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0 m jot>% ti a V 0 m jot>% ti a :START Serial No. of Roll Department 471 office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERRANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be 'destroyed 9 If limited) Date Microfilm OC. Y-& 6,C /- o2 CONTENTSC �4 Ar i' a Number or name of first document of regular contents By Operator Operator By Supervisor �- E CITY OF ST. PAUL ii°sLeNn� NO....67.5.69.. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNC L RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM ` .PRESENTED BY `k,.. COMM15510NE ........:.............'..:.,..........:..................... ............... ....... ..-TE............................. ......... _ x WBEREAS, it appears that the•C.ommi�tee,on Lands has rec— ommended the sale of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,";6, 15, 1.6, 17, 18, 19, 20, and the easterly z of lots 7 and 14,.a11 in Block 7 of Highland Park Addition to St: Paul, to Henry C. Soucheray, for the sum of one thousand dollars; and it further appearing that the Council has authorized the sale of said -land to said Soucheray;•and author— ized the execution of a warranty deed upon the payment of the pur— chase price; and WHEREAS, it appears that certain assessment liens appear upon the books of the Commissioner of Finance, against said property, and have been certified to the County Auditor for collection, which exceed the sum of $1500.00, for the construction of a sewer on Web— ster street; for the paving of.Pleasant Avenue; and for a sewer on Michigan street; and the bid of Henry 8oucheray having been made upon the basis that the property above described should be free of all en— cumbrances thereon, and the city having accepted the bid on said basis; therefore be it RESOLVED,that the assessments for the improvements above mentioned, against thE.property above described be. and the same are her-eby;.cancelled, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to take tfe necessary steps to remove said liens from the records of the Commissioner of Finance and the County Auditor. Mt iAi wt, .Q1Q1� 1y 7 . COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ...............Int favor McGlogan %� `5ad�il= .....`'..Against Wenzel v Mr. President Hodgson p�G 2 a 19rL� Adopted by the Council.....................................x.192...... A oved.......AUE.N..�..195......... 192..:..• 9. bg'( IN t.OV{iGIL f s= �3 r �. x * OFFICE OF `SHE gClTYI CLERIC tst } - COIiNCIL RESOLUTION GEt�ERRL¢RM. x����°cs 'D�yESENT�g�Cf!`�MABY INt Rt f _ 3 .K.�.f_ hat psrmisaion be avd it is hereby grani°ei th4e_ �rit,*tate i63:0pho>Ri@ ds Telegraph aampaav tti eef poles. anti strtag oable ■ritbha.aeaessarg aug►Ara1. theFaon''`i>z t?�e'fp33oiein}g`atreetss s _ 6, k S azide 0Z Yao>aronerali tg Barry...Streex.. ' .,^%z 9 -- -fie .:, � � �'"`• 5 \� ��a �'�-� �" >'olaa and wia flt to 'bs renoveQ rhea regnseted tv as ao by �3 a �,amva gil r'ASrifi ooMt to be psld= by tseleyoa, " p r- »�...,�.., ���,��,� tea.•„ _ _.,.,....�. T..,. _' � T �; 1 AUG25 M u T 192 Z.x Yeas r7ags�aopted bq the Couaum a gsn� In favorr S vx ; ' 'k%rEn 3 as�c" ✓ s, a+Avow „r' '4- J7, ' .Cg$a Agaznetr r Cw � �r CWNCILNO ..... CITY OF ST: PAUL. vlLc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM August 20, 1926, • A.............. ........................... . ......................... ............ M ION ................. I .GpM 4 RE96 F. That the -QQF,�mlesionpr of.pnblio Works be and -he is hereby authorized and instructed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets in the vicinity of the Fair Brounds from August 29th, 1926, to September 11, 19269 the cost Of same not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00j, payable from the miscellaneous and Unforseen Fxpense Account of the General Fund; Arona.Avenue from Wynne Street to. Midway Parkway Almond Street from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue Hemline Avenue from Wy=e Street to Hoyt Avenue North Service:Drive of Midway pdrkway from Hamiline Avenue to Snelling Avenue. COUNCIJ.�ME Yeas N ays Clancy Ferguson• McDonald l (.4. n favor McGlogan Wenzel Mr, president Hodgson AUG 2 5 190 Adopted by the Council ........................................192...... AUG2510 ppred ... .......................................192...... ........ ..... ............ .................................... MI CITY OF ST. PAUL. Fc c.um c 1 L N 0 ..... 6:75.72. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY ............... ........... RESow That, the bon& given'to the City of Saint p&ul by the Standard 40cident Inswanoe 00111,3111UY,alll surety, and Frank Shada, as principal, dated Auguet 13, 1923, in the Sam of $19,000.00, for curb gasoline filling station on the Southeast corner of Grand and Grotto Street, be bad the owe is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released,as the curb station has been removea,provideil., however, that nothing heroin dhall be construed as releasing said .-,principal and surety- from any liability which may have .00**A prior to the oanoe33.ation of said. bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ..... )��n favor McGlopn su"almrp- �..Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson AUG 2 5 190 Adopted by the Council ................................:...........192-..........:. / v UG2i)j p A O.� io ...... ... .. 192 ...... . .............. V 1"3 _a CITY OF ST PAUL coa1 NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IT w COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM- ..PRFSEN7?Eb SBY •• DATE..$B.'1'j RESOLVED be and the same is hereby khat Counoil File Ns.42 46 a fi: amended b$r striking therefrom the following words and figures, to -wit: vaarpibnters 90oents per hour" And by inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Carpenters 1.00 per hour." ti uJ 0 a �s 1 'f COUNCILMEN �ry� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council... A�:�.�.��..=......... 192.. i Clancy pt� Ferguson roAUG . 5 A ......... LTA.!±..............192. McDonald ..In favor McGlogan ..Y......Algamst Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson rficR7A 5ta $=61y AS June 14th; 1936: ,, S I Rr.J.g.MoDonald, Chairman Wage scale Committee, City OOuncil, st.Paul. Dear Sir= h We understand that a quest gas been filed re with your oommittes by, the oarpenters union of this P City for an increase in the wage scale of men in that line employed by the City,t0 $1.00 per hour".r, C� There is nothing to justify the proposed t increase of over ll$ in this wage scale. The rate of ... r wages.in this line of trade generally paid throughout the City uptto June lot, was S7** per hour. 'Beginning Jute let, the wage scale in this 1°ine> aS trade has j been increased b rates ranging from 87*¢ to 95¢ per hour. Before aoting upon the request of the r'x Carpenters`ihtiion, I have been regnepted to ask your ooamttee-to give a ooamittee trom thieaesooiation an �( s opportnuity to be heard. Our committej, consists of J Ca`- r :ltassrs�,Edward B3orklund, F.H.Romer:eu�-H.F.BUildea ��,ti ;S yon will address a letter to me, c�'o the Bnideze Bxohange • I will See that. the "OMJttee is notified of the L gime for Your meeting. Very sincerely, -:. �President. x *r 0 2Pat�Onixe the "Opti Shop ✓ ,� a,rtvL`- ke;kmvw.• anzrr aa.#�ANS Sv �k�.:.:- .. a,=..a,an. �i3ab'?`"`,`ra',x .,s:�e 4..,, .e MAIN 4516 - - i rr . �MUKCH.,BROS. CON'MU=014 Gen&g1 Co.wracto s • SIUTE 1856 ccR�� ' IL ;.EXCHANGE j31 -DO.- -' AD DRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS ST. LOUIS, MO.' / e TO THE COMPANY Field Office, Fort Snelling, Minn., r August 24, 1926. Mr. E. J. Lindstrom, Dear Sir: As per your request, I state the wage scale per hour for carpenters is one dollar, which is paid on the Fort Snelling job. XURCH BROS. CONST CO. Supt. of Construction CITY COUNCIL- J. OUNCILJ. TV RNER —ES-'— - \\\ JOHN RYAN -VICE-PR"109N _ a \_� EDGAR L. NOYES CITY'CL6RR August 84, 1986. , Mr. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In answer to your. verbal request, with reference to wages paid carpenters employed by the City of Itdinneapo— lis, I wish to state that on June 11, 1926, the City Council of this city adopted a resolution setting wage to be paid carpenters at $1.00 an hour. Very truly yours, • t Asst. City Clerk n - CITY OFFICERS TELEPHONE . WARD ALDERMAN ADDRESS OFFICE RESIDENCE -- 1928.1927 Dornan Hadley '� I Job. Eyan } 817 4th St. N. E. • - 20 Bud St. N. E. Dinsmore 0092 Dinsmore 8626 MAYOR— - i-01114 $• ChYe 416 N. W. Hapk S dg, Geneva 4374 Geo, E. Leach Maln 2880 2 16000 i"F Ava B. Edward' W. Hawley 86 N• Y. Llfe'Bldg: Main 0071 Dlnemore 2880. CPTY COMPTROLLER-- r 97 Arthro Ave. B. E. Dlnemore 0081 Den C. Brown patens 2349 .y � A. Maveer J 607 Waehn. Ave. N. Geneva 6848- OGeneva, 6948 CITY THEASURER— Edward J. 8weevey 1601 Morgan Ave. N. C. A. Bl --q d t - Mal. 1174 - Cherry. 8064 A. Currie CITY ATTORNEY— Y- A. 807 Hulet Block Atlantic 0750 1770 Fremont Ave. B. ' NaH M. Cronhl Geneva 6875 4 . Arthur H. F... - mer 46 Chabof Commerce Granville 7810 Kenwood NST CITY ENGINEER— 67 Oliver Ave., Bq M.— Renwood 4719 ' N. W. Elsbem Geneva 1691 Hosmer'A. Brow. 744 Security Bank Bldg. Atlantic 2938 CITY CLERH—- C - 5 1400 Park Ave. Main 61 53 Edwr L. Noyes Maly 6976 . Frank H. Brow. 405 Ilth' S0. S. G ... v. 2671 CHIEF ENGINEER'FIRE DEPT.— Leamington Hotel. Main 874E ° C. W. Hiner . Mein 0278[ Albert G. Beetle 28f9 8. 8th BL. Geneva 6181 SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE --6 J.Petersen .916 81st Ave. S. Gene v.. 4687 Frank W. B—.klil Atlantic 0200 Eugene Navceom' 7 3118 18th Ave. S. Drawl 8920 INSPECTOR OF GAS— O. J. Tumor A. D. Meed. Main 0263 City Clerk's Office Mal. 6976 3808 16th Ave, S. Drexel 2201 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS-- Go.. Sheffield 815 N. 2nd St. Geneva 4734 J. G. Houghton Gene v. 3626p S 2810 Park Ave. South 6826 CITY ASSESSOR— W. H. Re.deu 400 Builders Exchange Mel. 3671 Jahn Walgalst - Main 0944 3123 James Ave. S. Cella.' 0916 •" PUBCHABIN0 AGENT— A. B Ginelm ' 2822 Ulysses St. N. E. Dlnemore 7079 Fred S. Gram Geneva 8622 Ol.f'A. Pearson BRG88THAR WATER WORKS— 400 N. W. Back Bldg. Atlantic 0133 1201 27th Ave. N. E. Dlnemore 0279 W. B. Young Geneva 9082 10 I. Scott I 2019 Penn Ave, N. Hyland 6686 SUPESVISGH WATER WORKS.— IRa�k R. Glebutduda J. A. Jeruea Geneva 5438 I I 3769 Bryant Ave. N. and6916 Dupont ]070 CITY WEIGHEE— g dney Senses 664 McHn[Chi rltd g Main 8485 Wm. Pett Morgan Geneva 2188 2806 MUwavkeAve. Dupont 1846 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— C. H.d.dll H. Forrest Wheeler, Secretary I2 4600 88rd Ave. 8. Dupont 8977 Atlantic 6609 John P. Ekberg CITY STREET RAILWAY AND BUS SUPERVISOR 8786 Mlvveluha Ave. Drexel 0982 Waller C. Robb Eugene Lend Atlantic 0148 ��II 809 2nd Ave. S. Atlantic 7080 tan 4230 Washburn Ave. S. CITY SMOKE INSPECTOR— L3 Melkror U. S. Kindling 802 Met Life Bldg. Geneva 2481 Walnut HBIB, F. E. Reldhead Geneva 8626 4524 Aldrich Ave. S. Colter 8227 LICENSE BUREAU Atlantic 2064 The term. of the Aide— vb— names appear first for each Ward expire 3u1y, 1927, the others, July, 1929. Committee Room, 219 City Ball, Main 0817. STANDING COMMITTEES Firet named old.—.. on committee 1. chdrmae, , BONDS ANDACCOUNTS OF CITY OFFICERS ROADS AND BRIDGES ` Pryts, Scott, Sh.M.1d, Hawley, H. A. Brown _ Currie, Mack IL Brown, Rendell, BJ.rl.ug, Maurer CLAIMS SEWERS " GleNevr Glebenham. Hanceem. Ekberg, IL A. Brown Ht mcom, Scott, KJorlaug, Rodsdll, Promen , COMMERCE. MARKETS AND HARBORS STIREET, GRADES ANsthl, 8 ADDITIONS Pryts Chase, Pete -Z., Frank IL Brow., a rams,,, Cvrrle STREET TRAFFIC EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY Bettie, Bence., Pearson, Sheffield, Ekberg Peterson, Turner, Pra.k H. Drown, Ekberg. Pr". TARES FIRE DEPARTMENT Rjorlaug, Carrie, Chase, Maurer, Frank H. Brow. Sheffield, Maurer• Hawley, Giebmhaln, Beeson UNDERGROUND \/7REB FBBE PREVENTION Scott, Beetle, Hadley, Hawley.• Oleslen • Rud.dU. Olden, Scott, Robb, RevdeU WATER WORKS GOOD ED DS Hevdell, KJprl,", By=, Chase, Be.... Ekberg. Pearson, Giebeetud., Beeson, 14amcom WAYS AND MEANS HEALTH AND HOSPITALS P!c Robb. Hawley, Bmtl, Hadley Fronk H, Brown, Currie, Beetle, KJurlug, Glslen LICENSEMe—,B SPECIAL COMMITTEES Maurer, Robb. R.dri edll, Aadley, Cure ORDINANCE AND LEGISLATION FINANCE Robb, B. A. Brew., Sheffield, Petersen, Hadley Prom, Ryay. Hawley, Meurer S. A. Brows, Bas- PAVING tie, xan.eam, Rendell, =an, Scott. Bemon, Sweeter, Chase, Byars, Robb, From Rudedll, Robb POLICE LEGISLATION - - Bym, Bendall, Hkbeer, Sweeney, Hmseve,1{Jorlvg, Hulls)•, Hawley, Sweeney, Carrie, Bostic, POWEB AND CREMATORY Aanevom, Sheffield, Glmlec, Scott, Hewson. Rude.' dU, H. A. Brown H. A. Brows, Ryas, Sweeney, Olabanhaln. Pryts MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM POBLIC GROUNDS AND BQILDINGS UIeOe.tuln, Yetee'son. IL A. Brown, UIWen, Hudson Frnen, Hym. Chase, Sweeneyy, Frank H. Sworn. Peterson, lle.ecom, SheOleq, Pearson, Olebe.- PQearl LIGHTING halu, Pryts. Ekberg, Robb Pearson, Hauser, H B PUBIJC WELFARE ION AMUSaccon, PUBLIC RECREATION AND AMUSEMENTS TB ENT Turner GlebeMaly, R.A dil, Chose. KJori.ag Hamot, Brea, Rendell. Chase, Petercen STREET RAILWAYS AND BUSES _ BAH'BOADS M: R. Brown 8ysn. Cheer, Mwror, Currie, Peterson, Rendell,, Glebenbaln, Rd.ecom, Yesr- Hawley, Swee.ey, Fru". Pearson, P" eon, Bee—, Ekberg. Rubt ' ' REGULAR MEETINGS The regular meetings of the City -Council are held on the second and last Fri- - days of each month at 1:30 P. M. -unless otherwise ordered by the Council. 1 THE FOLLOWING IS THE WAGE SCALE ADOPTED BY THE MINNESOTA BUILDING EMPLOYERS ASSOCIATION, EFFECTIVE JUNE 1st, 1926. Bricklayers 1.25 .871 Carpenters Carpenters Finishers •95 --- Cement Workers .87j Cement Workers, Stair, Base & Specialty Work 1.00 Hoisting Engineers •87j Structural Iron Erectors 1.00 Stone Setters and Stone Masons 1.25 Concrete Block Layers and Foundation Masons .87j Team and Teamster 1.05 Plasterers 1.25 Plasterer Tenders •75 First Class Painters, Paperhangers •87 to .95 and Decorators Sheet Metal •95 Roofers •90 Lathers, Wood••and Metal Nailed .95 Electricians .95 Plumbers 1.12* Steam Fitters 1.12} Building Laborers .45 to .60 qq -< �s °� t tea,+, r� °� • ` .+ ; `' ` 'Few a "s`4 Wiz° s Council File 7No ek NttR "i? h � :ty4 �. k 4) yyr.•} +i� � �' Y i� 4 � e, ,bPRQPOSAL F04R IAiPROQEMENT' £ # -"" m PF�11- s pan ecr r and` v P ,. ` �'✓ PRELIMINANgy ORDER. q E The undersignei llerey#proposes t}�5nlgngf o the foIIowingypublic impiovemeat by the qty yof St c ItaUi,Vlat $ A. fii`'Y 4'nnf:.niAsa� s �� �,i?. Underwood to Fairview Atenve Dated this 24th _dsy of A11Kt18 • �°L"' xan?'! �` IVbe7.4- ��y `{�.�¢ •. �,��.,y.'�p� t(Y COU 1x1871. PRELIMINARY ORDEL *n'MI –ERE AS, A written propoeai for the making of i g improvement) viz —_0°natruat' s six Yo - Avg "- from Underwood to Fairview A7,enue }iaving been presented to the Council of the'City of St.qJ Paul_ 4 theFefofe, the it; # RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of ]?ablic.Vl}orks be and ishereby ordered,and directed To iavestigate the necessity for, or d08irabilitY of, the m eking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost- thereof. ostthereof. 8. To furnish a • plan, profile; or sketch of , said improvement.' A. To state whether, gr not said improvement is asked for` on the petition of three or more owners. s 5 • To report upon?'all`of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counc5 1 _ YEAS NAYS N Councilman CLANCY %iU 5 �• F#ERGifiSON Approved `feDONALp D cG14 AN g/ COU CITY OFSAINT PAUL p,ICATE TO CITY CLERK FILE ' {J(YCILMEN—ROLL,CALL OFFICE OF THZCOMPTROLLER ccummL1,Rx1bQw1 TION aiisoN------AU80A—�----19� OHALD IN FAVOR AUDITEDNCLXIMS ST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE RAW .O THE CITY TREASURY. JT�N Z TO THE AGGREGATE A p�{{���2(�(4.4�//��t�� OF S --. COVERING PRES.: HCOGS CHECKS NUMBERED_ +'T3[—TO INCLUSIVE. AS OPTED BY T NCI IT G •t_WiH-• PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE IC T TY COMPTROLLER. -- CITY COMPTROLLER I�! CHECK NUMBER I IN FAVOR OF 'TRANSFER TO AL DATE RETURNED BY BANK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS I 13R01!f_H.T_FORWAR_4 CHECKS 7,740 �f Nr S. Robot. Knott i BrOWITe I' 10 53 7 k1 0arri6Y 92 11 53 9 L Sts*dor)d stone Company Ailminietrat°r !oS 7�3 Swan son, 440 'the e 'of Chii sr do2»son a 4.36 77 Fiell,di,ng k �BAep'1� i j I �c. of P'in. ! i 11 5 7T q• .,�[o¢iogan, Com 43 2 77k M« A... Daa►is . D x_Ray Labosatd", I I 2,7 77 `' agisoatio. �$ri 77kg h l atria 1, t ilea. o 775ci a i Dr. > HarQ3d Jr .. Rotheohtla creopent,0il bampany I 15 7 2. 7 Sohn Firsts I c�tay'bax Elentso=ei°mpaay 8 7 I� atelia Kaesak. �I2 45 7757 Yaok In���![ctor Truok Corp. � � 4 S75 .. 775 Jos.- Naeaeff. i' � 00 36 77 9 ITaiional Lead Compamy 7760 4pattersga.street L1$htiag C any 3 2,. 10 7761 $oe-James Glass Ocrppaay i 9Q 77 2 14=166 sm ph 10 6 021 00 51 7jgg Northern states;Power Oompaa 7764 fin. B. Joyce'& --Company#. Ass!' e 110 QO W. T. Smith & Compeay 'i dtawnon C, F, No. 676th checkethe agB�¢gace g¢ solved. .urY to becks the City t 42.626.72, cov¢rin a ae Pet ` amount of 7764 Incluei� CItYF Hl din°the t6ic¢ of the , ! umbered 'check oiler. ncll Aug. 26' 19+6. C mp rAd d hY th? !0 1926. 1 Pt Approved Aug 86,yg_3926a 'I (An nVir.,fx h - = a -`C' P3A1/'iT�PAU�� '11'ss���'' " ry � 4 COUI�CCIL17'RESQLUTION� Augu at, 25 2 RESOLVED, -rriw�— CKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE,AGGREGATE AMOUNT 42., 626.7. y i NUMBERED 774 n TCt,-7_7.64 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS bN 'FILE IN THE OFFICE- OF 4C--1TY COMPTROLLER. ` t,251926 ADOPTED` BY THE > COUNCIL /fPP.ROVEb - -.- _ �' •./'+' 2 5cer►r.aaaa 0. 1 yn� jORM NO Mt /M FiR�0 +,, ` 73 � _ _ Amendment D 8e04 278 'c 6'75'7 CITY,OF` S OAUL c pcll NO '. FI �{ FRICE` OF 'THE 'CITY ,CLERK, e ��I CC NC 1L`'RESOLIJTION—GENERAL FOR NI W Of r, ''%PRESENTED BY, Adan■ 9�- a+ r, CpMMtSStONER:... .. ... ....... ..... . .. '�f .. R.... ....DATE...:.. a:a?!!KR u,: pc ,. The.=O vmno l of the City of St: Yanl, Amsegr County Minnesota. " has duly qanvassed the returns of the vote's ca"O at the ren le sr" held is the -City of- Qt.," Paul,, Eamsey County, istnnesot&, on the 1926," upon the ratification or rejection of the proposed amendment to ,--Sectio of the Charter, submitted to the electors of said City for rate- fiea on or, rejection, and . ' WIiS, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that d teen Thousand electors voted at.said election,`and $biweei; voted for the ratification of said _amendment and that voted against the ratificstion of said amendment, and that three-fifths of those lewfully•voting at said election declared in favor of said rendmenti therefore, De it \� RMOLM, That the said proposed amendment "to Section '/B of the Charter. of the City of St Yawl is here!l declared to have been ratified and .adopted .. by the electors of esi1T'1 ig �le'.rl �sd vy,bhe' ter.ot Pearl: M&*Tthe ielwk of .ti11ibtate:: of 1�Sta►esots, z a40 x : cE o • ' e . Ens , - tiu 8;t D._ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays a ounce ...... 6' 1546 ...192.::... Clancy n G �f} .Ferguson / Approved. AUA.26.19 6.....192...... Y - -McDonald ;1....... ........ In favor hiefiiesao O d� ...... ..... .. ..... ... ... Against L... Pr Mrr. President Hodgson `'-" �,��,"�-%«� � ,.„•.. ,....: �»aevaw..,s,aw.,a....,w.,,�.;�h.,....x..,..:�...,.« r�....., :'' _..: _ ..>, yxe.�„new,,..�a.-�n-��•�.M.»eol�sXe�avri�o.a%wawi»' Ho. 0 N 2 Amendment to Section 219 67577 ....C -.CIL ..ciTylST.. PAUL' rim No.. O E CITY CLERK FFICE OF tH 0 CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............... . ..................... DATE ..... :..Avgmat.261�.1926' nr WHMUS, The Council of the City of St. Paul*' Ramsey County, Minnesota; has duly canvassed the'retvrns. of the votes cast at the Special City Illection f. held In the City of St. Parol, Ramsey County, Vinneeota, on the 24th day of Augast, 1926, upon the ratification or rejection of the proposed anlendment to Section 219 of the' Charter, submitted to the electors of said City for rati- fication or rejection, and WMMM, It appears from estd.returne and the canvass thereof that Fouitebn:Thousand (14,000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - --- - - electors lawfully voted at said elections and Eight Thousand, Seven Hun - and Fifty-six T6jM6.) - - - - - - - - - --------------- :Voted --------------Voted for the ratifioatiol% of said amendment and that Four Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty -e 4,628) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Toted Inst. e ratification of said amendment, and that-thres-fifths Of tho:ely voting at said election declared In favor of said amendment, therefore, be it RESOLVO, That the said proposed amendment to Section 20 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul is hereby declared to have been rotified and adopted by the electors of said City,: as required by the Charter* Qf the City of St. Paul and by the laws of the State of Vimes0ts- I AUG 26jW theCouncil ........................................192...... AUG 2 6 1926 Aproved................... I ................... 192 ... 'I / ................... ............ ..... .. ;4 COUNCILMEN yeas Nay. Clancy Ferguson A. ......... favor Swlheimet a...Against W -,Mr. President flodgson I AUG 26jW theCouncil ........................................192...... AUG 2 6 1926 Aproved................... I ................... 192 ... 'I / ................... ............ ..... .. ;4 g 6.'7578 Bond Ordinau{oe No., 6690 ............. r CWNCIL CI'SY. Ot;' STc PAUL � cos. NO.;......... -A FFICE* OF- THE CITY CLERK' OUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM B..PRESENTED BY .........DATE......�'O�:P.................. .COMMISSIONER.: ..... ... ......... ...... :..................................... ... ==Mmm MMMS, The Council of the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, nnesota, -has duly canvassed the returns of the votes oast at the �u held in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on the day of ugast, 1986, upon the ratification or rejection of Ordinance So: .666 e titled: 14n Ordinanee authorising and providing for the issuance and sale of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollare ($1,5001000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of payment toward 41 the cost of trunk and main sewerej* enbmitted to the electors of said City for ratification or rejection, and wHfEnw, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - electors lawfully voted at said election, and , voted in favor of the Iratificatton of said Ordinanoe'A'd bat s voted a%aiast the ratification of. said Ordinance that the majority of those voting on said proposition declared in fayo of the ratification and adoption of said Ordinance No. 669h theref re, be it nSOLVED, That said Ordinance No. 6690 ie hereby declared to have been ratified and adopted by the electors of tth3day, cis, regCliCEdd4 the�'CI!?ls+tBr bf�tab, eC1ty-'otrSt':''P6u1 and by the laws of the State of Minnesota. e COUNCILMEN AUG 2 tl 1926 r he Council........................................192 Yeas Nays Adopted by t.....: $-1aancy M AUG 2 it 1928 192:..... ,/�erguson PPr ved.................................... ..-McDonald A�..In favor xfo .!!.. .......................... ;.r euro. ondkeh0r, ...............Against Mr. President Hodgson pft'at e -. Pei�it�os. .---6.Jry r/� Council File No:1-a I A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -------------------- Dated'th)s----•------$i1h.day of---- --------------- --....•.... ----------- ............ 192 ... 66 v ------- n. f b � • fn gth"�qq,-$LqE vi PRELIMINARY ORDERg ��t X r� two s�ya,It _ WHEREAS A -written -for the making of -the following imp':.. .it n and zbsad_an IL1117 bot 16 ft lq itox's'.ft vision 6! Ld�s6 Bi4ws1�, p,;lsion -------------------_....--Mast Ott ---P444_-aeaid allay- s.0 8 #het estenis4b�k existim alley in Bloel[ �A 8anar-- •- ditibn_iso.•Son#h---- --------- - .---... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................................... -_.__.....--- -------•-••---•------------ 6 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. s S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. rs to the Commissioner of Finance. V5. To report upon all of the �qu�SgX6 , Adoptedby the CounciL....................................................-......---- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 14 AOG2926 ` Approved FERGUSON PP MoDoNA -------- Mayor. MR. PILEsmENT . k Farm C A is (em •-=) Petition. Council File No----1Q580 -Si F PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ° and PRELIMINARY ORDER. s The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: O --* Southerly �iartSof Lot 9x Block 1� Auditor's Subdivision No. 59ti - ..... ----•--..and -n addition..thea stn --a --triangv ] e x---giec e...n�.-gxnund-.nosulent ing s} �tith.Ahe 1Oek-meu8uriP - :-x on each of the right sides.192 Dated this...._Pw'/O ..-day of -- �BgRld� - - ......•.... 6*• Y 8-- W&I1 � -- --------------- -- I ----------- PRELIMINARY ORDER n e t WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followin ------------ �pQn►. w den_ana-_exLena-_ u-_ ��oy y" ' R -'''.-='-`--_. ...-.-----•----._-__=•---...-•-------- -•-_-___Southerly. part of• Zot &• Blodk_1-,. _Auditor'_s•_Subd vi...... ..-_59- ------- --- _&Safi---�17_6d]S�it�Q37-.�ek1�7CfltQ_-a--tZ 41ahx1_Pi@0�---Q -.g 4l�ili3..ClaXlt7l89t -W th _thOL— anth..axrd...s uih.-4.Ug.�ixn.4s'RJd.sidQ.Gk.-x6aauring--- 8 -f -t -. on.. ._�aaoh..6P- esi having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --- -------•--•-------------••--------•----•--- ...................................... therefore, be it e- - .-......,...-. -' - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and, is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not Said ,improveient is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upod'all of the for'eg 'n dtters to the Commissioner of Finance. e- Adopted by the Council. --•----••------•--••---A.........•----•----- ------------ .................. YEAS NAYS A G 2 6, 1926 Councilman CLANCY FERGUSONa Approved-----•.........................•-----------•--------------------------- _ MCDONALD 0 ' �� Mn. PnESiDENT Mayor. F— C A 18 (8M 0-22) i . VUBL•ISF" �" tCWNCIL No .... 67-5-81 CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-1$P_WFAL FORM PRESENTED BY ...........DATE....................................................... COMMISSIONER .......... RESOLVED, That the proper city. officers are hereby authorized to Pa�Y to Peter Magnuson, an employs of the Department of Public Works, injured April 26th, 1926, the sum of Thirty-five and 20/100 ($35.20) Dollars out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of* the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul, being for the period up to and including August 25th, 1926. 1 COUNCJf;JAEN Yeas Nays Clancy L Ferguson McDonald In favor ....... 0 ..... Against dent Hodgson AUG 2 61926 Adopted by the Council ..... ................................ 192 ...... 1........................................192...... G 19,Z ...................192...... ...... ....... �.: ....... ........... A... ..... . 67582, C-MCIL OF ST- PAUL' No ........................ oFFJdE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GF FORM ........................................................ BY..................... GOMR - RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorizedto Pay to D3!. M. L. Larson the sum of Twenty-one and 50/100 ($21.50) Dollars, for professional services rendered to ChriB. Stienbrenner, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured July 15, 1926; said ,sum to be payable from the Workmen's Compensation Account Of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Ail r. 2 192 ...... Yeas - Nays Adopted by the Council ........................................ Clancy AIJ G 2 6 1926 Ferguson 0 p ved ........................ 192 ------ Qti McDonald **'**f ..... In favor C11- ............. W - ...............Against Mr. 'dent Hodgson 4. it iYh rim ;,;j r oR17siNA1. •ro CITY Off• ST PAUL :'„ ' GD'Tif1$RIC �� 1 'APPROPRIA`GION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTXON FORM �r w 9 x, ' {.- t C4 Frr,"I SECTION lyz .7� � d 0 DATE r R t COMMISSIONER. ' `" 7 : F2ESOLVEDi THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERSB MADE ON THE BO�CS•ORZTHE CMPTRO�ER sBY �SAIO is x:.. "WHEN, BY'SO .DOING AN 'U,.NAVOIDABLE DE�CIENCY IN, ONE 1 iEM MAY `BE ,.M�r =' TRANSFER' WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER 15 MADE. y` APPROPRIATION cmm ITHM 7-11111-1— FRO' TItANV� x" .1 A51- Library Seae - Receipts 2120.87 k s > 16-A7 Library Se ae New `Books 212087E, 16-87 Library Service - 3uppiiea 5000,00 4 g,�BB Library Service _ fLepa7ra &# y Renewals SOO..00x P AVG 2.6 9M H � �VG42�6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL, J YES 1%�'COUNCILMEN J� NAYS � k AUG 2 (]�p t APPROVED �GII.. t ..x s;%'AGNALD FAVOR .;.,� ''i."���Cp.. .,p -AGAINST _� r+f�� ,y � • �'��+•E2`. UAW"TERSIGNEC 'b✓ MR PRESIDENT o x�., fCI1N uu (RI salj �` _ 6`7584..: CITY, OF ST. PAUL.cwaca FILE NO........................ OFFICE OF ITHE 'CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sv26....1927.. ......... s mom"... ...... �....� .. .. RESOLVi I g: persona for That the appliaationsl r same are hereby -- conducting businesses at the addresse enses upon the payment te granted and the city clerk 1siaatr¢oted': i the, customary y into the city treasury of 321 Jackson St., Restaurant G. A4.; Risok, 65 W. 7th`$t., Hotel Elsie Thurmer, 91 S. Robert. St., Restaurant E. Fedeli, 445 St. Peter St., n CarAl Miohalsy, 859 Randolph St., Confectionery Frank Preoral, 110 State at., n Max Carnis, Mr-s. F. W. Baldwin, 408 W. Grocery Confectionery Stefan,Bergl, Dallee 8t., 690 N. D Soft drink John Papa,593 289 9i., 7th St., Rice St.,- Julius A. Yanka, 1079 Forest Grocectioneay Grocery r$atherine Sleohta, "= .8t., 1074 Hastings Av., Grocery H. C. Jepson, 1120 Beech St., n =s� John Each, Jos. Reasef, 464 S. Robert St., e „ Joa. L. I:seefl, 1112 Arcade St;., n C. G. Aderman, 260 CeT_itral As., 296 P3®asset Av., „ Chas MoDavitt, 740 Sslby` Av., Bakery H. E. Berry, e Jos. Fegler, 78 S by V.,St. 781 Selby Av., Grocery E. T. Burke, 621 Selby,Av., Fruit Store Anton Spiros, 1821 at. Clair St., Grocery Strobel Broa., H. Sohwarze, University St. Av., St., Soft drink Grocery J. B. Fry, 404 Rice 40 624 IIniversity Av., Bakery = Henry Tschida, 1771 Selby Grocery lira. Sarah Barron, 11 2040 Marshall Av., Bakery rr, N. Olk, Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from streets.__- . COUNCILMEN pp UG 2 - 192p Adopted by the Council.....................................192...... Yeas Nays Clancy 2 6192Cs AUG......................................192. Approved Ferguson..... McDonald ...............In fa-vor ...... McGlogan ft .:l.V................ .���/..;.:o�.... Acting Sudheimer...............Against Wenzel _�!•�� 1 A7� t Mr. President Hodgson PAUL F cit NO6 Qin OF F.VcC '- OF '3 SIE CITY CLERK. QOUNCIL 1ESOLLITIOIV-GENERAL FORM / << p A-vgast 24, 1926 ................. SATE .......................... .......................••• RE d"` khat 'the 7 eyr�r:, 3 --gyp- E1erk a22d C tg Comptroller ~- be aaa the same ara 3h4NiLL3w4WI3,WI. aantiioriee3 to execute a lease en beh.alr or the Ci ftw 0-C Saint Pant 'with the Secretary Of V11ar =or ;rental o:r resom . A'& in :the old A=way Bui3.dIng for use as F.ngi3ae0W" Hen. q'azgrt:er•s —as store room dMring the oon- straotioa or ther 3m+aib6r^t Street Bridge; this lease to be is OrCest from 'Ma -b to September let, 1926„ at the rate or rental Qptr *3-40�:4049 per month. ✓ AUG 2 61926 !. COUTiCtLMEN yes Nags o Adopted liy the Council .. 192.a ~ Clancy +� W-U�2a ...... :npt� a McDonald -_-• � Art favor r vt _ dent -Hodgson - � � � � • � "���� � � � w to the matter•of constructing a sewer on Hawthorne Street from White Bear Avenue to the Right. of Way of the t E�� nespolie and S.t.i, aul:;Suburban -Railway Oompsn3*, .under Preliminary..q der C. F.. 64562, approved April 21, 1926; and. Final Order C. F. #66396, approved Juno 8,.'-19260_ RESOLVED, That the plane, sped"Ifiostions and' estimated 'qusntitle'e as, 80tnitted by' the • Oommias'ioner" r of Public Works fot the above named improvements V aixd the same gra hard V.. approved. " a � u K. saga ge'e��ed s71 pa �' w cti0b 'with; Gonne tion. 's P 4'77+. - Ol7NCIL�i7EN Yeas z Nays • Adopted by the unci _"kwi- '�}' 192 ClanFjT f t XT M , �{ 7- 3 "•kx , f. '{ Fu a �f s f roved$- _„Dd ,Infavor a 6 E �.Againet F wvow ' Y Mr Pres�dentfIodgaon� a i .. ...d�.-..^ r a .. .ez, xr.., :.f' _.A•.. �.., ._. .. n'!. -.i .,f.. \-�.. .�. .. ..- '. a •. ..ir a.. h.. -.Y.£ i.r M.. .a. ..:_+$,.. .=V.'tvw•. ."i� r -� � .COUNCIL°RESOLIJ�'IdN :GENEL FORM:= � y „• fiES r� TED 85fd •ic��yx' :=L.��;�/'�--1� '°—.,.�:.��` � ..P.''�. ...:..�, ms�,�ll�llat ��j�ij -� � � w to the matter•of constructing a sewer on Hawthorne Street from White Bear Avenue to the Right. of Way of the t E�� nespolie and S.t.i, aul:;Suburban -Railway Oompsn3*, .under Preliminary..q der C. F.. 64562, approved April 21, 1926; and. Final Order C. F. #66396, approved Juno 8,.'-19260_ RESOLVED, That the plane, sped"Ifiostions and' estimated 'qusntitle'e as, 80tnitted by' the • Oommias'ioner" r of Public Works fot the above named improvements V aixd the same gra hard V.. approved. " a � u K. saga ge'e��ed s71 pa �' w cti0b 'with; Gonne tion. 's P 4'77+. - Ol7NCIL�i7EN Yeas z Nays • Adopted by the unci _"kwi- '�}' 192 ClanFjT f t XT M , �{ 7- 3 "•kx , f. '{ Fu a �f s f roved$- _„Dd ,Infavor a 6 E �.Againet F wvow ' Y Mr Pres�dentfIodgaon� a i .. ...d�.-..^ r a .. .ez, xr.., :.f' _.A•.. �.., ._. .. n'!. -.i .,f.. \-�.. .�. .. ..- '. a •. ..ir a.. h.. -.Y.£ i.r M.. .a. ..:_+$,.. .=V.'tvw•. ."i� 10, rR,�+s'f�,x t',§,''dr "-•� Jw 3 s m y ;� + } ,rte In the matter of oonetruotng a sewer§qn - s'idp of Arkwr.git Siireet 3Tbm LawsontiSt""rept th6` a point feet north of Lawson 3 reet;,nridar`preliminary' Order C E F663a5, approved Sttlxxie 2, 1'.9$fj..and Firisl Qder'iF't 6`FA�B� 'approved Slily 2I -61,;19$6a i T RESOLVED; '�hfsttthe plana, epeoifiaatioa;.. a>ad w estiraete¢ q antii�iea sa; nbmitted by., .the Qommisaionpr.' e ti ` of�kPub7'io Works fdr.med: tli aboY�aimpr6vement, ti`s and ;_� 6 xis n the ae a are hereby appro'ed•d r3 4 , ;.Received 97laps»; u is r connection avithkabOvll � � s`i . Mme" "PORcC91J'14C EN UG 4 ,A4y ." Nays Adopted:by'`the, until ----------- $ A.__ s _ 1102L. �McDonalc� e r '• In favor � inti a" f tax � .' -'°r `" A. AgalllAt, 1 y _:*vtt yF C r• { H n .''' a. i .y " c', G.i"Mb'� 2,PAUL j FNC1LI�lO �l�ro"cwt rig NQFt"IEC.r� AL ORM �E� ER d;PRE"3EP11TED F 4s >aa•- a .__ 6AT€.� lil7 fi'I' _9I'+ ._�::�#':.4.. Ws m r#f - ,„`�'s In to mstt a _8 e, jnQt seW9r oT1 L �plagse tweet-of,Zg" �csm s'fpo3.nt 6© deet north .os@ u r - �eS`stamine 5tr"eat "-ta -��s :�--�"��section with.- Lane des$amine ata to' the irl, er- aeaticn iRi Lsr[e.C$ oY, bsn mar, under Brelimfna.r9 i�/�y�sr�s�iil "E4i L 3 926 , and Final _ a ;x; � �` s3tsne 3i6 , 192fi • } L � 4 'Spec LT.Ac,&t cns and estimated �, gttitI'da ds aaam`txc the Gpmmi*ssidner off" Publics 9Vorgs above iasigd" met be and the same ar.e hereby _ -approved. . 6-1 zT FSM: wi 3� a sma `papers ' f Ali- "1 COUNCILMEN ---^^ - �V Adopted b the Council___ - - - y r Clancy _ � AmatA m w N4 M rq 'y .ver `s �lbl°PreidenlIodan 425 ESEaOt cj v y ;F � ,wa s y a y'S ' -$ �i i3Q<II� 1it'1tQt 861tfl°J'Q lint r Woa villa_ �v e» from ssa f k `to A4�y tea a goi� b� �o�yrs oi° t e:4E line o Bayard 9ve�,'� m 1_flanor d� fzom a ��` "' � eve oto WoQ`dvilt h Ave, the Limner A4S • ATO 8 gci amt' Asa' ft nort x d t216 rnPt`tli lin6 dY 1 x a asad®r Pxb finery Qr�er 6T F, $6421b�'' �9 '� �s]Fid 11.3,?1�.1 C�e1+"`k: i F• �69:489'� spPpni owed+ ' r � wREs30?p2snsg. speai3stibna and jestimdted cinaiit3ties ashmi ts"� apmmiasioii�s,oi', Pn61�P Wrl� g i mor ,tYta ..sbovamss3 3�sa+sme►llt, be and the same are hereby✓ ' c a. p 3�ec�ived. all papa tae s aTj x 07 e c c c oto WI -It aboa e $ • eei.�YGae ry y� � 9 e. • �, w .�` ,gra yr _ t < CdUN1NC1LEnt r Na Adopted by the ciL � �eTmatt ,; of gone ruoting s sewer ono r Sana h� %Wl 3� s 8ti�st from its $�e'arAv� a to .set A1%�s�ne u z �k � cler =xg �63384� appry Deoea�b@r 1"9E5 YY limIns ry aniQrao ap�irovpd::Angusb 19, ;'1�3E�a `, *� s = S©LSD; ThatFhe platin,, epeoi}yfast�on� Fend.., a. 2.„ " F'k'� 1 : 2r Sk '* .:.:n 4 �f •y_ t ,IG an mittad hgjthe fComrh#se ono t a'lsp�a,n ` the same.; ar hare s,Ppr oed• x as'"'?' RZ 4.,.k 1-4 lk ltSao V xkk CAU U 2 a 1R 5 N F c41iN AMEN "Adopt �d bythe Counul F T92 r.a � .. FILE No ----- a JPJ.ICAT,E T(O AITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL CIL EN_ L CALL 4 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER L� Y COUNCIL RBSgLUffON ' —.IH FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - - .19 oDd LD N I.—AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS 8E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURI" HOD.QBON TO THE AGGREGATE AND NT OF 1—, COVRRINQ CHECKS NUMBERED- TO.... R&USIyE, X18 y: _... D�PTE6 9Y THO COUNCIL -. PER CHECKS ON FIL N FIE OF ICE 0 `T GOM?TR04LER (/ A_CITY CON RCLLE% . 1^ ro Al. DATE CHECKRETURNED y NUMBER �� FAVOR �� TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT, BY BANK ` .a'i CHECKS CHECKS F4.RIYARQ— I i! ' w I77 voig-ma �roTb us li 50 1 '�� ggeazel., ©tl911rt of Parks,' �. 6 i of y oQlogau Ros$�,ot'rJA8 0. 7766 I A bur A. Steorart j 002N 40, el 1769 earl L. Fieeeler, SON to th 2755 00 mayor i I 9 s �77n i' A001140 ooae Q *P y 77 OaPHOV 8,atia 613 �vgre,Paq ,P►X 3 ky gadwa a� Red W1761 1141 ditpany isI Red Top Rr cramp y j I " 4o a RompY 7d et. 1. Rieatro a"Reay 474 1 7 6 Sea' 0y rood (towAy erQ produI�ospapy 161" g7 1,1 . :• viilau to & Lu fiber campaa 11gdeor On"RyB#1lr'bopl , dl Ribbon comp y. LOTAl,,e Hr Thornton ,*,Otheye 0many Y2 QO T 49 77I A11en»4ulle{fir41Ak�► 0112 9b. TA. Aahto► 1 J9hne n° PriAtiu.11 TriMftate Tek. 6 Telg. NOW " 81691" cbecxe. be• aT greBat Ie y O F ,Tbat e K e eeolvedreaeu 9 t° tverfng °hec er " thecityi92,�� 1191 JCC of the�CltY am bared 1165 the nnro Lroi eflle la COunetl 28,1g28T abhake AUB Come by the 1929 pdo4oaed Aug. 2a 1.1916) . A9Pr (Au i TION TREASURY; TO THE A00REC-AVE AMOUNT 7797 INCLUSIVE, AS PER ,CHECKS -11- 2 r ' IL I II$ NO ............................. Rr a" By Y! FINAL ORDER 73 bn the Matter of ... P.aviag..AP.hrig'ht...8.to—from... Gr 96...01- ..0.::Drawr.4,AY9...►... Arai.nerd:Ase....fx.dm..Arlarright...3t..:.to..Qgaron...3.t...aaQ..izfy..t.,.x:;.. Edger.fon.1t,...ta..P.ayse...Ave,.,...�Ith..aeoea.eary......... 1sonaeotaass...Pxom..etree.t..magna...to...pxapext.y.a.iat�e.e..4omp1e14.,: xhere..not.. A > > lxaady.7 made,...also.'aurhing..sad .pavi ag..alL.ey..:an .. driv®waY...appxoaohos, .... a'iteeo n6y trb¢i4 a8�18 Oil Btaiip;ht AVe, under Preliminary Order..... 65732 ° B�aiaa�a �sye rom° ranrXiaht,�aa�;a a ..19Z � ......... .. "�Edgartoa ty;'andt'�' tat: fro Bld6; yf a erton at Payne Avokth�og9cr . Intermediary Order ..... ................... "pa"ry,aewgr - yvater antl,�sa agw,=a' ..... A public hearing Navin been had ujines°° tn�rg� ewtieie8:naiea P g B Palade ta�so4urbing ana vaytn airer due notice, and the Council a.` having heard all persons, objections and re k"t, 'r��°s°}`os�>tiee wge: g y �. � r 3liminpp } Navin full considered the sainei,therefore, be it t *�;y `RESOLVED, By the Council of the City. of St. Paul that x>•.ala:.�sae.... ...:. Bra.. A..Ave.... om..AAMIght..8-t....to..Edgerton:..... ...and..Lay...8t..:..ir Egesto .:8,t......tc. P yae::,Ava.h..neR:easazy .ael►e.:- wrl'ta....asA .:gas..aa eotioi "c c.:ArOReY.GY...li??.....completq.,..whe„a :nqt already it o .a i a g..alley..and.. iveway...appxnaa a.,...w are...maaaasa . �Ad the same are hereby,caneelied,.ettunlbal,.:and..rescinded.and.aU................. ... A>"oceed iii said matter be dbwntiu andx 1 Councils by said improvement ads. RESLVED. FURTHER, at the Commissioner o Public Works be ” is hereby instru d and directed t .p, ' te,plans and spe 'fications for said impro, ement, and sub same to the Counc for approval, t t Upon said approval, t e'proper city officials a hereby authorize irected to pr d with,.the.ma 'ng of said improvemen in accordance therew Adopted -by the Council...A r7...�. ................. 192........ City Clerk. Approved:...ryry� ........... 192........ z �t i ou _ �C / jyIayor. ' coouncl;uncilman ouncilman Clancy Ferguson man McDonald /Councilman Sudheimer ,� Mayor 1lt�9doVi7t HOdgeOa Form' B. S. A. 8-7. 0 J Y OwF DEPARTMEN.. f REPORT - ..•s OF,' 01ER Off' �IN�PCN ON PREUMINARY ORDEi2 ,(A) In the mutter of Paving Arkwrlaht St from Case Sb to Brainerd AYe.. _ 'Brainerd Ave. f rom ,Arkwright St - to Edge= -t cxm St _ ° and IVY St. f rom Edgerton s'6 do rayne wvn. ` street mains t Brc curbin and a under Preliminary Order approved 4, 1926' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Paving 3j creosote Brick laid Azp2aa-1t or Concrete blocks flat Asphalt concr. 7" rein.f. Total sq.yd. 6.11 4.68 3.7b 3.30 Wheelage 28,060.00 21,529-00 17 296.00 15,18-0.00 snare y 71,487.00 54,756.00 1+3 992.00 39,610.00 Total 99,547-00 76,264.00 61 , 2SS _ 00 — 53.790-00 (a)front foot 7.57 5.67 4.4+ 3.82 Marylaad to Payne (b) Front foot 6.63 4.9b 3-89 curb extra 3.35 Case to Maryland Note: 40' roadway from a Case St. to Marylnd 46 � " " Maryland St. to i`*aayXzg Note: No sewer on Arkwright on W. side ==cam Dawson to 165.1 north • ■ • f rom COOK St _ t o Magno l 1a • • " • • Geranium SZ - t0 Maryland St. Add for concrete curb where not in 550 P er lira.. rt . in, sewer connections 'each SE .00 in water connections each .00 on 60= street .25 on 66* street. Fora B. B. to FR ✓' r z ;4 OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT F, -FINANCE i1 U I t 1' REPORT OF COM1-11— ORDER FINA�V . e o an that may as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel ASSESSED - ' DESCRIPTION LOT G—K ADDITION VALUATION y " A 10 2 & Smith's SUbdn.oY 3775 (Except East 20 rt.) .Crowley Lots 17 & 24 Hoyt's Out 45650 11 2 Lots to St. Paul 3250. .� so.46.76 Mot Lots 9 and 10 1 dO it. of North a ft -of � 4775, r _So.40.75 Lots 9 andeo North 47.25 ft of Lots 9 and 10 11 1 1 do 4875' _ The,V�est: of do2625 M 40 itof Lots 3,4 & 5 Emily Addition 1325 » So, 350do No.40 Yt.of Soso it.oi 3,4 & o 5 500 (Ex. So. so ft.) Lots 3.4 & 5 do 1625 6 TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 .. "n ' A MN, 1 yl I DEPART OF•FINANGE 5 f ,� - REPQRT' OF CONIMISS..iONER OF �FINANG�` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ + ASSESSED f3 Storr TACK ADDITION - - VALUATION DEgCRIPTION - ' 18Windsor Sduare -_-- - _- --J3-3 II --cio _ . _ � !345 i _41} , 29 .� . X25 i g2 do 23 do 7 24. do ` 100 � 1 Owen's Subdivision Of Lot 25 j Blow is Beaupre and 5b_ 2 $ellp's Add._ ;. 4 is ; South_1/_3_._9i BeavPre &.,Sel�y�s_.Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 35Q _South_}.of-North 2/3 of 4 ! 18 Mims.-- 4 orti�.l/3 of 4 , 18'I . do 2$ 1 9. 1 do 2_ f 19 Tos t er ins-L_Subd _ - 600 _ of a part of .23 of 8o9te 1 vision„ S _;.Outlots to t_h C_,t of St, 1$ Paul k6s Coun%�y, Stade i of Mi-Mesota. -- a Su ..bd_ iviaion 3 _. _ _.All of. Lot 1 & East 23 ft.of , 2 1 ; Coapera. . , 4 1 to St ;_ Paul, _Minn,_ of Lot 18 of Hoyt! 0utlota 3 — 1 Hendriakso_nI s Add.-, to _ the ���.- a I'• _ '-Ci_ty_au of__St.._P) - _ - - - Plat of ._the_ West_of the 166;00 i 1 :3)azt-_taken_ torJlrkffTight — ti;es.Ea,at 10 ft.of the Neat 40 t.o� 1N W. Of Seo.29,& 4-9t i660,0 of i ; _N, E_.. of _$ear 3__ of . , .. --- t )sc.Nest._ 9 it. __No. Raa a 22 Pest 224 i t. Of South 219. it.of Eft ; 29 No., P�iiia3�a11 eridiaa_ as sub- divided 1common�y palled Lewis & Mabon's Add. to the -; - 45P ii t ;.Teat 1/3 of Lot 29 & all Of 30 City Of Saint Paul 44 i x, - .a.......i i TOTAL ,.� i �1 . ..: t DEPART OAF FIMAAL NGE ■ - 7. ♦ REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER QJF�' .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDEEZ- ;4 (B) `, K - • -AOfl�T101V ' DESCRIPTION �' ALSUATI LOT eLOc�c ON � -_ -_7. _ L_.�4aa_ Sl��ra E�cao.6o�it.)Lots_6 &- 73 o=. _�►biras AL ac"to. St.P !`4 so. go =t. of hots 5,6 &i` Q - - 8`'3 511C> 1 — _3 ----- tt.) Lots & 7 _ ci+a - r t.l hota__10.9 & - f{g x4� Sfl it.ot hots- IA, 9 & 450` of Lots 6 & 7 Zac3hrscs3ms_ s .Addit ions', - _ �5{ (Except South 40 ft.) 7 d><[a _.._ aln 2550; " s 1 P,ot 1 Dcrr Stox .6 s Sub.oi 201. . _$_ ot_ goy-r. s s ©Zzt Lots to 20, 1--St- p^,ri - _ ,35a West 50 ft.) Lots 1 &;- 2 John jAC>z3Ar..-M=L! s Stewart Park 500,, n-- -(E=ept. - 3 Addie ion = - 35Q - 2 ' 4 «- 3f.. ;. dCb 1 Eidsmt� m i t ion 40 ? 5 - -= 2 C, 325oj d - 3 ------- 4.0 3�O 6 _ c3� f gga'_ s . _ �d�l,.o _City..o_t 3 Jaa�si ` 435�t -- Paul-- - !F 2 i_Thomas3----3division of Lo _ -- 1 0= Hiss ; Acre pots. 1 1 . R �.,. �; ••.M R•.It ... - .-.... ..._ n..-.-..._... 1 .......- :... .a,.ri...-:.r..a_.....r. _...._.— .-. awn, .....u.an+.u:e:.R.. 1:.... - F ,711 '1 DEPARTM ; dF FINAKgE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAhSfc ; SON PRELIMINARY O.RPER DESCRIPTION i LCIT el CK ADDITION- ' VALUATION 2._jMomsa'_ 8ubdlyisiOn Of Lott- 3 5i- I-_Acre- i11 oi_Lot_ 2__& �Fac.w 3750'1 ;._3 1 ? ;. , do West _.375Q3t ,. of- a°_ .---15� Cs 1- do 1; 4 - i500 2 40 1300 and that part of Lot 2 lying fast of a line_ drawn_f rom_point on_ the No;th - • line of said I,ot 2 550 ft.f om l ]se t aQrnar. _t i—roof South= east corner of said Lot. 4 1 1 _that._part_of . drawn oit o ! do $; _ lor_t leista _of-said.-- h+3rSo tot to 2 , f11"M&B'Cheast corner eas co riser- of said Lot & all .tha Bast, of-LR 3 �l k. i- East of Iin- e3 am mm I oint on Noaine of said Lot u50 ' it. from N.E. corner thereof to 3dutheast csrner-of_ said- Lot'. r -r -- - N 3 I 1 do - - i 1935 - lying west of line drawn fromOlAt oa.North.line of said.LRt., Srni f;• _ ;;.from corner thereof,to Southeast corner of.said_Lot....- I 1} 1 do 18901 - --- -— - 7 1 t do 165 That art]]rrocc1ts 1 2_ &_. b _ __3__. 1 +_ Clarke &_ Wilgus _Add.to !�_' on lIline of imine d A e 3 o t Saint Paul, Minna Eby from Fast linea of De�otc� �t.to ' a,—oi_n, t -on South line of— t. k �Ye seict-F�a�-1Sne of Soto St. -- --_ ---- j -----r--''--r--- TOTAL - ett5t oy��6't -►Aut :. .' - � DEPARTtkOF FINANCE REPORT -OF -COMMISSIONER :OF FINAcL ON PRELIMINARY.ORI5ER. F (B • p •� . • ADDITION ASSESSED :D L _'ESCRIPTION I LOT BLACK - VALUATION � 1T-t paxt--of-.zotx_l.,-Z& -� .3-: _l_ _Gia4m —Migus_As�d moo. st.�._-__� �i5) .�_ 1 - �dgs ribed as follows: B09- o t j �� v,_11ne�f BradnsrdJi_ e_ 3 t*_-Pat;l, Minn X117 from Fast line of DeS6 st - I .thence_ $_].Y_to eint:, on So.line of _ _.. p said Lot 3, 5g Yt.Esat from *-MV i of. _W . De..:S_o� _ s_1, them_ e t� 3 it i EFaa�� Mthence X117 to point on saidlSou ine--of,_.Brainerd Arte.- 32 .f_t. �Eas erlq u from the place of beginning, thebZ8 1 do 2625 Shat,.part-of LoU 1. 2 & __ 3 - lying Fa9terlyy of line drawn from j �.-point_ on _S_1y__line of Brainerd.. 94 ft. Elly from East line of Desoto St.._to.2oint _on: So. line of Lot 3, _ 97 tt. from said Fast lin& of xsSotot_ Ste_ 2S' 2 do TJS.D �9' 2 do 360,0, I' 40d 30 2 ' do god 31 2 ; do l 3 do - — 2 3 do 4b6 3. 3�7�- 4 do r 665ci y.__ Part of Block ' 5 _g_• _ . _ a 600 ' described as follows Be at; SW bor.' 5 ia1 dam. - enc_e�No.nn_]B at amine ._ ----- --- of said, B1k.246.80 ft. thenc� Ea#t paral el with 52.b.0_�t..thence_Sa th West line of said Mci 211.10 ft.to So.line Qf�said Is Soutfiwesterly bj 57-f :mss _ dp8+�0 . _j� K Exe.the followComencitg a.t�hs --�-- �r.oi_s.��IIid__buc. thence_N�pr_thE on + --- _ West line 24b.So ft.thenoe E4st at might t j _g1jes52,4zQ_ft.thence Southrparlle�l_to._____ -West 1 ne 211.10 ft. to So lite,thence •k TOTAL .. ... _.... . _- . - ........ ,...... -..,. ... .: _,. ,.......... :...:. . .„>.:e..... w.:: ,.... ... ..,.. v.::,.i:., - «,yeti QITY.O tiT. lAUI. - n DEPARTM OF'FINANCE t SPORT OF COMMISSIONER • OF FINA CL RE : W <,.:; ... 014 PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT eLpeK - ADDITION R VALUATION DESCRIPTION ' _6 --E —Sub.of_Ees�ovin i rlauBe 22, �1 Part of _ _ — -t of Sec. 2b, esor fed as o ows:�omnenc ng o�ding--to -80 - Y ofI- "oint on North line of Braine e• 100 "ft.NE,Y tr intersectio of ; !Deeds Page 3 9• i. L_ With -P44 -1- t -ine_ of - West line o - _ _• d + Brainerd Ave. then N91'ly 94iit.o i tract - ht ers eat ion with E ._ly_-line o __ conveyed in Book 707 of needs P e llj �- th a N'15_alo said E_ Ye!",-1nee _ q oN�treaat co of$t-ra-a� sc Isom►ey there to pont on North linefoi kid' t .t-rom NW corner the --i&) nce .w Soto inter section_ of East lie o said lot with sajd lot with sad �Qorth li>e L$rainerd_.Ave._,t�ienae_S-T l along- s id. A `lQotth line of Brainerd Ave. o point of *__ e inning 9� 8 - do ot cletoribed as follows Cammenc Fy e itersecst ion of Nest _ lines o : with North line of Brainerd Ave., e ; NE}ly alo.. :_said _North lin _it to et Ave• I30 .thence NN ly . ire Q. t. a t-cbnve�ed. . •section withE ly- 1 ,- ,. in Book 707 of Deeds,Page 1'15 the- 6 ly ons s_E _ly._ kine to _ NB .coiner+ oofn North 1 so cont �th c N t t b corher _- liDe of aid I,o _� �F ftrbmm _NW tYiese`he�ce�es to sacT cbrnef, tise�ice41 South to__beginning.. ° l' ; �� Part_ -.of 10 ,' � described as follows. A triangular Bra erar . pi@C_e_ of. land_ bounded - - II Ave.,Fiseher's Addition, & Clai7ce'. Addition __ - r e_ �_. _..__. __. _ Fischer's. Addition -- - - --- - - 2450 i -_ 3 _ - do goo - ----- 37 do 450 1 :_ ,_ Schmitls Addition _-- , . 2 do - _ t --- - - - i 3 ; i 777 GITY A - DEPARTM 4TOF FINANCE ,- H REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANL :l s ON PRELIMINARY ,ORDER. t ASSESSED .5 DESCRIPTION -. LOT LOCK ADDITION VALUATION ; - - 4 + J I Scbmit.i s - Addition t� �? 1- I 1 Ditta man Shbdimision of 7 �- _ _ __ ,Lot.S of Subdivision 1' I !• T 20 Towni N$rth,l�xe 22 Ii rcip-- -- Meridian 50 4 � do_ _ _ foo g 2 ; Jaggard's Addition. to the 2775-' 2 y City of St._ Paul _ 25 9 n -.. 10 2 do 275 — — - - do 2$75 1 11 11 2 12 2 do ;2 75 ,.13 2 do25 14 2 do oo0 -- 011aeoKer's Addition 2 25 { do 2 Y J. W, Bass 'Acre Lots 22501- Parts of Lots__ 4_ and . _ :.__7 _ _ _ . Jaescribed as follows: Commencing 03 <$ s39,=er. oX- said_ lot_ 77 thane -1 _N_o h to North line of said lob 1 th ce West _105 Yt._thenoe So.paralle'� with p West line of Lots 7 & 1IF to Southi line "lip Yt,� �..��. _. to beg Ing. I That tract bounded. on_the Ens _._ ---- 2Q0� - s Desoto St ,oa South b Braine d Ade I on North: WestLos 7 & .1 oY __ _ +-- -- by - r—e ho s ng w "School" on at o said J W Bass, Acre Lots. _ 15 j Stone & Morton's 2ad_ Add. 177 _ lo' 3._'; CO, i to City of St gaul,Rams 1 - T5 do ' don 375 18 3 --`_ __—---_--- a — TOTAL 1' - OITY o}}ra FAUL - • DEPKRTME#9T CF FINANCE - ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . AS$EMD i SCRIPTION ` WT I ---K ADDITION VALUATION o City of St.Pau3 1914 do -- t 3�0�0350 -; 1j I, 4 do 4 do .14 N9rt>, 23- oS___R.Weide's 2na -91-- _ 11 4 to City of St.Paul,Minn12 50, 4 do I +-- -.4.- �a 3 �?5 „ i do- ;275 -_ - _14 ; 15 4 do j25.1 - 16 4 do 275', 17 ' do 1300 ig 4 -- _ _ - ; - .750, 19 , -4 .. do , t _ - do u 1400; +. - r 21; 4 do CO 4 do �n r� . 250 -� 22. _ 12 2f Add.to City of St. 3� _- Bart takem_Yo.r- strseti ;_13_� 2_'.Paul Ramsey Co„Minn __ _.. _. r T X306 .:. __._. _9 1}-Y finny Hill Asa to City _-' 4751 St. Paul - -.- _ .„ 4-4- � I 12��--+-- Lots 17 & 24,Hoyt s Out 7 -Lots--to-.. St.Paul __ �- -f mast 40 01-f t, -Of- - 4 ' -Nest-19i-ft._ -01- 2 _ g r 2 ;_._d0 -__-- _ -- —_ --- - ; --- 42 -- TOTAL ` •.7n+um.+. i OEPARTMEI'(T OF FINANCE 1 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAWICE ON PRELIMINARY-ORDER, IBlASSESSED LOT ADDITION ADDITION` VALUATION DESCRIPTION- 2 �Growley & gmith's 9ub.of _ l Fast kO-ft.co . _—.._ ---' hots 17 2 oysu£—�I 5- }- I Lots to!-ter' ' West 5Yt— & East 20 ft. of Lot 10,{-- do i + m- --t of 12 2 65 bleat i of _ I.- t _ 2 do 2 d. ---- ;13 o r -+--- - 113350 14 2 do do 1'?— Weat 3o rt. of 15; 2 - - Soo East 29-51 ft.of Lot 15 & d° West 9.51 ft. Of 16 2 - - (Ex.No.111 It-Of W.19-54 ft:15 1 dO i 5 . µ;3 I-? _- laft.) Lot 6. _._Ta:111.,ft.of West 1954 ftp;_ . do 3$ r �- of Lot 5 & No.111 ft.of East .. 20 f t . of 6- -- + - do No-.-111.ft..of.West _3.9•-50--ft.df 6, 1 ; 3 75 - do 3575 r - west a/_3 Y g , 1 , _ `�. '425 ; nest 2/3 of L.7 &East 1 � a 1 � - 1s 15 (Ex�west �o ft.Z. Lot 13_& do 7r r--- " West 20 ft. of '1 312 West 110 ft . of .13 -- -- - �---t-4 --- m. 11}, 1do 2 (Ex.West 20 fdo t? of 75, FT W _ -r— _ d° _ -„L h 595 ,� a, erttrp sr�ww. �w � �s �•� ♦• �_.- tl - - OFFI, I - REPORT+ OF COMMISSIONER OF Fl, ANt6 op ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION Loi MOCK VALUATION do AP i Z I 111 _HedbergAundt Addition i i I12 do 1 do 14;56 { _ lk _ do - 4� �- _IPinds-or.. Sq=- .._e 13 - - - , - ,5 �2 i 15., _ - do �_ _ . ,_g..T - - __ 16 do 125 -_� }25 _ 17 - - 2 ----- do f—' 1 21 ap a -�2�5 - do do 25 do -' -- Owea�'s Subdivis ion of Lot i I 3 Block 18 Beaup re & Sellyj,l s i 5 I do i2j I —. —a — -- -- _ --- - -. - - 6 I don ! 2§ ! x i West 2/3 of 1 18 i E wT re & Kelly's Add to __-� tSt:Bau1-Elamsey fA ;Mtnn. 450 East 1/3 of . - --- +-1-+ 18.__ dO_... _ _l._. --_ --- - 2 i 18L d° - - -- 5 -- 3t i ( TOTAL O �!. DEPAR7MWT. 6 REPORT -OF COMMIPSI ON PRELHAINA iB d ,. LOT BLOCK , y; DESCRIPTION F FINANCE. ONEROF FINANCE RY ORDER . ADDITION °VALUATION S Add. tO TOTAL .CIIM M.11 - j t _ I o, 17, ,S*vyysT DEPARTME CP FINANCE I F REPORT, OF COMMISSIONEROF Ft [VANCE ® ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSER -tOr oK OT OT ADDITION VALU,ATI N _ DESCRIPTION�j--�„a,,.,:��--®..�--_ _ 2 1 J.F. Tostevin's Subdinisl.n 7 0 3 Of a� art=OY sot -2& -Of f " I HOyt utLots to the City 9 U 4_. Stipaui�-Ramsey-County, _._ 5 I State of Minnesota i _ I do 5 5 _s - do ' . 00 • 4 do �_ I I- - 240 I 11 I do . sf 12ao131 14 do 1. 1 1 r f � � 3 4 0 ,i 1 15i do - = - 16 7p do fi - 1T 1 do- 400 I 2 1 Cooper's Addition, s I - (She_West 2_ ft Of I til of nd the Fest 10ftof Subdivision of Lot Eightee St.Paul,Minn. 3 i 4 , l.�ig) of Hoyt s Outlots to I _The_VPest _ 15 ft of t 4 , 1 _ a and all of 5 1 0 .-- 7I 1 do 1360 Lots 6 and -- 8t 1 ,- d° - e 0� i 9 1 � do l do h �i_ o - — � � do do , 1 l� 1 - - _h'2do i - - _ 1102 36 } 3 1 do - ... _. 3._ do 2 - 4q 1 do J ?j _ 4 1: do °_ ' i 2 ighedCity a.of S paulion to j& _' d _do do - i TOTAL kEPORT OF, CONI ON PRET DESCRIPTION LOT eta NCE R OF FINANCE ' _. III ASSESSED ADDITION I VALUATION _5_ _ Hendriekson's Addition tai;- 1Q0j the Cit of St Paul and the East 2 ft of I f — -- -- -- 1 1975 � I (Except the East 2, ft) 7 j I (and ell Of j 6 !f d0 I i ( the East '-' of 8 The West 1 of 9 do j675I -and all of 9 do _._ - ! 101 do All of of 30 Yt wide and 55 ft -•. _.aid -_the following described �rcc 18 deep lying i7mnediately South ofnd adjoining said Lot 10, said -tractbeing-Part of Lot 15 0$ Pl4of.W.of the N W a of Sec. 29 and the S.E. a of the N.E! 4 8f Sec.30 Town 29 Range 22 } a 11IHendricks-on's-Additionto6'0 the City of St -P% f do ._ 3375 24 _ _Alling at the _of 25 do } +_... and the following described $raci of land:-COnneno1 Northwest corner of said Lotj25 �henpe East 40 ft.Thence North,'G +I 30 ft. thence West 10 ft. thenceiNorth 2.86 ft.thence West 30 ft _32.66 ft to _thenc.e_Southbeg�nni#g, being part of Lot 15 of the 1 } Plat of the 'Nest i of the N!W '-.of Sec.29 and the S.E. s of _Sec.30 Town 29- Ran4e 261 Hendrickson's tdPaulon to ,4450 - - the City of 6O' 27 2 4260; 8 f r dor' 5' t 1 29' 600 , ' do 1 do 690 30t _ _ I 2- 1 Lewis_ and Mab a Addition 350 + t �- - to the City of Saint Paul I 2$0 i . -i do "250 4 ti 5 .. - W + Ido . _1 __... i � d0 �2 5 I i ' ,1 _ 7 4001 do do 63, 01 f I 11 4f _. s a j_23.jdo :i 450 _.._ 24 i do90 2' - -i.,. do. - � I ----- i i' .- � I TOTAL ��yylIee.j��j�T SEPARTMENFVGF �FINANCfii REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMINARY.ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ®TACK ADDITION ASSESSED 6"�' VALUATION r All of 26 Lewis and Mabon's Additio and the West 6 ft of 27 to the City:of Saint pain 27 ,E 1'he ast M-10 .€t. of _ . . and the 'Rest 13 ft of 28 1 I 1 :The East 2/3 of }-2i do 3t9�0 P _and_ the West 2/3 of t _ .¢ -i 3} :.Van. Slyke .&. Lewis I -.re. �22�5 arrannggement of Humbird'a �� II _(Except the_ -South 60 ft) 5 3 Addition.to St.Paul. 900 (Except the South 60 ft) 1 ; 1 —(Lots 6--and- _._ 7 3 E __ . i � 11 9 i.3 do I 10` 3 1 do .5 5 I 11 { 3 �._ - do i 2j5 5 4 4 do 4 do c1 11 - ote pti3 5 ibP h the South 80 ft) 5 � 4 j do I' ( 51 q� (ExoeI 5- 1 1 do _ 395 (t375 _ �.�_. � 4 ,Zaahrison eAoddition "'pt the South .¢0 ft). 6 d i ; - 9 1 do65 t 10, do _i 2211 do,33`i 5 ! 2 1 ( ots to St .4310 w iaion of L t 6 6 oof f Ho t' `ii 1510 ' _ t 3 1 V { i Dorr and Stene a Su v sisi f ;go e©;o ' -- _ do... ?prs _ { 8 1 1 j_ do _ _ 6 01 j (9 .1i iI i The East of Woodland St. vgceted--and ed joining and 10) 1 _ ._._ _ _. do I TOMS. k. DEPARTMENOF FINANJ:E I� REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y r ON =PRELIMINARY ORDER _ - a 8: _ . - LoaADDITION eK ASSESSED -V VALUATION ' DESCRIPTION: _ This'; Past -w of Woodland St . -- -arid'` adjoining Il "1" j Dor`r and Stone's 5utidiv3so 2" O £Vaca a an and the West of _ 12 -- _._ _ The Eaet, _f I I aO 12; l i _ 4 5 I -- -- -- � d° 5d0� _ "`ll 15; 1 I d o I I 1 I (f 16 1 l 17 1 l 1 I _ I 4 do do -]1,690. , °.. 8 f -,john. Mon6an' aSt"art� Park' Addition ` 9 do 1- — 5 do io do --- - 11 26 2 5 I i 2 5 � + u 1 do 27 do I 4 3i 2,5 i 11 _ -- --- do 29 ! do O i I _ 30 I '_ 4 j I- _._.__._ _ 7 i Eidamo` Addatoion n l O 1 0 f 1 _ ... _.. _ ;9 - - do f ` do _ a6� 25 124 I do 7 - __. __ do 26 ! do - 7 - 1 - - -a i t 1 to_ the__ 2 _ Cigg and -V s_ Addti_on- 3 ++ ty of St.Paul p 5 - - T r '3 $ i _ -1 3 do2 do s - 5 13 .TOTAL _ V � ...,..., , r... .._I.O�M \J•11 ... .... _..... ry., .,e ..Y.. .,� .._.6; ?+...w,g-..T.m .ue.�i4T'D+WMd+ -�_ -ix >o�+a><x�waso>F- F�a�rs�a.><ccE � K • A.. �` - REPORT OF CO1V�M• SSiFa1�iER OP TINANCE . ON PF2ELIMITIARY ORDER ' ASSESSED , ADDITION - � � VALUATION +,[ } 2 2 C1ax-7sa and Wilgua Addit1 n 2 0 -Saint Pau_S,M'inn.- 2 9511 do r 00 do .' i- - -- - r f �K — . - - do 27 i 4 3 do 13 00 do h i 04 I _. - n g' 3> do I 5 Y i '7- ? 3 do 2 ; - do `4000 r ,- _9-A S 1 : do 1C 3 do i450�- -335 11 3 ' do -7f �'i s =kiar s Addition t OQ t T Sc3axsLit's Addition 1 2 do w 2 t _t do q 13 8-� 8 do S ; do '412 I 10 1 2 r - �� �2 3 do L . 20 do Lot t '=A- do 09 J . -- - - g i'�tman' a Subdivision o 0 i — --- _ Y.Ot - S of the Subdiviaio fi3. 0�� The West k o f t e: East_ of _ -.----._---___. _----- _� ..__ ''7 1-- __-- ate' the East Half of the -- l 0--_ he 4 ft of West o� 8a���est Quarter of Seo. �l t 2C3 Town 29 _Borth Range- _ 2 _ and- the--_West---off. Wiest of the 4th Prinoip 1 } z i -" --- ---%F�xeept--t-he-- Setxt�h -4 --f't•�-'�.iels- -4 - - , _ ; _ �s--_ILdi-an615 �1- West of 8 The East of t 8 do p 0 0 - -The East- oP- _ <M -o._ OI - — 1b c20 0 i _ g _ ,rmwi; ." �,. '� _ DF=ARTMEN 9F FINANCE _..... , 1. 1 - REPbRT OF COMMISSIONER'~OF FINANCE ON pRELIMI.NARY' ORDER B ASgESSED' ADDITION ALOATION . x.07 8w DESCRIPTION cw `j Dittma)11 a Subdivision of oto id7$ v { icQept the W at 121.78 ft) l 1.1of-_.the--Svlb.divis.ion_..o e_r `-e East Half of the Southwes, The Voest 121.78 Pt oP 12 _.Quarter --Of_. , -a-20 To., $9 _ 4�l' 5! ft) • North Range (Except the West 120 22 Voest of the .4th--P-r-ine Rang Meridien r7 5 - -- -- - -- do 12 The West 120 Pt Of - - -- _ - - 525 13 Clarkels Subdivision of Lots_ 4 and_-_ BasA Acre Lots_ 2200' -- - 14 d_o- l7t-- - - -- 1 .100 5 " 2 Jagg .. -- _ 6 2 City (100 5t.I ands Addition o of .Pau1 2__ do 15 200+ t - 350, — 5 y 16 i._2. - do - -- }5 0 i - ii - do N 611 of - and--the--South �x of 1S1 2N The-NorthWo-f - 19;2 do 350 and ell of.- . -- _ } _ _ 1 Rue cker I s Addition 0 .1 _ 2 do - , _ _dO - _.. +i 0 -- - -- do _ . Part Of - - . _ 14' J.W Bass 1 Acre Lots L350 described as follows: CommenCing� at the Nor6heast borner of sad - -Re or les _14,th6noe Sonth on E4_s_t_:.VA0 } knoianOf iaslSch ol£L to described ,,in' to the North line of that tJVU0 o -: Heade Pa a _221,t�' �e3 gt more _ ,r less_to the ,; Boak_-9-4 -ofortfi 8 Northwest oorner of said Sehp�oAl ,2t�ythencre_� ea82totbteginning ne of-said-I,o-t 14 -,thence E 1 ` - i f is nd A 850 --- - - - 3 I o moo£ St2Pauldd tion: 45,0 1 to the City -- - - -Ramsey �T'8o"`- . .-� A50 I 3 do -60-. a' -- do i2 - L- „ . - 4 do 14.. ; d� --_ 1 5 2 - -- -- --- --- - --- -2 do - 80 1 3 �- Tc ^z- j' n . CRY orsr rAUL' DEPARTMEN�OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONKt OF FINANCE ON'RRELIMINARY ORDER B ! , ' - - assEssEo LOT BLACK, . ADDITION VALUATION .. DESCRIPTIONS - _ 3.___ -Stone_-Jdor_to_n� a_ 2d .Addi_ �a_ _ 9. 24 3 1 to the CitY of St.Paul 2 5 25 3 Ramsey Co.Minnesots. 26 3 I . do. 9 5� S tdivisi n 4f East of I 9 0 (�mcept the North 79 ft of i l _Southwest- o -See s 20 - the East _120--ft') 1 4 1 1 Town 29 Range 22 a000rdini I -- F --to-Book-)'Yn--of Deeds; Pag 1 ) - 349. The South_._ 39 Pt_ of _the North ; _. �- do �i of Edit 120 Pt of 4 29 ! The North 40 ft of the East do � 4 0� 4 + 4- i Joseph-R-. Aeide 's. 2nd 8 0 and the South 10 ft i 5i 4 ' Addition to the CitY „of St.Paul,Minn. '5- 4 do_ 1 Q_No_r_tb 115 _ft -0 f do } 1 - axall of i 6 1 4 d 1 do do A31 of 1'�5 he--South--2 ft-of g -�North -23- ft of.. aid the South 2 ft of 10 1 4 I do !I -- - - - 23 1, 4 1 d0 1 2�Q z ..244 i do 25 --do - - -- ana the North � of 26 4 1 1 '@ -8outh of j 26 4 do 422 eTT"-of 6 1 1 Searle's Addition to the i I 4 1 :City-of-•St-.Pau3 Count7,Minn 6 1 9 11 do %I do- North - T I- 4 o -�� - 1 1 North ..oP.--- do Tie south ? of 11 1 I - do -- fa; ..a. .,.:_.... ... .,. . _TOTAL....,, , •e. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT_ OF, FINANCE, K ` %FZEPPRT OF COMMIS IONER OF. F _INANdE k ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTIONLOT! BLACK ADDITION VALUATION —� 6 2 Searle'a Addition to the 525 -7 - . 7 2 City of St.Paul Ramsey 2275 x County,Minn. 1775 8 2 do ,t _. 9 2 do 275 p 10'2 do 1775 11 2 do 275 ; taken for Street)14 2 do 1575 (Except part (.de 15 2 . (do 16 2 9 _.: (Except Street) 17. 2 do 4k of 18 2 3800. 3 (Except Street) South (Except Street) North W of 189 2 do 2000 (Except Street) The North 32.50 ft of the South 40 ft of Clear St. vacated Between Blocks 5 and 4 Denny Hill Addition to the 3800 71 City of St.Paul ;-- - -The go th qq 5p ft f Clear St. do and adjoining and 1 4 3650 .._... vacate 2 4 do �3 725 4 4 do 3675 }._..__. 1(4 (5 4 do r All of 6 4 do 7 4 550 - and the North of ( The South of 7 4 do 575 8 4 do £... 811900 The fCom mission er of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters and hereby him in to submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to reference said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ 192 __ Com ' $t finance. F.- U. B. 12 - -/Z t/cc111/75. /"/ z, ,5 he, 5 14 -10, T l3- F Sc -/c " _ .3.- ._ -f.- , — — --------------- sT /V GE- - - - ------ - ;r � 0.� � 06 �� "It, Al 5T 73 n 5,[ -0 T 2C 9 f�Z,? Scale 1-300 IVY I. L6 Ih�'j co IMT -MAR-fLArJD- - ---------- 5T 73 n 29- c5,, 2-9 - 7 /LJ�CNOG l.9 El L Coon El ,� 6. Oo b-, q \ S" ��y�, iss�ohe ,bloc �k - Report to Commissioner of Finance • MAY 9- °, 26 _.. May 86,_._19..... .. _-_�s2__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..__657$2 approved_.._Mey 4. 1926 - __192___, relative to paving Arkwright St. from Case St. to Brainerd Ave.. Brainerd Ave. Brainerd Ave. from Arkwright_St. to Edgerton St. and I. St. from Edgerton St4 to Payne Ave. __...._._...... ... ..... ......... _............ .- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... _..... _------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- -�33X and the total cost thereof is $.......... _..- ..... .___...... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._ ------- -------- .-....._._-... ...... __.......... _._.�_.__.____ a p: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement -.is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Al .< R.. 4. --_. ........ __... _....._...._..__.... _...... __------ ...... __--....._._......... ........._. ...... 5. Said improvement is_._....._._...._W_..__..-.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -41 Commissioner of Pnbli Woike. a `CIT O 51ZIlY %L JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL.. DQU COMMISSIONER GWRGE M. SHEPARD. C - Ewolwml ROAIw ` WM. N. CAR[Y. SUPT. OI CaNiwYRIGN ANG HERROW. OPACL ANG 0— PI—"' — May 24, 1926. M. S. GRYT K. BRIG.E I -- B. SHARP. 11-- P BANRA— G. P. B LIN. BOP- O. - - Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Arkwright St. from Case St. to Brainerd Ave., Brainerd Ave. from Arkwright St. to Edgerton St. and Ily St. from Edgerton St. to Payne Ave., with necessary sewer, water and gas connections from street Maine to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. 65732, approved May 4, 1926: Paving blocks sots Bricflatk laid Asp]a!phlatlQcoCr•t 71ncrete 1 rein- f Total sq.yd. 6.11 4.68 3.76 3.30 Wheelage 28,060.00 21,528.00 17,296.00 15,180.00 Property 71,487.00 54,756.00 43,992.00 38,610.00 Share Total 99,547.00 76,284.00 61,288.00. 53,790.00 (a)front foot 7.57 5.67 4.44 3.82 Maryland to Payne curb extra (b) Front foot 6.63 4.96 3.89 3.35 Case to Maryland Note: +40► roadway from Case St. to Maryland 68, a IN Maryland St. to Payne Ave. Note: No sewer o„ Arkwright on w.side from Lawson to 1651 north from Cook St. to Magnolia p n IN n n Geranium St. to Maryland St. Add for concrete curb where not in 55� per lin.ft. a in.sewer connections ea $50.00 in water connections ea 00 on 601 street 40.25 on 661 street Yours truly Approved for transmission Chief Engineer. Commiasioner of Finance. .' r5 •v `CIT O 51ZIlY %L JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL.. DQU COMMISSIONER GWRGE M. SHEPARD. C - Ewolwml ROAIw ` WM. N. CAR[Y. SUPT. OI CaNiwYRIGN ANG HERROW. OPACL ANG 0— PI—"' — May 24, 1926. M. S. GRYT K. BRIG.E I -- B. SHARP. 11-- P BANRA— G. P. B LIN. BOP- O. - - Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Arkwright St. from Case St. to Brainerd Ave., Brainerd Ave. from Arkwright St. to Edgerton St. and Ily St. from Edgerton St. to Payne Ave., with necessary sewer, water and gas connections from street Maine to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary under Preliminary Order C.F. 65732, approved May 4, 1926: Paving blocks sots Bricflatk laid Asp]a!phlatlQcoCr•t 71ncrete 1 rein- f Total sq.yd. 6.11 4.68 3.76 3.30 Wheelage 28,060.00 21,528.00 17,296.00 15,180.00 Property 71,487.00 54,756.00 43,992.00 38,610.00 Share Total 99,547.00 76,284.00 61,288.00. 53,790.00 (a)front foot 7.57 5.67 4.44 3.82 Maryland to Payne curb extra (b) Front foot 6.63 4.96 3.89 3.35 Case to Maryland Note: +40► roadway from Case St. to Maryland 68, a IN Maryland St. to Payne Ave. Note: No sewer o„ Arkwright on w.side from Lawson to 1651 north from Cook St. to Magnolia p n IN n n Geranium St. to Maryland St. Add for concrete curb where not in 55� per lin.ft. a in.sewer connections ea $50.00 in water connections ea 00 on 601 street 40.25 on 661 street Yours truly Approved for transmission Chief Engineer. Commiasioner of Finance. .' r5 67594 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of-. - aondemning._and -taking. an.. easement -in-the--land- ne0"nary for-.-einge.s.,_.for. auta.-and..-fills _ in grading. -of theAorth...and-.8authAlley A-BlIo -k.-8,_1anel.B..Phalen-Gr.ore-Addition- from -IVY -Street _. t.o_Clear..Street. r gSTIH'YIFO 'AHHI98HH®Ii'PH IF COR �HIISFATIODf PHOOEHnIFIiH. , ._..- . ._.. - ___.... _ .................... �. _ __ C. r N jg4t.r ..._.. ... ...._. ... ..-..- - ---�-�-�'-���-�--"'."--- -' -- -..� ��'�� - - �� -, Ia aha matterot cendemnlag and tali- ' - Ing an easement In -the 4nd. neces Bary ror,elopee�3or cute. and elle»!' +the -North and=Hoath �..,..,, __ ^`,-len. 7. aA ... ......... ... ..__._.. ................. rt� � under Preliminary Order..i?.4.599_......- - _..., approved.Eeb..25.,1)26, Intermediary Ordcr..65$6], ... _._..., approved_M&y.41.1.,...1926... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considergd,tle same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, OM and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Bet f ler R lved at the said assessm� it etermined to be payable in _------_--.-.--_-- al ins allmen to eaeh parcel of land described therein. AI`�.------ 192Adopted by the Council. -..._.- Approved......................... ........:.........: ........... 192 ,Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald amu— �� Lin .le n S. ✓ %o&uneilman Sudheimer ayor lt�attx, Hodgson - --'......... City Cl..erk......... - O -VA Mayor. lnTa> 1 a .� 7 3 x IZ. FINAL EB IN CONDEMNATION PBOCEEDIiG3. all In the matter of '+aerida=ing•=And long--an-aas4m,4-11n.. 54 �Ty fo__±� �enei� ier' `cuts and fij�Ya in o striina ,�.__the::-.flpt�h.;-sAd-=8out.}�'--A]r7�iy �, ,� in g�t_•._�.,.._ea_"k~�g L_�,�e' n_Pha? en �r.�va ,�adi:tinn._frnm....I.v�r_.8 ;} C V. No 67696 In the Inatw of ;bondemnl g and tak -_ " lag an e......'I' the land necea yysd Baty for elopes, t cute 11b in Yly a goading of th North and StlutF �P ley la 81 ek.8 18 a Pbale Additionfrom'IvY St to CV •--_..-_-- Y f'� `^ Y, _: under P llmlaar .Order K F "'• 61 ,s- yroVad Feb 26, 1926 Intrs�tt�1eLy dei 4 under Ere11m1narY OSd PPr Oder 66881 approved MaY 4e. �`' F - evolved:' - r(_ '-(ll). That the folloluln r a m9at be .and the s app sued&X—.�.r? dared to be made; vl a Condemn ad,4V � Resolvede land aece99arj=f3 ,� yy ells In gradh ,t}. 2 Alley in SW. s"+ p 1)hatF in wing improvement bei"an datlou r to be made, vIz-OG!ffdBIDn t `in+�iadi a of 'g, Mand land^ --------- sur $e e to th em pe w►a �e aaSne: are'heieby- taken,, appro , r (2) 'Khat thn follawing°� i r .:�•2%e land_A ut_ting, riated and condemned dor the ;purpose of Malang glia saui,�,Iulprovomen#Yarr p abon th® `Nor,.t�i._..t�n�! Sna+'�.. Alp.--.in_81n°g- Ste. Lann--8-Pt,_a� "n Creae Ad stio�, hak*e®nherne�nts 4nreaaid in-tha"d q TO ,n (3) That the assessments of benefits ah)d- award of damages for the taking and appropriating the ., above 1an�,: Anda or easements therein, have'.been ratified and confirmed. wAdoptad;by the' Council___. `.�-� , 191 t , City Clerk. ` 11926 191_._.._. Approved Mayor. � / y sguaon /y4�xA n&d y w yi;fiirA,,'I. _. . . =t=v .n,�;r„1� f -------------------- - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of condemning and-Aaking..an easemeat iu..the.A a nd zecaaaazy j.ox Aloges., for. _auts and. -fills In Grading-.1of ttA Roxth ara-20LILth.-Alley ... Additicm..fram__1.v.y Striest to GIear atreet. ----------------------------------------- ---- ---------- - * --------------------- * ------------------------ ----------- * -------------------------------------------- * ------------- ......................................I.........._------ ...................---•------ .......... ................................ Under Preliminary Order 4-5 9 9 approved.-YO-b.c-25*19 2.6 Intermediary Order approved.46Y --- 11-s -1926.9........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Com i et of Finance. e 0 6'7596 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of... condemning_ and. _taking an . easement- in.. -the _land- necessary ..fo.r slapes,...-for_.cuts_.and. fills..in_.gra.ding...alley...in..Block-.6,-.autil.---.-- LLYingston.:.s, Second_Addition, _.from Dunlap...St....-t.o Griggs.- St ......................... . r. IG F No. 87696— ---.11n ha�matter�of coadelnntnB and Oak ....._____ .. ._..-----..--.-.-----.. InSan Basement tA, „the land necep- eary for slape6, for cute, and fills in :grading al1eY 1n Blo6k 6. Ruth Llv--------------- =aton'p b8emnd .Addition. tnom x......-_.__-. . - ...:._. ....... ... .. til ..__. .. aP 9t: to •Grig3a at. under FreApr. '•9rY.Ot'de�.�-+:'r�^-"Prier x667. .,*2fiihrt E rya ... ... .......... ........ . .... - --------- - under Preliminary Order.. -6.5418...-...__., approved.41--14,.192.6, Intermediary Order.....69?.42...... ..... ., approved Mme- 4,--.1926............. A public hearing having been had upon the taking andtcondemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the ''above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits,- therefor, enefits -therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it J Resolved, That the taking and con del4nation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, % g �MM=Mxk ' Qje*, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. vR Be it further -Resolved, Ahat the said assessment be, ..d it i.-hKeb de e _......:............_..equalltallmen�ta-as to each p reel of land described therein. 'Adopted by the Council. �It1 i:gii �Q---------------------------- ---, 192 AN 3 ! do Approved...................:...................................... 192..- /ouncilman Clancy , uncilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald ouncibnan Sudheimeir mea �ReeeeFr" Ngx Hodgson v - Q. City Clerk. O� n A tIggMayor. T.1sHED 7 - V - �� _► . 67597 . FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of,C.=demning-.and -takin$--an--'easement__in--the_land_naaeaaarI iei alnnaa mfta n�,_g�A__f1 � lgy' � n tha-.gr.ailing"-Gi_Alleg•-1A-•.131CQi-6,-..RiLth— ►.�vinaa .nn's Seeend Additi.C70.� $DID-•�hlalap.t.__tD_�irliggs-S.x.-•--._.._._. C F No. -•— '--- l geg 'al IneLfie land 113 _....� ingsarfor " ea, -cuts and tale. i-..1 R grading of'A , in Block 6, -�—�•~ �� �— ' Livingsta second s dditnnder �. Dunlap 'B-t,to Grigg coded A {- limluarY rdor 66418, % der 6 ^•— ^—"--" - "-'—'—'--� 14 1926 Inter Y �•�, } I I $ __. ____, app y -P 1 + �� ediary Order -65-79_-.----, under Preliminary Order k _� a . approved 4X Aa_aRC% �- Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be andthe same is hereby,bidered to be made, viz.:_LtAIldemn I� grd take an easement -fin the 1wnA`-nA %lap St to G�aas--- =_� _-- �; i (2) That the following land, lands or .easements therein'be and the same are hereby taken, appra- priated and condemned for the purpose'"of'making the said improvements, viz.:-t119_-1a111i B�1Ltt1IIg a rnnn the Allev in_�iloat�C._6, &11th_L1Yiri$8tnn.`-s-SeaOAd-Addl#.14A+••-�38tVr98S- the peln s a4n can 1 A�_tG the-B�4t8t1t-ih9aFf3- 7iih8 revor ott2a�Ce ■ainne�of �asblio 1lo�ks,--in--the-mat ex-•-date4 dAMO :`. (3) .That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the f: above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. f adopted by.. the Council--.-.,. _1..����.__.____................. 191__. �-' ---......_......-._...�..._. I, '-'._... -City Clerk. IM31 1 7nr,� Aatr�Mayor. , 11oae c 44 r sit VP P seabi�- ' Mr Preslden£, Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....Gandamning...and..taking.-.aa--eaaeman-t--.in...the...Iaad.-naae.asazyc for ...alnp lt'---fox...&uts---and..f11la...in--grading...allay---1n..3100kA,-Ruth................ Livingston' a--.8eonnd..Addition,.-.from.-Dunlap..-8t....tc--.Grigga.-St.-----------------------.------ Under Preliminary Order.... 65416 ....... _-.... approved.Apra 1-4.J9.Z6, Intermediary Order ...65742 ...... .- a approved... MAY ..4-1 19-26x ............. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE C SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance reports: That he has fixed andthe value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improv nt and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and idintified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _...... G- Co mi r 4 Finance. �x C F N-6759 8-0 dlna ca No. 8730— ~• .`r� Hodge - "� pfNlh9 the claim of I e'ggLvclie Novoq, sax, mother of pir- - 8A Pa Novotny, So.net the City of D ;t The a Council of the City of et. Pani rdinanoe No . - does ordain: That the opo,SE>CTcity I. Al' 508 prober ify offlco v. F- NO- ` hereby authorised to pay, out By dRm• r ComPromlee An ordinance settling the claim of Lucile Novotny, as mother of Virginia Novotny, against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author - iced yo pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Lucile .Novotny, as mother of Virginia Novotny, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising E from injuries sustained by said Virginia Novotny by reason of falling boll in Fills 0:101 toll 141ods Nil Y , $eotion 8s Said sum shall be paid to said olaimant upon her elocution and delivery of a releaae'in full to the City, in a form F to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her dsughter in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council SEP 1 TeasNays d Mr. w"ifoDoonald j ,s 9Glogas ' �udheimer Sant (Hodgson) vole Nati vim PLM. 70mQeene 1"w ApprovD Mayor Attest City Clerk J Ordinan00 Ho. ,, ( An ordinance settling the olsim of Lucile► Novotny, as mother of vixginia govotdro against the City of St Paul. THE C©UiIOIL OF THE CITY CF 8T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; section 1i That the proper city 6fficers are hereby author- isedyo pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Lucile Y,efotny, as mother of Virginia Novotny, the sum of one Hundred Dollars i (1100#00) ja faU settlement of him her claagainst the City,arising from iia juries sustained by said Virginia 110'OtUy by reason of falling, into a hole *,U Niles street#, near &dg4aambe Jt0ad, on May 83, 1986. $action a. Said am shall,be paid to said claimant upon her esoautioai and delivery' Of a lreleaso full to the Qty# in a form p to be appro4ed-by the Oorpors;tiOn Oauns,el, for all damages sustained by her daughter # the manner aforesaid. Section 3+ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publioation. '. SEP 1� Passed by the COunoil Yeas Nays mt. -- 6aUgn skald tti.. A roved qEP J 51 051 /_I,' �� -�yMayos t'1�BLI9i� -■,,,}_ Attest /✓ City Clerk 2nd. Laid covey 3rd.&app. _ Adopted / Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald 0 Ferguson Hodgson McDonald McDonald r- Sudheimer Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson ARTH UR.A.STE WART CO_ONATION COUNSEL EUOEN.E'M.O'NEILL FIRST nSSISTAXT N1 "l THOMAS ANDERSON /lil - Ae313TANT8 LAW DEPARTMENT August 30th, 1986. To the Council. Gentleman: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Lucile Novotny, as mother of Virginia Novotny, for the sum of $100.00. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Pe- Assistant C oration counsel. RJH-U 6 119 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL -OUHaL 67599 - FNo......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -or--OUlVC1L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V COMMISSIONER .. .... ......... . _ _ - ...:....................DATE..................... --' ..... .. ........ r.....�.r:+.................................... RESOLVED That the €w,=3n—a- er citp officers be and they are hereby author- ized to pap -*--- -w==w S Bve Haider, an employe of the Department of Public Works, in jury 2nd, 1925, the sum of Two Hundred Forty Dollars ($240.00) oix 0=1E, -1--1a6 Workmenl s Compensation Account of the General Fund, in par-=Eaf � set-tlement of his olaim, being for the period up to and inclizc�l-tea gugust 28th, 1926. j • V COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ ancy /erguson "McDonald _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I n favor /Suds hem i�•meerr r / Mr. President I � Adopted by the Council....... nG 1 ,'Lu 192 roY ,3..�.�...........192...... A-72, . � CITY OF ST_ PAUL couwc�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 96 UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY L/ - .4 COMMISSIONER...... ........... ........ ........ :.... ...................................................DATE..........;...................................... , " RESOLVED !hat the proper city off ioers be and they are hereby authorized s� to pay to James T. Bash, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured February 20, 1926, the sum of $1.95 out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to reimburse him for that amount spent for medicines . 0 x' Recommended for passage. 4 / �10ami.esioner c=Public Works. i l �cea�s 88be�=»$�.n 4' sie rie eb3 tisl'thor-..� '",�) Ized to Ds:.Y Co. Samea T.'Nasof PSbllo ' y r pploy¢ of =ba DeDattmei928 the BnTa. "�Worics;. lao ua'cd $eb 20, j of iLsr: ut'n nC-the Wo;kmea dent t: Densati to ., rei><nburae fhime fo[ that P'an= gp¢at Lor medtetnee. 81:1929. ��-�°'m aiaa by rile cgiaOCR.. Aag. A-DDrdv¢d ASS• $Y. 1920. 0 ' COUNCILMEN AUG3 f/y1Q Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council........................................192...... ✓1lancy �y ✓rerguson ezl Af��.J....1 .........192...... ,A&Donald • ................In favor ll .................. ........... . ................... ✓ SudSudhe�imner ......!!.....Against '� �etmg .e. M/ r. President Hodgson t. , Tfir CITY OF ST. PAUL "`ni1L ' s " wilFlti'. ••6'7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t N61L RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ` „PRESENTED BY .,< ,.COMM135IONE ...... ............. ....... ... ....... ' :DATE........ ........................................... RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authori ied to.pay to Irvin Ross, an employe of the Department of public Works, injured June 9th, 1926, the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) out of the Workmenls Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial - settlement of his claim against the City, being for the pez ;od up to and including August 31st, 1926. b '1+, COUNCILMEN Yeas Y..- C the Bre Y orlsed`. ! Reeolc4ed'�h%' ara h � enth "e of �cece kr-� tfl` Y' O�mG'ozk�e to-. v RpepubUo "the DOPaRmout1928� tae ePm "ork oen e: Sun S6SM ogt.ot thew neral, Recommended For passage ,rx' lur0d 0) D°pales (j. Account of fh° �lh8 Combe �,paru-x settletnegt ,tor 'Fun..alnet the 1, et 1W Lrtalm 8- . to and tP„°ludin6 up:. - yer od 81 19881,, � poll A°�•, Avg $18281 Ap`7ro ed ,:� Commissioner of Public Wor • 4' b '1+, COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Clancy ,./�..guson t 1 McDonald ................In favor mer.Against �MPsid.nt Hodgson , Adopted by the Council.AMAIN* ........... 192...... A1.1,.D26 .:.......192...... .G.��p................. ........ .. COUNCIL N\ -- CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO....:..... ���444 1J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' �r COUNCIL RESOLUTION: -GENERAL FORM - �+ August 31,1926 PRESENTED,' BY COMM18s ER... ................DATE........................................................ i RESOLVED That thdPurchasing Agent be, and he is hereby autnorizea 'Ga purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, on infomal competitive bids, 1400 cu. yards; more or less, of filling sande. without advertisement, as an emergengy exists where failure to wt promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge P.I.R. 3001 -Paving • 4th St. & Sibley near Union Depot. COUNCILMEN Yeas / ✓ Nays C,lancy ,/Ferguson -,�ICDonald ................In favor 10[41 ................Against ,/Sudheimer Mr. President Hodgson No. 87802.—By S H. McDonald— Resolved That the Purchasin Agent be.,and;he Is hereby authorised fo �pur- Chnse, with'the-eoneent of„the-Mayor . and COmpte0110K ou° Informal cornbet1 tive bids, 1400 eu. yards more or lees;; 'of 8111ng sand mahout advertisement,. tae tat emergency exists where failure o act promptlq w9uld:work .. d.11 td the beet Iaisreefe of the ty. ey neloa barge P.. L R. H001—pavla6 nth -:�9t. 8 $1b�ar UaDepot � ' Adopted;bp th9 L•ounoil pug: 31: 198,0: j ADD£bvedAvg 31,_1426 ti (deDt._S-19282 , AUG 31f926 •..192..,... Adopted by the Council ....................tp...�... AA q I.�.� i:'LV.....AU ......192...... ��✓ ./�,1 .l. .......... ......... Mi. ng N..oe CITY OF -ST. PAUL No ........ 67603 VY -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRIW L UNCIL RESOLUTION- ESOLU.TION-�GENERAL FORM C.g= ...... ................................DATE.. .. ................................................. RuffaAah" WHEREAS, By Counoll File No. 60873, adopted July 21, 1925, permission was granted to David G. Hirschman to operate and main- tain a drive-in filling station at Front and Chatsworth streets; and whereas, more than six months have elapsed and said drive-in filling station has not been installed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said David G. Hirsohmen be and he is hereby granted an extension of sixty days from the date hereof within which to install said drive-in filling station. COUNCILMEN .1 - AUG 31146 192 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .................................. Clancy AUG 3 1199 19 Ferguson XMcDonald In favor T458111"R �Sudheizner Against 0""'Mr. President Hodgson '90 etv of Saint Paul� D. WD, W. M, HAROLD CHIQr 0.ERK-CITY CLCRK V CITY CL=tK AND OOMMMEItK M O RMI-TIONN16'i�� pt M � M�F CHIGT `Qrk CLAR W O A. BSTORMS1E,1►lK L KY CLERK-R[D IN}RATpN August 25th, 1926. Honorable A. A Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u l l& i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: Attachjd hereto is application of David G. Hirschman for permit to operate and maintain a Drive -In filling station at Front & Chatsworth Streets. The above application was granted some time ago and the Council this morning Qirected that this be referred to you for the proper resolution granting an extension of 60 days to allow the. installation of said station. Respectfully yours City Clerk. 9 OriginalCITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be • made. in duplicate and OFFICE OF TILE CITY CLERK submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. Form No. To the Honorable City Council Date 142 of Saint Paul, Minnesota v APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE of Firm m Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) "Drive In' or "(.1eb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At �1i J Street Number sad Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk Si o DDlicaa By 73 Bm sees A Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk 19_ Dat -Date 19— Date 19_ Department of P. Parka. Playgrounds - Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works and Public Buildings By-------------------- — — By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works nt of Parke Received From Playgrounds and Pulbcrtme Bldgs. Dat 19— Date 19— Dat 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clark Iand applicant so notified by letter dated 19— Received From city Dat Counsel Received From City Clerk Date -19 Passed 19— ' -. Approved 19-- Office of the Corporaticm BY Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Dat, 19_ By I)rdinance No. ._ Permit No. License No ' Received Front Department of Date t 9— Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk - BY Approval withheld on account of Iand applicant so notified by letter dated 19— COUNCIL 6604 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENO........... ,J OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK COUNCIL RE LU ON—GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY *.................................. ................DATE...................... COMMISSIONER.... ........►.... .. . RESOLVE at the application of -the nzo Gas Motor Fuel Company for permission to install a pump and tank for private use, at 177 E. Third street, be and the same is hereby granted, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety,; provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold, and no repair work done on said premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �lancy ,,�F�""erguson AcDonald ' ......L ......In favor min j.dhei.e, ...............Against Ju -Ne Mr. President Hodgson AUG 311926192...... Adopted by the Council ..................... AUG 311926 ppred .................. ..............................192...... //�........................... .....1/.......... "—On AR -K E. NELSON. MAYOR' CLATCYA. Co1K`OF P...0 BAr— L. R. S. PER U80N. \ MCOM .1 E Nwxee N PV.LIC WORRa G. C. SUDHEIMER. COM. op PUBLIC U-11111 H. C. W ENZEL. p PARKS. P—G—... PUBLIC G. M. SHEPARD Su1LOlN0. CITY ENGINEER A. A. STEWART CORPORA lox C.... SL• W T. F. SCOTT. T CITY COMPTPOLL[R -G. L. NASO.. ..IT. Op PARKS U, 4E Qty 111anning EDarb of point Voul. miuuesvta 204 J)ittsh-gh'PuRbing GEORGE M. HERROLD. Mr. D. 61. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir : August 16th, 1926. Re : Filling Station La UIS °ETZ. VICe-CHAIRMAN W. J. DRI.COLL A. FLOAN X. J. XADLICX A J. A. BE..ER R. S.:TEPA RD A. H. :TEM J. CLAI R STONE H. A. SULLWOLD ISAAC SUMMERFIELD T. VON _RWEV Ep Benzo Gas Motor Fuel Co. for .Twin City Supply Co., 177 E. Third St. C I T Y. This application for a permit to operate a pump and install a tank for private use is in a district zoned for Light Industry and is permissible without a public hearing. There are no engincering difficulties. Yours very truly, �J�.�rte,l city PlannJ'6 ing Engineer. Approved ommissioner of Public oris. p `� Eh-rhP_,- Ori&d CITY OF SAINT PAUL. - cation to be maMile de iappdu d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEIiS submitted to the -City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Few N. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date 192!9 of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBBY rE 2)u&L By + Name of F' or Individual _ For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with 5266) sOrdinance A (/ Gc.a,si r / L. a^� 4 "Drive In" f • ,oti ,- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located =l At - .3 Q0 Street Number and Street Number of / Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed Received at.office of City Clerk 6i ture of Appli at 12, 7e Buainese Addrnae - Received From City. Clerk Received From City Cleric Received From City Clerk- - Date 19— Date - 19_ Date t9_ Department of P. Parka, Playgrounds a.nd Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By By 13Y Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Date 39_ Date i9— Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldge. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Dara - t9_ Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk - Date 19_ Approved tq_ l- Office of the Corporation Counsel ----- - -- By. By Ordinance No. Received From De partment of Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date . 19_ Date 19—Office Permit No of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk BY BY License No Approval withheld on account of i and applicant so notified by'letter dated �.� _ a..T ,...� .�, .y. ,....�_,.�,�:� ,. � __ _ _ _ _ �,,.�.....o..,. �...,.-.,-z.. r> 6. J. MURNAML �/I�,L � •� Paul DW.N 0. DUtUi. el roues .J Iryln pen pov MIIOHAD. G®NAROf. �e urtmeui of Public Safety W ' �"°n AIL poll a W. WRJJAM 0118110 X.A. VALL. - psv 17R!l14VO.MaM wrAawu J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER L a. H. 0ARrUSS. CNARI.� WB.Lis. I���ypsues HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DMnyry COMMISSIOMM 88lf. of ALIA1111M 0. F. SIMCN. M. D. ` A. L EGGERT. ' HGLiN OrAettl uoatls Iwvccrae n. eb118f xaa>k A. L NICNOL9. M. D.. CMARIJls L SOiRM. OSMY NW.TII OA1CR OIZ•T. MUOCVIY. GA1uaa JOHN MA1RIf J08. MAWULAY. psa TM bvsLTOR 8118. rWC[ d r11R ALAs11 4. August 27, 1926 Mr. D. W.Birdeall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minndsota. Dear Sir. Returned herewith is the applioation of the Benzo Cas Motor Fuel Co, fpr permission to instal a gasoline filling station for private use at 177 E. 3rd Street and report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, o er of Pu Safety Commiaei n Y E. J. MURNANK. of Si. CARO N IbLICt - Paul u OSD R LANDER, L OEBHARDY. AER. FIRS CWR AER. Cwv N F - .. A. V H.A. VALI.. Depa`LmuL of pubuY safri W I WAMRBARRON.. FIR[ P.-- RNENDOII .C—..-D— . CARuxM DRECTWEf CNARIJti L. WII.I.It, O. H. BARFUSS, .1. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER S—. W AFFAMRIR .9 Ixorcrm a Pau°t HARRY T. O'CONNEL •DEPUTY B. F. SIMON. M. 0. - MM A. L EOOERT. L. COMMISSIONER HEAtTx LICoaElw TOR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION A. E. NICHOLS. M.D. on+rrr H`A "DF "' JOE. MAGULAY. 91IR. POUCR 3 FIRt AWAY [IO AYO Am. �Auvrw �, JOHN MARTI. ewv Hw.iN INEFRTOR OWEN C. DUNN. R" CMO ®® Aug. 25, 1926. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner Of public Safe£y;--"y COURT HOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; � 'Regarding application of the Benzo Gas Motor Fuel Co. for permission to install a pump and tank for private use at 177 E. 3rd Street. Upon investigation we find that a gasoline pump and tank at the above location would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity, as the gasoline will be kept and handled in a safe manner and we therefore recommend that a permit be granted. Yours respectfully, Chief Inspector. ?YOB/k ,` ... CITY OF ST. PAUL _COU C' No ........ 6' 605 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONER, ..................... .......... ...f...... . .. ...........DATE........................................................ RESOLVED That mission is herebyed to C. W. Stott to install and maintain a gasoline tank and pump at 4 Crocus Hill, for private use only, said tank and pump to be installed in accordant a with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfagtion of the Commissioner of Public Safety; provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold and no repair work done on said premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �lancy Ferguson McDonald L/ .....In favor MN&W Sudheimer / ltlfi�ed ......Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the CouncilAu; 1 ...192...... ppr AUG 3.1192Q ...............192...... .........yR4"/.. ............R,. ................... i J. MURNAIM - ws w ralJa MICHAEL. GESNMOT. At<T. CNs a/ raLQ N.A. VALL. C ^iwar CaTRCINe WMIFUSS. IIOr<CfaR ar ro—t A. L. E66ERT. _ Llecst Iwr¢raR CHARLKS-L. SEORM. S—. MIIIOCPAL 011<waE JOS. MACAYLAY. SIH-. rat —a, M—A - 0 (lif of oct Poul _�� Department of flublic I fidetvWn" - AM "ROHR. /uQ n�rortwN _ J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLn L. yy'n • •_, HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DIOny" COMMISSIONS" Sri. ar A.rAM1Y� e. V. SIMON. M. D. N<LLTH OIACot OI WAIN xou�[ A. 6 NICHOLS. M. D.. ' ' DOIRY HRLLTH OAICOI ®® JOHN MARTI. C HEALTH August 27, 1926 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Herewith is application of C. W. Stott for permission to instal a 300 gallon gasoline tank and pump for his own use at 4 Crocus Hill and report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, A,:7 Commissioner of P c Safety Er J. MURNA"IL C.Rv w /Rale �jt Y of at. ��j{� i1 OIOM L11NOOl. Awr.Iu�a �v MIOHA�GERNARDT. ASST. a a Fa1.teE �.'�}p���a "ms.s,}■t }}��a}■ }� �*■�Y ♦TT Tr ■Y ][1{ portmeut II�� Publ{L Safety wu.uAM MRRON. IAM INR IMM Fla FwaEnrinN H. A. VALL. DETELTNO CHARLO ; WILLIE. SUIT. > A.PAMTiN CaIrAR. W J. M. CLANCY: COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFU93. 1-ar Paver HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONERHEALTNOmmI B. P. SIIAON. M. O. A. L. EGGIUM A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. Ua 1NaPECTaR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION ObYIY HEALTNOmea 103. MAC ULAY. nnNiN .No MINRaorA m. JOHN MARTI. CW V HEALTN IMRI4Ta S. PO I_ 4 FIRE A-1 UIT OWE" C. OUNN. ""s aNIV ®® Aug. 25, 1926. Hon. J..M. Olancy, 0ommissioner Of Public Safety, OOURT HOUSE, OITY. Dear Sir; Regarding application of 0. W. Stott, #p4 Orocus Hill to install gasoline nxrap and under— ground storage tank of 300 gallon capacity for his private use. Upon investigation we find that a gasoline -oumi. and 300 gallon under—ground storage tank would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a permit be granted. yours respectfully, 0—Ti33 1nspec of r. WOB/k E. J. MURlMNC Ctu of St. OSCAR LANDER, OMt/Ol.WJCt ANS'. PINI C_ MICANNY. G®HARDY.. _ Department � � Uhltt �� J� WILLIAM BARRON. A.R. CIS W POLIe[ .,,(INS }L H.A. VALL. CHIV IM.lAciOII, INS PnweNnw tg C_.N-Otit . CHARLES L. WILLIS, J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER �Y'«A-'�— G. H. BARFUBS, B. F. SIMON' M. D. Iwlcer.R o!lmlat HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HtALiN Dlnetw A. L. EGGERT. - LlGm.tlNe1.¢i011 BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. HtALT1 a-- JOS. MAGULAY6 tHI'X AXO MiM.mOIA Srt. JOHN MARTI, OR. POLICe FINN Aunty - CISH! HW.Tx INwRTOt OWEN C. D®UNN, FINS CIOV Aug. 19, 1926. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COURT HOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; I desire to install gasoline pump and under -ground storage tank of 300 gallon capacity for my own nrivate use at my garage X14 Crocus Hill, in accordance with your requirements. Please advise me of the proper nrooedlire so that the contractors Lovering - Longbatham Oo:, may go ahead with the work. Yours respect 1 y, v y IT OF ST AU No ........ C37606 OFF C OF THE ITY CLERK .2. L SOLUT'C COUNCIL ESOLUTIoN—GENERAL FORM ....DATE .................................. .................... =t&E—R ............ . .... ..... . ........ : ..................................................... Absoxv-1m= WHEREAS,an appeal has been filed by Swen Berglund, from the decision Of the c)ommiaBioner. of Public Buildings that he be granted a permit to construct a store building on the West one-half of lot 5 and all of lot 6, Block 15, Beaver Lake Heights, ten feet back from the street line; and that the building line of said place be modified so as to permit the construction of a store building ten feet back of the building line, in accordance with the plat attached to his said petition, and WHEREAS, it appears that all the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance relating to said appeal have been compiled with; there- fore be it • RESOLVED, that the OOMMiSBioner of Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit in ac- cordance with said petition; and that the building line be and thi same is hereby modified so as to permit the construction of a build- ing in accordance with the said petition. COUNCILMEN AVG I I J,* Adopted by the Council ........................................192...... Yeas Nays• `/ Clancy A U G 3 I.I.M. . ............ 192 ...... V171 erguson .. . . . McDonald '.In favor ................ ......... ..... ......... ... ...... . ............ vl/� �ulleie, ......(.!......Against Acting ANN* Mr. President Hodgson CRY CLARK AND COMMISSIONER OF REGISTRATION ' Y ON of Saint Paut (®ire of f¢itg c�terk HAROLD J. RI ROAN CHI@ C XRR-ORY CLERK CLARENCE A. STORMS CHID= CLERK-RWIRRATIOH August 25th, 1926. �-? Ron. Arthur A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Mydear Mr. Stewart: 9 Attached is to appeal, of Gwen Berglund for a modification of the building line forhis store building on the southeast corner of Stillwater Road and Iroquois. At a hearing on the above this morning the Council directed that the attached be referred to you for the proper resolution granting same. Respectfull y yours, City Clerk. 0 (&1tg of OIL Vain �¢}�gxtmenY � �nxks, �lsygrnunds and.�ublix �tttldtnge HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVINE C. PEARCE. OEPUrY COMMIMICHIM OFFlOE W MMMIEEIOMM 21P COURT HOUSE' August 6, 1926. Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the appeal of Swen Berglund for a onitheisoutheast cornernoflStillwatere for s buildingng Road ore and Iroquis, which is the west one half of Lot 5, all of Lot 6, Block 15, Beaver Lake Heights. { After carefully considering this matter, and in accord - d recommends ante with Section 20, Paragraph j, the that the appeal be granted and Mr. Berglund be allowed to build his store in accordance with the attached sketch, namely ten feet.back from the street line. Yours truly, /-6- k:' � gecretary; Zonirig Board. M ewes -U Q `:2 irrrrztiPE HOPS in 8tzkr iirtirr isitizals _ July 26, 1926; Honorable Qouacil, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am the owner of the west one-half of Lot 5, and all of Lot 6, $lock 15, Beaver Lame Heights. This property is on the southeast corner of Stillwater Road and Iroquois. The corner is zoned in a commercial classification, but the remainder of the lots in the block on the east of it are in a residence classifica- tion. I desire to erect a store on this corner but I an informed by the building inspector that this store must set back from Stillwater Road to line up with the residences in the remainder of the block. This I do not desire to do as it will spoil my store layout. I therefore petition to your Honorable Body to permit the change of building line at this loca- tion in accordance with Section 20, paragraph "J" of the Zoning Ordinance. You will find herewith attached, in accord- ance with this section, a diagram showing the proposed location of my store and the locations of the houses in the remainder of the block. Yours truly, r b July 26, 1926; Honorable Qouacil, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am the owner of the west one-half of Lot 5, and all of Lot 6, $lock 15, Beaver Lame Heights. This property is on the southeast corner of Stillwater Road and Iroquois. The corner is zoned in a commercial classification, but the remainder of the lots in the block on the east of it are in a residence classifica- tion. I desire to erect a store on this corner but I an informed by the building inspector that this store must set back from Stillwater Road to line up with the residences in the remainder of the block. This I do not desire to do as it will spoil my store layout. I therefore petition to your Honorable Body to permit the change of building line at this loca- tion in accordance with Section 20, paragraph "J" of the Zoning Ordinance. You will find herewith attached, in accord- ance with this section, a diagram showing the proposed location of my store and the locations of the houses in the remainder of the block. Yours truly, t .� - 6'76 ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL r _.o a`' NO ........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' 'COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM TONER ........ ............ ... ................DATE........................................................ :........ i" RESOLVED t the perm�iseion gr e o 0. W. Race by Council File No. 0 46778, approved July 3, 1923, to install and operate a drive-in filling station at ,,the southwest corner of Larpenteur and'iLexing- ton avenues, be and the same is hereby granted to E. D. Fales. W" �o'"o'^ 6 bd'dutY,;� itf�nf8�i°ed�o�t� �s2a8 :Evi a �be� F ujjg e '�.tHa D3th yRC. A COUNCILMEN Yeas �� Nays AU6 3.11228 Adopted by the Council...;..,,... ......... .:...........192...... "Glancy Ferguson / Q o ..�.t....1........... ...........192 /Mcponald �Sudheimer 13fwaa. In favor ...............Against .......... ..i:..... c... /;c ing ...... , Mr. President Hodgson thy - z .r r � ra yr k �" A '� � `T^ •� �` o- #ORr y a 3 r 1'st A `k Y � }V as r , rfi�5"'4�'-�. ; ` t ,• �"'•. •_v`'¢rt�.lrr f t,'+•':, Vie-' t k.� %' '� �` is: xa �,� ���.O6�i�yIITr{LL��J��Q♦I�►��I10�1080t8': . y 49, .G t f a .�*,x {Y 'ti `�'•N :.. WrirNAii�''[�i F +E �w•` 3 { s, _ 7d 5LC• a - tt"k:�a % t BOim % A$O ,TeliT ltlik6 to 04;o . Rilod adoituall agbs t!aat�li-!a13ar Xflingatatioa at.li02s ♦rroms,.tisag.ibe BoaLhwest,'': t 1psor' of Lssa►lsaq imd 7psian >ie�tass llr Sacs hss' diose t !!m0 dislt'aod I ha"yorobssid tie pto Ar 404", Ion yoorgraml# 8049 to tranier ape', permit'`fer b�ierwr m i 8E -77 of tf� station to m ?♦ JPS A }.> � k� t � t X, ih 'a•;� ��. � �� 'Y �r � N` �� tz _�,�i�� "'' g"zAs ��u�� �`•"�'€�a� .,. 3•ex s, �. - , ,'�..a© 19:51 2 rr -rrL ba eke t apDeaz• t 11 1,.dell ' j'v g z^the a- a€ d r } ..►'u4i"�,"b'ent�'5bgdse& "Y * qq ft 91 8 011e �¢gvao =-0 —g r�eo iia Ho �8gap DSp e�'iig t L�Bs a0. brts.,pd . :670-018 tb' tbeus ;< ndao !`J" T6a tilt. twoC64: `be tilt . red kQepl d tea"i N - , - *�,4ldefa nddde�Ovlddd, �b9ia nHe a o Gat bas dLed% :a tho�voaa filo 4$9 dQ T�a]d 5'0 'lbAt � envml 0e F. No. Tfio aaaa�a tro oa�qua ease azo f g'Ceq BeDYemLgr t, 1888 bear 7n PIHFREA PPe It a Fbrqsqtgdu�ma phi hie'e}eafinu i1yo`replenish the . ,p�etet �lay.ov°MasclL AddyB;Dterrx. 'tcAryear'%ae�,evidep"Se';,Dzu dam- eeeMatloa and eUrt a„dr. �- Airport Bond Fund in the sum of One Hunt ddatereet E 7 � ,,000.00) Dollars, and the Council by Resolution No. 6T546 'dpproved August x,.1926, has autborised the issuance of bonds iii that sovMj a TMEFORF, be it resolved that the bonds authorized by Or - 1611 t ` -dinanoe No. 6667, be sold in the manner provided by law in the amount of On6 Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars. Said bonds to be in denominations of One.Whousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, to be dated September lst, 1926, bear interest at a rate not exceeding 4jG per anaum,'tyable semi-annually on } the first days of March and September in each year, as evidenced by and,upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest ooupons.as they sever- ally become due. Said bonds shall be serial, a portion thereof shall be in each year, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer term than twenty a .(20) -years, and the amounts necessgry each year to pay the principal of the in bonds maturing such year and the interest on the bonds shall be approximately r the same in each of the years during which baid bonds shall run, and shall be numbered from 33052 to 33151 inclusive.-' The date's on which said bonds shall } matukb land the amount whichshall tmature annually over mid period shall be 48 foll UTE OF MATURITY BONDS NOMBFR.ED AM UNT CF BONDS ;- September 1,1927 33652 to 33054 30000,00 September 1, 1928 33055 to 33057 3,000.00 September 1, 1029 33058 to 33061 4,000.00 ; ` September 1, 1930 33062 to 33065 4,000,00; September 1, 1931 33066 to 33069 4,000.00, September 1, 1932 33070 to 33073 4,000.00 September 1, 1933 33074 to 33077 4,000.00 September 10 1934 33078 to 33081 4,000.00 September 1, 1935 33082 to 33086 5,000.00 September 1, 1936 33087 to 33091 5,000.00 September 1, 1937 33092 to 33096 5,000.00 September 1, 1938 33097 to 33101 5,000.00 September 10 1939 33102 to 33106 5,000.00 6e ember 1, 1960 33107 to 33192 6,000.00 ksMteinber 1,.,1$41 33113 to 33118 6,000.00 $' *mbar 1, 1942 33119 to 331?rl 6,000.00 QIi sjmber 1, 1943 33125 to 33130 6,000.00 September 1, 1944 33131 to 33137 7,000.00 September 1, 1946 33138 to 33144 7,000.00 September 1, 1946 33145,#x`33151 7,000.00 b 100,000 00 f has ` J That said bonds shall bein the follow form yrhioh -been- prepared the 3 r Ootio „ pr pa by ssi�3>� Fund Oomgi3ttse and ap by ��� �-Counsel .of said ,City and is hereby approved and ado 9d; J UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY CF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL AIRPORT BOND Countersigned Comptroller COUPON No. £* March. On.; the fir day of Septentier 19 r ,the City o$ S"taPatlM�innl+��i promises to pay t,c4Voarer a�tTie office of the`Commissioner or _a` 1,000.00 No. <d 8NaI ALL MEN BY -THESE NSENTS, That the City �,.St. Paul, in the ave for valve Cd4ty of'Ramsey State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to and Thousand ($1,00.0.00) am recd ed.hereby promises to pay to BEARER the aof One ilara the first day of Septomber 1- with interest thereofi from on togethei the date hereof until paid at the rate o�— per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on a rs flays o re, and Se . or by acid upon the presentation and surrener of the -an- in each year, as, evidenced nexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of the united States of America at the of - ' of this bond are payable in lawful money fioe ofr>,the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Aganoy of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York,;;-, State- of New York, and for the. :prompt payment of this bond, both principal and.interest, at maturity, the; faith and credit of the City of St. Paul sre hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series amounting it" aggregate aggregate to the $uit of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars issued by the City .for the purpose' of payment toward the cost of acquiring land for a landing.field, for aeroplanesy and grading slid Preparing such land. for such use for the construction ;of buildings, for the hoaxing of aeroplanes, and for other purposes inoidental to the operation landing in the City'of "Saint Pau1r„,Ramsey and maintenance an Aeroplane Field County, Mimes o'ts ' This bond is issued gguurrsuant to an Ordinance No. 6667, passed by the Council” of said City and duly aigt4od, attested, approved and published in the manner required by the Charter of said. oityi and approved by the electors of the City o£ St. Paul at a special election,held June 21 ,1926, also a resolution C duly pa atiecT and approved Au s 2 11JZ6 F and tinder au= No pP s. of t hem �urtoil i �"thorit" 21n all respects Wa full oomplianoe with Section 217 of the Charter �%rnt ' of the�ity of Saint Paul, and such other .sections thereof ets may be applicable �qq thereto. 'A, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED, That all things, acts and oon- ditions required by the Constitution and.laws of the State of'Minnssota and"the.° Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed pceoederit.to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened and been done and performed in regular and = due form; and time as -required by laze", and that the total indebtedness of said city including this bond,'does,%ot exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter lima- tations . IN WITNESS IVHEREOF, The said City of St. Paul, by -L+,& Counoil has `'', oaused'this bond to be sealed with its corporate seal, to be signed by its Mayor, attested. by its City Clerk, and countersigned by its Comptroller, and each of tfl'e interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by t t raphed fao-simile "sgnature`of` said'offioere this=first day of September yor. Attest 't City r Countersigned Comptroller COUPON No. £* March. On.; the fir day of Septentier 19 r ,the City o$ S"taPatlM�innl+��i promises to pay t,c4Voarer a�tTie office of the`Commissioner or _a` Finance of the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York, for interest due that day on its Airport Bond, dated September 1, 1926. Nob Mayor Attest city Cler Countersigned Com roller RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller, in the Courthouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, up to(10) ten o'clock A. M. September $2, 1926,;.:, `. for the sale of all or none of said bonds, af':er giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by lmv, in the St. Paul Review, the offioial paper of said city. Each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for two (2) per sent of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready £br delivery. The City Comptroller, shall, at the next me'4ting after receiving said bids present the same to the Council for its action there6-u The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay per or better therefor, at the lowest ; rate of interest not exceeding Four and One -Quarter per oent. AIIN 1192` Adopted by the Council Approved AUG 8 11926 :Yeas Councilmen Nays erguaon McDonald (�'✓' ,O'' Sudhe�imer Mr. President �� k } e. 35119 to SUN 56106 to 34" 0401 to OW to C"I 83146 to 33251,, AM= ENDS WPM* 4M 40*400 6: OWAO 100iW0,00 That said boadis OWI belt *0 V4VwW OM whi0h 10 been jwq*rOd by the SlWft rold Oowdtteo'mdj&ppV"0I by the Corwitift WA City, OM to., Woby OPWW4 AM AdOPW#-,,� I 6 08 76 BY wmnu* it appears vatt it is O"emory to V*Plsao Vo AUT*Vt Bond Fund in tlie sup of Ona Modred Th"Ond (610100MI-*) DOU00i ojil'tba amoil by Resolution No* -6�1�6 ap*- p" Avgul* "Oprized to. Jaguame of bondsln t ww6m; ' mm* %it resolved �,thorlbsd'by Ora Tmmnthat the bonds & ae ft* 6087, be sold In thelftautw prorld0d by INX 1406 *WUAt Of 00 OV*4 Thatoand#M*000400) D*Wirok Said bands to be In 40twdrAftsim of pts ,Thousand (#j#ODO*W) Dollars eaahj* to be dated ftpt4Aer )At# 1bear st a rate rm* OxPe Ube "ading Q% r smust Mable soz,*Oiftur on —"A Us Mat ft" aUVmr,* vrid ftiptabal $4 each Year* &0 WIOIMOPd by andupp the WissatatUm tod OtratUr of the,gW*0 futir0fit OMPOTWAS thby OWW4 be $is part Tx A" X71OP Oat UMAS WIS twenty 4"k ik�- now ywrS# &YA tho amwft nowaswrosift 7wr to IftV the Mirldilml Of the by iF in VA"wjj* yW &M Us 14*er6st an the bwAt shall bo 4praiii" thee- - Opaj Ilt cash ce the y"vs fting v4doh m, aid bonds W*%I. ft4 44 JOU be ftdxt*m=-whI*he&IAbQAdOftU A ss%w*,md-I4ho w#40 which 041 matwA ammally awmid period #1*11 bo 35119 to SUN 56106 to 34" 0401 to OW to C"I 83146 to 33251,, AM= ENDS WPM* 4M 40*400 6: OWAO 100iW0,00 That said boadis OWI belt *0 V4VwW OM whi0h 10 been jwq*rOd by the SlWft rold Oowdtteo'mdj&ppV"0I by the Corwitift WA City, OM to., Woby OPWW4 AM AdOPW#-,,� I i MTO STATES Q AMIQA SnB (F UMNEGOTA GaUNTY LF Rt+MSSX Givy Cp STa ML AiRPMT 300 t 1(0� 100W.00 ON ALL; jm BY THP FROMTS," That tbs. Qity or St. Paul, in the 0 , Ad` e4d S to at ltinnego'taN adcmowlsOps itWV to are VJ4 for IV# re4s b '9 pr"Lftl same to l*y to wam the ac Ono u* 11 �Q p00*Cp Aal epi the d , dayV of 8e 04bef together w1* i�ater�tsiler, Elydan l paid at the rats 0 payable saa3ra nw ty an w yea ' G �v ea�d, , yam* KKK }ayi4an by and Up u the prOSSAtUtUft Arid *4VOAW � the aU1+ dare pans they e9varatiy became duop P*th pr p l Bard inip 4#t 0• ti#ia'ba bl9tt money of the ifnitad BtabsaE of pr Ate9riota tat the Gw r It p A elLBt�� t'OR inguop 4f t * O fty at gt} v ,Im qt X11$ "OA041 bPAW, s pity. of at ft1 ltt the aitV ole Na►.Ymk,# Etta a cc pay{�pxrli `"th3rr boo* pri'nok*l. e A intoretitt at asaturiiy* ift fat.ih $ o } !1 tt,Y of St. Dill 06-9 htroby lrrevoeaW OU490 € ftond to ono of a sones awuatiting, in the a400te to tha #w of ' r ► t1*0) Dot:"laa�aed by the City Liar th0>, Etase".ad' 0 ao"biang bend a 34a4ing field fdr aq�i�'� in in' - ih 3au4 for'' ia#h tt� taa� ttae oamlte�agtic0a �` b� ngit s #she b of PIA'" tad for owr 1wpwo ina±�ida, obal to tho OPS 840103%i an$ 0k' Airoplues na#og Piaui In the city a **lot rm lb Karry' Q� tk. do bond is sOu#d pursasawt too an QMUi nta9 Ito* bq !►he.t .i Qiibr and• fluty dt app R!(in►b{1 tbs ad tbs charter o sand ap by At 9 e aa'd'eai the 0, a 1xra>iti 6sl Jaaae ins as»ail�aa (at 1 o Mpp_ tcaagaet �r #, e,�4 `itner easy endpsu►%dth Sa' ai tbe: d6az�tor oi. ii3rt saad ett a r s11041:ms theroid; e0 1*7 b9 soplii ►16 f i8 ' CMTJ=M AAD TtRtTI'=* That all thinglN Kota and door" ?tom°b1r the tul:fcttt and U" of bh9tti of ?d3aataol� mad than !' .cold Gl ty t6 pen ai*'b9 dot! =4 perf4mO4 *41. ed�stct *M $n 440 . q9 a1 bbsa4e 1>Jt1D ►P nOd Knd 6e�n tions and I* yeCa�d - reg , Knd sa a td .. ds rogn brad i�}+ 1eNr* and ?k at the toW a sdtYree aP sK9d city 6 Chia w4#does 9yoblaed Ow000tatstatllt st0lwtary or 1+ IN WIMSB OP# The- said Ql#y of at. FW4# by tts=Er9utaol$ has thU bond to be sealed'*tth Ltd corporate s to be #161ad by `f" 11Ay** its$y 4ler)tx anti o0taaber4lg>�b1+ Sts Rompiltoe�sd egah e' at ppraa h"t i stOkj6d, to be oitt O •by than UtbA&rltVW b4"hb rig 4 `: tP eK aitioa►Ys tisii ,first pt Beptt A0 AAft a 1886. } Countersigned UREW-071ir oOUPoN goo $ Wreh `> the first &V at September 11 the city at Sk. F � M;rinasot&, Isr"4 les #1o, gay blaarer _ ._._ _ _. at ire olfio9 Kit the Qonatds#ia►nar 09 sae° fits► dt at or at the FbAncial APROY aae OW Oitlr at a . . !�[ i�La iby aR NM Yorks state of Xw York, for Interest dtu that day au to Atlp� BOA4,datatl September le 1026* 50# _,,, j g Atto4e rte•`_' . 6ounteg'sfgcradr_,__�, '; • J fiLyItA Fte i'hat io" peoppoale b4 roloolved at the ofMO h of ` 0ity a x rlbgr n the.,Oouxpho w aid Oity Mu l bey fA tbs 007' od' 81i� IW LRLN tp(la) tOM 0140): A, Mw BOY4011600,- for Abo,pale ¢` sal tv Avuo a� Ssid 1 *44,, r gijg d" notice ;0 mxu Malt 3 is 4'b5► I*,,iu tt* fti � * the offis"49 hams a Ld eilgw sretina : t'e nia .bid by a o=Viod ar -.id t far two (2) Pte' am* antl ac the t of bd baa to .wi►iba abs ha fai *4 the city as u4uadsted' de $eq it tiw't�ond►s ire Ptah taken aad pili ,t'oat, when rosily ow delt*#rSr: The Olay Ocmptroalery sh&U,# at the next a► OUS Ow rs"iting as bide',Oftt V* iame to the Oaunoil for its action the, an, 'Rise paid bonds 14hs11 be o� to the person who win pry par or better tw9ttwo at sire 4v"t rWW of interest not expending Fotar and One Qnartar' per cont o Adopted by the Oounoil,- i��_ 4 SAW Apprgvefl AU6 3 I Ig2B fY i i .. CITY OF ST. PAUL * F -NCIL No .......... 6- 6U / ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK {w COUNCIL RESOLUTION ° GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.....................................................:..........................DATE........................................................ . WHEREAS, It appears that a resolution, Council File No. 6 �/ adopted Qu�� /� iia , for the vacation of Josephine street, was passed by the Council, and that said resolution provided for the pay- ment of the sum of .$1800 by the petitioners for said vacation, and the filing of a bond; and WHEREAS, It appears that said conditions have not been complied with, and that a large number of the property owners in the vicinity of said Josephine street have filed a petition obj®ting to the vacation of said street, and it appearing that the vacation thereof would greatly inconvenience property owners living in the vicinity of said street; and whereas, the Council passed said resolution without being advised as to the true facts; therefore, be it -f RESOLVED, That said CouncIA, File No. be and the same is hereby repealed, Yeas COUNCILMEN oClancy,"Ferguson Nays Iti; favor /McDonald ..In -4W�� .� S dheimer ......k!......Against Mr. President Hodgson tr { x r . V CWNCILNO........2.. CITY OF ST., PAUL FILB OFFICE OF TH4•6ITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY..........DATE .............................. + :.COMMISSIONER..::....:.............................-............................................... <: RESOLVED i'hat tf►e time aith# whloh the petitioners may pay the. clowpsnsa- tion for the T"St4oa of dosepbjAs street between BerkelOy SMOM0" and Stanford avenue, tmd 0- —all File Noe as .r-aSspy+� L 1826, be and the same is hereby extended September 2nd, 1826o. nG /nJ� V V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ................In favor McGlogan Sudheimer ...............Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson 99 Adopted by the Council........AUG 4.. .....192...... kUs"4th Approved............................................192...... ......... . aftV of saint 'Paul AND SR //pp��Y,p� W(Q Cl RDK, OWMATN "Ift L �ah 0 Mr. A.A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: HARDLD J. RIORDAN s C w Cutax-CRO CLaK OLARENCS A. STORMS CNS7 G IwtSDf,RATNIN August 3rd, 1926. At the Council meeting held today the request of the petitioners for the vacation of Josephine Street between Berkeley Avenue and Stanford Avenue, for an extension of thirty - days ..,rrom August 2nd, in which to pay the compensation was granted, and the matter referred to you for the proper resolution. We enclose herewith all papers in connection with the above vacation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. t ° ;rt COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7ancy ✓ ergnson 151*'... _... x.. McDonald In favor S dheimer V......Against m ent Hodgson AU&Adopted by the Council...............�......l�.�Il......... I92...... .. 192...... ........................................... • ,fry; CWNCIy NO......6761. CITY OF ST. PAUL nuc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I�COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Au et 31 1926 ................ gu....,......,....... PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER......... ... ....� :... - .... ....... :............ DATE .............. RESOLVED That applications for li ensds issued to the following persons for the same are hereby denied: businesses at the addresses indicated be and conducting C. J. Margellon, 438 Jackson St., Confectionery application 3204- denied by Bureau of Health -barber shop innsome room- place is not in cation condi07 -ttioon.pooAtabllso eeolroom Appli- 267 9i. 7th St., Confectionery application -3066 W. E. ganders, Place in general dirty condition. Denied by Bureau of Health. Frank Di Palma, 24618. 4th St., Soft drink application 3029. Denied by police Dept. Undesirable placd. t ° ;rt COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7ancy ✓ ergnson 151*'... _... x.. McDonald In favor S dheimer V......Against m ent Hodgson AU&Adopted by the Council...............�......l�.�Il......... I92...... .. 192...... ........................................... • ,fry; CITY OFFICE OF COUNCIL RE§DLI PRESENTED BY ER .,l I�J../......��/f.I.:... PRESENT10NER....... D^ WNCIL No ........ Kl.l V13 31a ..192 B ................. RESOLVED /grB19RP'�v�ons for conducting v That the applications f re /� � businesses at the addresses indicated be and"'tine same yre'granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the paymenttinto into the city treasury of the customary fee: H. M. Baird, 1930 Iglehart Av., Auctioneer Confectionery Alex Removioh, 875 Arcade St., Israel Hackner, 1080 Earl St. 558.Wabasha St., Grocery Butcher Chas..B. Fish, E. J. Zsohokke, 260 Burgess St., Grocery Mrs. B'. H. Rohviedder, 1035 Charles St., Confectionery Butcher Tony Lamanna, 361 Upper Levee, 488 N. Snelling Av., Confectionery Peter Nicholas, George Ott, 1813 Selby Ave;, =Butcher Hildur L. Moore, 10 E. 6th St.,' Confectionery Butcher W. A. Reem, 2115 Grand.Av.•p 1588 University Av., Confectionery Peter Felice, Twin City Exterminating Co., '_ 2399 University Av., Fumigating -Wrs. Sarah Daffy,, 282 Rice St., 556 Rice Grocery 2nd hand dealer Sam Claren, H. L. Stake ,St., 348 University AV., Grocery hand dealer Aaron Freeman, Aaron 387 E. 7th St., 173 W. 6th St-, Soft drink --Mrs. Chris Bauer, - 171 E. 7th It., Pawnbroker 1. Lazarus John Schrammer, 1239 Rice St., Grocery Confectionery A. E. Gillman, 9 E. 7th St., 126 W. Central Av., Restaurant Mrs.Katie Amundson, „ G. Matz 675 Rice St., e . P. G. Diederiok, 627 St. Peter St., •E. W. Pearson & J. F. Sperry, 605 Wabasha St., Hotel Mrs. M. Johnson, 452 St. Peter St., 770 E. 7th St., Restaurant R. J. Silty, Mrs. H. S. Devine, 6 E. 9th St., Hotel Restaute.nt Frank616 Como Av., 374 Wabasha St., Hotel Arneson, James S. Arneson, Mrs. F. P. Leavitt, Mrs. F. 767 Raymond Av., Restaurant � Mike Capra, 171 IV. 4th St. Frank Springer, 129 E. 11th St. Soft drM&g!fiAj&as bar exposed to view from street. G. ��1 1••••..192...... Year, Nays Adopted by the Council..... .......... —61ancy --Ferguson AUG 311R`2u r .. 192...... _,McDonald In favor' -NMbgwn Sudheimer .......... Against ...... .o. Acting i Mr. President Hodgson MBLIS13D.-� 't CITY OF ST. PAUL 67614 No........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK dOUNCIL RESO,UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT commissioNen ...... .......... 1�..A... . ...................... DATE ...... X41IMt...0 ED, ... 3,92,6 .................... VWOREAS, Yellow Cab Co,� �-- —de application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul One (I� Checker cab, Motor No. 117337, State License No. B-56528, covered by United States Casualty Co. Policy No. A.L.P. 152590, and owned�by said Yellow Cab Co. Inc., and VWBEAS, Yellow Cab Co. Inc. has in accordance with ordinance No. 5866, filed a copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Yellow Cab Co. Inc. to operate said auto ear upon the_ streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays V, lancy /1C erguson J McDonald .......... q ..... In favor -/Sudhei. Q..... Against IMr. President Hodgson MID %.11926 Adopted by the Council:`.!.Tm............................192....... A r 11,42 .............192...... .... .... . ......... .................... ..................................... -Acting kb' �4 ' FiE5OL > 3 { 49 �. s3`ibts �: �;,; .aorire$� tgpog�e►phloal e�r`roi� as ,f�alows4s e8�� s � �ioas�`� .=4QJW end subetithte; * :3 •40 tb reaar, ltdaritito0. , �. �-�; �+ � said attsri�na3e� rau3 is *iWol #ion for Ahe" "said ��� .� a�r`s�l�li?eXer 6838 ^appea,ra•" �� . All Mi , t fi .33 �C n a�'-igr J 8r Mq o.41,df �p �y . duolv'ed�;Tha 9`j87488dpAYQVod �. goevhl¢'a8i�'iFo�s§ioudsva,. tion 1,8 0 1kc Dt,? ; '• �y, Y� 19d 85�euIIln7ln'�l�pt A uriO +r r` MR W !0 � "he �dodFY,io ncft g $ 9 �r 9981 ri r �fSOi7NgjLMEN rYy� ,. s# Nays Adopted by the Council ' ✓ gueon ._ pro ' a192'.. -r d McDonald In favor s �S..Aheirner _.___....Ageinet __ __._ .... --•--- fTC Ill9 MAvaR ' Mr. President Hodoon ,..,. .5.��4, : �lwk.x �5= CITY OF ST. ,PAUL NC QFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERkC r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM PRESENTED 6Y r+ 5• COMMISSIONER... .:........._-__. _--•_-_.__...»..:.._..._....- ..u...-».."»....W.._.DATE--'.........r .......�......" ..»....x`--- �# RESO 401 J�g� s"ifm c o�ta5e�Rd^' _ _ erwa gtdan e�} ffi9'� te�Te'iel ff p etsa male a 11ag�urax8ioua8 061$—¢.ulln.0 6,rY-�* Wa a'Ib al„1}1(Da8 aatiHag^,� sea �a eE'ra8ts X"d�°aa W.rov�inF:. - . cwY+T"pYil � ,wrlBLt;a4 y�7 fig That permission} be and SBS .e rant�ro0w W�3tate Telephone & Telegxaph' Oo�t}IpBar�Oaystioa• lay undergrounid conduit o Be I�ee d lateral pipes connecting the into aY eee „# Y skteer a sll :13 on the following mimed streets: East side of A,r _ fight from Case St. .to Villard St. at `side White'; Hear Ave. from Maryland St. to Larpenteur Av. South aide $t. 0 i St. from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap St. Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Rlblio Woi ke. The Telephone aom�lszyq u t0 pay the coat o4 ins Peetion, engineering and lublioatioa: -f - COUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_....- f:� � �- _ 192. � . ncy. g Ferguson Approve _ J I92� k In favor rf McDonald MAYOR Sudheimer Against 9 _` • PtTBLISHED Mr. President 4 W` o C ITY OF ST- PAUL 0,6M OFIFTCE,OF,tHE CITY CLERK - RESOLUTION 7 . FE I/ QRM COUNCIL RESOLUTIONRA F 4 Aug-ast 31, 1926 EFA,'D W_, 7 M-1 Thatthe time specified for the performance f a certain iiin contract dated March 23. 1926, between Owen keoligh.- Contractor, and the City Of St- Paul;;for the grading of _Bohiand Atreet from SnellIngAvenue to Higfiview Avenue, a an d,iha same le hereby. extended i7 to the 30th day of Auguet, 1926,,and the proper arty officers. are hereby authorized to execute an'�amendmeat to said contract accordance. herewith, proved - that tjjie`�,L r�4130'lMt"it4hal 1 not have any 'force t LL44a the '-ala-Wilei'on the oo tractOrs an& effoo ul . r P g bond consent thereto 6Ad' file such coneent in writing with the cit-Gomptroller. City V_ COUNCILMEN N Auts, Nays Adopted by the Council...___ ......... .t 192 ✓ lancy legueon po 3 1_1 .. .._.._192 ........ In favor Moslem -0 . .... ...... udheimer - -------- ..... Against Art. ing V Mr Preside t: Hodgeon St. Pwal, Linn. - ", 3 ,.-192L TO TIM HOA?OR.1' BLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. ua:1t l.amon: Would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cruse the tima of poompletinq contract for the s��,At, cO Te b<. extended to Owing to it vas not possible for :)IA2to finish this contract within the specified, hence �Ddesire to ask that the time for com- pl:;tin� sna:c be is -ads a ..erainbefore statedc Yours very truly, Contract or. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office are copcErned. APPROVEJ): upt. ofConstruotion & s CoLirdssio.,er of Public Worl_s Chief Encineer. �; $'676- d CITY OF ST AUC' ern a NO �7 �. � ,oFFICt, OF THE, CITY�rvC1:ERI Fy x I' �U1JCIL RESOLUTION Cv[IgRAL ,FORM `. y �� 4l► gpgnst-28� -. <t+3s.x ,SAp TYiat., the gisde oY 'A] lays "in B1dgk 22 i # i from Seaton rest, to St. Anthony !"A"Rq. l IIo, , c vvl ,. North and South Alley and 'Yram Piarea Avenue 'to 0. BnYord Avenue, in aaaordOnbe with the red-q-rade roY�le fid: as reo'mmendad lin8 ,Qn ry�t"a aaaompenyiiig P :. ` by itfie Commissioner_.;oY ixtilia Wgrka be and the same hexeby�sdopted as tha'establLVshed grade. <„ x d � , �'F,$ �f , ,s �STSI°cktaai'E"t�¢ 8R%}a'°,68"do4 hs . ro r '"r >ia3or�r + 91tgY^a d Ytom M;' ttFd eB �ritd `I e tdlne:7w°gt rte@ dcomAa>`s QommlM9lr, 071-1, demb e a`;nd?thg.t san}, t b,.VQor pore' nab ai&L 7r e ,988�V W. oaed _ _'.. 'R: q COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the,Coaned h Yeas'— A n �ancy; AUG/Fe ,g,uson192.. 17onald In favor 1 f .Against. -. �q{od�om '��y'� That the plat of $aer's Ee6rrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of , Public Works, be and the same is.hereby accepted. r �ecolynR.�E',��i� sgb�n�vl4.1`- s A�U i1'aT1Ba6.,cYR,�Pid'moovm`ehd�d -P� ��1@p�a1p9. 4 .�sq,�Ypy 'eoVed PR7 pp�Cpuu61},uBztj8a���6 ', ,pyypFvo ds"l�$T.icas & COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓" fancy Nays / Ferguson , } .......... In favor eDonald -,.0--.....Against //�Syud�h.eii]mer I Mr. President ^11-1�- 1 Adopted by the Couneil.-....�................ 26: _..1sz.'_-. Alli 1 iQ Approve ... ........... 192...... ...........11C ing MAYOR COUNCIL CITY NO.--------667 CITY OF ST. PAUL F U *- i OFFICE OF.-THE CITY CLERK x " -COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM kr PRESENTS f• $1 Repona DAT44 A .. at asst d ? COMMI881 LL - ' RESOLVED ' That the plat of gemotpia .Additions as reoommended by the Flat 6emmission and approved by the Comnisoloner of Ptiblio Workss be and the same is.he6by aoeopted• x' iditloh�'K_ �'tb�#jD/a ot,"TCjd—tti CP Mldetoo R ��. ��°`nd vth'inb't°�e4e Y thg owYdl 5.. .: COU C!!±!EN'C[►.: `,'. e, Yesa� Nays - Adoptsd by the.Council ----- ............ _.. 192 ✓ eY Approve j�113 192 Ferguson -' z / 3 In favor a ..... /+^' CDonaId .' MAYOR T Acting, Su eimer Against Mr. President MI -OFFIC��d� THE'CITY CLER , 4� " a q e r - S r'M 4 i�nws.. c? CQONCIL RESOLUTION C9 NERAL FORM t3.tpa,v r y x� �R�ESBNT0. 6�BY y. `^ DAi£ r� +ft. .t COMMB 81,0!!fi - - a x.tvxrx.r, a Iii the 101, matter "of aonstruot ng a sewer On f r Serw`iri Street iron Phalan Atreet to Traoy ,9treet,:s ; ` tinder Preliminary Order 'G. Fi .,5270, approved" - . a r; February lb, 1924, and Final Order C. F.b216$, P approved April 8, 1924. "x h. eaifioations and RESOLVED, That the plan8�'ap estimated quanes as submitted by the Gommiesioner of Pub11b,WOrke For the-abope. lamed improvement,any kf the}seme are herebywappr64ed. ec c , o 7oa�kd 8rnvrzinc4 e - SIa ib matter' [:toongtrnatln6�sd�eLeaL �" r .pace gttw„„/n„a86"t,7 m1py4� ? i� ( k�' .'..Nbt 6tp70:5F➢1F ntTi1 m�ud'bBRnR'L+Git$e�65'i,8 _ ^' tt8'$t` tHq.. p`4 m etoyy99'F�?' 4R+".Kn.- ,�ti49ntie v#ved. L'oen X - dootied3% .f Y COUNCILMEN AOG' Ng $ � Adopted by the CounctI ; r I92 *r/Clancy . y '-gueon �j� p 3'2'�s�2 192 /McDonald -''r -•---In favor, r .. . z "`°fit' Sudkwmer �--,Against "' —VOR �CI`11f� " ]V1r. President Hodgeon ^ t ' CITY OF''3T. PAUL mu c . NO .fir OFFICE OF THE CITY" CLERK } COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOAM x .4 August 30, 1996 A........... PRE9EN'rEQ Bl' DTE_....... .... ............. _- COMMISBIONE, •-,-----•___.._ __....-.----- A, In In the matter of constructing a Beaver on Hyacinth Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. P`.;•6b734, aMay 4*, 1926.` RESOLVED, Thft the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for•the above Usmed improvement, be �. .„_ and the some are hereby approved. M !G4'`5`f7a 67�s 3�3rG +'ISiaAelA•-y”: -, 7 e-mattet a aisle T saw n rotor WynftI a i`rAdea viftrnder Im(*) ` 3s-4,3, TtrR,��; 121410- Dlan6rr+ a e •� - :^. I (ops.snej pt.�Ida a y trued tab , �, -. :Ialtte8bYth$ •,,���a�ll1oppyy}Qf;.�1tPatr _ W�W�a�r��tr�e{ 1zpVe�ZSI H4�i�e�. .. �.pp r r• �r. nes -._. .,. a� �•.:-;. .:�� COUNCILMEN AUG 31'192 Yese LL Nays -4dopted by the Council ---.... :-- /terguson A r 3--1.sdi7--.192 `. /'M-Donald ................ In favor i+Ir11�n fi- /Sudheimer _......_ --.Against 11Ct1A9 "•°^ • M. Ptident Hodgson iN,^r 8 o- k x s •taa'ti.c` f t ..= r h 25" B`i`ll { .'