rentes Coon labrorer ° '� e .115 Martin Wahlberg Maint.iaborer .4 hra. .50 'William Clark 8 .55 Gust A. Johnson Uty. laborer 8 55 Iver Lofgren r r a-55 Philias-Mal.lett. s d-55 William Robinson r d. 8 e 55 C Glenn L._ Glancy 8 •55 Jake Hunt. Ditch diger 8 i 55 pm. 011befe •55 Ed. A. SohwartZ Edward Walsh Common laborer r 8 d •55 Ludwig Zwiraer Ut�►.labo5 i6 8 -55 $dw. Skoglund5 9 r .4 Frank Fleming5 a 6 Leonard Munson Sub -foreman - a 'James Tighe Ditch diger 8 a .55 Joe Cook 8 a . 15 Wm. D. Davie Sub -foreman 8 r 166 Harvey Donohue Common 10790rer -45 Arthur Johnson Uty.labrorer - 8 a -55 !Frank MoNearney55 r r ° Peter J. Murphy a Wallace J. Murray ° r S .55 Ed Quinlivan u` 8 r .55 Frank F. Racine a r 4 1 •55 Thos. F. Connolly Maint.leborer 8 a '6 Cornelius Shea ? Baa Tuminello Mech. helper 21 ° 11 r •45 ';Mike Heinen Ditch digger a 8 e Tony Roberto Commonlaborerlaporer 16 a 8 s Frank J. Rohland Mech. Helper 6 Ed Sordell Ayes Councilmen - Drays Conroy 9689mad may Pearce Hosen li�3sei�aes- Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the IIlIC g e IS 1930 Approve 930 BLISHLD 7 7 6113 go.. July 17, 1930 An emergency has arisen in the Department of public Utilities Bureau of Watez rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day 1n the doing of the following work: Regalrixg in at 4th and MiIIIIeeoya ato•* Worldna On new �lns lnsidA erounds of Aar os. ra? �'leste•$ Oaeratiaa _ Y lter 'last.•• This emergency occurred by reason of the following * eak in main• $Water had to bejhut facts and circumstances: L offwork had to be done after hours. **Account 4th of July FP T T or -NO BBti4 qu 3t.Yton do aan COUNCIL NO real Th 13Y Wy-bf toe sand- CITY OF ST. PAUL CFILE OU found in parte of zthe Stewart s,.. '..'sewer tunnel and shatt at St wart OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 3. and.Madlson.Ave. now underon . e COUNCIL I�IkSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, The quality of the sandrock found in parts of the Stewart Ave. sewer tunnel and shaft at Stewart Ave. and Madison Ave., now under contract by Thornton Bras. `Company, contractors, will not stand without lining, there- fore be it Resolved, That the said contractors be directed to line with concrete, in accordance with Section IIBII of the sewer plans, the part of the tunnel from Rankin St. to Davern Ave., a distance of approximately 261 feet at a cost to the city of $8.00 per lineal foot in accordance with the schedule of prices attached to the original contract, and to line the shaft at the corner of Stewart Ave. and Madison Ave. for a distance of approximately 33 feet above the roof of the tunnel at a cost to the city of $8.00 per lineal foot of lining, said lining to be 1211 thick and of Class "All concrete, or with sewer brick at the same price, the total expenditure not to exceed the sum of $2,352.00, this amount to be paid as an extra to their contract price for the construction of the Stewart Ave. sewer, known as Comptroller's L-3353. Countersigned: ` P C p ler. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fecg- 11QeBeatdd In favor Rehim'd Q4" i % Sadhei__. Against Mr. President Ned"" - Commissioner of Public Works. THORNON 8RQ8:"C PANY . Contraclfferary, / Adopted by the Council _19 A— 411A 19_ MAYOR UBLISBLD _ZZ21 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE _ - NO_ 96115 U OFFICE CITY CLERK ES I—GENERA L FORM PRESENTED NERJuly 8, 1930 DATE C: F. No. 88118-137Milton Roean— RES' "-Wherena, Uaroreeoen con dltlona'not provided for'an tho malclag Gfahe -Im , ontract C, �.andBHeeAinnTtalU 0 YIte' Plumbing ,and Muni ; ,I $angaraY. a� «m, A. , provided for in X Wherb �> 'nforseen conditions not the making of the improvement described as Contract G-2809 for installing complete Plumbing and Heating in the Airplane Hangar at the Municipal Airport under Item A-2, M. J. O'Neil, Contractor, have arisen making it necessary to do the follow- ing extra work: _Additions #1. Installing sepadate return line to avoid hitting doors $ 72.96 #2. Repair floor drains and soil pipe broken by Dept. Public Works while grading Hangar 63.11 #3 Installing extra lavatory and drinking fountain 182.50 Total Additions $318.57 Resolved, That the sum of $318.57 be paid to M. J. r' O'Neil, Contractor, as an addition to the lump sum contract / y'rt`' and that the said amount of $318.57 be charged against the Airport Bond Fund, Code 600 F. Codmissioner of Public Works. Countersigned: 69'_ on r 4omb�tfoller�11\ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ 1 �_.��j19_ - - Conroy r May lWeLIQu d• ------ --- _..__In favor Pearce Rosen ___-__.Against .4"aancimer— Mr. President Bondlie Approved-------'---- — --- - -19-- --- AA- - MAYOR---- PUBL18IILD 01 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 86116 FILE NO._ OF ICE OF CITY CLERK 17 ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r eT� July 181. 1930 RESOLVED In the matter of paving the north side of the intersection of Randolph Street and the Alley in the Rearrangement of the Elms between the Mississippi River Boulevard and Woodlawn Avenue. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is instructed and authorized to proceed to purchase all necessary material for the work and construct and do the work with city forces. Estimated Cost $300.00. Charge to Fund 31-E1 Cityts Share of Local Improvements. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May naIn favor Pearce Rosen _....Against safteffffr— Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council..._ UL-. 9_ 0.9_.___. ! Appro �If� 6 -. -- -------------- -- MAYOR t-: St. Paul, Minn-----------------------------192----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----------------------- --P_ave_Alley-.-approach --in--Rg,-�"- --of--IlLe--TO M$ ------------------------------- _____North side of Randolph_ -_between_ River_ Blvd and St. Ave. ------- - ---------------------- YPoodlawn Ave. from--------------------- ----------- ------ ----.St. Ave. to ---- -- -------------------------- -------------------- -------------St. Ave. Petition attached 8611- ` Council File No------------------------- rARLrm ucersrr oanene. C F No, fl8i17— . Abstract. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ¢ ��pas,"_w tgrl2tea yroyoesl for the. mnkthg of the folloviing 1mD ovetsent, and Vls C netrucilag % etz.loot efdewal)c oil both sides• o[ Van Dyka oV nth $trover t PRELIMINARY ORDER. P) ereat re to -Roes St•. •-;��Trw rated ,Lo the �•�� �-- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------------Constructing--a-_-siX toot --.sidewalk.-on.-both--sides.---of----- ----------------------------------- _-_-•---_-_Van-D,yke Avenue-=-Prom--_E.= Segent4 Street-_to--RoS-S---Street.----_-.--- --.----- 18th Jul - 193 - ------------ - Dated thio day of--------•------------�} _ "-"----------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructing a six foot sideevalk-- on-_both--sides--_oP.... ----------------------------- ------ -- Van Dyke Avenue from E -Seventh Street to -_Ross Street.• ------- ------------- ------------------.. ----- - ha"wing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------ ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......................... ak--•• 9���-------------- YEAS NAYS --� Councilman �" ( ;} ....................... Approved ---•-----------------•---• Wnler)ti d�rt`t"< ` Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT' eabLlsiuv Foran C A 13 (2M 2-29) Petition��� Council File No._ g No. 8811Q '� Aitreat.ro oul lord ".ghero"u. A ArilolrlP,C: PmDrovsln. ; PROPOSAL FM IMPROVEMENT K1R6 O! the !o elaewal)-t.' ;AIIgtLI1Ct)IIg a eiX l071L' and Eset e)de or.. r,axlastca AY .¢Palaceetreet totooDTee Coun:� ttt lasso-vreeentea • eretore, �y PRELIMINARY ORDER. 3LveA�.Tu in6 Lemmj e: , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: --•--------•-qQuat,r matirag..aat...Sidewalk_m the..East...silo..of------------- ----------- --- ----- Lexington Avenue from Palace Street -to Juliet Street. _-_._•--..---_._... Dated this..... 18th_:... -.day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, YI7.: Constructing_. a-_sia-_foot__sidewalk...on._the.-Eastside-_of.................................. •-----------Lexington_Avenue- from- Palace-.StrB@t.._to..July,et._S�rsQ.t_:.....-.------------------------- -------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........................ ------- therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Com misaioneYof Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. g. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_..............ji t ----......----------- YEAS NAYS Councilman ".W T�nrApproved .................. i14eHen�rna - S srIt-- "MR. PRESIDENT-pU1SI-1- -FormCA12 f2M 220'--- "- COUNCIL NO. ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl -CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE C5 CITY CLERK �� Y%y'J�y(ACIL RE / GENERAL FORM —FSENTED BY / ��//U� d�ivL. HATE 1 RESOLVED: That the sum of Two Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($250.00),or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Office Expense Fund of the City Clerk's Office, to pay the expenses of Dudley W. Birdsall, City Clerk, for the purpose of visiting Rochester, New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, to inves- tigate the arrangements in the offices of the City Clerks and Commissioners of Registration in said cities, for the purpose of assisting in the preparation of plans for the arrangement of the office of City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration in the new City Hall. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May In favor iwall�Pearce Rosen L?-_- -- Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council._ JUL26- A-0-6- 19-- --- 19---- -- App a --- - MAYOR f I 4! DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK A OnrO CITY OF SAINT PAUL (� - t• ; VV COUNCIL P % COUNCILMEN OLL CALL CE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No, ---- -�_,",. -- e,=A cMay COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 17 30 1`11400� ___: ____INFAVQA 7 _ xearcNUDITED CLAIMS B_— Rosen gtlB916111 —___AGAINST gudheimer RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D�llyjj�/J tN.THE ffY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN OF S__o__[__�_}1_f/ __e .COVERING MR. PRES.. HBB9B9N-r �I. L �y�L�y"I�Bundlie� 7y___. �]KY-- CHECKS NUMBERED ___ 7 ---- -TO_____ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THWCOC _--,PER CHECKS ON FIL H O IC F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -��APPROVED-----_ � ` '. CITY COMPTROLLER MAYOR_._. - C. F. Nog. 86120, 86121, 86122— IN FAVOR OF Resolved, that checks be drawn on TOTAL DISBURSEMENT __ DATE V, RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $811,669.67, covering checks— - - CHECKS _-_ CHECKS __ numbered 7167 to 7259. Inclusive. as -- _--_ =--- -"'— per checks on file In the o�1ce of the City Comptroller. BROUGHT FORWARD :Adopted by the Council July 21, 1930., 1 `Approved July 21, 1930. (July 26-1930) 00 • --224 Zupf er 7168 Robert E. Gehan 20 00 262100 7169 E. Geiger 40',00 7170 Mrs. Wm. Miake 7171 Mrs. Minnie B. Wollan John H. McDonald, 0. of Final 1.100 27 836,54 7172 717 John H. McDonald, G. of Fin. 4 Arnold Construction Company 36 611553 3 324,23 Fire gagine Comp yl 3B7, 3 7175 Ahrens Fox 7gb q0 7176 Board of water ComIrB. 7177 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin -'•50 000 00 10 00 7178 James F. Osaka 90700 7179 AbbottCMiller Company 1 158;92 7180 Davis & Lagerman, Agents 621 500 7181 Val. J. Rothschild, Mgr. 136111 7192 7alsh Investment Company 20100 7183 ! Northern Gont. Company 0100 7184 Frank Novak 00 7185 Nyhagen & Anderson�1 7186 Wm. Aiebolt 20 00 7187 Sohleh Brothers 40 00 7189 Peter Sorenson Lumber Comp 1574 7189 !' Brooke Brothers y 7190 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y 5073 59�9 7191 H.B. fuller & Company 7192 Grinnell Company 14 95 719 Lampland Lumber Company !} Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 410 99 27'34 7195 Plant Company 46131 7197 '' Price Electric Company St.Paul Builders Material Co pany 54115 7199 St.Paul white Lead & Oil Com & Truck C'. any 42 121 54 7199 The Service Caster 7200 The Speakes Company p99 7201 Standard 011 Company 166 17 62!70 7202 E.J. Stiefel Products Oompan I i � j I i i SHEETTOTAL-FORWARD 67 639 39 923 027 471 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK Conroy CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL x 1i � . 1 H�.-� L COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ]. weFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE IVO.___-,--__-__--_------.-- �^ May COUNCIL RESOLUTION N ____�_ IN FAV.,1 Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS ---- —--------- July -1 --------'g Mtp9NAiD Rosen SUDHEHAER i ___AGAINST Sudheimer RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. R vIzI 70 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E__� -7Yfiy-• COVERING MR. PRES.. HDOGSBN prom is 1 R�VA.1!-YS' CHECKS NUMBERED___ _ _ _ TO______ INCLUSIVE. AS �____ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____ ---------- ____V--,-/-//- PER CHECKS ON FILE N FFICE F HE Y COMPTROLLER. APPROVED____-={�Ip{F JjlyJJ � AAATTTIIJ---- �``C�!+���'l CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1;67 638139 92302 F+ • 7203 Dave Bashefkin James F. Kain, Cashier w.D.. 7204 7205 7206 Patrick Kane John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.I 7207 Stiefel Products Company 7208 Kenny-Miohaud Agency, Assignee Louis B. Ryan Mfg. Company 7209 Capitol Stationery 7210 7211 General Cigar Company, Inc. worthington Pump & Maohineri Corp. 7212 American Sales Company 7213 John H. McDonald, C. of FiO. 7211E John H. McDonald, C. of FS '. 7215 W.J. Moore & R;S. Moore 7216 L,H. Sault 7217 O'Neil & Preston,Inc. 7218 Emil Freiseis 7219 Peter Alexander 7220 Delia Brown i 7221 Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 7222 Anna Wagner Peitsoh 722j Mrs. Hannah Peterson 7224 Elfrida Soderberg 7225 Diagnostic X -Ray Laboratory 7226 Dr. Esten Hendricks 7227 Dr. D.D. Hilger 7228 Dr. H.J. Prendergast 7229 Dr. B.C. Rutherford 7230 Roginson, Cary & Sands Compa�y 7231Specialty Printing Company 7232 ;' W.C. Stanton Lumber Company 7233 C.S. Stewart, -Supt. 7234 Stiefel Producte,Iuo. 7235 victory Printing company i I' I 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD no. w-- , 1M 183 6 lI 0 107 596 2 % 3 75 0 36 7 39 o0 22190 6 41s!79 �9 12 960! 84 1 457 07 7 650100 515!00 38 0� 28 28 29!08 40100 24;92 28 i 80 62',00 61oo 2;00 TOO 12 100 1 172 160 416 i50 16 i35 b8159 1 65 ! ! 567 638 39 lo62801 7 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ COUNCIL L'��r'� 4'.I e�� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.__._ _�. .-_?TZ; ._--- II COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN FAYQR AUDITED CLAIMS ------------Jul-------- 6� SDDREr R _____-L(2_AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR y] O 7hV TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT,OF 5----- �j j L COVERING MR. PRES.. BBBSH� / 7-23 _ _ TO ------ 755 __, INCLUSIVE. AS r -r - -y '�f CHECKS NUMBERED.__ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ _ L_ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 1W.1 APPROVED----------------- - CITY COMPTROLLER i j TOTAL ✓ DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 567 Lg_m ® 7236 J.E. Krichbaum 37'3 7237 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compgny 2 7239 CochranQSargent Company , 11',3 7239 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 126'3 7240 General E100trio supply Coro. 2955 7241 Midwest Chemical Company, Inc. 26 7 7242 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Compenp 4 91 7243 Pink supply Company 52'96 7244 Price Electric Company 511,99 7245 John H. McDonald, C.of Fin. ! 2 593100 7246 Garrick Brothere,Inc. 186100 7247 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Company 55'70 7248 The Cracker Jack Company 940. 7249 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 4Tz 79 Hersohler Candy Oompanp 1690 7251 Malady Paper Company ' 422 7252 N.W. Blaugas Company 5 7253 N.w. Stamp storks 7'92 725 Price Electric Company 5;?0 7255 A St.Paul Drug Company 1 2144 7256 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 44'59 72c5j8 Fieldingtwin y&IShepley,InoCompan� 27 694'7440 7259 John H. McDonald, O. of Fin.', 15 656196 1 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD 4 1 567 639 39 110526 75 0. J `�'ITY VHF 15RIN'1' �I�fIVL► (IP64 �u parte sQrh*,t ul lie�/rorWo _ MILTON ROSEN, COMMISSIONER -' FRED LOVELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. CHIEF ENGINEER M. B. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER JOHN M. REARDON, SUPT. OF CONSTRUOTION AND REPAIR CLAYTON S. STEWART. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CRY PLANNING ENGINEER July 16, 1930. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn.,- Gentlemen: At the present time there are many pieces of City owned equipment needing replacement and as the depart- ments apparently are unable in any one year to expend large sums of money for capital outlay, recommendation is made that an amendment to the present ordinance regulating the Bureau of Municipal Equipment be passed, authorizing it to make depreciation charges either on a per diem, mileage, or any other. equitable basis, same to be included on monthly bills rendered to the departments. Copy of the proposed amendment is attached hereto. Separate reserves according to departmental funds are to be maintained as a separate record of these charges. Periodical report of the depreciation reserves is to be made to the interested bureaus and to the Comptroller. When a sufficient amount of money is available in individual charter fund reserve accounts, the department heads can authorize the Bureau of Municipal Equipment to purchase out of the reserve fund such piece of equipment as is most necessary. In case of insufficiency of amount of money in the reserve account, the departments should be allowed to make-up the difference of purchase pride from their own bud- get funds. No transfer should be allowed from these reserve funds. The same legal restrictions covering the charter fund expenditures should govern the outlays from these reserve accounts, making it impossible to expend money for any other purpose than for which the original appropriation were made. Respect tete , MILTON ROSEN, C)missioner of Public Works , ^ *• _«^^ CITY ST. PAUL `alit*1L NO.___A6 ,/�L/% OFFI F CITY CLERK %%/% G YA NCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BY ,L, _•_� July 21, 1930 RESOLVED That inasmuch as it is necessary to reconstruct that portion of the Lake Como -Phalen Avenue Sewer from Walsh to Ivy, the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to carry out said improvement with city forces at an estimated cost of $7,500.00, said cost to be appropriated and paid from the fund known as Cityls share_of local improvements, Code 31- E1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays G6.w q".,.14� Fscgraeen ""14 McDonald In favor Sudheimer Against W...1 7'."'�L Mr. President Ibdge.W.• Adopted by the Council Z Q jCW_- 7 ��I °Q ) Ap 19_ MAYOR ciT v� P4 e�palrhAn2*1 F ��u�b`Iitc� vri s MILTON ROSEN'COMMISSIONER FRED LOVELL. OEPUTY COMMISSIONER WM. N. CAREY. CHIEF ENGINEER 1. EDWARD GOTTLIED. SUPT. OF SANITATION JOHN M. REARDON, SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR M. D. GRYTDAK, ORIDGE ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING ENGINEER CLAYTON S. STEWART. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE July 31, 1930 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir= I have your letter of the 24th instant enclosing a letter from the Comptroller to the Council dated July 23 1930. The letter to the Council refers to C. P. 86124 providing for the reconstruction of a portion of the Lake Como -Phalen sewer at an esti- mated cost of $7,500.00. This work was not included in the itemized showing of the probable requirements against the City Aid Fund for 1930 because it was not known in 1929, when the list was made up, that it would be necessary to reconstruct the sewer as present developments have indi- cated. If the City Aid Fund for 1930 contains $7,500.00 still unincumbered after all obligations against the fund have been met, I see no reason why the money can- not be diverted for use as authorized in the resolution. This office is conferring with the Comptroller to the end that the exact condition of the City Aid Fund for 1930 be determined and as soon as it is determined, we will further report to the Council. You ry ruly W MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. IL .1—NII. To CTT C-1 CITY //'�� OF ST. PAUL Fu eNc NO..— !4i —Fdt D OFFIdOOF CITY CLERK FORM DATA July 21, 1930 Whereas, A request for extension of time has been received ffom the Connolly Contracting Company, Con- tractors, for the wrecking of the Miller and Holmes and Cobb Buildings, said request stating that delay in completing this contract hEls been due to the fact that contractor was unable to get possession of the Cobb building until June 16, 1930, and Whereas, Upon due investigation the condition set forth above by the contractor has been found to be true, and Whereas, No damage to the city will result by extending the time for completing contract, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time specified for the per- formance of the above contract, be and the same is hereby extended to August 15, 1930, or sixty (60) days from date on which it was possible for contractor to start work, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractorts bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN JUL Q 2 IMP Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council nl l.�iY�19-- � G McDonald n In favor Appr 19 R dhe mere/D Against I tAvoR weeee}pko" .Rt- . YUd3LlSlilsll� Mr. President I�ed6ee+r;, CONNOLLY CONTRACTING COMPANY �Votor Truchingc- Excavating—Gradin Saint Paul, Minnesota Q July 15, 1930. Mr. John M. Reardon, Supt. of Construction & Repair, Department of :Public Works, St. haul, Minn. Dear Sir., Our contract for the wrecking of the Miller - Holmes and Cobb Buildings was countersigned May -27th which would make our completion date July 27th. We were unable to get possession of the Cobb Building until June 16 h to start wrecking. We had taken this matter up several times with Mr. Kelsey, City Engineer, about rushing Cobbs to remove their equipment. This necessarily has delayed us about this length of time and we feel as though we are entitled to an extension for this delay caused by the Cobb Company, over which we had no control. Very truly yours, CONNOLLY CONTRA NG CO., BY f BLCigl r July 15, 1930. Mr. John M. Reardon, Supt. of Construction & Repair, Department of Public Works, St. Vaul, Minn. Dear Sir Our contract for the wrecking of the Miller - Holmes and Cobb Buildings was countersigned May 27th which would make our completion date July 27th. We were unable to get possession of the Cobb Building until June 16 h to start wrecking. We had taken this matter up several times with Mr. Kelsey, City Engineer, about rushing Cobbs to remove their equipment. This necessarily has delayed us about this length of time and we feel as though we are entitled to an extension for this delay caused by the Cobb Company, over which we had no control. Very truly yours, CONNOLLY CONTRA NG CO., BY r.LC :igl Perforin nrt re n,-� CONNOLLY CONTRACTING CO PANY .Motor Truchinci Excavating—Grading• Saint Paul, Minnesota G) July 15, 1930. Mr. John M. Reardon, Supt. of Construction & Repair, Department of Public Works, St. Vaul, Minn. Dear Sir Our contract for the wrecking of the Miller - Holmes and Cobb Buildings was countersigned May 27th which would make our completion date July 27th. We were unable to get possession of the Cobb Building until June 16 h to start wrecking. We had taken this matter up several times with Mr. Kelsey, City Engineer, about rushing Cobbs to remove their equipment. This necessarily has delayed us about this length of time and we feel as though we are entitled to an extension for this delay caused by the Cobb Company, over which we had no control. Very truly yours, CONNOLLY CONTRA NG CO., BY r.LC :igl COUNCIL (� ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CL. -CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ITY C K �6;OFFE TIO RAL FORM PRESENTED BY ATF COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the application of the West End Ice & Fuel Company for permission to install and maintain a filling station, for private use only, at 510 Randolph street, be aril the same is hereby granted, the tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. (Ju1Xr98-1990) . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ___.__.In favor Pearce Rosen ___1.1_--- Against Sudheimer Mr. ,President Bundlie AL 2 2 M11 Adopted by the Council -------- -- ---- --- ------- 1 APPr ----------- - - - 19--- -------------[L '--_"""--_-------------------- MAYOR o. w. e,nosnLL. cw of pint Pact .... «.aR AND ourr(office of (ljity �,letk s...".. — ecm�rewno„ - July lsth, 1930. Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the West End Ice & Peel Company for permit to install a filling ata tion for private use only, at 510 Randolph Street was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper reso- lution. yours very truly, ty Clerk. L. C. HODGSON. MAYOR CHAIRMAN J. H. MCDONALD. COM. OF PUBLIC WORKS J. M. CLANCY. D COM. F PUBLIC SAFETY L. R. S. FERGUSON. COM. OF EDUCATION O. W. ROHLAND. JR.. COM. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES G. C. SUDHEI MER. COM. OF FINANCE I. C. PEARCE. CON. OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS JOHNW. KELSEY. CITY ENGINEER E. M. O'NEILL. CORPORATION COUNSEL WM. F. SCOTT. CITY COMPTROLLER G. L. NASON. SUPT. OF PARKS the (fiiu planning fattrh of '�*2iird F", CfflhU 0Vta 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GEORGE H. HERROLD. Mr, D. R. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir July 16th, 1930. LOUIS BETZ. VICE.CHAIRMAN D. W. ABERLE ARTHUR CAINES MRS. P. N. CAROOZO W. L. DARLING W. J. DRISCOLL JOHN FISCHER DENE. LANE GED. F.. LINDSAY J. A. SEEGER R. B. SHEPARD A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. VON DER WEYER Re : Private, pilling Station, Rest 8nd Ioe & Fuel Co., 510 AandOlph Street. The above station is to be located in a Heavy Industry District and is permitted under the zoning ordinance without a hearing before the City Council. This station is for private use only. There are no engineering diffloulties involved. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineer. Approved 00 ie n u r s. CITY OF ST. PA., TTHR:PLA' PLICATIO. 1. E AD. IN DUPLICATE IIATE AND 1ILED IN THE -1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I -I'S OFFICE. ApplicationFor License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE_______` --- -- ---- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY CO CIL ---- OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made jP ----- ---- �' (�� - ---(d----------- -- - --- - --- - ---------------- -E .1 F- .. IWDIWC;U�:Li ----- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A____ _________ _ ------ ---pGE _______ ___ _ _____ _____ AUTOMOBILE ---- AUTOMOBILE FLLLIN. STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ------------------------ -- --- BLOCK__-- - - ----------------- - ------ 5 / C @- ALSOESCRLBED AS ---- �------- _�� ---------- -T AN.NU.. I PUMPS_ ----NO. OF GAS TANKS --- -.__.CAPACITY OF EACH TA .... .. .. ---------- V�L' NT F FILED 0_A_ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE.-_.. - -- ------------ _19 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY SIG --- ----------- ------- - - --E- A..R.- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK '0 DATE._.__. ._._ CITY PLANNING BOARD BY E. J. MURNANIL CHNIF OF POLIOS MICHAEL OEBHARDT. A.— CHIS► OP P.I.C. H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN OP DRRCTIV[. THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR C— OF DSTSLTIV[. O. H. BARNES. BUPT. O►, T _C A. L. EGGERT. LIORN[R INePRCMR Joe. MAOAULAT, Burt. PoLlet O PIRR Al-. eftV of taint Paul Department of Public SofetV Geo. C. Sudheimer .ice. COMMISSIONER I .�i J .eOi.uTY COYYn.ION[R BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM 111 COURT HOURS .40DD+ Mr. D W. Birdeall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs OWEN C. DUNN. FIRS CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIRE CHIEF WILLIAMBARRON. CHIEF INSPSOTOR. FIR[ II-ItwION CHARLES L. WILLIS. BUR. O► MP -TO. B. F. SIMON. M. D. Hil1LTH D".CMI A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. DEFUTT HSALTH OFIIOEF JOHN MARTI. CHIS► NGLTH IM[PSCTOR July 17, 1930 Returned herewith is the application of the West End Ice and Fuel Company for permission to instal a tank and pump for gasoline for private use only at 510 Randolph Street, and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard. Veryyour , �v Commissioner of Public Safety E. J. MURNAN E. ","OF POLICE MICHAHL 08BHARDT. ASST. CHIEF OF POLICE H. A. VALL, CAMAIN OF DETECTIVES THOMAS 8. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAM. OF DETECTIVES O. H. EARFUSS. BOM. OF TRAFFIC A. L•. BODERT. LICENSE I..P[ . JOS. MACAULAY. SUM. POLICE S FIRE ALARM Cum of Saint Paul Department of Puhlir Safetu J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTT 0.1111111111 BUREAU, OF POLICE ROOM SIE COURT HOUSE E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE ..,JEW, Hor_. ;eo.Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. FIRS CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ASST. PIRS CHIRP WILLS BARRON. HItF INSPtCMR, FIR[ PIIEVENTION CHARLESL. WILLIS. BUR. 0," F APPARATUS B. P. SIMON. M. D. HEALTH OFFICOI A. S. NICHOLS. M. O. DVUTT HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTS. CHIEF HEALTH INSPECTOR July 17,1930. In regard to the application of the West End Ice and Fuel Oo, for permission to install a tank and pump for gasoline for private use only at 510 Randolph St. We have investigated the fcregoin.g and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. ,Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. - _ ^ COUNCIL sfi -27 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE— CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OF C CITY ERK N S UTI NERAL FORM r} PRESENTED BY DAT COMMISSIONER RESOLVED ��Tbat licensee for which applications have been made by persona named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is ins*r¢cted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. c. s. NW 86127—By Q, C. audhetmer- Reeolied, That. J4.0 sea>for which: eoae'nat�ed on�the attaAched list he and cI the same are hereby Brantedand they ity cter9: le Inatructep to, Issue auch'I elcenaee".upon CAp; Dayment into. the; pity Lrepaury of the reyyulredrSe AdoDIed by the'.Co; uaclt July$2,e. .1920.: ADDroved July 2E1920. (July a6-19ao) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May v/ McDonald __.._..__.In favor Pearce / Rosen-..<�---•----Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Em it Wo Adopted by the Council _--�-� 19---- Approv / - -I- -------------19------ - -- -- MA OR Karl Kelm C. A. Neice Westlund Bros. J. A.Bock, Mrs. J. Cantieri Anna Cocchiarella Aldor Elmquist M. J. Frediani Mrs. I. Friedman Jos. Gangi W. J. Godfrey Julius Greenberg E. P. Groh Sam Kadrie F. Kress, B. Maletzky Paul Marian Mergens & Schaffer Minnesota Club Mario Nardi National Tea Co. C. A. Nelce Edward Nelson Mrs. Carrie B. Peterson Sophia Rothstein St. Paul Athletic Club Jobn Sauro Mrs. P. Smith R. N. Travis J. Webber Agnes Davidson & E Gassler C. L. Eckhardt Geo. Fayed M. J. Frediani Sam Genaris S. S. Kresge Mario Nardi C. Sam & Co Strinden & James R. N. Travis Tmax Pharmacy Varno Brno. West End Commercial Club Each & Wolden Geo. J. Baetz, A. T. Drake & C. P. Dunn Francis O'Laughlin Phillips Petroleum Co. Phillips Petroleum Co. Skelly Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. Standard Oil. Co. July 22, 1930 502 Laurel Av 397 No. Dale St 1219 Arcade St. 108 Bremer Arcade 207 E. 4th St. 634 Bedford St. 532 N. Snelling Av. 330 Jackson St. 489 Selby Av. 455 Rice St. 451 Forest St .496 Wabasha St 2309 Como Av. 390 W. 7th St. 1657 E. 7th St. 164 Eva St. Highwood & Carirer Road 94 E. 6th St. 4th & Washington Sts. 177 W. 7th St. 1041 Selby Av. 397 N. Dale St. 1049 Payne Av 633 Orleans St 841 Burr St. 340 Cedar St 479 W. 7th St 939 Conway St. 325 Jackson St 1279 Randolph St. 859 Randolph St 462 Wabasba St. 603 W. 7th St. 330 Jackson St. 514 St. peter St. 57 E: 7th St. 177 W. 7th St. 387 Wabasha St. 182 Concord St. 325 Jackson St. 2389 University Av. 2315 Como Av. 825 W 7th St. 19 E. 5th St. 481 Wabasba St. 436 N. Smith Av. 675 Randolph St 553 W. 7th St. 904 W. 7th St. 3.157 Selby Av. 173 Concord St. 912 W. 7th St. Butcher n n Confectionery n Grocery Confectionery n Grocery n n Confectionery—drug Soft drink # Grocery n Confectionery n n a Grocery n Confectionery Grocery it, Confectionery Bakery Soft drink # Bakery Restaurant n n n n fl u a u n a fl n n Gasoline station 2 pumps n fl 3 u n n 5 n n u 3 n fl n 2 n a n g u u n 3 n *Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools Gasoline Station 2 pampa 6 pool tables - 5 to It 1 additional pool table Hotel (Spalding) 72 rooms " (Snelling 58 " " (LaSalle) 20 " " (Jewell) Junk dealer Motion picture theater Salary loan " u Second hand dealer to it " Oil burning device Motion picture theater 4 -2- M. E. Tyrell 645 S. Smith Av. Esch & Wolden 19 E. 5th St. Sam Kadrie 590 W. 7th St. Daniel M. Vogelgeeang 919 Randolph St. Johnson Bros. 474 Wabasba St: Sam"Kadrie 590 W. 7th St. Mike Kline 478 Webasha St. Ida Weiser 17 E. 5th St. P. Roffman 158 E. Fairfield Av. Geo. Benz & Sons 494 Wabasha St. Provident Loan Co. 520 Midland Bldg. J. D. greece 410 — 560 Robert St. Nathan Bernstein 218 W. 7th St. Louis Zedell 509 St. Peter St. Bartles Minnesota Service Go- & Stter Garden Amusement Co. 929th W. 7ttt. *Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools Gasoline Station 2 pampa 6 pool tables - 5 to It 1 additional pool table Hotel (Spalding) 72 rooms " (Snelling 58 " " (LaSalle) 20 " " (Jewell) Junk dealer Motion picture theater Salary loan " u Second hand dealer to it " Oil burning device Motion picture theater COUNCIL NO. __B--_-8 o. a e�L.e rr ELeK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM July 222 1930 PRESENTED B DATE COMMISSION RESOLVED .� In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of St. Anthony Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 80834, approved May 16, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 83757, approved December 17, 1929. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be ' and the same are hereby approved. fC. F. No. 88128—By Muton ROeen—.�. In th'matter, of, constrdotle ourbl¢g II on both eIdea 0 nt-Mybo9ny Avenue fram ._b o „•• _ works for theiaboYe aimed Improve- f -Ment, be and: the -ams,-0 hereby aD- Droved. Adopted by"the Coun.11 July 22, 1930; ADDroved JUly'22,. 1930. (JUly 26-1930)'... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r.eirm6aft• McDonald In favor sudheirner 'Against )Aknzeb PZA'1t(� Mr. President 1 ')—j. f, lLtl 2 Adopted by the Council — 2 10 19_ — Ae,, ed19— —MAYOR '.�'.. :ice CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL NO ,1% ^i F10E OF CITY CLERK FILE j' UNCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDIONCOMMISSEY DATE.—July 227--� 1 u�� RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Scheffer Street from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue, under Preliminary order C. F. 85258, approved May 14, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85978, approved July 8, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No: 86129-33y. W.Iton Rosen— In the .matter of constructing; curbluff on both sides ofSchelfer.Street from Syndicate Avenue to Harmine Ave nue,' under Prelimlasry Order 86268, .approved -May1{; 1920. and Final OrlOr. C. '1. 86978, approved, .-July 8„ 1980, Resolved, That the plana, apialdca-.. Elons and estimated quantRles se sub- mitted, by the Commissioner, of Public Works: for the above named Improve-_ ment, ba -and the same are hereby ap- proved. •' Adopted by the Council July 2s 1no: f Approved July' 22, 1980. - - (JUIY 26-1980) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fergtsseir McDonald In favor d Sudheimer ' Against w4wael Mr. President Heidge— Adopted by the Council JUL 12 19'119_. Approvfl� cc19— Ni—AYORIN ppl- vvherea A wane yroVVeeai tRRr enttnaEq� Council Idle No ----------- C7ccClllx making; of the following fmyroveln, ki - via: Paving the Nnoy and souih ,` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ...� �•:a Bio'l V' Desnoyer Pack from I '-n Avehue to,the. East and We)! .ksving' been., presented='tz: w}Pot. the.City . Rt. Pat'), - and - r) "a PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pa The undersigned hereby proposesul, viz.: the North and South Alle - in Block 59 ----------------- 1)esnoyer- Parkfrom•-Dagton-.Avenue -.to..the-.East-_an_ est _Alley' - ------- - -- ----• -------------------------- - . ------......---- ^------- --W Dated this .-----Zia----day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making the following improvement, viz.: ------------------------------- ae North and.......South Alley in Block .... ...... -- ... Desnoyer Park from Dayton Avenue to the East andd - ------------------ .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ------...... ....................... ..... .- ------.... -- -------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _ ��i - fm Adopted by the Council- ------- / YEAS NAYS (^ Councilman�'�Sfl:! `'%y,r��¢'�, Approved r ............... PnitsveeN P MCDONALD SUDREIMER ............................ ............... WANNO '"'"-"" --' ....... Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Y orm C A 13 (2M 2-26) Ist__� ~� znd. Laid over to M-fI ( �lt 3{) 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Conroy Conroy May May McDonald McDonald Pearce Pearce Rosen Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie I,4 Mr. Pres. Bundlie JI}I ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY [/�lORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance amending Ordinance #6800, approved February 11, 1927, entitled "An ordinance amending Ordinance #6446, approved January 23, 1925, entitled fAn administrative ordinance fijing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employment'". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance #6800, approved February 11, 1927, be and the same is hereby amended by striking fr Section IV the following: "The r t of comp ne t on f r Grade 10 of t claseif ed a empt service shall b a flat ate Two undre Seve y five Dol ars $ 75.0 ) a m th and inserting in lieu er of the oll win T e Ta, e f co enss. on for Grade 10 f the unc assi ed ( mpt service shall a let to of +1T Thousand Dollar ($40 0 year, payable in twenty our ( ) semi-monthly installments. Section 2. 'This ordi ance s ake effect and be in force from and after its passage, oval and publication. Passed by the Co oil Yeas Nays Mr. C oy By McDonald Approved ays Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Mayor. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir (Date) July 21, 1930 I am returning attached a file requesting permit for the Kedney Warehouse Company to cover the building of a loading platform on the Southwestern corner of Ninth and Pine Streets. This matter was referred to me under date of July 11th from your office. We have made an investigation of the site of the pro- posed loading platform on Ninth Street at the corner of Pine Street. It is proposed to build a platform about 31 feet above sidewalk grade, over the sidewalk and about 90 feet long. This is in an industrial district and I recommend that a permit be granted for this platform provided that proper steps be placed at each end of the platform to accommodate pedestrians, and provided that the applicant agrees to pay the cost of moving the existing hydrant at the corner on the Ninth Street side to the same corner on the Pine Street side. Your V Y tr �y, MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. 11 c-mh YU13L15lilsll 0 3 Encls. n D. W. BIRDBALL. �.ia j,� {.1{ %int Paul CITY CLtRK A ��ff J 77�� CONNItt1ON[R 01 R[OItTRAT1ON (ME of (l�iig (� tECk V July 11th, 1930. Hon. Milton Rosen, Comer of Public Works, Building. Dear Commissioner; Attached herewith please find ap- plication of the Kedney Warehouse Company for permission to erect and maintain a loading platform approximately 100 feet long, over the sidewalk on Ninth Street extending from the building line to railroad tracks. This matter was referred to you, by the Council today, for investigation and report. Yours very truly, S° l' l�o k City Clerk. i MINNEAPOLIS n GRAND t� T. PAUL K&DMT @WMT INCOIx PORATEo 010@MEjffiW3MNNWR. sl`wuv inn. July 10th, 1930 City Council of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - Vie are about to close a deal whereby we Will rent,about one-half of our warehouse No, 23 located on the Southwestern corner of Ninth £: Pine Struts, whioh w6 -operate in connection with our new'plant as ,Eialth,& John Streets.. The concern that proposes to fake this space will require a plat oxm`Por loading and unloading of freight,approx- `imately 100 fee. --Hong, built over the sidewalk on Ninth Street eXterlding from the building line to rai7:roact tracksw li I Wea tharrefore, hereby make aoplica- tion'to this Gouneil' for apermit to erect, such a platform and we shall be pleased tc :Neve'ref^e-_ny sentative from our company meet wxtYiyour nspActor or Committee to look over the premises hcd,;w31i •be Clad to abide by any require neizts neccssarj* poi`, he: erection of such a structure.'`, This concern wt'9se premises immediately and, of tiot�ree} et ave„ additional platform facilities '3]6i7Skethe operate their business,ir Tkifo�e tztdtt' may see fit to let us heaz�fr2 yotwi#hz,th8 xie�ct { day or two Yours ery truly, Y WAREHOUSE COMPANY. C=) == Per _ I C��y � Manager MINNESOTA WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION MINNEAPOLIS GRAND4p4W INCOR PORATEo July 10th, 1930 PTr. D' W.','B,irdsell, City, Clerk, Couri, House, Paul Minn., Desr 'iclosed is a letter to the City Councils 1Y1;-�vk�ich Vie are making appli- aat on'fbic a,permi tcserect a platform along tfi'e;,Ninth $txee side of our building, lo- o.+a.�he,--octthwsstern corner of,, Ninth & Vie trust you bring this letter before the as convenient as it happens anxious to go ahead with thi Thanking you`;; service in this rnatter, ST. PAUL Tdanager _ crx/TG Enc. -_y CD FC'. -1 W �� a 7 G� MINNESOTA WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION ` COUNCIL _-��133 oal4ta'��ro mry dean CITY OF ST. PAUL CFIL�OU NO. R 1 I"E =. O' ES LUTION EN AL FORM RESOLVED That the Council of the City of St. Paul concur in the appointor by George C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, of LC/tiY[, as Chief of the,3 ire Department,. and also concur in the appointmentof �G(�f GC(/� j7 t as Assistant Chief of the Fire Department of the City of St. Paul. if C. F, Nb 86133—gy G. C. Sudheimer- mRaeolved, That ..the Council o;-'the- entob8t. Paul concur In the s;ypolat mleeloner_ Oeorge -C 8udhelmer, Com_'.. Duan f Public Safety, -.11 Owes. a." oa f of the Fire Department and also concur lathe appointment o>S William SudeIth ae AIelataat-Chief ot- the , re: Department pf the City If. St. - I Paul. Adopted by the Cauncl7 Tuly-23, 3930; Approved Tuly 23,'1930. _ (TuIY 28-1930) I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -... _ ..In favor Pearce Rosen --_.Against Sudheimer 4!_...¢- Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council .-_-.--__-A�_�-3 --.. A3"4 19 '--- ----'l .....-- M:,tOrt COUNCIL N0 -____ O___ _�A:A CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MOREAS contracts for projects contained in the United Improvement Council's Pro financed jointly by the City of Saint Paul legramRthethe s efitatawarded usyofthis Council without complete knowdge of the particular project, and, WHEREAS a recent request for a financial statement of receipts and disbursements of the Third Street account has not been obtained up to the date of this resolution, after a three weeks' check of the account, which check is still in progress, and, WHEREAS completion of the program in its entirety depends iaof an c,cerstit of all exenditurres for eachprticularprojecttheforebe RESOLVED that no contract be awarded, or any liability set up against the account of any project contained in the United with the exception of the salaries Improvement Council's program, of the employees and incidental office expense incurred by the City Bureau of Valuations and the Department of Public Works, without first status oofathenaccount, from hwhichCity stat ementlshouldtaccomoanyatement fthe the consot tract, the work is to geperformanceforce of theaccount workkpart by force of account. RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Comptroller and the County Auditor be reo_uested to furnish the Council with the financial unts of all inathee UnitedwIm-orovementoCouncil's f the oProgram coming projects nder the d Bond Issue. COUNCILMEN Yeas Ma cox py Nays McDonald In favor i4pa6d S�udheimer _Against p aRe gIiID>3g9gntNtgM Mr. President JUL 2S Adopted by the Council -- - Approv - _ / 19— MAYOR COUNCIL yy���� yy ��yy� ORIGINAL TO CITY C1 -R CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 1..1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK -C5ig1NCIL RF-SaIJAPN—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS? Ellerbe & Company has submitted its bill in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) as payment to it in accordance with the contract entered into by and between the said Ellerbe & Company and the City of St. Paul for architectural services in connection with the construction and alteration of the Municipal Auditorium; and WHEREAS, The City Architect has certified to the Council that the preliminary studies for the construction of said Auditorium, and the remodeling of the old Auditorium, have been completed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city offioers be and they are hereby instructed to pay to said Ellerbe & Company, out of the proper fund, the sum of $5,000.00. C.�eir� e18s-sa Graf xr Mav xAe;. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May / McDonald -_ _:_. In favor Pearce 0. A Rosen .---- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ___°_�UL_2_`3_'__-19____. App�i/ d.----- - --- - 19 - --------------------------- -- ------- MAYOR COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1'.vrC SAIL RESO'QUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the following named persons, nominated by the Commissioner of Parks, Pl.aygrounds and Public Buildings; Mrs. F. A. Abrahamson, 'Nilliam Nic Murray, Adolph Bremer, George Lind say,`'=''E: '1J' Ober, Frank Paffipusch, H. i;. Bigelow, Den E. Lane, Robert E. Albrecht and M. Ni- Cochran, be and the same are hereby approved as members of the Park Advisory Board for the ensuing term. 98130—Hy Clyde if Mav 11d Buildings Mrs �'F. -X*----- Abraham - eon, William McEfurray, Adolph- Brew 001ris, acheH $aHlgelom..Denet, Plank P1.,.Laae, I{obert I±.Albrecht'aadMi M. Cocliraa be and the -same are hereby p'DDievea ae' members o[ the'::.PaSh 'Advisory, Board [or the enaufng:. term •- Adopted by'the Covnclt Ju1y'23, 1930. 'Approved July 23,19pp COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald - _ .....__.In favor Pearce Rosen Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted 6y the Council _____��1 _A 1�-9______ -------------- ----- / MAYOR COUNCIL NO.--�-' CL.-ONIGINAE TO CITY OLE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFF,E OF CITY CLERK 6iSfINr_II S.6bUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Council, by Council File No. 65762, originally, adopted by the Council on June 18th, 1930, and subsequently passed by said Council on July 1st, 1930, over the veto of the Mayor, authorized the purchase of two LB-lA Petro heavy oil burners for the new hangar at the Municipal Airport, under the provisions of Section 290 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, Certain facts have subsequently been presented to the Council which indicate that it might be advisable and profit- able for the City to call for bids for oil burners for said hangar; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Council File No. 85762 be and the same is hereby repealed; and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to submit to the Council for its approval specifications for oil burners for said hangar, and after the approval of said specifications, bids shall be advertised for. c v. -No. 69134 By clrae x. May- i Whereas. The Council, by <Counctl I {hd 4NDune114onJun e19,1te 1930 aptld sub'. eeqque ItlY''Daseed b"y en1d Council on JuIY 1, 1939,over [ao veto. of the' authorized Mnyor, the Dnrcheee of two newt H4n4ar'et tfi Munle pats AITDorq i order the: prpvlslona oL Bectlon .299 or •+-Chsrter• and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ..-.- ---- --_In favor Pearce Rosen- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie JUL . $ Adopted by the Council------------------------- _ ---9.____ APPiO- - ---------19 -- -- V -- ------------ ------- PUBLISHIsli 7�- COUNCIL FILE NO.________ BY------------------------- In the Matter of____gT�dn a� lei_ iii _dock_ 7,_�Iilladale _from_ Duluth_AQanue to Frank Street, and Duluth Avenue from the south line of Jenks Street --------------------------------------------------------------------------- to Lawson Street,---- - -------- --------------------------------- ----- e. P. No. 36133 -- In the Matter oL. grading .:alley in Block .7. Hillsdale from Duluth Ave --------------------------------- Avenue - ----'- ----- ____ _ ------------------------------- avenue` Frank Street,. and .Duluth Street 6.Lfcoa 'tha south.ltne of Jenks' 11 -in -.to Order Street, under Pr - ------ -li 1930. .Order 66686 a C-'----""'"""""----""""---� __________________________________ 3930. - ➢Droved Jude T*e Councll of the el y of St. I ______________________sz .eecetved-:the repo rrt.of. t----------------------------------------- . n,,of -'Finannn.-upon tt�_, under Preliminary Order ------------- ---------- _approved ___�IbTl@_ �2a_ 19'0 ___________-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to'be ppltppjj%kw1tbx discontinued. 2= -That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomme+ *--- ----- Q.. ----------------------------- ------------ --- ----- --------------------------- 1,0GG14�7.4p9 — Duluth Ave. with no alternatives, and that the ated cost thereof is __ XV7.tY4_= alley u -------day of Resolved Further, T a e__ public hearing be had on said improvement ____ ______ _JJll}Ci_a ______,�4g2S8_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Conn hamber of the Court House and Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fina ve notice of said ng to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time a lace of h ng, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_,J®®yp S 2- t ------- 192____ ---------- --- Approved------- JU1L2 -----192--- Councilman UWWW— Con r Councilman McDom id CouncilmanMay Councilman Pearce Rayora I -"' Councilman swilw"M"r Mlman Mayor 24168sx Bttndlfe / Form B. S. A. 8.6 Lp'ePar`hineRh Uf �'�na'rcc�,e JOHN H.MSDONALD,Coininlssi — THOS.G.O'CONNELL,Dcv-1 CoMmis '0o a CLIFFORD M.NYSTROM LEON ARO C.SEAMER,Vn wnnnM6A5seaSMenT En oiM ecx NARRY'A.JOHNSON July 14, 1930. To The Council, City of Saint Paul, '14innesota. Gentlemen: 1 I have investigated the possibility of finding property benefited in the matter of Grading alley in Block 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Avenue to Frank Street, and Duluth Avenue from the south line of Jenks Street to Lawson Street, as pr000sed under Preliminary Order No. 85580, and respectfully report that property cannot be found bene- fited to the extent of the cost on account of including the grading Duluth Avenue. If alley could be graded independent of Duluth Avenue, property could be found benefited to the extent of the cost. To clear the records I have prepared and annexed hereto Intermediary Order discontinuing all further proceedings in the above matter, also in the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Avenue to Frank Street, and Duluth Avenue from the south line of Jenks Street to Lawson} Street, as Dr000sed under Preliminary Order No. 85581. spectfff:�ullly submitted, G AMICISSIONER-OF FINANCE. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,• 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMWSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading alley in Block 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Ave. to Frank 9t., and Duluth Ave. from the south line of Jenks 9t. to Lawson 9t., under Preliminary Order approved June 5, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: grading Duluth -1,014.49 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -frt. - $ 2.02 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is grading alley_ $ 664.84frt. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 7 Hillsdale, St.Paul,Minn. 100 2 7 do 100 300 3 7 do 100 4 7 do 100 1950 5 7 do 100 2150 6 7 do 100 950 7 7 do 100 1200 8 7 do 100 1100 9 7 do 100 10 7 do 100 Patin B. B. 10 _ TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL e DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMN99'SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION -, - 11 7 Hillsdale, St. Paul,Minn. 100 12 7 do 100 200 13 7 do 100 150 14 7 do 125 3000 15 7 do 200 250 16 7 do 150 17 7 do 125 18 7 do 100 19 7 do 100 20 7 do 100 400 21 7 do 100 22 7 do 100 2100 23 7 do 100 24 7 do 100 25 7 do 100 2600 26 7 do 100 2500 27 7 do 100 28 7 do 100 29 7 do 100 30 7 do .100 (Except Duluth Ave.) that na.rt lying south of 6000 200 Hillsdale and west of right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Co. Of the east of the northeast 4 of Sec. 28 Town 29, Range 22 No Valuation Jenks St. Alley in Block 7 Hillsdale No Valuation TOTAL 9200 19050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public orka. Dated_ �•� 19 30 _ /tea/ Commissioner Form B. B. 12 of Finance • I St. Paul, Minn ---- To T . he' Honorable, The Council, ----------- City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------------------------ I ----------------------- I --------------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ----------------- ------- St. Azv from ---- ------------- -------------- �St. AVOC, to-14-0-t-ul-4 ----- Av_e., ------ -------------------------- I -------- I --------------- --------SU. "e. A4. - ADDrrION V,VIS Old If EE APR 12 1930 -1 R �T of THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 11, 1930 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of .cost for the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hilldale from Duluth Avenue to Frank Street, and Duluth Avenue from the South line of Jenks Street to Lawson 6treet, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85580, approved June 5, 1930: Grading Duluth Avenue 1,014.49 Frontage 502 lin.ft. Cost per front foot 2.02 Grading Alley 664.84 Frontage 1,190.6 lin.ft. Cost per front foot 0.56 Total Estimated Cost, includes inspection 2% 1,679.33 Yours trul , Chief En neer. Approved: Commissioner. Office of the Commissioner of Public NV*t§FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 16 1930 -._.June ._13.,...1930.- ..:--------192-------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the , Council, known as Council File No. .85580 _ J ._ .....__.._. .approved.... _........un.__.e 5 ..__ .......... 1930 .........__._192.__..., relative to the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale from Duluth Avenue ----------- -- - --- -..... - .....- ...... ......... - -------------- _.................. _-------------------- - _.... - ------- .... to Frank Street, and DuluthAvenue from the South line of Jenks - ... _.. - . _... - .._..... _ _...: _ ._......_ ...... _ ... --------- - S treet to Lawson Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -._........._........necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.........._.__..__..:., and the total cost thereof is $------ ...___..------._..._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as -follows:_._-___..._....__.. ........ ......__.....-._.._...... -------------- - .... -- - - - - _._ .- ...- ...... . .._ _ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part herhof. 4. ----_------- - ..........._...._ ._... -- - .....—..._..__._.............. ... __----------- --------------- -------_---------- ---------------- 5. --------------5. Said improvement is..... - -__----._.._-..._..asked for upon petition of three or more.owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. e n • of Public Worka. !t.°b V COUNCIL FILE NO______ aGdih"une of auth Avenue trod --- enke Str bn Btraep under PreBmins p ^__ 86581: nunroved Inn- 8 3980. By _ '(--- t ( _ �'!' 1�� havins receivencild th he qty of 6t F In the Matter ement_: in the_ land necessary _fs1T__sJ.GR�s,_>2t�x_an�t_fill��_in_the_aradin__of All--_inBlock_7--Hillsdale from Duluth Avenue to Frank Street, and Duiuth Avenue from the south line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of -Jenks--Street to Lawson Street_ ----- _______________________________________________ ------------ ----------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �$.�c under Preliminary Order ------------------ a--------aPProved _____sTtbli@_its_ -193Q___--------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be lz&xdEdxx= discontinued. �— _an_easet_in_ttie_land_necessary_ for slo - 1 cuts_and fills, in the --------------- s t o£ A _ _ in Block_7�_ Fii ____ ele from_Duluth Avenue to Frank Street --------------- _ap�_p�] tYl_�v_eI},�te__ on ___e aouth_line_of Jenks_Street to Lawson Street, _in_aC9Oxtle110e_ _bf:_ U�_Rr_]?1_ hereto 3ttaciled 2n_made_a dart hereof, 4,,,,� ch—i tl,P nntG and the shaded portions showing the ni o alterna ' es; and that the estimated cost the $________________ Resolv Further, That a public hearing be had on said improv It on the 29th day of _,Z X35%____-_,Z9PaGYr._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the ncil Chamber of the Court is and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner o ' nce give notice of eeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tum lace of ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— WL 2900 ------, 192__-_ / ": L�i 'l,_f------- / ---- ------------------------- Approved----c{:J-==-=--=-----------192--- GII Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman may Pearcese Councilman Ron Councilman Snd Sudt,eimer Councilman VOrdndx Mayor Nat= Bundlie Form B. S. A..86 ---------- ------------------------------- 2 Mayor. PUBLISrwz-- 1/ - ' CITY OF S,. PAUL , (DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Hlk 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Ave. to Frank St. and Duluth Ave. from the south �� line of Jenks St. to Lawson St. G2 under Preliminary Order approved June 5, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 7 Hillsdale, st.Paul,Minn. 100 2 7 do 100 300 3 7 do 100 4 7 do 100 1950 5 7 do 100 2150 6 7 do 100 950 7 7 do 100 1200 8 7 do 100 1100 9 7 do 100 10 7 do 100 TOTAL, Form B. B 10 2 CIT' OF ST. PAUL RJEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B). - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 7 Hillsdale, St. Paul,Minn. 100 12 7 do 100 200 13 7 do 100 150 14. 7 do 125 3000 15 7 do 200 250 16 7 do 150 17. 7 do 125 — 18 7 do 100 19 7. do 100 20 7. do 100 400 21. 7 do 100 22 7 do 100 2100 23 7 do 100 _ 24 7 do 100 25. 7 do 100 2600 26. 7 do 100 2500 27 7 do 100 28 7 do 100 29 7 do 100 30 7 do 100 (Except Duluth Ave.) that part lying south of 6000 200 Hillsdale and west of right—of—way of the Northern P<cific Railway Co. of the east of the northeast ki of Seo. 28 Town 29, Range 22 Jenks St. No Valuation Alley in Block 7 Hillsdale No valuation ..IM ....it TOTAL 9200.- , .19050: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and . hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated a 190 47 01 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public V orks. , m,', - Report to Commissioner of Finance ' a i June 13, 1930 _ _...._---192......-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 85581 June 5, 1930 192 . . relative to ..------...approved._..... -._...._.---- condemning and_taking _an_easement in the land_. necessary for__-.-..__ slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale .... ...... from Duluth Avenue to Frank Street, and Duluth Avenue from the South line of Jenks Str(5et to Lawson °treet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. __ _ ......- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 4 __ ..XXXXX and the total cost thereof is $w_ X)XX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...- ....... 5. Said improvement is - .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co i sof Public Works. v� 861- 20 In the Matter of ... gradin9_Hastings_ A_v_enue__from__Etna _Street -to_ Clarence_-- -Street------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------------- 85356 ______approved ___-__ May 21, 1930 under Preliminary Order____________________________ 21, The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be:plht&XscmkX discontinued. ---------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------- -------------------------- with no alternatives, and that estimated cost t eof is $ 4 588.16 Resolved Further at a public hearing be had on sai rovement on the ------- ?9th ------- day of -----July ,- 19 --------- $90L8__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. in the Council Chamber of the Court House an ity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Co sioner of Finance give notice of said mg to the persons and in the � ner provided — the Charter, ing the time and place of h g, t estimated. Adopted by the Counci} a -?-.4 --------,192---- ---------- - ----------------------- Approved ----------- ----------------- 192--- v --- - =-------------- -------------------------- j- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman 41� May r: CouncilmanPearce Councilman Rosen Sudheimer Councilman ` Mayor NM= l3andlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,%��` p-eParhrrceR;h OF F zarzce JOHN H.M°DONHLD,Conin�ssmnER THOS.O.N'CONNELL,De —1 Conn�ssionea LEON FRA C. S"fACR�VA1vg SN55essmenr En viN [ep, MARRY H.JUMNSON CLIFF�RO M. NYSTROM crier c�tan Cp5N1eR July 14, 1930. To The Council, City of saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I have investigated the possibility of finding prop- erty benefited in the matter of Grading Hastings Avenue from Etna Street to Clarence Street, as proposed under Preliminary Order No. 85356, and respectfullreport that the total estimated cost thereof is 4588.16; estimated cost per front foot is $4.90. With the exception of a strip 100 feet in length, the property on both sides of the street would be from four to twelve feet below grade, if graded. As a consequence, I have prepared and annexed hereto Intermediary Order discontinuing all further proceedings in the above matter, also in, the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hastings Avenue from Etna Street to Clarence Street, as proposed under Preliminary Order .No. 85358. espeotfully submitted, G COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of gradin= Hastin?s Avenue from Etna Street 'co C1-rence Street, r� under Preliminary Order approved fray 21, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 4,588.16 // 4.90 The estimated cost pak foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or I parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ATION Land ag. Tract bounded by 'idakefield Ave., Hastings Ave., 1000 Olarence St. and Etna St. in the southwest v of Sec. 34, Town 29, Range 22 E.74 ft of north 2 of tract bounded by Hastings Ave., Clarence St., Pacific and Etna Sts. in the southwest tof 100 Section 34, 'Poem 29, Hange 22 150 850 AESts. ofvSec'-. Av80,ft inotheeS'.,'I larencet Pacificoand tna 34, Town 29, Range 22 150 1450 YJ. 80 ft of East 234 ft of 14 f' of tract bounded by Hastings Ave., Clarence Pacific & Etna Sts. in the southwest of Sec. 34, Torn '29, Range 22 E. 80 ft of W. 234.48 ft of the 1: z of tract bounded by Hastin��s 150 Ave., Clerence, Pacific & Etna sts. in the S'.J r� of. Sec. 34; Toren 29, Rane 22 1,7. 154 ft of V. 12�_ ft of tract bounded by Hastings Ave., 400 800 Clarence, Pacific & Etna Sts. in the SS 4 of Sec. 34, Town 29, Range 22 1950 2900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor S 19d° - / Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. & !-S D C,O, yea. 1?O, lee C.6 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 85356 'St. Paul, Minn ---- Uril--R,.---------- 192.9.- 4 Gentlemen: e . We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------------------- ------- --Hastings ------------------------------------- --------- --------- ..-flax Ave. from---- ---- Zlar-enae------------------------------- St.xjLw. to -----Etna--------- -------------------------- - - St. AM t -7'IV4 l yy ff,4,e,-L AY ,Office of the Commissioner of Public W, &-J 'AIIGI 12 3� '3 Report to Commissioner of Finance' _.. MAY 28"_ 1930.._.._..- 192-....._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the _. Council, known as Council File IV o.- 85356 _.aPProved.-- May - -21- , —1930 192 relative to the --grading... of_Hastings _A enue-fro m, Etna ._5treet__to_Clarence Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ...__. __.___necessary and (or) desirable. $4.90 per front foot 4,588.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- and the total cost thereof is S.. ____._--_.._._..._, Inspection $89.96 Frontage 936.84 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__...._ - - -- - -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -- _..... ................. 5. Said improvement is.... __..___. .____asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ .......... ....- ..-- s-- -.. Commissioner of Public *r k-�' J THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS o OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 26, 1930 Hon. john H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Hastings Avenue from Etna 0treet to Clarence Otreet, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85356, approved May 21, 1930. Estimated Cost 4,588.16 Cost per front foot 4.90 Inspection 69.96 Frontage 936.84 ft. Yours truly, Z� Chie�F_-gineer. Approved for transmission to t e mmissioner of Finance Commissioner of Public _4o ks. iavtngreceived the reDortb e - eleeloner oE, andnhavingn considered -� ,=mprovement,' d report hereby resolves: s1TterebY �nDPioved eP.d adopted,s theeafd.)mprovement to hereby order- a� to,be disconttnued.. Adopted bY'the councn JuIY E3, 1930. Approved July E3.XIMEDLARY (JulyE6-1980) In the Matter of__condemning_and_ta.king_an_ easement_ in__the_ land_ necessary for _s1Qp� �_ FLt e_�usi_ iJ ] in -.he_gra.ding-_of__Hastini;a_AJtenua-fxom_____ ] ~tna_3txe�t_o_�larante_S#seat r------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- ______85358 _____approved _May 211 1930_______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is 'hereby ordered to be pTS*gMMjW discontinued. ortions__s--_m)—winE. _cut _the_ehaded portions showing"_ with no alternatives, and that the es ' ated cost th of is $________________ Resolved Further, Th public hearing be had on said 1 rovement on the___ --2.U- _________day of Q ______- 1VZZZ_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Ci all Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Co issioner of Finance give notice of said meeti to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, tin the tim Adopted by the Council- ________________------- 192__-- ------ = ---- - -------------------------- Approved ------ ---------------------192--- 7--- --------------`---------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudhteimer Councilman V4Xff W Mayor iS JWff Bundlfe Form B. S. A. &6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAF(TMEN'r OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Hastinss Avenue from Etna Stre:t to Clarence St., under Preliminary Order approved Lay :A, 1830 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land vn3YioN Trnot bounded by '-'iakefield Ave., E tines Ave., 1000 01-.rence St. and Etna St. in the south^cst y of Seo. 34, Toren 29, R^nge 22 E.74 ft of north 2 of tract bounded by Hastin-s Ave., 01-rence100 St., Pacific and -stns Sts. in the southwest w of Section 34, To= 29, 11.:nge 22 A40,fharenoe, Pacific and Etna Sts. inothee9Wi' by of,.tic.s 150 850 34, Torn 29, Range 22 Yl. 80 ft of East 234 ft of N � of tract bounded by Hastings 15C 1450 AveC1-^rence P: cifio & Cana Sts. in the south eat ,,I,- of Seo.., 34, Town 'L9, Ra.nire 22 E. 80 ft of P1. 234.46 ft of the N 2- of tract bounded by Ha -tines Ave., 01^renoe, Paoifio & 7tna Cts. in the S.7 4 of !,cc. 34, 150 Torn 89, R-nge 22 W. 154 ft of N. 12. ft of tract bounded by Hastings Ave., 400 600 Cla_renoe, Pacific & ;,tna Sts. in the SW 1 of Sec. ;14, Town 290 Range 22 1950 8900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon t6 the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said atter by the Commissioner of Public rks. �/ �ffA/ Dated— of �" v" �`` Commissioner of Finance. F— B. S. A. ,-S D i N � 0 w CL�9.QE/YCE o_ sT .,3 of 9 .42 9 /� 66' O y as -/3a U 16.2 'f444`fTfTff °� e 2 3a ,a C EN a .. 6 0 R ss /O Z771YA T,, : ST 0 O I I ( II i• i Office of the Commissioner of PublicTios�: '- -v; Report to Commissioner of Finance I'. May 28, 1930 ...192. To the Commissioner of Finance of the, City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of PublicWorks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the ay_21x. Council, known as Council File No.85358---.--..-approved.__-.1930 -__.__.....192.__..-, relative to condemning-. and_.taking-- an -.,easement_. in_the...land--necessary... for-.---..-.. cuts and fills in the grading of Hastings Avenue from slopes-- ----- from Etna 6treet to Clarence street. _. _.. --------------------- _--- ...._..... ........ -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ............. --- --- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...-.. xX% ...... and the total cost thereof is $-.--------- -------------- and -and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._..___ .-- .-. ... ... ... ....... .. ement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improv 4. 5. Said improvement is......-__.-------- ___....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- - - - --- Commissioner of Public rks. 96118— f.Inand69tt�td ng. theoA7leYla�BJ0 k 9 .:Rnd'Neldo'e_•=dit0te�iraD803tieut 6Y p�� .. 1v6 and. condemning a etrlD'ot 6_ no;th efde :ot Inte 36 to 80, Inc at lll0ek 8, 8yhdtoate Ad jIditlon No.'•8 at §trlyy oC land So 'measure �:I6 tt 1n vldth atAvon t 81 sad 3.06 tt in wlflth at' CooYotto 33id gG under- rder o erPreliminary O. 84351_ app ound Febvary 4.,3 _90. 1 Tha. Con ot.tha1' r� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__AriCU$s_ylC]S10I1�11$_AY��_a]it �Ad 111-b@-A�j @Y- in _Block_ 3�_ _ Syndicate Addition No. 2 and Joseph R. Teidels Rearrangement by taking icater^ clition N p_nf__1:�uGl_fln_the_nszstk�_s.3ae4 _1Q s_16_to_______ 30, inclusive of Block 3, Syndicate Addition No. 2 said strip of at_AyQn_St__and__95_ft,__in_�ridth at Grotto St., ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____L_ _____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ under -Preliminary Order --------- S4231_r---- — --------- approved ------- Zehr_U.Ar$._4.}_1BMQ__-' The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__opaa,__rridela_anii_extend the Alley in Block 3 Syndicate Addition No 2 and Joseph R. 'Fleide's ----.Rear _angemeIitT_bg-xal'ting-anri_cnnflenming _a__sfrip_n£_land _on_ he_ th side of lots 16 to 30, inclusive of Block 3 Syndicate Addition No. 2, ____.said__sts3s_nf_land__tn_uieasllse__4.16_it_�_in_ �r�.iitat__AyQ>��tt._ �itSt_2_:�5 ft. in width at Grotto St.. --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_30_ 00-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ 1$tch ______day of ,X11.g1LSt�_).2aQ---- j41D8Y.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -8.3 -------- 192---- , - ------------------------------ aj icy----1�--- ---- f City Clerk. Approved_ -`------------- - - ------- ---------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman � Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman ' Rosen Councilman Sudileimer Mayogj;Tj hM Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8 6 86143 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIMF_ OF HEARING. 0 T"nE A�ARD OF DAMAGES condemning and -taking -an easement in the land -necessary - In th matte of-------- -------------------- or s1oF'es, tufa ani ii7ls, in the grading of Alley in Block 10, Eastville Heights from Mendota Street to Geranium Street, 'OLUTION OF COUNCd APPROV '6 ASSESSNENT'AND 'FISING:- +:1fE AF;Wj0NG..TREREON AND ,XING--TINE OF R$ARIN6. ON HE. AWARD OF -DAMAGES:. S8148— attar -of Conde Ring'and. tt under Preliminary Order ---- 84600------------- approved____ ______________, Intermediary Order --------- aa=L----------- approved ---- Ap:Pi1_2A,_].Q-ZII.-------------> Final Order ---------------- B5,,,a4----------- approved-----5unp--25,-19;.0.--------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------- 2D-tb ---- day he__________-2Rtly___day of --------- u-gu$J----------- 19_30, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 13 1''- - Adopted by the Couneil________ _-------____-, 19_ _III, 4V IN Approved-----------------------------,19---- Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen COUIICIIman Sndheimer Mayor-Bundlfe ----- -��- -- -- - ------------ / City Cleric. --- ------------------------- Mayor. PUBLISHED 86144 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSES= AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IIIEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGEF condemning and taking -an easement - in-the -land necessary In th na of__---_-- ---- - or slopes, cu£s an7-ii7ls, in the grading of Alley in Bfock 1, Kipp's College Park and Lots 10 to 23, Benedictine Plat 1 from Underwood. Avenue to Yacalester Avenue, 7: the matter: qt condemning -and tak- �+aT fig. an eaepjn4nt .