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.. 1bVH� 1531 HOI1fIl053tl,Ad0�Otl'JIW - saavaNvls Ao nv3an8 wNoI1vN 9•i �'i SZ�il1 8•il „r -I T OZ a j'L VIII ZZIIIII s,Eii�a� ,.y ;•� � s��lllll a��llll s e oyao ,,y r. 2 afs 4� m � Oita y y 2 -- I -Em. 2\\\ �///% z szIS j 7,7 $TAR'1 Serial No. of Roll $A Department Office.— o ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP --,--�ERMANENT RETENTION LI14ITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited Date 6icrofilm (3—rt, d e 2-4 _ CONTENTS e7 k3 o- I Number or name of first document of regular contents By`_OO Operator Operator a By, Supervisor ------------- 65600 C F .No 66860-- tha ffra Ad J . ndltion frottm Linc 1 a Aver tonGrsad COUNCIL FILE NO............. I of altey6 .ln Ave: and $Onlilat,nfrAam r' Al-t Avfo0lto hNaoTrthlandBy..........................................................................'grae reot,the Pp .; lag FINAL ORDER_ In the Matter of.`.ohangin the grade of a11eXs , in $lock. 2, Qro{ieland;: e ..Addition :..:from :.:L3 noaln...9ve.....to...Osaad...�v.e.:,and...fxom...Finn..A�fe...:to;......... „North..and South.;blley,..to eonform;to„the ,red, grade,�iae on tie,,, ,profil'e hereto :attaohed .and mads, a .past., hereof,;.the present-:established ;�' grade; being.,shown, by. s blue_,line.. thereon...aleo ,:grading said alleys .• � between the _aforesaid.lilnite,..to..,the said red........ line..when, eatabltshed, a ,...1926. under Preliminary Order..... ..... ..�?�i�52.approvedr ""”' .. _.........��Ii � ..:2 _ ...... Intermediary Order ......:........ .. ..... .........approved:. ....................... .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement,upon'due notice and -the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. it- Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...ahange, the,.&Tads, of_,alleys..in ..... 2, aroveiand. Addition ...Ave., (rand..Ave ,:.and from Finn „..Ave. , : tp Nprth, and_. gpgth . bliey„ _ to oonform to., the red,._grpde,, hne oa,., the profile hereto attached and made a part hereofy the present es- .......................................................... tablished grade being shown by'a blue Line thereon, aleo grading said alleys between the.aforesaid limits to.the,said red line when .............. .. :.established .......' ...... ... . and%the Council hereby orders said improvement to°be made. 'RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby, instructed and , directed to prepare plans and specifications for said, improvement, andreubtirlt. ams to the-Caunclaor� approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials aie'hereby.authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by thePCouncil ...........�.rh 2 6 1926 ..,....... ....:.... SPP 7 8 �92� .. ....... ...:... ... ..City Clerk..... Approved.. .....:.. 192.....:.. .. .. ..... :.. �[3t1/igMayor. Councilman -Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman ROM H04g8011 ouncilman Sudheimer . J /Councilman Wenzel Ar. Vice FrW, Ferko�aon. t FL rr.. B. S. A. 8-7. " CITY OF ST. PAUL - - ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO f MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON'PREWVARY ORDER (A) -X- IQ the matter of changing the grade of alleys - in Block 2, Groveland Addition- from Lincoln Ave. to Grand Ave'. and from Finn Ave, to North and South Alley, Vo conform to the red grade line on the .profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by C31 a blue line thereon, also grading.said alleys between the aforesaid CA limits to the said red line when established under.Preliminary Order approved-- Feb. 2, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 549 .g f roLLnt The estimated cost er/10 t for the above improv ent i - - - $_-_ 0_,30 Inspection 1�i.7a� Frontage 1,�j0 It. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED,. DESCRIPTION LOT: BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ,I,. f. 1 ' 21 G.royeland Add, to St.Paul, 7900 2 i 2 Ramsey Oounty, Minn. 6700 3 2 do 4450 4 2 do 4800 5 ` 2 do 3950 6 2 do a 900 is 7 2 do 900 B 2 do 1000 9 2 do 4150 10 2 do 5000 Form B. B. 10 I TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF,FINANCE REPORT. OF,60MMMSIONER OF FINANCE ON 1A2EL�IMINARY ORDER (C) ''- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED ,.._-_ .. .. .. VALUATION 11 2 Groveland Add. to St.Paul 6850 12 2 Ramsey Oounty, Minn. 0 4050 13 2 do 3550 14 2 do 4000 15 2 , do 4050 . 16 2 do' 4550 17 2 do 6900 ! a 18 2 do 950 • ;; 19 2 do 1000 20 2 do 3000 ,. 21 2 do 2400 2Z 2 do 4500 �3 2 do 47oo 24 2 do 3950 25 2 do v 4500 . 26 _ 2 do 1000 27 ` 2 do 6450 28 2 do 4050 29 2 do 43,50 30 2 do 900 TOTAL, -_- - 124,350!. "matters, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192 vim, B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. ft 1 ar MV=EZ `v JOHN H.-MCG01�i ik L D QOM M 158o NER - - THOS. O. O'CONN« � aR?isTY GOM1b.[SSORLIt - - - O[OMM. SHL ARD, CHID 61wWml M. 8. GRY[BAK� i i i*.m. (1 w11. N. CAREY. SR''r•. 01 GgOTINefMN ANo _RPUR - _ A. d SHARP. fir- 01� awsQ w-sva P. BOWLtIl. Sass - O: H. H[I�ROLD, 09- A!m Crtv PiANNM[�. FlgMml G. ... aae� lRlelsoalss March 3-, �9 26 _ Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public �ifTork$ _ Dear Sir: I transmit preliminary osti-matso of coat for the:_ Changine of grade 61L _a -'% is block 2, Groveland Acd43— from Lincoln Ave. to and from Finn Ave. to North and South alley, s--s s ca grading said alleys betvv6e m the aforesaid limits under Preliminary Oragr V-- _ F _ W64252, approved Feb. 2 s 3 926. Estimated co 2 t $549.98 Irispeatioa 10.78 - Cost PDX- �'ro _� moot .30 Frontage 1,350 f -b e -H:zsgineer. Approved for transm:Lm moa to Commissioner of Finsace s Commissioner of Public _ n a e - CITY OF ST. PAUL covnacr� .f - O_---- OFFICE OF THE,CITY CLERK_ .. lir COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'ENERAL FORM - PRESENTED SY �' - A - pr 1-3- 00, - ' COMM15570lVFa DATE - - - - RESOL - - In the matter of condemning -and taking an easement in the land necessary_ for slopes. onto sial Fills, in the grading of Alleys in Block- 2. Grove7_a3ad Addition from Linooln..Ave, to Grand Ave. and from P`inn Avenue to North and South Alley.- psscler Prel;.mi33ary - 03rder C. F. #64260'; approved February- 2 1926'.- a32c1' intermediary Order C. F,, #65156, approved 21sroh 30. 1926 --- -___-_-- `_The -Commissioner of Publio work*3 having submitted his report and -plan in the above matter be i t RESOLVED, That the city oY St. Paul mixes- and determine the amount of land to be t8$eja for the above --named improvement as an easement 1016= slopes cuts - and -fills, in and upon'the Alleys in B2:OdX 2, Grov,e3.4aad Addition from Linooln Ave. to "Grand Ave. snd :Erorn F33a_xx Avg - tbeA.Horth and SouthAlloy, to the extent shown npoza tjxc plsn attached to the report of the Gommislsioner o£ 7E'u1bk34kcz sortie; in the. matter detect' April X28, , 1926 which plszz and report are hQreby referred to: and made . a part Izereo f �,Ih fhe Mattdb of mielnning End; talc � -. - _ � ih� Batei..iiga� f4 .ihe lsad•,aecea- - - - �, t NhrY for Alope. aitb .-and fUlq. ia� $ 6rading xoL NSeYein >�locic Y.' '(irovDland Additloq from Llneoin Av$ to 6rault ,Avp and from Flna..- - _ - - Ade nto. Nurhan A ti�onfh �1F Yeas COLT W CILMEN Nays i Clancy . Hodgson ................ favor "2VS_e_Donald A al - �-Sudheimer g net ��.P_enzel .e Council ------------------------- pp - - - - -- ----------_---------- ��� i CITY OF ST, PAUL _ l Deper ,�erst o.f Public WoY-7ss REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking ari easement in the land riccessar r for slopes, for cuts and fills jr-, grs-.ding of = A11eya in B14c1c- 2. Groveland Addition o 1, inc o InGrand and from >~•inxz Aver to North and South-wpfcry- Prelimiria-ry Orc'Lor C.F. 64253 approved Februsry 2 1926 and Intcs-mcdiary -Order C.F. 65156 approves' Idsreh 30, 1926 a To t2ie Council of. tho City of St. Paul: Trc Comnissionor.of Public Works horoby submits and m^�cs _ pat of this, his report; a plan oi` the hove improve- ment� sliovri ng by tho -shaded Dortion of said � 3.c, the fills to be - made on private ��ro6orty, and by the hatched portion tiie cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the to lbe to-Ron by the figures opposite such sh^ded and ha t chs d pyrts of such plan. Date Cotrunissioner of Public Vico s. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CORSMISSIONER OF FINANCE p ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - In the matter <>f C a jig For slopes, cuts and fills in the arad13M zat of rilleys 4 V% B1ook 2, Groveland Addition from Lincoln Avenue to - Grand Avenue and from Finn Avenue to No='t--2z and' •South A11 e'y ~� _ Feb. 2, 1926 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St_ Paul: The Comirnisssoner of Finance hereby reports asfollows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improveis - - — - --- Tooa he lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and zhe assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as. Iast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: OESC R IPT ION OT .LACK ADDITION 1 2 Groveland Add . 2 2 xamsey County,. 3 2 do 4 2 ', do 5 2 do 6 ! 2 do 7 2 do t� 2 do g 2 do AssEssEo VALUATION o st .Pexin. 7-900 6700 . cl-ry OF ST. PAUL - DEPA-tzTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Cw ,C614fMISSIONER OF FII�IA1�iCE ON FIRE:L..IMINARY ORDER ASsFSSEO ... . VALUATION . - 11. 2 Gravel�n�i €�cici tts St Paul n 6650 _ Ramsey CO ; iAsa 1105Q 1.2 2 3550 13 2 do _ 4000 '142 do 405015 . 2 c30 4550 16 2 CIO 600 do 17 2 ' I 94550 3.4s 2 do 1000 do - 19 2 3000 20 2 do 21400 21 2 ao . 4 jo0 22 2 do 4700 . 23 2 do 3950 '. 24 2 do -. 4500 25 2 do. .. 1000 26 2 do 6450 27 2 cio 4050 28 2 do 4350 . 29 2 do n ' 900 30 z ao TOTAL. - - .- 124,350 •. that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports thereon,,to the. Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works- - reference to Commissioner of Finance. Date .:Fora. s - s. 12 were COUNCIL FILE NO,. ...........:......... tLoto 4afnWo#rImiagoru'drb$e tsalaa ggrraads<nna onDro51atreto it•j Cached and made a Dart root. ebo! -: "ee0et eatabllehed gro e` , being: By:,..,... :..... �+cirp' by a` DJue 11n0 t ;bon also' di, :Belvin� - .{petween, FINALT In the Matter of, changing.. the grade of Belvidere Street from Harvard ......... ........ ............... ...Street. to, Aoodbury..St. to..00nform to t�e red grade line on;the . profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establis grade being eho!!n,.by.a,blue line thereon, also grading said Belvi¢ers Ste between the aforesaid limits to; said red line f on established ................... ........ ... ................... �... r•. under Preliminary Order' ....... .....6.43%1 approved.::.....'. ieb.....%..1926........... Intermediary Order. .......... :..:...approved.... A public hearing having been had upon 'the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of ;tIR City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..: change,. the., grade .Of , Belvidere Ste from Harvard it, to loadbury Ota to conform to the red Grade line on the ...... �.......... .....I .l, ......... P;ctrl! hereto attaohed and made a art hereof the resent ,.,, , .... ...... ........................... P..... . ,,.,.., established grade being shown by ,& blue line thereon, also gradir,� said Belrider`e gto between the aforeeaid limits to said red line ,,,,,,,,,,,; , ......................................... I f when established and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. WORD WE, Do 6t Commillioner 01 Public Works be id is hereby insmfoo d Id directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... j�V_K.2 ............ Approved:....:......,....... I........ ..................... 192..... /Coungilman .Clancy uncilman. McDonald Councilman == Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-7. _ - CITY OF sT. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TFiEPOF2T OF:" GOM0rA;SI0NER OF FINANC-NE - Ol�i _ 4*P'f?ELIM[NARY ORDER In the matter of C118nging the grs+c3e o:.Belvidere Street from Harvard. Street to Woodbury St to-cou�or>n to the red ¢rads line oa tlXe vrofile hereto att8Ched and made a part bereof, the present established �- grade being- elhown by a blue line thereon, 861 so grsAdiag eald (j - C7t Belvidere St between the aforesaid limits It Said red line Cp wixea eetabll e&Led under Pre!.iminavy Order approved Feb- 9. 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Coznrraisssoner-of Finance hereby reports asfollow a: The total estimated mou t of the assessment for the above improvement is moron The estimated cost Afoot for the above improvement is - - - - - --- - - Inspection ill.SS Frost age 730 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be -assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessod valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: =IES. R1PT ION ism B. i_ a• - - - AssEssED - _ LOT a�ocu ADDITION VALUATION 3- Smith & Taylor • S Sub— 75 division of 132-01401C132-01401Cms 2 of Brown & Jaoltsoa • s Addition to --West St .Peal 3 50 - e F0 5 do 50 -6 :. do 7 do _ 50 s do 50 9 dO 50 1 ,, 13 The Vlest St .Paul 1 EStat A Impr oat a >dW Bo 100 ..8yadi CITY of ST. PAUL _ .. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFCA/IM.ISSIONER OF FINANCE PRELIMINARY ORDER - - LOT BLOGK� - ABUITION e OESCRIPTiON " VALUATION. 11: 13 The West St 'Paul Real rJ00 Estate & Imprgvement 100 12 13 syndicate Addition NO -1 13 -13 do 100 Z 13 do Soo 3.5 13 do loo 16 13 do , 75 . 17 13 do , 18 �3 do _ Total — 2,350. The Commissioner of F`isosace further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the forgoing a0 his report thereon to the Council, together with the report 'made to him in e reference to said matter by ttte Commissioner of Public Wore Dat 192 Commissioner of Finance. la. 12 -St. Paul, 'Minn. Aumuat 17 192_5,, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minna Gentlemen: We, the -undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following irMlovement forbe made: Grading oY ...... .- -----...... Belvid4Q ... St. ,tire.• from— Harvard St. Ave. to -- YPQQdhltiry St. Ave. .. NAME ' IAT - BLOCK . ADDITION, / 2 West St.Paul Real Estate Is ov en Syndicate' fel y a 13 � S Office Commissioner o� IP—v c Work 1R�C__p4C3Irt to Commissioner cA lFririapce MA 4 9 M 38 _ins a IbL -` ' -.1928..............- -1s2.---- To the Commissioner o£�ti� $�+ce of thq.,City of St. Paul: The Commissioaer of public Works, having had under coI161C3Ler8.t10=1 the preliminary order of the 64371 Febr-c=La r3T 9, 1926 Council, known as 'C4>mLx3 ezl Fzle No....... --_...._.approved.-...- ........... ---------- ---------------............. _-192...----_, relative to cshanging the g=s r3@ and grading Belvidere St -P --.Yet; i'i'om $grVsrd ---_.......... Street to Street. and having investigated matters and things referred to therein., reports: 1. Said imp3rove3nmea-t_ mss____—..._. .......... necessary and (or) desirable_ L 1 74 er Y . 268... - 2. The estimated most thereof ia$_..._._'._.._....�_:...,��i�rEh��a�sl cost thereof is $ --- ' -- I33l8p 6a -It-- 3 omi 424.86 Frontage 7 �rGA� :Et a and the nature and o£ said improvement is as follows: .-._-_________---------------- --------- ---------------- ---- - ----- --- 3. A plan, proSEle or seteh of said improvement is hereto mand made'a part hereof. 4 5. Said - ------ ...._ _..-asked for upon petitiioa o:E three or more owners of property, subject to assessment mor ; - —icl improvement. /- t • Commisainaer of Public Works. �f�P�A�E'J�R�jf� _� S - JOHN H. MCO NALO. COMMISSIONER - THOS_ G. O'CONNEIL, OEPVTY GOMM�SStONSR GORGE lNEPARD• CMV bWIM®t M_ S- GRYTBAK BNDGs ERGtnta WM. N. CAREY, OF CORsrRUCNON AHo �w►aRt - Cm G. N. NERROt - _ A_ H_ SI-IAR'P. SDrr. 01 Bw..rtwraN L , Omen wrm n.w..Nn�-�_-.ee March 4 . 1926 • BOWLIM, su.T. or WORR)qusc Hon. John H. B �n oaMc t Copmieeioxie — of Pab33o Works. Dear Sir: transact herewith preliminary est:izn�te Of Goat for t23Lohsngixzg .of grade and grading o::E Beividere Street from Ha= ---w-srd Street to Woodbury Street. aEXc38r gre- liminary Order F. X64371, approved February 3. 1926 : Fes- -t--:Lmated Cost ex.268-78 G 4c=mw- per meront It. 1. ?4 T �pectios 24e88 -011= untag@ 730 :'- Yours truly. 632inginee3F. Approved Por -t-- --jL-- -jes--smiss3on t e Commis 3oner o:E Finance. omm eSionex- of Pubes ic: Works. _ - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLERK -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—C'EnIERAiaF�"C>RM - � the matter of condemning and to Xing sn easerl :3nt in the land necessary for slopes. cuts and fills in the grading of Belvidere -Street cram Harv* --L - c1 Street to Woodbury Atc e -b. ander Pre3iminary- - Order C ::g� - X64372; approved February 9. 1926. and Intex =M===L40C1:LaL=-_V. Order C. F. #65160. -approved Mardi' 30, 1926. The Commissioner off Public 1Yorl-s having submi ted his report and plan in the shove mstter, be it RESo3+VED, That the City of St- Paul sixes and deter-x--�—i=iss the amount of land to be taken for the above namecL improvement as an easement for slopes. cute and •- filXs —� is and upon Belvidere Street be.iween the points afore aid. to the extent shown upon the plan attached to tIz report of the Commissioner o:r Pablie W or.tcs, in the matte dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are hereb -Z;Z;;;Z:Fwr referred to and made a part hereof. C E`_'N2i_ 66688—Rs-7:H MCDt�ald�.: COUNCMMa—z- �1 Yeas' sy s Clancy V' Hodgson _-- --_ ----In Favor r;-Sudhein r ____ _ ✓_--Against ,_r Wenzei iti1.- TTeF,r- Adopiecl try the Council__ _ b _} -------- 192 APProve ? c= _c -----------192 OF ST. PAUL - Dep ----�- –=--z of Public Works ' •-00 TIM COUNCIL In the matter of Q <�---mning and taking an easement in the land necessary fo as a for cuts and fills in grading of: Belvidere �tree� from fi8rV8rcl Stress o Woodbury dtreetinder Preliminary Orcicr C e :E� � –4r 2 approved February 9, 1926 and Intormodi� ry ©X � - 65160 approved March 30, 1926 To the Council off' t; - – �� of St. Paul: The Cormnia s lonWorks hereby submits and mrkes a part of tYz✓_s s — —� – – 2'o�ort, a Plan of the above improve- ment, shovring by t c �– - c3 :portion of said Plan, the fills to be made or: and by the hatched portion the cuts to be avate property, and the extent of the easement to b��–_�–—a �y the; figules opposite such shaded and hatched-p1^n. pate:. Commissioner of Public Works- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM56NT OF FINANCE " REPOF�'—i- Off' . COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREFLINYNARY ORDER In the matter of condemning -t-a7tina an easement is the land neoessary for •slopes, cuts aa.d Yills in the grading of Belvidere Street from Harvard St reet to Woodbury Street cT under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 9, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Pau $ _ The Commisssoner of Finance im� ereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount c>IF assessment for the above improvement is _ _ _ $ e-� o 0 The estimated cost per foot for 2ze above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assns �orare as follows; r Farm B. a. a r LOT Bw K ADDITION ASSESSED I - VALUATION 1 Smith & Taylor's sub.- 75 2 division of Block g e Of 13rown & Jack son 50 3 Addition to I+etyt st.Paul 50 4 do 50 5 do 50 6 do 7 do 50 r . o do50 9 do 50 101. 13 The slept st.Pat#1 ReP-1 `Rtutf & Impr. Syndicate 100. Add. No. TOTAL. CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF .FINANCE OF CCJMMISStOtVP_R OF F I I�IAI�ICE DEPORT ORDER -- — ON PRELIMINARY _ ASSESSED D65CRIPTI0N - LOT BLOCK '- AGa�TiOT� VALUATION-- - 11, .. 13 The s'deSt St �paus� Z�3. 500 State F Irrrocr ��r_t 100 12 13 syndicate p�dditiaa Z3o.1 _ 13 �3 do loo 14 13" do Soo do 15 13 " loo 16 13• do 75 17 13 do _. 50 18 13 do 50 Total - 2,35a•. The Commissaom=wer of Essence further reports that he has investsga tea all of the aforesaid. matters, and hereby submits the foregoiiag as his report thereon to the Council, with the report made to him in reference to said by ;the Commissioner of Public Works. Date R 192 —' Commissioner of Finance. Yarm B. B. 13 > - -------- -- FINAL ORDER 0 In the Matter of....gradlpg 8oheffer Street from rigge etreet to dgome F.ada,.Jayd.AVenu`e ..t0.Jdg4mhd.R.0ad,j.,...` Hartford -Avenue from origge. Street to.; agoumbe. Road, a, of ohe trues, 8t.go E9gen n� h , ohefter G .. ........ ......... ...: ................ �m9dAeadtrHatord ,�ytoE&:.:, :..,........ ,. nava 5t to 19e Jeumhe Road; under ' r 64 r^d q .....................,., .. ,. a . under Preliminary Order...... ...6.4 3.1...... .:.:.approved...: J6U.01.926 ............... Intermediary Order ......... .......approved..: .. ,..,..: :.;:..... ......... A public hearing having' keen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections pnd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be,,it -RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Sf,-ho that the precise,ilature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. gx; �ohePe 8tr@Qrplr�rE� 9t,reet t.R D. Ayak 004.40.,. .Edgoumbe Aoad,..xartford,Avenue from,rigge Street to..Edgoumbe road; ........... ..... .....:: ` ............... ;, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed. to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed .,with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ` Adopted by the Council...............APR..2:'1626 ...........................:............... .... D / Approved ........ . ............., 192,,,,.:.., /Councilillanflancy �.W1Rtlihng t' peon., Councilman McDonald 'ouilcilmall ki Hodgson ouncllman Sudheuuer councilman Wenzel ►,t,r, t71� PFe�gncc�, 0 ..... ty, Clerk. 1401~!1 Mayor, FINAL ORDER 0 In the Matter of....gradlpg 8oheffer Street from rigge etreet to dgome F.ada,.Jayd.AVenu`e ..t0.Jdg4mhd.R.0ad,j.,...` Hartford -Avenue from origge. Street to.; agoumbe. Road, a, of ohe trues, 8t.go E9gen n� h , ohefter G .. ........ ......... ...: ................ �m9dAeadtrHatord ,�ytoE&:.:, :..,........ ,. nava 5t to 19e Jeumhe Road; under ' r 64 r^d q .....................,., .. ,. a . under Preliminary Order...... ...6.4 3.1...... .:.:.approved...: J6U.01.926 ............... Intermediary Order ......... .......approved..: .. ,..,..: :.;:..... ......... A public hearing having' keen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections pnd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be,,it -RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Sf,-ho that the precise,ilature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. gx; �ohePe 8tr@Qrplr�rE� 9t,reet t.R D. Ayak 004.40.,. .Edgoumbe Aoad,..xartford,Avenue from,rigge Street to..Edgoumbe road; ........... ..... .....:: ` ............... ;, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed. to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed .,with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ` Adopted by the Council...............APR..2:'1626 ...........................:............... .... D / Approved ........ . ............., 192,,,,.:.., /Councilillanflancy �.W1Rtlihng t' peon., Councilman McDonald 'ouilcilmall ki Hodgson ouncllman Sudheuuer councilman Wenzel ►,t,r, t71� PFe�gncc�, 0 ..... ty, Clerk. 1401~!1 Mayor, _ - CITY 0V ST.. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CC>M ISSIC>NER OF FINAI��E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER_ G ade Sclzeffer St, from Grimes St. to Ed cumbe Road In the matter of C� G = St. t Ed cuTr:be -Ro3 g Av fr m Gr _ s St . to E d umbe` Road'. under Preliminary Order approve To the Council of the City of St. Paul = The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:' 4 The total estimated amourzt o£ the assessment for the above improvement is - fSOZlt - - The estimated cost perffoot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: c _ . _ ,_r_ ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION MMSCRIFTtON - (ExCent Edgc•.uybe Road) 1 6 Lexington Park Plat 11 175 16 6 " 275 19. 6 `' 14 6 13 6 12 6 (Excert EdgCumba Road) 2 cio 2 4 3 5 .3 Form 8. B. 10 Ramsey_ CC.-�3riri• do 250 do 250 do 250 do 275 Leeir_gtoxl Park Plat 5. 4000 do Lexington Park Plat 3 550 do . 300 TOTAL, crry OF ST. PAUL - - - 15EPARTMFNT OF FINANCE - ,� ' _ �IE�IPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF P— X ,w r -Q AWCE ON PF7IALIMINARY ORDEF2 - (C ASSESSED OESCRIPTIOl� LOt �.. �,BLOc�c A��3TZON _ _ - VALUATION 6 °3' Lexington Parte = Plat 3 300 7 3 _ ao - _ : _ 300 -- - - g 3 d0 3�5 i 3 do 550 .32 .3 340 300 11 3 cIo 390 10 3 ac 300 9 3 do 325 4 2 ao 550 = 5 2 ci o 300 6 2 c'!o 300 7 2 c 300 B 2 clo 325 _ $ia,8001 The Commissioner o Finance further reports that he has investiga tae all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, toget17ALar- with the report madh to him in reference to said the Commissioner of Public Works. 3— 1926 Dated Commissioner of Finance. F- B_ B. 12 - ' St. Paul, Mian_47192� To The Honorable, The Council, v City of St_ Paul, Minn_ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followirng improvement to be made: — -- -- - - --= ----- ---- Ave. St ��. to���� / �� , Lir Qe =� _ G" l St_ Ave. NAME - - LOT BLOCK ADDI'rION G, AV V rip 1 b G1 - o � St. Paul, Minn. To The _Honorable, The Council City of St_ Paul' Minn_ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause th following improvement to be made: oil - from St. Awe t0 G� 1 _..._._-------- ------------------- --------- ------- - -=--- St_ Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION St. Paul, Miun_- /�%q_fi�Tg To The Honorab2e� c�uxXcil, City of S _ zzl� Minn. Gentlemen: - We� tba rs igned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bodyto cause tl'34---- p-vcr _ -- --•-g-- ;mprovement to be made: -------------- --- ------ —��St. from-_ G��/� B - - -- St.yzz�- _..._...----- ----------- — ----- -- St. Ave. 21Tft- ME _ - LOT BLOCK ADDITION -- sa A4 - Cy ., Q fiee of the: Commissionc�---A� -4c:>f Public 8._ WAX, Report to, Commissioner 101= -a--wIE Finance MAR 1'7 19 5345 March 17. 1926 To the Com,r.issioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under the preliminary order of the --- -_----�......_............_—.192-. relative tc> 64131s s+ r °26_..1926 Council, known as Council File No:.... _—._._..._.._.approved _______—___ the grading oT Schaffer Street from G =3� i kgs street to Edgeoumbe to �� c3umbe •Road and._Eisrtford . Ed-geoumbe----sox -gc _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to t7C3L e=ate. hereby reports: Z_ Said improvement,is----- ---- _:_.._._.......... necessary and (ori e3e��rable_ 2_ The estimated cost thereof is __-... 1458 Per $x' 5.588422- 2-$ _—.. - aa� a cost thereof is $ - - .....— - ---------Inspection $70.86 Frontage 2 2--&r ---7!S 34 fti,- antl_ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: — .... 3- k plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is her P- o attached and made a part hereof_ --------------------------------------- ....................................................... .... •------------------------ ._.......—._...-----._....- _ 5. Said improvement is._....................................... asked for upoa of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------- - Commissioner of Public Worfra- wad 0 " Vw I UVT-!R_qj I�Tjlw ahr—rz Mk Vf P*#i Ojr M- McQCINALD. COMMISSIONER O'GONNMLL. DEPUTY COMMI-ONSR GEORGE M_ SHBPARO. L".RIV ENRINm. - � . YYM. N. GREY. SLR_ of OO.a�Tf6lctlar. Nm RvwfR - - ' G_ N. NERROLD. O>mCs w!•m QPY OOa'®E - Mareh 15. 1926. M. 5_ GRYTBAK. BRIOOi E1RIH� - A_ S._ SHARP. -SLR. OP WtuTwTiq.�, G_ Y_ BOwLIN_ SLR_ v Wma0lw.t Ron. John H. MasDon8ld. Commissioner o:E Public Works. Dear Sir Mn the matter of grading Sche:E:Ee:r' re e Yrom Griggs Street to Edgeoumbe Road. Bayard :rom Griggs Street to Edgeaaambe Road and Hartford Avenue :Crvm==xx (3r=igg8 Street to Edgeoumbe Road. under Preliminary Orders G. E' fag131. approved January 26. 1926: EBtimsted Costa Cost per grunt ft. 1 S - M'Ylspeastion. 70 4ew gro atsge 2 27-25 - it Yours truly, 17jsnglneer. Approved. Tor transmission to the Commissioner o:E Flnanoe. ommissionev of Public Works. `4CWIL13ER9AN1D CyrI=��'ERT " REAI:ZTpRS. .. rATiON H. dlLSC/!T ' _ MIMSEA! IT. PAUL- r —UMM, ..._ LiFB BIIILMo3r T ^ MEAL KST.AT[ BOARD Jsa ua ry 2£7f �Yi , 1926. ?ter. C e<>7m M. Shepard, > Gity �agiraeer; Court House, St Minnesota. Bear Si x-. - We are handing you Pet-itionsto the C i ty Council for the grading o:E- following sstre a is .Z- the same having been s igzi erc -1:>y the property owners oa. both sides: - c-----Scheffer street, from Gr- vis street, to Edgeumbe Road: 1--.--Bayard Avenue, from Grig.-gF street, to Edgeumbe Road. Hartford Avenue, from C-=2 gs street, to Edgcumbe Road. Sometime last fall we had in petitions for -t-- 3n- gradin§of various_ streets± I"Gilbyrts' 0 Gr-- y Court , and if these contra c is have not beers DLat . we suggest that it might % a good idea to have tie bids for the grading oP t2:m- -e� s-Lreets mentioned e bozre r.k c luded as the work mig%.t b m= 3 one for less 3n03n1e3r However, you know best 83=;R a-x=w- -I-- this, We wish you would push tI3 s matter as fast as i t z s possible. a7fianking you, we are Ver: - rxa1 ours, G 1 T and GI, l �+� PHG _ CCS In the matter of condemning a3r:x8- ts3-i3ag an easement In the land necessary for slopes . c--7xzts and fills, in the grading of Scheffer Street froga Gs#gge Street to Edgecumbe Road, Bayard Ave. £rom. Griggs St. to Edgeoumbe Road and Hartford Ave. from Grd.ggs street to Edgeoumbe Road, under Preliml- airy Order 0- W i. �6 1.32, approved January 26, 1926, and Intermedisr-T Order C. F. #65150, approved March 30, 1926. T&P6- Commissioner of 2ubl1-c 1.V4ori--s b.sving submitted his report and plan in the above m Iter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St-- i'8u1 fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an: a$semen-t for slopes, outs and fills., in and 'upon Sche:E:Eer S';-- :Bayard Ave. and Hartford. Ave., between the pozznts s�oresald, to the extent shown upon the, -plan atta.cized to the report of the Commissiioner o "�iiB11' '� Win" t8e' matter dated April 28. 1926, which plsxz axed report are hereby referred to and 'mace- s part isera� CbUNCII.uEx (� AgaDten -ny "' g1 29 -yensNays Clancy �� °iDP��ed �PBiIa.Y Hod ------�-----In favor ----McDonald 'Sudheimer 1f ---------,-----Against -,,Wenzel .- 1 CTTY OF ST. PAUL ( 5665 Depart=aent of Public Works `� r REPORT TO TILE COUNCSL in the matter o= corndemxning and talcin.g ari easement in - the land necessary Grigfor sloioespt fq s anci12s in grading of: Schaffer St. from g -s S -to �dgecUmbecutoa cd1 Bayard Ave. from " " " " " ane"! Hartford A, e. " " " n � from t o undo r #� Preliminary Ord.cr C . p _ 64132 approved Jania a ry 26, 1926 and Intermediary Or�cr C _ 1P. 65150 a pprovec' MIT rch 30, 1926 To the Council of the City O: St. Paul The Co issioncr of I=ublio Works hcrcby subrzi.ts and h makes a part of tYis s his report, a plan of the cLbove Improve- ment, showing by the shaded �Dortlon of saki the fills to be made on and by the he=tchea portion the cuts to be rnacic on iorivzte property, and the extent of the casement to be taken by the figures opt o s zto -such shaded and hatched parts of sucYi plan. Date: Commissioner of Public vvorks. r � CITY OF. ST. PAUL. - - w.', DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIC P12EL1tty (NARY ORDER . Edgcumbe Road and Hartford Ave from Griggs St. to Ec3g;c-ufrbe Road. under Preliminary Order approved an. a6, 19P6 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - �� . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the asseasecl valuatioia of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - - VALUATION (Except. Edgcuarbe Road) 1 6 Lexington Park Plat 11 3-75 16, 6 Ratr:sey Co. Minn. 275 15': 6 : do 250 14', 6 do 2sj0 13 6 do 250 12 6 do 715 (Except Edgcumbe Road) 2' Lexington - Park P3. ----t !jam do 2 do 4 _ 3 . Lexington Park -Plat 3 550 5 3 do 300 �. Form 8. B. 10 ', TOTAL. - OF ST. PAUL .. - D�PARTMENT- OF FINANCE REPORT Ox= "Cjc:>mr%41SSIONER OF FtNAM<--E IPREL—WAINARY ORDER (c) Y 4 DESCRIPTION LOT JEER K ADDITION �_ ASSESS EO VALUATION L _ - 6 Lexington Perk Plat 3 3400.- �', ? 3 ao 300 3 do 325 i; 3 do 550 i Mza 3 do 300 ' 3 3 3 do 300 1 £ 3 do 300 9 3 do 325 C 2 do 550 5 2 do 300 6 2 do 300 do 300 'E9 _ _ 2 do 3a5 i; vi The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report tizereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form H. D. 12 65666 COUNCIL FILE NO....................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...? ..4 Oy 'in Blook ,58,,.Arlington..Hills,,.6dditioll,.;,... from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue►.. ...... ....................... .. ...... .. _ _ c ,S.No Bb688 .'_ ..................................... ...................................................... I In the dfatfero1:BradlnB ailer fn Blk. 68,^ Arlington, I;(ne . Addition, from . n —,.Walde Ave. to. Walsh Ave., under. - .�rellminarY 'Order 64491 approved. .................. ........ ....... .. , ....................... ^eb. 17. 1926-. r publt nrir 'havinB been Lad m ,t,, th .....r- ; t ...r, heard................ ....:..... ....... .. .:... ....... ' .................................... f,raen ori... under Preliminary Order ..... ...6 .. . ...............approved.............?O.e.Ile.-•926........., Intermediary Order........................ ........approved,. ... ......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered .the same;, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the!, City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is gTB4 alley. in,,Blook,, 5,,;, Arlington . Hills Addition, from Weide; Avenue to Walsh Av�nue, ....... .. ,.... . .........................._................................ ....................................... ... .... .......:. ............... ............. ' ....._.........._......... ........................ ................ ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specificationsfor said improvdment, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement inaccordance therewith. APR 2 'F 1926 F Adopted by the Council •••••• fi r Ci y Clerk'. Approved...... 192,,...,., heti Mayor. /Councilman Clancy VCouncilman McDonald ✓Councilman ftXr Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer eouncllman Wenzel , orm i,-S. A. 8-7. G1:'< CITY, OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - `REPORT' OF COMNNITIMSONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - In the-matterof_.Rrading alley in Block 58, Arlington Hills__ Addition, from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Ireb. 17th, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul:' , The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is f Tont The estimated costpel foot for the above improvement is _ 0 -43 Inspection 6.72 Frontage 800 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Farm n. B. 10 DESCRIPTION LOT e4acK ADDITION 1 58 Arlington Hills Addition 2 58 " to St. Paul 3 58 do 4 59 do 5 } .58 do 6 58 do 7 58 do 8 58 do 9 58 do south ,67 ft .of • 10 58do North 66 ft. of- "10 58 do To'rAL. 2 �C?.0 0 ' CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEP RT SENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CMISSIONER OF FINANCE (C). ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED- VALUATION 11` 58 Arlington Hills Addition -z. 2925 12' 50 to St. Paul 2625 13 58 do 1675 14 59 do 2725 15 58 do 2425 16 58 do 3��5 �7 58 do 3�5 18 59 do 2025 19 58 do 6�5 2 59 do 700 TOTAL - - - 35,725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ^ —192_& I— B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. Lilnn -AN. $ONO ?ABLE, T. H'. MCDONALD, Comm. of Public Works, City Of St.Paul. DearnSir: We the undersigned being. property holders in the-- District he_District mentioned below, have been working under considerable M: hardship, for the reason that our alley is not graded, and it is very inconvenient for any one to drive in with coal or to collect garbage, or for any other purpose pertaining to same. Vie trust you will give-this due consideration at your earliest convenience, and have the department inspect same and note the condition which we have to' contend with. LOCATION 1 Block between E. Minnehaha` St and Reaney St and from Walsh Ave to Weide. Signers: V/Jj1 J/ Ulla �, (� M ( �. 2 �Cf !/t� � l/1 �I (�/ �'v`�` / ° ` _'/� / fay: '- (i , / � !/•-il''U2Pi�,� f -� 7,16 Lp�eParh-m Rh ' �Jublic W%vrks JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY C0~6810NER Cwtetwrnary - - - GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CMV EROIN®t / M. S. GRYTBAK. BR K FTIOIR.Q WM. N_ CAREII. �. OP wn0 Rv�IR A. B. SHARP. Suer. OF SwnrrwT)On.. G_ H_ HERROI_D� ow><.c� A( \CR�x RAHaaO F1Mm®a�,roh 4, 1926• G. P. BOWLIN. SOrr. or WORR�wusc V Honorable Sohn $. MoDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, City o3 St. $aul, -- Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the grading of Alley in Blook 58, Arlington Sills Addition, from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64491., approved February 17,- 1926+ Estimated Cost -$342.72 _- --- Cost per front ft. 0a43 Inspection 6:72 Frontage Soo ft. Yours truly, Ginef Engineer. Approved for transmission t e Commissioner of Finance. omm ss over of Public WorEs. FFIESE-3 COMM155101 RESOL�C Yeas 65666'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL {_. OFFICE OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ - April 28, 1926. BY •IER In the -matter of oondemning hand taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and Yi11s, in the grading of alley in Block 58, Arlington H:L11s Addition, from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64492, approved February 17, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #65164, approved March 30, 1926. The Commiasioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St. Paul fixes'and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and :fills , in and upon the alley in Block 58, Arlington Hills Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are hereby re:'erred to and made a part hereof. Cot h'CIL�SE V a Leg �Tt aje h� art idb A9pToyed; -NELYS ✓Caancy ,. � - Hodgson __ ____ _ In favor -- ' McDonald SudheimerAgainst Wenzel 192--i .192. � " -----------' ---""""-""" Acting MAYOP R CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL tri the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the 1anc3 necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: 911ey in Block. 58, Arlington Hills Addition X, C= Vielde Avenue to Walsh Avenue under Pre liming ry Om•der C. F. 64492 approved February 17 , 1926 aria j:nt0rmod3.axry Order C.F. 65164 approved March 30, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: `the Conanissioncr of Public Works hereby submits and m ke s _-L part of this, his report, a plan of the above jmprove- ment shovrLng by tiro shaded portion of said _the fills to 1>e made on privato proporty, and by the hitched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easc-ment to be taken by the figures opposite rsuch shaded ani h�tchcd marts Of such: plan. D1te Commissioner of rublic VVorks. - - - A LLEY - SLK 58 -ARLINGTON HILLS Am _ SLOPE PLAN `L:'L'+Indicntes Cuf_ 9oreue •%Eosin ®-Indica+es fill - - - Feb.26, 1926f5 T icgl Nofn+icn yP 3-a I XIX -19079 rIgures above Itne sFoow ALLEY- BLK.58-ARLINGTON HILLS ADD. .Cut or Fill o.+ pr-epe- y Figures below !ire s160w distance is slopes extend beyond properfy line- . Loc -Book =1 c6_ I I C -- i - 58 II - 7 r�a 2ST. FR. MO. __ 25T. FR. r BARN i ................. .- sawfTs - ' , ,mac c-_•.'^ �-'m m � .-i .�.yF-.r—T- �T/�•-•'� _u�i.• •'�.SHEn+-�.«r�i�li ;.. ".. r 1}--�'�1=� o. -f-[-/1=// -y ..... ,Yzs.FR. HO uJ . R � I�3 FR.GAR 'CEt1.BLK.. 'SHED fo :FR.CrAR; GAR. 13 14 15 16 ;7 18 19 20 A 3 A 2! i N G TON NLLS . D D. 3 M I IVERAI A ST. — " del gv� l `CITY j&FIPAUL' DEPARTM FINANCE REPORT OF COMM PIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In ihe matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Blo6k 59, Arlington Hills Addition, from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue, FP under Preliminary Order approved Teb. 17th, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows:. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is be benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT, .-CK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 56 --- Arlington - 11 - 11 - la Addition 650- 2 59 to St- Paul 3 58 do 600 4 S do 600 5 56 do 600 6 do 600- 7 59 do 1550 8 59 do 1400 9 59 do 1700 South 67 ft .of 10 59 do -1700 IF-. B. B. 10 TOTAL, - - -. PAUL - x OF DEP ENT ,- ;1 OF FINANCE REPORT OF C6 SIONER OF FINANCE, (C> ON PREC MINARY ORDER ASSESSED. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION 11 58 Arlington Hille, addition 2925 12 56 to st. Paul 2625 13 58 do 1675 14 58 do 2725 15 56 do 2425 16 5S do 3225 17 58 do 4325 18 58 do 2025 19 58 do 625 20 �S do 700 TOTAL - - - 33,.27• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby. submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saiid� matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. y Dated O i 1'x' "� �0 192/~ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - Office of the Commissioner of Public Wof - It Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 9 1026 .............. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the 'preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......__.64492..:::......approved__._.........................February..........1....7.., __.... ...1926192._...__., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ___for.__.,__...__.._._..._.,,_ __...... _..1.9p4g.........4_ilt.8_..Hnd_iills,._ in..iha.._gxsa Jng__o_f_. ).l2e.�L...in__tl,o0.k..-58 �_._..._....._.___ _ Arlington Hills Addition.,_£rom_..Weide_Avenue _to WWeipb.-({yP -- -and–having–investigated-the maters an(Lthingssnfezred_toAherjein,herehy-reports:-- 1. Said improvement is...... __........ _... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2:; The estimated cost thereof is $........_gxg... ._._......... and the total cost thereof is $.......... _.... RR$............... _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................... 1.__.......... ___.........:......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - 4.-......... ............. ................._.............._.................__........_........___.._....._........... ................................... .._............. —__._._� 5. Said improvement is..................... .._........... _..._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. iY Commissioner of PnbEe Works. 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 65668 COUNCIL FILE NO ........ ..................... By...... ............ .................. .... ........... ..................... FINAL �RDER In the Matter of..-Vadin . .. Alley in Block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision ......................... .......... ........................... . ........................ ........................... 0.4t; Block 1. 1 -John .. A.—Coke.!s Addition,—from.1afond St re a t.. .to. ,Oxford ....... Street....................................................... ............................ ....... .......... C. R NO. 66 In the 'Magrading . 6Y tt6';.0'S.bd1vJoV'..d'1311o31ciV! .,ih ......... — ........ I ............................... .............. I' - JF1th`nA.Jc.k.'. Add ftorn.T .. ... ....... ........... T St. Ion t, 0,1*,d St,7,,Tu I ... 5 '7�e�.r I ................ .......................................... ............. ............................... ... ... ................. ........................................ ............. .............. ap ........ ....... 1— ............... ....................... ............. under Preliminary Order ..OY3.75 ..................;..... proved Feb 2!...9.2-190 ............................... intermediary Order...... ...... ..........................:..... pproved ................ I .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the abov . mpro ent pon.due notice, and the Council d 1i-1:rel.tiv:mthereu having heard all persons, objections and recommen. a to, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City. of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is:...gR Alley .W !*J .A!Q...... Subdivision and Block0, ke..16 Addition,, ...................................................... ............. . ..... ...... ........... S.t.re.e.t t.o. .Q.x.f.o.rd Street,. ............. ... ................................................ .................... ........................................ ..................... — ...................... ........ ..... ... ... ............ .................. ...... ... .. .................................. ................ .................... .... ........................................................................................ ...................................... . ................... — ............ and the Council hereby orders said, improvement to bimade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiss I of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflic,ials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.AP .z�..Iqn .................. ......... . ..... Ai:�- . ....... ... .. ........ . . . .. .. .. .. ............ Ell Cit Clerk. 9: 3 . ..... . Approved.............. ........ ....... ............ 192 /Y ........... ....................... . ..................................... I- 'Councilman Clancy Acting Mayor. L—w-a-f-9— „'Councilman McDonald V now. ,,,Councilman RIW Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ouricilman Wenzel Mr. Vim Pr(t,. Ftrav(�Oyl� Form B. S. A. 8.7. under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 9,-1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: e The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $12 +• 59 frpat The estimated cost per cot for the above improvement is-•- Iaspeotion 10.09 Frontage 1139.03 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1'' 1 Fitzhugh'e Subdivision of Lot 17, Ha114e Add. to Hyde Park., Ramsey Co., ))) Minn. 2 1 CLD �B��JtfD' 3'. 1 do 4, 1 do 5' 1 do 350., East 63.97 ft. of 9; I do East 63.97 ft- of " --...10 1 do 550 East st 63.97 g t . Of 11 ]. .. do 550,; East 63.97 4 -Of 12 1 do & E.63.97' of 114 of Lot 13 TOTAL, Par- B. B. 10 _ - CITr of or. rAuL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMMSSIONER OF FINANCE' !! ON PRELIMIJARY ORDER 13) ii ASSESSED '� j DESCRIPTION , LOTBLOCK" ADDITION VALUATION ft. of 14 Eastt East 6 1 his Subdivision __. _ f- .of of Lot --13 & of E. of Lhu Hide t 17, iiaZT'S Add tb y _ Park, Ramsey 00., r Minn. 15 1 do 800 I, ' 16 1 do 3001' West of 17 1 do 150 i Lot lE and East 1/2. of179 do 1 ��; i ,i 1 John A. Coke's Addition 'East 1/2 0� 2 1 to St . Pa,ill '�00 , - I Lot 3 and West 1/2 of 2 1 do 4 1 do 2500 _ 5 i. do 2700;; 6 1 do 2056 7 1 610 2200,1 1 do 1100,', 9 . 1 do 400 10 1 do 2450! 11 1 do 2600' 12 1 do 24QQ' 131 do 2156 14 1 _ da _ _ 3606 15 1 do, 3>� 16 do 300 Total :50,7 zi- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby j r submits the foregoing as his report thereon Ito the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to i said matter by the Commissioner of Public/',Works. Dated /7la/t �iJ G r i Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13' A St. Paul, ;Minn. 192 — To The Honorable, The Council, City pf St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: �i ° We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _ St. Ave. _ _....—._ .--------�_ - - ---fit` Ave. to —�f - from__- .." —�_� __ _ A.— — NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION To the Commissiogar of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64375 approved—_-..... 9 1926192.._..._._, relative to Council, known as �o22IICil File No ..... .._—__.__.._ Y '----- the grading of s1 -Ley in Block 1. Fitzhugh's Subdivision, and inx-d—Szre-at. and having invest- igatec3 the matters and things- -referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -,...___...necessary and (or) desirable. 4b¢ per front ft. 514,659 2. The est-z�_a tec1 cost thereof is $------- -....-_ _.___:.., and the total cost thereof is $-._...___..._...._._. ____.....—, Z` razitsge 1139.03 ft. Inspection $10.09 and the nature aac3 extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ----_-_- - -_-_ .............. ---- — - ---- --------- - - - _ -------..--------- _....._..-- .._.......... - - ._-... - --- -- - ----- — -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -- - ----- -- -- - - -- - - ...__.............- ..... -----..........._.._----------------------------------- ---- ----------- 5. Said i—provement is.__..___ ............... ........ _._._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to asses2sm3E:3Le3rL1_ for said improvement. Commissioner of Pnblic _Works. �-., P - moi. — W_r_rt--- JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIGS. EN. - GEORGE M. SHEPARD. 0""E"'.- - A. B. SHARP. S- GP SANRATI.N WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONSirtw'DON."a N� - G. P. SOWLIN. 6uPi. oR WOR -.. G. H. HERROLO. OMC -ANO CT' PLANNING ENaHaoe March 5, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 1, John A. Coke Is addition, from Lafond Street to Oxford Street under Preliminary Order C•F. 64375, approved February 9, 1926: Estimate of cost $514.59 Inspection Cost per front foot .45 Frontage 1139.03 ft. Yours very truly, As Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: fes' Commissioner of Public Works. GMS:AB -NNo --------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF'THE :CITY CLERK. - - �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April88, 1926. 'PRESENTED BY PATE_ ----- — -- -- COMMISSIONER' RESOLv In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 1, John A. Coke's Addition, from Lefond St. to 0x2grd 5t., under" Preliminary Order C. F. #64376, 6pproved February 9, 1926, and Intermediary Order C, F. #65166, approved March 30, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report andplanin the above matter, be it RESOLVEp. That,the City 'of St. 'Paul fixes and ditermines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 1,.;John A Coke's Addition,. between the points -aforesaid, to ttie�65xterit shown "upon the. plan attached tothereport`of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 28. 1926. C t DTo: 86889 By d, 8-McDo J -k-, Ih tfie inµtter o�.'cohd8m6c,14h nd tats-! - Vur an eaeement:yn this lynd nacea=:) - .. - 9ary-,aor ,at.Pee,�: osis anflt_.9lle. -;fa J, Vlslbn.'8.nd Block., .iJohn A...Coke a Adm, - - dltfon, 'bottreen, _tlo polptd;�arergeald; - _ t6.,ifibettenthahown upott the:grnn ht= tabhadao the Keyart of the,OoSmhfa-— ' stoner ur PJubTla. Works In the mat- teE dated Abr1T 88^1828 - "_ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counefl AqY. 28 1988.192.--.-. Na Yeas - s APDroVed Apr 88 I896 - 011ttCli-- -RR-•1-$--19•�6.--.-... �� 3. ;; (azar -'7 79x8) ancy [k &i 2 d 1920 Approve --- 192 Hodgson... -In favor ��r �..-- - - `/MCDOnafd ,i� MI�YOR /v Aef�nn _, udheimer ..........--Against Mr. Viae 1'cas. N'erguson __ o CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works 6�p REPORT TO TILE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 1, John A. Coke's Addition from Lafond St. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order C. p. 64376 approved February 9, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 65166 approved March 30, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Comi:iissionor of ublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, shovring by the shaded ,portion of said )lnn, the fills to be made on private ,.)roperty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private, property, and the extent of� the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. �r 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works 6�p REPORT TO TILE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 1, John A. Coke's Addition from Lafond St. to Oxford St. under Preliminary Order C. p. 64376 approved February 9, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 65166 approved March 30, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Comi:iissionor of ublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, shovring by the shaded ,portion of said )lnn, the fills to be made on private ,.)roperty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private, property, and the extent of� the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF S' DEPARTMEN�JL,! FINANCE RiEP014T OF COMMOPONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Blook 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and Block 1, John A. Coke's -Addition,' from Lafond Street to Oxford Street L,J under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 9, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the, Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 1 1 Fitzhughls Subdivision ) of Lot 17, Hall's Add. to Hyde Park, Ramsey Oo., Minn. 2 1 do 11, 40:0 3 1 do 4 1 do ) 5 1 do 350 East 63.97 ft. of 9 1 do 550 East63.97 ft- of 10 1 do 550 East 63.97 ft- of 11 1 do 550 !' East 63.97 f.of E-63.97' N. Lot 13 12 1 do $25 & of of TOTAL. F-- B. H. 10 _ ,.. CITY OFBT .. A{!f. .. - DEPARTMI F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM} TONER OF' FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j DESCRIPTION ! LOT �'a1.ocK ASSES ---ADDITION— 'T- it-- VALUATION ij East 63 97 ft of - - _ 14 { 1 F'itshugh's Subdivision Lot -1 Ham s o, 7. ! i 1151 S: of E: 63.97' of Lot 13 of -- -- - -; Hyde Park, Reanse _ Co., Y Mian. — - - S J% 1 1 1800 _ _ l_ - -! -- do 1 300 16 1 - 11_ West of 1 7 1 50 -- Lot 16 and East 1/2 of 17 t 1 do if�50 _ 19 1 do John A. Coke's Addition L 32-51'.' East 1/2 of 2 1 , _ _ . _ to at. Paul i,- Lot and West 1/2 of �2 1 i- 3 - - ,, 00-- -- _ 4 l - 28 500 -- 5 l do 9 2700 ;6 1 do 2050 _; li - 7 1 E do 2200 r, 'I 8 1 do i 4o0 46011 9 1 do 10 1 do 11 1 do 26©0 1. - - 12 1 do 2400 r- 13 1 do 2150:, _'_ + — 14 do 3 15 1 d° 3550 - i _ l6 1 do 3:00-' --- it Total -._-- 50►7-75'':. .i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - -.. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B.13 -Off" of ,the-� Commiss ioner of- Public Wolff FIVED :'? Report to Commissioner of Finance et MAR 9 1126- March . 6.i..._1986 .......__.......__192__:.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citv�gj 6i, Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of°the, Council, known as Council File No64376 approved-_Februertq 91 1986 —192_—_, relative to condemning and taking on easement in the land necessary for ...... ....... _..._... -.-.........._......_.._.._.._....._..:. -- - —_—_._._..:_......_.............. _.......:__........._-__........ _..----............__.- .................. _...__ slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Fitshu h!a Subdivision and Block 1} John A _Coke!e,Addition,`.__.__-^ from Lefond Street to Oxford Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... __....... _.... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. " 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___gXX ....... __........ and the total cost thereof is ............... _.R........ _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................ __..._........ _......... .. 3. A plan,. profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _._— ._ _ ._..... ..... _....... . _........... _........... ........... . t.......... :::..: .. : _...: 5. Said improvement is...................................... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . f w►�' Commissioner of Pnblio Works. L/ In the Matter of...from.Oretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. C. r. No. 66670— . " ............... . . ..... ... ...... .......... .......... ............. .. In the - ���'"'�"' Matter E'rad(ngg'Juno St. Prom Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave.: un- der Preliminary Order 63391 approv-. ed Doa. .2, 3926. ......... ...... ........ -A puhlla hearlfig havlag been-Ladd r3;* the above Immprove nIt upon do, ............ .. • ,«:i Che of " a h . .._.............................................................:.................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.............63391........ ........ approved .............. DeO...,3e...192g................ Intermediary Order.............. approved... ......:. A public hearing having been had upon' the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and haviig:fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent' and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. grade J11n0 St.-.'.from Cretin Ave. to Ol eveland.. �,v..e...... ........ ........ _................................................_..................................._........................................................... _................................................................................_......... ................ ..................... ............................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... APR.. 192 ......... .. .. .. . ....-C .ty.Clerk. Approved..... ........... ....... 192 ................................ ✓ Councilman Clancy ///� fiotini Mayor. Councilman McDonald . /touncilmanlX&X $odgBOn uncil-an Sudheimer uncilman Wenzel . Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COLI I$SIONER OF FINAf4tE ON PREF. 1NARY' ORDER .¢ Juno St., from fta-in Ave. to Oleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order approve Dec- 3, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of rinance hereby reports as follows: 3 1,619.50 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improveme t is - - - Frontage 2,395.6 ft. 0.69 Inepeotion 31.75 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - -. ... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 Mulliken Addit ion 527 6 do 195 7 do 195 g do 195 9 do 195 10 do 195 11 do X95 12 do 195 13 do 195 14 do 195 Form B. B. 10 - TOTAL, CRY OF ST. PAUL - ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMD*910NER OFNANCE - - -- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - 11 ` C- B AS ESSED + {` DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK; ADDITION VALUATION �t � 151 �I Mulliken Addition � a , 5�' 3_1§0 { 2 ;i do do 250 (Exo. Randolph &Juno 8ta) the Fast 601 of the W. 2101 of the AT 1500 _ ng 3 I 1/4 0£ the I1fi 1/ of the 8E I/4 of Seo 8, Town 26N Ra e 2 W _)!4. --f Mo. Randolph and- Juno Bts.)- the E. 601-oY the --W. 2701 of the Sec. 8, Town 28 N. an d X. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the 8E 1/4 0_ , Rg .23 W-) (Exc. Randolph & Juno Ste.) the E. 601 of the W. 3301 of the N, j 1500;;_-_ 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 8 Town 28 N. Range 23., W. (Except Randolph & Juno Sts.)j the E..601 of the W. 390# of the Di. - 1500 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the 80/4 of Sec. 8, Town 28 N., Range 23, W.,) -- 1 (Exc Randolph & Juno Ste.) the W 120 of the E. 270 of the W. 1 2 1Q _ _._. !i of the N. 1/4 of the NN 1/4 of the 8E 1/4 of Seo. 8, Town 28 N Range 23 W.) " (Exc. Randolph &-Juno Sts. and Finn Ave.) the E., 1501 of the W 3750 y i_ a BE 1/4 of Sec.S. Town 28 N �. _.•- 11 1/2 of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1 of _ . ----- -- - — _ _ 2 W Range 3 ) - �. ' - Rar, ofh Juno Ste. &Finn Ave,.) the. -W...1501. of the E. M ' .750 r- of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the, $E. 1/4 of_See.8, Town 28, Range 23 W.) TOTAL ':: - Ia11. .A _... _... -_ ..,_,,..:...ti. --.tee - _ —_- — r i _ •_ `'- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREt#MFNARY ORDER (C) f -•. -. -.--.. • _ _-_. .-. - ..... ASSESSED...... DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK''. ADDITION .. _. VALUATION (Exc. Randolph & Juno Ste. & exc. the E. g0of the S. 160.691)' 5325 the E. 1201 of the W. 2701 offthe'E. 1/2 of the N. 1/4 of the NE ___'1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec. 9, Town 28,'N., Range 23 West (The W. 401 of the E. 471.�j01 of the N. 120.681 of the 8.150.681 1050 of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1/+!- of the SE 1/4 of See. 9, Town 28, Range 23' Mo. Juno St.) the E. 401 of the S. 160.681 of the W.2701 of the 250 EZ. 1//2�3f)the N. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Town 28 :nge(Exc. Randolph & Juno Sts.) the W. 1201 of the E. 391.501 of the 3000 N. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec, 8, Town 28, Range 23 Randolph & Juno Ste. & Cleveland Ave. & exc. the N. 451 of 9250 >the S. 751 of the E. 1701) the E. 271.501 of the N. 1/4 of the NE. 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec. S. Town 28, Range 23 ) n. �(Exc. Cleveland Ave.) the N. 451.of the S. 751 of the E. 1701 2675 f the 2N.)1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Town 28, �Range (Exc. Cleveland Ave. & Juno Ste.) the N. 841 Of the E. 1851 of 2770 the S. 1/4 of the N. 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Town 29, Range 23 ) !(Exc. Cleveland & Finn Aves. & Niles & Juno Ste.) & (Exc. the 9685 North 841 of the E. 195 1) the BE 1/4 of the N. 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Section 9, Town 29, Range 23 ) 60120 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said,., matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.y' 192 -L— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Alk x 0 St. Ave. EMM EMBEE I Odtpber 2, 1925. John A. and Lina Youngberg, 1871 Lincoln Ave., Paul, Minnesota. I am %be owner of 180 feet fronting on Juno Street, just wast of VaIrTlev Addition, running thru to ItandOlph street; and In order to make this property availabl* for use the" should be a *#wir laid on Juno and guno street, should be graded from Orstin Avows to Cleveland Avemos Will you join as In s petition to ths,01ty Counail to have this improveliiAt mads? 'If so, will you pleaie sign below and return to me in the stamped return envelope and 'I will present the petition 10 the COUnOil-- Gne a�,rh enh, o n blip Orks D - ,G �� -. JOHN H• MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. Q. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER , GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIv EN I— " - M. S. GRVTSAK. RRSM dclN[[R WM. N. CAR-, SUFI. OF COvernu —ANO R— A. B. SHARP. SUFI. OF RMlRATION G. H. HERRO—. 0-- ANOC— PLANNING ENGIN®, - � March 4, 1926. - G. P. ROWLIN. EaFI. of WORRRdn[ lion. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Juno Street from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63391, approved December 3, 1928: Estimated Cost $1,619.60 Cost per front ft. 0.69 Inspection 31.76 Frontage 2,366.6 ft. Yours truly, Gffief Engineer. Approved for transmission th Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public orks. -� CITY OF ST. PAUL °OsY ate-No 656A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - April 28, 1926. COMMISSIONER_ ._ DATI REso In. the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for,slopes, e:uts and fills, in the grading of Juno Street from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Avenue, under•kreliminsiy Order C. F, #63392, approved December 3, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. X65170, approved March 30, 1926. The Commissioner of rublic Works having..' submitted his report and plan in the above matter, `y ,� be it RESOLVED, That the City of St..Paul fixes and 'determines the amount of land to betaken for the above`riamed improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, 3n and upon Juno Street between the points a-foressid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of.Public Works in the matter dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, `C. F:, No 66671—By J H ➢;cYionald I1n the.matter o[. bondemnmg,nnd tak- - IhBB ��an eaeement4 In thhee land Hetes, as. r Btopea.'cUte and'alls,'In AVe� o,..o1v'l a.ad s1Ve:,r.)lnder Pre ;llmiaary, Order.-C. F'No, @8882; ap.!. V,royed Dec" 8.-1926' and.Iritetmedl-. ' March dor C. F. No 66170„ayyro'Ved avin Cobmitt4oner of-ppbno W,piar, _. lhnVlag.-sub ',mat big rept,- :and plan. In the.laedv Th atter, be, y a - Resolved,-ThaC�tho Ctty at SC Paul - flies�and determines� the,. amount oC. land. Lo be taken for the 10MYe, named ! J - ' improvement;, N. , as eaaement . ,for-. ” . sio cute 9aQ"Elle in, apdwpon, Tuna' ' gtrdet;oetween,tbe,points atoreeatd, to the -extent shown-upon the,(plan at- - tarhedj'tohe repport of -ilie',.Commis ' sionor'•oL Anbllc "<Wotka I0.!Jse matter datod A¢rit report,.,"at hereby r9ferrreAl made a:to aanndd hthb C Adopted by the v nnoil ADr AyDrbVed A11��F 26 1926 (ffiay¢ 3926) _ p COUNCILMEN APR.2 5 1925 - Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---------:- _--------------- 192------ { Clancy ApprovedR > 1 192 Hodgson -------`-V--.... In favor _ /�� _.-McDonald - --------------- '///lp//�/yq(�- %- _;w;-v--------- !/ eking M YOR ,/Sudheimer---------------Against _,,*en2e1 r-l"Mn Vico Prue. Ferguson 1 Gy CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Juno Street from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. 65392 approved December 5y, 13 26 and. Intormodiary Order C.F'. 66170 approved March 50, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissionor of Public Works horeby submits and mckes ri part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by tho shaded ,portion of said elan, the f ills to be made on private ,�roporty, and by the hatched portion _ the cuts to be made on private property, and the extont of the easement to be taken by the f igures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date:. Cormnissioner of Public Works. 3VA .7e CHIJI, XIT3A:)-.3VA 0MAJ3V3J3 W Indicates Cut. _ Alk Indicates Fill. NA -19 390.12 z,.empn3�a,ue,u8 asel j .qDm - f 2•p Typical Notation 3.t ooi:I—I... Figures obovalineshow JUNO $T. � - � S8061 -XIX _ Cut orFillalproperty line . - CLEVELANDAVE- CRETINAVE. Figures be low line show disfance to whick slopes ex fend beyond properly dine. Loc. Boo k. 2040 Y FORESTVIEW ' N.'/z-N.W.'/4- N.E.'/4 S:E.%4. SFC. N. 'A N.E.��--N.E.'/4-S.E.%4- S�C.S N I — _ � — �— �— �n e ala• .a: om o.o civ, .r'.s ..:I... o!o oo. �.�10 .I - oe o o oc. oo e,o -r oIo oo ee mN oo eio 0o ee De o e o— 00 ov e � � — e.e I. 23T.rR.I .ss.. 4 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS Z �, W V------ -- ---✓ M ULLI KEN AD D. S.'/z - N.E.'/4-N.E.1/4-S.E.%4-SEC.8 v -� Wyk` OITY-OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL INARY ORDER (A) In the matter oin tine Lana necessar elopes, cute and fills in the grading of Juno St. from cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave.. under Preliminary Order approved Dec, 3, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 vulliken Addition 525 6 do 195 7 do 195 9 do 195 9 do 195 10 do 195 ; 11- do 195 12 CLO 195 13 do 195 14 do 195 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI�j% TONER OF F1 MAL"CE ((p, ON PREL RY ORDER t I{I{ D DESCRIPTION LOT le�oc ADDITION VALUATION I�151 Mulli�sen Adiiticsn ` 265° Forestview 2 f- 5 do , 250 — -+ -- - (Exo. Randolph & Juno Sts.) the East 1601 of the W. 210 ' of the_. N 1 Q 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SE /4 of seo 8 Town 29 N Ytzamsze 2 , �r (.Vxo. _Randolph and, -Juno Sta_) -the-Z -160:0 .of the w. -2-7 t3se - 15b0 i____ E 1/4 of Seo. $, Town 26 W _ , hang" 23 f 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the _ (Ex¢. Randolph & Juno Qts .) the 4. 6q 1 of the W. 330 o Y the N_ 1560 1/4 of the rE 1/4 of the 43X l/4 of 3r 0. S,- Town 26 H _ s Range 23 W t of p 4 of the SE 4 of 8 10.' 8 Town 2S N - ' i�xsge 23.. W .! 4 tIi E. 6p (Except Randol h &Juno_ Sts of the 1N. 90 of the N 0 l ,i 7./4 of the HE 1 _ �/_ � (Eza .Randolph &Juno st s .) tl�e �t 12(' of the E . 270 ' o: the �i „ 1 f 2 103QG +' n ---E --- of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 a the 8E 1/4 of sea. _&s %tea 2�___N IF— -...__ .-_ ----- l; Range 23 W.} - - - (Exe, Randqlph & Juno Sts and. Finn $ve.) the E. 150 s oY the W j7go Ir , 1/2 of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1'/4 of the sE 1/4 of, Sea _�S, Range W. i g } ��;_(Ex4.- Randfllph &. Juno _sts Finn' Avej.) -the .W_ 150.�-._o�- due- E 4, of the _ 2d .. 1/4, of, -the NE_ 1/4 of the 9E-1/4 of -Sec-.S.-. W coswzl - 28,- N..' - Range 23 W.) I - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COMIAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR NARY ORDER U -. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . VALUATION (Exc. Randolph & Juno Ste. & exc. the E. 801 of the S. 160.661) 5325 the E. 1201 of the W. 2160 of the E. 1/2 of the N. 1/4 of the NE ,i/4.of the BE 1/4 of Sec. S, Town 28, N., Range 23 West The W. 400 of the E. 471.�j0 1 of the N. 120.681 cf the 8.150.681 1050 of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1/+� of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Town 28, Range 23 (Exc. Juno St.) the E. 401 of 'thea. 160.681 of the W.270' of the 250 1:. 1/2 of the N. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Town 28 Range 23 ) (Exc. 'Randolph & Juno Ste.) the W. 120' of the E. 391.501 of the 3000 1. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the BE 1/4. of Sec. 8, Town 28, Ranke 23 (Exc. Randolph & Juno Sts. & Cletieland Ave. & exc. the N. 451 of 9250 the S. 751 of the E. 170 0) the E. 271.501 of the N. 1/4 of the HE 1/4 of the -BE 1/4 of Sec. 8, Town 28, Range 23 ) (Exo. Cleveland Ave.) the N.,451 of the 3. 75' of the E. 170' 2675 . 8f 'i,he N. 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Seo. S. Town 26, RIMY -e 23 ) (Exc. Cleveland Ave. & Juno Sts.) the N. 841 of the E. 1551 of 2770 the S. 1/4 of the N. 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of sec. 8, 'Town 28, Range 23 ) (Exc. Cleveland & Finn Avea. & Niles & Juno Ste.) & (Exc. the 86s5 North 841 of the E. 1559 the BE 1/4 of the N. 1/2 of the NE 1/4 ,+ of the SE 1/4 of Section S. Town 280 Range 23 ) 3 60120 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and — hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 iV L1lC VVLL�LLllOO1VLLC1" Vl r1llLLLVC Vl 4LLG V14)' Vl p4. Sulµ: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 63392._.:.----- approved.Y.__DeOembeT 3 _.1925.192.___., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ____.......... outs and £ills. in the grading of Juno Street from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby •reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... __; `_...__...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__.... a _—___.., and the total cost thereof is $........... __g$a_.....,..—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... .................... _.._............ _................... _.__..____._.�_-� 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ' 4. .......... —.......... ............................. ............ ......_.......-.........._............... _............................ ._....... __—_._.._._-- -- -- 5. Said improvement is ..:....__ ..::__.__..