+ QF ST., ria, �r c R "'*Rid i OF�CE OFT! IE.nC1T1f� CLEF3K a $ j' r RtGENftIFORIGI s 34, y Aiuguat .a , i s + s<• j e DATE'S .0 PA i to F iRESOL} i 5x W 1. Y- =r " i*? the matter o3 oointruot'ing a sewer on Ogttgge Sty from e..point' llb 3t• seat `of Bayne gve.rt to yx rebnbrier veto. e Denby :St r Pram a point llfiseat o pawn Avx Gx9anbrier Aq�•:; y Y Gregnbrier Aqe. 1'ro� Cottage St. to Lake Coo and `,. r 4Phalen Ave+ s Denny 'Stz i'rom a point 63t feat oY:;Graenbrier Avg. �p nb 13b It �s west of lrcade,9 ands r Wa11i. i•om Jie??ny 3t to L e Como�8a $filen ; n i F b0297 approved Ap;il !1► ux► r. Er liminar nyder"C, 1926 192.; gndFlna1 Order C. `662f3S; appxovecl JuXle;r s e + , ,ROI+YE33s Thst tie :R1a,+ apeo.iteaG'4mmiaaio,ner' It estimated ganttie�: z sn�amted by ropement :s oYublio 'Wo?Gke aPor the ab'bve named qtp +:< l 3 } theAame are•�exe?9 a�Pp�ie�d. IF i;tom { ,. � �Y � stte9�u o s6racFl��.ee+�r `t vie �nb t ve,q.' ��. tr"R, pgess P r,' i''e0 �dmdsf"9B rsm�.ri b UNCILMEN' 3 A�G 11926 r7ri k ��',. a _— Adoptsd ' yath� Council --- 192 AU Af"31126, Fergusoff' - 'v -- -... -. 192: - cDonald.In favor r Asti.. I Sudhame ; „-..Against g _ Mrd, President Hodgson Pet3tiQn t Council File No.—All POPOSAL FORIIVIOYEIVIENT. ' �+ RPR pand v PRELIMINARY ORDER 4, F�� The undersigned kbreby proposes t making of she following public Yinproveme;}t by the City of St Paul, viz ; Page Ed`geoumbe Road from Montreal A: to Fairview Avenue wibhysewer� water:'and gas connections, from street mains. r.% . ��t6,property linea complete,"where not already made, also including sorbing and__pavin__of alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. Dated this-__L --day of---- xr�� — Maio, a i wales F - L comb b r4 p psl' ' �fll 'tions to m btr PRELIMINARY ORDER r=�pesgomo7 WHEREAS, `A written proposal fortfie making of�the following improvement,�n Pave Edgeoumbe Rose'from Montreal Avenue to Fairview — — g -.Avenue;-with sewer, water and. gas connections, fro street mains ' to prone�ty linea aomnle�e, ndiere not already made also inoludina " curbing and paving.of alley and driveway approaches, where necea`aar: having, been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL___—_ F y � therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered. and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improyement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of saidjrnprovement, and the total cost thereof. 4j To furnish a planiprofile or sketch of said improvement. 4t 'To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition•of three or more owners. 6. To report.tipon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the,CounciL— 'AUG'S t� xA YEAS / NAYS' Councilman CY:. : r RbN f A roved eDO0AAPPLD t �MR. PRESPENT Acting Mayor. Foroa oA 13 N^u5.1 on attached to paving order. A. Council File No.. _- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT { and r4 Ile k PRELIMINARY ORDER. • ? The undersigned iereby.proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Construct six-foot dement the sidewalks on both e3 es of Paul, viz.: --_ � i Edgeoumbe Road from Montreal Avenue to, Pa_ ,view Avenue. ny4"' •lou dr- �' d 30th Auguat , ;pCxEa Eoast� t 19 xtEio'tc0e �ra��r:'i Dated this-_ day ofeving7r�8tge aenied E the �q a«j �. .o1'Y tt ta8 ' &ul t'jitliofbi'e"idke t� I A ��+ i�aAi � t7Cg§�ecq�4,Ae bb oT�{r• PRELIMINARY ORDER. t WHEREAS, A' written proposal for the making of the followingim roventent, vrAtt:fn " °'" & Cona'txuot aix_foot oement.tile aidewalka on_rbohidea o3. Ed eg oumbe Road from Montreal Avenue. tQ. Fairview Aver e. a Or having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-_-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ar 14 I To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. s3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. * °( 4. To state_ whether or not, said improvement is asked for on. the petition of three or more owners. . % 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. {MIG 311$28 Adopted' by the Council_ d - YEAS- AYS i Councihnan�r%ok" CY LISON / APproved-Au� 7J 4% �e'' 77, S 7 r. MR. PRESIDENT Acting Mayor >. Porm_c_A to • .`. ,r4: <: t, : ,. ._.. _ a. „ ... •. .rk.;-. ",Stiff a. a P41tition: a Council File No. -------.---7.62 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement b P Y the City of St. Paul, viz:: (_L-�i�g.__j_a_n-� zt +._.�� 6-__ C. - .. a � n1 air Oeeiden Soaeh�.. 8oi��h�aolseiA?ip► ai4i_e� A alio a trialifftLu ' pieat Of laid in the .S°u� �{t ase�i� a�-113ef�a�l9afs# Iso the_Woxth l©.-is�.._ofthe ......................E0_Yt• o� 7,b� 8'en r 03 land in phi Hor#hsast oornsr 'the Sonth.IS 3%: o aha H9r i f8 +-he R411tt 41189}aha NA.th %tPaul the tI a ------- . "therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 3Adopted by the Council---------- ......------------------------- -...................... YEAS / .NAYS Councilman CLANCY AUG 31 ✓FERaosox Approved.Z...-- ................ ........ ensue MR. PRESIDENT �Ct(IlyMayor. Form C A 28 (8M 8-82) �F' YSIB AYHED_Villy V 2 n A, Council File No.---,-- FOR IMPROVEMENT ENT and 167 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' public improvement by the City of St. of the iollowin9 if d kereby proposes the making The undersigne Avenue b e�Q-I= Paul, viz.:. b Qf__Aal_esl&Y–AvM Mount Curve Boulevard. and M _5 L 'W ". NIMBI 10:11 -Nit V PRELIMINARY ORDER. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.. Curb both sides of Wellesley Avenue between Cretin Avenue and Mount Curve Boulevard. y. I 7- City - having been presented to the Council of the Citof St- Paul—__-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby ordered -and directed,_ A 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregding matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 3 11926 Adopted by the Council YEAS., NAYS, CY Approved-- 916DAED[bR Mayor. /MR. PRESIDENT Acting— F- CA ........... t bPeftii b A- r V Council FJIe No,.-- u PROPOSAL FOR BIPROVEMENT and. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The.undersi fined hereby proposes the making of the following public, improvement by the City of $t. elonetxuot a six foot sidewalk on the south aide of Psul, v#.: — -- — West Seventh Street from Munster Street to Madison Streeto a eII as - 1 NEU- ----'-- - Dated this 28th —day of-_— August 19 s e� � vv d n i uee i s■b°fntg'_05 ph- 4A n8� 0 i cis f� • J1ugg�W�p„deaae ;�uyfuh¢i alm n: _; . PRELIMINARY ORDER. p WHEREAS, A written proposal for'the making of the following improvement wz t �§ Construot a six _foot aid alk on the ,south side;'of, West .mss Seventh Street from Munster Street to Madison Street. f � having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-� therefore, be it 'RESOLVED,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, andthe total coat thereof. K' S. To furnish a plan, profile: or sketch of said improvement. ` 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the.petitign of three or more owners." ` 5. To report upon all of the foregoing, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. UGI, 192 Adopted by the' Counefl _ YEAS ATS- f ConnoilmaiWDONALP, AUG 31 926 U$ON Approved 3UD11EIRER /MR. PRESIDENT— Aoting Mayor. B CA 18 _ P�etitiori - i � - Councif0l No . -_--67629- 4- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r,. andf PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. x Paul, viz :— Construct e_six foot sidewalk on thesouthBide of — domo Phalen Avenue from Payne Avenue -to Edgerton Street. - - — — �h PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following, improvement, viz.: Construot a six Soot sidewalk on :the south aide of__ Como Phalen Avenue from Payne Avenue to Edgerton Streetr j having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--- — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether er not.said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ir. - To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.. AI16 31.1928 - Adopted, by, the Council — YEAS NAYS: Councilman„ CY ��!EAGUSON - Approved_----- . -9cDONALD SUDHEIMER Q 1n Mayor.0 PRESIDENT Form CA 18 777 i 30 PROPOSAL Council File No.____----W W � r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT '{ a� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby,propoaes the making of the following Public improvement by the City, of St. Condemning and.taking an easement in the land neaeasary_ Pauli v: --_— in the grading of Alley in Block 3' Alley— for slonea, outs and fills, — Hanke®'s Cleveland View and Block 2, Hankeets Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue* o .a3x�t�Uy x. --'—"— -- f -,�Vilefaa wrltten�,yr0pos91?tor the, Dated this 27th An et, 192& �]�ln�e tonoWinsFlmuF4me day Of--.------_ u r, g��hcy ule � .15� s' '-..oad4 9 , ah�d ea ryS_prfq a tout§'.- "and Se';✓6Sa-�ilag'-yof`�e�.'#u` lgelc 8$a YOMdtCldy 1',Gimgand" e o n$4at8n .,fi }m;3jeile`v_ g�a X� o�yHg�iY@atl� e44d m jreLaSOYrq`r�a�nAntvg�����#�'a;Ak`FS T� f: �: •tBoaWo�'tK9tii'{aa '�e"h�mr� toMailAs � "�+• •directed �,� Y . PRELE IINARY, ORDER. . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imProdement-viz•: ' aking an easement in the land neoesaary Condemning and t—_ Of Alley_ in:Blook 3, x _ for',sloPes, cute and Yilla. in t w,sgrading i —:Ankeeis Cleveland View and Block 2, Hankee's Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue. — having been_, presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-- therefore, be it r RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ... ` 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost 2: To investigate the nature, extent and thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 'sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether er not sod improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report ,upon all of the foregoing matters to the commissionerofFinance. Adopted by the Council-- YEAS, NAYS Councilman/�C�LANCY AUG 3 1 i. ,/F�RGUSON ✓✓ Approved-_°~ �OIIieE}EOG��C� T SUY WENZInju MR. PRESIDENT Acting Mayor. poem CA is pjjBLZSRIF7D^ ,�.. r Co r . -PROPOSAL AOR IAiPROYEMENT' PRE>;l7yIINARY ORDER. ._ The undersigned kereby proposes to malnng'of the following l3ublic improvement by the City of Si_, Paul,+'via.: O,ondemning and baking an eaaemient in t} a lana neoeesary f8yr elopes, out, an& fills, in the grading of; alley in 1;awtonks Rearrangements of Blook 58'-'Banriiug aWtl Olivierela Addition, from : Sydney Stzset to Page 8t"Ot- ��, E _ s"e2�c fi 26th da of_____-�- 'LM§e88af6b3�SoL)�r Dated this—� Y �. ucekav �y ov AnaEi 1bVn y '� C •� �r�" Trr'thoFet4lt bo£it 4�.._in r'� „y(.. k� ^c NARY ORDER. r j V PRE14MI x x VYHEREAS, A written proposal for the makm8 of the°%lloyvmg unprovemen., Oondemnin anis taking Asn eaegti t^ the' len rte©easaveT, elopes, outs; ani fille. in the grading of alley in ]iawbon'.a iesrransemenb of Bloak b8a__ n _Wins ag$�( liv�rera t a Additi own, �*Qm 3Sdngy Street tg sae Street. having been presented 'to the Council of the City. of St. P44— therefore, auL_. -- 3 therefore,vbe'it RE7SOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works 1. and is`liereby ordered sail directed. s :aA , 1. To investigate.the necessity for, or desirabihty of,'the making of said".improvement 2. Td investagatie'the nature, extent and estimated coat of said Improvement, and the total cost' t thereof is 3 To furnish a plan, proffie or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all: 0, the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance: Adoptod`by the ,6unctl t YEAS NAYS. ; rs ra JFERGiTOI� APProved i ,/ D2R: PRESIDENT, '"Adting Mayor. Form CA 18. 55 y n.F jl 6'7632 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER T. the Matter of --- constructing a sewer on Montcalm Place from Scheffer Street ----------------------`------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67390 !august 11th, 1926. under Preliminary Order ---------------------------------approved ---- ------------ . Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____________construct_a_sewer on Montoalm Place from Scheffer Street to Juno Street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 6728:00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 28111 _____day of - S ey-tember----------- 192—L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_--A� � 11 _____, 192 ---- Approved --------- ME 92____ Approved---------ME 1-1- -�------192--- ✓Councilman Clancy ouncilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald IF MSEJJ-61�� ./"Councilman Sudheimer /Mayor2*TsiSx Hodgson j% Form B. S. A. 8.6 Ci Clerk. 6'7633 COUNCIL FILE NO—_____________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER paving St. iAlbans Street from Central Avenue to Iglehart Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to - - --------- -------------- --------- - - oroperty lines complete, where not already made, also ino-ludin curbing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and paving; driveway and alley approaches, where necessary. --------------------------- _______________________ reaaY,�ma}ae 6459 a{a ygvma driveway nad au , aD bruary 2 5th, 1926. __-- d .n eacbea„rwhere aseeeeesy uad4r.; under Preliminary Order_-----_-_ -__ :^BUFDiaacy brderses9� 4PDxoged ___________ '+ 26th. 399 4 t , . The Council of the City of Paul having recupt°eO ea°--iee0`ren i''ommissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sw0r,a !aanoe.:ny resolves: 4 weme..i'.hq; 1. That the said report and the same is --o or. a ° d ved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:_________BaY-1-t-at,Albans Street from Central Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, including sewer,water ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete,where not ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- already made, also including curbing and. paving driveway and alley approach --=---------------------------------------- es where necessary. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 27!865 _00- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 2 t!!________day of aaWL9mber---------- 192-9L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thepersons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. iQ7 Adopted by the Council___A11431 1996 ______,192____ parr, 3 l 6 Approved ----------------------------192--- Touncilman Clancy ,Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald —/Councilman Sudheimer tl�as-�V�emntl^^" Mayor M&Wm Hodgson. Form B. S. A. 8-6 J/ City erk. PTJBLISHED - 67634 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDER a 15 foot monolithic sidewalk on the north In the Matter of constructing ----------- -- "----------- side of mast Fourth Street from Sibley Street to Placouta Street. F e, 8784 t o4— ---------------- 7n mitt -so co rucop,�6 O hg __________________ oholli6lb` $from albleY 1 ----------------------------- z elE.�wao�e 6r n��a �r �pr�lt17th. - im9Dx -i b6;'P tQ rep0rt. lYereb9 re ________________________________ �&r "`+Tb hets'e 9, BP•��s"s b ' -------------------------------- `a gtay tc August 17th, -1926 :--- 67433 _ - Pp -- under Preliminary Order___________ _ ______°.�- - - a roved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,and having considered said report, hereby res adoptedand the said improvement is 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved, ecommendsConstruct & 15 foot hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ______________ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council Last Fourth Street from Sibley ---- -- ----------------------- monolithic sidewalk on the north side of - --------------------------------------excep ---wher ---o --- -- lo - -------------------------------------------- - Street to 7;acouta Street, -except -where good and sufficient sidewalks no - ------- exist.---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------= 3.05 per front foot . with no alternatives, and that the 8`skimated•�cost thereof is $---------------- 28th----- _ da of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement h the_______-___- - - Y ,dept emberM____r_ 192--n-, at the hour,of 10 O'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court notice of House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Charterthe soner aid thof te nance timegand place of said meeting to the of and to the manner provided by hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -!%1- ------- 192---- �� pp Approved -- AVG 3 - -- Clerk. a PP----------------------192--- ------ AREW Mayor. �ounciiman Clancy ouncflman FergusonCouncilman McDonald ,,O/Counciliman dheimer J � Mayor Hodgson. _ Form. B. St /��� aw CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL h pppj- TE TO CITY CLERK FILE NO.------ CI�'MN—IjOLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �N*v COUNCIL RESOLUTIONON FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS E GAINST - - ` RESOLVED. THAT. CHECKS SE DRAWN ON THY CITY TREASURY. IR FRES_ 140DOSON TO THE-AGGREGAT-A AffiOU T -OF S-_= � . COVERING G R CHECKS NUMBERED_ t7 TO�' INCU*VAS )OPTED BY THE COUNCIIL�((. /L-- - _ PER GH ECKb ON FILE/ CE E CI INC 'PFIOVED/ V ta. V V�-•V ✓' -_ CITY COMMROLLEP TOTAL DATE CHECK RET, )N FAVOR OF kNED NUMBER ` TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS RRCA11GHT ECRW ARD__ , 23 9 7900 Wm, B, Joyoe Company, ASSign e I W.. T. Smith Cd*PMY 2C 11 51 DOGTatf Wolff21.0 I$ fte 40 C YaGlogaa, con -or. of Fin. i T 217 3 Christine 8anaon $#S�Oatherins Lynam �'3T 6B }°�°� Peer aE Sol£ 3 20 s g• < Vis. Aaa1a Meehan. B� �C! Jlttclrew 14iohol n 3% © _. Aagaet'.Lt Sdhempfi Guardian Wr, Doris HSANA 33 68' #190 AmertGap, Win' Eapzesa Com Y X30 9 1w Bailey I00 u I g Sid W. D. Buggo, amt. CD aaPitox Tire At;SO v ompan �j 73 �F0 J. J. Ctjlea,. _olerlc .I) 54 9�. •x>dxa�t�a P7.eSet� Br�;oBanyl � 1 �: Petex+t A. 84 Cr:J.1i045 011ie . of Yin. . . � a N!1 $asth0rx► Staten PSWes COWMYI .0 S,ul`Paul ivilde,2111114mu ial C spy 1 Q St.Paul RoofAg dr Dosalae Q 6137 5; 6 s W. T. Keith T1rs $ Bauery camp y % Tri—State .Tel. & Tel (iaa�pan �,r j a a w r 13 �jj i mo 1 C Resolved? That checks be drawn on the City Treasury to the aggregate Yµ numbe!'ed 17&60 to07908 fncluslve. C1tY seep r a checks file in the .Rice of the Comptroller. Adopted by the Council A.S. 91, 1926- 4 4 Approved Aug. 91, 4 1926. ' (SaDL CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OPLICATE TO CITY CLERK FILE NO.____ 4Z636 O—UNCIL ErN+—;,;lp3DLL CC OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .ANCYCOUNCIL RKSOLUTION ifi.... FAVOR D D AU ITE CLA IMS A'.. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS. BE 0 W N 9 ITY TREASURY - 6 ' I I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $_ .COVERING PpM—'ro , HODGSON CHECKS NUMBERED— . INCLUSIVE . AS, TED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS ON FILE 11 HE: I T C COMPTROLLER )OP ,PROVED— Tol AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER OlSBURSEME T CHECKS I ""CHECKS 34.9 (X 46 96 too" iff, iq 77 oc Bood 0 Iratex oa*assiouars 255. vy 706, JAL,01anor, 06mor., of Me L.R. 3.1peng, Q4p 19, of Xd I moDonal y 041INE. of I r 781 NU. 0 go 93 W W 0.440 logmt 31 21 Ge** X. of 72 I 72 ties oquix. of p-mAso 0 ol Joseph Naamlay, $vs, of II 29 Polive & nre uag 0 4; 1 0 1i aria m"04por wzy Y, MP, amp 1I QotteI ZIpara 31 am egg so va:k Pait*p any 236 ate j c vNo. zt checksto city ,09 S2 coverl,�,,9. es per .eaeur the " js�2 wl-8 tj,.r oc 435 city u Z4.�.ffw 1926. IICOmPtYc110Y.v CheM1 e1926. ;314959 3 483 �2 FORWNOJ.A W7 qu I r A CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OPLICATE TO CITY CLERK FILE NO.____ 4Z636 O—UNCIL ErN+—;,;lp3DLL CC OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .ANCYCOUNCIL RKSOLUTION ifi.... FAVOR D D AU ITE CLA IMS A'.. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS. BE 0 W N 9 ITY TREASURY - 6 ' I I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $_ .COVERING PpM—'ro , HODGSON CHECKS NUMBERED— . INCLUSIVE . AS, TED BY THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS ON FILE 11 HE: I T C COMPTROLLER )OP ,PROVED— Tol AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER OlSBURSEME T CHECKS I ""CHECKS 34.9 (X 46 96 too" iff, iq 77 oc Bood 0 Iratex oa*assiouars 255. vy 706, JAL,01anor, 06mor., of Me L.R. 3.1peng, Q4p 19, of Xd I moDonal y 041INE. of I r 781 NU. 0 go 93 W W 0.440 logmt 31 21 Ge** X. of 72 I 72 ties oquix. of p-mAso 0 ol Joseph Naamlay, $vs, of II 29 Polive & nre uag 0 4; 1 0 1i aria m"04por wzy Y, MP, amp 1I QotteI ZIpara 31 am egg so va:k Pait*p any 236 ate j c vNo. zt checksto city ,09 S2 coverl,�,,9. es per .eaeur the " js�2 wl-8 tj,.r oc 435 city u Z4.�.ffw 1926. IICOmPtYc110Y.v CheM1 e1926. ;314959 3 483 �2 FORWNOJ.A W7 �: v 1 -r. •1 <` U'LICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO --------- -+—`•F�+- OUNCILMEN�R Li.CRLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER uNCY COUNCIL RBSOLUTION ,[ lRGUSON YDOMIILD � AUDITED CLAIMS';-----+. . UOXCIMER —__—AOAIN9T .E TREASUR RESOLVED.T, THAT CHECKS BE AW ITU Y. COVERI R PRE6.. XODO80 TO THE AGGREGATE. AMOUNT CHECKS NUMBERED OF S—• _TO— INCLU8IYE. DC-- PER CHECKS ON FILE I PTED BY THE COUNCIL— � — OFNG' 'OFFICE H I O R. .COM PROVED— -- -- CITY:COMVfRO4 R CHECK NUMBER TOI AL DATE IN FAVOR OF RE7'URNEA I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS .CHECKS, RRI-fl lr�NT Ff]RWAR� .-. II 7 43 Margaret aarlson � 9� 7g Hanl.� �Od ices Acle 90P SUPPlY 00ZPga 6 5 �y# 441"r Express 000 a�►y Boo . 3P , 00 0 , . + . It & Rob A. Burns 5 7 - eier. Co. 7 al tyding lox A • Amu`� Veep SlyctR d� tgoonvill ' 1 gBar,.004" . : Qce¢panY Eee Lox Sts. oarP4*y I 55 ytdeke Warner Bona 62 4 K8L+ 1e B;! * Mfg. 0 ; lo W& A0 C°apan9 110 Stmi.-Wsir Owsu E 399 13 a�ge O 04ing 0orp• ' 4 � .. Pel'tAl pu�rlt�i a i�4g 00-pany �olln 9aleiaea 75 �Taaob 810 A. ,Are>s ng COMPAN 71 5 �ppeoialty Pxlnt' 4 Oostpany 54 o Ttilsn Produoe Oompany 15 Q3 Wales Adding Naahins `OMPSAy 1' 5 g003 E. Y. & H. S. Ware 2� Martin Wmder1lah I 650 00 C. F. No. 67637— ! Reaolved, That checks be drawn on - the Clty Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $47,440.46, covering checks numbered 7843 to 7879 inclusive, as per checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Aug. 31, 1926. Approved Aug. 31, 1926. II (Sept. 4: 1926)m ..._ FORM NO. A.12-2 1000 6-26 U.111 I COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO - ---- ------ &CATE To CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER U,4CjLMEf4;;pOLL CALL cOUNCILRESOLUTION V. Ncy GUBON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ILRORIV RESOLVED, T14AT CHECKS BE ORA IS001 X TREASURYXlIMBR, COVERING _AGAINSTTO THE AGGREGATE AM OF INCLUSIVE HODGSON CHECKS NUMBERED - PER CHECKS ON FILE NTHE 01 THE CITY COMPTROLLER PTmo BY THE COUNCl• I.J, i a DATE T AL RETURNED' CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT By BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS 00MAR114 w-pliSA-lis T*"t aam"T 99 9 atIs ice,ox v p 10 3� R iff, 24 _dn A4, W, u 53, 15 T E 3i24 V, 2-74 .4 33 10 y SII wo 0 0"=A- r - 'B 11 Ila,, Ar to. MAY 10 4. NOR, J '3x 5 it nui, comlw. 0 15 SO 41 3 ': o' 9 2 7'19 beI Resolved: 67638— thering gaspere tu (SeP4 4-1926) S il jE AL==F_Q R . WAAl) �� 4 95 3146259 PRES.. HOW MED BY THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1K FILE NO ----------- 6_71�, CA OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ----- - - AINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS 0 E CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CHECKS NUMBER IL- PER CHECKS ON F L ICE ML 5 CHECK TO -FAL NUMBER IN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT I TRANSFER I CHECKS OvE INcI INCL VES, AS DATE RETURNED BY BANK 7M L. Hemialoa 193ds Ad;1134190402 Of e d00iot Jobasm 7911 VxOv* ftesasnt oil 044pany Z%eptria 33AS PXUt Ompany- 7%4 n.p* of DUt. II M5 Z. A. SObUl*x 7916 J. 0. Tialder Bts ij E. i_c. . Peine , 1. -$city Sty ,'.u. t tuf"t q, t. �Ttw- 926. 1j, I. t 31, numb s 61 Aub. cuec"t,oclier. the co'l,92,6. C --PI; Ted & bl,"... "4, 1926) ,,o j. �, - P�pp,. (�;evt _SHEET_ FIRI 10. A-2 1100 1.26 445 Im- COUNCIL FILE NO.. By. FINAL ORDER 67640 640 In the Matter of..Grade -Alley in B>look 2, Sunnyside Addition, and Blook-4, Jeffarson _Park Addition, from Stanford Avenue to Berkeley. Avenue and from North .and'.South _Alley to Albert Avenue.-- --- C. r. No. 67640— . .. ..... .. ..... ... In the Matter of.... .......... In 2, Sunnyslde Addrade lt on Aalnd Block e4, Je Reraon Park Addition, from Stan- ford Av=nue to Berkeley Avenue and .f North and South Alley to Al- '�ert Avenue under Prellminary or 66594 approved June 17, 1926 ................... .. .. .... u„in hearing ha..,- _ ... nar .. under Preliminary Order_ 66594 approved.._ JL1n0, .i 1926 ...... _._.. Intermediary Order approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 11r, imp r ement to be made the said City is gr e. alley_in..Blod Sunaye.. Is Additiog and.Nlook 4,_deffe .son Park_Additio,-.from._Stanford....venue._t�o. rkeley . Agen. e...and..from. N.o and South. All .. to. Albert. Avenue _....._ ........._ . 6i W the we beraby ameeW, smmW, and rescinded and all }IMedblp is mid matter bedieem+tinued;__ _ ......... . ............... and the ounc" hereby orders aid improceme t to be made. W RESO VED FURTHER, hat the Commiss' ner of Public orks be and is here instructed and r directed to epare plans and s ecifications for sa d improvement, nd Submit a to the Council"for' approval; 'ha upon said approv I, the proper cit officials are here authorized and direc roceed with the maki g of said improv ment in accord a therewith. Adopted by the Councd 192 City Clerk. .Approved _....., 192.._... • d0)5'c• Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald C119GI offs" Councilman Sudheimer �-- Mayor 1CMffiC Hodgson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. .ttwtiIt a r .d; cat, OJfcT� r 1 DEPARTMENr.A R9. ORT OF COMMISSION F FINANCL ON PRELIMINARY OI Yt � (A) In the matter of JQ arson Park a'«' *rom Sta^ orve_ue BerkeleyAve — __and f*em Nerthand'-h all ey to Albert Ave za under Preliminary Order approved—J11ne 7 i OA6 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - t _ $ 0.52 _ The estimated cost f r loot for the above improvement is - - - - - - Inspeotion $ 12.83 Frontage 12 1.2 ft.. The lots or parcels land that may be assessed bene is for such Improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 2 Sunnyside Addition to 3975 the City of St.paul,Minn. 2 do 2075 3 2 do 775 4 2 do 4425 4425 5 2 do 5325 6 2 do 7 2 do 4425 8 2 do 4525 9 2 do TOTAL. 4475 F-- B. B. 10 " CITY OF JL . `. DEPARTMEM rINANCEE y� _ ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAIti ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) A , _ ASSESSED " .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 .2 Sunnyside Addition to 4625 the City of St.Paul,Minn. 11 2 do 625 12 2 do 3525 13 2 do 625 14 2 do 625 15 2 do 36'-5 16 2 do 625 17 2 do 5125 15 2 do 625 1 4 Jefferson Park Add.to 4000 the City of St.Paul 3900 2 4 Ramsey Co.Minn. 3 4 do 5450 4 4 do 1775 5 4 do 650 6 4 do 650 7 4 do 4�5 5 4 do 600 9 4 do 600 4100 10 4 do 76900 'rhe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. `- C 192 �c - - - Commtssio Finance. F— B. B. 12 .t, St. Paul, Minn. March To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: For grading, alley in Block Two (2) of Sunnyside, an ........................ . ............ . . . ................ ...... . ....... ............. ....... .................. .......... -- ------ - ------ - ................. . . . .. . ........... . ............. . ............... . . — Addition to the City of St. Paul. ... ...........---._./.tr.................. -- ........................ ........................ ........ . . ............... .............. . .. . ...... St. Ave. frorn- Hamlin Ave. St-. Ave. to. I�er:t Ave. and from. . ..... . ......... . . ............. . ...... . ...... Berkeley Ave. ..... Ave. to Stanford Ave. . ........... I ___ _ ^: S+,w+'v 8 1 5t z a *r 3 ,' '� Report toComriiissioner of, Finance July 12i _1926 jikl-6 —__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:5 had ander consideration the reliminax order of the The Commissioner of Public Works having P 66594 June 15. 1926 Congoil known as Council File No. - .—approved_._-_-. relative to i the grading of alley in Blook 24 Sunnyside Addition and Block 2 Jefferson Park Additign,`from Stanford Ave. to Berkeley Ave., and from Nor`t and'South Alley to Albert Avenue. and having'investigat-ed-the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1 Said�provement ia_._ _necessary and (or) desirable. f0.52 per front M 654.28' x 2 T Atunated cost thereof is $_..... ___�—.__, and the total coat thereof is aN' ' Inspection $12.83 Frontage 1271.2, ft ` and th` li and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---.-.-.---• — - •- ••--• 1 . 3. A'pla* profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4 5, Said improvement is__ _-__.____.asked for upon petition of three or more owners f`-property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' .. Commissioner of Pnbhc ; W.orke. r 4 1 11 { , C t CI v of � A I NT L •:. fi _ p ra 'r•�enF�o fx (�ubli F '�� r s_ JOHN H. MaDONALD._ COMMISSIONER, 4 THOS. G. 01CONNEP_L_L'.I D."m C... I....... ;h,'. GEORGE M. SHEPARD CHICP ENGIHRRR Y {,µy 16, 1926 M. S. ORYTMK OR .4.'E4 IIwEK WM. N. GREY SDP P CON.iwUCTIOx wNO R.PAIP A. R. SHARP SYPi. DP SA ITATION . i"G. H. HERROLD. .111C. AMO CITY PLANNING ENOIHRww G. P. SOWLIN SUPT. 01 WOR...... Hon. John H. Me Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost.for grading alley in Block 2, Sunnyside Addition and Block 2, Jefferson Park Addition, from Stanford Avenue to Berkeley Avenue, and from North and South 1 alley to Albert Avenue, under1reliminary order C.D. 66594, approved June 15th, 1926: Estimated cost 654.28 Cost per front foot 0.52 Inspection 12.83 cr. Frontage 1271.2 ft. o� Your attention is directed to the relation of the grade to adjoining structure, more particularly those on lot 8 block 4 and lot 7 block 2. Yours truly, ef Eng neer. Approved for trausmi on to mm ssioner of Finance. ,., ry omm ss oner o 0 cUN rs ti 77 I'M zl 4, Us � iM. 4t �J � To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: y We, the undersigned property rop en.1--ners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement •to be made: -- ------------ -1 Si.– Ave. from----------------------------------------------------------- St. Ave. to.-------------------- ----------------------------------- St. Ave. 11�- 174 4' y. FCOUN�a:NO c CITY OP OMICE��OEM HE CITY CLERK � n4` �COWNCIL� sRVS',LU 1 N GENRAL FORM H h {ptember A 19$6 W .PRNTEp� BY -: •�' DATE 3 o � 8stop+Eax . r'+` •k," , jjj •�RESSOI:V ' { s In the matter of oondemning and taking an.0 easement in the land neaesssry for QlOpeSr outs and fills ► " in the grading ;.bf Aliey in Blook 2, Sunnyi Ade A, Addition, and Block 4'+ Jefferson:Perk Addition; from , 3tanfo rd Ave'i •o Bexkeley Ave. and from Nirth and 3oitth Alley to Albert Avenues under preliminary Order 0+ •P". #6689b; appi0eCiiiUne 17, 1926, and Intermediary Order C: F 6"725b,`appx'oved'"Auguet 3,`1926. The OOmmiElsioner of PublIo works having submitted his. rpgrt and plan in the' above `matter, be its �— EMSOLVBD, That d. termines a amount of 1 to be taken r the ab a named •1roement as' an semgnt`fOr ,s pes,. outs x and ills., in a d'>pon then Alley: in Block 2"1 yside Addie on, 'end Bl Ok :4, "Je faraoz ark'9ddit1. 0 1 twee > the p , ,nta afores'. d,, to the. axze t shown upon the la 1144-1,7 attach d to the x;port Of the oo._- issioner o3. Pubii Works the matt' dated Sop r 1, 1926, which p an and repot are her by referred to nd made a. part hereof. a be and the samr ser herft oareelied ; rescinded .and all rruewdinge In aald mattm be dim mtiatled �x .fix• 3xnY�� it3'r�'b'.s o M618}1- Y ,3� D ld _ - tDy tti ,IN of boa q/aaln$^'a St 1(:` �" mn # �'�lri4�aa$eaeup04a,�enl�thb-e•Ian�aoe ,. ;° ngiL NIeY+^iwt2Blryd8m8 guAnye; aae d.rAddlotlovAff " '71fiHlor}i. gRStaou" ,Boskel8a"rAv� fibin'l�o 2hi ,II.�'$bath-7Alleyf to A1beYt�"Avetiidi .-+T�N"�Prelt�n_i(aar3 Qr,,+rt+4, C 3}s�S�.�gay SKu',C. THIO :liu�i ,[r�l7tsyoa. - COUNCILMEN 4 Yeas Nays y. Adopted by the Counc)l r� 1 192 . Clancy Ferguson ro?'cr„� 1 192. In favor McDonald --•-•-••---- - / - /� ....... ' Sudheimer .............Against �GtIM� .,,o. >' Mr. President Iiodgeon CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of 4ondemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, for cuts p.nd fills in grading of: Alley in Block 2, Sunnyside Addition and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition from Stanford Ave. to Berkeley Ave. & under N & S Alley Albert Ave. Preliminary Order C.?. 66595 approved June 17, 1926 ant Intermod.iary ordor C.V. 67255 approved Aueust 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of 3t. Paul: The Commissioror of iublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvo- mon a showing by the shoaled ;ortion of said plan, the fills to bo made on private �roporty, and by the hatchod portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the eascmont to bo takon by the figures opposite such shaded nd h^.tchod parts of such pl^.n. Date: Commissioner if Public UO {s- O CITYOF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMFINANCE F SPORT OF COMMISSIONE4,40F FINAN�E r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ooademnin nd taking easement in the IFm for In the matter of K-f1 g an alopea Duta and fiB 7n the grading of alley in R] .]C2, Sunnyside Addition, and Block 4 Jefferson Park Addition, from Stanford Ave to Berkeley Ave. and from No & So alley to Albert Ave. under Preliminary Order approved J=8 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $----,- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' ASSESSED VALUATION r 1 2 Sunnyside,Addition to 3975 the city of St.Paul,Minn. 2 2 do 2075 3 2 do 775 4 - -2 do - 5 2, do 4425 6 2 do 5325 7 2 do 4425 8 Farm B. a. 10 2 do TOTAL, 4525 ,. " CITY OF -ST -.PAUL - DEPARTM-T�T OF FINANCE ' r REPORT OF CON 15%-IONER, OF FINANCE 'ORDER ON PRELIMINARY (C) ASSESSED _ • LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION VALUATION -. .-. Y J 2 Sunnyside Addition to 4+75 the City of St. Phul,Minn. 4625 10 2 do 11 2 do 625 12 2 do 3825 13 2 do 6?5 14 2 do 625 15 2 do 361-5 16 2 do 625 17 2 do 5125 18 2 do 6'5 1 4 Jefferson Park Add.to 4000 the City of St -Paul, 2 4 Ramsey -Co. Minnesota. 3900 3 4 do 5450 4 4 do 1775 650 5 4 do 6 4 do 65o 7 4 do 425 8 4 do 600 .9 4 do 600 10 4 do 4100 _ 76900 _.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and, hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hirer in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Q.—�4 l92(___ J Commis o Form 13. B. 12 O IS 'inane. 1 - Office of, the Commissioner of Public y Report to Commissioner of Finance F . JUL IP 1 26 July 12, 1926 .192 -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66596 June 17, 1926 _192relative to Council, known as Council File No.....__ __.._._....approved—_._ ................... condemning and taking an easement in the land neaeaaary_Yor ..... slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2.. Sunnyeide Addition, — and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition., from Stanford Ave__ to Berkeley Ave. and from No. & So. Alley to Albert Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... __...... -_..._.__necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_g-----., and the total cost thereof is $ -...-...X-XX _....— ......... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... .......... ............. _ - P p property, 5. Said improvemen ie.:._._......._.........._..__.—�=asked for upon petition of or more owners o subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. E/ ' n tha maSter�ot °>t'f<nB nB B a� - ,'� - o!a 'V,�Fdatfa 84 s�1rotn�vTecrl Qoto .y 'Road to3s 9o1nt (B :att'1.ngtW 664 A .... to rhepFed Itn"a Qa„'itie Dr81 hnr and mad$ a "D°r. :.� ti COUNCIL FILE NO...... ................... s FINAL ORDER In the Matte of... Chenging...the...grade...nf...ifandalia.. t....txom...Terr.i.tp..la]..RGad to...a.: o.int...4b .... t.,..a rth:..tp..p:oxs orm.,.to. the red. line the..profile hereto attached..and..j Ade...a...part...hereof ,..tha..prQseht established.. grade being shown. by .a..blu9...1.im .in."..std Man4el#$--3t.. from Territorial Road . the #esth, line bb xis sad-O4hera.Rearrangement iny�ecc�cordanae with the r ..... . 1.d..p.FAe.ile...when..esteblished....._. .... _..... ............................. under Preliminary Order.......66436 .......... ..approved ..._.JUn9...Sth,...1925................. ' Intermediary Order ........ :...._._._.......... ...........approved.... .. ........ ....... A public heari g having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, bi it t`. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of 'de of Vande,li.e. St. from..:. � improvement to b made by the said City is.. ChaAgf%. th.4 ..�A............ • T.9:rr.ito.r.�a.�..R. ad...t.o. a.ppillt .46.7. ft.,:north...to.conPorm...to. the...red:alne•.on the...profils...h ra.ta..at.tached..and..mad9...a..part...he.rep.f,..the.,prQsent„... shed "3 P, � grade ... WAWA onn...by...a...blue..�ane�. ......... ;. .... _.. .................... ....................... N . and the Council he eby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,. and submit same to the Council _for-, approyal that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed {pIN IN with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. t ✓, rn1 Adopted byte CouncilaSEp ..F.. .1JZQ. ...................... . 192......: 1 ... i Cit Clerk. Approved..... ..... .... 192........ j �: i M ..� y Councilman Clancy Co c11m a man 96GIcgaA- Councilman St dheimer Councilman Wenzel ' MayorXg6TM Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. x 'S^ . .in'` the mane oL xi SYg1 6 Ehe rQ oY '(��pdatla ,;,86 .pro '�tTO o on /► / C� $bad togs `Dolnt d�!-eLk E4t'th TOM -to'the'f0 ,"11ne oafhe D. 1T.17G1 fie-Faq Fens. �maa�aaaT9 i :4H COUNCIL FILE �NO .. By........ ..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Cha0ging...the:.,.grade.. Of.. Vandalia..,9t. from..Terri.tor.lml_Road to...a.:o.int...4(.�tR:.tip]Cth:..to..C.R?porn!...to the..red• line. on the. profile. hereto at.tsahad..axld.. II a48...a..P.art...laeTeQ: ,...tho...prepoe t ebtabliahe'd.•grade be g..ehown.,. bg a b1ue...l.im�., p agradl t d Qande lis 9t from Territorial Road, to.. N8zth line �Eabbina--aad--Otha�s. 8e?,Exrangement -iir�ac'corda`nae-with the 1;i.d prefile.. wheu...e..atabli.ahed. _ under Preliminary Order, 66436 .........approved.......... dune... a 3th.,...19.26......... is Intermediary Ord r...._._. __ ....................approved.. ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pei sons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, b it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of max, improvement to b made by the said City is. Change. the grade,., OY. Yandal8..$t. frOm • T,er>c.itoa.la.7..A.basi...t.o.. s po.iat..46.7 . ft. ,north. to oonPorm...tc...the red line on ,+ the...prafiIs, ..h areta..at.tacked..and..made ...a,.part...klereo, ,..the..p event. establlehe8 garade....be.ing..s: o>Irn...bY...a...b.�,ue .1.ine� ............. 4-1 N and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. a RESOLVED (FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and �^ directed to prepare) plans and specifications for said improvement,, and submit same to the Council ;for $° approval; that upoit said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed § With the making o�' said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by t CouncilSEp..E,7.19.Zq.......... ................ 192......: f j „•• ........... City Clerk. "s Y Approved ...... ........... y ... 192........ I ,J _.....—..... Ma Councilman C,ancy Councilman SSdheimer eII Councilman N1 enzel Mayor8lTeTs= Hodge oil f� Form B. S. A. 8-i. - �/ 1 Y-�� CITY OF ST. PAUL'`' r` ARTMENT OF FINANCE 14EPORT OoFA r -E mi NARY' ORDER FINAN'X T7�,RR In the matfer of"h— Rng"^g "A g"A'" ;' frnm Terri t orl s3 Road -to-a-- point 467 ft north to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached. f3 and made a part hereof,the present established grade being shown by a r - blue line, also grading said Vandalia St. from Territorial Road to the north line of Robbins and Others Rearrangement in accordance with the Red line on Cil said profile when established. under Preliminary Order approved U To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1508. 70 $ ,87 The estimated cost perottfor the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8-K ADDITION VALUATION ' 1 3 Minnesota Transfer Addition 750 2 3 St. Paul, Minn. 800 3 3 do 1675 , 4 3 do 2375 5 3 do -2900 ( 6 3 do 13175 ( 7 3 ( 8 3 a 9 3 do 3700 10 3 do 3700 11 3 do 4700 TOTAL. 8 �l do 52900 That.part of Territorial Road do 294080, vacated lying between Blocks 1 and 2 and West of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said block 1,4696 ft West of the East line of Section '29 Town .29 Range 23 to a point on the South line of said section, '39.90 ft west of the Southeast„ corner thereof. Commencing at a point on the East line of Section 29 Town 29 „ 1090go: Range 232 470 ft South of the 4lsection corner being the intersection of Northerly line df N: P. right-of-way; thence -- Westerly along said right of way 278 ft;thence Southeasterly on.a 12 degree curve to the right to the Southerly line of said right-of-way, thence Weste3ly thereon to the East line of _-11inneso a Transfer Addition; thence South to a point 125 ft North of the 4 ' section line; thence Southeasterly to a point -on said a M1 line 125 ft East.of.Minuesota Transfer Addition; thence East to $ section corner;therice North -to beginning,-- being part of Northeast 4 of So*thepst ' of Section 29 Town 2 Range 23. —� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p — C Dated --_L O -'�F---192 6_ — ommis nance. Form R. B. 12 DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE - REPORT ;5A COMMISSIONER OF .FIN/�i. �-' ,I F PRELIMINARY ORDER, •fir (B� DESCRIPTION I LOTBLOCK, ADDITION r _A' ALUATION _ , 12 i 3 jUnnesota Transfer Addition I i - ( ( i13 3 St.Paul,Minn, ( !14 �3 198 0 ( : 15 3 16 3 do 3P23 jl ' 17 3 do 392b + I 18, 3 do 3900 ! f 4 1 !Robbins and Others Rearrange 56;.5,0 i c' 1ts�.2 5 1 t i& &1�� men ; 6 1 do '264880 h 7 1 8 �l do 52900 That.part of Territorial Road do 294080, vacated lying between Blocks 1 and 2 and West of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said block 1,4696 ft West of the East line of Section '29 Town .29 Range 23 to a point on the South line of said section, '39.90 ft west of the Southeast„ corner thereof. Commencing at a point on the East line of Section 29 Town 29 „ 1090go: Range 232 470 ft South of the 4lsection corner being the intersection of Northerly line df N: P. right-of-way; thence -- Westerly along said right of way 278 ft;thence Southeasterly on.a 12 degree curve to the right to the Southerly line of said right-of-way, thence Weste3ly thereon to the East line of _-11inneso a Transfer Addition; thence South to a point 125 ft North of the 4 ' section line; thence Southeasterly to a point -on said a M1 line 125 ft East.of.Minuesota Transfer Addition; thence East to $ section corner;therice North -to beginning,-- being part of Northeast 4 of So*thepst ' of Section 29 Town 2 Range 23. —� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p — C Dated --_L O -'�F---192 6_ — ommis nance. Form R. B. 12 t H. M. ROBBINS s. • .a 1120 McKnight Building `i MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul, Minn.T.— j n7-tr, --1925 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: - ------._......__._........ __...... _.... _1..AA �� ✓_`._`— � 9.wri�l.r fr.m__Tajr,jtokial Road, northwaac rdIZAI to�fLmOxth end e4 said _.. St. Amc. NAME LOT J BLOCK ADDITION .e N. M. ROBBI MINVItArULID Harry M. Robbins and Whilaos C. ea. being the owners of �r 29, ngo 23 nd adjoining the n ran+ And N. M. ROBBINS whit 15 acre tract of land said ` 1120 McKni Id m-4111KEAR(Nmr, of lio in _ see and ggrees. RV er, -1 4. o Office of the CorrYm ssioner of hublic Wo . RVEu Report to Commissioner of Finance 3 �NEH 0 E JUL 10- �g a July 10, 1926 r� To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration thAliminary order of the 66436 Jule 8, 1926 192_.._, relative to ;....apProved—_.__.... :............._.....__...._.... ; Council, known as Council File No...._�.__... _. Changing the grade of Vandalia St. from_Territorial.-_Roar ._..tQ_...a--...paint_ ................ -.... . 467 ft. north, also grading-said Vandelis St from Territorial_R.V.ad-_-_.— to the north line of Robbins and Other Rearrangement. _..... ..... _. _...__.........--;.-.......---......__._..._.-.._._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._._....... .............. necessary and (or) desirable. a 87V per front ft. 1,508.70 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._..._.._........--... _. ......, and the total cost thereof is $ — - Frontage 1,814.38 ft. Inspection $31.00 _ ........ ' and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... _.._.._........ __...- ----..__.._........... ..... . q a 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. .............___ ._ ._............ _._............_.............._......_..... —......_...__._.._..- A . 5. Said improvement ie__......__...... _._..___asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 Commissioner of Pnblic Works. Ave VF `�f�21NT L papa . nz�erzh U� , ublic r s , _ JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. 6. O•CONNELL. D -TY COMMIS..... -' M. 9. ORYTBAK. BKIOS! ENOIN!!R GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENOIN.ER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OI SwxITwTION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF COHSTRUCTI.. wNO -A" July 3, 1926 O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKNOY.E O. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CITY PUNNING EN -=W Honorable John H. Mc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: ate I transmithehgradetofpvandaliarStreetmfrom f cost for changigingg Territorial Road to a point 467 feet northto conform + to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made shed by arbluerline,the alsoresent gradingssaidivandaliadbeing Street from Territorial Road to the north line of Robbins and others re -arrangement in accordance with the red line on said profile when established, under preliminary order C. I. 66436, approved June 8, 1926: Estimated Cost 01,506.70 Cost per front foot 0.87 Inspedtion 31.00 Frontage 1,814.38 ft. Yours truly, 5� . g neer. Approved for transmission to the C mmissioner of Finance. 'm es oner o c or s. In accordance with our agreement with your Mr.Robbins, we hereby put ourselves on record as being agreeable to the grading of Vandalia Street from Territorial Road to the north line of our property at such time as you have a buyer for this property or make improve- ments to the extent that would require the street graded, in lieu of your withdrawal of your application for the grading of the street at this time, which we do not believe will serve any purpose whatever and only involve an unnecessary expense on us which is not wa ranted at this time; which we trust is satisfactory and in line with your understanding. Yours truly, j'By-- J.P.Peuling*M. C�9E CQ�P/AJN!�Y, bl LW ' CHICAGO OFFICE .. TRACKAGE CONNECTIONS' _ ,-, p '1 ( 427 W:ERIE STREET NEW YORK OFFICE WITH ALL. RAILROADS ENTERING THE TWIN CITIES' 100 BROAD STREET - 'SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE SHIPPING STATION p'L MINNESOTA TRANSFER,MINN. ryh 625THIRDSTREET ' UNIVERSITY AND PILLSBURY AVENUES September 7th, 19 26. MINNESOTA TRANSFER LAND CO., .Minneapolis, Minn. Gentlemen; In accordance with our agreement with your Mr.Robbins, we hereby put ourselves on record as being agreeable to the grading of Vandalia Street from Territorial Road to the north line of our property at such time as you have a buyer for this property or make improve- ments to the extent that would require the street graded, in lieu of your withdrawal of your application for the grading of the street at this time, which we do not believe will serve any purpose whatever and only involve an unnecessary expense on us which is not wa ranted at this time; which we trust is satisfactory and in line with your understanding. Yours truly, j'By-- J.P.Peuling*M. C�9E CQ�P/AJN!�Y, $,k . OF st PPcUL* ��NO ¢ �r s + n t R OFFICE:OF THE CITY tC1-ERK z' �p`OUNCIL" RispuUTION GENERAL FORM T C�OMmISSI�OIIIER' low LVt' t$,e matter o3, oondg(nn 1 anfl taking an " es �mpAt` its `the land�:`;neoea�arq Poi elopes, outs ,and- P 11s, to {shQ'grad ng.oY Ysndelle:Street. From. ,T, at Road to. the Nlsrth line of Hi}bhina and 't) herB .Rearrangemens, un }ax prelii>iiriery Order as„ Cr F, •66562, :approved June„ x 1926, and IriCer1926, V -V" m ) iary Order X67286, approved August 3� a.x� 3 . - The Oo»uj►iooloner oP ;Public V�orlse havirig� _ . r submit, ed his •report apd Plan'iri the above matter, a be 1 RF$OLYED, That the Gi-ty of: St. haul P sea and �, deter>tifitnes t$ amount oP lend to;b@ taken Por the � h h� above named tgtovement eon Wandeliaeesembn treetsbetwe,en the k e'irts soar ilia" in ,,and up, a 5 -5 pointa''sforesaidf to-the'`ex eat shoam aver ofeP bl3o z s a+ta-ohe;d ,to the rrpprt oP -the oom»Si�ss ,; a Works in the muter deb ed,Sa'&telh er 1.j'.192,8 whio'h plea end report,are#hereby xe eared to aripart hereof, 8 made a y r•z Walt ld` � -,.� ', `t"„c�,- fry" � r � � SnaLtRl oR�ttim-piP gn ease ' ,rS sY -r ., g �y� aEe� ctita end.dl�,e : n'�De t R � �• z F i .kyr ..dor andatl4� terrb 1 Ingrs9d�0 ilea a tOT�„ ^' .. ro edi.EAuB oL omrhtdfl driclile Y. ` Tia "Dhnri t r;. €e�O ag f'etarat`i de�ttue '��ek6d ', � nena;_�aib� a } /1 eauettt ab n98a tD tan �� s tel// ' ,bltr7t7FW.orka7+ gd ted. e1 ,9 �'phtoh dmIn`Yr'�a" x Ay4 oto e,.�y n6� 9epe?""`79 �. r; l•� e U COUNCILMEN „J s7 - Yese' Nays 1 ,Adopted by. the Council._.. - cfasti�y $a Ferguson Ap a t 92 McDonald _ In favor . Mc�jogan ....---- - •.-- -h Against — -...-. =.'Strdkeimet _._ Wenzel y N[r. President Hodgson f CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of Vandalia Street from Territorial road to the North line of Robbins and Others Rearrangement under Preliminary Order C.?• 66552 approved June 15, 1926, and. Intermediary Order C.F. 67266 approved August 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Pc:ul: The Cmnissionor of Public Works roroby subm is and maY_es part of this, his report, a plan of the above imprOvc- mont, shoving by tl c shadod ; ortion of said p1r.n, the fills to be made on privato property, and by the h,--tchod -portion the cuts to bo mac'_o on private proporty, and the oxtont of the easement to bo takon by the figures opposite such shaded r.nd-h^.tched parts of such pl^.n. Date: Comtoissionor of Public IVorks. \I % CITY OF ST..PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF 01V. OF FINANCE ON PPRELIMINARY ORDER - �- _—._ ---.,,,�..,.:._ _�._:-.-- .-,.----,��=-----.._.. ---�... -. '----,-• �- -•--«_rte In the matter of condemning and ~taking an Annemant in th 1A"d nAn AAanry for slopes,outs and fills in the ohanging of grade of Vandalia St.from Territorial Road to a point 467 ft north also grading said Vandalia St. from Territorial Road to the north line of Robbins and Others R� arrangement. _ d� under Preliminary Order approved .lune 15th, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by ite Assessor, are as follows: may..._. DESCRIPTION LOT .tock ADDITION A _-.----D 95ESSEf VALUATION ._ i 4 1 3 Minnesota Transf©r Addition 750 1 St.Paul,Minn. 1 2 3 800 v .3 3 do ' 1575_ 4 _ 3 do 237.5 �.. 5 3 do 29QQ _. 6 3 do _ IZ175 r; e a 9 3 do 3700.. 10, 3 do 3700 TOTAL. .Perm B. B. 11 S, 1 .. Crry OF ST.. PAUL. DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE 4k,. REPORT 0&"MMISS19NER OF FINANCE 0 -PRELMNAiW01RDER ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 12 116 13 1 do 1. 1—— 1— -- do l bins ab _and others Hsarraxu$040�- 5 15 font - !17 do That part of Territorial HOa do 2 --vaunted -17ing between- -BIGOIM I and 2 and Meat of a Ua d awn look 40at -a -point On- the -North--1 ne to a point on l,"96 _�db of the Beat line of Section 9 T Range 23 -the-South lino of said seati J'i 9"00 ft -west of the Southeast„, 1 j t- i corner thereof. _j I 1 . ...... Zomenoing At 2,90iut os the, Zas� line of Section Town 29 11000 2 , n corner being the Range 23, 470 ft South Oft 1. �GeMiO in—tersea - io-t-ion of g6rtherly 11 0 Aqq nenster!7 said right of v 27jq- ft1the So At T on a 12 degree aurae to the to the Southerly line Of _V-11-- of-wa thence -to- the -Sao Line 0' herson said right -of South to a point 125 ft Rim() �Iht- fir, Additio 11, go gTraq§, ------ outheasterly to a poini� North of the section li 0 en4e S far- Addl-tions- nes thence East to r;t�eNorth to beginning, eiikli part of Ho - 0; -S61 hs�gt t`ofSection -29,T=n- -2�( 60305 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated a 1926- CoOmmcissi er, i ance. Form B. H. 11 V f °� xi q ac_ Ls c, x- �hix t a r { �1}L F� Pj►4�` 1926. 4 s To"the Commissiodei'.4 Finance .of the'dity of St. Paul: u:a order of the The Commission ' or of Public Works, having hadvnder coneiderataon"the pro" Jtme 16 1926 6655E t 192 relative to^ Council, known as Council File No __approved_' ; q condemning and takings an• es'eement in the landMtneaesasry YoY ___ -- _ - of grade o�°.veridlia,at.�from :. eTopea,:aute and Ville; in,the:`ohengiiYg tLorie'1 ReB� tA-=s -post-46'`�...�t �. St a ft"b Territorial &oed to tie"northaline, o� Robb':ns.end Others �q '' $earrangement. _._ i and having investigated the matters and things reforred to therein, hereby reports: Said improvement,.is_.__._. ---necessary and (or) desirable. 2. Theestintated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is $------- --� and the nature and extent of esid,improvement is as follows: ereof. —a —I. A mart h -4 -6764 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ .................. By.. ....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ......... Car -bon -St. -to South. StreSt . ......... .................... ............ ......... ........................... ...... ............................................. 7� 031k, .......................................... ...... .. .........................td`a. ....................... ftk,66t o '17 -NIAM!"a'r .......... ................. .. ... ............ .. ....... . ....... .............. ............... ,6flbb;,�anAf -the;'CRIN U t 0 du 4 'd '. , objietl ...... 'F ✓ s5emuve— ......... .. ....... ................... under Preliminary Order. ... .. b.b547 a p p ro?, IntermediaryOrder .............. ... ........... .. .................approved... .................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council M ns having,hearo all persons, objections and Recommendaii relative thereto, a 4vm ndh i g,.� u4 y considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul,that the precise natur6,,exbeilt,and kind of improvement to be made by the'said city is,.Grade.,. IA_1310.0k I.X.- arbon...S.t. . to OoUtb.-Ait .. ... ...... ...... .................. .. ................................. ............ from a ... . .............I................. ..... ..................................... ............................... ................................................... ............ ................... I ..................... ............................. ......................... ... ........ .................................. .. ............................. ..................................... ............. ...................................................................... . ... .................. ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to I :a,,nd specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for it ON approval; that �,I, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed X in accordance therewith. -41 e perking of said imP', tt*g N X y�, tbuncil .................... .......... Ad.pte I b the, 192 ..... .... . .... ... ... ..... ... ... ... City Cie Approved..._ ................ 192 .............. .............. .. Councilman Clancy 40W Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald S — Councilman Sudheimer 0 Mayor NTAU Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. y. r 41 CITY OF ST PAU4 ACE DEPARTMENT dF.INANCE REPORT'OF COMMISSIC�€R OFF ON PRELIMINAR RDER (A) in block 1 Norton rs Add+tion from Garbon Street to-_ In the matter of South Street.' -- -- -- under Preliminary Order approved —dune 5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - s 5f17 _ Rl ,frt The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED under Preliminary Order approved —dune 5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - s 5f17 _ Rl ,frt The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT' -L K ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 Norton's Addition 2250 2 1 do 2500 20001 3 1 do 4 ,1 do 3100 5 '1 do 2300 g '1 do -3500, 7 ,1 , do 1950 B •1 do 2800 9 `1 do 450 } 10 '1 do 450 TOTAL. . . •CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . COMMISSIONERD RCE REPORT OF ON PRELIMINAW OR _ LOYie�ocK- DESCRIPTION ADDITION , VALUATIO - Lot 11 and North of 12;1- Norton's Addition 3975 sSouth of 12 1 do 4075 13`1 14 1 do 450 15 1 do 2200 16 1 do 3000 » 17 1 do 375 18 1 do 2575 _ ... do . _ 19 1 375 - 20 1 do 375 21 1 do 2425 22 1 do 375 23 1 do 2775 24. 1 do. 375 25 1 do 375 26 1 do 375 27 1 do 375 28 1 do 375 29 1^ do 375 3011 do 325 ---_ - 46850 _._ -The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the afrsaid matters, and herey submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated_—� ik -1921_ mmis er nance. Form n. H. 17 F r St Eau1; Minn. y�9 To The Honorable,, The Council, s Citi of St. Pau_h. _Minn.�x, i Gentlemen: We, the undersigned propert downers, hereby petition T, Honorable ' ,. Body to cause the following improvement `, be made: ---Grade Addition fro�hu CMrb n St. ; ., *7 to South Street. _ o,. ..x —. ./ b� ale i !z �' - - f Pu Of�fic Al. the Comrnissionerobfi�c _,• t" r - ;moi• a, Report to Commissioner of Finance ---�— J U L Z31� 88 July 12, 1926 -___....._.... _......_................ __..._.__.. _ _192 To the Commissioner. of Finance of the City of St. Pant: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 3 66647 June lb, 1926' Council, known as Council File No.- ..._.approved—_.........__-__...______�......._�192 _-, xelative to - the grading of—alley in B1ookM1, Norton'e`Addition, from_ arbon_— Street to South Street. r and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ia.....—:_.__—necessary and (or) desirable. 0.43 per frordtft 502.81 an 2. The estimated cost thereof is a total cost thereof is $..-- ------ - Inspection 49'.86 Frontage 1,18,7 61 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: . ------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto, attached and made a part hereof. 4. - �_...._._........._..... - ... ---.._.__._.�_.._ r_ __....... _......---.....�- 5. Said improvement for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works .� at L D {par iner�h c�;z(Ju � is ct s JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISGIONJE-R THOS. G. WCONNELL. DEPUTY COU-SIONER - GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHISP EHOIHVR M. S. GRYTSAR.'SAID-EH WAROINEER ` M..N. CEY SUPT. ON AM OP CTIO, REPAIR A. H. SHARP. SUPT. 01 EA TION. Si. H. HERROLD,-O NDC PUNRIM E OIHQR July 10, 1826 G, P. GOWLIH, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE Hon. John H. lie Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading alley in Block 1, Norton's Addition from Carbon Street to South Street, under preliminary order C. F. §66547, approved June 15th, 1926: Estimated Cost $502.81 Cost per front foot 0.43 Inspection 9:86 Frontage 1187.1 ft.1 Very truly yours, cz. )k-r— hief Engineer Approved for transmission to mmissioner of Finanee. ��j =011=. mm ss over of a orks: W:g .g and taking OT, 1, a I o a' ie b, bi i "i a outs gradins.L Bi'6bk i�,' L *ro oo -:,b L 4,T, 0 4M14 _AJet 1. 6&48 gR rA ! Ola, 4redl M, 6-4 62,11,ilbllb, Wd SVin plan. in the bi owe t6tt'ejo., that the �, City of ',S,t' and land t.0 8,keg� for 1, {Adoptedi^bi 9Z Nay:s 4ZA IF cl. an cy.. F crig e,192 jr,. .......... J 11 qla, I zx W MIN n - C a fills, ig 7e, street C. F.1 67262. i T, V above, nk6A.,14) I It "At a oft ".Onr t4�6- referreo el d , W:g .g and taking OT, 1, a I o a' ie b, bi i "i a outs gradins.L Bi'6bk i�,' L *ro oo -:,b L 4,T, 0 4M14 _AJet 1. 6&48 gR rA ! Ola, 4redl M, 6-4 62,11,ilbllb, Wd SVin plan. in the bi owe t6tt'ejo., that the �, City of ',S,t' and land t.0 8,keg� for 1, {Adoptedi^bi 9Z Nay:s 4ZA IF cl. an cy.. F crig e,192 jr,. .......... J 11 qla, I zx W MIN f a CITY OF ST. PAUL DepL-rtment of Public Torks REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of gondemning and taking nn easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 1, 'Norton's Addition from Carbon Street to South Street under Preliminary Order C.F.66546 approved June 15, 1926 an_l Intermediary Ordor C.F. 67257 approved August 3, 1926 6 To tha Council of tho City of 3t. Paul: The Cormissionor of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a Man of the L,.bove improve - Mont, showing by trc shaded ,)ortion of said ,plan, the fills to be made on private ,�roporty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the oxtont of the easement to be tokon by the figures OPPOsite such shaded and hatchod parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST.AUL a . ..-.. .. P �y N pARTMENT OF7FINANCE ;ter REPORT (Sp�OL'IISSIONER OF FINAii'! ' ON PR (NARY ORDER In the matter of condemninK and taking an easement. in the land ne cessars for slopes,cuts and fills ;A the grading of alley in block 1 Norton's Addition from Carbon Street to South St. under Preliminary Order approved June 15ths 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paut: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - --� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are. as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ewcK ADDITION VALUATION i ,I 1 1 Ydortonts Addition 2250 2 1 do 2500 3 1 do 2000 4 1 do 5100 5 1 do 2300 350§0 6 '1 �0 7 do 1950 8 1 do 2800 9 .1 do 450 10 1 do 450 - - 1- B. H. 10 TOTAL. 1 �i T . CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' - REPORt-':mss. CoyMISSIONER OF FIW,-, ICE ON f'P/-IMINARY ORDER _ (C) -,-- ,. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lot 11 and North 1� of 12 1 Norton's bddition 3975 South of 12 1 do 4075 13 1 , 14 1 do 450 15 1 do 220 16 1 do 3000 17 1 do 375 18 1 do -2575 19 1 do 375 20 1 do 375 21 1 do 2425 22 1 do 375 23 1 do 2775 24 1 do 375 25 1 do 375 26 1 do 375 27 1 do 375 28 1 do 375 29 1 do 375 30 1 do 325 46850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby. submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him ill reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. — O c Dated _-_1-- -192_ t--/ Commis o o ^finance. Form B. B. Il 1 u Office bf the Corinrissiorer of Public LS rErv�z Report to Commissioner of Finance g'• 1UL 13 gg July 12, 1926 z .......... -.—......................... _.......... ........ ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66548 June 15, 1926 Council, known as Council File No.._ --__..._.approved—___ ... .......... relative to condemning end taking an easement _in the—land._neoeasar_p _ slopes, cute and fills,_in the grading of alley in Block 1, Morton's _....__._..._............ _._....._._,..__ u Addition, from Carbon Street to. South Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._—._..._—.___necessary and (or) desirable. N 888 %R8 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—.__......... �._.___, and the total coat thereof is $ ....... ....... ... ___..__......—, _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _..... .................. ....... _.... _... .._............ � _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - s 4. _ --- _..._.......__------- .........._.._.._........—__._....._.---........----- ..__..._..._...... —_.. �—_ ;p 5. Said improvement ie__._...__..__.__._._—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property,« subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of �Pc orks. I`b 6'7646 COUNCIL FILE NO....... By.......... ........ ..... ...... ..... .......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....GraAing-of..alley...in...bloo.k..2,...A.-000 4e19htp edaition...... .. .......... .............. ...... .. ._. :... ............... C, k' Ivo 81948— In. the b, ter � gradlaB of alle9 In .... - g, .......__ . .......__ ........... .. _..__._. ...... ... 'blook 8 Com �,iofkht�,�p8ditlon uq der hrelfitfin rder' "BSS68 eD J9A.?a�. c � .......... .... . .. p �. ` _ .......: .... . ...... .. ->:. ...... .. .......... .... prgved-Ma2ch �,y i:„A Dvb1�oliearlafra h411n� 'heea lu uyon the b.¢peilmDioaemgn# nppn„dqe netice.,an�•t4e'Covnon"Lavintrp1�e_atd ` . .._......... .. ... - elf Deregne:dobJeotlotie'?'and reoomdien -+ floss relative theeafd• and` havla6 ::......................... ... ....... ._......p,I�, eonbtdtiredwthe-eamo.,, ther0tore ........ .......... ... ... .:, `� •9 ''' Conac11 n �$5 under Preliminary Order.. ..�a6 -approve d........ ....�$cfeanatn Intermediary Order........ _ _....... ...approved... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvementupon due notice, and the Council having'heard all persons, objections and recommendations relatwe thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 5t. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... MAO..$118p,.i11, B100k 2z riO1nG Heil hte if Addi t ion ....... ...... . k...: '. ' .. .................. ... . ............. ......... ............ ... .......... ........ ..... ... ... ...... ....... .. ....... ... ....... ... ........ ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ..•. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; thatuponsaid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improve n 'n accordance therewith. Vote Adopted by the :Counctl ....1 ..... ........... ... ........ 192....... City Clerk. ,r ...... Approved. ...; '1 j :; 4927 cil� Mayor. Councilman Clafic§ Councilman Councilman Mcbonald Councilrn ua,&dheimer Mayn1�31k�ilfs Hodgson 1j!►' f/��/' Form B.: GY N CITY OF ST. PAUL, - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1n the matter of the grading Of a under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 380 51 The estimated cost pe,/ono, the above improvement is - $- - - - - - 0 ".43 TheJots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8w . ADDITION VALUATION, 1 2 Como Heights Addition to 325 2 2 the City of Saint Paul 300 3 2 do 700 4 2 do 700 5 2 do 1700 6 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 __ .. g 2 do 300 9 2 do 325 10 2 do 1725 11 2 do 1250 TOTAL. ly-- Form BW. B. IO - ' CITY, of ST.. PAUL -' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- AE . REPOFN'U COMMISSIONER OF FD ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT -K ADDITION VALUATION 12.2 Como Heights Addition to the City of Saint 700 13 2 do 300 14 2 do 300 15 2 do 700 16 2 do 300 17 2 do 900 18 2 do 300 11425 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i llated__-'� -G�- 192 --. Commiss er ante. F.r. B. B. t2 • St. Paul, Minn.;:.Gi::'.A M92._�(�p To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . from-.........................................................._. St. ��to ----.........................__....._...__.._ 22 Office bof the Commissioner of Public WO ,E'VeD Report to Commissioner of Finance riS 1Zetw� m d fit ei t JUL July 12, 1926 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 58466 March 19, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ....... —_.... _...... approved__.._ ..... .......... ............ _..... _._...... _.............. __192......__, relative to to the grading of alley in Block 2, Como Heights Addition and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......__... ...... .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 0.43 per front ft. 380.51 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__.......__..____._._.._--- and the total cost thereof is $ ......... _......... _.._.__...... —, Inspection $7.46 Frontage 896 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... __........................................... ... ........... _...__.._:_....... ___�.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _.._. ... ........................... ................_............_._........__::......--.--....__._..........._.................._.............._---_-------- — -- 5. Said improvement is_ ...... .............. _.__...__....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pn lic Works. V " A, �. ITY VF WT � L l- ©�ar�h„me�R�'h of �Jubl'c �crks JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL• DEPOTT COMMI.MONE. GEORGE M. SHEPARD• CHIEv ENYIHERR • T M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIOnE ENa1Ht[R .M. N. CAREY. SGPT. Ov C...TROCTION AHO RHPAIR July 10, 1926 A. B. SHARP. SDPY. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE All CITY PUNNING ENOIN.YR D. P. BOWLIN. SGPT. Ov WGRKHOO.E . Hon. John H. Me Donald, CoWiissi. oner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit preliminary estimate of cost for lvr the gradin; of alley in Block 2, Como Heights' Addition, under preliminary order C.F.58466, approved March 19th 1925: Estimated cost 'G80.51 Cost per front foot 0.43 Inspection 9.46 Frontage 896 ft. Yours truly, (�f )-, 14��j hiei,ng near. OF Approved for trar_smi:•sion to Commissioner of Fir_ance. commissioner o lic Works. ^v67647 couMca.No .. ---------- CITY, OF "ST. PAUL . rae i h t OFFICE OF, TH€ .CITY CLERK rCOUNCIL ReSOLUti(ION GENERAL FORM r t September 1, 1926 AM - - DATE._-.-.-: --_ �r• :F!RESENTEta' � - = �� yy LVE; _ - In the°hatter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley' in.Block 2, Como Heights Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. #68467, approved ldaroh 19, •1925; and Intermediary Order c= C. F. #67259, approved August 6, 1926. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it i RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes end 0 - determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, outs and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 2, QOmO Heights Addition, b:etw,een the point a oressid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of t, the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated September 1,`1926, which plan and report are hereby "referred to and made a part hereof. ^ rfC Sf�llb'f9g7p +89�'+Y Mc12oiiald I Ia tt[b"s�Vabiw;1' iifl eoe ning 3kndQtaR i _ Irtsr';i<nseaee�glitYfn¢t o-]and'Leeie 1 daPr 10FF ploD,e 4-- ' aa"1AIM la=thfl- z .�,,�,,ccndtng; of nb �n48 ,rk Como '�'Sef Ste pdflitilaa'v' �?hder' iEN ` � iWor der C.'4 -F 'I a 6B4e flDDroxed 3t •:iflatat` g rABRr` mug& aterptatll$iSY. '�' ���fleu��"I7.p 9�Z���Bii�ro„Ved,�ANu6� - � t tbeii�YeA��a�2Te�ttie'"i%i%k n 1deYetryIkI a a p yam a rji Ia d o bb� enTtor4 airoyett7fam d•. I ro'vegie"ti�fl$�q�n'a an'" eidenMLg l itooe8 ante'aR{i3�tCd�oDthe 611pynLtil90 U. et,Neb6� he'Apii1t11 "a.toreeatd�ats, , thek['.Gste sh"d n"„P,,AAohe'�+DlansaFt.,"; tq'1¢Led'�.toha� Dorta` L^tihe �bp�mip�, j �' pt8'¢br$,�p,o���Ito tiYot �,�;u�lqR> tly tmatttoi c dat9`13e 19$ �elt€DTa� andtrbMx+ ,rf A��'doDte.�lbY�hb ��- COUNCILMEN t� yeas Nays Adopted by the ;Cuuncfl� -- - - - -• -- I A2 .. Clary 1 Ferguson A r v ............... ........ •.192--'--- r McDonald, -_..-_In favor k...- -----. ,. _ .. ----------------- ,�• ` dhamer Y as - MraPratd ` # -CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of gondc,mning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 2, Como Heights Addition from to'. under Preliminary Ordcr C.=. 58467 approved Pdsrch 19, 1925, and Intermodiary Ordor C.r.67259 approved August 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of 3t. Paul: The Co^nissioner of Public darks hereby submits and mal:os a part of this, his ropert, a .,plan of the above improve- ment, showing by tro shoaled ;?ortion of said -,-)lan, the fills to bc• made on private ,:roporty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to bo taken by the figuros opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plc -n. Date 1`I Commissioner of Public Clorks. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-, REPOI1' OF COMMISSil?NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of for slopes,cuts and fills in the grading of alley in block 2 Como Heights Addition. --- - P P^ under Preliminary Order approved ---Id""- C D+t" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ J The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ - - - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 2 Cone fleigY.ts l:ddition to 325 the City of 3aint Paul 2 2 300 2 :0 700 4 2 io 700 5 2 ;.,o 1700 6 2 0 300 7 2 do 300 B 2 do 300 Q 2 do 325 10 2 do 1725 11 2 do TOTAL. 1250 Porm n. O. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPAT OF COMMISj.,IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _.. - .�.... ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT stock ADDITION VALUATION 12 2 Como Heigbtskddition t© 700 the City 300 13 2 do 14 2 do 300 15 2 do 700 16 2 do 300 17 2 do 000 1R 2 do 300 --_ 11425 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r llated_—�_ _ _ 1926 Z,/—Commis ner mance. Form n. U. 12 1 , Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo -E (�7 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 1388 July 12, 1926 1Q9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 58467 March 19, 1925 Council, known as Council File No.._...___.____. apProved.._............... ....... ...... ...... .......................... __192_...._., relative to condemnin and talon an eeaement in the land neoeaeary Por -._--------_---- --........_..__. - ......... ...... ._._............ _ —--........_.__.__._.—.._..._..._........__.........._.._....._._.__._.. ilo ea outs and fills, in the rading of alley in Block 2, Como v .-- .._..__ _.... _....... ......................... _................... _............ ..... -- ... - ....... . ...... --�-�.......—.--�- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... .... _....._....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—.......... gg= ..._...._. and the total cost thereof is $- -x -------+ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._ ............................. _....... ........ _.._............. _..... _ --- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. ..... _.._._... _....... _.................. ...... _... _....... :... 5. Said improvement is. ....... _............... -.._........... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. of Public Works. �'b 6'7648 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By..................................... ............ ............ .... .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...reconstruct, "relay and repair,where"necessary, the fol'low- ....... ing sidewalks: West side Cleveland Ave beginning at Sargent Ave.thenee north 50 ft. North"�si�d-e ")3elvi-d"ere"""St": TiegiYiYtiYiga�G "Cour"tYr"d"St:then'c»--west' .......................................... ..... �....... to Stickney St. South side Rose St". beginning 'at""" Ar St "tYi"sure"""west "55 f ........... ..:.......................... ...... ----- ....... ........... North side Fauquier St. beginning ai-mendo£a S"t thence Aesi"""33D ....----.......................---.............------..........._......-----------------.....-----.....-.......----........-------------------a'n..........-- ------.....--------...'v" e,... West side of South Wabasha St. between Fillmore Aver and Fairfield Ave. --- ............................I.................... ------------------------------.. ------ tC F No 67648- -.� 66495 in the Matter' of ceconst t&c! y ela9 th 1926. under Preliminary Order.... ad k. necessary tfie,.fot f .......... ................................ Intermediary Order . ........... ....... - . --- 6o ft... -� t - North aide telvidere 9t bggtnuing A public hearing having been had upo: at Concord St. thence West Eo stick a notice, and the Council eY St. having heard all persons, objections and r south'eiae Rosa.sh'.heginnlu6 sa and having fully consid- Eari St, then... --qt 5s ft. ered the same; therefore, be it North aide h-1- at Mendota o -P!, RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cil y `tlhl that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ........ r-ec.osis.trU0.t.,- Te1Ay...aSld..-X epp.i .a YhQxQ.--Sleces- sary,the following sidewalks: West side Cleveland Ave, beginning at Sargent .... . .............. .... .............. .. ... ............. - - . -----.... -- .... - ..... --- - Ave.thenee north 50 ft. North side Belvidere St. beginning at•Concord St.thence . ............. .... ..... west 'to . Stickney . . .. . . St.. South side Rosa St. beginning at)�arl-St":tFii3rice"1;vest55- .... -. ......................----..... q ----....... " - _ ... . ft. North side Fauquier $t, begiririirig at""�eridota""St�tit�eYti;B a"g"s .---------------------------------- - West side of South Wabasha St, between F ore and the Council hereby orders said improvemende. RESOLVED FURTHER, T31at ,,%e. Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and'spe'gJ11 ons for said -improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approNlal die proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of �yen1 in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........ 1� .----.....-, 191........ City Clerk. Approved ............................ :,W: 191..... - e ' .. - . ...... - AC#(!!y Mayor. Councilman P76Y6&XAX= McDonald Councilman 90M Ferguson. Councilman Clancy C-xIM-Clhm,----E+wAi Councilman Ott Sudheimer. Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FIN CE y } DEPORT O PRE MISSIO ODER FINANCE (A) In the matter of MOO West side Cleveland _Ave beginning Concord St thenet2 north tto Stickney St. North side Belvidere St. beginning ar,uth side Ross St. beginning at Earl St.thence west 55 ft. North side Fauquier St. beginning at Mendota St.thenee east, VVV West side of South Wabasha St b we et en Fillmore Ave.andFairfield Ave. under Preliminary Order approved -- Tune 13. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is sq.- - The estimated cost pertoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation o4 each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED_. -. DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION VALUATION West side Cleveland Ave. The Fast 120 ft of the South 1 50 ft of that part of lying North of Sargent Ave. North side Belvidere St. 4 South side Ross St. North side Fauquior St. Por- B. Y. 10 1 2 7 Rosedale park 700 36 The West St.Paul 'Real state 175 and Improvement Syndic Addition No.2 13 Terry's Addition to the City 5150 13 of Saint Paul County of 1250 Ramsey and State of Minnesota 16 1 E.M. Mackubin's Addition 6700 17 1 to Saint Paul TOTAL. CITYST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •• REPORT OF COMM ISSIONEW OF FINANM -' a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 18 1 E.M. Mackubin's Addition 600 19 1 'to Saint Paul 5300 20 1 do 600 21 1 do 800 22 1 do 600 23 1 do 600 24 1 do 1750 West side So. Wabasha St, 1 181 Robertson's Addition to 20100 ( 2 1B1 i, -jest St. Paul 3 181 do 5500 1 (Except the South 12.22 ft) 4 181 do 1700 The South 12.22 ft of 4 181 do 3075 and the North 12.78 ft of 5 181 The South 37.22 ft of 5 1B1 do 9500 64100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_L O .,Z,w192. _ -- -- Comm seio r Finance. Parra R. H. 13 p. Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 17420 .......... ....... Iune......1.6.7...... .................. .......__._1926 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.......6b4S5... -approved—.1une....$i------.............................. --.-192_6_., relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary the following sidewalks:Viest side Cleveland Ave. _.binning.„at_Sarge_nt..._Age_._thgnoo_.uStx'th_ 50'J7ortfi s de '1e1v3 ere 3 beginning at Concord St. thence west to Stick - nay St.South aide Rosa St. beginning at Earl St. thence west 55 ft.North side--Fauquier--Sty beginning at—t#sndota-3t: tl�mzsea5t 33D-Yt:�st side of Wabasha St. between Fillmore Ave. to Fairfield Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._..._.._ ............. ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $0.7.....pes_s.q« Ad the total cost thereof is ..........._...........—._._......—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. ....... .......... ........ _... ................ ......... ....._.___..__._.__�.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ......... ._............................. .__._....__.__._.__- — 5. Said improvement is ............ __... .......... ..... ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - Commissioner of Pn c Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER 6'7649 In the Matter of....x'dCoxlS.tSuC.L..,....rQ.1AY-...a.r}a..repoix--..Z)1g 6XY...th�...i.Q7]owing sidewalks: East side Humboldt beginning 112 feet north of George Street thence ...........................- ..................................._....... _......................._.. ........ . north 32 feet. West side Columbia Street beginning at Arch Street thence north ..........-"--------'--......................................b ---...........- ......_..... ... . 50 feet. North side Arch Street beginning 420 feet west of Columbia Street thence west 75 feet. c 'F N'0 61649—eenatrncF ..............................------ ..._...' .................................................................................tter ot"tq a to} In the Ma here neeeeesry reg%g,J nntn6 �nS-eide�etd- -Humboldt he6� ... ... ........ _ notth S2 ietth'ot r'earSe SL Inn ¢B �............ ................. ............ 66893 ae 92fi................................. ----,.. R..t slde •Columhl% 8 'pe6 under Preliminary Order .......... ..... at wreh St, thence 'S' t U tees: '-. . ain, Arch- 9t-- Rt. tV feet•. 7F 4Pe�..�i °Aer'�r a,t�..c..................... ........................ Order -................._............... - - 1 _tom, o A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isand ...rBpa-ir-..mtheZ-e...-•-. necessary the following sidewalks: East side Humboldt beginning 112 feet north .. ...... ..-- .....-----..........................................._...... ..... - ..................- - - of Geor-g.e Street thence -... ... nort. 32 . feet .. . . . West . side - Col...u.mbi.a Street beginning -- Arch Street thence nortTi- 50 f'eet.:- i`fortTi -s ide Arcff'Stree�-"liegiririirig420- ee ................................................... west of Columbia Streetlhehce wes%- 75 fee : - ............ --...................-----..._................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said am , ovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... 1, _ 191........ 1 ......... City Clerk. 1. Approved ............................:... % .. PP =........., 191. A....... .. - ---- ZZ ......... ....... kcli 1g Mayor. Councilman McDonald Councilmauxd mex Ferguson. r Councilman Clancy BeeeAiina'� �em�•���' CouncilmanxMaddk Sudheimer. L /� iISLBI.iSiIiII� i/�2f Mayor Hodgson , Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` e - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: Eastside Humboldt beginning 112 feet north of George Street thence north 32'ft. West side Columbia Street beginning at Arch Street thence north 50 fnet. North s de Arch S ree eg nn ng 0 ee was of Columbia Street thence west 75 feet. under Preliminary Order approved July Sth- 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S _-_- sq. The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is -* or/ -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: y,._.. _. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8—K ADDITION VALUATION East side Humboldt Ave. 3 86 Town of West Saint Paul 400 West side Columbia Street 16 8 Ashton and Sherburne's Addition to St.Paul 1650 North side Arch Street beginning 420 ft west of Columbia St. .,(Except the East 35 ft) 19 8 Ashton d SStrburn 's 2275 Addition Paul That part of 20 8 do 950 lying East of a line drawn from a point on the North line of Arch St. 40 ft West from the Southeast corner of said lot, to a point on the North line of said lot 50 ft west from the North- east corner thereof. TOTAL, Form B. t. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSPNER OFINP''MANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • ASSESSED .. - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That part of 20 8 Ashton and Sherburne's Addition to St.Paul 2025 lying west of a line drawn from a point on the North line of Arch St. 40 ft Vilest from the Southeast corner of said lot to a point on the North line of said lot 50 ft West from the Northeast corner thereof. 7300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—(/"-- __— Commtssto mance. Form B. S. 12 o I; Office of the Commissioner of Public WcOW-iv Report to Commissioner of Finance " & _- w JUL 13 -2g ........-----Su1.Y..._13.r.-....................._......__192. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 66893 _approved -_July 7th _192._6_, relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary the following side- walk . Nit._side._LT_um dt_-be inr2ing-._132_,-ft,__north--_oY._.Ge_orge-Street__th L North 32 ft Test Side Columbia St. beginning at Arch St thence north 50 ft. North side Bch Street beginning 420 ft. west of Columbia St thence west 75 ft .-.......-_._ ...--........_---..... .._............. __� and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... _ ............... _...... necessary and (or) desirable. 07 _per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__............_ ..—__........ and the total cost thereof is $ ..... ..................—....--......—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._..._.................._._..._._....._...__...................._._._.___- -.-_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ___ —... .............. ...... _...... ........... _.... ........ _......... --....... ... - --....—........ _ ......... ------..-_......------ --�--- — 5. Said improvement is_._.._ .................... _._........... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... ....................._.-- Commissioner of Public Works. - 6'7650 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By......................... .................... ..................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....._reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary..the............ follo�ing.__sidewalka ._.South _s.ide Palace Street beginning 258 feet--.east.-.of Fairview AMP.,,111QlCe_..e9! A__.16Rafit...of the N.P. R.O.W.thence east 20 feet. North side Sherburne Ave. beginning ......................... - ..... at Asbury Avenue thence east 42 feet. North side Iglehart Ave. beginning ---....------------------------------------------•......._......._.................----....----------...--------............---------------- •------------------------------------------ .... 246 feet west of Dale Street thence west 16 feet. ............................. ... ....... ................... ..... Q F. No. 87860= ' 66892 In the Matter of reconstruct. relay , under Preliminary Order.... "' `""" ..... ..... ,and reD>il;-lgherr na eeeary the 11 �,� - C? ' following sldewalka South 'alae Palace St. beglnni g Intermedia Order----............ ssa teat, eadb of Fairview viva .. ............... �' -' ---' - "' -' thence enat I6 ft.. ning A public hearing having been had upon el least o'f h ° N �P: IL a.. w notice, and the Council thenpe,east 80 fa'rt. having heard all persons, objections and re North alae y M.P. th nce'ecsa, and having fully consid- Hing at Asbury M.P. ered the same; therefore, be it teeL t-* North aide Iglehai RESOLVED, By the Council of the City ofyRa.f„Ir gc aflfe precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is........reGQ.Hili4l�Ct�....rQ1Ay....And ..reP8,ir...where --• necessary the following sidewalks: South side Palace Street beginning 258 feet east of Fairview Ave. thence east 16 'kt. South side Como Ave. ..n.....- ..........5. . ' .......... .................. ............................ - ............ .........._....... ......-..... ...... ----- -- -- -- beg -- - beginning 54 ft east of the N.P. R.O.W. thence east 20 feet. North s e ... ....... --. ............. ....... - ---- ........................ ..........._.... ...... --- -...........----..........•--.............................. Sherburne Ave. beginning at Asbury Avenue thence east 42 feet. North side ................................. '--......._...............................----..........._........_.............. ----------......................'--..........---............... '- Iglehart Ave.beginning 246 feet west of Dale Street.thence west 18 feat. ---------------------------------------------------...-----..........--...................----......I.............................................................-----.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sub_ mit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making rof ment in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councih..; :.........__.......... 191........ .................... City Clerk. Approved_ ..:............----- ..... .........._....., 191........ _ i �PGWq Mayor. Councilman IWANPRAM McDonald. Councilman 9X= Ferguson. Councilman Clancy V eauneffin It 11 werizat- Councilman 18 Sudheimer. Mayor Hodgson s CITY OF ST. PAUL, kc DEPARTMENT OF,.FINANCE - ORT OF COMMISSI4NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINaaW ORDER In the matter of reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: South side Palace Street beginning 258 feet east of Fairview Ave. thence east 16 ft South side Como Ave, beginning 54 ft east of the N.P.R.O.w. thence east.20 feet. North side Sherburne Ave. beginning at Asbury Avenue thence east 42 feet. North side Iglehart Ave. beginning 246 M ft.west of Dale Street thence west 18 feet. under Preliminary Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 8th. 1926. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S jThe estimated cost per/400• for the above improvement is $ f The lots or parcels of lanfl that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or a parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South side Palace t. 9 1 Micalester College Add'n 18g01 to the City of St.Paul I f Ramsey Go.,Minn. ...South side Como Av�. 3 ;Frank Crowell Addition 4510 I - (North side Sherburn Ave. 10 2 Lyman D. Baird's Addition 32501 i r - 11 2 do 2675 I I - i North side Iglehart:Ave. } (Except the North 8 ft) 18° 2 Swift's Subdivision of Lots 54501 1 do 19. 2 10 and 11 Smith & Lotts I 4 - Out Lots 13$00 a i n TOTAL, 2 8 5 r f - 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and herel,y suhmits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. c Dated-- Commlesio hiawce. .14 "Office of a the ' Commissioner of Public WOr93 l Report to Commissioner of Finance�8 ; • .' - fin• � K ; JUL 18 iP 26 .,............................. ---192.6_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66_.____ —. _ 892 .._......approved—_J1ilY..--TO.%___ .-..._............. relative to Council, known as Council File No.... Reconstructingrelaying and repairing where necessary the following side- iwalks: South side Palace St. beginning 258 ft. east of Fairview Ave. thence east Zo its S�stiith Si�A-1%6mo- ve:T�eg --"ng 5d_.ft.__east- of" fie Ti. 't— .6.1'1.�F-fence egLst,20nft. Forth side Sherburne Ave beginning at Asbury Ave thence east 48 ftC•.. rlpj�tki �a de.....�g.1.el}art... 4e-bg��ritg 34&ft wes -°fele street thence — west 18 feet and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: .s 1. Said improvement is ......... _..... _....... _--necessary and (or) desirable. .07 per sq. ft. _ :- ------ - $___.._.._.__.---d the total cost thereof is $........__.. 2.'Phe estimated cost thereof is --...... an .._...___.__._._, P11 n" and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... __................_....... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 6. Said improvement ie..._ ..... ___..... _..___._. -.__-._—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO._....... FINAL ORDER 6'7651 In the Matter of....._eonstruct eurbinR_-on both.sides._of-._Pinehurst... Avenue.._--.. from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue...................................................................... ...................... -ut, .:..ue.aerea me fame the— under Preliminary Order----------- 67E1 ........ ..........e.`.t4;Sr+ ed..tr^ ?. 29th, -..x-926 ..........................-. IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved... ------- .----------------------------------------------------------- -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.......COT1St2'uCt.-_CurblAg.-on-_bgtkl..s -ClAo-of......... pinehur-s.t...AYenua_.fr.om...Underwoad-Ave-ilae...tn...F irsieyt..Auenua................._................- .... ...................... .. ...... ................ I............................................................................................................ - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that `upon„ said appoa�1 roper city officials are herebyauthorized and directed to proceed with the making itnpr4ve gnt in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Co�ncil ` 191........ l ! ................ City Cler it . Clerk Approved_.. .......---------- - ......................... 191..... fiCt(Aff Mayor. Councilman 3WW=KXlAoDona1d Counpilman .95= Ferguson. D P o Councilman Clancy Councilman xkawi-Sudheimer Mayor Hodgson CITYAUL DEPARTMEN. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONE�4•�OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - -- In the matter of from Undertvned Av o +n Tnlroiew Avenue under Preliminary Order approved—JUDO ?9 2=` O To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $_1s 337 69 frt The estimated cost persfoot for the above improvement is --- 5� Inspection 0 26.23 Frontage 2,464 ft. The rots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Fur. B. Y. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION VALUATION 15 2 Lanes Highland Park 60 16 2 do 55 17 2 do 55 16 2 do 55 19 2 do 55 20 2 do 55 21 2 do 55 88 2 do -55 �3 do 55 24 2 do 55 TOTAL, Fur. B. Y. 10 . - cPTr'7l bT.-... .. DEPARTMENT OF FIrj.jhCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER T B DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION u P- - 25.2 Lanese Highland Park 55 . - 26. 2 do 55 27 . 2 do 55 4- _ - 28- 2 do 55 u 29. 2 do 55 _ 15 1 do 55 16. 1 do 55 17.1 do 55 _.. 18. 1 do .55 _ -- - 19 1 do 55 �i -- - i 20. 1 do 55 21. 1 do 55 V 22 1 do 55 - 23. 1 _ do 55 __. 24: 1 do 55 _ 25. 1 do 55 26 1 do 55 y a 27, 1 do 55 `- 28. 1 do 55. . 29. 1 do 55 I _ . 1 8 do .60 2 8 , - - do 55- 5 3 8 . do 3 _ .55 4 : 8 . do _-55- a- 5 8. do 6 8 do 55 - _ : . -- N 7 8 do TOTAL 55 CITY r. PAUL DEPAR OF FINAN6E REPORT OF COMMISSIONAR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) - . ASSESS- -...: .. DESCRIPTION LOT FROCK ADDITION - VALUATION a a Lane's Highland Park 55 9 a do 55 10 a do 55 11 a do 55 12 a do 55 13 a do 55 14 a bio 55 15 a do 55 1 7 do 55 2 7 do 55 3 7 do 55 4 7 do 55 5 7 do 55 6 7 do 55 7 7 do 55 a 7 do 55 9 7 do 55 10 7 do 55 11 7 do 55 12 7 do _ 55 13 7 do 55 14 7 do 55 15 7 do 60 33.15. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated��q p 192 O "— - O B. 12 Comm yn r finance. St. Paul, Minn. _19212 ToThe Honorable, The Council,-� City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..... . ....... . ....... — ........... ........... . --St. Ave. from—,-- t Ave. W Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor ewe LOW Report to Commissioner of Finance+ s�+eR o AUL is �g .................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66721 June 29, 1926 192......__, relative to Council, known as Council File No ....... .... --... _._.._approved._.._ ...........: _ ....................-._..........._......... constructing curbing on both aides of Pinehurst Avenue fTom ... _......----.._................ _......._ ._._......._._.. __..._.__��._..._.� Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue. ......._.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... _......._..... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.....b4�1 per _rMtthfjdtal cost thereof is $........._1 337.89 Inspection $26.23 Frontage 2,464 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._ :............................ _....... .._..... _................ ....... ............ ........ �__._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------- _----- ....__............__... _........ ...:..._..._..._.._..-.__.._..__..� 5. Said improvement is._ ............................ ..... __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. ........ .......__......__....._.__.....�_..—.-- Commissioner of 'c Works. CF�i'iY DF 'l3IlYT AVL L epaF MLIFuF FUd7 is J7 JOHN H. MCPONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O•CONNELL, De.uvv .......I owe. OR -K. BRIO.e ENO�.eew OEORDE M. SHEPARD. CHIeP ..OJune 9 , 19.26 A. 8. SHARP. SUPT. OP w.NITwT10N W M. N. CAREv, SUPT. 0 .......CT ANO R.I... O. P. ROWLIN, SUPT. Ov WowNHOD.e O. H. HERROLD, OPPIoe wHO.C" Pu..INO E.OINBew Hon. John H. Inc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on both sides of Pinehurst Avenue from Underwood Avenue tFairview Avenue, under preliminary order C. F.66721, approved June 29, 1926: Estimated cost $1,337.89 Cost per front foot .54 Inspection 26.23 Frontage 2464 ft. Very truly yours, e Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance. omm ss oner o Hance. 61652+ COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............................. :................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....:.curbing...both.-sides- oY_.}iillcrest Avenue from ......................... Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue..... ........ ....................... ................................................................................................................................. iC. Jr. No. 67652— both sides of .......................................... Ip the Mettec of curb n8 Rulcrest Ave. from Underwood Ave. to-FaIrvlew Ave. ..der; ------------- ----------------- - - ......................................................................................... Order 6672E aPDroYed June 29th, 1826, _a publlo hearing bavtnB.hegn had .....� the above Improvement upon due ------------------------------------------ ..........._................................................ oe� and the CounMl havluB heard, . �raons, ,bjectlone and arneao a*- ja re ative thereto, ....................................................................................... ......... .....cnneidered the eame: then:'........................ ......... +qd, By thr-,'otincll of ��` under Preliminary Order ......fifi722-------------- ............... a}��, tna ,.,I x':;:�� Lir] ja 96.................................... IntermediaryOrder ................................_............._ . ........ approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...._CuxbSxl$.-both_ 9 i4PA Of_-Hillgreet_. Ayenue from ....................... Underwood Avenue.to...Fai.rview Avenue....:........_......................................-- --- ... -- ................. .. ------.__ ..- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the maki ement in accordance therewith. 191.. Adopted by the Council...... k.::'<--,-...._.---._........., _... ..............Qy- City Clerk. r�926........._.........., 191........ Approved.. .:>:_,....- ;:.•::........._ .................... ................ ............ .... ....... A ........................ /�Ct1Atf Mayor. Councilman Z9K2kW5Xttk McDonald. Councilman lb= Ferguson. �"t7 Councilman Clancy Councilman W398H Sudheimer. 80fineftin .. Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CIT PAUL DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY kDER (A) In the matter of under Preliminary Order approved- June 39, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - s-_1,296.12 The estimated cost per rfoot for the above improvement is -0.53 -- Inspection $ ?5.41 Frontage ?,464 ft., The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such Improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BwcK ADDITION VALUATION 14 10 Lane's Highland Park 60 15 10 do 55 16 10 do 55 17 10 do 55 16 10 do 55 19 10 do 55 20 10 do 55 21 10 do 55 22 10 do 55 23 10 do 55 TOTAL. Porn B. B. M clTv of sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER T.. _ _- r ' DESCRIPTION. LOT BL05K ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 10 Lane Is Highland Park 55 25. 10 do 55 26 10 do 55 27 to do 55 28. 10 do 55 14. 9. do 55 15 9 do 55 West of 16. 9. do 55 t Lot 17-& East Of 16 9 do 55 1s. 9. do 55. 19 9. do 5.5 20 9 do 55 21, 9 do 55 22. 9 do 55 23 9 do 55 - 24. 9 do 55 25 9 do 55 26 9 do 55 27 9 do 55 28. 9. do 55 1 16 do 60 2 16 do 55 3 16 do 55 4 16 do 55 5- 16' do 55 6 16 do 55 7 16 do 55 _ _----- B 16 do AL T AL 5_TOT55- CIT 'T. PAUL - DEPAR71IMNTROF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYIORDER (C) DESCRIPTION • LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 'East + of 9 16 Lane's H1®hland Park 55 Lot 10 & west of 9 16 do 55 11 16 do 55 12 16 do 55 13 16 do 55 14 16 do 55 15 16 do 55 1 15 do 55 2 15 do 55 3 15 do 55 4 15 do 55 5 15 do 55 6 15 do 55 7 15 do 55 8 15 do 55 9 15 do 55 10 15 do 55 11 15 do 55 12 15 do 55 13 15 do 55 14 15 do 55 15 15 do 60 3315 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Fmm B. B. 12 -� _ _192 to G Commissto finance. St. Paul, Minn._A2__�"K_192_4 To The Honorable, The Council, City Of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the,followirig improvement to be made: . .... ... . . . ..... . ......... . ....... . ......... . . .................. . . . .... . — St. Ave. from__. Ave. St. Ave. N% of NEA SEC. 16 T 28 R 23 Scale 1'-300' I PINEHURST AVE. _ I FORD --- ROAD d q o z N, PILLCREST QAVEa 40- ,r,. /. j Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo Ery �• _ �. ,,. •r�. � is Report to Commissioner of Finance�•sroHER_ JUL 13 $Q July 10, 1926 _192 --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...66722 June 28, 1926 .... —__... _........... approved ._............................... _.......... ........ .............. __192......_., relative to curbing both aides of Hillcreat Avenue from._ Underwood.._Avenue__............ to Fairview Avenue. . -------- ............ ------ .._..... ..-- ..—_... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------- ___----- ___..._..._necessary and (or) desirable. 53 er Y ** 1,296.12 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----- --.-� P--•- �artte fotgl cost thereof is $ ............._..._....—_._..._.—, Inspection $25.41 Frontage 2,464 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - .---- .........--- ..._..........._..._----- _.......... ..______....._.�—__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. *_III_"' 5. Said improvement is -- ------ ............... _... _..._......... _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pnhl� Works. . - • c�Tv vF �� Imp .. ©epa h,�rn�e,�r�h o� �Jublic o cross [ JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. WCONNELL. D[vuir C ... I....... o[DROE M. SHEPARD. CNI[F -IN¢R July 9, 1926 WM. N. WRSY. SDPT. OP CDN.TRDCTIDx wNo pe.w�R O. H. HERROLD. OPPICe wNo Cin P✓.NNIN. EN..NB<R Hon. John H. Mo Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir:, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing both sides of Hillcrest Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue, under preliminary order C.F. 66722, approved June 28, 1926: Estimated cost $1,296.12 Cost per front foot .53 Inspection 25.41 Frontage 2464 ft. Very truly yours, 2Yf.��/ ie ng neer. Approved for transmission Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner o c or !{� 33 CITY OF ST. PAUL CvOUl�NCIL NO..........6'7.65 OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK - COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM Of PPRESEIS.a^iO�Ne .....�.... ... �/�i1AISI� .. ..........DATE........................................................ comm RESOLV That permission is eby granted to E. A. Jaokson to ereot an over -size private garage at 1Qo. 1923 Summit avenue, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor; provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold and no repair work done on said premises. COU NC I LM EN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson � McDonald `r!.....In favor Sudheirner r ............... Against Mr. President Hodgson i NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT T4 ERF,4]A - Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 6749 ordinance No. 5580, of the City of S t Paul, 1.4innesota, 192"0, application will be made on to the City Council of the City f Saint Paul, Minnesota, for by ar e on the following de- permissi n to ere�ra� g scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot �? L ,Block �6 Addition, City of Saint Paul, P,'finneso On the f7. side of'' ,Z Ave., between -&I-. Ave. and f Bt. A ve., Number /y Z3 $t. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, '.7innesota. _u -�_— STATE OF MINNESOTA, 'j -ss County of Ramsey.) ... ing duly aworn, deposes and says t he is clerk or Dlepatch Printing Co. which now ie and during all the times he ins ter mentgoa8dy ne newspaper, p (Hipublisher d la drof the publt had Sn the cit. Paul ymof SL Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota Thehe, has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... .�.... ............. hereto attached, cut from the c um. of eald newspaper, as inserted, printed and published in said newspa r and the said publications were made in the English language. Jf�/'���� That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on../:.r'•�F the.. ?,day of • ... : • • • •192.[(7 and was printed and pub- lished in said newsppa/apppeer�' thereafter on.�. �1/ • • • • C/2 /�..... iasti and ksei�I;99. �. •./�•`� • ...thecr:5! day OY.....��;4u7Md 192. m That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was a mediumof official and legal publications as required by sections 3 aner 484, Session con- I.. i uteoa legalenewspaper asddefinedt in said sections 3 and all 4, to -w) require thatt fomenrmorethan one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... .... ....... •,,,,,,,.•.,,,,..........said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the..pl..ace Ymm which it purports to be Issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, h eight columna to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other Publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. 1 ^ (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw, hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the d9te.6�the first publication of said ........ .......................................... ............. the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min• nesota,'an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto Uklm�nopgrs vwxys Y Further atflant satth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 chapterof neueeota, 1021, and tos menaccompany the bill. for publication n saidws➢ Derafidlegal ad a ... .................. ®/192.f�J Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... .. ...{rdna�/yr of. �cr; .fs: . .................... Notary Public, Ram ae County, Minnesota. Form 141 2M 54-25 PkB My Commission expires..... .. ...1:.1.:x.1 `�•Y� N.ta:'y Pu6ii....Pa' , Coudty, Mien. Ww Lommisuioa expirra.SepL-22,19= STATE OF MINNESOTA, '(,ss. County of Ramsey.) being duly sworn, deposes, .. ...... ... b"Ispatch Printing Co. which now Is and during all the' an,. the times It ep..ter- mentioned has been the publisher of St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published In the city of St. Paul, in sap Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Th he has knowledge f the facts and knows personally that the printed...... .... . . . . ................. ..... erte d. prin ted an said newspaper, was ins hereto attached, from ............. ,:in the colit published In said newspaper and that all of said publications were made In the English language. That said notice was first Inserted, printed and published on.. the. �_7.0. t . day of ..... ............. 192, 4 and was printed and Pub- 11,hed in said newspaper ereafter on... -:192 -ZY id new, and . .......... the.� ?4 a' of no ed as a medium That during newspaper I the times aforesaid. of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of pter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said.. ..................... . ii - . . . . . . . . mid newspaper has been ............... (1) Printed from the piece from which �Uriioris io be issued In the English language, and In column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty:one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matterand advertisements, or any or either of them ( 4) Circulated In and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw, hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said...... ...................... ...the publisher or printer In charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower ease alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghijklinnopqrstuvwxYz - *REBID"301K Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit Is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1.92_L and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper �th ,foresald legal advertisement. Ap ................ da .2�7 .... 192.6. Subscribed and sworn to before in,, this ....... . y . F-... . .............. t ..!.L( 0.'� ., , - .......... a Notary Public, Ram y County, Minnesota. Form 141 2M 5-4-2.5 P&B my commission expires.... ... . .. 1—olcy County: Mi96 -pi— S -PL 22, 1971. FILB No. LIEBENBERG & KAPLAN ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SVITE 617 MCKNIGH[ BLILDING J. J. LIBBENBPRG, B. S., M. S. A. MINNEAPOLIS MAIN 9134 S. KAPLAN, B. S., A. 1. A. Au,E'L:st t 'ity rifer City of 3t.Pau I ^,ourt "onse St. and "inn ;'eror-ith ;.i'iidavit'd for advertisxent of permit to erect oversize ,arae ;'or • r ._..Jdc'son. 'iadly ate -,ch to o. r aiyltic ti011 ;or perxit to �- preSentrad to 'it,,, ';onncil. Yours ,cry rkly 1.ic:L enl e. I; "ai.lan S.:r c _ 7"' CITY OF ST. PAUL couwut (j7-jM4 C4, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - " COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTS .j :.....................DATE.................. ............. COMMISSIONER...... ... ... .. RESOLVED VThat permission and authority are hereby given to Wm. D. flumen -i thal to erect an over -size private garage at 573 Summit avenue, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor; provided, how- ever, that no gasoline or oil phall be sold and.no repair work done on Said premises. COUNCILMEN.`, Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........ A0419aW. "..••.192...... Clancy AUG 31196 Ferguson /�� p 192...... McDonald �?......In favor _ Md-1nQn�. •_.. ........... ....... ... ........................... �6t14... Sudheimer ...............Against e Mr. "entModgson 'N(fljr,y" OF APPLICATION FOR PERJAIT TO ERECT A GARAGE. e Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of S t Paul, TZinnesota,� 192=, application will be made on to the Ci ouncil of the C Saint Paul, Minnesota, for by gara permission to erect age on the following de- e--r--T-ount sota, scribed real estate? situate ?nms��y�� ck to wit:�2ee /��Addition, C' y Of Saint Paul, St. Minnesota. On the '� p,, side of St. Ave.. and��`-'�_� Ave., between ✓��3 St . Ave . , Plumber t�7St. Ave. / 71-1 Dated at Saint Paul, '.4inneso t.a.192b• int a,mu �a+• HES BEBEllf1 111 itll� ra�� 18 3 � PM 19?5 0, H. BtRBSll4 till UU, S1. Pb`.d. P+iS4SF'f LPa, Ih,-4. STATE OF MINNESOTA, 'i Ss' County of Raniscy. ) ...being duly duly sworn, deposes and says Ui the is clerk 9r bDispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the times lireinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the t't'• 91 -- St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in sai Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Tha)ahe has knowledge of the fact. and knows personally that thug printed...... .. :............ ......... hereto attached, cut from the colo ne.of sa newspaper, was inserted, Drinted and published in said newspaper aws-muni--wr` -� and that all ofy said publications were made In the English language. Tt sa%Id notice was first inserted, printed and published on.. ... the.. �.�:::.: day of.....`• • • • • • • • y ....192. and was printed and pub• lished in said newspaper�fl�,atLe. thereafter on..,/ • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • ' a �" """ imtkk and... the..........day of..... .192.. That duriag aforesaid, said newspaper was 9uell d as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of c spier 484, Session tl con- stitute a legal newspaper asof Minnesota, 1921, ddefined that t in said has sections 3 dplied with 14,,io-wituthat for more than one year lest past from the date/of the first publication of said ...................... X/ •••• ..................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established In such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw, hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ......... ............ ............................. ..the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min• nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement httached, vtz: ereunto aUklmnopa a vwxyz Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany t he bill for publication in said, newspaper aforesaid legal adverbsa t. =.�'5;�ay192Subscribed and sworn to before me thi.f • • •: . Notary Public, Rama y County, Minnesota - 54 -25 Commission expires.... �—� ► V Form 141 2M 6-9-25 PhR •')'12; Nattry ?ublic, Ramsey County, Minn. . MY Geet+ebaien expires Sept. SZ, 19241 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ( ss Coatnty of Ramsey.) ..: .....being duly sworn, deposes and so a is cler the Dispatch Printing Co. which now Is and during all the times h ein� r ment oned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, Qt a dally newspaper, printed and published to the city of St. Paul, In said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. /gTha§dbe has knowledg of the facts and knows personally that the printed .. i .•//•••••••.... hereto attached, cut from the columna of said paper, was inserted, printed published in said newspaper and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on. . . the../.l�..K:l.day of.....•• ••192,and was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper thereafter on... /. iY• r-� • •�{•• •� • • • • • • • • • • • untW-and-; .. '••...fife.' ./ day of.:...o........... ....192. That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualifi as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chap er 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... ................!..........................said newspaper has been . (1) Printed from..the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its plaeeyof publication to the extent of at least twl hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said..... .... ..the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed In the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal, newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement ttached, viz: abedetgh reunto afiklmnopgrstuvwxyz Further affiant eaith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section .4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper a oresaid legal advertise t. .................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... a d of • •S -/�• • •'•/. ...182• L- Notary Public, Ram y County, Minnesota. }�,]Qj Form 141 2M 5.9-25 Pha My Commission expires ....... ......!..y.• �•"•" L. R. 'TWEED, Notary Public, RamseyCounty, Minn. My Cammiaioa aapirea Sept. 22. 1958 CITY OF ST. PAUL c-CIL No ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 1ISSE&BY NT 00ER . . . . ....... ................. TE........................................................ WHEREAS, it appe that the Leonard's Benzo Filling Stations have requested that filling station license No. 431, filling station license No. 432, and filling station license No. 387, be transferred to the Benzo Gas Motor Fuel Company, and that said Benzo Gas Motor Fuel Company has accepted said transfer is writing; therefore be it RESOLVED, that said licenses are hereby transferred to said Benzo Gas Motor Fuel Company. N COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald %5 .... In favor -AIGCJQBQ— 0 Sudheirner ............... Against Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council .......... AP ..... 192 p ed... ...... 192 ..................................... Acting D. W.D. dl ■�1 of .6atttt Paul HAROLD J. RIORDAN CITY CLRKAND CNIQ O.DIK.GITY OI-m1K �l YODMMIYIONDI W RMISMATION pt /4ts„ M1Q1.k CLARE34M A. RTORMB �YLLILY L .fYIi9 .[Y ONIV CLMR Rmtrn ATION August 24th, 1926. Hon. Arthur A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 l d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: Attached hereto is letter from Leonard's Benzo Stations and Benzo -Gas Motor Fuel Company requesting transfer of license covering three filling stations. The Council this morning directed that the attached be referred to you for the proper form of resolution granting same. Respectfully yours, �W City Clerk. CA, , D. W. 811%DSALL. - V/{i of Saint Paul — yHAROLD J. R1 ROAN CRY CI.BNK AND ^ CHIW CLetK-CRY CLERK COMM18810NOt CF REOIB ATION � e of %ftjj (R(e.y i • �ef'll [I( CLARENCE A. STORMS CHI— CLERK -REGISTRATION 11 V'&41 �,o .'a..+ V CITY OF ST. PAUL CAU.WL `; ?ReLE NO 67" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU CIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - f f C PRESENTED BY -`.COMMISSIONER "_..__._ '�—. DATE ...._ - RE%OL'VAD That pexm,esion and authority are hereby given to the Eoonomy " Oil Co mpany (application made by William John and S. 0. Lan eater) to install and maintain a drive-in filling stilt ion at the southwest oorner of Hampden avenue•and Charles street, the tanks and pumps to be installed in a000rdanae with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaotion of the Commis- sioner of Publio Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. Adopted by the Council .---&LI.. .... --.192 Clancy Ferguson McDonald _�_-In favor A v Sudheimer Against ....... ,.. - - .................. -------- Acting " "�• Mr. President Hodgson 1 E. J. MURNANE._ QtIj Y Hintf aul ow Flar- DUN OavN. . MICHAB.6®HAROI'. OlCAR LANDOt. Department of flublic Safety ApT.PIN[�a . H.A. YALL. WILLIAM BARRON. C�iPMIN M D[T TIMoC - INY RaR. rim llLLvnRION O. H.;BARFUSS. J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER CH L. Wn. `. - I -roN OP roues HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - T.MAPPARI1iY[ A. L EGGERT. B. F. SIMON. M. D. YeDsi INVRTOR H-OPPICq m cauAr xow[ - - QIASLBS1. SBiRMI. A. E. NIGHOL9. M. O.. 811P,. MwaePllL DAMO[ I _ OQVIY H[ALTH 0— JOS. MACAULAY. JOHN MAWL SB . P.— & R- ALMY CMV HIALTN I— August 31, 1926 6>, �V Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of William John and S. o. Lankester for permission to instal a bulk storage gasoline station on the southwest corner oi`_:Hampden Avenue and Charles Street, and report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Safety U E. J. MURNANC CHI --P - MICHAEL GEEHMOT. AYR. C. aF PaICi H. A. VALL. C—..— G. ARARIWG. H. BARFUSS. IIbF¢iow YI PgJCc A. L. EGGS wr. L —K INN— JOE. MACAULAY. A UP of St. pul Deirartureut of Public $alfeig J. -M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION uaNrN wNo wawoorw m. OWEN C. DUNN. R" C - 06"R LANDER. AYR. Fl CMO - WIWAM BARRON. C ._ IMYFSfaR. F.— PANv — CHARLEE L. WILLIE, S--A.FwRATW B. F. SIMON. M. D. HEALTH 0— E. NICHOLS. M. D. DYFRT HcwLTN 0— JOHN MART/. CHI— H-- INpQ:TYw �® Aug. 31, 1926. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner Of public Safety, COURT HOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; Regarding applioation of Ala. John and S. O. Lankester for permission to install a bulk storage gasoline station on the southwest corner of Hampden Avenue and Charles Street. Upon investigation we find that a bulk storage gasoline station at the above loca— tion would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a permit be granted. WOB2,k Yours respectfully, 4Ae Inspector. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ad, ap pmol fou do be .e made in dnpliaate and OBFICE OF THB CITY CLERg �, eubaiitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION -- Application No. Form No. - To the Honorable City Council Dat of Saint Paul, Minnesota ' APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By - oma of Firm or Indlriduel For License to Operate and Main (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A Dwa in^+ AUTO BILE FILLING STATION to be located At 7 � 8troat Number and street Number of Number of Gas Capacity. of a o n; i. Pumps to be InstallTanks to be Installed Tom_� Received at office of City Clerk & of ADPL t By WAr Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk t9.—. ,,.� - 19_ Date_ t9— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds Dat Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works and Public Buiidiage By Received From Dept. of Public Safety By Received From Dpt. of Public Works By Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Da 19— OBice of the City Clerk Date t9— Office of the City Clerk Data t9_ Office of the Ctty Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk passed t9— Det Offire of the Corporation Counsel • By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date - t9-- Office of the City. Clerk By Dat 19— By Received From Department of Date _ 19_ Office of the City Clerk By _ + APProv 't9— Ordinance No. Permit No. s License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notifiedby letter dated ARTHUR E. NELSON. MAYOR ' ARTHUR CAINIES J. M. CLANCY. •> Cox, of PU.LIC SAFETY MRS. P. N. CARDOXO L. R. S. PER O USON. W. L. DARLING COM. OI EDUcwilox _ � � ',.r� �ann- Evart A. J. L. C. XOOOBON. I'(. '{JV_RI[■� IRIeCOLL COM. OF FI..... A. C. PLO AN MCDONALD. $� �E 1 P�nI�. E� y H J H COM. OFPU-u<WORKS of F.int Paul, �InucantB ' J. ADLICH. O. C. eCOMEOFI PU. GEC. F. LINDSAY" / LIc Uiluilu �_yLy��II���� J. A. GEED ER H. C. W .... L. 204 .�1OyLLLSYbur3* "Puflbing COM. OF PARKS. PuvG-Ouzo. Y R. B. 9HEPARO A.. PB -1. BUILOIx-a A H STEM O. M..0 EPENOIx[eR GEORGE H. HERROLD. J. CLAIR STONE A. A. STEWART. I H CIII -EL Mwrvwolrvo olREcioR wrvo ExolrveER H. A. 6ULLWOLD CIRIOI _ w'. F. BCOTT.LT Cy ISAAC SU M M ERFIELD CITY C11-1-11 H. Yory IHR WEYER O. L. NASO N. SUFT. OF PARK. August 30th, 1926. Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir ;- Balk Filling Station, S. W. corner Hampden & Charles St. S. 0. F,ankester By- We Be J06 234 W, 7th St„ This application for a bulk filling station is to be located in a district zoned for heavy industry and is permissible under the zoning ordinance Without a public hearing. Yours very truly, —"UIiy VJLJR'nT'Ing _Eng3meero r vad omm� aaioner o3 iu+Tlia�o s. /62� Un/oadfny rack -78 7f 7al7k al MMM /ZOOO qal-s. �_ j \ X, r�e t? o le vel arra 5� \ \\ �/5 level - Oz V 'Zt! S --k,- "i Air - WA reR BULK F L I N G -5 TA T 10 N . S.W, Corner ii 2r, Nden Ci 1rIe5C,41 'Zt! S --k,- "i QUI P � P 4 r NO ��6 CIY OF STy�PAUL F¢e citf s OFFF4bE OF THE CIT CLEfiK a g6pNC1L y E'$ UTION GENERAL FORM �a trPRE'SENT BY24 7i n ,� ATE.--'J-4�P.—i...__ oft. 'CAOMMIS§�F. - RrssoLVEo permsdionfisnd au o'y are .hereby -gives to P. ?H. YaoQregor "r to install s.jiik storage tank and drive in filling Ast on` at' the Mid Rhite y>&nam e2 6p= and Marshall .avenue, the ta&,kb. said 'pumps to ,be p installed in a000rdanoe Frith the ordinanoes of the Oity of dt • Paul and under the direot,ion and to the'amtiefaotton of.the Qomaiss oner of Publio Safety* - C $ Na 978b7r-89 M+ Ciancy� ��'�y't,�i,�tedol ed Thgt'�Dertpteetoh and en+ -Mae6tse8dra�ta vein anputkT storks - # 14edle?g5ifl dribs-ia flllin[S°etatton nt the� . �0 IDngrnel'; t3Pur apd+Marshelt A:d4�= , { an6,:_ the Lgnke_ a d"D,limpe to ba its gtatldd, to adeoedno� th the ordinr, n8d'eg�ot tpe CtLY +nr}BEsvl sndnn j - - {" •delxtp3 direOld -anfl to Lke; t(b7nC ` �' - 4tlgfi� of XiheCommleeloner ot�blic_I _ F v0 fbe Coqnctl ;BeDt 1 1998.,,1 '� - ��4Ayyto�efl peDk i Y99t .. %Y r9 •4 COUNCILMEN ' i Yeas Nays +V Adopted by the Council.... ... .......... 192:... Clancy 1perguson .`,� pro ... .....t.....192... »t McDonald ._.-.---iCAn favor (/ Sudheimer 0 -.Against...................... ( --------- - - - -AGtlfl�. Amwermsel Mr. President Hodgson s` E. J. MURNANIL Clay w PaLIR MICHAR. OXONARDT. A . CM- .1 POYO[ H.A. VALL. CARMN ar OVTN[[ G. H. BARFUSS. LRVTO A. . .C[ LI—Ix[I[eroR CHARLES L SEOREN. Sart. MaM— OMA[[ JOB. MAGULAY. 8a1T. Pp.ICt 9 FlR[ MARY 041 0alut f un, OWEN C. DUN of FlR[CMVN. Department of f nblic Safetu OBCIIR LANOFR. Www BARRON. CMDI IN@ TOR. FlR[ !11[VYRIaR J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER CHARLES L- WRJJB, HARRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Barna ArrA — e. P. SIMON. M. D. HGI.TN OIFlt91 nl eoaBr xaas[ A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. D- "-- OIAOOI �® JOHN MAIM. CMV H[OLTx IM![LTOR September 1, 1926. 6147 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is application of P. H. MaoGregor for permission to instal a bulk storage tank and drivein gasoline station at the Mite Enamel Spur and Marshall Avenue and report of inspeotion and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, v ' Comrnissionor of public S Sty E'. J. MYRNAN[, Ctv Qt St. Paul OSCAP LANDER, LANDER. CMV OlOLIC[ FF _ _ MARL GEB, W PT. A[R. CMV OF DT.te[ f '�P [� Y*■ DANxrtnunt of Pub it SafLLv `'1F1►►71[�, �`�i�Cll�4ll�i Y ,�. WIW ' BARRON. CNIM ARRC . Flw[ FDavmw H.A. V•LI CHARLV L. WILLIE. 8--A.FMIITN CIRMM W. D-_ J. M. CLAIjCY,COMMIs810NER G. H. BARFU88, I— aF P—.. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER B. P. SIMON. M. D. Nw.TNOmmI A. L. EGi2ERT. A. M NICHOLS, M. D. U_ I— BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION OVUrY HNLTN OlIICOI IOD. MACAULAY JOHN MARTI. S—. _,Q FIR[ wuw.. CMV H[.LTN INv[era OW W C. DUNN. RR[ cm" Sept. 1, 1926. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COURT HOUSE, OITY. Dear Sir; Regarding application of P. H. MacGregor for permission to install a bulk storage and drive-in gasoline filling station at White Enamel Spur and Marshall Avenue. Upon investigation we find that a bulk storage and drive-in gasoline filling station at the above location would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity and there- fore recommend that a permit be granted. yours respectfully, ie Inspeotor. VTCB/k ARTHUR E. x CMAIeM J. M. GLANCY L. C. HODGSON. 1♦■ 'IBryyB 'I��I�(� " W. L. DARLING CDM. OF PInwNc[ .�. Qt I�IJIi�� tting /r.P. y • W. J. 7 {�I�a iV •KY µ;"` ijp1j U L DRIBDOLL J. H. NCOM No LO. A. C. FLOAN pD.LID WDe[[ O. C. BCOS. of H. C. WENZEL. Puetic U11-1..IC[ pfSilltPaul,{=n I� E:tS. X. J. NADLICX rMM G... F. LINDSAY �II4 -`^9 COM, OF PA.—plwvoeOuno[ •IYp 'D J. A. BEEOER NO Puelle GDILDINDe B. BHEVARD O. M.B I"EN . CITY ENOIN[CR' R GEORGE X. HERROLD, A. H. STEM A A 6 R C OR P* " n01 CouneeL MA nw.I.D Ole[Dioe AxO EnolxeeR J. GLAIR STONE WI. F. SCOTT, X. A. 6ULLWOLO PTeoll[A BUNM¢RFIELD D. L. NASO N.OM ISAAC Sun. op Pwe[e H. Von SEA WEYER August 30t$, 1926. Mr. D. W. Birdsall, `City Clerk. Dear Sir Re : Drive-in and bulk storage Oil station. White Enamel Spur & Marshall Ave. P. H. QbGregor--, 2057 Laurel Ave. T410 station is to be located in a distriot zoned for heavy industry just East of the White Enamel spar traok. Preoantionary measures should be taken to keep automobiles leaving this station from driving into the switeh Point of the Milwaukee traok looated,just to the West. Yours every truly, l i:;—:71 UP] ann `—• y ing neer�. ro ved vosse over o15ublio wor s. gh-rh -—.,; , Original : CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be' made in duplicate and ` OFFIGE OF THE CITY CLERS` submitted to the City . - APPLICATION FOR LICE14SE Clark. AUTOMOBILE, FILLING STATION Fo:m Ne. _Application No. To the Honorable City Gouucil• Dat of Sa ul, nnesota APPLICA ON IS HEREBY MADE By Name of Firm w In v, For License to Operate and Maintain (In CompHan th Or, 5266) A _ - '•Ikiva In" or •'Curb" ...... � .........0 At ' BtrocE Num Number of Number of Gas Pumps to be Installed fkne92x2- Tanks to•be," Received From City Clerk Received From City erk Received From City Clerk Dat t9_ Datn 19_- Dat t9— Depart mnd Public Parks, d Playgrounds Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works BY BY BY Received From Dept. of Public Safety Dat 19.r— Received From Dpt. of Public Works Dat t9— Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clark Office of the City Clerk By By BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed t9_ - Approveii 19 -- Det^ 19_ Office of the CorporationCounselBy Received From Department of Ordinance No By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date t9— Date :.. -.. 19- No - Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Permit By . BY License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notIled by letter dated 19 P.H. MaoGREGOR 2057 Laurel Ave SAINT PAUL,MINN. 0 -0 -0 -0 - To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota- Gentlemen: - 1, P.H. MacGregor, hereby petition your Honorable Body to grant me permission to construct, operate and maintain a gas- oline storage plant with retail station priviledges on��prop- erty located on Marshall Ave. where the C.M. St.P Ry. hite Enamel Spur" crosses, a point about one third the distance from Hemline to Snelling. ement The blue print attachtanks,with ows onethe or moreeretaildPumpsnIn front. of the storage tanks, If your Honorable Body request it, I will bury the tanks in the ground, though I would rather not. This district is zoned "Heavy Industry". In this imediate Svicinity are located thetandard dil Co.,NorthwesternowiFuel Co.ind,MinnesotahLimeoandors. Cement CO., Capital Lime and Cement Co., Twin City Brick Co., and Diamond Block Co. `•Tory truly yoy/re y' G/ /y/ 17 F.H. MasGR2MOR 2087I, Laurel Ave SAM .*.I,1TL.:HI16N. .pee -O -e - To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Iannesota. Gentlemen: - I, P.H. MaeGregor, hereby petition yourHonorableand Body a gas - to great me permission to bonstruot, ape aline storage plant with retail station privi'ledges on prop- arty loeated on Marshall Ave. where the.0-M- St.P Ry. "Whits Enamel Spur" orsesee, a point about one third the distanoe from Hamlin* to Snelling. The blue print attached shows the.contemplated arrangement o2 the storage tanks, with one or mere retail pumps in trent• it your Honorable Body request it, I will bury the tanks in the ground, though I Mould rather not. x Thl diitriot is coned "Heavy Industry". In this I odiate w'teinity are heated the following tnduoriesi Thornton Bars. Standard Oil Co.,Northwestorn Fuel coq.a eota Lime and Cemsnt"Co., Capital Lim* and Cement Go.s' win City Brisk Co., and Diamond Block Co. Very truly 727[ /17 z P4", a Ds.M LrLarseahe sun ® 8i� '600) D�11e�s po @eito c_ P to of the Dep4xtmea1 servo#®�deriidx to George Glass, an AMP Y, Pv►blio fWor7ce in�juxed Just 3rd, 1928; and the 911104-0,? Tk�it3r„ tout µ + 4e ak ondered t And�eR zeta" pr®fessiOual eervS¢es r., d �. t am ampl©ye - of he.. Department of ;Pumli¢ W©rks: in jui e'ad Jai►e 25, . 19 Bj ' x � ` a] se to pay the Bohi lling; �e Opti¢d1. Co. Tne ,the eum la�re `( 33.00) for"glasses furl l,dhea said AJ;4w Eckstsanc on ;asB®rota �s 4 Y ury; all of sa'�sa Bums he•payabe from the ifexkmes�ti�iom- " x �, ¢peasat�on A®aouat.�sf the'~Genera]. 8'and.' �.-'Y,&7,s6�� a r4 ,o ArxB'., N."T'D s gce MEN ek'sum dt vt4IMP, r ,; ices. o6atodsl.F e�11P'S�`''q ea4XP"'ygyorHO�'A.�l�sr46�eaI;WW a f + y....., - -tgu r Pssrid4P A88s-r�dm o rb _ j+1 Y.hAwp `i6'r�grd )4,.',4olt4Ps2�2 tXei q•', eepio�e .4 ,x k COUNCILMEN: Nays Adopted by the Council, 1�2 ✓McDonald...In favor -'jU-✓f ,etmbr :: ....Against ASudhACfi1f ` '"• " ., . 