D001355• _ - City Clerk No. �� I 'L� � _ - Finance Dept. Date _ - Dept. Accoun[ing (Civic Cen[er) _ _ - Engineer (HGA) _ - Contractor - Project Manager (CPMn CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP1.21 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-I Demolition Excavation & Bridge C`onstruction lmown as Contract L Project No.014440 Edwazd Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: 1. Provide guardrail at Kellogg Boulevacd neac skyway pier pec Request for Proposal (RFP) - 301ineal feet. Reason: Safery - to protect cars from edge of pier. 2. Relocate temporary feed for five (5) light poles at Kellogg Boulevard per Field Order Fl.l. Reason: Lines were temporarily rerou[ed for work by CP-I. Final cAnnection not included in origina( contract. $2,796.5� 1,SOA.SA Total $4,301.04 • ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 4301.04 . szid amount to be added to the lump sum considecation named in the contract, known as contract L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. AS TO • Assistant Expansio Co r' tin C mmittee Director of Civic nter G��__�r✓ Architect and which amount is to be fmanced from: �6 "� 19 �� 9_ 4 � �9g7 /-��"=19� Edward Kraemer & Sons Contractor � � , , u f _ ' �I i � � ;1 l� � - ' �� ,- � , .� Administrative Assistant to_rhe Mayor _ � N° 51526 �-. NCIL . DATE I RIA O ����� . �� �r�� E�5 �. �4,i1 � y����' 7 GREEN SHEE Mm�,� CON7AGT PERSON b PHONE f �[/, � DEPAq1MENT D�RECiOR � dTY COUNdL �`� v S ��� ` v � NUMBERFOR CfTYATfORNEY OCINCLERK BEON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE� p��� O BIIDGET DIRECTOR �}'� 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. OADEF � MAYOR (OF ASSISTANT) !� `P ��, y_1 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL 40CATIONS FOR SIGNATUREi ( �..t M1 r..fs. qCTION RE�UESTED: (��� d�"� ��� I�,� ,�-���- � � AECOMMENDAiIONS: Appfa�e (A) or Rejeet {R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION CNII SERVICE �CA �� Has this person(fi�m e�er wmketl untler a coMreM tor this tleparlmeM? _ pB COMMI7TEE � L-Y�"�" d �/�- � �'ES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? _ STArF — VES NO _ DISTRICTCOURT _ 3. DOeS thiS Person7Brtn pos5ess a Skill not normall y possessetl by a�y current ciry employee4 SUPGORTS WHICH GOUNGiI O&fECT1VE? YES NO � Ezplain ali yes enawera on aeparate aheet antl attac� to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNffY (Who. Whef, NRren. Whare. Why). �e2 1��ti�� �'�D��;� �?FC����� � Q �������t OCT 21997 n��r g������e���� NTAGES IF APPROVED: , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. RECElVEI� �CT 17 1991 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � 7�� �� y COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (dRCLE ONE) YES NO �� FUNDIfiG SOURCE C �� I �� C�rt.r(L� I�^"' ACTIVITY MUMBER P� �✓ ��� U� a � ��`�" � y �� D � 0 FINANCIA� INFOFMAiION (EXPLAIN) � • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota G CONTR.4CTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West C1iff Road 6umsvil(e, MN 55337 Original Gontract Amount: $5,317,785.70 CO No. Deduct Add C1.1 C12 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 G1.8 C1.9 C1.10 C1.11 G1.12 C1.13 C1,14 C1.15 C1.16 C1.17 �5a'i ih�,STucn a� C1.18 C1.19 C120 C1.21 Subtotal 14,844.30 7,104.85 28,810.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.40 58,261.1 � 16,540.68 40,158.38 17,650.22 44,180.73 52,48521 20, 721.85 27,851.57 41,593.01 1,432,991.00 9,284.10 8,259.18 24,774.75 4,3� 1.04 2.018.471.55 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRAGT DATE: 26 August 1997 ' CP-1 Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $7,336,257.25 , NO'V IS '96 14:53 REC,FIVED NOU 15 1996 FROM EKS-BURNSVSLLE I { �P�r�.b �IJ PRGE.805i008 _ � (�D;355 32��4�1� 0 P eharn3s in the sco of che .wck IS reWes2ed a� hldcataC Getaw: i. Et is reGUested e coatptation data b� ( l exte�ded. (} decraased. t} unchanged eaiendar dars. The adittsted cart�tat�on daiq vn'� bs 2 Des�iFAOn of chaage: tRefer m dr�win9a, spedfitxrtSocss, eddentla, ff Refetance No - : Fo NO: --- — ilrle'.,,_. 3. 8as+s at paym�r� (Check orra) � t}�um Price Aufotmin9 tfvs char�ge ic Adeausm suR �n9 detafis and (t�tam�atfon ([r�cr must tae aLta eQ to aliow Owr�er ta evaRtala- ~ () TGrfd and Per contracC but not m axceed $.., j) Attuei cost aL cCC'npletlan Cf wotk ��- SubmitCed • q- qctfon Re�endetl: tCheck ane} t T Chattge not be made. ExPiain: IISE CPN[I 1��� �: 322b `^6�Proeeeci on tha fopuwing basis: �� � �d abovs, chen9s t�std basis af Par�� ts acceQrab(e. ge is a�epta6Ss. 6asis at PnYmaM is nor acGeQrahte. s�is of PaymenL shqN ba +�_.r�_1,�1(a, � �4� d (} Th fofScwir�y madificsdon is t�rtsaade¢: f�7�f� S 4 a t l asasl90 in comptedot► date is accepted- (} Chang¢ Es accaf�bi! t�t!#e nc Chm�g� irs PR�e• ��}' { 1 c�tsnge s's secaS�l4�wF�t no changa irt aomPletian 8a4e. � a l � t ) Othss 2. Reason tor { J Oesign ty s�nce� 3_ is �his a patt c a. ss Co�cm�': 5. A!E oosisuttzd Praparad bY'- � ARpro`reQ bY `�I/1. �� aPFL°'� bY � 1 IipPtVVed by' c�t u+a. da sas¢ �a � ac: Ch�ts Ha� •a-- pe ( ) Ciiam Reuueat �te1d candhion y �o�racu�r { 1 p�iq 4misston or Othsr texp[a�) ttta arf9¢�ai cortract soRAe3 {} YES �AiQ EstEmase attached? YE3 t 1 PiQ Y�S S ) NQ � M'stx Ped�san Dtdc 2rhfi^9' S12 298 5A1 � �°,etNG '97 'Gt� cs�l�'�"- 6� 7r�`� �-�� .e . � PAGE.002 •� NUV LS '96 14:51 _J • . November I5, 1446 Mr. Ken tlnderson CPMI, Inc. 2850 Metro Drive. Bioomington, NIN FROM EKS-BURNSVILLE :329 Re: Saint Pau] Civic C ter COhh'ACl I`IO. CP- Guardrail Propo Cl 37 �i35� Deac Ken: This is to provide the ost pmposal for the guardrail instailation along westbound Kellog$ Blvd. neaz th pedestrian pier installation Qn the above referenced pro;}ect• We have a quote