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 65672 ' ^ COUNCIL FILE mu-......... ',--'. By ^ ` ` ��. -----_------_'�----_- U���X�D� ��U���U��� � ! FINAL ^°~~~~~~~~ ` ' ~ ' ' In the Matter o-a^°°^°g'^A,~qA4.'Bever�x'����-- _ ------------_-_- -----�No.---'_~---_` am one t?d Be 64 or er .........................----�---'-- -_------'_' � ------ImPr- le ----------'!----''--- -' � ---------~--����^! _- ' - -- ----'- ---------T------- ------------------'---- ' ` � �� | ----�- -'--------�_---'_-----_---------__------- "na��",�"=ro�=-_-'�43c -'--'"vn�v�.............1 92�_______ . Intermediary Order .. approved......-........-.. ... ` -public --hearing _having been, had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council fhaving heard all persons, objections, and recommendatiomixelative ully considered, � �same;. ' ` - .-.---.^ RESOLVED, By the Council of, the City aSt. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement m/e"'aa"brthe said City /s ...... 9.z� w..R.q.vm0.n.d�Ave .^'�rgm-Doun.i..mt -t.o- -----'-. ' -- [---'--------------------------'r-- ........... ----................................. .............. ----.................................... ^-- ^ | / ------------_'--'----'_--------'-----_---_-_......... ... -- ~ � ........................................... ---''-------......... --'..... ......... ... -----------r-- ` ~~.~^.~~.~..°~~.. said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed anddirected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for^ ^ approval; that upon said city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed _ with the m"u"r a a/=n=.mm t/"accordance aere°ah. ' | APR e s1oa6 _ �Adopted by the . � �P Poe`�o »prro,"------.. .... ...... '---,1m........ � ' -_-- -- � ...N�§.---'-- ` M«x»^ ' mou°e - ' ^"np"mv � ,/Councilman McDonald ' -^- � »�,mml�u�������°m CITY-OFST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RtFORT OF COMMIS9&INER OF FINANCE ON PRELI.Nf NARY ORDER : t In tl5e matter of grading Raymond Aye..from Doane St}. +^ „ under Preliminary Order approved Jan, 26,19P6 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estima d a unt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ g_�,849 02 `�roi$ 3_-•54 Ye estimated cost foot for the above im rovement is - nspeation f�5.47 Frontage i3Oe>9.5 ft - The lots or parcels of land that -may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION 6 Eberhards Re. 10,65o. 14- 4 Merriam Park, Fifth 250 15- 4 Addition to the Oity 250 16 4 of Saint Paul, Minnesota 250 16 3 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey 00., 225 - 17 3 Minnesota ) 950 18 3 do )) �9 3 do ��5 20 3 do 225 21 - - - Farm B. B. 10 3 do TOTAL, 225 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMSS10NER OF F4NANCE ON PRW-LIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION TOTAL 22850. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date A 192 --L— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Z VALUATION 22 3 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey 2251 23 3 Oo., Minnesota 225 24 3 do 225' 25 3 do P�5 26 3 do 225 27 3 . do 3175 28 3 do 4275 29 3 do 325 30 3 do 700 TOTAL 22850. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date A 192 --L— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Z F !4;1 4'- I O � } 419 / oo�p S �- qvs p �Y"EA'T /Yb 'PT// ST. (1 W ! � c�Eh'OirL6 9vb: rlE=7/ a � , a n, v 4 T. w y a ui 4 I O � } 419 / oo�p S �- qvs p �Y"EA'T /Yb 'PT// ST. (1 W ! � c�Eh'OirL6 9vb: rlE=7/ to St..Paul, Minn. HELY" 26 192 5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: _ We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition 3rour Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made -- from _ St ." Antbony aCrc Ave_ to Beverly 9i�e — -__ St. Ave. _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor EivED r a 2 ,;i Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 9 "1/ 26 _March. -6....__1926._.-................. _._192--_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: -- - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order a the 64135 January 26, 19 Council, known as Council File No...._._.--_.-.___....approved_._._............................__....._........ _........... _-2A2.....-., relative to the grading of Raymond Ave. from Doane St. to Beverly Ave. . �.............................._...._.....—__..._........._....................... .—......... _..._..............._.._. and having investigatedthe matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: --1--Said-improvement is ::.:---.._ ..:.necessary -and -(or) desirable. - -_ - ----- ---- -------.. _--- 3.54 per front ft. 3t8494 2 2. The estimated cost therbof is $- ...... _.._.......... _.._-_....... and the total cost thereof is $..._...._..._..... -__©......-, Inspection $75.47 Frontage 1,089.5 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... .._........... ........_._..._.........._.........................-_._......_._.-._-.. 77 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ._...._-. ........ _....... ..... _....................__.........._... _................ --__.._......................... ........... ._._........... 5. Said improvement is.._ ....... _.... ................. -.-asked for upon petition of three or more, owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......... Commissioner of Pnblic Work . CI`T'Y AIIYT jp, p�a_rJUntofP�bli� or JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, On".ENGINSSR M. S. GRYTBAK, 9RIDG6 PMGIN� WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. GP CONSTRU . IwG R -1R 'A. B. SHARP, SUPT. GP 8NlrtAit.N G. H. HERROLD, OPPICS ANG CRY PLAHNIN. ENGINmI - G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. W WORKN K March 5, 1926. Hon. J. H. ;McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for -the grading of Raymond Ave. from Doane St. to Beverly Ave. k under Preliminary Order C.F. #64135, approved January 26, 1926: Estimate of cost $3,849.02 Inspection 75.47 Cost per front foot 3.54 Frontage 1,089.5 ft. Yours very truly, Ch Engineer. Approved for transmission to C ssioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. GMS:AB CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� • �tzXNO.------ v-F�'jh%3 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. , -• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONEWrn R- _3 .April &', - 19216♦ RESO In the matter of condemning and tatting :an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Reymond Avenue from Doane. Street to Beverly Ave., .under Preliminary Order Order C. F.,#64136, approved January 26, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. b. #65172, approved March 30, 1926. The Commissioner of Public _Works_.ha-having-- submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon Raymond Avenue between the pointsaforeaaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Oommissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are 'hereby referred to and made a part hereof. IC.i;F No 668;?8 13Y,'J: ?L ueDonald I[In-she matter; of candemnfn8 -ung ah •easembnt Ln ,gQe tis in the 1 ,:agry.lot; slopes, cute, d . 1 'gradins. o£ ggYmpnd': Avenue-strom . :'Doapa SCtOek to BaverlY Ave i'54136. under - i Renminak¢ Order O.:F No. 51138. I "apbrOYed JahuarY 28. 1924.'4a4ld 1 { h Th. - 6.0 im- d Ia reF"U6ad pian x - - The'Commteeloner of; PhbIlc Wor3cs to the above-lnattec batt _._.. _—_ - ;Resolved._teThaY ,the drY of gt;,-pa41 �— 'Bree anQ, bermtnea, the, amov.nt oL land to' ba tafteh-rot th eaas�ementemior-I Improvementaiu and Yuan RaY_'. 1 d}ogee puta.6nd Okla,; mond• Avehhe botwegn the pointe aforesaid.•-tb the esteni ahovvn,upoa the pfan'atta�had Yo't)te repo7crt of •Lha: 444Coilnmteslbril:r of Publid 'N19�a ;ceh[ch-- y' master• datgd_ AprRv'.28, •ilhn hdd.rOporY: are huRebY refered to. and made a Dart hereoL - Adopted by the C'ounail Apr- 28 1928. i1 . : Approved, Apyr 28._'1926 �. (IafaY 1-1928) _.-COUNCILMEN _. q APR 2 b 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---- - --------- -_.- ---.192.----- �y Clancy Approve' ' c -- --. --- -- ------ ....192.----- $o'� dSson ...... in favor --, McDonald G -'$udheimer ...... ..Against etf�ey MwYOR �14 enzel :il r. VicW I'r«a.,.f�arrtcosaa a CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Raymond Avenue from Doane St. to Beverly Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. 64136 approved Januerb[ 26, 1926 and. Intermediary Order C.F. 65172 approved March 30, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Cormlissioncr of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- mont, showing by the shaded ,)ortion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the casement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Corimissioner of Public VVorks. + I nd'co+es Cuf. Alk- I nlcofes Fill. T#col N'oha+lon .'Z-jo- - .0 Figures above line show Cu+ or I'M of properfqHne - Figures below line show cli4ance 4o which slopes exiend beyond properf 9 line. Loc. book 1061 RAymomo Ave - BEVERLY AVE.- DOANE 3T. SLOPEPLAN Mar.3,192G SC.1..-I**-100' XIX - 19086 J�jj, NERPIAN /P QK 5L" ADD; q EBEPHAQDT3 PE, 4 15 17 P4 16 -7- 4'n "4 30 1 29 ia 27 76 25 2'4 0 2'3' 22 il X20 19 18 1 17 16 L; Lj J�jj, •1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _.. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthematterof oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills in the grading of Raymond Ave. from cT C37 Doane St. to Beverly Ave 1—� under Preliminary 9rder approved- Jan. 26, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ _5. 0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AmnITION VALUATION $ _ gber'hazt8 Vie• _ ip,65o_ 14 4 Merriam Park, Fifth 250 15', 4 Addition to the City 250 16 4 of Saint Paul, Hinrtesot w 250 16 3 Desnoyes Park, Ramsey Co., 225 17 3 "kinnesota. 950 lg 3 do 19 3 do 225 20; 3 do 225 21 3 do TOTAL. 22*5 - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION � 22 3 Desnoyer Park, Ramsey ,225 t:3 3 80., Ninnesota 225 24 3 do 225 25 3 do ��5 26 3 do 225 27 3 do 3175 25 3 do 4275 29 3 do 3�5 30 3 do 700 TOTAL 22850. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said �matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Date' �—192_iP_ ' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office .of, the Commisgioner of Public V -rvED 11 12 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 9 1! 28 Burch 6 1926 192._._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:. Tfie Commissioner of Publie Workshaving had ander consideration the preliminaryorder of the 64136 dannary 26 ,1926 Council, known as Council File No...._.—_...__.__..._.ap�roved_.._ ..............__......_....._.. __192......_..., relative to condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, cuts 'and fil�le, in the grading of Raymond Avenue from Doane Street to Beverly Ave. and having `investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... _......... ..... _....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...__x�__._.__........ and the total cost thereof is $........_gX_.g._.............. _._, andthenature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.......................... _.:. ..... __............... _..... J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.......... ........ -......... _......................... .......__................. .._--............ _....... _................. __._........._........ _—_.._.. -- — 5. Said improvement is_ ........... ........... _._......... ... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................ ......... -._...__..�..___— Commissioner of Public Works. v°a , 65674 COUNCIL FILE NO ............. .............. By....... ................. ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ..... plantiTtg end, pxoteoting„ shade trees on both sides ............... .... of„Be.ke1 eg.. A.v..e....frq...Fr.ederi.oka...Ave.'....to .Prior..loe..................................... . ................................................................ .......... ............................ C F. No. 668gq4— ......................:.... ..... .......... In the 14attef of planting and protect ...... Ing shade trees i on both skies of Berkeley AVe. 4rom Fredericka Ape ................ ............ :. to Prior A40 under Prelimine, ..... ....... ........ er 64711 a$orove, 'larch 3 Dubuc . ......... 1tie_' under Preliminary Order.... ...... 6.47Z4 ...................... ppioved.....WPUJ,:,.1924 Intermediary Order ...... ....__._.._ ........ .......approved... ........; ............................... A public hearing having been had upon the above imrovement upon due notice,) and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendationsrelative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of 'the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...P1aA.t..#Ad..pro.t.e.c.t o.bade...t.reea...on.............. both sides of. Berkeley Ave. from Frederioka Ave” to Prior Ave. ........: ........ ........ ......... ............ ...........I ......... . ........... ..... _ ........ ....................... ............ ........ .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of�Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said impr vement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance ther with. Adopted by the Council .PR S 192 R.. , 5 .. ...... .................... " Cit Clerk. Approved__ ... .. ...... ......... _..!,....., 192........ VCouncilman Clancy / `' %etrng Mayor. councilman McDonald Councilman lk Hodgson _ouncilman Sudheimer councilman Wenzel Form B. S A. 8-7. i .. CITY OF ST.. PAUL- DEPARTMENT AULDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 01E C4?MMINARYNORD RF FINANCE 0EIR In the mrstter of d protect r-hade tress 07n under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is //front x_0 17 The estimated cost pof foot for the above improvement is - - - - d benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assesse parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ADDITION LOT DESCRIPTION BLocK VALUA710N 21 1. Auditors Subdivision Ido. 3025 - -- 22. 1. 59 St. Paul, Minn. 2300 �3 l do boo 24 1 do 600 25. l do 4900 26 1 do 5200 �7 1 do 3500 25 1 do 600 l do ti 5050 29 30 1 do 600 TOTAL, Form B_ B. 10 .! 1 CITY OF SP.rAUL IL ,$..R" DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PR IMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ( LOT'aLOCK1 ADDITION I' SED VALUASSATION _- _ - _ ---- I 31_, 1; i Auditors Subd. No, 58 i 60t� I ; 321 1 L St. Paul, Minn.__ 4500 - - - - - 33- _ i do _ 60.� 34 ; 1 i _do 6 L — _ 35; li do -5500 i ! 36 4.0 �j 3 7l� - r � _do ! 38-, l ; do . h5p�jp 1 1 39 ; l do_ 4050 I _.do- .. 075 _ 1 _; 2 do 774 I 2 2 _ do , _60 ;I- 3 I do I iC - I 4- ; 2 l _. do _ ! 800 4800!- I I -5 I � u 6 _ _.2; - do i.60.0 ' I 37,D z --� . 8 2' _ i 21 do._. 38�0 , 10 -- - - -- - 12 2 _.do - - - A-6' !-- 13 ' 2 _ do 51 : -- I 14 I - I ! _ -41 1 2 1b I 17 do j 1150 ! I ...TOTAL cITY OF sT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRICIMINARY ORDER I� DESCRIPTION LOT iBLo" ADDITION ASSES VALUATION +II _19_i 2 i-_ _Audi -tors- Subdivision Not— I I. I + + ' 19 i 2 St --Paul--Minn - -. _.. S'00 r �.r + I 775... f , - ;I il 8-i -1 --Harkeley_Place_ 775 I - 9-, ! 10 do- _ 1 600- 1 - I _. . do- bOq } -- - - - 12.. 1- - - do - _ 3600 - - 13_ > _. ---do 14 55 15-; _ _- _ _do__ soo --- 16 11-- do 600 I do , 12010 , i I _ - 3. _ , 2 ; do. _ _ 60o -- 4 2 do - (SOO 5_ 2_i - do 600 6 2 _ _ _ . do E I i E-10 '_ of Lot 8 & al _of i _7_{ 2 do._ - _ s` 600 Wast_30_.faet_ of 2.1_.._. do-.__._ 60Q it E. 14 __ft.. ). ; 9__ 2 _ do..- I 7,7- ,'--- + __ _ _- 1-� l ___ _._ _ _ Macalester_ tlillas_.Second:; - I X550 ! � •:---- 'i 2 _ . 1 _ Addit ion _ • 600, it 3 1 do _ _ 6000 I do_. , I 5 1 do I .TOTAL (C) ' DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE +! FINANCE REPORT OOF N COMMISSIONOER RD RF -... "ASSESSED LOT BLOCif ''ADDITION VALUATION 6 1 Mac ale ster Villas Second 1000 7 1 Addition 1000 8 1 do 1000 9 1 do 5800 10 1 do 1000 11 1 so 5400 12 . 1 do 6350 13 1 do 4500 14 1 do 7100 11 Weinhagen Place 1350 12 do 1150 13 do 1900 _-4 Weinhager Rearrangement 1100 5 do 1100 1 do 12350 4 Weinhager. Place 5400 5 do- 5400 6 do 1050 1229,65o. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter /by the Commissioner of Public Works. MnU/C�i Dated � 3`2 192 — Commissioner of Finance. Form D. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.—AIM-11L 6-, Ug2 IM- -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _ —Plant androtect shade trees on both sides of -- ...... - ............ -----.—..._._..— ---- — I from_ _.._. eve. to—�Pl it2r Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION - I✓ ,7 2 Z " G A? 1(u tl H A� ' Fps Y� /.. oe� lel ;tb �°^ (• � C!-,�J .1�.t •'t. -C. .rpt. i 0 t, s �° AA—ki t '��EiECEt VED► _ Office of the Commissioner of Public ;3 Report to Commissioner of Finance March 17,...._1926 .....___1s2..._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64714 March S, 1926 _192.._.._., relative to ' Council, known as Council File No..._.__—.._ .......... approved ._-__-- .. ... ... the planing and protecting shade tteee on both aides of _Berkeley.. Avenue from._F.T_a_sie4lsa.._Ay�ntxe_t��Pxinr.� enue.... _... ..... _-------.----- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby,reports: 1. Said improvement ia...:.:_ .____.....necessary and (or) desirable. 17� per fro ft 608,00 2.. The estimated cost thereof is $.... ' ........—._.__._, an� the total cost thereof is $. _ ......—, Frontage 3;574 fte and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._. .................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............_........ _......:_......._. ----------._....:_._.............._..............._...__....... 4. _..... _......_........_..........._............. — - 5. Said improvement is ...................... ... ._......... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, _subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pnbh'c Works k V . fes- ;CiTv vA�NT'�7AVL Ip,,e ,,arFnze�7G VJU[bis,Pr4�s�s JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARO. 0""'E` M[P `W EM. S. GRYTBAK. BRIO[ ENIINme _ WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF Can.TRucTICN ANO BSAIR - A. S. SHARP. BIR— OF BMMRATI.N G. H. HERROLO, OPPICU AND 0- PLANNINB ENOu+OOe G. P. SOWLIN. SUR. w WRRRNaU.[ March 12, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald. Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir' I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of. shade trees on both sides of Berkeley Avenue from Fredericka Avenue to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64714, --- ---- - approved March 3, 1926: Estimated Coat 4608.00 Cost per front ft. .17 Frontage 3574 ft. Yours truly, CWief Bn g nee'r:�T Approved for transmission t the Commissioner of Finance. -- oZommm ss oner of ubhio Mork %ttv of ft f aul atpartutt' llAr Vatko. 11Iaggxouado OF- HASON. - ana public gutldlugs - Burr.WF" - HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER NEST W. JOHNSON.- - S—. yP pylYyt101,p. IRVINO C- PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMIE:IMER PRANK•X. TEWES.. OFFIGB OF COMMIE610N0t Cm Al 2ti1 COURT HOUSE February 26, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Attn: Mr. D. C. Gayton, Engineer. Dear Sir: We are herewith sending you petition for tree planting on Berkeley Avenue from Fredricka to Prior Av., at the request of the owners. When the Grovel and-Maplewood job was killed by the City Council this order was to be put through immediately. This petition has the approval of this department. The department estimates the cost of this job at 17d per front foot. If this can be sent to the Finance Department immediately we may be able to possibly plant it for them this spring. This petition is dated April 6- 1925, and certainly the job should be planted this spring. Youl ve y truly, -- Superintendent of Parks. atectaI100 Maps I* Make Vater Rplasu 65675 COUNCIL FILE NO .............. By..... .............. ........................ ................... FINAL OkDER In the Matter of...Qotcting Dement the sidewalk on .............................. ............. ...... ............................... So. Robert St. at thefollowingllooations: ............. I ................. .... ........... ..................... I ........ 7 .................................. '' .................................. ...... East side from i ............................... ........ Fill more o Indiana Ave. Ave........ ................ ................... ............... East side from Chica ................................................... . ............. ....... ............. go & .... Gr.ea.t...W.e.qt.e.r.n A44gp ......... ..to'Wo..d...St. ..........................'............... ............ West side from 6tto, Wood St except where, ............. good-and-suff i-clent ..Bidewalko ... now exist ............. under Preliminary Order ................ A?M .................... approved 4 .3, 19?6 ................ ............ Intermediary Order .......... ........ c. P. No. 65675— In.thel3fatter or constructing cemerit, • . .. .... . ... ... ....... ......... . A public hearing having b tile sidewalk on So. Robert St. at , the ent upon due notice to Wlouewtng T012rto'or`8�111inore, Ave. , and the Council having heard all persons, objecti 1ndElR.-i'Ave---- hereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Great St. RESOLVED, By the Council of, the City of St. k4 -u4 that the precise nature, extent and :kind of improvement to be made by the said] City is_..Pqp�qt.tuot cement the sidewalk on .............................. ........... ................. ............. .................So..Robert_.St at.,46 following .............. ...... .................................................... . .. ................. East!, side from ;illmore Ave. to Indiana Ave. ................................................................ ............................................. : ..... ..... ..... .. ...... East! side from Chicago & Great Western Bridge to ..................................... ...... ...................................... ......... ... .......................... I .......... .. ... ........ Wbdl'8t. .............................................. .......... W6.o6t ........ i side..r6kt ..... where "r e ............ :—good..aAd auffi.cient.1-60 At et...... ............... ... ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That tile Commissioner: of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications.for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city, officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementlin accordance therewith. APR 2 8 Adopted by the Council 1-926 ................................. ............... APR 2 R !�'26'City Clerk. Approved......... .... .. ...... 192 ............. ... .... .. ....... .................. V '6ouncilman Clailly AotiMa..or. ouncilman McDonald ouncilman 2X&X Hodgeon, Councilman Sudh6imer "Youncilman Wenzel 431. �Z- Prrl' Form B. S. A. 8.7".. A CITY+OF ST.`PAUL DEPARTMENT OF`FINANCE REPORT OF CO. IS%ONER OF FINANCE ON PRE 04ARY ORDER (A). _ Ia the matter of constructing cement tile sidewalk on So. Robert St. at the following locations: East side from Fillmore Ave. to Indiana Ave. East side from Ohicago & Great Western Bridge to Wood St. 1� West side from Plato St to Wood St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist under Preliminary Order approved March 3_, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - s re .20 The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is - „ a foot monolithic Tile per sq. Thelots or parcels of land that may 6e assessed _benefits for such improvement, --and the assessed valuation -of -each -lot -or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - —East -side fromFillmoreAve.. to Indiana Ave. (E e; part for Robert 6 S Bazil & Robert's Add. to )) 45,000 St.West St. Paul, 0ounty of 3 do 7 B Dakota, Territory of Minn. ) do g g do 17,500 do 9 S do 20,850 L do 10 S do 17,000'' (Exc.ppart fdo Robert St.) 6 9 do 14,075, & S' lY-1-37' of E.471 o • Lot 7 Exc.the Silly. 1. 7' of E.47' do 2,675 & except Robert 8.) Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RF,PORT OF COMMISS Iq!gER OF FINANCE ON PRELiRY ORDER _fir. ASS IATiOf�l Lor I� _ .DESCRIPTION i— —, ffi etocK I. 1 ADDITION I _. _ -. Bazil &Robert's. bdd t a VAL —�-- I ; 2 Ob Ili f (Faso part for Robert St.) ; 9 -6be -7---- -- -- --- -- S Tao_�art dor Robert St,_. - - --- West St. Paul Count ; _�.l _ _ -- _ — South 35 ft of ,_. 9 9L of--Dakota,.-Territory---_ 2304 . , Minnesota - 1iExc. parts for Robert St ( 10 9' dO , I 6850 - - (--Exc. S:35') Lot -- .--—__-_-- _.1. _._ extern Bridee to wood St. aet side from Ohicao &'Great W I Town of West Saint Paul � 75400 & W. 1]2 of Clinton Ave. & _that _ploc_9f block k) f West side from Plato 3t to wood"St. _._____ _.-._.__— .. _ l _ 1 (Exc. West 15 ft.) _ _- 1 23 Bazil & Robert's Add. to Count 14825 ; J e..__. , (Eac . A . 1 &Exc S lg 20 of theBast 79 ft.) Lot 2 west St. Paul . y of Dakota, Terfitory of -.�. _. _ Minnesota Bouthft20 ft. of East 11 79 2 23 a° 625 _Northeest__.13i .ft 1 I 3 ___23 _-do ' 650 _Southeast_3 _ - ft ._ of I b 2L3 . 3 , _2 '� 26' -- 3 do 600! S 23 do j}_ - - & a triangular pc. of land 11 adj. said lot on S'ly.side _ I r I'�----- ' I 1 Auditor's Subd. No.. 39, 115b � 0 i St. Paul, Minn. f 1! 2 do 9 do ;'--- --- -- - - - -- - _ - - _ do ' 1700 -71— S ! do 160o 1 6 do 7 do 48 CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIST-LONER OF FINANCE ON PREMb,4FN' RY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTIONS IAT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 8 Auditors Subd. No. 39, 1200 9 St. Paul, Minn. 1000 10 do 500 lil(formerly Lot 9, B100k 8, Eaton & Morrison's Add. ) 11 do 5450 (Exo. South 100 ft.) 2 South 100 feet of 2 Town of West Saint Paul) Incld.with )) previous do amount , Total 267,200. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matterby the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated n4l� C4 —3,0 192 6' — Commissioner of Finance. Fo B. B. 12 - =4 ALI 7-11-1- 14- L 7-1 77, ol N p 0 WMml Imma'amin ---------- T -T� -F 7 -1 r iW: IA: 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance v March_:11,...1926.._............�►,ki9S To the Commissioner of Finance of the City.of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._64713........ approved__Ma?'ah_3F............ ................... _192_:6 relative to Construct cement tile sidewalk on So. Robert Stat the following locations: Ra.st�.idQ.. fz'o.IIl._F'i7.1lzl4rQ..._A7Le. t_Q. _IA��a�a.._A.v._e_.__-._..._._.._........_._._.....___.._ _........... -- East side from Chicago & Great Western Bridge to Wood St. West side from Plato St. to Wood St., except where good and sufficient _.._ _ .....-__ - -- -'-- si3ewa-lke and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:::::_._ .. __-necessary- and (or). desirable. _ monolithic per sq.ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..25/.......—._....-, and the total cost thereof is$.........._....._._.—__......�, .20 sq.ft.-tile and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. ............._.__........___........_..__.___.._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. ...................... -- ........ _....... ___....._.__.._.......................... _....—.._._.._.�___... 5. Said improvement is......... ..._............................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... Commissioner of Public Works. - ----------- -- - ---- - 656'6 -COUNCIL FILE NO...... .............. By............. ... ..... . ............ FINAL 'ORDER • In the Matter of....00netru tiny ,a sewer, on the eastsideofHemline ,.,:....,„_, Ave!.JZoin ginnehah.4—St.. 10...& -poi ll fest_. of Minnghs.,hl. aQy c, F. xa. sss7s— - ...gµe.;y,y,.„ ............ ,In the Matter of constructing a sewer ........ ................. " '- on the east side of Hemline Avenue ) ifrom Minnehaba St. to a, point 86 ft. south of the south line ofMlnnehaha '- St.- under Prelimtnnry .Order T ij047121 """'" " """"' � Lav g bean F^AI ........ .... ... . . under Preliminary Order. 04'712.... .... approved Intermediary Order..... .... .. .i... .;..approved... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto', and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the: said City is.gnstruot a sewer on the east Side of Hamline.,.Ave,..from..Mi.nnehaha... 8.t.to..a..point..S6...Yee.1; south of -the .............. south line ofMinnehaha St. ................ ......................:......................................... ........... ..... ................. ......... I.... .. .......... .......... I .... ... ....... . - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same' to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. APR 2s1926 Adopted by the Council......................................................... ............................................... 0,FR " b'JF City Clerk. Approved.. .... 192........ .. .............. /Councilman Clancy oting Mayor. (Councilman McDonald ,,Councilman Biel= EC' geon /Councilman Sudheimer councilman Wenzel Mr. Vine P,*, F'ergnnuu orm B. S. A. 8-i. I -CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT i OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR ORDER 1 (D) under Preliminary Order approved '. March 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows': The total estimated amount of the 'assessment for the above improvement is S 425.00 front I The estimated cost pe/foot for the! above improvementiis 5-13 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Lock i ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION it _ - - rT- I L N 1 1 The o._1/3 of Lots 4 and 5 2 Syndicate No, 5 Addition ' 975 The So.- i of theNorth2!3 of Loth 14 and 15 2 do 2I7 The So. 113 of Lots .14 and. 15 2 :: do 25� ) - i_. _ 1 3 do 0� qo Iii r I TOTAL. $2 I I 25D.1 rr The Commissioner of Finance further re orfs tha�s investi6ated'•allof #hesforesiiiH matters'and fierehy SY. submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together kith the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 7 ,- "is3'o'! Dated 1912 Commissioner. of Finance. ,Office of the Commissioner of Public Vi �D Report to Commissioner of Finance$-� MAR 15 U26 Mare..h 12.x...._1926 ................... To the Commissioner of.Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Nk4712 .:...approved__ma 3. 1926 _,_192_ .... __., relative to the oonstruetion of a sewer on the east side of Hemline Ave. from Minnehahs_ St to_._a point_86 feet__south of the'_south_.line__.of _ Yinnehahe.-., t...._............_..._._...::. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._...._.._.____.necessary and (or) desirable. 5.13 per front ft. 425.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__..._.... .... _�_.__ ., and the total cost thereof is $._:. ;:._.__.._....... _, Inapeation 48.00 Frontage 82.8 ft. and the nature an extent of said improvement is as follows:.._ ....................... .__... ... _._............... :..___. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _............... _..... _.._..............:. ............. __....... _......... ...__... ....... ...._......... ............... __........... _.._._....... 5. Said improvement is_._: ...... _...... .._:._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of=property, subject to; assessment for said improvement. _... ....... ..._.._._._---__ — Commissioner of W Pablic o_rks. - d. T 19, MY, Is"91 i D earhinenh`v�f��%ublic�rrvarl�is JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNIELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHI- SNatNHER _ _ M. S. GRYTSAK, BIt O kSgW.Ew WM.. N. CAREY, SST. O/ CaHciRUciION AND RVAIw - A. B. SHARP, SSR. OP SMl .— G. X: HERROLD, OM= Arm Cm P—dalwmt - G. P. BOWLIN, S—. -or W—SK March 11, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, --Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on the east side of Hamlin Ave. from Minnehaha St. to a point 86 feet south of the south line of'Minnehaha St., under Prelim inary Order C.F. 64712, approved March 3, 1926: Estimate of cost . . . . . $425.00 Inspection . . . . . . . . . .8.00 Cost per front foot 5.13 Frontage. . . . . . . . 82.8 ft. Yours very truly, Ch f-Engineer. Approved for transmission to ommissioner of Finance: / Commissioner of Public Works. GMS:AB '5677 f COUNCIL FILE NO,..... .......... ............. ............. : .............. .............................. .......... FINAL ;ORDER In the Matter of.. constructing, a..s ewer on Westminster Street from .............. ............................ .................... ......................... Maryland Street to a, point 5 feet' north of Rose .............. .................................St.reet ..... .......... ....................... .... ...... .................... ............................ 66677— .............................. I ............ ...................................... n 0 t e�.0streinsterAtatter of constrocu, a sewer ....................... .............. pt, from to. 4 feet north of Rose .......................... ... ......... ....................... .................. .................. ................. .......................................................................................... ....... .......... ........................................ under Preliminary Order.. . .6-4-542 .................. approved ............. Feb.,3v-19-26 ......................... Intermediary Order ....................... ...................approved... ....... .. ........................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due potice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection's and recommendations relative thereto, and having I ing fully considered the same; therefore, be it i RESOLVED; By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by thesaid City is qqAotruct a sewer on Westminster Street I..................... I ................................................ ............... �:�qm..Ma:qland Street to a Point 5[feet north of Rose Street, I .............................. ................................ ............ ........... . . .. ............ .................. ................................... I ............................ -.1. ........................ ...... ...................... 1 ...................... ...................... ................... ....................................... ................... .. ............... ................................. ...... ... ........ .......................... ... ................... ........ ...... .... —, ........... ........... - ............... ................. .............................. ................... . ............................ ....... ......................................... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said i improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval,, the proper city o�cials I are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance itherewith. Adopted by the Council APR.2-6-4926 ............. 1 9 ...................... Approved.... i,PR"it, Clerk. ............. 