#a the :land aspeY for Inth n �-ading of -ql"Y In Njpck' 2; Kip liegerlq�and. Loib; lA'tq,23; E: �ptlne'Flatrbfrom:UBdeiwood R ��to Macaleater Avenne-: u „Imlaars Order 1128,- apr':' bar z7r:192 � •. , .i% under Preliminary Order ------ 2&28------------ approved__ Se-ptember__l7_,_1329---------- Intermediary Order ------------ 83167 --------- approved__ October_ 24, 1929------------ ------ Final Order ------------------83441------------ approved___ June - LO, _ IQ 3 Q _-__--_--------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ____ 2_Q_th------day of ----- Al&dst----------------- 19 -AQ, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUL $ 3 OD Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- 19'--- ,i ff,t------- '- -- ------------------------- -- . � City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- --- ------ ----------------------------- Mayor. Councilmang== Conroy CouncilmanESSM Mclbuald CouncilmanIAWSOM May Councibnan� Pearce Couneilman� Rosen Couneilmanr Sudheimer Mayor r�undlie 861-45 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- ----- ------------ ------------ -- By---- —...._------ _-..................---------- -----.........---- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Vandalia Street from Territorial Road to the north line of Robbins and Others Rearrangement, !.�ppEOVINfi ABBEBBMENTB. 77rr No. 86146— Fhe-matter of -the aeaeeament or ]eeneata. coa,, and expeneeaitor Brad - In; Vania 9t gdalceet from Terr7torial noad`ta ehe.hkrth ]Ine DT';.,RObbine =nnd�Othera >RearrangemenC _.unde• 3ellminary Order 84238:-IntertneQ q--0rde;..84608:. Fin' 'Order. B4f under Preliminary Order ....................... .................... Intermediary Ord er........._84608 Final Order ...................... $4$$2•-................... approved — MaY...1........................... 19.30. The assessment of ..................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... 20th.......... day of _August---------------------------- 19.3Q.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Vii. f 3 99Rr 19 - Approved................................................ 19.--...... Councilman A� Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce x Rosen Councilman Sudheir er Councilman 7x MayorXatigKa Bundlie F.— B. B. 17 ..... .... ..................... ............. City Clerk. tl ................---- ............................ Mayor Ldp u7— COUNCIL FILE NO ... -..... _------_----•------- By----- ---- ----- _------------------------ ----------- ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Van Dyke Avenue from Ross St. to East Seventh St., c: F. -No. salsa= �In the matter, of'the ".--tof. be7iedts costo;: and expenses f, �radlnK Van 'Dyke Avenge ft,' :oes. in' to-:aF,ast Seventh at.: nn "'lSlmy,-Order 84361,' St, -<-0rder 84837: Flnal Ordar� 81 ..loved Apr1I2a, 19ae_ --- -aoeeosment'oY-benflflta:'coei;� 'les for arta Ia coo ectt� see Improves-; }.,.h-1 to th` ander Preliminary Order. ................. ................... Intermediary Order .......... -•--BAB2.7............. -.............. --•-, Final Order _..... 84958 -................................. approved-- ----•--------Apr i 7,.. ................................... 19-1.0. The assessment of...:.benefits....-.c-oat.s....and—ampwnsss .... _ .................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. 20th -.-----day of _A4g,test-..--...-•••-.-.--.•.-._1 19,30 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUL S 3 00 Adopted by the Council. .......................................................... ••---........- 19 ?j2- . .................. - City Clerk. t % s t •-----•-- - ArWroved...................... ----------------------- -19 .......................................................... ---------., Mayor. Councilman Conroy McDonald Councilman Ma j' PC7I3Lll?P,I�Z tea= jd_ Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sud6eierser Councilman X74radlx Mayor bbdp= Bundlie Foe. E. B. 17 COUNCIL NO. �1 onlaNe�ro ary c�enK CITY OF ST.. PAUL E OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RE LUU/TIIION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT"'- -y DAT COMMISSIONER a WHEREAS Louis Le Claire has made application to the Council for a permit to erect a cash and carry ice station on Lot 5, Block 179, Robertson's Addition, known as 16 West Indiana Avenue, and MjEREAs, proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph IIF", Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5540, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Louis Le Claire a permit for the erection of said station on said property, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C.00-5. May .tdd .__.._- __.In favor R&U" Rosen _0-------- Against Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council____yyyt2 Q'- /Appto,v -------------------- MAYOR O. W. BIRDSALL. CITT CLERK AND COY Y�eL1ON LR OI RLOIRRATION (t It.q of faint 1jau1 Office of (4ity (�lerh ,hely 22nd, 1930. Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; We attach herewith application of Louie LeClaire for permission to install an ice house on Lot 5, Block 179, Robertson's Addition, known as 16 West Indiana Avenue. This application was approved by the Council today and referred to -you for the proper reso- lution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. July 21, 1930. Hon. Clyde R. May, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: The attached application of Louis LeClaire for permission to install an ice house on Lot 5, Block 179, Robertson's Addition, known as 16 vlest Indiana Avenue, has been investi- gated and the location approved by our inspector as it is zoned as Light Industry. Yours truly, Superintendent of Inspection. FDW . X By ,7 • & POtTor�A1NTPAUL Gateway t0 tYle'reat Northwest — (81tg of ot. Paul GEORGE L. NASO N. Department of Parks, f laggroando Su_ o. P.... nab Public St ilblogo ERNEST W. JOHNSON. Eu>,. o. P .......... CLYDE R. MAY. commlSSIONER CHAS. A. aASSPORD. Cir. A....— LOUIS J. 9ARTSCHER, D ... T, C...ieaio.e. O—CE CON. 1.... .1 219 CITY HALL _ 18 July 21, 1930. Hon. Clyde R. May, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: The attached application of Louis LeClaire for permission to install an ice house on Lot 5, Block 179, Robertson's Addition, known as 16 vlest Indiana Avenue, has been investi- gated and the location approved by our inspector as it is zoned as Light Industry. Yours truly, Superintendent of Inspection. FDW . X By ,7 • & POtTor�A1NTPAUL Gateway t0 tYle'reat Northwest — O. W. BIRDSALL. %ity of *airi+�t aul Gl;Y C—K ANO co„rualoau or wcalarnwnoN (qffite of (quIj (Alerk ,fly 19th, 1930. Ron. C. R. May, ComIr of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Commissioner: Attached herewith please find application of Louis LeClaire for permission to install a cash and carry ice station at 16 W. Indiana Avenue. The Council referred this application to you for investigation and report. yours very truly, City Clerk q. Il�r iillll�i �� a( 1{RS RECEIVED tii;D IaLE __ ___ _ _ _ 03 An 1930 JUt l9 9 ok $TVVPAULLRiritSC'YCo., CGCEEE _ COUNCIL ORIGINAL NO.—S" ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCISOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM / 3 PRESENTED BY cc RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to pay the 0ityls proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Court House and City 11 Hall Build- ing Commission for printing of accounting forms, for conferences in Chicago of the Executive Secretary with the architects, and for the pay -rolls for the months of May and June, 1930, as shown upon the vouchers submitted by said Commission. No. 80348 Re boIv d. That the propor olty care be and they, are hereby author-' Ized. ap.A: ,direeted tq^.psIyl: the City.'e! AppTOVea_J.1nly3yll . 34. 1930. _. 30) _ ....._ _ ... COUNCILMEN lre� Nays 6eterey May favor p4ege„0W Rwdve ._In , Rosen -0- ___--_-_--- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_ 19____ vitt low P d---' —��''--19--- --------- — - — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL TO CITY CL - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL 1t �e5Six-��11VN—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. pgj'p g [ �Rl) PILE---F��y"SL'.�LA7 RESOLVED , ^ after the date hereof there�be submitted to the Council by the Commissioner of each department a report which will show in detail the amount of money appropriated by the County Board and the City Council through resolution or bond issue for the various improvement projects under construction by each department, together with the estimated cost of such im- provements that is to be raised by assessment of benefits. Each report shall be supplemented in all instances by detailed schedules and map drawings showing the work completed, paid for, or under contract, and the proposed additional improvements with the estimated cost thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy Nays May McDonaldIn ------------ favor ---Nam. ,,,-Rosen /0------ pjgaimI: Sudheimer 1,�Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council l � -ra------ 19---- --19---- COUNCIL `'rp ORIGIN^L TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—_78 e�. OFF kOF CITY CLERK �JCw/IL/ OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY S MA- July 27,, '130 ry ;� That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Maryland Casualty Company, as surety, and Miller & Holmes, as principal, dated August 15, 1923, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering loading platform on the North side of Second St. between Cedar St. and a Wabasha St., be and the same vWZ� hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, pro- vided, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. Reason for, cancellation - Platform has been removed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ---- In favor Pearce Rosen Against Sudheimer Mt. President Bundlie JUL $ 5 00 Adopted by the Council ----------- --- .®------------- - --- 19__.____ AP---- --- ---------------------19----- '_..----------- -------------- ------ l� MAYOR 11 4) DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL fr. ConroyOFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-__. _--?-a y' + •— COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MODonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION w4 —__ __ IN FAVOR may AUDITED CLAIMS -------------- '��'-�-----19 ROHL"D SWQ+"R+ xR MR. PRES.. HQOGSONT n1 __ ___j__AGAINST ___//_AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF E--.yp�16�-�-`i--• COVERING TOINCLUSIVE. AS ^�Cp^�' CHECKS : .� :. Bundlie CHECKS NUMBERED,___ ___AcF111 ON FILEIrl TITY COMPTROLLERADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_._-'-r.�:--=--' tPER CHECKS /J 1.___APPROVED____-----fy---r-1.1---'T�;(--'-- , �CITY coMPTROLLEx BY FOFlM N A-12-2 IM Iz ao j I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1. 5_ -- _ BOO 67 635 39 1128989 0 DATE RETURNED BY BANK TOTAL CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS : .� :. CHECKS _ - C^F. No. 86151— Re ]ved, That checks be draw on BROUGHT FORWARD 5. 6 6 9 1110 26! I the City Treasury 1J amount [ $18,162.25, numbered 7260 to to the aggregate ov ring ch ks 7285, inclusive Perchecks on file In the office of the City Comptrouec y�,' i. it July 25, 1930. Due Fudge Shop Cour25, L .ZL, V' ADppevedb Juthe ly (August 2, 1930) kaon 104j cur3 42 3 7264 D.W. Birdsall, City clerk 250' 4 570 5 J.S.Sweitzger & Son,Ino. , 5 69075. 7265 J.S.Sweitzer & Son,Inc. 025,00 7266 Owens Motor Sales,Ino. 5 7267 Central Scientific Company 7266 General Chemical Company I 992% 9 6 7269 Johnson Printing Company ! 277 6125 50 7270 Lamprey Products Company 7271 George McDaniel 10100 35146 7272 C. & E. Marshall Company 39120 7273 A.S. Mulford Company 11,57 7274 National Freight Company,Inor 14159 7275 St.Paul Blue Print Company 42'111 7276 St.Paul Drug Company 7277 Snelling Avenue Grocery 7,3!18 7278 Amherst H. wilder Charity50!!00 7279 7280 J.R. Wilson Seven Corners Electric Company 40100 474!30 7281 W.H. Barber Company 1 1231,52 7262 Dist. State Boiler Inspeotori , 81100 7283 Koehler &fHiurichs Company 61!67 7264 St.Paul Abstract Company 6 60 7255 Stiefel Products,Inc. ! 94;05 FOFlM N A-12-2 IM Iz ao j I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1. 5_ -- _ BOO 67 635 39 1128989 0 DATE RETURNED BY BANK DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ca.nwe -_ IN FAVOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL' ,- Conroy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.__-_____(-: ODonald May COUNCIL RESOLUTION Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS ---------------1`17-23--------19-30- SjjROMV1N0 IMFR ____ 0 sen ____gGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE OFiA1y+0gl zHETREASURY. 1 vr�nnC���y Sudheimer rO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3---I�-}LL{{ JF2-i��fs COVERING MR. PR S.. klDDGSOtt 7286-------TO----7_L___, INCLUSIVE. AS Se CHECKS NUMBERED--- f T ADOPTED BY THE COl',� L_ -jam +t�-- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN TIE OF`IT OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ...- I � be drawn on JUGHT FORWARD 6 6 81 i. F. No. O 88d. �tin� 1129 8 i C cheeks Le the aegreBate R Clty Tr nsurY Overin6 heck- 72e86 Rumb Y f 546,,-27S11elo Celop the ere Company th ., 11 159' 0 umbered file in • �«Y`�o "ptralter. company t lY 25 1930. ht, Director 5 3231 8 1 160 0 Approved Y C521930 1930 `A°;,, Iredtor 1 1261 0 __ T2 0 Otto J. Zupfer 22410 4116 7291 Brooke Brothers Lumber Comp y 7292 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Compare 2 43' 7297 Central Supply Oompany 5'3 7294 Cochran—Sargent Company 02 5 1 02&5 7295. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ca.nwe -_ IN FAVOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL' ,- Conroy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.__-_____(-: ODonald May COUNCIL RESOLUTION Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS ---------------1`17-23--------19-30- SjjROMV1N0 IMFR ____ 0 sen ____gGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE OFiA1y+0gl zHETREASURY. 1 vr�nnC���y Sudheimer rO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 3---I�-}LL{{ JF2-i��fs COVERING MR. PR S.. klDDGSOtt 7286-------TO----7_L___, INCLUSIVE. AS Se CHECKS NUMBERED--- f T ADOPTED BY THE COl',� L_ -jam +t�-- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN TIE OF`IT OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK1N NUMBER MAYOR -.-___ ____-,T_ FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS TOTAL ...- DATE RETURNED BY BANK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS be drawn on JUGHT FORWARD 6 6 81 i. F. No. O 88d. �tin� 1129 8 i C cheeks Le the aegreBate R Clty Tr nsurY Overin6 heck- 72e86 Rumb Y f 546,,-27S11elo Celop the ere Company th ., 11 159' 0 umbered file in • �«Y`�o "ptralter. company t lY 25 1930. ht, Director 5 3231 8 1 160 0 Approved Y C521930 1930 `A°;,, Iredtor 1 1261 0 __ T2 0 Otto J. Zupfer 22410 4116 7291 Brooke Brothers Lumber Comp y 7292 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Compare 2 43' 7297 Central Supply Oompany 5'3 7294 Cochran—Sargent Company 02 5 1 02&5 7295. Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & CoapaIny 7296 7297 Mrs. Wm. Miske Northern States Power Compa* WOO 40,'00 4 064'67 7299 Oriental Laundry Company 6',2� 7299 SiFo Products Company 5 62;70 7300 Stiefel Produots,Ino. 7301 Dr. A.W. Thomas Compa`1y 11150 76'13 7302 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Compa�►y 4115 7307 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. WOO 7304 Mr. P.A. Wade 17 27 7305 H.T. Gerisoher 7306 Joe T. Koalska 2 b 48 7307 John H. McDonald, C. of Finahoe 3 0 0100 7309 Realty Service Company 2 04981 7309 Standard Oil Company 8 309;46 7310 Standard Oil Company 7311 Warren Brothers Roads Compare 3 300i00 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD -- FORM NO. A-12-2:, IM 12-28 1 Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK QlinrO OF THE COMPTROLLER V Y �'e t COUNCIL No ---------- FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE oDonald ay COUNCIL RESOLUTION —, 9 3G $&_USIN FAVOR earoe AUDITED CLAIMS ------------ ---ATu1Y-23 ------ .� AA" Q_. _AGAINST OBen RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DI IN59 �HETY TREASURY. 2�}} gg 1'�tiJJ/i��--, COVERING OF $____ + yl�i•+�� MR. PRES.. tl ~ udheimer TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT[ •. �yt„p lie 8� TO____ 1-- INCLUSIVE. AS 9 M CHECKS NUMBERED__ --7286----- 7" {�,. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN E OFFI OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CO L--j}-Tq'"'--- 777 ��� _ ___------' APPROVED_ ___ --------- I - APPROVED _____ 9______- - ------ ___ -----------------------MAYOR ____ __ _ ----------.. .._. _....-- - _. TOTAL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OFTRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS NUMBER ; CHECKS -- - -- - DUGHT FORWARD 6 n 6 91! 11'29 9 � 0 C F. No 86152 check" be drown Resolved, Th RL the RI, —J— the CRY TTy"RurY �6 Ce....' ' !' BtheOp q 11 159'.0Q{ mount R b"red _ no Central SupplyDcompany j 2 5 323! 1660 7ZbI Director 1 7288 Fred G. Albrecht, 1 12610 7289 A.L. Snyder, Diredtor 224!0 7290 7291 Otto J. Zupfer Brooks Brothers Lumber Comp Y Company 41!,6 2 113,. ! Carnegie Dook &Fuel 513 3 7292 Central suPPlY Company Company I 1 002'5 7294 : 729 Cochran -Sargent Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company Mrs. Wm. Mieke 1 28"51 4o'00 4 6 7297 northern states Power Company o64'67 6,79' 7298 Oriental Laundry 00mpany 29 7299 siF'o Produots Company 62!70 7300 stiefel Produots,Ino. 11 50 7301 Dr. A.W. Thomas Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Compajnq 76!13 41,15 73002 3 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Comp -1, !40100 730124 Mr. P.A. Wade Gerisoher 7 ,149 H.T. 2217 7306 Joe W. Koalska C. of Fina�oe 3 0 01 00 73o7 John H. McDonald, 17,125 7309 Realty service Company I 2 049' 6 7309 standard 011 Company B 309'' 7310 standard 011 Company Warren Brothers Roade Compan 3 300100 7311 f • _.FORWARD SHEET TOTAL --' 'FORM No. A-12-21' tM 12-2. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL f' COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL aOIITOy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ---------- ?_a ��..--- GL*f#CI M'DonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION - I. FAVOR May AUDITED CLAIMS ---------- ----- Tul'1--22 ----- ----79 — R6HLA91D SYBHElMiR __AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. MR. PRES..V heimer TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-_jj7.62,25--• COVERING a ,Bundlie CHECKS NUMBERED____.]-----TO-____./rf^^pyC7 - INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE ---- = ------ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN C ICE d TEiE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED__________ ____ __-_ __- --__ ___ _____ --- ----- t ` C19 ITY COMPTROLLER __` ___________ ______- _______ MAYOR BY____ _------------- _-- - ------ -__- --------------- _ TOTAL -01DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS C F -O-.-5I- R O.B61 I- R clued1'h 1 BROUGHT FORWARD C7 (2QI,=p l nC'�I 7 th (`I�v T 15CC I 7260 Wardle Famous Fudge Shop 7261 George Dickson 7262Sam Ranelli 73 D.W. Birdsall, City Clerk 7264 J.S.Sweitzger & Son,Inc. 7265 J.S.Sweitzer & Son,Inc. 7266 Owens Motor Sales,Ino. 7267 Oentral Scientific Oompany 7266 General Chemical Company 7269 Johnson Printing Company 7270 Lamprey Products Company 7271 George McDaniel 7272 C. & E. Marshall Company 7273 H.K. Mulford Company 7274 National Freight Oompany,Inop 7275 St.Paul Blue Print Company 7276 St.Paul Drug Company 7277 Snelling Avenue Grocery 7276 Amherst H. Wilder Charity 7279 J.R. Wilson 7260 Seven Corners Eleotric Compa$y 7261 W.H. Barber Company 7262 Diet. State Boiler Inspector; 726'] Koehler & Hinrichs Company 7264 St.Paul Aistraot Company 7265 Stiefel Produots,Ino. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1567 639134. RM NO. A.12 -a IM 1,— 26 9° 104! 0( 42I 3( 250' a 4 9701 5( 5 690 7c 5 015 oc 25 31 992194 277 5C 6; 25 10100 36;46 39'20 11157 14,`59 42 111 73119 50 Oo 40 00 474'.30 123 152 61 j00 61 67 6 Bo 94 ;05 i 26 9° 104! 0( 42I 3( 250' a 4 9701 5( 5 690 7c 5 015 oc 25 31 992194 277 5C 6; 25 10100 36;46 39'20 11157 14,`59 42 111 73119 50 Oo 40 00 474'.30 123 152 61 j00 61 67 6 Bo 94 ;05 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAULCOUNCIL 4',�� ' 1r) Conroy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ---------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL McDonald �er� 8y COUNCIL RESOLUTION rWQQ*P&D _ __-IN FAVOR Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS - -- --23---- —19' ROMLAM! StlCiiElC'{ER Q AGAINST Ben RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRJjA, N O[p�I g7HE TY TREASURY. �. udheimer TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_—_!YIa� —• COVERING MR. PRES.. haDGSON ,. y���+�d ie CHECKS NUMBERED___? _______TO ----7- 1--• INCLUSIVE. AS T ��v"F ��-- __ _— PER CHECKS ON FILE INT E OFFI OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE C/0�/,y/ALL�j--- APPROVED -------- ---- -- Y COMPTROLLER MAYOR— TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK CHECK IN FAVOR OF - NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS ➢e drawn ^ :)UGHT FORWARD 567 638! No. 86Ttiat 1129 O I 0 i 11 159 0 ehecke C' g¢solved, ohs RKY e: rY fi the City Tr;a' amount e ➢erea Brothers Company .rnorntion . • 7`z'o, Central Supply Company 5 323; 9 1 1601 0 7289 Fred G. Albrecht, Director 1 1 12610 7299 A.L. Snyder, Diredtor 224.0 7290 Otto J. Zupfer 7291 Brooke Brothers Lumber Comp y 4116 7292 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Oompany� 2 11319 3 Central Supply Company 513 729 Cochran -Sargent Company ! 1 002!,5 7295 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 29'51 Woo 7296 Mrs. Wm. Miske 1 7297 Northern States Power Company 4 064,67 7299 Oriental Laundry Company 6179 7299 SiFo Products Company j 5129 7300 Stiefel Produots,Ino.62170 1 7301 Dr. A.W. Thomas 11150 76113 7302 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compaiy 7303 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oomp y Mr. P.A. Wade OO 40100 W 7304 7305 H.T. Gerischer g 7306 Joe W. Koalska 2171 76 7307 John H. McDonald, 0. of Finance 3 06000 7309 Realty Service Company 17125 2 o49i91 7309 Standard Oil Company Company 9 30946 7310 Standard 011 7311 Warren Brothers Roads Oompan� I 3 300100 • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL L ✓ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Conroy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO: ----------------------------- cEAlqm "Donald COUNCIL RESOLUTION FZRC_WG" _ _ --IN FAVOR May ------ ____---- _-193_ - '°�°"A`� Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS. -- - RM1t-Al'te Sye"EtMER----_I/-_AGAINST Rosen RESOLVE , THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CCITY TREASURY. er " ZGV TO THE AGG EGATE AMOUNT OF ---27-1 COVERING MR PRES.. HQOGSON ,yy0 %m ie - _ INCLUSIVE. AS �'tltr '1Md 7h•{1N�6T{311e CHECKS NU BERED_-___ _ _-_ _TO___ _�`7�-- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-------- ----------------- PER CHECKS ON FILE I� E OF CE OF'THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED__ -_- ' CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER - C F. No. _��` ' to th BROUGHT 86153— I" Tnnt checks be draws ResolVed, �- FORWARD the C"y Tre. nggcc,III mnt of �1G:... ,co "', be��'� ® rel Gememia Lametti 7313 Lee -Hoff Mfg. Company 731 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin., 0 TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS - - Aird I'x0 1172FFl1 2 15Roes Hazelton 16 Stiefel Produots,Ino. 17 American Electric Company 18 American Linen Supply Company 19 American Linen Supply Company 20 Anchor Baking Company 21 Armour & Company 22 Beebe Laboratories,Ino. 23 Alfree M. Beat Company 24 F.J. Brings & Company 25 Brooki.is Institution 26 Bueller a Bakery 27 Capitol Laundry Company 28 Phillipa Carey Company 29 Catholic Periodical Index 30 Chicago, Mil•St.Paul & Pac.Ry.Co. 31 Coohran-$argent Company 32 Adam Decker Hardware Company 33 Dispatch Pioneer Press Compa'y 3 Economy Pumping Machinery Co, 35 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 36 Electric Blue Print Company 37 Electric Blue Print Company 36 Electric Blue Print Company Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compaiy 39L9 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 41 Ford Chain Block Company 42 E. Geiger 43 Gordon & Ferguson,Ine. 4� Harper Nut Company 45 Hardstone Brick Company 46 Hersey Meter Mfg. Company ,47 F.T. Hildred & Company 48 Holm & Olson, Inc. 149 Jacks Mfg, Company ;50 Jewish Pub. Soo. of America 151 C.I. Johnson Mfg. Company i52 Josten Mfg. Company i54 Journal of Home Economics '544 Kellogg -Mackay Cbmpany 55 Keuffel & Esser 156 King Motor Company f57 Jos. Kline Jewelry Company {58 McDonald -Chevrolet Company ;59 J.T. MoMillan & Company 16o H. Makler f61 John Maurus f62 W.T. Mefford,M.D, f6 Melady Paper Company �6 Midway Varnish Company 66 Monroeoeller CalculatiComng Machine Co;,Ino. FORM NO. A-122 �M i2 -1e --T TOTAL -FORWARD 216 S 2 550' o 20 104 6 4o'0 86. 9 223 95 22' 20 3516o 576 23150 2 00 1955i00 4 00 4'27 21 38 14 J 4''150. 240 09 71 81 95;38 1195 2 10 7 i32 193 '.36 29 '57 6 62, 94 '36 153 33 1 j5�+ 2 10 103 ;50 4 00 260 '80 146 57 29 00 55 00 1 50 85 X54 0 lib �6 423 06 1 73 22 00 1 00 17 140 10 00 129 90 6 0o 18 00 95 78 C. F. No: B6t6i—Ry. M13ton Wherk 2ha CommleelonBeetrPfF, CITY OF T. PAUL cou.�e". NO. { Ile Worka hna reported to theCoun Il. � . in accordance With,8ectlon 68 of the City Chart r t �je a of nn emeo- ! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' '"?�'�°,n�°h•' '"i , - - COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED, BY /)�, COMMISSIONER... . yi�/1�:/'*`, l _ .._ _.. DATE. . RESOLVED 11MEREAS, Tic Co-a-,,lissioncr )f Public -iTorks has re- ported to the Council, '.0 accordlincc ovith Soetion 53 of the City Charter, the c,:iete:ncc u" an umergancy which rendered necessary the umploymcnt of curtain umploycs of his Department for Thor: than cig.it houro per day, said c-caployment being more than their u:;ual hours of employ- ment: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers arc hereby authorized to pay the following nomncd cm- ployos at the rate oth::rv'isc fixed for extra employment for the extra time hcrcinafter set forth: Name Title .. Hours atctof Brunner, Joseph Sheathing Flmn. 3 •75 Einck, Walter T. Truck Driver 2 .79;4 Elliott, Ed Pay.Foreman 4 .919 Holm, Peter 1itc.Lab. 1 .50 Maloney, James A. Util.Lab. •55 Proulx, Joseph Com.Lab. A .,45 Putnam, Fred Cub -Foreman 31 .6 2,12 Rich, Augustus L. Stat.Engr. 16,_74 Richardson,, LavirenceSUb–Foreman 11 .62;2 Simmer, Ray G.S.Engr. 40 1.25 Sullivan, John V1. Utilityman 24'2 .75;4 Towey, Thomas ir:. Util.Lab. 17 •55 COUNCILMEN AL t C Wo Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........................................ _.. Clancy Ferguson . .Approv .. 192.. ....._.In favor _.. ............_ .. ......_....._...... _ McDonaldKl/I McGlogan ..... ... Sudheimer .......Against __ ..------.-.----.'--.. _--'--_-_.----_-._- _.._-------- IN�ron Wenzel JeLW3i.iullII'— `oF Mr. President 4IS1aA' An emergency has arisen in the DL'PARTI00IT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Watching equipment; unloading tank cars of oil; constructing neer sewer across Marshall Ave. near Hemline; This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Unloading tank cars of oil to dave demurrage charge; constructing sewer across Marshall Avenue and street closed to traffic while same in progress. COSI ,JISSIO"R 01'PUBZIC WORKS t CITY BFt,"Tf. L PAUL couNca NO.. - FILE - OFFIC OF CITY CLERK UNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM , July 25, 1930 PRESENTED BY DATE— --- COMM15510NER RESOLVED I IC. n Fm Alley in Block 1, st 6�T, tirlltnn , . 3lth. t, z=. „ Yn the matter of grading the Hospes Park from Finn Avenue to Wellesley Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84693, approved March 26, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85288, approved May 20, 1930. Resolved, That .the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald --In favor Rohland /� Sudheimer !SG_,_Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council.—._ -` — App ro _ 19— MAYOR COUNCIL rr, F ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OFCI Y'CLERK N ESOLU N—GENERAL FORM July 25, 1930 PRE ED BY DATE--------- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED IC F. -No. 88168 BY Muton Roeen J.jlth� Alley in Block 7, ock '1 ."t" gt'n pal ` 411ty tom. GO,'ife•4. cer of grading wR ••e., ,exington Park Plat 11, from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84543, approved March 12, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85290; approved May 20, 1930 Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald _In favor Rohland Sudheimer —..___Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson A251011, ' Adopted by the Council __19- __ APPrrd MAYOR / P_UBL1,1",._ o....o .. «r." CIT�ST. PAUL FOUENCIL NO. -----845 d OFFI# OF CITY CLERK - NCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER OATF July 25, 1930 RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 13, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave.,, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84541, approved March 12, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85294, approved May 20, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. A'o.88167—BY. MI1Lod Roe lerin In the *matter or %;ure6 ,4 Addt .Block 13,. Isttnaon's.8 o�oa I dlcato tion from or169a Ave., under BnMerchYJ2 193OCand 94641, aPDre 'a roved .Final order 99294, FD May. 20,193, 0 R ., e-eclnca.- esolved, That thDe plana, tlon.—d-estimated quantltfea ae eub- Worlca4orttbe ebomve.name8�timProve� went, be an the name are hereby 930. -Adopted by ttle-Council SulY 29, } ADDroved'InIY 3s, _;..(Augaet 2, 1930) COUNCILMEN pO AL % as Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council CC°a _19_ __ Clancy Ferguson ( S�i11 T Approved 19_ McDonald –Y -.In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against`-- – — mgvoR Wenzel j� YUBLISIiI , `l' Mr. President Hodgson ORDINANCEai .F 7BY COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED ORDINANCE NO. Airport F7Ye shall keep a daily (4) School dlghte shall be conduct record ot. `•nY �n;euch porttona el aof t -.-.- he -field - l d departure - s ae shall ba de8lgnat the _ - utive ae ul An ordinance provkding rules and-- eguiations for aetiw��i�'s' upon and over the Municipal Airport, providing standard rates and charges for storage and service on said Airport; requiring lessees to pay certain charges for selling gasoline or oil thereon; and prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 - GENERAL RULES. (1) Only aircraft and. airmen licensed by the Secretary of Commerce of the United States shall operate on or over the St. Paul Municipal Airport; provided, however, that 'this restriction shall not apply to aircraft of the Federal Government, or of a state, territory or possession, or of a political subdivision thereof, or to aircraft licensed by a foreign country with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement covering the operation of such licensed aircraft. (2) No person shall navigate any aircraft over, land upon, or fly the same from, or service, maintain or repair any aircraft on said Airport, or conduct any aircraft operations on or from said Airport otherwise than in conformity with the requirements of the Air Commerce Regulations established by the Secretary of Commerce under the authority of the Air Commerce Act of 1926. (3) The air traffic rules as established by the Secretary - of Commerce under the authority of said Air Commerce Act of 1926 are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of these rules. (4) No person shall use said Airport as a base or terminal for the carrying on of commercial aviation, or the carrying; of . passengers, freight, express or mail, or for student flying, com-' munications, or other commercial or private purpose of transport- ation without first securing a permit from the Oommissioner of Public Utilities or Airport Executive so to do, and paying the fees and charges prescribed for such privileges. (5) No person shall engage in the sale of refreshments or of any other commodity or service within the confines of the Air- port without previously having secured a permit from the Commis- sioner of Public Utilities, and having paid or made satisfactory arrangements to pay such fees or other sums of money as the said. Commissioner may determine for such privilege. (6) The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and nature of .business or occupation of all persons stationed or employed upon the Airport, or receiving instructions thereon, or operating therefrom, shall be registered at the administration office of the Airport. ,6. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. _ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) (7) The Airport Executive shall at all times have authority to take such action as may be necessary in the handling, conduct and management of the public in attendance at the Airport. (8) The Airport shall be open to render service at all times. (9) Lighting of the port for night flying shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the United States Department of Commerce for an AlA rating on night -lighting equipment. (10) All visiting pilots landing on the Airport shall re- port immediately to the administration office to register the follow- ing information; a License number, make, and model of plane. b Owner of plane. c Pilot of plane and his license number. d Time of arrival. e Number of crew. f Number of passengers. g Pilot's local address and telephone number. h Such other information as may be required for record purposes. (11) Immediately prior to his departure, each visiting pilot shall report to the administration office and check out. (12) Payment for storage, repairs, supplies and other services rendered by the Airport shall be made before clearance will be granted, unless other satisfactory arrangements have been made. (13) All repairs to aircraft and engines shall be made in the spaces designated for this purpose and not on the area reserved for landing and taking -off. (14) The aircraft owner, his pilot, or agent, shall be responsible for the prompt disposal of wrecked aircraft and the parts thereof, to avoid all interference with field operations, unless directed to delay such action pending investigation of the accident. (15) Witnesses of and participants in accidents on or near the Airport shall be requested to report to the administration office as soon after accidents as possible, leaving their names and addresses, and rendering such reports as may be required. ORDINANCE 40 COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._* (3) (16) Each major hangar and Bhop building shall be provided with a first-aid kit containing at least 12 assorted bandages, 12 sterile dressings, 2 tourniquets, a supply of first-aid dress- ings for burns, adhesive tape, a supply of either tincture of iodine or mercurochrome, aromatic spirits of ammonia, and either a glass, cup, or a supply of paper cups. (17) Any parts of the landing area temporarily unsafe for landing, or which are not available for any cause, shall be clearly marked with chrome yellow flags (red in case of snow), of sufficient size to draw attention readily, and so placed as to show the bound- ary of the dangerous area. The boundary of such dangerous area shall be clearly marked throughout the hours of the night (from sunset to sunrise), either with electric lights with weatherproof, fittings, or with red lanterns. (18) The term "person" as used herein shall be construed to include any person, firm, co -partnership, corporation, association, society or club, singular or plural. (19) Owners shall store aircraft and accessories in the City Hangars at their own risk. The City is not responsible for accidents, injury, theft, or loss through fire. (20) The City is not responsible for accident or injury to spectators, passengers, operators or any employes of any organiza- tion or concession operating within the borders of the St. Paul Municipal Airport. (21) Operators on the Airport shall indemnify and hold the City free and harmless from any claims or demands arising from their activities on the Airport, and from any loss arising from such activities, neglect, or carelessness. (22) Spectators not using the Airport for travel, excursions, or in connection with the recognized concessions or schools shall not be permitted on the field sidib of the hangars, but shall remain behind the fence. Permission to the flying field shall be by ticket only. It shall be the duty of the Airport Executive and the attend- ants to enforce this regulation without exception. (23) No signs shall be placed on the Airport property other than those upon hangars staling the name of operating company or cor— poration, and their activities. . (24) No structures shall be built on the St. Paul Airport by private owners unless complete -plans for such structures are filed with the City authorities and duly approved by them. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 40' COUNCIL FILE NO. 4 (4) ORDINANCE NO. (25) All commercial operators ontothe Airport e Port Osh ll, at the end of each day, in writing, ons Office, type of plane, license number, time of arrivaluorr de- parture parture, number of passengers arriving or departing, passengers on sight-seeing trips and student flights, during the preceding 24 hours. The Airport Executive shall keep a daily record of all arrivals and departures on the Airport. (26) It is hereby made the duty of every pilot, mechanic, or employe on the Airport to follow and enforce these rules. sE0TI0A 2 - FLYING LANDING TAKING OFF AND TAXIING- (1)The direction of aerial traffic around the outside of the Airport shall be counterclockwise. All aircraft flying within 3,000 feet horizontally of the nearest point of the landing ara neexcesslcoof 2000 feet, es circuit xcept whenufie dless flying at a eight conditions would warrant otherwise, in which Case it shall be the duty of the Air- port Executive to make a temporary -change - (2) All aircraft approaching the Airport shall fall in the line of traffic and skirt the field until a point has been reached where a landing can be made (as nearly as surface con- ditions able with a straightwglideeb ginning atill prinit) into hleast d1,000 feet rfrom cthe leeward - effected as nearithealeeward edgetofith thethe landing area ound as be practicable. (3) pilots shall circle the field not less than 1800 before landing. Before landing at night, pilots shall circle the field not less than 270 degrees. (4) The landing airplane has the right of way over air- planes moving on the ground or taking off, and shall land so that any such airplane is at least 300 feet away in a lateral direction, but this shall not excuse the pilots of either or both such aircraft from the exercise of due care and diligence. (5) so fax as practicable, any airplane landing shall keep on its left any airplane already landed or ready to take off. (6) If two airplanes are ready to land at about the same time, the one flying at the higher altitude shall maneuver to avoid the other, but this shall not excuse the pilots of either or both such aircraft from the exercise of due care and diligence. ORDINANCE 4011 COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (5) (7) Airplanes shall land and take off at a safe dis- tance from hangars and other buildings, obstacles, areas re- served for spectators, and parking spaces for automobiles. (B) Airplanes shall not take off over hangars, buildings, obstacles, automobile parking areas, or groups of spectators, unless strictly unavoidable. (9) When there is no wind, or wind- of less than 5 miles per hour, airplanes shall land. and take off in direction desig- nated by Airport Executive. (10) So far as practicable, any airplane taking off shall not turn at less than 1,000 feet horizontally beyond the nearest edge of the landing area, and if a turn is made, it shall be to the left. This rule shall apply up to a horizontal distance of 3,000 feet beyond the nearest edge of the landing area unless the plane is flying at a height in excess of 2,000 feet. (11) Except in the case of scheduled operators, the Airport Manager shall have authority to suspend flying operations on or from the Airport when, in his opinion, the condition of the landing area or local meteorological conditions might make such operations unsafe. (12) Planes taking off shall start the take -off from the extreme leeward side of the runways. (13) Upon landing on the Airport, a pilot shall assure himself that there is no danger of collision with other aircraft taking off, landing or taxiing before and while taxiing to the line or,other part of the Airport. All aircraft shall be taxied at a slow and reasonable speed, particularly in the vicinity of hangars and other buildings, and shall be brought to a full stop when in the vicinity of landing airplanes. When near buildings, unless provided with adequate brakes, an attendant shall be at each wing whenever practicable. (14) Planes carrying the United States mail shall have the right of way over all other traffic, and no other operators on the Airport shall conflict with or obstruct the operation Of mail planes, except as Stipulated in Air Traffic Rules, Depart- ment of 0ommerce, "An aircraft in distress shall be given full way in attempting a landing." Transport planes operating on schedule shall have the right of way over all planes except those mentioned above. ORDINANCE �► COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (6) (15) No airplane shell be taxied into or out of the hangars. (16) No pilot or passenger shall engage in wing walking, delayed or double parachute jumping, or any other spectacular or dangerous stunt not conducive to safe operation of aircraft. No pilot or passenger shall engage in ordinary parachute jumping except when required in emergencies, without permission from the Airport Executive. The Airport Executive shall satisfy himself as to the qualifications of each individual before granting such permission. (17) No ballast (except fine sand and water used by light- er -than -air aircraft), nor any containers, handbills, circulars, cards, or any other matter whatever shall be dropped from air- craft on the landing field. When required during tests, ballast or other matter essential to the safety of the pilot or to the conduct of the test may be dropped over such unused portion of the field as designated by the Airport Executive. (18) No person shall take any aircraft from the landing area or hangars or operate same while under the influence of, or using, or having personal possession, of intoxicating liquor. SEOTION 3 - RUNNING ENGINES. (1) Blocks, equipped with ropes or other suitable means of pulling them, shall always be placed in front of the wheels before starting the engine, or engines, unless airplane is provid- ed with thoroughly adequate brakes. (2) No aircraft engine shall be started or run unless a licensed pilot or competent mechanic is in the cockpit attending the controls. (3) So far as practicable, no aircraft engines shall be run in hangars. (4) No aircraft shall be fueled while the engine is running. (5) In starting an aircraft engine the customary procedure shall be used by the person operating the starting device and by the person at the engine controls. All challenges and signals between the former and the latter shall be clearly understood and so indicated by repetition before action is taken by either. (6) Aircraft shall be started and warmed up only in the places designated for such purpose by the Airport authorities. At no time Bball engines be tuned up in such position that PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 40 (7) COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE hangars, shops, or other buildings, or any group of people in the observation area, shall be in the path of the propeller stream. (7) Persons attached to the Airport shall observe extreme caution when in the vicinity of turning propellers, and shall make it their duty to warn uninitiated persons of the danger of being struck. (8) When engines are not running, the propellers of all aircraft on the Airport shall be left in a horizontal position. (This refers to 2 -blade propellers only). (1) All persons instructing student pilots in flying on the Airport shall fully acquaint such students with the rules and regulations in effect on the port, and shall be responsible for the conduct of said students while under their instruction. (2) Student pilots when soloing shall display one white streamer on the rudder of the aircraft until such pilots are eligible to apply for private pilot's license. (3) The personnel engaging in test flights shall be limited in each case to the number necessary properly to perform the required test. At no time shall passengers be carried on such flights as ballast. (4) School flights shall be conducted only on such por- tions of the field and at such hours as shall be designated by the Airport Executive as resulting with the least interference with the commercial traffic on the field. (5) The City authorities reserve the future right to assign another field for school activities, or to remove them from the Airport. rSECTION 5 - PARSING AND MOORING AREAS, DEAD LINE, ETC. (1) A11 unhoused aircraft shall be parked in the space designated for this purpose, and shall be firmly secured to the ground by ropes and stakes, or otherwise, when left unattended or during weather conditions which indicate the necessity there- for. Owners of such aircraft shall be held responsible for any damage resulting from failure properly to comply with this rule. (2) The plane line shall be designated by the Airport Executive. ORDINANCE 40 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (7) hangars, shops, or other buildings, or any group of people in the observation area, shall be in the path of the propeller stream. (7) Persons attached to the Airport shall observe extreme caution when in the vicinity of turning propellers, and shall make it their duty to warn uninitiated persons of the danger of being struck. (8) When engines are not running, the propellers of all aircraft on the Airport shall be left in a horizontal position. (This refers to 2 -blade propellers only). (1) All persons instructing student pilots in flying on the Airport shall fully acquaint such students with the rules and regulations in effect on the port, and shall be responsible for the conduct of said students while under their instruction. (2) Student pilots when soloing shall display one white streamer on the rudder of the aircraft until such pilots are eligible to apply for private pilot's license. (3) The personnel engaging in test flights shall be limited in each case to the number necessary properly to perform the required test. At no time shall passengers be carried on such flights'as ballast. (4) School flights shall be conducted only on such por- tions of the field and at such hours as Bhall be designated by the Airport Executive as resulting with the least interference with the commercial traffic on the field. (5) The City authorities reserve the future right to assign another field for school activities, or to remove them from the Airport. SECTION 5 - PARKING+ AND MOORING AREAS, DEAD LINE, ETC. (1) All unhoused aircraft shall be parked in the space designated for this purpose, and shall be firmly secured to the ground by ropes and stakes, or otherwise, when left unattended or during weather conditions which indicate the necessity there- for. Owners of such aircraft shall be held responsible for any damage resulting from failure properly to comply with this rule. (2) The plane line Bhall be designated by the Airport Executive. ORDINANCE 40 COUNCIL FILE NO. — PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE (8) `4 (3) A dead line shall also be designated by the Airport Manager, and no person, excepting a pilot or mechanio attached to the Airport or employed by the owner of a plane, or an oper- ator on said Airport, or an owner of such a plane, or such an operator, or duly authorized officers or officials charged with the duty of enforcing local, state or federal laws or regulations, shall cross the dead line or enter upon the flying field unless he is to participate in a flight. If such person is to partici- pate in a flight, he shall not cross the dead line until the plane in which he is to fly has come to a full stop and.the pilot thereof has signaled that he is ready. Such person Bhall, upon alighting from the plane, leave the landing area by the shortest possible route. (4) The dead line will be indicated by .suitable markers, and may be changed from time to time as conditions require. (5) Parking spaces and drives are provided, and automo- biles and other vehicles shall stay within these limits, with the exception of vehicles regularly employed in the service of the Airport. SECTION 6 - FIRE REGUULATIONS. (1) All persons using the Airport area or the facilities of the Airport shall exercise the utmost care to guard against fire and injury to persons or property. (2) No person shall smoke in any hangar or any room or building on the Airport, except in offices, waiting rooms, or buildings in which smoking is specifically authorized. (3) No airplane shall be fueled or drained while the engine is running, or while in the hangar or other enclosed space. Fueling shall be through a metal line hose with continuous metallic contact established between the discharge nozzle, metal lining of hose, and main fuel tank or ground lines, and, in the case of fuel trucks, between main fuel tank or fuel lines and the ground. Metallic contact shall be established between the discharge nozzle and the airplane fuel tank before filling is started, and main- tained throughout the entire filling operation. When a chamois funnel strainer is used, it shall be placed in the, airplane fuel tank and a ground connection provided to connect the discharge nozzle with the funnel. (4) The heating of oil shall be restricted to steam, hot water, hot air, or approved electric heaters. _w_1 -°m-A ORDINANCE • COUNCIL FILE NO. - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE (5) 'The cleaning of motor pasts or other parts of the airplanes shall preferably be with non -inflammable liquids. If volatile flammable liquids are employed for this purpose, cleaning operations shall be carried on in the open air or in a separate room located in the repair shop section and separated therefrom by fire -resistive partitions and complying with the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (6) Repairs on storage floors of hangarB shall be limited to inspections and replacement of parts and repairs incident there- to, provided such repairs do not involve appliances using open flames or highly heated parts other than electric soldering irons. (7) The process of "doping," except minor patching, shall preferably be carried on in a separate, detached, incombustible building which may also include the paint shop. Where a separate building is not feasible, the process may be carried on in a room located in the repair-Bhop section of the hangar. Such building or room shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and shall be protected with either a system of automatic sprinklers or a system employing a fire -retardant chemical or gas, which system shall meet the re- quirements of said Board. (8) No automobiles, motor trudks, or tractors shall enter hangars except in connection with operations on the Airport, and hangar entrances shall be kept clear at all times. (9) Floors shall be kept clean and free from oil. The use of volatile flammable solvents for cleaning floors is prohibited. (10) Drip pans shall be placed under motors and kept clean at all times. (11) Suitable metal receptacles with self-closing covers shall be provided for the storage of oily waste, rags, and other rubbish. The contents of these receptacles shall be removed daily. (12) All empty oil, paint, and varnish cans, bottles or other containers shall be immediately removed from the premises and not allowed to remain on floor or wall stringers. (13) All clothes lockers shall be constructed of metal or other suitable fire -resistive material. (14) No boxes, orates, rubbish, paper, or litter of any kind shall be permitted to be stored in or about hangars. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 40 (10) COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE (15) Gasoline, kerosene, ethyl, ether, or other flammable liquids, including those used in connection with the process of "doping" shall not be stored in hangars. The storage of such liquids shall be in compliance with the regulations of the Nation- al Board of Fire Underwriters for the construction and installation of containers for flammable liquids. Lubricating oils may be kept within hangars when stored in containers and provided with draw -off devices, both approved for this purpose by said Board. (16) No cylinders or flasks of compressed flammable gases shall be stored in hangars. (17) All heating equipment and fuel -burning appliances installed on the Airport shall be in accordance with the require- ments of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. (18) All buildings on the Airport shall be provided with first-aid fire appliances as required by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. SECTION 7 - VIOLATIONS. Any person operating or handling any aircraft in violation of these rules, or refusing to comply therewith, may be promptly removed or ejected from the Airport by or under the authority of the Airport Executive, and upon the order of the Oommissioner of Public Utilities may be deprived of the further use of the Airport and its facilities for such length of time as may be required to insure the safeguarding of the same and the public and its inter- ests therein. SECTION 8 - RATES AND OHARGES. ITEM 1. Storage (including use of field for taking off and landing). (A) -Hangar storage: Wing spread up to and including 30 ft. $30.00 per month For each additional foot or fraction thereof, 1.00 Planes up to 36 feet wing spread in- clusive, $1.50 per 24 hours or fraction thereof Planes 37 to 41 feet wing spread in- clusive, $2.00 per 24 hours or fraction thereof °"""�"° ".. "`►�'� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- (11) Planes 42 to 51 feet wing spread in- clusive, $2.50 per 24 hours or fraction thereof Planes 52 to 61 feet wing spread in- clusive, $3.00 per 24 hours or fraction thereof Planes 62 to 71 feet wing spread in- clusive, $4.00 per 24 hours or fraction thereof Planes 72 to 78 feet wing spread in- clusive, $5.00 per 24 hours or fraction thereof (B) Ground storage: Monthly, 15.00 per month Daily, 1.00 per day ITEM 2. Commercial Storage: At such time as deemed advisable, the Commissioner of Public Utilities may establish commercial operating charges, subject to the approval of the Council. ITEM 3. Mechanician Service: During regular working hours, $2.00 per hour During other than regular working hours, 3.00 ITEM 4. Washing Planes: Hostler service, per hour 1.25 ITEM 5. Use of flood lights per hour orfraction thereof, $2.00 Lighting of hangars, per hour .25 ITEM 6. Fuel and Oil. A rate of$.01 per gallon on gasoline, and $.05 per gallon on oils will be charged to companies serv- ing commercial or private operators on field. This rate shall also apply to lessee of hangar or hangar Bites for the privilege of installing under- ground tanks on field when purchased in tank car lots on track or oil field. ORDINANCE so - COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (1Z) SECTION 9 - WEEKLY REPORTS. Weekly reports shall be made to the Airport Manager by lessees or persons, firms or corporations selling gasoline or oil on said Airport. Said reports shall include the amount of gasoline or oil sold by such lessee or other person, firm or corporation for the week preceding such report. SECTION 10 - PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall beunished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00, or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. SECTION 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage and publication. e AUG 11$9 Passed by the 0ounoil Yeas Nays Mr. Conroy McDonald 1 May o Pearce Rosen Sudheimer Mr. President (Bundlie) AUG l i Approve4,7 Mayor Attest City Clerk 1st—*67&g 2nd. Laid over to/ 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Conroy Conroy May May McDonald Pearce McDonald Pearce Q Rosen Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 861 10 ORDINANCE NO. 11 "An ordinance regulating airports in the City of i St. Paul, requiring the licensing of aircraft and airmen operating in and over the City of St. Paul, and providing a penalty for violation thereof. p. F: No. 86169 -Ordinance No. 7521— ] yr s. conrov— �ITY OF $T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: iAn. rdlnance regulating--alrpor In _e- fYty of St Paul reQu ring tL.e R o1:.nd aa --'I uy o1 sc. 1-1 From and after the first day of September i 13$6, only airs,•,and airmen licensed by the Secretary of Commerce of the United States Bhall be permitted to operate over or within the jurisdiction of the City of St. Paul, provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to aircraft owned by the Federal Government or by any state, territory or possession, or any polit- ical sub -division thereof, or to aircraftlicensed by .any foreign nation with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement cover- ing the operation of such licensed aircraft. Section 2. No airport or landing field shall hereafter be established, maintained or operated for commercial purposes within the City of St. Paul unless such airport or landing field qualifies for a rating of D 4 X. according to the requirements of the Airport Rating Regulations and amendments thereto, promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce of the United States. Section 3. No aircraft shall be operated over or within the City of St. Paul in violation of the air traffic rules which have. been or may hereafter be established by said Secretary of Com- merce of the United States. Section 4. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days. section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council AUG I a M30 Yeas -Nays Mr. Conroy McDonald Pearce ��s O Approved A Rosen Sudheimer Mr.President Bundlie Mayor ruaitsrl�Lfs /�. �� Attest: -amity Clerk. t. •:. 2nd. -4& 1st ` Laid over Adopted 3rd. &app• Nays Yeas Nays Yeas Conroy Conroy May May X McDonald , McDonald Pearce Pearce Rosen Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie x Mr, Pres. Bundlie aedie.ee. To. 2 2 x Introduced br An ordi aesnding 1Aaia! tiro Ordlnanoe No. 3254-46484dAugust 20. 1914o as ameeded by 0rdinenoe No. 3570 and subsequent smeadamnts, entitled. •An Administrative Ordisanee relating to the Civil Service Narsen of the City of at. Paul. approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor.• COUNCIL OF TSN CITY OF ST. PADL DONS ORDAIN: b. 8618o-0rdInRnce No. T22P- Adm'n�a J Conroy— "*ties I. mance rndi K luau .. nyi Day *Mt Ordiaaece No. 3250}, y►proved AW"t 209 1914e u aeende&$ It hereDW farther vended by adding to Grade S of the Miscellaneous Servioe of Ssotioa 6 of said ordinance the followirs line: 8s...Speoial faveetlaaator••Ltghting Darsam . . . . . None Now Section II. This erase"* .hell teb effect and be iakforce from and after its psange and approval. leis Ws .'4 0onvord x Adopted by the Council AUG mosom" AMey Room s llsSudkidS r AU I President 7 r1 ,pp 3 D ftwo /_l G -r YS wt the speoial request of Ooamiesioaer of Pablio Utilities, Mr. . G. J. osrey, I hereby reccensnd for passege by the Coeesil the ubove.mo3t�Jpaed amsadmentw to the Civil Servige Nn1e6. �(Civil Servi" s / • (7-230) kUtiLtSiiH:ll COIINCL. ". ORIGINAL To CITY OF SAINT PAUL rlLe NO w CI Y OL..K APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY DATE.. ...................„...... .... COMMISSIONER....::. """' RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS: MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE. MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT -I TRANSFEPRED CODE APPORTIONED. ITEM CR; DR. FROM TO 402 Como Golf 12,674.04 430 Johnson Parkway 12,674., j_. Resolved Tb att. fere be, made- ah..tbe,.booka B`.trane°� Comptroller. As by. so goln of .. the avoidable dedCleaoy / g a. un+ maY be met b ry certain.. It. _hamnnr �altd�tranetera wlth'out . Droylded by.1h1 exonmoney in the items from which the fere are. inede..,. .Transferred from ode 402 Como Pelf :12,674'04;. t0 cade 490 Jobnaoa Parkway (12,8,, 4. AdoIItad bythe Council July 26, 1990. TO ,.,y ,.,y 28, 1990. (August 2-1990) YES � �� COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL............... .... .... 19... .j • �- �7 S • ��Ly 19 APPROVED.... .. ......... .... ..... appGGgfr /.IN FAVORTOR', .. } MCDONALD .......................... SUDHEIMER .AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY t' clTr coo L_w u ,1 S MR. PRESIDENT roww osa 1000 n•a+ ; , i oa°INAL TO - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL iaa NO........................ CITY CLaI1K APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PEER/R CHARTER SECTION 20B PRESENTED BY 4 DATE.. ... .... ............ COMMISSIONER....... ..... r....... ........ .................. ..................... ... ... ... .. 1 1 f- • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED'. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO 402 Como Golf 12,674.04 430 Johnson Parkway 12,674";;1• C: F. No, 6616IL13, Cl � de ' - Resolved, That the follow n May fora be riled°. on,the g trans-' Comptroller book. of .. the' 4 avoidable dedc/encydofng may be met b 4' certain Items -""x+ w. Y enld transfer. It 'on �....th �orlc provided by ty lli money in the. Items from which the tranefer. are: mado. i T aneferred I from code 402 Como j dolt =12y 2,67 Pa!:04, to coda 630 Johnson ra61874.04. Adopkwt d by th Counell July 26, 3930. "ADDroved dnly 26, 1930.' (Angoet 2-1930) 3`y 'a a (��26 YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.... ...:.... ...... 19,: r KeRe som y APPROVED...... ..............................19 E{COGag{6 /.IN FAVOR I .................................................. MCDONALD �• won SUDHEIMER AGAINST fes` COUNTERSIGNED BY-••�•- •••••.••••••.••........ ... crtY C ;PTR LL[R ': t4 MR, PRESIDENT y r mD2e Ioo. .ILIA COUNCIL/'^E N N )2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—_ ffi OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �;C)o NOLUT —GENERAL FORMPRESENTED BY A , �.���'iSo Gb��EY_L "'hi h A gR:T" IP' lOCat'^ ,;re R{cga bv�jHEREAw,, LCouncil has heretofore determined to proceed 'iiE with the acquisition of certain properties in the City of St. Paul, lying to the west of the present Municipal Auditorium, and includ- ing therein certain property upon which a garage is now located and operated by the Holt Motor Oar Company; and WHEREAS, Said Holt Motor Car Company has requested that the Council reiterate its determination to proceed with the acquiring of such property, among others, for the erection of an addition to the present Municipal Auditorium; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council does hereby reaffirm its .I-6� decision to proceed with the completion of the acquiring of this additional pr I ty for the purpose of erecting thereon an addition to the present Auditorium. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council ----------- -------------------- --19_-_-- Conroy May McDonald _--_. _: -- -_In favor Pearce Rosen _ -- - Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie I l.;c NRR11'P 19______ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK cNO 113 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L t� 60LUTION—GENERAL FORM � RESOLVEDi That the B a d of Water C issioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an reement with Joe Rulli, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received bhihim while in the employ of the Batey Department on the 7th day of July 1930; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the said Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Joe Rulli, the sum of $35.20 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period to and including July 21, 1930. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -1, Jn favor Pearce % Rosen r - v -- - Against Sudhei,ner Mr. President Bundlie . $ F 19,Ir; Adopted by the I AL I "F APpro - - ------ --- - -------19- ---- ----- ------ ----------- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.y� FILE ICE OF CITY CLERK OUNC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �` COMMISSION.DATE July 26th, 191..• RESOLVED In the matter of acquiring, condemning and appropriating as a site for the new Auditorium, the North 30 ft. of Lot 9 and all of Lot 10, Block 12 and Lots 1 and 2, 11 and 12, Block 13 Rice & Irvine's Addition, under Preliminary Order 960f5 approved July 16th, 1930.' Resolved, That the order in the above matter be and the same is hereby oanoelled, annulled and rescinded, an all proc in�s in said matter -be d scontlnued ed C. F.: No.. 86189 -BY Milton Rosen— In, the matter of quiring:. condemn Ing. and - ppYoprlating as a site -Yor the new a Auditorium, the. North 30 -ft" of. Lot 9-�and:all of T.ot 30, Bloclr 12, and. Lots I and. 2, 11. and 12, Bloch 13,.-�Rlce ffi Irvine's Addition. under., Preliminary. Order 86076 approved July _16. 1930. - Resolved That ,!h order "in the above cancelled, be and the someas her by cancelled nulled d escfnded': 'kand all proce dings. -in saki mattq r be dfscontlnued because of typ grshfall ?error In said order. Adopted by theCdunefl July Z6 7930.1 Approved July 26, (August 2 130) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Oonroy tkxdkx May 1xx=R McDonald d In/ favor Pearce �msffik Rosen Edi 3C _Against 8udheimervft> N*x Mr. President Hodgson JUL 26 Adopted by the Council 19__ ,nix i A ed � __ .. 19_ �eL / MAYOR Council File No.-........_� .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ----------- poquire oondemn_at►d -appropriate as a si a or ------------------------------ --- 0 - ----- --- ------ ---new Auditorium_North-130 ft. 0 0 - - ----------------- --- 13 10, Blook 12, and -Cote 1 and 2, 11 and 12, Bloo , --------------------------........- -- Ai a e . �...Iry-ins � e. Edi- -- on..------------- -- - I..............------- - July ---- --- -- -Dated this -------26th ...day of... - -- -- J - - - .nil ------ .. -- - -- -- -- --- - - Councilman. pRELIMIFAR t -C. F. No, 8618 A etrac4 for-- .�tten.Dr n iii W.h9rea; .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .__---------------------------Acquire,-condemn.._and__aPPT.-opriate._aa-...-.site. for..the- -D°1f-•Anditortum,._the..AO.rth..-130--- ft-•. of...L9-t 9 And ---91l ... of----------------------- --I'of-_10 -B100k -�°2 an -1+ote.- b1A---d R.,..-a.l._alCld...�2.a .AaQQLC 1% --------------- ------------------------ -t.14xt,............................................. - - -- - - --------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-..-.:._----------- . ........... - ................................... therefore, be it Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by JllL- R� ---- ---- -- -- ------- -- - --- ----- the Council----------------------- -- YEAS NAYS Councilman Q Approved................ McDoxeiQ-� SUR .................. . ...--.. . ..... 14 P.c-74—,-L4— ----- •---- -.... Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT YU13L1SHLll F orm C A 13 (2M 2.29) ITY OF ST. PAUL COU"CIL NO._-- �MCA FILE ICE OF CITY CLERK SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set 7-40 foot poles and one 45 foot pole on the East side of Mt. Curve Blvd. between St. Clair and Wellesley with necessary guys, wires, anchors and Telephone wires. Municipal Estimate #11752. C. o No. 86166—BY Milton Roaen- Reaol d. That the Northern Stats` \1 Power. Company" be given. 7lermleafno tower 7.40 foot pole. and one 46 toot phis on the Eget ads of Mt. Curve .- Blvd. tietween 8t: guy., and Wellesley with ne¢eaearyguy., wires, anchoF. and telephone wire.. Municipal estl mate - No. 11762. " Adopted by the Council July 28. 1930.; 'Approved July, 28, 1930. (August 2-1930) ' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays (Li.&Cjt i-�,Y.1•( / McDonald _-In favor Rtlhiand' Sudheimer 0 _Against i3%el Mr. President IladMq, J JUL 2 Q ro7a7Q Adopted by the Council __ _19.__ 9 .�1 ja Approv __ ' 19 MAYOR I.L513.L' U� COUNCIL Via' C),.7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL RILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the assignment to the City of St. Pant by the First Rational Bank of United States Treasury Bonds of the value of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) to seoure deposits of said City, whioh said assignment is dated duly 26th, 1930, approved by the Sinking Fund Oommittee, and as to form and emeoution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby aooepted and approved. Cr.F. No. 88187 -Bat thyMcl)onald— ReaolvedNhe assignment to the City of SL- Paul' 'by .the"FYrat National Bnnk'of United "States Treasury--$onda o[:thsvalue oP One _.Million.- Dollar. ($1,000,000,00) to secure : deposits pf aid' Clty; �whieh said'aselgntrient '1. dated: July`,28th.: Y930,npprovedby the gin kingFond Cbismlltee,l'nnd 'ss- to Porm and execution: bythe Corporation, C unael, be and the Rame is hereby ac- spied and approved. Adopted by the Council July 28, 1930. Approved July 28, 1930. (August 2-1930) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald __.-._-_,_...In favor Dimm Rosen .._Q... Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ______s&4� Appro - - ---- - —19 - ---- -- ------------------ -- --/.C_.-..... ----- _.----_------------- MAYOR Ca CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE — -- CE OF CITY CLERK GENERAL FORM UNCI SOLUTION— July 26, 1930 DATE--------- PRESENTED F ` COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Whereas, In the matter of curbing St. Anthony Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Final Order C. F. 83757, approved December 17, 1929, it is necessary to widen the intersection of Snelling Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct the aadditional pavement by force account, the cost to be charged to City's Share of Local Improvements' Fund, Code 31- E1. Engineer's Estimate $ 265.00 RosenbinK C, F. .No. 86188—Symof cur 'p7hereas In the att r Sne111n9 St. Anthony AveDDve froze der Finer Avenue to pesenl Nvenu 83767 e44r ved December Order C..F widen and 17 1929. it I.,c e111n6'tAVeil be a inters SAvenue; therefore t�' L Anth. ho t - Com1... g solved That he m stru t theed' . public yForlca be end'I.,herehy fs d and dl�e mettt �DY force ditional 4a e r ed to Clty s 8C de I 'the cobE to be eugien[a ,Fund 00 of Local 1m ear's stlmate 5266 31-E1. EnRlntho Couneli JuIA 28 198tl AP9oed b9 :2B 1930. r vedlAuy�st 2_19301 (vim COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fergnsolr �jG` � McDonald L_—In favor R hind (- • -'- Sudheilner—Against Mr. President Hodseepyr Jtt " V 1 — Adopted by the Council -- 19_ Approve _._ _ I 19— -- MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL Conroy t�l DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL [7� COUNCILMEN— LL CALL MODOnajAFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE . No.___ -6, May COUNCIL RESOLUTION Fea4L —__IN FAVOR __�ui�► 26 -___ __ -'�0 M"'D °LD — R ne AUDITED CLAIMS ROMGWD URY. StlCMEtATER __ AGAINST 8ndheimeT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN TH$$$ ITY -'COVERING NENLCL �® TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUg, OF S-11.1 � COVERING MR. PRES.. µODG89N A 73j17—____TO—__..F'Sia—. INCLUSIVE. AS PJJ CHECKS NUMBERED___ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --,4 �j(�-------------- --- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN E CE OF E CITY COMPTROLLER. ---__ ; A 11 __19_—�---- -- -- CITY GOM PTR 0. _ TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANj DISBURSEMENT CHECHECKS C. F. No. 66Thnt checks be ng6TResotYed, the aountof $31,666.63. v"",sIYttosed 7367 to 7418, BROUGHT FORWARD ,1567 6200 39� he office of the number yer hecke on file Sn t cJOY 28, 1830 --CAdoP ed tbYl[he 'C". 1930 AD➢roved(TAulguet 21920) McDonald, 0• Of Fin.i, _ - 7-36-9— _ M Spralawn Corporation 7369 National Meter GOmpany 7370 National Mower Company 7371 Northern States Power CompaO 7372 ',' Northern States Power Compo 7373 N.W. Photo Studio, Inc. 4 D.A. Odell Motor Car Company C.A. Pearson & Son 737 perfection Type, Inc. ?377 Pioneer Tobacco Company 7378 Playgrounds & Recreation Ass'. of 7379 ? merica Plibrico Jointless Firebrio Co. � 7380i Willard J. Moran, Attorney r Margaret Belau 7381 ii John Fitzpatrick 7382 7383 I Stearns Printing Company Midway National Hank, Assignee Garrick Brothere,Iao. 7384 Garrick Brothera,InC. 7385 Garrick BrotheT8,InOo Benny Boiler Mfg. Company 738 Irvin Ross 73$8 Standard Stone Company L.1, Baumeister & Sone 7399 7391 Christine Hanson Rugust L. Schempf, Guardian 7392 Mrs. Hazel M. Stegner, Guar4au 739 Bernhard Low Dr. Edmund L. warren 739 Brown & Day,Inc. 739 Co -Opp Laundry Company Ozmun, Kirk & COmP4y 7391 '' ! Ferwell, General Electric Supply Corp 7398 Johnson Printing Company 4300 Midwest 011 Oomp any Sheriff 7401 Geo.H. Moeller, 7402 St.Paul Foundry.Company 7403 ii Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oompa#y & Telg. COmpatiy 74o4 Tri-State Tel. 7405 United Sound Engineering Oar Company 7406 • Velat Motor 7407 ', Charles wallblom 7408 !! Westinghouse Electric Compaq i Williams Box Lunch Company 7410 1 Hossfield Mfg. Company 7411 Northwestern Tire Company 7412 weir Company 41 ageyTire 741 Pat Kelly 7415 1. F. Leitner it 7416 111 Fred Scott 25107 37314 247 4 919 6 95 15 27'150 405136 2100 17!33 164 00 900 i 1 501145 DATE RETURNED BY BANK 850'00 40 00 4 219 160 4 314 32 24 30 38100 18150 ',32 6114 152 140 109 137 170 ,00 15 7Z4 '�70 11 146 ;97 78 195 50a 00 100 41,00 56 166 444 �O 277 188 1040 0 54 6o 16 80 8 4o ,(,-A so' COUNCIL FILE NO._ ----------- ____----- By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____gradinthe_east _and west a_lley_in_Block__49,__ Desnoer .Park from Cretin Avenue �o FxAtPr P1a�_r�---------------------- --- , � . 86171 — �In the Matter of grading the east and. west alley In Inock 49. Deanoyer –�—k.-rom ^retln Avenue to Exeter r ,11m1narY Order under Preliminary Order----------------------8523-2-----approved-----------M&Y---13_,---10-0 Intermediary Order _-__------------------approved --------- -------- --------- - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____gTaae__the--- ea_st--- and- weat--- alley- in -Block 49, ��gn�t�ark from Crgt�� AirP.n 1 . •o _E�t�P1aC-e.,-----_— - and the Council her&y orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. r Adopted by the Council__ `_ 9-MCJW-0-_---.