for o options. The first option is for 30 lineal feet of guardrail with an anchor assem ly for a lwnp sum of $2,330 plus prime con� ��1?' ---r— � iump sum of $3,750 us prime contractar markup. � A sketch of the prop� ed laYout is attached along with the quote f�r your review. If you have any quest�ons, please give me a call at 89t1-2820. Sincerely> �� Aaron Rosenbery Project Managcr cc: 7erry Volz file 249504.46 encl's. an�n �n�CCT ("'11FF f CONSYitLKT141"H DtY1SlON �t �RNSV�iLE. MINNESQTA 55337 b 12-840-2820 � � . J PAGE.002i008 �'. / � = , , NCV IS '96 14:52 1`�;/•}'13"l�i Ss=.� � � �to�t s�► F�c Transrs�ttaf Melltv No. af To: Edward Kraimsr at�S lt�ts: Ridc Pofioeit We �te ple8se3 to quota tlis f 4tetns arv tumfshe6 aYtd instai CiATE: tlovcmbat 13, �896 S.P. St Pau(Civk C�er CTY_ Ett. Paui, fAkYSSaaka ttem Na. a�� .:..c�"�.` � �a t taf the foACMN�Q P� tmcindedad. Tt�tat t� Qw�+ unt Prio. ____._ �� �""`� Ws wvutd be t�appy to arta�r q�dans Yoa may h�rs a�t +x� wautd aPP�� Y�t canstdeMian curfirm fotthe abovs li;�d Il�sss• PAGE.003i008 r.va• a+c 7i� .y�e 1 J P.0. J4asy06 {r'� r, NOU 13 '36 17:2 FROM EKS—BURNSVILLE l�(��355 r,�l7�fa[, �ECIGLSY � 1 bi� erz t C1��'�`'�'8� �t�C• ' dotiSqt a,�,y c�m�r .s�c c�a�r ����� I 6i2 899 434.� .Pp�E•eg � ' NOU IS '96 14:52 FROM EKS-BURNSUILLE ����PaGE.H04i0fl8 N]t-13-1996 16�32 t�..08fiL. :4'ECIALTY 1 612 890 434: P•0?l03 � a�i�GAETE 1l�37i8 LI.S. HwY 't4 bA Aack, {�!t 54750 = Ti5�+4Y-2311 • 1•$GE}-3?5�8�8 � FAX 7` �847-5f81 i , � � ' : i __-'-.- �. .,. ._.•_•. � � .._._•----� -..:.. •-•. - - -� -!. . ...�._._. . . _: . �....,;. _._ . ' _ . _. _..._ _ . _ , _ • ; . � � � .. . .....�. _ . � . , . . - - - - . .. .. .. .. u � ' }. . _. . . ._. . _ . .. ....... : .. . ' , � .. _... _ _ _l. '�^ � � . . . _ .. . ... .. �' � � � �T, .... ...r .. ... . I ' ...... . . . . . .. . __. , � ' .._ . . " � � � . . ..... ' . _ . ._ . . 1 ,.� „ _ � _. �. .... . � i . � - .., • _._ ...�... . '` ._.. . ' I . . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. a .. � . .. . 1 _ _ ... . „..!.. . , ._ .. _.I._ - .. �. . . , - . . ' . , . � : _ . . . . .. . '. �. . . . .. . . . .. � . . . . .. . . . .. ' � rk . ' . ' _ .... . . .. . ' 1 \ ' 1 i + ......_.. . .. . . �• l�l � ... . . _ . . . � . . . . .. ' ' . . . . .._ ... ..., . ,.. .,, � ' �,. �" � q � , ; 1� Q„ � . .. _ . .. . .. . . .. , _ . , � . o t F� . . . �_.� � .�. . .. _ _,� ... _ .. . . . .. , � � :��... _ t79..,. _ . . . �� . . i - ' , .. 'd � ,�: - . � ,, "' . : __ � . ... :�°� �'� � �, �. �...: ... _ . , � . �� . .. . . ...�.- ; .. . . , _ ; __ ,: ._�.-:.._ � ._.... ;. _ _ . .. . . . � : . .. .- -- . . ._.. . � � , � � ._ .. � ' .. . . . ; .. . . .., , °,.. ; : � .. ..... .. .. . . . ... .. . .. . . .... . , � . . .. . . , , . . y.... -- � • • � ' .- , _ . , .. � . . .. ; �. . . _ - . �. . .. . .. � 1 � � _ ._..._ _ .. . a . . , . � r � . . . .. . ..