192 ...... ... ...... .... .......... .... . ....................................... Councilman Clancy fi t- 01 Mayor. T Te4V*rW*, Ame uson 17C.unciiZa'n ;ZD.n.ld /Councilman Pim Hodgson . ,4 uncilman Sudheimer 5Youncilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI"NC;E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) — In the mattek of constructing a sewer on Westlbinster Street from Maryland Street to a point 5 feet,i north of Rose Street, i under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 23, 1926 To the Council of the City of 5t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 799.00 front 3?3 The estimated cost perioot for the above impr%ment is $ Inspeotion 75.00 Frontage 240 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be,i assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation,of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �+ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ' Westminster Addition I. (Eao. the S. 2 ft . 1 1 W- - The South 25 ft- of 1 i 1 do 1225 Lots.the 26 -27 -28 -29 - SO ft 0 I 3 1 do � I igrpi The South 80 ft. of Lots 29 i & 30 1 do j 161 Zidsmo Addition 1390 - 171 do '15,0+ I i I s TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing ashisreport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated i7 19" Commissioner of Finance. 0- Paul, Minn. _192_ Yo The Honorable, The Council, ' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause .the following improvement to be made: PUBLIC SEWER on Westminster Street 1, ---- — — — .._.....—_....— - _—_ _ — ✓) St. Ave. from----- St.Ave. to _.....—-------------------- ---- St. Ave. 7 s NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION South Lh - 80-teet - 28,.27 29 & 30 B100 No.f 5(OO e _ a Office of the Commis s ner of Public .' Report to Commissioner of Financed m MAR 3" 19 2& March .................... _.._192__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 64 4`1,._. -_-_.approved, F6bx!A@%ry 23,.._____... _..A926..—, relative to - f Construction of a"sewer on Westminster Street from Maryland Street to a point 5 feet north of Rose Street ....._..._............. ... _........... _... _.....-... __........... _._...... -- -----.... --- - i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._ ---------- __....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__............ ..... _...... .._, and the total cost thereof is $... ..... ... ......... _...__....—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... .................. .__._ ....... __.... ................ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ' r i 4. _._--_._ ........... _.......... _... ................... _............._.........._........._..---.._..........__............_........................__...._.._....— 5. Said improvement is ... ... ..................... ......._._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. -01 `'Sq' i31lYT AVL ne arh enh d �jauliv W3vpks JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ,GEORGE M. SHEPARD. — @1a1Nev1 --- WM. N. CARE . SUPT. or Cou.ino M ANO REPAIR �. H.-HERROID, OPPIeE AMO CRr P�AIWING ENOIN[ February 26, 1926. Ron. John R. McDonald. Commissioner of Public Works. M. S. GRYTSAK. Sn—z ERSI— A. S. SHARP, SUP . or 5— G. P. SOWLIN. EI1Pi. OP w— Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Westminster Street from Maryland Street to a point 5 foot north of Rose Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 464542. approved February 23, 1926: Estimated Cost $789.00 Cost per front foot 3.23 Inspection 75:00 Frontage 240 ft. Yours truly. e nse Ig r Approved for transmission theCommissioner of Finance omm as oner of Public or s. 65678 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By.................... _........................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of, oonstructing sewerson Mc%enty Street from Barrett ........................................................................... Avenue to Victoria Street and on Victoria Street from Mclenty Street .......... ..................................... :........ ........................._............................................................. ................... to Orchard Street, ... ... ...... ......... ... ...... I • t e atter o . .. .......... ...... In the Matter of constructing se eras an. Mct. from Barrett Ave .... ..... to. Victoriatoria 6t -and on Victoria 9C from McKenty. et, to Orchard St., un- -or n er- Pretiminary. Order 57,650 approv- n. Tana 37, 1935. - .... ...... ................ k'_.... ..... ...e,. e,Nto- hearing_ havinE'3.` + h� ................ ...... -cr,dmr-. - '.......................................................... ..........i............................................... .... ................................ ............ I................... under Preliminary Order.... .......57650 ................. approved ,......!T811.e... 2 ,. 9.?5......................... t Intermediary Order.. .. ....... ...... ........approved........................, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. 'Paul that the precise nature, extent and kittd of improvement to be made by the said ;City is. COnOTUCt sewers on Molenty Street from Barrett Avenue to Victoria Street and on Victoria Street from ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Moi{enty 9treet..to',jO..Yeet north of Orchard Street, ...................................................................... _ .................._........................... .............................................. ....................... ............................... _.................. .......... _.......................................................... .......... I.......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of, Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, thej proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement lin accordance therewith. APR ;, 1926 Adopted by the Council................:...................................... . . ................... ............ .................. .Arty ,_ 8 in- Ci y Clerk. APProved................................................... 192........ /, ......... .... .........,.. --/Councilman Clancy 0 Acting Mayor. i ma erg son G, V Councilman McDonald SIM !(Councilman $aATr Hodgson �✓ Zeel AWenzel eimer f 4/V ouncilman Wenzel Mr. Vi Pnw, N'erirusou Form B. . A. 8-7. B CITY OF ST. PAUL + 1� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT•OF COMMISSIONER OF F114ANCE ON PRELIV-1NARY ORDER In the matter of Construct set ors on McKAnty V a St M R ;t under Preliminary Order approve d jAn To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost pe; foot for the above improvement is g� 73 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 7 Royal Oaks 30,00 20 7 do 300 19. 7 do 325. 18 7 do 350 17 7 do 350 16 7 do 375 15 7 do 375 14 7 do 3075 13 7 do 40o 127 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . ....-_._ . .. .' ASSESSED LOT'SLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION - 11 7. Royal Oaks 500 (Ex. part taken for right- 17 of -way of Northern pacific Railway) the North 147.59 ft. of 31 Ls3,ke Como Villas 1000 The So. 295.16 ft. of 31 do 3000 A strip of land 150 ft. in width b being 75 ft on either side of .center line as located over and across Lots 9 and 17 do 4500 (Except part deeded to CitO that part olf 17 do 2750 lying So. of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way. $23,750 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date' Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. _O_t�_A_'2--192 — G To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn.. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: y _ J ......... x{12-...-. St. Ave. from___— _ .---•----- St. Ave. to-------- o -- Ave. Ave. - NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 09 �! q I y \\ �e 1 St. Paul, Minn.,_rebruary .21_x_,,,....192... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen's �e, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..... ti e we r=_...,t��........................................................................... . ..-r�.........................................._.........._.........:..............._.....................-.... /� from....LY..� --------------St. Ave. 49 IOU 22 `CITY OF`A 1111T I�Fi V L . 1eparhraenFt G(J�u!blic o 6V JOHN H. MCDONALD, COM MISS1ONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - GEORGE M. SHEPARO, C W ERa18O81 - M. S. GRYTBAK, ERIOae Joao— A. CA—. SVrT. o. CONlfTRUCT1oN ANO R�AIR A. S. SHARP. SGPT. Or SAHITAT G. H. HERROLO, OMCE A— Cm PLANNING Eewl G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. Or W--.. March 15, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a. sewer on MaKenty Street from Barrett Avenue to Victoria Street and on Victoria Street from MaKenty Street to Orchard Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57650, approved January 27, 19251 Estimated Cost $1j955.00 Cost per front ft. 1.73 Inspection 3800 Frontage 1,130 ft. Final Order should read MoKenty Street from Barrebt Avenue to Victoria Street and on Victoria Street from Mc&enty Street to 30 feet north of Orchard Street. Yours truly, Chier INngineee. pproved for transmission t the Coiasio er of Finanae.� Commissioner of Publi-oe-Workse�/JJ In the Matter of.... �,ClgiY1�.';t C, �r&d6 0 . &� a it1 ��00k 0�1 Add, from,Fairmount Ave,ito..Goodrich Ave, and from Finn„Ave, to North and South Alleyto oonform. to the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and.made a partjhereof, the present establi11.shed grade being shown.. by, a„blue,, line.. thereon,... also ..grading said alleys between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, ...................................I............... ......... ........ ....... . 1 � under Preliminary Order.. .. approved.:..... Feb.it 2,...19.26............. .......... Intermediary Order. .... ;c. P. No. sssv roved... ............. ........................................ In the matter, of changiiw the grad A public hearing hat Ic mieh�irmoBuiOti Aav a, ttoetc0 aidn�provement upon due notice, and the Council I havingheard all persons, a Ave and t pm FinneAve. to North jlative thereto, and having fully considered the P and soutk .Amey to;eoni,rm to the, , same- therefore, be it res grkdeli ne on ttin'prosiehereto r !- attached and�Jnad a; nr ther. hereto lb"- RESOLVED, By thj enomuthyeatlnittl l ity sae pMsal that the precise nature, extent and kind ofimprovement to be made by the said Fpity, is. ch. ange the grade ofalleys in Block 4, ............... ..................... ........ i Grovelaad .Add;..: Y,gom F.armeuat , Ave,,... to ;Qoadrioh. Ave..... and., from.. Pian, Ave. to North and South Alley to conform to the red grade line on the ..... ......... .....::..................a ........ ......................... . profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established .......... { ..:....... .......................................... . grade being shown bq a blue line thereon, also grading sald alleys ..... . ..... . between .the aforesaid.. limits to the said red line when established, and the Cotincil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That tits Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said.approval; theFproper ery officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said impro vement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR.2 [8 192.0 j _. ........ ..... ...Ci y Clerk. PP ..... ........ 192........ �� Approved �... .. li� �. ........ 11CilAQ Mayor. t,/'Councilman Clancy vtmee}ntau-Fergusmr - ' �. Councilman McDonald xCouncilman klm Hodgson ✓ (�. 'Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel // i/' Zlr. rrr.• Form B. S. A. S-i. CITY OF " PAUL DEPARTME ' " FINANCE REPORT OF COMM ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM NARY ORDER In the maker of changing the grade of a13'eve in Block 4. Grovel and Add from Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Ave. and from Finn Ave. to North 4 and South Alley to conform to the red grade line VILt1e - profile hereto attached andmade a part hereof, the present grading said alleys between-tbe aforesaid limits to the Paid red line when established, under Preliminary Order approved- Feb. 2. 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 626.69 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $---- _-50.- Inspection 12.29 Frontage 1268.19 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - - - DESCRIPTION LOT', ewcK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except 8.831) Lots 1 and 2' 4 aroveland Add -to 950 3 4 St.Paul, Ramsey Oo.,Minn. 3550 4 4 do 5450 5: 4 do 3800 6 4 do 5975 7, 4 do 42oo 8 4 do 5400 9 4 do 9400 10 4 do 5200 it 4 do 6800 k- Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. ...,t - CIT• , CWF ST. PAUL DEPA NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C ISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _. .;- DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 4 Groveland Addition to 6800 13 4 St.Paul, Ramsey Oo.,Minn. 5500 14 4 do 4500 15 4 do 3700 16 4 do 4800 17 4 do 6400 is 4 do 3400 19 4 do 4900 20 4 do 1900 21 4 do 1000 22 4 do 4000 23 4 do 3950 24 4 do ) 5100( West of 25 4 do )) East 1/2 of Lot 26 & all of 26 4 do 6700 27 4 do 4400 28 4 do 4400 TOTAL - '122,175. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 I Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor s Report to Commissioner of Finance 1MAR March *_.1926. _. __ _.......1s2.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner. of Public Works, having had under consideration, the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No approved approved— ........ February2r .1926192....:_.., relative to `changing the grade of alleys-in<block 4,.Groveland Add: from ........ -- ....... .-- — Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Ave and from ;Finn AV to North and South Alley, also grading acid Alleys between the aforesaid_limits. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ... -.__.._...... ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 50V per front f 626.69 :2. The. estimated cost thereof is $... _...... _........ ..�_._...... and the Total cost thereof is $_...._ ._..... _._ ......... Inspection $12.29 Frontage 1,268.19' -Pty and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..._.. --- ..................._. ......,..._......_......_......-.._......_ ... 5. Said improvement is............ ..._........... . ................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. r i ep,arhI ad?or?"PUb cW,-wr* JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Qol ENo1NEOl ..S. GRYTSAK. BNDOE --W. WM. N. CAREY, Son. or 0—1— AHO REPAIR A. S. SHARP. S—.. WBAHRAYWY G. H. HERRDLD. G CE ANO CT' PLAMlINO ENOMamf . G. P. BOWLIN, SUPE. OP W IUQ U.E March 1, 1926. Hon, J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of alleys in block 4, Groveland Add. from Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Ave. and from Finn Ave. to north and south alley also grading said alleys between the aforesaid limits, under Preliminary Order C.F. #64251, approved February 2, 1926: Estimated cost $626.69 Inspection 12.29 --- _ Cost per front foot_ _ ,50 — Frontage 1268.19 ft. Yours very truly,jol P hie ngineer. Approved for transmission to CAmmissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. GMB AB -a C UNCR655-80 " CITY OF ST. PAUL _r�LE NO.------- 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "April 28, 1926 PRESENTEa BY COMDATE._-.._ ..____._.....__...._'.___ MISSIONER.. RESOD In the matter of condemning and taking an in thent in gradingeofend alleyseinaBlockr4, Groveouts anfills, s landAddition, from Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Avenue and from Finn,- Ave. to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. J64250 approved February 2. 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F.65158, approved The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it - RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alleys in Block 4. Groveland Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent., shown upon the planattached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN ..::, :..— " _ Yeas Nays y.the CouncilP..�. 8 Lg ..... ._192.. "Clancy' Fergueon ^ "' A roved2..� tG� - 1132..... PP .... . I3odgson ........In favor McDonald Sudheimer ......'v-"- Against -rnevon � Aetmg ,Wenzel At CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alleys in Block 4, Groveland Addition, Fairmount Ave. Goodrich Avenue from Fr to N. & a. Alley e Preliminary Order C.F. 64250 approved February 2, 1926 an?. Intermediary Order C.F. 65158 approved March 30, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes .a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded;)ortion o said elan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private pr rty, and the `extent of the easement to be taken by the igu:�es opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. - . oa.A 0NAJ3VO5ITD..-r.J4JEII -aY3JJA V1A.19 3902 170 + Indic,,Fes Cul.- ® lndicates Fill. oa;•I-:elo�z Typical Notation 310• OTOel-XIX Figures above line show ALLEY5 BLK•A- GROVELAND ADD. AVEi' Cu} or Fill of prope4, line. - - GOODRICGOODRICH 4 - '. Figures below line 5 ow - I D.3 ,1 .6 &Fs once }o which slopes _ i 2,4 4.4 extend beyond property line. .4 Loc.Book 1805.2sr. Ho. YL LS x� srucco.. +. 25T.PR.HO. v _ 18 19 20 21 1723 Z4 25 26 7 29 STUCCO OBI.FR.f.AR GAR GAR. r FR GAR FR.GAR. FR : 3 .., L --1 .... i. 1 ,. D' 2.. .. Z �..:. FR GAR.. t u r; OBL.FR.GAR 'BBLFR.GAR. DBL.GAR- - - V - STUCCO I ', 16 IS 14 i3 !: II IG S 8 ';- `R.cAR. 25T.FR.HO. D )� FR. GAR. ILSH i rAIRMOUNT AVS: j CITY OF ST. PAUL- DEPARTMENT AULDEPARTMENT OF' FINANCE REPORT OF CONJ91*! NER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELI'MIkANY ORDER Iri the xziatter of oondemninu and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes outs and fills in the grading of alleys 1A Block 44 Groveland Add from Fairmount Ave to Goodrioh Ave. and from Finn Ave. to Borth and South Alley ell under Fre lirtminary Order approved_. Feb. 2. 19'5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' g 075.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the asseused valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows: --- ASSESSED � - DESCRIPTION LOT -CK CK ADDITION VALUATION +L mxcept x;.631) Lots 1 and 2 4 Groveland Add .to 950 __- 3 4 st.Paul, Ramsey Co.,mina. 3550 It 4 do 5450 - 5 4 do 3800 6 4 do 5575 7 4 do 4200 8 4 do 5400 9 4 do 9400._, 10 4 do 520' ii 10 - 4 do TOTAL. } 6800 :. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT"OF FINANCE CKEL7�1 ON ARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK _. ASSESSED ' ADDITION VALUATION 12 4 Groveland Addition to 6600 13 4 St.Faul, Ramsey Oo.,Minn, 5500 14 4 do 4500 15 4 do 3700 16 `4 do 4600 17 4 do 6400 16 4 do 3400 i9 4 do 49oo 20 4 do 1900 21 4 do 1000 22 4 do 4000 23 4 do 3950 24 4 do ) 5100( :'lest of 25 4 do )) }Last 1/2 of Lot 26 & all of 26 4 do 6700 27 4 do 4400 2g. 4 do- 4400 --, TOTAL - 122,175. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has -investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the CounpU',together_with the report made to him in reference to saidmatter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --'" 192-L 1 ` Commissioner of Finance. Fo B. B. IZ Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 4 it 2:6 March 3, 1926 ------------------------------- -- ------ -- -192-- - – To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.64250 approved -_...... February 2; 1926 192..._.._.., relative to condemning and taking an easement _in the land necessary for slopes-,.._cuta.,__and _ills,_-_in...the grading of alleys in Bloch 4, Groveland Addition from Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Ave: and from . . ................................. ::;................ -__.......... .......................... __._............. .............. _.._........ ... -............ .......... -------..... --......... --- -- ---- ----- - -- Finn Ave. to Borth and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ ... _.............. ....... ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.__$ ....._._... _........ and the total cost thereof is $............ xx—............ --, F: and the nature and.estent of said improvement is as follows: ---- __-------------------------- --_-............................_.....-_-----...__......____.--..._ r COUNCIL I ILE NO ...4........., i By.......... . i FINAL ORDER "• In the atter of .... ohangii.K.the,grade. of... Ave, from, Luoy,_8t to Belvi ere 8t. to ooz}Porm to the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade ..... ... ..... ng y line thereon, also grading said Livingston Ave. ......... ............. .................. .. .......... bei shown b a blue x between the aforesaid limits to a width of 60 ft. to the said red ... .................. ... .... .... ......... ........ .... line whe established ..... .... .................. �.. under Prelim nary Order._._ ......... 4'3.%3 ....... ..... ......... approved .........?eb. 9, 1926 Intermediary Order.. i JA, F e 8888t- ........ .. ..... ................ A public hearing having been ;had u ,she Matt r of ehangin� the made` due notice, and the Council p g $ nor Livingstou. Ave front incY 8t. fo elviaerd-st to confdr� ta.' the red having heard 11 persons, objections'' re -,grade une`an the prefile hereto:aN d having full `.-Cached "d made a part;t+ereor,: thel g yconsidered the same; theref e, be it ,.presegt eitamished .grade, °stag _ _ shown t; a btuc nn ahlreon gradiP$ eAte Ave h�; RESOL ED, By the CounciCof the n t of that t15�� «+'sae nature, extent and kind of i g g Of Livin ston Ave from improvement to be made by the said City is. Oh a the grade g Luay .St... to.. Belvidere...S. to., gpAf9 m., t.p...the..red.:.grade ...line...on..the ...:..:.. pro.f40..,hereto ,attaohed'I..and . made.. a-part...hereof,...the�ng.._said rre.senteBtabl.iehed ngehowm..by.a...blue...line..thereon also... ad... ,.. gr Livingston Ave,. bet .L�een...t.h.e...afox.eas�id..1imit.s. to::.a.xidth...of...60...ft.....to.... the:..said ..red line when .. ...... .......... ......... . ...................................... .. and the Council hereby orders said !improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed.and directed to prlI!pare plans and specifications *for said improvement, and st Vidit same to the Council for approval; thaN upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. APR 2 8 192E Adopted y the Council .......... ............................................. ........ din — Y 'ity Clerk. Approved ..... SPR ............ 192........ y . ' /, Actipf Mayor. -Councilman Clancy- (� cou'ncirmatrt�[�tgttaert- Councilm'n McDonald /CounciIru HOdgsOn ,Councilor n Sudheimer Councilmen Wenzel / Nr, Vi&,, P 1 VTAIitsC,a,. orm B. S. A 8-7. CITY L/F BT. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI;NIONER OF FINAkI,CE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of h the grade of Livingston Ave from Lucy St to Belvidere St. to oonform to the red grade line -on the profile hereto attached and made apart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Livingston Ave. between the aforesaid limits to a width of 60 ft. to the said red line when established, i i I i -under Preliminary Orde, approved Feb. 9,1926 I To the Council of the CFty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimat d amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 1,002.05 �fr9nt 2.09 The estimated colt pef foot for the above improvement is $ Inspection 19.65 Frontage 479.9 ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or I parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 11 DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 6LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - ;' I 1 VALUATION i. — 1 1 St. Pierre & Lawton's21'75 2 j1 Addition to St. Paul 75 i ' 3 1 do j75 4 doC 1 do 5 7 �. 75 j 6 1 do 1'7; 1 7 1 do 175 1 il Hornebyle Subd.of Lot 7 1 27! 1 Bidwell j Slocaul,an t Add. to f ! 75 1 I � West 12 �1 St Paul, and that. art o � aul Proper, S.of X.line of Belvidere St. 6 0 TOTAL, o. I The Commissilner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregping as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -ti 19� V.Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 - - - GG St. Paul, Minn. —192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . I ....... ................_............----....—.—`St. Ave. 4(it/YOMiNG `v L c�s ,CITY DE' �AINT I�' �d'►\!L �' L pa hni 12 4o f VU 6G-0 c 4ss JOHN H. MCDVNALD. COMMISSIONER THOS.O. O-CONNELL, DUTY COMMISSIONER GEDRGE M. SHEPARD. CCU [-=/ _ ARID. S, BNU.[ ENOIN.OE WM. N. DAREY, EUPi. OP DDviiRUCGON AMD RVA1R A: B. SHARP.. SI, . SMRIATICN' a. H. HERRD , Omu Nro Crtv PwwIN. -"N— MBroh 4; 1926+ G. P. BDw�IN. sw�r. or w.R[Nw[[: Ron. John H. MoDonald - Commisaioner.of Publio Works. Dear Sir: - I transmit'herewith preliminary estimate of oost for the ohsnging of grade and grading of Livingston Avenue from Luoy Street to Belvidere Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. $64373,_ approved February 9, 1926: Estimated Cost 414002.06 Cost per front ft. 2.09 Inepeotion 19468 Frontage 478x9 f�- Yours. truly. - - —Brief Engineer. Approved for transmission Commissioner o Pub110 Works.: ' 1. _� CITY OF ST. PAUL �nc� IVO.6(]2 i c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--4GENERAL_ FORM F ex FWMEPev Apr11 28 1926. COMMISSIONF_R RESoL In the matter of condemning and tsXiag an easement in the land neceseery for slopes, culks and fills, in the grading of Livingston Ave22ue• from Lucy Street to Belvidere Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64374, approved February 9, '1926. Enid Intermediary Order C. F. #65162, approvecl March 30, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works -having submitted his reportand-plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the city of St. Psu1 'fixwe and determines the amount of land to. be taken for the above named improvement as an easement mor < slopes , cuts and fills, in and upon Livingston Avenue from Lucy Street to Belvidere -'Street, to 'the extent shown upon the plan attached tothereport of. the Commissioner of Public Works, in the 'matter dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are .;hereby referred to and ms3e s part hereof. - d F No., 656et-+S}r'�'H. 3te7�onsr� •. 1R the matteS� got cg2'FAbYaala7S, ssFH 'taX= : - : B a�n laaemRat �a the ]aad: a8oe'8-- 'BR!<!'Y OT aloDpe��e, •fRtS a.:id �/9Iia' is fElae - of I+ivingetria A'aua SiF-om- - - hreat:to 8eividare 8Cr0eG uu-. 'der T.ap jyq- r - 6}3'34;. aDDi'.e�'od. ;Fehrnaly S. 3926. and SritertAtidi$rp brilet- C : F 2Pa aDPrg5i8d Marek $O 1926 - - - T �wgatae[oher of Fublio. Worlcos - fiaYinB evbm�tted-btR'';7'filyort and .DIaa: L 88eolvad°..i'hat the=city oZ Sh 1 avis; ' dYSa ><nd QetbY/ttlaem Rkq 1aHa"Un' end,to C4 taken for the s'Dove--aaalrea * ; etOlfeII. ev£gE and 8lla !n':�.h� alboat, i� _' fngatofi A'venvU Stem ;Z:neY Strfs�t _to-. - BBivlllere'Street to the.,-batent,-:a31'o,Wn- - upon=-.t�4 Dian attached'u'to tha..: r'e`port-.- - wh a[ the CoYnevteetotYei oi,3Pvb11e Rroa%te� ifi the m$tt8r `�lateid ADrii Sft'` Zll2,6 •� 1'erred^ o�and•InadoK 8>rb ._ „�doPtbH"bV"Sitc'conpr� gg-3926 __: _ _.. _... _._______ _._.-_ ___. _._._ _ _ _._. Approved 1�DDr. 8$ Y988 COUNCILMEN 6'i Z S Ado ted b the Council �P___ _ _ _ _-__. _________192._ .-_ Yeas Nays P Y 1__1Ciancy �j Approve �%_'L ------------ 192 Hodgson l__._._In favor /McDonald _ ----- ---- Lil,�dl/✓ udheiIner Against /ICtt MAYOR `Wenzel 1"r. Vico Frea: Fnr *neon - _ -CITY- OF -ST. TAUL W Department of Public Works a .F iF REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Livingston Avenue from Lucy Street to Belvidere Streetunder Preliminary Order. C.F. 64374 approved February 9, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 65162 approved March 30, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commission©r of blic Works. LI�iGT YItSoN AVE. Lucy SELv1OERE SLOPE PLAN Bureau t" Engine�rc UVINGSTON AYE. • Scalo:-1".too XIX -19084 i Lucy ST.- BELVtOERE ST. i� Loc. Book 1971 S. 'R0332= ST. HORN5BY'S SUB. 1 3 10 z u E'tn olo >lo - e Y CONC. wALL o - 4 A p 3! 5 6 a p ST. PIERRE, LAWTON'5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) .oa In the matter of— condemning and ._t_8king._an -easement in the land nPoessary fO.r Blopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Livingston Avenue from Lucy Street to Belvidere Street h+ - under Preliminary Order approved_ Feb. 9, 1926 To the Council of the City of tit. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is a S b o The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 "t. Pienc F I,a wton's P175 2 1 A ition to `'It . Pfiul 75 3 1 do 75 4 1 do 725 5 1 do 75 6 1 do 75 7 1 CLO 75 1 1 Hornsl,y's Subd.of Lot 7 2700 Bidwell's :idd, to 12 1 St.PcLul, ind that fiart of 75 Block G. 'lest St.Ptuil Proper, S.of td.line of Belvidere Ot. TOTAL. 6,050. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of public Work,. Dated G�✓'�%n -'� 191 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 CITY OPEN. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE :REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- In the matter of eenr; edini ng and +.eking an eseement in the land neeeRearF_ for slopes, outs and fills, in thelgrading of Livingston Avenue from Lucy Street to Belvidere Street under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 9. 1926 .To the Council of the City; of St. Paul• r The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: I The total estimated amount of the assessmen'for the above improvement is $ 5 b o The estimated cost per foot for the ab` ove improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or i parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCK; ADDITION 11 VALUATION i 1 j 1 St. Pi Me & Lawton1s 2 i , Addition to St. Paul �7 1 I J 1 do i75 4 1 i do 1 �2 5 1 do .75 6 1 do 7� G 7 l do 1 1 Hornsby's Subd.of Lot 7 j. !2t0 Bidwellle Add. to Tiest 12_; 1 ._.St.P4u1.,.and that part of Blook 0. west.StPau1 ! � Properr-_s.of. ttaiz►e.of Bel videxe 9t. TOTAL, I �I 'IF'I'l _III The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by theCommissioner of Public Works. Dated 190 �o Commissioner of Finance. Form H. H. 13 1 Office of theme Commissioner of Pub�i� Report to Commissioner, of Finance V MAR 9 19 26 March 5, 1926 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having;, had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64374February 9, 1926 192.__.__, relative to Council, known as Council File No ...... _------_------ approved—.-.--------------- ... _ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for __....----- __.... __......... _.......... -....._..... _...... __._-.--- - slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Livingston Avenue _...... from Zuoy __street to Belvidere Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......__......._...._._....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is ------ and the total cost thereof is $ ---- .........-- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as £ollowa: --- --------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _____5. __Said improvement is __... _..---- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . . ..................... Commissioner of Public We Its. 65683 r _ COUNCIL FILE NO By...... ..... ;To In the Matter of.00nstrq;et Ag..a�ewer. on Oarbon..Street from a. point........... .7.5.,.West ..0. On= ..Ave.....North..tc...9e.aFeet..: Prom..0arbon. ,:3treet to;.,0omo ..Ave... North .................. C F- No..86888 . on o'arb=T of. constnu tin } rn ..::..... ......................... ....... .. ......... ... ..... weat�ofbo 46 "At -from h Ota .. n 1S a Co o .oe Point T6 .' St6etdlon Co goe Surest from 60 x .......... ........ .. ............. ..... ................. .. ,.. a 1 under Preliminary Order......" ..6..4596..:. .......approved....Feb `..,2�s 190 Intermediary, Order .......... approved... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and.the Council having heard all persons, objections_ and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the q*e L improve t to be made by th 'd City is...COTl Y110t. A 8818 OA 08rbori ..tTeSt from a_. Dint 75 Peet ,w st. of Oomo. A e North to... sage.9t., on. Qsage...$tree... . rom Oaxbon.,., treet. to...C.1 ... ........ No.... . be end the name are hereby earceL'td, anzulivd, zmd ie�rs - z4 On . ..................... ........ ................_........................................................... ............. ................ ......... .... pafaoeedinp is said mattes ba di ,continued. and the ouncil hereby orders said impr ement to be made. RESOL ED FURTHER, That the Co issioner of Public Wor a and is hereby in cted and directed top pare plans and specifications for id improvement, and sub it same to the Co ncil for approval; tha pon said approval, the proper city fficials are hereby autho ized and directed to with the making ,said improvement in accordant rewith. APR 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council.............................:........................... 192........ APR 9 8 1926 City Clerk., Approved.... .. ................................... 192........ �. . AOi`!p9 Mayor. Councilman Clancy ,,,Councilman tsc Hod ! BOriCouncilman McDonald ,,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel •4 plann i _ Form $ S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REOORT OF COMMI'*IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIQ ORDER , (A) _ na a sewer on, oarbon Street from a poin In the matter of aonstxuatit 75 Yeet west of eomo Ave North to osage St. and on Osage St. -P--- n>av'hnn St. to oomo Ave. North �^ M Feb. 25 1926 under Preliminary Order approve To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2 $ , 395.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ front $ 2.60 The estimated cost peI/foot for the above improvement is - inspection 47.00 Frontage 920 feet lot or Oost of The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7 4 Oomo Heights Add. to 256 64 the city of Saint Paul 2450 . 9 4 do ��5 10 4 do ��5 1 6 do 650 4 6 do 475 ... 3 6 do 25 2 6 do 250 29 5 do 125..: 27 5 do - 125 :. TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 _ I� CITY OF STs. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM1,LONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIV$1 #Y_ ORDER (C) ASSESSED ;. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION VALUATION 26 5 Oomo Heights Add. to 100 25 5 the Oity of Saint Paul 100' 24 5 do 100 �3 5 do 125 22 5 do 125 21 5 do 125 20 5 do 225 TOTAL 5700 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter pby the Commissioner of Public Works. • Dated Commissioner of Finance. IT— H. H. 13 at St. Paul, Minn. y-192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �_.. a (_4w St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public VElvED .-3 Report to Commissioner of Finance P MAR 9 _N 88 Ma rch..._6... 19 26.............................. _192_..._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64596 February 25. 1926 Council, known as Council File No........ _.— .... _........... approved __.... _......... _.._._........................... _............... ___192_....__, relative to the construction of a sewer on. Carbon Street from a point 75 ft. __.........._ .... _.........._............._.._......--....... ..... _ _._...._--- — _..__..._.......................... _..... ...... .._................ __-............... - ................... .............. west of Como Ave. North to Osage Ave. and on Osage Ave. from Carbon St.to Como Ave. North and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: _ 1. Said improvement is_..... __....... _..... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2.6021.per front M. 2 395.