------, 192_ - -- ---- - -- ------------------ ------- ------------ - City Clerk. Approved--- - _� n- -- 192 - Mayor. Councilman SM� Conmy Councilman McDonald May PUBLISULD�-0 Councilman Councilman (�J RosenPearc Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman x Mayor7dkad96W) - MdHd - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT jmCE µ REPORT OF COMMISSION�R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading the east and west alley in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Ave. to Exeter Place under Preliminary Order approved May 13, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $575.48 The total estimated am ft -i of the assessment for the above improvement is / $.-Q-58- sed valuation of each lot or The estimated cost pef foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the asses parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 49 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey C,). 1300 Minn. 1000 2 49 do 3 49 do 1000 5400 Lot 4 and W 30 ft of 5 49 do 2100 16200 E 10 ft of 5 49 do 2100 all of lot 6 & W of 7 49 E I of lot 7 & W of 8 49 do 1200 E z of lot 8 and W of 9 49 do 1200 450 Lot 10 and E z of 9 49 do 1800 3850 11 49 do 1200 2850 TOTAL, Form B. B. Is OIM( OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT IN INAWCE ON OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI551 E ' ON PRELIMINARY .ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 12 49 Desnoyer Park,Ramsey 1300 4800 Co.,Minn. 13 49 ) do 2900 3050 Exc. E. 10 ft for )) Cretin Ave.) 14 49 (Exc: Cretin Ave.) N. 38 ft of 15 49 do and (Exc. IN 10 ft) 900 2800 N. 38 ft of 17 49 18 L,9 do 1200 3650 19 49 do 1225 1000 20 49 do 1250 1200 21 49 do 1275 5700 22 49 do 1300 3600 ® 23 49 do 1300 4200 24 49 do 700 26250 58750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to skid matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor Dated 19 3 -� ' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 / /1 Nlea. NRA *R0. IYR-O. -.Rao* St. Paul, Minn ---- APY1.1—F4 ------------- 192N. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: qTA4&;;&31Ath C1D-d-eLUthp alley In the ----- Dayton, y and —xeter E ----------------------- Ave --------- --------- ------- from-------------- Oveti.rx ---------- ------------- ------- U. Ave. to.--- I -------- Exeter -------------- I -------------------- ----------------$9 Ave. z fit "I I 4 f ..... ....... Vt, V ,�. 4* THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS y OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir. May 20, 1930 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the East and West Alley in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Av.nue to Exeter Place, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85237, approved May 13, 1930: Length 546.7 ft. Width (Alley 20 ft. Frontage 993.65 ft. ((Roadway 20 ft. Estimated Cost 575.48 Cost per front foot 0.58 Inspection 11.28 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to COissioner of Finance of Public Wo S. Vice of the Commissioner of Public W6011uF fli�lilla 't ~:_2 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 21 1930 May.. 21r--1930...... - ........192--- -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 85237. approved__....May 13, 1930 _192..._...1 relative to grading the East and West Alley in Block 49. DesnoYer_Park.._...____. _. - from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _-..._... _ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated costgjpre�kq,'RfrOnt f0Ot $Qdd'L'he total cost thereof is S._---.--._ 575.48 _...... ... Inspection $11.28 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... __.... - _.. -- 5. Said improvement is... __ _- ..__-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Corn -.ioner of Public Wor s. We, the undersigned, property owners of thein operty49 immediately adjacent to the East and West Alley , Desnoyer Park from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place infix our sthe natures of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, hereto in'opposition to the proposed grading of the Alley aforementioned and described: .. &41r _ iii✓. / I - , 86172 COUhi- s INAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of______an _t�k�ng _aIi_eaSeu t-im -t _land_nenessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place FINAL j "ERS IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No: 58172 hila 13 1930 In the. matter of coa°�a, P)g and to .15238 -- a------------------, --------- Ing an `ea,�-a�et; `. -------------------> aPProved-----------�- -earn to: - 85943 l 193_ ------------ intermediary Order ----------------------------- approved ----------u A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thtt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading'of the east and west alley in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place and the Council hereby orders said- improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and ta specifications rsaid improvement" the rindnc als are he by authorizauthorized d directed to prcedwith themaking of sadimpovementaccorae there- with. Jq x.19-7%,li 1211;Adopted by the Council------------- ---- ------------------- Approved -------t}1'---- 19 ---- Councilman Conroy / Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald U Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Mayor City Clerk. -----Z ------------------------ Mayor. Ptmr.,c r,� -P—,2 _SL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT dF' FINSNCEF#: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) for Inthematterof lopes, cutsing andand tang anfillsl,iin the enecessaryasement in the land grading of the east and west in Blk 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Ave. to Exeter Place r r under Preliminary Order approved May 13, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 1 49 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey C^. 1300 Minn. 1000 2 49 do 3 49 do 1000 5400 Lot 4 and W 30 ft of'5 49 do 2100 16200 F. 10 f t of 5 49 do 2100 lot 6 & W z of 7 49 all of E h of lot 7 & cit of 8 49 do 1200 E z of lot 8 and W of 9 49 do 1200 450 Lot 10 and F of .9 X49 do 1800 3350 11 49 de 1300 2850 -- .. TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL - 1 DEPARTMENT of FINANCE, •..� l y, F�NANCE • 4; REPORT OF CO PRMMIS ARY ORDER (C) r _. ... -. .: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 12. 49, Deenoyer Park,Rameey 1300 4800 Co.:, Minn. 2900 3050 13 '.49 do (Exo. E. 10 ft for (Cretin Ave.) 14 '.49 (Exo. Cretin Ave.) N. 38 ft of 15 49 do and (ERC. 1_7 10 ft) 1? 49 900 2800 N. 38 ft of 18 01-9 do 1200 3650 19 49 do 1225 1000 20 48 do 1250 1200 21 49 do 1375 5700 23 48 do 1300 3800 23 49 do 1300 4200 24 49 do 700 - 26250 587510 Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of his thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as report reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public Worl �iyr o Dated 193 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 v jo "4' Officeofthe Commissioner of Public C}2 Report to Commissioner of Finance'• :;� 1aAY 93 I WQ _.... May 2i' 1930 ........ 192 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 85238 May 13, 1930 --_-__-192........, relative to Council, known as Council File No....._....__..._.....approved ....._...-._...._ condemning and taking an eas went in the land necessary --.for----------------- _.. .. . ----------- ..- --- ---- -- slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the East and West Alley ------------.......... ..._.-----... ---- _._------..._.-_.. _......- ....__.._ - ..._------ - ....... in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place. ----------- ------------------- -------------------------- - ._.........--------- -------- -..... -- ----------- .....__._ .........._._ .._. .......... -------- - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------- ------------- _.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5 ------------- __...._._...... and the total cost thereof is $.._._-__.__-._--.... and the, nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._..... - _........... -... ._._..._..._........-.......... ......._...-----.- ... ....... .. - ....... --- .... ------------ - ..... - - ._.._ .__.....__ .. _........._ _._............ - - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............... --------------- ......------------- ------- _............. ..........------------------ ------ 5. Said improvement is.. ------------------ ._...-- .... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works r ; 86.73 COUNCIL FILE NO ------ ----------------- By------------------------ --------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of $r8d}l�-alley_in Blocks_1 and 2, __Dorr__and Stoner e - _aubdivision and Wngriland Street vacated from-Arkwright Street to _We tmi nster 1In FNo. 88173— the Matt6r of grading alley In Blocks 1 = and 2. Dorn and St, under Preh�iuinary Order----_ 80345 _ Apr 11 ta, l�ua -approved - --° - -- - - - - - - - Intermediary Order __--------------approved ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is - ------ rade_alley_--- in Blocks -1 and 2, Dorr - _,nd_S±Zna1 a Ruhd� s Ruhdini sion and Woodl_an(1_treet _vacated from Arkwright atrpat to VlPatminat_eT_$tSE �_-- -- - and the Council hereby orders .said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___-_ 2 0 �----------, 192_-7-,�' 1 n Approved--------- - > 192---- Councilman Conroy McDonald / Councilman May Councilman �l Pearce ^ v) CouncilmanRosen Im 8udheimet 1 Councilman Councilman WE Ex Mayor $MUMX Bendlie' Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. F — - ----- — Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA(R7M%NA,pF. i;)NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of gradin alley in Blocks 1 and 2, Dorr & Store's Subdivision and 'ioodland Street vacated from Ar'cnrisht Street to '17estminster Street, -� under Preliminary Order approved Apr i 1 18, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 768.46 rt The estimated cost pi foot for the above improvement is - $ 0.67 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED� Laly�LUATI tSpra'�. 350 1 1 Dorr and atone Is Subdivision of Lot 6, of Hoyt's 2 1 Out Lots to St. Paul 250 4700 3 1 do 250 4 1 do 250 2650 5 1 do 225 6 1 do 225 3350 7 1 do 225 6 1 do 250 9 1 do 250 3250 TOTAL, Farm B. B. 10 i •,M - �cl1T,�r� OF ST. PAUL • XAEATAF FIN.V4CE . DEPAI REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ... (B) ASSESSED ' • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ALUATIO Land-. ,... }jldg •:,._..__. East 2 of woodiand Sti.vacated adj :Dorr & Stone's Subdivision 100 10 1 of Lot 6, Hoyt's Out Lots and to St. Paul East 2 of Woodland St. vacated. 425 1500' adj. and 11 1 do 12. 1 also west 21 of Lot 13 and E 1 of 12 1 do 375 1050'.: 14. 1 do 250 15 1 do 250 1050 Lots 16, 17 and 18 1 do 750 3800 19 1 do 250 1100.: 20 1 do 350 West Z of Woodland Street 225 3150 vacated adjoinin, and 1 2 do 2 2 do 275 3300 3 2 do 225 4 2 do 225 1100 5 2 do 225 Lot 6 and E z of 7 2_ do 350 Lot 8 and Yiest 2 of 7, 2 do 375 850 9 2 do 250 . 10 2 do 325 •.3850 _. 11 2 do 325 .1100 12 2 do 225 3150 - 13 2 do 200 14 2 do 200 15 2 do 200 150, 16 2 do 200 2050 17 2 do TOTAL 200 2400 I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COfihA SMON$R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 18 2 Dorr and Stone's 175 Subdivision of Lot 6 19 2 Hoyt's Out Lots 200 to St. Paul gest 2 of Woodland St. vacated 550 2250 and adj and 20 2 do 9975 45800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public W rk Dated ` 19a C) — _ —` Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - A-V St. Paul, Minn.----------------------------192---- To inn--------------------------------192---- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned . property o , wners, hereby petition your Honorable -, '_cause`ntto b? made: Body t- 6 the following irriproverno a I - ---------- ---------------------------- --------- St. Ave. - ------------- ------------ from ----------------- -------------------- -----------------_-St. ------ St. Ave. to--. ------------------ ----- -- ---------------- &"� ------St. Ave. 4-1-1 0-0.x'rte. a : -#� V"__� u ST WESTM//wTE.e a yYeeOlgNO . � 8T C `\\ 9Prweicrr� HI I sT ° n CLAE/f 0 ,y OE So TA 3 T ti N) B�/BQ ST 3.2404-Y. ST- ST ✓ESJ/E, EOGE.ETOA' � ST , hw<- THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: May 14, 1930 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alley in Blocks 1 and 2, Dorr & Stone's Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from A rkwright Street to Westminster Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 80345, approved April 18, 1930. Estimated Cost $ 788.46 Cost per front foot 0.67 Inspection 15.46 Frontage 1178 ft. Yours truly, jChief Engineer, Approved for transmissi to t Co issioner of AL., _ Commissioner of .Public orks. Office of the Commissioner of PublicTio s.,,,,v� 9 Report to Commissioner of Finance �1AY 2 ITT) May +16, 1930 _..--__..192.----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.80345-__..--.approved, __April_18,_-1934....... ._192- relative to the grading of Alley in Blocks 1 and 2, Dorr & Stone's -----------_-._... _ _.... _._...._..__ -...... _ ...._.. ..._...... ......... ...................._.... ---- Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arkwright Street _._... _ -----------_..- - ...._.__._. .. - ...._ -------- .. to Westminster Street. _. _.. .. ... -- ... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-.___...-._ ------- necessary and (or) desirable. $0.67 per front foot 788.46 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5.:.._ ...._._._..._...._... and the total cost thereof is S-.__ .------._...__.__..., Inspection $15.46 Frontage 1,178 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is, as follows:_.__...___. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of .:aid improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -......_ ..... ...... --- --_ ___ - ----- -- - - - -- ._._.......- ----- --- --- ---------------- 5. Said improvement is-. ------------ ----- __-.._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Work . C FI 0. ___ _ COUN 86174 BY` ----------- �� ----- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS condemning and taking aneasement-in-the land necessary In the matter of--------------------- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Blocks 1 and 2, Dorr & Stone's Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arkwright R+rapt to W2§tminster Street C Iii No. 96171— . In the matter of coademning and tak tng an easement in the,laad neoee sary'for elopes, cuts. and ane In th,. $0346 April 18, 1929 gtadlag of All.y in BIooks.I and E -Aorr 8c" R ------------------------------------- approved ;k�� talon a ,-------------------- r' ' Intermediary Order ---- 85941 July 2. 1930 ---------------------- approved-------------- -2 -1930 ---------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th-it the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking aneasement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Blocks 1 and 2, Dorr & Stone's.Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Blocks 1 and 21 Dorr & Stone's Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street, to theextent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner -of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council__-- 11 L-5-1 r1 -------------------, 19-- ---- - -- ----- ----------------------- pp n q ��--- Approved------ -L��__-='=j---- _ City Clerk. 19---- _ --------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy EMLISHED_ P —off d Councilman Q Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman4beid=d- Councilman Sudheimer Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANit t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the'matterof condennin; and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in tae grading of Aliey in Blocks 1 ind 2, Dorr & Stone's Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arknright Street to ',llestminster Street, Gc co f� under Preliminary Order approved April 18, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: -$ 50.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A..;/ALUATICq �,,. 350 1 1 Dorr and ",tong to 3t1Udiviaion of Lot 6, of Jloyt I sr, tai B� X5700 3 1 Chit Lot,,, to t. 3 1 do 9360 4 1 d0 35C :360 .. 5 1 do 6 1 do q 1 CIO 235 p 1 ` do ' 50 JC &0 0 1 do TOTAL. Fo B. S. 10 ^� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME(1T OC. FIN AN C�1f J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSES TI - L oQ- -12 of Woodland St.vaoated adj Dorn & Stone's Subdivision 100 _East and 10 1 of Lot 6, Hoyt's Out Lots to St. Paul East I of Woodland St. vacated'. adsand 11 1 do 425 1500' also j of. 12. h Lot 13 and E 2 of 12: .1, do 375 1050;1 14. 1, do 250 _ 1 15: 1: do 250 1050,; _. Lots 16, 17 and 18 l do 750 3800: 19 1 do 250 1300< 20'. 1!50 d0 3 West of Woodland Street vaoated adjoininT and 1 2 do 225 3150. 2 2 do 275 3300, 3 2 do 4 2 do 5 2; do 225 Lot 6 and E of 7. 2, do 350 - Lot 8 and 1, est 2 Of 7; 2, do 375 856 - i 9' 2' do 101 2'; do 325 3850 11! 2. da 325. 3100 12' 2! do 225 3154 13 2 do 200 _ 14 2 do 200 15 2 do 200 156 1s 2 do 20b 2050 _. 17 _ 2 do TOTAL 20b 240071 g_ CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMiSSIdNER 8F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)� a, LOT e1.ocK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRI�ION VALUATION. 18 2 Dorr and Stcnels 175 Subdivision of Lot 6 19 2 Hoyt's Out Lots 200 to St. Paul.. West � of Woodland St. vaoated and adj and 20 2 do 550 2250 r 9975 45800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to smil matter by the Commissioner of Public W r s. Dated Q19 3 ° C o mm i s of Finance. Form B. H. 12 ALLEYBLks / &`2 00RR & STO/>Z j SUB. fIf?KYYR/Gh'T .ST. YY,E.STM//Y.3T.ER ST. - :.357 GER/!n'/UM '77 O O R R A /Y O 5 7 0 /y 7 6 5 9 8 I 7 3 25 30.75 l'1 : /G 8 .. .. it 25 90.75 P El- 16 Gr +,o- -. 16 t _ N .. •m o" Rw o. m P9" M m e ``^ v ' . , of n ol'on . _' o oroc�" _ `:. ` Ov o.ry N� ?fc ViQ V'f mV� w,P� �. Rl hip' �,U Qh h�I Vl, V)N ,.. w^f T''.R —N•�. h'N 'l O.O. Nn ��'. Qy'h'p IN Qk' L_ - 2 /3 /S /7 /9 20 /2 /4 /6 iB ) i 3o�s' z5 /3 74 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 20 3a 75 25 -M 75 ` 25' 0 76 7/l7ytS/t/52Lbrr.S.`:m: gib" 4- F wriyhf fa .h'esynr�sh )-: - �A Office of the Commissioner of Public Work& Report to Commissioner of Finance N:J E 76 May 16, -1930 ---------------- .192........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 803 — .._-approved- -__. April 18p .1929 .192....-..-, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for -- - --- ............. slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Blocls .. . 1 and 2, .....- _ ... Dorr & Stonets Subdivision and Woodland Street vacated from Arkwright Street to Westminster Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_____ ___-._.necessary and (or) desirable. %}IX _ ..., and the total cost thereof is S_XX 2. The estimated cost thereof is S. _ _. - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... __.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -- - - - ...._.- _....- - - ------- 5. Said improvement is... ........ .---- .... ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. --------- 9 BY------------------------ FINAL ORDER In the matter of___ Qpening,_ widening_ and_ ext ending Johnson Par fief er ParT[: Stillwater Ave. to the alley in -Block 3, under Preliminary Order_____0__ $ 6_______----_, approved --------- A2ril_15tht_1930.------ Intermediary Order ---------6543-7----------- approved--------- July3�i----- A publichearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul thlt the precise nallre, extent a}Id kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to extend Johnson Par way an O coypUtruct a roadwalLthereon with wide boulevards on either side. No. $6175— ,in the matter of opening, widenfts and extending - Jokneon Parkway:'. ft.. Stillwater Ave:-to-the,sltey In Block 3,. Iflefer Park, under. Prelim-- 7nary Order 8 4 905 - ;_nDr ved- April 15, 193%', Inte i 25937 aDD'nvr:::v.:i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose offrl�I�g�iee �d im rovements, viz.: So much of the property described untdler t 47390, Torrens System dated February 11th 1913, and running to Koehler & Hinrichs Company, a Corporation, being that part of the Northwest 1/4 aflinetion from2a,pointsonpthe,Re 22as northerly�linelofesoutherland Stillwater Road 95tfft- of westerly of the westerly line of Corning Ave, to a point on the westerly Ave•Lots02 ito 45, both finclusive,lCorning'snAddition, lLots ine o.15Sand 1Stillwater linof Ave. 85 16, Block 3,Kiefer Park. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed'to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper ciky officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. atr� Adopted by the Council_jut_�.�----------------- ----- - ---- -------=-------------- 11 City Clerk. Approved ------a u � ----- 19---- ----- --------------------------- Mayor. Councilman 61emsy- Conroy LAAA.X .t%�2 ---1-6- Councilman des May 1 Councilman- Mb CouncilmanPpArfh-- Pearce Councilman Rokkmd Rosea Councilman Mayor Sudheimer cITY oa- 54-. WL DEPARTMENT 4ANANCE REPORT OF COMM.ISSIANER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1A, In the matter of o -ening, ,vi.denins and extendinr Tornson Pa y fro" "t.illvraler Ave, tr the e3lle i -n Block ?, '{,ief- P1 under under Preliminary Order approved /-.rmi l 1-�' 19:'o To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $6,500.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK L�n� VALUATI N7g, 9CJ0 1500 Fart of 701;tl-c-est ?- of -7. T ^ --nFe Berir_ninR at the intersectio- of t' -e ce^,ter �inPs of FYalen and St.i'_lc:ater ,ves-, t'ence nnr•th 70 13' mast ^lonl- center line of ^till::ater ',ve, 7 ft. t�enc 'Torts a 1 al onF tl-e center line of Corning- :n ft t>^Ance est^rlv 141.4 ft. tl-ence southerly '0 ft., to T?ort?, ^=a11 of buil ]inF , tl-enc esterlg 10 ft., ti^nce sor.tl eri^ along Ioint 14.15 ft:., 10 ft. , t:^ nce sout} erl-* 18.01 f t „ ti ^e 'lest rly ft., lon` ti -,e center of court to cnste-rl'* line of norti-nest .•1 -eel 5� fc,undrt's Co.,'s ,dd., t,renee !71-7 glonc said Fl-; lin,, to tre N1-= line of "till%vatcr .-.vc. rroduced ;esterl,c, thence "lp along said N1, line to the center ]in(, -of Fr—a].en A-rc., t.i once to bnCin ing (I'sxcent Sti1L^at.or and Cornin, P-ve. TOTAL. CITY OF STr P&UL - DEPARTMENT Or FINANCE .. REPORT OF COMM,ISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Lr+.nd VALUATION n3 �0^^.I.nnlc �.arl �t 7. n*1 to Pn. .. r, ^it -T of RO 30 a o 8.0 70 80 500 'l. d0 90 CIO �0 zit d 0 10 3J do qG 5 . do 90 ;z do 80 �9 cin 90 do 30 41 do 80 Ln do RG L? do R0 �L do 90 45 do 90 to. 3 Ri^.fer Lark SO 16 3 do 50 6200 15,500: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sa'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Wprks. i d i Dated a 19.E -Q Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ' Offike of the Commissioner of Public '\Vorksi i Report to Commissioner of Fnance 21 V-1-30 April 2-1.,1930..:-....-_._..._192 TO the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 6 1930-.-..--.----192...-..-., relative to Council, known as Council File No.84-9.0 approved... April - 15 ---------- Johnson Parkway from --- ---------- opening, widening and extending.... -- - ----------- ---- - -- --- ---- ----------- ------ :=. ---------- --- .............. .. ---..-_--- Stillwater ----Stillwater Avenue to the alley in Block 3.9 Kiefer Park. ---- - - -------- - ... .... .... ....... - - --- ------- --- --- ------- ---------- ------------ ------ -------------- ----- ----------- - - -- ----- -- -- -- - . ..—I .. ...... -- -- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....------------ ----necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S--- ?PPP -- - -- - and the total cost thereof is -------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows! ...... .. -- - ---- -- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a Part hereof. 4 - --- ---- --- --- --- - --- - - -- - ------- ------- ... .. ..... ....... - -------- -- ---- ------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is....__._---.------------- . asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner W�P---- or s. C 0 P '15 A D 0 PEN "I G 5 1 30 1 X P,\J tn 15 13 12 9905 "VZ - P -4 F- 3t A 1E. N\j w co R N L= '� ` \� Ln ul uj 14 14 NORTHERN PACIFIC P. R. L _ 4 ,1 i- C) P—N "1 G _ J' I 9 907z 6k `fes pN P Pq 8 9 �o \, SPE zo E R to COR T L I iLn �' - A 42- W ,- ' g� � n 6 -77 - - 14 14 NORTHERN PACIFIC P. R. z.51 77- OODGSON, MAYOR ��,. i LOU]6 BETZ. VICE.CHAIRMAN ALAR_ CHAIRMAN - D. W. ABERLE J. H. MCDONALD. COM. OF PUBLIC WORKS - ;,Y- ARTHUR CAINE6 CARDOZO J. M. CLANCY. • COM. OF PUBLIC SAFETY i9he CCU �dlAttttin$ �6ara W. L.S. DARLING L. R. S. FERGUSON. UCA $~F7„*,�i_ uu{.�% LA,�{ W. J. DRISCOL L. JOHN FISCHER O. W. ROH 0ND. COM. F PUBLIC UTILITIES of�tiYtKlTFii DENE. LANE G. C. SUDHEIMER. FINANCE 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GEC. F. LINDSAY COM. OF I. C. PEARCEE. - J. A. SEEGER RouNOs - R. B. 6HEPARD AND PUBLICBUILOI.CS JOHN W. KELSEY. GEORGE H. HERROLD. A. H. STEM CITY ENOI — M.1111.11 DIR£C— ANv ENVINEER J. CLAIR STONE E. M. O'NEI LL. CORPORATION COUIvs EL ISAAC SUMMERFIELD WM. F. SCOTT. H. VON DER WEYER CITY COMPTROLLER G. L. NASON. y April 10th, 1930• SUPT. OF PARKS Mr. George L. Nason 8uperintenden of Parks, Department of Parke Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Dear Sir s I am sending you herewith two Preliminary Orders; one for the acquirement of additional land for the completion of Johnson Parkway between Stillwater Ave. and where it crosses under the railroad and the other for widening Phalen St.' to a width of 120 ft. under the gradual condemnation plan. Will you kindly take this matter up with Commissioner Pearce and have the orders introduced 4 Yours very truly, c Planning ing neer. gh-rh encl. COUNCIL FILE N0 --------- -------------- By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_____gradin9-and_pavin alley -_in Block- 3,_ Underwood' 8--- _.___- -Fira. ddit.ion-_f_TO" ue -eklu ----- C. F. No. 86176 In. the Matter"of grading and pnvin ---- alley In mock 3 Underwood a FSra------—--- — -- ---"� Addltlon fromsue St Avenue, under Pr t d, Prior `?58 approved 1110 °rd May 14 , 1930 PreT1i `,ea.r • ,,,, .. ____approved ----_ ----- ---------------- under - v -a - Intermediary Order ----------------- approved ----- -------------- --- - - - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City Underwood 's First Addition from 9ue_Street to Prior Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed td prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counctl_--'`-'--1___-__-_-_---,192-- rm5g' / ,1-�2 -4 Approved------ - - - ----------- 192 ----- councilman W Conroy i CouncilmanMcDonald .-Councihnan May ✓Councilman Pearce .-Councilman k rrn ,/Councilman Mayor ftdmxxBundff0 Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO --------- _...--- .--______ By ------------------- ----------------------------- FINAL ORDER 8,6176 In the Matter of_____ggadin�and__navina_lle�__in Block 3, Underwoodf e ------- C F. No 86176— I the M tt f..g adi g rd D 11'ng ------ all 9 1 Bl °k 8, U d----- -- —""-- -- Addition I Sue d ed a t — _? e under Pre, °O Ordd.. May 14 1930 abs ------ roved Me ____appTOved ____ under Preiin',- ea:.ar; Intermediary Order - ..... — ..... --- —approved ------_------------------------ --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___PT_si_d�__an i_ o2ve.__alley in Block 3�_—__—__ Underwoodls First Addition from Sue Street to Prior Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouJt�?192_?, j f -;;7 12 _ n Approved----------'------ - ------------- 192------ councilmani Conroy Councilman McDonald .-CouncilmanMay .,Councilman Pearce R—rn /Councilman Suulwi�: ,.P /Councilman Mayor ftd$F XXBandIie Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. Mayor. / V ,,-I -'Yr'j �'w FCITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT qpjVjjj&NfiNCE REPORT OF COMMISSIg t OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER (A) In the matter of grading and paving alley in Block 3, Underwood' s First Addition from Sue Str eet to Prior Avenue, ;n r under Preliminary Order approved May 14, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amctlrt of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ g 2 691. '65 t The estimated cost pedfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED A DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 1 3 Underwood's First Addition 1600 14650 to the City of St. Paul, 1500 5500 2 3 Ramsey County, Minn. 3 3 do 1500 4200 4 3 do 1500 1650 5 3 do 1500 5300 6 3 do 1500 37,50 7 3 do 1500 8 3 do 1500 118Q0 9 3 do 1500 5850 10 3 do 1500 5850 TOTAL. _ Firm B. H. 10 7— . CITY OF ST. PAUL - ?5 i- DEPARTMENT r PNCE •�. REPORT OF COMMISSI(. " OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY DER ASSESSED (C) • ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK 11 3 Underwood's First Addition 1500 5800, to City of $t. Paul, Ramsey 1450 6100 12 .3 Co., Minn. do 2450 7500 (Exc. Prior Ave.) 13 .3 ) 14 3 ) 15.3 do 1150 2100. do 1250 3250 .16 .3 do 1375 4650 Lot 17 and W. 5 ft of 18 3 do 1125 5950 - �. 45 ft of 18 3 . do 1250 19 3 5100 do 1250 3500 20 3 do 1250 5500 21 3 do 1250 3000 22 3 do 1250 4850 23 3 do 1350 6000 24 3 33000 121850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and l, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Counci l reference to s matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor. � e i Dated 1930 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 I St. Paul, Minn. 19 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------------ -------------------- a_v_-1ttB--alley-------------------------------------------------- -------____ B-lock--3--ITnder-vV4ods__fir si_addi-tion------------------------------------ - from----------- Sue__ Street --------------------St. Ave. to. ------- Fx_i.ox-_ 4enu ---- - --------------------------------------- - - St. Ave. G _,.,- R,G � � .I YE• 1 ✓ , i ON I SARGE�T � , _ ,9YE• P{'ITicI's JR1N0 ff TLA7 .a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 16, 1930 Hon. dilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Lear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and paving Alley in Block 3, Underwood's First Addition from Sue Street to Prior avenue, under Preliminary Order Ci h. 85259, approved Llay 14, 1930. Length 593.3 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1189 ft. it tv Street20 ft. PAVING Total Sq. Yd. Property share T o t a l (a) Front foot App d• Commissioner. 6" CONCRETE (No resurfacing) 2.05 2,691.65 $ 2,691.65 2.26 Yours truly, z Chief sngin�er. Office of the Commissioner of Pi1b1icNNZIqKk$ FINANCE 9 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 19 1930 Jun -e- ----------- 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had tinder consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 85.25-9 approved ----- ---- May-- 14,,-19-30 192 relative to ----------rading�d avinAlley in Block 3,,Under- .w-- 9odts First ------------------ - p ... - ---g- ------- ---—-,-.,- ---- - , Addition from Sue 6treet to Prior .ave. .. . . . . ........... ....... .... --- ------- ...................... -- -- ----- --------- ---- ...... . . -- ------- --------------- --- ----- ------ ---- -------- -- --- --------- ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -._-_-----------------necessary and (or) desirable. (Se,Testimate attached - . ... ... . . 2. The estimated cost tliereo is $.-.....__......------.- ..... . an the total cost thereof is 8-- ...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. ---- - -- ---- - .. ...... ...... ------------- --- - --- ----------- — - — -.- I ------- ----- ---- --------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ----------- ------- ------- -- ---- - - --- ------ --- -- --- - ------ - --- - ------- -17 ---- ------- -- - --- ------- ----------- ------------------------- 5. Said improvement is - ---- ------------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more ow of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. ....... /�. . Commissioner ------- 0 ---- COUNCIL ij E - ---�-PROCEEDINGS FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION condemning and taking an --- easement in the land _ -----"-- --- ------------------------ In the matter of-------------------- ___-- - - necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 3, Underwoodts First Addition from Sue St. to Prior Qom- atnrl tar--r-..— �C. F. No. 88177— Ia the matter 1 "1 Is. and tak-! Ing an esaement I. the land Hetes n a" for elopes mus and fl In < ] 4�_1�SSt------------- Lreding and P ving, L 7 3l cr s, n, at u +ler Al approved------ �- July 2, 1930 j, 85947 ------------------- Intermediary Order ----------------------------- approved ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, an nt and easement kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 3, Underwoodts First Addition from Sue St. to Prior Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and thhesame e said are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making es slo For cuts and fills in the gra ng and paving' improvements, viz.: _ slopes, of Alley in Block 3, Underwoodts First Addition from S e St. to Prior Ave., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER,' That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed a and hereby authoto rized and directed to proceed with throveme eecifications rsaid making of said imp o ement and thentrin accordance there- hereby t�+i934------------------ ---- -- 19 ---- Adopted by the Council_ - - -------------- ----------------City Clerk. Approved---------- 19 ---- -------------Mayor. -------- - --- _--- -- g1�D_ `Councilman Conroy ,1(Touncilman Ferguson / Councilman McDonald ✓ Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland /� ounciiman Sudheimer Mayor CITY OF ST. is DEPARTMENTWERIO'EF p S REPORT OF COMMISSIFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for f slones, cuts and fills, i❑ the grading and paving of alley in Blk 3, ,c-3. Underwood's First Addition from Sue Street to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved May 14, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ?5.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 1 3 Underwood's First Addition 1600 14650 to the City of qt- Paul, 1500 5500 2 3 Ramsey County, Minn. 3 3 do 1500 4200 4 3 do 1500 1650 5 3 do 150n 5300 6 3 do 1;500 3750 7 3 do 1500 8 3 do 1500 11800 9 3 do 1500 6850 10 3 do 1500 5850 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 - CITYOF ST. P DEPARTMENT .SCE .. +' REPORT OF COMMISS aR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED LOT BLOCK VALUATION DESCRIPTION 11 .3 todeiY d's First Addition.RunsO1500 5800. Of 1450 610.0 12 .3 Co. Minn. do 2450 7500 (Exo. Prior Ave-) 13 3 14 3 .15 .3 do 1150 2100 16 3 do 1250 3250 do 1375 4650 Lot 17 and W. 5 ft of 18 3 1125 5950 R. 45 ft of . 18.3 3O . do 1250 5100 19 3 20 3 do 1250 3500 21 3 do 1250 5500 22 3 �0 1,350 3000 23 3 do 1250 4850 do 1350 6000 24 3 33000 121850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sai matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor Dated 1 1930 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ®-'""`a" F.,I ALLEY—BLfr3 ellYDERWOODS / rADD --Typ^al N.ao<nn iia _ . Fo.:, �bp�Lnscow S vE ST. f'R- OR AVE N _ rt or Fill at property hne. ' FQre, below line snow - -N1,ian slopn3 e1.-n8 eeycnd pmp—Y- L�Book No;;21 x..5e- Bk No/723 i2 rr o •r1Y%7 .q vL= (/NO ER YV OO'D �S /sr .9O D. io F✓ - r �' _. \ l r a O 60 66 e; once a- I�4� •. , dg Go✓ Gor. 0 V ° - —21 - � a. '� V Lr/ Ns ceA c 6" �.J Uld .r Soy 3 /4 'S .'6. /7 /B- - l9 20 - 7 Z2 23 j 24 3 u N D E R w O O D S O O. NG TON AI/,E. !I T�,� Ji f i aANC€ Office of the Commissioner of Public W or 7, �i Report to Commissioner of Finance '= JUIN 19 1930 _.....-June_1a,_.1930 ... _ _............ 192 ------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the , Council, known as Council File No..._....85260 - May ...._..._approved.__..__.__....141930 _._......___.._..__------ 192---....., relative to _---condemning... and.. taking... an--eaz --ment-- in---the--l.and---nece-scary---for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of. Alley --in._..--_. Block 3, Underwoodrs First Addition from oue °t. .to Prio Ave. - _.._...__...- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.__..._... ..... -.necessary and (or) desirable. xxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is _ _-, and the total cost thereof is 3_._.__........-...--- $._ .._... ___.. _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_.._. - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. roe ...... -- - 5. Said improvement is .......... -------- -. ... asked for upon petition of three or more owne f property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE N0 ------ _--- .- -- By------------------------------------------ FINAL ORDER t -.7181 8 In the Matter of_- ons_tm ting--cuxhing—en--dQth__-aides__of__Jessamine-______--_-__--_ Street from Forest Street to Arcade Street, C. F. No. HIM- In I -Tn tLe nfatter of c nntructlne r,rh(ne — Forest Stre - Arcade Stre,- .er Frellrry '-.- .girder 8+864 - under Preliminary Order _— ------- 84864_______ -_________approved ........... April --- 10 --1930 Intermediary Order -----------------------approved -------------------------- — — – – — – A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City CQI1Ht-> uct_ curbing_on both _s ides_ of Jessamine Street from Forest Street to Arcade Street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _ . Adopted by the Council__________JUL __ 2 °--1090P --------- 192_�..f� Approved -- -------------- --------Yl ---------- - 192 - Form B. S. A. 8-7 W Councilman 413� Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Penme R.�em Councilman Sadh"- ei'nr Councilman A%Kyei�x- Mayor IF6 EMXX n?q_nMt; Form B. S. A. 8-7 W CITY Or. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F4NAN 1, .. NANCE REPORT ON P ELIM COMMISSIONER ORDER FI (A) In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Jessamine Street from Forest Streit to Arc2de Street, under Preliminary Order approved April 10, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ 1,463.53 The total estimated amount }}of the assessment for the above improvement is 67 The estimated cost pe/ foot ibr the above improvement is - " The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form e. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION 1300 2800 16 9 Eastville Hgts. 450 2350 17 9 do 450 1550 18 9 do 450 1550 19 9 do 450 3800 20 9 do 450 1350 21 9 do 22 9 do 450 450 1400 23 9 do 450 4700 24 9 do 450 1550 25 9 do TOTAL, Form e. B. 10 - CZ OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -.. .-.-- ASSESSED ,. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 26 9 Eastville Heights 350; 100 27 9 do 125 28 9 do 100 29 9 do 100: -- _.. 30 9 d0 125 16 10 do 450 17 10 do 400 4850 18 10 do 400 19 10 do 425 20 10 do 425 21 10 do 425 900 West of 22 10 do 225 1050. East Of 22 10 do 225 850 West 25 ft of 23. 10, do 275, 150 , E. 15 ftof lot 23 & all 24 10. do 600, 4400 West 25 ft of 25, 10, do 4350: 144600__.. E. 15 ft of lot 25,a11 ofo 27 lot 6 ' 28 , 10, do alley also Y J and lots 29 and 30 . 10. ) 1 15 do 2 15. do 425. 520,Q,.. . 3 15: do 425: 1050._-. 4 15. do 425: 1400__. 5 15. do .425 11Q0 �i 6 15. do 425 185 0-- 7 15 do 425, 1300_ 8 15 da 425 ,0.. 160 �0 ' roe .ee: 9 15 do. TOTAL 425 -. _._ _�_ � .. , 19„ t -•- {!_-=- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC OMMIS§IO �NANCE REPORT OF NARYORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION 10 15 Eastville Hgts. 425 1900 425 11 15 do 425 1000 12 15 do 425 2000 . 13. 15 do 425 1050 .. 14 15 do 475 3200 - 15 15 do 450 2100 1 16 do 125 2 16 do 125 3 16 do 125 4 16 do 150 5 16 do 450 2150 g 16 do 450 2000 7 16 do 450 1800 8 16 do 450 1650 9 16 do 450 X300 10 16 do 450 1900 11 16 do 450 2700 12 16 do 1800 8400 N. 60 ft of lots 13,14 & 15 16 do 26775 22800) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s matter by the Commissioner of Public W ks Dated 19 3 �comml�ssio/ner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 `' APR 4 1930 St. Paujjjj4jVAft --------- 192 ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St, Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -- - ------------------------------------ ---,a -------- ------------------- ------ --------- ------- St. A -v -e- --------------- --------------- 'P7 IJVew t/0 from Z�O ------------- St. Aw. to ----- ----- / -------------- ----------------------------- ------- St. Ave.-) APR 4 1930 f artmernt of St. Paul, Minn.-�i���=��------��---19,�'--� To The Honve ]i'khe Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: - - St. Ave. --------�._}-----�20 U.f�_YY�kv��tJh----------------------------- _ X41 from-_ lifer - - - - St. Ave. to.- - - - - -------------------------------------------- ----- St. Ave. r ate- • 1 + THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 181y 1930 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Jessamine Street from Forest Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84864, approved April 10, 1930: Estimated Cost 1,463.53 Cost per front foot .67 Inspection 28.70 Frontage 2,179 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engine. . Approved fltw transmi on to the i oner f Finance Commissioner Publ c Vforks. OfficV of the Commissioner of Public W 'ksF FIOANGE �3 G Report to Commissioner of Finance \� JUN 20 1333 19.51---193.9....192._..-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. ._8.4864__..approved.__._April 10-,--1930_.__..192..._..., relative to the construction of curbing on both sides of Jessamine ....._.._ - . _.._.__.. Street from Forest Street to Arcade Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - ..-___.._necessary and (or) desirable. 67¢ per front foot 1,463.53 2. The estimated cost thereof is S- .--.-- --.1 - . and the total cost thereof is $..__ __.._.__._.....-- Inspection $x28.70 Frontage 2,179 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -- .. _.. _...... -- _.- _ _.. _.. -- ..._. 4 5. Said improvement is._. . _.__.._. __-- .--asked for upon petition of three or more ow ers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------------------ - Commissioner of Public Works. V% COUNCIL FILE NO_ ---- __ByBy -- -- --------------------------------- FINAL-- ----------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofBaving-alley-__in-B1ock _2Plum__orchard Addition- from------ - .F.8.ir_Vtel_Ay .nQ- ue tD__Fs daXi rka Ayellue_------------------------------------------ o. 86179-- V" Satter.ot yaing alleyfry 1 M Orchard Addltlon Avenue to Frederleka' p -, •ellminary 85612 -----$ June 6, 1930 under Preliminary Order------------------------------- approved ------------------------- Intermediary Order ----------------------------approved ------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is________na_y_e__alley___in__Block_ 2,,__Plum_ Orchard _kdtli ti nn from Fa -i rY1e-YL_A][HnllH__ta_FzpriBrlCki_9v_enlle+----- -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval,tha.proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -t __—_---____, 19i2 CJ -- - ----------------------- -- ----- - Approved-------------- -----------------, 192------ - -- --------- - -- -- — --- Mayor. CouncilmanConroy Councilman McDonald ICouncilman May Q Councilman Pearce Councilman r Rosen Councilman mef Mayor IiitndgB= gC1dU® Form B. S. A. 8-7 T - CITY OF S;i KAU`. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE % REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof ,paving of Alley in Block 2, Plum Orchard Addition from Fairview Avenue to Fred:ricka Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved June 6 , 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2,603.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ tt� � 2.22 The estimated cost P A /ff ZI for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Plum Orchard 450 2 2 do 300 3 2 do 300 4 2 do 300 5 2 do 300 6 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 8 2 do 300 9 2 do 300 10 2 do 300 TOTAL, IT_ B. B 10 CITY OF ST; PAUL I, ( DEPARTMENT 60 1704ANCE , • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2 Plum Orchard 300 12 2 do 300 E. 5 ft of 14 & all of 13 2 do 350 (exc. the E. 5 ft ) 14 2 do 400 15 2 do 450 16 2 do 300 17 2 do 300 18 2 do 300 19 2 do 300 20 2 do 300 21 2 do 300 22 2 do 300 23 2 do 300 24 2 do 300 25 2 do 300 26 2 do 300 Lot 27 and W. 5 ft of 28 2 do 350 (Exc. West 5 ft) 28 2 do 400 9000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s id matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 193 0 / UG(C '✓ e`er �� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 A?O. C.O. ..R0. Ini St. Paul, Minn _2:M --------- 192 ----- To The H!oricomble, The Council, E3epartm ent of City of St. Paul, Minn. FlUbI Oe'.rk", Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: "'.---------------------------------St. Ave. from ----------------- ------------------------ .--St. Ave. to---- ------------------------------------------ -------- ---------------------- JI^ --------------------------- * ------ St. Ave. I ADD;,FON OM II� p W � V - L"L EAiIO.Q. J 577 -Al lV EL EAAO.'� J S 7 ��I THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 16, 1930 Hon. rjiilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear dir: G I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving Alley in Block 2, Plum Orchard Addition from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85612, approved June 6, 1930. Length 597.6 ft. Width of Street 20 ft. Frontage 1,295 ft. If Roadwat 20 ft. PAVING 6" CONCRETE Total Sq. Yd. 2.01 Property Share 2,603.00 (b) Front ft. 2.22 Yours truly, C1 Chief Engineer.) Appr for trans ssion to 'o ssion� of Finance ommissi.ner Public Works. If!'_ Office of the Commissioner of Public4Ys�,QidAiVct_ Report to Commissioner of Finance �, 4 JUN l(�) 19N June 18j_-1930_ ... ... _.... _192....-._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No— _.$5612 -_..approved.._-... June --6-,.-19.3.0-.__...192 --- ---- , relative to paving of Alley in Block 21 Plum Orchard Addition from b'airvie-w Avenue to Fredericka Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- ... _.:_ __.-...necessary and (or) desirable. (Seeestimate attached) and the t 2. The estimated cost thereof is S- .. _..._... _... _, otal cost thereof is S_....___._..._........._-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. _ ...... ... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.-- .__ -......._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. j - - - - ...---- ---------- Com�nissioner of Public Wor s. PJ% COUNCIL FILE NO.- --- -- - By -- ---------- ------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____nonst.ruat mg__a__.si'_foat___sidew-alk__on_.bQt11___ai_de_e__af____---_-_ _Nebraska Avenue from �imD80n Avenue to _Arona_Avenue,exceDt where good _aZtsi_sLif c i P rlt—slinow exist ,-------- - - - -- - - - - - -- - --- -- C. F. No. 86180- _ tiSie' - In the Matter of constructing a eiz----------- foot k eldewalk: on both eidea O'Av.- ,.-.a from simDeoa Ave- nue to Arone, Avenue, execDt where good . and sut�cient al4�walka now_— ezist,.under Prod• _ " girder 85646 approved J-11 - A.Dubllc I., under Preliminary Order ----------6 ------------------ ---- ---Zia-ne--- 14-1_--1'939 ------------------ ------- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_____C471fl1_uDt__3__sj x__f9.4t__ l i}evualk _ on both ____ side of Nebraska Avenue from Simpson_Avenue-_to--Arona Avenue, --__ except where good and_sufficient-sidewalks__now and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. CM Adopted by the Council -------- ,U-�._____2_-R1------------------, 192 - - - - -- ----------------------- ---------------- City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------- ---' 192------ - ---------- -- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson %-a - 1 Councilman McDonald Q YU13L1SIT D Councilman McGlogan Councilman Sudheimer Councilman V=XAx Mayor B Xg9= Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT r' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l (D)'�t. In the matter of constructin a six foot sidewalk on both sides of Nebraska Av. from Simpson Ave. to Arona Ave. under Preliminary Order approved June 10, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am1t%t cf the assessment for the above improvement is $J –0 J fi-Le— e�foot for the above improvement is $ 1 20 1=0 The estimated cost p P The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 3 Hoytls Re—ar. of Hoytls 225 Como Out Lots 16 3 do 225 1 7 do 375 4700 30 7 do 375 3400 1200 8100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to'd matter by the Commissioner of Public W s. 7 19 , � /yl e b c -cam Q Dated llJ Commissioner of Finance. -C.O. 'R.a. NA St. Paul, Minn. ------- l9ae- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ivy ----------- ----- -------- ----- --- --- - ---------- ---------- Ok� ------- ------------- St. Ave. -------- ---- --- ------ --- -- --- -- from------ ---------------------------- St. Ave. to --------- 4 St. Ave. Ur F1.;"�:�1 Office of the Commissioner of Public NNor`ks Z Report to Commissioner of Finance I1$.:._1930__.._.....192........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 8June..10j-_1930_-_192___. relative to Council, known as Council File No.. ---- 5646 .......approved __ .. _ . ka oot sidewalk on both sides of eras constructing a six f Ave. from Simpson Ave. to Arona ve• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ..necessary and (or) desirable. _ 1. Said improvement is._..-. - Pl 20 per front foot Monolithic walk ti _.. and the total cost thereof is .... - - 2. The estimated cost thereof �s --'1.05 per front foot Tile walk and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:,. 3. A plat, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _._ :'_ .---- _....... .... --- ------------- 4. -- - 5. Said improvement is ... .... - - -------- asked for upon petition of three or more;ownieof property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . Commissioner of Public or _ i -b V COUNCIL FILE NO._---- _- .--_ -- ByBy--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----- ----- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__changing_t]]�__IrT.ode--- 0f __V_aridaUi}--- St_TA_'tTQ[Ll__Te_r COTZal t a.ri_-in_a --- to --- cnnfnrm- o------ the red line on the profile hereto -attached--and-_ma_de- apart hereof, — C, V. No. 86181— the grade In the Matter of c,a. Oag'the tonal — ----- t Vandana street from Road to a point too conform to� the T"Territorial Road -,roftle It" on theJ '..:,art hereof, thy.;;---------------" tacked aad r :!7i; ..,•>r�85332 May 20, 1930 peaent a .e .rfi�rmminary Orders - - -approved - PreN. ., ' q&$ ediary Order ---— ------- --------- - ------ — - - --------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council Thaving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ----- Q-han&e __tx10--- za de __D f__ Ils3nd2_l13__$_tT_ee f QIIi_ _T_flzritozial__Rnafi t� � c ol�iiQr�_�sl_�h-�r�line__�n_the.nrnfiln_he rain -tet t. a rh e.r3._a.nd_ma.de_a�nart_ hQ�p,Of. th P_nraaant_.CStahlichad_ g-rpfle_hEing_shnr�hy a hl ue line th ATeOII, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. F(BI�iTTi'SIX@FISR:I�8jC�7il{fC�X(Shcil(t�i$�i �e3F)6IX'iG$1�i3CXP7oiFIi:�CEfd:ii>�ilE;X6'elEbfiy}�?it3EiidE3fdC3GYdi dii��e&X967�#'XIYa7f'�7�Z�1��3' tQitt(d8�f61CAAitL'�i;(Xt18l�b"fd�8i@)I�}iI�{��Il3�C iFdE�YB;7�liIEC�7(li6YiXsili3�(7td�K}E$8C14�y�X�iK�C�X��'X�ii4ldlffi�14Xd4i�E�flXE�67CI�'�- dle�id}[�PiIl3CI�eXd6i�� 76%7§67fd5�bif�3[tC i�dC��i'd��7�14&6�iE�StII. Adopted by the Council .___JIT -1_P_ W-- Approved- F_2-_7 ------------, 192 ----- Councilman 40NOW Conroy Councilman 11111M McDonald CouncilmanMay n Councilman Pearce � , Rosen Councilman Councilman X AWW Mayor X&W4WnXHUd11e Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FMNC jlllREPORT OF COMMISS16NER2 t r INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (p) In the matter of changing the grade of Vandalia. Street from Territorial Road to a point 640 ft. north o Territorial Road to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present est,blished grade being shownby a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order approved May 20, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ No 1'xnense The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ Incurred The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 3 Minnesota Transfer Add. 6 3 St.Paul,Minn. 3205 7 3 do 3500 8 3 do 37000 2500 g 3 do 3700 !0 3 do 3700 11 3 do 3700 1000 12 3 do 3700 13 3 do 3700 14 3 do 3700 15 3 do 3700 4250 16 3 do 3825 17 3 do 3925 18 3 do 3900 6 1 Robbins & Others Re—ar 13275 N 3 of Territorial Rd. 11725 1000 vac. & adj and 7 8 1 1 do do 6500 42500 do 115675 51250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Tks. e ACL \J 1 Dated 193 Commissioner of Finance Form B. S. A. 8.5 D THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 26, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Vandalia Street from Territorial Road to a point 640 feet north of Territorial Road , under Preliminary Order C. F. 85332, approved May 20, 1930. This change of grade was agreed upon at the hearings on the grading of the street, and since the street will be graded in accordance with the new grade, there will be no expense incurred by the change. Yours truly, JkOC'hief Engineer. Approved for transmission to mmissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public W ks. 'i wt�DmYtissiDnerf R-.oport to Commissioner -of Finance May 47, 1930 192 To the -Commissioner of TSnsncr of the Ctity of'`t. Panl: The Commissioner of Public Work-, lhsvinF had tundrr ronsiarr:Ition the of the Council. lrnown as Crnmcil Filc?Va S5582 npprorrd May 20 1 1930 102 re%tve to changing the grade of V:and�.l.ia Street from Territorinl Road to a point 64O feet north of Territorial Road. and ha.VinF inv(StiFetrd the mnttrrs .911(1 things roforred to thorein, herrh� rrhm is: i. -,.id improvement is�,id..el..p-�t'''�'���t,d��j�;� do�irahle. 2. The rStiimntrtl coat thereof is :S sod the total cost thereof is :and the nnta,rr and m--trn9 of slid improWtoent is As Wws: - - 3 A JAWI, Profilr ar sketelt of ssid imptrnriav:ht is Arte'to nt'tnriltri nm� titsde s yt:1iV lteta•df. 5. Said imprcm'meat is tskrri for Uyton ymtftSrtit rif tit1���r ttF 111H16 �l\dlhl `nf yi'r'd�idk1, subject to :usessmr•nt for slid BnpruaentrrNt. -el, _.. tihntl �Itfhni .ii 1 u611> ti�oil«. J COUNCIL FILE NO.___--- .-- -- By--------------------------- - ------------------ FINAL -By----------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_____G_hanging-the--gr-aS�c-_4_f_---he--30_ft.-_-alley-_extending_east and west in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and Summit Avenue Terrace -i —A. n nar' esent established grade being snown oy a olue 11110 u" ,. -4-a 1,1 a 1,--v frnm Dale St. to Oakland Ave In the changing the grade Matter C. F. No. SB18E— of 'r} of the '30'I ft. alley . Te east and we't.— Block 4. Terrace Psp'�:--_— Addltio�::�'Avnr7 t4 under Preliminary Order------------85157---------------approved ............. ___Y_'_aY_-6,--1530-------_----_- Intermediary Order ------ - - —--aPProved----------------------- - - - -- - - - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___ Change __ti'1e--izade__Qf--- =a_-�0_- ft. ___allg�extend- ing east and west in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and Summit Ave_nue Serra,3e,--to_conf_orm to-dna-sed_line_on_the__nr�fi le-lier_e_tn ai aQ11e 3._hud made a part hereof, the present,.,,established grade bein , shown by a blue 1i.n�-thesPn�--n--3ls�grading--anrl ___rn>T_c�_i;; a4�e�Li�om.le-5t. t2_� Oakland Ave., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- ��-`-ii--------------- 19 ------------- ------ -- - -------- ------- City Clerk. i , GJ Fl Sf �?l8 Approved---------------- _- -------- ---------- 192 - ------- ----------------------•---- - ---- - -- Mayor. Councilman 41HEPM Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Pearce i 1" Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman XATAM Mayor iToJ Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 S CITY OF ST. PAUL . _ DEPARTMENT OF FINA4#1 REPORT OF COMMISSI©NEW OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of changing the grade of the 30 ft. alley extending east and west ; to Blk 4, Terrace park Addition and Summit Ave. Terrace, to conform �.b to the red line on profile hereto attached and made a nart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon,also grading and paving said alley from rale St. to Oakland Ave. under Preliminary Order approved May 6, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amopnt of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 347R- 02. Tt The estimated cost per toot for the above improvement is $ 2.63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION S. 35 ft of lots 1 and 2 4 Terrace Park Add.to the City of St.paul, 3 4 Ramsey Co., State of Minnesota 4 4 do 5 4 do S0.56 ft of lots 8,9 & 10 4 do Lots 11 and 12 4 do 13 4 do 14 4 do 15 4 do TOTAL. I- B. B. 18 ASSESSED VALUATION 1200 2600 3500 3000 3000 11350 3000 40000 7250 36500 2000 3400 2000 3500 2000 6050 ty CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANyy REPORT OF COMMISS'10j4ER,DFJFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION - - 16 4 Terrace Park Add. to the 2000 9000 City of St.Paul, 17 4 Ramsey Co.,Minn. 2000 37400 18 4 do 2000 4900 19 4 do 2000 16900 M. 50 ft of lots 20 and 21 4 do 1200 5750 measured on the west line of lot 21 6 Summit Ave. Terrace St.Pa&o 3000 Ramsey 00—Minn.]u Alley do yo Valuation 37150 180350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated 19 Commissioner of inF ance. Form B. B. 12 �' _ R.O' R.O. /4•Cej• 0 %VR,0. J•G • e NR To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.-- C 0 . 4 -192f- Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ---------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Ave. from-----v ------------------------------------------------- -St. Ave. to. ... --�-- ------------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------St. A -i -k-. FA �s n � i AVE= . (5'2Aivo o m - i OAS/ W -,1 I S P� q � pp Ll 4A . THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 28, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of the 30 ft. Alley extending East and West in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and Summit Avenue Terrace, also grading and paving said Alley from Dale Street to Oakland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85157, approved May 61 1930: Length 535 ft. Width of Roadway 30 ft. Frontage 994 ft. n Street 30 ft. PAVING 6" CONCRETE Total Sq. Yd. 1.97 Intersections & Wheelage 865.80 Property Share 2,612.22 T o t a l 3,478.02 (b) Front ft. 2.63 Yours truly, �E-gi-eer. Appred for tansmission to to-) e C issioner of Finance ommissioner of Public Works .i: Office of the Commissioner of Public )Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance a, 94Y 2P,-- 1930._ .-._.. - 192... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Nob5157-_--_ ---- approved. -_. May. ..6-,1930_---._-_ -------- 192....._., relative to' changing the -- grade of the 30 ft. Alley extending East and West ............................ ....-_ .....-......- ----------------- ._----------- ------ -- --- ---------------- ---- in Block 4� Terrace Park Addition and Summit Avenue Terraces .......... ---- - - -- - .....- ----- -- - ...... also grading and paving said Alley from Dale street to .. - Oakland .......- _._- - - Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: d. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. S ee estimate attached 2. The estimated cost thereof is S .............. ............ ...., and the total cost thereof is 5 -------------- ...... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.-..___ _____.__..............___ ------------- -------------- -- - -- -._.---..__..._...._.- ..- - ........... _... - - . -- .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --------------------------- -- ---- ----- ............---- ----- --......_.........-------- - ......_._...---- .---------------- - ----- -------- 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - - - -------- --- --- -------...- - ---- -- ........ Commissioner of Public orks. \ ���C7e9 COUN FI 0. BYi- ---------- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of ----- condemning and_taking_an_easement _in_the_land-______-___- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of 30 ft. alley extending east and west in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and Summit Avenue Terrace from Dale St. to Oakland Ave. c F. xe. eataa— 185158 May 6, 1930 IIIrI%na anneasement In thea necne- j' Iq�y elonee, cute.ana fills. 1n the: --------------_____y approved ------------------------------------- for I na+ng nna nnbns gt m A,e.85952 July 2, 1930 wine ieUrniedutry 0� _-s------------------------ approved ------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due ; `nd the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, an ving fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of 30 ft. alley extending east and west in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and Summit Avenue Terrace from Dale St. to Oakland Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of 30 ft. alley extending east and west in Block 4, Terrace Park Addition and Summit Avenue Terrace from Dale St. to Oakland Av-3.1 to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council-__- JUL_29t93o--------4"9 -_ ------- -------------------------- City Clerk. Approved------- Jtl --- 19---- -- - --------------------------------------- Mayor. /i Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson pU$ Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Mayor CITY Ors DEPARTMEN .ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary 7, for slopes, cuts and fills, inthe grading and paving of 30 ft. alley extending east and west in Blk 4, Terrace Park Add. & Summit Ave. Terrace from Dale St. to Oakland Ave. under Preliminary Order approved May 6, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION S. 35 ft of lots 1 and 2 4 Terrace Park Add.to the 1200 2600 City of St Paul, 3 4 ramsey Co., State of 3500 ?dinnesota 4 4 do 3000 5 4 do 3000 11350 So.56 ft of lots 8,9 & 10 4 do 3000 40000 Lots 11 and 12. 4 do 7250 36500 13 4 do 2000 3400 14 4 do 2000 3500 15 4 do -000 6050 TOTAL, ir�rm n. B. 10 ... CITY OP .... DEPARTMENT AIN WOER"OF REPORT OF COMMIS' FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 . 4 .Terrace Park Add. to the 2000 9000 City of St.Pa.ul, 17 4 Ramaey Co.,Minn. 2000 37400 18 do 2000 4900 19 4 do 2000 16900 M. 50 ft of lots 30 and 21 .4 do 1200 5750 measured on the crest line of lot 21 6 Summit Ave. Terrace St.PaY66, Ramsey Co.,Minn. 3000 Alley do 36 Valuation 37150 180350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated 19 3 0 0 Porm B. 8.12 Commissioner of Finance. Indicates cut T,,,cc f'ark Add a 5ummitArr. Trrace / Typical Nolaiiorn 4j!5 ) Oak/a170' Ave. Dak .Sf Fiyurrs abo✓e line s/ior✓ Cuf or f /Iaf f3 operfy Line. — N /ryu.-es fx/ow /.ne s/'ow - Distance fo which s/open - Exfend heyo,pd Prooe,-IyZine. - X 5ec. and /ocafions Book ?027 h/ E 5MM/T 1911E TERRAC� PAR ADD. TER R 4 C E A PK h /O ar Garagc iri Mase n/ i 5UMM/T Ayr. TER Sly. Bnc E G r 2 Sl a - 3 � Gsn e o, F bac n c v - N 2 .S�y, F Hovse P \ ,,N -- co a{o 1^I a do _. - _ Nry co•- Mc NM o .. ��. /51q. Br.� E m Fr. G> a 6 rage Conc. `oP Stu. 6 r. Br ck 6 age , 2 Styf se _ 3 v_ 3 c W 11 ; 2 /3 /4 /5 /6 3 Sf Qock i l8 /9 s 20., 2/ � T E R fI C E 1� /( D 1/ley- Elk .4Ter1-ace 6RA/YD fivE. p�.Add & 5u n.nit Ave 7eriece -. _. - .5/0. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May . 29' 1930 _..... - - - ..192. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, ha%:,o h -,d under consideration the preliminary order of the o85158.__.___approved..._. _May.. 6.,_-1930 . __ ------ ----- relative to Council, known as Council File N condemning--:and_ taking easement_ in_ the..land--neces.sary_fof--_-. - -------------- - slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of 30 ft. k Alley extending East and West in Block a, Terrace 'ark Addition an S -- �ummit Av:. Terrace from Dale St. to Oaklanv='• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --- __..._....... -..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...lixxxx.._....-.-- -, and the total cost thereof is, ._____..-- --------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---- -------- ------------- 5. Said improvement is.._...__ --_._..-....--._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - _- Commissioner of Public o COUNCIL FILE N0 ------------------------- By------------------------------------------------------ FINAL ______-___________By--------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER 86184 In the.Matter of__gra(+?rg--dna-re"�tL"-I.•--- j7Sc_V_f,LkVAI--- +LYJ--- --- s.. -------- —------ — 9t. as widened runder t-jCnns_-f8284�reetrmainsAoproperty30inestcosewer, veatar_�nd gaa_- where not already made including the necessary changes in vaster mains aid anourtenances, cur�,.a and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, constructing concrete sidewalks and orname nTaZ-a1 on both giAsa of F_ ' ren b St C.F- No 8618!_ In th0Matter gradingandpe,-7-- ------ E. save th 81ble9 A Yifi --Caned B10.d- 84884, ' aewer..hnlln€=:, %'.z.cle = - $241-----------pproved -- May -13' 1930 ---------- :'d Intermediary Order ____—_--------- -approved --------------------------- — - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—_ggade__and__p_ave E.__Seventh St. from Broad- way to Sibley St. as widened under C. F. 84884, approvediI q yyth �Pwar; water and �A., Conn .0 i Ona _,�Q3i reet mains to property lines complete where not already made including the necessary changes yn wat`Pr mains and appurtanances, aua andla�alley end drive- wav approaches, where necessary coonstructQcdncrrewee siAAn dewallimitd,orna— Material sh lie Lin. te base wit)Z,j--lri.__aaghalY_ � and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . L2900 Adopted by the Council______ Approved--------- --- WL:. S ----- ., 192 ------ City Clerk. PUBLISHED -j9 _fin Mayor. Councilman Councilman ncilman Councilman CouVZO Conroy McDonald n r4 PearceRosenCouncilman5udtteitner Councilman Mayor khtftaxx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. PUBLISHED -j9 _fin Mayor. crrr OP sr. �stu' F DEPARTMENT OF REPORT OF COMMISsibNi tR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the niatterof grading and paving E. Seventh St. from Broadway to Sibley --_ St.as widened under 0. F. 84884, approved April 22, 1930, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, including the necessary changes - in water mains and appurtenances, curb and pave alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, construct concrete sidewalks and, ornamental lights on both sides of Seventh St. between said limits,( ` r� under Preliminary Order approved May 13, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The es Estimate of cost The loi rading and removing paving 92, 924.00 t n of each lot or parcel as last Curbing 1, 103.00 Sidewalks 3, 670.00 Drainage 542.00 Paving (311 brick on 71f base) 24, 417..00 SSED Ornamental lights 7, 700.00 pTION Plater mains changes, etc. 1, 000.00 Inspection 2% 827.00 West q Total cost 42, 183.00 LIP, 750 Cost per front foot; 311 brick on 711 base -- 6.60 curb extra - 3111 asphalt on 711 base - 5.44 curb extra X3500 711 reinforced concrete - 3.80 curb extra_ lot 10 reset granite curb - .40 West I New concrete curb - .60 Ornamental lights - 5.00 '0,000 (Excel 511 cement sidewalk - .18 per sq. ft. Cement tile sidewalk - .15 per sq. ft. East water connections -54.00 each (Excel sewer connections -45.00 each Easte; 6,000 of 101 W?s�} S 8,500 CITY OF ST. F. ku low DEPARTMENT OF F REPORT OF COMMISSibN9:R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (0) In the rgatterof grading and paving E. Seventh St. from Broadway to Sibley St.as widened under C. F. 64884, approved April 22, 1930, with �J sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, including the necessary changes 1 in water mains and appurtenances, curb and pave alley end driveway approaches, where necessary, construct concrete sidewalks and ornamental lights on both sides of Seventh St. between said limits,f, under Prel To the Cos The c�y3Thea �' Yr a of eacw4a - r'ihe 1 � r A lON I West 50 ft of 6 and 7 2 Whitney and Smith's 40250 12750 (Except Seventh St. Addition to St. Paul west 50 ft of 8 2 ) do 50000 73500 9 2 ) do inc. lot 10 West 50 ft of E. 100 ft of lots 6-7 and 8 2 ) do 31500 10,000 (Except Seventh St.) ) East 50 ft of lots 6-7 and 8 2 j) do (Except Seventh St.) ) Easterly 4 of Westerly 1/3 do 13250 6,000 of lots 3, 4 and 5 2 W st 1/6 of 3-4- and 5 2 do 13250 8,500 (E xc. Seventh St.) -CITY OF ST.PAUL - DEPAITTMENT OP FIN ' REPORT OF COMMISS1610 N, R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - -- DESCRIPTION ` LOT el.ocK' ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION . Westerly of Easterly 100 Whitney & Smith's Addition 27500 8150 ft of lots 3-4 and 5 2 to St. Paul East 50.37 ft of 3-4 and 5 2 34000'25,500 - (Except Seventh St.) (Except north B ft for alleys 7 3 do 13975 4,100 those parts of 6 and lying westerly of the following described line: commencing on the original northerly line of E. Seventh St. 24.42 ft easterly.from SWly corner Of said lot 6, th. Nly to a pt, on the Nly line of said lot 7 distant 23.85 .ft easterly from the northwesterly corner thereof (Except Seventh St.) Those parts of 6 and 7 3 Whitney & Smith's Addition 12450 3,400 commencing on the original . to St. Paul northerly line of East Seventh St. 24.42 ft Ely fro.L the-SWly corner of said lot 6, thence Nly to a pt. on the Nly line of saidl.ot 7, 23.85;ft. Ely from the If9ly corner thereof; th. Ely along said Nly line 25.74 ft; th. Sly to a pt. on the original northerly line of said Street 50.09 ft .Ely:from the Sally corner of said lot 6, th,. Wly 25.66 ft to beginning. (Except :alley and except Seventh St.) 10825' 3,000 g 3 .Whitney & Smith' Addition PartsofL on thand ina17 commencing g to St. Paul Nly line of E. Seventh St. 50.08, ft Ely from the southwesterly corner of said lot 6; thence northerly to a point on the northerly line of said lot 7, 49.59 ft easterly from the NW1y corner thereof, -- thence easterly along said Nly line 25.02 ft th. Sly to a pt. on the original yly line of - . - m place of beginning; �Ely th.JeWly tobeginning alley and seventh St.) --- That part of Westerly 100;_ft:• of 6 and 7 3 Whitney & Smith's Addition: 10300 5,000 lying Easterly of a line from a to St. Paul - voint on the original Nly,line of e.7th St. distant 75.08 ft from the Swly corner of ? - - northerly line of said d7ldistant efrom lot 74�.S1nft�nEly 'the NW1y_corner of - said lot 7, the Ely line of said property being the Ely line of the brick wall of the bldg. situated on said premises and same produced Northerly and southerly ( Except alley and Seventh St.)_- - -- - L AL TOT i -x —_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIN r REPORT OF COMMISSIGONE OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "�B�'• .. - ASSESSED I LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Parts of Lots 6 and 7 .3 Whitney & Smiths Addition 10,000. 3300. commencing on the original to St. Paul northerly line of East Seventh St. 100.43 feet easterly from the easterly line of Wacouta Street, said point being the intersection of the easterly line of a brick gall produced. southerly with the northerly line of East Seventh St.; thence qq line of said wall and the production northerly along, the easterl of same, a distance of 93.36 feet to the southerly line of the alley opened easterly and westerly through said block, at a point on the southerly line of said alley 101.34 feet east from the line of Wacouta_ Street', g thence easterlyy alonsoutherly easterly . feet;hence in a southerly direction to a line of said alley 23.66 northerly,line of E. Seventh St. 125: ft. point on the original thence westerly along the northerly easterly from Wacouta St.; ft .to beginning (Except Seventh St.). line of E. Seventh St. 24.57; . Westerly � of lots 4 & 5 . 3 ;Whitney & Smith's Addition. 40,200 15,00.0 and easterly 25 ft of 6 & 7 to St. Paul (Except alley and Seventh St..) West 25 ft of E z of 4 & 5 . 3. do 10;550 4;000 (Except alley and Seventh St.) East 1/3 of lots 4 and 5 3 do 24,250 15,750 (Except alley and Seventh St'.) do 14,250 15,000 (Except alley) W 2/3 of 8 3 and south 43 ft of west 9 3 2/3 of (Except alley) W. 37.50 ft ; do 6,,625, .4,50.0 of East 50 ft of 8-9- 10 3 Westerly 50 ft of 1 & 2 3 do 9,375 and (Except alley) E. 12.50 ft of S-9 and 10, 3 : 3 do 5,875. :7,00,0._ (Except alley) 3 4 do 60,000 24,000 Except E. 22 ft do 4 ..4 Except 7th St. and 5 E. 22 ft ) (Except 7th St.) E. 22 5 4 do 12,000 1,5C0 (ft of 3-4 and (Except 7th St.) that pp I $ittson's-Addition 14,000 5,000 wlk4f Broadway&and i�eteeen the Nly line of Lot 3 art of g Wl it h Add.! &._the_ Sly line _of-..Lot_5- -----_ -- .__ }-n said Talk 2yxt2nced to BroaHwaY• TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F1N!MtfjF REPORT OF ComMISSIgt4EMCW FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) r LOT BLOCK - ASSESSED .DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION (Except W. 96.50 ft) Whitney & Smith's Add. 38,000 20,000 lots 1 and 2 5 to St. Paul also that part of Kittsons Addition between the northerly (line of said lot 1 and the (southerly line of said lot 2 (extended to Broadway Rasterly 25 ft of westerly 2 5 do 11,000 6,300 6.5 ft of 1 and W. 71.50 ft of 1 and 2 5 do 40,500 23,000 Lot 3 5 do 22,500 46,000 and that part of Kittsonls Addition lying between the Nly and Sly lines of said lot extended to Broadway (Except alley) E. 50 ft of 1-2 6 do 30,625 73250 (Except alley) 'il, c0 ft Of do 21,875 15,750 E. 100 ft of lots 1 and 2 6 (Except alley) ':.50 ft of do 20,000 18,000 Lots 1 and 2 6 3 6 do 15,750 200 (Exc. Alley) E. 25 ft of ll& 12 6 do 103000 5,500 (Except alley) Priest 50 £t Of do 20,500 13,250 East 75 ft of 11 and 12 6 (Except alley) E. 25 ft of do 11,650 5,000 West 75 ft of 11 and 12 6 (Except alley) E. 25 ft of 14 200 5,000 West 50 ft of lots 11 and 12 6 do oo 18,500 3,000 (Except alley) W. 25 ft of 12 6 lots 11 and 10 6 do 18,750 33,750 Lot 1 and (Exc. S.10 ft-) 2 7 do 823500 65,500 3 7 do 19,000 40,500 (Exc. Alley) E.1/3 of 11 & 12 7 do 23,750 9,000 (Exo.alley) 11 1/2 of E 2/3 do 273500 12,850 of lots 11 and 12 7 42 375 S'506 (Exc. alley) W. 1/3 of 11 & 12 7 do 10 7 do , 11 600 117,200 965000 708500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tpid tterby the Commissioner of PubVorks.Dated 193 O Commissioner of Finance-_ F.