83421-83923_11-18-1929_02-02-1930STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey duly sworn, deposes and says that ow 1s and during.times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, 'a newspaper ptinte andpublishes in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, Stare of Mfnnesotay. That he hm knowledge of the l facts and knows personally that the printed.: -sotto" 071 _—hereto attached, cut from the columns of saidnewspaper, was inserted, printed* published d newspaper once in each _Any__.._for.__3_4*jMnd that all -of said p iblicstiom were made in the English That said notice was list inserted, printed and published oalsondAw the_.-23,sir.—.—.day 406%GbOr, 192._1) and was printed and published in mid newspaper on each and after until and inciuding.100ftel —Oor .13rdilay ofatab-_.___.. 192-9. That during all the times aforeaail, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of gBcial and legal publication in required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the rcquiremenn that constitute a legal :newspaper m defined in said sections 3 and 4 to -wit: that for more than 'one-year last past fromthe date of fust publication of said .10-UGO—Of'__ippi1ii�0II fnr PUTM" newspaper hes been (1) -Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language and �it�,column end sheer form equivalent in space to at least few pages, with five columns to the page, each seventeen and ft quarter, ^^' inches lon&: (2) °Lsued once each Xn&from a known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany„ not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements or any or either of them. g4) Circulated in and near in place of 'publication to the extent of 'at least two hundred and forty espies regularly- deSvered to peying subs,,�-I�,;n, and that prior to the dam of the first publication ofsaid �.i-Ot 1rM1lMy...SQ1�i'43'191i--_ the publisheror printer in <hacge. of said newrP+per laving. knowledte of the fact, fled in the offica of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey,. stare of Mimesom, an affidsvir showing the name and location of said newspaper, and the esistenca of conditions constituting its _ qualifications as a legal newspaper u required and set forth in section 3 of chapter'484, Sessions Laws Minnesota, 1921._ - That the following is a printed .copy of the Iowa case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size' and kind of -type wed in. the composition; printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz.: abodefghljUnnopgntuvwayr. abcaefgh1Jk1mnoygrstuvwxya. < I Further affiant. with not, save 'thaf this affidavit• is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws' Mionnou, 1921, and is intended to accompany "the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal. 1 advertisement,cat. . Su and sworn to eEKitlhi!._ a ---_day of ._,. �, ! — — 192.9SSTIL.My Commission expir_. _.._ Notary. Public, Ramseysou. FLORENCE E-. HARRIS Not y Commi$slon E - nuntY hllmi.,. xplrea Juno 3th;a9:+a. � .:. t....- - DUPLICATE. TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 l COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CLANCY COUNCIL lnJ I'%IN{ ' 834' FILE NO _ `. ------ FERGUSON -FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION - - - ' - RDHLAND AUDITED CLAiMs SUDNEIMER __AGAINST WGNiEL RESOLVED. TRAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY.TR,EASURY MR. PRES.. HODGSON rO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 2 CDYQIuyG . 1929 -.s/�31t - ADOPTED BY THE _-. \� s TO INCL SIVE. AS y �'_ CHECKS NUMBERED PER CHECKS ON FILE O FICE F COMPkROLLER. ' - APPROVED_ _ CITY COM OL R YAYO. Basely 88Sz2� IN FAVOR OF TOTAL -_ RETURNED V am°b"'Ir Tor reateat Cheory° TRANSFER - CHECKS De'Intierea 818. 6118 to Ihee drawn DISBURSEMENT BYBANK CHECKS ° C1tY Co14Dfron681eo121088virl ahecke 'BROUGHT FORWARD . e. oRl�es�t,the ADD otveah otha COSheI ' [ 60, 2 fNdv. 2g_18z8) •Or. 18, 1829, • uolcYary Anna. Evt ° ..sbeR,> rarrnra�',8.:. arks - Jo �etoher; ;y, �#% ober, Anna Yi>aer8T4, �Ti>ebeh Halley, xa�riatA; Scott, Thoaae'`.� `tabor O rtrldd, >PI,� Stewarts Jeeaie epman , and Yerbel D. Fietoher Pp55 92457. 114e Rea t 06npany 2 21b 7 21659 P. Ralf ., 21fl�9 :Sarry.R Scott, R!' 37 fl rlt 21fl60, Jane No. Bale 37 21061 H'gederok 8. Scott 37 20.62 Re �'7 $' 0lY#s _ 1$ 2106 t`losenoe Bliee 1$ 21064 Louiae'S Smith 210655 The Speakee � OomWy 21066 The Hertl Ooal Oompany !t 'g 21667' Vella Brower: 605 1, $ 21062 Otis H: Godfrey, Guardian 230699 Yza. AnYeehea $ 2107b Anna Wagner `:Peiteoh 0 21071 81frida Soderberg 2$ 21072 ][ra. Caroline Bar 2 0 21073 Spdrry Really. S"1a .°Oo.'Agtg. e for Frank Qoaley & Thomas' 1[0 40 ~ 210 h 0apitoi-. Stationery fg.,' 0"o ' 32< 210 Devoe. III.Raynolda O pence, In 2107 Farwell.,.,-Kir a Oosp , 3.44: 21077-Great,xorthesa El trio,Appy o,. ` 21078 price gleotra 0oanyj. p 21079 The Speakee'Qr. 210!!0 Standard Oil. eery 2 4 >�. 21681 Rose Brothers-. any 2 2 210!12 peter Alexander A 2102 Twin Oity Shad Oampany 210• Dennie,isughlS' X799 0 7 2109 11ra. 7 Agree A 21086 2 Rios, Street S to Bank, Aea1 ee L.8c Ryan 210$7 Arthui Da,eroee 1275 `'p 210$$ Geo.O.Sudheimer, 0omtr. of F 7000 • fl _ SHEET-TOTAL—FORWARD.. RM NO. A.12.2 M 12.29 v{ LA i i �i� WIN" (5 ip a DUPLICATE TO TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL (�{] _ COUNCILMEN— OLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._ ----823 •,-+• CLANCY— COUNCIL RSSOWTION FERGUSON IN FAVOR MY ..MALD AUDITED CLAIMS-------���-35-''°-. ROHLAND SUDHEIMER INET a RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. w.Mm a- PPB 8 I - MR. PRES.. HODGSON _ , TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S— Q7{Y!�}r COVERING Jyo ! u �(�%y CHECKS NUM RED— _ TO— INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY T COU IL __�—J�-1—A---V—i_�[— PER CHECKS N FIL ICE O COMPTROLLER. APPROV -' - COMBO L[R MAYOR. p TOTAL PATE CHECK - _RETURNE NUMBER_ IN F VOR OF :TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT, BY BANK _ CHECKS CHECKS .C. F. No. 83123— _ - Reaolved. Thnt ch fu sthe '""gate - the Clty Treasury, overin. checks nmount T $53,919.97 44 712 . ROUGHT FORWARD umbered 81179 to 81803 Inclusive, ae City cCO. tr°lade in the oRice ol. the _ ' a'.,.� .. AdoPted by the CouncYl Nov. 19, 19EH. Approved Nov. 18, 1BE9. rio of at.paul - 332 5 (Nov. 83-1989) Mon aomp8ny � 191 MBrothers, Ino. 21John 8aadquist 795' 0 1 7 21170 Thornton :Brothers Company 2 339 4, 21179 Amerioain Bleotrio 0ompany 3 21180 Clinton Falls,iursery 0ompan 911 50 81181 Forest Iay Pharmaoy 326 b 21182 Qt• Northern Bleo. Appi.ao. - 4 126 211�3 Iennedy Brothers Arms Compan . 15 2 21104 YoOlellan Paper Oompany 211!{5 1toFadden-Lembert 0olapaay 1 3 2112 Jens Jordseth 15 9 21187 et.Psul Drug.Oompeny-_ 21188 A.G: skii S ng h Bro ers 59 9 211,3$ Geo.Or ndheiner, Oomr r. of 12 871 0 ' ' 21190.. Geo.a:8udheiper, goir.Ir.. of 1 9E3 3' 811g1 asoiC,8ndh6lmer, OosIre.of Ti;8 P 192 0@0:0:644heimer, Comlr of P . 4 - Ba 211 Gelo.0 8udheiaer, Com fr. of F 7 8 211 aeo.0;8ndheimer, 'Oomlr. of F 3 99�-7� 1 = 21198g aeo+0.8ndkis1mer, Coo Or. of F 3 204 4 211gb9udheipeae, .Oom'Ir. of F 1 21197 aeo.a.$ndheimer,_Ooolr. of -994 5 21198 Gso.04ndhsimer, oom r. of F 7500 21199. Astoria Restaurant g7 21200 The First Bationgl Bank t 21201 fasten Mfg, a pony 4b07 21202 a.'seestedt =1 acapany 21203 Webster wheelook 39 7 • t ; SHEET TOTAL FORWARD FORM NO A 12 2'IM 12.26 -. ... -. il A DUPLICATE TO CITY -CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 8347A COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ......... ................. . CLANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION - FERGUSON-- FAVOR NAM 7 ----- — ------ hyalikAIL AUDITED CLAIMS RONLAND SUDHEIMER --- NST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DR N N THE CITY TREASURY. xam.- Peat TOTHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF MR. PRES., HODGSO COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY T C N -- PER CHECKS ON FIL ICE MPTROLLER. ­--------- — -- .. . ..... . . .... �PRO CITY,4! MPTROLLER -- ---------- . . . ........ MAYOR TOTAL DATE. RETURNED WOR OF SPIER DISBURSEMENTBY BA I NK TRANSFER Resolved , That checks be drawn on CHECKS CHECKS the City Treasury, to the aggregate ­=6..,armount of 132,718.68, covering checks numbered 21204 to21257 Inclusive, as RWARD per checks on file In the office of I 192 he BROUGHT FO City Comptroller. 7 500 DO 796 Adopted by the Council Nov. 18, 1929. .,..,Approved Nov, l8i 100. 250 • —_ tin 1Vuad 0ommitt 26 387 2 21 0" A4 40 212. 0ha11vtto Bob?- $do? 581 0 21 N l.liaM F. .16% Louise HOW Ohl kaft WOW% Job Intenal end, 581 21208 Itri Motih sNOW,: o L 106110 0 up",PAT 0 ' 21211 National. gover 00"IAT Al 21 lidolsi DiGA 4010,99 u0spany 21213 No -fibers Staitei poser Q"Pi 9144 litiben ttits-e Poor 00121p 46 5 2121] ,POpibllb_ OtHRoils 008'1 062002Y itiis '114portes 12 8 02121 ' . l 2121.. 31 5 Relt at obiOospaof, 21 1 StiltzwBook & Ota idry 0 410. 6% 699 2. 21220 BtJaol Mfg. Coapan 21221 0% sial lorivatigg 1, 299 ativ.601 1:1000* 10 L 0 an 5 5 21223 st Paul Goodwill, laostriposi 00 21224 Ssj4U *Milk Company 29 0 212�2� tti raji *biting Go26 o" amp 2322 84,i'eui Welding :& Mfg& �Oftvaz 11. 201: 91227 Salle *9= 18- 20 21220 41001, $0 at BreWing Coapa&j 6 25 21Z29 Andr.6WL60h06h G100ary-COMPaUl 00 7 21230 Andrew 6660h Grooery oomponj 319 21231 301112067109 S6111-baer.t 0025 82aAl, 21232 �qho tijelare iL 21PA D l Company 31 12 232 841*eii krdit.ts' Company 99 6 23 Urge Ts lip 11iik 2123T, system nating Cospany. 411 21 1 Spe'edoneter Serv, & A00. 00. 14 Standard Oil 0 apany 66' 0 21 1940614.1"ll paper company 5 35 rl I stop41,141. it 004pot 'oil 1 Bro"Id labolo oil 4,21 limit A1100i 21Weston Auto Supply! company 1 7 21250 WeetlUnd Meat Company 23.251 White ftel & 104i Company W,1100X ChLt $ton Company -o 21252 32 21253, WillieXp ho: Luj6h 86 510 21254 Willit 0120"iting Library 0 W. *Il 2125 R. 8.001-1 'C04pany 121256 T.R. Ttliwon:: 5 22:257 'Z"Smatt"' Baki Ag company 11 SHEJET,TOTAL7FORWARD _+7 _50 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL [� ��� COUNCIL' No 83426— x ' COUNCILMEN—ROLL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE , -8342 i — ----- CLANCY= FERGUSON // IN F.1VOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION t November 16 29 41"m "Ll ; -C AUDITED CLAIM — — -- ---,�— ROHLAMD 6UDHEIMER NST - ORESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON fHE CITY TREASURY. MR. PRES.. RODOSO 70 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f -.1,7-7Q , `+ . •COVERING " ADOPTED BY TH OU n. APPROVE ---- 1'� iQ7Q—i CHECKS NUMBERED=_ _- TO— INCLUBIVE..AS - ' lMif� PER CHECKS ON FILE IN:T OF E O THE C COMPTROLLERr — - -t 1(AYOR BY— -- -- - --_ TOTAL DATE v CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER ' TRANSFER -CHECKS DISBURSEMEW. CHECKS BY BANK - - BROUGHT FORWARD D t •i 21PRA Oeop0.Sgdheimer, 0, of rin. 50 000 00 21 f#eaf,09Sn0e12e2, 0, of;•71n. 36 331 6 215 Oeo.O,Sudheimer, 0, ofi, nn, �, 1 166 7 21261 Oeo90-POUdholuer, O, of Fin, 12 320 a 21262 Oeo•0.8ndheimer, 0. of"rin. 2 422 2 -2126 .Oeoi-O:Budheimer, 0. of, Fin. 4 417 7 2126 Lee.Brothers' 15 212 Sinkinngg�Ytitnd Dommittee, 9 50 265 5 49 21266 Capitol ltitionery- Ytgg. Comp 8ohiiing;-Company y 110 7 21267 Jooating;:,6 21 6!! Vi A. Luddsa, SKpt. 21 Yorsdden-Lambsrt Oompany 274 ..9 21270 Donald,D. Nuiray, Sup4, 164 .' 21271 Loulea'Yeleoa. S 212 2 price Sleotrio Oospsay 11 212�3 Review Fnbliahing Company. - 21274 G..Aeeetedt'Oeppany . Printing'o s6 74 5 21 specialty y 4 21 Vaugbaals seed Store 5 21277 Viotory.Printing Ooapany y 54 . • - C. V- No. 83425— - -- ' _ _ Resolved, That checks be drawn on I, Hhe Clty Treasury, to the aggregate mount of $157,707.21, covering checks 'numbered 81268 to 21277 Der checks On file In the oRi e t the CIty .Comptroller. Adopted by the Connell Nov. 18, 1989. APDroved Nov. 18, 1929. (Nov. 23.1929) - - 4 - i, AM z. e uf, - FORWARD OO 0O 6 61'8 4,5 €€ _ -1 M a, ndr6d.Rnd Seventy 11601, t4 sand dolly, .off tbonde . of the C;i y of or theurposes sit fo th therein ^and �w P f�nirt 'Dn»1 hv"•Anuneil F11B';.�,'� ,�,�.�;"�! and in `ia the asotmi of Fi3'tijr Ori% Dollars snd "$isty Parr Coats" is incurred in ezoess of X125; 00 allw[d$ "by ai,B. 82986 "ia to be'made, , c&&nitelher6ilth. .......... . FINAL ORDER to be'made, , c&&nitelher6ilth. - �� - • Y _ ... - OEPA�MEIS� QF F -'� = v - REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER Of= FINAI�iCE re QN PRELIMINARY ORDER ` (A) .'In the matter of Changix.g the grade of Van Dyke Ave. f TOM Kervvia St to Brand 3t./�i toconform to the. red line on the profile 'hereto - attac3aed r Find -made a ` past hereof } tie present established grade" being- shovvzi bg 'a blue line thereon so grading a.3 -ley in Blook 5, Hazel Park Div - 11To _ 4, to the establishe de from Van Dyke Ave. to a point 74.7 ��e-h West of Hazel Avenue', and -gra. ing as approkbh on a temporary grade - from a point 74.7 feet west of ze1 Avenue to teazel Ave. also a sewer in the_ alley : from a" po int 74.7 feet west of riazel .®ve _ to- t3ae sewer in Hazel Ave. - t under Preliminary Order approved Sept 26, 1929 To the Council of the City of Sr-- Paul: The Commissioner of Fiaanee hereby reports as follows: _ The total estimated :mount of the assessment for the'above improvement is - - - 682 69 The estimated cost per foot for thet above improvement is - - - - - - _ g 0.66 The lots or parcels of lead that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, arid the asessed valuation of each lot or pareel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: j. ,LOT � s�oe�t AOO�T�ON �._. ASSIESSIED VALUATIOON -- - �UILDU 1 ... _ _-_--I ( Lots 1 to 13- sad 19 to 30, ; Block 1, also the vaoated alley in Blocllc 1 lying month dk and adjoining said a ... _ _Lows 1 to 12 aad geoughStreet; vacated lying south of aadSadjoiairig said lots',19 to 30: lots. 1 to 13 -also blok the vacated- alley_ in aad.1_ to 30_, c 4, + Bloch 4 lying south 'of and, adjoins' g said lots 1 to - l _13..aad.. Bread -Sliest vaeate41-- lying south .of and adj- �( oining said lots 19- to- 30; } Lots- -_ -- to . 12 , 5 , Hazel Park Divisioa Wo4 i 9172501 O 1400 - 13 5 do 425 _ 2300:.. 14 5 do - 15 5 do X00 i -- a 6v 1 do _ - i T TAf- ♦ _. } -- •. -j _�_.__ .. _.. __ _ O _ __ _._ _ ice_ �iTY OF -ST.' AUL_- REPORT_ 'OF' COMMISSION F FINANCE = Qr4 PliMUMINARY ORDER Iy - i DESCRIPTION LOT LACK I ADDITION { ASSF-asED { - . _ VALUATION )� - m } - 1. 1.7 ' S LAND BUILDIN'ti8 kaazel Park, 325 ;. 26b01. 1 bivision 4. 18 s_ 5 a%_ 325,1 p3000. - - __:- _Lot: 19.,and West of 20. . 5 do 475 1850' .- - -''; -- - Lot 21 and East of 20 5 do - 475. 15ACi - I - 22 = 5 do 325 23 5 do 325 '.: 1.500 5: do 300 - _.- _ 25 5 do 275 H, 26 5 do -200 ._ --- _ 27 , 5. do -200 ; t - - -- - 28 5 do 200 --- `- 29 5 40 200 _ a r do 30 5 200 °;. _ 1 i, - (( ti iTOT1L6 _. 14,425.190 _A4 . -- D .TOTAL _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mutters, and a -hereby submits the foregoing 'as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in ' reference to said matter by the Commissions . of Public Works. Dated salt Cil_ .2 or `JR. IV— s. s Commissioner of mance. • - f _ _ .-: l92 Paul, Minn - - _ 'Fo - he Honorable, The Council, . -- b City of St. ,pau Minn. G�atleiaea ` - - �to We the undersigned property owners, hereby petrtiorr ' your Honorable . Bode cause the following improvement to #tee made: ------ ----- -----_ C --------------- -- - - ---- - -- - ---- - - --- -r - - - — — - - _� -- - : -; --= St. Ave_ /----- froom---- -- ------ - - --------St. Ave_ to.---!" -- - St, ---------------4k.g Z.� BLOCK ADDITION V,70 f / ACT - 1 _ 77777777 ry y843E3 ou}•re�n.euw.CITY OF .9Sm.L 4�`it'ae�L M0. OFFICE OF CITY .CLERK - t��T�Egpp ggyy COUNCIL RE50LUT'ION GENERAL FDRM _ NOV ♦ CO Mt9StOPbER - OATE - 1.9, 19`1x9 RE OL.VED - In tics asatter OP condemning and taking an easement in than ]saxd ns aessa=7 Por slopes, ,outs and fills In in the gxad.ixig of Alley in Bloolc 5, Hazel -Park Division Ho..•4 Prom Vaa Mgr-40Ave t o a point "75:? Pt . west oP Hazel^. Ave . , under Pra13-mii2ary Order C. F. 82802, approved Serptember 26, 1929, aacl latermedi.ary Order C. F. 83169, approved Oct. 24� 1929 'I`hs CommissioAe s Public Works.. having submitted his plan :Lim -the- above matter, be it That the City oP St . P'an1 Pizes and determiaa s the amount oP land to be taken Por the -above named as an a asemen img.roement t Por slopes , atit s 8nd' Pill s Win' the " gradiaag oP A3_1s y in. B2.003C 5, Hazel Farlc Divi si on _ NO. 4 bet�reen the points aforesaid, to the :extent shown upon the a plan or the Commissioner Of Public Works attached hereto 1 khich. plana is Imereby referred to and' made a part hereof. - :. Q ± NOVr N ;tis �1 ' a a z by the Couacil 19 Yeas T y"Tat.3� �'��z Clancp t a� 1. Me poemmict - In favor Rohland - -� Sudheimei - - Against- .-- t>.ar. uaccnd tfsc�. • .,� .: - a ... . . M 4 s - < OEPARTME`NT�FAA►�GE - REP0 2'Ic OF COMMISSIONF--Ft OF FII Ak"CE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER m (A) In the matter of Condema xng asci -tak i -ng a an easement 1n the land zieeessary :for sloblcuts and. fi11s, in the -grading of alley in block �, Hazel; Parvision No. 4, from Van Dyke Ave. to a vo.int _ 74. 7 Peet west of Ave CSS r- under Preliminary Order approved $ept . 26, -1929 y To the Council of the City of St_ Paul. The Commissioner of Finaaee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $25-00 The estimated cost per foot for the: above improvement is -_ - - - - - - - The lots or parcels of laad Uiat may be assessed benefits for such in&provepment, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor„ are as follows: •.... -�! -_ - DESCRIPTION LOTls�ocK ADDITION - ASSESSED Oi VALUATION i Bill Lots 1 to 13 wMC& to 30,; Block 1, also the vaaatec3 _19 alley in Block 2 1y� ag south .oe sad adjoialagBtihd Lots 1 to 12 a6tzd SeZo�h -S e,et vacated lying E, of and adjoining said 1ota� 19 to 30; iota 1 to 23 and to 30, b10 IE 4-; _ stx trio Vakora,ted alyey in _Al ..l6 Block 4 lying so-xt2a of and• adj0Iniklg -said lots 1 to i 13 -and Brand Str_B�t rtra cz3.tes3 ly3.ng :south - o=,and oiaing said lots 19 Z(-- -30; and 2 Ita 12 5 • Hazel Perk Divis%on Ra -4 Lots _ ..9 750\ ^- 3.400 o 13 5. do 425 2300. } 14 5 d0 „• 15:5 do. 100 {' it _ 16 5 do 385 - __ - — �' Boren D. H. 10 GITY Of ST_ PAUL. - r QEPAR7TMEN SOF F ANCE . REPORT OF COMM iSSIONER OF FINANICE ON PR_EL/ M I h[AF2Y ORDER C�l►)_- _ - - 3a thematterof relayIng'_an"d r -a -pairing sidewalks at the follo'wing locations West side F.1Ccla?--rige St. between West sixth St. and West Ninth S -t - norttl Plessaa-C Ave. beg. 1150 ft- east of, third St. thence east E9 ice_ -- r is -Ave.- a 138 Pt- " I Pierce St. ^ 0 132 :rt West w A3.7knkert St'. ^ 50 ft.north of Blair St. north 1Ek, ft- under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 24, 1929 To the Council of the city of,St- Paul: 'I -he Commibsiouer of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is `� The estimated cost' per�oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land- that may be assessed benefits for such improvement�apd the assessed valuatioa of each lot or parcel as. last reported by the Assessor, are as -follows: " {-' DESGR1PT70lV F 'LOT sL.00K AOOITION ,a ASSESSED VALLJAT-IOfV northerly 75 ft o f 1 :. 4 : Dice and Irvine 1 s- Add. -00 Lot: 1 Iff of- 3-1.& 12 4 do" St.► of ztortYi o� 11 & 12 ! 4 do 30St30 . - T { of 8--- ?5 f.t of 11 4 : do and Sly ?5 £-t of 12 rr h it O Halloran s Rear . 6000 - E Alley, in B10 etc 63.: =wine I s Enlargement 46TOTAL, 8. 8_ 10 ^�rOEPARTMEAiFF,I� E �s� • . _*-,� - REPORT OF COMMIS I EW OFs VINANCE - _.• ON -PRELIMINARY ORK�EF$ 4 - : -DESCRIPTION. - L'OTLOCK{ AOD/TION + _ 8ESs>5� i If VALUAT-{ N r� - +e onver -� Tizeopolsl� e,. Rear, a25i-- t pi Block $ - Eaceisior Parkp s --- (Ez�. E..: 1. _fit) __ 12 . - ; _d0-_ . _ _ : _. _ f 4150 _.ft of _.... __ - aad ( Ex-►arsha -1 Ave _ _ i..12._ `. 4 7 College Paslc 3025, 30 5. Syndicate _go _ - 5 Addition 6650_ . r f ; s ?a _ 1:173,975.00, 'rhe Commissioner of Finance: further reports that he has -a11 of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his, report thereon to the Cou'``ncil, Loge her with the report made to him in reference to said Matter by- the: Commissioner of Public Works. ; Dated n Form 8- 8- 12 _ Com Commissioner of Finance - - _ - e St, and Greenbrier ►e 3 }��i $ 9QllLilBaSL ,aIlU �p,µ4itnoou�Y,9vaaava .w �Mo t. ani. 4 c �a St and beide Aa,,. ° � l�i., i ,�yMi' t ql� +t,e�+.naw...wr+�a�w+Mr+ �rf�IM�i+.Nw��.Jxr`MY, a •M�^I•+nM�M�"M� f 7''? ai u ` t X41. k^1� ���•,. - I . ` �pp�oVed g11d8C, � � �� .r.ydM••��.en ����,,vM+lkxr•arra+pWriili+��1��411MYp�IpW+y�dWNNilrriiiil �PROY d ���.... .9.. 7t .. ..„ .3. yt (A tl��; i�'Ia�7rR Ir .,: ;ASM. ..� - .. -. . .., � �,' • �• _,�.i�. N _.__�I i'j,g t a d GreQO ier Ane �33- - s:e COUNCIL FILE NO — -- — FINAL ORDER - i4 grading a3ley in Bloak 2, Auditorls-Subdivision No. 5� r In the Matter of 6 - - r._. ant7':. eta 13 to '23.' Hearran�ement ofhe Elms from JePfersan Avenue..to 4. - f — DEPARTRIIENT F�A14CE --FZEPORt, OF. (Z,0M1 WI MER - OF FINANCE ON, PRELIMINAIRY OR -DER CA) _-_ -------- - - -- - - _ - - -- _ -_- _ -__ radia alley . . 2., ALUCJ!.'tc> • s Subdivision InBloch ^`Ira aaitter of �._ $ g'c NO. 5A, 821d T -fhr Lotti 13 to 23 Rearrangement of the Elms from JeYierson Avenue to Randolpla Street under Prelimina Y Order approved $sp! 17 1929 -ro the council of .the ftp of St- Paul: -rhe Commissioner of Fiaanee hereby reports -as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ _ _ $ 1800 49 The estiaaate:d cost per foot he for tabove improvement is - - The lots or paree21% of iaad that may be assessed benefits for suel-i improvement, f ach. lot or and the asisessed valuation oe parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �t - �ESCRiP'Tr OIV ( LOT '!e�ocIC -ADDITION AJSESSED - VALUATION _ ;2 LAN SQ0- 41 tiS31 and l3'b 2,150 - g CIAO dQ 7 2- { A q 1100 t - 9 2 ± do 1075 „ - _ s do 10 2 1050 —_ A 11 f_ 2 do 1025 b. 12 ; 2 Clo 1000 ; e , 13i 2 -- 975. -- - - --- rt - x T'o 'The Honorable_, Ziac®uracil, city 'of Sf. p ul, Minn - - Gent�emen r wee undersigned property owners,:_< hereby petition , gour Honorable Body to: cause ; tlae =`follow'Iag; improvement :to 'be. maele -.�� tween BG+q�sat -------' -- - - - -- ------ s�sn wiloa]_- ------ --- ---- ---- -$t- --- ------ _- from---------uu- - - b- -` ------ - } �44 _ 1'Gy o� "S'C P3IIla M1T1I1 - _ .,1,'- T.es Clic undersigned property,_ owners, _,h. f COMMIss.Fi = Report to nance z �J - _ - _^ - ptember 26, 3929 Se 192 'To. the Co : = _ - over -of : Finance of the City The-����ssioner. of Public Works',' hsvxng had ager' .consideration 'the preliminaxy.. orciPs tore � Fal -moo noun" tl 0 8229 __approved SBpt 17, 1929 192___- rels�e _to . rads s11e _-_i n- B3aok 2� Audtrtsr- s�iaAivi si ......_- aud liar--�� MIN 3 to iD3 RBarr"ah gemen caVSs >y3mE$ Yrom defee�san Ave •-- _ Rsndolpk► St' • _ _ and havimg ,ter-=gated .the zivatiers snd things„referred to _. tlserein, Hereby reports 1 SBT—+prc�vement is necessary and rj- ,desirable 2 f'f �- _�=-�iraaated epst thereof-- �n.sp�•eotion and the n = - mad extent o� said improvement is » fol%cs - = n - - - - - - - 3 A:_ ==mss - <. rofile• or sketch of said-un roveme� 3s=Qto attached snd` made a part hereof - P p 5 �� c improvement is asked for lk3jp4CVa_ 'petition ofhree or more owners cjrsprerfy, ' subject to � ent for isaid unprovement = _ Commhssioner of PnI iulc_ _ a r a. - OFFICE OFC z�LEJtK "COUhICiL" F2E$OL�►TION--C�IOVERALFORM . RtESOLVEO • ` _ _ 'In. the matter _ of aondemliing and tagimg an�ea:Se- -- meat is the land ' xae ae ssary f.or slopes , avts aac Pi 11s ' In the grading cj� gT3.ey in • Blaisg 2,. A-uditorlrs Svbdi- vision No. 59 and lots 13 to, -23,, 8earran&,ement o� -the i�1mt3 rrOm do Pers oa Av'e . to Randolph St . , 'Ettader prgvel '3tetaber 1 7, Preliminary Order Gam. -F. .83630, iap@ and Intermediary Ordex C F. 83165, aPprc>ved 1929. The CO-193A3i0xxft ` 01' Pub3_i__q Worga s having submited t -' his plan in the also %-matter-, be it RESO1,VEDs TY;at- the -City` of $t- Pe.u2 and _fixes dete rtnaets a the ' ataoucst oP land to be _ taken mor the above U _:LM mpro _ meaC as an easement far slopes, cuts an&_ - - mills in the grad_lLxtg oP -3�e� in S1oeX 2 A-adl.tor= s 2Zi--t Snbdiv:L s_t d i No- 59� aYLJ 3-67% : o -23, bte_arrangemara t of _- the �lmsJastwean the points aforesaid, to the-_ extent shown upon the plan -o:f the Sammiss oner oY 1,,u'b2i-o Wor]as at.a ahed hereto - whish plan Is hereby • r4Per30ed to' and made a part - liere.of - Y --- _ COUNCIL " - - _-----w s. Yeas Adopted by the Coun�;t 19_ C1ariEy -y . ti:... In favor ` App ;9- Rohland sudheimer gasinst - a 32 WOODLA,WN AV E- 1-3 17 -n -Z+7 z 47 -7Z o :50 2? 24 H ji _ i � � � � / ,� 4 rCl -- �� rant usF�, M I SSA S S I P F> I RIVER B'L- VED OF E7 pli n AMA, A U 5 Gar' i S,u Gar Fr G.r D -j 40 5 9 38 3 7 3 6 3S zn- Wo 0 D L - ASN N AV E - IG 13 14 2-7 Z5 2-4- 3Z 3 30 i 2Q 28 CD MI SSISSIPPI RIVE F, I.L ks.L � � W, 23 Iz 7 20 24-& 2283 � /2 /3 /4 /S /6 /7 �' /8 /9 20 �f 2/ o /o' a w � O tG 43 2 4/ Go 39 II 38 37 S6 3S ! 34 33 32 3/ 26 27 26 25 o Z e24 1 71 crrrir org`ss_l+AasL - __.. DEPARTMEw--"-'C_3-F AC IM REPORT OF COi�''MiSSI"ONEEF2 OF' FINANCE ON. PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter off coaC3emrii g and tak1;ng an a semeat is the land necessary for slopes cu °s aaI ' ills, - n the grading of 11e� is Block 2, Auditors Subdivisio n No .9 srid lots 3 to 23, Rearrangement of the Elms from Jefferson Av6aue to Rs.uc3o1p1-i Street. - - under Preliminary Orcier. approved Sept 17s 1929, To the Council of the City cx St. Paul: The Commissiovaer of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of ;the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 25 00 -Me estimated cost per f -,:>t for the above improvement is lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot 4:3.x- rparcThe el as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel j,j DESCR�P'f10N LOT 9tiocK AOO�T)ON VAI -UA, rON - �"- LAND BUILI1IIdGS "0" 2 :Mississippi View 800 - ----- --- e ng u itor-s s - -- Lots "D" and:"Ji 2 iSub No_ 59 St. " 1100 - �. -- 6 2 do- _ 1150 7 2 do 1125 8; 2 do 1100. { g 2 c3o 1075 -- -- --- - •. 10 ; . 2 _ W ._ _ —a - ----- = 1050 11 2 do 1025 i 121 2 do 1000, CIz 975 - - - - -- tf _ TOTAL. Farm B. Js . 10. . -. CITY ST;..PALIi.:.: _ - .DEPARTMEN r-OF_ REPORT OF CC>1V13NISSIONER>OF FINANCE N P PLY ORDER > %) _ w DESGR31�^'CIOH - - LOCK •ADDITION.--' .essEss>E>o LOT i i_. LAND iLBUXL MVWGQ� t: _ 39 2 pp 1100 - _ 1 bei g AudltoT I S m - - w 40 12 _Sidra M,o. 59, St. 1100 —6650- i _" e Pau- M:Lnn. q T_ 41 2 do 1100 'i j 42 2 do ;3'00— - 2 � 1100 - 43 CIO 2 ` _ do 2200 45 2 do 1800 13 Rearrangement of 1600 -b2t8s Elms 14 CIO 1350 r. . 15 i d o 1350 -- r 16 - CIO 1425 17 do 1350 1$' CIO 1200 19 i d.O 1000 `I 20 y CIO 1000 (E 21 CIO 1000 -- ti i' _ 22 ; do 1000 23 djo a20p _ 1 _ TOTALS $60,000 90 , _ . G 'STD TOTAi_ .87��15�Q�,00 The �Commissione-; of Finance further reports that he has investigated allof the aforesaid matters, and hereby, zxx1b its- tha foregoing as his repoit thereon to t _ ouncil, together with the rep8rt'made to him is references tcn, snzLidl, matter by the Cammissione�r. of I ip Wo si D !K 19 Commissioner of" Fri.. B. B. 12 =IV4, or SY PAU z4ff-- -� DEPARTMENT OF, Fl t NE OF FINAhIGE - PdF2T OF _ COMSk$1 RE ORDER pN PRELIMINARY - — foot sidewalk. Qn the: riorth side of Otto x Constructing a Avenue► Ia the -matter of Snelling -Avenue from Hamline AQ eizue tom Q . �to order approved Sept �4 a 1929 u>ader Preliminary 'If'o the Council of the City of St. Paul n 'The Commissioner of Finane� heretby reports as follows: - is - - $ rovement. y The total estimated arnov�t of the assessment for the above imp J&OtTo 1 20 cost per foot for the above imp rovement is - - TILE WAAI,g assessed 1.05 valuation ofeaeh lot or The estimated benefits for such improvement, and the The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel as - - - ' ADDITION VALUATION _---_- - _ -- - LOT BLOCK - - DESCRIPTION - KenSington Pant Addition .. 500 15 5 to St . Paul _ 475 36 5 do 475 - - -_ 14 5 do 475 - do -- t 18 b - 475 - _ - - 19 5 do 47 5- e Co 20 5 475 . - -- do 21• 5 475 - C 22 5 475 ` .. 23 5 do 475_ - -- --- -- :,do 24 :. - - Form B. B. 10 CITY. Orr W17 PAUL .. _ DEPARirMENT OF FI FI - F2EPORT_OF CommFSSIC>24EEI*' O��F FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y OESGEl1PTitO/V - I LOT F�occ� AOOITION - . VA U�T ON �( (Except- _Otto, eve _ s 9chetier and E eanq*r Sts. )- the East 16 rode - 4 .� _ QY the south O rods of the ; out}>,Reet � ` of the southweht_} 0 .. 1 Section 1Q _ Toga 28 North, 3ange 33 ygest� 1385 (Except Otto gv-ems and Eleanor; Vit.) and (Except the north 2 acree) ttre We s-t 16 r o c of the east; 46 rode o the south 50 rods of 'tie . Southweia-t o f t2se southwest } of Section 10 Town 28 north {M1 2650 - -ti Range 23 We s i (Except Otto _ Ave. and Eleanor: St.) and (Em- Shelling Ave.) the ti south 412 SO --c' t of the west 1528 Vit.. ,of , the southwest } of doll 5350 Section 10 Toga 28 north, R"nge 23 West r 30,6.75 00 Tine Comxaissloner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and -hereby subao_i-t vise: foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with ,the report made to him in - yrefereaee •to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Workss.,fn_ O Dated Commissioner of Finance_ r Form B. B. 12 - VIN T �p — -- -- s � -•Ff � t t _ r �' � t I r y w Lazo T�=-s . germs a%zel; If, - { 71 �- - 7 7{ - # 77 i' + t e t •s �i i 2stt 7 MPatsfsz1r23`f 3 a t .• I -: x .. ITI ui $ t ;- t _ e -. Y -r.— � '" � = `.fit --sr _ .i -----•-tet --f---�--.-+- :� ..a.�.�r, E- - - .. -.t .,�# :i' ; } _3' -_-tom .. ?:." ...!- i -.-..t."_ .}-i __`.,.. a�Yy CUUNCI((FILE 'X. BY - - - reconstructing, relaying -,and repairing the sidewalk on In tle Matter of ' _-- ___-- —__--- _ �_ -- -•_ - thy` north side _of St. Clair St,. beginning 80 ft west of Pascal -Ave., he, wost 200 ft. i s , Rf V i " $ F. y "q -AR y7�� {' ,��, 26 ppro�ed �.,� a•�••••..,>..r. ,.,r .•.•r f r •..r.r . Undd�, Q�d�/INN4MrM1�1�lYM��}�NA• Mh.••r.e.blr.rr� ...1.. •.... I 1lI i P ii l 1t1 I l } UI 7 Jill � �y���hili)r������AM�J�M�`r�h�lewnV�rwrd�rl�►u�h ,��Mr�1��1��Mw���Me�errrhww��r��N1�rr�r�rru�rpr��U�NY��r���1���iM� � � I �' I'i �'�:�4� i „41 Ifi ? f "�� p"thy �bgya impxay�mati uo d� notion,d the �ouq��l td �1I I I CITY e----- - s DEPARTMENT . %,._ NCE REPO_R7 =0F COMMTSb`'�C'SN -FZ OF' FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER- -, in the macer of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on th 1 north side of S -b _ Clair St-: beginning 80 feet west' of Pascal vs., thence under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 24, 1929 To the Council of the City of St_ Paul: The Commissioner 'of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total e:stimatea amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost perYFoo0.09t for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of ]Land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot.ot' parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSF..Q C R I PTI OfV LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALu6,TloN---, i 24 2 Walton I is Sunny Slope, 4290 _a. ! 25 2 Clio 3150 4 26 2 do 2850 it 27 .2 do 800 f _ 28 2 do 3100 4 _ j? 14,100.00 Thi Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby summits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works_ Dates , Commissioner of Finance. CITY of ST. '! F. : _ + DEPARTMENT C MPWPVT,.0E REPORT OF COZY IS%SICYNER OF FINANCE s ON PRtUMINARY ORDER - _JA) — In thw'matter of Grad3ilg of Alley in Chute BrosDivision No. '3 from Dale St.' to St. Albarns St. , a3so consturct a a•ewer on tithe easement to. be obtained on- hM :]L -y' 10 £t. of lot 11, Chute Bros. Division No. 3 te from;the A11ey ixx the re3�r of sai-d lot to the sewer in Thomas St. � under Preliminary Q-'rder approved Sep,*. 18, 1929 To the Council of the City of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finaace hereby reports.as follows:" The total estimatod amount of the -assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 727 67 The estimated cost per foot for the above improv°ement is - - - - - - - �The lots or parcels .of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or - a parcel as last reporte=d by the Assessor, are as follows: C t�ESCRfpTIOiV - ' LOT BLocic; ADDITION A�¢ESSED VALIfATiON it 1! - Land Buildings r :Chute Bros Div. 2200 - " No. 3, Add. to - j:. 2 the City of St. 12QO r Paul, Minn. 3.... Sio 700 i}} 19000 4 do 650 700 t 5 do 650 :. 2300 " 6 do 650 2 2500 -=-- -----do — _ ---85Q ---2-3Q0- _. 8 do 650 1200. East oIr9 do 326 500. 1200- 200 TOTAL.. TOTAL i ST CITY o!' PAUL'u DEPARTMENT OF REPORT OF COMMIS 10 R OF F114ANCE ON P------ 4 RY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT �LOCKI ADDITION i; - ASSESSED VALUATION M 1 Land Buildiiiga fl _ 10 i ;"Chute ..Bros_ div iNo.°3 to 400x_, _ ` j Add the _ aity_. of _ 650- f -- 2 000.`--_-. f St. Paul, Minn 12.. 650 2700. I! .._... do 650 1200 L 19 { do 650 1750, - a ;15 ,. do 700 {650 16 do 1300 _ �l 1.7 i do 675 1400 , do ._ 5375 __ .SAO i- - 19 ft. 675 i 20 (1o_ 675 2150 i 21- do 675 1450 - --- - R 22 . do 675 1400 _ 23 ! do 67.5 ;: A250 A... _ 24 do j 675 ,- 1100 — - -- - { 26 , do __ 675 .1750 27 do 675 1000, 675 1200.. _ _80 Pt.) Lote..2.9 _&. 30 ( _ 800 _ _.1..._ _ - TOTALS _ 21,500 69., 700 1 GRAND TOTAL. ` 91!,,2,00 ' - 'The Commissioner of. Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon io the Council, together with the report made to him in S�reference to said matter by"the Commissiooer of Public Works. " Dated d'L rf 19 J - o . 1 _ Commissioner o mance. F yy ��.4l. .. - Re-H,onor�sb�e, The 'Council, yam. Y City, of St 'Paul; IVhnn the undersigned property pcVaera, ,hereby'"peuuon :your Honorable. .. We, to,cause'04clJollowuig inprovemen, to ;be made /L---............... ' J _ St Ave. tJ'i�Felw n - St. Ave. . + IAT BIACg 'ADDITION re, • 7777777 w.,. hf sj�j`_ r U ` . � - /i«'3 _ � �T L CX�4^C�"�'l.Csi-•1 �i? � / /�(�`"'�L t!w+•� Uf 4 s rt , c Vim_ under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 183 1929 To the Council of the City, of St- 1?8-1 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $2.s. ^O The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I N OT isLOcIC ADDITION DESCRIPTIOL ASSESSED VALUATION . - - - -- - ----- – t.----�. - L Md ._..II _Build4n I R G 1 Chute Bros Div. 4No. —x80"0. _ _._ 31 Add. to the -City of 8t.. 1290 3 I Paul/ Minn. _ do_ 700 190oQ 4 do ?AO a;I 2300 g -do 650 2500 N 7 650 a 04 - _do r do 650 V104.. East-oP 60Q TAL I _TCI + . i•!m 8.8..13 :. _. _ .. .. ,.:.:.. :.: . .. a .. ., - . ,._.. CITY. C.P. Sr. r C DEPARTMENT OF^"GE IZIEPORT OF COMMISSIONER QF IFINANCE ON RRELIMINARY 012DEF2 In the pnatterof eondar*+�� �'ag sad taking an es semeri'S :rc> tYia purpose of construct— ing and maintainirng S publ c sewer in, under and through .the easterly 10 rt' - of hot 11,, Chute Bx-c3Y+ers Division No. 3 from Thomas St to the alley in rear of said lot. under Preliminary Order appraved September 18, 1929 To the Council of the City 'of St_ Paul c The Commissioner of IF --3a _+ saes hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amo�at of the assessment for the above improvemeat is The estimated cost per moot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lora or parcels of la=� a that map be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each Iot or parcel as last reported by the 13ssessor, are as follows:ASSFKSOVMO - _:_ DESCRIPTICH 1 LOT BILOCK - - Af'E3ITION VA UA"rIO _ - N - LAND BUILDING An .easement 3or �ar�s trcting and ma{Lntaining a public -- - � sewer in, over, zoss . under and through the east .10 feet of Lot 11 Com= a BmotlheT l e Divlision No . 3 Acla -t o_ _ -- '� the City of $t . ��� -e�1 , Minn. 65� 2,000 i' - 1 t { - - -- - -- — - ----- --- - - TO TAL S- - - 650 29000 y—r_ _ i GR NI7 .TOTAL- 2,650 lt The of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the_ oregoiag as his report thereon to the Council. together with the report made to him is reference to said- 3ga — zzer by -the Commissioner of Public Works_ Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance:.' _ -Form B.8-A..a-a D. -- y . i�^���t� AI'►II�R �P�RIr I}0}� ��ii 1 I I 0 t i �. _ _ � _ a �,, x r'. '� _- _ __St Ave Xs ' HSE - r�orr si�ocs :11nn�c� s s s — — - - �� t a �r DTPAR'T1ENT SOF PUBLIC WORKS 31 -Irli PAi7L INTER-OFRICE GOMMiJN3CA'TION September,�, 1929 Son. �olzri S f �csl2ona.2d ; _ - Eommis-s:L- ora.sr oc M- b1±c works. De ar 0:L r z - 2 -b3?ar3smit iaereavith'greZiminary eatime.te of cost mor gra.cZia ALZ83T in B1.00k 1, `Kipplgs Gollege .1 rk and Tats 10 to 23, -Be ne'd atin6 P1a 1,. from Underwood Ave: t o MUM as 34a s b s r Aven-me , -u=aer Preliminary Order C. F. 82627, agpro4ed SsptEmber 17, 1929. - Coot 660.86 .-.. Oost par meront moot �•+r+�+eriatiox� 1296 - �� osst.age Yovrs truly, Ghi e: Engineer. gpprrov6� mar -�ransmist8ion to - tv ssions,r off` Finanoe under Preliminary Order approved $@pt 17 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - i The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvCment is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that array be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION a -OT 6i_ocK ADDITION SESSED VA UATION LAND BUILDINGS i� 3- 1 _Kipp • s. College 1000 Q_ I+ ;Park Addition - = II — --- ----- --1 -- _ do 1000 I - 1 do_- 1000 j 8300 _ 1 do 1000 _ 5 1 do 1 0 72.00 6 1 do- 1135 LII1 I.._.__. 1 do 1500 a 18100 'I4 - 1 8 1 do 600 :.._. ,5,00 f - 1 do 500. ' - - _ - -- �Q - - �- - - -do--- 500 I ---- TOTAL. i { s 83442 ORDINANCES C. B F. No., 83442--Ordlnan e No. 7162- Y J. H. McDonald— Ordigance k NVI, Imp" By —7 In ordinuolOopri4titg and set ng aside Two Rmdred Ninety Nine Thousand I'm Hundred Eight and i d 01/100 Dollars 299 9516*01),f,bo the Utj"o,Sh4"0 of Local Improvements, X A_ ''W'koat ''IffOlvib d ,Fr �ntr 'v 'y .0 To, 77-�" ree 4: ®R G C 9M - 449 A X gtiblio84, :`eft dna, eaaty. W the Q'oun Of q1t. 7 of, s i 'T ",A:, o 71 Wrtz' CIA Ui :J; - hereby are' to be P t h, j-:�N Mqb" 1': a; f. i'-OtJr Ov olk". eve '�l nV- I j44�."� "'S", so d t'j 04 i" 4 re 81 t Wgson fi A All �h " �. y Yr4 . � 0 LLLaid over tol` 3rd &app __ /1� �Na Adopted-_ !_ Y_:q ,Yeas Y s Yeas Nays :Clancy Clancy Ferguson 3�IVIcGlogan Ferguson cDonald 0 IuMcGlogan �} dheime]r G McDonald Wenzel Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson Yeas Rohland Sudheimer w*'W F Whereas, The Department of Pnblio Works has no use at present for the three (3) wheel Austin Road Roller • belonging to said department, and Whereas, It can be rented or leased at a financial advantage to Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company, Contractors, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to rent to the Clement F: Soulley Equip- ment Company, St. Paul, Minn said Austin three (3) wheel roller for Fifteen and 00/100 Dollars ($15.00) per day and fractions thereof, plus all cost of operation, including labor and repairs from and including Monday, November 18th, 1929, until returned and accepted by said Commissioner of Public Works as being in as good condition as when leased to said lessee. 0 Against P COU CITY OF SM PAUL .FILE . NO., �LiOZZ� OFFICE OF: CITYCLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CAMM SSIONER -DATE —Nov. 19, 1929 REsoLVED That the bond given to the City Of St. Paul by the New Amsterdam Casualty Company, as surety, and the Motor Inn, as principal, dated November 23, 1921, 1n the sum of.$1Oy;000.0O oovering curb gasolin filling station at 1001 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby oancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. CQiJNCI LMEN Adopted by the -- -- Clancy FF+6veea'Ir ; In favor '� ice� Rohland O Sudheimer Against / . Socond:.vie. P'03 -mo GIT7^;OF' S7:-,lT��iA" .e llLi' OFFICE OF CITY'CURK OUNCIL. i2E504UI ION 777 FORM; m f tr �"_'�"""• T? R, C1?"" CITY OF, ST.PAUL ;°u 'L.'NO OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' ' a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL.F�ORM A 19 1929 .` PREBENSED SY .. Nov. � t ° IRESOLVED -" In the,,;matter of oondemni.ng and taking an easement' fer the , - - . .., pnrpoas otoonstrueting and maintaining a'publio 8e�rer.in t a ,tunnel belpiw'elevatioa 180400 ft.• above city datura under th0 follow described property: A Strip"of land 20 it* and the line in width ao ons Tot J, To Country .P3aoe, center deaoribed as Zillowe: Commending of .Said strip being a liniiji at a point on ihe'oenterne of Carroll Ave. 20 ft. Beet. of the center line of Cre Ave., thence in a southwesterly direction to s point on, theloenter line of Marshall Ave.. 1438:82 ft west of the center of Cre"tin Ave., in connectiow arith Western Branch of Ei.ttaondale 3ewer# under Preliminary Order C. F. 83112,,approved Oct. 2E, 1929. - r EESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and: the aeme are hereby" cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in:guoh matter. discontinued• yu. ° n! _. .. .. -. -._ COUNCILMEN... �OV 19 Nays_ _ Adopted by the Connell 19 ' /Clancy WIQ1929 IrNHeedli. In favor M 19- Rohlend IQ t7 vV—BudLdmer - Against .. MAYOR Mr. SiC i dEvtp / .. ... FORM N0, Subject: Oouncil File No. 924 C. F. No. 63460 --Ry Otto W. Rohlend, Jr— Date Presented 1929 Wheren.. The. Commissioner of Pub. Utilities has reported in scco'r ,,n l with Section 63 of the City which e the existence of an emergenoyMliO rendered nnrgsenrY^rhe emiiioynrtment lm�i8s5�ne� the Oity Oharteriethe aexistencedofnall •ertnia►.�i'Ny .� �, <ti�tion o� emergency whish rendered necessary the employment of oertain:employes of his Department for.more than eight hours per day, and on Sunda$,said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers wiseauthorized foroextra the employ following name d employee at the rate other ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth; NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Geofte Dupre Maint.laborer 6 hrs. 4 hrre. .50 William Dupre " " 6 n 4 " Fred Leroux 6 2 ° •.50 55 Clifford Anderson Uthv. laborer S a •55 Gust A. Johnson Domenico Marzzitelli Ditch digger 155 5 Michael Marzzitelli 11 d •55 Rosario Niooletti " " Anthony Paduano " ° n ..65 '< Sam Tuminello Menh. Helier 6 Pasquale Del Fiakoo Harry A. Mennell Hoist.Engr.Gas 1 " .6 James Saporito Mech. Hel el"" .63 Sam Ranelli " n ?i A. Anzevino Ditoh diger '_' •55 Mat Roberto •55 J oe Grappal ie " ° u • 55 Angelo Maurizio " ° " -55 -_ Frank G. Moga a .55 •55. Harry Oas Uty. laborer Frank Dielke Dinah diger 8 " e :55 E. A. Schwartz '``��+��� Frank J. Rohland Cotmmon laborer 16 " .45 Dan Looney Herman Diesslin Ditch diger 11 n •55,. Nicholas Sauro Benedito Danno " " 12 " •55: Louis Gangi ° " 11 " •55' vitto Cocco " 12 " •55 Sam Papara Common laborer 11 " l It.0. Joe Detomoso Ditch digger 55 Ayes councilmen Nays Clancy a : NOV 19 Pearce Adopted by the .1929 Rohland Sudheimer Approved NOV 19!M1929 Ott 66040 Via$ PMS TM/ a = FORK No. 1... November 18, '1929 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Pu�1ic Utilities. Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment- of certain employes of' that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work; 2110ta1ling main intersection at Edacumbe -Road and St.Paul_Ave.* Connecting mains at 7th and Ocean Streets.$ Greasing ma.chines.## This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and o9rcumstanoes. *Finishing work ahead of -paving _ contractor. #Work had to be done outside of business hours ##HaLcl -to have machines for next de.y l s work. P L DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL CLAPeRN MODONALD IN FAVOR ROHLAND SUDHEIMER PaAGAINST ce XU1 ADOPTED BY THE JJNCIL.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Mat OFFICE OF THE.COMPTROLLER FILE -N01--.. COUNCIL'RESOLUTION lovembe AUDITED CLAIMS ----- - --- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRA WN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREG E AMOUNT OF i.•N B� - COVERING CHECKS NUMBS ED_ 0____.. IN A8 ..._ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN IFFI E OF CITY COMPTROLLER, .. _-••_-..-_.•6.. A ni umRGLLER r....._..___._...... KAYDR TOTAL DATE CH CK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK -- — CHECKS CHECKS C. F. No. 83451— on)UGHT FORWARD I L Resolved. That check, be drawn O .the City Treaear61 121 y, to the iaggrhecke i • amount t 534.977.51. r '. 32 pernbheck,21279e-a Inl the office Of theog Company 7 0 C Ity c Coo, ^'G Adopted by the Council Nov. 19, 1929. 79 Approved Nov. 19, 1929, r Gem or. of . 101 3 (Nov. 23-1929) 8, Ino. I rI.H� Rollins A Sone 1 1.999 1. 2121! Gso.c.Sldhelmer, Con Ir. of F . 27 019, 2 21254 000,04udheimer, 0om1r. of F . 17 0 21245 YoelLes' Vital Works 305 2126 reysi construction company l921 2126. N. G. suer" - 15015 15 0 i 21299 Thornton BTOtb 78 Company 212x9 Henry J.orepesu.°Guardian fo Children, of A. Duchene 9a 21290 0bristine Ranson 2 21291 August L. Sohenpf Guardian 37 9 21292 jre. Zthe1 Z. Pa;Ier. Gaardi I 26� . 21243 Dr. R. 'M. surae 55. 0 21284 Drs. Ohatter4,on & Von dar ITS1 r 5� 0 21, Dr AI, J. DOW 15 0 21 Dr. A. g. Ift . 2 21597 ;fir+ Larsen, Wheeler A gold 21294! 'Phe 11111ear .0linic � 3 21299 Dr. >�d$ar Norris ! 21300northern PaoiS a Hospital 0O 21301 Dr. kn 4. Prendergast 21362 St.Jorleph#s Hospital 5 21303�j Supaul Heogtal 2Y304 Dr. Geo.N. Snyder 6 213005 R.P. Adams; ? 2 b R.B. Smith Q 2 .67 Mr. Frederick Mann 10 21j9Z Vies Louise Markert 33 4 21309. Miss Bell r. Nettling 21310 Mise Ruth Turn9uist 12 $ 21313. Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company 21312 Geo.c►8udhe1mess, 0021r. of 27 2131 Aneiloan insurance Agency 72: I' 2131 2 a. RraAd Coal company j � 315 >sufP1alo voter Company 33 31 Tito t�gh B Robert' A. Burns 16 O 213X7 Caspbell Goal Oompany 7 • X1319 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Conpanyil 6 21319 Co-op. Laundry Company 21320 Oorn ng-Denohue Company, Ino -11142 21321 Didbild Safe d Look Company 2$1 21322 orset'Lakes Coal A Dock. Coup y 4 I 21323 Rerman`Dusbsoku 343 0 2] 32 n. A. Johnson <. It Son 21325 T Aon-sauer Insurance Ageno 89 o 67 21326 A.L. Law Agency, ono. 21327 George H. Moeller, Sheriff 219 0 Ji 21329 Northern States Power Compau 267 9 2.329 1 N.W. General Electric Supply o, 7 9 21330 Victor 7G.•Ray Corporation i' 6S5 1 21331 white Eagle Oil & Refining C pang 21332 York -Willis Agency 30 00 ti SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 71495 6 4 J; , • r s�,.' r_ -., `. of YT-PpaouvTG 8ennoz • ;r zEruoN Abd• M6aC ob RNs oeuPeL'ob Qx'o�oeII9z. J=Gily s o�vv-s�$Fsg3-3'yes-CszA O�T�TJ .�`0 9'.bOug�O�u �''QT�.B�x'17 yAn•a .�, jJ9AQ9 �a g T1llLBcS�`63+JZag IT T'A 11 osuFez 7;ue o csa�oTS. �TaB-� �p � s,a.� ob .p Co a o u a�Jebo;u� ou �Fo. arA;b ps;u4 s JTAa gaacssps-car 82 o�-oMgs g=ostr eT. retie ob sa7q, bozme3:J7L bJgFReq sg :X>4wa33r6%.6s Tbg�x ; a yoennapXb Sa.. b -_� enq FNe� bs=. o �o�sxrrmec�s _' ...2Q�Tos1 35 z?sAbJsoe. S,o[au s�srq Cor7sr� s sqb ob J q -� �_ = T:sr .so oss Tod geoCS.;Aeq bxobsz �: TSO-00 .4,• sports',CT4-S-<- 3�� � ^rte gy �Fg. ��TToNTjjlR ivement by the City of St. Paul; vis Aide:i: sad . t si sisbel ft. to a H" to X as zwstrls ACIM __ter 1 aw�xljr 3 -1 -Me M iae oi' Of 50" ft. 6si 8t. extended eist e1-� #3as sothevsrdy corner of Lot. 5, Bion][ 47,. - -ww&den ssd est On& Isabel St. to a width of 50 ft.' from S#s:t:� 4 to Iembel 8t. (.tri Prospect Plateau) by -taking,. 'Paul 9 &vto or ute 3 and 8, Block 47 Rest Si. aim opL a of 235 ft. co neaoing• ,pr�+T>e=y ;tis>-- = zsfre;r 1 u4w, -bme rediae 1 47 Meet St. Paul. Proper, at the gyres 'to eaAc--ftr sly lice or vot Block 13 Lot, the neater of said curve being the ryc ;ism• Bhp i =ce ae of - said,.. - -: Ziab `moi `-fl`ostcr'esr'8t: 6aten!'1`e'd an '=$S ft. essC]-F _t-=E>ers ei3g corner of.Loi fi,=Block 47, Rest Sty ��� Propez. .. WWI I -M § PU 7 ane f *<4 r� ...... t. ... t p h rOV 2' ,' ay"s gcrgfz;�c :Q TamF:e cs�E ex �',� �3�` ��.s�� ��. �� ,off i•Q-� � �3I=i3�1t �1� ,�i'��� 8�' ccs�F}u �c�� � 3461 AND In the matter of.Qo4m, widm3 m and .extending iWest,.D.iM at.. .... from .......... St. Peter St. to Market St.by taking and condemning in Block 19, Rice & Irvine's Addition, all of that property lying southerly of,the follow ing described line; Beginning at a point on the south line of said black ,and seventy (70 feet) east of the southwest corner of said block thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the easterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 19; 16 ft from the northerly line of W. Third St.; thence easterly in a straight line, 16 ft from and parallel to the northerly line of W. Third St. to the westerly line of St. Peter.; and in addition 'thereto a triangular piece of property at St. Peter St, measuring 82 ft along the new northerly line of W. Third St. and 82 ft on the westerly line of St, 'Peter St,, M 81443 under Preliminary Order..............�Q Q. approved..a y......�3 ..'....... 1929 .... Intermediary Order.............................., approved..........hX19...�,;.a....;�.. same, now tinermore oe a had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or'easements therein, awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and 'condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Adopted l the Council......,.,.............................................19........ Approved.............. I�8 ,19 ouncilman Ferguson O Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland (ie�iatHteimer- Councilman Wem4 - ?*A- � Mayor Hodgson 1t s PUBLISIZI)44Z�- 9 {Y ;<3t Pff4CC at`:!b jdnrke"`k, by oponing, widening -and extending std Market ,St, by taiking and condo :Addition, all of that property ly described line; Beginning at a p and seventy (70) feet east of the noxtbeapterly in a straight line, i �Q of �sid hook 191 H ft fro �` hence easterly in a straight lin a noherly line of 17, Third St, t and in addition thereto a triangu measuring 8,J f t along the new nor f f on the westerly line of St, Pe `s 4 approved...-.....Juna..lq,.•.1929.. Resolved: TION PROCEEDINGS ............................... I............................. st Third St. from St. Peter St. zing in Block 19, Rice & Irvine's 1g southerly of the followAg lnt on the south line of said Block southwest corner of said block thence a point on the easterly line of the northerly lineof W, Third St,; ,16 ft from and parallel to the the westerly line of St, peter; it piece of property at St, Petor St, )erly line of 1N, Third St, and 81 That the following improvement be and the. same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: .................... :open, widen and extend'West Third Sl.,.from St. Peter St. to Market St. by taking k#d.cond3mning in Block 119, %ce & Irvine's Addition, all of that property lying southerly of the following described line; Beginning at a point on the south 1 ne of said block and seventy, (70) feet east of the southwe6t corner o said block thence northeasterly in a straight line to.a point on th easterly line .of Lot 5 of said Block 19, 16 ft from the northerly .easterly of W. Third St.;°the4ce easter' in a straight line, 16 ft rQlg and parallel to the, northerly I line of`�.,Third St. tb tie We'steri Ione of St. Peter St.; and in j addition the.rat,o a triangular piece,of,,,property at St. Peter St. measuring 8� ft along the new north,rly line of 71. Third St. and 82L ft on the westerly line of St. Peter S�. �,.,,-••---�......�,.. .,sa..-m mas..�......,,t,.w.v;TA:�w y'»;r, i�Fi:e southerly of the.following descried line: Beginning t apo n i the south line of said block and �eventy (70) feet east of the south- west corner of said block thence northeasterly in a straight line to .a point on the easterly line o Lot 5 of said Block 19, 16 ft straight'` p r thence easterly in a S from the northerly line of Thud St., of +cr, Third St. line, 16 ft from and parallel to �heanortherly ld in ie thereto i to the westerly line of St Peter; triangular piece of property at Sti. Peter St. measuring 82 ft along the newnortherly line of "'1.IIT^ird St. and 8z ft on the westerh. r line of St. Peter St- ........... ............... t............................ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald �........... ........fir .................. Councilman RohlandMayor` Councilman Sudheimgr Councilman Wenzel /(� %/ .. U UCI1� l L) Mr. President,; Hodgson 77. FINAL ORDER IN. CONDE NATION PROCEEDINGS I,T A and extending �." opening, widening t 'St. by -�Marke taking and con Addition, OLIJ of that property oorjDed line; Beginning at a Ah� nortbeastrl j U, j r; MUIR t Third St. from St. Peter St.:, ing in Block 19, Rice & Irvine's southerly '-7o�jj,��foq � � of the fo V M,, nt 00"', , Mm under Preliminary Order N90 ------- -------- approved — - ------ T-VZM-19-r 1929- Itaolved: (1) -That the following improvement be and t6 same is hereby ordered to be made, VIZ.!......_..-- --- IZ.!............. .. . "open,,widen and extend-lVest Third St. from St. Peter St. toMarket St. by taking and condemning in Block 19, Rice & Irvine's Addition, -all of that property 1-ying,southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said block and seventy (70) feet east of the southwe6t corner of said block thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on the easterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 190 16 ft from the northerlyline of W. Third St.; thence easterly in a. straight line, l6 ft from and parallel to the northerly line' of "Third St. 16 the wester y line of St. Peter St.; and in addition thereto a triangtalAT,piecb.of.prqpert7 at St. Peter St. a , 8ff1 ft measuring 8'a ft along the new northerly line of 111. Third St. and on the westerly line of St. Peter St. i .,rn southerly of the.fo owing described line: Beginning a t apo of the the sousouth- th lne of sid block and seventy (70) feet east �61 northeasterly in a straight line west co rneriof saidablock thenc to a point on the easterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 19, 16 ft Prom the northerly line of 1?,r. Third St.; thence easterly in a straight o�t e north. �rly-line of '1- Third St. line, 16 ft from and,pural ' lel t and in addition t -hereto a to the westerly line of St. Pete triangular piece of property at St. Peter St. measuring 812 ft along the newnortber and Bu'" ft on the wester177 -ly line of 1!7�. Tlird St. line of St- Peter St. Councilman Clancy 0 Councilman Councilman =021d. Councilman Rohland 7, Councilman Sudheimer /LT Councilman Wenzel Phu 7Y Mr. Presidentj Hodgson mayor, 777 77 �9ti2 FINAL ORDER IN. CONDEMNATION NOCEEDINGS one kten t �pehtuq, widanin�� In �th4p�la�t�q ,r DB�PgstrmAlCd 8trtrorcl' ........................................................................... .. r ,ming, widening extending 'Fest Third St, from St. Peter St, t N IarXet St, by taking and condemning in Block 19, Rice & Irvine,.,s..; 'Addition, all of that property lying southerly of the fo { described line; Beginning at a oint ,o and seventy (70) feet e t northeast. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be� and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of melon¢ the said improvemenisLviz ._................. ................ ......... In Block 19, Rice w Irvinets Addition, all of that property lyinE southerly of the.following described line: Beginning at a'point on the south line of said block and seventy (70) feet east of the south- west corner of said block thence northeasterly in a straight line to .a point on the easterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 19, 16 ft from the northerly line of 1':'. Third St.; thence easterly in a straight line, 16 ft from and ,parallel to the northerly line of '7. Third St. to the westerly line bf St. Peter.; and in addition thereto a triangular piece of property at St. Peter St. measuring 82 ft along the netiinortherly line -of W. Third St. and 82 ft on the westerly line of St. Peter St. p Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald y, .............:..: s...................... Councilman .Itohland Mayor. Councilman iQ Wremer / �j / . ie- Councilman Wenzenzel �Mr. President, Hodgson D "a IN PROCEEDINGS Mrd ��, f room S�, peter S�, .n Block 19, Rice & Irvin ither1v of the described line: Beginning at' point and seventy (70) f W (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for thLurpoof .WjL id improvements, viz- ............... ;TlJ-, UL 1[� 1—, U j �LTVIJ�Ln JVL TUce o;, L;, 0 L C, 4: , u4 ! f �0 42 True C)- T;j ()jj Adopted by the Con -e,].. ............ 119 Approved ................ 19 Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald .......... Councilman Rohland ................ .... . ..... MaYaL Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr. President; Hodgson __0 -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS I Mrd S� � from a sllll nl II m lulu IIII 1 IIIIauNIlPgpl n I III Ili IIIIIIIIIIII uupalpll 11 IIII 1 atl n Inq II�1�� „11111 111111 III 0 0�,1 � 11 Yp tb0 ggtt C Si, b �a ir� ani con�059 ��I X104 "� , St, Petert to Maros ti Rice & Irvine's Addition, all of that property lying southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the south line of said block and seventy (70) feet east of the southwest corner . of said block thence northeasterly in a straight line to a point on' the easterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 19, 16 ft from the northerly line of w. Third St.; thence easterly in a straight line, 16 £t from and parallel to the northerly line of P1. Third St. to the westerly line of St. Peter St.; and in addition thereto.a triangular piece of property at St. Peter St. measuring 8Q ft along the new northerly line of W. Third St. and 82 ft on the westerly line of St. Peter St., under Preliminary Order.AQ79................ approved! May 3,19.29Iterediary Order.............. 8.1-4.4.3 ..,........... . ...... approved..._......June 19x_•_1929 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts pf the awards of damages therefor to the owners .thereof ' respectively, and the persons to whom such awards �re payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find. ° ing on said matters ........................................... ................... Commissioner of Finance. 4 S t November 20th. 1,329_ Sesmes. Asp �2 +sa�zaL sad V iluation Vnalneer, C ry -�Y Saint Paul. DAm as- S it s I In re the matter of open 1nCe s iciaa— in;; and extending nest Thir:3 -51t- fro*na St. Peter St. to Market StraepU_ As per your request'ae enclose objections to Z1s� sw3rda of damages in the above LMrovemsnt' by Lisa So1lc�wiag Louis Abrahamson, Owner of ry of Lot 7. B1ocic i�9, Rice and Irvinels Ac"1tioa. Salvation A _- ray, Owner of Ealy a oY IA t" 7 anti OY>0 1761y 1/3 of Lot 8, Blocs 19, Rice & Irvine 0s Acicii.tion_ Alica M. O'Brien, Part of Rice & Lwin@ •8 A1&1&it3.on- --- Irvine's Add., excapt Lhs northerly — 51.96 feet. Tows very truly. City Clark. In the matter of.. condo nine and. taking, an..easemen.. in..ahe land necessary. for 810 os outs and f,11s, in the ohanging of grade of co* Street mRIOto M g ►4q �A 410 N1 from Woodbridge St. to Matilda Aver, It -Nile '.. r9 oa6'evle tF^ 81860 pp July 16,1929 under Order-......... ._....: - a roved......... ...................... Intermediary Order -----..B2433._------ - approved ..... _... _Auust 28t_,I1-929 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, . for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it ' Resolved, That the taking d condemnationof the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is (hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. NOV 2 ' 1s29 Adopted by the Council . :................. .. ....------........................19......-. t, ..... ....... ... N O V � U 1929 City. Clerk. Approved....................................................1 19........ _.................................. M.........._ ayor. ..Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED / f --l34d 7 Councilman Mcllonald /v/ Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson i 8346 V FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS for slopes, matter of A ddemning,and_ta ing an easement in the land necessary ills in the changing of grade o>�•-�00 street•• from Rice Street to Ma ilda Avenue, and grading Cook St. to full ;width from Woodbridge St to Matilda Avei., �s� z r2`1- 1-w �y gree6+a1 r �. July 16,1929 ander Preliminary Order.. __ ..._.4,960.approved .�.`Z.1s,. 9..., PP d ................................ Intermediary Order.....- ..:., 14 approved.._..-Augus1.29i.-l9Z9 j I Resolved: (1) That the following Sem ement be an the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: .................... conde= and'take ane easement in t1le land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the changing of !grade of Cook Street from Rice Street to Matilda Avenues and grladiAg Cook t, to full width from Woodbridge St, to Matilda Ave,, (2) That the following land, 'lands or eaements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the p upon Cook from ae purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..-_t.b.0 .lgnd-„abutting 'e St. to Ma ilda Ave. and Cook St. from Woodbridge St. to M Ida Ave. to the extent shown upon the plan at- tached to the report of the Commi sioner of Public Works in the, matter dated Oct. 1, 1929. NOV 2 0 J Adopted by the Council. j> ii.... City Clerk. Approved.........................................19..._,.. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald _.............. -........................ ................... Councilman Rohland G Mayor. Councilman Sudheimer PUBLISIZE l/— �p Councilman Nftmml Mr. President, Hodgson L . 7777 77 04 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS easement in the Iand. nee.s.s.s.alry to the matter of and i f 'grade or slopes, cuts and 111131 in th� 0 ngo . ............. �06k 8treet from Rite Street to Matilda Yen* and grading Cook St to full width from Woodbridge St. to Matilda Avenue, �,Jy 16,1929 In erinediary Orden .. --..._$2`_...., under Preliminary Order ------- approved -- ------------ ----------------- t approved TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finan ! ce hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value lof the land, lands or easements therein taken. and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and, that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. Q. .............................. 1 ............ .............. ... . .. Commissioner of Finance. Council Filo No. .................... By..................................................... I CITY Ob! ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for i grading Alley in Blgok 21 Ruth LivingstonIs second Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under PrelimidAry Order -19.9.1j_. ..... Intermediary Order -80734._. Final Order ...._ 81100 _ approved.._-._Jtln e...32 ------------ -__ .19.28.. AP � ublic hearing having bhad upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment .. I having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted' to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEp, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �A n installmetl. ou 2 1929 Adoptedby, the Council......................................................................19......... i ......;.. A-4 1 YClerk, Approved ............... 1.-. ...�.........19.. -.. ........ ......._.._-...-.., Mayor. Form E. H. IB PUBLISHED � F CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of- Assessment Q9t.i.. 23 ..............19.. 29 In the matter of the assessment of benefit's, costs and expenses for ft grading alley in Block 2, Ruth Livingston's Second Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Stet, 79914 80734 under Preliminary Order. .......- .......pP ............. Final Order ......................... ..... Intermediary Order.... - - - ..... 81100 approved ........_J 19_29 Tune 12 ............................................ -....0 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to,be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $..3QQ.DQ------------- Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . 4-50 ............. I Cost of postal cards , . . . . . . . . $ fl. �Q ....._.. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . It $ - 6....0.0 .............. 4.50 .00.....---•---- 4.50 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $--------_---_-------------_ Total expenditures . . . . . . $ .'3-15-e.gQ---------.._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of$_si3l.>?`—N................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits eon- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such fiction thereon ass may be considered proper. F- n •••• FB. B. Commissioner of Finance. - -- _ Couneil He No ................................... By.................................:.:.......... ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Scheffer Street from Snelling Avenue to Pascai Avenue and Eleanor Street from gnelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, o - 'Ns k ���� ��fkl�p�r 'h�A`�kA1N["ei�F"r�Ar4'i��+;��ll`Xa�i'u'�� under preliminary Order 79773 Intermediary Order a00-02 Final Order.._.._BQ'afi8..___, approved A public hearing having been',had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same , to 'the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. is hereby ordered to be submitted,' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _....... / .............. equal installments. NOV21929 Adoptedby the Council- ........................................ _..................... .............. 19. ....... ..... ..... ... y Clerk. NOV 2 Approved------------------------------------- ---••------- 19 L� _ ....---..... .... Mayor. Farm B. B. IS VUBLISIiED / �''.r- —A r � ' 1 1 � V �8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ..,OG1a,..U.........,19.?,�.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits; costs and expenses for dtx grading Scheffer Street from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue and Eleanor Street from Sneltl.ing Avenue to Pascal Avenue, i 79773Intermediary 80002 under Preliminary Order...................... 7..............................7Y Order.... -- 0 - 80368April 23 19._29 FinalOrder ............. ..............•• ............---- approved ................ --...................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment�iz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.. § 237.00_•---- Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $ .............5.40....... Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . • $.............. 1.08• Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $••••••.104.74 ........................ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . , $• 5.40 Total expenditures . . . . . . . • $_51353.62 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $._5.x353.62.. -••______upon each and every Tot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and. which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. .Q. ----------------------_-----------•-•---Commissioner of F• F CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing-asewer on Geranium Street from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 255 ft east of Cortland Street to a point 110 ft east, 1 80620 odor Prdhinq Odder.,.,,,,,,..7§��.,,,, Z�terpordiary Order,,;,84�9�.,,,"..", Fiasl Order,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r., f approved...... MAY7 ... ........... .......... 19...�� A public hearing having been had upon the assessment 'for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered "to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FJbRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in--......---. ..... ._ ........ equal installments. NOV 2 Adoptedby the CounciL.................. .......... ...... ._.__....._..... ............... 19...:..--. ........ City Clerk. W9 --V 2 41 Approved... ------------ ------------------------------- 1.9 _........ ...- ....................._ ...._-----.....---............ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 ' PUBLISIJED�_ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment AGi,...2Z ................ 19.25. - In the matter of the assessment of benefits; costs and expenses for ft constructing a sewers on Geranim Street from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 255 ft east of Cortland Street to a point,110 ft not, under Preliminary Order............... -9.910 ...................... Intermediary Order......_80192 Final Order ...... __......._8Q02Q.................... , approved_..Xa.Y._Z.............................................19_29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve. ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . $•-225.00 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . $ 1.00 Cost of postal cards . . . . $........... ... 12 ............. Inspection fees . . . . . . 4....60 Amount of court costs for confirmation .$ .60 ...-...... ••............... Total expenditures 231 22 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $231 22.--.---- _ -_.-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him; and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be. considered proper. ..... ........... ....: .... ....... Fo B. B. 17 CO's 8 t i G, Council File No ................................... By_• ...................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment• In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and, expenses for constructing a sewer on Orange Street from Kennard Street to a point 30 ft west of Flandrau Street, S %it glf�li i OLB �a ,y 81180 ^ under Preliminary Order..._.80.4fifi......-, Intermedia Order ............................ Final Order ----.6159;; --..... approved-...___.-.Tu1.y-2. ...............19..29 A public hearing having been had. upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in allrespects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to: be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable nL--...... ........... equal installments. Nov2 0 - Adoptedby the Council- ----------------- --------- _.._-------- _......................... 19..... Approved .... _..... llov 2 �aexr.............19.:...._ Fmm B. B. 18 PUBLISIMD '�� rk. or. under Preliminary Order ............................ $Q4.6.6........... Intermediary Order -8118Q---------- Final .Order ......B].585---------- ------........ approved ............... July .. 2................... 19 29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . $.1,-Q43.QQ.------- 2.55 Coat of publishing notice . . . $................................ Ot51 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . .$---............................ 20.86 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $--- -_---------------------- 2.55 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $.... ............ .............. Total eapenditurea .. . . . . . $1x069.47 - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $.22069-17............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred-•therepp, that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..--..............................................._.........-.........------........-....... F.- B. B. 17 - Commissioner of Finance.. CITY OF 8T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on the south side of Wheelock Parkway from Mackubin Street to a point 183 ft east of Mackubin Street, 80723 81089 under Preliminary Order ...................... 79827 ....... Intermediary Order............................. Final Order...........................; approved ....... _.JIM -0._4 ... _ ...............19.29.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Courtof the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .......... 1 _9 .............equal.installments. Adopted by the Council. NOV 2_0:1 929, . ..................................... 19 r .. . City Clerk. NOV 2 01929 Approved.......................... _................. - ....... 19-....._ ...... ............ _.._... ---. ... .,ICT"� �._` ..., Mayor. Form B. B. 18 PUBLI?;= 02� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of.Completion of Assessment ..............19P. Iu the matter of the a88es8mcat of benefits�� costs and expenses form constructing a sewer on the south side of Wheelock Parkway from Maekubin Street to a point 183 ft east of Mackubin Street, under Preliminary Order.........7.00 .............................. Intermediary Order ........90..723 ...................................... , FinalOrder ........................... ............. approved .......... .Tlln8...4................................................ 1 19.29. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen. ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 422.00 Cost of construction . . . . . . , . ..$ ................................ 1.00 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $..------------. 09 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $........... I .............. 8.44 Inspection fees . . . . . . .$ .... _.......................... Amount of court costs for confirmati .45 Total expenditures i . . . . . . . . $,431.98 .............. Said Commissioner further reports!; that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of ..................i. ,QQ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by. $�.$�..•.. the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and (made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by.him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. I LILL F.- B. B. 17 C14$klRlRaioner of Finance. _ 83470 Council File No ................................... i i By........................................................ j i CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment Dwrit8 colts and arnsee for �G curbing Jessamine Str et, bothsides, from Areade Street to Payne Avenae, i under Preliminary Order -17-9-72 . Intermediary Order.7.9555.......... Final Order... -781.84---- approved ......... KIIKA .1 ._------ __..19.2.9 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the ouneil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore D That the said assess' ent be andAhe same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same RESOLVED, is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITHER RESOLVED, That the Said assessment be and it is 'hereby determined to be payable in ........... _....-_._......—equal installments. ND Adopted by the Council. ... ---.....-----7............ .... ......_................... 19...- 2 01929 City Clerk. _-------- AppropP ...... �i ved .............................._....----..... - 19...._.. � _...._. _._ ._ _......... _ ......... ....... ........ Mayor. Form B. B. 18 ' �V L = , 40 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE QF THE COMMISSIONER,OF FINANCE Report of ompletion'of Assessment Oct.%.23...............19... In the matter of the assessment of benefits' costs and expenses = for f i curbing Jessamine Street, both sides, from Arcade Street to Payne Avenue C ' 79555 tinder Preliminary Order.............779.9....................... Intermediary Order ........................................ Final Order.........79784 .......................approved.....................March1.3 ................................ 19.29. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: by reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- The Commissioner of Finance her ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction $:23.$eQ.:.41.......... Cost of publishing nonce $ 11.70 2.34 Cost of cards !i . . . . . . . . .$-•-•............................ 46.41 Inspection fees, . . . . . . . . .$ ............._................. a Amount of court cost$ [ for confirmation $--•---i1..'ZQ....----- Total expenditures . . . . . . . $2392-5.0 ........... I Said Commissioner further repoits that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the- sum of $.. `2392.! 56--,-„••j, ....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited -by the said improvement, and in thecase of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assess nt has been; completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, an made a pant hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. ................................... ..................................... .... F. B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 8c --app JfAKOI Clancy Ferguson L� McDonald Sudheimer Stenzel Mr. Press_ Hodgson Adopted---J� Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McGlogan McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr_ Pres_Hodgson _ _ - .. � _ T01`Ol�e� 1130$ $d-� -00 l 777"7 W Of o . 1�w ' (T fiSk £ n5A :os�ifi �-1 ��", j ,.- c1a�, r2•�n. �.� tit �. }� u4�AmaeMi �Nf4iNf rJYx� A'���i!T�3��i,�F. �+d�+.{�.%1 GPiW W' ..ir?����`�itS�-� r��FP�4��4 ��h�rFa, )• !k ,i•, a n �q 4 s = i z i 5T_ m ��RY•s f I - 0'• _� \ �-\ !b z rA �4V �o-r�- %- - - --- - - - �4¢ ---# _ � 3011 GiiiiR 4. \ . .� °s` wa" __ - � ` \ ._:�. ��� . �-✓;s d �_ '..A '." ....p. _ �♦ y o !� " c� \� CJ _ _ Q 7i �, e� � _ - oz o.c�cs. .. 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Trk b _ it CARD__ �. �`_-'a-.` `a• t4 �`p• .s:- n7w, \'��� � 18*0- 0 q 3-. U ° 7i • _ 4 ' \ - - ol Op le ��� �•� � ti _ _ -' � �'r ! '•"q �i y l4- �-_ �09`Ln__-�--� -_. --kr _ _ —_._ . ----�- _ -..._ _ d/ ,/\ -�� �i %•-, n - - V`✓Sps' --- -- -- ---_ __ --- _----- - _,r - -___ =- - - --- ke_$-i_�-f -�} ---a _ _- -._ i • A,- ? _ iy I 1%� 1/C -1�_� - - = - -fes _ < Pav¢dTcea Driveway q _ � - � :-�"--' -J •ti - _ . \ / 3 / - moo' �- �. 4a - - - 7u a'�% -- -- — - - _ ,� ,qc, •.� .., ,_; � � ! - \ ,. - - c -c -sem\ -, /'�. .4 - -33, i or - _ - .—_ ---_ —_ __- _ ,F='. -_ _ __ co_ ___fav¢=n 13"r �Z_.- ... 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VI J j C}�_ snia.rx ate e -' R - _ ,v [,'Gf7.? 'T_!ELOT Z/ y1 TN �- `�� e // GjC P4 \ / / _ a'sc !St c.� ¢ cS sid¢ cF 9 r"and /D- Sh:. 1(p lYYnfl.' - £i h!h a, 6rova Slx _ � `•.•' '•i• - '--, -^a3 v /./• '� \-' - -.h. ✓G:•'•`'. -T S.� £ZOIUS!S•r. PdtdfeC'J�Y• --- �\ C N > \ - \R 0.MER CANDY CO_ S YL S2 Con4 N4155760' -�-37,9-- R 9-- _ L' o:�: �Rg .40 ow^ and r-ainfaen. - --. "B 4a- _ Ry. to Qi,5ain at exp pf F:-rvF i .••�sr' i_, r=T- r - __ - - '� fo .na-nta•n at exp.- .� This Ccni. yCorcrs p cc'd f !err ar-a f� 6o, �] - �� swikhmo crack. 5uperscCcs _. _ = rr i 'S _ _ • 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ \ d` Ry. new owns �rz.c3c 6 ,s' \•\,, �� - �_a_-_-_._-� �. `a �C./j hQJ `dt' s,` ".fc.?A nd E- - �o _ _- - ` A" b;4 ¢n A" s�� \ ?:S?(D L8A co_� Res 30 _\ 'i..�__ _ \ .�• .. r %� �� / p•a v, ��_-��r?'`._ s`wc ^ rye .. -'- .. 9.`'t , G r � oh c \ �i `0'\" J`• Qa \7... _-sr+r \\ _ ��/ / _QT _. _ �. _- - -10 ° ��be\`/ .� (� , — _ �c al ' � �' o - / �`�..o B9_; `'► �C'_� d -- - - - - - - `-tzrj t A r e k° 53;� F. X cl , .9 a an!s r t 40 ay SPu� L ,+'v!P AVS' SR. CO. SPUR - _ < " `-r- os3 v'oY r: E �.ar ate€ S.S n t,:..,. regi �._ - - '.;�{t-En!p} nand mamtam' =.- _ nd -R�. o -saint P ti lnd. , �' znd a c oss _ s.._ _ s. be wc,er Cocust ►� - , `CYE G� iIUiV YL,I - = ALLEN-, - _ -- - _ _ _ -u �S 43 A .F usi N. J 92 �_ -. O`1 •.. �`"•... '- / ay. .,L -.._ S ..._.\Y.v, - r- ._.\s _ -�.Z � �b� of � �. U .S P m/� �, '�• / � ._ _ _ •_a 5 _ _ _— ./ a-- f7 SZ 6p W'"� �\ - F:4 .`. _ _ 6b-�� ,'2 �d� j �-�r - k - a - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ -- - ,Gq s c 3 - C G Tr k A_AMER CCAN ` _ �., `U•. e ,-.. iy... .�,'p-. _ x - - � s / 47 _ / • ' V . �. � atC - ..tprr f ` ¢ \ 37 36 l '``+' q _ _ '- = = - t." d� "'-� "� •C.. O r - - y - / � .�. �.? -; \�, e\°tea' '� .r� :/ w , � '� / `Qf \,� \ �-\. - - � 9 t. '\b.'' /, /`. y -c �♦- - _ __-_ _ ___ __ _ _ [ - f_ _ . ^__ _ - _ n - sP �_ — --- t r v _� / --- PETIT ON To the Honorable the City Council of the City of St. Paul: Under and by virtue of ordinance No.3928, approved July 5, 1917, the Council of the City of St. Paul granted to Great Northern Railway CompaIny, its successors and assigns the right to construct, and operate a standard guage railroad track or tracks at grade acrossl!certain streets in Paterson's Addition, St. Paul, among them Somerset Street, between Pine and Olive Streets, said ordinance providing that said track or tracks were ".....to be used in connection with the new freight term- inal tracks and buildings of said company, located on the prem - ices bounded by Grove,, John, 8th, and Pine Streets in the City of St. Paul." Your petitionerlrepresents to this honorable body that efficient railroad operation in connection with -said terminal bounded by Grove, Johnl 8th, and Pine Streets requires the re- vision of tracks laid thereon, and for the relief thereof, the installation of two additional tracks.to be laid over and upon blocks 2 and 3 of Paterson's Addition, and across Somerset Street between Pine andl Olive Streets and the alley in block 3, Paterson's Addition,'I, as shown on the attached plat, said tracks, save where they'; rill cross Somerset street, to be whol- ly on property owned by, your petitioner; and to be'us,ed and op- erated in connection with and for the purpose of relieving con- gestion in the said ter iral bounded as aforesaid. Your petitioner, therefore, prays this honorable body to grant to it the right tc'construct the described additional tracks over and across Somerset Street and the alley in block 3 of Paterson's Addition] substantially as shown on the at- tached pri nt . Your petitioner further represents unto this honorable body that under and by virtue of ordinance No.5102, approved May 28, 1919, the Council, of the City of St. Paul granted to Great Northern Railway Company the right to construct, maintain, and operate a spur track of railway over and across Somerset Street between Olive and Pine Streets and across Olive Street between Somerset and Grove Streets, and across the alley in block 4, Paterson's Addition, as shown on print thereto attached. Your petitioner, further represents that said track, as shown by said ordinance, is shown in yellow on the attached print. Your petitioner respectfully requests this Honorable body to grant to it the right to remove said track as.now locat- ed and constructed, and to replace the same with track across Somerset Street between Pine and Olive and across Olive Street be- tween Somerset and Grove Streets, substantially as shown in red on the attached print. Dated the fifteenth day of November, 1929. Respectfully submitted, GREAT NORTFMRN RAILWAY COMPANY By �• / lght of 4Jay, Lard �: Tax Comm'r RTIg0 yPCouncil To the xonora le theCity of they Under and by virtue of ordinance 110.3928, approved July 5, 1917, the Council of the City of St. Paul granted to Great Northern Railway Company, its successors and assigns the right to construct, and operate a standard guage railroad track or tracks at grade across certain streets in Paterson's Addition, St. Paul, among them Somerset Street, between Pine and Olive Streets, said ordinance providing that said track or tracks I were ",..,,to be used in Connection with the new freight term - located on the pm- anal �x�olc� �� i ses bounded by Grove, John, 8th, ands@��� of St. Paul." Your petitioner represents to this body that efficient railroad operation in connection with -said texFinal bounded by Grove, John, 8th, and Pine Streets requires the re- vision of tracks laid thereon, and for the relief thereof, the installation of two additional tracks to be laid over and upon blocks 2 and 3 of IFaterson's Addition, and across Somerset Street between Fine and olive Streets and the alley in block 31 Patersor_'s Addition, as shown on the attached plat, said tracks, save where they t -,i 11 cross Somerset Street, to be vhol- i ly on property owned by your petitioner, and to be used and op- erated in connection, with and for the purpose of relieving con- It ; gestion in the said terminal bounded as aforesaid. Your 3etitioner, therefore, prays this honorable body to s � i Sl s 1 RTIg0 yPCouncil To the xonora le theCity of they Under and by virtue of ordinance 110.3928, approved July 5, 1917, the Council of the City of St. Paul granted to Great Northern Railway Company, its successors and assigns the right to construct, and operate a standard guage railroad track or tracks at grade across certain streets in Paterson's Addition, St. Paul, among them Somerset Street, between Pine and Olive Streets, said ordinance providing that said track or tracks I were ",..,,to be used in Connection with the new freight term - located on the pm- anal �x�olc� �� i ses bounded by Grove, John, 8th, ands@��� of St. Paul." Your petitioner represents to this body that efficient railroad operation in connection with -said texFinal bounded by Grove, John, 8th, and Pine Streets requires the re- vision of tracks laid thereon, and for the relief thereof, the installation of two additional tracks to be laid over and upon blocks 2 and 3 of IFaterson's Addition, and across Somerset Street between Fine and olive Streets and the alley in block 31 Patersor_'s Addition, as shown on the attached plat, said tracks, save where they t -,i 11 cross Somerset Street, to be vhol- i ly on property owned by your petitioner, and to be used and op- erated in connection, with and for the purpose of relieving con- It ; gestion in the said terminal bounded as aforesaid. Your 3etitioner, therefore, prays this honorable body to grant to it the right to construct the described additional tracks over and across Somerset Street and the alley in block 3 of Paterson's Addition, substantially as shown on the at- tached print. Your petitioner further represents unto this honorable body that under and by virtue of ordinance No.5102, approved Play 28, 1919, the Council of the City of.St. Paul granted to Great Northern Railway Compa mi the right to construct, maintain, and operate a spur track of railway over and across Somerset Street between_ Olive and Pine Streets and across Olive Street between Somerset and Grove Streets, and across the alley in block 4, Paterson's Addition, as shown on print thereto attached. Your petitioner'f urther represents that said track, as shown by said ordinance, is shown in yellow on the attached print. Your petitioner respectfully requests this honorable body to grant to it the right to remove said track as now locat- ed and constructed, and to replace the same with track across Somerset Street between Pine and Olive and across Olive Street be- tween Somerset and Grove Streets, substantially as shown in red on the attached print. Dated the fifteenth day of November, 1929. Respectfully submitted, GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY �' lght o3 VlaY, band & Tax Comm'r d/so l a sxlfr - :Jb.� �:' Coo l �\�'. , ;•` RA_ _RCA111�O SPUR • j/ 1k �. $ c,^ L.D. 4 X4155762 -a - c.23,! 0 - j 'A'!oC'�g Ry. !o own and maintain. / \ �•s- .moi �g^ c'• io mamtam of up !00 �— „ `:� �// / `��- ^ ,•;. �" s� � ^� L.P. 0CertMjkcin}9 ) xk. Pers r- - �` h _ `� � .,may •\ `'s bctwecn �^A'�anE Ew owns as ` •F .x •.� - ... -0 � - .. ais.y 1 _.. b «, �• �24'Gatc-r'�j -=�iT�i a .. _ •� .. ,;, � `"' A���� 3 L�PIAM C6R.Co SPuw.- Lpraln5)S7•C.FN° _ .. _ ..._ -- �. ' :'' -:� .' z 0 0 - L� • •9'I : .D.teni. �p7i'F--- 72; 5 _ ...trhCtlCMfl'Johfir .. -� • �� ' N.g U Pf • : t0 own an mun�ti d voss and a E9mt r .. \ v •✓ r s`+ ,,; ' : �° ;John St, `ncand Ona 1 _. .,,. ..: �. .tea ..,•: ,.. ez.i�. .�-.f-; ..,. ,.� `. Jr: �.' D'' . "�.-__. ------ £.� { Is_ i2'�K'06dM 2A 6ak ',",€ ` r > — '�' e O �- �� <F, '� �� �ao�ib r - �, rµ. s n ��� 1. ,:d'j�--"'(.�"_`"'j.Cf`•-'[..^. - �' �+• ry .'1 , �t� ,�, `' "'n' -.� . /J/``�� � ::3d a 62Gs� { JW .•j•,. , •� ?r �° : i�Aoy� 173 s%T T Paved �. Drtver ay D i _ s Brit' ,o :' ',. ti• :'� , � �' ! / \�`la �' m � � `+ q"�` �_- rick Paveoi \ .. •. G R F,,V'Y N O N T ii E F N 'r lEiwm i .NAF 1? V. ry DV ,s P _ s RANi$EY CO., MINN. '4 iron Mon. i— 8TH. ST. FREIGHT TERMINAL. Y. X --tc_ 9 l SEC'S'� N •3'l 31 � 32, T. ,�.�..i ., R. r..,.. - ' - �' \•� i ` - �'// i �� �� � � 4CAL,F 1�N ,f?p .T JULY, I03R 4 g PUBLICATION NOTICE Dec `16th. :925 ACCUTOO �Y GR]jAT NORUM AMINAL RAILWAY OF ORDINANCE M. 7147 PASM BY HB COUNCIL OF THE CI TT 01 ST. PAM, -M=E 10, 1929. GRWAT MR7HR9N RAILWAY COMPANY and GREAT NORTUM TMMNAL RAILWAY MMPANr es�oh for itself, its successors and as- signs, hereby accept ordinance No.1147, passed by the Council of , the City of St. Paul, Dece�ber 10, 1929, and each respectively hereby agrees for itself, its successors and assigns to keep,per- form, and abide by all the terms, covenantal requirements, and conditions in said ordinanc contained. IN TRSTIM ly F said Great Northern Railway Company and Great Northern Terminal Railway Company have caused this ac- ceptance to be executed by heir respective presidents and sear. retaries acting unde the a}athority of their boards of directors, this day of December$ 1929. It presenoe of: OAT NOR RAILWAY 0000 "I A w /^ GRAT NORTHDTDRHINAL RAILWAY COMPANY II re13i dent. test ` secretary.- es PUBLISHED i3}• ACWTANCS Y GREAT I4lRTRDRN MENAL R91WAY 01 ORDINANCE IC 7147 PASSRD %Tg COUNCIL OF THS CITI OF STA� 3CM 1,.10 19994...,_ u.iw-4A.da++ r • � Yrrrr GRMAT NRTHIM RAILWAY COMPAQ and GREAT NORTEERN TffitMINAL RAILWAY COMPAN each for itself, itssuccessorsand as- signs, hereby accept ordinance No.7147, passed by the Council of the City of St. Paul, Deoem�er 10, 1929, and each respectively' hereby agrees for itself, its successors and assigns to.keep,per- form, and abide by all ,the terms, covenants, requirements, and �;�� �� ���d ard��na' oon�a�ned► IN TISTIONY I 01 Paid Great Northern Ra IVAY 00'PaiV and Great Northern Terminal Railway Company have caused this ac- ceptance to be executed by their respective presidents and sea- retaries acting unde the authority of their boards of directors, this day of December, 1929. In presenoe of; GREAT NOR RAILWAY COMPANY ildent, �41 ZA Attest GREAT TN MIM RAIINAY COMPANY f[j W,9.6 1AG,A V 1 Secretary.1 PUBLISHE / J° � OWCN C. OUNN,- T �Iw[ CNiv 'V/i II 1 - MICNA[L aO[-i�1�T�' � � - �,]�at C11RMN ��mLa� a CX OAR T �APrARATus i- a: il:`•swN :�! -- - -` - J. M. CLANGIf. CotitrssslON[R-:' B. I. fiMON. v: 6. full. OP '[7rwsszc - O. . , • -- -� - HARRY T. O•CONNn R�- - - COMMIttION[R JJOaItt L _ - A. IL NICNOLi. M: O. • -" BURCAU Or �IfI RC tmROTCCTION -.. .- JOt. MACAULAY - OIV1610M OF WIRC t-RCVENTION _ JOHN tU1T. rOLtG� a. fZ1l�. ALARM-. - - - .ONIn. N[ALTM IM.PteTOR - - -. - WILLIAM BARRON. 4=—s I.aaP6eTow November 12,1929. C s 1Ss2oner of Pnbllo SareZyl, Dea mc, Sir In regard to the a"iica.tion of -the pn1111ps 1P6-*---:3r,4cn,2 4eru=m Company for permiseiozi -bo install one.1000 g� -ozs a ddltional . storage taxac, and one 10 gallon visible their filling. _ste,tion located at 71 !fest 3rd .St. We have investigated -b?38 Xoregoing and report t desired; additional Storage would not greatly 3,a4C_- .86 the fire hazard in t?sat vlo%n!,ty. - RSSpeotSu7.ly yours, !31'az Y Inspector. - s g f - _ MARKETING DEPARTMENT - -.3L ­C A- NORTH MIP NM"OLIS, T. B. NANCOCK - DIVAION MwNADCR Aatoltx BZ' 28, 1929 Honorable City 00=Qil, City of St. Paul Lttentiont W. J. Barron Year Sirs We wish to install oalo additionwl I PI, 0()o tank Visible at ourafilling atstioxd one',fidl L ss �latn71 West 3rd. Trasting that thi a wai 11 mast with your approval, we are IrCF s very truly, PH2Z.�SY3PETAqLww Co. 8GS/ jm St 24mi Age 1 � L J MRNANi. : .. - - - Ctatapt or routs - C. DUN", _ - .. R.1. * �iY� . ONOAR LANDLNC 7GY` -. II_ 5.��#a` FDUI NIRI ., t .' MIC41AfI. OONARDT MiI'.•callfF Or ro •"•� p �jy`{► WILLIAM OMRON< \,II� �►1 . CNIt/INN[CM11 FIY.I ii�i.� . +►�N CNARI.ff,L.WILL if -- - J.- M: G%►NCY. Goe�rtsato►ltu fUR. O►'A"AIMTIU ' 7NOMA.f " onit.�a.L. JUMOK Ab r - ar . RRY T. O•GONNEL.L.:4tsrurr C_OMMlffloNflt ,,f F flMori. M g8ow <• fYF7. or TRArrac - A ". N16NOIJI. R. D. DOYTT:NRAL 0�►tesR - A L. "66"RT. at CDUWr Mous" _ JOHN MAJM. YOiM*" �Mfi'fCTO'R - _. _. - - CNIV. Nt11L" IMa►[OTOaI .�a ���„Joe. MACAUGAY:- .fury. roLaCs O.-Faatat l►s_arR>.r-.. :. _ - '.' povembor air D Y. Birdsall, City Clerlc�: St � Pau3 , ltiassaesota 31aar 3'ir ed hare*Lth is the appYioeition of ge-b r _ for permission �to instal •s bulk Oi the Mileage l Co. ltsat oa the ssoirthsast ooiwer of Mood nai a inspeotion sad. approvl �tar]aey 3treata-�` eLnd _ repo' x-t of -- --ie -trcdY mMR%#--=-- -- ---- -- Co®missionsr of Pnb o Safsty- MURNANE.' -. CitIIMF OF'PoYGB ' G DUHN. -_ /R� �Y1 (���I/ - c MICNAlL 6EBNARDT. A.K CIII.OL,PoLICB DBCOWEN AR L/►llaB7t. -- - •.. ABBY. F7Ri,CN/V: Of lu'btii � CHARLIM - e.. DREGTIVv - - iurr., or - .., AIY\TY. O., J, M. CLANCY, COMMIii1ONCR _ ec F. BIYON. Y. D. NBACT. CNM4IzB '1YFJ. OI TRAAIG - HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY GO1+E1+B;�S>tONiR-' - N.t:liOLi. . '. _•r _ DOYlTi. fiEALTN C.Fieo BUREAU OP FIRE PROTC6T I0 l�E ' - - JOHN MAma". ' JOt. NACAULAY:' - BUR. PoLICE -. PRE - DIVIBION OR FIRE PREVENT1CMW - NAND YINN./OTA.H. - - WILLIAM BARRON. CNIXI INBPicrOR a®I Novsml ier 18,1929. Mon. J.M. 00L A9W-3N'=4CWy 0O=l15 iiOz3L4dMW--Mc at publio Safety, st.Paul, 31EJL Dear Sim " 6 o the Mileage 0:1.1 Oo. bulk mo for pernsisa ��ea to install a bulk stors.ge plant on the north» fta I corzaar east - Starkey Strsa-t s -w Three 15,000 gaIIOU 4_ f anda tanks args 'bs �astalled• s $ investigated the forgg<312zag and report that suoh an ias��'�'� stioa at the desired '1oaaion` would not great- ly inor643A.46W-IMEMW --u-13e fire hazard in that vics#.zzayB A'estipiao-t:Fully yours, Ohisf :EasPeotor ~ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made X10 % �,------------------- ` �- �(NAML OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE (•DRI [ N R •INt1O[ AAMOC) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON— ----- _—_-- L fI AL60 DESCRIBED A6 �_ {T— �=�'i �oTRR)T�'�"•"41))//r NO. OF PUMP6 ---NO. OF GAS TANKS------_ -------CAPA..TY OF EACH TANK—_--C,i.'j/—— FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY_-___--_ � -_ ---------- BUtIN888 AD,DR):BR. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CL R YCITY PLANNINNG/BOARD �e-�seBen Victoria and Milton' ziecessasy guys, w1res, anchors and Telephone wires. �'stims.te #1O,02S. _ POST CARD NONCE Z OFFICE OF THE COMM1SSIONE'42 '(6AP St_ Paul. Mian-.------- 1q CylRi---_-__.1CWR? Pursuant to Section 5 of the Buildiag Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St_ Paul, July 7t16. -1922, you 'aie hereby notified that the application of Roy(;Ekm 1;7611 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- --- ---------------- bo erect and install a filling station on the _HaRtAXI&D pg-Fe- -Ela�to 8_i-Lon----lots---Z-- Sk --- a,,---YQi111ua--- 8ub....--of---- B1Lls. _57� - iyman- Day__ton- s--Ac1cZ-_----- - --- ---------------- - - will come up for consideration before: the Council in the Council Chamber is the City Hall and Court Hogse Suildiag on the. --------- 19th----- . --------- day o£ __- NOv.__---_-_- 192-.__, at 10 o'clock A_ M. GM. C. SIIDELETMrR, Commissioner of Finance. slon 1186 Or wP/L1GNT_ BY ` suawesa wooRcas. RECEIVED COPT' PROM CITY CLAaK CITY PLANNIN/G�yA D lJ 4 MY -- -_ *U— POCK- 6 W..ems Aa_ws<f� 7iovember 12, 1929 3Sr D — W. Birdsall, IIity 4=34sr3ca 8a.sam-1= Pante Minnesota. nsa=7- S -1-Ir Returned herewith is tha appl3Loa.tion of Rvy Caaspball for permission to isaatal a cir3L.va—in gasoline t3113.sa,g station on the northwest oorr�ar o-lrl Hastings and 3p1s2QmjL Streets, and reports of inapaotioa aLa,3 approval as he. Bard and traffio . Very trzaly Zrv:io s, a io L4m= of Pablo Safety RNAN-. -' - ON, or rO.-- �iiu of 6Fltltl OWW C. DUN". CNItI . - NA6{. GzmHARDT. MICas _ OtCAR LA AlwoT. �1Ri CNIV CNty -W POLiCs ,app {� �}� TM} 'fyRy■+� } Q �� L WI IAf/mijumom. N. A. VALL'. - OArTAIN OF nCIiCT — iVL ►i lil�l{L iWiaL e _ 1MVRCTOm.�Y CHARLp L. WILLIS. - - .THOMAS S. OAHILL. - ,J. M. CLJ\NCY. GOMM1Qsi0i.[ER Burr. or ARARATUS JUNIOR CAR. OW D iYii. Q. N. RwRrusi. HARRY T. O•CONNELL. MSrtJ'rY R sINON. M. O. OrrIC— iurr. or r--H—lVmH - .. _ - A. C. NICHOLS. M_ O_ - A. L. MOO R7. LICtNGt INNKGTOR - itt COURT NOUS- 13- r NNALTN OrsIO-R - Jos. MACAULAY. I _ JOHN MARTI. CHIv HIIALTH INSI.K."!OR - *U— POCK- 6 W..ems Aa_ws<f� 7iovember 12, 1929 3Sr D — W. Birdsall, IIity 4=34sr3ca 8a.sam-1= Pante Minnesota. nsa=7- S -1-Ir Returned herewith is tha appl3Loa.tion of Rvy Caaspball for permission to isaatal a cir3L.va—in gasoline t3113.sa,g station on the northwest oorr�ar o-lrl Hastings and 3p1s2QmjL Streets, and reports of inapaotioa aLa,3 approval as he. Bard and traffio . Very trzaly Zrv:io s, a io L4m= of Pablo Safety Havember 8, 1929 ?,dr - J. M. Clancy, -�Izsloner of Public Safety, SML&xrb Paul, Minnesota. mar Sir: Referring to application made by Rog Campbell mor permission to instal a drive—i±S gasoline filling statLon on Lots 5 and 60 Block 57, Lyman Dayton) s actal:bIon, also described as tis6 northwest corner of ---S�LstLugs —and -Plma--Streets, gill say that I have made ----- t?cie customary inspeoticn and _cio eat find that such a station wLil interfere Frith traffic very truly y/o,u�rs Cg " H. Berfus , Superintendent of Traffic IL J..MYRNANS. (situ of Sant vain ARs Cy v~ MICHASL MSMNAROT.AssT. _ : o6CaW F -- As .. C—I or P aL As Department Qf lR�tIQ 1 .- - - WILLIAM EARROM_ - N. M- VALL. -CAIIAIN Or ow—wnYti - -Safet _ - .... C—mv �NRIiCTOR. lIRi-IR�YtMTiOM LJ A HI . L .. THOMAS 6- OL J. M. CLJ►NCV. COM M l,SSIIOPIOt CHARLSS L- M/lLi_i!. - - SYR.'or JYNIOR. CCW �rMCls�r<S - HARRY -r. O•CCNNQJ- OWrY COA.rasi a M. r. SIMON. M_ C31- 0. H. MARFUSS. SUPT. Or TNAVV= - - OF POLICE - H—WH O/>recaa . WaSRT. BUREAU OQUTT MSi�LTM OIi.CO� L�csxss INsrses'oR - ROOM 112 COYRr HOVSM JOHN MAIM. - JOS. MACAYLAY. - SYrT. roues M ARs ��-/uieaS E. J. MU RNANE. CRISP OF POCK= - Cx�O NSA<rra lrevMCTo! Havember 8, 1929 ?,dr - J. M. Clancy, -�Izsloner of Public Safety, SML&xrb Paul, Minnesota. mar Sir: Referring to application made by Rog Campbell mor permission to instal a drive—i±S gasoline filling statLon on Lots 5 and 60 Block 57, Lyman Dayton) s actal:bIon, also described as tis6 northwest corner of ---S�LstLugs —and -Plma--Streets, gill say that I have made ----- t?cie customary inspeoticn and _cio eat find that such a station wLil interfere Frith traffic very truly y/o,u�rs Cg " H. Berfus , Superintendent of Traffic Yovember 12,1929• Hon.J-H. olanoy Commissioner oS X=w%ze110 Safety, St.Pant, M1nn. Deaf- Sir: In regard to the applicalrion of Roy Oampbell for permission to 1 a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 5 and 6, $1ocY 57, Lyman Dayton's addition also desoribed as the N-#- Corner of Hastings and Plum Streets. We have the foregoing and report that ouch as insta11a-T--1oa ab the desired location woula not great- ly increase the ilre hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. ' . JCHISF OF "F.L.o/ - �t -IIf St.. OWRNR[ cmw '. .. MICHAEL ORlNAROT. V/t KLA• -- ,_ OSCAR LANDWk. - A..T. CHIRF OF POa.14.. - ASR. FOR CHI— N..A. PALL. - } Q{{�I}}��yy��** '. Mvzart tient Of Public CHARLB L. WILLI/. CAPTAIN OF DSTKTIVb .9afeC1 SYR. OF APFAtATY. .- O. N..IARFYAR. - J- M: CLANCY. COYMI/eIONlR �a. F. t1YON. Y. D... IMO .. SUPS. of TwAFFIC HS ORnCDi I . A. L. l0— - HARRY T_ O-C:ONN1EL -. DrrUTY COMMIOION[R - - A. S. NICHOLS. M. D. INIT. LlO�ll.t IN.RCTOII DSNRT Hu-- ORNSR JO/. ft SUFI. OLIC. R FIR! LARM F—R. BIJRCAU OF PINK PROTECTION OIVIMION OF FIR! PREVENTION ,OH CHI" H[ TH INR4Cfow WILLIAM MARRON. CH— 1N —0. 9 Yovember 12,1929• Hon.J-H. olanoy Commissioner oS X=w%ze110 Safety, St.Pant, M1nn. Deaf- Sir: In regard to the applicalrion of Roy Oampbell for permission to 1 a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 5 and 6, $1ocY 57, Lyman Dayton's addition also desoribed as the N-#- Corner of Hastings and Plum Streets. We have the foregoing and report that ouch as insta11a-T--1oa ab the desired location woula not great- ly increase the ilre hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. 1 k P ;f Bim"' _ - i ,� � _ .. .. , `- - _._ - _ _. ._ . ,.: .� 3 _ __ w, tee, r. ,_. �„_,..��� �u.�,�rNu;? �.�:'�� .. ^ DUPLiCAT6 BY CITY OF ST_.PAUL TNI! APFLIGTtON TO -B! YAO! IN MIFLIGT>< AMO FMO IN TN! CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLUA•9 oFFlclt. Application . For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING. STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST- PAUL. M 1 [V rI ESOTA APPLICATION Irj- Hereby Made Ly" I 11 /) FOR PEREV! iT TO- ■NSTALL AND OPERATE A- (�ORIVC IN oR-[[Vi[O6 GARAOc') C e"' 1 ``//ttom� AUT�}[OSLLt NG STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT__-__> fill %1 t 1 _�— J ALSO- <AOOITION, ISTR ANO NDYBER) � - -rte oy►2 I, l C� O � NO. OF IF- W -m ml� -- ---NO' OF GAS TANKS. 1rr------------CAPACITY OF EACH TATiYC�- FILED REGE! V tE>D COPY FROM CITY CLERK OEPARTI�� EB+.iT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ----------------------- /- -� EION YR6 OR ArrLICANT. _ r t "-C 91NCE6 AOOR[59. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK ----------- 19 CITY PLANNING BOARD BY------------- _ ----- ---------- 41 .T .mac - _ __ -_- _ -_�� � � t � •r - i_ . _`__�_�_ �-_---_- -moi - _''-_ _- �• �•� _ ti a � AV _ _ s_ E -1I /mow i �IrlPi� ��iL � • .�i s AL -- — __ � - ' - � - _ - - ��` •i. '' - � - _= _ _ �'� . •3 � � �/� - .vim. - - _ - r� �i LEI IB_ - - - _ /vi�.f't 717��7 / v N - � _I I �2 z eo 77? LTJ ( �c��'- �T ✓Z a J 4-1 J b J. _ _ = - �iowsasber 19y 1929 To .the' H6norab3e ragas -=sc1f € noun i"l Ari erargs.c9s ax-ss� in then Hepartmerit of Paries, Play�gro�yT► �:t sk- - PiabZ c $u�3 iagsy, r nderiri necessary the amp����� oP csr ain employes=of tt-ja Department=`for ' aaio][3zas►>o� s =�aurs per dai►%i 3n the ioing'of hte i'oZ�risZ6ing boilerb lowinK iac-Gs sz8 -c`�rc g reason of the fol - t.s��-c�s-= _, Overtiw►e wort neaesa, ta[teiid __ eaoonnt absence. o ©as "ate;._ aegs3ar�`.iremen. u Yost -s ` vez y truly - 77 { Comeniasiozer F�^ l�x 1 Yes _ CdweY -� 8udlwi Yeas 'XiME U V.Ziv YJ -- .�,r- ----- —28- - 1829 between a certain aowtracst dste� �y 2i3prnton Bros. COmPSMY, moat restore, and the City of -� :eftxa , Por the paving p A7 -is V in Block 6, Cable * s Stionebri floe from S-taniord GpMLrt to Jefferson Avenue, be and the same is hereby e=tenbed to the 14th day of govember, 1929, and the proper alty officers are hsreby anbkx0w tzed to eaeca'te an amendment to said contract ia, acsoordance herevrith, grovitied, however, that this raaolntion sha11 not havo say force and effect unless the sureties on the Boara. t cstors bond consent- thereto and Site snob consent in writing witing with the City Comptroller. n NOV 2 01929 T2iS-t7. -UbLe time apeoified for t33Le performance Of a aart-Iar.>< aontraet dated lay 1:-a Z989 , between Thornton. Bros � Company, Contraet©rs - and the City of St. Pam'L mor tine paving of Sargent JLvaave from Prior Ave nue t43, C 1a 4e land Avenne , be mad- t Sze same to hereby ax 4m3.des& to the 14th day oP 3Wavember, 1929, and th6 p roses r city officers are . h4ft. iia b3T authorized to ezeautaa a te+ mn edment to said contrasat is acaordanee herewit3t. provided, however, that tis r ?sesolution sha11 not ixm-wa agy :roroe and effect unless 't:kx4a sureties on the contrac3-tors bond consent thereto and :Ei1e such consent In writizsg with the City Comgtr03-2-4w3L-- couNc��wia�r[ Yeasty s Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against -P> Mr..Pmidant X3odgsoa eouNeu. CITY PAUL ►ai. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C'iCUmcn. RESOWTION—GENERAL FORML Nov. 19, 1929 pR�g��� ggYY DAT - 'Cp�AM1881SN6R - - - RESOLVED 2'2s fila time spe oifie d f or the performenoo of �= cont r$at dat ed April 30, 1929 , between a tette- Contractors, and the City of Thorne o» pro s . Compa nv. and Paving of Alley in St. p���3 '_ mor the grading et Addition Block 6 G. Hand.yvs Addition and midget and the from Fa � 3�view Avenue " to Wheeler Avenue. of November, same i s -Irv-8 reby e=tendeil to the 14th day 1929, M%,immmr� t3se proper city offioers are hereby to ean �ide,ttic) said r autthorist3 0=6wLbh, Pyahowever, thatthis in -AS1M force and effect unless res©1s�'� �z3 sha].1 not have any the sum t3 -es on the contractors bond consent thereto and iii �� s�c3h csonsent in writing with the City Comptro -I e"r. coLsi• �Msc�a Yeas Naya Clancy Fergiasoa McDoaa3c3 � In favor Rohlnaa Sudhcz�—=mr- at Mr. P -resat Hodgaoa Adopted by the Council NOV 2 0 1a 19-- 19— App- MAYOR -` ext'erided to i sif 29B,S?_ eeonc�� too. 83483 CA ST. PAUL . c*% OFFICE OF CITY -CLERK —G F -COUNCIL RE3OW&SUM ENERAL ORM KESOLVSD !r3aat the 'Dime specified for the performance oP a pertain contract dated Tu.1y 2, 1929, between JJON~ r% � � giaist, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for 4=nP== oast ruct3ng curbing on. Bayard Avenue from Viat 4c=m—�3a Street to IIilton Street, be and the same is he rs sat ended to the 7th dsy o f November, 1929, and the .caper oity officer& are hereby authorized to eaa CM ' sa amendment to sal d contract in accordance heM-4W _=JLth, provided, however, that this resolution shall not 3tg6 any force and effect unless the 'sureties on the coat c;to rs bond consent - thereto and file such consent in Wff- -b fag with the City Comptroller. coons a_�esna Yeas Nays Clancy Fergnsoa McDona3-C3W- �In favor Rohlaad Sudheisacsr O Against Mr.. Pre XTL-C cat Ilodgson , r I couNcIL NO. C7t, C �F ST. PAUL IlILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 7 COUNCIL REsoLUTION—Gw_r%&wIzwL FORM .�7�4^k-^y—� '� -z+- OATH NOV.L9, 1929 2Yas.-t ltltse time spe oifi eb for t}ze p@ rformanoe of s 06r -ba -w_ cso:straot dated Zuly 18, 1929 , between Jobe Saaaqui-st , Contractor, and tiaa �i-by of St. Paul, Por the grac'iiag og pascal Ave. from IULsrslss�.11 Ave. to Carroll Ave., b6 aszd the same is hereby eateae.Led to the 18th day o:r goyamber, 1929, and the props r city officers are her4a W authorized to ezeeube as saeicndment to said ooatraa-b isa accordance hereorith, provided, however, that t%i S ra solutl on shall not have AT y force and effect -X�ess the sureties on thecozi-u=aetor*s bond oonseacL- ; t214ftreto and Pile such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. couNcs �.Na �+HE Yeas Aiays Clancy Perguac a McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against h4r. PresidAmat Hodgson Adopted by the Council NOV 2 0 192J 19 App 19 ��,•,.. MAYOR._. __ �- COUNCIL NO. PILB FORM Nov. 19, 1929 That tiia time apeoitied for the of a certain aontrsat dated August 13, 1925 7k31,8tween Garrio]c Bros. =a8. Contractors, and the 433i -Uy of St. Paul for the paring o:e Prinoeton Avenue gram ClBgeland Avenue to Creti=s Baume, be and the same i s hereby extended to time 13th day of November, 1929 � end the proper pity og:Ciaers are hereby authorized to exeoute an amendment to said contmat_in acaorclsLaam herewith, provided, that this resolvtios s'P%a11 not have any Porde and eP%es-U taxless the sureties on tie contraotors bond consent t ]is re -bo and file suoh consea-U in writing - with the City Coatptrollerr. COUNCILMEN NOV 2 0 Wa Adopted by tiia Council 19_ Nov 2 o t�zy A-V v4ed 19— MAYOR Ycas ~ COUNCIL NO. 8ZVV ' CITY- OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RasOLUTIOHI--GENERAL FORM Q, 4. Oot. 19, 1929 DATR - !Z 3=St .the t}me specified POr the perYormanoe of a Qertaia aontraot dated lEay 14, 1929, between 4arria3t Bros. ine. Gontrastora, and the City Of St. gg-iuOL . mor the paving oP A13.ey in Biook 1, Summit r3c gadttion from St. Albans St. to Dale St., be aasi, Alza same is hereby eateadad to the 13th day of Sov+ambaa, 1929, and the proper city officers are �e z�eby anthorize& to eaecate sss amendment to said Qoa_U3a_t in accordance herewith, provided, however, -UBsa-t; - this resolution sha11 not have any Poroe and unless the sureties on the oontrsators bond cv3ca4m0m-b thereto and Pile auol& consent in writing with -U130 Vity Comptroller. GOLJ"=2L_MEN Nays mszatiai _1�3Lg=z s on ssxtin street Xrom St . Peter to Siblag - Stra@t, be and the sameJLa hereby extended to the 34t3bL day of November, 1929 , and the proper city o_EX1i tsars - are hereby authorized to 030ic mte an amendment ba said coabraot in accordance hersvwith, provided, however, that this reeolntion shall not have any.foree and effect unless t'a esjg�retiea onhe oono twa6atrs bond consent there- to atad �i36 anoh consent in writing with the City CompbroIL ler_: covracsLiva Era Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson _ McDonald In favor Rohlaad sudheiiwme r - Against Mr. Prexideaz3-oagaon Adopted by the Council NOV 2 a 1929 APP vyd_ P o 1 o MAYO!! V ViiYic�V VV�r,.