4 a M/ r, President Hodgeont; AM 1�htls�gth stamm'�75:00`f®r oxamintioa re ort an$ :teetimoy.£�� u r i the rila�ttar ' of �7CiB: BI 8mi h s�eoggins, 8a ampl4ye of _u6i De- T Par meri of Paxke, 3laygrouids aril Public $adding an Augaet�'a isas: + y , t andpzi©r therete, +who Claims to' hags been' injured in tho• employ* of ssici c13ty on ia1d sepond d&y of August; ]f�a5j' this money, to be pd r - obit q the Urkmeats�4ompeasa.ion Accohat of =the General Fund ;: as , \ a •t °N ',l4yi I 4 't - S " T 3 . '�fti "`_ •,; C.xk+ �t amYb`a it` p5reby�h s 0 , ' .•a4. - 'i° ., -.. . �,x gedbl a aq€'��c��r,�roSi'.:.?S�LeTisae�r } �Ec4'Afi�� �,y to: F CosDC SOeob$°��I ' S @d �It h t �A'RpmhATg+4„�,Aite9t�t;;�g8Btpot k ¢ aag f r a . �6.,���q yfyld a Rrgr� n0. 48 , a COUNCILMEN: f Yeas L 'Nays Adopted by the Council _•-. 192- �Cfancy,.4. onald r �� ......192-.... y�"� In favor -- d4mer inst. t Mr. p mident Hodgson �'��' _ fat coc,i,NO� �IT�,YOFASY $PAUL CITYC�ERtS - z� ' aE'Y .,OFFICE ,OF THE v „ r yy t"CCUNCt xRESOLUTION GENERAL FORM a h x August 31� 7926,E rPRESENTEO BY t }�" OM 13310NER Q M w That the Co�omissioner of Public Workd be and. he 'is: " _ x{ hereby'authoriied to enter into an•ggreement with Ji 34.` 3� ;- 3weitzer, 1484 Capitol Avenue, Stc Paul, Minn., Whereby said J. 54 Sweltzer,4 a to use one of the city,a Compressors and Air n< `Toole, andLpay a rental of 07{00 per day for Compressor and 2100 per day 'ior 9 r T6010 for the'use of said Compressor and Air Tools from the time .they are delivered to him until the ? time they are returned to the City, it being understood that then ea` f y � w r „» . - entire cost of operating same b borne b paid Jf S. SRieYiszer ",�4-D Bridge Building Hevoi�ting said money to be credited to Fund. Th' Compreasor and A r'Too1e so rented shall be r .r returned to the City in as good a p7;ysieal condition as When taken out and any repairs made necessary through their use s•rt = by said Ji SiSweitzer alis l be paid for 1fyhim. - o'�u$ (M BYtiT. 9 _ 1 tl vet]�,th Gom'#ntt+alaq�r4 t`; OM 'it aubu�y'raieca I�a 4 -Mb, a . [t:ert .4c�. a n'h.v]lereppYy�tl 8: 1tlo'v@" on bf the"�,C}ty'tl �$ j,�o '"�7�0 �yei,3$aY'fto"EsC6vYPrg�,eeb - y "�`._` j ;ran, sa g3et^'6LYs?Fpp. `hAit luoldbr=LS ? + Kt Ve`tim tlwe t ag�..IDBe t ! h n'�y�t4Rt;t1% m"8 tlY�4'#FWtifrn� nt�eeatipe 4e st"`68� Lg} - m0;ney�t - 1i3O�e8.t1 ",r —P& ¢ COUNCILMEN_ ph3rei p(tCo "tlm 6aea i� r n. �� Yed by the Council.-•-: -' Yeas'' Nays thrt Cts- ,dsb�+! is �ancy Wassas"� " —41'e-�rg-ason; 1 Lqs� .. t s# . ...; p w . -._ .-. > ��- 192 -..- cDoiidttl _-._...•_In favor - " .04eGleses "� V 0" '- .. �Su3ltpmer j - Against6�Ilf� M, . +s Mr Preu�eat Hodgson A y��i �. r• PRESENTED 13Y COMMISSIONER— j``%RESOLVED That there be•and is her cb" appppropriated the s of #iie thousand seven hundred %I -four and 50100 11614rs($5,734:50.) froaE the Sector 8osd end, Code HOf "21011c the Hepartment of Public forks Works - 85Qf tears $alwrits Fund. 10-31 x.5,•734:50 Theailo�er transfer represents add1tibaal expenditures fbr lingineers and Ouzveyors Salaries and miscellaneous Office 31191penses for the following tnoathsr denary $1. 253:8o February 1, 153. So 34. April ich ,0 Way 655.660 June �1441 Detailed statement of the above expenditures is on file is the Comptroller's office. This is is accordance with a ruling obtained from the Corporation Counsel dated disgust 4, 1923. x CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE C COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ILERK ERAL FORM .—.. ...__ DATE__...._.. Kul COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Yeas � Clancy Iai�iPs Cton d..1 Nays t .Ferguson . ,1',fcDo"na1d _:`'.__..In favor _MGQ0_L__ ✓ Sudheimer....Against Mr. President Hodgson iN''"�i+ .L .�iM13t•a a-„�`.' t'”' 7 �_" `p , � lw t � �: • i'�+ yc. s'.3, rt� r +a,, .: m �k ,Gk�-'k . i•.r f`w 1'S; _ PAROWT 07' vuWa- WoliK$ T t#ITX or .SAINT PAM 8dv O zomi earto •ate'surveyys�.t �� k 0 ilea Ora Jeaurysvar►e0,y:96 C iargaublo '.to tha SNiP D 7Sa D "M 2303. y .$AlOR S�ASAR�C^` ,TAbTiJA2tY + , APRIL Jay, , JON76. # #R, 3 z.00'. 50. `` a�6.00- 50' ."X56,0 © ;. .5o a 6a .ao', ' :10 i 1.56 00 50: x56,00 ggj=3Zocx a�6.0©. 90, 221.40 90 a .40 ai 0 1 aa `440 ;23.1.40 90 , 221.40 T a _ z%`` 1qo • 237:80 100' z37!'So 142 2`j.5o 100 237.50.'' 5 J37.500 �.50 100 175.00 30 52.50 30 5? 'oxc� 234.00. u7.oa 2 ` ffODld' 110.00 50 55.00 229.60 100 229.00 100 229.00 1► 229.00: 5D 114.50 50 114.50 ` Z R d.22. CO ' , L. �bO 1U0 22x2.40 100 e2, ?2.40 50 x11.20 50 1112 29 1.353.80 1.153so, . 1.3z5z 80 .015.6o _. 655.60 429492 - R HA t �Aj4 p•i 2 - 1 A'._. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..._.---_.-_ rimer ----------- OFFICE OF ThtE CITY CLERK - p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a COMMISSIONER.._ ......_... DATE._......._.......A, ....._.._ ugn8.t-..31...-._3.9828._.._. t ' RESOLVED That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of Sive thousand seven hundred thirty-four and 50/100 Dollars($5.734.50) from the Sever Bond Fund. Code No. 2301 to the Department of Public Works Works - l'%,ineers Salaries Fund. 10-B1 $5.734,50 The above transfer represents additional expenditures for ]Engineers and Surveyors Salaries and miscellaneous Office Expenses for the following months: January $1,153.80 February 1.153.80 .+'arch 1.325,80 April 1.01 .60 'may 655.60 June 42 9.90 1T5,734-50 Detailed statement of the above expenditures is on file In the Comptroller's office. This is in accordance with a ruling obtained from the Corporation Counsel dated August 4. 1923. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson �� McDonald ._�.......In favor Sudheimer ......O...Against President Hodgson �►UG 3 h928 Adopted by the Council, -l._..__ ..._...._............... 192.... R ALV Approved... ----- -- --------------- - 192------ -------- --- ---- -- ..._.:_- --------- --------- CITY OF ST.PAULc66HWL � r OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R T1 --GENERAL FORM rgi�sFNTED By ...................................... —.--; . . . ...... .................................... d6MMISSIONER . ... ................x. ...... .... ......... RESOLVED That 0ounoil Resolution 67,16 approved Aug -17,1926 and published Aug.21,1926 should read *Resolved thWt the plans and specifications coveritig a period of two years ending December'31,1929" and not *December 31,1926111as published. Yea (,/) Councilmen (,/) Nays -'Clancy _6 favor sudheimer enzel Mr. President room am a -so o 6M ll an 6 LiR. jf ... 92 U_ Adopted by the Cqunci IIIA rw,_ 19 ApproV Acting n NONA7.116,1129 R IN 'M I 30, 'top VOW' M11-8 w—, W, -JpB Y M W .4 _NCIL g 192—. ,.,:.Adopted . by. the Council eM C17 ancy, 'K� ergusan' r ... 192 ll!.M�,64nald ... Anliavor Sudhti. . . . ....... .... ... . .. mei I. ....... . .......... Agains Mr P dent Hoilgea�n, Ai F a elq An th 0, �4�iet of a 6 on Helenr 'tt Sltlie et I to: a point 7Q, -,Peet 41- Beer under P I Q 3T #644.18. Whitey(Bed -z r y 1-4 0, F._66587, approved April 20, and Final Order approved ,Ami- 2, 19264. the plans spe"61-f JW4,onq,and estimated qu ies" a' b submitted the Qomm3osl6ne-r of P0l c >Norka Por the sbo-v,e named improven1pnt' e and the To�� Ole- 7:.,a ovedc 'esm a b NONA7.116,1129 R IN 'M I 30, 'top VOW' M11-8 w—, W, -JpB Y M W .4 _NCIL g 192—. ,.,:.Adopted . by. the Council eM C17 ancy, 'K� ergusan' r ... 192 ll!.M�,64nald ... Anliavor Sudhti. . . . ....... .... ... . .. mei I. ....... . .......... Agains Mr P dent Hoilgea�n, Ai iii \' 4iN Y-4, 4 : t q i3„ps K matter o� paving Vesta,- Ferguson ra,, Inttha l�evahal'bvenue tro `lxont Street ; with neoasapry gaa, y McDonald In favor., f donne ob ions, under Final Crd�f C F. X6]036, ap robed Sudheimer .:Agwnet k pBsoLV� ,'!M t the annexed plana and apeoifioations r' t showing the gaso`onneatioixe to b`e' made'"�on Western k a ' M?fresident klcdseon i , �' 9venue` bet wa#Xi.' thh��'pa nta Lforesa�d+ ba and the- same eve} 3 hereby approve;d�and ,the Comm�se*ohar4 of Ruby p Works is 4 hereby,ard�red and idi?eoted tp eftTVpj4 Dopy o thea^: ordev t: G togeti�er withsai� p,anpon ptOrnStates Fiwe� #. N Companyi d— arY09Ti- afn@�YNOX deit�'1n J UO�Fs�Sd48 2s 96 4 u LebI sdlchq ,j; d3 d'[dir�tb3��o$ ' O6Yrtp@�w'Iydh� 19 8 ';j t x "MddDtb �4A. �4na911 ,}. Bak. ;8o Y 4 ' Yeas . " -Nays Adopted.by,theCouncil A�lG:944926', 192 Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor., Sudheimer .:Agwnet �j v fisting - a ' M?fresident klcdseon i , APPROXIMATE .QUANTITIES FOR WATER CONNECTIONS ON WESTERN AVENUE . FROM MARSHALL AVENUE TO FRONT STREET",-- 13 TREET"r13 - 3/4" Water service connections (long) 14 - 3/4" " " " (Short) E MARSHALL ' Uh X I r D z oDII :vt.:Toseohs ficad m i-. i i �' i h°rth `�`-rJ0 h'esferrl '& 1Yelxn AvE. ^� �, I A to j Z 0 'Chat, 3. �ndree r 0 n 399 igle dff :]tr Z N D TGLE AiI Av j? �� I j I I Bertha A. Rathbone Hen• T;u,,, J c :: W N ^� i y I Cin Dom I .V O a %H.$ H. v J. Rothschi a w8 La Fond �it I j 3oo•303 guard LPo Bldg. i - _ �1 ,jos. I. Peyer ( 299 Charles 5+. Win f red M` cNIII I ! "N 01 -tag Ft p W — Sa,n yodlelski 392 Carroll A✓c 1- - i j I _J T— �A V E . it T I i " John W. Bridge I w An+on:o rorn+ore 379 Cairo li Ave. N C� 1>a•.jer ;;,nger 381 Carroll Av. Bismark C. Arc er Iw ye Lapham Rentingg Ay. 601 Pioneet B7d' Jessie M• Marceiaihe v _—d —.l 316 vJeafern Av. Ne. r '�' Thos. S. Dw a _� I M E. Hennepin Mplik - - - _ u 4 (Iifrev Dahlen Jas. C. NolanI N c� 119 ?9lchari Ate. 322 Western V'. n. City of St Pail. MriYn. I v — -- I L_ T- - -T'-- --1 - -- I j. ,)> .lOc ijO IL�S'•Y,rn di- i 1 .The Presbytery 5t � u! I � � „ efo P H: ,$c ribra N _ Delplime Mueller 1515 PiOheer.� 79 IV. 3r d I I S+ � �kx.Tereao S n �' Jas. Tracy cnD ;�.:. • ------ � —I I _ V 1— I-- 724 Globe Bldcj,'+Q � ,vE. - x g _ 1Hamm Br9. Co. o z I f681 H. Mit nehaha St." I H N I W I N N _ g I Cin �� Frank M. Barret} 371 Weatrn Av.tj r4 No. V 1 . Enoch F Berrisfa efal I 386 Robert St I v 1 hvleyer &Arne Mh / I J 381 Westernrn Ave.11 `\ ^ • . � _-— r Toa & Frieda Heller —Lo e5 1`k. -Western (-lvr. { I Tos. Fredman • " 4a 2. Westrrn Av. No. TR L r VE. Martha Juds (}I ( I F I 399 Westem Ave N'. rf .f�eo. E. 8c Augqappi 377 W.CEn+rat Ave. Carrie ProhaAky . -y iz;2 Margaret St. 8 I " 1 Elvin C. Masson-efal l f14 415 Wes -fern Ave. I 'y Harve D. Cline y53E Univ. d ve. Z N l Wells Dickey Ins. Co. r k i 9r. Fl. M` Knight Bldg. mipls I I --4 „ . 1 ' I Clara M. Hohn Mar Breitschoo 428 Western ve. — ' N + I L3 NN I y 381 Fuller` t. „ O co Oa Annie FJ z erald I _ 3ss._Roo St .- __- , Milner W. Carey 378 Aurora ve. _�„_� s_� N W Frank Nuebel 1918 Marshall Ave. I T Nyman Bern; a/311 Exohl Bk. 10 Benj. Kurzen 610 Baltimore Bldg. a iZ Minn. Milk Co 3tio>W. Univ. Ve, " • Pure Oi I Co. ' 130o- 1326 So. int /rIP15 S I I I I U lv Y r°sRa�,r<, fi a^l ._:rr�x..... _ ,_.c,. _ ,_.! ; .,. '..,d.; :w�':...ia.°' c::sr a�`";.•a.rc,.ss���. I U N vE I T 6 r n VF- i M(',1 r II William Dux- _ - Fred P ,.indlach D Car Univ & Wesfern * eCli I �. (J1 i W , 383 Umv AV W i Z r �, �� William Dux A - - v _ 011 30. j 7, u n n Cor. Univ. &Western �iv} m ! � ! � -3� o I^ Chao. Holz o� :! N U n 389 Univ Rv.W. Z n ; John 5. & Margaret S ler A 0.0 0 0 I127 Ross 51 m ° I I v Z M _PL ° n Z h�T HRNE I E Z rn �O Z! p I x n Jno. & Anna giesen 0 John I). Wardenbur�J N p 2.p A 521 VVesfcrn Ave. 377 Charles 5t,• GJ I J -fl = rn W i D. Nicholas Waqqncr Frank B. Solvsber9' �� u(n (n 5), N. Dale St. 401 Charles S#. .O `-up co N i I I u H A_ .fZ E 61 Auqusta Kochowaki ,Andrew Mooney 541 Western Ave 377 Charles df. - w p_.... _ John [�a oynik °� N1".1�- P W } 546 �Yl�stern f)ve (Matilda L. $tack !I j--(- Jus?us Isaacson r- _ H 551 Western Ave. 55o Western Ave. No. Leon KruszUUlski ll 558 VVeste f7 Av. North. WO M. Jones ---- _ 1 nac F��Ikowski n N' - a 569 Western Au. No. 956z YVestern Ave. IN o. � I �' Jgnacy & Rose kasArzy co a�-'I' Mary A. Daley 568 Western ve d. { I �. - - 1 I JOCaroline 'Caron 563Wes;ern A Axe! V & Amelia Lindguis+ ( I 1-++I Jno. W. & Lena Nowak R' St St fe flank } 567 Weston fiv. No. Cf, !ce a - ._L----I — O J CO Ave. (A O lAlbcrf im J667 p/es-lern Ave. E D ND 1 Anna Carter w _ w J 677 Y1/e5tern Av. --� Henry,&Kath. Mo+tl B. G. Novak 747 Van Buren f DI �N Gaerfner i }Frank cv 5TH iA. N )Ludwik m i W Harr 7. &Lillian Wyst ach Harry Van Bore rt St.. O J 1" I N °i �-� Nenry & Anna Blasi N J O 706 York 5f. to Maff 5H'einer Jos. Kallon CD N aeafadl 588 Wesfern Ave. No. {� ri4 — bb`alter J Longwayl e� I -- Hve, 594 Wcsfern0. Henry E. Ho.'rnan 596 Wb stern Ave. �p -tel ,I r Louis Lan�evli7 f $98 Wes ern Ave, l 10. ( } i 1 1-T - --- - v I - - - -- --L THoM�' Mathais Dietsch 600 Western Ave.. No. (� - .Louis Wendt 608 Westcrn Ave To. Wilhelm J. Kliese E!o bVestern. Ave. No u ;-=Et Mary & Edward Collie 614 Westcrn AV I 0 1� 01bcrf J. & Ulrica Van: tnir --- 620 Wesfern Ave. N. S` ! Leo. Keibe_� 614 Virginia Ave. - I Millan &Kath Borkan 623 Western AV. No. a Louis Holman 5 9r> Wesiem A ern (� Churob q St Vincen�F Cor. Virginia & La fond 5arrJ Barbara Wagnal 648 Wes'ern Ave. Theo. Hamm Brq9Co. 681 E. Minnenaha Si Winnif'red Tracy C.0 globe EI 5 O Lina Carter 677 Western John J. Pogreba 677 Western A Jos. Pakulski 683 Wesfern Ave. 1, Jacob Kafka 684 Wesfern Ave. N Julia Erlich 1024 Iykharf Ave. Jas. Tracy 72A. Globe Bldg. Stephen Fochf 704 Wesfem Av No. Ed. A. Pother 708 Wesfern Ave. No. F H. Masan9 74 E. Summit 'r Caroline K. Wallraf 761 Wesfern AM, No. ( LAFON MINNEHAHA j J I C5f. Paul Home Co. M 217 Com . Bldg. mr n V • - Annc quido } 56 Kf Conyrc.,6sk Trindgd ))Laura L 511 Pionccr Bldg• 1Lewi6&MalindaWiM n 1380 Thomas St. = D T -f ?-� N •1 s affo Bremer wo ' 5chmidf B`rg'.Co. 882 W 7t st. lix1 &C. Cava/tinneaha 1 213 Y19 EMinnehaha 5t l Stanislaus Pass r 405 Blair 5t �l 1 lJno. A. 5+ees Co. r 16s E. 7t St • -hon. 5. bternau 635 Western Ave. Alice Rice & 0ra Leneban 649 Western Hve. j Julia_ 9a$tside ! 653 Western Ave �Jol,n Muraski 569 Wa stern Ave. I� '0 Li C. Zalesky Western — O J CO Ave. (A O lAlbcrf 9ehrman J667 p/es-lern Ave. �pffo Ziemer 669 Western (-lve. 1 Anna Carter w _ w J 677 Y1/e5tern Av. --� Henry,&Kath. Mo+tl N 388 Van Buren 5f. Gaerfner i }Frank 476 Dayton Ave. 5TH )Ludwik m i W &Anna CyPfar 401 Van Buren St O J rl Nenry & Anna Blasi N J O 706 York 5f. to Maff 5H'einer --rU 595 Bugess St aeafadl T. M`-' Laughlin )Louis 709 Western Ave. C Jordan Raab e� 388 W. Minnebaha a Andrew Miller MINNEHAHA16 ST 695 Farringfon Ave 1 -_ __ — . - Henr W Bahr !` r rs 726 yWeStCT Ave. "' ^� I ._� --E Carl Rauchwar+er J (1 65 15Albemarle Sf. C w N Michael J Lange I T i I 513 Van Buren StI H [�. United Slates 1 I bedding Co. r Cor. Arundel & I D Patrick &Margaret Murry - -1 _ v' h1innohaha St 74o Western Ave. No D J C Mathes Lemma _ _ G U1 ``p W N 746 Western-Ave. No. ` I 44 — Pfer R. & Mary S. Daviduc k'L I-11Inz ackso5+. 00 ns Frank O. Osborne r N 0 n y, 1539 Portland Ave. S I O O r `{ G A PITOL-AVE. -i Z _ Louisa Neuru-et Z W. C. Foster a -- --' Z 3s7 Ca ltol Are.G n 208 La 5alte 5t Chi° • ry _ ° - - is } P + O Mrs. Ernest Spickerf u J Ann. C. Neurer Z i II Newport, Minn. 1 � - - I �� T} 3s8 Capital Aw rqm i Frank 0. Osborne ? 7Y n s 1539 Porfland Ave. CO ( a ;QTheo. Ha.. Brq.Co. 0 MO\ I I N 681 E. Minnebaha Sl Bernard E. & Hekn R. Bantle 84 Como Ave o. \ Bantle 140o Charles 5f. i•N N I \ i V e .Great Northern R R, Co. I Railroad Bldg. \� $ heo 953eIRice cf. _J i R No I p " I /� • Great Norfhcrn R.R. Co. 4; VRailroad Bldg. � • a I ' I § , Hicks & Co.. 516 5.4* Mpls. oo i ro r � I C ARCH ST. I Caps it Koblfq Co. co m I I w w A. uthrre &Co s I -- 366 Jackson S+ The Coleman Co,- - Milwaukee, Wi N � Horace Cole V a N 368 Afwafer HH v N n V x I = D m r '*' ---- --- - -i----------- rq M ATWATER I° �--'--�T w �•'; Peter Wbicik O 854 Wesfern five ° I I 'w o 0I p Peer & Hek�r{4 Wojcik -- 0 W 854 WGs+ern We. —, ^ `� °° N.� John F. Filcpafrick� - D 618 Merch. Bk 5ljg Alice W: King efal °fro 3 / D. W. Taylor 48 E.4 5f. � 9tor a G. Basle m J i t w 86o9Wesf' m A �- - �°� los. & Caroline Be; �� r --.. t =_ir.w 3RD Seo. Weireitr • K 864 Western o H A a &&Western Ave Jno. Piecynska 292 Burgess TOPPING I T. I -- Fann t(iese+osky C1. arras Tracy 7294 lol-84 �- _ Henry &Ursula Marty ! . I- � St Paul Gas & Liyh+ Co 880 Western { IL�� ? w N7� 6+Fr & Cedar 5f. John Cook x 302 Burgess Sf OD Mar M. i/rbaniak a y888 FJestern A a- ,_ - The Villaume Box & LumberCo _� w 30� W.Chicago fgve. Stanislaw�Ciarkoski j� 6 � • - O , 911 esfern A . No. 1John J. M£ Donald . �s Cath, .Monohan Jaf ro N �D 392 Burgess Si mes Tracy globe tp9. t-a"- = - 724l91d-- 3 Ida M. Sorenson Minn. Polish Tnv. C�pp; (. P o I I - �899 Wes+crn Ave. 909 Commerce $Idg { I a I r1 -----'---+--- ----- --I---7T — R • Aloysius ok I Charles Class" 904 Wev No. O-O - W cNo ,V!a907 Wcsfern Ave. No. Michael & Rose 5zku laraki I er Ernestine Class 910 Wesfern Ave. —o _. Wo 907 Western Ave. N° Petor & Justine Rybak Oi:iGeneva Nemo s 2164 Wes4crn Ave. e W. Magnolia - - -- Carl 4Qradick J — r" } gib ln/fsfern Five. N° z � W �u5} Johnson I Michael J. Lan 5 z6 Western A1C ; � u W e g _. .. _.. -k- -_ +_738 Weai•Crn Fjye. r{a '4 Veronika &Theo 5ci s,ineki f o - QW - s3o Wesfern Ave. Mo. }` -- -- - -y-- -I I WM A• Stephens � � I 5a 8Stinson uelB.. Mack Sf 225 E. Huron 51. -Chicago, III. I Michael MollnerM rile La Due 22 E. Marglan St.tip 00 I - } PNliston, No. Dakota Henry E. Theisse _ w 1 John Edelkamm 946 Western Ave. No. t., 947 4es:rn Ave. No. John W `✓fockio )John Blachowski 952 Western A No._ - - (AJ 451 We stem Ave. No Margaret Cr. --` Niles Ave 1-. - W lJohn gibbons 'f 956 Wesfern 'No. p (al J 471 Burgess Si: Richard M. Kas+ne 1 �-c r John & Anna Wind "s 960 Western Ave. No. } Z71 Front St. —' -- �RO NT� a kJU VWV_PM (�yy � CITY, OF, ST. PAUL n � x OFFICE OF THE CI3rY CLERK s > = RAL FORM s, r COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENE a� x gepem5er.1► 1926 AT- .wt .COM , IONER _ t. ins � RESOLVED ' In the matter o3 paving Western Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Front Street, with necessary watei cJN onnections,=: under ?Jn&l Order C. F. #61035, approved July`21B, 1925. j. RESOLVED,---That the plana and specifications showing, water oonneotions-ilecessery to be made upon said street, be and the ssme_are hereby approved and the Commissioner'of Publ-o Works, he and he is, hereby ._• directed to do the work,by Force A000unt. s � 3a 2'b�'mattl�r'o: yyAAvins�Vu,�steNu3aW��; ,' froin"t "bshal, AVel� ty°F+uat�9tt'T�tr. - fir, �/ t e4gaCedaffgqUpne�+ 7VED 9d �qd Ybq 6-e,D1aR8 a eP, c fl �. . I =cat[�aa",tl 3'Svin i�4atd tarn ogopgk pE iia�d �FCrece;• V - �E�, g'�am�bArbb Rd*ovgd§ .COUNCILMENy AUG O Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council -. - T92 - AUG.fir . Clancy v N 31 F92i Ferguson ro - ......-- - --------- ---192 McDonald in favor !��J f` Sudheimer..... Against �GtIA� Mr. President-Hodgson 3 l s nr qq I1 MARSHALL i x E. ._ D F— (Pi I NZ m.���o D ! o Anna Froehlic d ON Wto oo 247 kre M rtFhVN CP '`—�-�N� ' p 5}. Joseph's flcademr� N -- -1 Z W'esfern k Nelson AV Z P; -� z ; n m ° I ! N w Cs a Ig chart Stn Z t'1 I r1 fl L1 r, 11j GLE I V 1 I I "o N Bertha A. Rafhbone i Henr Tium CD 3 I I Ca I N cH.& H. Y. J. Rothsehi d d 1178 Ta Fond � 5t �� N ° 300.303 Guard Lie Bldg. mt' I- - _ Jos. I. Pe -yer i m Us Charles 5+. Idm N (!% Winifred M` Carihy A Cn 5am godlelski 769mackubir, 51 I N 38z Carroll Ave. I' N I % I � John W Bridges I I I w I An}onto-rorntore 379 Carro II Ave.o - fro n c/ ,Meyer :linger 381 Carron Av. Bismark C. Archer % Lapham SentingqA { '� bol Pion en- bli9� u Tessre M'• Marceiaine 316 N/eafern Av. No., { _-�---r . Thos. 5. Dwyer 2z6 E. Hennepin Av. hils•{ -' _ a (4 if re-'Dj Dahlen Jas. C. Nolan j _ N W 119 Iglehart Ave. 322 western AV.. _ I City Of St Paul, r 4 - Minn. I a I - ' t T- T — — 1 --- --t T. I' ( w N Joe. Qoldsteln O co o° D 2E1 oricio 5t o — � � - io Ch The Prcbb Eery 0� 5t Paul a„ % RyN- Sc�iribe• g _� DelNhine Mueller 1515 Pioneer Bt�. r 79 W. 3rd `sl' s2 JJJ �. rn L r n 1 , I (%i Alex. Tere a u Cr' n 6Ja5,Tracy ,za globe Bldg. -4- tr*I 7"r C1 777 VE. I _ Hamm Br9 Co. ,Z 1 0 - I � - - 1681 .1YI1i lnehaha St.' _ft r - " N 1 f W 0 m Frank M. Barret} 371 Western Av. No. .4 �� A r Enoch F. Bernsfo a I M 386 Robert St 1 1 ever & Arma Malkes J38f vVesfern Ave. rj 114 r _ Jos & Frieda Heller A r N I —y rN W jr 385 N. Wes+ern (ate ., Jos. Fredman -1� 421✓es-krn Av. No. I r Al , TR L I E. — Marttia Juds rI 399 Western Ave. N9 , Seo. E. & Auquyyf H. Ro kr 377 W Cerntral LCPO I Carrie Prohofsky 12;2 Margaret St. I I E;vin C. Masson-efal. t� ( 415 Western Ave. o I Harvey D. Cline 532 Univ. Ave :z N _ I Wells Dickey Ins. C°. 9r. fl. M Knight Bldg. Mpls 1 I FSU L L E 1- i 1 i I N 1 Clara M. Hohn 3 I � _ - Mar Brei tach°a 428 Wesfern Ave. m N � 1 w L � r y 381 Fuller Sf. m . 6 ' ro 1 ( V I I Annie Fiiz4erald 0 385 Rondo 5t -Milner "W. Carly L— - 378 Aurora FfVe. _ N W Frank Nuebel ro 1876 Marshall Ave t t = Hyman Bernick O I 0 1 � o 1 _ Benj. Kurzen�N - - = N do 610 Baltimore Bk39. p i• I Minn. Milk Co. - 37o W Univ. Ave. D I u H Pure Oi I Co. 1� jV • j I — N W 13oo- 1326 So. 19 mpls. s 4 1 i l I s I I i I M UN VE _ 1 I TyI f VE_ x _ _ Fred P 9undlach D Wi Iliam• Dox - 383 Univ. Av W - Cor Univ & Western. AJ1 a I "-Ut (gyp W I I D u n� +fid , 0 William Dux tn(1gNpn) Y • Cor. Univ. & .Western Aa i -J Sb� �� I N W � I ro -Chas. Holz Cp O 389 Univ AV W. Z O r John 5. & Mar aref Sadler I Z g I ° IIZ7 Ross St z C) rn -- I --1- - -- Z H RB RNF E M o r) I I z Jno. & Anna yiesen 0 John D. Wardenbur9 I J I P ;A A i 521 Western Ave. Charles 9t, GJ p N 377 W G ' - i —r -I ,� i D. Nicholas Wagncr y ` Frank B. Solvsbery �6, I 6, N U> N 5n N. Dale Sfi 4o1 Charles of I 60 cn00 ---r NAfZ E r_ 61 I I I 1 Auqusfa Kuchowski a al 1 s41 Western Ave Andrew Mooney a77 Charles S+. o l i-_ 4- I Sohn a oynik - UJ U, L P I W } 546 M�stern Ave. a JU51V5 Isaacson R jYlatilda L. Stack 551 Western Ave. 55o Westcrn Ave. N I Leon KrvszUiski WT A4. Jones 558 Western .V. Nor - -- ° $69 Western Av. No. ? -. ._. _.— Ignac F��Ikowski 56z bUestern Ave. N-: Mary A. DaleyC yam" "cD Ip 1 nac &Rose kasp_.11 -� - Caroline aeon 563Wesern Av r 9 y568 Western Y K. N ' i -1 �OJno.. W. & Lena Nowak " - �- — _ " I } 567 Western Av. no. y Axel V. & Amelia Lindau sf I J C/, Rice St. Sfafe Bak I ED I ND I IT 1 5 - " I DI, B. G Novak � I I 747 Van Buren i � "� W C $t. Paul Home Co " Comm. BId9. tarry J.& Lillian Wji.+ arch 653 Van Bur e S Jos. l<ap 11on - - m 4 Canna UC, dans 588 Western Ave. /'0• {• _ 1 .. -_ m - �' } sb W. Con ressSt. weIfer J Lonqewa �_ _ � - Laura L.Trindad H y - 534 Western ve, tT sll Pionccr Bldg. Henr E. Holman Qo I.- .�- _ - - U� 5e6 W4stern Ave. N -=«-I Lewre & Mal indaWi'q� n Louis LanpeYir; 38oThori 5. = > sea Wes ern THOMAS I I o Mathais Die fsch h W - N I Olio Bremer 600 Western Ave. No. b. r -� W - 3 chimir f Co. Louis Mendf 882 W, 7+ 5} 6o8 Wesfern Ave. b• l Wilhelm J. Kliese ---- Felix &C.Cavaliaro 6 io Wcstcrn Av . No W o P3 E. Minnehaha 5t NIarN &Edward Col rH fy ` li Sfanislaus Pass 614 Western Av Mo —o _ �� 4os Blair 5t '. w taibcrf7.& Wrica A ro 6. N s1__ 620 6Vesfern Av . Na. I N W NN N Jno. A. A+ees Co. Leo. Keibe —. "O •� QD tw 165 E. 7+ $f. • 614 Virgins Ave: Milian & Kath. Borkan -a 628 -Western Av. N . Louis Holman —F- s es Western ve as --- y L LA ONO I u Th63 S. s ernau 1 N p 635 Wesfern AVe. " I w ChurlOf St r h Cor. Vrrginre & La f 'd `5f. D rd I I AGe.Kice & 0 e L.eneRan s Same. • " r N V✓esfern - - - - 0r,� Barbara V✓a nal - _ 01 { J a (side Q = uUt 6 estern 648 Westcrn Ave. No. -- - aLViuraskr sfem II 01 - Th eo. Hamm Brg . C -- -- 681 E. Minnehaha . S ' X Z_ftaky n r _ , t p E4 66 f Wes�etn 1 ` � Alber% e,hrmen F {Veaprn Ave. LAI l}Ho Ziemer, I j N 663 Western Move. f Winn iJ red Trac co lobetdy. 1 trona Carter Anna Carte 677 Western Av. t, 00 677 Wes+e n Ave. {- I - - He &tCath. Mo$l John J. Po9reb f = �_ N See Yan Buren rsF. 677 Western Ave• l A I " Frank Gaerfner Jos. Pakulskl-476--Day-tan Ave, __ 683 Western ft e Jacob Kafka f _ - _ F- 684 -684 Western A $• No. 1 ° Julia Erlich ST. 1024 191eharf A e. } ® N g = Ludwik &Anna Cypfar 401 Van Buren Sf r " *I Henrq & Anna Blasi =n VAN_ B RENcNp 706 York st. ( - , Matt--Si'einer rt Ja 5. Globe BI 4. S 9 Ul K �I - - sss Burgess St Sfephen Foch Vaeatrd ♦� 704 Westc Av. No. ' Lovis T. M£ Lail jh l m W 7os Western Ave. Ed. A. Pothen j � W �� N l m- 708 Western Ve. No, FH. Masan" N G Dorman Raab 7A N � ' 74 E. Sum `rf Av. , I 388 W. Minnehaha -+i' --�- Caroline K. L✓ hraff 761 Western Ave. No. I ST Andrew Miller MINNEHAHA 695 Parr;ngton Ave. Henry W. Bahr f = 726 Western Ave. l N Carl Rauchwarfet• 18¢3 Albemarle Sf. �� W R Ln M Michael J Lange T Ii I 513 Van Buren 5f.' H [�� United X Slates 1 I T -O $–_ Bedding Co. Cor. Arundel Patrick&Mar>3amt Murra – –1 _ ___ �' MinnehahaS; 740 Wesfem Ave. No. y -1 e I 1 Ip' Mathais Lemmas I" Wcstern Atte. No. _ - is NryfDNnCsO Paler R. & Mery S. DaviJuck �_ I N 0 j nn nnz 775 Jackson 5t.fq Frank O. Osborne__ o' O O 1s3s Portland Avn A �' 13 { Z 13 C PITOLVE. I Louisa Neuru-et Z W C. Foster $–' z 3s7 Capitol Ave. m Yoe Le Salk st. Chic • N – _ – _ �" o } pi + O (� Mrs. Ernest Spickerf%o I Anne C. Neurer I Z i Newport, Minn. – IAC} 398 Capital Ate M 0 Frank 0. Osborne — 7v Is 39 Portland Ave. ' I J Oo r 5rrI - �'� Theo. Hamm BQ rrq'. O�OJ N 681 E. Mtnnehaha 5f.y I Bernard E. & Helen R Bantle Como Ave. L Ka+h Bantle I4co Charles 5f. i H N N , � ,•H Groat Northern R. R. Co. �� v Railroad Bldg. o I I \ � he., 4 He Ile J 531 Rice 5t. I t I �O. I f I �' R • Great NorfN.crn R. R. Co. Railroad Bldg. p I I Hicks & Co. D - W 4 516 5.4* Mpis.'� oo u Ut ST. A.J.� RCH r — s CoaP Ci fi Realfy Co CID mI i A. uthrie &Co. 510 globe Bldg . 366 Jackson St The Coleman Co. I� Milwaukee, Wise. 1 w Horace Cole I "� A I j v W 368 Atwater S. M I 0 CA = D ' V I m r ATVVATE R. 1 _ Peter Wojcik c$ I w rl O 854 WeVern Ave.' I w O O `Pe}er & Hek�Woduk esfern vj,e. Jon F. W FifzPafriek " o I cv th D 618 Men:h. 8k. Bldg. .,Alice W. Kin 'efal ,Roo I/ n D. W. Taylor 48 F.44 St m I `` C�corge G. Baalel o _�. __�.... _. ..F- .` 860 Western Ave. �— — _. °� Jos. & Caroline ggamback I `r=9oO Ry Seo. Weireter e 864 Aafern be. { � I A a 867 Westarn Ave Jno. Piecynska 292 Burgess f I TOPPING x . Fann Kiesetosky c!6 times TXacy RA GlobeB4 o - C � s Henr & Ursula Mar m 5t. Paul Gas & Light Co . ' y 88o Wesfern y tt. 6+h & Cedar9Sf. ., – John Cook 302 Burgess 5t Mary M. tJrbaniak r-„- - - `""'" """vThe V111aume Box & LumberCa 888 Wesfern Ove. P-0, o - r. r -� w 3p1'� W.Chicago Ate. Stanislaw Klarkoskl l` �0 '-7 u 70 John J. M` Donald 9II Wesiarn Ave. Catfi.. Monohsn 392 Burgess 5f t�e `'.7amet Tracy7!a lobe . EIW W N'" o;-31 Zda M. Sorenson I j Minn. Polish Inv. % (. m 899 Western Ave. 9o9'Commeme, 8ki9, S 4'I m I ir1� k UVii. Alo sius R bak _ Charles Class y9od Westyern Ave. No. �A o + - W cNn A 907 Wcstern Ave. No. Michael &Rose 57-kudlaraki I m- _. W Ernestine Class 910 Western Ave- 9o7 Western Ave. No _ Peter & Jusfina Rybak Geneva Nemo - 00 " �. � 904 Western Ave. 111 W. Magnolia 5f. I w Carl tailick 9Ib stern Ave. N° 9st Tohnson " w u 926 Western Ate: �l I N W Michael J. Lange Ut i, °_ -- - .- p 738 Western Are. N _ Veronika &Theo. 56ssinski ( to �W s3o Western Ave. No. j` —' CD 5amuel B. Mack } WM A. 5tephens � � 383 Stinson 5t 2zs E. Huron 5t. -Chicago, III. ' cfl o m o Michael Mollncr! r W l M rfle La Due z2 E. Maryland St. N CSN Ireton, No. Dakota henry E. Theissen _ N John Edelkamm " 946 Western Aver No. v -- ' J 347 We5iern Ave. No. �–� I 1John Blachewski r" John W. 5tockfoln so_ _ W f 951 Westem Ave. No. . 95z Y1(estern A No. John gibbons Margavef G. Niles �-�, – _4 (n} 4"11 Burgess St 856 Western Ave. No. – John & Anna Wind ' Richard M., Kas+nar !, i p � I "-�� � i } z7l Front St 56o Western Ave. No. l I ' -- '' � O NT PRESENT B COMMI'y'StttONE RESOLVED Yeas GWNCIL No .......... 6 .66� ^, CITY OF ST. PAUL ►RE OFFICE OF THE, CITY K COUNCIL RESOLUTION AL FORM. rDATE .....us t .30� 1926 ................. That the 4ouncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the a Contract Committee and awards contract for the constauction of the Como -Maryland Sewer System Contract "D"', to 0*Neil & prestaa for the sum of $222,000.00, they being the lowest responsible bidderso and the Corporation Counsel is hereby. instructed to draw up proper form of contract therefor in accordance with plans, specifications and their bid hereto ky z -s attached. ling.Est. $256,780.00. P.$.7162 COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald .....�...In favor 'er Sudh' .....,,0....Against Mr. President Hodgson AUG a 1190 Adopted by the CouncifC..........:...........................192...... pr ed... UC)............... 1 ............192...... ......:....:............. Cor 47'j' _ ,77�r Petition v Council File No.. �F• PROP Ojf4,FOB' IkPROVEXENT 9 s'J and PRELIMINARY 'ORDER. a The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. r Paul,'viz.:_--Grade Alley in Blook 2i J. A. & Wo M: SteeeAddition and Keough Bros;$lat 10 from Mendote Street to Forest Street, end 1 Evading Mendota Street Yrom'I1Py Street to Hyeainth_Street. ay is Septe er, Dated this day of----- — pw n esir� u •t a�oll�o Hcarot°�ed¢auat Srass Yr �`oAW1it the�CtiA (ieu'a';R.Pat. PItiLIMINARY ORDER a. team ` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the-making,of the followmgip�ement, viz:: Grade Alley_i len�r" 2` J. A: & W Dff Stoes d itioii =L Keough Bros. Elat 1, from Mendota Street to Forest Street, and grading Mendota Street from ,Ivy Street to H,yaointh_Street. ;having been presented to the Council of,the City of St. Pau o therefore, be it _RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is, liereby or$erdd arid' directed. j 1 sai ovement. s , 1. To investigate the necessity for, or dealiability of, the making', drun 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of sl: lf* pl`overnt, and the total"cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, proffie or sketch of said- improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement,is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. a 5o report upon all of the f ego' matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ., Adopted by the Qouncil --' YEAS NAYST. ; Councilman CLANCY. FERGUSONApproved Y McDONALD ,.' SUDIIEIMER e GP, i. i MR. PRESIDENT _Acting Mayor. i ' F— CA is r °i., ." r ... M r .... .. win i•v .. n»K..a 4•,'15X... x. w .. � _ FM fk::�1PYi.. Council File No.. - ,. _r PROI'OBAL g0$ 1MEROYEMENT w a , z and, n` r*`• PRELIDIINARY ORDER: The undersigned iereby proposes thehinekln8 of the i ollowing publid improvement by the City, of St. Pa* dZ„_ GbA emnigg taking e.n egeement in the_1�� nesq�apry ' for slopes, Out end Yille;in the grading of Alley in B1ook E, :Ry 'A R,.. W, M- teas Afidi ti -en Ane. K _. __-Prnm Uragd�-ta St:; to,-1�ore�t 8t. &-&radina Mendota 5+,,+yet From IY�.,`it,_.to HvA— . oini:h St. ,r 19a6 , 192-_. Dated this_—:1at____�day of .— .. s c oras 4 V a �. uncihnan. wa4 dca ue tOlt, aoYbm 1�a 7eaz ea 6eq PRELIMINAR an ifll��+1 tL gradnf( o; 1 r n gaoyah.rae Rla 1 o r 4l WHEREAS A. written proposal for the making Man ofx.ib�eQ���n t "Y Condemiin� ,and takixYR an eaa SIEEM�°� f o� slonea„nota an8 fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2 J: A: & 'W• M--S-t'ees Addition and Keough Brop. Rlat 1, from Mendota Ste. to Foreat St. and grading Mendota at, from IYY St, to_H�eointh St. k y iav�ing been .presented to the Council of the City o€ Paul herefore, be it , RESOLVED, Tliat the Commissioneri'of Public Works b. -a, d is herehos g dered-sod dlrected: t .:. •' J. 1. To investigate the necessiti for, ordesirabillty of, the making ,of, said improvement. _ 2: To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost 'q thereof. 3. To furnish .)plan,"proffie or sketch of said improvement. . _ r p 4. To state whetlieriAlrriaot mid improvement is asked for on the.petition of three or more owners. b To report upon all of the fyo gol {�mQ/attters to the Commissioner of Finance. :e'Adopted by'.the Council YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 1 926 FE dUSON Approved 1 {� 112cDONALp �' pup MR. PRESIDENT Acting Mayor. . ....Foim CA 18 Y r rND1+4ld'.rl/ .,x -". ,.: :.'t -, •. �}.'<•d1.,r�'SK��'�#Nc rri.".: :. .;: , s .;':., .s2�ir��tii± w$� :4a[w.'�n <g'iri .«:��y..ee..,i „ ....v: ,r. `4, 6,7669 t COUNCIL FILE NO"______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_$L'R�S11ng_alley_a_ in Block 2 Como Park Second Addition from C Oxford. Street to Argyle Street and from East and West Alley to Hatch ------------------------------------------------- -_---- street. _---_`------_-- -- C jP-4 97 89— . _____________________________ In the bratti! or.gradW a11eYaa la Blk: •2-Colftb, a k,'Aecond Ad�}tdoa from Oora o'.9rgYle 9G'and§,Lrom --------- Ellet aild' Weet'611eY "to Hatch Bt;; ____________________________ t t under "iT', 4aaty Order;89907 ---_-- Droved Twy,' 1929 - k ' _______ Th 'g Cd�tnell�of the-CIt9`6f aG PanY ___________________ -WnWtecely- the reDort, 'ot the Com . y "honer—'Of 8'1110 +n the above:,. .. ovement and s. K.�aerg ---- --- --- ----------- ----------- a�o�Gt�,ierA _________ r o ..? �., 6 07 Jul 8th,1926. coder Prslimiria;y Ordcr� --¢ -'9--------- -------- ---approved - {----- ---------------------- -- 'The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the4Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the, said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '. 2. That the nature, of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- $r____ade ___alleys in block____________ ___,___�_Qo�Q_�a_k_S@coed Addition_Prom_Oxfor- d- _-Str- ee- t -to - —Argyle Street --- and from East and West -Alley to Hatch St. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-59--1.0 ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____________2gth_day of Segtember' 192_-6= ifthe, hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Scall Building in the .City of St. Paul. .,That the Commissioner of Finance -` rwotice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided .by.' the Charter, stating the Ume and place of hearing, the nature of the improv went and the total cost thereof as estimated.' Adopted by tho•Council___ ..m ____,192____ �nnC ------ - --- - ---- -- -- Approved ----1'�Lu -----=-=1�--- . r 'i �.. C• Clerk. --- -- .- ----- ------------------------- ' l�Ci:7119' Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman ;McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Mayor=3wjx Hodgson Form B._ S. A. 8.6 N 676i'0 COUNCIL FILE NO_------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary Inthe Matter of------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- for slopes,cuts and fills in the grading of alleys in Block 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Como Park Second Addition from Oxford Street to Argyle Street and from East and West alley to Hatch Street. ----------------------------------- ett. to Argyle"at aaavrro„Ea4LKaadt meet alley to; Hatob Bt."�und'ea»Pre , -� 66908 __f g p� 188 Ord4r e6H08rapDord rwv July $th, 1926 under Preliminary Order____________ _------- -------------------- Tlte il0uai1 .or the Clty�ot IlG,,?pnl� _ The Council of the City of Paul havlag Wil° UMIry , t oa e07ooe+ issioner of Finance upon the abcW& improvement, and. -having coneidere DSQverpenk nd v 8. ooneideL "teyport. hp eb}" redolvee: '• �Lhat�the bald eDort be a 1. That the said report and the same t 1 dt t hesebY;� ,¢ aaa. p opted, and the said improvement is' hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 5 Pte: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes,cuts and fills in the --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------- grading of alleys in Block 2 Como Park Second Addition from Ox�rord - -------------------=------------------------------------------------------------- Street ---- to Argyle Street and from East and west alley to Hatch Street, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part here --------------------------- -- - -- the hatched p ions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLle 1111be with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- ?-Qtl------- day of ---_-- September ....... 192-L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of . said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprgvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MW Adopted by the Council_ 119-- --_____,192__-- 11926 ----- - - --- ------ -- -- - Approved ----------------------------192--- City erk. -- ---------------- ----------------------- ActinC Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Ca o Councilman Sudheimer •.S� Mayor Nj aw Hodgson. PUIILVIIED.4 4 Form B. S. A. 8.6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER w In the Ma ading Alley in Blook'29 Syndicate No.5 Addition Matterof V--------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I x , _ 7— ----------------------------------- tr �h Nie iel„t•o�aB�oe ,evao`iss`u»FJ ------------------------------- '. -----------'^*v{nggeceiva Anawenoe urepoport n or ttie sna abovuom..r------------ - ------------ - ----•eCoAer of Fe.. x rovemeat. and "�having rbaeldered. .;�.;g? :- 3report, hereby ieeolvee• ,r e _____________________ d!hat the said"report be ands Lhs. ---------------- --------- 3��U herabr approved and adopted, ary Order-----_ 66959---�+d tobe'p 6prWIQwitti�e-hereby July 8th, 1926• under Prelimin ----- -- - ------------------- i�h!<nh thepCoun 11 re omrtt yrr The Council of the City of Paul having reeely : Aloo& as, sradt-ihe Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said flptii�tlaal Av'y Ifesolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered, to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- grade_Allgy- iri ndicate No.5 Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue.------------ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i; 5 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 97.72 -------------- 28th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------------------day of __ -:igiw ADLYSx-------, 1920---, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court w House and. City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetmg.to';the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the inipr vement andel the total cost thereof as estimated. r. i Adopted by the Counci lct.--------- 192---- - - -- - ------------ ------ -- Approved--- -------- ------------192--- ------- Clerk. - -- -- ----- - - -- -`�2 f%�— -----� --Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman AD 1 _4 Councilman Sudheimer -Mayor Magor Dkka� Form B. S. A. 8.6 67672 COUNCIL FILE NO-_____________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ ---- _eondemning_and taking__an_easement_ in the land necessary for slopes,cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley -----------------------------------------------------------------=---------------------------------- in Block 29 Syndicate No.5 Addition`s __froms asoal Avenue to ------- ----------------- C. F No, 87678— �{{ -------------------------------- Albert Avenue. Ta the Matter of ooddemntntr and. $ __---_- lag an,„ea!f Ip ^1n eb a M' la the _______________L__________ _1 -- _.__s.9a+._______________________-________ cate�No, 6 Add(tioa rom+ ------------- __y.___________________ to>Albert $ve ,1lader Prelimiaarll ;_ _____________________________ Order ;88916ga0Provad Tn1y 6th 1888 -m• _ -' Thd °Cgnnen.of alba City of BG �uf, -----haylhB :recelvedethe teDoxt of tj 6 Com.,:., .------ .mleetoner bf'$lnanee upon the•; SaP ---= t 66910 Frovbm�nGv aad LavtaB' coaaldered, 4:, report AereI reeolvee >' July 1926 under Preliminary Order_-------__-- Tact the„seta repot! he:anp,t-------------- — w.�'L,erehy •aDDeoved and ar The Council of the City of Paul having tato y,n eed a anti the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered at the nature-xreby resolves: ateh LheConr 1. That the said report and the same iroved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be;proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends.is___condemn and take ------------- an easement in the land necessary for slopes,cuts and fills, in the gradin of Alley in Block 29 §:Indicate No.5 Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordance with the blue print with no alternatives, and that the -estimated cost thereof is $ 25,90 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the------ gftth- ________day of $Bi��71l�Qr L__________, ME_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City' Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to; the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imp r ement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by! the Council__ Approved -- =}—----=-1�--- — Clerk. -- ---- ---- ------ ---------------------- Aoting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman'I Ferguson Councilman! McDonald CouncilmanuSudheimer Mayor N Hodgson �_��✓ Form B. S. A. &6 n I r. t 676'73 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and, Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of...".C.o21demning.__ansa_-t.ak3.ng_..an-..-eaae-uient_i11....the--land_ naaacaany for_gaQ�eg,�_#gr cuts._and_fills in n MichaelJ_„ Hoffman!a SubM—Mi i, A_from _�ria�sSt, to Syndicate P.N±.! ._ RlieO[.U'M NOS 'omrau. APPaOV; TIMa Or 861AatN0 71Y OOlYDaMNA� TION PBOCaED1NO0.-`t_ a b'. No. 87678— • .. . nntterbf condemning and tak- -.fag an easement fn thelaand aecea- eery Lor aloDea, for cola and atlb to '*.ding alley In Michael ti a under Preliminary Order_f51147..._... _...._.., approv:Rna s *M +Rion from ,>'1lntermediary Order a—, _ l�.sr Nz _,•t . e approved.!•.U1].fl.2.S.,_.1�26.._...._._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom ',payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved', That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be, had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said -assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_ ?9th day of_.aW.Oh—er _.___192__, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice e f said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_ Y.`�L_...._...____ .._.__......_....._, 192___.._.. _......... ... ..._ City Clerk. Approved__ ........._..._.._..._..._...__. _...._, 192__...._ GbX%_�'' v ......__.-......._._.. _..._..__.._...__ ACtllf, Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ` ;c RaldvME _ a ConneilmanZ; (Sonald Councilman Sndheimer l: x MaygrHodgson ,.,¢� COUNCIL FILM By___ �_.,_.___...__._.__....... s i Resolution of In the matter of the assesame 6'7674 ;� � erraoyiaa,seee�e,. �"`1 a xntFe o ¢T¢S th a�+A3bment 'or�" CO rt>8ne66oarEa aad 9P§Lor ooa zetrpatlna q..r on t z , ;Assessment �iWaFW1AV�t,Yrornart[oid 6,va :�to'ja,*yoin't BOO;L ndrthuot' thecenter± � of Hartford Ave > oa nt of b sftfora tte from war 44i_ Aipenses fo% R1ME:r90. fc...F Tat r".�. Tx�.`t Constructing a sewer on: d Ave. to a point 600 ft. north of the center - Warwick Avenue from Hartfor Of Hartford Ave., on Hartford Ave. from Warwick Ave. to a point60 ft. west of Hamlin Ave., on Pasoal Ave. from Hartford AVft to Bay ard Bayard Avenue from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., on Eleanor St. from a point 60 ft. east of Pascal Ave. to Hamlin Ave., on Albert Ave. from Hartford Ave. to Otto Ave. anAve-andhOtto AVenue to the Highland Park from the intersection of Albert interseation;On p•line Ave* n d Bseob oint 60 ft om a south o;ood 0ttovAvLw.q_,_to Edgaumbe Road, 1 HamlineF,Avea, thence on Edgeumbe Road to Montreal Ave., iii Ave. to West Seventh Monttt*4 AVe,. fro. a point 265 ft.„w.es#t o� Sne111ng St., on Ford Rost$ ioHamliae AVG. - to Syndicate Ave., on Hillareet MO., VOO Hamlin Ave. 'tri a pp ►t s tt, west ofSy d e e Bohlaad AVe ” rotri'Ho line Aire. `tt 'syisditevAve ,`on BeedistaA4d Qk ri .Han ,,e. Ave. to Syndicate Sytldiaate Aver from a point 60 ft. Sough °cif mrd Asad to BohlandaAve�, on Syndicate�Ave Brom a 6R t Bog Ridge St. from a point 60 ft sout�h�0 Otto AVV. o Edgcumb& RoadfLL on the E I west sit . dgutxmba Rasa from a point: approxirpately 35 feet northerly i of the sou��erly line of Lot 3, Bl&ik 9, Wb$t � goumbe Addition I to Hghlat3 p'park, on the East side ofICdgcumbe Road from a point l00 ft'. southerly Highland south liiiea4ot� tfbk'xlr ` 'o nd,Wqst End Park in a south Orly di 46ftOn tto oiMontreelaA e'., on thema0 through g. Weat�'exid�`b A. be -Road from Mentreal.•AAe.. tQ a. post 660 feet south of, rtpe oe;i` r of. Montreal Ave., on Ptlint'60'ft. east, of SuSlUAWAN4�. pttq Ade: to the east line aY d en the U d lining of the existing sandrools $ewer a1outher],y of Albion St. to Otto Ave. west � : Mpip3, p r.. Construct starmAater, severe eonto Bayard Ave.�,'on I pascal Ave. ftr Ave. tto Albert Ave., on Bayax�rAve' 'to Otto Ave., thence through Highland Park Alber Ave., ;from Bayard AVe. to the intersection of Hamlin Ave. and Beechwood Ave., thencs,.i aA. southeasterly diAegtion to the oreek bed appro mately'12�i fet ` or less), on 4tint,7�3�%set south of the center of Otto Ave. to Hamlin Ave. from Bohland Ade•., thenafl�..�hrough 'gj,gh].and' Park in a southwesterly direction to the storm aeaflxt,- gigkt]and` Park in Edgcumbe Road icafe Ave. (produced) to the oreek bed approximately is to be knavtss erly. 400 feet (R as the �'HIOHLAIID PARK SEWER SYSTEM". G All of ,which 1 • h • G: is Qij.. e q x T'r W074 • S 4}!"j, �Ix 4 ,a 1J k Yab 4"i ; $ {T,&Y ,, -.� k L 4 r; .r' i �i w* q? a s•+ fi ,+. 7 1 rtfd33PPx�"n.,x �,; `g-, F ' rii+� s.r ..1Y tit: �,+; .ray 7 ' r t s Tr t rdit s T z*s' c� 3 t`4�'"'• F5 e tCry2 y. r # 7 :x o wsns a;m " r�aM '� Z 7 r # t(#ttgyx�u ,tLNSXJy,k}{,`r a. �"� n IS Win. ..� �, � t +�,�-� �"'�"� �.,. t �✓ �� <�'�+Fra� ?Yv � � i 7'd�.✓[` rc�'na""r.'�i 6� j✓n;r � !l � : at'{b��R 'aX `� f� tet+ ;�'�� ...�� j {'4-'b � fid `'�' d�, a ��i t €'�" L '�' x�i;d' vj,.r+ ° { �$ t � �.:, ���?.ns�L'.k •� , L . P p • `x # Y • ec s • a �• a � a � e s • i • � _ .s i tl • _ v . • it •- • S �( under Preliminary Order....... 63606•.___,_,•......--,,_—, Intermediary Final Order :.-....... ..6.5.Oa..'1........ ......................... _....... y approved_._.&i�T.G.._2'tl._._..__..._......_. __._ 192 The assessment of._...herieiits,..._.Ca&is-.-end....e P -e e-&-.----- for and in connection with the above I limprovement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -2 — ---day of - 3.aptfhgr_';W:___, 192...._ray at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ball Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the'Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings; as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvepient, the total cost thereo , and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular s. owner to whom the notice is directs 1926 3 ..r. Adoptedbyitttc.Cennoil:_.—..••+ —_.— ....----192____. .. — ty Clerk. Approved- ._—.__.............................. __._...__-192 Mayor. T Councilman Clancy Ferguson McDonald Sudheimer Mayorodgs on .. Form H. H. 1• _ . • COUNCIL By 676'75 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the mattgr-of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructng cement sidewalk along curb on west side of Mounds Blvd, from Sixth St, to the extension of Mounds Street, except where good; and sufficient sidewalk already exists, Ia the matter: bf. the . assessment of benefits; costs and expenses for con- - structing" cement- sidewslk .along curb on'wesV aide- of`Mbun}ip�Bivd. from -sixth st to the-eitenslon of 'Mo ndsurt stet, ;except where good enc - a ewalk 87readY 62552 under PreliminaryOrder...___ £0047 :slats, under Prelfinfnarp order ^047. lotErmed,., BE6R.--_......._...__..._.__.__—�._. ..-. _..-...___, "mai O'a Final Order._____63056___........_._................ _..y approved___:.X.04. _17th_,._......._.__.___ The assessment of__..11BS1E%i#.8..,-...C�St&ri�._.B�ell_.____-..._..mor and in connection with the. above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said lassessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -29th __day of SaptBMher ______, 192_6._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and'othe amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom I;the notice is dire p Ado ted by the Council _........ __ 11926 City Clerk. Approved ._....... W ..................... _.._.._._..__._ 192. �._aC Mayor. Councilman Clancy Ferguson a 1 f' ffofligmx McGlogan " McDonald f' Sudheimer Wenzel Mayorsx Hodgson Form B, Is. 16 ; i_c - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL TE TO CITY CLERK FILE IVO ! • F�'74- , OF THE COMPTROLLER . 33 j�L-�L.EIJl NYCILMEN—ROLL CALL'OFFICE ,J3ANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERGUSON-___----____IN FAVOR CDG HALD AUDITED CLAIMS------AUgms--31at CGLCG14N Slp�E1MER-AGAINRT RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED N TH ITY TREASURY. Et4ZEL� -. TO THE AGGREGATE AM f .COVERING pyy'r(��p']p v+,ppCe, HIODOSONi .eL h - �V CHECKS NUMBERED--s.<=�.—TO ..I CLUSIVE OPTEU� BY TH CO' 1 l v -- PER CHECKS ON' FILE IN 'FNIj O FI TIN .", OMPTR PROVED--.---{-�//— CITY COMPil10LL[R r TAY. AL DATE . CHECK - —�� 'RETURNED V IN FAVOR OF NUMBER. TRANSFER t)ISBURBEMk'NT BY BANK - CHECKS CHBt:Kf C.aFxodlogan, Cow'xi of Fin: 1 761 O.J.xoQiggani COW ro of Fin. i 13 42431 74C�9I ! 0.490GIogei►s 000111- Of ria.. g00 0 7©'I o.J.xoalogen; came.. of rip -140 91 : 797111 IIS Irvine Roel I 00 1 _ C. F. No. 67676— Resolved. That check. be dra 6n o r - the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $16,944.88, covering checks- ' numbered 7967 to 7971 inclusive, as per - checks on file 1n the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Aug. 81, 1926. Approved Aug. 81, 1926. (9ep1. 4.1926) • , I I i � 'I II I� �1 - FORM NOS. A- -2' X000 .-20 2nd. W, "S app. A, Yeas Nays yeas Nays Clancy Clancy ... 'Pcrguson / Hodgson � Ferguson llodgson J McDonald McDonald SUdlicirne sudhei ner Wenzel WCTIzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. 'Nelson 1 C. ' Y No. 67677—Ordinance No. 6711— „ BY J. Di Clancy—By Request— rdinance amending Ordinance No. .346, entitled ".1n ordinance for the purpose,. ' r moting the Dublic health. �dar, convenience, pr„!�f '., ergi.tlo fare b`3`. t7"'lic• By Council File An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified pur- poses and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,°approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE 0ITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7thy 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to place the property described as lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 8, and lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Block 5, Elfelt, Bernheimer and°Arnold's Addition, in Class C Residence District, instead of Class B Residence District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be a4 emergency ordinance rendered necessary Por 'the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance 'shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. SES 8 i i9� Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr1Clancy F�rgneon McDonald ' McGlogan '/Budhe ime r £/Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved Fp Mayor. ATTEST: City Clerk. �� August 25th, 1926. Hon. Arthur A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, ITu11 d ing. My dear Mr. Stewart: Attached hereto is the petition of property owners in the matter of amending the Zohing Ord- inaACe so as to place Lots 1 to 6, and Lots 7 to 12, Block 5, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition in a Class •CR Res- idiace District. At a hearing this morning on the above the Council directed that this be referred to you for the proper resolution granting same. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. D. W. /IRDRALL, efto of Paul HAROLD J. RI AN ' "Au -saint N Cfi1V CLOCK -CRT C K ,'. CRT CLOUM'AND COMMIpIdNOI O' RWIRToN _ Oftl of 0 (Perk eLAR C A. TORMS -DD CHIW COKRMISTRATON ... A August 25th, 1926. Hon. Arthur A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, ITu11 d ing. My dear Mr. Stewart: Attached hereto is the petition of property owners in the matter of amending the Zohing Ord- inaACe so as to place Lots 1 to 6, and Lots 7 to 12, Block 5, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition in a Class •CR Res- idiace District. At a hearing this morning on the above the Council directed that this be referred to you for the proper resolution granting same. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. ' ; '� (4ity of fit, haul ' e n y. Part Ment of 118rhs, 014139rounbs anb it1Ab Itt 38uitdiiigs HERMAN C.WEN7EL. COMMISSIONER _ .. IRVINO C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMIE91ON" JF' am= OF GOMM199ION01 P.AIICMRitT ps 219 COURT HOUSE u i August 6, 1926. Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the petition of property own- ers in the matter of amending the Zoning Ordinance so as to place Lots 1 to 6, Block 8, and Lots 7 to 12, Block 5, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's Addition in a Class "C" Residence District. This matter was acted on favorably by the Zoning Board, and we are therefore recommending that the necessary change be made to place this property in a "C" Residence District instead of "B" as now zoned. Yours truly, � gecretary, Zonin oard. FXtewes-U _ $tG[t9U99 $elpa le 919kt $Cllr[ (6111Etn9 wg11 q�f q,.�v':r' CORN�LilJS.L, McGLOGAN COMM, July...29th, -...1926. ftp.. • '` Y .. _ _ To the Council, City of at. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked the petition atte.ohed: hereto filed in the matter of amending-the'.Zi =taxi$ Ordinance s o as to place ` yote to 6, Block -'8 and. Lotft 7 to 12,. Bloch 5, Elfelt, Bernheiiner de Arnold_.) s Add%t3on in Class IICI' residence Dietriet and find that same is snffoient. Q This depajotmeut wdll be pleased 'to send out post card not ods• upon receipt , of comnmin�ioat**!' statLng the date of public hearing to= be set by the Council and published by the City Cleilk. Very truly yours, issioner of name. K% - - - -- - f °' �/* IIS,fiir■- HAROLD J. RIORDAM (U^ j► MMM•sri �IQ �K{Ry p.eRK • CM CLNItK AND COMMMICNO! OF RBOtXMATION (Pffke o f !tt(�� CLAR1310E A. -R=I8 ��E77{{CC,kC 11� .QVC' ��iY SHIM CL®iK-RR61tiRAT10N N -Ono-® Juae 26th, 1926. Mr. G. H. Herrold, City Planning $nginner, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Mr. Harrold: We enclose herewith a petition to re- zone Late 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6. Block 8, and bots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Block 5, BlfVlt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition in a Class "CO Residence District. Y Will you kindly prepare the necessary plat for the Department of Finance. Sours very truly, .LJ W City Clerk. C St. Paul, Minn. 1926. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: we, the undersigned property owners, respectfully request that the zoning of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 8, and Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Block 5, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition be changed from Class "B" to Class "C" Residence. Trusting this petition receives your favorable consideration, 5. we are Nam LOT BLACK ADDITION r lf .!— k phi`'/ f c5 0 �l w i 1 l. a- • 1 Nw•N=afl• WP .. i k] �.` •$: tea. � 's :Q7.1[7 �%0 ;,. W[N .!%moi ,'L�!/�..�_-�•-•�._ ^. _.'/+.. /J�/�1�4/ 75 NotaryPnb/lv,Rowse�Coant�,Klnrl: T t "�^-.o*J.: _ M9 Comm�$iD��ExRigasOea X, x.70 -- 19 To the Honorable, The Oommotle city of at. Paul, Minn. dontlempns Be, the undersigned property owners, respectfully request that the zoning of Lots 10 21, 3, 4, 5, and,69 Bloat 8, apd Lots 7# 8,.9t, 10# 11. and 12. Black 0, mfelt. Bernheimer and AMOW8 Additicbe olsnqed 60m, Class ,,B- to Class "0" Resjdenoe. Trusting this petition roegives your ravotabP consideration, we are LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ir .2 I L X �t • I Uz- t - , I._ L- o o J-./ Stateof biiinnesota ) Be. County of Ramsey ) FRANK VOGEL, being first duly sworn says that he is one of the signers of the foregoing petition, that he circulated the fore- going petition and witnessed the signatures of the signers thereof; that said petition was signed by said signers for the purposes therein stated and as their free act and deed. That said signatures all and singular are true and gat genuine. Subscribed and -sworn to before me this 28th day of July, 1926 R. F. SCHROEDER, Notary ,Public, Ralmse)L County _Minzk,...... M cniu►i °II. expires De'c -S, 1930, I Af ATTORNEY AT LAW I YOt MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL. MINN. July 24th, 1926 Mr. Frank Vogel, 1722 Central Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: - because you have had an insufficient number of signers. + It is necessary that you get the signers ofsix mors'deseriiptions from the following: V Bohn Finnegan 442 Farrington i 4 Margaret Phillips 436 'Huebel 4 Franh 1 / 7 Mary Rossbach Qita�t� �d 3 3 Fuller 99� .)t aos. ;Stlepan 409 Virginia '* thiistine Boyd 383 Selby ✓ Geo. B. Boyd 958 Hastings Ella 1$oyd 593 W. Central FannfO`Groden 612 Endicott Bldg. GeosParker Parker c/o Capital Trust & Say. Bk. N 8w;in,A. Lofgren 315 W. Central Helen oGowan MadisonWig. = I returning the duplicate list and you can ad a them on the'babk. You will then have to w r to t e list . ,.. As soon as you get that in here, I will push them once more at the Court House. In the meantime, they are hold- ing up the matter awaiting these six descriptions. Yours very truly, S -k R. F. SCHROED R R'/,4i 1; --------- --- 8'4"Otsv VW -gam ov"Iteff%lam 64 *06't `8t D" 'U 401 '61'B 'G 640ii x� '8 OTH '9 ," '4 It 'B •.Z 41 s3oc; ;o BaTUGS e94 Ovgv eanbea'Al-tri4cedeea •eaeumo B1aed0ad peu8;eae111an 00 'o& - eaeateT9�fl .=TH 'TtMd •3s as ATO 6T;0uu0D aqs 4eTgsa0a0H eq9 Oy .ice *aaTfi 4ract *%9 4w V- 90"... sic y I v By - ✓/ ;,�+' - 2=' Ordinance No.,� Council File An ordinance amending Ordinauos Bo. 5840, entitled ■An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience prosspperity and general welfare by providing for the class ficatiOn, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation -and for specified pur- page,�'dnd the height and bulk of buildings hereafter created or a4l#orad{ and regulating and determiainQ.the minimum lige of lot line oourte and other open spaoes,.and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes,"approved ed neoe 7thr fora the This of theypublic peace health necessary and safety. THE COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DgZS ORDAINS Section 1. That ordinanoe No. 8841) approved Jar ;ytl► 1883, be and the same is hereby amended so as to placs the proper described as lots 1, 3 3, 4, 8, at►d 8, Block 8, and logs 7, 8 8, 10, 11, end 13 Block 6, Elfelt Herxheimer and Arnold's Addition, in Class 0 Residence Distriot, instead of Class B Residence District. Section a. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation Of t$e public peace, health and safety.. Section 3• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Teas Passed by the Council SEP S1190 Bays Mr�klancy )POT9ason aDonalj3r / Sua /9lengel 1 Mr. President (Hodgeon) Approved SEP 21/13/ �G_-'�� � ✓°�! 6 Wit' ��.-„� v...-%"'1 Mayor. ATTESTS 'l r City Clerk. a CITY OF ST PAUL „ Fl— OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK >- t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM , PRESENT :,COMMI8410NER- — --• - •— —' — — 2;D"Y RESib'7— u; That the proper city, offioere are,.h reby authorized to pay, to Di. Giio. l!'. Brooke the•'sum of Five Dollars 05.00), for profbeeional „i services rendered to Anthony Hooper, an employe of the Public Works Department, injured March 15th, 1926; said sum to be payable-from the workmen's Compensation*Account of the General Fund. ,E } r - I Resolved Tl�dt the#yr07ter ally, offl- �' �cerd ate hereby dgttibt7aed5,.to pdy to; - - Dr Geo. �F Btaolte L, $'�etifn, .o[, Five Dpllare (•56 09} to tor;nthony Xctl9etroteedlodva � . can - vlaed tendered A ,. emDloyb 'ot lhp Yub11o'Works'+DeDart � - ` - `KieAt injured March"-16tH X$96;"eaid,- �r end' tq° v� payame :from the -". Won7c-� mea P ComGedeauod�oaountrof 'ath9% '. _ eienera'X,:Pmnd. e. t `*A� rbY SeD?�fli Y586 .,�� z f. - - q.110 COUNCILMEN y Nays ' Adopted by the Council 192... ane, SEP2 Xm Secgwoa , A .... - ......... ... 192 _-McDonald ---------- in favor dheimer Against -AC��7Jg .....A t >� PUI3Ll�,u.0 COUNCIL CITY of ST PAUL FaE OFFICE OF THE CITY' CLERK IVO - Y n�ax IJNCCE IL RESOLliT10N NER/ L FORM i "` , k a �`�'; v� ..PREZREN'I'ED ���(� REsotvEn That the per granted by Qounpil'File No: 58189, approved>ti a C b Yeroh 10, 1925., to the Beasa Gas Motor, OU61 Company to install Viand x maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of West Seventh and Goodhue stree_te, be..and'the same is hereby transferred � R to J. G. Burns. _{ u Kp �i F x"°0767&`--Byy w"i'�,H.'H•orBalaW1`f �^ 4�' eaply�ed ' "Tbdt the •lTM'peYmiael4n` �= Bran -W byy,.G Ili•Flle/19"616a180 dap j S K prev6 Mash" 0 2Shtoy'the 3)B$gzo- •da>toigidDan4•'Rb";inetgll; P ri P a,,- ve 1riMn111pBptation (;ag." thweet corlf4c;,,.ot, �eeC;9e7�; 9pthfandf�goodhue ptreete; b4 and tha am�ar+, a tie 4y MYra�sfer,;ed .:. r &�, �AQoptod. "NUM Co�"c 1 sFpk,3026., +i ' Appro}•ed-,SeUM 2�Sa t t;. t but r.; COUNCILMEN sfpg , Yeas Nays + K„_, . ,�`dopt�d by the Council _ 192._ r - Clancy f .� a� McDonald r •v 192 favor Sudheimer_....Againat r: �S. f •• .. F wrore� �' Rlesteel1 ». '*L} : •' _ .1.. - -. Acting ., Mr. President his elven. .m it E. J. MURNANR . - `� Y *aInt Paul Cq0. OF PDLIC� MICHAlI. G®HARdf. Department of I9ublic. Sufeiu. . - AUT. CW V O' POuel H.A. VALL. CAITMN-O[iR VY J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER H. SARFUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER IraP[cranR aw PeuCt A. L EGGERT. U— IMPDGMR RI wnrtr I—RI CHARLES L. SEfiVON. JOS. MACAUL.AY. ` IRI—. POYc[ d Flwt MARY 1 August 31,'1926 n Mr. D.W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. paul, Minnesotg. Dear Sir. O1AI PIR[ CIOs 61o�V OSCAR LANDER. AAs I'. FOR CIOO WILLIAM SARRON. elDv INvcrull. Flk PIIavYRION CHARLES L. WRLIS. _ suFr. a AwARArw e. F. SIMON. M. D. H- OIACOI A. E. NICHOLS. M. 0- 01— H— O!lKOI JOHN MARTI. CHID• H—" I - The application for transfer of gasolinestation permit at 553 W. Seventh Street from R. Hathaway to J. G. Burns p �� is returned herewith, and report of approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire prevention. Yours very truly, *V L -~T 9-e ommissioner of Public afety r. -�/�� y0— O.M C. DUNN. R- CHID O[CAR LANDER. A[[T. HR[ CMo CHARUM L. WILLIE. BBT. pP AgAMrV[ B. F. SIMON. M. 0. NW-rH Drrlw A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. OVVIr H[A� OFnuR JOHN MARrI. Aug. 30, 1925. Hon. J. m. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COUiiT HOUSE, OITY. Dear Sir; Regarding apnlieation of R. Hathaway for permission to operate Filling Station at 553 W - 7th street -to be transferred to J. G. Burns. Upon investigation we find that this changeis just a i ge are being made atstation. Placed o isalrightother vasnttos fire. Yours respectfully, clilei Insn L; uu . MiBLLSHED WOB/k ^-^"� E. MURNKHF- • 9 of St. Paul J. CMQ OF P[Yu a DT. MICHAEL.GImH a ♦ �ey� '[*� '�4tttt m4{` of Public: Safety OF " . x H. A. VALJ. CAFrA1M V Doren+o J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G• IHr. BARF SS y�[ HARRY T. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. LEGGERT. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION .—. IN[P[Crull DIVISION OF FIRE PREV[lRION JO[. MACAULAY. 8D-. P11u d IIR[ AURM u0— — NlwlnorA »• WILLIAM BARRON. CHI[F I-- - .060.@ ®® O.M C. DUNN. R- CHID O[CAR LANDER. A[[T. HR[ CMo CHARUM L. WILLIE. BBT. pP AgAMrV[ B. F. SIMON. M. 0. NW-rH Drrlw A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. OVVIr H[A� OFnuR JOHN MARrI. Aug. 30, 1925. Hon. J. m. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COUiiT HOUSE, OITY. Dear Sir; Regarding apnlieation of R. Hathaway for permission to operate Filling Station at 553 W - 7th street -to be transferred to J. G. Burns. Upon investigation we find that this changeis just a i ge are being made atstation. Placed o isalrightother vasnttos fire. Yours respectfully, clilei Insn L; uu . MiBLLSHED WOB/k ^-^"� e D. W. W O� .. '.. 011 of Saint Paul HAROLD �. RI0ROAN ' T CNIIYO TF K- CI.iRK. ,. C11 YiKAND �pq�' ry� ry� y ' sQ,. COMN�IONHR W rteO18TRAT1oN y,µµe of ,r{ttiJ .f{lerK _ CFARENCE A. STORMS / ,. W CNS®' GLlRK-R@OIffRAT10N . ....k6n y.}'. $ugust 19th, 1926'. Honorable J. U. Clancy, Commissioner of Safety, Bu 11 din g- My dear Commissioner: Attached is letter from P. Hatb&waY requesting that license issued to him to operate Filling station at 553 W. Tth street be transferred to J. G. Burns. The Council -this morning directed that this be referred to you for investigation and recomm- endation. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. a a� 5S3 W7 ' w 1925 RESOL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, out.s and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, - Frankson`s Como Park Addition, from ,Lake Como and Phalen Ave: to a point 40 feet south. of Nebraska Avenue*, under Preliminary Order C. F. #67440, approved August 17; 1926. RESOLVF,I? ''That all orders in the above matter, be and the some are hereby cancelled, annulled and 'rescinded and all, proceedings in such matter discontinued: COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Adopted by the CouncilP a , -° ' .. 152 ..: ✓Clancy IWO Md r ......192: In favor /tudheimer .-. Against .... .. .... ..... ....... ............. VASINNI Ct .� . A ins " /Mr.President F3edgraai•' ;has Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FWNmL NO..........67681 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY ...... DATE .... September ..1., 1926 ............ IBR ..... ............:................:.....................................:.......... D That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for paving Sargent Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attaohed, to Hanlon & Okes, they being the lowest responsible b$dders, for the sum of $121983.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1?,940.00. P.B. #7216. COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy McDonald�!.....In /1 favor / Sudheinmer v..Against `Y�1 • / Mr.�resident 11INIpm p1 Adopted by the Council` tp p i.......... 192 $P :.1926 ..................................192...::: ..................................! PMLISI>ED QQc� CITY OF ST. -PAUL councu No .......... 6 r/[� .iJ82 vim OFFICE OF THE CITY CLRK j COUNCIL REESOLUTiON—CSENERA L FORM IFY COMMISS5IONER. ..... ........September ...1., ... 1886...... PRESEN 0NER.... .............DATE r' RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for Paving Berkeley Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Cretin Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Hanlon & Okes, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $43,000.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $43,300.00. F.B. #7219. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy /McDonald ................In favor sheime Sudr !...Against Weeeel Adopted by the Council.....:....'....;:..:....................192...... p ed..7..1...............192...... 1 t /...�.............................. llCif/I�tj .,,.o. EUI3U-1,,:0 � 6'7683 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESSEIJTED ER .---�—...... ........Septembier..IT, ........ C:OMMIS61 ER ........ ...................... .... `.............:........................... ......... RESOLVED That the Oounoil hereby oonours in the reoommendation of the Oontraot Committee and awards oontraot for paving Berkeley Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd., in aocordanoe with plans and specifications hereto attaohed, to Hanlon & Okes, they being the -lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $3,939.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oontract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,948.00. F.B. $7818. r COUNCILMEN Year Nays ,,'Clancy / McDonald ................In favor / Sudheimerr ...... 0..Against weal Mr)President IUn SEP2 -192 Adopted by the Council........................................192...... p SEP 2 ` 19 192. ................................................ ...I......................... Acting "vo. P M XISFIED W' -M" fi t " r " w t 3 r GI j1C OF STS PAUL FregyN°i`NO, uyf : ditRtEE 9F 7NE CITY- CLEI4K�yp, n ���• a COUNCIL RESOLUT! GEt�ER�4,^FORM q ! 3 �A B }P NTED Y r y ISSIOI�lSe " ER Ptember 2t 1926 �, RESOLVED v T In -the jga#er of constx•uot ng curbing'on" :y both sides of the `#0110 ng streets Pine hurt t',Ave: from Underwood Ave. to Snelling Ave: -sand Hillorest A;76. :From Underwood Avor to Snelling Ave:., under Preliminary � $: Qxder O;i #68408, approVed April 14, 1926, and P"inal Oriler.0. F: #67417, approved August 241 1926. RESOLVED;'That the plana, specifioations,e.nd 3F 9stimated, quant ities a9 @,AbMit,ted by the`COmm19s10nar' ., of Publio" Works for the `'above named improvement,' be and the same are hereby„ approved. r } a c m �}yq szes IC a� y a�� onorf@ Y�rARR_ R' a bV3 etruetta cu'Eti(y6 - ^,,1*on, 'hp}hs� afdM y arr...thEo}]og Er n _ �'te}.�yY,lntlhurat+�AVa �rexq sIIn ' !„ -.derg .- Ave Zto'�8 611taF. lav ll < f{1Dea,/TyeUaerpood, aor'8ae11AnR �,va uderis'..1* F' + No'9r8�¢BPB:raRnroXea. pry, 8 B88 {Q�Qaad� aBl+"�ORderi� `(.�'HyLj�. �� - $t 1; thenablanefi,lD -. '}fI% s 11'�n}eWtla ¢pgtttfe � e�enb.! , � .. .atlite 7tH � d�`,tepg �,RuLlic: _ 1 rokeal ` �, • ? COUNCILMEN Yeae , ✓ Nays Adopted by the Conn Clancy "Ferwasen as " .In favor.fO - •....... 192...... O ./ Sudhe- 'Against } {r -•--- :..-..-- 4- g rr*dent ._ . . .xw s3 �K• .. fid.--.. �: N �=.a'. a CITY ,OF ST PAUL F°EN61NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ff COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM `PRESENTED BY S;etbmber 2s-; 188b H'r y'COM ISSIONER a —:.-----�--:— -....._DATE.. `RESOLVED st - •� a� a t In the matter of construoing curbing an Ave - both aides of the io].lcaw streets% pine horst. Ave-. ., ,� from >7nderwood Ave.' to Snelling Ave. and Hiliaxeat Ave. "from Underwood Ave. to"Snelling Ave., under Preliminary `1926 and Final QrdPV C. ,$. #66408. approved April 14, Order 0. V. #47477. approved Angne 44. 1926, j &SSOb�iSD* That the plane. specifications and t eat mated ,gnenQities sal. -eubmiited by the ComM .esioner of Public Works for the 'above named improvement. be and the some are hereby approved. b Q Received, a i Aa.nerg .in Connect4 ori Y,�j'h '�t�p'36 r _ N, r1e4Ei1 Ut,.�^,. Y Y .; r 3,• COUNCILMEN if . • Heys r Adopted by t6Counoil•4" ................ 192 yeas Clancy I g w 5J Ferguson ,. Approved ......... ........- ---...... .192...... = McDonald ..........-..In favor McGlogan .............._................ ........ - , Sudhewoer ................ Against ...rn. Wegzel Mr. President Hodgson _ ..,.,:-,..w.,« a mtw•:,ww,.,.tar , ;,:, ,;w... ,.,>„.,,...., t r �;aen A�w,.,w +.u'"ri`;"':':`. '"".''°"' "'67 o a. a x,' �, �ouNca ry t CITY OF ST PAUL FILE NO ( kOFFICE OF THE�GITY CLERK Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM f PRElIE'NTED BY September 2t- A106,F $ 0. ,7'bti,CQeMM1SS10NER_T ,`. - - .« .DATE.. S..14 �.- r RESOLVED >I F In the matter of curbing both sides of Geranium Street from Greenbrier Avenue to Edgeton Street, under-•Preliminary Order "C: .P: #63649; approved x J ,v December 16, 1925, and Final Order- a: F. #64988, approved March 23, 1926x, RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commisaoner of Public Worts for; they above`nam4d improvement, be and ti's the same are here,.by-approved. Ce k`0 6788-r$9i'boL°�ideddo{I ns thl�mdtter X fiu . P t�`jea i1v0. . him,c��'`trbm,,,�.83 T?Y#elyiemltim"Y•p� n" Fa?Ae e���o889 O.P.d�G7S'P 6�N'a s 8'lEe']MOrdary, g"g98�aPD vbd,..Ma*chn�Xa l7d DAo � esolgbd Thgt'iti P7 ��ttina,�and,'�bMLima°At"'��v��.aaRn 7l ��VP. 7Le RF'n'akialtaysm �sX„g '.. _ - e and ,rtici t ',COVNCI.LMEN SER .� 1`eea— Nays Adopted by the Couaoil _. .. 192, xeyz Clancy } 4�leeeen SEP2 -1926 192 /L A v �McDoaeld /L.-.----In favor lileClq!«► 61 Sudlieimer --------`------'s'garnet ------....__.... I Lt Acting an Mr APreeldent rYmx ;..•,t,y ar r:% '�7R9�+ ,w,TY.�"--�fidwnw._ .s..«.. .,, .-, ...^:.tis .. w.�.,....�Rw..•k... - gra•- • �7 r - --- cour.caNO �CC�'■■ - _ -^V CITY OF ST r .PAUL .PILE OFFICI=, OF THE CITY .CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL ,ORM w PRESENTEM BY ��:� •: ". September COMMISSIONER, , v, -----•�---- . :�--. __�..______�_ _.__._..DATE _.....__p.____.._. RESOLVED" In the matter of ou*)Alig: both, sides Of $ Qeranivm Street trom Greenbrier Avegue to lidgerton r Street, , under Brelimtaa y Orftr 0. it., #63"9, approved. k Ileoembar 6. lit$..end Final order.0 P. #64948, approved Naroh 23,.;192&.x.. RBSOLV=. Thet the plans, apeoiYioationa and estiarated-quantaxties as anbm#tted by the Commlealover a a of Pub] io..t4orka for the above named. improvement, be and thesame are hereby approved. s_ eek d.811 papers in :.on With Acove o ;an •: COUNCILMEN Yeas' Nays -Adopted by the Council _:----,-.... 192._. Clancy SPI 7 Ina _ Ferguson Approved......................... ------...192...... �. McDonald .._..........-.In favor < McGfogan Sudheimer...Against - ............................... ..................... _............... ----........ Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson , �'�" � z _ �+' ; KYR • .E .� f- h y COUNCIL -•��+ a;V "' m .. s ,'. t r i CITY -OF S'T PAUL -. c LE NO TV11V■ a. §meg,O FIC F i E: CITY CLERK CQI�ICIL RE LUTIOM—GENERI4L FORM v r I+RESEDEBY Bept8111,„+[+[➢yyy77"££_ T 2,.: 19?+6 COMMIENTSSION '� �`•�.—_.DATE �, rREso .V, t h fi mss. .KM"Yc. 4 V In the matter o3 curbing both sides o3 Hawthorne Street from Foreet"Street to Earl Street, �x under prelim nary Ord," 0. F. #64076, approved January 20,, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and Y i ` estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner H: Of:Public [Nor a, fox, the: above named improvement, be , x end the same are heeby ,approved. ', et � ygnCteer ot, sorbin 'h �. p :to; b S �oeuUS°j jpnr.. I. 3- uazXi! �� can abi eaa 9t%Ste+ s ;ntlgaecaaare'�tYmCommte@1°ded�yim9zvv tPtsa bggtLha aroovea•n6me4 qr 3' - y�yoFl�s';°z�r.._ mYenGM a g�E unnt eVt'#s* 295 y T COUNCILMEN ��p Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counetl'.cS4F 192--.. .; s Clancy`w McDonald-B-- ro �}`2?iY•--192 In'favor ✓ �Sudheimer Against - cn Acting " � aw r r ..4 17 77 l Cow+CIL NQ -...�i- CITY •OF ST. PAUL FILE OFE OF• THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION. GENERAL"FORM COUNCIL 26, PRESENTED BYr COMMISSIONER_— '"-------•- ._. RESOLVED } In the matter of sorbing both sides of Hawthorne Street from Forest street to FBrl Street. r- 'uadsr 'Prelislainery Order C. F. 640x5, approved ' Js:mesy 20, '19EG. y MOUND, Mat Vie. pleas;, apeoifioat ons said estimated quentitios assubmitted by the Qommieeioner of Piblia forks for the above named improvement, be f, . C end the some are hereby approved R 64"d-201 papers in pomftot•� on w l t above lutin. Y - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council •--- ....192- Yew Nays Clancy r - 1926 Ferguson Approved --------------------..... 192 McDonald ...... ......... In favor McGlogan --•-•- ---•------ --- ---- ---------- ----- Sudheimer ---------------- Against ,,.rod Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson m... Tv.w.,._ _.. r2 . a r xsk ¢TuW17_FNF r _ n'$ s y • �. OFFICE OF THE.' CITY CL -M 1%, a N' s. CpU,NCIL RES_OLAJTI. GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,Sptermber 2; 1926 F' c OOMMI,SSIONER __....DAT __ _..-#--- •-- - - - _ :REsol.veo , } In the matter o3'paving Western Avenus::Yxom Marshall Avenue to Front Street, under Preliminary Order 0� . Fyi X69661,,. appzuved. A ril 2, 1925, and Final OFder 0: F.' #61036, approved July 201 19264 RESOLVED, That the 'blane, specifioa.tione; slid estimated quantities as submitted by the 80mmiesioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and ' the same are hereby approvedw; j¢P �XnfdSre Snd ruu Nm -Ir `e}Imill�kY•�,Qrdpl�O 66¢81 a DxoVed eA VA.— p�,glt�Reder,�Cr 6 81.08 Lpxu wed glee4�'�mna��txre�l�n��0 Y.t°ne��ay'n ee�,l�sied�PalLUt1 d,.mfi qb Tfnl�te"QB'6�q."th sCDm , ast°A til, �+ k �: - ° til l0.lt�Y;e�`'Y1�1a0 iby al t COUNCILMEN r p� • -' 3 N x� Na Adopted by the Council 3 192 rClancy •4 dd �, - .... A ••--- ....: •----' .192 -- . McQoilpf in favor t ✓ $ueirh&s A64fast .. MA - - _ Acting " a ewe •,,.� F.,� „ Y - � .. :,.w .,..T..,,+��a�:nt<,;�,;.„ia. ea, g'�-.+$tk', {��,....-w+�n.�x,U ILL I lJ(j t ! t OFFICE; OF THE .I Y + � COUNCIL R�SOLUTIOM; CsFRERAL�FORM x ,C 4 i 3ik k d 4 t x z se tem g,� 'PRESENTED BY .. - _. e is ttgx tti Pevi - Weapon, &TOAD from Ha�reha * sne . to l�roxt 8trettO " 'MAder i slim3usxy 4 dei Grt $s $SiFi3. epPzov9a April , ]956' ssd M 7,�;� ppeo�Y34aton� a;• ' ,�Sti7+YFii�r' Ti>iet �h0 ':P r�e[L�ated s}usAtitiee s8 anbl8i�teA b�: tl>< o iblio 4Porke tPx the, above aasaae4 imPxoaKem4ao�4w b �p r trA ,, : '� tl'te':.BamB sacs hbre'�;y- epOR- p7to7ed. r - AaR#jved ail paperer ifi e4?s�ec'tion with• bav® Ree tl. on. Ile 77 Y=! COUNCILMEN; Ye" N& Adopted by the Council ` f_ Clancy Fergpaon, Approved -........ S .... 192 -- McDonald.In favor McGlogan.;, -------- - .. _.. - - G 31186imer.Against 11YGR:.• i' 1 4 Wenzel,,F: a. �M _ Mr.;Pratdeat Hodgsonv a«�s f Y T ` y' t CATE'!O CITY CLERK>� CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.__✓•- /CILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE'COMPTROLLER NcY. i COUNCIL 10680LUTION SON LO,IN FAVOR hAUDITED CLAIMS-�-e 1� y� EIIAER __.AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DMWN iN IFI TY TREASURY,` TO TXE"AGGREGATE A�7pp1)y�1p'OP $__ C% V'fC. COVERING ARES XODGSO,N a !<%' 1MC CNECK6 NUMBERED_-7-«f--T SE F+ JLSI INCLUSIVE p8y; ,y OPTED BV TXGE C NCI ---- PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CI OLLER:. --- � CITY'COM►TROLLER / > ([tet �ifrt✓ T TOI AL DATE i CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED a/� NUMBER TRANSFER 018BUReEMENT BY BANK 'tel i CHECKS CHECKS53 3?9 ,+ L BR011SHT FORWARD_._ i� .` ?9199: L. Haas 75 00 a +i ?9919 irepA J. 'Keough 3 $59 00 1, 'gra of Contsol ! 7912 ?59 15 2 JIM0010PA, bomlr. of lin. R72 12 is 99�� ?99�IStow6- wide= 9 Iatea T.1 92 qtr`, Hastaea. 1 f C►It �4 8 8e3' ut�A 232 8b ik U k, .01 $001 e� Qa] 0>X3 atsAg I40%. Qo. 1$ 00. bQ �t"llor oaleiossl! 716 y 1�clxtha�in ' 8talso Pt wer;Qougaa 251 If <:_ 1. Io Electrio Equlii. -Company 92 90 50% . $ `4teosong t pllpany 19 $OQ• «'sYs1; tie�tald 4g 0 1900191 Psu t te, Lsa ,, & oil Co. 266 g5. 4119199 ed J. 8t QaRpan! 202 6 Corona 9"yv.Ino. 325 �rintbw, 0611$0 5 $bid lCard': stone Qaipany 38 2 d 1 L$$b`�a d<02" groµnd,cadle 001 130 Ti`_ Prodnba OOl 94Y 96 $bl ' 211 04T loadi'g al Die. a $01 Qa�r oie stiti'onery ug. owp ! 3a 51 $bl'T IC:"yt !alY Paper ampany $OPE{ ! 1et41 Material OWany i 5$3 0 Resolved. Thnt checks be drawn oa the City Treasury, to the aggregate s no ere t79891 to 8918 inclusive. r checks on file In :he office of thea City Comptroller. Adop[ed by the Council Sept. 2, 1926. Approved Sept. 2, 1926. (Sept, 4-1926) PLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE WNCILMEI+—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER \NCYCOUNCIL RESOLUTION idUSON IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS AINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE N N NZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AM F S F, PRES.. HODGSON CHECKS NUMBERED__ TO. )PTSD BY THE COUNCI., PER CHECKS ON FILE T CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _ checks be _Cress t 'o 0 7 9 8 8 1 n In" 6-1� " t"' 0" 06 , In the oftl �e TRANSFER CHECKS drawn on drawn on e.-t- �he--e per . er o f the a 8CpI I y C' 'y DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 27 305 6. C- ou—I 6 Council 9�211 Sept,, aft,11211", �16 192. 2 111 G 192G. 2 -"t3%c ampani :11 .0 39 F Kom siv Btt*g=t 60 t 'time A Ribber amp" $k, -River 00403rStS PT04UOIO ampay 993 43m0Av"* sel-TIOG oo"ftl 2 4 !1 ly6 lS Mork yea ftox a =Ploy _tlftg O"pany 70 Is"'ttary Food company "00 Tel & Tolb amp" r 3,0m 5" 7987 4-CoVandelf 'BICOMPany 351 jl�j MR-777V M — - = - Council File-J40-67W - �/ raffia t i r ,.,• stn A� piOPW41 FOR I)ytFROVENENT _ ,k '? PRELIbIINARY ORDER.' The undersigned kereby- proposes the maldng of the following public impravement by the City of St. Gonstraot a sewer on ging Street Prom a point Paul; v1z.:T -- 30 feet east of Bell we Street to Bidwell Street, and on — — — --- BidWe11 Street from King Street to Baker S .MUO 2nd September, 1926e .mea f Dated this ---day of__- ° 'o4atQ' ll a �5� Ib1ph � � .. �lo�Cb Ou�clkyo li CIY - yeaif.TlZS.be gyp# V;'imz+{��+P :. 't _ L°+'oob7rfoib'k A PRELIMINARY. ORDER. .lYr " : WHEREAS, A written proposal for the, making of the following improvement, viz.: M„ r w o int conetruot a_eewer on gang Street Prom s,g t, and on 30 feet east of Bello V190 Street to Bidwell St,.@ — * Bidwell Street from ging Stkeet to Baker StxWet+ Zyf having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-- therefore, be..it ; 4ESOLV_,E1), That the Commissioner of Public Wdrksbe and is hereby ordered and dlrecteds`, � 1. To inYestigate the neces�li .,for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2. To investigate; the nature, extent and estimated cost, of. saidimprovement, and thatfal cost' ' thereof. p 3 To, furnish a plan, pro5le or sketch of said improvement a� V ,� 4 "To state whether or r,- said lmproyemeut ie asked for on the p tion' of, three or more owners. 6 To report upon" all?oiuthe o�egoing mt}tte & to the Commissioner of Finance. .: ✓ Ado ted by the Council__--=-- - o 1SNAYS r i- nt 1 M &Li M-11 CIpANCY� �A roved s n u eDONALDMON �r 4 REDO,Cil k MR PRESIDENT ,etiny Mayor. CA 18�f�j w �, 9 .raj ; i?io—Mwp�,. q, W� 1 Couneil File No.— NT o. -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEi4 B .. PRELIDIINARY ORDER: z he undersigned kereby proposes the;making of the following public improvement by the City of St T Condemning and.taking an easement in the land neoeesary Paul, viz:_-_ for"elopes, ouia and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 7. Erankson°'e Como .Park Addition, from Lake Como and Phalen Ave: toe point 40 feet South of Nebraska Ave.;---------------- 2ndSeptember, 18'26 ��° 1'►e `�a�w ' enr� Dated this_ -day of—_— — e ng n otno MdR't,(�SQ� . i. e .. � r 4:4�eopthdo - ',F+fi�e�eq�.yneaeh.��d�to",�"thre�CO n�l , t1'ocL� e[u�ar erg"[ reYta 'a � - vQd!'1'ha8 oe lhaen,� t � torSs4fa�b�#�nd��d s y ' PRELUMARY ORDER , .. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of ;the following;,improvement A" Condemning and takinaQ an easement in t elsl. ne°B$9Ar4 -- ,fo`r slopes_(-__ou_ts and fills, in the grading of allnnk 7 n — OL A � ,o Rrnnkaon a CoIDe�A'rl. Add�t±on Orem keQnnn -- a point: '4® feet, -south of Nebraska Ave._---------- ,, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Panl— therefore, be it D;=.That the Commissioner of Publid Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVE x . 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making ofsaid improvement. 2: To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said im}rovement, and the total cost f thereof. S. To furnish a. plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.. To;'state whether or not said improvement is askedfor on the petition of three or more owners ii To 'report upon all of the fore$ matters to thecommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council— m s YEAS, AYS Couacilm CLANCX Approved- w� " �SUDHEIbIER _' r-- / L MR EILE.�IDENT ACt>ry Mayor. Form CA to // . •D' 67692 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER _ z Inthk-Uatter1______ Block _1,_Lanes_tianor_Prom'Juliet _St- _ to_ Jeff erson_ Avenue_ and from Albert Street to_north and south alley_in accordance with blue print hereto____ att.4-obada..so_go=strugtir-& a_seyW_eQ_gn_-the_easterly_ 8 _fti_ of LQt_12-------- Block h_ Sunnyside -Plat No 2 from said alley to the center of Juliet St., ------ - _________________ ____________ �Ia tha Matter ofina aLe9sYa 817 _________________________ ________- .S,9tianyaC�Ital,NO 5 and �Bloali Y -F ' Laffee'*2�anotmXl`Oid Sulte4 $t Yo 7�b� �,tereoa Axl• aaQti fzom 4A1bti�tti8t, to under Preliminary Order ------ S'kia�ttb Io ttat°�ea ai���Q+��I�g�t--�¢+---------- natUi6`� eeae��"oit�tb9 ea9t-! _ Tl�� Council•of the City of Paul having recer�` ort a5 slodt ansftllmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sold eepo �y �p°IImc� reseYl;�cs: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordeTea to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends B1q_c�s_1,__ggoide_Plat_glo,__2 and_ Block_11_�anes _Manor_ from Juliet St._ tn_�@ffssslz�AY ar�d_s1m_ AlizQrt_teet_ t4--l�urtk_ar�d__� Qt accordance_with.blue _print_hereto_attached, also_construct a_sever on the easterly 8 ft._"of _Lot_12, Block_l, Sunnyside riot No_ 2�_from said alley_ to the center of Juliet St- - ________________ ---------------------------------- --------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $____&4558 -7, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 28Ib ----------- day of 19216__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House.iud C1ty,..,Ha1j..Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and ,in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature ot*ha mptoyement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ . __l -------- 192____ Approved -------- Ci Clerk. __2 --------------= ---------------------- Ming Mayor. Councilman Clancy / Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer ,r Z , n13LTSIiND e2 Form B S. roa . 67693 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__�D11dflIIlniTlg_8nt1_t•A_&�LES&BAleT1�_i1> t�18_�AGj_ llgGgggfyp�I f9S_A.1,QB�4..- fSLt__sints__and_f].a.la_in_�.ha_grassing-.of•_al l Snnngsids_P1a�_bto�_2-and_Blnok_1,_S,anss__Manor_frosty.�ul�,et--S.t_.-.Le-�•eSi'�rson Ave._ and from Albert Street_ to_nort�hand �ft_ ----------------- aim Bnanyaide t o=8'an ookR� ----------------------- -- -----• Lana;Nano from lfmtet"�gt pz"Ti of y-eraon Ave nd from Atbm't 6L.;*{e� under Preliminary Order -_---------S14 =88L --- �Mi a r u axrtb r°Y so`te csr ABt_ ?��--]Q?���------- 1994 ' , r• The Council of the City of Paul having receivee +na=yteport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ab§ve improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to,be proceeded with. X s 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__D-QnaQ=_wA-JAka_ Manor_isQm_�s111at_ _ o_Satfaxsan-L-me'_and_frnm_AIhsrt__StmeL-tn_north a>ad_�4utks _i�?l,.�y_.i1�_� ��.s�xxslauFs_�3.t�t._tha_kla�a-�rint�_r ar_et,n._atfachesi_anctanade nowing tine rills, -•; ca• ., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost'thereof is $_-2s5—QQ ----- ---- -er, That �piublic hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 28th --------- day of Resolved Furth t $Q]11tEA1bBY'----- —f --- Iat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City .H�l Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the' manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, ,the nature of.w,-. im rovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ 1_-nAx-______- 192____ --- --=— A-=---1�--- Ci 'Clerk. ---- roved--- -- ----- ---- --`---------- ------------------------ Aoting Mayor- Councilman ayor.Cuncilman Clancy Councilman McDonald /Councilman Sudheimer kWJf1.1;,,,, Mr. Vi]lalRpreti Form B. S. A. 8�6 �. 67694 b �l _ aRD., ,r / r to di Sj .,T4'61La#;�>3tohb. i Ordinance No. oyAa ordi anoe..approving the project of aoguiring that�eal estate M k�towu eliots 13, 14 and 15 Block 4 Stone d Morton's Addition to Sfi Paula. a000rding to tie plat thereof on file and of record is;ofYi'oe of the Register of Deeds o! Ramsey County, I[ianeeota, ea 8 ,for the the erection of a fire engine house, being the props 111 he, southeget corner of Hawthorne street and Payee aven�i ordering the 4 sition of the same by purchase or ; cad p �ng funds therefor•; �oond' motion rovS The Co °�lof the Oity ;o! St. Paul does Ordain: oil 1. d 5z` X The ommiasioaer of ;Public Safety having reported to the Council that he real estat0 known-as,Lots 13, 14 and 15, Kook 4, Stone a o0, Addi lou t6 8t Pau3, according ,to the plat thereof on LL iandofxeoord in the office of,the Register of Deeds of Ramsey r enat��i " tiaaesota, is required "for. .Public safety purposes, .and that h`e ,- L o. thereof is the sum of Tiio Thousand, One Hundred x acct atq l3vs(�2,185s00) Dollars -and the Comptroller haling ert+ id that there ie money available the trsaeurq of ,the. :yoity or they aognsi`tion o! said lots the ; flounisii herebq approves Nthe�ot:; pfk aoqutriag. same !or pnblio safety p}rpoee'e and N hire �ordere sad directs that the same bb�Aoquirdd for said by �puspoes�'by`Pnsse .the Committee on Lands consisting in �tbip ase oaths-1[ayor, Purchasing Agent and tie Oommi'saionar.oY Piioi Saade nioa oasatnaie teaid committhe same, -dan ee canso noprocure saidalandbat a 4 x P 2eae bl�Nprive cad shall 66 report to the Couaal, then and in aha vea�t, the Council whereby orders and directs that oondemastifo#w , pxooediags be instituted under the provisions of the charter of the ty to eeoare :said 'lots,.. and that the 'cost and expifii "of accililg eeme,:whether by purchase or oondemnation, be sad the eameissherebyiordered to be paid for out of the Fire Beal $state 7 ,so mush of said !Wads as mag be necessary is r, herei adand set apart for said purpose. SBOTaON 8. This ordinance shall take effect and Win force Thirty days t eater its passage, approval and publication. xV I hereby certify that. there .are funds available is above the desigated fund to acquire the real estate as despri]oed;�#, Comptrol er COUNCILMEN P :}94 Yew Nays Adopted by the Council. ...-- .. 192.... %Clancy SEP 2110 :.. nApproved -'....................................... 192. McDonaId r. -.-)..---In favor McClog / Sudhet� .-... 'tner ---_f.-----...-Against / Wenzel ATTEST: i Mr. President Hodgson PUBLISHED57 �y 2nd.4/4* Laid over to_ 3rd. & app. Adopted— Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Clancy Clancy Ferguson Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Hodgson McDonald -—Sudheimer— - --- ---Sudbeimer - --Wenzel - Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson ��WAORaR�O�StNm C --H ASL:: QiA� "GaW>C:. ��,p'6 �l2�tllmilYY�'. September Z. 1924 The:ganoralds, Caunail, GttY CC St.. Paul- ttinneao'h- Gontlemm : Syme. timer agQ s survey,M aadw o . i t% f#- qtr 4Aal stationw in, t&,,a tg Qr" at- p=3a b3F' B.ar& or Fire, M ft' er%teres aa& he✓ auspowk 2414ps 2P* QQ ►yk For. 17 ft my Paynes Avenue= ani York 3'"0* to 4, 3,4oatiou, iLrther north.. the' Fixe- Ghier ha■. bean, loot ins over thJ d�phttr3;ots Webbing bid., sad, tan daaided; that the, ooruer QfA4QMW and gawthorne- Street,, whi;oh: iaolades, ro#4 I's., 7.4 �r* of 4-14044, Stone; and Martou.4a tslcYit�fan,; �rouJd be the beat 14cati4� t4. ba tied around there. Tar, ttret reason am aaakAA& 090 the Q- V Ca aji approve the LmaseBe, of this ordinanoa authorising mtike• Land GO=dVtae to arrange for the.purohaae of said IAA4- oeewrtd-nnc J:._M...GC:AMCYs- CAMMISMON4i4 � HARR]'' 7". GCCONNEL4.. GOKMISSFGNSR= ' CII[,I i�+NN3Je,, lu�tTx.M[�cIR6. na,CaRS;�wYe� pq{RY�.N��4•lf�.p,/!G�t - �� J Qa6l:�TM• September Z. 1924 The:ganoralds, Caunail, GttY CC St.. Paul- ttinneao'h- Gontlemm : Syme. timer agQ s survey,M aadw o . i t% f#- qtr 4Aal stationw in, t&,,a tg Qr" at- p=3a b3F' B.ar& or Fire, M ft' er%teres aa& he✓ auspowk 2414ps 2P* QQ ►yk For. 17 ft my Paynes Avenue= ani York 3'"0* to 4, 3,4oatiou, iLrther north.. the' Fixe- Ghier ha■. bean, loot ins over thJ d�phttr3;ots Webbing bid., sad, tan daaided; that the, ooruer QfA4QMW and gawthorne- Street,, whi;oh: iaolades, ro#4 I's., 7.4 �r* of 4-14044, Stone; and Martou.4a tslcYit�fan,; �rouJd be the beat 14cati4� t4. ba tied around there. Tar, ttret reason am aaakAA& 090 the Q- V Ca aji approve the LmaseBe, of this ordinanoa authorising mtike• Land GO=dVtae to arrange for the.purohaae of said IAA4- .n DTIOR/, 1 „a a>6soz G �G13n011 File NO ;1— t ,tom 67895--,� W,haNO t L. C. Hodgson _ R _- he C. -In stoner of Pc„ -0 �+ .., llc IItllth S has reported 1 '�' s +� ae S with Se tion 69 [the City hl h end* t t d t tai lath e4 tf day adro As-, the Commissioner` a`a" . sio Utilities ��hae-?orted in $heOity Oarterthe eztenoe of an '-&oo: eergenay which_ rendered necessary the employment of �oertin employes ofh3aDspartment for btore _thy eight hours pe da oh Sunday; esid3 s emplgym nt b'eing more:thanjusual hourayot employment, therefore, be it; aesgliredr�3 atw fidie proper %iSy otticers are hereby suthorisedto pay the����� � n `sttoellt q�fti thnee moeQ termapltcimyeeahraet the srmoyizedfr erats `dtherwisl #infortht >; ey R T „ BLINDLY• RZGUUR aCT e Ly �R� z r 1Tty.1" r d hr id�Knnhon Dtoh digge , dhn Lb91f I I ItyW— 1 r ` QorY[eliieheda 1[afht.a%4 14�hrs. r 50 `�btp`abiaut�ioh fge2� 1 r d ' t►tiy.iaborrer' -~ 3 � `� ;� •�5�` ��.te. o Ditoh��diger 3� K� M S 1 r �� • . ti 3 r '#a e BoMstFlP � 1 r F Ute l 2 y ' am a orito r a`-, a 2 e 62 ohae 2oneo Ditph digger 10 r ,, '• �raon� Ooimngborer 16 e ♦ntne7leyi . les Utyser 3 5 t . 11naev3na1 Dto$ digger Fiorto . U;tp. laborer l •55, is . 55x ��rsalie U yohlaibcf6Bi98i 7 r 55 ,gap D toh digger . 2 Leal Oommon labor,.er 16 r }orsk`.' DY%oh diggerr 12 •55 �,_ •.°ls "Y` � f SX3 A jky :+ eyes ouacllmen Saye Donald19 y s o41gsc► Adopt ed by the$p t� 1926 " u� ,.. N e el Approved itg 8 ' o'M 1926 .. Press ntTgodgson,. s °x,/14 September 1, 1926 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water, rendering necessary the employment of oertai3i employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day in 9 the doing of the following work: _ ooing ditching machine and back - filler. Le=enteur to Rude st • greasing ditching machine.* ,: , + e.,� Nebraska• Sheld m. & webraska.+* connecting uv Maine i Connoting temp main Laroentsur and Lexington.** Installing 2" connection 1180 dread Ave # ' ggjr mai Vinnehaha & Winthrop. repair connection Yinnehaha St ## This emergency &rose�by reason of the following facts and circumstances! *Had to have machine for next day's work **Had to shat off water $To finish Job and avoid going back next day. ##Repair leake CCUMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - 5._ CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNFIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............. ........:.:.. :;4 .................................DATE............ •_ r c=.Gw NO..... FIL[ •••• •I sD Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, �� ���� Y` �• Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter s j forth. Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime Frank Drassal, Supervisor of Playgrounds 6 hours (,? .92 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��VlcDonald....In favor �/ McGlogan Sriirinor ....0....Against Wenzel /Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Cound ...S.� `a.. :�p"'F. ;.192...... PProv.. ::........"....,......19%2... ............... I ............................. ................... To the Honorable MAyor and City Council: Gentlemen! An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, render- ing necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work- directing athletic programs. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and dircumstances: Athletic programs held evenings, had to be supervised. Yours truly, Commissioner. arcenllsn HAPS t9 mak. O'll't 4Eltletn9 (41ty of'ot. fnnl ' - GEORGE I- MASON. nn�. f 6lic Builaings sure. a PA9W - � - HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER - ERNEST W. JOHNSON.:.. - BUrT. OP PtAYORW102 IRVING C. PEARCE, D-UTY COMMMSIONDt PRANK X. TEWES. / - CM MCM.fLT OWXX OF COMMIMIONEN .. 219 COURT HOUSE . August 28, 1926 To the Honorable MAyor and City Council: Gentlemen! An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, render- ing necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work- directing athletic programs. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and dircumstances: Athletic programs held evenings, had to be supervised. Yours truly, Commissioner. arcenllsn HAPS t9 mak. O'll't 4Eltletn9 �P•,sy -"�A n 1 ce Ni t irr, ti:c n�, k �' T --IBX L .— _t i 6LNQ r3 A b vOFFICE OF THE CIT1rCL�R1�t COUNCIL RSOLl1T10 GENERAL FORM K ` evq s1Fi'� . t .PRESEN BY k OMMISt81 NMR- Cie'fe k 'x k n 4 r �nkbtY ,} Vi--�•,— A f fu. 3°.?'.✓Y~ x Lf xtG 4?. A n 'S .fi 1 .YA4 WESOLVED u 'khat the ..proper. city` offiaxe ate.ier�eby,`anhorzzed q,pay. . a x b, j"i ,ohoell and BohnY�; the st�mh' e115� i©r medicines furnished to'` ��,�� ¢ fAndreiv�Eckst;and, fan :employe of �tle Depaaq�ment�of Pitb1 W©rlr`'® J � `i inj%red June'?5, 1936; said sum to ba' a<dtile P y from the WArkmeli'-s Oompensatien aoaoeaft' of the(enerpl4 Hund. d N • Pl T I`i+ �Y, e I[c1y R Sts° o e e* e� C r "iiento biro}snW VON m�4 �� P Z4hsft9}!oYlna,. . - of {h➢��h9't�e ondolT.�eDi. a13 3 ,y M .: s a — - CpUNCIL?4 NY i r Nays .Adopted by the Couno02:1 192.__ ti " — - ,.-.....Ia favor APP ..... 3 cDoaald - 1'1!6 ........... .192-..... a Me Cfogan a id Aut/B9 ..o n r zP't'esident Hodgson r g, IPLiCATETO CITY6LERK �:ixjad E OLL CALL IWFAVOR N —AGAINST OPASON OPTED -7-77' CHECK;' NUMBER! A� fi . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...... ----- rot 10 �v r -Hg 'CITY.1OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ----Aqft-0 ?00-419 461 , RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS 09 DRAObffj TREASURYtl"N TO THE AGGREGATE Al 0 COVERING 1, CHECKS NUMBERED— I AM OUT- INCLUSIVE, �-Aa_;�;� PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE T 0 ICE OF TW: 'CITY comp'rvtat.�".;,',�i w 7, 1, -- - CJW COMPTROLLER j RL-11"oe.d. That checks be d --c I a tl iii the Cll%j, 0, aggregate' AL' DATE k per DIS BUR o tha numbered 8019 to $077 InclusIQ ><88 803. I cov-Ing. RETURNED,, IN FAV01 cheeks on Ille 1. the -fti.e of I BURiEMENT BY BANK ompt"lle City CHECKS Adopted r� 3r the Council SopL 3 1926. Pip. 7 OFZU* *X14ft IRA42 30 foo .0, 0-41 3 ILE 2 10 64 irk, r> o ► 2 60 81 28 Win r,aO Xis 219, i6 99 '21 50 16 4W on aw 2 y 6 % -`top 903 3r, Ompe; Pahl to Aft -1 h luQ 00wr 7d ly 5 Auto I .1 941k TV 10 "A "A 'w J a" Of Say 265: 31, "r 04 i 0 0 09F P* SHEET TOTAL—E 12WA12n W 'CITY.1OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ----Aqft-0 ?00-419 461 , RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS 09 DRAObffj TREASURYtl"N TO THE AGGREGATE Al 0 COVERING 1, CHECKS NUMBERED— I AM OUT- INCLUSIVE, �-Aa_;�;� PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE T 0 ICE OF TW: 'CITY comp'rvtat.�".;,',�i w 7, 1, -- - CJW COMPTROLLER j RL-11"oe.d. That checks be d --c I a tl iii the Cll%j, 0, aggregate' AL' DATE k per DIS BUR o tha numbered 8019 to $077 InclusIQ ><88 803. I cov-Ing. RETURNED,, IN FAV01 cheeks on Ille 1. the -fti.e of I BURiEMENT BY BANK ompt"lle City CHECKS Adopted r� 3r the Council SopL 3 1926. Pip. 7 OFZU* *X14ft IRA42 30 foo .0, 0-41 3 ILE 2 10 64 irk, r> o ► 2 60 81 28 Win r,aO Xis 219, i6 99 '21 50 16 4W on aw 2 y 6 % -`top 903 3r, Ompe; Pahl to Aft -1 h luQ 00wr 7d ly 5 Auto I .1 941k TV 10 "A "A 'w J a" Of Say 265: 31, "r 04 i 0 0 09F P* SHEET TOTAL—E 12WA12n COUNCIL LSO CITY OF ST. PAUL . r_ No ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . AA ON COON IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PkEsm-MD commissioNER; ..... ...... . .... . . ..................................................... DATF ................................................. RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to.pay to Dr. E. H. Whitcomb the sum of Twenty—eight Dollars ($28.00) out of the later Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Walter Anderson, an employe Of Said Board, in— jured May 13, 1926. ", MM M & �qqjwl I VA qpq it orb' I Q X. for passage. Yeas Nays GRIMY McDonald In favor MLGlogan ......b.....Against Wenzel Mr. President Ilodgson Pres't, Board of Water CommIrS. Adopted by the Council.. . ....... 192 ov5s� ............192...... pU- ani Y si C PAUL i i foENc LN0-77 �0 :; ga s a a }sOEFICE OF7-TAE CITY CLERK + H COUNCIL'RMLUTIENEOAL-* M AK �PTIE�� Y x raw tiSept. 4, E ss ACOMSSIONE "f DAT .__ ..._..._ .._.. ..... Twee'"' 1926 R ESOLYED q� v. � retia ,t That the..time specified for the performance t oil & certain oanfyraot dated April 7, 1928, between s Garrok Bros. Contractors;; and the City of 8t. Paul, e 3oi the grading. and improvement of'A11ey in Block I0, a s Phalan.`heights.'Vark, from Duluth Ave to Water Works, Rig of Way, bg end the ..some is hd�rr by.: extended to' the let, day of Septemb'er, 1926, and the pX}oiler' city officers are here- by authori�aad"to •execute an amendmftt to; said contract in i e000rdenoe tiewit,h, provided,n h'd*We%, ` that thT6 resolution shell not have.any force and effee W4:ess the sureties ,•, d'n' 'the contractors- bond consent thereto -and fl'le such coneent in writing with the City Coin 116 . ��� �� • e' cad � : - n #8A[ A n ort ''der qqd E .. v r a i`act r988� e s earn �a(1E 10 eZen edg- .V¢ t Ave }" Wad— n g• 'N fi - - - -- { COtICIL''MEN 1SI k1' aCeaa * Nays Adopted by the Council.:_y 192.... 3Fi Donald .._!.... favor oved :. .._..•.............. 192...... cGlogan10 1�s Against - ............ _ ......_:..... r Prceidant Hodgson .f .: x,. _. St. Paul, ?:_'inn. 193 b TO TIM H0170RABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY CF ST. PAUL, Gentlemen: Would respactfull.y ask that your Honor:,ble Body cause the time o Completing. contract for the _ To be. extended to Ovrinfr to it vas not possible for 1.Z to finish this contract within the tir.:e specified, hence 101desire to ask that the time for com- 01. Ain, s:.mo be rr_,de 3 ..eroinbefore stated, Yours very r ly, I � 1Co actor. I" There is no objection to having ` the time extended 3s requested, cs far as the requirements of this office are copperned. APPROVEp: upt, of Cons ruttio epairs Cour. issio .er of ublic orks Chief En^Tineer. ' ALJDITEl3 Ci,AIMS jN FA�/OR ; OA�N RECOUN SOLVED 7NA1°wG iCfB 8E' D 't 0 cOV�1 �°q'7 11 `.CO THE AOOREGATEr/+,Cs O { c O w �U�Rr INCtUE1VEAB r i CaECKe NUMBERED TO E UC Lfi PE:R'CFIECKS ON FILE JN THtFRICE OP 'fNE C�COMPTROILER G- - - carr eO> MOLLu ro .^ �..��0 l�4 ;��` e REfuRNED3 eNRe s IN FAYf�R bF . 3 TgjINbFEp �DISHIJRBEMEN BY BANK uMaE aN�clfs o R€CKRI, S tF 9'L POT 4 RP A.01 rte"�- C. F•'n° 87701— be drawn °n ,3 - d II t cheohs agate Resolved Tha to tha aB�heo1, ;the CItY '1'r fifi,082 20, aoverinB 9171 tncluslve, 8s fld 1s amount of i oa of tha CIt9 r` °i aud $161 to tha oRl ec'ts on 81e In 1928. .� r 's C AdoDto e ebY f. the ;oui 28. aeDt. 4, }' 1 Droved(BeDL 11'1926) - ..e .R x� t yss n ie r ;.E r NN k h a Al 41, 2 h F" . PA CO CI CIi1' ONL C TE�T04CiTv CLERIC r �s FILE O CFYFIiCE OF THE�CO�APT LLER ' COUNCIL kipQLUT ON' a '_ AUDTT�D S h 4 d SEIf{ OAINBT t'* RESVED TN71T CH C�KgSSE D (TYRE THE AOOREOAYE,/11A�g1T/4F REe'^'H xD s iij]! 4VYlV 'CNilGICe. NIlM8ERE0 TC 1 C tY �I tSED Y7� 'N ,,APER piECKS ON Flfw�,,, OFFIO Ep �I�.. OYlkDtl''"1 �,s 1¢ I St' !nm :.1w c TO AL 3 sW Ck'tlCK,i F No: 677os._ _ -k e.(RTP 4 .. NUMBER- �N Re.olved That check. be �ANBFlR D�BSUIiSEMEN7 "H�' �1 the LY1Y Treasury ..te drawn on rHECKS CHECKS -' amount of 817,806,1. oo eeln 86re8ate 41, check. on 8100to"81681n l (s a- par 1 �} C Oa ale lA, the -'Office of e paraaDtrollar, the city by the Council Sept rs ' Adopted AYDtoved EeDL 4, PC 1, 1886 -=, ;13 AAR )QeJ1.Nltti� �. iBeDt_ 3I3188B) JJ.•J 7"'J qq iv 30 It 7 a6i�00 A • � �,4 a "s� ��� �T 4... -3�� AVI I mm L3 gRup 4 ►� 79' �f limai�a .rte.:. .` ATE TO C7CmER 'g 7' -CITY or 10M 1p I NO Tw! MU OFFILE F THE COFdPTROLLER ;0,-i ."V 2 7 AksbiwE Mill A Sl— Vf, C IN FAV�R _,�F �UR AM Sx Ry Irk TUM, M, -------------- 7;,e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g* q 11N X", K� J` X, alIz, J; w R kg, C. V. IT.. 67706— Resolved -=That chocks_bs drawn M Lt. the City TreaSOrY, to the L99%8::kzG amount' -of $6.189.14, covering numbered, 8079 to 9009 Inclusive. .8 per checks on Big In th C ty" 0 offi%e of the I - I Comptroller. b C I . Adopted by t e .one r so1926.t 4. i. lv'l , Approved Sept 4. 926 (Sept. 11-19i ll) ON 4 44 4 A, rr LTi 11milml UNIMM101111 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By................................................................. FINAL ORDER . 67707 In the Matter of.....grade,•_Eleanor--_Street__from .Montcalm._Place .to _a point 16 feet east of the center litie of Nontcalm Place. — -----------................................ _ q,;� anieot�one. an•t. re•k,;YecReq; J ......................... _............................. ...................... ................ .-.-............ :............. .................................................................... May _ 26th1926. under Preliminary Order... .....----------............ pp - ••.................................................... Intermediary Order ............. ............----...... d - .............. approve......................---- ------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ,heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLYED,'.By,the Council of the %&# St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be by the said City is e.Eleanor__Street from _1Gontca-lm Place -. ... to a point feet east of the 'center line of Montcalm Place. - ... .. .. .. .......... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by 4''�oun ............... 191........ ._ '� -- ..... a City Clerk. Approved....................... -----,...:----.........: 191.....-.. v/ ouncilman7kimx Ferg�us.bn. ✓Councilman Clancy �Councibnana:5eti Sudheimer. //Councilman McGlo, ai5. VMayor Hodgson -t.. Form B. S. A. 8-7 ..................................................... ..................................M Mayor. iIS /b- � ,2 G p�PA E OFi;FINANCE - "' REPORT OF �OK�I ONER OF FIIi4NCE P t Or� PR'EL 1 Y ORDER (D) a the matter of—��», oAjng Ele?„0+2 e+t aw+ ?j!Mn Mont Calm Place to fl ppi7 t 215 ft_ east of theoenter{ line of Montoalm Place. �S m -,,-uuder Preliminary Order approved May20thv 1926 ,To the Council of the City of;St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above limprovement is g 784.23 t The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is :The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ILI S A--- ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLoe1c VALUATION DESCRIPTIONS,—. i 10"14 Lexington Park Plat 11 2P5I I - -Ramsey-Gov #Minn:514___,. - 11 42 � �• }y South of Lot 13 and all 12 4 do 3 0� 6 4 Woodford Park St.Paul 3 0 7 14 do 2b j. 1 5 { _ ii a TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the; foregoing !as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19�'1z mi a ot.N3allgce Form B. B.13 t OFFr St. Paul; -Minn. January 28, 192L_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made. St. Ave. from Montcalm St. AWN -to agproximately 2$0 i'eet meat of Kington Avenue or as far as possible. St. Ave. NAME LOT BIACB ADDITION 177 Q 36 6 -F28 -- R 2 3 ,-1YAR0 I � �- — ---� SCNEFFER STLi ti 077-0 --,� Er Office of the- Commissioner of Public WeEksrvm Report to Commissioner of Finance Nl - P � �.. JUN 16 .to so ..........16,.....1926.........--192-- To _192__ To the Commissioner of Pinance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._66195...... .... approved—._.._r.0_.._..19.�,s.6............ _192--_ relative to _Cara ding....E]flSnnr_.StreSt__P"nm Mn„toalm Place..._ta...a..4.aint-215.....feet--east-- of the center line of Montealm Place and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......__.___..._necessary and (or) desirable. 2.29 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__.�._...__. _—___..., and the total cost thereof is $ ................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .___....__ ............... _.-.... ....... ... _._.............. _..__...__._._. _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....__.._. ....... _.._......... __.-...................... _....._...._._._.__... —__...... .... __._..... ................ �...--- 5. Said improvement ie__ _ _.._______....__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. _ �L- -a, mxrt h o f FAun0, c �`-�'v�-R- V JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIV ENOIMEER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ETMIM.Oe WM. N. CAREY. BUPT. OF COH.TRUCTION AHO REPAIR June 14, 1926 A. S. SHARP. SUIT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD. OPFIC. AND CIT' PLANNING ENO- G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORK 9 Hon. John H. Me Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Eleanor Street from Montealm Place to a point 215 feet east of the center line of Montealm Place, under Preliminary Order #66195, approved May 20, 1926: Estimated Cost, 784.23 Cost per front foot 2.29 Inspection 15.38 Frontage 344 feet This grading will end at the top of the bluff far enough east of the alley to give access to the lots lying east of the first alley east of Montealm Place. Yours truly, 11-- -- rYJ CA4-ef Engineer. 4parbved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. �7o—mssioner o ie or s. ! Wr _ . ti � _concaNO._�----- .wCITY OF OFFICE . ' OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September B. 1926 .._ =--- PRESfiNTED BY - -------------------- DATE --- -- --' -- - COMMISSIONER_.__._.—.��___—..---��._....._—._.--�--- RESOLVED W In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Eleanor Street from Montcalm Place to a point 215 feet east Of the center_ line of Montcalm Place , under Preliminary Order C. F. #66432, approved June 8, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #67287, approved August 4, 1926. a The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and Upon Eleanor Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated September 7, 19262 which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ,', COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy x.. ............. in favor McGlogan ifie_.. T .... ..... •----Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council (�b. 192.... AP..d-:2D .1'I 192........... ----------- 1. ? CITY OF ST. PAUL Depc.rtment of Public Vdorks REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In tltie matter of 4ondemning and taking an easement in the lend necesse.ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Eleanor Street pt. 215' E. of Center L of from Iclontcalm Place to „ontcalm Place under Preliminary Order C.F. 66452* approved June 8, 1926 an': Intermod.i^ry Order C.,'. 67287 approved Au_,ust 4, 1926 To tha Council of tho City of 8t. P:"ul: The Co^nissionor of ublic darks hcroby submits and a pert of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- .ment, showing by the shaded ?ortion of said ,�lr-.n, the fills to be mae-e on private ,�roporty, and by the '.i--tchod ,portion -the cuts to be mado on privatc property, and the oxtont of tho easement to bo takun by the figuros opposite such shaded end hatched ;arts of such pl^.n. Date: ___ Commissioner of Public Cjorks. CITY of ST.PAUL O \\ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMiNj*tY ORDER In the matter of CondemnIng aTIA taking an easement i the land necessary rnjj ajepea,o»ts and fills in the grading of Eleanor Street from Montcalm Place to a point 215 feet east of the center line of Montealm Place. under Preliminary Order approved June 8th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 9 DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10.4 Lexington Park Plat 11 225 Ramsey Co.,Minn. 11 4 22 j South f Lot 13 an -1 all 12 4 do 80Q ih�•I 6 4 edoodford P -rlc St.Paul 300 ;14t 1e� Minn. I� { 7 4 do 204 r lug 1 t TOTAL. D. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. t. c Dated ZV 1912 v— Commiasl er ace. Form B. B. 13 - Indicotes Cut. SLOPE PLAN A• -Indicates Fill. a. . Typical Notofion' ?.p Ju�c I Figuresdboveline indicofe ELEANOR ST. Figuao r z bel property line. - Figures below line show MoNCALn PLACE EAST. disfoncetowhich slopes extend beyond property line. �r it Loc.Book 2181. I I _IL LEXIN -TON PAP -K PLAT IIiL j w - -- �! 4- 11 41 I�zss ------------ w .n l g 5 -- W00DFORD`\1 PAP - K Office of the' Commissioner of nPublic Report to Commissioner of Finance JU .......... .... _......... ... ux�e.._16.,..................._...-192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..66432 _ approved—_Je 8th _..... __..._ —.192-...6, relative to Gond. eming...and.....tAk�.an.._e.aaement-._in_tbe......1and..-ne.eeszary—Yor....sa.bpez r uuta and Yills,�_in the bra Lzig of Eleanor Street from Montealm Place to_a point 215 feet east of the center line of Montealm Place. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... __............. _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--.................. and the total cost thereof is $.............. ...... —___....—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._---------- ............_...__.........._...-..................___.._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - ._............... _._...... --........... ................ .... ......... ..._._......--------------------------- .............__------.......-- b. Said improvement is._. -____._...._._....-.._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 6'7'799 surnc.'osn>nse: COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... c. a. xo, sivos •In the Mattes got "ieconstruoC,: 're] {{ 'and repairt"rwhere- necessary,. f By ........................... ..................... . ........ ............. I' ` Sidewalk. oos BI EBgsC eld4 e6&Ilo n Aee.�k ghence'' fh�'[o 118Y.et NorffinBl FINAL o Hatch sou J. at.Argyle5; thMe west "100+Ftt.. South elda . Fltth 8L beglaning-, st CypreeB�`.: thence oast EZn{t under reenmt arY Ord.r July MI In the Matter of:......reoonstruct.relay ati yw� :. a , EYr„ �s� sidewalks...at.._the._following..ocationa.�.................... -- ...... - East side Churchill Ave.beginning 64 ft south of Herat'" hence --- ................... ...----....----.............................../ - ............. south ta_-A11!1Y. ,r North side Hatch St. beginning at Argyle St.thence west 100 ft. ....... - .............................................................................................. --...................-----------------------------•-.........................-----............ South side E.Fifth St.beginning at Cypress St.thence east 220 ft. - -----........... under Preliminary Order .......... 66977.......................... approved ......Jtil$.-.]6th,....1926........................... IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------- ---------------------- . approves................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it f, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..._...reCOnstz!uCt,T slay-. S1.td_,pep&1,x,.wh9.x0....... necessary the sidewalks at the.f ollowing- locations: __________________________ . .... .......... . ...... East side Churchill Ave.beginning 64 ft south of Hatch St.thence .......... -.......... 1.. .......... ...._ ........................................... ................................................................................................... south ...................-.........-------- -- .. .....-- ............ - ..-..-- - North side. Hatch St . . . beginnin....- g at . .._ Argyle �St.thenae west 10-1' ft. ......... .............. ............................... ............_............................._...................--.-.................---.-.....---........................................ South side E.Fifth St.beginning at Cypress St.thence east 220 ft. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That -the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cilfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authgrized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....... �.f.t?_ . _...... 191........ City Clerk. Approved... ....... 191.... / i1✓ - ®_ / Councilman R mwcKwA t McDonald Councilman 9A=x Ferguson. councilman Ngbpx Wenzel. Councilman Nificdk Sudheimer. Councilman =VAktx Mcaloga /Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL v y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FTidPfNCE ON PRELIMINARY bRDER sidewalks - In 'the.matter of Poo one truot relay and rQnair_lb r North side Hatch St.beginning at Argyle St.thence west 100 feet. South side E. Fifth St. beginning at Cypress St. thence east 220 ft. under Preliminary Order approved-- ' Mjy 16th.. 1926, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $---= �. 07 The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot 4 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION East side Churchill Ave. 250 25 3 Como Park Second Addition 26 3 do 00 27 3 do 200 28 3 do 200 29 3 do 225 30 3 do 2025 (Except the East 67 ft) 31. 3 do 2400 ( do 32 3 ( do 33 3 North side Hatch St. 14 Sargent and Campbell's 3500 Addition to the City of St. paul,Minn. _ — - TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT" OF COMMISSIONER OF F.i�IFn1NCE ON PRELIMINARY PRDER • `C/ • LOT 'e�ocK ADDITION DESCRIPTION Sdtit' side S Fifth St. ` 1 5 Bumli's Addition to St. The West 1/3 of Lots 3,2,& Paul The East I of the West 2/3 1 5 do of Lots 3,2, and The East 1/3 of Lots 3,2,& 1 5 do 4 5 do 5 5 do 6 5 do d ASSESSED VALUATION 3600 4350 3350 2450 2300 550 25600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.---t��=/J Dated ---L (/7�0 _1926 _ ommiss er o ante. Form B. H. 13 AMMEIVE, Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance51 'If R (Ji eer JUL 21 gg July 20, 1926 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66977 July 16 1926 Council, known as Council File No. ._ ........ . ..approved..- 192- relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks .at.the_ following ing .1postions: . ..... .. ..... Beet Side Churchill Ave. beginning 64 ft. south of Hatch St- thence south to alley. -North side -Hatch St: beginning at Argyle St: -thence west 100 f t. South side E. Fifth St. beginning at Cypress St: thence east 220 -ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 07¢ per S_qlanArle total cost thereof is S. ---.---. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_-. .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ - Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By------.......................................................-- r�! In the Matter of.....@rade and have ally in .Block 5 View and Block 4 Hankee's Rearrangement, from ............................ -...._......-------------------------------- ...............C ; Kenneth Ave. I 67710 Ave.to .............. ---- ................ <. under Preliminary Order ............. 0,6695...................... approved..._. July...Slh,_.122& .......................... j- s. Intermediary Order .............................................................. approved ------------- --------------------- .------------------------------ ------- ----- 1. public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council havii g,!-&a`a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it �2GEva�s�PiS9 r�Pi� �v� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul tint—il3P-f+reei��a$�l lraed of im ovementto be mad the said Ci Cleo Ila and and 4ock 4 Han e s Rear ngement, fro Cleveland Ave.to - - ---- •------------------------- --------.--------- ---------------------------------------- Ke -- ------------- KeAve. .... -- ----------------------•-------......------.................---......-- ............... be and the same ars-heniby ceaeQW, WWW, and raniwW and sU 1>�eedin�s-in.said•ma -be d3reoett aord............................. ............................ .............................. ... --------------------........................................................................ - ...-...............--------------------..........------------................--•---------.... ........... .................................................................................................................................... ..-............................. ...................... and the ouncil hereby orders said im vement to be�de. RESOL FURTIdER That the Co Toner oc Works be and ' eby instructed and directed to repare plans and -specifics ons for said improv eat, and submit same o the Coun- cilfor approval, t upon said approval, roper city official are hereby authorized d directed to proceed with making of said improve n1 in accordance ewith. iWAdopted by the Council ...SEP *7..* . 191....--.. Approved--..................................................... 191 .... / it C,euncilman Clancy Councilman $flier Wenzel. / Councilman VAxWzdkk McGloga ./ Mr Seoo"J V". Form B. S. A. 8-7 ncGona�d 677A COUNCIL. FILE NO ............................. By ........................................................ ...... i In the Matter of.....#rade and pave alley in Block 7- Hankee. s__.Cleyeland...____.._ View and Block 4 Hankee's Rearrangement, from Clevela-ad Ave,to ..........................-....................................................... . .- k�`�B."- 47710-- gy�`i........................................... '. I kek olit"gr a 9n "� av a'lt0fi Kenneth Ave, In oa sk@BQy_ bp,awk _--------- - " "B1oa8ankaa`tfi Tran"ie., j;..., ............... _.......................................................................... -..... ..................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.:... 6.6-8-95 ....................... approved...-.Tlxly._..8.ih,....1926......... _................ ----- Intermediary Order--------- ............ .................................. approved.....-----..........................-------- 'A ublie bearing having'been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council c iNu`= havingiiTheard` all -persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the-presiss nu+ *a,.etan4 nand hi -add -e€— im vement to be mad the said Ci ...... grade -- - dpave-_all.. , i11__b.�-Q�3t._7... eels Clev land View and 4ock 4 Han els Rear ngement, frog Cleveland Ave,to - - •.................... ...... ---"'. .......................... ...... .................... -".............- - + Kenne Ave. ............................. .................I......-------------------......-"-"--'..............-• _..-------..--• .----- ------- be and the same are hereby canedW, atmaW, and mri nded and all .......... latieeedmga-in-said-matter-be diaeoetiatrrd� ... ---'----...----'...---'---•--'.....•••---"............-"-'•'----...'-"-'- ... --------------------------......------------------------------------............ .................------..............----------.......------..........---'----........... ------ ---------------- --------------- ........ -....................................................................... ........._......---------------.....-----"...........'-""............ and the uncil hereby orders said im ement to be de. RES OL FURTHER, That the Co ssioner of P c Works be and i eby instructed and directed to repare plws'and'specifica ona for said improv ent, and submit same o the Coun- cil for approval, t upon said approval, roper city official are hereby authorized d directed to proceed with making of said improve ni in accordance ewith. Adopted by the Council -_5...�:P ....................................... 191 ........ v ........................... ............----- .......................... "--......---- gFP'1" 0 Approved... .._ ......................................... 191... 'i 10 C,auncilman Clancy ouunneciill�mnn $EIIm Menzel. / Councilman ;;Zdi�i McGloga (i J Mr, Second VI -- Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE- 4W- `'IEPORT OF COMMISSIOIG�it OF FINANCE ri ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ._ .. In the matter of the grading and paving of alley in block 7 Hankeels Cleveland View and Block 4 Hankee'e Rearrangement from Cleveland Ave.to Kenneth Ave. under Preliminary Order approved July Sthl 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--- TOTAL. Form B. Y. If 312" creosote 2E" brick 2" ash.cone. Paving blocks laid flat 5" base 6" concrete Total sq. yd. 6.18 4.65 3.43 2.61 Property share 6402.00 4817.00 3553.00 2704.00 Total 6402.00 4817.00 3553.00 2704.00 (b) front ft. 5.38 4. 05 2.98 2.27 8 7 do 600 9 7 do 600 10 7 do 5100 11- 7 do 600 TOTAL. Form B. Y. If CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s 'MPORT OF COMMISSIOMOR OF FINANCE +e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of the grading and paving of alley in block 7 Hankee's Cleveland view and Block 4 Hankee's Rearrangement from Cleveland Ave.to Kenneth Ave. -` ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION VALUATION 1 7 Hankee's Cleveland View 4250 2 7 do 4400 3 7 do 600 4 7 do 4800 5 7 do 4050 ( 6 7 do 6025 7 7 8 7 do 600 g 7 do 600 10 7 do 5100 11- 7 do 600 TOTAL. Form B. 4. 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL t ot DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE EZEFOWT OF IIONCsr�DER OF FINANC&, OPRELIMINARY (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION 12 7 Hankee's Cloveland View 4600 Eat 20 ft of Lot 1 nd oclk Hankeers Re-ar. (Except Fast 20 ft) Hankee's Re-ar .5500 2 4 do 3 4 do 5675 4 4 do 2400 17 7 Hankee's Cleveland View 4550 L --t 18 and West 5 ft of 19 7 do 5200 (Dccept West 5 ft) 19 7 do 4700 (also ';lest 5 ft of Lot (20 35 +'+ f Lot 20 and Eas4650 West 10 ft of 21 7 do (Except 'Nest 10 ft) 21 7 do 5300 (also vlest 15 ft of Lot 22 (Except west 15 ft) 22 7 do 500 23 7 do 800 24 7 do 550 25 7 do 4700 26 7 do 4250 27 7 do 4150 28 7 do 2300 29 7 do 4200 30 7 do 875 95925 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —Z%' c Dated__._.L_ _ _ y-- -1926 ommissi J-�ice- 12 L_. �M1 � June 17th --192 6 St. Paul, Minn.. -- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Th,:t thebet..eer. 3sndolnh 6 est..___r_: J'_e=-_�Lt_reSA >z--- 7_^c, ed. ieKennethvenue to Clevel_nc v...e nue be St. Ave. St. Ave. St. Ave. ECE t VEp� Office of-,the,;commissioner of. Public ,y . k Report to Commissioner of Finance Ft �pEB OF E JUL 30` Jnl�._19....._1926............ _............ __....192. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: € ' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66895 July 8, 1926 ,. Council, known as Council File No ...... _ _.._....approved_..__..__........._._...._.__..._.__._.._._.....__._192_.—, relative to the grading and paving of Alley in Block 7 Hankee's Cleveland View end Block 4, Hankee's Rearrangement, from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ia.:.__._.... ---__necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....... ....... ............ and the total cost thereof is $------._._.__..._—..._._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.._ .................. _.... ____ ...... _.................... ________._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. __._ .........................._. ............ — _ ...—_.----- 5. Said improvement is . ....................... _.... _..._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners Qf property, subject' to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. a � - ' . �dePa h�enh o f �Jubli .�Ivr4ss .JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, D .P CORM1n.loxew M. S. GRYTB/ K. BR1DGe ENGINQR =OR= M. SHEPARD. CN16P ENG1NQw - A. B. BHIIRPSUPT. o. 9I1x1T.T10N n W M. N. GREY, SUPT. OP COx.TRUCTION wx0 M111' O. P. BO 1W SUPT. OP WORKxOU. - O. N. HERROLD. OPP oxo CITY PLAxxIND E "—' July 16, 1926: Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the grading and paving of Alley in Blohk 7, Hgnkeets Cleveland View, and Block 4, Hankeete Rearrangement, from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave., under Preliminary Order C: F. J66895, approved July 8, 19263 Length 595 feet Width of Roadway 16 16 ft, Frontage 1191 ft. StreetPAVING 3j" creosote 2*" Brick 2" Asph.Cono. .Bloo Laid Flat 5" Base -6" Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 6.18 4.65 3.43 2.61 Property Share $6,402.00 $4,817.00 $3,553.00 $ 2,704.00 T o t a l $6,402.00 $44,817+00 $3,553.00 $ 2,704:00 (b) Front ft. 5.38 4.05 2.98 2.211 Notes See petition stelaClevela opa a Alley in Block 8, H Yours truly, C ie /rl ginee�� Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. omm as one, ou 0 or a. RES01 r,. DATE - ... „_,:._...._. In the matter of condemning and taking an :ease- ment in the land necessary -for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 7. HAnkee's Cleveland View, and Blook 4, Han$ee'a Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Aftlge; -under Preliminary Otder Ci F. #66896, approved July 8, 1926; and Intermediary Order C: F. #i7283,. approved August 4, 1926. The Commissioner of Publio Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, bei RESOLVED, That Paulyi�e7sae.eua�v� det mines the unt oY land a taken Yo the above neme impxovement i3 a Bement or a�apea on and fills, in and upon he alley in B ok 7, Hankee's Cleveland View, a d Bl 4 nkea Rearran ment, betwee the pointe aforeaa d, to the ex nt'shown upo the plan at he to the eport of, th_e ommiesioner f Public Worka in the matter d ted $pmbe 7, 1926:, wh oh plan and rep t are here referred t and made a p rt hereof. be aad the same are Lesby oaoedW, annulled, auk. rescinded and &Hlweeedings in said matt:be_dioemm#niW. , -' �AV.BSdtgi4sYYindF �P~,e�lmlpgg ��Oe er��C na%� �i,M N"ah,','§¢8l�9 P ro}•8d�'SU yxal8$a .ati1$ I1 - 4:-= y SEP 7 18 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 192.... t/clei ncy SEP 7 ' 1925 Ap- - ........ .192...... M said _...........In favor II-IMcGlogan r ....-�.. Sudhermer— --•-- ---- Against �, Wenzel "�4cp Pres. �IlaDoniltl � : a CITY OFST PAULi<: z n r; r+ OFFICE>OFiTHE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTtOF GENERAL FORM fkeptamber. 7., 192f5, RES01 r,. DATE - ... „_,:._...._. In the matter of condemning and taking an :ease- ment in the land necessary -for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 7. HAnkee's Cleveland View, and Blook 4, Han$ee'a Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Aftlge; -under Preliminary Otder Ci F. #66896, approved July 8, 1926; and Intermediary Order C: F. #i7283,. approved August 4, 1926. The Commissioner of Publio Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, bei RESOLVED, That Paulyi�e7sae.eua�v� det mines the unt oY land a taken Yo the above neme impxovement i3 a Bement or a�apea on and fills, in and upon he alley in B ok 7, Hankee's Cleveland View, a d Bl 4 nkea Rearran ment, betwee the pointe aforeaa d, to the ex nt'shown upo the plan at he to the eport of, th_e ommiesioner f Public Worka in the matter d ted $pmbe 7, 1926:, wh oh plan and rep t are here referred t and made a p rt hereof. be aad the same are Lesby oaoedW, annulled, auk. rescinded and &Hlweeedings in said matt:be_dioemm#niW. , -' �AV.BSdtgi4sYYindF �P~,e�lmlpgg ��Oe er��C na%� �i,M N"ah,','§¢8l�9 P ro}•8d�'SU yxal8$a .ati1$ I1 - 4:-= y SEP 7 18 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council 192.... t/clei ncy SEP 7 ' 1925 Ap- - ........ .192...... M said _...........In favor II-IMcGlogan r ....-�.. Sudhermer— --•-- ---- Against �, Wenzel "�4cp Pres. �IlaDoniltl � : 6���1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading mf: and paving of Alley in Block 7, Hankee's Cleveland View, and Block 4, Hankee's Rearrangement from Cleveland Ave. to Keimeth Ave. under Preliminary Order C.?. 66896 approved July 8, 1926, and. Intermodiary Order C.F. 67283 approved Aug.. 4, 19.26 To tha Council of. the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of ?ublic Works hereby submits and makos 1 part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by tr.c shaded .portion of said lr^n, the fills to be made on private ,?roporty, and by the ha.tchcd portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to bo tekcn by the figures opposite such shaded rind hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissionor of public Works. i N T• 6 uj CILEUE��LAND I I Vi W 30 > 7� I j- < e wIV gib, ui ,LAND 7i' I VIES J, 6o" 7936 4✓ Za II 27 ZB I �.fl 30 23i 24 2s - 0 NO N T• 6 uj CILEUE��LAND I I Vi W 30 > 7� I j- < e wIV gib, ui ,LAND 7i' I VIES J, 6o" 7936 4✓ Za II 27 ZB I �.fl 30 23i 24 2s - 0 NO . CITY OF ST. „PAUL — 10A TENT OF FINANCE � •� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCK ON PRELIMINARJ�ORDER Inthc-matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in the grading and pavinu of ellen in block 7 VAv.1rAAIA cieveland View and -Block 4 Hankeets Rearrangement from Cleveland Ave.to Kenneth Ave. July 8th, 1926. under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: J The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - ---- ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: u—r... :.. ... .