- B. B. 12 Zile. -51. Sf. % Sf c. 3/. -7-29 -/P. ,e Z. I 6� f i i _Ar THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 19, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and paving E.Seventh St. from Broadway to Sibley St.as widened under C. F. 84884, approved April 22, 1930, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, including the necessary changes in water mains and appurtenances, curb and pave alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, construct concrete sidewalks and ornamental lights on both sides of Seventh St.between said limits, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85241, approved May 13, 1930: Length 947 ft. Width 60 ft. Frontage 1,536 ft. No grades over 2, Estimate of Cost Grading and removing paving Curbing Sidewalks Drainage Paving (3" brick on 7a base) Ornamental lights Water main changes, etc. Inspection 2% Total Cost Cost per front foot: 3a Brick on 7" base 32" Asphalt on 7a base 7" Reinforced concrete Reset granite curb New concrete curb Ornamental lights 5a Cement sidewalk Cement tile sidewalk Water connections Sewer It Approved for transmission to Xi.Coissioner of Finance. er of ionPublicWorks. 2,924.00 1,103.00 3,670.00 542.00 24,417.00 7,700.00 1000.00 41,356.00 827.00 $ 42,183.00 -- $ 6.60 Curb extra -- 5.44 ++ ++ -- 3.80 " a -- .40 -- .60 -- 5.00 -- .18 per sq. ft. -- .15 It if -- 54.00 each -- 45.00 " Yours truly, e-4'&efEngineer. $'ice of the Commissioner of Public IM8IgSI-MNGE 1. =: 3 9; Report to Commissioner of Finance �'�.� " MAY 21 1930 _..May --.21r---193(------- -----------192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No,."._a5241.."..approved ---------- May _.13t-.1930 ------------ 192"._._-, relative to grading and paving E. Seventh St. from Broadway to Sibley St. as--widened---und-er----C,"..F'....-g4gg -y approved ---Apri-1...22,---193o,--- With ---sewer-, water and gas.connections.from street mains to property lines ------------ not --already_ made-,.-.including-,,the--necessary."_changes_ I in water mains and appurtenances, curb and pave alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, construct concrete sidewalks and ------------ornament-a1"""TigITta "-ori""both --- side""s-"""of'"Seventhi St """between- said "liiiii"£s. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__..-..--- _.-.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coAggeo?gst�mate attached the total cost thereof is $------------------------ ......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _...._-------------- ----------- _..__---------------------- 3. A -plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached -and made a part hereof. 4 —------------------ ------. .- --------- , . _..... ... ..... ------------- 5. Said improvement is .... .:......... ......... ._.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, c; subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wo s. 4cb v --- — - --------- -- COUNCIL FILE NO - --- ----------------- By-------------------------------------------- In the Matter of----gr,%diJaP--alleY—in-JUQDk --- 1, --- B_e_K_P%a)!'_9--- _I!aTenqe Street to Johnson under - Preliminary Order-------------------$53-7.8--------approved-----------------;44Y 22.....1Pq--------------- Intermediary Order --------- -----------approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fIlly considered the same; therefore, be it .RESOLVED Paul that;AL04.�.t , By the Council of the City of St. Pa ___ur_@,_eNtent-aad-ldnd-of im- provet to be made by t%sai.'t.d City r glarLi q___ rp.p�t to J ull __r h bi im the =me am 8warovp pnddert a. b hereby improvement to d e. LVED FURTHER, tCon_..oner 0P lie e Works eand is hereby i nstruc �..a nd directed prepare plans dspecifics -p-1 1-nsfor said improve t' and submit same to the 0une or appovatupon said approval, the pro rcitydfi.i.l.-re ebyatho.ized and directed'top - Geed with th making of accordance 'ord n e therewi Adopted by the Council___A!LZ__03V — — ----------- 192_______. Approved------- - Mill 192 ------ Councilman Con Councilman WIMald M Councilman ay Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudheitner Councilman Wmxmkx Mayor Nadpm Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 --- — ----------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----- - -------- a. ----- - ---- - - Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL 4W r�DEPARTMENT QF F%ANCF.d; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON -PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading alley in Block 1, Bergman's Division, from Clarence 9t. to Johnson Psrkway, r under Preliminary Order approved May 22, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 445.74 // The estimated cost pe4f oifor the above improvement is - - - $ 0.48 - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Bergman's Division 275 2 1 do 250 3 1 do 250 1000 4 1 do 250 750 5 1 do 250 1350 6 1 do 250 7 1 do 250 2700 8 1 do 250 3000 9 1 do 250 10 1 do TOTAL. 200 Fxm B. B. 30 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISs 6NeR O�- FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK I ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 1 Bergmants Division $00 .12 1 do 225 3600 13 1 do 325 2500 14 1 do 300 15 ,1 do 300 2400 16 1 do 300 17 do 300 2400 ,1 18 1 do 300 1300 19 1 do 300 2700 20 1 do 300 1200 21 1 do 300 2200 22 1 do 300 2400 23 1 do 300 1650 24 1 do 325 3100 6550 34250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated 13a Commissioner of Finance. Poem B. B. 11 St. Paul, Minn ---- Marnh-:22---------- 193-34 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------------------ GraAe--alley--between---- 1da ar�4 Street - andE&at Sixth------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -St. Ave. from ------ d-ohnaan--Parkmay--------------------St. Ave. to. ----- Clareno-a---- Street ------------------ ------ St. Ave. ---------------------- NAME • • •• N %z NWA SEC.. 34 T.29 P-22 I' MINN EHAHP _ _ _ _ _—.—. ST._ CID Lf) gEecH - ST M42GAZEr ST' J E. 51XTH W Q ST. - o W d Q 3 Z Z u w Q E FIFTH m Y�- S T. , THE DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 28, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. "ear Sir: a1 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alley in Block 1, Bergman's Division from Clarence Street to Johnson Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85378, approved May 22, 1930: Estimated Cost $p 445.74 Cost per front 1bot 0.48 Inspection 8.74 Frontage 936.88 ft, Yours truly, CChief Engin er. Approved for transmission toe Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of Public Works, "i31Y1 U r t ti ,{l��sE Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor 2 , Report to Commissioner of Finance WAY 29 �93P -May_ 29:- 1930_ - --- ----- - ---192.. .. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 85378, .._ May. 22,1--.1930 192..._.-., relative to -approved_.... the grading._.of_All ey_.in_block_1,--.Bergman' s_,Dlvi s ion_ from_Clarence.. _... Street to Johnson Parkway. _...--- _.... -.--.... - _..-........... ... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . _...necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.48 445.74 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ _._.-_... .... _-_..., and the total cost thereof is.____._ ...... ..._....._, Inspection $8.74 Frontage 936.88 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_. . .__ _....__ .._ _ ..._ _ .... __....___.._._..___. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _. _... -- 5. Said improvement is. .... _ _._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public W rks. v� C0UNC E --- 1 _- BY -1_---- ... In the matter of___C9ridQZ»111fg_aIld_ taking an__easement_ in_ the_ land_neces- for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Bergman's Division from Clarence Street to Johnson Parkway. 85379 May 22,- 1930 under Preliminary Order---------------------- approved-----------------------------------> 85939 --------------- approved ---- July -RI -1930 ------ _________--_ Intermediary Order ______________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it / ��;yW,�Fifi RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thzt } + + 4 "^ ,._ be led the same arts liereby canc-TU <d, ann�Ilod, and rescinded vA JJ Prtceedtnwin staid matter be d -con mued. mater o Its;;he off condemning and cee tng tak- an ement in the land necea- eary for lopes; enln' andBloc ane. 1n �� g{ading _. a in Block- 3. - .. :man's rtnrena" to J: , L1 V 1J__. V11 11 ViLL>_V.LlSL--D11V \✓41 -.GG Y Yv - u Vau1\ita u.v�n �.DC1�ILL71L1 a Park�ray,t the extent shown upon e plan of the ommissioner of Public Works attached hereto which p an is hereby r erred to and madE�#b h sof.F THER, That the Cimmissioner f Public Works be d is hereby insand directed to prep a plans and specifications for sai improvement,and th proper city offichereby authorized and ' ected to proceed with the maki of said improveme t in accordancewith. Adopted by the Council_ -------------------, 19____ ' ------ - -- --- ---------------------- City Clerk. SCJ" Approved------ __-----> 19---- t' ------------------------------- - - Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson x Councilman McDonald \ pdJj3llSiic U. -o Councilman Pearce U f Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Mayor �1 CITY OF ST. PAUL { DEPARTMENT gF/FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Blk 1, Bergman's Division, from Clarence St. to Johnson Parkway, under Preliminary Order approved may 23, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 50.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Bergman'a Division 275 1 do 250 3 1 do 250 1000 4 1 do 250 750 5 1 do 250 1350 6 1 do 250 7 1 do 250 2700 8 1 do 250 3000 9 1 d0 250 10 1 do TOTAL, 200 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.bF FINANCE , REPORT OF.COMMI sIn'MER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 1 Bergman'a Division 200 12 1 do 225 3600 13 1 do 325 2500 14 1 do 300 15 1 C30 300 2400 16 1 do 300 1 do 300 2400 .17 18 1 do 300 1300 19 1 do 300 2700 20 1 do 300 1200 21 1 do 300 2200 (10 1100 ?400 23 1 do 300 1650 24 1 to 325 3100 6550 34250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to id matter by the Commissioner of Public W rk . d� c� 19 . Dated — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 is 3<Q�/E/�^�monsDiv, c� • ✓a/yi3an AL L EY-BLK./BERGiLIfI/YsO/V. CG ARE/YCE ST � .�O/i/YSON /�i9.PKN'AY z,325 7395 MARGARET ST i ' /2 ,39' // LO 9 8 7 6 5 !1 3 2 39• I / ! 31.44 zw Gcr. �- Q 39.44 V /3 /4 ✓5 /6 j /7 /B /9 20 2/ 22 23 4 - S/X TH 57— is 3<Q�/E/�^�monsDiv, c� • ✓a/yi3an qo DI( Office of the Commissioner of Public _ orkss Report to Commissioner of Finance May_29.n._1930. - 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....-_ 85379__approved.... May.--22� 1930 --- ----- --192-.._..-, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necess ary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Bergman'_s Division, from Clarence St. to Johnson ar and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. __ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.. ?CXXX ., and the total cost thereof is 5..._._ --..-..- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:- .. - ...- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _ ... _....... -- - _ .... 4. 5. Said improvement is_.____ - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. u� __.... Commissioner of Public Wor s. .........,,._.— ---------------- - i In the Matter of___._9,radin--- East --- Fifth Street_ from --- Gerarain Street to the west line of Barclay Street, _ _ ------- - 85266 --approved - May 15,_1930 under t , aamary Order— - " - Intermediary Order --- -- -- --- - aPProved - - --- - — — --------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 4,Lb RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , ov ent to be made the said City Il tree to the wes_ line of pgem&W is said matter be discontinued. - -- --- and be Council hereby or s said improvement to be m e. R OLVED FURTIiER, at the Commissioner of Pub 'c Works be and is hereby inst eted and directed o prepare plans and sp ' ications for said improvem t, and submit same to the Co 1 for approval; at upon said approval, th roper city officials are he by authorized and directed to o- ceed with th making of said iq}q}'oy.� accordance therewit Adopted by the Council __-J__U-L-__fd_"-_---_---_--- 192___—_. Approved------------- - —----------------> Councilman Conroy Councilman lid?' McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce / Councilman Rosen Sudheimerr Councilman Mayorx'4cWX3moxxBand11e Form B. S. A. 8-7 j �- D Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Q FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading fast Fifth Street from Germain Street to the west line of Barclay Street, under Preliminary Order approved May 15, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: g 5, 281.76 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ /frt. _ 2 48 The estimated cost peE foot for the above improvement is - %J $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED 7 2 Greve'E Subdivision B 50 8 2 do 50 9 2 do 50 10 2 do 50 50 11 2 .i0 50 12 2 do 500 7 2 Simpsonls Division 8 2 do 9 2 do 50 10 2 do 50 50 300 11 2 do 50 12 2 do 50 16 12 G. V. Baconls Add. 17 12 do 50 50 18 12 do 50 19 12 do 50 20 12 do 21 12 do 50 22 12 do TOTAL. 50 Form B. B. 10 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS a AR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 12 G. V. Bacon's Add. 50 24 12 do 50 25 12 do 50 26 12 do 50 27 12. do 50 28 12 do 50 29 12 do 50 30 12 do 50 1 13 do 50 2 13 do 50 3 13 do 50 4 13 do 50 5 13 do 50 6 13 do 50 7 13 do 50 B 13 do 50 1 1 Heinemann McConville & 50 2 1 StleTle's Subdiv. of Lots 50 3 1 2, 12, 13 of Lee's Sub. 25 4 1 Homes 25 5 1 do 50 6 1 do 50 7 1 do 50 1 1 Chas. A. B. Weida's Sub. 50 2 1 Yo. 1 Add. to St. Paul, 50 3 1 Ramsey Co. Minn. 50 4 1 do 50 5 1 do 50 6 1 do 50 7 1 do 50 8 1 do 50 9 1 do 50 10 1 do 50 11 1 do 50 12 1 do 50 2650. 300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s id matter by the Commissioner of Public Work . - Dated a 19 Commissioner of Finance. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. YI AI.RR.o. R.O. A.0. R.01 kms. St. Paul, Minn.1—t�_--e --- ,�'-,_ 192 _ -. Gentlemen - We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 57 St. AzrA._ from-. - ----------------------- St Amt. to. --------------------------------------------------------- StNjW_ I ADDITION /98 5. %a- .. aciaaaa e' To �^ - WI IF prj �a N �C Q E. Fou2T'Fl _ 51GEL ST. I— tal E. THIRD Z Q Q .5-r. w _ 3 aF7== uj ut Z c Y� ST Coto i THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 22, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public 'Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading East Fifth Street from Geranium Street to the West Line of Barclay Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85266, approved luay 15, 1930. Estimated Cost $ 5,281.76 Cost per front foot 2.48 Frontage 2,132.93 ft. Inspection 103.56 Yours truly, Chief Engineer- Approved ngineer. ApproveCommissioneriof1Finance ton h Commissioner of Public !"+ its. 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public W!46 = Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 85266 May , 192........, Council, known as Council File No. _...._ _approved.._ .G... 15 _ __.........__ .. 1930 ... relative to t7Pf%H!J/I! the grading of East Fifth Street from Gepaelum Street to the West Line of Barclay Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ .......... ._..... .necessary and (or) desirable. $2.48 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5 ... - ___ ....___- 5,281.76 and the total cost thereof is $_._ 81..__...., Frontage 2,132.93 ft. Inspection $103.56 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. _.. ......__ ._....__.__.._......--- _---- ._...- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----- _ -------- - .... __ ......._.... - _ _...._.. 5. Said improvement is...--__.. -------- _._ __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wo s. dN In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ------------------------- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of East Fifth St. from Germain St. to the west line of Barclay St., C.'F: No. 88188•✓ 3 necee- ntter-ot co `pemntng �,d ,tnx-. Int ge an onsement ty,eala is to tue enry torof F�.aet °yyi ^ n•, om (}et':. ' F 2b7 lay' 15, 1930 2=-a? uaaTr`:)�.t,•urder---------------------approved----------------------------------- "fl 85945July 2, 1930 Interffddiary Order --------------------------- approved------------------------------------- A publichearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be its RESOLVED, By the Council = AutAfit of the City of St. Paul th t SCP --- ... I,. 1,,. ., �t,o sea� and to ng an eas wentin th landnecessary for slop�ond<emmning and fills in a grading of E. Fi th St. £rom Germain St. twest line of Barc St. be ad the same am hereby eancelknd, . r.!led, and rescinded amq a Rmmftw in said matter be discontiruQ1, d the Council hereby orders 'd improvement to be m e. RESOLVED FURTHER, That he following land, Ian or easements therein be d the same are ereby ordered to be taken, ap priated and condemn for the purpose of m g the said imp ements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills i the grading of E. ifth St. from Germain t. to the west ine of Barclay St , to th"e extent shown upon Works attached hereto which part her%FRTHER, RESOLVED That the Cimmissio and directed to plans and specifications for hereby authorizedected to proceed with the with. jut, 2 q 1CM Adopted by the Council --------------------- Approved------------------------ 19 ---- of the Co ssioner of Publ c is hereby re erred to and made a r f Public Works be and is hereby instruct d li mprovement, and t proper city officials a skin of said improvem t in accordance ther --------------- 19---- Gity 01^546 --- 511`-`_-`_�/---------------- - ��/y`���-1� Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald PULLizii L3 1-1Sd Councilman Pearce Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer LJ Mayor CITY OF T PAUL „ . DEPARTME1 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts Germain Streetndtoftheswest linegofding of Ba.rrclayEFifth Street from Street under Preliminary Order approved May 15, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ _ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7 2 Grove's Subdivision B 50 8 2 do 50 9 2 do 50 10 2 do 50 11 2 10 50 50 12 2 do 50 7 2 Simpson's Division 8 2 do 50 50 9 2 do 50 10 2 do 50 300 11 2 do 50 12 2 do 50 16 12 G. V. Baoon's Add. 17 12 do 50 18 12 do 50 19 12 do 50 50 20 12 t10 50 31 12 do 50 22 12 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ?T. PAUL DEPARTMEN'q ftFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 12 0. V. Bnoon's Add. 50 24 12' do 50 25 12 do 26 12 do 50 27. 12 do 50 23 12 do 50 29 12 do 50 30 12 do 50 1 13 do 50 2 13 do 50 3 13 do 50 4 13 do 50 5 13 do 50 6 13 do 50 7 13 do 50 8 13 do 50 1 1 -Heinemann McConville & 50 2 1 9tierle's 9ubdiv. of Lots 50 3 1 2, 12, 13 of Leels Sub. 25 4 1 Homes 25 50 5 1 do 50 6 1 do 50 7 1 do 1 1 Chas A. B. ;deide's Sub. 50 2 1 No. i Add. to Qt. Paul, 50 50 3 1 Ramsey Co. Minn. 50 4 1 do 50 5 1 do 50 6 1 do 0 7 1 do 50 8 1 do 50 9 1 do 50 10 1 do 50 11 1 do =0 12 1 do 2650 300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public orks. Dated 19 30 — _(Z�c Commissioner of Fin nce, Form B. B. 12 DIV 12li Q I 7 I 8 • 9 /O 1 i/ /2 7 8 9 /O //. /2, /F /7 /8 /9 20 12/ 22 23 ?4 25 26 27 28 29 13� ti 0 60 _ TN 6 � m O - ._yIo Hd - o C� -- "' ° ��., • � ;�ti a °Jp�• .r a ., mri Hid cyo ,'d d.. �!1mMW 60 Q 7 6 I 5 3 I' azo I .17 a-' c �moii� to A7,c/qy 7j, - .. Office of the Commissioner of -Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance day_23., ..3193.0. .. -......192 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had tinder consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. _.85..2G.7. _.._.approved. _ May, 15.,_.193.0 .... __ ._ A92 ......... relative to condemning and taking aneasement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of East Fifth Street " from Germain Street to the West Line of Barclay Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ___-. .._..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost, thereof is 4_ X XX XXX and the total cost thereof is S_.._ _ _....___......_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .............__ __....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �`d Commissioner of Public Wor s. FF ZIO COUNCIL FILE AO l,., In the Matter of --- construotiAg__curbing_-on_both---- sides of_ Columbus __Avenue - x4s1L�S111essille A t 0_-BQmerlY—Avenue-�----- ---------- --- ----- — ----- -- tt C N conutructinB °�°Yerue d — -- -- — ---- —'— _— o: 86789 -- r Colum - e In h b Lop ida L�°t ..nue t° 8 ei Anril 82-19-30. under Prelin, ary Order------- ---------------- ------------PProved = IntermediaryOrder ------ -------------- ----------approvea ------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thatV40 tot 801—���"' `im be made by the sak} City be mid the same sae hereby cancelled, wui'ed, cud .escinded aW a.,1J an the Council hereby or era said improvement to be ma SOLVED FURTHE\.d the Commissioner of Pub Works be and is hereby instru%t.o- approval\,that d dire_ to prepare plans aications for said improve nt, and submit same to the Coor upon said aphe proper city officials are h eby authorized and directeceed with a making of sovement in accordance therews h. Adopted by the Council -------- �___P 9IN _—________-> 192 ------ � i^yrwUr i Approved----------` _=---------- -, 192 ✓Councilman GINN= Conroy ,/Councilman McDonald CouncilmanMay .� Pearce ✓ Councilman Rosen Councilman IN� Sudheituer Councilman ]WAUX V MayorYMMW Buud116 Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. �UL'uiniLt�D,�_. CITY OF ST. PAUL +10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the maiterof constructing curbing on both sides of Columbus Ave. from Somerville Ave. to Beverly Ave. under Preliminary Order approved ADTil 8, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 920.15 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- The // $ . The estimated cost pe400T t for the above improvement is - 71 The lots or parcels of land that may, be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 6 14 6 15 6 of alley, vac.& adj and 1 9 do 2 9; Desnoyer Park, Ramsey Co. 500 Minn. do 475 do 425 do do 600 2550 3 9 do 300 4 9 do 300 5 9 do 500 E � of alley,vac.& adj& 6 9 do 500 do 7 9 do 500 TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 __ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI ANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION SN of Columbus Ave. Desnoyer Park, Ramsey vac. &.adj & 40 22 Co.,Minn. 1400 6050 41 22 do 750 42 22 do 750 43 22 do 750 6250 Lot 44 & 9 z of 45 22 do 1025 N 1 of 45 22 do 375 46 22 do 750 47 22 do 750 48 22 do 750 500 Lot 49 and SE 13 ft of 50 22 do 900 1TW 27 ft of 50 22 ) do 850 and SE 26 ft of 51 22 ) NW 14 ft of lot 51 & all of 52 22 do 825 53 22 do 575 54 22 do 550 55 22 do 550 56 22 do 550 57 22 do 550 58 22 do 550 59 22 do 600 17900 15350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to aid matter by the Commissioner of Public WopJ s.� Dated 1930 ? (�—qd sem. ' Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn.-- ...... /--- 19 7 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause thefollowing improvement to be made: C�L�It'+-L J •�/�-L! GG � L L- G_i'�/ "(�G`-�c-LL� L�-f� v _Y •G� O�-{( ----------- 7 - - - .c- -----.------ --+-!------------t. Ave. from------- --- -----------------------------------------St. Ave. to ----------------- ---------- - St. Ave. . 49 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: June 9, 1930 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Columbus Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Beverly Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84813, approved April 8, 1930: Estimated Cost 920.15 Cost per front ft. .71 Inspection 18.04 Frontage 1290 ft. Yours truly, Chief Snginee_-- Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. y 'Office of the Commissioner of Public bAs'�'� Report to Commissioner of Finance I ---- June ...l1,...1930_..... __192 To ._192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of � Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...8.4813-------- approved .......A,...Aril--- 8.y_ 193.0-------_192._....-, relative to the construction of curbing on both sides of Columbus Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Beverly Avenue. ----- ------ ----- .......... _..... - . - - - ----- -- - ......... _.. - - -- ........ - - .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 71¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is S-_.._ ....._..._..__._ and the total cost thereof is 3._.920.15 Inspection $18.04 Frontage 1,290 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._____..__..__-_.._.._.__ -------------- ----- __....._.._.._..... .........._...._. .......-._....... - - ...._.... .......... _..--- ............ - - .......... _..-._.. .... - -- .._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---------------- - --------:::------------- ------------------------------------------------ 5. - - - .....5. Said improvement is ---------------- ... _........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of .property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��?41ioner of Public Works. l'% of COUNCIL FILE NO ------ -------------- -- In the Matter of_____2?-v__ing__alley -_in- Block-1_L_Juliet_ Place,_ Lots -_3,_ 4,_____-_-_- ���gT-�derwood Ac—r�__I,ot4�. and Pre�r4_�� �__4_�ea.rrangement _of ?_—lZnderwood Acre Lots from Fairview_A_v__e.__to__the west line_ -of Lot — C. F.No. 86199-- aileY In B1ocX In the. Ma{ter df:Pateand s. 1. Jssliet Place. ------- IIuderwood AcreolfoLot 2. UnUorwooe. , Rearrangemer, t ,. 1930 Acre Lct Srr7 „-. 11'la �7� ----$�].;z6------------approved ------------- y------------------------------------------- Intermediary -------- --- -----Intermediary Order ---- ---- — - — - --- — --- $PProved ----------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and haven fully considered the same; therefore, be it q�jOhavr�- / RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , In Meswfflap said maid matter be d scen iz ped. — an the Council hereby orde said improvement to be de. SOLVED FURTHER, at the Commissioner of Pu is Works be and is hereby btstructed and direct to prepare plans and sp ifications for said improvN nd submit same to the ouncil for approval, that upon said approval, a proper city officials y authorized and directe topro- ceed with he makingofaid impromeat in accordance t Adopted by the Councils}--------------, ------------- ----------- - --- Approved--------------- _ ------------------ 192----- _ / Mayor. Councilman � Conroy — CouncilmanVIEW McDonald 1 Councilman Mey Councilman Pearce Pearn Councilman sudt •imer Councilman VbM2'tx Mayor:ffdl=x Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-7 / 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC REPORT OF ON PREL AINARY ORDER (A) In the matter o[ pavinc- alley in Block 1, Juliet Place, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Underwood Acre Lots, and Pre�'cottls Rearran�-ement of Lot 2, Underwood Acre Lots, from Fairview Ave. to the ^vest line of Lot 6, Underwood Acre Lots, -rJ under Preliminary Order approved May 6, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 3 296.40 The total estimated ar Quit of the assessment for the above improvement is 2. 20 i - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Except the N1alley) 135.534ft1Offt (Except alley) '1.40 ft of 85.15 ft of ld. 13E.53 1 of Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 Juliet Place 1100 2 1 do 00 3 1 do 800 4 1 do 800 5 1 do 800 6 1 1 do Pre•_cottls Re—ar. 1050 725 4050 2 do 850 4500 3 do do 850 4250 4 5 do 825 4800 6 do 725 4800 Underwoodls Acre 900 3950 3 Lots,Ramsey Co., Minn. 100 4200 do TOTAL. CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINWi► VCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) . -.-. ... - ,- . _ - .,, , -_..._ ...:.. -._ ,-.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I (Except alley) W. 40 ft of: Underwood's Acre Lots, 800 4250' . No. 135.53 ft of 3 Ramsey Co.,Minnesota (Except alley) W. 40 ft of do 800 4000 So. z of part north of Juliet St. of 3 (Except alley, north 135.53 do 800 4000 ft and Juliet St.) (E. 40 ft of W.80 ft of 3 (Except alley, Juliet St. do 900 - (and north 135.53 ft) E. 45.15 ft of 3 E. 62.65 ft of N. 125 ft of 4 do 1250 8800 W. 62.50 ft of N. 125 ft of 4. do 1250 9450 W. 41.50 ft of S. 126 ft do 825 4150 of that part north of Juliet St. of 4 E. 41.50 ft of W. 83 ft do 825 2950 of South 126 ft of that part north of Juliet St.of 4 E. 42.15 ft of So. 126 ft do 850 4550 of that part North of Juliet St. of 4 E: 40 ft of No.125.56 do 800 5100 ft of 5 900,. 5200 West 45.15 ft of E.85.15 do ft of North 125.56 ft of 5 (Except E. 85.15 ft) N. 125.56 ft of 5 do 500 ._ 4200 _ (Except alley and Juliet ;St.), do 825:. .4950 and (Except the E. 84 ft) South 175.49 ft of 5. (Except alley and Juliet .St.). the west 42 ft of E.84 ft of So. 175.49 ft of 5 do 850 - 4400 Rxcept alley &"Juliet St.) do 850 _ 4700 he east 42 ft - of So.175.49 _Zft of 5 (Excet alley & Juliet St.) -(and Except the north 125 ft�) 6 FawM 4�.1i do TOTAL 2500 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONtR OF FlWE1NWW'_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (except W. 80 ft) Underwood's Acre Lots, 900 5150 (No. 125 ft of 6 Ramsey Co.,Minn. East 40 ft of W.80 ft of 800 2550 No. 125 £t of 6 do W. 40 ft of N. 125 ft of 6 do 800 5100 30175 114050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sai atter by.the Commissioner of Public Works Dated 19 3 0 ___ _ l ' _ J� Y� ` Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 •fy�`J�jiy� 1 VIo1 /V.R.0' 0'. 0.( AR R, e lye A C,c To The Honorable, The Council, - . City of St. Paul, Minn. MAR 2— 1930 SDF}11diAset ------------------ 192_ --- Public WorIcs, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: PavQ_AIley_JA. _Block_1_,_Juliet__Place,_ Lots 31 4,--5 - 6, Underwood Acre Lots, and Pres cott�s Rearrangement of, Lot 2, Underwood Acre Lots ..--St. Ave. --------------- ---------------------------------- - from____-Fairview_Aye-.__to_--____------St. Ave. to_West-_J.1ne__Q.f__Lot-6„Underwood Acre Lots __-St. Ave. AM LOT ADDMON �MR1,11100 L �� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 22, 1930 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving Alley in Block 1, Juliet Place, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Underwood Acre Lots, and Prescott's Rearrangement of Lot 2, Underwood Acre Lots, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Lot 6, Underwood Acre Lots, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85156, approved May 6, 1930: Length IT50:2_£t. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1501.67 ft. � -'I n it Street 20 ft. PAVING Total Sq. Yd. Property Share T o t a l (a) Front foot 61t Concrete (No reinforcing) 2.01 3,296.40 3,296.40 2.20 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to a Commissioner of Finance V44— Commissioner of Public Wor s. -"Office of the Commissioner o f Public Vii k,41NMGE • X1,,,2. � 9i Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 2�t 134 -May..23.,. _1930 ---------------- 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.85156 approved ------------ 6,- 1930---.----.--192.-....-., relative to the---paving---of _Alley-_ in-- Block.-1,-_Juliet..Place-,-_.ots_.3-,-..4,-.-5...and..-.-.. ---------------H,._Under-wood.-Acre..Lats-,._and---Prescott!&-Rearrangement---o€--Lot- 2;------- -Underwood Acre_Lots,-__from-.Fairview__Avenue_to.-.the_West..line _9,._.-..-... Lot 6, Underwood Acre Lots. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .__.__------------- necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ............---------- _------ , and the total cost thereof is 8-:. _..__..:.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----- ------------------------------------ ...........-------._...._-----..----- . - ----- -- ----- -- ................... ..... - - - -- -_.___ ..__......_..... ---------- ---------...._..--------._...-------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------_ - - ..---------- ---- _ .-_ ----- -----..__--- -------- ...__----------- ----------- -----------_-- ---------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ----------- ._......_...._.-..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner. of Public Work . M ■ Isogonal I'M ITo the Honorable members of the City Council City of St Paul: Re; Proposal to pave alley in Blk 1, Juliet Place, Lots 3, 4,5,& 6 Underwood Acre Lots, & Prescotts Re-ar of Lot 2, Underwood Acre Lots from Fairvoew to W. Line of Lot 6, Underwood Acre Lots---- Under Preliminary Order 85156. PLEASE TARE NOTICE: That we the undersigned Record owners and contract purchasers of the land indicated by,our street numbers, protestagainst the said improvement herein pro- posed, upon the grounds that said improvement is unnecessary and extravagant; that the taxes upon our respective properties and the assesments thereon on this time are high enough. we wish to further object upon the grounds thaty7the streets axe not paved and to pave the alley, wouldn6t,.Ore practicable at this time in certain areas. NAME, ownerorpurchaser,`' Residence No. 3. 4. 7 ORDINANCE .4 "t. { COUNCIL FILE NO.� PRESENTED BY ,ORDINANCE NO Ci'.D.- pio 5$7 B8}--Orginaoce NO 7aa0 - Mayor Bundile-- the oom- ICn oMlnanca- to DrgAde toq Dcicy�t s pavlarad°own ioews eoe0 poi $t� Paulfor tdownotoitheion of close of the ..: of t{io Sear,,1858 - 1 i THE CbidOIL OF ,THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That a complete compilation Of all ordinances enacted by the Council of the .City of St. Paul, of a public cheraoter, down to the close of the year 1930, including a thorough, index thereof, in typewritten manuscript suitable for S publication in book form, be prepared and made under the super-; vision and to the satisfaction and approval of the Corporation a Counsel, as an official compilation thereof; the same to be completed and delivered to the City on or 'before the first day of May, 1931. J Section 2". That the services ^Cf the Corporation Counsel in trim premises shall be performed without additional compensa- tion, but he is hereby authorized to employ some suitable and tent person to assist in the work',of said compilation and comps preparation of.index thereto and proof-reading thereof, a total expense, including all the necessary stenography, ;type writing, materials and supplies, of not more than Twenty-five, Hundred Dollars (,$2500.00).; Said sum of $2500.00 is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Official Publications Fund to pay L for °said work. Section 3., This ordinance Bhall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 'Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr.�Conroy ,Donald 7Pearce ;Rosen p¢udheimer AUG 13 MT.VPresident (Bundlie) Approved Mayor Attest City`Clark. COUNCIL 86192 ORIGINAL TO eITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE QF' CITY CLERK —UI�F�JL RESLU7TION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER—y///C/—L //•j��`/� AT WM03=, on the. 3rd day of September, 1939, one Dann" Loughlin, an employe of the Department of pnblio Works, was in- jured in the performance of his duties; and WMM8, vs forof Section 4274 of a healing period notetoeexo ed'' eneral Statutes of 19x3,,prproide twenty—five weeks; and- WMMZAS, Said section provides for the loss of a hand, including wrist movement, the employe is entitled to 66 3/3% of the daily wage at the time of the injury, during 175 weeks; and VSZFZAS, Said employe sustained a 50% loss of use of the right hand and right wrist, and is therefore entitled, under the Compensation Act, to the sum of $1540.00 permanent disability, and $440 for the healing period; and WSERM, Said employe has been paid the sum of $653.47; now therefore, be it RZSOLUD, That the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the said Dennis Loaghlia providing for the payment to him of the sum of $17.60 per week, payable every two weeks, said payments to be made from the Worlmlenle Compensation Account of the General Md, and to commence exceed July 12, the total amount of said weekly payments not C F Nd 8619?r8y Mfltoa `Hosea t'Qhe eaR Oa thg 8rLoug of B ny em• b x^1989 bne Dennfa Loughlin nem- Ifoi of the Depa*n tb.4 of Pu Go. Worke.'wae fn3ured to the y8gfor$anoe ' hfs; tl n r;, iia ., y,.•� ,4 7:: h Ofd J' COUNCILMEN - eas Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearse Rosen __-,__O---Against I Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie y' Adopted by the Council__=��_�-9 :�g141n Apd- ------- --- ---19-- ----------- ---- ---- M YOR D oRIo1NAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENT! COM M ISS RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL per' Q CITY OF S'fii' L FILE OFFICE//''�� CITY CLERK "RES TION—GENERAL FORM 1 //,, Whereas a Request for extension of time has been received from E. J. Meyers, Contractor, for the grading of Alley in Block 4, Oakville Park from Walsh Ave. to Greenbrier Ave., stating that delay in completing this contract was due to the existence of a barn extending into the alley which barn he was unable to remove so as to finish excavation in the alley, the barn not having been removed off the alley until after the ground was frozen, and Whereas, Upon due investigation circumstances were found to have existed as above stated, and Whereas, No damage to the City will result by extending to contract, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time specified for the per- formance of above contract be and the same is hereby extended to the 15th day of June, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewitjl, rovided however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C F 1 86199—pp Mlor. a g�tbeen tS'hereab n regagat for.e , R been recelYCfl from fl. J Mey. 1 A � dIR of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council—AM--- -`9--- 19_____ r - MAYOR i'�� Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearce Rosen _- -------- .--_Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bfmilie Adopted by the Council—AM--- -`9--- 19_____ r - MAYOR i'�� k� July 164, 1980 Mr. Jebn Reardon, Construction Engineor, City Hall, Sb. Fain, Minn. Bear Mr. Reardons Res Contract for alley, OIT3 1 hold an assignment from E. J. Meyers in coonection With above *optioned job dated as of 'last fall and he asked that I bring before you certain facts in connection with delay which had boon caused in finishing the work. Meyers started work on this project the first week in Novoobor and was able to proceed oil about haat way through the job because of a barn which was located on r1ght•6f-way for the alloy. This matter was taken up with Mr. Carey in attempt to have barn removed or permit Meyers to excavate the dint Prom wader the barn and proceed with completion of work. It was Im- possible for 8r. Caroy to give permoslon to: take the dirt from ander the barn and it was necessary for him to take certain legal steps to have the` bum removed* We" the city succeeded In getting the barn removed the ground was frozen to suoh an extent that it was SMossible to proceed with the work in falx, and consequently Meyers was put to the expense of moving his ei; m Ut gross the alley unto other work. Early this spring Neyers again preoeeded to get alley finished and the work was som flat retorted due. to the excessive rain this spring, whloh would not permit a .satisfspo pioos ot work had he attempted to put in rook and "ors and dirt except when he old. in view of these facts as outlined which can be varitied through the records of year offios-*-c axil in view of the fact had the barn been removed from the it would have been finished last tall1 we ask that you kindly waive the damage penalty In connection .with the particular contract and grant usual extension of time. Very truly yours, MOTIN v MMILICH CC+, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK Obnroy CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN OLL CALL MoDonaj�dFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.-,__________._ may COUNCIL RESOLUTION -PERGUSON ----- IN FAVOR Pearce AUDITED CLAIMS Rosen 7 R ---- --- AGAINST Sudheimer RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DrWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. D MR. PRES., 04P4 Bundlie TO THE AGGREGATE A� I S -T. 7 W3 COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED___ I N.L..IVE. AS E THE ADOPTED BY THE --------- PER CHECKS ON FILE TH OFOICA 0 THE ITY COMPTROLLER. I MAYOR IT______ f___R���/-_ TOTAL T------- TOTAL DATE CHECK �AIVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 86" MENT BY BANK HE KS CHECKS Ilk. b ee�-ravv 1001 5001 170; 2381 3901 351, 1 -j SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD , 633 254 113 123345!1 n FORWARD 1567 63�3 7419 Bureau of Municipal Researoo 7420 7421 7422 7423 Carl P. Herbert Carl P. Herbert H. Feltz & son W.J. Moore & R.S. Moore 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428 7429 l�, 7430 7431 Joseph Rulli Board of 'Water Comers. Board of Water Comirs. Board of Water Com Ire. Hoard of Water Comers. Board of Water 0om1rs. Board of Water Comirea. Board of Water ComIrs. 575 13 5L544 1 112 305 275 18 8 5 00 09 08 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 1; 47 7437 74Clyde Board of Water Gomirs. 5 307 Board of Water Comers. p 116 Board of Water ComIrs. 1400 A-J.ConxoY, C-P.Utilities i. 4a John H. MoDonald, C.F.R.F. 312 Clyde R.May, 0. of Parks'eto 546 R.May, C. of Parks,etci 231 06 " 6o 16 66 7 74339 438 7 Clyde R.May, C. of Parke std 877 -Clyde R. May, 0. of Parks A3 -14 74 7 441 Clyde %May, C. of Parks,etd 532 0 7442 Clyde R.May, C. of Parks,et" 2 343 84 7443 Clyde R.May, 0. of Parks,etot; 302 04 7444 Clyde R.May, 0. of Parks,etol, 50 del 7 .7 t 4 D. We Murray, Supt. of Audit.' Milton Rosen, O.P.W.0. P. W. 500 544 t4 47 Milton Rosen, C.P.W. 12 229 f3 7449 Milton Rosen, C.P.W. 1 982 7 7449 Milton Rosen, C.P.W. �13 017 7450 7451 f 7452 74-5 74-54 74-5 Milton Rosen, C.P.W. Milton Rosen, C.P.w. Milton Rosen, C.P.w. Milton Rosen, C.P.W. Milton Rosen, O.P.W. Milton Rosen, O.P.W. 1 992 9 320 1 558 1 200 479 2 396 06 #0 91 3 f4 4- .5 7457 MMilton 7 456 7459 7466 Milton Rosen, C.F.W. Rosea, C.P.W. -Milton Roeen, C. P. W. .11' Milton 'Rosen, O.P.W.7 Milton Rosen, O.P.w. 999 1 023 1'113 1 9 499 1 2 8 2 a 1,2 7461 Milton Rosen, C.P.W. 1 807 1 7462 7 46 Milton Rosen, O. P. w. ii Milton Rosen, C.P.W. 970 620 A 746Z Geo.C.SudheimeT, C.P.Safety 2130 1001 5001 170; 2381 3901 351, 1 -j SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD , 633 254 113 123345!1 ORIGINAL– - .NUMBER C1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL :COUNCIL No CITY CNRX ` J i PILE o...������� _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION POR //AUT--RI.—.-NOIPLOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - PREBENTE BY `._ -- �---- -- DAT _19— Resolved, ,That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing Oa sewer on Minnehaha Ste from Oxford St., to Chatsworth. Ste, and on Chatsworth St., from Minnehaha St., to Seminary* St., in accord- ance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Otileil & Preston they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,992.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 88186-8y M11ton Rosen-= ReaOlved,�-That:'.: the Counell'herebp i ooncursan,the reeommendatfon :. o[the Contract':.Commltteo-and awards.:the eppntrnct-foe' eogetrueting a sewer.: on (Minnebaha: St• from Oztord St., to I Chatsworth St:, and on Chatsworth -St.' from MitlneheEa St., to; Semlat 'SL, In accordance'. with plane'an11 R1. it' - ceU..S Dereto attached:` to O•N.11 a, 'Preetoh they bSIng the lowest respon-,. � •e J -Bible bfddere, for the.. sum o[ til',$92.00, sand the 'COTnOratfon Counsel Is hereby' ���J - Inv%ucted to draw up ;the proper -.form of cBaracC therefor.-'Fgrmal 8418. Enginee,B e9ti ata E2,776.00. -. Adopted by the Council July 29. 1920. A1030 E t�` pproved July 29, 1920. -v (August 2-1920) p 1 FORMAL BID NO. 8413 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f $2,775* NOTE: TO DECERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: /� -. 1. ASSESSED AGAINST SENEFITTEO PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31,992.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - CODE i S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS-EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE S A. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE-CODE' S S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T 6. 9 TOTAL _ _ _ _ _ _ 11,992.00 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- e b CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCALIMPROVEMENT NO. -... IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS' PURCHASING COMPTROLLER DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED BY /�/�� COUNCILMEN JULIIY 1J'9 I4,40I • YEAS NAY. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_NV NN IV1iY IN FAVOR WL 9930 APPROVED �AGAINBT l.. MR. PRESIDENT - ..xH..I.- NUMBER 5 12 — . - _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL N�• CITY CL.RX - ��— COUN RESOLUTION PILE FOR ATIO P LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ---• - '• PRE.eNreD RY NON DnrF�tl—O 0�9---19a Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for gendtrgcting a sewer on Young St., from Taylor Ave., to a point 20 ft., south of the Great Northern Railroad Right of Way, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to E. T..Webeter & Son, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $522.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. II MR. PRESIDENT MAYOR 8414 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE S 750.00 FORMAL BID NO. NOTE, TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO PUNO9 AVAILABLE OY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ § H/1Mi�BA 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE i .. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE i S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i e. f TOTAL - - i 522.50 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAL - CITY CLERK ARCS AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATION. TO IMPROVEMENT NO.._._—.. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSETHE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROLLER BY COUNCILMEN 2 O 10 4 JUL V I�i� YEAR NAYS ADOPTED By TH6 COUNCIL IN FAVOR APPROVE AGAINST A� - . II MR. PRESIDENT MAYOR pP CITY OP SAIN74—AUL COUNCIL _ ORIGINAL— NUMBER5 ESOLUTION FILE COUNCI. N0 -__!N"_31-'1 CITYCL.PK FOR - T PROJECTS A RI ION O AL IMPROVEMEN DAT pRMENTEO BY NON.------ -- Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing curbing on both aides of Magnolia Street between Payne Avenue and Edgerton Street,,in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to John Spndquist, they being the lowest respon- sible bidders, for the sum of $582.00, and the Corporation Council is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 0 • .�41 C__.__—_.___ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 16'68.00 FORMAL BIO NO. 5 NOTE: To BE CERTIFIED AS TO FU NOS AVAILABLE By COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. FO LO PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN. TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT 1582.00AS • 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - _ ODDS 1 G p, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS– - 1 CODE APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS–EXEMPT PROPERTY– 1 S BOND ISSUE–CODE C. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3, COUNTY AID e 1582.00 TOTAL COPIES TO: 1 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED SAL- — -- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE BTATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROYEMENT NO._- _ COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS OATS FINAL ORDER ADOPTED PURCHASING COMPTROLLER - BY COUNCILMEN 1�1/ 61�1�:TR�EL' NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AL �j I I�J�j YEAS IN FAVOR [ ) APPROVED AGAINST MAY.R - MR. PRESIDENT , OHIOINAL 514" _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCIL RE OLUTIO,N F'� NO.___. NUMSSR. AUTHO I V LOC FOR PROVEMENT PROJECTS JS OResolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation off the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing ® curbing on both sides of Wellesley Ave., from Kenneth Ave., to Cleveland Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to John Sandquist, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $574.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby -instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. • • FORMAL BID NO. 8416 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 654.00 NOTE: TO HE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTflOLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPT PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - f 574.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE f S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f 0. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE f S. COUNTY AID - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ _ f S. TOTAL - - :-574.00 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ARCH AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT RE VOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. _.. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. _ PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING COMPTROLLER DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED eY _ JUL1 {] COUNCILMEN 91930 YEA, NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL /1 IN FAVOR a 2 9"30 n APPROVED u AGAINST II MR. PRESIDENT fa um M— Council File No.. %199 PROPOSAL FOR Ir IMPROVEMENT and ti PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theructigng, relayings&eRepairingf where necessaryethetfollowinSt gasidewalks: Reconstructing, East---side-•E�iee--St =--beg#nning---214•--€t-�---ac3uth--o€---Syesi$o3�e-St-r-,----theaoe--eau�.Y�---- to Acker St. North""-side"'Ro"s'e""St:Tiegii ging""19Lf"""f£:east•-of-""cypress"'"St:;thence""ea§t""'24""ft South...side---Selby"-.AYe...beginning---ai...Aldine...&t..,..-thence--- east ---7.0..f t..- ..................... South side Dearborn St. beginning 50 ft. west of Hall Ave., thence west 40 ft. 29th July 1930 192- Z�-, Dated this - - day of......................- - i Councilman. 681010 Abstract. hareae A —It(en proposal for the In2'of the follow C F No In. I, n --me t. �••In�.rtpd;p p. !l; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying & Repairing where necessary the following sidewalks: East aide Itiee Sty begir3Hing-21 --€t:soutYs-<rf Sycamore St�ttlienee sontrli--- to Acker St. North""siae"Rose8t":l5egiiiriiilg I96-ft�east of"Oypre'ss" S"t":�tIi"erica "east24ft. Southside.-Ss1by...Ave.__-beginning--at_Al di ne..St..,.thence---east.-7Q---ft...-----................. - South side Dearborn St'. beginning 50 ft.west of Hall Ave., thence west 40 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul... ... ......................... ..... ....-.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5.- To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Rul ................... YEAS NAYS Councilman GLLNQ*- �uU� Nl � •" Pso68il8tr Approved--••......................-..----...--- MCDONALD . \ SUDHEIMER U W=W P -uc- ---------- --- --- .................... .............. MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 12 (2M 2.24 i Council File No ........... Bfir, ® PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. y Thi under Wined herebTgro�oses the lnalring of the following public improvemxenyt byhe fthe ollowing sidewalks, oe.....,r, ,� _ o_ ra v nI, an repairing where nece3sa L _ thence east to Nina Ave. __,, ":.n---------+sT�. .� North-s1de Laurel Ave:-"teginni"ng t41a----u-1— -- Dated . Dated this --day of - 192. west 114 ft. Mfri duly.. 19.... -------------------------- Councthnsn. ---- jC F. No. 86200— II Whereas, q Abstract. i mnkIng of to If'ttca Dronosal�tor th ;; Vlc fouowlrq 1mDrovem PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing relaying and repairing where necessary the following sidewalks: .... ...... West""9"iclA aP l" "5t tie"giririiri......at OTcliard St:,tFierice riortFi to great Ngrth.erA_.R%L1W..aX--??-ight ..Of._WAY ....... ---"---- ------------------•--- -_ ...---........................................... West side BroadwayC, beginning at 14th St„ thence north 40 ft. North side -Laurel 'A$Q�-:6eg3�ring 6e...ft: east- of Farrington --Ave: j-------------------- thence east to Nina Ave ........:......... Norii ; sine Laurel 'Ave: begirinirig 1� ft: west "of Chatsworth St., thence Miring been preeeated to the Council of the City of St. Paul-. ---- _.... w@St.:114 ft . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................. -�: YEAS NAYS .. Councilman QdgCS "^ FZW=60 Approved:...:. . •----- ` tt .. .. M Ro>CDONA (,, �� , Re vY'- $IIDHEIMEn Wmteezn-- ti"J�............................................_............. Mn. PRESIDENT Mayor. F.- C A 18 (2M 2.20) 86202 Council File No......... ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Paul, viz.: r._am._T..aYlor..Axemv�.:.icn�oo�._Sbe�dsla. �xex�e to gamlin.. Avenue - - ------------- i )30 Dated this .... 2e�tA:....day of...._ - -- Couounc an. a' a xo. soxoa ,A4atrn t '•--na.. J Ibeal for the Q °0°1BIIt PRELIMINARY ORDER. A writtd*proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz., WHEREAS, Sheldon _Avenue .. •-- Concting--,a-sewer; do Taylor --Avenue- from_-- ....... lin @:_AoeT�t;Q x-...:.. ----- ----------------------- ............. tR g •----- City of 5t. Paul------------- -- having been presented to the Council of the41, -- - ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is heof mid improvement.directed,. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making _ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said; improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon allof the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUL 2 D 19N .. Adopted by the Council.... •- _... -.. YEAS NAYS' J , g o Councilman 6`t�a+ei_....... - >ApprovedL-,....._ .-. .----- -•--• TFssecawi �°"`/ .. MODONALD ::. lieaeaavn BQDBEIMER� V - - ..._-. .:. ._ ... MgyOI. MR, pREs1DENT - PUBLISIlDD a ;� 3 0 r— C A is (sM 2-29) wW, +Y. r Counbil File N ..... ... .....:8 203 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and y► PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the'making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, rel and repairing -where -_necessary, -_-the. following ...... sdewalkss ------- ---- - ...................... - West side Weide Ave. beginning at Sims St., thence south to Alley - Norish---Atie Iglehart• Ave --teginning--- 122 ft: --- west ---of Fisk ---St" , - thence west 15 ft _ �IortFi 'side--Iglehar`-Ave 'beginning 'i36 ft east "of Oxford' 8t ---- Dated this ---- _.------- day of.:...:..:.._ the a east 14 ft. 29th July, 1930 .......... _ ........ Councilman. F: xo aeaos_ ; Whereas p Abstract. - •. - makln written DroDoeal for the' 4w=°f the.followlag p Imrnt, oveme 41aa l..a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, rAawritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying,and repairing where necessary, the following ......-"--�dewalkss •-------------------------- - - - West side Weide Ave. beginning at Sikhs"St., thence south to Alley Norttr'`stde--lglehnrt-Av'e-; beggYiriiYig-l22-PE -"heat--of'11'rar't?t. ..... _._ :-thence west 15._ft._ _ ..----------------------------- North, - - - • ------ North,side Iglehart Ave. beginning 76 ft east of Oxford St., thence - "----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.......... """"- ................ ----------------- --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..... .....:............. YEAS NArs Councilman.c&mfef �(00�_��,,��,;n.y Approved...:.... - .. ................... McDoxAln JIYY I �_�._•D JaV � SUDHEIMER�.a...A— W... p�i.t v .... :.._.::._ ... .............. MR. PRESIMM Foam C A 18 (2M 2-29).l��il.Slp�"^'^' Council File go.—:8.6201 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of I the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constbucting a six foot sidewalk on the ....... — ...... ................................. ........................ -------------------- ------------ — - ---------- ................. ............................. ... .. .... S , 0 — .............. t--Ave 7 thence west 20 ft. .................. ------- I ..... . . .................... -1— ...................................................... . ........... :-- ................. ------------------------ -- - North sidelbelmont St. between Smith Ave. and Ottawa St. .......................... . ......... -- . . ................................................ - ........................ ................. ....... Dated this.... Rath—day of. ...........4!q1Yj—!UQ............- ... .... .. 92 .............. ------ - --- ta ...... ounctiman. Whereas, Ab.tract' Z'proposal for the ritten.propo' 09 or the ronowing Improvement. alk PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writ io"08 I for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constru g!t.. S1d9*4kjK-QA-th9 n ............ .................................................... - .... .. South side Belmont St. beginning 78 ft. .west of Smith.A.V.e.,Z_, .............. .... .......... ........... .. .. . ... Ifi-e-n—e a ------ west 0 ft ---- - - - ----------- -13,9tween-Smith• Ave-�---and--1Dttawa7--St-,; --------------- �--North---si-d-er-,-Belmnt--St; ....... ............ .................. .................. .......... .......... .. . ............................ ................... — --------- ------ ....................... having been . presented to the Council of th& City of St. Paul ......... ...................... ----- - ---------------- ------------- ----- therefo,re, be it 'RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worksbe and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.* Adopted by the Council. .................... JUL.21.1w ........................... Y30AS NAYa fill .... ------------ councilman No* Faaeeeerl Approved_..-... ............... .... ............................ McDONALDIZ�7 SUDHEIMER .... ....... ................. ....................................................... MR. PJRZ131DENT Mayor. ITBLI$F.— C A 18 (2M 2-29) 4Z —_3 0 Yst 'Awl , j 2nd. G Laid over to *A) 3rd. & app.-- Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Conroy Conroy May May -- McDonald McDonald Pearce / Pearce O Rosen Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie DINANCE —k- ro cur —K Ig (� COUNCIL FILE NO. 86, �Qt, 05 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ' An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of oertsin city positions end employmnts." TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES 0HDAINs xo.;a2a1 Section i. bC 'Fj -4 25 er drdinanP° No.' F BYE .0 eafltng I Av ordlzvpro am 29 1926 en a. roved.JatiUB�rY titled p�na ��ensat�nl=8tea$o[�*°• �0B No. 6446. passed and appl'oVe_d January 23, 1925. taing 1hy DP6ltloae and °mDIPY'i by fvrther amended by inserting under Standard Rate No. 19 of Section .111 of said ordinance the following lines Grade ej of Police Service Section II. This ordinance ehall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. AUG 14 10Yeas gays Adopted by tale Council ✓Conroy McDonald Pearce 8oaen ✓ Sodbeimer �0. Mr. President ova — matfor ays 1 (7-30-30) �...-- - ... - • r COUNCIL �/;y6 ORIGINAL To CITY CLe- CITY OF ST. P IU FILE NO.—S6206 ZOF CITY L RK G NCILUTION— E ERAL FORM + PRESENTED IY ATF COMM,SIONE - ' - - rte_ uoaa pne x heretofore filed a A1d"rbmm �n sry «;,setition wlth the &ailroad end �arehense Qommiseion of the state of Yianeaota,.regneeting.said oommiesiaa to order the Chicago, 1[ilwankea,.8t Paul & Paoifio Raiiroad.Compeay to separate the grade at west Seventh street by depressing the traeks st-s point,, and also ordering said dompany to oonstrnot as n br aoro6e 1te,traoks, all of which is set out in Ordin as No. 6109,,' approved ♦ngnst 1st, 192%., end MURUS, The Corporation Ooansel 14 of the opinion that . the Railroad and Warehouse Commission is not bound by the pro- v1sions of said ordinance, and may modify or change the plan, set out in said ordinance, which was incorporated into the petition _filed with said Commission, and is also of the opinion that said Commission has the poser to order the grade separated by depress-, Ing the street; and WMMZAS, Pursuant to said petition, -the matter was duly brought on for hearing before said.00mmission, and has been partially heard, and-the`Oorporation Counsel having requested that the City Council approve some alternative plan in case the Commission. decide@ that the method set out in Ordinance No. 6109 Is', -not the most practical method of separating'the grade; there- fore, be it = RisOLM That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorlied'and 'directed to have plans prepared for the,eaparation of said grade by elevating the railroad tracks at the intersection of test seventh street a distaaoe of 10 feet, and depressing the street at said point a diittance of9�fest, and that said. plan be presented to the City Council for its approval at the earliest possible date; and be it Yeas PURTM RZOOLUD, That the Corporation Counsel to author- ised and directed, upon the approval of said plans, to present said alternative plan to the oommission for its oonmideration, In addition to the method met out in Ordinance No. 61109. COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May McDonald __...___.._In favor Pearce / Rosen ------- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CounciL q T _n_19— A r 9— Apt p MAYOR - ---- - - COUNCIL om CITY OF ST.. PAUL FILE N• - ORIGIN/,L TO CITY OLERK ' OF ICEOF CITY CLERK Cl SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM•• July 30, 1930 COMMISSIONER ATF and he is hereby authcri>Ged to REsol.veo That the, P basing Agent , . purohasey with the Consea ofjthe Oomptroller,.two Dodge 1/2 -ton'-- ahessie with canopy top express bodies, -for the Bureau of Lighting, at a cost of $1,790.00, lees an allowance of 14460. 00, for two old Ford oars to be taken in "trade, msxcing the total oost not to ezoeed Sl,•344.00, without advertisement, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be -gained thereby. Oharge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-A-139 ralmgartr117ioad ' C F Na 88801 $Y '� T Coatoy=. • be 88d be /a IlerebY aUtd tlagd�iA614' Pha .wltb the cone— ofdhe:Com➢=-, ltroller,'two Dodge' �,4-tb %illi, Como— baro➢y top..bzpreae godlee, for the n rasa, 9L Lfgfit4ng ,a; s'ooat .0-81,790.00;: :lebsa'ran sllowanee'nL'8448.08 for +twq ;old .Ford'cara tq b. <takert. (i1. trade;' maktnac •they. total Poet, not to, ezaeed :=1 844 00\ without , Advbruaement ab. these are patPnteH ar;Ietea and. no AQ - vantage 'Pou1d n(ned• Itherehq. Charge Qennral Fund MUIII.1.1 " I0gnlPmeat 11008 d 388 -: 'Adopted hy`Stlte Conpilll Tuly 80 3880 s Eelbguet 9 1880) a ', _.. 1 COUNCILMEN ' �8�� � yeas Nays Adopted by the Council—H tp Q'-_--_— 19-- Conroy May C l McDonald ._.__-.In favor Approved. Pearce -� Rosen _ ____:.Against MAYOR /Sudheimer 1 Mr. President Bundlie `h t) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ZZ C�)I�Cll- RE.'�it ION—GENERAL.FORM COUNCIL 19 NO._�L7 RESOLVED That the proper city of floors be and they are hereby authorised -to enter into an- agreement with Michael Flaherty, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 31st day of May, 1930; be it FMTMM RBSOLY$D, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said Michael Flaherty the sum of $116.20 ant of the Workmen's Com- pensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including July 26th, .1930. Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _______-In favor Pearce Q Rosen ______-_____-_-- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CounCjU1,_3- _-19_-_ APpra--19- -- '- ---'-'--------------------------------' MAYOR COUNCIL OalO1NAl TO CITU CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL r':Le NO. ��"==�� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CO RESO )A—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER ATF ! t ', RESOLVED, That the appointment by Clyde Re May, Commissioner of parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of T. J. O'Neil and H. C. Nonnemacher, as members of the Board of Plumber Examiners, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. o. 80806 il* Clyde It. Die* Ytodolved Khat tlmmlef1eswDDolnfmanr by.. Pla* tounde snA FuBno,.8u11dtnffa vt 1'.;�Ya ONefl an 7fi C Nonnemaeher, ae members of 8h5 -board ot.Plumbheiaby, am{nerp be and the ,"d !e hereby (ooa urred in -art$ aDDroIT ^ {j! A$oDted Dy tbo Counoll-,Ju1y 80� 1880. ,M1IfD(,oved Silly 80 1980: CAtiDvdt R 1980) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ____ ---------- In favor Pearce Rosen ll - Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CouncilAUC__3 (0930 Ap ed - -- - - --19-- --- -- -------- ------------------ ------------ MAYOR DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK Conroy CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN— OLL CALL MoDona1dFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE GLANCY — May COUNCIL RESOLUTION - W na� IN FAVOR pegrCe AUDITED CLAIMS July 29. �*ro Rosen SOOREER __ __-AGAINST Sudheimer RESOLVED, TE AMOUNT BE D WN ON THE CITY TREASURY. V/Gffl86 MR. PRES.. HODGS - dlie TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ��L COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -0465 TO --OL C . INCLUSIVE. AS R. ADOPTED BY THE CIL_--9�--�y� ✓ t--- PER CHECKS ON FILE N E F {HE O COMPTROLLER. APPROVED—,'�•i=! ./i:.—, Il C'L ,cG CCITV MPfROLLEP CHECK NUMBER MAYOR IN FAVOR OF No. 86210_. CItye T, Th my heck. Ae draw 6'n GHT FORWARD p 'Ot uf:Ei8,f2' rny,y . Ig Br e6ate i'i . —•.n 1F civ 6 I John Ga.' Sack 7 Broadway Coffee Company 8 ii Carnegie Dock & Fuel Compan 9 S. Berglund Lumber Company 0 ISI Martin F. Falk Paper Compan 1 '' A.P. Hersohle r & Company 2 i! The Metal Shelter Company j Clasen Candy Company 4 A.M.Ramer Company 5 St,Paul Builders Material C,;, 6 r. Sanitary Food Mfg. Company' 7 ''I J.L. Shiely Company 8 ., G. Sommers & Company 9 j; The Speakes & Company 0 1! Villaume Box & Lumber Compa 1 ! Mary F. Van Slyke 2 Standard Stone Company 3 Anchor Baking Company 4 B.L. Brown 5 Coca Cola Bottling Company 6 II The Emporium 7 Factory Machine &.Tool Corp.'I' 8 11 Leonard Frank Company 9 Gerber -Reiland Tire Company,' 0 Gopher Stone Company 1 11 Gt. Northern Railway Company) 2 Quincy A. Hall 3 Hertl Coal Company 4 Int. Harvester Co. of Amsric 5 Johnson Printing Company 6 ii Lake Shore Meat Company 7 11 Lilygren-Sundberg,Ino. 8 Ij National Sales & Mfg. Compan 9 II Northern Pacific Railway Co 0 lNorthern States Power Compan, 1 ji Northern States Power Compan 2 1' Northern States Power Comp 3li Oriental Laundry Company 4 11 Paramount Pies Purity Baking Company p J.L. Shiely & Company 7 ,, J.L. Shiley & Company i, 18 Southern Fried Pie Company 9 Standard Brands,Inc. i' 0 Standard 011 Company 1 Mrs. Agnes Stebbins 2 Tri-State Tel. & Telg Oompan jj Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan j Zinsmaster Baking Company I TOTAL N DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS � 241 12 48 4 42 0 15 4111 1 196 4 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 11633 96 5 4 5 14 75 38 22 685 52 33 90 21 5 4 62 18 466 00 1 805 00', 46 88 23 50 84 00 252 20 114 90 88 23 1 396147 198 62 288 80 221 79 94 ol oo 13 45 485 21 46 35 35 27 221 1 221 4 256 81 10 52 44 oo 66 13 498 09 288 34 58 90 50 00 5 437 �19 4 125 193 70 66 7i fiCHA COUNCIL NO. _ 1 onICINAL TO CITY CLe— CITY OF ST..PAUL FILE 'V OFFICE O�CITY CLERK CCIL RESOLUGENERAL FORM PRESE D BY ATS_:', Jnly 30,�1J30 COMMISSI RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for furnishing all labor, material and equipment necessary for tearing down and removing from the premises the old Jefferson School building, located on the corner of Pleasant Ave. and Sherman St. in accordance with revised specifications, to the CLEVELAND WRECKING CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $2,340.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. No. 8425. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald --_. In favor Pearce n Rosen ___�.J.._. Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie p 3 01930 Adopted by the 1loll App�, 9 -- ------ / MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ -__A,2:9 rin—_condemning and_ apnroD _iating as--a_site _for_ the n,e_s__AIi�'itor3um,--the_nnrth_13C��.t____af__Lat_ Q_and_a11_a£_I�oi__lfl,_'31Qr1s_12., &_3Rice _and_ Irvine! s_ addition-_-_____ _- aVTESMEDIARY 0RDE89. ____ _______ _ ________ ___ ____________________ C. F. No. 86212of _ _In -the Mattel acquiring, condemn. ------------- --- -------------- ------------------------- Ing and appropriating ae a site for .the new Audit n the north Bieck10, 130 under Preliminary Order_______________________approved --- Ll2X-26-3Q------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends and apprp�riate_as a_site_for the_ner_Auditoriums_the_north_130_ft__ef Lot S_zncl_alL_of_Lnt _]12,_�lnck_12,__and s ats_�_and_2,_11-and-1Q,_31 siok_J ti,_ ,p j. And -------------------------------------------------- r-------------------------------------------------=----------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ________26th__ --__day of __A1ignatr_193Q------ x,422K__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -_! 10----------,192---- Approved ------ ---Approved-_____ ------192--- City Clerk. -- - ------ ------------ ---------------------- Mayor. CouncilmanConroy PUBLISHED Councilmen 3 Councilman i?IcDonald V May V CouncilmanPearce Councilman B� Councilman Suribsenrrr Mayormxx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 C 'F: No 86218-- . •1 In t' Matter of paving Roble 9tr fromhe-------------------- 7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___�eRl31g_Robie _Street _from Concord -Street--to-Andrew _Street _and Mate-3tseet_irnm_ the_ncrtherl7t_1i Ae__9 _Robe_ Street_ produced northgeaterly_to aparallel line -100 ft. southwesterly thereof, with- seyee_,_aater_ a_gaQ_connectione from street mains to property lines-_ complete, where_not already made, also including curbing and paving -------------------------------- --------------------- alley where_ necessary, ___________________________ ------------------a Jgne_ l0y_1930---------- under Preliminary Order________85G�7 approved ----- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- p4q_2_ODie 6tTeet frQg Concord_ Street_ to Andre+_ Street and State Street from the - --- nprthPrJat_11nE of BsZb]e_fl$�e�_�roduced northwesterl}±_to a parallel line 1(10_�t._�fllitl�P�R+er1y_thereofs_with aeert water and gas connections frem_atr�et_mains-tn_prnpeaty__]inee_ Q9uipete,—hexg_not_already made,_ �gQ_il�o�pdinaurbing_and_pavingalley and_driveway approacheQ,-where neoessary, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_51,_19L7a - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 29th -------- of _Au.gUAt,-1st%n.-------- 4 NAX-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting td the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_-_ QL W ----, 192____ 0 - ---- - ---- ----- --- ------- - f� Approved -_______411.Q ----192--- � City Clerk. --- --- - --------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald PnLISFIED May Councilman Pearce Councilman. Roeen �/ Councilman � Sudheimer Councilman = aWX Mayor ikkma Bundl l e Form B. S. A. 8-6 86211L-.11, jC.-F. t7o. 88814 Ia the Matter f reconstructing r -�— a ytti • gn1d ng 1.ng na eldeWalk •fiumm![ Ave:. north aide beginnt4s ------------- sum-it ------------ r 8amm" X-0 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- e rcoastructingt_relaying_and re_pairing_the_ sidewalks at the following locations: 8lammi,t•_Ava.,- nnstn-side,beginning-atL-East_Ilentra]__Park_Plaae}-ihenva___ east to alley, _ _ -_�., a+ +,,e,,,.o -<flt P25 fP.p t side, beginning at Bummit Ave.i.thenoe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order______ 85829 ____________________approved ___June_ 24 Z_ 1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ TBCOAstT130ty_TElay Ind repz}ir the_sins �ewalks t.t_the;followinf+1Rcatiois33rk Place. thence east t0 le t A_ve.1_sou - sl8e, beginning -at Mimlesota St. thence west 225 feet, ha $t., east si,6eg3nn�ng at summit-fve:;-t7ienae"sou�H �Q-fffet, At-- west side. beginning at 8ummit_Ailt!.,_the119e --s-outh--130- feet, ----------- -- -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--o-10--pax--sq. ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 2st11_______day of bugustLL_1930 ------ fix-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. _UL Adopted by the Council_tfgq_Q_ 192____ a tf ---- - ---------------- ---------------- Ci Clerk. APProved----�------------------ 1�--- .� City r - --- ----------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy PUBLISHED �' Councilman McDonald Councilman May ^'1 Councilman Pearce !/,/ Rosen Councilmaaowimm Sudheiu,rr Councilman XZ62M Mayor X9l=[ B=dlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ . By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___$rsdln�_esst -ally HBst;__�� 1�Y- 131 Bp6k_ 8,_ Lang! a_ Manor___ ___a4ek_4,_Sunnyaide_Plat_2_from-Hamline Ave. --to -Albert Ave_, also construatina, a_sewer in the alley from a point 78 feet east of Albert AYei1u!