-- --- installation of ornamental lights on Eighth SV- from Wabasha 3ti to jT&C]Cson $t., be and the same is hereby extended to the 19th day of November, 1929-, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said'oontraot in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the. thereto and sureties- lesuoh consent ninactors ont writing with the City Comptroller. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CIfY OF SAINT PAUL t U d°fitSi COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILENO - ( r CLANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION FERGUSONIN FAVOR — �.toll 11»r McDGNALD AUDITED CLAIMS -- - ROHLAND ' Q BUDHEIMER AGAINSTRESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DR 14N ON THE CITY TREASURY, we ft - MR. PRES„ HODGSON o i0 THE AGG GATE AMOUNT OF S. �, COVERING l!(]YY CHECKS NUM ERED __. TO ]+�/' NCLUBIVE, AS: AgOPTED BY THE UN ............_............ PER CHECKS N FILI OFFI E OF THE CITY MPTROLLER, APPROVED — CI YOR BY.---•---- r / TOTAL DATE CHECK RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR pF BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD1 57 00971495 1 It 6 • E133 Yielding 8 Shepieyl Ino. 10 734 213 T.B. Aw ndeen 16 213 2 John, D., 4r on 2 8 2�3 36 Blomberg, f4 3 0 2133 uoka Pro he�;. 6 X331 1aat 9140� : ► ► 001111PAY P Q 2$ 9 414 , 1001 r �3 �b I � so��>�� a�ap��r I ISO R k n i 0111► capely 21. ttto;10 .0�p�T 1 2 21 I' tr. A. s�osa 1 9 21 Q AAd '4111`0,0 h'G"Oorf Company2 1 . a0[es ut�d it , arket Honee 4 1 23, 52 '�gqndsa �t3roob�r 11 7 21 GOO' 0;Kndheimer,;,OMIT. of F1 . 32 455 21 1vilmn � Oiiut► Y Kirk A 0omp 175 21. ,Feder Ya�or `,�raok id tl 21 f • 1 o h ra 9=Eotes Power 002pan 2,3 76 5 ;3 �;0� pQi�agt Brother 166 9 ,C, F No,,83489 Resolved, That checks tie drawn on the C"y Treasury, to the aggregate amount of ?96,081,62, coverin numbered 21333 to 21267 Inclaei eeekfle a per ebecke on file. In ilia Office'of the C7tY Comptroller. Adoyted by 1h. council Nov. P0, 1928. Approved 'Nov. 20; 1929. - (Nov. 23-1929) I n w t II I IL'i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Y ` i li rt t j �I Ij r s , I w t F� Y ` i By----------------------- -------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDERI In the Matter of--_ aondzmnin$_st]d_ -.Ak1 ng -,an_ -e aement_iA_the_-IaudL-DAcaazAry __Qr_s�4�ess_ cuts and_ fills=_ in the _gradin of_Alle�_in Block 3Z_______ =St_ Anthang_�a�k�LQr �rnm S�ndnzz �rar�uQ-u$lQy_-AYerlues-------------- jljl -----r- _ µ—(s» ----------------------------------------------------- p�rr 8 1 h ti z s ------ �tne 't3 pa�ua�arc.,------------ ----------------------------------- under Pr k af� 1 °u�Y met -------- -approved----I)&tAi?A�-+--�;� ........ Thef .#pity �ifP u „Ipfag received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imp meat, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__: rwndamm-arid. tako __an easement_in the land necessary_for_slopest_cuts and-fills:_in.the grading'>oP Alley in Block 3, St. Anthony Park North from Hendon Avenue to Dudley_A_v_enueaaccordance ,in _accorda_with the blue print hereto attached __-- -- - ------------------ ----r'------ ---------------- ---- AZkt_D18S19ll _A_ &rt�_b$ 52$�.�_t?e hatched_gortiQns_sho LlIg the -cuts and._the i ns sh win the Ells with no, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__2 5. 00 ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on- the --------- Uth..... day of _ December ,192.9 _, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City •Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the of and in the manger provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- MOVU.JM-_._, 192____ Approved--- ----- O ---192 y�Ci,ty� Cler -- ---- --- - -- - - -------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PMLISHED Councilman McDonald '"�— Councilman Mmhmsxx Rohland / 1 T"rm�,T+r i rF t � Y� s 1 , COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By-_.................. I INTERMEDIAI,Y ORDER In the Maffei of_..grad n� and_ pa_v_ing__Jefferson Ave from,Lexington Ave. to --- -- Miltort St , and paving Jefferson Ave from Milton St to Victoria St., with SAYiAr �At�T_ �Itd_gas_�Rr�neq ;LQ]is _f romstreet mains to .property__ lines .comp]9te h not already'made, also including curbing and paving _el]r3g_and_tltiusvea, _approacY>es _R� _�on�tJ:l�4tir]b_ s�wgr_o— Jgfferaon Ave. from a oint 60,ft east of the east line, of Lexington Ave..to ................................................ f MMWMMMM�NIII�IINNhNM11Ml� h t �i�lit��f i tII���� �� ��'�7I1NM.M��MM4MM4NMU11M.MMNMMIIM IIMMMMM111��MMMMMN��IM ' yNy ;n l YYww1'Y �wrw�w�wMwr��i� P i'i........................... rwwwMw wYwl Ywr�rr �y M rya,•, �.n+' t 2 ' ,61 St ' August 21, 1929 under-Pi`81itAi>fa Q'I4� 40.d.+rr..r y '.Mwwrwwapproyed nwrr000wrfwwwwwrwrr�wwrwwwryr The Council°of the City"qf Paul having received the :report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ab ove`impropemeat, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1:':.: That the, said report and<;thesame is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded withc '• 4,,. -Th, at the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_$rA_ _and_ Jefferson'°Ave. ;fr6m Lejxin�tog Ave. to Idilton Sty and pave Jefferson Ave , Q,}}t;�_Q Viig_tg_a__Jav_rith sewer, water_ and has connections from street mains to property;}ines complete tivhere not area y ma�e� also including_Uxbj.Ag_A21Skt&X31�.X}},,gg_and dri_v_eway_ ap�roaches,also construct• ----- as.ewer,.on:•Jefferson Ave., from "a point 60 ft east of the sa'st line^of ---------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ = -- } 4 ---------- ----------------- -----_ -_ ---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.99- L150_ 00___ Resolved Further, That a publicihearing'be had on aid improvement on the_____- ---- _ day of -?��� 1_-_..:., I92_ r -at the hour of 10 o`clock k M., in the Council Chamber of the CoUn House;.and ift Half-Buiiding to tht City of`St. Paul E That the Coininissioner of Finance give notice of satd, meeting to the, ppersona and".in; the manner provided by the. Charter; stating the time and place of r hearing,'the'nature of the improvement and.the total•cost:thereof as estimated. 1 Adfta opted by 'the"Council - OY2_Q1; S Approved-----=- �-Q-Q---1--- C' Cler -- --- 4 Councilman, Clancy ' Counaiman Ferguson PML1SBBD�L— /J Councilman McDonald ' Counedma>F->k,Rohland Co tnalman Sp. em, Co 6'hn" j?b" Pearce Mayor'Ix' Hodgson Fonn R.S: A:8di �, COUNCIL FILE NO............... By- ....................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of____shaogirhe_grade _gf_Alle�_in_MeQaskeg? s_Rearrangement of Block 1, Hamline Syndicate,Addition No. 1 from Pascal Ave. to bl_a,da hp_rg�Q _� P n said al�lis bet a de be being ed and mads a art hereof thb r. sent established rade been shown jay. g e fine tY n a s ad 'aforesaid limits to the redline whon established, - ---------------------------------- ------------------ "44 -------------------------- ---- - l9 ..................M._Yrr-.-• I f � I MNNMNNMW�MWNNM�MM 1j� ���p���w���Vyy��Q���, IT���d��MwaM�M MNNIMMIINNIMbMNIMMNMMMMYSMMN�NNMMMNIIMNMMiIaMIINMYIMNM1�pWN�NI ry ....----.. �........... approved ...... under Preliminary Order... �s��0�. The Council of the City, of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sai� report, hereby resolves: 1. That.the.said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the.said improvement is hereby_ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council. recommends is--- Cha11gfL_the_-grB'1.A Of Alley�in McCaskeyls Rearrangement of Block 1,-Hairline Syndicate Addition: on'the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present ---�stahl111,2 gzada-he3:n41_shavmlb�_a blas _line_thPseni», _alsn_gradE_said alley between the aforesaid limits to the red line when established. --------------------- ---- ------------------------------------ ----------------------- -- - ---- --------------------------------------- ----- ' $231.96 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ................ :i Resolved'Further, That apublic hearing be I ad on paid improvement on the..............day of i r.,I1Y NY11K� ..rrrir.) 1, at the hour' of'JO o'clock A. M,, in the Council Chamber of the Court oust and Cfty �H811 Building in" the City of 5 , haul, That the Commissioner of, Fiance glue notice of s�Nd 0dol, io it er�oil� end in � the ma qe prodded by tho Cha�teN, �tahng the dme and plan of ;, _ t1q, tkWON' o ihe�!fmp 01111 the total to thoN�ol a� �s�rmat�d, Adopted by the Council .... 11-10...... x...,192.._. YA. - - --- ...... ---- Approved------- SWUM! -----192- ------ City rk. - ------------------ ------ Councilman Clancy XPLISM,D4,e� CouncilMan.Fergusoll Councilman Mci)oaald Couaalman .�Otig>t�x liohland Councdmaa Sudheimer (✓ Couucilman fix' Pearce Mayorimeh� fiodgson � - Form B. &4 8b r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ condemning_ and_taki an easement in the land necessary for slopes. cuts-and fills_,_in_the_grading_oP Alley in McCaskeyts_- Rearran ement,oP Block 1 Hamline 8 dicate Addition No l from --------------�-------------------a------i-------- -------------------------------------------- 'eroju ------------------------------------- g V �,L'S k, ------------------------------------------------------- "l W t �.0 ------- 91�� ------------------------------------------------- under Pre {approved Oct, 29, x.929 4 w1�,f� p � rY w......wrr�.r•w•rr .rwuu..••w...rr_...rrrro.6.ww The;C the City of Paulhaving racer ed the,to, of of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered;,sai report; hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to bez proceeded with. That the natureiof the improvement which the Council recommends is__candamn_.and_taka.-an -- +-- eABRl sfi3lt-_111_ii}1�_IaUi�_Ilflfsar__�:1 sa ci�ta_aridj.l] i __in.th __adt�g_gf ,��,ey_in��aske�! __jjearranggmgnt_ of _B1Qek_ 1,_ Hamline___ Sgndirs .e_.Adda.taan_Ko.-_L.fro _Passe] ,duenua_to_ im on_A�tenua,_ n._ ..----t�.cstxsjarla�_ �t�.th _�1f3_.k2Jrt3� _laxill��t_hQxctc_-�i���,bad_ ��d_m�dQ_ �_,p�rt_ hgreof, __--the-iia.�cha�1-�ortians.-shavaing_;the_ruts_anri_tJ�a,shaderi_}wrt.ians_shnY�ing tie fti] s with no alternativi's; and that the estimated cost, thereof is $2.5-S.QQ________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be ad on said improvement on the______ 17th _____day of ___.._.1Z8A1II2QF .__-_,192.9,._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in, the Council Chamber of the Court House;and City Hall Building in the City. of 9 Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said "meeting, to the persons and in the mange provided by the Charter, stating the time and plata of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by,the Council__aLQi.�)7 �,�9-..... 192.:__ Approved. _ _. __. _. _192__1 City Clerk --- ------------ ilfayor. CouncilmanClancy Councilman; Ferguson ;?UBLISHEDo� Councilman McDonald CounalinaaVjWW Rohland Councilman Sudh8mer Councai mn`wl iltcx Pearce Mayor hie1110c I#odgson Form B. S. A 8� COUNCIL BILE NO --------------- By-------- ----------- ------------- - -- Y INTERMEDIAR OR A _ER IatheMatterof -----constructing curbing on both sides of St, Anthony _~Avenue _from' Snelling Avenue_tq _the East Line of Pascal Avenuei________ under Preliminary order ----------- 8CS54---------- ----approved --- May_1Fi --- 1222.---------~-- Tlie Council of the City of Paul having ,receiped the report of the Commissioner of .Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said reportand the same is herlel by approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered, be proceeded with. 2. ' Thatthe nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ construct curbing on_both__ sides of from Snelling Avenue-to_the______ East Line -of Pascal Avenue, --=----------- -- ------ --- --------------------------------------- -------~-----~------- ~-------------------~-- 741 59 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is � 1----------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 17th ------- day of ___--__December_-� 192-_9., at the hour of, 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the, Court House and City Hall Building in the City of S Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to' the persons aad in the mange -provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and theItotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --------My 2 129 192 -- --- Approved- ------ ~-- -"JW192--- City erk. j ------ ------ -- ---- --- - - --a.-- Myor Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson YL BLISiITD��� � Councilman McDonald Councilman Umdaim Rohland � Councilman Sudheimer CouncilmanWtyjctx Pearce Mayor lig... Hodgson Form B. S. A. 86 8349 ■ I COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By----------------------------------- ---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER construct in curbing on Wheeler Avenue, both sides,_-- In the Matter of_--___ ___-- -- __3�om as _M nnsh�h� -reQt_ o Hewitt A_v_enue-----_-_ _-_ ---_-_ ------ ----------------------------------------------- �`t6}�(et +,prsgongtkuet� GA}'DI � . eg7gt dve nth yu •' ` under Preliminary Order_ -8238--------- -____approved --- Auausx._ 4_1$2$________-__ The Council of the City of Paul having recelled the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sai$ report, hereby resolves: 1. .That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is ` hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. l That the nature of the improvement wh ch the Council recommends is___ Construct curbing on_1hiee'ler Avenu_both sides from Test Minnehaha Street to Hewitt -- - -------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------- ---Acsnue---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------- ------------ —------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------- .....r.......r...u.......................... �.a.................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost (thereof is $15azi 6i.... Resolved-ee_urthr, That publichearingle h1ad on said improvement on the ---------- i th _--_day.of _______ lof 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House' and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of. said meeting- to the persons and in the maaaerj provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature o the improvement and; total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____�fl.V�a. --, 192---- i.. i r --------- - -- - -a—Z-4.) '+ Approved ------------- 192 City C k. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson �=— Councilman McDonald Councilman andgmm Rohland # Councilman Sudheimer Councilman V&=ekx Pearce May orXxhin= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 94 COUNCIL FILE NO__._---—---- ti,;- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assli ss e_ nt In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving alley in Summit '!;rood, lying between Goodrich Avenue and Fairmount Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Minn Avenue, under Preliminary Order _........ _81032 ............ ......... Intermediary Order .-..-_81425........... _.......... - .............. , Final Order_.:-:.. 81834 .......--. approved - - _-•7�uly_ 1. ------ --------- -.------------ - 19._29 The assessment of__ ........ SYlefi't.s..en.9 S.:.anti_axp ls-ea..................for and in connection with the above improvementhaving beeu submitted ito the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said, assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publieheanng be had on said assessment on the ... _......._18.th.--day of „•,_--_-• _- eh_...... 19--.- 2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 29 House and City Hall Building, in the City of t. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total 'cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .... _._......_NUV 2-0 1 `... ........................... ...... 19........ Appnwed........_....�y-2.Q- ....... 19.-....... _ ......-. - ity Clerk. ..................... -..................... _ ..--..-......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy ' Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Robland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman ICES= Pearce May Hodgson Form B A SUM COUNCIL FILE NO . ........... . By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving alley -in Block 5, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Dale Street, -g-E 1M`V,_1x1 We MW , 4".Rpmf"% , under Preliminary Order-.... . ..... --- - ------ ........... Intermediary Order... -_-.......MOA..----_....__.._....--_.... Final Order . ......... ....... ................ . .......... . .... . ......... . ...... 19.29. The 'asse sament ...... . .... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted, to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found this add assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same ie a hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ... . ........ la.121—day of b@,-.._,, b_.RR at the hour of 10 o'clock ;A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court r . House and City Hall Building, in the City of $t. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. W2 Adopted by the Council.......... ouncil......... ......................... I . ................ . ............................ . 19 Nov ? 0 ............ .. City Clerk City Cl Apluoved................................................19...._._. .. ............. .... ............. ............................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman =h1and Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WAurjAx Pearce Mayor Hodgson B., B. 17 -083500 COUNCIL FILE NO»._..._ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of *efits, costs and expenses for paving alley in Block 7, Egb6rt O. Handy+s Addition, Whitacre Place and miscellaneous Tract from *airview Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, material to be 6 in. concrete, r: under Preliminary Order _---- --._---------81 ---1-------_45.............. , Intermediary Order..._-.._ MQ0................................. _. Final Order_...____..._ -.$2'9Q ................... approved 2Q..._.-:_.._ --- _--- _------------------ 19.2$. The, assessment o£ _...XlB7A6�� 3i 1,...c.Q t S.-.8J1i3 Ex;2Eris68--_ ._...._:._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted) to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be I(land the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That anblic heating be had on said assessment on the .._......lath._._.._.day of ........... December- ...... _........ 1929.:, at the ho of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House an City Hall Building, in the City of t. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV Zh ��w Adopted by the Council ------------ ------- -- -------- - ---------------------- ----------77 19- .... "-.19 .... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WantpAx Pearce Mayor edgcon -.17 - --------- itity Clerk. -.;2 Mayor. 2 t it point on the Bout line of lot 2� 455 ft-eaat of Edgcumbe Road,thengs.'aontMeaaterly dcross lots 3 axed 4 to a point in the north and booth allets �]8i ft north of •the center, of the Mixt and sett; &2,.147: adjaaent to lot 5.; thence southerly in, the :north and.sonth e-lsy,to a point_oppoa to the a therly 1Q_ft of a0aYPO7..T1 F7TQ A 10c "unwoo guy"' pp a UGOV-L OL ; UL; -a q U I JQ bu !a I -V " 0 upoAo ujprnaOQ I LWjO4 jj� oua "TION nl� Ir jQuawpo NO 0 laaffs 1p" ATOW auq 10C q Lyn- QU rpo alLYPOLTs ITUOP Ut a you r, Too Lr ­f VL bury , 1-011 vcj.wn� fy 0 Gav silow 201 tv Uyjj . - . UOLIP UUqhUnK WINE go W YOTO 'a jpQ jGjj.L 0, SHIq WQ 4' JLUS W "UV�L OL Q') aug one; 01101 vqlaGouv TU 104 1 "own' U100 JU py, _"Wj UULVPQLjX UV WVU; POL Eq " " 'bo,j 'J� eaup 9L PC 0 lot - T? aunchOL11 ]lug or, �j 10,l T11oW Cr SJOTU9 OU {:pa _300Z SIVATWO Nio", lc(;X,TB tLii ax; 1 109, W luau r, ps UOL , ljaTT2L ispAmmspja ;;, OL :y. rt_ oju_t obbp4i 83502 COUNCIL FII,E By i CITY OF $T. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment a t In the matter of the assessment of benQfits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Plea0ant Avenue from a point 400 feet northerly of Montreal Avenue to connect; with the terminus of the sandrock tunnel 120 ft northerly of Albion Ave., also across Pleasant Avenue at Albion Avenue, under Prellmmary Order_ &Osi o .... 71 ......., Intermediary Order... --.._..81182_ .... __.._.............. approFinal Order :.81598ved-.-.__-...� _.__ . ._........._._,.19� 29 The assessment of..............beneYits�._C,gats, ar£dzg@H•_-.•___for and in connection with j,.the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Couneil having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the said assessment bel and the same is hereby in all respects approved. R.ESOLVEI) F'MTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.-.........Ifth.._.._day of 19.29, At the 'hour of I0 o'clock A. M., f the Council C11,amber of the Court House and City HellBuilding, in the City of ISt. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings., the Charter, stating :fin. said notice the time and place of hearing the nature of the as required improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council- _...._.--- N�Y 2 -0 F����.................................. _... .,19.._.... ap�tt-- ......•• ..... _. .... .... ....__............ City Clerk. Approved -...._..7.x.1.0.12_®_ ......_19........� a� M s Councilman Clancy t' Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland ^$ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman wfixw .Pearce Mayor Hodgson F— B. B. 17 83503 COUNCM FILE NO_ ._.._....._ ._.. _ ... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving -Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bendfits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on -Lexington Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer 15, feet ;south oflEdgcumbe Road to the Chicago, Milwaukee, 1 St,Paul and Pacific Railway Rig$t of way x b a _ � sib -�• � p_ Hader Preliminary order 80468 ._......., Intermediary Order....__ a'19 ...... _..__..._......__--- Final Order-- !, 8x 59] ___... ...__.., applroved ..._...._._..1$-2_..�...._. __._ , 1929... The assessment of_. �Q171Q?a...itS? SDs�d.l$iAns98. far and in connection with LL the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered came and found the:said satisfactory, therefgllre, be it RESOLVED, Thst.the said assessment bg and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 18 _; B,ESOLYED,FilILTHER, That a public helaring be had on said assessment on the__.__......_..— day of DQFtymbe;'�;: _ ..., 19_z$, at the holar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and, City Hall -Building, in the o£ St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating m said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement; the total cost thereof, and the mount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. V q 1929 Adopted by the Council. ._.................. ... 7[..Jit........___........ _..__.... _..... 19.:_._ I. ity � INV ..:...._.... e ® Clerk. ill Appra►ed_......__.__._. ...................__.....19..__1... __ ..__. ......_. .I., Mayor. _ _" ......._.......... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson e Councilman McDonald J� SD -_L✓ Councilman Rohleimer Councilmen Sndheimer Councilman Jftumt Pearce Mayor Hodgson ---------- 7 83504 COUNCIL PILE NO__.. --,_---__......-...._--- By i CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer in Gates Street from Curtice Street to Gates Street as laid out east and west, under Preliminary Order --- . .81026. (............ Intermediary Ordel1760..... ...._---._...._____._.._..._, Final Order .........._.B91?A ap roved Allg. 6 The assessment of„_:_ Lt3efitss_C_ sts_and ex„genags„„�„_„ .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment 'satisfaetory, theref, re, be it o RESOLVED, That the said assessment b .and the same is hereby in all respeets approved. 9E a. � D FDRTHEB, That a p,ublic h” wring be had on said assessment on the.............18:ih.......day of nSOL _December, , 19. 29 at the h' ` of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and CityHall Building, in the City o St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finanee.give notice of said meetings, u required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV 2 01929 Adopted by°the Connell...-_-.--- ........... ........ ._.... ...... .......... � ...__.... _. NOV 2 0 !tea i... _.... ..�ty Clerk. APpwed ........... ..... ................... 19..._F.. _„..._- -------- __ . .. ._ ................ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Sil'__441�' Councilman McDonald / ISD Councilman Rohland ppBLIS Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Pearce - _ .Mayor Hodgpon Fmm8 i 17 Resolution of In the matter of the assessment of constructing a sewer on the to a point 60 ft west of Le Evergreen Place to:a point 83505 Y OF ST. PAUL cil Approving Assessment fits, costs and expenses for tb side of Edgcumbe Road from Evergreen Place ton Avenue and on the south side from ft west of Lexington Avenue, ^ .�. zero •��`� !_ 80467 .............. 'ander PreLminary Order_ Intermediary Order.813-7.0 ..._...__.....-._..___-...----..___, _ .-.._.._....._.:_ 19.29 Final Order__ _137;x92 —._.........._., ap�lIroved.----�ulg2 ....__.__....__ - , The assessment of— benefits. etats_and expenses _ __._.,..•for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitt �d to the Council, and the Council having considered same and 1 found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, ,That the said assessment h3 and the same is hereby is all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER, That'i public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......___18t11....... day of 19_29:, at the hTiur of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Conned Chamber of the Court House and�'City Hall:Iinilding, in: the City of -St. Pau1; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as regwred bg!tlie Charter, statin in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the j improvement, the total cost thereof, and the mount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the ConnciL...__....._NOV...-0-MV... _.-_- ...... _.................... 19....._. I _. ........... .. __.- .. - ity Clerk. ov29 Api�ed ........... ............ _...... .... .........19.....1... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sndiieimer�I�D Councilman W moek Pearce Mayor Hodgson F.HB I COUNCILFME NO ........... ........... ... ........ _.. By_.................... ..._. ................... Resolution of N 8356 OF ST. PAUL it Approving Assessment i In the matter of the assessment of be�efits,` dosts and expenses for constructing a sewer on Cotta Street from a point 35 ft east of; Greenbrier Avenue to'a point 68 ft west of Arcade Street, and on Walsh Avenue from Cottage Str et to Denny Street, said sewers to be used for sanitary purposes only, surface and roof water to be excluded therefrom, i,nbt 6� tea? 4 az�e%7f undet'Preliminary Order.. 80248.:' ......... ... ............. Intermediary Order.80725.,_,__•,.,_.............................. Final Order—A-1Q Q _alroved.... _......... _June_ 4-..__..- .----_...-.-...._.._, 1929.. The assessment o£..beuefi-tsy_.Costs••.and._B7cp6asss.... ........... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Conneil having considered same and found the add. assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FARTHER,_That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the--.__.._18th„-.__day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by, the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the j; improvement, the total: cost thereof; 'and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed N'1u2A1� Adoptedby the Council ....... _................ ............_......_.•---......._._......._.....19.._._. .... City Clerk. Appwed........................................... 19 .._..._...... ........................... ._......................... Mayor. Councilman Clancy i - Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohlsnd Councilman Sudheimer c Couneibman Runk Pearce UB IiED � f Mayof Hodgson Fa. B. B. 17 77777__7______-___ - --- t 83508 COUNCIL FILE NO....._..._ ..... � By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 8, Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue, L � a R m r iFtne under Preliminary Order.._..._.._...;8D115-... _................. Intermediary Order -7777.91438....-. ---- _----- ..__..._...--_.., 81824 " u 30 Final Order..._...: ,r.._ ......... ... ...�...._..-., aPProved....__•__June 19..29. _........_ . ____..._.__......_.....__...._, _ . The assessment of:...hQIi.Qfj.ta��Sl,��iA@SlS�:_QrIB.BI1Sd.� .-- ----•-•--•for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council 'having considered same ,and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the saidaesessment!le and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FIIRTHER, That a publichearing be had on said assessment on the..»-JAt?l.......... day of December 77.7.7.--� 1929_; at the boor of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature -of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed.mays Q Adopted by the Council. .... ............................. _.......... _.... ............... 7777_ 119....•._ NOV I 0 M _. _ ty Clerk. AppOwed.........__.......••............••... ..19.....-... i . ..... ................ _.......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy • . Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Pearce Mayor Hodgson F_ H. a. 17 83509 COUNCIL FILE NO.___.. __...._.._..._.... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter" of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in•Block 1, Macalester Park and Ecke's Addition and Block 1, Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement, from Grand Avenue to Cambridge Avenue, IRA' Winnillpir- under US Preliminary. Order_75175 75833 _._...»_. _..__....»...__..», Intermediary Order..._....._............_.---_........-_._.---.......-, Final approved. ... _......... A?i..ae_9$ ...19.28. The assessment and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted, to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be.it 'RESOLVED, .That the said assessment be, and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED F[1RTHER, That a public; hearing be had on said assessment on the ................ a.8-tFX1--day of 1,922., at t e -hour of. 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City, of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statins- in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. `s Adopted by the Council........... NOV /� 0 .... •-.. •..... ity Clerk. Approved ....... ..... 19......... _.._»._....-......._.................................................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Fergueon Counoilman McDonald /Touneillm,an �hlsnd Connailman SudheimeriBLI3a y Councilmen Pearce Mayor Hodgson Fam.-a. a. 17 u • 75766 _-.......- Intermediary Order.__.. _.80550...-._ under Preliminary Order_ _._. _. _ -_.._.---------_-----_---- Final Order _._� -•- _ , .approved 19 2$ The assessment of .baneYltar eons--•and- ex�ailses• --•for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the.said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOUVED FIIBTHEi3, That,a public. hearing be had on said assessment on the-___I th............day of 19.29:, at .the ,hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said. meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. a� e O Adopted by the Council- .-.... ......... ........... ..................................... ....._-_..-,19. 2 0 I ---- --- _-..... _... , ,-City Clerk. Approved--------- ------------------------------------- 19... _... ........ ... -• --........ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald %\ Councilman ltohland (//J ' Councilman Sudheimer Councilman ea Pearce Mayor Hodggon t Pam B. B. 17 - `. s 83511 COUNCIL PME NO ___ ..»_... ......._ By»»»_........._........ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Nevada Avenue from.Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, 11 -a„ € 800680738 under Preliminsry Order..3 ..» »_... 3 .............. Intermediary- Order...._._.._........------------------------- --_._._, Final Ordar_....._ ,__.81096 `approved..Jvne• 26x_._ _�....». .. 19...29 _, __._..... , benefits, costs and expenses_ _. for and in connection with The .assessment of .: _._. _.... �:_.»_..__.... the above improvement biving been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the ;said ussWeakeni 9atisfaCtory, therefore, be it RESOLVED; That -the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...._.»....._.._18thday of _-__... I79cEA1h9I 19.29, at othe hour of 10 o'clock A• M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and. City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter; stating in said notice the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement, the total cost -thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. N 0V Fr O 10 Adopted by the Council .... ----------------------------------- --- ----- ....... ...... __ 19- — ity Clerk. Appwwed----------- ----.-__--_--•-••----------19 _ ..... ... ... »_..Y...Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer iSIdSIiED / Coaneihnan7WAM Pearce Mayor Hodgson 83512 COUNCIL FILE NO..._...._ __.._ __..... By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits,damages, costs andexpenses for changing,the grade of alley in Block 25, Summit Park Addition from Chatsworth Street to Milton St, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made 'a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also paving said alley between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, material to be 6i1 concrete, under Preliminary Orden...�.812.73... ---- ----------------------- Intermediary Order .......82921.._ ................................... , 8222'7r Final _ ._._.._.......... 19...29 The assessment"of_AgpLefits�daigagQ ,rpstgM$md.-=anaas.:_ior and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said,sssessment satisfactory,, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment: be and the same is hereby in all respects approved RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......_._ 18th _ day of _ December 19::..29at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court -.. , House,end City Hall Building,"in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finaneatigive notice of said meetings, as' required by -the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the.total cost thereof; and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Councilt_. . 9......_ NOV20- - .... ._ .... ............... .... City Clerk. Appwre.......... .......................... ..19......_. •__..... ..... _.._.._........ _ .. ...................... ........, Mayor. Councilman: Clancy Councilman Ferguson „\ Councilman McDonald U Councilman Sudheid / `Councilman Sndheimer Wrs ,1'118�FLED Councilman mx !Pearce Mayor Hodpon COUNCIL FILE NO_._ ........... _._._.. v. By i CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Hawthorne Street from the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway to Luella Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made apart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Hawthorne St, from the west line of the right of way of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway to Ruth Avenue, under Preliminary Order _..... _757 83 ............................ Intermediary Order..__.......%6.a.Q.Q_---- _-----....._:-----: Final Order ____26.50 ....... ......... approved. -.._......dune..26._._........ __..... f: The assessment of__benePits�-_damages,__ costs and eXEe.e-dor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -_1817a _.day of ..... _._..... 19..29, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said is meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lof or lots of the particular. owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV20 �, Adoptedby the CounciL_..__.-_--_...._....--...._-_...----...__.._..---....._......... ,19-....._ Q� _.. ... __......................... City Clerk. Appmwed..................................... ........19......--. _........_. -... _.. .............. Mayor. ^ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson, Conaoilman McDonald Conricihnan Rohland U Conaeihnan Sudheimer Councilman V#&Wc Pdarce Mayor Hodgson' Form B. B. 17 - o enin widenin and extendin an east and west elle Inthe matter o£.. -_1?..... ---.Ml __...-....-.._.._-..... _-... - .... - P ...--...-.-----._........ ... 16 ft. in width in Block 6, Hersey-vloolsey Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 8 ft of Lots numbered 1 to 30, both inclusive, under Preliminary Order-- .__81036.-- approved.May-28,1929 Intermediary Order -.-_82285 T- approved�._..ALx$u-.�.a5s._.a.�29. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amon4t of damages awsrded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the. __.18th . day of_ _ December,___-•, 19.29., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the CouneiL..--...--..._"�Y 2 _..-. ....-_... _ ............... .... ... ..... _ ...... ... - ....... ..-- _.. pjY City Clerk. `�N r�QVII ; Approved.........._.........._,..._ ....................... 19..----• ..._...._... ..._... - ._........ :. ...... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson \ Councilman McDonald U 7 Councilman Rahland Councilman 8udheimer Councilman lqff= Pearce Mayor Hodgson Am ISEZQI_4zlit_�A5�7 In the matter o£.-..opening,-_v�idening .and extendin-g,_alley- in,. Block -.5s.... ....... Underwood's Third Addition by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land lying in the southwest corner of the vacated portion of Kenneth Avenue adjoining Lot 12 in said Block 5 and measuring 5 ft on the east line of Kenneth Avenue and 5 feet on the north line of alley in said Block 5, under Prelimmary Order_ 8.2 2_ ......-, approved.Aug.B, 1929 Intermediary Order..........82956 approved._PSLt.' 9 ,1929 _„•„ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it'$ Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ._.... 18th _ _, day of___.....DeCember, 19_29., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. NOV 2 p Adoptedby the Council- ..................................... _............ ..... _........... 19...... ............ ..... .................._.. e� +tA 15.�4� F City Clerk. Approved- -__._------------------ - ----------------------- 19..... __................... — ....................... -- .......................... _ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman 1%hland Councilman Sndheimer Councilman Pearce Mayor Hodgson ,�:,�; jy ' Department of -Education November 5-.,1929 Name Title `. Hours_ RRte Amount ". Allen,,: George Jan.g. 6 : 6 °4.13 ` liaumgart, Fred " ,, 6 4 .71 4 29 . 2 75 Burling ame,. Isaac: " x 6' .6 71 4.29 l,allahan, Ujainpli LT.. oreste' " " 6 Erickson; Andrew Cleaner,' #1330 6 32 . 47 2.85 2.50, Fehr,', ,, Elias 'Carl Jan.,.Emg. " ` " ' 3 .71 .71 2 15. „Hedlund Hedlund; - Frank n p " "' 2'. .6 1.38 4.29 4:29 Heinzr' Hickey; John Patrick " x 6 6 :71 71 - 4.29 Hia�z, ;Elmer'. " "' " „ 6, 6 .71 4.29: 4 29 Hussmann, Johna'on, Joseph Gunn Cleaner<#2615 6 .71� 47 2.85 `Kahle7c, August Jan. Eltig. 6 71 Linde Gus TV 'IT n n 6 ', 8 .68 ..29 71 4 Linn,° Locke, Peter Clinton Cleaner #3137 6.47' 2.85 . Lynn, Jan. Eng. 6 6 .71 4 29 3.'65 dri. Jaines Jdnit6r7 6 .60'= 7%,_ Manske, Edward Jan. Eng.' 4,' :6 2.75 - Murphy,` Nelson, Pierce Ellen Fireman Cleaner.#4011 5 .47 2.3$ Nevvnsan, Ellen #4014 5 .47 2.61 2.15' O�He an, 0lipbant, ': David �tilliam Jnn. Eng. x " 3 6 .71 .71 4.28 r Peiierson, John . ' n q n n 3 3.. .71 2.15 Roddy, Seidler,, Thirimothy Wert „ 6 . 711 11 : 4.29 '. Smolen lsy, ;; Oscar " �� TV,. " n 6. 6 '. '.71 .'�1 4.29 , 4.29 Spet, an, Stadtfeld,.''.' Lloyd n n' 6 68� Stern, Tarte, ,Nicholas Charles Chriatkipher�� n 6 4 ' .71 s68s' 4.29 2.75 Thomas,. Vievering, Edward' will am " Zx 6 6 .71 .71 4.29 4 29 yaegei'r' August iy111Iy.:O� _ aA�d� ` Of lar sa: ia777 M Total-] 31.54 and Naye; .. �In favor t `�- pLI13U og PYent; V o�cE o>:: clrY c1:r�K ; ,•��`,��,��-CIL WTIOIi GENERAL' FORM • : � ,' _�_,_ _� �, � �. i''Y/// ". „ , ..� ,i./ V.v.�e7r.: ,?7 102 CI'ff— OF, 8T. PAUL',` , m� i ;` NO. c.�uED OFFICE OF .CItY CLERK CO CIL Ryfl%y ION; GENERAL FORM ` r r'21 c V ,1929 g aleea Bros. 1317 Ribe '$t. mtoher p1 B•_ "fh ber, s 2 B• btit rs14* 1(ei'rylehd'$t. " �iahins 4 1fi17;iams 57!1 Ytr�.a A4 t gola,. . 194a 3rand' d4• a $atsix; � 982 Arosde 8t. " bioigtilnpo, f 428 Fry $t. Gracer y 08 i. L. Berg, 1820 $ayAe sY n is Brow 466 $t, Peter 8t. Coat-drug• J. Rdelssa, 450 Weibasia 8t. ConfeOtioaery George, 76`W Wiriitred at Grocery dsaith de post: 414 N.,C1e4eiaufl Av , Golniit, 286 W• 4th 8t Coat-a'rag ut 8rge• 11?e E l(iaitred 8t, GroOery 1Johjibon, y219 Bates X4. CoafeOtiaaaery- b' Johnepa, 1068 Haektngs AY.' Gl+ooefiy , . $• Yalastrom, 923+#rosda $t•' " I Pe�rsoun, 1950 $1�bd.'nth ►,P;% ' " t�, IA pore, ..a6z $ • �nplYiAg.,,AY• :. p Bwtsii�, ' 982 ,lro $t, d lest 8t. JOlia" ' 460 deakigA $t;8skpry 'tshs $ok�fdt . 812 Rioe 8t. - Conteptiouaery H, tlkneres,, , if68 Fraalcsoal Av; Orooery u'y Te4hida, - 133Q Ripe $t",8stery' a[ Bryeai 1841pf Sammit #v'; Bestauraat C Dasa,1207 Qai4titsity gv l DoneihsYs469 Yy 8t peter 8t' .h Glpolmer, 987 E• 7th $t. , Ltsr C' deme 3Q1 $chert $t. a S. Poore, 379 Rioe 8t, " tdpN RuYilalls 1036 YW 7;th $t • " #4basicy, 142 .0 noord $t77. �. i'arnary W PaTAsoiunt ;Corp. a22 46b Webasba $t. Motio�p piotu p theater ' W`pargpount:;Corp ¢7f8 Rab«dpa at. n "n Ili 8 Brissnaa, 186 botso AY. 8otel'< tits $otel Corp. 8�rbWabllsl�a 8t• i , public dame ;ha11 L D6xleshs4s e 459 $t. Pd r $t,: 8 a §tn p0 blpa= G =l,nl�r►er, , ,° ,,l�sRi�e St, ' s:- tad lisad Kesler Ila)`d Lsa4itt, vb6;? BreadRayi� '" '-p e a s 1 xar� e' oolr0om is 1000 Seat Pros school _x: 5 DUPLICATE TO' CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL - - COUNCIL c.' COUNCILMEN—L CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE CLANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION -,[ FE�tOUBON J IN MCb°NAL° FAVOR - AUDITED CLAIMS - :-?---—79 •. ROHLAND , 0 1 4B9 GAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS SE DRAWN ON, THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S COVERING MR. PRES.. HODGS ADOPTED BY C NCIILSl---- -' CHECKS NUMBERE TO INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON 1OF COMPTROLLER '. I IG--- — APPROV-- 0Mi6 i"811th Hlectrio o0mpan — ---FICE CITY COMPIROLLCR 3 194 -- 0ha 1pi H, 2g TOTAL DATE , 11 CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER 2 216 9 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK li 757 I ae d. e,imer, aria ir. of F CHECKS CHECKS • 2135 2139 2130 21.161 .2 632 213364 213655 2136b 21368 I1 21370 BROUGHT FORWARD oagriolt Brothere, Ino. 9 303 E. '�:dter Boa35635 S ieh 7??cadnots Oompany, In 0 1 4B9 Bdel>yia �3 ;Fitzgerald StIsAdgt $tone 00mpaay I l 0Mi6 i"811th Hlectrio o0mpan 3 194 0ha 1pi H, 2g ,Gelb Loui4 Lafavour 0 aeo.0rftdheiuer, can Is. or r. 2 216 9 ae.C.Bftheimer, Oos'z. of li 757 ae d. e,imer, aria ir. of F 6 e52 11 70 aeo.t�. eimess'-0621T. of beg G8- 0- w „ddifi imesa (YOU IT. of F i 1 e C. F. No. 83524— Resolved, That checks be drawn n the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $50,247.13, c ..ring checks numbered 21358 to 21370 Inclusive, a perchecks o file 1n the office of the CityComptroller. Adopted by the Council Nov. 21, 1929. Approved Nov. 21, 1929. (Nov. 23-1929) • II SHEET TOTAL=FORWARD III 57 1061"', I AU U L 1 -1 1,41 (1] 1A! DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL (,�— COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No - 333111 CLANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION �_IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS MCDONALD p{�YeIDL/Vr FERGUSONROHLAND -H ITY TREASURY-` GAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRATS TO THE AGGREGATEED— AMjZljrj�' f COVERING _ MR: PRES........N �j__TO-- INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS UMB R 110 _ PER CHECNKS O F E O ICE OF ITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE N ---"---'----- _ APPROVED___ _ —1p___ -- --_-- CITY MPTRO L R MAYOR TOTAL DATE w RETURNE CHECK A O TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS C. F. NO. 88686— - CHECKS Resolved Thnt checks be drown On the Ctty. T eaeury, to tha nggreEst' ,i'r :�� 1G6 82 amount 0, covering checks 3ROUGHT FORWARD .numbered 21 -.1116, tnciuelve, P, t 21}71 Ahrens Tux "hre ingine Comp 59 • 213772 Air kSdUOt10n Sales 0ompany 213 4 Akron Brass Mfg. Company Amer OW Bulb 0ompany 1 213 A#rerioaa Gas Aooumulator 00. II 0 213 Amerjosh Law Book Company 15 0 21377 Aderioan Library ASSOoiation 21378 AXOtIOsa Linen Supply Oompan 3 1 21379 Amerioan Radiator Company . 21380 AmeriQe41800. of Civil Bngre. 24 0 21381 Asabaitea ural Hook Pnb. Oo. 21382, Argas; -B ok,Stors 21303 The Aeso sated Floral p b.0o. 230 0 AustlAAW stern'': Road X"hine 00# a li 0 P13 Auto Tire Company of StPanl 2 5b s.T, Baker 3 Company j 21387 GeO4e J. Ball 53 21388. 1. r . tt Battery Company 21389 The John F, 8aupl do�a►Y 21390 Hbliographioal'800. of Ameri a 3 21391 -610ba Merrill oispany 9. $ 1 21339]2 The BogkeT*x' ; 21394 R.R., Bowker t CompsAY 11 Hraunig B.Sons Baking Company] 2139 Bray los el . Fuel QMm any I 16' o 2139 So -L,, Brown. 21397 Broom ere Company 21399. E, it Buse 13 5 213�99 Burro A'dd$n ;Nsobine Cop r P 400 Oapo 6010pe 0*0y 1 5 21b01 oaplt:�l ldie d► Tull 0004T 5 21402 Capitol Laundry C=P8A9 25 0 21103 Qertifted Ios ComPSAT 1 21 0�#emioals 1 p C ioago;, Burlington & Q,y.RyaO . 8 . 21$C CDiosgo Pneumatic Tool Oompan 2146 Ohinago, ,St�Pau]r lipis, dt O.R .Oo. 11 1 Qolumb s Tool Stesm Company 21409 Qodmeroial Gas Company 31838 21410 36 Oonorete Steel Company 21411 The Crane Company II 54 21412 01e80ent 0908111677'Company 2 • 21413 Curio Book :Shop II 15 Y 21414 Fred . DeWitt 214155 A.B, Diok Company 9 2141b DispatOh Pioneer Press COmpan SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 57 = 00 10690 ORM NO. A-12-2 IM 12 g � ft y I DUPLICATE TO CITY CWE K� ,, COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CLANCY FERGUSON __J:J�N FAVOR MCDONALD ROH ND GAINST VlBM=;MR. PRES.. ODOSON 1 ADOPTED BY THE NC t APPROVED__ _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL (� rr COUNCIL n� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS -----_19 7 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY.: TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S—_ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ TO , INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE F7 F. OFT COMPTROLLER-. CITY CMPTRoLUR _B_1/�/� TOTAL DATE V O —7w FA_ R O RETURNS C• F, p 8dE_-- TRA..FER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK Ree ,— - CHECKS CHECKS le CItY�' That 3' Treaa Chec$a ^^yba �� :�1•F9s •1� t covert g8 aSate tUGHT FORWARD _I ^ the office e�eeka Fat; ; tee 2141T District 8t'ate Boiler Insp. 2�q.18 Ditto, Ina 222149 Donaldern Photo. company her 21421 O.R. $oekhardtrt #Company 21422 -Zleotrio Bine Print Company 21423 risotrioal Installation comp 2142224 zleotrio Machine Yfg. Compaw 2b n* Linen .Supply Company 214 nkhardt Brass Yfg, Company 21427 Farjell, Osman, Birk.& Comps 23,429 yasnell,. 0—un, lirk & 0018pau 21429 Leonard Frank Company 21430 111. L. Freeberg 21431 1letoris'Restaurant 21432 JA & Day, Ino, 2143.1 Oarlaegie .Dook & 11te1 Company 21436" 0eaesal 0hemiosl Company 2141r H. &.. 1[uiford Company 2143b ntar'? to 00mpany 21437, The 1►ater@ne Company 21435, Standard Stone Company 214Herd Coal Company Pall vie', 0anorete Produots 001 21443° Tri- tate'Tel. & Telg. Oompal 21442 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compal 21L443 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oompai 21444 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compal I) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ioRM Ro. w.I z.z I Ix-ze 21 46 4 26 8 40 21. 41 23 lg 2 6X7 1 041 26 474 3 116 2 4386 146 2 12 ru Kr CARD NOTICE(?I/`- OFFICE OP THE COMMISSIONFR'INANCE St. Paul, Minn.�.,�IOV 15 Q In the matter of GRADING, condemmn a.e�d taki an EX6Eh1F�T1'h m the ands necessary for slopes for: cute and 511s in grading. �6.4ra8°fcj,;4Ve FF is Altert : tQ fluel U g .RACI abAng�n$„th@ ST. ad oP Nebrgeke, Ave; from Paeosl to Asburyr also:eoetruotirig sewer, etc ..............:..............:....................:.........:....... under Preliminary Order... P.AN.:.............. approved... ggt?.J#.. j:.929.,. :.;under Preliminary Order.. 828.89 ................ .pproved,. -To.... al.. M.,.Prentis�e.... You. Are hereby notified that the City of St Paul,w9posee'to make the above improvement; that the total- estimated cost thereof is the sum of $.ap 301.1 , $% Qv ,;%41 That a public hearing will be held on said improv'ement in the Council Cltttmber of the Court House and City Hall Building, on the.: rts.'fitl-...day of... `y. NGV..”' ,192'9. is .the City of St. Paul, 10 o'clock A. M. -�-- —' - - Commiasso u, ofFinance. 3. CITY OF, ST. PAUL A ' • 3 • DEPA N OF FINANCE " o REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (1 o A TOM P to scal enue In the matter of Changing conformgtodthefred lineaonvthe eprofileaheretovattached and Asbury'Avenue t made also a part inghsaidfNebraskaeAvenuesfromiAlbertrAvenueito Snelling Avenue tonthe s&id red line a1$o constructingnaestablsewerioneNebraskad and eAvenuelfromdagpointW134efeet East not of the East line of Asbury Avenue to the sewer in Asbury Avenue . Cy; 1® under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 11 1929 _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: parcel — '-" ADDITION LOT 'eLocK ASSESSED VALUATION --- DESCRIPTION LAND BUILDINGS r._ -4500 1 3 Franksonls Como 375 Park Addition 375 3750 30 .3 do 1 4 do 375 2000 21 ,4 do 375 500 1 6 do 375 2500 30 6 do 375 2850 1 7 do 375 4700 I. 30 ` 7 do 375 ` 3400 8 do 422,000 155,000 i; 1_ do -- i_Inc.othe prom) r� TOTAL. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL nom - y DEPARTLATNTjOF FINANCE REPORT OF COI NIISSIC114ER OF -FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLoeKi ADDITION , ASSESSED - ATION - - DESCRIPTION VALU LAND ': BUILDINGS - ! 1 ; 9 Frankson_s Como i 30 i9 do. Ino. with: 1-30 :in 8 _ 15 1 Hoyt.'s Rear of 375-- Hoyt's Como Out 225 116 , 1 Lots 15 2 do 225 „ 225 �i.16 ;2 do -- 15 3 do 225 .. _ 16 3 do 225 _. 15 4 do 225 16 ; 4..: do 2251 do 225 .: 16 . 5 do 200 200 I 5 2 JuTgensen's Add 300 itdo2. 275 6 . q fi TOTALS 27,950.09- 17-3,4 2Q7,350 00 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said dj matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p Dated l� r� 31 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn ---- -•Sept . _ 21st ----1928... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be -made: - - Grading Nebraska ----- ---- --- ------- -------- ------ - ----------- --- --------- -------------- ---- St. Ave. from ------ Snelling. - ---- - -- ----------ML Ave. to. Albert---------- ' - ------------------------------------- - Ave. NAME I BLOCK ADDITION /LOT ""• rb. 7. ,l It it 7.10- ' ( I l / / r r �� Y4 �L�.e�✓ yy - 3 - y ,, ,� �� AIV fir `!v. ar r -i _c - --SNELLING------- ---AVE: — (ASBUiZY AVE. � n ARON_A _ p 91MPSON AVE. •� r ? PASCAL AVE. HOLTON 70 ALBERT __. I AVC SHELOON AVE. 1 _ A iI CITY LIkIITS� ——HAMLINE — - - YL E. P-1 Cot. lb, 1928 Hon. John H. HoDonslQ; Commissioner of.Pablic works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for ohanging the grade of Nebraska Ave. from Pascal Ave. to Asbury Ave., also grading said Nebraska Ave. from Albert Ave. to Snelling Ave., also constructing a sewer on Nebraska Ave. from a point 134 fto east of the east line of Asbury Ave. to the sower in Asbury Avenue., under Preliminary order C. B. 82838, approved Oct. 1, 1929: Estimated Oost 2,257.87 Cost per front foot 0.74 Inspection '0927 Frontage 3,057.54 ft. ..n e�..a CITrq~T ..PAUL COUNCIL Nom... OFFICE OF. CITY CLERK Rigg y �CO�UNCILRE50LUTION=GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER DATE N04.: "26 1929 RESOLVED In the matter of oonclemntng and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Nebraska Ave. from Albert Ave. to Snelling Ave. under Preliminary Order 04o- F. 82839, approved Oct. 1. 1929, and Intermediary Order C. F. 83242, approved Oct. 30, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Nebraska Ave. from Albert Ave. to Snelling Ave:, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. �3 M R l= CITY -: PAUL DEPARTMCid FINANCE 's'•'1.` REPORT OF COMMfS TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (A) z- - CA Inthematterof Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for 0 slopes, cuts and fill$ in the grading of Netraska,Avenue from Albert Avenue to Snelling Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION II ' LAND BUILDINGS 1 3 .Frankson's Como 375 X4.500 Park Addition 30. 3 do 375, 3750 1 4 do 375. 2000 21, 4 do 375 ; 500 ii 1 6 do 375 2500 30. 6 do 37a . 2850 1 i 7 do 3751 4700 30; 7 do 3 7 b 3400 1 8 do 22,000 155.,000 P30' 8 _ l a$d 301- .- 8 i - I � . TOTAL, is CITY Vw- PAUL DEPARTMF�1 VINANCE REPORT OF COMMISMO SIER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT �L ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATI ON LAND . MLDINGS _Re 15_Rear of. 'Hoyt s -7379 Hoyt a Como Out Lots 116 11 do 225 ,15 :2 do 225 .16 .2 do 225 .15 !3 do 225 16 .3 do 225 .15 .4 do 225 .16 A do 225 i15 .5 do 225 16 '5 do 200 i, 200. .5 2 H. Jurgensen's Add. 300 6 .2 do 275 _TOTALS 27,950.00 179., 400. 00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 'g— 4z -- commissioner of Finance. 'Poem B. B. 12 r', HW. SNELLIN G AVX. 6C r _ L CD ~+ 1A•SBURY AVE. FTI ...> .? �.: _ co N — 0.6 2.0 b O -16 !AROMA AV I. •a i C'' .19 K.S SEL ^-:c / l SIMPSON nv�. / C - Fa. - _.,c .. 4 'PASCAL AV=. -- � +r ..... F'P I... H OLT ON i .7_ ST. FH. 77 i C.e W _ _ 23TSiU�tl O I m 2.14 1.b .1. ALIT-rRT 19 '2,d o nv�, r', HW. ;grade .being shovm by a b reconstructing and low $rimell' Sng frpm a nn1• said=. alley, - I Ct "F No Rd6fS— ' A Are, h ha having heard all persorili, o the sanie,lt ricefore, Wilt' RESOLVED, By the G the east' side_ or, September 241929 p,Y.YY,�r.YY..Y.�ppro�ed ..........................................w.w...... s proved . IYrYYNYMNYNY YYn NNYNruYY N w..YMYr!Yr41 N Y riM uNj pon the above improvement upon due n6tice, ad"the Council recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered , _a: ity of St. Paul that Ow prieiee�r nhanae th'e ;igrade of B1"ock 8.; .Nay.;wav v,+ .Y.. wnen pane'said lby between the foresaid l m s o s re ne ecT; also re ins ruc an. ow e s ewa �n'e . Howell Av.'e.' rbin's t. 10 ft uth of said alley to point 30 ft north S aid alley," ere ere y cancelled, annulled, and rest ded pad &I a emd nietterbe discontinsed._ and the;Co hereby order pro v sent to be de. AESO .ED •FUIi t the, mmiesioner Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed o prepare pis d speeilf tions for said ' provement, and submit same to the Council•for approQa ;,thatupon approval he proper city, icials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed- with the making of said ' v en m acc dance therewith. Adopted by the Council_-_—_ _ —___—, 192_--- - — --------- -------- --------•--------- Bitiygle�. Approved192-- and erguson 92—_ancahnan;Ferguson Councilman McDonald' Councilman Sudheimer Councilman IBeassi(caa� G.. Mayor gson Form`B. S. A. &7. CITY OF ST. PAUL y' DEPjRTMIT OF F4INA4E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the.matterof ()hanging the grade of Alley in Block 8, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Ave. to Dewey Ave. to comform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade be�.ng,shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley between the aforesaid limits to said red line when established, also reconstructing and lowering the sidewalk and curb on the east side of 00 it Howell Ave. from a point 10 ft. south of siad alley to a point 30 ft nort)o.� of said alley. CD under Preliminary Order approved Sept 24, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $2373.20 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- - '1 DESCRIPTION LOT e1.oeK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '! 1 .8' Merriam Park 1600 8500 - 3rd Add. to .2 .8 the city of 1200 4400 St. Paul 3 8 do 1200 3400 .4 .8 i do 1200 4250 .5 8 do 1200 4300 .6 8 do 1200 5150 7 .8 do 1200 4050 ,8 .8 do 1200 2900 9 8 do 1200 3600 10 , 8 do 120.0 4200— Il1' TOTAL. FIB. B. 10 ..,,; CITY- OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINAF'W - REPORT OF COMMISSIOdER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C -- -- 'I I DESCRIPTION LOT ;- 6LOCK, ADSON ASSESSED ALUATION 11 8. Merriam Park 1200 3950 3rd Add. ,( 12 8 do 1600 520. ; i 13 i 8; do 1950 16000 lg g do 1400 - �I 15; 8. do 1400 5300 _ If 16 . 8. do 1400 4750 J. i; 17 8 do 1400 8400 18. 8. do 1400 10300 - t of 20: 8. do Lot 19, and East 2100 13200 eat •� of Lot 20, and all of 21 , 8. do 2100 - 9000 r 22, 8. do 1400 11600 _ 23 B. do 1400 9900 i 24. 8 do 1925 13500 I r F i — 1t e TOTALS 33,075.00 155,850.00 GRAND TOTAL 188925.00 -__ " The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saaiiid� matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1 i/- �� • 1 _ �o _ _19 0 �7 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade, grading and paving the Alley in Block 8, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Avenue to Dewey Avenus, also reconstructing and lowering the sidewalk and curb on the east side of Howell Ave. from a point 10 ft. south of said alley to a point 30 ft. north of said 24,e1929. under Preliminary Order C. F. 82724, app Sept. Length 511 ft. Width of Roadway 2U ft. Frontage 1000 ft. Street 20 ft. PAVING 611 CONCRETE Total Sq. Yd. $2.09 Property Share $2,373.20 T o t a l $2,373.20 (b) Front ft. 2.37 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the 0 a oner of Finance. „ Commissioner of Public W rks. 77777 PETITION OF PSMOSSTB.AMCE Nov. 22, 1929. Zhe Undersigned record owners of the respective property set opposite our names in Block 8, Merriam Park Third Addition to St..Psul are opposed' to the change of grade and; paving of the alley in said block as proposed in Preliminary orders #82724 and #82725 approved September 24, 1929. Be are opposed to these proposals for the following reasons: 1.Be=1 believe the proposed changes are wholly unnecessary and will fail to accomplish what their advocates hope for. 9. The proposals are to the benefit of a very few at the cost of/the many and while such, a procedure might be justified in a case of public aSoeasitq,thie necessity does tot here apply. The same ends can be accomplished by far less expense i; to those benefitted and with no expense to those in the balance of the block. i 3. Several of us have already expended considerable sums to protect our prop" at the alley .line and we object to beinh called upon to pay for alley protection-: to others._ `We 'believe each property ownerL should be required to use ordinary diligence and aare;to build according to the lay of the land, and having failed to do so he can- not fitily ask other. property owners to pull him out of a predicament that is of his own makg. 4. Taxes are now,eo hij sad under the Improvement. program now under way will be still higher' "that we feel that for the present only those improvements that are absolutely.nscesoary should be made. For these and various other reasons that may be adduoed, we protest against the measures and ask your honorable council to reject the matters. Respectfully submitted, Address Lot Block Addition C-._ ©N ne s MTE -07 MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMW ) J. W. Patterson, being -first duly sworn, deposes and says that he to one of the signede Of the attached Petition of Remonstrance objecting to the change of grade and paving of alley in Block 8, Merriam Park, Third Addition to the City of St. Paul as proposed under Preliminary Orders #82724 and #82725 approved September 24, 1929; and that each of the -signatures of said signatories Jiigenuine. L Subscribed and sworn to before . . . . me�this ;25th�day o�er,A.D.,1929. GEO.'A. MOST; Nexy PUW, Ramt.; Comity. Umne.A.. My Cammiseioo. *a Avymt - �� y" 7 t i, is w 1 , . tv k X r MTE -07 MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAMW ) J. W. Patterson, being -first duly sworn, deposes and says that he to one of the signede Of the attached Petition of Remonstrance objecting to the change of grade and paving of alley in Block 8, Merriam Park, Third Addition to the City of St. Paul as proposed under Preliminary Orders #82724 and #82725 approved September 24, 1929; and that each of the -signatures of said signatories Jiigenuine. L Subscribed and sworn to before . . . . me�this ;25th�day o�er,A.D.,1929. GEO.'A. MOST; Nexy PUW, Ramt.; Comity. Umne.A.. My Cammiseioo. *a Avymt - �� final orders were 15111 over av myy --a -J�- •�• �-y o Paving Fairview Avenue from Summit Avenue to Selby Avenue. Changing the grade of alley in Block S. Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Ave. to Dewey Ave., also grading and paving said alley between the aforesaid limits, also reconstructing and lowering the sidewalk and curb on the eas6 side of Howell Ave. from a point 10 ft. south of said alley to a point 30 ft: north of said alley. Till you kindly notify the property owners interested in the atove improvements of thAse hearings? Yours very truly, City Clerk. "� couflcu't�t)7 CITY OF ST. PAUL. =...� MIX N0•• w ' OFFICE OF 611*,CLERK s r OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TIOV. 26, 1929 PREggggNT. Byy DATA' COM. 1t3D 5610NER RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement:in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the `grading and paving of A11ey in Block 8, Merriam Park Third Addition from Howell Ave. to Dewey Ave., under Preliminary Order Ce F. 82728, approved September 24, 1929, and Intermediary . Order C. F. 83240, approved Oat. 30, 1928. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his plan in the above�tter, be ito-� Resolved, That 6" — --fir-e to "�_ min s the amount ,o _land to be take for the abo named imp vement as ane cement for slope onts.and fi is in grading and p, wing of Allety in oak 8, >>f<er m Park Third Addition from H ell Ave. to Dewe ve. to the ztent shown Pon the plan of the Commissioner o Public Work attach d hereto which p n is hereby refer d to and ma apart reof. be and the name Ere hereby cancelled, annulled, and rescinded Abd an proceedings in said mat er be discon!irr a I jrt tb i Itori oea�%ildge. tthhef9la�Wdf, .so, i fps ��e Miz7e bit R: gtadf a4dXbslt'Thf#.A q�titbnK bm. pKeiti"nidsx`Ye�Odder' yF's8A86 aP ; . rPvdd >3eiIL �t 4988 � X, 40 oo4? - t 1sry Order C f�Of aPDtdv •, o ' r h �n$"k�nbin[tLeQ A !4 fulaq IR the ay�o� ^. mnttep ha 7t � 4V k c7teeo#v6d. FTba ,�sU, b¢ BD��caa 871eani��ufiad��nd'"r'eb. �: aalnsle� aadb afi vs.fndr la atd. Ado`R3eahya4tke�Op�d}4ell 9n1� t�88 l 'ApYrovlbd Ma[Y`�47}+398O).µ F� i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nage Adopted by the Council MAY 141930 19_ Fe MY M 1 4 McDonald _�r1n favor ed 19_ Sndheimer Against MAYOR CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARTWT„ C, F FINANCE N REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER inthe.matterof Condemning and taking an easement oinatheylandBnecessarMeriy for llamPa� Park cuts and fills, in the grading and paving Third Addition from Howell Avenue to Dewey Avenue. 0 under Preliminary Order approved Sept 24, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: nn The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ sn $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - LOT eLoclC ADDITION ASSESSED, VALUATION _. DESCRIPTION LAND BOILDINlB -1600 8 Merriam Park 85 0. C __ 1 Third Addition 1200 4400. 2 S do 3 .8 do 1200 3400. il S do 1200 4250 1' do 1200 4300 Sg g do gl 1200 5150. . ii g 1200 ., 4050. . do 1200 '. 2900 9 g do 1200 3600. 10 8 do 1200 TOTAL I— B. B. 13 a: _ CITY OF ST. PAUL r „• .. / DEPART,MgNT'0 FINANCE „ OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPOf2T CSN PRELIMINARY ORDER -:,_ C' ...:::–. --. - I- - li ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION VALUATION . - NG9 LAND BU3L50 1 120 I� 0 4iPark.. 1118 Merrd Addition Third Addition 12 do_ 1600 is 5200 13 18 t _ _ do . 1950 III; 1609.Q_ I, '. 1400 1i - 14 do 8 __ _ II 16 g do 1400 5300 I; 16.8 do 1400 ,. 4760 17 , 8 ; do 1400 ,: 8400 18 r 6 do 1400 ,. 10300 1 do ^Lot 19 and- East of _ 20 , 8 , 2100 '„ 13200 _ West of Lot 20 and all of21 8 _; do _ 2100 9000 22 , S do 1400 11600 ...:1-. i -.. 23 8 do _ 1400 ,: 9900 -.. 24. 8 I do 1925 - 13500 1 � --1 I TOTALB N,075.00. 155850.00 , GRAND TOTAL, 188,35 .00 , The Commissioner of Finance furthef=reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated C1 '( R O 19 ,r � Commissioner of Finance. I— B. B. 13 a: s 00F FINANCE �C'ice of the Commissioner of Public W�or 4 .......... 4 Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 3� October 2, 1929 ..........192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the + 82725Sept. 24, 1929.--192.-,. relative to - - approved .. ..... ----- land necessary for .. Council, known as Council File No. ....... - - condemning and taking an easement in the ----------------------------------------------- _. slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of A. ley in -Bioak 8t iierri`am-i'ark--Third Addition--from--&o-well Avenue-to - Dewey Avenue......._ ..... ------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..--- _ ... ......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... 7cC8 ............... and the total cost thereof is 3----------- -[ ------ - .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. .................................. - ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .... .. - 5. Said improvement is.......... ._ .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public W rks. i f COUNCIL FILE NO----------- ---- - -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of KradinR alley in Block -. 18, Jackson and Bidwell ' s _`- _- Addition and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis St, to Wyoming St:, under Preliminary. Order—____— 82842 --approved __ Oct. 19 1929_ Intermediary Order.,l approved -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and, kind of im- provement.to be made by the said City i6rado alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell+s'Addition and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis St. to Myoming St., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifieations',for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that up- said approval, the proper city officials are hereby' authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the' making of said im rove�nen dance therewith. �ov rover s � Adopted by the Council:_- a � P 10 T _ City Clerk. 2 61 Approved ---- 'WON ---------------- 192---- a Mayor.' councilman Clancy !'.'YZ°iCU11C1hnaII. MC Donald *Councilman lf� Rohland ,iCouncilman Sudheimer Eouncilman Rrencol ^G'•.ve , CITY OF ST. PA,.. 1 - < DEPARTrAENT ,OF f4 NCE REPORT OF COMMISSI6NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A In the matter of Grading alley in' Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell Is Addition • and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis Street to Wyoming Stfeet. 00 October 1, 1929 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated mom't of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 282,.Z4 yront The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is 0.56 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT IewcK ADDITION DESCRIPTION - i ASSESSED VALUATION BUILDINGS 1 David's Rear. 25 3500 2 do 300: 2550 3 do 300 1500 . 4 do 300 1500 b do 325 1500 6 do t 425 6 18,Jackson and Bid- 800 5650 f4e11's Addition to west St. Paul i I; South 40 feet of 7 18 do 375 3800 I 4 •I, i TOTAL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL =,.. DEPARTMENT OF FIKOCE - REPORT OF COMMISSI4VER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT pLOCK ADDITION I', LAND i ASSESSED VALUATION BUILDiNGS , f Lot__8 and (ER. S. 40 feet) 7 1 181.Jackson and Bid—_ 550 !Z700 i f/ well's Addition to west--St.Paul ~600. north 10 fse.t). 9 i 18, do _I ot 10 and north 10 feet of 9; 18; do .2500 . " F 'II jra�l n ��' I{ TOTALS 4,675.00 II .. it ..... If :: 26,200..00. _1 GRAND TOTAL 30,,.$75.OQ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of public Works. / n t Dated A. , 3 � 194— �Uomm ifasione r. of Finance. Poem' a. n. 13 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of .PtLblio Works,. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimtte of cost for grading A13ey in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis St, to Wyoming St., under Preliminary Order c. F. 82842, approved Oct. 1, 1929: Estimated cost 282.34 cost per front foot 0,56 Inspeotion 5054 Frontage 500 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for tranemiS8 totssioner of Finance :�OKCO:OM—Mi sioner of Public Wo s. Non .-St. Paul, ` In the matter of GRADING, condemning and takmg an ilk in the necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading• .s.l7:.ey lA • Blk. • :18,, al8,l $i.Bid11►i311fa Add &..David!. ._ e�er:...fTj.�-om.. apb� t9'�xniAg .......�• ;Mi 8294 .. Wt 1 6 a roved.. „ under Prelrmmary, Order - PF { 82843 00 1 19 under P hm, Q�1er .pproied a Ae iry K1T0b10Yf . To....... ... ... �,,,, .. .. You are hereby notified that the City of St. I?t:ll Proposes to make the above mtpro that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $.`.+N!• t •'�4 • •Q+� 8.8 ' ��� � ''p` That a public hearing will beheld on said ittrp.rovement in the Co noir Cha n& 'Court House and City Hall Building, on the 26 • .day, of... . Nfi9.a .,,.� .19: the,City of St. Paul, 10 o'clock A. M. �. $ Ono. C. UDaF,Mikt; ' v otnniiestoner o[ Finance: _., � ...... .asua.;:.: a.v a aur.., _ • ,.."k OFFICE'OF THE'COMMI.48IONE�*OF,,.VNANCE . St. Paul, MfnliLi...... NQ9 ...18a.... 1929 ... In the matter of GRADING,.condemningit saki9g' an SEM i the lands eeessary for slopes for cuts and fills is grading. allPrjr }I}•�e,•,,aCQ Qn 15MIrml Mo.. xA 193iQA11A� d(�, ... d ^^^ +4 . under Preliminary Order ... ufm,approved ri +VV - �.•,s. �88� ... - under Preliminary Order..... 8484•Y ........... approved .Y...'.lx. .9. at9.... . You arc hereby ao"tified that the City of St..Paul proposes to ma the abQyS.AmpnDs'cmrt; that the total astunated cost thereof is the aumof $, .307..3!,�,,,,�}-•.� •. That a public `b'eariug will be held on said ..improvement in eheaCoStncil C6ammGer ,Mi Court House and City Hall Building, on the .... 2s'tah..day of: DTAY•• ,,,LQ�. the City of St. Paul, 10 o'clock A: M. QBO. C. BUDIIUMXa, _ Commissioner of.Finance. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONE#,Og'W' St. Paul, Mico .... NOV........... In the matter cof'GRADING, -condemning and taking an EASI a11e...in . Blk �aarq for;elop1 for cuts and fills in grading... :f -- .ane.raat!a Ra>.-wT. F.T.G }K Mttir+aw*.+•a y� 1 � 74� JI J•d�iig /allay �,s't ':' ..' 92842 a roved Oct li lea under Preliminary Order.. PP 1. under Preliminary Order. 828.... approved........ a To ...... X—A.L.. KTakeX �ou am hereby notified that the City of St. Pa'sul_p� Pos3 s toOmake SCRthe ,,aa�bov 8r i that the. total estimated. cost thereof is the cui. of•$ _. • • •"Y' - That a public hearing will beheld on said`impmvement in the CouncikChambel 26th, da of 1aQQf •19. -Court Houle and City Halh Building, on the'.-. .. Y. the City of St. Paul, 10 o'clock A. M. - �ihA1. p. t30DHhiddkK, '— _Ceimmiesionoi• of Finance; OFFICE OF THE, COMMISSIONER PANG) a.�,_......192 .9 .. '.In the matter of GRADING, condemning -;and taIt g `an. EASEMENT in the lands •�" necasary for slopes for cuts and fills. in grading. . R� 18y!. SLA. A� 1Ct.,�.8.,..JICj(t3Q17 &.Bidrrsll!.r3.d &:Dauid'_B; Re:•a foam agolia ..... .. ... .. .. under Preliminary Order.... OB84 fit :....::....... approved ... Opl,. Jii .:.+s9.29... �vnder Ay y Order A .�.2� 8fi0approved 0Ot li. 1.92.9 ' To .... .. ..................................... You are hereby notified that th of St. P e toor e•aboVe nest that the total estimated cult thereof •ia the sum of $. ..... r .. r That aApubi,&'h`earing trill beheld on ..id'i rovement i,—IT Councd Cbaptbet, of t7.e . Court Ho and City Hall Bu lding;!' Mh t.A .. dayof- QV. 1928 +rnrm: the Citt"A St Paul, 10 o'clock A �`�"` F p� gg 'ff�Yy / O[1NCIL'�RE8�`9WTION-GE�NE]RAt;�OIiM � � 'COMMS BS OIVER �MF����L���-'r-•--+-� T _DATE R09• �F1, 1929 RESOLVED U ' In the matter of condemning and taking an ease- ment in the lend necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 82843, approved Oct. 1, 1929, and Intermediary Order C. F. 83238, appro ved Oot. 30, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City Of St. Paul fixes and deter- mines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and David's Rearrangement from knnapolis St. to Wyoming St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to. and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN NOV 2 6 1929 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 19— Clancy ,®� McDonald In favor APP 19— Rohland .. Sudheimer Against MAYOR p = �_ Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL F DEPARTAEN OF F111►j� ;' 1 \, - REPORT OF COMMISSIONek OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and David's Rearangement from Annapolis Street to Wyoming Street.. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 1, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ y be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that ma parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 1 LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION ;! _ LAND BUiLDINt38 l David's Rear. .3500 2 do 300. 3 do 300 1500: 4 do 300 1500. L i 5 do 325 ! 1500 j 6 do 425 i {i 6 18.:Jackson & Bid- 800 5650 j well's Add to to West St.Pau7 I {i375 h South 40 feet of 7 18 do 3800 { TOTAL. - _... "Form B. B. 16 - CITY OFC ST. PAUL DEPARTA Nit'017 FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSEDc VA UAT ON DESCRIPTION LOT ¢LOCK ADDITION �I - ! � LAND j Bt}ILDINGS' it ' _Lot _8 _.and_ _(Except._sonti; f Jackson. &. Bid'- - "- 40 feet 7 18iwellls Add to 550 3700 'West St. Paul _.-(Ex. North l0 feet) _9 1 18 _ do 375 if ----�--Lot-10--and north 10 feet of 9 18 . do 600 , :2500 i � I II __ jI • � l� �I TOTALS-__ _ 4,675.00. 26,200_,00 q - l GRAND T)TAL. 30,875.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the, aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1. O 19 — Ni . I, ° on Commissioner of Finance. Form B. a. 12 - FINAL 83533 COUNCIL FILE NO------- - - -- By-- ------ - — FINAL ORDER In theMatter ofgpading alley in Block 6, Hoyt 's Rearrangement, Blbek 3,� H. R: Hanson's Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgensen's Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, Wunder Preliminary Order--___-82886Approved ______Oct. 3, 1929 Intermediary Order — approved— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due noticeand the Council having heardall'persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, -By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent "and kind of im- ! , provement to be made by the said City is—_ grade alley in Block 6, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 3, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgensen! Addition from Nebraska Avents to Hoyt Avenue, w .. v. Rl k6" tom% >; - �>€ Wilk ,yam and the Council hereby ',Y ilk sail RESOLVED FURTHER, That 9 directed to prepare plans._and speei approval; that.upon said appronal;'1 teed with the making of>said impr. Adopted by the Council Approved _ j ,192 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF . jgAN,%CB REPORT OF CC•MMISSION1ER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER M In the matter of GTadinL, alley in Block 6, Hoyt,a Rearrangement Block 3, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgensdii's Addition 'from Nebraska Avenue to novt Avenue 00 CJS CJ: under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 3rd, 1929 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 264.13 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S pp.? The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT � ,BLOCK , - ADDITION : ASSESSED it VALUATION , it LAND BUILDINGS (Ex. West 4.50 ft.) 1' i 6 :Hoyt's-Rea.r of 200 ! '� j'. Hoyt's Como out a do 2 '. 6 Lots 200: do 3 6 do 200 j do 4 6 do 200 j do 5 ! 6 do 200: ; 16; 6 '; do 300 1500 17 6 " do 300 V. li 18 6 do 300 3150 19 6 do 300 is 20T 6 do 300; ITOTAL. Wo B. B. Is - CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ., . REPORT OF CaMhftSIONIN�fZ bF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �- DESCRIPTION ' I LOT LOCK,,_._, I ADDITION ASSESSED II VALUATION :.: _.. _ ....:- ` LAND i, BUILDIi��}8' �1 3 j.H.B.Hsnsonl s .Add... 200 __ 6Q0 I � 2 3 __ _ do i 300._ t3 _ - __do_ . _ _ 300. 3 ! do 300 5 13 do 300 «' 6 13 do - .200 7 i3 do 200 18 ,3 do 200.„ i Il 9 _ 13 '. do 20.0 _. 10 i 3 do 1 2 : H. JurgensenI s Add, 250 ,, ! 250 i2 2 ao 250 a 250 3 ;2 do 250 3000 IL 14 2 ! do 250 !' i 5 2 do 300 6 ,2 do 275 ! 72 do 150 _. li 8 2 do 225 2400. .... ,_... - 9 2 do 75_ . 110 2 do 150 - •TOTALS 7,075.00 19,200 00 !GRAND TOTAL 26,275.00,_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated4_tL0 1924— 'n ommissioner of Finance. I- B. B. 12 St Paul, Min.. `1. r�...... 92 To The Honorable,. TheCouncil, i City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----------------- rading the alley in ------------------------------ ----- ---------- B1k_b Hoyt,s_He, Hlk-.3 Hanson'a--Add'___k-2-Jorgensen_Add,-•----_,__---_-_-_-St. Ave. "abraske -St. Ave. to....•' ------- from --- -- --- --- - ------ - J� yt ----- ------ --------------- St. Ave. IAT BLACK ADDITION 17 �fJ ` 77 Al . �►�,�� � y . � r - civ © e u 19 3 Q. IT DiR \L tv 0 n +c v_ r - n ce rl - D Z _c --- SN E L LING Ll Lt ASSURY _ _AVE.CA— nLARONA _ ;K AV E. m SIMP50N AVC. { I _. PASCAL ---- AVE. HOLTON AVL. �T , II �I — HAMLIN n AVE. A i _ TV E• - CITY LIMNS i i j Hon. John Ho MoDonala, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear girt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading of Alley in Block 6, Hoyt*s _Rearrangement, Block 3, H. B• Hansonts Addition and Block 8, R. Jurgensents Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, undIor Treliminary Order C. F. 888869 approved Dot• 3, 1989: Estimated cost 2.64.13 Cost per front foot 0.88 Inspection 5.16 Frontage 1198.56 ft. Yours truly, Chi Engineer. Approved for transmissio �? to t Cc ssioner of Finance Oommissioner of Public Wer. • •,�,.wno�... CITY{ ST. PAUL COUNCIL N1OFILE. 8 4 OFFICE �F CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM BY Nov. 26, 1929 PRESENTED COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Hoytts Rearrangement, Block 3, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Blook.A, H. Jurgen- sents Addition from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 82887, approved Oct. 3, 1929, and Intermediary Order C. F. 83234, approved Oct. 30, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Sf. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Hoytrs Rearrangement, Block 3, H. Be Hansonts Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgen- senrs Addition between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas Nays Adopted by the o-'UcDonald In favor v - Rohland —fudheimerAgainst `�6iTeeM1 / odgson .. Mt`17inwU..�e .:........... ... ... 26 1926 19— BV z 6 19 MAYOR CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT SiMANCE REpAT OF COMMIttIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 6, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 3, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Block 2, H. Jurgensen's Addition fr:-m Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue C� under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 3rd, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:, t DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � LAND BUILDINGS (Ex.West 4.50 ft.) 1 6 Hoyt's Rear. of 200 Hoyt's Como Out do 2 6 Lots 200. ii do 3 6 do 200. do 4 6 do 200 do 5 6 do 200: 16 ; 6 do 300 1500 17 6 do 300 I I �i 16 6 do 300. 3150 19 6j do 300 -20 i 6 ; _ - __do 300 ..3850. TOTAL. _ .. Form IsB. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT;OF- RNAINCE REPORT OF COMMIS100"NER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIJIFTION LOT �LOCKi ADDITION VALUATION ' LAID,: B ILDINGS 13 ;H.B.Hansonls Add. 200_ , 600; �. t 2 ; 3 _ do 300 -- 3 3 _ ; do 300 43 do i 300 5 i 3 do 300 6 3 do a 200 :. a 7 3 do , 200. - _ 8 3 do 200 9 3 , _ do 200 10 3 do 200 , 1 2 H. Jurgensenl a Add. 250 250 do .. 2 2 250 2550 f„ I, _ - 3 2 . " do 250 3000 4 2 do 250 -- 5 2 do 300 �l ! 6'i 2 do 275 . 7. 2 do 150. do 225 3400 -- 9 2 do_ 75 !: I' 10, 2 do 150 TOTALS_ 7,075.0:0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ &-t� L A -30 199 Form B. B. 13 Commissioner of Finance. cILK NO. 835 5, ...... �.. m.. e•... CITY IF 1'. PAUL Ou OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM coM8M1So oNe t DATE Yovember 26th, 1989 REsowrD In the matter of opening, widening and extenag a "T" alley in Block 1 River Boulevard Addition, under Preliminary Order 8257 approved September 11th 1929 and Intermediary Order 83238 approved October 36th, 1629. The Commissioner of Public forks having submitted his sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows s A "T" alley 20 ft. in width in Block 1, River Boulevard Addition the sa*terly line of the north add south alley being J35.ft. west of Cleveland Avenue, and the east and Rest alley being an extension of the alley in Block 1, King's Highland Park. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy awfulan McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Q Against Weent Odgeon Adopted by the Council —19— App. IQ 19— C/ MAYOR CITY OF ST, -PAUL REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4 In the matter of opening, widening andextending a 'IT" Alley 20 feet in width In Block 1, -River Boulevard Addition, the Easterly line of the north and south alley being 135 feet west of Cleveland Avenue, and the east and West alley being an extension of the alley in Block 1, king's Highland Paxk. 00 under Preliminary Order approved Sept,11,1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The Atimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ $ 1 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS (except Cleveland Ave) South 20 feet of north 145.75 feet of east 200. i) feet of 1.River Boulevard 100 .Addition St.,Paul (Ex. Cleveland Ave.) Minn. East 200 feet of North 125.75 feet of 1 do 3100 5600 (Ex. Cleveland Ave.) .- j+ East 155 feet of South 125.75 feet of 1 do 3000 500 LWest 45 feet of south 125.75 feet of east 200 feet of 1 , do 575 TOTALS 6,775.00, 6,100._00 Tf _ :GRAND TOTAL 12,875.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,then Dated &zW,-c,2 C 192;L a C F— B. s. w. B-5 n Commissioner of Finance. 4-: -. • ,. extending A-dtumn street from Hager Avenue to Fisher Street to a width of 66 ft., under Preliminary Order 82934 approved October 8th, 1929 and Intermediary Order 83831 approved October 30th, 1929. .The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his sketch,.* he above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows s Extend Autumn Street from Ra or Avenue to Fisher Street to a width of 86 feet. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CouiMil NOV 2 6 192919_ Clancy 1%1s08e111 1 V 2 61929 McDonald In favor ed 19— Rohland Sndhelnler - AgainsL MAYOR weam g odsoon ia- 7111110 IF DL�ART z►�_�>l�IT` O� tiCE REPORT OF COr-*/W jIsY ORDER FINANCE 1 ON PR rom Hager Avenue to Fisher In the matter of Open$ widen and extendf Street to a width of 66 feet.:,: under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 8 X929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a s follows _ $ 10,00 The total estimated amount of the assessment icor t%ze above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above impr ovemea t zs - - - and the,assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be $or such improvement, as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows = 5 parcel DESCRIPTION LOT -- ioc■c ASSESSED j ADDITION VALUATION - _. ------ BUILDINGS (Ex. Fisher street) North * of Northeast Of i southwest of1500 of Sea. 22 Toren 2500 Zaa Southwest (Zx. Fisher Street and _ II Hager Avenue) South j of Southeast h of Northwestof Southwest. A Seo. 22 Twn.,29 ��aT; �e 1500 2000. -- � 2 � i TADS 3000 4500: ,j SAND _TOTAL7500 r t 3 e The Commissioner of Finance furir reports he aforesaid matters, -��� zt he has investigated all of tand made to him in hereby submits the foregoing ae his report =izereoa za the Council, together withthe report reference to said matter by the ssblie Work Dated 41w Commissioner of Finance. OCT 12 1229 Oct. 11, 1929 -------------------------- 192........ To the Commissioner of Finance of `the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 82954 Oct • 8, 1929 192..--...-, relative to Council, known v Council File No.... ...._._------..approved -------------------------------------------------------- opening, widening =d extending Autumn Street from Hager Avenue to Fisher Street. .---_............ .................. ._._------......- ------- ... ............ ...----------------- - - _-__ ------------ ------- -- and and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... .......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is xxZ ---- ....-., and the total cost thereof is S_--- - ------------------ and -- ----- -----and the nature and extent of said improvement if; as follows:.-.. _._. ------ -------------- __.... .... ... ......:. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... - - - - -- ....__.....-._... - - ....._..._..... ..------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Said improvement is ---------- . _.. - ..- ----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. GY'4—v��----------------------- ------ Commissioner of Public Wo s. CITY OF ST. PAU' L A" • ` DEATMENTFBF MNCE _ ` REPORT OF COMMISSNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) • :. In the matter of Grading alley in Block 8, Hoyt t s Rearrangement, Block 1, H. B. Hansonts Addition and Block 1, H. Jurgensents Add. from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. r� CIO under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 3rd, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 341.80 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $-- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: li DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 1 .8 Hoytts Rear. of 200 Haytts Como Out _j Lots 2 8 do 2J0 . 7 3 8 do 200 _ 4 8 do 200 'i 5 8 do 200 .16 .8 do 375 4900 !i 17 8 do 375 r .18 .8 do 375 19 8 do 375 _. , 20 8 do 375 TOTS Form B. B. If:,. .. _ . CITY OF ST. PAUL r r... ,DEPAWMENT OF F1 NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT LOCK ADDITION t SED ypLiJpT10N I� 1 � LAND l 11 H. B. Hanson's Add. 375 4700 -_ 2 ; l do 375 3 I,1" do 375 3200 4 1 do 375 .. 4700 r --._r do 375 .. 450 �--- II1 6 1 do 200 100 7 1 do 200 ,.' 400: `I .8 1 do 200 .. 9 1 do 200 _ 10 i 1 do 200 i 1 H. Jurgensen's Add. 325 , - 2 1 do 325 . i 1 do 3253 .. I 4 1 do 325 .. 5 1 : do 650 6250 - - 6 '1 do 1 i 250 _ .i �I TOTALS 7,950.00 24,700.00it --u GRAND TOTAL 32, 650, OA The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in ddnmatter by the Commissioner of Public Works. reference to said Datedy t4� C 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 SNELLiNG ASE• _ A58UQY r Z. Z - X - - Co. ra r, I D nL ARONA. X Av E. o D" �; 13 w SIMPSON AVE. v + PASCAL AVE . m n j 'e�, C, HOLTON AVE. N 1 ALBERT _ - D' AYE�� J _ SHELDON CITY Lt 17S ——HAMLiNE -- ---- -- AVE. — THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) october lb, 1929 Hon. John R. MoDonald, Commissioner of -Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of ooet for the grading of Alley in Blook 8, Royt's Rearrangement, Blook 1, R. B. Hanson's Addition and Blook 1, R. durgensen's Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Royt Avenue, under Preliminary order C. F. 82882, approved October 3, 1929: Estimated Cost $ 341080 cost per front foot 0.29 Inspection 6.70 - Frontage 1198.2 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for tranemisiion to t C esioner of Finanoe ommiesioner of Publio WOr Wo"m Office of the Commissioner of PublicNA Report to Commissioner ssioner of Finance !'ZS oct. 14, 1929 ------192---- ----------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the $2882 oat. a, 1929 relative to Council, known as Council File No. -------------­--------- approved ------------- ..... ... ­ -- ­- 192 --------- BI ok 1 ..... .. .. .... .. Re.a.rra-ngement . .......... P. enaan.'A A4JdiU-QA...fr0K W-G-Uation ... aad.,-BIOQX Jurg .­ .................. R6bra8ka--AV-8-.-- t*.-Hoy.t- -Ave.- .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--. ----- ---------- - necessary and (or) desirable. 29� per front foot 341.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is_Y-__ ................. and the total cost thereof is &-- - -- -- - --- --------- - Inspeation $6.70 Frontage 1198. 2 ft. -------- ------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----- ........ ............... ..... ........ ­ � ­­ � .. .. ... .. .... ­­ 1. .­ - ------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---- ------ ------- ---------------- 4. ­­ ------- ­- --- -- -- -- 5. Said improvement is...._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . .............. -i . . .... ..... Commissioner 0Public orks. Yeas CITY Of- AUL COUNCIL NO.t9,15 FlLE ` n OFFICE OF CITY CLERK // COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 8, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 1, H. B. Hansonts Addition and Block 1, H. M rgensenrs Addition from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 82883, approved Oct. 3, 1929, and Intermediary Order C. F. 83236, approved 'Oct. 30, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That ^^,'i`�„Q at de ermines the amo t oY land to taken for a above na d improvement a an easement Yo slopes, cut and Pillo, in a grading of al y in Block 8,\Ave ear went, Bloo 1, H. B. Hanson Addition and, H. Jur naents Addit on from Nebraska vs. to Hoyt the eatenshown pon the plan of t e Commissioublic Worksattaoh hereto which pla is herebyd to and made a part roof. be 8d the Yate 2M hereby cancelled, annulled. and re=_einded aad all p 1, skid mattm be diseentinUed. Clancy I 'R-+ewm.� I1Q McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer d Against `i10864 �� 1 a•C i Y%FIOI PrOR. Fc rs41ROD Adopted by the Council NOV 26192619 ed ®V 2 G 1929 19_ MAYOR CITY OI4UL rr.. 1 DEPARTMSN, ANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in block 8, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 1, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Block 1, H. Jurgensen's Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. (xj CA - under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 3rd 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 1 8 Hoyt Is Rear. of 200 Hoyt's Como Out 2 8 Lots 200, 3 B . do 200, 4 8 do 200 5 8 do 200 A 16 8 do i 375. 4900 17 8 do 375. 18 8, do 375, 19 8 do 375 �I 20 8. do _ 375, -- 'I.... TOTAL. . - CITY O UL ., _..h DEPARTMENT ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER :.- DESCRIPTION LOT aLoeK!ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS TI.B.Hansonls Add 375 4700 do 375 3 1 do 375 3200 . 4 1 do 375 4700 , .5 1 do 375 450 - -, .6 1 do 200 100 I� 7 1 do 200 ;. 400 8 1 do 200 :. .. _. 9 1 do 200 — , ,i 1G :1 do 200 .. 1 1 H. Jurgensenls Add. 325 4 2 .1 do 325 . 3 1 do 325 .. _. g 1 cb 325 5 1 do 650 6250- '._--G 6 1 do 250 .. - .. ---- i TOTALS 7, 950.00. 24, 700.00.. I�.. GRAND TOTAL 32,650.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Wta�" 30 1929. Farm B. B. n Commissioner of Finance. ®face" of the !Commissioner of Publict�iA►� Report to Commissioner of Finance acT 1z Oot. 14, 1929 192. -.-.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 82883Coto 3, 1929 192 --- relative to Council, known as Council File No...._........__.__..approve d.............................. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ........... ............ slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Alley in Blook S. Hoyt's ..... ......................... . ------------- Rearrangement, Blook 1, H. B. Hanson's Addition and Blook 1, ....... .- - _. .......... .. .. ....... Hs durgeneen's Addition from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........ --------------- necessary and (or) desirable. �. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. the -totaLcostAhereof is � �- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._... __..... _..- _.....- __ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .._.............. . .................................................. _........ ------------- Al 5. Said improvement is-. ---- .. . .... .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for. said improvement. - ------ - - -...lea ...---- . -•--------- -- Commiseioner of Pubhc Wor Ih C} 2nd. / Laid over to 3rd. & app.- �Vl / Adopted II.r _ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy ' Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan trA1cGlogan McDonald /1 C McDonald j' Sudheimer V Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr Pres. Hodgson r� , Mr. Pres. Hodgson ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. I ORDINANCE NO. nce amending Ordinance: No. 5580, entitled: - ordinance providing for all matters concerning, reg ec ting the construction, alteration, regulation, re- maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, .tures erected or to be erected within the limits of Paul for the protection of property against fire, rpo se of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environ- occupants of buildings used for human habitation or compel the owners of such buildings, walls or struc- "reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, a aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or 11 buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire lim- ribIng the powers and duties of the Commissioner of e��In conformity with, the charter provisions. This is nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the . health and safety", approved April 18, 1921. This is ndnanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the health and safety. IL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES, ORDAIN: -1. That Ordinance #5580, approved April 18, 1921, e >is hereby amended by adding to Section 31, immedi- e,-first sentence of Subdivision (kr) thereof, the fol - foundations, ol- foundationa after completion, shallnot remain IS more than fifteen (15) days, but shall be covered -, =before- tyre expiration r of—that- peTi-ad-bythe installer tjoa of at least the first floor joists and subs -floor or .81 h temporary covering as will be approved by the t" Oommi s stoner of Public Buildings. " Sec, 2. Said Ordinance is hereby further amended by adding tq Section 192 thereof, immediately after the fifth para-, gr'a�h of Laid section, the following: "No =building of any kind shall. be constructed or'placed in: the reps yards, provided by this section, `: except. a private garage or, other small building; .sees sory to the dwelling or tenement house. " Sec, '.3. Said Ordinance is hereby further amended by, striking,°'out '8ec tion 663 of said Ordinance and substituting' in lieu thereof ,the following: GARAGES i (PRIVATE) Sec. 863.-(a) In determining the floor area of said garages, distances shall be measured from the inside of walls or partitions. The height of private garages from floor to ceiling shall not exceed 11 Peet, ."and if the building has; a pitched roof, the height shall be figured from the floor to the lowest, point of: the intersection of walls or .partition with the roof or ceiling CM - ORDINANCE = COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (b) (1) No such paivate garage shall be located within 10 feet of any private dwelling upon the same lot unless the garage is of fireproof construction or is plastered, ventilated, lighted and heated as required for garages which are within or part of dwellings. (b) (2). No person, firm, or corporation shall here- after erect, construct, or place any private garage or alter any building to be used for private garage purposes within 30 feet of any, public street, except as hereinafter provided for garages on corner lots. No such garage shall hereafter be erected, constructed, or placed within 20, feet of any dwelling on any adjoining property, except dwellings on the opposite side of a public street or alley. (b) (3)' If the property is on a corner, and the garage is to face so that its entrance doors will open toward the side street, the face containing the entranoie doors shall be placed not less than 8 feet from the side lot line. No private garage shall be located so that when the doors are open, they will project into,the alley or on to any other public property. (c) (1) .where any such private garage is constructed or altered so as to be part of a dwelling, said garage s.v_e_i-ts_cei_.ing,_lralle, and partitions either___ -shall of.fireproof construction.or such ceiling, walls and partitions shall be plastered on approved metal lath with Portland cement plaster or, other material which may be approved by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, and said plaster or other material::`, as approved, shall be-not less than inch.in thickness. (c) (2) It shall be connected to the building proper by not to exceed one opening,,and said opening shall be fitted with a standard fire door with a metal covered frame, and, if connected by a stairway to the building proper, said stairway shall be enclosed in non-conbusti- ble walls. Where a private garage is constructed so as to be part of a dwelling, as herein provided, the minimum distance of 20 feet from the adjoining dwellings, as provided by Paragraph ub" of this section, shall not apply, but the entire structure shall be considered in the light of a dwelling. 2 �.,9«.� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY' ORDINANCE NO. (d) Where a private garage is. placed in any tbuilding which is to be used for the accommodation of more than two.families, the floors, roof, and walls or partitions around said garage space, shall be of fireproof construc- tion and the stairway, of which there shall be only one, communicating with any floor or portion of said building, shall be fireproof and shall have a standard fire door at bottom of stairway, and such door shall be arranged so as to close automatically in case of fire. (e) No stoves, forges, torches, or furnaces shall be used, maintained, or allowed in any private garage building which is used as a part of, or connected in any way with any dwelling house; nor within 10 feet of any dwelling house and no light, except electric incandescent lights, properly enclosed in vapor -tight globes shall be allowed in any such private garage. Every such private garage, which 1s erected as a part of a dwelling house, shall be provided with an approved ventilator or vent shaf t as required by the Com- missioner of Public Buildings. Every such ventilator or vent shaft shall be provided with a damper equipped with a fusable link. (f) Where a dwelling is referred to in this section, it is construed to mean any building, or portion of a building occupied or intended to be occupied, in whole ---_ �r i� part �s-2rom�resizlenc"ems or sleeping-71-ace--f-or-4 --- one or more human beings. (g) In cases where it is impracticable or impossible to comply with the provisions of this section in refer- ence to the 8 foot distance from side street lines, when the garage is on a corner lot; or the 20 foot distance between the garage and dwellings on adjoining property, when the garage is not a part of the dwelling then the d Commissioner of Public Buildings may at his iscretion, grant a permit to locate such garage at such location and under such conditions as he may prescribe;' after carefully investigating all conditions at, the proposed site. Sec. 4. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.. 3. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEC 16 Councilmen Yeas Nays nr, Is� Approved �.wPy —Ferguson �- McDonald ✓w'se e`mssd.�a1. /Rohland PyOr Sudheimer / Mr. President Hodgson Attest: i y Cler °'"• .` CITY . PAUL CPILEouNCIL NO - 3540 WFICE OF CITY CLERK EE yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT NER DATE Nov. 26, 1929 _ REsoLveo `; q That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 2, 1929, between Martin Wunderlioh, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of bake Como and Phalen Ave. from Prosperity Ave. to Phalen Ave. with an extension of the roadway in Phalen Park to connect to the East Shore Drive, be and the same is hereby extended to the 13th day of November, 1929, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. R COUNCILMEN Yeas 4 aye Adopted by the Council �®V 2 6 9 Clancy Ragveea— McDonald In favor p .Rohlandev Sudheimer Against MA W�eese•i'Pt-t-e.L odgeoa Mt. Vice P,. I W'i_, ,. 19-- CITY PAUL RaENca NO. _ * OFFICE OF CITY CLERK p E gy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE Nov. 26, 1929 REsoLvaD That the time speoified for the ps rfor—moo of a I contract dated July 18, 1929, between John Sandquist, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of Pleasant Avenue from Watson Avenue to Armstrong Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 20th day of November, 1929, and the proper city officers are hareby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however,, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `Clancy `McDonald In favor Rohland i Sudheimer Q Against -' Weeesl—G'un . �. odgson .01 mr viae prm.-Femur. 0�► 2 r 1829 Adopted by the Coun ' 19—_ - tgt r7 y i d+ l 3t. Paul, Flinn.��' " 192 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. ' Gentlemen: - Would respectfully ;. asi that_ -Your Honorable Bodj► C' the time of oompletina contract for the 1, To"ba extended to�� Owing to it was not" possible forte to finish -this contract within the de size to ask that the time for oom- time specified, henq'e liti cam -same -"-be- ,a�a -s hereinbefore stated. 't ,�- Yours cry _ tr�e1Y, Gontractor. Ther© is no objection to having .: the time. extended as requeotoi far 'as the rBquirements ,of as" .:this offi` are cdcerned. , onstruCtio APP�iR�+• o s hief; Ervine `r Commissipner of :PublicWe'd F �• �•� ro ** �..R CITY OF ST. PAUL PLENCL NO._ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (1 /J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED v That the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to„draw and deliver to John Heihart, Bridge Iron Worker, Department of Public Works Bureau of Bridges, a city warrant in the sum of Forty—Two Dollars and Forty—One Cents(=42.41), for the purpose of reimbursing the said John Beihart for expenses incurred by him while inspecting piling at Danbury, Viso. and Chittano, Mise. for the Third Street Viaduct; the said Sum to be payable from Bridge Building and Revolving rund, Code 14—B, and said John Heihart shall file with the City Comptroller an itemized statement of said expenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy --McDonald In favor -Rohland /Sudheimer Against Wenzel 1929. Adopted by the Council Nov n e 19-24-19- A 6 NOR 19— �.AYO. 3 t .�. CC yy i./ 4/ ' '3S 36, ;.,�., �:' 27.57 ks � ': , 1'45.27.... . �. ric 4 vy !� , .. _ NAM ¢ITY OF ST PAUL , Edi ca NO OFFICE OF THE ,CITY CLERK jiUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM . 1]ATE DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CLANCY MCDON MCDON ALD -4—IN FAVOR ROHLAND (�/t SUDHEIMEit �_AGjjj11��}1!!ST WE.LTiL� QB// ON / I CITY OF SAINT PAUL _-- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FILE NQ. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS -- -mss=-----19— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN- ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE GREGATE AMOUNT OF is} COVERING CHECKS UM SERER-�j+�- _ TO INCLUSIVE. AS !------ PER CHEKS ON FILE'�OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER. MAYOR Z.,. 'C• F. No. 8354 TAT e�Yt I. pe p pll BROUGHT FORWARD t22J• th i4�.p¢Yan i II 2144!!� Northern States Cont. Compaq 21446 P4fil A. Wade 21447Garrick BrothCompanyers, Ino. 21449 Hemi coal 21449 1I 21450 8„ Baldinger b Company J.R. Bogbright Company 21451 21452 Citizene toe & Fuel Company Crescent Creamery Company 21! 21 Crescent Oreemesy Company Crescent Creamery Company 21 c� Crescent Ores mory Company 21 b alk Laundry Con _pang Yaitin t. Talk Paper Company 8 Leonard Farank`Company X460 21460 rrigidaire Sales -Corporation Grigg4, Cooper 8 Company 2461 21462 Griggsa; Cooper d Company He A.P. rso*ier Factory .462,Joesting 2144 & Shhilling Company William Yrgger %6 X,stional Cath Register Oompai 16rthe.rn States'Power Compan, 21467 1 21468 Theo, B. Robert son"Company, , iI 21469 St.paul,Milk Tany St.Paul Stamp Works II 21471 21472 Se*itaary Farm Darm D tries, Inc. N. F`. Sauer 214 1 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company ( 2147 Andrew Schoch Grocery Companj G. Sommers and Company 2144 21477 I'Amerioan A 1 Stenographic Bureau Linen Supply Compan] I $1478 :rioan Linen Supply Companj e Oaroborundum Company lilip Ij21479 21480 Carey Company 21481 i121482 Chicago Apparatus Company The Colossus industries 2148 Commonw elth Electric Compan' 21484 Oo—Op• plating Company . x;214 214 Eisenmenger meat Company H.H. Fuller Company 21487 21488 j Gamon Yater Company Gangl and Company 121489 21490 E. Geiger General Electric Supply Corp. 121491 �i21492 Gold Medal Flour Company Gt. Northern Reilway 21493 Oompsny Griswold Safety Signal Compass 21494 Il 21495 Grossmann Instrument Works Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 21496 11 21497 !21498 Hanenstein d Burmeister The Eoebring Company F,G. Leslie Paper Company I 21499 Geo. H. Moeller 1121500 Northern States Power Company X21501 (Northern i I States Power Compaq (ORM IIM SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD NO. A.12-2 12.28 BY TOTN AL DATE �I RETURNED I� TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS R CHECKS 1 150 c 40500 239, i 129 8 422.23 r c 250 22 307 i 11 8 21 56 e 6 c 1 1103 5 61 5 31 5 2 0 356 2 10 0 142 0 109 3250 9 4 81 5 17 5 20 6 20 5 1338 9 1g0 120 0 124 2 0 86 1 2 0 285 3 249 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 83549 -� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ------ —_1_-- CLANCY //I1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION _j___IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - November_ 2.___t9� MCDONALD ��// -- ROHLANO SUDHEIMER ___AG - RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WENZE_ _ L _ VVVN TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $_3:WT-�' 'COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1--TO_-_LUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILL OFFICE ROLLER. IL - APPROVE -•• CITY ROLLER TOTAL DATE v CHECKI F VOR RETURNED NUMB4 fi � �/ TRANSFER Y DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS p CHECKS C. F, No, 83549- T FORWARD Resolved, That rherks he dran,{n the City Treasury, to the aggC.'iOpe. amount of ea.0 y, t erirtg . \ lbered 21502 to 21545 1-1-�y9y fl C 1'+"0'. a flla 4� the Mi "�"t^ J:L. 84iely Oompany 501 - Nay L. Ree& 50T John $. Hoffman gertl Coal Company 508 Oeo.O.Sudheimer, Oomir. of 4 509 H. Peltz & Son 510 Pure Oil company 511 11.C,.Hobinson, Clerk of Dist. 512 Royal Typewriter Company 513 Underwood Typewriter Oompan] 514 Amherst H. Rlder Charity 515 fol Freiseie 51 0`115" 1 & Preston 517 Jobe Sendqulet 519 Thornton Brothers Company 520 Val, J. Rothschild, Manager 521 ! Ralsh Investment Company 522 Delis, Brown 523 00 f H. Godfrey, Guardian 524 Mrs; Annie Meehan 5 Anna, Wagner Poitsoh 526 nfrida, Soderberg 527 Brooks. Brothers Lwnber Opmpa 52$ Capitol Stationery Mfg. Comi 529 Oahman,Seed Company 530 11,k River Concrete Products 531 h' well, Ozmun, Kirk & Compl 532 Ro$addon-Lambert Oompa 4y 533 3 :$,t.Pa>l Corrugating Company 4 8t.Paul Glass Oompany 53 I St.Pa4 White Lead & 011 Con 530 �, 8imonson-Orendorff Company 537 S peakes Oompany 536 p,O•.Sullivaa 539 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oompe 0 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comps 541 Truscon Steel Company 542 Victory Printing Company 543 Villaume Boz &Lumber Compal 544 E.M. & H.F. Ware 545 Mrs. Minnie B. Wollan SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD NO. A-12.2 1. 