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BwcB ADDITION VALUATION 1 7 Hankee's Cleveland View 4250 2 7 do 4400 3 7 do 600 4 7 do 4800 5 7 do 4050 7 do 6025 t 6 g 7 do 600 9 7 do 600 10 7 do 5100 11- 7 do 600 TOTAL, Q CITY OF ST. PAUL iI -, - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCElop REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC --- ON PRELIMINARYX�ORDER --. :.. _ . ..._. .. ,_. .... - _ -- ASSESSED BLocK. ADDITION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION VALUATION r 12 7 Hankee's Cleveland Viom 4500 Hlock er I. 4 Hankee,sfRID (Except East 20 ft) �. 18 44 d nkee's Re-ar 5500 3 4 do 5575 4 4 do 2400 17 7 Hankee's Cleveland View 45561 L t 18 and Vest 5 ft of 19 7 do 5200 (Dceept Frost 5 ft) 18 7 do 4700 J (also West 5 i't Of Lot (20 East 35 ft of Lot 20 and 4650 West 10 ft of 21 7 do (Ex0ept nest 10 ft) 21 7 do (also Gest 15 ft of Lot 22 5300 (Except Nest 15 ft) 22 7 do 500 23 7 do Bo0 24 7 do 550 . 25 7 do 4700 25 7 do 4850 27 7 do 4150 28 7 do 2300 29 7 do 4200 30 7 do 875 95925 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L Dated_ 192 — Commi on mance. Form H. H. 12 7-77777- t � Office of the,Commissioner of Public Wo@ ervm i ej Report to Commissioner of Finance t� JUL ao- fa July 19, 1926 - ............ ............. ....._............. ........._.._._192.__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66896 July 8, 1926 Council, known as Council File No._._ ---__......approved—_.__......._.....__... ........... _._......... ....____192—._, relative to .___oondemnin$ end taking an easement in the land necessary for _ __elopes..,.__.4nts__end..._fillat._in.the_grading and paving -of Alley in _^ Block 7, Hankee's Cleveland View, and Block 4, Hankee'a Rearrangement, - ......._._.__..... '.._.......... ----- ........... ......... ----..._....- --.....- _ _ _..... from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave. And having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -_._-__necessary and (or) desirable. %S7[ 2. The. estimated cost thereof is �_.__._....._____._..... and the total cost thereof is $......... __......xXE __...... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, pro9le or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is_ ..__...:......_._..._..__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment. for said improvement. - �Commiseioner of Public Works. IM I S ,� �', Vil COU4C L T 7 CITY•ST.�, P�U L --------- 0F�ICE PKTH,E CITY. CLERK 1. FORM' PRESENTED NJohn 4 COMMISSION BY DATE_ Kii, —, --I-- I I 9. A- rc in the matter of Gpenpjg, iiaening and extondlM an, *St and *40t alley401 :6,0 - in A106k 14 to A , d4itioll or• projjjjjjis�y, Or 'or 4,IS ovj' approved a 89th"6, approve. August 4th;'!(066 }Phe oommissioner of Patlio Works having submitted his report and sketeh In the above matter, be It t the. City of At'p, Paul fixec and daterm news t of lbaid to Ve.,,*Aken for the above etl4rbT 01 09 be as -f0110i$ t ok 1, Rom# H. goyt Company '@ Additioni, w Adopted by the,C.-dil ........ 192 $EP 7 Approv ... ....... ... .......... ................ -192 ......... ............ MAYOR -Coui4tnmEi4 YeAs Nays ✓iancy ----------------In favor Wenzel jMr. President Adopted by the,C.-dil ........ 192 $EP 7 Approv ... ....... ... .......... ................ -192 ......... ............ MAYOR ,� ��ITY • Fe �f31NT �� L u 67712 JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. WCONNELL, DEPUTY CGwYIEnoxew M.B. 6RYTOAK. BwIDOE ExGIxE¢P SEDROE M. SHEPARD, C"— ENGiNQw A. O. SHARP. SUPT. 01 SAxITAT10N WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. o1 CONST.UOTIGx AND RHPAIw 0. P. eOWLIN. SUPT. 01 W—N.UPE O. H. HERROLD. 0P110E AID CITY PUNNING ENOINEEw BBP(RT TC THE COUNCIL -q -- In the matter of opening# widening and oxtoniUW an East and Wept alloy 40 fte in width in Block 1" Homer He Hoyt Company's dddition unaes trolxminery order Ce F. ¢66908, %pprovq4 June 89th, 1986~ and Intermediary order 0e Fe 67890* approved "gust 4th; 1826• To the Council of the City of Ste Paul I The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submit$ and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of egid plan♦ which land is more particularly described as follows I Lot 23* Block 1, Homer He, Hoyt Company's Addition. Commies oner o e wor e. Dated, Septemberth, 19264 A - �I J 0 qmm h'cI,crfl.tioyf.�os Rov Sl.eos/er/y NoA4"%i'/OYT COMPAMYS ADD. B/k /. OPEN //v G- Roy S eJS.'g"l "v/v enC/otlCX/5'Inp All U 3—ecu c,, -rlo/nac/ ✓} Pau/ -.v1nn. . Seo!e f z /OJ x v/// - 1(;1a.4 . f CorreC%ed -Nap sbowrnq �� inew ia<.ofin.,s - 1 U/y/VEA.; / T )-- AVE. i x n`lvl ak/_��, i . 16 14 I O 20 f , (y, 13 LLJ h Lor 31.- 117- 9 SN/EL DS AVE. - 0 qmm a� blTi� PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ON* J REPORT OF 'COMMISftIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMIRARY ORDER (A) In the matter of open NJ A. extend H31 East and West alle3t 40 =t s$ width in Block 1 Homer H Hoyt Company's Addition- by tgk_ing nnA ondemning Lot P3,Oi "ale' RICIC-Ir 1-- staid alley to extend from Roy St to the existing alley. under Preliminary Order approved Juns 29 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $. 5`� , The estimated costrq oot for the above improvement is - - - $_ Z_LJ— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: . - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT S—K ADDITION • VALU/,TION 1 23 1 Homer H. Hoyt 60's Add. 650 Ex. S. 1.32 ft.lying w.of alley 122500 in Block 1 Homer H. Hoyt's Co'e Add. & Ex. parts taken for Snelling & University Aves) The East 275 ft. f the North 182.82 ft.of the S:E. Seo. 33 Town. 29 Range 23 A strip of land 1.32 ft.wide adjoining lot 24 on the North side & all, of 24 1 Homer H. Hoyt's Cos Add. 4600 22 1 do 10650 • TOTAL. Porro R. R. Is li • - . CITA i�FxGT. PAUL .. DEPART ENT OF FINANCE /0 �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON. PRELIMIiAARY ORDER ASSESSED' DESCRIPTION LOT. 8-K ADDITION VALUATION N. 10 in. of Lot 2 & all of 1 1 Homer t1.Hoyt Coe Add. 4200 _ (Ex. - North 10 in.) 2 1 do 4750 3 1 do 3550 4 1 do 5275 5 1 do 2525 6 1 do 2550 7 1 do 6975 5 1 do 2450 9 1 do 1250 10 1 do 1250 11 1 do 1250 12 1 do 1250 (13 1 do 5600 44 1 do 15 1 do 2350 16 1 do 7150 17 1 do 750 15 1 do 450 19 1 do v2750 20 1 do 2400 21 1 do 6100 206725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �'l DatedL�� 1921,/_ 6 ommissio ry } ance. S N iK.. St. Paul, Minn. ( 1923b To The Honorable, The -Council, City of St. Paul, Minn.: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby .petition your Honorable Body to tcause the following improvement to be made: SQopgn tha .bI Bina aley thet__is .laoatEd_.bESse9n Anal l ing and Rng Street, the alley running from Shields north, ending at the south end of University Avenue lots, the opening to be made thru St. Ave. Toa; 8]sT: ;one— Homei H: 'HoyT a a3diioa. from r St. Ave. to . St. Ave. i NIP C rl M1,101 A Office ofiCommissioner omm ssioner of Public W .. TED Report to Commissioner of Finance ' eeeF�-' July8 1926 JUL 301 26 ♦ ting To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66703 Jule 29+ 1926 Council, known as Council File No._..___..__..___.approved—_ ... _.__........_....._.._......_.__..__........... _.192._...—, relative to opening, widening and extending, an East and West Alley 40 ft. in width in Blook 1, Homer H: Hoyt Company's Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... -._......_..__...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.....aaxxxa_..__...., and the total cost thereof is $... ........ ........ .... —._....._.—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._ ....... _.............. .......... __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... ................... _._........ Commissioner of Public Works. ` . To Mr., MoMogan, St. Paul, Minn.-Augus-t --1 r-•-•-------192_.6. Cnmu�isftner. .s�;IL3nAnoe :� City of St. Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned property owners, herebyilllLl l press__-°ur--nFFnsition_.tn._Fra.._-Qrder..5.6-7Q3__in_thr_mattfix---Of the opening widening and extending of an alley in Blk. 1. St. Ave. - - - ------ - Homer H.Hoyt Company's addition. from--------- -------- --------------------------------------- St. Ave. to -- --- ----------- - -------------- St. - -St. Ave. ^g � iCITY OF ST PAUL47 r r ", OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIIy F�..ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i C PRESENTED BY COMMIgs10NE., y a RIMLVED, In,ths matter of opsning, widening and exteiai* the city's-yertion of Hoyt Als. to .86 Width of SO fts from *Otis, Sti gaateriy to b.,po�t 300 fta West f the center Yi:ne of Cl6*41and Avenne ander preliminary Orr C! F'� #66905 approVei Jti y 8th. 1986 and Intermediary Orge E, F�;67�te8 approved Angnst 4th, 1986• T�}q ,Qpnimieevner of Public Works having snbtiaittod repoit sketch in the above mstteri be MMOLV',IThat the City of St' Paul fixes and doterminee the amount—, land to be taken for the above ,.:;; named improvement tp be as fo40" The forth:30,00-0; : -the 88 l /.4 of the NE l/4 Section 8D Township $8 Hange88; eaoept.the $ast 3SC•Yt•. thereoi� The Berth ''.0,ft• of, the SkC 1/4,of, the NW 1/4 .;. Section E0 Township 89 Rsage ES except ftlham.and E[tOt1s Streets}• r'1 R. 4' iiP sz ga°IISryII . (,� .-• �etin� to �l I INoo �c'�-y a•:..: .t bXis Ev tod�YBi,W,�to oln1ea3�a•- J nYertn oto �2 Q$II � II/lBtfi'P3eTa�M1�3 ate£ ~, sae' ' Pau�t4b�aiPiatrtot ch'�.�?9s ��� f n / _2 M - of A kl+sM- — xef +t �. o qq ¢ff �lff �$•� vegq_talt'en uitu^wq �.: �oa-t°$Yeg Y�r t6err,do•4� �7�i `-`1 � ,} L . M TU °h4�fa!�etpP6aae "td�itethe. / a& � . l5 o s BBQ 1�fl@2, / J l ..P 7 19 { couxTMMEN Adopted by the Councl -- --• 192 Yeas Nays Pi ' ism fey 192 APPro --------------- In ]ee— favor �?� •---••---•---.. �� (� - ••--" " MAYOR Sw&eimm ......... ...... Against a Wenzel Mr Sgw.ui V.,. Mr. alobolas Reimringer. Como station. louts 5. Ramoey County. ULM- Dear Ur. Reimringert Nit ,(f 9 jt V � September Tth, 1926. We were instructed to inform you that the City Council, at its meeting held today, adopted a final order calling for the opening, widening and extending of WA City'e portion of Hoyt Avenue to a width of 30 fest from luaus Street easterly to a point 330 ft. west of the center line of Cleveland Avenue, subject to the County of Ramsey aiding In this job. will you kindly Call this .to the atten- tion of the Board of Supervisors of Rosetowa. Yours very truly+ City Clerk. k w r 2125 Dudley Avenue, I- u Saint Paul, Minn. U h< September 4, 1926. \/ y Chairman, City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I have received notice that you have a hearing on the 7th, condemning thirty feet of my property, equal to about 4000 square feet, for a street for the benefit of property owners outside of the City of Saint Paul. This party has been unable to get a road through, by the Rosetown Board, in the district in which he resides. Taking this property from me will of course be of no benefit to me; in fact, it would be a detriment,'and I would expect com- pensation for same. I will go to the Courts for justice in this matter, if necessary. I am rather surprised to think that the Council would even allow this matter to go to a hearing, which really amounts to taking property from a person living in the city and giving it to parties outside of the oity's jurisdiction. I will expect justioe in this matter; or, as stated above, I shall have to take this to the Courts. Very respectfully, JJM/om §A_ ,�AT.CEREPOER OF FINANCEMA ",,Y ORDER In the matter of open widen slid extend the 'etgt`s 'portion of Hoyt Ave to a width of 30 ft from Eustis St.Easterly to a point 330 ft west of the center line of Cleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order approved JuBth 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: O The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated coat per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - — — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Exoept the West 40 ft and South 33 ft) the West Q of Northwest 4 of Southeast d of Northwest j lying Northerly of County Road.2200 (Como Ave.) in Section 20 Town 29 Ranve 23 (2.82 acs.) r- Except Como Ave.and Hendon St.the East 2 of Northwest ¢ of Southeast 4 of Northwest 1 of Section 20 Town 29 Range 23 8000 -(Except Fulham -and Hendon Sts,.) the Northeast 4sof Southeast $ (of Northwest s of Section 20 Town.29 Range 23 25000 ) the West 128.685 ft of North g of (Except the South 30 ft (Southeast d of Northeast 4 of Section 20 Town 29 Range -23 5750 n (Except the South 30 ft)the East 128.685 ft of West 257.37 ft 7300 (of North I of Southeast 4 of Northeast d of section 20 'town (29 Range 23. TOTAL. it- ---- T ENT'OF FINANCE - REPQR'TrOF. COMM$IONER OF ORMCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) (Exoept-_the South 30 ft) tho �E9s {ft of North 4 of Southeast ofithe 64, 34 ft of the West 321.712 1I I4_ Northeast i. of Section j; i ,. 10 Onnp I ry T - (20_Town a9_Ranee 23 1 � 30 ft) the Easlt 6 .34 ft of West 386.055 ft of jE,jj f 4 06 , (Except South _ 4_ 4 1 the North of—Southeast of I�ortteast 4 of Section -20 Town I I (29 Range 30 Pt) the E 1 at 04.3425 ft of the West 450.,39 I :100Q- —. (Exceptthe. South ft of the North L of SoutYieas (-Town-29- Range 23. g 8f Northeast s of Section ?10 � 1 ' � l _ . ( e E Except the South 30 ft) t41 I Ir74 st 64.3425 ft cf the West 514. 1 i 1 14a30p _ -- (ft of -North 4 of Southeast 4 df N¢rtheast of Section 20 j .._.(.Town_ 29_ Range_ 23. 643.425ti (Except the South 30 ft) the of North 4 of Southeast, East s 126.665 ft of West Of Ngrtheast $ of Section 20 j+ - -(ft (Town 29 Range 23 1f 1 49001 (Except South 30 ft) the W at --- North j of Southeast of- (of 4 4 28. 85 ft of East 676.425 ft 6 1 , 1 ortk}east of Section 20 Town 47 i bol (20 Range 23 (Except South 30 ft) West 128.485 (North 4 of Southeast 1 oflNor4heast kt of East 547.74 ft_of 4 4 of Section 20 Town 2911 I4 6001 H (Range 23 1 I (Except the South 30 ft) the W4t 128.685 ft of the East 4191055 10 j + -(ft -of- North—Q of-Southeasi oft a Northeast-_ 4 -of Section j- 4f01 (Town 29 Range 23 j =' - I } j 4 1 7 ISt. Anthony Park North I 4 gg ;7 0� 2 7 do I -. 17. 1 p� i-3_._ . j 7 do i l 7�5 1 221 7 1 d0 � _ - 1 23 7 j do 1 1 2�p' 01 241 7 do 52751 k 1 i.TOTAL i ,SIM .tt_ �__�- « _. .. ....._ __.. -. .. .. _.� - _-1- i __ - —_— �' CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - a REPORV 0'V COMMISMONER OF FINAKtE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION North it of Lot 4 and all of 1 Lovell's Rearrangement 650 2 do 625 3 do 950 22 do 750 23 do 750 24 do 800 1 5 St. Anthony Park North 350 2 5 do 350 3 5 do 350 4 5 do 350 5 5 do 350 6 5 do 500 7 5 do 2500 8 5 do 500 100875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated——1/�I6—_1926_ — — Commiss er ante. F.— B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn: 192_ To The Honorable, The Council, -~✓ City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �1 _.. CL►'���� St. Ave. 33 'from_ 151. Ave. r; St Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ..�' � e ;fsi� o •the Corn�missoner af. Pub`lcp w , 5 i Report to Commissioner of Finance, hfR JUL 13 88 5E July 10, 1926 _ .._:..._192-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No66905 approved--_July 8_t__1986 _192__—, relative to the._QiIJV-!_a_;port I n.._nf_ T Hoyt Ave from Euetia St.`EBeterly to a point 530 ft. west of the i center line of Cleveland Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ia.....___...—._..._necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._a$a=---- --, and the total cost thereof is $..--_._•— and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: x` 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 — —�— 5. Said improvement is upon petition of three or more owners of property, ..__.__.._asked for n p P P tY, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ Commissioner of Public Works.— j� } >'C3.'. ��( �hLQ1yELL �4.T�ce e�Er $our►iE s June lro, 1226 M•PN"N,E�►PO;L�ISrM1N'NE ,011A Mr. George H. Harrold 204 Pittsburgh Bldg. at. palwl'I Minn. Dear air: I had some correspondence with yon regarding opening Of the street on the north side of at. Anthony Park, commonly known ss.Hoyt Bve4 I have been out of the city some time and do not know of what has lieppened.esoept that I haven't had any notice of a hear- ing or an assessment of whatever. c Last summer I made some investigation myself, and found that some of the neighbors east of block 6 Cor Lovell Re-arrangementlo P" the proposed street had gotten into a jangle among themselves, and if one wanted something, the other was against it- Perhaps that situation has blocked the opening. .: I know that the property owners on two blooke of the pro- posed street, namely opposite block 6 or Lovell Re-arrangement, ' tube block to the. west of it woulde g e�to he4s-the-sir We would like to get this street opened as soon as possible so that the grade on the street can be established, and the grade in the alley of block 6 can be established, and when grade was ` established, the alley graded; in foot, we would like to have the i, street opened and graded and grade established in the alley, and the alley graded. H. H. F Is there anythinv that we, the residents in that part of the city, can do to Pet this accomplished? As I have told you, the University of Minnesota owninP the land outside of the city will not oppose the opening of this street. Yoursly, WDL : EM 4A& 9 CI VF' SR IIYT; fl%A L pepar rnenh ®F:� llic Works JOHN H. MCOONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O•CONNELL. D-11 C.....MO... GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHI., E1,011- WIA. N. CAREY. SGPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND IRS IN O. N. HE.ROLD, OPPID. AND CITT PLANNING ENOINQ. ----REPORT TO THE COUNOII,---- M... GRYT.AK, D.U.S. EKOINSR A. G. SHARP. SGPT. OF SANITATION O. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OP WORNIIOUS. In the matter of opening, widening and extending the city's portion of Hoyt Ave. to a width of 30 fti from Eustis 3t. Easterly to a point 330 ft. West of the center line of Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #66905 approved July 8thj 1926 and Intermediary Order O. F. #69289 approved August 4th, 1926. To the dounoil of the City Of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public 'works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above Improvement showing the land necessary to be tkaen therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows : The North 30 ft. of the 8E 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Section 20 Township 29 Range 23, except the East $30, ft, thereof: Tha North 30 ft. of the S8 1/4 of the 33 X/4 Section 20 Township 29 Range 23j except Fulham and Eustis Streets, ss ner Or 2 Tied Dated- September 8th, 1926. lata_- 2nd. Laid over to— Ado-- 3rd. &,app. V pted4� Yeas Nays Yeas . N. . Clancy "Clancy . . McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson M a ; N IL CITY OF ST. PAUL cl a No --G 714 - OFFICE.OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �A„� _A W�� bATE��e COMMISSIONE 1� In *hp matter of opening, wi4ening and satending gn,alley 16 ft in width through bot.•$* Block 50; Banning 8o Olivier'e_Additionj said alley being an eattenslon of the existing alley in 8olten's ReArrengement; ander Preliminary Order O. Fe #66958 appr6ved AyL1y! 14th, 1946; and Intermediary Order 0, ri ,v6'1888, approved.jugust 4th 19266 The Commissioner of Bublic works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it- E84OLVEDI, That the •41*y of Ste Paul fixes and#;aardiiines the amount .of axed to be taken for the abov uamed improvement to be as follows t A strip of land 16 ft., in width in Lot 3, Block 50, Banning & Olivier's Addition the center line of said strip being the North and BOM center line of said hot 36 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer _.- '..-Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council ----------............. ---.............. 192.--.,. A -M Aw e.7 SEP 7-10 -----------192------ MAYOR OEORDE M. BHEPA6lD, CNI[T EN.IxQR WN. N. CAREY, EDIT. DP Cox 1-11--wno QPwlw O. H. HERROLD. OIIIC. w CITY I -IN. "GO- ---REPORT TO THE COUNCIL --- .. S. ORYTHA., EMO.[ En.INQw A. 8. SHARP. SUPT. OI ..ITATIDN D. P. SOWLIN• SOFT. O!........ In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 16 f$# in width through Lot alley Block 50* Banning & being an extension of the existing alley in Nolton's RoArrangement, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66955.1 approved July -14th; 1926, and intermediary Order C. F• #67288, approved August 4thj 1926. To the council of.:the:'Oity of stle, Paul s- The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 16 ft. in width in Lot 3, Block 50, Banning & Olivier`s Addition, the center line of said strip being the North and South center fins of said Lot 3,i Commissioner o Public Wor s. Dated- September, 1926. CITY OF �� IIYT �17Fi L ,, - ©�tPa ' hrRer�F c���Jublic �u .4ss � JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O•CONNELL. D[Purr GOMMI..IDN[w OEORDE M. BHEPA6lD, CNI[T EN.IxQR WN. N. CAREY, EDIT. DP Cox 1-11--wno QPwlw O. H. HERROLD. OIIIC. w CITY I -IN. "GO- ---REPORT TO THE COUNCIL --- .. S. ORYTHA., EMO.[ En.INQw A. 8. SHARP. SUPT. OI ..ITATIDN D. P. SOWLIN• SOFT. O!........ In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 16 f$# in width through Lot alley Block 50* Banning & being an extension of the existing alley in Nolton's RoArrangement, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66955.1 approved July -14th; 1926, and intermediary Order C. F• #67288, approved August 4thj 1926. To the council of.:the:'Oity of stle, Paul s- The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 16 ft. in width in Lot 3, Block 50, Banning & Olivier`s Addition, the center line of said strip being the North and South center fins of said Lot 3,i Commissioner o Public Wor s. Dated- September, 1926. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ap DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE { . ¢ REPO" IMSN IO ORDER FINANCE N PRE _ (A) In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 16 ft 1n width through Lot 3 Block 50 Banning & Oliver's Addition, said alley being an extension of the existing alley in Nolton's Rearrangement. --- OC __— - — — under Preliminary Order approved— July 14th21926._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT G—K ADDITION VALUATION North 50 ft of Lots 1 and 2 50 Banning and Oliver's 1800 and North 75 feet of East 3 Addition to West St -Paul 25 feet of South 1/3 of Lots 1 and 2 50 do 2400 and South 75 feet of East 3 25 ft Of North 50 ft 09 Lots 4 and 5 50 do 5 625 and West 25 ft of North 50 ft of 3 South 50 ft of North 100 5 50 do 3025 ft of 4 and and West 25 ft of South 50 ft- of North 100 ft Of 3 TOTAL. Form B. B. 14 CITY. OF ST. PAUL - •" DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s a REPO*irOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT -K ADDITION VALUATION 5 50 Additionato.WesteSt.Paul Sout 5 0hf50oft 2675 ofgVfestnd 25 ft Of 3. Nofrth 1/3 of Lot 2.and a111 ` Nolton's Rearrangement 1950 O South 2/3 of Lot 2 and 3500 North 25 ft of 3 do Forth 25 ft. )Lot do 2900 (Except � and all of r South 12.53 ft of Lot 6 2800 and all of 5 do North 25 ft oof Lot 6 and 7 do South 2900 North 12.53 ft of Lot 7 8 do 3250 and all of 32825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he. has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. — — Dated_,/ _ l W. 192x¢ _. _ Commi ner nance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.192-G To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following i provement to be made, St. Ave. VQI. d-04 St. Ave. to- --St. Ave. ADD .-Office of the Commissioner of Public�Worl _CElvEt r . Report to Commissioner of Finance (� JUL so _. O..r_..._1926 .................. _._192... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 66955 July 14, 1926 �—...._...approved__.___...._................._......_.____..._......._192._...._, relative to opening, widening and extending, an alley 16 ft, in width through __ Lot_3,__Blook__b0� Banning_A_Dliver'.e Additions said alim_.___ _ an extension of the_exiating.elley_in Nolton'e Rearrangement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _____necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._..._gX ..._._....... and the total cost thereof is $....... __..... X7R.... ...... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__ ............................. _._......... _._................. _.___._._,�_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4..- .._ ............. _......... _.... _............................... ._...... __...... ___.__.......... _..................... _.... ...... ..... _ ...._... — _. 5. Said improvement is_ ...... ___._._...._.____._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pnbli Works. i 6'7'715 COUNCIL FILE NO .......... .......... Oa By.................................................................................. FINAL ORDS. t e, b 9t or In the Matter of Rsye George Street fbom With Avenue to Cherokee Avenue. --with' sewer; :water and gas '`connections, . o .street mains to of yroperty. .d.. comDlgbl, wH@re not alrendy made, also evrbfng and pav- In the Matter of........ge.Y.Et...Ggtox ,Q..-StX @.At �.>'.OA...SIT� mg driveway and aney approache9: ,_-- where necessary under Preifminary ore�r 88193 apprnve-�. May 38th.1 Avenue, with sewer,water and gas connectirlls —, _to--.pro-party lines complete,where not already made, also curbing--and.- pavina,driveway and alley approaehes,where necessary ..... .............. under Preliminary Order. ---..66133 ............................. approved ................. May ...2Czthr...182fi.----.-............. Intermediary,Order .............................................................. approved.. ........................... _.................................. --......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_....p&7e__GeorZe-_-$treat. fQzrt.-llt�7._tivBntle--.to Ghe-r-okes...A.ve-nua-, w-ith --saw a-r----nater.-arid.--gasatreet... mains to prooerty lines complete,where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches,where necessary. Materiel ............... ......... ................. .. ................. ........... . ........................................ .. ............. . ............................ shallbe eheet asphalt---- _j0 foot roadway,.__ .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval;that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. sfp Adopted by, Council~r ................ 191........ ............................ City Clerk. SEP - l("' Approved ....... .._...._........:... .... 191..... .................................... - ........ -................. i Mayor. Councilman �pl)onald Councilman Guigx Ferguson. Councilman Clancy X CouncilnImMM r Wenzel. Cnuncllman @lISudheimer. 30 Councilman VJk%ft*h McOlogan. Form D S.'A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ti ` REPORT OF COMMISSItJ'')IER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Paving of George Street from Smith Avenue to ^° ''ee Aerenue, with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete,where not already made, also including curbing and paving r veway an a ey approac es,w ere necessary. J under Preliminary Order approved— - May 26th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ----- Paving 3j" creosote 2j" brick Asphalt or 2" Asp.Gon. blocks laid flat Asphalt Conor. 5" Base 7" re - blocks Total s4. yd. 5.93 4.15 3.58 3.19 3.12 Wheelage. 3825.00 2675.00 2309.00 2045.00 2012.00 Property Share 5426.00 3795.00 3276.00 2900.00 2855.00 Total 9251.00 6470.00 5585.00 4945.00 4867.00 (b -) front -£t.- 7.56 5.19 4.43 3.88 *curb 3.81# extra -- No sewer on this street. Add for 6" concrete curb where not in 55¢ per lin.ft. 11 611 sewer connections, each ?45.00 " 3/4" water connect ions, each 39.00 __... .. __ TOTAL, CITY OF ST., PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI(jjVER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (A) In the matter of paving of George Street from Smith Avenue to Cherokee Avenue, ;lith sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete,where not already made, also including curbing and paving veway an a ey approac es,w ere necessary. v, u` - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except West 6 ft for alley) Balmels Additin tto est 2425 (North 13 ft of Lot 7 andt.PaulWW all of 8 27 (Except 'Nest 6 ft for alley)g 27 do 3675 (and South 15 ft of Lot 10 (accept west 6 ft for alley) (the north 10 ft of Lot 10 (all of 11 27 do 3125 (and South 5 ft of Lot 12 (Except West 6 ft for alley) (North 20 ft of Lot 12 (and all of 13 Por. R. B. 10 27 do TOTAL. 3025 . - -- CITY OF ST. PAUL 4_,04111* DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSANER OF FINAKA ON PRELIMINAR ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION VALUATION 9 �r> I�I (Except South 10 ft �I (for George St, 16 27 Balme's Addition to 125 17. 27 West St.Paul 18 27 do 6650 (. 19 27 do 20 27 do 450 ti ji 21 27 do 1550 1} ( 22 27 do 537$ (. 23 27 1 3 Langevin's 4th Addition. 150 to Saint Paul 2800 i. 2 . 3. 3 3. do .2800 I 4 . 3. do 3050 -44 5 . 3. do 2350 i� 6 3 do 2750 -� (Exaept East 6 ft for �I ---- (alley) the North 65 ft (of 1,2, and 3 4. do .1656 ; it _. TOTAL .. i CITY OF ST. PAUL yy,, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPtR7 OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA1419r l h ON PRELIMINAW ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' ASSESSED VALUATION (Except East 6 ft for (alley) South 60 ft of (1,2 and 3 4 Langevin's 4th Addition to 4575 Saint Paul (Except East 6 ft for alley) 4 4 do 3,325 North 120 ft of 1 5 do 4850 (Except ;orth 120 ft) 1 5 do 4250 2 5 do 4800 4 5 do 550 Lot 5 and North 10 ft of 6 5 do 6150 South 30 ft of 6 5 do 5050 and North 20 ft of Stevens Ave, vacated and adjoining 76600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--Ll— ro�mCommis ' ne 'nance. PHUNt CBOAH 6TBT ' 1269. PHONR L, 1 ., HIVBNvt6w neon �OWAROA. SMITH REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE / 324 GLOBE BUILDING ST. PAUL. MINN. . The honorable common council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: We the undersigned,owners of property on West George St. between So. Smith Ave. and Cherokee Ave.,do hereby petition to cause that part of West George St. above described,to be paved with sheet asphalt. Yours Respeotfully, 110 - ,iii j �! F�IT 77- 777 Office of the ' rE,c�,vEp� 1.QOmmissioner of Public W keport to Commissioner of Finance hFR JUL 20 �g July 19, 1926 ...a To the bomnussioner of Finance of the City of St. Pant; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66193 May 26., 1926._.._. ,_192_..—, relative to Council; known as Council File No..._..�---� aper oved—._.__........ ' paving of George Street from Smith Avenue to Cherokee Avenue. ^_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: J. Said improvement is......._ ....___.....necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_..... _... _........ __........... and the total cost thereof is $ ... ....... ........... ___._......—; and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..._........ ............. ...._..._...._.....__ .................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. asked for n rty; b. Said improvement is._.......___. ---- upon of three or more owners of prope petition s'. subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. July 16, 1926. Hon: John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of George Street from Smith Avenue to Cherokee Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines oomplete, where not already approaches, where necessarso y,dunderuPreliminaryaOrderdO: F. 166193, vewa and alley app approved May 26, 1926t Length 390 ft. Width of Roadwy 30 feet Frontage 687 fti IT " Street 60 feet PAVING 3g" Creosote Blocks 2j-" Brick Laid Flat Asphalt or 2"Asp.Con: Asphalt Conor.. 5" Base �peparhenh of �JuWcross Total Sq.Yd. JOHN. H. MCDONALD, COMMISSION -ER 4.15 THOS. G. O-CONNELL, OePUTv CoxHls"OxeA 3.19 3.12 M. 8. GRYT811K, Bwto.[ EN.IN6w GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— ENnINQw A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OP BA NITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OP CON.TR-.TIOx ANO -P.I- G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. os. WORKMOU.. G. H. HERROLD. OPPICS ANO CITv PLANNIHn ENo1HQw Property Share July 16, 1926. Hon: John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of George Street from Smith Avenue to Cherokee Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property lines oomplete, where not already approaches, where necessarso y,dunderuPreliminaryaOrderdO: F. 166193, vewa and alley app approved May 26, 1926t Length 390 ft. Width of Roadwy 30 feet Frontage 687 fti IT " Street 60 feet PAVING 3g" Creosote Blocks 2j-" Brick Laid Flat Asphalt or 2"Asp.Con: Asphalt Conor.. 5" Base 7"Rein: Total Sq.Yd. 5.93 4.15 3.58 3.19 3.12 Wheelage $3,825.00 $2,615.00 $2,309.00 $20045.00 $2,012.00 Property Share .„x5,426.00 3,795.00 3,276.00 2,900.00 2,855.00 T o t a l $9,251.00 $6,470.00 $5,585.00 $4,945.00 4,867.00 (b) Front Ft. 7.56 5.19 4.43 3688 3.81* *curb extra .No sewer on this street Add for 6" concrete curb where not in55¢ per lin. ft. ^ _ 6! sewer connections, each X45.'00 3/411 --water connections, each 39400 Yours truly, 4� hief Engineer. Approved for transmission to—the.ICommiasioner of Finance esioner ox ruu.L&u --o ee o C. J. Mo6LOO/W. CRY CLAIM AND COMMIS3IONM O RMISTRATIOH vtV of Safni flat1 HAROLD J. RIORDAN CHUT CL@IK.CRY C"K (ofte of Mft'* (4terk CLAR I ff C A. g7OPMS Iltl LL ��VY' 9 ��it'L 1L CHI®' CLFRK-RHOIflRATtON Mqv isth, 1926. Hon. J. R. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 l d i n g. My dear Commissioner: 661 �'j We enclose herewith petition from property owners on West George St. between So. Smith Ave. and Cherokee Avenue requesting that West George Street between the aforesaid points be paved with sheet asphalt. This petition has been referred to you by the Council, for consideration. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. �t - ' 6771.6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. C: F. No 87718 - .. .. ... ..... ....... .. In th Matter'ot reconst-a% rels7 By ......................................... and Yepslr where ne.esaar.y the Tol lowing _aldewanca: Eaet:, elda ,'8qen � be(Yinhlnthan.e"8io theh14'nlfe'e FINAL ORDER ! xbrsls �e �+ural Ave: beglntialm ft', eae of Vl.torla Ave., then.. - 18 fee Nbrt .eide Qeutral .Avg -.i t1'.1 In the Matter of...reeo ns.truct, rel.a and re air 1 Par begtanme �e�. „tee:, .y..._................p............. Park, AJe. tb!k.'1:.....k-J::.!1 Q.............. following --_sidewalks: East side Kent Street beginnflik"`78::feet.-north.--.- University Avenue thence north 14 feet. North side Central Avenue ......... I .............. I ......................................... ....------.........I............_....... --.........._.........--------•------•---..........................................-- beginning 80 feet east of Victoria Avenue thence east 10 feet. North _........................................................ ........................---------................--------•--•--.....-----•--.......------......----.....-----......... side Central Avenue beginning at Fisk Street thence west 26 feet. ....................................... ..................................... I......................................................................................................................... North side Winnipeg Avenue beginning 160 feet west of Park Avenue ---•-•-•.................-- - - ... ---•----....-------------------------...........-- ....----•---•--•---------•--------................-•---- thence west to alley. under Preliminary Order........................6.689.1............ approved ----....July ...athr...1926............................... IntermediaryOrder---........................................................... approved.... ..................... .......................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESQLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...._reconatruct relay and .repair__ -;here.......--. necessary the following side�salks: East side Kent Street beginning ---- -................. ---....:.. ...................--..... - ................. -..................................... •.....---.................-----...... 78 feet north University Avenue therice north 14 feet. North side _... ......_.... ------ .--•................................................. .- Central Avenue beginning 86 feet east of Victoria Avenue thence east 10 feet. North sideCentral Avenue beginning at Fisk Street thence west 26 ft ........................... :................:........._................. ............... - ----..................-----.........------- ---------- ----------------- Nortth side w wost---Lls nnipeg Avenue beginning 160 feet west of Park Avenue thence and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said imprqyement in accordance therewith. . IM A Adopted by the Council....S�P.. �.... 191... ...�iri(� ..--- -�,,.�-........... SE j................. - ..Ci' City Cle`rl. Approved.. .................... ............................... 191.... ,.Mayor. Councilman 1M3X Wenzel. v ,rCtouncilman > lWx hlcGlogan. /-- Mr. a as, `Mr�aalA- 'Form B. A:'/ Itl Bon. Z. H. t<oDonala, Cmmiissioner of PaUio Works, 8niIdiag. My dear Coamtesionert At the Conrail meeting held to4ey, the order for reoonstrnating, relaying Aend TSPe1!L8 the s8 sidewalk on tna north side of Wbapvmw Dsgludag 160 feet west of wast of FaVk gvamle thet►ae west to 611e7 tree passed. We are referring this telegram pertaining to.sams. to you for your intorastion. ?ours very holy, City Clark. ITY OF ST. PAUL _ _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RL T OF COMMISSIONER VF—FINANCE ON PRELMINARY ORDER -- reconstruct relay and repair where neoessary the following sidewalks; In the matter of East side rent Street beginning 78 feet north University Avenue thence north 14 feet. North side Central Avenue beginning 80 feet east of Victoria Avenue thence east 10 feet. North side Central Avenue beginning _ at Fisk Street thence west 26 feet. North side Winnipeg Avenue beginning 160 feet west of Park Avenue thence west to alley. under Preliminary Order approved July 81h_ 1926, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is per/51.r the above improvement The estimated cost per�oo rovement is P The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or It parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION East side Kent St. ASSESSED LOT -K ADDITION VALUATION 16 1 Michel's Subdivision of Block 14 of Stinson's Division of Section 36 Town 29 Range 23. North side Central Avenue. 12_ 6 North side Central Avenue 18 6 Butterfield --syndicate Addition No.l do North aide Winnipeg Ave. 17 3 Lewis Addition to St.Paul 18 3 do 19 3 do I— S. aIs {� TOTAL. 3200 5400 3225 1200 2000 _4650 - CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REVOW r OF COMMISSIONER OW.-9sINANCE ON PRELIN!JNARY ORDER (C) ' ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLOCK - DESCRIPTION _ 20 3 Lewis Addition to St.Paul 6100 21 3 do 1850 _ 27625 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated -SLC _1926__ — �sicm.r ante. Form n. H. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Publie;_VI� ,to Report to Commissioner of Finance_ A.w JUL as July_... 13:,...._19.a............................ __192—._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminder of the r Connell, known as Council File No._._6.�$._2a.. ...................... —192.6.—", elative to Reconstructing,relaying and repairing where necessary the following side- walks:East side Kent Street_ beg#nning_ 78 _Yt _north._Unigeraity__Ave."_thgnce__t T4 ft: 7Vort� sills CentsaT"Ave. beginning 80 ft east of Victoria Ave. thenc :'Beast 10 ft. North side Central Ave beginning at Fisk St thence west 26 ft. NortY�-s-fde--'rF"#niri}peg-Ave•�regir�nirig—Y64"- xic-6v"e"'th-e1T"��-'w•�9t"-"'to"— alley and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... ... _..... _....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. .01 per s.l. foot 2. The estimated cost thereof isand the total cost thereof is $.................... — and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ...... .......... ...... .......... ........ .._.---- ----- ---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------ __.._..------ ......_............. _....... 5. Said improvement is._ --------- ---------- _...._---..__asked for upon petition of three or more owners o -propertyly subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... _.... _... ._..._ /--`-,�_.- Commissioner of We Works. . 67'71'7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. Rv.......................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... -.reconstruct, relay and repair.where necessary,the............. sidewalks at the following locations: South side Fairfield Ave. ................................................ .-a�..................................... beginning ------------------ .......' ......_..................' .........................---------------------------- --- '..... -'. ... ........... Walter thence west 200 feet. South side Central ................................... ...................................... ............._...........-..-----............------- -'- Ave, from Louis St. to Jay St. C. F. No. 67717— ........................ In the Matter o4 reconatruct,.the Ysipde-----.-..........-...- _.................................:....................................... repair, where. necep�si�e mcatfoue: 66979 ---- - notice, and the o d recommea-. under Preliminary Order ................ pan. yeraone, ohjeatloae; an _...... ,ne.eto_ and have—^` --`--.....'-.'.'..'-.- Intermediary Order ----------- ---------------------- --------- -- ----.---- --- heRe�a .:........ ....... ._..... ..- - - A public hearing having been had upon the abo ° Fnprovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the°precise nature, extent and kind of Improvement to be made by the said City Is.............reconstruct, relay and repair, _................._.............. where necessary,the sidewalks at the following locations: South Side Fairfield Ave.beginning at Walter St.thence west 200 feet. ---................................ ".......--..........._........................_..... -----......................................--- ...... ------ ......... - South side Central Ave. from Louis St -to Jay St- ------------------------ .......... t.-------........................ ...... ......... ......... ._-----.................................----..... --' .......... ........ ................ ....... - .......-- ...------'--....-- ............... - ...... - ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making 'ofsdid improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._V...... ........... 191....0</�1/(��F��'s� Approved, ..:.- M. ...................................:...... 191..... ✓�eaaeilman-Glancy- GCouncilman A Wenzel. ✓Councilman Q(isttbx" McGlogan. 14Iayor- o"d son Forllt>1B �Ftlhd ti�� fi44n F,.+z 9 r . J City Clerk. Mayor. a 1' CITU OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPbRT OF COMMISSIONELOF F'IPt E ON PRELIMINARY Q,•,ER A In the matter of reconstruct relay and repair,where neoessar t LIZ-) ' cu— at the following locations: South side Fairfield Ave.beginning At Walter St.thence west 200 feet. South side Central Ave.from Louis St. to Jay St. under Preliminary Order approved July 16th, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -- sq. � .07 The estimated cost pet/foot for the above improvement is - — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT Is - South side Fairfield Ave. 1 162 2 162 3 162 {Except the South 24 ft. (for allppy) South side Central Ave. The East 30 ft of Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL, Robertson's Addition 3950 to West St.Paul 3000 do 4600 4 162 do 1500 2 W.A.Wiaxwell's Rearrange- 650 3 ment of Lots yy1 2,3, and Pence's AddiiIonato 1700 the 4 City of St.Paul,Minn. 2250 1 2 Dewey Drake & Pence's 5450 4 2 Addition to St.Paul 2050 5 2 1 3350 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAdC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPURit OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ODER , (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Easterly 30 ft of Jay and 6 2 vacated and adjoining Dewey Drake and Pence's Addition to St.Psul ASSESSED VALUATION 3500 32000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ---.� OnAnance. Dated_ _192_.ommi Farm Is. B. 13 Office of. the Commissionr of Public vr� Report to Commissioner of Finance wit � lUL �1l�89 July 20, 1926 192-._.... e To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66979 July 16, 1926 192........, relative to Council, known as Council Pile No. -_._.-......approved_..._.... the reconstruction, relaying and repairing, where necessary, of sidewalks . ............. at•the following locations: South side Fairfield Ave. beginning at Walter 3t., thence west 20,0 ft. South aide 0sntrel Ave. from 'Louis 8t to Jay t. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __ _ _necessary and (or) desiralde. 07¢ pet eq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ _ __ and the total cost thereof is $._-- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. 3. A plan, profile or sketeh of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ___......__. __. -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. % ........... _... - --._ ....._.- - Commissioner of ublic Works. - , 67718 `In the Matter o1 reconstruct, rola and' COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... r repair,:, where nee s t'ruc tholay e walker' at the following locataldla , 9outli side .&evens. Bt. ¢eglntiing 804 ........... ft. west of Ohto8t. thence webt 62 y- ---- - - -- `- -- -- - -- - - -- --- - - - - - feet. Southside'Oseeola'Ave. bealn FINAL ORDER °Iag 180 ft west of Axon 9t,; thence rl nst 40 feet, bagigning 62 Leet fa0 ' a west thence west 14 flet under �'mInary. Order 66978 approved.' :been bad In the Matter of......_reconstruet relay and repair.where necessary, the-; _ : _sidewalks.. at the following__locations:--South side .Stevens-_St._beginning 204 ft west of Ohio St.thence west 62 feet. South side Osceola Ave. ......... ........ ........................................ ..........................................-........•..... ----•--......•••--.......••......••----.........................--•--- beginning 180 ft west of Avon St.thence west 40 feet, beginning 62 ............................ ............................................................ ...........----.......-----.....---.......--------------------......---------..........................----- feet farther west thence west 14 feet. under Preliminary Order ........_66978........................... approved _._....,1u1Y...1sth.---19U............................ IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved...........................•----....-----......................-----... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is._.....reconstruct..-xelay--ad._xepa-jx--_�k19x&........ necessary the sidewalks at the following locations: South side Stevens .............................. ......................... ..................... ...... ......_........_............................ ------- ........ ---- ............... St. beginning 204 ft west of Ohio St.thence west 62 feet. South side Osceola Ave .beginning 180 ft west o£ Avon St.thence west 40 feet, ....................... ...... .- ..... ••-- -- . ............_......._-- ..... ........ .......................... ........................... ---------- ...... beginning 62 feet farther west thence west 14 feet. .................. .................._................... --......._.........---............._.....-.............---._........_..-- .----•-....---.................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of S said im ro. efu�n( ifi,accordance therewith. fPI�.- .- - _...:.,.: Adopted by the Council.:......_. .............................. ......., 191........ SEP- �'.... City Clerk. Approved..... ......................................... = _ .............................. ..................... ----........ p / ayor. feel) 0171ttel PUBLISHLD / — / — councilman Clancy �Oteotuenncibnan l d)M Menzel. ✓Councilman 1ft McGlogan. v����9d�son CITY. OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE YVORT OP COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCPt!� ON PRELIMINPIFJ.Y ORDER e (A) Inthematterof reconstructrelav and repair. where necessary the sidewalks at the following locations: South side Stevens St.beginning 204 ft west of Ohio St.thence west 62 feet, south side Osceola Ave.beginning 180 ft west of Avon St.thence west 40 feet, beginning 62 feet farther west,thence west 14 feet under Preliminary Order approved Tuly 16th, q?6 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amooSunt of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ • 07 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �- • ASSESSED -. DESCRIPTION LOT I.- ADDITION VALUATION ' South side Stevens St. All of 7 12 Dawson's Addition to and the East 5 ft of 8 12 Saint Paul 2550 The West 45 ft of 8 12 do 500 9 12 do 2500 South side Osceola Ave. 4_ All of 5 13 Summit Park addition to 2375 and the East 10 ft of 6 13 St.Paul in Ramsey County Minnesota �... _ TOTAL. t[SY. F- S. B. It CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ --ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE tiy' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) y ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The West 20 ft of 7 13 Summit Park addition to St. 9350 and all of S 13 Paul in Ramsey County Minne- sota 17275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G Dated—� d _192 - ---- -- Commissi er ance. Farm B. B. 11 Office of the Commissioner of Public N Report to Commissioner of Finance I" -2 li 88 July 20, 1926 192.__._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. __.___.-... 66978 __.approved_._._ .. July 16_.._, _ __... 1926 192 relative to.. the reconstruction, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following 10oatio18s South aide Stevens 3t, beginning 204 ft. west of Ohio St., ..... -thence --west- 62 ft-* South side Osceola Ave. beginning 180 ft. west of Avon St, thence .beginning _62 ft....farther_Wes.t..thence_west.-'14_YtO.-...._.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. necessary and (o•) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S. 07¢ Per 84 un tlic total cost thereof is S- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --_..... ..... .............. I--------"---' , Commissioner of Public Works. G I. " e,. • , . .., •., .•. •... _ •, ... .•...r....r.. .. .. •.. .....r.•a r... .. ..• ... • ......., •........... •..-..•••....•...... •4 677.9 COUNCIL FILE NO ........................ C. a, M. 07719— as fhe-Matter of canging the grade! - h of Ruth Ave. from Me.rgaFA St.;.to, Third 9t. and. of - Thir St. fromi Hazel Ave. to PederB A By ..._...................................................................... Hazel Ave fro�:Third.8Spukth St. oto conform to 'a ndee pb" . made 8 Part h eof,. e ty'tl-= FINAL ORIS the prefllee hereto 'aehed nd; -iahliehed •?¢rade.�being: ehdwa ^bfjs3 -_ _- In the Matter of ............. ..... zel Aye. to Pedersen ,Ave else "'"" " from az A Ave to Pede . _ Changing the grade of Ruth Ave. from Margaret St.to Wlfrd St, ajtd of Third St. frog Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Ave. and Hazel Ave. from Y, Third St. to Fourth St. to conform to the red -'lines on Gehe-profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established:,,grade' being shoran b- a blue line thereon,also grading Ruth Ave. froln'>�' Minnehaha St. to Hudson Road, Fifth St, from .Hazel .Ave., :to�i3,ftsen ' Ave. Fourth St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Sigel St.'i Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Ave. Third St. from Hazel Ave.toa PedeQ,e"ir`"• Ave, and Conway St. from Ruth Ave, to Pederson, Ave,,,tall cV..thet ' above to tbe known as the WILD ROSE GRPMII`G' PROJECT. approve A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections .and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. ..... ------- ------ ...............----.......------•--------...........- ------ -� v then�ing the grade of Ruth Ave. from Margaret St, to Third St. and. of Third St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and Hazel'Ave, z from Third St. to Fourth St, to co form to the red lines on thew;, I profiles. hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present -drab= lished grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also gradipe; L Ruth Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Hudson Road, Fifth St. from Hazel r Ave, to Pedersen Ave., Fourth St, from Hazel Ave.to Pedersen�,A*Je > Sigel St, from Hazel Ave.to Peclersen Ave., Third St, from Hazei .1 Ave. to Pedersen Ave, and -Conway St. from Ruth Ave. to Pederasn �, Ave., all of the: above" to be ,<nown.;s' the WILD -ROSE GWING PRQJF�CT - oe-unerrepceinutieue,�tvweuawu..-- - - --- - _ • eil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized andel to proceed with the making of . said improvement in accordance therewith. " SEP 7 :1096 ............." .., lsl. __........ Adopted by the Council ................... - e SFP ...........-...�- -. .... City J.erkerk. Approved... ..................... .................... 191..-- Mayor. PUBLISif%il +�� yy]]s�ncilman Clancy "Councilmanr Wenzel. ;;�ounT��ts McGlo gan . Oro 7304714". Ti�Bfr' ��.o4ald IIS COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------ ------- By................................................................ e: 'In FINAL ORD. 6'771.9 -------- ........... ........................................ .... 66954 approved 14th, .926. 1.......... under Preliminary Order ................ a pp Intermediary Order--------------------------------------------- approved ..----------- ------------- ---------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Con d having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....... ----------------------------------------- -------- •----- ---•-- t;han.ng the grade of Ruth Ave, from Margaret St, to Third St and of Third St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave, and HazaT Ave. from Third St, to Fourth St, to conform to the red lines on the. I profiles hereto attached and made s part hereof, the present 44ab-• lished grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grad1Zg ,. Ruth Ave. from MiilYtehaha St, to Hudson ROad, Fifth St from k Ave. to Pedersen Ave,, Fourth St. from Hazel Ave, tp Pederse21,Fe. y i el St, from Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Ave., Third St, from `Haze], to Pf9ersen Ave, and -Conway St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersep all of the above to be mown as'the WILD ROSH GRADING.PROJEdT x m va , e proper city officials are hereby an onzed andd e making of .said improvement in accordance therewith. ..._....., 191........ - xa Adopted by the- Council :................_................ ; Approved....,... _............... ........- ................ 191. a .....................-- .................. ....................... . .Mayor. , YUBLISL)— - ncilman Clancy Councilman==r W en z e 1. M gan . a-:: k QITYO,,JJ1�� STf PAUL r DEPARTMENT Off1NANCE �`'• , REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '' O!N PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of g � Changin the ade of Rut.b Ave -from MargarP+ St n Street to conform to the red liras on the profiles hereto attached and made a from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. Third St. from ffazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and Conway St. from Ruth Ave. to redersen Ave., all of the above to be known as the �TT T1 Rf1RF. f!R ATITA(: PRo.TF.CT __ under Preliminary Order approved .inly 14- 19-26_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - 21,401,50 — front g 0, 954 The estimated cost pe✓foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT SL K ADDITION 1 1 Robert L. W3rea Eastern 50 1 Heights 1 4 do North 93-1/16 ft. of 26 4 do (Exce�.t North 93-1/16 feet) rind e'oef t So. 150 ft.) 26 14 do No. 50 ft. of So. 150 ft. 26 4 do So. 100 ft. of 26 4 do TOTAL. IF— D. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 725 5650 1175 'S75 50 "5 50 -CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT tk FINANCE REPORT'QF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE tt ON PRELIMINARY ORDER = DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCIt ADDITION ;i ASSESSED VALUATION 1, 2': Robert L. Wares Eastern �- 20� -1 -- 10 . I 11 ; 2 . Neights Acre Lots 5q- -t i. 16 3: do i 9010 r ° 11 '. 3i do 1150 t 33 . 1 . do 50; 34. 1. do 700 33 : 2. rb 15j0 34 . 2: do 50 ! - -r 32 3. do 50 -- �! �. 33 . 3 . do C 32 4. do 1300 . 33 4 do So h 15 1 Hazel View 100 a .-_� .16 1, do 100 a .. _ 1 j 2, do 100 . 2 do loD_ 15 3 do lop . 1 16 3 do loo . _ 15 4do - .16 4 do 75. 6x, Ruth Ave. all that hart lying,North of Hudson Road 35, 9, 139 , -4 1 ; of Southeast of Seo. T..2 R. 2? do i .. 1 1 Hudson Road Gardens 604 -' . 2 do 11.00 r- a 3 1 dol- q x 1 do 1 IMM ..ati TOTAL i '--..�-`.,...mss-�.....,m.:�...=.w...-...,. .���..,�.. -. _ �...e.Y=..:,..-.�.>.-...��+- ...�.c...s.A... .s - W OITY OF Bf.7*ll,�1L 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT o COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ••,=-�m-+•••. : ASSESSED _ ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION A LOT BLOCK v 1 , R Hudson_ Read � 5 ardene 1}L7� 1- r I- - —= _ 1 S do 200, 2 S do, 350 I, 3 S . do 225.1 — . 4 6 do 250. � 5 g _ do • 255 r 6 g do 7 .8 do >! - 14 4 Rotert L. Wares Eastern 2325 ��� • II r 15 . 4 Heights _4 li 16 4. do 300 r 17 4 do 300 u �9 4 do 300 19 . 4. do 75 . _.._ 4 20 4 do 7$ r - 21 4 do 75 < - 22 4 . do 25 :. p 4 23 4 da 25 4 4 do 2 _ i. Z5 4: do._ - 26 4 do 75 11 3 Robert L. Wares Eastern.: 1150 i-- 12 3 Heights Acre Lots 13 . 3 do X75_, , 14 . do 7� � 3 . ? -- - - q i do _ 5- .15 3 t do - �I TOTAL . v , Cm or gr. AUL DEPARTMENT OY FINANCE _ - REPORT CtfOCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE N PRELIMINARY ORDER '—ADDITION UFATION DESCRIPTION LOT � WCK' _ I a 1 1 Wild Rose Add. do � 2 i I do �O 9 10 1 do 50 $ - .I do 50 — n II 72 1 do 50 13 do ! 5b t .14 1 &y 50 .15 1 do .50 h - 16 1 do 50 I . 17 1 dos - p 16 1 do .50 19 1 do 9D (' .20 1 do .50 r !i 21 1 do 50 22 1 do .50 23 1 do 50 24 1 do -50- 25 l : ' do :_ .50 r -- I!26' 1 do :5q -„ — 27 1 do 700. h 26 1 do 5a 29. 1 do— _ 30 _ . 1 do 5q - r_. t- - u 31. do 2 JTcrrAL CITY OF SrPAUL V DEARTMENT P FINANCE - REPORT COMMISSIONER .OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - 7� I ' DESCRIPTION I LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION 33 ' 1 . fild Rose Addition 15 1 Hazel View 14 1. 13 1 do 12 '. 1 do .11 1 do .10 1 do .9 1 do .8 1 ,0 7 1 do 6 1 do .5 1 do 4 1 do 3 1 do 2 1 do 1 1 do 16; 1 do 17. 1 do 1S. 1 do , 19. 1. do 20. 1. do - �- 21. 1. do ( and west 20 fe t of 22, 1 "lo (Except West 20 fe t )' 22. 1: ,90 23 . 1. do _ 24 1; do 25 : _ . 1. 80. _. TOTAL q ASSESSED �� VALUATION (. , 1 lbd - 7� I ' d h 75 ---- 70 75 .-- 75: N - 7� , q 75 , 2,17.5 75 75 - 75 1h�0. 75 75I 475 — 7� M. 4$0: _. 'i _— FiTy UL DIo-PARTMT 9 ENFINANCE REPORT (:qr COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER } ED DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION Ii V UEAT ON _ 27 L Hakel View 75 - �� _ 29' 11 do a 75 jl 29.1 do � 30 1. do 7� 1 2 do 7� fl 2 2 do 75 ' ± 3 2 do 7$ 4 2 do 75 5 2 . do 75 --- 6 21 do 7g t 1 tl li 7 2 do 75 8 2 do 75 ... 9 2 do 75, H 10 2 do 75, , h 11 2 do 75 n 12 2 do75 ;f T- 13 2 do 75 k 14 2 do 75 p 15 2 do 1Q0 1, 34 1 Wild Hose Addition 700 - i 35 l do 50- 36 1 do 50 37 1 do 50 j 38 1 do 65o u 39 1 do 78q 40. 1 d,. X50 a 41 1 do 50 I� lY11M .�.ri TOTAL �! i t i at�r�c�w - - CITY, UL - DEPARTMENT Of* FINANCE REPORT (tF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT iBLOCK ADDITION AssEs�D VALUATION s i– _--- 42 1 1§11A Rose Addition 50; t-- 43- 1 do o i N II 44 1, dD 50 45, 1: do 50 - .. f 46 1 do 50. 47 1 d0 50 e - t;g 1 do 90 i� 49 1' do0' + 50 1' do 350 b 51. 1, do 50 �- 52 1 do 65a; h 53 i do a. --�{- 54 1 do 440 a � _- 55 1 do 50 p i 56. 1 dq 57; 1. do S© .1650 . it 59 1 do 50 59' 1 do 50 _ 60• 1: do 50 6 1. do - 50 _ 1 2: do -50 - . u �__ - 7 2; dp 125o d- _ 3 2, do 50 u - 2, 9 do 5P , . 10 2- do 50 ; - II _. .11 do 4 TOTAL_—__ rowY CITY or sr �wuL- DEPARTMENT J FINANCE REPORT CkF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE €; ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t t 3� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ;BWCK ADDITION' VALUATION - F 12 2 , Wild Rose Addition 140 13 2 do it- 1 14 2 do rip. 4 -_ - .15 2 do 700 ._ h .16 2 do 50 17: 2 do 50. � - r h (Except East 40 feet) 19 2 do 25 q East 40 fe,3t of .19 2 do 50 d19 2 do 50. _ ,20 2 50_ 2 do 50 22 2 do 50 _W .23 2 do 54 a _ 24 2 do .10 25. 2 do 5: 26. 2 #o F0 --fit 27. 2 do 50 28 , 2 do 50 . i 29 : 2 do a it 3C. 2. do 50. _ 31. 2. do 50-- i 32. 2. do 50. 33 2 do 1;550, _-f-_16, 2. Hazel. Viev 100 , —y 17. 2. do 75 e - a is, 2.. do 75. , 19 2 do 75 - _. - CITY _OF. ST: !AUL 1 - - DEPARTMENT A FINANCE REPORT qv COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a"'i_ ASSESSED i DESCRIPTION LAT !BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION z, ' s. 20 2 Hazel View7 ; �. 21 ' 2 do :75 _ 22 2 do ,105 23 z do 56P. West } of 24 2 do r.* of Lot 24 & all of 25 2 do b15 Ali ?_6 2 do 75 - b 27 2 do 75 . - a 29 2 do 75 _ �9 ' 2 do 1375 - 30 2 do 75 - 1 3 cb 75 z 3 do 75' 3 3 do 75 . 4 3 do 75. 5 3 do 75 6 3 do 75, n-- 9 3 do 75 it 9 3 do 75-.. 10 3 do 75 _. N 11 3 do 75, 12 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 - 14 3 do 75. „ ... 15 3do 150 1!. 34 2 Wild nose AdditionAl 35 2 d 50 N, - �_ TOTAL ✓�•u. _--_--lOIIM X11 ��,����:.==+.�n�^ � �+Y� CITT.OF ST ruL t 4 - ! DEPARTMENT FINANCE _ REPORT COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _s AssESSFO DESCRIPTION !LOT iewcKi ADDITION VALUATION 36: 2, Wild Rose Addition 5H- 37 H- i-- 3 2 8 do 50 P 2' do 5t1 w_ 0 2 do 50 . 2 , do 50 41 21 do 50 _.. 118 2 do 1950 1�3 2 do 4� 2 dD 50 I} � do 50 I2 - 2' do 50 +7 2 do 50 I48 2 do o 54 q _ East 40 fe-°t of + d 9 2 do 50 I (Except East 40 feet) 50 2 51 2! do 50 52, 2 do 5d0 53 2 do 55 21d 1300 - 57 2 do 250 8 do 98 2' do 50 :60 5 2' 0 do 50 do 600 6 Z do 2100 • 1 3 do 650 t -- 0 3'. do 50 ;f.. do 50 50 d0 90 do 100(! ,50 11 3 do 50 . 12 3 do 5 1 3 do8 1 t 3 da 50 ; _ - . �5 3 . _ _ 16 3 do 650' ..(Except East '10 feet) 117 • 3 d ow S East 40 feet of 18 3 _ do __. 5 19 zo 3 do do 0' 3� _ r 21 22 3 3 do 9; 59 • 23 da 24 do 2 3 50 3 io do 54 501 ., _ — { _ ...... -. ._ _-... _- TOTAL arr_or ST, PAUL •. . - 1 _._. DEPARTMENT%0 FINANCE_.. _-__ _' __.-- _.__.. ..___._____ —_-_ REPORT 1 F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ��-/bs�z,�-�...=-_ea: DESCRIPTION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION N VALUATION I 4 Tom} . ! 291 3 Wild Rose Addition p 0 30 3' do 31 3. do °' io i r do 50 12 6 3 Razel View 17 3,4 1100 1 j !_ 15_i_ do " 1 N 18 3, 19 3. do 75. 20 3 do 51 5 22 3do 3' do 75. - 2 3 ` do 4 3 ,, do do 75 5 223'; do 75; h , do 75 'do 29, 3 do 73'. 29 75 II 30 do 75 75 a 4 do 4' do 75 4 4 do 75 4 do 75 . 75 do do 75 7 Y do . _.. . 4 7s h to 4, do 75 . a u _ 11 4T do do it25 75 a 12 4 1 4' do 7,25 7,5 - 1 4 do �5 4 +0 100 i 33 4 Wild Roe,' Addition 5a 5 - att�a 4 u 4 do 4 do 5D 50 _ do 38 d0 50- . 50 94 d o _ 59 550 p _. u o Yl 4 — - . ._ do 50Q �2 4 do 5pp 50-. _. _. 4# 4 do do _' 5b -- +_ 47 4' do 48 4 do Q0 149 4 do 50 �t 5i 4 ' TOTAL _ _ . 35D +_ L._. . — cm or ST. PAUL. ( I DEPARTMENT&F FINANCE REPORT ?F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ""�"' - 'a.'"a•g ASSESSED ' LO DESCRIPTION LOT ,BCK I ADDITION ij VALUATION I; 52 3 , Wild Rose Addition p, 35911,_ ---- -_- 53 3 1 do , 50 i 5� 3 , do 50, - _55 3 , do 50 . p. 56 3 '. do 56 57 . 3 ; da 50; 4. d 5S 3 , o r�0'• 1 d _ 1 f 59 3 do M 5 3 do 50• . . . 1 4 : do 50 6 4 do 50, i 7 4, do 5p: 6 4. do 50 r, 4 da 50. 4 do 90.- 11. 4, do 50 T - hL 12. 41 do 50 i 13. 4. do 50. . -� U 14; 4, do so, 15, 4. do '50- 0:16 -_-_ 16 4, _ as (Exon&t E9st 40 feet)' 3.7. 4 do -East 75. t- 40 feet of 17 4; do 104 u zg 4; sh 19 4. do r P a 4 do- - U TOTAL 1 M .-.—� I •, 1 n� 1 n CITY OF ST. PAUL _ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ._ DESCRIPTION LOT B -CK ADDITION VALUATION 22 4 Wild Rona Addition 250 23 4 3c 50 24 4 do 50 25 4 do 550 25 4 do 50 27 it do 50 29 4 do 50 4 do 50 in 4 do 50 31 4 do 1300 32 4 do 16 4 Hadel View 75 17 4 do 75 1 li do 9 25 19 4 do 575 p0 4 do75 22 4 do 925 23 4 do 575 21t 4 do 75 ?r 4 do 75 27 4 a 75 2fi 4 io 75 2G 4 do 75 3® 4 do 75 8105,970. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --S�914—Ldp.— _192,6 . ---- Co ton o finance. Form H. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. 92 u To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your. Honorable Body to cause th following improvement to be made: Ave. from.G�rcui�t St. Ave. to�S;-n-+�-+✓ _ St. Ave. - NAME BLOCK ADDITION is X 001, o/KGZ4 1. St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 28 —`192_ 6 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod to cause the following improvement to be made: Fourth St. A4mm from_??azel--- $x Ave. to_ Pedes+ =s+- vp}��rz St. Ave. NAME I.O'r BLOCK 7j. ,'j. ?Hintze - 25-26-27- ,8-29 2 'Horning 39-40- 1-42 1 A. Yankyon 12-13 2 S. Michaud 2-53- 4 56-57 58 1' E. P. Dinners W11 2 T.N.Larkin Philip Lundll I.D. Mbbelink T. L. Stenson Christian Tew P.A.Peterson 21-22 M.C.Nelson 22,23 A.J. Finck & Co. Joy R. Peterson ADDITION Wild Rose n n n n Mazel View n. n n n n n n ( riginigl with sewer order To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. AEa11' J`12-28 192-9L Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gradin o....—.._._ ....... ....... _...... _..... �— ......__._.._......_...._._._._.__.___._.._. Fifth St. A*& _...... " Pederoan from_ _ A. Ave. Ave. NAME Lor I BLOCK ADDITION E.L-Brown 25-2 27 1 " J.A.Patrick -2-3 1 " Mrs. Gust Slroog 9 1 " Henry Ulvin 4 1 " E. Lucier 15 3 as N i S. A. Mqurstad _ N.P.Randall 7 1 12054 E. 5th Albert Brennon 9-12 2025 E. 5th G. S. Smith 2 - A E William King 30-29 28 St. Paul, Minn.. May To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be' made: To.__grade Si-ge from Ruth Avenue t0_ ��d and Oopy�. �r. Ave. - St. A-Ve. ........... . . . ..... ---St.-Are. of 40 I A N A4 - SEC. 35, T2 -0,R 22 SCALZ l 300 E. TH r7----------- 4 , 600 66- I N%J N.Ey. sGG. -3J T2/. 11.22. .Sc a /c / %? 00 J Pm- j• r L Office of the Commissioner of Public o EtvM Report to Commissioner of Finance -- JUL 24 M 138 July 23, 1926 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..669154 approved :__July -14-, 1926._ _ ._192._...., relative to the WILD ROSE GRADING PROJECT -------- -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ necessary and (or) desiralle. 0.95¢ per front ft. 21,401.60 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3- and the total cost thereof is Inspection $419.75 Frontage 22,555.13 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is _ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. M M � • CI Y SmT 1' 4A --i/1 L► Aahr1 Vrlh of V,4 WVr4ss JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. III. O•CONNEI.L, RHPurr .... I ...... R GEORGE M. SHEPARO, C.— ... IN M. H. ORYTRhK, BpIODe EN.IN OSR WM. N. GREY. SUPT. IF CONSTRUCTION AND RHPAIR A... SHARP. SUPT. a! UNITS—. O. H. HfiRROLO. OlIICe AND CITY PLANNING ENOINQw O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. oP WORKNOU.H July 21, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I•transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for changing -the grade o3 Ruth Ave. from Margaret $t. to Third St., and o3 Third St, from Hazel Ave: to Pedersen Ave. and Hazel Ave. from Third St. to Fourth St., aleo grading Ruth Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Hudson Road, Fifth St. from Hazel Ave: to Pedersen Ave., Fourth St: from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Sigel St. fro$ Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Third St. from Hazel Ave: to Pedersen Ave. and Conway St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave. ,all of the above to be known as the WILD ROSE.GRADING PROJECT, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66954, approved July 14, 1926. Estimated Cost $21,407.60 Cost per front ft. 0196 Inspection 419;75 Frontage 22,565.13 ft. Yours truly, I' 1 g neer. Approved for transmission t e Commissioner of Finance: o�ss�oner of Public Works. r�• ¢O. lice of the Commissioner of Public IV , Report to Commissioner of Finance usR E� ......--.--.Jut19 _16_x_ .............. 6 , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._65928 _...... approved.—_..........._..._ .... ll.r_... _.......... _._.1926.-, relative to. the Hazel View Grading Project -- — __.................. - ............... __ .......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... _..... __._._..._necessary and (or) desirable. 0.90 per frontLfoot. 2. .The estimated cost thereof is $._................ and the total cost thereof is $ .................._.__..__......—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 _.._......._........... _ 5. Said improvement is.. ....__............ ............. -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. f .. . S r ublicVft-"k JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHSPARD. CwG ENOINQR M. 8..-T. K. BRIDGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. OP CON.TROCTION AND RlPAIR A. B. SHARP. SOFT. OP SAHrtATKM G. H. HERROLD, OMC. ANO CTTT PLANNING -I.- June 14, 1926 G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORKNOU.S Hon. John H. Mc Donald, Commissioner of Public VIorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for change in the grade of Ruth Ave., from a point 290 feet south of Margaret Street to Third Street and ofT4ird Street from Ruth Avenue to a point 80 feet east of Pedersen Avenue to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto at- tached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Ruth Avenue from Minnehaha Street to Hudson Road, Fifth Street from Hazel Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, Fourth Street from Hazel Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, Sigel Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, Third Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue and Conway Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, under Preliminary Order #65928, approved May 11, 1926: Estimated Cost $15,753.90 Cost per front foot 0.90 Inspection 308.90 Frontage 17,627.97 ft. Yours truly, Engineer. Approved for transmission e Commissioner of Finance. omm ssioner Of is Works. •iiia ', k a �' 9r �- •- .� � 6���4',-- �OF S7. PAUL i NCRNO. . . .. a . ;,OFF QEOP THE QTY 4� s " COUNCIL RESOLUTION=',5!7 ERAL .s. 4 _ x a ,, kt. temper 7, 1926 �< QpMM198IONEzri '• ...V [)P�- +,+�a.Y r-' ___. 47A e1,�^ttw : In he matter of ,00ndemning and taking an eaae- ? r ', _1*taaAt'in the land., -nee ease ry for slopes, cute and -fills, in the a grading of Ruth Eve from Bhi.nnehaha Sty to Hudeon, Road, Fifth St4 rom'H6z�e1 Ave to Yedereen Ave., Forth 3t.. rom Hazel Ave..to,Pedera'e Ave., del St. from Hazel Ave to Pedersen Ave., Thin$ St. from Hazel'Ave. to Pede a Ave. and Conway St: from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen 9v e., all 03 the above,'to, be a part ofxtbe fob knGwn:as the;"Wild.R4 ht, : Grading Projeot,nndef��relim$nary Order CrE'�fi6�100p� approved Jiie- 29,' 1925, si`d Intermediary Order67281+ approvedigiiat 4, 1926 The Commiedivner oY,� blic Works having submitted his report and Ola i>S the above matter, be it .4 REaOTrVED, Tf�e� ate City of St; E�anlixea. and doarminea,the 8111'oLIT]t."'o` larid$Yto pe taken for the above- named improvement as an-'eeaement dor elopes, outs and filla� �_- in�and upon Ruth_ ave., E'ifth'St:,:'Fourt_h St; Sigel St.; Third St: #r" and'.Conway 9t' betwa n`the points aforegaid, to 'the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of,`Publie Worke in the ♦hotter.dateC'4eptember 7, 1926, which plan and report are herby reYerre to and°me de a pert hereof. k n0 d . Off&' 11p�t - - .; i° _ c to ihh tcn e � :,.c o -r w pa VYd9 oaf thas.knA've�'ta�dahe.17 u -;4 ��x v;oved an��sa-; Z8 D4 odetl, �K r Q,; d x,:'..i^Augaeo"' _3z191t erp5g �1 • • _. k @I. t ry - . ami ccs a �1 tt i •� !{pbOs A� }•1�n8�io"D?�t n ea�4ie 3� T '' . a i�mncat e . n w. COUNCILMEN RT S x p s e lab td. MT. rade a tx axr� s Ad op -d b ih Co Ci,l 192... rt Yeas �yfyi�nSa xab�e texas xppa � -.... . t -'_ Y n�'�°,tk'� ¢'inmieeixgneot gSltllAr a Clanc { ffR` ea. >It7ies@ loq 1.928 Fi _ ;'� q £tir1 nc eu4 i A ed gym. f 192 ..aa x , , aw r a• .. , _ i McGlogan z ,-.r— u SudLeu+w-�. Aga/ost N•V=" �fLL IIII/�WR 'i Y cA"v.. .�... ...,st.,. 4 inww XYq �q CITY OF 5T. PAUL i)EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �J hEPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Ruth Ave. from Minnehahs St. to Hudson hood, Fifth St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Fourth St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Sigel St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Third St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and Conway St. from i.uth Ave. to Pedersen Ave., all of the above to be a part of the job known as the "Wild Road Grading Project" under Preliminary Urder C. F. #66700, approved June 29, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #67281, approved August 4, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the fi=ures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner o�Publ icic 5v�- Dated September 7, 1926. r itsA'.. x..' .m 3i c i m � _ r D O m X' m 1'rn 'D m m r r- m o.m o > A 0 o ZN � - rn z v r�12 RUTH AVZ, m �O 6 LS oz, 70-0 7 -0.5 L � ca 0 0 � � m m y W C.9 ,.4 w `' L2 2.1 C - _ +4 0.5S 4.1 Fn o i +C.S I41 CA ;.9 147 8.0 j N. s 35 J 8.G :' 11.22 i1Ffl ` a f47 }2.5 ti - - -yR 7.8 4.5 yyy9 d�Y�JJ11Q.SE c i m � _ r D O m X' m 1'rn 'D m m r r- m o.m o > A 0 o ZN � - rn z v r�12 V m �O oz, 70-0 0 � ca 0 0 � � m m c i m � _ r D O m X' m 1'rn 'D m m r r- m o.m o > A 0 o ZN � - rn z v RUM AVE. +23 y.4 is z.3 �tP $& — . �N �> oai _ j :y sy :C t± � -11 P. .. •cCDa. CDP n D, d = l:a 0.7 ! o rn en Co 41 45 RUM AVE. +23 y.4 is z.3 — . +Z.4_ H +L4 Al ,: n 2.2 oai _ j :y +Lv t — 3.0 LsLD ". q D = l:a 0.7 ! o rn 41 45 J cm 3.4 4.6 C S.0 j 4.6 w: -3.0 1.1 _ 2f IS m 2A j 0.B'; n _� ra - - - 40 9.6 ^hyyoo �q,��++yqy� ritDdad SEN A �a AVZ. 1n - �j 3- r R,CD X11 `7 m x •.c ,c« -rEoyyATpvpq K loll N +D t➢ ag F— o j ' Fn CD ;� o C) 6.1 r rn YJ ' _7 LD rn i ,5.6 � 11 G I - oe - } D N p � N - i o > y N • it __--.__.-_-.__-•---- -,1� 1 LrXINCTON AV RUTH AVE. LC ' L3 �C O.i 0.Z o r, a i I N � 6.9 0 8 C- f) s ,3 S.' -a ro - C-) 6J ! 8.4 G D CJI {E 4.4 u; '4.4 0.3 6.3 PEDERSEN AVE. �C I i I I � s t TO "_'A.9 U +Indicates Cut. - MA.19 390JO M -indicates Fill. a...nie, 3\- --B MI,8gnu L t T icalNotation"c yP is �iaio�e Figgures above line show - E. FOURTH ST. _ ClS .I XIX Cuf'apFill a}proper{y Lne. XP, -:EL Ave: PEDEF$EN Ave. Figures below line show distance to which slopes extend beyond properly line. rl LOC.Bock 105E X. Sec. 1988 JIt h 60 59 58 57 55 55 54 53 52 51 SC 49 48 4' 46 4544 41 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35, 34. • 16 17 18 19 20 21 2Z .. 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 , ..'. . W FO' nr. .. .. .. o. ry .o ll __. __• � I � at.es' _-• Irl , - —._ 6=1 T _ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 J 2 I _— II 12 13 14 15 a o 16 17 IB 19 ZO 21 22 23 T4 25 ZG 2, 28 29 30 31 32 33 15 14 13 12 I! - ---1 — r F VIEW - N3eA 739 .13'>Ah d t Indicates Cut... I NA.1( 390 -IF �, �RSe Ak-Indicates Fill. 89nul, Typical Nototion Figures above line show i Cut or Fill at property line. E. FIFTH ST. 221E .I -XIX Figures below line show - HAZEL AVE-PEDEQSENAVE. dlstance to which slopes = extend beyond Property line. j Loc. Book 1986. IZ0 B'T. L. V`✓A2E'S EASTEQN N, ���:�h-- "]BT. "]BT. L.WA2ES EASTEPN HT- LOTS I5 14 15 I4 15 6 7 8 .. a. 19 .0 21 22 23 24 25 6 2 13 14 m _ _ n r � I ..;/-,.__.., _ ---_.___— _-__.___. .. ... .. ......._. _._ ..e .-. ....mss...-•-•- _.e.•....-..-- _- ti r._., IS 4 4 13 2 !I 0 9 B 7 6 5 3 7 8 9 10 II IZ 13 14 15 16 17 I8 Is 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 21 28 Z3 30 31 32 33 D D. h AZEL Z ��I�`�� W I L S E J 2g EE _ rl -•--IzzzztZ.'>7.l h 11 ... .-. - +, � • . rt� .mow 15 - �— �',, �'- ,= �,.: ^.• � y :.,, - `.r- ..•, ' .Y' - �I I,� �I� oj"' pia .- i v - — _ �.-. rr; r• N +lab ... . , ..-- a:: . '.. ... - ml_ 1 >43 2.4 2.5 i = .,T 12 27--- -- w I 42 4A I i -a;3 2a IL i 1 tGz a2 is 2•I d 4 !K ST. IST.FF.; I I -0.3 :1.9 - r n" 3.9 23 0.6 + •i i ' S.1 GEL ST. \1 i�1 1.1 2 2 0"9 LT 1.4 I i i j I 01 ?j M i i 403 0.2 (,J 0.5 09. ! l i I r12 •O:T k 22 =. tI 40.4 +11 V 0.6 IJ I 3 Rn 9 ST. I%tST:Ftw W 62 le 4.2 i. 5 +47 • +42 c! :i n 1 r14 15.4: I CONWAY'*' I.a ST. j 41.8 .0S 23 D.6 4.5 Ls l; 4s lc 32 ; j IST. FR.L y 20 +43 3.5 13 6.9 5.5 +3.8 =;� N - 12.6 6i - - w: " 1.1 g.-9.9 .2! L� 3.9 4 " -0.8 • 40 1.8 I1 13.5 0.2 12.6 J ,6.7 �-, z2.; 10 10.5 4 j 15LFR. .y w iaaw��� i�v y rLi r59 8,4 > - 9.4 t 6.5 ..1 If6 g 9.0 49.2 !T.2_ - - 13.5 ,8,2 ' 44.0 al n 2ST. FR. 10I 86 .. w: v` 7.5 6.6 .y 1 D;s 7s LIJ ti -4 r1.440.6 z 2T 09 cn �+15 r0_2ppu 2.3 J 0.3'1 N . 1 E "o +1.4 Q j E 2:3 y 0 If l - _ 0.6 7.5 II 7 o •2.0 -64 N va 2.1 10.5 z 3,5 S.8 4.7 3.0 > � uC.mt"D 7J 7o0nc `` •43 1$ X A rn z _ ?�U�so3.3 1Y z = m a Tc OA,D ST. 04 +pl f 448 51_ 41 Z 3T. FR #3.8 56 3.3- 7 STUCCO SHED .+4,7- 40 -r.8 f1j 2.7 1.2 -4.0 -1,1 LZ Z.; D 1.0 9.3 0.8 '7 i2t 7.5 0.3, w 0 z 707 0 z < MARGARrT ST. C: 35 0.3 •3.4 0.6 ' - 0 ZD- ST, - ,-X -. 2 0, . 0 Q.1 'Ll 5s lot ZST.STUCCO )/zST.FR. �,�tg I V n 0 10.3 0.0!! 05 33 4.5 0 "c 0 0 FTI 14 3.5 ITJ `tel m 17x ST. FRJ L- 0 z 707 0 z < MARGARrT ST. 35 0.3 •3.4 0.6 Q.1 'Ll 5s lot ZST.STUCCO )/zST.FR. �,�tg I V FR.GAR:r� 10.3 0.0!! 05 33 4.5 FTI 14 3.5 ITJ 17x ST. FRJ L- IMPR. I.L5 +1.7.,2.7. 2.2 3E. 45 i ST. FR. LLj +11 Q- 3.5 Z.�,1.5If L 2.4- 5 Ta ST. T4 J :1.428 20 tu 4I.T NA 25 -0 1.2 2.3 fol M 03 Z.] 12: ,l ISL FR J.226 21 41.3 7 2.0 FTI 4 Ull ZT. I W.F buf G,4- F -A -0.3 ia 24 32 0.9 is ft 23 7.4 23 SIGEL Z'? ST. Cn- +Q.3 -O.Z CIA, z a 1-1 40.4 +Ij G.c I. -T -1.6 +1.3 ST. -T� tV 9.2 t5.1.4.1 7 IVIST. Flt.! PO 440C1. l 41- i 5.1 I SA t14 - z 707 0 z < CITY OF ST. PAUL P p DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMCRY OR" In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Ruth Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Hudson Road, Fifth St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave.. rourth St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. Third St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and Conway St. P___ D-1. A-- +.. OuAaw Ava_ all of tha ahnva +n he a nest of the Job= a under Preliminary Order approved il"A_ 92 L_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 1 Robert L. Wares Eastern 50. 1 Heights _. 1 4 do North 93-1/1)&—*, of 26 4 do _(Except North 93-1/16 feet) _ ,.and except So. 150 ft-) 26 No- 50 ft. of So- 150 ft. 26 So. 100 ft. of 26 ASSESSED VALUATION 725 5650 1175 4. do 50 4. do 25 4 do 50 TOTAL, Porm B. Is. If fi J; CTY OF 6T. PAUL t , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - - REPORT OF COMMkVIONEP ROF FINANCE R ON PREumi ARY OD R DESCRIPTION I LOT 1eLOeK ADDITION I VALUATION, .<...,.�.,..- _-- 10-.! -2 i Robert -L. -War-es -Eastern - . 0 50 11; .2} Eelghts Acre Lots 250 3do. t 900 u _. 3- _______ _do - L '15p_ 33 ; 1 do. 50` - _ 34__t 1 � do Toa 33 , 2 t ds 45 0 ' 1134 2 do f 3.2 3 do S 32_ t .4 , __ _ do_ i3po 33 j 4 do 50 15 i 1 Hazel View i0jo - -- _ 16 . _ _] do. „ 100. _ - do 100. .- .u._._. 16_; 2-' , _ __ _ _ do i u 100 I „ ---- _i_15 3 do I I00 T 10D - S. 4 ; ' _ da _ 100._ t -16 i 4 ! _doa j 75 -- LE�.` Of southeast 4 Of Sao- 35s T01.29aiat -- _—.__ .__ ..--.__._ _ . _ _._.. __�_-' 1 _.�_--Hudeo-xi i .�ae•d_Gardeas._ -�;.-;--�04 , --;.—�-- , _ A _1_�___ - 475-41-- - 4 1 •.e.r ....n i do 1 TOTAL tCITY or ST. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE [ . REPORT OF COMM�I1I SIONE OF FINANCE ON kELINI�ARY ORMR . z:a�u:.:)-z..s.,z ADDITION � ION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT IewcK t -�-.-� .<.- -tea.., .z_ a ,.__-r_:�.m.=•. r, ik- Hudson_.Eoad_Gardens 117-5- 2 — 1. 2 6 do 350, 3.r- 4 do_ 250; r5 do .g. 2� o 8 do a _ 16 8 , do 7 I _ a --- -- 14 , 4 ; Robert. L. Wares Eastern 2325-!- 15 . 4. Heights -- 16 4 _do , 300!. a-- _ 2 17 4 do 390: , �g 4 . do - 300; , _ 19 4 do 75.: - 20 . 4, do 70; 21 , 4.� do _75 j, 22 4 do _ 2.1j t 23 , 4 . do, 25_. ry ! 24 4 do - I. 25 - 26 . 4_; _ . do_ 075 -1 r rt I L12 I 3- ; Heights _Aore_Lots__h-- 13 do _ _. - . 1.7 - +--- - - 14 3 do �' i7 L - 1 - ;� 1g 3- _ -do j do IMY u•n .—_—..__— _ TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL r - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ - R€PORT OF COMmgI�'SSIONE,Rg,�OF FINANCE ON PRELIM�ARY OR OR I/ 1B ;_ LOT �LocK ADDITION DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Eiid.Rose. Add.t _ _Wild ' g 1 _..do 9 6o 5 !- -i_ 10 1 do - r 1 _do 50 - d :12 1 do 5p - t 13 1 _ _ do 50 I - - !f 14 : .1 ; OV 56- 115 ; 1 do ,50 16 .r_. 1 . do _ -. _ ! _ 50 _ h I 1 17 do 18- 1 do 50 _.. do 90 2g 1 do . 50__.._ __ 21- 1 _do p 50— - 22 1 do . _. _ 5 �3 1 do ,50 n-- 24 do 50 126= . 1,_- _ _ -do- » :50_. ,r - - - t?7 da - - 700_ ; - _... r _215 1 do '50 _]50 _ Y- TOTAL' I ' ,.CITY of ST. FAin. f DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMM#SSIONEI3,OF FINANCE . ON PRELIM ARY OR ER DESCRIPTION LOT 41I I CK I ADDITION ASSESSED- VALUATION 33- 1 - W11d -Rose: Addition- 50 T I 15 1 1 Hazel_ View 100; 14 1 do 75 . 1 : l3 _ do.. .75 _ i _.-- 12 1 do �i .11 1 ; do-- ;75' 10 1 do 75 h do. 75 - 7 - 1 do '75 . 1 - 6 1 do 75 5 1 do 75 : i h -.. 4 1 do :2175 -- 3 1 do .75 41 2 1 do 75 do 75 . _. ' ` 16' do _. _. lfl0 171 1 ; do 7575 - _ 19 , 1;.__.___ _ .do- 1_ i and west 20 feet of _ 1,_221 1;. slo _ R ; '.x}50._ ' it (Except West 20 feet _)4 22, 11__-- 50 � 23 . l'--- do-- -4..24 1 - .__-.__do._ i o doTOTALs �` �I CITY OF ST. PAUL Il ^ • T DRPARTMENT OF FINANCE- - - . REPORT OF COMM&jSIONE OF FINANCE ON PRELIM114ARY OR ADDITION o �. ASSESSED ; -I j DESCRIPTION LOT JOWCK --.., _-..,m..-Q. ; VALUATION •I��.--may.-�.;� __ 27j L Hazel view 7 ! i 1 '28I l., do I a 17 1 1 ,__ 29, 1 do 301 11 do I 7� 1 2 do :75 II 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 4 2 do 75 5 2 ' do �5 6 2 doit 75 7 i 2 do 75 S 2 do 75. 9 2 do 75,• .10 ! 2 do 75 11 2 do 75 '124 2 do 75 , 13 I 1 2 1 do 75 .i p ..._ . j 14 2 I do S 75 - I� 15 11 2 do 19 34 i 1 Mild k4se Addition 700 351 do 50 j36 1 do _ 50r u; F37 ! 1 ; do 50 I _. 39 1 1 do _ . _ -0--+ M( 39 ao f 79 40 1 do X150 41 , 1 do 50 .v.._._._ Fuwr b�.t, i TOTAL CITTOPSf. PAUL ! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMML:IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORIR R DESCRIPTION !LOT BLOCKADDITION .. .. .�,.. ASSESSED VALUATION . . .ter { 1 r Wild Roes Addition i I 50 � r — _. 43 '4 do I � -- F_ 44 • 1 do 59 45 : 1-. do 50 _ 46 + 1 do 5,0 - : 47 1 ; 50 N" 1 do 50! 49 l: do 50: 501 1 do 350. 4 51 1 do •50 52,1 do •650 -� 53 1 do 50 54 1 ; do 400 , 55!1 do 150 -._.. 56 i - do 50 1 57 ; 1 do ;1650 � :, 50 59 ' 1 do 50 . __ -60 ' 1 -do 0 5 , + 6 i do . .5- _. 1 2;do - 7 2 : do l 2550 x r' 2 do 50 '. g-_ ! 10 2 do 50 - _ 2. do 50 '; {I IOIIM M.li I TMAL y - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' e • - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (Except East 4o feet) 18 REPORT OF COMM14SIONEEJ OF FINANCE do 25 ON PRELIMI ARY ORgBER _. East 40 feet of 18 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK I ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 50- — ,19 . _ j12. 2 i Wild Rose Addition{ 400 - 50; 13 2 ; do rip 2 i 14.2, do 50 . 1-5 ', 2- i do 706— do .16 2 do .16 50. • r r - 17' 2 do 5p a (Except East 4o feet) 18 2 do 25 'i East 40 feet of 18 2 do 50- — ,19 . 2 do 50; _ _ 20 2 ab 50 H - - . .21 2 do 50 _._. 22 2 do 23 2 do 50 24, 2 do 50 N _. 25 2 do 50 26i 2 do 5Q 27 , 2. do :50 29, 2. do 5q a _29 2. do .1200 30 . 2. d! 50 _ 31: 2t _ do 5033 — 32 do W 2 do 1350 f - ib rt 2 ' ..Hazel View _ _ m _. lo0 _ -__ - 17 2i do 75. - H, _ .. 18 , 2 _ do . 75 - 1 2 �� ro11M M.K TOTAL. : ,. • CITY OF'ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF-COMMIISIONER OF FINANCE OR ON PRELIM! ARY - DESCRIPTION I.OT etoeK I ADDITION ASSESSED , i, VALUATION 20 2 Hazel View X75,- _. 211 2 do l.- r7� 22 2 do ;195 �3 2 do _ _ 1 50 h West of 24 2 do Z.* of Lot 24 & all of 25 2 do 6,15. 26 2 do 751; 27 ; 2 : do 75.- 28 2 de 75 - 29 2 do 175 , p 30 ; 2, do 75 1 3 do 2 3 do 75: 3 3 do 75,; 4 3 do 75 5 3 do 75 . __. 6 3 do ;75 9 3 dm 9 3 do 75. 10 3 do 11 3 as 75 125 3 do � 13 { 3 do 75 -- 14 3 do73 3 do 1550 n 34 Wild Rose Addition 50 {2 35 2 ds 50 n /OIIM R..li TOTAL �I CITY OF ST. PAUL M DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 2 REPORT OF COMMI SIONER..OF FINANCE ON PRgLIMMARY OR9R , DESCRIPTION ! LOT ,BWCK ADDITION I 1 2, .3. Wild Rosa- Addition 2 do do 3 ' 2' 240 ! 2.. do do w 41 24 _ 42 , _2 , do ,. dp li 43 2 455 2 46 ; 2 do do do 47 2 do 48' 2' do East 40 feet of 49! 2 do (Except East 40 feet) 49, 2; do 501 2, do 51 ; 2, do ASSESSED VALUATION ' 52; 2 do 53 2 do 50 !i _ 20 , 3 _, '54 2., do 1130 do ao 3 do 50 .2 . 3 do _ „ -600' 2 ; do 50. 27 3 _.A.___-_ do 2; do 250 :4 ti E5� • as 5o© 2--0 2 2* - do 7660 62 do 2100 - 1 �o a- 3. -,3, do 5d 8 19_ 50' 3_ do do ,50 1550 u 1e Ill 3 3 do do 1000 � 54 12 1 3 3 do do 50 50 - '15,3 3600 .56 - 16 3 do 650. . (Except East 40 feet) i17 3 d 550 East 40 feet of 17 3 _ 18. 3 - - •-13 19 3 do 50 !i _ 20 , 3 do 3 0 21 3 -- 22- do ao 3 do 50 .2 . 3 do _ „ -600' 23 5 2 3 do do 50 _50 27 3 _.A.___-_ do 59- TOTAL :4 ti CRY Or ST. rAUL. A- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT dDF COMMISI,ONEF 4 O FINANCE _ ON PRELIMI ARY OR$$ER -�� DESCRIPTION LCT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 29! 3 Mild Rose Addition 50 ._ - 30 3', do 501 31; 3: do 50, 16, 3 Bezel View 4 106 ddo o 19 3 ' 75 19 3 do 75 21 3 d 75' 2 22 . 3 . do 75 3: do 75 255 3 do 75 2b d 3 75 ddo 229 3 75. 0. do 75 do 75 2 4 do 75 '. . 4 , do 75 { r d©5 - 4 do 75 9 10 4 do . . 75. _. 11 4 do 4�5 124 do 7.5 41 1 . 4 do 725 4 15 4 d o 100 4 Wild Rosi Addition 50 X33 31g� 4 do .50 3b 4 do_ 50 44 r 339 do 50 50 4 .50 _ 40 ao 1' 5500 4 _ 442 .. .. .. -..-- ' do 50 4 44 50.. �4 .. 4 d 5b .. 4; _ do 54- . 41 _ 4 ao 50 474 do 50 w 49 4,- do S00 4 do, 40 -i 4` de 50 IE 51 4! cb 350.-- — , - _ - TOTAL _... z _ CITY of ST. PAUL w DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P REPORT OF COMMI§STONE OF FINANCE N OPRELIMMARY OR ER '__�: DESCRIPTION i LOT -'__CK ADDITION VALUFATION i j ' 1 '521 3 Mild Rose Addition 350 r 53 3 , do 5oi d - _ 54: 3 do55 3 50, _ _ 56 , 3 . do 50: 57 I 3 do - 50; 58 3do 50: - u �Y .59. 3. do 50, - 5 , 3 do... 50 1 4 . do 50! it - - q 7 4 do 50 8 4. do 50, 71 9 4: do 50: I lo: 4: do _50 - _It. ill 4, do 50 12 4. do 50. d - ij 13, 4: do 50: a.._ _ 14. 4. do - 50 - i 15, 4. do 50, ._l 16� 4 _ do- . 75, _ a--- (Exo Eastept East 40 40 feet feet) -17. 4; do 7. 4: d10o 1 754 R 18 4 ._AD 19 . 4., do a 50 i. _..._ _ 20: 4; do_ - _ -_ ---- ---- - -- - - _ . - _ do--- TOTAL to-- TOTAL i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE M R6ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMITRY ORDER (C) sa DESCRIPTION LOT B—C;K ADDITION 22. 4 Wild Rose Addition �3 4 do 24 4 do 25 4- do 26 4 do 27 4 do 28 4 do 29 4 do 30 4 do 31 4 do 32 4 do 16 4 Haldol View 17 4 do 18 4 do 19 4 do 20 4 do 21 4 do 22 4 do 2 4 do 2 4 do 255 4 do 2b 4 do 27 4 do 28 4 do 29 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION 250 _5p 50 550 50 50 50 50 50 1300 75 75 9 25 575 75 75 925 755 75 75 75 _. $105,970. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _-11 O -192eal — — mm' oher Hance. Form B. B. 12 -Off'ice of the ComnA1 92 rer{'of Public c t Eu Report to Commissioner of Finances\ J U L 24, 128 July- -23, ..1926.. ... ........ 192 ........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.66700 June 29, 1926 192 , relative to _......._.._ .._.approved.... _ un _ ........ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, .....- ..- - ......_ ....__ . _ __..._ ........ _ ._ _....... .. _ .. . - ....... ------- outs and fills, in the Wild Rose,Grading Project. :.— ...... .--_ ..__ . - _ __ - _ .. - _ _ .... -- ... --- -- ------ . ---- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ___ _.. _ _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S- $xx__ - _ -., and the total cost thereof is 8..._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....._ _ - - -_ _ ___ _ .. _.__.__.__._ ........ _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....._ _ ..._. - _ - ._._. -- - -------- 5. Said improvement is.. . ....... _ .._.--.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------- ..... ....._... - -- - ---------- - Commissioner of PalSlie Works. t To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration thepreliminary order of the 65964 May 11, 1926 ,relative to Council, known as Council File No._.. .___approved—_._ .....___ _ .--.----.......— _ condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeseary for slopes, _outs ._eA!�fills�Inthe grading _of Ruth. Avenue from Minnehaha 3t:' to Hodson Road, Fifth Street from Hazel Avenue to Pedersen Ave ----iVour�fi St. from Fistiei,jve. to Pedersen Ave., Sigel St. from Ruth y to pDderaen —AN(F-7 i1ri1Y'd'_St� frlsnl-mouth—Ave: to �. Tom Ruth, Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....._-_------ _ - _.._..; and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -----•----------- - K<. d. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ww. `'. 6. Said improvement ie_ -__._.-•-------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - - Commissioner of Pnlihc Works. s. i 6'7721 COUNCIL FILE NO_ ............._............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of................iprade Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Furness to Winthrop Avenue. .......................... -.. C:,: F.' No: 87781— _order 89719 apprpy f.A82vnbnc fiearin6` haying•-b¢ea_ had. _ -...........-:._........... bb/ly 'wade ^le'eald.. ._...._............. .... ..... under Preliminary Order .......................................... �•�hal�n. �. F. " c IntermediaryOrder ......-- -------------------------------------------------- approved`._ ...........'...................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upouAfie notice, and, the Council = . having heard all persons, objections and recommeadations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is........gre Lake Com...and _Phalen-_Apenue_ Prgm ad lFurness Avenue to Winthrop Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _ Qrn ti - I Adopted by the Council---------------- --------_. :..---.......... 191.--...-- ...:. .... - - Ct•n ti _ — City er . Approved. .......................... .........'----......._...., 191..... PUBLISHED_ �,eountibnan Clancy ..CCouncilmanAktax. Wenzel: �6e i ''C``oYuuncil�rma��n� 1 KKM1%XdK MoGlogan. Form"��V%` ��.. c -;d u n5 n' - - - - -- CITY OF ST. 'PAUL a.. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r(J, ,2dWT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY''ORDER In the matter of grading of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Furness Avenue to Winthrop Avenue. June 28th, 1926. under Preliminary Oider approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_3831.12 }}�� The estimated cost pe/fooCfor the above improvement is - - _ $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8-K ADDITION VALUATION 8 12 Furness Garden Lots 3425 9 12 do 525 10 12 do 525 11 12 do 425 12 12 do 325 13 12 do 325 14 12 do 425 1 Mehsikomer's Garden Lots 900 North of Lot 2 & North of 3 do 350 TOTAL. {I 9875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. jjA Dated-1�r _1" _192k_ — mmissi r ante. Form n. B. 12 , CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R Pte' SOF 'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCIP.,c,A ON PRELIMINARY ODER (C) -- :- __ ASSESSED - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK _ ADDITION VALUATION 1 Swensonts Re. 60 2 do 55 3 do 60 5 Mehsikomer's Garden Lots 350 North of 6 do 175 7 do 350 8 do 350 East of 9 do 475 West of 9 do 225 10 do 350 1 7 Hayden Heights 100 14 7 do 100 9875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. jjA Dated-1�r _1" _192k_ — mmissi r ante. Form n. B. 12 , ' `_192 St. Paul, 1V11nIl.QC .. To The Honorable, The, Council, City of,St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the property owners, hereby petition your Honorable _undersigned Body„to.cause the following improvement to be made: ` R Ave. 4 i'rc fro Ave. to }c -t- o Y __..:.._..._.— _ St. Ave. L. ” N ME � BLOCK OCK ADDITION � k s I i� _04� by N. ,. SEC. Z3 -T Z4) Q '/ .2 Z IV .:'Office of the Commissioner of Pub_lic4f Report to Commissioner of Finance Ju z 4 July 12, 1926 ___192.— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66719, June 28, 1926 __192_...._., relative to Council, known as Council File No ....... -_.---- _-------- .... approved ._...... _...... ...... _..... _........ _- .... _................. the grading of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Furness Avenue — to Winthrop Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. -Said improvement is......_._....._..._.._._..necessary and (or) desirable. 131 per front ft. 3.831.12 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...... _......_._. and the total coat thereof ie $_........_...........__._......__, Inapeotion $75.12 Frontage 2,928.52 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ....... .... .......... .............. ........ ....................... ._...------- �._.._......._._.._.... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... __._.....-.........._................_......_......._.- --- '- 5. Said improvement is_-_------._------ _..._.....------ -_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' Commissioner o4 Pnblic Werke. V"O' No �VAVL JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL, ORPOTr CGxx1s.IGNER July 10 , 19 26 M. S. ORYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEEP OEOROE ...HEM... CNIEI E-- A. B. SHARP. SGPT. OP ..NITA"" WM. N. ,AREV. SUPT. OP C...TRDCTION AND REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT, GP WDPKNDURE O. H. HERROLD. OPPICE ANG CITY PLANNING ENGINEEP Hon. John H. lie Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Furness Avenue•to Winthrop Avenue, under preliminary order C.F. 66719,approved June 28, 1926: Estimated Cost $3831.12 Cost per front foot 1.31 Inspection 75.12 Frontage 2928.52 ft. Yours truly, ung neer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance. omm so oner 0 is or s. t. CITY QF ST. PAUL: crue+caNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 7; 19266 :.PRESENTED BY ... DAT. ......... _. ......... _.......... ... ....._._._.... .. p' OOM ISSIONER14 RESOLv In the matter of condemning and -taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Furness Avenue to Winthrop Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66720, approved June 29; 1926•, and Intermediary Order 0. F. #67285, approved August 4, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED , That the Pity of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, between the points afor'esaidl• to the extent shown upon the of the Commissioner of he plan attached to the're Public Works in the matt:er'dated September 7, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof: Leslie Cdu{o s'nd'.�s ° "'^ t" tha`e74 twemn tNe nnlntaia#Rr aRt4QNa.�a .. tedi: eb$wu ati6a-#}y4�t6Nudarcr: th§s1y�e'Dort�tiL �he�rpa tb N e t. • 7 a.%ss°8w'rtlighvls'4Pjj�g po s��a�te,.' he}'aor rc} Covhcl'��7 tisaB COUNCILMEN Appoe9RS�jBi�$¢ S� �vF + BSEP 7 �J[q 1r Council .... 192.... Yeas . • Nays F APPMdSFP..Z...:.........192...._ RdCHO.jdtj --------- ------ In favor McGlogan ,G�- .Ag1kanst •'._ Cq�M' ilk -lt:glwaltk�=f'... CITY OF ST. PAM Department of -Public wlorlks REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of pondemning and taking L:n easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Lake Como and Phalen Ave. fro?% Furness AvF. to Winthrop Ave. under Preliminary Order C.?. 66720 approved June 29, 1926 and Intorm&.iary Ordor C.!. 67285 approved August 4, 1926 To the Council of the City of 3t. Paul: The Co-nissioncr of Public Works horoby submits ^nd marcs part of this, his roport, L. ,)lan of the above improvo- -0 ment, shoving by trc sh'.ded ,)orti(-,n of said ,)lr.n, the fills to be made on private :,)roporty, and by the hatchod portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the casement to bo tpkon by the figures op;)osite such shaded r.nd h^.tched parts of such pL^.n. Date: / Commissicncr of Public Clorks. l W i lndico+es Cu+. AIL - Indico+es Fill. 42.0 3vA H3JAH9.A OMOO 3NAJ - . 3VA a83NS2U9. 3VA90AHTH Iw. NAa9 39012 asel,E p1U1, i plcal lloTo+Ian u 001='l-Lslo�2 Figures above lines�ow__ LAKE COMO & PHALENAVE. Peel -XIX Cut or Fill a+ property line. WINTNROPAVE FURNESs AVE. 5i96res below line show distance to which slopes - extend beyond property line. Loc. Book 2168, li t - t ES S' GA2DEN LOTS IZ — 12 13 14 WOf 9 9 10 II zos.Yc c}/[ %1. 144.11' - ._. Sl'uCtO ? 1,ARH�a ear -� _ e _ _ e� Pin � 1� ��� e 0 4n ;g ��- Nim I = ��«_ �� ""---- yr oho �� ; i� Mew �I� 14 13 2 121.21• 41.1 •• 4LI' I - 141.21• I IL2.29 3 14,_29 6 T I •S 3 3 I 2 � 1 - 3 2 I i E -- 1z --"— rM.a IO A. -- ' h AY D E N� N E 1 G HTS M E H. S 1 K 0 M E Q G A Q D E N WENKN S ISE. L- 0 T S 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL R 4 0l �y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e o REPORT OF COMMISSIrkER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (A) condemning and to -king an easement in the land necessa for In the n+atter of - in the grading of Lake Como and Phalen Avenue slopes cuts and fills Avenue to Winthrop Avenue under Preliminary Order approved June 29t 92 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: v 1s The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLACK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION -- S 12 Furness Garden Lots 3425 9 12 do 525 10 12 do 525 11 12 do 425 325 12 12 Jo 325 15 12 ;0 14 12 do 425 1 i•ohsikonerls Garden Lots 900 350 North of lot 2 & North ' of 3 :o -- - TOTAL. _- F- B. X. 10 .... -: IM 9675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated— -- 19210 C mmis o o ce. — r,,.... n. s. u . • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v E ` ' REPO' t*OF COMMISSIONER OF FI ON PRELIMINARIJORDER (C) ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT -CK ADDITION VALUATION- 1 Saenson's Re. 60 2 do 55 3 do 60 5 uieheikomerts Gar°don Lots 350 North a of 6 do 175 7 do 350 6 do 350 Last of 9 do m 475 most of 9 do 225 10 do 350 1 7 23aydon I-leifThts 100 14 7 do 100 IM 9675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated— -- 19210 C mmis o o ce. — r,,.... n. s. u . • F Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 13 July ...12.z....._1926 .............. ......___192------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St..Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 29 1926 __192__..._, relative to Council, known as Council File No.._66720 _._._..._approved_..___June .............._.._..... .. _.... condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessar_y_.._for _......... .............. _ slo_pea_,_._cuts _and.__fills. in the of•L�}ce..._C.ga�o.._��Si_.Pkta1021—__._..__ _Avenue.._from...-_Furness_._Ayenue._t.o.._VPinthro.�. venue.._.....and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... _...... .............. necessary and (or) desirable. XXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._._....._g�xxx ...._....... and the total cost thereof is $................_�.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .------ .................. ........... ---- .....___,.._......... .... _..... ____�_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ` ..... .................._.._................._................-_................_...-_...........__.................................._......__..._...._..---' - — 5. Said improvement is.................... ....... __......... _...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. i Commimioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE By............................. 67723 0 In the Matter of......_Pklan .i.t --tkia...grede....oi...alleq in..black..6.-Hanker! s--------------'- Cleveland View and Block 3 Hankee's Rearrangement, from 180' west of the west .11na---af..XeX eth..2 V.e..tn...Glev.eland..9 t.e--.,-..tn..-c.anform--Lo---- the --- red -grade line on the prefile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establishad.--gratia...haing.--shown-by--'a--- hlu.e_-.line..:#herej ,-•-&18.0_9,V&d1ag and-------'"" paving said alleyfrom Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue to said red line ..when--astab-1i shad. .......................... a F. No, _6vzaa— In the Matter of changing the grade of alley in block 6 Hankee'. Cleveland............................................................n View and Block 3 Hankee's'Rear- •aneement, from 130' sues[ of the =r line of Kenneth Ave. to Cleve- ........................... "� '•e., to conform to the red .............Y�, --------��--""-""""' � ��^ the Proflle hereto a[- ..'� a Part hereof, the under Preliminary Order...-._6S7.Ql.......................... dshed 7.grade being ...,------•--- 9 £t......'---................... '•ie line thereon, also '1 ^� as. d r. — frogs IntermediaryOrder................................................... ........ apooved.... .................--- ........... '- ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind off' to be made by the said City : a ens t Y nM1 �Silown ':"? ft. tA}� - �3-rze..i�:.ta [serf;, Sra,.x- and the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to .proceed •.with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �Cf1'f -•tM� Adopted by the Council._ ............................... 191..-..... 172 .... City Clerk. StP 7 -14—Ifs Approved................. ........ ............................. 191.._.._ \ [-�� 60"Heaman 11 ✓Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman.ZAN& Wenzel n t/ Councilman NleGlo gan. Mr. secoAd Vice Pres. McDnlyld nForm B. S. A. &7 P - - - -------------------- -----....... ..... ................_ Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANft. ON PRELIMINAr$1 ORDER (A) _ In the matter of—ohsngii,tag- the grade of alley in ble t 6 AankeeVs Oleveland dlaw and block 3 gankeels Rearrangement, from 180 feet west of the west line of Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being _shown by a blue line thereon,also grading and paving said alley from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue to said red line when established. r under Preliminary Order approved-- Jung 17th, 1926 - To 926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - --- -- -- paving 3q" creo. 21" brick 2" Asphalt Concr. 6" concrete 6. blocks. laid flat 511 base. 6 Total aq.y ards 6.23. 4.70 3.48 2.66 Property Share 6448.00 4865.00 3602.00 2753.00 Front foot (a) 5.41 4.09 3.02 2.31 Lot 6 and East 14 ft of 7 6. do 800 (Except Fast 14 ft) 7 6 do 825 ( 8 6 do 9 6 do 600 10 6 do 600 11 6 do 600 _ _ 12 6 do TOTAL. -- 600 - V— P. O. Is -CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � YIl1 OF FINAN&E- - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINArof ORDER (A) 1-0-11 a can>"eela (•leveland ViAw and— In the matter of_ vr�ci ch ria the_graae of 8116p i 14.� block 3 Hankeels Rearrangement, from 180 feet west of the west line of Kenneth_ Avenue to Cleveland Avenue to conform to the red grade line on the profile and a part hereof, the present established grade being hereto attached made thereon,alSO grading and paving said alley from Kenneth shown by a blue line to said red line when established. Avenue to Cleveland Avenue T �1 .. .. J ._ • _ ?U�: � T ��"' _I ,. �. :._I 1.11;-7• ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION " 1 6 Hankees Cleveland View 650 2 6 do 600 Lot 3 and East a Of 4 6 do 5250 j of 4 6 do 900 �West 5 6 Lot 6 and East 14 ft of 7 6 do 800 (Except East 14 ft) 7 6 do 825 ( 8 6 do 9 6 do 600 10 6 do 600 11 6 do 600 12 6 do _.-... TOTAL. 600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOIt—, -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCrz ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 3 Hankees Re-ar. 2 3 do 3 3 do 4 3 do 5 3 do 6 3 do and West z of Lot 19 Block 4 6 Hankees Cleveland View East a of Lot 19 and all of 20 6 Hankees Cleveland View 21 6 do 22 6 do 23 6 do 24 6 do 25 6 do 26 6 do 27 6 do 28 6 do 29 6 do 30 6 do ASSESSED VALUATION 600 600 6775 4825 4600 5100 5450 600 4300 600 425 3100 5400 600 600 4850 4550 64500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 0.inanre. ---1926_ omrm eF.— B. H. u — , A St. Paul, Minn.—June 8 -1926 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading and Paving of alley in Blk 6 Hankee's Cleveland View & Blk ...... . ............... . ...... - ------- - -- - - -- ------- — - - ------------- - - — ----- . .......... ......... . . ...... ....... . ....... -.- ........... St. Ave. from_... Kenneth Ave.Ave. to— Cleveland . .............. W. Ave. U - 14 -t-'\ I I . I - KAM --WRI"W" WE! I ATZ, I U - 14 -t-'\ I I . I - -- office of 'the CommisAbner of Public o c 'VED ►'' l Report to Commissioner of Finance .,� 7. M.18 0,26 July 10, 1926 1Q9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66701 June 17, 1926 Council, known as Council File No ....... ..—__........... approved.___-............._................_...----._..............._._192_.._., relative to l Changing the grade of alley in Block 6, Hankee's Cleveland View — .. and Block 3, Hankee's Rearrangement, from 180 ft. west of the west .......... -line of %ennebYs 9va�-bo 63eveia $ee:,-�l�o-grad#meg-aril-pav3�g-- s61d alley from Kenneth Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.................. _......... _....M6e$saaf i g%rd `pW',hed) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-_ ---- -----------___.._.._...., and the total cost thereof is $ ............... ........ _---- __....—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_._ ............ ........._...__..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner o4 Pnblic Works. Paser�h c� (Jubli .f vrkss JOHN H. MCOONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, OR' TY C—M-10121 GEORGE M. SXEPARO. Cn1[P _-mm. M. S. GRYTBAK. BnI..[ EN.InaR GREY. SGPT. GP Cox[TwYCT On wxO FRIM. July 9, 1926 A. B. SHARP. SIPT. OP.. NITA TIOx G. N. MR—LO. OPFIC. AN. CITY PLAXMIN. EA—— G. P. BOWLIN, SGPT. OP WOR[H 1 Hon. Jean H. Mc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of alley in block 6, Hankee's Cleveland View and Block 3 Hankee's Rearrangement, from 180 feet west of the west line of Kenneth Avenue.to Cleveland Avenue to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue to said red line when established, under preliminary order C. F. 66701, approved June 17, 1926; Length 595.4 ft. width of roadway 16 ft. Frontage 1191 ft. street 16 ft. Paving 3--"creo. 22"Brick 2" Asphalt Concr. 6"Concrete Blocks laid flat 5" base Total sq. yards 6.23 • 4.70 3.48 2.66 Property Share 6448.00 4865.00 3602.00 2753.00 Front foot (a) 5.41 4.09 3.02 2.31 Yours truly, e Ingineer. Approved for transmission t the Commissioner of Finance. omm ssioner o i'u c or s. _ k'0.' " .: CITY,,'OF .ST PAUL t.._�:(�e caNO .................. ---- E' t,F �" rad; �• t OFFICE OF THE, CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i:PRESENTED BY - «•,} September 7, 1926 E.___ ..... _...... . REso In the matter of-.condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills', in the grading' and paving of Alley in Block 6, Hankee's.&leveland View and Blk. 3', Hankeela Rearrangement, from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66702, approved June 29, 1926, and Intermediary Order 8. Fa, #67293, approved August 4, 1926, The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St'y'Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as on easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the Alley in.$i:pok keels Rearengement, be`$voe-Qn the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the planattaohed to the report of the Commissioner of.Publio works in the matter dated September 7, 1926, which plah'and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. �,,�FDtinatd-- I hetatia- tptlsi�em�0ntgand n,- n the;. agpyn a yyC t ideas fid -ASr t v'u i ,SN gankep°$��to Cieverpn� F No., 4,, ..71;enneth ry ,;gt:rt el(r9r�. aed�z,1u$ao$�`No e87888 t. - x I6 �,pute8ts iebo"SV�a bayvtng yynatttetYhetr � pyp4� � � i iamb � �°'I;hat, lhe>aCrL9 1et�ghnt%?ot �e�'a deter nes tbt0r����ve .ltilk+lled` ;..� anme (tE�oan':'dP9ne' 7 e1,°Eeb'1`i-°nt 0ek`Bd'nn7cgea ,CrevR gA4:. �c 3y( fid. ('-Riq SeWBen'>�,th.4b�ntaNg� h " uz" ttwx t.�' ranBt hb%'z^eacienE,uvbO '-N lLie y ALwpp•=� 7 4 g'P eio le' a.. ' 'teesa.(uaaSatk� Yo a oto ane,. Be�Patt thgCounolrfit8e tx7`$fy, . �vpy te8"r�8eDG77 x.'888`' •fi�� _, '. k; ro"Ye . tgalltrl9 6� 8 � :'�'-•^w ` � �,. COUNCILMEN SP Yens //_ Nays Adopted by the Council ........... 192.._` V t_aancy - ,�,t Aig"� f ;4_ laadi _�_Inavor p - -• — -' _ 192--- r McGlogan CCtdh�,m ,rte lAgainet . ..._ .. .. ------- .row Mr. Second Vice-Prss. M00011A_Id. - 677?4 CITY OF 3T. PAUL Department of Public Worka REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of pondEmning and t�llcing _�n easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading eS: and paving of Alley in Block 6, dankee's Cleveland 7iew and 3lock 3 Hankee's Rearrangement, from :_enneth Ave. to Cleveland Ave.under Preliminary Order C.F. 66702 appro•.ed June 29, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 67293 approved Aug. 4, 1926 To the Council of the City of 3t. Pcul: The GoTnissionor of Public Works herobJ submits ^.nd mattes pert of this, his roport, a plan of the above improve - men t, showing by tr_c shaded _)ortion of said Lan, the fills to be made on private Proporty, and by the '.-iatchod portion the ruts tc be made on private property, end the extent of the easement to be t^ken by the figures op.)osite such shaded r.nd hc.tched p-.rts of such pl^.n. Date: Conviissioner of Public ':forks. p + Indicafes Cut. M -lndicofes Fill. Typical Nofofion a:o, Ficures obovelne s:iow CU, or Fill of properfy line. FiSuees below line show distance fowhich slopes exfend beuond property line. ! ,C.Book !253 W�N. —PALACE %T, 3 ' 6 W 31V ONAJ3V3A Z 33>MAH- @.N1F1- Y3JJA .3A z'33NNAH' � A J 8 $ HAJ9 390 2 eiss ni�n3� .—A 2S81,2SngA M'SeI-XIX `I JAMES ST. 3 2 I 12 II 10 9 B 7 6 S 4 3 2 I C 0 0 DUL.GAH: . STUCCO I DNL.GA2. S rucco � Q - V- STUCCO K 4 Q5 6 19 20 ZI Z2 23 24 25 Z6 27 _6 29 30 w NANKF S N ANKEE.S CLEVEL_AN D VIEW x LJ) JAMES ST. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i� R, t?0' MOF COMMISSIOtIER OF FIN NCS ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nagesear f alnr,ec +& And_fi*„ 'in the grading and oavinEr of alley in block 6 Hankee's Cleveland View and Block 3 Hankee's Rearrange- ment,from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved -rune' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_��o The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8- ADDITION VALUATION 1 6 Hanke®s ClOveland ViG'a 650 2 6 do 600 Lot 3 and East 'I of 4 6 do 5250 ` .'est " -f 4 6 do 900 5 6 Lot 6 and Last 14 ft of 7 6 do 800 (':.soopt "z-tst 14 ft) 7 6 do 825 8 6 do 9 6 do 600 10 6 do 600 11 6 do 600 12 1 do 800 -- Farm R. M. I• TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ..__ ... DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPOWV� IEIF COMMISSIONER OF FIN4NCE .. _ ON PRELIMINARY' ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Hankees Re-ar. 600 2 �5 do 600 3 3 do 6775 4 3 do 4825 5 3 do 4600 6 3 do 5100 ?. ''lest a of Lot 19 B100k dankoos Cleveland Viev at k of Lot 19 and all of 20 6 11ankees Cleveland Viev 5450 21 6 do 600 22 6 do 4300 23 6 do 600 24 6 do 4�5 25 6 do 3100 26 6 do 5400 27 6 do - 600 28 6 do 600 29 6 do 4850 30 6 do 4550 64500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —� c Dated— 192" - — Commiss r of nce. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 10, 1926 To the. Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66702 June 29, 1926 Council, known as Council File No ....... .__.__.......... approved--_...._ ....... ................. _.................... . .... ........__.192_....–., relative to condemning and taking an easement in he land n..... r.............................__.._� for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading and paving of AlleyT — in Block 6, Hankee's Cleveland View and Block 3, Hankee's __ _ .. ... ....................... _.._........ —.... ......------ ---............ _...... - ..... .._.......... __,._,— - -- --- Rearrangement, from Kenneth Ave, to Cleveland Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said 4aprovement is ....... _............ _.._...-necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.....%.�......_—...._....... and the total cost thereof is $ ....... ....... ..... ....... _.... ....... ._, ........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...... ... ...... ---------- .--- _......_......................_............_._._..------....�_._.._.. —.-- 5. Said improvement is_............ .... ............ .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pu 'c Works. C RESOLV CITY OF ST. PAUL cou c" Pro........6../..,t.40 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL SO NERAL FORM tn:� .........fir..; n.DATE........S6.ptembQz...Ty... 1.926....... RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant'in favor of E. F. Carlsten in the sum of Six Dollars and seventy five cents ($6.75) same being the amount erroneously paid into the City Treasury on Lot 14, Block 1, Stone & Morton's Add- ition, for which Receipt No. M1408 was issued July 12, 1926. Charge to the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund, --Improvement No. L1876. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �ancy / )WejR&wj}d. ................In favor L.McGlogan eimer ..........:..Against Wenzel '�1 , !so Mr. Second Vlca Fre.. mcuunald Adopted by the Council..►7EL...1�..:.1,7LY........... 192...... prow ...... 192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TH9 CITY CLERK 1-11�it.OUNCIL RE.06P_MN-�;GENERAL FORM C UN IL NO. -.---6'7M Fl— ny ues-u - t the Civil Service commissioner be authorized to attend the conference on Civil Service Administration to be held by the National Assembly of Civil Service Commissions at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from Septiember 13th to 17, 19262 and the convention of National Association of Police and Fire Surgeons Medical Directors of Civil Service Commissions from September 20th to 22nd, 1926, in the same city and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw and deliver to said Civil Service Commissioner a war-r'ant in the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the purpose of defraying his expenses on said trip, the said warrant to be payable out of the Office Expense item of the Civil Service bureau Division of the Comp- troller's Fund; and the said Civil Service Commissioner upon his return shall file with the Comptroller an itemized statement of his expenses and return to the City Treasury any balance of said moneys so advanced and not expended by him for the purpose of said trip, such balance to be credited back to the Office Expense item of the Civil Service Bureau Division of the Comptroller's Fund. era COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ........�n favor '✓...Against /wenzel Mr. S.cond Vl�o rrnn., N,p_•. .1" - M S E P 7 - �-. Adopted by the Council ... ....... ...... .._-.-.---_'---------192..---- Approve .. -----E p 7..... ------------ -192 MwYOR COUNCIL •^� Ot -OF ST. PAUL cae NO. _. r• OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESCOMM SSI0 BY ONER___ ' " '' - -• -.•. DATE-.�._._.._._,._.__ __._._.._._:._. _ ,RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Eduard J,'.Qarroll, an employe'of the Department of Public Works,in- jured July 12, 1936, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) out of the £` Workmen's Oompensation Account of the'Geueral Fund, In partial settle— ment of his claim against the City of St. Paul, being Poor the period up to and including September 5th, 1926. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays lancy: ' � -i-In favor ,%.,,al..,:..,e— /.... - --Against . �enzel Son°d•Y(ca. Pres. McDonald Adopted by the Council,^�; 192.... ed v4SEP.7 1 i92y..- - — /....._.... ................. - CITY OF- ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LINCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NO. --------- 6'7"128 PRESENTED QH COMMISSIONER.— - _._.i.... _ _! ...__.�_ __ __._.___ DATE- ..... ....... _.... _... .._...... Lki RESOLVED, T the proper city officer 8 hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Nicholas Fischer, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul on the 23rd day of May, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Nicholas Fischer the sum of $52.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Acodbint of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said City on account of. said injury, being for the period up to and - including June 30th, 1926. . ''^C S..Nb: 67YTSc--'$ihe�ro9oC�� Yolrl-�I COUNCILMEN Yeas '/ Nays Clancy A4eHemd'd^ _.!.......En favor _/-McGlogan 1-0 Alai—Ir— --- .Against �Weezel - Mh';.becotn�tflGi Nrts�A�cl7oneld .. SEM-. _199 Adopted by the Council,..:.: -.-._ 192.... SEP i roved --............... -•---....................... ---..... . .......... I92-- -- � g 'CITY OF ST. PAUL PieNca NO - .._.lf.J OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `�IRESENTEO Vy - / ....,..,COMMISSIONER__.. ____ _..____._ _.._ _.._.DATE.. _:_.... RESOLVED , That the proper, city officers are hereby a!thArized to -pay to Margaret -:Linke, An employe'of the Department of Eduoation, injured December let, 1925, the sum of #16.00 out of the Workmen's 0ompensa tion Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of her claim against the City of 8t. Paul, being for the period up to and includ— ing September 6th, 1936. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy " ,.. ...�..Jn favor a1 R ............----Against tl �' No.;: --87789 DY?,J � MCDdnalfl 8eep�vedx That the`proDpr''eftya ot;!' - - oere are kereby autl},orlsefl�,to#ypdy.�,to: "EfarBaret ,•IJnke+ ariw emD7oyo; dtr ,ihb: - - DeDagimedt o; Educaxlo>f lglureM Ile / cember int" 1985, t1leFsutr�x�; �i8110 out _ ot, the�s.W.orkFnea e-ComDRiieajlgp ryA'�-,. uonnty o; :the,,tledera}' P'unA in;:.naltiAl. hettlemen& oY'+hdr 'e7e<Im aHnlnat tthe Ciy o1 ✓9� 'Pgriy1� beta63;or the;�horlod�' - uD, to ;n8.lnc1gd1u6;.$Bpj* 8 b 19588 - . ADDror"'ere'ib8 p a-7 19881 BeDt �7,�,1988;� ,. (9eDt 13-198¢) •_ Adopted by the Council...... 192.... rov .........192...... > , ----- .... . ................ . ..... .................. .......... 9AVOR , - ' xo t 4 W�'7 t c - CITY OP $T. PAUL, co�uncaNO h- ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` C UNCIL'RESOLUTIO,N .GENERAL FORM k o- - r '�PRE8EN7ED 9Y� COMM/SSI,ONEYi a RESOLV.ED That-. the proper city Officers ars hereby, auihorized,to pay Peter Magnuson, an employe of ,the Department of Public Works, in— jured April _96th, 1926; the sum of 05.20 out of_the- Workmente Com— peneation Account of the 'General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City Ofr at. Paul, being for the,,eperiod up to and including September 6th, 1996. b tr .r No taQ5 a"y ads; atrvbnatd. .. R L{eso3vedpr.,Thpt Lh�SDrgyd;' ett3�`oSt- y cers,lhre }helbby a�Lthar)zed to DaY=.to 7...: gnYMRn"+anlcpmDloye off... the J'De1+Crkm6, Vlt Publla rke r •rADS'il SBth�,X9$_e� th&r�4na{', o�48{6 20'out iA - of 'the Workmpn,e O,ompehBatlo cophx of t4e:,(ieberat D•a d -A Adopted,, {[p �artiai ed t1 C•yofc hid plpim�affatnet, �Ckty�•Bt. Paal betngfob tha ,pdrlo�. u Adoaqd b*y th6ing $e6ti ✓7th Y986. Adopted-bythe.Coaactlaept 7`3988. ADD�oVed` 8eVL(_'V,1920. 19E8) y' COUNCILMEN rp192-_r Yeas Nays Adopted by the-Council �4! . .-i_ p...__ owed I , tor----- -- (92_ .: -In favor McGlogan / �r J .Agaiitst - - - -............w.r.a e- Wenzel $ecua4 VW. Pres. M.Upn.ld CITY OF ST. , PAUL" y 4_ - _ . ' .^.fib (•.. }? � COUNCIL �0 FILE ..----.-" r g OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERL/LL FORM RESOLVE�$at permission and are hereby givea,to the,'Standard F 011 Company of Indiana to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner ofRiceand Front streets, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Sefbty. - • C No 8?TS} 9 C. S7 ` tho 9g�dr il',h8f�permie(onsn01 au- darfl tai�s%her�by C!kii Yo 7 J 1OX I COUNCILMEN Yeas " Nays Adopted by the Council:;M-,- 192-..- Clancy - A .-In favor } Ap�j ............ 192....-. ✓. McGlogaa O ..Against - ' a` •--` Wenzet , N.., ,..�• s-�3aa �Fa, na�QP^A" POSA;CARA NOTICE! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.,---.Auger-g$-t};-..---192--(- Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of - I..- Standard- 01 -1 -.Go ....... _---------- ---------------------------------------- to erect and install a filling station on the_-....Southwe_at.-.LQTn@T_.Of Rine _.and..Fr-ant...StB------------------- -.--------------------------------------- - ---- - - will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the.. ------- 7th --------------- day of...-....Sep-tembar- --, 192.4 ., at 10 o'clock A. M. L. C. HODGSON, Commissioner of Finance. Mr. D..W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the applioation of the Standard Oil Company for permission to instal a drivein gasoline filling station on Lot 10, Blook 22 Ward's addition, on the southeast Corner of Rioe and Front Streets, and report of inspeotion and approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Pu o, Safety ♦i i � *aInt 6773-1 e. J. MORNANC. - / . ltlli�. MFACalaru+. CwH a• Pauli U1NOD1. M1CHAa 6®NAROT. ♦r} TM■L* y■♦` {� ■1 Public �sNf�iv OiGM FDR AAML CRNA Po1.1R of UAM BARRON.a WE.1.1AM 0N. H.A. VAIs. CW- IwPY.Ta14 lIIR P1RvoR1w OArtA�N O� � J. M. CLANCY, COMMIseIONBR C11A11I.tf L WILLIS. O' APY S HARRY T. O'CONNELL, 0— COMM18610ta{R tur,•a•Arrrllu�w INeor O. F. SIMON. M. D. A. L MGERT.H--OI/Rn, I—N.11tlMcrOR au n1 eaRr Nss A. B. NIg10Le. M. D.. piARLi L EHOERI. OVIRY H01LiN OAKY Mf. MRtlCIM1Y.0A1W[ .�® JOHN MARTI. `NNLM WAY. C~ KI,-W 4AslaleE �,. I'R.ICi 6 Fl1R A.ARM August 31, 1926 Mr. D..W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the applioation of the Standard Oil Company for permission to instal a drivein gasoline filling station on Lot 10, Blook 22 Ward's addition, on the southeast Corner of Rioe and Front Streets, and report of inspeotion and approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Pu o, Safety Hon. J. U. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COURT HOUSE, CITY. Denr Sir; Regarding anplication of the Standard oil Company of Indiana for ;)ermission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 10, Block 2, ;card's addition &nd rearrange- ment of Paist Addition, on the southeast corner of Rice and Front Streets. Upon investigation ;:re find that a drive-in gasoline filling station at the above location would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a permit be granted. Yours respectfully, Thief I—nspecli=— VTOB/k E. J.IMURNANX. �- ` Ctu Of 3t♦ Pahl OSCAR LAN-C CMO M PaYCS AUT. FlIR C.on MICHA6 G®HARDY. ASR. CMv 01 Ibuti �}�.f■,mFF 8� /R� a■ Bepartment of PubliL SafetV ROK WILLIAMpARMVD.Tow. ►IRt PREVDIIIaN N A VAU., CNARIJSB L. WILLIS, est i. W AW WGTU CA Mx W Dt{taYlVM J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. pARFU33. Ira'¢Tal aF PaYat HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONERHW.YM p, F. SIMON. M. D. OITICQI , A. L EGGERT. Ua DRt6iM BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. Da RT Hut_TN WFlen JOS. MAGULIIY, Hamm Arm MlmRtarA m. JOHN MARTI. CMtr Htwtrn Irlt.sTRt svr. Faun a FlRt uwwN OWEN C. DUNN. Flwt CMv ®® Aug. j0, 1926. Hon. J. U. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COURT HOUSE, CITY. Denr Sir; Regarding anplication of the Standard oil Company of Indiana for ;)ermission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 10, Block 2, ;card's addition &nd rearrange- ment of Paist Addition, on the southeast corner of Rice and Front Streets. Upon investigation ;:re find that a drive-in gasoline filling station at the above location would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a permit be granted. Yours respectfully, Thief I—nspecli=— VTOB/k I Origioal CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Thiesl?Phsadonto ba; I F t , made ins dupbtjnte and 4 OFFICE OF Tim, CITY CLERK.' %' submitted to the GSty APPLICATION TOR LICENSE Clerk AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. - Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREB MADE By N.me et ttrm odtvid-w For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compl ce with Ordinance 5266; A J 07r A't di Qnave m^ 1 S^ O UTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At Street Number eud Street Number of Number of Gas Pumps to be'InstalledS TaI d Received at office of City Clerk s� n Capacity of e, Tanks 17 0 Receive rom ity Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk 1.Dat ii Dat t9— t9— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings --19 Department of Public Safe tY Department ofPublicWorks By By BY Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works of eceiivve bunds Date 19— Dote 19— analrtmecnt Parke Bldgs. Officeof the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk - Office of the City Clerk By BY By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Paeerd t9— ApprovW t9 Date Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of Ordinance No BY Received From Office of Corp. Counsel 19_ Date 19- Permit No. Dat Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— TY OF��A�1YT_I�_{7R L UeparWvr o f �Jublic /or4ss -JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. 6. O'CONNELL. D.1— COYMI.. NN- SEiOROE M. SHEPARD. CHI" SAN— WN. N. CARSY: It— Or CON—" REPwIR H. HERAugust 20, 1926 O. ROLO.01ANO C I ITY PLANNING EN -I A' Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk of St. Paul, Dear Sir: M. O. ORYTHAK. 9RIOON EN.HODLR A. e. SHARP. 8ur O. -- -- G. P. SOWLIN. SurT. Or W...... Ref: Drive in Filling Station Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, S. W. Corner Rice and Front Sts., By Jno. L. Barnes This application of a drive-in filling station is in a Commerical District and is permissable under the zoning ordinance subject to a 'public hearing. Engineering Report: The radius at the entrance from Front St. should be increased to 26 ft, tangent to the curb of the street; at the exit an eight ft. radius should be used. At the exit on Rice St. a sixteen ft. radius curb should be used tangent to the curb on the street. A protection curbing between the sidewalk and driveway nearest Front St. must b® built. Yours very truly, city Planning "Engineer Approved ommiasioner o u o 7lorks 0 tai WS -01 Original CITY OF SAINT PAI"l. - This application to be madeN OFFICE OF THE CITY CI.E ub- to duplicate and R submitted to the City ' APPLICATION FOR Ll NSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING S TION Application No. Tot l�lMoon g le City Council pate '" 19_ 0 �fi►yt aul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE sn:ne or,:�p, nr Ina�rianm For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Or'tlinance 5266) A AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At' • , 46 I Sneri \umber and Street i Number of Number of Gas Capacity of + Pumps to be Installed ' Tanks to be Installed__) Tanks y Received at office of City Clerk i77,r a�Ko:,wr.,f Aeor,::nr By r Receiv Fr�o(tjt City Clerk �, Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 17 _19— Date----------- Dep nt of Public Safety Department of Public Works i Department of P. Parks. Playgrounds 'i and Public Buildings By Received From Dept of Public Safety Received From Upt. of Public N'orks Received From Department of Date 19_ Date ---------19— ParkDate_ — 19— s, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. -- Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By _— _ — Qy_-____—__._ _ By Received From City Clerk 11 Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ of the Corporation Counsel Office of Corp. Counsel Received From Department of Ordinance 19— Date -19.— he City Office of the City ClerkPermit No By _ License Nc Approval withheldAon account of and applicant so notified by letter _ 19— Original / CITY OF SAINT PAUL This plication to be .. /I O n. t� naavim na mvo nr�nv n.,,.. made isapduplicate and try" ,._. _ ,,.,� Clerkttea to tae taty APPLICATION FOR LI NSE e AUTOMOBILE FILLING S TION WIND..` Application No. �t Hon le City Council to—! �`— 19- i8i-Pani, Minnesota APPLICATION I REB a$a i ADE . �. 6 in�eb�M' r me of w Individuei For LiCense to Operate and Maintain (In Comp ce with 0 inane 5266) t ' Tr t..1/9+'� GT S ..DTi In" 9&Ug." A TO OBILE FILLING STATION o belocated A - Street umber avd Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed— Tanks to b talled Tanks�lL/ Received at office of City Clerk SignaturedAppNeMr - Bu®veae Address Recety d Fr7a City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat 19 DaDa te 19 19— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Depart ent of Public Safety Department of Public Work. By By i By Received From Department of Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Opt. of Public Works Date 19— Data _ 19_ Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bidge. Date 19— 9BY Office of the City Clerk Office of the City.Clerk Office of the City Clerk B BY By Received $som City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19— eD Dat, - 19 _ BY, of the Corporation Counsel - Approved 19_ Received From Department of Ordinance No pf Corp. Counsel W0111ce 19—Datege Permit No. ,�t: Office of the City Clerk BY License No Appidia! withheld fn acbount of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ Duplicate Form No. CITY OF SAINT -PAUL VA"O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION This application to be -- made in duplicate and suboiltted to. the City Clerk. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date— ate of of Saint Paul, Minnesota AP> LICA ION I RE MADE By pme pr� er maiiapw For �Linse to Operate and Maintain (In Com ante with Ordinance 5266) A •'Drive IG yY6eT __ 0%_T45 FILLING be located AUTO OBILE STATION to Street Number —d Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Ynstalled Tanks to b talled/ U )Tank] Received at office of City Clerk/► /� y —tore or Appa I Bi gr Huvvea Addrem Receiv F m City Clerk Da[ 19 Receiv d rom City Clerk Date .