~_Q y g@sr_9i_ Albgrt_ Avenue_ and_ in_ Albert_ A-v-enue from the --moi e1 -t=-'Tames-�i:reet------------------------------------------------------------------- C F. No. 86216--. -. : '------- --------------- ----------------------------------------- In --- -- - -- ----- ---- ------------- In the Matter of grading east and west alley to Block 8, L—.. Manor andpp qqr� June _14,_ 1930 __________ •<-:9 Sunnyside Plat ?,,from Tram-------- y�r-------------approved -_ t,rt(incil of mr,'i=x<'m'aul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improver -it, and 0,n g considered said report, hereby resolves: .c 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___grade_eflat_8nd___ wQst_allein _Bloak_8,_Lane!s Manor and Slock 4, -Sunnyside -Plat 2 from Hamline_Ave__to Albert Av_e:_t_also construct a sewer is the alley from pQi�t Z� Yget _g�Qt�_gf _Aibgrt_ Qgenue_ to_ the_ center -- Albert Avenue and in Albert _Avenue 4rom the _alley to James Street _,-- _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ___ 26th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------------- _____day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and CityHall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time, and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by . the Council__-,E_jj.0--- 192---- ----- -- --- ------------------------------ Approved----------------------------192--- City Clerk. ----- ------ ----------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald May CouncilmanPearceU W Councilman Rosen Councilman 114� Sndheimer Councilman XW&WX Mayor 1ld90% Bundlie /Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISI3ED �' —_�7 —3 c. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By ---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___4Qii@ntri and_ taking_ an easement_in _the_ land neaes- _ __aar for sloes; cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and west al ey_$1S1F1�_$�_I�aR@!13_Tu��nor _end_ Block_4s_ 8unny_side_ Plat 2, from_ ja-qiin A_v_enue to_A!kert_Avenue_____________ - -------------------------- ------------- -- - ------ ------------- r— F. No. 86816— In the Matter of condemning and •�k. InB an easement.ia,.••",]e.nd.�n_t_:.______________________________ ____ _____ __ _____ ______ ___________ eaTi' TOT S ^•' •:. Fr ding ` •. r`� 85721 June 14, 1930 ..;_.1 ».eummary Order ------------8572 ----------------approved ---------------------------------- a The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ gpLgTn_and take an ___easement_in the_land neoessarg for slo�e6,-cuts _and _fills, -in the - ___�rg i nc_ni__Eaa_and_wae_a11.�X__1A_R19s3k_ @x_i�ne! s Manor_ and_Block ord— in@_Agg�}tk@_to_Albgrt_Ap_enue�_in_acc--- ___I1Q1� Wtth_he3_ blue _print_ hereto_ attached_ gnd made a dart hereof,- the 2""ed_portLona_8hai¢ing_ the_nuts_�nd_ihs _shafithe fklls, 75 00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_____ __________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- ?&th ------ day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imProAemennt an the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- _____ 00 -------- 192____ ----- - - --------------------------- ------ Approved_-:_ ---------- 192--- City Clerk. i Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman d Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilma r Sudheins" Councilman MID= Mayor Widim Bundlis Form B. S. A. 8.6 ------------ ---------------------------------- Mayor. r PUBLL,ii, J COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____gradin� north_and_south_ alle�/s_ in Block_ 4,_ Hayden_____ -------------------venu----------------------------------------------- __ Lake Como &Phalen Avenue to Nevada Avenue, and east >3rid_�Sat a]��,Qy_irQm_th�_west_north_and south_alley__t�_the_east_north and ---------- C. F. -. No. 88211— ------- ------- - ------------------------------------ a In the Mtter o[ grading north and--------------- June 5 1930 eouth all ra in F16ck _4a prY -- ------- A from re: w �L: - -- -------- approved ---- --------- - Avenuc o N t,..SL;.1<r_ and a";TKe`f ouncil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. gdg nOTth and 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ &Phalen Avenue ��� ���gy�__g1}_Block_ 4,� Hay_d_en Heights_ from_ Lake_ Como � tc 1`iSQaSi�_�lp@Blk@�_�a east_and_west_alle from_the_West_north and south a1] ear -to -the -est _north and_aontli_a] ------------------ 1�Y-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 870.77 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $---------------- 26th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____________________day of August, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of hearing,ethe nattureeofpersons and in the manner the improvement and the total cot by asestimated. ting the time and place of mated Adopted by the Council --- ---- 192____ -- -------- Approved -------------------------- ---- --- - - City Clerk. Approved ------inn -� 'E�.-------1�--- ------------------ ----City Clerk. /--------- - Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman WONM McDonald Councilman Play / J=UBr...,.— ,C-- — 3 Pearce (/ / Councilman Hoven Councilman Sudheimer Councilman IWKWIX Mayor7Nll= Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 � - ' ' _1 8 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In.the Matter of ---- onndemning-and-eking-$n _ea&�lnent_�D _5he__l d �4f;ss ;Y fsu_el_ORes�_�ut�_�A53 fbl@,_in_the_gradin$_of_-nor th_and _south alle_y_s in Block-A,--Hayden__Heights_fzom_lake__Qoma�L_Rhalel>__Aveuue__xsz_N@yAdA _AQgxiue, and east _831d_S[gAt_ aJ lSg_ �9m_ Tehg_West_north _agd_ south-elley to------ he east i -8011th -a7 l Yr-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - --, - __ ------------------- % 85583 f conaemniug and x- June 5 1930 enwuts' nd l5ile; in`the : ' aPProved ---------------------------------- orihand south alleys-------------------------- rayden Helghts- fr Phalen Avenue to N- 0 - ml having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the end east tti ane souin .considered said report, hereby resolves: 'tst,nor% eud south.al-. reuminary d7rger ssssa .the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - The Connell- or the tact' ora s - tho &= 2. T) at the nature la hov Lprovement which the Council recommends is____ COudeBlII_&IlC1 _ta_e `J` y gn_eas@p@a _1n_ $8__lhnsi�eQBeRaT�C_fQ_T__g 4�@��_cut�s_ana_filles_in_the_ gX4.d1 _Q _ Qrt.�}_gnci_south allege_ in _Block_ 4,_ Hayden _Heights from Lake Como &Phalen_Agenue_to biegada Avenuet_and east_and--- west -alley from thewest north and_sogth alley to _the east north and_south alley, -- aocordance with ?.he__blus_j?]GiAt_1lE.Lf1'�o_ at_tl�b,�d sAd_ma�,@_,�_part_hergof,�_the_ hatohed_poTtione showin the cuts and the shaded portions 8%}oyypp ng the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_zUt1_St Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 6.th ---------- day of 1930------ x_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ _3_(�jWL-_---_, 192---- ----------------------- --------- Approved_ --__ -------192--- --- : r City Clerk. --------- ----- CouncilmanConroy Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce !� F'UBLISIiE D-___ - 3 0 Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman 11R8U=dX - - Mayor8 Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 f� , o2l`_9 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_- grading a11e�I. 1A Blook 3t Desnoyer Park, from Doane Street_ to_BYEr1y_Alranaa-------------------------------------------------- C. F No. 86219— JIn the Matter of grading alley in ___________ ------------------------- _____ __________ Black 3, Desnoyer. Phrk, from Doane - ----- Street to Beverly Avenue, under. pre- liminary Order 86376. approved May 22. 1930. ----------------- ---- --------------------------- -------- rhe Council of the City. of 9L panl havlog received the report of the Com May 22 1930 mlasioner of Fine pp - 85376 ____a roved ---------------------------------- .at', -_______ y_____------------------ uI.imprloner I Fine 31 -- ------=--1 85 PP sakiuncil of the repo;t- a �3ve improvement, and having a v ngco considered received ereport of Paul said eport,hreby resole commissioner of Finance upon the 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ---- grftdf', a.11_PY_ 111 _ _Blook 3� _Desnoy_er Park; from Doane Street to --Beverly Avenue -------------- with-_--- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 872.65 ---------------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 26th ---------- day of __ Aijatt, 1930 -X ___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ ------ 192-_-- v9i'1 -------192--- City Clerk. --------- ------------------------------------ Councilman 4 Conroy j Mayor. ld McDona Councilman may Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen a Councilman Councilman Vex Mayor NM9X Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER > cmc-. :u In the Matter of --- aon ammixg_and__tAkiA9_aA__e_ao_eme.nt<_in_the_land_necessary fQr_el_Qpes�_cute_and_fills,__in the grading o- _ Alley in Block 3, - __ _Desno�8r_�atic_from_Iloane_�9txeai__tsi_Bever� y_ Aggnge---------------------------- No. 88220•_ .n tna Mattet;of condemning and tak_ 1ng,an easement la the land neces- -§, oral cuts and fills, in the ___________________________________________________ ____________ Or$diag ofA31ey fn Block 3. Deahoy- er 2'a Ic froth Doane street to Bev_ _ 853_77 May 22, 1930 erly Av aue, under Prellmlaary Or- der 85377 approved uay az, 19so, - ----approved ____ y____________ n The.Counctl of theClty -ofst. Paul having received the report of the Com- . Navin received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the miP ovetnent;' andnhavinon the above-nsidered said report, hereby resolves: Im s soasidered P y a said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the paid iepar, alai the same a same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is is bereby approved, and adoyt¢A ;!' _ the said lmprovemer' ,,Ly ped with. to be Proc I,- 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ 9IQ4cLtmll_anct-take _an_easement_in the land- necessary for slopes, -cuts and fills, in the_ ---------- _grading Qf_rA]1BY_ D�_81 Q9k_ ,__4esno�er_ Park_ from Doane_ Street_ to Beverly _ue,___in_aoaarrianoa_with_she_Yztua_F�int__b�&�9__ataehed_ And- made- a _parte_hewn:E,__thf:_ha �hesl_p_o& iSzg ehowing_the_outs_and the_Shaded_ _ -}iantiana-$ho>a¢ing_ the_ £ills >--------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 25:00__-____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 2iS-G.11______day of __.a3igtldt.+__193Q-____,.S=___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof.as estimated. Adopted by the Council_-_�_�4____, 192 ---- Approved ------- 92____Approved------- -A---'--------192--- City Cleric. - -------- ----------------------------------- / Mayor. Councilman Co Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLto.....)��� =3 r Councilman MEMO= Councilman Councilman Councilman3udhefiner OF aroy McDoo4ld May Pearce Rosea Councilman Mayor2wxix Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLto.....)��� =3 r COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___S2p,'-n i iaislening_nnsL_ s�uusii rL _slohnan>�_E�rkxa _ t ough Indian 'Sounds Park by aking and condemning a $riangular piece of pr npax _S1Lt ile_�outh@aet__GSLrR@Lr _4.€_a a�sc lian_equs tract_ of land bound— ed on t e north by Reserve St. on the ryes Uy lot $, b�ocYc- Z8--8uour-ian Hills_Additiont_and on the south and east sides by Indian Mounds Park,_ -------- ---------------- said triangle measuring 23 ft on the easterly side and 39 ft. on t sgutherly_ side1------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------------- C. F.No. 86221 ____________________________ In' d extend of opening, -warming - - through hro extend matter, Johnson on ' -Parkway .through'Indian.MouaaeParba-; Ibg andcondemntng-attk lanyrtnlark'--------------- _____________________________ V1_0 Of nroperty on the 'enntheaet 6 1930 corner of a miscelleneous tract of .------SIL G - ------a roved � � __1____________________ ffi bounded on the north. by Re- aL4i�.+t ______ pp ____ ecus. 8t, on the west by lot 8,: block .21 suburban 8n1s Addition., and on caul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the - the south and. east sides by Indl¢h. j Mounds Park, said trlangie. eae4" I considered said report, hereby resolves: Ing 23 ft the eaeterly- elle and 39 ft. :on try¢6outherly aide.. under Preummery oraec 6681s:.approvea:i the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is June 8 1930. '. '. pvlth. The Council of the City of 9t. Paul havingreceived thereport or the nm(Dsloonereoi Finance p rrt� improvement which the Council recommends is___O�].ell�_Siliiell_r:.11 _ sx n�_ Qhnson Parkway_throu�h_IY1dian_?cunds Park_]?I_tzking and condemn— ing a triangular ppiece of nropert on toe southeast corner of a misee7 laneous tract_of land_bounded on henorth by Reserve St., on the west. bloc7t Z8, Suburban -Hills A3di ion, --end on-tHF-§—uth-&Il7CLF.0T sides lay Indian Mounds Park,,_ said triangle_measurini 23 ft_on the easterly side and 'rug f£. on -Elie-so'u�EH6r1y -side, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50.00 ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 26i -;h _____day of All�B --------- 4=L-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner -of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ a a -G -44!1P.__---_, 192---- ------ - -- -------------------- ------------ ----- _----- Approved ------- 4 -3.0 -------192--- City Clerk. -- ----------- ---------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald MBLIS11LI) 3 a Councilman May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman . 9adheinner Councilman dx Mayor Ncdx ,m Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCILF X NO --- _.----...--•---..._........... _- By 86,9- tiq CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 24, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Cook at. to Oliver Bt., also constructing a sewer on the easement to be obtained on the southerly 8 ft. of Lot 5, Block 24, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from the al ley to the sewer in Woodbridge St. RESOLUTION -.OF COUNCIL 'FIXING TIME OF,REAIttXG IN CONDEM- NATION PROCEEDINGS.., :o. 86222— matter of the aseeeemeat' of !:..t. '- and eapeaeee -� . • .. •... ,erbann:. 83738 8VU.............. --- under Preliminary Order-----•--.-•------ - .....................----., Intermediary Order---•----...---.--•------••----- FinalOrder -•-----•-----••-_8421 -----............... approved_....- ............... -•--FBb.---4..................... _ , 19....30 The assessment of......__-benEfi.tB.,-..Qf1Bts...Bnd._expenaea...............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... 27th...... -----day of �t1�t18t....................... 19.- 30 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUL. 3 Adopted by the Council.... ...... C(i11. 3 �' cb fl Approved......-----•t......._ .......................... 19.......-. Councilman Conroy Councilman Councilman McDonald May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sadheimer Councilman 1>{x 'Mayor zgcmx Bundlie Fm B. E. 17 ............. ............................ 1 19 - -....t ........... ."`..... ., City Clerk. Mayor. YUBLr jS —3 c3 ;Ts24;33 COUNCIL FILE NO..-------.--_---._ ------------ — By......_--- ---- -_.............. ................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St., 86223— .ja;-ihe matter s of the assessment of -:sate; all ad es18, Jackson for -ng, all in Block 18, Sackeon Kidwell'sAddltlo ,,, David's m .rgeent ��Irs -St. 82842 83237 under Preliminary Order .................................._................ Intermediary Order............................ ------•-................... Final Order ........... 83531..........................approved .......... -NoV...._26.......................................... 19 -29 The assessment of. .................. elLell-t6.�.C.o9t6...aSLd..Bxperise8.-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the -Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...............�e?th......day of __Auguat------------------------- 19..30, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council..----------------------------------------------------------- ------..._------.--...n------------------- .... 19---- City Clerk. Ap4roved. - ..V_ ..ai9l?k. 19......... /. .......................................... ..., Mayor. Councilman 1� Conroy / C I Gilman McDonald ` PUB ell, 3 oMay LSIii ll�_�_� O Couunn cilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudbeimer Couneilman z%Ete#x Mayor2M=x Bundlie Form B. B. 17 86`2_,,``°,4 COUNCIL FILE NO._-•-----._...._.._-•-••----__ By---- ----- ...---------------------------------------- ---•-•---- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving alley in Block 8, Louden Park, from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave. Material shall be 6 -in. Concrete. C.F.:No. In the matter. of the assessment or beau, 'and expenses for gradIng and -paving :alley ln. Blonk T,1, _Park, from Flna Av4.. to: "• .•etln-Aver M+lam-le, shall be a -la: .F-..-.,.�: urate_ ,-..y- :Order A 84392 84699 under Preliminary Order - - - ..................... Intermediary Order ------------------------------------------------------------- 84956i-April 22, - - --, 1s.30 - Final Order ------- • - - •-------------------- --- approved - -------- The assessment ofp---aT1d--eapenae6-_................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... ze71h........... day of Atl et . 19 30 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notices directed. ®® q q�� UL Adopted by the Council.... ------- ----------- ------ --------------------------------------- 19-------- �(�� ............. .....................City Clerk. Approved r--.19 - •---'•'-------------••--.................................................... Mayor. Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce PULL.., _ � 3 e, Councilman Rosso Councilman Sotlheimer Councilman Mayor E Bundlie F—_P. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO --- - ----- ----------------------- --_ By 62,25 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading ana paving Alley in Block 6, VPhitney and Smith's Addition from Rosabel St. to Wacouta St. C. F. .No. 86225 In the matter. 'of the assessment of beneat&': costs: and expenses for fl Whitney Q,rading and a8mfthen 'tA ddltfon a at 2 84607 860 under Preliminary Order......."-- ........... ..4 4 -- ---- Intermediary Order....-.."--------------"--" - AR ril _15 .................................. lg-- 30 Final Order ........... .. --8487 9-...................... The assessment of...h-snaii-ts, _.c.osts--Findaa.---•-------------"----for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......... 27t,11 day of -Aligll8t .................."------, 19-.30, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council... JUL 3 0 ls. ---- n ----------- --------- - City Clerk. y�G�> Mayor. kUBLIS1Ic U —_5? �3 d Approved- ............ ............. ....................19.-....... Conroy McDonald Couneibn� Conncilmani ay Pearce Pea CouncilmanRmen J Councilman sudheitner Councilman Councilman Mayorzopmx Bundlie Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL O. 86226 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLER CITY OF ST. PAUL N N _ �OFCITY CLERKO �OF N—GENERAL FORM tiN PRESENTED BY ATF July 30, 1930 --- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing all labor and material and erecting, less mechanical equipment and roofing, sheet metal and ventilation, an addition to the MurraY Junior High School, under Item A-1, to JOE SACK, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $68,081.00, less the following alternates: Alt. #2: Omit concrete retaining walls, wire fence 00 and surfacing Alt. '35,103, 105it 2z112,c203,andd113n. . . 105.00 Alt. #4: Omit terrazzo steps, and 209 etc..in 324.00 Roams 2, 3, 4, 8, 357.00 Alt. #51 Omit weather strips . • • • a total deduction of $9,881.00, making the total amount of the contract $58,200.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oon- traot therefor. Architeotls Estimate $68,500.00. T.B. #8417 seaae—sr T:''a rearoe- , 1 -shat the f,:th. _!0on rebYi I of the Contract' J slit/.' the FFract I •-:'i.: i. t :aerlal COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ___.__In favor Pearce Rosen _____-__.__. Against Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Councilj& 2-----19____-- Approve --- -- -------------19------------- ------ '"_ �4i ----z- MAYOR PUBLISHED? D ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. � � ®h»INaaoEe. ORDINANCE NO. L I° =� r�o.e�uoo- awanoo No �saz- L• !it ordinance approving the projeot of acquiring that real estate kpown as Lots 8, 9 and l0, and Lot 7, except that part used for vacant& street, and the easterly 24 feet of Lot 11, all in St. Paul Central Lots, as a 91to for an addition to the FrW*11n School, ordering the acquisition of same by purchase or condemna- tion, arid, providing funds therefor. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the,publio peace, health and safety. THE COIINCIL 08 THE OITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Education having reported to the Council that the real estate known as Lots 8, 9 and 10, and Lot 7 except that part used for vaoonta street, and the easterly 24 feet of Lot 11, all in St. Paul Central Lots, according to the of Deed: of�Rameey Oounty,'Xinnesota1, in required fortbs office ha site®for the addition to the Franklin.Sahool, and that the estimated value thereof is the am of•Twenty-two Hundred Dollars ($8200.00), and the Comptroller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the City for the acquiring of said property, the Council hereby ,approves the projeot of acquiring same for site for the addition to the Franklin School, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purpose, by purchase by the Committee an Lands, consisting In tats 0980 of the layor, purchasing Agent and the Commissioner of Eduoation, if the some ean'be so procured at a reasonable price, and in vase said Committee cannot procure said property at a reasonable price, and shall'so report to the Council, than, and in that event, the. Cassell hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted Lander the provisions Of the Charter of the City, to secure said property, and that the cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or oondemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the Educatioia Bond r and No. 4009, appropriated for real estate, and so sob of said fmdan may necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said pureo flection S. This ordinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force from and is passage and publication. a , 11 19M by the Council �. Yeas /// Nays NZ Y 'ora 1 F I� 0onroy ma Pearce Rosen Cdr Snlm� cm° HK ' ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRVSENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 7 Agpror d Attest J ' City Clerk "o*�l Aoano mayoT _EJBLISIIED MbW -K ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRLfSENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.--, AN 15 i9go Appro� d _ ,• r.zr+ Aeuno mayor Attest Oity Clerk LVBLISIiED �_� 3 _3 Laidover to 3rd. & app.Adopted— --- '- 3—'' Yeas Nays Peas Nays jConroy Conro} May May McDonald McDonald Pearce Pearce Rosen Rosen i; Sudheirvei Sudheimer Nlr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie ..:,. ,N,-.-.. s0 x L, TENTH `�T m ALEX. F. DieEr��R i 3o Ce 2-70 � y a o P Y. - Hon.. Irving 0. Pearce, Department of Education, Endicott Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Commissioner Pearce: purthe hasseexnt to your aminedand fixed sthe fvalue lof the shereiwriter hereinafter described property as follows: All that part lying Wily of a line distant 100 ft. Elly of the Efly line of Sibley St. and parallel therewith of Lot 13. Also Lots 14, 15 and (Except Street) Lot 16, St. Paul 3,755.00 Central Lots All that part lying W117 of a line distant 136.5 ft. from the Efly line of Sibley Street and parallel there" with of Lot 11. Also that part of Lot 13 lying }Elly of a line distant 100 ft. Elly from the E►ly line of Sibley St. and parallel therewith.$1,571.00 (Except street) Lot 7. Also Lots 8, 9 and 10, at. Paul Central Lots; all that part lying E917 of a line distant 136.5 ft. from the Elly line of Sibley St- and parallel therewith '609.00 of Lot 11. The writer is farther of the opinion that,the above described property can be purchased at considerably less than appraised value, Sincerely yours, (Signed) Leonard C..Seamer LCS:a valuation & Assessment Engineer. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - July 30th, 1930. To the Oonnoil. - Gientlemens- I desire to report that the property known an Late 8, 9 and 10, and Lot 7 except that part used for Wacouta street, and the easterly 24 feet of Lot 11, all in 8t. Paul Central Lots, is needed by the De- partment of Ednoation for a site for the addition to the Franklin School, and that it will be possible to secure the above lots for the sum of approximately $2200.00, the owner to remove any buildings which are on said premises at the present time. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Education. i I hereby certify that there are :r-' sufficient funds in the Eduostion Sid Fund, No. 4009, for the above pro3sot. City Comptroller. COUNCIL ^'O,-_----_,��t,J CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK y- - % OFFICE�/C'7Y CARK L FORM r. Sul -7 31. 1930 RESOLVEDThat Thomas A. Brown, Chief of Police, is hereby authorized to attend the meeting of the National. Association of Chiefs of Police in Duluth, Minnesota, on August 4, 5, 6, 7, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to draw a warrant in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($6100.00) to cover the expense of said trip, made payable to Thomas A. Brown, out of Public Safety Fund 789-A3. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald-...�____-In favor Pearce n Rosen ^.._..Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie JR 21l Adopted by the Council ---------------------- -------- -- Appr ed-- - ---- -----------19--'-- -- _.___.__MAYOR ORIGINAL TO CITY CL CITY �___ � COUNCIL ST. PAUL FILE NO. CIITTSG, ,CLERK CIT I NENERAL FORM RESOLVED. That Joseph A. Macaulay, Superintendent of Police and Fire Alarm is hereby authorized to attend a meeting of the International Association of Municipal Electricians at Denver, Colorado, on August 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to draw a warrant in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) to cover the expense of said trip, made payable to Joseph A. Macaulay, out of Public Safety Fund 789-A3, and that a detailed ac- count of money expended on said trip be filed with the Comptroller and the unex- pended balance be returned to the City. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ..-.In favor Pearce Rosen -------- ------- Against Sudheirner Mr. President Bundlie JUL 3 115`5-' Adopted by the Council -g--p-_-_---_--_.___--_19-------- .-R9L ¢) ved--- - 19___.--- -- ------------------------ '--------------- - / MAYOR s� ...... ...COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL ICE OF CITY CLERK NCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSEIONER DATE JUly 281 193 RESOLVED That the northern States Power Company be given permission to set 40 foot pole on the Sotith end of Langford Park Place East with neoessa.ry guys, wires, anchors and Telephone wires, Estimate #11$17 C. F. 11 No 88230-8y Milton Rdsea— Resolved That she Northdrn' States - f' POwer Company.be given permission to set SBS: toot polls op the South -d or r Aanirtord Park-.Pls.. East with sec-.� eesary:+goys. mires, anchors 4nd ,fele-'. vhonq wire.. Estimate No. 11817 Adopted by the Council July Approved .tnly -21(Augu.0 1980 2 1990) V COUNCILMEN '' JUL 3 1193_ Yeas Nays r Adopted by the Council Claee3` -rzglteen McDonald In favor Appr c 19_ Reh6ttd 6�— Sudheimer Against — MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President Ei COUNCIL ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .I -40F ST. PAUL FILE NO.� OF ICE OF CITY CLERK CO OLU NERAL FORM COMMISSIONEY ATF' RESOLVED That the application of Mrs. R. R. Seifert for Permission to erect a public garage at 820 Rios. street, is hereby granted, and the OOMMiesioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorised and instructed to issue a Permit therefor. C. F. �No 8623I—Ey Clyde R:.may— Reaolv,d That the application o[ 111rB. H R 3elrett for permlBelon tu of leo hereby graublic ted. ga at 880; Ric, BL, .loner, or Park-, plaand the .Com ub- ". ilc rulldinga. 1.. hereby authorfied b In,truct.I to Is,pe a De a h(I hereYor Adopted by the July 31, 1930:: Approved -Suly 81, 1930.:'• fAuguBt 2 I930„I � .. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald _.-.. ____.In favor Pearce Rosen - _�_ Against Sudheilner Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council-._ ------- _------------------ - /Aped-----------------------------------------------_-__-_--------------_-.---------- MAYOR 110 TICE OF APP7.ICATION FOR PE'F.I.IT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant ,to Section 67?, Ordinance Na. 5580,of the City of Sa' t Paul, Minnescta, application will be made on 1Q944? to the .0ity Council of t City X Saint Paul, Mini-esota, 4 by 4 for permission to erect a public ga ge on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot Block Add.itio Saint Paul, n,innescta. n th.e side of St. Ave., between St. Ave.. . Number y Q St.Ave. Ave . DAted at 3a.int Paul, Miniesota, 1 TRE IYlIMI,, ,t;;I VIAS RECEiYED AIID FILED JUL 10 4 1930 D. VI. plRD,z,41i., CITY GLERK ST.r"SC'r Ctl.. lilt{;i — tT TO 8eat1 i Y74 Ordglje tNq 66900[' .4u- STATE OF MINNESOTA, e Ctty of sunt Pq 1 3u e.ot+, atom .jilt no meso 740-1910,- to the Pau,,I ss Count of Ramsey y y Its` councilor the Ctly jot gaint Jnneaom by Hire• x R.. emre t for ,- ___ - being dui sworn, deposes and se that - -.e--. - --- Y Pot Ye rtulasl t erect Dghllo.,gora6 on e torso Ing aeaorsbea ear este.t itis-. .._ - ._ ___._. a he is now and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher E the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, a Ce les. adueeY Copnty MI cants, to lr. ,.iot 1 Hlook- 3 AadttsonLockey:: on the. Float aideOds daily newspaper printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Mianemm• 1104 4tt0 n'f' Jlystt f![tn1: rut I.: Falnoeeola. t arca et b tsvean Luton st and At- la, Nu beras9 arca et- That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed_ w„r,r„i --------.here[o attached, cut from the columna of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published t samt'Paul, xlitneeMa, 7_10. insaidnewsy p ... were made in the English a ci ons in each �..----.foe�..f;fi<}$ _and that all of said publications g 9loaea ._._ language. That mid notice was first inserted, printed and published on I e ..__ j.�,I'1-- day - 193Q, and was printed and published in said newspaper on each and every..Sj$$_--_there- - _ADAY -, after until and including ._;/aR{ W- , the III -"hday of - ;j+94—, 193-0- That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publication as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesom, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to-wit: that for more than one year last past from the data of first publication of said jy'p$.e..a1'._,jkllpi.J.t3W1-CL�93t - said said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to the page, each seventeen and three quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily except Sunday from a known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter, and advertisements or any o either of them. (4) Circulated and n its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said -Zy0ts_0y_-pz-.T,],0_-£g�_ylFa,wsyj' - the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the fact, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions mmtimting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the sire and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz. abcdefghljkIntStopgrstuv xyx. abedetghiJklmnopgrstuvwayz a bcdefghiJkIm,opgr.tuv yz. Further affiant saith not, save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to acco y the bill for the ublication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement, n Subs �wwom fo a this ... �,L..__.. day of.__.__.______-_xT _._ ......___—.,-•— _ _ _ _.... MY Commission ezPires -. ._ _ ._.-.y---�-13 [-j,-. Notary Public, Aaf`3"t Ppuptyp - -- / l _ .. - -... My Commis s�o, .i+i ras J:: ;.. E�I n1oN Iron rsa i JBU0 GARAGN �4 flat yunuant� STATE OF MINNESOTA, Nw"6690, 0111 } ss. 10127.1.1k. m the oFa, apps-, County of Ramsey ) z-s1vnth y of Baht Pam,; _.v__-IL.i-'---..__ - ------------beteg duly sworn, depose and Bays that publinB. gatextrage. .he is now and during all the times hereinafter mentioned hos been the publisher of the Saint Paul Legal Ledges, a reel,—toe.rea,-toe. lta• daily newspaper printed and published in the city of St, Paul, in said Balmy County, Stam of Minnesota; �Mnmuoti6. toAddltlonj Lockey: That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the pdnted_XQ_t_.A.� of Annl iii :n ;f OT t,ria St: a,d At. i-t— hereto attachedj �cut froxaAe column of said newspaper, was inverted, printed and published U. et.' t' i f5 a in said newspaper once in each_-_S}�J fo — ta -and that all of said publications wenn made in the English O tae Hast to yt Bt:adA language. t said noti6 was first insetted, Printtd and published an FT lC�.a;rthe ._..l�.eh.--.day oE- _ sT�— 193___, and was printed and published in said newspaper on each and every. Say ___thus• rafter until and including.. ^Q- aFi=--., rhe�..tl}L-day of •Tuiy 193.1)-. That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified o a medium of official and legal publication as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Lam of Minnesoes, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, m-wit•. that for more than one year lot past from the date of first publication of said 'X`Qt_tCa_Of_-&"1711C8t1�-fD.r--ge 13113.1 ....___-__...-..-____, said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five column to the page, each seventeen and three quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily except Sunday from a known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of Patents, plate matter and advertisements or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty ories regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior m the date of the first publication of said .I Ot__Ofthe publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the fact, fled in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the time and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting it qualificatiero as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in-section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and kind of ,type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz. abedefghijkltnnopgrstuvwxyx. abcdelghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz a b,d,fghijkimnoPgruuvwxyz. Further affient saith not, save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws set Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the pub ication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertisement. Subscribe�sworn to before his.. -_ 4th-- -. day of.._-.._----- —_, 193-m- F_ P-t✓_1i7... My Commission expires----- - Notary Public,t0msRaey Coun MrC mm40E•n�.es J.. .i 1— 49 1.28 600 14 A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, } ss. County of Ramsey J ..JAeI>7AAtA0..SS9AA.....................................being duly to dF: APPLIOw Ipl1t fro w� EnE T A POBL16 awHwdlg.. sworn, deposes and says: that She now Is, and during all the time herein men- Honed has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper yy�ce hetabyy gives trot yy seCtlW 6�4: Ordinance N0. 66 uu7u: ttp.; known m 'TEID ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS." and during all said time was. CIV f.lttlno- Paoq in "I spvuea- 1 w, Mll be`IDa a July So s 6 tQ N� � and now t& principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said "THE BT. DAILY NEWS." during the time, tRlty COuaeO.o . m Cit f- aunt n<, Dfinnareta,, b,r ntn H. eelfert ror newepaDer, PAUL was all said ,V ile ion t areM_ ; Pub lc garage -the daecrloat and and still 1& a dally newspaper printed and ]published In the City of St. Paul, Ramsey, onowing rear estnt< e t . to 1. ensuey County,- M aerota. . to wit in the County of In the State of Minnesota, on each and every day e.. I31adt 1, Ad�nlo Lock ye. n sa+l nP6iu et�..mt4io4• oa tae >Onrt ride o ween Lyton at: and AtWatar of the week, that the annexed printed notice 01 ./�jlpl loat1011 .FA?...... et.' Number 810 Irl t. .. Dated nt saint Paul Minnesota, :Wy 1&' ..8ermh4-To •Ers(1L•9•Aiblis•(ieago ............................... .is3o (Newd July 11, Sl, 1d.► ............................................................................... ............................................................................... hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published In said newspaper for .........tjlree • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • =1EMAJ t MM -that the said notice was first printed and published In said newspaper on ..Fx1dV the .......... 11bh• • • • • • • day of ..... <j„ y.......... A. D., 19.30 and was thereafter printed and published In said newspaper on each and every One- c,,,eding........."y............ until and Including ..... MGZK1 W......... the • • • • • • • • • • • . 14th.. day of ..... jVjy...... A- D. 1930 that said newspaper was, during all the time In this affidavit mentioned. and still Is, a collection m of reading atter In columns and sheet form• the matter conelntlog of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary Items, printed and published in the English language at an established office, and known place of business in said city, to -wit: Noe. 66 to 88 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials.newspaper presses and skilled. workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, In said city; that the sold newspaper wa& during all the said time, and still IN dated In St. Paul, and generally clteuated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the flmt publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent In space of fou• Pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not lase than seventeen and three-fourths Inches long: that during all said time said printer and publisher of the sold "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular Issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers: that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and Is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly or patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 81st, 1901, the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 88 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1898, as, amended. Afflant known and btates that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z Is the elm and kind of type used In the publication of the annexed printed notice: abcd of 9 l f It lm n up q r a t u v w x y z That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth In this affld—t, and that each and alylthereto are true. Subscribed Sw r before me this f Fee, $.... .......... Received Payment. 14th . da of ...J y 19.30 TH DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ao� boa Ramsey County,Wnn � . I Date ............. ....19... Per.......................,. J. L. Mt:C(lOi.r Not Public, Ramsey County, \line. 51i.�'Obtwni!!lt>tt liapjms;-Deo. li,, ur.ili. July 30, 1 -30 - Mr. -30 - Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: This Department has inspected the location of the pro- posed garage at 820 Rice Street, on Lot 8, Block 1, Lockey Addition and finding this is located on a commer- cial street, approve said location. Yours truly, FD'id. •U Superintendent of Inspection. By�/��rQ�� ORTor-pSA®PAS wn eA Gateway t0 the Greet Northwest �fii�of Si. �ettl GEORGE L. NASON. � Urpa ttt of Parks, Ptagal grou, so... o. Pweev ERNEST W. JOHNSON. nttd Ilubur ftttibiup ' s°'T' 0, PLAYO10110S CLYDE R. MAY. COMMISSIONER CHAS. A, BASSPORD. LOUIS J. BARTSCHER. DE -1 Co__oHeE Ovrwe of Coxulve�oraEE 219 CITY HALL 8 July 30, 1 -30 - Mr. -30 - Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: This Department has inspected the location of the pro- posed garage at 820 Rice Street, on Lot 8, Block 1, Lockey Addition and finding this is located on a commer- cial street, approve said location. Yours truly, FD'id. •U Superintendent of Inspection. By�/��rQ�� ORTor-pSA®PAS wn eA Gateway t0 the Greet Northwest COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. \\\\IIII OFFICE/O,/F,} CITY -CLERK RESOL/V [ON—GENERAL FORM T, .:7 . No 88T8E-8{ MI�o� R6eleR �,j St. Paul did heretofore enter into a contract with Garrick Bros. Inc., for the grading of Concord Street from Curtice Street to Annapolis Street, known as Comptroller's File No. L-3351, and Whereas, The work under such contract has been completed and the Commissioner of Public Works is about to issue the final estimate calling for payment thereof, and Whereas, Garrick Bros. Inc. claim they are entitled to certain additional extra compensation not included in the final estimate to be issued by the Commissioner of Public Works, therefore, be it Resolved, That payment of said final estimate may be made by the City of St. Paul and accepted by said Garrick Bros. Inc. without prejudice to the claims of either party as to the re- spective rights with reference to said claim for additional or further compensation. rair COUNCILMEN JUL '2 11930 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _________,______________19______ Conroy May McDonald ------___-In favor APProve __–.– .--------_-.-- -----------19--`--- Pearce Rosen------�---------- Against..--- ------------_.._.----------- SudheimMAYOR er ? 7-3c% �H Mr. President Bundlie IW , 0a1O1-1- CITY CLena —�3 COUNCIL NO. [ NCIL� CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFIC;;ION—GENERAL CITY CLERK =RESPFORM July 31, 1039 RESOLVE4c ,Vn 4o_'8628988yy alneon ltoeen Whe}`esA. In the:, adinjrof Conoord Street. front Cuitice Street to Annapolis elreet.-the time'tor completlon..was at g JuW 7,193 ,bu the wotn. wee, not ntil,July }+ 1030 and. W}tA ay, lr °vjjv, :"6 Ling of Concord Street from Curtice Street to Annapolis Street, the time for completion was set as July 1, 1930, but the work was not completed until July 13, 1930, and Whereas, The City Engineer has found it necessary and expedient to keep said street closed for the year to allow for proper settlement, and Whereas, Under such circumstances no damages could be in- curred by the City by such failure to complete contract within the specified time, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time for completion of said contract be and the same is hereby extended to July 13, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald __7__...In favor Pearce Rosen __-.-..----.--...Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CouncitAIL-21- inti ----19------- 1 Approve `-------------19------' ---- _________— MAYOR P'tIBLISIi1;D��� a ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. L)1 O 1 O OF CI "CLERK Cl RE TION—GENERAL FORM COMM, ONENTED R ATF RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the Washington High School Addition, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the directiop„of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Conroy Nays Adopted by the Council_________ May McDonald / _ ____In favor Jdi. I. ""�+' --- Appr --------- Rosen --- 19 — - Pearce Rosen .._ Against -------t------------------------- Sudheimer MAYOR Mr. President Bundlie COUNCIL 'Bwr-15 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OIL PAUL FILE NO. — OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' CO R LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENSfONI '�— DATE commis RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for cafeteria equipment for the Mechanic Arts High School, as Submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald __: ._.._._In favor Pearce Rosen _-----o__.Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council____ 1S,i.L_�f_�_�!i19_______ /Approve----='-- -----------------19----- MAYOR p. PAUL COUNCIL NO. NCIL •^/p y�l ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK " CITY 01A---S�^E'�-�� OFFICE F CITY CLERK Do«GtiT�r o� ii�/C OU�ffI�IL RE �UTION—GENERAL FORM July 31. 1W0 RESOLVED In the matter of paving South Wabasha Street from the South Line of Delos Street to Congress Street rte y S der Preliminary Order C. F. , approved 7,F14 7 and Final Order C. F. , approved 4 P Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner ofPublicWorks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald --.-._.__In favor Pearce Rosen ___O__._Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie JUL31 Adopted by the Council --------- -------- ------- ..____.-19______ Approve I ----- - - 19----- MAYOR COUNCIL n� ORIOIN� �L TO CITY CLERK CITY O PAUL FILE NO. OFFFFj/�E OF CITY CLERK COONCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alleys in Block 3, St. Catherine Park 2nd Addition from Cretin Avenue to North and South Alley and from Eleanor Street to Scheffer Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84859, approved April 10, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85383, approved May 27, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -_ _- --In favor Pearce Rosen -___V__ --.Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CouncilI--1-19019-_---- / MAYOR RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF Sli"41111IIIJL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK V COUNCIL ENO. �4g k Tnly 30. 1930 In the matter of grading Alley in Block 21 Desnoyer Park, from Doane Street to St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84689, approved March 26, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85285, approved,May 20, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May McDonald _.--__ --__.In favor Pearce Rosen ____-___Against Sudheiraer Mr, President Bundlie Adopted by the CouncilJ111----------19___-- Approv _ .� 19----._ -.._ - COUNCIL OPIOIN�L To cITT .1— CITY Off, PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CLERIC COU OLUT —GENERAL FORM July 30, 1&Z0 PRESENTED BY AT COMMISSIONER i RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 6, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 84755, approved April 2, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85389, approved May 27, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -. -- -_In favor Pearce Rosen ------------ --..__Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie .JAL 3 11930 Adopted by the Council. ---- --------- .---- --------- ---- 19------ I APPrO - - ---------19 -- - i MAYOR OnIdINAI TO CITY CLENK CITY ..,y„,,�T. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFtqE OF CITY CLERK NCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'COMMISSION nATF July 30, 193Q,,,__ RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Fuller Avenue from Vict6ria Street to Fisk Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 85355, approved May 21, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 86043, approved July 15, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C.F.No. 88240—By Milton Roeev— �. In the matter of 6onetructm ourbing on both sides of Fullerliven from Victoria Street, te"P7sk BtreO vn-. I der Preliminary Order C. F.,/88338. aDDrovad May 21, 3830, nd'.' Final (..' Order C. F. 88043,.apDroved July 16 1980.=- Resolved, That the plane; speci8ca tions and estimated..vuantltlee sa avb witted by the Commisetoner of: Publio' Work. for the above named,)mprdve-. ment, be and the eame,are nereby: MD- pr D- i Droved. , Adopted by the;Cquncll July 81, 1880: Approved July, 31. 1930- (August�2-1830) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald - --- ---------- In favor Pearce Rosen ___-.Against Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie JUL 13 10 Adopted by the Council -------- ---- --------------- __19____--. Jul Apptov-------- ----_._-'-----19---'-- MAYOR COUNCI;. NO. ORIGINAL To CITY CLr CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1L PRESENTED BY 1 July COMMISS IONE RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the complete Temperature Control installation in the gurray Junior High School addition, under Item A—?, to thJOHNSON SERVIOE CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,830.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is. hereby - instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 8417. O F. Na ^�:-Reaoly aDyrovee Commltt ror the laetallst JOHNSO -tho:: lowI cum - of 1.. Corpora 1 otrueted ¢..: of pl G''; ApDri COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald "�...._.In favor Pearce Rosen --- q__ Against Sudheilner Mr. President Bundlie ,Ml- 3 11930 Adopted by the Council ____T__— --------------- ---19------- . 3.11'n Approved -/ -- '-'. - -' 19-- i-' i MAYOR COUNCIL (� (_d ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Iw� VO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C U ESUTION—GENERAL FORM *M� - PRESENTED BY Itu. HATE July 30, 1930 COMMISSIONED RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the complete Electrical Installation in the Murray Junior High School addition, under Item A-8, to the PEQP.LX.B ELECTRIC CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $3,089.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- struoted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $3,300.00 F.B. #8417. C. F. No. 80242-33y I. C. Pearce .. Resolved;That,: the .Council-hereb Approved July 31;: 1030: / '(Augnst.2;1830) 0 Yeas COUNCILMEN 1193ID Nays Adopted by the Council ____L-3___ ------ ---- 19______ Conroy q May JUL 3 1 McDonald -___.In favor Approved ___ ______ __ a7d_n„_ -- _t-- ____-19 Pearce Rosen ____ _ _ Against ;X�x _ Sudheilner MAYOR Mr. President Bundlie ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK CITY OF COUNCIL ST. PAUL FILE NO.—A-61-243 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU SO ION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER 1 — — DATE' July 30, 1930 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in'awarding the contract for complete installation of the Roofing, Shee$ Metal and Ventilation in the Murray Junior High School addition, under Item A-2, to the DONALDSON SHEET METAL CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $2,100.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corpor,Ition Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $3,500.00 F.B. #8417. i I. C. Pearch eb9 C. V. No.; 88ThnC$ pe CouneflCoa raot. Resolved, contract �p�u nittee in awaTai°g the .Roof - for complete fnetallatioa of the .� /n6. Sheet Metal a,", h�'gchtiolf addition (rraY Junior D`tLhe DONALD80N� +EET?BMIITAL' CO.. they 1)efn� then: lowest ;Tespaneible blddere. 'tae with G sum of ". 53,10tl.00: in. accoTdanthe tu pinna and ePeCprctrasingnA6 nt; "and- 1 otRce at the oper Corm. { Couneel 1e op ebY In S the Corporation the Pr I etruated to draw uPitec of aoptract therotor Architect a 1930:' } mate.: 53.5oo o the CoanNl JuIY 31, Adopted by7ulY Si 1,30 Approved (AUBuat'. E-19301 , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearce Rosen _-_.��.._. Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ______JUL-2-1 M019—_ Approve __ jilt il I - _. L ----- -- ------------- -----f----------------- "Y 'OR CITY OF. ST. PAUL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLENK OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I�OU IL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. FILE 1s RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for complete installation of the Plumbing and Heating under Item A-5, in the Murray Junior High School addition, to ELMER R. JOHNSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $11,739.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Arohitect's Estimate $11,800.00. F.B. $8417. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -__ _..--.In favor Pearce n Rosen _____ Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Counc�t, `�. �q------19--- Appro e '�-- - 19-- � V ------------------- f� F GM -K 64DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 8624" PRESENTED BY- 6. Yye ORDINANCE NO. Tamending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled Cl C Hy dE£� ,t✓rdiuea°g No 4EEE-+- 4 ordtnr � 1 rtrt`. i NO ice for the purpose of promoting panic health, safety, order, convenience, pros— � parity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the. .location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered;. and regulating and determining the minimum size of establish— juglot line courts the boundaries other ofdistricts pen feorsaid purposes, approved duly 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordiloheal rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THB COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved duly 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to rescue Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 1, Hazel Perk Divi- 1922, No. 2, in a 'C' Residenoe District, Anstead of 'A■,Residenoe District. Section 2. This ordinance to hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council - Yeas✓ Nays McDonald � may ✓ Rosen Sudhei'm A0�8 ✓ Hr. President (Bundlie) Approved mayor Attest f� 7PuBLIsimD 8 - -R 3 3 a City Clerk M GM K ORDINANC.E COUNCIL FILE NO. 962 '4 K a33 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. h IiC s. No 85Y46—OYQ1GeaP4 �Jo sae—,�' amending Ordinance leo. 5840,:. entitled B9 Clyde o ]r6Y .;T .. - 4nance for the purpose of promoting '="" the. pule io health, safety, order, convenience, pros- neral welfare by providing for the perity and gm classification, regulation and restriction of the. location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered;, and regulating and determining the minimum size of Iecouits eeaother rifeestablish - Ing theboudariofdistcts orsaidpurposes approved fa, 1922- tihordinance ed essary r.thepreservaon of the public emergency health and safety. THE OOUNOIL OF THE OITY OF ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to rezone Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 1, Hazel Park Dili. elan No. 2, in a 20' Residence District, instead of sks Residence District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.' Seotion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage sad publication. Passed by the 00unoll Yeas ✓qtrNaye f � � moD�onald may 0 ✓ Rosen tat.�r 2nd. d V/mr. President (Bundlie) Approved Alit18 Laid over to.------ 3rd. & app.-Adopted I� -- mayor Yeas Nays Yeas Nays test Conroy Conroy s ��J / _ _! —' May May / PUELISIIItD 8 ' �d 3 3 IMcDonald ( McDonald Olty Olerk 1' Pearce tl Pearce Rosen Rosen Sudheimer Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie fir. Pres. Bundlie 0. W. BIROSALL. %ity of ftint Paid CITY CLERK AND corNusw"en o► nm,nnwnow (Office of "itU (terh RNI „t July 30th, 1930. Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; The attached application of Mrs. H. R. Seifert for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 9, Block 1, Lockey Addition, at 920 Rice Street was approved today and referred to you for resolution. We also attach petition of Jennings D. McLellan, at al, in the matter of rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2 from an "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District. This petition was approved by the Council today and referred to you for ordinance. Yours very truly, City Clerk. PETITION TO A,OEND -BOARD OF Z ON I NG- July 10th, 1930 15, Acting under Ordinance No- 5840 of August 22, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition: July 0th, 1930. Petitioner: Jennings D. McLellan, at al.' Location: Lots 1 2 and 3 Block 1 Hazel Park Div.! Ho 2 Lots 20' 29 & 30' Alook 1 Hazel Park Div: Ho. 2 Zone- +A" Reaidesos Distr1ot. Amendment -asked for: RON Residence District. it r>Cnm>oxmo,nEzoar� Al tlt Oldl—ing-ho. sled ,provt- Ing th t O dinance No. 6840, approved.I Date of Board Hearing • July 10th 1930 Jnly 7th the the same lieing an ordln- nn for the-"Durpo6e o[or promoting -."I vubli health, safety, order. coaven•. ;!^v*h DroeDerlty mfl geaoral Date of Inspection: July 9th, 1930 o^^ding for the laselflc7r -nad restriction, f tt- "� nd' tad'iih 0— Appearances for Petitioners: Jennings D.� YOLellan, '"F 1715 Fauquier 8t. Appearances for Opposition: Hone Petitioner's Argument: j have torn down the old hotel build- ing and out buildings which stood on this property, and desire to put up modern apartment buildings for families whose members work at the Harvester Works: There is a demand for apartments in this neighborhood. Conclusions: We believe that the rezoning of this property for a development as proposed by the petitioner might help this district very materially.' This land was -zoned for RA" Residence at the time the zoning Ordinance went into effect and pending future dem1c];ments: The land opposite being mond Industrially. We think the time has now arrived for permitting a reclassification and the construction of apa$tments. Action of Board: Recommend the amendment: f � ecr�e�tary, BOARD OF ZONING V. L.' Darling W. J. Driscoll Louis Betz 0. A. Bass2Brd 0 OV we w Lr �I SIJ JOHN H.M4DONALD,CoMMssoneR THO5.0.0'CONNELL,Dcrvrr ConMissioNsx CLIFFO RO A,NYSTRCM LEON ARD C. SEAMER,Vq OM b As.e5_TEn.iNee.. MARRY A:JOHNS�N July 8,1930 To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentl emen s - I have checked the petition attached hereto filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2, and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2, from an "A" kesidence District to a'':C" Residence District and find that same is sufficient. Very truly yours, /N —A Q� Commissioner of Finance. Petition to change the Zoning Classification. St.Paul,r.:inn. To the Honorable, The City Council, City of St.Paul, Gentlemen; � trio -thirds e the undersiE,ned orrners oof the several descriptions of real estate situatea r+ithin 100 ft. of the reaL estate affected, have acquiesced 'nerein;anu vie,owin!rs of 50 or, .sore of tiie irontage to be reclassified,petition your Honorable Body to .Make the followin€, chsmEe in the the 7.0ning Classification. 0n Ames Av. Lots 1-2-6- +lock 1 Hazel Park iiiv No.� beinP; o lots west of corner of hazel an¢ Ame.s.property were Hotel L!ow is.beinp, S.Vi.Corner 0n Lacrosse Av. Lots Block 1 Hazel Park liiv.No.2 bE!in1: 5 lots ,;est of N.W.corner of Hazel and lacrosse Av. from "A" resident Name 1 (district) to a "C" resident (district;) Lot I Block Addition 1 I 1 Hazel Park Div No.2. 2 " 3 30 I n u 2y n u GFi u v o1 q i " 30 �i , n r.. n of 1'he national policy of` the inteMI.ation harvester Co. af1inst1ar'YalocalrOperty Nit!z 100 feet is to not to favor or sign for,or sign qu..stion,they let the ,:iajority decide. r State of Jainnesota # Ge'.r.ity of iia;lisey Jennings 1),uic 1 ellan Be first duly sworn, apposes ana says that he is the person ,<ho circulated the within petition;that the parties oo scribed at;ove are the owners respectively of the lots placed imi:iediately following each na:ue;that this petion was signed byeach of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the siL;naturesabove are t'ne true ana correct si�,,natures nf' eac!t ara ail �f the parties so sescribed. Subscribed ano sear to befoge re this day of !C'4 .... Notary Publlc,ha;asey County,;Ann. 44y Co;amis�.kai gyres _ Nt>�Y I'ublla. 1lxmecy 6�muty, Minu.� -� of Finance, Dear com7assioner: july 114th, 1)31) - ,)n July I)"), the etition In pots 1. ' and 3- 310cl' 1- PO-rl: '."v* 'To. 2 �AOL': 1, "aZel Div' and Lots23 S, so, , 17j. 2. in Ile" Re.A-Iincm 7.istrict, hill come before the Council fol- hc:!riftg- Will you k1nLily notify the property owners affected by this change If this 'noaring? Yours very truly. city Clerk. �peparr IKrceRyF�GF' s c JOHN H.M4DONALD,Co�nnvss�oaea THC5.0.0'CONNELL,DErvrr Conniss�oNea -- CLIFFCRDA.NYSTROM LEONaRO C.SENMER,Vawgnon afi5sessmenr EneWe[z HNRRY 4:J0HNS0N July 3, 1930. To the Council, Oity of 8t. Paul. Gentlemen;- I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2, and Lots 2$, 29 and 30, Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2, from an "A" Residence District to a 110" Residence District. and find that same is insufficient. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Finance. Kr1 July 3rd, 1930. Mr. Jennings D. McLellan, 1715 Hauquier St., St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Your petition in the matter of rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 1, Hazel Park Div. Ho. 2, and Lots 28, 29 and 30. Block 1, Hazel ?ark Div. No. 2, from an "A" Residence District to a "C" Residence District, was before the Council today. The Commissioner of Finance report the same as insufficient as it does not contain the signatures of the required number of property owners affected by the change. Yours very truly, City Clerk. D. W. BIRD ALL. CITY CLX AND ' COYYI{{ION[R OI R[OI{TIIATOY rt• � of 10nint Faul Office of Coity (Qlerk U ,Ivly 3rd, 1930. Mr. Jennings D. McLellan, 1715 Pauga.ier St., St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Your petition in the matter of rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2, and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 1, Hazel Park Div. No. 2, from an "A" Residence District to a "C" Residence District, was before the Council today. The Commissioner of Finance J report the same as insufficient as it does not contain the signatures of the required number of property owners affected by the cbange. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 41 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 86246 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.— rFICE F CITY CLERK tGi'IoN—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Oity COUAOil instruct the Corporation Ornmee7 t0 proceed In big best judgment to negotiate a compromise proposal and plans for the separation of the grade of West Seventh street at the crossing of the right of way of the Ohioago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, if in hie opinion it is impossible for the City to obtain from the State Railroad and Warehouse Commission an order for the depression of the railway tracks asoriginally contemplated by Ordinance NO. 6109, approved August 1, 1923, ail that these plans to be prepared by the City Engineer in cO-operation with the Engineers of the Railroad Company, be submitted to the Cannan for final approval. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy � May Z, ,_pge}d _.-___.._.In favor Pearce t/ Rosen __..Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie v/ Adopted by the Council ----------- ---------------- --19------ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OF ICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL/RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORK r g ; COUNCIL NO._''b._ PILE July 26, 190 ntdea or Kent n t tanl:`.Ordex,ti oa1F aa;e _ ;�as�„ttl`itiking the improvement o£ constructing isas,t*Zding on both sides of Edmund St. from Kent St. to L�'uale St. and Kent St. from Edmund St. to Charles St., under Final Order C. F. 8246Contractors roved Sittwasenecessary, the Standard Stone Company, to make the following additions: Yeas— Additions 6 ft. straight curb at 50¢ 3.00 23.08 n radius n It 60¢ 13.85 Total additions $ 16.85 Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done ion of the Works and in accordance der the pwithsthe specifications Commissioner Public cost of same not to exceed the sum of $16.85 and to be allowed as an extra under the contractknownknown as comptroller's Contract L-3446 for the making of The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, The Standard Stone Company, that the sum of $16.85 is extraematerialble cost specifiedfinoing the the :om2mi�ssioner regoing resolutionwork and the of Public Works. Countersigned: D^ 1, Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Nays 1`esgueen�7 A¢eRellsia In favor Sudheimer SL—Against WtoscL Fz",, C Mr. President Iinq_ a Z/ &_ Contractor Adopted by the Council AUG e 1 W 19_— pili Approv —19— _ MAYOR PMLISIII D COUNCIL NO. ORIGINAL TO CITY C-1111 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OF 3iWE OF CITY CLERK C aESOLUT —1—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY AT ..MM,SS! NE� C RESOLVED That permission and autbority be and they are beTSbY given to the juive'relty Avenue Commercial ()lub to conduct a festival from August lath to 25th, at Lexington and University avenues. j.. o. s 24 B� rraisSudhelslOn 8eeolved, That t e I hereby given thorlty b9 and to the UatvaraltY,Avenus.Commerelal,l 1C.O et ival. from Au 18th to , at';" -tGc!ln o".'' � : 1 VeraltY nue :- _ ; I 6! ouni 1930 Aflo¢ted by ADDroved Aug. 313c 9 Yeas COUNCILMEN N s Adopted by the Council Conroy May AUG — 1w Approved_ ----------- -,z ----------------19-- _D4*j;kRRwI4 — _____._..In favor Pearce Rosen ----------------- Against Sodheirner Mr. President Bundlic COUNCILINO• E Oft101NALTOCITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OF E OF CITY CLERK C ESOLUT —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED OMMI55 ONE AT RESOLVED That permission and authority be . and they are. hereby given to the University Avenue CclmmeTC'al Club to oonduot a festival from August 18th to 85th, at Lexington and University avenues. C. F. No'80ThatBpe m�sto"aa"a g ReOolveO, hereby B1ven' ChorltY be and, they aro C]uD to conduct a YOsttvat frCON 18tD to 26th. at- LQzln6tbn, and Unl- YereltY avenues;- AHolfted Dy the Counoll :AUB 1 1980. ApDrbved Aug. 1 1850. (AUBust 9 18SOh. .COUNCILMEN Yeas N Conroy May I/vn ------------ _.In favor Pearce Rosen __-._O Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council_— -ori 19----- 19-- Approve .---------------- ------- ----'---- -----'------------------------- MAYOR L ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL � FILECOUFILE NO. 8629 OF E OF CITY CLERK Co� ::I OLUTION—GENERAL FORM .j1) - PR FSFNTFfI RV \\JJ (( I�1A • 7 a i�rt of en�rynloC Leijnta SfBin; Department of the United States has, by w `p Qr °�a waa ,,enea eeme: 1930, oanoelled its order naming the 'Whereas They: $k ramae[a to ar f .entry for the United States, which St • stl-weatber all-Y,ear aad ell war fiEla; wlthia a avezmtnute rlae of the Cus= me two years ago;. and orifi tom'OfHoe la'thle c[ty, ana. . k1 Ift'th-41.14 . tranepoi'tatioa to ana:# 1$+'6m the Held /e?furnlehefl by the Cltyy and there 1k no other'ffela-comysrableLy field is an all-weather, all -year and ell Afrp ttNnrcAaractew ana tihocataonpand0-minute ride of the Customs Office in she. deelgnatloaof eafd.Heldea a`ff.^•- this 01malry is wltflouf, actual:• .raZIW - WHEREAS, The transportation to and from the field is furnish- ed by the City, and there is no other field comparable in the l(orth- west with the St. Paul Airport in character and location, and the designation of said field as a port of entry is without actual ex- pense to the Government of the United States, and is of increasingly Important service to the country; and WMMEAS, Pilots entering this country from Canada are familiar 3t'*h the fact that the St. Paul Airport is a port of entry, and the �14ag by the united States Government of the designation of the Si: Paul Airport as a port of entry at the height of the flying season will only tend to create confusion and possible international misunderstanding; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Utilities be and he Is hereby instructed and directed to communicate with the Treasury Department, requesting that the St. Paul Airport be retained as a port of entry, and the City of St. Paul be given an opportunity to meet the United States Government requirements; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Treasury Department of the United States. COUNCILMEN AUG 0 i mo Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. --.___.__..__g—____— Conroy / AUG —1W _19_____ May !,., 1144.1-. f.. - ..-.In favor APProv - -A��Ap4 G --------- ----- - —19--- Pearce G Rosen------ ------- Against ------ ---- ----------------------------------------------` -- AYOR Sudheimer LISIDSli % �o Mr. President Bundlie / COUNCIL ' NO.�(yLJ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK OF E OF' CITY' CLERK �Cp 1JCILOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l/ , . i o1ed*''' Vtmsnt of the Unites. States bass the ' T� mss, f Depar by an order dated July_18�''; 1930, oanoelled_its order naming the St. Paul original orderrt as asas is ued. some twort Of o yfearsthe ago;�States, which and pMMW, The St. Pan, field is an all-weather, all -year and all -way field, within a five-minute ride of the Customs Office in this city; and -. - woman, The transportation to and from the field is furnish - ad Voatywith thethe ySt�Paul Airport inOther character comparable ocation, d the designation of said field as a port of entry is without actual ex- pense to the Gpvernment of the United States, and to of increasingly important service to the country; and ry from Canada are familiar IMEBEAB, pilots entering this count b: trot that the St. Paul Airport Is of entry, and the a'jjn'6�injg by the United States Government of the designation of the St. pan. Airport as a Port Of entry at the height of the flying season will only tend to create confusion d possible international ;misunderstanding; therefore, be it ffiSOLQED, That the Commissioner of Public Utilities be and he Is hereby instructed and directed to comEnmicate with the Treasury Department, requesting that the St. Paul Airport be retained as a meort of et thean ed and the States Government Of eq rPaul bemenivi ts;nand bbee ortunity to It BURTHER RESOLVED,That the Q ted this sStaresolution be forwarded to the Treasury Department AUG — COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_.__—._--_-------- - — Yeas Nays ConroyJ AQP — 1 6A41 May I6 Approv - ----------------- ------------- 19----- **� la_ -------- In favor Pearce -�-- -� ----- Rosen ._-_ _L-_._- . Against AYOR P_UBIISIII ll — — � o Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie D. W. etRDBALL. .. QIIA � �ai i� Jim . . CETT CLKRK AND J fArruuoNKw D►a[DIRTRAnON Office of (41tg (Aterk July 30th, 1930. Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; Attached please find application of the University Avenue Commercial Club for permit to conduct a festival from August 18th to 25th, at Lexington and University Avenues. This application was approved by the Council today andreferred to you for the proper reso- lution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. EN K. J. EL 01185. �!y,� Q Saint Paul DW FIR 'C.1.1 N. CHIS► OF POUoE i••11 Saint OUN MICHAEL OEBHARDT, OSCAR LANDER. ARRT. CHID O► PoUC. y� {� �} '* {�Tr- } ASST. FIRS CHIRP H. A. PALL. %partment of Vuhifr SafetV WILLIAM BARRON. CADTAIN O► DERRITp TT �r.` CHRIP INS-CTOR, FIRS PRERENTION THOMAS E. DAHILL. CHARLES L. WILLIS. JUNIOR CAR. OF DRTSLTIVRR J M C I ANCY. COMMISSIONER BUR. o1 APPARATU. O. H. BARFUSS. HARRY T. O•CONN[LL• 0-1- C.MMI..ION.. B. F. SIMON. M. D. SUR. OF. TRAFFIC HxIuwTH OPFICW A. L. EOGIMT. BUREAU OF POLICE A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. v LICSNRS INR►SLTOR DSPUTY HIUU." C—CRR JOS. MACAULAY.ROOM I IR COURT HOUR. JOHN MART1. SU. PLO.— !t FIRS ALARM E R.'J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE C.— HULTN IMRP[ Tow •I —41 1 duly 30.1930. Hon. George C. Sedheiser. Commissioner of Public Safety, City. Hear diri- Replying to yours of the 23rd last;, would advise that upon lavestig. ation, this department finds no reason why the request of the University Avenue Commercial Club should not be granted a permit to conduct a 8tm®er Festival, from August 19th to 28th. Respectfully, momse A. Brown. Chief of Police. July 21, 1930 City Counsel, c/o City Clerk, Court House, 6t. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen:— This is to advise you that the University Avenue Commercial Club of this City plans foA gust atoummer25th. festival that will run from then 8th da o concessions It is planned to have a merryrg ouI?and entirely controlled and operated by members of the Commercial Club. I have been delegated to write this letter to you for the purpose of having a permit issued by your body granting permission to hold the festival during that week. Very truly yours, �w 19AS RECEIm AND FILED JUL 21 117fi P1 1930 D. �Y. T;IRDS,41.L, CITY CLERK ST. PAUL i P..!, Y Cu.. I,'iil!ii D. W. BIRDSALL. CITY OL[RK AND COYMIf/ION [P O! RLOI/TMTION b t&itiq of '*aint Poul (Ohre of (Alt!] (�lerh July 22nd, 1930. Hon. G. C. Sudheimer, Comslr of Public Safety, Building. Dear Commissioner; We attach herewith application of the University Avenue Commercial Club for permit to hold a festival at Lexington and University Avenues from August 18th to 25th. This matter was referred to your department for investigation and report. Yours very truly, J2�(rx"�� City Clerk. Council File No...._.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: In the matter of changing the grade of E. Third St. from. Broadway to 125 ft. east of John St. to conform to the red line_ on the "profile hereto attached and made a part'hereof, the present established grade beingshownhird St a bluenline aforesaid e' thereon, also regrading and repaving E. limits to said red lines when established, with sewer, water lets and gas connections from street mains to property paving of alley where not already made, also including curbing and p g and driveway approaches, changes in.,wAtermains and appurtenances where necessary, construction of sidewalks on both sides of E. . from Broadway to 125 ft. east of John Street, con- Third-Stapproach to viaduct, construction struction of retaining walls on of ornamental lights on E. Third St. from Sibley St. to the viaduct and all other work necessary to the improvement. pylpyLlD[rNABY OAD_IDBa, I O rg No. BBi60— ADs[raot, oeacvemenL �skin6 -ot tL x s'v)'Ml t i lot of John St. to conform T40Ie ria y= rpattn�a. , w ro ¢e OS1io �; .�jattached ashovrathe dbyaapblue line f thereon, present established grade being also regrading and repaving E. Third St. betweeh the aforesaid y limits to said red lines when established, wit}„sew.ene water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete curbiiftind paving of alley where not already made, including and driveway approaches changes in watermains and appurtenances where necessary, construction 4oth sides of E. of sidewalks on Third St. from Broadway,to 125 ft. east .of John Stree'., con- struction of retaining walls on approach to viaduct, construction of ornamental lights on E. Third St. from Sibley St. to the viaduct and all other work necessary to the improvement. R=== Rosen 'w.. SDDHEIMER -.................:..•,._.....____.._.....___..__ v rx Pearce Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT n 'Form c A 13 (zM ase) - - PUBLISIMD L2, po pps TwbLonsWGUp• pJ`jJ6L I:.OLIC TJGG62�� T61� '��• po ppG d]'3gfTGp sTJq STT. 2 OU �'� TiIJT:C.O 2p* J.,T.OW 2TP, py OLlJffWGLT,�'-`-%] 7T�?Jp 2 OTJ' 3bf)LO?C1J po &TEfgrsCp cOiJ2pJ;f'fCpTOTJ 2pLrscp?oU Off, LGPUTUT gee.