12-28 IU 4 i I ,2 I 57 500100 ri II!I ,.- I 110 0 ; 4 690 .0 0 332 X38 4492 1 - 0 3 2 31 0 308 250 40 0 352 136 1 299 g 24 40 0 0- 26 26 5 6 5 1 34o 5 1 MIS 33 ; 10 120 8 64 9 l87 9 3423 8 1 o63 6 ' 5 450 16 ri II!I ,.- I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - CITY OF SAINT PAUL [� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL -OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FOENCIL NO _ MOP _ ,. Sl 5��/. CLANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ROHLAND SUDHEIMER ST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WER=I:- '-rt', O TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s ---366-;'y/0 --e7—• COVERING nAS KS NUMBERED_ CHE p� �y 7•F{ N R. - ----- PERCC ECKS ON FIILE IN TFfE OFFTO OF THI GTTl'LOMPTROLLER- APPROV—__--_—___-___—__—_------ A t:ITY CONP'IROLL[R S TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FA O RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT HBY BANK C. F. N.. 83550— CHECKS CHECKS • • Resoh-ed, That checks be drtwn -te City mrensu e.• tle ��Bsron •-^.t . ,- ..- u,y e6aee JGHT FORWARD 21546 Mise Jessie Anderson, Mgr. 21547 Chas. W. Arend 21548 Isadore Baker 21549 Frank M. Bartho 21550 A.$. Bennett Company 21551 $.�0. Berohem. 21552 Rev. Herman Bergman 2155] George Beiteadori 21554 Mrs. H. E. Blodgett 21555 Blue Bird Cleaners 21552 George Boggs 21557 Rev.•D.E. Bosserman 21558 Tony Bosei 21559 lire. J. J. Brennan 215 60 Mildred Bridges 21561 Rev. Jae. S. Byrnes 21562 Dr. J. A. Cameros 21563 Rev. G. M. Camp 215 Mrs. Mrs. H. A. Chaliberg 21562 TO. Oigier Oitisens State Bank 21567 dommodore Apartments 21568 M. Conhere 21569 Seoly. Orispus Attuoks Home 21570 F. Dwell 21571 Dux Brothers 21572 East side Motor Sales 21573 aohn R. Egan 74 A.M. Ela 21575 I Alphis Elmquist 21576 Mrs. 0. Eesenholm 21 7 j J. -Tem on 21578 Uri L. Fieseler 21579 �I J. risk 21580 A.M. Flack 21581 Michael J. Foley 21582 i Dr. 0. yard Folsom 21583 Forward Lodge I. 21584 ; M. Gartner 221585 I,Gene Gates 21586 IlGlendenning Pharmacy 21587 10,A. Godbout 21588 E. Gormioan 21589 John 0. Graff 21590 !';Walter Greenwood 21591 W.S• Grubbs 21592\jStephen M. Guillaume 2159 IiRev. G. Hensler 2159 Il Mrs. John Hanson 21595 'j J.W. Harrison 21596 �IM.J. Hartigan 21597 I19.0. Hastings 21598 1I Yrs. Jacob Hentges 21599 ,Hibernian Club -;� „• I, � IIS SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD s F. 5 M1 r t .I I Resoh-ed, That checks be drtwn -te City mrensu e.• tle ��Bsron •-^.t . ,- ..- u,y e6aee JGHT FORWARD 21546 Mise Jessie Anderson, Mgr. 21547 Chas. W. Arend 21548 Isadore Baker 21549 Frank M. Bartho 21550 A.$. Bennett Company 21551 $.�0. Berohem. 21552 Rev. Herman Bergman 2155] George Beiteadori 21554 Mrs. H. E. Blodgett 21555 Blue Bird Cleaners 21552 George Boggs 21557 Rev.•D.E. Bosserman 21558 Tony Bosei 21559 lire. J. J. Brennan 215 60 Mildred Bridges 21561 Rev. Jae. S. Byrnes 21562 Dr. J. A. Cameros 21563 Rev. G. M. Camp 215 Mrs. Mrs. H. A. Chaliberg 21562 TO. Oigier Oitisens State Bank 21567 dommodore Apartments 21568 M. Conhere 21569 Seoly. Orispus Attuoks Home 21570 F. Dwell 21571 Dux Brothers 21572 East side Motor Sales 21573 aohn R. Egan 74 A.M. Ela 21575 I Alphis Elmquist 21576 Mrs. 0. Eesenholm 21 7 j J. -Tem on 21578 Uri L. Fieseler 21579 �I J. risk 21580 A.M. Flack 21581 Michael J. Foley 21582 i Dr. 0. yard Folsom 21583 Forward Lodge I. 21584 ; M. Gartner 221585 I,Gene Gates 21586 IlGlendenning Pharmacy 21587 10,A. Godbout 21588 E. Gormioan 21589 John 0. Graff 21590 !';Walter Greenwood 21591 W.S• Grubbs 21592\jStephen M. Guillaume 2159 IiRev. G. Hensler 2159 Il Mrs. John Hanson 21595 'j J.W. Harrison 21596 �IM.J. Hartigan 21597 I19.0. Hastings 21598 1I Yrs. Jacob Hentges 21599 ,Hibernian Club -;� „• I, � IIS SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Vz r 5 M1 r t .I I K Vz k E k LjIt—YLj DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL v COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO________________ CLANCv FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN ' JMCDONALD ND AUDITED CLAIMS ----iFovember-PS-----19-P9- WOHEIMFftar AINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. -^ rO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-- COVERING' 4- INCLUSIVE. AS DEI$ U__�Y=�__-- PER CKHECKS OE FIDLE �TFICE COMPTROLLER. APPRQV---�9—'— I CITY COMPTROLLER CY^_"--- _ A R TOTAL - DATE RETURNED TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS _ NUL. p No•-83a'ul— rr�' BY BANK Re itThar he Clf•� be eraa'a o vheeks GHT FORWARD — 57 00 00 — ww', 1100481 l0 21600 Hig4wood Commer.Sial Club ! 6 0 • 21601 Huun Brothers 7 0 y 21602 i F.W. Inden c 7 0 21603 21604 Inter City Motors Company W.J. Irish Motor Company I 7 0 7 I� 216o5 A. L. Johnson 6 216ob Mrs. Axel Johnson Ij 6 o 6 I ;� jpjy 21607 I L.P. Johnson �? 0 �t 21608 Me. O.J. Johnson 5 D 6 21609 I N.rF. Joiner, Sooty. 21610 1 Fred Juagjohaan 7 0 21611 !I lire. Anne Iajer 5 00 21612 Mrs: H. E. Keppe I 21613 John J. Kenna ! 7 0 21614 W.S. Kirby ;! 7 0 ii 21615 Klingeriues Brothers 7 0 216166 Mrs. C.M. Klos 6 0 21617 W. A. IOUs 21618 21619 Frani Iohout6 Kramer & Diethert Motor Comply o 7 21620 ! W.O. Iregel 8 6 21621 J. Kris I I 21622 J.I. Kroemer j A.R. Kushner, Agent j 6 0 24 21624 The Lake Pari Club 10 0 21625 Rev. A. H. Lealtad 7 0 21626. L. Lemnowsky 0 1 21627 I: Mrs. J. J. Luby ii I 21628 � Mrs, O.M. Lundsted 6 21629 I z, w. Mean0 21630 Yrs. J.T. mo4uillan b 0 21631 J. ltaag j 7 21632 J.J. Maier 7 0 21633 Menthe -6 Miller Auto Livesr 0 6 21634 2163 Masonic Temple Trustees John Mazzola I 0. 6 2163 0,M. Mellim o j 21637 Dr. 0. J. Merwin,' 0 6 0 21638 21639 S.K. Michelson Midway Advertising Company I' 7 �'j 121640 21641 Midway Chevrolet Company Allred Miller 7 0 6 0 21642 Edwnsd Miller Z 2163 Mrs. John W. Mitchell 0 1 Fred Mollet Mon 7 1 2145 Tom 6 21646 W.F. & He We Moritz 6 21647 X216.8 J.1. Mounts ii I Murray 6 Company 121649 I Neighborhood House !j 6 6 0 121650 Rev, A. He Nelson I I I 7 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD NO. A-12-2 IM 12 .. i y c i' I ;� jpjy �? �t l• 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CurvcY"elv(/�y! MCDON07D I_i _IN FAVOR ROHLAND A CITY OF. SAINT PAUL 552 83 -COUNCIL (�CJVF/ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No. COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS29- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. 70 THE AGGREGAT AMOUNT OF f—__ 31 30__--. COVERING, 1�G [�y� CHECKS NUMBER D____ TO—___,��y{iJ I�,� N,�,CLUSIVE. AS - PER CHECKS ON ILE IN 7� CE I(F T �'L" .PTROLLEfl. - MAYOR CHECK NUMBER- th Reaoh•ed_ That nounttl Tr .,,nr�heNca I" �m nbere.i 21 $ to the nKR' ate FORWARD 21 51 . few Belson 216532 I J..w. Nelson 2164 I North Central Sommeroial C: Northern motor Company 2115;2 R.O. O rley 5 O&kvlew Apartments 23.657 John Olson 216591Olson-Bowman Company 21659 L:A. <hailetts 21620 Park OezeBe 21661 Henry M. Paulsen 216632 Alfred Perlt '216621664 J.W* Peterson 8 son John Pinotti 2166 R.s. Polski 2166 l.L: d R.V. Powers 21667 R.J. Prios 216691 Quick service Battery OOmp; 21669 Quick service Garage 21670 Yrs. Wm. A. Rios 21671 John J. Riley 21672 Yrs. W.B. Robert 21671 . B.7`4,Rgg*�s 21674 Aug. A Rolf 221666 J. Rot stein 1 St•Pa4 Hotel 21677 N. Salauw 21679 A,N4.80hmitt 21679 Schwartz Brothers 21680 Yrs,, B. Seidler 21691 Service Sheet Metal Mfg. 0 216922 Mrs. Helen Sloggy 216914 0.m. Smith Jeqs Soman 216 H.zX. Speakes Company 21686 Anton Stoll 21667 Terminal Motor Bus Company 21698 Rev. S.L. Theobald 21699 James Vanek 21690 Velat motor Car company 21691 Venue Brothers Garage 21692 wm, Vogelgesang 21693 Warren -Given Company 21694_ J.O. Weaver 21692 William Welters 21692 Charles Wolf 21697 Rev. G. Worm 21698 Louis Wurziuger 21699 Rose Zagaria: SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS -- I lop 57 5001001110: + .I • bUPLI;A'TE'- C; CITY CLERK CITY OF SAI OFFICE OF T.. . COUNCIL` FILE r COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL t cuNev COUNCIL R xSOLUTION 13ONA D �—IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS R SUDHEIMER INST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WENZEL In Mir . TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF .- p COVERING ADOPTED BY T CHECKS NUMBERED— -=----T UN -------- — ----- PER CHECKS ON Ft e7;2 FFICE INCLUSIVE. OF "0 C0C1'PT..LLER. AS —19--- APP BY -e-1 - M PTROLLER - ------------ N TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER N FAVOR T TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK F. NO. CHECKS CHECKS Tha t cheek. he -j,_: '12. gItY T the 6HT FORWARD M.Unt coveringpcheeky 57 500 oo lion6i 6c 11011 1 ..be, d 21700 t f the 2 17a 1 1 5 "7 1 21701 1 21702 victory printing Coapany 1 64-Sudholuer, 0=11r. of 90 0 22 2 99 21703 Ge0jAdheimeir, 0om'r. of 7� . 0-8 Will. PaYfOv, 46 51 2 21704 Mrs. 21705 W.J. Gib"s*4, as attorney fc Tony Sofilfit- � 0i, 75 0 21706 Board of water coma 'reo ■ 243 21707 1 0 5 21708 1 Z9 8; 1 21709 77 21710 J.M.Glaucyt 0. P1. S. 1 21711 229 2I712 L.R.S.FerVeon, 0. of Eduo. so 9 21713 II John H. MCDOftlds O.P.W. ii 903 8 217I4 765 a 21TH T1 2lb I 71 33 97 678 21TI,? 21718 21719, 11P1 6 21720462 21721 272 6 7 21722 2172 823 265 2 6 21724 �117;ing 0; Pearce# Ceparks, et *1 902 3 21725 11 4 514 a 2 911 4 21727 551 4 4 4 4 1 21 29 397. 2 2 1 1 silo 2 2 .9 21730 700 9 2I731 Ottcp 1. Rohland, O.P.U. 1 739 0 0 21732 - Geo.O.Sudhflmsr, O.P.R.Fo , 211 21 73 21734 N., 0 0 . E.G. Carlson & Gompany 449 7 7 4 117 3 Farwell, 0-0 Kirk & Cozps� 22 0 :32 2173 Fuel Oil & Gas 0c"U7 "t 2 21737 ' ft, Northern Electric Appl.00 3 726 9 21738 Nortbein Timber.66"any 195 a 217jPrice Z9 Elqotrjd`oompany 9 0 4 2170 Travers Ink Company 16 L L. H �ETTQT-L—FO`RW­-.- 1116 376 1 77 13461 F"v —2. Fj i T I -I,, T— COUNCIL NO. 8.i 7 e......To cin 2�ae. CITY OF ST. PAUL �ILa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTFiD BY DAT gO4 • 2f) >' 1929 ^ COMMIES ONE RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Soheffer Ave. from Snelling Ave. Otto Ave - to Pascal Ave. and on Pagoal Ave. from prove& OOtScheffer �e24,o1929, ands under Preliminary Order C. F. 83160, app constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from Snelling Ave.. to wPascal Ave.ader Preliminaryand Resolved, 0.scal AF . from 82333,Eapprovedleanor tAug 20tc�929' Ave., Resolved, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby oanoelled,,annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. + COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy EteB�—` McDonald _,�_In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against ��dgeon NOV26 19- Adopted by the Council Appr QV 16 19_ MAYOR -----.-- -- -------------- ---- 83558 - RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES In the matter of- oondemning-_and- taking .an --easement- in the land necessary - ---------------------------- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 5, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., BHULU71.0 RA'1'lAS�(INf% -nC. under Preliminary Order _....... OUT? ........., approved. Au -g.,2 .j.1929 Intermediary Order 812.5.8.2 approved... BeP_t:. 11 t 1929 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and Condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ......------NOV-2 7_ -----_----------------- 19------- City Clerk Approved..................................................... 19 ....... ...... .. ....................... ................. _... ............-__-...--- �.y Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson \ Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland �IISHED�/ Councilman Sudheim Councilman Mayor Hodgson r ' 83559 FINAL ORDER IN CNDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter oi_condemning-_and,.taking-_an•_ea_sementLR,-the ••land neeessar_y for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of a1Yey in Block 5, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to IdaholAve., gug arise aLaonDsa�sroe c�ro� l � y EfD - % t69 mgttes`�of�fia�etiu�, n`c ai�y under Preliminary Order 82377------ approved.Au3.a.2t2,,1929 Intermediary Order...._ 8258.2. ....... ,_ approved. ._...... _... APPI :...11 .-_1929 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ........... condemn and take an easement in 'the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 5, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_..the ...land...abut .ing. upon the alley in Block 5, Chelsea Heights between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Com— missioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 8. 1929 NOV 2 II7 I= Adopted by the Council ............ ..........:.............. ......... ............................. 19........ "27 .................... ... .......... City Clerk. Approved..................................................... 19........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ................................................. Councilman ltohland yor. Councilman SudhcomerCounc�D Mr. President, Mr. resident, Hodgson / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.._cdemning,,and,-taking„an-_ eaAement..in.. the land .necessary on for slooes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 5, Chelsea Heights from Hoyt Ave. to Idaho Ave., ry z p', Aug 22,1929 82582 under Preliminary Order -__M7.7 .............. a proved.._ u..................... , Intermediary Order............._-•--......._.., approved19211 z 1929 192 ..... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT 'PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as aboveand identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. In the attef o .......opening, "widenin& and extendingCentralAvenue from Cedar St. �o ;/abashataking" and condemning d'j o 7; f LM -9 arid'"""'""""' that part of Lot 8 lying southerly of a line drawn parallel to and 110 ft from the southerly line of said Lot 9, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 10; and in addition thereto a triangular pioce of property measuring 8$ ft from Wabasha St. along the above described parallel lino and 8Q ft along Wabasha St. from the intersection of said line with the easterly line of Wabasha St., S,� 0 matt';; ,ol .PD2fiiP�V �via'enG7s qA e`stq�WlfQ`entt'als�aggRkteo�'p June 25,1929 under Preliminary Order..............81528 approved.. Intermediary order....._ 2Q�S7. approved..._- .U34 .24,--1329..... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll', and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. NOV 2 7 09 Adoptedby the Council ..... ...................................... - ... -.............................. 19........ ................... N l r V 2 `T� City Clerk. Approved.................................................... 19_...... ............. ....... _... ....... ... Mayor. Councilman Clancy -Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman..ftohlend Councilman Sndheimer WBD__-!'`%'�� Councilman WAnaol (/ Mayor Hodgson 8356 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of...oP.Bninga_._�rideninp and extending Central Avenue fro_m___ Cedar St. to 17abasha.St. by taking and condemning all of"U6t"*g aril u that part of Lot 8, lying southerly of a line drawn parallel to and 119 ft from the southerly line of said Lot -9, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 10;, and in addition thereto a triangular piece of rroperty measuring 82 ft from Wabasha St. along the above described parallel line and 82 ft along Wabasha St.,from the intersection of said line with the easterly line of Wabasha St., tFe x z,r i iTGthsge` Ida AW-AAdA4 eztepdiestC�# $ fr4mr.. ar. d'Crj'..'AN'SJ4pQd ��fo ras utAa oAwe,�ry�oth 81528 lune 25,1929 82006 under Preliminary Order......................., approved .. ................... Intermediary Order..............___.........., approved._..a.111Y Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:... ................. open, widen and extend Central Avenue from Cedar St. to Wabasha St. by taking and condemning all of Lot 9 and that part of�Lot 8 lying southerly of a line drawn parallel to and 110 ft from the southerly line of said Lot 9, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 10; and in addition thereto a triangular piece of property measuring 82 ft from Tabasha St. along the above described parallel line and 82 ft along Tabasha St. from the intersection of said line { with the easterly line of %Tabasha St., (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_ .................................................. all of Lot 9 and that part of Lot 8 lying southerly of a line drawn parallel to and 110 ft. from the southerly line of said Lot 9, all in Auditor's Subdivision No., 10; and in addition thereto a triangular piece of property measuring Q3 ft frond Wabasha St. along the above described parallel line and a2 ft.along Wabasha St. from the intersection of said line with the easterly line of Iffabasha St. NOV 2 71x28 Adopted by the Council .................. ...............................................:......, 19 :... o9®Y 2 71 Approved ..................... .................. . 19........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wim- Mr. President, Hodgson In the matter oi._._QI?ening, widening and extending CentralAvenue _ from Cedar St. to Wabasha St., by taking and condemning all of t+ot 9 snd that part of Lot 8 lying southerly of a line drawn parallel to and 110 ft from the southerly line of said Lot 9, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 10; and in addition thereto a triangular piece of property measuring 82 ft from "Oabasha St. along the above described parallel line and 82 ft along `Rabasha St. from the intersection of said line with the easterly line of 17abasha 81528 approved June 25,1929 82006 F` under PreliminaryOrder..-..._....._...._. .... Intermediary Order ............. . _-.........., approved___......._ JU.J.y...2.4.,_1929 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has Swed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. _. . V ...... L.....-L1.+.�.-,a?.�.exs ..e.....-.... Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ............... ------_------------ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 83562 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing sewers on Brand St. from Hazelwood Ave. to Flandrau St., on Flandrau St. from Brand St.to Keough St., on Germain St. from Brand St. to Kerwin St., and on Kerwin St. from Germain St. to a point 300 ft west of Flandrau St. 45 A 96 under Preliminary Order. ----79030 — - ----- In Order 730 .................... Final Order ............._.__79874 .... approved ------....April . ............... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haiing been further considered by the Council, land having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable .......... ........... equal installments. Adopted by the Council- .............. M12-2-4929 ...... - - ------------- -.49 Nov i 7't" W. Approved ................ . . .. ........ . .----.19 F.- B. B. 19 City Clerk. Mayor. 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .... _..... Dat. ---3Q ......... 19.29. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ]dmx constructing sewers on Brand St.. from Hazelwood Ave. to Flandrau St., on - Flandrau St. from Brand St.! to Keough St., on Germain St. from Brand St. to Kerwin St., and on Kerwin St. from Germain St. to a point 300 ft west of Flandrau St., 79030 Intermediary 7963.0 under Preliminary Order ................... -- Y Order 79874 April 2 ----•-...... ................ 19..29 Final' Order ...............................................-••- approved ------•----............................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen. ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $.a ,�,.�2...QQ...... Cost of publishing notice . . . $..--------- 1.7..x.19.-.---. Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . $............... 42-,--,- Inspection fees $--.-.....2i:.1.. -.44 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $--- _------- 1g7.._1gQ...... To,Tl eve0turees . f. . . . . . To, $sesmen Said Commissioner fuArtler rseports that he has assessed and levied the#tft9Y&SdovE�as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $_10� 636.06 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ....................... ..... -� ............ F— B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. - -- -: 8tM Council File No ----------- ------------ ---------- BY------------------•--•-- p CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for opening, widening and extending East Seventh Street from Bradley St. to Minnehaha St. to a width of SO ft by taking and condemning a strip of land 14 ft in width along the southerly side of the street as now laid out ,, 79141 80091 82260 under Prelimi Order_ _.. -__..__._----., Intermediary Order .......................... Final Order.-----............_. approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT//��FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 0. ........... equal installments. JAN - 8 130 Adoptedby the Council- ................. ._.... __---._.... _..._.... _....................... 19-........ i . ,I .. ... ...-_.... City Clerk. ......--1 .............. JAN Approved................ .................. ......... ....... 19 ... .-_.._.._............ .. Myon ��. Pom B. B. 18 1 70 c' ............ Oct -t a0............ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses . for An opening, widening and extending East Seventh St. from Bradley St. to Minnehaha St. to a eridth of 80 "ft by taking and condemning a strip of land 14 ft in width along the southerly side of the street as now laid out, 80091 under PrelimmSry Order ................79141 ...9141.. ............. -.i.---------..., Intermediary Order .............. --..................... �•- Final Order... -62260 ...._. _, approved.. Aug. 29 .......................... 19. 29 To the Council'of the. City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be. incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment,viz: Expenditures in c nde^nation 191,756.77 Cost off publishing notice $ -27.60 t$A6gafX b4iafB4if aTi»x . $.................. Cost of postal cards x•52 1 gassxg�xx.Inspection fees $---------_-._-------_------ Amount of court agsts for confirmation 27.60 (D 191,122; . $ ................................ Cos s 12.32 MM" $ o p "4'9 al xxe j�.Assess ment — 65'611:55 ----------- _------- Appropriation from Bond Issue (L-3277) 126,205.94 Said Commissioner further re.orts that; he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.126,205.94 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such sction thereon as may be considered proper. �. L. ......... Fono B. B. 17 / L �� Co oar of Fina o s'i1r r a In the Matter of the Assessment of Benefits from opening, widening and extending F. 7th St. from Bradley—to Minnehaha to a width of 80 ft. etc. f Now comes Thomas B. Scott, and alleges that he is the owner of the following described real estate situated in the City of St.Paul, County'of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, to wit: S.W'ly 110' of the N.E'ly 510' . of S.E'ly 174.50' of Block 4, yyman Dayton's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. and objects to the assessment proposed herein by the City of St. Paul against the above described property upon the following grounds: (1) That there is no valid final order for such improvement or improvements. (2) That the assessment is made upon a demonstrable mistake — ----of- fact and ar�r�n?n„g_�sinipl�Qf__lar+. - (3) And upon the further ground that the said improvement is of no benefit whatever to the a Bove described property. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this day of November, 1929. T�s� THOMA6 b SCOTT, Objector. WM. T. MCMURRAN and JOHN P. C. McMURRAN, f' Attorneys for Objector, 613 Merchants Bank Bldg., St. Paul, MinnesobL. I`r.'iPl In the, Matter of the Assessment of Benefits from opening, widening and-extending E. 7th St. from Bradley to Minnehdtha to a width of 80 ft. etc. Now comes Frederick R. Scott, and alleges that he is the owner of the following described real estate situated in the City of St. Paul, County of.Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, to wit: Commencing at a point on the N117 line of 7th St. 5101 S.W'ly from the-S.E. corner of Block 4, thence NIly parallel with Maria Ave. 174.51 thence at right angles W117 to west line of Block 4, thence S. 901 more or less to the E. line of Hoffman Ave., thence S.E. 93" more or less to the S.W'ly corner of said Blk., thence E. 73.751 to beginning being part of Blk. 4, Lyman Dayton's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and objects to the assessment proposed herein by the City of St. Paul against the above described property upon the following grounds: (1) That there is no valid final order for such improvement or improvements. (2) That the assesment is made upon a demonstrable mistake _ ofact grid upon—an- illegal and erroneous principle of law. (3) And upon the further ground that the said improvement is of no benefit whatever to the above described property. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this day of November, 1929. FREDERICK R. SCOTT, Objector. - WM. T. McMURRAN and JOHN P. C. McMURRAN, Attorneys for Objector, 613 Merchants Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. CITY OJR'ST�PAUL P°aeNC1L NO. �C OFFICE OF CITY CLERK DV COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_ BY l 1,71 RESOLVED U That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated May 2, 1929, between Garrick Bros. Inc., Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the paving of Alley in Block 11, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Fairview Avenue, be and the same is hereby dxtended to the 21st day of November, 1929, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, how- ever, th$t this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto add file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer O Against W.Ml - Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council NOV 2 7 1.7(�19 — i Ap r c) `. K 19_ MAYOR TO THE HOITOUBL E CIT" r. -OU li I.L, VITY OF .i',' Ph Centleme:n• ronL�. iea er tf iL;_y ssl t; at yCar I(nor Body cause the tiL,) cf ooxr-le i.ng .ontract for theZFW tirtitio To be azter_dei to _ pp / 192y pp (Vilic t0 it was not possible for LlQ to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for com- ____ platingsame_be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contra oto� There is no ob ation to having the time extended as requested, as for as the requirements of this o fine are coneernede IPP&OVER: Suptir of Construe ca Repairs mmiss oner of Ru is 'or Chi ei Er'�igineir / a .m ro em uc.a n PREEN C01? REsoLvEo NO.— -8-35 U CITY OF L COUNCIL RILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the time specified for the performance of a certain oontr4ot dated May 14, 1929, between Garrick Bros. Inc., Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the paving of Alley in Block 1, Underwood's Third Addition from Kenneth Ave. to Prior Ave., be and the same .is hereby extended to the 21st day of November, 1929, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the con- tractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonaldIn favor Rohland Sudheimer Against VVeezeY���,� Mr. President Hodgson NOV 2 71" Adopted by the Council �t 19_ 6� 2� 19:29 Ap a 19— MAYOR at. Paul, Minn. ��_�_1AW 92 TO THE HONOUBL E CI^'.1:07RI I.L, CITY OF S'.; PhJ.;". _ Certlemen Soni, iaa,•Eetfil.7.y ask z:iat year Honorabi Body cause the ti -yd cf oc,, r•la i.ng aontra„t for. 4.1a to be exter_dai to / 192 Owinf- to Jt was not possible forA&to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for com- pleting aamLe_bn- m e- s.her-einbefore stated. ---------- ---- Yours very truly, /JY� (Avg\ Contract `•., There J s no o action to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this of ce are concerned. AP ROVED: apt. of Con uc on pairs omm es oner o Pu 0 0 ks ei X Lngin r: .a....cR..�... Cliya . PAUL iaeNca NO. 83t%7 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Nov. 26, 1929 REsoLvEC Whereas, Unforseen conditions not provided for in the making of the improvement described as the grading of Kennard St. from Orange St. to Vassar St., under Final Order C. F. 81601, approved July 2, 1929, Owen J. Keough, Contractor, have arisen making it necessary to do the following extra work: Additions 1 - lA Catohbasin 60#00 10 ft. 12" V.C.P., oatchbasin to sewer at $1.50 15.00 $75.00 This work was not included in original contract. Resolved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the cost of same not to. exceed the sum of $75.00 and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3313 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Owen J. Keough, that the sum of $75.00 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Tfi.> r: omm s one r o 0 o cs . Co•mtersigned: on ao or COUNCILMEN A& Yeas - Nays Adopted by the CouncilNow 2T& -g_19 7 -?q 19— MA R Clancy Ferguson McDonald .-_In favor Approv — Robland Sudheimer Against Mr. President Hodgson 7 -?q 19— MA R �LTOC1T "s"` CITY. PAUL eouncn. NO. 568 /ILE OFFICE OF CITY --CLERK COUKCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE nfIsS�PoNERr I Nov. 25, 1929 DATA R yzn conditions not provided for in the J "o tYie i nt described as the ;paving of St. ClairSt. from o oeola Ave« .11ing Ave., under Final order C. F. 64999, approve d: March 2, fi, Garrick Bros. Inc., Contractors, have arisen making it nee`eesary to do the folio" extra work: Additions: _g and constructing new Sidewalks on -';,6"t and of Milton St. - So. side St. Clair St. ffiaterial - - - - - - - - - - - $164.00 IJsb.9 54.90 Fa:tra, sidewalk relaid p2i88 eq.ft._ at log 138.80 llelr tohbasin NW oor. Saratoga 1 1$ oatohbasin at $60.00- 60.00 15. ft. 12R Y.C.P. relay " 1.00- 15.00 75.00 Eztra 4owels in curb 'bei, - - - - - - - - - 1583 3A or--- -- -- - 35.00 22 8.2b sq. yds. of 7" reinf. oono. at $2.33 19.22 ft. .radius curb . " .75 16.50 straight " ° .65 45.50 Total additions 707.90 R09lved, That the Council hereby orders the extra work to be done *ter the supervision of the Commissioner of Public works and in _ a000r anoe withthe speolfiosEions therefor, the Dost of same not to ei:oeed•the eum of $707.90 and to be allowed as an extra under the oontract'known as Comptrollerts Contract L-3262 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public works has agreed with the'oontraoto0 Garrick Bros. Inc. that the sum of $707 0 1 the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the x material specified in the foregoing resolution u4"., Countersign �'rao or OUNd1VLMEN Nov n z ea Nays Adopted by the Council 19_ Clancy Ferguson ! McDonald 1In favor Approv 19_ O Rohland Sudheimer d Against MAYOR Mr. res dent Hodgson PUB D so .IN11LrorJTv.Q,ls KCOUNCIL Q (� CITY d `VT AUL PILE NO•--�C a�7 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COpIM19810NER - DATE Nov. 19, 1929 RESOL ditions not provided for in the making ofbed as the grading and paving of Conon t. from tha `'e t line of Ada St. to a point 124 ft. nprthwestprly of the north line of Curtice St., under Final `Ord approved ;March 19, 1929, reyen Construction CompkElo>traotors, have arisen making it necessary to do the foil-o", > extra works a A4Yt ioz►s Extra► apno e e used tp bring base to grade at,riters. of, Sanas and page Sts. - 28i5,,ou `at $10.50 $299.25 Extra binder used to bring surface to grade between Sta 2440 to 36104 7.46 tons at 7.00 52.36 TOA,41 Addition $351.61 Deduction ° S. ,or. Andrew - 107 'ti reset curb instead of new at .25 26.75 26._75 Net Addition $324.86 Resolved, That the Counsil hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of public Works and in ao4rddanes with the keoifioations therefor, --the coat of same not to exceed the sum of $324.86 and to be allowed as an extra under the,00ntraot known as Comptrollerts Contract L-3218 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractors, the reyen Construction Company, that the sum of $324.86 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material speoified in the foregoint resolution. CoUntersi ed; 1 sa oner o c or s ro arm COUNCILMEN ra0 Or• Yeas (r1 Nays Adopfeh-by the Counci `Clancy Ferguson �® McDonald �_In favor Approv 19_ Rohland Sudheimer� _AgainstMAYOR •` MVllPefeeideat� H�odgEiED Q2 TD C}`'OL"K CITY .. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 83570FILE Q OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMM RESOLVED That Counoil File No. 48446, approved November 1, 1928, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following words and figures, to -wits "Sheet Metal Workers'$1.00 per hoar! And by inserting in lien thereof the following words and figuresl "Sheet Metal Workers $1.18* per hour" COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Councilfll� 1 19__ Clancy Ferguson McDonald _�__Infavor App _ 19_ Rohland 0Against � .$udheimer MAYOR Mr. President. Hodgson . f •o wn e—. C F ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK yy COUNCIL: RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER DATE_ RESOL PILE co"' NO. Nov. 27, 1929 g. " X wnere�ts; r. ; 7,,'j ,tter of improving the Mnnioipai Airport, it is desirable, essential and from a practical standpoint neoessary to install sewer and water facilities to the new proposed hangar to be built by the city and future additional hangars parallel and adjaoent'to the right of way of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railway Company, and Whereas, In the past water main installations have been made by city forces, and Whereas, Due to the further fact that the sewer and water conduits can be installed most conveniently by the same forces, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be_and._______ _ hereby is authorized to install water main and sewer conduits, and accessories in accordance with the accompanying plans by purchasing all needed materials through the City Purchasing Agent in the regularly prescribed manner and proceed to do the work with city forces, at an estimated cost of 09,550.00 which cost shall be appropriated from the fund known as "Air Bond", Code 600 F. �IOV7 COUNCILMEN Peas Nays Adopted by the Council WS Clancy Ferguson Bj ' 7 1929 McDonald -')—In favor <Approv 19_ Rohland Sudheimer 'Against���` MAYOR Mr. President Hodgson SM,���� LJ i ___ � F-- _ '-1- r -._- t_ - - - �, _-_ _= � i � - - -r- 1 I _ • � --_- i i i i_ - --- - - _-- _ --�- _, _ Y y1, -r-' F rr , ' , I I � � - - -- i � 1 � ! i_ � I i" I l � 1 ; i_ � I { - - __�_. - - - i __ ._ __ _ �.... r � �_ _i i -.- _� �_ i 1- F- ,.--;- - - i _ . _ -_ :-- -!- j , -�-- -* _ 1---' -- I i , _._.,- _ . ,_- - -- ' - r--� -- -�-- • _._._.. __.___r_.__.__. _--_._.._L._i. i I ,i' I' jam' � I � ���: w..w ,o mn eaur CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE NO. 835'72 OFFICE OF CITY- CLERK: CO CIL R TION—GENERAL FORM =TED my DATE November 27, 1929 WBEM, Thos. L. Otte made application for license to operate for':hire upon the streets of the City of St. Paul One (1) Ford auto car, motor No. ♦-2461320, State License No. B-383612, covered by Public Iadennity Oo. Policy No. 8949, and WHERM, Thos. L. Otte, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, amended by Ordinances Bon. 5866 and 6893, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St..Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it 88SOLVED, that license be issued to said Thos. L. Otte to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. S CITY OF W46UL Luria NO.�irs Ci OFFICE OF CITY CLERK J COU CIL REPYITION—GENERAL FORM That lioenses for which applications have been made by persons named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and ithe city olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the iayment into the city treasury of the required fee. November 27, 1929 Sam Blumberg, 621 Wabasha St. Bntoher Theo E. Boettcher 676 Winslow St " E. F. Brown 1112 W. 7th St. " J. H. Du Yea 1043 Osceola Av. " E. A. Kelley 1042 Selby Av. " R. A. Rieners, 1236 E. 7th St. " Stein Meats & Groceries Ino 386 N. Prior Av. " Hyman Abramovioh, 437 Marshall Av. Grocery Pete Amon 500 W. 7th St. Bakery A. M. Anderson 268 E. 7th St. Soft drink ► G. P. Bingham, 1676 Selby Av. Grocery Thos. Conley, 693 Mississippi St. Confectionery lire. 0. A. Davie 2436 Myrtle Av. Grocery John F. Doty, 866 Bradford St. " Electric Maid 27 W. 7th St. Bakery J. Frederieh 241 W. 7th St. Grocery Jos. Germsoheid 681 Edmund St. " Carl Grappendorf 248 S. Hemline Av., Bakery T. E. Hannan, Est, 469 N. Dale St. Grocery Catherine Hendricks, 1217.Edmund St. Bakery Elsie House 450 S. Robert St. Grooery Alex Klopka 1296 W. 7th St. " Leslie G. Larson, 681 Van Buren St. " K. M. Lurie, 114 S. Robert St. " P. J. Mavroulis 618 Selby Av Confectionery Joseph Mazzola 624 Canada St. Soft drink + Henry J. Metzger 866 E. 7th St. Confectionery National Tea Co. 63 W. Winifred St. Grocery Louis Pappas, 937 W. 7th St. Confectionery - - H. Pearlman -632-Farringtan Av. -Grocery- - -- Mrs. Lydia Pittelkow, 669 N. Dale St. Confectionery 4hampion Santi, 227 W. 7th St. Grocery M. Simon, 177 State St. " Stein Meats A Groceries, Inc. 386 N. Prior Av. " William Stein, 110 State at. Confectionery Sam Testa 761 Payne Av. Grocery 0. E. Weinstein 431 W. 7th St. " M. Winer 571 Front St. " A. M. Anderson 268 E. 7th St. Restaurant John Erlandson 1174 Arcade St. " John Holmes 372 Robert St. " J. A. Missen 153 E. 5th St. " Mrs. M. Palumbo 1168 Hastings Av. Gust Swanson 2327 Charles 8t. " November E7 1928 Capitol D, pg Co. 481tiBice 8t Restaurant W: $. Hregel . 218 -Ave n' Mrs'« I Q+Neill, 86, 86� Payne Av, " F .`:J Shebesta, 117 lY� 71th St. " . Frank Tss*elle 261aN. 4th St. " 8. 8. Carson' 1587 Selby A*,'. Confectionary C: J Ayuibry; 61'.N $ont 8t. Orcoery ltrs: l�illias}'Sirmse 409 B Robert 8t: " " Wm: :J:,`8nawlan 680;,8elby Av. L®':Mstshak 600 Rherburne dv. ". 0.;8._Miokels,0%n 842'Chio Helen YQ. Ylne, Admz lESOWhite Bear,d'v. Coniedonery ' S.' iorrie ` 499 i8ondo St" Oonf,=drug` N.' Central.Com�1`blub- 11Sr.IIniversty Av. Confectionery P:'&osenpergar', 180`W4 Wlni red St . Grocery Joseph,8ohnabl 2184"`a[srshsll Av. " Frank 8c wiets, 1109:: Arcade at. - Soft, drink* J. Trost; 616,Rond0 St.... Grocery. United Cigar Stores,. S63Hobert;8t.,. Confectionery D.•H: Votelgeaewg ;:. - 919':2andol0ii'8tc Soft.�driiilc *- G. i1f. Bross, Ind"n' Mounds' , Hotel ' W:'1P{. Davis 374, Wsbssha'.8t. " Minnesota Mortgage Loan 817:Pionoar..8ldg Salary or Chattel Loan Torador A Znckmsa 102'a Hastings'ii. Thoater ;(Motion picture) Henry J. listsger,' 868;1i.`7th St. 2 pool tables- Zouia Pappas, 987 W ,7th'St: 4 Lodge.¥129, IOOF 1001 Payne Av. Public dance hall. ' Louis 2ibsrmaa 442 Jaokson St. 2nd _hand dealer Sllswo -rti Cameron 47, as" St. Theater (Motion picture) Oakland; Oil - Co. , - . 426 Oeikls�ld''Av. Gasoline gtstion - *Sof drink, parlors have bars exposed to. view from street -Poolroom ate : -1000 ,feet;; from schools z 3 IOIM�LMgTY q.[IIIC COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL RILE ,`• �•-L1• OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM195EiONERNoQ • 27. 1929 RESOLVED That the grade of Fremont Street from Earl Street to a point 199 feet east of Earl Street. bn accordance With the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Q Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council NOV 2 7 WA19_ Approv 19_ MAYOR Resolution of Council Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings RIDB�Lb'•rtON AOR 3G�Ot+itO+L Y,FIZINS '; s OF. HEAR:NS €CO1dD�mR. ,_ &TIOF �IlOO,FSSD1.iS9, "G RwSIw Kit s U " i� In the matter -9-f- .............. _....__.......... ............................ _ _...................... _............................ _,..,._.. toptaing, widening and extending Harlington Ave. from Pond St. b ooh Ave taking and oondesning all those portions j� 3'{, 44, 45, 46 .and 47, Block 8, HuYli,tlgton Heights �iivlalon 1%0' 8"3a1d-a11 that part of the thwe northeast of the soust of section 11, Township 28, Range 22, and the eouth } of the southeast k section il, Township 28, Range 22, lying within a stria of land 60 feet " is width, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersectior. of the center lines of BurlingtonAve. and Linwood Ave. thence in a northwbaterly A direction othe center line of Harlington Ave. for a distance 95 feet _thence on the aro of _140 411 curve to the left, t� oe -t ,i . ,entgle of which ke"'48a + for e'-diotamoe, of 8.92.33 feat.s point as the center line of Burlington Ave.; i ian'oe. an s tangent to''last described curve a distance of 17° lourvefast tonthe9rightcenter theline central angleon of which is 55 ence on a 88+ ,far a distanoe,--Of 337.47 feet a point on the center .line of Burliiagtcn Ave.; thence 'on a "•tangent to iabt des.o�r bed :,eve:: f�os,,* d1Ataaco of, 8.7 , 1 feet on the center lice of Burlington Avei thence oa file arc of a 24°`30+` 'puree to the Yeft.,, e,.. tte .;apgle of which is 390 82+ for s distance of 816.37 feet.& point on the center line of Burlint:on-Ave., theace„QUA %an. ""t to the last described curve for a distance - of got. -S0 feet"on tha center` Tina of Burlington Ave.; thence on t&e _aro,of.. A0! yrs. to. the • left the central angle of which is 3Se 12 for ;a distthos of I'97,6104 -'-feet a tt;;gm inn• the. center ,I oi:,l�urlingtoa Ave.; thence on a to the last deeeribed"curve for a distance of Ave.; thence on 6.42 feat on it►e centerline of=Burlingtgn the aro. of t86°•48+ curve to the right the central angle of which ie °• 03+ for a distance of 306.98 feet; a point on the oeniter Tina of Burlin on Ave.; thence as a tangent to the-1agt;,,despribed. eu?t'v4' or , .- distanoe of a . feet 4 on the center line of Husiiingtbn Ave.; thence on the arc of a 17° 40+ curve the left,, the oentrai angle .of which is 48026JI for a distance Of 275 ~29 feet, a point on the center line gf Burliiagton Av13 ; thence on a tangent to the last-da8aribe4 ourva`f0 a , stastca of 113:73 feet on the center line of Burlington Ave.;,thence oa the arc of 160 441 curve to the right,;the central angle:of which is 640 42+ for a distance of 418.52 feets thence one, tangent to the last deeCir ped carve fora"distanoe of 353.88 fest, thence on the gj,.a t3 tt,:3c 00+ curve to the right the central angle of vvhicl►4is:g� 36+ for a distance of W..70 feet; thence on a tan t=to .,the -last described curve for a distance ofv 208.08 f ce'on the arc of a 9° 0.0+ curve to the left the pi4nt al angle of_which is 300 10+ for a distance of 349.73 atg a'point on, the; centel;;line.of Burlington Avthenoe 048luugeatztc► the ,'sit deaosib*anus etonaAdistance ofin– CII5F+�. �Q.Tx 773�if" J3. tCjEWit�"aT'"`' TLtQ r _ .,cS3J�F'S 3�u$�. �'�g �� C6U.F.6z A`,.. ,� ,�}7<<, }•�+ ;� z 1 T oz s� z T7'ns xjxv ecu eTV k {Far ,II rc ecxFp cT Ezcu Ac c, :u0S y. sa" czr to .TAY 1r -p, Tns�a xu F x ct�I1'�.rZ' 1. -a ?r� �� }oTX?�' Zt $fir' S TG•'�8n^6 rll T £:3 ..j <^ �Lic1-s 73 Y00 TOi CfST.A�.0 rj-v T�}a•� �• aiC 0 S 30 Off" �`T�Pf"rcP, o �.,� .n+- ris au C8 33J +"11 h T l%rYi:%LCC c ice as•IFa �.Gr of i*'�G17 ^u.�. 817 GUT e s JAY f aescs_xpGi :olzna ouae ov @ i •S OfA�£TX J IiE 016 sirtzjSa7 Tc +AB 1?1J T& g b.:TU4 on g� g'$e o G3i ioi s 17T ;acs o� 30z'sea t 6 0Fp, 3TG' oy 9 a3a".'�11 0tS;A6 l c �bT6 IT f- .9 TP, 7 „II TzrE: a Biz;Tu4�ru cg •ts to's qn Tpg OS13TOz ?• Mr As<yoa s 'gTST9JGB 0; TP6 'Tss Y ccczTps�l c 1T VAG . f3�szres nu v of TV c.ti za{nTCr Uv`e 03 Twat :L s 3II j8 07� ,�R?cJf 72 3C�0 GIflAfizs C ��%6 5=�� Sl7i 06TS i r;j U ..B ,sT_c c� 5 cQQ 00� z }kub c dna.Tsj F^U `rrF ox SD°. �� .6� an FrT`;cc ., TG 3� cs �czTp c c,r.Ar :L.�I TJ •IIcs off, 3 u "GI T T x TUU c� PjILrrr OT 3,S2*2& �p,G� DOT��, cu �l?s e .� 7. 7 rr:uc6 Tp, cit*cl, SJs c3�T`g c'Qo 5�i 'cz c A co 7nzSz J poII A`�.• : �FG"o un rp.c zc IT g CGUT :z Y slip, ,. CtYLAS Iib cTs.g:s;ucs cb Sb,'Sv.a�rzrTuro jssc .rte cz?p6q oT. ?iJ7II i;cn ,FA6•: PG11as.Jss e sir �F6 ccu�cl, T}r6 suoa oti eu�Ts ^k ,UTVP Te @po 53i ;OS � s zT�TI� �P � cs#;VfT. G II .rAs., f�succ -1u ISO nzAp, To �P t ceut�z FTUGI $ox rrz7alr;.� � flzrce p,1. 73' 7 eG oII •�Pt Gr�zA6 3 i T • r ,T frzpT��..�o�s AAs•. �l7^,AGS GiT 9 C✓u 3j3h pli3 �t7$ 061,y,°�'sRi cSpII a rTFi ;,woo 01 '� V'.]Q `�7'ri ' c @ TGV �P Gsss£1 �nucs T QTc cnzds �F �r G�uos.��rs � �. II?„ •tiC7C� . fA5 IS TUG Iti O $. :� �jz;�,al�a �c�r� rii£�I-�U•€7'<`:s `,_:sup, r,eII� T :f. under Preliminary Order ......_58043 approved. Feb.24,F,,92§ Intermediary Order ......61123.... ...... approved ............ Judy._ Q.a--.J X25 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.. 25.th---------- day of__._.. ...... ..... De e-rber..., 19.29., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council---------------- ox 4.7AW.-.._...................._....1 19.... ................ ...... ....... • .. �-> City Clerk. Approved. __._...+.::.{--�=................................ .......... _.................................._........__.... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rahland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Nftzmk Pearce Mayor Hodgson 835'76 Resolution of Council Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of..condemning and taking an easement in the land-necessar7 for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 18, Merriam Park, from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue, In the marten o; condemni 'g and to�c--'� „fns an basement 14 tbe' laud yaky fbr el a dud `,�fllir _ ;ii under Preliminary Order ....... _824?9........, approvedSept.4�1929 Intermediary Order..... -....82955__,. approved .............. The Commissioner of Finance having; submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land, or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the day 19 22., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. NOV Adopted by the Council. -••-- .�%.........................._........... 19 ............... •...... .............. qj t, t �� City Clerk. Approved..................................................... 19........ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald? ouncllm&n Rohland (/ pl7gLISI�D �'J Councilman Sudheimer / Councilman lft=ek Pearce Mayor Hodgson i Resolution of Council Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.....condemning__and... taking--aneasement in- the landynecessa r7 for slopes, cuts and fillls, in the grading of Alley in Oalcey's Addition from Wheeler Avenue to the east line of Oakey's Addition, F'.aTa. Aii ; xin. the matter of cdndemning` nd talc- ingsn ea§ementstn the la d� necea, nrg�Xpr et m - '.cute and:�gl -; 1a'alie ddlq- 82495--,. Sept .4,1929 82953 under Preliminary Order -...... _..---___.-._-- approved ........................... .... , Intermediary Order ............................. Oct.9, 1929 approved... _..... _._...... _......................... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........... _26th, day o£._._....._.December 19_29, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. NOV 2 7 10 Adoptedby the Council ................. ................... .. ---- - ----- ............... ...... 19 ..... city Clerk. Approved....----- ........................--......---..... 19..... - .. ...... ............................. •--- .--•-- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer CouneilmanAMM41 Pearce Mayor Hodgson 78 Resolution of Council Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of :ta!SIAE a12 in the land necessary for slopes,cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and vest alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and soutl-, alley to Greenbrier Avenue, -ViL In°thematter.or 'easy fOr eloper cute n under Preliminary Order .... --....82497------ :approved..$JQ.P.-t..-1.9aQ, Intermediary Order .... . ...... approved. The Commissioner of Finance havin; submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 2 E.th day 19 ---...Pat ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 2 7 1929 Adopted by the Council ..............�Oy_2 OV --------- ------- - - ----------------------------------- 19 ................ ..... 0,%V 17 City Clerk. Approved.................................................. . . 19 ... ........ ............................. . ...... ..... . .................................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Council --n Sudheimer Councilman Wz=d Pearce Mayor Hodgson 83579 COUNCIL FILE NO --- _ ------ _---------- _----------- __ By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block �, Kiefer, Schurmeier and Wild's Subdivision from Johnson Parkway to Atlantic Street, F PP•• AROY isaiiIv �Ta under Preliminary Order. ............ ......, Intermediary Order ....._80736.................................................... Final Order ...81093 ............................... approved .... - ............... rTlltlB-_ ..... --_........................... 1929.. The assessment of. ....-hBne3its.,..-o-ostB-.-and -..expenaes--- _---------------- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the— 2fith...........day of ............. Deaetmber............... 19.-2fl, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the, amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. acv 2 ; Adoptedby the Council--- ......................... ........................................................ 19...'_ iia 17 . .. ......... .. . - ...................... ity Clerk. Approred..............................----•---------19...',..... ►yam ..................._.... �•-- �r 9layor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald U Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer pilB1.ISI�D Councilman cx Pearce Mayor Hodgson F— R. S. 17 K580 COUNCIL FILE NO --- _......_......--- _...------..._.. By_....._......_............_......._...._......_------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 3, %ipp's College Park and Block 3, Mattock Park, from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, under elimina r_9 Order �B��.8-0!40 ................. Intermediary Order ---.Ellfi8................................... _..... Final Or ---•----- proved ....... .................. _..... __.ally y a . 1qm- the bove improvement t haven e assessment of benefits., submitted t1'aoete 8nd e_apene@s_•.•.----,,,,,-for and in connection with p g ted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... a6th._....-day of ......_------ le.Qemk?ar............... 19...89, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statin in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the _• I improvement, the total cost thereof, and the ! amount sasessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV 2 7 1929 Adoptedby the Council............................................................-----..............., 19..... 4V V <b ..... ..............----• ... ity Clerk. Approved---- ............... ----------------------------- 19... .......... .... ......•..................... v. ..... lDlayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer I°iIRT IC�iF�� IX) Councilman x Pearce v/ Mayor Hodgson F— B. B. 17 -8358. COUNCIL FILE N0.__......_. --------_------------_-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alleys in Mu111ken1s.Second Addition from Niles Avenue to Juno Street and from north and south alley to Finn Avenue, 80416 under Preliminary Order ----------------------------------. .......... ,Intermediary Order ........... sa.a.zQ........................ ............ Final Order....816Q8 ............................. approved ................ JUIS..16......................................... 1929.u benefits, ;costs and expenses The assessment of........ for and in connection with -..............................._. the above improvement having been submitted to t*,Council, Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......... 26th.......... day of ...... .......... 1J'sesmbar............ 1929— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City Of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statim in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the', amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted b the Council............ ---------NAI+ 2i 7 � -------------------------- P Y .. -- -- ... + ity Clerk. Apgrored. A(W.2-7--W 19- -----•--------- --- ......................Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald U Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman VIA= Pearce Mayor Hodgson Fom1 B. R. 17 tLe-� matter � tLo ease em - RY cos n [ asnease ' t�,�Y 2f loll+ 80416 under Preliminary Order ----------------------------------. .......... ,Intermediary Order ........... sa.a.zQ........................ ............ Final Order....816Q8 ............................. approved ................ JUIS..16......................................... 1929.u benefits, ;costs and expenses The assessment of........ for and in connection with -..............................._. the above improvement having been submitted to t*,Council, Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......... 26th.......... day of ...... .......... 1J'sesmbar............ 1929— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City Of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statim in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the', amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted b the Council............ ---------NAI+ 2i 7 � -------------------------- P Y .. -- -- ... + ity Clerk. Apgrored. A(W.2-7--W 19- -----•--------- --- ......................Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald U Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman VIA= Pearce Mayor Hodgson Fom1 B. R. 17 83582 COUNCIL FILE NO.._-------------------------- ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 22, tiyndicate No. 5 Addition from Hemline Ave. to Albert Ave., �C• F No 63682— c 7.n the mrytfst o -'the aeeeeemept of benoAts oto and neAe its unde Preliminary Order.... ---..»80342 1 ,,,,---.- Intermediary Order.........»81172 Final Order..91$Q6................................. approved .... ............ ............ TU1Y...r---- ------------------------- 19.29. The assessment of--_..bBngflts,--_Cd8t8 and eXPenses _... -.......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submit�ed to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, there ore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...............26th day of .............. Deo -ember .............. 19---29, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and thele amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NpY 2 7 ),2 -- Adopted by the Council ----------------------------- ........... .................... ....................... .....--....••... ---- �7 ep 7lbs - ............... y Clerk. Approved ............................... - V .... ...-•.............................._ Mayor. Councilman Clancy C 'hn Fon ounce an ergus Councilman McDonald �D Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman xX &x Pearce Mayor Hodgson Form B. B. 17 - A COUNCIL FILE NO.-- ------ ------- ._-...._..___ 83583 By---...._.._......_.....------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for grading and paving al��ey in Block 2, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Place from Finn Avenue to C$eveland Avenue, also grading Finn Avenue from James Street to P lace Street, i } C F No 896SS -" I` In the Natter oft thfl aese� sment Pr bene{ costa and azpanea I m's l in6^_and Dao1n8' a X � 7 under Preliminary Order................._$0843 .!,..............., Intermediary Order .............81297 u Final Order -...._.__81692 ......... .......... approved ................ —July.9••-.......... ......................... 19.29 -- The assessment o£._..b8T1ef, Qa-_gQAtle.,.DAfJ,-•-019-Pa kao-S..:.........._....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitt�d to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, theref re, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment a and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_26th ........day of ................... 19..x9, at the hc:ur of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber ofpthe Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St: Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, statin in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. pp q Adopted by the Council ----------- - ,I�OV-hr.;� ...................----------- ,19. - :d ... .. .......... •.. .. . City Clerk. Approved ................. ..i�,1g1s..._'.... -----...................................... .... ........:...... �,Mayo,r. Councilman Clancy 1/ L151 D� Councilman Ferguson �\ Councilman McDonald U Councilman d 7 Sudhei Councilman Sndheimer Councilman 1C5=X Pearce Mayor Hodgson Fonn B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _... __....... _._._-------- _- By_ _ ....Y --- -.....---__-------- ....... _---.-.---- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses I - for grading alley in Block 2, Otto Hunt's Addition and Lots 15 to 24, gennals Randolph Addition from Niles St. to Hartford Ave., also constructing a sewer from the alley to Warwick Ave. in the -easement to be obtained on the northerly 8 ft of Lot 1, Otto Hands Addition, in- the matter o; tae aeaeaeme , `srad uta. 4�ata aua .-��y �n�6e'° 1 r under Preliminary Order ------- 8089Q•-......... _................. Intermediary Order ............ 81442 Final Order ....... ........... 81838- approved --- __Jtil t 16-•-------------.---------- 19 219 The assessment of.-...._b94edll(l C; �-Q--$T1S�-.•BR;LeTllilRB_ ._....._--for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on'the..._._26th day of _.-.I-amb.ar................ 191.9., at the 'hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOY 2 7 W9 Adoptedby the Council ...................................................... ..............----- ------ - Q� f� ............. -- - ....... -HitX Clerk. Approved................................................ 19 ...........••• -----................... •. /•-r-'-.. -v... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman RohlanSudheid ndhei Councilman mer Councilman MAW Pearce. Mayor Hodgson Form R. R. •17 yt:iiilrD / ��� t , QQ QQiin� ....�,o�..ou.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. (7L 5�JV PILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYQLNov. 27, 19`1..9 COMMISSIONER DATE 1„ ruoting sewers in tunnel Prom the Pari At`„•= I(nP st corner of University Ave. and Fair - via r0` • ' min a s+lesterly direction on a line drawn between a point on the line, running north and south in Section 33, Town 29, Range 23, 78 ft. north of the center of said Section 33 to a point in Prior Ave. 568 ft. south of the d line running east and west in said Seotion 33 and 13 feet west of the center line of prior Ave., thence southwesterly to a point on the center line of Carroll Ave. 5 feet west of the west line of Wilder Ave., thence west on Carroll Ave: to Cretin Ave., thence southwesterly on a line crossing Lot A Town and Country Club Place and Block 45, Desnoyer Park (vacated) to the Mississippi River at Marshall Ave., also on Carroll Ave. from Moore Ave. to Wilder Ave. and northwesterly across the intersection of Wilder Ave. to Carroll Ave. on the west side of Wilder Ave., also the acquisition of easements for the above sewers where necessary, all of the above to be known as CONTRACT "A” of the Kittsondale Sewer -Western Branch, under Prel m�Tr—der C. F. 75612, approved April 19, 1928, and Final Order C. F. 76855, approved Septi 5, 1928. RESOLVED , That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. r: )II j j I t J !i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Clancy Ferguson rr �� McDonald / 1 favor ZPP1n� 1 19_ Rohland Sudheimer Against YOR Wenzel _ BUSHED -_y Mr. President Hodgson Yeas COUNCILMEN Nage •— McDonald In favor Rolland n Wenwl 4 on Ehet Seventh Street, ?lest of Bradley, with necessary guys, wires, anchors and telephone wires. Estimate #10,305- v, COUN_CILMBN Yeas Nays QUM- McDonald favor RoWand (� —Sudlxi. Alpinse r-Wa�el ,:adgeoo 6tr.•�ioe i'rea.`E'emnlulu „k P4'IC�TE 70 CITY CLERK ;: ', CITY • XINT PAUL OMPTROLLER COUNCIL IVO.-� �_ 1 '- y •'7CQUMCII.,MEN—ROLL OFFICE O CALL ,. FILE �.. e COUNCIL. ..RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAMS ------�--T— "�'�� eU S` GAINBT RESOLVED, - TO THE AGGREGATE THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ONTHE'CITY AMOUNT OF $-130 TREASURY --• COVERING >, - ADOPTED CHECKS NUMBERED BY THE U PER CHECKS - M.'FDAINCLUSIVE. ON FILE IN O ICE OFT I COMPTROLLER: A6 ' . - . APPROVED—_ - --1 - -- . ' -------- - CITY COMPTROLLER _ L CHECKY�� Myt.�.A Vr �� T{JDLdOIl�V TOTAL ° DATE RETURNED _ BY BANK • f , 88698 ca �8b89',: 8E690, 8g8g188692, TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS "aq$01ved The!', checks be .drh ;City T'reaeury to i 1�1 uR ROUGHT FORWARD Pt 116 6 37 11 461 11 3 7 • 21741 10.Sodgsoa ; mayor 2142=Kartiav)cberhard 40 tnoran'Coastruotion Company Supply COmpan 2 260 31 AAWA16en Linen 2: 00mm$nw881th Eleotrio Oompan 19 S '1 96 B1vgTen paint Supply company 30 8 21 7 1►. J. Hass Mfg. company 21. 48 Quiaoq Slt11 b6 2 91749 Ramm.Ioe 06apany $1750 John.Ranodak Oil Company 477 21751 Theo. 0. Hells company 31 0 21752 Kghiand Spring Company 61 5 21753 T�.;Hidred d oompasgr P2 3 21 $oward.•Fa8, dl. Company 21751 Illinois Steel Warehouse O ny 21 2 110 0 21 1”-prial $rase Mfg, Company 2175? Int,'ruational Time Recording o. 6 22 0 21 R Tie Je�ellNursery Company 21 0 ;,I�sJohnsoa. Mfg. Company 21 0onrnall''oi the Outdoor Life ij 0 2 0 21'61 tee=Lox YCg. Compsay 21 21 62 !Pendell Refining Company 22117.3 LennOy Brothers Arms Compan 61 64 Z6wanee';Bd1ler Company 25 5 I1776 Rm. Mao I 2 0 100 21762 Lee A Soli Mfg. Company 21767 T.O. Leslie Paper Company 249 5 .21768 warohant°°'Oaloulating Naoh.Co 18 0 21769 Massey Concrete Produots Co 820 21770 Maxohaata Trust Company 37 0 21771 Ous D. Messing 11 0 21772 Metropolitan Museum of Art 12 xortb Amerioan Telegraph Co. 21 3 X773 -4 Northern States Power Compen 125 7 21� 1(o thorn States Power_Compan 151 9 17 0 21771 Otlental'Laundry Company 21777 Mr®, Elisabeth Palmer 8 3 21778 Paper, Oalmenson & Company 117 5 21779 Perfeotoa Type, Ino, 217 The The °Plant.'Oompany 6 7 21.781 RL. Polk d Company 13 0 21182 St•Paul,Mug Company 7 8 21.�3 St. Paul.°dlase•Oospany Glasd:,ggqmmpany 1 175 lb 21�j1l4 S%F`84, 27 217, St;Peul'Letter C04pany 21, J.L. 8hie1y.0ospany, Ino. 12391 217!17 J. L. 8hieiy Company, Ino. ^c� 4 217788 J.L. Shiely Company, Ina, 1 167 21799. J.L. 8hieiy Coimpauy, Ino. 275 6 21790 J. L. 8hieiy Company, Ino. 352 1 i 1? L: I l w r SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 116 37617'711037!i1$ ORM NO. A.12.2� IM 12.26 - F,...-.,._..e..,e. _. _. CITYINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE O OMP'TROLLER FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS�-- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN CONN THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE 43,672,42--. COVERINO — INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS OCHECKS N FL AMOUNT opplCk�OF'I'RE PTROLLER. CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF DwrE RETURNED BROUGHT FORWARD IN 21791 May L. Reed Martin Solberg 1 21792 - _.,' bUPLICATE TO CITYCLERK Geo.O.Sndheimer, Oonlre of COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 221177993 4 FEER6� N VQ7 21791 MCDONALD -- 1 OR 796 ROHLAND 131 21, 97 SUDHEIMER O GAINS 21 99, .Y1IECRE,L� e 21799 ADOPT T CO 21800 APPROVED—_ - 6 192 8 21901 Central Soap company a Eleottio.8lue Print Company 21Efg3 F,...-.,._..e..,e. _. _. CITYINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE O OMP'TROLLER FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS�-- RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN CONN THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE 43,672,42--. COVERINO — INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS OCHECKS N FL AMOUNT opplCk�OF'I'RE PTROLLER. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD , J1116 376177 ORM NO. A.12.2 IM..I2-2B CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF DwrE RETURNED BROUGHT FORWARD BY BANK 21791 May L. Reed Martin Solberg 1 21792 76 4 Geo.O.Sndheimer, Oonlre of 221177993 4 GeoeO.Badheimer, Ooalr. of 21791 Geo..C.Sndheimer, Comlr, of 796 commonwealth Elsotrio Oompa 131 21, 97 'm, Jo.,' 0 O'Neil 21 99, ;opn-SandQuist 21799 Thoieaton Brothers company 21800 Bowen and Sons 6 192 8 21901 Central Soap company 21802 Eleottio.8lue Print Company 21Efg3 George J; nynn 0 2188004 Theo. O,: Belle &-Company 21 219009 Qt. Northern`Nleotrio Apple 21 R.Z. ROxe Awniag4& Shade 0 21M Lamprey Produote Company 21809 John Wt. MoOlala 2729 21809. Northern States Power comps; 21.810 L.o.,Siith.8 Corona Typewrit, 21$11 Tho Speakes•Cospauy 21812 Speoialty.Printing Company 19 316- 2.1813 StandArd Oil Company �. 218144 Trap Rook, Company 2;51 TV State Tei.. A Telg. Comp 7 21916 'tri—State Tel..& Telg. Comp, 21d17 Tri-State Tel. 8 Telg. Comp; 21,$ld J.C. Vander Bie Company 21lfi9 Western Union Telegraph Comb SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD , J1116 376177 ORM NO. A.12.2 IM..I2-2B -fY4yVz— T0TAL DwrE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK 6 376 1143745 1 76 4 0 131 4 50 6 192 8 1 14 7 25t 0 21 6 44 5 2729 499 0 24 19 316- 3 �. 1 0 952 7 601 2 i o60 3 41 246 105 2 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD , J1116 376177 ORM NO. A.12.2 IM..I2-2B am MI.RIEWR 1 ,0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL V FERGUSON —IN FAVOR McDONALD ROHLAND T BUDHEIMER ;GJ AGAINST +y WENZEL. nGi CITY IWAINT PAUL COUNGIL OFFICENO R FILE NO. --15-6091 COU CIL RESOLUTION 1fo9ember 29 29 AUDITED CLAIMS . — -- --19— RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE E TREASURY. t TO THE AGGREGATE Ahftlf +lo - f� S— , —. COVE CHECKS NUMB RED --_—L-\-1-- '146' TO-- INCLUSIVE. AS -- PER CHECKS N FILE 1 THE OFF CE OF THE ITY COMPTROLLER.: TOTAL DATE - cH IN FAVOR jJF RETURNED NUMBER - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 116 376 77 1187417151 • 21820 J;. F. Hain, Cashier water Department 121 21S21, Peter Alexander 23 21822 M .H; 8: Erickson 51 21823 Alired.A. Tuohelt 3 F;A:.Tuchelt 5 414 0 21824 John R. Foley 3 21 Slea 1l. Met$ County Treasur 24 6 23,8 J:J: Gillen, Abe rant Clerk 3 5 21827 John r: Foley I 1 487 9 21820 Jobn H. HoDoneld, W.B. 1 848 15 21829 GeoAJudbeimer, Comlr. of F 3 972 0 91830 G:OZ'0 eudhelmsr, Comer. of F . 945 21831 Geo.,Q.Qudheimer, Oomlr. of 116 291 21832 Branaig 8 Sons Baking Compen 14.1, 2163w; IIlnnesota Milk C pany 16 23,834 Hationsl Sts" zatindrY Comp 21. Robinson Cary & Sainde Comp 46 2 6 2192 st.Paul Foundry 0dapany h2 2 837 YFe: L H• Slack 100 0 21838 C J:Be th 4 Comp ny 22 2 217 9 Van Paper Supply �Oompany 121 2 21_ Ged a Dickson 10 21841 Ya*n like=bard 388 21*2 John SanQquist- 1 201 2103 Jchn-Sandquist I 170 218.. Carnegie .Dock & euel Company382 21!145 b.C.Smith & Coro�a Typewrite ,Ina. 0 21 Standard stone Company 4 415 9 I i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD >��'. 2$ 2 324156 a ORM NO. A-12-2 1M 12-2. _ j�lt.).s•(k�.Y�,; ., DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY I SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 83592, COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OFN OMPTROLLER FILE No COUNCIL RESOLUTION FERGUSON __��N FAVOR McDONALD ROHLAND AUDITED CLAIMS--xo,, 30th"" USUDHEIMP( G NST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON T HE I CITY TREASURY. MEMM rO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF .—W Id' FS2.0— COVERING _T To AD BY T C NCI CHECKS NUMBERED__INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTEDPER CHECKS ON FILE OFFICE ;A) 1FL ER. APPROV V 1\ A R By__ TOTAL AV CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 118 224 9 132415 21847 I Kalman Steel 0oapan7, ASSL90 0 Garrick Brothers,.Ino. Inc. 21848 Garrick Brothers 1no, it 21847 Garrick Brothers, Inor ji77 5 1 of 0 21850 J- Ough Owen, u 1 45 21551 Fielding & Shepley, Ino. 1 530 952 Mal -fin Bernath 10 40 21853 21954 G, A, Nelson GeOi0,.SUdhS1m8T# 0011111ri, of T n. 14 849 1 2185 Geo,0#S1Adh*imsTp COm!T Of T Re385 2185 GeopCeSudheimer, Gain Pr�p. rof r n*. 1 907 3 21 Geo#0�­Sudholmeri Com!r'. of T n. 4 659 21858 Goo# 0:, Budhe nor, Cos or.. of T 1 125 219 G 0 Sudheimer, 00mir. of 7 of 50, 0 218 g:oil . 002 or. of r U. 7 086 4 21961 Geo.0,80heimsr, 0011211Ir. Of F n'- 913 4 862 GsqIpQ,.Sudhe1msr, GoIn or. of 7 4. 198 2 2186_3 Geo.C, .Sndheimer, comor. of F 002 'T'� 7 n. 982 451 1 2 G:0*0,;SudhSim9T, Of' Ili- as6 a 0*0-aludheimer, comoi. of Ir Or. 101�.0 21 0 of F Geo�4udheimsr, lOom i. 29 21 7 at andard Stone company" 5 366 5 a Board of Public Welfare a goo 9 60 GSOowgT. of r U, 310 Geoi, (6 Sudq.,QoSudho1m9r, lbeimsr' 002 11r. of Ir 6 0 910 a 218 21- Goo# (6 Budhelmor 002 or'. of 7, 01aft A&MOld, Rdow of H.A9 12 30 1 0 21 A= 7.0 0jioA, Widow of 1:4H, Helen 'Sull van, Widow of 1t 11 0. 40 30 21 -8f. SO01 for thi Prevention d 0TuSltj 200 4 2 21 Christine Hanson 21877 Mr4. Ethel Z. Parker., Guardian 26 fdr Ray Killer -o 21978 August It. SOhOMfl, Guardian : 07 DOT a Bannon 31 ;8 21879 Mrd. Rue Stegner, Guard! an 24 for Dorothy L. Stegner 21880 Dr. Leo , lgar 21981 Ben&a"xd Low 0 21882 Dr, Q. Q. Parry 113 2100 StJoseph's Hospital 2 23,S0 Capital Tire & Rubber Oompanli 3 297 • 218* State of Minnesota, Metropolitan Drainage Commis ion 1 588 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD r 3594 3T 8 ion a 131 1 0 2 31 31 7 9 0 1 ft9 3 44 Dil�;INT PAUL Li4iiTE-T6 CITY CLERK CITY OFFICE 0.,TROLLER COUNCIL FILEN NO; COUNCILMEN—LN L CALL ------ coumcl UTION MCDONALD M — F 0 F CLAIMS nmember :FERC?USON R LAAUDITED OHILAND SUDHEIMER ,U L60N.'. AIN WENZEL WENZEL7 -9 RESOLVE?, :HATA CHECKS D-11 ON ;E TO THE AGGR I-- ell TREASLI.�,:, COVERING ADOPTED COU CHECKS NUM EKED_ ---- – PER CHECKS F LF FF. OF -INCLUSIVE. Ai COMPTROLLER:. APPROVED– 19 cay c OLLCR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT A CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD • 21.,6 GOO. Cv I ndheinillr, Con 'r. off as 21373 4 2 997 GOOO.Sudb4mer, Conti. of rflance IT, 4 F2 &W 23x119'- Qda, 0. 1114diielmer, on offi deo. o..8tdheia�es, 30mor. of yj anos an, '00 3 ro) 21890 Q6o,C,94&si26*. 0021r. offJ anos 1 on or. of yj as 01 '-729. 219,93 --soult. of 71 CoftauT 5i6ititriotle, 0*pauy F417,0111- ance an, 04111 22 b2d 40 0 . 1 2104 • —� :Clenslat Vi Soulley: lqapa- ent goo 3594 3T 8 ion a 131 1 0 2 31 31 7 9 0 1 ft9 3 44 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3594 3T 8 ion a 131 1 0 2 31 31 7 9 0 1 ft9 3 44 AJ Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Gallo ay S a y 'S' Clancy Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan McGI ga McDonald McDonald Sudheirner Sudlicimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson nm,,o M - 3— A That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated April 23, 1929, between Hanlon & Okes, Contractors and the City of St. Paul for the paving of Otis Avenue from Marshall Avenue po Somerville Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of November, 1929, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said con- tract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald In favor , Rohland ­oSudheimer O Against dfj§W ; itLa taiodgeon ./ 1R - Vice Profs. Fergnson, Adopted by the CITY OF' ST. PAUL CFILE OUNCIL N /J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK // COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the New Amsterdam Casualty Company, as surety and the Motor Inn, as principal, dated November 23, 1921, in the sum of $5,000.00 covering Air Filling Station at 1031 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as re- leasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. Air Filling Station has been removed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays s>_7_1 F -em T. McDonald In favor rRohland —Sudheimer—Against Adopted by the 19_ COUNen. NO.—_8 3590 CI ST:'PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ate— Deo. b, 1929 A That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated June 27, 1929, between the Feyen Construction Company, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul for the grading and paving of Concord St. from the east line of Ada St. to a point 124 ft. northwesterly of the north line of Curtice St., be and the same is hereby extended to the 18th day of November, 1929, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to exeoute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, hovwer, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Ferg— McDonald - In favor ov Rohland n Sudheim�err Against _N DEC ' 3 19- - 31920 . . 111111§w� St. Paul, Minn. TO THE HONOILME CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF 9Q, P4UJ-- Gentlement 4.-cu_iC. j69y"E.ct-CjUy ask ti-ist yotir Honorable Body cause the tiLe cf 3fivy, G.,, -n contract for the To be exter-dal tO Owinf, to it was not possible for oto finish this contract within thee time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for oom plating same be made 88 hereinbefore stated. �ws very tru Cont There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. APPROVED. 50t 4.d�;07�onsrul�tispa yrs �omm se �oner �ou oo r a ung nee t. F o..�.�*•u**•�••• CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE IL NO• 8359b a` OFFICE OF. CITY CLERK yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN 510NER DATE Nov. 27, 1929 COMMRESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 30, 1929, between GarrlWk Bros. Inc. Contractors', and the City of St. Paul, for the paving of St. Clair Street from South Osceola Avenue to Snethe1ling 27th daynof,be and November,h1929,eis and theeby properended to city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond cogsent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the 110-0, MAYO MOW COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —McDonald In favor Rohland n Sudheimer r' gainst v'Yw V1nA YreB: Perouton Adopted by the 110-0, MAYO TO THE HONOUBLE CIT" 00UNCIL; CITY OF S4 Yti .'i- i; eh tleme.r. esl, t;zat year Honorable Body cause the ti.ua CY coc.hle.'.ng .ontroat for. iha To be exter_da.i t� Ovin+, to Z/�vg� it was not possible for //� to finish this contract within the time specified, hence ?h .desire to ask that the time for com- - - plating same be made- as hereinbefore-ata_ted. Yours very truly, Contra There is no objection to having iA the time extended as requested, o as for as the requirements of this of ice are �.�pncerned.. I 1i7.0v -, / I APPROVED: commissioner of Public Work CITY OF ST. PAUL CFILA OUNCIL NO. 83599 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE FERAL FORM y Nov. 27, 1929 That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Four and 40/100 Dollars ($1,794.40)from the Kittsondale Sewer Bond Fund, Code 2306, to the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineers - Salaries 10- B1 $ 1,733.82 Auto Mtc 10- B2 60.58 a 1 $1,794 .40 sfers represent actual expenditures c., from the above named fund for special engineering services for October, 1929. Detail statement of the above expenditures is on file in the office of the City Comptroller. This is in accordance with the ruling obtained from the corporation Counsel dated August COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Glamy %---McDonald In favor --Rohland ySudheimer Q Against leuBuSHM .. � lilt.'V6ii►yr..Pridliiils _ DEC - 3 iM -310 o a •ATO CIT'4..KCOUNCIL C ITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN N0•-00, COU OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL17TIoN—GENERAL FORM PRETg IT BY COMMISSIONER DATE Nov.. 27, 19'L9 RESOLVED That there be anci i is hereby appropriated the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty One and 30/1.00 Dollars ($751.30) from the Airport Bond Fixed . Code 600 G, to the Depart- ment of Public Works, Bvresu oY Engineers. Salaries 10 - B1 $ 690.72 Auto Mo. 10 - B2 60.58 te.sat { '3 ay'S 1 taia �t 751'30 rrt;: agyt.. a b o trans ars represent actual expenditures from the above named f`=IcL mor special engineering services for October 1929. Detail statement o:C the above expenditures is on file in the office of the Citar Comptroller. This is in accordance _ with the ruling-_ obtaine d:Iffrom the Corporation Counsel dated Aug. 4, 1923s COUNCILMEN DEC ~;Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 19— / Er,— n)a wcJ '.2dzi McDonald In favor 19_ �Rohland 0 /SudheimerAgainst / MAYOK_ i'iJSLISHG' D / 5; 11s.'Vin,► }frw.. MwtOrtMS !. '�<�;. �) OFFI OF CITY CLERK LOTION, 67ENERAL FQRM AdvW by the YL 19—.— CITY OF ST. PAUL �L NO— k$ �kn ° OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM -s:.,... ,. gwTe November '29, 1929. { u emergenoy.his Visen'in the Departaieat ofJ. Pablic Wet yrend6rineoeaslur y the employment 0f-.asrtaia'employee ' of that Department Por more than eight,ho0o per day„ in the ,doing oP the:,followiag works. ddmiuetering""'Pir4t aid to aooident"oases in.00nneotion`with galls made by ambulance Thie,em6rgenoy arose'Iy reason of the.followiug faeta and~oiroainsteaoea, YYorkiag in pleoe of DTT Fred L. Nebber who was ili from'Novemtier 3t to'25rinolueive sa oner o o e y 'i F.27o. 86806—BY lotto W. $obland, Jr --i—I .r of Pub - f FOR3i NO. 2 Oogawil File No. 83605 Ayes Councilmen Nays I —McDonaldAdopted by the 1929 `j Pearce Approved 1929 --Rohland ­Tudhe ime r '! �t Nr. VIM Pres. P481 ft PUBLISHED 9 Resolved, WHEREAS, the Comm ss ner of Public Utilities has roported in = accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendiered fo necessary the than eight hours employment per of certain employes day and on Sunday, said ' of his Department employment being mor more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper c ty officers are hereby authorized the rate otherwise fixed to pay the for extra employ- following named employes at forth: ment for the extra time hereinafter set , NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Gust A. Johnson Uty.laborer 16 hrs. hrs. Iver Lofgren a u g n •55 •55 William Robinson. a a 8 " •55 Frank Flemming 8:5c, Glenn L. Glancy 8 n g u fi}}'jS Edward Walsh Lolnmon laborer Ludwig Zwirner Uty.laborer Ole Munson Foreman' 6 d 6�F Ed Kordell Megh.Helper •55 James.Tighe DiIoh:digger g a •55 Arthur Johnson Uty.laborer ii -55 Roy Kaneu�I a 8 d .55 Frank UcNearney u n 2 " •55 Peter J. Murphy $ n •55 Ed Quinlivan F. Racine a ° q Frank 6 a .62 William D. Davie Bub -foreman S n Cornelius Shea Maint.laborer Uty.laborer 2 a -55 •55 Angelo M. Fiorito " -55 Sam Narducci DiNch diger 2 �i •55 Nicholas gdoolio 2 John Olson a u " .55 Dominick Ranaciere n1 " •55 Domenico Marzzitell1 a a 1 n •55 Paul Rullin " Frank G. }foga Harry Das 4 Ut'.laborer Colmon 1pbor °n 2 'i 2 :55 45 Frank J. Rohland 16 n •45 Man Joe Look Looney Di�ohddigger ° •55 Ayes Councilmen Nays I —McDonaldAdopted by the 1929 `j Pearce Approved 1929 --Rohland ­Tudhe ime r '! �t Nr. VIM Pres. P481 ft PUBLISHED 9 t i SSI/�Td�ROTXCRY'�"[NA11['OR,COC�U-'IMrROY[MDr�II/ MOC ---�.—.-_ lROM I.00AI. DAIROV[MW7'f=O([M'I' RRVI�{'�Y� � 0017/ s >. ;AFFROFRIAT[G , s d 74 AFFROFRIAT® FROM /ONO M/U[--COOR tl=• Z`OUIRtt AID �. _ - _ _ '' i s 239",oa, COPIIts'�'Ib �' �' I N[IROY. ClIITIFY.THAT TNSTlt �/ wN UNWCUM/FTI M T cc A, IN:;TN[ ASOY[,RAT[O AIN'RNRIATIONII:O CITYsCLSRK,' RRVOI.VINO 1!{IND L:OOAI.IMNIOV[MDR NO CCAIPTROLLER,e'�R[1M[URII6 TN6FDIMANQIT,IMMIOV[M[NT IN TN[ ASOV[ AMOYNTI. � } r. ' ; ?USL,IC VYORKS _ PURCHASING ii ' COMp7ROW67t DAT[ RINl1L OROR AODF RD ,.t m COIiNCIL RESOLUTION "'f N° - MR, . AUTHORIZATION OF; LOCAL:•IMPROVEMENT PROJBCTS COD[_ A►'ROPRMTN. F-lOCAL�YPJtOY[I I{Nii——CODE-- R PROP�RY—.: PT A. A NOPRIATKD �lgpM WNt)-=us—coop 0•" COVNTT AIO e � i TOTAL C041K8 '1'Oj fXfRKfT CCRTIFY TMAT'TIIYIN if�A,� UNOICUMBKRKD ML.-.; _ .• CIT'tf CL®tK ANCt.AVAiLARLK IN THC AIOVN KTATKO APPROPRIATION! TO ; IMFROVKMOiT RKIMKUR=THK PKRMANMT IMPROfIKMKNT RKVOI.VINO FUND AfOVIC AMOUNT!: LOCAs: NO _ s PU4LIC- WbRKB PURCHABINO = ,1 COMPTROLLKR _, DATK FINAL OROiR AOOR67 *i M _ YKAf NAllf AOOP'RDOT CO CI t IN IAYOR � ` X 4 .M� �'AINfT IT PROJECTS COYMCI LMKN RD NAYt 1 ADO[OY ! CO YW }% ..IN P. T .. ��, ,, r A{fbf®�AOAINQi lQ/p�li[p .RDMiRTY ;< , >I Arr'JRpiRurlm I!kow w"•, tMlRb�eisNrs--olwrr ►eonR7Y �� �� ndce -� �: L ;A'lIIWAM71m lNO� lONO IBBY[-CAD[��r ,.f 0. GDUNTY AID .:f _ a s I x LOCAL IMPROV NAW j IN PAYDR } .. z .. . FILE OF CITY CLERK 1 RESOLUTION GENERAL ORM —Novembers 39 ltai0000lesk— 83615 FINCITY OF 8T. PAUL ' esoI&ion Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, reconstftating and repairing cement sidewalks, Estimate No.B, Contract 5471 : Season 1928 --Assessable-- F.O. 76963 Eleanor Streets north side, beginning 266 ft east of Hamline Avenue, thence east 20 feet, F.O. 77942 East Fourth Street, north aide, from Rosabel Strp=it to Broadway F.O. 77041 University Avenue, north side, beginning 100 ft east of Chatsworth Street, thence east 32 ft. p:d' �Tl�ll�n1'iiei'Avenue,"wast aided beginning 368- ft'horth Capitol Avenue thence north 36 feet g;t`"zg696"°ondbrl7lge° st�eeti west side, beginning 39 ft north of Milford fitreat thence north 64 ft. Grani l.,te Streets north side, beginning 194 ft east of F.O. °1740 t ' 'Gbus'tlan�':gtreet �Ehdtfde' eas 70 feet:' F.4v3+a 77173;_irvlew .AVenuef, Wes . aide, boglAn ng 18,. ft north of Dayton Avenue, thence north 55 feet F.O. 77169 Dayton Avenue,, south side, beginning 146 ft east of Fry streets thexioe east 8=1eet, F.O. 77174 TM'peeler Qvenue, ess;tside, beginning 72 ft north of MarshalY Avenue, thence north 12 feet F.O.,,.7717,5 ,"bast side,. beginning 90 ft south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 18 ft. F. 78131 Como',gnd R#ver Boulevard, west side, from Doane Street to the Mississippi River Boulevard, except where goad ands ei�tt'°*Jdewalks now exist Wt F.O.`78138 Como Avenne,t aide, beginning at Snelling Avenue thence east to alley Fuller Streetr south side, beginning 78 ft great of Western Avenue, thence west 60,ft F.O. 77382 Mackubin 5treat, west �idc, beginning 78 ft scut':: of, Fa ller,'str'eet, thence south 10 ft. F.O. 77038 Faller''Avenue, 'south side), beginning,78 ft vest of Kent Street thence west 13 ft., beginning 28 feet farther west thence west 8 ft. F.O. 77179 Dale Street, east sid3, beginning 86 ft north of Dayton Avenue, thence north 142 ft. F.O. 77385 Beaumont Street, south side, beginning 74 ft west of Preble Street, thence west 30 feet F.O. 78603 minnehahe. Street, north side, beginning at the :eat side of Preble Street ex"nded, thence east 84 feet F.O. 77$15 Arcade Street, most teIda j.beginning at:^York;Streety thane®. east 84 feet" F.O. 77928'Jenks"Street.,.north'sid6, beginning 160 ft west of De Soto St., thehoe west 120 ft. .yg.sag"iiz'� r,7�' ��`'S '� ;��,' I,.c.a 6>� - ��fi*,''• [> ., IS. wAE'• ° EeGT'J .._ - _ _,..�'.�F'��'.��a � Y c-_._. v...r. „u..c..F:'S� v;]�_3s.a��_'F��.., `+{ .F.f,•`,' S �" _,� .�.. �. _ . i1 r, ))NV} STS &TT 1. a r .T31L J.i v7 fr'a..>•,�e xaf .'.3 f� 1a; L: irc .. vF :,. 1; .�}'. x'.. 1 3 svz4lif a ;i i .J'JO Lam. �a In a r a e t, 7 l t(.+, u foT si r�• Lny,13 z, ' 1.3 � 13��� -: L i � J � iii g'.)ili7 � •a .. :, 7 .. T � - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITMTl3ER RESOLVED,..That the said assessment be and A in hereby determined to be payable in___...—equal.insta4ents. Adopted by the Council—_ ity C erk. Approved--..—Im. 4L Iwo ,-- F«u B. B. is T � � Mayor. PUBLISHED SIay.....6.................19::.29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, r constructing and repairing cement sidewalks, Estimate oto 8: 'Contract 'l - Season 1928 --Assessable-- F.O. 76963 EleanorHamliStreAvenue, north side easte20nf etg,266 ft east of north side, from Rosabel F.O. 77942 East Fourth Street, Street to Broadway F.O. 77041 University Avenue, north side, beginning 100 ft east of Chatsworth Street, thence east 32 ft. F. %gjCi ' sm7iW4 Avenue, West s�ete, bog Im8k'368 ft north of i Capitol Avenue thence north 36 feet F 0t-:""ig_�'ff Woodbridge Street,"westfsidey beginning 39 ft ,north o Milford Street thence north 64 ft. F.O. `77401` Granite' Street, north side, beginning 194 ft east of Courtland Street, thence east 70 feet- F.O. 1717& Fairvie*I Avenue, west '.side,�bsginn;.ng 18 -ft north of Dayton Avenue, thence north 55 feet F.O. 77169 Dayton Avenue, -south side, beginning 146 ,Pt east of i Fry Street, thence east 8 feet, F.O. 77174 wheeler Avenue, east side, beginning 72 ft north of Marshall- Avenue, thence north 12 feet F.O. 7717$ Cretin Avenue, east side, beginning 90 ft south of Dayton Avenue,. thence south 18 ft. r Boulevard, from Street F.O. 78131 Como and Rivewest side, to the Mississippi River good and sufficientsidewalks now exist F.O. 78138 Como Avenue, west side, beginning at Snelling Avenue thence east to alley Fuller Street, south isides, beginning 78 ft west of Western Avenue, thence west 60 ft F.O. 77382 Mackabin Street,trewthehcedesbegsouthinning 78 ft south of f south,sida F.O. 77036 Fuller Avenue, , beginning 78 ft west of 1 Sent Street thence west 13 ft., beginning 28 feet farther "west lthence west 8 ft. F.O. 77179 Dale Street, east side, beginning 86 ft north of Dayton Avenue, thence north 142 ft. F.O. 77385 Beaumont Street, south side, beginning 74 ft vest of Preble Street, thanes west 30 feet F.O. 78603 Minnehaha Street, north side, beginning at the west side of Preble Street extended, thence east 84 feet rca a Street, west side, beginning at York Street, thence east 84 -feet beginning 160 ft west of De Soto F.O. 77928' -Jenks Street, north side, St., thence west 120`ft.,. -Nott,•6ssessable-,�� < ...,..vi+ .,IA- - from Doane Street to i`i h•0•` d8T38'y1NT� as8z �A33?f l,Troyasc,�Torz ;oT. •U• X3738 2zi�TT7 IT o 1JJr GL3z3 r7 ;7aaTaa;!?�7 °,,•p g;J Cl i�AGL 1,,•c' a91::, __xoiz-lt�'aca asp7a-- 5uq;rsi Ka. uo o ;Gxcsbr: .31 1 yofr�sh' aSge' =zozu u tr S PR '77-.., ,dk, .. ' ?'}::7';319'''*.•, ...F�:�-.G::}' 11.6 '�7>sp7§ 2Le a PGETT z, .. ssrraouF '2rLGer' aotrr}r a7 a p 7 1*.v• 14382 B a GUG6 uozrF 145 fir' uoLri o r)s`t.rou ;neufra �� a p�7ua7u 1• G ' adT�B DUTG '2rLGa� Gsar 79 j,sLrpGL ::,G2r *Gucay,Ga r7? bF.a o�F7.r_Tlj ,y ova F. RG !Jr 3:rx,GGr -;j' GG�1TU In7TGL tinsurrz6Gonrlb2?y'zonfr 70 br' Lf TTGL 2r a 7 ' pGeT,l J:3 t.F soar; °F. trp7'rrLGGr �r,Gz6uGG oaF r'0 F_ saF of ;�.0• x,1385 «64FGLu �fA UFIG r"r` a oGIru r7u ,r -nITGL 2FLGe{' aorrFp 2rgG Qj'GUGG G92r +° gT7'�-'TUUTU4' gF GUv7T7 `'l, i; UffG U` ozvo yAcurzG' aTgGaTc;rs7Ka uo:,, Gx7aF d8Ts8 C 5) su . 2r"VJGTGUr nsLc' y: -:co- ;;,pGLG o F} a 1=ITaa7aa;bbT Ii. BonJ a7c,G' i,uom Doeuc OFf t,GF �•U' 197 s7 ,o'o S7asz, gon7onsLgi ozr DJ Fou ';n>urts.I F,,cucgG!' p7uuT3JE 3C 7 F zonrp b 0 •U' 14712 uNGr7 neJns' GgcF -G szaja-z?:7.'yaazin�' r{:6uC` tuoGETUUT:z6'G,r �F uoa, r T c r O Gs7GL VAGunG' 'r �7 G' p a R 14714 ..i LGGr' t; 7uGG GO -3 9 7,aer , u,;. Go2F of 1 2F * 1 OGP-Tu�7 � Tv� br h•U• 1 7°8 DsaF°a L'nsun '°ucea-10Lrp 2 �' o G� Da .Fou -;;neons rpa c a pG` 7uuru 79 F uv;,} r T Juu G os2r AO .'Gar. 1 •U' ad7A UonLr7suc; 2FLe r Fp ^, :�sr..7uuruc 7iv e,F GczF b r •U' aa�oT l`, sur soticG��o. rl e� bF' r 1:777.°Ly �rLd : r'} ,nG3r .7qG' aG :ruu7u:. 38 1 F h•p• 1@8.13 '1°�abT of A'01 {'r-GuG6�V;LGI i u7uCr2eo tr zror,Fp o u'U' aeae� HgwldrJG aeufSG 62� iJG© Gsar'3S°L br Cpsra=oLrl� orZa r r"" G' pGs'7uu7UG 700 1, asst p-0, 1 SOFT nurnb7 -TFx xn<ourrG uoLrp 279 a oaapG7 FL o Gr' uOLFp a 9a b Loa •G' aaaas E� + on.F: 3FLGa r osar- ��w77u� yr_.:uJrc ��lra3xm r�ce�siarxxxxxat%%7SXXXX%ztxxx$�lsdi3�WK ixXxxxXXx-xxXXX7CxXRxXxX XXXXX.�xe�$ieG&i'wBXXxY..�?iXX�Xps�?t.?��RXXX7[Xxx;c�9txx. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $--2137..-3-6 ........_...:...... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . , $ ---------- 7 35 Cost of postal cards $--•--•--_1-f47 213.74 Inspection fees . . . . . .$..................•............. Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . , $. 7.35 Total Assessable 2W7".27 }sable 20= -:.- To J4N 2573:38' Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of 4.?570.36................ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case -of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made al part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. a' F„m B. B. 17/s��. Commissioner of Finance. \ST38 011 y ssL b�6P usT7X ?E Z,�P�La6O9T0ija£ 2 �•G• X378 2?`3lrioxi?o£ Como si3i jWP£L3SC�� 2Tq`8.'h3Tlt4' aJrlTO+ aW.9: ITA OL 130. "Ta2TudT1 , ..off dns7s �• .i8J � o sJq T.na1, 3 JG 1 lou b caasPTE- �:.. '.�ira• .TS( Cp: 2TgS a 'T'LOLUV.-Yt p'uP.�Ldo::9'0£ 5z p76 ssJrMouF �FrarP 2OII�}' 1✓•"u' ,SA382 Jjn6a:fo' PP6 uoLPF T 8 £iaTu4 8� LF JozP}' oL ";,;-ou h•0• SdTJo D%j, 2PLs69' os1a9 axq- P. T . gLPj,76L :::O2P P�6JCa :.?v2P 9 � .a p�;�Si.I.;Tu2 �4 066; £ Ls P P 'P L ' 1{6:TP P 6WO6 :,?6 a 7r�' W-lSWii Aja I.+ ' .0• J�O�? LIITJ6L ynours6' 2oi7P1 6aTs 2o7Fr770 LP' O£ LJUTTGL 2PLseP P)' a Oe .Tu r: ate <.F a� JF; h•0 �a345 �dcO:�PT'r fl -i F i6UPazu VAG;J ra PpaaTge' P64 Tu-rT J - �4 IITTGL gPLa�F aonPF 3 Wa ..,�,,�uns 91J61Jc6 sga; FO -g 2Tq �-. s W6T7T r.'O' X47'38 Como yacuna' n,aa9 aTge' psr_TnJTW•_ P Fooq uo- 2nLLTOT6uP 2T s;a2 naLgex Gxc L6 c a p;Ta2122TbbT hT SLtasaP7aTge' "-,ora noa:Jc oto Fi x1-n6z BonTOnsLglI •0' X87 7 C oW-;na;JJB' P,cuce aonPp T4 u •8. LP 20mpI' 01'TWWT sFTF!'%n Jne' aSaF �(a:6 oLFL 75 £669 0 L-0. ��Jd a ,aI7 SnsWJr Flr T u°LF £ W p .' ' .pa15:T" TW JS LP j-6a7aL Vn6JfToi d 8 a hg••G•' ��T7oil3z J' T7nTu6u:.: bn,une��3F+6rrto:, P2a£0 r7d@ LFtFaJ aa2LF 6FTuJTu Orj . pDs1Poan-uc6 J0W-ncWf76' O £ 0 £66P• OT, 011"r,T:id Tr 2Fza,F aU •FF T i" y•G• �ad07 CNiTJLtLq 2FLa �}tiJca, oL9�y� C�.zWuTW�c 38 LP uo.,9; oL oo;pzTq JFz;,;P fh62F Tq, �•0• �Bc��3 .,,Or ' -0- -U-'T4-r.s.;7; Fr6Jcs .�L�l�t.. „�u6�^sB8 LF uoL9p OL B. C) - .S ae? :T .EF-' T:a VAGU la' :..o2F 2T��JJca oaa9 .35 -£P• out; OL C7,g 11 s azPp 2; z4— F}t zTg6' pagTuuTirP 700 LP h •0' dSOc7 R' TTA L2Tra "nOarrs uoLPN o Tgaa o2sOa7 :.F } ot; F - FLa6P .:Jca eseP 60 L -G • G' ��dcS li .Arc' rr`, c . .. zal J TuV t'e _ _ a g.�xgi�rx�cxxx>�_xxxxxxxxxxxxx Fsn,�e�xz xxxx>��xxxxaxx��ieYrSdS,xxztx7c7s:�xXRxxxxxxxxxxxx�xxx�gtxx. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 2137 36 Cost of construction . . . . . . $--......._-.-.•`•..-..-=-•---- Cost of publishing notice . $... ___•_...35___.._...._ Cost of postal cards . . _ $_-____•-1.47...._.._.. 21374 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . $-.............................. - 7.35 Amount of court coals for confirmation $ 236'7' Total Assessable 203.09 ToalNieiLsable 3--- ---• . 2203.05 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $570.36- ................ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each, lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon,; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a: part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such fiction thereon as may be considered proper. F.- S. B. n Commissioner of Finance. 83616 Council File No ...... ... M._._..._.__ BY.. .................... �glw CITY OF 8T. PAUL APO tion Ratifying Assessment In the mattei of. he assessment of benefits,demages, costs and expenses for ahiq.1 'aia gie!!e of Maryland Street from a point -85 ft east,: of,the iWAter of Danforth Avenue toa point 35 ft east of the center of Leb.•Street and of Kent Street from Maryland Street to a point`260 h north of Maryland St. to conform to the red linea on the profiles hereto attaohed•and made a part hereof, the present established grades being8)town by blue lines thereon, also re -grading said streets between the points aforesaid, the relaying'and reconstruction of watermains, catchbasins, manholes, sidewal)ce or other structures to conform to the necessities of the said grades when established, Vie, P{eliminary ar--- 2� Intermediary Ordea._82172 _� Final Order...82459__ _ approved _ Sept. 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to bg submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISBED_Z — `7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ..... _......-----Nov......6...., In the matter of the assessment of benefits,' damages, costs and expenses forRBc changing the grade of Mary]and Street from a point 85 ft east of"the center of Danforth LVenue to a point 35 ft east of the scortUr of Loeb Street and ofKentStreet from Maryland Street to 4'oint 200 ft north of Maryland St. to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades 'being shown by blue lines thereon, also re -grading said streets between the points aforesaid, the relaying and reconstruction of watermains, catchbasins, manholes, sidewalks or other structures to conform to the necessities of the said grades when established, Final Order...............82459......----......., approved ................ ................... Se t . 3 ........................................ 19_2-9 ------p........._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred', for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . $ -------------------------------- 3.00 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . .$_.............................. Cost of postal cards . . . _ $--_--_0.60 ............. Inspection fees . . l $-------------------------------- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . $.. . 3.00 Balance to Ow er 150 d0 $ama a it$167 00 WMIXOrpTotal endtures 17.00• $-------------------------------- 156.60 • -•0 ----------• HBe e - To be aid b� 156 60 c �1 �'�$ y. Said Commissioner furter reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as Sove aseeltamed,C •R CO to -wit: the sum of $...11H..QQ................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F— B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 77777-7-7 J. Itav' q CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 82172 under Preliminary Order --------------- 8--•---------1812 ............... --_., Intermediary Order ...---....--------......................................... � FinalOrder .......... 82459 ............................. approved ................ Sept. -3.... -.................... ............... 19_2.9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the eapea- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . $-------------------- _.......--- 3.00 Cost of publishing notice .$................................ 0.60 Cost of postal cards $ ................................. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $--.-..:_-------•-------------_ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $- . 3.00 Balance to Ower B 150.0 ama8e 0167 00 T=dx0*xBene 'Its , 57.00• $ .................-----To be aid b dotal Exhpenditures 156.60 i rPher Y c.Ry.bc Said Commissioner fart er reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as ASve aseerssine�, to -wit: the. sum of$...lt`25...�Q................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. t -' -� ...... ....... F.� B. B. v Commissioner of Finance. Mi ;u JeG,�� u jz� zecl z L r- )5 82172 under Preliminary Order --------------- 8--•---------1812 ............... --_., Intermediary Order ...---....--------......................................... � FinalOrder .......... 82459 ............................. approved ................ Sept. -3.... -.................... ............... 19_2.9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the eapea- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . $-------------------- _.......--- 3.00 Cost of publishing notice .$................................ 0.60 Cost of postal cards $ ................................. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $--.-..:_-------•-------------_ Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $- . 3.00 Balance to Ower B 150.0 ama8e 0167 00 T=dx0*xBene 'Its , 57.00• $ .................-----To be aid b dotal Exhpenditures 156.60 i rPher Y c.Ry.bc Said Commissioner fart er reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as ASve aseerssine�, to -wit: the. sum of$...lt`25...�Q................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. t -' -� ...... ....... F.� B. B. v Commissioner of Finance. Council File BY........ . .... — - ---- — ------------------------ 83617 CM OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits., costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Pascal Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue., widening the roadway and resetting -existing stone gutters 0� 72843 72520 Intermediary Order......- --- Final Order.___ approved__.- 23 27 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is -hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTEMB RB80jjVHD, That the said assessment be and it is -hereby determined to be payable in_...........equal installments. - Adopted by the CounciL__.jW Clerk. ate - Approved-_— F- B. B. 18 • _!fw Mayor. PUBLISHED /A CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _ _Nov. _.s ............... 19..29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses folffm curbing both sides of Pascal Avenue from Frankeon Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, widening the roadway and resetting existing stone gutters, 7034272520 under Preliminary Order . ............................................ Intermediary Order. -- .... -- .. FinalOrder ...... _... ................•72843-----•--................. approved ................... ...---August-----....--•-----23 27 --.... _............... ........... 1 19---..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurredfor and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 983 00 Cost of construction . . . . . . . .$................................ 4.65 Cost of publishing notice $ ................................ .93 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . $----------- ---•••••--------- 19.66 Inspection fees $ ................................ 4.65 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $-------------------------------- Total --------------Total expenditures . . . . . . , $,1012.89 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of 012. 89 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by ............................... the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits eon- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has Leen completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered roper. _..... ...... ......... rom D. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ,•� lec' 2nd; Laid Iover to, — -- 3rd. & app. Adopted_ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays. Clancy . Clancy Ferguson, Ferguson r McGlogan McGlogan w i0. ; McDonald Q Sudheie Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres., Hodgson Laid over to 3rd. & app._ Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson McGlogan n Ferguson McGlogan Q McDonald V McDonald Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson 83619. C. F. No.r Ordinance NO. Presented by COMMISSIO Date An ordinance appropriating he beLce remaining in the Department of Public Safety police and Fire Alarm Fund at the and of the year 1929, after all obligations and purposes fof which-the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an amergency.ordinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ODNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. alanoe remaining in the Department of Public Safety n arm Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the r Purpose of tag supplies, materials, equipment and paying the salaries of the department during the year 1930. Section II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health pnd safety. Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately - upon its-passage and publication. - - -- - - - Adopted by the Council DEC 191 1929 Approved Q 1930 Yeas Nays Ferguson yo= McDonald (� Pearce RohlSudh elm RiBiISIdE Sudhij /2 eimar Ur. President, Hodgson Attest: 83620 Ordinance 10. C. F. No.-�-_ presented by J Data COISIISSlONBR An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Fire Fund at the end of the year 1929, after all obligations which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. and purposes for This is an emergency ordinence rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ► Section I. os remaining in the Department of public Safety ppropriated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing and equipment, std paying salaries of the department "ar 1930. Section II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section III. Thisordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. 1929 Adopted by the Counodl - Approved ® 1929 / Yeas Nays yor Ian2nd. J / , n _a Fe/ McDonald %\ Laid over to _.. _ / n Pearce (� PUBLISHED / •� — -- �(' 8ohlead 3rd. & app—) _j,/ - Adopted .__!. f_% Budheimer / Mr. president, Hodgson Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Attest: Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan McGlogan McDonald McDonald 4 4Y.1r k Sudheinter Sudheinter Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres: Hodgson 0. F-110 Ordinance Ho."'- Presented by GOJWISSION8& Date An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety Police Fund at the end of the Year 1929, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund Mae appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. - . *�� $s'a��t� ' •'' 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That the balance remaining in the Department of Public Safety,' _ olioe Fund is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of paying salaries of the department and purchasing supplies, materials.and equipsient for the year 1950. Section II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered neceMsary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section III. This ordinance shall tabs effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. -- -- -- -- - - - ---- --C-1� 1 -- - -- -- Adopted by the Council I9� Approved 1929 ..Yeas Nays 2nd. Ferguson McDonald 1� Laid overp to - $ohland LJ q opp I Adted .f y9 ce %�— =d 7 3rd ,,pp. & a p. - { / Pearce Nays . President, Hodgson Yeas ays Yeas Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson Attest: McGlogan McGlogan 0 V McDonald McDonald fl .a rL s Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson COUNCIL NO 3W8 CITY OF AUL FI,e OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 4, 1929 DATE That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract bated May 14, 1929, between Garrick Bros. Inc., Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of Alley in Block 4, BirminghamIs 2nd Addition from Kennard St. to Flandrau St., be and the same is hereby extended to the 3rd day of December, 19290 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eleaep McDonald In favor 140W. _ a Sudheimer Against CdrT-0,uv "N"Wai Wry _j Adopted by the 31= TO THE HOITOFUME CI^." C-.0UNCI.L, CIT'.'. OF '.i!; PhJ.".1. C entlemea z63; e.etf x:11$ ask: ti-iot year Honorabie Body cause //the tiLd cf--mrle??.ng -;ontroot for :he /iG� •�l�L.�..�6.��`-.i � aJ � ���4��_SL'�� z?3.�i1���C svf3y/ A � � To be eater_dal to C?winf, to it was ;.ot possible for to finish this contract'within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for com- plating some be made as hereinbefore eta ted. Yours very t ly, 0 or. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as for the requirements of'. this o ice aAeonoerned. et4 Rept+ rs - -- ommias oner 'df PUlto dor s "`� Chiefohief ,ngineer. "�' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO .----_ FILE l]_V2el FFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By Geo. C. Sudheimer Dec. 2nd 1929. COMMISSIONER-- DATE-------- -- - ' RESOLVED Yeas Whereas Adam Wilwert, Jr., is the owner of City of St. Paul participating Certificate # 139178 for the amount of Fifty Dollars; and tillhereas, Said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Adam `Nilwert,Jr., has filed a bond in the sum of One Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the Issuance of a new one, and Whereas, Said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Richard D. OtBrien of the District Court all pursuant to Sections 1970 and 1971 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1923; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are authorized to issue to the said Adam Wilwert Jr., a duplicate certificate in lieu of the said certificate # 139178 which has been lost or destroyed. NjyQ MIL ASidenet .... .. Against gson Adopted by the C n Eq. --029... 192... MAYOR Daniel OlConnor was elected Constable at targe by that body, to fill the vacancy caused. by the death of William B. Hiller. The matter was referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. , 4 F.. E. R. REIPF, COMMAND— A. W. WARN. TRAMPtm EARLE-RAYMOND. — Vlu CeMM.J. PHIL J. MCCAULEY.Dm V—Corr. G. R Y W L LI . Q R- FIM Certs• WM. H. FALLON.,w Vlew Cerr. �RUT09V Tountg (dE1TtYS1 (Ilustat:sttee HARRY WALLIN. N,PA Flx.Corr. A. 6. ANDERSON. RN V— Carr• C. U 9.. NORDEE N, PAR COMN. PAUL L. NORDEEN. ApARM1T FOURTH DISTRICT, DEPARTMENT OF MINN. 248 HAMM BUILDING SAINT PAUL NOV. 25, 1929. City Clerk, Court House. St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable Members of the City Council: I hereby make application for the position of constable at large for the vacancy which your honorable body will shortly fill. I have been a lifelong resident of the City of St. Paul and have had some experience in collection matters. I am a disabled veteran and drawing some compensation from the government for several disabilities. These disabilities, however, would not interfere with employ- ment if you should see fit to appoint me to this posi- tion. Hoping for your favorable consideration, I remain Yours very truly, JHE IM R CCEIITHVED SAND FILED PSV 25 12 sus pts 029 D. tr BIRD3At L CIIT CLERK SL PADL RAll4EY CD_ min OUR WELFARE WORK IS FINANCED BY THE COMMUNITY CHEST 660. J. RIES eouertv AUGrroR EDWARD PirtR50N - TT(g DVIRY AlIO1fO,1 ,OFFICE OR SAINT 'PAi7L, November 25, 1929. The Honorable Yembers of the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The bearer of this, Mr. Benedict G. Fischer, 1448 Thomas Street, is a candidate for the position of constable, made vacant by the death of Nm. Dueller. He resides at 1443 Thomas Street, in forty-eight years old, a resident of the city for twenty-five years, and has served on the police force fourteen years. He was a candidate for this office at the last election, but failed to receive the necessary number of votes. I am convinced that he will fill the place eatie- faotorily if appointed. Beepectihlly`yonra, oun Audi r. �$ im SIV O y 4� N Old aim C� cou awout �o am a�,wa -FILE Q CITY of ST. P ,ti �„� NO.—c1� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r.QUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMIONEQ� •n/3.('Of oATII�- RESOLVED That permission and authority. are hereby given to the Murphy Transfer and Storage Oompany to install an undergrol*d gasoline tank of 15,000 gallons capacity, in their garage at Teath street "and Broadway, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the Oity of St. Paul, and under the direction of the Oommissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN yps Nays McDonald �LIn favor Xjightwid { n v $ndheimer �+! Aoa_inat K. �li�ea NcC DEC + Adopted by the Coune>1 Y '9— J. RIORDAN OLD O. W. a ROSALL. � tit Paut HARCHIW CLERK -CRY CLERK CITY CLERK AND Y cLARENCH A. STORMS _ COMMMSIOHM OF K=111 RATION (pf.I_ of (R{*,�.(R/_1.k CHIEr =K-REOIETRATKIN December gni, 1929• Mr. E. M. CONSUL Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Murphy Transfer and Storage Company for permission to install an underground gasoline tank of 15,000 gallons capacity in their garage at Tenth and Broadway, (No. 480 Broadway) was referred to you today, by the Council, for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, , City Clerk.,/ 6. J. MUISNANS. CNI[Y *1 "'1- MICXAEL O®HARDT. Af[.t. CHIP o/ P.M. - H. M PALL. CAPTAIN OY OR[ w* THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAPT. oI D[Y[RIYff O. H. OARPUSS. eUPT. OP TRA ' A. L. EQOERT. Llc[Nf[ IIIfYtetoR JOS. MACAULAY. [UPT• "I" S PIR[ ALARM S.' I V �atut f laul aepactment of Public Safety J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER LIA WORT HOU" OWEN C. DU NN. .PIR[ CHI[! osr,AR Afn. I-II[ HI" WILLIAM BARRON. CHIV NI -P -MIM ►IS[ PR[Y[NTION CH 6UPT. or APPARJ1TYf e. HEALTH CMCfR A. DEPUTY HW.TM 011.lwl JOHN MARTI. CNIV HSALTN 110111— OR November 29, 1929 Mr. D•19. Birdsall, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- ion of the Murphy Transfer Herewith is applicat and Storage CompanY for permission to sin their garagtal on e gasoline tank Of 15,000 gallons oapaoity and report at Tenth and Broadwayknownas 86 Broadway. Of inspeotion and approval Vard- ery rul ours, Commissioner of publio Ss November 26,1929• Ron.J.M.Olancy Commissioner of Public Safety, o St.Paul,Minn. 0 Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Murphy Transfer and Storage Company for permission to install an underground gasoline; tank in their garage on 10th & Broadway,490 Broadway. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully Yours, Chief Inspeotof. �1 I�1 B. J. MUBNANE. NANE. CDUN OW HN C. DUNN. U G[ I I ` ltv of St. Paul PIR[ MICHAEL OHBHAROT. OSCAR LANDER. Ap I= CHIEF A.R. CHIMP OF POLICE . N.A.-VA CAF 14 OF DMi[mIVE. Department of Public -Safety CNASOn IAMLLAIIS. O. H. BARFUBB. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER B. P. SIMON. M. D. SUPT. OF TRAFFIC HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HDILTH OFPICDI A. L. HOOHRT. A. K. NICHOLS. M. D. LIGW.i IN.P[GTOR DVM HEALTH OAIC01 JOS. M BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HEALTH IH.F[CTOR POLIC1f. SDR. POLICE . FIR[ ALARM WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF INSPECTOR e� I November 26,1929• Ron.J.M.Olancy Commissioner of Public Safety, o St.Paul,Minn. 0 Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Murphy Transfer and Storage Company for permission to install an underground gasoline; tank in their garage on 10th & Broadway,490 Broadway. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully Yours, Chief Inspeotof. �1 I�1 '. .WKYL N 61TY CLO1K COMM SSIONER —UNOn. No. 83632 CITVkOR'sT. P/(UL' Mu OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to Ralph T rarneworth to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Randolph street and Cleveland avenue, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction of the 06mmissianer of Public Safety; the plans for buildings and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in sidewalk crossings, curbs, catoh-basins Or other public improvements shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commieeioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yore Nays McDonald In favor Sudbeimer l// Ava_mat 17fr!>ra Ps"" A,I.t.d by the CounCil19— }i Y D. W. BIRDSALL. lO �# i HARCHIEF O K.CT' CLARK CRY Qp,K AND �I 7r CL.A -COMMIMIONDI OR RAMIE RATION M ce nl ��`� ��Y� CHIEF A. STORMS (® ` CHIEF CLOtK'RA016fRAT10N December 3rd, 1929• Mr. E. M. C t&e ill ; Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith application of Ralph W. Barnsworth for permit to erect a filling sta— tion on the southwest corner of Randolph and Cleveland. This application was referred to you today by the Council, for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, I POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn ........ 9 Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of ------------- ................... alph. W'-Fgrneworth -----------* ---------- to erect and install a filling station on the & -Q14V01-and - 1,—Blk.l, Knaphelde.-Add . ................ ...... ................ ................................... ....... ..... ............ ... ------- ................... .. .......... - will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the ------------ Ud ..............day of .... ....... .... 000 . .............. 1921. at 10 o'clock A. M. GEO. C. SUDBZIMER, I Commissioner of Finance, DUPLICATE' CITYOF ST. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN --- TRIFLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --E OFFICE. J�A"La 4# Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE_____-__-__--_______-_______19__L TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APIPLICATION Is Hereby Made -- ----------- A --------- - -------------------- _:��-------- (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A-_____________________. j -------------------- --- -- - - - -------------- I_ AUTOMOBILE FILLING 67ATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT..___.___ _/___ ------------ -------- BLOCK ----- ------- - ---- ---------- ------- - -------- - -- - ALSO DESCRIBED AS -------- (ADDITIO (STREET AND NUM7 IVf NO. OF PUMPS---------- OF GAS TANKS__________ ---------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK-_­�_1' 7; ------------ - ---- - ---------SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. FILED By ---- /y' 9 � �C�iit;� � rL��.IG�a BUSINESS ADDRESS. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE----- ---------- ------- ------------------------ 9 ----- DATE.__._..___.._______.-.___...._.._____ ._..._ _ ..IS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY ---- I_ - _ ---------- - BY ------- --- ------- ---- ----- ------------- .STA IVDA /?,P %1U•L4cr//v aolilr0 Da I LIGHT POST. CLUSTER �^ NONE FIR£ EXTINGUISHlftS 3 GREASING PIT NONE GASOLIPUMPS ®V16. 1O._ GAL. VISIBLE GASOLINE PUMPS _GAL. BLIND-- 0 UNDERGROUND GASOLINE � --__-- .GAlS.L TANKS, f000_—.GA— L1, TANK & PUMP OUTFITS OC 1 .0,, 1 .GAL. FdVN7A/N AIR-cO OAIR U WATER TOWER AUTO LIFT /VO/Vt FRCE WHEEL TYPE AUTO LIFT ROLL-ON TYPE /Vont= cOM P. AIR COMPRESSOR / 80 CU. FT CAPACITY r----, WASTE OIL TANK / �W J ..�So-..GAL. m FILL —ES 1 CONCRETF —RK •jI`'/`'/ WORK IN SECTION - �- Rn,• FILL BOXES f ,.INt J�:IION LINES FROM _-.__-__-1- •• __• - GASOLINE LINES FH M GAS—N- REIURN ASOLINr TANK VENT LINES FROM GASOO. E TANn.• L — �� S e•:(' A DRAINAGE WATER LINES LINFS j • ANpot PN ST/T �P �P IV _ I r UNION M471AL LCl. 7/) t ,: � � '• ,.�^' AMP Po5I1T- loolU ly-Z- j. •- ' 45° - \/\J �•GRO SF-H//YOS-CHr T-_ I,. 405.'l/TYF TT< Soo w" /z, --- -- ,Jf , '. aL 000 c/I�RTs A'IOVn rt -n -1'AlII / - IJr1 `s On /a (' c prylaN /Ny TAL r -Y i A 1901 A FE/YGE — STA ----- Oqqp Z?U«FT/n <30gR0 -J 4 , L,....Y cz I�I �♦ `Il'I, WV SII I K• I t \ A� � . , , 17 II,11 II ,A T v I�bn1 I'1/M PSQ L.. � f � II ---� `�1 LO'` ps• ��' L V \ 1 \ i a' r✓°.Ye.°cf � 11- � . I , I I I I tF/ - Z � - IIIDot =41 9111011M.--1 7 41, v it 1 —..._--+�C•.=._y::� � I � I ' I I \ •v I � K J S SERVICE STATION -LIST OF DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION OROR IImNo REI CB55 NONE SPECIFICATIONS /O 5 jGoo NONE BUILDING 960 NONE CANOPY /N/3ASFMc NONE COAL & TOOL BOX - yGo/A � I• � FENCE - FENCE NONEL SIGNS BULLETIN BOARD DAY SIGN POST. I WAY 1 �p OAY SIGN POST, 2 WAY / , UTAY nIu 9; 7o 13 (n•I LIGHT POST, SINGLE 2-73o5 DG -- LIGH"f POST, (:LUSTER /� NONE FIRE EXTINGUISHLRS ,J NONE GREASING PIT GASOLI`PUMPS ®YIB. .10_ GAL. L. VISIBLE GASOLINE PUMPS O L. -- _ -I-. BLIND UNDERGROUND GASOLINE TANK'. 'OO.G--.-GALS Ij Il.l I I LU. TANK it PUMP OUTFITS 6'r --GAL. FOVATA/n '- AIR�C O OAIR & WATER TOWER n - AUTD LIFT FREE WHEEL TYPE AUTO LIFT Non/,C ROIL -ON TYPE AIR COMPRESSOR / COMP. 80_- CU. FT. CAPACITY r__ --I WASTE OIL TANK / .SS0 _GAL. mFILL. BOXES ---- -----I CONCRETF W -K WORK IN SECTION I N— L BDzrs E. J. MURNANE, CHI[► OF POLI.. MICHAEL OESNARDT. ASST. CHIEF OF POLIO[ H. A. VAIJ_" CARAIN 0► DSTSRIV[[ THOMAS R. DANILL, JUNIOR CAR. 0► D -V[. O. H. RARFUSS. SUR. OF TRAFFIC A. L. E000IT. LICENSS INEF[CTOII JOS. MACAULAY, EUS. POLIO[ R MM A_ M � /u�' �t t}� �} HU of Saint Paul OW[N[[ ONION OSCAR LAND[II, �E}tK1 11tEtt II II�T�it $� E �1 AS". FIR[ CHID WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF P"R[PR[V[NTION J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS, SYR. OF APPA W. HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER e. F. 81MON, M. D. - - HEALTH DF►IC<•I 114 COURT HOU[[ A. E. MICHOLS, M. D. DORY H7OOIUN JOHN MARTI. �1 ONTO N[ALTN IMF►ECTOR November 23, 1929 Mr. D. W..Birdeall, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Returned herewith is application of Charles L. Horst for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest dorner of Cleveland and Randolph Streets, and reports of inspection and approval as to traffic and fire hazard. Yours very truly, Ca®mieaioner of o Safety I. J.' MURNANI. CHIEF OF POLICE MICHAELOISHARDT. A.ET. CHIEF OF POLICE M. M VALI- CAFTAIN OF DETECTIVES THOMAS I. DAHILL. JUNIOR CA . OF DREL'IIVEE O. H. SARFUBB. OU". OF TMFFIC A. L. Ie0[RT. LIC.... INEFtCTOR Jos,— MACAuuY. UPOLIOE • FIRE ALM. (fitu of� Saint Paul Department of Public -SttfCtU J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNUL, DEFVTT OOMM..IMM BUREAU OF POLICE ROOM lit COURT HOUSE E. J. MURNANE, CHIEF OF POLICE ..sowI November 22, 1929 OWEN C. DUNN. FIR[ CHIEF LANDER. ANDER. ASST. Fla[ CHI" WILLIAM BARRON, CIIIEF INEP.CTOR, PIR[ PREVENTION C14ARLKB L. WILLIS. SOFT. OF APPARATUS S. F. SIMON. M. O. ' NEI " O►FIC[N A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DETNTT HEALTH OFFICER JOHN MARTI. CHIEF HEALTH INSPROTOR Mr. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Answering your letter of November 16 relative to application made by Charles L. Horst for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 1, Block 1, gnopheidels Addition, also described as the southwest corner of Cleveland and Randolph Streets will say that I have Lade the usual inspedtion and do not find that such a station will interfere with traffic. Very t y r G. H. Barfuss Superintendent of Traffic IL J. MURNANB, CHIRP or POU" MICHAEL OESHARDT. ASST. CHIRP OF POLIM H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN OF DR IVRR O. H. BARFUSS, SYR. OP TR IC A. L. EOOERT. LICRNRR IN. ft JOB. MACAULAY, BYPT. POLI" S FIRR A—M r 4 C19 of St Paul P'Ift CHIRP OSCAR LANDIM. �e A.R. RNIB �rimeni RP flubfir -sMfQty CHARLES L. WILLIS, L. TTnn BYPT. OF APPAMTU, J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER B. P. SIMON. M. D. HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HWTH OPr1OR1 A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION D"""' H"LTH C"""'DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MARTI, [I.HTN wNO MINn[[OTw .T.. CHIRP NRALTH IM.PRROp WILLIAM BARRON. CHIRP I—P.OTOR ..QW, November 20,1929. Hon.J.M.Olanoq Oommiseloner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Ohas.L.Horst for ormission to install Lot:1,Block1,Knopheides Additi ion, alsodescrtibedasn nthe Southwest corner of Randolph and Oleveland Aves. We hove investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Ohief Inspe or, IFIL - de , BY IFIL - de , Ck FILE I NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL •II.t OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DecemberD BY 2, 1929 pMMi: ONE RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves, the otlon of the Purging Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 12,000 gallons of gasoline per month for a period of six months from December 6, 1929, as required, to the various city depart- ments, except the Fire Department, to the Atlas Gas & 011 Co., on a basis of 1 .0665 per gallon over current co>apetitipe oar cup 3, they being the lowest re lot price at the refinery, t}r - nce with standard city specifica- sponsible bidders, in accords tions, their bid and award of contract hereto atteaohed, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #8243. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald �In favor P.Q dl l+� su�A�in dheimcr rt WiAow— B� iir_iiliZQM. v NO. -- CITY OF ST. PAUL RLLt OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 0 COUNCIL RE30LUTION-GENERAL FORM owe November*9 .l 2 COMM �IONEY - ESOLVED That the Northern states power Company be given permission to set 2-40 ft. poles on Scheffer, E. of BrimhtLll, with necessary guys, wires, anohors and Telephone wires. Estimate #10,350- M 6011 JW 110 2 11 �IUAII� 1929. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, 3•areau of Schools, ren -tering necessary the emrloyment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: +� +i+ +ina Por ignitor ti'' i�� `this report is jr-accordaice with Section 53 of the Cha: er. • 7 CITY OF :3T. ,PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK °"' �` y'applications for licenses to operate auto care for hire '.City of St. :Paul have been made as follows: W- Make Motor No. State License Insurance Co. Policy No. C. A. Barnacle 'Willys-Knight 113818 B-342216 Midwest Mutual 10024 S. W. Clark Oldsmobile F-155126 B-364482 10188 S. W. Clark " F-185036 B-364485 " " 10185 S. Wz Clark ° F-184946 B-364483 ° " 10177 S. W. Clark ° F-185032 B-364484 " " 10176 S. W. Clark " P-185054 B-364486 " " 10182 Thomas Jefferson Nash 181542 B-326266 Public Indemnity Co 8920 Gen. J. Ketchum Baick 954028 B-205340 Assoc. Co.Hartford 648205 Wm. Lofgren. Ohrysler-Plymouth 216923 B-9008 Public Indemnity Co. 678 Louis Stanek Ford 2191628 B-367546 " " u'8948 'Louis Stanek " 2155775 B-367545 " " " 8937 WHIFJW, applicants in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, amended by Ordinances Hos, 6866 and 6893, have filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form by the corporation counsel•, therefore, be it MOLVED, that licenses be issued to said applicants to operate said auto oar°, upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provision" of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Q--sy... McDonald�--In favor 8adla"n /� 8°dheimer —0—Against Adopted by the 01111— T' CM «... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BY _ n OATE_ RESOLVED COUNCIL .NO _$g PILE R In the matter of Grading and paving So. Vdabasha St. from Channel St. to Delos St. and Concord St. from Wabasha St. to So. Robert St. to new street lines established by C. F. 81966, approved July 30, 1929, constructing sidewalks, alley and driveway approaches, sewer, water and gas connec- tions from street mains to property lines, retaining walls, steps, sewers and watermains, reconstruction of existing improvements and all other work incidental and necessary to this improvement, also installing ornamental lights on So. Wabasha St. from Water St. to Delos St. and on Concord St from So. Wabasha St. to So. Robert St., under Preliminary order C. F. 82425, approved Aug. 28, 1929. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald �_In favor R4994,L 4 Sudheimer Against wwW:-6'�Q,t.elr Mdgson Mr. Vioe Nr". FerRaWD Adopted by the Council Ire 19— °". CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO•FILE —11 5/ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE Dec. i, 1929 RESOLVED h, That the name of Edward Avenue lying in J. F. Eisenmenger's 2nd Addition from Pascal Ave. to the east line of said J. F. Eisenmengerts 2nd Addition, be and the same is hereby changed to Roblyn Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald In favor Suddhum r -OAgainst W..�.1-P Adopted by the DEC -*AO 4 i } St. Paul, Minn, •. ----- - 1428-.. ToThe Honorable,'` The Council, ; City of .St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, , the undersigned property owners,- hereby petition your Honorable $ody to cause the following improvement to be made: ,ry en a xhe name Un Roblyn_,Avenue-------------- . ---------------------3 A. Sa a -i -r rTr � --------------------------------------------------- -- ' --- ------ ----- - ---- - --' - __�_ ---_- ... _ 2-------- dials_ j= Ave. to_ The- ?df►.Sanaa--Coeel Dompaiy� B -ALP------------------------------------ ---- ADDITION i S vr,a•� k - _ j , - /* o 6 F 1 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) November 9th, 1929. Mr., J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir i There are seven people living on Edward Avenue between Pascal Ave. and the Hanna Coal Company whose address at the Post Office and who get their mail as addressed to Roblyn Avenue. The official name of the street is Edward Avenue and should.be changed to Roblyn Avenue as per attached resolution. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineer. gh-rh k.= 777777 a Couno�7lyle No ��„,Y PROPOSAL FOR IIyIPROVEMENT, ;.:; — a IN,t Abstract PRELIMINARY ORDER. + 4� Oas�A wrlZen yirpgosaT'fo� the +v nt�bytheCii'yof 8t. Paulvu , - ' s �„^' vrotm r ement, gee �a m��� , _.follo'wtng�ublio �mProvemo, The undeteq�� . = . , .. • , the widened portions of So. Wabasha St. from Channel Ste to Grading onoor St. from Isabel St. Delos St. and the widened portions o to Robert St., and grading Concord St. broC• F� 81966approvedlsabel Ste, to the new street lines as ea a s e Y Ju]� ap,.1929,- also paving.;.Cp card St.. from So. Wabasha St. to So. Roiie'+i`;9t• ant SO4kjgebasha , rom he north line of Channel Ste to a11e and driveway approaches,, Sewer;; Delos Ste to the nes s own on the„blas'•-Print hereto attached anp. made a part hereof, constructing, Y property lines, retain - water and gas connections fromconsstreet mains or toonstracting sewer and ing walls, steps, ' or reconstructing sidewalks on both sides water mains, constructing los St. and on both sides of So. Wabasha St. from Channel $t,. to.Q of onoor mom So. Wabasiia 5t. to SO. Robert St., also changing the°+'gra a -o , ' tilos Sandiohangi. WabesgradeSte ofoStarkentSt35from west of Livingston` - Fe-,, Isabel St. to a point a ng thecenter cenT St .oto conform to a oda St measured along rt hereof, b blue •]inea.thereon, also `iTeticii# +tZie.�tegilea .hereto attackled: and ma a p. �en�' dstiFli=bTtoil�,gradaa being "sblawl 3f also `g�c ri lid oati8t.>;>an&?BtaYke St bataledl} aforesaid llr its einolu! o o �r bldewa , o aid:xed,lines ahenkf#stp S pato regc t�° to on So. ,Wabae44 St, fro�p�W e nista ling sael K-tal*iigi}a $t nom Q a as a St. to S.o Robert. St. � ,rsiis, ; '�•; `8onb'�iot�ing� 4r FlaWater or. both ides of Som -.l! as ,$t. -from Channel: ht• t& Do log'1.. and on both sides of o ” zom So. w4bas#t,; It ey ?. s , L� el'fi. ,Sts s"1so changing the g t; do 0, oin� las ft. west ----'*o"e'los°St. fzteim So. tubae:. p of Li st*► : T” s4 ' a m�sar atha 'tht` 1� ►�i"' 3tti St. from Isabel St. to 'a pont 76 ..».e �g�;tlJJtsast of the oen or no of Qo�grp ;St..;,:Rltasure& al thc�anter line of ,Starkey St. to conform to the red lines on tibia profiles hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present ¢stab, a a grades being shown by blue lines thereon, also regradin Delos t, and Sta_r_koY -St. betweeend, ]initis, including reoonetrua : n diwa 0 �0 4 .rod h"mss#.abliahed, also installing or lights on So. Webasha f'rPe� Water 5t. to Congress St. ap ;n onoor& St. rom o. a s St. to So. Robert St. R.,m c a S. ; ,ISFIED ate- o`� ��,d;y�edeu� szp 97raueq Vz.sge2 pelu'i� apoMu A pTrfs TTuse Pusr..sou' eT20 ppe> .zeq jlus2 ou kgs bLo:ETTG2 rrsLepo cTp ^acpsg. sruq wage s buz,A gCLGO: ' CoTotugo 2p• we92fineg aTouR DITC ceUpsL TTFa ob 2psL7roW 2p• p0 cer_+T,0LIU 20 I29POT 2p• po u bOTup AP Tp• 2oapge92p OT, pgs csuj0GT j TTe oT, OT, r-TATuV2pou ,Tne•' sug ogaA�Tu'R fps @L:Tge OT, �paL7csn 2p' T,Low pyeRLggor--neTOa 2r• ZLOw 20 • ^.spszus 2p • po a boru^ T3P by • rAs2p 0 CouoOLq 2L•Low 20• pgapa2gs 2p• po 20• gopeLp ^�•' aT2o cg YuTu€. OT 20• Alg:0921s ?P' TLow Mte�TsueT 24• p0 D0102 2p' :Tug OTT pOpg aTgs2 MpeL..wsTu2' oou2.pLrfOpTu9 OL LscouapLrrcpTIJa 0Tge1AvrTJM ou popg aT qs2 Tul MtrjTa'. a-Pebz' Teu0e2' GOu2p LfTCpTus OL L9COu2pLITCpTuR 20MGL ITUg nkspeL gug 12 o0uuecpToun ZLOw 2,eLesp MTu2 Do bLobeLp?, TTu62' T,spaTu- msge .s iiSLp WOLGO:L' oouepLaOPTuR sTTe1. guq gLrnen�a3 sbbLoscpea' zsalsL' DGT081,2p. vo pgs TT Go zuoau ou ppe pTlTe bLTup usLspo sppacgsq suq 1SopeL,9,2F• suq 20': ,;lsps2p9 PP' TLOw cps uOLpp TTT?e 01 Cga'uusT 2p• po grrT7L 'W .Tdj;a' srao banTUE CoucOLq 2p' TLOw 2o•idepaagg 2p - p0 20• p0 .Pge ueM 2pLesp TTus2 gz ezLg2TT2uea o?L C• L• 8TaPq' sbbLoneq p0 �PPeLp 2p''. szrq P.xggTuV1 Cou0OLq 2p' LOw 20!' f,ispszps.2-V p0 I2spsT TS�'1'Oa"7L• NUQ nrr� Mrhpttan h,�rr trnnrrT "��ii4 _' y --.---..-- ....................... ........................... DatedtLie....................... 4th dayof::.... .Deoember� 29 192:-----•. v ^ �' __ Qounezm . y PRELIMINARY ORDER. QVHEREAB, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement.: Grading the widened portions of So. Wabasha St. from Channel 3t. to Delos St. and the widened portions o:- oneor St. from Isabel St. to Robert St., and grading Concord St. from s54 Wabasha St., to. Isabel St. to the new street lines as es"ia sTdi by 0. F. 81866, approved July 30, 1989 �p paving �!�c�oq�. -..q�. from 80. Wabash& St, to So. 8db`rit °S t T (tin` 3i1: lfte �F. ybY""ie_ north _line nt- Channel - St, to De16s;64- to the nes o on the blue print hereto attached and made apart hs;jgf„ 8oXMtWeliiAg susy. and drl7oweayr si pa'oa es, sewer., water aid gas oonneotlons f;qe} Aj t,m q«p sr�r�rq t ntert ret wa3lVai, ,''�'e}iof�>�;"bo tiuoti or oonstrefet3Mpower and water mates eoe�tstraetiaog or it7cdeti relook hide lie` _nn'b`dth arise Of Sc«, ' 11i1a $t, ,from.:Channel; S$.: to Delos 'St. and on both sides of # pr om So* l9abasha Q t 4 0 q,y $ ,a $#., also changing the'g"9 a3 `0 on St''frim`So- WaU 5 . iooint 135 ft. west Of LI�nantea va, and shanging 'WN ira�ai or, St bbi'- St. from Isabel 3t. to a po1nt 76 , east of the Wein er ne,of QQlQ8;r do;;St. m*asnred alis, the Santer line of Starkey St. to conform to the"red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown by blue lines thereon, ala# regradiAg-26192.t. and �Sta�_r__e� 5t�. between - re aid limits, inoludag reoonst , n�•. , �ddwa d red li '1 #=established, also installing or gtgg;wia lights on So. Wabasha 3 from Water St. to Congress St Concord Sto om So.- a s ,,St. to So. Robert St. mayor. -- 5mi'Si:.`T$'�'F`':;''.Yv r s ;Yr Sa§u 0a Sp TTz}Teg 19zsges psxuC PgOilu p2� PTff Jirrea �psx.sOTJ' ffjao pVoi Leg TTUG.,a OU Pfrs bLOUTsa WsLspo ffp^scgsq sugsmse� srfi LO COUTOLM ro Gojorsgo 2p' wssaTTLeq aTou� �fYa ceupeL TTT a s�csu sxz Tus•o; IaspeT 2p• po s..bo;up aP T,p• aorrpfisa2p O:, pp _ £_�� ob rTn7uRarou Ttne•' ffuq cpszrRruR pfTa RLsge OT 2psLlCsa 2p' 3yozu rfTs_`'o.• , up J88 "Tp' ,�saur LoGToap' JLOI 2O• tpaTs '3'P' posb0T9180 �Tge 20' • OT uq ou P00IJ 2Tgsazu o! twPffafTs 2p' po ob nspsafff aTLOUJziuuej ^.Fo To2 mffpeL kt3' aOTtapzrrcPTuR OL LecOuapLfrcrTu" aTgerasTJ' or Popfr aTgsa TuR_ 4�$t�Qay��s�aP:Zu,PzscoFbezTTJP- p 7�ue2' sugsTu- ttT,r 0T7 OIIOOL u T 0VI O' i.1Kp_2ps CO ';O • 1 0 pAz,p ;p' ''JI"T 6t3a ^p' q ri p•� T�. C fT7Tu4; OLUUIuoupsT TT4,Npa ou 20. TVI'2fT7 'p. TxOL� r;',Errex. ?p• rO L c:I7lapLfYa Tp 0)1 O aTCT0VV IEX ! t) Tq xsq Trx*©a �.fTau 6flpapTT2;Teg' ujaJ L�< T, Tr;TTrn DeToa • ,e* zrq 2psLJ e - ,p, pc racau'k�;.oYsasrq TTNTr'' TT7o7rrrTuP F}Tc nLeaaup eap TPFTa}isc� �Lffgea paTLTR agolAU PR prrTe j;uoa POLIO" €TTao ,:yn :,rg TTuea cu p}re T.TLOb;Tea fleLspo sP:�VrO Teq nuq mage ff 7Io'z.r gGLOos' roToL:Tgo 2p• WOVEM69 sTOLYI. 2YO CSTTpeL TT.ur, o ?rYx, c;l ?:• Fo couyoLtA po O g, bnssT dP y.fi • aarrrfts r2} oZ r(Ia ur_2 IS 0?, jTapej p C .; r a �Lsgo o� TfjL)Cej ^p• JLOW ny TxaTTJa�oz3:;r�..e £rxrq OffuRTuii pN. o rasa ppo C qg o oTOa ,.r Toru o• tAvpga}rx ap {O r� noTu^ j oti rouaax�i ?p� Trow uv ;apsef U 2F• 4!0 2O �oprLp 04" sT:O cfrTuRTu1< OT,O" ;aprTef�a 2{=' sz,x JT+zr roT 21. p0 -DQTo '?^ rav cu pOpP� aTgea OT, m,uPG . >ta-7Tla' cOu2,CL9GP7xT6 oz, LecouapzaapTu(i aTgenlsTC2. C) pop}Y srrg' TiTV MZTTO 2P,:aba'.. gouces' GOI)a.pzrxcPTlA;' oL LOGO OP, pWMPTFe 90daaL <TLTq t13paL uq F.32 aouuec"pToua Lt}m e#&�4 � ITuz po MYODGLp2 7Tirsa �LerffTIIf,OL- iusge s',b.ff?:r NeLeoT' cnuap:uTrapru� uTTa2:.ug gsTaep- shLorTcNsa as -DOT08 •; rq :Nc1T`v_eo auOhtu 0 * r}fc pTtre bLTur 1rss.oP0 s+prTciTeq 'M9 suq go• ;tffpsafTa -- kT—Ow.-nNa LOW .-)0. '6&gr as srpsTuuspo'ao•p0 2TY72. 34 TaSa 'rT2O bsaTOR GOUGOLg 2r ba p ; sbbroaeq o pa s. uvea apxee� TTuea s0. eS�r L' 2FTe4. ¢ G' L' BJaPe T �,: #'....:-:_'_w.:1=i.,..w.d:7<.o.:.,•.e+rraQ:,,XneYr.nN'rt ..qn.Y LfYffi..: .^pf p:1£7DffElTT5 '?..p ,, p0 j?:70F, :p• 0642 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------ ----------------------- •INTERMEDIARY ORDER condemning and taking an easenent on the land necessary Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for_a_rc;tainin tigall on both sides of Jefferson Avenue between Lexington Avenue and Chats,�.ortli Street, ------- r-- - — j---------------------------------------------------------- "Lexlu6toq 8•yenue;=aa eaa�S octan Se terrber 4 1929 under Pr 4sveet unaer ,= s;Weum -----------approved -------------------5-------------- The e! 88488; DDDroved`r"', - Tpg.40L i of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the navrngSree" above im a�atonec and having considered said report, hereby resolves: in` y�'oye� 1.?at^t�fe' said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby or ere d to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__.Gandemn tlld _tis: an easement on the land necessar for ;z r tainin wall on both sides of ------------------------------------------y ------------------------------------------------------ Jefferson Avenue bet -,,!e --n u Lexington '.gym d Chats.orth Street, -------------------------------------------=R------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ------ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 31st -day of ____-__, 192--2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall ;.Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting :to the "ersons. and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the, improvement and the total cost thereof as esti ted. Adopted by the Council_- _____,192____ r Approved ------5* ------192--- City Clerk. -- ------ - ---- - ----- --- --- ------ Ma .: Gexgeiieessc3ar� �UBLISHF.D � � '� `%—O�lf —Couneilmaa McDonald / ) j "'Councilman Sudheimer y� "Councilman x Pearce 'f 01,001- twmwola']� YG viae FrM FetRwon Fla. B. S. A: 8 6 83643 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER rading alley in Block 2, Cummints Addition and Lots 8 to Inthe Matter of---- �--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 and part_ of _Lot_ 7�_Block 1,�_G__V. Bacon's Subdivisions from Oxford St Qe _to thg_westline _of_Varner'--s Subdivisions ------------------- C.. F No 88H{tom—I{ ----_-_ - T9 xae Matterfgt grsalnB$Iler la BlgO$_____________________________________________________ .nz a y tns Adattlon'snd Luta. s.x Y'n BtTdlvl�Go Bltvm lOzro --------------__ L 20 aha at ifnpp [ 4sm. qa- ____ ____________________________ I latn�.,� Pr llwt rr Order. under Preliminary icier—__O-c--t-o-b--er---2--2-,---1-_9'2-9 --approved The _ _ Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 11 That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___1?rade_ a11e7 in �].nr1s_2,_fur+_mita'..s_A_ddi�.int�AAsi_I{4�.s._�_t4_�5 _g11d_�art _of _LQt 7�_ 31ock _l, G�_v _Hs�on!�_SAl?SLIYSS�On,_T_Q1Y` Orfordteet to_the west_line_of __--- Varner's Subdivision, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--2-U-46 _____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- 1,S.t------ day of -------- 192-2.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of',St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charte stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as ated. Adopted by the Council__ _ yly'' _ ___, 192____ Approved_____________ _92--- a City Clerk. `` ,Councilman McDonald T""� Councilman Sudheimer 0 111 Councilman 17f Pearce %000,Mr. 9ior Pres, ?a,-Rttooe Form B. S. A. 8.6 __ 83644 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ condemning_ and_itakina_ an easement_ in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cummin's Addition and Lots 8 to 15 and part of Lot--7,--Block-.l, G.. V. Bacon's Subdivision from Oxford Street to the west line of Varner's uhdi¢is-------------------------------------------------------- ^. F No; 8884!— •• "-'` Mat[ergr conaemWnit ana•tnk- an easement, 1n the land nec torslopes cute and 811e-ln,the _______________________________________________ 'U s. fnoL .tllep In H!'ook - if' -Addition", qa Lots 8 to Isp October 22 1929 under Preliminaror Aot,z dock a a v Eacoap - approved ----------------�------------_--_ v +z +� Ozrerd'Btreetto ttib ______-- --- The Council of tRi `Cii sm�*Ji _» _, ived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. condemn and take an 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ $asQment_in_the_land necessary_ for slopes cuts and fills in-the-__--- grading_a�_Alls�_in_?ilsLck-2, _tdIIIIujSl'_ri_A�dibt4ri_rind LQts_$ to_15_and___ $a>rt_ of _Lot_ �r_81 oc1�_lr-�._3L._ Bacnn!s_Subs133Liais�n_�rs_4x£9x�_ street_ to x}ay-�eat_.Zis�--0A_Yarn.e.>^1s-S.ubrllatiston,_1n._a�cnrdan.ce_ m1th._ihe__bltae._D�int re„e+.. ^++o^1—A -9 —1a o pant. haranf_ f:ha i^atehnd portions showing the. - cuts and the spaded portions showing the f111s, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- $m Q-- —___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ -3199-____day of _______puiTnper -------- 192--2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter tating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost the!7"", Adopted by the Council_��c_`_-1______, 192____ Approved_______ ____ _______192___ City Cler . 83645 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__�Z_3sLits_SceriQS_tT_@Q_#Som_?linthro�_Ayenue_to Furness _AY�IIliO.-.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- C F No.,88646— ------------------------------------------------- the Matter o[ grading CgggEer atreet om Winthrop fAvgnne.to ,Fnraesa.__________ _____ ___________________________________ ----------' enue •pndan Yrel(minary X018, apyraved'Ootober 16 1919:1 COunG11 of �'ty of 8t..Y,,auT ________________moi xec,+± i. or Rm;.________________________________-____________________ October 15, 1929 under Preliminaryl'�aiider--------------------- ------------- approved ---------------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report. and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__.grad,ff_S7.erit=-1tT-eet from Wintbrop Avenue to Furness Avenue, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $296Qj22____-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________31st _____day of _________ 192__9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as ated. Adopted by the Council_ -M _____,192____ r KC - 979 ---=-- -- ---- - - ----- - - Approved____ =�-------------------- 192--- ��� _ City Clerk. c,,,,.Councilman McDonald 1�IBI.ISEiED j j —� 9 .. Councilman Sudheimer �Councilmnn Agvojjlxx Pearce TbirilL ��`I"WANNOW "i Form B. S. A. 8.6 ------------------- 83646 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter in the land necessary -------------------------'- for slopes -cuts and fills in the grading of Center street from ----------- t ------------------------------ -------------------------------------- Avenue to Furness Avenue--------------- ----------------------------------------------------- to _____�-'.,Vo 83898—'�: � ,- o+ atter or ePn�6maing' aad tak _ uv dseOaYpnt In -the land nesea- _____________________________ I,C;3touts and alln In the- ____________________________ �t... or Cabter street?rram Wtn-: under Prehmmar iaet`_ °i:°B883 116 ay! --------- approved ----_-S2C ._Sa`a*_I$ 5---_-�-- The Council of the City of Paul hav'h eceived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is '';hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. .2. That the nature of the improvement I,which the Council recommends is ... condemn and take an easement in the land neces§ar�_for_slopes, cuts And fills, in the -- - --------------------a. ------ ----- ------------------------------- $rading_gf_ Center_trect_ from'' Ptinthrpp_ Avenue_ to Furness Avenue, _in --- accordance with the blue�rint_hereto attached and made a part hereof, --------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------ �1@_411@d _pQriona _shgwing_the _cuts and the shaded ortions shavrin -- -------------------------P -- ----------- _the_.fi_11s.----------------------------- r--- --------- ------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_25.520 _______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 318t______day of ________ 192__9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commi!O- said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Chaof hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as r of Finance give notice of the time and place of ted. Adopted by the Council --- ___,192 ---- ___Approved________ Approved --------_____192___ City Clerk. ---------------------- --------- --- — Mayo �— Councilman McDonald j f Councilman Sudheimer Mayffvhbam "[` ✓o,CouncilmanAbazydxx Pearce PUBL15II1 % B Mmvmw a os 8?647 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_-constructg cur inbing on both sides of Cromwell Avenue - - ------------------------------ �pMgxig__@A_nuQ tQ_abash ------------------------------------------------- ------- 7 ------------------------------------------------------ -- Matter or eonetrucrlh - n 8"curbine'___________________________________________________________ -------- p+, 'nth eidee or.,Cromwell :Avetlae q .Myrtle Avehve,,tpWabaeh Ave- finder Prellmipgry Order MRS ------------- '1d4uPt..R tAE9 ___________________________________________________________ :. S —Wi i j under Preliminary Order--_— 2198 __---__-____approved _August 8, 1929 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__egnstrurt curbing _ Qn_ both _sides_ of Cromv-cell Avenue from Myrtle Avenue to 'Wabash Avenue, -- - - - -------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__777,,34 ----_- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----------- 314t --- day of _______J 192--2-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council,Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the ersons and in the manner provided by the Charter, s g the time and place of Adopted b the Council________ _ ____ the total cost thereof as esti e . jQy. g' P Y p�C � ------� 192---- hearin the nature o the im ement and _ Approved -------- -- --- ------192--- City Clerk. ----------------------------- ----------- -- Mayor. V -^-Councilman McDonald., ./"Councilman Sudheimer "`Councilman vtxxmxa Pearce A B. S. A. 96 W 4b Pom ra y 8648 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__cgnstructing_curbing on the west side of Mt. Curve - -------------------------------- Boulevard from St. Clair Street to Jefferson Avenue, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' F No 888}8— r ---------------------------------------------------------- r the 3ratter o[ construatine curDing the ',West, stile 'o[ ML '.Cutve ______________ ______ale9ard�,from tBt:. Claliratrest eSo _______________________________________________ 72B,_Pnder Prellminary ar �_8187E,,aPProved, JuIY 8';3889 ._n.?ounclhc�•�s--;;y:�s31+.-+sr..:-s-=i_______________________________________________________________ 7 July 3, 1929 under Preliminary Order-_-�_$�s_ �---------------------approved __ July The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered 'said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement/which the Council recommends is_ eonstTuet_ eurbin nt> _the_3^LE�$__SdQ _of_h°t :_Cure Boulevard from St Clair Street to --------------- .I eif a rs on_9senUE----------------a----------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--587, 62 ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had &said improvement on the ------- 31st------- day of _________D9qgmbeT ------ 192--.2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Coin miss' er of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chart , s ting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improDeent apd the total cost thereof as m ed. Adopted by the Council_______ C 192____ Z �$�ti Approved-------- -`-t ------------ 192--- Mayo --------192--- 'Councilman McDonald —Councilman Sudheimer r/ /Councilman VanSdixx Pearce Mr. via Pres. les" Im" �m B. S. A. 94 Mayor. PUBLISHED[ 0 83649 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- on both sides of Riverwood Place-- frQm_CPetin_Avenue_to Exeter Places ------��-CIa-,,-YFuti-;h-eN-�-o --8r-88l-rl4-m'9-o'-i f-.----c/-i-rr-n-------r--b--i--n---g-- ,.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ _________________________________________________________________ on both Imi,W-Rlvemood Pace etln'aAvenuel,to-Exeter Place._____________________________________________________________-__- _ under3reumma--i1564 i 564 -------------aPProved --------Su-26, 1929 The , Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_. Construct -Curbing on both sides of Riverwood Place from Cretin Avenue to Exeter Place, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 415_ 56 ------ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------3 L11 ___day of __----_--_ Deeerber _�, 192-_9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, g the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof asesti to . /d Awn Adopted by the Council_-_ riEc �____, � 192 ____ Approved_n -- --- - ----------- t City Clerk ------------ 192 . Pe Issim iSxED /� p 6 -Councilman McDonald/ ✓Councilman Sudheimer "'Councilman WCa wAV Pearce UL vivo PM Faftwo Form B. S. A. 8-6 That George 0. Sudheimer, Oommissoner of Finance, is hereby instructed to attend the National River and Harbor Convention, at Washington, D. 0., the week of December lith, 1929, and, resolved further that the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of George 0. Sudheimer, in the sum of two hundred dollars, ($200.00) to defray expenses, therefore, charge the Finance Commissioner fund, Code SA3. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `— aergneoo S ,,._McDonald In favor RaWand-- _Sudheimer _ Agarose Mr. President Hodgeon Adopted by the council DEC ' » 19— A DEC - 5192919- MAYOR eour+ca' NO. w:nw..o wre e�wK -CITY OF J�t: %ILL w11.i 1, OFFICE F CITY CLERK UTION—GENERAL FORM ° 1 PRESENTEDNEDY DATE U 0V COMMISSIOR RESOLVED: That the proper Citj#ffic ra are hereby authorizand directed to join in a lease with the C(unty of Ramsey for certain offices in the Globe Building, at an annual rental of $1,633.32, said lease to begin on the first day of January 1930 and terminate on December 31, 1931, and to contain a sixty day terminating clause, and to be in form approved by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Nays Ferguson McDonald In favor Rahilot) Sudheime[ O Against W Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the In favor , APPS _ 620. J. RiEB COUNTY, AUDITOR IDWAKC Pa SON, To. the Honorable Members of the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemens I am submitting herewith three copies of the lease of the Worth Pacific Mortgage Company with the County of Ramsey and the City of St. Paul Jointly, covering the rental of offices for the Mothers' Aid Department in Room Ho. 410, embracing three roosu, and looeted on the fourth floor of the Globe Building, at an annual rental of $1633.32, for a. period of two years, beginning on the first day of January, 1950, and ending on December 31, 1931, with a sixty.day terminating clause. This lease was entered into by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee on behalf of the City and County, and was approved by the. County Board at its session held last Monday. will yon kindly approve the lease and return one copy to the Walsh Investment.Company, Agents, for their files, and one copy to this office for our files. Your early attention will oblige Toure truly, Geo. J. Hies, County Auditor. By Deputy. ^�•"° CITY OF PAUL COUNCIL NO. ---W2 PILE OFFICE OF CITY 'CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ep PDseembe' 4th 1929 COMMISSIONER DAT T. f- re be and is hereby appropriated the -._. sum of One Thousand Seven.Hundred five and 31/100 Dollars($1,705.31) from the Kittsondale Sewer Bond P1ind, Code 2306, to the Department of Public Worke, Bureau of Engineers - Salaries 10-B1 $1,586.48 Auto Mte. 10-B2 118.83 VIYO .3 The above transferd represent actual expenditures from the above named fund for special engineering services for November, 1929. Detail statement of the above expenditures is on file in the office of the City Canptroller. This is in accordance with the juling obtained from the Corporation Counsel dated August 4th, 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays + Ferguson � McDonald In favor F-Waad— Sudheimer Against —Mr. President Hodgson_. DEC - 5 1929 Adopted by the Council 19— � 5 Ali Appro / 19_ MAYOR R �9 241A e.,YwAt-c . Butphet- 152L:S1Aa.., n 1.76cY:*«i,$ "W�isski' 421 ate ' S Y. Bor6ey:: 33SAmtVlpSSt«=, 105B~ sem., F`iemlC=CtHsa, 1156-. S Ave. Cog®litioX7f, Fid D&ttlofE"r GraR,Wc,�t, C M.`--Draw 137,'l Edgetrton,,St: C.- Dnviu-r2 217' t.,`., Au'Y't Six.; n n S`t'rr.:, - bC.�- L.�Gis`s-- 106Q0.8eWd. u. 1018, Aro"s Stg•, CRiLF@4iQR@1CY,.. JelaGHol�r 235:-YE;;;.SsaeRtb"Stt,... C�'"��.. J. Jas , 216Y IImi'+Br AQ., row.-; .X 18ff5,.;tagexat7� Awa., CofARtion@r�!. 251.. R#�•f„ F SEy�s]cgs n_ - A«-ff'taTS 1047 ,Tho�k,gi:•, fiW,,Grau&ARa.low, H low' Payne'ATOP n, -H�-IIi'olchmrit, 195 .1,,,. 44b- St•- 10" Titmuae. Si Byt4her. A_ H�61Y., A 3,7& J.golisP4-S•t.,, t��t O. 16s�onr: Q k. 3i eheathals 327" RQ.�� S•t!a, n;. , . at W+„ 7vk Kr G,._VPe1 iftT&,515,•, ": White- Css 3XsteeI�tc'�47wQ(}$�iQ�P�atR{rte-Qgts�. ,t, E� Ff« li�sl7Tx- 4,74,1ie.L**W �w � � Ctreni'�..,�1R.. Z,QY��S`iQ. � R'30?t�, au8-r ' eEtrR 1'�arthwes'� ,�setrs CfrSaxi'S,Iuo, 156Q� �. Q�r ��t.•. 3$'R +ire ,� �4Q�l�@s- prank; O°. Utea,. � HagYond Selmsog� kets ; �l1Q�i#Q� �i�e, A9�4:4' Umtx*T*#v AX � �` � ¢��(A#�i#�1�� ROQ� �a�,l@: rgoters k La Braahes *Solt drink parlors have bar *aa t4 V*" #-9* � resat aPoolromz are 1000 feet from SOU991*• December 5, 1929 E. Wobig m L. Sohliep, 244 S. Oleveland Av. Butoher Wm. C. Behrens, 622 Grand Av. Grocery Peter Blanchette, 15 W. 9th St. Confectionery Theo, Busch 664 Stryker.Av. Bakery James Enkel, 739 Thomas St. Grocery The (heat Atlantic A Pacific Tea Go, 639 S. Smith Av. " A. W. Hoppenstedt, 653 Stryker Av. Conf-drug Moran Isaac, 179'Eva St. Grocery Raymond Johnson, 1627 Unitersity Av. Confectionery A. B. Kellam, 920 Selby Av. " Pete La Hasa, 553 Jackson St. " Yrs. Winifred Lloyd, 1556 Selby Av. Bakery 0, Magnuson, 279 E. 7th rat. Soft drink* L. Maes,. 739 Iglehart Av. Grocery Horth and Langer, 200 Concord St. Conf-drug G. A. Samos, 7" W. 7th St. Grocery H. J. Sattler, 480 S. Snelling Av. . Conf-drug T. Tatelbaum, 238 E. Fairfield Av. Grocery J. H. Tyrol 110 Endicott Bldg. Confectionery E. H. Vinton, 1595 University Av. Bakery H. G. Weber, 1579 Selby Av. Confectionery E. Wobig k L. Sohliep 244 S. Cleveland Av. Grocery F. D. Woolworth, 61-65 E. 7th St. Confectionery Reed & Krusohke, 717 H. Snelling Av. Drivein gasoline station H; M. Smart, 1823 Grand Av. " A. Boughton, 57 S. Grotto St. " Homme City Oil k Gas Co. 360 E. 6th St. " S66AA&r4 Oil Co. 517 Broadway " Star John J. Manion 618 Como Av. " COMMI REsoLVEO CITY -.OF ST. PAUL FILE NO• 83657 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C3 In the matter of paving Burns Avenue from Point Douglas Road to a point 250 ft. West from Johnson Street, with necessary sewer connections, under Final Order 0. F. 81687, approved July 9th, 1929. RESOLVED, That the amazed plane and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the some are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas N s Ch ver — Ferguson McDonald In favor Sudheimer Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council DEC _ 5_ ` Approv-19— MAYOR COMM REsoLvEo ,t'i111T V!' $T. PAUL FILECOUNCIL NO Q FRE LJ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM +r1 In the matter of paving Burns Avenue from Point Douglas Road to a point $50 ft. West from Johnson Street, with necessary gas connections. under Final Order C. F. 81687, approved July 9th, 1929. RESOLVED, That the annexed plane and speolfioations showing the gas connections to be made on Burns+:Avenue 1fisLit*ft the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plane upon the Northern States Power Co. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays luor Ferguson McDonald Jr In favor Rwhimid Sudheimer 0 Against Mr. President Hodgson _ DEC - o wav Adopted by the Council 19— Approve 19_ MAYOR I 83659 COU.•m..�..�,.u... CITY e 'S3.PAUL FILE NO. PILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK q COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' COMMISSIONER DAT' men* 6, RESOLVED In the matter of paving Burns Avenue from Point Douglas Road to a point 860 ft. West from Johnson Street, with necessary Water Connections, under Final Order C. F. #81687, approved July 9th, 1929. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and.the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Adopted by the Ferguson~ McDonald In favor Saft md— Sudheimer —0—Against Mr. President Hodgson DEC - 5 1828 19— DEC m 5W e2 19_ -MAYOR ,: ,, �_ .,_ . ,, ,� _ . ., . � t sts CITY OF ST. PAUL aourn.e Fejt/Nca NO. Q �j60 . OFFICE OF CITY CLERK yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE Dec. 5, 1929• Of RESOLVED In the matter of paving Chatsworth Street from Yeas FtontSt. to Van Slyke Avenue and Van Slyke Avenue from worth St. o the Northwesterly Line of Lot 4, Block 6, Warrendale produced, with necessary Sewer Connections, under Final Order C. F. 81500, approved dune 25th, 1929. RBSOLVrD, That the annexed plans and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said streets, be and the same are hereby approved• }^"7 Via\ �+{,��,y�"Y �"°���wj.�vW�"r�� • ` I 'xl S:- t1� 4af F COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council DEG 519_ Ferguson �+ McDonald - In favor Appr C 5 1929 19. AwsbleneF. Sudheimer G Against R Wenzel Mr. President. Hodgson ORIGINAL TO CITT CLERK COMMIS RESOLVED In the matter of paving Chatsworth Street from Front Street to Ven Slyke Avenue and Van Slyke Avenue from Chatsworth Street to the Northwesterly Line of Lot 4, Block 6, Warrendale produced, with necessary Water Connections, under Final Order C. F. 81500, approved June 25th, 1929. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications showing water oormections necessary to be made upon said streetq,be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. CI*bi0bT. PAUL FILBN6IL NO—MI OFFICE OF CITY CLERK D COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Ferguson McDonald fIn favor IAmwffd^ SudheimerAgainst We=i - Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the CouncilC • 5 19— Q � � A9160 Appr d 19— MAYOR 1 �� .;� 5 � 3 f coUNCIL No. W62 ST. PAUL me OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL'I RESOLUTION—GENERAL F�R: . 1929. PREBENTED BY DA COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of paving Chatsworth Street from Frost Street to Van Slyke Avenue and Van Slyke Avenue from Chatsworth St. to the northwesterly line of Lot 4, Blook 6, Warrendale, produoed, with neoessary gas oonnections, 4 under Final Order C. F. $81500, approved June 25th, 1929. RESOLVED, That the annexed plane and,speo�ifioations showing the gas oonneotions to, be made on Chatsworth Street and Van Slyke Avenue, between the pointe aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Publio Works is hereby ordered and direoted to serve a copy of this order together with said plans upon the Northern States Power Co. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays I— Ferguson — McDonald J In favor lioLlsrRd• Sudheimer —0—Against Wenzel Q71 Q.h�s y /Mr. President Hodgson APPROXMUTL QUANTITIHS POA OAS OOFNEOTIONS ON MUTSWORTH ST1MT FROM FRONT STRSHT TO VAN 8LM AVEMM AND VAN SLM AVEM 'O*Wi hQ ITH STREET TO NORTUWBSTMY LINK OF LOT 4 • HLOOK 6, WARRODALH PRODUOBD 0onneobione (long) 7 `* (short) <.,....,,.0 couNQIL NO. 83663 ,i«... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CI,.ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.�_ DATE Deo . 3, -19 29 COMMISSIONER _ RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on 2= o Stewart Avanue from Rankin Street to Davern Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 80247, approved April 11, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 81593, approved July 2, 1929. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson McDonald In favor dkewmd 1) Sudheimer Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Councis,il19_ ,I Appy 19— it ntt1 D. W. OIRDOALL. - _ oHAROLD J. RIOROAN CM OL K. AND ���TTT ' CHIV MMK- ITY. OXRK COMMIisIONO10! REGISTRATION _ ��L� CLARENCL A. STORM$ of (4ttg CHIM, C K�REGISTRATION al November 27th, 1929. Mr. E. M. 019eill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; Attached herewith is application of Anna E. Dapham for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 4, Block 6, Robert and Randall's Addition, located at 100 E. Eleventh Street. This application was approved today with the provision that no gas or oil shall be sold or re- pairs done on the premises and was referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. STATE OF 1\ffi�TNESO`A� County of Ramsey S 29-4- - C+•_L _-$T3T-»Z'O t+3.1 __ _-__-____________ _____being duly swam, deposes and says that ow is and during all Hae beers the publisher of the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, a newspaper printed and ptsblimt-- A ism r:-. arc, of Sr, Paas1, ;n said Ramsey Cp�un Stele of (v� on That he has knowledge of rise fats and Icaoa.vs perssaiaaily that rhe printed_1Y0 L�.C6 Of A�P11Ca:kjon 0XI01t___herem attached, s cc from stl- col of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published id newspaper once is each _-�-__-_fo ► �$� d shat all of said publications were made in the English g �; zI That said notice was first ----a przae-d arced pub n -E-- 7 oa �S_tday the. _ ..fl�ll__._ daY of a;3,....-,.• . �. axe 4 a%3 _ "' �S7.9S'3d4be�' 191i_ , and ways peiarrd and 11-13-1 is said newspaper on each and every. -_114-Y. _. th- •t after until and including _itQO.t3fl $tbse *i-dayof-__i�S�9@SA_b0T _____ _, 1929- j That duping al) the times aforesaid., said a�wapaper w.as qualified as a medium of official and legal publication 1j ea required by sections 3 and 4 of 484.3La of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has cmnplied with all the requirements that cortstimoe a Iegal a—lp-j es as de>xaed is said sections 3 and 4t wwit: that for more than one yen lent past, from the daoe of £sat pssblieaaoa of said newspaper has b— (1) Printed frons the plain frscsre r Inieb it purports m be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form egaivalent in space eo at least £tsar pa,g-- wills ova mis,mns to the page, each sevm[em and three quarter _ i inches long. i (2) Issued once each week Ex st s�owa 'Trstarblialaa-d in Basch place for pubfication and equipped with 1 skilled workaten and the necessary saaeeeial for g+'-rp * sad prisadng he same. (3) Made up to contain gasseral sad local --s-, oommeae and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made asp of pa main ' piste: zaareer and aciverrisensents or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near itca, place of pulEAU bions t a:he ezmsc of at least two hundred and forty copies 1 regularly delivered to paying ser d ttis c price to the date of the first publication of Cb r *-- X!— $�tiZicatY fAjA_ pa:blc->ber or printer m charge of said newspaper hating knowledge of the fact, filed in gine offiec of arl- oe- ty aruudieor of said county of Ramsey, ens of Minnesota, an af5davit showing the name and -Its=adoa of sca:d and the existence of conditions constituting in qualifications as a legal newspaper as rcgaaired -1 sit forth ism section 3 of chapter 484, Sessions lawa Minnesota, 1921. That the following is ` priacad ­g,,,of eb� loaner case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the sire and kind of type used the orap iciorria a- pssad Li -ixcse p 1ce-aio:a of said legal acl-d ant, hereunto attached, r, abcdefghij chrmopgntuvwzyz_ atxaersaa ss xis op•ar-atan�W:ya j Further affiant ssith not, save rinser .bis a.ElSidavitsande pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws zs _._ Minnesota, 1921, and is inreaoo c ded aexo>apaay be - becaforesaid aon in said newspaper of the legal .advn ertisemet. -� .._---"------------------_ ------ -"-. __ . Sub and sworn to mefore a rials____-. tom- - _ ---- 9 _ --- —day of __2[iOY�IlbQl __ 192-._ ..'___-__. _..__'-__ ✓ ___— � Niy Commission e>yires Notary Public, Ramsey - Mas-senora_4.__ • • } s STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 Affidavit • of Pubhcatlon County-of'Ralasey ss. Zeanne-Ue-S.tgen •••••................ ..... halos defy .� -. sworn, deposee and says: that he now fe, and during all the time herein men., Uoaed has been in the employ of the printer and publisher oC the aewBpaper a3 -A. ' veil• ' "" (mown u 'THE BT.'PA17L ]DAILY NEW$, and during all Said time trs& and now;ta, prinelpal,elerk of ,thee printer of the said :news paper -that the Bald- newspaper, -'TAE BT. PAUL DAILY NEW&" was during alt.the said time, and still 1% a daily' newspaper printed and published In the City of Sff"Pm. r�19Y In the County of Ramsey, In the State of Minnesota,. on each and every day Y f ap: of the week. that the annezed printed notice of Application Fos _ ; rat nit , n Rermit..To. Fssat. A;Rub11n..Garaga.......... ?mss yn ��• hereto attached and mule part hereof, was cut and taken from: the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published In said newspaper.. for .........thrae.............. der.Bvratlfe�cdolreic9nwratlomsaidEteat the Said notice was first printed and published Insaid newspaper on ..ThW.B4'a•F:.. the ......... Z.tiY1' ....... day:of".4)IZ15VkDihe]'....A D 19..$,%fid was thereafter printed and published In mid newspaper on each and every me. .` needing........ fty,........... until and including ... .`S. MIWA: Y......the ..... th ...... day of . NOV8311b9T__d D. 19AV that said newspaper was, during all L the'time In Me affidavit mentioned.and still Is. a:: collection of reading matter' In columns and sheet form, the .matter Conaletl og . of gsa- eral and local news,: comments and miscellaneous literary Items, printedand published In the'Engtish language at anestablished office, and knownplace of business In mid city, to -wit: Noe. 66 to es'East Fourth Street, equipped with i the necessary .materialj%. newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing. the same. and the whole thereof. in said city; that the ' said newspaper wap, during all the said time, and stili Is,. dated In St. Paul;and, generallycircuited In mid' city and county, that said newspaper, for more ^ than one year next preceding, the date of the fast publication of Bald notice. and during all the time of said publishing, was printed In whole, and published and circulated In said county; that during an the mid time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent In space of fou• pages, of more than fivecolumns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during "all Bald time said printer, and publisher of the odd "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS -baa printed, published and delivered. at mob regular Issue,' more, than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that mid newspaper -during -, said time, has never been, and to not now a. duplicate nor made-:up%wholly or patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That. heretofore, and prlorto March 91st. 1901, the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth tbe.faets required by Section 2 of Chapter 99 of the (general. Laws of the _ State of Mfnamaotp for the year 18911, as amended. Affiant knows and states that the following .printed copy of the lower cam alphabet from A to 2 In the else and kind of type used In the publication, of the annexed' printed notice: a b a..d o f& h Iy k 1 m n 9 p g r■-t"u v w x y a, • That aflant (mows personally all the facts set forth In .this aQldavN, and that each and all ' ereto are truce Snbsen'b nd S to before me this Fee, $.... 11XK . . .. Received Payment. �P?.. day DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. 1t.m«s oa�®v. liinn..pia' _ to ........ ........19... Per............... .J. ta. Lc 9. t ' Notary .Publili c, Ramsey Mite. My Commission Expires Dec. 15, 1920 TO CITY CLERK CITY OANT PAUL 0 MPTROLLER COUNCIL.. COUNOILMEN—R LL CALL N0,-_ CE OF FILE OUNCIL LUTION T' --IN FAVOR Decuber AWDONALD DITED CLAIMS Sftl�Mt R. AGAIJ RESOLV . THAT CHECKS BE 414$)AeCITY TREASURY. SO TO THE AG EGATE Aflit%aiji FS- U: - TO -- CHECKS NU ERED__ . - _�_, INC SI ­ PER CHECKS N F1 E E'0 ICE OF T CITY CO R L� T ____MAYOR_-- I t4a t I AP�ROV COMPTROLLER Y - TOTAL DATE CHECK INFAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY SANK. CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 Soo -m 4g6 9 -L, • 2 959 j.j,Gjllsn, Abstract Clerk I 2 30 219 Elsa X. Obst,.County-Tres. 101 39 219209 Goo, 04'adhilm en, 0,00.1r.* of F U. 40 8 4 21961 John F. La"OvAs 405 1 21962 st.ta;xi titlePrint CompauT 207 19 6 Edward W, dai0o'n lo5 66 a.. ejajj� 00mir. of 7 n. 21 Geo'C'su 1 291 41 Goo. C'SudhOsisir. :7, of I U. 50 2 17" 2 271 Geo, 0*81166111202', (100 r. of 7 no, Geo,0#18utulsimer, Cou'r, of F n. 10 $79 0=17. of Ir u. 12 003 0 9 69 Geol N donfro of I n. 11 FoyearoonitrUotJOA Capany 7 21971 Gorr1ok Brotooret Ino. 90' 0, ;a 2 Rea, 30D 21 owes 35 Thorato �201128 company2800 , r 6z 9 n9 ?go$ fact Wt 4 0 to , A010 97 103 21190 sped , ty pvtou 00PRAY 2 0d0 U111*61811 06*168 d Distol os 219 x 015 urge 3 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 1=50 00 CORN NO. -2-2 .1 IM 12-21 .4 111 DUPLICATE TO C1 CLERK CITY OF INT COUNCIL 8366 DO IC 7 F I . r, ICETROLLER Lr No --------------- - CCALL ICE 0' RESOLUTION L IN FAVOR AUDITED —asoemtev-(---79-29L- ,-AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. N TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S O_ CKCOVERING;, c -6 10 CHECKS NUMBFI ED INCLUSIVE. AS, L CHECKS ON F1 ICE 'CITY COMPTROLLER. ✓ EC PER APPROVED -19-- C COMPTROLLER MAY CHECK TOTAL -_ IN FAVOR OF DATE RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD • i 21982 GeowC.SudhelMors COMIT'i of F 1w - 200 )0 26 010 )0 219 , 011.011 & Preston, Ino. 136 )0 21 92- 4"once.,Gaugbaw 219 Garr1ok Brothers, Ina. 110 0 6 a 2192T JobA W. '11600=610129 6 -r. 38 2198T Geq.QSudheimor, Coal of 40 2191111,,, 42nquist & Mark 32 21909 Reubsn,L Anderson 22990 Brandt-& Quinn Company 40 .21991 B.S. Call 16 9199-2. Barney Chase 24 5 21"� Healy1lUmbing & Heating 002TROY 2199w Mrs. M. Session Ed* Oe 401IIASAW 0 21991 G.A. NoArtbuz Hospital 99 11991 NOV. Lutheran L 2199 W.J. Smith 27 0 21999 rej.�- & w0j. Spriggs, 2;1 22000 Niok 4ellor 2o6 22001 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 5411 22062 Itlas Gas A 91 00*PaUY Atlas Gas '& 011' Company 1013 .22003 Atlae,00 & 011. Company 1 074 22604 Company 576 3 22005 Atlas Gas & Oil Brand4oal Ooup"y 97 22006. 22007 4. 'GaPiftl Stationary Mfg. •Comp y 77 1 22008 Capitol, OtlatlOi isk Mfg. ' coupe hy 'Oarnog1iI'Dook,&, el Company 51 T 106 0 22009 Company 49 0 226W, s.G.-"Ooumbe 230 0 22011 East Side 'Stitt Bank 22022 Miss,Alphij ElAquist 2 0 22013 22014 J,4.1itsteraldp-Rog. of Deed o Berber -Reiland Tire Company 18 11 1 5 22015 Thso..G.,Hello Company 31 6 2201& Bettl 0081 0?*PsnY 710 2201 mr, 100 220lj st*Psu2:TentA k"IngCoupan I 22019: stliftl Material Company _72 0 640 22020 - WesterA.Crucible Steel Casto 0 220,21 whits,Zagle Oil & Ref. Coup 378 7 661 0 22022 G606C.Suakelmor, Cotr. ofd' • 22023 F Goo.CoSudbeizers, 0021r. of 7 Cooper & Company 1 350 105 2 2202*- Griggst 125 4 22025 Sanitary Fo6d.Mfg. Company 22026 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 50 1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD .1. 12-28 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF S VT PAUL�.,';I� COUNCILMEN— LL CALL COUNCIL XJ-• JJJ III E OF T��PTROLLER FILE �IN COUNCIL RESOLUTION ( ) PGflOQ!!ON FAVOR McOONAL° �GAINST AUDITED CLAIMS --De, er Ak 19_W BUDHEIME RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TFIE CITY TREASURY. pry' i0 THE AGCRLGATE.A.OUNT OF S COVERING - .�Y/4��.• CHECKS NUM -g�-Q��jCLUSIVE. AS 'OF EPER CHECKS— FI fFR'��flk COMPTROLLER APPROVED— --- 19--- ITY orrrnoL�ex. timer R. Johnson George B.W. Belson BY --- –MAYOR – 54 8 TOTAL DATE v R. L. Dennis fttripk Diffley CHECK�N 30 57 4 6.34 FAVOR OF RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER Lydia L. Meyer, 8teaa*s,.Printing Company BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS - Noi�theih} states.Contraoting o, 5 5 BROUGHT FORWARD 21912 Board. of Public -Welfare • 279 2190!1 CentraX 1leootteio Company 210. 3 21909 21910 timer R. Johnson George B.W. Belson 54 8 21911' 21912 R. L. Dennis fttripk Diffley 30 57 4 6.34 0 21913 219N Lydia L. Meyer, 8teaa*s,.Printing Company 40 683 2191 Noi�theih} states.Contraoting o, 5 5 21912 Board. of Public -Welfare 17 122 21917 21918 Geo.C.Sidheimer, Comlr. of r Goo. C,Budheiater, Comlr, of P n. a. 597 37 3390 6 21919, Geo.C.Budheip►ez, Com Ir. of P ?in- a. 707 21920 Cie. Ca,8gdh0im*T. Comer. of 2 21921 "ck2 Oaznege Dock d Duel Company 35 5 21 Gi. IIorthera 1100.App1.0o. I 98D 9 21 The"Wetezous Company 21994 Nis. T. YolQirVan a John P.C. MoNtWranj as attorneys for 500 Emma R. Schmitz 21925 Leonard Wo Thompson; Gen. Supt.: Water Department 9 21927 Rose Realty Company Geo: C.Budheimer, Comer. of F Is. 112522 119 21926 1 21998,- .Chester:I. Gaskell ' ' +W5 21929 k . M. 011Tei 11, Corp. Co el 35 0 21930 Defibt t Laughlin 10 0 21931 21"2 $ezb6xt 016an Chas: llbileen C X35 2193 Martin W dbrli.oh 8a 5 3 824 2193 Ramon 96 2193 23936 laalon;ak Okes J'lori.`fla'n. Sontheza, Dredging o 17 386 21937 Geo. c, h dhsimox. acm lr. of r 7 500 00 91938 21 9 Lindetzoa d Anderson Abbott 011e= Q. y 157 975 0 4 2#940 21941 Ameriok#► Linen uy comps 1ltortheys► States Power C"Pea 2 570 21949 Daily. Stews : Plibii Ching oosp 32 1 324 3' 2194 2194 Bik River concrete Pzducts C aeaerel4leotrio supply corp ,. 6 21 Hermen'Ruebsohex 616- 4'� 296 3 219', Dnny"$eiier'& Mfg,, Compeay 33 0 219 819, Loejller-T3inriohs.Ittg. Compact Minneepta FencTo Works23, 21014Mnzpby' Iftwerer & Storage Co 9 2 21950 Borttiera.States Power Compare gp 8' 21951 1 Torthera"States Power Compan 2195332 Price Bleotrio Company 0 Roe -James Glass Company 150 211954 BtePaul White Lead & Oil Co. 142 21955 Mrs. Blanche Savage 4 5 82956 21957 Harley B. Smith St'bfel Meitzsrial Company 159 ' 00 00 WSO- IF r SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1. 12.2. OHM NO. M 12-2 i 4 sm "Ark, 2nd % 1/ Laid over to 3rd..& app. Z /Y � _ Adoptedj- Yeas' - Nays. Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan McGlogan McDonald McDonald Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres.. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodfson 1st-� �� ° 2nd._1/� over Laid to 3rd. & app— �%yq-- Adopted / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan McGlogan McDonald McDonald Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson Laid o er to 3rd. & app. --- Yeas // Nays Clancy. Ferguson McGlogan McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson 2nd._ if Adopted__ , Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McGlogan McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson . . ST. PAUL DE14E Af: OF FINANCE t K .._ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 00,. Inthematterof Installing ornamental lighting system on Jackson Street from Seventh Street to Tenth Street. W O under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 17, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 5537.07 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ S 29 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED II VALUATION Mayall's Subdivision LAND BUILDINGS All that part southerly of. a line .of block one of parallel with 8th St. and 147 ft. Whitney and Smith's southerly therefrom of 1- — Add. and of block and the west 34.35 ft. of 2 — 17, of Robert & 144,500 36,650 Randall Ia Add. to the city of St. Paul. all that part of Lots 1 & 2 — do westerly of a line drawn parallel _ with Jackson St. and 62.50, ft Xly _. therefrom and northerly of a line _ .drawn parallel with 8th st:,. and 147 ft. southerly therefrom, also the Wly 62.50 ft of Lots 13, 14 & 14 do 40,000 6,350 i TOTAL, Berm B.Z. 10 '^ FST. PAUL .,- DEPA 64TH OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT �LOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ LAND BUILDI;.,, bert . I . (Ea.,..the Rest 48 ft.) 1 andI � 2 10 Obert &Randall1 s 27,500 2 500: � i Addition to 7--1 ' St. Paul ;. !�rrI 3 10 do 12,000 ! East 100 ft. of 12 10 do 12,000 3,0.00 Ea t 110 ft of Lots 13 and 14 10 do 40,000 .15,500 p ,rI y G b i TOTALS .. I . GRAND TOTAL 1,697, QOQ..O.A r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4 / 3 1924 n Commissioner of Finance. Form B,- B. 12 _ pro r,.�..,...,+ SRl(ORA�� YAYo& � t�'�Y f2�tIINCiT,t '��i ,tie p�,�s��ribd proge�ty o�mera, _�esper�t�' wnrav'vr esva�..� _:, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .. OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 22, 1929 Ron. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of-Publio Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the installation of lighting system on Jackson Street from Seventh Street to Tenth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82635, approved September 17, 1929: Estimated Cost 5,537.07 Cost per front foot 3.29 Frontage 1,683 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to t C ssioner of Finance Commissioner of Public Works. Mr. J. W. Kelsey, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: In compliance with your request of September 20th for Preliminary Estimate on in- stalling ornamental lights on Jackson Street from Seventh Street to Tenth Street I submit the price of $6,360.00. This estimate is based on installing f twenty-four 18 ft. single light standards. Yours very truly, uperintendent �of Lighting 1 (it1j D �tilnt taut Department of 11oblic Ittilities .. 4 OTT* W ROHL.AND, JR., CeNrI..Iexa- ,• EDWARD C. PENSCHUCK. 13- C.HNI...... - BUR[wu O. INVUT1OwT1ON EDWIN R. BAKER. UTIl1T1[. AOOOuxrwNT BUR[Au'OIWAT LEONARD N. THOMPSON. - ­ BUR[AY O. Pu.ue MwR[[r. O[N[RwL SYI[RINT[HR[NT [ WOIN[[w DUP. ANACKER. MARKT Mw[Tu BUR AU or MUNICIPAL T[[TIN. LA.ORwTO-I Sr. PAUL AIRIORT ' ' VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Di R[ - FRANCIS J. DENO, AIRPORT MA.T[R SU...OI L.... I H. C. STRETCH. SUP[RINT..... T September 24, 1929 Mr. J. W. Kelsey, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: In compliance with your request of September 20th for Preliminary Estimate on in- stalling ornamental lights on Jackson Street from Seventh Street to Tenth Street I submit the price of $6,360.00. This estimate is based on installing f twenty-four 18 ft. single light standards. Yours very truly, uperintendent �of Lighting September 0 1929 Mr. A. C. Streioh, Supt. of Lighting Dept. of Public Utilitie s Dear Sir: A preliminary a274&®r C. F. 8263b has been approved on September 17th, 1929, for the installation of ornaamental. lighting system on Jackson Street from Seventh Street to Tazsth Street. Kindly preyare - the necessary prelimiinary estimate of c oat ora ZUe above work. Yours t rely, G2zisY Engineer. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.82635 -----approvgd....__'�p . • • 192.......-, relative to .___....... _.._ 17...__....1929 -. the installation of lighting ---.----- .............._..__...-.._..--_._.g...-- ng system on Jackson Street from Seventh Street to Tenth Street. ..---- ....._. _....... - - -._... ... . _.......... ............... --------------------- ---- - -- ..... ....... ... ....... ...... .......... :.................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... .............._necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $3.29 5 537 07 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____. ___.___._...., and the total cost thereof is $--- .S •...--:_., Frontage 11684 ft* and the nature and extent of said -improvement is as follows:............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------ -- ------ - ---- - s 5. Said improvement is .... ................ ..... ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Work �' Hon. J. H. McDonald. Coms;r of Finance. Building. Dear Commissioner: In re - Installing ornamental lighting system on Jackson Street from Seventh St. to loath S tree t. The final order in the matter of the above impro+emsnt K11 come before the Council for hearing on December 10th. 1930. Will yon kindly send notices to property oww§rs of this heariW Tours very truly. City Clerk. a.. .:.. .�5 .. 1 JAM e.ntDPiwTN.rRnl At � .[Rr fT6PNtN O. PALMER. Vw[•t•,1[.. T. A. N[NDRICt9.'[,1[A.un[. MAURIC[J. CORE. fm.tTMr DOREmRKDPATH 0010PANY WHOLESALE Fralies Vegelsbles aad Prodaoe 145.147 ELEVENTH STREET f!. Paulo Nim. December 7th 1929 Mr. Geo. C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Finance Court House Saint Paul Minn. Dear Sir: We wish to record our protest against the lighting project on Jackson Street. It. is not what can be called a retail street from East Seventh Street north, and these lights would-be an un- necessary burden to the property owners who are already paying takes on too high a valuation. Yours very truly DORS-REDPATH COMPANY TBR-vc Honorable Geo, C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Finance, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: 496-502 JACKSON STREET. sr7A DI December 7, 1929 Have bef ore me a notice of a hearing on the install- ing of ornamental lights on Jackson Street from Seventh to Tenth Streets to be heard by the Council on Tuesday, December 10. I am not, neither have I ever opposed it improvements that I believed were a benefit to the general public, but I cannot see where such an improvement would be a public benefit. lot - The street is well lighted for the present. 2nd - There are practically no retail stores on the street from Eighth to Tenth that are open after 5:30 to 6 P.B. 3rd - Nearly half the property between Seventh to Tenth is vacant, unused property. Yours very truly, RLG:M /c1 �ZvW.eo� a m MAKERS OF BRIJSHES"FOR PAINTS RS VARNISHERS I{ALS O.MINERS ETC. MAKERS OF BRUSHES FOR SCI300L9 ' MILLS. Aa'v INDUSTRIAL. PURPOSES BRU9H " , 138-�42 EAST NINTH STREET ST. PAUL.MnvN. u.s.n. December 5, 1929. Mr. Sudhsimer9 city of St. Paul, Department Minnesota, Finance, ina ac e , St. Paul, Dear Sirs Have yours of the 5th Inst - in reply to mine of the 4th in regard to installing ornamental lights on Jack- son Street, -We note your rem . ark that the improvement was not initiated by the council but by property owner s. In reply will say I have taken this upo it several of the large property owners and they are opp so we do not see what property owner would favor it, unless it happened to be the Emporium. I remember something about a petition going as around several months ago which, if �froourser renterswwho possibly signed by renters mostly. a t to desire it, do not pay Por the installing would be very p as long as somebody else pays - I have theentnts axesand on theiamotmtaoftspace they is not enough enough to payay occupy. Yours truly, MAENMER BRUS$; MFG. 00 . , Inc. PM*WS PER �� A 1 giLl'tawl: 1401 UAW & &' Honorable J.H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: 496-502 JACKSON STREET. December 7, 1929 Have before me a notice of hearing on the install- ing of ornamental lights on Jackson Street from Seventh to Tenth Streets to be heard by the Council on Tuesday, December 10. I am not, neither have I ever opposed *w improvements that I believed were a benefit to the general public, but I cannot see where such an improvement would be a public benef it . .1st - The street is well lighted for the present. 2nd - There are practically no retail stores on the street from Eighth to Tenth that are open after 5:30 to 6 P.M. 3rd - Nearly half the property between Seventh to Tenth is vacant, unused property. Yours �veryy truly, RLG:M / 64-C41 a • rt.�G� -� 496-502 JACKSON STREET. �l December 7, 1929 Honorable Otto Rohland, Commissioner of Public Utilities, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Have before me a notice of a hearing on the install- ing of ornamental lights on Jackson Street from Seventh to Tenth Streets to be heard by the Council on Tuesday, December 10. I am not, neither have I ever opposed t* improvements that I believed were a benefit to the general public, but I cannot see where such an improvement would be a public benefit. let - The street is well lighted for the present. 2nd - There are practically no retail stores on the street from Eighth to Tenth that are open after 5:30 to 6 P.M. 3rd - Nearly half the property between Seventh to Tenth is vacant, unused property. Yours very truly, RLG:M couNolL NO CITY c1W.T:.wuL FELE 7, OFFICE OIC' CITY CLERK ggg EE yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - COMIyI19810NER pATE '�Le•Q lOthr 1- _ RESOLVED ,V T f COUNCILMEN yeas Nays r Adopted by the Council 19— Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Approved 19— Rohland SudheimerAgainst MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson In the matter of Opening, widening and extending Kent St., from Summit Aveto Grand Ave. , under Preliminary . Order 80078 approved April 2nd 19291;► and Intermediary Order 1929.' 83396 approved November 13th, The Commissioner of Public Works hav3Lng submitted his sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLt1ED, That the City of St. Paul Yiaes and x` determines the amount of land to be taken for the mLlwove 'ti named improvement to e as follows All that land which lies westerly oY the following described line : Beginning at a point On the worth line Of Lot 6 Block 3, Terrace Park Addition 94- 74_ :r -b-' east of the no corner of said lot;" thence to the nort7asPest corner ' of Lot 6 in Thurston's Subdivision of Lot 7 , 331o4 -_1c 3, Terrace Park Addition; thence to the southeast corner oY said Lot 6, Thmrstonts Subdivision. ,V T f COUNCILMEN yeas Nays r Adopted by the Council 19— Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Approved 19— Rohland SudheimerAgainst MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEW'OF IFINANCE — REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A)' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof Opening, widening and extending Kent Street from Summit Ave. to Grind Ave. by taking and condemning all that land which lies Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of Lot.6 Block 3 Terrace nark Addition 94.74 feet East of the northwest corner of said lot; thence to the northwest corner of Lot 6 in Thurston's Subdivision of Lot 7, Block 3, CL Terrace Park Addition; thence to the soltheast corner of said Lot 6, Thurston's Subdivision. under Preliminary Order approved April 2nd 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 18, 000.00 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvementYM Varies f-rom- 10¢ to $ 5_00 The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel aslast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS West 70 feet of 6 3 Terrace Park Add. 5600 to the city of St. Paul, Ramsey co. State of Minnesota. West 90 fe:�t of E.140 ft. 6 3 do 7200. East 50 feet of 6 3 do 5500. 24,500 Lot 4 and E. 7.74 feet of 5 - Thurston's Sub.of 2950_ 4,800 Lot 7 Block 3,Ter- race 'ark Add. to the city o* St. Paul W.42.62 ft. of 5 - do 2125 4200 and that part of private alley north of and adjoining 6 — do 2000 7 do 2000 6,800. - TOTAL. FM B. B. 10 OEPARTMMM-r'v -:FI IV AN CE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _� DESCRIPTION i LOT j a�ocic+ A OI TION ip MSUMSED yA I LAND BUIL- 15' 8 --- That_ strip of- land 20 ft 1TX width Thurston' s _sub of -. lying north of and adjoining Lot 7 Block 3,Ter- it ---Lots-6- and ; 7 - race uric Addition to the city of St. Paul. the cit of St. Paul µ ;� .North_150 feet of 1 and _y•, 300 2 4 Terrace Park Add_ to 6000- 21 Ramsey Co.. State of Minnesota.-- f _ North 5;D ft. of S. 910 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 4 do 1650 10O,00i I ; South 35.-feet of 1 and2 4 do. 1200 26600 G 1 _ north 50 feet of 20 and 21 4 do 1200 57;5,Q measured on- the west line of -' i lot 20 .(Ex. north b0 ft) 20 4 do 1650 6000 It also south 100 ft of West i - 5 ft of 21 ; (Ex. West b ft. and north 00 feet, measured on west1 line ) - 2114 4 do 1750 ------- 22 3 Woodland Park Add-4 3!440Q I H. ( inc other Prop) 10 i .4 - ; do 2750 i north._92.h0 ft of. 11 4do 2100 L 4750 aid north 92.50 ft of W.0:f 10 � south 80 ft, of 9-10 and 11 5 do 2400 545q ! i! 125 do 2600 3404 + - - —,_ 13 . -5 _ : do 1800 5500 _ li t h - 3.._ _ .. 14 t. 5 t CIO_ 1800 15 5 do 1800 ii do I i A 16 5 do 1750 .b75q I 17 5 do 1706 42{50 i north 92,50 ft of 1 6 do 2350 14350 _ t R south 80 feet of j 1 1 6 do 1350 1250 - --�. - - _ -_... -- -- I - it --i---�-- -7-- 3 � TOTAL i t cj� or "P1111 DEPARTMENJOIL4EINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE !p ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ( Lor �eLoc ADDITION ' VALUEATION ED I{ Bt�I � I- East_0.._ft._of __ ___ ' ] 7 _6 .�➢Poodland Park Add.• LAND D�NB1075 13Z 5 -Lo-t- 19. and. E. 20 ft. of j 18, 6 do 2525 8�0 I I � j E_ 20 ft..)_ 181 6 do 1075' 050 1 f 20 6 . ' do 1800 _ ,4 i ` I i 1 21 : 6 do 1800 ;1 _ _. o0 I j 1 ' 0 00 i4050 ' 7 do 1750: I 1 do 2850 ' 3 7 do 1750 4 7 do 1750 i9�5� 1 I { 8250 b 7 do 1750 625 6 7 do 1750 Y 485Q �!I � I I 17{ 7 do 1750 2600 ' 1 18j7 do 1750` 2&0� 1 1191 7 do 1750 245Q l ' 00 r V I 12 i 7 do 175 i 360 1 , 1 - - 21 { 7 .i_ _ do 1750 10 I- t I eouth _110 ft of E. 60- ft 221 7 do 2450 300 A _ also west 11 ft of said 221 { 1 , south 110 feet) E. ' i 60 feet of 1 227 do 750' '140 , -� i 4i 7+ 8' do 1500., i �0 t i _ -1500, 8.- 8 I do 9 8 do 1500: 117 011 I 1 north_53 ft -of 10and-a TOTAL j � — I � h-�� -- ♦. CITY OF.r,�7f 'A DEPARTMENTAQF FINANCE ~ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ; LOT ,. IB—CK ADDITION II ASSED VALUATEON LAND �UtLDI Q� north a0 ft of S. 89.73 f�et 0 11; ,Woodland Park Add. 8 do � I 1375 201) of nd also eas 1 ft of S. y 39.73 ft of 110! _ 17. 38 souf t739 f� i 8 j do _ 1075 1 andsouth f73 ftof i0 , ! I do 3000.. , 4506 i 13' 8 do 2000,. ;540 1 _... + 114 i 1 8 do 2000 i .5700+I 15; 8 do 2000' 420. r 16 8 do 2000: 12P59. 1 1 17i 8 do 2000 14500 I 1 - �I 6 15' do 2000;; 11500 7 lo, do 2000,; 850 I1 8i 15 do 2000! : .7$a0P ! f i 15 do 2000 ,, . 11 pob . II f - + .� North 83 feet of 19 10 111 15. 15; do do 2000; 2000; � � ;325 1 ! 7500 ! --- north 32 feet of south ' + i ' 60.08 feet of 11! 15 do 600 300 I �I south 28.08 feet of 11+ 15 do 500' + i2,00 y Lot 12 and �Ext19 13' 15i , 8000 _ l II _ Lo_t_.14_and t 20f ft.) ' 1.3 i_ 15i - do 3200 � 5650 �I do 20001! 2oQA � I 16 151 do 2060 • 17i 15 do ..2000 3. �0' /aKa aa I TOTAL 1 1 i 1 crry or e DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE R)EPaRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION { LotBLocwi ADDITION 4 it VALUATION .Y f LAND uBU�CL N( North 1/3 Of _- 1_ aricli_2 i 16 _l g9oodlend Park Add, 1800 �- 2010 I, i - -. South 1/3 of 1 and# 2 i 16 do 1680 280 I South 1/3 of N, 2/3 - 1 andi 2 16 do 1650 200 i_ I __. _ 3 1750 a 670o 4 lie do 1750 'i 68001 _ 5 16 do 1750 „' 615 it , 6 16 do 1750 i, �40 . 17 16 { _ do 1800 18 i is do 1800 215o 1It >_' s - � 16 � do leoo ' O 16 f do 1800 Flo -;1 il_ _West 40 feet of 21 ' 16 do 1425 Lot 22 & Ea -W_40 e -e -t-21 t 16 do 3625 . r- (Ex. W. 1.0 ft._) 1 17 ISub. f Blocks 2950 516000 h 8eventeery (17) Ir _ 4 land Twenty-three (23) i_ - I !9Poodland Park Add. 111 r Lot _2 and W. 10 :E _ o _ 1 17_} do 3050 1�q0 also East Of 3 - _ -- West of _ 3 17do 6300 4p35..' -_ -- It 5 '1-17 _ - + .. 4 11 7 _ do 6 $ 17 17 - 17_i. do _ 200.0 '395 r 17 _ _ do.660 2000 �. n 19. + 317 ' , r-- � _ do _ 20Q0 _I .. _ - 3 20 117 _ _ do _ _ 2000 r1 '' 0 i - Lot 21 and (Lx -E-. 60 - _-c -b 22.1_17 } do - 2425 ;; 4!860 -_ _ East-- 60_ feetof { 2? -1'7 _ do 2775 J860(_ . t ' h 11-- I TOTAL u - �EPARTMENpF FINANCE < ' R)EORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B DESCRIPTION L.oTLoc - - u- ASSESSED a _---_-i ADDITION VALUATION ! I LANDU�LUIE -Lot .l_ and__E. 10 :Eg-U o ;2 _ 1123i Weed_ and _Willerie T6_00__' 600_ woo Rear. of Block ,1 3WoatheoityAdd- l -- of St.. -_ Paul, _Ram- sey Co. State of - - - "" a -Minnesota. West 40 ft of 2 23 do 2400 , 380 i and East 20 feet o 3 I j! ff aast30 f l0of t o 4 j II- - and te3 23 do 1600 3�10b west 40 feet of I 4_ 23; do 1600 ; ; 3E>00' f _ I f _ 23:do 2000 470 I j �. fleet 24. feet o* 6 23j do 950 , 1300 1- - f } (Ex. West 24 fee ��- 1 6 23 do 1050 24 0 1F_-- West i of 18 23- do 305.0 , 5,750 � I also Lot 1 Summ:L-t- -K'errace I 1r -St._Paul , .Rams-eY ��_ 3dinn: _Lot_19,E.f.of I.fl-t-- _ 3_8_.._slzid i West 11 ft of I 201 23 do 6000 24666 _ East 39 ft.of Lot -E3_- ari.d �l Ir West 21 feet of - 21 231 - do 3900.: _Lot_ 22 and 7aalb " t 1 __'�-ad of 21 23 do _ 70001. j _ a I t it I I I -- �� .awM s.n �- — TOTAL qua s_ �r_,- __ CITY OP 'AL* p DEPARTMEN'OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION BUILDI G . ,Auditor o e Sub. 1900 1335 _ II 5 18 fNo. 11 dot. Paul 1900 6 18; do 1900 2000 7 18 40 -4- 8 18 do 1700 1;2000 r q � . 9 18, do 1800 6800 j ; 1200 47 -- 10 . 18 do OQ 11 118 do 3800 ,; 750f { 12 18; do 3000 4006 F I� do 4 i a i 13 18_; 5 t - 2500 44 I i � 14 1. 18 ! do. 2200 ,63$5[ 15 18 do 2200 !7WOq 2175 . 850 _ West 40 feet of 6 i 22 do I { l - J_ also East 11.2b feet of 7 (Ex. E. 11._25 feet) 7 , 22' �! do 1825.. 6906 , N ' 41 and the east 4 feet of 8 j 1950.. QOV I i _(Ex. East 4 feet) 8 22', do !_9 22. do 2000- �2�b it 11 . 22i, dp 8000 f i I I tiTOTAL �� I CITY OF ST. PAUL �- MEPARTMENT,!OF P4NANCE FZE>PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIV PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) �i DESCRIPTION LOT B�o=AC ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �f LAND BUILDING$ 1 — Portland Terrace 1050 3700 2 — do 750 2700 3 — do _. 750 3200 4 — do 750 2650 b — do 850 3750 6 — do 600 2650 7 — do 600 2650 TOTALS 281, 525.00 974, 300.00 _!! GRAND TOTAL 1,255,825.00 The Commissioner of F'iir a ricc further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as I--itiis report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by n]Ex �e= Commissioner of Public Works. Dated% 3 19 perm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. - ee o �-t 0 OF FINANCE a Commissioner of Public or. 9i V 3 to Commissioner of FinanceAPR 8 *N April S, 1929 -- ------- -- ----- -----192 - To the mmissioner of of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner oarzblic Works, having had under copsideration. the preliminary order of the Council, known as Cou3mcS.1 No.___80078_______approved.- -April 2, 1929 192 ----- .._,'relative to opening ,ywicue ar—� -K =2g a.ncl. extending Kent Street from S17arnrn-f t -.0h—v nue t o Grand Avenue . and having investigated t73Lo and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvennemk_-# ___-_ _________________necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated caves ��ereof is S_____-__- '"�_..____- and the total cost thereof is $-x X ...___....., M and the nature and extent o fid improvement is as follows:. --------- _ . ..............----------------------- ..... 3. A plan, profi2o or of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said imprcvemeg-*_ Jkw__-�_ _------------------------------ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment fo sa -ems FIo4AN-CV_; — provement. CoiV),Ui Commissioner of Pubhc W j /oJ{Jcs teb IM loom V,;r *— 4" Z -- r • Saint CITY,,+ OF ST. PAUL D�PARTIHENT OF FINA�'- REPORT OP COMMISSIONER CSr•' WANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARYORDER Intheradwerof grading alley in Dawsonls Rearrangement of Block 118 of West 8t. Paul Proper from ti fLnslow Avenue to Bidwell Street. C� under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 2, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 711.14 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT_aLADDITION ASSESSEDoaK VALUATION LAND BIIILDING8 1 118 Dawson's Rearr. of block 118 of west 8t. Paul PrdoeT 2 118 200 i 3 118. do 200 4 118, do 200 i V - S. 38 ft, of b, 6 and 7 .118. do 250 700 .l 8 118. do 350 ! _ p, .9 118 do 300 .. 4050 10 118 do 300 3900 ! TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 , ,— CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTt�NT OF FINAN REPORT OF COMMISSIONERINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER /DESCRIPTION I LOT LoeK!ADDITION ij ASSESSED - - VALUATION i LAND !'BUtLDINGS I� 11 118iDawsonIs Rearr. 300 of Block 118 of i West St. Paul it Proper ._ -.- 12 118; do 275 3 , 118, !I ; 1 do 250 �14 118! do 375 II it TO �I II __ it 12, �_ II DTOTAL�3 400.00i 8, 650J Qo GRAND The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated 13 Porm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 46 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 15, 1929 Hon. Tohn H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 116 of West St. Paul proper from Winslow Avenue to Bidwell Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82859, approved Oct. 2, 1929: Estimated Cost $ 711.14 Cosi per front foot 1.19 Inspection 18.94 FroataO 600 ft. Yours truly, Chief Eng �a 2 Approved for transmissio �,.•°°° y tot Co ssioner of Financd. Commissioner of Public Wor .-., SNscarnDor 1Tth. M>9. .Hon. J. H. mc:kon al.d. Comser of Pnbl Le Worlcm. Son. 0. C. b`uM3102. o9r• CCU ISSIOner, of Finance. Door CommLealonerr At thea Council msmtLag hold this wrnl ag tho find order in %he -nat ter of GradIne, alley in DawsonIa Re*rracg*meat of Block 118 of webt St. �=;wAj Kroger from Winolaw :-wens to Bid- well streat• mer Bsreliminarr ardor 82459* errs passed. suis jest to bids. Tours truly• City Clark. i ORIM"AL TO OW -K ,COMM 98 ONER� 77 CITY OF SIQL POU Nen NO. (7f 1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK :OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -�' — °")7 - -- Deo. V10, 1929 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in.the grading of Alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 118 of West St. Paul Proper from Winslow Ave. to Bidwell St. under Preliminary Order C. F. 82860, approved Oct. 2, 1929, and Intermediary Order C. F. 83398, approved Nov. 13, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his plan 1n the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of,land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 118 of West 9t. Paul Proper from Winslow Ave. to Bidwell St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas Nays McDonald�In favor .—Rohland --Sudheimerm Against - •�-viTeezer.lr2ekc.c.,. �ik I 1 Adopted by the Council DEC 7 19— EG 17 Appro 19_ MAYOR CITY cre ST. PAUL • � r,fi DEPARTMENT OF �E •REPORT OF COMMISSIOI�I�'ill�F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fil _s, in the grading of alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 118 of West St. Paul Proper from W ; nslow Avenue to Bidwell St. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 2, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: oe The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK S. 38 ft. of 5, 6 and 1 I— D. B. 10 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 1 118 Dawson l e Rear. 400 of Bloch 3-18 of .Pest S t . Paul Proper 2 118 do 200 . 3 118 do 200 4 118 do 200 7 118 do 250 700 8 118 do 350 . 9 118 do 300. 40b0 10 118 do 300 3900 11 118 do - 300 TOTAL, r� DEPARTMENT OF F1 FtEPOR'r OF C4f>MM1rSSIC)I F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORnEF2 (C) _ DESCRIPTION LOT :M2_OCK ADIDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ii LAND BUILDING$ 12 ;118 ! Dawson s Rear . 275 :. o f Block 118 os" W_ St. Paul i; Proper 13 118 - do 250 do 375 u t is .. is . .. _.. is i' TOTALS 3,400.00, 8,650.00 - __IL GRAND TOTAL 12,050.00, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report then eon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated v e -y — 3 19v— --' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the ° Council, known as Council File No.-_. 82860 approved------- -- -- Pat, -- 2,_1929-___---192....----, relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for alo�gs.....outa---and _r�i.11e.._.in .tha- gr�ading..Qf .Alley-.ia_llaxsont-s---------------- ---- Rearrangement of Block 118 of West St. Paul.Proper_from_Winslow-_.--..----_. ---- Avenue to Bidwell Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........._ --------- _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.__ ....__._._.., and the total cost thereof is 8 ....... 4�--------.-.._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ _......__._...... ... ............._...-_.._...__----------- ..... ... --- .. __._.._ . .....__. - ......__.._.._.__-.. ._ ....... __...._ --.............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - ----- ------- --. .----- ....-- ............. .. -- --------- ------------------------------------ ----- ----5. Said improvement is_ ..... .........___..._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works/ under Preliminary Order .................. 82729---- _------- approved ....... Septembe... — -1929 - t IntermediaryOrder .... . ................... _...... ..,...... _...... .approved ..... _...... _..... .......... _................... -............. A public. hearing having beau had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• provement to be made by the said City is_Plantand-_protect shade trees m both sides ____of 1NoodL�wn Avenue fxQm Jefferson Avenue -to Randolph Street, 77 l FINAL O1#118R9' !--- C F No 93878— lcn bhp MatkOc OL pl&rating sad protect- IuR shade t�nP :Oh -'l:0 h' AIItPP 9 r and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, IESOJ�VEI) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and dire6d to prepare no and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for ;. approval; that �upon'said approval, the, proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro• teed with"the making of U14 i rev a accordance therewith, p Y._. -- .._._,192._.-_., « Ado ted::b the Council.._ _ . City Clerk. --- - ------ --- --- - Mayor. �'► roar�sc� /z- /y- � Councilman Rohland r' Couneilman XAMXd= Pearce 14; YEN prey Form II 8 A 8-7 1 4 CITY of ST. PAUL "• —DEPARTMENT 0°,II ANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIC'RER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER „ In the matter of Planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Woodlawn Avenue from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph St. under Preliminary Order approved Sent. 24, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 55,^x.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - _ _ _ $ 0.2.2¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT- BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS Lots "J" and I'D" 2 Mississippi View, 1100 being Auditor's Sub. No. 59, St. Paul, Minn. 23 2 do 1200 24 . 2 do 1100 . 25 2 do 1100 26 2 do 1100 . 27 2 do 1100 .. 4500 _ 28 2 do 1100 29 2 do 1100 30 2 do 1100 �j TOTAL. H 'T. - CITY OP ST. 4 - UL .,fin 1P DEPARTMENT O�AAQE. y - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOC ADDITION I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT,B _%..�- VALU O_ _ ATI N I LAND T BI DfN�Ci3 --- .31._2 View.. being Auditor's Sub. No. _ N 321 2 do 1100 33 , 2 ' do _ 1100 1 t j i 34 { 2 do 1100 2 ! do 1100' 35 i i 361 2 1 do 1100 I _ 37i 2 - do 1100 '200 r - j 39 ; 2 do 1100 I if I i 39' 2 i do 1100 40 2 do 1100 i f } _ i 665 41 2 ! do 1100 , fI 42; 2 do 1100, iI 43 2 '. d0 1100 , _ 44 2 do 2200 j _ 1 .._do 1450 6 -..._ _. 1 -3-i tl r 00 ! 2 i 3 i do I I I 1 3; 3! do 1100 ti X750 I _ L 1- i._..- 4 3_ do _ 1100 _5 3 do ___ 1100 76i 0 I f 6 il i 3_ do_ 1100 7- 3 i- do 8 3 do 1100 { 1 I F Lot ' _Of! l0 3 do_ I the south+north • o€ 101.3 I do 16501,` and all of 11 3 i TOTAL. 71� - - CITY OIF' ST_ PAUL -�� ti� REPORT DEIP�IRTMIEIAiT OF FINANCE I... - OF' GOM M I S1E5I44_9j&-h OF FINANCE O>nt I�F2lELI iA/! Iit�iARY ORDER DESCRIPTION -' - LOT Sa_Ocsc; ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 1� 3 1Sdississippl View 1100 a being Auditor's 13 3 No . 59. ; Sub. 1100 Z 4 _ 3 do 1100, 3 S _ 3 do 1100 7450 Z S 3 do 1100 3 ? 3 do 1100 3 8 3 do 1100. 5500 Lot 19, and north of P do 1650. south of 2Q 3 do 550 1 3 do 1100 2 3 do 2200 •' E 'I 3 do 1100 ? — Rearrangement of 1300 the Elms, 8 do 1400 9 — do 1400 Z O _ do 1425 31 — do 1450 12 — do 1800 13 — do 1600 14 — do 1350 3 S . do 1350 3 E5 — do 1425.. 3 ? do 1350 3 8 - — do 1200 TOTALS 70,300.00. 51,45,0..00 ;j GRAND TOTAL 121, 750.100 , The Commissioner of Finanec-- furtkxer reports tl-sat he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report tisereozs to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the C.c>xxx s4oaer of Publfe Works. DatedDh,r.,-._,.OLS _, /� 29 — . FOM H. e 12 _ Commissioner of Finance. lorliff s314.1 V6n1 ` 4�e�rttrtitt�tr� ir�� marks, �Hla�grunn�s 'CO. L. NAfON� ERNmST W. JOHNSON. "11—.r lura.ouNoa i-�ERMA2V WENZEL. COM Mt>S>stONtsR FRANK -k. TKWii, ■RVi1NiG C_ !�-_ DQUTT COMMISiIONiI. C,W AMNIT.CT - O�Q OF CpMMt/ttitOPlt[!! ZZ9 -��t2T "CIUMN 6�t October 2, 1929. r Mr. J. W. Kelsey: Chief Engine ex's Department Ptai7 Z� ��Torl{s . Dear Sir W -bi-i regato the planting and protecting of shade trees ora bo�33 sides of Woodlawn Avenue from Jefferson Aversu6 �oaudolph Street, under Prelim- inary Order 0- IF gEB 2. approved Sept. 24, 1929. We 6s -I: ima a t -ie cost of this wdrk will be 22si per frost :E -o o t s ricluding a guarantee of the trees. Yours very truly, Superintendent of Parks. _ + , THE DEPAR'TN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CE'`Y OF ST. PAUL INTER—OF�CE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 18, 1929 Hon. John H. MoDonald. Commi ssioner of Pn91i a VWo r3k=2S Dear Sir: I transmit lzqew rQwvsith preliminary estimate of cost for planting and Fr©eating shade trees on both aides of Woodlawn Avenue trona Je ��erson Avenue to Randolph Street, under Prelimiziarg Carder C. F. 82T29, approved September 24, 1929: Estimated C'—css-t 555.00 Cost per :C7_ Moat 0.22 Frontage 2, 521 ft. ii Jai Yours truly�f�gi Chieneer. /approved for tr sm 93--1 oma_ to th Gommi solo arf' s atioe Commissioner of 32"1i7M� -1 -9 c Work 04 D. W lIRpSALL. •-. • . - 041 D� HAR HLI� CL[RKRCT' CLERK CITY CI.iRK �ND ,. CLARENCK A. STORMS .pMMI"IONKR O!pA'u F RIOIRRATIONT of (pgCHIP CLERK-1�E018TRATION -- septamber T►th, 1929. Hon. J. H. rioDonald, Comer of Public Works, Willing• Dass Commissioners The stt&cbad petition of property owners requesting that trees be planted on both sides of Toodlawn ,vamie from Jefferson on ATODUcil orto P proper Borden was referred to you, by e yours very truly, City Clark. GEOi L. NASONS Y BaR..1 F.Fa. ERNMT W. JOHNSON. _ WeT. OF.FuvallWwM FRANK X. TEWES. C,_ ♦RCMR �e.�artm�ni of �Harh�� �HIa�$rnun�s ana j3UhIft 3SUfffbrfImvm NER MAN C. V1lENZEt�. COS.t tMS EB!><SOlVER IRVtN6 G. rE1►RCSC. DQliT1f G011SMttS310NaR ' ORrtQ OF COMNfIaiEONttOt: _ ale COURT 04OV!3C 6.01119mo..l Sip t emb er 16, 1929 Mr. D. W. Birdsall 221 Court House Dear Mr. Birdsall: We attach herewith pet;tiora :rom property owners on Woodlawn Avenue, rec3ue s tines trees to be planted on both sides o P tYi a boulevard be- tween Jefferson and Randolph Street s. This Bureau has check ed i s planting, and it has the approval of, t_jaqE3k Y ark Bureau. Will you Kindly submit sane t --c> City Council? V r yours, S I -P F ARKS NP itrrrmlav Help to !a!e iciter EEtiJerErs , A October 1, 1929 Mr. Geo2WMSM-AM49=W.A� Sup t « CT Parte-s Dear Sir a Mzz maize matter or planting and protecting shade tress oa acs wLdee of Woo&lawn Avenue from JeYfer�so8 �v-e�-s��s a RenaoUtL Street, under Preliminary Ordor C. ><. 5228 approved Sept, 24, 1929. PM-sase have preliminary estimate of cost preparst3 c3Drz sisove wowk, obliging Your6 trimly, Chi e= Engineer. Qff'ice of the Commissioner of Public Ws;__ �. i3 'Report to Commissioner of Finance O CT 1929 _Oct. 22, 1929..... -------- 192 -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 82729 ..... approved-. "Sept"_.2ht 1929 --------------------- 192 relative to the planting and protecting of shade trees on both aides of _. Woodlawn Avdnae from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph Street. ....------- - _ - ........ .-- - -- .._ .._ . . .._ _ ........._.......... -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-._. --------------- ....necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 22¢ 555.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.-_.. __..__. __...._., and the total cost thereof is $.- ... Frontage 2,521 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. - .. - --- ------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --- 5. Said improvement is........ --------- -agked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wor 13679 COUNCIL FILE NO.----------------------- By-------------------------------------------- --------- --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of—___c2nstructina_ curbing_on_ both sides_ of Tellesley Avenue :)m Hamline Avenue to Griggs Street r r 81674 July 3, 1929 under Preliminary Order---- - ------------------approved ----------- -- - -- - -------------------- Intermediary Order __---- °pproved—__—_-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—_______constructcurbing_on both sides of welleve from-Hamline Avewle to G-riaas Street, In the Matter ot.conatriieting curbing —E -on both.;gidee; of Welteeley, Avenue - -- ' from. BemHne` Avenue to,-Goisp 1 'Street;i,.under, Pxellminirp Arder -". 91674 ;approved 7uly. S,, 1829., _ A,pubRe, hearinc, h"tng beeil'bad upenathrabeve tmpro aqY 7. c" - 4pHce i� and` &,nt ounell hereby -orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and direeted,',to.prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said -approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceeti :with: the making of said ilnerovement ' accordance therewith. DClu� Adopted by the Council_-__ -------- - - 95 1 O t City Clerk. Approved_ DEC ---------- ----- ------ ----------- �- Mayor. Councilman McDonald Counci1man,,Mfc0buamc Rohland Councilman.W2mmclz Pearce Wr. VtP renruzon \IlT/ Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ?�DEPARTMENT O NCE REPOR OF COMMISSIOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY' OF (A) - Inthematterofconstruciing curbing on both sides of Weliesley Ave. from Ha.mline Ave. to Griggs St. under Preliminary Order approved July 3rd , 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ _ g 1505.46 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 8 .63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 3 Stinson's Hamline 18,500 13,700 Ave. Add to St. Paul. (Ex. alley & Ex. E. 1 ft) 16 1 R. Lewis Co. 650 Subdivision. (Ex. alley) E. 1 ft. of 16 do 550 3600 do 17 18 1 1 do 1000 do 19 1 do 5b0 4250 do 20 1 do 500 3500 do 21 1 do bb0 3950 do 22 1 do bb0 4700 do 23 1 do bb0 3400 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 - F E 0E&ARCT MEONFT O REPORT OF COMMISSI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT BwCul ADDITION VALUATION __-- DESCRIPTION-- - —_- -r-.- --q--- -- L -t LAND 1 BU (Ex. Alley) 24 1 R. P. Lewis Co. 550 - I do Subdivision 25 1 do 550 = �I I —26 do ': 1 do 550 Ii do 27 .1 do 550 4000 I do 28 1 do 500 ,. do : 29 ; 7, �, do 550 - I : it do 30 . 1 do 600 _. lg 2 do 1100 I (Ex, alley) � 19 2 do 500 50 20'! � do j 20 ! 2 do 550 0.850 -- do 21 2 do 550 3050 3450 22 :2 do 550 ; - do I -iI do 23 : 2 do 550 - - 1 do 24 ! 2 do : 550 ti - � ! do 25 2 do 5.0 i� do 26 2 do 550 3150 27 -2 do 550 3700 do do 28 2 do 550 .. 38 b0 I_ �._. do 29 12 do 550 li do 30 i 2 do 60 0 it do. 1 3 do 600 - 2 3 do 550 33-- 50 do do 3 3 do 550 � %_ .. 4 3 do I .-- 550 1 i -- do 3 do 550 do .5 _.�._ do 6 3 do 550 3000 t -- _ TOTAL 1 qi -I 4-41 2 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- REPOf;M OF COMMISSIOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY %DER DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION 7 3 R;P.Lewie Co. Sub. 8 3 do 9 3 do 10 3 do 11 3 do 12 3 do 13 3 do 14 3 do 15 3 do TOTALS 43,450.00 98,700.00 GRAND TOTAL 142,150.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — p� 13 19 —aZ (:? �1 �a�_ " Commissioner of Finance. Form H. B. 12 ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS boo 4 0 550 boo . 0b0 2600 550 4150 550 050 3200 b00 2800 650 TOTALS 43,450.00 98,700.00 GRAND TOTAL 142,150.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — p� 13 19 —aZ (:? �1 �a�_ " Commissioner of Finance. Form H. B. 12 Hon. John H. MoDonald, Commissioner of Publio Works. Dear Sir= I transmit heAwith pmeliminary estimate of post for oonstruoting ourbing on both sides of Wellesley Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 810 4,•approved iJuly 3, 1929: Estimated Cost 1,505.46 Cost per front foot .63 Inspeotion 29.52 Frontage 2,416 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmis ` to he om mmmissioner of Finanee Coissioner of Public rks. 1 •COUNCM FILE NO ------------- ----------- FINAL --- - --FINAL ORDER In the Matter of rading_ Alleys in Blgck_ h,_Governor Johnson's Addition _from-CAae Street to Jenks Street and from Frank Street to°North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order---S2-a40-------approved— Intermediary Order_----_ Approved --, A, public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due_notice, and the Council having Beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and' having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the -Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie rade Alleys in Block 4, Governor Johnson s Addition from Case Street to Jenks Street and from Frank Street to T,Norand South Alley,fromeeiand SootS aka Sarrorder888404DD uvea.n'�rordere said n y 'vement to be made. _ R�-AO�vi ,D FUitmiki-nat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to."prepare plane; and'specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;thit-upon said'approval,;the.proper city officials are hereby authorized,and directed to pro - coed with the'making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted` by the'Council 1 City Clerk. ApprovedY t SEG -14---------- . Mayor. Councilman 1ldcDonald Councilman� Rohland Councjlman#AW Pearce yam, per, Form son '-. ,.. , - mss♦ CITY OF ST. PAUL ,( DEPAVj�MEN:, OF VINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading alleys in block 4, Governor Johnson's Addition from Case Street to Jenks Street and from Frank Street to North and south alley. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. let,1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ Ann _ hR The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ .460 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'BUILDINGS LAND 1 .4Governor Johnson 425 Addition 2 4 do 400 900 3 4 do 400 2100 4 4 do 400 I 5 4 do 300 900 6 4 do 300 150 j 7 4 do 3oO 350 S 4 do 300 9 4 do 400 2000 --i 10 4 do 400 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR-PMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C>" PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION ! LOT pLocKl ,a ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 44�f LAND �, BUILDiNdS 11 4. Governor Johnson l e 00 425Q_: Addition 12 1 4 do 650 n 2400 7 _._ Lot 13, & north of- 3-4. 4 do 925 !. 1800 s --- South- of Lot 14, all _ 15 : 4 do 925 .2650 — 16 , 4 do 625: 2450 - -- - (Ex.ff.62.50ft)Lots 3.7 -&18'. 4 do 500 .. 2000 19 4 do 425 1050 20. 4 do 400, 600 _ 21 : 4 do 400 .. 1300 22, 4 do 400 2850 _ 23'. 4 do 400.. 950 _ 24. 4 do 400., 1100 25. 4 do 375.. 1550 =' 261 4 do 375 .1100 27; 4 do 375.. 2100 . _ 28: 4 do 350 _ .1700 29. 4 do 250.. i TOTP__LS 11,850.00 36,250.00 _ GRAND TOTAL 48,100.00 The Commissioner of Finance: further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Commissioner of Finance. Form R. H. 12 .......... .. . . ,r. �..�"";.,t THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . - - OF THE - CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oot. 15, 1929 Hon. John H. HoDonald, Commissioner of.Mblic Works. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alleys in Block 4, Governor Johnson's Addition from Case Street to Jenks Street and from•Frank Street to Horth and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82840, approved Oct. 1, 1929: Estimate, Cost # 600.58 Cost per front foot 0.46 Inspection. 11.78 Frontage 1301.77 ft. Yours truly, �giner. Approved for transmission to;nmimissioner of Finance Commissioner of Public Wo s. Oct. 14, 1929 -----..192.... To the Commissioner o£ of the City of St. Paul- The Commissioner -o£ public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Coua��- - '�3e No 82840 -.----approved.. OOt. 1, 1929 192......... relative to the -..grading --- ; __ _Elm -ems_ In U90k..4,..-Gove-mos...JOhA OAA -,A AdAL-tic -------- --------- ------- rera.-Gl►ae...8x..__t: from.--Frank-St-..-to..Ndrth--and---South - ------ Alley ....... - ---------------- and having investigated _IG_ utters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improve= necessary and (or) desirable. 46¢ per front foot 600.58 2. The estimatee3 - o� thereof is $... __ ___, and the total coat thereof is $.---.--- - ------ Inepeeti ori 031.78 Frontage 1801.77 ft. and the nature and e3ct� said improvement is as follows:.._..._....------------------ --- ..---- _------- ..---- --------- -------------- 3. A plan, pro$I or s2ketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------ - - -- — ...__. - ....- ............ ....- - .. - - 5. Said improve Is ........ ......... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment £or 2 �73Lf3 improvement. Commissioner of Public W ka. kms. ` REsoLvEO CITT'CFtST. PAUL M eNea OFFICE OF CITY CLERK nCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �. \\!! � n ...__ Dec. 10, 1929 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 4, Governor Johnsonle Addition from Case St. to Jenks St. and from Frank St. to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82841, approved Oct. 1, 1929, and Intermediary Order 0. F. 83400, approved Nov. 13, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Alleys in Block 4, Governor Johnson's Addition from Case St. to Jenks St. and from Frank St. to North and South Alley, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN \ DEC 10 IW Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Cla�al�. A r d DEC 10 McDonald In favor Pp Rohland / r-•a�� C, Against M Y IMNSiMmi—Sodgeon Mr. Vim Pray ge n 19— CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN*bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS&ONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and .taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills, in the grading of alleys in Block 4 Governor Johnson's Addition from Case Street to Jenks Street and from Frank Street to North and South aiiey. C4 Go under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ So The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are at follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 4 Governor Johnson's 300 400 2000 400 TOTAL, ASSESSED Addition 2 4 do 3 4 do 4 4 do 5 4 do 6 4 do 7 4 do S 4 do 9 4 do 10 4 do Fpm B. B. is 300 400 2000 400 TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 425 400 900 400 2100 400 300 900 300 150 350 350 300 400 2000 400 TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN7"S)F FINANCE • REPORT OF COM1k4I5SLQNER OF FINANCE _ TOTALS 11,850.00 36,250..00 GT -AND TOTAL 48,100.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated A, s4.� Q Norm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLocK i I ADDITION i�. r ASSESSED VALUATION 0 LAND BUILDINGS 11. 4 :Governor Johnson's 400:. :4250 . Addition 12. 4 do 650: 2400 Lot 13, & north of 14. 4 do 925. 1800 -. S. j of Lot 14 andall. 15; 4 do 925 _ 2650 16. 4 do 62b,. 2450 (Ex.N.62.50 ft.) 17 and 18 4 do 500.. 2000 19. 4 do 425. 1050 _ 20. 4 do 400- 600 . 21. 4 do 400,. 1300 22. 4 do 400.. 2850 23 4 do 400.. 950 24. 4 do 400 1100 25. 4 do 375. 1550 26 4 do 375 1100 - 27. 4 do 375. 2100 28. 4 do 350.. .1700 29 . 4 do 250. _ TOTALS 11,850.00 36,250..00 GT -AND TOTAL 48,100.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated A, s4.� Q Norm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. -ov ?o 'n ,on Fc "_7+ 10c- &Fal c'•&. JENKS ST :>'_ P� . C r r ' S ..j +Y t "Off'ice of the Commissioner of Public W FiNAN� Pr - ......... ;3 s Report to- Commissioner of Finance 3 -OCT 14 1929 a .... Qot.-_14r.. 1929.192 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the A � 82841 Oot. 1, 1929 ; Council, known as Council File No . --------------- approved ------_ ....-.--_------_ ....._192.-._.., relative to Condemning and taking an easement,--in__the_.land neoeeasry_for._ ...._-------- elopes, oats and Pills, in the grading of Alleys... in Blook ---4,_ _Goyernor- Johneonve Addition from Cast St. to Jenks St. and from Frank St. to ...... ................... ...... ... _11_ ... . - - North and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -_-.--- ---_---.necessary and (or) desirable. •2. The estimated cost thereof is $._-.... -..._. and the total cost thereof is 1 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....--- —`^— i 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement -is hereto attached and made a part hereof.` 4. .. ---- --------- _-. ------- .............. ----.._...-:.--------:---------------------- 5. Said improvement is... -._ ...... .......