��19 Departure t of ltc Works Received From CIty Clerk Date-- I9— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings leoDepa e f is Safety By� BY By Received o e t. o P blit Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Departmentof Dat 19— Date 19— Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Ridge. Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By BY BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ Approved 19— Date Date 19_ Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of Ordinance No. By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date t9 Date 19 Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk -By By License No Approval withheld on account Of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ .PRESENTEE COMM ISSIC 701 p , . CpUNCILNO-Y-__-_-�7 CITYOF ST. PAUL.2 iR.'ry :>FILE i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..._._.._ ._ _.. _................._._�..._._..__._._. _........ _...... DATE.. .....ai.Qp xi..._.7.1-_122'a........ .......... That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated March 30, 1926, between Peter Lametti, Contractor, and the City of St. Paul, for the con-. atruotion of a sewer on Graham St, from Edgeoumbe Road to a point 130 ft. east of Prior Ave., and on Edgeoumbe Road from Graham St. to W,.Seventi, St. and on Fairview Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Stewart Ave., be and the same is hereby extended to the 3rd day of September 1926, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any farce and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing._with._the Citi Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays — n,,,.. -Clancy j A eQ9mak ----. . , ../...In favor McClogan Sudheim-!!t. /. ...Against ✓ Wenzel Secortf Vlr,�'r,r'p37 Cc.^.eca�-� the Council..........................9192.... Ap 192 ------ --------------------------------- + 4W St. Paul, Minn. 3 lg? TO TLi HOP,OF?ABLE CITY C'!UYCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Ca t 1 sm:;n: Mould resp3otfully ask that your Honor�.ble Body c puss the time of compl•etin� contr.=.ct for the To be extended to Owing to it rss not possible for 1—e to finish this contract within the ti.:..e specified, hence n' desire to ask that the time for com— �iatinT same be ,:ad.e c;rainbefore stated. APPVOVEp: �111i.Slo._er r,f Public FlorLs Yours very truly, yawtv C Ont r act or. There is no objection to havinrr, the time extanded 3s requested, as far as the racuirements of this offic are concerned. '%pt, of Construct epairs Chief Enr"ineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM �,///� C S QNo�8778 Bs�J�TS 3v / F!r � � F3.§ao1�9d.�'haQ'fhefi`BPULca1f8 a`�! FILCNLIL No .......... `J7. 67.713 :.,...IRA ............... RESOLVE That the applioatior to ouft�eom�afe a dqt a os ii Persona for conducting businesses at the �?�aaoanEtog•lthe same are hereby s ioenses upon the granted and the city clerk is payment into the city treasuryc; :uhe •o. a: A. J. Johnson h F. J. Slipka, 2615 Bayard Ay., Confectionery A. F. Bruckner, 646 S. Smith AY., Butcher Maurice D. Warren, 591 Broadway St. Grocery B. Kaplan, 138 State St., Ruth Capp, 239 E. Indiana AV. Abraham Budish, 183 E. Indiana Av., aButcher W. E. Sanders, 267 W. 7th St., 5 pool tables Sam Friedman, 894 Grand At., Grocery F. 0. Fisher, 242 S. Hemline Ay., Confectionery J. A. Janssen, 611 Wabashe. St., 3 pool tables J. A. Janssen, 611 Wabasha St., Confectionery M. Listszky, 139 H. Dale St., Butcher Mrs, L. G. Hoffman, 1460 Grnad.Ay., Grocery M. B. laser, 491 Wabasha St., Sam Bir 647 Selby Ar., Dairy John Groner, 1197 Rice St., Grocery M. D. McIntyre, 1718 E. 7th St., a Mrs. Vinnie Smith, 690 H. Snelling Av., Catherine Rendriokes 1217 Edmund St., Bakery-_ W. Bugg—, 1220 W. Minnehaha St. Grocery " Ed False, 1102 Larpenteur AT., J. McDonalds 693 Mississippi St. confectionery Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays \.--Clancy . -Fesgvsett• MoD®ns14..- ................In favor McGlogan SMdheimer Against . Wenzel �' '#9!hacoeA Vlr.. Pres. 1MpOonad EP ............ Adopted by the Council ....... S......... 7....• MM 192. ..�d. .0 SEP Approved..............7 ..... j.,LIJ................ 192...... ................................... LISIi?ED CITY OF ST. . PAULc 4 -N IL No.. ........ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC:IL RE LOTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ....... &9pi pep BY ............... COMMISSIONER.... . ... . . . ..... ......................... RESOLVE 8 made application for license to operate ESOLVE WRERUS, D. L. Vadnai upon the streets of the city Of St- Paul, One (1) Moon auto car, motor No. 13667, State License No. B-192-979, coverby Bulldog Automobil* insurance policy No. 602-601-T, and owned by said Ded . L. Vadnais, and MlEREAS, D. L. Vadnais in accordance with ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of at. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said D. L. Vadnais to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city Of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas --'Clancy Nays MQUOnald .. ........:.......In favor v--McGlogan -Sudheiynrr"" ...... (O.Against �-�Wenzel SEP 7 - 19* Adopted by the Council ........................................192...... SEP 7 - "La Ci✓Appro ved ............................................192... ........... ........................................... CITY OFST. PAUL ... "No - ---- 67735. 4W A& OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C.0....10N.R ...... . . . . . .... . . ...... .. . .. .... DATE.._..._ . ......... ........ ........... . . . . ......... . ....... . Rtslw-�, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and is hereby authorized and dirooted to sprinkle with water or'oil the following streets: Kenneth from Randolph to Wellesley Westminster from Whitall to Cayuga Jefferson from Clifton to View Cayuga from Westminster to Alley 1201 East COUNCILMEN YeasNays 'y rvlq!�� .� C Cavor ---M.Clogan Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council . ...... 192;F... Ap,p192 ...... e'md .......... ,.LHU" (. i',�Af LIJ U (11 IJ (i LIJUI Ues' UPLICATE TO CITY�CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE IV.-__--'__ 1 O OUNCILMEN'-ROLL CALL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - rlev ,✓ ° COUNCIL R980WT10N IN FAYeR AUDITED CLAIMS ----�be-r-X --'9 eOLOGA ALAI '"' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA Off{ I ff TREASURY Y eNZEL p PREB - TO THE AGGREGATE /1 CHECKS NUMBERE !+G. OF f_COVERING; 'ilfK—TO - INCLUSIVE.. A9 BY YfiE" NCIh PER CHECKS ON F 1 E FI F THE CI C PTROLLER .. .t` •� Gad VI Prr{OJD____-- ; Milian elTv eo oLLex - CHECK NUMBER �N FAVOR OF (� TO TRANSFER AL DATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK �/.. CHECKS CHECKS — 81 1 0, J, Nealogest, Dom *r. of Fin. I M, q N 1 i2 289 64 5 N 9176 '7AC N N N N ! 10 .6 Patrick Berry I 2 also Nary 0i nniea 4© 91,81 Otie H, Codfreyi (}uardiaA 3 5 slog Marle latherilte HAoketrt 1! a3 803 John xttbae ► 9484 Atd *"v Peiteoh !F1 I T�Berert�a . 811i Sane N..stegae t� Guardian Y 1 8167 I Dorothy L. Stegner ![facie Wilsoa `Widow of Ym.F''W. 'Zenga7cl,r i 24 26 3.' 9 {i 818Pl. ! H. Y. I� s189 Dr. 0e4, F. $rooks jlp I. evil �) Dz. 3�." L. LaseoA 8191 ;I Schilling Optical Co -Ing- 12 i '2 Dr, a: G, HO" W-04 I 25 5 3 21.9 II E. 8. Re lime 41 Scat, Company!,i -TO 29 53 d9 n ot'i Donovan o _ptrn oat Fin.' 7 O.J.Nodlogan Poor. of 81 schoell & 8cbtlke-• Chicago, Rock Island & Pace I 1 1 ii Railway company 9 6 9199 Goodyear Robber Oasspany 4- 5 8200 Otto Hosack ;; 50 . 9201 Johnson High School Print 949, ' 8202 Peter Lemetti 300 0 0203 L., T. Lefebvre, Acle, of the iI i Estate of W: J. Razille 46 4 !!204 Mple. St,.Panl.& Sault Ste. Marie Railway2 'a�P�►y 00 8, N, W, Bell Telephone Company; 22 9 N. W, Fuel OoWpW j 469 8� Harold Paisley ' 50 00 82 Raise Coal company Ij 2 603 99 . Stearns:ftintiBg Company ( 400 g23 aen ► Stebb#pg I! I 30 00 8 jothnr A. $"we", Corp. Coul el 22 ' 82 2 $ .:: , J. Stolps `Ts J`tate Tel. d. Telg. comp 60 32 20 g2 4 T�yitian Paper SM1*1� .00spsAy. 5 II0 so vent I8z] I 82 6 I I Wheelingeorfugating Oospany Ij 62 2 -�.-, o sine ae� a on C. r. No. 67736— a ate. Resolved. That che` City Treasury chanes the coverinE t69218 1 ffice of telusive. as Der nvmhered6 76 file iton the ohe }� -,-I 1926. Adopted hY the Council Sept. 7.i Sept- 711926. Approved (Sept• 11-1926) 1 1 t.. SHrPT TOTAL—_EQ13WA8P I O➢M N ➢-� 1000 !�➢."' "-� � - 4 r � } •� y' ?�' ate` S a v � [n a�9� 3� , q�;� 't` g �'' h.w. Pitition foi Gradi309# Council FileNo..___------677 PROPOSAL FOR PIPROOEMENT' PRELIMINARY ORDER. b ` The undersigned )tereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul; . en widen oitd ettend an s11ey_1a Bennae ' Randolph Addition #o eividth,.oil t. 20 fta by 6013de®n126 Vhe $oath 66b4 fti of the Ilevedilds treat of: 1021a b6IUA*4_4U_4U*_ 86rth by kandelph Sts anti on the East.by bot 1 X-! ' 8 8and0POft — Dated this— 8th _--day of--_—__ae '� �m.. WhbW�7'4tten.9�n°� µDoe this` a5'nshlai�,oEs.tti9 Z n tk� Dk nten4� .. o'er ons s ttr; r"IC, gnneCe$anflo}ph lti {�s'SWtdth - g8ps�t '.�"c3nd$Yon ��ty g dgRP PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERIrAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �; � g ''�'�"' ZIia�4_�?j,� +n xAn s*H R ►hAnlnt� aa�i�•d�,� __ AT—� r tP i► Width '0-'20 04by oonidemt4ing the youth Bi54 ft. "ot thl► --- k *Alt "b3f &anQol St. ,and on the Eaet byLot 1 Keatu�*e' Rando3ph r ' oni l having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-- - ,- therefore, be it }= N�SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public' Works be and is hereby ordered and duet z dtxnveitigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. r •To investigate the; nature, 'extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat'; sr•. thereof a �'' • furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4: To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. _6. To report upon=allof the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �} A7o�ted by the Council--_ 9 p t2.,loft ----- -- "YEAS //N�A_�YS Councilmha�CLANCY a' SEPI - i ,r PBREii389IF' �,�:Approved — -- WENZEL Mayor. Y+ Form CA 1841 s gn<YAte RI"ef., Petition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Council File No...........r�8 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: a part of Lot $, Block li Bubfrban Hills said alley being aa•-a�Gissio�}--o --n-"1-J4y... #a --- 3�,;• ►*--- Ke"o-'-e-lid-i-tien... o ftyseaa Avenue+ the center line of said alley at McLean Avenue being 'el�utdYulra�Io-e---Ue'4r'a9�`tiii "T.ise ""oi-.�ourid-..St: ariii"�etee•'lve�e. Dated this. 3rA .-day of------------- --- $eptlobep�r----_-----_ ----------- 192 ... 6-. PRELIMINARY ORDER oaio +i-� 163RA . n� ' "�r, O g"e , ecl WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following 1m 0 ice h cif nasel�R0 o _ Open, Wi4en nd an alley to a Width � Sb' • across -- ...par, sy Zotrs.i.xIm"687 IF-1 ccbnrb -gigs a $ ii y bbiri� , .......................... sln...A anriiQm h...R....Mosfs..:iE4...A di. .ice �doJiasn- - Avenlis, the center line of said alley at Mobean ATenne being eq*141st-anee --- between --- the --line--a3 MOMA_star ana -Bases-#vents, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public'Works'be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of. said improvement. ' 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 7'' 1926 Adoptedby the Council ---------------------------•---------•--- ------------------------------ YEAS / NAYs Councilman C.LANCY c 4A&aeaeo7;'' Approved ------------ ------------S_ ............ 3rfaieetr�' . . AL --'WENZEL ..... ........................ .....................fillown /I Mayor. Form CA 13 OM 640. Second Vice Pres. M,°oo—W 1-/ / J � V/% p'CBLISHED Petition. �+ryc�(� Council File No 67.7W PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: pp-m__widen._s;►a._azlsena,_Psngaser.: at.._to.._ .. wrath -- -_69-_f ---------------- ---------- ------ ------ -----------------across Tote Ba_.§ -and 9 Blook__... Oraiokahamke.. 9F�tden�Lo . -all 1ying._between-Sennar0St,and-Hsaelwood Avonne.-------- ------- _ L»l- ---- WH A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. t-Q-A-:wi.flth._o ._6@._ .i-•----••---- .............._...........l�nxo .............all._l�ing between gennsr.. 9t. and Haselwood Avezmst - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St, Paul---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon allof the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. "SSP• 7 1926 Adoptedby the Council- .......... -------.......... -•-......... --.................................. YEAB � .... 6 ; . .. Councilman CLANCY'Fammm�Fp 7 ,— Approved ------....--.............. a _ Mayor. "' r:.�r.[c^oma>id Form CA78 (2M 8-2�`,•s��ar,a vi« - moi_ //_ LJ PUBLISHED ( J To 67740 I% COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER reconstructing, relaying and repairing where necessary In the Matter of- -------- sidewalk on the south side of Randolph Street beginning at Mount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curve Boulevard thence nes tt9—elle9. ___________________________________ __ •- INTER,tffinrAHY, OHDffi ____________ HHa - t______- --------------- --------------------------- -- _____________ C. F. No. 6774d— ' t __------ In the Matt�r� reconetruCtlng relay _____-_-_--_ ------------------- lnr and r0 rung where neceeeerY<, ------------ the a}dew,aI on the eoufli _elle rof _________________________ .- +_-Aaudob 'st begiunlfig at'AIount f Curve, BQulevar� thence west to al - --ler Pre� 67434 "'" under Preliminary Order____________________________ pp August 17th, 1926. ------a roved ---------------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. reconstruct 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -------------------------- and repair where necessary -the -sidewalk on the south_ side_ of_Randolph Street beginning at Mount Curve Boulevard thence west to alley. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__! 07__per Sg . ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-------------------- day of ------- Oeyobpr---------- 192_5--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the Citi of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said, -meeting to. the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of jie'arfng, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the EouatiL - �-==-�---,192---- V. 7 1192 ------ --- -- -- --- - 1 — - _ Approved --=-----=------------------192---' C/ ✓ ,Cl Clerk. -------------------------f--'--`---- __--_ --- Mayor. Councilman Clancy p Councilman bbx*mm McGlogan. `jil4nnC1�in8A,.WInZCI orm���"4B? 1 ls'rda:,i�odfysld tj COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By 6'7'741 INTERMEDIARY ORDER constructing a 6 ft sidewalk on the north side of Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blair Street from Griggs Straat_to Ssndicat-o_,Avenue. ------------------------ ___________________________________ '1C F..No. 87741— i .In the Mafre oe ooaetructfng i s ft i:'• eldewalk on the not h Acte, of Blalr ------------- ----� St. from Grl�ga ` rRt., to ' Syndlcate ---------- Avenpe' uader t'retlmtnaiy _0; -der imprgv;i.nt, aad� havtag cone. -------- said re ort, herOby-resolves- _____________________ 1 That the Bald report be and.j a same le hereby apytpved and adopted ___________________________________ ___J4 and, the aald Improvement le hereby -------------------------- l orderedto. be proceeded with 67465 -= �T�Lt"th° "°t'tt" of. tM 1!ro W gust 19th, 1926. under Preliminary Order --------- -------------------------approvM-�--------_----: --------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance uponhe. above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: a'"" L That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.cOnstrl 9t _a 6 ft sidewalk on the north side of Blair Street from Griggs Street to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syndicate Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk now exists with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1 _05 per front ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- 5th ------day of October_________, 1021__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 5---7--_ft------ 192---- r Approved:--`-S[P-_"X :4TLFT_---____192_--City Cl -------------------- --- -- ---------- ---- Mayor. V Councilman Clancy Councilman R5,gWx McGlogan. Conaeil�retf-6ndhr�TMK ✓ Councilman Wemzbl O�id,8/fda .!'res. _Vp7ilhfl PUBLIS 9 � � 1? 1 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 6"7742 constructing a six foot sidewalk on both sides of Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albert Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- --- ------------------------- C. - ----- --C F No. 6774E __________________________________________ In the Matterot, Constructing a eta ______________-__________ foot sidewalk on both aide- of Al- bert Ave. from. Nebra-ka Ave. to _-__^_-_-______ rk, Hoyt Avenue under Prellminary Or -i ___________________________ _Zr. 87818 aPPtoved-: :Au6. 24th, N .,_________-________________ e Council, of the Cltp of St. �..�...lVed the report of th ________________________________________________i;. ep of Finance .upon t 7, 77 ------------------------------ -Ent, and halting;-- t, .hereby theBald rePo�.J___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________y.,it ab7 ani+^;�.�,�� 67518 August 24th, 1926. under Preliminary Order--------------------------- ------approved -------__-------- ---------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____c_____onstruct a six__________ foot sidewalk on both sides of Albert Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Hoyt Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk now exists. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 1.05 --per- frt . ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- atYl-------- day of ------------ 192--L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. -� _..- Adopted by the Council_____SEPT 192____ ... SEP 7 -199 Appioved------------------------------- 192--- City Clerk. Councilman Clancy Councilman 1fl50MK McGlogan. , Councilman Wenzel J Form if. S.tA.dbOf- rrp•, ,. ,'.� PUBLISHED /— //- Mayor. 67743 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER Ia the Matter of -- constructing a six foot sidewalk on the ?nest side ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- of ',&bite Bear Avenue fron Linn-�haha Stre_t to Beech Street and on the nori Street. -------------------------------------- -..a _-- havin6 re—ceived the rayon o :=f under Preliminary Order -------- 67435 c o nrt�°�na �vt, yp4oved __ August 17th, 1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . construct a six 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ foot side:�alk on the ;vest side of "ilhite Bear Avenue from 1,1innehaha ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Street to Beech Street and on the -north side of Beech Street from White Bear Avenue to FlanJrau Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----------- 5th--------- day of October _-_____-_, 192sv_, at the hour -of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building is the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the i, vement. d the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- _------------------- 192____ 192 ---- Approved--- 7 -192----------192--- %.�ouncilman Clancy C ✓ Councilman 4)if dpMx l,.cirlo7ati�, CI Councilman Wenzel J nil Form -- ------ -------------- ---, --- ��------------------ Mayor. City --- --- --- Cle -- ------------------ - Mayor. YUI3LISlirll 7� //—� G 6'7744 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER constructing a six foot sidewalk on the east -side --of In the Matter of --- Bear !,venue from J"innehaha Street to E;arvaret Street, -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- C F. No. 67744.- -~' In�.t)re Matterot-conatrucpfng 6 ela �.. aId—lk on the Mee We of tilq Fi - of St. _________________________________________ ment, ana--r-.= r______-_-___--_-____-___---___________ pert hereUp Teso�' ' under Preliminary- Order --------- 67436 z"teebp�f�'_'_approved _August 17tha 1926_ The Council of the City of Paul having receiveii -the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the, same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Is___cons __truct_a_six___ foot sidewalk on the east side of ',"shite Boar yvenue from Minnehaha and _sufficient sidewalks .M� u now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--l- 0.5 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ 5th _____day of ---___-October---------192_6_, of the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—RF-1--Aft -------- 192 ---- Approved �_.�ty�----------- 192___ `Councilman Clancy 1'Q��ilmnn_ Fe- Councilmanpa I;,cGlogan. /CouiA¢;lman' Wenitel' M r im�Ho,1r*scrn. /Form�t.5Y�A9i br�e'v�e.. •1,-���_,•., ------- --------y-- -- ,/-/- /' -Ci r --- -- Mayor. 6'7745 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ,___cons --- - - -- -- -- - constructing a 6 ft sidewalk on the east side of o------------------------------------------------------------ Lexington rvt:nue between io es Street and� Pe Street. --C-F Nb 67756—A.t11eL ------------------------------- _____� In the.. ytgttar ., co idalof I.eaing-k-__-__________ ----------------------------------------- m,as..... - — . _athavineB na_IF_ _________________ _____-___ Improveme sai1. d report, herebrots,Tall ead. adopbr.......................... ----------------------------------------- same e bar.0,0,d,herg ad eae said orovegeat,la under Preliminary Order --- —---- _67302'a_dar_------_approved ____ tiugust The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of #finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said M. *`rbbe'fneftf is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.Y , construot a 6 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -------------------------- sidewalk on the east side of Lexington Avenue between James Street ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Palace Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1. Qs2-=__fLOnt foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _______ -_.at! ____day of ------- 4.#eDJ1S3------------ 192.L_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pergons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature df the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP Adooted by the Council -------- I �192---- Approved --- 92____ Approved---SAF — ----------192--- Councilman Clancy uOuncil Councilman X4RlgX= McGlogan. �6eaaaii-- � c..at,.;.,,ar ✓"✓Councilman Wenzel Form RIX" City Cler . ---- -------------------- ---- -- Mayor PUBLISHED -,L 6'7746 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER constructing a six-foot sidewalk on the west side of Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asbury Street from Fairplace to Como -Phalen Boulevard. under Preliminary Order ---------- 6�'�M---------------- __apprGved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ --e ons truct__&__s'fikt- foot sidewalk on the west side of Asbury_ Str__t froin_F iap.1gog tQ__ Como -Phalen Boulevard, except where good and sufficient sidewalks novi exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $a, Q`l_1)AS_Y o: t foot. Resolved Further, That a public'jearit g be had on said improvement on the ---------- ith -------- day of _October ..... ,.... 192_6_, at the.hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building,in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the perso. Zed in' the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 7 -06Adopted by the Council_____________________,192____ SEPT - 19Z@ ---------- Ci - - - --/� - --------- Approved----------------------------1�--- C City Cler --"Councilman Clancy ConucilmanaZdaylkax YcGlogan. "Eoittl. ,�/ Councilmen 1Yenz' Fres. P*cQqn*O /Form A ------ --- - ----------- ------------------ Mayor. PUBLISHED 67747 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER reconstru tin,, reD,,ying and rcpairing where necessary Inthe Matter of------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------- the follo-jinc sideraall:s: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Juliet St.1d.S.beginning at Cleveland i.-ae.therce ^est 54 feet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i,iinnesota 3t.::.S.ho,z.innini; 108 ft south of 7th St.thence south 1.00 ft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pal'ace 3t.S.S.beginning at Chatsworth St.th,nce east 30 feet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ger•aniu:r. St.I.S.berinning 232 feet east of Cortland St.thence east 8 ft --- - --.- - 57392 under Preliminary Order______________ In the Matter of recon laying and reHafring earn the following e The Council of the City of Paul ha Juliet at, N a Cleveland Aye. thenen above improvement, and having conaid Mie a ota st. w s uth f 4th st. th 1. That the said report and the sa p ' Palnce sa s. a: . hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Cbataworeh at. thence cerant st. s. S. 2. That the nature of the improve o feet east of eorumine. rtre»�tctyy,�sen�n% and r pair -h-.-re necessary .thea; ;he c ---------------------------------------------------V1.---- r,.,. Juliet St.iv.S.bc?inning at C Freland where nate IU�Uot 12th 1926. latyalka _____1______________ begifining t went -5a ft��Sinnmissioner, of Finance upon the reglnnfppg,$'"t;, toa;eopfi egihwf ' ted, and the said improvement is e s %soh--lArnmends is--- yy= 'ag si�9.e;4alks: ----------------------------------------- bve.thence West 54 feet. Yinnesota St.-..S.bcginning 108 ft south of 7th St.thance south 100 ft. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palace St.S.S.beginning at Chats:corth St.thence east 30 feet, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reranium St.3.S.beginning 232 feet east of Cortland St.thcnce east 8 ft. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--,gZ_.p2r eg. ft . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 2th ___-____-_day of ------- Qetgber ----------- 192-Q--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the ------ 192____ Approved--: r ---=-------------- SEI 7-1126 -------192--- Councilman Clancy ou Councilman -17 me YcGlogan. Councilman Wensel /� S 1.9 pros., 001nonna1d ;0 6'7'748 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_ '==o_st.ructin� rela��in^ and re.pairin_g where_ necessa_- the follo.Ing si dewal:cs : ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ivar land Street N.S.bo`innina 85 feet west Payne Lvenu.s thence west -------- 10 feet-------------- - - -------------------------------------------------------------- Oedar Street from -sighth St.to 9th St. ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,1ilder Avc.7.S.bosinrin? 134 ft south of Portland Ave.thence south. to ---------511'S iii ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Lanson St.;.S.h:;ginning; at Burr Street th nce west to alley. _______________________ ________________________ 57593 c. P. No. 87748— under PreliminaryOrdet________________ In the Matter ofreconstractIhg. relaY- •rust 12th 192n. Ing and repalrtng wherd necessary r___________ f______________ tke following sidewalk.:: The Council of the City of Paul Navin ' Maryland St. N. s:-heginning,86 it. ssioner of Finance upon above improvement, and having consider west of Payne Ave., thence':weat'.11e po the 1. That the said report and the sam Mgt s r S° W. 's^ from Eighth to whder Ave. w. s., heginging 134 and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ;.,.,,'m of Portland 'Ave. 17,4nce -e summit 2. That the nature of the improvement which St. s. s h"; rs is___ reconstruct, relay >.t ------------------ �.nd repair .-h-re necessary the foci a ng sidewalks: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland Stro,t ::.S.beainning 85 feet west Payne A7 -nue thence west ----------- P ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 110 fe�;---------- Cedar_ Str_ect Y,. S._ frons ?i� nth 5t . to 9th 3t; ilder !.v .;i.S.beFinninr, 134 ft souti of Portland e;ve.therce south to 1,awson St.S.S.boffinninr- at Burr Str..ct thence gest to alley. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 5tr_____-___day of October ........... 192 6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided..i� the Charter, stating the time and place of �i hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total otisft'theiedf' s estimated. Adopted by the Council____$F�_________ SEP7 -IMP --------- -- - - -- --- �-��-� Approved ----------------------------192--- City Clerl Councilman Clancy C CQU"Wy6IUGDonald..- C/ ouncilman pI61RUdc it:cGlo.c?an. %• :irvuwflman yib' PWenzel R ( RrAret: Me[)onald Form A. !S-0 --- --- ------ ---- ----- --- - - ------- Mayor. PUBLISHED_ 9-11--')a- 6'7'749 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER cor;_truct4n^ a seer on Oran;-. Street fro `;;bite Bear Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :.venuu to tp,, 1,dnn .a_;oli anti St. Paul. Suburban Zaillvay Co )c;n_r Ri;;ht. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ of ..ay. C. r. xe. s�tts- --------------------------------------- In the Matter of constructing a sewer ________________________ oa Orange St -from Ff<littI Bear -Ave. I. the Minneapolis and SSt.'Paul 9u --------- barba. Railway Company Alght of ------------------------------Wav under Preliminary Order. 67111 ,--------------------- ,,proved August 9rd, 1929. The Council of the City of 8t. Pau] --------------------------------------- having received We"report.of the Com - _______________________ mleslo..er of 87.aaee upon the above ____________________________________________________@ad havtng a_'�___-___--______ _______________ iR under Preliminary Order________:_' 249 __________________approved _____-=_u�ust_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. construct a sa 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_______________________ - _-__ on Oranme Street fro tr hire R >. :-i I ue to the 11. nneapolis ano St. Paul Suburban =ltilsst;Cor'-any i^ht of :a-7. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $"FYAQ' QR_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said im9mement on the_____ nth __________day of 192-5--, at the hour of 10 o cloclr.'A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the'inanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impro and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cougcil---------- ------ 192____ Approved------------- SEP 7----- ---192--- d Councilman Clancy Gms:s=� itergasanr- Councilman � .cGlo;can. u Councilman Wenzel Art; &164 'Vfee Pres. McDonald Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED f — // i C-- .1+ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 6'7760 paving alley In the Matter of --- in block 3 Wanns Addition from Hamlin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Avenue to Albert Avenue --- ------------------------------- _____. CF, No. 67760 .------------------------- i ttie hrattgr of paving alley in block X Additioa`,,Irom Hamlin __________________j Ave. Co Albt Ave.,`under Prelim -------------------------- ------------------------ 1 18th 19B.e e 67889 ;aDDr ved. augoet The Coustcll, of tlie. City of 9t. .Pani ----------------------------------------- havlagr received the ityort or' the 'a ____----__________------ above igloaer of ,Flaahce uyDoa 'the. above l+ODFOV9ta. ,aad havlgg.cos ____________ _____� eidered said reDe}'k'-hereby repolvee. ------------------------- _____ _______________ 3. That the safflfl. reDort,be aad the -. ...a ..0 e9Cebn..,._- under Preliminary Order _____________673 na eta h7oh `b� Au st 12th, 1926 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ pave- alley in block ----------------- 3 Wanns Addition from Hamline Avenue to Albert Avenue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_7745.00____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ 5th_ ----- day of -------- October ........192J.— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That; the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. CFP -. Adopted by the Council ------------- ------ 192__-_ SEP7 --------- --------- --- -- -�il; Approved ----------------------------192--- yor. 1- Councilman Clancy �Rnnril ,., r .nnn /-Cvuncilman..McI AWA.— Councilman * WA.,,-CouncilmanE ±fix MCGlogan. h —' Councilman Wenzel • 'll�`SYyn4 Vlee Pres.. Mc ooru'd Form is S. A. 8.6 6'7760 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER paving alley in block 3 Wanns Addition from Hamlin In the Matter of_________________ Avenue to Albert Avenue G. F. N 87768— •- - - ln Lhe�Btter•of nav�..v. vase.. ._ �.__ ----------------------------------------------- "e71-------------------------- 67389 „�:._., _ under Preliminary 'Order------------- ________------------- approved _--Augzl---------2---------------- th,1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ pave_ alley in block -alley----- block 3 Wanns Addition from Hamlin Avenue to Albert Avenue. --------------------------------------------------------=---------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-7-745.00---- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ Sth_----- day of --- October ------- 192-i-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That:the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SG.P Adopted by the Council _________ry__—W------ 192____ SEP7 - �q1G'--------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ------- --- Approved ----------------------------192--- City Cierl --- ----- --- ---------- ------ ------------- Mayor. t_ --"Councilman Clancy C-mtncilman4�d„®.JBLIoaaa.✓ry� Councilman K= McGlogan. q 1 ate° Councilman Wenzel 'llln Src�nE_ Vju Prec.. h+coons 'd Form B. S. A. 8.6 6'7'751 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- constructing a cement tile sidewalk on both sides of -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Montrose Lane from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue. -------------------------------------------- ----- No. 67751— In the Mather s of Boting a cat. ment tile on hoe sldewaik on both aide- d under approved r the Cit ______________________________________....__.____ _. Improvement, and having. considered -'--------------------------- ,said report, liereby resolve.: 1. That the Bald report be. and the ______________________________________ same I. bertha approved and adopted; ____________-__-_-___________ and the said improvem� --harahv under Preliminary Order____ 67517 e`e =� be ,,. pp A,2 st 24th 1926. --------------------a roved-------�---- -----3------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____construct__a___cement the sidewalk on both sides of Montrose Lane from Randolph Street to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hartford Avenue except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.05 _per f rt f t . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 5th ------- day of October_________„' -1926-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in- tha-City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the, manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature -of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- IsCF-Z_1_____, 192____ Approved ---- g rpr 7,------------` 1 -----192--- ✓Councilman Clancy 0 6onncilmffi^NeBoesld......... Councilman Jftftmax McGlogan ' ,Cw9feil� 3 Councilman Wenzel ,.� _0 rrorm B e end 1,ft .a ----------- ---- / City -Clerk. ----- -- �/✓ ---------:=- --------- Mayor. Pu,"T�=_s -,-:? 6'77,52 COUNCIL FILE NO --- ____________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER constructing a six foot sidewalk on the south side Inthe Matter of- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. P. No. 67753— . ---------- ---------------------------------------- foot the Matter of cothe o.u.Iln a .1 ___ foot- sidewalk on the south elde of ------- Palaes from, Prior Ave. to $enaeth Ave., under Preliminary Order. 67437 _________________ ________________ wpp oved- Aug• 17th, 1926 ,. said report be and•the __________________________________________________: .�-- Pool and -adopted,.____________--_-__--________ .._ �... men L._�-•= 67437_________________ __a roved __August 17th, 1926.______ under Preliminary Order______________ pp `re The Council of, the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement,•and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ 9O1aJtirgg: -a Six -foot sid -_ alk on the south side of Palace from Prior Avenue to -ew --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1_ 05 per frt f t . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ IL ________day of ------ October-_ ----------- 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the. ersons. and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature} the+mpro ement. and the total cost thereof as estimated. - ig2g Adopted by the Council______ S'�P 1 192____ Sf P 7 - f926 ------- _---- ---. ---- Approved City Cler . -- -- -- ----------- --------- -- ------- Mayor. �- Councilman Clancy ,Cortneflnuin Ee� son -- - �o}utCilaaaa-,4 fDonatd""` Councilman Hodgson Co v Councilman Wenzel f,,r �aey�ierewf�r- Form l PUBLISHED ;5;;-� "/ 5 c 67753 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------- ----------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ --- rading-alley-in_B10Ck 3- Oak -gal !1 Addition and------_-__ Schoonmaker & Huntts Addition,from Finn Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. F. No.. 67763--- *< _______________ ___--___________-______________ --------------------- In the Natter of grading alley in Blk. 3 Oak Knoll Addition and 8choon- maker & Hunt's Addition, from Finn 11minary Order 66908approved Jy __ -------------------- Ave. to Cleveland,Ave. under Pre- .7------------------------------ 8th, 1986. ul, ________________ 'The -Council of the (dlty of at. r __----______-__________-_______ having received Rhe report of t1tr..le p: mieatoner Of- Finan'. upon *`_i" --------------- improvement, and havi,o __________________i_- eaid me r4'herebyy re.u,'71`-`---_--_____--____----___-_--__________ 66903 -_- Oby�iprovo� roved _July -8th, 1926. under Preliminary Order________________f_ PP . -------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having receives the r port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resblves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is h,.. hereby ordered to b% proceeded with. 'Y 2. That then rade alle in nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____ �_______ _____y _____ Block 3 Oak I[noll Addition and Schoonmaker & Hunt's Addition,from --------- ---------------------------------------------------- Finn Avenue IIto Cleveland Avenue. ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------->=t�-r---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is 5th --Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------------------- day of October -, 192§.--, at,the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Haul Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature Df the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. :-C"rp -Y i�*Myy� Adopted by the Council ____-----__ - *-------, 192____ SFP7 :1------ -- -- -------------- Approved ----- --------192--- Clty C -- --- --- --- ---- ---- -- ---- ----------- Mayor. ` Councilman Clalcy ou'Counncciilman u vim__ PUBLlS1iED _ //—� Couaeiiota — �' Councilman Wepul ?� F:4SU i i* �cyr aticelrorld 6'7'754 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_------ easement in the land necessary ----------------------- for_slopes,_cuts and_fills in the _Ki!ading--of--Alley _in - Block- - 3 Oak Knoll - - ------------- �ddition and Schoonmaker_&__Hunt's.Addition from Finn Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, c. P. rro. svis4- In thIt ______________________________________ e Maer of condemaing and tak- Ing an easement In. the land 'neper. ----------------------------- sary for slopes. cuts and fills, in -the grading of Alley' f Block S o Hunt's 8no11Addition and 8choonmaker_&'._ ____________________________ n lv Cleveland Avenue, n uninn Avenue der der P, ellen- _________________________________________ ary order 66904 app[oved July Sth. 66904 the CIty JulySth--1926. under Preliminary Order__ __ _______________-____^-approved ---------------------------------- The ___ _- ________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: .— n 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___condemn___and__take an easement in the land necessary for slopes,cuts and fills in the ------------------------------------------------------------------------- grading of Alley in Block 3 Oak Knoll Addition and Schoor>maker-& �Iun�Ia ------------ ------- ------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---- --------------- ---------------- Addition from Finn Avenue .to Cleveland Avenue in accordance with the ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_100 _00 Resolved Further, That a public hesihig Ve had on said improvement on the__________ 5th ----- day of ----- Ifto124r'___-____ . 192_6_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Build g in 411c City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__:_ ---- MIN ------ 192____ V IN Approved--------------- -- .-___l92 -- Councilman Clancy ' C�o�nc�llman Ferpt+aplj` `/Councilman Uxdgxm McGlogan. Councilman 'C..dt. l� ✓Councilman Wenzel i RAN Form ff.`e'AWir�,, x ---------- ------ - -- � ----- City Clerk. -- -- - --- ----- --- -- Mayor. � � PUBLIst.jED`'�=. -` 6'7'7,55 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By ................... ........................ ....................... ........... .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ..... recons.trusting,-...;slaying._sn3_-re.p AX!!P.g•_th,].•__fgll.Qr;,j,ng..,. sidewalks where necessary: Indiana Avenue N.S. beginning at Ethel ............................ 11............................................................................. "- -"----•-•-•-"--"-•-...................................................... Street thence east 176 ft. Edgerton St. E.S. beginning at 'v7ells .................................................................................... ................................ ................................. ................................... St. thence north 90 ft. .......................................................... d. F. No. 67755—.. 7766 _ ................... ................. In the Matter of reconatructfng raid. Joe and repairing the following aide I.W. where' . neceea&r9 'Indiana - ..... ........ .... - Avenue N. B. beginning at,.ESL thel': . .... ....... ...... ....... .. thence east 176,. feet: Edgerton BL 4 H. north beginning at tYelninar thenee a ... .................... . ....... __ .. ..........-.. norLh903Lunder pre]imfasrY Order ............................................ A p public heed June vith;+been under Preliminary Order .........................66715 A p lie hearing having been heti ��?6 ...........� upon t e above improvement ,upon dve,. M .._-.-.-.... .............. _. notla.. and the on ell havlug heard all peeeon., ob+..[lona and-recommeu- Intermediary Order ............................... ..................:. -�4 "improved `we q�e to.ai>. mei r°e ..:.:....................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City isreconstruct, relay and repair the follo,7ing ............_..........----'--"- ............................. ................. .------......-- sidewalks arhere necessary: Indians, Avenue N.S. beginning at .Ethel ............................ .................................. ..................... ............................................................. .............. _............ .-.................... Street thence east 176 ft. Edgerton St. E.S. beginning at Wells St. thence north 90 ft. ................... ............... ......................................... ............... .._.................................... -- - and the Council ,hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .............. ........, 191........ SEP City Clerk. Approved............................ _............. .............. 191....:... Mayor. -16ouncilman RIMil aat•Bi Y.oDonald / councilman XUwx Ferguson. n J _,6uneihman ftoxdPJenze1 I PUBLISHED _Councilman meter Clancy iffiecouncilman goikSudhei neer Councilman W=Awk9b KcOlogan. /Mayor Tinix Hodgson. Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSITER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA,ORDER (A) - - -- reconstructing, relaying and repairing the following sidewalks In the matter of wherenecessary: North side Indiana A,enue beginning at Ethel Street thence east 176 ft. East side of Edgerton St. beEinning at :'ells St,thence north 90 ft, ------------ ---- - under Preliminary Order approved_Ju 29th 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is sq. .07 The estimated cost per�foot for the above improvement is $ - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: r Form B. R. 10 • TOTAL. 7100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_192- Com inane. Farm R. 8.13 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT S—K ADDITION VALUATION North side Indiana Ave. 7 196 Irvine's Addition to 2050 8 196 ,fest St. Paul 2150 9 196 do 650 10 196 do 650 East side Edgerton St. 16 Chas. VVeide's Subdivision 1600 of Block 35 of Arlington Hills Addition to St.Paul r Form B. R. 10 • TOTAL. 7100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_192- Com inane. Farm R. 8.13 N' a Office, of the Cornmiss 6 kr of � u"N W ` 771 y,.NA Report to Commissioner of Finance a _J311Y_._6 ,............... ........ __..... . ......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul ' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66715 June 22 6 r Council, kno as Council Fil Ni_i.. __...__— ._.1g2�, elative to Reconstrac ing, relaying and'repaipring,the followiing sifiewalks were necessary: North side Indiana Ave., beginning at. Ethel Street thence east . l?6-ft:----East_sd:de---oP'Edgertva`3treat--begixnzing. at--Welftx Street-th-ea north 90 feet and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..__. ..... —.—_..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .07 peT sq. ARgPe total cost thereof is $.... ............... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___ ............. _.... _..... ___...._.._—_....... _...... _�___ 3. A pian, proffie or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..._. ..................... ._... _.............................. _.......... ... ._._._.—....... —__.__....... _._._...:.,.__ _ 5. Said improvement is.___.__._._.......___._.__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner '��� blie orka. 67756 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...._reconstructing....... relaying and repairing the foltow.ing--„ dri.Y.ev�ays.:...$ayless.._Ave•.,.N.S.-_begin ding...i?!k...#t-1e;1t...9X...tbQ...s urb.-....... line on Raymond Ave.,thence west 24 ft. Selby Ave.S.S. beginning -- ................ -................................-------..................................._._.............................. -----....-......'-- ....----......--'------- 100 ft west of Herschel Ave.,thence west 10 ft. Minnehaha St. S.S. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... beginning 84 ft east of Rivoli St.thence eas_. 18 ft. __-- .__....... .. ..... .. .. .... ..Ing and -'repairing: Ave., Le-.......................................... drivew4 - :BaYTCes Ave N 5 66494 ginning 114 It' t west ot•the cyeet`a4 1926. under Preliminary Order .......I.... oa RSYmoad Ave. thence-, .............................................. ft. BetbY Ave.. g. 6:. beginning ]00 It. weal of 8e;pehel Ave thence Intermedia Order ......... west 10 ft. Minnehaba st a' s•• ........................................... �' """"""' •... .�ekinalag 84 ft. east of Hlvoll -8t:. jg It. under preltr` A public hearing having been had upon thu'. "ne9{ ep➢ ov.d J 6 ie�+"a due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendation a retutive ther�,;;,,Iand having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.......reconstruct, relay and repair the followilg--.• driveways: Bayless Ave.,N.5. beginning 114 ft west of the curb .................................... ........................ line on Raymond Ave.,thence west 24 ft. Selby Ave.S. S. beginning .......................................------.....---'------....---........................--------....------..............--"--- ........ --...------ 100 ft west of Herschel Ave.,thence west 10 ft. Minnehaha St.S.S - ....... ........ .' --'-- - . -- -- -- ...... -- - - beginning 84 - ft east of Rivo11 St. thence east. 18 ft. ...--- ...............I........ -........................................................... ............................... .....-...------.......................................... .... ......._.............................................................--.........................._........._..................... --..............................._......-------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... .............. 191..-..... i City Clerk. Approved........................................................., 191........ Mayor. --'Councilman EMMEYACk McDonald. J2ouncilman S18XX Ferguson. CJ PUBLISHED Qouncilman W MM Wen z e I. /councilman j Clancy. ,Eouneilman c Sudheimer. �oancilman d8@ML14r�. McGlogan. MayorC Hodgson. Form B. S. A. 8-7. tr . DEPA RERpRT.',OF COI w W, ON ]OF PAUL F FINANCE - ONER OF FINANCE RY ORDER reconstructing, relaying and repairing the following driveway; In the matter of North side of Bayless Ave., beginning 114 ft west of the curb line on Raymond Ave., thence west 24 ft, South side Selby Ave., beginning 100 ft. west of Herschel Ave. thence west 10 ft. South side Minnehaha St.beginning 84 ft east of Rivoli St. thence east 1B ft, under Preliminary Order approved June 11 th, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 'The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 't The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sq. The estimated cost pe�foot for the above improvement is $ x,28 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or •;; parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ;LOT ;BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED ; VALUATION I ; North side Bayless Ave, ( � Lots 15 and 16 ! 66 St. Anthony Park Minnesota X955 z South side Selby Ave, i k (Except North 10 ft for (Selby Ave. 1 ; 5; Skidmore & Cassedyts I I1 do 2 5 , Park Addition to the City i 2OO 0 � of Saint Paul, Ramsey Co.,- _ Minn. II Y South side Minnehaha St. '11, 3 iLouis P. Swanstrom's Re- 2350 arrangement of Lots 8 & 9 of 4 Block 8 of ,;arren and Winslowis1 2145{ =, _. r Addition. t , i TOTAL. Y• 8�5 vim., _' - _�..�..z__.. _..:-z-,:. :.-. �.:. -.-. _..-, _.:.i i - ..-_._.-' .-_-. ...-: �. .. .r•.-. .._ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. SO, Dated ? l0Z9_19P-4— Comm on o[ nonce. .Form B. B. Is 'N FAFTITXIX `Office of ti� So, of , Pufc. WoEu •Z Report to Commissioner of Finance F JIJN 17 it 26 -. hi'De....1fi ..... ........... —192_6__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 9 Council, known as Council File No.. —612 ...._.._approved___-dnna._.9_,._...._.._........... .._._._192,6.4, relative to Reeonstracting, relaying and repairing the following driveways: orth"46-.-oJ'..._liay3_a$e-4eg-fnn#ng--�14 gt. est-ef #,31e-o-ttrb Z#ne-cm- Raymond Ave., thence west 24 ft. South side Selby Ave., beginning 100 ft. west ._ofHers-ehel. Av_e_•,._.Ihgnce west10 ft. South. $1dQ_IJ,.eha� Sii ginning 84 ft. east of Rivoli St. thence east'181ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._ -_.__necessary and (or) desirable. 28¢ per sq. ft 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-..._._.. _._—.____, and the total cost thereof is $................. —._...... -, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__ ... _................... -..._..._-._..........__...._....._____�— _._��.---._._............. - ...... -- .._.. --- -- 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _.._.— ........................ _._...............................___._...__..._.___.__..__.....__..-......_........_...._. x. 'r b. Said improvement is. ...... _....... --_.._..___asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject .to assessment for said improvement. • a: _ ._.........__...__._- r._— __.___ —_ _ .-- % F;'` Commissioner of Pnbhc Worl �3 , � '757 �i COUNCIL FILE NO.... ........................... By.......................... ... _.... .......... ............. ............... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....reeonstructing, relaying and repairing the following sidewalks where necessary: Iglehart N.S. between Rice Street and Ravoux ........ ....... ........... ............ ........ _ .............. •. .. Street, Iglehart Avenue S.S. beginning at 6th St. thence west 100 Ft. ......................................... . ......... ....:.... _ Iglehart,Avenue S.S. beginning 195 ft west of Rice Street thence .... _ west 82 ft A is 'No. 67767 ... ...�.. .. .. ......... .. ...... .. ,In.the Matter. oL�reeonatroctln6 awinB'- ....................... .. ......... •1nB and 'repj' ,Ing the` .idn. Igle- ... ewhat vlke bweter@ necee 9a ' _................ , . vous st BI$� t]k,W e 8 ....... P .... ............ ............ .ning'at�h vin r�.. ... leteah.a,pr�tlro re1lt.hhegelsB'CYboa u--n1-bc9ote5irg6;d..lhen' danms^ee•7�-1�0 66716 under Preliminary Order... ....West or [uu8 bfs e8 a' 9a .. 1926 -- • a_�vedYunghe;ain6•havtng been hefdd Intermediary Order ............abovm„••,,,„ ........ r� A public hearing having been had upon the �lmoUonsemettt up due notice, and the Council ty t having heard all persons, objections and recommendation si"e'laiive thereto, and having fully considered the ` same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of'St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....3'eCOT19tY'LlICt•�.. T91ay apd repair the following sidewalks where necessary: Iglehart N.S. between Rice Street & ........ ....I................... ........ .I....................................................... . and Ravoux Street, Iglehart Avenue S.S. beginning at 6th St.thence a ....... .................... _ ..................................................... .. ........ ...... west 100 ft. Iglehart Avenue S.S. beginning 195 ft west of Rice .,r -... ......................................................... .............................................................................. ............................................. Street thence west 82 ft. 1 %.:.: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ , e, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. „ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and s directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for a approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement 1tt accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..__.............:c................ _, 192....... < gp S 1 City Clerk. Approved....... ........... ................... 192..... C/ councilman Mayor. S�ti[�pC McDonald Sibuncilman Ferguson ✓fs6uncilman btaftmZAt Wenzel PTTRT.TRTTpD �— �� _ F ` Cpunc.1man7D@EtiF_Clancy. ,/C unci lman•Sudheimer uncilman 1kMjt MOGlogan. �dvtayor bignm Hodgson. Form B. S. A. S-i. ,a CITY OP.ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINf#Y ORDER d In the matter of Reconstruct relay following sidewalks where —nvAve., beg. at Sth St. bhence Weab 100 feeta Sot, vide Tga4hart Avenue beginning 195 feet west of Ries Street 4ene- Went 82 feat under Preliminary Order approved AInA 192S To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per�Toot fo rthe above improvement is $0. 07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The following described - Irvine' -e-Addition to St.paul 18400 parts of Lots 6 to 11 2 and also part of the Southeast of Seo. 36, T. 29 R. 23, Beginning 120 ft. West from the Northeast corner of Markoes Subd. thence North 140 ft. to the south line of Carroll Ave., thence east to. to intersection with the North line of Iglehart Ave., thence S.W. along No. line to a point 1471 ft. N.E. from the S.W. corner of said Lot 11, th. N.W. at right angles 80 ft. th. S.W. parallel with Iglehart Ave. 137 ft. thence at right angles S.E. to intersection line of of Markoes-Subd. thence. West.-to_beginning: TOTAL. Farm A: B. 10 CItY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOAT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMItARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION -' Parts of Lots 9, 10, 11 & 2 Irvine's Add to StPaul 1 Part of 1 Markoes Subdvision) and part of the Southeast of the Southeast > of Sec. 36, T. 29, R. 23j described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of Iglehart Ave. loift. East from the Southwest corner of said Lot 11, thence East along said Northline 137 ft. thence Northwest at right angles 80 ft.- �i thence Southwest pars, . llel with the North line of Iglehart Ave. - 137 feet, thence South 80 feet to beginning. Part of 1 Markoes Subdvision) and part of 11 2 Irvine's Add. to St. Paul described as follows: Beginning at a. point on the Northwest line of Iglehart Ave. 53 ft. Northeast from the Southwest corner of Lot 1, thence Northeast on said.Northweat line of Iglehart Ave. 34.06 ft. thence Northwest at right.angles to said Northwest line 48.38 ft. to intersection with -the north line of said lot 1, thence West along said Northlineto its intersection with a line drawn perpendicular to aaid Northwest line of Iglehart Ave. from point of -beginning, thence along last 7 mentioned line to beginning. The East 29 ft. of the 3150 West 53 ft. of .1 Markoes Subd. The West 24 feet of 1. do 4175 2 do 57 00 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i -40 �� RlEPOIAT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - .,a�.-. - ..,:-ter: .�........-..,....,... _....�. - AS DESCRIPTION LOT rLOCKJ ADDITION VALUATION 2 Markoes Subd. 57001 3 do 5275! 'i 4 do 10850 All of 6' do 8250' and the East 2.56 ft. of 7 do The West 40 ft. of 7do 8950' 8 do X600 r North 30 ft. of East 30 ft._ i of 17 Summit Oresoent ' l! and E. 30 ft. of Lots 18 & 19 No. 30 ft. of W. 35 ft. of East 65 ft. of 17. and So. 10 ft. of E. 65 fta,f 17 and West 35 ft. of E.65 ft. of Lots 18 and 19 do 4275 The West 35 ft. of Lots 17, 18 and 19 _r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r��• REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a,•+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 20 3 ITninels Add. to St. Paul 9550 21 3 do 22 3 do 4200 $122,075. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C ��j Dated —�� /Q // — _ 1926 __ --- — - — - Com i of nance. porn: n. a. Ix -Office of the -Commissioner of Public WVED Report to Commissioner of Finance s VW /UL 8 • W ....... _..... _............. Jlzly...._6.,................. ......_._._ls2_Si To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......_66716 _._____approved__! 94e5 ._22., ............... _............. _.._.192...f1__, relative to Reconstructing relaying and repairing the following sidewalks where necessary: North side of _Iglehart betweenYopx _54a est Soiifh7§ de of -'igle rev t e., beginning at 6th St thence west 100 ft. South side of Iglehart 4ve., beginning 195.feet west of Rice Street thence and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. said improvement is._ .... .......... ............ necessary and (or) desirable. .07 per sq. foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._ .................. _.... ........ and the total cost thereof is $ ............... _....... __..._.......—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. ........................._......._.._..._...--- ............... __._...._._____—__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _.....__. . .............. _............. _....................................... _.................. -----......... _................................... ......... — .......... .... — ...... — — — 5. Said improvement is_ .................. ........ _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � Commissioner of Public Works. - 677,58 c58 COUNCIL FILE NO......._ .................... By............................ ........ FINAL ORDER r,,constructing rela3in and repairing the following Inthe Matter of........................................................................ ..........---.....................---- drivewa;�s: It71ehart Avenue S.S. be;;^inning; 187 ft west of ; .'th Street ............................................................................................................. thence .:es'_ 12 fe^t, Ottawa ::venue '.';.S. beginning 60 feet south of ................... .................. P........ .. _a ..... ................_.................... .... -........................................................ Baker Stre..t t,Tt:tice sout}i� ����fee , .................................................. -............................... ---.... - .......... .. ..... . ... .... ...... .... . . .. C. F. mi 67766—' SaneWl LE Infng° end re➢afrof ing reconstructing, owrel!S' Iglehart Avenue a.......................................................... .......... ....... _................................._._.... drlvewe.Ye' 6th 9G. begtnninB 167 fG wesG of et Ave- the'ee west 12 feet. Otffiwaof nue W. 6. bestnnta6 66 Leet south un@r ................................................ ... 66705 natter aG. thence south ee oved Preliminary order 66706 apDr th 1926. under Preliminary Order ....._...._............... acne 29th. 1926. baying been had ...._.............................................. ................._............ A. Dnblfc heart-$ heard F. the above 1m until uv upon due Intermediary Order aad the Council h avreO men- ..�. objections and recon .................................. 'sttvs thereto,.. A public hearing having been had upon the abs -"fed the %ent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. reconstructs relay .arid repa..... .._the..follo i -r19_.„---.. driveways: Iglehart :venue S.S. be`inning 187 ft west of '11.6th Street ................. thence rest 12 feet. Ottawa Avenue l`. S, be,cinning 60 feet south of ...........................',.. _ ..................- ----......................................... ................ Baker t.ct thence south 8 feet. ................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... _................ ........ .............._..............._ .._ ........... .... ............. .... _.._._.._....._..._..................................... .............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..,'.,_:,.5 �.£ ° 1�2 .. _.. _......., 191......_ o �'7�et� Approved. ........... .... .... .............. _.. 191._..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman y / ,/CouHl ncilman Hyland /Councilman Keller I Councilman McColl councilman Wunderlich Jlfayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8.7. /City Clerk. ........................................... Mayor. CITY. OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINIfORY ORDER (A) - 0 In the matter of R90 lay and repair the folloffing—driMMY-W— ___Southside of I¢lehart Ane beg. 157 ft west of W 6th St thence West_ � feet-_�, Wast side O wa Ave beginniLg A0 fgwt SmLtt+ 'n4 Baker Street thence south 5 feet. under Preliminary Order approved June 29,�. To the Council of the Cit' of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-- square _ g 0.300 The estimated cost perbot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT e— ADDITION VALUATION Part of Block 10 Rondo's Add. to the 700 City of St. Paul described as follows: Commencing 144.13 ft. East of the Southeast corner of Cathedral Place and Iglehart Ave. thence South 144.60 ft. to a point 143.3$ ft. East from the East line of Cathedral Place, thence North 67.13 ft. th. East 53.67 ft. to a point 243.67 ft. East of the East line of Cathedral Place, thence North 16 ft. thence West $4 ft. th. North 125 ft, thence West to beginning, being a private alley in said Block 10. TOTAL, Fur- B. a. Is CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT .OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAW ORDER - (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT B�CK ADDITION VALUATION • P 5 2 Langevin's Fifth Add. 4100 to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minnesota. $4,800. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Z%�--- � . Dated__E 1921a _ --->� r Comm1 er ante. Form It. H. 12 ,E. k MVED Office of the "Commissioner of Public Wo J � � Report to Commissioner of kinance H JUL 8 88 ................J:u Y..._6..,. .......... ...._....................._.._192..52.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File 146705 ........ approved — ........ Jae...._29................... .......... ..... 192-&—, relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the following driveways: -South_..:side of-I-gl-e Aro ma;-begiimixtg YB __.._.ftp west of 17 6tfr SCre thence west12 ft. West side Ottawa Ave., beginning 60 ft. south of Baker S_tri_et...tklenc.e_.s.outh__K... feat .._...... ................. .... ---__—............. -_........... ... _..... .... .... ........... ..... - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ............ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 30� per sq. foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .... _........................ — ............ . and the total cost thereof is $...................... ...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... _.... —...... .............................................. ................... ................... ----- ..-.......--------- ..--- ............ ........... .........__._..............._..__.._....... ----- 5. Said improvement is ... _................... _... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of PubliWorks. COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... By - , 677N9 constructinga sewer oalen..St-t.-..frgm_..Har.yes.ter......... Inthe Matter of ....................... ........................................................... AvQ...t.o..S.t1llw.at.er-Ave.and...on..Stillwater-..A.v-e-.-f-rGrn Phalen St -:-to the center line of Prosperity Ave. .................................._.............- ...------........................................................................... C. F. No.'67759 ............................._..................--..................... In the Matterof conetructtpB.-a sewer.........................................................._.. an Phaten 8t, from Harvester Ave. to Stillwater Ave.and bit Stillwater ................................................. _ Ave. from Phalen $t. t3" the center't......................................................... ... 1lminaryPOrderr99691 approved-dder une' ISM 1929. _ .. Saving be•_ ... ..................................................... ^Von th,'. . under Preliminary Order ............ _ii.s.z............. approved....._....._June 15th ..-.1926.1- ............. .... IntermediaryOrder ................................................... --........ approved. --.....------.......----------------------------------------------------- .---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it^.j oc_ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that c struct a s r on Phalen t, from imprnt to be made the said City is ....._..._.._........... - ........................................... .... ..............-...... Hary ster Ave.t Stillwater Av . and on ------------- Sti _lwater_-Ave.f-.-om............. Phal St.to th center line Prosperity ve. ....---..........................._ise.. d.the. _at!n.hefalty..aetemlled,.ann¢tied>..aadscsaeaded-anc#-all----------------------- _.. Awedings in F.^..iil matter l`? �i�•••nt-+t,�.l. --.. .................................. .................................... ................................................................. ........... .................... ................................................................ .................-.............................. and the on 'I hereby orders said improvement be made. RESO VED FURTHER, Th t the Commissioner Public Works he and i hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and ecifications for said mprovement, and submit sa a to the Coun- cil for appr al; that upon said ap roval, the proper city fficials are hereby authori ted to proceed wl the making o sai ovement in accordance rewith. EP$ - Adopted by the Council....___..- --- .......................-. 191........ SEP S-192 Approved----------------- _----............................. 191....-... -Councilman ZBWAMKk McDonald. /councilman fam Ferguson. Councilman Clancy /Councilman KMUerx Flen z e 1. U ACouncihnan idc&M Sudheimer. ,/Councilman Fiftudx0ich McGlogan. j Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 I� ........ .... ........................ . H Mayor. "�` pUghlSfiED v CITY OF ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r RESORT OF COMM ISS'• NER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINKY ORDER (A) - In the matter of _ and_�$� 111watPr Ave f*om Phalen St. to Prospszit�v� A j under Preliminary Order approved Duna_ 7 F l__976 P To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is frt. The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - $ —2• �5 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 2 Tracys Outlots in the 200 1 3 Township of New Canada 600 2 3 Ramsey County, and St. of 1900 3 3 Minnesota. 1900 A strip 100 ft, in width over and across the N.W,4o2-the S.W.3325 > and over and across the N.W. of Seo. 27, T. 29, R2 A tract of land bounded on the North by the N'ly line of 7325 Stillwater Ave. produced W'ly. on theEast by Phalen St. on the So. by the right of way of C.St.P. M. & Omaha Ry, and on the West by the East line of, the N.W'ly Wheel and Foundry Co's Add. being in Sec. 27 and 28, T. 29, R. 22• TOTAL. Farm B. B. to _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMIO?STONER OF FIN,AN(:. S ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) u DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Part of Southwest 4 of the Northwest u and part of the No Northwest 4 of the Southwest 4 of Sec. 27, T. 29, R. V. valuation bounded on the north by Stillwater Ave. on the West by Phalen t},is is St.; on the So. by C.S't. P. M. & 0. Ry, on the East by a for Johnson a line drawn from a point on the So. line of Stillwater Ave. Pkay. 300 ft. E'ly of the E. line of Phalen St. to a point on the _ No. line of said Railway right-of-way 150 ft. E'ly of the East line of Phalen St. for Johnson Parkway. _. beg. at the intersection of the centerlines of Phalen 19650 St. and Stillwater Ave., thence No. 700 15' East, along the center line of Stillwater Ave. 212.23 ft. th. N'Wly along the center line of Corning Ave. 238 ft. thence Wy 141.49 ft. thence S'ly 20 ft. to North wall of building th. W'ly 10 ft. th. S'ly along joint wall 14.15 ft; thence W'ly 10 ft. th. S'ly 18.91 ft. th. W'ly 114.39 ft. along center of court to Easterly line of Northwestern Wheel and Foundry Co's Add. the. along said E'ly line to the N'ly line of Stillwater Ave. produced W'ly; th. E'ly along said line to centerline of Phalen St. aforesaid, th. to beg.(Excepting Stillwater and Corning Ave.) in the Southwest 4 of the Northwest 4 of Sec. 27, T. 29, R. 2?. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r S. ,.REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUmINANY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That tract bounded by the N'ly line of the Right of way of the 7650 C. St. P. M. & Omaha Ry, the E'ly line of Johnson Parkway, the South line of Stillwater Ave. and the East line of the South— West 4 of the Northweet a of Sec. 27, all in Sec. 27, T. 29, R.22. Lots 1 to 22 inc. Corning's Add. to the no valuation { 23 City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. 2400 ( 24 Minn. 25 850 (( 26 1750 ( 27 47550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— -L T 1O -ZZ— _1926 ' o finance. No�n< R. H. u Comm I �7 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wcftwt. .y Report to Commissioner of Finance NER 0 F JUL 10 .......... _Ju13'..._8_....._1926........ ................. .-192__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 66551 June 15, 1926 ...........approved...._......_....................................._...._..........__..192......._.., relative to the construction of a sewer on Phalen street from Harvester _ Avenue to Stillwater Avenue and on Stillwater Avenue from Phalen — - ---._.__.� - Street to the center line of Prosperity Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Said impr ement is......_..._......_...._ ..... necessary and (or) desirable. -- X2.85 per front ft. 2. The estimated coat thereof is $__.................._.__ 5 137.00 _....... and the total cost thereof is $................ Inspection $100.00 Frontage 1,800 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .. -- 5. Said improvement is ..... ...... __......._._............ -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. par ��%eR vF IPubli� o yr s) JOHN H. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER THM. 6. O'CONNELL. D[PDTY towNl/.IOM[R M. 3. GRYTGAK. pRIDDE —NEER GEORGE M. 9XEPARD. CHIP ENo1 . WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF C ... T... ON AN. —11 June 29 1926 A. B. SHARP. SGPT. OP SwNI-0. G. H. XERROLD. OFF—ANO CITY PLANNING EN.INRR G. P. BOW LIN, Gu— oP --0... Hon. John H. 11c Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Phalen Street from Harvester Avenue to Stills^rater Avenue and on Stillwater Avenue from Phalen Street to the center line of Prosperity Avenue, under preliminary order C.F.66551 approved June 15, 1926: Estimated Cost $5,137.00 Cost per front foot 2.85 Inspection 100.00 Frontage 1800 ft. Yours truly, �efg-nee . Approved for transmiss n o t e Commissioner of Finance. ommiasioner of Public Works. er— 67760 COUNCIL r►��a� Grp•.. - constructinE, curbins on both sides of Coniiay Street Inthe Matter of.........................................................:...........-..................................................................................... frog: =a.-1 Str�ot to h;-ple Street. ............ --_.....--..............................-...........•--.........•----....................--•.._...............-•••----.................----......._........................•.. ._................ ...... —........... ........ ................... ..... ........... . C:•F.-No. 67760— -................................................. In the Matter of conetructlnif8ourbing bn-.both Ade. of Conway 4 from Marl at- to Maple at. under :�Rrellm """".. ................. ..........................1!gy Order- c66968 , apDrdved y 14th, 1926. . -- n-u�obDle',bepvemDeaavtl'.aa.6D.-be .... ...... -" "" .................................avla en Dd Dedpde. .......... .. .. renommen................................... .............. . under Preliminary Order .................. 65KE.................... approved ................ lung--.1.11hi.._192.6......................... IntermediaryOrder .........._....................Ur........._......_....approved _.._.............._....._..................................__.••--......-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered thesame therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that tLe4zedae. - , "'' z "'' """^v"_ e Raid City constru et .. ....J............... .............................................................................................................................................................................................. be and i15e same are_yey -csnaall�d,..?!»!alled, dna rescinded and all .................................. . ............ in ..................................._..............- ._.................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................... ...... ........... ... ... ._._....._.............. _............... ............. ....................... and th Council he, orders a 'd improvement to be RES VED FURTHER, That the mmissioner of Public orks be and is hereby d and directed to prepare p s and specifications for s 'd improvement, and s hmit same to the Conseil fora proval; that upon said appro , the proper city offici s are hereby anthori and directed to proceed wit the making of said improvem at in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........gF.p.r...gi...__........... , 191......_ ......................................................... City Clerk. Approved ............ .......... ., 191_._... Gol � Mayor. -19ouncihnan Fsul %a-%1 IrioDonald Cyouncilman *bmx Ferguson. Councilman J8d6A5t Wenzel //Councilman C 1 a n c;; councilman j&gdl Sudheimer .—Councilman JTF&Wedi&x 14,cGlonan. 0 MsyorljjdR Hodgson. Form B. S. A. 8-7. , / CITY OF ST. PAUL -, DEPARTW ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN& ON PRELIMIf$IRY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Conway Street from earl Street to Niaple Street. 6 I t under Preliminary Order approved Iday lith, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ,frt62 The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - $ - ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 3 ASSESSED ' LOT DESCRIPTION 1 BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 79 Stinson's Subdivision of 575 Block 79 of Lyman Daytons 2 79 Addition to St.Paul 5975 3 79 do 3350 4 79 do 3750 5 79 do 550 6 79 do 2750 7 79 do 2450 8 79 do 2650 9 79 do 1700 10 79 do 550 F— B. a. 10 TOTAL. CITY or ST. PAUL. 1 _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK � ADDITION p� q�TEON AL 11 79 Stinson's Subdivision of n 5,100 12 79 Block 79 of Lyman Dayton's 3'050 .. :Addition to St.Panl 1. 13 79. do 550 14 and 15 . 79 , do ... _-_ _ _ 4150. -- ii North 42 ft of 1, 2. & 3 80 Stinson's Subdivision of 1,975 4 Block 80 of Layman Dayton's 80 1800. .Addition to St,Paul, 5 80. do 2050 _-. 6 .80 do 2050 _. . p West of 7 80 do 700 East of 7 80 do 850 ^ 8 80 do 1650 9 80 do 475 10 80. do 2575. 11 80 do 475 f 12 80 do 475 13 80 do 2075 14 80 do 1375 15 80 do 1025 i' 1 81 J.E. Ransom's Subd'n of 100 Block 81 Lyman Dayton's Add. 2 81 75 3 81 do 75 i 4 81 do 75 _l 5 81 do 100 6 81 do 125 7 81 do 1200 ... 8 81 do TOTAL 3050 �> J. IR OI'YY OP ST., PAUL .. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIVIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION LOT OWCK ADDITION SE ASSESD VALUATION 9 81; J. E. Ransom's' Subd' n of 1100' , Blk 81 Lyman Dayton's Add. 19001 10 81 do _ i! 11 81 do 1650 12 81 do 1650 13 81 do 1200 14 81 do 2200 j! 15 81 do 575 � a . li North 50 ft of East 100 ft of 82 Lyman Dayton's Addition to 2300 City of Saint Paul West 50 ft of East 150 MI ft of North 134 ft of .82 . do 2775 West 50 ft of East 200 ft. of North 134 ft of 82 do 2775 -k 1 82 Kennedy's Subdivision of 50 82 Part of Block 82 of L. 50 2 Dayton's Addition to St. - k Paul - West 50 ft of East 350 ft of North 134 ft of 82 Lyman Dayton's Addition to 1650 the City of Saint Paul I West 50 ft of East 400 ft of North 134 ft of 82 do 3350 3 82 Kennedy's Subdivision of 2050 q Part of Block 82 of L. ' y 4 82 Daytons Addition to St. 1850 Paul 5 82 3400 . .4.. a ._.. That part of 7. Auditor's.Subdivision NO. ;1450 . i' dying southerly of a line 14, St.Paul,Minn. drawn from a point on the west line of said lot, 46 ft. I, �, a from the Northwesterly corner thereof to a point on the u East line 01 ft from the Northeast corner of said lot. .al .. TOTAL •' I cln of ST. PAUL. 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMI?SIONER OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK �. ADDITION II yALUAON 15 83;Stinson's Subdivision of 5�5C 16 g3 Block 83 of Lyman Dayton's' 47 -Add. 17 83 do 3,625 18 83 do 3950. 19 83 do 3100 i 20 83 do 2950 21 83 do 1750 I 22 83 do 2050 23 83 do 1400 24 83 do 1850 25 83 do 6�0 G 26 86 do 5000 27 and 28 83 do 2875 30 84 Adam Gotzian's Subdn. of 1875 r 29 84 Block 84 Lyman Dayton's 1500 P - 28 84 Addition 1050 I tr 27r 84 do _ 1450 26 84 do 1650 25 84 do 1500 24 84 do 1100 23 84 do 950 22 84do 2200 21 84 do do 2000 3350 West of, (, 19 84. Y. East ti of Lot 19; gest. 10 ft of 18 84 do 12135 (EXcept West 10 ft) 18 84 do 1325 TOTAL ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Vie' a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIAK& ON PRELIM JNARY ORDER (C) .• ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 17 84 Adam Gotzian's Subdn, of 1350 Block 84 Lyman Dayton's 16 84 Addition 2100 16 Joseph r,rth's Subdivision 3850 of ];lock 65 of Lyman Dayton's 17 Addition to St.?aul 4325 18 do 2250 19 do 1450 20 do 1900 21 do 3500 22 do 3850 2,51050 24 0 3300 25 do 2600 26 do 2500 27 do 550 28 do 1950 29 do 1450 30 do 3375 17 86 Leffmann's Subdivision of 3100 Block 86 and 87 of Lyman 1B 86 Dayton's Addition to Saint 3700 19 86 Paul 3250 20 86 do 2050 21 86 do 3700 23 86 do 3450 23 86 d- 1800 24 86 do 300 25 86 do 150 26 66 do 150 27 86 do 275 28 86 do 1400 29 86 do 2800 30 86 Leffmann's Subdivision of 500 31 86 B1^ck 86 and 87 of Lyman 1900 32 86 Dayton's addition to St.Paul 4550 217300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,, p G Dated- <�_-- _192 4— F4. B. B. 12 Commissio a Fi Mk St. Paul, Minn. M add _192-L. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. "Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: __2 I --- – ---------- 6r ... . ... — ----- a —St. Ame. _—.—St. A-,,. to -AL," Ave. 9 ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0-40'iii Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 30ba8 .... ._26..- ................................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...65856 approved_�'y...-10..... ............. ..... _....._...._—.192.6—, relative to aan.at-ruetogof curbi_on._both_ sides_ oY Conway Street from Earl Street to Maple Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......__ ------ ---- _..._.....necessary and (or) desirable. .6" per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_---- ,._...__-------- and the total coat thereof is $ ......... _............ __........ _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ .... _.................... _.............. _._..................... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _..__........ _............. _... -.................................... _.......... _._...... —._...__....._.._..... _._....................... .....-- - ..—.----- 5. Said improvement is.___....—.._ ..................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject•to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Werks. I .. ��arhn2,eRh c f �Ju � lic c ks JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELI.. DSPuTr CoNMISSIONSR BEOROE M. SHEPARD. CNIR. ENOINSER , q M. S. GRYiBAK, BRIOGi ENOINaR WM. N. GREY. SUPY. OF CON .... CTION ANO R[PAIR June 215, 19 2 6 A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF -N-10. O. H. HERROLD. OP.ICR ANO CITY PL.NNINO EN.INQR O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. O. WORKNOUSR Hon. John H. Mo Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Conway Street from Earl Street to Maple Street, under preliminary order C.F J65856, approved May 10th, 1926. Estimated cost 2,957.95 Cost per front foot .62 Inspection 58.00 Frontage 4,782 ft. Yours truly, ie ng near. Approved for transmission to e Commissioner of Finance. omm ss over o Public Wor s. CITY OF ST PAUL � , NOS OFFICE OF TIE CITY °CIEi2K C COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM �t 3 ' ,.Pi2fiSfiNTED BY` - ., ept Senhbe„ 8 11,26 _ { . gQmmissioNER• o��dohld(edning. and: tk3ng:: an e> menti.��rriaA t enfa maintaining a.piibIio sa z o L}the • s ts.. et o% Ilgts 18 and 49, $1Ax<l, YP�7, Rosi , �r.om'ourth,Street: to ; e;,ry..xer0 F,,Fi596I, ap�rcNt.9 -13�x ear y •termed3ary' Order sat3 c$'a ILpsn...: eFt ] Q.t. X926. _ t the r dome ilsi+lo:D vWm &io 4orka having tsPA} zseltoh 3n the above. «matbrit- RESObV3 , '( �y o3 -at,, haul hereby of land o t be, taken o%�ent, es �allp�rsi r 1 4?St ' eb o Qte• 18 and='49; =glagcli , <Yt�1d Rt7a.e,• i' i- from FourtY> Street to �3�.,iy',�i'o t84Y�1 `B9 J $ XSeD nalfl 1' Lh,"'m ttea of grcoafl4gfhing aad tak - lng �Yag easemenC'tor.mop''ettuatin&i - ''and' itratntai ng a pu l{u; aew6r on ��^ tbe"scveSterl $O;cfE o["t.bt4;`1� andv,49; � RioZkb{3 !I ' RoTeo�N,dfll[lo $tro}q,� `�. iaout'_th�'bW�kFli{h`S9tr yRnd�rxPFa-} r I lt}iltrary' 2r�der0 r�F �N �86991'#ia i _ yed IdaY i*'vX SB�an��tnKer�lg . y 70ritrirAd��� jfeQpi3�nVbtodb� _ �rs38�"Q-@8 {' - e a the+atidv �"4r ii fltlx9i�i v e�s_Qgee, x 4n CAttyy,� u .h�Qg��lzsnd",�"tldotier tt�!` iha: a .1 a r..WW si can ,�'%Loaa. e��Eghb �R; K 49;T'!'X?locK1 iT3 oegddt on tc45n;� rt44�ts4��L"�s� 7,4 §"F1dAptbyM`4 ontr aeptl} saB c' COUNCILMEN gQ Yeas Adopted by the Council i.. --._. ....192.... j easyEer�ryJ SEP 8 1 , gueon / PProved_..- 192...... 1V)CDonald .........In favor /MCGloganj v C�/... Sudheimer Against r. President Hodgson a 6�. REPORT TO THS COUNCIL In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement -for, constructing and maintaining a public sewer on the westerly 20 feet of Lots 1.8 and 49, Block 1, wild Rose ,. A.ddition, from Fourth Strgqt ,to Fifth Street, under e Preliminary Order C. F. 059161; approved May 13, 1926, and -Intermediary Order C. F. #67510, approved August 10, 1926. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: -The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this-, his &* ort; 6 plan of the above improvement showing the -.land necessary it(o, fie: !taken therefor by the shaded " Vaart of said plan, which- 1'arid is more particularly described a:6 follows: The westerly 20 ,rfe:et, of Lots 18 and 49, Block 1, seAl-1d:;Rose Addition-, from Fourth' Street to Fifth Street. �Mom. n��'8uF cwor s. Dated Sept. 8, 1926. WILD ROSE ADD.6LKJ Viv 20f'.!ofs 18 B 49 SEWER EASEMENT Sureau of Engineers - - May 25 1926 ' - Stale 7"• 100 XVIII -19300 E. FIFTH ST. .. 20- l 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 Il IS 19 20 21 22 -,23 2 3 D n _ 22 4 W I L D w 5 m GO 59 56 51 SG SS S4 53 52 SI 50 49 48 ', 41 4f 45 � 44 6 J I'26 60 Ge .. t i E. FOURTH ST. `v - • N�DEPARTM NtF[NA'(1. CE s".h REPORT OF ; DMM ,:S��ER QF FrIyANCE y CRELIMI,N RY ORRER In the matter of eordemnng and taking an easement for constructing and maintaninx a pubhic sewer on the westerly 20ftof lots 18 and 49 block 1 Wild Rose - Addition from ourth St.to Fifth St r -I under Preliuminary Order approved May 13th, 1926 To t�uncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lotsorparcels of land that may be assessedi benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT iBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION An easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer., inoveracross under and through the Jest 20 feet of Lots-��.+ - . 18 and 49 in Block 1 Wild RoSe;Addition + y. 1 , � IM ft .TOTAL. PP � �o -oc The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by'the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated19k�- Commissioner o n�ace. Foem 9. B. 13 — C151 V - Offlee of the. Commissioner of NO Wor Report to Commissioner of Finance �uH-� ilea June 5, 1926 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 65961 May 15 1926 , 192_..._, relative to Conrail, known as Council File No..._.—._.._.......approved—_._..._......................._................................._ _. oondemning...:and.._takin&_.an eeaement..._tor..._oonsr>iss.ix#g._..end...melnSaininB.- a public seweron the westerly 20 ft* of lots Wild Rose Addition, from Fourth St. to Fifth St.___ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement'is...... __....... ........ .....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._._.._ R..__- ... . and the total cost thereof is $.-..-....-�X— - --, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is__ ......... _ ............. _..._.___....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiaeioner of Public orks. St, Paul, Minri 192�- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 00 xy �x,` Gentlemen: °t .. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 10 from---- a -------- --------------------------- P -Ave. to - .--St. Ave. •MimiADDMON MINN � � -� f 67762, COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. c, s, NO. 6770— In the Matter of, White Bear A' By.................................................................................. 8t. to the souk oand from H. Rad'to-,cher, FINAL ORDS` he Pr°fila her' j[{s. parC heFeof^ In the Matter of .................... .... ........................ ........_..................... "Bavfa a the Into aeetRloaeuf �........ oar venue and u on pptr _ u! et Bear Ave a 2rognwltlaol no ha Qh 1n the C_ a of Shlte Rear Avenue from i- '3` td "Me 'south line of >r Sixth Street and ftoa Margaret at ala Part ally t� •F�ng and gravelling White Hear f to Aiuison Road to conform to the red line on t m Hudson Ron9,toUPPe { hereto attached and made a part hereof, the presenT established*' grade being shown by a blue line thereon, A166/grading and gravelling White Bear Avenue from Margaret Otreet to'Hudson � 4 Ac'ad in accordance with the said red line when established,, p:v-*ng the intersection of White Beer Avenq& and Audspla Abad, I surfacing with gravel White Bear AvenuB fxam MinneTaha Btreet•to i[eargaret street;€eleo partially graing and 9rve21— in white Bear Avenue from Hudson Road to Upper. Afton i#oa8 a Vk9el'Avenue and extensions of same as opened rlidened and Gond ned.by 0. V #66786, approved 3un*C fQ�. ���, f to Lower .Afton Road, all in, a000xdautae lith hps and profiles hereto attached and made a paytt hereof; coaetruat a sewer on White Bear Avenue f*om'Beech street p'»ii�th Street for the ,a Crainaof White Bear Avenue G-- Impmvemen o e ma e y a sai Ohange the _grade of. White Bear_Avenue .from ..19"garet Street -to - the south line of H. Sixth Street and from S. Fifth Street to Hudson Road to conform to the red line on --the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading and gravelling White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Hudson Road in accordance with the said red line when established, paving the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Hudson Road, and surfacing xith.gravel White Bear Avenue.fr9m. Minnehaha.Street to Margaret Street; ale gartf:ally'ggrndiz.�g and gravelling White Bear Ayej}ue from, Hudson Road to U;sper 'Atton Road and Hazel ,venni i6d extensions of 'game as opened; widened and condemned by 0.1.'#65786;, 49pro:ved June 30, 1926, from Upper Afton Road to Lowee Afton toad, all in aoeordanoe with plans and profiles hereto attached and made apart hereof; also construct a sewer on White Bear Avenue from Beech Street to Fifth Street for the drainage of White Bear Avenue councilman ESZSMX* Olancy .%C uncilman G=x Ferguson ✓Councilman ftgm McDonald /IVI ,,CCouncilman >;AID2tt MoGlogan / ,,CouncilmanSudheime ouncilman MOM Sudheimer cilman.XftaftdickliCit Wenzel or 2XV9M Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 F YUBLISIII:D �//—�` G' 67762- ................ ............................................. ............. 7 62- .................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. under Preliminary'Order ................6.6912.................... approved ............... J.u1y....8t1II1926...... IntermediaryOrder .............................. .......... ................... approved. ............................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .Change the. -grade of White Bear..Avenue from.][argaFet Street -to. - the south line of E. Sixth Street and from E. Fifth Street to Hudson Road to conform to the red line an --the profile -hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading and gravelling White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Hudson Road in accordance with the said red line when established, paving the intersection of White Bear Avenue and Hudson Road, and surfacing with -gravel White Bear Avenue frog{ Minnehaha Street;to Margaret Street; also paft ally grading arid: gravelling White 4,ear Ayeklue from,, Hudson Read to Upper Afton Road and Hazel Avenue and extensions of same as opened, widened and condemned by C. F.- #66,1,86' "pro=ved June 30, 1926, from Upper Afton Road to Lowey Afton Road, all in accordance with plans and profiles hereto att�,ohed and made a part herea$;'also construct a sewer on White Bear Avenue from Beech Street to Fifth Street for the drainage of White Bear Avenue Approved.:....... councilman bhR2K O dx Clancy 1 councilman G=x Ferguson -,Odouncilman ek McDonald councilman 13z2 Sudheime / McGlogan �Eouncilman D[a�atl�[ 8udhelmer �oun an1TKit Wenzel or Awg= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 - •�rmsyor. -„ . PUBLISHED 67762 ...... ................... ... ........................................................................... .............. ............. ................. . . . . . . . . . ........................ ........................... ............. ..................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order................6.6.912................--.. approved ............... Jxay Alh*19216 ............................ N Eatermedi. ................. .......................................... approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 _ een had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council ecommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- "ture, extent and kind of 140113x fa T'o2hSY-- 1t;Prill 1� 1,- D P 7. C fimajammam" RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making o d, imp in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............................ ............... .......... 191 ............... .. .. .... ......... SEP P - 1926 City Clerk. Approved....................................................... 191 ... ......................... . ........ .................. ........................ Mayor. "Councilman NXRMM=ft Olancy Ferguson HED� C uncilman GWX Zcilman WSW= McDonald /Councilman M$ucdGhloglmane �/ s XMaE2M ,Councian ft er �orflman YlAuaftdick Wenzel or 2XAxm Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL t' ► DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a n i, j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIN°INCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C^�._ In the matter of Chaiz.ging e -gado -9 White Be&E Ayda ii 98 Mar- ret Street to the White Bear Ave,. from Margaret St. to Hudson Road in accordance with the said • red �1 a whe r�stablished paving the interseetion o f m. a t n ar Ave. and Hudson -Road, and surfacing with gravel White Bear Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Road to Upper Afton Road and Hazel Ave. and extensions of same as opened, widens a afrom Uppe. Afto" Road — Lower Afton Road, all •in accordance with plans and profiles hereto attached and made a parf, hereof; also constructr on white Bear Ave. from Vaeon oz. to Figtk St» fro .the drainage of N4 .te,3= Ave. T; the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement i. - - $__ 'jam Sol .pi; rofrom Margaret to Hudson ¢ 4.12 The estimated cost pe�foot fnt or the above improvement is from HiidsOn Rd. Vo Lower Afton - 3.31 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 13 3 Robert L. wares Eastern 14 3 Heights (Except the So. 40 feet) The No. of Lots 18 & South 40 feet of North of Lots 18 and South of Lots 18 and Farm a. S. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 12 25 2750 19 6 do 2450 19 6 do 450 19 6 do 2250 11 7 do 125 TOTAL. clrr or sr. PwuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _..a,. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK ADDITION p. VALUATION The North 45 ft of V 26-27- 28 � 2 Robert L.�P I are s Eastern 125 E- .. 'Heights ! I� The South 45 ft of j North 90 ft of 26-27- 28 2 do t., 125 j South 50 ft of North t G 140 ft of 26-27- 28 2 d0 1025 South 50 ft of North Al 190 ft of 26-27- 28; 2 do 125 South 50 ft of North 26-27- 28' 2 d0 125 240 ft of (Except North 240 ft) 26-27- 5 28` 2 do 175 i G 1! 3 4 G.V. Bacon's Addition X00 4 30 3 do 100 Ii ii E s: ;y � new aa TOTAL _-� I � , 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �, V. � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE'✓'�J y,! ON PRELIMINARY ORDER „ B i DESCRIPTION LOT ?3LOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION,.,_.. :10 4 Hudson Road Gardens, x _ _9 4 do +. do. - a - 7 4 i do - _y _ 6 . 4 do 200. , - 8 .5 do ADO., ti ;- l._ 7 5 do ;200 I - 6 5 da ! .200: G 5; 5i do 1 r 8? --G. V. Baoon-'s- Addition 4 , '7¢ 30 81 do 76 1 9 do 75 30 do 50 .'1 1- Heinemann's Shirk & .50 30, 1; Stierles Subdn. of Lots 1 2, 18 and 19 of Lees Suburban H ;50 30 27 Homes 5o e 4 1 1` Bundes Park Add. to St.P.aul $50 - - 304 1! - do .1050 -- i 1 E 4 do _ 50 . _.. 3t1_. 4_ . . __ -do 5b . (Except White Bear Ave.) Commencing at the N.E. oorner of the" 2z 0 outheaet 4 thence south onithe�easl line of the Southeast w -il 1212.40 ft. to the center of Hudson Road, the. 8.820 391 West,. along center of Hudson Ro&& 252;28 Tt thence No.-paralle with line fthe • - - !. to No. line ofT.E. thenceEaet249.98ft. tolg beginning; being in 8 E. a of Sec. =34j,T..2:9,.-R. 22. ... �_,-.. ..._..,.�. ..m; ..m�,�- �....,.�....�,. . TOTAL C cITY OF ST. PAUL t # DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE'-' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s - a ffi=a� � �I ?BLOCK DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION II. VALUATION The (Except White Bear Ave. and exospt the South.1008 feet) - I _east 156 feet of that part of the Southeast �; lying south of -.--Hudson Road -in Sec. 34,'T. ?9, R. 2,2. h (Except Burns Ave. and White Behr Ave.) 870 _The East 156 feet of the Bouxh 1108 e_t Of the S.E. of 4 _ Seo. 34, Ti. 29, R.; 22. (Except Streets) That partl,lyi�,ng south of the Hudson Road 18000 Of the South i of Sec. 35, T. 28, R. 22. F (Except Burns Ave. and-pxcept.White-Bear.Ave,) West of 18"5: -.-- I West i of Northwest w lying,norih oX1 Upper Afton Road in Seo.,, 2, T. 28, Range 22. k (Except Burne Ave.) 1 ;Auditors Subd. No.55 - 750- 11 St. Paul, Minn. .860; . : --(Except Hazel Ave.) That part of Southwest of Northwest lying south of Upper Afton Aoadtandieasterly of BattleCreek— 22 • Section 2, T. 28, R�ark,andHazel-Ave.-) Park 1`Except Battle Creek -- Hazel Ave.) 5 Johnson Garden Lots 7 1800; (E�r. Battle Oreek-Parke and -- Hazel Ave.) 6 � do_.. do 7 do 1 $ 50 u- _ do 8 do 600 i (Except part to City) ^ (East of S.W. a Of S W. �; _ tinplattbiY _ o f �6ao, -a; `Town 28; " ` 300Qf 1 TRange'2$. n .ol..TOTAL I .i S c17Y OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ���rj _ - REPORT OF COMMISSIONM OF FINANCE i�► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION L6T bloc ���« ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I -�-- (Exoept hazel Ave. and exoePt tie 0outh 40 fads -of the North 5144 ! ----- 42 rods of the east 40 rods) Nprtheast 4 of SOuthseet of Sea: 2, Town 28, -Range 22. _I ,86 and 87 Mont Ville, now (Except part platted as Lots 70,-71 2840, - vacated and except Hazel Ave.). Southeast 4 -of Southwest 4 of" 4 p - 2 Town 28 Range 22, - Sec. ' _ commencing 449.45 Peet wee of S. E, corner of S.W. i .1575 --- �I �._th.� ce west on Seo. line 819x09 feet,thenoe N. 1& E. 217 Ise k - ' E thenoe southwesterly 210 fee$ to theiintersection of a line which -- i; bears- N. 20 w. from point at beginning, thenoe552o E. along said a- !I 1 line to point of beginning, being that part platted as Lots 70,- h 11 -',71, 86 and 87 Montville, now Vacated of Seo. 2, T. 28, 5.22. , W t p Northwest 4 of the Northeast *, of Sea. 11, T.28, R. 22. � 24 60 h i - (Except Hazel Ave.) 11 i r is H _ y y t TOTAL_ CITY OF ST. PAUL y• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i t i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE'+' 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION (Except Hazel Ave.) the North i of the Southwest 4 1875 of the Northeast 4 of the Northwest 4 and the Southeast of the Northeast 4 of the Northwest 4 of Sec. 11, T. 28, R.22. (Except Afton Road and except Hazel Ave.) The 750 east 3 acres of the South I of the Southwest 4 of Seo. 11 T. 28, R. 22. 67884.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ 192 Form B. 8. 13 Commissio of Finance. tv . . .. . ......... . ....... -.3VA J3 -YAH Cq XOTIA 513WOJ-.051 VOTIA q394U 0 vim 3 qo HAZE L A VE. Ilivx UPPer .4pon )pd. Zowel--Wf'�on )Facal z 074K. ------ ... .. o Gs ja y0 _ ' -9 Ga Office of the Commissioner of Publi WMJMD �4 Report to Commissioner of Finance ............ _... July.._20, 1926_...........__._192..._. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 6531$ July. 6, 1926 192_..._., relative to Council, known as Council File No 6603.2 ........................._...... the grading of WhiteBear Ave. from Margaret St. to Hudson Road and constructing a sewer from Fifth Street to Beech Street and partially _ .......... ._._....................... _... ...... _..... ....._... _.......... _........ _......... -..... ............... _—_.,—__.___........... ... .... ............ _.._......... _._.__. gru,ing White Bear Avenue and Hazel Avenue from Hudson Road to Lower and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_. ....... ..... ........... __...necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... ....................... _—............. and the total cost thereof is $....- .......... - -- - —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ......................... _......... _.._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... .....________-----.._----- ._....._.._ -.-_......__— Commissioner of Pu lie Worke. TA vF AiwT peP'air-ihm94171 vfrI(JuFIJ&fi���crk+s JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER p - THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEP-1COxx�..�ox[w J U L {� G0 20 GEORGR M. SHS—RD. CHIKF EN.Ix.tw M. 8, G—K. BwlDaw ENDIxRw .M. N. GREY. RY.T. o...—.. .... .HD ...wtw A. R. RH.RP, wu.T. o. -..—"0. G. H, HERROLD. G..IC. AHD CITr Pu„„,„, E,.,D,xaw July 19 ,1926 O. P. GOWLIN, RY.T. O. W.R....- Hon. John H. 1,10 Donald, Commissioner of Public ',Yorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading White Bear Avenue from 1,argaret Street to Hudson Road and constructing a sewer from Fifth Street to Beech Street and partially grading Vffiite Bear Avenue and Hazel Avenue from Hud- son Road to lower Afton Road, under preliminary order C. F. No.66912, approved July 6, 1926: Estimate "A": Grade White Bear Avenue from i,:argaret Street to Hudson Road and construct sewer from Fifth Street to Beech Street Length 3084 ft. Width 32 ft. Frontage 5418 ft. Grading, etc. ,;16045.40 Sewer 6000.00 Total 920 E Inspection 2%440.91 Estimated Cost "A" ---;22486.31 22,486.31 Cost per front foot Ivfargaret to Hundson $4.12 ------------------------------- Estimate "B” Partially grade White Bear Avenue and Hazel Avenue from Hudson Road to Lower Afton Road. Length 7691 ft. Width 30 ft. Frontage 15196 ft. Grading,etc. ti49328.22 Inspection 2'986.56 $Y07 -1-4-77U 50,314.78 Cogt per front it. Hudson Road to Lower Afton "'3.31 Total Cost.of entire job Very trul yours, ie ung neer Approved for transmission to o oner f Finance. 6—Esoner 0 c 'orks. CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�a j.t..!- cps. N0. 7.7 63 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM #Rt' PRESENTED BY - Sept_'.....8 4,_19_26.:....--. __....._....._ COMMISSIONER._............_.._..-.._............_._--_-.._..___.. _._... _............. DATE .................. RESOLVEE)� In the matter of condemning and taking an easement �. in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Upper Afton hoed, and Hazel Avenue and extensions of same as opened, widened and condemned by C. F. #66786, approved June 30, 1926, from Upper Afton Road to Lower Afton Road, under Preliminary Order C+ F. #66967, approved July 14, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #67322, approved August 10, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RE80LVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determinefj-N;heramount of land to be taken for the above named improor3inant as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Upper Afton Road, and Hazel Avenue and extensions of same as opened, widened and condemned by C. F. 466786, approved June 30, 1926, from Upper Afton Road to Lower Afton Road, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated September 8, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C: F. No. 67763—M, J. a. McDonald In the matter of condemning avd i Ing_ an `ebeement In the COUNCILMEN Yeas "Clancy Nays /Ferguson McDonald .....In ;�McGlogan -tudheimer ..........kAs --Wenzel r. President Ix Hodgson of Public Work.I ,report and plan y...vnmenr as an _ eaaeineat —fo; slopes,; ,cute and fill., In and upon white Bear Ave. from Margaret , t. to UI er Afton Road, and Hanel A none I dened°wand- extension. of, by C. F add the Council _ 192...- 06786. approved June aQ, C, from ` Road;Upper to th Road to —wet, Afton .. It (j(• Road; tt the silent "holm .upon the t� pia¢. attaohed..to'.the report- of Ilia Sip ommteetoner ot`Pubitc Works, to the owed ....................... ..................... 192...... matte[. dated' Sept. -8 18x8 which plan and report are hereby referred, to plan made.a part hereof. r Adopted by the Council ISept. 8 1988 Approved Sept. 9; 1926. (Sept 11-1828) ....... -.. ... _... .. ....... _....... CITY OF 3T. P UL� Dep .rt:nent of Public worka REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the ;u.^.tter of condemning and taking �.n easement in tho 1�.nd nceessary for slopes, for cuts s.nd fills in grading of'7 bite Sear Ave. from Margaret dt. to Upper Afton hd. and Hazel Ave. a ext. of same as opened, widened and condemned by C. F. it66786, approved June 60, 1926, from Upper Afton hoad to Lower Afton road under rrsli;ainary Order C.?.66957 approved July 14, 1926, Int:rmcciiary Odor C.r'. 67622 ,irprovcd Au,_ust 10, 1926. To Council of tho City ,i�f' Zt. Pc'.ul: i'.e Gc-:v-.lissior.cr (:f ;,u'�jlic rl-:s hcr:,b;; subriits ^.nd m,�;:us ,crt of this, 'lis rcL)crt, - ',-)lan of the :.bove im_:rovc- men:, shoving by the, ch^.(icd .,ortion of scid ,)L -n, the fills to be r..nde on hriv:.tu ;'rcicrty, cad by the '-,.tchod ,)crtion tho cuts to be m --^.dc on privato .r.»urt:V, end the extent of the c^.so-punt to bo t^ken by tlie figures cp_.osite ouch shaded ".nc! h^.tchc,' _r..rts of such pl^.n. ^.te: Commissioner �f Public '•forks. • L-/na/cvTE-y cuT - .. Q, TYP/cvL /Yo;.vTion ..o - - I F/CURES f780liE L //YE Sr'G /e- I ✓v c r QRiCL - I HT �T7�PE,yTY G//YE _ � FGGrr -5 BE:?�'✓ �fi�Or7 %T�oOd � C//Yr SHOWD/STAiycE 71j pyyi� ;./ .SLiPES EXTEND �+EyONO PROPE,q/-y L//YE• e � ' W. X66, h Q, ,z R \ \ ♦Ix {^.,'�"� #�°` o m v'' '.-___—.--__ _.... xv _. _. �..� '•b �y.... _-. _. o,� - �v °'.� \ °:< x,C *w ,�''+\ iF ��. ? _ .�__ - x l\ '� 'K ♦ ° v � w a a n h o a ^� '• m v h o N N n_</._ .,,�, eb � 22 Vv. I T jtz I a t /lYDrcATEs C4,7 - AM - ur®- TYPic�L /Y07,g7-10 v *- o -- i - _ � F/GUKES fLt9pyE L//yE SHO(y C -L. --gF�'FCL - � - �e 0/' i9venue FJl FFlOPERTY L//YE; - ff, ow '� L//YE SHO{ND/STF/ycE T//`yH/L..-' EXTENO BEYONO PROPERTY L//YE- i SEC. 35- T• .Z9 /Y, R. zz W. ° sic.. 2 T. zB /yam R. 2z w. ... __._—:�— _.—. ___..�— __.__.-Lv-_--. lo...e p--•--4 _.._______'_.—_I ..__�'i p_M_ ���_ '��,y-. __ �—_.._p,6i. lc_ ..__H,— .��___--y __\� �.- __ _. a_—-.____�. ___ s�—_._____ _ np �y '2," 4� '1.,, LIQ `ywlM1 tea. _c I i 22 yv. Q)l l UE roq !�000� v k- � f Indicote3 cut T�oica/nofofio� +3z_._o F9riie� obore /:tee ,Shaw c�f��// AM 4f�/�crf.� /�hc, Fyures de%w ho7c s{�aw. di s foncc to wh ch 5/o o sr exfen./ bcy �s/oioPavf./ /:�e. .�5- /z. Sh'i�,� � •�TE// O '�O 0 9 I'7-� /z. Sh'i�,� � •�TE// O '�O i I 9 � 7 o � /2c i WH/TE 1911E/YUE /YJoryorel Sheet h'uc2/s012 A:,Oad /Z o. 9 0 I ----- --- - -h l J �I I � f 1�7dico7`e3 cut. AM — 1n�/icater fi// T/oico/noto>`ian '` o F9uri� obore /.tee ,show c<'/ai �// at�✓'�cr%y //ii�e. F9ures be/ow ///!G - /h V. !I/J r0✓JGC tO Whlii h S/1,11 e/r/en�1 bey �s/oioPerty. /�;7P; /6 �( ^ V 1 �y h e v +'� I i � 30 /27/6 0 /<7/6 7 Ito /Z7./b .27 �4_.TE/SLE r SUB. �, 4!� 46- ba 09, � I I b � I N 0 y a �Iy. Tlo olb alh Qly Rc 14 41�; i, ylh 429 95 e4-1 7'R 44 CIO 9° .qZ li 4,1 1 63 o� - \,., ,:r:.- -_-.- ;a �.• .off '�% r , ry 'Y l J� y � ' ON �'° _,�-- - - -,•. �y T TL CR Eft o — --- _...._...... —I/1�C01f5 fI/ HRZFL 141TF. /yP,col „ototo� >zo UP/J' ei /9fon food fa Cower fyUICJ /9 fob 14oa6l 9E+OYC �Oe hON - cul a� f4// vt�cio/.•er/y /tee. - ,iyures oe/ow /„�e show - disla ice to rvh;'ch S�o�oes - G'X,;end beyond proper/y /iqe. P� • �caflar� � �.E "Jl�o. � o� - \,., ,:r:.- -_-.- ;a �.• .off '�% r , ry 'Y l J� y � ' ON �'° _,�-- - - -,•. �y T TL CR Eft o — --- _...._...... { �c VI Offtre ®f'the Commissioner bf-Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 0 July 20, 1926 To the Commissioner of Pinance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council Pile No. 66957 approved__ R;1Y .141.._ 1926_._..__.__,192__—., relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land,neceseary for slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of White Bear Avenue from Margaret Stre6t —...-_._...... ........................ . ......... �T- -- ........_..� _ to Upper Afton Road and Hazel Ave. and extension of some as opened, widened' and aondemrted fiy E?=_Fs 6G4�Es� spprove-d--Juns-2&; �9 -AYtan Road to Lower Afton Road. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.....—...._ ... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total coat thereof is XX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... ..._.._.___....__.— .................... __...__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---- ......... --......_._....... .......... .................. _................. . _ __..................... _._.._...... .... 5. Said improvement is ............ _...-___..__—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. r!" CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEzs ON PRELIMINARY #ADER (A) s + In the matter of - ConAamning and takingn e� aa9men` in the land necessary to,. 01OP62.-m,tg and filla� in the griiiing of White Bear Avenue from ua,.earot � _Ijpp r Afton Road and Hazes' Ave andp}�}extensions oP same +dQneti and oondsmnwd by c. r. #9978.6,�p*oved June 30, &s OpgaeA, f3!nmMTim Afton ROnd tp Ln Ar Afton n^"'i 6�32�_ under Preliminary Order approved. -- u y Lft& To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 4 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $-- --- - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, snd the assessed valuation of each lot or Psreel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Robert L. Wards Emstexu la 25 14 3. Heights 2?�0 (Except the So. 40 feet) The No. ' of Lots 18 & South 40 feet of North of Lots 18 and South of Lots 18 and 19 6 do 19 6 do 460 'is . 6 do 2260 11 ? do 125 TOTAL. 10 ' CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE S�►LY REPORT OF COMMISSIOW OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • I ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION WT LOCK- ADDITION VALUATION �ID ii(ypF i I Gardena _ 110 4-1 -Hudson Road da 1 G 117 .8 41 w do k ir-5?5 t 4- do:ia y - s a do 4ti4 7 s du s s do s 51 do 2Cl0 . tl G. V. BaCoa�s Addition do 1 ' 8 uo T r 3E $ 5t . } 1 Helaeraann ea Shirt & SSS ! I 30! } Stier}es Suhd>s. of Latah 1 } ! 2, }8 and 18 of Lo" Subu ban ]a 13Q1 i 130 Rom" � h 1 1 }: Butndee Perk Add. to St-g*ul 5Q _ do t ; 1 4 i do r .5o' ' 4' _do C ►ms:Ie3�c at the $.E. oorner of the (310apt White Bear ve.)� 2&5R dicks of tus Southeast ul �l _ southeast j thence south On•theseasiG Bout � - center og Hn�iaentAoad, Lha. 8.88° 39� most 14' i a 121S.g0 ft. to the !. along center of iludson {load; 2'iz8 .ft. thence 110. Par&114 with east line of the S. E. 1,` 154.67 tf. to go. line of .g. of Sec,«s+4 S �'' 249.98 ft. to h �` being is .E. 1n , tLen68 East � TOTAL _-1L__.. _._._�..>..�__.-..emc._....rn�..+v+mo-....om,...._. .....ssr+.r..�uh ...s�.=.er�..a...v......�. II CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a • �- REPORT OF COMMISSIO*R OF FINANCE ORDER.__,,,_ 'ON-..PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION i:a-..sa_-.,y..�:, ,. �-,�.�.. � _�,�.., LOT !8L...i —ADDITION Ii _. ASSESSED VALUATION- - -(Except White -Bear Ave.. and except the South1008feet) The --- east 156 feat- of the t part- Of tie Sputhes at y lying south of ! I l Hudson Road in Seo. 34, T. 'ISI! $8, it.. t -(Exoept Burns Ave. and *hi" Behr Ave.) ¢7�1 The -East -156 feast of the South lone to t of the S.E. of } !4 .._ Sea• 34, T}_ 29�, R.: 22. .(Except Streets) That MartIlyl�g south of the Hudson Road 180W! of the South of Sea. 35 2% R. 22. - _ (Except- Bursa Ave. and hxoe�t White. Bear- Ave.) Beat it. of 18ris West_ _of Northwest +� 1 1 1 'north of upper Afton Road in 800.; i y ngi i. - 2r T. 28i Rungs 22. Ai {gxeept Burns Ave.) 1 + Auditors Subd. No.55 760, - 9 23, St. Asul, mina. $dip« 3! (Except Hazel p i thaest k -of Nort est 1 T I ( i ngsouth Of Upper -$oad ,aad! saister ly of Battle Greek Park in Section 2, T. 28, R4f 22. {Exeept Battle Greek *ark ;andlHazel Ave.) N Hazel Ave.) b Johnson Garden Lots 1890- y nd {Ex. Bathe Greek Park and- Hazel Hazel Ave.) 6 i da d0 do $150 - do a do 600 1'04 w ` ('ofsaeot ;_4 A _... on 2A4 -V lom Ran $R _- Unplatted— 3 .o.w ....ITOTAL h .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO,1jr ,4R OF FINANCE 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED - I' DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except Hazel Ave. and except the south 40 rods of the North i 5 4 71 4-2 rods of the G-st 40rods) Nbr-trieast of Southeeat - of j n Sec. 2, Town 28, Range aa.i (Except part platted as Lute 7�G,73jr86 and 87 Montville, slow 290: vacated and except Hazel ve• Southeast ti of Southweat of: —� N a Seo. 2;. Town 28 Range 22. Oommenoing 448.45 feet ;ire0 of S. E. corner of S.N. 1 7� thence nest cn Sec. line 819W'09 €eetj thence R. 160 E. 217 feet* thence southwesterly 210 feet to the'inter Section of a 11" Which a bea.Ts H. 20 ". from point Of beginning, thence Sao E. along said: line to point of beginning, tieing th*t part platted as Leta ?Go 71a 86 and 87 Montville& now�vac%t=:d of - Sao. .2, T. 28, R.22. i Northnest � of the northeast i:of Seo. 11, T.28, R. 22. $4rpU (Exoe?t Hazel Ave.). N a , U u { i it TOTAL- ' 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` (C) l .j ° 71v_ I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except Harc Hazel Ave.) the north $ of the South8at 187.5 of the Hoxtheast t of Lha Northwest w and the Southeaat of toe Northeast w of tris llor'ahnest ;1; of Sec. 11, T. 28, 11.22. (Except Afton Hord and except Hanel Ave.) Tne 750 e:at 3 acres of tl a SoutTi g of the Southwest w of Seca 11 T 26, R. 22. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _192 _. _ — Commissioner of Finance. F.- D. R. 13 _ 6'7'764 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By..................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..._13radine E, Sixth Street from Flandrau Street to ...White .... -..........................-.............--- Bear Avenue and Flandrau Street from Sixth Street to Margaret -----......................................................................---.......-- ....---.....I..... ............---..........--..... . ................... $..t!S'Ql........................................... ; C:r. In the IntermediaryOrder......... ............... ...................... approved ..................................................... .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isade E. Sixth Street from Flandrau _ i.x..- - - - - --..e.e.-- - -------- ......................... Street to White Bear Avenue and Flandrau Street from Sixth Street to ......--------- .- ..............------------....... _...... ------ -- ...._...........----.... -----------.......-------- .....----- ......--------•-------..... Margaret Street, ...........-.............................. .... ....._.....----..._...... - ........ ...................- - --......... ........ ..... - .................... 5 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that dpon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the maliibg otw,4i)} ment in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.: ...................... ..........- 191........ city clerk. Approved------_ ---------_-------.... ._................. 191........ ----r,..-... Mayor. councilman 1>McDonald �uncilman 6lbsxx Ferguson. _ouncilman Clancy cilmanAtka Wenzel. Councilman Sudheimer. ,,,,Councilman VZ=8a 4d K McGlo gan. ✓1Gfayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 P�UBLLSHED��� �og G CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ro ,rt RREPORT OF COMMIS-QNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i:, �• --_�A� `T In the matter of Gracle PL I;' xth Street from F7 enArAtt t��� 1it9—t?i8� Ave and Flandrau St, from Sixth St. to Maree.r_t StrAl3t under Preliminary Order approved— *111TIS 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-4, aT2- 7g The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $-2s 53 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION P�rcm B. B. 11 LOT BLOCK 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 9 6 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 ADDITION G. V. Bacon's Add. do do do do do do do do do - TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 - .r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA13E" ON PRELIMINAVY ORDER (C). „ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 9—o K ADDITION VALUATION. ' ' li 9 G. V. Iaoon's Addition 50 12 9 do 50 }3 9 do 50 14 9 do 50 15 9 do 50 16 do 50 �7 d do 50 18 ffi do 50 19 g do 50 20 9 do 50 21 g do 50 Lot 22; & W. i of 23 6 do 75 East i of Sj 23 S do 1725 ( 24 8 do 25 g do 50 26 a do 1950 �7 g do 50 �9 80 28 9 do 90 �5 g do 50 16 6 do 50 2 7 ' , do 50 0 • �s, zas. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__ iei` __1924._ -- Commissto o finance. -- F. B. B. 12 O1 St. Paul, Minn. annArS 27 _._19.211 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _ Gra de._2_Xgn4reu.... t_.: TGA? h�i �h s..� n_ut.h.• Rt _ r......tG._W-h4t-e- Beer- Ave St. Ave. Ave. to-- St. o St. Ave. (D.vj-r.r-A s. -Z( /V r / ' I (D.vj-r.r-A s. -Z( /V 1 I/ Office of. the. Commissioner of Public rvED Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN It 1! 26 Jura 14 1926 _-__...__......._........'......._......_..._.................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66370 ........... _ ..__192__ , relative to Council, known as Council File No......6_.—..._.......approved—_J?721s.....3.�_._.........._..___. 6.__ Gra _..._cling._E......$iXtk�._�tx'�.s�xszm.._F.las> dreap_Stxae.t.....4.__➢Ifhite.....Hear.._A>re _.._._and.._F7andraR._Stre®t_._Prom 1._.5 re__to_x'gax�t_.. te5.... .—.----- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._.__ .................... necessary and (or) desirable. ironQo 2. The estimated cost thereof is $2-5.3....pax . _.._...., anhthef total cost thereof is $ .......... _............ — .... _...... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._ ............................ ..._......_.._......................—___..__. — 3. A plan, proffie or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_._ ............. ..__................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... .............. .......... _.._--- Commissioner of Public Works. �1NT ��f " eparurrnerih 91 TJu C Wyr s JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNSi . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C " EH".7 WM. N. CARM SSFP. OF CON.YIIORION AxO RLPAIn G. H. HERRO . OMCE ANO Cm PLAtR1iHO ENOINme June 11, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs M. S. GRYTRAK. BRIOOE ENa— A. S. SHARP, SU— OF SAN— .. P. BOW LIN, S-. OF WORK—. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of E. Sixth Street from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue and Flandrau Street from Sixth Street to Margaret Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. #66370, approved June 3, 1926: Estimate of cost $4,272.78 Inspection 83.78 Cost per front foot 2.53 Frontage 1,682.57 ft. The two houses on the,norti} side of Sixth Street shown on the slope plans have been built too low for the street grade proposed herein, and if it Is possible to obtain a waiver of claim for damages from the owners it might be advisable to do so. Yours very truly, GMS:AB Ch Engineer. Approved for transmission to 0 mmissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. i kq. PRESENTED COMMISSIONI RESOLveb' ? CITY OF ST PA L 110 , .. -----67-765'1.` OFFICE OF THE CIT4 :CLERKoa y.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 8, 1926 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of E: Sixth Street from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue, and F�*tdrag Street from Sixth Street to Msrgsret'Street{,_pnder Preliminary Order C. F. #66371, approved June 3, 1926, end Intermediary Order C. F: #67313, approved August 10, 1926, The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and. determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement 3or.slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon E. Sixth Street and Flandrau Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated September 8, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN -. Yeas �lancy Nays rguson -!CDonald _.._........_In favor McGlogan `"'Sudheimer .._.._Against "-'wenttl -"'Mr. President Hodgson SEPg Adopted by the Council......... SEP 8'a9", 192.... A�............................ ............... 192.-.._: CITY OF ST.. P UM Department of Public 'Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the -Metter of (.ondcmning and taking o.n easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: E. Sixth Street from Flandrau St. to White Bear Ave. and Flandrau Street from Sixth itreet to Margaret Street. f W= Itz XXftT Preliminary Ordor C.?, 66371 approved June 3, 1926 and Intermudiary Ordur C.F. 67313 approved August 10, 1926. To the Council of the City of St, Paul: ^1hc Co-mnissionor of ?ublic Works hereby submits and mcr_usa part of this, his ropert, a plan of the above improve men,, showing by th.c shaded _portion of said plan, the fills to b; made on private )roporty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and -the oxtont of the easement to be te.kun by the figures opposite such shaded -.ncl h^.tch0 parts of such pl^.n. Date: Com;u.ssioncr of Public `;forks. i ?'T c7 -' _°EAR LJ 26 30 � 9 � 14 13 12 .I 10 G. `�.CON'� ADD. E. IXTH ST. "`.NH!TE PEAR AVF.. LGPE PLAN June 2,192,. XIX -19321 C' I Indico+es Cut. 0-Indirates Fill. T!jpicol Noto+Ion l.p FiQUres above line show Cut or Fill of proper+yline. Fiqures below line show distance io which slopes extend beyond property line. Loc Book 2184 FLANDRAU ST. (MARGARET ST. - E.0 Ld ST G. V. B-L'I\Cn \1 S 8 FLAN DR -A -U 5T MARGARET ST.- E.6L" ST. SLOPE PLAN 13-- ,,w Engineers June 9,1526 Scole. 1* loo' XIX-Mis 17 to �+ co 3 2E r1 FLAN DR -A -U 5T MARGARET ST.- E.6L" ST. SLOPE PLAN 13-- ,,w Engineers June 9,1526 Scole. 1* loo' XIX-Mis I, y ani . • ; ^s - >F..,.,,,�„i c '{� P QST. PAUL - = t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .� < ON PRELIMINl�2Y ORDER r 'I In the matter of CDndemni ng r;,nA talri na an oaaamnntin th��l anAsnA ngGe8gebr—y $A£ alo as fnr enitt; and f i I I a in the grAA1 ns n Fl nndran Rt- to Whii to Rear Ave and 3111ndrau Street from sixth at. to Margaret Street. under Preliminary Order approved .Tune 3- 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED •~. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -ADDITION VALUATION 1 9 G. V. Bacon's Add. 75 2 9 do 50 3 9 d, 50 4 9 do 50 5 9 do 50 6 9 do 50 7 9 do 50 s 9 do 50 9 9 do 50 .10 9 do 50 Pi�rm B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ��,, O T OF COMMISSIONER OF FIf�ANki ON PRELIMINARY ORDER rr. (C)... - - ASSESSED +LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION _ 11 9 G. V. Pacon's Addition _ 50 12 9 do 50 �3 9 do 50 14 9 do 50 �5 9 do 50 16 9 do 50 �7 S do 50 in S do 50 �9 A do 50 Po A do 50 21 3 do 50 Lot 2?; & of 23 6 do 75 East Of � 23 8 do 1725 24 9 do 25 do 50 26 a 30 1950 27 8 do 50 29 g do 50 29 A do 50 �5 g do 50 16 a do 50 17 do 0 2 7 do 50 3400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated- _l 192,,'- -5W-�Z _ — ommis ' Hance., Porro Ilan. 12 x / - ve Office of the Commisgioner of PubfiC'YV'q&61VW Report to Commissioner of Finance Sj- JUN 151126 ..........__.,T=a ...14.9.. .............................. _..__..192...6.._ To tke Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the - , Council, known as Council File No.__66371..,_....approved_JuT18..._°�_............ _.......... _................ ___1926..__, relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes_ outs and fills, in the grading of E. Sixth Street from Flandrau Street to White Bear Ave., and F'landrau Street from Sixth Street to Margaret Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._._._._.._..._.._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._................... __.— ....... _.... and the total cost thereof is $.-......._--- _...... _........ ....—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ .......... _.......... _..... .... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO-. ......................... By....................................................:........... FINAL ORDER ..._ _s 67766 In the Matter ofing._Kennard Street -from East__Seventh__ Street ......:...... under Preliminary Order .............. 436t...................... approved ..........J ................................... IntermediaryOrder .............................. -------------- ..... ..... ...... approved-----------................ -------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....lKTA a piignnard-.,Street.- from -_Feet_ 9gventh ................................................nd.-.Street. - - _..............:-- .:..................................:-- --------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city,officials are hereby authorized and directed to -proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. SEP't - W* Adopted by the Council ............................................ 191 SEP S-1 Approved.... ._....----.._.......................... 191........ councilman FZAXXA to Ol anoy ,Councilman == Fergueon uncihnan McDonald oCuncilman KM(* Mcalogan councilman I== Sudheimer ,ef-opncilman wami9iE]i Wenzel ayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. Mayor. ' FINANCE - REPURT OF CO yn _ tER OF FINANCE ON PRed. 1 ARY ORDER In the matter ofgrading Kennard Strut from East Seventh Street to Brand StrPat - under Preliminary Order approved— June 3rd, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $ 1519.04 frt The estimated cost pe/ foot for the above improvement is $ (, / The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 8—K ADDITIOh VALUATION 1 1 Albright Addition 125 2 1 do 125 ^ 6 1 do 125 4 1 do 375 y 5 1 do 125 6 1 do 125 7 1 do 125 k 8 1 do 375 1 2 do 125 2 2 do 175 TOTAL. Farm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO'JER OF FA�A?WCE �. ON PRELIMINART ORDER (C) - - . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 2 Albright Addition 625 4 2 do 425 5 2 do 125 East 1/3 of Lot 6 and 2400 all of 7 2 do 15 3 Birmingha.'s 2nd Additio: 100 16 3 do 100 15 4 do 125 16 4 do 4350 10050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— 111__192__ ------- Commissioner of Finance. Parm n. n. I] 'V St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Jt I / . ..... . . ...... 62L . . ........ ..... . ...... --St. Ave. from -St. Ave. to- --St. Ave. w N./z 5-E../4, 5EC-27 T 29- V- 22. H A2VF STEP-— /3I BRAND U) IN K E RVV IN *^pr y Office of the Commissioner of Public W rv� K° id.,�•, Report to Commissioner of Finance Y R ^ __dune.....2.6.,......1326............... __i92— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ing had under consideration the preliminary order of the The Commissioner of Public Works; hav Council, known as Council File No.._66360'L,.._....approvedTVXle_-41916...---'-"""'"-'""192___, relative to Grading of Kennard Street frpm East Seventh Street to Brand Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie......___...._ _.._.necessary and (or) desirable. 1.29 per front foot 2. The estimated coat thereof is $___ ..................__._._............; and the total cost thereof is $..........-_.-..._�_._......—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._........... ....... ....... _._......____.----- .:---- -._ 3, A plan, profile or sketch o4 said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................__......._._......__ _......... _... _....................... .._ _..._....__.__.._..__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, b. Said improvement 'is__. subject to assessment for said improvement. Pnb is Works. �je�pti rh„rrh� cF Grulblic vr4ss JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. O. WCONNELL, D-11 ....I—.... BSOR= M. SHEPARD. CHIMP ENOINQR M. 8. ORTTBAK, BRIDMM Ex.IMQR WM. H. GREY, SUPT. OF CONRTRUCTION AND —FAIR June 24 1926 A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. X. XERRO—, OPPIC[ AND CITY PLANNIN. ENa1xQR '�• - O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OP WD....U.e Hon. John H. Mc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading Kennard Street from East Seventh Street to Brand Street under preliminary order C.F.66366, approved Jane 3, 1926. Estimated cost 1,519.04 % Cost per front foot, —1-24— Inspection 1-24 -Inspection 29.79 Frontage 1,176.52 ft4: " We find that several houses on this street have been built below the grade which is established. These houses will have to be raised to grade if this grading order is passed and this fact should be noted at the hearing. Very truly yours, (5z - }YT . Y4,4 QXIef Engineer. Approved for transmission to i sioner of Finance. Commissioner of public Works. c—rcLNO ..... 61-1_6 4,,,� •---'� CITY OF ST. PAUL ~' ' OFFICE OF THE • CITY ,CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED_.BY --Sept, •8 �.r6_ .. ... DATE... '- REsol ,. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Kennard Street from East Seventh Street to Brand Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #6636.7, approved June 3, 1926, and Intermediary Order 0. F. #67309, approved August 10, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes cuts and fills, in and upon Kennard Street from E. Seventh street to Brand Street, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated September 8, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ancy —Ferguson -'McDonald In favor �McGlogan �'Sudheirner 0:_... --Against _/_Wenzel __ Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council$E.P-$-.... 1Q)26--------- 192--.. roved--- EP 8 ' 1926 - - - -.............192.....- ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL ,Deportment of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of Condemning end taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: I>ennard Street from -7• Seventh St. to Brand St. under Preliminary Order C.?.66367 approved June 3, 1926 and Intc,•rmediary Order C.F. 67309 approved Aug. 10, 1926. TQ tha Council of the City of St. Paul: T', -Le Commissionor of :ublic Works hcroby submits and ma::us a part cf t'. -is, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ?ortinn of said ,)Lr.n, the fills to be rade on private ,:roparty, and by the h.a.tchod portion the cuts to be m..