+o17 p L G32p 01, `IC; �'o �L �. Gob ',I �LOsq' z ou p pp 4� O JTLq 2p• TLOW B cou..pL7cpTou Ob aTgsr'=`''TK gb;nLpsu5uc6z Pa1.TGLG u60G2agL1i a CpsTJaG2 Tu iv13p6L1A5T)72 gUq bgnTTJ� O,u gTTG1. STJq gLTA6th5� SbbLO5GpG2 ao TucTngT cfMPVT sUq t%IJGLG TJOp.57L65gi1 lIISgGi,0IUy2�LGGJ' 7pgTJJ2 p0 DLObGLpi2 TTuI, 94llGIT5pb' gpq $g2 GOTJTJ6CpTOTT� T'U62 mp6TT 62p5pTT2�T6gl R,Tp1T 2G!d6L 6S5p6L 2 ,0 -2gTq LGq zsbgnTu� E• IpTLq 2p' pGgUGGU pIJG sT oT 6031 TT23Tp 4-' S Ji, suq G GTTTii 21J ? g pT76 TTIJG pJJGT, GOTJ� sT2o L6� q. °IIsgs g bSLp pG?.soT" pUG bLG26JJp 62pg PTT21J6q oLgq gC G 5Uq G LGq TiiJ6 ou ppG bLO1TTG psLGpo sppol '10PU 2p' po CovIoT.W 7o p Lpm tnga po T52 Tip, e52p p' 'BLOgq �I�THTJii 7TJ�i �IJG fc'. T. SqG OTS, .L 1T;"g�^.a -- 1st August, 1930 Dated this - ------- day of -........... -... .......-- Councilman. . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: In e,m,*tter of changing the grade of E. Third St. from xS, s �`. +• t of John St. to conform to the red line proms z,a ttached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also'regrading and repaving E. Third St. between the aforesaid limits to said red lines when estabjished, wi,-th„sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, also including'ddibibt"and paving of alley and driveway approaches, changes in watermains and ap_,urtenances where necessary, construction of sidewalks on both sides of E. Third St. from Broadway -to 125 ft. east,of John Stree'-, con- struction of retaining walls on approach to viaduct, construction of ornamental lights on E. Third St. from Sibley St. to the viaduct and all other work necessary to the improvement. RIME UN Rosen r SlUDHEIMER Pearcev .......... ....... .......... ....... -................ .._..... _............... •--- MR. PREBIDENT Mayor. e.m c w 13 (sM 2.2D)PUBLISI ED 3 J, LOA30 zrGc6 2; 7.no go• PIJ6 -TT 0A']JGL LF. 2_ L"m 2TP aqoGP G'O�J2 PLOG-CTCAJ "q U ' * I )"'Ogcp J�o CoIj- -JTZP�Pa O'j r 01, OLIjUWG '- . 137"g N"S"j-1a or 'jo!j3j 2PT.,3- -'jr'-jO;.j OT, 1-0913T - 2Tqe,a E O�qt%'Z3%j jPo ou po-Nj . L Ij 0-1 2:rqG,,, jb fjLgG1J911GG2 2.p— TLC T 1 -"o '-I- - -Tr , guq bUATU& , GGaS'ULX IC)lj gL�-s �G * GT'G' Tjr- - 9GYea GpuIAGa I YJ GfS-LPT'-J' coubj-'- -X ubbLO gjao TTJGTfl(4TD TV6- q CSL�AGJA� m9c OID �b - IG �Po bLOb, j,%gjpGL GLr' Mg "4TLGgq7' a.pLr-G4� ms T132 JI'T �Pp -aGAG,, I 62uTq OD gPj72FGCS ape S-toL uliq 9,01 GOOUGG�r TIJ62 &TJGTJ 6U -. "o 2s:[q, Laq qLq 0 .-,:rljG PJJGL�; j" WT 4- 4- -1-Tue PT' Pyr- giao L 9 Er b5LP. P Leq bLG2GIJ; TTV, G 6 9Uq 0 013T�OLUJ -Po �Plj 0 G t i-; - 2 , P:rLcs o3i 1, L,3qe o zo B&osq!h e CC T C",7 L r T 1Ci- -);j ro P)j T C:013.f' —7. 1: 7;J ,T TD If 6 TJ iJGG e. q 47,qTu" CjS1'PTK1'-. Tj"'Ti •V 'T42 " - - -j -P' P g. "ac ri ATUi� L�' T T lix'GPOS-14 s1a1P91')TT'2UGq ZTvq,�; pc7r'E� �T" zi-Tq mr-a T—p T-7-1 T-0 o G *SVA' ,P4. TSP C - ,;- GU�4 '10TTU 'J�CljE'uz 41jr, al�ucfo 071, P , Ipi T, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul— ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of Said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- ........................ ...................... YEAS NAYs CouncilmanQIU=, Conroy FMMWA= May Raw=, Rosen SUDHFJMVU MMM= Pearce MIL PRESIDENT F.— C A 12 (2M 2-20) AUG - ApproApproved , 0 ved .................... �.r ------- ........---•-------------- . ...... ...... 0 (4 .... ..................... I ............................ ..... z Mayor. PUBLISIIED O CITY CLEftH CITY OF ST. !*AUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �JNCIL 5,F S LIASION—GENERAL FORM FILE NO. 86251 C F 1•io 868I , Pcry llltji T . caun-- Wbareae ^ ha hi„ - `Oii'tOr P•rny, u�4t SneaU nd m9cha' tr+gjn tsl nLn, t.L,U6Petroleum Corporation has petitioned the C station atbthe�aor'! atscorneall rnofmP .yne avenueland iLaw- filling son street; and _ W=ZAg, , hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph p, Section_5 of Ordinance No. 5840;.and WSZREAS,.Said Phillips Petroleum Corporgtion has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks,.eto. for the information of the Comnoil; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Phillips Petroleum Corporation to install and maintain a ted - drive -in filling station in a000rdance with the atic llyplau.subvoid The any changes from.the plan as approved i tautomatically led iais000rdanoe permit. The tanks and pumps shall be with the ordinances Of the 01ty of St' Paul, naerr pig direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the landscaping to be subject to the approval the Commissioner ch�esion curbOf- parks Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; jug, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN p — p _-L Adopted by the Council_____ Yeas Nays+u____,.___19-- Conroy May ApP - --19-- McDonald In favor Pearce Rosen Against _______--_______ -- - ---------------------------p - _.-__ '.: :. ___ MAYOR Sudheimeryi""""", Mr- President Bundlie y gr O. W. BIRDSALL. 0" GLttR 11ND /p{� i (�'� CONNI[[IDNt„ O/ [[D�[TI,ATON . waire of ctg Cerk August let, 1930. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; The attached application of the Phillips Petroleum Corporation for permit to install a drive-in filling station at the northwest corner of Payne Avenue and Lawson Street was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, L. C. HODGSON. MAYOR CNAIR/:AN I J. H. MCDONALD i COM. OF PUBLIC WORK! J. M. CLANCYI , COM. OF PUBLIC SAFETY L. R. S. FERGUSON. COM. OF EDUCATION - O. -W. ROHLAND. JR.. 'CON. OP PUBLIC UTILITIES G. C. SUDHEIMER. -COM. OF FINANCE I. C. PEARCE, COM. OF PARKS, PLAYOROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILOINDS JOHN W. KELSEY. CITY ENGINEER E. M. O;NEILL. CORPORATION COUNSEL WM. F. SCOTT. CITY COMPTROLLER G. L. NASON. SUPT. OF PARKS [rhe (MV Manning IWC of *W VhuL fflinnftota ,204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GEORGE H. HERROLD. Mn A.— DIRECT.. ... ... I.... August lot, 1930. LOUIS BETZ. VICE-CHAIRMAN D. W. ABERLE ARTHUR CAINES MRS.. P. N. -CARDOZO W. L. DARLING W. J. DRISCOLL JOHN FISCHER. 'DEN E. LANE GEO. F. LINDSAY J. A. SEEGER R. S. SHEPARD A. H. STEM J. CLAIR STONE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. VON DER WEYER Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Re Drive -In Filling Station, NSP corner Payne Ave. & Lawson St. Phillips Petroleum Corp., Mr. Blomquist, Agent. 281 Maria Ave. The above station is to be located in a district zoned for Commercial use. This is permissible under the Zoning Ordinance subject to a hearing before the city council. 15gIneerinR Report : There are no engineering difficulties involved. Yours very truly, �1 ylanning Engineer. Ap ommissioner c u tic or s. gh-ORH n n _ ORIGINAL CITY F ST. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO GE MADE IN --IFLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLEHK•D OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE___________ /4 ' TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made (NAME OF FIRM OP INDIVIDUALI l �i FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A-_SiW'._!__-!YLS�-------------- - ------- ---- -__--------- I 'DRIVE IN- OR -IN.- OARAOE^1 r t AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT.___ _!l __/_%olv�-f9-__/�IIQEi(_ _�- ALSO DESCRIBED AS(------If-Y^�Y���__- (ADDITIO ,{ ISTREET AND NU ERI NO. OF PUMPS_ ----- -------- -----NO. OF GAS TANKS___,____3 _------ ----------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK____________ /J CIONATURE OF APPLICA� FILED BUe1NEE9 ADOflEbe. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE---- --------------- -_-_---- -___--- - -------- 1D ----- -_ DATE ----------------- .________________-_________-1B__-_ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY-- ------ -__--------------------------- _---- -____-_-- PRODUCERS — REP INERIS — MARKETERS — EXPORTERS p_ PETROLEUM COMPANY Marketing Department 821 Second Ave. Noah, MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA a. n.LINS Di�- M— U August 1, 1930 City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sirs: This letter is to assure you that three complete sets of plans and specifications for service station and grease house to be built at Payne and Lawson Streets, St. Paul, will conform with those shown on the sketch attached. We trust that this will be sat- isfactory. Yours very truly, PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY jP CP7D/JM IPivisibn Hager Eno. E. J. MURNANC CHIEr or POueE MICHAEL OEBHAROT. AEET. CHIEF Or POL'= H. A. PALL. CAMAIN Or DETEOTPIEE THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR DA". Or DETECTrv- 6. H. BARFUSS. SUR. Or TRA"IC A. L EOOERT. LICENEEIxrrtEroll Jos. MACAULAY. Burr. FeucE s Fut AUPY j, �y flit of saint Paul 13epartment of 13uhlic Safety .'X'2PRP4MP=y Y. COMMISSIONER yNpN.ya4•.rvONNtLL, DEPUTY comm........ BUREAU OF POLICE RODM Ili cOYRT NOYit e .I July 30, 1930 Mr. D. W.Birdsall, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. OWEN C. DUNN. FIRE CNI.F OSCAR LANDER. A— FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM 13ARROM. CHI.F IHEPtcTOR. RIPt pRrytNTIGM CHARLESor MPA"TUL. S B. HEALTH OFF ;civ _ A. E.NICHOLe. M. D- D NEAI.TH OrrICER JON. MART.. CHIEF HEALTH ImtHCTOP Dear Sir: Returned corporation ewith is the application of the Phillips Petroleum Coporation for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of wsou of inspection Avenue n firehazzaard and traffic- very� with reports traffic. Very you?s, tef/l�t— Commissioner of Public Safety E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF or POLICE MICHAEL OEBHARDT. ASST. CHUU` OF POLICE N. A. VALL. CARAIH or DETEOTIYEE THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAR. or DETECTIVE[ O. H. BARFUSS. BOR. OF TEA A, L EOSERT, LICENSE INSINUVOR JOS. MACAULAY. SUR. POuOR B FIRE ALARM k^ Ctu of Saint Paul Department of Public Safeiv J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O -C .... LI, -UTI ....... I.... BUREAU .OF POLICE ROOM 1IE COURT HOUSE E. J. MURNANE, CHIEF OF POLICE .I Bon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Public Safety, St Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: OWEN d. DUNN. FIRE CHIEF OSCAR LANDER. ABET. FIRE CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF IN.PECTOR, FIRE PREVENTION CHARLES L. WILLIS, BUR. OP APPARATUS B. F. SIMON. M. D. HEALTM OFFICDI A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI, CHIEF HEALTH INRPECTOR July 30th, 1930. In regard to the application made by the Phillips Petroleum Corporation for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest oorner of Payne Avenue and Lawson Street. on July 29th I inspected this oorner as to traffic hazzard and from the traffic standpoint there will be no objection but that this application should be granted. Yours truly, Harry VPe tergren Supt. of Traffic. HW:HC E. J. MU MIL GNI[ ! PDLICt MICHAEL OEBHARDT. A.ST, CHIMP OF POLICt N. A. VALL. AIN OP DMT[rnVu THO E. DAHILL. Jttttttffffff}}AAAAii M CAR. OF DtTt-nn O. H. MARPUSS. SUPT. OF T_"'C A. L. EOOERT. LIC[NS. INSPECTOR JOS. MACAULAYS BUR. PCL1— O PIR[ ALARM CUM of Saint Paul Department of Public Safety J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O -C .... ". OMPUPI CONMI..IONa• BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM 112 COURT HOUSt E. J. MURNANE. CHIEF OF POLICE ..6j,430., Hon.Geo.C.Sudheimer Commissioner Sf Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; oWEH C. DUNN. FIRM CHIMP OSCAR LANDER. ASST. FIRM. CHIEF WILLIAM BARRON' CHIMP IN.P[CTOP� PIR[ PRMvtm- CHARLES L. WILLIS. BUR. OF APPARATUM B: P: SIMON, M. O: HRALTN OAICOI A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DOUTT HMALTH OPPICER JOHN MARTI, CHIMP H-TH.IN•ltttOR July 29,1930 In rggard to the application of the Phillips Petroleum Corp. for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the north -Vast corner of Payne Aveune and Lawson Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. I ~' , r I FF TRIPLICATE CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIG TRIPLICATE AND APPLICATION T BE MADE IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RIPLIcwrE FILE vlLee IN THE clrr I Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE___—___— /+•' ` TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made 6'"�1_��. ✓�.�.z 'fir':.- -__- J _----------- - -____—_ ________ _____ INDIVIDUAL) (NAME OF FIRM OR - FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A____ Zlie________–_�_L'_____________--__ ____— ---------------- — ('DRIVE IN' OR 'INSIDE GARAGE-) f i i J• AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT --;/f.____ 14 ----. c�___r BLOGIC �L---___ _ —'--_ ���'• i ' •• ------- —--- _------------------ --------------- ALSO DESCRIBED AS IADDITIO - (BTREET AND NUMEER) NO. OF PUMPS__- �___________—__—_-_NO. OF GAS TANKS__`_'_✓_ ------------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK__'_____ _'_.y f V� yi FILED BIONATURE OF APPLi<, , ! J ------------ eusinsss eoonESS.ess. RECEIVED COPY M CITY CLERK RECEIVED COVFROMCILEDATE____________ _ _–_ ______________ ID0DATE ______-__.___–____.. __18 ______DEPARTMENT O UBLI 5 Y CITY PLANN / c` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY 0 ST. PAUL --�(/�� - // OFFICE F CITY CLERK .'/ liOl6t� RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Yeas COUNCIL L FILE NC_8-26 That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and Phillip C. Justus, as principal, dated June S. 1929, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering area, coal hole and trap door st 311-313 Wabasha Street, be and the same are hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, provided, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. Reason for cancellation - City owns property. C- F. No. 88282—By Mnitoa Rosen-" Resolved, That_ the bond-:glvon to the Approved Avg: --1930 ` - ����• (August 91980) COUNCILMEN Nays Conroy May McDonald -7. __In favor Pearce Rosen _.___._ _. Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie 1. 1930 AUG - 2 ,aq4 Adopted by the Council ---------- --------- --- ---- ? ._ ? e - -- ----------19- - - -- ---'--- ------'--- ---'--------------- MAYOR - COUNCIL ` clyde R..May— CLTY OF ST. PAUL FILE 1ngInep ctorbot the lbeparrm nit' of OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Parke, Playground, d P h�!� i3u11d- eagiolatmnnby RESO —GENERAL FORM - p4r, .. F — n C MMISS IONER DAT RESOLVED That Charles Daly, Plumbing Inspector of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public nuildings, is hereby authorized and directed to attend the convention of the United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters of the United States and Canada, in ':r,'innipeg, Manitoba, August 12 to 15, as a delegate and representative from this City, and the proper_:. city officials are hereby authorized and directed to draw a city warrant in the sum of §60.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary, payable out of the Public Building Fund Item 20-B4, in favor of Charles Daly, for the purpose of paying his expense as a delegate to said convention. Said Charles Daly shall upon his return to St. Paul file with the Comptroller, a statement of expense, and return any balance. �A_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearce Rosen --_.0--. Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the CounciA1J _.-._24%---19-------- Ap o ed -_- --?�iV11------� ..__. _- __ .-___-_-.____.-.._._--____-._ - .MAYOR PUBLISI rD — f 3 Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FILM CIL Nom•—=urs MM-aF CITY CLERIS�///J COUNCIL FAfd�- U�{j�=G,1*RAL FORM tic: Works be and le herobY�auwing and directed to ou the.eou wios,of Public Works be a_,A is hereby lies. between Good lnh and Lineolaid to oil the following streets: W Cleveland totor.. ]ley::tietween LlncPreln Baldwin 'to Caltibrtdl, +.+.. - lleV..betgeen•:Rnndolyh Alley between Goodrich -and Lincoln from glGvelmad to Prier Alley b_etUGGA Lincoln and Grand from Bal3vin to Cambridge Alley betveen Randolph eul_Jemea from Sue to Fairview I ..ley l -at - Central"atd. rullorfrom Grotto to St. $lbans Sherwood from Curve to Furness Eleanor from :Fairview to 3hcalester dean from rural to lawCon Qiford L'rom_341by to Dayton tie Come Phalen from.1heelook Parkway to Ries �7T�"emarl9from Lake Coieo Phalen_to Wheelock P6.gway JPiah Nntchery Road from Fish Hatcheries to Pt. ouglas gatoh. from Ora will to SaMson Hamliiie from Hewitt to.G "H. Ry. Pierce from Brompton to tomo Ave. 1. Vassar f rom lrla ldrau to hits_Bear. . Vista from Seventh to M 166t I sou Ji Levee flo%Wilkie to N. S. Power Co. Pure Oilcmpsay;"Ffoadvsy. . Luther ThidlaticaX Seminary Roadvay Carleton from Ci�ilee to Territorial RQAd Nevada from Edgerton to Wheelock Parkway Prospect Terrace from 150 feet Bast of Bidwell to Winslow Cottage f rom Matilda (Produced) to Rice. Griggs from Bayard to Hartford %11 from Lucy to. Belvidere Hartford f rom Shelling to' Faecal Brompton from Chilcombe to Pierce Pascal from Lake @,ono Phalen to Nebraska Gault ier f rom Carbon to South Retch from Vackubin to Arur0el Kennard from 1iinnehsha to Seventh Schmidt Brewing Co Private Roadway Carterfrom Sustis'to 300"feet T of Gordon Naealester College Private Road Atty from Scudder to Raymond COUNCILMEN Nays Fagwallr McDonald In favor Re6leaa� 6 , Sudheimer Against weatxlt- Mr. President 4i Adopted by the Council. = 2 0 19— PWGm2IM, � Appro 19.— MAYOR PUBLISHED %— 7 COUNCIL %R'k ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,CgnNCIL,F2SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No. 88266-8Y 'C1Yde A. Mav— nriu3,'`7iri by C. F. No. 83100, granted permission to the Visitation Monastery to erect a brick wall around a certain portion of their property adjacent to the northeast corner of Osceola avenue and Grotto street; and WHEREAS, Said Monastery has acquired the property on said corner, and has applied, under Section 8-245 of the Building Code for permission to extend said wall or fence at a height of six and one-half feet, to the corner of Osceola avenue and Grotto street; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are herby granted to said Visitation Monastery to extend said wall on Grotto street to a distance of 150.feet north of the intersection of Grotto street and osceola avenue, and to extend said wall on Osceola ave- nue to a distance of 111.3 feet easterly from the intersection of said Osceola avenue and Grotto street at a height of six and one- half feet; provided however that plans for the proposed improvement be submitted to and meet the approval of the City Architect previous to the construction of said wall. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -.7. In favor Pearce Rosen __ O__ Against Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie AUG - 2 1990 Adopted 6y the Council ------------ --_------________19--___ AUG -9 um / MAYOR PUBLISI-TrD � o D. W. BIRDSALL. �'+� of. 6arnt Fau1 CITY Ol[RK AND fAYYI[61ON[P 0■ P[OIRMTIOM Office of (4itg (4leck July 23rd, 1930. Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith application of the Visitation Monastry for permit for the continuance of an existing fence wall which is six feet six inches high enclosing the corner of Grotto and Osceola Avenue. The Council today referred this application to you for the proper resolution granting such permit. Yours very truly,' City Clerk. V ! _A July 23, 1930 honorahle City Council of St. Paul, Minn. uentlemen: The Visitation 'Monasnp of the City of 3t. Paul, located at 720 !Fairmont Avenue respectfully re- quests the consideration of the Council relative to the Section B-245 of the Local Building Code, for the cor;tinuanee of an existing fence wall vrhich is six feet six inches hiSh above the side- walk, to enclose the corner of Grotto and CscaAa within the pruperty Brea as described. The six feet six Wig t; as existinZ is necessary lwe to We Cloister regulations of the or ler, and therefore tr ey respectfully submit the raquesr for the continuance of said wall vs described in ,rye attached blueprint. Yonrs truly, a P Visits+ion Konstry 09Xt L ?. �rieAeyer 0 eir .Architect. 1 • 1-A LEWIRS I.AND�NR 50ry EUGEnE M. O'ry Elul ED a 111. ion COON—L LAW DEPARTMENT •sss,•nrs duly 31st, 1930. Mr. Clyde R. Say, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Dear Sirs - The question of the power of the City Council to authorise the Visitation Monastery to ereot a Q�-foot fence wall enclosing their property on the corner of Grotto street and Osceola avenue, has been referred to this office for an opinion. The Council is granted the authority to allow the installation of such a wall by Section 8-245 of the Building Code, which is as follows; $go person, firm or corporation shall hereafter construct or ereot, or oayse to be constructed or erected in the City of St. Paul any fence exceeding 5 feet in height above the sidewalk or surface of anY lot or parcel of ground except with the permission in writing of the owner of the adjoining property, or with the consent of the Council of the City of St. Paul.$ The Council may, therefore, if it so desires, grant said application. &7F -II Yours very trolly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. i! CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE Date Oct 28th, 192- Theattention ofthe Visitation Monastery Is respectfully called to the following resolution, which has been adopted by the council and approved by the mayor. C. F.. No sa100—By H C. Wenzel— �Wherea The Vlsitactio Monastery, tc mpliance with Section Sll of the; A "" J ,` Building Code, has requested liermie-', brlek wall -seven nnd' D f''jL°• eton to erect a one -halt teat In height along the west. C'!h aidef, the. lot at the northeast Cor-. .of 08esolaavenue and Grottoi Ii nsr -reet, and thence easterly 'along the property.. line on OBCOOla avenae,^4nd tr' is to the.. construction of said:: -wall td fence. Adoptedby th1 Couneti Oct 82,:1989. fApOroved Oct. E2, 1929: (09t. 29-19291 - FORM O. FM D. W. BIRDSALL tF'�, ,�ii:`�iwctstzat. CITY CLERIC COUNCIL 8„rC/'V ORIGINAL TO carr CL—CITY OF ST: PAUL FILE NO. OFFI OF CITY CLERK L OLUTION—GENERAL FORM August 2, 1930 RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 49, Desnoyer Park from Cretin Ave, to Exeter Place and Dayton Avenue to East and West Alley, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works,, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. .-.F. B No. 86266—Y MIlton R6sen—/n�n Rasolv¢d. That the grade of Al1eY' Ave xto ]pxoter P1ae, pend Dayton .rd- tnceawlth= thaWest d grlade line on othe, aaoompnnYing proni0 nd' pe reaem-I mended by the C4mmles(oner of Pub -j Yj 11. Works; .lie--an8' the same 1. de re I adopted as tbob"tatilletied gr AdoptedbY' the Co 19so1 Aug 2. 1930') Approved Aug. 2. (August 9-1930) AUG m 21930 COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Adopted by the Council --------- ---------- _---.---------19_.__.-- Conroy May I}tV V ' �(.• APP� ----- ------- .._-----19---- McDonald -. _. __.__In favor , Pearce -------- Rosen Against ____...._-.-----Against Sudheitner Mr. President Bundlie osolN�L ro cirr Cl CITY OF ST. PAUL , OF IC F CITY CLERK �j/J//ryQIL RE LUTI ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYo _AIL nAT RESOLVED COUNCIL w� ('��i 25 FILE IVO. August l,',,1-130 In the matter of paving South Wabasha Street from the South Line of Delos Otreet to Congress Street, with necessary water connections, under Final Order C. F. 78127, approved October 16, 1928, Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. C. P. No. 66267—By Milton Rosen- � In the matter of pavingSouth-.Wubn- (AUguet 9-0 1127, approver' 3127, approved mns and spec. r connections on amid. mreet, S reby approved RublloWorks .ted to do the 1 Aug. 2, 1930. 30) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald .._. _ ._._In favor Pearce Rosen __.....__.Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council__.;AUG 2_. g1f__i9---.---- Approve - -- --- ----- ----- ---- 19. ---- MAYOR CP 6) CP W Q) V, (p CP 6) CP W (p IL ra n 1A C� t. C'O.-Oline Fletcher. 5,onclord oil Company - 1,600 Mormon Place.=q-n (p 443 b. \Nobo eh o St. MIT 0 CA BI E.Co re5s Chxlet, exres',G Cj) 33 E. Congros5 51- john C. 5juhiman. 'D Lenz Noren. 71, rg 429 5.Wcsboshcl St. Or* NrOcr Ave- r Cp rr rb IX' CO: St W J. Tho-P!W' St. II i vyi1viam J Jho".san. ei al. osha S't' 41N. 5- Wetbasha 41G ------ P. revier NormanC 546 Rice 51- e rn john j. a Mobel C. M oier. A Is W. Augusio Gi- \%j,. j. -rhornpon.af 91. 41C 5ANoba5hCI *t 010 ieEe Risnar, I' POW15 0-7 S.Wabasho Joseph J. 70 244 W.GeOr';(! z f% & COUNCIL NO.— W-58 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFOF CITY CLERK PNCI L R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Aug ATE RESOI V. No. 86268 --By miltom Rov'z 1 . 11 U the manor f pavInF.South h. Street It= the oath Li " a of -Dalo. Street t�. �Toot. with .—wr. finalIn the matter of paving South Wabasha Street from the South Line of Delos Street to Congress Streets with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 78127, approved Oct. 16, 1928. Resolved, That the attached plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections to be made on South Wabasha Street between the points aforesaidy be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Company. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald --In favor Pearce Rosen 0- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council Approve --- ------- ----- 19-- . ..... . . . ;ro --- ---------- -- ----------------- - " R W To� Cft Sp ra :k 0 it lb n CP CP CA 0 0 ra IL CL tY JIV stanclard Oil COMPOIn9l.— 1300 Harmon pletce. -f-I 443 5.Fletcher. Waboeho St. ay inr Minneapolis. T"rtn e5la 5chablb i 33 IC -0 TE, ,,, - sit Cho. ch..,du t ';A; 53 E.ConqrOsS r John C. 5tuhiman. Lena bicren. Wabasho St - 6 r.16 Stryker Ave- > 429 5 i4 rr Cj) >.. rb Jacob Schmidt Sl-qw-Inq CO: W. 7 fit it \Njjjjavn J. Tho-PbOn- witriam J.Th=T.-n - L-4 *I- x -4� 4U. :S-WObQShG 5't- x 426 5. Wabashc St- Narmcin f, Cravier. 546 Rice 5t. Ajohn J. & Mobel C. Maio T -I is W. flugusia Gi- ,%vm. J.'rhompsan.ei cil. 0 426 S.Melvin 5.Ei,19& Oita Risnar- NVabasho 5f 407 S.Wabasho Joseph I Hurley. Lj-- z 144 W.Geof-g(z fOi- ?I 0 u F A 111 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL c Nc�r FGAGHGQN —__IN FAVOR MCBON/RD RGikANP SyeH6,MiR _--a_AGAINST MR. PRES.. HBDGCOM- ADOPTED BY THE W!{(f61L_ U ar Oy CIN *OPAUL COUNCIL tz,•J,pDonald'FFICE OFPTROLLER FILE Ma.__ ______------------------- Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION arce AUDITED CLAIMS -- --Ju1�3� ___-____,930_ S dheimeT RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D��RAZZW NON 71� CITY TREASURY. Bnndlie TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S__i j} Tg��% COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__ CJ1 ________TO_____ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FIL JIN T FHE TAY r- c1TY co OLLER TOTAL DATE U CHEC IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK II .. CHECKS CHECKS SGEGl 8G2N62 C, F. Noe. R Thnt c hacks be d gesolved, to the Cgr gate the city Treneury, erI s h LIGHTFORWARD 9RR ne ka amount of< •- i' 1 e sa !! 2 1 1E numb.... b... --r. `7516. R.H. Burling 751 John Abel 7517 Fred G. Albrecht, Director 7518 A.L. Snyder, Director 7519 Otto J. Zupfer, Director 7520 ! Brooks Brothers Lumber Company 7521 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Comp:y 7522 ',, Dearborn Chemical Company 7523 11 Minnesota Chemical Company 7524 it N.W. Blaugas Company 7525 Price Electric Company 7526 Dave Bashefkin 7527 Charles F. Sohnaith & Adolph E. Sohnaith j 7528 Elsa M. Obet,'Treasurer Ramsey County, Minn. M.J. O'Neil 75 0 E.A. Bohrer 7531 Rosecrans Electric Company 7532 George E.W. Nelson 7533 Dennis Laughlin 7534 Brunr u hs Adding Machine Co Panq 7535 Corning-Donohue,Inc. 7536 Electric Blue Print Company 7537 Elk Laundry Company I' 40 Elvgren Paint Sup 75ply Company, 7539 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compa�py Leonard Frank Company 7541 Joesting & Schilling OompanyI 7549 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company F.G. Leslie Paper Company 754WMinnesotaMilk Company 745 National Equipment Corporati'n ! 7546 North American Telegraph Co' 7547 Owatonna Tool Company 7548 ', Pollock+s Clipping Bureau 7549 Railway Express Agency 7551 ''! RileyReviewStokers CorporationPublihingq 7552 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of D.C. 7553 E.H. Sargent Company j 7554 Schmidt Brewing Company 7555 Service Candy Company,. Inc. ll 7556 L.C.Smith & Corona Typ.Ino. 7557 The Texas Company 7558 T.K. Thompson 7559 1 Tilden Produce Company 7566 F.W. Topel 7561 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 7562 Underwood Typewriter Companyl 75663 J.C. Vander Bie Company, Ino., 4 Western Union Telegraph Comp q 7565 �( webster wheelook 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD;633 254- j13. -1 1 1601 1 126, 224 721 7p 81 31 31. 32 3 7351 2 25 42 1 77, g 621'1 45' 4 911 161;75 62100 12 79 6!00 2100 23161 671!51' 151 66 265,35 164150 200 150 3'30 25,00 1000 20100 81;33 108158 138 07 �3 1 BROUGHT FORWARD �j Ij 7566 ''• Joseph Fremland, as father ! and natural guardian of 31713 Elliott Fremland 115 7567 Michael Flaherty 144 756$ Eleotrio Blue Print Company 2 Royal Typewriter -Company 21 75 11 7569 I! Mrs. Blanche savage I,i 30 75 7570 14 555 1 y 7571 'I� John H. MoDonad, C. of Fin. 255 00 7572 1' John H. McDonald,- C. of Fin-; 3$5 0 Ii 7573 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.,, 2 oB5 75 I! 7574 ! John H. MoDonald, C. of FinJ�l 4 449 70 5 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin1 757.' 31 20 7576 1 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.', 50 0 7577 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.l 225 70 " H. McDonald, 0. Of Fin.',; 757$ John 7 0$3 50 7579 1! John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.l I 75� I`I John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin -T- 54$ 54 4 144 6 7581 II John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.''; 75$2 ii John.H. McDonald, C. of Fina'; 262 $0 11 75$3 !John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.:lli 2 792 04 I 5 Carnegie Dock & Fuel COmpany';I, 100 00 ! 7576 II J. Brasted 57 50 75$ J. Resemius 50 00 75$7 I, Morrie Christeneen 7588 !I Clara Asmold, widow of H.A. I 30 00 37 33 7589 ; Ann F. Campion, widow of D. 'C.00 ! 7590 is Helen Sullivan, widow of M. ; 200 00 7591 % Soo. for the Prev. of Oruei 11 24 92 7592 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 7593 State of Minnesota, 1 731' 6 Met. Drainage Commission 1 7594 John Burne '' 146 20 7596 Pat Kelly Ed. McKenny 16 60 7597 1 James Quinlan 201 60 7598 Ford strane 7599 Capital Joe & Fuel Company 14 41 7600 1 L.H. Johnson Company II 11 25 ,'1 7601 John Maurus I' 49,69 7602 !I. Raymer Hardware Company 73 St.Paul Abstract Company 1! '2 00 604 II St.Paul Arcade Company i 40100 7605 'St.Paul Goodwill Industries ��, 76 7606 Bt.Pau1 Stamp works 5 7607 1: Jacob Schmidt Brewing Comps 5(}8 $8 760$ '' South Park Foundry &Mach. Co' 72100 7609 Twin City Bedding Company 00 7610 Twin City Fixture Exchange 132150 !I, 7611 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co pany ! 7612 ;! Twin City Iron a wire Compan1 43 67 761 �.5. Tyler & Company 20100 761 i' west Publishing Company — - — -- 5T+ _V 364 9 r33 2 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD___ _—_- �ORM 12 111M 1328 p I -- R_ i I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ...�-:._— _ 0 -:----=------- - CALL cnrOy OFFICE OFI#'1ff�OMPTROLLER FILE --------- COUNCILMENTROLL COUNCILMEN r+er cDonald COUNCIL RESOLUTION F5R6HS6NFAVOR MY ----30McDBHALD AUDITED CLAIMS — earoe , /' SOOIiLM1Eii--jJ—JGAINST wrtaSL HGOI � oa5SySudhaimer RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. Os en COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5---�-46— ' I VE. AS MR. PRES.. E CHECKS NUMBERED_ {��1gpy IC. Co., ROLLER ADOPTED BYTHE GQ�1�C". df�8xJd—___ PER CHECKS FILE ��F'TO—�' -- COMPTROLLEP APPROVED ------------ '- --" CITY-- -_____ BY __—_--__ - __ ____ — _____-- _ .. -- --- MAYOR TOTAL DATE � I RETURNED 'j CHECK IN FAVOR OF By BANK TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT 1' NUMBER I CHECKS CHECKS — BROUGHT FORWARD �j Ij 7566 ''• Joseph Fremland, as father ! and natural guardian of 31713 Elliott Fremland 115 7567 Michael Flaherty 144 756$ Eleotrio Blue Print Company 2 Royal Typewriter -Company 21 75 11 7569 I! Mrs. Blanche savage I,i 30 75 7570 14 555 1 y 7571 'I� John H. MoDonad, C. of Fin. 255 00 7572 1' John H. McDonald,- C. of Fin-; 3$5 0 Ii 7573 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.,, 2 oB5 75 I! 7574 ! John H. MoDonald, C. of FinJ�l 4 449 70 5 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin1 757.' 31 20 7576 1 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.', 50 0 7577 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.l 225 70 " H. McDonald, 0. Of Fin.',; 757$ John 7 0$3 50 7579 1! John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.l I 75� I`I John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin -T- 54$ 54 4 144 6 7581 II John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.''; 75$2 ii John.H. McDonald, C. of Fina'; 262 $0 11 75$3 !John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.:lli 2 792 04 I 5 Carnegie Dock & Fuel COmpany';I, 100 00 ! 7576 II J. Brasted 57 50 75$ J. Resemius 50 00 75$7 I, Morrie Christeneen 7588 !I Clara Asmold, widow of H.A. I 30 00 37 33 7589 ; Ann F. Campion, widow of D. 'C.00 ! 7590 is Helen Sullivan, widow of M. ; 200 00 7591 % Soo. for the Prev. of Oruei 11 24 92 7592 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 7593 State of Minnesota, 1 731' 6 Met. Drainage Commission 1 7594 John Burne '' 146 20 7596 Pat Kelly Ed. McKenny 16 60 7597 1 James Quinlan 201 60 7598 Ford strane 7599 Capital Joe & Fuel Company 14 41 7600 1 L.H. Johnson Company II 11 25 ,'1 7601 John Maurus I' 49,69 7602 !I. Raymer Hardware Company 73 St.Paul Abstract Company 1! '2 00 604 II St.Paul Arcade Company i 40100 7605 'St.Paul Goodwill Industries ��, 76 7606 Bt.Pau1 Stamp works 5 7607 1: Jacob Schmidt Brewing Comps 5(}8 $8 760$ '' South Park Foundry &Mach. Co' 72100 7609 Twin City Bedding Company 00 7610 Twin City Fixture Exchange 132150 !I, 7611 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co pany ! 7612 ;! Twin City Iron a wire Compan1 43 67 761 �.5. Tyler & Company 20100 761 i' west Publishing Company — - — -- 5T+ _V 364 9 r33 2 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD___ _—_- �ORM 12 111M 1328 p I -- R_ i I r 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY O� SAINT PAUL COUNCIL , COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Conroy OFFICE OF*4H%COMPTROLLER FILE No—' 94-kNe'r MaDonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION PERGUGGN IN FAVOR Mair ____.jujy3L__ --ig-30 DD --- ce AUDITED CLAIMS RAWN 0 11 E CITY TREASURY, suvNrrM1!R —AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 04 - A. YtErqzrL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 383 COVERING MR. PRES.. MQQgS--OA Wdrl i e CHECKS NUMBERED ---7-615 ---- TO- -_ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED By THE C_0'U7N'C_1.'L_AN ------- - - ----- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF CEO E C COMPTROLLER. APPROVED - ------ - ------ 7 CITY OM ROLLER BY -- - ---- - DATE TOTAL CHECKRETURNED fl IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 6 41864 2q 6 thern Contuacting Go. 6t 6211 Sc" r .I,e '1 5 1 7 15 NOT of Fina' 13 646 7616 i, John H McDonald, . U11 7617 i� John H. McDonald 0. of rini 1 3 7619 John H. McDonald: 0. of Fi 4 6U 7619 John H. McDonald& a. Of Fin., n 4 45 St.Pa4 Realty & Assetts a any 276 n 0 a 7 1 7620 61 7621 !i John H. McDonald, 0. of Fins I 7622 i; Elea M. Obsto Treasurer Ramsey County, Minn. 101 7623 ii Elea M. obst, Treasurer 6 1 2 Ramsey County, Minn. II 7624 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.! 296 564 7625 union Gospel Mission ASBOO4 tion of St.Paul 5 594 I I IZ4 d. a Minn.;f Fin. 7 7,627 l� John H. MoDonal a abet, County Treas Pr 195� a 7626 Elsa M. SL 6 629 Board oPublic Welfare 11 7 7629 1! John R.f McDonald, C. of Fin.! 5 76 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD �633 254 3 72532__5_ 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY O� SAINT PAUL COUNCIL , COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Conroy OFFICE OF*4H%COMPTROLLER FILE No—' 94-kNe'r MaDonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION PERGUGGN IN FAVOR Mair ____.jujy3L__ --ig-30 DD --- ce AUDITED CLAIMS RAWN 0 11 E CITY TREASURY, suvNrrM1!R —AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 04 - A. YtErqzrL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 383 COVERING MR. PRES.. MQQgS--OA Wdrl i e CHECKS NUMBERED ---7-615 ---- TO- -_ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED By THE C_0'U7N'C_1.'L_AN ------- - - ----- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFF CEO E C COMPTROLLER. APPROVED - ------ - ------ 7 CITY OM ROLLER BY -- - ---- - DATE TOTAL CHECKRETURNED fl IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 6 41864 2q 6 thern Contuacting Go. 6t 6211 Sc" r .I,e '1 5 1 7 15 NOT of Fina' 13 646 7616 i, John H McDonald, . U11 7617 i� John H. McDonald 0. of rini 1 3 7619 John H. McDonald: 0. of Fi 4 6U 7619 John H. McDonald& a. Of Fin., n 4 45 St.Pa4 Realty & Assetts a any 276 n 0 a 7 1 7620 61 7621 !i John H. McDonald, 0. of Fins I 7622 i; Elea M. Obsto Treasurer Ramsey County, Minn. 101 7623 ii Elea M. obst, Treasurer 6 1 2 Ramsey County, Minn. II 7624 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.! 296 564 7625 union Gospel Mission ASBOO4 tion of St.Paul 5 594 I I IZ4 d. a Minn.;f Fin. 7 7,627 l� John H. MoDonal a abet, County Treas Pr 195� a 7626 Elsa M. SL 6 629 Board oPublic Welfare 11 7 7629 1! John R.f McDonald, C. of Fin.! 5 76 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD �633 254 3 72532__5_ II DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN- CALL MooDona FILE No -------- �nlli�h" 0 OFFICE ORII.AbC 22-1159 at"(5-15, MoDonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION - ---- IN FAVOR May st 1st 9- RQkU.6U D 7 AUDITED CLAIMS 30 D Pearce RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE T CITY TREASURY. -AGAINST Rosen 'h TO THE AGGREGATE A OF 51ftw.54 0 COVERING INCLUSIVE. AS _dfMR. PRES.. r CHECKS NUMBERED ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL____-______----------- PtWdelie PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_ ----- nn-mmi�-`-�-, -OITT COMPTROLLER Y------- --- - -------- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECKIN FAVOR OF RETURNED TRANSFER NUMBER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD •!I. 7630 ji George J. Flynn, 6 7631 l� x. 0. Boyeson Company 1071se 7632 l! Buffalo meter Company 15 517 763634 11 Cenli capitoltral stationery Mfg. Com any 2 2 25 2 7SUPP17-GOMPOM 7635 Farwell, Ozuua.� -Kirk & Oomp 1 15 0 1 1 7636 1 J.J.itzgeTaldp, Reg. of Dee s 9 5 i 7637 Gamon !(star Company 1 790 0 1.1 7638 11 Mike J. Gibbons 103 0 76 1 Highland Spring Company 55 6' !1 76? 21 1: Kendall Refining oompany 93 6 7641 !i Kunz oil company 47 0 11 2 7642 F.G.-Leslie Paper Company 64 The Matteson Company 6o 6 76 Joseph W. Moore 46 o 44 76 Northern states Power Compa 2 5 13 li M !I Price otrio Company 99 7 Ele 7647 ji St.Paul Builders Material 0 318 4 11 o 11 7648 SiFo Products Company 1 7649 Stavis Company1 13 89 1 � s,Ino. 69 00 7656 L.C.Smith & Corona Typewrite 7651 11 standard Oil Company 6 79 06 7652 11 F.W. Topel 50 00 653 11 Trap Rook company 2 091 4 t 1 0 654 Typewriter Sales Assoolatio 64.3 7 655 Walsh Insurance Agency 161 so 7 - 656 White Fuel & Ice Comp a 00 7 y 7657 John H. McDonald, C. Company Fin! 27 80.8 11 !I 765S i� John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin:�I� 125 00 1,i 7659 i John H. McDonald, C. of Fin 410 oo 2 543 39 7660 �i John H. McDonald, C. of Fin.!; 7661 1 Specialty Printing Comp, 6T 61 00 7662 Tri—State Tel* & Telg. comp y 338 r. SHEET TOTAL ---FORWARD 41 567 81 1- 1. 12- r Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. .......... 862-63. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improveAment by nthOnhe City of Park St Paul, viz.: Grading and paving Alley in Block 12, St Y ----------------_-.------_------.. p.. - --------------------- ---- ....... - -- - ..................---- ......._.._ ------------------- North and Block 1 Mannls Addition from HendonAve. o the- _.---------------B.outh_1ina.--------- ---------- Dated this ..._..__2nd -"_---"day 88888— Abstrao[. Whereas A written DroDoeal -for the ..khmg w the fo�tlowms improvement + RELIMINARY ORDER. 6rading an d, paging 81ock 18 At.. Antb f_Hr�- ! Block_i iZEAS, A written prop VVH1otlal-ior the making of the following improvement, nz.: Grading-_and---paving-_Alley.--in--Block-- lax --5t-.-.Anthony.--Park ------ ........... North and Block 1� Mann!s-_Addition from Hendon. Ave._to-._the-_- -- South line of lot -11, Block 12, St. Anthony_ -Park -North-- -_---------_------- ................................ -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pa ------------------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of+ the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said, improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------ .......... -------- YEAS NAYS Councilmancr Conroy . 6� May F�a�C Ma Approved.-"----_-- ---------------------------- 53...` . . . MCDONALD _1 Rearm x Rosen U (/ SIIDREIMER vex Pearce """'"' Magor. MR. P$EaIDENT Fo m CA 13 e2M 2-2el PUBLISHED 3 0 Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and "q PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby Proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz-: in the land.necesSpy.y ......... ........ - ........ Coad ............. emnin ............................. . . ... .. of AlleY iP� Krading ............ cuts and fills in _the I - ----------- ----- -.slo.pesj,. ......................... 9 k 1, MannIs Addition ............. Anthony Park North, and Block .......... _ ............. ----------------------- S --------------- i - -------- Block i�" St. fj&j -------- - - - ------- -j�v' Ave. youth e 0 ............... -- .............................. ----------- Hendon 4 Dated thio .. day of -----------------jagjjj:�-- .... - ----------- -- --------- \—.................... ............... - Councilman. I'- No. 862df-- Wh Abstreet. makj'n8l�Oft% A wrjI,en prorlose, via: fqr the the renewing improvemee !t,n�t?Wth. L:,,d "kinir an IMINARY ORDER- -404-v;�- pg of the following improvement, YIz-'- for WHEREAS, Awrittenpropo Anthony .. in the land necessary Condemning and taking �A easement of Alle7"M Cond Ij M6 p-ddiff9 ............... -awg eut'g Ajia--fj:jj:g*"' n Y -,s Addition s .9 ..Tar -k NGP-th-v-and BI-Ock 1-j Mann ---------------- B-1-ock j2,_-St.a---Anth0RY . A-tne.�of lot ................ fr.o,,..Hendo%L.Av.e--.-tcL--the---9'ou-t1 Anthonypark..North ... ............... ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................... ...... I .... ........... ......................... .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..... ----------------------- - ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed'. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more owners. 4. To'state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the pe 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the AUG -%wCommissioner of Finance. e Adopted by the Council ................................... -------------- ---------- -- YEAS NAYS 6UG -2 Councilman CWM= Conroy IN21MUMN --- May Approved ......... ----- --------------------------------------------------- McDONALD I Rmmumx Rosen SUDHEIMER C", .. .... ............... ............... .............. .................... Viamm Pearce PUBLISHED Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT F— C A 13 (2W 240) Council File No . ---•----`..'.5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersi ped herebyY proppores the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstrucing,relay3ng & repairing where necessary, the sidewalks _..... at the-f-oll<wring---logia-tions-1--------------------------------------. ---- - - ....... South side McLean Ave.beginning 80 ft.east of Cypress St.,thence east 110 ft. " Ave: beginnilig-at... SoutFi"-Wa'basha St-., - - -- _tk1enice...Qre zt.._to..Alley... -------- ---- -- -- ----------- -- -- - - - East side Stryker Ave. beginning 52 ft. north of Winifred.St... thence ----------- - - w Dated this--------._217d_.day of ------------------- AU9,11S-t "� i-' �' -...- - - -------- ------------- ... -- - - -- ------- Councilman. C. F. w -- o. SUN - Abstract.' whereas,, A written proposal for wthe mak a:.,.ing: of the following Improvement, vi. .ReoonBtructing relayln� and repnlr- ing where necee ry, trL 1i. following Watki�^fLIMINARY ORDER- WHERE RDER. .^; WHEREAS, A written pro oral for the makingof the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing,relay�ng & repairing where necessary, the sidewalks at -f 0110WIng---loca-t-ions:---------------------------- ------ ----------- .. South side McLean Ave.beginning 80 ft.east of Cypress St.,thence east 110 ft. South -side---Fa jTfield--Ave:b�eg7nniri at south "4YatSasFia "8t , thence west _ All . - --------- ----------------- --........ ---............. ................ -................ st--tO- --ems - East side Stryker Ave.beginning 52 ft. north of Winifred St., thence ---.......... - ....-north---84f-t------------------------------- - -- -------------------------------------- ---_....----------------------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ......................... - ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. m1G -2 to Adopted by the Council ................. ........... - ......-------------------------- YEAS NAYa Councilman Quat= Conroy Approved------------�- ....�ODU_`.'. _1b 14.----•-•-----------•---- I May McDONALD 7 PawwAmm Pearce i $IIDHEIMEH Wl,��r Rosen '-----' - ......................................................_... Mayor..... - Ma PRESIDENT r arm CA 13 (2M 2-26) n C+i(? Council File No.---.--•�I I. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and n PRELIMINARY ORDER. of St. The underei nedherebyproposestheTeP ng ofthe f9Vh8re wing necessary,enthe t by thsidewalksauat z ReconstructIng,relaying airing the -fo-llr#ng-loeations:- - West Side Avon St.beginning 108 sity ft.north of UniverAve., thence .---..--,-- - - -------- - ridrtW"to -Ailey: -t-. thence---east---75---f-b:-------------------- North side--Law-s.on.-St.beginnin78 ft. eastyof Arkwright St. thence east 38 North side Cook St.beginning - - - ----- ------ Au ust�_-_1930 ?- Dated this ----------- -day of----------- }-- Councl7man. C. F. No, $6266' etraot. i-whereas,-Aw'iM. rropoeal Sor the makln6 o2,t>.e,_ following improvemen- � Reco Qtructing. rolaYlng and repair- I IdewdkQ -/hg where necee. a : VIINARY ORDER. thn Sollowanr PR�Eb 1 Woet 'i, north n WHEREAS, A firrititen proposal for the making of the following improvementviz•: sidewalks at Reconstructing relaying & repairing where necessary,the the ..followir4g---loeat,1ons:------- ----------- - ----- r. t West side Avon St.beginning 108 ft.-.-no.h of University Av...,t encs y�urtg t� -Aller; --- North. -side -_Lawson ---St begin--n..ing--P.-t-_Bradley._St-,.,.thence--east--�5--.n -. ................._.- S thence east 3E North side Cook St.begiruling 78 ft. east of Arkwright t , - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- ----------- ------------ therefore, be it ssioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commi ility of, the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirab 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters too Commissiner of Finance. �•ia Adopted by the Council.......... YEAR NAYS Councilman Dim Conroy pWjg&5x May MCDONALD Ru"jum Pearce SUDREIMER Rosen NIR. PRERIDENr form C A 13 (2M 2-20) �.q 0Approved --- ....................:..... `...- 3 aAayor. PUALISiiiD kim ft. Council File No- ----- ------ -- � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constructing driveways -at._the-_•following-..locations.s................... ........................ East side Mississi_ ppinorth._of._Cook..-S .-,------------------- ----- - Hence north 19 ft. -.East---Side••-Saratoga--Are.---beg-i l lir3g-- 72 --- €-t,. north- thence orth o€- Hegue Aver ; thence north 10 ft. ---------- C. V. No. 88887— - "AINARY Abtract.Whereas, A written Orr thlog: o[ Chi), following imorovemeati.- ORDER. f the following improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written proposal ice. �� •'-n.yXing o _Construct rAg--dxive ays.--at...the._fallowing--.10eations:---------------------- East side Mississippi St. beginning-- 89-. ft.---north-_of-_Cook.- St,-,------------------- ................... nortH� 19'ft. gast... s3 ..Saratoga..6ue.---beginning 72--.f.t-.---nor--th -of---Hague Ave- s ................... thence north 10 ft. ............... ........ ---------••--------------------------------------•----------- •--- -------------- having -------- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing6atterB to Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the CounciL............................................. .................... YEAS NAYS Councilman 2xv= Conroy 7"Fmmum �i May Approved... -- ........ MODONALD /v�•/1 t R I3m Pearce SUDHEIMBR 7 WEKM= Rosen ---- --- MR. PRESIDENT -Mayor. PI713LISHED- 3 d r..m c A 13 tint x-xe) Council File No .......... "----u-=-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Constructing sidewalk- extensions--_to__eonnect"-_existing--sidewalks-----"--------_- --------------to-ourb at the following street corners: ................................. - ----........................................ -------------------- ----- ...----........... --- ---- -- S.W. and S. E. corner Charles St. and Asbury Ave. ............ $; E: -•------------ -.................n-----------Cage "fit ""ATii3" Wai"sh ave. Sims -S `X41_A&.7..sh..-A'Ve-`-------------- -- - - -N wEand...SW... ��- Sims St. and „ Gr rier Aver Dated this----- day ° -------------- ---------------- -- - ... -------------- nd--....". August, Yao -- ---. -- --- -------------- - ----- ------- Councilman. C. F•'I:o. 8626A atraot. Whereas, A written vropoefor the LIMINARY ORDER. WH� malting of the tonowing'tmpslrovement, viz: C01111trUCFlnB t esl ii+. l,ewalA�+tten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructing sidewalk extensions to connect existing sidewalks -------------to-•euTb at the fell -owing - Street" eorners;---------------------------- -- -S*w. _and-.S.•_E corner......_Charles-St.._and"_Asbury _Ave .- - ... - --- S.E. a Case St. and Walsh Ave. ------------N-.-W,, and-S.W. - tt. 5# s St= ancl--AValsY�-- ve. - - -- N.E. li Sims St. and Greenbrier Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ------------------- ----- .---- ------------------------------------------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. °,lr. Adopted by the Council- ..................... ..2-• NO YEAS NAYS Councilman CCW471 Conroy yAggggg May o9KX LD RX R,t Pearce SUDHEIMEa NWHA= Rosen MH. PRESIDENT F — C A 13 (2M 2-29) Approved ------------------- ---� " U................... Mayor. PUBLISHED R A COUNCIL - FILE NO' CITY OF ST. PAUL ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK OFF CE OF CITY CLERK � NCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AT PREESNTED BY COMMISSIONE authorized, With That the purchasing Agent b® end he is hereby RESOLVED The Purchase two the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to hundred and nineteen (219) pieces of Fir �b,,r ,fothe Le ington at a total unt Avenue Bridge over C,. M. 3t. P. & P. Ry., w sa an emergency where failure to to exceed X1,183.57/, act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Bridge Bldg. Revolving- 14/B' Lexington Ave. Bridge. ialLare to act Promptly would' ork hardshfu to the beet inter t= Sete of the city. Charge Bridge Bldg Revolvt"" 11/8—Loxtagton Avenue - Bridge Ad pted�by the Counoll Approved AUC. 2, 193o. II a (Auguet9-1989) AUG COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .-___-------------------- - -19 Yeas Nays_--- ry RUG —2 Conroy May APPT d------- - -----------19----- McDonald - - In favor Pearce n-__._-_-_-_--.- Against ----------- -_ ----------- Rosen ----10 Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie CiTv v';��in►�r �' .Avg `�� - © !ti - .,a,rhn�ert,h oFig[P0040(ic wrk�s MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER _ R FRED LOVELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER WM. N. CAREY. CHIEF ENGINEER 1. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, SUPT. OF SANITATION JOHN M. REARDON. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANO REPAIR M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND CITY PLANNING Ra iG INEER CLAYTON 5. STEWART. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE August 2, 1930 Mr. C. A. Carlson, Purchasing Agent, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: I am returning our Requisitions Nos. 1979 and 1980, Bureau of Bridges, to cover certain lumber urgently needed for decking the Lexington Ave. bridge just south of St. Clair St. Please consider these two requisitions as one and obtain the lumber required at the earliest possi- ble moment. If the total cost of this lumber exceeds $500.00, please introduce the necessary resolution to purchase same under an emergency. The emergency which exists is the sudden constretetion of the Lexington Ave. pave- ment just completed at the point where it meets the Lexington Ave. railroad bridge. This condi- tion could not have been forseen, inasmuch as it was presumed, until a few weeks ago, that the railroad company would put on the deck before the pavement was finished. At the last moment they refused to do this and we are, therefore, required to deck this bridge ourselves. Yours very truly N. CAREY, wnc-mh Chief Engineer. Approved: MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner Public Works. _+_�• ...=W� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo U O FICE OF CITY CLERK, C UNC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `` PRESENTED BMY DATE' J COMISSIONER WHEREAS, The new municipal hangar is completed at the St. Paul Airport, and the 109th. Aero Squadron of the Minnesota National Guard is desirous of leaving its present quarters and field, and is desirous of occupying this new hangar at.,the St. Paul Airport; and WHEREAS, The said 109th Aero Squadron of the Minnesota National Guard is not in a position at this time to pay rent for said hangar, nor the maintenance cost of the hangar and armory in said hangar, and the Oity of St. Paul is desirous of assisting the said 109th Aero Squadron in obtaining proper quarters and field; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to enter into an agreement with the proper authorities authorised to act for said 109th Aero Squadron, for the use of said hangar and the armory in said hangar, rent and maintenance free, until July 1st, 1931- C F.. No 86270 -By A T Conroy— Whereas The.new municipal hangar Is completed at the SC Paul Airport. and the 109th Aero Squadron of the Minnesota NsUonal Civard 1s desirous =f,. .'.gYing 1te present ovartere and field. flrsiroue „�6 i .: ^0W COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council19._— McDonald 01 ---�—In favor [LPlg67 Rohl gndiwrQ i Sudheimer -CL-Against -- e MAvoR w ftel R Mr. President Hodsse% Ayes Councilmen Naps Conroy McDonald May 4 Pearce Rosen YNu,Oddheimew Mr. President A AUG - 4 waft1930 Adpted by the c tnt;k Appr = 4 1930 — j�aYor. FORK No. 2 u (. �2 c] 86271 Su'bjeot: Council File No. 46. 1930 Date Presented Resolved, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Oharter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed to pay the for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: A J. Conroy— TLE BUNDAY - REGULAR RATE C. F. No 88271—By R eas The Commt stoner of Pub-' 1^ Vt111ties hes reported In accordance' Willi ti QecH n 69 t th Yrd _rt r �mmon laborer 16 hre. •45 Edwin BioSiiur ,�" " ;Joy.labprer Frank Fleming 16 hrs. •553 ffi Ole Munson Foreman, 12 0 .9 6-4 Thos. Thorson Mach. helper Ditch digger 3 Joe Bruno e Leonard Munson Sub -foreman d Chris Rauer Sub -foreman u 1 Harvey Donohue Common laborer 0 Frank T. McGrath M unt.laborer 2 d Ralph Mulroy Uty.laborer 6 Emmet Ryan Common labor 12 ° 3 1 Henry J. Oonrad Plumbers Helper 55 'S5 Nicholas Nicolio Ditch diger 12 Andrew 91nce111 "" 12 u •55 Domenico Marzzitelli n n 12 ° •55 Michael Marzzitelli a p 12 Anthony Paduano Michael E. Lavalle Hoist.Engr.-Gas - 1/2 " 1/2 " 1.00 •55 Anthony Cutrone Ditch diger d " X55 Frank Dielke " " " .95 Joe Grappalie " n 1/2 "" •55 Mike Heinen a a 5 •55 FranHarry Dasa Harry Uti�y laborer Dit" digger 51 •55 Mat Roberto " Tony Roberto Common laborer 16 a Frank J. Rohland Mach. Helper ��n33f.. " " 3 k5 Ed $ordell 21 Albert Hasler Common laborer Ayes Councilmen Naps Conroy McDonald May 4 Pearce Rosen YNu,Oddheimew Mr. President A AUG - 4 waft1930 Adpted by the c tnt;k Appr = 4 1930 — j�aYor. JL POEM No. 1 August 2, 1930 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities. Bureau of Water, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Watching main at 4th and Minnesota Streets.# Repair connection at 417 Minnesota St.# Changing meters at 56-60 E. Summit and 1172 Arcade St **Repairing equipment ff This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Leak in main #Leak 1n connection. **Work had to be done outside of business hours, aoct.of shutting off water. ##Had to have machines for next day's work. IBSI PUBL LITIES PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.........`` a., The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -- Reconstruct ng,.--repairnP...=d...rejaying where..nec.easarY -------------------------- -- sidewalk on the west _side-_ of _Broadway-_beginning-._at.-5eventh__St._--.--- thence south 100 ft. ---------------------- -------------------------- ---------- ......... ------ ................... --- ---- -------- ............... -- -----........... -..... --- -- Dated this ---------- 5th ----day of -------- ------- August.p 19.3II--.----- -- -- --- -------------------------- Councilman. C. F. No. 88272— Wh . - AbatraoL nreao, A Written proposal for the— n' „']te Loll �ml OffimD oyemeat, TB a - lI I <aiA' •�b-Z7 NARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing, repairing and relaying where necessary --------------------- --- - ----- - ---- ....------. sidewalk on the west side. - of -Broadway-_beginning--_at-_Seventh-__St.---_.-- thence south 100 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- -------------------- -- -- ----- -------------------------- --------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AN -400 Adopted by the Council- .............................................--- YEAS NAYS Councilman CIA= Conroy RMMMV . May Ap SMCDONALD Roe xxx Pearce G Sa�aaxnrsn y � W�Gx Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (2M 2-20) � �.i�itJ Mayor. _ Council File No.....---.- .. 86273...........• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing curb on the west side _of Snelling ---......_.. Avenue in front of the Kimball HOtel,�-__beginning --- 28 ft. --------------------------- -north of Charles St... thence -north-- 34--ft-'--------------------------------------------------------- .--------- - ................................. Dated this 5th day If --------- .--- ._August� 1930 -------------------------�-------- - Councilman. C. F-. No. 33273— Abstract. . Wher$es:. A. written pr000snl fbe the making 3 the following Improvement. the ,weat rf �oetrti • Q�et P '+� f�Fir�`2z INARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructing curb on -the west---side_--of--Snelling.......................................... - -- -- -- -- ------------------- ----- Avenue - - Avenue in front of the -_Kimball Hotels beginning- 28J:!i._.................. - -north _of-Charles.St.�-thence-north-34 ft.---------------------- ---......-- . ----------------- ------------..................... --.......................... --- - -----..._.------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........................................................... ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-.... --------- -er.L1---.............. ........................ YEAB NAYS Councilman QIMM COntOyY Ewan= May MCDONALD L:) ligmwom Pearce Sva>zr�aR ,yIlosen Ms.4 PREBIDENT S Form C A 13 (2M 2-29) _3- 6 17" COU CI CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE L NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK %7CIL RESOWTIDN—GENERAL FORM 86275 PRESENTED BY I _11 /If— CO DATE C: F No 86876 By Clyde R. May— By 09 oc theanp he "".0 for t 0 u -sta- ,tr T""" tb "'heteaX, lt�" been t on.ol the IN, the j over to the C, wev . voy 7" on lw� S",!I%;! , T1!0- n the practice for the Traffic Burikm sn�i -%'e sub -stations of the Police Department to pay over to the Clerk of the Municipal Court all bail moneys received by said de- partment, which funds axe In turn paid to the City Comptroller by the Clerk of the Municipal Court; and WHEREAS, The Publio Zmaminerse report reveals a discrepancy In the payment of said money by the treasurer of the Municipal Court to the Comptroller in the smLn of $46.00; and WHEREAS, Said $46.00 represents the amount which said treasurer paid to the Comptroller over and above the collections received by him, and the Public Examiner recommends, in his report, that said treasurer be reimbursed in the sum of $46.00 according to the detailed report on page 315; new therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to M. J. Smyth the sum of $46.00 out of the Revenue Bail Receipts Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald -- - -------- —Itf favor Pearce D Rosen ____-.._._.__..Against N4�resident Adopted by the Council AN---5-jq*-19 Appr -------------- ------ ---- ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------- M OR PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OA CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO. RESOLVED FILE RESOLVED Whereas, A request for an extension iOf time he has been n received from Fielding & Shepley, , St. Paul Ave. from Montreal Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and Cleveland Ave. from St. Paul Ave. to Highland Ford Park, said request stating that the start of this work was held up for thirty days aue to thef act that house drain connec- tions were not installed, and Whereas, An investigation by this department has re- vealed the above facts to be true, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time for completion of said con- tract be and the same is hereby extended to September 1, 1930, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized he execute ro ided, however, that this resolution to said contract in ance hall herewith, provided., , not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consentthereto and file such consent in writin, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald --- -- --In favor Pearce C1 Rosen __--- ------- . Against Mr�'rr esident ,Qs�,e-rrt4�y Adopted by the Council ----------- - RW-®-`�-- �� "----- Approve -- -- ----- -----------I -- MAYOR /1 /i s Z1tr�.Y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF jMTY CLF COUNCIL FILE NO.— IV JQ, RESOLVED I9 hereas, A request for an extension of time has been received from Fielding & Sheple-, Inc., in paving of Lexing- ton Ave. from St. Clair St. to Otto Ave., etc., said requse t stating that they were unable to begin work until May l4e, due 1 to the failure of sewer contractor to have the sewer com- pleted until that date, and To9aeTeas, Upon due investigation conditions set forth have been found to be true, therefore, be it R.esolved,That the time for completing said contract be and the same is hereby extended to September 1, 1930, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to execute an a- mendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing -with the City Comp- troller. {1Dp1`oveHvpane ooun61. 4u-9 A 1930. - teug• S. gust s-192l9aoa. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy / May I�((,J, McDonald - In favor Pearce Rosen — ------ Against Yrit Mr. President�ie rL9* �n7n Adopted by the Council________�yy-" Approv ------------ 19- - '----- - - ----- --------- .'i.� MAYOR COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO• - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK :OUNCIL RESOLUTION—WENERAL FORM f c:'r. o. AREAS on February 2nd, 1923, one Herman Hess, xerman a.: i6. udY' � �Wad owner of Lot 30, Block 5, Hersey -Woolsey Addition, was lw, awarded the sum of Twenty Dollars (�20) as damages due to the opening, widening and extending an'alley 16 feet in width through said block 5, and WHEREAS said award has never been paid to the said Herman Hess, and WHEREAS said Herman Hess, did on the first day of August, 1930, make application for the payment of said award, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the nroper city authorities be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said Herman Hess the said sum of Twenty Dollars ($20) as damages, as awarded to him on February 2nd, 1923 for the opening, widening and extending of said 16 foot alley in Block 5, Hersey -Woolsey Addition, said sum to be paid from the Non -Assessable Improvement fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May '/vn McDonald - ------ In.favor Pearce 0 Rosen ______v_ --_--Against Mr. Tresident Adopted by the Council ;___AU -6d_ --.r2-16/1119__-___ 0 APP e ------------- -------------- - _— - --- ------ ---------------------------- ^�Ir AYOR pUBLISIJED�� O " COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY E�ERN CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OF ITY C UN TIO — E AL FORM '''',... .r PRESENTED BY ATE _���MIZU t 51 195U COMMISSIONER $HEREAS, on June 50, 19z0, Joseph Vitale made application (2375) for Fruit Vegetable store at 1616 Rice Street, and WE9;R,AS,, the Bureau of Health recommends denial of said license; therefore, be it RIaMVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to Joseph Vitale the fee of $.70.00 and to cancel said application 2575 for F-ruit-Vegetable store license. COUNCILMEN AUG - 79 Adopted by the Council ------ _.-.--- ------- ---- --------19-- -- -- Yeas Nays Conroy / May 19 McDonald -_... ---._In favor P Pearce O Rosen .Against -""--`- MAYOR Mresident �uaA0liP. �tA�tt,t'o7Cfi'L r COUNCIL No. �)® Ofl161NAL TO CITY cL�PN CITY T. PAUL FILE ���-�� I O�F� CJI/�'rTLERK COiX@tRK LUryu0pl>"ENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have been made by persons named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is in- structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 80380—By Q C.,audhelmer- Resolved, Thatticen,0ea for.whlch npylloaUona have 'been reado Isy per- sons- named on the Attaohed: 1i.t be. and the seals are hereby grant'ed'.—d . the CI£y. Clerk1q tnettuC=xd o issue . ouch., licensee upon._the payment Llate I _ the city treabury of the roqulred teo:� " Adopted, the counafl, Aug. 6;. 3930..; .by- Approved, Aug: 8, 1930. - (August 9-1980) I ®� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc' ___-___-19__-.-- ----------------- YeasNays e Conroy r•. May v 19 - McDonald .. -. _ _In favor Pearce ---------------- Rosen __ - -_ - --Against ---- MAYOR d Qyy A B. J.Eagelmen Stanley Sielsa T. Aussey John Brant Jacob Brussell Capeta Bros D. J. Casey James Cocks John Each T. Fremland Henry Harris - C. E. Heller H. J. Jansen A. J. Johnson P. Bneebteges R. Martbine John B. Mauer H. J. Meyers Mustard & Rowe Jos. Nasseef National Tea Co. Poelzer & Podd E. H. Samuelson C. J. Rothstein Samuel 0. Sather William Scanlan Edward Sekand John Soyka L. V. Swenson R. M. Teel Morris Tomash J. Tucoi 0. H. Clapper Mrs. Paul Arakel Bus Depot Lunch, Inc. Cool Drug Co. J. P. Geary James %tsanes A. W. Molin A. C. Patton & C. P. Slanson Town Talk Shop H. P. Wright H. M.Baird H. G. Neal August 4, 1930 531 Stryker Av. 1984 Stillwater Rd 149 S. Wabasba St. 450 Jackson St. 507 Wabasha St. 190 Concord St. 3.670 Marshall Av. 408 View St. 1120 Beech St 329 Kentucky St 159 N. Snelling Av. 1175 W. 7th St 1682 Grand Av. 2515 Franklin Av. 108 Pierce St. 515 R. 7th St. 798 Thomas St. 603 Wabasba St. 155 Eaton Av. 527 St. Peter St. 649 Grand Av. 2.169 Rice St. 1059 Beech St. 468 S. Robert St. 651 University Av. 2054 Marshall Av. 2260 Como At. W 389 Gates 419 S.Cleveland Av. 615 Grand Av. 245 Concord St. 1780 E. 7th St. 1207 University Av. 115 W. 10th St. 415 St. Peter St. 882 St. Peter St. 8399 Payne Av. 191 N. Snelling Av. 232 E. 8th St. 512 Rice St. 580 Robert St. 1026 W. 7th St. 1949 University Av. 180 E. 5rd St. Butcher n Confectionery, Bakery Fruit-begetable store Grocery n n n n n 6onfectionery n Grocery Confectionery Grocery Confectionery a Grocery n Conf-drug Grocery Confectionery Bakery Grocery Bakery Grocery, n Bakery Grocery n Restaurant n n a n n n n n _ Auctioneer Awning Hanger J. A.Connelly Gue Fluegel & Ed Schifferl S. 0. Sinduen ortmen & Satter Paul Sohnaith 'Shell Petroleum Corp. Shell. Petroleum Corp Skelly Oil Co. Skelly Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. white Oil Co. George, Young Lewis Barber Mrs. Josie Greer Herman -. Johnson P.C. McMahon Albert Sohsen )Custard & Rowe C. E. Heller C. J. Rothstein L. Abrahamson H. Paymar,, A. August 4, 1930 1408 Marshall Av. 805 W. 7th St - 1114 White Bear Av 49 W. Exchange St. 874 E. 7th St. 1728 Selby Av. 671: Arcade St. 778 S.Smith Av. 1222 Randolph St - 492 Case St. 2205 University,Av 1400 St. Clair St. 545 H. Snelling Av. 4431 Jackson St. 122 E. 8th St. 357 Jackson St. +1442 St. Peter St - 176 E. 7th St. 1175 W. 7th St - 468 S. Robert St - 57 W. 3rd St. 844 Payne Av. —Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools Gasoline station 6 pumps n. n 4 ^ n ^ 2 ^ n ^ ,.2 ^ a a 3 ". n ^ 4 ^ a n 2 n a a $ ^ a n 2 ^ Hotel (Kimbell) 60 rooms ^ (Greer) 26 ^ a 38 ^ ^ (Summit) 50 " ^ (Arcade) 15 " Motion picture theater 3 pool tables - 6 pool tables - 2nd hand dealer n n n ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF PAUL /O CITY 1C�' ollNGCES UTIONCIGENE FILE No. 9 6 2�l 9 L FORM w•. WHEREA52 S. R. McIllravie made application for license to operate for hire upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) De Sots. auto car, Motor No. 109996, State License No. B-34-954, covered by Midwest Mutual Insurance Policy 10591, and SEAS, S. R. Menlravie, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7181, bas filed copy of insurance policy vith the City of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said S. R. Mclllravie to operate said auto car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ___- -.-__In favor Pearce n Rosen ---C _._Against SW4 Mr��resident PC Adopted by the Council.__ _LI______ Ze MAYOR COUNCILMEN Yeas COUNCIL Conroy oamrr.�ro cry aEeK CITY Oil ST. PAUL FILE NO, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK McDonald COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pearce COMMISS BYIrving C. Pearce- DATE August 4,) 19300 - RESOLVED ik __Against WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the emplorilel.t of certain elrployes of his department f:.r more ishan their usual hours of employ- ment; th.„refo.r, :;e it,, RESOLVED, That th„ proper- e_ty officers are hereby au- thorized rL. pa,r t a ,"Gllowing named emiiGyey, at the rate othervr;;.e fiaed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL James Falbo Come Lab. 28 hours 45 cents $12.60 Harry Favillo Util.Lab. 24 ” 55 " 13.20 E.M.Qoulet Come Lab. 24 " 45 " 10.80 Dominic Jakubowski Come Lab. 24 " 45 " 10.80 Frank James Com. Lab. 28 " 45 " 12.60 Louis LaFavor Com. Lab. 28 " 45 " 12.60 Ralph Lange. Com. Lab. 14 " 45 " 6.30 J. OlDonnell Mtee. Lab. 28 " 50 " 14.00 Frank Rose Mtoe. Lab. 24 " 50 " 12.00 Charles Tbmmnsnn Com. Lab. 28 " 45 " 12.60 C. f?" No. 88282 -BY I. C. Pearce-- :- Whereas; The Commleelonee of`Edv- -cation has reported +'.e- Connell In ccordanae with ' t--68, of - the Olty charter,th` fepcy whi11h 'deDartm' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ___________In favor Pearce Rosen __Against Sedheiw�ee—� M r. resident Bemd}ie Adopted by the Council AVG — 5_IM 19 Appr------------ --- -- - -------.19- ---- --------------- hgSYlXag, MAYOR rum.,SMED — 5�7— 3 O .04 FORM NC. 1 Fw�vFkm Vr IM An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Bailing Water. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Breaking down of sewer numn at aanfnT-A Junior High School. This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. CITY OF ST. PAUL F11U -ENca NO 8.62-83 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK QjSENERAL FORM C. F. No. 66E89—.gy �ydai Mgy_ PREBWhare"; the COmmleeloner of the Do- COMM ppartment of Park. � PSaygrounde aad—DATE r'uDltc Bull-98 hall reported 'to the CaanCli. In eOCordance WItD '8BCt10n '68 I oP they. Clts ^•Darker rhe xIstond. .,I RESOLVE eme "do no ..:" `WF'?.Pl A ItLT1i95iOner of the Department of Parks, Playground"s°and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Chra.rter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the t.mployment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than t'.-oir usual hours of em- ployment" THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named - employes, at the, rate otherwise fixe,d for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME TITLE HOURS OVERTIME Martin Amon_ Utility Laborer 21 .55 Basil Burrell 11 11 16 @ .55 Thos. A. Brodie Maintenance Laborer 19 @ .50` Sam Casalenda it 11 34 Cd .50 John W. Dickey, " it 8 @ .50 George Dickson ° " 12 @ .50 Andrew Eckstrand Utility Laborer 16 @ .55 S.L.FOley Utility " 20 @ .55 T. J. Howard Common Laborer 6 @ .45 Geo. Ingeldew Utility Laborer 2 @ .55 Fred Jacobson Sub Foreman 8 @ .622 Chas. M. Roberts Maintenance Laborer 12 @ .80 Fred J. Tetzloff Common Laborer 40 @ .45 Frank Yost Utility Laborer 8 @ .55 0. C. Brown Building Laborer 3 @ .55 COUNCILMEN Yeas �Nays Adopted by the Council._..._.__PG,._....._.................. 192_...._ UG �fi oved..........__..._.... __....._:...._.._ ....... 92_...... McDonald .__.................In favor i1QcGlogae a�lt...� sxilteinler Against _._ _._._ ..._._.: -- -.— MAYOR MV+resident H gip'/ff z August 4, 1930 To thc: Honorable Navor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more; than eight hours per day, in thy°: doing of the following work: labor This emergency arose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstances: Preparation for and clean-up after pavement dances and picnics at various parks. Yours very truly, Qtg of St. Iluut 1��//!� ommissionor. m Departm ut of farks, 111gggrounbs , - r GEORGE L NASON. ana Itublir 38ntlb[ngo _ �R. O! PAMu ERNEST W.. JOHNSON. COMMISSIONER - tIIPY. M PuvOPpIMn2 IRMON OiPUTv COMMI9SIONM FRANK X. TEWES. CRY A- OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE '- August 4, 1930 To thc: Honorable Navor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more; than eight hours per day, in thy°: doing of the following work: labor This emergency arose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstances: Preparation for and clean-up after pavement dances and picnics at various parks. Yours very truly, 1��//!