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. o Commvsioner of Pubhc W ks. McGlogan mo,,ogan Ip McDonald Q McDonald Sudheimer Sudlteimer Wenzel Wenzel ` Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson end.-- - r / Laid over t 3rd. &app.! / Adopted Yeas ays Peas Nays Clancy Clancy _ U.. Fereuson Ferguson McGlogan mo,,ogan Ip McDonald Q McDonald Sudheimer Sudlteimer Wenzel Wenzel ` Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson nti �4 VxM't5'�X t t December 9;, 192 ; 1 5 .fin ord�.Tianoe appropr atAng the: balance 3emaining in the i'estzng l,�oratoyuncZ 21.8 the Qitq'`b€arket;$tutk21 C, ansi the< �6irpo-rt �` `2:1 , &t t11e:'end o�:•�he year 7.8295 a3ter e.11 olili _ -� ationg snd pux+posea for v¢hich the finds were .apProtriated'-have 1�eenLFov j ded for This: i an.ePtexgeic ordinance. rendered necessary for the pFeeervation tof ;the p01P '0c pease, health and safety. The Coutieil of th�l ility of 3t : Paul dQea Ysrdain � rt C. F. N, o.7166— No.7166 By Otto W. Rohland, Jr.— -i 1 {, eyt `r s {y. An ordinance npProprinting the bol 58.18nde�.�i�ffi&It�Tig f3T �t.++�i Vit' P6�A�h �yi4t once remaining Io the Testing LxU f } + 7. ntory Fund 21-B ,h nt QeAt Oi� ,+t1'k �O;t�tilit;iee �lle eiill�yliij Son x / Fund 21 C P �r bJ Eh6x s-t Fe58 er ctnH'6�iew sYt 6; et t2 Ci �y. i r k �a lxatthe ba7anoe 2emaiing i$lie Teatirigyaartory t Fuld 21 �$ df °the DePartme .t of Pufi�lic 9tilitisb at the fermi a natfo4 of the. ye ;1929 be� a"nd the same ie hereby a ATOP Uated els h Yo T t?i8 s eo Pia purpose 6: makiz rep ays, and _*jr Met s in E&64. piCtezies r v s,. t 9EdTIOAt 3; a Jha tiia�.b lancg •"remaining in the Airgo'rt 'tin>1 23-B kha,}3ameCt ofnbiic iJtilities at the ;terminetitlr} of the` F y8a2R, Lge� be,'and the same;, is hereby appropriated far the ;pur'po$+hs.drking improvements and buying �a�►=equipment s id'et-t#P`�r'�Y�`"p M-,Wi Z .hkY t hh� *ih jai Thds grdinace i heiebp declared to be an'emergency u ard3,nastae,_e3�3 are drneceB.aryflr the pxeser¢ation of the Public peace„ healanti saf tiety., r s �; 4BEOTfON 5 This' orciaanee1�a+tke eYfetand be in foxoa 'Prom L ' �an8 aF�er �.ts �p�assa�e ancia�5ubli�tatiron ` ` ' Adopted by the Council C 6 Seas Connibmsn Nays Clancy Approved Yergason ' 1 McDonald Pearce Sudbelmsr itwor. Mr. President Hodgson ATTiST: MBLLS Clt Clerk. December 6th, 1929. Nr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building, Dear Sir; The attached application of the Amundson Coal Company for permit to install an underground gasoline storage tank and pump for private use at Eustis and Bobbins Streets was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk �L C NOPOtONMAYOR. . LOUIS METZ, VI—CHAIRMAN CMAIRNAN O. W. ABERLE. -J N. McDONALD.:. - . COM•: OP PUSLIe WORK. ARTHUR CNNES - .'J M: CLANCY. _ �(�,�I�nnut14� S. W L. DARLING RDOZO . OI PUBLIC BAFRY _ns u_TI, 7iiYf` i[+tAM L R S. P[RGUBON, . YCATION W. J. DRISCOLL COM..OP 60 ROHLAND, JR. `C. Un PUBLIC UTILITIM.� - , �• �1��f]{'.h`� JOHN FISCHER ' L C. SUDHEIMER "- DEN E. LANE eow.'.DF Flxule[ 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING GED. F. LINDSAY tH. e. wENz[L, .. COM•: OI PARK.. PLAYGROUNDS - J. A. SEEGER 'AND'P—M. BUILDING. GEORGE H. HERROLD, R. B• SHEPARD JOHN W.., KELSKY, CITY ENGIMR[R MANAGING Dlw.cipw Awp RxpINR.w A. H. STEM & M. O•NEILL J. CLAIR STONE CORPORATION COUN..L W.. F, SCOTT, ISAAC CUMMERFIELD CITY CO "ROLLER H. VON DER WEYER 6. L. NASON, SUPT. OF PARKR December 4th, 1929. , Mr. D. R. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir Res Underground gasoline storage tank and pump for private use. At Eustis and Robbine.Streets, Amundson Coal Company. The above storage tank and pump is to be located in a'district zoned for Heavy Industry, and is permissible under the Zoning Ordinance without a hearing before the City Council. Engineering Report : There are no engineering difficulties involved. Yours very t ly, A City ing,.Enn/giin-eer. eh-rh IL J. MURNANIL CHI" OF POu" MICHARL ORSHARDT. A.W. CHIMP OF. POLICt N. A. VALL. CARAIM OF DRRRIVKN THOMAS K. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAR. OF oz?w ry 0. H. BARFUGS. SU. OF TRAFFIC A. L ZKOCK". LICOMt INtFUC1OR JOS. MACAULAY. ton. POu" t Plwt ALARr Mr. D — W. Birdsall, City G24mr3c, Saint X anI, Minnesota. Dear S 3z- c — Returned herewith is the application of the - Am3nds6a Coal Company for permission to instal an underground gasoline storage tank and pump for private use a -ft 3L?astle and Robbins Streets, and report of in- speot i osa sand approval as to fire hazard. Very truly yours, Commissioner�Pbli. 4jA l`�//r `1j V IV g �N OWW C. DUNN. .. Flitt CHIRP `i OSCAR LANDER. ]� yy�� �T mmATMTM} �*� / RV(partment of 1101ir .8afety A.R. Pint CHIt1 WILLIAM BARRON. w CHIC/ IKSPKCTOR, FIRS MMRION J. M. CLANCY. COMM18010NZR CHARLp L. WILLIS. SUPT. OF A -A W. HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DSPUT'Y COMMIg1ON[R B. F. SIMON. M. O. HIK"TII OPnep tM COUNT HOu= A. C. NICHOLS. M. D. DVUTV HIIALTH C PICNN e®I JOHN MARTI, CHI" HRAL" IMtFRCTON December 3, 1929 Mr. D — W. Birdsall, City G24mr3c, Saint X anI, Minnesota. Dear S 3z- c — Returned herewith is the application of the - Am3nds6a Coal Company for permission to instal an underground gasoline storage tank and pump for private use a -ft 3L?astle and Robbins Streets, and report of in- speot i osa sand approval as to fire hazard. Very truly yours, Commissioner�Pbli. E. J. MURNANE. CHIS/ Or POLI_ MICHAEL OESHARDT. A- CHI" OF POLI= H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN 01 DSTt—M O. H. BARFUBB. BUR. or TRAFFIC A. L. EOOEIrr. LICRMRt IKSPI`OTOR _ JCB. MACAULAY. BUR. FOLK[ R F.R. ALARM December 3,1929• Hon.J.M.olancy oommissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Amundson Coal oo*pany for permission to install an underground gasoline stor— age tank and pump for private use at Eustis and Robbins Streets, (550 gallon capacity) we have investigated the foregoi#g and report that such an_ install ation_at__the desire& location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Hespe��ot�pfuully yours, chief Inspeotor. c of St. Paul CHI— u OSFIRE CAR LANDER. - �B Della tment of flUb11C Safety A.R. Put an— - CHARLES L. WILLIE. Y T F BUR. Or ARARA"I J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON. M. D. HBALTx Omant HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. DW_ Hmw Orr'C BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MARTI.. al.x ANO MINNfaoTA .Ta. C...r HtALTN 7x.►tcreR WILLIAM BARRON. CHIRP tNBPK=OR a ®1 December 3,1929• Hon.J.M.olancy oommissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Amundson Coal oo*pany for permission to install an underground gasoline stor— age tank and pump for private use at Eustis and Robbins Streets, (550 gallon capacity) we have investigated the foregoi#g and report that such an_ install ation_at__the desire& location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Hespe��ot�pfuully yours, chief Inspeotor. J .,. ! r 1 i JJ t{\ S lft� S t t ` Noq.:26, 1929 t i) t City'Clerk, f' City Hell, t ' $.'t,•. MiaII. _ ' x Dear Sir. Ericiosed Mind application Yor permit to, Snot' 1 one 560 gallon vadergraund gaebliae storage tank: t bad Yor private sae oa our, property at Eyiatie and, *f "bobbins _St., Ciyy, �; WillryoU.kindly,see, that this goes thrrnigh' , t �' the'rAgnlsr ebarinels': and please'advise'us when we 613A �. pat the nadergrmind egnipm eat n Ywra very truly, AMOND$O1Q COAI� COMPANY, t t t t \ t p l y ORIGINAL / . OF BT. PAUL THID-�APPLICIITION TO Dt MAm' IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TRIPLIGTc Ano PIItD IN TXCCIiT- CLERK'D OFPICt. Application For License - AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION . DATE__—_—______ NOV, 26 1822_ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA' APPLICATION Is Hereby Made INAML OF RM R INDIVIDUAL) a FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE per`_, -_ . p�AMLY4L-p OO4l1y>ag_�,�:lfTisN LTL AT1[j YIIIIBD �OP ('DRIVL 1n_ OR •IN[16L OARAOt•) C - private use. AUTOMOSILE'FILLINO STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT__ ________ __ BLOCK--___- fADDIT10N1----------- ALSO DESCRIBED AS_EMIlyyy-gt-RobbiIIO_ Street __ I[TRELT AND NUMDER, .... DIONATUR[ OP APPLICANT. o Du[m[DD wuoq[EL.-- COPY'Y FROM CITY CLERK ININ BO,AnR,D � y� greae Apg1�C�t�toAa for Yketia�atYa +�PB�atpp u`ia gaFa "etoe. Htro uPtiasw'i�tn afrtltlt&� t6� tg,-ot A`8t P6ut;"hsVd'• • deed madd ad ie e � I � W l^>3rcgkBlY[I9s`8�i?pep`�tq�gt'"Nq 888698 9teta dGtgdt�tP H 61�K ,Iaear aa00 b.'l LLL1�1�0(aPl,ptt71PY R, 4 Vbivtd:' ,Vhd4a7Kr .F.4r4fWto xo :?II akaoa l? alb�ltt-Ss "' fokbx, >Sd 83 t yi ad"an.G6i�i07 is r 09 u7r�iq ttCAaksItYQbd�eb�LCY - „Whaddaa -9P llg4ay}fe A�'�Y_ da w�ffi.., n8nc V se.lii graeq ady`h Ord d'y'JD�B, aAd 'BBBpz'aYem - €HtePEo¢IP4`Itqea o i;,gt ttha 41t3�� t$ n�ttf *4 �e�� aat�F,�i�tt� t afp tl�' ti fax' u�sw"'oi�%i t Jpd4ia ura��" x4x tor�pgt s an a �•, co Yeas Nays Qh.W+ McDonald �In,favar R:eeEd��srlt�.�. abdt: Q%i Roe.'B��9r�it�ism '' eouNa� NO.---9t#H� C CITY OF 84. PAUL PIIi OFFICE OF CITY CLERK UNCIL R 10 GEN L FORM 1928 rRoeNreD SlyDecember-10, `. COMMISSIONS O yYHERBAB, Appliostions for licenses have been made as follows: Nov. 8, 1929 - Leo Newbauer, Application 3704-.Rest4urant at 694 Dale St, " 3826 .Dance hall " 449 N- Snelling Ave. Ncv.15, 1929 - Reilly k, Brennan n 3827 " " b 1596 Selby Ave. go'v.16, 1929 -'Lee Bros " 8948 Restaurant " 71 N. Dale St. Nov.27, 1929 - Mrs. Ethel Hol Len or licensee have been withdrawn by IyHBRBGB, said appliontione f said applicants; therefore,be it MWOLVBD, that the i�'oper'a3ty officers be and they are hereby authorized and di.reoted.to refund to ; Lpo Hearbauer, license fee of $10.00 and cancel application'84D4 Reilly 8 Brennan, lloense fee of•;15.00 and �ycel SPPl3827i0a 3826 Lee Bros, license fee of ;15.00 and cancel dPP aPP lication 3948 Mrs. Ethel Bollen, lioension fee of X100.0000 and cancel i �ReGet@bfr`C��yiY.4&{osis :;,:pi It�i#?e9�r` - �� LTo'6 g�4Sp89� 25 aw�btenaR :filo., £ :. 87QRoil{ a&^�H�rk�a4n�+�ST id: 1„n *seas--q%y nary s .,. }Ag gtPbai n 10it 1plonq, 2iP�1°# ae M P Cana ;l? � a 41Fc avythb�'�.-°q� prPR by ��nthdr N�Rabo o eea *R ua'�"$n���ee`ii�in'0� � o tae 3%bon � p �osdQ•l �,Ft)t�� on .b�P �Ceh���`� u+ �`y. u d9b➢dF w. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the coin—�- O 19f •�: ,9 Yoe Nay$ sa•'"r' 1 p 1929 rte"- DEO �9— McDon9d favor Rolland G _ IS&A Apind C _ MAYOR �lefe_'�il�fre.')iiRreaeM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Nom. 83683 FILE .____.- ------------- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CI ESO ION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_— RESOLVED that the plans and specification coverin, a ! period of one year beginni-'g Januar7r lst, 1930. Lighting of stairways, bridges, etc., with 40 watt Multiple Incandescent Tungsten Lamps; Furnishing current to the Electroliers on the Multiple System; Furnishing current to 500 watt Multiple burning, Tvoe "C" lamps; Furnishing current for lighting streets, parks and other public places with Series Incandescent Gas_ Filled Electric lamps; Furnishing current to all city owned Multiple Ornamental Lighting Systems and to Pendant Multiple Units; as presented by the Commissioner of Public Utilities, be approved, and that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the doing of the work called for by said Clans and specifications. C- rO Y' q"0:."�099&—BY Otto V— H A 1 iJ gpol, b,a M- aMiC'- is - �� 'N'Oah4b0itn t, Dead otl ��,VTC1n6 3%"4, v' M Stan 0 1eta�rwaye tqr fid# at ' j fv1 d0,7:>s'J t bful0010 ndapaan E, Tu snEen,ZaNiyia f- , y, �urnls>.�dl; COUNCILMEN ��11 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..192... vid-eg a OEC .10 M19 `McDonald In favor A/ve.... ........... 192. r Rohland, . Against y .. o N�f.�,. wee...... ....Ili�!'wl?IRIIIIIIee: L...`. ICtif1�� .. .� extia employment +l: store Util.Lab :i .55 r-Uti1.L'ab 2 nk ut-il.Zab. 2 .55 e� .Util L'ab. 1 .55 st J. 8tat'Engr. 'Sub 8 .7 :: Fgreman • . 13 .62,z A ` :Sub 4;Poxeman Mtc..Lab 4Y2 o", . IItil.Lab. .55 Utilityman yea =IItil:Lbb. Mc.Lab. 4 35 _' J bltc.Lap. 2 . ° .50 •'' �. ;Utility 'Foreman 1 71 G.S ziigr.' 7 1.1o, Mtci. .Lab 3. 50 6ai sub,`Rore�Yan pert IItilitymaa ' 26 6 .66 r.; eitC.Lab• 4 G.S.Engr. 13 l.lp G.S.Eiigr. 6 " In favgr� t C13Y. Or 6 INT COUNCIL }(�� t.OFT�gMPTROLLER,. FILE No.^_�_�$i O"AINT PAUL - COUNCIL �_ t re un uu. cou CITY OF 5�FgUL FILE NO. FILE . OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE ENTED B DATE Deo. 4, 3229, ifioations for the construction of the h rs>! �a'IsZe sr�wsr, Eastern Branch, Contract "B", provide for F�'vYfi a payment as an extra, at two (2) dollars a cubic Bard, for limestone encountered in the excavation and, Tkereas,'On Nov. 30, 1929, there had been excavated from the sewer a total of 4597.38 ou. yda. of limestone in the locations herein liateds CU* Yds. Limestone 9 Vit. Open out SO -Fairmount Sta. 2185 - 2437 735. 9 Lt. Book TO nnell Ste. 2437 - 5540 3798.99 Pairmount Drop Manhole 26.89 Goodrich Drop Manhole 21.29 Summit Crossing 15.14 and, 4597.38 Whereas, the amount due the contractor for 4597.38 on. yda. of limestone excavation at $2.00 per ou. yd. is $9,1,4.76, of which amount $6,216.42.already has been paid, leaving'on November 30, 1929, a balance due the contractor amounting to $2,978,34 78.34. now,therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $3,978.34 bo paid to the Northern States Contracting Co., the said contractor, as an addition to the lump contract price for part of the said limestone excavation, and that the said Bum be charged against the Kitteondale Sewer, Eastern Branch, Contract "B*, L-3124. oun ersgned; ro er. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald kLn favor Against . Weesc�'�.ert-rp,L, ��geon, ommiae one -z o�5 Q or ''TA uOnloraotore .� Adopted by the Council w19_ p r C 101929 19_ MAYOR ;..-ro aR CITYOF, ;ST PAUL rO°u s � ivG' OFFICE OF. CITY 'CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FOta1/t -' i PlesseNrecav cw December 7 1' COMMISSIONER ' X t X am.nwt *o mrr ua�. CITY OF ST. PAULR°� 'L IVO._ --8.178 't OFFICE OF CITY CLERK' COUNCIL •SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI SIO sY ►gi n „R�.i; COMM181siONE REsoLVED That the proper city officers be:and they are"hereby auox- r .< ized to enter into an agreement with Andrew Jandell, providl�lg for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries sustained by him while in the employ of the Department of public Works, On the 4th day of November, 1929; be it FURTHER RESOLVED,'That'in accordance with said agreement, the proper city offioere.are hereby authorized to pay to said Andrew Jandell the sum of $160-00 Out Of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his -.claim, being for the period to and including Deoember 10th, 1929. COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Yeas Naye McDonald :ln favor RoWmd F CITY 0 ST NO -�,- OFFICE OF ,CITY. CLERK Committee in awarding th6"oontraot f6t,!',,An6t*l ing, 83704 FINAL OIi ER IN CONDEMN ATIQN`PROCEf DINGS • r the matter of .... +`tee•` i condemning and ;taking the followi� Purpose of nlaYgzine and extendin SthBsMribed land for the In Lamprey's Addition B unicipal Airport: inclusive, Blocks numbered21 to 30 2 to^14 numbered 36 to 3_ h , both' , inclusive, Block. 28 a 8 bot.. inclusive• an.. ininclusive ' Range 2� "'est those ection 9 12 and 13, lvinE, soutserParts the Cc. 5, T°"nship Government Lots numbered as laid' out in La.pr ' Addition enter line Of Utah Ft, east 1• m ev s PacificnRail!>ayQ'ri- jofAnay of Produced vesterly to the the Chicago, Hock Island and i' easterly of the -,center line lying easterly of a line 50 ft, and _• P40 ASc, R-ai2wav Cosrnany,'s r.iol t the Ch Roc:c Island and E Ritchcock+s Additinn lvin egG o Wa'' -,nd.tAnt nlrt' of aPP1*>fof._.he= center Tine of thPgCr a tnrl of a lin., S i feet easterly' Railway Company's i ht_ in�ro' pO°''` Island and Pacific aFicix'16ts 07 r g of ^einr a rnrt of 28 and 29, 31oc', nurb.erP, r Lot 1 '0, r?1, 32 nd z a �, „ ` 3� Blocs- n Lots 1 tb okl d L numbered 6,and.,in th c ' �' 4' Yr1 ods' 1 to' 9 inclusive ` econd 'Ad ditinn --------- o AMb_is Addit;i+m -,lots 7 0 1?inclusive' 31ory nw oared 5 =nd in F ri Lots. C to 10,E both inclusive both inch side dock num' ered l0 both inclusive Block numbered 11; and 10' Lots 6 to `° tri'angtilar piece of_ f d""st g ih =Lam r ' 8 �ame::lyfn�r :easterly P e1x s Addition, `tY e 2 bounded' on +the north bv: Lanne'vin - PJ ABr `and northerly df c g. rs Mrd Addition gtah t. and, in lying southerly of the center line of Utah gt�� Q8 ai"'d�ouat' the, r 'gj of tri, tv fg produtsed weatarly. o ,t y 0 the Ch'Tcago, Rook IsYandatdaPnoific ftallwaf" a a Pero 0��_ . ,.. a��r�' - ,,9++��pp�erly ;.4�',� �i1t Y Cent® 1119 0�' C%Soa Q,_50 rft*,0* terly of the Eompan is right -Of. t- 0 1 •........... 3` Shr of w an t ,, Q�. if Railway AIS�yi'R= ♦ * f t ' Sam ind MW .r In Yx s .- ,�i► 83704 i J ' fi >; s � 82631 .17,19291ntermedia Order-._82803 s` nnd'e a ary rder- ....... -• ----•-•, approved.-------•----.................... ry ........._., .; approved.. Segt .•_26,.•, laga Resolved: (1) That the following improvemept be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz---------------------- condemn and take the following described land for the pu=ose of enlarging and extending the Municipal Airport: ti LamRr yea Addition, Blocks prod 2 to 14, both inclusive, Blooks nubeb`d 21 to 30, both inelusi•Ki* Blocks numbered 36 to 38 both inclusive; and in Section S, Township 28, Range 22'^est a parte of Government Lot$ numbered--12 andr+io, Eying southerly of the center line of Utah St, as laid out in :La Prie 'at A¢,4iit p� .prodded wQsterly. tp ttx J ;xeast line of , n appro_ tale right-b� any' o the' Gh asg0,` Eiools Island and Pacific Railway, . Goalpa ,,aid lyl 9 gterly of, 11ne SQ ,,ft.eea*terly of the cerite 1ue oit a 0., 6a o nsa pn ifAq Railway Goinpanyvs right•of wt � 77YMII, 1— k"� •' pq� �� 77 '77 Jdiny same and 83'704 "a IN 11 }� OnM�AN 1 envy.Jil• T -v r <� Ma 44 l . T• ii J.- a, ,.. . ..M . �. f �tw—'-�-�-- t� j.Tyj G 1:J,;e> 721, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for'the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: ....................... ti In Lampreyle-Addition, Blocks numbered 2 to 14, both Inclusive.,— Blocks numbered 21 to 30 both inclusive,' Blocks numbered 3B .to 88'4o inoI sive; and in_Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 West partg of Government Lot$ numbered 12 mi -1 i lying southerly of the center line of Utah St. as laid out In Lamprey's Addition produced westerly to the east line K the right-of-way of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R#t#-Vay Oompan7, and lying easterly f s line 50 ft.easterly of the Denier line of' -the Chida6p� i�oc lan and P c ftc Railway Compaa�g�s right-pf-way armSk' ter` "a'"}' Gig 1JUR " x FINAL .1 k�A`� viifi ] Hur 44 _ jtiJut 1 VIr f : 1 a r. COA.�Cr ?.rL. Cc i��7uf �Y�f• r _ � 7 sTc :fir,, rr - .: sr t op e y e ounc........ City Clerk. IApproved....................................................119........ _ t" -Councilman Clancy iCouncilman Ferguson Co�cilman McDonald ......................................... .......................... ...... ..'-- �Eouncilman Fohland Mayor. �ouneilman Sudheimer 2 JEouncilman 7romtx Pearce PUBLISHED Z. President, Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Inthe matter of. .................................................... .......................•----....-..-------•---.....---...-....._..---..-.......-...-----.......-....... condemning and taking the following described ladd for the purpose of enlarging and extending the Municipal Airport,;, In Lamprey's Addition, Blooke numbered 2 to -14, both inclusive, Blocks numbered 21 to 301 both inclusive, Blooks numbered 36 to 38 both inclusive; and in Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 West those parts of Government Lots numbered 12 and 13, lying southerly of the center line of Utah St. as laid out in Lamprey's Addition produced westerly to the east line of the right-of-way of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railway Company, and lying orzstcrly of a line 50 ft easterly of the center line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company's right-of-way and that part of undr,Hltchoflckla<Addition lying easterly of aline 50 feet easterly of the center line of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific appj Railway Company's right-of-way, being a part of Lot 1, and Lots 27,28 and 29, Block numbered 6, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 30, 31, 32 and 33, Block numbered 8 and in the Second Addition to Brooklynd Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Block numbered 5 and in F. Amb'.s Addition Lots 7 to 12 both inclusive, Block numbered 10, TO L6t'd`6 to l0 both inclusive, Block numbered 11; and Lots 6 to 10 both inalnsiQe, Sloek numbered 12; Alio`a +Aan' Ar piece of land in Lamprey's Addition, t1re same lying. easterly of,Jeanne Ave, and aortherly.of-;Utah St. and o- bounde on the north by Langevin's 3rd Addition sf respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. `'�/t� a Commissioner of Finance. z 9(4I Ti J U r,. L-} !. c•r i, i �'!!Y -� .. ayI t. . rot 11 Y l T 1 T G U,1:1,` -p Jifc..n T 1'. 4 ! r�. _ fUv j7�'74G' '�}�'O c ff;tt 1 ,• .,ji. oii { j]ai:ciP P, .L"t r.Q� - r,.•i � _l0` fi�`i° )t I._ ::. 'L+ VI ^Ut j.� G IM 77;Jc; .:I, Cy:Toz uGy.0}";9o1'�Zi r J wciz:( a Via,' -s Uo i _ I. �a z l s=.fi^ ,.Tr U�d' eF a, r.; <:J� a::r zjr_ c t f:yo Ca;rFcx. � r dT, Q J.� a , r Qc �+. 1 F e T.rcf=+^U%. 4.. �i, Fb 90(; 1 U2 7'=T l o;rF to .-'"LG la �nrr}vu t� 9y, .- ,F�..rd r 6 'Gt3rIF61 ji iiG Ol„ 11 ; under Preliminary Order...... 82631 ----- approved.sept ,17-t1929[ntermediary Order ---_82803-__....... approved _....... aPPI...... 26,_-1929 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. -c- _: . - ,oz `'�/�� Commissioner of Finanec. that she following desoribed real propertT,.=' 1[iane'sota, `to wit: f that part, of ,theeit AJ2 of .aovasrameat v -n0.°`4h'b Ak'i'nua.i:-L'nnY' Te7nnA--'nwALniiiGtiw-', .. iv aad ie ]ropos.ed to ba t'akea.and oondemaed, eota upoa the -following grounds: E In the Matter of Condemning and taking for thepurpose of enlarging and extend - 4 irg the Municipal Air 'Port the follow- ing described land,, viz;- The land des - 5 - �ozibed in the report of,the Commissioner of Finance to the Council in this pro - 6 aaedng. q ' To the Council of the City of St.Paul. 8 The undersigned is the owner of the following describ- ed lot mentioned in the said report of the Commissioner of Pi- lo t1 mane to the Council in this proceeding, viz:- Lot Ten (10) in Block Twelve (12), of F. Amb1s Addition to, West St.Paul. lE is The undersigned objects to the condemnation and taking 14 of this lot or any easement therein for the purpose aforesaid is and to the proposed award of -damages to the owner of it, to - 16 wit;- $1656,00, and to the confirmation of such award upon the 19 following grounds, viz: - is let;- The Council of the City of St.Paul has no jurisdiction in 1s Es this proceeding to condemn this lot or any easement in it'for EI the purpose of anlafging and extending the Municipal Air Port, or to confirm the award of damages to the owner named in said EE za report of the Commissioner of finance. 2bi:- E• The amount specified in the report of the Commissioner Y5 of Finance in this proceeding as the award of damages to the E6 owner is wholly inadequate. This amount is not just compensation 27 for the taking or condemnation of this lot or of arty easement E6 therein. The value of this lot greatly exceeds such mvard. Its E6 value is at least $500.. so 81 ,a aY ES ad as ,: �� r i� . STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAI,9SEY CITY OF ST.PAUL. r I IN THE MATTER OF ACQUIRI?G APPROPRIATI:eG AND CONDETNING FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENLARGING AND EXTENDING THE iv_UDIICIPAL AIRPORT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN-ST.PAUL?RAMSEY COUNTY, NZNNESOTA,Under P.O. 82631, Sept. 17,1929. OBJECTIONS OF URBAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. The Undersigned Urban Investment Company, a corporation, objects to; the taking and condemnation of its land and to the award of damages therefor. This objector is the owner in fee of the following described real property, which is proposed to be taken and condemned in this proceeding, to wit; That part of Government Lot Twelve(12) of Section Five(5), in Township Twenty-eight(28), of Range Twenty-two(22), lying East of the Right-of-way of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, and South of the center Line of Utah Street,produced west. Also the East Half of Government Lot Thirteen(13), in Section Five(5) Tvvnship Twenty-eight(28),Range Twenty-two(22), all situated in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The undersigned objects to the condemnation and award on the following grounds; First: That the City Council of St.Paul has no jurisdiction. Second; 'That the award of damages which is proposed for the taking of said real property, is inadequate, unfair and partial, and does not fully or fairly or adequately com- pensate this objector as the olvner of said property. And the value of said property is upwards of x,600 per acre, which this objector claims.as the value of said property, and as ji1st com- pensation for the taking therdof. ET CONIPAIY. F21 Ytsioneer Bldg, St.Paul,I.:iz:n. V7 U-rl '1711 3- i 8370 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES - t4h Dntpda a gt't$nding -th / o�" 'Tar ng'and,taking the following described land for the purpose of enlarging,an4 extending the 11unioipal Airports =la;pa)ppreyfa Additions "Blocks numbered 2 to 14� both inca,pivA, Blocks numbered,21 to 30, both inclusive, Blocks numbered '36 to 38 b h inclusivaj and in Section 5, Township 28, Range 22 J+est parte of Government Lotg numbered 12 am ,lay lying southerly of the center line of Utah St. as laid out in Lampreys Addition produced westerly to the east line of the right-of-way of the Chicago, Rook Island and Pacific Railway Company, and lying easterly of a line 50 ft esaterly of the center line of the Chicago,' eek Island,ansid x s/- 1 a., S etCior. PaciPa`°'Ra13.Way CompanyIs+igtit-oP•way �y.s: Alao a triangular piece o land in Lamprey's Addition, the ae4me,lying easterly of Jeanne Ave. and northeriy:of.IItah St. and bounded on the north be Langevin's 3rd Addition �p�� 1, Adopted by the Council ..._DEC 2-6__ ...............................................19--...... ...................... __............... ...................... .._ City Clerk. Approved ........................ . ......... 19 Mayor. —Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED ' --Councilman Ferguson/G a ./Councilman McDonald �(.ouncilm in Rahland �Counailm'an Sudheimer_ a. ,�-eouneilman Iffimmi X gearce Mayor Hodgson TOM Fl r:i r- "4- c3" �C ldl"i v, 'uar 3r7� GY riCl t v tl • '717 I*V-T1 : C1 l,;i'*G�r're"'-�,�"�'j y s1 3'ii� 1 � • f e YSIcr'�r��'�o�4 r pis a Y 2r,cjrr✓ ul s.��3# .��^ �k�. t -c3 Ca�iF •+s f 1 k1'� C.�, •1^r 4i Yd � C► x`.aC� 1 �:� # 'i k b��'�1:,"i`� �{�7.et�r`t C�.�fic r�t.��' cri;c r 1 r� �� E �•P,31rrx �;,,. = 7�"�� '� fi,•4�—:�'L+ iiii�+•Er.s,.1 �r qT4. 77,T3 P.w*- ,.per, .I pm ga�Pa 3alsp oma, +.� Sept. 17, 1929 82631 approved.. Intermedia Order ........... _._.., under Preliminary Order.------•---•-------- PP Intermediary approved .._...Sant.....?fz.► �.8. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners• of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Conncil....�ECi 2-6-............. _............................... 19 ................ ._._......... .......... .... S a WS City Clerk. Approved .... ....... _..... ...... .--•---x',19.....--. !Councilman Clancy —Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED /Councilman McDonald / -Councilman Ro'bland c—Councilman 8udheimer_ ,,eouneilmau y jUUdx gearee Mayor Hodgson ''` ti• 83705 �t�Ntrll'� f ores o es cuts and and,�king-_an-_easement in the land necessary Gondemnin -L p , fills, in the grading of alley in Block 36, St. Anthony Park North from Raymond Avenue to Chelmsford Street, In ;Demattor oLcond¢mning_and�#a1K aseq,e�t in tae land neaea i eery. Eo{• aloDar:o¢ta and flm�1 in tae :j Ri'adink *� L Hilo 1R HIoo$ SB 64 t AAn-tDPa� I'erkY�rj� fj;mri"IYm9nd . � y; under Preliminary Order. approved Aug. 22 ,1929 82768 Intermediary Order----- _ Resolved: �y (1) That some ' ...----..... - Bondmn and take"N easement in the land necess4ry or slopes, cuts and lls, in the ,ding of alle in Block 36, St. thong Park North rom Raymond A nue to Chelms rd Street, be fled Se i11me M W* Wtketled, aflnnlled, snd umbded auc &U =000 -in ON =tWr In dlwwr--A- (2) at the following land, lan or easements therein and the same are here taken, appro- priau donand the A leforinthe purpose Block o36 g the said improveme viz.:._......_tY a la d abutting p y, t. Anthony Park rth between t points afor said'to the erten shown upon the p attached to the report of he Commissioner o Public Works in a matter dat October 22, 19 DECI1110 Adopted by the Council..... R .............:..:............................... ....:....::...:. 19........ KC1119 Approved..................................................... 19........ ­Couneihnan Ferguson 1 y� Councilman McDonald — - ............ ...:.:.......:...:.....:..........:.......G. G2....'_..` �........ v. -Councilman Rohland u q Mayor. —Councilman 7fiaGmeb, Pearce PIJB IiED `_Mr. President,; Hodgson ------------- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of..9ondemning..ans d taking an easement in the land necessary P , in thad e gring. of a1Tey""" in"BTook-6------------ for slo es cuts and fill St. Anthony Park North from Raymond Avenue to Chelmsford Street, 82379Aug.22, 1929 ander Preliminary Order.......... ....................., approved ................................. Intermediary Order...... -.@27..63......... approved..:.. ---SEAQ-'--- `�+-•-1929, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll., and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. - Adopted by the City Clerk. Approved..................................................... 19 Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman ViAMMXx Pearce Mayor Hodgson 6e?, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.. -.....condemning, and taking„an,_eaumeat,,.Ip,-.tbe,_land...nsoaszAry for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 36, St. Anthony Park North from Raymond Avenue to Chelmsford Street under Preliminary Order _82379 approve dAug22,1929 Intermediary Order -..A2768 _...... t. 25 Se approved .._....----• P......... , 1929.......... I TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: ( The Commissioner of Finance hereby (reports: i That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the; amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment t roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find= ing on said matters. _ �` .... .._.. Commissioner of Finance. �, "J, Im, C-7. mops cc, r.JOi....:,cpm: _o3 r r. i , r r._.::.; e to,_ ur Jr, .: ra to Urrc;- 42i;, 01., 21 , ..�' .' i -1iJL: <:..:;� k .y''Uio y rk No -rt fl r"_Cit .tion there has been considerable sentiment expressed against this project.. UeIIng one of the ori incl signers of the petition. asking for the grading of this elley, T dish to state t7nL.t I an not in favor of it at tlli � time amd vish to enter my w me as Ln objector. Yours_ very truly, GD D 83706 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWA DS OF DAMAGES In the matter of.....GQFaS�flS0.t1}1..l3lxld i p)�ing,_an_-@sement__in the, -sand- necessapy for siopes,cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 6, Whitney and Smith's Addition from Rosabel Street to Wacouta Street, Iu the matteh of. oondamnln6' �" Sart for elOD &cute Land lffi o. In the B,adlnB.of. alley in BlocK 6, VVhitne9 aad•-8a+lth's 6dditpa_ tion d1?oeal .. Street to-:Waoont is lia�r'.�r' Sept.12,1929 nn a wuminary Order .........a2 approved..,� ............................ Intermediary Order .......62805-•••- _-, - approvec' ._Sept. -.-26.,1929-...... A public hearing having been had upolI the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards tlf damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it a Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll', and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and Condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council_-..-.. }�C•• .q - .......... ............. 19........ Kc 111929 City Clerk. Approved............ ...................................... 19. ........ ............................... ......... _.............. ............... ... Mayor. Councilman Ferguson �J'� �Bt�_Lf ==�� Councilman McDonald �J 5donneilman Rohland Oexewi}�fe Ra-" • Councilman Xma= Pearce Mayor Hodgson ..� 83707 FINAL ORDER IN 'CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of.. condemningx._e_tnd-_taking_._an._easement_._in--_the__-land-_necessary for slopes, cuts and fills; in the grading of alley in Block 6, Whitney and Smith's Addition from Rosabel `?treet to 17acouta Street, C F No.887o7.y-:� Ia tae matter d- t, G'.mnlas an.. an eaeembat.-ia:ahPAS., .ne rY:-.for eloPe0. cute and a110."In'the: aAn _of alle7-ln-:'Mock 8„Watt-; aad 6mtth'e>Addttioa•from B.oaa 8treeff<to Wapouta'8treet;.:under A8A08. approved. under Preliminary Order ............ 826�tl.......,approved.Sept..12_x19291ntermediary Order ............ approved...-._S.eRt6.,...L929.. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ............ eme. condemn and take an e in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 6 Whitney and Smith's Addition from Rosabel Street to 71acouta Street (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: .............the ....lan.c.1.. atlut,ting upon Alley in Block 6, "fhitney and Smith's Addition from Rosabel Street to "9acouta Street, tnthe ettent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner' of Public Works in the matter dated October 22, 1929 DEC 11 1.! Adopted by the Council ........................... ....•---........................................ 19- . .......... DEC 1 1 City er . Approved.................................................... 19........ l i� Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Q li Mayor. Councilmanxx Pearce PLTRfZSRED ` y—_2 5F Mr. President, Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON CONDEMNATION OF OF FINANCE LANDS In the matter of. ....SI=d.eMDjn.�...=.0-..k.aka-x�g-- n...eazame at... in the --i and-zLe.cessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 6, Whitney and Smithes Addition free Rosabel Street to "'acouta Street, Sept.12, 192 82805 under Preliminary Order..............82606_.,1 approve d.-............................. termed�ary Order.-----••--------....-------, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and thiI amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. —(XLL-1 - Commissioner of F - CC. RESOLUTION RATIFYING A D CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWA DS OF DAMAGES cond3mning a d taking an easement in the land necessary 1 - .. for slopes cuts anc� 'fi -Y� in theradiri' of alley Sri Block 3�........ ' In the matter of ................. Aurora Addition from Van ��ke Avenue to '.",'bite Bear Avenue, '2 r a coudemntnB d na ea �1n6 stor eoDoent�ln Slo k�.s nue�o °g,a�d1n8 of aAe9 fix. �� yPLite�>�a� m' Oan ' 6rs" nrAB-` r under Preliminary Order..... fl2.2.55............. approved..l?ug.t 3•,1929 Intermediary Order ......._ 82759---.-_- approvedSept..... 25.,----1929..... A public hearing having been had upolo the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ................l±Erl'-1...-Lqkj......---•- ..............19 ..... ....... .......... .... ...........................................c City Clerk. Approved DEC .�-1-- ................ ..........................--- ......------.. Mayor. councilman Ferguson S Councilman McDonald YUBLICBED— �� Councilman Rohland (kis-- a.,me_ Councilman X Pearce Mayor Hodgson �- 83709 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of..condernning-_and---taking.. an easement in the land ___nec_e__s__s_ar_y for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in ]31ocTf'yi;' Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to "'bite Bear Avenue, C. F.`Xa- '88709 In thes:mattor oto eoademaing. an8 tak 1Q$nn eag6megtln the laud necee- .saryifor etoDeb;reute`and=911e, in the. 1 . ddltng'of 8ney to nlocl[ 8,' Aurorae Addltfon Lr-Avo Dyke Avenue to; White nearAvenne, under.Prelimin•> ars Order'88867,.:. roved Aug. 18,` 1989 Intermedin.-• r, -der q . -'"82759 under Preliminary Order ......... _82257......... approve�ug.13,1929 Intermediary Order approved.LAP.Le---2s`2r_.. 2 -5j -.. au----... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: .................... condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 39 Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to "kite Bear Avenue, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: ...........................................t. upon Alley in Block 3, Aurora Addition between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 22, 1929 DEC 11WS Adoptedby the Council .......................................... ...................................... 19........ PEC 11 Approved.........................•..........................1 19........ 0"iffleilman 91"951 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland / o Councilman 'MUM Pearce Mr. President, Hodgson ........._...... City Clerk. ......................................................... Mayor. ISHED /� - / �•/ - � Jam• ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary Inthe matter of........................................................................ _. for slopes,cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to White Bear Avenue, under Preliminary Order_ 82257. approved._Aug.13,1...... rmediary Order... 82759 approved.._ Sept. _251929 TO THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and tihe amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, -and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. - - - `- %.= Commissioner of Finance. n / Vy 2nd.-� Laid over to / y �(i�� 3rd. & app.. 1�- Adopted 1+111 1 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson y McGlogan ^� AdcGlogan NlcDongd 0 McDonald Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel blr. Pres. Hodgson Mr, Pres. Hodgson t oORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. -� � �Yv PRESENTED By.Comm 118 T FBTQ0 ORDINANCE NO. 1cQnria�eaiiu-or4lnsdee xo 4�i�a }; `4ir`"ap&,utirtb�ra oenee, ropriating the balance remaining in all the c of Education, Bureau of Schools, at the end v,+ of the ,year-198'�ter all obligations and purposes for which such f6nds;;were;appropriated, have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neoessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and Safety.' Tilt COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF ST. -PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Ssokion 1. That the balances remaining in all funds in the Department, of Education, Bureau of Schools, at the expiration of the gear 1929;b6and'"the'ssme are hereby appropriated for the specific nurvose._of;.purohitiing new equipment for old buildings of said Depart- 11 n ,OZ, Xiaucayzon. Sao" 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force. from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council u€G n fnnn- Yeas Nays z MT. President (Hodgson) Clancy -�erguscn MoDonald-- - -- - -- -- - PeaT08 Rohland Sudheimer Q� Approved C Mayor Attest --- City Clerk 1st. I L�y� A. 2nd._ y� Laid over to �J , 3rd. & app: .... . Adopted/yg / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson \4cGlogan McGlogau Q McDonald Q McDonald Sudheimer Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson LD "�"ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. R,l / 1PRESBY ORDINANCE NO. An Ondinanee appropriating the balance remaining in the General Fund Item 31-F-9, Municipal Employment Bureau, at.the end of the year 1929, after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency or- dinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. C rN No y8S711--QrClpanee No 4 88' IBr L c l�oasaorc 3 L OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: An( ordiastice� appropr at t6e'Lal +u t + mafp(aa cit _ 0 i 'Farad ,>rr• a ,,, That the balance remaining in the General Fund e'cam 31-F-9, � 1 EYaployment Bureau, is hereby appropriated and set aside for the purpose of meeting emergency repairs at the above office and extraordinary expenses in 1930. Section 2. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council December 1929. Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Pearce --- Roh1aM Sudheimer Mr.Pres ident ( Hodgson) Approved Mayor c Attests city ci k. All, _9 e -fA WE A$ All, _9 e -fA WE —,tv Th— ..d Code ludol.1ma , . . Aqoll:ti60�-PJY Yu 11-11-."— No. 7164 —d U , TI -It" Two Tbouw —,tv Th— ..d Code ludol.1ma , . . Aqoll:ti60�-PJY Yu t: J. MURNANE. ,. �. CHIP OF POLICE MICHAEL OElHARDT. A—T.. CHI" Or ►OLIO[ H. A. VALL. CAPTAIN or D/T[CTWER THOMAS E. DAHILL. JUNIOR DAR. or D[RCTIVRR O. N. eARAUEE. GUR. OF TRAPPIC. A. L. EOOERT- LIORNR[ INRPRcroR JOB. MACAULAY, 8_. route • AIR[ ALARM m /u�''�dy$^�� OWW C. DUNN. "- Sam au Sam AIR[ CHI[ Ytit91 V .�au ORCA. LANDER. �IIIRE Department of Pub it Safetp MK. DNIRI WILLAM BARROM.CHI" R ASS AR[YRNnoN J. M. CLANCY. COMMISS CHARLES L. WILLIS.IONER IUR. or APPARATOR HARRY T. O•CONNELL. D[PUTY COMMISSIONER s. A. EIMON. M. D. NW.TN omen1 - A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. 11. COUNT HOURR DEPUTY HRAl." O►PNR[1 JOHN MARTI- '®i CHIRP NRALTH INR►[CYC11 December 10, 1929 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the City Cab Company for permission to instal a 550 -gallon tank for the storage of gasoline in the rear of the Strand Theater on East Eigth Street between Wabash& and Cedar Streets and report of inspection of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, J Commissioner of bl Safety Honorable J. M. Clanoy, Commissioner of Public Safety. 0 Dear Sir: In regard to application of the City Cab Company for permission to install a 550 gallon tank for the storage of gasoline in the rear of the Strand Theater on East Eighth Street between Wabasha, and Cedar. We have advised Company that it will be necessary for them to bury below the lowest basement or pit in that vicinity: this they have agreed to do. I do not think that there will be any serious addition in the fire hazard in that vicinity if tank is placed assuggested in this letter. RespOtfully yours,, WCBjj Chief Inspector. 'H. JCXIV OP PoLIR Gtv of St. Paul CHI" MICHAEL DHBNARDT, 111""" 08CARft LANDER. ., M.T. CHIRP OF PoLICII h QH# * MR. FIRS CHIRP N. A. VALL. p Department of f lublii Safety CHARLES L. WILLIS. . CAPTAIN OF D[TRCTIV[. $UPT. OF APPARRTY. 0. H. BARFUSS. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON. M. D. SYR. OF TRAFFIC HARRY T. O•CONNfiLL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HERLTN DFFlCOI A. L. H A. H. NICXOIJ. M. D. LIC [ INBRCTOII M W.. IN BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DVYTY X[ALTX DFFIC[II JOB. MACAOLAY. DIVISION OF FIRE PREVCNTION JOHN BYPT. PoLIC[ B FIR[ ALARM CXIEF I[I ffGLTN IN.RCTOR WILLIAM BARRON. CHIRP IN.PRCTOR °® December 10, 1929. Honorable J. M. Clanoy, Commissioner of Public Safety. 0 Dear Sir: In regard to application of the City Cab Company for permission to install a 550 gallon tank for the storage of gasoline in the rear of the Strand Theater on East Eighth Street between Wabasha, and Cedar. We have advised Company that it will be necessary for them to bury below the lowest basement or pit in that vicinity: this they have agreed to do. I do not think that there will be any serious addition in the fire hazard in that vicinity if tank is placed assuggested in this letter. RespOtfully yours,, WCBjj Chief Inspector. �■ .rte m CITY OFI $rAAUL Fl"NC".NO.--9W-.�-• OFFICE OF: CITY CLERK ENERAL FORM 0, NCIL R .:. u G DATE - ppESEN7ED BY, COMMISSIONER- • - ' REgoLVED That permissioa'en8"aut4ority are hereby given to the mile - jot Oil Oortlpany to install a bulk plant on the property of the pmaha Railway On the southerly side of hater street, beginning at a point So feet west of Edward Street, thence west ISO feet; said tank to be installed in aocordance with the ordinanoes of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction of the Commissioner of Publio Safety. or 1!1r�t�-eta °gOtl[d' 'ySgIWO 'n tsd d ttr �t the };�Ra11FP8Y�d tlNpBAgE B,�w,t�sttk ,Ml`s^ A sti#d�,"b. nWBMi n p8p�iw Mit f e In s .Z9/fnir nt s 77 ni,c�l e tl 9t g OsaYNi!'�21c3k s ;aiy COUNCILMEN-- liOUnCE EQ 11,E 19 Yeas Nays: A&pW by the ttiiWOO11���000��� Ferguson In lawn AP Itoblana MAYOR Mr. Preeidmt .Hodgson Ott put (Or= of (41% (4(erk December 10th, 1929. HAROLD J. RIORDAN CHIEF CLERK- 1W OJDIK CLARENC6 A. NTORMS CHIEF CL[RK•RMISTRATICN Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application Of the Mileage Oil company for permit to install a bulk plant on property of the Omaha Railway on the southerly side of Water Bt. beginning at a point SO ft. West of Edward St. thence West 160 ft. was referred to you today by the Council, for the proper resolution. We also enclose herewith applica- tion of the City Cab Company for permission to install a the storage of gasoline in the rear of 550 -gallon tank for -- - the Strand Theater on East Eighth Street. Thin application was approved and referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, WA City Clerk. ., L. C. HODGSON, MATOR-.; CHAIRMAN I. - F- LOUIS RETZ, YIC4CNAIRMAN J: X: MODONALD, ' CON. of PUSLIC WORKS t D. W. MRRLE J. M. CLANCY. COM.'OI PYSLIC EAFKTT L. R. S. PERGUEOH, ' ////����RR��'''` * - �rynDit ill ••_`,v �R( ARTXYR CAINlt RDOZO W COY. OF R.UGTION IInnKi {i/Rn -L DARLING ' O. W. ROiILA O. LR.,. - �Q� �.Iwp - W. J: DRISCOLL COM. or PO.LIe UTILITin G. C. YUGHEIMR ..J, .of 34 tint Fitut21,�C1huio ata O� N f C .s+FiLGYL.K JOXN FISCHER. "COM. OF FIRANCS A DEN M LAN[ N. C.,wENREL 204 PITTSBURGH BUILDING ORO, F. LINDSAY CON.: PARKS, PLI1rOROYNOI I, ANO lY�LIO BYILOINO. J. A. SEEORR JOHN .W. K6SCY, CRY..ENOINRRR.' GEORGE H. HERROLD. R. B. SHEPARD E. M. O'NEILL MA.A.IN. Oln.ero. Axe........ A. H. STEM cc TION COUNe11. J. CLAIR KOH[ WM. F. �QOTT. - CITY COMFTIIOLLRR - SSMC SUMMERFIELD O. L. MASON, N. VON DER WEYER SNFT. OF PARKS December 9th,, 1929. Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk. >... Dear Sir : Re Bulk Plant on property of the Omaha Ry.' on, the, southerly side of Water St. beginning at a point 801 West of Edward St. thence West 160,: Mileage Oil Company, By- Paul H. Peterson Ninth & Robert Sis. The above bulk plant is to be located in a district zoned for Heavy Industry,Thid is permissible under the 20*199 Ordinance without a hearing before the City Oouidil. rngineering Report There are no engineer- ing diffiou3 iso involved. Yours very truly, -iy Plaffning Engineer. gh-rh BOB. PP ped J. His .c one Commissioner of Public Works It. J. MURNAMIL C"In OF POIAC[ MICHAELOONARDT, ASST. CHIC► OF POL1C. '11. A. VALL. CAPTAIN OF D.TNCTIV.N THOMAS S. DAHILL. JUNIOR CAR. OP D.T.CTIVN. O. H. BARPUSS. SUR. OP TRAFFIC A. L. ROBERT. LIOIHR IN.FNOTo- JOB. MACAULAY, RU— FOLIC. 0 PIN. A-iHs (situ of `mut Paul Department of f luhlir �afet J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 214 COURT HOUNC RImI OWEN C. DUN". PINI CHIN, OSCAR LANDER. ASST. PINS CHOW WILLIAM BARRON. CHIS/ INVCCION. PINS P.MNTIOM CHARLES L. WILLIS. SUPT. OF APPARATU. R. P. SIMON. M. D. XTH Omen A. `N1 CHOLS. M. D. D.►UT1I NCALTH ORNUUI JOHN MARTI. CHIN► N.ALTH IM.F.CTOII December 10, 1929 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Mileage Oil Company for permission to instal a bulk storage plant for gasoline at Edward and Water Streets and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard. Ve truly yours, Commissioner �ftb.fety t. , E. olrouCE - UP St. HAEL MICHAEL. OEEF of .Paul OSCAR LANDER. OF P. - A.R. CHIEF OF PoLIR 'J� ](�'t # * A.R. RIRE (.'HIV - H. A. VALL. m r Repartment of f lublit -SaLetV CHARLES L. WILLIE.' 'C CIIRAIN or DRELTIVE. w S—. OI APr~u. O. H. BARFUSS. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON. M. D. Burt. or TRAFFIC HARRY T. O•CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HEALTH Omenl A. L. EOOERT, A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. LICEN.[ INSPECTOR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DVuiY HW.TH 0-Iman JOB. MACAULAY. DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MA TI. BUR. POLICES FIRE ALARM CHIVI HEALTH IN—IrroR WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF IM.FEeTOR - <�1 December 10, 1939. Honorable J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to application of the Mileage 011 Company for permission to install a bulk plant for the storage of gasoline on the property of the Omaha Railway Company on the southerly side of Pater Street eighty feet west of Edwards Street. Upon investigation we find that Company desires to install three 50,000 gallon tanks above ground. Company has advised that they will protect these tanks with dikes of sufficient size to hold more than the combined capacity of all tanks. _I do not_ believe_with this_ sort of installation, that this storage will create any serious additional fire hazard in the vicinity. WOB / j Your$ respectfully, Chief Inspector. i DUPLICATE 16ITY CIF ST. PAUL .TNI- APPLICATION TO BE MADE I- X TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE O� THE CITY CLERK c1.enK•- OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made --------'-- - �'� ' - (NAME OF FIRM OR IN13IVIDOA7{LIj/'J� FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A----Oq��[ IN• oA AO/EyI _._- O'H _ _ Lir AUTOMOBILE FI INC STATION TO BE LOCA D ON LOT ,_B��K___ �n. ALSO DESCRIBED AS __—___—_ ____ (ADDITION) (eTREeT AND NOM -ER) _J_______________CAPACITY OF EACH TANK__Y _� �� U NO. OF PUMPS_ -------------NO. OF GAS TANKS_ ___—_ — '"'�— -IONATUgE OF APPLICANT. FILED I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE------ _-------------- .-------- _------------ lY_____— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BV-------- ..... .----- .--.... ..----- ......._____ -u-IRe--GAoonce- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK CITY PLANNING BOARD BY 83719 COUNCIL FH.E N0._ .___......_.._._._...__ By_ _...._.._____......_. _....___------..._..-- ;CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expe^ses for paving van Buren St. froTr Fairview I've. to Snelling Ave. including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to propert-7 lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches where necessarv. Material shall be asphaltic concrete 5' base - 32 foot roadwa^, —� ,►SimB�p�ta �B&es![HINTB :. 3 G� xo esvx8— `k,566.4 - ------------------ Intermediary Order ...._..49577................................. --. �kteF of the aseaesmeat of --� ermeat'Y �1g1to h¢aty �tn8.ez}iegaea for pav "V ,Sarea 9t.- irom, FsiYv[ew - a ..:............, approved .._MaY...26-----...._.--••.................................... 1925.. benefi, and fa The assessment of ts- ............ -costs ............. .. ..expenses......... •.--- .._. r and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. d; RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public fearing be had on said assessment on the ............$th............ day of Januar.................. 19._30, at the 'hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court - House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................... ` 1 19 ..., 19.......- QE� -- '--"......— ' "' - ................ -...., ' y Clerk. Approved.............................. '---------------- 19......... _.... .... Mayor. Councilman Fe Tgason -_ — PUBLISHED �' 'y —� .,_......ai...__ , - _ Councilman Roh]and Councilman WXMX c Pearce -Mayor Hodgson Form B. B. 17 83'20 COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ..... _..... __ BY CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for. paving Lombard Avenue from Lexington Ave. to Milton St., including sewer water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not alreadynade, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. Material shall be 7 -inch reinforced concrete with 22 -foot roadway, L AaludinNowakAYa to-M11ton 6t.- lliolndlne'r eewerriaedtione t., mYt YLL-amine to PenDe`TtY 11nee Qm bEi.. ,=.c.not-lilsgyA ca�1Po- _ under Preliminary Order __.......... 77&7Q ......................... Intermediary Order -..._..7.Q.4-.6......-_----------------------------, Final Order_......7.88al------------ ------------ --- approved .... .......... _.... .......--------- _.................. 19_28 The assessment aud...exp.enze.%.... ......_........... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment, be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ._.... 8th ................ day of ____..Sax=ry.................... 19...-N at the .hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. L)rx 11 as Adoptedby the Council ........................................ -------------------------------------------- -------- D�C 1 � ......... .......... - ,- y Clerk. Approved............................................. _19 ... ....... .. --..............__...._._...... ........................ Mayor. Councilman n Councilman Rohland Coancihnan :W,*M x Pearce Mayor Hodgson / Form E. R. 17 J 80721 COUNCM FME NO— ------ _--- _._._-_......__ 4" 'y88TE1 Ia tlio matter �oL tpew eaeeegtgent of bege$ta noels;'.-$ndpeageE-for Coa trusting a •sewer "e7cthrough Como - Park„beginnfgg at tha 3erminaa of ; CITY OF $T. PAUL, I tha• ezletlag sewer Iti Coiino Houle `° vat¢ at Aaatnq at. e`PDkoklmatety `'- 806' req eoAU+” o[ Lake,:: Coma and Fasten ave <thea an.at.=Ia Council Approving Assessment to the..intereeaUon of as In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs and exrenses for t constructing a sewer through Como Park beginning at the w t8sml>dos of: the, existing sewer in Como Boulevard at Adam -618t. 00*O iMately 205 ft south of Lake onmo and Phalen Ave., thence northwesterly to the intersection of Shrub 8t. and Lake Comoii.and,Phalsn Ave. eatenaion, thence in the center line of Shrub St.to a point 265 ft south of the center line of Nebraska Ave., thence in a northwesterly direction through Como Park to a point on the center of Nebraska Ave. 280 ft west of the cen- ter of shrub St,, thence on Nebraska Ave. to Niagara Ave., thence on easements already obtained across lots.5 under llitid=, ejyblook 21,110420 Addition, to ,ocnneot with the existing sewsX -onLexington Ave. and on Montana Ave. from e j Final J ngtori Ave-. to Dunl4!-Sv, Dunlap St. from- Montan AvW- to California.Aao.a .Hoyt Ave from a point 50 M west Of ,with 7 Lexingtoii' Ave to -blielli ig Ave; 'tows Ave. from Vilingtdti ' Ave for may lap $ti Idaho Ave from Lexington Ave to 1s and we Tap ; daliforuia Ave: from Leaiagton Aire do D1in7 p four) ta._tr if�$tlA,:��Fe=:.;Yxom_;�ienline Ave. to Ternwood Ave; Nebraska Ave. from Albert Ave. to Chelsea Ave; Asbury 22? �b1fe 11�ro@;e�fel;,raeka►.,Ave :;to, HQYt. APs.; . Ar.oUa- A! from , Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave.; Simpson Ave. from Nebraska ].1.yCitaHCbFHoyf1J7�►73b Pa$oal:Ave frump,=Nebrseka,;Ave to Hoyt Ave.; lay of Bolton Avenue. from Nebraska Ave-** Hoyt Ave.; Sheldon Ave. Court _ -fr *-xWyt Ave "U a point 896 +f 0_ south 'of - Hoyt Avg. i Ho Hamligf Ave.,, from Hoyt Ave. to Larpenteui+, Ave. ; ,Huron ,f said Aire; fxybm' Jp67�tdfka Adb' to' Idaho 'Ave. Chea -"sea Ave. from Idaho Ave, fora point .230 ft south of Nebraska Ave, of the mew Merrill Ai}e from Hoyt Ave to Idaho Ave: ;-rernwood Ave from.Hcytt Ave, to a poi t 260 ft north of Idaho ,Ave+, to owner imp be`knojja as the 0helee Heights Sanitary Sewer $yetem, to $I�id,sYstflm. to be restricted to use as to house and roof drainage only, surface worter and street drainage to be excluded therefrom _ t _ 1 - -......... ...... A- Qs�ilUy . Clerk. DW ApQrosed....................................-----------19---...... . ...................................Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman Rohland } r Councilman Wnvt Pearce Mayor Hodgson Fmm E. H. 17 "C AjL TL. r ]r a 7Zlf Er �•. 1r `;A> i!n 1� `i COUN s- R` Pd7L_.,d 9 > 4; ., ! 1•¢ IJV, r,•ag' �t yit f i. s i 3r 'J' A,; IZ '� tia A !." z', etP,.1r& L - n caa (B9�L iT �'Atn.T�7 Jy^ AhJl �clr t� 7r i i.�.xrt 1151$ C F` Ci .s1 s �;�� 1 i 'fiC I' i S:s ' 1 C 1 '✓,.t • JA, ;L fcr it4r iF ..: rtK ` .DSY,c-xsCt .�a' £T tS Sl ia�. j L ( A jT1 x t 11 'yAG, * n a r t rr 1 F 1 7 for 'rG.uu .7rh1. i3 #P z �a: { r t, I .'t ,. ..' J >9 a 'IJ s 3 16 rrr T oua f -f33, 1 F", -P a `E d i TtSts .?'LTfiiT T .St t;2�^.. i i i) l'� p ++ : dam' 3.'E 117'f '.''.f>'P^,• A, 11t' J a r r �1`n I.".r 7ti Y;T. sM i ty.>;. C133J— L�i.fi!stwt3.(, ander Preliminary Order .. -----..7.9.412 ..........................., 80117 Intermediary Order.---......_.-......----.-.......----------.............._-, 80494 ............. approved -----•----...._ .-..-•----......---••-April. -- --------- ...sZQ-, 19...49 Final Order_..._--•--........-_----.....-_-• The assessment of. .....1 0il(ft lt.S.,..-QRat-5--B_ad._88pa=aa---_................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......ath.............. day of •_----J nnars_--------------- 19..38, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........DEC .1 1 DC 1110 Approved -------- ---- ----------_----_----- 19 -- Councilman Ferguson Councilman Rohland Councilman JMZaeic Pearce Mayor. Hodgson Form B. B. 17 Clerk. ............. Mayor. Resolution of Hearing in Cc ;=88'722 ouncil Fixing Time of emnation Proceedings 83954 In the matter of...GOzdQnng._and__tciking.__An._easement.._in_the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 2, Auditor's Subdivision No.59 and lots 13 to 23, Rearrangement of the Elms from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph Street, C F Na YYTYY-- " lr rn the matter ofi coNdamning and tak Ing. an eagement -1q thi ]and napes agrY'-to{elopes en aqd mle; Ip the•.' aQadWg of alley rt��opk Y,`�riditoYe' " o 'f+dfvlaigfi r d'`�;F Y fnfa'3� to Y8;'» 82630 Sept.17,1929 83165 ander Preliminary Order .................__............ approved.......................... _..... Intermediary Order ...... ...................... , approved...... Qst.....?.4.,...19.2.9 ... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation .of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.._.... StH day of.._._January _ 19 30, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.............. PEC-1..-jw.... ....................... _..... 19.------- W 1 1 O City Clerk. Approved....... _.........................-----......--.... 19.. . ................... _........ ............ -.................................. Mayor. Councilman Ferguson C Councilman Rohland Councilman ftzmk Pearce Mayor Hodgson 83'23 Resolution of Council Fixing Time of Hearing in, Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.._condemnin and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block Hazel Park Division No. 4 from Van Dyke Ave. to a point 74.7 f ft .vest of Ha7.el Ave., C}yY No, 83723 �� • •'-. Y • .Iri- the matter t condemning and �'ak 'Ing an, easenteut in the lead n res' " smy for slope cuts ana Mlle (n9I the .:gradin 7�. e7 y'Au.; 80�Lai T4s sept.26,1929 83169 under Preliminary Orden_..__...82..__._.......... , approved` ................_-•----_...., Intermediary Order -...................... -...... approved......IIc.-..2.4.,...192.9..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of 8t. Paul on the__..8th---_.,___ day of.._ January _ _ _ 19.30, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. KC i 1 19'�y Adopted by the 41--il ................................ -_.......... 19 - meIIW Approved............ -.............. - ....................... 1 19........ PiTnisTiED ! ` ' — 017 Councilman Ferguson Councilman ]tohland Councilman Pearce Mayor Hodgson PiTnisTiED ! ` ' — 017 83724 I of ouncil Fixing Resolution � g Time of Hearing in Cordemnation Proceedings In the matter of....._condemning•. and _taking.an--_easement in the land ne_ c_essary. ----- for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 6, Hoyt's Rearrangement, Block 3, H. Fl. Hanson's Addition and Blocs: 2, H. Jurgense�'s Addition from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, In $he matter of eonde'mnln&sand tak ing,;;An eseaplen8.in the iaad: neaea- ary:fgt sYgpea cut@ and'91U in the grading, oL a11eT'.in Bioolc"B;r Hoyta son "'7 a, a Y.33; J9r �nhrsaka ; under Preliminary Order ....... _... 82.W.7. aPProved.. Oct . _ 3 192 Intermediary Order...-_... 83234 - approved.._.4Q.t...._3Q.a...� 929----• The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taldng of the land or easements jberein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before t e Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Connumsioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of 8t. Paul on the...... -.-8111........- day ot._......... 1T.htT1U9X,Y...... _._.... 19.3.Q.--, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. IM Adopted by the Council. ........DEC 1.. r �4-- ................ .... .. .............. City Clerk. Approved------- ............................................ 19 ..... .... ......................--. ................................................ Mayor. Ge„ -may a_ Councilman Ferguson PLJIiS-ISIS Councilman Rohland Councilman 39mtxk Pearce Mayor Hodgson ---------------------- 4 Resolution of Council Fixing Time of -Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of......_con. demning-_and taking an easement in the land necessary ........--•---.__................ ..........-----...... for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 18, Jackson and Bidwell's Addition and David's Rearrangement from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St., r 6IDetlLU170S tl4x CUbRCtl. F1SII:O,'.: p :: T!>I� tlF-H�ASIINtl.In CORtlIDIlAM '. ni.'r+oer Fatlows�nrtle �. 2 r nlr�e and fak "; � Yr } •�s, d-nec�eFo f under Preliminary Order _...,-..... $_8 _3-....., 'approved Oct 1,1929 83238 2 .4 . --•---._'.....__-----..-.._, Intermediary Order ............ ... .._....., approved________ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Comgrissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_____8th d'ay af___ __January -, 19.30, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. nr Adopted by the Council-.... DEC-1Ilk-•10 ---- ------- -------------------- 19 - -- v g 1 City Clerk. Approved.—J......... ................ _„ 19........ ---••.............._-----...........-. --..... ........ _........................ Mayor. Councilman Ferguson pL1BLISIiED� --"""r ounc�lman Rohlaud r Councilman Wood Pearce Mayor Hodgson BY.YY OF WIITM LEONARD N. THOMPSON. O[N[�[L SY.[.IMT[x.[NT[ [NOIN[tn BMuu o[ MYNICIIAL TM H. CH L11toMTeMu VICTOR ROENRICH, Dltmron B.T.0O.-LIONTIN. X. C. STRETCH. Bun[MN...... Ct,y of 68int vaut awartt"ut,of Public 11tilittes OTTO W, ROHLAND, in.. Ccxxwl... SDWARD C. PIMNSCHUCK, 0.. c--._ BYNUY of Ixvnn.[nox EDWIN R. BAKER. Ur,unr[AOcou..., Bu.uu of Pu[Ue Mpn[n. CTTO P. ANACKER. M....T MMT[[ ST. PAUL A__ - FRANCIS J. QEND. ALPO MI .. December 9, 1929. Mr. Eugene O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. OeMeill: Undly refer to the attached correspondence with reference to $1043.00 due the Northern States Contract- ing. Company covering rental of crane at the Barge Terminal, April to to May 19, 1928. If you concur, it would be appreciated if you would draw up a Resolution in line with Mr._$eott}_e letxorr_- next attached, and forward to me with return of the attached papers. Your early attention so that the matter may be settled out of this yeares budget will be appreciated. Very truly yours, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES poRToPsAW AUL Gateway to the oreat NorthweEt 7 7 WnJJAM P. SCOTT, . COYPTROLLlR J.ORINDIILL.-f RwTT oormrouaR lj•kl ,I[,� OFFICE OF SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA December 3,. 1929. Otto W. Rohland, Yr., Esq., Commissioner of Public Utilities. FRED B. WILSON. CNWACCOU TAN' R. R. RYAN. bMD COM1TImIT . Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of December 2nd, it would appear that the proper procedure to follow in this matter would be to introduce a resolution in the Council stating Bpe- cifically that this money is to be paid from Account 21D2, Docks, Wharves and Levees; and that this Account is to be charged, -rather than credited, with the payment. After the authority -contained- 131said. re'eolution has been granted by the Council, a requisition or miscellaneous claim may be prepared by your Department,and routed through regular channels for pay- ment to the Northern States Contracting Company. Attached papers forwarded to this department are returned herewith. Very truly yours, Wm. F. Sco t, City Comptro}lsr. NORTHERN STATES CONTRACTING. CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 912 ENDICOTT BUILDING - Lao BRxISH, iM... ST. PAIIL, MINN. FR"GIB D.BRTLan, Vi -P-- November 30, 1929. PIRRcR BUTLER. JR., 8..,-T..... Honorable Otto Rohland, Department of Public Utilities, 25 East 5th Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: - During the early part of 1928, the Northern States Contracting Company rented a'Steam Locomotive Crane to the Inland Water -Ways Corporation for the purpose of unloading sisal and other freight at the Municipal Barge Terminal. On presenting a bill to Mr. J. C. Goodsell, superintendent of the Inland Water -Ways Corporation, for these services, were informed that because of an operating agreement between the city and the Water -Ways Cm poration, the city of Saint Paul was required to furnish a Crane, and consequently was responsible for the rental charge. To settle the matter, a resolution, C. F.79419, was adopted by the Council on January 31st, 1929, authorizing, -the-_cit-y to credit the Inland Water -ways Corporation with 1,043.00 - the amount due us for Crane rental, this amount to be paid the Northern States Contracting Company for this service. We are attaching hereto a copy of the Council Reso- lution so passed. As yet no payment has been made. Inasmuch as this matter comes under the jurisdiction of your department, we ask that you investigate it and advise us at your earliest convenience as to the present status of the matter. The bill has run for about eighteen months and we would like to have it settled if possible without further delay. Yours truly, NORTHERN STATES CONTRACTING CO. By GMS:L res en . C 0 P Y C.F.No. 79419 - By J. H. McDonald - Whereas, In the operation of the Municipal Barge Terminal, it was necessary to have the use of a locomotive crane, and Whereas, there were no funds avail- able for the City to purchase a crane, and Whereas, J. C. Goodsell, General Superintendent of the Inland Water- ways Corporation, arranged for the rental of a crane from the Northern States Contracting Company, and be- cause under the terms of the operating agreement between the City and the Inland Waterways Corporation the _City_ --fsrequ red to furnish a crane, be it therefore Resolved, That the Inland Waterways Corporation be credited with $1,043.00 on amounts that are or may become owing to the City for use of barge terminal, said $ 1,043.00 being the amount of rental for 298 hours' use of Northern States Contracting Company's crane between April 10, 1928 and May 19, 1928, Adopted by the Council Jan. 31, 1929. Approved Jan. 31, 1929. -1929) (Feb. 2 J v aeNeuL ro o1rY Cla1R : - _ •.. COUNCIL • u; CITY OF ST.. PAUL wlLK NO. — OFF ITY."CLERK iON—GENERA FORM PRESENTED BYzz COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED: .That the proper cit officers be and they are her&y authorized to enter into an agreement with Frank J. Donovan providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $19.17 per Week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education, on the 5th day of November 1929; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance With said agree- ment, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Frank J. Donovan the sum of $54.38, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in Sinal settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and in- cluding November 30, 1989. t -Ah �-4A, Aar�0.ts 0*lay� 4F�aiieq �to .rmSeF"4lntR a dkiepi4e>�E'l�.i"t`+�Ic �— r T �dpo'Yaq Dr�2dlag fob th5 Daytaea{. r aotaogiyeaeatlgn po lythe re1k6'at 31914 pehµsygek duNa� each' uieae " ne uhal4bgtbetelgg4lesp�Ye ueaeoa of-: 44a�leAs°°___r��ee`'ppp�l�ed d�;Elp���x"�thAth "'SkN/h�egt� ��IDY!'ga r k` �oISYe v ifprt �1 to �"� , i ia;A �a ratlp' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council DEC 1 Ferguson MuDomm- J—'In favor A Rohland� 8nd%e&et----=—Against MAYOR Mr. President Hodgson c-ff4c'L NO. -L7 CITY OF ST. PAUL nls OFFICE OF :CITY 'CLERIC NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MNTHp IESIOe„ —A -1; December 11 1929 QOMMNE _ RESOLVE6 That upon the reoommendation of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings the sernioes_of th4WOtto P. Benz ten -piece band and the Fred Jost ten -piece band for the furnishing of band music at Como Park and other parks and skating rinks during the winter season are hereby authorized upon the following basis: The arrangement with each of the aforesaid bands is on a per concert basis, each of two hourst duration, at the rate of $3.50 per man for nine men and $4.50 for the leader, being $36.00 per perform- ance. Same to be charged to the Entertainment item of the Park Fund. -Poolroom is 1000 feet from school *19 December 12, 1929 Moses Zimmerman 1941 University Ave. Auctioneer - live stock Joe Biglow 452 Jackson St. Butcher " Carl 0. Johnson, 1182 Aroade St. Jacob Reitz, 712 S. Smith Av. " Theo. E. Boettcher, 676 Winslow Avw, Grocery Mrs. H. Briggs, 799 Lafond St. Sol Cohen, 115 S. Wabasha St, n M. Cooperman, 171 E. Robie St. The Emporium, 139 E. 7th St. John Esslinger, 1948 University Av. Confectionery F. Gundlach, 383 University Av. Bakery S. S. Kresge Co. 57 E. 7th it. Confectionery 0. Lofroth, 1193 Payne Av. Bakery Thos. Mitchell, 590 11. Snelling Av. Grocery Mrs. G. Mueller, 1459 Jefferson Av. Louis Yasch, 642 Stryker Av. " " 3. Palermo Co. 316 Rice St. Jacob Reitz, 712 S. Smith Av. Short Short d; Ledy, 159 E. 4th St. Confectionery Wm. Skoog, 951 White Bear Av. Grocery L; G. Smith, 358 R. Exchange St. Confectionery J. C. Zalesky, 661 Western Av. Bakery Crescent Oil Co. 177 S. Robert St. Gasoline station Hancock Oil Co. 93 S. Robert St. it " Patrick Copses, 142 W. 7th St. Restaurant Joe Krollmaier, 1150 E. 7th St. " Mayrer dr Berms -- --�$9 R� Cleveland Av.- " _- - ------- --_-Reilly Reilly& Brennan, 449 B. Snelling Av. " Henry J. Weise Adm 0. Larson Est. 2023. 7th St. " W. F. SmitIT Tire k Battery Corp. 70 W. 4th St. gil burning device " " Woolery Machine Co. Inc. 2919 Como Av. Mple John Esslinger, 1948 University Av. 3 pool tables- -Poolroom is 1000 feet from school —uN .wwc» arr um CITY OF sr. PAUL n i� NO. mV OFFICE OF CITY CLERK UN IL R 1 GEN FORM eleESENreer ow D3 December 12, 1929' COMM19el .ER ERM On October 28, 1929, Lillian Christ made application for im a grocery license at 108 Mount Airy Street, and WHEREAS, said applicant withdrew said application; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to Lillian Christ the license Yee of ;10.00 and cancel said grocery license appliostion. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Came11—eri-19— AE0 13 ,.www >e am caaa CITY OF ST..PAUL'luurw�a No. 8373 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RES 1 Ji�ON a GENERAL FORM MtBBffZ ID SY / q COMM�IONE DATR December 12, 1929 WHEREAS, on November 1, 1929, Gus Psakis made application for a restaurant license at 4911 Wabash& St. -and WHSIMAS, said license is recommended denied by the Bureau of Polipe, therefore, be it RBSOLVED, that the -proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to refund to said Gus Psakis the license fee of $10.00 and cancel said restaurant license application. $77 ttt' c 4' e - -°-aPAllcggatlyuyprlp�F,.s je4'na __ �'JtiVLee deae„§t`1`Il Imehe4 denied 4Y'44iieequ eft Boli o theretore,rbe !ceiae 64b°we4�ba�-theSf*bper-i:it3,wot[G£-' That the following licenses be revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police: Ali Haddad, 189J 8. Eighth St. Hotel License08, expiring dune 1, 1930 (Waddell Hotel A. Rieth, 384 Jackson St. Hotel License #807, expiring May 280 1930 (Ramsey Hotel) Maria Zeror, 4661, St. Peter St. Hotel #633, expiring October 1, 1930 (Bradford Hotel) G. M. Sadrie, 268-260 R. Sixth St. Hotel License #662, expiring December 16, 1929 (Globe Hotel) Wm. H. Haraty, 323 Wabash& St. Hotel License #733, expiring January 24, 1930 (Commerce Hotel) Adoptcd by the Cowc9KC 121929 12 1929 ` COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I C ESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE' Deo. 122 1929 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED 5 ^ That the grade of Pasoal Avenue from Carroll Avenue to Roblyn Avenues in a000rdanoe with the red grade line on the e000mpanying profile and as reoommended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. t`J� N9 r'8II78II By OttatWlio�latld iteaukaea 3'6al th$66, e°a Pa.aat AY@uub. 6m G poll Av�npg„(o Boblytl Avenhe` }q sIIrdenoetyity,ctha red �I I eta and ea }santwtmT. U he Cptn mtaffionei„"bp Lrlkq��p4k,�C ndeYE. sam@. fe'+1tst"'.�Sapgtod> COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson In favor Rohland 0 Srjhejmop.. Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council_+`+ 12 )bA4 19— Approved 12 —19— MAYOR CITY OF ST: PAUL na�o. NO.—SI-734 e' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK U CI RESOLD N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED eY - - December 10}929 COMMISSIONER— DATE RESOLVED that the Northern States Power 00mpany be given permission to set 1-35 ft. pole on Dieter St. �, of Seller St.l with neosssary guys, wires, anchors and Telephone wires. Estimate #96+1. k OR --0' 9 i%ASIeetBS' Attb vR'#` ' iets'fa �`q"Nr.6i'1Go° �ee a Ott," Y"be.g1V. a at�tes 1�aB,.tkr +�,'i1r+L19d1an < $d11Q*Gg tvltn�a�t� nlet�i< 8 u4a°'� enOhoce �iCht�TeleiFije �� [�e� �� J COUNCILMEN - 12 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Cmid 19—' B � X12 i Tn favor _ Ap Rohland ---Q—Agiil'st MAYOR MC. Pnddwtt, Hodgeonl u.» arr euwK CIT OFFICE PI1E+36NTED�-SY ,�� 1�/l Ol ° �i That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set 2-40 ft. poles on the North side of Charles West of Carleton, with,neoessarq Me, wires, anchors and Telephone wires. Estimate #10,399. ' to tl. R—�'Q":L D9 etl dh �1 iTm't tlNdQq .,c,....... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO._. -9 6 OFFICE OFCITYCLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Deoember 11, 1929 PRESENTEDBY DATE' COMMISSIONER RESOLVED R Tn the matter of grading, sodding and tree planting the widened portion of Concord Street from 124 feet northwest of Ourtioe Street to Annapolis Street. RESOLVED, That the plans, Specifications and esti- mated quantities of said improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and RESOLVED FURTHER, That t46,Uproper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. g:J9X13 SY � n§ �n \l Jf gest�3S x�,SilA�vl., 1t�e,,9,# �P ' i [ n� 1 et ss y�andbz +rl$ht C 4 oFB�i° D y 1I' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fen �' ���., �f In favor Rohland O 9edfielmer Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council DEC 12 W9 Appr If MAYOR iAk RESOLVED CITTWOF"ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK FORM COUNCIL . i NO. 83 B tD In the matter of grading Alley in Block 36, St. Anthony Park North from Raymond Avenue to Chelmsford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82379, approved August 22, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 83071, approved Oct. 22, 1929. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter disoontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fergusone MoUtnalQ'Y In favor Rohland Q 9edheimer Against weeEel• Mr. President Hodgson •DEC 12 Adopted by the Council 19 Appro 19— MAYOR r.;r.•' Petition ��'JJA Council File No... ------81021740 =OR IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL and PRELIMINARY: ORDER. Th and ed hereb pro the > I g of �gh follopiag pubah improvem�t bj tj( City of St. a IIe Changng °e-gradb� off° tie can aiQe o sca Ave . ro a Hort QL--CWxx'Ou:.gve-.---sest---ta the---aoutJL-.IinoQonfarm- to ths�rea line -on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof. ttLe--preseat a talrl18h-G grade Voing"-shown br-w-r].ne---1tne thereon; also' Ave. Pascal dve.tothe westline ofAuditors--.- _ gradivRohlYyn - " " Ro-""."--- - - - -----....---- ------------ --------------------------- Dated this - 11th.day of ............-DeOgm-- 92 ------------ 192 Counc an. vLhereae A wilt(ea povoeai for Ike ?RELIMINARY ORDER. making oL t!!e lonowigg lmyl'ovameat. G ` �Cs�rfol 4%3§1 vnair� ot'4 i���_ R g of the following improvement, vis.: 4 )IS 1' of Pascal Av Srom iDe nortD nae oT Vis. -off. P$sAe AqS.• from..tk�e.-xiarC�.:�.ino.- of aftalno of Roblynh,Avo..�set to `the scut liAve. West, to conform to #fie aye& �t on the" pPofi3c - tato •-a#b&ehed and made a gam he -roof -V the present setablished`grado be ng shown by a blue line thereon, also graixing,ItUM gve. fPbm Pascal ve. t"o""-tlie west Line of"guditorra Snbsisioia $o, _2Ta --- --- havaig been Freeented,to'the Council of the Cit f St. Paul------- ---------..........._------...--- - ---- Y therefore, bait RI! 40I VED, That`the Commissioner of Pub •c Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1:. Tc investigate -the necessity=for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ted cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. To, fur'nlsh a Fes, Profile or sketch of saic improvement. 4: To state whether or noti•said improvemen is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. i To report upon all of the foregoing ma the Commissioner of Finance. DEC ti Adopted by the Council. ------------------------------------ ------- ,------------- -------- YeAs NAYS • -i Councilman 6rIxelswas Fasaoeox !Approved ...._....._------ —Il�- ....... _... iKeSt!lrrdLfl � , &6cnwee+ _- _.......... ........7`............. .------ �erssar. 1�- 1 Ma: PRESIDENT Maqor. F«m c A.ta tsar zaal IIIBLISM'D f Council File No... -.841 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r/ and PRELIM7ARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o6he following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ..............�eoRa4_141 -Ana-_baking--aR-----414R9ffi�ntf.-Ig._the-.. aad---#Ieoesear _for-------------- ------------------•--...._--------- - Dated this. -..---day of--------------------Da�emb .] ----------•--•------, 192------• - - ---- ------ -- .................. ---- b. Council ]NARYORDER. im-rondeYhning and faicfag'art eaeeme¢t+; - d- ' and ¢eceaeary-to15;atopee, cute.; , WHERE�A wntfprce fc=Er aontyn=< g of the following improvement, viz.: fiQA�1 X16 -$x1� JBB._Axt:.:A 91AAll_-� xl.. t�Q--.75�-.1L4-Q4iRRe43`Y PQ -f'--------- - -_..------819�il9t lt�e@ fltB��l 116,_ilL�Ahs.8raidat- t RQ!01.V-..A-Y-Q:i�-_YF w---------- Q!! AY4319�-rj t9A.k* VBA# �-txtq..Qf---.AlialUr.1-4 Bolt having been prep_ ented to the Council of the City o St. Paul ....-------- -----............... -........................... -............... _.... ----- therefore, be it " RESOT VED, That the Commissioner of Pubis Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eat Iluasted cost of.said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish plan,, profile -.or sketch of a d : improvement. s 4. To state whether or hot Said improvemen is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matte to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ......... _.... ....... YEAS NAYS Councilmarc6urRep FE$ausox Approved .................... -------- _---------------- 0 ....... ..••..... ....... ............... ....................... Ma PRESIDENT Mayor. F«m o A ra tzM 2-29) PIIBLISHEHI i N IL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 7F V APMPTRO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE 1 LLER FILE NO - Z NCIL. co R"LUTION ��,RGUSOt4 �IN FAVORmmm"ftzAUDITED CLAIMS ROHLAND GA..- .".-L .ATT.AT......CTKr....!M�THE .,-TR-'UR', ,.E A.f REG . AMOUNT . OF 00--. COVERING CHECKS N;SERED---,jWf —T INCLUSIVE. AS F Y THE ADOPTED BV I -- — -------- — — PER CHEC 0 'L WCE AWA COMPTROLLER. APPROV - - __— ---------- CITY COMPTIIOLLCR MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER BY BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD -M6 'A 791 • 22136 mea I, obst 0 ty Tr aeuri r 81 1 2213 Elea X. Obe' Tread r Elea 14 Obst: so ty : 22131 t, Oo ty T.re:suul"rlll r 9748 22IL9 Dorr Thomas 1 720 6 2 Iraq Oarollue Bal 2 0 2w, 1* The Oakes OompanY 34 po I 22142 11 Mrs. A. 1. WUU4 11 1 C. 837 83742 Resolved the , Thet eh -k3' 73744, 1371" amount[ Of the drawn on 1 numbere pecks ell `tdoDted APAlOv 29. e Dec.1 t o4 -1 u ell De,- 12, 1929. I ec. 4- 29) SHEET TOTAL—FO�RWARD rORM NO. A.11-2111. T i. al d i. al DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY 'IOS NMAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICEOF PTROLLER F ---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION FERGUSON _IN FAVOR ROHLAN`DD ` U AUDITED CLAIMS , ----- ew08mbsr � i 29^_ SH9MlMKR AGAINST — ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR WN ON TH CITY TREASURY. MTENZEL _ n MR. PRES.. HODGSON 1` TO THE AGGREG/1�E AMOUNT OF 5--�t7 '�--. COVERING w CHECKS NUMBEeTCD€ TO_____��.INCLUSIVE. AS R. ADOPTED BY TH 1_--- PER CHECKS ON IFIL 1 F ICE OF THE COMPTROLLER. CHECKii IN FAVOR NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD j 2214 Ad Sips, Ino. 22144 gn Air Reduction Sala Company 22149 American Book Oomisny 221 Ameploom MOO980019#04 2?347 A ill0"a Weall ply Gomp621 2814!1 Ai !tib -008t8 n Rt 99006 Co. 2449 kitoiftire 9e;vlo Company 22150 Bid Bef'Yater Mnlg Company 22151 J.y. Yailey Uurse on 22152John Beissel Comp y 2215a S. Berglund Lumbe Company O.C. Birchard A Company 221556 Boeringer s Son Borchert—Ingersoll, Ino, 22157 H.Q_, Boyeson do"y 22158 Brings & Company 299 Brookings Inetitu ion I bb00 Brooks Brothers L ber Oompai I4 221E1 Brown -Robertson q paay 22162 Burroughs Adding chine 06m] 2216'} Campbell Coal Com any 2216+ Capital Envelope ompany 22165 Capital Tire 6 Ru bar Compani 22166 ft. Murphy A Son 22167 Capitol Auto Top pompany 22168 Central Book Trading Company 22169 Central Garage 22170 Central Garage 22171 I Central Supply Go Any 22172 Oh oago, St„Paul,iYpls• &ORy. 22177�3 Qinoinnati Electrical Tool 04 22174 Citer Digest Oomp4ny 2p7 Charles WI; Olarx, empany Cleland,8ughes Rotor Company 221 oleviland.Publio Library III 0losetite Auto Top Company 22179. Coohraa-Sargent Cgmpany i 22180 John Colander Mfg Company 22181 Commonwealth EleNric 0ompan; 22182 Conoord Steaa'Lty ry Compan; 221# C.H. Congdon 11 arry 22118!44 Choc Photo SaCompany 122185 The rape 0ompo 221 Crez Ce�rpet -0om 22187 Daily News Pub. 0 any 22188Davis Rotor Car C ay X2189 Rdsur Deokor H:ardw a Company 22190 Dsl Auto Radiator Company 22191 Demco Liprary lies 22112 Devoe .4 Rayuuold*, ompany, Ino ' 2219 A.B. Digx Qoitpany 22194 Diepatgh pi ex, a 22195 Distri0 State Bo. ler =inspeol J 22196 The Dat! Norton >1-8• Company 22197 E.P. Dutton and 0 any SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ORM NO. A-13-2 1. 13-38 s ` I TOTAL - DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK . HEC.. CHECKS 13 14 66 71 J9 so 20 133 1662 137 5 11 2 63 63 65 21 614 19 a 18 113 2 18 1 13 15 33 60 424 22 41 14 183 79 70 G 5 i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL C TY ;j&= jn('��6SD COUNCIL VV 8 OFFICE F OLLER FILE NQ.-_-________________________� Y COU CIL RESOLUTION FERGUSON -_IN FAVOR M" AUD$TED CLAIMS--�Qflsmbsx 11— --19— ROHLAND 100 0 47 078 9 M3p_-AGAINST THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 'ON'THE CITY TREASURY. VrE, ZZRESOLVED, MR. PRES.. HODGSO TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF l86r—. COVERING 1WP n CHECKS NUMBERED---_TO'—r-' INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BV ---,VO ----:--------- PER CHECKS ON FILE F C F COMPTROLLER. APPROV --_ --- ---i ITY MOLLER Children of A. Wohens ' � ' T.OTAL DArE CH CK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED Y TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NUMBER BY BANK 6 CHECKS CHECKS 22204 I BROUGHT FORWARD V ( 06 3811697 V O 0 4lIj Andrew Jandell Clement F. Soulle* Equip. Co 100 0 47 078 9 • 22198 22199 22200 John Heihart 2 1 22204 Henry J. Orepeau,'Guardian f Children of A. Wohens 63 6 22202 Oeo.O.Sudheimer, omlz. o! F 43 2220'f Eastman Kodak Sto ee Companyi 6 22204 Elk Laundry Comp y 1 6 9 22205 Thos. J. Eugel We ding d Mfg orks 1+1 0 22202 S.E. Eriokson Com any, Inc. 4 22207 Farwell, Osmun, K rk A Oom�a 35 6 22202098 b1 w 167 6 N 19 3 22210 N r N N II 218 1 22211 F, W, Faxon Company !I 30 is 22212 Paul W. Feist Con any 41 1 22213 Finoh, Van'Slyck MoConvill 7 5 22214 22818 Frey 6 Frey Chas. Friend &So> '� ! 13099 22212 Emil Freisels 60 0 22217 ;i Garrison Brooks Company 2 5 II 22218 General Eleotrio upply Corgi 145 8 22219 General Motors Tr 4ok Company I 48 3 22220 Genotator Speolalgy Company 50 2 22221 German Book Importing Compare 20 1 22222 Ginn 6 Company 6 222 F. T. Glass000k 5 1 2229 Golden Rule 5 22225 Goodepeed's Book Shop 11 4 22222 2222 Graybar Electric Company Great Lakes Coal Doak Comp y 5 0 22 Great lorthern El atria App o. 63 40 0 222 00991110 Cooper & ompany, 39 6 22230 Gru or Auto Eleot io CoBpaay;I 112 5 22231 Hea000k oil Company 168 2 22232 Harrison Paint & GI emioal coo 22233 Haskins. Brothers 4 Company 2 05 22234 Horsy Mfg. Company 8 8 Iron Works 117 5 2223 , tHereog .0. Hissong • 22237 I.T. Hansa Printing Company 10 0 133 7 22231 H H. Huntting Company I 22239 Illustrated Ourze>�� hews I 8 22240 Inter City Paper Company 20 1 22241 Irvine Brass &.Coplper Oompan 14 9 22242 Jameson, Hevener Company 100 22243. H. Martin.Johnson 18 0 22244 L.W. Jordan Company 61 3 22245 22p2g4�6 Journal of Prevent!iPe Medici Joy Brothers MotorOar Compa 5 lg 2 22247 Kalman Steel Company 22248 Kellogg..MaoYay Com y 41 9 22249 %euS/si tl Eseer Q Pany II Q 26 0 22250 LaOrosse Floral pany 226 22251 Laidlaw Brothers 30 25 22252 Lambert-Simpeon, Xillis, Inc.,, i ,'!— SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD T?, _.. -- _ r -J. I i i 1 !' is DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL G TY OF PAUL - COUNCIL � OFFICE F MPTROLLER FILE NO ------ ___ � -s'l' �_-IN COU CIL RESOLUTION FERGUSON FAVOR o° AUDITED CLAIMS ----- --nanembs�-1� --79 �9 R'" Hu" Mli� CH -_AG RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN THE CITY TREASURY. SCSI ML MR. PRES.. HODGSON [ON� TO THE AGGREG "E AMOUNT OF S�v7�*--• COVER.ING- ���Q�!]{�� �Y--wa----------- CHECKS NUMBE D_- TT -TO-- INCLUSIVE. AS 'O COMPTRO LLER. ADOPTED BY THE U PER CHECKS ON ILE ICE O APPROVED - -I9-- -- - - - --- - TY COMPTROLLER MAYOR l -- -- -- -- - TOTAL DATE CHECKIN FAVOR OF I RETURNED V NUMBER CI TRANSFER ^u DISBURSEMENT BY SANK I I CHECKS - y CHECKS FORWARD 2225 �I A. Guthrie 8 Company, Inc. 22254 �� Thornton BrotherellCompany 22255 li Eugene ringer , 22256 James F. 8ein, Cohier 22257 Geo#G*Sudheimer, Com'r. of F 22258 Martin O'Donnell j 22259 L. B. Sault 22266 Miss Hell F. Matt ing 22261 E.J. Murnans, Chi f of Polio 22262 S. Berglund Lumber Company 22263 Braunig & Sons Haling Oompan 22264 Carrier Ice 6•Fue Company 22268 Coca Cola Bottlin Company, 22262 Herman Huebsoher 22267 The Speakes Compa>dly li 22268 McClain & Redman ttjjompany 22269 MoCiellan Papermpsay 22270 McGraw-Hill B000ka ompany 22271 The MacMillan 0 any 22272 C.6 E. Marshall OgzPany 22273 John Martin LumberCompany 22274 Melqdy Paper OOmpy 22275 Merrill, Greer & Ihapman 22276Michigan B1,0104001 Supply 0 22277 I Miller 6 Tarras 22278 Minnesota Envelope Company j 22279 Minnesota Fence W rks 22280 Minnesota Milk Go pany 22281 Minnesota Mining Mfg. 0021:22282 Minnesota Hews .O pang 22283 Minnesota Hews Company 222814 Monroe Cal"ouls#]* Maoh.Co.I 22299� F.J. Morse and O pany 222x6 Motor Power Equipment Compem 22A87 Munson Supply Company 22288 Nassau Paper COMPO MY ii National Battery Company 22290 National Bushing & Parts 00. j 2229 Netional Hdaoatioo Assoolati 2229 National Meter Company 2229 National Playgrounds 6 Reo, Association of Am rioa j 22294 National Waterway 22298 NicoU, Dean 6 Gr gg 22292 Nicola, Dean 8 (ir gg 22297 Northers States P wer Oompea 22298 Northern States P war Compan 22099 Northern States Power Compan 22300 N.W. Copper & Brass Works j 22301 N.W. Stamp Works,, Inc. 22302 W.S. Nott Company' 22303 J.E. Olen Company, 22304 Osgood -Blodgett Cgmpany 22305 Owens Motor Sales Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I Ro a -z; w u -z. i� 02 614 1 141 8 3 911 0 5 909 5 11 0 184 52 0 14 0 15 86 1 o63 6 $97 32 8 18 0 15 158 351 1 5 1 4 5 8 1130 is 2 2S 17 21 5 3 13 0 35 6 4P 0 116 6 106 2 289 5 9 274 4 17 0 12 12 8 85 0 21 2 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK ICEC;7 PAUL COUNCIL OFF OMPTROLLER FILE No.--, F��COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL Ct%fty COUNCIL RESOLUTION FERGUSON _�L.N FAVOR i %wagn"M AUDITED CLAIMS ROHLAND i -LAGAI NET RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN 0k THE CITY TREASURY. ==,p -wi Or MR. PRES.. HODGS TO THE AGGREGATE AM Jg--7QX COVERING F S:T UE -C 12 ib;a CHECKS NUMBERED 0 INCLUSIVE. AS ;.i]4 M-eff COMPTROLLER. CHECKS 0 0 F ADOPTED BY PER CK 0 FICE Oil APPR CI �OMOLLiR It TOTAL DATE C ECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 04 710M • !!! 22306 Fielding & SbePle Inc. 781 0 2230 piter Alexandera �roduots a 22301 Polaris Conove 00J 'Company a 22309 Giliitts'Publlshi 1 12 40 22310 Lampliftil Lumber C.#pany l 22,311 Lawyers CO-OP- Pub. Company 7 0 22312 Lelilld--T-� L61W 20 0 2231 LewisInstitute22 223141 108 r 2231 L*L At Plroduotq Company I II 22312 L6 an@' Green &Vompauy a 22317 Lyle , ,Ai9n8,,In0'* 23 5 29318 Jobn.R,. NoDonalds.O.P.W. 0 451 30 22319 john % licDonald, C*P#We 1 3 99 71 22320 Sts er, Guardi= afor Dorothy ' L... 9 egner i. 1 1 24 22321 Dt0'bdld,'Safe & Lo k Company 1 5 22322 zlictrical world ' 223 Northern StateSIP or Compan) 21 260II oil &:Refin 11 White *Wle w pang any ii 383 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD n. NO. A-12.2 IM 12... rwu ,o mtr unu CITY OF ST. PAULIL IVO.�7=v' OFFICE OF CITY. CLERK IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM //�� in COMMISSIONER l� REsOLvED, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized > to purchase, with the.consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 3905 cu. yds. more or less, of dirt for the Como Golf Course, at a price of 209� per cu. yd. making the total cost approximately $781.00 without advertisement or competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Parke Bond Issue 402. CITYNC PAUL VWX NO. OFFICE: C 9L FFIK L RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM ..COMM SSIONER DATA RESOLVED: That the proper 41ty off cera be and they are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute a joint lease with the County of Ramsey for offices known as #914-921 inclusive, in the Guardian Building, in the City of St.Paul, beginning on the first day of December 1929 and ending on the 30th day of November 1931, at an annual rerItal of $3300.00, said lease to be in form approved by the Corporation Counsel and the County Attorney of Ramsey County. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays McDonald In favor Robland sodb i"es _Against sir. 1'i4 �' .�s.'i+'.Kr2naoD Adopted by the Council DEC 16 192 19 / MAYOR i f� r GEO. J. RIES COUNTY AUDrrOE EDWARD PETERSON ' Dans AUOrtaw wit OPPTGE OP 9AINTNYA ao�rw. December 10, 1929. To the Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am submitting herewith three copies of lease of the Guardian Building Corporation with the County of Ramsey and the City of St. Paul jointly, covering the rental of offices for the County Surveyor's Department, being Rooms 914 to 921, inclusive, Guardian Building, at an annual rental of $3,300.00, for a period of two years, ending Rovember 30, 1931, with a sixty day terminating clause. This lease was entered into by the Joint Court Homes and City Hall Committee on behalf of the City and County, and was approved by the County Board at its session held December 2nd. Will you kindly, approve the lease and return one copy to Val. J. Rothschild, Manager, 607 Guardian Bailding, for their files and one copy to this office for oar files. Your early attention will oblige Yours truly, Geo. J. Ries, County Auditor. By Deputy. �a� awiu� ie arr oaar CITYOF., P,ATIii. Ir X ,NO. idly '• OFFICE OF CITY CLERK LOTION_ ,GENERAL FORM PRESE MMNISSITEONERD eY DAT CO RESOLVED? That the.prope City fficers be and they; are hereb authorized and directed to enter into and execute a joint lease with the County of Ramsey for offices known as #801- 806 inclusive, in the Commerce Building in the City of St. Paul, beginning the first day of January 1930, and ending on the 31st day of December 1931, at an annual rental of $8160.00, said lease to be in form approved by the Corporation Counsel and the County Attorney of Ramsey County. C. W. 8IRDSAL.L. �f y,� � NAR `t Paul r CRY =K AND HIV Ol@eK-CITY CLERK ' OMMISSIONOF RCOI6 TION CRR CLARENCE A. STORMS L � u a! CHIEF CLERK-RFAIR ATION pl � �'' YG December 11th, 1929. Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; We attach herewith letter from the County Auditor together with three copies of lease of the R. Bretz Realty Company with the County of Ramsey and City of St. Paul jointly, covering the rental of of- fices for the,Civil Service Department, being Rooms 201 to 206, Commerce Building; also copies of lease covering the rental of offices for the County Surveyor's Department, at an annual rental of $3,300.00, at Rooms 914 to 921 inclueive Guardian Building. The above matters were referred to you for the proper resolutions. Yours very truly, City Cleric. BA7NT PAVE, December 10, 1929. To the Honorable Members of the City Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Miflnesota. Gentlemen: I am submitting herewith three copies of lease of the H. Bretz Realty Company with the County of Ramsey and the City of St. Paul jointly, covering the rental of offices for the Civil Service Department, being Rooms 201 to 206, Commerce Building, at an annual rental of $2,160.00, for a period of two years ending December 31, 1951, with a sixty day terminating clause. This lease was entered into by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee on behalf of the City and County, and was approved by the County Board at its session held December 2nd. Will you kindly approve the lease and return one copy to the H. Kretz Realty Company for their files, and one copy to this office for our files. Your early attention will oblige Yours truly, Geo. J. Ries, County Auditor. By Dep y. COUNCILMEN DEC 16 1929 Yeas Naya Adopted by the Cmmdl ` �9— Iwo EC 16 to McDonald In favor Approve _-19— Robland .sudh mw. AgafnaL MAYOR �dR.vfoe Prea,k'etaneo. _. n December 11th, 1929. Mr. E. M. 0 (Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; The attached application of transfer Of gasoline pump license from Albert Jeske to Walter $lawitter, at Hemline and Larpenteur Avenues was referred to you today, for the proper resolution. The above license expires September 14th, 1930 and is No. 1226. Yours very tri { NARCHIW JY� C K{,TT CLERK emuof (4{1y (perk (perk CLARFNCK A. STORMS 1 �F'l �D CHIS CUMK.RMWRAT1CR December 11th, 1929. Mr. E. M. 0 (Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir; The attached application of transfer Of gasoline pump license from Albert Jeske to Walter $lawitter, at Hemline and Larpenteur Avenues was referred to you today, for the proper resolution. The above license expires September 14th, 1930 and is No. 1226. Yours very tri City Clerk, City of St.Paul, Courthouse Dear Sirs I, Albert Jeske, located at Hemline & Iarpenter Avenues, St. Paul, wish to transfer nW gasoline pump license to Walter Klawitter, at gwline & Carpenter AvenUea, St. Paul. C, a, IL'I", - yYl 714/36 C73� SW mow. (0 $ac O q v�j C, a, IL'I", - yYl 714/36 " R COUNCIL FILE NO--------------------- --------- ------- In the Matter of_ - constructing curbing on -Wheeler Avenue, both sides,_ �_ ----- from West hlinnehaha Street to Hewitt Avenues . ell>r amide R eR Sapltt, . ,. Wt under hmmary Order;_82197 _____________approvedAugust 8, 1929_—_--� Intermediary Order — "PProved _----- A public hearing having "been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, sad the Council having heard ;all persona,. objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same therefore,;be it.t�,r K 1tESOLVEI), By the Council of the City of St. Paul thatihe PiPeeiseawtimereate prnvement�be made_by the said 'ty is__Construe_ curbing on Wheels Avenue both sidAs, from "Nest M nehaha Strut Hewitt Avenu • be grad do W= We bmbY annulled, and rescinded elllti r prwm0p is mid matter be dimon ' . And the until hereby orders said imp vement to 1) made. lESO D FURTHER, That the Co ssioner of public s be and is hereby instru d and directed tope are plans and specifications said improvement, a submit same to the Gounc for approval;.that n n said approval, the proper ei officials are hereby a orized and directed to p ceed.with the ma g of said improvement in ac ante therewith. 1__Jiht 27.191 Adopted by the Counci_.__—_, 192- --- ----------- ------ ----- "s 7 - sZ sift 192--- 1 �,� �0/ - - -- --- — Mayor. Councilman FARP 4o-,, Councilmen M Donal Councilman McDonald Councilman 1pAlix .:jdn / 01— Councilman Sudheimer Councilman AYoqpEbc `Peaaaaa Mayor HndgAene­e4 � Form B. S. A. 8-7 y k a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN'I1iPF FINANCE?. - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In th�t.matterof constructing curbing on both sides of Wheeler Avenue from W. Minnehaha Street to Hewitt"Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 8, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 1323.67 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ .670 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED " VALUATION LAND BUIDINGS (Ex. Alley & Ex. N.100 ft.)10 11 College Place, West 375 3750 Division. North lou ft. of 10 11 do 650 600 (Ex. alley & ex.E. 15 ft.) 11 .11 do 775 3400 Lot 1 & Ex. West 44 ft) ji 2 12 do 1900 3100 West 40 ft of Lot 19, also North 13 ft of the east 20 ft of Lot 19 and north 13 feet of 20 12 do 675 2600 N. 13 ft) the E.20 ft 19 12 do 1250 4250 �Ex. Ex. north 13 ft of) 20 12 TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART14ENT .QF FINANCE,,, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OFrI'N�ANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION (Ex. 5.125 ft.) Lts.18, 19, 20 .5 S. 123 ft. of .20 5 West. 39.70 ft. of N.132 ft.10.6 (Ex. N. 132 ft) Lots 9 and 10 6 and (Ex. N..132 ft.) W.1oft.8 6 North 46.09 ft. a Lots 11 & 12 6 (Ex. West. 46.0 ft.) West 2/3 of 11 6 10 3 (Ex. S. 136 ft.) 11 & 12 3 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) S.'126 ft. 11 3 1 4 1 2 - 1 5 - College Place, West Division. do do do do do do do do do do Papke's Add. do Cookman's Add. do 400 ASSESSED 375 VALUATION LAND BT31LDINGS 650 2350 850 3200 575 3200 525 3150 525 2900 575 3500 400 375 1600 575 3100 375 425 3200 575 4300 400 500 TOTALS 12,950.00 45,000.00_ .GRAND TOTAL 57,950.00, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dates r���� 19,1? Fom B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 1w4 7-29 - le 7777�� `7 St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be ode:: not made., I I ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------- ------- -------- -------------------- ----------------- cnia-�_truat in�EF - -c-ur-bIn -Maeeler- - Av.e.-- _bQn.-L -------- St. Ave. from ---- MQ211 --- 141=9,haba ------------------------- St. Ave. to _._RVKi-t­t ---------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------- St. Ave. ---------------------- LOT NAME ADDITION -7 Ale, k 1. 0 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Oct. 24, 1929 Hon. Bohn H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Wheeler Avenue from W. Vinnehaha Street to Hewitt Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F.-82197, approved August 8, 1929. Estimated Cost 1,323.67 Cost per front foot .67 Inapeotion 25.95 Frontage 1,967 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmis toe ommissioner of Finance Commissioner of Public �(kee A may 10th, 1930. Hon. Geo. C. Sudheimer, Commissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Commissioner: Some time ago .the following orders were laid over to the dates indicated and you were requested to send notices to property owners: opening, widening and extending University .ive. Yom Robert St. to Fourteenth St., also opening, widening and extend- ing Fourteenth St., the northerly line -of said opening being 76 ft. norL of and parallel to the southerly line of Fourteenth St. fr the above described University Ave. Extension to the westerly line of Lafayette ave. Laid over to June 4th; 1930. Paving Pinehurst Avenue from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. Laid over to June 4th. 1930. Condemning and taking for the purpose of a Municipal Barge Terminal, under Preliminary Order 71540. Over to Juane. 5th. 1930• Grading alley in Chute Brothers Division No. 3 from Dale St. to St. 63pans St., also constructing a sewer on the easement to be obtained on the easterly 10 ft. of Lot 11, Chute Brothers Divi- sion no. 3 from the alley in the rear of said lot to the sewer In Thomas St. Laid over to June 10th. 1930. Grading alley in Block 1, Kipp's College Park and Lots 10 to 23, Benedictine Plat 1, from Underwood Avenue to Macalester Avenue. Laid over to June 10th. 1930 - paving Ninth St. from the east line of Cedar St. to Broadway. Laid over to June 11th, 1930: Paving w. Fifth Street from W. Fourth St. to St. Peter Street. Laid over to June 11th, 1930. * w 2 Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk where necessary at the following locations: Ries St., east side, beginning at Cook St., thence south 150 ft., beginning 50 ft. farther south. thence south 30 ft. Rice St., west side, from Oliver St. to Geranium St. Laid over to June 11th, 1930. Reconstructing. relaying and rejairing the sidewalk where necessary at the following locations Atwater St., north side, beginning at Woodbridge St., thence west to Western Avenue. Laid over to Jtme 11th. 1930. Constructing curbing on Wheeler :venue, both sides, from West uinushaha Street to Hewitt Avenue. Laid over to Stine 18th. 1930. Yours very truly. City Clerk. o«A, t 'e-(+.snnri1:--harnhv nrder"-said imnrovement,tD be-nade II , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE rhX w REPORT OF d MMlISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof Grading alley in block 3, St. Anthony Park North from Hendon Airo to Dudley Avei,ue. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 29, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 498 - 44 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 640 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION larm B. R. is LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 .3 St. Anthony Park ASSESSED North 2 3 do 3 3 do 4 3 do 5 3 do 6 3 do 7 3 i do 8 3 do 9 3 do !10,3 do ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BMDINGS 600 .. 5500 _ 650 .. 6100 675 .. 4150 _ 675 550 700 4650 700:! 4000. 700 ,. 6000 B00 ., 3250. 800 . ZOO :. 7.900. ._ TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE » REPORT OF C6yG MIV SIONER OF FINAPi&, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT I LoeK' ADDITION j ASSESSED VALUATION ... �� '11 �3 LAND @t. Anthony Park 700 12-2 LDINGS T North 12 3 do 700 1500 :13 .3 do 700 4100: 1 . 14 ,3 do 700 L300 it 15 3 do 500 8200 �( 16 '3 do 550 100 j- t II r i ' - - TOTALS_ 10,850 00,. 56,700 00- = 1 GRAND TOTAL _ Q7 55 Q The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. to him in Dated',�._�v�--,...,f� b - -`- Form n. n. n Commissioner of Finance. ->-Xz, AIA %? J'e-c e 0 T. 29, le 23 � IVDOIV A VIE AVE I .1 ;A HAROLD J. RIORDAN - CHIEP'CLERK-CITYCLOAK -. CLARENCE A. STORMS 'CHIEF O.JMK-REGISTRATION The attached petition for the grading of alley in Block 3, St. Anthony Park North be- tween Dudley and Hendon, and $ythe and Chelmsford Streets was referred to you, by the Council, for the proper order. Yours very truly, City Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .• OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Nov. 5, 1929 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the Alley in Block 3, St. Anthony Park North from Hendon Avenue to Dudley Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 83210, approved October 29, 1929. Estimated Cost 498.44 Cost per front foot 0.64 Inspection 9.77 Frontage 778 ft. Yours truly, 71-'G Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to he ommissioner of Finance Commissioner of Public orks. r'F,�� x ra - __ �,: Vp ..,-4 �! Qpt7X(L CW TIM WT Ol 8t.. WL,htlhihiiOTt1 �ri#learnt _ ? - ' • •- d - _ s the nnderelpea om►ers of Prop yin $1Ock 3� 8# �athor�y Park hrorlh #1 ,S#. Pml# be a►f#I Tiii�rlseats - �dtioh rilY Dad bP P=OI 77 tl AW 8s if6 sect WOO iia siu mat sr-- aha dw'"' i condemaing and tehcS►is is j -p ealf�sesg ib the 1"de necessary Por, sLpes toe cute said fibs in gradlns 414w, SiI►'1i it W, dc.* io.besdby =,spresont 4a 7ov- 8onorable Body 4bat xs are *Meet t 14 iaDro # tjr4bt reason #bet the sreeits+seat ie:to beiaegni#ably opssad �lstiP tbr.psaposid ytan olx,: aseit�siog thr wbat#iigt-h>tol�lf ats}ese at the rate ol;: peak tco� thy# Kid laptoTs®su# Iw no# negsafi at thr timi "d ei11 da along with:.the cat fe gscat expense to thoN who bav* Wilt, erV i s . allelr vault not be *AN Od; that the 0OAk esp�s#atiun that th# ierel of said 3aa l: of :sai alley Us. -bo" vrevipuO4r at yrsta#D l enss o ar to ra ow eaalr iepronmsnt'of m •alw W**juerear to thb lots located in the scnth bait of Mid blask.;' Te thrrei'ara.a■% #7aa# raid impeorewnt: b• noterirrad. tq► th,i Boaorabls 6fantcrll ci the Ci#y 9f 96R P�atl. natrg t 1 18#Ti, dM1 et-.hAtoemter, lam. ' lfesg3ki�#iaan a! lrnd'in xhloh elgpGilr Mod,I A•IIw 1��' V M�.�. ,W �tf. II�IT�Y�pd111�Fi�M•iYll{�. a i r .....�roo.,.u... 5 IT OF ST."PAUL COUNCIL NG._ Q�I%Kji _. PILE __83754 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �l COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED p j n �i Deo. 17 1929 COMMISSIONER �ti z�Q"Ltit DATE RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an ease- ment in the land necessary for slopes, outs and Pills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, St. Anthony Park North from Hendon Avenue to Dudley Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82885, approved October 3, 1929, and Intermediary Order C. F. 83491, approved Nov. 20, 1929. The Commissionerof Public Works having submitted his plan in the above matter, be it a �orK Resolved, That d termines the ount of lan to be taken r the above d improvemen as an easam t for slopes, uts and fi sin the gra ng of Alley i B1ook 3, St. thong Par North from H don Avenue to dley Avenue, the este t shown upon he plan of the mmisaioner of blie Work attaohed here o which plan is hereby referred and de a part her of. be and the same are hereby cmacelled, annulled, and rescinded w d Vl Pll ONdhO is MW matter be diacontinuel ,• � 1 } ax r, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FI&C D1110— s --MccDIn favor ,Rohland/� —Sudheiraerr Against 9 Adopted by the Council Dn 17 1*9 19_ EC 17 Approv 19_ MAYOR Cr�gj�U, OF,ST. PAUL ' A DEPA*, I NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in the grading of alley in block 3, St. Anthony Park north from Hendon Avenue to Dudley Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 3rd, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 1 3 St. Anthony Park 600 5500 North 2 3 do 650 6100 3 3 do 675., 4150 4 3 do 675 , 5bO 5 3 do 700 4650 6 3 do 700. 4000 7 3 do 700.. 6000 8 3 do 800 3250 9 3 do 600.; 10 3 do 700 1900 TOTAL, Yorm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPAt� !�NT'OF-FINANCE • r "DEPORT OF Cowl RSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION ;LOT pLOeK' ADDITION i,, ASSESSED �I VALUATION 4i LAND {BUILDINGS ; 11; 3 St. Anthony Park 700.1: 12 3 Ndoth 700 .1500 13 i 3 do 700 .4100 u ° 14 3 do 700 .5300 s 15 3 do 500 8200 H 16 3 do 550 1500 ii it �j �I I �I I TOTALS 10,850.00 56,700.00 (� GRAND TOTAL 67,55040 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated r _ _ n a Igo 'X-1 Q�� 7 Commissioner of Finance. Form D. B. 12 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 82885 Oct. 3, 1929 Council, known as Council File No ................._approved........._._........