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is$_._................... _..._..__...... and the total cost thereof is$....._......._............. _...... —, Inspection $47.00 Frontage 920 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ...................... ....................... _._..................... ..... _.._........ ___�_..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4._......... _.._.............. _............ _....... _...................................... ........... -_... ....... _..... _.......... _.................. .'........... ..... ............... -----..—_ 5.. Said improvement is........ .... ..... ........aged Akupon petition of three or more. owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pnblic Works. `. lu" pep�arhrn�enh v jrulbii aW/v�rks JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER O THOS. G. 'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER _ 'GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CIOEP F 1NEM M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIOO[ ENOIN®l WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF COH[TRw'nON .NO REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SAMTATON G. H. HERROLD, OMC[ AND C— ILAN.— dO1N®1 G. P..—LIN, SUFI. OF WORKHOw[ March 5, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, - Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Carbon Street from a point 75 feet west of Como Ave. North to Osage Avenue and on Osage Avenue from Carbon Street to Como Avenue North under Preliminary Order C.F. #64596, approved February 25, 1926: Estimated cost . . . . . . 02,395.00 Cost of inspection. 47.00 Cost per front foot. . . . 2.60 Frontage. . . . 920 feet. Yours very truly, GMS:AB lf'i-Agineer. Approved for transmission to C ssioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. UN .II '5( CITY OF `ST. PAUL A i NO.--------- [! 11���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ----. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 28,926 PRESENTEDI(1NF_R BY .....-... !I AAAA�CC In the matter of condemning and taking an easement In the land necessary for slopes, outs and £ills, in the grading and paving of Dale Street from Carbon Street to Wheelock Parkway, on the west side of the street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64898, approved March 16, 1926, and Intermediary , approved March 30, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon Dale Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publie,-49orks, in the matter dated April 28, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy ..FergesoH"- 4' Hodgson ...... In favor McDonald �$udheimer _ Against � enzel r. esi ens F:PR 2 3 1926 Adopted by the UOUncil----- -----------------------------.Approved ..... [J..�. -3 ?.-.. 192 - W04ing MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works RDPORT TO THE COU14CIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading at: and paving of Dale street from Carbon Street to VNheelock Parkway, on the west side of the street from to under Preliminary Order C.F.64898 approved March 16, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 65148 approved March 30, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works horoby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ,)ortion of said ph.n, the fills to be made on private property, and by the, hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. p+ /rYiicofes Cu/ /%fi�E 57 Tyioico/ �o%a7`/b� 3z' Q�L .CJ T (WE'S T S/DE). Fiyuiea obove /ii�e show _ �g /'=/do' '9 /9/23 «f orf%r/ o/ a.00ec�y /.ire. Carbon St fo Whee/och Porhwoy. Fi9u�eJ be/ow /ine show dsta.��e ro rvhich s/Does 1 ex/end 6eyond�ocaPeify /ii�e . ' I 6I� .9GRE I LOTS h icJI, _ I .. I •I3ya3 � \\ � i - � I - l ..m >nnmlldilllf%�%%/��� '-_ -�` .� r �icc "�,;;•-,� Q `lA�k Q �.,��m r I �I. Ota--Q�� vI� •I� bIh �Irr� p�jl` vl� I`0 I �j I'�1 � _ /+'T� ��� � ♦. M _s. �,�- -le^, F� - -fes � b COTTi9GE CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PF�EJITAINARY ORDER �. j► In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necaseary f• r slopes cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Dale Street from Carbon Street to Wheelock Parkway, on the west side of the under Preliminary Order approved- MR -r- 16, 19PA _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedamount of the assessment for the above improvement is E ;Z0.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: p DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The So. 50 ft of the E. Rogers anHendricks Acre, iI , 120 ft. of 5 5 Lots 0� Except the )Y. 120 ft. and ex. { the So. 50 ft. of the E.120' 5 5 do I, 4 5 do i ,275 3 5 do I I'154 & 2 Blk. Rogers & 25 6 Coleman's Subd. of Lots 1 i 2 4 Hendricks Acre Lots .215 , 7 � 3 do 300 2 do ...460 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B.13 .-Office of the Commissioner of Public WeeE�-��ED 4, g= v Report to Commissioner. of Finance _ .sett MAH23 820 meroh 20. 1926 _192_-_._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64898 April 160 1926 _192......__., relative to council, known as Council File No....._.._-8_.........approved—.................................._................ the condemning and taking an easement in the land neeeasary_ or .............._, -_-......... -..-._-......_.........................-............._—_-........_—._..._ .._..: slo.pes. outs and -fills, in the grading and peering of Dole Street --......__.....- ..................._ on the west aide of the _ from Carbon Street to Wheelock Parkwa9. .._._...._....---__....__...___....__.------..—.---- ...... etrest. re ports: and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby p 1. Said improvement is... ------ —_---- ------------- necessary and (or) desirable. SSSS SSR% .. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.....--- ..__..---- .----- ___. ........ and the total cost thereof is $---- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... ---......_..--------- ..------ 5. Said improvement subjeet to assessment for for upon petition of three or more owners of property, Commis of Public Works. r P 1 A. rc� U COMM SSIONEIF.�e Yeas CITY _OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM McDonald • -.-- —_ DA, -COM L No ----------- OVA - /VA Aur ij. 28th, In the matter of opening, widening and Ave. to a width of 60 ft-. from the extending $• gebr8aka past lisle of Schnitalue Additlo��8 0�ap�rovte�March cinder Preliminary Order C. F. + 6�g + approved underloth, Pt6l sill Intermediary Order Co F'. March 30th, 1926. The commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the 1-it7 of St. Paul fixes and determines the amotnto f land ito beataken for the . above named imp That part of the East 20 rode of the southeast 1/4 of the thata s�within4 of eatstrip0of Township 29 ion Rang + the center line of which d the land 60 feet in width center line of Nebrasfs Ave. in B. Sohnitzius Addition produced BasterlY to Arcade street. COUNCILMENI., Nays ----^— Clancy In favor Hodgson McDonald n '`Sudheimer 5 /.----Against .. APP, 2 8 1925 theCouncil ---- ----------------------------------- 192. [j'. Nle'" Approve .......... - ---------192. ---....--- ..._.. Acting MAV0. p�e;�p�a�h e+�z h G f � Tb �L� WPU JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. 8. GRYTBAK. F EHOINQIe GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Cloy IRm! 4TI.A. R. SHARP, S-.01 SMuiwign WM. N. CAREY. S- or CaaYrnueTw N+o R-G. H. HERRMD, OM=wMD Cm PLAMwN. ENOMm1 G. P. ROW LIN. EDIT..0 WOIR(IW.E ==+REPORT TO THE COUNCIT,--- In the matter of openingwidening and extending E. Nebraska Ave. to a width of 60 ft. from the East gine of Sohnitaius Addition to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64830, aproved March 10th, 1926 and Intermediary Order Co F. 65151, approved March 30th, 1926. To the Council Of the City of St. Paul : The Oommissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land neoeseary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly des(sribed as follows That part of the East 20 rods of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 0= Seotion 20, Tovinship 29, Range 22, that lies within a strip of land 60 feet in width, the center line of which is the eenter line of Nebraska Ave, in B. Sohnitsius Addition produced Easterly to Arcade Street. omaa Issioner of Publili works. Dated- April 28th, 1. CITY CF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - RE_ P0f2T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANG'E ON PRELIMIN6� ORDER ---- ---- --- — _ In the matter of Ojaen,. widen and extend E. Nebraska Ave. to a width of sO ft- from the East line of Schnitzius Add. to Arcade St. CA under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 10, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or p(trcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCNI, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Southeast u of the Northeast i I ` The East 20 fods of the I , of Sec.: 20, .Town 29, Range 22, (Except Arcade St. i'--Montana-Ave. and Wheelock. parkway') _ 1 6 0 I `f 1 � I I I; I.. TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further repo t s that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to a Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public W rks. Dated �. 19 `` Commissioner of Finance. l F— B. B.13 To The Honorable, The Council,; City of St. Paul, Minn; Gentlemen: We, the unders Body to cause the following Condemnation and Grading DD f mill /Yf i / tom— x: Office of the. Commissioner of Pubfic W r "_3W Report to Commissioner of Finance j MAR lv i3 26 March 15, 1926 192.____ To the Commissioner of, Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64830 p March 10, 1926 _._•__,192......_, relative to Council, known as Council File No....—.____.._.... a proved__................. opening. widening and_estending, E _N-ebraska Avenue to a width - - _ of 60 feet, from the Beet line oY Sohnitzina Addition Aroade.-_ — Street................. --__.......... —._...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_...__.__.___....__....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.,_gR?{---- ............ and the total coat thereof is $....._fix.. _._....—, and the nature and aslant of said improvement is as follows:...._....... .................... _.... .................................. — ............. —�-- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---...----- _.._....---------------------- _....... _ ...._.._.—_._._..._—_ 5. Said improvement is .......... for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ............. ....... ........ _..--_- ---_ :._...__._.......... _ ._._. �— y Commissioner of Public Works. C D PRESENTED RESOLVED CITY OF,Sr. PAUL Fina No.-------- 65.6- -0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o_cOUNC L SOLUTION—GyI ERAL FORM J. H: McDonald tjATm__,Anjpri1 28t Oft In the matter of opening, widening and extending Sheridan St. to a width of 66 Pt, from Davern Ave to West Seventh St. under Preliminary Order 0. F. #64711, approved March 3rd, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. V. #65173, approved March 30th, 1926, The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter, be it Reaol d * That the allic Ga 9** Paul-Irlue— eF 0 ermin j mount of—lamd-to be r b s r t named 0 follows he a ve na d I ement to be a fol ows we So much o dts 18, 19 a 20 of tt Snelling OaVlots and t apt of land n theNorth let, N e as L 8 Wi thin Of I center c 7:L 1/4 of 3 ation 21, To ship 28, Ra e 22, as li a within a a strip f t land 66 fee in width he center 1 e of which is the c tar line o eoro f c n St. eorof d produced Easterly. terl. ba a: -'d the erne P -re be"C"n, -_nnullled, an -3 raid-?Stl sud &A Promoditp is mid matter 1,-, duconu UOLL �in the matter. Of4p6ning, widering and,. extonding , erJd.., St. , 1. d Width of Os_ft.�frorn Dvsr� -.jt; euk West, Seventh St. under, Pr Min Order C., F No. 6471L: approved March SrcTIn"r,, 1926 end In dI,r rOder F. N 65178.,P roved J"r.h 0 Oth, 1926. The1 .1. 6 V� of ublfc Works h.vi I , �11 Is report and sketcht 1. . above matter, be it... Resolved;_'That. t C7.ovo orders,be. COUNCILMEN Yeas Z Nays Clancy Hodgson 1. favor ,//I .,McDonald ,,,Sudheimer ----- L,.)Against —Wenzel rx~fiiikdEEE7 1926 Adopted by the Council. ------------------------------------192..-..b 11 Approve A. ).1 K . Y__ --------------------- 192 -w .-/ .. ........... Acting MAYOR �NParh7rnTeRh �L W JOHN H. MCDONAL D. COMMIS61ONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPOT' COMMIS -TONER M. S. GRYTSAK. --100[ ENaw[oe GEORGE M.-HEPARO. CMv DWINmI a A. -. -HARP. SVR. Ot -um — WM. N. CAREY, SUR. Ot OX1-nv.'NaN ,wo R_ G. P.-OWLIN. SUR. w W.RtOR1Y-[ G. H. HERROLD. OMM AM) CT' Ptum1R0 EMiMm1 --REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ---- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Sheridan St. to a width of 66 ft, from Davern Ave, to west Seventh St. undet Preliminary Order C. F, #64711, approved March 3rd, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. F. #65173, approved March 30th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Plock@ hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan. which land is more partioularly described as follows So mach of Lots 18, 19 and 20 of Snelling Outlots and tract of land in the Northeast 1/4 of section 21, Township 28, Range 22, as lies within a strip of land 66 feet in width, the center line of which 18 the center line of Sheridan St. in Homeoroft Addition produced Easterly. Oomm 9gion of Polio orks. Dated- $pril 28th, 926. �1 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FFNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE o ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) i 6 - In the matter of opening, wlaenut _. _. - ... ....................... """"of 66"f f.from Davern Ave. to West Seventh 8t. �. under Preliminary Order approved March I,.1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated qmount of the assessment for the above improvement is OOO.00 /.00 �Y_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ 0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED , ....._. VALUATION (Exc: W. 7th St 18 Snelling Out Lots ) 5,000 )) do 19 do (Exc. N. 20 ft.) 20 do- 1,000 North 201 of 20 & all of 21 do 4,750 (Part o2' E.1 of NE }, of Sec21, Town 28 Range 23 ommencing at the intersection of the original line of W. 1,200 77th St. with the E. line of Daven Ave. thence N. 1501, thence NE'ly. parallel with W.7th St. 1851, thence 8.1501, thence SWIly. 185' to beginning (Except West 7th Street) 13 1 Homecroft, an Addition 450 14 1 to the Oity of St .Paul TOTAL, 2,800 ' cin OF ST. rAUL' _ DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE ' REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -- ON PR�LI!{}1NARY ORDER s+; - - SSESSE ALUATION T -- LOT IBLOCKi ADDITION DESCRIPTION _ -- ''I 15 j 1 l._ gomecroft an Addition to j 12 090-; I -.._ ___.. jj 16 i 1 the City of 8t Paul � I 14rj01v i - - --- - I j d0 I- 320; -,�--- . -- 17 1 - - -- - — -- _ - -- --- - ---- 181 1 !. do 1 - -- - - --- - - - - - - -... --- -- 19 1 i- do 111 800 I -- 21D I 1 do - -21 - - l 7 1 .._ - ---- q---- _d0 22 1 I - --- 450 -- _— �3do , 1 `050 I 24 I 1 _ _ — — ---- jI (Except Edgoumbe Road) 13 2 do 750 - 14 2 do 7 t-- -- - 15 2 do - 16 2 do - ,11 700 - IIi 17 2 ;1 - I 2 do 1Q0 19 i 2 do- a._ - 20 2 do _. 45s h — t - 21 2 do I 22 2 do t 23 2 do - ---- -- - - - :I 24 2 do - 'I -- 1 3 do _ 2.100 - - I -- 450 _- -r 3 ' 3 d0 ; ,, x+50 . 4 , 3 do ,1s5o Y- do P -n-- _. TOTAL ' a CITY OF ST. PALL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIVpISSIONER OF FINANCE .� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) a DESCRIPTION ' LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ' - ASSESSED VALUATION 6 3 HomecroPt, an Addition 2;500 7 3 to the 01ty of St .Paul 3,900 g 3 do 1,950 9 3 do 2,150 10 3 do 450 11 3 do 1,700 (Exc. Edgcumbe Road) 12 3 do 250 1 4 do 1,100 2 4 do 450 3 4 do 1,150 4 4 do 450 5 4 do 450 6 4 do 1,050. 7 4 do 2,250 4 do 1,950 9 4 do 450 10 4 do 450 11 4 do ) 3,300 12 4 do )) 72,900. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Y Dated 192 Commissioner of Finance. Foim B. B. 12 6568� COUNCIL FILE NO.......................... By......... ................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ...... M4#9_49*4 and South Alley an Blook 3.# H.a.m.-I.ine. Syndioate,Addition No. 3, from Zdmund Street to Thomas Street,_ ......................... ....................... ................. ............................. ............. 7� ------ .......... ....... ... ..... . .......... ................ ............ .................................. ........ 7 . . ..... .............. .............. ............. 1C. r No.65697-_ ........... I ................... ... ... ............... h1;--KVn9 -Nblth alil... ............................... .............. 3, Eta, in ............................. ................. ...... ................. I ........ It ..................... ......... under Preliminary Order 64133 ... .....4.4m2192.6 ......... �.................... .............. approved Intermediary Order.. ................... .......... ...... .............. approved,...i.. .................. .. ............. ....... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvementupon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,' be it RESOLVED, By theCouncil of -the. City- of, St. Paul'that theprecise nature, extent and kind of �49st 1Cf feetof: City is.:.9;94�4NOrth and . Soit#..A.1.1.ey in Bloqk..3., improvement to be made by the said ......................... ... . . . . ............ ............. rom.Edmund Street to Thomas 3.j :4 ...... ........ �r .................................................... Street .......... ........................................................... .............. ....................... .......................................... ................ ................................................ ................. ....... ........................ ...... ... .... .......... .............. .. ... ........ ................. ........................................................................ ....... .......... ......................................................... ..................... .................. .... I ................................. ...... .......... ............... ................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .................. 192 MAY 5 it Approved.......... ........................ 192 .. vCouncilman Clancy _,'ouncilman Ferguson ,C unciMcDonald P o 0und1man SM Hod9so V.uncil man Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel - Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 87711 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMlt RY ORDER (D) In the matterof grading North and South Alley in Block 3, Hemline Syndicate Addition No. 3, from Edmund Street to Thomas Street, C31 Fy under Preliminary Order approved .Ian • 26, 1926 To the Council of the City, of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated,'amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 280.50 front . . The estimated cost err//foot for the above im ro. @m �� 9s $ Inspection 50 Frontage 585 •56 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,. are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCK ADDITION I ASSESSED VALUATION 3 i The Hamline Syndicate Add �4M 11 i 3 No. 3 to St. Paul, 84o6 ' 12j 3 Ramsey Co., Minn. 1100 13 3 do I31od: 14 3 do 1 II, 11100 1 a 15 3 do 38j0 do 17, 3 do !1400 " 18 3 do 3750 -- - 3. TOTAL. 8150. IL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works;; Dated �J 191 0 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn.- - To The Honorable, The Council, K City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body cause the following improvement to be made: �fO /0 2Jez St. Ave. 0 from 44 St. Ave. —_St. Ave. Offices 'of 'the Com issioner of PubliVE e �► 13 Report to Commissioner of Finance s'.. T f MAR 4 1326 March 31926 ...... _.._......... ......... ...................... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul( The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary ordef of the Connell, known as Council File No.._64133 approved—.......'�ari118?y 26 t ,.1926.192.......... relative to the grading of, Horth and South Alley__in.. 4look._3. Hemline.:. Syndio_o.s Addition No:'S from Edmund Street to Thomas Street.' _..:. _..............__..._........._...____..._._ _ ._—___...__.._....----_........_..__.__._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... _............ _..... __...necessary and (or) desirable. 56¢ per front ft. 280.50 .2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._....__..._._ .._.._... and the total cost thereof is $.._...._ ..___..._.--, Inspection $5.50 ' Frontage 505.4 ft: and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... .. ........ .......__..__ ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 _ 5. Said improvement is........... __....... ..... ............. .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cn, .... - ..... .............. _..... dye o, Commissioner of Public Works. v �o p r: P r enh G f rp-4blic� �w JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DVUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CKIv S1xO1xE:la - M. S. GR—SAK. MOO QNIMtgt I . NIM. N. CAREY. BUR. DP COx.tIlU6 m Atm RVA" A. B. SHARP.. tWirtwnaN G. H. HERROLI . Q-- Atm CRY ►LAIai NO QNMmI. G. P. BOWLIN, SSUR. OF Wdtwtw.[ March 1, 1926. Hon.J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of north and south alley in Block 3, Hamlin Syndicate Addition No. 3, from 1 Edmund Street to Thomas Street under preliminary order C.F.'#64133, approved January 26, 1926: - Estimated cost 0280.50 Inspection 5.50 Cost per front foot .56 Frontage 505.4 ft. Yours truly, P _ U rcefngineer. Approved for transmission'to _ - - ommissioner of Finance: Commissionr e of Public Works. -- COUNCIL NO .......���••^. .. r CITY OF ST. PAUL �-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 28, 1926 PRESENTED BY— CommiSSIONER RESOLV in the matter of cond4mning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, iI the grading of the North and South Alley und SBlock 3, Hemline Syndioate Addition No. 3 Thomas St:,'under Preliminary Order C: F. X64134., approved January 26,.1926, and 'Intermediary Order C. F. J65168, approved March 30, 1926. �. The Commissioner of Public Works having -submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement:as an easement for slopes, i cuts and fills, in and upon the North and South Alley in Block 3, Hamline Syndicate Addition No: 3, between the to the extent shown upon the plan points aforesaid, attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated April 28,'1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and'made a part hereof. C F "Na 8(b81{B—t MoDgntila� _ - 3a the mattbrr o! aiug as@;tak , Iaas ea9eta9to �ha land neves' gary, Sot, etgAphbeei, aate,nnp 91101 1,j tae -, grgdKg o{ tNorth-arta Boutlt Ar• - ]0Y 1t1, �loc]e $ 7i�fnllae -BYhdiCate waWtmn ND !r trgtd. elli 7'homaast. knhor Pirret11n1a6ry.- Or- - {ley .0 F Nol z8}la F" . tarr,aDDDJas: 98 18$8, and 7ntermealarY Order .. C9 F l�0 88188 SDpYove�d aferab $0., _:. .. � Thle C�'emiatppa8l�gqnn p t!t Pnhlfc '8V0lkp -._ ... havlg8' eft ul}mteale ;resort and:pjan In the-ahov,6. t 01t r. ,he ft =' D11- the:.City -- Bt.',--Taut- ]Kea aiid.:a ttl 1naa'the amAWli ;ot - f taad t4 or tae aLo90+A8mad: mprov�tftrient ae Yn'= �eieem4itt'.:for e]oses;.oUte aA1 $llpc-la ane upon. the rt -n Booth B,lley. Ia B1Pek 9, 8amlln0,$Yadi"ate Afldlttoa 3io.:E be-, Iween the�solats at,0rfeRid to'the a=- 'teat, yhoan aeon the:piatt dttached fo the .report of ;ha _ mmleetof 1'ubltc',�ter�te 1�n gt6, ter. �d�sYeB ,gyp 98,i.Y898 PrL(aA laq, ane �roporC ' - - - -are beNeby reigrkgd�� sad ; nti>Z,de : a - ' v eha cuneu sips.@j lase. MAY 5 d yeti be ee Adopted 17 d MaY 6. 1898 -�n �p G'OiiNCILDiE .ellSDtoJa- (Aiay'8-1828) - - 26 192.....- Ado�4e�y the Council------ Yeas Clancy Approved 9� .........192.. ... �-- - f Ferguson $odgson-..In favor ••.-.. MAYOR ``McDonald iiCtlgQ Sudheimer ---------Against f f . Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works, REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the laud necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: North and South Alley in Block 3, Hemline Syndicate Addition #3 from Edmund St. to Thomas St. under Preliminary Order C.F. 64134 approved January 26. 1926 and. Intermediary Order C.F 65166 approved March 30, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makesa part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by tho shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF aT. PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) -. _ -- In the matter of condemning_and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the North and South Alley in Block 3, Hamlin Syndicate Addition No. 3, from Edmund Street to Thomas Street, �y �A under Preliminary Order approved Tan 26, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g aso 0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: }� DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION yn _... 3- I I �-�.— 50 1 ' , - ' 10� 3 I The Hamline.8 Syndicate Ad 1 � 3 No. 3 to St. Paul - I 121 3 Ramsey GO., Minn. 11100 1 �I 13 3 do 0100 141 3 do 1]0d E 1 do _ 5 3 3 do _ i6 171 3 do 1140 1S 3 do !3750 TOTAL. 1 151 1 — The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the o Cimmissiioner of Public Works. Dated 7 7"`�''�", 3"° M2f , / l Commissioner of Finance. _ Aorm B. B. 13 IZ +!ndicafes Cut: ® - Indicates Fill. Typical Nofafion'� - Ficures above line show Cuf or Fill of property line: Figures below line show Jisionce fo which slopes extend beyond properfy line. Loc. 1777. )KATE ADD. N° 3 ALLEY- BLK. 3 HAMLINE SYNDICATE ADD.N"3 SLOPE PLAN _ - Puraou f En9��eera - Feb.18,ISZG XIX -19063 THF �-1ANL_INF SYN D! CATE, - 9ADD. N' 3 Is N - 3 57. FR. HC. "O 1--'J IeBu STUCCO HO. V l r— BRICK &STUCCO CHURCH 1 CEMENT BLK CEMENT BLK. ,e BLDG. LAUNDRY tj oe.es' Y I! ;? 13 14 IS 16 el7�- O H , SMELLING A- VE . 6569 ' y. � 1•r--• CITY OF ST. PAULF°� 5�� NO ---------- OFFICE ---- --OFFICE OF.THE -CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM .PRESENTED D �. H. oDonald April 28hh COMMISSION DATE - RESOLVED RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 ft, in width in Block 21, Winter's Addition, said alley being; the extension of the existing alle=y in Lexington Avenue Addition to Oxford St., under Pr'eliminary,Ordei r ", 463422, approved"December 4th, 1925 and Intermediary Order C. P #65154, approved March 30th, 1926. The, Qommis�71oner of ''uhlic "forks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, Shat *.N�=9i#3r-a�.-gate =iffae determines, t'*O�mount ount of to be to for he ove named impr vement to be as follows . The rear 10 ft. of Lots l to 8 and 3 to 30 in usive, Block 21, Minter's A dition, exo ting that roe t of Lots 8 and 3 take�i`f r Lexington & ue Additio - Its teA the s gar hereby tx7seebed, —Nd,aieA aieededed 0A em ' Wamdi>w in said matter he diacontimied. S �' .No 85sd>I--$g 1• $' McDoaeLf jI Maathd@sar %at4iPMess ao7�teatda �,;iAtP )n btt�o )r RI "WtY r'e ltr lryj . nt! tAe�e�;iie�ln �� trig xt@d��, _ '"Avg�pha¢ Add Ifo"n Cu� idp}�xla�toq, faBP aUti'ia,C,d Ne' CproJe��der "Ba 8 �Rtortpedld �p��� ui�C OlC '17�e SCO RAR4v �rarts>, e0t�.�g g3P0 eket�li y�m���ar Aie"r'Equb7�1 S1'n�H6�..� l 7q itis amy msttale bet it aaa, h0ap � Y ,q n0e7tad anna7led came :ars matter -be "dlec . Adopted' bY.a ApproyeQ,`hfa COUNCILMEN (a4 Yeas Nays; ✓Clancy .✓Ferguson ✓Hodgson .............:In favor cDonald l� dheuner----------- _Agimt el Mr. President- CITY p�F�S €! I lYT ��VA�V L �a 6s� �epa*1nenh�I(bli�v�ks _ JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. 8. GRYTRAK. BnIU.t pglNtQ . A. R. SHARP. EANRATMN GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CM0 EN.INtoe Alm RpAlw - G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. .P W.wwNw.t WM. N. GREY. SUR. O! DONiiwItTlMI. O.'N. MERROLD. ORICt AND CITr PLAroUrn @romtsw ---REPORT TO TT13 CO'?°ICIT- -- In the matter of openin , wideninz and extendina an alley 20' ft. in Width �ithel ck 21, a Winter's Addi`ion, said alley of the existing alley in Lexino-ton Avenie Addition to Oxford St., under 'preliminary Order C. . C•roTov�6515?emapnroveer d larch 20th,925 and 1926. ry Order To the Council of the City Of St- Paul The,Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded Dart of as follows Alas, : which land is more particularly The rear lO ft. of Lots l to 8 and 23 to 30 inclusive, Block 21i Winter's Addition, excepting that part of Lots 8 and 23 taken for Lexington Avenue Addition. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- April 28th, 1926. I 5.wk Itss 'BLK.21 WINTE?S "' D 4llEY N LEXINGTCN k7kDo- 703D ST _ OPENING B.recu of Enc9=s-s - .. Dec. II 191i - -`,coli '• 100 XVIII IE9 1. n ,1 — I SEMINARY AVE. 401, 38 54 .585-1 7.195 396 - x'23 Z4 25 26 Z7 ZS �99, 30 �v ] G l --- FT—t� . TPO {v p« q X" a 14 15 X• O w v 1 m .198 396 596 - 598 - CAPITOL AVE. CITY OF ST. PAUL * r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - a st' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER :OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 ft in width +n Block 21, Winter's Addition, said alley being the extension of the existing alley in Lexington Avenue Addition to Oxford_ Q� CA .I� under Preliminary Order approved-_ Mecember 4. 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION 1 21 Winter's Addition to 275 2 21 st.Paul 250 3 21 do 250 4 21 do 250 5 21 do 250 6 21 do 250 7 21 do 250 8 21 do 100._ 23 21 do 100 24 21 do 250 TOTAL. ' Porm n. B. 20 - • - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r VP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELAMINARY ORDER (C). ASSESSED DESCRIPTION '.IAT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 25 21 Winter's Add. to 750 26 21' St. Paul 250 27 21 do 250 29 21 do 250 29 21 do 250 30, 21 do X675 1 1 Lexington Ave. Add. to 250 2 1 the City of St. Paul 250 3 1 do 250 4 1 do 250 (Exc. Lexington Ave-)5 1 do 600 do 6 1 do 575 do 7 1 do 575 do 8 1 do 575 do 9 1 do 575 do 10 1 do 575 do 11 1 do 6�5 12 1 do 250 13 1 do 250 14 1 do 250 �5 1 do 250 TOTAL $11,750• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.� reference 192—L //,J!/ f"%c�•C� Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ,. CITY Cr.$xiM Office o#-the-C—�MriT1 14ioner of Public W. ED Report to Commissioner of Finance Meech 18, 1926 MAR 20 19 26 ....... _... ....... _..................:............. _............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The CommissionerofPublic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 6342E December 4, 1925 _192_....__, relative to Council, known as Council File No. .--..---.---approved--...-- widening and._extending an alley 20 ft...__in.._Width.. in............ _......... _..___ _...._._ _�..-----... Block 21 winter's, Addition. said`elles being—the-Axtena on---0f_.the_— existing alley in Lexington Avenue Addition to Oxford Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..:...__.....___ ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. 'The estimated cost thereof is $.___Rxx._:__.._.._._, and the total cost thereof is $..... X X......_.�, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__.............. ............... ......... ..................... 3. A plan, profde or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 __...... ._............ ... _...................................... _...._._......__-......----..... -..... _...................... --_......... 5. Said improvement is............ _......... .... _............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. __........... _.......... Commissioner of Public Works. f - __ - - - I i I C. F, No. 66600—Ordinance No. 0666— `:,- - By L R. S. Ferguson— An ordinance settling the cl99fm of Fred 8. Lester against th.".tty of St._Pa 1. The Council of the City of 3t. Paul -� doge ordain: By C. i�: 2zo. Fa�idi�9 An ordinance settling the claim of Fred S. Lester against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to Fred S. Lester (412 E. Belvidere street), the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising from in- juries sustained by him by reason of a fall at the corner of Harvard and Curtice streets, on April 2nd, 1926. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council MAY 9 S 1926 Meas Nays Attest City Clerk 4 Appro Fr--- Mayor Mr • O�anc,3L-- 4udhe imer enzel Attest City Clerk 4 Appro Fr--- Mayor 2nd. Laid over to - o_3rd: 3r I d. & app. Ado ted L�1� �'J�� Yeas Nays ClancClancy Yeas /Nays Ferguson Hodgson Ferguson j�od son McDonald $udheimer - t7yIcDonald Sudheimer WenzelWenzel Mr. Pres. Nelson r. Pres. Nelson ��}�ttrtuent of �itttu - CITY OF ST. PAUI, • ARTHUR A. STEWART wmR RATIDN C uNs[ - AWIWANT ATT0RNEY8 EU6ENE M. O-NEILL REECE J. MC EE LEWIS L ANDERSON THOMAS W. WALSH 1, April 37th, 1926. To the Council. Gentlemen:— Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of ester ggainst the City of St. Paul for the sum ofollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are.of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, Assistant Corpo tion Counsel. Apo ` FI UNCy�.�rjj}�1; CIAI TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU �'',OLrU,TI614—GENERAL FORM �_�t L 'v DATE _.AYi'�• L--20tj. L*.-��.E-a.-_-__— _w— PRESENTED BY -_ --. C,,,,sFIONER_- - ----' - O. F., No. 66991•—SY L, n'- 8, Fe�Bbson—> 8eeolved,'. Thatthe action o[ the, REgOLVED f gnimittea on Lando on behel[ of they. tV ;ot III.., -.Paul un$ar and;.pursuant "1 �rdlnance.Nb 8488 tar the ,f i9 ,yf 6 nlocfc'. 2, ffiacaleetat Park, ^I the' eum at Fgnr Thou- • .nndreh an";!,�16hteen That the action of the C;O mi ere` on on behalf of the City Of St. Paul under and Pursuant to Ordinance lo. 6488 for the purchase of. Lot 5, Block 2s Uacalester Park, St. Paul, for the sum Of Four Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighteen Dollars and Sixty Four (04,618.64) Cents free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and any installments thereon whether due or not, as a part of the site for the New yacalester Sunior High School, is hereby approved and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw 'a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, will have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund Item No. 2027 Site. APR 2 S 1926 -192. Yeas COUNCSLSSEN Adopted by the Council---- ------------------------------- ----- ----'" Nays 'Clancy....... Approved � - --192- ✓vefgu In favor Hodgson .-..---.-..-�-•• MAYOR McDonald Aettng "SudheimAgainst -�-- ----•----- p�J$ Wenzel /MT. Vice 1 r w. Fersuson A`yARI) April 20th, 1926. The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay to John F: Fitzpatrick, St. Paul, Minnesota., the sum of Your Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eighteen Dollars and Sixty Tour ($4,818.64) Cents for Lot 59 Block 2, Macalester Park, St. Paul, free and clear of all encumbrance including all taxes and assessments now assessed against the property and aly installments thereon whether due or not. This property is being acquired as a site for the New Macalester Junior High School under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6468. The cost of said property to be charged to the Bond Issue Fund No. 2027 Site. Committee on Lands. .{ COUNCIL /. i r)L• V OF_ S-C PAUL Flr.e No.-..