^.dc on private property, and the extent of the easement to bo taken by the figures op,)osite such shaded -.nd h^.tc.,ed ports of such pl^.n. Date: Coi i9.ssioner of iublic Worlcs. �•Ina'�cofns r_�. E.7T_+sT-�5RANDSr. -Ill l]iC0jP5 Fill. p -A Typir_ol No}afion "11 Figures o Bove !ins show Cu}orF;!I proper }I� line. KENNARD ST. - - ` - Figures bell ow line show E.'r� ST. BRAND ST. X:;: 13334 dis}cnce fowhich slopes ex}end beyond proper}y !ine. - e Loc. Book 2185 _ 4 1 I �IQMINGHAM"S "D q� n 13 18 13 is In I' Vt 14 17 IIT11 - r� G HT ADS .l CITY OF ST. PAUL d DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FMAOF COMMISSIONER OF FMA C.E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) • 41 . In the matter ofcQrjdemning* and taki -ng an egg ement in the land aary fnr -slopes,outs and fills, in the grading of Kennard Street from Fast. Seventh Street to Brand.Strest.. under Preliminary Order approved—._._Ame.arttdr- 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: • The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED S DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 Albricht Addition 125 2 1 do 125 1 125 2 1 do 375 5 1 do 125 6 1 do 125 7 1 do 125 8 1 do 375 1 2 do 125 2 2 do 175 TOTAL, F„rm 8. A. 10 CITY OF By. YAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE'S OF COMMISSIONER OF ihft,NCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION F LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 2 Albright Addition 625 4 2 do 425 5 2 do 125 East 1/3 of Lot 6 and 2400 all of T 2 do 15 3 Birmingha to end Additio 100 16 3 do 100 15 4 do 125 16 4 do 4350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1926- - - Commisaioof Fina e Form R. B. 12 AECLrva Office of the Comm'issio'ner of Public Wor ,1 Ulr r t , Report to Commissioner of Finance- „� F It !UN 28 go June 2 6, 92.6..._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._66367 approved__) q 3,...._ _ .............................._,1926..._..., relative to Condemnin_g.._and_tak ng an...--.QgL� .n --_j xt...-the .....land.._necessary..... for.._sl.ages......... .._ cuts and Pills, in the grading of Kennard Street from East Seventh Street to Brand Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... .... _..... ........... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-...... ................ _._............ . and the total cost thereof is $....... ....... ..... ..... ___.........._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ....._..._........--- ......................................._.......-........_—... 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................................. _.__._.._............ _... .................................. _ _-------------.- — ---'---- — 5. Said improvement is ..................... ..................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ............... _.......... __... _..... __._..._....____..._.__....._._.__-- Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE N0...1,.......... By................................................. FINAL ORDER 6'7768 constructing a sever on Loatana Avenue from ',shite Bear. Inthe Matter of. .........:............................................................................................ ............. Avenue to Hazel rve., on center Street frog: White Bear Ave.to ..................................................... Hazel Ave., on Nev-da Ave., from "'hit Bear :ve. to Hezel Ave.,on v ai.r.a?a..pgint .50..x. o.f. La a...Onmo....e,nd...Pha1n. r.ve,nue to ilevada r,ve.,and from a poin* 60 ft ncrth of Nevada Ave,, ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... to Center Street. ................ ...... .....:._.... ........ ...,......._.......................................................................... ......... 66906 In the Matter o constructing a sewer -thy 1926. ander Preliminary Order .._....................... A Montana Ave. from White Bear -... Ave. to Hssel Ave., on Center. Street from White Bear Ave, to Hasei Ave., Intermediary Order ......... . _.._._.........._ .. on xevaaa Ave., from White Bear Ave. to Hasei Av5„ on Hazel Ave. A public hearing having been had ul.. °jmo a�di PhaleneeAve north of inae a notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommene. -- —ivmg fully considered the same; a point 60aek north therefore, be it to.Center street on. Order 66906 approv- RESOLVED; By the Council of the City of St. Pan;', having Been hauEure, extent and kind of improve- •,.<-. umeat pilon due - construct a C,.•;' havlag,heardana Avenue fro:r Cfhite went to be made by the said City is ......................__.--------- ---- .. -., , ..... . Bear Avenue to Hazel Ave., on Center Street from ;;'kite Bear Ave.to .............................. ...................................................................................................................................... ................................... Hazel Avenue.,on Nevada eve., from 'Nhite Bear Ave.,to Hazel Ave.,on ---------------------.----....----- --...-----.........----.-•---- ..................... .............................................. .......------.---...._.................................... Hazel Avenue from a point 60 feet north of Lake Como and Phalen ............... I..................�............................................................I.......................................................................... .......... Avenue to Nevada Ave.,and from, a point 60 ft north of Nevada Ave. to.-.0e7t.eT. Street ............._._......_.._. _................... .................................................... .... .............. ..__..._......:...__......__._........_...... ....... .. _.......... _..................... ................... ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... ...P.$... .... ........... 191........ ........ 5 E P p j9y City Clerk. Approved........_..__...._ .. ..............._....._., 191.++-- r Mayor. ,/Councilman Fitmanth LICDonald PiiBLISHED__ /Councilman x Fervuoon, ./councilman Hydxxdt Clancy , . Councilman $*Jp;x ?i'enzel /7 , ,Oouncilman )j sift Sudhei mer j /Councilman WxKdmAkc x I4cGlof?an 1&ayor* t*x Hodgson. Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PALL t �—pEpgRTME{J7�0FFINAMCE----_--_-. I z ----- REPORT OOF PRE MISN.�NER ACRY R FINANCE (A).. ., In the matter of Hazel Ave•Ton ;enter St from White Bear Ave. to 6 A 6 Nevada Are -,'.fro ' Avenue Ave to Nevada- Ave.. 4 of __.nd_4r�m-a-p int_N pest nnrth�-s- o -f Neve da A�w under Preliminary Order approved—Jill Y Ra 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 38 1 Hayden Heights 50 50 39 1 do 50 1 do 40 25 41 1 do 25 42 1 do 25 43 1 do 75 44 1 do 75 do 45 1 75 46 1 do TOTAL, Farm n. P. 10 -----_:----_.--- RaF . --------`---OITY-01ST. -PAUL_----- — - -_ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMIWONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V VALUATION ; {I 147 :1 Hayden Heights 75i 48 1 do 50 TM 49 1 do 50 . I 50 1 . do 50 do 50 . .52 . 1 do 50 53 1 do 7;5 54 1 do . 75 u 1 do 225 .55 56 1 . do 75 r. 57 1 do 4 50 .58 1 do , 50so - ¢ 59 1 do 1 d o 200 81 1 do 7.5 -4j 62 1 do 75 .7 1 do 50 u 1 2 do 75 6 2 do 75 9 2 do 75 •10 2 do 75 11 2 do 76 do 75 '. .12 2 13 2 do 75 14 2 do .50 .15 2. do 50. TOTAL .. y CITY OF S . rAUL Y f __.DEPARTMENT-UF—FINANCE_---.--_------- 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �8�.. _,: .- .-,: -.. `._ _. ..• . .,, _.„ -._ _. _ r_ ..: �f DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION y • 18 2 Hayden Heights 50 7 6 17 Z do 50 u. 18 2 do 50 19 2 do 50 20 2 do 50 . 21 2 d o 50 4 22 2 d o 50 23. 2 do 50 w 24 2 do 50 4- 25 2 do 50 26. 2 do 50 !' 24. 2 do 50 28 2 do 75 29 2 do 75 30 2 do 75 31 2 do u g 32 2 do 75 u 38 2 do 75 a 3 9. 2 do 275 40 2 do 76 42 2 do 1375. 43 2 do 175 _ y44 2 do 50 45 2 d o 75 r .46 2 . do 76 47 2 do 75 do 275 ... . 48 2 TOTAL �qo,.�._....e.. roKM e.�.ti .,. .. .. _-._:m-.. _,...... �.... -..... �.r.... ...-...-,_.:... ._-..� :. .,....,.. : ..._ -_� .-:-.,..:.,... -�... y, is - F —k.....�...® - , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT-OPFiNANCE __..-._--_. REPORT OF COMMISPYONER OF FINANCE 4 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - / \B DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION • ASSESSFP-r.:... VALUATION 49 2 _ Hayden Heights 75: a i 50 2 ' do 75 ' 9 i 51 2 do 75 52 2 do 75 53 2 do 1475 54 2 do 75 ti ii .55 2. do 78. 56 2 do 50 . 57 2 d o 50 58 2 do .25. 59 2 do 95 60 2 d o 75 61 2 do 75 62 2 d o 325 - n ' 7 2 do 1.00 1 3 do 25 8 3 do .75 East 6.16 ft. of Lot 10 & all 9 3 d o 50 (Except East 6.16 ft. 10 3 do 100 ( h (, 11 3 do 12 3 ' do 250 13 3 do 50 14 3 do 75 15 3 do 75 16 3 do 225 -' 17 3 d o TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL �(• -�# DEPARTMERT 1 + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION - - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK. ADDITION - VALUATION i . 18.3 Hayden Heights 375, 19 ' 3 do 75 i 20,3 do 75 . 21 3 do 775 22 3 do 375 23 3 do ?5 24 3 do 76 25" 3'. do 325. 26 3 do 50 27 3 do 325 28 3 do ( 375 29 3 do 30 3 do 475 31 3 do 75 32 3 do 100 38 3 do 100 39 3 do 1025 40 3 do 75 41 3 do ?5 42 3 do 50 43 3 do 50 _. 44 3 do 50 45 3' do S0 a 46 3 do .50 47, 3 do 50 48 3 do 75 TOTAL CITY OF 5T. PAUL ---- .R 7* ------ --- ' '. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + 1 + REPORT OF COMMISfIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 75 do 275 do ASSESSED y DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION ` I Y 48 3 Hayden Heights 125! do 126 50 3 do 325 Sl 3 do 75 52 3 do ?5 53 3 do 75 - 54 3 do 475 55 3 do 475 *.. 56 3 do 75 (Eaoept East 17.24 feet) 57 3' do 60' ` East 17.24 feet of S 57 3 1. ( 58 3 58 3 (Esoept East 6.16 ft.) 60 3 E. 6.16 ft. of Lot 60 & all 61 3 62 3 7 3 1 4 8 4 8 4 w 10. 4. 11, 4 12 . 4. 13. 4. 14, 4- 15. 4. -t. 16 4 do 100 do 75 do 50 do 1050 do 75 do 275 do 150 do 50 do 75 do 1075. do 75 do 325 do 75, do 87 5 . do 325 do 975. TOTAL - ---- -=- CIrT OF ST. rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISftONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .,17' 4 18 4 18 4 20 4' 21 4 22 4- 23* 4 24' 4' 25 4 26 4 27' 4 28 4' 28 4 30' 4 31 4 32 4 1 3 2 3 3 3' 4 3 5 3 6 3 1 4' 2 4 3 4 4 4 Hayden Heights '75 ' do ?5 do 75 do 75 do 75 . do 75 do 75 do 50 . do '50 do 50 do 50 do 250 do 50 do 275 do 75 d o 1600 do 25 - do 25 do 25 do G5 - do 25 do 25 do 150: do 50 . do 50 do _. 50 TOTAL .. t CITY OF ST. PAUL / A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI $IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - .::.-B ASSESSE D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 4 Hayden Heights 75 ` L a 6 4 do 1?T5 - - 23 1 Hayden Heights Plat 2. 75 ' N 24' 1 do 75 „ - 25 1do 75 26 1 do 75 27 1 do 755 20 3 do 75 21 2 do 75 22 2 do 75 23' 2' do 75 , 24 2 do 75 1 1 do 25 - : 2 1 do 25 3 1 do 50 4 1 do 50 5 1 do 50 . 6 1 do 50 7 1 do 50 . 8 1 do 50 — 8 1 do 50 - 10 1 do 50 - -» » 11 1 do 50 . 12- 1* do 50 13 1 do 50 - .. 14 • 1 do 50 50, - " 15 1 do—TAL - 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL. l S • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED �I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 - 16 1 Hayden Heights Plat 2 50 a 17 1 do 50 m 1 do -50 18 19 1 do 50 t, 20 1 do 50 21 1, do 50 22 1- do .50 28 1 do ?5 29 1 do 50 - .- 30' 1 do 50 31 - 1 do 50 32. l do 50 33 1 do 50 34 1 do 50 35 1 do 50 36 1 do 50 37 1 do 50 38 1 do 50 - 39 1 do 40 1 do 50 --- 41 1 : do - Y 42 1 do 50 43 1 do 50 44 l' do 50 45 1 do .50 - 46 1 do 50 TOTAL ` CITY OF ST. PAUL of, 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISkSIONER OF FINANCE - ,ee ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION V 47 1 Hayden Heights Plat 2.- 50 48 1 do 25 . 49 1 do 25 ii 1 2 do 75 _ 2 2 do 50 3 2 do 50 4 2 do 50 5 2 do 50 6 2 do 50 7 2 do 50 8 2 do 50 9 2 do 50 10 2 do 50 11 2 do 50 rr 12 2 do 50 13 2 do 50 14 2 do 50 15 2 do 50 16 2 do 50 17 2 do 50 18 2 do 50 _a. 19 2 do 50 "i i 2 2 Hayden Heights 75 3 2 do 75 ' 4 2 . do 75 5 2 do 75 saws...—. �o11w a..Ii .. ,. ......s ..... _.... TOTAL ., ___-,..:-�. ._..6.. ,.. a .. _. .....:.... -. ... ...... ,. -. .. ..m. ' ..a- ... CITY OF ST. PAUL R S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •Y REPORT OF COMMISSIONERRIINNORDER FINANCE Op (C) • ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT —CK ADDITION VALUATION 6 2 Hayden Heights 75 7 10 Furness-Garden Lots 525 8 10 do 525 8 10 do 525 10 10 do 525 11 10 do 800 A strip of land 100 feet in width being 50 feet on either 2650 side of the center line of said railway over and across Sec. 23, T. 28, R. 22- b I ;36812. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G Dated.— eZ 192 — --- - — --- Com n mance. Form R. B. it St. Paul, Minn.,............ Jul9.....*.Q&.h.........192._5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ta....a.ona.tru.Cts....a....].tl ..xa�.....oW9. _..� r_9m.... k�e.._ma in.._sewer.._gn.._Nhite....Bear........Ave.) an...Mo.lit.Xna................................................................................................................................................................ ........St- Ave. from .......... S.Y.h.ite......Bear... _..............................................St,Ave. to—Hazel Av_e•---........ .... _............_...................._.-- F ,;Tm St. Paul, Minn . . ........ JaIY 2.0-th .. .. ...... 19M.- To The Honorable, The Council, City of Sr. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: To P .A 15.Qmer-the ma-Im Qmm.ex Q-n.-RUIQ B.Q.P..r 4.xe Ave. from.... IhIte D-41AX ----------- I .............................. .............. St-. Ave. Ave. St. Paul, Minn........ July ?-Q.th...............192.5.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: T.0 a.c.nB-tx-u-0-t-- -a Iat-a-r.ai jaemex jInDm th.a ma-in.:.Z.eXe.r -- --+-- St. Ave. V from Ihi-t& - B-0al ...................................... .... ................ St- Ave. .._............._.-...............................-- 6e .................--.... .................... .......— St- Ave. NAME•ADDITION MAN J MONTANA Ave Q - 'r �J Z i L 1! .. C Office of the Commissioner of Public fv. s .. i�if Report to Commissioner of Finance V, JUL 2WIV" %%..._....192: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66906 July 6, 1926 192......_., relative to Council, known as Council File No.....__--._._ ............. approved —........._............_............... ........ . the construction of a sewer on Montana Ave. from White Bear Ave. t� Hazel Ave: on 0�n-ter Bim- from iRYiite Beer _Ave: to HaseT AV6 on Nevada Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., on Hazel Ave. from --a point.....69.-ft..--north--of--hake....Como �e t -Ave, •to Nevada Ove.— and from a point 60 ft. north of Nevada Ave. to Center St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............. ......... _.... _.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2.50 21,000.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.................. ...... ... —..........., and the total cost thereof is $- ........... ... ......._...._......—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ................................... ........... _.............--........._..---------- _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... ....................... ..... -.... ... ..... ......................... ........................... __... _................ ------------ -- — — 5. Said improvement is ......... :....... ........._......_.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. A 10 i a �ITY VF I' ' �6',�e1P�a�Lr�hin9etn�h vF�[(Jub,�lic��or4s��� JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COxxI..loxtw EEORDE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF EN.INQwJay 17 1926 M. B. ORYTBAK, BRIDOH ENEINQw W M. N. CARRY, SUPT. O/ CON.T.YCTION wnD R.—i A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OP U-TATION O. H. HERROLD, O/PICS wND C.— P—... ENDINQw O. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORNHOUQ Hon. John H. 111c Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost fob the construction of a sewer on Montana Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, on Center Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, on Nevada Avenue from bite Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, on Hazel Avenue from a point 60 feet north of bake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nevada Avenue and from a point 60 feet north of Nevada Avenue to Center Street,under preliminary order C.F.No.66906, approved July 6, 1926: Estimated Cost $21,000.00 Frontage 7,350 lin. ft. Area of spread excluding streets and alleys 667,220 sq. ft. Cost per front foot, 2.50 Spread per sq. ft. 0.004 A district map accompanies this report. Very truly yours, of Engineer. Approved for transmission 0 ommissioner of Finance. I ftv COUNCIL FILE NO.-- ....................... By...................... ................ FINAL ORDER 67769 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Fifth St. from Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Ave on Fourth St. from a point-7U-?r—east of Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Ave: land on an easement to be obtained on the west 20 ft of lots 18 and 49, Block 1 Wild Rose Addition from Fifth St. to Fourth St. also on Ruth Ave. from Fourth St.to Third St., on Ruth Ave. from Fifth St. to a—point 273 ft north of Fifth St., on Sigel Ave.from a point 185 ft east of Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. on TETFT-R-7. from a point 655 ft west of Ruth Ave.to Pedersen Ave., on ConwaSj, from Ruth Ave.to Pedersen Ave., and on Pedersen AConwayye. from St to Third St., all the above to beknown as-M=eT LINE SILD ROaL S.3, -;E -7"aENSION. ....... ..... ... Intermediary Order 4#- A to Peder A public hearing having been had upon the at�,'azel due no -tic -e-, and the'Cm&MATARne heard all persons,'objections and recommendations rdfatih,'taereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - V I ineut to be made by the said City is .............. . ........ . ........... ....... .. ...... . ................... . ........... ........... Construct a sewer on Fifth St.from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. on Fourth St. from a poi-nT-77-M east of Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave and on an easement to be obtained on the west 20 ft of Lots 18 and 49, Block 1 Wild Rose Addition, from Fifth St.to Fourth St.,also on Ruth Ave. from Fourth St.to Third St. on Ruth Ave. from Fifth St.to s7— point 273 ft north of Fifth St., on7rz—eT- Me * from a point 185 ft. east of Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., can ThIFdSt. from a point 655 ft west of Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave. on onwa St. from Ruth Ave.to Pedersen Ave. and on Pedersen Ave. from Conway St- to Third St., all the above to be known as the BELT LINE WILD ROSE SEWER EXTENSION. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and duetted' to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officis is 'are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there*ith. Adopted by the Council ....................fl� ........ 1191 SEP., 8 city Clerk. Approved........................ ....... . . .... . I .................. .. ... .......................... t. ...---................................. Mayor. Councilman mmmth McDonald U -1;0am PUB uncilman Ferguson. LISHED, Councilman RrAxdc Wenzel 0 -,Itouncilman KFM Clancy _Zouncilman WSM Sudheimer councilman 3ffKmftX0tK McGlogan �Mayor I Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.................................................... ;P..;,_ on rourtta St. Prolil=a pQ:;889�C2e 3s and on an easement to be obtained on the west from Fifth -St. to ---- In F`. No. tter67769— .................................................... of - - - ......................... In n IMftatter of constructing HassAvo a sewer on Filth 8t. from Haag{ Avo_to Ped- ............._-............ ... ................. ...... -...... _. 1 ersea• Ave., oa Fourth It. from a ............................................ .....i point 70 ft. easf„of H"el Ave. to Pedersen Ave,=and on. � easement ..--...... ¢¢�at ............................ ........................ I to be obtained e¢. the-ppeet-90 cit 4- 18 �-- under Preliminary Order ......... .6672 Aaainonafro: ''Pit no`s ' w, 'yune._.29th:__1926,_.-.-_.-_- _ - SL Also on Ruth Ave. Iron. """"-"" intermedia F'. to Third 9t-. on Ruth A— ry Order ....- omt 97a.ld. __ _ ._.: Ari t� .. _.._... _..... __ _..... .... _........ A public hearing having been had upon thea ,r, a¢e' r P g g p bs `Ira ;vement upon due notice, and the Conseil having heard all persons,` objections and recommendations rdfat.dc*'thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- meut to be made by the said City is........_,.____,.,,__. Construct a sewer on Fifth St.from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. on Fourth St. from a poinE_?1F" east of Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave and on an easement to be obtained on the west 20 ft of Lots 18 and 49, Block 1 Wild Rose Addition, from Fifth St.to Fourth St.,also on Ruth Ave. from Fourth St.to Third St. on Ruth Ave. from Fifth St.to a point 273 ft north of Fifth St., on Sigel Aves from a point 185 ft. east of Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., on Thlra St. from a point 655 ft west of Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave. ononZr wa St. from Ruth Ave.to ,Pedersen Ave. and on Pedersen Ave. 4rom Conway . to Third St., all the above to be known as t e BELT LINE WILD ROSE SEWER EXTENSION. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directs to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. St Adopted by the Council.....:. . ........... %../..... P !sic rs:..r!.:. (........ SEP 8 ' 19 City Cleft. Approved.................... ......... .... ............. ..- 1.191_...... _..... ....._(............................... .................. ........................... Councilman $M7olA9aR* McDonald Mayor. /councilman Mums Ferguson. pUBL1SHED Councilman Rrbgxi Wenzel _/touncilmau Kim Clancy N ,Xouncilman ➢aECtdtl Sudheimer /I Councilman a Nb ftNale< McGlogan Mayor lX1jkX Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OR ST. PAUL OL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Kt + R&ORT OF COMMIS 1ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �p In the matter of COristruDting a RRwPr on Fifth Rt.- from HRyel Ave to Pedersen Avep -A on Fourth St. from a point 70 ft. east of Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and on an easement to be obtained on the west 20 ft. of Lots 18 and 49, Blk.l, Wild Rose A Add., from Fifth St. to Fourth St., also on Ruth Ave. from Fourth St. to Third St. on Ruth Ave. from Fifth St. to a point 273 ft. north of Fifth St., on Sigel Eve. fro -w -a_ -point -1135--ft. east -of -Haze! -Ave. to PederThird St. ft a point 65� ft. west of Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave.. on Conway St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave. and on Pedersen Ave. from Conway St. to 'Third St., all the above to be known as the BELT LINE WILD ROSE SE""F.R EXTENSION. under Preliminary Order approved r+++ a 70 192(p. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front Abutting 3.20 The estimated cost per/oot for the above improvement is - square foot-spr-ead- $ —0,005 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT —CK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ( 14 4 Robert L: Ware's Eastern 2325 15 4 - Heights 16 4 do 300 17 4 do 300 18 4 do 300 19 4 do 75 20 4 do 75 21 4 do 25 22 4 do 25 23 4 do 25 TOTAL. Prcm R. fl. 1• CITY OR 8T. PAUL Iii ► DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE M. III REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE srl ON -(B) P PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 4 Hobert L. Ware's Eastern 25 25 4 Heights 125 _. -South 100 feet of 26 4 do 875 _ NO -50 ft. of So. 150 ft. of 26 4 do 25 (Ex, the So. 150 ft. and except the No. 93-1/16 ft.) 26 4 do 50 North 93-1/16 feet of 26 4 do 875 11 3 Robert L. Wares Eastern 1150 (� 12 3 Heights Acre Los 13 3 do 175 . 14 3 do 175 15 3 do 175 16 3 do 100 17 3 do 100 18 3 do 150 19 3 do 150 1 1 do 950 2 1 do 250 3 1 do 50 7- 1 do 50 8 1 do 50 9 1 do 650 10 1 do 50 11 1 do 50 12 1 do 50 13 1 do 50 14 1 dATAL 50 CITY OF 8T. PAUL �' III q., r OFoCOM DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE E OF FINANCE �]!R �? REPORT t4ISSIO N NA \BJ• ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK , 15 1 Wild Rose Addition 50 16 1 do 50 _ �7 1 do 75 18 1 do 50 19 1 do 50 20 1 do - 50 21 10 do 50 22 1 1 do 50 23 1 do 50 2 25 1 do 700 2b 1 do ° 27 1 50 5 0 29 1 do 29 1 do 50 0 1 do 31 1 do 1 50 0 132 13 1 Hazel 100 1 do 75 13 do d° 75 12 1 11 1 do 75 75 10 1 do do 75 S i 75 75 7 1 d° d 75 6 1 1 doo 2175 1 do 75 2 1 do 75 do 100 16 1 do do 75 17 1 18 1 do 75 475 i9 1 do d° 75 20 1 West 20 feet of Lot 22 & 1 do 450 all of (Except West 20 feet) 21 22 do 1 �22 550 1 24 1 do 100 �5 1 do TOTAL 75 CITY OP 8T. PAUL x - r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f° REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, It- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION Y LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ` VALUATION 26 1 Hazel Veiw 75 L77 1 do 75 1 29 1 do 75 1e 75 34 1 Wild Ros0 Addition 700 1 do 50 355 b 1 do 5500 1 do 650 3399 iso 0 1 do 41 1 do 50 422 1 do 50 11 4; do 50 45 1 do 50 4b 1 do 50 47 1 do 50 48 1 do 50 49 1 do 50 50 1 do 350 51 1 do 550 532 1 do 650 554 1 do 400 1 do 50 56 1 do' 50 58 1 do 1650 60 1 do 50 4 1 do 50 12 do 50 1 do 50 1 2 do4 50 2 2 do 50 2 do 50 7 2 do 1250 8 2 do 50 9 2 do 50 10 2 cb 50 11 2 (5C 12 2 d, 400 13 2 do 50 1�F 2 do 50 15 2 do 700 1 2 do 50 1� 2 do 9D (Except East 40 ft.) 18 2 do 25 East 40 feet of 18 2 do TOTAL 50 CITY OF 8T. PAUL Y_ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --"" (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 2 Wild Rose Edditlon 50 20 2 do 50 21 0 do 50 22 2 2 2' do 50 24 2 do 50 25 2 do 2 2 do 50 27 2 do 50 29 2 do 50 29 2 do i200 30 2 do 50 2 do 50 ! 32 3 2 do 1550 1 2 Ham6l view 75 _ 2 2 do 1275 3 2 do adoo 7 775 4 2 d7 5 2- 2odo 75 8 2 75 a 11 22 375 -do 132 2 -' do 75 75 1 2 do 15 2 do 100 34 2 Wild Rose Addition 50 do 50 90 b5 2 50 3 7 2 do 50 38 2 do 5 _ 0 0 2 do 50 41 2 do 1950 42 2 do 50 3 0 4 z do 50 447 0 550 2 d 50 E. 40 ft. of Lot 49 & all of 48 2 do 100 (Except East �{p feet) 49 2 do 25 50 2 do S 50 51 2 5 2 do 500 ( 5 2 do 5 � do T0300 55 2 TOTAL CITY OF -ST. PAUL !._ k Y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE M, *' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 56 2 57 2 58 2 59 2 60 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 6 3 7 3 8" 3 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 3 13 3 14 3 15 3 16 3 (Except East 40 feet) 17 3 East 40 feet of 17 3 18 3 19 3 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3 ADDITION Wild Rose Addition do do do do do do do do do do do do 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 50 250 50 50 600 2100 1000 50 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 150 650 25 550 50 50 350 50 50 450 _.. � _ .._ .._. _ _ •m CITYaOF-9T.:tAUL __' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE L` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE { ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION a _ 24 3 Wild Rose Addition 600 25 3 do 50 26 3 do 50 �7 3 do 50 26 3 do 50 29 3 do 50 30 3 4 do 50 31 3 do 50 .32 3 do 50 1 3. Hazel view 75 2 3 do 75 3 3 do 75 4 3. do 75 5 3 do 75 6 3 do 75 7 3 do 75 a 3 do 75 9 3 do 75 10 3 do 75 11 3 do 75 12 3 do 75 13 . 3 . do 75 11 14 3 do 75 15 3 do 150 16 3 do 100 17 3 do 75 TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - L- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 18 3 Hazel view .75 19 3 do 75 20 3 do 75 21 3 do 75 22 3 do .75 23 3 do 75 24 3 do 75 25 3 do 75 26 3 do -75 27 3 do 75 28 3. do 75 29 3 do 75 30 3 do 75 33 3 Wild Rose Addition 50 34 3 do 50 35 3 do 50 36 3 do 50 37 3 do 50 38 3 do 50 39 3 do 50 40 3 do 50 41 3 do 50 42 3 d6 50 43 3 do 50 44 3 do 50 45 3 do 50 46 3 do 50 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 5D. 800 75 100 5' 50 50 8 250 50 50 550 50. 50 50 50 1300 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 15 'l5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE F W t REPORT OF COMMIgSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 47 3 Wild Rose Addition 48 3 do (Except East 40 feet) 17 4 do East 40 ft. of Lot 17 & 18 4 do 19 4 do 20 4 do 21 4 do 22 4 do 2j. 4 do 24 4 do �5 4 do 26 4 do 27 4 do as 4 do 29 4 do 30 4 do 31 4 do (( 32 4 do 1 4 Hazel view 2 4 do 3 4 do 4 4 do 5 4 do 6 4 do 7 4 do 8 4 do 9 4 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 5D. 800 75 100 5' 50 50 8 250 50 50 550 50. 50 50 50 1300 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 15 'l5 I- --- - -- - - . --- -- ---=--------- - - ' CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE k V REPORT OF COMMMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION x � 10 4 Hazel view 11 4 12 4 13 4. 14 4 15 4 16 4 17 4 18 4 19 4 20 4 21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 3o 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 do do do do do do do do do do ,To do do do do do do do do do Wild Rose Addition do do do do kTAL v ASSESSED VALUATION 75 425 (15 725 75 100 75 75 925 575 75 75 525 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 CITY OF ST. PAUL. --DEPART_MEN"f FINANCE RE'PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER « (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 39 4 Wild Rose Addition 50 40 4 do 50 41 4 do 50 10 1 Hudson Road Gardens 150 1 1 do 600 2 1 do 1100 3 1 do - 175 4 1 do 1175 5 1 do 1175 1 8 do 200 2 8 do 350 3 8 do 225 4 8 do 225 5 8 do 250 6 8 do 2550 7 8 do (Except Ruth Avenue) All that part lying North of the Hudson Road of the Southeast u of Seo. 35, T. 29, R. 22. East 3/4 of So. j of the Northeast u of r Seo. 35, T. 29,R,22 18795 10500 $93,545 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G Dated— _192/;_---- J ommis ' er ance. Form B. B. 12 R' St w e It yG +s So sl Si.-�3 St. Paul, Minn.___.h,., a _Pr To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _....._.---- --- Grade ...and-.szzer..-ar, Si.ge.1_..$.+. .-f. rnm....Haze.].__Ave----t4__xuth_ Ave._._...-•--- __Third -_St._. -.from._ Hazel.. Ave..... to huzn Ave. -emd- St. Ave. from__- __—St. Ave. to- ........ .. ................ ......... . . . o_......__.__...._...._..._....._........__.St. Ave. .� ,;W.:_ .511155 '5w J To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 3e St. Paul, Minn 192 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: r. -St. Amw-- Ave. "'P St. Ave. MOM St. Paul, Minn 192-9£ To. The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvemen I tto be ade: �%J St. AIN. xf) 7- Ave. to o.—St. Ave. ----------- - - wed+ 0 ADDIIION .� rjff_.�. �' wed+ 0 (4 %L . A St. Paul, Minn.___Xag�__192_6_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Streets f.rorn 3uth Aze_aue__...t_o Zwdaraen. Ave.ans . ..... a---- Sr -Ave. from_.._._ __K1PL8_t TI_LrA ...... . ....... _..._--St. Ave. to____O_OAW_aY__. ...... ..... ............ "WIN, W U.M WAl Offi%fe of the Commissioner of Public Wog $/ Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 151626 July 13. 1926 __._......__192.._.__ ..... _........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66723, a roved—Jttlle 28 x 1926 192 ...... .... , relative to 6ouncil, known as Council File No...._._.._._._..... pp the construction of the sewer known as the "Belt Line ..:........ ............ ....... ...... Wild Rose Sewer Extension" ............... _... _._._..... ...... _.---- ._._......_..._.._._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ..... _................ _..... necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ........................._—...._. and the total cost thereof is ........................__. .......... ._._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................._............ ........... ......___.... ....__.._..... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------- ._........ ... .._ 5. Said improvement is ........... ........ ......... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .........._. _. _... _........._....—.._..-- ...................... _........ .... ...... _._ Commissioner of Public Works. r. 0. wlyR MT AVL �t--- !'PTUT,INSVIri&P o F PAP l i c l�vrr �s' JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. d. O-CONNELL. Devurr c........ M'S. GRYTSAK. BRIO.E ENOIN6R GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CNI.v E..'.-. ly 12, 19 26 A. S. SHARP, SUPT. oP EANIiATIDN GRRUC EY. SUPT. OF CON.TiION ANO —A" Y TuG. P. BOWLIN. BUvi. oP Wowwxoots O. H. HERROLD, OPTIC. A.. Clir PUNNIxO ENOINeen u Hon. John H. Yc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Fifth Street from Hazel Avenue to Pedersen Avenue on Fourth Street froma point 70 feet east of Hazel Avenue to Pedersen Avenue and on an ease- ment to be obtained on the west 20 feet of lots 18 and 49, Block 1, Wild Rose Addition, from Fifth Street to Fourth Street also on Ruth Avenue from Fourth Street to Third Street on Ruth Avenue from Fifth Street to a point 273 feet north of Fifth Street., on Sigel Avenue from a point 185 feet east of Hazel Avenue to Pedersen Avenue on Third Street from a point 655 feet west of Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue on Conway Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue axld on Pedersen Avenue from Conway Street to Third Street., all the above to be known as the Belt Line Wild Rose Sewer .xtension,under preliminary order C. F. #66723, approved June 28, 1926: Total Estimated Cost w59,370.00 Frontage 14,600 lin.ft. Area Entire District less street and alleys 4,377,390 sq.ft. Area spread Only 2,552,700 Cost per front foot abutting 3.20 Cost per square foot spread area only 0.005 Petitions have been filed for the grading of these streets and it may be noted that unless these sewers are or- dered the grading cannot be done. A district map accompanies this report. very trul ours, Je EngineAr. approved for transmission to ommissioner of I'inanoe. Commissioner of Public ?;`orks. A i 4 Office of the Commissioner of Publics. vw Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 131926 G f 91�Y........--June....11,.r......1,926 .................._._192- To the Commissioner f Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commission of Public Works, having had under consideration the reli d ary order of the Council, known as Coun it File No..._6� .__.....approved —I*e.-Jy...... ........... -_192 ._, relative to oonstruation of sewer on 5th Str t from Hazel Ave., Pe ersen Ave., on 4th Street fro a .point 70 ft.ea _ _.02._ ........ _ _@ _....vfl�.._fi. _.Pa. AYe.-�,-•�a on -an easement to a oT�ained on the st 20 t. f lot 18 49 block 1 Wild Rose Addit on from 5th St. to St., lso n Rii h Av 4th St tom5ra-Ston-Ru Ava ;- Yrovr tl�r 3 - 73 t - of on Sigel Ave Prom ut to Pedersen Ave.o rd St.lfr h Ave to Pedersen Ave.,.,._.on.Gon�vey.........from_..Ru-th....to-x?edea�s Avera: P ens -A�o-: t Conway St �t,�.�o3�rd�St., all the above to known as Belt Line R0set d a� n��inv�St7FSftrd{ lire)th ers and things referred to herein, here reports: (� 1. Said improvement.._ ..... _.._.._.....ne ssary and (o desirable. pe \3�etter a taehed __----......—, 2. The estimated coseof is$5..................... ............. d the total coat there �e ..........._..........._ and the n�a ate and extent a€ said improvem t is as follows: ... .... .................... ....._._. ......-- .................... �..._-- 3. A plan, profile r sketch of said improvement is hereto attad and made a part hereof. 4.......----............................_.......................... 5. Said improvement is._..._......_............_..............._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. v �° CITY VF �R 1lYT I P*chow-A171 ,oifl fkq 1iV �h �;W"ys) JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. OEYUi'Y/�C�OMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CWIW ER -IRR , June lO, 19 26 WM. N. CASEY, SOIL. OP CON.TROOTION ANO RFINR G. H. HERROLD, 0- ANO C PLANNING 6- - 4 4 M. S. GRYTRAK, RRIOOR SNOW A. B. SHARP. SOIf. OF SANITATION G. P. ROWLIN. .Illi. OF WORRHOU.. Hon. J. H. Mc Donald, Commissioner -of Public Works. My dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary a timate f cost for the construction of a sewer�on Fifth treat f om Haze Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, on Foyth S*ee `rfrom a point feet east of Ha*el Avenue to Pe ren Avenue, and' n an se- ment to be obtaihed on the west 0 '•;ft. of lots 1 and X49 block 1 Wild Ros Addition from Oh Street to ourth Street, also on Ruth Aven a from Fourth S rgetto`Third reet,on Ruth Avenue from Fifth Street to a poi n X273 feet.�n rth of Fifth Street on Sigel A enue from Ruth S set to Pedersen Avenue, on Third Street f om Ruth Avenue to ederse� Avenue, on Con- way treet from R th AvenuIII o Pede -en Av nue, and on Pedersen Ave n from Con Street Third tilept, All the above to be kno as th elt Line Rose Sewer Extension, under Prelimin y Orde C. F. 66323, aper ved June 1, 1926. To 1 estimate coati 53,450.00 Fro age� � 11,230 lin. feet Area tire Ill' rt less 4,377,390 stre s and alleys Area sp ad only 2 972,420 sq. ft. Cost per ont foot abutting 3.25 Cost per s re foot spread area only `4� $0.0057 b Petitions have"Oeen filed for the grading of these streets, and it may be noted that unless these sewers are ordered the grading eannot�be done. A district map accom- panies this report. Yours truly, _L�Z. 2_)1' r� eP Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Petition Council File No_ ............ .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby pro es the making of the following public improvement by the City of St�P ul; viz.: Constraot a sewer o fifth §jofrom Hazel Ave. to Pedersen '�ve.jon g . from er pout 70-f Er easC-e �iszel Ave-" ta-Pedersen Ave/end pn an -easement to be obtained on the west 20 Pat.of lots�8 and 49 blook 1 Wild Ro Addition - - r -P - . from Fiflth St:to FoiirtTi--St7 also on _aa_th�Av .iron F1A.to St.to i Ht on Ruth.-Ava�--from F9fth--8t.---tb--a--- oin ?3.-.lt.nor-th--af-"gel-.Aqqe. from Ruth Ave.to Pedersen tive.16on�rd St•from Ruth Ped r en Avalon p.� Hath dersen--Avet t'�e a Ay@ �scy st'� 11 to [3 LT ILD R 7ti7c SIS O S St a the a))� opg o lutoen as t o ated t i�- ---..day of ----------- --------e ----------- --- -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHE�IEAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemept, viz.: Construct a 8@ r on Fifth S Prom Hasel Ave.to Pedersen Hve.o Fourth'' Stsfrom qT point 70 ft., east t> �ias$1-Asea to t'@deraen Av@� assd oa sn- eerd@nt to-�be..obtairnd ..on --the west E0 Pt. of lots 18 and 5$ block 1 �'�ld Roa Addition from '?Vth St.to_ Fourth St: "also oa Ruth' Avs�Srom �ourtn St�tord"St ori -Ruth" .A a from Fifth Padersen Ave.,on Thirdt.from Ruth Aqe. to Pade ser< vve�. OnWs. St. from Ruth Ave.to ederaea ve a e Tod �0� 1b �n 3rd 9t��a�lf the above to be Nl9 own as he a� having been presented to the Council of the it y o . t. Pau ...,-.---------._...-----.---------------------------_----------------- --- therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for„br desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. f 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or llfw of iEIVEDF: 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r Adopted by the Council.--------- ��........--------------------,. YEAS NAYS Councilman CiLANCY FERGUSON Approved ................. .UN. -2----- -------------_---- - �. �. 1`••..r. HODGSON i JUN 15 {� 26 SU DONALD 1\ ` SUUHEIHER SS •U WENZEL �3 pp1� ( 19(2616p.►.t..._ ..._............. MR. PRESIDENT pp. pp ,�1i1 ~ ��VI\1i.�a......................................................... Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) RURAIA O• Petition 1 �' Council File No. 1 c PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: construct a sewer on �efrom Haael Ave. to Pedersen "vee on EA3 th S1. from---a---poftt--9b-ft'F--ess e - asel eve: -ter -Pedersen Ame-wan--on--an--easemm—t—to be obtained on -the west QO ft•of lots 18 and 49 block 1 Wild nose Addition R th_AXS*...f1nm.-Wth.-Et+---t4--s---goinb--2 3..lteAOrth--Ot--FSttli-- .you--Sigel--Ave. from Ruth Aveeto Pedersen Ave.ion Third St.from hath AVe•to Pedermn Ave•on -1918. -..--------.. - .................. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following on Fifib St. rem Hamel Aveeto Pedersen Ave.ol oast OT NOB&I-Ave. to --- Avevand on- an--" gest oo it.of lots 18 and 49 block 1 V 11d Rosi ....- ............................ --- ------------- Councilman. viz.: Oonstrli9t a sever ;,Lfrom a ;Pojht 70 tt. tion Ave. #on a .from Htscth Ave. to Ped4� ve. Ira gt. Ruth Ave•to ppedereen r &(sdersee- {�4�•£ - gg����t -- - ,M -iia --1-1- the---erbove to, be Iasown as L T IRIS "*s'Lf317' -p-A - y i3 IOP. having been presented to the Council Of the City of St. Paul.'t.................. ..:..........._......._...-......------------------___-.-....- therefore, be it RESOLVED; hat the Comrpissioner of Publ� Works fie and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigathe necessity for, or desilab ity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate t e' -nature, extent and esti "riiited cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, ptpfile or sketch of said=i)nprovement. 4. To state whether or not Baid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. to report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Comm- 'oner of Finn ce. Adopted by the Council ...................... 'a---------------....................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY � FERGUSON Approved...........................--- HODGSON MCDONALD SUDREIMER \. WEN%EL :... . MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Farm C A 13 (1M 3-25) COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...........................'-----............................... FINAL ORDER 67t7iO In the Matter of.......conaructing._a sewer on Maple Street from Hastings . Avenue to a point.240 ft.south of the center line of Hastings Ave. --..................-'----...........................------.................----................-'---------...................-............ ----........................-------------- C. F. No. 67770— .................................................. Of - 1. n Maple BLseeE fromun'aa�nBp Ave, tp'.a point 0 ft; 'soutt[ of the:ehater ane of Hastings 'Ave uader;Prahtn:................. ............................. I......................... ltu, Order,'667.07 appd6r,,1 ; lino 89th; 1686, o, s; ^ubllo hearing haiing. been had ``5D the above ImprovemeAt upon due ................................................ -a,"d, the Council' having. heard' ., a n9, ob1. lona,agij`recOmmea'................................................. r.a.«. ......................... ......... ...... g . i 1z ..'" l nd- tiavlag ierefore. under Preliminary Ord66707 approved er.... � e 29th.. 1926. .............. - - IntermediaryOrder .............................................................. approved ..................... :..-......---------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and, the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully Consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct a sewer on Maple Street from improvement to be made by the said City is...... ........... -....................... ------...........--------............ ..............- Hastings Avenue to a point 240 ft.south of the center line of ..................................................... .....------.liaB.:G ps.$.. Aye-' ..... ......... .--- . ---' . --- . .........--.................._..---...._.............----................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the makin ofsr,d vemeni in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............................................_......1 191.......-- City Clerk. 19A. Approved......_ ........................ ................... 191.... •.. ---- .............._ .......................................... �oun«hnan McDonald PUBLISHED .�.2 C "Councilman jUmm Ferguson. Councilman *kfak Sudheimer.V Councilman Wntlebudkil N1cGlogan. oeMayor Hodgson L O �I Form B. S. A. 8-7 / dITY OF sT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ?� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINORDER rR _ In the ma#ter of constructing a sever on Maple Street from Hastings Avenue to a point 240 feet south of the center line of Hastings Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved June 29th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 969.00 ,frt. 3.29 The estimated cost per/loot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED i DESCRIPTION LOT jBLoeK ADDITION VALUATION 3 1 yandes Addition j 2100 4 1 do I I I O 5 1'. do 110 1 2 do I 1570 1 16 2 do I 11.06 17 2 do 4C 0 -- - - 18 2 do 145 ''- I I I t TOTAL. 1 3 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to,,the .Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. j F45� C Dated—�--��y...-dZ. 5 St. Paul, Minn. �w� / 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sf. Ave. -- — Q from-- �_ St Ave. Ave. fit -Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo < iv�n 7 Report to Commissioner of Finance �s - JUL ao One ---Jnly 16 a 1926 .__._._192__-_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66707 June 29 12 , 96 192...._—, relative to Council, known as Council File No._._.. ...........approved_...._._.............._.........__.._........_.._...__ the construction of a sewer on Maple Street from Hastings._ ......... _ Avenue to a point 240 feet south of the center line of Hastings — Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ..... _... ........ _... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 3.29 per front ft. 969.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_................ __—.__._..., and the total cost thereof is $.._ ...... _............ ___.__....—, Inspection $19.00 Frontage 295 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... .................. .._._.._............... ...._._____.___ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..- . ... .......... _........ _... .............. ...................... _._....... ..... .......-----..... _.__...................................... ....-- --- — 5. Said improvement is_ ......... ......... ........ -__..__asked for upon .petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... _ ......... __ S' Commissioner of Public Worls. _;.Jab pair1�M1101"Ucof Pi u- IicW Wow JOHN H. MCAD ONALD, COMMISSIONER TH05'.f . O CONNELL, DEPUTY .......TONER OEOROE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP ENOINSE. M. 5. ORYTBAK. BRIDES ENOIN.'iw W M. N. GREY. SUPT. OF C111TRICT1O1 ANOREPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION O. H. HERROLD, OFn CE ANO CITY PUNNING ENOIxeEw O. P. .-W SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE July 15, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Maple Street from Hastings Avenue to a point 240 feet south of the center line of Hastings Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. $66707, approved June 29, 1926. Estimated Coat $969.00 Cost per front ft. 3.29 Inspection 19.00 Frontage 295 ft. Yours truly, e Engineer. Approved for transmission o the Commissioner of Finance. omm as ones of ru61io W01 -j . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RMkq.! C, 7771 . ..... RESOLVED 0- t '1fN7)q0"1.!4 -�d -'4 esWr .1 AX J ore W—HEITUS The Cormisalone- of Puhe ' - s r 'L', -VA, '116 g naiads ,mr: 1 rted to the Council, in ace-o_danes. with. geation jfaj ;Chatter, the existence of 'an emergency which reriN4,' C.lnizi the employment rtm Ypeight hours of certain employes of his Dera d per ddy, said employment being more Jr 4sual hours of employmenti, THMWORE ME IT PR9O'V=, That the proper city officers are here- by authorized to pay the following named- emoloyes, at the rate othervi ' Be fixed -for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter sit forth - RA -17 OF TIT37M OV --RTI= ,T. W. Barry, Loo. Imet.Inspr. 8 6 da '09 Harum. J.E.a 6: 9 Sleeger. W.H. 1 6.09 Alfan, B.O. H.A.Shoveler 1150 hr Benson, Ernest Mtce. labor 5 :50 Bowers. Clarence util. 1 -55 Bruce. Ray Hoint.Engr. 20 .90 Burns, J.E. Sub foreman 4 .62-1 Campbell. Edward P. Utilman 5 .65 Campbell, James E. Sub foreman 33 .62 2 Corcoran. Lester J. 1 .62 Dursensky. August. J. Stat.Er.gr. 15771 Garbe , P.N. Paver 2 :64 Seller, George com.labor 145 lauer.' Louis J. Util. 0 1 :55 Long, ;ease E. Com. a.45 McMa4us. William Mtce. " 250 Martens, Bernard Ditch digger 6 :55, Olson. Tom Mixer Engr. Gas 10 .90 Pearson, Nels Util.labor 12 Pertranton, Michael Sub foreman 31 61 Peterson, C.O. -Hoist Eng.St. 1 90 Pettes, Rollin Kettle fireman 2 62 Plumbo, Anthony ditch digger 1 55 Adopted by the Coupgil-- — ---------------------- --------- 192 aye Yeas aye • I..,- Clancy ---Ferguson Hodgson_ .............. in favor McDonald ............................. Sudheirner-----�rAgainst Mr. President .�_ CITY OF ST. PAUL _ 49UNCIL No ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �p,,L COMMMISSIONER__._ ._. _ DATE_._.:._S.B.F ci.__.7..�_,y.GLT......_._ RESOLVED w.trr , , The Coa�issioner o£ Public works has rep c,4 Council,. ccorc: encs- withc.ection 53 of the Ci+ darter, the existence of an of certain employes envy which rendered o V• -f B ne p ary the employment narment per day, said employment being ore than eight hours their gsual hours of employment: b THWzrEFORE BE IT PIS That the proper by authorized city office e here- to the following named, employea, at the rate ^- otherwise for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter` rth, OF NazRA-72 T?^tT NOUriS 0"=IRR Plumbo. Domanick Sewer labor 6 50 Flumbo. Joseph Util.labor 331 Plumbo. Michael Sewer labor 8 50 Poucher, Al Util. labor 8 Putnam, Fred Sub foreman 44 62 RapleeI Frank Paver 8 62 Rose, Charles W. Hoist Eng.St. 4 90 Santello4 P. Sewer labor 1 55 Scheuneman, Emil. Util. " 2 Schrinkler. Louis, Bitch digger 7 55 Simone. John PA B.Iayer 28 63 Steidel. George Com.labor 6 45 Strauss. Adam U. Util.man 1 60* Telke. Robert 1 63 Tereau. Hengy Util.labor 4 55 Whiting, Herbert W. Sewer labor 1 50 Winklesky. Otto St.Shov.Engr. 20 1.10 COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy _-Ferguson Hodgson ---MeDonald _,Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President USP 8 r10 Nays Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192. SES II ' 1926 -- --------- 192 .-�In favor . --------vgainst PUBLISHED MAYOR 67771 !Ua emargency has arisen in .the I3EPAL�TNLEIQT OF PoBZIC WORKS, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the awmetUGna3ab tract work, laying asphalt,'watching equipment. and making emergency repairs to pavements. streets and sewers. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and CbyAVft%VTWwtrked on Sunday finishing up newly laid asphalt* watching equipment and making emergency repairs to pavements. streets and sewers during recent heavy rains. CC= USIONER of PUBLIC ORKS 1 UPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL , 17-772j' OUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.___ ___._ l LANCY COUNCIL RESOLUTION RGUSON FAVOR DONALD -IN FAUDITED CLAIMS -CGLOGAN UDHEIMER --_-___AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS Be T ITV TREASURY. ENZEL 'R. PRES.. NODOSON TO THE AGGREGATE .YAiU OF i _____. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__ —_TO - ---- INCLUSI AS DOPTED BY THE I f= ------------ PER CHECKS ON FILE 1 T O I OF THE Cl OMPT ER. n �RPROVED—__- ID CITY Co ROLLER - I TO AL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED %/ NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS r -- - - -- BRCLUSvHTEQRWABD ..'I_--_— I� 2 463 33 0217 009011 & Preston '5 921 Garrick Brothers 0219 OONeil d Preston 39 59 9220 I; Geo. J. Ball j 9221 4 Corning.•Donohue Company j 8222 The Hamm company d2. Roman A. Ire . it ' l2 llatioma BisOult Company jj S 3 92 �� North Star State Toba000, Com 'any 4 1 02 LW, ne0triO $quipment Comp AT 59 11 8227 Price OeotflO Compat}y ;1 pm$ �jst.PaAi Builders Yatexial C pany j 9029 A. cls Spalding d Brother 390 b 9230 Etta E. Goldman 21 5. $231 ' Howard Chemical Company IW2 Peter Lametti 4 0521 8$$t..Paui Builders Material " any 30 8 j' 9251E Dr. E. H. ftitoomb 290. it i C. F. No. 67772— Resolved, That check. be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o[ $46,122.99, covering checks �i numbered 8217 to 8234 Inclusive, a. Ar i:. checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 8, 1926. Approved Sept. 8, 1928. (Sept. 11926. 1 v. I� ii I i I T 1 ; I '"' �1�'^- .- ,k SHEET TOTAL—FORWnRo .. _ .. -- -- -• CITY OF ST.'*COUNCIL NO V1UL FILE . -------^-..- """"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V 0,/COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _� ��� September 8, 1926 Zn. the. momex"q'i xamo.,ving piling- at the tTao$spn;_SUSetQempe ryi IHr- A!ge and driving fender pijWat, the ,Robert, t�'opt' B�;8+3e• FMOLVED, .TbOAAW plans and speaifioation as gpbmitted by ..the aQot»o lssioner of Pablio Works oaths above name¢ t =bre and the same are hereby &PPi��• COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays /Clancy ✓✓✓✓✓✓Ferguson _vlcDonald In favor –AA.Clogan ✓,udheimer Z, .......Against U Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson C.. F. No §7173=8Y 7 In t 8. McDonald='� he matter`:of remobing.pmpo at the Janksoa Street" TemDotarY Bridge and drlving fender plies at the Robert'4Strd'et Rrldge � i Beeolved.`That the plans and,.beol= flcatlon as-1submitted bY: the Commie-, .inner of Fllbllo Works the above unaged work; be"and -the eame are herebq approved. Adopted by the Council B,eP 8 1888: Approved Esp. S. 1828. S L (Sept. 4 SEP 8.13 Adopted by the Council ...c.....r...pp.............................. 192.... pprove --------3LF-............192 ......provve .......... 777 � - /4rcf�. �e�f� - CITY OF ST. PAUL P �NCIL No...... 67774 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...... ............................................................................ � �...ept�ember.3.�...l9afi......... RESOLvEo That the Council hereby conours in the recommendation of thl Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving E. Sixth St. from Arcade St. to Earl St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Hanlon & Okes, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $40,489.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $41,300.00. F.B. $7831. COUNCILMEN Yeas .--- Nays Clancy A -.�>rguson 14 McDonald ................In favor `t/McGlogan . `�Sudheiraer ........`.......Against 'Wenzel ,"Mr. President Hodgson . lSEP ` ........................... 1 Adopted by the Counci....192 rovedSEPr`�. . .Y..............19Z............ ` 6`7`T75 " CITY OF ST. PAUL cou ca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL` RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ER _ ..___„.O E_.___.S$ptembei' .. -._1968. ...._...`'. COMMIBYONER,_ __„__, RESOLVED 'That the Council hereby, con *'in the ieoommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving gendota St. from Bast Seventh St. to Beech St., in accordance with plans. and speoificatione hereto attached, to Hanlon ,& Okes, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $3,489.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. liagineer0s estimate $3,800.00 F.B. #7334 COUNCILMEN YeasNays ----Clancy ,,,Ferguson �I_cDonald --- In favor �JcGlogan SudheimeR, , -----Against Predident Hodgson .' r SEP Adopted by the Council...... ........... .. 192-- P 92.... 'SEI' 8 • PProved......-------------.... ........... 192--- ---------- 92------ ------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL p°_ cu N. ......... 677.76. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ........... ........ :.......... ......:...... ................................................DA E... ...S.eptembe.r...�,...1826........ REavCVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contraot Committee and awards the contract for paving Charles St. from Carleton St. to Hampden Ave. and Carleton St. from University Ave. to 27 feet north of south line of Charles St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Fielding & Shepley, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $8,286.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. -Agineer's Estimate $10,300.00. F.B. x}7232. COUNCILMEN Yeas VC // Nays /lancy ✓Ferguson ,/McDonald ....In favor AAcGlogan —'Sudheimer ........Against ,.,Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson sow, • 19a Adopted`by:the Council........................................192...... SEP 8 -1926 Approv............................................192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL C-C'LNo....... ..t.�•1" .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY- CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .......... .... .....................................................DATE........................................................ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor and material requirdd to install complete 34- 400 candle power bracket lights on standard trolley poles on Snelling avenue between Dayton avenue and Hague avenue, to the COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $6,381.00, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $6,331.00. F.B. #7222. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓- �lancy 7,*erguson Nays McDonald /In favor 2:Glogan Sudheimer ....Against �enzel Mr. President Hodgson SEP 8 - iprn Adopted by the Council.......................................192...... ; SEP B`ME, pProved ...........................................192...... .................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL : �""` No .......... V17.7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .September .. 3.,...192 6 ...... RESOLVED That the council hereby oonours in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd.; Finn Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road; Cretin Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road; Yount 'Ourve Blvd. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road and Woodlawn Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road, in accordance with plans and speoi- fioations hereto attached, to Thornton Bros. Co., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the eum of $101,757.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $104,300.00. F. B. #7230. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Clancy 1 Ferguson ,McDonald ..?0. ....In favor McGlogan 2udheimer Against en -I Mr. President Hodgson SEP R.-192 Adopted by the Council........................................192...... SEP R - 1926 roved............................................19922...... ... . f ` Council File No. -------67779 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the. City of St. Reconstruct, relay and repair the following sidewalks where Paul, viz.: -- --- t . necessary: thmae_Ees:t _150.-f South aide 'Ramsey at. beginning 10 ft_ west of western Ave., thence East aide Western Ave. beginning at Minnehaha St. thence North 75 ft. East side Western Ave. beginning it Lafond St thenv19s 105 ft. _ Dated this-----$t-h----day of____--Sep • 392Cr xe. as$7A77 tract -' — .where. , written proDosat Lor tti ------ m;- -le of tne.2ullowiaBtlmDrovemeat. • 'v/si �re18Y,odd- rep air:. the: geconstruscdewnkaahgre ecce n&n6 following a t AVd be914, Booth etre -a Lest 160 LL . Webster St: fit',; baginnln6. 1t uth, stde ;,.thence y.7aet west of W86tera :{_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. est. astern Ave. begtnntag at .q ,y! e1Ha w thence M,.th 76. ft. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impro'VeiKtalc. T.gtern Ayu' ie #Maine at Reconstruct, relay and repair the following aidewhere wa Sctib South side Pleasant Ave. beginning Plewbete��°e East 1 5D kj 41Ea6t 50 ft. --mast-9 Re �Vi38tePYI bWg13r[T1 g a n"-eheH-a--83 =- enoe or t. East aide Western Av_e�__b inni �t LQ_fQl � no "°11*`- "h SOF _'lz` having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL__.--__------ — therefore, be it K, .R,ESOLVED, That the, Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. stimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e thereof. th 3. furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the : Commissioner of F9nance. 1774"� stf 8 - 1g28 a - - Adopted by the CounciL-_---------- -- -- YEAS MAYS Councilman %1_/CY 8 _— /F RGUSON Approved-_---- —"— --- -- DONALD /MCGLOGAN �U HEIMER ✓ '�/ �Cr`? // �_— P EMayor. MR./PILESIDESIDENT _��-�� � F— ow 19 PUBLISHED Petition attached to ourbing order. .,� Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:---_--- Construct a_aidewalk or the wes _aide of-Warwiclr- t -X -e4' -- C. F: No.' 67780=Ltesdc - Dated this 8th ____day of__--- �e�Le oeTy_ lyzo __ vlat -t t 'j --- Construct ,a aldewalK„or -/ stde, of Warwtcjt-.ne Sroln u ►'�-�—I $t to an -south 'Addition of Lc '--11 nae Randolph c)L ,sLfoa he reen pted to the Council o1', �J'z •'n,l. the—f°—,..b?, YV'-i' fet r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:' Construot__a sidewalk on_the west aide of Warwiclk Stream_—___ from Randol�h_Street_to the south line oot�0��enna'g ---- ,Randol ll Addition. ---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St.— theiefore, be it iiESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-------W-�—------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY 3EP8 �-MO /ORGUSON Approved___—___ -------- ----- — ./McDONALD ✓'MCGLOGAN CEJ 1 y �L�ji ,/SUDHEIMER 1 MENZEL - _— �, MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Famn ow 28 pIJgLIBt�11 — l �' Petition, �-yryQ lF /E3� Council File No- __________ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pauli viz.: ----------- Construct curbing on both sides of Osceola Avenue from ------- -------------------—-------------- __—_ Lexington Avenue to Dunlsp_Street C. F. No. 87781- Whereas, A written proposal f9r the _—__--__—__—___—.__.---._---------------------- nuking of the tollowing improvement, vis.: : Construct curbing on both sides of --__---_.—.__._--__...._______._—__--.----------------------------- Osceola Ave. from Lexington Avenue to Dunlap Street having been present-. 7th Se ember �_ly2 Pani the eto�e ne iet ma cuy of az Dated this ----------- of____---- ---------- l ��tteeoly d, That the Commleefoaet of ,/-1�fblla Worksbe and he le hereby or- , � � — — __L-=S£b ,�,*nd di•etln e6, � @ceeettY foo . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct _curb_ing__onboth. sites -_of CLsoeole Avflu7le from__ -._ _--Lexington _Avenue to._Dunlap_-_Street.___ having been presented to the Council of the City of St.____ -----____-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profde or sket&�o'i said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the for egoing Qmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'Adopted by the Council -------------Gr $�"�_--- --- -- - -' YEAS NAYS Councilmat,�LANCY FERGUSON cDONALD cGLOGAN 'SCTDAE L NZE WE i1IRiRESIDENT Form CA 18 SEP 8.19% Mayor. 2 19, ,Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Ales- and PRELIMINARY ORDER. l/ Council File x. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------ Construct curbing on the -west aide of rJarwick Street -------- --- - --- -- from Randolpl>_$treet to the south line of Lot 20.. Kenrats Randolph Addition. --------------- —__---_-.— —_--__—_—_—_.C. F. No, 67782— — Abstract. . maklln ems' A wrttten pro ogmi for the 8th Se tember, 1926. via.: s, of the followlne Pt4Dtovement Dated this ----------_-_---day of__------------__-�-- -- - - construct curbin}: f Warwlek St.- from Rando Dhe et oto the south llne of Lot 20, Kenna's i6n_. ----'nh Addition havi..en w 1,. 8. ?unetl or" Ypraat.°n ted Paul Q.I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: f; -Construct curbing on the west side of Warwick Street W -_ from Randolph Street to the south line of Lot 20, -Kennels Randolph Addi t ion. - ----- ----a ------- - . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _____.--___-_-- ----- �" therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- _� l___ ___------- ___-- -_ YEAS ✓ NAYS Councilman LANCY ERGUSON Approved.___-_ `SEP .,?DONALD 1 7�`- cGLOGAN Com✓ �SUDHEIMER WENZEL - ----�- - _ - -- /// / ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA 18 PUBLISHED Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT %1_0 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:_—________ Construct sidewalk and build retaining_wall on the south side of Fairfield Avenue, beRinnlnR at SouthRobert — ^— Street_, thence west approximately_120 _ C. F. No. 6778ADstraat.,, 8th September, 1926 where'".A fon, vroyep for t __ rewh,rki.g of the 2ollowlne PC0Drovor tb Dated this ------------------day of-- - - - - — �i:: Construct sidewalk and build retafn- ng wall on the• South t l out. ofair a H berC ------ Avanue. beginning uxtmately' 120 4t. ` St.. thence weateeented to the Co bsell ; - _ •'k. g been Pr Paul therefore, ,.� Comptlost onor of ,u t;ls horebY,oJ,%_- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ Construct sidewalk and build retaining -_wall on tbQ--_ south side of Fairfield Avenue, beginning at South Robert ------------------------------------- ---- Street, thence west approximately 120 ft —__— having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- __-------- —_-___—____—__--__---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profde or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5' To report upon all of the"foreg&`f ma#.grs'_to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council—__—___ a7Er'0��+�+� •=__— - ---- . . YEAS NAYS ,t Councilmap ItLANCY ERGUSONApproved__ SEP gay-- �cDONALD GLOGAN I '� cGLOGAN ✓PIMER / WENZ WENZEL �i6z MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA 28 PUBLISHED COUNCIL FILE NO.__ 67784.- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for installing ornamental lights on Aldine St. from University Ave. to Shields Ave. and Aldine Place, APPILOvlNG ASSUSSUENVl. ,.... _I • C. F. No. 6778 asaesement of the matter of the exyenees Tor Sn- Inbeneftts, costa aad on Aldine .,tau!- ornamental A— 61+721 - d{?`V .roo.., Ave. to Shields ender PreliminaryOrder 63i 6Q '! Aldtne Place. under Pre 'nn 60, 721 Vital 9 Order 166211- ap- .. Final Order ........_.__ . ._........_._..... _..............._.. approved._......._...' nest ox -----O.y._� 6......._._.. I9 ..... The assessment of .......... bene_f t.8,.._,_cpets—and__... K%PgAgeQ.... __.............. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........_. 6th.—,day of Oct ... x ..... 19.?6 ...... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is P R � direc0' �i �. Adoptedby the Council .......... . ...... .................... ..................... __...__.__._...191._........ SEPS ' 1' , ....... -..... ......._....� e . City Clerk. Approved 191......... . �.. Councilman fk>X dlanCy rm -"Ferguson kuut f5�illl i /� McDonald _IIh ✓McGlogan kkkilli 3udheimer X*mid>iaddtk Wenzel Mayor fuft Hodgson Form B. B. 16 M COUNCIL FILE NO. 6'7785 By__ _._.___.._..__...__.._ .__.._._.__......_....._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp posts, lamps, globes, wires, appliances, underground conduits end other equipment for conveying electric current thereto, on South Robert Street from Fillmore Ave. to Concord St. F. No. 67786— Intter benefits .acoets Viand eapenef the ea for turf nl%hing and fnetalling an ornamenot tai llghtlfig eYetem consletfng Iamb Poeta..la.,a globe%, wirea, -P- Iamp es, in conduits and other e°uipm mt for conveying elec- tric current thereto, on South Robert ender Preliminary Order .......__60.9.7 t1I from Fillmore Ave. to 'concord ... ,................... _...._.......... St. under Preuminary Order 60907, Intermediary Order 68768. Fi19 BOr- [ Z�rZZ approved Fab. 16, Final Order 6323, approVel •-or and of beeonnso ton awl h �. ,; or and fn been ................. ..._._ f, .improvement having ,.,.Lthe Covncll, and The assessment of.._..__....beR2_fl_t8.,_.._C08t8 _3eEpenBeB__.__.._._._..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assesament be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... _ 6.th....... __..... day of .............................. Oot..r..r..... ._26..., til.._.._...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of, *f; PA'11; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of �. } said meeting, as required by the Charter,;,pjtdd rg''in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 11#11.`'" Adoptedby the Council ............ :........................................ _.... __....._.191.._ SEP $' KI Approved 91 Councilmani t22MRk `Clancy Amax —Ferguson x6isdxoz3cxMcDonald Ka bix `McGlogan MK2dk Sudheimer / j%a &%jCWenzel Mayor ly;PA Hodgson Form B. -B. 16 ............ __.... __ ..... _ . _.... ... .... GGe-eCity Clerk. _..... ......._........Y............. ...................... .._... r _ Mayor. PUBLISHED �� 67'786 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of......00nd_emning._and._taking.._an__eaeemeq.._._ra...k�e__11...y_____ t.s__.ant..... full _Hlock.._.2 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV' .... _...__...__.........._...._.....................__..........................._.........._......_ INO A99E99AfIDNT. ANP FIXING TIMID OF HEARING IN CONDEMNA- TION PnOCEEDING& _ _........................ .... ...... ..... _.............. ....................... _...... ___, C. F. No. 6''786;'';" _• In the matter oY cond@"inn` ing and tak- ......__.___......_..._..__...._._...................................................._......_ ing an easement he ]and neces- sary [9r slopes, for cuts And 1111, in graalrig suer m Ave z, ceme ediary Order_ b7U4 under Preliminary order......_b. .3..._.......__., a� Place, Lrom Hamlin, Ave. to Holton , FreliminaryOrder 6637,E approved _...... JU17....24,192Ez........ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or,easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner -of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.._ 6th a., day of_.__._....OGto.her_- .......... 192.j]......., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be §nd he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SFP Q Adoptedby the Council ......... _.... ......... _....... __._............... ........... _ _.__........ 192.__._. O r D Q g ... _..... _..-CXR..__... / City/Clerk. Approved_._.................... ......_................ ..... __....... 192___...._ J Mayor. �nuncilma•Clancy - Councilman Ferguson %ouncilman$gb= MoGlogai► Z/Councilman McDonald T=ilman Sudheimer nman Wenzel ( J Mayorr1 dmit Hodgson 67'78'7 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of_coqmnng_and_taking__an. e. as ement..._in_the fox.._cuts_..and,.._Y lle.....iA_..grad n�_E�aanQ_r._.Sixee�_._ C. F. No. 67787— In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes, for cuts'and fills in grading Meanor at. from Under- wood Avenue to Macalester Avenue, under Preliminary Order 66006, ap- of in 601/(] Ma 18_ .1 ._�...__11r t for the tali under Preliminary Order_._.......__5...._..._.._........, approved...__ ..Y :. 9 . , Ir.r The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.--bttb"�_--_- day of. ...... .... OLO_tobes__.._.....:,z92.6....._, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council....._S�f : �. �........ .......... __------ _.......... ... ...... 192—__. SEP 8.1926 _........ _... . Gity Clerk. Approved_..._._................. _.... _..... ........... ......_..... 192..__.... Z�uneilman Clancy �ConnIan Ferguson Xpuncilman nxW& McGlog councilman McDonald councilman Sudheimer ..Councilman Wenzel I>um Hodgson ,sJ. CITY, OF ST. ,PAUL "N;" - NQ F .�.: S,+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK x 4�9?pNci E LUTION GENE FORM 83 �7PRESENTED BY aa�� / v`".:., _COMMI8810NER._.—_.,_.,G.��.__._.__.__..._.__.._�.__ .._....__...._ "......�_.J .__._ DATE_ .............. ..._.._...___.... _:__.___.._. ...___.;: ., RESOLVED That. ermiseion and authorit are hereby � , � P Y y given to the $taaadard m -",1 " 0 1 Company of Indiana t0 insta4 and maintain a drive in gasoline frilling station with three pumpedand three 550 gallon tanks at No 91;:$otith Wabasha Street, on Lots 2 and 3, Block'182, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paxil. Said tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the COmmisaioner of Public, Safety; and in accordance with the pians attached to the petition;thd grounds on which- said filling station is situated to be landscaped und.ex�the direction and to. the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy FerwAssm- -?AC96mftI&- _. In favor ✓MeGloganL, �Sudheimer ............... Against �W�tn�zel ae t?lor P, .:7Y son SEP 9, Adopted by the CouncilsFN. &--t SEP�et App- - ..... I9 2.,06 ..... _..:: - 'i���� g, J. MURRUNL R.1av aF roues MICHAE. G®HAROT. AUT. CISV or reLltA H. A. VALL. TarTUM a paT¢TNU G. H. BARI*USS. INwmTeR or Paws A. L EGGERT. uevos INYrseTeR CHARLES L SgOREI. sort. MUID.— GARAss JOS. MACAULAY. 6ePT. rouU 9 Ftws AusM N t� mfg mt Foal 19evartment of 130Ht -safetil J. M. CLANCY' COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNEL.L. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DR 0e11RT N— ®® mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir. CWQN C. DUNN. M—ewv ose— LANDER. AUT. FlU CWO WILLIAM BARRON. pav IWrUTnS, nRs PRavDOIUN CHARL[S L W ILL18. sort. a Arr—R B. w. SIMON. H— o-- A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. Da1Y H-- orrleCR JOHN MARTI. me- HULTN I September 7, 1928 of the Returned herewith emissionetopinstalianga gasoline Standard Oil Company P filling station at South Yfabas�l and the Bur�utof Fire report of inspection and app Y Prevention. Yours very truly, Commi ssioner of is Safety E. J. MYRNANL eitu Of SL. Paul - ODCAR LANDER. A[[L N f.111v aav of Fwu MWH_ G®HARDT. .•���� Q.��A}•' WI—BAR�OeON. , Fu[ Fnevvmox �E � Py � CHARLES 4 WILLIS. H. A. VALL. DYR. ar AFFwRw>•tlu G .INM G[i - J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER B. P. SIMON. M. O. G. H. BARPUSS, HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER HDK O__ INv¢ up of pyla[ A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. A. L. EOGERT. 1Jep,[I BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION OWIVHW.Tx OFFIea IOD. MACAYtJ1Y. A elaxrx wxo Nlxxc.msis. JOHN MA . a[v H[wLTx YUF[Cfaw Dup.. POMC[ D< FIR[ AlwwM OWDN C. DUNN. FIR[ OMS, - Sent. 4, 1926. Hon. J. H• Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, CobiiT HOUSE, 0ITY. Dear Sir; Regarding annlication of the Standard Oil Co. for permission to install a gasoline filling station at South Wabasha and Fillmore Streets. Upon investigation we find that a gasoline . filling station at tie above location at the above loc- ation would not create a serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a -ermit be grant- ed. yours resnectfully, �.n � ChiefChief Inter, WCB/k .CITY OF SAINT PAUL - This application to lie- - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made in duplicate and submitted to the City _ APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form Nn. Application No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul. Minnesota Date 19.2 - Nana o[ Firm uel For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compli ce with Ordinance 5266) Dd- I.-o.Y6enf r� AUTO OBILE FIIL/LING STATION to he located Street Number and Stmt Number of Number of Gas Capadty of Pumps to be Install Tanks to be talled� Tanks g �� Received at office of City Clerk �;r L stars ar Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19_ Date 19— Date - 19 Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works BY By By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Date 19— Date 19— Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date ty Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk BY BY BY Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Received From City Clark Received From City Clerk -- Passed 19 Dat Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By Approved t9_ By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Received From Department of Ordinance No. Date 19_ Date 19_ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Permit No. By By License No Approval withheld omAccount of and applicant sp notified by letter dated 19_ ARTHUR E. NELSON. MArOR J. M-CLANCY. COM. OF PUeuc ewFEiv • L R .�o:Ro: so��ATIaN L. C. HODGS iN. NCE J H. MCOO NALD Nw C11. 01 P�ILII WO G. C. 11, PUILIC UTI L TIA. H.0 WENZEL. COM. OF PARKS. PLwragouxos G. M. BHEPARD Ic EUILOINOB CIT, ENGINEER A. A. STEWART. C11111 TION COU..EL WM. F. SCOTT. ri GG TRaL G. L. "AISON. LOUIS SETZ. VIC O.Am AH ARTHUR AIN.8 • • MRS. P. N. CARDOZO W. L. DARLING of pint Paul, I flinnesutu GED. F. LINDSAY BEEOEq 204 f ittsbmgh 'Puflbi" R. R. SHEPARD A. H. STEM GEORGE H. HERROLD. J. CLAIR BTO HE MA ...... ... Edon- ENOIx H. A. SULLWOLD ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H.V GER WEYER August 3let 1926. Mr. D. W. Birdsall; City Clerk. Dear Sir :- Re- Drive in Filling Station, So. ftbasha & Fillmore, Standard Oil Co., John L. Barnes, Agent. The location of this drive in filling station is in a Heavy Industry District,and is permitted under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. Engineering Report On the attached blue print which accompanies the application for drive-in filling station,we have indicated our recommendations. Yours very truly, X. city Planning Engineer. pp oved omm es over o Pa 1 c s. encl. gh-rh 0 Duplicate CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to tie o cate OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC made in dthe, and submitted ttthe, Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date 19 of Saint Pau Minnesota 91 APPLICATION�IS HEREBIIMADE - ""F_ of Firm dual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compli ce with Ordinance 5266) "Drive In" w+ef roi AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At `G4 G, �` Street Number and Street Number of Number of GasCapacity Pumps to be Installs Tanks to be tailed Tanks t) Received at office of City Clerk Iiy '/' _ -' / /_ Ax T) , nD Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat 19_ Date 19— Date 19— Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By BY By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Opt. of Public Works Received From Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pubbc Bldgs. Date 19— Date 19— Date 19 Office of the City Clerk _ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk B BY BY Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ - Approvers 19_ Dat Out 19_ Office of the Corporation Counsel B Y Received From Department of P� By Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Out 19— Date 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By B y License No. 11 II Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ cOUNCJL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL --67799 OFFICE OFTHE, CITY CLERK COUNC14 -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -01*1MENTED BY M13910NER--.S:,,�DATE ......... . ............ . -,1- RESOLVED , That the proper 014 oxtiere e and they are hereby, author - -to pay to the Diagnostic X-Ekay Laboria�bory the sum of d -$7.50,for services rendered to Paul L. Kabitz, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured August 30th, 1926; said sum to be payable from the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 15 McDonald-- ..... . ........ In favor —/McGlogan Osudheimer ...... ...... Against ' T enzel odgaon , &Fem6 ROSOUred.'That the Icera l,he ArAthe, -- _ prOper'city offl. Zed* to. jDay t(Vth k-1 Oe Out Or, vltea ---0 ZO Ir eery emDl12K"u8u2t, 90th 116, 1, n"V e V e Adopted by the Coutt�........ 192...: App v ......... 192 / M 9RIG1,AL TO 'COUNW. om cL[RR CITY OF SAINT PAUL, n!s NOc 6 APPRO 1' TI RANSFERS RESOLUTION F.ORLN 4xu P RCHARTER SECTION 206' �PItESENTED BY -x �y flxp' r COMMISSIONER ...:.800 , .� ..... ... ........ ........ DATE ` Se1►6 � {$. y k. w s Amuli 'bag lig� " RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS EIE'1ADE ON THlkh E B�OC OF',THEv COMPTROLLER AS,BY SO DOING; AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN C�"RT�N ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPER'INO T,'R WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. LODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED:{ APPORTIONED ITEM- _ f' RROM TO - - DR. CR. ly. 21'c 51 City Parket )ROpt's.) '1100.00 ` 21 D8 Dox, fharrew& Leraes, 1100..00 (Reprs. to Crane) . YES ✓� COUNCILMEA �}sr'a✓� NA „ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI S,rj.�....�ie� _ 18...... .. �cNCY SEP 9 191. „� sr APPROVED...... .:... ......... ......... ...19....f....... McBi7anty ............ ✓ SUDHEIMER" .........AGAINST,. �. IWENZEL COUNTERSIGNED B t. J 1 3 D... GR COMITI1p LIR 4�c' ' irile}al�c X, � CITY�?OF SAINT PAUL CD.NO .��J.911 , AP.PROPR1AT.fON J RAN,SFERS=F ESOLUTION FORM, yPER CHARTER BECTtON.it08 ., IVA 40Q _PRESENTED BY CpMMtSEIONER ,i:.ri....R...:A7w..>�' ">riQm!• ............I DA7E:`...fhn6L:} •1926 ........... 9 " t RESOLVED THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF FjE y •y� CERTAIN ITEMS COMPTROLLER AS BY SO DOING AN �d si BTg y a{�-8, Ago so MAY BE NiET:.BY $AID TRANSFERS W1TH*a hBtaYHeBoneheu gYsphhe4 ROVIDED BY THE.. Go trglfer has•-'hy„,eo. fad an; nam, 4`a'¢dl at r'defble>k. - ilt �'r [eYpe MONEY 1N THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THp'h mqt ti�agfdaliprnt�cl qui; nerbnrl tlid r£A�PAfd d b Lthe dv� ay In �'the,�iteme.AroZm,?�Whtbh"�,tHOf. �, CODE' t ]I �fi li 8eT�vt� TRANSP ERRED APPORTIONED ITEM •CR.,- 1 FROM TO 11j JA. DR. 15=C-1 Salaries-Attendanee i 46 0 15-0-2 .Grfara` tt60b.00. ta1ilarieay Over. dp Ma1ri. Admn.t I�AOmR00 .Eacpenee OperdaMain.Admin"' 1000 00 15-T-4 Offfiee'Eaperiae-Sto„eroom 50'Q 0,0 500.00 15-3-3 .Truck Main. 38 000.00 15-0=1' Salaries InatruotiOn" 8,000.00 4, 15 -.I -T " Main. of Brant .: 15,_0_4 3uppl.ies Instruotiori', 3,700.00 15-I-7 S,uppliea-Main.' of P3Sant•' 3�Q00,.00', 15-G-3:-Laundry-lnanri>etion 20b.00 15-0-5 Mis'eel. 500.00 15-H-1 Salories-Operation of Plant .500 00 2500.00 15-H-6 Supplies 15-I-1 Salaries -Main. of Plant 3,250.00 5001.00 ar 15-1-2 Carfare 250. Q0. 15-I-4,Truek,Main. " " " 15-I-5:Ina. & Boiler Insp. Maint. Of P1 t 1omp, 15-T-8 step. & Renewals " " " 2,400.00 �t YES ✓� COUNCILMEN ✓� NwYs'ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.: r. �GLANCY • -�� APPROVED - h .. . ... .,.,.......INFAVOR // r ... #SU�DHiEjMEER� ....... ....AGAINST 1, COUNTERBIGNED`B boMPTRgLLuep.. iy COUNCIL R 7792 C man n"¢i792i $Fyt.7 M b�^,,, Fou cis NO......... .U.. Septemher...e...la2fi................ ;rs�. viarx .szynxr i '� e ESOLVED 6e, isC t� ing parsons:°for That the applioationw m eac� cl i s a #�a hereby conductingbusinesses at the et` `�Ce 31---7��� Aeases a same are upon the granted and the city clerk isaaot h payment into the city treasury of the oustomay C. C. Johnson, 473 N. Snelling Av., Confectionery 4 pool tables C. C. Johnson, 473 N. Snelling Av., Grocery H. A. Clark, 202 W. Central Av., Theater N. W. Theater Circuit,Ino., 479 Wabasha St., A. H. Smith, 860 Selby Av., Grocery Butcher George L. Yikaoevioh, 979 Randolph St., George L. Yikaoevioh, 979 Randolph St., Grooe ry R. E. Hoffman, 900 Rios St., Theater Soft drink Louis Lucchesi, 1066 E. 7th St., Mrs. A. Dahlin 1230 Edgerton St., Grocery • L. T. Merrill, 440 Aurora Av., Grocery Theater N. W. Thestbi•'Cirouit,Ino. 626 University Ave. Theater N. W. Theater Circuit,Ina. 494 Webasha St., Grocery Yrs. Lucy Fleszar, 499 Laurel Av. 533 at. Clair St., Grocery C. Costello, N. Spigler, 391 Arundel St., Grocery Confectionery John Yavoulis, 491 Wabasha St., 926 Marquette AT. Ypls., Oil Burner Berkins Burner, Inc., Piggly-Wiggly Stores 2038 Marshall Av., Grocery Piggly Wigglq Storas,Ino., 1816 St, Clair St., Grocery Morris Singer, 168 E. Indiana Av., Grocery National Tea Co., 238 S. Snelling Av., Grocery Dan Carletto 634 Bedford St. Grocery Butcher T. Syvertsea, 972 N. Dale St., Grocery J. Piel 500 Rondo St., Butcher J. Piel, 500 Hondo St., 460 Broadway St., Restaurant John Cerillo, The Emporium, 139 E. 7th St., Hotel Edw. L. Anderson, Engvald Holm, 328 Robert St., 2225 University Av., Restaurant Wm. Becker, 224 Chestnut St., Hotele L. Y.'Linden, 2 W. 3rd St., H. W. Peterson, 98-106 N. Smith Av., 802 University Av. Restaurant Douglas C. Ryan, COUNCILMEN Nays Ferguson LL, n a McDona:d .S�.....I llicGlogan I1 4V Sudheimer ......./..against Wenzel odgson . Vim Pres. Few— Adopted by the Council .................... Approved......................:.....................192...... Soft drink parlor has bar exposed to view from street Poolroom is 1000 feet from sohool. COUNCILMEN YeasL. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,MuD65�— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM McGlogan a PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ......................................:.................... .....................................DATE.....SQP.1't i r....BJ..1R?il3 ............... / Wenzel NIP , RESOLVED —2 - Annetta E. Taverna, 28 W. 7th St., Restaurant E. Steinhause, 61 E. 5th St., " Nick Chitas & John Kallas, 8 E. 9th St., " Daltos Bros., 161 W. 7th St., " Eat Shop No. 1, 383 Robert St., " Harry Habats k Ray Abiko, 1605 University Av., " F. H. Thurston, 327 Robert St., " Mrs. J. R. Weiriok, 1336 Mississippi River Blvd., " George Lau, Pioneer Bldg., " Soft drink parlor has bar exposed to view from street Poolroom is 1000 feet from sohool. COUNCILMEN YeasL. Nays ✓Glancy ,MuD65�— In favor McGlogan Sudheimer ...............Against / Wenzel 140FINKINIModgson Ix Mr. Yioe Pts& rsommon SEP 9'19?t Adopted by the Council........................................192...... SEP 9 01 Appr ved........... .�.................................192 �...... ....ti/...... Pii?LISHED�_,� C` CITY OF ST: couwa� 'P/ _ Fac NO -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September 9, 1926 -_COMM13910NER__. .;;_.. .._ TE_ ...... ... ,....__�..._.._.___._.. _......_.. ..._.._.. g` In the matter of grading alleys in Block 4,Elmwood Addition, from Palace Street to Juliet Street and from alley to alley with a drain in easterly alley from Palace Street to center of block, under Preliminary Order 65858 approved May 11, 19£6, and Final Order 67140, approved July 28, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estima- ted quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Pablic Works for the above tamed improvement, be and the same are hereby appraved. 4. 1/: COUNCILMEN Yehe >/ Nays Clancy Me9e>"dd— ----- In favor ✓McGlogan 10 ✓ udheimer .�:................. Against --Wenzel Hodgson Mr. visa Pna wersum Adopted by the Council`SEP 9 � X92 :: ':192 SEP 9 -. App 6d ........•----- - 192 - T- 77- 67794 C.u.—NO . .......... - ................ CITY OF ST. PAUL cae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 6 ---- ---- - - Y .... .. .......... DATE� WMEN EDNB PR . SS.o RESOLVEDIn the matter of grading alley in blook 2, Coma Heights Addition under preliminary Order 58466 approved March 19,.1925, and Final Or&sr 67646, approved September 1, 1926: RESOLVED that the plans, speeifLoationS and estimated quantities as submitted by the CommiSdoner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN yeas',, Nays Clancy Fingusen NkBtM1dtt Jill" In favor --------- ------ w/McGlogan /0 _,S,dheimcr ............ Against Wenzel -1/ odgson At r ,Vioa Pros. *0 9. 1999' SEP 9 -190 Adopted by the Council--------------------------------- 192.... 8 E P t. roved_ . ............. .. . . ..........192...... ............ .... .— ....... ...... ..... .......... s: PRESENTED COMMISSIOP RESOLVED CITY OF ST.,CAUL a E"c"NO........'j..R • �- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM *; soptemb .-..-.._9!:.._1926 .... __._........_....-..._..�.....__._-....__.. DATE ..._..- ..._._................ In the matter of grading alleys in Block 1, Rlmwood Addition, from Juliet Street to Jefferson Ave., and from west alley to east alloy, with a drain from Juliet street to low point in the westerly alley, under Preliminary order 65782, approved W 5, 1926, and Final order 66575, approved June 30, 1926. RESOZVSD That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. y 9 COUNCILMEN Yeas jzclancy Nays V441-010— A4a9erjdt — _ .ln favor ✓McGlogan . Sudheiraer ---_----Against _—Wenzel odgson 9[r. QMs Pwa ]� SEP 9 -19" - Adopted by the Council---------- ---- ------ 192.... SEP 9 1 A�owe�d- - _..192 C/✓ ... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the. Councd/4'.E: tq,-. ------ ---192...- Clancy SEP 9 MaDeeedoz— In favor Ap ed........................,_:.... 192 .... vMcGlogan _ ll �Sudheimer Against - - ,,,Wenzel M^Ye^ redgson dir. Via Prw6L , Itwltnnuu. . .. r CITY. OF ST. PAUL cic .______6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _� PRESENTED BY 992E„_,.,__ Ma ;COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of grading alley in Brook 179 Franksonls Como Park Addition from Frankson Avenue under Preliminary Order 60089 approved May 19, 1926 and Final Order 67T134, approved July 28, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and , the same are hereby approve&. � C. F. -Nb 8770 -'—BY 1.'X Clancy—'89 - Roque= In the matter 'of Fgrading .n.. I. Blook 17 �-.Vrankeon's ComQ, ,ark f Addition irota"Frankson Avenue'U - . dee-` PreYfm',narY Osder 90068 - ap- yroYed Tlaq,1-; 1826 aqd „��gqnal Osder 7ulY 281-Y020 0ft14 the apprag, i' a8eeolved T att D7an& specllfc"dr: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the. Councd/4'.E: tq,-. ------ ---192...- Clancy SEP 9 MaDeeedoz— In favor Ap ed........................,_:.... 192 .... vMcGlogan _ ll �Sudheimer Against - - ,,,Wenzel M^Ye^ redgson dir. Via Prw6L , Itwltnnuu. . Council File No. .____--6779-7-- PROPOSAL,.FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY" ORDER. e The unde igned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz•;— Condemning and takingl_an easement in the. land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in'the grading and paving of Alley in Block 6. +,nlreP.�4_P,1EIIe18A� Sl{P9P Q"� n�nr:ir_3.Y_flankee-l-s--Re-ar--r"gement from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue. — — _ ----_ - 9th —_da of_ �-__--1_-_-----c' P. No. 6779x - Dated this_____ y ____Se _tember 1926 Whereas, A W ittent - .naklag of the'followlnro oar] for the 'via.; a Pmpro"vemeno �Condemning. andaeceearry t4king an ease m tin the land for glopea, uta and Alis, In the. grading and pav- Ing of Ailey in 'I 'IC 6, gankeee Cleveland V1e and ,Black 8, Hankee's n^?rrangement from Cleveland .Ave th Ave having been-�q...c_. PRELIMINARY ORDER.V be loe the.saava; WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: t _�a.Q_Ck Fi• ttanxee-s �wvo�a.,LL - ----- ---- -- - �_ f'S9m � .yeland Anenne having been presented: to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- — therefore„lieit RESOLVED, That t e Commissioner of. Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To ,investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mu�tteerrs to the Commissioner of Finance. r Adopted by the - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY SEP 9 . ` 0-' Approved-_____._. _ - --- rL�TA'A�� w ✓McGLOGAN ,/SUDHEIMER �" b vWE1QZEL Mayor. Form CA 38 ' Vito Ptw, i sI US u D '� b G% . Council File No. R IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Construct a six foot sidewalk on both sides of Edgeoumbe Paul, viz.:— Road. between Juno Street and Scheffer Street. F. No. 87748— Whereas, Awritten proposal for the e tember . 1926 _kin6 of the tope f qt aidtyn rovomenL Dated this-- 9th—_ ---day of--ai_2__ ��1z " - ¢r gg !both sfdesct a% of Edgcumb8 Roe'71. between Juno I. and 9ch R.r,'s1; ht . C been Ctt- P r a ted'to the Council oL the Y of • 8t Paul therefore be it Resolved, Thal the Commfeefoner of o ,r'_'t ybe,a,d het h sebr or - to . •.. _ -:^--t3"e+7,�...1`{'y� fur f PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: � _.__--.C♦'0-113..T-LLCM.---9--$'1•X--1DD-t--83-�F+�� .""—"b-`�` 4 rlog—Q.f.— �rd�L'L'L1Tt3�'a be �r –betcypeaa_ T__nn Ct rept And s_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--____-------- th7e�f:ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, proffie or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_----�{Q Q= --- --' YEAS NAYS Councilman ✓CLANCY $ p g M p691d-- Approved -- �� i,GAN U — vSUDHSUDHEIMER _ t VENZEL' —_— NT Form CA 13 1" Mr. VIM PMS' 11MLWQ ?j—_j y,;l1ED 1 E i j J .. 77 �' CITY OF SAINT.PAUL FILE L A7E' 9 ERk 1 fl FILE ---- et OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER MER-ktoLL-Cnu coomciL RESOLUTION ---- �elPtamba-`5- +N PAYOR AIAXTED MUMS N RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED O E T1. REASURY. 4F,R__AOAINST j �. COVERING I TO THE AGGREGATE p�U;Nf,�7 OF ; INCLUSIVE. /�B N i tr, atXi CHECKS NUMBERED`�t----TO-- ..._ ... Y Q�{ _ ' " PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY GOMpiROLLE iOVBb DATE TO AL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS C, F. No. 67799— checke be drawn on Q Resolve TreaeurY to the a66 e6ate _._.....�.. --- - --"' the Cit, check 18 ' ! L mount f 319.67641 covering i 8 HaAl0n & 0ke> mbe d iq 3F ' °284 ln— fve a t, M oRica of the CIIY I 3 g J.B. Probst, Vie' 1 Wm F. soon, (ni' 300 0 i8 8.0oai r. . , � � � g - Peter Mag=ma 60 -0 9�9 Zdmard J. 0arzo1l 5a 8 240 $ioholas Fischer 16 (' 8241 Margaret Linke 8242 Chicago, Milweukee & St.Pau1;!I' 23619 I1j Railway OOnpeusy 824 I hike Ablen ;i �i 515 li11 624 (, Alpha 07eanerry OOMPany 9245 j 11, APPlsba�lm 82 Tony Sasai 5 5 8847 0, J. Beoklund 5 5 SAS 8et ROT. $esmen Ba'Z62s n bleha�e Lutheran oburoh 5 5 8250 G6026a Bettendorf 5 5 5 i I1 8251 Harold E. Blodgett i' g 11 1252 Yrs. A. L. Bougie 5 I; g,253 Lydia Bresnan f 5:p gig Bueller I e $hkelry " I gs Dr. J. A. 0amaran I =A 5 50 8 0. J. 0aslseul 5 00 �( 922557 rrauk ' 0 arnso Gnaroh Club 5 50 �, gp 9 F. 0. 01gler 3' I The 0o�maodore ii g 61 J. r. Odllea 5 50r ii 8262 I Dale Laundry 5 5 ( it 1122 No P. Deluder 5 50 .. ( 82 { E. T. Diamond 5 0 8265 I D. A. Dirkse 9266 James E. Dorsa 5150_ 8267 I E'set side Motor sales 5 50 A 8269 Eltenbein DRsoosia6 0aa►Peny 50 OoupanY0 jl 8270 Andrew s2m9uist i' y5o jj 8271 Mrs. Go Eseenholm 5 5 `82 2 Eureka benndry 5 50 g rarmexe a 'mmerhohant` state B �� 5 5 g 0. M. Flanders 0 1 g2: The Ford E 9Age $2_ 1. M. Gartner 56' 50 82 Ii Jobn 0. Graft 5 0 N Eimer T. Raglu4d 0 g�2 Hamm Realtyy 0104POT 5 Y 50 00 If a 0 . 0. Hastings 5 I, 8281 Jaoob 9611t999e 50 �4 828,2 Willam�Herten 0 := A283 Riberniea 01ub -I 8284 Highwood Oommesoial 07ub I'. i. I v f ;Y"1. C 1 0 h . . . . . . .... PLICATE TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF SAINT OFFPALL CO,�/NCIL-_��F�yy ICE OF THE COMPTROLLE to '. OUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL F:�kNev l' COUNCIL RESOLUTION . IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS =SOS' LOOAN pyBIMER,AGAINST _ idi RESOLVED. THAT CHECKq BE 0THE CITY COM TREASUR �; NZEL"' � q TO THE AGGREGATE: OF"� ,.COVERING nj CHECKS NUMBERED s. Tti INCLU$lVE`AS - PER CHECKS. ON, FILE N E O IC_E F THE PTfi�� y_ PROVED—_ ` s � CITY COMPTROLLER • No 67800— '(;Q, lqj, ' DATL r - Resolved, That cheaka ]le drawn on -- RETURNED JjFER C 1 CHECK IN Fj the City Treasury to the aggregate, NUMBER amount of i313.G0 covering checksCK$ DISBCHRESCEHNT - BY-3A[& numbered 8256 to 83{3 inclusive, as Der checks oq Hle In the office of the City- r Adopted by the Council Sept. 9, 1926. t Approved Sept. 9. 1926. _ (Sept. 11-1926) i 'w os I ` Yrs, 0. Joolaojaon.` 9 #'redai� 5a S teaC�tial: s: ( l 1 "R le 5,00 gev. A:��fttebl*ad F iie�teiaowetc�, S�2 aI+1At4b}! "a7�lt PAasmaay y A W, tio�saz}iet Z, s 8 EtEkf�( badorf ! 0 a J,0 tor "Almoany equ o t fi0 is�e1 060"x W Qlnb 0 5 {'-Z 1,daompsnj II 5 0 ) I 5 0 $ 0 �� 4 , ' JQitagQer Izd zT Pel'�f Ifx'aa►y �� I 5Penderg g^ A 04", L; Peary a a d5 fah , sm H,S?tID '7 Ompany* we �>- Re�ctalph> �ata�e.,.Ocp�tpatsy � lCi'?e� Wa►. ,. A.. a �: � � ` M .a 000 1 TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT AUL COUNCIL FILE NO.- ------ MEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION FAVOR septembtx 9 AUDITED CLAIMS ______6AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE CITY TREASURY. 03r N TO THE AGGREGATE 2_ STEP 9 CHECKS NUMBERED!��--Td - — — ---------- INCLUSIVE. COVERING_ I EA466 PER CHECKS ON FILE I 4H �OFFICE OF THE ICI1,r COMPTROi��ER. CIN CONPTROLI.FA 0 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _21H OALOMT—F—ORWAR.D.. Chas. M. Rieger John Jw Riley Mrs. W. E. Robert Ban F. Rogers Aug. A. ROU.. Wm* A. Rose St.0lair Grocery 8 & 9 Tire Ompany E Mrs., A, Schultz Selby Gvqoery & Dairy Ocmpan M. WLft ser*- OvQ10 serv. Mist Metal & Htg. 000 A. J. 4hMi6i Hairo3,d J. Ogftk Jose Soman R. 0. Stsubs, Rev. A. Stojar A. Stoll T. E. Stumby Anne, N. Sweeney Swival & Company venne Brothers Wm. V09029e$RM Warronoftveu, Inc., J. 0. Weaver W. 0. Woker Charles Wolf Rev. Gaudenae Worm R. R.' zettel American physical Edua. Assodpl Capital City Transfer Compi R. B. Fuller Ompany Goodye,,or Rubber Company Rolling,oheeA Company lI Mr. J. L malkwWal Nicols, Dean kGregg I.W.3jec. Equipmont'Oompany 11 Price Zlectrio Compaby Tri—State Tel. & Tolgi. Ocupanj kLDATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 200 35 207 2 42 on C. r' No. Check. �b�. ".Inf o tl t e:. ITreasury, I 4' ocverfng s o to 3 in numbered t - o 1.0 of check. Comptroller. on lUe Inolle o..oU Sept. 9, 1926 Adopted t 8 26. Appor 9i 19 10,-1926) (Sept.t 4 ji ►z TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT AUL COUNCIL FILE NO.- ------ MEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION FAVOR septembtx 9 AUDITED CLAIMS ______6AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE CITY TREASURY. 03r N TO THE AGGREGATE 2_ STEP 9 CHECKS NUMBERED!��--Td - — — ---------- INCLUSIVE. COVERING_ I EA466 PER CHECKS ON FILE I 4H �OFFICE OF THE ICI1,r COMPTROi��ER. CIN CONPTROLI.FA 0 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF _21H OALOMT—F—ORWAR.D.. Chas. M. Rieger John Jw Riley Mrs. W. E. Robert Ban F. Rogers Aug. A. ROU.. Wm* A. Rose St.0lair Grocery 8 & 9 Tire Ompany E Mrs., A, Schultz Selby Gvqoery & Dairy Ocmpan M. WLft ser*- OvQ10 serv. Mist Metal & Htg. 000 A. J. 4hMi6i Hairo3,d J. Ogftk Jose Soman R. 0. Stsubs, Rev. A. Stojar A. Stoll T. E. Stumby Anne, N. Sweeney Swival & Company venne Brothers Wm. V09029e$RM Warronoftveu, Inc., J. 0. Weaver W. 0. Woker Charles Wolf Rev. Gaudenae Worm R. R.' zettel American physical Edua. Assodpl Capital City Transfer Compi R. B. Fuller Ompany Goodye,,or Rubber Company Rolling,oheeA Company lI Mr. J. L malkwWal Nicols, Dean kGregg I.W.3jec. Equipmont'Oompany 11 Price Zlectrio Compaby Tri—State Tel. & Tolgi. Ocupanj kLDATE RETURNED DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 200 35 207 2 42 on C. r' No. Check. �b�. ".Inf o tl t e:. ITreasury, I 4' ocverfng s o to 3 in numbered t - o 1.0 of check. Comptroller. on lUe Inolle o..oU Sept. 9, 1926 Adopted t 8 26. Appor 9i 19 10,-1926) (Sept.t 4 ji CITY OF ST. PAUL i `.FOENCILNO...........6 .802 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "} COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.;:......__._._.✓_.�e-. ........ _— .... ._............. ... DATE._....__....___.........._.._......_........_.................._...._......._.. `4 alstake occurred in the publication of 0eguail Pile No. 646Q8, approved Aug"S 31, 1986, due to a typographical error; :and VIRMSItS, Said 0ouncil file is insufficient as a legal notice; therefore, be it BE80LUD, that said Council File Ho. 678080 approved August 31, 1986, be and the setae Is hereby repealed, and all proceedings and zotioes published pursuant thereto are hereby discontinued and nullified. C, b'• Nb 87802—, C. J- XeGloga. PubllimtIoon vg 8 un a FcUrre g eo$e aDDrovad 4- ei'aPAleala rrpr �aadBB• eve to a YDo_ , . >�erea Saa be it""' as a 1 COunoll be !t egal. aotice; therefore.' 1.- 11-- therefore, ,ogand the aa;,,ovedt Auguet uai 11,F,1e No, i m COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ................In favor McGlogan Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson SEP 10.1926 Adopted by the Council ....-...... ..__..................... 192.... 9.fP1010 owed✓. ---- - _ ........... - 192 CITY OF ST. PAUL •- p°E"°"N............ �.j.1lJL1'2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U RESOLD 40NN—GENNE"R'ALL FORM - PRESENTED 0Y �../j— .in,�y ... DATE........................ COMMISSIONER.....__.___.....�.�_ __....._....... ..____......_. ..._. _. _ ....___.................. ..... _......... _............. _. .......... WHEREAS, A mistake occurred in the publication of Council File No. 67608, approved August 31, 1926, due to a typographical error; and WHEREAS, Said Council File is insufficient as a legal notice; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Council File No. 67608, approved August 31, 1936, be and the same is hereby repealed, and all proceedings and notices published pursuant thereto are hereby discontinued and nullified. -7 COUNCILMEN ree Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council �C.i. 01 --Clancy 9 _.. I92.... „ed...-...: P 0192G..------- 192...... `T - 14}eRealdd— ...:...........In favor 'MeGle9 i� ✓ Sudheimer---Against - -- ... -- ................ _ ....... .................. ...... —Wenzel .. �Mr. Viae Ym"Vi wuseu C. F. No. 67803—ByMcGlogan— ���`��1� Whereas, I pears that it la aecea- `{.tel lXJ A nary to rep It. Me Alryort Bond Fund to the. k,.Vr at One Hundred Thousand f3160,oad Dollars, the Council by Resolution tion 67546 Res approved August 25, 1926, has author - C . F . 1 iced the Issuance of bond. in that By amount; Therefore, Be It Resbived, That the bonds authorized by Ordinance No. Bothe in ItsamoLn of One Hundred �s. a..I Delp.: . at it is necessary to re replenish the Airport • ,.,,d'in the su� of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, aikfthe Council by Resolution No. 67546, approved August 25, 1926, has authorized the issuance of bonds in that amount; THEREFORE, be it Resolved that the bonds authorized by Ordinance No. 6667, be sold in the manner provided by law, in the amount of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars; said bonds to be in_denominations of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, to be dated September lot, 1926, bear interest at a rate not exceeding W1 per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September in each year, as evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Said bonds shall be serial; a portion thereof shall be paid in each year, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer term than twenty (20) years, and the amounts necessary each year to pay the principal of the bonds maturing in such year and the interest on the bonds shall.be approximately the same in each of the years during which said bonds shall run, and shall be numbered from 33052 to 33151 inclusive. The dates on which said bonds shall mature and the amount which shall mature annually over said period shall be as follows: DATE OF MATURITY BONDS NUMBERED AMOUNT OF BONDS September 1, 1927 33052 to 33054 $3,000.00 September 1, 1928 33055 yo 33057 3,000.00 September 1, 1929 33058 to 33061 4,000.00 September 1, 1930 33062 to 33065 4,000.00 September 1, 1931 33066 to 33069 4,000.00 September 1, 1932 33070 to 33073 4,000.00 September 1, 1933 33074 to 33077 4,000.00 September 1, 1934 33078 to 33081 4,000.00 September 1, 1935 33082 to 33086 5,000.00 September 1, 1936 33087 to 33091 5,000.00 September 1, 1937 33092 to 33096 5,000.00 September 1, 1938- 33097 to 33101--.- 5,000.00 September 1, 1939- `33102 to 3W6 __ _-__ _5,000.00 September 1, 19 _ -.33107 to 112- 33113 to 3118-- - 6,000.00 --- 6 000.00 September 1, 19411 33119 33124--- -----6,000.00 September 1, 194a-- — 33to 33130-- - -6,000.00 September 1, 1943-- - 131 to 33137--__ September 1, 1 -33138 to 33144—___.__ -7,000.00 September 1, 945 _ _ 33145 to 33151 7,000.00 September 1, 7 000.00 100,100, 0—.OT- The sai bonds shall be in the following form which has been prepared by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City and is hereby approved and adopted, viz: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL AIRPORT BOND. No. $1,000.00 i KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of St,. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledggs. itaelf'to '. owe and for value received hereby prom 'es to pay to 8 th 0= of 071@ 'haus cit (;$la�"` oda f'� em , surrender of the (2) annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both prin- cipal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Commissioner of Finns of the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the faith and credit of the City of St. Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars issued by the City for the purpose of payment toward the cost of acquiring land for a landing field for aeroplanes, and grading and preparing such land for such use for the construction of buildings, for the housing of aeroplanes, and for other purposes incidental to the operation and maintenance of an aeroplane landing field in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. This bond is issued pur- suant to Ordinance No. 6667, passed by the Council of said City and duly signed, attested, approved and published in the manner required by the Charter of said City, and approved by the electors of the City of St. Paul, at a special election held June 21, 1926, also a resolution of the Council, No. 67546, duly passed and approved August 25, 1926, and under authority of and in all respects in full com- pliance with Section 217 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED That all things, acts and conditions required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happen- ed and been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said City, in- cluding this bond, does not'exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter limitations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said City of Saint Paul, by its Council, has caused this bond to be sealed with its corporate seal, to be signed by its Mayor, attested by its City Clerk, and countersigned by its Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed fac-simile Signa as o said officers this first day of September, A. D. 1926. Mayor Attest City Clerk Countersigned comptroller. COUPON. No. $ On the first day of S pfember, 19_, the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer .............. at the office of the Commissioner of Finance of the City of S . aul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in the City New York, State of New York, for interest due that day on its Al t d, dated September 1, 1926. No. .... Attest City Clerk y Clerk �L Mayor Countersi¢ne Comptroller. RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller, in the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, up to ten (10) o'clock September 29th, 1926,for the sale of all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Review, the official paper of said city. Each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for two (2) per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. The City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after receiving said bids present the same to the Council for its action thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding four and one-quarter per cent. Adopted by the Council SUI, W19M Approved Yeas Nays Councilmen /KAVOK, ✓Clan n 1 J YaBesse:�-+ ,-Sudheimer ,4enzel --Mr. Via PfIL shown" pUBLISI-�D•--�"--' UNCIL N CITY OF ST. PAUL CFTE o - ---------- 67804 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL RE OL TION N r.RE TED BY ........_.....DATE....... ... . .... ........... .... . .... .. . .... ........... coMIVII2I0NER-- WHERFAS, the COMASrlf Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, upon the written request of the Commissioner of Public Safety, -.has made and prepared sketch plans for the remodelling of fire' engine station located at University and St. Albans Street, so as to provide space in said building ror a jail and a district police headquarters, RESOLVED, that such improvement is hereby authorized, and the 001111][IiSBioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public-Puildings is hereby directed to p;ppare or cause to be prepared, complete plans and esti- mates of cost and specifications therefor. e.- 0,131114kX!XXONS. C,VNoi, 87804—By J. M.claay— Wh 4'o. CO, Winner, , JPark.. VIaisKn oil, ngsi upon, the rIIan. no 0f the. CI-Wn.r, ofWT= o and nre1;d @kate:: 0r ,ther..,.IIhn%ire a n it -1.6bated at IIntveraitp butlding 'inr 'J`aj?'R-�'d '�ad(btirtet. pollee Resolved auoh improvement and toh -rise ,-t.,is- stoner of 4T pd Public b, uIn 8 a a are rac t cotnDleta edto rere or t algdIn of ag,and mlt therefor. I . d by roe t IV a Is, 1926.. 10 T COUNCILMEN dP 1 0 Yeas Nays VGlancy nfavor oo"Sudheimer --------O-..Against ,- Q enzel Adopted Dy the Council .............................. ........ 172 .... eoved- SE.P.1-0-sm ......... 192 ..... . ........ ... ... ..... ...... . . ..... MAY" CITY OF ST. PAUL coaeNc��NO. .__..r.�r1-171:°!/ OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUL SOLU O GENERAL FORM'-'r's,� I \. RESOLVED ,That V Board of Water Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized to execute a highway easement to the County of Ramsey for highway purposes, over the following described land: A parcel of land in Seo. 6, T. 30 E., R. 23 W. more specif- ically described as follows: beginning at a point 1274.65 ft. East of the S* corner of said See. thence W. 490191 W 150.82 Ft. to the north- erly R.O.W. line of the St. Paul Water Dept., thence East along said R.O.W. line 150.82 ft; thence 8. 490 191 E. 150.82 feet to the Southerly R.O.W. line of, the St. Paul Water Department; thence West along said R.O.W. line 150.82 feet, to point of beginning, as shown on R.O.W. map of Proj. 28-62 on file in -the office of Ramsey County Engineer, Saint Paul, Minnesota, said pareol containing approximately 0.35 acres. Subject, however, to the easements obtained therein by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul. C. F. No. 87806_,-8yY 6 C � Budhelmeri-. -Reeolred,•That t h $oaeQ of Wate, byaau bbili rs:`---to exe the y' aro h'ere.,. -tq.emtht-toil . execute i' hlghee0 oasesgapt to t59_,Couuty of aroagy3or. �eghw*y Puryo'-nee,-neer. ,the'Idllowln6 ' COUNCILMEN acied.'ontaiaiag ;ay't5tai�at le y9 YoG` �s Yeas Nays ob lhpedt to rete rbyd.It e. Boars nts pted by the CounciaEf711 1@ � .--- _.._- 192._. Lt' W lancy WgteF; Co1nro(ealonere `bt .tie city or st . •peul PPAdopted by.tP. unoil f;ep'30,.19E8•- `AroYed B• 39 .1998•' ' <senc is -1990) owed..-�.�:�i.�II�.............. 192...... �oeSudheixner Againstli'CZ' -�'-f ......._... --Wenzel e» R _ 11�• a PAUL N. COATES �- COUNTY H GI R 1 929.922 G dl.. Lite Bvildin! B AiNT PAVL, August 4th. 1926. City Comptroller, Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - We are advised by ;letter of August 3rd. from our County Attorney that it would be necessary that a certain easement for right -of -wag on our Anoka Out -off, eroject 26-62 B, executed by the Water Department, will require the approval of the City Comptroller before it may be considered properly executed for file and record in the office of the County Auditor and Register of Deeds. Will you please give this matter your early attention and return to this office or the office of the County Auditor as soon as convenient so that we may have same on record. Yours very truly, R � Amz CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER. Countersigned: J.— COUNTY F21GI PRB-d Eppm of Eaw T!ST. PAUL A .tUR A. STEWART a ^ co onArloN couNu� ASSISTANT ATTOMEYS EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON HILARY J. FLYNN September 7, 1926. George C. Sudheimer, Esq., President Board of Water Commissioners, City of St. Paul: Dear Sir: I hand you herewith a resolution, and two copies, authorizing the Board of Water Commissioners to execute an easement to the County of Ramsey for highway purposes, over certain land in Section 6;and I also hand you herewith the easement, and a letter from the County Engineer's office. Will you please have the Board of Water Commis- sibners pass the resolution, and then send the original and one copy to the Council for its passage; and after the Coun- cil has passed the resolution, will you have the easement properly executed by the Board of Water Commissioners - that is, by George C. Sudheimer as President and D. W. Birdsall, as Secretary. Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. LLA -IB r F ,U LJI L LIGATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OFSAINT PAUL COU" ___ _____. CIL .+ l7NCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. NOY COUNCIL RESOLUTION oucoN — IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS-g4p@mbor ONA�D J ELME IHEIMER AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHEGKSBE DOg1 HE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE A OF ! �{F'1(------• COVERING N Yh .. �� CHECKS NUMBERED______—___TO_—_---_ INCLUSIVE. AS PfE Y 1:L---------------------- PER CHECKS ON FILE INT\HE FFIC OFT CITY COMPTROLLER. iOVED—____ __ IB_.___ ___._-Y�1._-C______ .....A — ITY COYPTROLLHR i I !I I TO AL DATE CHECK RETURNED �/; NUMBER I IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS — II I BROVOKT_F_ORWARD _ I 62. O291'13_----___-- ii 11040 jl 0. J. Mo(}logan, Oom ' r. of Fin. I i 7 00 8441 I O.J.Moologan, Oomlr. of Fin. 1 -5040 8443 AllsnwQ4821ey Oompany 12 74 i 8443 I` Lampland Lamar Company II 147 79 8444 MolWray Company 50196 �i 8445 N.W.Eleotrio Equip. Company. ! 36101 8446 9t.Paul Eleotrio Oompany 1 109171, !8447 Texas Oil Company 21 I. 8448 1 A. H. Thomas Company it 93 20 ii 8449 ;i Tierney & Company !! 79 �5 it i l I C. 67806—That checks be drawgatel Fthe abB li He CItYe TTQ8sur9B, to verinB hec ae i the amount °t 844II o 8449 `n(tiuo ceiv t the i li numbered on file to the ° 0 1926. !� ort C mptrolthe Council Sep, 10, i •I AdoPoved YSth• 10j-1926) 1928. APP (Sept 1T - III is FORM NO. A-Ik-2 1000 5.26 I I. I ! 362 635 =t-- TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE ri0-------- ---13-U--�. N—DOLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER __-__--_IN - I l - FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION __— AUDITED CLAIMS -_------- September_11 10 �6 ___AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE OR 'yFt �y�jy�Ty TREASURY. N. TO THE AGGREGATE Aµ�Ep'y�� OF S___ 0. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED__ `l�C---TOJ� INCLUSIVE. A6 —__------------ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE FFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. /��� A A � _ � ^ CITY COMPTROLLER _ C. F. N. 67807—. Resolved. That checks he drawn on. 1 the City Treasury, to the aggregate CHECK I amount of 839 066.92 covering checks .NUMBER �� IN d8383 to 8439 Inclusive, as; — - 3-9'33-- 8.84 O.J.MoQlogan, 0omir. oy rin. Alfred Parkins !1 9385 �I xaaesu paper Company j! 83866 11 National Ind. Oonf. Hoard I' 8387 '' National Mower Company Company 838d ' National Regulating 83389 National Univ. Ext. Assoo. l 8390 New York Tea Company j 8391 Nolau-Irons 00mpRny 8392 i North Central ASe00. Quarter; ji 8393 Northern States Power Oolmpon� 1 $39,g ii 939b lj 839 Northwestern Fuel Company �' i N. W. Stamp Works L 1' J. E. Olen Company 1i 1 Oriental Laundry Company 8401 j Oegood-Blodgett Mfg. Company 8402 8403 Park Kaoline Company ii Pence Automobile Company O055 Perfeotion Typesetting Compal 1; H. 0. Perleben jt 848b h Pioneer Electric Company 8407 '! 8408 Pittsburg Peter Company �I Playgrounds & Recreation 8409 Assoo. of America Pollookls Clipping Bureau 8410 Prest-O-Lite Company 8411 i'Price Electric Company 8412 Progressive Education Assools 8413 8414 Pure 011 Company Company Pure 011 jj 94155 ;;Purity Ice Company 1;8416 ;Pyramid 011 Company 8411 Quiok Service Battery Dompan7 841!! Raudenbush & Sone 8419 ljRsymer Hardware Company i! 9420 Remington Typewriter.0ampany '8421 i!Renstrom Brothers !'8422 ;1 842�33 j;RoeMjames Glass Company 11 St.Paul Book & Stationery Co. St.Paul Builders Material Go. p9424 l; 18425 . !+ St.Paul Carriage Works 8426 u,St.Paul Cement Works !18427 St.Paul Electric Company ,8421 St.Paul Glass Company 8429 118430 St.Paul Letter Company j St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Oompam ;,8431 ;;Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. ;8432 ;Schaffer & Rossum 'Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 884433 �G. 943g2 Sommers & Company 943b 8437 Sperry Office Furniture Comms Stationers ragraving Oompany 8438 Sterilized Rag Company 8439 Superior Refining Company FORM NO. A -(R.2 loco 5-26 TOALDATE RETURNED PER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK '.KS — CHECKS z2 971, 2 371 6 5 86 � 33 6 29112 3 0p0 133 36 i36 66 193 53 15165 6 T 78 63 to 9 65 59 73 00 2 00 24100 46 111 00 120 72 3�7 12 00 0 00 74 PO P 799 189 81 0 27 7 70 2 28 0 26 4 4827 7 62 8 41292 0 41 i 17 Council File No ............. £.... . ---------- By - - - By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses constructing a sewer on Harvester Ave. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy 8t., RAT"wMG AlgzgqM= e G F. No 67868= Iq-".haf.r:taaogacttomeaete-ewer e .1eneeee-a$bm1aore`vne.fe0 t,endr- t •'^. Phaleq Ave: to-Trap9'"fit., ��3'''` u~ `•-' 't n.i order 6'7868 for under Preliminary Order .....___63.9.06__........., Intermediary Order ...._.64426 ................... Final Order67 ....______....., approved—_._11axch 21 192 6 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP 14MW Adopted by the Council _-................ SEPI 410 .......... .... ity Clerk. Approved. ._____.__............... .......................... _............. 192.._.._ �..._�__ —_ �yor-a. Form B. B. Is _ �._._ _"`"--._ ��_o ,�1� CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCI, ` REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of Denefits, costs and expenses for r� constructing a sewer on Harvester Ave. from Phalen Ave. to Tracy 8t., under Preliminary Order._......—_63QQ8__.._...._....___ , Intermediary Order--...._-.____..._._._-- Final Order .................. __..-4 . ._...---.......-............ approved.----.._.....YaLOYL�3., L9?L.... L--• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ....... _.......... _... _3..15.._ Cost of postal cards - - - - - $-...........-....__....._._63.._ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.......... - ...... _3.5 .90.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-.....-..--..-.--3- 15 Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.......-!!3.7.'1 . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_ l413T.r6,------ _..--_..__.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .._..._.�./_: .�a ....ti-•. ....... ._. .._ t.. _ Form B. B. 17COmn11881on InanCQ Council File No...."A............ __..._._..._.__ 678i.h9 By.... _...... T_._ ......... _..... _.... - .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment YIn the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving Griggs St. from University Ave. to south line of Bohn St. with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not ready made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary material shall be reinforced concrete, 40 foot roadway InF Nq p878e9- t' ' In the mutter of "the aeaeasment of bepedts; kbBt.';44nd ezpenees: for gradln8� and pav�tp6 Grlg,, 11 [tom UntveraltY Ave. 'tb,- Booth .line Bolib 84 with Bewer, watet and gas cc? bnebtlonB from dtrt main e to Droperty linea complete, where not f 6p5 already made, also Curbing altd Dav under Preliminary Order_.__O.-. J Ing arlvew,g ana aneY approaches Final Order.... wh64 ere necehall sefa'torced U�1ati� 4a approved—_ Feb .._2j.." WB.Yy_..—_, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been 'further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be 'and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to'the Distrid Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ SEP 14 M -- .- .......... ._.._192 ......... _. IEP 14 Approved-__._.. ........ .......... .......... ............ 192......_ Form B. B. It k ' o Clerk. May& 6— CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCF<, x REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ±►ug-.]-7_s.7.92.6z...... __., im --- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for d[aC grading and paving Griggs St. from University Ave. to south line of Bohn St. with sewer, Water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also ourbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, material shall be reinforced concrete, 40 foot roadway under Preliminary Order ......._._..... Q 5_9_—._.._....._._.._—_, Intermediary Order _.........___—...__ Final Order .......... ......... _64 26....._..._._ ............. ._, approved _......... Feb..'_.... .:..._1. 26............. --.._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz-. Cost of construction 49.50 Sewer connections - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - $--___4--0-5 171.2 Water connections - - - - - - - - $ Cost of postal cards Curbi n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... ....... _-...-51._._._ 6EL1-6 Inspection sea - - - - - _ $_........1 .Q. ......._. - - - - 18 Driveways - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - .60 $---—J4-0-5- Total Expenditures - - - - - - - - 9,522.04 Leea.t'he sum. - - o�f�p -Code 1 E 225 005) 4.2 .Code Net Assessment - - - - - - - - -- - 5.570.26 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed" levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the s;gnature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _......._.................... .......... ..------- --- - Form B. B. t7 Commissioner of Finance: Council File No...._ .... - ....... _.........._ *? ° 67810 By......... _.__--.-............. ..-..._._._....__..._._— CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from. Cretin Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley between the aforesaid limits, also construct- ing a sewer in said alley from a point 190 feet west of Cretin Ave. to Cretin Ave., and in Cretin Ave. from the said alley to Sargent Ave. for the purpose of draining the alley. Material Shall be 6" concrete under Preliminary Order .__._ EOM7....._._.._..., Intermediary Orde,6416$.......... ................ Final Order ............b-4.525 approved__._.___�P.T_ -----1926 the' ben°d°ppanepz tne'a6ggamdn�t ezo[ damage-, eoe4 dtlep-in BloCkbglKln$a Map1@wooa from Cret(n*Av0 to ML:CurvB 8}vd:; improvement, SIId said 88Ye88- A public hearing having been had n, to tl°;�°he etd siva a sna aeha p went having been further considered by tl yel t-tsa wn -byra -bluo' 11" Idered finally satisfactory, be it i1c . '^,y -o {trading: and' PaVW9 b9eea.^.::the'•�-egMd therefore ` ! RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. L(?. ---equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the SEPI 4M Approved------ . . ................ ............ ...:...... ............ ...........192..._+ Form B. B. 17 g -v r `� a:. ., City Clerk. ✓..............--.._...•.., ..................... ` Mayor. OMISMD� WISP CITY OF ST. PAUL. a�= OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages,costs and expenses for AN Changing the grade of Alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cretin Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd. to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading and paving said alley between the aforesaid limits, also oonstruct- ing a sewer in said alley from a point 190 feet west of Cretin Ave. to Cretin Ave., and in Cretin Ave. from the said alley tq Sargent Ave. for the purpose of draining the alley. Material shall be 60 concrete under Preliminary Order ........... _..... Intermediary Order _.._.__ ...... Stltl�_.._.._.__..._._...__...., Final Order -.......__................................ approved 6---- ISY_._._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- a ment, viz: Cost of construction $2.19-fST-00------- Cost of publishing notice $----------- 2_-g5 ...... --- Cost of postal cards $-.......-__x.57....._.__ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ..............59..,.7.. ............ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $------- ----- P_ 5} ---Total expenditures - - - - - - - $._3.,.0.51..0.1_.._..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.3., 0.53..._.1_ __.......... -. _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for auc action t ereo may! co 'dered proper. 1 l a........... _...... ..._ Form B. B. 17 Commissioner o mance. Council File No .............. . 6781-1 By. . . ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for changing the grade of Armstrong Ave. from Ohatsworth St. to Milton St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown,by a blue line thereon, also curbing both sides of said Armstrong Ave. between the aforesaid limits and building the necessary oatchbasins for the drainage of the street., . —W --11 under Preliminary Ordcn—bo.1-0- approved Order b3-27.2- .. ............ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That - the said ass . essment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable izi-.---..�--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ SEPI 419M . .. . . . .................... 192 .......... . . SEPI 41926 . ...... ............. z,.6Lza.Sity Clerk. Approved.._......._........._......._ ....._....__ ........................192...-.— .. ....... . . .......................... Mayor. PUBLISHED 51 CITY OF ST. PAUL. .R OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits,damages, costs & expenses for tlt chanting the grade of Armstrong Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. o conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also ourbing both sides of said Armstrong Ave. between the aforesaid limits and building the necessary catchbasins for the drainage of the. street, under Preliminary Order . .......... _...... 5Q1.Q-4_.._.._._..__.., Intermediary Order __...._...... __.6QT9. ........ Final Order....--............_�'z7.P._......... ............ _.......... approved_._-_-_......pllg..Utli-23---.., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.._------ ----- 4_' 65.__...... Coat of postal tarda - - - - - - - - $_......_..__.__.•_9__.___ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $--_......_l.r?t_�_.......... Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - $-.... -... ..... 4',-5--.......... Total expenditures - - . - . - - $..... ....79..9..-''.71 .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_._19.9.-j.71 ....... ..... -.... - -------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed L benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. c Form B. B. 17 Com 81 I Finance. Council File No ............... . ....... . By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 67812 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Beech Street from Earl St. to Johnson Parkway C. -F. No. ant of In the matter of tb asesars , costs nllv,, metrnetlaies for �0-- beffts t I es of SL t 0 ason 11 h St. from oParkway "under or Prelw-er 3 61813, Intermedfari 0 n.1 Order 84825, — pP OPP I ved Feb. 2 8. 1926. h 'ai d A Imlbijb' hearing -h under Preliminary Order -61313-- Inte;'� -4 .Vts. ""'Inal Order.6. 3? approved __ Feb•.___23._--.192— 6 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered "ally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT- T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_._____A�E_equa1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council—................192........__. 111171_�� . .... ............. ......... . ........... ................ .... City Clerk. Approved_......—__...._........_ .............._........._..............192..._ ............. .... .... . ... ..... . ....... 4 . Z' - -11-11,1111 ..... ............ ..... Mayor. For. B. B. 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFI,E OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF' COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for jW constructing curbing on both sides of Beech Street from Earl St. to Johnson Parkway, under Preliminary Order .......... _......61313. ..... _..------ __., Intermediary Order ...... Final Order _ ..... -............. _.1243i�- _..... _......... _............ approved _............. ..FQb-«2.34-1-9.26--...._... *9Cl ......__... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$.........__._15..'.TpJ.....:... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $...... .... ...... _.!�.2.._._. 4 14 Inspection fees$......_....._....._..'..,,..''._CC_...._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-------15= Tl Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei- twined, to -wit: the sum of $_? 1434.J -- ----------- --.—...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. c ....... --......... _.... ..........._......... Form a. B. 17 Comms one inance. Council File No . ............... ... _._..... .......... _ ' 6781-3 By .......... ..__.......... ....................... � CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading alley in Mathew Egans Sub. of Block 94, Lyman Daytons Add., Block 3, Skidmore's Add. and Block 6, Kumli's Add. from Forest at. to Oypress St. C S. No. 67913 - lathe matter of the assessment of beneflle. coats.. and expenses for! ofaB ocka94y Lymaanhnayto�n'seAdd.Bob, Block B Skidmore's Add. and Block 5 Kumil•s. Add.:from.; FoT,ect $t. to ;, ;:argsa at. under Pro,,' ne.ry 0, ;Q:r 81995. Interlgrdlary order 69999, Dem S. under Preliminary Order_. 619.Q5-__ ............. Intermediary 0rdcr.._..b.2925 t;a baaI 1 Order........_63.. .33... .......... ; approved—.._ _—DEC.., -._:._—.192 . p_.ny; A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- -.I #t went having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable -.—......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. ._• .. . .. 192......._.-. • __ _.. _... d Tc�Qy City Clerk. s�R 1'4192 Approved._:_.._._ --- --- --------- - _........__.........._._............192..__— ......_._ Mayor. PUBLISHED 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL. , 1: OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.._._A_74g...1.,_1.926_ I=_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Mathew Egans Sub. of Block 94, Lyman Daytons Add. Block 3, Skidmore's Add. and Block 6, Kumli's Add. from Forest St. to Cypress St., under Pieliminary Order ........... -_ ..... 612.9.. ......... _.....__ Intermediary Order ............ b -P-9-29.._ -------- .---....._------------------ - Final Order ..... ............... 6433..._ ....... _................ approved _......... _... _... _DBC....._8.a.19.5..._..... A9tGL..._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal tarda Inspection fees - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation y Total expenditures - - - $.......... __5Z5_!t90.... $---- _....._._--- 3. .90......... $- ........... - $.......... -._11..6Q....._.. $------------- _. '90......._ $.............. 5.9.5...-94 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$...._:.59.r1...Q.-d.....--------------- --- ------ upon each and every lot, part nr parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 73 L _..._. ..... �. ........ ..__.___..... Form B. B. 17 Commlee on Hance. Council File No ........... _....._. By Resolution RaWer Ave, i M., both 3.. south bot eta., both . 6781.4 In the matter of the assessment of benefit# .�Wis sn3 eapenees for Constructing, re -constructing relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 8, under Contract No. 3991, Year 1925. F.O. 25$ Vt. Curve Blvd., both sides from Ford Road to Scheffes Ave. F.0. 