___..-..._...._........._._....192....._._, relative to -Gondem>ving and taking an eas ry..tor.-----_._...._._...... .1.te III..the --- grading-- of. .A7ley--in_B10nl_--3,-_-------------- ..... - 3t ._Anthony..�'a .. artb..�rQm._Headon..Ayanna---to...Dadley...dYenue:--- -------- ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.- ..... Z..... .......... and the total cost thereof is $............_-_...._.._._....- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... ..... .... ............ ....... ............. ...__..__............._..._ ...................._.....-- ------------------------ -- - - ---.......... ....... _ ..... -- _...._......._........._....... - ---------------------- 3. -----------------3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ._.._.... ---.._-------------------- ------------.....------_--- ---------- ........- ------------------- ................ ......_-------------------------- 5. Said improvement is. ................... ........ ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ... ..... - �olfc Com a =83755 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------------- By ---------- -----By - - - - t-- -------- ------ i FINAY.. ORDER In the Matter ofading and paving Jefferson Ave _from Lexington Ave . to Milton St:, and paving Jefferson Ave, from Milton St. to Victoria St., from street maing to prnne_T r y lines comp]e to where not already made, also including curbing and paving _al'1-a4 AYI/�-'d.,i'VP.a1lA4 AT ngrhag� al �nngtructing a as r on Jet'Verao Ave..from a point 60 ft east of the east line of Lexington Ade.,to Rhgtgworth 8}.. ren 4e �±er 6f Sradla � � xt �' avextrofoa ra:dio v��Y Ea sin, _approved-----August;21,-1929------------ under Pre itceh B �_� � „a -- Intermediary Under _1 - approved ---� _ 'AA -public h' having been had upon the above -improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all perebna, objections and recommead$Hona relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to.be made by these id City is__gr4.do:ar�d_payg Jefferson Ave. from Lexingto�i Ave. to Milton St. and pave Jefferson Ave. from Milton St. to Victoria St:' w th aayyar, Ar and yy4_�nnne ..i �,n� -street mains_ to nrO12 lines, 610mpl8te' t here. not already made, also including curbing _andpaAving '. a7]g g-j_A ivi�wi� aTdpnrnanhas., algn anngtry.n ve, from a,point 6�O ft Bast of the east lime of Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth i 3t., Material �1 be reinforced concrete I in.,thlak W1=1 56 foot -rIIa3 + - tn�lnAin� etrbg��reinfo,¢gd concrete eidewalke 5 feet wide and reinforced con creta retairiing:wsila whee,ehown oa accompanying plena, II, and the Connell hereby .orders said improvement" to be made. r • RESOLVED FURTiiER That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed -to-prepare. plank abd specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval thatpponsaid approval; the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed':with`tlie making of ea�d impr%%o��vement in accordance therewith. Adoptesl'by the Couneilr____{C 7 __, 1921 , City Clerk. 192_ ------------ ------- -- Mayor, ,�- Councilman 'McDonald jCouacihnan 11nx Rohland Councilman Sudheimer' �� S�oimeibnan "l�eaadx Pearce.. hs-� Y -� U: t� CITY OF 6T. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF �yA1 CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approvedA— UR21,_1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Thr. rrta' i.hr a,,-ssr9 nt for the aboci imprc—..ment ie Brick Asphalt or 711 Reinf. PAVING Laid Flat If Conc. Concrete Total So.Yd. 5.961 $ 4.85 $ 3.93 Intersections & Wheelage 64,602.00 52,482.00 42,527.00 Property Share 34,548:00 28,067.00 22,743.00 Total $3-9,150.00 80,549.00 65,270.00 (a) Front Ft. (Paving only) 6.27 4.77 3.55 Curb Extra From Lexington to Milton add $5,61 front ft. for grading Chatsworth St. $3.37 for sewer Total Cost $3,366.00 Add for concrete curb where not in 60¢ per lin. ft. If11 Sewer connections, each $50.00 " 11 3/4 " 'Nater " , " 45.00 3 17 do 75 4 17. do 100 5 17 do 125 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL I�FE t ' DEPARTMENT OF*JWI REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �t Ave f., r ; +'•'" Ave to Milto p'S f;T ing and yi 21 Tw4fnrgen In the matter ofd—_—�—�--g loEeTla @tt. _-nr nd_navip 1:3 Aya, 4+'em Mie ten 8tto A'IYyu' r"Wtt r5 k`, i `Yy4 6b.. kJ'kEf' pp't . h' y' J'„ i'nee wt�._ 1 Andespqa��i�ien�iais'l;nnw�f�nr�t �+�,}I@� maim t'e �}reeer'�y_] compl � _ge,.ter made,—a16�-1^^l`ntlino euT%iinc ATId mmin? AllAv ATA `,- 1BhwrP nNt Al_Twady 'tSrp IT .r' ^:�' .i T:0'• u6 L T.0L .. r17..,.,. xF- P ^'s.u'0,.-j �0'nl-00 att'r.z8'00 uffT. [; �T.oues, 3, . 'A00 TTG 7d�,s jUf ST. YSC�PT0U6 3'83 ;> d•62 e iots or parcels ot landtat may be ass esse enc is or suc improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are, as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT eLoCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Buildings (Ea. the south 33 ft. for Sub. of Aydle Juliet St. and 40 ft. for -Farm 100 ACS. Lexington Ave.) N.W. of S.11 that part lying south of T. 2 , R.23 right of way of the 0. M. and St. P.RW. of 9 6250 1 17.Ridgewood Park 150 Add. to the city 2 17 of St. Pa14,Ram- 75 -... sey Co. Minn. 3 17, do' 75 4 17 do 100 5 17. do 125 Form B. B. 11 _y CITY OF 6P. ^RUL. •'� .y DEPARTMENT 4tPLANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE CN PRELIMINARY ORDER' DESCRIPTION ' LOT ;BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED � ; f VAL TION _ f _ n ` �idgeAoot Park - Land B�l� �d . to e Y 175 _ _. ' , f 4 9 17 of Rams Minn. 175 B. 17 .of Sty -Paul: _ Co. A__ f 17 - --do - 1 17 ; do 200 1 . , 16'.do 225 a 2 16' 225, d0 _ 1�.-..-. do _ 250 .� �I .15 16_; _ _ do.. - - 250 l do___....._ _ _. _ _-._ 250 7 ! 16 ; do _ -_ 250 i --- li II _j ) do_ , 425 Ex. W. OQ 00 15 . 20 ft. of 15 do _ 10000 -Z-100-.ft.._Of_ W._ 300 ft. of i-- ( 15 _ -do 775-,"1._ �.. i r do __. . _ 50 2.. 14 do- 50 -- f I ��do- do -3_11-14 -- do r-4 t 14 `_ _ dp 50 r j - i -5- 141.__. do - - _ _ _ 50 6 14i T 1_.14 _-do--- I 10 do. - - 50 _ - - - - {- - - 4 I ._ 1 - 50 �_14 - f L do 7 i-� �j�' TOTAL - f 1 �' If` li r lei / -1 • CITY OF SI'.iPAUL ✓ DEPARTMENT aw-m4mCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OM PRELIMINARY ORDER , DESCRIPTION LOT,:. .LOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I ATION I LandBul�d1lgal _1_13_14 _{14 Ai_dge-ID o_d_P_ark. _ _ 75 t I Addition.4 11 1 141 .75 _ 15 14 do _ 75 i I I I -- - 16 i-14_'___ do - ____75_._ 17 14 . __ _do 100 !9_ 13 l do 50 10.;_13.' do 5p a I a� - --- 5' 12 13 do -- 5 i 0 11 13 � __ sio_ 75 _o_ I - ,- :14 13 ; do 50 i ! -- 15 _13 do 50 �. _ ;-16 13 do- 50 ; 4 I 17 1-13 1--- do.. --_50.i l -- Jl{..18.13 do 50 �. 1- l9] 13-i do 50 20 ]. 13 do 211-13 .22. 13 - do 50 I -24-,. 13.' _..do. _ _..50 i l _25_t_.13;- �I do _.- 50 { ( �j - — _97! 13 - -- - I - do 50 d0 2fla -- - - r 30 131 ---_-.do_.__.----1 0 •a11 .•, TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - .... DEPARTMENT (;r, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ". ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ! LOT FLOCKADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION Land Buildings 12 11 .Ridgewood Park 150 Addition 13 .11 do 150 .10 10 do 50 11 .10 do 50 .12 .10 do 50 13 10 do 50 14 .10 do 50 15 10 do 50 16 ,10 do 50 17 .10 do 50 18 '10 do 100 6 .1 Slayton's Lin- 150 irood Park Add. .7 1 do 150 450 .8 . 1 do 150 - .9 .1 do 150 - 10 z do 150 1 2 do 50 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 100 1 .3 do 100 2 3 do TOTALS 17,700.00 _5,425..00 !.-_-- -_ G GRAND TOTAL 23,125.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Form s, S. 12 G' Commissioner of Finance. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and paving Jefferson Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Milton St4 and paving Jefferson Ave. fr6m Milton St, to Victoria St., with sewer, water and gas connections from Street. mains to cluding property lines complete where not alread mace,he salalsoso nconstructing a curbing and paving alley and driveway apB sewer on Jefferson Ave. from a point 60 ft. east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth S1i, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82346, approved Angus , Length 2567 ft. Width of Ro92 adway 856 ft0 ft, Frontage 4,340 Pt. Brick Asphalt or 7" Reinf. PAVING laid Flat " Cone. Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 5.97 4.85 3.93 Intersections & Wheelage 64 602.80 b2, 482.00 42,827.00 067.00 224743.00 Property Share 34, 548.00 2 8► T o t a l 099,150.00 480,549.00 $65,270.00 (a) Front ft.(Paving only) 6.27 4.77 3.55 Curb extra ing From Lexington to Milton acid Chatsworth St.6$3.376.61 nfront ft. fort ft, for dsewer " Total Cost $3,366.00. Add for concrete curb where not in 60¢ per lin ft. v for Sewer oonnections, each $50.00 n n 3411 Water 45.00 Yours tru3,y, Appr ed for transmissionChief Engine to t C ssioner of Finance ommissioner of Public Works subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Publio,_ zks :o o... �... CITY _Oi� �S y`�'AUL r Lit No. 83'756 RILa OFFICE OF CITY CLERK gggg yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATEDeo. 17, 1929: ResoLvzo In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for elopes, outs and tills in the grading and paving of ;efferson Avenue from Chatsworth Street to X11ton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82347, approved Aug. 21, 1929'. and Intermediary Order C. F. 83493, approved Nov. 20, 1929. The Commissioner of Publlo Works having sub- mitted his plan in -the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the pity of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement -as an easement for slipes, auto and fills in the grading and paving of Jefferson_ -Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attaohed hereto whioh plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas -,-McDonald - In favor "Rohland '_Sudheimer 02 Against DEC 171929 Adopted by the Council _19— App— C 171 19— MAS YOR 1 'under Preliminary Order approved A11R 21, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $--- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the s assessed valuation of each lot or ' parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 13—K ADDITION ASSESSED P VALUATION ; L lend Buildings 16: 13; Ridgewood Park Add to the city ! 17. 13; of St._Paul, 50. _ Ramsey Co.Minn. �j 18. 13;do 50 18. 13 _do 50 . E f;20 13do ��. '. 50 _ 21 13' do j 50 _ 22 ,: 13 do.... _ ._ I 50 23: 13: do 50 24i 13;7 do 50 iL TOTAL.' _. n. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF.-NNANCE .. JI REPORT OF CONOISSI OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT 13LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED = VALUATION y Land Buildings 25, 13: Ridgewood Park 50 --. Addition 26: 13: do 50 27, 13. do 50 28. 13: do 50 .: 29,13 do 50 .. 30: 13, do 50 1 12, do 75 2 12, do 50 .. 'I 3 12. do 50 4 12 do 50 5 12, do 50 n 6 12: do 50 7 12; do 50 .. 8 ; 12: do 50 jl 9 , 12: do 50 101 12; do 50 _ _.; 11, 12 do 50it 12, 12! do 50. �. 14, 12 do 50 j . 15, 12 do 75 1550.00— The 550 OQ__The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DatedJ!!M't` p_=� oZ O 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. /i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINAN � + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER IF FINANCE �. (A) , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -., . . Inthematterof constructing curbing on both sides of St. Anthony Ave. from - Snelling Avenue to the Fast line of Pascal Avenue.. Q� under Preliminary Order approved May 16th, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment,for the above improvement is - - $1741 - Sq The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - - - - $ .710 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvemTnt, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ij DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION j ASSESSED VALUATION LAND B TTLDI:,'GS 1 — ,Allen's Rearr. 800. 1950 'j (Ex. St. Anthony Ave.) 1 1 Snelling Park. 400 X950 _ do 2 1 do 400 1850 do 3 1 do 400 5850 i do 4 1 do 400. 2050 Ij do 5 1 do 400 3250 --�� do 6 1 do 400 2250 u TOTAL 1 bpm B. B. is -- "� - DEPARTMEWr CITY OF BT. PAUL O¢. -FINANCE. REPORT OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY BLOC ORDER ADDITION I ALU DESCRIPTION i LOT EON LAND, B I D N 9 Addition 6 _5 do - i3 I - do 375( i565:) 4 6751 .250_..l ( 0 i 7' 1! 1 D _ r_ 1 _l - - I {G eor a R. _ Stevens _ g 25 2 0 � - 2000 . � I 4 - {.2 -_I Addition do - ! I 250 105 i ( . I - j 3 i. - i do._ _ _ .II 2500 - 1 230 Dj _ - f 4- --do - - 1 325; j 2503 1 I (Eg._ 8t. _Anthony_Ave)N. Macaleater View Add. 1 St. Ave. Anthony , I do 2501 I do ' 2 1 I 1 do I 200 I , do I 3 ! 1 i do 200 11� - _de 42 dq- 25'! 1i_ _3 0�0_.� 5 ---do ----- - aA s j 1 do. 275Eh - -- I do - .. - _do_ (Ex. .9.-5-ft� .8 1 { _do _ . ----do i _300-. _ 37_ { lit __�_ _ do. I -- _ I I I { 7- _ 4 -4 _ i 1 TOTAL `®_ CITY OF ST. PAUL.;, - r DEPARTMENT OF FINANC�sy REPORT OF COMMIS---MER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER !C\_.. ASSESSED - li ,r LOT LOCA ADDITION VALUATION N _ DESCRIPTION LOT That part of Lot 19, Kittsbndale being Auditor's Sub. No. 27 lyin�, Nesterly of a, line ftawni from a point on the north line 50 ft from the northwest corner to. a point on the west line 50 ft from the said no oorner of Lot 19, University and Snelling A e.) that: part lyin north of St. 'i Anthony Ave. of the west,of the southwest of 696,000 630,300 _ I Section 34, Town 29, Range:23. That part of the east j bt;tne,sonthwest lying north of- St. Anthony Ave. and west of Lot 17, Kittsondale, being Auditor's �i Sub. No. 27 and south of aline drawn from a point on the west line of said Ea t �, 111b.62 ft south from the south line of 17, University Ave. to a point on the .east line of Lot iv afore- ersi said 1115.84 ft from the aforesaid south line of UnivAve. in Section 34, Town 29, Range 23. 4 i �I II ii ;i TOTALS 718,300.Q0 697,250.001x_ I GRAND TOTAL 1,415,50,00--= The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matterbythe Commissioner of Public Works. Dated w—i a 19 Commissioner of Finance. Patm 18. B. 13 Ei� T� r'"" ,,��, ,e THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) . Oct. 29, 1929 Hon. John R. MoDonald, Commissioner of Publto Works. Dear Sir: I;apaasmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of St. Anthony Avenue from Snelling Avenue to the east. line of pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 80834, approved May 16, 1929: Estimated Cost $ 1,741.59 Cost per front foot X71¢ Inspection 34.15 Frontage 2,437 ft. Yours t rltly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to t C seioner of Finance Commissioner of public Wo r e. QV 31. RM In the Matter of --- c Pascal Ave. to Addition No. 1 from aso%ar tach - of Block 19 Hamline Sy dicatene nn - e, t Q, -a t to PImf� t 0 the t tab 't&' simpnon Alre­ lisbtd rade shown )sen n e t hereof the S.18 lie ed and made a P . hereof grWing — established akg�jim�jt, to �tj e red line when e5u­ aforesaid d ..... --.approvedunder prailminary Order___ ----8Z20 proved Intermediary Order and the,Council had upon the above improvement upon due notice, A public hearing having been relative thereto, and having fully considered persons, Objections and recommendations having- heard all the same; therefore be it RESOLVED, . By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extentI and kind of im the :Is of Alley in Mcoaskey's said City 18-Sh—angfL _jprs�c Addition No. from Pascal provement to be made by the 1��_Sjjdicate Rearrangement of Block 1, Eftmlir ed line on the Pr2f�le Reari to conform t t lished grade t0iamppjpn_�inade apart n between the resent,estab of, the p _eCL EMU said alley hereto attached d eLfo,said,limitsto the red line when established, Z2^``-`,, NA i4 tt UF eyl*.q ""A ----------- A NAMS to be made. and the Coun&fiU$*1,orders said vement is hereby instructed and mmissioper of Public Works sub That the Co YURTHER, udd improvement, and submit same to the Council for A- ifications for ieted to ro- aid coed 410 e - *d to, prepare P-13 Wale are hereby authorized and d aiia that upon , said, approval; the proper city off with 1h I e making.of said n ce therewith. impEortP Adopted .by the Council--- - - - ------ - ------- - CK, y ClIerk. tib 1't Approved ----- -- Mayor. 60� ounciblian, McDonald H9 - land PIM per kx Pearce Joh • "^ V CITY. OF ST. AUL' ?I -R '�, a. 'biPARTMENT O #R4NCE ` REPORT OF, COMM SSIONER OF FINANCE f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Changing the grade of alley in McCaskeys Rearrangement of Block "I Hemline Syndio�ite Add. No.l from faecal Ave. to Simpson Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereolf, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon also GradinE said alley between the aforesaid limits to the red line when established. under Preliminary Order approved Oct 29, 1929 To the Council of, the City of St. Paul: f The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 231- 96 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ 0 29 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS 1 1 McCaskey's Rear. 700. 2 1 of Blobk 1 of the 650 5550 Hamline Syn. No.l 3 1 do 600. 3150 4 1 do 650: 3300 '1 5 1 do 650 1250 6 1 do 650 3300 7 1 do 600.. 3750 8 1 do 650. 3750 9 1 do 650 3800 10.1 do 700 9700._ - ... TOTAL. , Farm Is. B. 10 CITY* OF ST. PAUL. ARTMENT .OF,' ANCE 4- REPORT OF COMMISSIOWER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT LOCK! ADDITION AS SESSEDDESCRIPTION VALUATION f LAND BUPLD3NG3 11 1 MoCaskeyls Rear. 00 3900 of Block 1 of the Hamline Synd. Add. No. 1 ii 12 1 do 650:. 3550 _. I 13 . 1 do 650. .3300 14.1 do;. 650 .3750 15 . 1 do 650. 3450 - 16 : 1 do 650. 3100 17 1 do 650 3550 18.1 do 650. 3300 19 : 1 do 650 .. 3700 20 1 do 700. 400 i{ ii d, TOTALS _ 13,200.00 73.,200.0:0 - GRAND_, TOTAL _ 86,40o.-00 =.._ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matterbythe Commissioner of Public Wor Dated 1- •.,,G at ♦ 2 0 lqAt e n . Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 h� ' •di THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Nov. 6, 1929 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in McCaskey's Rearrange- ment of Block 1, Hemline Syndicate Add. No. 1 from Pascal Ave. to Simpson Ave., also grading said alley between the afore- said limits, under Preliminary Order C. F. 83205, approved Oct. 29, 1929. Estimated Cost $ 231.96 Cost per front foot •29 Inspection 6.76 Frontage 800.35 ft. Yours ti- Y. j 'YC"", Engineer. Approved for transmission to the C mmi.ssioner of Finanoe W_ "'— Commissioner of. Public WO r Nov..6, 1929 ---------- ----- - -- -----------.192-------- To ------------192-------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: he Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as, Council File No 83205 - Oct. 29, 1929 ......... approved. .......approved.......... - -------------------- _..192-.....-., relative to ohanging the grade of Alley in MOCaske ----------- A -------- ....... ............... men f Bi k Rearrangement 00 1 0 ----------------------- A ....... Hamline --- SYndlo.&.te.-Add. No. 1 from Pascal Ave, .... .. .. .. . ............... ...... ...............................—, to Simpson Avd., also -------------------------------------------- I ...... . grading said alley between the aforesaid limits, ...... ................. —1 ------ .................................................. ............. ---------- --- ----------------- ----------------- and -having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-..._.. -------- necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 29V 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3 ..................... 2........... and the total cost thereof is 5 23146 .............. .. Inspe oti on $6.76 Frontage 800.35 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---------------------------- ------------------------- .......................... ...... ...... ........................ ...... ..... .... ------------- ---- ------------- ........... - ------------- -------------------- ....................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........... ------------------------- ---- -- ------------- .............. ........... .............. .............................. ------------ 2 5: Said improvement is -------------------- - asked for upon p I etition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. '759 ""` CITY OF ST.. PAM OOUNCIL NO. 03 FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM MISSIIOONERDATE �'"► ])ea. 17, 1929 REsmvao In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in McCaskey*s Rearrangement of Block 1, Hemline Syndloate Addition No. 1, from Pascal Avenue to Simpson Avenue, 'under Preliminary Order C. F. 83206, approved Oct. 29, 1929 and Inter- mediary Order 0. F. 83495, approved Nov. A0, 1929. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in McCaskey's Rearrangement of Block 1, Hamlin Synoidate Addition No. l'between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas .CIa: McDonald In favor Rohland ^ '"'Sudheimer �1 Against i Vilen"t —T_1� Adopted by the Council nrn 17 199019_ Apprv�° �7 MAYOR �,. CITY 9F ST. p'AUL DEPARTMENT OF WVA:NC.E { REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in the grading of alley in McCaskeyls Rearrangement of Block 1, Hamline Syndicate .Addition No. 1 from Pascal Avenue to Simpson Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 29, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 25 OV The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Form B. B. r0 LOT BLOCK ADDITION kA 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 S 9 1 .McCaskeyls Rear. Block 1, Hamllne Synd. Add. No. 1• 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BiJILDI^'GS 700 650 650 650 650 650" 650. 650 :. 650 _ TOTAL, 5550 3lbO 3300 1250 3300 3750 3750 3800 CITY Or ST. PVL •" DEPARTMEI* OF F�jg'�4CE yf� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ,. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND B'TTLDINGS 10, 1 McCaskey's Rear. 700, 9700 Block 1, Hamline Synd. No. 1, Add. 11 1 do 700 3900 12 1 do 650 3550 13 1 do 650 3300 14 1 do 650. 37LO 15. do 650, 3450 16. 1 do 650- 3100 17 1 do 650 35c0 18. 1 do 650 3300 19. 1 do 650. TOO 20 1 do 700 - 4050 .TOTALS 13,200.00 73,20c,,00 GRAND TOTAL 86,400.00, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated—isit P•+y 10 19� 1s�Ks_ e l Commissioner of Finance. Porn B. B. 13 2370 2370 . � 68. � b- 45 � : -j til//Y/YFhf�H4 ST. 1 -Y CA_ Zf�z _�i Plf - .-IOD IN ii I 17 20 h ! f�1�C,4 ;'�EY�S R� f;;�IML/n SY:'YO/C, �T� ADD AC 1r) . � 68. � b- 45 � : -j Off'ice of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance . ga t3 8� Nov. 61-4.929 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works; having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 83206 Oct . 29 1929 192......., relative to Council, known as Council File No ..... ..............approved..... eondemning_-and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, cuts.. and tills, in g o the grading A11ey in MoCaskey's Rearrangement of Blook 1, Hemline Syndicate Addition No. 1 from ; --------- _-..-------- -.-.-.._...................-------------......._.......------ ----------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- Paeoal Avenue to Simpson Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........:... ......:.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is' $.....-_. XX ........... and the total cost thereof is 8... ...._ _.... _ ., and the nature and extent of said ;improvement is as follows:.... ..... ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 ...... b. Said improvement is ................................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, > subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public W ks. b roU?W'L NO. an.nw.m onn o�K CITY OF ST.. PAUL nu r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SVSIONERDATF - AiGOlr M (2 ) Beginning at a point on the south line of Bayfield street .(south edge of present concrete pav- ing, 1929) and six hundred seventy-five ,(675) feet easterly from the intersection of the south linei of Bayfield street with the center line of the right of way .(center line of single track) tangent produced from south of Bayfield street; thence easterly along the south line of Bayfield street four hundred seventy- five ,(475) feet, 'thence southerly at right angles to the south line of Bayfield street a distance of one hundred forty-five .(145) feet; thence westerly parallel to the south line of Bayfield street a distance of four hundred seventy-five .(475) feet; thence northerly a distance of one hundred forty-five .(145) feet to the point of beginning, and comprising an area of 88,875 feet, more or less. And be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the lease be further amended by adding to said lease the following paragraph: "It is agreed between the parties to said lease that the Oity of Bt. Paul shall not erect or cause any buildings, monuments, or obstructions of any kind to be erected or placed between the premises leased to the Northwest Airways, Inc. and the main runway of the Municipal Airport." COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `Qksw— / . McDonald V In favor .ARohland n 8udheiE`- ,�a�i �� Against Ir.:':.. _ Atm VIr P,w 9d@YM11 DEC 17 1929 Adopted by the Counal�9 A 7 ) 9— MAYORR / .w.w ,e arr eanuc CITY OF ST. PAULNO83'763 f nCOu " .— OF .CITY CLERK �OFF ESOLU f —GENERAL FORM rItESENTED SY COMMISSIONER DATE * - RESOLVED That the depository bond.given to the City of St. Paul by the American National Bank of St. Paul, as principal, and the New Amsterdam CasualtyCompany, mpany, se surety, dated January let, 1930, in the sum of $100,000, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and' accepted. nu u r..o vvor vi - auuu aaauuua ri VII Sint/ Vil4Ca LU $11402.96, of which $467.65 was the 01ty's share thereof, ?' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proper City author-ities be and are hereby authorized to pay to the State Treasurer of the State of Minnesota, the said sum of $467.65 as the City's share of the cost of said investigation and audit. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays r McDonald In favor �Rohland (1 ­Sudheimer V Aga{nat Adopted by the Councfl i 7 1920-19- HENRY RUNES COM—O«.. A. R. JOHNSON C.- E....... /y 4 Atnte of Ainnesotk Office of Comptw1br ublu 9=ndnh% Pibbion St.Mttl November 27, 1929 J Mr., Wm. F. Scott City Comptroller St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: We are enclosing herewith claim in the amount of $467.65 covering the City of St. Paul's share of the cost of the eaemination made of the City and County Board of Control, sub - vouchers for which are on file in the office of the State Auditor. A copy of,this claim has been for- warded the State Auditor who will issue draft upon you, notice of which you will receive from the State Treasurer within a few days. Yours very truly, iiM'Y RIMES, Cc oller By ARJ:MR Chief $saminer Eno. 2 y Y ti That the Northern States Power oompany be given permission to set 1-35 ft. pole on the So. side of St. Olair, between Oneida and Webster with w necessary guys, wires, anchors and telephone wires. Nstimate #10,455. L; Adopted by the C=xA {i 1 �9— A. \ / iMwrvre; ww.u� �o ameio� 6 RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. �L NO.__-__,�r� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUN�eH� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the Northern States Power Oompany be given permission to set 3-40 ft. poles on the North side of Margaret, E & A. of Winthrop, with necessary guys, wires, anchors and Telephone wires. Estimate #10,427, mae xoncE AR�4FT.:NOTICE Par to the'STATETREASURER DRAFT N - ` DATE OF DRAFT' ��+1�►i- S FOR s . CREDrr FUND AND ACCOUNT AMOUNT RRrlR: F11f'1l i t win 98 4111 er .or TV A Y To, O A. SCHMAHL, STATE TRkAsmot r i PL S RKTURKTHIS NOTICE WITH R&WIITTAN' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFI(1E.6F,*HE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCIL RISSOLUTION FAVOR MCDONALDIN AUDITED CLAIMS ROHLAND 9UDHELMER AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SCOVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—INCLUSIVE. AS AS I -,C-01 �ATi0 9"'Ke N_ PER CHECKS ON F'Ltj", OMPTROLLER. �AC APPROVED— -EbAPTROLLER MAY By___ CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT DATE RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 11 79714 997 25 1 223 L.G.Rodgfilou, Mayor 66 0 10 0 2232 CitizensIce III, Fuel Company 22327 Partin.]':, � Talk Paper Company 9 6 22326 hm xe-46bnen Company 22329 Garrisqu-Brooks0gapany 2 M.4.; qeGedney Coup 21 8 2;Tl Griggs, Cooper Mayompany 587 22332 G#9961s, Cooper III Company 55 & Company 278 1 21, J!j!g;*OX0ooper llag.00mpaxy 25 2 McMurray & comp =-.7 35 77 5 22 ,The *W. Keefe 000"ny 2 ta, Milk, 00 _any 313 5 25 0 Cafi� " 'Resist-coup rood Mfg. Company -Nis Oompiny# Inc. 61 151, Co,�Vsndor 0 -140., - Page and Company 1 5 2, Fj"ji4v'son Dental Supply Comp i "%a-* 0 N CA A*..' son & ions 1 D j Types Inc. 16 crisis lto, 7, 33 Pioneer ric Company 'U'utt 1*9ter -any 44 Fitt wr&1_1 04 5 powers Is 110 24 Pratt22350 titprois Coup,414y I Price Electric Company- 223 2 J.F. Pta*OX'& 0ampax1r, Oompanj 139 O, 2 q4ok Service flattery 2 1.4. Radleft 2 -Railway Express Company 2 Raymer Hardware Company 2 7 Rw*sr Hardware Company 0 150: 7 Rs&,Wlng Won, Stoneware a m; an 9 Renji sgton-Rand Busines Z Aevieyr of fteileiv 223611 ' . 2Company 2".' American 4iwCompany 0801tox"'84-imonf'ry Mfg. Ooa"p 2 0 71 223 Donk, &'ftel Camp 0 1 Doc 41 9 8 6 22367 zu"no T. Ono rote Praduotsy� Fiil4litbiu . um, I Xlrk III, Ompas 116 r 747 251 22968 doniisa­ Chomics-I.Company 11033 44 2269 lWall, $efinia�gg Company Midwest Chealo Company 30 3 22370 22371 al Staholas-Seasl9y Airplanow.0c Inc* 12 22372 18Soolso Dean,& Gross 19 1 223 7 Carl SO labor & Scholl ootp, . y 2 T4 Clement r. Sculley Equipment Doo. N 75 J. L. Shloly 0 0XpaAy 21 9 22376 J L. Shioly Oompq4r 2 636 6 22377 11 J: L. Shfily Company 1 127 07 22378 The Speakes 0ajapany a 51 60 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3.1 757 k. lw6z �,6 ORM NO. 17 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL I MCDONALD N FAVOR UD- OHL:ND CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 837a OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ----- - -L� COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS -- Deembor 111_19-29— . RESOLVED. 97291— RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $--- 63-1-810 gj_ COVERI NO CHECKS NUMBERED— =INCLUSIVE. AS E I I— PER CHECKS ON FILE/ * hV,,�O;APTROLLER. APPROVED_____ IS_ MAYOR CHECK- NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD II is • 223 Northern States Contracting 223110 I J. LeanNathanson, Attorney 22381 for Julia A. McCarthy City Beak of St,4Paul, Assigi AOMS, COnstTu0*1011 00111P011Y - 22382 223 2232 Geo,GS.Sx Whe nop, Coisr. of 1 Qeo, 0j'Sidhil nor, Com Or. of 3 Goo'q,puftiw met, "roo* It. of:] I 72 2238 Goo, C,. Suftbitior,'Coi0r, of I 2238SI 0jQqCq.Sudh6 nor, 00011T. of -I GOO.b.$udheimeY,, 96i 07, of I ;?RdTL 88 Geo.C. $udlleimer, Comor. of I 22319 Ge( u 4i 060t, of I 22390. 'Ged.04du 10r, 006 it- Of I or' Cami"ri of I Nay L. Rued ;Goc.ic"i 223 dhjii ne Reason 223, lfrp,, Ethel Z.. Parker,, Guardl may Miller .22395- *11gu t L* OdUeopf, Guardian DOIN zinson 22306. Mike Alfonso 2,?197, A, B. Bieud, 2.98 Dr. Z, R. Bray 293" 'Drs#"CU%tertoA & Von Der Wi 22400 Dr. A. iso ..'IPOLvin 22461 Dr. if'.­'Graizek, L22402. Dr.,, V.J. , 9, wktus 224*3 Dra.,,.I;jilllftr,�.Vfioeler & Wold 1906rihy 22404 W.'. R. 22 j bseph'woulay 22i.69'. Dr. . M,-ij Prendergast 22407- styJcWephls •Hodpital 22404 D*.,w-,Rqwatd A. Wolfe 22400, yas slj.- OzIouni 4rk & Gospi 92410GenerA1,1100tAO,Supply Corl 22411 Y4 WOOL, Supt. 22412, -Stegg4rior Tire Company 224 TWI City Iran & wire 092pax 2 2al Caroline Barry xx , • 24 2214],5 22416 ou �Su dhimi's4r,. COn", Of I Oo-Opo Pho to. Supply Company 22417 G. W., Hamond USr-OvAnk 22401 i Henry H. Pitt6lko*. 22422 Griggs, Coofer & Company 2242 it 22424 22425 National Bi:ouit Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL voATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT By BANK CHECKS CHECKS ;t4 2 978 3 3r '0 50 3.:J;0 5 )0 12- .9 365 1 90 4 90; 12 53 252 9 14 q 9 5 2114 9, . 2 26 0 31 1 58 2 0 7 0 13 0 35 0 11a 0 6 0 115 3 0 1 0 k 99 3 10 0- 133 19' 12 0 60 0 441 a 1 1395 21 12 2 4, 1 0 .1 175 12 led 1 76 o 197 4 101 5 56 1 24 2 11 757 J9160 605 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL .am"er. C Mc '�—IN FAVOR .. ROHLAND 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 83770 COUNCIL OFFICE CWTHE COMPTROLLER FILE -NO. -____________________ COUNCIL RESOLUTION December 16 --,a 29 AUDITED CLAIMS -- -- ----= RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DY#N H TY TREASURY. 1 �JLy TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO— INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE N T OF CE OF CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTALDAr 1 • j - CHECK IN FAVOR Of REED V TURN NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK II CHECKS CHECKS II �j BROUGHT FORWARD 'I I ! 11 7951 34 960 60! • 22426 II StPaul Legal Ledger 455 II 22427 Geo.C.Sudheimer, Oomlr. of F 1 ( 2 227 �i22428 American Kersey Oompany 22429 Victory Printiag.Comp.any I 79 27 156 22430 I Geop0tSudheimer, 0021r, of F . 22431 Geo•0,8tidheimer, Comb, of F . 532 616 22432 G66,04udheimsr OOmlr. of F fitationery . 30 22433 stsPaul Book d 0 0 any 359 330 4 St4Paul Hook & Stationery any St,-Paul'Book & Stationery Go any 45 b St.Paul Brass Foundry Oompen 22438 21 22437. St4Paul Broom Mfg. Company I 2 22438 St.Paul Builders Material 0 any 85 224339 1 Bt, Paul Cement works II 5 21 22440-' StPaul Drug Company !j 22441 St ftul Electric Lamp Compeer j 30 22442 St,Paul Electro Plating works 3 22443 St.Paul Machine works 11 145 22444 St.Psul white Lead & 011 Com ny P2�,,,� E,g, Sargent and Company 3 i 2P4 8'oheffer &. Rossum Company jl 22447: Sohletz 8 -Rook 2 2244A J.H.;. Bcbmeuss " 22449 Andrew.Sohooh Grocery COmpan 23 22450 lire, m. _Slack � lj ,F. 22451 81ao Hipp Meloy 22452 Smith BOOP Oompen9 I 7 22453 H,M, Smyth Printing Company 2245 0 -;.-Sommers & Company � 154 224555 South Park Foundry 6 Much, Co.! 9 22456 Speiry.,0ifios Furniture Comp y 73 22457 Standsrd"011 Company 50 22458 Standard Spring Company 9 224.9 Standard Stone Company 61 II 22+W0: Standard Unitt Parts Company 1 22461 miss Helen. 11 StarrI 22462 G.E. Steohert.& Company I 41 2246 Stookland-Equipment Sales C any 7 22W I J. Sylvester I 5 Thomas Publishing Company 127 1 1 • 2246 Transit Supply'Company 561 34 22467 Tri—State Tel.. u Telg. Oomp 22468 Twin City Fixtured Furniture Companr ExO. 22469 Twin City Tea d Coffee 22470 Typewriter Clearing Associati n 37Z 122471 Mabel Ullrich Book & Print S p 6 67 41 22472 jlUnion Water Meter Company 22473 IUniversity Printing Company ft 16 34 22474 Il Valley Iron Works II !I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _ 11 75 1026291 1 Jim PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby preposm,, smslnng of the follomng pubha unpretrement by the City of 8t Paul, vis Graditag ;Vapl D�jke 6reane from Fat�gnier 3Cree� to lllt<�� a . and ' „, . ,.PRELIMINAR7C.ORD$R , _... ... . i�d East S�ve�►h 3rest,..._ Y .. ..s ....... _::. .......:.............. Dated thus ..Li'��L.._ day of . _ �!4 Ql�10.ltQ a - - - -- -- --� 83775 Council File No. _..._ ___._..._..... By--........____ --------------------------- CITY OF ST, PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Hawthorne Street from the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway to Luella Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile he attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also gradingsaid Hawthorne St. from the west line of the right of way of thenneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway to Ruth Avenue, under Pr iii nary Ord er�5183 �M _� Intermediary Order._.76108 ._, Final Order..76586 _,. approved... +.June 26 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment herding been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the. District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FIIRTHER •RF.40LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable jn. _._.._equal installments DEC is 1928- Adopted by the Couneil___ _...._ _...._....._ _ it OerL DEC 181929 Approved....._.__�..v..�__...........-�19...._. C _._........ _.... . Mayor. F— B. B. 18 /} PUBLLSFIED-l2-/,7� r ILIU r � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of _Assessment Nov . 2.0 .............. In the matter of the assessment of benefits', damages, costs and expenses for tax changing the grade of Hawthorne Street from the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway to Luella Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shownby a blue line thereon, also grading said Hawthorne St. from the west line of the right of way of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway to Ruth Avenue, under Preliminary Order.............._751$3:-•------------------ - Intermediary Order....-.---76108---_-------:-- -- 76586 FinalOrder - .............. -................ .................... approved ................ June---26 ................................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The .Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_1-,_557.00•--•--_ Cost of publishing notice . . . $------------7 50 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . $-•••••_...-1.50 31.14 Inspection fees . . . . $ ................ - Amount of court costs for confirmation $- 7.50 Total expenditures . . . . . . . • , $1,604.64 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the slim of $a r 604 , 64 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- e hgreofia the,said assessment as completed by him, and whish is herewith `submitted to'the Council"for snch•'sotion thereonay`be'considered proper. e...m n. n. n ommiesioner of Finance. pavin8 alley — amu-.— — -, -j—C' -------- - - Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, z� s under Preliminary Order_ 81032 __, Intermediary Order... -91-495--, Final Order... 81834•, approved _ Ju1y16 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment havmg been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered/to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F�@16H6 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments. VA - Adopted by the ConnciL_-_DEC 181....__�_........._�....r_......__,_...._19.......... Gerk. Approved.. ..._.......... Mayor. F— B. B. Is CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _N.oy....2Q............ 1929 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 21EX paving alley in Summit ?"Wood, lying between Goodrich Avenue and.Fai�oun Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order-- .............-..................... Intermediary Order ........................................... Final Order ....................... 8.1834 ................... approved ---•--------J31a,Y•--I6........................................... 19---2.8 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $--2,255-.Q0.--.... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $ ..............4.20-----.. Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $------------• ----84..._.. Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $ ........... Amount of court costs for confirmation $... - ........ 4.2H..---... Total expenditures . . . . . $-Rs310,R..3-4...-..-- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of .34 .......... .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the aaid improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may/bee considere proper. F.- B. B. v _ Commissioner of Finance. 83777 Council File No._ ........... ............ ...... By_........._._..._._.... _...... _....... ...... t CITY OF ST.'PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving alley in Block 5, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Dale Street, material shall be 6—inch concrete, 4 under Preliminary Order__— 563L_ Intermediary Order._82076M__..... Final Order.... 82392 approved....._.. Aug_ .A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finaDy satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHM RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments. DEC 1 u 1929 Adopted by the Council. ._.._._.... _..._. .. _ �4••t� Clerk. -DEC 18 Approved...._........._..__.______......_.._ _ _._�.__ _.✓ .. _..__.�,.,. Mayor. '- - Fmm B. B. 18 PUBLISHED /: — •�/ /� e9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment e Nay..... 29-------------- 19 2s In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tta paving alley in Block 5, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Dale Street, under Preliminary Order..........81561 ............................. Intermediary Order-----.. 2Q76................. -----........---.--- Final Order _82,392 .......... approved ...................-A!-ZA-27------...-•-------................. 19---29 To the Council of the City -of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction . . . . . . . $2,24fi..i1Q........ Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $............4..251......... Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $.................. 84 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $•--.....44-t 96-.______.. Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $_......... 4.20.......... Total expenditures . . . . . . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $2x302 -.20 ---------,•._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and 100 's 6nneil fonAac . action thereon as may be considered roper. v Commissioner of Finance. - --- - --- - - - - - - ------ y 83'778 Council File No._--..-..._--------- --------- By_.-....__.:._... _ .._........---..._... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for .paving alley in Hlock 7, Egbert C. Handy+s Addition, n. itacre Place and Miscellaneous Tract from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, material to be 6 in. concrete, Y a 14', �a under Preliminary Order_ 81145 - Intermediary Order--.820L3y Final Order.... 82290 approved_. Au&....20 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement,. and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore , RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE I�PURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and- it is hereby determined to be payable _......equal installments. DEC 1619a Adopted by the 5LIS/ Clerk. Approved-. 1?..-----..._..---.19----------- -----Mayor.F— B. B. IB'R` .gC/, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment - .... _............ Nov,20..:, 19..29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 010 paving alley in Block 7, Egbert G. Handy's Addition, 4hiitacre Place and Miscellaneous Tract from Fairview Avenue to ",'heeler Avenue, material to be 6 in, concrete, under Preliminary Order........................ 81145_.__,_._-_-. Intermediary Order ........_82003............ --- .................... Final Order._ - —82290---•--•------------------I approved .............. AuS,.-20 -------------------------- ............... 19...29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 2 33500 Cost of construction $.._t......_ ... . ................ • Cost of publishing notice . . $-_.-•__•.•_3..60 Cost of postal cards . . . . . - . . $----------- 72 ---...... 46.70 Inspection fees . .$ ...................... ......... Amount of court costs for confirmation . $ 3.60 2,389.62 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $-------------------------------- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.._2'89 s..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited -by the, said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as. completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such sction thereon as may be considered roper. .,-., .... ... .... ... .... �, Form a:: a, d7 Commissioner of Finance. -.� - 8=9 , (7o6cil Filo No._._--•••_._---_••-_._._- By- --------- _-....------------ ----•--------------- CITY OP ST. PAUL on Ratifying Assessment „f ocya nt of benefits, costs and expenses for coostruc lug sewers on easements to -be obtained on and, across- , lot 1, ,f3, 4, 5,.8 and 7, block 17, meat Enol Edgcumbe Addittotii and lot' block 19, meat End Addition and addaod alleys more �iarbibulirly described as follows: On the northerly line t of lot 2 from a point 188 ft east of Edgcumbe Road to a -point 318 ft east of Edgoumbe Road, thence southeasterly across lot 2 to a polat on the southerly line of lot 2, 455 ft east of Edgcumbe j A6&dj.thenoe southeasterlyacross lots 3 and 4 to a point in ,- ths:aborth and south alley, 118, ft north of the center of the j paflt s*d west alley adjacent to lot 5, thence southerly in the I north, and south alley to a point opposite the northerly 10 ft of j �s i9t3' ihlpck s19, West End Addition,:- thence - iii -the ftertherly l0,ft':of'aeid lot 10, block 19, Fest End Addition to Pleasant a3so.. toross -lot M2 Srom a point on the southerly line of said lot 20 185 ft east of Edgeumbe Road to a point on the northerly line, -318 ft east of Edgcumbe Road, also in the east atttits)est=`�3laag'radjssel3t t0',lot 6}' rOsa.ths center ofl,thel r. i MR th ,,s�n4 �SQUMPN ONAleY;.tp a Point in the ..'.enter of s@id ' p4 1, R$ R ey"9t;8 y$ wast thence nosthweaterlY across Sot` S o a .- point on the northerly linea of said lot b, 190 Pt asst of I k4!��q ,,�1�!. � the s�.ley snd; across 1't,. 6• .fxom ,,: , .. - abo�e`mentfoned po nt tri the east and west a1]ey S08 it west of tb ^isen al. _a ith' and °sout2e: alley `to a pdfint on tkfe. r. acnthe��'?!�ii�aT±o� .� - :..:-equat-�tsllmenfs. Adopted by the p�C 1 S Approved_.__. Fmm H. 13. is Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISHED �� 4 - 'y .r. A t w YJ I}& s�� i13` L5 bT I 1JGSy�,I`• si7Jt L17 y:�<` 1y j P �h -� ' � b <•"af. ,. +1•TXr #41$ z�rxlYt aJ7tla"u� �� 70. :u at, � a F i I2 _TJti1,14 :u,. 1. ( ii u 80174 Intermediary B1092 under Preliminary Order...—.._........__.._, Intermedia Order..._�.Q.7.3.3�...., Final Order......_..._._._.._.., A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it. therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT/FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be. and it is hereby determined to be payable ......... equal installments. 1929 il. Adopted by the Counc. —_ Dir Approved_ _ ...... Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Of ,�1-----+ Mayo%. PUBLISHED /2 -/—oa 9 49 Bey *J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment - _Nov. 20 .............. 19--29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits', costs and expenses for t1z constructing sewers on easements to be obtained on and across lots 1, 2, 3, .4, 5, 6 and 7, block 17, West End Edgcumbe Addition and lot 10, block 19, '•.'vest End Addition and adjacent alleys more particularly described as follows: On the northerly line of lot 2 -from a point 185 ft east of Edgcumbe Road to a point 318 ft east of Edgcumbe Road, thence southeasterly across lot 2 to a point on the southerly line of lot 2, 453 ft east of Edgcumbe Road, thence southeasterly across lots 3 and.4 to a point in the north and south alley, 1182 ft north of the center of the east and west alley adjacent to lot 5, thence southerly in the north and south alley to a point opposite the northerly 10 ft of lot 10, b lock 19, West End:Addition, thence in the northerly l0"tt�"of said lot 10, block 19, West End Addition to Pleasant Avenue, also.across lot 2from a point on the southerly line.of: s'a a` lot 2, i65' ft east of Edgcumbe Road to a point on the no therly line, .318 ft east of Edgcumbe Road, also in the east ," iM '��k'8st" &Iley ad js dent to lot 5, from the center of the noc�rth and south alley .to a point in the center of said,-easa._and west"a11'ey'1308 tt"vivest thence northwesterly across lot 5 to a point on the northerly lines of said lot 5, 190 ft east of. " Ydg`cuffib6 Road';' also in the alley and across 1'ot" 6 from the above mentioned point in the east and west alley 308 ft west of The'center of the north and south alley to a point on the southerly line of'lot 6, 229 ft easterly of Edgcumbe Road. .30 Cost of postal cards . . $•-----------•• ................ Inspection fees . . . . . . . . $-----83.50......................... 1.50 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . .$ ................................ Total expenditures $4261.80 Said -Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considere proper. - „ ----- ----- ------------- ----- -- - -- r -.m s, B. n - Commissioner of Finance. i' 2u u'c7 u J lz �. u TO U Ut fT9 Iii I'.' Lc` ,` ;, J ue Ut Io. 70 ilocl: Id' ;�, l" Ta c f '-� pj.jul ZrUcj Vgcj r j o :' { ;. JU :I j J r uu .r, uzT2 9 JN s7Ie7 +c sr L o7u{, 0 L i, u rio {.r; : JOI, }cLI-A TO {t oA 5.+2� sag r.,ca sTTaa .y� ccs{- f•c To ^, Jja_c9 20nj:i•�LTLI ru �}.> LI e ,UOL.FF, suy fi {l T7Fra' I]8; bF ' ui, ;i -c caur�J, ( ' J III 80174.--_--------.. Intermediary Order ............... ----8-0-7-33-------------------------, under Preliminary Order----------------------------------- - y Final Order......... - - -8109..----•-------- aPProved-.. ..... ........................... 13- 29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ' ment, viz $-414-5.. Cost of construction ........... Cost of publishing notice . . . $.......... 30 Cost of postal cards . . $---••----•- •-----••----•-- 83.50 Inspection fees . .$ ................................ -1.50 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . $- -•-----••-----••--- -261.80 Total expenditures 0 "' Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $4261.e.80 ----------------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of Iand in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which rs herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considere .proper. r ti Form D. B. 17 (iommisalener Of Finance. CITY OF 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Pleasant Avenue from a point 400 feet northerly of Montreal Avenue to connect with the terminus of the sandrock tunnel 120 ft northerly of Albion Ave., also across Pleasant Avenue at Albion Avenue, a under Pr Order X06-10-.._, Intermediary Order.__MK2 _..... Final Order.__5a.U__.. approved_._._.ZUI''Y-2 ..........._.__19_29. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That, the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ' ' y able BE IT Fl1RTHP�SOLVED That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be gay in ___L� -- egnnatallments. ,'` QEC 181x28 Adopted by the , tYj Clerk. DEC 181 __........................ )" or. ___.._...._. , )"Y or. B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .---••-•-------, 19--.-29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forA)m constructing a server on Pleasant Avenue from a point 400 feet northerly of Montreal Avenue to connect with the terminus of .the sandrock tunnel 120 ft. northerly of Albion Ave., also across Pleasant Avenue at Albion Avenue, under Preliminary Order ............... -------_80610Intermediary Order -.--.-----_81182 Final. Order -.• ..............-81598-----------.--- • approved -_.-.--......---July--2............................................ 19-.29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz:. Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $-_2922-,_00•••------ Cost of publishing notice . . . $ Cost of postal cards $-----:-._.--.r 42---------- Inspection fees . . . . . . . . -- • $---_-_58.-44 Amount of court costs for confirmation $_........ 2.10 Total expenditures - $_2985_.06 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $29.aa.-0-f7----------------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred-thereon; on-ferred thereon; that the said assessment -has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be consider proper. Form B. B. 17 - Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Lexington Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer 15 feet south of Edgcumbe Road to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Right of way P*ary t, eajp f a �� 4 x4t� �n_ mgr;underder. 80468 . a Intermediary Order.._ $x.28--_—, Final Order...._._ `��1., approved_ July 2^ _19.29 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 33ESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT��FMTEMB •RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _L°:.__...._equslinstallments. E Ada Adopted by the ConndlL— ....__._.. r Lia Clerk. DEC 18 NO _._ . , Mayor. Fora B. B. IB ' 84o.e CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ Report of Completion of Assessment Nau «.-2Q .............. 19 -29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Vtx constructing a sewer on Lexington Avenue from the terminus of the existing sewer 15 feet south of Edgeumbe Road to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Pacific Railway Right of way, under Preliminary Order ................... 8Q968 ........... ..------, intermediary Order --.-81 81M .......................................... Final Order ..................81591 19.29 ............. •-------•---, aPP.........y. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.117-a-QO .......... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $.........1..QQ._--------- Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $............ r.0............ Inspection fees . . . . . $......- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $... ......... .i30-......... Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $..1199.86.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of $112a.&§ ---------------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereo as may be considered i per. wv_............... - _....................... Co.mmissioner of Finance. a 3'782 Council File No ... __... — ..... ............. By__ .......... .__... _...... ................ --. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer in Gates Street from Curtice Street to Gates Street as laid out east and west, ' ,. strpaUalt �esReK ! t under Preliminary Order— 81026 Intermediary Order .._81760� M� Final Order 82124 spproved____._Aug'- 6 _39.._29 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the, said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT RESOLVED, That the said msessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ual installments. DEC 181928 Adopted by the Council__.._.... — __...._ — _. _ ..._— ___._19..._.... BEC -18 .... ......_._..........., Mayor. F— B. B. IB / PUBLISEM ' J � � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _...:.Nnv....2A ........... 192,9_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for th constructing a sewer in Gates Street from Curtice Street to Gates Street as laid out east and west, under Preliminary Order ............................ 81026_______.. Intermediary Order.81760.............................................. Final Order 82124. approved..................Aub........... .- 19...29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 650 00 Coat of construction $ ..............:......----------- Cost of publishing notice $__„_ . ...1.50...................... .30 Cost of postal cards . . . . $------------I ................ Inspection fees $ 13.00 Amount of court costs for confirmation $___•_1._50 666.30 Total expenditures . . . . . . . .$................................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, :o -wit: the. sum of 066.30 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- 6 ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon s may be considered roper. ....... ....... ; r.Fo_ B. B. 17 -Commissioner of Finance. 83'83 Council File No.......:. _ ...___._.._.. r By------------- -__---- _.................. ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a.sewer on the north side of Edgcumbe Road from Evergreen Place to a point 60 ft west of Lexington Avenue and on the south side from Evergreen Place to a point 120 ft west of Lexington Avenue, F�`�4�3 .4enlfe e�L r�otr' Bo under Preliminary Order , Intermediary , 80467,W_ Intermediu Order......_al.l'19Final Order 81522— A A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IITT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ! .0. --equal installments. Adopted by the Councih_—..._D E C_ 18 1 __. ..._ —.._._19......... Approved_ -._.__ftp. __._19-....._ Farm B. B. 18 PUBLISHED November- 20 19, 29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for N= constructing a sewer on the north side of Edgeumbe Road from Evergreen Place to a point 60 ft west of Lexington Avenue and on the south side from Evergreen Place to a point 120 ft west of Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order.....................8046.7............__.., Intermediary Order ............................. FinalOrder -........... 5.15.99.............................approved ............. DAY 2_ ............................. ................ 19...2.9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 2422QQ Cost of construction . $.............„............... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $-•-.....2.a 55____..,,.,,, Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $............e_51............ Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . $48.44 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . , $......_2 ............ Total expenditures 476.05 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the. sum of ............... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance. with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered pr eVON, 049, "M1010m, r 1,1811 k�s �n, Fora B. B. 17 1 Oommiaeianer of Finance. 83784 Council File No._....--------------------------- By...... ----------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Cottage Street from a point 35 ft east of Greenbrier Avenue to a point 168 ft west of Arcade Street, and on Walsh Avenue from Cottage Street to Denny Street, said sewers to be used for sanitary purposes only, surface and roof water to be excluded therefrom, p d i! 't - ai{Fa`xt--r �� e'en er* -nam.. under Preliminary Order ---._.80248_.. , Intermediary Order -.-_8072 ...---- Final Order. ------_81090_.,_ approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the. District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT Fj3RTRER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............. _.._ .............equal installments. DEC 16 19U' Adoptedby the Council- ...... ...................... ...... __.... ..... _ .......................19--....-.. DEC 18 WS Approved ------------------------------------------------------19 ..-. Form B. B. 18 - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment N.Q 9.. •.... 2.Q ................ 1929 -- In the matter of the assessment of benefits', costs and expenses forldw constructing a sewer on Cottage Street from a point 35 ft east of Greenbrier Avenue to a point 168 ft west of Arcade Street, and on Walsh Avenue from Cottage Street to Denny Street, said sewers to be used for sanitary purposes only, surface and roof water to be excluded therefrom, 8024880725 under Preliminary Order ....... ........-----............--- .........., Intermediary Order. ..... -- -- _., Final Order .................. 81090 .......... .......... approved........................June .4......... To the the Council of the City of St. Paul: reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $._3.e 500.00 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $......_-----7.80 Cost of postal cards . . $..............1.56.................. Inspection fees $ .......... 70..........00 .._.....---- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $-•._------_7.80 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $.3,_587.16._.____ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of X3,_587.16 ..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .... ......... . . ...... .................. rice: e. 17 Commissioner of.Finance. ' 83'785 ;i Council File No._ ..Y....__.._.__.... By.._---- _---- __.....__...._...............__.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Burns Avenue from a point 70 ft east of Clarence St. to a point 1057 ft west of White Bear Avenue, Ly-Ig p and a ee 78206 Intermediary Order ...80007_....... Final Order_80372 ___.... appy A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for conformation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .__.... .._........ equal installments. f- Adopted by the Council_— 8 '�}•$ `--.—...._ �__._19...._... v DEC 18 Approved_..._ _..._......... Mayor. r Form B. B. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment 14nv.....2D.............. 19_.29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits # costs and expenses for ft constructing a sewer on Burns Avenue from a point 70 ft east of Clarence St. to a point 1057 ft west of 19hite Bear Avenue, under Preliminary Order.......78206-................... ........... Intermediary Order ...... 5QQQ7----•-•-------.............. .......... Final Order._. ............ 80372.. -•------..... Ani � approved - ............. -23 - 19 -29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $20 --_16.,022.00-- Cost of publishing notice . . . . . $ ................_--.a--- Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $ ................_1_._44 Inspection fees . . . $........... Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . $................�?�. Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $ ,16 358.28 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $.._T6 358.29 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. rom, s. H. 17 - Commiasiorier of Finance. Council File No.__............__-..--------- By--—._..._...-._.._.---------------------- i�"d CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution RatifyiQ Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 8, Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue, [4 1 77'. under Preliminary Order SOi15?�? , ar.rmediary Order..._81438 Final Order. -...._..81824 approved. .June 30 ___19 29.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ------- ........_-------- equal installments. DEC 1s$28 Adopted by the ConnciL.__ _ ....._....-... __.__...- '19......-.. v __.... »_. __.........._.. _.._ Clerk. DEC 18 Approved_-_.__.-..._._____.._ ----- _-_._ _.. _.._... __. __..-_....._ . . . . ................... Mayor. F— R. B. 18 Nnn ...20 - ......., 19 29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tla grading alley in Block 8, Aurora Addition from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue, under Preliminary Order..................80115...................., Intermediary Order .........In438.............. ................ ......., FinalOrder .......... B1£i2.4.............. --------...., approved............ ............................................. 19... 9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 422 00 Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $..........._ ....._......._._ Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . $........4...50 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $........... 90._ ......... Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $--,.-._8.44 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $------_4.50 Total expenditures $ 440.34._____..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $A49-04 .................. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- sii�,nature. _of ahe_said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and e.,.m . n. n I Commievioner of Finance. s 83'78'7 Council File No._ .__.._.__._....-.._ By----......._------- ------ ------- ------------. CITY OF 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 1, Macalester Park and Ecke's Addition and Block 1, Elmer & MorrisoW s Rearrangement, from Grand Avenue to Cambridge Avenue under Preliminary Order—.. -!k!7--5--, Intermediary Order Fling Ilinal Order.76150. approved.._A!jFe_ 29 i A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the. above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT,�'ITRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _%C._......... -_equal installments. Adopted by the CouneiL.r.._.-.--.-DEG-.-I-a __------._19_---- Approved.-_-...-UC. A & ......---.....19 ..... PUBLISDEO 2— —�9 Nav-2Q............ 19.29. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for jbx grading Alley in Block 1, Macalester Park and Ecke's Addition and Block 1, Elmer "& Morrison's Rearrangement, from Grand Avenue to Cambridge Avenue, under Preliminary Order............................, Intermediary Order .......... .....7593.3 Final Order........................ approved-.AUg.....29............................ _ .... -------------- 19.._2$ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.. 198.00;-_------- Cost of publishing notice . $......._1.35_______..... Cost of postal cards $............ !27 Inspection fees . . $-------_3..96 . Amount of court costs for confirmation $......_1.-35 Total expenditures . . . . $-_204.93 --------------------------- Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of O.Q a93_................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to. the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered roper. ./�...... .............. .................._..... Form B. B. V - 'leo- issioner of Finance. 4L 83788 Council File By_.---------- ------ _--- _.._---- ---- ---- _..-- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 5; Woodford Park, from Otto Avenue to Eleanor Street, kzu 7. M yi 'S under Preliminary Order—_Z5.46&...., Intermediary Orden. 80550 _., Final Order--- $1M:!_—.. approved..._. June _11 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratiteAllkh. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT�jFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installment& Adopted by the CounciL__-..DEC 16 r . c a fl Clerk. Approved_..-... ®6C 18 ........ ---19 ��— __..._.._�__,..-.-..._..___......... _... _......... y Mayor.. � PLIF3LISI�� .- - V o CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Nov... -20 ............. 19_2. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses VAX grading Alley in Block 5, Woodford Park, from Otto Avenue to Eleanor Street, 75766 Intermediary 80550 under Preliminary Order.....--..:.. -........ 6 y Order.... ---'.....................5 Final Order...... _81002 ...................... approved.: ................ June ---11 12..29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve. went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . $.274-..Q.Q.............. Cost of publishing notice . .............. Cost ofpostal cards $.......... -36 Inspection fees . . $--_-_5.48 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . , $-,,,,_1.80 Total expenditures $283.44 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $_283,.44.................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. r..m 8: B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 83'789 Council, File No........... -------- __-------- By_............... ._............. _.... ....... __ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for r grading Nevada Avenue from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, s� under PreliminarOrder .. y �_'"y • Intermediary Order _80738 -__,_- Final OrdeP1098 —., approved June 26 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvements and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT MR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—.- equal installments. DEC 16 1929 Adopted by the Q�_4 ity Clerk. DEC 18 7rPUBLISMD ... Mayor. B. H. 18 inn, Ci CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment pj MOM-20 ----••--------, 19.29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for dM .' grading Nevada Avenue from Greenbrier Avenue to Walsh Avenue, t under Preliminary Order .............................. Intermediary. Order ....... 80738.................................. Final Order..... 81098 ........... approved.... -June 26................................. 13.29. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 635 00 Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $.........-_........... ....... q` Cost of publishing notice . . . .........1.20... - $ Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $---------.24 ------•24 -----------_-- Inspection fees . . . . . . . . $--.12.70- ------- --` - Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $ .... _..1'.20 ,:Total expenditures . . . . . . . $ 650.34........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $-.650.34..... .......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel ,of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the, sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council dor such. action thereo s may considers open _ ..-. .......-,.- F.m B. R. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ------------ 83'790 Council File No._.-_..._.-...._..---__.._ By............... __----- _.-._------- - ---------- __ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of alley in Block 25, Summit Park Addition from Chatsworth Street to Milton St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also paying said alley between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, material to be 6" concrete, under min8ry Order ""°` , Intermediary Order ---_$a 2.7. ...., Final Order..82221.._..... , approved _ Aug. 13 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE II/T// FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby. determined to be payable installments. DEC 18 1929 Adopted by the CounciL____..__ DEC 18 Fao B. B. IB °UBL1SMD :S w�� 8�sr� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Nqy tt N ................. 19..29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits idamages , costs and expenses for 7Atfix changing the grade of alley in Block 25, Sunvait Park Addition from heretoChatswoattachedeand mad3to tanpart hereofSt. to ,otherm tpresento the eestablishedline on hgradefile being shown by a blue line thereon, also paving said alley between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, material to be 6" concrete, 2 Intermedia Order .......Q792�--------------------------•------•-----, under Preliminary Order.............�.�,_:7s3.....--.-----•-----------� � Final Order .. ............62227....... approved.....................Altg� -13 ... 19 29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 2 249 - 00 Coat of construction $--••x----•--••-'--••-•----•---- Cost of publishing notice . $----------- Cost -_Cost of postal cards .$. . . ----„_--- 72 Inspection fees . $ ....44.98 60 Amount of court costs for confirmation $---•••-----•-- 3 -.6.0 .......... $2 301.90 Total expenditures . . . t Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of, �2•f 301.90 ............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and. ns idered proper. which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be co .._..........:...................... ........ F.— B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 83791 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES In the matter of an _QAA.t amd_wgat.,,Ulpy 16 ft. in width in Block 6, Hersey -Woolsey Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 8 ft of Lots numbered 1 to 30, both inclusive, May 28,1929 82285 under Preliminary Order ........_x,1036........, approved ................................. Intermediary Order ....................... _... ., approved..._..A11....:.� A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll', and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and eondemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. I DEC 18 192 Adoptedby the Council ................................................ -............ ................. 1 19- ..... ®EC18 City Clerk. Approved...._ ............................................... 19........ Mayor. Councilman Clancy G Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald v 0 Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman -'Wal dei Pearce Mayor Hodgson 83'92 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of._oEening,_,-idaning•_and-._extending_an east and wrest --_alley 16 ft. in width in Block 6, Hersey -Woolsey Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 8 ft of Lots numbered 1 to 30, both inclusive, mt�ee�� "k7 txn�sa3� , 28,1929 82285 under Preliminary Orden...._ 81036 _...... approvedM ...:........................... Intermediary Order .......... -..•..-.----......., approved._.li?�.....�-`�.r._a.0.`I..�.----• Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: .................... open, widen and extend an east and west alley 16 ft in width in Block 6, HerseyzNoolsey Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 8 ft of Lots numbered 1 to 30, both inclusive, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_._....mQ...Se$} ... ..f .....- Of Lots numbered 1 to 30, both inclusive, Block 6, Hersey—Toolsey Addition, DEG 18 1928 Adopted by the Council ....................................................... ........... 19 .... r r SEG......... City Clerk. Approved............................. .......... 19. .... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald f v Councilman Rohland / - _?- or Councilman Sudheimer ' Councilman -P Mr. ,President,',Hodgaonea r e Ilea, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS the matte o enin��..widenin�..and.-extending an.east_.and v�est alley, { p - 16 11. 12 �f� ... n B oqk i, Hersey-1".1oolsey Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 8 ft of Lots numbered 1 to 30, both inclusive, under Preliminary Order. B.10§......., approved_May 28,1929 Intermediary Ord er..._...82285 approved.._..-Alig......U►...192.9•••. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment i roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. Commissioner of Finance.. 88'793 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES Mid In the matter of-...o.pPn1ag,...W.1dan.1X1b_&n5 5.............•. Underwood's Third Addition by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land lying in the southwest corner of the vacated portion of Kenneth Avenue adjoining Lot 12 in said Block 5 and measuring 5 ft. on the east line of Kenneth Avenue and 5 feet on the north line of alley in said Block 5, rr pa°afx rLMOM 82192____._ u .8 ,1929 ander Preliminary Order ....... _................ appmvedA!. ....................... _., Intermediary Order...._82956 _^___._ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the 'lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and icondemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. DEC 18 = Adopted by the Council .......................................................................... , 19._..... r cc,e �L 1 DEC 18 W9 City Clerk. Approved..................................................... 19........ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson. PUBLIS,4 % Councilman McDonald Councilman Rolland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman NW&TAX Pearce Mayor Hodgson In the matter of ....opening:_widening and, ex_tendin_g,_alley,_in__Block__�.____.,,__ Underwood's Third Addition by taking and cond3mning a triangular piece of land lying in the southwest corner of the vacated portion of Kenneth Avenue adjoining Lot 12 in said Block 5 and measuring 5 ft on the east line of Kenneth Avenue and 5 feet on the north line of alley in said Block 5, Aug.8, 1929 82956 approved ....................._........., Intermediary Order ............................... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ...... .... .._..... open, widen and extend alley in Block 5, Underwood's Third Addition by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land lying in the southwest corner of the vacated portion of Kenneth Avenue adjoining Lot 12 in said Block 5 and measuring 5 ft on the east line of Kenneth Avenue and 5 feet on the north line of alley in said Block 5, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- printed and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, of land lying in the southwest corner of the vacated portion of Kenneth, Avenue adjoiningLot 12 in Block 5,.Underwood's Third Addition, and measuring 5 feet on the east line of Kenneth Avenue and 5 feet on the north line of alley in said Block 5, Adopted by the Council..._...... DEC 18 t9� Approved..................................................... 19........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland . Councilman . Sudheimer Councilman i3e Pearce Mr. Fresident.Wodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of t„ ��idening and .extending„alley,-_in,_Block„5�--„„,--,_.. Underwood's Third Addition by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land lying in the southwest corner of the vacated portion of Kenneth Avenue adjoining Lot 12 in said Block 5 and measuring 5 ft on the east line of Kenneth Avenue and 5 feet on the north line of alley in said Block 5, ander Preliminary Orden_ 82192 „„_ approvedAug.8,1929 Intermediary Order....._ 82956 approved_._._._ Oct 9s, 1929 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That -he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom ouch awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. I I �,4 0, � ( , - , 9e,mb, �"eiad nmmniV'wAa ins tinoted to � t etas oitislb�e b ddpr';or bidders,.,a l � S A$� Tha Qonaoil is dasiroue of pro pas ng with the above, d e13r bed projeoa; thereibre, be it_ wt.; Wy. PAUL OFFICE'QF CITY CLBRIf -CITY OFi ST., PAUL !L NM OFFICE OF;CITY"CLERK J. R. / L FORM. n9QP1Ylh'Ar 7 R l A2Q . a. tiawcs aaa-,punps , noe�_of..the pity`:of r ` of-: Publ_ o safety; to.°.the "approval;=of Bulldinae;�. ' . aiiv " SS "'PO$T'CARD IVOTICEI r! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER (?P'F-INANCE St. Paul, Minn* 71..-:......._..1428. 'N"nt to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordidance adoptedby the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th;, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Harry H. •Fletaher ..........................•---...........---- ................................. ....: to erect and install a filling station on theAr.lY..111...QR...b.QS...4,:}lk. 17,o�..dt -----.............................................-- - - ------- ----- ----- - ----------- will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the .......... ..............day of.................:1[fia.,.........., 14 1 .2:x, of 0'o'clock A. M. GDO. C. SUDEMMDS, " Commissioner of FinancA. IL QXIV orbL16i Imp 'Fins CHU - . MICNAEL ' HARDT. '. OSCAR LANDER ' ,O ARn. ONltr OFloLlei HSA VALL. tt TM} rli� Q�! * �E�Iartmen of Pith1a-SaUtuI WILLIAM OARRON. •` .'. e ' CNT111N M DafEmYN - QIRE! IMNEOTOR. RIRR ruvRNTiOII ' '*NOMAS L DAXIL&'DCHARLES L.. WILYS. JUNIOR. C11iY. o[iSCJ. . M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER *UP?. O! APPARATUS ow' o.'I" , ii j". ' COMMIICNS. F. SIMON. M. o. . HARRY T. O-CONNELL. DKPWMnOF .. NEALTH_QPnaa - SU". or TRA"HI - A. A- [DOER*. ,. LIgNSS IMSlSOT011 - A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. . il. COYRT HOVaE DV1R7" NRALTH OVFK= JOS. MACAULAY.' JOHNC YARTI. - XIE/ NSALTM IMSP{OTOII SYR. POLIOS S FIRE AI.MIN December 16, 1929 Mr. D. W., Birdsall, City Clerk, Bt. Paul, Minnesota. Dear .81r. Returned herewith is the application of Harry R. Fletcher for permission to instal a drive- in geaoline filling station at 141-145 West Third Street and reports of inspection and approval as to traffic and.£ire hazard. i j �7p,-,-O Bafety 2225!,gy-r-f t. J..MUAOF roF* CMI OF ues MICXAKL'OOXARDT. MtT. CHIEF OF POLICE - X. A. VALL..:- CAPTAIN OF D,TECTIVtt. THOMAS K. DANIEL NI JUOR: CAPT. OF—CTIVtt �uPT. OF :TRAFFIC: A. L [GOtRT. tlCtxttINRTtOTON JOE. MACAULAY. SUPT. POYOt i FIRt ALARM x Paul OIN[N C. DUNK. FIRM CHIEF ocAIRRo# E.CCHIEF'Vu iYS W n WL LIAM BARRON. Cx16N-[TOR; FIR, PRMIOH CXARLM L. WILLI9. J. M. CLAMCY.0 IMMIE[IQNER .OR. OF A"ARAW. IC HARRY T. O'OOXMt4..DWTT WMMWNHtR s_ F RIMQN. M. D. XtALTN OFFICOI ... OF POLICE 0".'", HI M. D. a BUREAU ppOM fti COURT HOU[[ CHIEF HtAL'TN IxN,CTDR E, J. MURNANE, CNIEF OF POLICE t�l December 14, 1929 Mr. J. M. Glancy, commissioner of Public Safety, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to application of Harry H. Fletcher for line filling station permission to instal a drive-in gasO northwesterly 61 feet of Lot 4, on the Block 17, Rice and on the s Addition, also described as 141-145 West Third Street: I have made the oustomary inspection and do not find that this station will interfere with traffic. Very tru Yours G. Barfuss . Superintendent of T 8-ffi0 e � 'tom l�'rd �. PFR,> UNION MCTAL ea- oR,VYMI Po ST e -'A °LL -Ti wlr"- See /,-se3- FL seo L/BHT LANrG/ XI -1 ROV4N — toNCAETL° RAr P ToaroAA6R -SPACL; f2 s.R,eK W,T.+ 9'W/oR SWrNL/N4 &LAZR'D GARAGL Doe NS, Z3,C [OW T-///5 (VA[L root ro/+/v OeW/Y ro Y tnPR? [Rr<[ ANO !154-0 r.vco,v5r Aoe T/arr �F rs+f/,Ti.004 A5 RfiAA WAA[ # N/LL rdoARO Y✓/•'N X -F PREJF�T/Ory, 7.rr•,I,c> Occ°�.• ark. �, ^ ccVr/i 7a e✓AL /d/A' I3 k'4 o..r,. PWW THIRD STR �- z4& ALL-DRIVES-APPROACNE5 d.1?AV1PS 11 I � (. Ii GINFa /«Fr./ CON �rrt/Fn ,sewn.•. Y It I" <aPwry s,ea,v W,rLwt rn✓rn,. .�n, _ - \ II n GAL r AW --0 .%// TRLSFhr 3o`-y>°Nr FF••^'°•-�' L — F — — 4 NN NL � a 7l _ �n v A.n✓MP fl as �_�:�,\ r / araC • Y \ lrSnclrVltrw♦ i..A��l14I WL •' !EI 4 GRFAS/N4 I. I :swY III Roots JIL 'r T • �� _.�—ort i I ��' 3V�ISNrN6 I Room I I Ii°' � .•. 7 \ P 7O+I.P ...IY. ,,. I c c�no -_s `<a{✓ _ ® 1••. F it FONT/t'/r ofTfr 7/RC LaATS/FR v'f7iC A_s SNO K"r w•,•• C FRr/P�'a;0.]1<04/ rN iNr 1�llso.M III - P. _ RRrLYiN rt .a e,r Tu /4uu/i ,00n1 VIII -_-- - RNO S✓RfAef %YFPo ,I114�I Li AYE \ PA/N1Fa we✓/:rt I/s. W.L., ,• ^:..., . ',:I L r.+y. I I � l�butfr.r°a Orr rn RN (-onrvw• FRon[•R Np"" <7u0{ �sfn L -s,7 STREET UNION' METAL Go- TWPwAr 31a.N neac- OceMPairE w/rN c./v/9 /AMERICAN +/RI El i<T R/a 94ANTfrtN.P 4/L N> I M�TCR PUMA. ��l - I I � AAA - SERVICE STATION LIST OF DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. No. _ OR MAKE flE0'0 NONE SPECIFICATIONS �aSS 30/ • NONE RUILOING 9's'f'r sS-S D�OLPE>.a+� 9JRon NONE CANOPY — NONE COAL & TOOL BO% P'µ I (/N/PN Ml: rAa `'+aar F/47 �>/AN R✓N nr> c.M �/'c-rc ,ylrN aYlf/q , .� .Na4Nro/'. CL APea/t/<> LANs 6?N fbiAat vn rin cart rc?ns/A„_ FINAL RE:UIRED ELEVATIONS 12 S -- F1.. 2 LYISTING ELEVATIONS THE TEXAS COMPANY 17 BATTERY. PLACE—NEW YORK GafRAL- ARRANGE MENT-FL/IIV THIRD 41 FRANKL11V S7-1?EET5 3T+ PA 11L M 1 N N. REVISION RECORD SCALE /g+=�� DATE //-19-29 BY DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY 1.775 ✓R TRACED BY L.T. S.✓R. CHECKED BY . . -- - ----- APPROVED,-''N_O 41, it FENCE SFWAGL a DRAINAGE LINES --- WATER LINES --" FENCE nsOL. TAH NONE SIGNS-(1-.ywe 77 9 C �•��� — <UMPI:LSSED AIR LINES OU LLETIN OOARD Jr / --._.- DAY SIGN POST. 1 WAY VENT L le.lti FI: E>M GA—LINE TANKS ­NT OS DAY SIGN PT. 2 WAV I4'/TN Flo.+n D�;7 I / I N I -- - +-- 1i1; I LIGHT POST. SINGLE ; `� ff I •!^^ LIGHT POST. CLUSTER I I IIII I• FIPF r NGUISHERS I+! I NONL GREASING PIT r I Ill, RI _ I - Pouune Pum Ir.....TA1ry Ql I I 1 n 'IT IT LI -1, h , cc P.es n _ _ _j C•� I ILS ,,,YES 14 7.. (/N/PN Ml: rAa `'+aar F/47 �>/AN R✓N nr> c.M �/'c-rc ,ylrN aYlf/q , .� .Na4Nro/'. CL APea/t/<> LANs 6?N fbiAat vn rin cart rc?ns/A„_ FINAL RE:UIRED ELEVATIONS 12 S -- F1.. 2 LYISTING ELEVATIONS THE TEXAS COMPANY 17 BATTERY. PLACE—NEW YORK GafRAL- ARRANGE MENT-FL/IIV THIRD 41 FRANKL11V S7-1?EET5 3T+ PA 11L M 1 N N. REVISION RECORD SCALE /g+=�� DATE //-19-29 BY DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY 1.775 ✓R TRACED BY L.T. S.✓R. CHECKED BY . . -- - ----- APPROVED,-''N_O 41, it — —� SFWAGL a DRAINAGE LINES --- WATER LINES nsOL. TAH LLECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER LINES �•��� — <UMPI:LSSED AIR LINES — — .ASULIrvL IIt IN �.I.ES FROASOLINE f -ILMI Ii, GASOI .Na TA— --._.- VENT L le.lti FI: E>M GA—LINE TANKS ­NT (/N/PN Ml: rAa `'+aar F/47 �>/AN R✓N nr> c.M �/'c-rc ,ylrN aYlf/q , .� .Na4Nro/'. CL APea/t/<> LANs 6?N fbiAat vn rin cart rc?ns/A„_ FINAL RE:UIRED ELEVATIONS 12 S -- F1.. 2 LYISTING ELEVATIONS THE TEXAS COMPANY 17 BATTERY. PLACE—NEW YORK GafRAL- ARRANGE MENT-FL/IIV THIRD 41 FRANKL11V S7-1?EET5 3T+ PA 11L M 1 N N. REVISION RECORD SCALE /g+=�� DATE //-19-29 BY DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY 1.775 ✓R TRACED BY L.T. S.✓R. CHECKED BY . . -- - ----- APPROVED,-''N_O 41, it — —� SFWAGL a DRAINAGE LINES --- WATER LINES �— �.. ..-- LLECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER LINES �•��� — <UMPI:LSSED AIR LINES — — (/N/PN Ml: rAa `'+aar F/47 �>/AN R✓N nr> c.M �/'c-rc ,ylrN aYlf/q , .� .Na4Nro/'. CL APea/t/<> LANs 6?N fbiAat vn rin cart rc?ns/A„_ FINAL RE:UIRED ELEVATIONS 12 S -- F1.. 2 LYISTING ELEVATIONS THE TEXAS COMPANY 17 BATTERY. PLACE—NEW YORK GafRAL- ARRANGE MENT-FL/IIV THIRD 41 FRANKL11V S7-1?EET5 3T+ PA 11L M 1 N N. REVISION RECORD SCALE /g+=�� DATE //-19-29 BY DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY 1.775 ✓R TRACED BY L.T. S.✓R. CHECKED BY . . -- - ----- APPROVED,-''N_O 41, it p ELE[TR/C SERV/CE svPpx yCo. /11-1:1111N L /9/9 FLooO L/LNT LANTCRN ILOPAOILF CER55 GLOAEOYFR NEAO-DoORoow L—Nr L4N GbW6NJHER PRooF loMETAL Co. V 3 /DOW yL1147-FL OOD L/6 HT 7/ �GK PR FO TAP- BASE. STANOA R SERV/cE STAT/oN / poST 246A. G1 WN/TE CEMENT � 0✓Lrt0 !4 m'vvr rA/r � / fu•M j loo ,ISO h - - - L/11oo PM w—rc t �I W A$ H I N 4-^ G R E AS / N O ERV / C E • r_ +QV �t1 V u h � I � � � � O •.:ON GRADE i 1_ i sa-z 21_2 —� -- ACAMS UNDER DR/YEWAY-/L�,DE! 6.11wst Ro•m5- p FFice aLoc l-•s- �� S �'�" 12'8 - /'9" ALL•SEM/L'R LANES- Lt=AOL=Rt k7C. /0051 /j,(_ /lEPT/N eL EA /? BC7WFEN SPANS i FRA/VXL//V ST. ECEIKATh /•vCAHRY AyJ �A/�".. /N/ar: F ci-/' ENI/RL�.(L-N67H i T Y P c A I- a E A M D k:rA1 kS-SCa4k CONT/�ACTOR p/r,DU/LDF/lS- NoT.Fs 7►N/S ELE✓Ar/oN �GEN/F/tAL ARRAN4,tMENT nL.v /yN104c (jOY.G-RN O/Y TN/S LOCAT/ON'-TF�FRNNK.(/N- STPNd1- 7H& 4ENERAL ARR. PLAN '•'MO 9'C /S To /3F L/SFD AS APLoo/P PLAN /N eON✓//NCT/ON W/7H FLFjTAT/oN 4/3vI/E D?AW/N6S SNOW/N4 GO/VSTRdCT/ON DFTA/R S —N y ACCO.HPANy 71KESE TIYo DRAW/NGS T//E WALLS d FOU/VDA T/o NS NdW ON pRoPERTy Al AY /3.E //SEO SEN/e R a u/A T ER SFRY/cE NO!✓/N /NAY/3E 115-C-0 /F P,-9c7/eA/2Lf." TA/YKS MVST D.F TJVRIFJ OU7S/D4r- So//TN WALL �y �i P.rs td PaNWs Rd/v/N SPEC/AL AEANIS AS S/YOW/V- ANEW 0N/41Ak7Y S//FF/f/FNT /N t/z.F FOR /3o/LF1? ja A.Ed//Lr IN L:OCA77o1V SHOWN. )Bo/LFR TOOE LOWPREssuRE 6TEA/M - AOIRAO EO c/7 EDPAL SF SUFF/C/En Al2E To HEAT OFF/C{ GREAS//Y4 p N/ASN/N4 DL/J 4. qT /TO' ATIERO ir •• •• /34SEMENT TO -SOPd.T ZERO. RAD/AT/ON //✓ OFF/Cc $TO/LETS Td /3F S7/.4.t--- CdRTo OR CqugL . /N e-RFAS/N4 ROOMS To OF LO/✓/ORESSL'PF STEAM Q/LIOD/NL= u OR k -Q URL HEAT UN/TS"— ANy Jo/STS —? /t4 ATE?/ALJ //Y PRES•�NT LLDc, //✓ .aedo COND/T/OA 'r SOUND MAy RL'OSED /N" IVCM RAi 6. BEAM SCHEDULE MKo T•f $ln0 L /j [� L /( STR BARS ND. S/z<' BENT BARS S7/RgUPS No. S/1<' irwe/N4 FNom E/JL c- o svPPORT /•vCAHRY AyJ �A/�".. /N/ar: F ci-/' ENI/RL�.(L-N67H i T Y P c A I- a E A M D k:rA1 kS-SCa4k CONT/�ACTOR p/r,DU/LDF/lS- NoT.Fs 7►N/S ELE✓Ar/oN �GEN/F/tAL ARRAN4,tMENT nL.v /yN104c (jOY.G-RN O/Y TN/S LOCAT/ON'-TF�FRNNK.(/N- STPNd1- 7H& 4ENERAL ARR. PLAN '•'MO 9'C /S To /3F L/SFD AS APLoo/P PLAN /N eON✓//NCT/ON W/7H FLFjTAT/oN 4/3vI/E D?AW/N6S SNOW/N4 GO/VSTRdCT/ON DFTA/R S —N y ACCO.HPANy 71KESE TIYo DRAW/NGS T//E WALLS d FOU/VDA T/o NS NdW ON pRoPERTy Al AY /3.E //SEO SEN/e R a u/A T ER SFRY/cE NO!✓/N /NAY/3E 115-C-0 /F P,-9c7/eA/2Lf." TA/YKS MVST D.F TJVRIFJ OU7S/D4r- So//TN WALL �y �i P.rs td PaNWs Rd/v/N SPEC/AL AEANIS AS S/YOW/V- ANEW 0N/41Ak7Y S//FF/f/FNT /N t/z.F FOR /3o/LF1? ja A.Ed//Lr IN L:OCA77o1V SHOWN. )Bo/LFR TOOE LOWPREssuRE 6TEA/M - AOIRAO EO c/7 EDPAL SF SUFF/C/En Al2E To HEAT OFF/C{ GREAS//Y4 p N/ASN/N4 DL/J 4. qT /TO' ATIERO ir •• •• /34SEMENT TO -SOPd.T ZERO. RAD/AT/ON //✓ OFF/Cc $TO/LETS Td /3F S7/.4.t--- CdRTo OR CqugL . /N e-RFAS/N4 ROOMS To OF LO/✓/ORESSL'PF STEAM Q/LIOD/NL= u OR k -Q URL HEAT UN/TS"— ANy Jo/STS —? /t4 ATE?/ALJ //Y PRES•�NT LLDc, //✓ .aedo COND/T/OA 'r SOUND MAy RL'OSED /N" IVCM RAi 6. 10 qc P Ni PANY F4 A/JLF.- �PUNWS /*1p/L i– FA -r c/c.vr V,PF N91710,' u fAAAX °f SASH 77PiR MA7FRih4 T,11/.S WALL BCa RRESPO No11vb WALT . N ITAIION 1 2 ,$Pq M/SM T/4L" OF EPWARPs MFG. fo M /i Ww ✓n of a EJrACD-ART 64A55 Q � A DT 04AS5 PAINTEP` 6RfENn ✓TfIIrvA�lawTCO J•j••,FM 04E41 •/OOw T 5316-151/v",v ' L/LHT OEH/ND. O AY C 9 !. �L DN NPRTN L./1Vt 70/7E f,- On/✓N L' FL04FNT/NF yliA3iM/NPeY3 Z R �J(Q S yL/c MrS• v r� loo /N w, AS Sh'o /*/N A190)1A IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111 10 qc P Ni PANY F4 A/JLF.- �PUNWS /*1p/L i– FA -r c/c.vr V,PF N91710,' .SAsh Zc-he 6VA12 fAAAX °f SASH 77PiR MA7FRih4 T,11/.S WALL BCa RRESPO No11vb WALT G4AZ//V6• A 2 33/4-1 ST I&k s3„s„Xsu A DT 04AS5 B 3 5316-151/v",v 4.8•• SASN C 9 !. �Vp1fWoo r) NPNL-weoo DN NPRTN L./1Vt 70/7E f,- On/✓N L' FL04FNT/NF yliA3iM/NPeY3 .e R �J(Q S yL/c MrS• Y,,"WIH! GdA -v AS Sh'o /*/N A190)1A Ap yV/344 TO NA✓E Nf AS/,FR a j (:l�L.EA YE %'AINT.EO 8I I iY �P,4l'R�INL 'y c"c✓en ' .\_- }NV/NL GRAD.f /N FRo N/Of OL D4 f F/��rsN •� L -•DEEP NFP e f1aa�N P rew ar f"eA-1 At Pwlrr ..6ONcaF1 E I�10 fief Is AMP R 5 ¢L Vwr°��4 of I L IN D E'Rs I �i1r"o [EA? I PP0 pnEtENT Cp NpRETE J:40/R REMAINS �_ I i ~ORA/NAT DOTTOM --- of RAA+P. -jceNN iCTEp 70 SEWER YATIolV 10 qc P Ni PANY F4 A/JLF.- �PUNWS /*1p/L i– FA -r c/c.vr V,PF N91710,' REVISION RECORDTHE TEXAS Cwo MPANY DATE )By pescRrpr/oN 17 OATTERY PLACE NEW YORK STA/VDARD TYPE 'BRI L -l< (% STUCCO S. -RV/ c,- $TA. OFFICE -(,.REAS/NG-k/RSN/NG-i/RE yd3ATTERI SERB/G E' ,?3�//SCO/NG ,SCALE— AS snoWN AAT,F - /2"5-29 PRAWN &y A_779.JR. TRA cL=� c7Y �T,S JR CNE cKEO AY- �TSf s 9gS9- SS- 5G APP/2ov,co .�Jyf s �� N 0 Q3�o,4 .SAsh Zc-he 6VA12 fAAAX °f SASH 77PiR MA7FRih4 Sl7F G4AZ//V6• A 2 33/4-1 ST I&k s3„s„Xsu A DT 04AS5 B 3 5316-151/v",v 4.8•• SASN C 9 !. �Vp1fWoo r) NPNL-weoo X2;1 QR//R IPE,”/Nt. FL04FNT/NF yliA3iM/NPeY3 A R �J(Q S yL/c MrS• Y,,"WIH! GdA -v REVISION RECORDTHE TEXAS Cwo MPANY DATE )By pescRrpr/oN 17 OATTERY PLACE NEW YORK STA/VDARD TYPE 'BRI L -l< (% STUCCO S. -RV/ c,- $TA. OFFICE -(,.REAS/NG-k/RSN/NG-i/RE yd3ATTERI SERB/G E' ,?3�//SCO/NG ,SCALE— AS snoWN AAT,F - /2"5-29 PRAWN &y A_779.JR. TRA cL=� c7Y �T,S JR CNE cKEO AY- �TSf s 9gS9- SS- 5G APP/2ov,co .�Jyf s �� N 0 Q3�o,4 3 r sa..�mu...u,. CITY OF ST. PAUL PIeNC1L NO. ilV4 - OFFICE OF CITY'CLERK ks ;$ COUNCILRESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM 1929 COMMIe.810NER DATE 1)e014, �, , RESOLVED' In the matter of grading huolla Avenue from Autumn Street to Orange Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 75115, ajWroved )%reh 1, 1928, and Final Order G. F. 76592, approved ,Jnae 26, 1928. Resolve, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby panelled, annulled and resoinded.and, all prooeedinga in suoh matter discon- tinued. i i I ' COUNCILMEN DEC 1$ Adopted by the Council 19_. Yeas Naya Clancy 1$ 192 McDonald 1n favor APProv, 19— Rohland O - .SudhtimCf L: Against MAYOR. I�- Rbee�l A �1'*in� F COU14CIL NO.�. �V • CITY OF L OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC OUNCIL jRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM p�gsENTED SY A COMMIEIlIONER - :. WHEREAS, IInforaeen obstacles not provided for in the making park of improvement described as, the grading Of aper approved 16, Playground area, under Council File #80833, pp 1929, have arisen, necessitation the following extra work to be done: Installation of 95 lin, ft. Of 12 in. sewer . pipe (subatituted for 64 lin. ft. of 8 in. sewer 02.50 per ft.=$237.50 pipe originally specified) CREDITS @ $2.00 per Pt.- 130.00 Less 65 lin. ft. of 8 in. sewer pipe - - - - - - - - - - 107.50 - - - Total addition for extras - - - - . Resolved, That the council hereby orders the extra work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner ohe Oatct erkeofanotnd itoaccordance exceed the ith the sum of $107.50,ctoibesallowed therefor, t of the aforesaid as an extra under the contract for playground uunnd Bond Fund #446. improvement, payable out of the Plyg t W. 3 eRw'y�P $un " R�� $gib 1T IIY� Sii U TW yy ! # rFAi s Q dAne n» t7�1� l„T/W ac's' + t>i• i �At�slnni� 7w �. �, • Y n b GMx111 COUNCILMEN DEC 1818GW 19 AA—.A by the C0004 f C 181�2� Apps 19— MAYOR TELEPHONE MIDWAY 3336 MARTIN WUNDERLICH GENERAL CONTRACTING 1231 BLAIR STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Dec 6th., 1929. N 96t C� City of St. Paul De,,ar toren t of Parks Court houee St. Paul,t`inn. Dear Sir:: ;e have ;;o,.r latter concerning; orr billing; you for t -ie balance of our contr^.et price on the Haz- el Park Job and the ex`:ra sewer work. Balance of Contract 3 965.50 �6 951 of 12" Suver 2.50 Ft. 237.50 2-S-7- 00-0 a 1206.00 1 0S " Less 658 of 8" Sewer 2.00 Ft. 130.00 " 1076.00 GEORdE L. NASON. H. J. BKTZOLD. Aur. Su ..F ►w R.. ERNEST W. JOHNSON. Su►T.w PlAro.ounos FRANK DRAS9AL. ►LAYOAON 1k 016 mug of St. Past &111minaw of Parks. 9iag1W1100a aa0 10 it ]WIbb ga IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER FRED W. YA .ORR. DCpU_ COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 CITY HALL �8 Mr. I. C. Pearce, Commissioner, o f f i c e. Dear Sir: JAMES C. NIEMEYER. C ANCMTiCr H. S. BRONSON. su.r. euNl. oaFmna.. ADE DRE.HER. 61N'1'. lLu.. C.11.TA.CTI.N December 17, 1929. With regard to the Hazel Park Playgrounds. In the construction of the Hazel Park Playground the plans on which the contractor bid showed 64 ft. of S" sewer draining the area. During construction it became apparent that an 8 inch sewer was only barely capable of draining this area under emergencies, and we also found it was possible yanole rather than intointhe sewer a dalinenof pipe. Thice longer to s into ama-h making a better job the contractor was therefore, authrizfeetoandetotincreasesthehsizentoh12fPipe Inches,o95 ineal whichmore than doubled the capacity of the sewer and made a better job. The contractor la, therefore, entitled to the difference 1n cost between 64 ft. of 6 in. sewer, and 95 ft. of 12 in. sewer, which amounts to $107.50. n/m Your" very truly, Superintendent of Parks. - — - - - - - - Legal Department F. W. ROOT ` C. O. NEWCOMB Minneapolis, Minn., A. C CRDAu 25 Milwaukee Station 'Dec. 10 , 19.29 . F. A..MCPAR"ND - Re. St. Paul Grain Terminal Spur Track Agreement. Mr. Reece J. McGee Assistant Corporation Counsel 8t. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Replying to yours of 4th,inst. regarding clearances: We talked this matter over yesterday with Mr. O'Neill and Mr. Kelsey. It was agreed that the statutory clearances of 21 feet perpendicularly and, 8 feet horizontally should apply only to existing structures and the agreement corrected accordingly. Itseemsthat the scale house is the only structure that would be affected. Because our standard clearances are in excess of the statutory provisions - that is to say 8j feet side clearance and 21 feet overhead clear- anoe, we feel that for the purpose of any structure hereafter erected our standards should be observed. You trul , R:S Solicitor. s- CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL and PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. Al THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of A.D. 1929, by and between the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, hereinafter called the "Railroad Company°, and CITY OF ST:. -PAUL, MINNESOTA, hereinafter called the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires the construction, maintenance and'operation of certain railway tracks to serve the Grain Barge Terminal of the said City, located on the river front between Chestnut and Sherman Streets,. substantially as indicated by the lines in yellow color on the plat hereto attached, marked "EXHIBIT All, and made a part hereof; and the Railroad Company is willing that said tracks be constructed, main- tained and operated, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;. NOW THEREFORE, inconsideration of the premises, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. The City shall procure and furnish, without expense to the Railroad Company, all necessary right of way for such portion of said tracks as are not located upon the premises of the Railroad Company, including all necessary authority and permission, public and private, for the construction, maintenance and operation of said tracks and shall reimburse the Railroad Company all cost and expense, including attorneyfs fees, that it may be put to in defending the right to occupy such right of'wayy or the right to construct, maintain and operate said tracks and the <1 ty shall pay all compensation, assessments, fees and other charges required at any time by any Federal, State or municipal authority, per- son or corporation for the privilege of constructing, maintaining and operating said tracks. 2. CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: The City shall, at its own expense and subject to the approval of the Chief Engineer of the Railroad Company, prepare the grade, ) restore all street paving, install river protection, provide and install necessary drainage and construct all bridges, culverts and.make or cause to be made all changes to water pipes, sewers and other underground or overhead facilities incident to the construction of a roadbed for the proposed tracks. The Railroad Company shall, at the expense of the City, furnish labor, engineering, supervision and material for and therewith lay ballast and surface said tracks including the scale track and the run around.track 494 feet long. The Railroad Company shall, at the expense of the City, maintain, repair, and renew said tracks, including scale track, run around track, planked crossings, bridges, culverts, bumping posts, grading, including all necessary engineering and supervision. The City shall, at its expense, maintain, repair and renew all water and sewer systems, other underground facilities, street paving, curbing, river protection and if required provide at its expense street crossing gates, warning signals and flagmen. The construction of said tracks shall include equipping it for electric operation at the expense of the City, if now or here- after within electrified territory. 3. The.Railroad Company will deliver on said tracks all freight.in oarloads.00nsigned to the City, the Municipal Grain.Terminal or its patrons, -and will:plaoe thereon cars for loading full carloads to'be shipped by the City,. the Municipal Grain Termnal.or its patrons, all such service to be performed at the legally published tariff rates. 4. The City shall, before the work is commenced, deposit with the Railroad Company the sum of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Thtirty='One ($11,531.00) Dollars, the estimated cost and expense of con- struotingisaid tracks, to be paid by the City. If the actual cost, -shall prove more or less than such estimated amount, the difference shall be promptly paid by the City, orrefundedby the Railroad Company, asthe: case may be. 5. The City 'shall pay to.. Ralroad;0ompany from timeJto time the cost of :all such repairs,, renewals, addltion's,;betterments.and changes to;eaid tracks':and the;ooat;,of installation and 'maintenance Of Asuch'deraile, signala'and other safety devices, a9 in the judgment of the Railroad Company. may;be�_necessary .or.-ex pedient to make or install. The :Citq`shall pay to the Railroad 0ompany'from time to time the coat of 'keeping said tracks free and-clear from enow,;ice,;eeeda,. and similar obstructions. S. The City shall pay theFcost.;and expense,of all present and. d tracks, rendered necessary by ohanges Ynture changes in sai in the ,,tail road Company's tracks 'property or:.operating requirements, or, ;rendered necessary", o conform said tracks to change of grade of the tracks or property of, the Railroad. Company, required by any law or ordinance of state or.munioipiiity,having jurisdiction thereof; and the City.shall also pay the._d h'an'd expense of;all future changes in 'or additions to the Railroad Company' s.°tracks and property or construction made necessary by this 'con- struotion,-:maintenance or;;operation of said tracks. 7. °Cost. and iipenee;" for the purpose .of this aggreement, shall be all_aasignable oost including ohanges in or relocation ofppoles, wires and other .obstructions to make-way for'said tracks;, plus ten (10) percent on,all,labor hemi, and fifteen (.15) percent on all material' items.t6. cover, transportation cost a-& ,elements.of expense Foot` capable of exact asoertiAhkent and.-shall include a ie..usgneble amount`as rental for equip went and'.�expenae of work train service ao:tually"used. in the oonetruotion and::maintenance of said tracks, an a, reasonable amount for engineering. and'superintendgnce., The City agrees to make all payments herein, provided for within thirty;,(zo) days after bills are rendered therefor.; ana.upon failure::'to do so.;.the Railroad Company mazy, unles'e the eame,is paid within thirty, (30)`days from .written motloe-of,such failure, disconnect said:traeks;: or refuse to operate over the ;same. 8. . The City' Shall not I•place, or permit. to be placed, or, to remain; any,-material, equipment; structure, pole or other obstacle or obstruction,• within 8.5 feet on, straight track, or 9.5 feet on ourved track, laterally, of the :center, or within, twenty-five,'(:25) feet.ver'tioel- ly'from the top of either rail of said tracks; mor will it make or permit to be made; or to remain; any:eicavation.wit.hin--six (8) feet laterally' from the nearest rail of said traoks The numbei"of feet of.olearanoe herein specified may, be.changed,Vy,the Railroad Company at any time to meet legal requirements by giving written notice.`thereo.f to rthe.0ity: Perpendioular and h'orizontaL olearanoes, as herein provided•,.eha11 not appiy.to any structure existing at the date of this.agreement. gxieting, structurea Are 'to,,00mpif with. the olearanoes provided by statute: lLithin . tea (10) days after.receipt of such notice, the City 'shall at` te.own expense, proceed to make such ,'changes as. may, b -_heoeseary to comply therewith. If the-City shall fail to. do so, the Railroad Company shall have the option to make;euoh ObSyiges atz, the expenee'of the City, and; the Ci y: agrees to promptly pay the Railroad Company: he cost and. expense. ., thereof. 8. It 3s understood that the. movement of railroad locomotives includee'some,riek of' tire, and'the'City assumes- all responsibility and,agreee to indemnify the Railroad.Company,against loss or demage to property .of the, City or'.to property:upoa its premises, regardless of railroad negligenoe, arising from fire caused by anoomotives.operated by the ;Ra.ilroad Company'on said tracks, or in,the.'vicinity thereof ,;,for the!purpose=of serving ,the City, except to the premises of the Railroad Company, and. to,r;olling stook>belonging to the Rs3lroad tlompany or 'to `others, and to ,shipments in the course of transportation. The `City also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the.Ra11- road Company for loss, damage;or injury from any'aot or omission of the City, its;'employea,-or agents, to the person or props rty of 'the parties z hereto and: their employee, and to the person or_propertp of Any. other person or A,oTporation, while .on or. about eaid•traoks, and 1f any or liability other than from fire shall arise from -the or concurring" ll be negligenoe-oi both parties hereto, isha.11 have"%their ghtttomuee squally. 10.. The Railroad aompsay track's, and also to operate over them in oonneoti6A with any extension thereof, .when :such use-and operation do not unreasonably interfere �t service to the it d tr . . not oonriedf any spar "t e...9si '-'. h ty desiring such other Indus until the P ar sai '�gbke t0 serve any .2,- spur or extension shall have agreed to reimburse the City for an ,"equitable portion of the cost of construction and maintenance of said tracks. 11. The Railroad Company shall own all that portion of said tracks and appurtenances thereto, including the grading, bridging, ties; metal and ballast, lying on its right ofway, provided, and the Railroad Company agrees, that should the City abandon the use of said traoks, or this agreement be in.any manner terminated, it will pay to the City the salvage value of the usable material recovered from said portion of said tracks, the original cost of which was paid by the City, less the cost of recovering the same and of restoring the Railroad Company's tracks and property, to its former condition. 13. Either party shall have the right, at its option,e to terminate this agreement upon nine months written notice and if.the City shall cases to use said tracks for a period of eight months, or -if the City,shall fail to keep and perform any of its covenants and agree - z meats herein contained, the Railroad Company shall have the right, at Its option, to terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice.' 13. The City shall not assign this agreement, or sa interest therein, or permit the use of said tracks located on Railroy ad Company property, or any part thereof, by any othei,person, firm or corporation, without consent in writing of the Railroad Company; and for any departure in this respect, the Railroad Company may terminate this agreement. Subject to the above limitation, this agreement shall In all respects be binding upon -the respective parties, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, as the case may be. 13 (b). It is understood by the`Railroad Company that. the City desires to permit the Farmers Union Exchange, Inc., to use t e said tracksandthe Railroad Company hereby consents to said use,provid- ed and the City agrees that the granting of such consent shall not relieve the City of any and all liability it has assumed herein or which may be sustained or incurred by reason of•the use of said'traalcs by said Farmers. Union Exchange, Inc. The City further agrees, in consideration of the Railroad ;Company's consent to, the use of said tracks by the Farmers.Union Exohange, no., that in addition to the obligati sit has assumed herein it will assume and relieve the Railroad Company ffrom any and all damage and liability which the Farmers Union Exchange, Inc., may incur or sus- tain.by reason of the use of said tracks by the said Farmers Union Exchange, Inc. 14. The City having constructed for its use a track scale and/or track hopper and appurtenances thereto; at or near the Point 00n designated on said Exhibit "A", for the purpose of weighing cars -there placed by the Railroad Company., the City shall, at its own expense, maintain the said track scale and hopper and appurtenances is good condition of repair and shall operate the same in such. manner so that -the coverstherefor, shall be in place_,over the space of the rails of said tracks and any openings adjacent thereto. - The -manner of main- taining, using and operating said track scale and hopper shall be, at all times,_subjeot to the approval of the Chief Engineer of the Railroad Company, who shall have the right at all times to i#epeot'the same; and the. City agrees that it will, at its own expense, make such repairs, changes, or alterations therein, and in said covers as may be designated by said Chief Engineer. The City shall and does hereby release the Railroad Company from, and agrees to indemnify it against, all liability for damages whioh may in any.manner be incurred by the Railroad Company, caused by or resulting from the construction, repair, change, alters- tions, presence, use, maintenance or operation of said track scale and hopper and covers, and this regardless of the question of negligence; and the City hereby assumes the risk of all loss, cost or expense which it may sustain by reason of damage to or destruction of property owned by it or in which it is interested, and also hereby assumes the risk r of all liability for injury to or the death of any person, whosoeve y i f 5 At ' 4 - caused by the construction, repair or alteration, presence, use, maintenance or operation of said track scale and covers, whether such loss, damage, injury or death be caused in whole or -in part by the negligence of the Railroad Company or otherwise and the City hereby agrees to indemnify the Railroad Company therefrom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC ATTEST: RAILROAD COMPANY, By Secretary. Vice President. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, ATTEST: By. Mayor. Commissioner of Public Utilities. City Clerk. City Comptroller. a Form Approved: Approved: Approved for Execution: Asst.Gen'l Solicitor. Chief Engineer. General Manager. 71 FAIL MAIN— 6`18- &.',i wi s tIN 00201 led \ f7l i LA joint ^drain Ti ac'xs - ` ---_ a- —• _» —_— --- \ • tom' --. - �, --f -- I W4111MT01`l ST. ti 'co On qc i- 9S ro � ti sy� I I je_� S L S L 3 W -i N s I ti 'co On qc i- 9S ro � ti sy� I I je_� M"WNTMFAKWS a 0 `i loi e 111 9 1 \ 11 1 1 11 \ 1 1 1 1 11 ` 1 1 1 ,1 CKESTNU-7 57 YARD. -_1 YARD. M� M r 41'i n 4x 0 C PROF GRAI1N cjIST. £ M=.® 5. The City shall pay to the Railroad Company from time to time the cost of all such repairs, renewals, additions, better- ments and changes to said tracks and the cost of installation and main- tenanoe of such derails, signals Y d other safety devices,or as in the eke judgment of the Railroad Company abe or install. The City shall pay to the Railroad Company from time to time the cost of keeping said tracks free and clear from snow, ice, weeds, and similar obstructions. 6. -The City shall pay the cost and expense of all present and future changes in said tracks, rendered necessary by changes in the Railroad Company's tracks, property or operating requirements, or rendered necessary to conform said tracks to change of grade of the tracks or property of the Railroad Company required anthereofawaor or- dinance of State or Municipality having jurisdiction he City shall also pay the cost and expense of all future changes in or additions to the Railroad Compsny'8 ttraoks and property or construction made necessary by the construction, maintenance or operation of said tracks. 7. "Cost and Fspense", for the purpose of this agreement, shall be all assignable cost including changes in or relocation of oleo, wires and other obstructions to make way for said tracks; plus ten M) percent on all labor items and fifteen (15) percent on all material items to cover transportation cost and elements of expense not capable of exact asoertainment and shall include a reasonable amount as rental for equipment and expense of work train service actually used in the,con- struction and maintenance of said tracks, and a reasonable amount for engineering and superintendence. The City agrees to make all payments herein provided for within thirty (30) days after bills are rendered therefor; samaid paid failure to do so, the Railroad Company may, er within thirty (30) days from written notice of such failure, disconnect said tracks, or refuse to operate over the same. 8. The City shall not place, or permit to be placed, or to remain, any material, equipment, structure, pose or other obstacle or obstruction, within 8.5 feet on straight track, or 9.5 feet on curved track, laterally of the center, or within twenty-five (25) feet vertical- ly ffom the top of either rail of said tracks; nor will it make or permit to be made, or to remain, any excavation within six (4) feet laterally from the nearest rail of said tracks. -R The number of'feet of clearance herein specified may be changed by the Railroad Company at any time to \ - meet ng written notice thereof to the City. legal requirements by givi..1. Within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, the City shall, at \its own expense, proceed to make such changes as may be necessary to \comply therewith. If the City shall fail to do so, the Railroad Company hall have the option to make such changes at the expense of the City -nd the City agrees to promptly pay the Railroad Company the cost and e ense thereof. 9. It is understood that the movement of railroad l000 - motives includes some risk of fire, and the City assumes all responsi- bility for and agrees to indemnify the Railroad Company against loss or damage to property of the City or to property upon its premises, regard- less of railroad negligence, arising from fire caused by locomotives operated by the Railroad Company on said tracks, or in the vicinity thereof, for the purpose of serving the City, except to the premises of. the Railroad Company, and to rolling stock belonging to the Railroad Company or to others, and to shipments in the course of transportation. The City also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Railroad Company for loss, damage or injury from any act or omission of the City, its employees, or agents, to the person or property of the parties hereto and their employes, and to the person or property of any' other person or corporation, while on or about said tracks, and if any claim or liability other than from fire shall arise from the joint or concurring negligence of both parties hereto, it shall be borne by t4em equally. 10. The Railroad Company shall have the right to use said tracks, and also to operate over them in connection with any eaten sion-=thereof, when suoh..use-and. operation do not, unreasonably yBiahatZite with.'service to the industry. But the Railroad Company agr wil :not..Co act any spur with the said tracks or make any extension of tIFO..o-serve any other industry until the party desiring such -2- CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL and PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of iD. 1928, by .and between the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. P AND PACIFIC RAILRO& COMPANr, hereinafter called the fRailroad Company', and CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, hereinafter called the "City', WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City desires the oonstruotion maintenance and operation of certain railway tracks to serve the Gran Barge Terminal of the said City located on the river front between Chestnut and Sherman Streets, oubstanlially as indicated by the lines in yellow color on the plat hereto attached, marked "EKgIBIT As, and made a part hereof; and the Railroad Company is willing that said tracks be constructed, main- tained and operated, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the parties hereto hereby agree as follow*: 1. The City shall procure and furnish, without expense to the Railroad Company all necessary right of way for such portion of said tracks as are not ionated upon the premises of the Railroad Company, including all necessary authority and permission, public and private for the construction, maintenance and operation of said tracks and ;611 reimburse the Railroad Company all cost and expense, including attorney+s fees, that it may be put to in defending the right to occupy such right of way or the right to construct maintain and operate said tracks and the City shall pay all compensation, assesements, fees and other charges required at any time by any Federal, State or municipal authority, per- son or corporation for the privilege of constructing, maintaining and operating said tracks. 2. CONSTHDOTION MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION: The City Nail, at its own expense and subject to the approval of the Chief Engineer of the Railroad Company, prepare -the grade, restore all street paving, install river protection, provide and install necessary drainage and construct all bridges, culverts and make or cause to be made all changes to water pipes, sewers and other underground or overhead facilities incident to the construction of a roadbed for the proposed tracks. The Railroad Company shall, at the expense of the City furnish labor, engineering supervision and material for and therewi4h lay ballast and surface sad tracks including the scale track and the run around track 484 feet long. The Railroad Company shall, at the expense of the City, maintain, repair, and renew said tracks, including scale track, ran around track, planked crossings, bridges, culverts, bumping posts, grading, including all necessary engineering and supervision. The City shall, at its expense, maintain, repair and renew all water and sewer systems, other underground facilities, street paving., ourbin*, river protection and if required provide at its expense street crossing gates, w4rni.ng signals and flagman. The oonstruetion of said tracks shall include equipping It for electric operation at the expense of the City, if now or here-, _alter within electrified territory. 3. The Railroad Company will deliver on said tracks all freight in carloads consigned to the City, the Municipal Grain Terminal or its patrons, and will place thereon care for loading full oarloads to be shipped by the City, the Municipal Grain Terminal or its patrons, all such service to be performed at the legally published tariff rates. 4. The City shall, before the work is commenced, deposit with the Railroad Company the am of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty -One (=11,531.00) Dollars, the estimated cost and expense of son- struoting said tracks, to be paid by the City. If the actual cost shall prove more or less than such estimated amount, the difference aha" be promptly paid by the City, or refunded by the Railroad Company, as the case may be. 7 6. Th" --City shall pay to the Railroad COMMy from time to tim the cost of all Such repairs, renewals, additions, betterments and chaise to said tracks and the cost of installation and maintenance of euoh derails, signals and other safety devices, as in'the judgment of the Railroad Company may be necessary or ei%pediert to make or install. The Cityy shall pay to the Railroad Company from time to time the cost R keeping said tracks free and clear from snow, foes weeds, and similar obstructions. B. The City shall pay the cost and expense of all present --and future changes in said tracks, rendered neoessary by changes in the•Rail- road Companyle tracks, property or operating requirements, or rendered necessary to conform said tracks to change of grade of the tracks or property of the Railroad Company required by any law or ordinance of state or mnnioipelity having'jurisdiotion thereof* and the City shall also pay the cost and expense of all future changes to or additions to the Railroad Company's tracks and property or construction made necessary by the oon- etruotion, maintenance or operation of said tracks. 7. "Cost and Expense," for the purpose of this agreement, shall be all assignable cost including changes in or relocation of poleo, wires and other obstruct -tions to make way for said tracks; plus ten {10) percent on all labor items, and fifteen (15) percent on all material items to cover transportation cost and elements of expense not capable of exact asoertainment and shall include a reetsonable amount as rental for equip - meat and expense of work train service actually used in the construction and maintenance of said tracks, and a reasonable amount for engineering and superintendence. The City agrees to make all payments herein provided for within thirty (30) days after bills are rendered therefor;and upon failure to do so, the.Railroad Company ailroad may, unites the same is paid within thirty (30) days :from written notice of such failure, disconnect said traoke; or refuse to operate over the same. 8. The City shall not place, or permit to be placed, or to remain, any material, equipment, structure, pole or other obstacle or obstruction, within 8.5 -feet on straight track, or 9.5 feet on curved track, laterally of the center, or within twenty-five (35) feet vertical- ly from the top of either rail of said tracks; nor will it make or permit or to remain, any excavation within s to .tie made, ix (8) feet laterally - from -the. nearest rail of said tracks. The number of feet of clearance n herein speoified may be changed Vy the Railroad Company at any time to meet'ji6i requirements by giving written notice thereof to the City. Perpendicular and horizontal clearances, as herein provided, shall not apply to any structure existing at the date of this agreement. Existing. structures are to comply with the clearances provided by statute. Within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice, the City shall at its own expense, proceed to make such changes as may be necessary to comply therewith. if the City shall fail to do so, the Railroad Company shall havethe option to make such changes at the expense of the City, and the City agrees to promptly pay the Railroad Company the cost and expense thereof. 9. It is understood that the movement of railroad locomotives includes some risk of fire, and the City assumes all responsibility for and agrees to indemnify the Railroad Company against lose or damage to property of the City or to property upon its premises, regardless of railroad negligence, arising Brom fire caused by:i000motives operated by the Railroad Company on said tracks, or in the vicinity thereof, for the purpose of serving the City, except to the premises of the Railroad Company, and to rolling stock belonging to the Railroad Company or to others, and to shipments in the course of transportation. The City also agrees to indemnify and hold act or harmless omissithe Ou Rail- road Company for lose, damage or injury from any heretoits and theireemployeor e, and to the to the person or erson or property rop Property o! any of the parties person or corporation, while on or about said tracks, and if any claim or liability other than from fire Shall arise from the joint or concurring negligence of both parties hereto, itshall be the borne emto eq Bald. 10. The Railroad Company shall tracks, and also to operate over them in connection with any extension thereof, when each use and operation do not unreasonably interfere with service to the industry. But the Railroad Company agrees that it will not connect any spur with the said tracks or make any extension of said tracks to serve any other industry until the party desiring snob Ww or szkowdes shall have saved to sauces the Cita for an posftos of the east of so10stra0Um and maintenaNe of Odd U. ow Hallmicompony eball ova all that peruse of as. ties, � armed ��tyiiaa6 0 its ASM of uaf, psevideds preps Railroad Comm agrees, that ehoaid the City abandon the use of said tracks, or this amt be in mW sneer teralasted, it will paps to ppthe City the ealv�s value of the usable nstertal reeos�es"d fns said Iwo ththe seat mw*x � 00811 aosf �sln�g the ad� Csy t9oepaRT*s tItelhth�,s. thezparwshl haireerigtat its optica . to tesainate thio agreNeat upon Nine aos0s mitten sties and it t(e City shall opens to pee maid traeft for a period of eight Nth:, or If Ww City shall fail to keep and portorm 014 of its sovemats and agrse- sests ba"In eoasaised the Railroad C---- Shall lame the right at toovum, to leaaiss" we agsewaat upon thirty i30i dWs wittsn 33. SO City shall net swigs this agreesest,o: a W istsrest therein, or permit the use of said tracks keeled es Railvoad roporty or airy part thereof, bF DOM Pesos, lira er est l oat sense% in witiog of the Railroad comps Wl out f dppeuRt>agrp is this ,the Railroad compgAw say teselaate this a�NN1t. ►est to r abotsa Umstetifts this still In all respesis be upon the respoe"Ve pasties rhol S, eieoators, admiiietratev+t of as as the *ass may die. la (b). It is soda by the Ratiroad Cospasy the! as City desives to posit tbs hrserS thetas Seco a ine., to use 00 said traoko and the Railroad CoMWW bersby 41NaentS fie► said use. Pftv1& ed and the %lily agreso that the kftRUM of sNh 410108401% ehau nets relieve the City of any and all liability it Imo ntBOMd herein or shicl MW be snstoinad or tworred by reason of the use at sold Steaks by said Iters "Lou xxobs ge, Ins. !ho City farther agrees IS oo10sidevatioi of WIS Rai rod Cmepowas vaaws% to Ww use of do" reeks by the ran"" VRAM fsohaargs, 1*., %haat in aMIUM to the ebligatiou It boa aon** d bdrelat It idjA assooe. and "lien the 3011100" aaapeny fxea +alt and an: d and liability Whish the seers 01101 , ins., aadr #aaear or sas- tals $ riiaon of tie uss of said tr&Wm by the paid 7aboers Uslan _ ' u. fere City haTIM sCNXUest0d fes 001 VM a ts+aedt seals a WO& traek hopper and�s� reteNenNi thereto, at or soar the Peiat *ON desissated on said inhibit *AV ser %he of 6 oars there b� %bre Railroad Cel. the CI$Psli, at its prole e7LpeAse� the said trait Seale asst and is good eamditios of repair and obrall GVWMMe the 0=0 in isoh scant SS that 00 SWISS 0e9e201, AM be 101010146 ever the epaars of the rail as Said tva ft and sotadd as0ett tb0roto. IM MISMOV of asis- �Bo uslag and epe�oeid trook Nets aid hopper :bail bp, at all dies, a a4r% to the apple "I of tbo Chiefof tots boilroad , she s5a11 Imve 00 sight at all �Sss too ter am" MA t% Bl agrest that it Brill, at its ora espaaase0 siilao walk "Palft. ObMWW, or & tea, and in said no ors as say be aeolgeatsd by Seld WAW ZOSLUSW- The Oily shall and does hateW zeleaN the Railx+sed compsaW tray, aid agrees to Isdanni3f It alias all li biuty sect damages Which saw Is ow wanner -be insorred by tar fteilroad Compal, OUNW by or rosatisrg xN the eroastraation, repair dhow, altsta- t3oss, Pro Not, uN, Y er operation of " traok some and beppor and eovsro, end this regardless of the quesaion of 10egllg and the Oily berebf asauaN the risk of all loss Orel or ospeses z4b it fpr susludn by reaeoa of damage to or de�of properly- ow"d by also, berebY aSSUNION the risk of aall�iia�billlty ffIddek or INJURY to ois ar Weddeath of any Person, sh0S0eryr -3- 4 Ar 'caused by the construction repair or alteration, presence use, maintenance or operation 74 said track scale and covers, whether 'such loss, damage, Injury or death be caused In whole or In part by the negligence of the Railroad Company or otherwise and the City hereby agrees to indemnify the Railroad Company therefrom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC ATTEST; RAILROAD COMPANY, Secretary.' Vice Pres rden l. CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, ATTEST: By Mayor. Commissioner of Public UtIliffes. City Clark. city Comptrolle—r Form Approved: Approved: Approved for Imeoution: Aist.Gentl So tor. Chief Engineer. General Manager. Council File N............_83 09 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construoting a six foot sidewalk on the south side of -------------- .................... . ...... . ................................................................................................................... jg03,gXLolja Straet frox-Gomt I and -Etre t.o.Agate-S-tre-st . .................................. ---------------------------•-----.......... ----..................... .......................................... -------------------------- ................. -------------------- ---------------------•--..............------------.......--......-•----........---.._..----- ------.------------ .... ------ ...---...... ------. ... ............. Dated this ink day of 2--------------- 192 --- ------- ---- -- -------------------- -- -------------- Coun man. 01RDBUS RE RELIMINARY ORDER. yPh A wrlttd- L mento t.,611owing -Id'wn e making of the following improvement, viz.: �.z no la. r 81 6-t. I south "" sidewalk on the south side �of .......... Agate ............... . . ....................... - ..................................................................... ------------- frox-Gartland-Strael --- t-D-Agata ........................ .............................................. ............................ . ........................................ I ....................... ......................................... .............. ............................................................................ ........... ---------------------------------------------------------- ................. ............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul---.--.------..----.- ...-- ................................................... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................... .................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY Bm"We"- Approved--------...-- .... ... - ---------------------- McDONALD RoBLAND SUDHEIMER WOMML .. ..... .. . ............................... . ...... ..................... M PUBL 10PONWAIM F— C A 13 (2M 2*- rk COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ...... _.......... _----....._- Bim.-�--- - -. REHOLUTIONB'" OF COUNCIL AP- PROiINO 5IESIVIONT C. P; No.. 88810— CITY OF ST. PAUL 83810 I.Eg o81t3e5 , e0f Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, rsoonstructin3 and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Contract 5632-1929 —Assessable— F.O. 79500 Holton vhere gooduandroComo sufficientPnue to sidewalks nowy, except exist F.O. 79091 Snelling Avenue, west side, beginning 29 feet south of Capitol Avenue thence south 220 feet, F.C. 79578 Bayard Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue F.O. 7.8809 Otto Avenue, south side, from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, except 'where ;good and sufficient sidewalks now exist F.O. 79579 Reaney Street, south side, from Vhite 9etr Avenue to Hazel Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist F.Q. 79398 Ford Road, south side, from Hemline Avenue to?,dgeumbe Road F.O. 78810 Eleanor Stre=:t, both aides, from Hamline Avenue to Pascal Avenue, excei-t where r.,00d an(! sufficient sideAialks now exist F.Q. 79255 Ivy Strer.t, north side, be,inning 192 ft east of Mendota Street thence east 26 feet F.Q. 80146 Fast Cottage Stre!t, both sides, from Arcade street to Walsh Avenue and on the north side from 'Walsh Avenue to 3reenbrier Avenue, except 'her(- good and sufficient sidewalks now exist --Non—assee3able-- F.C. 79500 Holton Avenue from Como Avenue to Vynne Street, exce;)t where go .d and sufficient sidewalks now exist F.C. 79578 Bayard Avenue, north side, from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue F.O. 78809 Ctto Avenue, south side, from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, except 'where _good and sufficient sidewalks now exist F.O. 79398 Ford Road, south side, from Hamline Avenue to '''Tdgoumbe Road F.C. 78810 °leanor Street, both si.i s, from R�mline Avenue to Paaca], Avenue F.C. 80146 Fast Cott �.re : tr,>,both 1.: r:., from Arcade Stre= t to .l sil t'r I:u en; 11n rtl, i �e frn Y c lair Avenu•° to sr'3n b=1• -r .lv tu.�' `cL Councilman kx Pearce I h i j I A f ......... The assessment of :!?�nefjts, costs and exrense2 for and in connection with ................................................... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 15th day of Jalluzx.. Y ................. 19..30, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC IS Adoptedby the Council ....................................................................... ............. 19 ..... . ......................... y Clerk. Approved ............. "W .... it .............................. 19 .... ............................... 7- 71- , - Mayon Councilman Clancy I P PUBLISHED 1--Z - -,) Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Vyaffkx Pearce l 83811 Resolution'of Council Fixing Time -of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of....oreninC-ideninp, and ex__ending Autumn Street: fror Hager Avenue to 1'isher greet to ^ -^idt' ^f' 66 feet, QEeOLi7Tjp ..� TIDE OF A08 COQarC(L p(ZIN6I under Preliminary Order. ......_829y54 approved .._Oct.R-a. 1929Intermediary Order.._832�1.._._...., approved... .......... S........+ ... .7.929 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..... 21 th.------. day of............ Janu r_Y_____________ 19.._30 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. e Adopted by the Council............_ ®EC 18 19........ .................................... - v � M City Clerk. Approved -----•-............................................. . 19........ �� - --------�......... ....................- ...--, Mayor. Councilman Clancy ..,,.,.il— tee. ,a PUBLISHED /_1— 9/_�� y Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman 39mwc Pearce Ur, Vie, f`emsoa 83€12 COUNCIL FILE NO-------------------------------------- By- -_------ -........................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses paving Atwater Street from Rice cStreet tito AlbemarlestrStreet, to including sewer, water and g also including property lines complete, where not aIapproaches, where necessary, curbing and paving alley and driveway app material to be 7 inch reinforced concrete, roadway 36 ft. wide C..F: �No. 88812— .. In • ... i- •r •ne-assesetnent j a t�� for n...r 79913 88557 ..................• under Preliminary Order ...-.....---------------- --------- Intermediary Order ------ 81001 ................ '...........-- approved ....................................................... Order-----•---•--- -The assessment of-----•---.henBfita,...nnata..and nBB ...abpeB- .....---•----•-- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... 1.5.'th.......... day of &M1Aayy ...-...- 19...3Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount to whom the notice is directed. ,Ci t� 1$ Mian. --,1s-------- Adopted by the Council..----------�E---------------.._.--.- ................... . v. -- ....--- �,lG�G�Q1ty Clerk. Approved,}� v--�-�-�---------------..19...------ ��Z� 1:.�ayer. Councilman Clancy 6 ..,. Vn,son B.PT.Ji2L.TSHT'.n. _ 1A - 9 Councilman McDonald IY1 Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman lxx Pearce u t: i3 WIP-8. Ft' -aeon COUNCIL FILEN.._------------------ _............_. By..-..- ---- -------- _................................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL AL 83813 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment for In the matter of the assessment of b °n..,fits , costs and expenses constructing curbing et both sides of Ba,.,,ard Avenue from Victoria gtreet to Milton ctre c. s. rje. east,— t atter of 77017 76570...-------------, Intermediary Order--------------------•--.................................. . under Preliminary Order.- •----------------- 19._25 7737°..- ----...... approved.........i+L?&='-- Final Order -- -' benefits, .costs and -expenses : .............. for and in connection with The assessment of--------------�--•--��� ---- - - - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the --------------- 1.th day of Saztuar4-..........- 19..3.0, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Conrt House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 18 W Adopted by the Council..................................... ............. Approved ........ 19......... . Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudhei XrPA3rce Councilman TOe'G A ......... 19.. Clerk. ................ �8':.::/.........Mayor. PUBLISIIED / �2 - '2 �� 83814 COUNCIL FILE N9--_ ----- ....... _..__..._...- By..-- —------------- _.-------..-..----•-•••------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coste! and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Osceola 4venue from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Avenue, except north side of Osceola venue from Oxford Street to 260 ft east of Oxford St., GAF.. No. 63814= �In 'tp matter' of th rtssessm t o[, bone tln coete and n- bot e J r c uetingcurblag n both eld a 1 Osc ola Avenue from' Ohs Q t Street to A21.gton Avenue pt• north � side-. or Osceola Avenue from: under Preliminary Order-. ........... ---_77271 ..............--.. Intermediary Order ------•79613-...................................... Final Order--- .......... !7R.U7-------------------- —..., approved ................... T'-SSS..C.l7.-19----------------------------------- 19-2.9. benefits, costs and expenses The assessment of.. ............... --................._....--...---...........-..-..--......................-..........fur and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............15,t ..........day of January ..................... 19-34., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the uncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul.; that the Commissioner of nance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of 4garing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or 16ts of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 18 W8 Adopted by the C1V -*1 Approved.................................... ------.....19-......:. Councilman Clancy r Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman =4� "earce Mayor F.— B. BMr.11ieF Pres. Fereuson ...................... 19...... v - - - - -- . -/........ -. ity Clerk. Mayor. 8 815 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------------------------------- By..-- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL tl Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costF and expenses for constructing curbing on °tanford ^,venue, both sides, from S77ndicate Avenue to Griggs street, ! C. F. We- 43818- t.In the matter of the easeasment of beneflta;,00ate and ezVenaea for eon- atroctlnw,rnr•,� - atnnf-4 Ave- _ ... ... _ -'vr- under Preliminary Order .................. ..?8999.................. Intermediary Order ......79554....................................... Final Order 19.7.$0 ................................ approved ....................amch 13 ............ ................... 1 192.9.. The assessment ofbenefits, costs and exr_enses _.......... for and in connection with ... - - = the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ---......7 7tk............day of .----._J 73iaaj,'.y...... .--.c........... 19-ne7, at the hour of I0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council.. ..........._D.EU 1 8 �........................................19 =�• City Clerk. Approved---' ................._.............. --........19._...... - ............. .......- Mayor. Councilman Clancy r Councilman McDonald ., / �� 1 Councilman Rohland pits Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WA=elc Pearce °�- 30W W jtwilE vee. f'eraLdcu 83816 COUNCIL FILE NO ... ........ .................... .__.- By.... --.... —.... _.................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Woodville Ave. from Otto Ave. to Bayard Ave., Kenneth Ave. from Otto Ave. to Bayard Ave., Sumner Ave. from Otto Ave. to Bsvard Ave. Eleanor St., from Cleveland Ave. to Sumner Ave. and south side of Bayard Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Sumner Ave. saefs— }ie matte of the asaeaement o1 M,� coats and expDneea for eon ' curbing , on'bntb aides of hr "r:a a 4v.;.. Xr ,J 79444 under P�'i y-{, 'w4S Order...........................7072 ..-- -- Intermediary Order - Final Order 79557. .-- ..., approved .......-- - ------February-26_....._...------- 19..29 -- .............. The assessment of....benefits-j.-CQEj s--_aXlci••,� p@m-fid{;.......................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... 15...th.......... day of .J.e.nxiaZy. ....................... 19.3.0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ......... :'rr...I-,,1- ...... ........................................ 19 - 0 q C y Clerk. Approved.._ ............................. ...........19.._..... Councilman Clancy �Mayor. Councilman McDonald RUBLiSHLD- � 2 - —'I Councilman Robland } Councilman Sudheimer a/ Councilman ldx Pearce tki s7*kM_ . Ferguenn 83817 COUNCIL FILE NO.. .............................. -- By--------------------------------------------------------- ---------- CITY.......................................- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expense for paving Hillcrest Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Cleveland Ave., Pinehurst Ave. from. Fairview Ave. to Howell Ave., also grading and paving Howell Ave. fros Otto Ave. to Hillcrest Ave., with sewer, water and gas connections from street rr:ains to property lines complete where not already made and ,-,,here necessary; also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway aperoacheswhere necessary. 1,`itarial shall be 7 -inch reinforced concrete with 30 -foot ro.dway, �G F No 8381-7- -%s, matter, of the assessment of < }n s taand exn nsee for nav 3033 78492 ' unden ,., Intermediary Order...... - .....................-....----- _, .... ...-- Final Order -79799--------------------------- approved.....-_Deceu:...er.......------------------ _., 19..28 The assessment of......._hQUQ-flt§.,....G.A.S.t.S...And -....-.---------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 1511;- ......... day of .S.8mllaily................... 19..30-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. C��++ p Adopted by the Council .-.-- .......... Jnn�1wY...la...�t. .......... Approved................. .....................19. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Tomwk Pearce mr. V&Trms. Vonmarr .. ........ ..................... 19.. City Clerk. Mayor. ET -TE .LSHED 83€18 COUNCIL FILE NO .... ................. < By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Princeton Avenue fro— Cleveland ,venue to Cretin i,venue. Materiaj. shall be 21 -inch brick on 5 -inch concrete base, C F. Nor- ,88818 In''the' matter, qqf, the ameeeiuent. of ,beaefite, costa •isnd zpeneen nav- lus'.>'rfasgton>Aven 'Avenue,.^to.(,tieH•. "t,r IL::•� arete'D8a- 73080, Flim 19•p' 71050 71494 . under Preliminary Order...................... Intermediary Order_ .............................. ..................... 71943 Maar 1 29 FinalOrder .......................- - ................... approved....--------..................--------..... -... 19 --- The assessment of. ........... bensi'its-a...cost-._anei__,=x1?PnsA.s.......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered 'same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........._ 15th. --..----.-day of .............. JAn.11SX.7............... 1 19311.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. I) E[�!� p ��t�p iJLN 1 V �` Adoptedby the Council ...................................... ..._.......-' .................... ..... 9- ....... [ a - e .cyto Clerk. Approved............. -------............---.........--19------' Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland PUBLISHEDS,' Councilman Sudheimer Councilman W-Pmldx Pearce 9L.1%inn Ares. Fa mason 83€19 COUNCILFILE NO ... -................................ _.. By.._------- _........_------------------------------------------------ CITY .............................................- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Sargent Avenue from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, material to be asphalt concrete on concrete base, roadway to be 30 feet wide, and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said.assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..................1.,511-day of January193...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............ r F C .18 ............ DEC IS Approred._.............................. ...............19......-.. Councilman Clancy _Couneilman Fereusnn Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman W7mmik Pe-arce dk.Bytledt're1j. PsPQvsnn .................................... 19. -- - cr.e.✓..f?'..'� 2ity Clerk. --- --------------------------------- a - ...........-............. Mayor.PUBLISHED—L:�_ �;2/� 9 83819— to the --ter, of the nasessment oto bnenCe• ene is and a pensea fnr nav- In Snr pent Avenue it to P,a nr.dve-� nue to Clevelat4.-Avenue, Inelud'ng ew 8 7608.1 7(i081 r N ter qnd ga c nnectl Z. under, I lit mfr et mnlns to property tines ................. ------ ..--, Intermediary Order_ ................ .................._.......... c mplete. where hoe ire dy m d ni6o- Ineludl g cur;1njfand paving June. 19_28. F1II81 drtvewn9 apd:neY aDDroaehaa, , approved ............. ... ........ --19_-_..__ .................•----------..., and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said.assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..................1.,511-day of January193...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............ r F C .18 ............ DEC IS Approred._.............................. ...............19......-.. Councilman Clancy _Couneilman Fereusnn Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman W7mmik Pe-arce dk.Bytledt're1j. PsPQvsnn .................................... 19. -- - cr.e.✓..f?'..'� 2ity Clerk. --- --------------------------------- a - ...........-............. Mayor.PUBLISHED—L:�_ �;2/� 9 83S2O COUNCIL FILE By•--------------•--- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, c�s and exrenses for paving South—abasha St. from the south end of the apt^nac` to the bridge over the Mississippi River to Channel St., inclullint — her, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines comrlet,:� ,,vhere not already made, also including curbing, and paving alley =.nd drive -ay appro.ches, where necessary. Material stall be 8" brie- laid flat on 6 -in co::cr--�te base, with 56 foot roadway, ^� +' ane-Mlasieaippt River tof 5686 77779 a�n8 nne! 8t., IaclpolaH sewer, wstar '-------- •-----+ Intermediary Order-------------------•--.------------------------------------ under, sea connecNona from n hepF4'tp prover etreet t7 Final Q--- gawverybtas, aeeaady made a1. -a--+- --- + O 19-- - ---------approved.....--•--.......-----•---..-------.....------+ ADPL-' fl l Mat--. toot enmentof.......... banefi.t-s-,...cast-s..-and... exzenses..................for and in connection with F=^ thea improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.............15.tkL...._. day of Januar y 19.._30 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ........... EC 1.8_ ...................................... 19........ KC Isr4—,f-4—,,City Clerk. Approved----- -- ................ ....................19. - -----................................. ...........t'i ............. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald? ' J Councilman Rohland - Councilman Sudheimer Councilman W.=Ax Pearce l6tim Yiee BDae. FeRoba 821 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. f 2 OFFICE. OF CITY CLERK (nL C NCIL )R LOTION—GENERAL FORM - ee. p(l Ao�� _0 TE December 19, 1929 WHEREMS, application or licenses to operate auto cars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul for hire have been made as follows. Name Make Motor No. State License Insurance Co. Policy No. Leo J. Allison Hupmobile 28411 B-359047 Public Indemnity Co. 8908 Mathilda Burnett Buick 1715608 B-43626 " " " 8914 E. A. Rosier Ford 2594961 B-384147 It " " 682 WHEREMS, applicants in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, aaended by Ordinances 6893 and and 6866 have filed copies of insurance policies with the city.of St. Paul and said policies have been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be issued to said applicants to operate said auto oars upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinances. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Robland Q Sudbeimer against Mr;President Hodgwo Adopted by the Ccunc re 19 IM —19— o 19 o C19M Approv 19— MAYO musliED— . -- �D���,� . $322 CITY OF ST. PAUL ce.e No. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUN LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , DATE COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED Commissioner of the Department of Parks, WHFFEAS, the s has r ported to the Piaygrounds and Public Building Council, in accordance with Section of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rech ndered necessary the employment of certain employ said department for more than eight hours per day, employment being more than t'-cir usual hours of em- ployment, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. RATE OF NAME TITLE HOURS OVERTIME Fred Jacobson Martin McDonough, John A. Olson, John Sullivan, H. P. Adams, Sub -foreman Utility Laborer Utility Laborer Sub -foreman Electrician �C F Ko 938Ea BY L ,� Pearse-: , +the L'9 Idetonet of the. ' Wheroke 'R1P ':peDhrtmenf•o�, Part Res�YeBeeunto mho- '(Pf'oun ❑BlLi1 8gordance-,arlt4 soe_':: of thq �Ita?,ChFer,rrenU gexl , 'emegRenoy„��� h .the euYDy�Y�,n o :hie'„dpDPT COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson b Wald. ......... ..—In favor Sudheimer _.__..Against WwWA ?-.1.4� Mr. President Hodgson 3 hrs. @ .62'* 2 hrs- @ -55 3 hrs. @ .55 1 hr. @ .62j 13 hrs. @ 1.00 DEC 191929 Adopted by the Council--___..._... we A ved...___.. ._1-9-192._.__192_ .._ ......_...._ .... PUBLISRED To the Honorable Flavor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: labor. This emergency erose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstn.nces: Preparing skating rinks, lights and flooding. Work after regular hours. m Yours very truly, Commissioner. aterN fan Helps to !lake ielt,e Iftiasas %ttg of�ot. F804, Department of Parks. Flaggcsunbs unb Ilukltt sutlbtngs GEORGE L MASON. �• 0f PAS HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNE13T W. JOHNSON. IRVINO C. PEARCE. DWI" COMMI"ICH a atR.> P{AY611WIaM PRANK X. TEWES. ORFICE OP COMM19alON0t CRS' AIICNRaGT 219 COURT HOUSE December 18, 1929 To the Honorable Flavor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: labor. This emergency erose by reason of the fol- lowing facts and circumstn.nces: Preparing skating rinks, lights and flooding. Work after regular hours. m Yours very truly, Commissioner. aterN fan Helps to !lake ielt,e Iftiasas it1P1tCA'fE,TO CITY CLERK CITY=OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL �COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OFTH.COMP'fROLLER FILE NO CLpncY couitcle fisOLUTION- FEROUBON IN FAVOR M°°DNALD AUDITED L CLAIMSLAND ' BUDXEIM—S(—/tOA1N8T Q. p)(� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN' fSN iH�C1TY TREASURY. r. NG MR:<PRES.. HODGSON CHECKS TO THE ANUMBERED GGREGATE AMOUNT OF f-'�.'{�' 'CWS VCOVEEIAS , ADOPTED BY THE- C''" --- PER CHECKS ON FILE FFICE 'COMPTROLLER .: i - APPROVED __„— CITY. ° l[M ,. - • - MAYOR Y____ DATE CHECK�LIS?I+l•F1•Cvafi�b F RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS C F. 'rioe 8888; 88984 88826 Reaol6ed that enerxa ,be,draw°–°° OUGHT FORWARD the City mre Bry, eo ehe aggregate 1] 1026 1 2 am urs tn+r.:Tx 6verlre. W. . - ; x 4 2 2;47 'trait �.%navan 5. 2247 J'EN Roo6, Treae. Teaoha 30 425 04rj ae�lh-ower' .Com+r. of r. .36 4516 7!DoAae21 21 3 g24 �( e�dea� Aeotrib SnpPly . Oo Z 612 2 22 a TfrB li a-0 ,Oorporatioa 116 22491 II:9� itu►ber Company _ C . 22422 DK'�fe�t �e►11t71'nd .Coapsay 7 224!!3 Villau re iii ' ' Luviber 9oapan lE 5 224 4 Vsla6* HS'ndery Campaay 131 5 224 l3eo.T, Nalker Qospan�r. 77 5 224 ; Waehi»00ft'1 0u*dz7 Company 239 5 PLS . rta�erbary OlooY tospopy 1 2 90' Z g. weQelstmadt n,Oompsny welft Iti . Company .. 60 E21490 x�eetera`'8#�lapt -boapanr. 22491 !fie. J. roi0 phal C0-spany 32 22492 R.B. �I---GATe .ane Company 60 : 1 2249. The Khi s 6ospany 185 3 22}94 sS. llhits Deutal Supply 0o. 1339 3 7 2#�9 dao xiley n'spits 0 2249 $g,, i. aril'roA dl Compsay P solterstoryi a Conway 2gn n Ovthiagt64 ,1 Yaoh iter Corp. 31. 9,&99 mr� Ziegler company, In 119 22!ip0 �eryen agnstsaolon Company P'u�el �oMay; Company o�C P • 2 hbo. 1e dt company 2 2, ohn.oA:2riatiO.g CiApiny 2 2 . `alr�ag oaspait7 3 b` 2i 0 dos. Pavgo I 95 2fib . Oli6ik 21 1 i' 7 Li' #,Ya»' 011riet 1 25q _off' 1537 3. :e_IreaCompana o eaa 0 I�ay . b T ¢¢ 11 is a1etltrio Sap Corp � 1 12 1sota ,Tire `AP . e 0 y 2 t�{e p soap► 43119 2Nmerioa�xae n' aM��'ie'' Ino. 33; 21aaPi''nutp Top Qospeal 35 i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 11 757��'S.9: itl999g4 6: _ bUPLIC%1TE T6 CIrY CLERK, "- .,CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL L� V• I W NO-__—_ COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE,----- dZSOLUTION - - -._. CLANCY COUIiCIL FERGUSON .IN FAVOR M°°°NAL° AUDITED CLAIMS - it --19 ROHLAND -61IHEIME GAINST RESOLVED. THAT CWECKb' BE DRAWN.ON THE.CITY TREASURY,,. - WENZlL MR. PRES.. HODGSON TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SCOVERING —}.} CHECKS NUMBERED _TO— ..INCLUSIVE AS ADOPTED BY THEC --- PER CHECKS ON FILE // FFICE7)) OC IIFTROLLER. APPROVE IS--- CITY CoOL"R YAY TOTAL DATE CHECK�N FAVOR OF NUMBER RETURNED.Y; BY BANK , TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS ,CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD li .Ih. 6 22519 Adan Stahl ; h. 0ounty,Treasuvir 39 581 22520 Blas Obst, .5. 17' 2 22521 Geo. o.Sudhaimer, OomOr. of ':Obst, 22522 &legs 11, County Trossur& 618 1 22523 Union Loan A Diaaal'a Company 2 2��FF GopherInvestment Company 1 7 2 0 22525 Brooks SpriWair Company 3 5 h 575 8 pig 'Ricci 22527- Donpie 4Wblin 35 22528 S.' A„Drucker 10 69 22529 el.Qil.A.Gss Company Du 0 22530 Apsrican;Olaseioat ,4eague 225. 1 Aitr14as Steel A Wir01°',OOmpan 0 22532 Atli., e 8 Oil,Oompeny 21it 0 1 2253 B*00 3101111841 Oompany 2253 0hi0ago;l�nenmao":ToolOonpaE 2315 Cgobftn -Sargent O�pany Z66 3 $ 22536 0ommerol' Gas'°Company X537- Comoreti Pub.. Company, 3 22538. .;old-ap. Photo Snpp131 company 16 5 21:5 9 Oornl�slgl.Donoh"a Ino. 2 Dalts-Star &lootrio Company., Q 22j 1 D�tiAt Look Corporation i 285112 2ets11;'".Oamaa,:: )(irk a 0onp' P 2 Taegeri;. osmnn, Kirk d� Comp 55 1. p Y1° T,1 i'eaaey Oompany ...„ Gbter eotrio Supply Corp' ilectrio Supply,Copl, 60 8 22 Ge al 7 Hettmaty Comp an 20 .Gate's, 2 Haolrett, Gated, Harty Compare Hall 2. 9 Quincy; A . .. 22550 31,R.L.,Ha7¢denbergh d -Company. l2 2 1 H'arnisoheger corporation 31 2 11 go 8,' MT$re Tobaoco Coup 8 company. y 0 2255 0,030 ,y�,4 P21j54 Midwest Oil Oompea►y, Ino. 7 7 9 2255 ._. IWOrd�Oonpany 5�+ 22556 lFloolltr Dern o 0ragg 2255? Asstl�i,2tiates power,0ompan)1 59, lOP 8 2255 $eyit D'nrnsoe Ooplpany d 5' 229 Ottalra 9lteia Cos�aa9► 3 . � Fat►aela'bofbon Oospin ", t' is�dz 5 5 2. "$_ 314ehZ>ralaa► Brot4esa Oo>rPany2 . 2Po lar A-Iation Pub. Odmp . 2 st 310 �r aempany X198 9 Sti31atZotipany.' 79 1 • • 6 0 A.': soimrrdder rs 9on<,; tnay 67 9m9,th"�eei :'ire` ffridlc Coapa i7 5 2256!1 The�$pS►nBa House 18 00 22569 star Photo Company 1 22§70 Taylor' lnstrultallt Company 33 22571 Seth Thomas clock Company - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 11 7579_ 1111412 3 _ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL [(�].��i�{p.� COUNCIL yl Y�7i/..- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No-­M2,15— OFFICE cuNCY /] OOUNCIL F�KSOLUTION FERGUSON;'/ IN FAVOR iS�'*�m�Sp�}y.---79—Z MCDONALo T! AUDITED CLAIMS — ROHLAND SUDHEIMP __AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D WN _O '�I: �IgV TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF't- i =v COVERING MR. PRES.. HODOSON •1 .(1 {�NCLUS VE ' t 1 7 CHECKS NUMBERED—�TO PER CHECKS ON FILE IN T_ OFFICE THE CITY OMPTR LLER. ADOPTED BY TN APPROVE BY--_ MAYOR ---- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 11 1111412 l • 25:,2 John aildquifit 485 p2�j Louie BI, Rye_ and rn Southe625 $WrOtV 06 o! Now York 6250 0 2 doba 8eloom 2 Dttd Y 'Rethe 2257 D�iytca!a`Bljitf State Bank,44 ` 0 Aseci$ag�i ,temee 'doosen 605 22 Ari. �►aronaoa 16i 7 2� Ytnneeota Feaoe wo'ae 50E, 5 .'Theon Helle 0ompany B Johan Ant1.: 9r. gbrberYt:0leoa. 82 Crao.ti.8�tdheimex. nom ls.of n . 9 y2<j_' ¢e4���u0heliesir., 0om's. of 1'i 10 ]6 1 225�55 Joh�l A�stl, 9s.' P 5 6 victory ,Priatipg 004pany "22547 Elea 1t. ;0bstCounty TseaB%3; 45 22rj4g Elea Y; Obpt, county Treasure 24 B 2.349 lbei�a.,B. 'Heli ib3 6 Petry A.-Sweaeon A Halcion 10 2l3 ,0 j1 wham J. Ttpaoa r 2 21 Central'Sleottioof Bt.Pau1 i aeor0.'Sndheimer, Tress.- Polio 30 9P i xw Arie;iast► �iRenr9upply OompB><I S Aiegridsa ,;Buten 9apply 0ompaa g lam 221. Oapitlsl.:0tationery Mfg. 000p y 2 �jj F rst Utionsl Beak of 9t.P 9 0 2P`$98_ .Apguet Fieoher.:, 22599 Great Bo�stherq:Eleotrio ApPl. o. 5 . 22- HOIm- b Duan 19 0 22601 Inter City paper 09mpany 22602 Jowraalof Romg,.&oonomioa 13g 3 22603 Rpt, 1611ard..'Opmpany 4 110 8 22604 NP jtherp 0tatoe Power 0oapaa l60 0 2261f e. Sanitary:SapP1y'oompany 28601" Qrieatal Lau0, _y 0omgany 4:7 ' 22607 R,6*10w ,Pub:.Og"p_ w 1 22668 `$kel2y °Qi1 :dq>tipatty 20w Edward ,'nomge9n 06mpeny. 2 22610. T i4tdte, Tel. :& Telg. Comp • 22621 Tri State Te:):,. do Teig.-0oatpea 112 ,; 22612 psi tat Tel• s Te1g: Ooalp ' 43 6 2242 Twin p#y ion dI !� .i7ee �rtor8e 5 226 & r Villa+ 4 B g. LualbeQompan 826�,.Till3 Bole Lunob 15 0 22 ire. anis : i►Oea ; ,22617 ii Qeo.a.8udheimer, ()on IT. of Ti 4125000!00 232 dl 22618 :Kendall Refining Company 22619 llGeo.B. Moeller, Sheriff ! 268 �o !22620 !aeo.C.Sudheimer, OomIT. of Ti 3 5 1 2262Y �0eo.099udheimer,.0omIr, of Fi . 19 009 22622 0g6.0.9udhelmer, 0omor, of F1 96 496 9 1122623 0eo.0.8udheimer, Oom1r. of Fi ! I 16 473 1 *6-73_7 59y -- --140 x287 93 SHEET TOTAL FORRD WAY- OHM N A.12-2 p0ition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. a Council File No. ----.--.--8 - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the qW of St. Paul, viz.: ..... -- - ---' . .................. c}rading_911ey_in Bloak -b, Lorena Park Prom a point, e8 - neat --- at-tha West ...line .-.of-.Etna..Btzee-..t.o.._GlArenoe..-S 18th December -9 - - - 192- Dated this .........1- ----- day of ............................ - - - - -- .. --' -' -- Cou Gilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: in Block b Lorena Park Prom a -p oi-...nt 40 Peot - - -xq Ag -Alley.--... --- - - -- - - - - of the 1,1- e_..o1-.35tna Street to Clarence Street. .__.•_._- C. F. No. 83828— �....__..... .......------------ ----�--- . � - Abstract. o ........................... –int to .— mW)ting oft _e following o) owi g mProveme t Grndine: Anev ''• .0 rrem . lod r., rite Council of the City of St. Paul.. .. . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or, sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters two the Commissioner of Finance. 44 pp -1 ........... Adopted by the Council. ......................... L.fi.1l--19 YEAS NAYa Councilman CLANCY FERGuaoN McDONALD BORLAND f3IIDHEIMER V' w4wL MR. PRESIDENT ror C A 13 (2M 2-29) .�`A�0 Approved. ....................... . •---- -' . - • - - //v v .................. ---•---•--•------•• .............•-•-•- Mayor. Council File No ........... 8382 ` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Oondemliinp-.and..Laking an-•easemonL-.-in_-the land-neoessar� for --_._.:__.. oi.. Allay...in..Blaah --@,- ------------glppg.e-r---B31tS---snd_.Pill&--in...the_..gl'8d1316-- the ... weat...line ..-.of._Etna._..-.. --------------Stxeat---to--�laxeaas---strsa - ---------------.--------------------------------- Dated this -39th---....day of ........ ...- ----•--Deeatnbe 9-------------------- 192._..... - - -- Co an. � ' Abstraet. � 'C. F_ N..83827—, _ PRFf.IMINARY ORDER. incrrrlereiu'�iris�:�scmt for the making of the following improvement, viz.: nluckF"'•i andt' '.PSn einge : the..gr"ing- Aluy Ln --B .nok- 5,---------------_.. ---- ...--------Lorena• -park from --a --- Vaist--4A-Yeet---weet--o-f- -the_west---line oY--BUIS ---............ - ---...._.-- - .....- ...__..-- - ................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................................ . ------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..............{' ------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman'CLANCY FERovsoN MCDONALD RONLAND i•1 SUDHEIMER �J MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 18 (2M 2.18) ' Approved . _------------4429........................ .......................................... ................ Mayor. PMLISM� 1� 83828 COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of -JO _431_bQ A_- sides _of_Charles _$t�rg@t«___ from Dale Street to St, ^:lbans Street. -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_MQ�------- __---------------- approved - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ------ 09_nstruCt_______ curbing_on_both _sides _of_Charles _Street -from-Dale Street to St. Albans - - - - - - ------------------- 9tr e et ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,t4N=RMEDIARY ORDERS .F Fio 83828— _______ Matt --;;t constructing curbing n both .. Charles street, rrem 1 - "- .ibans street 'l with no alternatives, and tha"the estimated cost thereof is $___614.01 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 1.$11 ---------- day of January,_ 1930 ------- W__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__BEC_.j4jM_____- 192____ Approved -------- KC -11______ ----- 192--- Cit lerk. --- ------------- ---- -- ----------------- Mayor. = Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald % Councilman l*Agm Rohland V -` / Councilman Sudheimer Councilman AXetadx Pearce Mayor Nflam Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 €3829 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter @.___-- from_Earl__�trget_ to _,johneon_ Pg_rkway_________________________________ ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ $3.114 --------------------- approved _- IWIP— 4, 1 29_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ CoI18tTUCt --------------- Curbing_on_botn_sides of_b1ci,ean_Ayenue_from- Earl- Street_ to lob.nma ParkRay :C. F. No. 82829— �'In the 1lrntter or cenatrubtfng curbing ----------- on both sides of McLean Avenue'------ . nom Earl street to Johnsen Park- 2 414 , 73 v ec Prellminary Order 81144 with no alternate; }„ a�June 4, lsa?___, t thereof is $_ a_____ _ --- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 14th ......... day of -Jenuary-------- ___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 1 y 1z"i Adopted by the Council _____tt_.�_i_��_p[____ ___ _,192---- Approved-------- -------------------192--- City Cler . -------- ------------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson""D 1 Councilman McDonald P� /Councilman 1$a¢lgsan Rohl3/nd ( ) Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WAnmek Pearce Mayorx'*16nm ',odF'eon Form B. S. A. 8-6 83830 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter Avenue_ from_ Greenbrier___ Av-enue --to--Walsh-Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___835�j6 _______approved ______TloV26i 1929 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_COnBtruCt a sewer_on_Sjevede_�gyenue_ from _G.reenbrier_ n_v_enue to Talsh Avenue. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ,qt4 53630-- RR..�� ^tter [ constructing a sever ______ Lca7� d Avenue tiom Greepbrie __________ ____________________________________________ t - lvenue, unA.. P - Il.e with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 697a 3Q______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 14th __________day of January 1930 -------- Am___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ 2EklJq_U.____, 192____ Approved_______ I � W Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /) Councilman ITodgwit Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wam2Dr Pearce Mayor 2011AW t Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ---- ------ - -- - Cf --- 192___` - City Clerk.-- --------------------- /7 Ma l P-Ua) /2 lJ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 83831 In the Matter of___Gnnatsuntino-_ouxhing_sln_ 129_ _ides_ of_ a�nol;ia Street__ between Payne _Avenue _and_ dgerton Street. _ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order --------- B2,520._________________approved ---- The __ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___t__________ curbing_on_beth—sides_of ihaBnolia_Street_betwPen_P—aylle__Avenue and _-dg9ZtS1n--$tom S t, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- — -------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__7x4. -U____-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 14th ------------ day of --------- ___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__f)MTV ------ 192-_-_ Approved ------;.4 l,42Q-------192---City Cle --------------------- ------------------ ---- i Mayor. Councilman Clancy 1—�2 y Councilman Ferguson pf�sr,iSlfEi� Councilman McDonald Councilman YAbIgmx P.ohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman-Uibc& Pearce Mayor Xk1goa Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 83832 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__He�onstxuLil g,_se1_Xing_�nti_xeraiui_�the_ si dew�lka___ where neces::ary at the following: locations: ------------------ ;ranite ;t, rtn side beginnine at !i.sis sip,)i 3t, thence west '� feet. ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �ranite St. south side, be�inninl_ �8 feet vest o 1.Assis"inpi St., ------------------- thence_ uPs1__7.a__feat,--b�ini—_azL_-fe-et__faxti1es._ est-------- thence we -u 44 feet. -----------------------------------4----------------------------------------------------------------- C. F. No. 83832 In the Matter of Reconstructing, re ------ 11Y 19 and repalring, the sidewalks where nebeseary at the following7o- cations: Mississlppl St., under from "Genesee St. to Ca`yusaast:--------------------approved ____ ___________ fraa�laie p`, or theNO,westi 27 feet; ing received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the �. feet to sr., f ml alae', Ieginnlrig 23 ered said report, hereby resolves: above feet west' et MfsalsslpDl SI.,. thence f Y 1i- ander r3' feet then enieet 444 et, me is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is and ReilminaFy Ordat 83452, herely -proved N-.19 1929. p� + ' The Counall of the CItY of *St. Pam ment which the Council recommends is__.' lG.QDXUit 211.0_ ,_X�ELY h¢aing rceived the report of the Com- mi§stoner or Finance -up n, the above ;where necessary ct the following locations; n ImPr ement, and havin consldered �'3y •�-" las.kl -D ­t herebr`.'Fesolves- - ,__from : eJ1e.Eeat.__tn_ �L.�_______________ 1: nortfr-Alt2a j egin-in, at lVississioni St., thence ---- ---------------- i7<cee_2_fe =tw.------------------------------------------------------------- Granite St., spouth side=a,nn'n: ?8 feFt TM� t If "i siesioni S , -n@nq�-=''�`--=�f__,_._hsgin inn_ dam_ eP _tnez_e------ --------------------thence west 44 feet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_____:_fir _1S4 • f t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 14th day of ------- 4g___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the batal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ D E,C 19 jW __..__, 192____ Approved-- a AEC IQ -----192--- Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald \ Councilman4M#" Rohland /`. J► Councilman Sudheimer Councilman W&&W Pearce Mayor;lPSAld6x Hodgson t Form B. S. A. 8-6 ----- ------ - - ---- ----- City Clerk. -------- ----- -------------- -------------- Mayor. (PUBLISHED/� -J COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 83833 In the Matter ------------------------------- _gzn_Al�ren t., _s�.th__s�d�r_he Q n gg ------------- Dunla� St_ 1 weG _ si�ei_betveen_yan_Bur_e_n_ t,__nd_�leir_Ft_-------------- _�S�et_�b�x�_gno_ nsA_suP=i�ient _eide_walks-no lL_exist_---------------------- -----� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. F. No. 83833— 1 -----�In the ➢tatter of .Constructing a slz---------------------------------------------------------------- foot sidewalk on: Van Buren St., .south side, between Griggs St: and p under Dunlap SL; Dunlap St., west side, tiween Van�Buren St. and Blair T ezcepY 'whare -.' good:' -and satti, aidew&Iks now ezlet;runder'Prel above- nary- -*Order-83!68,-approved Nov :1989: .. lr The Council of the City of St. }leyeb}hayltig_recetved--Yhe. report ot-the C mleatouor of Finance -:uy.n the m 7F/myrovemeatr and, having. conoid -----------------approved -------------- received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the I said report, hereby resolves: is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is which the Council recommends is___ COnstrllCt—& ______ _�401ti1_S1dEr_ b�tZ'EP,IL_uTik=S_�t�__ uren_8t.__and Blair_ Sty__ _exoeDt_where_4S> =ns _r;�fi i�ient_�ie�¢alk>i_nnb _exist ------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof isg liQ5' _1)�&_ 11• Tile 9'alk 31.20 oer 11 ':`_ono. 11 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 14th__________ day of Jauylaxy-la3Q__-___,191X___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvdgpt1a§)bh�total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192---- W'', 19 ___W19 we - -- --- - ------- Approved --------- I ------------------- 192 --- ------Approved____________________________192--- City erk. --------------------- ---------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED /� Councilman McDonald Councilman$kftstm Roizland (r fl Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wainad Pearce Mayor hzkcm Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 83834 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ReCIrABtZtI.C_till@_T.eL1yiC_EU1CL_r�Dr'�.ixiL1'_�itr P__F1dEiL9s"1.1k____ 91I-Qly .,0-_1-QQ5t iQlL --------------------------------------- 9t�1�tQA_=_.-AQ_T_ten_e4l�.-�2?��1AII1 = t_ s-dbridgg_�tthence_Pest------ to--,"asSe=a-Avenue----------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------- c. r. No. sasS4 In the. Matter or. Reconstructing rela ----------y- .,.Ing and -repairing the sid?^: �� ,"here._________________________________________________________ ..neCessary at t1w 'n!- -Atwater III,, .8T,T under Preli` "inial_ - ----------approved AQ��_ 19 i_1°29_______________ toW. ' --'--- nn "' - The Cislmcll of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ---- R@ConBtrtlet-__--_ rlj_and _repair the sidewalkswhere necess -Ly at the following -- - loc�tign;______gtynter_ 41�}_IlQrt�_$�dg+_bgnil_t_ Woodbridge_ St-._____ thence weft to '7estern h_v_enug._________________________________________________________ ---- -------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_____1LI_Pex SO- ft - Resolved t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- htll_______day of J anllaxy_,_1aao_______,si___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in ,the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprEovele�nt at�Qthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____________, 192____ ------ --- - --- - - - r-� Approved____________________________192--- City Clerk. ------------------------ ---------- --------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson S11W ` A Councilman McDonald `\ Councilman IZJ406 Rohland /V) Councilman Sudheimer CouncilmanK Pearce Mayor 2Iehmt Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter )s______ oD _CgrLQ1I_ Lyenu@,_ north_ sidebeinning_ 54_ fset west of Louis ----------------------------------- g. Street,__thence_west-1-5--f eet __---_--___ - -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___8331------------------------ approved _ NOv __5 L_ 1°29-----___-__--_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ---- @45L1?BtTUCt------ releY__and rePeir_tne_ sidewalk on Carroll venue, north side,............. be_Einning 54 -feet -west of Louis Street,__thence_west 15 feet. ------- _ -- -- -- - - ---- ----- ---------------------------------------- C F No 83836— In the M M. Redone trueUng relay- .:ing th.. id- lk n t�.:.-.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------------------------------- _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft. Resolvid Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 14-U --------- day of Jarivar�r i_ 1830 -------- AM at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council______DEC____19____15'1.9 ____,192____ V, --------- -- ----------------------- - Approved ---------------------------- 192_-- City Clerk. ---------- ------------------ ------------------ May. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISH" 7 Councilman McDonald Councilman Fk7Flj¢XO X Rohl and Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WIft W Pearce Mayor Nzbms Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 0383 6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_BeDonstxlzating,_sf 1yXing_Ild-dear n the_ sidewalk___-__ on_1dgerton 3treetj_east_side�be�innin�_126 feet south_of_Den_;y_______ Street_ thence_ south_217_feet,_________ ---------------------------------------------------- --- -------------------- ------ -- C. I'. 'No. 83836— In the. Alatter of Recoaetrncting re-� ---'----------------------------- ------ -� 1n91ng and re i .�._ ,._ (:. then e south 837 teet,✓under Pr --------- llminary Ord83209, approved Oc[:--------------------------------------------------------- :1. 29, 1889 -t 29 129 under Prel The couneu r the city of sa Paul ; -------------approved __9�_ t____�____________________ having received the report of the Com - The Co -- 6ived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the mfaeloner of .Flounce upon the abov.1aid report, hereby resolxes: above imprl skid report, and having considered' eat' report perehy resolves: a is hereby approved andedopted, and the said improvement is 1. Tha 1. xhat .cho Bata - hereby orde;ana °tbe h ;n?m:aa»ad with. 2 Thordergz, Reconstruct ae-rne nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is___________________z______ relay__and_repair_the_sidewalk on_Edgerton_Stre?t i_east_eide�_be�in____ Hing 126_feel_�nufl�_nf_�Eni�}t-Stre�ii,--tr>en�e _snu h_.�lZ_ ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $______ f t . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __14tIL___________day of January,_ 193Q --------- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Patel. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 15_ iy� Adopted by the Council_____��i.____ ____'___, 192____ JLC13 ---------- --- -- --- Approved----------------------------192_-_ Ci Clerk. --- -- -------------- --------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman H dsm Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wassl Pearce Mayor »fob Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 1G�Lfsf l —� 833 8e3 7 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ond_r eriairinR tae__sidewalk 9B_Ij�rg�n�l_j�ygnu@,__ ast_side,_ oezinning 43 feet south_'0-f-_9 elby --------- under----- under Preliminary Order -------- 3D20 -------------------- approved ___________-- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsis_i@ConetT' Ct,___-____ xe1.:�Y-_3nd_xSeB,.LT__�h@_ �iSl@.Yt31k_S2t7_.�i�rschel_ Ayenue,�_eest_siae,__ beriniiin 43 _feet_south of Selby r'.penue�_thence soutri 24 feet ---------.------------------------------- C. F. No. 83837— � ' In the Matter of Reconstructing, re- --------- laying and repairing the sidewalk ,______________________________- on HecscheI Avenue, East. aide, bc_ uh"Jin- ,t feet south of ^^^- ---------- r------------=. -------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $____,°r_31E�_Ao ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 14th________ day of January, ----- 1930_ �___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---PEC-19--M ____, 192____ D E rw 19On ------------- - - ---- - - . Approved____________________________192___ ✓ itv Clerk. ------- --------------------- ---------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy p Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald�� Councilman Aadgf¢m Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WIIt> XX Pearce Mayor VSK&K Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 €3838 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of____Fecon struc t ink and_ relay_ine_ the_ sidewalk_ on_ Idaryland_- �i:seet_"nnsth_airie,__]aEeinning_at_Masion__Stxe�t�_�.hen��_aa�_'�_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. F. No. 83838— In the Matter of Reconstructing and - ---------------------------------- relaYln--------------- ---- ------------- 8[ree Bntoe eldewalka on Maryland .Mari.n Street, thence he _rd at under ____________________________________ Prenmtnary Orders 836E 0, tgyt, ----------------- �-----------" !Droved No¢ 21, 19E9.- .The bouncll'ot the -City 1st. Paul Nov.1 1°29 under Prelim! h%v It under the rer..:. .,, ----------approved _________ _____'_-_=-------_-_--- mlasioneror Ftnan�„ lmd,'r.Dn,. ,..:,�,:paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the The Coin saldregoT• g P P above improl' 'L.'T''aAlaving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____R@�QnstTLlct_ 2Tid _��laX-tl�_;� tciealk_ori_;iaTJt] 0-D Si_F�e_riQrh__§ dam.-]��ginni r;g-�t---------- Marion Street,_thence_ea_t 20 feet._______________________ --------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ _91 -MX -AQ- ft - Resolved t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 14th_________ day of -Ianilar,C,_193-------- AWL __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.QE&.1R1W -------- 192____ DEG 19 10 ------cam - -- - Approved__________________---------- 192___ Ci Clerk. ---------- -------------------- ---------- ------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy �J Councilman Ferguson QCJBI I�H1 1J_ f.+'= Councilman McDonald } Councilman Rohlal r% Councilman Sudheimer Councilman W&irW Pearce Mayor 1 33ft Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 813839 In the Matter ofjieg4A�tryCr�tir}gr�l�y_ing_ ana_rE------ ng_ the_ side--lk___-__ where necess3ry_at_tne_oliowin� locations ------------------ - ----= -------------------------------------- Rice_ �t,t,_ eaet _si�i�,_ b�gi�nin� Gt_Cook_ St_ thence ,_ tnence_ southsouth_150_feet. feet f be innina_50 ft. farther solith2- __- -- -feet-- -- -- -- ----- Ri�e_�i�,--��st _aide,_rnaL_4Ja yer__Sre t_,_ t4_ ��rIllun-t t------------------- .C. F. No: 83839T_ ____________________________________________ 'rn the Matter of, Reconatructing, re- laying and repairing the sidewalk, v 19 1920 under" where necessary, at the following ]n-_5_�_ _approved �4__t_____t_____= cations: Rice 8t., east atria t•�•- -------- - --------------- aing t C ek at, the^ T feet, be$1m11 g.Fe .:-��'ui i having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above_ .the.e a°!1kht, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ R@C OR 6'tTUCt______ relay_ and_ rgoalr the_ sidewalk_ v_ rhe re_necessaraty_ the_ £ollowi IR ---------- 10sat.,ians.:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A�c�_ -_ -_beginning-50 ft farther 9o__th, tnence south 30 ft. - - - - -------------------------------- Rice�_St,y_v_est_side�_f rom_�liv_er_�t,__to Geranium Street. ' k9 ------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$_��_ pE L_�D� ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 4___ -________day of ------ Januarys-193Q:�___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ----------- House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__j_rh_44------ 192____ t ®EE 19 W ---------- Approved ---------------------------- 192 --- City Clerk. ---------- ------------------- ------------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy PL$LIStMD Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hftldh Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman wzjml P e ar e e Mayor 3A bai Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 83840 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_3eGo118f T LCttriE;,_Se18�C7 T1�_ EAd _@Ra�T] il�_S] 4Ewa l ___-___ Snelling_Ayenue,_ E3ct_side,_ begiilnina at_,rend Avenue._ thence__ _ North 50 feet. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --- 833?Q ______________approved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ ReCgnBtTUCt 1______ rel.y__and repair_sidewalk on_Snelling_Avenuel_East sides Bepinnin --- at_ Grand_ Avenue,__thence _north_ 50 _feet. ----------- ---- — --------------------------------------------------------- c. . Din. saasa-- __________Jiro_ ilfatter of Reconstructing. re- __________________________ nod repairingsidewalk o Avebu¢, Fastside, begin- + =North with no alternatives, and that the estimaied cost thereof is ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 14th __________day of I371U2 -------ASX___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_______DEC _ 1 __ 91929 _,192____ Approved----- DEC -----------------------192--- Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald 0 Councilman Ndakwh Roilland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman VVIAM1 Pearce Mayor bUlm Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.6 ------- ------ Ci Clerk. -----------------�------ - - ----------- Mayor. i ISMD j Y A. X841 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ___-____--_ _f torn _ St}el l ing _AYQ111.1!<_4_ 38 �&� Ogg_,' v�all@------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -under Preliminary Order_3 31 2Q__________________________approved -__________-__- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- FaYe_AllQy_________ in Block 3,_J __N__ Roder! __Addi_ ion_i rom cnellin2-Aven - ie -to - - - - - - - - ------------------- - -Sala taga_2venue--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ i1— -------------------------------------------------------- t paving alley in Block; - �c�: _ from __________________________ ------- <...-.r. .______--_-______________________________ ________________ _________________________________________-.---_-___________________-__-____________-______________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ lith ------------ day of January, 1930 ------ AM--_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court -------------------- House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_-"&+q-fW--_--_, 192_-__ ----------------- Approved ____________________________192__------------- ---------------------------------- -- -----C--le-r-k-.- - Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson -V l — J, y 7 Councilman McDonald Councilman HLftatm R.onland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman AVanatir Pearce Mayor Naw Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 80'612' COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER nd ini:, nd takins an e2__ s_ nt_ in he land nece^- In the Matter of--L�---�`'-----1--,no-----------------=-`--- -------- ------ ser� 2_or sloes cut _L -.nd tills in the navin, o* alien in Flock 3 ---- - - ----------------------------- ------------------------------------ _�I.__i��_3oges! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �— ------------------------------------------------------- I. ____________. . F.'e 83842 'takln Matter of Condemning• an necessary for�jment la the d ________________________ In the ^ nes, o Land Pat7n... ..�. n 8d�ia :�^J under Prelir-. ^;- f suer_--_-- 4Vi _ -------------approved _-A� t �_ 2_ _ 1 ���------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_99-11 nn_?nd ________ _take_sn_a=seeat_i,�_tna_1�s>c_neceasss�_?or sio�esy_cut� nc ---------- -------------- in the oavin. of Alley_ in Flock 3,�_J_ _,_, ;=oyer s d itior, horn ------------------------------------------- _5nel�in _ v�nuP _L1_ 3T1LS1a _i �E11U!«_ in_ 3_ccor n.nce with tr.e Ul.iehrint renf_,_tha_�icoEcL nosticn_shnvyii --- the cuts and the snaded oortion sho-,in- the ills. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-23L.22 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 14S]1 ---------- day of J:inuar�:_ 1330 -------- A42L___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --PEC 19wa 192____ ��gg••�� Approved_______1_5c - ` 192___ --------------- i4 �n�iSL-o r i ------ City Clerk. --- - - ------------------- Councilman ------------ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Cwt p(JBLTStiETl� . --� / Councilman McDonald Councilman Uddlydh Rohl and Councilman Sudheimer Councilman VVlidi I P ea.r c e Mayor 3P6F1;Sd o dg s o n Form B. S. A. 8-6 83843 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_s0A8_lTil4tklL;_all<L_Qrossingon_the -south_side of--__-_____ Bajard_Ayenue between -- J. R. --Barton-1-s --Additio-and -Stoluestad - - Addition - - - -------------------------n ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order ----- SZA4 4 ---------------------- approved ----- nQ9:_ly,__1929 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- ConstTllCt--- alley__croasing_on the_souh side of Bayard Avenue -between--J. -R. ------------ - ---------------- _$artQ� s _AdriitiQrk_Qnd__$t�l K�st�ti¢_,addition------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- " 43- - ter of Construct ng uer .-------------- 2- ------ -------f t, -------------------- n h Ide of B s. Yard "rinn s.Addl- with no alternatives, and'tliai" .rices,;, . T^sae est thereof is $-L :__�____ �9 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____)Alt ---------- day of JBnuaryl- 19J0--__-- 1=___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement andel the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 19Council ------ _i. _,192____ ---------- --- -- -- - Approved_________ ------ 192--- � City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald n Councilman JlMgan Rohland /f Councilman Sudheimer Councilman VAMId Pearce Mayor NEW Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.6 8K844 COUNCIL FILE' O.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ C9Anructing_ dripewaY_ on_ the_ west_ aide of Louis Street beginning_72 feet south of Carroll Avenuet thence south lb feet. -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --- $315------------------------ approved ______NoV._ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ QOL18tru0t____________ dri_v_eway_on_the_west_ side_ of Louis_Street_be�inning 72 feet south ------------------ of Carroll Avenue,_ thence south lb feet. ------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of Constructing drive- I - ----------------------------------------- ;.,e.. thence south 79 nderr________________________________________ Order ."'�a..+.. ��. riy with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $a_og3 _ g . ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 14th --------- day of ____IBMUarX_-_-_1� 0_,719tai___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__.0M jaA ------ 192____ ---------- ---- -- - - - - Approved ----------- ----------------192--- / City Cler Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ! } Councilman21todgsnn Rohland (, Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Watmid Pearce Mayor SaW Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.6 --------------- --------- ---------- Mayor. �UBLISHED�� �l OOUNCIL NO.--- CITY OF ST. PAUL CTLs OFFICE OF CITY CLERK A COUNCIL RgSOUTION—GENERAL FORM XxNldO1C V"decoration in the the streets of the City of St. Paul for the holidays the expense of lighting same will amount to approximately $500.00, and WHEREAS the Bureau of Lighting, Department of Public Utilities, has not sufficient funds to pay for said decorating, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and are hereby authorized and directed to set aside out Of the Contingent Fund, the sum of $300.00 for the purpose of de- fraying the expense of lighting the streets for the Christmas decorations. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _1In favor Rohland SudheimerAgainst Vc►MI11— Vm Z-114_ Mr. President Hodga— Adopted by the CouncilDEC 19 1929 19— Approv19— IX MAYOR CouNCI- NO. s w ,d GM -K CITY.,' OF ;ST. PAUL Fitz OFFICE OF CITY CLERK x OU I /REES}O�LUUT�ION GENERAL FORM .RESENTED my /T {� / \ OATE 8 a sadden and unexpected emergency has arisen • In that the Board of Public Welfare has remaining at the present time the sum of $15,414.57 to its credit, which sum is consider- ably lees than expenses already contracted by said Board, and WHEREAS unless immediate provision is made for further }finances, the said Board will be unable to continue operations, and WHEREAS the County of Ramsey has voted an emergency fund to said Board in amount of $63,809.30 which said sum cannot be used under the law creating said Board, until a sum in amount tual to said one-half of said contribution of the County is appropriated Board by the City Of St. Paul, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sum of $31,904.65 and to execute and deliver to the party orfpexties making tpe loan, a promissory note, payable to such party or parties+ be,%r- Ing interest at a rate not exceeding five -(5) per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year.from the date of execution thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER that the sum of $31,904.65 so borrowed, be credited to the Board d, and all aid Fund be expended onlyY o orthe uWelfareblic expensesncurred�byy said Board. c. F xoysasas- 1:,• ;coon— . '100n "arid unexpect�A' inspat the Boatd^ 1eGeC'remetnlnc at . -t ?i16 411,61: to-fte I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rN. Adopted by the Counc' 9- 3 Clancy Ferguson McDonald �In favor ved 19- McDonald Q Sudheimet Against MAYOR Mr. President Hodgeon Lots � ail b{819c lM AUdICoY�eBn� d !to>n�No {8 aUd. huhdlhW th@raaly, � � n � ,vhlrF•;wsa ap�ilreA Ln tL@,.I COUNCILMEN DEC 19 W9 Yeas Nays Adopted by the C0Uaci1.___.-----^-----192— Ferguson tCj A ved _Z 9 _.._._192._ . d _._...—In favor f '1 ,Sudheiraeruearce _G �s�� _ LIS 1..-r0_k�.r ii�000[[ IiCD Mr. President Hodgson IL WUN CITY OF ST. PAUL �' ,� NO.__-----•--- =: OF OF THE CITY CLERK e RES TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED WHEREAS, Lydia L. Meyer, owner of Lots 4 and 5, Block Auditor's Subdivision No• 19, and 1, buildings thereon, a portion of which was acquired in the matter of widening past Seventh Street between Bradley and WHEREAS, Minnehaha Streets, and the award of damages, in the sum of Three ($3815.00) Thousand Eight Hundred Fifteen by the Council of Dollars, as confirmed the City of Saint Paul was calculated on the basis of depreciation of the property after cutting off fourteen (14) feet there- WHEREAS, of for street purposes, and Lydia L. Meyer, the owner, is now desirous of moving the building back, and on the buildings would have been WHEREAS, the award the sum of Three Thousand One Hundred Twelve ($3112.00) Dollars on that basis, therefore be it RESOLVED: That Lydia -L. Meyer is hereby authorized to move the entire building back to the new upon into the City property line payment Treasury the sum of Seven Hundred Three, ($703.00 Dollara, credit widening of East Seventh Street, United Improvement Council's Program's Project No. 2. Lots � ail b{819c lM AUdICoY�eBn� d !to>n�No {8 aUd. huhdlhW th@raaly, � � n � ,vhlrF•;wsa ap�ilreA Ln tL@,.I COUNCILMEN DEC 19 W9 Yeas Nays Adopted by the C0Uaci1.___.-----^-----192— Ferguson tCj A ved _Z 9 _.._._192._ . d _._...—In favor f '1 ,Sudheiraeruearce _G �s�� _ LIS 1..-r0_k�.r ii�000[[ IiCD Mr. President Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL FI'Y OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / R LU�20 1929 ION --GENERAL FORM CO CIL oat December COM E ONER / william3964) lgEpga on November 29, 1929, id ode application for Hotel license at 238t' .W. Fourth Sts and recommends denial of said license; therefore, y,�gEsqS the Bureau of Police be it BES&VED, that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby .William Hamsid the license fee of $25.00 and to authorized to refund to said cancel said hotel license application, COUNCILMet'r Nays Yeas Clancy [, Perguson 16 In favor Rohland w�inst Sudhcimer Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson 19— Adopted by tht C+c°sem A MAYOR �3— PRESENTED ORDINANCE Q�saa4 COUNCIL FILE NO.IJA+Y ORDINANCE NO. a s amen ng Ordinance No. 3457, entitled "An ji'u',,for the licensing and regulation of junk deal- ers and `ju>#lF9.aw-era," approved May 6th, 1915. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ' THE COUNCIL OF THE'CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3457, approved May 6th, 1915, be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of Section 1 thereof, the following: "or in lieu thereof, has filed with the City Comp- } troller a surety bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars (01,000.00), said bond to be approved as to surety by the Mayor, and as to form and eaeou- tion by the Corporation Counsel; said surety bond to be conditioned that the licensee shall observe the ordinanoes of the City in relation to the businessfbr which he has applied for license; that he will conduct such business in conformity there- with; that he will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled thereto, any goods, wares, article or thing which may come into his hands or through his hands as such junk dealer, or in lieu thereof, pay in money to such person or persons the reasonable value thereof." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance, rendered necessary 'for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council n IQ-&- ��g--ry Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald U Pearce Rohland SudheimerY®� Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved Zlr Attest Magor PUBLISHED % - - 3 o City Clerk Laid over to 3rd. & app.. 6 Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McGlogan Q, McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Adr. Pres. Hodgson 2nd. I :ldoptcd 9 � bw„7a I/l� 30 . Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McGlogan McDonald Q Sud6eimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson ewuwa. x amr ewK •• CITY OF s*hg1AUL WIILK OFFICE OF CITY CLERK n CgVNCIL TION—GENERAL FORM RESOLv�atssion and u ority are hereby granted to Harry Schnitzer to operate and maintain a junk yard at Berry avenue and Territorial Road, said licensee to build a fence around said yard, of such kind as shall be approved by the Building Department of the City; said yard to be operated and maintained in compliance with the ordinances of the City relative thereto, and said licensee shall furnish to the City of St. Paul a surety bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned to account for and deliver to any person legally entitled thereto, any goods, wares, article or thing which may have come into his hands through his business, or, in lieu thereof, will pay in money to such person or persons the reasonable value thereof. ABBOLUTION9 C. F No 83866—BY q • Er: ClanbY— RwanivwA.'TFiat. n rmlanlnn "and nU- -(Dee 28 1989) Yeas FMNAWM- --McDonald In favor �-Rohland --Sudheimer 0 Against /Fvtr. President Hodgson DEC 2i� 192 Adopted by the Couna r� 19- 19— Idwvow I i& �ai V� i-11 1 _ f .;» i :,. Deoember 19th. 19x9, Itr. 8. w. O'Neill• oorporation counsel, _ Sn�lding• _ Dee 8itl At t}Y+ 00tu sl:'msr held B e�y,the applioation of Harry SaAitser.fopermiE Eo A`eaue ani Territorial - +rate a Jug k yara,at Gerry a *ss sppiawQ'aAd :the mdttsY.reterredo You +` tire' proper :rssAxtson• Tcnrs Liu1y. city plerY. ,J a ,ice; - Eu 61- 17 13 lo 25 26 27 28 29 30 1h TI 1 r if AIVIAM pert--� 5 _ V7 1 ����'•cfe user ', wore ha u>r�l Cid y "I'rx«'r"irq CO,'WP(--,Y":5 wt I N R�. T racl; (' Cye Midwa y Al" inn eapolls & X sY, pa ill, A innesola Ju r js Ten -I fo/,i_�7/ I ltl 1 �<xch�1 C� un l Pvope)t 1u>l�l C � y � .� wdh N. 11 Rf. Trachaqe Minn( -j Up 0 AS & 4S -, PCt Pel Scale A" T 7 5-, July Isf 1925 t I i � j[`1 11 -/7 61 C- Tw S Co ',/j �,J� I � S/oc�/!- Howse � \ :5-o DEC -In favor CQ December 23, 1929 Elie Boran 894 RioSte -Butcher Makar.Boahko 683.Mississippi at. Q. D. Dairis & Son: 412 N Smith Av. S. Gerlioh 3b0 5 N. Fairview Av. The Great Atlantic & Pacific TO& Co. 167 N. Snelling Av. Butcher Arthur A. Hanft, 179 N. Western tv. Butcher H., F HaseAsahl, 621Mabisha-st. J Hensler 309�DukbpSt. B;G. Klett 921 Fondti)'St. J. J.-X*ks* h,. 1214 Thomas at. Q. L. M#11aly, 719:Pelhim Benjamin Silberman 389 Nabiliha St. Allen Brb 6. 928 Av.. Orocery Tony Aikons 627� 'St. �� Confectionery Joe Bikloi 4524aftson at. Grocery Wis. H. Bishop, 1029 _Kiibaru Carbon* IWU r , 4 o 2 690 7th St. 0 iarella, William Piatridh, 1566, laiiAclph St.,: Dominidko 186 dio—` at. Charles Mc 242 E7th St. H.'F. Each, Xinnesic�ta Building Confectionery Frederic Drug 06.Ine. 43. S. 6th St. John A. S. 'Glans, 942 Payne A -v, The. -Great Atlantic & PacificTea Co..161 N..Snelling Ave. Grocery Jos.,Havlish, & 1553 University Av. Confectionery A. A. Johnson, 1267 Pr6sperity Av. Grocery H.' 0. Klosterman, 778 Selby Av. J'. J. Kuban., 693 W. 7th St. D, N. Larson, 1260 Payne Av. Paul, F. La tine, 1076'31. Maryland at. M. Ueberm&a' 953 Ries St.. F. Z.�Ziii0ksl 189 Concord'st. '7th Bakery Louis Jbirtuntooit 299 1: It, Confectionery Michaud Bros. .343 Wabash& St, Grocery 743 V_ 3' I'v r1k,"St. Morgan -6 son.- 9.38 York St. Jaok'Mo600vitz , Wabisha at. Fruit-Vegetable National T.. Co. 644 4 �:'Smith A Grocery 24447e,HRmlin 6 AV. A. W. Olson 622 L I to Blvd. Go Confectionery Pat or Pappas, 622 Urd4ekii;ity Av. Confectionery P La Braahe: 71?191�11 1927UhiIwiratykv. 1 1139 Payne v; Grocery J.,Prips: 719. R.,410kinti AT. Cohf-drug RApp'& w ittman 919.3toClair,St. Grocery Sarah Robinovitz 627Aanada I i 11 St, Luciano Rocco 459-L Broadirij Wolf Sebe 170`0.'Witbaaha St. Confectionery Jo .Bevoik,' 72,8 Armitroiig Bakery V. T. Si4ikoiWakis. W. gigisty, 114I.Foreat St. 576'Canada Grocery St. Bakery 4K -2- /12-23-29 W.. B. Soiskop 721 N.,Snelling'AV. 130 St.. Grocery " Geo. F. southwick� obsrt St, $30 8obert 8t. Conf=drug . 0 'SWobods,, Art.fireaay, 1098 Grand Av.' 497 Wal St. " 86Pt drink* Y.'-Tsohida, John J. Verstraste,. AT 667 Hall AT. 408 M.nnesota, Grocery Restaurant B lboa,Amuaement Co. L. P. Carlson, 249 $, 7th St.` " " H. &. Conroy, 688 Wsbsaha 3,0 W. Ezohange; St . Ellen Favillo� Cv Herbert do G. Oleos ' 162 W. -6t St. " I[ary Hines 789 Pillsbury 780 Wabssha St I+`reenk Selly Joseph IW r, 472 Grace 8t. " " Andrew J.'Vandal, 224 W.:7th St.. Helen,Ysrtin 949 .Payne Av. a l}eo. ltattiani Co. '.90'8. Robert 8t. Y.M.0-A.; 1963 Un'Ve rait " Hina. Transfer Peter Pappas, 8 IInivereity Av.v, " C. 8. St.•Jchn 388 $pbert At 418 Wabash* St, " F. St. John' Lee Btamper 318 Rice St. " " F. A. Timothy 816 White Bear.Av. 476 N. Snelling Restaurant Clifford 0. Weaver do R.L. 769 1 ashDenies, a'St. Beataurant Ven Yoe t Ba1ph Zagaria, 469j Wabasha St. 627 Jacks -.St. " 2 pool tables - Ton Asaone Tony` J. W. Bridges 379 Carroll ay. 'Av: 4 " `John A. S. Glens 942 Psyne, y . 1663 UniversitAv 8. " Joe'. Havlish 888 8t. Lawrence Oaeoliae station Joe &itman Prank pion Frank Norton 631-6ES;N. Dale St. goal 18 rooms J. 'W.`Bridgee 879 Carroll dv., 664 Robert.8t, Hotel 42 rooaa 3 Simon T inley. Fsa.� g�geaah 603 at. Peter 9t. s 63 roams Oil burnii►g device Fred A Hrodt T60 llroade 8t. 406.i[Yw York Building 8elary-Chsttel'Loan H. L.:Drak6 227 E. Fairfield Av. 2nd hand dealer X. Lerner *Soft drink parlor ha's bar ex poaed'to view from attest • 'A -Poolrooms are JOW.feet from schools CITY OF: ST. PAUL- NO._-;� OJFFIC�',OF CITY,CLERK CiQUNCIL, LUTION--GBNBRAL FORM ' iY' nw.g Diiiiaber 23, 1828 po lal FBI 11C .. Council Fite No. ............... -------------- 83857 By- ................. :._.._............................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 2, Otto Hunt's Addition and Lots 15 to 24, Kenna's Randolph Addition from Niles 8t. to Hartford Ave., also constructing a sewer from the alley to Warwick Ave. in the easement to be obtained on the northerly 8 ft of Lot 1, Otto Hunt's Addition, '+Bd�7¢fii4�€git�.d ,Mite under Preliminary Order 80890-- Intermediary Order_ 8111? -»., Final Order...P3&M_....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been farther considered by the Council,,and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the''same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County o1 Ramsey for confirmation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be'and it is hereby determined to be payable in .-_..equal installmenta. Adopted by the council-._ DEC61929 -y Clerk. G 2 q 1929 ........ ........ _.... or. F— B. B. 18 pUBLISFD- Cg y 6 • F ���"Sf CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment At o.MMIZ0r 27...112._x9 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t= grading alley in Block 2,.Otto Hunt's -Addition and Lots 15 to.24, Kenna's Randolph Addition from Niles Bt. to Hartford Ave., also constructing a sewer from the alley to Warwick Ave. in the easement to be obtained on the northerly 8 ft of Lot 1, Otto Hunt's Addition, 80890 81442 under Preliminary Order ....................... Intermediary Order-------------...----------------.....- .............. Final Order.................81838 approved._Jlll�!_18......................................... 19_29. _................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 798 00 - Coat of construction $._......_�._.............._ 4.20 Cost of publishing notice . . . $_........_.........._.._.- Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . , , $--_15.96 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $......0.84 ------------- Amount of court coats for confirmation $...... `.�'_20.............. 823 20 Total expenditures$_.1-1 ........................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as. above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $_823.20- ................ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot pnMq;,p "4�i�n4 maecuxdeehtenfits_con-Mi - ferred thereon; that thesaid assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and mea., a hart ]-r—f, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be coonn"idered. roper. _.�.............................................. r- B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. � _ n:�i 83858 Council Fite No......_.._..._._... .._.... By_....._.-.....___ ---- ----- --------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block 3, Klefer,Schurmeier and Wild's Subdivision from Johnson Parkway to Atlantic Street, ,tau k W v 81093 under Preliminary Order 80347 __� Intermedia Order_:.._ -60236....., Final Order-- , approved_ _ __ June 4 _1929 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further, considered by the Couneil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects, ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT%FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and- it is hereby determined to be payable �n ._._.__.L_.._ ...... equal installments. AA.M.A by the Connell -_ .... 19._..... 6 Approved_..__...._..... -.___....___-........__.19-.-..... .. Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. �'14t� t �L o4 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE Report of Completion of. Assessment November 27 jn29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Oosts and expenses for tU !( grading the alley in Bloolc 3, Kiefer, Sohurmeier and Wild's Subdivision' i. from Johnson Parkway to Atlantic Street, under Prelimin_aiy Order..................._.80MY ................... Intermediary Order. -;-80736___- ............. FinalOrder ----...........810.9._....................... approved ............. - ........................................ 19..29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditnres necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . $..--.-ase_..-•.o0 ..0------------ o Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . $•--••-_3.60............ Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . $...-0.72 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . . $................ ................ Amount of court costs for confirmation $_-_3.60 311.88 Total expenditures .. . $........... -................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $311, BQ---_-----------upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified bythe sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council -for such nation thereon as may be considered proper. F. s. a, n V Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits � costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 3, Kipple College Park and.Block 3, Mattock Park, from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, UXI, [� rA f '� fluW6}W$�81�?�b� � n218r' Cc= atflxla,�teK.b�A�r ;�-u c�,x under Preliminary Order 80402 -_, Intermediary Order.— 11B8 Final Order -....81603 aPProved_..a�u1.Y...a_._..............:....19 29 A public Learing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment ha img been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby' in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to -be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT FURTHER' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and -it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments DEC 61928 Adopted by the DEG 2 6- ��-�?—`���`ry Clerk. Approved.___.- 19_.— _____�t Mayor. F— B. B. 18 � � G u t CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits', costs and expenses for t= grading alley in Block 3, Kipp's Oollege Park and Block 3, Mattock Park, from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, y 80402 81168 under Preliminary Order .............. Intermediary Order..................................---------------- Final Order ............. .............. approved----••-•---J111S....2 .......--, 13..29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and h connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 213.00 Cost of construction $..-_...._..................... Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $........4.20................... _... Cost of postal cards . . . . . $_---•... 84 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $...--..4.'_ag Amount of court costs for confirmation . . , , $• 4. 20 Total -expenditures . . . . . . . , $..226.50............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $226.50. ......... ........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement,_ and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered pro er. -----_-----_-.- ......... F.— B. R. 17 ommissioner of Finance. 83860 Council File No.__...... _............. ... ... By_...._.,.... __ .... _._.......:..........._... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, posts and, expenses for grading alleys in Mulliken's Seoond Addition from Niles Avenue to Juno,Btreet and from north and south alley to Finn_Avenue, s 51 j�a under Preliminary Order a Intermediary Orier__..�1170..., Final Order... 816088 approves July '16 —__19 28.' A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been.farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the'same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in._._...-L.._....__..equsl installments. Adopted by the Council_._.._ DEC 2 S t9A DECQ�...__ .._._.-......... _ ity Clerk. EC 2 6 Approved_......____._.._.._______--- Fmm B. B. 18 PUBUSIM� l CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment November 27 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tXX grading alleys in Mulliken's Second Addition from Niles Avenue to Juno Street and from north and south alley to Finn Avenue, 80416 81170 under Preliminary Order .--•-•----------•.................. Intermediary Order - ............... ------- - Final Order ----------------- approves -July-16---------------.......... ---_--------... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 258.00 Cost of construction . . . . • • • . • $ • ............................ of publishing notice . . . $................................ ............. ..._0.69 Cost of postal cards $ ............. 5.16 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $-... ---------- 3. h5 Amount of court costs for confirmation . . $---•-•-•-----• ---------------- 270. '75 Total expenditures . . . . . . . .$.................... -.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $270-` 75_ -_•-..--_........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by t or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con - the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, par— ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted.to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered pro er. j Fa.,. a. B. 17 G}ommiesioner of Finance. 83861 Council File By_------ --------- ------ ------ --------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL , Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 22, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Hemline Ave. to Albert Ave., FF„ 80342 81172 Final Order81605 Hader Prel�minary Order_.__.__..._..:....., Intermediary Order._.._._......._ July 2 ,... approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the asseswent for the above improvement, and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in._........_..—/.......equal installments. Adopted by the Conseil__._=. _ _•___ __._19 ..__ - amity Clerk. Mayor. Form B. B. IS pUBLISI�ED---�-- 1' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment November 27 29 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forXSX grading alley in Block 22, Syndicate No. 5 Addition from Hemline Ave. to Albert Ave. under Preliminary Order._....................B0342....__....., Intermediary Order.....--_ Run ..................................... Final Order- ..... ............ 81.G.QJ ..................... approved..------......—Juli 2 .............................19.._29 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: 260.00 Cost of construction . . . . . . . . .$ ............................... - 4.50 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $-----_------------------------ 0.90 --------------0.90 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $.------ . _------_-_------- 5.20 Inspection fees. . . . . . . . . . . $...... ........... ............. Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 4.50............ V 275.10 Total expenditures . . . . . .$................................ Said Commissioner further reports lie lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $.275.10.............. ...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- _ nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered roper. ...... ......... --- F.- B. R. » Commissioner of Finance. 83862 Council File BY-------- - ------ - - ------------ - - --------- : ..... . .... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving alley in Block 2,G. G-Whitneyts Riverton Place from Finn Avenue to GlevelandAvenue, also grading Finn Avenue from James Street to Palace Street, MZ F808 43 81297 81692 under Preliminary Order............. - Intermediary Order..____ Mud Order.... approved July 9 _i9 29 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore haling been further considered by the Council, and having RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ram ey for confirmation. BE IT R RFASOLVED,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_._— installments. DEC R 6 19B Adopted by the Council—. under Preliminary Order ..............80843 ....................................... Intermediary Order ........81297.................. 7* ------------------------ Final.Orqer ............. 81-89.2 . ........................ approved .......... j - U . I - Y 9-----......---------............................. 19 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner.of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- meat, viz: 2,500-00 Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $ 4.65 Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . . $-------------------------------- 0.93 Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . $ -------------------------------- 50.00 Inspection fees . . . . . . $...................------------ 4.65 .............................4.65 - Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $---------------_---..-..---2- 2,560.23 --------------------------- 2- 2,560.23 Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $------------------------------- Said -- --------------------------- Said Commissioner further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit; the sum of 23 . . .............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by j the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con, ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such &etion thereon as may be considered proper. eons B. B. t7 Commissioner of •widening and extending BuAlagton Awe. zto Pond, 8t to Woodtie br #'acingand eaadescllng ail UO*/Partioao 45, 46 47, Bl oalc't; c i7' 9Nr,` 310, 3B, 907, 4 4, , and 1¢,{, Bi53=:eighiFs.lii ick 112." Wad all that pwk of :uo us ?ownwhlpp.:3d, aartheast } est ties aetn at 4f 8e*tioas J' 88 of a ssoutheast88otion 11, age:., Aad the Scarth - la s- 8e xange 2a, lying within a stria of lead 60 feet !n wid, the *@alter line o! which is des@ribed se lead, fi ► ing a the intersection of the center lines of_ merlin on d#e. and Linwood Ave. then*@ in a northwesterly direotea can- the center line of Burlington Ann, for a distance of #est ;thea*@ .tier $hs ase a# 0 410 Qyrve to the left, �ai�e�ah-tt�;eh la � °�'; #*ia< ii dlsteaaro�e�eg •; ,:.:• 4paint en the center line of Burlington Ave.; { tmg4-MV last desasib@d curve a distance of 3461-feet.ea the eenter line 'f Burlington Ave.9 thence on a 1q•" cyst@ ;#o the right the central `eagle of Which o 68• ��, to a �1}, atalnare Of 3+37.47 lest a point on the *sates .line , 0! Bn9..i�6fU Aitit7s ease ei1 4 "I �@lE1 t4' *4„d1t8 ' a� t it dlatan _%he_ center line. of ' �ati�"bi3► `': � `�fe• 'en` t1ie,° a�'hY � t+t• `�+', eiu'�et►ti` tb-#d►@.... ... tF47 eagle of Which is 909.• Sit' for a distance lit►@ Burlington Ase., i. poiidt Cathe venter of thane ani a ;an 1c the Inst- dssorJrbed curse for a distance of 8r � ire:e �iWte r2 -lime Of Barli»gteft Ass.;..tlieneeg O con1 9t a ► a to the -left th+et'.0 fo:.” a distance ci #@et.> a. . 3c.t z t[e 13iaat 9# iint9' Ave• then*@; can a ��t dei d dUrvo for d stonce, ,.c$-, 1 66�3t� 8906.,48 ie1i bn t11e aentof line of Burlington Ave.; then*e on thea of 48* amtrt's is the sigh$ the central angle of Wh14 � R«w of t,diotWoe o,. 306.9$ feet;,.;;n Paint Was .t 2 e c W Inq�oa Ave.; thence ;a a tangent � for distance 69.46 fiat . s el saccus@ a of a . to he �► this 1 �8 lgton Ave.; the 4n s�Cc of • `� lett, *a central angle of�i�i in IL ► 48•rnbile tfi ' ca i>f 87$. feeta pointtra .`the' " *eateiaae'efingtcn Ave -'j .thence on s tangent #* the lade# dea�a" d cube►@ fox• a distends of 113J3,so on 1i►'e. center 'o! 1F•,.44a. curve L lune of Burlon';J►�n •.; . thence oa the aza U.",, a general:angle of .which is:64. 481 fora di �f :x,83 `teat, thoko on a tongeat to the last de�8 for s distenoo .of 363.98 feet, thence o>d'the curse to the Fight the central angle of �► foot; thence on a • faf ata gisteuncs of 86.70 t ieie ln#f deaeribed ourva•for a distance of 208.06 f e en 1110 are a 60- 0.01 oix"e to the left the olf,16ich:ie 30• l0t 'for a distance of 349.73 fee =a prlsR .oa the ;antes lino, of Burlington Ave.; . thence �'-'_-: .e,w r : yei 'ttx► thA Tjat. doA@Fib@d Mr*e, f0r i distance. 01 F A £4 is t Olt PIT,� OXY Fr€' "�3�r I'� zT • cr ?nf 1 a c' z fl ti t}Fi3t t? srr y�� f m';+i sF T, x fi C*S x Erin a r �"' �� ��� ��' � Gt7i�k7. ��'��`a• �� ���II��^�', }dG {'�FI,FC36, 41l D or -?.F si��p8.s 8 +t�,�' ��''ae3e ��''€•3 ��.5�.^a-' J7S,�;t1^�* ':'�.f, S }d v� eGr.,r. ?; Ottft?ll "•C,tK LL rJ .1-' Y5 kik` �"-SSG' r ' d'`' f v fid. ' ftt scr: fl: trGs 4.t7ra7vfs f �6 1�e. c<t3x'Arei C^Xde �. 57a+ri,O E 3 d a"rr ?s a tl U fir r 1J = J o P ?a j'T Ott I� °ifiEl� car i _Gt�ga 0 A�RTOF' #V 'A 3—o V� tui. � ��1s��csTT T -J C k �Ti s .' � J�tQ v Pair .��SSr� •rp F � �k'. C'l � Gili.Tul}.O Y.�i. '. i'�+J'� aaxeti�"c�$£rcu ;eft:: 17 ft- 7�v 4�4tz��beq "n ;,ps v it e ;rzae J�m4PU !?i�ti :lie Ct43II�i"�k�T ? Rhe �? . � w''�.�� �3f�vtt�•9 •��'s 'pxs ss� ,�"x?: �#�� Ci`�5t�dt :f~+`� � 7' 3•C'' ;310 CVS 3a12S SAS 1#y rasas V�' r 'ltz3'3' P Hader Preliminary Order :.-`�$Q_ 3.......•---> approvedF 1 2411925 Intermediary Ordea.... approvetL._...Il1J.y'._3D;.;.1825..... A public 'hearing:hamu been had upon the .taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for'the above improvgment and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now'therefore be it, zC Resolved; That lie'taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed psessment roll, and the awards' of damag#s to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and Condemnation as act forth in'said'assessment'roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. DEC 2 61SZ8 �L,Adopted by the ConneiL._......... ....................... _.._................._--.._....,19.__._ f .... .. . � ..-.-..- _.... DEC 2c .._ City Clerk. Approved. ........... ........... __:............. 19 -------------- 7..... _------.._....._.......-. .__.._ Mayor. Councilman Claney�1,�� Counefbnan Ferguson Councilman McDonald 7777'Couneilm4n liohlana ' 1111211-1 gat[ 1��� �►'��riMs4�,�,`'�l:ar''�1►� , slbpah '. tar outs gild fills is the grading e.' fsoa, fond St. to Linwood AT*. heater thence i gat[ 1��� �►'��riMs4�,�,`'�l:ar''�1►� , slbpah '. tar outs gild fills is the grading e.' fsoa, fond St. to Linwood AT*. heater A, 0." Mt''X -7 jp.'7ts t 4- 'r;`[As A 141 V�A P, MM !o z Q !'Z' under Preliminary Orden 58043 ap ap*vedEtl��t A4termediary Order.......13.112.3 ......... Rrove Resolved-' `Tb -t the foll"i-9 iloRrOvemept be and the same is barely ordered to be made, viz.:.....:-..- .... 9M id -i JPd OXtend DWILUCtOn ATO. from pond St. God, '2 by taking and. �'0 ondeMing all those portions 27, 34i 35i AS,31, 45, 46 and 47, Block 8 eights DivIel on go. 2 and all that part of the nort of`the southwest k of section ll� Township 28. d the mouth of the southeastif"'Beotlon1l t 22 Aj,,witk1n a strip of land 60 iset WAR; 1101., 'Of the outer lines, w'* 'a", *Olt, "i e ISO 41 Ousee e„4de t ter di IL V V Las!" -AWOMAGO of 'lit AVL ItAhli a tai V� 9, Ina �Ciiie 11"I'S pft 21 4 '.1 N -RE o Qi V; W, Tip LYYL St Mt M W'M V 11",M Wf"M.W IMI M'LW �M W 0 M :fl ,j110 J t11 $ xs.:tr STl'39 v r'�'fi ? � ifet QJ. 8a*Cf o6 .i sop*--, 5. .s t. :�;3z `9" g7Srlg6 al•, , ' Q�'$ �:@ iG�f.,t'-SY.