----- 16569,2 OFF Q F Nor 66682--By ,J 8 MCDannia—I � ems'' �4a the 'fatter of the pevjag Hf FordY ' Rbpfl trom Snelling; Avenge to-Cleve-I COUNCIL- � land-Ayenng@ witb eewer water nnd_I COMMI&SIO gas condHctlona from street metas to. prpberty lines ,00mpleYe mNefe PRE8ENTE0 NBY �. wadi^. made; al6o In rfling egrb !�_ __ NER�_. - r; navJng alle9i ...... —'–'"'--'"-""--" ,r In the matter of the paving of Ford Road from Snelling Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made; also, including curbing and paving alley driveway approaches " where necessary under preliminary order 63022, approved November 10, 1925. WHEIiEA$,-a public hearing having been had March 19, 1926, upon the improvement above described, and final order No. 64259 having been"adopted on said date, providing for two 20 foot road— ways from Snelling to' Howell Avenue, separated by a 20 foot unpaved strip in the center, and providing for two 27 foot roadways from Howell to Cleveland Avenues, separated by a 20 foot unpaved strip in the center, and WHEREAS, thq_property owners along the lines of said improvement have. requested the council to reconsider said final order and to amend the same so as to provide for a 56 foot paved roadway from Snelling Avenue to Howell .:Aveimer„ and a 70 foot paved roadway from Howell Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be had in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on May 25, 1926, at 10.00 o'clock A. M.; and RESOLVED FORTHER, that the Commissioner of Finance proceed to notify all the owners of prpperty subject to an assessment for the above improvement at least ten days prior,to the date of tlie. ubbve hearing. COUNCILMEN APR 2 D' 1926 - .. Teas / Nays ,Adopted by the Council.... .... ....... ...... .......192..---- ✓Clanev Approved.....- -`�� 192----- //Hodgson ----.....--U----In favor .-���---- /McDonald MAYOR �udheimer ---.._..against /Wenzel V Bir. vivo Pr(s. Meraawl-I Ia the' Matter' of Daving, Por.: "Rand from-8nelling Avenue to Clevelsa Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections from strestmains, to property llnee -comp late, where not already made, also Includlng curblag t� an. Raving alley and drlVeVrsy aD- Droacheer,where aOwn, r7a Hader A Prellmfmry Order BEOE2 approved •IfUJY__,,,,�__ Flov 1 19'6. - A Dpbl�c -hearing .havin�'3eea o$oa the-.a'bave, improv'a ;,aeon 'dna Hansa;: aad' the : ConnCil Ahav g }toara au D,1%7., sbfectiona aafl reo J�y,7w'^J1 LJ•N'' ioppmmbbdatloas relativo thereW:;, sad :aavIng fully' considered. the ,.sh',_ - �therefore;-be 1t - �„120n-^-�-1• f oivea, By the Coilaall of the COZY, of 8t Paul that the preoiee astute eY- tenL and ltIa. of 1mDrOvemenL t0'.11e. Roes -r the .said City to yaVe'Fotd- O. �.d-p* Road from-: 8nalling Ave ls_pa Clever U c` len. Avenue, wit h• Bawer Water ani '-(� `gas •coaoectiono itafresh malga to ..,ITQ�',',",o_]t_y` property 11nes.aomDlete where sot el{'✓"V ready:msde, aleo-Iacluding carbtng sad` Davlgg alleX and driveway appzoacheII where neoeseary, - Materlsl shad :sheat aa'pbalt, ezceDt ceadtSgg.. E;496 where '# ineh' .semi � - =flbre brisk- will. be I used Sbadwap. Srom 8aelllng Lo . 8oWe11 Avanuoe; shall lse.tvlo EO Soot: zoa.wsys'seDa=:. � -rated by> o ,foot--eRDaYet$ ffirID'-1n' center;,, Prom •Ho well .to Cleveland. lberi ebatl,be E—E,7 foot. roadwayd; separated by a E0 t -IR Center a un ere y it C6mmi: -'orders �1aDyiDthroVemoat tode; >r Rosolved,?PaFtbhet Tbat.the Coe 'stoner' of Pa o �GyorYe 'he, .and is hersty inetraoto agd dlrecteQ to Dte- pp'ggtroe Dlsas a`tfd� .Ili a.d ne ,for said Improyemeat, aaultmlt same. to the. pouacll. for approval; that 'uDOa safd approval,. the Dmyar ,city, oflialals are. 'horeby. atttboriaed;'aDd'dfreckee •ao Dto• -oeed wltli-the makinir'of laifl,ImDrove•- 'meat'Sn ;acoordanae tborewttb. _ i ApBeogeBjar;' Y, Mare 19:h.19381Ker. 18. 19E6. S Kalif V1312,27<Y9E8), a Ia the' Matter' of Daving, Por.: "Rand from-8nelling Avenue to Clevelsa Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections from strestmains, to property llnee -comp late, where not already made, also Includlng curblag t� an. Raving alley and drlVeVrsy aD- Droacheer,where aOwn, r7a Hader A Prellmfmry Order BEOE2 approved •IfUJY__,,,,�__ Flov 1 19'6. - A Dpbl�c -hearing .havin�'3eea o$oa the-.a'bave, improv'a ;,aeon 'dna Hansa;: aad' the : ConnCil Ahav g }toara au D,1%7., sbfectiona aafl reo J�y,7w'^J1 LJ•N'' ioppmmbbdatloas relativo thereW:;, sad :aavIng fully' considered. the ,.sh',_ - �therefore;-be 1t - �„120n-^-�-1• f oivea, By the Coilaall of the COZY, of 8t Paul that the preoiee astute eY- tenL and ltIa. of 1mDrOvemenL t0'.11e. Roes -r the .said City to yaVe'Fotd- O. �.d-p* Road from-: 8nalling Ave ls_pa Clever U c` len. Avenue, wit h• Bawer Water ani '-(� `gas •coaoectiono itafresh malga to ..,ITQ�',',",o_]t_y` property 11nes.aomDlete where sot el{'✓"V ready:msde, aleo-Iacluding carbtng sad` Davlgg alleX and driveway appzoacheII where neoeseary, - Materlsl shad :sheat aa'pbalt, ezceDt ceadtSgg.. E;496 where '# ineh' .semi � - =flbre brisk- will. be I used Sbadwap. Srom 8aelllng Lo . 8oWe11 Avanuoe; shall lse.tvlo EO Soot: zoa.wsys'seDa=:. � -rated by> o ,foot--eRDaYet$ ffirID'-1n' center;,, Prom •Ho well .to Cleveland. lberi ebatl,be E—E,7 foot. roadwayd; separated by a E0 t -IR Center a un ere y it C6mmi: -'orders �1aDyiDthroVemoat tode; >r Rosolved,?PaFtbhet Tbat.the Coe 'stoner' of Pa o �GyorYe 'he, .and is hersty inetraoto agd dlrecteQ to Dte- pp'ggtroe Dlsas a`tfd� .Ili a.d ne ,for said Improyemeat, aaultmlt same. to the. pouacll. for approval; that 'uDOa safd approval,. the Dmyar ,city, oflialals are. 'horeby. atttboriaed;'aDd'dfreckee •ao Dto• -oeed wltli-the makinir'of laifl,ImDrove•- 'meat'Sn ;acoordanae tborewttb. _ i ApBeogeBjar;' Y, Mare 19:h.19381Ker. 18. 19E6. S Kalif V1312,27<Y9E8), •. DEN. M LANE • REALTOR THE OWN YOUR HOME, MAN t -b MlRCNANTB BANK BUILo1N0 SAIN'1 PAUL April 22, 1926 John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court Hois e, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. McDonald: Will you kindly consider an order for paving the center boulevard strip on Ford Road from Cleveland Avenue to Snelling? Mr. Shepard is familiar with this situation. The owners are very desirous of eliminating the center boulevard, and paving it from curb to curb. It will be appreciated if you will alive this serious consideration at your convenience. Yours tru ly, DFL: J �'� TY O ST. PAUL Fco�r+ciL NO...._... HE CITY CLERK OU L R _U ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - _ DAT E— April .28,, GOMMISSIONE Whereas a bid by the Pure 011 Company of $13,000.00 for levee land located in the Vvest Side District, has been accepted by the City Council, and Whereas the City Council authorized the acquisition of a block of playground property known as Lots 1 to 24 inclusive, Block 8, Underwood's Third Addition to the City of St. Paul, in the Groveland Park District, and Whereas there is a balance of $7,000.00 to be paid•so that,the entire block may be available for playground purposes, therefore, be it, Resolved, that the sum of $7,000.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying t1B balance of the cost as 'herein mentioned. it S I2on ld nYC Budheinenr�'-.�' W he of a. {Ybl 0.00 thto Ie Oet Com= f yany aud7 `located to theWeat,8lde ,Couneit. ylt� .._Whereas the CIt goune7l author[aed sheen accepted by tithe Clty _ the'. acqulettloit o a block of pleY`. 7ground Drope;tY known 1aUnderwo0d'q - ,.24 - Inclvsl+e,. B1acK 9.of S[..Paul, '. ,1'htfd pddltloh to the. City, . ... he 6ruveland Patk, Dilance oL�;?�: 11 Dutpoaea "That- the num oz .. - 4pa "ndVthe'Rame. la hereby -aPDto thB. • ated tob the puriose : of DaytnB- balance of 't118 ,coat as boretn men- •0-- 1926. �Yy1 Ado4t4dA AAe 26.1146Apr 2__..___. -,lea. ppyrovg, :. (May 1.19261 li APR 2 S 1926 COUNCILMEN YewNaye Adopted by the Council... -------------------------------- ---•-192....._ Clancy A.[st4 II Approve ---� ---- .............. 192 Hodgson - �__.Infavor /C� � Aetmg /Sudheilner .` a, •- Against CITY ,OF ST. PAUL wUNca NO_ -------- MGM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY- / COMMISSIONER- �Ll "'L� DnTe_APri,l 27tW. 1M_-_ REsoLvED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for flower. connections an' Dale St -.,:from Como Ave., to Wheelock Parkway, Contract °B°" in accordance with -plans and specifications hereto attached, to N. G. Hiner, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $3,588.90. and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,300.00 F.B. #7092 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ,,l odgson l..In favor ,McDonald --gudheimer _......_Against 2.enzel hir.,P-re 'dent �.HJ. S .. . APR 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council .__._ __...__ ..192...... Approved.. > F`#`-'` _._192 -.- -- ----- etrng MAYOR - 65695 CITY OF ST. PAUL c — IL No........ .................. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l pp Oqc�. COMMISSIONERAAI RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs i the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the Construction of a Sewer on Edgecumbe Road from a point approximately 35 ft., NIly of the Slly line of Lot 3, Block 9, West End Edgecumbe Addition to Otto Ave., and on Otto Ave., from the East line of Ridge St., to the sewer on east side of Edgecumbe Road, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to DeGraff Wolff, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,190.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,918,00 Formal Bid #7091 COUNCILMEN - - APR.2 8 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council- --------- ...........-- --- 192 C✓ )ancY 'FM Approv a Air'r --192----- 4odgson ....In favor ,/McDonald /4i.-/ - ............ dheimer Against Ming MAYOR Wenzel Mr. Vice lira. Ferensup, CITY OF ST. PAUL wUNCa NO----_- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM » ' PRESENTED BY _ DATE April 27thL.1926 COMMISSIONER. -- "'— "'--" RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs' in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for Curbing Beech St., from Earl at., to Johnson Parkway, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Standard Stone Co., All they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $21344.00, and' the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to' -draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineerts Estimate $3,200.00 Formal Bid No. 7089 AvoP— Py me ¢Punch APT. 28. 1986. PPrpYed Apr. 28, 1926 _ .- COUNCILMEN Yeas J' I` Clancy Nays / s$odgeon ................ In favor McDonald �% Mdheimer !/:!...Against Aenzel i� APR 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council... ----------- ------------------------ A92 ----------------------------192------ %�Ctffli,% MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couraca 65697 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs iii the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement? me!Ave.;!-frOmrFairview Ave., to Snelling Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Owen Keough, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of 1#3,121.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed, to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineerts Estimate $4,76o.00 F.B. #7088 C. WAN" 66697—By J. 8, MbDonald- Resolved, That: the' Councilhereby concurs -In -the- ecommendatloa:;of. the Contract Comniltte- and -.awards -.;the contract for the .grading and improve-. menf .of. Rome- Aver from::: F'alrvfaw Ave., to Snelling; Ave., In. accordance with plane and apeciacatlone : hereto attached, to Owen Keough.- he being ;the lowest responsible bidder,. for.,the sU' of -83,1'21-00, and the .corporation. Counsel>ls hereby 'instructed to draw up the ,proper form'- of contract there- for Engineer's, Fpstimate 84,760.00. F. £. No. 7966. Adopted by the Council Apn'28, 3828: Approved Apr.: 28. 1926. (May 1-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ''---Claney /Hodgson 2 .In favor McDonald --ISudheimer )..Against Wenzel �. Mr. vice !'ray, N'er u6uu APR 2 8 1926 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------------192------ Approve--------------------192.i�%_ --------------------------------------- ------------------------ �iieting MAYOp CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN'L Fl� No... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AR1PRESEN D By 7 DAT—T1.22_,_..1926_—_..--_-.._ CoMMIoNE RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alleys in Block 1, Lane's Phalen Grove Add., from Denny St., to Lake Como and Phalen Ave., and Mendota St., to North and South Alley, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Emil Preiseis, he being the lowest responsible bidder,, for the sum of $899.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby , instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1,013.00 P.B. #708.7 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays SeM10-H ,,-ii.dgson .... In favor --4icDonald "-$.dhebner ..... ....... Against ,'Wenzel Mr. VI" Pp«JL Vorgurt)Lt Ailr- 28. 19%5- � : � ,:.I APR 2 a 1926 Adopted by the Council... ..................................... 192 P,FR 2 � jq,F, Approved--) ;Z192 -------------------- ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. -_----656 09 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— A RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the ecommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Block 6, Academy Heights, from Prior Ave., to Kenneth, in accordance with plans and specifi- cations hereto attached, to John Sandquist, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $310.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $433.00 F.B. #7086 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciIAPR 2 8 WO ............................ ------192:--._ . Yeas Nays I Approved 92 ------------ ✓ In favor Hodgsonllv� 7' .... ....... . McDonald dheimer ......._----:-.Against I/W.azel Mr. Vioe Pres. P'erggPstn 7. F. N6-65700— check,, oil Ile In the office of tfteU'!Y AddDted by the CounellApr. 28, 1926. �. g til'. (bray 1.1926) - mm TORRUMATE TO ' CITY CLERKI1 CITY OF SAINTPAUL RES. NO.- � 8_ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - - .RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON 7HE DATE- -192 6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF AUDITED ' s_ 4Dy�,36,.yp CLAIMS—RESOLUTION p ORM CLANCY, Y___--_-_ --- _y ----- - COVERING �ERGU ON FILE N _____ __ __ CHECKS NU B __ COUNCIL -_ M NUMBERED �{'- _i ____IN O ------ FAVOR TROLLER HODGSON, INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKSON FILE IN THE OFFICE -- E - -- OF THE CITY. COMPTROLLER. � D _._ _ _ __ ✓McDONAL CIL '� --.--- /j UDHEI A_m- 192 D C e9r � ��fj MER. - - ,-7:�� - ---___ CHECK t� WENZEL. _____-AGAINST TEA B TED .. AD N I i NUMBER IN FAVOR OF ! _ ____ _______192____ TRANSFER TOTAL - . RETURNED II - - - __ CNAYS- ---- --_______ NSFER BY .. /M•'d' _ —PREc�e�Y "�.�. YES --- _ - �.. CHECKS DIS —7 - CH KS I V) COUN ILMEN - __..-.. BANk'.DISTRIBUTION - _ --. GENERAL OCAL WATER. BROUGHT FORWARD I -- - -- B - - - -- -- O IMPgOVEMENT SINKING ' ACCOUNTS FUNDS STRIBUT - DI rre� 3761 -- --.-- -- -- ACCOUNTS IO SPECIAL FUNDS IV L•Cble�ewk� .e an __- --7-Doo._ ! I-... ._ -: _-.- GARAGE Attorneys for H and I_-. _. .- _ -- ____;---___ - __-_. -____ - INKLING FORESTRY ACCOUNTS d Todd{ipi a a.• Todd ' S5y--2 1 --30 ' --�37 5�9 ��- and �.. B. -21"96 ^�wA . ___ AUDITORIUM -.. T r.�e� ..��y SPR pU D;C 372 - � - --- _ -- - -- - Hoard of water Comma s.- _ 500 BU L NG SUNDRY - I _.. REVOLVING » { 37 I -_ » " » » i sonata 1 X33 1 7 �0 i- 21224 -(r 663 ,py_'_ » » » 306 I 1 133 of 500 3�3 f 32 - f5fs - » n fl JJJ 3 J.�d.a'lano► 33 ! I 3f6ji»"y� o� "� �" P. 3 4 s2 3 69 L. C. Fiodgeon. C. P. R. P'.• 6 1 00 3771 John H. ?doDonRld. >r 1 00 » , CoaeMr. P. �.• ` 1 66 996 2 j I 12� g 3 2 ® » " 380 j fl 6,13 1 866 g I I I 3 " 1 325 37777 5 p „ " 1 1 6161 099 i 3 417!41 ! I 3 7676 fl fl 1 1 j p3 i3 I i 1 I 3778 n a s 3'( 2 j 1 398 63 I I I 3 " I 90 n » I50 I 3 i deo.. a. » " 1 6 3 j 1> c]heimer 105 3 ��� H.-Oaeeaael o »► X-_ ee_ n 59 1 '192 "j4-: C. v. 2 708 5� 3 " p fl " 628 6 623 92 5 5 "2 4 1 4 g3 2 �g » 5. 6 2 531 92 I i 057 53 3b Ameriaen CAtiaal C 1 792 67 fr: 378$ Burne Lumber Cerl�Py �y1' 65 1 T9� 6 2 5 6. x T central b Y 3789 coo L r. comp I 1 i1 en 9argent a 1 1 b, g 3790 Creeoent Oil C p y y 7�6t0?61 7620 I +{ 377992 Enlxkee Atwood many 318 70 I 79 H. ��'utiezt'a ly aomp ,y 72 a3 51 04 I I ! I an 6 1. y 30111i � Gr 2! 10 Great 6 a t Lakes Cost & DoaDc Comp y 11 � 88 � I : I � -1 3 J. '7. Hulme Company 1 532!26 11!88 8enttedp Brothers Acme Compare 1008!47 3 7 Remy Boiler d �I 66!12 3 539 86 I �f$. amp my 29 4b 5 932 0 8 �eohri 0 y 271 wig 4 ! I ' ng e®pan I 1 28 ( I 4 k ; 8tooie, been dl Gregg Q9103 ! f i 9 74 rthern 3tatea gO rover aoltp ]e 1 �� — _ ---- I; _l. 966 I ; I f _�1 •0. � � �; _ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERI EDIARY ORDER In the Matter _Sghoch Is -Rearrangement .--from- ------------- ---------------------------------------- _Prom_------------- -- C. F. No. 65701— , the matter of grading alley in Block i, 9Choch'6..RearrangemenL from -------------------------- Hazelwood.Avenue to the west .line of Sehoch'a Rearrangement under_ ________________________________________�f Preliminary Order 65939 Approved_ ITP h $'l, 1926 thr under Preliminary Order_________ 0-09 _________________approved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is `Lvgrgd@_AI.Q.y_iJ" 310 d Rearrangement}_from_ Hazelwood_ Avenue_ to -- the west -line -of -- cho�h!s_HearrnngQment-------------------------------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------=----- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $----- 5f15_26.__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 25t�________r_day of ------- Y Ay_______________- 192_6._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of toe Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and glace of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- t.CR_2 2_149______- 192 ---- Approved --------- 2, 92____Approved-------"e ------192--- Nom' ty Ole k. -- --- ---------------------- - �C1.lA,� Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald .2ouncilman Hodgson councilman Sudheimer ,councilman Wenzel 21ya1F-13e1'son- r -4 �r01 T 9 p'7�•�' ' of rm B.1S A 9-6 U 65V2 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__st4ndBxtt il3g_&�15�_t� j u�;_@A_ fl@;i@m@i1t� _in tlle_land_11acersary __for_slocesfor_ cuts__and_fills_ in_grading_Alley_-in_loek 1,_ Schoch-s __Fearrangements_from_Hazelvlood Ave---to-the-rest _line _of_Schoch' s__Re-_ c. r. rra. ssroz— __ aT"rang-ementy----------------- In the Matter of condemnin9 ad tak- ------------------------------ Ing an easement In the land neces- sary foe slopes, for cut. and fills In ' gradtng 'Al1eY 1n Block 1, Schoch's_______________________________ --------- Rearrangement, from Hazelwood ---------------------------- Ave.: to thet west line of cryhoch's Fq - range— v t under _P: :• :�: �.. �,5 under Preliminary Order_____ 65040_____`____approved _IdaY'_ch _23,_ 1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__SQTUd011n_ ard_ ttgkQ_ an ___eas�nent_3n_ihe__lansi_nacassar�c_for_s1o}yes,_inr_nuts_and_f3]1s-_in_grading __ a13s�c_in Block_1,_�nhach'_s_Bsarrangemsntt_fxom_I3✓�zellgDszd �v@�__tQ_be west ___7 i ne_oi_schorJa_'a_Ii@axrnng@m@nt,__in_a�Qcslrsl:�ncs _wd.ih_�.hs _b11an_&xiAt_��reto __ at�tsic11ec7__and_.lnaids__c_�axt__barsQf_,_tb.e._karats�d_�o�iions_ab�owiisg_the__cuts --_cnd_ k>@_nb dad_ o9r_tiQns_ahs�� ug_ UTA -------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__2.0_0.a___-__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 2,5tk-_____:__day of ________Ia$_____________- 192_-G_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. APR 2 �: 1925 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ A&#L' rs, Approved-------------------- ---------------------------- 192--- ~ `/ Councilman Clancy %e Councilman McDonald councilman Hodgson councilman Sudheimer �,,@ounc il�manWenzel t11r. Vioe Pm*. F'nr¢ugw, '-form B. S. A. 8 6 t City Clerk. -- - -- --------- --------------- ------- Acting Mayor. Yl,'uL1SI1EC1�=��;j�e J � Election Committee, - Approved April 24, 1926, 06703—�Y I+. R. S Ferguson— • FaX NO._-_-. 65703 --ZJohnH. Mebon9ld—$• C. Wepzel Resolved That C. F.-Na..64008, dated.; 1938';:be and ilia same. uo n6 names. InB .'in8de oa,:n..,.: "GGIO dDPoin — —_ REsot_vm, That C. F. No. 64006, dated January 13, 1926, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the following names and inserting in lien thereof the following names, the changes being made on account of those previously appoint- ' ed being unable to serve, removals from the precinct, changes by the election committee, resignations, etc: FIRST VAitD 15th Precincts Esther Bergman, 661 Hyacinth St., clerk, in place of Eugenia S. Hedberg, 677 Geranium St., resigned. 16th Precincts Henry R. Olson, 731 E. Maryland St., clerk, in place of John T. Hanley, 786 E. Maryland St., resigned. 18th Precincts Vern C. Sailor, 1144 E. Jessamine St., judge, in place of Mrs. Della -C. Johnson, 1115 E. Rose St., resigned. Chas. H. Osgood, 1106 Hawthorne Ste,.olerk, in place of Vern C. Sailor, 1144 E. Jessamine St., form- erly clerk now appointed judge. SECOND WARD 13th Precincts Archibald Emerson, 958 McLean Ave., judge, in place of Martin G. Joyce, 1171 Pacific St., resigned. 15th Precincts Joseph B. Waldorf, 1392 Margaret St., clerk, in place of Mrs. Isabel Anderson, 1353 Margaret St., quarantined. 18th Precincts Mrs. Frank Knight, 1565 White Bear Ave., judge-, in place of Frank Knight, same address, unable to ante FOURTH WARD 3rd Precincts Sue Brogle, 512 St. Peter St., Capitol Apartments, clerk, in place of Elisabeth C. Stephan, same address, moved. FIFTH WARD _ ltth Precincts Mrs. N. B. Brink, 1061 Lombard Ave., judge, in place of Bessie C. Wheeler, 956 Lombard Ave., resigned. SIXTH WARD 14th Precinct: Mrs. Emma P. Johnson, 347 Sidney St., clerk, in place of Emma P. Bloomfield, same address, married. t r y � 1. COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL sae NO. -------- -65.7-0 ---.-..---3---• OFFICE OF Ti4E CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .` DATE._...._._._._..._..__ ------- ._...------._----- —.- ............ _ RESOLVED SEVENTH WARD 2nd Precinct: John J. Austin, 169 Hina Ave., judge, in place of J. W. Austin, same address, deceased. Theresa King, 264 Selby Ave., judge, in place of John D. Miller, 125 Virginia Ave., resigned. 22nd Precinct: Inger C. Lundele, 975 Laurel Ave., clerk, in place of Chester E. Lundale, same address, resigned. EIGHTH WARD 8th Precinct: M. J. Cunnings, 247 Aurora Ave., judge, in place of Geo. C. Omdahl, 183 W. Central Ave., who was substitute for Cummings on March 16, 1926. 9th Precinct: Ethelwyu R. Bailey, 611 Sherburne ¢ye., judge, in place of Florence Corcoran, 538 Sherburne Ave., resigned. 036a B. Miller, 611 Sherburne Ave., judge, in place of Guy E. Redmond, 610 Charles St., moved. TENTH WARD 6th Precinct: Mrs. Genevieve L. Young, 1481 Blair St., judge, in place of Mrs. Florence A. Wolfe, 1470 Blair St., moved. ELEVENTH WARD 16th Precinct: Geraldine Stowell, 1680 A6hland Ave., clerk, in place of Mrs. Mary A. Medinnis, 1720 Ashland. Ave. Mrs. Medinnie did not act WAroh 16th. Judges request that the substitute be retained. 223ad Precincts W. 0.Berndt, 184 Amherst St., judge, in place of E. C. Mahle, 1667 St. Clair St., (Mahle was substitute on March 16, 1926, for Mr. Berndt.). Vincent M. Hester, 1708 Grand Ave., clerk, in place of H. C. Bill, Jr., who did not report on M061s 16, 1926 • VIV, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No - 65'703 -----------_.--.- FILE �y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __--------------- ___.--_.__._...._.__-.._._---- DATE ._............ ........... __...... ...... ... _.... .......... s RESOLVED Additional Changes. SECOND WARD 8th Precinct: Mrs. Mabel Joiner, 521 Forest St., judge in place of Albert W. Wilson, 864 Fremont St., removed from precinct. SEVENTH WARD 25th Preoinot: Mrs. Vera D. Marvin, 821 Fairmount Ave., judge, in place of Bernard J. Healy, 954 Lincoln Ave., resigned. NINTH WARD 12th Precinct: Johanna Corrigan, 113 Manitoba Ave., judge, in place of Louise Viger, 59 Litchfield St., resigned, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy- / J Ferguson ✓\ Hodgson ............In favor McDonald Sudheitner ..............Against Wenzel Mr. President :2dJ13LISHE��� � ;Lou Committee, April 28, 1926. Chai ESENrED BY the Committee. B B.rs�a.g 0704 Fig NO.----.--- RESOLVED, That C. F. No. 64006, Dated January 13, 1926, be and the same is hereby amended by strikipg out the following names and inserting in lien thereof the following names, the changes being made on account of those previously appoint- ed being unable to serve, removals from the precinct, changes by the election committee, resigoations, etc.* 2nd WAHD 18th Precincts Mrs. Mathilda Heinlein, 2019 Helen Street, judge, in place of Mrs. Frank Knight, 1565 White Bear Ave., (appointed substitute for Mr. Knight.in C.F. dated April 24, 1926, C.F. No. ), Mr. Knight acted as substitute for Mrs. Heinlein and it is decided that, as she was originally appointed, she should act at future elections. 5th WARD 15th Precincts C. Adelaide Cheatham, 1326 Palace St., judg8, in place of Martin Bykel, 926 So. Hamline Ave., Mrs. Bertha L. Coffin originally appointed unable to act, named Mrs. Cheatham. Mr. Bykel acted as substitute for Mrs. Cheatham and it is decided that as Bykel was substitute, only, Mrs. Cheatham should act at future elections. 10th WARD 21st Precincts Mrs. Arthur C. Schaffer, 1397 Como Phalen Ave., clerk, in place of hirg. Chas. N. Bell, 1410 No. Albert St., Mrs. Bell substitute, only, and it was decided that Mrs. Schaffer should act at future elections. 7th Ward 15th Precincts Cora A. Russell, 676 Ashland Ave., clerk, in place of Mrs. Maggie E. Elston, 676 Ashland Ave., she to act as a SUBSTITDTE FOR MBS. ELSTON', MAY 42H. - CITY OF ST. PAULw NCIL L' ry �a . FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, PRESENTED BY COMMISSION _DATE.._.............-.__.-_.--._-..._.-.,.__._._............._... RESOLVED Additional Changes. 4th Ward 7th Precinct: James Giloskyy, 194 W. Summit Ave., judge, in place of L. M. Deal, 168 W. Summit Ave., RESIGMEH{ and Hark MaM listrom, 112 No. Smith Ave., clerk, in place of Harriet Rowe, 168 W. Suanit Ave., RESIGNED, 2nd Ward 20th Precincts Mra. John V. Johnson, 700 Hazel Ave., clerk, in place of A. M. Kemper, 1728 E. Minnehaha St., RESIGNED. 6th Ward 5th Precinct: Oscar Grode, 61 W. Isabel St., clerk, in place of Mrs. Belle Schulte, 95 W. Isabel St., RESIGNED. eth Precinct: Oswald Crummack, 661 Delaware Ave., clerk, in place of Ethel Ruth Davis, 323 Baker St.,.LEFT CITY. 7th Ward 33rd Precincts C. H. Jarvis, 1217 Hague Ave., clerk, in place of Clara E. Horton, 1232 Hague Ave., RESIGNED. 7th Ward 15th Precincts Cora A. Russell, 676 Ashland Ave., clerk, in place of Mrs. Maggie E. Elston, 676 Ashland Ave., she to act as a SUBSTITDTE FOR MBS. ELSTON', MAY 42H. ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSION!'" No. CITY OF ST. PAUL cou.+ciL t�S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM _. ,__ DATE _............. ___...._----------- ._._--- _...__.._._.......__ +��/ RESOLVED p Additional Changes. 8th Ward fro. Mabel Rebisehke, 591 Sherburne Ave., 9th PreaUct:clerk, in place of Ethelwyn B.. Bailey, 611 Sherburne Ave., APPOINTED JUDGE TO FILL VACANCY1 and Nicholas D. Gores, Theo. Ebeflo&a,"' Rdwaa st-, clerk, in place of Clara B. Miller, 565 Thomas St., 611 Sherburne Ave.,,,APPOINTED =GE TO FILL VACANCY. 9th Ward 4th Precinct: Chester Langevia, 630 Broadway St., Judge, in place of Harley Coleman, 616 Temperance St., APPOINTED CLERK= and Harley Coleman, 616 Temperance St., clerk, in place of T. A. Schultz, 648 Canada St., MOVED. 10th Ward 10th Precinct: Thos. P. Wright, 861 No. Snelling Ave., judge, in place of Clara Bryan, 1677 Hewitt Ave., RESIGNED. 11th Ward 10th Precinct: J. C. Perkin, 2089 Carroll Ave., clerk, in place of Albert A. Bilaki, 2149 Roblyn Ave., RESIGNED. COUIG CIL:4IE\ 1f� f Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council --------------- --------- ---- 2- - Clancy Ferguson Approved ------------- Hodgson _.-......-.In favor !/ McDonald %J -- " 0$f lq MAYOR Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President �— CITY OF ST. PAUL L COUNCIL No.------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK COUNCIL 13ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Additional Changes 10th WAED 19th Precinct: Irene Me Spstsmaeller, 1540 Como Ave., W., judge, in place of Mabel P. Y— Bevane. 1419 Como Ave., H., on recommendation of the Election Committee under date of April 24, 1926. 12th WARD 11th Precinct: Chas. I. Belly, 978 Front St., judge, and Ruth H. Warburton, 986 Argyle St., clerk, the positions being reversed, Belly being an old-time judge. Change approved by the Election Committee under date of April 24, 1926. 7th WARD 7th Precinct: Mrs. Josephine E. McBride, 448 Ashland Ave., clerk, in place of Glen G� Windom Smith, 436 Holly Ave., RESIGNED.- 12th WARD 3rd Precinct: Mrs. Mary McGlynn, 634 University Ave•, Judge, in place of Mrs. Mary Hoffman, 687 University Ave., RESIGNED. 7th WARD 33rd Precinct: Vincent Malloy, 1246 Selby Ave., clerk, in place of Ella J. Malloy, v J same address, RESIGNED. CITY OF ST. PAUL -6571?5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ RESOLVED, That th C erk andmmi�ioner of Registration is hereby authorized to employ such additional help a$ is needed in handling the returns of the General City Election of Tuesday, May 4, 1926, at the offices of the City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration, at a compensation of 50¢ per hour, each, said compensation not to exceed Five Dollars {$6)'per night, each, payable out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund 31D1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President ..--_�-.In favor `J -.--Against C. Request 66905--89�J.. D1. ClancY-B} C -22"! '.DI. - -`'. of APr. 29, the General ved Y the Counpll Apr 29 1926. 3926. - (Ma.Y 1-3926) Adopted Ily the Council_ _--_.--.. Acting MAYOR (� i�jj ��jj,,hh CITY OF ST. PAUL F14EMC�L LJV�i'-V No..---- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ����/ ATE._..A D_........._......._.__.........._._._._.__._._................ RESOLVED That the proper Cthty officers are hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Linke, an employe of the Department of Education, injured December let, 1925, the sum of Sixteen Dollars (016.00) out'of the WorkmenlB Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of her claim against the City, being for the period up to and including April 26th, 1926. C. F. No.-86706—By 1 • It. B. Ferguson— Resolved. That the propercity oifl cerq. are hereby authorized to. pay to Margaret Unke, an employeof the Department of Education,_. ":Injured December lot:' 11126; the sum of Six- ter;nl7ollnrb (i1r49Q) out of the Work- men's Compone� ton 'Account of the Cleneral.Fundr )a.partial Settlement of herclaim agp.1 at the City, being' for tee period" up an including April 26th. 3925• Wdopted by t : Council Apr. 29, 1928. Abproved ,$ppa29. 1926. l (Dfa.Y2-1926). COUNCILMEN' Deas Nays i Ferg y ,/ Hodgson ................ In favor L// McDonald J . �Sudheimer _ ..............Against j Wenzel '1 r J/ Mr. Vieu I -a. F"rgag0rJ Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Education. Adopted by the Counci[aF R--?--9-3-----------192----- Approved... -.''---------------- _192...--- ........... .... ................ .... ... fn �,n" MAYOR_._. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.-. ----- 6}�-/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED BY- COMMIS910NER RESOLVED r Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his said department for more than eight hours per day, em- ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours Rate of over- time Frank Drassal Supervisor of Playgrounds 6 (@. .92 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson Hodgson S.In favor McDonald Sudheimer %oAgainst Wenzel �1 r. \ri�•r Pnw Me�rniAnn .APR 2 9 1925 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192----.. Approved...�.. -..-.. 1- ........ 192----- .......... . . . ... -- MAYOR ]n� To the Honorable Mayor and City Council! Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing Athletics This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: classes held evenings requIring supervision. Yours/xr, ruly, Commissioner. Rearatton HAVO to Mar Bette, etREene - itg of ot, Paul Department of Vurko. Vluggcouaas and Vnblit 3Builaitt}ti GEORGE L MASON, 5--p- HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ` ERNEST W. JOHNSON. 1RVING C. PEARCE. OE UW COMMISSIONER - PRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER CrtY�� 219 COURT HOUSE April 29, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council! Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing Athletics This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: classes held evenings requIring supervision. Yours/xr, ruly, Commissioner. Rearatton HAVO to Mar Bette, etREene v CITY OF ST. PAUL vcou—L LJ5 08 No------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, COUNCIL RUOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' DATE ------April - 29-A926-------------------._._ v That the applicatidue,,for licenses of the following persons for conducting businesses at the' addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: E. Rossi & A. Jannorio, 924 Rice St., 3 pool tables E. Rossi & A. Jannorio, 924 Rice St., Confectionery Frank McArdell, 234 River Blvd., Delicatessen W. F. Dickov, 461 University Av., Grocery John Savchuk, 600 Sherburne Av., Grocery John Machinick, 847 Woodbridge St., Grocery Rudolph Jetzke, 186 E. Third St., Confectionery J. Sasprzyk, 277 W. 4th St., Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson _ .............In Savor McDonald ) Sudheimer ___._.`__.....Against Wenzel Mx. Slice Prk*. 667(i8—$yJ. M..Clanev._. o to Issue such licensee upon the payment: into the city treasury of 'the customary fee: H. Rossi &-.A, Jannorlo, 924 Rice. St:;. 8 pool table.. �. D GRoasonfectionery.t-&A. Jannorlo, 924 Rlce- St:; Frank McArdell, 224 River. Blvd:, encateesen: - nD: (3roW. F. Disked, 461 Untveretty. Ave:,: lcety... iJohn savchuk, s6o Sherburne -:Ave;. Grocery. John 3fachinick. 847 Grocery. Woodbridge St:, Rudolph Jetake, i6i; Io, Third: St., Confectlouery. J. 1{asprsyk, 217 W. 4th SL, Grocery. #Adopted by the Council Apr. 29, 1926. . Approved. Apr, 29.. 1926- (A aY 926.(A'aY 1-1926) APR 29I Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------------- 192 ----- Approved . --- �--- -- 192..._. 65'710 ... CITY OF ST. PAUL ncia_ NO..---------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREQENTEO'BY N (_ Aptil 29, 1926 RESOLVED In the matter of grading alley in Block 4, Dean's 2nd Addition, from Victoria Street to Fisk Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63084, approved Nov. 17, 1925, and Final Order C. F. $64561, approved February 24, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and " estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 111orks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No.'66710—By. J. H. McDonald— rn the matter of radlnq .eller ffi DeaR's:25 d-Add-on,.