- -: �-- � : . :� �_ � . : , , < .. ; . � _.�.__ , .. -..._._ _ i ..;.. - ._. ...... .�. .. _ ... . .... .......... , .. _ . l � , . ' 717TiY.. P.02 ,� iJDU i3 '96 17=2a 1 6t2 898 4341 PAEi£.602 RECEfVED � i AUG 13 1997 C'03VGT."RA-C-TQR'S PKOF�SAL ?roject:_,$$!pi°.pS+ u' r °^tPr Cantracc Nc.: A change in the scopC af L�te work is requesied as indicated �e�ow: � 1355 i�� Z IL is requesLCd ihe compEeLion date be t i e�ended. O decreased, t l uachanged bY _ calendar days. The ad#us26d aompleaon date wiit be 2. Daseription of ttis Cha�ge: (Refet xa drawings, specifications, addenda, if appSicablaS. fReferents RFP No.: _—� CCD No.: ���o.:_/� � 3. 8asis af paYment: tChecic one) ,�� �. �y { f Fm� prica to� parforming this chsnga is ....................................5 Ade�uate supporang details and intocrosiien (lncreased Deducxf mas�t be a'ttached to altaw 4wnet to evaluate. � ( 7 Ttme and materia� per eontracF, tsui not to exceed $ 4 1 Aacusi cos= at comple2ion af wo�k g 1. 2. A�iton Re�ommanded: {Check onel �} Changa, witl not De mada. Exptain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 '� Arocesd on the follawing bas�s: �A indiCated dbava, change and basis of paymene is acceptabla. ( S Changa is eecepcabte, basis af payment is n4t acceptahle. (} 8asis af payment s++ail be S � ) 'i'he faiiCwing modificarion is racommended: t) Change +� comptexion data ts acaepted. (! Change �s accepcaCie with �o change in price. ( 1 Changs is acaeptatsta wiih reo ahange in completion daie. ftesesor� fos Change: ( � Aesign Change i) Cliant Requast �etd Condition (} Sug:�esteC by Conusctor O Oesign Qmissiort a� ache� (explaina 3, IS this .a part ot the originaaf conrrsct scops? f) Y�S 4. 3s Contraci0r's $siitnate 8ttached? YES 5. P.t@ aai�sulted. YES Ptepared hy _ �r — CPMq Apptoved by, � ��� , A4Praved by�,_� Apgroked by: ,�.,.������. c�; Criris Hansen �rika Lu�ins _ ` �Ka {)NO (lNd 3225- 3225- BL 5AiNT PAUL CtYIC CENTER qCPAR151ONt aate: S 97 Qate Oate: SubmittBd by: ,�`�u}►�e.t' Kt*'.w'�t+""cb+4 ��i"'� Date: '$ � a Contractqr - � �d c 355 �� • BREAKDOWN SHEEC CDNTRAC7DR`5 PRDAaSAL SAil+IT PAtJL CtV{C CENTER EXPAIVStOI�F LA$DR, MA7'ERSAL & E4UlPMENT f]lREi;T BMPLOYEE IABOR MATFeFt4AL5 & EQUfPfutENT INCORPORATE4 FOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMEN7 t5% FEE TOTAL LA&OR, MATERIAL, EQlJ1P., & FEE suecarrrw�croRS ��an- t'�k"r 59b F�E • � 1'OTAL SUBG4NTRACTflRS & FEE orN.eA r.os�s - 'I'FtAV�L & SUBSIS7ENGE nAA7�'.RIALS & EQUSPMENT NOT (NCOf�FORATE� ftE{Y1'.ALS T'AXES . P'EAMITS &.LICENSE FEES � UTiU1'{QS, �U�L, FACILIT'IES AT SITE ltVCIOENTAt. EXPENS�S B�ONp & 1NSlSRaNCE PROVISIQNS TbTAL JTFIBR COSTS TOTAL dF CHANGE PRpPOSAL S 9 5 �- $ f s �a.3° F� s /,��j�'• 3 v C �(" /S`�o �/�S Q•f{ •'�/� �a � �! J s S S S S 5 S 5 s /� .