� ommissionor. m aver,at/9n Mops 10 61.k. W,ts" 2111tRns Petition (� Council File No ." --..-....-1,; PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Change---the---grade-- of---Fair-_Place,--from-_trona--Ave.•-_:to -_Asbury-_Ave,•-_to--"---------„ conform. to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a art_hereof- -. the--. went--establlshed.--gr-ada-.being-- shown ---by--a ... blue-------------- ther on also g ade alley in Block 11, Frankson's Como Park rn$i_Faff_Pace---to-- &ke-Xomo-=&--Phalen Aas:-------------_-"---------- .................. --- ----- 4 Dated this ..------5-tik7.-----day of-..............."..-AnguSt-------- - -ti--- 1 19 .. ---- -----. .. ---- - - - - -. - --- .. -- .. ouncllman. C. F. No.:aeaa4 - j, - Abstract • - Where`ae, A written prUDoeal for the making of the following Improvement, � "— viz Change the grade of ve. to co from .Aroma Ave: to Aebury',Ave, to conform t tLLee, red nne on the nrosle hereto. PRELIMINARY ORDER. sttactied' and -made ri part hereof, -.the - present. eetabl4e)aeA:..R� ftbeing shown by a blue 11 �n �„nrn$� A written piny , 111ck the making of the following improvement, nz.: Par -Change--_the•_grade--of-_Fair-_Place-_from"_Arona_Ave- -to--_Asbury----eve.,.-.to............. conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part.-hereof,---the--present---established---g-rade being-stip* --lig &---blua -------------- line therlon, also grade alley in Block 11, Franksonts Como Park Adtii Cirri --f"W-7& t Plate to f alse---Dorno Phalen Ave: •--------•---------•-----•----••---------------------------- --------------.--..---.... - ---- ---......... -- ............. ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --_.."_..------------------------------------------------ ----------_------- therefore, be it o-1 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG -500 Adopted by the CounciL................ >_ ' ................. ------------------- YEAS NAYS COIIIICilmaII Giaiiff ... .. :, f %sna45ola' Approved..--------•- --.;-.....-•---•-•---•-------•- - ......... --- MCDONALD Frz«� yp.i.l w•swamb PA-4A�,j._(., ................. ................. ..•---......--------• •-- - •-••---._.-•.-------••- Ma. PRESIDENT-LO(.w..-tti €tI ai Mayor. ROELISHED 3 v Fom C A 13 taM a-ao> Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby PrOPO's the making of the following public improvement by the City Of St- Paul, viz.: ... JAI --- tl2e',1and-.n'8r-eSSarY .. or ...... . .................... Condemning and- taking--- an ing of a11BY-.Jn.--BI0-Ck..UI Franksonl� grad t --------------- ---------- t- ------- Ot ................ .............. /)- ------------- - ------------ Dated this 5� -day — F. No' 88286 as the liron ".1T, where. the following . one cMderon `'PRELIMINARY ORDER. in theL, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:ary '-or qMdgIgn A .Ing ... an__eaSeMen_tjjL th ..... Iand..rve-QQSS aA ... t,* oma' -S. ............ -gr ;Ln Of alley. jAxe o9mo....pual e—n.. AY 0 . ..... ---------------------- ................................... -1 .......... ---------- ............... ........... --------------- --- - I- ---------- ---------------------- ---------- -- having been presented to the Council of the City Of St- Paul -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ therefore, be it Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Cc y of, the making Of said improven�ent- 1. To investigate the necessity for, Or desirability improvementand the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a I nd estimated cost of said 3. To furnish a Plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- -------------------------------------------- :: I -IM I YEAS NATs Councilman's � ouncilman='``_• �/ Approved --------------- ..: - ---- - A W, .... ................. McDOXALD -Z lied -0 1+�-- D ............ ......... - ------ ..................... ............. . * ................. ASM0 Mayor. M.-f.-BlDFXT V- C A 13 (2M 2-297 COUNCILAU4E NO BY takin and apPTO_Priating for parkway - ----------- app In the matter of-___--- &Cquirin.6 -------poeCh,6 fiat pari of-B1o0h-3 , Suburban Bills Addition and MOLean•s Reservation, lying northerly of the Point Douglas Road. C. F. No. 88E86—RY Mlltoa Roeen— In the mutter of acggfring tnking gad. 'i aDdsggrr g for - pnrkwgy drlye. and approach.. that part of Block 86, Suhurb.a 8111. AddlUoa"gnd W.- ut nth. Pol q.tv�atlon1,07 otthorlyI uniitfi '. InoM:::i U7, tRoaa::�unnnr ., r -der -9L Q2Q------------ approved-----M lst-1-143Qt----------- July loth, 1930_---------- approved-------------- Intermediary------- e notice, and the uncil A public hearing having beenhad upon co the above improve relatvetthereto,on uand having fully con id- eredtheard all r '" .red the same; therefore, be it czGt f RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul•thlt 6S Wd tbq spore an hereby mneell-A, annt:':led, and rescinded ud all pW=B&p tel OM matter be discontinued. and the neil hereby ordrs said improvemen'bee SOLVED FURTHER, That the followinor easements threin be the sameriated for the purpose of g the said ereby ordered to be taken, approp provements, viz.: That part of ock 35, Suburban Rills Add ion and MoLean•e Reservati , lying northerly of the Po t Douglas Road. and dix hereby FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Publie orka be and is hereby i clals leu are and directed to proceed with thermaking osaid imro sad improvementand the roin ac itrdanceathere- NX 12i Q --------------- --,19---- Adopted by the Council--------- ----- n�E 19 "- - ---- - - - ----> ---- Approved -------------------------- ���T =--------- ------------------Mayor. Councilman go= BY � Oonroy � � Councilman R J� May kTUMLISHED E — -/9 — 3 d 1 CouncilmanMeBeseA moijonald Councilman P earo e Councilman Iiel•iM. 4 Rosen \ C Councilman /8udheimer Mayor gra. 8/. �1.. 'Z -------------- 4-i' ��fto' i In the matter of_______ iring,_takr_ and appropriating for parkway ---- dri�veseantl approaches tfiat pari of Bloi;k 3, lying nor ills northerly of1thenpointMDouglas Roadlvation, .lying 86286—gy Wilt" noeen - IaaDDroyga 6, ttinofacqulring taking: and:. aad.sa a g for Dar(cway d�ltiee. proan achse that Pyart of Block -8.urbHIII Addltios..d ate- th. Ietea�e poi` vacioK, ]ying Aortherly. _____________, approved----- M$.y let �_ 19j0._----------_, unUcltn.,.: t...3�.Y glRoad;.uon>r -. intermediary Order -------- _____________, approved ----_--_-- July _10th2--1930 ----------- A publichearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it aft a c dawti�� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul,th tt fimprovement bio ilk ihs gtme &re hereby ca ue!i !, anr;:';Ed, and rescinded td all pi0=IhIp bi dd matter be diseentiaued. and the C ncil hereby orders said improvement to �b�de.SOLVED FURTHER, That the following 1lands or easements therein be a the same ereby ordered to be taken, appropriated a coemned for the purpose of m mg the said provements, viz.: That part of ock 35, Suburban Rills Add ion and MoLean's Reservati , lying northerly of the Add/ t Douglas Road. i RESOLVE URTHER, That the Cimmissioner of and directed X prepare plans and specifications for said in hereby au orized and directed to proceed with the making 'orks be and is hereby instructed nt, and the proper eitl re improvement in ac `dance there - Adopted by the Council ------ _ �2_-----------------• 19____ /'Wq , Approved----------------- Councilman M85X 10onroy Councilman 1ttcan J/ May ^ CouncilmanA4eBeaedd J McDonald CouncilmanPeare& JPearoe Councilman Reload J Ro s en Councilman Mayor ./8udheimer --- 19---- ------------------------- -- ----------- Mayor. `� a ELISI31 D — / — 3 d i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July_ 9:...1930 ... ............192- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...B5107.._._approved.... May .1St ...... -_____- _-_.--19239-- relative to _..... -taking,.. and.. appropriating for parkway drives and approaches that part of Block 35, Suburban Hills Addition and McLean's Reservation, lying northerly of the Point Douglas Road.-- and oadand having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. __ __ .....__necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S_- -...-.. - - and the total cost thereof is S_.._.......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-___ _._ ..... _------ - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............. ......... - - __..... _... ---- - ... 5. Said improvement is___._ ____._ __.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --,-- '----------------' Commissioner of Public Works. DUPLICi.T'- CCrY CITY OF Sr'.PAUL ORI�I':i,L COPY LOST DEPARTMENT,�j'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of aaauirin9, taking and alpDrQp-lating for parkylay driv-s end anrr9_cres,..that nart_of Block `5 Suburban Hills Addition and P4cLeanls Reservation _n ortherl� of the Point.Doo as Hoad, --_-- May 1, 1930 under Preliminary Order approved__.___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $. _ 1500-.54 The estimated cost per foot forthe above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ` _. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 35 SuburbanHills 75 2 35 do 50 A triangular piece of land lying between Pt. Douglas 25 Road and Hastings Ave. and "'. of Blk 75 Suburban Hills, part of the Soutbyrest o£ the southeast of Section 33, To:^nshiT' 29, Pane 22 10 10 Lindlee Park 15 11 10 do 125 12 10 do 100 13 10 do 75 14 10 do 50 TOTAL. Fur. B. 11. 111 C114'op %IT• PAUL DEPARTMENT ^F FINANCE 1014ER OF REPORT OF PRELIMINARY ORDER FINANCE (C) , ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 15, 10. Lindley Park 25 (Except Jo?-nson Parlm ay) 1 1 .Catkin's Subdiv�lkf 600 Lots 1 and 2, 2 1 30, Suburban Hills 350 Add, to St.Faul 300 3000 3 1 4 1 do 350 5 1 do 300 That part of S':" 4 of SE 1 ofdsection 33, To"-}aaip 800 1150 �Q. 22 bounded by Pacific St., �' Poi. t UouLl.s 'o^d and Lsrkin's Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Blk 301Suburban Hills 1 1 King's Add. to 350 St,Paul,Tlinn' 3. 2 1 75 3 1 do 400 4475 4150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -----19-- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 August 5th, 1730 - Mr. Geo. L. tlason, Supt. of Parke, Building. Dear Sir: Tho order in the clatter of acquiring, Lakin; sad a-pprooriating for parkway drives and approaches that Dart of Block 35, Suburban Hills Addition and McLean's Reservation, lying northerly of the Point Douglao Road eras laid over one seek by the Council today and you were request- ed to report on the advisability or necessity of this improvement. Yours very truly, City Clerk. R:. r (Qiiy of ot. 11aal To the Honorable Mayor and Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: taking With regard to the matter of acquiring, and appropriating for parkway drives and approaches that part of Block 35, Suburban Hills Addition and Me Lean's Reservation, lying northerly of the Point Douglas Road. This piece of property, as shown on the attached HudsonI the e Point sketch in red, lies betwe where they branch off of Hastings Douglas Road at the point avenue. At this point we have in front, an excellent piece of parkway grading which should be one of the most all interesting portion, of the Johnson Parkway, and makes re excellent effect going in or going out of the city, where these two important roadwaysbranch. 01 This small, Block 35, if allowed to it is foorr thbuilt would cut Off the view of the park and higeason that we have advocated its acquisition to clean up whole area. shown The land lying immediately to the north, and in green on the attached sketch, is park property, all the land lying on the east is parkway Property. It seems as though this particular corner also should be a piece of park land. Your, very truly, guperintendan Parks. n/m PpAIp ATER 1 M- eway to the Grent Northwest Bcparlateot of farko. 11180raaaao CN. GEORGE L. NASO rN.�P{W PAIK- aa� 'p..41�.li�lagg P �j,y� IV\ l0 /P lJ Surr. ar ERNEST W_• JOHNSON. CLYDE R. MAY COMMISSIONER -Surr. nr Puwr....... LOUIS J. BARTSCHE R. Derury C------- owwlscio nenCHAS. CHAS.A. BASSFORD. Orrlce or Cow. I....... CIT, A.—T.- .. 218 CITY HALL .JEWS August 6, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: taking With regard to the matter of acquiring, and appropriating for parkway drives and approaches that part of Block 35, Suburban Hills Addition and Me Lean's Reservation, lying northerly of the Point Douglas Road. This piece of property, as shown on the attached HudsonI the e Point sketch in red, lies betwe where they branch off of Hastings Douglas Road at the point avenue. At this point we have in front, an excellent piece of parkway grading which should be one of the most all interesting portion, of the Johnson Parkway, and makes re excellent effect going in or going out of the city, where these two important roadwaysbranch. 01 This small, Block 35, if allowed to it is foorr thbuilt would cut Off the view of the park and higeason that we have advocated its acquisition to clean up whole area. shown The land lying immediately to the north, and in green on the attached sketch, is park property, all the land lying on the east is parkway Property. It seems as though this particular corner also should be a piece of park land. Your, very truly, guperintendan Parks. n/m PpAIp ATER 1 M- eway to the Grent Northwest COUNCIL j�a:/moi Y ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RESO ioU,—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY AT COMMISSIONER / t sluesof 2600,..d..y` KInB Yto c tri Tpn v, s at$AS, ., st i of shoes, of the value of $6.00, and a Ypair of stockings of the value of $1.50, belonging to Agnes Thury, 539 Thomas Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, were lost from a locker at the Phalen Park Bath House, and the City of St. Paul is responsible therefor, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in.the sum of $7.50 in favor of said Agnes Thury, to reimburse her for the loss of said shoes and stockings, said sum to be payable out of the Park Refectory Fund. COUNCILMEN �. Yeas Nays �- Conroy May 17/n McDonald ----- ------- .-In favor Pearce 1 Rosen .-_-._- Against $udlsainter j Mr. 1§resident . "L' AUG - 61930 Adopted by the Council___--- ------------ ---19--- ^� APPr a --- ------ ---- - ---------- --- -------------- ------ ----- ---- MAYOR Iu s,wl ASHED . 3 o COUNCIL.,. 86288 ORIGINAL TO C I TY C L.— CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE; 1 0. OFFICE O CITY CLERK RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM y PFt F_SF_NTrn BY RESOLVED `�N,�4 &ereas, A request for an extension of time has been re- ceived from O'Neil & Preston, Inc., contractors, for the con- struction of a sewer on E. Seventh St. from John St. to existing sewer on Neill St., said request stating that delay in completing this contract has been due to the fact that a building which was in the line of the sewer was not taken away until over seven weeks after the contract was countersigned, thus delaying work for that length of time, and l'Jhereas, Upon due investigation the condition set forth above has been found to be true, and Whereas, No damage to the city will result by extending the time for completing said contract, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of the above contract be and the same is hEeby extended to the 4th day of August, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, pro- vided, however that this resolution shall not have any force and ef- fect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN r Q q�g�� (� Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciLAUG__-_4__1____19_------ O Conroy p@ May McDonald ._..___.__In favor APProv- ----- _____ ___ ___________19 Pearce ^ Rosen --------L1---Against _...-----------------------'------ 17C MAYOR PUBLISHED Mr^President/��,w�eiljr � M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 862 FILE , 9 OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC C / NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a.M CO.AF ssi DATE' -At1E . 61 1930, RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 8, Oakville Park from Weide Ave. to Walsh Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 84861, approved April 10, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 85385, approved May 27th, 1930. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferlwaen��� McDonald " "7 In favor 6,, sudheime7r �_Againet � r SLC. Mr . .ident� Adopted by the Council AUG v 6 W5AUG a; ed_19 br MAYOR Council File No ........8622 W PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _---_Reconstruct--:relay_-_and--repair. the,-sid@walk,_and.•• urb--on-_thy _...______... east side-of-Jackson..St. _beginning. 35--ft.--_south-_of_Valley St,•� thence-.-.• south—WO ft...rbeg{nni mow---52.-ft...-far-they---sauth:--thence---south..12—ft..----------•----- --------------------------•------------------•---------------....-....-•-•--....................................... --.............................. ..............---•-- Dated this 6th -- day of-- .August 30 ------ ....... ..... ...... .+ ------------- - S IC:. F No. 86880— .'.� - (i'OIIIICIl aII. `.-A66trsb4:� ^1bPy�wau� •t< �ovemenR). PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... RQconstruct -relay-_and-_repair _the-_sidewalk--and•-.curb- on the•.__.___,_.....,- _ east -_side- of J......................................... tginning 35 -_ft. south of: Valley St.. thence south—WO ...£t. -i --- begJ=ing...52 :it.----far-ther---south --thence--sauth—m--ft....... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -.----.-------- - -------------- --------------•- ...................... ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .......................... g- ---------- YEAS NAYS Councilman.410pnom,00NUOY MAYApproved ...- ....... _ Q°? . ................... MM No -01 McDONALD RAUNIXBW YEARCF xosr:rr std ......................._ .....:.............. .. MaVaEsmExm �Q, ,,� ,� a Mayor. Form C A 13 (2M 2-28) �.. council File No.----------.�� ^t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz-: _Reconstruct_ relay -_and-- re-pair-_the,--sidewalks-_at-- the -_following --_locations e- __ qt-- thence da of AU91ISt:--. 9�iQ--•/ Dated this 6th--- ------ Y -----•-• _:---••---••-- --- --•---•--------------- 6 Co Gilman. b F No 6291 Abstract. 'Whereas, A written proposal for the }caking of ;the following 1mOroVomenk 1a ti epatr°i�... the RecDdatruck relay ;a na; wslk;aY �* a};. MINARY ORDEIF. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Raconstruet._relay-_and,_repair-- the •-sidewalk- the• --following -_locations s .....nth of TP-SSAniJne south 54 ft. e t _-DEca tur---Sb.., Thence--nox-t East---s3de---of-. Bedfnr-d_.St-..-. beginning-- East- �14e- of Oxford St_- beginning at--Day-ton _Aver,--_thence-•south-_125--ft,- havingbeen presented totheCouncil of the City of St. Paul------ ------- --- - -- - ----- ................ -----• ---•- therefore, be it RSOLEVD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: E 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ----- -.................... •----- -" fad-----•-----' . YEAS NAYS Councilman GNAM==i• (J�® IJI�.-.-._.-..--.-_ MAY Approved . — ---- YcUONA7iU O PF,e1RC1J 110SEN ...............................................-...-...---. _(uunQ Mayor. MIL tESIDENT Form C A 13 (2M 2.29)PUBLISI:D - �_ 3 O 862499 _ Council File No....._..._.._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i A, and 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _._-----_Construct driveways at the following locationst South side of Tenth St., beinninp 130 ft. west of Jackson St., thence west .1�...f f. ..................... -- Rorth...side ...of_-Rondo---St....beginning.-152.-ft.-t.._tbenc-e-•---.------- eat8ft South ._.=a--of---rondo--St.---beg3nn3 ng--SO...ft.--•8ast--nt---Oxford..�t.-,.- e---•------ @as�10 ft. ' Dated t G-th day of...............�ug+19i; -- - - ------------ ... - � C. F. No.,�88292— Cenn lhnan. ;I. Abstract. - t t&W.P w•:" PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct, driveways•._at the- following_ locationst South side of Tenth St. beginning 130 ft. west of Jackson St., thence west-14--�t•� --------------------------------- ----------------------------- •------------------------ ---.--- -..----•------------- Nor4f._Rondo...8 t--Magi.z ning-.1.52---ft..__east.-of thence_--.----.... s 8 ..side.. ctf _Rondo---S.t..:bhginning-- 80...ft.... east--- of...Oxf'ord..:St�,--.thence...--- --. avttngMoen presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .......... .... .................... ..................... ................. ----• therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................... .......AUG• = ...O -gip --------------•---- YEAS NAYS Councilman GYMMU111 00MROY AN"1c) MAY.'-Approved......... •- ----......_. .. ..... ........__ McDOY ALD PF.hRCE_ ROSFN (f SWINT Form C ♦ 38 (2M 2-29) PUBLISHED ORIGINAL To CITY CLIIA ( CITY OF ST. PAUL IC CITY CLERK 2E Ofl�l —GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 86293 FILE NO• r; WI3IRW . on July 30, 1930, Jack Nitti made application 2732 for license to conduct a restaurant at 222 Chestnut Street, and WHIMS, Jack Nitti withdrew said application for restaurant license; therefore, be it RESOLM, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby instructed to refund to Jack Nitti, the fee of $10.00 and cancel said application for restaurant license. lerq-.tie ani{ they .,0. tl�0b hNniiu.tccd' o refund to- Jack NittI. the fee• of 110.00 :pnd cancel said atiVHcstI0h for: •eataurant lleenee Adopted by the. Connell Aug 7 1880. AnnrBved 'Ang.: 7 1880: (Angoat. 9-1980) S� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May/j McDonald _ In favor t Pearce Rosen- --- -- 0 --Against ---- Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie Adopted by the Council ---1------ ---- 19_----- Ap oved-—tlttt7 t it`JIY+% -19- - ----'------------ MAYOR 1' COUNCIL 86294 - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY O ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE CITY CLERK 3�OUe�c,��RES TION—GENERAL FORM J/t..� ,✓�1�. , . August 1. 1930 RESOLVED Whereas, It.has been found expedient by the Commissioner of Public Works to widen the intersection 4a at the Southeast corner of Pleasant Avenue and Osceola Avenue, as per blue print on file in the office of the Chief Engineer, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to do such work by city forces at an estimated cost of $250.001 said cost to be appropriated and paid from the fund known as City's Share of Locali "''`— - --. - �E1. r{ COUNCILMEN AUG r ` � ------------------ by the Council------- ---- ------ -----19--' --- Yeas Nays Conroy 0�wd gggg�� ry IW `� f @W May Ora 'Ora Approved--- - — - - - --19 -- McDonald In favor - Pearce Rosen --0--_----Against MAYOR Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie COUN CITY OF. ST. PAUL cl`.NO......... �F.i OFF CE OF THE .CITY CLERK UN ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f4 PRESENTED fi, DATE COMMISSIONER • RESOLVED That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets in the, City of Saint Paul: Pascal Avenue South from Roblyn Ave. to Roblyn Avenue, and East on Roblyn Avenue to a point 24903 feet East of East line of Pascal Avenue Center Street, from Hazel Avenue to Curve Avenue, Nevada Street, from Bagel Avenue to Curve Avenue. Ave. to Roblyn Avenue• '"d E. •+ �RWYV Avenue -,to & 3iotnt.-2488 feet;. East, of $ast Lne ot,Peaeal,AvOue.-. Canto} Street: from Hazel�Avenus to Curvej Avenue. Nevgd9, Stroet. �fram,Haset.Avenhe'to Cutve Avenue <, 3980; Adopttld DY the Coakell Ano 7. Approved Aagi 7 1920. (August 9 39803_`_ COUNCILMEN _ V Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ 192_ Q�� y A roved REM._...:_192 .�/ ' REM nald —In favor �aLLOy � r O Against MAYOR idant je dg o i e c+ r n 6 ` COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OOIOINA�TO CITY CLERK OFFICE .O._F�CI•TY CLERK. RESOLt�'�v ENERAL FORM DAT 'eTe-: gsasyL - _ fig, A sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, due to the recent drouth which has ceased the boulevard trees of the city whioh have been planted in recent years, to be in danger of dying; and g, There are no funds available which may be used for WROU watering these trees so that they will not die; therefore, be it R80LVZD, That the Mayor and City Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note of the City of at. Pte, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 496 Per annum, said note to be payable one year from the date of the execution thereof; and be it irURTggg RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to a special tree sprinkling fund of the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, to be expended only for the purpose above mentioned. tC. F., No.�80ss--ny C1Yde m' ']key— A sudddn and unezDeeted e_Or%,noy hea ar Il due d 1h cent 'oath whirr •••- aueea the Dou< ,1 ',void: trees ' 6 q °b b gin.} COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald In favor Pearce 0 Rosen ---------------Against $udheirner Mr. President Bundlie AA- --- 7 9-_-- Adopted by the Council_. -- ------ -- Appr AU;G � G --------------------- -----— -------- ---- ---- M�AY�O--�n August 2d 1930 Trees on City Streets planted during the years 1926 to 1930 Incl. That must be watered. Planted during 1926. Kennard St. From Minnehaha to Seventh Flandreau " " If " White Bear Ave " ° of HOvester Reaney If Germain of Hazel Fauquier " Kennard t " White Bear Ross St. " White Bear to Van Dyke Brand St. ° Barcley it 11 Keough " White Bear of " " Lacrosse ° WhIte Bear to Hazel Ames St. of it " �! Berkeley " Fridericka of Josephine Iglehart Ave °_ Wheeler It Aldine James St. of Cleveland to" Cretin Jefferson Ave " of " It Wellesley A ve of u " If Cecilia Place If St.Clair It Stanford Hamlin Ave of Randolph It Otto Sargent Ave of Sue of Prior Planted during 1927 arvea er fr om White Bear Montrose Place " Riverwood Sargent Ave It Fairview Cretin *Cleveland " Saratoga Stanford ° Fredericka Juliet at. " Finn Macalester " Schaffer Snelling Ave of it Underwood " it Juno " IInderwood Niles " it Watson ° It Hartford ° If Bayard " of Scheffer N.side" it Aldine St. of Edmund Wheeler Ave of Hewitt VanBuren St. " Fairview Sherburne Ave of Albert Wesley B.S. n Fry of Fairview Hewitt Ave of of Taylor to Pascal Fairview Ave " University " of Thomas to E.S. " VanBuren 11 of Minnehaha to Hazel of Marshall " Sue " Snelling " Josephine Cretin *Cleveland " Randolph to If of If n Snelling If "u of of If of If to " it Thomas it Minnehaha " Wheeler It Lexington Snelling " Aldine " u " Hamline Charles Iafond Minnehaha of Hewitt Tree lantin 1927 cont 'd. From e to Griggs Hu bar Semi.nnary Ave Griggs Griggs " Lexington 11 Lexington Minnei4aha at. " " Syndicate Fairview " Wheeler Blairat. " Aldine AldinePascal " Aaburry ItW " S.S. " Albert " Lexington " " Syndicate " Aldine "Fairview Lafond at. " Snelling " Griggs Edmund St.N.s. " Asburry " Simpson It Syndicate B.S. " ° Simpson Lafond ° Minnehaha Wheeler Ave Hewitt " Great Northern Ry Walker St. n Hewitt" Wesley Fry " B.S. Wesley " Capitol " Minnehaha n " N.S." Capitol Minnehaha Blair ,t Asburry N.S. " " VanBuren Lafond Lafond " Sherburne "Blair " Lafond Simpson " Pascal N.S. Taylor ni Hewitt " Charles n " " S.S. Blair Charles " Sherburne University It " ItGret Sherburne Northern i� � y Capitol Holton Ave �� " W.B. Capitol Minnehaha Shenton Ave 'w "n Taylor Hewitt " HeRitt " Wesley N.S "Edmund " Sherburne Albert ° N.S. Thomas " Edmund " University " 3.3 n3herburen it it syndicate �� Seminary Seminarn It Alley north E.S. " University a " BlairVanBu a " " Dunlap Tree Plantin loom Fairview no Snelling eec wood Bohland " Edgcumbe Rd Fairview Otto 11River Blvd '1, Snelling Ford Road " Fairview " Snelling Hilcrest "cumbe Road ° Snelling MoNtPeal Ave "n g�nelling n Fairview "River Blvd ° Snelling Otto Ave n Fairview ° Snelling Pinehurst " Rome St- t.Saunders Saunders n Otto" Montreal Snelling Como niver BW 8. �� River Blvd " Doane " Randolph Hamline Ave Schaffer Snelling Marshall Ave S.S. RioepWood Place " Dayton Ottis Ave-E.S. A -; `A+ Tree Plantin 1929. eelock Pkw—ay gcumbe oad From Fairview Davern Ave " Otto Mt.Curve Blvd " Otto Jefferson Ave ° Fairview. Juliet St. " Hamline Prior Ave " gummit Saratoga " Randolph Denny St. " PaWne Ave Tree Planting 1930 eelock Pkw—ay " Edgerton Brimhall St. to Randolph Idaho St. ° Lexington It " Fernwood Nebraska Ave " Hamline Hamline Ave " Como -Phalen Huron St. " Idaho Chelsea Idaho Merrill Idaho Fernwood Como -Phalen ° Hamline Lexington Ave ° Larpenteur to Montreal " Edgcumbe Rd. " Randolph St. " Cleveland " Randolph " Hartford Walsh St. " Hoyt at. " Hartford " Dunlap " Hamline " Chelsea " Idaho " Como -Phalen " Como Park " Ho Tt " " Huron " Como Park ! -.1; � DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK --CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Conroy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE MoDonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION FAVOR may 9�rceALUDITED CLAIMS %W0HetbWR_ ___Pe�(2_AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. .+ COVERING MR. PRES.- Sudhei mer TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5---M-95r2en 0 IN 7 1"dlis CHECKS NUMBERED-- j ' --TO------ wIN LUSIVE. AS ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL -W ------- PER CHECKS ON FILE N 0 41 C ROLLER. APPROVED—_______—__ CITY CO)MMOLLER BY -------- ;C- F. Noe. 86297, 86298 86299 IN FAVOR OF Resolved, That ch checks he 1-_. TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK the CI amount of co h� a�� ..... TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 7111' �heCh ""b"" 711 1. 1— -.5on file In the ofllca of the -11-V _--d h�, the di Aug, 7, 1930. BROUGHT FORWARD 1930. 4 61' 1 9-1930) 7663 University Sheet Metal W P OTkt lice 700 1 0 7664 Thomas A. Brown, Chief of 7665 Joseph A. Maoaulays -ante. 0 ` Police & Fire Alarm 2 01 7666 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin, 37 07 51 7667 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin' 30 111 3 0 7668.; John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin,'," 4 Fln� 7669 John H. McDonald, 0. ofof i 4- o ! -.1; � DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK --CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Conroy OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE MoDonaldCOUNCIL RESOLUTION FAVOR may 9�rceALUDITED CLAIMS %W0HetbWR_ ___Pe�(2_AGAINST Rosen RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. .+ COVERING MR. PRES.- Sudhei mer TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5---M-95r2en 0 IN 7 1"dlis CHECKS NUMBERED-- j ' --TO------ wIN LUSIVE. AS ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL -W ------- PER CHECKS ON FILE N 0 41 C ROLLER. APPROVED—_______—__ CITY CO)MMOLLER BY -------- ;C- F. Noe. 86297, 86298 86299 IN FAVOR OF Resolved, That ch checks he 1-_. TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK the CI amount of co h� a�� ..... TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 7111' �heCh ""b"" 711 1. 1— -.5on file In the ofllca of the -11-V _--d h�, the di Aug, 7, 1930. BROUGHT FORWARD 1930. 4 61' 1 9-1930) 7663 University Sheet Metal W P OTkt lice 700 1 0 7664 Thomas A. Brown, Chief of 7665 Joseph A. Maoaulays -ante. 0 ` Police & Fire Alarm 2 01 7666 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin, 37 07 51 7667 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin' 30 111 3 0 7668.; John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin,'," 4 Fln� 7669 John H. McDonald, 0. ofof o 7670 John H. McDonald, C. ri 23 7671 Peter Alexander 3 0 7672 1, Delia Brown 2 2 7673 Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 2 0 7674 Anna Wagner Peitsch 76T5 Elfrids, Soderberg 7676: James F. Kain, Cashier 197 6 Water Department 68 7 7677 victory Printing Company i! 7670 John H. McDonald, 0. of F" 1 1 314 6 1 7679 11 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. Fin. i 596 724140 6 7680 l! John H. McDonald, 0. of 7681 11 Jo)in H. McDonald, 0. of Fin.', 7 500P0 133,6 11 7682 l' Joe. Pavlioek 11 7683 Ellerbe & Oompany 5 000;00: 562 501 76 Garrick Brothers,lno. 1 7695- John H.. McDonald, O. of Fin., 1 14 114 97 W E.N. Cookman Plb. & Heating o. 7J1165 7687 St.Paul Blue Print company 1 4175 1� 768e Joseph ftuill W20 WOO i 7699 ii John Antl I 7690 John H. McDonald, C. Of Fin.1 Finel'. 1 511 5 164 90 95 7691 John H. McDonald, 0 of 126 30 7692 American Bank Note Company 769 Anderson & Hedwell 370 7694 Baldwin Supply company 12 55 7695 r Capitol stationery Mfg. Comp, :n7 y 17;88 00 7696 Helps Carpet cleaning Comp ii 7697 C.I. Johnson Mnfg. Company 15100 85 6? 7669999 Kalman steel Company 1624 7 Maendler Brush Company 7700 The Mueller Company 208 00 7701 Northern states Power Compa,4 307 99 7702 Q.M.O. U.S. Army 72156 O 7703Mr. James Rasmussen 50100 6 50 4 Machine Works 770St.Paul 770 Sweeneys Clothes Cleaners Gompa 1 10 147 00 97 97 770 iI Tri—State Tel. & Telg. y 7707 1 Feyen construction Company 30 00 7709 11 Fielding & Shepley.1no. 7 737 75 7709 1: Jennings D. McLellan W.W. Magee company 290 6 715 bO !D6 7710 7711 li St.Paul Cement 'Works 15 0 7712 Standard Stone Company 30 7713 �li Thornton Brothers Company 9 350 O SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 7 50060_ 13C4i2_1198 ___ FORM DUPLICATE --CITY SAINT PAUL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-- ------ --- -'-------�---- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL - CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS-------------A"ps-t-fi----------+ate- MCDONALD , PEARCE ROSEN _ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN OOCNNTHE �CITY TREASURY. -- �___AGAINST 40-1 ' 5 '_ V2_-. SUGHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S__ COVERING MR. PRES. BU NDLIE ^ r CHECKS NUMBEREDTO--------- _— INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL________--T—!-_�`.-I - PER CHECKS ON FILE IliOF TI7 PTROLLER. ______ ______ APPROVED ---- — ----- r�q�}' a{s =� ��tj]S_______ • — CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL v DATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK V TRANSFER NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD li 0 3 5 7714i Ross G. Hazelton 77161 Geo. E. Hansom : University Sheet Metal WOTUD 1 211 2 7717:1 Fred G. Albrecht, Director ! 1 16p 0 1 12� 0 7718'; A, L. Snyder, Director 23 0 7719',; Garriok Brothers,Ino. 1 55 9 7720, Garrick Brothers,Inc. ,i 11 7721; John H. McDonald, C, of Filill ,'DO1d,0. of Fi 7722] John H. MOna 3 B2 1 7723 John H: McDonald, 0. of Fi Welfare ' 1. g4 g 10 g4 3 7724, Board of Public f�nan 7725,. ThoLinue i O'Malley 75Q 7726ij Dr. A. Christiansen 0. 772V Dr. L.A. Hilger 0 1 0 7728; Dr.E,S. Powell 9 0 7729, Dr. H.Jj Prendergast 4 7730! St. John's Hospital 7731', Dr, B.J. Singer 6 7732 ; Dr0m,% Weas 7733 The Grey Shop Jennrich 1 9 773'+; Frank 7735! Brooks Brothers Lumber Comp, y A 3 77361 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oomp y 7737; The Lufkin Rule 0ompeny 100 3]i 1 773911 Maendler Brush Mfg: Company' 7739', St.Pau1 Bdklders Material C mpany 3 7740; StiPaul White Lead & Oil Company 2 5 2L 1 7741; Twin City Iron & wire Works! 0 7742;1 A 1 Stenographic Bureau j P� 7743 1 American Battery Company Supply Comp 206 ?7441, American Linen ax Associat on 5 1 7745 ;I Amerioan-Munioipal Works 9 an stamp 774b'1 Americ42 Paper OOmpany 4 774711 Anchor Company 11U 6 774x'1 Atlas Gas & Oil , 17 0 774911 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 7750] Austin -western Road Maoh:Oo' . 4905 0 ioo 6 7751 Automotive Service Company I Battery Company 7752 Barrett Bartles Minn. Service Compa,y 775411 S. Berglund Lumber 9ompany�jI 5911 • 7755 1 B.G. Corporation `*c l 7756 i Board of Education 215 52 + 7757 Bowen & sons ?758 Brookings Institution 215- 7759 W.B. Burley,. Sales Agent 4 Int. Time Recording Company 3 7760 !: Cairnoross Tire & Battery C parry 66'5 7761 The Capitol Press 48!50 7762 Central Supply company 375'5 7763 1 Ohioaggj Mil. St;Paul & Pac. y. 0o* V80776!} , Oochran-Sargent Company 1 91172 7765 ! College Entrance Book Comp 1114 7766 Crane Qompany of Minnesota ;; 107;72 7767 ',1; District state Boiler leap: 7200 7769 E.P. Dutton & Company 175 - — Q_ SHEET TOTAL FORWARD -47 _:.._.— IM L �O {[{ I PPF- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY MAY MCDONALD --- FAVOR PEARCE ROSEN AGAINST SUDHEIMCP MR. PRES. BUNDLIE -71 Mn ADOPTED BY THE qPMO.rAJ6 ----- -- --- �- 'CI*fYX SAINT PAUL COUNCIL a. , 4 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.--: ----- �405q____ COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ------------- Augus-t-1 --- - - ----------- 50--- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. To THE AGGRE UATE AMOU T OF 5---28 COVERING CHECKS NUM RED_____ 77fig--TO ------- 7f INCLUSIVE. AS F� E PER CHECKS 0 FILE I HE OFFICE 0 T E CITY COMPTROLLER. ----- ... .. . ---- --- -- ---- -------- -- ------- 4-L&Ak -------------- C0M_PTR_1L_LER____ --- - - -------------- - MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER --------- -- TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISB U RSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 0 7769 Herman Bees 1 0 20 0 0 195, 0 7770 Remington -Rand Business Service Review Publishing Company 32;� 7771 7772 Wardle Fudge Shop 1 221 1 7773 Thomas Frankson 2 3901 2 7774 St.Paul Produce Company 26,5 5 77 Otto Zupfer, Director 22410 0 7771 kvm. Selby i 77 John Abel 32, 31 77R Brooks Brothers LumberCcmpaz 13512 7779 Crescent Creamery Company 6771,23 7790 Drewry & Sons Oompany 51 7791 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & CompEby 1018 7792 �! General Electric Supply 0=16,iy 6125 7703 Lilly -Cullen Insurance Comps 78150 7784 1 T.P. Lowe & Company 81150 7781 MoFaddext.-Lambert Company 74;63 779 Minnesota Tent & Awning Coll 171115 7787 Niools, Dean & Gregg 106169 7788 Northern States Power Compaq 146123 7799 Northern States Power Companr :v,l PPF- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY MAY MCDONALD --- FAVOR PEARCE ROSEN AGAINST SUDHEIMCP MR. PRES. BUNDLIE -71 Mn ADOPTED BY THE qPMO.rAJ6 ----- -- --- �- 'CI*fYX SAINT PAUL COUNCIL a. , 4 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.--: ----- �405q____ COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ------------- Augus-t-1 --- - - ----------- 50--- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. To THE AGGRE UATE AMOU T OF 5---28 COVERING CHECKS NUM RED_____ 77fig--TO ------- 7f INCLUSIVE. AS F� E PER CHECKS 0 FILE I HE OFFICE 0 T E CITY COMPTROLLER. ----- ... .. . ---- --- -- ---- -------- -- ------- 4-L&Ak -------------- C0M_PTR_1L_LER____ --- - - -------------- - MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER --------- -- TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISB U RSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 0 7769 Herman Bees 1 0 20 0 0 195, 0 7770 Remington -Rand Business Service Review Publishing Company 32;� 7771 7772 Wardle Fudge Shop 1 221 1 7773 Thomas Frankson 2 3901 2 7774 St.Paul Produce Company 26,5 5 77 Otto Zupfer, Director 22410 0 7771 kvm. Selby 6 701 77 John Abel 32, 31 77R Brooks Brothers LumberCcmpaz 13512 7779 Crescent Creamery Company 6771,23 7790 Drewry & Sons Oompany 51 7791 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & CompEby 1018 7792 �! General Electric Supply 0=16,iy 6125 7703 Lilly -Cullen Insurance Comps 78150 7784 1 T.P. Lowe & Company 81150 7781 MoFaddext.-Lambert Company 74;63 779 Minnesota Tent & Awning Coll 171115 7787 Niools, Dean & Gregg 106169 7788 Northern States Power Compaq 146123 7799 Northern States Power Companr 2 109192 7790 Clasen Candy Company 98120 7791 Papers Calmenson & Company i 75198 7792 1 St,Paul White Lead & Oil Com any 28`33 P. 77933 i Standard Oil Company 328,o6 �!7794 I Twin City Iron III Wire Company W6o Vaughan's Greenhouse !779 70.60 Westlund Meat Company 1538 7797 Western Union Telegraph Comp 22 50 7798 Electrical Installation Comp;�y 348 0 7799 The Cmporium 13 ;7800 H.S. Erickson Company 4 6 117901 Fairbanks* Morse & Company 48 go % 7802 The Golden Rule 3 117903�1He= Ice Company 137 70 7904 ill Johnson Printing Company 57 7801 a G.W. Keys 115 0 780 Northern States Power Companj 13 $39 1 780 Abbott -Miller Company 7801 Val* J. Rothsobildg Manager 6i4 0 279 00 7809 Sperry Realty Servioe,Ino. 520 Q5 7810 Walsh Investment Company 136 1 7811 Lee -Hoff Mfg. Company • 302 ;0 500 00 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 6�SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ]930 in the matter of grading and paving alley in Block 3, Underwoodls First Addition from Sue Street to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 85259, approved May 14, 1930, and Final Order C.F. 86176, approved July 29th2 1930. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 86300-13y Milton Rouen— In the atterf grading and paving alley In Block 3, Underwood'. First Addition from Sue Street to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 86269, approved May 14, 1930, and Final Order C. F. 86176, approved July 29, k930. '-Resolved, That the plans, epeeldca- tlone and estimated quantities a .ub- Ittedby the Commieelorier of Pubilc. Work. for .the above named Improve ent, be and, the. game are hereby up - Proved. Adopted by the Counrll 'Aug. 7, 1930.' Approved Aug. 7, 1930. (August 9-1930) .1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council A.__ -- 19 Nays Yeas;� j!J C4saeg rq F". _ I9 McDonald /I d In favor Apve' Sudheimer_ Against Mr. President 86301 COUNCIL FILE NO... ----- _----------- ----- ------ - By-.._. ---- _.._—------ _...------- .----- ------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of McKinle7 Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Lake Corio & Fhalen Avenue, ' erraoviM CMTs I c F No 88801 the- ` eeaeWen` Iv' the matter er. s , •ee[IentO`�OeFs ` a3i.�,..-3 ^,, under Preliminary Order .......... 76739............................. Intermediary Order .---••79441- ------------------------------------ - Final Order ....................... . ............... approved .... -....................... F.ab....2fi.}......-......------...-, 19:..29 The assessment offIt.S-►---C08.t.5...1"TIa-.0Z-P-P, A ZAQ.a................ .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the day of ..Sept.ember-•-•-----•----•----- 19..3D, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner. of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. AUG ® 7 9Wi Adopted by the RUG M 7 eat Approved- .............................. ----.......19......... Councilman <101111= Conroy Councilman McDonald \ Councilman May /vl Councilman" Pearce ' Councilmaq Rosen Sudheimer Cound man R FIx Mayor Kxdgemx Bundlie Form B. B. 17 - ............... 19-- - v y Clerk. ✓............. --.-..----, Mayor. PUBLISF�Ii 9--1 o COUNCIL FILE NO --- _- _--.. _------------------- By---...-_---- ---- ----------- _-------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of ben,''its, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Eewit.t Avenue from Aldine Street to Fairview Avenue, 8630 ee�, an4fl[ga c7oeta t the aeae Mt f °ulhAN• 9ldn YDanusof eaaea or curb t� Fg�rvleWvenue �' un a• '.ra".A2 �Av� prr� under Preliminary Orden ....................... 8x.22_5 ......... ------ Intermediary Order ------621az............. ------------------ Final ---- ---..---. -----Final Order .............. W-4.62........................... approved ----------.SEPT: 3---...------•------------------------••------- 19.29 The assessmentof._benefits-�,. P•xge,13R�.S.........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the -Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... 3rd.............day of . ae-ptemher.,................ 19..3-4., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed., . ' Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------------------------------------_..., 19.... v M , ........... - ity Cleric. Agproved........... ----- ................ ..........19 .... r --- ---- ...................... .......................... Mayor. Councilman Conroy G� 1 Councilman Mclbnald \ PiT$IdSF� y- / J Councilman May U Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councno ilman MayorAkA wxx Bundlie Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO --- -------- ----------- ------------- -- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructin curbin on both sides of Cromaell Avenue from Myrtle Avenue to '';abash Avenue, 'C. F. No. 80303- Ia the matter or asaesament of beaeals, costa and. e6.De ea.; for c atrocttAg arbing oa bots 'eldea-�or II Ina �IW b h rbm Mpape.:Ave- Ordeer 0 — ro under Preliminary Order -....•--BaI98 ---------------------------- I Intermediary Order ............ 83047 ----------- ----------------- Final Order.... BZB- 4....---- ............... approved ....-------....�r.-.... 31....................................... 19 29 The assessment of._ben- fits -,-._costs-- and, expens-es_____________•,- .far and in connection with - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the-.........end.............day of e.p-tEml�er-.............. •---, 19...3Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Halle Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 7 90 Adopted by the Council----...------.............---------------------------------------19. e tY' ------- •--• ... .... ..... ..................... -----, ity Clerk. Apl2roved........ J SSY' ....... - -.......19. ... ................. .......... ........... Mayor. Councilman a—Boom Conroy p Conneilman _ McDonatd Councilman May /� PTTRL(SfiE[) Councilman Pearce (/ -. Rosen Councilman Sudheitnet Councilman xxx Mayor Hoz*K= tundlie Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO.-.--------_------_--_--------....__ By----- ----- ------- __......_--------------------•--•---------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cysts snd expenses for constructing a sewer on Reaney St, from Futh Ave. to hast Ave., and on Pedersen Ave. from Reaney St. to Minnehaha St., C F No 80804— f. fn R an Cef ..conIIIndaoet, od ex-�b etcten under Preliminary Order .......... $4j 06 .............................. Intermediary Order ............ 84612 ............ .............. _ Final Order--• ........... S4fl4-`ds4zm .......................... approved --Ap-ri1...1a............................................. 19...30 The assessment of..-----_t?YZ1P ?-.S.a--.G93t...-a 1---�. .�11 e. 3 --------------------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... .3rA ...........day of .S.eP.t=laer.............. 19_311, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............. AUG...9..11............................................19.------- f� Approved------------------------------------------------ 19 ...... Councilman 40NEW Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May /. Councilman Pearce (/ $teen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Mayor$ndgWzX Bundlie Form H. B. 17 Cleric. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO .......... _... -.------------- — By...... -.... _...... ....------------ -------------- ----....---...------ CITY OF ST. PAUL 86231, kZ5 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 5, Lorena Park from a point 40 feet west of the west line of Etna St. to Clarence St. C. F. Nm 86365— I'in the matter of the assessment of` Ingealley In Block 6, Lorena led - In a point WI—t,west of the west - line of .Etna .1q Prellmi•_ _ edlsrF I, _. under Preliminary Order ............ SZ82fi........................... Intermediary Order..$.a1.7.2-----...------------------..--------------- Final Order.. ----... ................... approved - ............... ILa n ch.11---••............................ 19.-30 The assessment of..henaf.its,....c.o.s.ts...and ... exgen.s.es........ - ................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the... ........... r-d.............day of _Se-FtembeY-_._.--...-- 19-'K_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. AUG " ! !9�1 Adoptedby the Council ---•--------------------•------------------......-------------------------- -., 19... ^ 7 4(,M ... ......... .-- -- ....... ....G. amity Cleric. Approved----------------------------------------- 19 .......................................... ........ Mayor. Councilman NORMConroy PiJ$LiSI Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce Iir+nen Councilman sudors,//a� Councilman Mayor 5xt=x Bundlie Foam B. B. 17 FF.O.0 Central Avenue, north side, beginning, at Cathedral Place thence east 110 feet 0 Cathedral Place, both sides, beginningat Central Avenue thence north 130 feet 0 Central Avenue, north side, beginning at Cathedral Place _i thence west 60 feet Avenue F.O. 81084 Farrington Avenue, east side, beginning at Dalton A thence south 126 feet F.O. 81084 Dayton Avenue, south side, beginning 27rfeet east of Farrington Avenue thence east 236 feet F.O. 79000 Mackubin Street, vest side, beginnint at Iglehart Avenue, thence south 175 feet F.Q. 82128 Front Street, north side, beginning at St. Albans ^,trent, thence mast 150 feet F.O. 7$327 Ninth Street, south side, beginning at Cedar Street thence east, 16, fit. lgpeh $tract, north sides beginning at Cedar Street thence.eaet 238 t8e� 3ix$h Street t Seventh Strost• is 81830 111 S reety both eid9$y ?rom . i.i1: 81�Jpuffi:3treety north oid6y begirining'at Brtoundsoulavard. ,_ •....:- ,v .'�21Atl6CF-®a9b,'.'LZsi C. F. No. " Inbenefltsm96coste andteaD�aessionnt ing ceiment sidewalks�n Estlmt . - y ��J 6, Contract 6692, Season UNCILFILE NO ......................................... By............ -.......................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of ben fits, costs -nd ez ennes constructin;, ruconotructin cera:=nt sidelalks a"stimate i;o. G' Ccmtr et -61., Sc., eon 1`5 `. for F.G. 8168." 'dhealer Avenue, vest cije, be;::,in:,in- •t i crti :n Avcnue, tn�nca South -10, ft. F.C. 78G06 Astl:-:n,: AvinuE, nor t:. ::ide, be--,in,in i't f;?• U1 Pa.gc'-ll Avf'nue, ct 1::0 ft. F. u. 81237 C3elby Avenue, north -side, be inr,inr feet e,ot <:1 Oxford Street, t::'�nce east '-0 feet 01.0. 83-337 Aurora Avenue, south side, be-in'inn 105*, ft ---t of Victoria Street, thence' ;•e_;t .G feet F.O. 81500 Avon t3treet, .Ieot nide, br�.Jnr•in- 90 feet c: ut- c: ahller Av-nue, thence south to :alley C. 53159') L• -fond Street, both ni'ac ,, f'rcn:: alb -ns . tr•.:t "to Grotto Street P.C. 81831 °Cherburne Avenue, south iill , bo:,,innin, 2"1 feet i of Avon Gtreet thence ae.t lb feet ?. ^. 818,32 Ohio "tro t, gest aide, .ee-innin 0 _eet ^'out - ,j Morton Street thence south l0rfeet F.C. 81332 Uhio Street, :Jest side, ba,;innina; 101 fe t north of H�Orton Street thence north 18 feet F.C. L1098 iteritree.t, south cillo, fico! `7aniel utre:_t to :street F.C. B1a0' st•r.rkey street, za .:t oi'?e, bet en iri-ielc t•;anu.e nu Indian.+ Avenue s,.C. 81037 ::t to 'street, t side, berinnin 37 _c—t-,(,uLl: of ,.irfi I, vr"nue theme :,outs 7C feet .C.£10t:`: ."out_i 'jb. r• , t Io -e, be �Jn,-.in- t ,.:ir ,•o :i.� rIII-. t -ue. roti_ '7- ae•t G1083 .., ut_: b . &:ia tree t' t i:_ 'u_ 'it; in t L _ I i. ore Avenue th.?nce north 1!t^ it. C. 8.; U7 =>in. s'-oc : _:treat, c:,t 1 , e, 'lj ,in„in 1C : t. e,ei t;i of i"'Curth .treet i"I ::ee :. rt; -0 feet, i''..,. 31bC;treet, n -rt;' , "t iE :t%iTn tVinuC t ::nc 1GC i :t, 0 in::ic le. t _rit t 11, tu; i -;tr' o i i3C.)04 :ro t, co iti".i r. 1 -1 l:;eL .;i L .. .C. 81382 Unive •oity Avenue, "nc:rth ride, be innin; t f''- ;c:•1 Avenue: th *;ce -a nst 7 3 f e : t C. G1596 Sime"on Avenue, e.^_:at ; i r , ire inr in :"',;t n;_:_ ti, Ln, for,t -trott, `honce n-,.rth 1C feat F.C. 81GOO Oh-rlec .'treet, south r ide, tie-in ink 7 feet Q:iat e �.lbert ;street thenot: -:��ot lc),- Peet I".C. 01339 Edniund Street, north :aide, be;;inning 80 feet Nest of Albert Avenue, thenoe test 40 feet F.0.,83.339 Edmund,6treet, north aide, beginning:at iiamline Avenue thenae.,east 80 feet- . ,•..�� � � ���`�beil�.a:e�C tie inning 100 ft went of b',o..815p1'Chailae ti'eet, north aithe oe west 56 Peat fyjte�orth 3tressti beginnin. 1541t went of 80985 Zdmund� Qtiorth �3t�Ce at mouth ©ithenae',west 130 feet Z. 0. II0985 Thomas Stseet,� south aids;`be6lnning,.46, feet e?ost of 3111ton:Gtredt,_thenae-vFe$t 8o meet 81833; IiurQrm AV@Aue, BOt3tb aider beginning 81833 etre: t theIIoe asset 21(5 f$et L A } Anker :xx ...for and in connection with The assessment of...bCIL—f - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..........:rd .. ---.. 'day of 19._30, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court mmissioner of Finance give notice of said House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Co meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.0 St's w i 19 Adopted by the Council ------------ .....----- - - p< F r City Clerk. Approved ------------ ----------- i� 1 Mayor. Councilman Conroy PUBLISHED / Councilman a McDonald Councilman MiNiM May Councilman Yearn Ito en ce Councilman tin iL. -met Councilman euZ Mayor'909k xcc Bunllie Form B. B. 17 F.O. 82130 Central Avenue, north side, beginning at Cathedral Place thence east 110 feet F.O. 82130 Cathedral Place, both sides, beginning at Central Avenue thence north 130 feet F.O. 82130 Central Avwest�60 rthfeeside, beginning at Cathedral Place F.O. 81084 Farrington Avenue, east side, berinnin,_. at Dayton Avenue thence south 126 feet F.O. 81084 Dayton Avenue, south side, beginning- 27_�feet east of Farrington venue thence east 236 feet l' F.Ol" . 79000 P�ackubin Street, est side, beginninf- at 1( le?,ari avenue, thence south 175 feet F.O. 82128 Front Street, north side, beg.inning at. t. ".lbans .^trent, thence west 150 feet F.O. 78327 Ninth Street, south side, beginning at Cedar Street thenoe east 165 ft. Eighth Street, north side, beginning at Cedar Street thenoe east 235 feet R.O8183tiiC 111`'S �`eets both 0', in -.from. sixth streati to seventh Street ts� +ning aouids, boulevard F.O d 45 mtreeti71ortTz' L th@naa seat 2 t1 f ; R.O. gpggq`gxca$e� street, west aide,: beginning'82 feet :north pf Couwag .:.5-tt'9�tt=•thenae aorth,BO feet nsoiii ar ay: F.o. s1s�5, East, Fourthtraet aaut2s s$�t„:beglniiing 162eat east of 1V Ears 3t2eet� xk�d�xas.staat 64 feet beginning BEf ft. 9 09 f" ,'SAc�n�;. �J COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER lls In the Matter of_____gxadinB_ alley__in_ Blook 2U�_ Arlington --i------Addition from Arcade _Street to_Neide Avenue, __________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------- .41 --------------------- TARY ORnERB tcs ______________________________________ ___________ __ THR under Preliminary Order -------- RUM ------------------- approved ___ June _ Z4,_1930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___$Tslde 2lle�_ 1A __ j�1Qc _2Q,__Qrlington_Hille_Addition from Arcade Street -- Weide Avenue, ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__22 ___ __9__5 ______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 2i?a _______-_day of -XMSeptember 1930: - at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing' �� m� the nature of the improve n an the total cost thereof as estimated. i93D Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192---- , Approved----------------------------192--- Councilman Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman ` Councilman May Pearce Rosen V Councilmaa t3udheimer Councilman MMM Mayortkmmx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 City Clerk. i "METSFIED COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____the land necessary _3.ot_alnpes,_ Qllta_ana�i,.l.lg,_�iit_th�_$rading_of_Alley_ in_Block 20=_______ _�rlingtQA_Hille_.AddiiitA_iS�m_ ATFasiB_ $treat_ t9__w�isle_ Ayen_ue�-___________ -- --- --- ------------------------- 7 ----------- -------------------------- o SB Qof IIn'the Mat of condemning and tak_ _____________ ___ _______________ _______________________-___ tpg ape ement 1n the land�necea• r. aarYYor , oDea cute and flue. 1n the *grading o[ A11e9 in-,Hfrom Z0c Vie, ----------------------------------- .o _________ __ ________________ r ]ington ¢ills Afld ,l _, i. ae:'a-$5838 June 24, 1930 undE 1}a :rder----------- ----------------------approved --------------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ., above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___a911dALD p�_Wnd take an_easement_in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the -------------------------------- _Hilg__AA ditionfrom_ALcade Street the_blue_�rint_hereto_attactied_and made_a_�1a�t_hexe4f�-tile_ hstCheli_�QTtiislA&_81193L111g_ #elL4_Quts_nd_the shaded -poxtinn a_ AhnlRi,n&_the_jjj a-------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_100 _00______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- �a ______day of _ Bept ember =_ 1930___ MA_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___- AUG Z-710_192 ---- v ------- -- ----- ---- -- Approved ----------------------------192--- City Clerk. --- -- ------------------------------------------ i - 9-3 d Mayor. Councilman Con rov Councilman Mcllonaw Councilman May ` Councilman PearceRoben J Councilman t'ludhbulb eimer Councilman 'V�x MayorN> %mx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__grap_ley_ in Block_ 3,_ Lenin}ton_Park_Plat_ 8_and_____ Rawls is Subd vis t� fr�m r} s jo fyhndicate Ave lso. o4stpoting a sew r from_-he----_ey-- oRiggs n e ea_se_ment ib to oo nine on -------------- the easterly 4 feet of Lot 9 and the west'er�.y 4 ft o� Lot 8; -oc , _1iexingtnl�_Pa�k_Pa-$-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---- -------------------- ----- ---_ tter o e In the Dint al, of grading alleynd ______________________________ $lock 9..Lezington .Park Plat B and ----------- ---- --- -- Hawley's? 9ubdivlelon from C rl$R!.. St. to$yadicate:Ave...ateo cons!ruct ng,"db4we from the Alley to ':� _____________________ _____ ___________________________ u%'s �n e > °s 85834 June 24, 1930 under Irtt nary Order ----------------------------------approved ---------------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rade alle in Z. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is------ Block-3, _____Block3t LeaiRgton Park Plat 8 and Hawley's Subdivision from Griggs St. �Q_$yn�iicat�g___y�,�_�glso_construct a_ sewer_ from_ the _alley_ to Palace_St. in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet of Lot 9 and tie weaterl3�_43 _nf_1.ot_8,_Blncic_3,-Lexingian �axk_PJ.at_8---------------=------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$_944_ 15 __--_- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 21ndl________day of - September L -1930--_S_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ___-_-rt_-. 192____ rr,0 7h ---- -- ----------- -------- -- Approved--- --------- City Clerk. ------------------- ------ Y ---- Councilman ro3 Councilman in: McDonald y Councilman Diel} U y Pearce Councilman Councilman ;,, r.•„ner Councilman ]dECII77tx MayorXf&-Zgx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 i COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By ---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____ cSMC&MRi_49_ 11 _Making_ an_ easement_ in the_ land neces-_ sarp for slopes its and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 3, _ T.PringAon_Park_�Iatslnd_Haws.sX��-stbb�ll_v_ision_from_Griggs_St,__to_____ Syndicate Ave. also constructing a sewer from the alley to Palace St. __�_t.hP_eaeemsn__in_he_nb�s]uesi_llrl__tne_�ast�rly_4-ft_of_Lot_S_and _ the we erlq 4 ft of Lot 8, Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 8, ---- C. F. No. '863ID— - ` ---- and tak- IaIngeg aoneetter ment ln.d..-I- the land n cee- ______________________________ __________________ lls, n the gra1.ding ep Alley t in Block 3i 1,7- ___ i Ston Park Plat 8 and 8awley's ________ ____ ______________ _ ___ ___________ '�. 3uDdlVlelell, y- fariggs St. to. Syn. dicata A - rting a ser.., under'i .9 l,.alfary Order__ t_'",s st-' -----85635 p. June 24 1930 ------------- ----------a Droved --------------- 930 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__S�Oridemn _ariQ _tsk�_ an seme t in thg 18�d lie es6ar f r s10 s o t an fills lin the grU ng__Q-21ay_., _�t7J�Q4x_ >_a+gxjng3!n PA-----a�_-_and Hawley s --- Subdivision from Gr1 gs St. to Syndicate Ave. also construct a sewer __f o1A_tbE _8J.1�y__aQg_ St __ in the easement o be obtained on the the easterly 4t or Lot 5 and _fhe wesfer-ly 4_ �r�.Plat_8,_ig_aocordance with the blue print hereto att�I6cic-3;ach- ed and made a part hereof, the hatched portions Snowing the outs-anT the --shaded-porlinns _ah0King_-the_iil ls,--------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 5 ---------------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _____-__- nd ------- day of __ge9 yep�__1$g(y__, =x__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Cit House and y Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-_ @1 s 7 -----, -92 .... e Approved------ V —7-- ------192--- ------ - ----- - - ---- 1----- . -- City City Clerk. --- -- ------------------------------------------- Mayor. CouncilmanConroy Councilman Councilman` COUIICilIDall McDonald PMayearce /vJ Rose❑ Councilman 8udn -hrier Councilman MtIDlmdt Mayor XzhaW Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 ------ - ----- - - ---- 1----- . -- City City Clerk. --- -- ------------------------------------------- Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ --- Iiondemn; naQ_e,nd--tR.k1n9._an_a4.pe111Aut-;F�Qr__t-@_-Pu3ZpA@-0_9f-__ Aa maintaininLr a public sewer on, under and across the -- Fiat Plat 8, from.Palace 8ti_to.the alley ^in the +rear so a the easterly 14 ft of Lot 9, Block 3, Lexington Park rtat b. ---` ------------- -- ------ ------- ----- g, No. 66311— and L,K' -,In the., of Conde M. V.rpose of ________ ___________ ____ _____ ___ ___________________________ 1hg gn ¢ssement for the p - conetructin6' and malntafai"roes tha: " -;11, sewer- on,. under and 4 ft of Lot $ and the -.t. ____ __ ____________________ y easterly r ,,.,¢. Falae- 8t: ion r_f� :- " atd let 85836June 24, 1930 vi ie.finma Order,,;-----------------------aPProved ---------------------------------- Order, ,,a------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Qondemn and take an easement for the purpose of constructin and maintainina public arog se)R�&oTL,-1 @r_ nc _; a the_ easterl,_4_it of Lot 9 and he westerly- 63 4ft. of Lot 8, Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 8, from Balaoe 9£. to -fie-- a11ey__in_tb� _r�r__9_R�1�d_�9tta_ also a temporary__easement for_ construction purposes on the westerly 10 ft of the easterly 14 ft of Lot 9, Block -u'r, Lexington-,Eax3--P1at_-EL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ !9Q_ 00------ 2nd Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------------------- day of _g@g��r,_,93Q____ 7�➢�C___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons ind in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement ryand�thee total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- Wrl_'-!_l�`_�_t'_----, 192 ---- P Approved______.._i'� Z m ____________192___ City Clerk. r^� Councilman Councilman Councilman Conroy McDonald May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman . Sudheimer Councilman VFAffillxx Mayorxamax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 -- -- - - - - - - - - - ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor. V COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ----- aaS ln-Z-- W f-Qj h_Agenue-!rom_ 7Pheelo9k_ Parkway_ to ___-___ --acct�tage--8txeet-,--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- �C F No36312� (n Danforth - In the Matter of Brad B ____ _________ "-- Aveaue .from Wh Block 1'r war ro Io Cottage Street nder Y-=�f^^ Order 8683 n •ed '. TheCq;mc.....-__; ' It..'________________ ________ ___ ____ ____ ________ ___________ _____ I In,isalon under Preliminary Order ----- BUZZ ---------------------- approved ___ 411-4g _241_ 1930__________-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____$&s1�g _Ije1lfOTt11_ A__v_enue_from_Wheelook_Parkwa�_to Ootta�e_$treett-------------------------------- --------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 2LUd-------- day of ____September,_ 1930xx _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meedug to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- AU!g-�+ ------ 192---- , r 7 ��3% ---- - --- ---- --- ------ -�-� Approved ------------------ -------192--- City Clerk. CouncilmanConroy Councilman§Wma" McWnald j Councilman may i Councilmanr�en CouncilmanSudheimer Councilman Mayor vmdmux Bun4le Form B. S. A. 8-6 0 Mayor. PU urqm r7-�-3�) COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___n ondemniII�' _end _t3ki11_aTi_Ps2 A�¢leII_j Yl__1aPA_ r @� @Sli@T-Y for_slopes�_cuta_and fillsz in theradin� of Danforth Avenue Irom --Y9hfisl nok_ParkaaY_ ta_Q9tkagti_�e� ,------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------- and --- ---------------- C.88318-- --- Ia tha Matter or condemning and tak -1ng an eflsement Gln [he land necee - - - -_ __________________________ 'aarr for slo es, cute and flue, Yn th - - grading .��'. �anLorth Avenue frn -.:. wheelo.?. •� CottaK•� `.'� _0111- x r R6P__________________________ ________ June 24, 1930 -85833 - 930 ---------- under Preliminary Order---------------------------------aPProved ________---_- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ uta and ills-, CondQmn_aild_tak2 -------fi--, ----in e -- the __an_ easement_ in the_ land neceesary__for__slopea,_cfill _grading_nf_�anfnr�.�9�nue_ern¢�_YYheQ�9s�k_��k3Y.aY-_�4_Cottp_ge Btreett_in p - - - ------ -- -- aocordancg_with the_blue_ rint_hereto attached and made a part hereof, ------------------------------------ _the_hatched_}�eLtiana_aho�ing_th�_ u_t�_al]si_tl�� e_ed_portione-ehowiI thefills, ------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1Q.Q, QQ _____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- Zna ___________day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted. -'by the Council__AVA_n _____, 192____ v --- - ------------ --- —) City Clerk. Approved --- _--------- ----------192--- ------ --- --------------------------- --- -- c Mayor. Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman troy McDonald May .. Pearce Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Vex Mayor= Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------ --- --------------------------- --- -- c Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__4Q1rits'ugt3r__QemPrit_ t ie__side_v, alk_ one_ and _one =half _j 1 feet_in_ idti,_en tle_ _outs_side_of_Shields Ave-- ---._- in -front of lot -221_____ --------------- >zlnok_�,_>ioyarin !a_Aditit _on_sn_as_ tfl__y1s,.df,xi_Qxisj�.Inz_Qid enal'k_t(2_ zrQPerty ------------------------------------------------------------------- G F. No. I"',— ____________________ ---- _______________ n the ""to of` coaetructtag eeaient the ""to one and ono -halt (IT)t feet In width on wSl.-hnt.dl:e-e;e.l,n. d4k.f wt' ta_n,r `,ntheo1f ,oaeth,-., e7td8 e of ------- r(hlot 22. block_ ,- ______________ ________ ____________L_�_.�_-1_'_-3_5_._-_�__4_?_4_____________ ------------ under3lorder____-------------------- approved -------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____Go 1StrUAt_ABTMPrit _ts ls_sidazalk_rna__.nd_ nne=hal __(lal-1 aat_�z> __>dib_ er> _tra_sslutr_s�d-a._slf _Shis♦.ltts_Aua._ir.��sos�t_n� _l.at_22.,__hlnci� a-r-I+nz/ars.nom'-s--dtldztis�_s.a_P.s_�.o riden_-xigtj c-sidesra]�_io__prn}Lr��_liner___ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $i0,_a __---_-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 2n(i------------ day of Septembers -1930_- W- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided .by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG - 760--- Adopted by.the Council__________________ ------ 192---- Approved ------------ `_ -- --------192--- City Clerk. -- - -------------------------------------------- _ ,�ayor. PUBLIE v Councilman Conroy CouncilmanMcDonald Councilman clay Pearce) Councilman Rosen Councilman JMMUM Sudheitnerk Councilman Mmouti-r Mayor DiAhwx Bund lie Form B. S. A. 8.6 -- - -------------------------------------------- _ ,�ayor. PUBLIE v ItOUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER and__takin�-an-easement.-�--Land-necessarg- In the Matter of_ GozY1 ti31- L - _tns-slap as_1n _cats_and fills_for__the__canstrnc ti On-af_a_sislei^^alk_nn. the __south_side-nf_shields-A�zenue-in-2r�nt-a£- lot- 22,--blorrk_Lauesin�ls- f _�dtlitinn_sn._ag_ho_s^�islen_Exi.:.tines_szd.a�talks._to_xrar�rt_g- lne--------------- �. — , --------- --------------- a: ----------------------- ------- -- - foo!=No. asa16-- ondemnin6 and t%k- ___- ygy Matter of ---_-- ,enoz An ensement S outs�anddfig or _______________________________ of LOT IODeR .1 for 81d ideWsl an 3 1.33A__ ------ 'On* v ._.L'----Bb;3G�7`.------------ approved --------�ILL1g - -r- under Pf Winery OtM;, n ri«- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That !the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a_ge_ an 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__cOndlls --------- - easement_ in the_ land necessary for_ slopes_ in _cuts and fills_ for__ .e _ constru�tign_ Qf_ a_ sid�i:�a��c_ ¢B__i<re_ south _fide _9f_ �hield�_ A_v_enue__in_front --°�_]ntr22,_his.clr_4,_S�oyer3n�-'s-.�dctition._sn_as_ ta-uidEn_.axist3.ng_sitie✓elks --to-oF eta -3 fsaT-�T�-a aco-sd anr_e=--the-blue--Pr3 n t -hereto -attached -and _ mods_a__paxL_herso�,_�i a_rair�ad- pnstions-srae 5n£-the__cuts �nrl_d;he _shaded jortions $' o�^.ir�� tr& fills, t thereof is SiQ-------- no alternatives, an that t h e estimated cos$_2,1. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ?nrl---------- day of Spstamhgr,_1gip___, xg$x-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and C ting nance Lto he HallBuilding and in the in the m manner provided by the Charce of t Paul. That the ter, stating hie timegand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___�U-= f-��--- 192---- 3 " ------ -City Clerk. Approved ----------------------------192--- -------------------------------- --------- - - ---- ---------- Mayor. Conroy mTRi,TSi3E7I3 �— CouncilmanPlcl)onald / Councilman May Councilman Pearce Councilman Sadh e'sen nrr Councilman �" Councilman Yk mmk . Mayor*4sJMR1tx Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8 6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__r-ec.enstructinr_rela�*_anGl _I�lairtZ�.-='=`__ere _Hetes _rte, the follov,,ing side,.valks: Faso} n-- .r- t_sirle�-baggyuninQ-llA-f_t.- south_Qf_ - ir_ t._i_thence south 100 fts, SydneySouth 1�t.Yt_f ta'-lZeainnin atSeminole_ thence east 2.Oo-ft. -- ilinnehaha St., north side, beginning 232 ft vest of Dale St., thence wrest --`14--£.t------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plevni—Ave-- "t' -side, across Lawton St. 45 ., - ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------- t,no IC. FNanod— tie`--Ythe Mtter of recon repairing.wherenceaesT.r - _____________________ __-_________.______________ the following etdwalkgel arri gton Ave *aRln1,atthenc 11Smth `�--=� -------------- nutb sL�------ The Council of the City of PSulliaving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having, onsldered said report, hereby resolves: ;.- 1. That the said, report and the same is. hereby approved and adopted and;' tie said 'improvement is hereby ordered to be proceededwith 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is- rfegnstruct-_relay and repair, vrhe.re necessary,LtheYfollovi ng11Afside^alksnf 1. Alair f.. thence south 100 ft. = 206 ft. _ Sydne_g_St.�,_sontY'__aids,_t��.ginDJJ1;�_at_Seminole_Av_e_._thence 11innehaha St., north side, beginning. 232 ft. ::est of Dale St., thence~nest --------- 44 --ft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pleasant -- -----44-_ft------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pleasant Ave., south side, across Lawton St. 4b ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_0„1d._pgxt._sq ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 2nd _________day of SegtPnhiry _1fl3Q_______- ><fl&Y.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG -V WO Adopted by the council_______________________, 192_--- AUG -1 AD Approved -----------=----------------192--- City Clerk. Conroy Councilman McDonald Councilman May Councilman ® Pearce Councilman Ttudh Councilman 6ueimer Councilman Wsmkx Mayor k4kW Bund lie Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------------ ------------------------------- /-- - Mayor. 41-� l] V COUNCIL FILE NO.___ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER - ---- --- Inthe Matter of_reconstruting:_rel_y_inL_and_re�airinL=___'rere_necessar^� e sid�-ralks, at the following locations: 80 ft. Lsststln_St.�,_nnsth_sidL,__b�j.nn�n,g-115__6_._ l._tr�n4� Blake Ave., both sides, from East Langford Park Place to ,�st Langford Park PI To-ne;1_to_-A,ue_,-1=est_spa,-he€in''iixig--at--G Ar-e-St__ihsncE_soutYi_L?0_fig----- 'Vest Seventh St., south side, beginnin€ at Richmond St.' t}leice ^,est 040 ft., ------------- =---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- - _,__ ---- C. F:No.88517— ieconatructi B.. re-' ____ In the matter of whe nates------------------�--- eat alba adew la kan 9t the folio 1 _ � ---- ------------ __ ____ _ location ny.: rasp st Ary Orta - SS �S-------------------approved -------tea - Zs--1HZLL--------- ,1ne Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and .adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be.proceeded with. rec _nstruct re la and 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is______ o-------------==-- Y rY+- t e_ side_ alk§_ at _the_ follo'j•inS_lQ __2ns;_._____ Lawson St., north side, beg.innin llu ft. west of Earl S'. tPence e§t 80 ft B].awson nortsidese-fbeg-inninE a �fnrtl_Parh_�lace _tn_ angfand-.Far'., P Toronto Ave.,st side, beginning nninGrace RSt. thence f° nlO -f ,�40 ft. "'est_Sa¢entr'_St_,_south_sida, _beg ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------- -- 0.10 per sq ft. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_______________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 2-na_---------- day of a enf er 1>�r7_133II___-. 191x__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and,;h&Aatal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__________________ --- 192---- / o City Clerk. ��/ /�/ Approved -_-----_o __----192_-- Councilman Conroy McDonald Councilman May, Councilman Pearce Rose Councilman � n Councilman OMEN& ' Sudheuner J V Councilman Mayor-Nelsom Bundlie J Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. ��/ /�/ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__T_@�4LLstructin" ._r_layin_�nd reairinz___ ere necessary the sidewalks at the, following. locations: Pd2 a ib3n `ir.r- -side,--bEg > �-2t_F4t1r�aSs__5 ---th-P, _ Xi4 th _ 145 ft a--- hlaekubin St., east side, beginning at Front Stthence south 80 ft Maekub3r.>_-S�•r-'�s�-���--b����-at_hur�s_ss__S�.._ �henc�_ �orth__t,_o_ al�esz h1ackubin St., west side, beginning at Front St., thence south to alliy, C. FNo. 86818- >.'