�rom Prelim(nar, orderFCk F�rNo '89084.! approved Nov. Y7, 1928, d. Order C. F. No. 8}681; approved Feb- ruary 24, .1926,: Resolved, That the. plans, speclflea- Cions and estimated au titles as sub- xxi muted by the Com6,la toner of Pub- lic Y W—R.for the above named lm- p'.—nicnt, be aad the same are here- RecPj i T tl A 11. 1T7rpra i by approved. _ ci��'� Adopted by the 6knell Apr. $9, 1926 Cr b'ol7t CG r'! i`lLL11 active Approved Apr 29,'1926. N Reso t i Fj3 (May l-lsisl ,/. APP .'. ':, 192E:1 COUNCILME\ Yeas Nays .Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192._-.- ClancyA'. ? . Ferguson ApprovedG - 1132. Hodgson ................In favor McDonald -------- rAct_1=y; Sudheimer-_--.--....._-Against Wenzel M Vice RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL COUNCIL FILE No-- ----------------------- April 29, 1926 40 In the matter of grading alley in Block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision, from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 465086, approved Nov. 17, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #64567, approved February 24, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of'Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 66711—By J. H: -McDoaald= 'In - the matter ot. grading alley In Blo ak 3, nobert P. Lewle ComPany's' I .. .. e,,.... .....� ..1¢¢w Rtreet to C. COUNCILMEN' Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson -----....----In favor McDonald Sudheimer----------------Against Wenzel Ur. Vico I'rt• - l'er¢nAr,v € PR) i92a Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192- y' -Iris � - --- Approc 792.---- ctrng MAYOR Hesblged; Tliat-theplarts,apeclnca-- tions and estimated. "uantltlee ae euti-' 'a _ byaI"IeanamedPim- - lla for the yrovement, be .and the aame` are here-. by _npPtoved. Adopted by theCouncpr. 29 1926.', t` � 'i 1 I riT j;'v° ADProved Apr. 29, 1926. (ss-ttl t COUNCILMEN' Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson -----....----In favor McDonald Sudheimer----------------Against Wenzel Ur. Vico I'rt• - l'er¢nAr,v € PR) i92a Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192- y' -Iris � - --- Approc 792.---- ctrng MAYOR RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL cFIoLEueciu NC!.--------- 6571-2 April 29, 1925 • In the matter of grading alley in Block 3, Ryan Place, from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street, under Preliminary Order O. F. #63393, approved December 3, 1925, and Final Order O. F. 7#64569, approved February 24, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ';Fr; In the cin 65712 g y. ,r.. ii. McDonal2 131-A P"ter .gradtn . Avenue RYan.Place, fro%. alley Pr aminnr Rand OlDh Street�rtto approved Y Order C. F. No -Ina' unB Febr Orde2rDCi22 Vo. 646691 approv� Februar�}y�• itesapd E9[ ihYlBfedhe Dlana, epecidcf tfona mltted by the: Comm'Iue a l tere.t . . +� Droov¢dbe and the eamenam bI Id lmpt, ` .Ado ted Are hereby ar ADDroved ADr gounc11 Apr. 29, 1921 1926. (MaY 1-1926) i i rnners in -- - - - Connect, i ,n .; i.,:n abo79 Rei lutica�� - 5 �3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson................In favor McDonald Sudheimer ..... ........... Against Wenzel AL Mr. Vice l'r. : i't•rR erns. APR 2 9 1926 .Adopted by the 192 Approved „ 11 t. - 192.. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM in the matter of changing the grade and grading Rose Street from Matilda Avenue to Farrington Avenue, -under Preliminary Order C. F._6.3362, approved December 2, 1925, and Final Order C. P. #64866, approved March 16, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications sn4� estimated quantities as submitted by the commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. c F No 65713—BY-J- H• McDonald— the ;�utter of hai9l9 the �Kmde. In street fr0-, and gradl.9 R0- AveMatilda AVenUO to Farrington'.: Nue: under Prel luaryD0rd.6.r,.Cj " 63262. �. I EGFJ(51"t I oil, 'd Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer ------------- Against Wenzel 3WEBEE&Rie Mr. Vice Pres. Fergu'3011 PH 2 � '1920 192 Adopted by the Council_--------------------------- ,!. p'`? . .- " 12 approveda , I � 9'), -------- ---- ------- ** - ------ ....... --"-; ..................... ingMAYOR CITY pF OFFICe ST. COM - reo C - cp P4U,_ "(0)UNcL 771101,p� ReSOL.UTHC Ciry OL.U7_ r1olv CLERK --GeNE:R-4 FILE NO. L. )rOR, L nesoweo .Veo In the 'natter Wheej.o,k grad'219 G-reellb, Order kway to 4ebraek. ler Av,,,,,, #64200, Avanue, fro' PInal order C. 1, ap])ZO'Ved j U4dez Yreljminery • Z464 9,90, January 48 1926, a -Or'd 2faroll -13, PP2 822d eatln2sted �4&t th. P1.238 quantities as Subralt , sPe.jfOstjo,,, an Of Pu".'O Works for the a ted by be 8,,d the BjOner .reb.V, -d Ia2P-rOVer4e,,t, he J)2 the same 'Ile bore '2 apPrOVed. IV 64 . Ave�'?4,,1.1h Cter —P-', J. 11 dg at 2Veb e r - TrY ,der nueell�-.k pII,-e4brj;r r k3r,"', P. Re nder p w431 0- 192, � 6120, ar.u.,il Conn, 1926 o. 64990 nd pi, PPro - Re 11--�I Pvr.�-, Old:' tic g1m. "-d r i , - Thai ar�h 2., c 0079 TV 'd by tt'gfmated a 3 menu r. tha a _p*.a;,.a,*utj,, ,oc!n,,. ab.,a a -n.r o, 'Lld 4.dj',r-,Iqd by�q are here 1b, 1, r. re Ved A aC-4ap- Mr. b, "I AVr. 29. I., 1.926. Clancy nays Ferguson -U-dg.., McDonald ------ In fa,-(". Sudhein1c, I'venzel ...... Against ww AM Pr" ;�* " -I'lopte'i I'J'thc Council -approved 192 Aetinq MAYOR --- ------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM C UNeIL No --------- 65'714 FILE In the matter of grading Greenbrier Avenue from Wheelock Parkway to Nebraska Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64200, approved January 28, 1926, and Final Order C. F. #64990, approved March 23, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. C. F. No. 66714—By J. H..MeDonald— i� In the matter. of grading Oreenbrier Avenuetruth Wheelock -Parkway to Nebraska. Avenue, under Prelimin-' ary.OrderC.-F. No. 64200,' approved. January 28,'1926, and Final Order -' C. F. No. 64990, approved March 23, 1926. Resolved, That the plans.speclflsca- 1� tions and estimated QQuntltles s ub- -the CotnnilssioUer. of Public. {�eif�{`'i%tted .by orite for the above namedimprove- Q®�i fro k., : �1 ':, i iY u4'G7e meet, be and. the same are hereby ap-; Re l Lit I G ^. proved. /� A Adopted by the Cohncil Apr. 29, 1926. Approved Apr. 29, 1986. „ 3 (May 1-1926) _ ✓c�9. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council........_.�t�F�--'�..g--#Pt��j-1�J2....-. Yeas Nays Clanev Approved "..- _ 192...... Ferguson -. .: / -'v Hodgson ................ In favor McDonald - --------- MAYOR Sudheimer----__--------Against ACting Wenzel ::. Mr. Vine Prue. I�nrgu�1='• RESOLVED COUNCIL 6 57 1-5 CITY OF ST. PAUL vac NO._..____ ...... ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK aCOUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM /' te, _ ! �� �_, April 29, 1926 In the matter of grading Kerwin Street from Germain Street to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. X60725, approved July 14, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #63302, approved December 1, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submittec by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ll tt No. 85716=ny J. -g. M.Donald- IIn the matter of' Kerwin Street from Germain - Street orderraC. Street, unde''��ryy. Preliminary Jnly,14, 1926 and.�Final6, Oproved ' No. 82202; approved Order -C.. F. -1926. - DecetnDer. 1, ate, Resolved, Th., �w.. Proved. --- o are hereby gy_. Adopted by the Council A➢ 29, 1926. App; Ayr. 29, 1926: - (Iday 1-1926),. Res luti°( fu. ..r CoUNCIIMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson 7 Hodgson ..... ........... In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel TRr V.nui�1�1� APR 2 9 52�------192.. Adopted by the Council ..........._...--..-- _ Appyved��?r-- -----�--------- ----192------ � 6tiny MAYOR COUNCIL NO .-_-------- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM- -,onTE._April 2981 1926. ......_.... - RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade, grading and paving of Alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, also constructing a sewer in said alley from a point 190 feet west of Cretin Avenue to Cretin Avenue and in Cretin Avenue from the said alley to Sargent Avenue for the purpose of draining the alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. jp63417, approved December 4, 1925, and Final.Order C. F. #64529, approved April 20, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated o_uantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 66716=8y J. H. McDonald—! -n the matter, of. changlag the grade,) grading and paving of Alley In _. Block 6, 8119•s Maplewood, fropt LTetin Avenue• to. Mount Curve Boulevard, alsot �Q..etructing'a -sero,- - er:insaid.-alleyfrom. a point 190 fast weat of Cretin Avenue. to Cretin -(j r,l ]- 'r<i,pem Avenue and In Ct-tin- Avenue front the .said alley to Sargsnt Avenue for '�nnNul; l.�Yl C✓l.t'l-Lbovew- the :purpose oP draining'the alley, :under Preling ry, Order -C F. No.- Res l It 1-' i1 63117, ;approved December, 4, 1926:'. and Final Order C. -F. No.. 64629, up - proved S proved April 20, 1926. Resolved„ That the plane. sp8eiflca-�� ' • tions. and estimated Quantities ae sub-mitted by the Commissioner of public) tyorks for the above named Improve-� •� ment, be and the same are: hereby ap-I I proved. Adopted by the 2.h—fl Apr 29, 1926: COUNCILMEN Approved ADr. -9 1926. 92.-.... Nays adopted U tMay 1-1926) N leas Clancy Approved ------192...... . --- - Ferguson Hodgson ------ In favor -------------- McDonald Sudheimer----------------Against Wenzel M�_Pie�liiagk: a Council File No ---------- Jj5717 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT- and MPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Paving Berkeley Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mount Cnrve -t--Bo--o---u---l---e--v---a-r---d, - - - --------- --- --- - Property with sewer water and gaa connections from street mains --------------------- lines complete also--inoludin curb in :and avin ---elle and -_driveway- g$xcachas., whes.a._neos.a.aary.....--------- - - - - - 29th ___da Aril 1 ..._6 192_..... Dated this - ---- ---- -..., y of_... -- - ...- - -'----- --- --------- --- - - C. F. No. 66717— ^, ADetraot. king oe;tA wrllow D imprt for t)t. making of ihe4ottowing Improvement, viz• ,P,. jug HerkelayAvenue- from CreHR PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'J, to mounton C-0 Houl �3Le ,: :. R vii. .:t:;i.:...-...• WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvcmen, vtz.: Paving--Berkeley.-Avenue Prom._Cretin-_Avenue to Mount._Curve--Boulavard ---- -- with eewer_�-water-and-gas-._connections___...... -street mains to -__property.. _. . linea-.compljte,---also-.-&ncluding_-curbing--and.--paving-..alley --and---driveway ✓}P.B-rQ ches....wh.ere..neoesa9ry.. - -- - -- -- - - - ----------------------------- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ...... ---- ------------ ----------- ---------------------- ------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ r APR 2 (, 1926 Adopted by the Council..--------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Approved ................. __._._ HODGSON �/ J MCDONALD C/ SUDHEISi t:R _ WENZEL Mayor. R: -PRESIDENT �yp�pHED-��Sf� f.�.ri�r Form C A 13 (1M 3-25) j / j ��! + \ { \ \ I © � [ � . [ [ . [ � � � ^ � �ƒ � - \ [\ � � �/� \} �� : . \ \ } y ( § } � ) � � ƒ � [ } / � [ � � �\[\(} � [([[ `I1 ! � �� \ ) \ \ \ �] [ .r � � � §� �) � � :, `[� : E' (\(>() �) ��[ �[ � ^� ���� � [ƒ\\}/)\�\�\ \\ })\/(\ ��`/� \�(�(( . r :]( �� {]/ }[ :\{[{.[�\|{ }}«\\}\\\.!;\.�}..,�,(�. ...�w� \ �� \ �\ � �� . . ... . � _ _��. -I NCLUSIVr. - AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE- WENZEL. --' OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - MSG YES (( COUNCILMEN NAYS (V') - --TO < MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER � AL ,� RETURNED BY 1/ - _---- - LOCAL DISTRIBUTION. - -- - TRANSFER CHECKS l DISBUftSEM ENT . CH ECY.S BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS INKING SFUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS un C SPECIAL FUNDS BROUGHT FORWARD __ 35.8 Vela Laxtdber 416 5�- I 1Y395�.'-'- - -.. - i 580. 862 I .. 1 113 105 1,. 141 093 49 218 746' 01 l 000 - ---. 150 00 GARAGE --1COR'M� Eya� ui BI2t .. -�._ g lig; 5 SPRINKLING - - I..-.. -___ 3 FORESTRY i -I 6710 PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING .. SUNDRY ACCOUNTS g 16& 3 123 33 _po _. _269 77 '61 4 747 1 tog �56 3809 Joseph saokn 810,5 x q 3 168 52 - — 3810 O'Neil & Preston • a 38 35 810 oo 3811 Adam Deoker Hardware Comspnny Flsndrau Motor Cmipany 691 41;80 4 1 3512 — - - 69, 63 608 55 351j R. L. Gould & Company 3611 9 361194 3514 Kremer Auto Ipring company 61'51 3515 X.'I. Meotrio Xquipment. Co. , 67 4 67146 3516 N.C.Robinson Clerk if D.C. 121''; 1 46,25 80 9 3817 3t.Pau1 Builaere Miterial C -1. any 25'2 f 28 27 3518 F.3nith Tire & Battery 0=1 my 305' 3519 The sYm. H. Ulmer Company I 301 5 3�5 56 305'25 3520 Capitol City Transfer Company8 80100 q 3821 Central warehouse Lumber comlynny 902 3 902!39 3522 Fonrnelle Auto Company 62 5 6250 �• 323 Jos. Paolioek 40 0 i� 4o 07 9 24 Mr. James Rasmussen 50 0 50 00 3825 lt.Paul Gas Light Company 350 6 3550�169 3526 Tri-Itate Tel. & Tela. Company 54 1 6 44' 6 9 5 00 4115 382 Williams Box Lunoh CoMpany 8 55160 82 Board of Control 676 7 676 46 3629 18 786 18 786 88 3530 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comps y 64 5 64190 3831 F.. m. & x. F. Mare 225 OC 225;00 i I _ ' � I I i i r t v ti - - -.. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .. 38 416 pg r 112057 2 826-46 11 1 4 3 a5. 262 1V1 O � , T 25 25 7 1 000 QO -_...150 _-'..._ O' , _26 -`-�7 6 71Q AZ 5 r T♦5>11R&ROATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL / // RR COUNCIL No. --_ ---_ f �v�J_�L __. ______.__ ro _ _ RES. N0139 OFFICE OF THE COMPTRt)LLER CITY CLERK CLANCY, RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM .FER611S@IQ:"' ___ __.__IN FAVOR ADOPTS Y HE COUNCIL APR 2 91926 792 DATE -_192.29 6 CITY TR1q RY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4 D B T /{-IODGSON $ ._'5. rr__y�,f..i C VERING / NL]cDONA LD, DD� ___192____ B CHECKS NUMBERED ___ 9`�-__T. _ - ----- __ • ,/5 _-__- L,/________AGAINST - -- -- - V _ UDHEIMER, COMPTR LER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE --WENZEL. / �Y OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR Actor TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION - - j CHECK IN FAVOR OF r BY J SPECIAL FUNDS LOCAL SINKING TRUST USl C NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMACCOOUNTST 1 FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �TLDITORTl17GT SPRINKLING FORESTRY BU 'I BDING SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS - ui meet REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD I I 1 _ � 6 o '�61. `{' - -- _.------ 3809 - — -- -- - h n 747'i .?o9_J56 3809 mels Landberg 123:, 3 123 }33 H .3 168 52 0 150 _00 8 111. 269_, 77 3Q 416 -59_' 150395 -- 580- 5621 "�±o� 113. o5. 4 i41 093 49. __218 746.01 __1 _000 • 3809 Joseph 3aak . 3 $6815 q�P 3810 0Ime11 & Preston 38 910 I 3S 810 00 811 Adam Deoker Hardware Company 41 80 4'1 608 85 ;§812 Flandrau Motor Company 9% 69 6 3913 R. L. Gould & Company 0_1 3611 9 361!.94 381 Kremer Auto spring Company 5 61!51 3815 m.W.^leotrio F.quipm®nt. Co. 6T 4 67;46 381 m.C.Robinson Clerk of D.O. 122;2 46125 so 28 85j 3917 It -Paul BuilAeTs Upterial 0 rany 3918 W.y.smith Tire & Battery Com any 305 305125 3919 The 11m. H. Ulmer Company 315:5 315 56 3820 capitol City Transfer Compare Sd; 80 00 q 3821 central warehouse Lumber Co any 902;3 902 39 3822 Fournelle Auto Company 62 5 62.50 3823 Jos. Pavliosk 40 0 4o 07 38 Mr. James Rasmussen 50, 50:00 3825 st.Pma Dae L9ght Company 3566 350'69 3822 Tri-',tate Tei. & Telgo comp y 54 1 4�F' 6 5! o0 4i 15 3827 7iiiiiame Box tr loh company 7 6 9 6 76 7 6765460 3828 Boar o ono 18 766 8 19 766 8o; 3829 3930 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Comps y 3831 v,. fit. & H. F. Tare 225 225 00 II y II II II .. II ;ly $ i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD (1-1 1-1 :iLA CITY OF SAINT PAUL .'r -L N6 QUADRUPLICATE �10 COMPTROLLER OFFICE OF THE COMPTRPLIER 1 LERK UDI I TRD CLAIMS—RESOLUTION: FORM RE I Or - ry CLERK-/ 4--30 A.", RESOtVED THAT CHECKS, BE `DRAWN ON THE I I 6RE6ATE:AMOUNT OF D THE AG ATE—_��_A 9 9 ILA. CITY TREASURY43. 154i51TO -53 COVERING ---- — — ----- - CHECKS:f4UMi3ERED----3-932-L,.---39�L-"I NCLUSIVE.'Ai PER CHECKS ON FPLC IN THE OFFICE, - ----- OF Tw CITY CO MPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK, N. FAVOR OF IN. BY NUMBER TRANSFERNT DISSURSEME BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD. "d that.check-be '0 "d the City T,'.h.a.' d'. CityT� d,.�. 0. f o"' I. theaggregate oh.�k. numberedf SIV to 311" SIVto 3869 1,1 check" on file to the ffll��e_ of h 'o th f le Ci'y e C Comptroller. , IdW.d , y o Council ed 3M -Y 4, 1926. $ i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ''- CHECKS NUMBERED 3032 --.TO._ �____�____. _.. - - - .. SU.DHEIMER• ___AGAINST INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IY4 THE OFFICE WENZEL. _ _/��/'/,j _( - VV -______ --_--_ - _ -.., OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) AfCi�Q9 MAYOR CHECK TOTAL RETURNED _ DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF BY LocwL SPECIAL FUNDS - NUMgER SINKING TRUST TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER !I BOND IMPROVEMENT . . PUBLIC SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS ) I.� ACCOUNTS -FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING __ _36 416 .59 722- - bag -8226, 46 -n-3 105 41 44 262 :01-259-025:76 _1.000 ,00 - -150 - --- - 9 559 e 3 2W. . BROUGHT FORWARD p a 16I 77 6710 61f 5 355 209.56 3832 Margaret Linke 33933 L.C.Hodfson, Comb. of Fin. 1 44315 17 35; �y ® 3�� n M b e 1 894 1 89 `; a 27 810; 9 27 ✓ 190, �I 3837 n n 5251 2 5 25122 3838 N n w SWI 89816 3939 a n a x 17 14 17 Zia 38 22 8 22 8 3841 nh O p A 74 613 74 613,75 3842 a p e a 135 272, 135 2�g2'00 L ! 9f 110 65 253 50 38!44 n n " n 846 8 3 54b 90 f ' 3946 Bethesda Hospffital 3234 3 23344 900 3847 Dr. Charles A. 01e0n g5'; 555; 00 3848 Clara Arnold, Widow of H. A. 40' 40 00 3849 Ann F. Campion, widow of D.H C. 40 4o 00 3850 Helen Sullivan, ndow of M.s. 30 30'00 3851 sootety for the Prevention o Cruelty 200, 200 00 3852 Aid Reduotion sales Company 69!. 69;84 385, Capitol stationery Mfg. Comp y ,107;8 107 80 Crex C.rpet Company 0 2 3651 Ye'XSAT Prover oempen'T - _ w_ . $.F W_ _. .� TI. X. Mulford Company 122'. 5 122 50 � � 3857 Perkins—Traoq Printing Come y 39cc�, 395, 3858 Rusoh motor Company 396 396 �1 5 g ' 3860 Speedometer & Aoo ssories Co. 8 38 9 A. 46 8o 15 44 i ` 352 lid Prin i& Brothers - 176 .. -_ .... 17 00 3 it Marmon Company 69. 15 1 6o'15 3963 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Comp y � 5 5 'S0 3864 Villaume Box & Lumber Company96173 73 386 J. L. Brastad 86 4 86;40 i �I 3862 Win. 21artin 86 4o 86'40 3867 L.C. Hodgson, Comir. of Fin. 161500 00 161 500 00 3868 C.I.Johnaon Mfg. Company 168 18 169,19 � 3869 Koehler & Hinrioha Company 448',00 448 00� Al I j SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 99 936 59 1425996 _ 1083950 68 113 105 4 144 710-01 258 025' 7_ __-1 00b ,,00 _ 1501_--i__ _- 26 5 609.4 20 1 9 0�' 3 269 6 821 r _ 3 77 THW,LbOATE - CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO 'RES. No. ----:Lw ----------- j- OFFICE OF THE COMPTR6-LER CLANGY. CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FERGUSON.---.------- ---.IN FAVOR CITY TRE URY. O THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . HODGSON. D E4 -3c2_ 5 ---7%439-53 TO SU DHEIM ER, _ ____ RING M.DONALD, CHECKS NUMBERED303-2 31Sb ___ ----_-.AGAINST .__._ __-"_- __ _______ ' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZEL. OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. PRES., NELSON. YES ( V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) TOTAL RETURNED '•`• DISTRIBUTION CHECK -- IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER =.IMA��R.�E.%NT SINKING TRUST TRANSFER DISSU RSEMENT BANK GENERAL VJATER BOFUNDS ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS dd���� J �I GARAGE AUDITORIUM __. __... _ __.BROUGHT FORWARD -3d 416.:58_ _.-._._ 72_ -... _.._ -..6og OGC7..- --.113 105 .._C�62.�1---02517 - - 1 OOO ,00 lij0,. _._._ !-- -_.x..558'}-2e 3832 Uargaret Linke 1 00 16 o 3933 L. c.iod son, com#z. of rpa. 1 5 17 435.75 i s 3935 « « « « 1 99W 1 4896'; � 2 810 9 27 810 90 3837 n n r n 5 251 2 5251 22 3839 n n a SgB, 1 684917 9999 16 3S� n p e w w 2 6 ; 9 212 6 9 75 $4p n x a 133 ffi 9;' 4 133 572 32 k V « « « « 3355 3�4� n . M � 3266 8 46 80 394 Bethesda Hospffital 34 3 266 90 3847 Ar. Charles A. Olson g5 555 0 3945 Clara Aamold, '.widow of H.A• 40 40 00 3849 Ann r. Campion, `�idow of A.H C. 40 4o oo 3850 Helen Sullivan, '91dow of ?A.s 30 30 00 3851 Sootety for the Prevention Of Cruelty 200 200 00 69 a' 69 g4i 3852 Capitolust>attiionerysVfgg.comp y 100719 107 0, 3854 crew Carpet Company 0 2 p 38555 Melady Pape- 0 1 -3 av `1( 3556 H. x. taulford oompany 122-50 122 50 3957 Perkins—Traoy Printing Comp• y 395 395 0 396 2Z 3859 Rusoh aotor Company 396 21 5 Spalding & Brothers 5 4 15 44 46I,S 3860 speedometer & kooessories Co. 6 8 3561 sterling Printing Company 17 5 17 00 60 1 3562 summit Marmon Company6 1 3$63 Tri State Tei. & Tel. Comp y 53 5 56 57,30 . J. Villaume Box & Lumber Compare 96 73 6 3566 Jja. Pt�rtintad 86 S6 4o g6 4�0 3867 L.C.Hodgson, comer, of Fin. 161500 00 161 500 001 3865 C.S.Johnson ?Afg: company 165 18 165 18,1 II -- - (� COUNCIL (3C �Q. � FILE No. - --__. lliJ f — DOPTEJ'Y THE COUNCIL• ------192 O _-192 ___..__. ---- _. __-____FICtIIi/! MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS _ PUBLIC SUNDRY ISPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 6 Ito 61 5 355 - -2-56', I 110 6511 253 r7b r CITY OF ST. PAUL couneiL No. - n r i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��L "ESO ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._..__.—� :.. _ FO. ATE�_....._._._.� _.i.�.._.._._ REsoLNED That permission and authority are hereby given to Edwin Ryden to install and:maintain a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Baker street and Smith avenue, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; curb returns on Smith avenue to be built on 86 -foot radius and tangent to the street curbs. COUNCILMEN - MAY4 090 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---------- ......... .........192...:.. f Clancy W Ferguson Ay=..MA°� tsi}r� ,4 -- -------:. 192odgson ...In favor McDonald --S', dhci ner Against Ct7ADMAYOR enzel / Mr. President POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE,OF TkE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., -April. -.17th ---192----6 Pursuant to Section 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of ------ FAw1n---.Ryden - ---------------------------------------- to erect and install a filling station on the .-.;3QU ihweSt---GOrner--:-OP ..Baker -and Sm1-th-AvBs-.------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --- ;-- ------------------------------------ I ............ -- --------------------------------- --------------------------- MR come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the.. ---?_7th --- ------------ day of....Apr-#.1....................... 192.6.-, at 10 o'clock A. M. L. C. HODGSON, Commissioner of Finance. Mr, C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Edwin Ryden for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Baker and Smith Avenue. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Sa et E. J. MURNANE, a -a OW@I C. DUNN. of PpJO[ '. _ FlIM CZ_ MICHAO.G WHAR_—I T. A.R.I_ N FOYOe l p� ■1 }fir y►7r' �* ♦/� A} Department YL �µ��{L �� I OSCAR LIINOER, A—. FIIR Oua H. A. VALL. CAFrux o► Dsr¢rno 1 [,j WILLIAM BARRON, J. M. CLANCY' COMMISSIONER , IxaS¢fo-. Fi F- -- G. Hs Pa.lox T. CONNELL, HARRY TO'DEPUTY COMMISSIONER C wr. HAS— L. WILUS. W A -A- — A. L. EGGERT. LIenV.6lx.Fa.Tae P. $IMON, M. D. Hw.Yx OFnaSe CHARLES L SEGRRI, BUR. MUgtlFAL OARAOi nl cau-r xaroi A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. D _ "_ OFFICpt JOS. MACAULAY. ®® JOHN MA I. 8uvr. FoIICS tr FlA<AuwH .. C.- H— IxpC'IOR r —L T April 16, 1926 Mr, C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Edwin Ryden for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Baker and Smith Avenue. This location has been inspected and approved as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Public Sa et April 12,1926 Hon.J.MLOlanoy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. paul,LRinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Edwin Ryden for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Baker and Smith Avenue. TPe have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not great- ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. E. J. MURNANE. .* Ali of Si. Paul ►. (�.�1 WD, C. DUN N. 4 FIEF CM cwv o•Pauu OSCLANDER. AR MICHAEL O T. 1 ' p} Department of Public Safety aF AER. CMV"or POUCH CHARLES L. WIWE. H. A. VALI. &IIP.OF APFAMTO. CARwm OF DSTacnYo / J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONIM B. P. SIMON, M. D. O. H. SARFUSS. / HA! RAY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTV COMMISSIONER H _ ORICYI IRM�.T.R OF POUCE 6•- � A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. A. L. EGGERT.D BUREAU FPROTECTION HFAL'm OFnCDI I—I. IM DIVISIONN FIRE IRE PREVFNPION JOHN MART. JOE. MACAULAT. Mlw¢wPA R!. CNV HW.TN IM.FECP.A EOR. POLIO[ Q PIES AIAAM DEMx AMD WIWAM BARRON. C.- IN,FPCPOA April 12,1926 Hon.J.MLOlanoy Commissioner of Public Safety, St. paul,LRinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Edwin Ryden for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Baker and Smith Avenue. TPe have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not great- ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. V Duplicate.. XNTY OR SAINT PAUL This application to be .Yr•.as �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER$. made in duplicate and submitted to the City APPLICATION FOR .LICENSE,, Clerk. 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota ' jj APPLICf For License o Operate_and Maintain (In r IS HER MADE rm or Individual lance with Ordinance 5266) AUTOMOBILE FILLIN STATION to located `4>-tr`e* r�i = Cl.. rIP l . c Streot Number and StrKf Number of r7 1 Number of4X20 Capacity of In a Pumps to be Installed +/ �' Tanks to be Install Received at office of City Clerk .-.--7r^"" Signature of A cent By Buai— Address Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date f9— Date 19_ Date-- 19— Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By By By Received From Department of Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works Date 19— Data 19_ Parks' Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs.. 19 Date—Office . Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk of the City Clerk By By By II • Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk 19— Passed .19- 9_19—Office 9_y Approved —19— Officeof the Corporation Counsel y By Received From Department of Date 19— - Ordinance No. Permit No. License No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19_ Office. of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter CITY VF '+ ! �_g► Tl�fi�Lp , �pie�p�arMLMM# hf[(J` blic jcrk�s? JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNSLL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C - EWI. aSN.iROnI.N M. N. CARRY. S—. OF C..ANO RD.u'w G. N. HERROLD. 0— - ANU CRY PLNININ. EN.mml April 12th, 1926. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- M. S. GRYTSAK. RwoaE EN6IN.ER A. M SHARP. SUPS. O. IMNRATNIN G. P.-SOWLIH. S—. OF W— Re : Drive in Filling Station, S.W. corner Baker & Smith Ave. Edwin Ryden, 848 Hague Ave. This application for a drive-in filling station is in a Commercial District and permitted subject to a public hearing of interested property owners. C,zrb returns on Smith Ave. must be built on 26 ft. radius and be tan?ent to the street curbs. Yours verp truly, City �1ann ng En, neer. `— gpprovedd o _ 1 c :,oris. gh-rh D. CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be Duplicate made in duplicate and r" v' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSI. 1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. Form No. r " �, �'- l ✓',� fir+- 1 To the Honorable City Council Date - Ll r of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLINIS HER Y MADE I N— rm or Individual For License o Operate and Maintain (In Co Bance with Ordinance 5266) A G. •'Drive Iv" o�a6eebi' � � � '/� AUTOMOBILE) ILLINq STATION tio�bfe locate �1,��`,► �fi A Btmt Number o d Bt,&t l Number of // Number of Gas a R � Capacity of 0 Pumps to be Installed f�"� Tanks to be Installed 7Receivedoffice of City Clerk Biemtum oL A 'cant By A4F ' Bmineaz Addrme Z Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk 19- 19— Dat — Y�o a 9_ Date_ Dat a artment of Pohl • Works Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety P and Public Buildings sy sy B Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Dpt. of Public Works y Received From Department of Parke, Playgroundeand Pulbc Bldgs. Dat 19— Date 19— Date 19_ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk O"ce of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed— assed 19— Date Date 19— Office of the Corporation Counsel Approved 19— By--- By Received From Department of Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date 19— Dat 19_ Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter To; the City Council o£�St, aul.�; the undersigned property owners an Smith Avenue, hereby declare that we have no objection to the granting of a perinit for the erection of a filling station,at the Southwest corner. of Smith Avenue and Baker Street. .... .�.. A .................................... ....11...X ......... Name 1� ver c CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac Arm OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 24--4 May 3, 1926. COMMEIONER DATE____ ----•-------_ RESo That the bond given to the City of St: Paul by the C1�be Indemnity Company, as surety,,, and Hansen Auto Supply Company, as principal, dated April 3+'1923, in the sum of 010,000.00, covering curb gasoline filling station at 371 Earl Street, be and the some is hereby, cancelled and the principal and surety thereon --- - released, ss-e-tat'io$ has been removed, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. MAY 4 lASlfa COUNCILMENAdopted by the Council - ......-192...... Yeas Nays ✓fancy 14erguson Approve ..... .Y: `1:..^............19' --• -�od�on lk favor /McDonald MAYOR -/. �ctrng /S�udheimer '..Y.:.Against /--W 'enael Mr. President . _65'72 C Y,OF ST. PAUL poeNca OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April.'28, 1926 PRESENTED BEY DAT—. - IIOMMISSIQNER 7 E_.._ RESOL That the bond given to the City of St. Panl by the Globe Indemnity Company, as surety, and Ralph lindbloom, doing business as the Ramsey Motor Inn, as principal, dated March 16, 1922, ,in the sum of $10,000.00 covering curb gasoline filling station at 349 Smith Ave. be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as curb filling station has been removed; provided; however,: that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond k.'..F Nq $67Et—Btv T hi C1ancY :BY.� Bequest :rieaolYed 'That the bond lope. to I ;yy CItY b SL Paui,1}Y :;he lop4 Sn- ifemnttY 54�Pahp •' as suFeW., and .R91Ph Ladb744m ,�o}AB p4itnepe, as-' . ' `EI}4 ItamaeY-;y� otor h- s6 'p4'In41na.1:. ate4 ..Tgretr:Y9, 1§tz.'�a the su><t �.or x:1MtlP $$ cuq@rwtr cucA Sad itn4 dnb etatlon'pt $S9 ''F+pttith Ave pa-hnd £he ealpe_le"herepY caR etie{t le onpPai "andgau f.kY £h rpnh b ln4=e_ rAoyedbp ov144ddUB.iotvQrevpthat-i»oth,, Ieagei%redidrinc( sl Paas gur4ty tiopn: aPY Ua1fllltaY: W77�1t,4'Y TROY he, a4aptqued pdd�tod L Y athegiti''OdiMll4Sia'ytd i.Appryvsd Yr COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CouncdWAY 4..----M ...192 J ClancyMAY 4 - 192.Ferguson Approve .. . /H/odgson --........... In savor /(%.Donald MAYOR ASudheimer ----------------%gainst %:Ctll75 Wenzel //Mr. President r u . - th�� efdod =Q I gond at n - 4'� e9fl R ` cout+ca te-ln�dllat e,i fla eagle are p9ie7ey .granted. th9 city, c1erR�lnayRlY6i- � . --- F'� NO ---------_65i•{�i : -�! OFF and _ tlg3nefl 31ce6#ei! a,op tT197p88✓ 4mn �lk {4o AMI t 04o v6 t4e•cue "v . COUNCIL Iia i9. !th tin x xaE So°�lt z6g +tit 9A aro,Y PRESENTED BY cars 4. 1926 �. SaSn' Roeal Bab E -bed at. iCnrtec= - COMMISSIONER V - tom- att ,� A,rt RESOLVED That the applications licenses of the following persons for indicated be and the some are hereby granted '+ conducting businesses at the addresses and the oity,olork is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee:> 156 Si.'7th St., Awning Hanger Twin City Shade company 256 W. 4th St.,, Grocery - M. M. Metcalf, 605 E. 3rd St, Confectionery'; Sam Rossi, 418-20 Wabash; at. Dane Hall e HarFy Yee Pon, 323W. University Av. Butcher H. W. Janssen, 193 Aamsey St. Grocery Ben ldangiald, 725Ti. '7th St., e J. H. Hentges, 383 Wabash& Sty Butcher Sam Blumberg, 381 Edmund St., Butcher geaa`Bro., 263 P. 7th St., confectionery F 'o. Pitkin,624 Lee Ave.,` Soft drink F .T zxoTeague,Grocery 208 State St., I41ien, 1337 St. Clair St., Ccnsuiners Plholesale Supply Co., 777 Smith A4., Butcher Grocery Eisai Saraute, 472 Grace St., Soft drink Reuben Pribyl,606 E. 3rd 8t, Soft drink J. P Duggan, 816 Payne Av .; Grocery H4dkaiuoo3.aro, _ 96 A�'Dale 8:; Butcher y[ ;i; 0O'Donnell, 539 Decatur St., soft drink Dominick:Ferrozzo, 1127 N.'ohmtsworth St. Grocery J. E. $roamer, 879 Rice St.' Conf-drug 0,'E. zandell,600 Central Grocery Fred Baron, h S694':Repdolph St., ' 169 Butcher villelli Bros., 77 N. Milton St.,- Grocery H.. Braunstein, 100 N. Dale St., Grocery S. M. Wellman, 627 Jackson St., 2 pool tables Sam Alessi 1627 Jackson _ St., Confectionery Sam Alesaii 36 W. 3rd St., Soft drink Edward TazewskY,Grocery 1091 Rine St.,, C. F. Rediskes Mrs. Frances Tuooi, abl Payne Av., 1316 Forest St., Grocery Conf-drug Ed J. Fuchs, 496 Thomas St., Grocery J. Berkovitz, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,-..---_� -�-_-----------192 Yeas � Nays ..-,.,.-__,�..--' e Approved.. - 192. - Ferguson f,_.._-.--"-•.,- Hodgson ...... :I 41 tavol` 'McDonald �...-!' ff ................................... --.-...• -- -••-----• - AYOR _tdheiirier Against ` Wenzel -Mr. President 1. 1- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.....:6572 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___. RESOLVED –2– W. A. xeems 2115 -2119 Grand Av., Grocery Harry Holinsky, 418 Ooncord St., Grocery Harry SolYnsky, 418 Concord St., Butcher E. H. Coan.. 44 S. Snelling Av., Grocery L. C.:Nemer, 236 Carroll,Av., - Grocery Jos. Murphy, 153 E. 5th St., Confectionery J. J. Bann, 235 W. Central Av. Confectionery H. Liberman, 501 Wabasha St., Grocery Walter Fred Lynae, 599 Wabasha St., Grocery Consumers Drug Co. "uInc., 1581 Selby AV. Conf-drug Birnberg k Parasol, 399 No. Prior Av.- Grocery George Nioklay, 435 N. GrottoeSt„ Grocery St. Paul Hotel, 359 St. Peter St., Dane Hall C. k G.•Hagelin, 2175 St. Clair St., Grooery S. G. Larson, 229 E. 7th 3t., Hotel Geo, Stanopolis, 295 Z. 7th St., Restaurant M. J; Farrell, 1363 University Av., Re'stsurent S42 So. Wabasha St. Restaurant D. S;. Cottons Restaurant Fate* h Bros., 349 Rosabel.St. ,3ames Ranch 780 8.. 