�S�•yG'.�i.... `.c.�' fj, GUGG :iu 9 f�.j F.Go. T'; PPI jf7@Jp . � RD `kF:R Tt�"7'�!:..' ;+�iF�. •C`B:I�;LBf '?ST-•h'.je; o:� IfiFl•CP T�. i?c�a �:ii 1_OL 9 H. ITus Pb r3z?$AS e>zi V+Aa•: ;vGTTcs on TPC vto o:Ljoo q,}j cnzAv h . c ras g00ox�Asg .cfxxns gay .s gra•, i ror p 113'1 ss fi. ou dpi, ceur z . { cs fis Ids nb BrTtyp fi:auVU:!11 , fipsucs ou, u, �gu ;,,.Po lips ¢ 5�1 bgz,:e q#uvcs of ud8s¢fi' s,boufi ou fiNs: i s 1�a0� cnxn fio ;PG 7fi' fins cst3fi"r suiLrs ob aprcF sa O s gsyss r�r�rs ; Qb �fi end �}rs c& �u.nxq 0� Qmss. #��,,ssrS�� azar qu. oanrx T# norVas" fi�sr�o dur fizrusu� 01s SBvr"�: b�r�a#iae2y+(}�$ bC' `�r rtoiifi A. OTJ ', 4 $06 %�irrfi ,jjitS"-•$ .C��"%T-„D.b z r�S3FDTs�afis7res of TLil 4f b6sfi s F f- q R � zAb x fiFP d b` 3rt$a: L8 U ji87 u a ` CYC $JFi}gj1,uii. 67J 9A8' ' �PPGLTC6 c3�xr xasflzrps�CsO s gieszres fiufiz 7T%�s obBnxrT�?fiou ins•' 7 'FRFs s7r `T � ►aTP '© mF,,�7 7a aaa s�, aZ P 9dargvcs F Hlfz37u> fPII ?h�� s fi situs ozr pps- xc ob $ 7�io �Jr gt7�ds .PO ;PG � PIFzaet�xrs 9T? figs Ob Sof be a ou .P s ,osis Asx rTu . al 3 ; _T,$rr TTu Rq t `$'AS i'_ $jI¢lig6 47l 8 _fi ii$sl?-1' -�"o fq tgg90-:gP6q.. _ r - 5sr�e1 TTYJG 7Ssr d xaG q � x QFC fins gsu�ze ssr 7s ab �a t�W is .BPc ' 34f Y $ o13' ,�,jr'S ,L`,b'iJ71fsS .J�'uG Off, jj1TS�TIi. `Ou ;}tA6 �1JSIIo¢'ou 9' - ff Cszr sir o gF:s Taal=:gseazTPsq olrifee s gTacaucs a{ a � =fi�� ot.FasxT.��ps sTTS$TbS2 Ig of gfTXTTP_,_ Pyas•t of ,Tse$ �F�uG, o� pis t1, o i „¢Ii Osraae Fo • pFs 7GI_v' grzsttfi► ota' �F6 oszr�sx �7us o BnxT7uA�on yds poi s giraavcs $RL�'}4T'�#iti {1.6'6 $3Tf� DTII�►9�9 1T�6.F $jIg3TC@ Tu a” �70�#).jt.7d,6 a}bxj'A i ha tfs �dr� Et Tlfa .JfCe sfi 47� F <s 'Gsz7fins T7A g 'OT - t T (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- g the said improvements, vz,:.............•.--•..••• __• priated and condemned for the purpose of Makin —_ e - `' Y all thaw portions . 3b $6,.7, 34, S5, 38 , •46, 46 end d?, ' 81ooY '8 of Lots s b��h arti of, the furliitigtoin. Heights Bi�leion. $. did tali that P 4, nar heist 4 of t$e southwest J of eatjion 31 lowaahi�s 28, Of the eouSh art' 'section 11, r ge at, and the .south } ,. f chig 28:, �taage lying eitlin a e ,p of land Btl feet k `` its tdh, the center dine o which is described as follows! ginang at vie latereeotioa of the oes►ter iine.e of BwrlinB4.'Aee IAod LSnNovd r os in a northwesterly direii�A the center lino bin�ton dwQ far ; distance the feet thence on tha arA of 14� for a staaoa a! °ft, the osfitzal ang� d of uhloh les} tiht ort 'the denten, it is of :8lsrlingna Are.; set R $etit to tihe lss dniicribe¢ oyyre diatnoe of e {eenLe# lfae;Qt gnriingtZT r 'on a y e of. ►� of ti�►t the ventral ang n nga ,. wy.._ titsnae of 87.4? feet a point on the os�hter 'line �9y 4�„ iax►+cra on a tangent to desorilsed Mel, 1 a n! ro i� fromP•ond St to Llawobt Itre• vs i Are. x j Y f' i M,; FAVo6'rg bS ]';SJF Ub:t3.]'Trj'OiT '(i'As .FjJ6 rC6 t, . e �^0p. lot'' u €r o a ogre ; nb a as LAG a� TWT xzE oaqooda n,• ow �tla� Cd`tFx cne&Ts�pnrzrtss Rz2c;;LrfS ,j1 nr.I;u• xLi;6rg� ,�g6t9tt `%xi � ;'Ji �; C• xs>avts .tj �y sr Ier uccc's,ayr.A uTTIIc7 � z J 77ae �. $e cop t �i a caD C', +€' Nt 1;u_ a«aw $�d• asszc�<7gr�res� ab ;fT at, I�?! 6r3C ii � T +r+ AQ'.�,f. ?•i s7Q r:1 'YY S? a v# iii f >AF} gR �v1 L' 6 rzrx��, Yseexhvq nr�xnr 7z tTe��tuce iI G a FBtX eT3� fi fi i�R Ck!T4b Q �pU •• �) ;r� 3`l r7R6 041 fl �j � x �i 0 7T PJ LS7 g ITrJC c6�xx7u• e I(t�izg gv fipa<rag orr� t3A5 gi7rJ0 Jx�r fi;?CCkxC �e dSi 'JI s; gas JTxs,�+cmrza cb Ii3c,c*ras R8e S€tifiouc{ '' 3 tgr n#strarrx- cvic c ovjS� ; x d t tip• *% s brr3u x37G VCIs�Fsr °�° xl7ut�riu #iAs�'fzrS� c{ tAFfuA 3; OD gA c: aeu @ W7LAG F'.}gki C26 61, ob ±aFrTc ' >r T#r��:;0:: iwzJ�ugcbi}G` �A6�`+rsWE- ezc a� CPO Erxapu e' C3 boz aa+as cb 3£X; o �r.cs ou xlzuae# �_ bes4ef#1�GR>rxz xn:xarTls �uasucz u �.CTug " #iA fir T . T itelq� o,uE.g �C gym I�.Gs3cY.P6InrrslTz�elou �rA�r•t PP-31j(,-G- V yeuce- uv n xPs cerrg ru biz ' .'x`6szic o .�pT}r °Ttvgou AAs • fi37sv ouyz j Trz 5r,g1Ac(, ob T8S'.v bEx s c w 0 l8iil5.i QD7AfiYc?3J j . yah.Ir sr.srd Ol � {Bn� gu Ucs �v C � s n t : srr.Ilzr eau. 1148 g�rcace jE�sa�• 8 SRU ti �6.CSIilci4xj y¢�i C ZA Gx FY a�=lEt1c5 d E6@F $ racs-D niJ7�3 s oszrx�r� sres:.dnurts =' =rco>Rs. , xon Ar, ' 4V ou'd6 Rxt F r a aSi ;01 r' succ o�CITxgnz, oz s 7i�g�xra8 0, `�st�S �� � 5 a 8iir OrmAe tee" g13s �aiT Yta'�trc��zTas oxrzrv�rcrssez I�'us az bg�a yxps zlCcpx fiXta: a��i€»g7Disvb 1'p�;uc6 On 8 r.srxi�szr����sx .T�,%75s c�'{�r7xTTu-43ficzr ffhe � a� s.{ �66�''�a a�rr*r� rre gl srtcss ;>j rFs osuMa L°tT T To ez► z �7�a # 3TC ua 7 t ab �I aT E3� bseg �pevoe; �FirTSt3E �a ��� �£ T L 6 C x r cD r i l.;%8 '•i5 ^,- ;J, Ob, 3r ` 'a 'i 43nzjiuSFott,"A8s....T$7[T5�#ikR?1 C3 ctk"d{AFB Be6.Tsrrr73r$ �....;r.,a TO � ?g5. Ru tx ...�»� «.,' r 4?s7fi ce DEG ............................ Adopted by the Couneil::6.. .ls.._... DEC 2 6 10 Approved ........... . ..... ................., 19........ Councilman Clahey Counmlman Ferguson i Councilman McDonald ` Couneilman Rohland Couneilmsn 8udhewner Counmlman j,wm a7- Pearce I d Mr- 1p&sident, Hodgson Z? 11 11 s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS inthe matter of_ ............................... .................................... .......................... ......... ..... _...................................... . opening, widening and extending Burlington Ave. from Pond St. z to Linwood Ave. by taking and condemning all those portions of Lots.25, 2,1, 27, 34, 35, 36, 37, 44, 45, 46 and 47, Block 8 Burlington HAgh'ts Division No. 2 and all that part of the northeast 4 of the southwest 4 of Section 11, Township'28, Range 22, and the south z of the southeast 4 Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, lying within a strip of land 60 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows; Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of Burlington Ave. and Linwood Ave. thence in a northwesterly $e4t4.on:,the cerita` line :of. Bizrlington-distance " of 91.85 feet thence on the are of 140 41' curve to the left, aGeer:Ventral``-angle .of4vihich is 420 2821 for a distance of 292.33 feet a point on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on a tangent to the last described curve a distance of 13.61•feet on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on a 170 curve to the right the central angle of wrich is 550 i'ot`a` d §'affee''of 329'.47 feet° a point on the center line of Burlingtn Ave...; thence on a,,tangent to last described o curve"foie a r#'starice"of 27.2.4 feet on the center line of Burlington 4ve,;. , the ce,on the, are of ,A 149, 201:7.curve-to:the left, he den ral angle of which is 390 221 for a distance of 275.37 feet.,,.a point .on the ,.;center;,l ;ng.;.of Bur,1ir gtdn AvW: , ,, •-*'>` tnenoe on a tangent to the last described curve for a distance of.;255. 30 feet.,on; the-. center line :of. Bttrlingtdn Ave`7; '-t3ier on the'arc of a 20° 00f curve to the left the central angle.of- which> is 390" 12z'+' for' a: distance` of``197.04 feet a " point on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on a tangent�to the last described curve for a distance of 235.42 feet on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on the are of a 250 481 curve to the right the central angle of which is 790 031 for a distance of 306.98 feet; a point on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on a tangent to the last described curve for a distance of 69.45 feet on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on the are of j a 170 401 curve to the left, the central angle of which is 480 2611 for a distance of 275.29 feet, a point on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on a tangent to the --- last described curve for a distance of 113.73 feet on the center line of Burlington Ave.; thence on the arc of 150 44' curve to the right, the central angle of which is 640 421 for a distance of 412.52 feet, thence on a tangent to the last described curve for a distance of 353.88 feet, thence on the are of a 30 cot curve to the right, the central angle of - which is 8°.36+ for a distance of 286.70 feet; thence on a tangent -to, the last described curve for a distance of 208.08 s feat; tbence"on the arc of a 90 oo' curve to the, left the central&ngle,of which is 30, lot for a distance a£ 349.73- G feet. a.' diit •an the" anter'_'i13ne 'of BurlinLton Ave.�_.:thence': .: U t, y 0�4 00 u b Wj QT '1r1 3diao�0?cru 0 IGO GG;4 , TCC) oll. PG( carne 01 OG, P 0 , OIL T Olj 3, G;J j T�JG A, TO f G Il — co U13 4 IT ljo r-04 -j- 2 a TGG OT, jj� . 1 ot TdCr a;;., IJG OT. OL LGq j I JVJG jr UOTJJ .�AG ' Ta Ciba} . GG 0 U", Oli 'a T, LTVI; P T�r �j GTl' QO,'j - GFJLAG ;J L4: 0 O� OC.Gv GL V1L , 0 - lU;%j GFN G OL 1 u;1. 'LGO "J 12 .-,df1 l U-AO �rj vT T-4:30GO ULG Ut 1_�O s!J�ucaT �PGOCO U oL.�p;aGaJPG! G_�j �GL QL lij �jjGGjpT033 cavG L T T 'J 9 272 In the matter of.....condemning-,and taking an in the-_land- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 18, Merriam Park, from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue, k ^�t -� =- sa a xaba .r r� "cons tbpAu'sild,tak 7 xgzneces vnt d � 1;�JIc enuee AS±I under Preliminary Order.--..._82499•, approved._3e t 4 19291ntermediary Ordea_.82955 Y P..... .'.... _.., approved.--_--Qatt.-_.9-e»-1929........ Resolved (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:..... _............. condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 18, Merriam Park, from Iglehart Avenue to CarrollAvenue, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated abutting priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:--..-_------_-1. --.---..-_--.ut.------.--- upon the Alley in Block 18, Merriam Park, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated November 5, 1929 Adopted by the Council-.--.-.-: ---.................. ................. r ryrp 2 q City Clerks Approved........................................... 19........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson E Councilman McDonald d ................. Councilman Rohland- ayor. Councilman Sudheimer Councilman immix Pearce Mr. President, Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of._.condemning._and,,aaking,_an _easement _ in the _land„necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Blo,ek 18, Merriam Park, from Iglehart Avenue to Carroll Avenue, under, Preliminary Order_......_..82499approved.. 2.at.4,1929Itermediary Order.._82955 ePProved----Oct... 9f. 1929 __, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. In the matter of_Gond_ inning,_and,_taliing„_an__easement_. in__th.. land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and south alley to Greenbrier Avenue, �o M�BltFQa,e°j�ck”Yp�'.pto�n At�e�d tAz�at+*n-r� otb . p under ?relzmmt:edSt.4,1929 Intermediary Order _82951 _...... approved. -0919 gx i299 ......... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Council having duly considered. the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively forsaid taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and'confirmed. DEG 2 6 Adopted by the Council- ..............----....__.....__..__....•------................,19._..... NEC 16 ..................... ............ City Clerk Approved................. .........._.__.... _.... 119........ .... ....:. ................. .................. _........ _ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED /2 Councilman McDonald O Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman V45U Pearce Mayor Hodgson In theatter of Condemning and taking. an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fi1�s, in £he-gra3ing"'of' £iie'"e'ast" aric'3 'viesi -aSley in Block 1, Stone and Morton+s Addition from the north and south alley to Greenbrier Avenue, t•�.iB�r`No BB�gs �r,,�.��`-�'S'���7 - [n the ttgk 1sc�nao 'sY ;aha .tafr- etas enenc inamaaiaetea =garr i ev ne ca}�.aa,m�e:ptne, - 'aradlp 82497Sept.4,1929 82951 6 under Preliminary Order._..._.:...-_....._..._, approved.._ ............................. Intermediary Order .--••----- _.............. ., approved......_O2t..9* 1929..... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, v`Iz.:.................._ condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and wrest alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and south alley to Greenbrier Avenue, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for thepurposeof making the said improvements, viz.::.-._-.--- the ...land ...abutting upon the east and west alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated. November 51 1929 DEC 2 Adopted by the Council..: ..........................._....__............:.. .................. 19........ ............... .........._...... ... DEC 2 6 City Clerk. Approved..................................................... 19........ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ............... Councilman Rohland Mayor. Councilman Sidheimer Councilman -wambe Pearce idSiiE14 - /r Mr. Fiesident,'Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS f In the matter ot..cnndamning...and....tAk1n&.».C1...Qtpaom nt_, in„the„_land nac9ssa3Zy for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and wrest alley in Block 1, Stone and Morton's Addition from the north and soutr alley to Greenbrier Avenue, t.4 1929 82951 under Preliminary Order..._ 82497......, approved.sgP_.._1._..... , Intermediary Order ................... approved.._...921t 9-, 1929 TO THE COUNCIL OF ME CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. CZ . .:�a-y Commissioner of Finance. 83869 In the matter of. ..._condemnin and taking an easement inthe land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Oakey's Addition from Wheeler Avenue to the east line of Oakey's Addition, a d a `s<taNnc11t �71pgPyr �+,� �'. under Preliminary Order. 82495 ..__... .4 approved.Sept,1929 Intermediary Order 2953 _^ approved O.Q.t..e...9.►_.a.. - 9............ Resolved.- (1) esolved:(1) That dew d� hopeby vrd......... -.. con emn and t ke an easement i the land necessary f slopes, out fills in the grading o Alleg in Oakey's Ad ion from Wheel r Avenue the east line o Oakey's Addition, N &A go we hmby eancelled, mulled, and rescinded and SO PWSMSNW in said matter be discestimued. s (2 That the followspg land, lands or easemen therein be and the same ar ereby taken, appro- priated sad ndemned for the rpose of making the said ' rovements, viz.:._..th9.., ;,• d abutting upon t Alley in 0 ey's Addition bety en the points &for aid,^ to the a tent shown u n the plan attach d to the report of e Coffinissio of Public rks in the matte dated November 5, 1 9 Adopted by the Council-........... ....................................... 19........ _..................... ............................. -... _....... KCS .... Approved.............. ......... _........................ , Councilman Clancy - Councilman Ferguson "eo Councilman McDonald '� .... ............ ....--- - Councilman Rohland Mayor Councilman Sudheimer Councilman NOMIX Pearce O :UBLIS ` Mr. President; Hodgson RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES In the matter of-_condemning-.and, taking•_an-_ea ._ ment.- in-_the land .-_necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the gradi of Alley in Oakey's Addition from Vieeler Avenue to the east ne of Oakey's Addition, i ander Preliminary Order--.-B9425 ---------- appr ve _se_P..=Ax. 929 Intermediary Order .......... _.- -;.. G A public hearing having been had up the to ng and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of es therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the takin and con emna ion of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll', and the awards of damages to a owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as get forth in said assessment r be th same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council- ......... ............ `............ ...... ..... . .......................-,19-_..... _.._..._------ --------- _... .............. .... ....... .... ......._......-.._._ City Clerk Approved...._.................. 19......_ -............................................................................................... Mayor. r Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Qouncilman 8udheimer Councilman VjZigjjqxx Pearce Mayor Hodgson "Was.- f3a m REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of- _....QDndDxCR1ing...aI7Sl...taki11$..�Xl.._@ gez4frnt... ll.. r _..jaha.. neG@scary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Oakey's Addition from "'heeler Avenue .to the east line of Oakey's Addition, a_.4,1929 , 82953 under Prelimiry Order_.84_95..._._._. approvedSpt....._.....__... Intermediary Order._...._......__.........__... Oct. 9, 1929 approved....._... _....._. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's find- ing on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. ``CITY OP ST PAUL= � � NO OFFICE OP CITY CLERK !, of Blook 118, West St. pain, ]'ropy ""— -- to Bidwell, ila a000r&=*e with the rea grade line on the eoouomenaea by the Oommissioner aosom➢a>►,Yiag lBroYile a>ad as r a of gublie works, be arta the same is hereby aaODtea hg the a. e established grade. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald�In favor Rohland �7 c..AhArner —0—Againat lent Hodgeon . l ���= � _. p NO ' r, ;GITY OF'4$T PAUL`- pt.s ICE Q CITY CLERK Y EgbO�NA GENERAL FORM � o , 'i if, favor A McBeeaii� Tll i 7A A Mai KY SHEET TOTAL FORWARD (Ferguson - MzGlogan ibxcDonald , 'Q Sudheimer Wenzel be ordir"de TO aeaeesary' Yorthe to an ewe"rgeacy :.Preservation of the publio pesos; health and safety. geotioa 8 This` (w as shalt take: etfeot . ' and be in force f;cd end after its Peesege`and publication. Adopted_-- — Peesed 1)ythe-Couiou Nays . E Yeas . Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan O Pergusoa aaononsid? McDonald McDonald sudheimer Wenzel „i 8ndheimer Mr, Pres. Hodgson a/.president (Hodgson) J , s App ed r 5 t } t Atte�ta roaartstn I_ _, Citg Cierl� s F . ' Adopted_-- — rd: & aPP• Nays . Nays teas Yeas . Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan O 1vlcGlogan 76 McDonald McDonald sudheimer Wenzel sudheimer Wenzel,,,. Mr, Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hod&gOn- J , s roved roved= under, Preliminary Order approved June 26, 1929 T,othe Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above-improvement is - - $ 41b.56 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - . _ g .65¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLock ADDITION ASSESSED (i . VALUATION - _ LAND BUILDINGf9 1 1 :Shadow Falls Park 3800 1; 13000, Addition to 3t.Paul 20:1 do 6 7000. _ l 0.0 ......(Ex. Cretin._Ave.) S4 of Lots 11, 12, and 13 57, Desnoyer Park. 3,400 2000 14 57 . do 1000 ,: 6050 p_ Lot. 15, & (Ex. 17. 30 ft) ; 36 57 ! do 1375 :. 5260. W_30 ft- of Lot 16, (Ex.W.20 ;ft)17 57 do l.. .._ 1375 ... 7700. W, 20-ft,Lot 17- (Ex, W.10' ft) 18 • 57 : do 1350 64p0. ._.. _ li __- -- -Lot -19 and W. 10 ft of 18, 57 - do 1400 ., 7100 . _ TOTALS 54. 300. 500 00 _ ,00i GRAND TOTAL 67,800 n The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him is reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � �-¢ rr .��`�' y 19 a,2 �9iJ/ n ." Dated v �. Commissioner`/,� of Finance., POrm B. S..A.'t-6 D i' �� '� FINAL ORDER 'ed -W I the making of: said uriProvement :in accordgnee 11 therexnth -. by the Coa1q9q -192-. City Clerk., _ -- — Mayor. CouncihnansClaney ; 3 'Councilfiian `Ferguson Councilman-McDonald77 f quncilmau'. RoHland'�'�""! 77 7.770 f'°unciiman' $udhemer 3> Pearce �ZGtiun}mcilman p Hodgson orm B S A 8=7� under Preliminary Order approved July 3rd, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the. above improvement is - - - $ 587.62 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ .65* The lots or parcels of land that may be. assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCIG ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ L LAND ! BUILDINGS 1 1 !Cable!$ Stonebridge 1600: _ 2 ! 1 do 1250 _ (Es. the S. 6 -feet) 3 1 do 1200 S. 6 _f t.. of Lot 3,-_211 of 4 1 i do. 1500 5 l 1 do 1350: do 1325 i ... 1. + do 1300 'f.... .(Ex. - the S. 6 ft) 8 1 do 1175 S._ 6 ft.. Lot 8,and all of, 9 1 do -. -. TOTAL � : rarm B B. H = GITY OF' ST PAUL' ' - :/ DEPARTMENT OF FIN !SE „ i, , y: REPORT OF COMMISSIONEry OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 1-0 ADDITION 1 ASSESSED VALUATION LAD r BUILDINGB -and K.. 15..f Cable.e ftonebrldge_1�550 a 15ft) L ' a.(Ex.N. .21ft-of3_+. 2 ; do. , 1175: � l _8.. 39 ft of. Lot 3, -and 21 ft Of 4 1 2 do 700,' i -_ 44-_ft_of_Lot 4, -and l ` IG _ N.- 16 ft_ of 5 2 . do 1150 8...49 ft of Lot -5, and I 'N. -11 ft..of 6 2 _ do ._ - 1150,' , i 8...... 55_ft.of_Lot_6,_and .-- _ N. 5 ft of 7 2; do 1150L. T �..._ .9._.60 ft oY Lot. 7, -and_. N._. 5- ft of 8 { 2: do 1150:: S. 60 ft of g 2 do 1150r i g 2 ! do 1050;: �S - 10 21 do r 1300. .. TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has lnves6gated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Eti19� Commissloner of Finance. Form B. B. 11 +v' City of St Paul, -Minn. - We,,'the uriifer§►gue� ;property owners; hereby.; pe4ticin your Honorable cause t}le followigg unprovement to be �IIa'de ►nd s7aaisat sid�xrlis . aa1�-, -1d:ti-Qat-' _ f �__QJ90CY1_.1�1xd.,a "sidt--ot ali#��i--- ---- ... St. Ave 6- �• $t Ave"to St Ave NAME IAT BLOCS ADDTrION" ldd. k t y i EY 5rqAlo-OA7,0 ArE E=77 w 0 1 3Z2 under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 8th, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 'The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ $ 777_A4 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: — DESCRIPTION LOT iBLOCle' ADDITION ASS SID VALUATION LAND IBUILDINf3f3 "A"I , ; George H. Watson's ..7200 Third Add.to St. i Pau1,..Minn. 18-'i 16 aker'.s. Addition - 1000.x,_ 130100 l..-, I X19.16 4_ _ do- - 1000._�'150,; r 20- 16. do Ii 1000 li 2500 21 1 16 _ _ _- do t 1000 , �� i �.. ._ E 22- • 16 do- 1000 1 23-I 16 j do 1000 -1 300a ' }� -24 16 ,� _ . _ .._ do -1000 I $201, 1 I _ TOTAL is rem B. B. rt .. .... a. A B E P -2Y CLIFFORD GLEN DALE ID D rl WAYK6KD .� C J20MWEL L a,/O- L L Ft AM 5T. GLEN DALE ID D rl WAYK6KD .� POSTCARD NOTICE OFFICE)OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � St. Paul, Minn., Apr, 14 19— �D You are het eby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will meet in th Council Chamber, on the 24th day of Anril 1Z - at moo o'clock A.M., for the purpose of considering the advisability of awarding the contract for the .grading-of_ Center St. from Winthrop- to the lowest bidder, for the sum of '� Lower The lowest bid received is 36 than the preliminary estimate necessitating an approximate assessn-ut of 74.0' per front foot If unable t attend, you are requeated+a nollfy the underalgned by poet card ar letter U whether you erE favo r or opppoo-d to aw"ngythe contract. CEO. C. SUDIIETNIE'R, Commissioner of Fin. e Im - - a CITY OF ST. PAUL,, " DEPAj2TM.4NT..0}1 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) I.n the matter of Grading Center Street from Winthrop Avenue to Furness Avenue wok under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 15th, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 2960.22 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 1.15 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION loan 8.8, 11 LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION 6 8 Furness Garden _ O-0 „ Lots. 7 8 do 8 8 do 9 8 do 10. 8 do 11, 8 do 1 12, do 2 12, do 3 I 12, do ASSESSED VALUATION LANA BUILDINGS O-0 „ 100 525" 525:. 1500 525. 2250 425,, 1500 425., 1500 I 425 2250 425. 525 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IDESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESVALUASED I' ON LAND B1114DINGS 4 X12 Furness Garden 2 00 �- Lots 5 a a do 525.. 22b0 B 12 do 525 7 12 ': do 425. SOO - r ii r i Y i TOTAL9 6,300.00, 14,55.0.-oA_._--r-- GRAND, TOTAL - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated 41-'--P' 19^�y Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 U Syz N. E.% Sec. 23 -72F-R22 Sco/a /" 300 �--aka Como & PfiQL¢r� __ _. ✓¢ 4w000t" i j y i C �--aka Como & PfiQL¢r� __ _. ✓¢ 4w000t" pat, 264..1��9• .ems nf{Fmsnce of the City ofBt.�'a�� Commissioner of y 4 2 �s}+,�,�-�o aaa ma�q ar part' . norsox. ' R 41, f.10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �EiT n19 Nays `%Clancq i 1 'Ferguson APPro —i9 /Nkbonald In ,/Robland 11 .1 4 11 i1i, I 4f4 - ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER .OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 2' (A) -.7 In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary : for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Center Street from. CA Winthrop Avenue to Furness Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 15th, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of t I he assessment for the above improvement is . . . 25.00 The estimated cost per foot. for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot.or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 7ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION LARD t Itbik 6 8 Furness Garden 5001 i loop Lots. 7 8 do 525 a 8 1 do 5254 1600. 9 8 i do 525;1 2 5 2 6 m a do, 4251i 1500 ill 8 do 4251� .15 00 1 121 do 425 2250 2 12 do 4251 7 TOTAL, rA�TT-0- ST. AUL i.� DEPART.MENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQNER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '. Ld ASsF-SSED DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION ,IAL.AT.9- to LAN7t D B�ILD NGS I 2 ness-Gar.der Lots 525 5 525 -J2250- 6.-,-- 12.. j, do - -525- 7 �12 -1 do 425 Boo, -4, ZQTALQ 14-15�0�=-- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Commissioner of Finance. Paan B. B. 12 /900%: .1 /900 /00 10. /Y Z- 73 Z05.7-5 zk* 68 Z0577' G A4�' z9 .9 Q 12 4 G 4 OOT. proved 9 .en t in the: land neoeeaary:,` n lfintt[rop Avenve to . Furness `Avei}m;' pIan,,profile.or sketch -of said improvement;ia hcreto.attached:and;made a part hereof, provement. %% ........................ of TO ugusgn , - E(7BT.1..2 3� cDonaId Rohland .. idheuuer aazekx Pearce 0k' DEPAR NT S FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A Inth gcterof Grading alley in Block 2, Cummings Addition and Lots 8 to 15 and part of Lot T, Block 1, G. V. Bacor&Ia Subdivision from Oxford Street to the West line of Varner's Subdivision. G� under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 22, 149 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $ 176.46 The estimated coat per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - O 27 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION i LOT lei.oe� ADDITION II ASSESSED .� VALUATION _ --- --- - _ . -- LAND BU_SDIX S 7. 1 1G. V. Bacon ,. s Sub325 i 3450 ti 8 1 ; do 200 ; 9 1 do 150 i _10 1 t do _ - 150 i, 11 1 do- 150 a 25 # i 00 do .1 ' 150. - -�� i' 13 , 1_do 150 { _- - 14 1 d0 150 ;, 22 s i 50 I) i l5 1 15 i � do 0.._ lI .3000 1 , �l TOTAL - - — a jr" -B B. 16 d;` B. B. li J I;` zz7 5. '/z, S- W. 14. S E G. 55 T. 29 - P-. 2 3 ST ANTHONY CAER.Ot_t_ ,Ave . p IG LEHAY-T d O Ave. W p 3 Z K o � F , Hon. John H. 110MOnAld" Commissioner of.Pnblio Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alley in Block .2. Cummin's Addition and Lots 8 to lb and part of Lot 7, O. V. Bscoml's Subdivision, from Oxford Street, to the Rent line of Varner's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 83115, approved Oat. 22, 1929. $etimated Cost cost per front foot Inspection Frontage � 1T6.i6 O.2T 3.x6 662.92 ft. Yourri truly, Chief Engineer. GOA O 6t.;:, Approved for transmission to t C ssioner of Finance Lf c ommi selone r of Pnbli o Wore' OCT ; U 1829 . ..h .,.� � C.w �. �� . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART jENT;e FVRIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ 'Inthematterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of.alley in Block 2, Oummin's Addition and Lots c to 15 and part of lot 7, Biock 1', G. V. Bacon's Subdivision from Oxford Street to the west line of Varner's Subdi�ion. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 22, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: a The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLoep �I ADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION -- — -BUILDINGS LAND I� 7 1 G.V.Bacdoon1 s Sub. 3450 _ f j 8 1 200. _ 9 1 do 150 _. I !� 10 1 do 150 11 i 1 do 150' ;', 2500 '-12i '! 150 1 do _ 13I 1 'i do 150 j150 141 1 do 2250 ,II 15 1 do 150,; 3000 i TOTAL. CITY OF ST.'PAiJL Is' DEPARTMENT CiP, FINANCE ." - ,Pql REPORT OF COWIIIS�'EiR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 7-11F DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND 1BUILbIkGb -_(Ex, Street)- 1.7501 12 umminl e Add. -425 do. 2 12 do 425 j600 - do. 3 1,2 do 425 1! - 0950 - do 14 �2 do 425 1 9900 do 15 12 do 400 2500 19 2 do 90 8 12 Varner's Sub. 500 2300; A - TOTALS 4k,265 001 28 200 -.32 46. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated I(Q Q (2 I— B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ink N /247r Hn /247 ALLEY-1.�LfCr�C�/�3?�Ll/N3ADD (5BLK/ LOT.,5 8 7015 LOT IY= S�L./YE of (/BNEP3 '116 %XFO 40 .; T ,-O/WO -5T �I q •-�i A D I 4 3 2 4/.46 0 - /1415 4 Fi 2 she } I 1� Fn in 0 y i �jOl• ;� �g Ml d Gar Q O 40' .. .. .. ¢0. .iao4 O/Y�5 q�ppOLL AVE. All, B/k f<ummia ' 3Lo%,7•14646Cl�cons odfa�d—. FYL. va/rr ' , Agv 'o 2 /Ya. 93 0 a 8399 _� .CITY OF COUNCIL NO. r OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1: REg8ggNTER ggyY DATE De -O-• 3101929 CONIMISSIONBR - 4 RESOVED In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for a retaining wall on both sides of Jefferson Avenue between Lexington Avenue and Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. 82493, approved September 4 1989, and Intermediary Order 0. F. 83642, approved Deoember 4, 1929. The Commissioner of Publio Works having submitted his plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement, to the extent shown upon the plan of the 0ommissioner of Public Works s hereby referred to and attaohed.hereto whioh plan i made a part hereof. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F REPORT OF COMMISSION OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER Inthematterof condemning and taking an easement on the and necessary for a retaining wall on both sides of -Jefferson Avenue etween Lexington Ave. and Chatsworth Street. :y17� under Preliminary Order approved Sent 4, 1929 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 00.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION, LOT �aLoe�y ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BUILDINGS E. 100 feet of west 300 ft of ;15. Ridgewood Park Add. 775;; (Ex. Jefferson Ave.) to the city of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Westerly 200 feet of _ 15 i do 1000 i 500 ;. (Ex. Jefferson Ave.) 16 14 i do 75 17 ; 14 i do 100 1300( 1 16 j do 225 �( !f (Ex Jefferson Ave.) 2 16 do 225 do 4 16 ��, do 250 TOTAL. form B. B. 10 CITY OF 'ST. PAUL' ✓k - ' '� t DEPARTMENT OF FI REPORT OF COMIQ SS1�N F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY-ORDERASSESSED ' - 1 DESCRIPTION LOT' LOC ADDITION I VALUATION j T. BUILDIINGS (iCx Jefferson Ave.) _6_ 117 (Ridgewood Park Ada._ 125 r do 8 117 do 175 i do P 8 - ,Sub. of Ayd I s Farm. 6250 I. ;100 acs. NW j of ,S.11 T.28 R.23. : I' I � - I' I j i I i I TOTALS 9-, 200.40. ,. 1,8.00-00.--. _.. l GRAND TOTAL 11.,40000 .... The Commissioner of Finance :further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ac- 19—J Commissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 I 0 T SUB. 0/- 4 131 1 i F,- In3 33t AVE. n. lb LOT 5ZI9 Olc-IqYA5 1;4RIV. /0 to Laid over to '64, 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Na., s Yeas Maus Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson McGlogan McGlogan McDonald (3 McDonald IQ Sudlicimer Sudlicimer Wenzel Wenzel NIr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson a� c+tSPup�+"caa� W", IR 83901 j G"°.F ° ��iT801—drdlnance I:o 717{— "6' < ` �y�pUM� (9eo C. �pdMnimeP -�� A,n ordir,�,c�F'Y tin:4- 5 Ardlnane" IVF.• �' ..� . pO///1, A/ � /. l / �An ordinance a ding ordinance No,. 5580, entitled An ordinance providing for al, matters concerning, regulating or effecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use, and inspection of all buildings. walls or structures erected o securing healthful, sar to be erected within the ainstsfire,of l�and City of St. Paul for the protection of property ag environments for the purpose of fe and sanitary for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or other- wise, to compel the owners of such building, walls or Ltructures hereof.f or to alter, reconst-dt or modify the same, or any pa rt the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety." ance Approved April 18, 1921- This is an reservation of theepublicepeace,nhealth and necessary P - � - safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordains SECTION I 11921 !all be and the sampril That Ordinance No. 5580. approved Arom Sect n 539V and.Sectione is hereby amended by ,striking theref 539-b, r up and by inserting in lieu thereof the, following: It shall hereafter be unlawful 'for any person, "Section 539 Aall any firm or 'corporation to constrYlcexistint or stwarm air heating furnace or furnace or, plant, or alter any g such furnace, *ithln f' plant, or stack or chimney connected with any St Paul, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, the City of Any and without 'first having secured a permit from the Commissioner of Buildings Por such construction, , applying stforganynsuch permitor ishall- poration app person:, firm or cc: Y j upon demand,, of said inspector, furnish him with all proper and sufficient-' information ion relating thereto, as required, and shal, upon completion be required to send written notice of such Of the tel completion to the Commissioner of Buildings. No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter engaaggee In theating business of constructi,Il(installin or altering irs or add any furnaces or plants or maN any other necessary reps appurtenance thereto with-An the City.og St,nPaof Parks,ul tPlaygrofirst unds, taining.a license so to do from the Def rtme the bond hereinafter and Pudic Buildings, and paying the fee and giving provided. Laid over to 3rd. & app.. %�� r% Adopted Y n/ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson iNlcGlogan 1(/ McDonald Clancy Ferguson McGlogan JlcDonald Sudheimer Sudhcimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Hodgson Mr. Pres. Hodgson ®1 Application for such license shall be made to the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul in writing, stating therein the name of the person, firm, or corporation desiring such licnese and his or their place of business in the City of.St. Paul. The licensefee for each such license is hereby fixed at the sum of Fifteen Dollars (015.00) per annum. In case any such license shall be applied for or issued subsequent to the first Monday in January of any calendar year, .the license fee shall be such pro rata part of 415.00 as shall correspond with the fractional part of the calendar year for which the license is issued. Before the issuance of such license, the applicant shall furnish a surety bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum, -Of Two Thou ssnd Dollars (p2000.00) conditioned that the licensee shall do and perform all vork by said licensee done and performed in the construction, instillation or alteration of any warm air heating furnace or plant in strict conformity with the provisions and requirements of the City Ordinance relating thereto. The license shall be dssued by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, T and Public Buildings. Any license issued hereunder may be revoked x as in the City Charter provided. on receiv'ng said license, the licensee shall have recorded in the office of the Inspector of Buildings his or their actual place of business, giving the street number, and in case of removal therefrom shall immediately notify said inspector of such removal. No permit for the construction, installation or repair of any warm air heating furnace or plant shall be issued by the Inspector or of Buildings to any person, firm or corporation, except hPublichey be licensed by the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and No holder of any such license as above Buildings as herein provided. provided for shall allow his or their name to be sed byany other a party either,for the purpose of doing work or obt ining PT under the penalty of forfeiting his or their license, and the Inspector of Buildings is hereby authorized to refuse to issue permits to any licensee via a I this provision A.v. • r Section 539-b. .The following definitions shall govern the mean - rings of the res active words, terms and expressions wherever used in this , and in their use by the Commissioner of Buildings. (1) Aiverm air heatin,, plant, as referred to by this ordinance, shall consist of a warm air heating furnace dependent upon either ravity or a booster fan for circulation of air, enclosed within casings, and with all proper and necessary equipment connected therewith, intended for heating the building in which the s, -me is installed, and the term ,9 "booster fen" shall for the purposes of this ordinance, =' be taken to mean a fan incor orated in such installation S M for intermittent operation oly and for the purpose of temporary acceleration of air ,:irculation therein. 40 Mere a fan is usrd in connection vith a gravity warm air furnace, said fan shall have a ca:ocity in,cubic feet of air per minute equal to 1.6 times the s_ -are inches of heat pipe area as calculated under Section 39-c "000a iift it of this ordinance. Such fan shall have sufficient free area adjacent to or through the fan opeaing to equal the area as stipulated in Section 539-c slOWMIN41M of this ordinance, which shall be available for gravity circulation when the fan is not in operation. The point In which the air is to be measured in a Fan System shall be.a�the cold air face locations or inlets. (�lA-furnace shall be considered as dependent upon gravity for circulation of air unless it is so installed that the fan must be operated at all times whin the full capacity of the furnace is required: It will then be known as a pressure system. The term "pressure system" shall for the purposes of this ordinance be taken to mean a fan installed as a necessary part of the heating system for - the purpose of circulating the air therin. When a pressure system is used the heat losses shall be converted into B.T.U. (British Armal Units).by multiplying the square inches of the heat pipe area as determined in in Section 539-G t of this ordinance by 136. The fan capacity iI C.F I., sball be not less than the quotient of B.T.U.,+ 80. The point in which the air is to be measured in a pressure system shall be at the cold air face locations or inlets. 'A dwelling shall be taken to mean and include any house or building, or portion thereof, which is or is to be occupied In whole or in part as a home, residence or sleeping place of one or more human beings, either permanent} ,oritrans- iently. Tn cases where a building is occupied In" part l° as a "dwelling" the part so occupied shall be considered' a dwlelling, for tht purpo,.e of this ordinance. Section ti This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in __—lorce—from_and after its passage and publication. COUNCILMEN Y Yeas Nays Adopted by the Coun ...,.. .. I .... 192... —Clancy? ®®per 'F4*6011 App ,1 7iD.fi Fl! 192... i McDonald In favor �) ...,. -Ro ✓...Against nib. tWL- `T ST. PAUL WARM .nuc rnP^ JL .0 � and , VENTILATING AIATION. 8T. PAU4 MI N. May 14, 1929 v 1 The Hongrable City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemenr We, the undersigned, representative Furnace dealers in the City of St. Paul, do proclaim; that an amendment to the present City Ordinance, amendment 6846, approved June 22, 1927, regulating the installation of Warm Air Furnaces in the City of St. Paul is at this time necessary to provide for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. We have appointed a committee through the St. Paul Warm Air Heating and Ventilating Association to draft -the amend- ment herewith attached and present the same for your consideration and approval. WAS REIVO f:hc iii N Very truly yours, ,fly 3 10 .9 .31 AM 22 president. B. t MUSAf L, CITY e( Far ST PAUL P.,, -r, members shall be attached to each other with snug fitting slip -joints, and asbestos paper shall not be used on the inside of any pipe or fitting to seal a joint or connection. (5) Where sm9. eke; ;heads, boots or other fit- tings go ti ro the itrst floor, all openings around such h ads, boots, stacks or fittings must be filled with bestos cement or other incom- bustible maters 1. (6) All warm air stacks should be run in in- side walls. Where it is absolutely necessary to run some in outside walls, they must be double stacks, and further insulated with mineral wool, or not less than three thicknesses of air cell asbestos paper. (7) Transitions from warm air leader pipes to boxes shall be made with well designed elbows or boots so constructed that their internal areas of openings will at no point be less than the required areas of opening of the leader pipes to which they are connected. Section 539-f. REGISTERS. (1) Baseboard or wall registers shall be fitted to the wall and stack head and the opening around the stack head tightly sealed with asbestos or the flange of the register box fastened under the reg- ister face, making the connection between stack head and the register air -tight, or in the case of a one-piece register, the flanges shall extend into the register box at least one-half (%) inch. (2) When floor registers are used, the open- ings in the floor in which the register is placed shall be made not less than one-half (S4) inch larger than the floor register box, or the register box shall be'covered with three layers of air cell asbestos. (3) Registers for warm air pipes shall not be located in outer walls of buildings. (4) All warm air registers shall have free areas of opening equal to or greater than the room requirements as determined for the room or rooms to be served. (5) Each warm air register face shall have a free area of opening of at least seventy (70) per cent of the gross area. (6) All register heads shall have free throat areas equal to or greater than the heating re - 8 eluents for the room or rooms to be served. Section 539-g. AIR SUPPLY PIPES FOR FURNACE. (1) The air supply to furnace for warm air heating plants may be taken from outside or from within the building, or may be taken partially from outside and partially from within, and if the heating requirements are more than four hundred (400) square inches, it must be supplied from at least two separate air ducts and connected to opposite sides of furnace casing. It is strongly recommended that two separate ducts be used in M all installations, and one may be used only when !' it can be connected at the back of the furnace. ( In no case,. however, shall air be supplied to any furnace from the furnace room or any basement room not occupied;as living quarters. (2) Air pipes for recirculation shall have a minimum total net area throughout their entire length equal to the combined net areas of all the warm air pipes leading from the furnace. (3) When a cold air or a return air shoe is connected to the casing at the base of the furnace, the opening shall not be extended above the bot- tom of the firepot. The width of the shoe shall bo sufficient to provide an area not less than the area of the return air pipe connected to it. Such shoes shall be used on all returns larger than twelvo (12) inches that enter furnace above base. (4) Each horizontal return air pipe shall be so 'r constructed as to maintain a constant net area of opening throughout its entire length at least ten (10) per cent greater than the area of the round ( connectingpipe, when such horizontal rectangular pipe is not less than ten (10) inches in depth, and twenty (20) per cent. greater when it is less than ten (10) inches, and not less than eight (8) inches in depth, and thirty (30) per cent greater when it is less than eight (8) inches in depth. No rectangular duct less than six (6) inches to depth shall be allowed. Such ducts shall be made of galvanized iron not lighter than No. 26 U. S. Standard Gauge, except that No. 30 Gauge galvan- ized iron may be used for boxing joists or for lining channel boxes, the sides of which are made of wood. The connection from this overhead rectangular pipe or duct to the casing shall be WARM AIR FURNACE ORDINANCE Compiled Under Direction of .HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner J. C. PEARCE, Deputy Commissioner F. X. TEWES, City Architect Reviewed and Recommended for Passage by the Following Advisory Committee: E. A. STEWART AL. T. PENNIG J. W. COOKE W. S. HELLE J. H. GRAPP F. J. VENNEWITZ OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL ORDINANCES C. F. No. 71049—Ordinance No. 0846— By H. C. Wenzel An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5580, entitled "An ordinance providing for all matters con- cerning, regulating or affecting the construc- tion, alteration, regulation, repair removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the Gity of St. Paul for the protection of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sani- tary environments for the occupants of build- ings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such building, walls or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of pub- lic Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." Approved April 18th, 1921. This is an emer- gency ordinance .rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordain: SECTION 1 That. Ordinance No. 5580, approved April 18th, 1921;: be. and ..the sameishereby amended by inserting after: Section 44 of said ordinance, the following: 3 be "Section 44 (b). Providedthat it pay shallthe unnecessary to secure a permit for any work above fee of One Dollar ($ of alteration or repair to any warm air furnace Twenty-five which work Dollars (does ) ^ not exceed a cost of SECTION 2 That said Ordinance No. 5580 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 539, as amended by Ordinance No. 5989, approved March 13, 1923, and by Ordinance No. 6459, approved February 17, 1925, and by insert- ing in lieu thereof the following: "Section 539. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct or install any warm air heating furnace or plant, or alter any existing warm air heating furnace or plant, or stack or chimney connected with any such furnace, within the City of St. Paul, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, and without first having secured a permit from the Commis- sioner of Buildings for such construction, installa- tion or alteration. Any person, firm or corpora- tion applying for any such permit shall, upon demand, of said inspector, furnish him with all aformation relating there proper and sufficient,i- to, as required and sha tll upon completion of the installation be required to send written notice of such completion to the Commissioner of Buildings. The provisions of this ordinance shall be held to be ee ton of minimum health, requirementsadopted and safety ot f the community. Section 539-b. The following definitions shall govern the meanings of the respective words, Ord nance,ver used n this l and f in their u ehbressions y the Commissioner of Buildings.Inntas referred to (1) A warm air heating p , by this ordinance, shall consist of a warm air heating furnace dependent upon gravityafor with cur- culation of air, enclosed within casings, all proper and acce intended for ,ssarhea ting he uipmentbuildingt therewith, in which the same is installed. A furnace shall be considered as dependent upon gravity for circula- must besoperatedir sattis so all times whlen the furnacethat the ais in,'Wperation. mean an (2) A dwelling shall be taken toi n thereof, include any house or building, or which is or is to be occupied in whole or ions art or as a home, residence or sleeping p more human beings, either permanently or tran- siently. In cases where a building is occupied in part as a "dwelling," the part so occupied shall be consid- ered a dwelling, for the purpose of this ordinance. Section 539-,. WARM AIR PIPES AND STACKS, SIZES OF.—The sizes of warm air leader pipes, wall stacks, and fittings in all cases, -If where warm air furnaces are to be installed or constr I1 ucted shall be of sizes not less than those determined in the following manner: The glass area of any room shall include the full frame size of all outside window openings and of all outside door openings. The outside wall exposure of a room shall be computed by multiplying the height of the out- side wall of such, room by its length, and deduct- ing therefrom the glass area of said room. In all one-story buildings, including churches, auditoriums, schools and residences, where the E attic is not floored or insulation used between ceiling and roof, the ceiling shall be figured as outside' wall exposure. In buildings of more than one story, under the same conditions, seventy-five per cent. (751/ ) of the ceiling of the top story shall be figured as outside wall exposure. (1) To determine the area of a basement lend- er pipe or pipes to serve any first floor room: Divide the "glass area" of the room in square '! feetby twelve (12); Divide the 'outside wall exposure" of said room in square feet, by sixty (60); i Divide the "cubical contents" of said room, in (( cubic feet, by eight hundred (800); i Add the above quotients and multiply by ten (2 I (1 (2) For the area of a leader pipe or pipes to serve any second floor room, proceed as provided in subdivision 1, but multiply the sum of the quo- tients thus obtained by six and one-half (6.5). (3) For the area of a leader pipe or pipes to serve any third floor room, proceed as provided in subdivision 1, but multiply by five and one-half (5.5). (4) For the area of a wall stack or stacks to serve any room, use seventy per cent (701,b) of area of the basement leader pipe for said room as determined under subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 of this section, with the exception that any wall stack less than four (4) feet long, for first floor rooms, shall be of the same area as the leader pipe to which it is connected. Section 539-d. WARM AIR LEADER PIPES. 1- (1) No warm air leader pipe less than eight 1, (8) inches in diameter shall hereafter be installed 1 in any warm air heating plant. (2) All warm air leader pipes shall be run as direct as possible and without "dips," and, wher- ever practicable, shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in length. Where sharpturns and pipes longer than twelve (12) feet are unavoidable, the next larger standard siza of pipe shall be used. k (3) All warm air pipes in basement not over t ten (10) inches in diameter shall be made of IC bright tin or galvanized iron not lighter than No. 30 U. S. Standard Gauge. All warm air pipes and fittings in basement twelve (12) inches i or more in diameter shall be made of IX bright F tin or galvanized iron not less than No. 28,13. S. Standard Gauge. All side seams shall be locked seams. All joints shall be either double seamed or lapped not less than one and one-fourth (1?n) inches, and, excepting at the casing collar, such joints shall be soldered in at least three places. equally spaced, or secured with three (3) sheet metal screws. All pipes shall be properly sup- ported from ceiling or ,joists. (4) No warm air leader pipes shall run within £ one (t) inch of any woodwork within a length less than four (4) feet from the casing collar, un- less such woodwork is covered with sheet asbestos weighing not less than twelve (12) pounds per one hundred (100) square feet, and the paper covered with tin or iron. (5) Each warm air pipe, where leaving the furna_e shall be provided with a proper damper, placed not more than two (2) feet from the furnace casing. (6) Warm air leader pipes, where passing through any masonry wall or partition shall be provided with a metal thimble having an air space of at least one-half (1/2) inch or shall be covered with at least three layers of corrugated air cell asbestos. Section 539-e. WALL STACKS AND CON- NECTIONS. (1) All single wall stacks or wall pipes. heads, boots, ells, tees, angles and other connections shall be made of bright tin not lighter than "IC," or of galvanized iron not lighter than No. 30 U. S. Standard Gauge, and shall be covered with at least one thickness of sheet asbestos weighing twelve (12) pounds per hundred square feet, or with an equal and approved covering. Each such pipe shall be installed in such manner as not to obstruct the flow of 'air and to retain the full capacity of the pipe throughout. All joints shall be "S' slip joints and shall be locked and held to- gether by means of screws or bolts. No joint shall depend wholly upon solder to male it tight. (2) Where double wall stacks or wall pipes, heads, boots, ells, tees, angles and other connec- tions are used, sheet asbestos or other covering will not be required. (3) All double wall stacks or wall pipes, heads, boots, ells, tees, angles and other connections shall be made of bright tin not lighter than "IC," or of galvanized iron not less than No. 30 U. S. Stand- ard Gauge, and shall be made double from and including the boot or foot piece to the top of each stack and register11nd, and there shall be a con- tinuous uniform ai space of not less than five - sixteenths (5116) of an inch, which must be main- tained between the inner and outer walls of all such stacks and fittings. (4) All such pipes and fittings, either single or double, shall be firmly secured in place, prefer- ably by lugs or straps. No wall pipes or fittings shall be used which depend wholly upon soldered joints. Each member shall be so made that all joints are locked and soldered, and the several 7 members shall be attached to each other with snug fitting slip -joints, and asbestos paper shall not be used on.the inside of any pipe or fitting to seal a joint or connection. stacks, heads, or tings go throughthefistfloors other all openings around such heads, boots, stacks or fittings must be .filled with asbestos cement or other incom- bustible material. (6) All warm air stacks should be run in in- side walls. Where it is absolutely necessary to run some in outside walls, they must be double stks and ated with oracnot less f than rthreel mineral thicknessess ofawircell asbestos paper. (7) Transitions from warm air leader pipes to boxes shall be made with well designed elbows or boots so constructed that their internal areas of s than e required aroenins will at no opening of the leaderoint be sh piipes to easofwhich they are connected. S4ction 539-f. REGISTERS. (1) Baseboard or wall registers shall be fitted to the wall and stack head and the opening around the stack head tightly sealed with asbestos or the flange of the register box fastened under the reg- ister face, making the connection between stack head and the register air -tight, or in the case of a one-piece register, the flanges shall extend into the register box at least one-half (%) inch. (2) When floor registers are used, the open- ings in the floor in which the register is placed shall be made not less than one-half 04) inch larger ster box shall abe' covered with three ln the floor register ah yersof aior the m cell nsbestos. (3) Registers forwarm air pipes shall not be located in outer walls of buildings. (4) All warm air registers shall have free areas of opening equal to or greater than the room requirements as determined for the room or rooms to be served. (5) Each warm air register face shall have a free area of opening of at least seventy (70) per cent of the gross area. (6) All register heads shall have free throat areas equal to or greater than the heating re - or rooms to be Section 539-g.he AIRn SUPPLY PIPEServed, FOR FURNACE. (1) The air supply to furnace for warm air heating plants may be taken from outside or from within the building, or may be taken partially from outside and partially from within, and if the heating requirements are more than four hundred (400) square inches, it must be supplied from least two separate airductsand connected to opposite sides of furnace casing. It is strongly recommended that two separate ducts be used in all installations, and one may be used only when it can be connected at the back of the furnace. In no case, however, shall air be supplied to any furnace from the furnace ug roomorany basement room not occupied;u (2) Air pipes for recirculation shall have a minimum total net area throughout their entire length equal to the combined net areas of all the warm air pipes leading from the furnace. (3) When a cold air or a return ai�shoe is connected to the casing at the base of the furnace, the opening shall not be extended above the bot- tom of the firepot. The width of the shoe shall be sufficient to provide an area not less than the area of the return air pipe connected to it. Such shoes shall be used on all returns larger than twelve (12) inches that enter furnace above base. (4) Each horizontal return air pipe shall be so constructed as to maintain a constant net area of opening throughout its entire length at least ten (10) per cent greater than the area of the round connecting pipe, when such horizontal -rectangular pipe is not less than ten (10) inches in depth, and twenty (20) per cent. greater when it is less than ten (10) inches, and not lessthan eight (8) ter inches in depth, and thirty (30) per cent when it is less than eight (8) inches ist n No rectangular duct less than six (6) nchein depth shall be allowed. Such ducts shall be made of galvanized iron not lighter than No. 26Unn- Standard Gauge, except that No. 30 Gauge ga ized iron may be used for boxing joists or for lining channel boxes, the sides of which are made of wood. The connection from this overhead restangular pipe or duct to the casing shall be made of galvanized iron not lighter than ltq U. SStandard Gauge, and the connection from the r.ectangular pipe or duct to the round Pipe shall have a transition joint the full width of the duct to which it is cuunectcd or a collar. If a boxiu afr is at least nsixtbe (0)inches with d pth, theular full width of the rectangular duct, and at least eight (8) inches more than the diameter of the collar in the other dimension. All return air Pipes shall be .secm-ely jointed, and tacked with solder or fastened with sheet metal screws in not less than threFlood,such ljoint spaced shall be coveredwith a four (4) inch strip of asbestos paper. asses above the If any cold air return Pipe P furnace casing, it shall be covered with three lay- ers of air cell asbestos paper for at least two feet mor, than the width of said casing, and if any vertical cold air pipe shall be closer than rt shall foot to the casing at the top casing ring, be covered with three lavers of air cell asbestos paper from the casing shoe to a point at least one foot above top of furnace casing. (5) The net free area of opening of a cold air or return air face shall be at least ten (10) per cent larger than the free area of opening of the returnau 'r duct to which it is connected. (0) ' The height of any vertical cold air or re- turn air register face shall not be greater than ne and one-half times the horizontal distance from the register face to the opposite side of the return air stack opening in floor immediately back of said register face. 531-h. HEADERS, WHEN; SPACING Srctinn OF STUDDING AND JOISTS. in installing or (1) Whenever it is necessary, ang any warm air heating plant, to cut joists ar supporting members, Pre headers shall be put in, and additional supports shall be Provided when necessary to prevent weakening of the structure, in a manner subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Buildings; in the case of buildings under construction, this shall be done by the general contractor. (2) Where warm air risers enter the wall, is any building under construction, the studding *halrbe set directly over and under the adjacent . ,';is, leaving a net space of not less than four- teen (14) inches between studs and between joists, and if the supporting joists be doubled under such ,all, they shall be offset at,)east three quarters of their width from the wall plate above. Section 539-i. FURNACES, CAPACITIES OF. For the heating of any dwelling, no warm air furnace shall hereafter be installed whose heating capacity is less than that determined in the fol- lowing manner: (1) When the ratio of the heating surface area to the grate area is twenty to one (20:1), the heating capacity shall be the product of the grate area (using the smallest diameter of the fire -pot as the diameter of the grate) by one and six -tenths (1.0). The result must be at least equal to the total required arca of warm in leader pipes. (2) When the furnace has a larger ratio of heating surface area to grate area than twenty to one (20:1), its rating shall be .increased by two per cent for each unit increase in ratio. Thus, of the ratio is 21 to 1, the increase shall be two per cent; if the ratio is 22 to 1, the increase shall be four per cent, etc. Conversely, if the furnace shall have a lower ratio of heating surface area to grate area than twenty to one (20:1), a deduc- tion of two (2) per cent shall be made in its rating for each unit decrease in ratio. Thus, if the ratio is 19 to 1, the deduction shall be 2 per cent; 18 to 1, the deduction shall be 4 per cent, etc. ( 3 ) Definition. The heating surface is defined as that part of the outside of furnace body above the grate level inside the casings. (4) Every warm air furnace shall be equiI P ^ I with a water pan or humidifying device to evap- orate moisture into the air, and it is strongly recommended for physical comfort, health and fuel economy that every furnace be equipped with a humidifying device capable of n;a4ntaining relative humiduty of 40 per cent at 10 degrees above zero (F.) outside temperature, and 68 de- grees inside temperature. (5) WARM AIR FURNACES FOR BUILD- INGS OTHER THAN DWELLINGS. The capac- ities of any such rearm air furnaces intended far heating stores, churches, theaters, public gkiPg�a, and other buildings not classified under the Com- ,ings" shall be subject to the app missioner of Buildings. In all other respects, the installation of any such warm air heating plant shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance. (6) MANUFACTURERS RATING RE- QUIRED. Before a permit shall be issued by the Commissioner of Buildings for the installation of any warm air heating furnace or plant, the heat- ing contractor or the owner shall furnish said he furnace 's Commissioner resPp th t ratings est to heating surfa eufacturerand grate area, computed as above. CON - Section 639_j, WARM AIR FURNACES, STRUCTION AND INSTALLATION warm air (1) Wherever p.acticable, furnace hereafter installed in any building shall be so located as to equalize as much as possible the length of warm air lead' esu supplying living eiences, in dwellings, to pipes and dining rooms and main halls. (2) Furnace foundation of brick, cement or other incombustible material must be provided. Said foundation shall extend at least twelve inches (12 in.) at rear and sides of furnace casing, and at least thirty-six inches (36 in.) in front of furnace casing. Said foundation to be level and no furnace shall be set in any building without such foundation. The base ring of the furnace shall be cemented to the furnace foundation, mak- ing an air -tight joint. (3) All joints and sections shall be tightly fitted, and all joints requiring cement shall be calked with asbestos rope and cemented wit! asbestos furnace cement. led in (4) Each such furnace shall be encos metal casings, or within walls of brick or concrete. (6) Such metal casings, including casing tops, hall be of galvanized iron not lighter than No. 26 U. S. Standard Gauge, and shall be dust tight and be securely fastened to the furnace front. (6) All furnaces with metal casings snail have double casings, with air space between of not less than one inch (1 in.) or a corrugated metal lin- ing with corrugations of not less than onextende inch (1 in.), which inner casing or lining shall12 dropper casing ring to a line on a level with R" Rgrate. (7) No ovalling fsing collar shall be per- mitted. (8) In no case shall a distance of less than eight (8) inches be maintained .between the top of furnace and the top of casing or bonnet. (9) The top of all side casing collars shall be on the same level, and shall be fitted into place with a proper flange or bead in such manner as to make a dust -tight joint. All such collars shall be of the same sizes as the warm air pipes connected e bottom of anY ' to thmand � warme air pipe �benmo more than two ll htwo(2) inches lower than the top of furnace. (10) Brick, cement or hollow tile casings shall be constructed as follows: Walls shall be not less than eight (8) inches in thickness, and shall be constructed air -tight. Rectangular casing shall be, with least inside dimensions, the same as that of the metal casings of a corresponding size of furnace.Walls shall be carried to gthe otsame height as the metal casings, than eight (8) inches between the top of the furnace and the bottom of the top cover or roof. After Placing the collars for the warm air pipes, continue the masonry up one (1) inch above the 8 top the collars,oer thesele or tee irons with sheet iron ofrnot 1 the furnace top, an No. 'LO U. less thS. Standard Gauge, over the sheet iron with masonry or sand and run the side walls four (4) inches above the roof of furnace. I A galvanized iron casing bonnet may be used on brickset furnaces. Provision shall be made in the walls for a manhole to give ingress to heater. (11) When any metal casing top of any warm 1 air furnace shall come withitwelve bea 12) inches or gird of any combustible ceiling, joists, gird- er, said ceilings, joists, beams or girders shall be i protected by four (4) inches of sand covering said metal casing top, or by metal lath and at least two (2) coats of plaster applied to the under j side of ceiling, joists, beams or girders above the furnace and extending W a distance of not less fthan four (4) feet beyond the outer walls of said furnace. 13 (12) No furnace casing or top shall be be ' than six (6) inches to any ceiling, j or girders. _(13) For each and every m warair furnace hereafter installed (in the City of St. Paul under the provisions of this ordinance) the area of the breeching or smoke pipe shall not be less than the area of the smoke collar of the furnace to which it is connected, and each such breeching or smoke pipe shall be made of iron of not less than No. 24 U. S. Standard Gauge. Each such breeching or smoke pipe shall be provided with a proper cast Non pipe dampen and check damper, shall be ts securely wired in place, and shall have all points riveted or fastened wih sheet metal screws to make them rigid. NOTE: Where durability is an important factor, it is recommended that the breeching or smoke pipe connection be n furnace and the chimney thimble be mads heavier than No. 24 U. S. Standard Gauge or be made of sheet copper or of cast iron pipe. Section 639-k. PIPELESS OR ONE -PIPE FURNACES. (1) When but one duplex grating is used for both warm air and cold air in a so-called pipeless furnace, the area of the cold air intake shall be at least equal to the area of the warm air outlet of the grating. e, (2) Subdivisions four (4) to eleven (11) in- clusive, of Section 639-i of this ordinance, relative to casing, shall not govern when a pipeless furn- ace is installed, but such installation shall comply with the requirements of subdivision three (3) of this section. (3) The inner and outer casings of. any PIPe- less furnace shall be made of either black or gal- vanized iron not lighter than No. 26 U. S. Stand- ard Gauge. A uniform air space shall be main- tained at all points between the inner e furnace outer casing. In no case shall the top allowed closer than twelve (12 inches to any ceil- ing or joists above the furnace. (4) Where joists are cut to accommodate the instashall be put inn such addit additional supporheaders proper halbe IK-otn�ed where necessary, to prevent weakening of the structure, in a manner subject to the ap- proval of the Commissioner of Buildings. _ (6) In figuring the heating capacity of a pipe - less furnace, the same method furnaces, computation sset shall be employed -as for pipe fourth in Section 539-1 of this ordinance, and to the heating capacity so found shall be added twenty-five (25) per cent. In no case shall any such pipeless furnace be installed in any building whose heating capacity after the above 261/c is added, is less than the total combined warm air leader pipe capacity which would be required by Section 539-c hereof, were a pipe furnace to be installed to heat said building. (6) Where one warm air register face is i used and separate face or faces for cold air supply s re used, all provisions of this ordinance shall apply. Section 639-1. INSPECTION. Inspection Of new work shall be made as follows: When such work has proceeded to where the stacks to upper floors and heads for all side wall registers have been installed, and boots have been connected thereto, the contractor, or person obtaining per- mit for this work, shall notify the inspection de- partment, which department shall make or cause to be made an inspection of such work. Upon finding that the work complies in all respects with the terms of this ordinance, there shall be affixed by said Commissioner or his representative, to each stack or register head; a stamp stating that the work complies with the ordinance relat- ing thereto. Final inspection of plant shall be made after the whole is connected up and ready to operate. Section 639-m. The continued violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be a separate offense for each and every day such violation shall continue." SECTION 3 That Ordinance No. 5989, approved March 13, 1923, and Ordinance No. 6459, approved February 17, 1926, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION 4 "'VA This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council June 22, 1927. Yeas—Councilmen Ferguson, McDonald, McGlo- gan, Sudheimer, Wenzel, Mr. President (Hodg- son) -6. Nays -0. Approved June 22, 1927. L. C. HODGSON, Mayor. Attest: D. W. BIRDSALL, City Clerk. ___��rf iS t COUMIL NO. O m.+w. +e amr w.mR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C�9UNCIL,,RESOLUTION—GF-IIERAL FORM mor 51, 1929 RESOLVED that the Clerk of the ioipal Court be and is hereby authorized roval of the Judges of said court to employ two women bailiffs with the app nsation to be paid for duty with the juries of the Municipal Court, the compe out of the Municipal Court fundi said appointments to be effective from January 1, 1930- Yeas COUNCILMEN Nay$ Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland /h Sudhcimer lJ nQ.u�et WeUm 'BAa vat,. Mr. President Hodgson W1 , Adopted by the Councrl Fr 4 i lau _. , //r c KCOUNCIL NO._ 83903 CITY OF ST. PAUL w�u FFICE OF CITY CLERK U IL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_BY DATE WHEREAS, The Land Committee has entered ilko an agreement with Nathan Harris, the owner of: The Easterly z of Lot 3, ,dock 22, City of Saint Paul, Capital of Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County; together with all right, title, interest and privileges acquired or existing y under Party -wall Agreements and Easements as set forth in Warranty Deeds recorded in book 125 of deeds page 288 and in Book 119 of deeds page 475, or otherwise, and the wall or walls constructed thereunder, said Easements being for alley purposes over and across a strip of land eight feet wide along the Easterly side of Lot 4 in said Block, and the rear eight feet of the West i of said Lot 3,, passag-e way to be at least ten feet high; and subject to the rights and privileges of the owners of the West i of said Lot 3 acquired or existing under above described Warranty Deeds and the wall or walls constructed thereunder. whereby said Nathan Harris has agreed to sell said property to the City of St.Paul for the sum of $38,500.00, which is the value there- of as appraised and determined by the St. Paul Real Estate Board; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized and directed to draw and deliver warrant in favor of said Nathan Harris in the following sum: Thirty -Eight Thousand Five Hundred k$38,500.00) Dollars upon the execution and delivery of warranty deed, in form to be approved by the Corporation,Counsel; the foregoing sum to be charged to the Joint Court House and City Hall Bond Fund. DEC f l�jj� COUNCILMEN DEG S + 1 19__ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Q ----Against dearer l Mr. Ptesident Hodgson 19— A Inn ITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FR[ vc6.r�J`,t OFFI F CITY CLERK IL UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY +s ss� �481�EA3, The Land 0 omjAittee has entered into an agreement with the Minnesota News CompOW, the owner of: Lot 9 and part of Lot 10, Block 22, City of St. Paul, Capi- tal of Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point where the westerly line of the store building known as the Hey- ward Block, if produced, intersects the;. -southerly line of said lot 10, Being a point 4.334 feet from the southeast corner of said lot 9; thence westerly along the southerly line of lots 10 and 9 to the southwest corner of said lot 9; thence northerly along the westerly line of said lot 9 to the northwest corner of said lot 9; thence northeasterly along the northerly line of said lots 9 and 10 to the westerly line of Heyward Block produoed,being a point 3.57 feet northeasterly from the northeast corner of said lot 9; thence southerly 139.05 feet to the point of beginning,(Ex- sept portion thereof included in Third Street); also all right, title.,claim,interest and privileges acquired or existing under Right -of -wap Deed recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds in book 465 of deeds page 536, or otherwise, and a perpetual right and license to use that certain alley -way as now located, 8 feet in width and 10 feet in height, along the easterly side of lot 4 in said block 22, all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. whereby said Minnesota News Company has agreed to sell said property to the City of St. Paul for the sum of Forty -Eight Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -Eight ($48,338.00) Dollars, which is the value thereof as appraised.and determined by the St. Paul Real Estate Board; there— fore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are.hereby authorized and directed to draw and deliver warrant in favor of said Minnesota News Company in the following sum: Forty -Eight Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -Eight ($48,338.00) Dollars, upon the execution and delivery of warranty deed, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel; the foregoing sum to be charged to the Joint Court House and City Hall Bond Adopted by the Council DEC 31 X529 19- "I 9- a�si,u,. �o em elan CITY OF ST. PAUL wUNcn_ NO. 3,390 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4r0se a *«nae �sr Alexander, an employee of the Department W6 uYc•,ua1t3';, , 'Injured on the 22nd day of May 1929, and said injuries resulte,d �1n`'an amputation of the index and second fingers of the left hand, and necessitated a healing period of 171 weeks, and WHEREAS, under Sec. 4274 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, said employee is entitled to compensation at the rate of $19.04 for a period of sixty weeks for a seventy per cent loss of - use of the index finger, a sixty per cent loss of use of the second finger, and a healing period of 171 weeks, included in said sixty weeks, which would entitle said employee to the sum of $11 2.40, and WHEREAS the sum of $438.46 has already been paid to said employee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the said Peter Alexander, providing for the payment to him of the sum of $19.04 per week, payable every two weeks, said payments to be made from the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund and to commence on December 24, 1929, the total amount not to exceed the sum of $703.94, as provided by said Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Robland Sudheimer( —0—Against 3itatsd � V OQMA� Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council DEC 3 1 1919 .19— App 19 MAYOR quo"- NO. 6 a,�.m.,. ,� m.. ��• clrY of sr. PAUL.�� OFFICE OF CITY'CLERK �c.iQ ...Y RCil11IITIAM—GENERAL FORM u GCM M iDV ncn RESOLVED, That the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), do, ted by Mr. Louis W. Hill, for the purpose of defraying part of the cost of developing the Como Park Golf Course, be and the same is hereby accepted and the City Comptroller instructed to place such funds to the credit of the Como Park Golf Course Special Funds No. 1008. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council DEC1 1�1L`J 19 Appiove 19— MAYOR ^ •+ *^ �•^^ CIT�O�ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO �U OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GOMMISSEIONER DATE Dec. 3C, 1929 RESOLVED Th4t the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 18, 1929, b ween Herman Huebscher, Contractor, and the City of SlPaul for the construction of the West End Edgoumbe Sewer System, be and the same is hereby extended to the 23rd day of December, 1929, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to Said - contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contraotorrs bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Q _Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council DEC 3 1 192y 19_ — f — —7-- 19_ pr MAYOR TO THE HOITOIUi BLB CI^" :r)-UII IL: Centlemef,• 3t. Paul, Minn. "c z 192_2 c*.i iai; f c t£il.].y ask t;za- yoa: Honorable Body - n� ,:ontraot for 'ha cauje the _i.d Cf oc.rlle o To be e:,cter_dai tc Owinr' to-- Gz 4 1 it was not possible for,/,Pa to finish this contract within the time specified, hence, desire to ask that the time for com— pleting some be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. ` \ There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as for as the requirements of \ this office are concerned. APPROVED. Supt, &of4&atr1u , n u Repairs E omm asioner of Ru c 10 s Ca a .ngineer. RESOLVED v SA B Yeas coUNCIL NO.— — _JW0 CITY ,CF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nea• 30, 1929 That the bond given to the City Of St. Paul Casualty Company, as surety, and Lee by the Maryland Gated Decemer 31, 1928+ L. Siebeoker, as principal, b in the sum of 05,000.00 covering coal hole and areways at the southeast corner of Fifth and Robert Streets, be and the same is hereby oancelled and the principal and surety thereon released as new bond has been furnished, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald T -- In favor Rohland Sudheimer O Against we= _ Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council DEC 31 - 19__ A---- 19_ MAYOR m ..»M.. ;e m......w CITY„d : PAUL �u ” NO. 83909 /'J —A OFFICE OF CITY CLERK c / CgyNgiC}AESOLUTION ,GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Action of the Committee on Lands cfr.behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to C. F. No. 83408, approved December 16, 1929, for the purchase of real estate known as Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, and the southerly 19 feet of Lot 11, Block 76, Dayton and Irvine's Addition, located at Laurel and Virginia avenues, for playground purposes, after negotiating _y-ith the various owners of the above described real estate, find that the prices asked are greatly in excess of the estimated cost thereof, namely, $12,900.00, therefore the Committee hereby recommends that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City, to secure said property, same to be paid from the Playground Bond Issue Fund. . Yeas Nays Ciancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against Mr. President Hodgson DEC 911929 Adopted by the Council �9— I I Wq M tiEllt City Of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES MEMBER. KARL L. FIESELER. PURCHASING AGENT A. J. CONROY. DEPUTY PURCHASING AGANT OFFICES. GEORGE J. FISHER. 1R ASSISTANT BUYER.. 301 COMMERCE BLDG. . .> St. ftnI Minn. t PHONES TWIN CITY ASSN. - - CAVIAR HBO GARF- 3371 December 26, 1929 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands begs to, report that it has undertaken to purchase that real estate known as Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, and the southerly 19 feet of Lot 11, Block 76, Dayton 4 and Irvine's Addition, located at Laurel and Virginia Avenues, in accordance with C. F. No. 83408, approved December 16, 1929, for playground purposes, but after negotiating with the various owners of the above described real estate for purchase of same, find that the prices asked are greatly in excess of thedatimated cost thereof,namely $12,900.00. Therefore, the Committee recommends that condemnation proceedings be instituted, under the provisions of the Charter of the City, to secure.said real estate, same to be paid from the Playground Bond Issue Fund. COMMITTEE ON LA q Y�� Mayor Oom ,P gds. & Pub Buildings. Purchai}aing Agent INTFAUL P . PIN CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK NO'o OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - -A- ___ neoember 26. 1929 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he '�4 hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Custom DeLuxe 7 -passenger Packard touring oar, B -cylinder motor, equipped with built-in radiator shutter, spot -light, shock absorbers, automatic windshield wiper, front and rear bumpers, trunk rack on rear, six tires, two with covers, for the Department of Public Safety,' at a cost of $2,500.00, less an allowance of 5150.00 for one Packard touring car to be taken in trade, making the net cost not to exceed $2,350.00, without advertisement, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-A-139 — tDon 'k0. r No Baelb-8y A Resolved. T�+�t thtl�1'urc ut o�s and. ririao fe hereby qq yy %1Bnnt be urcha a wlth the E,ondOq lsed top troller on9 Custom De {,the Come Pac rds u peed �* Lu -s' cY]ln8er r mntoC rt guilt-ln radiator shutter 0 with (ht ., ehoc$6baortiere utoa l,; . mato nd:rw�eirutlkper.. rronr be:'' , rack o COUNCILMEN YeasNays -Cly Ferguson McDonald In favor Robland 0 Sudlufimer Agarose Wc'arAe�-�.eA�.�et Mr. President Hodgson DEC J3 1 IM Adopted by the Council 19 Ap 19 MAYOR cou"m NO. yJL� awrew. x am oras CITY OF ST. AUL FILE OFFICE OF I CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he 144 hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 11—ton Model AA Ford truck chassis with special body, all weather cab, etc, for the Bureau of Health, a.t a,cost not to exceed $1,015.30, without advertisement, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained -thereby. Charge General Fund— Municipal Equipment— 1003A139 C. r, No 88811 BY ?•'#i• MoDom �I Resolved, That the :Porches ng, Agenen t be; and he as thy uthor- of, to purellae withth 'nconsent of ;the m CoDIT er llone. lj¢ ton Model AA Ford trKok �ehaesis Ft" O special body, ::atl wggath4r cab etc, tqi the Bureoui at HeeltYi" at a obet. •not t .esht;;,,'t191880 Zdlthete all ^!!! wextlsement as this ks';A balented "�rt5cle and no advantage oald be . gean d thexebY Charge QeneFal', dO Fund Munlciyal EuulPmerit y 1P08A189 "y�. :i7 r.ti A' liPbye tby the CoLncll. Dkc 31 1989 -' �,ADDd Aew $3, 1929 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Q Sudheim Against Mr. President Hodgen Adopted by the Council n�f' `�� 19 Approv 19 -- MAYOR ..wn.L W a —K CITY OF ST. PAUL na y ivo•__ H 2 OFFICE, OF CITY CLERK COP,;4CIL R L ION—GENERAL FORM rleesENreo_ ev /i�G'/O Q.� owTE December 31� 1929 I' --- -- v v VIBEFdAS, applications for licenses have been made to operate auto cart upon the streets of the City of St. Paul for hire, as follows: Name Make Motor No. State License Insurance Co. POlioy No. Wm. A. Dees Durant 27748 B-384-271 Midwest Mutual 10309 (Taxi) Adelina Delmont Pontiac P-182469 B-75-970 Public Indemnity 687 (Taxi) C. M. Nystrom Packard M -A-73591 B-12-248 Hardford Aco.Ind. 2329 (Private Livery) MORM, applicants in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, amended by. Ordinances 5866 and 6893, have filed copies of insurance policies with the City of St. Paul, and said policies have been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licensee be issued to said applicants to operate said auto oars upon the streets of the City Of St- Paul, subject to the provisions ..P Haid ordinances. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Robland /� Sudheimer �—Against Mr. President Hodgson DEC 3 119919_ Adopted by the Coua<a1 E0 2 19— MAYOR COUNOIL No.913 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ° OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Oompany be given permission to set 1-40 foot pole on the W. side of Jackson, between 9th, and 10th. Streets, with necessary guys, wires, anchors and Telephone wires. Estimate 010506. • '. C: F. No. 82012—BY 7. ki. McDon- atd— ',Thnt the `.`Northern _ Aeaolred, be given 8tatea Power - Cor1l'40' parmlaelon to yet 1401be weeny 9th ;She: W, aide or Jackeownith nepeeaary'- %atid. 30th SLreete },.guYe, wfrea,•nneho[a and telephone Adopted by t)te•CGounc111 9, 9 Ap0r4V2d Dea.$'! 1889, V,,. DEC 31 l�L COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cound 19 ire" Nays � Clancyt U Ferguson 19— McDonald In favor APP[ Rohland MAYOR SACimer L—Against Mr. President Hodgson COUNCIL NCI_ �,,.�..CITY OF ST. PAUL t= „.. e OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 1 / QCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 30, 1929 RESOLVED Yeas In the matter of grading Alley in Oakey's Addition from Wheeler Avenue to the east line of Oakey's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82494, approved September 4, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 83283, approved 'November b, 1929. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all prooeedings in such matter discontinued. C.P.No. 88814—By J.. H: armo'n- . ' ld— I%:the matte _Of, gradin, Altao t.. COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Rohland Sudheimer Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council 1 19_ i --- _ - MAYOR CITY OF RAINT PAUL - ORIGINAL— NUMBER COUNCIL 8391- (- CITY CLERK !'� L COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No. _....... 41 (J FOR AUTHORI ATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1 December 30, 1929 PRIOENTHD BY HON _ !h DATE— • • • • • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract fo constructing sewers in tunnel from the Parkway land at the northelbt corner of University Ave. and Fairview Ave. in a southwesterly direction on a line drawn between a point on the } line, running north and south in Sec. 33, Town 29, Range 23, 75 ft. north of the center, of said Seo. 33 to a point in Prior Ave. 568 ft. south of the I line running vast and west in said Sec. 33,and 13 ft. west of the center line of Prior Ave., thence southwesterly to a point on the center line of Carroll Ave. 5 ft. west of the west line of Wilder Ave., thence west on Carroll Ave. to Cretin Ave., thence southwesterly on a line crossing Lot A Town and Country Club Place and Block 45, Desnoyer Park (vacated) to the Mississippi.River at Marshall Ave., el so on Carroll Ave. from Moore Ave. to Wilder Ave. and northwesterly across the intersection of Wilder Ave. to Carroll Ave, on the west side of WiMd6r Ave., all of the above to be known as CONTRACT A of the Sittsfondale Sewer — Western Branchy<3n lon6tdar►ce with plans and specifications hereto attached, tq:Northern States Qontracting Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders., for the sum of $581,971.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. S No 83816—Ey J. H. Mon.D-� ROBolved That th c01tn I... 1 by �oonopTT - t rloP e4'r6,t4hnr I ;til I I.,�1 + •uI . FORMAL BID NO. 8249 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $771,550{00 NOW, TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - $ 24,186.56 Z. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE 11 9. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODS 11 .. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODS s557,784.44 L COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : e. 11 TOTAL - - - - - _ - - - - 11581.971.00 COPIES TO:I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCALIMPROVEMENT IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING COMPTROLLER_—_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _- DATE FINAL ORDER A COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS _ ____IN FAVOR 01 "OAMST MR. PRESIDENT D 151 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--pEC31• - OMAYA RESOLVED 1! l couNca NO._. �cDa7�V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DeO. 30, 1929 In the matter of grading and improvement of Jefferson Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Milton Street, Contraot "A", under Preliminary Order C. F. 82346, approved August 21, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 83755, approved Deo. 17, 1929. Resolved, That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. "C F No "88816—]V d. H.'MCDOn- ald rJn the matter of `.gradingndfm- +pCovement of '... Aveaeon oAvenue from Lexington Avenae t'Milton t3treet Contrast A; Under Pre- - litnlnarY.Order C.,F 82848, ap- pFdvad;AtiBµat �tfiri928 and'b'inel ` Order C : F 88766 approved.. ::D. `�17 1888 .� Siesolved', �Fha4 thaplane pecfn ^ 1 cationµ and eetlmatefl°agnntitfes �eµymltted ;AY tbo-Conmlealoner of )'µhilaJWerke Sor the. named,A ImPr vement. hh and;, theh6' same are' ',thereby -PP reved Adopted by the CRuncll1829.- " ADFroved Dee 31; 1929 CJan✓91980) Y. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __In favor Rohland n Sudheimer G Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson DEC 31 Adopted by the Council------ 19 Appro — MAYOR 83917 Resolution of Council fixing Time, of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter ofVin_-_e in t, ssary t';__ ___l-.na___^.ece ...... for slopes, ^uts and fills, in he grading of 11e7s in "loc'c 9, Governor Johnsnnts Nd-3ition fro.. Case Street to Jen'cs ".treet and from Frank "fre-t to north e.n-' south olley, �R��B(O�L77'1'iOfi pir COIINOrr,� 1^rx7N6 � afiA71!IOPg ''�i®Aitrfi6 M OOFi/Eld.. r ?laH®DIfi68 •, 8^841 Oct 1 1929 83400 under Preliminary Order................................. approved............'.....z............., Intermediary Order...... ::....................., approved ....... ----Q.... �, s---•----_ ::... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the........... °th day of .......... Janu:ary , 19....5 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the. Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. @Ec 3 11929 Adoptedby the Council-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 19 i City Clerk. Approved - ........................ .......- ....., 19........ 7�;4K ------------------------ - Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald XJBL1Sl I1` Councilman Ro'hland Councilman Sudheimer Councilman WFeazek Pearce Mayor Hodgson or 83918 Resolution of Council Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of..C_CD. -@ 71in ^n;l.._ta'rind__an_. serent..:in.._the land n-cessars for lore-, cuts ^n' fills, in the gradin of ldebres'<a ^venue frorr Albert Avenue to SnellinE Avenue, �in th .a1ai�9Y� � ' t .� fag an eaeetaBdt ndernn n r -a l.; nrLrgr-,•eto In,;tn-, L»e uCs t .. under Preliminary Order....... B2Sa9 ........... approved..... 0.ct-1.,.192$ Intermediary Order........8z. d ... approved... QCt..._30.x.._1929....... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; therefore be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the........2at1'....... day of.. ...........IaaLLItl'. ............... 19.-ZA at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council............ ..........................................................1 1`` r City Clerk. Approved--------•---................------- ..........................•--• ..............f�'�?.... ........... .............. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald / l Councilman Rohland m Councilman Sudheimer F 1T3LISI r ^ 2/� Councilman 39enmt Pearce J �/ Mayor Hodgson 83919 COUNCIL FILE By____....-...._-.• CITY OF ST. PAUL a Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs any? exF^nsss for constructinf a sei:-er on the southe-ist^rly side of Ple^sant Ave. frog+ St. Chair It. to th^. center line of Vance -t. proanced north from Grace St., srrsot�nvG ]�aena9er�vTa � `. z r G'F No 8$9fi �' *�beriefltlr �.cu r oon- under Preliminary Order---• .............. 7.5994...-... .............. Intermediary Order... .............. Final Order HQ98Z.................... ------, approved ---- ................................ 1v14.Y -N- -- - 19 9 The assessment of........124.C1:..1.t 9a..--C.4S. S...:Tld....................for and in cdnnection with the above improvement having been submitted, to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..........: ..........day of January 19.30 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner r� to whom the notice is directed. DEC 3 1 1929 Adoptedby the Council. ............... .....-------.............................................................. 19 - ZiY r Approved... .._aJ '1.:...... ...........19... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Robland / Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Nf n x Pe2rce Mayor Hodgson F.— B. B. 17 J'IT .r ", -,_ _ //-*- ?� Clerk. - Mayor. 83920 COUNCIL FILE NO..._..._...._._._._...._.. By a, CITY OF ST. PAUL -Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for opening, widening and extending Marshall Avenue by taking and condemning all than part of a miscellaneous tract bounded on the north by Marshall Ave. and on the.east by "lestern Ave. lying north of a line drawn between the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Kernys Addition and a point on the south line of Marshall Ave. 200 ft west of the west line of 1,7estern Ave .:also all that part of the remainder of above described miscellaneous tract lying north of a curve having a radius of 200 ft drawn tangent to the above described line and to tl^e south line of Marshall Ave., under Preliminary Order_....... 80036.......................... .._. Intermediary Order...._.._ 82069......._...._ .............._._-, Final°Order__. ._.. 82 7 ............... approved ... _._...... _ IIIIY.....13....___....._..__.._......, 19..22 'The assessment of benefits,x,,,cQsts_ and__pFl��-Q� _-_._....for and in connectionwith the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. 2.8tb._.... day of ..... __.....S.aziitary._............. 19....3Q at the 'hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council -_.._DEG _-- -- PEC 31 Approse............._............---- Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer CouneiL,nan 6&wdac Pearce B. & 17' Clerk. dayof. {� ti ander Preliminary Order ..................... 6Q3.7D .................. Intermediary Order---- ................................ Final Order_...___..._..._..E34ti2 ............... approved .... ........... __-......... . ......, 19... E The assessment of. ------ -----hetie.fits,..-Costs... 2nd..BigP^4"4••-•-•--_for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment -be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............... .9.th__..day of .TAauar 19.-M, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...- _ -.........-UEC 31 Q --- - .. - - Clerk. Approved. -.. --------------------19 .............................................................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland �J[i�I,lgjD Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wtjwk Pearce Mayor Hodgson Form B. B. 17 ------------ 83921.00 ,f Lr X } .fi�%T�f .... .. . �v�� �..wY.,_ .� -- �a....- _ .. _ nF�•ed'ait�llha. _ ! .s �3�i-F,.� - � {� ti ander Preliminary Order ..................... 6Q3.7D .................. Intermediary Order---- ................................ Final Order_...___..._..._..E34ti2 ............... approved .... ........... __-......... . ......, 19... E The assessment of. ------ -----hetie.fits,..-Costs... 2nd..BigP^4"4••-•-•--_for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment -be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............... .9.th__..day of .TAauar 19.-M, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council...- _ -.........-UEC 31 Q --- - .. - - Clerk. Approved. -.. --------------------19 .............................................................. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland �J[i�I,lgjD Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wtjwk Pearce Mayor Hodgson Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution o Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses_ for opening 'widening and extending South T-abasha St. from Channel Bt, to youth Robert Pt. by taking and condemning so much, of the.`propbrty'in Lot 1, Block 1, Robertson's Addition as lies i4iter*,',of a line drawn from a point 15 ft easterly of the easls-line_-of South Wabasha St. as treasured along the south line of Channel St. to a point on tre southerly side of Lot 1, Block 1, = Robert'son's Addition 62 ft soutreeaterly of its southwesterly corner; Bo uch of the property in Pro. -Cottle Addition and Blocks 2 and, itorls Subdivision No. 36 as lies within 40 ft of a line il�s8ribed as follows. "'Bbg1riSg at a point on the center lin® of South "iabasha °t. iib ft nqr of;the center ..line,of Channel St.; thence on a:ourve oto the 1e3' of ._527.67 ft. r."edfixs=-aI Contrail—angle, of 320 42 1 400 ~Poref,istance of 297.37 ft to a.point; thence on:a:curve to - 6 697.87'ft radius and central angle of 310 531 40° 474' 1stapee:*r 344.,4Q, ft. to a point of tangency; thence on said r Tangent for a distance of 316.87 ft to a point on the present P r,.sseutsat.:lises:of .8outh ?jabash�St. 91.89 ft northerly of a monument in the ,center line of South Wabasha St., said monument being *ftrokkcutely"121;ft 'south ' of the center line "of Deloa 3t, and thence ' _centinuinar on.the-aforesaid tangent to the center line of Delos St.; ;u '`'s nip of tsnd''90' ft' -wide In Block -34, ";exit 4t. Paul Proper, j th8.86utrerlp boundary of said strip.being a,straight line drawn - from s isoint~onthe easterly line of South Webashs St. 35 ft equtberlg from -the northwest Corner, of ssA,4_Block 34, to a - - `!Iook, oiit on the',nbrth'line of Isabel St. 33 ft westerly of the south- - aet.,corner.of. said Blook,34; A triAngu-Tar piece of ground in the southwest corner of Lot 5, ,35,. Xest, gt:. Paul ;Propest, -measuring 24 ft om the westerly" line of said.lot and 14 ft on the south line of said lot; -. tAi+tr angular; piece of ground. in Lot 1, Block 53, West St. Paul Broper, lying norther terly'of a straight line drawn from a point dsi the*sdutAwest line of Concord St. -45 ft sotit2^erly of the �nortberly corner of said Lot 1 to the northotatw'corner of Block 54 ":est St. Paul Proper; the south.rested;ly 88+ ,of Blocki 52y 51 d 6S4Wast:St Paul Proper said 20 ft being parallel and adjacent t�brt g northeasterly side of Concord St. Also between Channel St. and Delos.<St. an easement in the land necessary for slopos, for cuts, in accordance with blue print attcared !rnd on "`tile in +.ra office of tho City Clerk, the portion colored •cello, in 1e tin;l. rlo, a ! -II Ii e' for ^..»t.s an' ntr'e liits of ah, t-iccrn sl � n -n the f lrn -r ,rked Top of -lope". }ICU l} iS•.`>Ys3J ir*f :. y; t„jaaur, O jsU: 3 ,.0 sS�y;; 4Lfi�4ST3 � r t x4A'k3r�'.+ Of- v .7 Jy a����'�``�h.• � moi, vt - (. ta,41r j i0 Zai 1 Y r a 1`a! 7 J I G' k t, sts�, d u 1n4b ;{� Gu SA IOi T r, L 1 ` s` � e�:S?3sp .. J`�'S �1}`,sr293r',i.,Fdt T{G {,.T q?3GciC i`:; �3t "T`'! - 1 Js e ss3 uS tp cau -PC fist }. - i t ; OntZ7 JTJS Q'15 1 f{7C1 �+ n r Ca �+ c� 0B u 7 WY- G604-,s,eacc a `, , -.c % C8 t - j Ja> , "S r x:''31 G 4 .. ..fir js 1 t3`- 55 r TOG ot'!C under Preliminary Order............8 260 .......................... Intermediary Order .... --_.-81529•.- •-•------•-•------_..._..._., Final Order-.-..IQ22-------------- approved----_..............---------._Qat..---23.-----............_...:, 19_.29 The assessment of--_ ..... hestsfitsvct�sts••and.:�xgent�s - •-•----••fur and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.__..._.22th...... _... day of - January r 19.-3Q, at the hour of I0 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court "rn House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEG 3 11929 Adopted by the ""5109 Apgrored................. ... --•........................ 19......... Councilman Clancy r Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rohland Councilman .Sudheimer Councilman W0=kPe:dree Mayor Hodgson Form B. B. 17 ef:: ------ ................... ...... r ... _.... -...... . Clerk. .......................................•... -- ----------- T Mayor. December 20th, 1 9• Mr. E. M. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, _- Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Feyen Construction Company for permission to erect an oversize private garage on Lots 18 and 19, Block 2, Heifield�e Sub•, located at 277 Burgess Street was ap- provethe d by the, Council to an r00Zf� d to / °�&&'U proper resolutioa.�w 4, /M ' Yours truly, City Clerk. i dOTICE OF APPI•ICATION FOR PERi.IT TO ERECT A ZMBt= (AACE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 1��' 5� 1 0, to the ity Council of the City of Saint Paul Minnesota, by �/ Q for per ss/ on to ere a g r ge onhe ollowing de - seri d real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot )4 Block Addition Saint aul, Minnes a. 'On the Aside of St. Ave., between St. Ave. and St, ve. Number St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA, '� 1 ss County of _Ramsey J -,cJi - ._ C. La Bls roth drily sworn, deposes and sari that n t1 now is and duringall the times-hereinafter, ss mentioned has been the publisher of, he Saint Pad Legal Udger, a ,�. � 'y newspaper printed-end published in the dry of St. Paul, in said-Ramsey C85nry, State of Minnesota; That he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the or -hereto matched, cut from tbs columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published said newspaper ono in each _---__.fon-.S_ and that all of said publications were made in the English e• - ,That mid noti was first inseroed, Primed and published on Zrr�W the_ 6th . -_day of.---.. CembBr 192-, and was Printed and elished in said newspaper on each and eve - d --_._[here• —� 8Lh • _ -, .- �.` ,- % ter until and including.-_�0n . the --------day of--December-----------, 192_ . That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified m a medium of official and legal publication ae required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has cmnplied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper as defined in aaid sections and 4 to-wit: that for more than one year last past from the dam of first publication of said-NO�iCe ol-A-p llcation for Permit newspaper has been 47 (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheetform equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columna to the page, each seventeen and three quarter inch. lung. o (2) Issued ante each week from a known office established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, camment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in an&ueae its place of publication to the extent of at leas[ two hundred and forty copies re Italy delivered to paying subscribe., and that prior to the dais of the first publication of said.—__—_... s_ of AD.--for-_Permit _- the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the fact, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Minnesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existenceof conditions constituting, its qualifications as a legal newspaper . required and act forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower cam alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of acid legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz.: abcdefghiJ7tlmnopgrstuvwzyz. abcaeraniJkimnopgrstuvw"x. Further affiant safth not, save that this affidavit, is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Sessions Laws MZ 1, and is intended to ccompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal a S sworn m e e thin.---- •9th_ _.� of Dll�'Z' s9 y _.__ .___.-.....-, ... 192- _ My Commission _ 3- Nocery Public, Ramsey Co ty, Minnesota.FLOR NCE E. HARRIS, My Commission E%piroa.JU 3th, M34 STATE OF MINNESOTA. (ss. County of Ramsey. f rI-V i(....being duly sworn, deposes and says that he now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been a clerk o1 the publisher or printer in charge of the St. Paul Dispatch St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. )Sank, in said Ram- sey County, State of Minnesota. That he has nowledge o1 the facts an own orally that the printed.... ... .......... ........ tJ hereto atter d, cut from the col of seri n spaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper�� times, and that all of said publications were made 3a the English language.. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published n.1 .. the.. " 4 .day of... A?. ...` V .. •..192(•(?. and was eb-Z/ llshed in mad newspaper thereafter on/ ......�j/. •-••• •� • %%c rYkJ the... /.`t.. day of /tK?OLl'92.1.. c That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Ses- sion Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it bas complied with all the requirements that constitute a legal newspaper.as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the firs"ublication of said.......... l F!_ . ..... ..... . � � said newspaper has been (1) 'nled* from m the place froi it purports to be issued in the Eng- lish langua J and in column and sheet fo equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, eachtwenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publica- tion and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered paying subscribers, and that prior to the 54te of the first publication ofsaid ... .... ............ . ..... ...fir. /G4cl�.. .... .. % the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state innesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the nce of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as. required and set forth in sectio} hof chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921. That the following is, printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and pub- lication of said Legal advertisement eghUtlmo PWAUay..>,sto ed, viz: Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made persoant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, fe intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspapar of the afo d legal advertise nt. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.......`: ^V�, .da of: .":: `.`x.:.192/.. p/y *Notary, Public, � � �y County, Minnesota. y from+ rat. My Commission expires .. .. ..��.'.(.;.y... L. H. TWEED. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Alin . My Commission "Pires Sept'. 21, 19352 ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP � — RMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED —^--v—(If L to LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMED eg/i;-,2,g o CONTENTS /nom ��6Loe.eel-1Idg--- NUMBER OR NAME OF /FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS d as�.Lr O3 �j i' OISEAth�I /T44,Tq e NUMBER OR NA14E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED i nua�a�19?o SIGNED Operator JOINT.CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY supervisor s Odb� y� J 2 b,S s�Y y0 �d003d y 9�'ov l r 1tlYN0 1.11 ..W10M A1000tl— S08VONVIS jo nnNne IVNOIIVN 9'tI t•i IIII �Z•illlll ' S•illlll ��1 o�z����� �� T • 1 VIII S fppryry �' - Z•ZIII SLEQI se s z 0 •� VIII � ����� s z����� Y r • ' t • � k N;;AS� Y�6 0 cid 4"A " o O oa � o �/gk