6 Hartford Ave., south side, fiayard and Soheffer Sts., both sides Eleanor St., north side, from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. and on the west aide of Underwood Ave. and both sides of Fredericka Ave. from Hartford Ave. to Eleanor St. F.O. fil906 Fillmore Ave., north side, beginning 100 ft. nest of t ", t y rtson St. tho gWX9-qt,.i fGot 6.0.57 Fairfield Ave., nor side, ginning at South Robert St_ �,,thence east t". alley F.Y.X512 Chicago Ave., south aide, beginning at So. sabaeha St., thence west to Edward St. South Wabasha St., west side, beginning at Chicago Ave., thence South 130 feet no. 4272Q Lucy St., both sides, from Stryker Ave. to So. Robert Eft. F.O..239 ,Belvidere St., both sides, from South Robert St. to Winslow St. F.U. 62M Alaska Ave., both sides, from Otto Ave. to Vista Ave. F.G. 60853 Pleasasnv' Avenue, north side, from the east side of Lot 10, Block ll, Ridgewood Park to Milton St. F.O. 62657 Pleasant Ave., south side from Chatsworth St. thence east to Lot 9, Amok 2, Michel and Robertsons Add. F.O. 62189 Roodbridge St., east side, beginning at Cook St. thence So.200 F.o. 62723 Woodbridge St., enst side, from Carbon St. to South St. --Non-assessable-- F.O. 62656 Hartford Ate., sbuth side, Bayard and Soheffer Eta., both sides, Eleanor St., north side, from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Ave. and on the wast sidjpof Underwood Ave. and both sides of Fredericka Ave. from Hartford Ave. to Eleanor Street F.O. 62395 Belvidere St., both aides, from So. Robert St. to Winslow St. F.O. 612.58 tit. Curve Blvd., both sides, from Ford Road to Soheffer Ave. F.O. 62512 Chicago Ave., south side, beginning at So. baba,sha St. thence west to Edward St., So. 7,abasha St., west aide, beginning at Chicago Ave. thence south 130 ft. -- - _ _ ---POLLSHED � � � oiling _uuptmlxl U-1111 CITY OF ST. PAUL •'"' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT pug,ll 1926 _---.-., - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ,scats and 8Zp8IIeea for tkj Oonstrueting, re -constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 6, under Oontract No. 3991, Year 1925• --Assessable-- F.O. 61258 Mt, Curve Blvd., both sides, from Ford Road to Schaffer Ave. F.O. '02656 Hartford Ave., south side, Bayard and Schaffer Sts., both sides Eleanor St., north side, from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. and on the west side of Underwood Ave. and both sides of Fredericka Ave. from Hartford Ave. to Eleanor at. F.O. 61966 Fillmore Ave., north side, beginning 100 ft. west of k , .... , ..• ,Robertson St. thence wesV�t5O,;4eet" F.O. 61257 Fairfield Ave., north side, beginning at South Robert St. thence east to allay.: F:O 695512 Chicago Ave., south 'aide, beginning at So. Wabasha St., thence west to Edward St. South Wabasha 8t., west side, beginning at Chicago Ave., thence South 130 feet F.O. 62720 Lucy St., both sides, from Stryker Ave. to So. Robert St. ?),,,o. 62394 Belvidere St., both sides, from South Robert St. ,to 4lnslow St. F.O. 6265Alaska Ave., both aides, from Otto Ave. to Vista Ave. F.U..60853 Pleasant Avenue, north side, from the east side of Lot 10, Block 11, Ridgewood Park to Milton St. F.O. 62657 Pleasant Ave., south side, from Chatsworth St. thence east to Lot 9, Block 2, Michel and Robertsons Add. F.O. 62169 Woodbridge St., east aide, beginning at Cook 8t. thence So.200 F.O. 62723 Woodbridge St., east side, from Carbon St. to South St. --Non-assessable-- F.O. 62656 Hartford Ave.,, south side, Bayard and Soheffer Sts., both sides, Eleanor St., north side, from Underwood'AYdj�uq'to Fairview Ave. and 6t th& htest'side of Underwood Ave. andl,boftsides of Fredericka Ave. from Hartford Ave. to Eleanor Street F.O. 62395 Belvidere St., moth sides, from So.'Robert St. to Winslow St. F.O. 61256 Mt. Curve Blvd., both sides, from Ford Road to soheffer Ave. F.0. 62512 Chicago Ave., south sidb; beginning at So. Wabasha 'St. thence west to Edward St., So. Wabasha St., west side, beginning at Chicago Ave. thence south 134. ft. - the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assesament has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commiastoner o t nce. Form B. B. 17 Xif _ :r:'Sr : �`ew.43�'.w,..�k'8�ii� � W4'..%6�.1vF?'�,l'�-.', $ G'ri.,a{7 ��l�•€r�. •{S • i._ l •� ,. �. - 'l.L� . i L?� iii r D .' - ft' T' + ' I_ -.-_-. ....... -._-..._...... _.... .... _�. - ..................... ......._...._....._.......__.......__....._....._............ ...._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - - - - _ Cost of publishing notice $......... ....... 50.40...... 10.08 Cost of postal cards $ ... ............ __..-.......... ........ Inspection fees - - - - $.... _1a. 6 2 6.. 5........ 50.4p_„ Amount of court coats for confirmation - - $� 1g,QOj;1� • Total assessable - - ' - " ' - - - 6 Tot8LtNoa. a""Bable - $......_..._._3 7..61 ..... Tot al Expenditures , 0. 0 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $___l8a 3.79 '- -- - ---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissio�once* Form H. B. 17 1ryQq Council File No.._c ........ l 67815 815 By ...... _.... _ _.._........._..__.._.._.__. __ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Hamline Ave. from Otto Ave. to Edgeumbe Road, C. F.ri °dette of pud ezp ¢e ent [ T:: D,44-7 -- thespva• +tram Otto. .grading¢iimbe Road•uvnder Pro" pve to 'fig- IntermedlB1'4 1lminar9� OrdaFrl�19Order 64914, aD- Order 64989• ve d Mar• 11 1998 . �,; beeat pad pre ubltc bea pt ove;im- +e� rt_Ah•� . Couulclb it IT under Preliminary Order.. ---03.9.63 Intermediary Order....... 643.aq.........._.,;.q N;-,vldrder_.6-491 ....... _..... __, approved _ __.__KaX .1.7 -... 192 6. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_._—_ '_0 --equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. -S111111% Adopted by the Covne'1 _____................. _192 .......... . ' ity Clerk. SEP,141 Approved. ........ ___.................. .........._..............._:........'.192...... ,i„ - ... __.__.. ...... ......_..._...... _ Mayor. Form B. B. A PUBiISHED— 9, CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Aug..1-1,.lsa1_------- JM--- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for t)[q[ grading Hamlin Ave. from Otto Ave. to Edgoumbe Roa¢. under Preliminary Order ............. _.._09.6_ ... ............. _._., Intermediary Order ..____6 . s3%_.._ ------ ...------_----- _._.._...., Final Order ...... - ....... _... 4_9!k.........._ .....................::.. approved ........_.._ ...... JU-1.]_.,.1.92Ex_...__... 17{=..--. -.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: of construction $_..._22193 - 193CoCost st of publishing notice Cost $..... ._.... _.......... 1 �a��....... Cost of postal cards $ .......... _....__._.._..6._.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..... .............. 4 ...• 6....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $.........___-_.1_80._.... Total expenditures - - - $ 222 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascez- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._2.s-2.40'-$9 .. -- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 CO -0 O anile• 6'7816 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning.. and.. taking an. 4a0,0"nt...iA.. the ...land .................. ......... necessary_for elopes,._ for. -cuts .and .._fills ,-_in_grading-.alley .. in_---------------- Bloek 2, Robert P. Lewis Oompany's Subdivision from Syndicate Ave. ---.... -- ..... - ---_. ......... ... 1'8A4'D)!1Cur4 waem9e:'i1L colt.. D�MNwT1INU 2 DYt{l. to. the west end of alley,._ k _. _ Tn the matter of _... coddeningaad [ak- ... --.-_ Ir"Ing as eaeeme6t 1n eland aecee- - - - . - eery. Lor. elopep. .Lor 'te end flnela .8aradlnS a11eY'tn 81gck•'2.'nobert P. Letal'e tompanyt ggubdivWon from 9yndlcate Ave. to.be wept end' of ..... ......- ._ .__ _ _.. ____ x under "Pr811minor aDDeavetl' Slay- 11 1928 n err a roved l�ts$ �r;ey B, 8797, a°proved>aund Order.... under Preliminary Order..._ 656J0_ pp 6 1.3% --- approved ..June...29.,1926......... A public hearing having been had upon the taking snd condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits. therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, 11M ggZ1fA[DdEjf�76m87f'�i$7, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council-----............sEp:4.... ......_ ..., 192........ �. SEP 1410 City Clerk. Approved........ - -........:...._............_.....-........, 192- -- .. ............. /!"".."....'............ ....... Mayor. -Councilman Ferguson .-6ofincilman McDonald PLIBLISHED_L—/� councilman f'XW Moalogan uncihnan Sudheimer C ,uncilman Wenzel /Mayor XXbo ix Hodgson 67817 FINAL ORDER IN'CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter and..takin�.._an._eaeement., necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grad._.n�__all.in____ look 2�Rob rl¢i s -Q=any s_ul iY i si on Yrom Scndi ca_t� _ __Ave �ttp the West erid OP a]lep, _R,NI, ORD®li IN coND�arnwiYON PROCEEDINGS C T. No. 67817— i atter of condemning and tak- �`• easement In the Iand Hetes- _ lopes, for cute sand fluI e' n bertn ley fn Hlock 2, Roq P. Ma 11 11 ' soy's she west .from „ '7 to the west end of (j v under Preliminary Order_.___6 9 ......_, approved__ 7L—a �r� , prellmin192 order -- ---- - 1 May 1 1926..TTL ter - PC'... approved_ Jl= 25.., Y Resolved (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.____ condemn and take en easement in the land neoessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading alley in Block 2, Robert -P Lewis Oonican118 Subdivision from gyndicate Ave. to the weet.end of.a11eY.,__ f: (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- r e a - --- priated n and condemned for the purpose of making the said. improvements, vis afiuttinlr uot+n the alley Sn S1Qolr:2* ]WhertP._3 Subdivision, between the points afq*eeaid, to the extent shown ucon the clan attaohed to the report of the Oommissioner of Publio Works (3) 11at the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council _.__.__:.€.P�._� ......... 191 .......... � SEP 14 Iff, City Clerk. i��` a ` Approved_..__.__._._.__._.__..__.__...._...........__..., 191 ......... ' r, .-...._.................. ......._...-- Mayor. PUBLISHED, Fmm=wth--Te gUeon gra ado onald Zkft,.4oGlogen ftpll dheimer enzel Mr. President, Hodgson i ` r 3 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..condemang__and_taking-_an,_easement__in._tha-_land_ ngoeesary-, fax s�aiteQ, .xOx..-guts..-and1.].1Q...in..gas�ix;g..�l]e3! ...................... Robert P. Lewis company's Subdivision from Syndicate Ave. to the west end of alley, ------------------------------..................... ------------- 0 65 approveM4Y_.11,1 26--� Intermediary Order07.3T............ Under Preliminary Order-....... ��.............. .. .�.. ----, une , approves-- -J - ------ ---- 2 9-- --1---9---26 --........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. b Comm�seioner n'ance. 67818 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.condemaing and taking .an-va8emeat. in-the.1and,... --- -------------- _Aeqqgpo;y for_ p1ppes, for. oule...and f ills, W.gmding Ajjeyjn. ................... Frankson's. OomoPark Additions from Frankson Avenue ........................ ..... ..... to Lake Qomo a.-nd.ftalen .Avenue,_ - ----- ............ C. F. No. 67819 -- In the -matter of condemning and tak- Ink an easement in the land neces- 0 fpr 'op a`0rn`UtsnE" Il.;Iu..k17,-Frank------ ""'- Ik ,Como Park ddltlon rn ,CoI& e C.6.1, .V,,i,k,o, k and 1,h.1s. ".tvs�jsr .r .In.,, or- der 66198, sEpproed 1, 26' "I'. ------- . ............... ... ...... Intermedia Order 66731 approved June 29, 1926. it under Preliminary Ord pr.. . 6619S. approved.RaY 26;!* �Tnterrned*-" 0 "Ion .6731 Aw"for J14 approved. June9,1926 ..... .... ..... V j A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon, the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and eondemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, i*Xft1twAkXW U(St t , and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and, condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it.Arther VA90ved, thgt-4e said ................ equal installments as%&-f5ach parhT-of land described therein. SEP I' a t929 Adopted by the Council-...__....-...._...-..-....._......-.____..------...._., 192- .. .... . ... SFp . . ... ...... City Clerk. Approved WA .... ... .... 192 ............... ...... ---------------- .. ......... . .... ................ - Mayor. G'aan@;!..,.,.. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ,ecouncilmanZ=r McGlogan Councilman Sudh,, ei,mer. son r 'r 67, f `FINAL OI:Di a IN .CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter _qo4dgnin takiZlg_%II _fta _1nh@_..land .� f ~ necessary or dDp@,A, fpr outs�iisi� Yi1__l_e ..ia gradino of l "v in `x� x Blook 17, Frankson's Como Park Addition. from Fran eon�ge�nue to LEec@ 0020_8nd Ph> en g ev nue; - - C. F. No. 67819-- In 7819— In the matter of condemning and tak t r - Ing an easement In the land neces ,_., ----- '---- Bary for slopes, for cuts and fill. In 1 grading Alley In Block 1Y Frank- , •a g son's' Como Park Addition.. from j - Frankaon Avenue to Lake-0omo and r Phalen Avenue under • Preliminary r Order 88196 approved- May 26, 1926. under Preliminary Order-6O-US—._—USapprove Interme iary order ss7a1, anproyea er_(2�1�-, 1 _—__, June 29, 1926. ne.olved: ,{$ That tha following Improve- s'" approved_J B —� -.1926 he and th. same to her. fs "nada Resolved: 1 (1) That the following improvement be and'the same; is hereby ordered to .be made, viz.:._.__ con7 a a + b RAMAnt in tits i.net netseaa 3r :�n_�, �p en tee' t for . outs and fi a in grad_ 1A9 » en in -B ,ak 1 -, Vi. `Zi"Qn 1 s COMM Park Addition, from Frankson AMMO to_ ta.;e _QAw__ m&-_PWa=_Avenue,._ a (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and thesame ars,hereby taken, appro z, U priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements abutting upon the Allev 1A_BLQQk 177,_ZZ lkgoAddition, 'between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the P$In � • attached to the rep)Zt S14mm�ae oust Df Pttblio Rerks sn _ the matter dated July 28 1 26` (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. SEPI 4W Adoptedby the Councit........ _-._...... _........... ......................... ..... . 191------- '- ... ................... ....._... City Clerk. Approved � ._.__, Mayor. xmmmxjcm Ferguson % PUBLISHED / — aa� r� ° - 4gau a mer aIP"enzel 5"igidiint, -Hi)dgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ' In the matter of.QO.nd.e=ing..and....taking..an---easement...in-.tha.land------------------------------ na.oQ-asaary f.0.1...sl.ope.8.1..10r-.-outs--------------------- _.Bln�k..1.7..y...FraakBon!-e---Gomo..Eark...Addltion,.;rXQlu--------------------- --.-to_lake-Ac mo....and..Pha1En_Avenue, ..........I...... --._...-- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Under Preliminary Order.. --_6.6198 pprovedMay.._�...,.1.9._6-, Intermediary Order_073-1 ----------- ------� approved...........June 29,1926 ........ .................................. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of 678='0 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. oondemn ng_ and. taping. an easement... in. -.the-land ...neoeaaary. for.--elopes,for.cuts- and— fills in_g.rading,alleys_An- ;L-ot.T,:.-$.].uCk...7.,. Rosedale Park. from_ Princeton_Ave. to_.Sargent._QPe-.__.and-_f.Rom-.TJg-g j}.--9Z,4d. SoutYk Alley to. _the.weat l.ine_.o.f.. a1d..Lot_3 .... -- ... _ ........ F ,No. 87880•- mal-ga anaeasgmepf 1n tthee, land neces- e9ry for -elopes,. tote cuts and 811. in --... ..._..... _...._. __ -. _- ____....-..._..._ - _.__. ...- gradls" aIle'. in GTAt 1.- �Block 7,---------- Roee�da�oPark, vero a drinceton A'v�e- trom +Nofth and ra' Ailey to the west Iine of -----------------------...... ._.____.... ___ __. .__...._-. ..._...._ - .... .said lot 1 under Preliminary Order ...._..._ 761, approved May 11. 1926. Inter - Order 16.7 approved June under Preliminary Order.. 5451 approvedMaY 11,19?6, Int ie--b.J=o approved-- ------------ June.. -29,-1926. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, t 9 - tib, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in --------------------------------equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....... ...... sMA193..__--------- ------ -- 192.-- SEPI 4 City Clerk. Approved....... _............. ._._..................... ...... 192...... .. ................._.............:.............- _.... Mayor. Councilman Ferguson=UBLISI�ED — �� —9 /touncihnan McDonald councilman 11M MoGlogan /Grouncilman Sudheimer councilman Wenzel /Mayor fkkm x tlodgeon 67821. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of__ oondemping_and taking_an easement in the land ________ neoesssrr for elopes, for outs and fills, in grading—alleys 1n.�__a Lot 1 Block 7, Rosedale Park, from Prinoeton Ave. to Bargsat Ave.__ and from North and South Alley to the west line of said Lot 1 j Tn C. P: No.. 67821— the matter of condemning and tak- ----'--'--"--' Ing an easement In the land aecea- eary for slopes, for cute and 1811a • In grading alleys. In Lot 1, Block 7. _—•_ .._-._..-. _,___—_--.------ Rosedale Park, from Princeton Ave. to Sargent Ave. and from North f Y. and South Alley to thl weer line under Preliminary Order.___.1S.8,51........._... approN or Bald Lot 1 under 1 roll teary Order__ b�35.—._.—, Older 66851, approved May 11, 1926,ter- , Iane 29 11ry Order 66735„ approved ' approved_�Tllne_ .qo 26 sone 89, 1928. -29,19 - Resolved: "'hnt the (pi.--•.. Irerove- Resolved: a"^$v-or (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._ .... _____.. condemn and take an easement in the land necessary-1or910POS, far cuts and fills in grading alleys in.bt 1�Block 7�Rosidale Park. Yrom Princeton dye to Sargent 4vg„ ani fpm Nortb__aad._—�_�._ South Alley to the west line gL saidt._—_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements; viz.: the_laad_:____.� abutting upon the all_ eg_in Lot 1, the points aforesaid, to the extent _-9- to the rpTo ttotherpTort of the �Gommissioner_of Public Works in the matter (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements theremi habe been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Copucil......_. p i__4..%;L�4............. _...... :.... _........ 191._._._. City Clerk. P 1 "a?B Approved—..__..._.,.:.:_..._..__._..................._...._..._...1 191........_.. Mayor. 4SAergs bfe.1 aid �9 6, .:ftxm . K Gloan -Irvdhemer ==ajWv1Wen2e Mr. President, Hodgson IL REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of gondemning..:apd-.-teltl ►g......rL gs,semenx..-.in-..the... land..neaeszary... for slopes, for cuts -and fills--_in--gradi-ng._of._alleys--_in-_Lot-._l,•-_B14ok_-�, _ftsedale---Pack-►t.o Sargent...A.ve—and---from-.go.r-th......... and South alley_to. the_west-_line--of--said-Lot._1..................................... -.......................... Under Preliminary Order... 65.051 ................ approved4Y._l1-,1926- Intermediary Order.6V35- :1 26 approved ................ June 29 .... 9 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards, are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. �.........._sC Commssssoner of Fs ce. 67822 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.. condemning_.and _t-sking_ an easement i- ... . ...lan.. necessary_ for slopes, for guts_. and fills, ingrading,Alleys _in..................... Block._4_, Elmwood Addition, from_Pal. ace Street.. to._Julie.... fro to alley _ o. F. rrn. sfazz— In the matter of condem Ing and tak Ing an easement In the land il es sary for slopes, [or cute and fine I ............. .... ......... _........ ....-.... grading AllW- In Blocke4. Elmwood ........ .... _._ _ ...-. p under Preliminary Order..... 65859._ _. .. , approved. approved ---------- Jw_4e...29.,1924 _. pyroved June Ee; 1928. c hearing haVing beetin Lad taking and condemnaon or -•ants 4hereleu for the _rte., -ass the swathe rder.b.67�i1......---- - so upon the ..re[or. and .' the A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and eondemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, {ayr�g , and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e it f Resolve�thatthe said assessment a d it is determined Ito be payable. in e al' each p of land de d therein. Adopted by the Ctafncil._.__ _----W-14--b A .... ........... ..._.., 192..----- ,y City Clerk. Approved.............._...,........._..........._......:..----- 192...... ;.. - ......................................... Mayor. `Councilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald --'Councilman E45A McGlogan ,-Grouncilman Sudheimer r ,councilman Wenzel C/,/, '-Mayorrsrisaa Hodgson aatwml,.rrc�'t 0,, . 1 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS: aondemni_pg:.__$ad: t�,kin„g,_e_a-_ easemen,�.in the :].ands __:._._ In the matter of.._..--_---__ _ oa f routs alb i�wie •-;,-n ¢x�i.�R6-A].l�Y�--�•--____..:_� _zleeee�BX_ mor_ d?.o_>s-T s. Block 4 mwood Addition, from., P,—e_Street t"o Juliet Street No. 67828= 'In the matter of, condemning and Cak- In en easement In the land neoes-. '.Nary for slopes, f r r Ca 8 d fills I •5.- _ .in gradl1yyg AlleYa In Block 4 Elm - ___4 wood Ad dltlon, fr m Palace Sc eat to Jultet Street, a d_.from. alley to _alley under Preliminary Order 6686N, "approved May it. 1926, Intermediary —� =Order 6MO. approved June 29, 1926. 66 41 -_.— Resolved:- (]) That the following improvement Order - _'-- under Pteliminary Order�S9 ---, aPPr ne and the same fa hereby ordered to be ,� n_9 -•J0 -s- � m take vd ,for eL approve ean�ase s IMResolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same m herebyordered'to be made, viz•:--"--- and•fOT alODefl �� condemn and take.—an-easement ince sand necees �, � '�T f•,its era fid sin eradi,l��---1-- Yromom Palaoe Street to Juliet Street and from e11ea'to a�7e�. ---- (2) That the following land,IanYis or easements "therein. be and the sake are hereby taken, appro- priated and eondenmea for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:—t�— �• -- ' a� on the a►i evfl�n B1.dak &ttaChed the oints aforesaid, to the extent shown upoa the plhn eo i of Public Works in the matte, r_— �: o he revort of the Chi"&6?� Dated July 2S 1926. Y. of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the (3) That the assessments _ ¢� above land, lands or easements therein, h�� F" �nd and confirmed. Adopted by the Counaja._.--.....--- —. _......._ . ......... City Clerk. 191.._.._.. Mayor. m Wil;'Terguson .-KoDouald b ¢fin Sm1Fit �0�1 eyMeT eT�z e 1president,'Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_._condemning--- nd.._taking__an__easement,-_-in._.ii_he.-lAW... n G�•eeaFy _for -_slopes -,-..for.. cuts-. and....fills---in..grading._alleye...in..Block._.4,........................... Elmwood.-_Addition,.--from-_Palage---Street-_t_Q.-_Jl�l-@.-_$t.rsgt,..._and-_Prom--------------•- allfly....kG..s11By..-- .......... ..................................... . .-------.......... - ................ -- Under Preliminary Order 6-5-859 ................ approvedX97.._11.a1926, Intermediary Order__.._667.4�,..._.......__, approved ...June .. .J926 ---- --- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, ' containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -7776 .--- _--------------- -• -• Commies• er of Finance. 2nd .. r: yays Adolm 'Y ;Y Leas Yeas Nays �ai rguson Lr Hodgson i�ei�ynaia� Sudhcimer ✓Sudheimer' Wenzel \h P Mr. Pres. Pres. Nelson / �// By Ordinance No, z Council File 6782 An ordinance amending Ordinance No, 6700, Approved August 18, 1926, entitled "An ordinance relating to plastering,out- side stucco work and lathing, and requiring persons engaged in the business of carrying on such work within the limits of the City of St. Paul to be licensed and to obtain permits before doing any such work," This is an em8rgency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ordinance No. 6700, Approved August 18, 1926, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 2 thereof the following: "Provided, however, that the license fee for the balance of the year 1926 shall be twenty-five dollars($25.00)." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for.the preservation of the' public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. C. F. No. 67829—Ordinahee No. 6716— Passed by the Council OCTA_ Bn ordinancesamending Ordinance 6700, 6groved August 18, 1926, aed "An ordinance relating to . sting, outside stucco work and Yeas Nays ;$g'n the tiue ue`ea oc tarsi YlfsB n ..rk F,ithin the limits -of the .,f St, Paul to be licensed and Mr. Clancy • rmlts before do,nR any erguson vMCDonald - 4cGlogan 4yudheimer Mr.VPrnt (Hodgson) OCT •5j Approved If Mayor. ATTEST: PUBLISHED ,, V/,/ 1 City Clerk. i u y lst.11111. ._ _ y_._.__..1 2nd. Laid over over to_ __ 3rd.&app. ._.�af%�>. Adopicd YK_ Yeas Nays Ycas Nays Clancy Clancy rguson F,rs pion Hodgson 11"Jgson S� McDonald \1,440 td Sudheimer :uulheimer Welel -1 r. Pres. Nelson Ur. Pres. Nelson Ordinance NO- C. o • r1 C. F. No. 67 825- Bq An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the dance" No. 6716— public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity ng ordinance xe. and general welfare by providing for the claesif ioation, "Nanrvnee of pros eritY and regulation and restriction of 'the location of trades r ua heh sal. - }o�ld�h. for the and industries and of buildingees88and the height 5 e alation x'sad =e-. g jRbcBtlon of trades tation and for specified purp , uainga need.: bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line cogrts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7, 1922• This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance go. 5840, approved July 7, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to re -zone Lots 29, 30 and 31, Block 16, Hayden Heights; Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 5; the east 120 feet of Lot 12, Gerardine's Garden Lots; and the south 115 feet of Lot 10, Block 4, Ames' Acre Lots, being the four corners of White Bear and Autumn avenues, in a Commercial District. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. rY Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. lancy lIr guson Donald U cdheer Gloganident (Hodgson) Appro dim V Mr res`5 May r Lis HED �G Attest`' City Clerk 6y�a ARTHUR E. NELSON. MAYOR CHAIRMAN J. M..—Y. COM. OF PUBLIC BAF L. R. S. RlROUSON. CO' DR IDH Banning 38nard L. C. H COMSGN. FINAIC[ RINAHC J. H. MCDONAL D. `° P P°'"` W°""' of Oaint 11nul, Minnesota SUDHEIMER. COM. OF PUBLIC UTIUTI[B L-1�� ---1' N. C. WENZEL. 2134 VIttsbl=A 'PuRbing COM. OF PARRS. PLAVO.oUNDe ° PUBLIC BUILOIH°a D. M. SHEPARD. CIT' ENGIN GEORGE H. HERROLD. [eR A A ST WARC11T. COUNSEL MANADIHD DIR[°TDRAND EHDIH[[R W, F. SCOTT. O CITY COMPTRO — L September 10th, 1926. Mr. Lewis L. Anderson, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir : - LOUIS BETZ. VIC[-CNAIRMAH ARTHUR CAINES MRS. P. N. CARDOZO W. L. DARLING W. J. DRISCOLL A. C. IL A" HADLICH OEO. F. LINDSAY J. A. BEEGER R. S. SHEPARD A. H. STEM J. CLAIR BTONE H. A. SULLWOLD ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. Von o[R WEYER 1 Your letter of September 10th: In the matter of rezoning the fo#r corners of White Bear Avenue and Autumn Street, the deseriptinn should read as follows : Lots 29,30 and 31, Block 16, Hayden Heights. Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 5. The East 120 ft. of Lot 12, Gerardine's Garden Lots. The South 115 ft. of Lot 10, Block 4, Ames Aare Lots. We regret this digression from the use of Section 25 of our Zoning Ordinance. We get hundreds of dtelbphons calls relative to the zoning of property,and this means that in every ease we will have to first look up and determine whether it is covered by the original ordinance or by an amendment. Yours very truly, CitPlann ng EngineerE, gh-rh Copy to the Board of Zoning. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart2 We enclose herewith petition to re - sone the four corners at Autumn and White Bear dveaaee from a Class *AI to Commercial District. This petition was granted by the Council today and referred to you for the proper ordinance. Yours very trrys aQ � City Clerk. D. W. BIS " of .6dut HAROLD J. RIOROAN FIUY OLD . RIK-CITY CRT' CLp,K AND `Y C1p,K COMVAIMION OY RLOIBIRATION IN,LI►/p e of Mft� Mberk , .ci v{ CLARHNCB A. BTORMB CHIV C r-R=IR ATION b September 8th, 1926. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart2 We enclose herewith petition to re - sone the four corners at Autumn and White Bear dveaaee from a Class *AI to Commercial District. This petition was granted by the Council today and referred to you for the proper ordinance. Yours very trrys aQ � City Clerk. U GEORGE L MASON. 9118. eF I - ERNEST W. JOHNSON. 9UR. Or F,L.YaaW1aM PRANK X. TEWES. CRY AaCNR.cY t (Q.ttg of et, Faul Department of 11urhs, 411aggrounds and �uh(tt �aild(ngs HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE, DIMUT COMM19910N®1 OFFICE OF C0MMI9910N= 319 COURT HOUSE F91.@ August 19, 1926. I e++tTYTtL§arT, m.." City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: we are returning herewith all papers in connection with the petition of property owners for a rezone .of the four corners at Autumn and White Bear Avenues from Class A to Commercial District. After carefully considering this petition, the Zon- ing Board recommends that it be granted. Yours trul Secretary, Zo ng Board. F]�P erre s -U RecceaUan Help. 1. Make Vellec Clinne -a Department a in nce LEONARD G. $GMR. 4{im of at. Paul P FRM W. 8imm., CMP M HYR[AY M Ate -IMI -0 ODNfv COMMIi[IOND. CORNELIUS J. MCGLOGAN. COMMISSIONER - August 10th, 1926. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen:- I have checked the petition attached hereto filed in the matter of amending zoning ordinance so as to place The four corners at Autumn and White Bear Avenues in a Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. This department will be pleased to send out post card notices upon receipt of communication stat- ing the date of public hearing to be set by the Council and published by the City Clerk. Very truly yours, Cd Comm sioner of Finanae. D. W. DIRDSAL16 (Env Q -sttiai Jdttul HAROLD J. RIORDAN C,TY CLRK ANO CHIV C1DlK-CITY C1RK COMMISSIONM Or RBOISTRATION (joffke of %ftg CLARENCE A. STORMS CHI® CLCRK-R=IATION Jane 26th, 1926 Mr. G. H. Herrold, City Planninik Engineer. City of St. Paul. My dear Mr. Harrold: Attached is a petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance to as to re -zone the four corners at Auto= and White Bear Avenues to a Commercial District. Thin petition was referred to you, by the Council, for the preparation of the necessary plat. Yours very truly, dy' City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn. June 7, 1926. To the Honorable Mayor end City Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: We the undersigned property owners hereby petition your honorable body to rezone the four corners at Autumn and White Bear Avenues from Class "A" Residence Listrict to a Commercial District. Two of these corners at the present time have store buildings on them. We believe that White Bear Avenue will ultimately be a commercial street„ at least certain intersectionq and this community can be best served by zoning these four corners for commercial purposes. NAI -Z ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION 17,1 se's : - t .- ' V e St. PSRlt I&m+m s got 1926. 'm TO THE HONORABLE COMM COHNCILs f' ST. PAUL, BINH. Centimeat µ I am the omer of Late 30 and 34 Block 16, H"dsn H*I&tG AddfU4041 T. City of St. Paul, which is zoned as"A" Residence and I w1sh to olnstrwa4 w eta" on this proBsriq and raspeotfsslly request yaw SwMable to re -amus this • f� property to "Commercial". tial' Trusting to receive a favorable aetion. I am - Yaws truly. .k �7 2388 Wftl+o Rmr JL"-- n 1 nri 5n St. Paul, Minn,, May 20, 1926. TO THE HONORABLE COWON COUNCIL: ST. PAUL, 1•fINN. Gentlemen: n I am the owner of Lots 30 and 31, Block 16, Hayden Heights Addition, City of St. Pahl, which is zoned as^8^ Realdence and I wish to cohstruct a store =1 on this property and respectfully request your Honorable Body to re—zone this Property to "Commercial". Trusting to receive a favorable action, I am z:. -� Yours truly, Mrs. is G. Cunningham :a 1328 White Bear Ave., f / . ƒ \ Cie .¢� I Mt. Joseph P. Cunningham, residing at 4399 White Bear Ave. in the City of St. Perm, Minnesota, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he olroulatedc the petition hereto attaohed'snd z` 1 . that the des therein &SIR'rhs actual signatures of the petitioners living atvthe addresses mentioned.. Sworn and subscribed to before me, a Notary Public, this 12th day of June, A.D. L926 /I H. C. SWANSON, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires April 2o, 1988. _. Angut 2oth, 1926. Oity Clerk. son. 0. :. amocanp Candeqlaner of Nuance, Building. My dear bamnissionera AttaghsChersto is file In GOAWUOU with the petition of property Omen for a resque of -As fam comers at Auftm and White Dow A"=** from 01"s A to Ow Rea Lug an the above has been set for septsoar 6th. 1926. no astawwd w seat to you for the proper notification of the affsot*& amen. Reftwatfully yaws, Oity Clerk. A Otd heAge No. gy., 0. F. No. An ordinauae a►moz&ng Ordinance No. 5840, entitled 9 "An `ordinance for the purpaee of prom" ng the ' ➢u#1io health, BEtte �,Y ordbrt ooa;re#ienae, prosperity'' the ands erel �elfarey, aViing far' ale@si?ioatian,. r`e elt cin sAd estiri 4n f the . 6,00an, of idoe andidu�Sbs end aft+udiags ossa fo►uman babi- 'tatlonU Farr Bpegif ed'purpdab&, And he heist nntd bp1l� of tssiii �era<.: ;te�� ,erected :of alt�e�r�ed; s�d ' • , tiag�rta miaima� alae aia 11ne epi Tr`o of datrtotb dor^acid purpaseer;� ' . .�,'deri'es approved ,July 7, 1983. Tis is as emerganag p�rdiml7Qe rendered _ eage, iaeessrY for the prev of, thb :public phealth and a safety,;: TBE v00Nou.:OF TRz'bYTrI OP' 81. PaIBL,.DOB ! ORDAIN: $eoti 1, . Aet O' dine 5840 approved :July 7, 190j,£� ., 11 - be and the same is hereby'ame449d:4o as to re-49ne Lots 28;`30 and 41, $look l8, Hayden, Hei'ghts;:-Lot$ l3, 14 and 15f 8ldak'3, Basel Pax)t Tivision;,ito. bi thesash 324 lest QS Lot la, .0drardinsIs GaIdeu Lots;� and the south 115° feet of. Lot 10, Blook 4, Amapf wore bets, being the four corners of White Bear and Autumn avenues, in a (1omnerQial pietrat. 6eaoioa H-:�-This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergeaoy orctiaande°rendered necessary for the preservation of thq - IWO- Peape, •2►eatich and sai y SeatiQxt; 3rThis'dsdi�ianoe. shall take effect and be :1n,foros omand elfter',its>passage and publioation. ,. Passed "by the Oounp4 sea v. H,� • �'er•guson �Ita(:lagan . ; or OCT Mr. Presideul- Mgdgson) Approved 5r v Attest 4 /U, A". k 01ty Olerk r <� CITY OF ST. PAUL ` .ca RILE NO- ------ ..-_... 788236.: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM / V v � r _ .......... ._ ...... _...... _.__.........._... __. ....._.._................. DATE ......... __.......__�.."............. ..._--- ...----- ......_.._...._.. RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to M. L. Nodes to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1176 North Dale street, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with 4 the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the Satisfaction of the.Commissioner of Public Safety. I C._r No. @7888 --By B, .Q,* enael- Reeawd, .,That Dermleelon, and,au- thortty are•hereby given to X. L Mdeeib install and maiatain` , drive - In filling, etEpon at 117s�North Dale O 'Street, the Sacks and pump. to. be in= ! stalled 1. accordance with -the ordiu- anoea�of she -City of,St. -Pahl and un, der the direetlon and g the .atletao•- tion of the CommLaeaep a1_,: YubI(gr I gaiety Adopted the Council- BeD. 1i; 1928. Appoved So Bey.1!, 1988.' t8ept I8 -198s) _..I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ney'l F(ergu lson r `FMCDonald _v.....In favor AcGlogan --!§ludheimer ...........Against Wenzel /Mr. President Hodgson SE,9 Q� Adopted by the Council.'_�-.- -- ---------- ..._ 192-... 192 - V� .:................- C July 26, 1926 Mr, D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: OWvI C. DUNN. p��^�%[ Flea el UN 'l l OSCAR LANDER. ASST. — — WILLIAM BARRON. CNIv IMF¢TCR. llRa lRSVSNTICN CHARLES L. wws. BUR. -AF -- B. F. SIMON. M. D. - Hw.Tx o -- A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DD HS—OFRCSR JOHN MART I. CNIv HEALTH IM S Returned herewith is applioation of M. L. Nodes for permission to instal a drivein gasoline Pilling station at 1176 N. Dale St, and report of inspeetion by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, /commissioner of Publio 8af y epi I E. J. MYRNANE. eNly or roues ���III 77rr MICHAEL GEBHARDT. ASST. Gw RF—..ICS Department of ?Public Safety N.A. VALL.. - CAFTMN OF DS.TSRNO J• M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G. H. BARPUSS, INST¢TCR CF roues HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. ue.Hae INSTSCTM CHARLES L SEGREN, 11. COURT HWSe BYPT. MUNIUFAL OAMOa JOS. MACAULAY. SUIT. FOuea 6 Flava ALMM �® July 26, 1926 Mr, D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: OWvI C. DUNN. p��^�%[ Flea el UN 'l l OSCAR LANDER. ASST. — — WILLIAM BARRON. CNIv IMF¢TCR. llRa lRSVSNTICN CHARLES L. wws. BUR. -AF -- B. F. SIMON. M. D. - Hw.Tx o -- A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DD HS—OFRCSR JOHN MART I. CNIv HEALTH IM S Returned herewith is applioation of M. L. Nodes for permission to instal a drivein gasoline Pilling station at 1176 N. Dale St, and report of inspeetion by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, /commissioner of Publio 8af y epi I P05T CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Nt. Paul, Minn.,_.Geot._.4.th_._192_i- Pursuant. to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of IL_ _L• .Nodes -_ ____ .____.. to erect and install a filling station o1IK ..at-..117--.ND.--_Dal GXe-' St -St ------ -...... ...._..--d- ._..__n_..... - will com.. e up for consideration before c the Council in the Council Cham er in the City Hall and Court House Building on the......11lth-- of.............0ep eplbel• , 192_6, at 10 o'clock A. M. O. 7. N,01,OOAN, et of Finance. Hon. J. M. Olancy, Oomaissioner Of Public Safety, OOURT HOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; Regarding apnlication of M. L. Nodes for nermissicn to instal a drive-in filling station of 1176 N. Dale St. Upon investigation we find that a drive- in filling station at the above location would not create a serious fife menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a hermit for its installation be granted. yours respectfully, Chief Inspector. WOO/k E. J. MURNANE. Ctm of St. ari] OW DUNN• cloy OF Pout[ FF TTT Plwt MICHAEL GESHAROT. ABBT. CHIEF OF POLICE - �E� E� EE��# �* 1 TP p Department Department YL ?Public Safiet I OSCAR LANDER. AtR.FIRE.- H.A. VALL. CHARLES L. WIWS,' CAFIMN OP DSTB SA J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER BVFI. M ATABATUB G. H. BARFUSS. INSPSeiae a'—C. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONERHBALTN B. F. BIMON. M. R OPRCBR A. L. EGGERT. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. LICBMB INS -70 BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DEPVfY MIU—H O- 108. MACAUUIY. DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MA V. STIR. POMC[ O FI AuwM MONrR ANO MirolEcmw STS. - CISSP H_. IwPSeTOw WILLIAM BARRON, CMAP IMI m July 27, 1926. �® Hon. J. M. Olancy, Oomaissioner Of Public Safety, OOURT HOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; Regarding apnlication of M. L. Nodes for nermissicn to instal a drive-in filling station of 1176 N. Dale St. Upon investigation we find that a drive- in filling station at the above location would not create a serious fife menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a hermit for its installation be granted. yours respectfully, Chief Inspector. WOO/k Original _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Co the Honorable City Council Date of Saint Paul, Minnesota LICAT ISHER4B MADE d By Nntue of Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) This application to be made in duplicate and submitted to the City Clerk. n No. A .. - -Drive In•' ar "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At // 7 �, street Number dnd Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed— Tanks to be Installed Tanks 2 Received at officeof City Clerk //—r� � s,emture of Appbcant �- Byi�` Surinam Addreea Received From City Clerk Department of Public Safety Received From City Clerk Department of Public Works y� Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Opt. of Public Works ks Dat --19— Dat 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Dat 19— Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By Received From Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldge. Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Pae' 1q— Approved 19— Received From Department of Ordinance to 19- - Permlt No Office. of the City Clerk o License Nt and applicant so notified by letter dated— "I Original j CITY OF SAINT PAUL a dve n duplicate to be ry OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKale made in dto the and subuvtted to the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION FDS No. Applioa ion No. To the Honorable City Council Da-- of at of Saint Paul, Minnesota _, / . PLICA N IS ER$B MADE By Name of Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) "Drive ID" or "Curb" / AUTTyO�MOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At 6 /Lo Street Number and Street Number of Number of Gas Capacity of �� Q Pumps to be Installed Tanks to be Installed � TTannkks Received at office of City Clerk �J �/ 7 ��� %n,�pSirvatureo[,A�DDaefnnt By Bueinear Add— RCie ecev F om[_City R�eived From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Dat IV,J- 22 77 Date—.'�-'�<. �� �A ..�-"19z Date 19_ Dep t aie Departgt nt of $gbtic Works' , Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings By � ', BY/ (` /((8 By Received F 'bt�o lic Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From Department of Date 19— Date 19_ Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date 19 Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19— Approved 19— Date— Data 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of BY Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date t9 Date 19 Permit No. A e Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19— ARTHUR E."NE„SO N. MATOR `Co: o: PG.LIC SAF.i. L. R. FIE USON. S. oP EoucwiloN �, 410 �itg. planning junaib L. C. HOD Eo " FlxwxcE J H. M " CO. .1L G. G. UDHEIMER. LIQ Wo G. of 0uint haul, Minn8snta Co.. of Pu"'C UTILITIE. .. G W o...L. DxD. 204 Vittabur!h'uitbing D. M SH EPA RD Ic BUILDIN.c CITY EER GEORGE X. XERROLO. O.L. wl.. No.PTROELER August 26th; 19 26. ]ft. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk. LOUIE BET2.VICE-CNAIR.AN ARTHUR CAINES MAB. P. N. CAR.... W. L. DARLING W.J. DRISCOLL A. C. FLOAN N. J.XADLICH O.O. F. LINDSAY J. A. SEEDER — R.S.SHEPARD A. X. STEM J. CLAIR STONE H. A. SULLWOLD ISAAC SUMMERFIELD H. Vox o.R WEYER Dear air :- Re : Drive-in Filling Station Mo L. Hodes' 1176 Hoi Date St., St, Faul, Minn. The location of this application is in a Commercial District and a drive-in filling station is permitted under the zoning ordinance subject to a public hearing. Engineering Report There are no engineering difficulties involved. Yours very truly, 'UiTY 1UMM.Ug ni g ine er . �iors ed Commissioner o 0 o s. gh-rh J - n t* 'Hodep 7 it Dolo 9 - -:Not, t32x .«. � "-�'�4 :OI�FW •yT-� ^.^Y 1Q!T Rfrn �St®1, - 3 A p w� + p 7*� c&v%l*4 ` �"�. to Mein $.time' v4lob bavo n "O i . yin$ ObLigo 4 IMA + . � � r c� e .Z. C---t Brox PRESENT - 4ARAGE 1 f •' ® .. Z'�C' ��� rl lclx Eti TF1 AT1 L71'aV�Y`lRY: -DRIVE-WAY NNW i � Y 4� �I i i 1 - F100R n.LAN- PROPS TILL1NCz STATION- -MR -AA. )-, TATION-MR.AA.)—, bMES 1179 NORTH DAg �5-7• NIA12109 FRY ARC HT. PROPERTY L1T�l� -_/ 1 - �- .l.00R ni.At�t-_ TILLING STAT 10x 71�R.M•L.t�iOIY 1179 MORTH DAU-.'37. MAl Riog FRY Amcor. - S �C c� IL Gmment a�oK PRE5ENT- GAFAGE = e J _ - - - �3T�C' fi.. rltGH s[s Thi AT( IIRIVEYtCRY_ i . I DRIVF—WAY. JO / _ CAA20PY bVEt� PL>MPS — --to - E7RIVH r PROPERTY L1T�l� -_/ 1 - �- .l.00R ni.At�t-_ TILLING STAT 10x 71�R.M•L.t�iOIY 1179 MORTH DAU-.'37. MAl Riog FRY Amcor. - S CITY OF ST.'PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -6-7827 COUNCIL RESO1P6ON-GENE FORM PRESENTED 8Y CdMISS,0NER__._O............... .....�DATE . . ............... .. . . . .... . ...... . . ........ ................... RESOLVED That Permission and authority are hereby given to Juliana Matz to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner Of Como Parkway and Rice street, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of at. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yea. Nays I ri-my .,OTerguson ,wMcDonald In favor .e�cGlogan 0'o—Sudheirner Against ,o -"Wenzel /Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the 'Council.—, SEP 14198 ................... 192--.- SEP 14 10 r ... — ...... ---- 192 .......... ..... ..... . ... ... ....... ................ ARTHUR E. Nt LION. M".. C11. 01 P-111 Bweery L. R. F........ J H.MCOONALO rIwNOE B c°. o: PY111. WOR.. BOOM. LIC UTI11— H.0 ENZEL. „rvoe O„ M BHEPwRO 1C BYILa1N06 N. F. SCOTT ION COUNe EI cj 4e (�iip Planning Boarb of, O§aint haul, I innesntu 204 Vittsburgll 'ffluilbing Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk. Dear Sir September 13th, 1 ,a9 2 6. wRTHU"T NEE�C--'R . MRa.P.N.CAROOZO - OAR L H.o H J CH 1 RE e. SHEPARDAT J:CLAIRE TONE H. A. SULLWOLD 1AA1 BUMMERFIELO H. — OER .-E R Re : Drive-in Filling Station S.W. corner Como Pkwy & Rice St. Juliana Matz, 545 Lexington Ave. This application for a drive-in filling station is in a district zoned for Light Industry and permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. Permissibn to use Como Parkway for approach should be negotiated through the Park Department. There is a drainage problem that must be carefully worked out and which must have the approval of the Department of Public Works. Yours very truly, city Planning Engineer. pr ved omm ss over o Public r gh-rh 4 Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKZ Is submitted to the City- .., APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION F— No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council Dat 19— of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE By Naos of Elm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A DRT"Tu "Drive In" or "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION to be located At OWL -.WE lice 81ttlne4h Street Number and Street Number of Number of Gas Q Cap pacity o p Pumps to be Installed a Tanks to be Installed ak Received at office of City Clerk 1 AP t�- yC Silicate— M. � By �8 7AlGitlPltOII AfAF Bueineer Addrem IReceived From City Clerk Received F om City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19_ r/ Dat �� 19� Date_ of P. Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By By By— y Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Received From ut of Parke, Playgrounds and primeu1bBldgs. Date 19— Date 19— Dat 19 - Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By 11 m City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed 19_ — Date 19— Approved 19— rporation Counsel By Received From Department of Ordinance No F fice of Corp. Counsel 19_ Date 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk he City Clerk By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter ----------- - ------------ RiCE X - i SIDEWALK Julionnn MAtz, Owner l Lots I & 2 Block I Mogoffin & Breckenridge f Addition _ STREET CAR TRACKS_ �.--:rnrurraxw - kark VIM.",.. ..,,.,...Raw. SIDEWALK I 0 I ! I i v I 11,000 Gallon Tanks / / - II I JnhrG-=6 LJLJ y�0� LAWN ' LAWN Of, �" '• ^ON E E ----------- - ------------ RiCE X - i SIDEWALK Julionnn MAtz, Owner l Lots I & 2 Block I Mogoffin & Breckenridge f Addition _ STREET CAR TRACKS_ �.--:rnrurraxw - kark VIM.",.. ..,,.,...Raw. SIDEWALK I 0 t , E. J. MYRNAHH. oto of ftlut PahlN, i;WN_ G. DYLA !1116 Cw[. CMO a PaY3 MICHA=GERHAR—. e r 4�} g1� D[CAR LI1NDHw. A[6T. A[iT. oily o! POLIO[ �Ct�rtlltElt'� Q 1llt�iL Bt�1 H.A. vA - R ON. WABARRON. C _ 1— n- P11pY _ GPtux M O[`sctrvo J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER tu CNA� L wte. G. H. BARFUSS, Ixv¢ial of POue[ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OI AlPAwwTn A. L EGGERT, HMLiN 07 YCOvn[ In[P6c1uw aH COO6t IN1B[ A. D CHARL L S—RHN. 00 HE. —N O—R gYPi. MYMalAL GA ® ®® JOHN MARTI. Jog. MAWULAY, [YR. POMC'[ 8 Flk ALARM CMO HHALTM INRRCfa1 September 7, 1926 Mr. D. W. Birdsall, City Clerk, at. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir. Returned herewith is the applioation of Juliann Matz for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at 571-575 Rios Street, and report of inspeotion and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very t , D Commissioner of Pub a Safety Hon. J. 14. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COURTHOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; Rerarding application of Julianna Matz for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station at 571-577 Rice Street. Upon investiwation we find that a drive-in gascline filling, station at the above location would. not create a. serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a permit be granted. Yours respectfully, Chief Ins ect 1,70B/k r E. J. MURNANE. ctu of 3i♦ FIIII CW p OR FBLIG[ MN O'SGAR LANDER, A[R. RIR[ CNIO MICNAp_GBHHAROT, M AR ►oLlo[ I 'Department of �Ubf[C Safet WILLIAM BARRON. CNI[R IN II.O NII, FIR[ FR[YomeN H. A. VALL. GB AIN W D[iMNO G. H.'BARFUSS. J. • M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS. BUR. ARAMT)t W IN.FRTOR !Y Paue[ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON, HD"" A. L. EOOERT, Llecn[INVwTat BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION A. E NICHOLS. M. O. -Dp K_ 108. MAGULAY. >aR. lbllci a RIR[ ALMM [IaNrN AND wiNN [emA JOH N MA A. GMa HUI.TN INM•[a.Tml OWEN C. DUN". FIR[ CM" -4qb-® Sent. 4, 1926. Hon. J. 14. Clancy, Commissioner Of Public Safety, COURTHOUSE, CITY. Dear Sir; Rerarding application of Julianna Matz for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station at 571-577 Rice Street. Upon investiwation we find that a drive-in gascline filling, station at the above location would. not create a. serious fire menace in that vicinity and therefore recommend that a permit be granted. Yours respectfully, Chief Ins ect 1,70B/k Duplicate Form No + - CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ubsuduplicate bmittedtok he City �. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. To the Honorable City Council Date o 19-88. of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE . By Nama of Firm or Individual For License to Operate and Maintain (In Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A •'Drivo 1.".r "Curb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING. STATION to be located At 671 - 676 Moe Ste — Street Numbv avd 9traot Number of Number of Gas Capacity of Pumps to be Installed S Tanks to be Installed 3 Tanks 1000 Received at office of City Clerk �� J sfgv of t By r ;j r `t Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19— Date19— Date___ f9— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings - Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works P By By m Playgrounds and rimePulloc t of Parke, Received By -- y Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Date -- 19— Dat 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Pawed 19— Approved 19— Date Data 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel By Received From Department of By Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Ordinance No. Dat 19— Date 19— Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated e • CITY OF ST. PAUL councaNO.--------- v �e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU GENERAL DORM PRESENTED, BY ^- COMMISSIONER-- _..._ E_ ...... ..... ...... RESOLVED That the proper city officers areereby authorized to pay to Edward Brandl, an employe of the Department of Public Works, 1n- jured June 21, 1924, the sum -of Eighty-four Dollars ($84.00) out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim, being for the period up to and Including September 11, 1926. ;1 ... Wenzel— _ By reQuep� Resolved, That the 4DtoDer cltY-ofn- autdotised,to--DRY to cera.are hereby cera Beandl an eat Wor . the R -yartment Public?: Wotke, InjuredRe;Or, 44 of 'June 91. 1994 the sum Lbs Wgotkmen'e . .Dollare (19400) out 4L, (�, QomDeneation icegl�nL of the .f4enaral ' pttlelbent of his /'//R'7—mended for passage. _ / "Fund 1.L Partial .'elalm bVng for jAjs period up to and: BeDt. 11 -1999' 'I i J lncludlR Idol ted by the Council 69D. 14;- 1999. ADDrpved BaPC. Yi.: ,1999: lse°`— 1— 8_3926)- Commissioner of allofW rk COUNCILMEN Yedd Nays Adopted by the Counci SEP4. .... 192.... /'Ferguson ' ,/[McDonald -- In favor A protea. �QEP_1..�.1..........192.. /"rVlcGlogan ,p iStedheimer ----------------Against - ..... ........... _—Wenzel President Hodgson CITY OF ST, PAUL �OFFICTHERK RAL FORM PRESENTED BY__.............__ --- .------- ............ .... DATE... COUNCIL FILE NO.. ----------6.`7.829.. RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Paul C. Fowler the sum of Sixty-two Dollars ($62.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Lewis Olson, an employe of said Board, injured October 4th, 1923. A COUNCILMEN CFs'• No: 87899 -BY fi: G Sudhelmeti Yeas Commlasloners be Land Bt leahereb a'ter therlaed to Day to- Dr:"Paul re Sown- er. the ' sum or Slzty=two Dollars '.Fund �lfar t or the Water: Department Dria 'aered' -< ''McDonaldIn to 01 nal services- ren- ."Id-; Board n, .Ol'on, an employe- or Adapted by thereCdo 4th, 'McGlogan 1923: Aa l SeD: ADnroved Sebt 14;-198�9i 1 02 ../Sudheimer ... .:: .._ (Sept "wWenzel President Hodgson A COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'pe�rgus On -< ''McDonaldIn favor 'McGlogan ../Sudheimer C. Against "wWenzel President Hodgson Adopted by the Council ..��`R,1--d' _... 192._- A - / "roved BSEP -.192 CITY OF ST. PAUL - Foie oIt No .......... 6. 850 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C C- R LUTIO G NERAL FORM COMMISSIONER :................ ..Z7. ......... DATE ........................................................ BY RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pv.y to Dr. Leo A. Hilger the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for professional services rendered to Frank J. Herman, an employe of the Water Department of the City of St. P,ul, i:jured August 13th, 1926. C. F. NO- 87680-13t& -C• _ d -1h mer— . Reeotved That the do t le hgaeyy COn{1Rleslonera.. / be .DrIeo A.- , •' autoriz@d to-Pmy .be-tieWFund 1u�n,1drbrCflt"oout }olal erves -.der, for profeae Water J. Her *ue ti; of th p1C1tY ofthetat pad1. Injured>Augi3gt 18th 18 ?0• 1 g6 ;Adoptod by the'Couaclt SeP�::xS� 9 Approved ne..,t ._—..�... __ COUNCILMEN Yeas Ways an Ferguson �ti �A4cDonald .......In favor 14cGlogan J Sudheimer ......:........Against M�enzel r. President Hodgson Adopted Uy the Council ....... .S.E ..vo •..192...... a roved...............:............................192...... ......................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL '7 No .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUV�RE a TI�0"ENERAL FORM Jr PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ........ .......... DATE ...................... ........ RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners be Ln,". it is hereby authorized to )ay to Dr. Leo A. Hil.,ex the sum of four dollars out of the 'Nater Department Fund, for -rofessional services L rendered to Philias 11c-llet, am employe of the Water Department of the City Of St. Paul, injured August 14th, 1926. G C Sudheftlje� ' 67831 13ReaolQed,, That Y d of Wjt�r t A. t rl 'to do r� out of of t ,""d t dered i for 11 mte; X)e- to f th 1. to- 1 bfalle of, Ists. Partme te of t 926. 4 1926' lured AUBB.P. o t..14. 19 0 -1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council: 192 SEP 141926 A r ...... . .192..,-rerguson pprpved . . .. ........ AcDonald .... In favor .olrAcGlogan .................................... --9'uclheimer ........... ...Against .,,Wenzel ,,Ar-T`iresident Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. _........_"�g" FILE ---..-... O OF HE CITY CLERK fU L RES [ON—, GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY , Comm ........._....___ ....___..._........_.. DATE ......... ..... ........ .................... ..........._..............._............_. RESOLVED; That the Board of Water Oommissioners be, and it is hereby authorized to pay to W. D. Davis, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of $35.20, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for injuries sustained by him on February llth,1926; said compensation being for the period up to and including September 8th, 1926. Be 1t further RESOLVED, that said Board be and it is hereby: authorized to pay to said W. D. Davis the further sum of $35.32 as reimburse- ment to him for money spent and paid by him for hospital expenses and medicines on account of the above said injury, said sum to be paid out of the Water Department Fund. C. F. No. 8781— LpeC'�Boa, fetmwa I . �a {t {s �hereb4 Commtselonere� be VP... D•'Davle.' the thoAtto P.y ,mi eeLcl6 e t ^t COUNCILMEN Yeas s� Nays k-re-rguson McDonald In favor 0 McGlogan� �udheimer ( .,.✓Against `Wenzel ,F&/'`Mr. President Hodgson SEP d 4in Adopted by the Council ............. ........................ 192.... CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL No ......... '7 3 OF ICE O HE CI Y CLERK ' OU IL LUTION NERAL FORM !� PRESFATED BY COM11.asslONER................... ... ... .... ......... ... .. ..............DATE........................................................ RESOLVED, That the Bo<.rd of Water Ca.na,issioners be <nL. it is hereby aut._orized to pay to W. D. Davis, out of the Water Departe.ent Func, the sum of (;y35.20 in partial settle:aent of l:is clL.im a inst staid Board for injuries sustained by him on February lltl., 1926,said com- cnsa.tion b i._,_ for the period up to and ir.cludi:_g Au ust 25th, 1926. COUNCILMEN Yeas h 4F t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ferguson j McDonald 1 : ...In favor McGlogan j ,--'Sudheimer .....`..........Against ,--Wenzel ,,,,Mr. President Hodgson ' C IV. N.- BQ88a-8y 6. C. Budhelmer^_,� ReeN.- 1, TLa[>,the Board .o= R'8ter Comroleefonare_,bt a`ol,d D Dy uL ..by . of•,• tharIIIed Lo.Day rid, the ens5r l tae Water_ DeDartmbnt t1a olalm6 aBanet aertl aid Board "j" r".. euetafaed by. him on Feb.11th. 1928• Bald compensation being 1QS6th. 1928Od pp fo and including Avg• 1928• AVDroved BeD . 4. COUNCILMEN 14, (6eDt• 15-1928) ,( Adopted by the Council...E.......15....':.:.?rfr............192...... °}•..........192...... � ' ...................... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILF,LE IVO ........ ���� OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK 4 NC ESOLU O —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9Y ..............DATE............... ...................... COMMISSIONER........... ..... .............. RESOLVED, That the Board of 7VEter Co:1.:;issioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to Patrick O'Brien, out of the 7Jater Department Fund, the sum of .° 3 .60 in parti�..l s: ttlement of his c 1L im against said Board for injuries sustained by him on June 13, 1926; said com,ensation beinE, for the period up to and including August 22nd, 1926. L COU NC 1 LM EN Yeas Nays Ferguson � -McDonald ::',.....In favor --McGlogan Sudheimer ...............Against Wenzel W�Mr. President Hodgson G. C. eu'dhelmer--•. ; Resolved; That the Board of Water Commissioners, be and It Is her!KW authorised to pay to Patrick O'Brl r out of the Water Department F the sum of $88.60 1a partial settlement Of 41. -claim against 1. said`. Board for In,iuries sustained.. by him en June V, 1986; Bald compensation being -for the period up. to and including August 22nd, 1928. Adopted by the Council Sep. 14,...1926. 1 Approved Sept. 14, 1986. (.94-L 18-1926) Adopted by the Counci .............8 ..... i 4 �!' x:..192...... SEF 14 pproved........... ..... ..... .................. ...192...... FILE 6'7835 CITY OF ST. PAUL coUN—NO............................. OFF1C THE CITY CLERK a:w G' 1 ESOL 10 —GENERAL FORM G PRE4ENTED BY COMMISSIONER__.___..._.._.._____-__... ....__.�_____....._....�...___� ..-------- DATE ...... ............. _.......... _........... .... _.... _ ............... ............. _... r- RESOLVED ,That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby, authorized to pay to Patrick O'Brien, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of $33.60, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for injuries sustained by him on June 13, 1986; said compensation being for the period up to and including September 5th, 1986. e 6th; 1896: " Adopted19 hy the Couppcll Sep• 14, 1986 pproved.8ept. 14, "t0ept.,18-1886) Z, COUNCILMEN P�1. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_:....::-," .......:.........:. ....... ... 192.... .-Cltt"ey — bfter''guson SEP 1 `Q26 —McDonald.........In favor oved----_:.....................';............... 192...... ...... --NCcGlogan _�Sudheimer Against _.......� .... _—Wenzel ,_-114r. President Hodgson ! CITY OF SAINT PAUL :is `` NO........... crcv cL.Rw ww VV APPROJPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ;= PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER............... HA...r+..:W!€�................................. ............... DATE ........AuB.�...3�.>R...1926.�................ oyy BKPG W nsel - EC 578.&=8 Resolved Th4t �'tha (ollowln tune- RESOLVED, THAT THE FOL to? be-. made on;' the gbooliyt4e eoxdoin"a 'en un=- E ON THE BOOKS OF THE _ ;SComgpeouer,�y-ae.by � avoidable dpflEle}ivY !n Ce;ta}n items may -lie by said trayel$tR wlth�6t - COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO D pn-t hampeYfng the `:Sp_orjc Droefded 6y tlie'. I money.::-In the- Items from `whlc the' ICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSF� transfers wTe made .13 10 'h'ap.terred 1Fom code HE WORK PROVIDED BY THE ':18.1 . 1 B 1 Yarlcs;�--d. tram >vAs 0 '06 MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM X186.87 from code s s. .apoo.db ADE: • .,frail, erred to. o4a1sQ;; i3a0d,000-to CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CR. FROM TO gg1 0DR. 1 , 566.17 B-3 166.57 B 0-1 3, 000.00 w C-4 1,200.0),e D-1 2,574.90 D-2 D-3 841.40 D-4 121.12 D-5 606.4Z,- 06.41:.51)( 1,036.42 -51-)( E- 3,104.54 ,z E-2 622.53 -..__ E-3 50.71 $7,577.58 07,577.5 S.,. 18 I $10"000.0)e 18 I K 25,185. 18 I 500.0,✓ 18 I 50. 18 I 500. i 18 I 700.00, 18 I 1 ,000. 4,000.00.- 0.- 40,9,35.8E 40,935.8 4 - YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..........., r--'� -ys ..... CLA _..... FERGUSON �r=^APPROVED................:...............................................79........... HODGSON ........... ....... ilf"F--VOR ' MCDONALD.............._ ... • ............ : ..... <J ... ...... ....... ...... .............................. YAYER SUDHEIMER.:.....................AGAINST fr " WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY.................................... .............................. i : `' / f; MR. PRESIDENT... EITY COMRROL"1.'wq FowM ods l000 u•s. i.. °• YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNKF.1-4.1 .......... rcr `FERGUSON,SEP 14 APPROVED —bdQDGSON 19 .......... %--MCDONALD �JN FAVOR ...................... a.. ......... SUDHEIMER AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED ,:::.MR- PRESIDENT U. Cl" CL— =uNm- CITY OF SAINT PAUL —*NO.................... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM.. PER CHARTER SECTION 208 _,RESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............. G. Wenzel .................................. ......... ...... .................. DATE ............... T THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE Q- �op wt� SF— T COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO D DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS M Y S OU MAY BE MET BY SAID'T ITHOUT HAMPERI PROVIDED Y T BY THE T T MS FROM EMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. HT T S S D CODE APPORTIONED ITS. AMOUNT TRANSFE"RrO FROM TO — 19 A 2 DR. CR. B 2 6420.00 00,1 B 3 VVV $2,200.00,- B 4 1 300.0 c 2 300.00" C 4 560.0 C 5 200.0, c 6 i0o. 0 D 1 1,000.01 820.00.., $43,320.0 0,320.-0, 20 B 1 10 19 20 B 20 D ;�.00 $1,65 7-050.00 -)- 0 YES COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNKF.1-4.1 .......... rcr `FERGUSON,SEP 14 APPROVED —bdQDGSON 19 .......... %--MCDONALD �JN FAVOR ...................... a.. ......... SUDHEIMER AGAINST WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED ,:::.MR- PRESIDENT U. NO. .............. 67$3 'bTY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLfRX APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED By 4W :)ATE -OMaiSSIONER .............. .... ....... RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOV.&",` % THE BOOKS OF TH,eDattal{l =- N `�, -- —7�:. AON od_Tb&V th ---- Q o1b. 'IgI 1.14do, t IENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOk,gr.*�,,j. lIor. S 'c' C PROVIDED' BY THE, at, v WORK MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFEI� -A-t- .1eeing 1 F nravtdea y in tha Items tram which' the, rDE. MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM Wj,f7rSn%-foI,I or d., 11$1Y.000 00 11 t-,-- "rted from code — YES COUNCILMEN (0 NAYS g N I -1 AMOUNT TRANSFERRED -c. CODE 1� E �Dl ITEM APPORTIONED ITS. OR. - FAVOR PROM TO 11-A2 AGAINST Street street C. €_3. $1.1000.00 1 -A4 1,000 .00 aitt 0 250.00 am 250.0.0 11-c1 &.0v 13-A1 S. & S Cleaning *f@*Q9&G 100.00 13-A3 13=B-51 ditto 1,686.74 1,6&b.74: 13-B2 13-B51 508.20 13-D1 508.20: 13-F1 800oGO 13-F2 500.00 13-F4 300.00 13-B51 39.00 13-u1 39.00 14-A1 Bridge Bldg. & Repair 1,524.74 14-A51 1,675.26 14-A2 200.00 14-A.4 3,000000 I — — YES COUNCILMEN (0 NAYS g N I -1 _,FERGUSON ................IN ,KODGSON .....................IN FAVOR ,,,WDONALD C) .00PMDHEIMER . ............. AGAINST .00-WENZEL ,;;%'rR-PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.BUI!..Iw ........... NP 1 4195 APPROVED........../................................................................ ... ....✓.... .................... ............. ..... SIGNE ............ ....... COUNTERSIGNE TY Cify COMPTROLLM - --"78`38 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ _Fo�caNO..::.::........:�: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ OUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY �................................................... COMMISSIONER ................... 1......1...........:...... L-11 RESOLVED Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Title Hours Rate of Overtime Frank Draesal Supervisor of Playgrounds 7 hours .92 COUNCILMEN SEP 1 1195 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.......................................192...... �Ferguson^ pr ed.......5��..�..1�� .........192...... /McDonald ......�......In favor ,/'McGlogan .. ............................. ............. .o. 1--5udheimer ...............Against ,Wenzel /.-'Mr. President Hodgson Sept. 13, 1926 To the Honorable Fayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department o£ Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, render- ing necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work' Directing athletic programs. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Programs held evenings. Yours truly, Commissioner. IRIIII.If99 HOP. 10 8i9k, Hrll" (Efti2YR9 1� (¢fity of $ t, haul ' Bepartment of Parks, 111aggrounba GEORGE L MASON, aninblir 7Wnll�fing$. SUR. a P_ ERNEST W. JOHNSON. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ��' PUYUSo11No. IRV ING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FRANK X. TEWES, OFFICE O COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE Sept. 13, 1926 To the Honorable Fayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department o£ Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, render- ing necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work' Directing athletic programs. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Programs held evenings. Yours truly, Commissioner. IRIIII.If99 HOP. 10 8i9k, Hrll" (Efti2YR9 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.---•----S�liE-Jd OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _._...._..onTE_..........._3eptmtilber 11..._1926_. _ That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the National Surety Company, as surety, and Summerfield and Summerfibld, as principal, dated September 26, 1923, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering area, coal holes and trap door, at 375-377 WabaWAa Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as area, coal holes and trap door have been removed; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have acorued'prior to the cancellation of said bond. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Q.Rrguson McDonald In favor W Glogan 1-5-udheimer _......Against Wenzel ;.Wlrresident Hodgson SEP 1'4IM Adopted by the Council [[..'�...1....e..1....................... 191... prow ..... LP. i v t -'--'---- 192-"-- CITY OF ST.- PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cou-110 .........,t07M" V 7M F FILE �7: 'lJ Sept. 13, 1926 That the bond given to the City of St. Paul ty the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and J. w. Morrison, as principal, dated September 17, 1923, in the sum of 45,000.00, covering areaways and coal holes at 124 - 130 E. Third Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as areaways and coal holes have been taken care of by a. new bond; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond.c. r No. 67840---B�ya' b a°a� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -oMcDonald ...In favor --mcGlogan ' /Sudheimer ...C...C---.Against --Wenzel f-IAt. President Hodgson a Adopted by the CouncilIEF 11.4-M 192.... r� moved_.:_f--.:.SEP-'1----4-::1 ........ 192 I CITY OF ST. PAUL cour+callo.. 841 FILE --•-'-"-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 14, 1926 ._ __..... .......... DATE _._....___.._........_......................................... ........... ......... That the grade of Alley in Block 2, Saint Catherine Park 2nd Addition, from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public 'Rorks, be and the some is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No,. 67841-8at ihe� 6=a eotaA 2n d' 8eael%d. Saint Catherine 1' etln -gtaa Ave. id la nese 2trom .e ry tLe red Sf�e Addltloln then accomDaaYtpg , Profile and = pve.. taml.sloaer ` line -Wm 1. by the-Ctha eama is ot. �bm a Vorxa, g ° the. eetabltetied.. -ti<erebY adoPteS� 1k...1926. "Xd4led by tht 14.u1926.�8� A,,r.ved tey 1 -.- Ul �1 Adopted by the Council..S.4EPI-419 0.: 192.... SEF I 4192 oved. --- 192 - ....... ......---...... ....... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays guson` paald In favor /'liileClogan 6 --'Sudheimer Against --Wenzel President Hodgson �1 Adopted by the Council..S.4EPI-419 0.: 192.... SEF I 4192 oved. --- 192 - ....... ......---...... ....... PRESEN' COMMIS -x CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL NO. --------•---,•���2 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 14, 1926 That hhe grade of Alley in Block 7, Mattock Park, from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ '-Fermi' guson —McDonald ---.-.-..-In favor `! IcGlbgan Sudheimer C.�.-.Against �-- Wenzel ,_-Mr. President Hodgson C. Jr. No. 6 842--8Y ' .d of A11aY Resolved. That the 75rade or AR y to ; sate AvetotUnderwood fro, e. Mtn ac-� ca With the red Krad ..t.r e no on I the' acoomDany1. profile nd se rec- ommended by tbhea od theeefeo me fe' Public Wrks. hereby adopted =sa the eetaGlteL.#a I Brl S AdoDted by the Counoiep• 14 1828i! Ayproved.9ept. 14 1828, �;t. • SEPI 4 Adopted by the CoutAcl._ _s..:,.,_.rs-.:.-----....s:.., 192...- ........ .. 92.............. --- - ----- -------------•- CITY - OF ST. PAUL _ caUNMNO...........67 FILE VV e OFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATe......._._........._S!ptember 14..t_. 1926 That the grade of Alley in Block 2, Ada Park and Block 2, Lane Park let Division, from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave., in accordance with the red Made line on the ac)oompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public 71orks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �.r 64'erguson /``McDonald . ....In favor /`mcCalogan ...Against I`gudheimer 'Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson C. F. No. 87848—Hyy�J,.H.,MSDonaid— Resolved,. That ailb-grade. of. Alley In Block. 2, Ada Park aPd Block 2. 'I Lane Park let Division, from Finn Ave. to Cretth Ave.,in accordance with the red grade Ilne on the ac- oomyanying Droflle and as recom enfled by the Commleeloner of Pub- ilc Works, be and the .ama is hereby adoptee: es the established grade. AdoDtCd •by the CoUnail aeD• 14, 1828. } ApDreyed,aeDL 14,:3888. ,I LgeDL 18-1928).; Adopted by the Council K.F.11 .. 192.... p owed....----SE.P, .t ........192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL c'ILEOU.CILNO . ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 67M-4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CCIMMISSIONE7;.34 ..- --------------- - --------.._.._DATE ... ........ ....... . ......... ..... ... . ...... .. - RESOL That the grade of Alley in Block 2, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Place, from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. Resolved, That the, grade-ot-: Al1eY le' Block 2, iron, Cleveland Ave: to Flen —or .7 .no on t 'e.. p ae W of b grade. Adopted by the 'Council Sep. 14, 1926., Approved b.4pt. 14, 190. (Sept. 19-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .+ Ferguson -'McDonald In favor _01M.Gl.gan ISrudheimer ��Against Wenzel i. President Hodgson E Adopted by the Council 9 "' PIA..... I -------S2t 192-.1. SEP 14 = ed...............1...........i..;:-.192...... .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ro• COMMI531 R,�32�_. �—""__....L._._-...--....__...._..._._..... ........ _._..___. ..___ __. ..... COUNCIL NO. .-"-".-...---.6- 845 . FILE Sept. 14, 1926 That the grade of Alley in Block 9, Merriam Park Third Addition, from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 87818-pBlc Tb/8 A�t� Resolved, 1 th M.-I.rn ve•�,to prtor Avee� t�In Bl u II.W 1l Lhe. Ted e;rsdedll gelt . I In LpersccomD..Dtie Comm .Stoner ut recommended. bYbe eAdtheheeeb l.bed,'. . Fubllo W d.9 as hereby adoptedSy 18'68• t Grade• ted, b9 theSQ+o 1826 604• pdo4oved SSD 1826) "" A44 (SJDt COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council....£ �. 192.... 1 --Ferguson • 192-----. _.McDonald In favor _.,McGlogan ........... ..... ......... .... . ------... —1-9udhenner ---Against Wenzel jMr. President Hodgson e CITY OF ST. PAUL, sig CIL NO. .................. V14 -173%U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'z •@y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOAM September 10, 1926 -_....................... _..... DATE ... _.... ............... _............. . RESOLVED That the i e s e ifi oa fp the erformance of a certain oontrac mdate8 fiey I9, 16261 bp8tween Owen J. Keough, Oontraotor, and the City of St. Paul, for the graditig of Beechwood Avenue from Macaleater Walk to Snelling Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 8th day of September, 1926, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the con- tractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Compteoller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rte_ .Ferguson AMCDonald f -..In favor .."<McGlogan 9udheimer .......-10. ...Against Wenzel /Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council....k.P .`-_?. ----- Y.......... 192.... SEP 141926 .....192 7 St. Paul, Linn. D) THE 110"ORARLF CITY COU'FCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL, Would rasp-,ctfully ask that your Honor ble Body cause the tine of compl--tin� contract for the - . n W 1-6 Tc be. satended to 140= Q 195. . Oui:,P7 to .1 r::. -.s not possible , or L� to finish this contract within the ti.:..e specified, hc:ce desire to ask that the time for com- p!_stin- .,amc be :,uie ..;;roinbcfore stated, APPROVED., Co:,isdio; er Gf Public 7orl_s Yours vary truly, Contractor. There is no objection to havinr* the time ext,3nded as requested, =.s far as the requirements of this office are concerned. Su , of ConstryCt'on Repairs /: Chief Fn-inee . Ate— )pLiCA'f,E TO CITY CLERK .,. ,Sx � •;. � Ty �. .: N V. - `✓L Y OF SAINT ?I y COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 67 FILE NO.---- �i� Okt,I�Y,CILMEN— OLL CALL OFFICEF THE COUIWCIL 11112OLUT!0K - RSu#,oN � INyPAVOR. i AUMT-WD CLAIMS #-LOKIAW 9 66" SDXEIMER ENZEL - �J16AINST - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS SE DRAW 'T ITY TREASURY �! ' •„COVERINfi i:3 TO THE AOGREOATE-AMO R PREB. HODOSON _ �._ CHECKB'NUBERED T _ INCLUStVE AB LF va v PER CMECjS,Ok FILE IN THE OK CE OF 6 CITY COMPTROLLER v )OPTED. BY THC O .NCIL— PROVLD_- 16. o -o-- -- CHECK NUMBER TOTAL �••, Ia' C F No 87847—•.Us be dray: ou TreapuryhR cotverin6�he k@ TCHECKSR h- DATE RETURNED ENT BY BANK D�B CHECKS •1/3_ LhgaBCofty 48A62.Bo. -.: amount of 848E to 8626 offl el of the numbered ou file in the 14, 1926. �,q, 114 ' 1}� gtryo C.Ztrollor.oojI Adopted by the CoU18268ep• AP4roved -1-t'4' FThSO.. ' 1 U 10Aix Gieeen 4d se Company "Oftlon Hto khe C p F TO `tire =0126 0 upauy 35 . Thr utens 3 5 Ataftoan'Book ompany'. Amprioe�n Raxlua�t �praea 0 any I 4lr � W. H. Barbar 062pany 89 The `Barrett Comlpany9 , 491 Hen Pink WOW Company S. Brand Goal Company 1 0 .1492 Brings & Company Sam S. BrMSOA, Dist. Stat' Boiler In eotox, i 9 9 G. V. Cannon SOSW Company Casey Daisy COMPW t 13' N N N i1 8g Chicago, St. Raa 1tmpl s. & 1 j , I 13 7 OmOa'Railway QOUPany i, 8499 tftizeias Ica & lttei Co9tpaay 9 0566 Coca Cala 0om0a0o 3 8541 C as Commonwealth txso mp s 8502 850} The Cxane Company, Crescent Crsamarp Cam4pany �. 45 +2 95.05 vresoons OW Compaq 1 7, - 8506 D4111 HaidwsaEd Company y 85 . 85" Ih'etwry &. Bane int OCmtpan� Eleotric Slee - 9599 Zslk Li091-,' y.Oospan ! l d5]A Elvgrea. paints $aPP'C�paY 8511 !`sieweil, Ozm►un,Klic & 4oman211 651 ` Fiald, Soh1l�9]�: 1 Gob►pa>ay 47 6 Sgt Finch, VA Sty le`& YrlOopYi11 35 4 s,5r. Gangel & oaany ahem Company 2 132 5 "15 8516 Gena=al cal Great Northern Railway POP 2 Hackett., Was,: t ttarty t#oiapan 5 5 851 Halm1148 :Ice & Fael OommpeY►T 28 8519 Baths. Company 51. y F8� 20 " Brewing Company &ardex Rand 89208 Corposati l8 6 0Companylea 5.:. g5,� LozYfg lemr►y Boiler & Mfg. OaspaAy 236 - OonPaR► C 85 IP - j- Leslie PaPer Corona TV# xtlo. 9 5525 L$ U11h & . I Il i 495 0714, FORM NS_ 2 leo. LLILf" U AL[ �I-J U 11111 AJ UP,LICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. FILE NO._______�L%�., OU.NCiLMEN—"ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GusDN COUNCIL RUZOLUTION CLAN --IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS- Cfi DEIMER — .AGAINBT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BEDRA - N CITY TREASURY HODGSON (t [- p _� _�- _ TO THE AGGREGATE AME'q vGf " „ CLCOV ERING Q,rJZ�_ AS' 00PTED BY THE ?PROVED___ CI CHECKS NUMBERED _—___ PER CHECKS ON Fl L 1 �T'OFFI CITY OLLER.. TOTAL DATE - CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK" V " CHECKS CHECKS _ ____ l3ROL.GtiT_EQBIOf9RII �� $526 Fiaxita:dt aasdy 12 y 0527 GE. A. Ash'tan QMpsa7. Ino- -316 2 052; aapltal TITS & ROW QmPsAl 115 contral Warehouse L=ber C :. 000 8easbey & Ya tenon aMpaay I� la:►y a 3 Uliogg-Rackyr Q a B isendier Brt W jlf& Car 2 SW St.paui 314021410- aT 24 e 85 � van paper ftAP17,Q=PsA7 i I 7 94 R 9113.0ne Box 4 1 .er 00PS9 49 N _ C.R eolved.7That checks be drawn on 'the tcoverinaBBrheok- Clty Treasury. amount of $660.93, gg inclueive, as numbered 3636 to 3636 per checks on 81e ln.the orttae of the - City Comptroller. Adopted by tae Council 9eD• 14, 1926. I 'pyproved (Sept..18-192 ) mmT�i� mei _ NO. •.II -3 1000 5-2a ;ATZ To CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE 'No icl EN=ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER IN FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS 3MER -AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT dHIEC" or 0 TREASURY &S. I COGSON SIP1 TO THE AGGREGATE 1924 CHECKS NUMBERED A OFF I — D:k8Y THE C1, PER CHECKS ON FILE 114;1 OFFICE 0 THE CI COMPTR TO AL DATE CHECKRETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROLC-HT FORWARD 1 Oomolwsalft glectrio Oompan ._ 362,635 4 357 8-5 050 9451 Fieldl%g & Shepley .5 201 042 Own J. Isough 19 $453 'Northern statee Cont. aompan, 43 520 4 two 5-2. C. F. checkstbe the City Tre"murto,,',,rIphe g eheck- t , 266.068.60, he to 0. a 0 =red 845 t 1 $453 'oef the per checkh 1.01111,1.1 ' the oRfce tr . Council Sep. 14, 1920. Ad.pted by the Approved apt .1Ii4 _ 19 (Sep192 t s ,. J�1:ICATE TO C)TY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 1v OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER e41ex ` ] COUNCIL RESOLUTION - -ROUSON �a`°�N'' — t1j^VOR AUDITED CLAIMS iENEIMER __— - —�AOAINBT ENZfiL . r R PRES.. HOD6801V RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE TO THE ADUMBFRE A OU OF DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASUI41 f COVERINGI s K)P'TED BY THE NCIL—�..�T. CHECKS NUMBERED._70 INCLUSIVE.AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN O FICE OFT ClTU COMPTROLLER ,PRO \THE CITY COMFTROLL6R ` CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF i TO AL DATE ETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS _HRQjLQ1{T FORWARD____ J. Hailey E. to ;Oarlstex► . 35 Di a#la. X -?ft* Labasatosy Ane, Ilan -am 5 , Ohx Oatheyle Ly�t 3 9 1trs� a Y6eh�t 71 97 3`. And ,i 3 8461 Augtc�tc"�. 9vhem�; CWtardeip for D©xis 31 6 942 Abbot'—, hear OMP hys t Agent!v� 946 91-A pany � . ty Oom DM1tis L s" ;, Agents I 1 1.1 51,11"spager . `' ,x 9perryyFEealtyaellnn..HOatlMpany 503 �.d.�Yvt to an > Cama . oY Fin. 9tewlit R. 9 wttp kfg Oamp 2 11 Q Qr�abra -e rpt ;: #deny general o 0 i�ny y 1 i% 1 312 " 7: g!} < Rath ltinaaaft,tlambtt =Oa>rp N. O. lr 2?9 T 7 :2 EeOA Piaeat Mae Eleotsa y tOaa A. 03►e141ig 2 .Brow 33Q 3 Me Week is st.P�ti� � 48 84• crescent Oree«ery ampany 1 48'03 1, 198 a5 84�t9 Dr. A. W. Thasas Mayshall 20 00 Gandy Ocupany 183 76 s< '� C. F. No' re' Resolved, regate 'the Trete°ry' to gchecke '�I Clty covering amount of 511.609.02. Bon4flle 4the IoRlca of th I numbered 1n ehecke Clty Comptroller. 1926. Adopted by the Council geP• 14, gee. 14, 1926- j i I Approved 18- (Sept. 19291 — j f; i i _..--- --- 429 2� 11 FORM MO, A-11.2 1000 0-26 jl 1v ] C. F. No. 67861—Lt be drawn on ReeolvedTrese.. oto othe O'fThg U. the CItY 020.2f, covering checks )ie.mount Of $""'0'2'j48'2 inclueive, se numbered 8480 tol. the office of the 'h, Camptioller. in 1926. CIt3Adopted by tho e Cc nail Sep. 14, APproved 6eP- 14. 1986. (Sept. ^. PLICATE TO CITY CLERK. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -\,� FILE NO._ ___ }�8i _ 1UNCILMEIJ= aLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER !+}�* COUNCIL RESOLUTION ROU$ONl,IN-FAVOR Do')MLD �. AUDITED CLAIMS "Sept ' b45 AN. DfiEIMEe _AQAINBT RESOLVED, THAT -CHECKS BED N- F H ITV TREASURYS I,PR 'N pA TO THE AGGREGATE A U OF +�'y'� COVERING ' 7PTED'BY THE C9 CHECKS NUMBERED_ TO ..INCLUSIVE.AB T ----_----: PER CHECKS ONTIL INT 'O FI F.THE CI 'COMPTROLLER -- ;RO1iED-_ — - CI r OOY►T t, TO AL DATE ry ' CHECK IN FAVOR OF R URNED _ NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT MY HANK CHECKS ll4Etf 11!aHI�O$VYARn D. W. Y00x4e & 96114;1Pgtherell _ 14 258 9491 Oorriing-Donahue, Inor 148 F 9492 Standard Oil OMpany II 3 613 j C. F. No. 67861—Lt be drawn on ReeolvedTrese.. oto othe O'fThg U. the CItY 020.2f, covering checks )ie.mount Of $""'0'2'j48'2 inclueive, se numbered 8480 tol. the office of the 'h, Camptioller. in 1926. CIt3Adopted by tho e Cc nail Sep. 14, APproved 6eP- 14. 1986. (Sept. Council; File No ------- A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER �. Theu de I 11e ao o pg h ��bY83�I9"il��e l@ry The u a;$r o , Paul, viz.:. Nori:h Al Ae_ A trOrA p4_@--bLegiTlriing218 ft 1 e , 0Y Kent St,r thence East 25 ft: 'Otlt$' side Beerso7er-A;-6ti-,iorem Gam River :Alva +a- Glendale Ave. West aide Marion St beginning at Milford St., thence So. 125`ft. o�eit� eg �— �a -r-: a .3 � tiiexicea �.. es s e - r. Dated this__ `gam_ day of---- _ 6 192 ral�riouirr -& , m oniisats ' i i PRELIMINARY ORD *Lo Fo ptrubri ray aA reD ".' `ak WHEREAS, I written proposal for the making of the followift$ fihpp� S t++Booa , t Reoonatruot, relay and repair the following sidew,,'- lecessary; forth side AuroraAve.-beg3nn ni g 2I�-as o an 25' Rnn+hniAn ne nol ar Ave. from Como River R13Ed3 o rIlAnAnIA Ave _- West side Marion St. beginning at Milford St., thence So; 125 ft. a.as 1R . au a e o or da fit., eg ing ryk4l AV", thence as '90 ft.; VL'"8t-W17&S-3o:-�IIb-eTt - tregiL1xia i-thvnus-ao-: -1G0 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be aid is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Otidopted by,the Council______ YEAS NAYS -- Councilman 6LQAiiiS� 4 FERGUSON. Approved': *eeDON4P - - cGLOGAN'p ,iB'0'DIIEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F— CA 18 ,'yam, .. y..,, ..... .,..... _... ... % ,•. Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:-- Grade Finn Avenue from Wellesley Avenue_ to Juliet Stre&t, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Finn Avenue from We11es1eEAvenue to Juliet Street.____ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- ------ ________— — therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. -To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three. or: more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to .the Commissiondr of Finance. Adopted by the Council--- YEAS ouncil__ YEAS NAYS SEPI 1920 Councilm RGUSON Approved_ ___ oPWcDONALD (lQ_ �-McGLOGAN. I-�SUDHEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT' Mayor. Fo.m CA 28 PU13LISIIED l AF `�(o Council File No..-----------1_S2t�! PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a and3 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. .Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an -easement in the 1s7-�� smeary _ for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Finn _Avenue from Wellesley Avenue to Juliet Street. F 8Y864— 14th -------September, 1926 c' Noan.cr$gx- - Dated this -__-------day of__—_____- _ _ whereaF .i wrote n5oyDeal mn cne: - } making of R}Ie fgllo�ag improvement." PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Condemning and taking an easement in the land _necessary_^ — for slopes, cuts_ and fills1_ in the grading of Finn _Ave�om ___— Wellesley Avenue to Juliet Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul---- --__ _ — therefore, be it -RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council—._____���� 5�___---- YEAS NAYS SEPI 4{90 ' Councilman e0 ON RGU50N Approved--.----- GLOGANALD j /JiIcGLOGAN OOTUDAEIMER oO"NZEL MR. PRESIDENT , Mayor. Form OA�Ie J�VpL]b'� —__IF— ^�� Petition Council File No. --_____(7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.:.___Gradin� Alley in Blook 2, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Plaoe; — from Finn Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, also grading _Finn _AvenVe _ from Palace Street to James Street. Dated this—_14th_ __da of .... —_.... sept mber, 1926 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __ Grading Alley in Block 2, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Placer_ from Finn Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, also grading Finn Avenue _.fr41A__2a_laaee4treetto Jame�Btreet. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foreg{o�ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council___— E'LWks. ------ _, _ YEAS NAYS Councilman C:. AW* --FERGUSON Approved_________ /�C�/• ` AN DEEIv _ �UDIiEIMER / ,.,WENZEL ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA 18 Council File No. ---------- -_678% PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Al and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul viz.:--- Condsmningand taking an easement—in the land neoeasary_— for slopes, cuts and fills_in the grad. ingof Alley 1n Blook 2 G. G. 411hitnees Riverton Place from Palace Street to James Street also grading Finn Avenue from Palace Street to James Street. _—__— Dated this -_---- 14th ----_----day of________—Seember.,- PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -- _ _Condemning and taking an easement_ in the land—neoessa��Q�____ -- slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2. --��-' -- itx>e3[!S_BiY�I�i.4ri_Slana, from PsAnna Straat to Js -em Street-, Also grading _Finn Avenue fromas 3 AA1-. n Jamea_--StsAAI-. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL_____— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the_— YEAS NAYS C°unci'ma— SEP 14 " 9ERGUSON Approved_____:_ _—__-192fL—____— /ffieGLOGAN (,J / EEIMER — — NZEL ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA 18 Council File No. --- _---__6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. paul, viz.:—_Grade and pave Alley in Block 9, Merriam Park Third Addition, from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue Dated this ___14th_ __may of — Se tember, 14 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ Grade and pave Alley in Block 9, Merriam Park Third Addition, from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL__-- —_— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the f�regoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council____ YEAS NAYS Councilman G _A -If 'f—. SEPI 4 I( -MRGUSON ApprovecL_ /McGLOGAN _-SUDHEIMER• WENZEL �✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F.— CA 18 r e Council File No..— — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The under -signed kereby proposes the mlking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz. Condemningand taking an easement in the land neaessaTy _ for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in Blonk_dark ThiT_ ��di 9 from Howell�� �__ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for _slopes cuts and fillss__in_ the grading and paving of Alley in __$lock 9� Mer ism Park Third Addition, from Howell Avenue to______ Prior Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St.— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council__ 'SEP 1 YEAS NAYS a Councilman leb#AV@IF'� ✓FERGUSON Approved._ -- -- /// /�cDONALD / 1 /SUDHEIMER /✓-�. /OGENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F— CA 13 PUB HED der Petition 67859 Council File No._:_—____—T_� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:_Grade Alley in Block 2, Ada Park, and Block 2, Lane Park let Division, from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue. 4th 3 tember, 1 Dated this-- 1 14 t ---------day of ------ - _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley _in Bloek 2s Ada Park. and Block 2. Lane Park _ 1st Division, from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul—__.__—_—___—___ __— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. , To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To-fu=ish a plan, profile or. sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not sai�'.'improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all ofatters to the Commissioner of Finance. WT1 Adopted by the Council_____—__— YEAS NAYS Councihnan.a&dV1VCT"—"' SEP 1.4IK�S w,@ERGUSON Approved--__ DONALD ,,McGLOGAN ,SUDHEIMER WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. F.rm CA 18 ]PI1gl,rerr 7 _� ' Council File No. _________ �-86 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz• -_—Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary _ - --- _ for slopes, cute and Pills, in the gradin of Alley in Block 2,__ — °_�a��=''s_ea_gloek o T- ,„o?a �+ ri�isioa,-Exam Cr -et -in -ream PRELIMINAKY Unlirx. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary____ for slopes, cuts -and fills, in the grading of Alley _in Block 2, _ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profde or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. EP 141926 Adopted by the Council— YEAS NAYS Councilman *Amer---, SEP 1920oved--- ERGUSON Approved — ,�CDONALD %� —_--- -*WcGLOGAN L/ ,.8IJD1dEIMER tNZEL - - — MR. PRESIDENT Y / Mayor. Form CA- 13 Petition L/ Council File No..__—___13786:1 PROPOSAL FOR, IMPROVEMENT 144 and. PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the,City of St. Pave Alley in Block 3, Shadow Falls Pprk Addition and Paul, viz.:---- -- ---- - -- -- -- VMEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Allej_in Block_3,_Shadow Falls Park Addition and Block 59, Desnoyer Park Addition, from Otis Avenue to. Montrose _—_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it g RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2 To -investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profde or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council—_—_�SE� 1 4 MQ YEAS NAYS Councihnan_6L&b1CZ — FERGUSON Approved___ �E 4-1(---- -- /� /DONALD LD /5'IcGLOGAN ]TETHER ZEL — MR. PRESIDENT �Mayor. Form CA 18 PUBLISIED—�,��,. o' l �f Council File No.___6! g62—__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT !! and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned. Lereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - Grade Alley in Block 2, St. Catherine Park 2nd Addition_,_ from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __— — Grade Alley in Block 2i_St. Catherine Addition from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL___-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_____—___ JEP i YEAS NAYS - Councihnan -GLA XQ*� E P 1 d 1cKt --FERGUSON Approved_._— —� _-------__-_--- DONALD c--19GLOGAN 6a -*EN EL PRESIDE ✓ MR. PRESIDENT /71 GMayor. CA IS Form PUBLISHED Council PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:-- Condemning and taking an easement in the land — necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Bl-Onk -2,� Cather Park 271�Addition��Tpm i,'inn Avenne to Cretin Avenue. 14th September, 1926szaea_ a ;#4 Dated this-- ----day of--------- - —! `awn abaraoc , 1 —i.�%� eaA'A we/tteaiDro Osal to tbe' . ���41ci�c otf,.thaz�onowla��tgt�IRa�gcosemeat ..Condemning me iW _-N.sn6 Baa e68e- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,, viz.: —_— Condemning --and taking -an easement in the land--------- _neeessa for sl0pesicute and fills, in the grading of Alley- -_in Block 2, St. Catherine Park 2nd Addition, from Finn Avenues ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. , To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether -or -not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon ail- of the foregoing mattexe to the Commissioner of Finance. SE-P.1��1.. Adopted by the Council—_— YEAS NAYS aS'F8 14 y�Y Councilman GL Ar? &P— �<., YPgRGUSON Approved _________ _-- offeDONALD ifficGLOGAN JJJDHEIMER M RENZEL ✓ SIDENT - V -- — Mayor. Fe CA 18 HED o� C Petition a crryyQQ� Council File No:--_�..SJ1_CZ��. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement `by the City, of St. Paul, viz.:—_Grade Alley in.Block 7.__Mattock Parkfrom-Underwood `' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 7, Mattock Park, from Underwood ----------- Avenue to Macalester Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St.__ -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is.asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance., Adopted by the Council__.—__—n t 4 _ --- — _G YEAS NAYS SEP 14194 Councilma JERGUSON Approved_--_— �cDONALD �cGLO STT EIMEIMER N �EZEL Mayor. MR. RESIDENT PUBLISIIE Farm CA IS Council File No.._,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, ,; Condemning and takiRg an easement in the lend neceas�_ for slopes cuts—and Pills, in the grading—of A119. Block 7. _ Mattock Park, from Underwood Avenue to Macalester Avenue. --- --- — --- -------- -- c F x ex eco ,a ASH:Etacky;�, 14 th September, 19 2 mnak'ns os tb folio solt0 1 gown e: Dated this -----------day of-----:;g4� -- ?, ConUe�na1.fnSaayi �a.Wng Se m4nt '1}Y�the Ignd neeeeeary�fuj qu{e anil�ane In't4e Braingsoyd to ins Block 7 Ma{took .p�,K mom IIn- 'teiwon$�peane.'to M4ca7e§tter Av§ 'r ¢ulna b ,.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. err Ya �=Ke arfd '1`e,-'slieri WHEREAS, -A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: `__Condemnin and takin�an easement in the land necessp-ry —__— for _slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 7, —_ Mattock Park, from Underwood Avenue to Macalester Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, pM le or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matte a to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 1 * IVB _ Adopted by the Council___—__—_`_----- z s `s — YEAS NAYS 1; Councilman nt="T� •� 1 8 F i 14 ✓VERGUSON Approved____,__ cGLOGAN 4 cLOGAN SME �VEN — / /ZEL MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor. — e.— CA 18 PUBLISHED — /�� " Council File No._—___78 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Construct a six foot sidewalk on the east side of Paul, viz.:_--- -- ----- ------ - — -- -- Huron Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct_ a_six _foot _sidewalk on the east aide of Huron Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of -the foregoing mattVrs to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP -141925 - Adopted by the Council ______—___ ---=--------------- _ YEAS NAYS". Couneilman c —� SEP 1'41920 EERGUSON Approved._- _—:_- /McDONALD — - -McGLOGAN ,,SUDHEIMER /WEN2EL Mei PRESIDENT Mayor. nwm cA is LISHED-9—� -V 6'786'7 Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER." The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. 'Changing the grade of alley in Block 8, J. A. & W, Me Stees Paul, viz.:—__�dditi�-glTd'�3tySi=8728n80tract, IT -POT Ut. to pointe 280 Peet east of Forest Street, to conform to the_x�t7 lixle_on the profile hereto' att'eched and made a part hereof, the present grade being shown by a b"e line thereon, -9sitt--a-rley---- between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established♦ Dated this_-_—_9tth___day of__—___-2Qg ,__1s2S____________, 192—_. 2 1. "87�BWbaG's_ot.� Al 71�- Wher\eee A WrUt en Dr4P'4i41 ln. ,, �klag rlf the f611ow'hg Impra�e�nt +Chaltgtag} the grade qt angy ,in $look S, 'S A. & W: M ate dA'ddtgfon r- .,1p+3IIatl911ax1Doue' tress trq„ra,"Fbreet KR{n` to a,�.Dotht, .ZBQatt. eaeta pf!' �oeat PRELIMINARY ORDER et to cbniorm to the rod line oni� .,y;Ao91e hereto.f ettQchfla anst mhde y: f the'predeht�gra¢@-he$;; WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fol lowing•xppt�ov;biK... Changing the grade of alley in Block b, J. A...& .'J. M. Stees Addition ari3iGii�cBitSYr9ZSAS- trSisG; b� Itbr'� St:toa po3n2EII—f�— eases- — _of Forest 3treet,_to conform to the red line on thQo Pile rP rato—_ attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being shown by a —die 1—fne- t ^- r , ale �gra�i1nt-s Win..--e3-ley b e tweBa- t�a-feresa-i d3 limits to the -said red line when established. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ______—______—_ — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity .for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is. asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the f lbo gw rs 'to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council—___— YEAS NAYS Councilman f—a—A- 36i�'� _ ' SE 1 410 ERGUSON Approved cDONALD — �/// cGLOGAN: /� UDHEID/ER �f' �,/WENZEL ------ - ----- MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA. 18 Petition attached �Q�Q Council File No. _.------------------C-.7--�0. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and �1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz•; Changing_th@ grede_of Alley in Block 2 ide am 'Park 2nd_ Addition, from .Howell Ave. to Dewey Ave., to conform to the red line — on the profile-h-evete- atteehedand ffiaQe-apaT---h'er'eof,—tire -present- grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also paving said all _ —beYW88Y5-t�e�faraid-Itm3te to tTie se3� red -line -Wen established. 14th September, 1926 Dated this -----------------day of------ n------ - ----- 192 — —f C F.!No 87868=. 4f; tvnanging titelr=sxade �oL>Alie9 in,l 7t,,,. 2 ]4"ettla P xlr� ad; Addf oa;l PRELIMINARY ORDER.Gowan � Rer�4ve tu, d' and made hparh, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following i,a.riovuce.ir.�i �a.>,P•�a ahownr; Changing the grade of Alley in Block 2, Merriam Park 2_Aa__ �d�i 3on, Trom 73owell Ave. to Dewey Ave., to conform to the red line _ nn Fbe--gra£ile--heT-etC--attachad--- and- mn o o„+ he _e .-th-e--presant— grade being shown by a blue line thereon, e.lso paving said alley - Ustween tire $fvrssatd-3i ltbs-ta-tir_-sa__ redIt>T€whe�e�tabTis�e� having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the YEAS NAYS r Councilman 6LAAQV- �-'+ SEP 1 ,,,FERGUSON Approved____— -McDONALD ` ,SUDHEIMER �VENZEL----------- — - -- --- — MA.. PRESIDENT Mayor. IF'— CA 28 PUBLISHED,*"—Sr- - 6' z Petition �y¢58 Council File No. _____-_61_69 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned Lereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Change the grade of Alley in Block 25, Summit Park Addition, from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street, to conform to the red line o- the p ile-Hereto a tao�� aanuc mamma p- a �ereo -£5e Present gracle own by '= -li a Cherea 8,180-pa.g r�g�si s.11e3i-- _between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established. Datedthis___14 -------day of tember,__1926 yon �Y C26 9umriUt tPEc - Addttlon ,Chatewo"�•tti�8irC6t�y oydtltop 8treet:53a a"obform tdtha r�dF. line on tfia,'Pro g I�xriereto. aried apdamade*a..Da U PRELIMINARY ORDER h4rEot the yDrenent graAo hefag eribwn' Dy�.a bine->]ina therou also paging=: ,,mid A � hetwbon<+ths aforepatd,S% WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following' Channe the grade o f911ey in Block 25 • Summit Park_ Addit ion_, _ from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being WdWn by a blue ne ezeofTd paving sa aTrey —batwee3x-the--adVm td-l-imi-t-s--ts- the se to e 1# erhert estsbl#s3tects having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL—_--- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three•or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CounciL____— 8Ef'1 Y 1926�.�_--, YEAS NAYS Councilman Girl Wr__*" SEP 1 S' J49G `O�`'ERGUSON I7 Approved____—_ �_,----- ,/ mcDONALD (/ McGLOGAN /EUDHEIMER W' WENZEL - - - - -- — - MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA 11 Petition _ Council File No.._—__--ti- 870 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ai The undersigned kereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. m Paul, viz.: Pave iviilton Street from Osceola Avenue to the Right of Play of the 011LO 9 , MilwayLlSQ�i St• Paul Short allway, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property_ line complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paviTig-a-l-ley -a-ttd i where-tae-e�,---- Dated this.- --Y�---day of----5$A--- 1926-- -- 192— wna} .s wrJt@] b yell ioe5tnte Cou Gilman. m Wng,o Che'io�IgwtnTMyey4pSant.' »c � ��'a`i'Mliton'"ateae om ��'13eoeots bn �t'>athB.FaFi?tl$ a9 oL. the' CgTo3 d'+?nke�p�9t��,YaiTl�gl+o.¢G - n 1Fw faQ1oGln w8 �ale �w �i7�y�le;a%�„ cyQnrigeNop�. e ev ARV ORDER. at alzeadmadma; ileo �ncludQ WHEREAS;aA� c3{ and ti9vina �iryr ng of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Idilg°v2�t. met from Osceola Avenue to the Right of Play of ---------- ---- --- --------------- the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Short Line P,ailwav, including sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property line fete—.. —o_nOt RIPea , .,.aa .,,, 4ne1uA4-ng---&ua-b47ng and paving alley* and drive:kay approaches, where necessary. —_— having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul—____—_ —-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To. investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile4ov.$ketch,_of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council--- YEAS NAYS Councilman IEII.A�AiBi'�7 SEP • 4i�R =- 1d1 rRGUS0N Approved_____-_— —__-- /McGLOGAN jWEN ,WENZEE L �L ✓" MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CA 18 r- •........................................................................................................................ �i 67871 No 878 `Tdo-thg �tnita�of�gp8h�°fngFj Idenl'n$. $loo4k �+ J�o�Hemn ��ao ta�uch of. •' - 9k1�n lot ae'�`Iibe wTibinL etr1P, dL COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- qn -feet trt ,wrath ha be Mi -nI Which 7q,b'center.SSne`3ot; By __________� t,.:der L_ In the Matter of___ �. ;;ideni-: ;.na cxt C fid n1- `._i31 1'. )n :.V� m, to ' ="=__'_____-- aidt': c£ 'J £t, acl o: 1,0 t, , loe;. 1, ,7u, -no.. ' - 3d nn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ b co - 'e, -Ii sc ::V: '-1 of Si.i lo;, 1: _g ;f -----------------------------. t -----_----------------------------------------------------------------- 1' GO f iii i1:_ :r.t_.. -- _ „ i!_- cr,nt,,, 11. ii. �= --------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3i:.i n in _ .n.or_� 7 .._ vi L_ , c:i'�., cd soot ,- 1y. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67lc'5--------a roved __J__1 _ ;;st'- 1 6. under Preliminary Order_______________________ pp _______z________________ -- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to X discontinued. 4 Adopted by She Council___SEP.146 192---- Sip14 i�------------ - ------------------------- - Approved------------ ---------------192--- ------ ----------------- ----------------- Mayor.-- LISHED C ,. `"Councilman Ferguson ' �Q 1puncilman McDonald L ouncilman 146diM ix V.cGlo;Tan. {00Councilman Sudheimer Q -*'Councilman Wenzel r 'Mayor NeTabbX Hoa r's on. Form B. S. A." 4 ikZ B. UMNA110 C. Szo1! OM. CUP of 'St. Paul �� CIIIV M BYAGY N ABBnBMBNie . ' .. .. CORNELIUS J. McGLOGAN, COMMIbSIONER M Seot,,mber 10th, 1926. I h's r'IiW W. SIW-. C - Oewry cewwinioxsw 3 f: To the Council, City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: I have investigated the possibility of finding property benefited to defray the cost of opening, widening and extending Sheldon Avenue to a width of sixty feet across Lot "A", Block 1, Jurgenson's Addition,and respectfully report that the total estimated cost is $6,600.00, necessitating an assessment for benefits of $6.00 per front foot upon all property benefited. After carefully considering the excessive total cost and the cost per foot, I am of the opinion that property cannot be found benefited to the extent of the cost,and to make proper record thereof, I have prepared and annex- ed hereto an intermediary order discontinuing all further proceedings. Veryours, mm issione of Finan D s; CITY OF ST, PAUL I,� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a� REPOWTbF COMMISSIONEh2 Ci'k FINANCE,, ON PRELIMINARY OkDER ^� opening widening and extending Sheldon Ave. to a width of 60 ft In the matter of across Lot "A" Block 1 Jurgensonts Addition. under Preliminary Order approved-- Ttl Y 2Btla, 1926 - To 926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: a_ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: " ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION A 1 H.Jurgensents Addition - 5050 k 6 1 do 3,00 7 1 do 600 8 1 do 200 u 9 1 F do 200 10 1 do l 200 1 2 do 200 2 2 do 200 3 2 do 200 4 2 do 800 5 2 I F.- B. B. 19 do TOTAL. 200 { CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOO bF COMMISSIONER' ' FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �- (C) '. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 16 7 Hoyt's Rearrangement of 17 7 Hoyt's Como Out Lots 18 7 do 19 7 do 20 7 do 1 8 do 2 8 do 3 8 do 4 B do 5 8 do M ASSESSED. VALUATION 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 10150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C Dated------,--- - 192 - --- - Commissioner to cc. 1 St. Paul, Minn.'-�z192,(p-, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable ............. _.............. __.............. --- —Ave. k t� - (4 &Ce of the Commissioner of Public W v5D Report to Commissioner of Finance -- AUG e M S38 __... August 5., 19.26.-----..--192........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, Having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 67.165 approved-_ July 28, 1926 ..-.-_ __...___........192.......-, relative to the opening, widening and extending of Sheldon Avenue to a width of 60 feet across Lot "A", Block 1, Jurgenson'a Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ .. .. .. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3 XXXX_ _- and the total cost thereof is $- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_.._.. ..._._ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -------'------ Commissioner of PubliA Works. COUNCIL FILE NO._._.__.. AP11tO aGA9§IDaesrlmA . �{ 7'872 yb"eae8te� ebete land*eiPe»s86 ;stor , J O l By I ��h� m'htt�er� of the she eeemeniC oP• CITY OF. fnrnlehin and heialitng an mental �)�ghting eyatQm cbnelb Ingi mp"naets and latinplreerand: Resolution of Council 'n°d°rgroun°� °dati�°r °°n~°� �ment '1ng sieotrfo zu rent 'tperetd at1 L"All, 'other neceeeary :.$yypltanced qnd. '.equipment for +.p(erffam Par]n' andr� F1IDletrfet'�Nn 2ilgLdSig Byetem_. for In the matter of the assessment of berief :r dmuara�tr°m Teaingtonam 11iod' Wilder irom,h PorHand to Terrace —Park Hsu; 1#1n `Rd. Srom ,Lo'mtiard F I¢oe "SroAb it ip Fp, fiirnishing&:iriIt.*' staliii3g°.anornameni TeSt Clalor rracemarlZvernpa frdm;st sisting of Port- lamp poets and lamps, wises and ,;Ina to Mdfsh I . aosi `a om conveying electric current thereto and all ''ek Clair to a and•. Bowen: from antes and • M'SPortland to Marslil<ll , Cai»D�Idge equipment for MERRIAM PARK AND � (olehaPr io tat to°n nonyd`amne�ai ING SYSTEM: �. r..� u Ben Hill Rd. Lombard St. Clair Moore Portland Terrace Park Vernon St. Clair Prindeton Prior Portland Marshall Macalester St. Clair Grand Howell Portland Marshall Cambridge Princeton Grand Howell Iglehart St.Anthony Amherst St. Clair Lincoln Ferdinand Carroll St.Anthony Baldwin St. Clair Grand Dewey Iglehart" Roblyn Sargent Baldwin Fairview Fal, rvioil Portland Selby Princeton Fairview Macalester Fairview St .Anthony University Goodrich Fairview Amherst Fairview Marshall Roblyn Lincoln Fairview Macalester Beacon St.Anthony University Goodrich Snelling Griggs Y+heelQr St,Anthony ,University Fairmount Snelling Griggs Wheeler Portland Carroll Lincoln Snelling Short Line Herschel Ashland Carroll Tracks Herschel Roblyn University Portland Snelling Summit Dewey Portland Marshall Ashland Cleveland Western Aldine Portland Carroll Holly Victoria Western Pierce Portland Shields Laurel Cleveland Stelling Fry Portland Shields Laurel Short Line Tracks Farrington Roy St.Anthony Shields Hague Fairview Snelling Syndicate Ashland Marshall Hague Short Line Tracks Dale Griggs Summit Marshall Selby Cretin Fairview Dunlap Summit Marshall Dayton Cretin Snelling Oxford Summit Carroll Dayton Hamline Louis Chatsworth Summit Carroll Nelson Western Summit Milton Summit Carroll Marshall Fairview Fry Victoria Summit Carroll Marshall Hamline Wpstern Avon Summit Carroll Iglehart Cretin F'ry Fisk Laurel Carroll Iglehart Lexington Louis Grotto Summit Carroll Carroll Cretin Wheeler St. Albans Summit Selby Carroll Chatsworth Louie Dale Summit Selby Roblyn Cretin Cleveland Kent Summit Carroll Roblyn Prior Fairview Maekubin Summit Carroll Roblyn Herschel Snelling Arundel Summit Carroll St. Anthony Fairview Snelling Western Summit Laurel Shields Fairview Aldine Virginia Summit Carroll Feronia Prior Fairview Farrington Summit Carroll Dewey St.Anthony University Sherburne Pascal Oxford E. & W. Lynnhurst from Charles Pascal Oxford Feroaia University Edmund Pascal Oxford Oakley Prior W.Lynnhurst Lexington University Minnehaha Cretin Marshall St.Anthony Saratoga summit Laurel Finn Selby Temple Court Pascal Summit Laurel Ann Arbor Cretin Finn Albert Summit Laurel Temple Court Cretin Finn Syndicate Summit Portland* Hamline summit Laurel Pascal Osceola Grand Saratoga Osceola Grand Hamline Osceola Grand ,Albert Osceola Grand. Griggs Osceola Goodrich ..8vindicate Osceola Greind j ander Preliminary Order .....................5j8977..__...._.__.-_.__, Intermediary Order ................... � W.7.9.2 ......... ........ ......... . ... ...... Final Order . _......._.._6 173 . . . .. . ....... approved....._ _ - .. Aug...11,1925 ., --I&M..---.. The assessment of PqPtQ Jlpd PXP.PA4qA ....................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ -AP-th-.— Aay of = at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 11.1.._._........_._......_191......__.0 Adopted by the Council .... ........ .... ----------- - ----- SEF 141926 . .......... . . .... City Clerk. Approved------ — - — - ------- - --------------- .... ........................................ .. ........... Mayor. Councilman RaMMfUtIb et'=,y QW= Ilerguson i*xas --foDonald Kalkar -foGlogan ammit -sudheimer mwlalft-v Wenzel Mayor kxju Hodgson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO._...-__. 67873 B Iu?al�esmattd'r,* of the' ase 9amgnt oY CITY OF ST 1 >nedtb edsta and ezponeoav xor ryrnta1 _11hln33 and,r�lnataliing an o;ne mgnta6hting 9ylteml conelatingg oI'lamp,.poatb and lampti Wlrge atid,� Resolution of Council = �A ndgs grgnnd condulfa7tor conveyta PQCr' settle current tgerefo and 81i - - r ^ neceanar,,,y -appllancea and, a r r 8t, gdghonp'° I;ark In the matter of the assessment of benefit s, CO a ie ESRrCP X��} ".+ " `%� for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, Aires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for ST. ANTHONY PARK LIGHTING SYSTEM: Cleveland from Knapp to Dudley; Raymond from Scudder to Dudley; Chelmsford from Knapp to Dudley; Hythe from Doswell to Dudley - E. & W. Grantham from Doswell to N. City Limits; Dudley from Grantham to Cleveland- - Hendon from Grantham to Cleveland; Buford from Grantham to Cleveland; Doswell from Como to 01tveland; Bourne from Eustis to Keston, Carter from Gordon to Cleveland; Commonwealth from Gordon to Cleveland; Langford from Gordon to Como; Knapp from Como to Cleveland; Gordon from Carter to Langford Park P1. W.• Langford Park P1. W. from N. P. Tracks to inapp; Langford Pk. P1. E. from N. P. Tracks to Knapp; Soudder from Blake to Como; Gordon from Langford Park Pl. E. to Raymond; Blake from Gordon to Raymond - Alden St. from Raymond to GiLbs; Alden Place from Alden St. to Gibbs; Gibbs from Comb Ave. W. to N. P. Tracks of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is direct�j� Adoptedby the Council _ .................. ................__;:...........,............................191.__..___ EP •. ; _...._� t.CrJ:. e E,_ ......... City Clerk. Approved...... ..... _.---._....._.._.__._._._................. ._..191_.:...,;.' • _......... .......... _.... .........Mayor. Councilman35tMM Kh__"'A"} ___ PUBLISMI) - 6 % m ✓ferguson •• 9174E1Td1 �MoDonald � � MoGlogan lfed*X pawl fe'Sudheirder Tbuuralz& Wenzel Mayorftt Hodgson Form y. B. 16 1'112� 00111�, 4 'T J! 2, " r, .. ander Preliminary Order 5-897-6- ............... - I Intermediary Order ....... . ................... . .. . ........... Final Order ............. 1.9 2.6 The assessment of D.erwfits,. o e.10 ................._.._.._.__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........... 12th ....... . ..... day of QCtobex, 19.26 ............ bQ1 ............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directoln,ii Adopted by the Council .......... .................... - 19 L.. -SEP City Clerk. ;;Z Approved 191 ... ...... .......... . ......Mayor. CounciImarL1BtMM=Kh-• -4AQ"--- do= wfergueon PU13LISHED MpMMX 'OMoDonald btalkX rMoGlogan Z-1) M3=1 SudheirAer T&x&atr& Wenzel I/ MayorA109K Hodgson Form #. B. 16 67874 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..ao emning, and .taking an.-easem...... in .the land ...................................._...... ecgssary-,for--.elopea.,.._Yor---cuts. and .iills...in„grading.-_allgy .in__,,,,,,_ rom.. Carbon..8t....to. ,South._$t..,...................._....... _................ - -................................................... t ' _ F: No..0874— •AI :e matter of condemning and tak- ................................................ an easement In the land necee- ,e,i, `: for elopes, for cute and 8ljs.:ln ...ng alley in Block 1,-Norton'e under Preliminary Order—..6.65.46 .,� 5. appy -; t' from QA t— St. to south r Order 66648, . intermedl- ..•.' Aug. 18, approved .... Atlg..-3-,.1926........... Order....... 7 257..., The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a eon$ma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment D1, - benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.............12th day of.....QCtObG'T,1�.26__-....„-----_ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP 1 Or% Adoptedby the Council ............................................ ...................... 191 ..... SEP 1 4199City Cler . Approvea.................................. ............. , 191........ i, ...... ........ ' --::` ...-----• Mayor. Councilman FIARN IX `�Conneilman as Fer6uson D 1M ✓Councilman McDonald 0ouncihnan MCGlo�an onncilman 8udheimer onneilman est Wenzel P_ Mayor k3b Hodgson 6'78'75 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.__.GQPAe=1119...ADA taking ...an. ...P.AuA3vId...iI1...title...IeAd.......................... necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in .......................... .................... ..._ a B1s1Qk.._2,...9Qmo_..He1g}lt.e..11d�l� t!3 A.A c. th m e "_. '---...."-' ...................... ►•---- In thP.e matter of condemning dad to$$- iar ond eceA- nary f easement in the ]afor elopes, for cute and flus In grading alley In Block E; ,Como .................... .......... ._.... Ileights Addition, under Preilminary Order 68467, approved Mar. 19, 1926, Intermediary Order 67269, approved Aug. S. 1928. ....................................... ................... """'-"----"-.•-- `- -- ------ The Commissioner of Finaace havlag s++*^+1lted ,his eporr, �h •+^ above mat- ---._......-"---""---'----'-'----'-"-.._....."--..........................-"---........��s-'`'� r, jy ---------- ;the ...................._.... ___.. e e T er " �' �+• •• ��ir ate for the •Tu5 '••n ... mv..m 4aYJly under Preliminary Order 5Q 67...._....... approvedMar_19-.19. 5----...'° ilf. ' '.j18- Order-- Z ••---.-., approved --Aug -3 J926.......... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. 12th ........... ----.day of October�1926 AA -_ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing ae•prescribed by the Charter. EP14ri.. Adopted by the Conned ---•------•-------•- :..:.�........................ 191.---.... SEP 14198 Approves.............................:.::... - ., 191........ eAinncilman froom Orgus>D ,councilman H#1>fM MaDona'ld wtf4 uncilman iix M McGlo �o..ilman 3adift Sudhe mer ..R6uncilman NftM9Z1 dx Wenzel ..-,,Mayor IXAx Hodgson 6'78'76 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_�rading_ and_pav_ing_alley_ in _Block �2� Summit Park__________ _ACLAI119S1a--i_X-QGL-WAIP2A._CtG.T_e_@3t-ISL Vxml 1NVnMW0IARY .ORDERS. Y_______________________________ C F.No 67878— In tha:Matter, ," gradin andPark paviniChale --'--------------- alley 7n Slack 22, Summit Std .. ,1lton.ro fm Ozrord Street 'to ________________________________________________. _ .-, v=. ��P. w under Preliminary Order________ W-435___________________approved __A1Z1_ 17,--19?6_____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_$TA�_RIIS_I�AYE____ a11ey_ in B1Qgg_'�t2„ _$ummi t Park _Addition_ Prom_ Oxford_ Street_ to ________ ---ghatmnrlb-Itag.Pt--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2023 .00__-_ z Resolved Further, That a public heating be had on said improvement on the____ 12t}1 ---------- day of ------------Qg1432QT_____- 192;.�d_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the. persons and in' t{fe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the impro f and, t e total cost thereof as estimated. 99e Y Y Adopted by the Council --- Approved --- ouncil___ Approved----- UPI 41 9 --------192--- y'Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald 'Councilman IbUtg a McGlogan o •Councilman Sudheimer owCouncilman Wenzel / ,brayor 11 A I m Hodgson L.-' Form B. S. A. 8.6 --------------- - ------ City- -- - ----- -- f Clerk.-- ---- ------ ------------ - - Mayor. PUBLISHED Olk COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 678'77 In the Matter of_ condemning_ andi_taking._an_ easement- in--the-land- necessary_ for_slo�es,_cute and fills_in_the_grading-q alley_in Block j2,__________ Summit ark �ddtion�_from_Oxford_Street_to_Ohatsworth_Street,_ ---------- __________________________________ ___IC .F. No �678T[• - -A-1— and talc -l. Aug. 17, 1888. � � ' The CoupollyoL the Cltr o[ Bt.. P �' under Preliminary yOrder_-_______[W- elvea the report of tl r� ___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_onndlemn_alld.-tak.e __an_easement_in_the_land _necessary_for elopes, cuts and Pills in the __gx1ng_Q_By_��]�Qg]t_j�,__$iupmit Park Add ition,Yrom_Oxford --Str�e�_fn_llhaaar9xth_&trt<E._1A-&e�Q�d�nc w1th_�e blue -print---------- ___h�Tets�_8tiA 4hed�_aAd_mBS�E_a_12@�7Ct_hereog}_the hatclied_portione_ehow-__ ___iced@_ ��t�@_ ged_the _sa}gd _portions _ehowing_the _fills_______________ with no alternatives, and that the estianated cost thereof is $_1.0,00 _______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- .21b�------- day of ----------- ot9_12gX_____- 192-6--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and.the total cost thereof as estimated. S'EP 1 41926 Adopted by the Council_____________________, 192 ---- SEP141926 ------ ------ �, -- ---- -- - - ----- Approved ----------------------- ty Clerk. -- ----- --------- - ----------------------- Mayor. 'Councilman Ferguson PUBLISHED . .-,touncilman McDonald �eouncilman HtXWM ' MCGlogsl %_.Councilman Sudheimer uncilman Wenzel ,Mayor klj1 p Hodgson orm B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 678-78 In the Matter of-_gralgng_all eys _in_Bloek _4,�_Lexirlgton_ Park_ Pl at__Z,__and Block_ 1,_ Bay_ Addition_ and_ Sternberg! s_ Addition:__from Randolph St to ia=L$.,__flom-ILeaiugt911_AYA,._14_the_ gnterly_Alley,_And -from----------- Jam.ea-_St.a_ tio__tla,_E@at_ -QW-_A@i t_AULaY------- -- ------------------------------------- C. R No. 67878-- In the Matter of BTetall'. In Block 4, Lexington Park .,k Plat : '.and ----------- ------------- i, xay Addition aad stern- betg'a AddlUon, Isom Randglph 3t., ___________________________________________, to James sL, from Lexington .Jive. _________________________ under Preliminary Order__________6��1} co the weecerly _,suer, and Prom Samee st: to the Eaet and west 6 Alley, under Preliminary Order ooe� 88374 approved June 3, 1826. The Council of the Ci of Paul having r The Council or the CSty 2j.ft Pani City g havine reeelved tee repoFc or the eom- oner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered :�°pyo°veemren eandncbavine eon. asses` Bald " a he* �', ' "` 1. That the said report and the same is I„T a$pM b and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '"-' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_fldP�-}91J Bye@_ iD�__ Block_4,_ Leaingt�n_Park_Plat_Slock_l�_Kay__Addition=and_Sternberg'a Addition_from_Randolph_St__to_James 8t „L_from_Lexington_Age__to__the _ westerly__alle,__and from James_ St. _to- the -East _andWest-Alley______---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $156e-54___--__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _________-_13-tb -_day of --------- Q tabeT_______- 192_.6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- a{l1 4-_____-, 192____ �t pI1_1------- ---- A - - -- ------------ Approved -----.4 � A--------192--- �City� Clerk. -- ---- ----------- ----l-s----- ---- Mayor. an an LISRED ,,,councilman Ferguson .oCouncilman McDonald ,councilman Vdamaa: MoGlogan Councilman el �Wen 2ouncilman Wenzel Mayor 105ZW HodgeoU Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 67879 In the Matter of___condemning and_ takinB_an easement is -the--land ------------------ _ necessary_for_slooes�_cuts_and_fills�_in_the grading of_alleps in___ _ Block_ 4,__�exington_Park_Plat_ Z, _and_Block _ly_Kay__Add _and_ 9ternberg� s_ _Add_,_fgom Randoh__$t._to_Jamea_St._�_from_Lexington A_v_e:__to_the______ _ westerly_ alley,_ and Yrom James_St_to_ the East _and west Allep, __ F. o. _________________________________________ 1 th M ttex— Ia the Matter of condemning,1h,a and tak_ ------------------ ing an easement t¢ the land necea-y�f------ aBry Ior aloDee, cute and -.011e, In the. under Preliminary Order___------ 2ba7_9 togCoogA`rk tP�at i gandksiock i:. tle 3,__1826____________ Ray .Agdd. and Sternberg's Add., The Council of the City of Paul having ',,from l;emington Ave. to the peetez- ssioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considereS r,t; atlee. ¢aa, tco o James sr to the; 1. That the said report and the sameis�4ccReliy :o I; ;Vs:; ted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-randdEmn_&IIGL_f akl3.__ __&Il_ �S,a4tA�27.t._J.A_ �he_J.e•RGi_IlE��&$@�Y_ for_ sloes,_ cuts _and_ fills,_ in _the_ __grad�ng_o� allgys in _Block_ 4,_ Lexington_Park_Plat_Z,_ and_Bloak_l�_____ _ Bay_Add__ and Sternberg!s Add_1_from Randolph Street to James Street,--- ------- -------------- from Lexington.Avenue to the westerly !q.Lq, and from James Street to the East and West Alley, in accordance with the blue print hereto __a"ttached__and__made__a��ax berPn�,� aha spa _Rcx ista�a_ 9�ix> e_cuts and the shaded portions showing the i'i1e with no alternatives, and that the -estimated cost thereof is $:___-5Q-.Q____ Resolved Further, That a public hear ng� be had on said improvement on the _______1,.th.------ day of _October _________ 192_ 6. at`the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court )'louse and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the' manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counc8fp+4- _______- 192____ ;.. g�---------- ---- -- ---- ----. -- - Approved--- SEP 14; -------`-----------------192_-- /� City Clerk. -------------------------- -------------------- Mayor. a,Councilman Ferguson .^Councilman McDonald �u� --,'—� `' __touncilman F=ff0X MCGlogan -Councilman Sudheimer p9 councilman Wenzel , .,Mayor btd m Hodgson /1 y V Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 6780b0 In the Matter -.______ _Addition._from-Por-land_Aee-.._IQ_Aoittll._9Ad Q;� o_0P9_Qrro_U_tb&_-_ _red line _gn_the _pmfile_hereto_attaohed_and _made -a -part _hereof,_ the _present_established grade_being shown by a_blue line thereon,_also_-- in [ne Matter of changing' they wPrS1_�c@$�) 1�----------------� rot alter to Block: B. aummlt ,n under Preliminary Order prawn[. e9t8bllehld grade '+being ssioner of Finance upon the The Council of the City of Paul having ; .shown bq a mue une thereon, nleo l P above improvement, and having considered_. grading said alley between °the ..said Ilmlts tb said red :line., en estobliahed under PreUmlD-' 1. That the said report and the same iso oder 67468 approved nog is,, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a[ vnatl or the Gley of ak.rini;1 2. That the nature of the improvement why°gin ane; nDronoilieaavbris_Sc33�_1�_�58__ -.1 having. c. ,icer^^ _o3-alley__iA_H1sz.Qlc_9t_Summi�._Aga.._lllSs7,��on_3xom_ P_Q�t].�us1 _Aee_._�o__eQuth _fA4L_Qf _� 11 epi_ t9 _9onfo_tQ__the_Aed _1 ins _ on_ the _prq f ile_ h eretq_ at lashed _��_rp�_e__f3,-��� _�1�T.�Q�>_ tbe_P_SeRent_ a st abs i $hed_ggade _bgi>?g__ehown_ lly__ a blue line_thereon,_also_gradin_said alley between the aforesaid _limits_to_gaisi_�eli_line_�¢beu_Qatslzli sb!~d------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_13.1)..6______ , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 1311L_______day of ----------- CLQf&bP.r------ 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambee of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counc i __ ___________- 192____ Approved___ E44 i y'`1A,j'----------192--- v, Councilman Ferguson Otouncilman McDonald ,oeouncilman ilhE px McGlogan ,rf'Suncilman Sudheimer councilman Wenzel Mayor a*o Hodgson Form B. S. A. 96 City Cl ---- - - -- ---- ---------- Mayor. 6'7881 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_oondemning-and_ taking- an -easement --in -the land_neoeseary_ r__elonea,_ sand_ i] �a_in_the_$ asLing_s1f_ ------------- -------------------------------------------�,.,ca. conncn-ar the Cltr or at:VPAN r-----------------_------ °d`- ^�ved the report of the cont•' ' .".u'•. .'t eDon the above' under Preliminary Order_____________ 67-4fa________ _ a duras oonetgered -19,2926 ------------- solves; The Council of the City of Paul having received the repot _ 11 *1 ft a "tw° g toner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby solves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is QA-gtriA and_ take the_---- al4iAg_ at -LLU 9Y_j=p -131Q9]Z_a,_ AItmmit_.,A_v_enue_-Ad dition_ from_ Pgrtland_______ Ave. to south end of alleiccordanoe with the blue print -her4to- ---------- - ----------- - y�-n_a------------------- - - - attached and -made a part hereofy_the hatched_nortions_showing the___. - ------------- --- cuts and the --shaded portions_ showing-th__efille ------------- ,_ -------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ---------------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 14Ul.-------- day of --------Ilofahsr_________- 192_-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' 99 Adopted by the CouncilStp 141 ____________, 192____ SEP 14:{a Approved---------------------------r192--- ,,Councilman Ferguson ,Eouncilman McDonald ooftuncilman HbllgrsbE McGlogan lcoDuncilman Sudheimer ( �Runcilman Wenzel Mayor a1W Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.6 -------- ---- ---- - ----- -� ��-C _ityC1 - 7�/ - rk. -- ----- ----------------------------------- Mayor. VJBLISHED �` 6'7882 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ .............. a.F No 87868—B9 T. H'MeDonald: F In the Mattllf..of gonstructing a se=` . .-----..... on r $y.-....: _....•......................_...... -. C ke Ei�'3gomia ppolnt.¢O ft.- .:8 tbDuluthAve. . Jenks Ssc Stom &;p Int id IL east oC $rank BL::to Duluth Ave. IBwe&n,f3t:.lrom a Dolnt j0 tt. oast of F'ranlGptcc to Do nth Abe, y Duluth''&ve: from Case at. po-Law- son ` Coox 9t. from Dulutti AvO to the . 84 Paul' Water Wo;]cs right o1 Way:,; In the -Matter of-...------ •- ......................................- . _afar oa +net.. <lcom Duluth Ava- ta>.#.. --- . bn den -.ease enY Donstructipg a sewer on: Os�Bt_ from a point 60 ft. east of Frank &t. ta, fhsltlth Awe. jnljs_St fVom a point 60 ft. east of Flank St. to Duluth Ave. ws u S from a point 60 ft. east of Frank St. to Duluth Ave. � t kwa- fiom Oase St. to Lawson at. i ok t. from Duluth Ave. to the St. Paul Water Works riglst of way milia St. from Duluth Ave. to Burnquiat Ave. and on an..8aaement to be obtained, the center line of which shall be the c -t line of Jenks St. ag laid out in Hillsdale Addition, produced east from Doylpth Ave. to a point 8 feo northwesterly of the Nartliz �Paoific rai road dight -of -gray thence northeasterly and p allel`to 1 -he said Horther Pacific Railroad right-of-way and 8 f et :nortI , -t ,7� thexeY 0�a, o the St. Paul Water Works rightro Wap, theA¢e'�► the 6t. P& 'Water Works right-of-way to Magnolia"St., and oY! Btjty�.r� u_i_at,Ave. from -Magnolia St. to Jessamine tit. all of which is to be' known as the BELT LINE PEALQ'i PARK SEWER EXTErSION Ao.2 to be made b flid Clfy is -- ... t st a teewer ;.. f rom a p6i3ii'�1 '' ft-: east est -Fran o th Aqe. Yrom a Point ft. east of Frank t.. to tv-Ave« t. from a point ft. east of Frank St. to-- h Ave. R. e. Yrom Oase St. to Laxaon St. . yN_ Plprka rig t of Wit, ., iMon, M oli$ , r from Dt:lutu, Ay, a Tio Dtuuyvtsa uN'b_e_! -- td be obtai ed, the center 1 �'of which ahe ce erlineof Jenks lit: as laid out in H lisdale Addiduced setjlfo'm Ddlitth'~Ae: to. ,pojVtA >eat .northwethe Ntrern paowi raid r d right of+Waltz encs t�► tk#14XP1fad-i�1 d 4e,;t%Weateliy trefrPpl to, to $' Paupa right a ou the 'St Pa i� tirk right Y 5a"Urn et �r,��i$`n 9t. to Jet'sami a 8t. all o?... whfcIr e,knp It L ne.Phalen Park ewer Ext, sion No:, -2 0,191"a - Approved.............................. ...................... 