� S-L--s�—�-�y SAJNT PALL CIVIQ CQtTER EXPANSION GVV ��; 'F � � �Mi � ,l i � t :;, .,�.. �.:,_ .::�_. ., �...:,. August 8,1997 Fdward K.r�c:mer and Sons, Lnc. 1024 W. Clii�R9ad Burns�i[te, D4N 55337 AUn: Jary Volz RP,: St Fau1. Civic Center Feeder Locarion Field C►rder FY.1 _ �__�� �—� Aear lerry qs per CPMI memorandum dated JulY 15, I997, the above mentioned work �'ield Qrder has been delezed. As E�an-McKa� has incutred coSts associated with the canceled work we hereby subm:it this claim.to recover those cosrs. • F.xpensws iur,urced by Egan�McKay include t�mlwrarY power feed loverhead) between lighting, pole:s set up to PeYFQrm �he relacation and administrative expenses. Costs to � recover thea, expenses are $1,246AU. Elease submit this claim to CpMI for processiug. If you have any questions or additional inform�tion is needed, feel free to call me at (ts12) 591-5535. Sincerely, Egan-bicKay Electricat Contractozs> Tnc.. -_ - -: - _�� ! 4. � � Daniel6. B�� ' E Project Maaager ��� � . 7100 Me�ficine Iake Road MinneapWis,?�f'wnesota Sai27 Tel (612) Sad-s131 Far 1b12) 591-5560 C.<�ni.nu<ia4 �ndu�trial & (1u[dmr �lx[rica CuntracUnL' xnd krvic� An Equel Opp�nunif� EntpWycdCunlfactu� � � � LJ ' �D 135� araecx:�3��t aA�� cVir�.. ent r R � GG� — y-iJ� POS"At. Contract �e c.�c.rPt�-fu. A change in tfie scope af the wo�k is requested as indicated bslow: 1. St is requesied the compietion date kse ( I extended, t) decrsased, y'urtchanged by _ calendat days. Ttie adjusted completion datq wiif 6e 2. Des.Yippon of the chaage: (Refer to dtawfegs, specificatians, addenda, if app(ioable}, tAaference RFP Nc.: • CCD l�a.: - PO Na.: 1 3. Be s af peymans: (Check one} 9S FiMt price foc pertorming this chat�e is ....................................5 �G �02'� Adequate suppnrting det8iis and infarreiation {tncreased Deduci muse ba a;tached to aflow Owner co �aluate. () 71me and material per contract, but not to exceed �} Actuat Cast at compietion af work S Submitted by\�L� �} -��J Date: �2� _ /� 9. z. Actiun Reaommended: tCh () Change wiA not be made. CPMI Jo6 No.: 3225 V� Proceed an Lhe foilowing basis: � `�As iqdtcated above, change fl paymani 15 aoceptabla. � I�hange is acceptahie, basis ent is not acceptahls. �/� ,_y )�„ � { l 9asis of R�Ymettt ail ba �c_ lo M'�- { y Tp�e faliowing modiflc on ia recamm ded: ���v � () Change in c pistton datt is a ted. (} Changa i ccepsable wfth no chan in prtce. /,,,� /G� ( I Chan �s saceptabie wiifi na change complatlon date. �•�� � l� $teasuci fo� Change; d 1 De:slgn Change {} Cfient Requsst �Fisid Conditi i) 5uggasteC by ontr8ctor O Design OmiSStCn or Ozher {exp 'a} 3. Is th"t:t g 4. ts Co.�tr 6. AtE co� Prepared the originsal contraci s�ope? t) YES �+1',(QO Estimate attaahed? YES ( ) !30 YES t > Np ►/ �� , ��� I � /� ApP*OVed kY._[...�.1�1 G �ii!1r2' HGA) Appraved hy_ � `J � Owner) CC: Eriks Ludins 8dke Baker Mike PCdessan 3225- 3225- 6L SAlNT PAUL CtVH: GEtdTER EXPANStON Oste: -���-� Dai�:����� date:_���1�J� � --