. J _________________________________-------------------------- recostui -I.l ying'rand ftalring-wherenaeces- --------Joe" one•. >------------------------------------------------------------ gang the etdewaike at the .following Hckub(n 8t, east elder beg�lonl�4-et urgese 9t, then -ta 6 . .- Tul _ 7 1930 elabxu b!, s>Ti» ary Orrr -- ----55817--------------- ---approved-------''---� -- i ----------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__rP-cII zt.r1LGt,_.0-1,qY antt_repaira_,x_ _10C�_a�T�,--tie-i_d_�tsalks_t_the_ fnllo±in _locations: Mackubin St., east side, beginning at Burgess St. thence niDZ- _at_Front__ _y_thence_south 80 ft_ _ _ Biackubin St., nest side, beginning at Burgess St. trence'north, to alley N.ar„kuhin_St.,_ iest_si3e�_bP-g_ins-d n. g_ s2t_Irszn-t_it,-_thQnC0 -0-(21 Lt t9 alley____ with no alternatives, and that th:, estimated cost thereof is$_0 _10_per__sg ft. :n Resolved Further, That' iublic hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- 2,U.5 _____day of SfY-tember L_ 1930----- XML_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— AVG __ 7 lq"" 192_.__ ----- t Approved-__--- 7 n --192-- --- City Clerk. ----- ;. Cogncilgian 'Conroy / McDonald Councilman May Councilman Pearce 7 Councilman a Rosen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman YAxzetx' �. Mayormtt_x Bundlie Form B. S. A." Mayor. ftr1RLrSfjW /— jn-�,y l) COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___�4I13ta AQ ing_a dni_v_egay_ on _the_ igest__side -- ---- f_Sith_______ —qt rue ei.-he zinai_ng- i_nar-tb_.af__SnmrrLjt_ u_v_e��jD,__tbi2nce_nontr. 22 :feet, - _ _ ------------------------------------------------------------- �C. FrNo. 86319— _______,In the. Matter. of constructing a drive----------------------------------------------- _ r way>.on the weet Ode of Sizth SL beginning 62 fe• �r'h of-Summl. ...Avenue thence.__ s-Ceet.•;d,-_________________________________ ____________________________ -------' - Preltml ary. , July 2, 1.,. .. The C:o}� Order__ 85.9�s�------------- pp r under Ph�yx <:r i ---- ----a roved ----- ------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ GpYL4 tSL1Gt_�_ driui – bs tr_ee_._lzegin.-ling-_Q2_f_PeL 4rth--Qf---- _____Sumr_:i_jigenue,_ trence_ north_22_ feet_____________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 2=3 ------------ day of e4teMbPr�L23I1,=___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Financegive notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG -7 1WO----,192---- Adopted by the Council__y_�_c —41 Approved ----------------------------192--- - City Clerk. -- ------------------------- Mayor. Councilman ` Conroy 3 CouncilmanMay McDonald 1rRfL15HC1j 7Councilman Pearce Councilman Roeen Councilman � Sudheimer Councilman ffi6xWx Mayor Ia{ wax Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- eQnstructin a_ six foot_ sidegralk_ Qn_ the_ south _side_of__ -----FinxA_iitiaaua-f_znm_A1b-er_t_AY�nn>zA_t4_J3�mLtw_ a nue-------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. R No..86320— _______________________________ ------------------------- -----------' Inthe Matter: ofconatrucUn tootIdewalk on. the eoutG aloe Izo} - HoYt .elvenor Crom. ---------------- _________ d�b'nrt Avenuet•.______ _______________________ be t _ i �S �Q_ under Prelir, ?ria Order__ _____ ftx�s�`�------------ approved _____hLl�'_�a_ s_ __--------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- _S_QlLtx_ 3 �,__Qf _ILQ -A- -Qq -Sun-,U b� t_Avenue_ izL@_AY�Sllle',__�xc-Qqt__rhe e_ 9Qd__and_sufficient_sidevralks__roi__exist. ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ---------- 1.05 - frt ft tile with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $----- .2-0 _monolithic Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- lnl ---------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetingto the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__:_ __ ___________,192____ r Approved----------------------------192--- Councilman =Mid Councilman May f i Councilman Rosen Councilman Rbeen Councilman S!fAhgi+rlF- Councilman WORRIcx Mayor NK._ Bundlie Form B. S. A. fhb ------- - - ---- ---- --- - --- City Clerk. --- -- - -=------I-- -- Mayor. ,,ztm COUNCIL FILE FILE NO._ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER tys In the Matter of__a4@tructing_a_sewer_ on iieaney__Street _from apoint ----- agpgxmately__265 ft:_ea�t_of Olarence St._to connect with the Belt - Lina-3eN_er_�_a__paint__apprDzjju3-te.y_21-Q_1t,__Welf—of'_Birmin ---..._--i — -------------------------------------------------------------------- -CF.Np..86821 I. - In the Matte — or constructing a sewer •----- ----------------------------------------------------- _____ on Reaney street from a .point aD- proaimat ly 266 f,t t of Ciarenee st. to e;...t Lb.o _________________ � wl.r' t , under Preliminary Order ---------- 85967 ------------------------aPProved ______ July -- 5 1930 --------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____ COAStrtlCt_S_____ sewer on Reaney Street from a point approximately 265 ft east of - � r�Bpg_$ __tq_oonnect erith_tne Belt _Line_ Sewer at a point approximate- _lY__210_f t __prest_ of Birgmin�ham 8t- - ------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ Znd -________day of -- September,- 1930_.X-- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG m 7 VIP Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ / Approved ----- A%_ 7 --------192--- City Clerk. C -- ---- i!d ayor. CouncilmanConroy Councilman McDonald `Councilman May Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman -0111W SitAhelw Councilman =WaUx Mayor 2UNWX BundlSe Form B. S. A." x,22 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By----------------- ------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__G�nstTt3gtiril�3_Agyegr _g�}_Ng_v_eda_ Apenue_ from_ Hazel Avenue to C: F. No. 86322— on NeMvadaTAvenue fromi Hazel Ave. ------- : to Curve AvenuroveddJulY. alim930___-____ Order 88933 n_. The'Counr"_' :havanB'rWl- -,,issioneT,a______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ under Preliminary Order________________ 39LQIZ_________-approved ______July 12t_ 1930_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said -report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. const 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... _______ru_c_t a_____sewer __ Qn Nevada Avenue _from_Hazel Avenue to -Curve--Avenue --________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $J2 � 6L!Rq Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ 2nd ________day of $ept,ember,_ 1930 :_ _-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprpvement total cost thereof as estimated. _AUG - IV Adopted by the Council______________________, 192 -- Approved ------ 92-___Approved______ 3 S- -----------192--- City Clerk. ----------- ---------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy pTT1[(,iSHCD `- Councilman McDonald Councilman Mag 7, Councilman Pearce Councilman Rosen Councilman 8udheimer Mayor=Sundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ ---- Qonetructing_a_sewer on Fauq-uier _Street -from-Etna-Street t-o_a_-poiut_-2-------------------------------------- ----------------- In ------------------------------------ F. No. .________________ rn. thelliatter_ of. coaetructleg e. sewer on-Fau9ufer'Street'Prom a' point 36 Pry,. .yet oL: Clarence -u d P•rP-„ •Order cc dune ze, lew under Preliminary Order ---------- 85871 ------ approved ---------------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__OOnQtTtlCt_ a sewer on _Fauguier_Street_from Etna_Street -to a point 25 feet east of clarence- -sir P et.,.-------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___282!29 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on. the ----------- a__ -__day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council____AUG 719?` 192____ v Approved:--------------------------- 192- , __ -Q-.rii City Clerk. ---------- --------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy r"4T�HCD_ Councilman Mciboald Councilman Councilman MayU�' Pearce Peru \ 1 Councilman &edfreiueer Councilman %mmCiCx Mayor*Tjktz Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- ----- oS1SIX=t1tlg_9_1 R-11118 on Edg-erton _Street _from _Ivy ------ Atxe.at- -L9__D-Qnn3-.atxept,------------------------------------------------------ ---- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. 86329— the Matter L congfructing curbing on Edgerton $tree[ Yrom Ivy. gtr. to Denny $tre t, under,Preliminary. ________ __ Order 89936a _ ___ ___ _________ ____ __________ DD oved April 16, 1936. ------ -----he CO. -, the V�• R L $`_Par' April 16, 1930 84935--------- ----a roved ............ under Preliminary Order __:_=_::--___ _____ -- PP The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--- Onst.I.1LQt_ C1jrbing on Edgerton Street from Ivy Street to Denny Street, ------------------------------------------------ ---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-------------------- day of gQp eBL�e ,_ 930 ------- 40M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---!Q6 7 ---- 192____ " i __--____192___ City Clerk. Approved__ ______________ -------------- ------------------------------- Mayor. Form B. S. A. 8.6 Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman troy McDonald May Pearce R."n Councilman Sudbelmer Councilman W (/ Mayor ibi30M Eundlie Form B. S. A. 8.6 COU d F "CIL NO.NO.----8C)326ORIOINRL TO CITY CLERK - -eFILfY OF ST. PAUL FILE I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIJ,#ESOLVTION—GENERAL FORM y RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are bereby authorised and directed to join in a lease with the County of Ramsey for Rooms 301-2-3-4-5-6 in the oommeroe Building, for offices for the City purchasing Department, at an annual rental of Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Ninety-two Dollars ($2,892.00); said lease to begin August lst, 1930, and to terminate July 310t, 1932, and to be in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May jMcDonald 1____ -_In favor / Pearce Rosen ____ _-__-Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie AUG s Iwo Adopted by the Council -_---------- --- ------ ------------ 19_.-___ A RVQ iY 19 I -- ------- ---- .. --------- ------ __.- __.-___---_--_-__- -_- MAYOR GEO. J. RIES COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD PETERSON DPUiv AUDIT.R O"EelY W ; OFFIGE OF BAl3YT PAUL, August 6, 1930• To the Honorable Members of the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am submitting herewith three copies of a lease executed, by the H. Kretz Realty Company with the County of Ramsey and the City of St. Paul jointly, covering the rental of offices for the Purchasing Department of the City of St. Paul, being Rooms 301 to 306, Commerce Building, at an annual rental of $2,892.00, for a period of two years ending July 31, 1932, with a sixty-day termination clause. This lease was entered into by the joint Court House and City Hall Committee on behalf of the City and County and was approved by the County Board at its session held on August 4th. Will you kindly approve the lease, and return one copy to the H. Kretz Realty Company for their files, and one copy to this office for our files. Your early attention will oblige Yours truly, Geo. J. Ries, County Auditor. � By �//J DeI—Ity. COUNCIL NO ........ ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL pIL6 V -•-••- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU ES IL RLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY`' DATE COMMISSIONER — RESOLVED VIHEREAS, The CoMAssioncr of Public 7jorlcs has re- ported to the Council, in accordance with eclicy wri oh f ' the City Charter, the c;:istencc 0'_' an ctncrgency to es . of rendered necessary the employment of curtain ov Y ; his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employ- I Mont: I THTFEFORE BE IT R7-30LUEB, That the proper city officers arc hereby authorized to pay the following nomed Cra- ploycs at the rato oth:)V-`ise fixed fcr extra employment for the extra time he-rcinaftor set forth: c:'F. xo. as127 By Milton aoaen-� Title Yours OvCTtimC. 1 V7bereae, The Commleefoner or Pub 11c,Worke hae..revorted to the C... c1U — -_ _ — — — — — —• —• — — — — — — — — — — I1nSaccordeace-with Section 53 of thea __ — CMI, Charter tt!e ..Istence of an emer-` } senna whtoh r 9 ofeylh Sheathing,, 1 •7P �emw7c9mm g__. ✓^L ...iaity.4 p.;.�. 2 0 Dean, iPrank Mto.Lab. Diegnau, Felix Ir.lkr.Flmn. 5 1 6 .44 Diegnau, Marvin Sub -Foreman 7 t7�� #llig�tt, Ed. Pay.Foreman 4 0919 Sliiott, George Util.Lab. .45 55 Ellyson OakleyX. Com.Lab. 1 Faust B. A. Suptvdar.Coll. 4 .6334 Fiann`tan, Wm. Com.Lab. '4 l 5 Harper, Charles B. Util.Lab. 1 •55 Mulvihill, Rober T.Mto.Leb. 1 •50 Proulx, Joseph Com.Labe 44 .644 Putnam, Fred Sub -Foreman 3 Rich, Augustus L. Stat.Engr. 1374 I Simmer, Ray G.S.Engre M 1.5 Sullivan, john, We Utilityman .759 T#lke, Ro;ert Utilityman 3 i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council�t._ �_ceM�ts -192_ S e Fesguee r• o d _ _..-- —.._-192.... McDonald �___In favor T Sudheirner Mr. President' ��- An emergency has arisen in the DLPARTUMT OF PUBLIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Unloading oil tank oars;Making emergency repairs to steps and fences at dangerous places; finishing con- crete and dispatching and watching equipment. This emergency arose by reason of the folloving facts and circumstances: Unloading oil tank cars to avoid demurrage charges; Repairing and hanging out lights on broken fences an steps; Finishing concrete poured just before quitting tim , COMESSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 6 r 86328 .OU NCIL ORIGINAL TO LTY CLERK r.' -E ST. PAUL _ - FILE NO. O CITYCLERK RN—GENERAL FORM SRM, one Morris Resnick, 546 University avenue, prr- chased from the City of St. Paul at public auction, on the 29th day of August, 1929, a Chevrolet sedan bearing License No. 3425147, for which he paid the City of St. Paul the sum of $196.00; and WHzMS, After said purchase the said Morris Resnick was required to expend the sum of $46 to secure a marketable title for said car; now.therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Morrie Resnick in the sum of $46.00, payable out of the Unclaimed Auto Fund, Account No. 4004. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald ------ —In favor Pearce /� Rosen ___41_____ -Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie G 819319 -- Adopted by the CounnL__--__--________________ Approv - - ----- - ---- ---------------19 ------------ ---- -------- ------- MAYOR D. W. BIRDSALL. GTT CL[RK AND COYYI[RIDN[R O! R[DI[TRAM. (®ice of (gttg (Q Jerk . 1i7--'_" Y� August 5th, 1930> mr. E. Y. 01eill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear 81rt r Attached herewith are all p e S� in the matter of the petition of Morris 8esni or an award of $46.00 for loss sustained by him through purchase of a ear from the City of St. Paul. TWouncil referred this matter to you today, for a resolution granting payment of this award. Yours very truly, X.A "4 ty Clerk. I� EUGENE ATO'NEILL To the Council. Gentleman;- III, ,qrAft c. cttt of est not LAW DEPARTMENT In re petition of Morris Resnick. LEWIS L.ANDERSON , NN IIRV NG GOTLIEB August 4th, 1930. With reference to the petition Of Morris Resnick for an award of $46.00 for a lose sustained through his pur- chase of a oar at public auction from the City of St. Paul, please be advised that this car was the property of one - William Mack in 1928. Mr. Mack had work performed on the oar by the Berry Chevrolet Company amounting to the sum of $30.00. He failed to pay the bill, and the Berry Company filed a lien in the City Clerkus offioe.against the oar. Thereafter they sold the lien to the R. & R. Finance Company who began an action April 21st, 1928 foreforeclosure of the lien. They entered judgment in favor of the R. & R. Finance Company for $60.25 on the 7th day of August, 1928. Previous to that time, on August 2nd, 1928, the car was involved in an accident at Jackson and Seventh streets, and was tared in to the Municipal Garage by the Police Depart- ment. It remained in the Municipal Garage until August 22nd, 1929, although on the day after it was towed in, and again on June 10th, 1989, cards were sent to the address of the owner, Mr. Mack, and both cards were returned undelivered. The R. & R. Finance Company makes the claim that they inquired of the Municipal Garage concerning the oar, and were told that the City did not have that oar in its possession. Mr. Resnick purchased the oar from the City at public auction in August, 1929, for the sum of $196.00. Thereafter he sold the car to B. R. Radd. In October, 1929, the Sheriff levied upon the oar by virtue of the.decree secured by the R. & R. Finance Company. Mr. Hadd made demand upon Mr. Resnick for restitution, and Mr. Resnick settled the claim of the Finance Company for $46.00, baying it reduced from the $60.65 which was the amount of the judgment. Mr. Resniok now asks in his petition for the return of $46.00 to his, which he claims he lost through the failure of the City to notify the Finance Company that the City had posses- sion of the car against which the R. & R. Finanoe Company ob- tained a judgment. $he $196.00 which the City received upon the sale of M V � ,I MLIwPHY N EUGO,po M- ONNCO'UN EDWIN w•T sc` LAW DEPARTMENT IRVINwsssTA�HTe council - a. the oar at auction is, in theory, the foreclosure of our lien for storage. Yours very truly, i Ae�istant Oorporation Oounsel. &TF -U 13 ]ERS�PRESTHOLDT MOTOR CO. STUDSBgK6RPle TS R15UTORS SL Pavl, Minn. sola aRG:ono B. 8. Hadd GT Dale east Ree. Gar. eols 1_2 } VW Eli LILOA TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned hereby makes claim upon the City of at. Paul, for the sum of Forty-six ($46.00) Dollars, based mpon the following facts: On or about the 29th of August, 1929. the Purchasing Agent of the city of St. Paul ognducted a public auction at the Municipal Garage of.lost or stolen automobiles, and in connection with said sale he represented that the City would give a clear title or bill of sale to any car so sold. Pursuant thereto, the under= signed purchased a Chevrolet Landau automobile,!bearing Motor Number 3425147, Serial Number 21AA54324, License Number for 1928 B-80170$, Model 1927,.for the sum of One.Hundred Ninety-six ($196..00)Dollars, which was the,ihir,value of said automobile.. Thereafter, and in the course of the bud nose conduoted by the undersigned, said automobile was sold -to one B. R. Hadd on or about the 10th of September• 1989. That sometime during the month -of October, 1929, the Sheriff of Ramsey County, Minnesota, seized said automobile and took possession of the same by virtue of a Judgment and Decree', in an action entitled "8tate of Minnesota, County of Ramsey, District Court, Second Judidal,Distriot. R e R Finance Company, Plaintiff, vs Wm. Mack, John Doe and Mary.Roe, whose true names ase to plaintiff unknown, Defendants", and pursuant to said judgment and dacres the plaintiff in said action undertook to sell: said automobile for the purpose of satisfying the judgment against said automobile, for the sum of Sixty and 65.-100•{$80.65} Dollars, which judgment was, by its terms, made n the aforesaid automobile, in an action brought to a specific lien up' foreclose a motor vehicle lien,''which action was commenced on the 21st 3 tered on the of April, 1928, and judgment an 4th ofY'August, 192 which was long prior to the time when said automobile came into, the possession of the City of St. Paul. That after consulting with an attorney, petitioner was advised that said judgment lien was superior to the rights of the City of St. Paul, and superior to the rights of petitionea and to said B. R. Hadd, to whom said automobile Had been sold. That said B. R. Radd made demand upon petitioner for a refund of the moneys paid by him for said automobile. That thereupon petitioner undertook to and did settle the aforesaid claim with Messrs. Reuther ` & Sullivan, attorneys for the plaintiff in the action hereinbefore referred to, for the sum of Forty-six ($46.00) Dollars. Dated November 1929. `S petitioner. STATE OF MINNESOTA se COUNTY OF RAMSEY MORRIS RESNICK, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person named in the foregoing petition; that he has read the said petition, knows the contents thereof and that the same is in all things true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of November, 1929. Defendants Oe above entitled Aotloh to foreclose a lien upon A motor vehicle came on for hearing beftire the above named mart at the, Cau'rt House„in the City of $t'. Paul, ep , Umtyy 111nne130t4f?-- on 1998. Plaintiff: appeared by its attotneYa, Foul xer & azll!» vee,. ,and there 'Alas no, appeazgnoe ori the part of defendants or any of Ihem, although service of :summons Was, ftly made upon defendant, Wm.lack,. and. "t. said defendant is In default herein. Tae court hating heard and examined the, testimony and proof submitted on behalf of plaintiff,'and having heard and determined said cause on the merits, and made Findings of act and Oonoluetone of ;Aw and'Order for Judgment, 'f i BOW11 Bi FRI ,paracent to, saidFlnflings of Fact and Gonclueions of Laar. and Order for Judgment, 'and :on motion of Wether'& Ox111van, attomeyg for plaintiff, IT W AD.IUMED that the ameazns the plaintiff fx'on 2�d the defendant, Wa. ffiack, is the Mum of fcreZ Dal3ar , ,wft�i jnterest 0A.the Join of zlgftteen an& jwAOO (}8.Q0 . Dollars dSace' hik Und dajr. o#,l�arah� 1928 , togethe ffi. its; eoa.ts and d3 ibnMae di herein in the amount INR A WLLt'ia n1 R IGaIm n T1N Mli RYiI m n tn. tm tanN un u MmRINw. two a�wr ovmm a nin RM tvr am R ama a wI� ry1owson.MS US= N wS,S 'SY OWMt00IIRM ERN STATE BAN? ST. PAUL, MINN- 192- 00 as u u� � �rnonnv o� vem 1 I' TOTAL.%r COUNCIL 1 ,� - CITY OOF�ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIQ Oi gITY CLERK A 0 CO TI N GEN AL F10T2101' C ESE,NT D ey DATE A.. at R l93 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the s Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the NORTH WESTERN FUEL CO., for furnishing splint coal, smOteless Pocahontas coal, coke and Stott briquets to the various bureaus and activities of the City for the season of 1930-1931, as required, 1n accordance with specifications and their Formal Bid No. 8419. Approximate total of contract $159,912.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May i*."rep—.Ii In favor Pearce Rosen Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie AUG -9 WO Adopted by the Council, ------- -------- - ----19 AUG " ve - ----- 9 MAYOR COUNCIL NO —.e„LT..TT.L�.. CI �F ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _COUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 5E,NTEIONER DATE Aug. (![y()��q 6 _ 9 ' ���^.� CO RESOLVED Whereas, In making the improvement of the grading and paving of Edgcumbe Road from,Fairview Ave. to Fort Snelling Bridge approach, etc., under Final Order C.F. 79791, approved March 13, 1929, Thornton Bros. Co., Contractors, i t was necessary to make the following additions: AJC. -F. No. 8683 1 Milton Rosen— hereas, In making the Improve t+ `,e e Pfl riZ and '2`si ving Ving Widening intersect. Howell on west side of Edgcumbe Road. 179 sq. yds. 2j" brick paving (not including base) @ 1.90 179 It 11 6" concrete base 1.75 340.10 13.25 Extra steel placed over trench at Stewart Ave. 300 pieces 5/8" 20t long 6300 lbs. 30 " 1/2" 501 t1 1000 11 7300 lbs. Q .045 328.50 For replacing Catch Basin connection to sewer on west side of Edgcumbe Road between 7th & Graham 251 - 12" V.C.P. @ 1.50 37.50 Relay 151 - 12" V.C.P., - 1.00 52.00 5 50 50 Total - $ 1,034.35 Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost of same not to exceed the sum of $1,034.35 and to be allowdd as an extra under the contract known as Comptrollerls'ontract L-3281 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department`'of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, Thornton Bros., that the sum of $$1,034.35 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the f 0 rl Countersigned: p y omptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 6lasac*�'�1 Fes'--.— � _In favor �S�udh�eiiraer Against Mr. President H dgllua, , AUG - 91930 Adopted by the Council —_19_ _ _ APpro}t — —�-19— — .—�MAYOR� Q�'ISI.I,r,.y t0 COUNNO CIL Cl* ST. PAUL FILE – - --- CE OF CITY CLERK ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 110–v _ DATE A11 ._$�_19S30.._ _ RESOLVED Whereas, In making the improvement Of Surfacing with Asphaltic Concrete the pavement on Rice St. from the Bridge over the Northern Pacific Railway to the North City Limits, under Final Order C.F. 84944, approved April 17, 1930, Fielding & Shepley, Contractors, it was necessary to make the following additions: Additions: Placing barricade at East side of Cottage - Labor 23,00 Material & Supplies 29.70 C... F. No. 88331—By Milton Rosen— 52 .70 Whereas• In making the imarove- Total menti of Surfacing with AsphICOaltic COncrO- the thet Bridge Over pavement on ONOPthernLP IRO Ra11waY to the No-�� It *.Imlta, un- khat the Council hereby orders the extra work Flaal ordr- 'l " w be dotle' LX, 7. the supervision of the Commissioner of Publ c Works and in accordance with the specifications therefore, the cost of same not to exceed the sum of $52.70 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3409 for .doing the above named extra work. T' --e Department of Public Works has agreed with the Con- tractors, Fielding &Shepley, that the sum of $52.70 is the t7h, reasonable cost of doing the extra work d sluty ng extra material specified in the foregoing o Countersi e COMMISSIONLx OF i'UBLI NC Comp rolle Con r ctor. E COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 6{ene� ___...__.In favor Sudheimer Against Mr. President / r_, q Adopted by the Council___- _ _ _ _ _ 19_ _ ,Alio Apprvd� -- — MAYOR ` PUBLISf�Ii �- / � -3 Li JI NOTICE n TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL 83�863 486335 PRINTER COUNCIL Z eZ OLUTION COUN IC FIL O. 86333, 86324, 86336 Auguat G 19-3a_ Re.olved, That ,check. be drawn o j the Cltyo Treasury, to the aggregate I amount f 5120,691.70, coveting checks RESOLnumbered ?812 to 7960, IDcluslve, ae D r the ks o file In the office of the N ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 7ClAy Ct.d 11 t r. - . j.�'(�''"!q.'l„nY�� Adopted by too Council AuQ. 9, 1920. OF; '1DDro ea Aug. s, isao. �BERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS (August 36-1930) ON FILE IN THE, OFFICE OF THE ,,,,CITY pyCOMPTROLLER. (� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL AUgmet ith ig 30 1 APPROVED August 9th lg 30 nv cowrr.o,..� � (BY .��/� a�.eTRA DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. - COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCI RESOLUTION CONROY Au Bt 30 --- MAY .IN FAVOR - _.- M,.a��a- y AUDITED CLAIMS FEARCE ROSEN :,J AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRLp,1WN ON((��T��H ITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER ,Ju a, ,��. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S..4,_69"—'--" COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE CHECKS NUMBERE _OppOp� _ ----- TO_-____ }7 -. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON Fll E OF OF E CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNG411.{—--_,.. iL"-"- - �' kvu, -- - --- - -- -- cITY COMPTROLLER -- APPROVED �f MIYOR - --_ � --- _"---- - L Dnre T TOTAL --C—HECK __ RETURNED IV CHECK IN FAVOR OF I TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS E BROUGHT FORWARD I 7 FM nn 11 Por, 44 78132 Capitol Stationery Mfg -Co- 303 7614 M.J. Smyth South Park Foundry & Mach.0 . 319 2 7515 Lamprey Products Company 32 59 1 7516 Thornton Brothers Company 107 1 7817 Fred Scott 7815 Lindstrom & Anderson 26 252 0 I 7819 Bohn H. McDonald, C. of Fin 573 7 993 0 7820 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 56 0 1 7521 Baohke & Tein, Inc. 4 2 7822 Blue Print Service Company 41 6 7523 Braunig & Sons Baking Compa Burroughs Adding Machine Cc y pany 5 7825 7521E Central Supply Company 434 DaytonlB Bluff Stove Works 52 8 7627 Dearborn Chemical Company P4 7825 Elk Laundry Company 40 9 7829 Elk Laundry Company 7gjp Martin F. Falk Paper Compan 4 5' 216 5 7831 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp ny 65 7532 Feist -Blanchard Company 7833 Finch, Van Slyok & MOConvil e 114 0 43 7934 Freeman Oil Corporation 0 7835 Gangl & Company 7536 Garrison Brooke Company 40 0 7837 E. Geigel 7938 General Eleotrio Supply Cor 72 9 7939 General Motors Truck Compan o 29 3 Generator Specialty Company 56 0 7840 941 Hermann G11eme,Ino. 34 7942 The Golden Rule P6 25 Gold Medal Flour Company 12 40 iE Goodrioh-Silvertown,Inc• 7943 7845Grasselli Chemical Company 5 ;� Graybar Electric Company 42 6 7s47 The Grinnell Company Griswold Safety Signal Comp y 27 9 7549 Gruber Auto Electric COmpan 7545 p 427 3 7950 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Comp y 32 0 7951 Quincy A. Hall 4 154 4 7952 Hamm Brewing Company 2l 7853 C.S. Hammond & Company 7851} Harnisohfeger Sales Corpora ion 54 75 7855 Hauck Mfg. Company 366 56 7956 Hersey Mfg. Company Company 136 5 7857 Hi -Olay Trailer 7958 Illinois Steel warehouse Co pany 4 11 7959 Johnson Service Company 4 501 85 83II 7960 Keasbey & Mattison Company Esser Company 49 321 7561 Keuffel & 56 001I 7962 Winfield S. Kircher 7863 The Lawyers 00-0l Pub Com ny 10 50 6s 7961E Librarian, Library ot Congress t i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL�� PP,* PC •�'t ., COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—IjOLL CALL OFFICE OF TH f OMPTROLLER FILE No.. ---------------•---- coNRovS/i/' COON L ESOLUTION A _5 MAY ____IN FAVOR Auguat --- AUDITED CLAIMS -- PEARCE ROSEN _ __ 0-- AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIM ER �/ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ----3B 767-.�0---• COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE UL, -� 9 o CHECKS NUMBERED____--IFQ-----0--- COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--------------------- ---------- PER CHECKS ON FILE I IeIV--- Y INCLUSIVE, II {IZ��' ______________-____ ___ __ __ _ _____________ ------ APPROVED - . - - - -19---'-- - - In COMPTROLLER---_- _ ,mow __�^_� I _ By TOTAL DATE' CHECK IN FAVOR OF _ RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK .CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 7865 Edward B'orklund 7 54 6 Peter Groshong 7868 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fi ia 22 85 � 3 7869 Broadway Coffee Company E.A. Moelldm & Company 44 0 7870 Sam Ranelli 78 1 The Peoples Electric Compa 7799 893 I} 64 8 OOP 78 Thornton Brothers Company 17 1 2 0 40 0 78j3Irvin Rose 797 olseen Candy Company 366 4 Farnell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company National -Battery Company 4� 7875 General Electric Supply Co 7897 181 5 7877 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 6 7898 7878 C.I. Johnson Mfg. Company . 8'7 7879 '' McClellan Paper Company National Mower Company 17 4 7880 McGraw --Hill Book Company 7900 85 2 7587, 116ok Tire Company 10'0 J9514 2 C 7882 MacMillan Company 59 9. 7883 Magee 84 Mies Louise Markert Niools, Dean & Gregg Compare 3 0. 7885 John Martin Luiber Company Company 7903 7904, 9 0 85 9 7886 Merrill, Greer & Chapman 126,7 7905 7887 Metropolitan Refining Compa,y �y 7 0' 7888 Midwest Chemical Company Northern States Power 7 2 0! 7889 Minnesota Envelope Company '' Company 7 07 7' 7890 Minnesota Fire Appliance 1 122, 7908 7891 Minnesota Milk Company 3 7892 Model Laundry Company Northwest Airways,Ino. 1 5 E.A. Moelldm & Company 291; 8 7799 893 I} Motor Power Equipment Company 17 1 7895 Nassau Paper Company 3 799b6 National -Battery Company U 7897 National Bushing & Parts 004 6 7898 National Freight Company,In . 8'7 7899 National Mower Company 198;1 7900 National Municipal League 10'0 J9514 7901 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Compan 7902 Niools, Dean & Gregg Compare . 14<j, 7903 7904, Northern :tre,1 Auto Electric Northern States Envelope Co Co. Many 126,7 7905 Northern States Power Compa Comp �y 241 3 769'' 6 Northern States Power 7 07 Northern States Power Compa 1 122, 7908 Northern Pao.Railway Company17 3 7909 Northwest Airways,Ino. 4'21 6 7910 N.W. Tire Company 0 7911 Paper, Calmenson & Company 232 05 7912 Park Machine Company I 85,01 7913 Peilen & Peilen 11,51 289'6o 7914 H. Peltz d Son 7915 Phillips Petroleum Company 213 19 61 7916 Pioneer Rim & Wheel Company � 416 65 7917 Pioneer Tobacco Company Co. 239',73 7915 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter ill 6 90 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD.._.,.-7..500 OO. 7;_ - I I I � CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED V BV BANK -- DISBURSEMENT NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS CHECKS r BROUGHT FORWARD 2? 5 15 0 ® 7919 Plant Company 7920 R.L. Polk & Company 7921 Price Electric Company 115 1 8 7922 J.F. Ptacek & Son 0 7923 Public Utilities Reports,In . 7921+ Railway Express Agency DUPLICATE TO CITY�CLERK -sry - CI7'I F SAINT AUL COUNCIL�_' 71 1 - COMPTROLLER FILE NO.f COUNCILMEN—ROLL coNROYC CALLOFFICE 7 COON L RESOLUTION August 9 30 MAY MQUQ AI n _____-�___IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --- --------------------------------------19-------- PEARCE ROSEN --- ___I -AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D 6WRhQI'.jTjVTY TREASURY. %%�0- J COVERING SUDHEIMER BUNDLIE.: 1/ TO THE AGGREGATE Ay/pyJ�I {i�OF 5------ Alice 79J_� INCLUSIVE. AS MR. PR ES: �^ „_ CHECKS NUMB ERED___1L_yf----TO____ F THE ITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUN PER CHECKS ON FILE INT E OF E — __.------ APPROVED____-- - ------- _113 "-" --------� ------ - - -�--COMPT___ LLER_______ -___________ St.Paul Book & Stationery , _ BY------------ CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED V BV BANK -- DISBURSEMENT NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 2? 5 15 0 ® 7919 Plant Company 7920 R.L. Polk & Company 7921 Price Electric Company 115 1 8 7922 J.F. Ptacek & Son 0 7923 Public Utilities Reports,In . 7921+ Railway Express Agency 0 7925 Clement V. Ritter 71 1 7926 Robert St. Motor Service 7 7927 Joseph A. Rogers Agency,Ino 22 6 7926 Rose Hill Nursery 19'5 3 1 7929 Roovers Brothers Company i 7930 Thorman W. Rosholt Company Co. 84;6 375!1 7931 St.Paul Book & Stationery C 309'0 St.Paul Book & Stationery , 3 St.Paul Real Estate Board 7932 2 N 0 i} St.Paul Brass Foundry Company 0 793 Charles Daly 6 4010 793 Gerhard Bundlie, Mayor 7937 Dennis Laughlin 35'20 60 August 24 793339 HazelSMheStegner,rdian Guar San Bartles Minnesota Service 0apipany 1350 41 Elmer % Johnson 7940 2 7942 Lovering & Longbotham Compazy 8 65113 7943 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. 2 007;82 Specialty Printing Company 11015 79454 Standard Stone Company 872:8 7946 The Star Photo Company Stearns Printing Company 10',0o 6,00 7947 62170 7948 Stiefel Produots,Ino. 7949 J. van Straaten & Son 00 E. M. & H. F. Ware 225 7950 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1. .3. 7__. .:Q0.. 00._ 326 04f1 ,.. Council File No...........�tiB�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: --------------------- Construct a --.sewer. on..Fairsiamc-.AvE.-..fran► - - .......... ----------------- g©rt-jend--Ave-,; to Ashaand-Ave-,;----- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Dated this. .9th... ..day of-- August--- ------•------ I Councilman. rnwr.rntrxemx onnFns. whom abatQac^ :^i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Con_ tFgltit 4 S_e.[er- om-Fai .view--Ave.:-Yram--•------------------------------------------------ Ashland-. Ave ................... --...... ----.......................... ------------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------ --------------------------- ------------ ---- -- -------- ----- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedbythe Council. ..................... ........................ ........... ............... YEAS NArs uncihna COHItoy MjgjWWW M A i ..._ Approved._.. -. .................... .. . 1ti Sb� SUDHEIMEII. ...:......:- '.:_ .... ............ — ............. Mn. PARSIDENT //Mayor. >>,, F.— C A 13 (2M s-ao) Petition Council File No ........... 8.6.337 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. -------.Cur.ate_.AU.ey.--in.-.B1ack...14,...Eastyille-Heights..- from ---------------------------------------- - .-........Cypress..8treet..tn..Fnrest..Straet.. - ---------------------------------------- ..................... Dated this -----...9th-...... day of---.------- IC. F. No. 6633 Abstract. -- �lGrado^ All :lock 19 Fla$tV- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................ ........Grade --- A1.ley.---in --Black--14,-Easiaille.-Heights ---from-- .......... .--------.......... --- .....................c*preg.0---ist?.eat-_t4.................... -............................................. ......------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........ ............................................. ...............--------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG _ 9 Adoptedby the Council ........................................ ........... ............. ......... YEAS NAYS Councilman Gann== cO1T130YFADMUSMM MAYApproved...---------- -• ----••-----•-------- ------------........... iJ'i�I'2oaaysnc rte-tom'-,"t'p� WANZXMMi; DF3 ;1StI:R MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. FZ7BLISIIEO O Council File No.---..._.....:...._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------••-----------Gonde»anizig---and---tki �ag...aen ._easement---in-..the---land- neces sary--for----•---- elopes,__cuts-_and--Pills-_in--,the--_grading-of.-Alley__in Block 14- ... to Forest Street Dated this. .9tkt.........day of.----------------- - 1;1P>!l§A------------ --- - is - -- -------- ......---. --------------------- Councilman. -- ---- Councilman. (c V. xo. '86338— W Whereas, Aywrittert proposal for the �kln6 oft "�,�,Rln� Uuprovn � , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -jqnndemning---and--.t6ildmg-..m-.es emeat---Am---the.land-_necessary_._Yor__...... ....:................&�.RPe.Ss -cuts - d,Yills.._in__the__.grading -°f 1 --Block._14r... ------........... gaztVill.e. _? aghtS... ................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................ --_--------------------------------------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not -said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .. AUG -° o iggn Adopted by the CounciL.....................:. ---------- .............................. YEAB NAYS CouncilmanillARRMWO elnlApproved ................... -- .................................................... \Ri7E p 1;QS4,`J lV SUD31t? MEZ_ kf .............................._.......... ............ Ma PRESIDENT / Mayor. F om c A 13 cera 2-20) Petition Council File No ............ ...`"� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and i PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ixrada..the-..nor.th..andsouth..al7 ey...Prom..Hawthorne...fit.----tQ.................................. Grange ...St.. _.and_tha_. east_and-_west...alley_.irnm...the...aast_..north ...... - .......... . and --- south._-A13,.ey....to._..the ..w.est._north---a> .d :3-Quth.,a7.a..e3r..--IA-1310-09 Rs- ---Jos- h�-4VBide�s BacQnd__ ddition.............. ----------............................... -_ Dated this —9th........... day of................ AI Iu'5t- ..............•----. -/ 1900 ----- .. - - - G n. p•. No. 88389— 1 Abstract. ° o, whereas, A .Written proposal for the jking of the foltowtng ImDrovament, I— n,'PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __-.___._-_Grade:--the-_north-_and.-south-.alley-_-from-_Hawthorne-_St._._to.-.--___----_-_----_--_----.-. _Orange,-•$t•,--_and._the-_east._and--west- alley-_from-• the-_east-_north•...... _...... .... and- south alley- to-_the west. north-_and south alley in Block 2r ,___ -Jos. R.-Weide's Second Addition - - - - .-... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------- ........................................................_._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. , To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........... ................... AUG q.1�,Tix ---------- YEAS NAxs Councilman coNROY MAY Approved....................... ------------ ------------------- 1re15--r?1�-- ///`\ Yh-1itCE 'I-, P.VSE\ qNNINFIRM SU7JHE1:dE .. .. ..-......_.-_-......_.-----.... Ma. PRESIDENT y^ Mayor. F one C A 13 (2M 2-20 Council File No __-- --- 130 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. . 8 the making of the following public improvement by the City Of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby propose . . --- -i--A ronp.qqary fOr-9199PA-1 east north and SOUT-a Jr0-S-1 Dated thi._._.Q.t ------------ day Of ,h C. F. No. 86840-- Ab.tra.t Whereau. A writtenwrittenfor P -DO -al the ozi.9 of thO foUowinx imP,, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz j_j -Apr. .assary for east north a -ad South all to the west north and south � alley in al-ack aj --- W-eiderts a I econd ---- A-dd:Mtorl -------------- * ---------- .............. --------- -- ........... .................. - - -------- ------------------------------- - I ...... ------------- having been presented to the Council Of the city of St. Paul-_----------------- therefore, aul-_------------- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is he -by ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making Of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. petition of three or more owners, 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the P 5. To report upon all of theforegoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance - ®9 00 Adopted by the Council. -------_-- -------------_------------ Yrms NATB Council AUG man I ;Fmi , uia- n'y Approved -----_---------- ............. ... ........... WORM .............. ................ 90RAFM sui)JiFAM . ............. .......... ... Mayor. MIL PRUSIDFINT J9' F.— C A 13 (2M 2-20 C�.341 ow1aINAL ro wuwm-. h10........ ........ - ertr eLRRR - CITY T PAUL rILR APPR RA — ION FORM ER TE N.208 .PRESENTED By Dept* of Education,.. Bureau of Cafeterias COMMISSIONER......:...:Xr.Ving...G....Paaraa...........................................DATE..................A ♦...7.tY1y...],93t]....: RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE ` COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN �,ERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY 1N THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE - - AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM DR CR. FROM TO 15'J-R Receipts 76,941.02 15 J-4 1929 Reserves Reapprop. 4.64 15 J-1 salaries 37,000.00 15 J-2 Supplies 34,194.46 15 3-3 Telephone 115.00 15 J-4 Equipment 3,000.00 15 J-5 Repairs & Renewals 2,000.00 15 T-6 Auto Maintenance 63620 $76,945.6 $76,945466 Q F. No 863.8--� !avResolved Tbat the followln",' Feraptr mads on the booker 6 trans o da6le odeAe 1 y oo- doing or • the may be met., b9'saldt trazisPere Meme INha or n he It Work• Drovlded I the moa rAnePerairo .made ma trosiphleh the: -- COWS'e7,941f fro Dm 'trod a6 J_g• 8e-Re' a"OpIlb.Zalg 70 000 tos Coda J 8 Dhone EI1800 8' to colo 16J.g.Tele- menb'8 000 DOii; ta•code lb6 J 6 Repgjee Matatenanee E 8820 0 36 ;J-0 to /ADDMVedbyAuheonnel! AUS. 11;1980; 6:13 1880. IAuSURL'.30-1080) - • YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE`COUNCI��..1.1 �0. ... 19. .� CLANCY @ FERGUSON APPROVED..:.: ...... ki...1.....19.. ........ HODGSON ...........IN FAVOR - MCDONALD .............................. ,...... SUDHEIMER ...............AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY ................................ CITr COMFiROLlR11 MR. PRESIDENT FORM D.. tooD 114. :. COUNCIL w� �f_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEAN CITY OFJ ,�% PAUL FILE NO• - /O�FFI F CITY CLERK twt�4au/R SOLU9tdN—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That License No. 1455, expiring April 25, 1931, issued to Bologa Bros. to operate a Gasoline Filling Station at 2558 University Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to Charles Whitaker. Nor. 99843 -By G. C: 9udheimec Resolved, That License No: 3439; ex- . - pIringADril 26,..1931, issued to Bo16ga Bros. to�0ing or a (4eswine FillSta- tlonat 8638'Unlversity Avenue be and the es.me. Is tiereby transferred to'� Charles Whitaker. - Adopted by,the Council Aug. 11, 1930..1 APDA roved ug. (Augustt 19-1836.193 0) _--_ --_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy MAYOR May McDonald ._ . -_-In favor Pearce Q Rosen --_-- - -_- Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie AUG 11 19311 Adopted by the Council _-__------ ------ ----- --- 19_---_- Ap MAYOR D. WBIRDSALL. un CL[RK AND eornaaioraR or naaisrnwnor Itl� of Iftint Pant (O ire of (41tg (4lerk A R July 26th, 1930• ,l Bon. G. C. Sudheimer, Comer of Public Safety - Chairman, License Committee, Building. r Dear Commissioner. We attach herewith request of Bologa Bros. for transfer of License No. 1+33 to Charles Whitaker, to operate gasoline filling station at 2538 University Avenue. This matter was referred to the License Committee for report. Yours very,)auly, City Clerk. St.,Paul, Minn., July t 1930. e M � ; Mr. D. +8.. Birdcall, City Clerk & C of Registration,.. 221-222, City 11 & Court House, St. Paul. Minn ota. Dear Sirt Bologa'Bros. have sold the station at�2538 Univere�y Avedtie.'St. Paul, Minnesota. and would like to -transfer license No. 1433 to Charles �thitaker, s,4 2538 Un rsity,Ave., St. Paul. .. F Yours very tr uly, By /j COUNCIL NO. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL CITY OF ST PAUL uMG+OF E 'YCLERK �Ly O v,ENERA L FORM rr IyHU AS, on July 299 1930, Mrs, Jennie Riley made application 2730 for Restaurant license at 749 N. Snelling Ave. and WHEMS, the Bureau of Health recommends denial of said license; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers e rs bandof they are hereby to cancel authorized to refund to Mrs. Jennie Riley, application 2730 for Restaurant license. i C. Iii No, 88844-33Y Whereas. on -July Nle Riley -made. ap _ReetSurant �licenee -. orose, . Whereas,. ak%l - - ommends dgnl$1 of, .fore be tt ,. Resolved that ib care bernd .they ,I lead to e[und to. the fee of $10.00 aI obalon 8780 for Re j Adopted bUhe C Approved(Au"' tt ............. Sr 1930 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Conroy May McDonald - .---- -In favor Pearce /\ Rosen _-L„L-L._. Against Sudheimer Mr. President Bundlie AUG II Mo Adopted by the Council. ---------- ---------- -_-----.---19__---- �Y —"--- MAYOR (A) In the matter of ohan� also gradin CITY"oP-ST. PAUL DWPAR-NIENT OF FINANCE .n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER the _rade of Maokubin St. from Cook St. to Mary tokubin Bt. from Cook St. to a point 620 ft. sou of Marvland St.. St. under Preliminary Order approved June 6. 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 4,560.48 //frt The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is $ 2.82 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The northeast *of the SW* of the NW t of 25 29 23 - 10535 (Eaoept Maokubin, Lawson & Kent Ste. and the west 295.14 ft of E. 440.14 ft of So. 210 ft and eaoept west 32 ft.of E. 145 ft. 6 2 Alabama Addition 150 7 2 No. 1 St.Paul,Minn. 100 8 2 do 100 500 9 2 do 100 650 10 2 do 100 7 2 Jordan Adaition 100 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 2 do 100 11 2 do 125 12 2 do 125 Form B. a. 10 TOTAL, OITv OF ST. P uL " DEPAR%rM-ft'OF FINANCE OF FINANCE - • REPORT OF COMMISSIONPER , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- (B% _ - ADDITION 1�BLOLK. ASSESSED VALUATION ---I e - LOT DESCRIPTION i i 1 )10.0omo Prospect Addition 100 650 2 1)10'. do 3 10 do 100 100 500 4 10. 5 10, do, 100 100. 11 0: - 6 10. 7) 10 do do 100 100 750 - 8) . lo, do 1 4, do do 75 75 1350 a 4 3 4' do 75 75 4 4 5 4, do 75 ?5 6 4 7 4 do do .: 751 751.) 1900 8 4i75 9 I 4: do dtr_ 50 700. _ 10 4, 116, do do ioo, - l000 1 3 Part West of Norton St. 53• Wilkila & geJwsrds Out 650. 'i of Lots (Except Maokubin 8t.) to .St.Paul South 65 ft of West 49 do 175 ' 16o0 w_ 158 ft of S4• (Except Maokubin St.) North 66.02 ft of West 54' do 175 75O 160 ft of (Except Maokubin St.) South 65 ft of West 180. 55 do 175 1600 _J ft of (Except Maokubin St.) North 66.02 ft of West 55 ao_ 175 850 160 ft of (Except Maokubin St.) Part west of Norton at. oY 56 do 500 (Except Maokubin 8t.) Part West Of Norton St.: 57' do 450- _ of (Except Maokubin St.) TOTAL - -_ i CITY O DEPARTME .NANCE REPORT OF COMMISn) ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 61RDER (C) - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Part west of Norton St.of 58 Wilkin & Heyward's outlots 450 - (Except Mackubin St.) to St. Paul Part west of Norton St.of 59 do 450 (Except Mackubin St.) West 100 ft of 60 do 150 1550 (Except Maryland and Maokubin Ste.) 17010 15,350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter b the Commissioner of Public Works. /f _191 3 0 / Commissioner of Finance. Form B. a. 12 C Ro Flo NO q0 St. Paul, Minn.------ -------------- ----192-.--. To ---192----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -------- -------St. Ave. ------------------------- from-------------------- ------ ------------------------------- St. Ave. to--- ------- --------------------------------------- .---.St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION f ez_ L np JL-;;Iu UUL&3\Y MAY V 13'P public orke, St. Paul, Minn .... .__- -2>---_--192 --- 5. To The Honorable, The Council,IT +, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : }dour We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 4za UAg-Aaukubin--9Lreet-------- - - ---- --------------- ------ ------------ --------- ------- - ------------------------------------------- ------ - ----- - - -- - ---------- St. Ave. " from Qonk --- St.`A*@ to arth_line-.of--Lot---55,---of: Wilkin-&--Hey3tari.!-s--Outlot8------Sx. ire. NA B K ADDITION R .. - t i PR r - y r n L� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 17, 1930 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Mackubin St. from Cook St. to Maryland St., also grading Mackubin St. from Cook St. to a point 620 ft. South of the South line of Maryland St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 85613, approved June 61 19b0. Estimated Cost 4,560.48 Cost Der front foot 2.82 Inspection 89'42 Frontage 1,616.16 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approv or transmis� n to 70m.m�issioner io Aeo, f F ante Public Works. L7 Office .of the Commissioner of Public W'614&NAINGE I . -3 Report to Commissioner of Finance ,SUN 19 1 GO _June JB, -..193-0 ....._192 -------- To ... -192-------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No --- 3 approved Jurie ... 6_, la3.0� -------- _192 relative to -- -- ------ -- chang�injg ... the _ grade ,of M_a,ckub-in- St.- from __St., to -- ----- ----- - Maryland St., also grading Mackubin St. from Cook St. to a ......... - ---------- ------- ----------- - ------ � .... . ... .1 ... .. ..... ... --- _ ... - .......... point 620 ft. South of the South line of Maryland St. -- -- -- ---- ----------- - ... ...... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. . -___...__.._...necessary . -necessary and (or) desirable. 4,560.48 $2.82 per front foot 2... The estimated cost thereof is $._.._____ ...._ and the total cost thereof is S_..___....._.-.._------ - Inspection $89.42 Frontage 1,616.16 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ....... .............. ---------- ------ ..... - ----- _ _.. .. I- _ ._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. --- - -- -- - -- -- - -------- 4 ----- ----- --- 5. Said improvement is.--- - - ----- - _,.asked for upon petition of three or more ere of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------------------- ------- - ----- -- -60 - missioner of Public Works. August 11, 1930. We, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Mackubin Street between Cook Street and Maryland Street, hereby strenuously object to and remonstrate against the grading of said Mackubin Street between said points or any portion thereof. NAME DESCRIPTION ADDRESS L -'t'Q/ :'��i�'2-�--• vii-�,f"^ �j���,:�r��`�1✓Z.�" 0 N COUNC% E 4-4-1 /'� , 11 rXT All nen- iD TNT rn T S condemning and taking an easement in the land Inthe matter of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Mackubin St. from Cook jt. to a point 620 ft. south of the south line of bdaryland St., under P C, F. No. 86347 .In. the n•n.��e of condemning nod tnk-Jllne 6, 1930. n the Land necea 614 under Prelimin ;..,•us to the------------------ approved----------------------- ------------, .11 Cook July 17 1930. __ Intermediary Order ----660,2 -z----------------, approved ------------------L--- ----- A publichearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it ,tu eke RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that _M24 kied Of not f �+ by tha Said city is ;,U"a, d tt% --the _a _ , _:r -for--slopes-i- -cuts line of 4ar-Y!an,' G* on �ab7 �ce;e]� annulled, and rescinded and be � tbx ambedi.+e�.nrsne�i. I F 11 amp @a Ofd matter and the Council hereby orders rovement to be made. SOLVED FURTHER, That the following land;—land@ or easements therein be and the same mare herered to. be taken, appropriated and condemn e3 for� -ihpurpose of making the said improvements, �viz`:—��.__sj_QZ�s, cuts and fills in the grading --of_____ Mackubin St. from Cook S a ��9.-nt_ 620 ft. south of the south line of Ma nd.__S_t., to the extent shown upon the`glen�f the ` i_ Commissioner of Public hed hereto which plan is hereby referred to �mtssl --ancT-m-mad-" art hereof. � ---- _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the CI one) of Public Works be and is`hereby_ipstructed —and,�ected to prepare plans and specifications for said Ip`m`0rm and the proper city officTalsare— hereby aiifarized-au�cted eto proceed with the making of said impr in accordance there- with. AUG 12 1t Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------- ,=--- ': L1 � ;. � -: c:•, ,tom-„-� tk. -------------------- Approved --------------------------, 19---- - ------------------------------------- - --(y� Mayor. 1/ Councilman Conroy 1/ Councilman ]+ergtrson M Ay ✓Councilman McDonald /J �j ✓ Councilman Pearce 1 ✓ Councilman Rehl=lt— `Res—u 1 )/Councilman Sudheimer G i Mayor _ -na 1 t e s — - "ACKUB//Y S T. COOK - 620 -:5. /Y/Af7YGA/YO 5 ,i ?O55 2055 - .. SCO/e: / �•=/OO � _ ALABAMA YY/LK//y AIYD i`1 Yl'Y.4ROS OUTL OT3 2 2 {; h J O R o N A O.i A O. N / h Sj� 4- 53 /2 // /O 9 B 7, i /o• 9 8 7 6 /32•' /37' .51.02 S/.02 40 40 365 3C.8 •• 3C.A O n� _ IM ¢? M/5Ce-LLA/YEOUS � h /, 2 9 G 15 6 h'�_ 8 9 zo VO , u, - 4 5 6 2- TRACT Q 25R O S P E C .r A .. .Z�l D. Mockubin _5f• - 3/oP. Dl. 2 110/4 2 C'*Y OF 1fr. eAUL DEPARTMONT OF FINANCE REPORT Oft COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of ondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Mackubin St. from 0ook Street to a point 620 ft. south of the south line of Maryland St., under Preliminary Order approved Jrte? _ti, ly3U To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the, assessment for the above improvement is - 100.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The northeast 4of the S'i:';`, of the 119f --W' of 25 29 :3 — 10535 C[ xcent "ackubin, hn%7son & Kent Sts. and the rest 295.14 ft of E. 440.14 ft of So. 210 ft and except .vent 3,' ft of i3. 14b ft. 6 2 Alabaaia Additi,-n 1:10 7. 2 ri-. 1 "-,-_P,ul,`'.inn. 100 8 2 do 100 500 9 2 do 100 650 10 2 do, 1c0 7 2 Jordan Ad~ition 100 8 2 do 100 9 2 do 100 10 a do 100 11 2 do 125 12 2 do 125 Foe- B. B. 10 TOTAL, �jJ, CITYCF sT.uL; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _(B) - , _ -- ASSESSED - LOT ,9Lock ADDITION VALUATION - DESCRIPTION ' 1 )10f'Como Prospect Addition 100 2 )10, do i0o 660 3 10: do 100 5Q0, 4 10! do 100 do 100 1900 5 10' , 510 do 100 7) 10 do 100 750' 8) 10, do 100. 1 4 do 75 2 4 do 75 1350: 3 4 do 75: 4 4 do 75 5 4; do 75, 6 4 do do 75 7 4: 75) 1000 8 4 do . 10 4 do 50 0 9 .4 do 75 70 16 do 150_ Part 19est of Dorton St. J3 Wilkin & Heywards Out 650 of Lots to St.Paul (Except Mackubin St.) .L . South 65 ft of nest 158 f t of 54' do 175 160 ' 0 (Except Mackubin St.) North 66.02 ft of 'Best 54, do 175 750 160, ft of (Except Mackubin St.) South 65 ft of test 160 do 175 1600 ft of 55I (Except Mackubin St.) North 66.02 ft of Viest 55' 5 do 175 850 160 ft of (Except Mackubin St.) do 500, Part Crest of Norton St. 'Cf 56 15260 12800 (Except Maekubi:. St.) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter b the Commissioner of Public Works. Q� Dated r --- - Commissioner of Finance. Yo— B. n. u yOffae of the Commissioner of Public Works--): r Report to Commissioner of Finance ; _.-.June 18:...1930. 192 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 3.5.61A.- ..-_approved_ __ . _ June _6,...193Q_--_192._.._-, relative to condemning and taking an easement i .the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gradin Mackubin St. from Cook - .. ...._. _- _ ............ --------- - ,1 Street to a point 620 ft. south of the th line of Maryland St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein reby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. __ __.....necessary and (or) desirable,. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S. XXXXX - _, and the total cost thereof is S ...... ......_.----------- and the nature, and extent of said improvement is as follows:-...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is. -__.____.._-._......asked for upon petition of three or 7ers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........._...----- --- -- of Public Works. 10 BY In the matter of____4p@nkng� widening and extending gn-alley in Clarks Sub of Block 32, Arlington � 1TIs . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it A40 7Aa�4i By the Council of the City of St. Paul th tt Fffigthe e2Me ate he-ahc c-incelled, annulled, and reseirded lW &1 0016 g in said matter ba and the ouncil hereby orders s •d improvement to be mad . RESO VED FURTHER, Th the following land, lan or easements therein be an the same are hereby ordered to be taken, ppropriated and condemn d for the purpose of ma • the said improveme s, viz.: The nort 20 feet of Lot 1 , Clark's Sub of Blo k 32,' Arlingto Hills. RESOLVED FURTHER, That t e Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby inst eted and directed to p epare plans and s 'fications for said improve ent, and the proper city official are hereby authorized and directed to Prot d with the making of sai improvement in accordance t re - with. IN �S Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------- 19---- _ ��' /_____ Approved------------------------- 19__ - --------- ----------------- _________ - Mayor. POSLI9f Councilman Can"59 Conroy I] Councilman Fergwma&Ma.X CouncilmandcDonald v Councilman ee Pearce n t_en lead Room Councilman erSudheimer _ Mayor 3n the matte; ' Y Milton Roeen_ -� nfag, w(fleaing Prztendl 35 ellk 8Z, '• mine..: no _ -!n ClHllle,arke Sub . n -une -'J.. 2b. . P. - unn - under Preliminary Order--- 4§-------------> approved ---June 95th,_ -i93_4�_______----_, intPana,3inrvOrder--------A609Z-------------, approved— -Jtt13* 1%thy �O-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it A40 7Aa�4i By the Council of the City of St. Paul th tt Fffigthe e2Me ate he-ahc c-incelled, annulled, and reseirded lW &1 0016 g in said matter ba and the ouncil hereby orders s •d improvement to be mad . RESO VED FURTHER, Th the following land, lan or easements therein be an the same are hereby ordered to be taken, ppropriated and condemn d for the purpose of ma • the said improveme s, viz.: The nort 20 feet of Lot 1 , Clark's Sub of Blo k 32,' Arlingto Hills. RESOLVED FURTHER, That t e Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby inst eted and directed to p epare plans and s 'fications for said improve ent, and the proper city official are hereby authorized and directed to Prot d with the making of sai improvement in accordance t re - with. IN �S Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------- 19---- _ ��' /_____ Approved------------------------- 19__ - --------- ----------------- _________ - Mayor. POSLI9f Councilman Can"59 Conroy I] Councilman Fergwma&Ma.X CouncilmandcDonald v Councilman ee Pearce n t_en lead Room Councilman erSudheimer _ Mayor CITY I DEPARTME 'NANCE REPORT OF COMMI ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ` Inthematterof opening, widening and extending alley in Clarke's Subdivision p� of, Block 3`, Arlington Hills, by taking and condemning the ti north 20 feet �,f Lot 18, j under Preliminary Order approved June 25, 1930 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 100. n0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 18 Clarke's Sub3ivisi.on of 400 900 Block32., Arlington Bills The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Co cil, together with the report made to him in reference to s ' matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated 19�4 Commissioner of Finance. F. -H. S. A. B -S D CLARKES SUB BLK 3.' APL INGTON HILLS` EP N Alley • York S. OPENING Burecu o" Fr)a:neers _0c' - 11 i9?9 Scale l"i 50 1 YORK ST. JL F .a O 9 8 l `1 JOHN .A.JO'HNSON W HIGH SCHOOL �, W •'r � I i Q AZO. Q I I zo is i1 12 13 �� 14 X15 N 40 _ GLAtiKES SUB - ALLF`. Yo�� ST WELLS ST. OPENING - D r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 1, 1930 _.192.....-- ..----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 85849 June 25, 1930 192_..-_-, relative to Council, known as Council File No..._.. -..approve __.- - opening,_ widening and- extending_._alleY_in_Clark's_Subdinision of Block_a2,_Arlington Hills by taking and condemning the north 20 -ft -. of_lot_18, _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. XX%3CXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. _.... .._.. - __., and the total cost thereof 1s 5-__ ........ ......._.. -, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ 5. Said improvement is._....__-..-.-- ----_-...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � ✓ �� c ---------- Commissioner of Pu tc`y(Forks. V� COUNCIL FILE N0.- By-- ----- -------- ------------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- trncting,__s�_lay_S_and.-relairing _the_ sidewalks _at the following locations: - - - - -- - -- --------------------------------------------- - -- - - - - - -- Hudson Ave., south side, beginning 285 ft. .est oP Safes"hve., ante -------'–---------- memt__fl4--- ft-`--- ------ _ c.Yence - -- AtwaterSt., north side, beginning at Albemarle St., west 40 ft., - I i�far jlie,--frnm_Aic_e__u - t�_AlbemU-1e t.,- - --T- FINAL9____–_–________________._________________--------------------------------- ----- ------ g.No. 88''.g-:., reconnw anti �ngB...i the Ott;,. -t lying -... _. ,,._______ ____–___ .__–____ . g n., BMW .�.;e r- -- 85724 June 14, 1930 under - under Preliminary'Oider-------- -- --------------------------.approved - - ------------ - - IntermediaryOrder ---- ------------------- _*------- ---------- ------ approved -------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- r-----------------------------------------cnstruct, relay and -repair- the sidewalks a_t--the_So1101ing-_1Qc_a -ti_on-s :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — - - Hudson Ave., south side, beginning 265 ft. ;'est of Bates Ave., thence ,nom t__8 --i t - - -- ------ ---- -- ---- -- - - -- - Atwater St,, north side, beginning at Albemarle St,, thence lest 40 ., - Atwater St.., norat----ta-9l�.em��_1.e +---------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and, directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improve,* mprove n accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--Nl;r -'--___ v-------------------------- -------- 192--------- -------------- City Clerk. AUG �' Mn192 --- Approved----------------------------- %- – - __., - - -I/ - — -- - / Mayor. Councilman Q� Conroy "Councilman McDonald % islJBLIS�liD _ Councilman May -'Councilman IE $oee"eara l a a Councilman SOdhrimer ;Councilman yyXsn¢trl Mayor Ho6mgax Bundlie Forth B. S. A. 8-7 under Preliminary Order approved junn 1 4, 1 u sl I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - b sq The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is S 0.10 __ The lots or parcels of land that ulay be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION So. side Hudson Ave.) Ir% •e 100 3100 (Except Hastings Ave. Extension) "!illius C17 Y' OF. ST. PAUL J the NEly 322 ft of 14 & 15 - DEPARIIMENT'OF Filrol Aad. (Exc. Hastings Ave.Ext^^sion) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE the F-ly •'.50 ft of 17 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 400 4800 (A) (F.xc, Hastings Ave.. Ext--^.-sion) the NE1,: :x.50 ft of 16 do 500 3150 Inthematterof r rnngi-rn ting rPla;ing 9nd repairing thn gideurrIks ,i- the _ followinC locations: _ Snntl-, gid Ruagnn iii- h_ cIm ing' 2R5 ft v f Y R f r tl-•a„no _ lvest 84 ft. It North Side Soutr side nfc hilford 7t. from ice St. to Albe�rarle It. under Preliminary Order approved junn 1 4, 1 u sl I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - b sq The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is S 0.10 __ The lots or parcels of land that ulay be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION So. side Hudson Ave.) 100 3100 (Except Hastings Ave. Extension) "!illius Subdivision of the NEly 322 ft of 14 & 15 Blk 57 of Lyman Dayton's Aad. (Exc. Hastings Ave.Ext^^sion) to St. Paul the F-ly •'.50 ft of 17 do 400 4800 and (Exc. NEly 3.5.; ft) 16 (F.xc, Hastings Ave.. Ext--^.-sion) the NE1,: :x.50 ft of 16 do 500 3150 and (Exc. S-11: .50 ft) 17 No. side Atwater St.) (Except St.) E. 45 ft IicKenty's outlots to 425 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 2 Saint Paul Form e. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY 01k Srr-PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER b - FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Sough side of T6ilford St. ) 14cKenty1s Out Lots to 15 3 Saint Paul 1200 4100 E. 32.75 ft of Lots 16 & 17 3— do 200 E. 33 ft of W. 66 ft of Lots 16 and 17 3 do 200 1000 Lot 18 ind North 2 of 19 3 and "est 33 ft of lots 16 & 17 3 do 600 950 3,625 17,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to 'd matter by the Commissioner of Public 1V Date19 3 ,0 s. d Commissioner ofFin Form B. B. 12 " O$iee of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June .23rd --- - ..... 19zo--- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No_ E3572.4 - -approved. _...... _June 14th_ _..- __- ._1950...., relative to Reconstructing, relaying & repairing the sidewalks at the following locations: South side Hudson Ave. beginning 285 ft. west of Bates Ave., thence ewes . -- _ .. - ...... North side of Atwater St. beginning at Albemarle St. thence west 40 ft. South side Milford St. from Rice St. to Albemarle St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: COM, OF FINANCE 1. Said improvement is____. _______necessary and (or) desirable. 2 10¢ per sq. ft. } 2. The estimated cost thereof is c _ .. and the total cost thereof is S.-:9.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: AN 24 1930 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4._'...- 5. Said improvement is _ _ _... - -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO -- -------------- ----- By-- -------------- --- - - FINAL ORDER ADO GA In the Matter of--pav-ing--Humboldt-..Av-e-nue---f-r-om.IYJ-nifr-ed--'-trOjat--to --- Gjaorge m tln --- w seer_,_ _Fater.. . qn_d__Za_$ co�nn�o!�ti_ojls -0 _street__ -- mainslo-_ 1)T.orerty___1ine_s. COMPI-_te,--wh-ara--no-t---al-rea-d-y- made,__aJso__1=1udin_g ------- --- c1=_,oJr1g__amd__ pazi_n&__a11e_y__and_ d-ri-veway. --- apprD arY_,____ --- - --------- --------- ----- ------ ------- -- -- ------- ----- ------------ C. ------------- C J'�Ftj� e No. 80350— J, , atter of p ------------- -------------- Gvenue fro, - , winjfrJ�ff Humtboldt ----------------- ----- -- - - - -- - ------ -- --- -- - - ------------- - �rgo Sq,j_ �_I _ , 1 Street to v 1�d ... ---------------- approved --- _J.une__a,_.1930 -- -- --- --------------------- under Prelimfif�&� Order ------- IntermediaryOrder --------- - ----------- - --- - ----------------------- approved --------------------- - ----------------------------------- - -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and,recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ... kvenue --- from --- 7,1 -i -n -if ned ---Street-- _--to --- C,-aor-ge --- S t_re_a t,___W_Jth-- e -r --- a n _d g a s n _Q n np- c -t- in. n s --- fT_QM__s_tr_e_e_t_ 1in_es__noMpJete,___,ah er-!- __not__a1r_e_,9 dT --- MEAe,_-RIaD ------- -Y to be ------------ - IN Reinforced Concrete; 401 RoadTV- — ------ — ---- - ------ -------------------------- - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- ------ — - --- - ----- - ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- and the Council � ereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AU 111 IM, Adopted by the ,CounciL'-1, ----- --- ----------------------- ---------- 192--------•-+__ City Clerk. Approved ------------------ ------------ - //ff , G Mayor. �C Conroy ouncilma. McDonald �May �!Xouncilmar Pearce G�'� Councilman Rosen ;Founcilman Councilman MOAgglx Mayor Xwkwax Bund lie Form B. S. A. 8-7 (A) In the matter of �CI7y dV ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE)' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER navinw of Humboldt Avenue from —inifred St. to George St. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S ick 3" Asrbalt or 7" Reinf. r Psving 5„ nr Concrete Laid Flat P.sp''alt. Conc. p 4.94 3.81 2.90 Total sq. yd. T 4,170.20 "'heelage 7,103.72 5,476.78 5,078.73 3;865.70 Property Share 6,585.02 13,688.74 10 557.51 8,035.90 Total 4.69 '°.48 curb (a) front ft. 6.20 extra Tlote: East side Humboldt Ave. ',vas curbed in for 40 ft. 1919from roadway C; George St. to 100 ft. north I•.dd.for Conc. curb -1ere not. in 60Vrer lin.ft. :x Jnot connections each needed) Sandrock 11,1rer 3/4 water connections cacl, "45.00 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 JA\ In the matter of CITY OPV ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC44* REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER vinfr of Humboldt Avenue from "'inifred St. to George St. TOTAL, Foam B. B. 10 1 76 Town of West Saint Paul 250 2 76 do 300 500 5200 North 1/3 of lots 3, 4 and 5 76 do South 2/3 of 3 76 do 450 South 2/3 of 4 76 do 300 South 2/3 of 5 76 do 250 1 86 do 400 2 86 do 400 3 86 do 400 Lots 4 and 5 86 do 1L30 27,000 TOTAL, Foam B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT SOF FINANCE ��,,� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF RRIANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 3 to 8 78 )Town of West Saint Paul 5800 78400 Lots 9 and 10 78 ) do West 50 ft of Lots 6 and 7 85 do 600 3650 West 50 ft of E. l0U ft of Lots 6 and 7 85 do 600 3850 East 50 ft of Lots 6 and 7 85 do 650 4500 8 85 do 550 2950 (Exo. West 50 ft) 9 85 ) do 1050 8600 do 10 85 ) West 50 ft of Lots 9 and 10 85 do 500 2100 14,500 136,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to sai matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1130 19- �- Commissioner of Finance. pec �I GORK-AN (7 i in / r r- Z ' Id JIN GSTON 4Y`E , rm 30. iZo9E0.T i / I N --J/O�t Z" �IGo Cl INroN Ave. i. P 21 u N U N GCEENWooD AvE- -✓Oq u? D'rA-fE 3-7 �T W THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 16, 1930 (Date) Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Paving Humboldt Avenue from 's'linifred Street to George Otreet, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including cudebin�gQliminand paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, ary Order C. F. 85585, approved June 5, 1930. Length 629 ft. Width of r 6 oadway 6 ft. Frontage 1,000 ft. 11 it PAVING 3" Brick 3" Asphalt or 71' Reinf. Laid Flat Asphalt Conc. Concrete Total SQ. Yd. 4.94 3.61 2.90 iheelage 7,103.72 5,478.78 4,170.20 Property Share 6,585.02 5,078.73 3,065,70 T o t a l 13,688.74 10,557.51 8,035.90- (a.) Front ft. 6.20 4.69 3.48 Curb lx_tra. Note: East side Humboldt Ave. wasl curbed in 1919 from George at. to 100 ft. North for 40 ft. roadway Add. for Conc. curb where not in 60(4 per lin ft. it it Sewer connections each (Not ne ,ded) Sandrock it n3/ -d" Water connections each $45.00 Yours truly,„ Chief Liigineer. Approved. for transmis ion to Co��ioner-.�- .'f Fnce. Off'ic'e of the Commissioner of Public N-� ki of Finance l�''' Report to Commissioner7/,', JUN 13 1930 June 18, 1930 _192_ .............. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having; had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...- 8.5_585 -..approved_ _ June- 5, 193Q 1 192..._., relative to the paving of Humboldt Ave,. -from. _�Vinifred St . to George 5t. ..___ -... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _-_ _necessary and (or) desirable. (Seeestim-:te attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- , and the total cost thereof is S_ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is -..--.-_-- -. -asked for upon petition of three or more own s of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. ADDRESS ALL LETTERS AND TELEGRAMS TO THE COMPANY CODF.RE.vicc Pw s R V Pecs ocJ C EB„EAu L n GROOs6 M�rHPns r�Bc I. w. H1NG.nssr 5c cv . H.T ORnH E.JA.Assrs6[<vcv STIP ALLOW oESOTA. [nPITP�P<lo lu $ 4.000,000 OR[sEwvEs $ 1],666,115 Ncr SuaocPs $ 13.694,051 u u To rnu Ass[TS $ 35.3£0 166 August 5, 1930. Mr. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: I am the owner and occupant of the home at 525 Humboldt Ave., between Winnifred and West George Streets and received your notice of Proposal for Pavement of Humboldt Ave., between the above streets. I am heartily in favor of this paving because the traffic on this cut off is very heavy and the street is always in bad shape and full of holes and ruts. The street is never oiled before the middle of July and the dust early in the season is so bad that we cannot open our windows, not mentioning the noise created by the trucks -and cars as they bump from one hole to the other. If paving is needed anywhere in this City, it is needed on this cut off. This fact can only be apnreciated by the people that live there day in and day out. Resp`ectfullv�yours, P. H. Furth, 525 Humboldt Ave., St. Paul, Minn. m SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED " If Limited LIMITED RETENTION DATE 11ICROFILt�(D (N r CONTENTS CS n 1 -�ro r e. jjc NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS ZI NUMBER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT tIICROFILMED �U SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor f tlIH� 1531 N013(I1053tl Ad°30tl311� SONVONv1S jo nv3i3na IvNouvN O 9•1lllll fi illlll SZ illlll. NNIii s E9f e`i9 —9. Zs Zlllil 0.1 VIII 144 -Al 10�1 s Oy bls ` f y0 �' 76Y'os 8 + c- � k \\ s2 . ���// sZ\ O s lj