191...: -- .................................................. - c -6un61nan I1II9694E9E alan0y LfBHED Councilman Ferguson .councilman OLMMy McDonald .Aouneilman Yj&m McGloggan ,Abuhcilman MaCtdi Sudheimer 9 ��Tsadnr3tait �eaaal I' / I i 7 L ' �'� ✓Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 / �(� under Preliminary Order ------------------66237- ................. approved .............. y._ 2.7.x...1926 --_-----_--_------------- IntermediaryOrder ........... ..................._........ .............. approved ----------.-------- --..._------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it i � z�c/ -4 , � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that - ent to be made by id City is - - - —,u ----- -- 3QC Ot 818elfer OA i a e fiom a pb3at,1 ft ea8t Fran to Dn uth Ave.. _ Ake from a poiTrt ft. east of Frank t. to tly. Ave. - a*aoa from a point ft. east of Frank St. to - h Ave'. wth.A a from Oase St to Lawson St. poke 3t. rom Duluth Ave the St. Paul GI ter Sid- rig t of way M o11a from Duluth A' to irngNft a d on easement to be obtai ed, the Center 1 e of which sha`1 be the ce er line of Jenks St. as laid out in H Iladale Additio produced ast f!�}m I3uluth,A e. to a point d set northweaterl of the N thern pa tFiq rails d right-of-way enoe northwaet r and 1: lel to the-, said Nor. hern :Pacif'io raf. aad right w,4aa �hd �+ ie, � norteaterxy th refrom . to the S Paul 1at�r.�Nor 'a Sit. ` f Ray} tben_ce on the St Paul 'ater Work right irf i1�y Mi., » o- i$ a'h$ on Burn ui at v , ; tom . Mai i St . to Jedsa6si e It. all o�t , which is to be k ;t"h"elt L ne Phalen Park ewer Exte Sion No. 2 9 a• - Approved................................. ................... 191........ .j� ............. •............ My LiSTiED �� c Councilman c Olanoy In ' -touncilman GM Ferguson ,iGouncilman dbmoy MoDonald councilman lj gt MoGloggan ,,Councilman MWtdl Sudheimer ` 6e -•mit& 15 as- L ✓ Magor Hodgson . Form B. S. A. 8-7 / �(% s b an RE Councilhe FURTIIEdas �Co� for�said i pro Wo kandesan issameons to a Count - and dire ted to prepare plans cil for a roval; that upon said ap oval, the proper city offic' is are he authorized an directed to proceed 'th the making of said 91 v meal in accordance ice• Adopted by the Council......,............... .1---------------- _.------ .1 191........ Approved.................. ----------- ............... .......... 191........ ............... ✓unC1h,an BUCROMIrft Olanoy -4touncilman *= Ferguson q .iCouncilman OlKwy McDonald councilman l3LeJ= McG}lo�ari ,�Cougciiman DiaOW Sudhef =r 6en�eils3en.�Bd�sdge3tad'-16'e�z'el' � �. -. Mayor Hodgson � • t < Form B. S. A. 8-7 E .. TY OF ST. PAUL U II.L-k VDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISqkONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINURY ORDER In the matter of Construct a sewer on: Case St. from a point 60 ft east of Frank St.to Duluth Ave. Jenks St. from a point 60 ft, east of Frank St.to Duluth Ave. Lawson St. from a point 60 ft east of Frank St.to Duluth Ave. iDuluth Ave. from Case St.to Lawson St. Cook St. from Duluth Ave.to the St.Paul Water Works right of way ----Magnolia St. from Duluth Ave.to Burnquist Ave. and on an easement i, ta be obtained, the center line of which shall be the center line of Jenks St. as laid out in Hillsdale Addition, produced east -from Duluth Ave.to a point 8 ft northwesterly of the Northern Pacific ,-railroad right-of-way thence northeasterly and parallel to the 'Northern Pacific railroad right of way and 8 feet northwesterly therefrom, to the St.Paul water Works right of way, thence on the St.Paul Water Works right of way to Magnolia St. and on und TPJ�H-in., Burnquist Ave. from Magnolia St. to Jessamine St. all of which is t� be known as the Belt Line Phalen Park Sewer Extension-No.2 To the Council of tHFeCiry--5TS �.au The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoXunt of the assessment for the above improvement is $31480.00 - The estimated cost pevtootrt for the above improvement is spread .,007: per sq.ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be-ms9essed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT aLocK ADDITION VALUATION 69 Dawson Earl St. Addition 175 1 70 do 3500 9 70 3 70 rao oe 4 70 40.1 5 70 do 3325, .0 8 70 q 7 70 8 70 9 70 e4eh (10 70 11 70 12 70 TOTAL, v-_ a. H. to r _ F �P CITY OF BT PAUL Y.,.�m '-DEPARTMENT OF: FINANCE 1+3 ' "F2EPORT OF COMMIS NER° OF FINANC 6; 4,?o ON PRELIMII� Y ORDER C1 Ia the matter of i Oflnstr116t fl sewer on: Case St. from a point 60 ft east of Frank St.to Duluth Ave. Jenks St. from a point 60 ft, east of Frank St.to Duluth Ave. — Law"son St. from a point 60 ft east of Frank St.to Duluth Ave. 1 Duluth Ave. from Case St.to Lawson St. Cook St. from Duluth Ave.to the•St.Paul Water Works right of way --- Magnolis Avge. and on an easement j-7 77 under Preliminary Order approved-_ May 27th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amoppunt of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 31480.00 The estimated cost peifootfor the above improvement is - $_ spread ooh-: per sq.ft. The lots or parcels of land that may b nesse benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: n TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ., ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCN ADDITION VALUATION 69 Dawson Earl St. Addition r 175 r ( 1 70 do 3500 ( 2 70 ` rdo ( 3 70 ( 4 70 'orb 1 °E�. ( 5 70 do 3325 ( 6 70 ( 7 70 rhe ( 8 70 tlteh ( 9 70 (10 70 (11 70 8 12 70 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ., + . CITY OF BT. PAULu A. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �"/ REPORT OF COMM15 OPNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINdRY ORDER' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17. 8 . Hillsdale St.Paul,Minn. 125 18 8 do 100. 19; 8 . do 300, - 20 8 do 100 21. 8 do :100 22 8 do 100: m 23.. g_ _-d® _ ;..1-00:-- 24 8 do 900 d 25: 8 do 350 __. 26 8 do 900 - _ 27 8 do _ -100 ._. 28 8- do 100 ._. 29, 8 do 30 8 do 100 ._ . 1 8 do 4*51 I - 2 8 do 375' 3 8 do- 75 u 4 8 do 75 5 -8 do 75- 6 8 do 75 7 . 8 do 75- i 8 8 do 75 9 8 do 5 75- 10 10 8 do 75 11 8 do 325 12 8 do 75 r_ 13 8 do 415. _ 14 8 do 100 _ 17 7 do 18 7 do 15 19. 7 do 75, 20 7 do 475 21- 7 do 75•. _.. 22 7 do 75 23 7 do 75 24 7 do 75 ". _ 25: 7 do 75— �- 28 7 do 75 27- q do_ _ .._.. 75-- -- - ?-- 28 , 7 do 7,5 I 29 7 do 30 7 do 5 _ 1. 7 do 2 7 do 15 - 3 . 7 do 75._ - 4 7 do 75 g 5 7 75 . _ — ;- 6 7 do 77,5 k_ .7 7 do 875 8 7 do 975 9 7 do 75 -- 10 7 do 75 11 7 do 76 TOTAL ,.m......:....-s._e..-...,.. tom,.=..a._.am....-.-.... .,. _-.>x ..........,.o. .. eITT of sr. ►wuL - 4r- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMITIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIONS 12 7 Hillsdale St.Paul,Minn. 215. 13' 7 do. 500 -ry - 14 7 do '275 17' 4 , do 100 18 4 do 75 19 4 do 15 r. 20 4 do 75 i 21' 4 d0 75.- 22 4 do 575 23 4 do 75 24 4 do 225 25 4 do 75 26. 4 do 75 27' 4 do 75 28 4 do 75 - 29 4 do, 75 30 4 do 75 1 7 do valuations 30' 7 do given on 1 8 do preceding 30, 8 do page• (Except the North 1921set and except part lying ?of (east of west line of RdNorthern Pacific Ry.Co.) The East � of Northeast l of Section 28 Town 29 Range 22 6200 Water Works right of way over and across the East 3575 of the Northeast a between the west line of the Northern Pacific right of way and the south line of Jessamine St. in section 28 Town 29'Range 22. 1 6 Hillsdale St.Paul,Minn.' 100' 2 6 do 600 3 6 -do 100 4 6 do 2000 5 6 do 100 1_. 7 6. do _10 1 5 do 400 2 5 do 38-00, 35 do 650 a 4 _ 5 do -150 h 5 5 do 150 6 5 do 150 7 5 do 2050 a 8 5.. do 2250 . 9 5 do 2750 10' 5 do 150 '.. 11 5 do 150 12. 5 do 150 13 5 do _ 150__. TOTAL CRY ow BT. PAUL 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 49 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION 14 5 Hillsdale St.Paul,Minn. 2000 15 5 do 175 i .- 16 2 do 175 17 2 . do 2150 18 2 do 2200 19 2 do 2000 20 2 do 150 21 '2 do 1400 22 2 do 150 23 '2 do 650 24 2 do 150 25 2 do 15d 26 2 do 450 _.h 27 ' 2 do 150 28 2 do 150_ 29 2 do 150 30 2 do 150 -k 6 1 do 900 7 1 do 1650 8 1 do 100 9 1 do 350 'i 10 1 do 200 11 1 do 700 1 1 do 75 . 2 1 do 1275 3 1 do 75 4 1 do 75 5 1 do 75 1 2 do 525 2 2 do 75 32 do 25 - 4. .2 do 75 - 5 2 do 75 6 2 do 75 7 2 do 75 8 2 do 1825 9 2 do 2275 10 2 do 2,316 11 2 do 28125.- 12 '2 do 325 13 2 do 75. - 15 '2 do 1625 14 2 do 29,75, _ 6 3 Lane-H6spes Add. 225 7 3 do 150, . i. do 9 3 do 5150. 10 '3 do 150 11 3 do 33-50. - 12 '3 do 2800 13 3 do 450, 14 '3 do 660 I 15 3 do .dIM ....i TOTAL 400. CITY or ST. PAUL + -41111, *A � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `` v- DESCRIPTION 'LOT iSWCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1,1 16 3 Lane HOspes Add. 1$0 apo. 100,;__ , 18: 3 t 19; 3 do 550° 20 3 do 75 j 21• 3 do 75. _ 22 3 do 75 23 3 do _. _ 75 24 3 do 125 ._. 9 4 do 100 10 4 do 100 ll. 4 do 100 12 4 do 100 i,. 13. 4 do - 100 14 4 do 100 157 4 do 100 Commencing on the west line of Northern Pacific Ry. 450 right of way 1237.5 feet north from south line of Northeast 4 thence'West 206.12 feet thence S. 100151 E. 360 feet to said west line thence northeasterly along said west line 384 feet to beginning; part of'Section 28 Town 29 Range 22 - A Hillsdale St.Paul,Minn 100 B do 100 0 o 125 D do 75 E do 50 _ F do 25 8 6 do .375 - 17 5 do 1350 16: 5 do 1125 • 1 3 do 275 2 3 do 775 3 3 do 2575 4 3 do 275 - 5 3 do 575 6 3 do 575. _ 7 3 do 275 8 . 3:, do 9 3 do 215 _ 10• 3 do 375' 'i 11 3 do 275 12- 3 do -275. 13' 3 do 2275 14• 3 do 275,- 17 3 do 275 1g; 3 do 1475: 19 3 do 275 20- 3 do - 275 21 3 do 1625 -', 22. 3 do 275 ,,.....>._.®..-.-.�...m.-�=..:......:...w...r...,..-.�........,.,.::,....--.... 23 3 do TOTAL ,...:. _. ,.. ..... ..:.-...: .. .,.: ..:.__.....».....a....es,-._......n.s-.,:...T,..a....r...y�._.«.-mn.........m.s.�..s.a=.r,�,a.,.�.��. 275 �w CITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - '� � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN ON PRELIMIPeARY ORDER 1c) . - ASSESSED .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION 25 3 Hillsdale St.Paul,Minn 1775 26 3 do 3075 27 3 do 2825 28 3 do `275 29 3 do 1425 30 3 do 275 1 4 do 250 2 4 do 2100 3 4 do 2125 4 4 dog. b 575 5 4 do 1775 6 4 do 275 7 4 do 275 8 4 do 275 9 4 do 2175 10 4 do 275 11 4 do 2275 12 4 do 275 13 4 do 1975 14 4 do, 275 135575 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1-7 - -- _192 6__ _ _ _- � Commissioner of Finance. mak,{ 'St. Paul, Minn. __ —192_. To The Honorable; The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable be Body to cause the following improvemede: - --._._.- St. *v_— Ave. o.' 444:�' To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. !9 V. Gentlemen: St. Paul, Minn.____._192_ • We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .. . ....... — --------- - -- . ...... . . ...... St. A -Vel. from— —St. Ave. .......... ......... . .. . . ---St. Ave. -ADDI71ON 10A, St. Paul, Minn.— — _192— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .. . ... . . ......... . . . ....... ............ . ..... . . . ....... . ..... . . St. Ave. ..... - ------ . .... .. . ............ from— --St. Ave. toE(� —St. Ave. St. Paul, Minn.--_�� 192AL ±. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: —-......—.._..._._.._._..... _...... .. _.— ......... _.�� -Co— zu�1- - off✓ tea' St. A. fromt_ -fit. Ave. to N I� .. . 1 OAR R SOON Avg MAI ss i��� F` -f=ice of`the'�Cotrmissoner ofPa�bli _ Report to Commissioner of FinpnceAlIr JUN 1411126 1 192 6 T To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the,;' ay Council, known',49 Council File No._66237 approved _......... .0. 27..:.._____.__..._-192 6 ., relative to .onstruatioa.:..oY...a._seaaer_ to ba �n>was_the__B.e1:t....I.ina._.Phale.n Park✓.. Eztensi on Not T and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: A. Said improvement is. ..... ._...... __... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. per attached letter. r 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_........... ..... _.�_..._, and the total cost thergof ie...._..._ .._..___.......... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _..............._. . _._._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and de a part hereof. 4. _...._._......... ........... ......... ____.._....... ___ c.. _..______....._____..... _. a 5. Said improvement is._ _............. _asked for upon petition ee or more owners of p operty, sabject to assessment for said improvement. x H Commissioner of Public Workq IM icl Y,01FVIII ITP t parFni 0 qV'F (PublicIrks JOHN H. MCOONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G.�0''C NNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER My GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C V ENo1Nm1 _ une 10, 1926 M. S. GRYTBAK. US— kIMIN®! WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. or CON.YRueiI.N AHo R—IR A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OP SwNRwrwN G. H. HERROLD. 0MC[ wNo CRY PLwMNo G. P. EOWLIN. SUR. or WO HOU.[ Hon. John H. Mc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Case Street from a point 60 feet east of Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, Jenks Street from a point 60 feet east of Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, Lawson Street from a point 60 feet east of Frank Street to Duluth Avenue, Duluth Avenue from Case Street to Lawson Street, Cook Street from Duluth Avenue to the St. Paul Water Works right of way, Magnolia Street from Duluth Avenue to Burn - quiet Avenue and on an easement to be obtained, the center line of xhieh shall be the center line of Jenks Street as]a.id out in Hillsdale Addition, produced east from Duluth Avenue to a point 8 feet northwesterly of the Northern Pacific railroad right of way thence northeasterly and parallel to the said Northern Pacific railroad right of way and 8 feet northeaster- ly therefrom, to the St. Paul Water Works right of way, thence on the St. Paul Water Works right of way to Magnolia Street and on Burnquist Avenue from Magnolia Street to Jessamine Street all of which is to be known as the Belt Line Phalen Park Sewer Extension No.2, under Preliminary Order C.F. #66237,approved May 27, 1926: Total Estimated Cost $31,480.00 Frontage 8,520 lin. ft. The area drained by this sewer has been divided into three parts as follows: i "A" Abutting 999,520 sq.ft "B" Having existing sewerswhich will be provided with an adequate outlet 278,200 " " "C" Area to be drained by future extensions 303 950 " " Total 1,581,670 " " The sewers in area "B" were built as a part &f a system for sanitary drainage only. The proposed construction will make these sewers adequate for all purposes. Areas "B" 4 2 - and "C"may therefore be considered as subject to the same -rate of assessment. In calculating frontage we have assumed 1325 lineal feet of frontage on the sewer on the easement from Duluth Avenue to the Water Works right of way, and 160 lineal feet on the east side of Duluth Avenue between Case Street and Rawson Street. With these assumptions an as- sessment of $3.25 per front foot abutting property would leave a spread assessment to be made on areas "B" and"C" of $0.0065 per square foot. That portion of area "C" lying east of the Water Works right of way is partly overflowed by Phalen Creek and should perhaps have special consideration on this account. A district map accompanies this report. Yours truly, Chlef Engi33ee Approved for tbansmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Ptiblie orks. M, . �ne�paenhG���ublic � crus JOHN H. MCDONALp. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEOROE M. SHEPARD. CHIV MG- M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIOOS ENOM®I WM. N. CAREY. SUPE. O/ COw.TmIOiIOK ANO RV IR A. B. SHARP, StRr OF SANRATNW G. H. HERRMO, OTIC. M CM P�ANN'HO Ef _ G. P. B -IN, SWT. Of WOIIK-. 2 - and "C"may therefore be considered as subject to the same -rate of assessment. In calculating frontage we have assumed 1325 lineal feet of frontage on the sewer on the easement from Duluth Avenue to the Water Works right of way, and 160 lineal feet on the east side of Duluth Avenue between Case Street and Rawson Street. With these assumptions an as- sessment of $3.25 per front foot abutting property would leave a spread assessment to be made on areas "B" and"C" of $0.0065 per square foot. That portion of area "C" lying east of the Water Works right of way is partly overflowed by Phalen Creek and should perhaps have special consideration on this account. A district map accompanies this report. Yours truly, Chlef Engi33ee Approved for tbansmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Ptiblie orks. M, Y - _ —�' CITY OF :ST PAUL - couwca ME NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n X4rY� PRESENTED aEY COMMISSIONER_. DAT ..__.... ... ._.p.__...— __....._... ..: E RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the, purpose of constructing a sewer known as "Belt Line -Phalen Park Server Extension No. 2, under Preliminary Order Co F. #66248, approved May 27, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. 467480, approved August 17, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch be it in the above matter, RESOLVED,. That fi and ermines the ount o and to be ken for t e above ed imptove ent t0— be ea follows. le sad t4 m me us bq*W no$&@. A�Ie�lalled; i �eeeinded and ail �alings in said �eatter be diwxelyaa�d. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Council Adopted by the Cil..�f. t ✓/C]ancy 192.... ✓`Ferguson . 'Donald �__..In favor Ap l�•9- ........ 192...... g 14cGlogan _Xudheimer 0 -Against .... ......... Mr. President Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL, ��VC7c Department of Public Works Sept. 15, 1926 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing a sewer known as "Belt Line -Phalen Park Sewer Extension No. 2, under Preliminary Order C. F. #66248, approved May 27, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #67430, approved August 17, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a pest of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described_ as follows: _J-14 2eet Sn> width for ooaetcat- Ing and midihta ring a public • *4er Mi ..4tr Anda rose a mlacel fneou4 traot.;ln the 9 'R # otytee N rR of see:' 28 Town:. -28 Ranges 82 baugda on the north and west by, BUtsflale Addition agfl on, the souW�aad east, by the Nortaerh ppaoldc Rallros3 rJgght .ot way,-;ajar,lot'. block BsHfll4dalA Ad` I dltion,.,the bentgf^tline of=i`4eld saes- meat .tis deaorlbQd�ae foI!o, The ! center' line ongen ryt 8a laid out. ln. Hi115fla1e Addttfga grodAoedr,a atrfrpgl:; DolutB Ava to,a'Cpoint u Borth - westerly f thb'': _ ther¢,.� 'aoldo :qil• Commissioner of Public Works. road -bight of. t9ay tliencaynortheaet- Orly and paralii:l% to thp'xge4terI tine of Bald Nbrthern;•,PaciSp:;;alltoad right 'of -.Way and 8 feet horthweaterly there- from, - to the . st.z Paul ter' .wiorks right of way;, - Also a tempogAryry easement for ooa- �� atnd ann yyurppbaee'�pn above deeorlbed Iand and [he 'i' ho PAclda railroad right of way adiolaing'44ams i6 toet in width oa esory Old.,.and ardlataing, apovo.,. doeorthed, aaeenioanf; a4a �.,on rnent ease to conetract„and Mafatatti t a public 4ewerson ug5ler�anfl Wbough the right of way of the st6 .8, lg ter Board In Hfllednle A d. from the or- - th6ti��F$acigci-Ra�tro�d �to?".�M,.s'�tnbllac'9tc 3"TX3 )qflAq VIjAHq RIJ TJ38 r) lion pom of YA R.M - Hijj I uO,82AnqG.i3fn I TN3MRA3 A3WR a-13.9mpn9 jo unaiue asel e snut, 001 -"1 Blond REV IIIvx CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIr3.44ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIF.WY ORDER (A` In the ma to of taking and condemning an easement 16 feet in width for constructing and mantaig a �u c se er n, S.E.< of the N.E. a of Sec.2B•Town, 29 Range 22 bounded on the north and west by Hills a e _ ion n on the—s- right of wag, also lot 8 block 6 Hillsdale i,ddition,the center line of said ease- ment is described as follows: The center ne o en s s dale Addition produced east from Duluth Ave.tc a point 8 feet northwesterly Of the Northern Pacific railroad right of way,thence northeasterly and parall 1 to the�tes#erlg-line-_.Qf said�Ior+�hern Pacific railroad ri ht yyof way and 8 fee north westerly therefrom to the St.Paul ;fatar wor s Ruses°onwabove described lana Also a temporary easement for construction perp an tile Northern c z a ining ee n w on each side and adjoining above described easement also on easement to const and maintain a pu c s�.wer on un Water Board in Hillsdale_Add. from the Northern Pacific Railroad to Magnolia St. under Preliminary Order approved Yay 27th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—�-� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION An easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer in 6200.00 over across under and through a strip of land 16 feet in width in the Southeast -,, of the Northeast 4 of Section 28 To -in 29 Range 22 the center line of which is the center line of Jenks Street as laid out in Hillsdale Addition produced East from Duluth Avenue tq a point feet Northw ester) frim th Nort)jr� Pacific railroad ric ght-of-way, thence Northea ter�y an ed para e with the 'lesterly line of said railroad right-of-way and 8 feet Northwesterly therefrom to the South line of Lot 8 Block 6 Hills- dale Addition Also temporary easements. for use during the process of construction of said server over and across two strips of land each 15 feet in width lying on either side of above described 16 ft strip of land (Except so much thereof as lies within said railroad right-of-way) TOTAL. Parm A. A, IB (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION An easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer in over across under and through the :dastPrly 16 feet of Lot 8 in Block 6y Hillsdale St.PaulcPnanAd,acent tosthepNorthern rland bcific hailrocd rlght- Northwest:-rly of J of -way. tilso a temporary ease-ent for use during the process Oi construction of said sewer over and across a strip of land 15 feet in width lying Northwest-3rly of and adjacent to the abo-je described 16 foot strip of land. 4500 x temporary easement over and across a strip of land 15 feet in ;vidth Tying Southeasterly of and adjacent to the Northwesterly line of the Northern Pacific railroad right-of-way in the Southeast 4 of the North- east 4 of erection 28 Toren 2- ianee 22 and extending from the right-of- way of the St -caul .inter Bard southwesterly to a line parallel with t:nd 23 feet southerly from the center line of Jenks 3t.prouuced Easterly from Duluth avenue; tc be used during the process of construction of the Belt Line - Phalen rar'.c Sevier .sxtansion No. 2 37&,, 1kn easement for constructin; L=nd maintaining a public sewer in over across under and through the right-of-way of the St -Paul ,later Board from Magnolia Street southerly to the Northern Pacific Railway right- of-way - 11075 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—ALL 192 6---. . — -- ---- — Commissioner of Finance. Etc* e * of the. Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 10f!26 June 8, 1926. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 66244 May 27, 1926 192......_...., relative to Council, known as Council File No ........... __........._....._.... approved .... ............ _....._._....._........... ... y Easement for Belt Line Phalen Park Sewer Extension..__.No. 2. ...... ....... ....--... _..__..._....--.._.--.................... _.... __......_....._......._..._........ ....__ _....-_... _....... .......-......._..._....................__......-- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: - 1. Said improvement is.. .......................—necessary and (or) d-irable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......... XXX and the total cost thereof is$......... -'g._ ............. _.... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............._....__......__..__._........._.._..._...._............ ........... _...... _......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _.... ........ ...................._..........._....._............_.........................._....... .... ... .... ....._........ ......._..._............._.__ _..._............__..._.. .... — — — 5. Said improvement is .................. ........... _......... ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAULFOENCIL NO.......... ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,M TEDuBA ___.-_.___..._.........._........_........_........................ DATE...... ........ ...._...._........ _.....---- --.__. _............................. RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to pay to Dr. M. L. Larson the sum of $9.50 out of the Work- menls Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Ray Bruce, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured July 24, 1926. 11 'C. r No eaolved87Thdt• the ap op ]Se i ald%`_ cera be aad they are lie %4 a.u[hor-1 Izeil t DaY' [o Ur. M..1 -Larson tha sum or 5.66 out of 'tha Wo Kansa'. Comp satlon Account of theGeneral Fund, for profess one, . services ren- dered to Ray Bruce, an employe of the i 1eDartment Public Works, injured 7uly 24, 1626. Adbyted by the Counefl BeD• 16, 1628. Approvod Sop. 16. 1626, 18ept. 26-1826) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fergasmr--- -iNcDonald ................In favor ✓McGlogan L'gudheimer-._-----.....Against .� NKewsrl� v �ir. Yias Prw. P'er{f•a+r SEP Iil v_ Adopted by the Council ---------- :------------------------ 192.... ved �Ep.1: 1�7� _....__ 192...... CITY ,OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO....-..__�5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with M. W. Fitzgerald, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week, dur- ing such time as he shall be totally disabled by ree}son of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the lot day of September, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said M. W. Fitzgerald the sum of Thirty-two Dollars ($32.00) out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settle- ment of his claim against the City, being EQr the period up to and Including September 15, 1926. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council -ow. -- ....... 192.... �ancv � so�1 �p�� oved y .rY"lplfili -_...192...... klmcDonald ,/McGlogan In favor —Budheimer ..........Against ... �•�^^ CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCILNo. _-......._x"788 FILE ................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—t GENERAL FORM AW ...- ........— -.................�! "�_.._................... .........DATE ..._Sep.t.......15,-...1326.___........ __..__.. In the matter of constructin„ curbing on both sides of Aldine Street from Shields Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue under preliminary order 66012, ap- proved Hay 18, 192u, and fii:al order 67480,approved August 24, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and es- timated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same' are hereby approved. ✓ �. COUNCILMEN.-,. Yeas Nays 4��q� —McDonald --------- --- .ln favor OccGlogan /Sudheimer` . ...✓...Against .n 'VybPlf�tel-.�.�'.r�.. ist�oaga ✓✓' l�r. Gini Pref �rqusod' ' ?, C. tl No. 67886- In the matter of aonetruuct ng O.1hd— on both eidee of. Aldlne Stu from 1 Shield. Ave.to St.Anthony Ave, un- proved rMay 118,r 926�andrFinal Order 87480 approved Aug. 24, 1926. Resolved, That the plana. apecieoa- tion. and eetlmated vyuantltlea ae sub- mttted`by the COruni, SalOhBr oL Pablle Work. for the above named 1-?,-v,- ment; be and the aame are hereap- proved. Adopted by'theCouncil Hep. I6, 1928. Approved Sept. 16, 1926. (Sept. 18-1928) SEPI j0 Adopted by the Council ........................... 192.... �p veEd.-- ......44.0 -5. ......192._... 0 �s_f' GJB2/ f 678y.�4 • COUNCIL NO 678.87 CITY OF ST. PAUL .-... FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL .RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM [NTED BY IISSIONER_........_7.._..._..........._.................._...................................._..............DATE._ $e5t..•.15..1..1....9..2....6 .//.... ......... . ...... RESOLVED— In the matter of grading alleys in hot 1, Block 7, Rosedale Park, from Princeton Avenue to Sargent Avenue and from the North and -South m Alley to the west line of said Lot 1, under pre- _ liminary order 65850, approved May 11, 1926, and final order 67132 approved July 28, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans and specifications, and estimated quantities as submitted by the commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 114,14. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Glaser I Fel$el— ✓1CRcDonald J.... -..In favor O`McGlogan OSudheimer / -.-JJ..-Against gson Mr, PIRN'�rN. Ferguson ld— Lot ' -om %pd to der iaa 1 s- Counell Sep. I 1926, 36, 1826. 18-1826) . Adopted by the Council .__:T._ .......SfP15-.10 192. -.- roved . 92....roved. EP I5JM ......_.192 CITY OF ST. PAUL CoHCItN� F.�uE 888 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE. _......_ Sept..... 10 19.9§ In the,matter of grading alley in Block 2, Roirert P. Lewis Company's Sub -division, from Syndicate Ave to the west end of alley, under preliminary order 65848, approved May 11, 1926, and final order 67138 approved July 28, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. wi—S. COUNCILMEN Yeas A Nays —Tom"„_' F— l.. McDonald _.-.-...In favor �_McGlogan 4.Against /8lidfieinter CC'ef�xel�'" �odgeon Mr, giro+ Px . } Ferguson_.. I e In he ma terof grading alleMcDonald— inSlk. j 2. Robert P. Lewis Company's Sub- division, from Syndicate Ave.. to the west end of.. alley, under Prelimin-: ;I Vary Order 66848, approved May 11, 1926. and Final Order, 67188- apprao.-1 ea 7ulr za. lazs ment be and the same are harsh, ♦p- Iproved. - Adopted by.the Connell Sep. 16, 1926. Approved �eDt. t 118 1926. Adopted by the Council ..... ,E... ..P 15 �� q��.yy..��-ee--- .. t92.... ---- proved - SEPI i lllff ... --.192 '---- CITY OF ST. PAUL COONC1No...._...."78`"9 Fire --........ i OFFICE OF --THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM q D BY COMMIS3EONER..._.................._.........._...__............_......._..-..............._........_....._... .........._.................. .. DATE.......SHBt_t..._.5-,.._a..9.H.6.._................_..... RESOLVED In the matter of construoting concrete curbing on both sides of Brimhall Avenue from Rand,,lph Street tb Niles Street under preliminary order 65412 approved April 14, 1926 and final order 67404, ap- proved August 17, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same iu are hereby approved. v�. COUNCILMEN Yeas _•- eg- Nays _-O&D� onald� ....ln favor "McGlogan C.2 udheimer womel— -Against . ,,- ocigson Mr. Vice. Frei F"rgusen C. F. No. 67889—Sy S. R. McDonald— ,In the - matter of constructing con- crete curbing on both sides of Brim - Tall Ave. from RandolphSt to Niles St under Preliminary Order 66412 approved April 14, 1926, and Final Order 87400 approved Aug. 17, 1926. Resolved, That the. plane, specifics - tions and estimated quantities as eub rutted by the Commissioner of.Publtc Works for the above' -named ImproVe-, ment be and the same are hereby ap-1 Proved: Adoptedby the Council Sep. 16, 1926. Approved Sept -16:'.1826. (Sept !84928) Adopted by the Council..._ ..............._.._---------- - 192.._ P SA p ved- --------- --.....-. 192._... ------.-...------- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No .......... ... v ' FILE .... �:.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 15, 1926 `.. ..✓........ ....... .......... ................ .. ... DATE _......._.... ..... ........ ...... In the matter df constructing curbing on both sides of Pinehurst Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue under preliminary order 66721, approved June 29th, 1926, and final order 67651, approved September 1, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above :.amed improvement, be and the same are hereby approved., I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays \o cDo ^ �_ ....In favor .h[cGlogan I-Sodhei— e.Against lorefirdy— /� odgeon �e.tvclrlc� I t No, tier of J. u McDonald In the matter of conetrunt rat curbing- onvenue both idee of Pinehurst Avenue' from Underwood Avenue to Falr-) few Avenue under Prelim/nary Or-� der 68721. approved June 28th. 1926.{ and Final Order 67661. --,,d proved.- _ ...o eoy a¢--. Adopted by the Connell Sep• 16, 1926.1 Approved Septa 16...1926. t8er t. 19-1926) Adopted by the Cotlncil°S.EP.1..F 1926,..-.-.__ 192.._ fp r�oved........t�P.�..�-1866}_._... 192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL oo""c'L FILE _6.j.NO.......(]—1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , ,_COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 15,. 1926 .... DATE... -..._. ......_..........._........................ _. ..__......... ........ In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Cretin Avenue from 'Marshall Avenue to Hayton Avenue under preliminary order 65298, a -)proved April 7, 1926, and final order 67479, approved August 24, 1926 . RRSUVEDMat the plans, kspecifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the.same are hereby approved. vaf �4. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Q6_r""+ '—'McDonald .in favor ,,ArtcGlogan __S,.dheimer .........D.Again., NOR Iodgaon __--kr. Vice Pr . H•erAalloh C. F. NO. 878910—BY J. H. McDcu b nB In -the matter t t °Cretin Avenue from bah aides o t Ave. under m.rahall Ave.O Da66298. apDioved PreltontAnI APrll 7. 1938, and F1928. Order 6747 . approved Aug• 24• apeeldos' Reaolved..That the 9antlee sa anb-� done and eatlmatad 4 ner mltted by the Commee named Improve or .-to the aa,ao are hereby aP-' ment, be 16. 1926. proved. tha'Councll Sep. Adopted by t 16. 1926. APPLOved' (Sept. 18-1926)_ S�$1 � ]926 Adopted by the Council .......... ___----- ------------ . 192._. SEP 1 � 1�'1 - -...__...........__ - -'----........192.__. Y COUNCILMEN Yeas CITY OF ST. PAULcouHca 67 192 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. -..---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ..... .__Sept— _15.,.....19.2.6._._ In the matter of curbing both sides of Hillcrest Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue, under preliminary order 66722 approved June 29, 1926, and final order 67652, approved Sept. 1, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named imnrovement,be and the same are hereby approved. Nays Fa�lreer�. ''McDonald Y --An favor .. +ACGlogan —Sudheimer ......v�.._Against CC'a�erFi-- odgeon Mr. Pias Pree. N'erjry.10U In hm e att.er8 of ourbtyg both e Ids 01 Hillcrest Ave. from IInderwood Ave. to 166722 DProved Juneo29. 11928 Order ' %nd Final Order 87.662, .approved Sept. 1. 1926. - Resolved.That the Dlan6 epeoifica- Uses and sell ted gaantlties as sub- mltted by the is above of Pubilo works for the above named tmDrave - ment, be and the same are hereby go. proved. A9opted'by the Council Sep 16, 1926.. Approved Sept. 16, 1926. (Sept. 18-1926) Adopted by the Council 192._. SEP 15 19,` PProved........... ............_. __ 192_ 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. cour"'. � FILE NO.. ` L' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fED BV ,/ � STONER. ... ..._....L...".`--�� ,,.. �^..... 2__ ...._......_. DATE._..._S2.p.t.�...-._ l.�r�..a.._1926 In the matter of changing the grade of Hoyt Avenue from a point 183 feet east of Fernwood Ave to Dunlap Street and Adams Street from .a point 350 feet north of Hoyt Avenue to a point 380 feet -south of Hoyt Avenue, under preliminary order 64126, approved January 26, 1926, and final order 65260, approved April 7th, 1926. RESOLVED That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same and hereby approved. V� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .CI 6,DAcDon�+ ..In favor ,o OfcGlogan `yJ�j �aheimer .......(,/...Against d0'6lliLR" lodgaon r,Mr. Vim Fran. Fora naon C. F. No. 67698—By J, H. In the matter of changing of Hoyt Ave. four a pot east of Fern—d Ave. to and Adam. St, from a p Orth of Hoyt Ave. to E men,, ne aaa tae asme are Dereoy nip - proved. Adopted by the Cobncll Sep. 16, 1926.1 Approved -Sept. 16, 1826. (Seip[. i8-1328) Adopted by the CounpjLP--j-5 dmf ----- .---- __-_ 192.... REP 15IRA ed__ ..... _........_... - ......._.. 192...... ti CITY OF ST. PAUL coUnca 678194.E FILE NO ..................... .. HE TY CLERK OLUTI GENERAL FORM DATE ........... 8ept em4er RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furbishing to the Water Department 1,135 disc type cold water meters with couplings and leather washers, to the Gamon Meter Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a total contract price of $9,832.50, f.O.b.-cars, St. Paul, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award Of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. $7235. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clamp� Nays F -1 - v McDonald �1.favor .WcGlogan D , vgudheitner e�` ._._ Against � ��1._ Hodgson Mr. Yioa Pres Faq?t[pmp I C. F. No. 67899—Ry p, C. Sudhelmer—! Resolved. That the Council hereby approves the aotlon-of the Purchasing Committee In awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Depart- ment 1,1:6 dlez type c Id water_me[ere with coupPnga and leather waehere, to the Eamon Meter Company, they being the lowest reeponsibla bidders, f•t o. b.�¢re, n8ttrg Paul,c lnoac".S3 ce with epeetdeadbnef [he 8 Water, their bid and 4rea4 of award of con- tract hereto attached, and the Cor- poratlo:r Counsel la hereby lnetructed r to draw uD ttie proper form ,.of con- tsA thgrefor. F, R. No. 729- { , Adoptod by the Council Sep. 16, 1926, Approved Sept. 16, 1986. (Sept. 18-19x6) Adopted by the Council.._60 1 5 = SEP ...� y.-yt.�-g............ 192.... A rr eedd...... SEP P 5 II926 C-�✓ .... .192-_.-- -- . --r°'�� 11��IAI�IAIlI�IAliflil� �1,11A1l�1�Y 111 LFHK OITT OP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL. nrE t0 PILE No, 67891- I Podi L r-.'N-�-,DLLP.1-'AL 0 r OF THIL COMPTROLLMR COUNCIL RMSOLUTION AUDITED (CLAIMS Z ' NT 4IM A.A1.1111 RESOLVED. THAT ... j. BE -140.Nk ITY TREASURY, 'r OF ..... TO.TCM.E.A.GGREI.IAI - 'I COVERING R.. -T C' CH ----- INCLUSIVE, AS THE C� PER CHECKS ON FILE 11 0 THE C1 WFrJIOLLER. CIL_.--___.. — ------ ----- --- I �TM� 9FFI CHECK NUMBER ul Pi St'Paul offt6e' z9vilment COMA y Sto,yan% St, , Works Andrew SO=- ii Rorty goo pazW i r',# a Sons $11V67 -i-, - ='Oe aw Company stem, tg Printing Sompow .Tra4-1t Company tri -State TeL & Telt. Ocapsai 01eiving Assoc arm, Mor �"ullll 0 Underwood Typewriter compaw J,O, VeAder'Bis Company villaume Box & Lumber Company wameaVoord & Camany w. m. - w6lou, XA0. 9mp SAY 2 322 TO ALDATE Resolved, That checka tfe awn on RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEME NT CHECKS fSA The Valid, 00'ap" any the CItY t $,4,0 o '. . -, I, " pet amount.'6 IIG3610t15. the city I office am noz C ii -r 1126. North AdoW'd i'l Ile C"" I, Sep , 1, ig. (Sept.. — jWra Approv6d —-;� XaTtIAWtltvhI iJ Z 782 325 Na'ok Itor T=ok Corp. 1 50 ILO zinsma.ster Baking oompaAy A ? q,!k emillon Ompany 1 I 125.59 Mamneve4qtf�OompaA.y 05 IJ00 Gas Do Nas'01*9 Henry V. Utoliell QMpany 332 � 'y aWlaf& �tlb 51 s"oZend Wet Gompw'ty 1 L-1 NOTV-0*91' A"* Mettle QompaAr�89 09 81*045'fowev qg*paay =a Ihl states 'Puler empaur so. 'ff. ftel aw–say ft�es: ftA & I� orange =Mlapor 139 Ovrens Motor Omv say 5 0 01 ALP Pearson 143 % Peltz ,A. Son 290, II Pure oil 00pany at.PazIl Book & Stationery 0"�'any St Pato Rottluw 000=7 1 4 it St Paul 11twohipi Works .43 St'Paul offt6e' z9vilment COMA y Sto,yan% St, , Works Andrew SO=- ii Rorty goo pazW i r',# a Sons $11V67 -i-, - ='Oe aw Company stem, tg Printing Sompow .Tra4-1t Company tri -State TeL & Telt. Ocapsai 01eiving Assoc arm, Mor �"ullll 0 Underwood Typewriter compaw J,O, VeAder'Bis Company villaume Box & Lumber Company wameaVoord & Camany w. m. - w6lou, XA0. 9mp SAY 2 322 westlund"s 101gAt House wastlund Mo,00ftemy Meet West Odblkshtig m'-' ampany fSA The Valid, 00'ap" any Williams BOX LU40h XaTtIAWtltvhI ' 325 Zimmerman 'Brothers ILO zinsma.ster Baking oompaAy A I 57 1-13 ..26 - &Mu Ulu UPLICATE TO GITV CLERK CITY,' F SAINT PAUL CO U.u_i� /`g la :OUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFLCE C,HE COMPTROLLER (� FILE N0. -.. 6._1.43 6AIIII ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION __IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS.. IcGONGAN cOL0AL_ UGHEIME ___AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS RE DRAW O T CI'[uy�TREASURY. _ TO THE AGGREGATE +��tT OF 9— SICOVERI NO 1 CHECKS NUMBERED__ j____ O �_ —. INCLUSIVE. AS D PTED BY TN C �_a r'_�.__. PER CHECKS ON FILE I T OF THE C O PTROLLER. ,QROVEC___ to -- _ ___ m cOMPra TO"AL DATE j CHECK�N FAVOR OF it RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS — CHECKS i _---. __0RQLLGHT F0_RWARD _ • $.5$$7 W. D. Davie 105 7 — 1@8 �' O.J.YaQlogan, OOm'r. Of Fin. $ 116 70 $5$9 O 3 ..2,,�� {50 i1a5 NI « 3g 143go 14 $592 { 2234 ,2$ 93 10apital city Roofing 31 002.0. { 1 007 $$594 4 dood+year Rubber Coup aay 41 c b4.Xo0logan Oom'r. of Fin. 7;' 1l G of olf 100 . $ rxbnk PlPalka 10 i; $ ltsa, da Hansen 10 $ 59. Ella oelra 10 00 00 { W. ft�r Oorios 1006 $6G 601 .J.Yaigellaa 35 00 11 $6002 j S. Brad 4$ 40 $6 ten. Ys rim $3 `60 $ c:jJkaologan,.- comer. of Fin. 9 gig -14 i u $ c.J,Wjogan,,com'r. of Fin. j� $ c.1J.i[o0logan, comer. of Fin. 19$3 X550 I� $ C.J4xoGlogan, ;O=fr. of Fin. 4 467 I; 8601 Q.JA001,ogaw,"066'2. of Fin. 919 jlz U $630 0.J. iOGlogmw,,,0om'r, of Fin. 13 271 {$2 $611 O.J.110010 aa, cam'x. of Fin. 110 2$$ 29 {� $612 O,.J...YoGlogin, Comlr. of Fin. 3 56$ 55 $6133 O.J.MoGlogan,, com'r. of Fin.. 3-02] 30 6664 �� c.J.HoGiogan, Comer. of Fin. 9591 4$ 9615 O.J.RoGiogan, Oom'r. of Fin. 26 77074 y , { P No. 67896_ I j 1 ed, That check. be drawn on' the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount i� 'number 0t $168,169.44, covering check. ed 8687 to 8616 Inclusive. a. per 1� Comptollerflle In the oRice of [he CI[y Adcpted by the Council Sep. 16, 1928. 7 - I Approved Sept. Ib, 3926. (Sept. 18-1926) �I s. j jl i FORM NO A-I 4 1000 a-¢e 67897 _4.1. - In the Mutter of; conatrncling a aewei n 1Ake•Comu`snd:,P5a1ea Avenge from whlte ,Bear =Aye:' Yo surneAe Ave., oa Sherwood Ave.-fcom•-,Wlm COUNCII, FILE NO,. ...-• --.-- throp Ale, to Hazel Ave, `and Brom --•---- - a yolnt, 70-Eeetpweat of 8sael to White Pear, Ave., on _aelea Ave'`St: from Ruth. Ave. 'to Furness Ave., y ... ...... ........... ... ......... ............. and4rom a'D`olnt '20,, feet west b! a pomt 7u feet::west of --Hazel Ave, FINAL OR,t�. white Bear Ave., on Prospect Prom Ruth Ave. to Furness dm from a. Pofnt 40 feet .-West Ave. to Hazel Ave. and, �Mnt 70 `feet weat.,of„H. .'.-hl t, .,Ave., on An Inthe Matter of ............................... ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- MO -------------------------- ----- ----y------- 'Ave. to :white . .avenue toing...4 sowerenue on Comte Phalen Aven from �i. Bear e w . _ d_. Ve... a rtiSl -W2: Clrrop..-.Avenue to HazelAvenueand from a.point-_- 0 feet west of Hazel Avenue to white Bear Avenue, on Helen Sty from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue and from a point 20 feet west cf..Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue and from a point 70 feet hest of Hazel Avenue to White Hear Avenue, on s e ven a from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue and from a P W f et west of Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue and from a point 7C feet west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue, on Au Aven fsom Hath avenue to White Hear Avenue, onazel_Av ue X_am Autumn Avenue to Prospect Avenue and from a point eet north of BIIaapect•Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue on Ca fie Avenue from Ai tumn Avenue to a point 6.0 feet south of Helen Street and fro„ 4,.poiat.60 feet north of Helen Strmet to Sherwood Avenue, on , ee AVe a from Autumn Avenue to'8rwood"Avenue and from a poia ' de ''north of Sherwood Avenue to a point 60 feet south- westerly of Vassar Avenue, all of whioh is to be known as the "HELT LINE HAYDEN HEIGHTS SEWER EX MISION." Conatruot-a. sewer .on .L,aAe Oomo and Phal anAvven a from White Bear Avenue to Furness Avenue, on Sherw od &ven a from Winthrop Avenue to Hatel Avenue and from a po nt 0. eet west of.Hazel Avenue to ;�Yhite Bear Avenue, on Helen St. from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue I and from a point 20 feet west of Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue and i from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue, i! on Prospect Avenue from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue and from a point 40 feet west of Curve Avenue to fIazel Avenue and from a Point 70 feet,west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue, on Autumn t Avenue from'Rttith Avenue to White Sear Avenue, on H tel nenurom Autumn Street to Prospect Avenue And from a point at north of Prospect Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, on C rve v nu from Autumn Avenue to a point 60 fest south of Helen StrPet an from a point 60 feet north of Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue, on Furness Avenue from Autumn Avenue to Sherwood' Avenue r --, X3'1 of which is ,to fie known as "AELT LIFIE-HAYAitd HEIGHTS SEWER EXTENSION.". Approved................................5....................... ..-. .................._.... ..... ----.. 191. ... --T,3 Councilman 6WD Councilman i6yriald �o � nald / J Councilman K cGloogan Councilman l�xUl t.Bndheimer Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 a-, 6, TT1 T f T - J under Preliminary Order ....... ....... 66911---.............-- approved.. .._J..Uly ........ •...........------------ IntermediaryOrder ........ ............................................... approved ....................................................... ..... ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is............................................................ I� ONFOl T c or approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couneil..s ......... _.......... 191---..._ ...----........ ACP1 5 city Cler . Approved.............. ....................................... 191........ ........ ................................... Goan ayor. .Councilman&ass rgueon d' Councilman t�iiry nald Councilman I CGlogan Councilman YkdWl ti8udheimer Mayor Hodgson �0, Form B. S. A. 8-7 >-�xwwrylus`za��° N; CITY OF $T• PAUL �. �F�, {` DEPARTMEN7°OF FINANCE �ctPORT OF COMMISSIO OF F ANCE 01$PRELIMINARYDI$R ponatruc a sewer on - Xn the matter of h ak% Com an$ ,Phe lert'T, 4ventie:,' from White Bear, q'i enue. her ,Furness Avenue fro.,' on Sherwood Avenue from Winthrop Avenue to Hazel Avenue -and from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenue to } White Bear Avenue, on Helen St. from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue and 1 from a point 20 feet west of Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue and from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenuel _ to White Bear Avenue, on i Prospect Avenue from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue and from a point 40 feet west of Curve Aveng to Hazel l Avenue and from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue, on Autumn Street from Ruth Avenue to White,$ear Avenue,on Hazel Avenue from Autumn Street to Prospect Avenue under Preliminar'Y and from ; point 60 feet north of Prospect Avenue to r Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, on To the Council o . Cu;~ve Avenue from Autumn Street to a point 60 feet so. of Helen Street ;nd from a point 60 feet north of Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue, on The Com Furness Avenue from Autumn Street to Sherwood Avenue and from a point 60 feet north of Sherwood Avenue to j The total a point 60 feet southwesterly of Vassar Avenue, all The esti of which is to be known as the "Belt Line Hayden Heights Sewer Extension. The lots or of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 38 4 Hayden Heights 100 39 4 do 275 40 4 do 75 41 4 do 75 42 4 do 75 43 4 do 1625 44 4 do 75 45 4 do 75 e Westof 47 and all of 46 4 do 2015 East z of 47 4 do 35 48 4 do 75 49 4 do 50 4 do 225 51 4 do 75 y 52 4 do 75 53 4 do 725 b 54 4 do 75 55 4 do 425 • 56 4 do 75 Porm TOTAL. B. a. 10 In the ma E under Preliminary Order approved— July 8th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $_97.000, 00 frt The estimated cost pel foot for the above improvement is _ g _ _ 3 e.Z -I— Spread. 00,9.s -per sq.ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f 38 4 Hayden Heights 100 39 4 do 275 40 4 do 75 41 4 do 75 a 42 4 do 75 $ 43 4 do 1625 44 4 do 75 45 4 do 75 x Nest of 47 and all of 46 4 do 2015 East 2 of 47 4 do 35 48 4 do 75 49 4 do 75 50 4 do 225 51 4 do 75 52 4 do 75 53 4 do 725 54 4 do 75 55 4 do 425 56 4 '- Farm a. a. 10 do TOTAL. 75 i CITY ot•. SI'. PAUL `. DEPARTMENT OF Fg�INANCES -- -J=REPORT OF COMMISSIOIWLR OF 10MANCE ti ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r 'DESCRIPTION LOT etactc 1 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION dHei Hayden57 4 Heights 56 4 do 59 4 do 5 60 4 do 175, 61., 4 do 2151 62 4 do �O 7 4 dp 1t70t 8 5 do ,75 -- 9 5 do 5 ti 10 5 do 275' 11.. 5 do 625- 'r - 12 5 do 325; --- 13 ! 5 do 75; ! y 14 5 do 75, 15 : 5 do : 225 , 16 5 do 75' 17 5 do 3!760 _ 4 1.9 5 _ ; do 7& 20 5 do 275', �_. 21 . 5 do 75 : 7 22 5 do 75 j -- 23 5 do 75i. .. 24 5 do 325: u 25 5 do 175, i 26 5 do m 75, 27 5 do 75 28 : 5 do 75'. 29 5 do 25 . 30 5 do 975' 31 : 5 do 75, 32 5 do 106, u __. 25 i 2 Hayden Heights Plat 2 a 55 27;2 do: 50 28 2 do 50 29_ : 2 do 50 y 302 do '501 31 ! 2 do 50 32 2 do 50 34 2 do 5 j 35 : 2, do 50 36 2 do 5d f _.. 37 : 2 do_ 5Q f } _. 38 : 2 do 50 39 i.2 do 50 40 2 do 50 �= t - 41 : 2 do 50 - 42 2 43 , 2 do do __ 50 50 1 Kaess Subdivision 200 1 _ '- do._ . _ _ ._._ __------ TOTAL _ - 12,5 =1746 CITY OF ST. PAUL. SD DEPARTMENT OININNCE JREPORT OF COMMISSIP WR OF *{RANCE t•': ` - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I ' LOT eLocec ADDITION DESCRIPTION � � � ASSESSED I VALUATION ' " 00 4 Kaesss Subdivision do 5 do 10' 1 6 Hayden Heights 100 2 6 do l0Q 3 6 do 900 j n_ 4 6 do 100 5 6 do 87$ 6 6 do 175 , - -- 7 6 do 75 8 6 do 525 -- 9 6 do 75 10 6 do X7575 11 6 do do 38 5 do 100 39. 5 do_ 40, 5 do 0 ' do - 10 I _ 42: 5 100 t 43 5 do 100 , 44 5 do 100 45. 5 do 100 46 5 do ' 100 47. 5 do 100: _ 48 5 do 1650: 49. 5 do 85b 60 5 do 450 51. 5 do 10p 52, 5 do 80p 53, 5 . do 1650 54 5 do 10;0 55. 5 . do 1010. 56 5 do 176.0 57 5. do 100 58 5 do 1010 - 59, 5 . do 16Q0 -. 60 5 do 100 - 61 5, do .5Q0! 62 5 do 100 do N - do 19 6. do ;900 I -... 20 6do 1Q0, 21 6 do 150 22 6 do, 19,51 23 6. do :400; 24 6 do 380 _ 25 6. do 75: y 26 6 do 1750 27, 6 . do .100. 28 6 do 450 29. 6. do 1075: MIIM �A.11 TOTAL CITY or BT. ►AUL DEPARTMENT OF MA' 't2REPORT OF COMMISSIOW-ONCEOF ONANCt ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s CB���.. T•..�-I ( ASSESSED - Lot BLOCK - ADDITION DESCRIPTION LU ION VAL�U�AT Kae s,Subdivision g do. - ]25 I �� g do 7150 8 7 Hayden Heights 300 7 7 do 475 a 1 1 8 do 2 8 do* 7,5 -. 3 8 do 75 4 6 do 250 - - - 5 8 do 2225 1 9 do8 9 do 700 $73 9 9 do 1300 g 10 9 do 100 11. 9 do 1575: . 12 9 do 222,5 _. 13. 9 do .75 14 9 do 275 15:9 do 1100 16 9 do 100 17 9 do 100 _ 18 9 do 100 do ;( do . 8 10 do 450Q 9 10 do 10: 10. do 100 11 10 dm 250 12; 10: do 50 13 10 do 75 14 10, do 1575 a 15 10 do 100 16. 10: do 200 , 17 10 do 100 _ 18 10 do 1050 19 10 do 700 20: 10, do 100 21 10 do 10Q 22; 10- do 1500 23 10 do 100 24, 10• do 100 y 25 10 do 100. 26, 10 do $59 t - 27 10 do 2300 28.. 10- do 10b ? - 29 10 do 100 30. 10 do 100 31i 10 do 10Q 32. 10do lob 1 Mehsikomer Garden Lots 'gob (South of ,-2 do 550 (South of 3 do - lO�M-44II TOTAL CRY OP ST. rAUL J -REPORT OF COMMISS10WAR OF i".ANCE . • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED �. DESCRIPTION ! LOT IEWCKi ADDITION VALUATION r-=9- 6 SWdneon's Rearrangement ., 7;10. ; I 6---- _ 5 do 5 - 4 do 5 Mehsikomer Garden Lots 86 350 South of do 575 n 350 7 do 8 do - 350475 East ' of 9 do 225 - West of 9 _ do do t 350 10 11, do 3200 _ - 12 do 350 13. do :1700 -- 14 do 850 18 Mehsikomerts Rearrangement .55 - 17 do 55 16 do :55 15do 14 do 13' do 59 „.— 755 12. do 55 - 11 do 55 10. do ,55 N 9 do 55 � 8 do 55 ;l 7 do 55 f l 6 do 555 _._.. do ._.. {I 4 '. do .55 .. 3 do 55 2 do 00 7b I do Hayden Heights - 12 8 do 100 13 8 do 75 14 8 do 75 __. JExcept East 20 ft.) 15 8 do 16 8 do 50 3250 ast 20 ft. of 15 & all of 1 ` 26 do 1500 { 9 27'9- do .2100 . 28 9 do 250 29. 9 do _100 1600 30 9 do 10, ;. - 31, 9 do 10 32 9 do 339 do 10 34 9 do 75t 100 - _.;I j 35. 9 do 7 9 do 428_ do- _ .. 38 10 do 10. do _ _ 100 ° __ 7_ _39.. .. ------ TOTAL �� __ CITY or BT. PAUL - �y y DEPARTMENT OF F NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO � OF P�:ANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _air DESCRIPTIONIAT �Btocwl ADDITION r ASSESSED VALUATION 40 10; 4yden Heights 41' lo; 6 d 42; .10 do 43' 10' do i 10 do 10 V_ do 7 10, do do 4f!' 110' 0 do 10,do 0 do 10. do _ 10 do 101 do 10 dot do 10'dp 10, d4 _ 10: do 10 do ° 10 do 14L dodo _ 62. 10 0 do 16-0. 1 to 7 P' 11' do 1875 j 6 11 99 do kk i0; 11. do 4 11 11 do 12» 1i. do 1�4 do 15 11 do 11, d0 17 11 do N - 1 11, do 19. .11 do 20 11 do 100 21. 11, do 100. 22 11 do 100p 2233 11. 2kC ! do- 900 _ 11 • 11, do do 100 .. .100. i ll: do 1001 27 r 11 do 100, J 2299 11 ddoo l00 Eb'' 1: 11 do 1 li ll do 2 1 12, do. u S 12: do 106 I TOTAL CITY OI 67. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF VINCE "REPORT OF COMMISSION.. OF 0MANCE ' `- � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (Bc ;`. DESCRIPTION I LOT l oeK� ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION 10, 12;` Hayden Heights 70� 11 12 do 100 - • (13, 19 do do 1200 14, 12; do 600 15 12 do 100 _ ._. 16 12 do 100 17 12 do 125 'II 1 13 do 550 it 2 13 do 2250 ` -- 41,._ 3 '13 do 2250 4 13 do 10) 5 13do 100 6 '13 . do ].60 . -- 7 13 do 100 _ do 38. 11, do 1475.. -, 39 11 do 650 -� 4Q 13. do 140 ' u 41 11 do 250 42 11 do 3000 43 11 do 100 _ 44 11. do 1400. 45 11 do 100. - 46 11. do 100 _. 47 11 do 100 48 . 11, do 49 11 do 850 50. 11, do Iw000 ; 51 11 do 16500 52 , 11 . do a 53 11 do it G 54. 11. do _ ( 55 11 do -k ( 56 . 11. do 57, 11. do 100- (56 00-(58 11 do 560 4 _.._ 59: 11 do 60 11 do F (61: 11. do ' (62. 11 do 1 -(Included in previous 7 : 11. do property) 23. 12: do 100. i W at 10 ft. of 25 & all of 24 12 do 550 oept West 10 ft.) ( 25 12 do 2225_ 26 12 do 27, 12, do 125. _ 28 12 do 125 -N- — 29, 12. do 1125 30 12 do 100 -- _ 31_� 12. do 900. -- II Iollw Y.li TOTAL oITY or BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F NANCE x -&REPORT OF COMMISS102 OF IANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION BLOCK . z., ..., .n..:=. .>_,..�. LOT ADDITION < PTj� VALUATION Hayden Heights do r 15 13, do 2550 16 13 do 100 17 .15 do 75 � ...... 18 13 do 1575 19 : 13. do 1825: t _ I 20 13 do 75 - 21. 13 do 325: - 22 13 do 3400 1 14 do lob, a - - _ 2 14 do 1850 3 14 do 100. 4 14 do 75 _ 5 .14 do 625 - - 6 14 do 75 7 14 do 62 8 14 do 9 14 . do 2 75 . I /�15 _. .. 10.0 ,.-- do do 4 15 do 100 5 15 d o 2006.. Al - 6 15 do 2550 7 15 do 100 j? 8 15 do 2700 j 9 15 do 3600 - 10 15 do 3000 -4 do k -- do a _E.,80 ft lying No. of alley Of. B 16 do 200 M.E.80 ft.)That part lying stE2222t.of)L.5 & all of (5 16. do 2316 do 00 No of alley of B 16 do 10 0 (( 50 (Ex. W. 21 ft.) (6 16 do west 21 ft. of 6 16 do 75 ; y _ (xyd.Last 19 ft. of 7. I �xx East 19 ft.) 7 16 do 950 8 16 . do 600 * -- 1 9 16 do 100 f. 10 16 do 1� , .1116 do 75 12 16 . do {� .. 13 16 do -- 14 o- 14 16 . do 100 15 16 do �a it L116 161 do - 7 16� do 550 t 18 1 16 do 600 , y 19 16 do 40'Q _ --- .-20 _16 _ do ...._.vT�AL..lzv.=..a.<.z '- 191 CRT OP ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OP F��{{-,,.ANCE '-` k.PORT OF COMMISSIOKZR OF FIANCE _ " � 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ys DESCRIPTION LOT � BLOCK ADDITION �' VALUFATION __5801 Hayden Heights5190 E.20 Pt.of L,25 & all of 22 16 (Except East 20 ft. ) 30 ! do 5 50 223 4 16 25 , 16 do _ 125 _ 31 16 do 125 32 : 16 do 10.; 33 16 do 2750 Y 34: 16, do_ 2190; _._. 35 . 16 do 100. 36 16: do 15001 37 16 do;100 38.16. do lq0. 39 16. do 100 40 ; 3.6 : do boo. _ 41 16 do 100 42 ; 16 , do 5Q0.: - 43 16 do 190 44 16 : do 790 45 16 do 100 46 16 . do 100.. 47 16 do 1800 48 16 do 100 - 49 16 do 3425 50 16. do 11750 q 51 16 do 100 52 16. do 2250. do H.40. ft. South of.alley of B 16 , do 185,0; w --- E.40 ft.of W.80 ft.of part South of alley of . B 16 : do 1550 • a (Ex. bleat 80 ft.) that part South of Alley of B 16. do 2150 do 18 15 do 875 19 15 do 2325 _._ 20 . 15 . do 325. _ 21 15 do 1225 22 : 15 do -105 a -- 23 15 do 125 24 . 15 . do 1550 25 15 do 4100 do., u 17 14 do 1+,450 _ _-- 18 ; 14 do_65fl. 19 14 do 2000 20 . 14 do 100, 21 14 do 100 .22 .�14 do 2250 23 14 do 100 ,24 . 14 do 7t 25 14 do do TOTAL 0 514L 25--,- S._.TOTAL , I c CITY O. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F MANCE -* _.•�, ^EPORT OF COMMISSIOE�R OF FSIANCE R • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •��f 3 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT IeLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION_ s 27 14 Hayden Heights 25` ?- — 1 1 Hazel Park Division No.6 2 1 do . 25 f 25 R 3 1 do 25 4 1 do 100 - f. 5 1 do 6 1 do 100 _ 7 1 do 200' 8 1 do 100: . 9 1 do 100 II 10, 1 do 100 -- p 11 do 2750 12 1 do 100 13• 1 do 2100 I 14, 1 do 100. - ;, 15 1 do 1100 1 2 do 50; - - _ 2 2 do 600 j North- of alley va9.adj.& -. 3 2 do _ 50 ----- North of alley vao.adj.& 4 2 do 50 North • of alley vae.adj.& 5 2 do 50 50 k North of alley vao.adj.& 6 2 do 50 North of alley vae.adj.& 7 2 do 50 North of alley vao.adj.& 8 2 do North of alley vae.adj.& 9 2 do 50: North of alley vao.adj.& 10 2 do 100 � North of alley vao.adj.& 11. 2 do 2250 _ Ij North of alley vae.adj.& 12 2 do 100 North of alley vao.adj.& 13. 2 do S .100. - ( 1 1 Hazel Park Division 5 t, 425 ( 2. 1 Paul •2500 is 3 1 do 100 4. 1• do 5 1 do 100 6. 1. do 100 7 1 do 100 h 8. 1. do 100 E 23 ,ft. of L.10 & all of 9 1 do 100; jx.Last 23 ft.) 10; 1 do .100. - 11 1 do 100, I! 12. 1 do .100. . 13 1 do 100 (` 14 1 do 1890; - 15 1 do 100. I 12 do 11 4 y- 2 2 do 1900 3 2 do 1750; 4 2 do 100 100: 5 :2 do 6 2 do 100 100: -j - 8 2 do0, 3850 --' �9 21 do TOTAL •, G CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OPF. MANCE f� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF AN/ CE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ 10; 2 Hazel Park Div.5 St.Paul, 44'50 11 2 Minn. 250 _ 12 2 do 1100 f 13 2 do 100* 14 2 do 4400: . it 15 2 do 150 (1 5 Hayden Heights 200 (2 5 do 3 5 do 300. . q (4 5 do 4 5 5 do 450. 6 5 do 100 7 5 do 1600 12 6 do 100` 13 6 do 4 6 do 1450 15. 6 do 100; _. d 16 6 do 100. 17 6 do 18 6 do 2275 1 1 10, do 100. _ II 2 10 do 1750 3 10. do 250. 4 10 do 100 „ 5 10 do .100. ; i 6 10 do 750 -�{ 7 10. do 125.! I 19 9 do 100 20. 9 do .100. 21 9 do 100 {� 22. 9 do 500' ! 23 9 do 1650 24. 9 do .100: 25 9 do 850 Previously (1 .11 do ii (2 11 do included. (4 11 do __ {5 .11 do (6 11 do .(7 .11 do -�- -- .(11. 15, do 7650 (12 15 do 7 13, 15 do 75: 14 15 do 1300 15. 15. do 100. . 16 15 do 125 17 15 do 125., 1 16 do 125 2 16 . do 425- 3 16 do 125 53. 16, do _ 125_ _ TOTAL _ ; ; ..R..Q.�..,�..,...,......:..-. �.,no�..�.�a::_z--L.._..y.e:. ..:u.a.....v.ee:.. _.,a.�...,.h _+...a..t....Ym...._.r::a � • CITY OF s . PAUL .DEPARTMENT OP NANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIOR OF ANANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION f LOT B—K., ADDITION _. 54 : 16 Hayden Heights 55 16 do Included in other property 1 9 do 2 9 do _ 3 9 do 4 9 do 5 9 do 6 9 do 2.12. 7 do 3 12 do 4.12. 10. do 5 12 do 6 12 do 7 12 do 1 .15 do 2 15 do _ 3 '15 do Included in other property 25 '15 do -A-strip100 ft -:Ln width being ASSESSED VALUATION i 125 , 4, 125 1,375 125. 525 117P . 125 100 _. 100 100 . 100 100 625 125 - 125 125 2650 50 ft.on either side of center _line of Dipls.& St.Paul Sub.Ry.Oo. as located over & across Section 23, Town 29, Range 22. 5 8 6 8 .7 8 6 12 7 .12 . 8 12 141 7 13 7 12 7 11 7 10. 7 . 9 7 8 7. 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 . 9 8 10. 8 11 8 8 .13 9 13- 10 13 11 13 12 113 13 13 •14.13• 10 14 11 .14 Furness Garden Lots do do do do do Hayden Heights do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL 1475 1475 525 525 1325 . 3425 100 100 350 100 100 100 300 2225 125. 125 125 1775 125 127§ 75 . 75 75 . 100 100 600 125 125 100._; , . - CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT; F ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ANANCE —' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - 7-1 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT !BLocK ADDITION VALUATION 12 ' :14, Hayden Heights l __ 13 14 do 100 14 14 ; do X25: d . 15 14 do 12t .16 -14 , do ISO, - ---- (Ex.Autumn St.)That part lying Northerly of a dine 44 feet 759'0 northerly from and parallel with the :original center line of ,u C.St.p.0i.& O.Ry.Cols right of way, of Southwest 4 of Southwest _-4 of . Section 23, Town a) , Range 2-0. _ The East 123.41 ft of the west 683.01.ft of that part of the Northwest -:III of the Southeast 1. lying between Helen St. and Prospect Ave.produced easterly across said.' section in Section 23 Town 29 Raine 22 - 230 F - The east 61.73 ft of the west 744.74 ft of that part of the 6735 �-Northwest 4;pf the Southeast. h lying .between Helen St. and --- I prospect Ave. produced easterly across said 1. 4 Section in {(Section 23 down 29 Range 22 '( Except the East 185.14• ft of the ;nest. 744.74 £t of .that part lying between Helen St. and Prospect Ave.) that part lying U North of Autumn of the South �Ii of N lR 2T of SE;. of Section 23 Town 29 Range 22 11 Idmehsikomers Garden Lots included 12 do on . N 13 do previous 14 do sheets 19 Iviehsikomers Rearrangement 560 -- 20 do 60 _ 21 do 60 - 22 do 60 23 do 60 24 do 60 _ 25 do 60. _ �i 26 do 6p 27 do 60: «- 26 do 60 �i 9do ,: 60 - _-- 30 0 G .. 31 do 60 - 32 do 60 33 do 0 34 do 60 _ 35 do 60 - 36- do 75 hlehsikomer Garden Lots included already North of Lots 2 and 3 do 175 -it 1 Swenson's Rearrangement - 60" - 2 do 55 li 3 do P.11w ..an TOTAL'. _ 60-- T ii _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIOIVER OF SNANCE�� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT ewcK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 Mehsikomers Garden Lots included alread North 1 of 6 do 175 7 to &, incl. 10 do included alread The following vacated streets and avenues y Prospect Ave, Helen St, Sherwood Ave.and the SoL-th 2 6725 of Lake Como and Phalen Ave. from the center of Howard Ave. to the east lin-3 of Winthrop Ave, also the vaest z of said Howard Ave, from Lake Como & Phalen Afe.to Autumn St. and all of Lots 1 to 30 Blk 2 Lots 1 to 30 3 Lots 1 to 30 6 Lots 1 to 30 7 all in Harvester Heights and vacated alleys in said blocks 2,3,6 & 7 7 8 Furness Garden Lots included al-- 8 8 do 525 ready M 9 8 do 525 10 8 do 425 11 8 do 425 1 12 do 425 2 12 do 425 3 12 do 525 4 12 do 525 5 12 do 525 6 12 do included al - 1 12 ready 8 12 9 12 do 525 10 12 do 525 11 12 do 425 12 12 do 325 13 12 do 325 14 12 do 425 7 13 do 17050 includes 8 13 other 18 12 Hayden Heights 10o-croperty 19 12 do 300 _ 20 12 do 100 21 12 do 100 22.12 do 100.3gq 83b> The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid -matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedl�__—_192_ —-----__---__ F.— B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 1� } (RUM) C St. Paul, Minn. Mar . 2nd 6 To The Honorable;., The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..- AV .Y� V ice Bear Ave #� j, ,, tq, Surve Ave. Born: - _—.. � -- St. Ave. S J f Fav PIGS70 I I - r i M. S J St. Paul,- Minn. July 20th 192_L sx To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --9.e.w on _+9hite Bear Ave.e) jL.$azel ...... --..._.- ......... _...... - ....._.__..__.... _........ --- - ....--- — 9+. Ave. from Ave. to Center _—. ----St. Ave. NAME �� .. PA i St. Paul, Minn. May O. _-192Sz To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition' your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: To._c_xlx. =tom,- l.atQx.a ,.__ggwq-r(from_ the majLn. sewer..on White Bear Ave. ) QCL_k3'kx_Xl@13Q_..- .—........... -...... _............ ................ ..__..............—-._._..__.._..._—----9t�Ave. from__.Autumn------- .... —_.-- - St.:4ve. to Ce ater - -..... —.-.---St. Av.C. x St. Paul, Minn.._.Me,e b, —192 To The Honorable,_The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement ,to be made: Ta.�nnstsuct .lats J.._..abc—er—..�_ xoIIl. lie m �n evrer on 4Phite Bear Ave. ) 4.ri...GYB__...._._..._._—........_.— .............__..._._._..___ — St -Ave. to Lake Como & Phalen — — — --. Ave. / St. Paul, Minn.._--�1925 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to rause the following improvement to be made: Zq 00011 rnet a �atteral._sewerALr. om the main -Sewer on T to Bear Ave. ) on �ake.._Qomo>?halen.....------.�...._.......— ..... $t. Ave. from VPhi to Bear St• Ave. to_ -_=3e A. Ave. A St. Paul, Minn. Jnly E0th-192b_ ;. To The Honorable, The Council, „ City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: T'o_-oonatruot a lateral..._eewer.._(lrom-_the main sewer on White Bear Ave. ) on bake Como Phalan ......_......__......------ —_............ ---..._._._-__—_-- $t. Ave. from_.YYhi to Bear_3r Ave. to Rn°th _.. - ..._......_—..._—.. ,8l. Ave. ty' St. Paul, Minn. July 20th 192 5 To The .Honorable, The Council; r x Y. City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the ,undersigne4,-',.property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following imjfirovemedt-AQ be made: �o nonetruot_a�Ht�Ta]....6.A�R7C__i�4.the .Illaln_sENfEr �]1 white Besr ve. ) on rospect----- --..... _....... ....... ----.—_...-_.......... .... _..... �—___ S4.- from_.}9hit��ear _ £r�. Ave. to Ruth _...� fit Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION A15 V' a ^611 Ap. ® 31, y/ . It �i APOS- / V j 6 ' St. Paul, Minn. Jn1y 2Dth=-192 Tb. The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable 6 Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sn.._no gtrun.�.a�.n,Ls.ral_�e�e�-i.�mm-..the_..main_.sen�e.�c_on JHhiie._.Hsaz�Ye. ) QII...2"A4LOO?._.__ _...—......- --- --- _ ....._........—-.._._..._.__.-- hut. Ave. from }ghita Raaf _ . Ave. to Rnth — ------- Sa Ave. P. i taA rurArWFAN ,r to L��, ' •1L� �L Iii V.1�- III � i taA St. Paul, Minn. Jnl a 20±11 1921i to The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n TQ_rons rnot _�a_ter �._.�-ay-Q r.• (£roa4._-ib�m�in$ewer on ghite Bear kve.) on Helen _ ------__..-----_... _...... St. t1roe. - from—White Bear_,___ St -Ave. to Ruth !_ _ ........... ..... _...... _._ _ $. Ave. / /ver./MINN 1 �- m® +" St. Paul, Minn. _192_� To' The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followin improvement to be made: <7 j Af --St. Ave. f rdth-- LL,= �ip� ."to Ave. �V -A Emr, W?I . MFA FIR, WA. "0 /0 c 12 t a To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 3 ��s St. Paul, Minn.MEY 5 ��1926 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _Tc _construo_t a_late ral.._sewer(from_the main_ sewer on White Bear Ave.) _o n.. Autumn----...... ......... - ........ __.............. -- St. $ve. from_._ Furness .—.�_—_._....._..__ -St.-Ave. to Ruth .......................... - ----S Ave. � - ..Wd Ii. /qq/_ilk ��/�/ WN RA ® VAR *! X. �. �Of ce of the Comity; �poner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance, �. JUL 20 ice. July 19, 1926. ......... __... .............................. _............_....................-._192._— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration 'the preliminary order of the _ Conseil, known as Council File No. 6.6911 _....... approved _... .........July.......__..._6,_...._...1926 _._..._........._._.192_._._., relative to the construction of the_"Belt Line -Hayden Height® Sewer Ext and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: .w 1. Said improvement is.....—._...— ......... necessary and (or) desirable. V' $3.10 per front ft. 97,000.00 A 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—..._._.___— and the total cost thereof is $...... __.......... —___......T, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._. .......... _................. _... _........ _..................... _—._____�_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _._—_._..._.._.._._ ......................... ._......-....__.......--......... --- ............................ .-- �l- .; 5. Said improvement is__.._.._ .......... _.____-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pdblie *orks. t - GIT.' DI X31 TO__ �i�eFU of Pblic;WVX*VD JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O CONNELL. DwPUTY CONNI..IOMw 6M." M. SNEPARD. CN EN.- July 16 , 19 26 Al. S. ORY'RIIIK. R.-EHHNaw W M. N. GREY. SUPT. OP CON.T.UCTIOH AND w . L l A. D. SNARP, BUPY. OF 811-11- 6. H. HERROLD. OPPIM ANO CITY PLANNING EN.- O. P. DOWLIN. SUPT. OF WDRKNOUM Hon. John H. Mc Donald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructiong of a sewer on bake Como and Phalen Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Furness Avenue, on Sherwood Avenue from Winthrop Avenue to Hazel Avenue and from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue, on Helen Street from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenue and (roma point 20 feet west of Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue and from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Ivenue, on Prospect Avenue from Ruth Avenue to Furness Avenu6 and from a point 40 feet west of Curve Avenue to Hazel Avenue and from a point 70 feet west of Hazel Avenue to White Bear Avenue, on Autumn Street from Ruth Avenue to White Bear avenue, on Hazel Avenue from Autumn Street to Prospect Avenue and from a point 60 feet north of Propsect Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, on Curve Ave., from Autumn Street to a point 60 feet south of Helen Street,and from a point 60 feet north of Helen Street to Sherwood Avenue on Furness Avenue from Autumn Street to Sherwood Avenue and from a point 60 feet north of Sherwood Avenue to a point 60 ft. south- westerly of Vassar Avenue, all of which is to be known as the "Belt Line -Hayden Heights Sewet Extension," under preliminary order C.F.66911,approved July 6, 1926: - Estimated cost $97,000.00 Frontage 27,660 lin.ft. Area spread exclusive of street & alleys 2,237,700 sq. ft. Cost per front ft. 3,10 Spread area only 0.005 District map accompanies this report. For final order, that portion of Furness Avenue reading "from a point 60 feet north of Sherwood Avenue to a point 60 feet southwesterly of Vassar Avenue" should read as follows:"From a point 60feet north of Sherwood Avenue to a point 180 feet southwesterly of n cIT "OF 5 F! 1lY' I�A �D140 sit 6NZYWROV (►,7u l i c e JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O-CONNELL. DwPYTY COYYI.wIONSR P M. S. ORYTBAK. SwIOGw ENGIxRw SEOROR M. BHEPARD. CNIwP ENGlxwiw A. S. SHARP. SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OP CONGTRUCTION ANO pwPAlw O. P. 80-W -PT. OP WOwKNOYww O. H. I2RROLD. OPPItw ANO CITY PUNNING ENGI.Rtw Vassar Avenue." It is not possible to extend the sewer beyond this point. Very truly yours, ),In.--�4 eP FnF neer. 4 Approved for transmission C mmissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. $F �PJS Adopted- ers Nays .,i Yeas Nays a�Clncy g 7Iodn� Clanc Ferguson McDo� ) Iodgson z�8dhcuiier N 1cDonald , �c"'nzel" UIr Pres."Nelson. Sudheimer " Wenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson Ordinance No. (D By C. F. No. 13789.8 q.8 An ordinance authorizing Juliana Matz to construct and main tain a 32 -foot driveway from Como avenue across Como Parkway, with a radius of 26 feet off of Como avenue. This -is an [amwx�s�ncv*r�i- --r nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the C. F. Nb. 67898—ordlnance 17— health and safety. By G. C. 8ludhelmer-8y Agequeet—v. An ordinance authorlsin 7allaia t " construct Veway tan main THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ° mo Pax�q,a' fro f omo venae. .-+Kpy ordinance Section 1. Authority and permission are hereby given tothh.alth ane Juliana Matz, the owner of Lots 1 and 2, Magoffin & Breckenridge Addition to the City of St. Paul, to construct a 32 -foot driveway from Como avenue acrose Como Parkway to the above described property, with a radius of 26 feet off of Como avenue, the property of said Juliana Matz being located near the corner of Rice street and Como avenue. Section 2, Said triveway shall be constructed pursuant to plans to be approved by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and shall be removed at any time that the Council may so direct. Section 3. Said Juliana Matz shall furnish a surety bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, main- tenance, use or removal of said driveway. Said bond shall be jun such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and,after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Glanoy /Ferguson /McDonald ✓koGlogan r`Sudheimer MrPresident (Hodgson) Z7 App ed Attest i � Mayor City Clerk �-� September 13, 1926. Mr. Arthur Stewart, Corporation Counsel, City of St. Paul. near Sir: We would request that you draw up an ordinance allowing Juliana Matz'y. Owner of Lots and and two, Magoffin and Breckenridge Addition to put in a drive for filling station purposes, at the corner of Rice St. & Como , across Como Parkway, as shown on the attached drawing. This drawing allows the,s�sitting back of the corner forty feet and permits a(2� foot dry agvenue. (/ the property with a 26 foot radius off of Como In consideration of this the company agrees to put the grass areas into lawn and generally landscape and imrprove the appearance of • the area to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks. Yours very truly, Corrani s si one, . n/m star.1ton Hrtps to m.kr Erttrc 41HIErn. (4ttg of ot. Paul Departumut of Parks, f laggranuh - sub rublk 3pullatugs T EOR06"L. NASON. Mr'ol Fangs HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER -11 W ..IOHNSON. '. IRVINO C. PEARCE. CIK R CON6N `MMI..IO0 811I1'..r PIAY.Ralllo. FRANK DIIw TEWES. OrFICE Or CAMMIB.IONOI cc �W CRT'A C Sis COURT HOUSE -fM '® September 13, 1926. Mr. Arthur Stewart, Corporation Counsel, City of St. Paul. near Sir: We would request that you draw up an ordinance allowing Juliana Matz'y. Owner of Lots and and two, Magoffin and Breckenridge Addition to put in a drive for filling station purposes, at the corner of Rice St. & Como , across Como Parkway, as shown on the attached drawing. This drawing allows the,s�sitting back of the corner forty feet and permits a(2� foot dry agvenue. (/ the property with a 26 foot radius off of Como In consideration of this the company agrees to put the grass areas into lawn and generally landscape and imrprove the appearance of • the area to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks. Yours very truly, Corrani s si one, . n/m star.1ton Hrtps to m.kr Erttrc 41HIErn. �i cn � I SOD Gc�aon conks 0 r L AVIN \ _—CE_k 5TOffT CAR TRacxs_ STREET ----- - n — - --- -- - SIDEWALK - - -� --- IF SIDEWALK' 1 Juhmnncl Mnlz, Owner I Lots I &- 2 Block I Mapffin & Breckenridge i Addition a d Nu yt� g .. � cour+caNd R rn �wC �.9'� .e+�`.st�� Ld a� ' FILt•p n.: ,.,. 3 h;QLERK LUTI 1 *yrs "}, ✓ t� s _5>: : � mrt� r 5.y r* rr �•y"'PR�O BY _� M1 Ynt.?h" b i yFiE50WED 'What the;Yayor 811d c3ommiseioner of ;Bub Ao Works are hereby autho 'i d and inetruoted•to take the ieoessery steps to obtain ;the permissilon of the United States Government for the oonstruotion- of terminals on the Xississippi River: g � 1 �a_r�`�el a y trs �e�= xa qy la'9 • bgFo°txF�S�tk a� ,o k' aH s �e� A �i not rettn R Y;p 5 �ta ve � t � oh: W tedl�r'bY' U� bhp iil1��` a� •k 14, • °� 4ayYybe.s.� � ,� cam,#? M1. ��`'h�v' "a r a ; tCOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Couactl'�P 161926 --- 142.... A o SEP 16-1926192--.:.. " McDonald ::...-..I n. favor p �McGlogan v ' Sudheimer...itigainst _ - Y - --------- Mr. -President Hodgeon - 1 «4.V -6i w.•wr* <c� H..u,. .-s,..�7^ ...+�'�?. r,k....- ..yam.- ,_,e�.o, .,:y�,�.e - +�°ak. os�i be yn ohase2l; asci to k8mp�oy eat° estate eapertq toy advi°ee it' aid r t N totalte options ons such tracts as it may' see Pit alr at a ease n- ka�Ps,x� , h Z &tlLYED' FURTHER, That said sum of Fi4e' H 'nil edDollars ' A : y �$*?0�r 00)- shall bead out ,oP the rooeeda oT bonds; heretgPc3ie authorized tlo'be ie sued �o `the �►aqulsl`i�ioln and developme;l oP r r� a 8Y 0, ,- ,1 N Iua iaJ ._tab este V8 i`m[fi4IR 11 4- ���g d I3 d'eu�k.gq4te 63te'n2 uari�dal�Y k$.$E "` , e� 'wt Vo t�golv$¢�I, tt § ve }ta4g;�Iwseo .x s� ft 6 1.,• w�_Y ,_; - n � a is +Y a ) C SSP COU4 �NCI MEN „ Yeaa� Nays Ado ted b the Council ` rt� P Y 192 a on SEP 1 ef . . ved 192 Mcbonald In favor, Asa McGlogan 5udheluierigailiet k d V + i 4K �,,.`nayiJ :.ury,�.a+�e�yWwa.^a.d..�wk' ,' �� . .. G ^.y'r.�w .�7�'�. �-+�^a�. s^+ a,„e.�.�w.+<� .y. •,-.., '€,rFwx.,IDk �',��' W, in (�(� CITY OF 5T PAUL F�Nca iv0 �a�{ t OFFICE OF THE CIT1thCLEF;r< 1 y4s a a m s. �� COUNCIL R T,r d g GENERAL FORN7 RESOLVED a T1ist the pro city o a.. cera are beretij orderbd and directed isays,and fell the boade df tbs'City'of 8t. Paul; to the'smonat end ps%.Talon of Oas Robdred Fifty Thousand Dollars jsw,000) for the purpose of 'paymettt toward the " scat of acquiring 14A for, and constructing wbariea.and levees and approaches thereto, on th6 banks of the Mississippi River, as autbotised in and in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of St. Paul, and by Ordiaaace No. 6666, spprovsd'lfe� 26, 1926► andratifisd by the electors of said City at the r- special Election belt Jahn 21, 1926• ovxcuauExAdopted by the Council -- 6 1 Nays SEP 192. g Appr Cfi 1 192_ t P odgeon--......---In favor �f ---._ ...---••- --- Onald Y �7nAYOR er ..... .........Against ; dent,; a F , '+. $w(iear a Fac�unicspal Oo1n xN NN4 oei`�rec r �'aheok'� n fire hum of �'if ty i�ollarH from Ti'. J Pntiziox Y YI.p�e�it of bail fixed ys OrAe of the Judges of t2ie Munidipa7 Gonrt, x Af ead w ' �i ' fi�HERiCAB, Bail (iso. F. Dia paid intro,"'the citq treasury "the of +x$60 00 in dash 'before said check had Been paid, Sal �soreas,' yi�a3d F. Pu#izier ,atiped payment on,eaidofeek,,_aad.as a result, thereof, '' a1�id 'f}eorge �'. Dix hasp beennablg to oollect said X50 to 'a ie:, Imburea hl,mselffor the amount "he paid into the city treasury; srefore. , be "r. n F80I,VED, That the proper city officers are hereby authori>+ed ' irected to daya warrant in favor'of said t;agree FI►'in the ,' sof Fifty Dollars x($5QrQO} tCj ;ieittii&i, him for'.the amount here x �r; tofoi+ peic into the city treasury. 3 1 h �s V i v' +a v ,3."g- .a ..r:,. .° g-* GOUNCILMkN t R ,� r`kxl' Yeas fig` Nays h • A Adopted byy the Co l� =4 192.: ' V11, `- E/W'Doneld In favor' z -I�IcGlogan Y � CL OF SST PAUL Rdu�catgo IC .,,HE CITY 44LERK a s fiF E� 147�CSE A{. FORM' ; < f fA ;r -Kr v x $w(iear a Fac�unicspal Oo1n xN NN4 oei`�rec r �'aheok'� n fire hum of �'if ty i�ollarH from Ti'. J Pntiziox Y YI.p�e�it of bail fixed ys OrAe of the Judges of t2ie Munidipa7 Gonrt, x Af ead w ' �i ' fi�HERiCAB, Bail (iso. F. Dia paid intro,"'the citq treasury "the of +x$60 00 in dash 'before said check had Been paid, Sal �soreas,' yi�a3d F. Pu#izier ,atiped payment on,eaidofeek,,_aad.as a result, thereof, '' a1�id 'f}eorge �'. Dix hasp beennablg to oollect said X50 to 'a ie:, Imburea hl,mselffor the amount "he paid into the city treasury; srefore. , be "r. n F80I,VED, That the proper city officers are hereby authori>+ed ' irected to daya warrant in favor'of said t;agree FI►'in the ,' sof Fifty Dollars x($5QrQO} tCj ;ieittii&i, him for'.the amount here x �r; tofoi+ peic into the city treasury. 3 1 h �s V i v' +a v ,3."g- .a ..r:,. .° g-* GOUNCILMkN t R ,� r`kxl' Yeas fig` Nays h • A Adopted byy the Co l� =4 192.: ' V11, `- E/W'Doneld In favor' z -I�IcGlogan s °A PROPR ANON BRANS ERS RESOI.al�Tl01 FORM r ,� y � ,, .� y. �y �"" � tBER C►jARTER-SECTION IDb6 a t t3 -.COMM S810(.�ER ... DATE;' shv. RESOLVED THAT THS OLLOWIPIG TRANSFERS BE, MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THS„ COMPTROLLER *AS $Y SO DbING AN, UN.VOIDAB�E' DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN IYENI&i e �a .� P �������L L 4 MAYBE MET. BY'SPa�D TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THEWORKPVIDEDrBY TtiE MONEY IN'THE'ITEM$'FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. r CODE AMOUNT-' TRAN6FEPRED APPORTIO.NED� ITEM ' FROM TO - DR. CR.. t . ,B g�3nepra 30 .80' a 4- o $k.f 307 f 80 Y CI0 q Y ... y { (A6 ' �. z5' P tr �fyyES{\� COUNCIL4ME1�\.� 419 NA'YS ADOPTEl7 BY TIDE COUNCIL OaL„ Sf_ 18`§ i y 9 tx*{z —T X SZAPPROVED "S g92V i9� FAVOR F`` "a4 ',?`� ; .4 k �`°✓WICDOHALD ,r �^ S _ z'd % } r�r� o "� q'`$ v.SUDf•IEIMER t Aw, t;S:T COUNTERSIG"ED.Bcoo K ' sk ESC a t "' 4 t3^ i That, a bond given jo the City: of 8t, �au1' �s w -& by the Fid'elrity -and DepOsitkompa7ly of Maryland, as w Y" h`. kyr suraty, and Constsais^and F�ttsohs, as prinoipal _ dated ' = 39pt'ember,l9, 1923; in the sum of5;OOd00i covering %> d area{ trap, ,door and coal hoI'e at E22-..2©,.Ti 7tht .S,, be and the efiame;.imnhexeby cancelled and the principal f � and"surety'therion 2eleased, as new. bond ,has been i�irnisIred; pr -b 4-1 owever, that nothing herein eh all " be- construed as "releasing said prinoigal. and surety from a '' y have accrued p riy liabilit y nc�h ma rior_to the s cancellation oY'.said bond. ada u • Es T .& + ,F r x r COUNCILMEN SES 16`igg r H 'Yeas Nays , Adopted by the, Council I"92 w EP 161926 F `3 I—McDonalii` 4 --------:In fa¢oi rov_ -•--........ - .......... 192 x Sttdlieimer Ag inat n�,n � µArt s " -CITY OF, ST�PAIJL C'O"U.r+eaNO. - �x ° OFFICE OF THE�CITY,yC13ERK Ti c �x s #` �� COUMCIt:'' RESOLU'ffON-rG,ENERk4 FORW� � ,s. x .,?, sk ESC a t "' 4 t3^ i That, a bond given jo the City: of 8t, �au1' �s w -& by the Fid'elrity -and DepOsitkompa7ly of Maryland, as w Y" h`. kyr suraty, and Constsais^and F�ttsohs, as prinoipal _ dated ' = 39pt'ember,l9, 1923; in the sum of5;OOd00i covering %> d area{ trap, ,door and coal hoI'e at E22-..2©,.Ti 7tht .S,, be and the efiame;.imnhexeby cancelled and the principal f � and"surety'therion 2eleased, as new. bond ,has been i�irnisIred; pr -b 4-1 owever, that nothing herein eh all " be- construed as "releasing said prinoigal. and surety from a '' y have accrued p riy liabilit y nc�h ma rior_to the s cancellation oY'.said bond. ada u • Es T .& + ,F r x r COUNCILMEN SES 16`igg r H 'Yeas Nays , Adopted by the, Council I"92 w EP 161926 F `3 I—McDonalii` 4 --------:In fa¢oi rov_ -•--........ - .......... 192 x Sttdlieimer Ag inat � SNC • Jr t ' CITY OF"ST PAUL s� 'ANO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r, gO-UN' ;RESOLUTION—+GENERAL' FORM x eResfifi ER September 16, 1926 a X OOMM — �� > s �RESOL Th at:the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as �R surety, and•Constans and'Fritsche, as,pri'noipal, dated 5y September 19, 1923# ft,;t 2`sMm of $5„000♦00, covering areaway at 104 E, 5th; Street _,be and the same is hereby cancel ed and the.. principal and surety thereon released{ I - as new'bond has•been furnished; provided, however, that no thing' herein shall be construed as releasing said prinbipal and surety from any liability which may have accrued.prior to the cancellation of said bond• b R• N't $h �oni - gaRby. am to "z�i_$ir n o �! • th aiv 190, . �§ s W.otHC 3 Ah Us e'N" COUNCILMEN �. Yeas Nays Adopted 6y the Council ------- 192.-:- SES ' In favor WN •� McDonald ........... -.:.. 192_: -. x>-McGlogan .,.,HGdheimer O.Against e idj,!, Hodg +'V, CITY CF` 5T PAUL P°�"caNO..__ a O ICE SOF THE CITY CEFjK t�_; �4C E:n 14CIU','K ;l17fON GENERAL CORM 3ebAember 16i 191, That the' bond given to the Gity.of 3t Raul by: the --hdel'Aty ani Deposit Company of Maryland, as : suzAy, W, F and Conatsna ^and r sohe, as prig% pall dated n September 19, 1923; in the, sum of $5Q90s00, cogering : z ,w. 't door door at 307 $UbQrt Slxeet, : be and the. game is hereby 4 :. N '� cancelled, e:nd the " rino� pal and aixrety ,thereat eieaeea; as -new bond has been furnished; provided, howaven, r that nothing` herein ahall'be ednatrued as. re }easing 'said prina3pa1 end surety from any liability which may have acorued prior to the oan.oellat on ar' aaid bonds ° x NY'F'�.F. .a -3eggggDlyyVat eTh6thb bda vo ` 00 City'6tC 8t._ Ptu."OiY *t ie ilei d eKret�f >ig dWIWtz w#�c eru a °i hh��iDDaa ', 3eai+.eblls;� ie � cb'� 14C i' t8 _ ",COUNCILMEN ` (Nays Adopted by the :a McD��d_In favor Ted _ P, ----- ------ 192-- _/-McGlogan r e ,�Sudheimer � ..Agaim; � --•--• `_ .,.. ,... -•-;---- ------ Y Mr P�dbnt xgdgZI eon F , �' ;.y -r ytY r 'C '��°wkk,+s4T t- 7. �- t F� i CITY OF,ST. PAUL'$1 FOX codNcaNb. 6 .. OFFIC�� OF T� IE CITY CLERK.e x ��,h �� a, C,OUaC1L RESOLUTION GENERAL,_.FORM +s ,c. �F diet �'.. � .��,{^• ' ,J,+,. �.,��"r°''k j � 4` : ., r ' ^t , ^� e'TE(pD 8ep'�embae 16t 192 Mi6a �; R_DATE._-.._.. _ NO Ths-t the' on gives to the- City o'i st: Raul by -„ +^ bh+� Nat -ono]; . Surety 004pany, as surety, and Jacob' JP 9s7$ni ti'BTewi# Company; 89 piitcipal3 -dated July 1� 1916, in the,Sum 'of- B 090ig.91 oovering trap doorand'` beer isl uto at:, 888, Jackeon,;,atreet, be and the samQi.' is hereby tsanclell'ed and -'the principal. andY surety ,thereon released, ` a8 new -.:bond h.'e�s been'•�irf2j e F "pxoy dedf however, that A. { nthhe e n sh 7l be oAn6trued as releasing said.,- r iirincip it st d, surrety Ir,om,,any liability whioh may have aao usd prior �t �tYle oanda]lation of sei bond. y,�P v a:. °e ITh � T Lbye� a�da Vsuri— + _ Ba t"' �.a"auretY' and Tan g7�wg YSo�^caasra�{ r"tea d1''10Y8 r: the n 6'0 0 dtiuq trayy d0or'' d be r 1d uoau g t4 un ae at oeleape� eat e_on_ $y��xAh�i°hhaeit . ih� '", f �led•.3'if�urelSaeibS . hl$�blh, P1ba eti ''B"iE.yft:P Iityi- 3 , w " e COUNCI(:MEN f = 'Sail � �, '-s Nays 4dopted by the Councd ..192: 5 a ,. -PI 6192 ' �. McDonald ._..._...In favor Ap _-- ---...191...._ wapgan ^^ f udheimer A Binet ........ ..................... w '12 ✓Mr. Fiestdent Hodgson �Y�..�sxt ... , .. •:s... "AA 97 �F =r t � � 4 SGITZ'�OF ST. PAUL comm 146... �1 r Y3 n h OFFICE OF"fHE'CITY+CLERIC ' 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM d, 4� PREBBNTED B �r t.� y. S e temp- er 16- r __DATE_P t1,r*cCOrYtNj18310NER - u0' 4 " OCVV, EDx S� k That the bond. given to the City of St; Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and G. H• Hurd Realty Company, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000:00, covering wrap door at 588,Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new,bond has .been furnished; provided, however; that no herein.shall be construed as releasing said principal'and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. myna, 4 �p1Ya�7807`w"" �LW'L7je, Lsa a n'6Lbe bd - , Y. . ggggppfiv9��C� �44�U; iYRe,D.lp 0��``�"'gY1r$LYASL�b9��FA„e #.. n .�..."- COUNCILMEN �.*Yeas Nays 'Adopted by the Council .'-___..... -I 192.... P1 -...192-..-- McDonaldA ..-._---- In favor - /1�lcGlogan �Sudheizner Against..---- .- �►EnZet � 2 4�'' i� �z � g�" q ex's -•"c a . Prendent Hod rgaon ; y CITY OF ST P/kIJL w"uiieaNO. •---...-._6cJI • ` OFFICE OF 'THE CITY , CLERK. 71 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM -<PRESENT er _ ., :.'T '. `September 1(� 1926 FrCOMMI ICER " _. - DATE._._.,.:- RESOL o That th6 bond given to the -city,.'Of 3t. Faul bye the Fidelity'an& Deposit Company of'lbiryiand, as surety, and Otto Bremer, as prinoipai,•dated September 12, 1923, in. the sum of X5,000:00 covering ooal holes at 194 East 4th Street be and the same is hereby oaneelled and the principal and surety thereon releaedd, as new bond has been furhishd&. provided, however, th&t nothing herein shallbe oonstrued as releasing said prineipal and surety from any liability which may have ac riiii prior to the cancellation. of said bond. o COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1 1�McDonald :...In favor ,McGlosan ' adhamer >lr. President Hodgson t #8� Adopted by the Council .�-.1.4 :� 192.-.. ApPra 1 -- 192 . t F { . MwYOR k G RESOLVED Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO....._..... FILE ........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s n o . That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and Otto Bremer, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000.00 covering trap door at 170 E. 7th Streets be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been fhrnished, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may haves 1 accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Nays )rerg"Iff —. •/McDonald !...In favor ,,McGlogan ^ .,Seidheimer -_J--Against Q . President Hodgson Adopted by the SEP V" 19% ------- -------------------------- 192.... SEP 1 61926 ..................................192.._.. .. CITY OF ST: PAUL Fi .NCI�.NO............. F1-3'.C� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �{ G u PRESENTED BY .lL//►�....� _.. DATE.........._......_NeDtember.. _ 6....19._96 COMMISSIONER. .... RESOLVED that, the bond given to the City of St. PatLl by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and Otto Bremer, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000 covering trap door at 200 E. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished, provided, however, that noth- ing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which.may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. It COUNCILMEN. Yeas Nays Giarse� ROM— ✓McDonald �..-In favor ,I*IcGlogan %l .--5udheimer .--..6---.Against WA. i� President Hodgson SEP 16 14% } Adopted by the Council ...................................... (92.... App EP.16 6 19z.... IN CITY OF ST.'PAUL LOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F11. NO. ....... ---679-13 Sept. 16, 1926 That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety and Otto Bremer, as prinaipal, dated September 11, 1928, in the sum of $5,000.00 covering ooal holes at 151 East 5th Street, be and the same is hereby oanoelled and the prinoi.- pal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be oonstrned as releasing said prinoipal and surety from any liability whioh may have occurred prior to the Cancellation of the said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C4 --Y— ' y --Mc _ In favor -efAcGlogan ✓Sudheimer --.... ---Against Mr. President Hodgson •: r Adopted by the Cocil.__.............................:... 192...- 1 ......SEP.......----- ....... 192.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL _ V couNcaNO.............�-(- �4 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NTD B Q� M1551ONER ......-.... ._. _.......__..__....._...._.... ..__-._..._....__------_---- DATE ... ....... 502.rem.Y..S3r 16.., ..... 1.9..5r.�i........ RESOLVED That the bond goven to the City of Saint Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and Otto Bremer, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of 05,000.00 covering trap door at 81 Sast 4th Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the princi- pal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been fur- nished, provided, however, thay nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said princiapl and surety from any liability which may have occurred prior to the cancellation of the said bond. 401L COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays CJat wo— /...In favor 41cGlogan //> �udheimer ..--...(.�..--Against M-eiie_ Mr. President Hodgson SEP 16 19a Adopted by the Co -----.-- .....--------------.._ 192...- P1 f1 _ed .....----- .............------.....192...... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ..............6-/,91V FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " _.. DATE.........._.Sgpt.....'1Fi.,.....1.9Z(i__-._.....t_...... That the bond given to the City of St. Pawl by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety,` and Otto Bremer, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $6,000.00 covering coal holes at 378 Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have occurred prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C3ari1'i�+ �cD� onald ....In favor /1WcGlogan I.Sudheimer .....Against Mr. President Hodgson .:. '1% r Lglg Adopted by the Council..-.... ..... 192.... 'SEPI film Ap ed.-- -- -------------------- 192..--- .... ........ - - .`... ......... ................... � Yeas couaCp CITY, OF STT,PAUL vae NO......a-- .._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ITED BY 'Sept. 16,'1926 SSIONER_._.._...._.....__.._..__•-..__-`.___......._......_.__- .... ...._.._......... _._................ .DATE_..............._......._............._.._..._._....._....._.. ...._._.......... That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety,, and Barrett and Barrett:,: as principal, dated September 18, 1928, in the sum of $5,000.00 covering coal holes at 242-244 E. 4th Street be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished, provided, however, that nothing herein shAll be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of the said bond. lgtt nO,I' M0 Bald pone. Adopted by 111, Council gID 18. 1988. LADprpy d Se D• 18, 1926; s (Sept -.86-1986) 80— ?:ec Adopted by the Council........... __....................... 192.... SFA x t �b Approv --------- ------ - ----- _...... ..... 192------ - -- -------' - -- — - - u Nays Ear -41 -- � favor ✓McDonald .....�-...--..In '1eGlogan .0o8Gdheimer !Wfflel ..-- ....Against �Mr. President Hodgson 80— ?:ec Adopted by the Council........... __....................... 192.... SFA x t �b Approv --------- ------ - ----- _...... ..... 192------ - -- -------' - -- — - - u .....: - -CITY OF ST. PAUL wiser —NO. ......... ...j:j7-!Rj,7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ... .. _..._. .. .......... ............... DATE......._.September �..ept emb 6r-_.16 , 1926 ..... ` COMMISSIONER_____._.-........_.._..._._._._�.._...._.___. RESOJ�v 3 That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and G. H. Hurd Realty Company, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering coal hole at 390 Jackson Street, be and the same is. hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal` -and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancella- tion of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /� dam. ................In favor -fOlcGlogan .0!5udheimer ............... .Against Zr. P�idea Hodgson Adopted by the Council....`....._ ._....:._SrJ_...... 192..._ Aro - --- ------------------- - 192------ CITY OF ST. PAUL co—CILN FILE O.---------- 67 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM D ev September 15, 1926 _...._...__......_......_.._.....__. ---- .------- _._._....__... DATE ........_:._...._......_.._ ..... ..__...._._............... ............... ... SOLVED That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and G. H. Hurd Realty Company, as principal, dr:ted September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000.00 covering trap door at 183 E. Third Street, be gnd the same is hereby cancelled and the -principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; por- vided, however, that 'nothing herein shall be construed. as releasing said principal and suh ty from any liability which may have aet.atted prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ISIMM!" ,/McDonald In favor ,/McGlogan ' �dheimer...Against ..�— ,�r. President Hodgson s SEP i- 6 19 6 Adopted by the Council _._ ... _------------------------ 192.... SFP19 Im - ---------- 192...._eAppr - _- ---------_--- CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCs.NO...........691yy .'. OFFICE.OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Septemb»r 16 1926 RESENTED B'1'//�,/J,,� _.. 1 OMMISSIONER�,�L=..F.--..'-.____..._....__— ...__ _.. ...:__......._._....__ ..__._. _. DATE__....._._....___..._........ _. _ ....._.. 5 That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Depoett Company of Maryland, as surety, and G. H. Hurd Realty Company, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering trap door at 319 Webasha Street, be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; porvided, however, that nothing herein shall be constrmed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. COUNCILMEN to i din Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. --------- ._........................ 192.... McDonald -- favor Ap ved.: -.........................192 ........ In �MeGlogan �Sudheirner A Against _....... - -.............. ----- - ---- g ........ u' l��r "PfcsldentHodgson . `� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.. ......... k), 7192 vae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM Y oUED B . 40pt•. 16, 1926 InNE That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, and Otto Bremer, as principal, dated September 11, 1923, in the sum of $5,000-00, covering coal holes and trap door and the northeast corner of 5th and Jackson Ste., be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. D COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays elifflay McDonald ---- --------In favor -101cGlogan Audheirner Against >*MW— /Mr. President Hodgson SE1199 Adopted by the Council ........... ....I ..........6........ A 3 .-------- EP1 611M ..... .. ........ 192 ... ........... .. ............. ....... .. ......... .......................... qr CITY OF ST. PAUL [NULNo..........6.l., 21 OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM ..... .... .... ..... ... ....................... DADATE.....,..BBpti4mIIAI�.. ls.,..],92a............ RESOLVED That License No. 4009 expiring December 9, 1926 for conducting a soft drink parlor at 371 No. Franklin Street, issued to William A. Sullivan, be and the same is hereby revoked upon reoottmtendation of the Bureau of Police. tl �1n t�N'or R4R93�lq ��� Mdtllo&� a n `Resolved �Lhph a7.too0hp�C f InFr rt eP Rgdjt,0Wp �lHr"b! a�71 Nd fh -F-MmUtln Streot toeved to Nattoni 90111vam bo and tho eam8 to horeUYre= VOkrrOA upon ed06mmendntlon Of tho ��'Anopted. by the CoJiigit AOU. 10, ]Rttb.I! +tPAPND4ed ,SeP t0 1DtlR, COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......In favor MPGlogen 0 Sudheimer .............'Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson N SEPI1998 Adopted by the Council.......................................192...... SEP 1 61928 C/✓ ed........... `Z 192.... CITY No .......... h'722 C 'F 87982—"bBy�CJur�`+.o4lossn OFFICE OF �eAq�'ed5�j'.7Chbtthnaaptinoµtrgnrt toe�j' llnen.eb ¢( tpe"'tonqtrlag erdone�tor- OU NCrL RE�JO eq fndfaats0d b9e"4-tinea tHea$birt'e ar8a8apprees by:;gshhted anti Ltllem o[Ly oler1F71b@..1tt�. t yetrugteQV � Ib'i2t �guoh't ]icen$pb7ati`j}o - tb6"�kf C lhto the Olay .t>weaenry of tembar 16 1926 - '+o. B Terrell, Bob ftehang'e'`71 8elary',.L0en - I RESOLVED That the applications for liI*1 ci, ar 8elbnn, 9sa B -k+ rr U Persona for conducting businesses at the addresses ind ol',Ott"ti4a ;;f the -same are hereby granted and the city olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary Pee: Geo. W. Ewald, E. B. Terrell, Oscar Kelson, Oscar,,,.Kelson, W. G. Alwin, Carmine Bussa, J. H. Simon, Ed Leavitt k S. S. Makiesky, Abe Trusken, Bilbow Amusement Co., C. J. Persson, C. J. Margellon, Mike George & Son, George Zalkin, Charles Rieger, Bernard Gardner, John Clarizio John P. Hagge, B. Celany, N. W. Theater Circuit, Inc., N. W. Theater Circuit, Inc., R. N. Anderson, John F. Kearns, L. P. Paryon, J. L. Donahoo, F. L. Nicolin, III. P. Spangenberg, quarfoot h Lofgren, William Hoover, Sa'm Segal, Phil Reilly, Phil Reilly, Phil Reilly, W. H. MoGroarty, 26 E. 7th St„ 906 Exchange Bank Bldg., 999 Payne Av., 999 Payne Av., 915 St. Clair St., 90 W. Summit Av., 264 E. 7th $t., 824 E. 7th $t., b54 Bi31ey St., 406 Minnesota St., 1404 Raymond AV., 438 Jackson St., 50 W. Fairfield St., 441 Thomas St., 198 Bates Av., 1670 Marehall Av., 421 E. 7th St., 1136 Rice St., 1201 N. Snelling Av., 26 W. 7th St., 16 E. 7th at., 376 N. Cleveland Av., 478 Broadway St., - 24 E. 4th at., 3833 Garfield, Mpls 619 University Av., 688 Selby Av., 1007 Payne Av., 812 White Beer Av., 212 W. 4th St., 188 N. Snelling Av., 188 N. Snelling Iv., 188 N. Snelling Av., 166 W. University Av., COtFNG�LM EN Yeas iNays -_ Clancy Ferguson McDonald n favor MCG e Wen ................ gainst Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Confectionery Salary Loan 7 pool tables Confectionery Confeotionery-drug Confectionery 2nd hand dealer n n n Grocery 6 Bowling Alleys Grocery Confectionery n Grocery Butcher Grocery Confectionery 3 pool tables Confectionery Theater Theater Grocery n Bonfeotionery Oil B-wner Soft drink Grocery 4 bowling alleys Grocery n 9 bowling alleys 15 pool tables Confectionery 2nd hand dealer Adopted by the Council........................................192.:.... '� . .,_............................ 192...... (3 CITY OF ST. PAUL F° No ....... `J • `J22 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCR: RE,JOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y Sept. 16, 1926 COMMISSIONER..................................................................................................DATE........................................................ RESOLVED -2- W. E. Sandersa 267 W. 7th St., Confectionery II Pulaski Hall Assn, 1003 Aroade St., 595 view St., 4 bowling alloys g Y Clayton Benish, Mrs. H. Ryder, 1094 Iglehart Av., Confeotionery William Eokhardt, 1422 W. 7th St., Grooery " National Tea Co. 463 Wabasha St., " National Tea Co., 916 Grand Av., Langman h Siegel, 245 E. 14th St., Butcher Ennis & Burdine, 1005 Payne Av., Restaurant " Frank C. Thompson, 378 Wabasha St., " Louis Pappas, 1043 Grand Av., " J. E. Frisby, 1562 Como Av., W., " Miohaud Bros. Ino., 123 E. 7th St., " E. Handsohuh, 48 E. 4th St., Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from sohools. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays CI- Q-- McDonald In favor ✓ McGlogan ,/$udheimer ....... ....Against Mr. PresidentHodgson �EPy stg Adopted by the Council ..��.pp....................................192...... Appr ......4.E.p. �...�............ 192...... ................................................................................ Yeas 0 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL F �NCIL NO ........ �r/.(i7]..1e.? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :. ................ ................. DATE........... September... 16,..1926......... YViiEREAS, Louie Robina has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, One (1) Auburn aut ar. motor_No. 3007742 State License No. B-149025, Bulldog Automobile Poli . 602841T, and owned by said Louis Robins, and TMEEAS, Louis Robins, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Louis Robins to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinanoe. 0 M AI COUNCILMEN Nays -r-9. -- Z V"McDonald ................In favor ✓1CfcGlogan a ,..BCidheimer .......Against /Mr. President Hodgson _. C. F. No 678x8,Sjl C.'Ji, �Kc61o8an•— uv ReUile9t SEP 16196 192 Adopted by the Council ............................ ,/_ppro ea8EP1..6.1................ t9,2..... TO AL DATE CHECK `! RETURNED %/ NUMBER �N FAVOR OF �i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS GHT F9$)A!ARD. 06 190 6Q1 2_ .. _ ---- --- Edward Brandi • 6 Mohael Casey i 66 Henry J,. Orepsan, Guardian f r Obildxen of A. Daohfte 31 I Patrick O'Brien Raxy Palumbo j, 21 Perry A. Swenson d Hakanson I 6 , Owen J. 8eough 23 Northwestern Trust Oompany, Trustee 6g6�2y4 !i J. J. Moe 9827 TheAThe Gompauy 6827 A. F* Evenson 6 26 reyen Gonstradtion Company 20 Dr, Paul C. Tow1or p Goodyear Rubber a pang I! 6 1 Dr. Leo 0. Hilger 6 3g i Dean F. J. Selly Maeudler Brothers Brash Company 6 Minnesota Ooal Oompany 1 6N.WBleotrio Equipment Oomp 6636 I Pure Oil Company BfsV �; S. J. shimon ,1 88 V Whits construction company " J. J. Gillen ii g63� II}}pp 0. J. RoGlogan, Oomlr. of F1 II i _.... raven 6 d T BRIn9O I: C T" po, 7924 ' t. 6t a 059 I Och. gexolvcd. Taa311 c v .t.1{v L th. Circa[ $616371°6ln6the Office ° noun j CItY°COn bYl the Coun1926.eP 18. 1926 IAPPT° ed BePI. igd926) - • i` it I pgi,a"v4MnaN » ., j, i UPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO..----- --1 3Y -T7 CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' i„OUNCILMEN—ROLL FA OR CDONALD COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS September 16th 26 ------------ --- --------- --------19--- COLOGAN . tlDHEIME _ _ ____AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR�Ay7(N TY TREASURY. R. PRE()I(IIODGSON TO THE AGGREGATE AMQIijiT OF 5--=11 --. COVERING �� OOPTED BY THE C CIL_____--___-1_4_� CHECKS NUMBERED-----__ PER CHECKS ON FILE __TO—_ INCLUSIVE. AS TH 0 HE CI COMPTR LER. rPPROVED_____——_-19--- , r OMVT.eI TO AL DATE CHECK `! RETURNED %/ NUMBER �N FAVOR OF �i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS GHT F9$)A!ARD. 06 190 6Q1 2_ .. _ ---- --- gt: 1 51 256 212 0 50J so 1 06227 21'9 7801 SHEET TOTAL—FQR-WARD„ F86 890, 8 1 669 6115. gl Edward Brandi • 6 Mohael Casey i 66 Henry J,. Orepsan, Guardian f r Obildxen of A. Daohfte 31 I Patrick O'Brien Raxy Palumbo j, 21 Perry A. Swenson d Hakanson I 6 , Owen J. 8eough 23 Northwestern Trust Oompany, Trustee 6g6�2y4 !i J. J. Moe 9827 TheAThe Gompauy 6827 A. F* Evenson 6 26 reyen Gonstradtion Company 20 Dr, Paul C. Tow1or p Goodyear Rubber a pang I! 6 1 Dr. Leo 0. Hilger 6 3g i Dean F. J. Selly Maeudler Brothers Brash Company 6 Minnesota Ooal Oompany 1 6N.WBleotrio Equipment Oomp 6636 I Pure Oil Company BfsV �; S. J. shimon ,1 88 V Whits construction company " J. J. Gillen ii g63� II}}pp 0. J. RoGlogan, Oomlr. of F1 II i _.... raven 6 d T BRIn9O I: C T" po, 7924 ' t. 6t a 059 I Och. gexolvcd. Taa311 c v .t.1{v L th. Circa[ $616371°6ln6the Office ° noun j CItY°COn bYl the Coun1926.eP 18. 1926 IAPPT° ed BePI. igd926) - • i` it I pgi,a"v4MnaN » ., j, i gt: 1 51 256 212 0 50J so 1 06227 21'9 7801 SHEET TOTAL—FQR-WARD„ F86 890, 8 1 669 6115. gl CITY OF ST. PAUL coum"NO----- _----- 67 , FILE OFFICE OF THE"CtjIY,CLERK q ° COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e tember 15 1926 PRESENTED 6Y .M - - CC?MMISMIONER�Y._. W._..�_....___:_ __;_.._. __.!.__....._._._ .._. �. .._.___..___.__V.....- -..._ DA ...._p... .__.._ ....__ .. RESOLVED r In the matter of constructing a sewer on the northerly .side of the Mississippi River Boulevard, from Somerville Avenue to the West City Limits, under Preliminary Order C. F. #65531, approved April 8, 1926, and Final Order F C. F. #67071, approved July 27, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plena, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. - � C � -No 57988.;=BY3J �• MnDona7d-�=,i the r-atfer of oonetruotol 8'�he idle: l - mon ,-tom not r d g xralri�om-' - e1,gLlunekt>ve� gst clts,' erv3ltax+Aven e.,�Coilm nar'q��Urdei3'.�r{ Y .a .� it 8S88I a4 AF!ed-xd➢r�1888.'i aanalkOkder Q �o kT '0'! T 3 V' �k{k�vraw MuIs l a 4'E.t�eiAo� �d d�e3tlma�tnlWroL7km2 ra �n 511kts g1�22o orks _ �opie�y bo n, 1 6e'�'Mis 1888:.', . x COUNCILMEN 'Yeas" Nays Adopted by the C6unci8EP 1:.ds _1 . 192 { CaglS v .Ela>*gceen. �J P ed-- ......�L[:-1 6 ... 192 �/1CIcDonald In favor /1r4 fcGlogan C,,dudhelTer ............ Against --...... -- r. President Hodgson' ~wroR I COUNCIL NO. ----------1}T. �AUL CITY.OF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --=GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B ,j hn: ' Motional nal DAT 9e,teinbAil -16th, COMMISSI0 n RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alloy 18 :rt, in width aoross the southerly paras 6f Lot A* Blook l; AuditorTe $uta"divilloa No 89 and in addition thereto a t$ittngti?3at piece of ground oonneoting with the Noyth s3nQ.NSouth alley in said blook measuring 8 ft• to eaeh ei •thfl right sides junder Sunder eltmi988 t�i'der Q; F:. �67b8U appy ., 191tolmed, That all oidero in the above matter be And the same sio hereby eanoellec an mlled.and reaoinded and all: papers in sueh matter d`isgoati�med• :: Cb �6 96)#YrYkr73',2Rco1� 1 ;sn dYt��er, °i Ylachcygaij.a eei}k6r�y n -%4��S1,g01�¢i '+AhdlcLta.sn6ay4 0 -Sin 69 padajP dr�Fon-Ch4rdCo eN C�{Jengulae:.�1i3 YY .$xnU d conn-^ �y�tM tNe a �thrau%d,� outtU QIl_§yi a'g1dypioceudindc'8 rt nmeEn i qTa Lhest6h aides unaert,�.etltmih-r l hrqy�,',Order C No�q�8H0 aDPrNY d, 4.�Cti $0 8i1,�1 tNn�ry�t'lApo.. B [hs 41',. a6p fpO��VY "�`cafi Sc n u .'d e Iuctea �.hd 9]'"ba er eh5`tlna�£rks� A¢ rovnfl�p p"x'30�iaRe � " �i�; _ U C f 6 1L CCIINCILNEAdopted by the -Council; ------------- ...... ...-..192 Yesei Nays �- /� SEP 161 Ap ed - 192.. �$od .....--••--...In favor ....................... ....... .. z Donald .............. ..........•- —YOR $Raeimer -Against I� dent x t (�Itg of Oaiut 11aul &?''�"�a�odB�oxetatine �¢pucYmenY Asa � iib t a1tT� � �'�uH ARTHUR B. NELeON, M..aw... 6'792' ASN..ire�o . . {m de B,Stt @g c )k e Irtoe "1�' ' houttt g�gattd hon rAtj'�'�i33kinx'acxlev�?'..�G?:e�t .. RESOLUTION WBEREAS in the death of Daniel William Lawler the city of St.Paul has lost a citizen of distinction and popularity who for two generations was foremost in the ranks of those who love and serve the oommtmity,a man known throughout the nation,and very sincerely loved by the people of this state ,-a man admired for his ability,honored for his aohievement,and esteemed for his kindliness of heart,and WHEREAS Daniel W.Lalwer in addition to his long life of private attaimmezlt,servsd,4his ofd���a��s Mayor. with original povjer and the spirit of true leadership,devbtimg his enerees.to the good of the entire oomscmity as be understood it,leavimg upon the public records of St.Paul the proof of devotion and intelligent affection for every civic good, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coimoil of St.Paul that we officially record the sentiments of admiration felt for Mr.Lalwer among "the public officials of St.paul,and express in this form our appreciation of his distinguisbed service an4our sense of loss in his death,and direct that this resolutionYspread upon the official minutes of this body,and Be It Further Resolved that the City Clerk be directed to have this resolution in engrossed form sent to the surviving family of Daniel W.Lawlare, / -/ 0 Y ` � e'jpy� SEP 17 109f Adopted by the' Council .......... ............. ............ ._ 192.... SEP 1.71W y, r Appr ed.--------- ----•-- ---------•--............. 192 ------- _-. - sjjf a t CITY OF ST PAUL CAUC41, T �r7 7 OFFICE OF',THE CITY CLERK r s4� + g > OUNCIL-RES TI N GENERAL FORM, i , y�y{2•ESENTED ' •' ¢OMM1831Q �..__ _.__.._DATA,.,_ _._._._..Y. _.s.__.._ .:REOLVE at the`time Rthia.whioh to pag the'oompeneation provided Clancy foi' bgr1Qounoil Fid ;No._ 65836,. approved l6ay 11, X986, being a resoy Id for the vacation of 8enneth street from Sargent avenue to prinoetoln avenue, upon the petition of 'George Cahill and others, McDonald be and the same is hereby further extended up to and inoluding Maroh. 31st•, 1987. �+ Sudbeimer ................Against E ma tae °ns"ifr°s C�f� iQl+ Mr Peatdent Hodgson P'o`!�'rDiF'8 . v� ��tpvLrI t3a d� A"e d: c "Mat" �ep;M nn e'jpy� SEP 17 109f Adopted by the' Council .......... ............. ............ ._ 192.... SEP 1.71W y, r Appr ed.--------- ----•-- ---------•--............. 192 ------- _-. - AS COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _...__[n favo McGlogan Sudbeimer ................Against Wenzel Mr Peatdent Hodgson e'jpy� SEP 17 109f Adopted by the' Council .......... ............. ............ ._ 192.... SEP 1.71W y, r Appr ed.--------- ----•-- ---------•--............. 192 ------- _-. - D. W. OIRDSALL. eftV of, Saint aid HAROLD J. RIORDAN 'Cny CLKRK AND ' /p p ry�y 1- L CONYIOIO,RN W RWI6TRATION N,�[Q j:L Y{,L QJICCI{ . CLARQJOE A. QTORM6 �1 H CHID CLDIK.RWUFMATON September 16th, 1926. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, ° B n 1 1 d i n g. W dear Mr. Stewart: ° We enclose herewith the request extension of ma until ch 1927. in which atooilW the l for acompens tion oft$720.00 for the �l, vacation of Senneth Street from Sargent Avenue to Princeton Avenue, George Cahill and others, petitioners. The Council today, granted the above request and referred same to yon for the proper resolution. Tours very truly, I (, City Clerk. a PwoN- 0"1cIt OE. 8400 R■.. ew, e400 - GEO&E CAHILL r1, ATTORNEY AT LAW 1016 PIONEER BUILDING $T. PAUL, MINN. Sept. ib, 1926 CouAsll of the City of St. Pawl City Hell St. Paul Gen$emen: A few months ago, the undersigned,as one of four property owners, secured the i'aoation of Kenneth Street from Sargent Avenue to Princeton Avenue. .The ordnance provided that the property owners pay the City $V20.00. The City has already received from Mr. Edwards $1.60.00, and I am hold- ing Mr. Helgeson's check for #200.00. The third property owner is somewhat financially, embarrassed at the present time and would like to have an extension of time in which to comply with the provisions of the ordinance. I would appreciate it very much if the Counoil would extend the time for the oompliance with this ordinance to March 31, 1927. Respectfully yours, go/n ` A, CITY OF ST. PAUL No -------'---67929 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE90,CUT N --GENERAL FORM PRESFU'aMDATE commlssx;F�-- gal 1.92Baersmay 6 90wer Fma for $20,000, authorised RESOLVED rZty :r St. 1p by C. F. No. 67544. approved Aug. 94s. 19269 be provided . for LU the General 71ri1d or the 1927 Budget, and the $8W.0W?,lnterest dug on game. be provided for in the Interest Tod of the 1927 Budget. Xq Eta, OG16 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays m-- — — ------- favor ("Z� /Zedheiraw -- ------- -------- Against ,/W--d- Mr. President Adopted by the CounciL.—I&F 192 Approv3# SEP I 71Q . . ................. 192...._. ............... ---------- u ul IJ �LICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF -SA In NTPAUL COUNCIL NO..-_____ OUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER] FILE 'NCY COUNCIL RES UTION RGUSON — --- --- IN FAVOR D NALO AUDITED IMS -----Ste-------------19- GLO AN "HEINER ___—___AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT c.ECj. BE..R ON THE CITY TREASURY. WN 0 AT N EL 0., ZPRES.. HODGSON TO THE AGGREGATE COVERING R. CHECKS NUMBERED,,—_—TO INCLUSIVE. AS EP 1710 PER CHECKS ON FILE HE CITY C, FMIC AfhLFIC ITY, COMPTROLLER. 1. R0111W TO AL DAYS CHECKRETURNED V` NUMBERIN FAVOR OF DISBURSEMENT BY BANK I TRANSFER i� -CHECKS CHECKS -j3RQu-G=-QRWAR, 96 990 669! 92 0 S& viatoxy prutt.w Company d% 02 '0.;*1AoGjogaftb QomIr. of Fin. 1 35 9 10094toff Nfir., Q=P&Ay 708 3004 A. J. pftkl gleatric Oempauy'! 05 Joe. Sack 1 355 15 0 Y. w* hugereld 32 Dr, go L. LaTeou j i0o Jos. F. Mel 0 Many ii Bfs�F9 oap$tal Statton"y Ifft, amp y l ,6(60 Crescent , a - , II 240 1 EIT87" P- I ftpply awpauy 9 2 Iftoolso Dei► Aortls6 8tatee Power Compaq y 5 9 2 g. N. W. x1so q Equipment Romp a Ly 9 so St.Paul Bu "re material am any 197 19� b it somiley vq4pwt company I ow Wo Pveduct:v Ooup&Uy 20 ps Resolved ' the "t '� "h checks tt�,Cnitt' �Ossury ere r to thbe drswn on '1 Cordot cck� Me , th 57 Incluel, checks e Per er. %the C, 6. 17, 1!""' ), -P 17 26 1926, IIII 6 sgo so 717 900 72 SHEET TOTAL—FQ.RWARQ . I � - I I • , CITY of ST- L OFFICE OF TFC CLERK " COUNCIL ON— GENERAL FORM IM -BY —/aSeAtmUt, 14� 1926 Jlhat the action ofd tt�s�t to OrLauds dn behalf- Of %bb inance 4.F. 676% City of St. sail, for the purobaea of Lots 13, 14 and 15, ffioci 4, Stone & T" ih usand la Addition nes�drreed sena Tweenof ty'FIYG BOIoul �� (42,�of.00) I the Oity to assume the balance of 1925 parior to the can- .. aand any deferred assessment installments not falling _ mion of the transfer, as a site tfor PublIc�� are Uropu�rposes, is hereby approved sffi the props authorised and empowered to draw a warrant in amount subject to the above conditions, in favor of the owner of said land A6 when the proper deed conveying same approved by the Corporation Counsel, bas been delivered to the MY Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Fire Real Estate Fund- S-71 j GF N.'em , J- M- Qaa4'— Resolcad' 1Tat the a�taaa: of tha Commlitx opp I�_ee iKiaH af tYa ctV'. of sc Pant. � aia-pcs>•at ` to Ocdiesnee G R d =Ier tT.e laa«ti SW i a ort 17.71 and 16. Btixt i 1 SLOM � Y.ibYa Additia. b tie �f7 of SL Fsol Ior iM ane oI Ten 27w- awd One Hmdxd ana 'Iti'aLF-Pian; Dollata (iz.7ELN).tbe 13t7' b amsn� the tbyey t 1!S fates aM aa� fetid aaaessmmt taataID.eb fa111n6 dne fur b the ao �t)an f the' ttana[n; » a dte tear Pahlte is _ heaehS' nppc.ad a�nd�the P�Pet �t4 aTiaaa aze i!f WS l atithottied aad emVoaeta t nr �rar ai i bieef. b tiG sited b the. Fite! filet A. stn Sep71a. 137` %A6=1 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Clam Nays F-*gPUqn /McDonald --")---In [av— ✓ M.CAgpn _,8adhetma ,� –,/ A - -WC&Zd / MI. Pasident Hodgson 4 151 SEP -2 0 I Adopted by the Conmol-- _ ----- 192-- - SEP - App The "ittof on Lands on behalf of the City of it. Paul hereby agrees to pay Albert 00,1180no terkioveno Ilioneoota, the sum of Two Thoueand One Sundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($80186i0o) for Lots 130 14 and l5j Slook 4# Stone & Morton's Addition to St, PaulP the City of St. Paul to assume the las' half of the 1986 taxes and any deferred assessment installments not falling duo prior to the oonsummation of this transfer. This property is being aoquired for Publin Safety purposes under and pursuant to Ordinance ho. O.P. 87894., The oost of said property to be oharged to the Fire Real Estate Fund- 8 71. Committee on band .M City of Saint Paul ; DEPA,RTNM T OF PURCHASES, ARTHUR E E6GERT. FURCHA$ING AGENT " OFFICESI PHONES: 301 COM MHRC6 BLDG. St. PaLn. I� MIOCEDAR eeso GARFIELD 3371 September 14, 1926 Mr. J. M. Olanoy, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Dear air:. I am attaching hereto resolution approving the award,, 1y the Oommittee on Lands in the matter of acquiring Lots 13; 14 and 15, Block 4, Stone & M6rton's Addition, as authorized by your Requisition No. 374 and pursuant to Ordinance C; q.. 67694, approved by the Oounall —. Will you kindly sign the award and obtain the signature Of the Mayor, after which the original copy of the award should be attached to the resolution and submitted to the Oounoil for final action? A certified copy of the resolution should be forwarded to the Oity Comptroller, who now has copy of opinion on the title from the Legal Department and can negotiate the transfer. The owner, Mr. Albert Oarlson of gerkhoven, Minnesota, has indicated his desire to come to St. Paul to execute the deed when we are ready to make settlement and I shall advise the Comptroller's office of this fact, so that they can get in touch with him when they are ready. Yours truly, A=JB PURORASING Encioeure _,., . CITY OF. ST. PAUL w NciLNO. -. ....67Q� FILM J�D� OFFICE OF. ,!4E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL: FORM DATE_..�* 9N'�•.d4C_0.'. Mgi��a TONER' �_- .,. _..�_ _...._-.-..-..�._ __y._.. ._ .___..�_... R o�VFo,�1'hatythe proper. ci'ty,offige'ra a hereby. authorized to pay to Dr,1,upo A. Silger the sum .of two dollars ($2.Od) for professional r,seryice e rendered'to Paul L. $abitz, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured August 30, 1926; said sum to be payable from the Workmenls Compensation Account of the General Fund. _ W 87aSE-"B"J y ;' _(gDona18 m. lt6 Plyed Thn6 `iYFe�pi�opP city oflf F :'� t"cera"psre�Aare'Ii' hautko�lpeto`pay-E,tn• - ... � - � iare3'(� OpI t rnrgsaf6t$gWlsazBAcps - � - �Phde d�(oq`PnuT Ls. BFsblty anxemp�bye,, e �--- - _ of th�Y:AgpA,}tmenttt{,,,.,,of Ysbllo W p"' ?rk i• � 7uredk:APs�drriY98Ssafdt:,aumnta� . � . ... - p�.lkle+rr�Pm b�WLrkmdn a.,G�peni aatWn},Accc�g '4 <.JJ..ke""�.�"HenBraT d ' ea s -At COUNCILMEN w:nnroiypglivsmp �.t8 �i9' w: i - COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓Clancy Nays V_%&Donald ._.. In favor , ,M-Clogan /� k-Sudheimer __.j�.!.... Against ✓Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the CounciYEp 2_© ----------- 192.... Ap/ved._8EP1-0-.................... 192...... w�rOR ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . L�W Wif Ab 't R"m asp x.t... ... b. e�`d ° `y°f>. ,'`",'i.y+;" a.� ,,.r' ",+, .ya ..,a..',E`j.,y�, * . ` .................... , IV v,,,�,,��f fiw ;fes t e$ t2'i � +�� 1 y�f9`a✓ Z4Af ;� �K u- }my q�`4'��+ '=�§i j4 '.a.: k . r� {h°i•^=. J.L+e P"p� l".', yw` ` s�Fuk gx.Fi. OF,,gBAP'geoUNcr�" �^ f LC�CALL :OFIIICE,OF�HE GOMi, `ff A[.`ER- : 3 CQUN U���R!!wy 'T� N 6YVIBIJ.1 �iI14i5 f TO THE AOOREE *W r -c :� x IN FAViJIrrOF r �+. x t ]f.. o VIO �ryylf"IN_ y,NU @ k, n# 3 a �yyF b•CliredSThht obecke7la � }"��,.� - � +�' � ' '"�. ! "�� "aggre rgre on t ti a�. fI BB88 to 8687 lnolu f - ,g gts w.� kecka rill., a Y.R.s,e�61kk k 3�AdbDt$ud;; � ,tseD�9s i9zsy , 'r ^t v. r, ANVIG V** 84044011m CWNCIL r,tENo ......... 67935 CITY -OF ST. PAUL Assistant Ol poraiiem oik"WFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ttt COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY AA3444...... .............. DAM...........Sptember..1,192. ....... COMMISSIONER.............�9A.904W.4................. RESOLVED 0 TbAt %h&vW0pssed- =Wmdmmt to semon in of the fterter of the City of sk, VMX proposed &a returned to the -Wet IseftlIt" of 08 CHY by the 30046 of Freeholders an the god 6W of, 80AVOW0 1981, **U be submitted to 00 voters of said 011V for MIKA"tim At the 9810001 state 8116. dmty 01"tim to be bald cm TWeW, N*Vmber hA# 1914, sad the 011q 01wk is hW01W ordW- 01 and divested to amuse 044 ympo"d &m$mdmwj% to be poliabd% an required 1W 'laws for thirty dwe in or" duly 09=1411 newompas or ammul 0.1muo j&jdqn Vftntq& and pablIghO& JA the City of Ste ftV).$ VISJ The Minnesota union Advocate, St. Paul Herald and the St. Peal Review, fto expense of such publication to W paid from VA 3LeoLon EtpMe ACCOVIS or %),* General Fund, WA the City al4ok to bareIV cul risod and dito give such other DoUse ANA to do WASSOV0 sin is 1001141118AW for a submission of suld proposed Charter amadment at said Ojestba in the mmer proverilmd- 1W umt t ne U,r b fQ COU NCI LME Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson ,-'McDonald ................In favor 0,,McGlogan Sudheimer ....-:!.......Against t`'Wenzel V' Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council.......!..... r :.....................192...::? roved................... ......... .......... .......... .............. . .. ......................................M HED_ �7ps'osed, efptelabrr � �j' ,yq. 1�• CITY OF ST. PAUL Corporation 000U,3PFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . COMMISSIONER .............../.. �'...C�..O....1...:...JA& o.�/• •X.� L..TW+✓ • ........... DATE........... e � I RESOLVED ,`That the proposed ememdment to Section 181 of the Oheurtor of the City of � St. Patel proposed and returned to the Chief E>uoative of the City by the Board of Freeholders on the And day of Septembers 1886, sball be sabslltted to the voters of said Ci#► for ratifioation at the general state and county election to be held on Tuesday, Eovember 2t)1926, and the City Olerk 1a here 1W order-.• ed and directed to oanse raid proposed amWm nt to to %IWAlmhed, as required by tai, for thirty days in three duly qualified newspapers of general oiron- lation printed and published in the City of St. Paul, visa the expense of such publication tod from the Election Expense Accomnt of the General Fend, and the 01i7 01 a ho"IW authorised and directed to give each other notice and to do vhwk so is necessary for the sabnlieeion of said proposed Charter amendment at said election in the manner prescribed by law. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ...............In favor McGlogan �) Sudheimer S✓......Against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council192 ..... P..�.}..,�.�6'.............. Approved .......SET -2-11926 192 1416 57936 v COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter --of... cons•£rueting a sewer on Brand Street from Hazelwood Avenue to the P•ait Line Sewer, approximately 232 feet west of Hager Ave. ..........................._.--.-.-...........-.-._.----....................--........------................. ....................... ..................... snrtrtar. onnsne. C. F. Nu• 67936— ......................................................................... In the Matter of conatrueting a sewer....----------....-..------...-----........----.-.......... on Brandthe BeltgLf erRewea..'PProximateder - er A" un proved . ................................ .....1......................... .-........ -.. _ in, _i..- ..__----.,Yl:,..^---........._.--....-...-.-.-......-.--.-------...-........ under Preliminary Order ........... 66196 ......................... approved ........................ MaY...-......-- IntermediaryOrder ............................ ................................ approved------------------------------------------------------------------------� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct a sewer on Brand Street from Improvement to be made by the said City is_... ...... . ..........._.......-.......-- .-... - Hazelwood Avenue to the Belt Line Sewer approximately 232 feet west of . ............... .......... ..--- --.................................._.... Hager Ave ................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be -made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be'and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and sAwifications for said improvement, and submit, same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of id improvement in accordance therewith. ' Adopted by the Couneil....... ........ 191 Approved................ ...- .._.. - .......... 191........ Councilman F&UIMMM Ferguson + Councilman 91ft McDonald Councilman Clancy Councilman Y;Ift Wenzel Councilman UckoftSudheimer Councilman Z0X1d>o> kh McGlogan. Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL .' ~ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP15h-YIOF COMMISVIPNER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �[)�F/y (A) • c In the matter of constructing a•sewer on Brand Street from Hazelwood Avenue to the Belt Line Sewer approximately 232 foot west of Hager Ave. under Preliminary Order approved—_ May 26th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 11.477.00 frt 3.50 The estimated cost per/bot for the above improvement is _ _ $_ _ The lotparcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or I parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �+ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 22 5 Fairchild & Howards 25 21 5 Rearrangement of Part of 25 20 5 Tracys Outlots 50 19 5 dol 50 18 5 do 50 17 5 do 50 16 5 do 50 15 5 do 50 14 5 do 50 21 6 do 50 20 6 do 50 19 6 do 50 18 6 do 25 17 6 do 25 16 6 do 25 15 6 do 25 14 6 do 25 13 6 do 25 t a Furm B. B. 10 TOTAL. jd a.�.or !i �1i cln OF sr. PAUL. FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF REPORT OF COMMI9WPNER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ r —ADE �, ASSESSED 7 j --i DESCRIPTION . LO LOT BLOCK ADDITION yALUATION B 'yY R3 13 2 Fairchilds Rearrangement• '175 ' 14 2 of Lots 8 to 15•inclusive `F 15 2 of $lock 1 of Cruickshanks '7b 16 ' 2 Garden Lots to St-Paul "` 175 17 2 do 175 , d - 18 • 2 12 2 do do 75' do 75. 8 2 do 475, , jdo 1 95 8 do 100 ^' .7 . l do 100 , 22 2 d Cruickshanks Garden LotsY 440,0 • North 3 of Lots 19,20-and ^;1 21 2 " St.Paul,Minn. '260;0 50,0 West 1 of 18 2 do do 50,0 .. _ - East s of 18 2 do 1700 s (North of 17 2 -4r-(-Except East 50 ft of Nor$h (150 ft) North } of 16 2 do_—_ East 50 ft of North 15et16 do 1200 of 2 (Except Muth 148 feet* 15 -2 do 1776' 13 2 Brokmeiers Subdn of 50 Lots 6 and 7 Block 1 50 14 2 _ Cruickshanks Garden Lots_ - - 15 2 City of St.Paul,Minn. 2250 16 2 do 2550. _ 17 2 do 2950 18 2 do 2200 - ( 9 2 do 850 u i ('20 2L, do i_... ( 21 '2 d0 1550 . (:22 2 do - --r � 23 2 do 2750 , 24 2 do 2250', 7 1 Schochs Rearrangement 2300 ' 6 1 do 2300 --- _; 5 1 a0 5 50 4 1 do h .... 'North 52.40 feet _f Lots l do b 1 .. 1,'2 and 3 South 45 feet of North 3_ 1 97.40 feet of Lots 1,2 andtj do 50 TOTAL ... .>..u..-. r:,... ..,e _ I z.,:y... ..q I•IIM x...11 ....... ...........a... . - 4Jjk,k.0 CITY Or ST. NIUL, OF FINANCE RE�Pb O0"COMMISgPNER DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - m �'"•. _--- DESCRIPTION ., Lor BLOCK! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - (Except North 97.40 ft) Schochs Rearrangement 3050 I. Lots 192, and 3 1 e. 7 2' Ver Plancks' Subdivision 50' j B 2 of Lot 5 Block 1 Cruicic 850. shanks Garden Lots St. 100 ' 9 2 4Paul,Minn. a ..- ... 10 2.' do p 50 11 2 do 50 u. 12 2 do 12 2 - Oliver & Murphy's Addition 50 . 3100 i'3100 ,f 11, 2- to the City of St .Paul, It 10 2 Ramsey Co. Minn. 3050 - 9 2 do 3250 {t g 2 do 50 j 7 2. do 50 South I of Lots 3 and 9 1 Fairchilds Subdn. of Lots 1000. I�r (Except North 30 feet) 7 1 1, 2,3 of Cruickshanks 275 (Except North 30 feet) 6 1. Garden Lots to St.Paul 875. 11 Except North 30 feet) Except North 30 feet) 5 1 do 4 1 do 275 275 do 7 50 - South 2�, of 3 1 . 2 1 do 1575 Ir South -1 of -South 1� oP 1 1 do 16 2 Birmingham's 2nd Addition 100 17 2 do 100 - -" i 18 2 do 100 19' 2 do 850 12 3 do 100 II 13 3 do 100 14 3 do 100 I 15 3 do 1.00 16 3 do 100 17: 3 do 350 18 3 do 100 _.- 19L 3 do 20 3 do 100 21 3 do 100 y _... _ 22 3 . do 300 23 3 do 100 • -r 8 . 4: do 100 9 4 . do 100 ... TOTAL CRY OF ST.. PAUL OF FINANCE 6r DEPARTMENT REpP.�R'T OF COMMI:nIsONER OF "FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s_. G.ma ASSESSE D DESCRIPTION Lor iBLOCK ADDITION VALUATION -^--"` - lp :4 Birmingham's2nd Addition" 11 4 !4 _ do50 ao oo .12 lOb 13 4 do w- --' 14 4 do lop { 15 4 do 1-25 _ 1 -1 Denslows Rearrangement of 50 '50 — 2 1 Lots 5 to 12 Inc.Blk 2 @ Lots 9 to 19 Inc. Blk 3 50 3 1 4 1 Ondicks 11ks1Garden Lots 1 50 I5 1 do 1"JOb do 50 . South 48.24 ft of Lots 14. & ,15 2 do do 2550 3050 r_ (F�cept South 48.24 ft) *4 & 15 2 50 _ 13:2 do .. I__ ( 12 2 do 450 _ ('11 2 do 75 10 2 _ 9 2 do 75 75 H 8 2 do , 7 2 do do 75 ;. 6 g 75 . r. 4 2 do 725 u-. 3 . . 2 do 75 _ --A g 2 do 1350 1 2 do 1 4 da 50 _ -1 2 4 do 250 -- - ,3 4 1 1 do Cedar Park, St.Paul 75 50 _._ _ -; . i do 1�. 50 50 3 do --.4 4 1 do 50 do 4 do .50 - .6 . .1 7 1 8 1 do 50 , 59 1 2 do do 5 ,50 I� 2 .2 3 2 dO 5p 4-_ .2 do- - TOTAL CITU OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINAN_CE- COMMISSIONER OF FI'NANC REPQH ,OF ON PRELIMINAi4Y ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION North of thatppart lying Cruickshanks Garden Lots 250 North of Kerwin St. of 2 2 City of St.Paul,Minn. South -W of that part lying do► 350 North of Kerwin, St. of 2 2 That part south of Kerwin iSt.of 2 2 do 4075 North I of that part lying do 150 north of Kerwin St. Of 3 .2 South -; of that part lying do 1050 A north of Kerwin St. of 3 2 West 1 of that part lying 3 2 Y do 2175 south of Kerwin St, of East I of that part lying do " 425 south of Kerwin St. of 3 2 i� 1 1 Albright Addition 125 3 1 do 125 4 1 5 1 do do 375 11255 1 doo 125 7 8 1 do 375 1 2 do 125 2 2 do 175 3 2 do 625 4 2 do 425 -5 2 do 125 87025 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ° Dated— �192_--- CoLe ro Form R. H. IS i 1 ;U _ m :� 7j�s/vcAN • St. Paul, Minn.%2 os_ 92 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvemen-t to be made: — -- ---...----........ __......._...... S..._E..`_..._... ....... .._._.—..--- -- ---- --..._.5.... _T.:-----..— --- St. �. from HAZEL r ood � ��LoI eLT Line Se�1� St. Ave. 46 ADPITION �.a�.. _ ._.. E.� s L h END JLTCROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of eY� business by �vq=,T=c l+Y-r jr�e.-�'j�l- �l-��7• in accordance with the standard afid approved techniques with a Recordak microfilm machin, t9ode111R p _�L _ of Eastman Kodak Company. 020 �k 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is t 4s 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: ErrLa�rw i /"ioc.���Y10-c 44 c 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Dated Operator 4W S 06,6 ys O,yb�ar r S 'o o d�836y �6'v'Os 40il4s C9 �' sS ANN l l I—D 1531 HOU—SU 11000.— _ saavaNvls jo nv38ne IVNOI1vN i 9 1111II 8•illlll ..d � / o z ������ j • j VIII S E ppII �� _, S -ZIIIII SI.EN 0-1 VIII • 1� �iT' w oar d� ��� o d tis � ®� •w ti