7th St.,. Restaurant 40 W. College AV., Raatsurent Jos. Mason, Mary gameaohuk, 463 Broadway St., Restaurant Mrs'. Grace Abase 484 Robert St.,, Restaurant Mary Louise Derov, 104 S Robert St., Restaurant , W. J. l t Grady 241 E. 3rd St;, Restaurant 316 Jackson.S., Restaurant Mrs. Aline Browny Jack Ape#isy 638 Rice St., Restaurant Mrs; J. Revelle, 1589 Selby Av., Restaurant Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from street. Poolroom'is1000 feet from school. .. COUNCILMEN' 192 ------ . Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.... .--Y- 4.--- -- ----- _,-Clancy MA I� $ 0 9 Approved - ---------- ---192------ %Eerguson �` ---13odgsonIn favor 14.4-4,"McDonald � --- ...i%�.... �C�IIIQ i.:1:oR r� ---�Sudheiraer .--- ----- Against ,,�Wenzel (:; i*aT,IStiED2�3/P Mr. President - i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F NO -------- j6V2 J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED - BY: COMMISSIONER__.-_ f DATE.__._ 1926 RESOLVE In the matter Of planting and proteoting shade trees on both aides of Hamline Avenue from Randolph Street to Oto Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #57915, approved February 17, 1925, and Final Order C. F. X59491, approved January 19, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works. be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account and that the Purchasing Agent proceed to secure the necessary material. Estimated 008t -o3 work $745.40 7 M Clancy-8y� $e44est-- .: Ip: the "ttep qt plaki aad yro=I "teoEtnB 4�afl1s treap Drt- bofp aides oij -111-41 COUNCILME.I Yeas Nays _ � LGlancy —Ferguson -'Hodgson In favor —MeDOnald 'Sudheimer O -Against '7enzel Mr. President H Adopted by the CounciftAV--¢---W&- - .---:-192..-.-, Approved. q-.. 192...._ ------------ 4RIng MAYOR i CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL N0. 6'72b OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 3, 1926 " PRESENTEb BY.. COMMISSIONER— RESOL o - In the matter of paving Arkwright St. from Case St. to Brainerd Ave.and Brainerd Ave.. from Arkwright St._ to Edgerton St., under Preliminary Order C. F-. J63494, approved June 10,-1924. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter. be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in suoh matter die - continued. ;6.',V No. 66T2".: IL ✓ McDonald In the matter of 4aY1a6 ArkwrEght Bt. trom Case St to Braloerd Ave- .afid $ralnerd. Ave- from Arkwrlght Bt. to Edgerton �f `. undo � . A[e= E r �• CouNCILNIEN Yeas Nays Clancy 1�-F/erguson /Hodgson .�.----In Savor ,4CDonald ,1dheimer Q. -:-Against nzel President MAY 4 Adopted by the CounciL... ---............ -------------------- 192------ Approve - ---192..---- p - /o v� A��----- ----- MAYOR CITY OF sT. 'PAUL o Nay NO ----------- 6.5727 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL.RESOLUTION—GENERAL_ FORM PRESENTED BY Ma 4 COMMIIS910NE _ DATE�.y._.."n�ti• RESO In the matter of constructing a six-foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Seminary Ave. between Chatsworth St. and Lexington Ave. under Preliminary Order 0. F. 65491, approved April 20, 1926. Resolved: That all orders in. the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled,annulled and rescinded and all proceed- ings in such matter discontinued: C F No• tt4r b '7C - 8. ting ald— IR that bminr of the;- 4dawau g ;a the foot cement teas= eldewallc on the .,.south. 9lde ofyemlri Avo. betwveen Chafeworth 8pt. rraypn"dIpgtbm aDD�eved ADHis'20 - ReeolVed,�. That til ordo}'D; In' the ,I are tri6ttgr be _Nod .the same ~are hereby caneelaed, anaulled h'a "a I: soIn atter -and alY' Droteedln�e _ !it - 1 matter dlecoatlnued Adopted -by the C -ounce! May 6; 1926. Approved May 4, 3928 (M.1 8-1528' ✓ COUNCILMEN. MAY 4 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .:_..__..................... ... ...192.___. vGlancy AY 4 ±rguson Approve .... . ................... 192 ...... dgson. ..............In favor McDonald .... .......... . ...... .. --------- --------- /udheinner ..............Against ACiln9 Mwrow �['enzel Mr. President r�1Q PAUL 40NO.. ----- -57 tV �.��CZOF": OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 3, 1926. PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER_: RESO E r That the time specified for the performanoe of a certain contract dated September 8, 1925, between Peter LamettiI Oontraotor, and the City of St: Paul for the construction of a. sewer On:Lexington'Avenue `' from Larpenteur Avenue to Como -Park -and along Lake Como Boulevard from Lexington Avenue to a -point opposite Shrub Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 29th day of.Apri1, 1926,. and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to esecute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution, shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the oontraotora'a bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the city Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays '0' .._...In favor _!.-.....Against Adopted by the CounciLMAy_ _.4. - 192...... M 4 = j� Approve ;------------------192...._ ,--...... .... '..................------...... Aeting M^•�^ Q St. Paul, Lunn.1`2_ To TIM H0110RABLE CiTY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. P ,UL. Gaatlaracnt Mould raspectfull.y ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of aoc:pletin_ contract for the Q _ n -V. To be extended to OwinI7 t e it c,s not possible For 1� to finish this contra a.ct within the Yti:::e specified, hence'. desire to ask that the time for com- platin. s,,mu ba ria.de 7,s hereinbefore stated. Yours verr4y, l n contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended e.s requested, as far as the requirements of this office are concerned. APPROVED, AofComirissio ler Pub rl_s 5 1NI- ... --V 7 2- G%? CITY OF PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Maya, 1926. PRESENTED COMMISSIONER..— R.. RESC:rZ That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated January 190 1926, between the Feyen Gonstruotion Company, 0ontraotorej and the City of at. Paul, for the construction of a ,sewer on colne Street between Orchard Street and the Northern PsoiflO Right of Wayj be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of April, 1926, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewithi provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unjeqa the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City qomptrolleri CoukCILMEN Yeas Nays /Ferguson odg'.. In favor , Donald XMe dheimer ....... �0.-Agaiust ,/W nZel President I MAY 4 - 1026 Adopted by the Council ---------------------- Approve192 TC TFC HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: Str Paul, Minn. �3 v 192 Com` -T Would respoctfull.y ask that your Honorable Body cruse tho time., of oompletinq contract for the 0-0- ) Tc b,-, extended to 92.(, . Owinc to t�2 it c -as not poss-cle for U&to finish this contract within the ti:::e specified, hence tirq desire to ask that the time for com- pl,3tin� ware be r.-ade hereinbefore stated. Yours very tru y, Contracto . 10, There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, ;s far as the requirements of this office are cor., nrned. PROVED: -Supt. Constru Repairs Ccru.:issio. er of Public Wur1_s Chief Enr-ineer. tl 5731 CITY OF ST. PAUL�eoa NO._ ---_-...Sl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -DA'*� April '�thi 1926 COMMISSIONE a24'_ .. . RESOL _ That the Comaissioner of Public Worksbe and is hereby authorised and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets: DeSoto St. from Maryland to Brainerd cR solved, B"'J• �. etan��_BY Yeas ' Jessie St. from- Maryland to Brainerd Fubllo �'Ar $Ant the-C4mmlegloner op: ?e,rop1{h��d to tgDrl 7%.r e lBralnord nk tt NP97ady�wlth " Brown AVG. from Congress to Winifred to erOT-' st Avm Maryland to Brain. .. Stevens St. from Wa$eo8 to Bidwell -.. e � own Ave: fYDm Congrogq to WJaI: I `Albyonq st trnm I era S44ChrlA' 82 f�m to B18we11 t C'o &r97and;._to Albemarle St. from Maryland to South 8t,ir of eaiein to .Rloei' iter Carbon St. from Marion to Rice ogau gt g TVopapria from?1and Conk St. from Western to Farrington 9fiJU �i•P,Li, .i PgPm. ltRoe�tp9lan.:.� rpf to Aqe k Gaultier St. from ldarylead to Carbon, n��van nw, t w l -ley'tob to AvotAOl mora iib et E.-;eeLV AdoPiRd by t1i :. Slctorla APDrbpgd Woodbridge from Rose to Maryland �b `1CY4241] May 4 -7444. Abell St. from Jessamine to Geranium' Geranium St. from Sylvan to Cortland" Fairview Ave. from Wesley to Hewitt Capitol from 116 ft. E of Victoria to Avon COUNCILMEN Nays .-Clancy Ferguson Hodgson In favor `McDonald 0 �fff udheuner ----------------Against 'Wenzel / Mr. President MAY 4 - Adopted by the Council- -------------------------- --------- 192...... APProve , Y.•4 - 492$--•---------192-----• dci,In� Mnvca .Petition Council File No-___..__.__.(��'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave Arkwr4ht St. from Case St. to Brainerd Ave., Brainerd Ave. from r r g to dgerton St. and vy St. from Edgerton Si. to Payne .AYe........ with ..ne-aesaesg---aever-,---wa-tar---and--- gas --- eo.nnections--- from --- s-tmeet-------- mains to properly lines complete, where not already made, also curbing .and --- pa -ring --- a%tey--- and --- driveway--approache-s------ h-ere--ne-ceausT------------- .................. ... - - ------------------ ............. ...- -------------------- t, , �.77 — 4th May, 19 ® ga�rncµresz Dated this pRn�B(1. ------------day of -------- ----------- - 7 Co5n `"PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Arkwright St. from Case St. to Brainerd Ave., Brainerd -_Ave. from grkwriglif --- a-: £o Edgerton S$. and ivy St. from Edgerton St. to Payne Ave.-,---with---neaesaary---aev�er.�---wat-ex---and --gas-.csannac.tions--ir-om--s-tree-9t---- mains to property lines complete, where not already made. also curbing and paving ali-ey--end driv-ewsy approa-chus �---where---nec-e-ssary:------------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St71 a-ul-i:_______..____: - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �"'� Adopted by the Council ........... ...............MAY 4 -- 1,996." ------------------------------------------------ YEAS NAYS IPa A �Councilma2�QLANcY --\ " FEnGUSON \ Approved. ---------------- _._..........------------___..._.._._._...__ �_. --- HODGSON 7 ��QMCDONALD V / vUDHEIMERvje�,�/Zxa� /WEN7.EL............................___...._...__....------ ..__._.......-...------..._........._. MR. PRESIDENT ACt/A� Mayor. rorm_lC/A/13 (11H 3-25) Council File No.--. 65733 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the mak4n'g of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: P,9�)m the int&r_$ -e.-c-t-i-an of ---- 0 otmo kva._we_5__t --- And...al-lay in._Ardmore..'Add- ----------- from the curb line to the er li e on the north side f.Co o ............................... . . . ............. .... ............ pgZpp ty A __--_---------------- .............. �P_ . ...... M PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 1 Pave the intersection of Como Ardm6re..Add ............. .................. I -------------- --------- --- ........ the pmoparty lin.0 ----- on the nox-th s-iAB of ---- Qcmo .............................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ........... ............... ...... ------------- .............. -------- ----------------------- - __ ------ ----- -- ------ ............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------- -------------- ............ ------------- . .......... ...... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,,r k MAY 4 - 10 Adoptedby the Council ........... ----------------- ................ .................... YEAR NAYS CouncilmanCnANcy 1MY -,I - jSE —FERGUSON Approved--.. ................... .......................................... ,,-HODGSON --KlcDolqALD -9UDHEIMER —WENZEL ........... ... ........ ------------------------- MR. PRESIDENT AolikqMayor. PUOIASIWO I.— A<� (INI 3-25) I. petition ° PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. Council File No..-.__..._-J-c3� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------ ---Qxls_tx41.Ct--asewer-_on-.Hyacinth St. (rola White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follgwing improvement, viz.: _Q_0nS_tru.0t__9_ s9!W9r._0n_ Hyacinth St. from White Bear Ave. -to Hazel-- Ave. - ------------ --------------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------ ...... --- .-------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ -------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council MAY 4 YEAS ✓Nbis Councilman CLANCY —,,' FERGUSON - \ --HODGSON I —gUDHEIMER ,moi �jS�U�DHEIMER ./WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT rurm C A 13 ONI 3-25) Approved---------- - 1! 4- = ; itF . ....._.-/..................................... C�Qk O . .......................... PUBLISHED f�i��/17,Q' Mayor. Petition [� rj Council File No ------ 1. .-.....57315 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1� . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St: Paul, viz.: Construct sixfootDement t il--- $ idevh..e_--._..... _... .. ._ ds-_-. -__ -- of Arona Avenue from Midway --Parkway. toComoPhalen--queue....... .----------------- ----------------- ------------------- ---------- 28th April 26 it Coaetru¢t a 41% foot eat file Dated this.-------- _ -----------day of........ =- _. Mdewalx i pr.ttr. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on ............. --------- - - ------ -- ------ - --------- of Arona-_Avenue:--from_Midway_Parkway-_to_Como__.Phale�i---1�ve731xQ-.__..___--- _.---- ----------- -.. -------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_.._.---------_._ ------------- ------------_...-----_...-_-------_---------- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the Council----------- --------------�ii-4 --- ---1926--------------------- YEAR '_J11AYS 4 Councilman CLANCY FERGusoN-� Approved ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- �HODGSON / ' ,EIMER �• � 1/�,viSJ v v . ---....—WENZEL ------------------------------ V . ...................../ MR. PRESIDENT u:;PS Mayor. Goren C A 13 (1M 3-25) iU No......... Council File_v!✓ pe ion PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --...0 ons tr11r a---sis-fo_o t---ne ment __i1s---s_icievralk---on-- ho.tk-_s i dea-- oi--- --'---------'-----'Semina ---- .:y be.ty+een-_.h.3t.S.y+R.rt}a._anS1...i,P.xingtan...Ave------------------------------------------ Dated this _._4th ....... ..... day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six-£ootoement_- tile. sidePrel51des__.of..............._ Seminary.--between,-_Chot-g_lva.rth_-and-_hs xingtnn_-Ave,------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _-_--_._..._-_-_....---._---------------........................ ---------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOT.VFD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '- Adopted by the Council ............................4-----................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman/CLANCY ,. FERGUSON Approved �HODGSON MCDONALD S[7DHEIAIER WENZEL� __._. �.. MR. PRESIDENT 1�Ct!/19Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) Petition j� r i Council File No.. ........ 6�r{%1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �+ and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construotasig foot cement tile sidewalks on. both sides of ......................... --- _.................... ............... .................. ------ ................................. ----------------------------------- ------------ Hazzard Avenue from Lawson Street to Cook Street. - ----------- ................. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sig foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides of ----------------------------------------------------------- --- -- ------------------------------------ -----_Hazzard-_Avenue--.f rom-_Lawson_ Street-- to ---Cook-_Street.---------------------------------------------------- i having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.................................................................................... ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ MAY 4 - Adoptedby the Council.. ------------__ . ................................................ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY MM' 4 -. f(s& ,-'FERGUSON Approved ----------------_----------- ------------------------------------- - ----HODGSON lV1CDONALD `7 .-...._........._.. Alf 474 ............._........ MR. PRESIDENT , ♦�'l Mayor. Pd��51� Form C A 13 ONI 3-25) Petition Council File No ......... F PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a sig foot cement tile sidewalk on the east - -------------- -_----------- ------------ .................. ------- --------------- --- ---......... ---------- ------- ------------------- -....... - side of Marion Street from Carbon Street to South Street. Dated this-_. 4th ....day D Councilman. RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east - - ----------------------------------------- .................. -----------. -------------------- ---- -.............. ------------- - - - - --------------- side -------------- ... aide_ -of --Marion-_ Street-.-Prom--Carbon_-Street__-to,._South... §treat. ----------=------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------- .__------------------------------------------------ .-------------------- _---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said, improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓� Adopted by the Council --------------- ....__MAY 4 YEAS /NAYS �p/� Councilmap QLANCY MAY 4 ^1�03 FERGUSON^ Approved----------------------------------------------------------- .---------------- 1 -_IIODGSON /•V/ '' MCDONALD /SuDHEIMER(^/ EN7.EL . ... .........._l�'�_. ___..._._._____�.__._ MR. PRESIDENT / / ACtLi� Mayor. Form C A 13 um ate) r'1113LISHED //��-. 6, yd4o Petition attached to grading order,. _ _ - -5[L3� Council File No... -.-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct__a--_six--foot cement sidewalk _on the._east... aide --_of ...... .--.-- Arundel Street from Cook Street thence north to the north side of _Lot 69, --_Wilkin- & Heyward's OutlOta .. -- sszasb ------------............................................... 6 of ws *nowlProp muv°smmt, � ------ Ma 19 rt onstruct Dated this. 4th .......... .. ----day of- ----9' - wank " •{ i. Councilman. 61-1, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the a sat aide of _ --------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- ............ ---------------- ........... Arundel ------------- Arundel Street from Cook Street thence north to the north side of .. -_-__---_1.......................................................----------- ;pot .. .. yot-69..._wilkin__& Heyward'.e-Outlofae--------------k--------_---------_...------------------------ _ ----_---------- ..... been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..............................................................-----_----_------- therefore, ....................therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 4 - 1926 �- Adopted by the Council - ------- ----------•.......................................... YEAS NAYS Councilmann CLANCY MAY 4 -,-VFRGUSON Approved .................._.---------------- .------- ._..._.._------..._._....... - l-'1-1oDGBON C /-"M --S.UDHEISIER �Co/!n/�w' �WENT.EL ...Z ._...._..............""""�""' '...... MR. PRESIDENT / Aetirg Mayor. „form C A 13 (IM 3-25)�y/___.j� 65'740 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the ma4er of._..4.Onde�tlD �tg _std, t. kixlg.._a _easeme t p.._t, ,Q �� _necessary for slopes"",,_,_for__ cuts _and."_fills ingradingSohletti Street_ from Carbon St. to....Wheelock....Parknag,- "--.._......_.... -- -�._. 9E80LnTI0N SX CONNOTE} ..._..._—.__ _.__._ ......_ _–_...__..._.__._..._... .._._ __.--.. _..y INGr ASSE$BDENT ANQ SIYINQ _ TIME or UFADINC IN CONDEMNA� -TION-47IOCEEDIN08. under Preliminary Order_.__._63721,____, approved _DeC.22i 1925 _, Intermediary Order 64412 _, _ approved.-.EOh._ 4_],. 2 .._.....-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the2nd— day of—._s7u118 ___...__...._192..x_...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 4 - 1928 Adopted by the Council........................ ._....... _-......... ............ ......... _............ __..... 192---. PSA`: -x , ft Approved..._........................ ........... ................ .._.......... councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson /Councilman Hodgson ✓Councilman McDonald J fCoundilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel Xayor Nelson { ; 65741. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__adipg Alleg_in_ Blogk 6s Ruth Livingstone s Second Addition, from Dunlap_ Stssst__tD._Gri------------------------------- nu►si oab»+ _____________________________________ In F. NDoDu65n741 di911 r In Blkn - iR Ruth IIvl.u< -- - - d ----------------- --------------- under Preliminary Order -------- . 6. 54.17 __________________approved -__-_-_.___ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemeni;is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_�'ade-Alley--in--_- __Block 6t Ruth Liv-ingstonis Seeond Addition, from Dunlap Street to Griggs ___streSty----------------------------------------- "------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 94______ --___day of ------- Ung -------------- 192_ -E_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--- MAY -4 _: i92e__--- 192____ MAY 4 OF,' ----- - - - -- - --------- Approved-------------------------192--- Cit Clerk. ------------- ----- ---- ------ Mayor.------------- �cting --Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED "Councilman Ferguson -"C'neilman McDonald ncilman Hodgson j X/Councilman Sudheimer 1-5 uncilman Wenzel �vlayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8 6 I: 6'5742 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Ir the Matter of_ sit111C�@JI117111�T_ Sl_ �k9 2xg_ aA� gepteri�_ t11@_ �a�3d e¢ggg 3r __Yslx_$]mPets,_f41=_gL1t_ gun—d__fl.11_s_In- All(2y_ in_Rlgck 6Ruth yt� s_ se4Qn�_ �aa� ton__.irnm nun"tnn- rt 'r n-tter of coademning snd tak ----------------------------- tor, __r_____ „.=ligan eaee"hignt is-.tpe len8 necea- �_____ ______________ _________ 'ary. for" alovea..forrcute and ftlfe 1n------------------------------ ,,:; rom F under Preliminary Order______ 654` 18 ____________________approved ---Apr_i)._34,__x.925-_________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends js__ g0j2a pri_aLd tak@ an __gaSA 5x11 _1Assar-r_SQr_g;_jgpes,_ for__ekta_ and_Pllls _Jn_grading __�1�,�eyn-p,�;p_c}�_ 6,__Rtzth_�,igingston� s_ Second_ Addition,�_from_Dunla� Street __to_Grigg __Street, in accordance vith the blue print erejgt. attached and made_a_paPt_ee_of,_the_hatched_portions showing_the_cuts_and_the shaded }wrtivns__shorling_ tha_fills..y----------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-___2$�OQ____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 9A!!---------- day of ------- JuZ e______________- 192-_S2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ _------ 192____ MAY L, 112tr------ - -- ----------------- ---- Approved____________ _ ________192___ City ler . -- - --------- -------------- --Councilman ------------ /rCr.<A� Mayor. .-Councilman Clancy a� .,Councilman Ferguson ?UBLISHED ,,Councilman McDonald �uncilman Hodgson CAuncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Sayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 65743 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- WTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__�QRstruetin� a s84ier_ On_ ____________________________________________ Cottage _St,_ from a_�oint_ 115 ft,_ east _of_ ay_ne A_v_e,__to_ Greenbrie _Hve. , on Denny St, from a point 115 ft, east of Payne Ave, to Greenbrier Ave., on _.C:rsanbri er_A¢a._.£rnm_Cntiaga_Sn.__in _Eska _9 omo_Bnd _ Phalen_.Ava. ,.._on_____ Denny St. from a point 65 ft. east of Greenbrier Ave. to a point 135 ----qtr->mes t -d€- Arcade -,St •�-�- --------------------- ------------------------------- Walsh Ave. from Denny St. to Lake Como & Phalen Ave., ----------------------------------------- ----_=- -------------------------------------- C. F. No. 66743— . In the matter or eenstructing. a sewer __ _ _ _ ___________________ --------------------------------------'on: !I - - --- Cottage at from a point r 116 et under Preliminary Order ------- .Ca5227 . nve,'on Payne wve to gree„�°�-_April_77_1926.______-___ +:fanny $t iron, a point 1t� .,,r The Council of the City of Paul havmy X'."8yne Ave. to Orro°nhirlthe Commissioner of Finance -upon the above improvement, and having considered' silK Como -and Piv�,resolves: liam a 1. That the said report and the same.is hely y aha, a ed and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends on: _�4ta�e-St,_fr4lll_a-pQ3rit__tt�__8a8t_9_�a$S19 ti�s�_t4_-Gr_@snbr3sx_AYon Denny St. from a,point 115 ft. east of Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave., on :1}raenbr3ex-Avs..:�rmm.-Cut#.aga-St..--in-baka_-Coraaand-�-halan-.Ave..:-axt----- Denny St. from a:point 65 ft. east of Greenbrier Ave. to a point 135 ----qtr-iie8# O€- AiKiad9 -8#rr ---------------------------------------------------- Walsh Ave. from Denny St. to Lake Como & Phalen Ave., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_10,260_00__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 12d --------- day of --------- Jlln.9_------------ 192__6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court r House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner •of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the.time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 4 1926 Adopted by the Council_________ ------- 192____ MAY 4 -19�� ---- --- - ------------- ----- Approved ----- ----------------------192--- itr Jerk. - - - - ------ ------ ----- - /�. PUBLISHED le-uncilman Clancy Suncilman Ferguson councilman McDonald_.p. uncilmaq TIodgson .councilman :Sudhe3iner 1Councilman Wenzel ayor Nelson Form B. Si A, 86 ..-. 6574-4 In the Matter o[ eopatructing a9eWeF� BebchWood Ave. from-Behland a. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ Boa ♦= ogiArgonnenAve to ad Ave; to By______________________________________________ Agan eg INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__AQnStr-ugtipz-a-.@ilex'_ QA--------------------------------------------- Beechwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to.F~airview Ave., on Saunders-Ava._-from--Argonne-Ava.- to--Fair_viaw_..Aloe:._r-on.----------------------- Rome-Ave. from Argonne.Ave. to Fairview Ave., on -�d.�+eod- Ave:--€�ea�-Soli-land-Ave:-%a-s-perilrt--SFr-€aet--tlo�lger�g-o€-�a��ers Ave. as laid out westerly of Elwood Ave. on -Montreai-*ve:--Prom -tine--terminus- of tine -sewer- ¢nmler-aontrsatj-�8 -i'eat east of the center of Saint Paul Ave. to a point 60 feet west of ----Firvii3w-Ave:;-aZl'"of-w7iiofi -iia "to"b8-ff6ivYi-i§- thy------------------------- _ ST . FAUL _AVE. SEWER SYSTEM N0._ 3:_ under Preliminary Order ---------- __65201_ _""___approved __ April 1,__1926._____ - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. .- 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__CQy}$trlict_ &_ 98W6r on: Beechwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Fairview -Ave., on Sauz►dare= Ava.-_Yxom-Aganne- Av$.- ta-Fair-v3 em Aue mss- An ----------------------- ~Rome Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave., on E-1weed--Aire: -f em-Beirla A- Ave:--kta-a-point- BFr-€eet-ne herby- o Saunders Ave. as laid out westerly of Elwood Ave., on - ffiarttrea3- Ave : -frotlr-tha-termtnus=-oY -tize sewer- funder- ooritract�-6B- Yeet east of the center of Saint Paul Ave. to a point 60 feet west of -- Fairview Aver ---------------------- ST. PAUL AVE_ SEWER SYSTEM N0. 3:- ------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 2s2`�-.QQ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ -_244 -__________day of ------- Illn&------------- 192-6--, at the hour.of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.. That, the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof -as estimated. Adopted by the Council_MQY A_ =_____-_, 192____ Kay4 -. - ---- - - - ----- --- - ------ --- Approved---------------- ---192--- ity CI rk. �efi`nq Mayor. �7` Councilman Clancy s �' %. Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald "councilman Hodgson councilman Sudheimer —Zouncilman Wenzel ;.k ,i (Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 6574.5 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_�911arr'llctjgg_a_se1Ve on_Juliet_St,_from_ dgcMbe_RQad_to _ a _point_ 30 Peet _east of_GrigEs_ St. C F No: 667!6— _________ ----------------------------------------------------- ra the Matter of constructing a �ewer to dulls! st. frotp .Edgoam3e. Road Yo aipolaC 80 f . east of Grlgge ad _-- _____________________________________________________ vAder PreiMlnary..-OrdFr 69666 ap- - `-------- . Droved bfA �y_988 The Covu Ve Citr..ot 9t. -------------------- ha ----- ---- S under PreliminaryOrder_________fi4a-_________________a roved ____� _11 ' PP 8 s-a.9.�6..------------ The The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the . above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; ..-. . 1. That the said report and the same is hereby 'approved and adopted, and the. said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-.aonst'llat_$-same . on amu] Qt_ t.__PxflIrl_Edgcyrnbe d__to_ a_�oint 30_ :g- t_ east_ of _Grig�s'St., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_B4�3 OQ.___-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be'had on said improvement on the ---- Z3.0 ------------ day of ------- J11nfL-------------- 192_0-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court : House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time an& place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, ?RP,Y 4 -.1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____4 Approved -------- W .F$ __9-'211___-_192___ City rk. ------------------------ -------------- � // R0aw Mayor. tiCouncilman Clancy PUBLISIIFD� Xouncilman Ferguson ,Councilman McDonald '�Ouncilman Hodgson ✓Councilman Sudheimer eZouncilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson form B. S. A. 8 6 r J 65!46 COUNCIL FILE NO._____________ gy--------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_constructing a__sewer-on_ Helen_Street_from_ennard Ste@ --A -Q _B2int_ 29 _gQet_gest=9 _SYh t_e__&Pax_AV9%1Le----------------------------------- -----------`------------------------------- --C. F. No.867r8— If --------------- Iw the Matter o7 construoting a sewer l on Helen: 8t. from Sennard at-_tn_a:_' -y,_ no0, feed west of Whlte -Bear r m3e+ 11m1narY Orde��tl e ------------------------------ under Preliminary Order _,.__-___5.5,L7.5_ ------------------ approved --- April_11,-192&,________-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is: hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement, which the Council recommends is__COT18trUCt a SBwer on ___Halexi_�.tr_est_.£rom KPnnsaryl_S.tr$aL_#.:o_a_.point__79_iest_�neat__of_i�Yhi.�e_Baar �Y_@iLt35,.-------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ---r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------j with,no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__-__-31AQ3 0-0 i Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 2nd ----------- day pf ------- SBA@ -_ __-_--__, 192--q_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give, notice 1ppf said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place 1of bearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counciil@n_pp____ �r -�_� ___, 192-___ Approved ---------------------------- 192-- Clerk. --------------------- ----------------------- 40ting Mayor. (/Councilman Clancy a G X�C°uncilman Ferguson ✓(councilman McDonald ✓uncilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel ayor Nelson c' Form B, S. A. 8-45 FIN Ivilli Nis 111111111mm CITY-�OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OUACpU/LICATE • - FILE No— — ----- ro : OFFICE OF THE, COMPTROLyd.ER ;l clsrcLERK� .. RES. 'NO._ - _12T-- C—AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED., THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TAE PTE --19 CITY TI As2j.OTO yEdAGG�^REGATE AMOUNT OF.. -J7_1 1}*OgQT RING Y _� ----- COMPOLLER� CHECKS I NCLUSIVE.AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE' E — OF THE CITY. COMPTROLLER.. TOTAL RETURNED -: cHEcic IN FAVOR. OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS' CHECKS- 'BANK BROUGHTFORWARD,�,. j' I ��C• E No. 65747— I ` Reaolved that checke be drawn on the Clty Treasury, to the a amouat of 573.716.24. co gSregate 'numbered 3876 to 3894 16Nusive asepea cheek on file in the ortice of the City j Comptroller. Adopted tl' the Councll 3faY 9, 1926. APDroved jfay 4, 1926. (jfay 8.1926) I i i I j li (I --- --- --- ------- vel — e /� 'MCUVNHLU. �tN`� v ; 734 1 ----- covERlrvG _ _ _!J%__ -AGAINST ' CHECKS NUMBERED_-___3g7g_._.TO 3994._ FU-IIDH EIMER. �- - --------- COMPTR LER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ENZEL, --(<- L- - - MAYOR E. , NELSON. YES ( V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (J) Acting OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ / /� ---. DISTRIBUTION CHECK TOTAL RETURNED B. MAniO. SPECIAL FUNDS IN FAVOR OF BY 1/ r LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC NUMBER IMPROVEMENT SUNDRY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 7LR[STfitSRTUTh SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILDING -{ REVOLVING ACCOUNTS\ CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS Equipment --�- ---'- BROUGHTFORWARD 38876 L.G.Hodgaon, oom�r, of Fin. 15 303 5 7 739 22 5 303 5 wr. 433 10 1 037'04 907'00 5 652 40 38 w „ 36 73133 36 731 33 W R a a cB 917 '50 3880 Johnson & H09 801h 4 47'5 334 00 3991 Review Publishing Company 417 417 20 13 685 00 3882 Thornton Brothers oompany 13 685, 3883 Tri—state Tei. & Telg. Company 199', 102 55 96 9 3ffi94 viotory Printing Company 50 50 75 388 Pztriok Barry XIS 10 j5 00 886 Mary ounnien 4 +'�w0 33887 otie R. Godfrey, Guardian 35'5 35 ;54 3888 Marie Katherine Hsokert 36 3 00 3889 George Karst 43 3 13 o0 3890 Anna `-7agner Peitsoh 3891 Theresa sohultz 24 9 28 9 3892 Bezel m stagner Guardian 3893 bonnie 7ilson, 71dow of "fiI.L 99 3894 N. M- zengerle 26 1 26 14 i I. I TRIIPUFQWTE - - - CITY OF SAINT .PAUL COUNCIL . ' ��i RES. NO 12 _ _ ______._ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -- " �LANCY. NO - ------------- -- CITY CLERK ✓-------------------- 192__-_ RESOLVED 7Hw7 cHEcrcs BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RE$DLUTION FORM FERGUBON. _.____ ___-_IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _. _. MAY � - __ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /HO DATE _ /MoD _ _ _ _ �_ _ ONALD 5�1 � S ------ _%_{ }O•_ ---------------- __ ___ COVERING 1'� 3� APPR` .SUDHEIMER. _.---- AGAINST _ / .'�. CHECKS NUMBERED-____ TO____ / I /_ --- AGAINST G _ __ _______._-________ _ 387{ 3____ CCC777--- — e� _ 792 / COMPTR LER' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ENZEL, MAYOR OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.M-K-YPRES., NELSON. YES (J) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) Acting TO AL I RETURNED CHECK _- DISTRIBUTION B. Mun10. IN FAVOR OFAl NUMBER C BY LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST _ PUBLIC Y BANK GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS GARAGE—'SIILSTi'dRTTJTd. SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY Equipment REVOLVING ACCOUNTS T BROUGHT FORWARD 8.76 L.O.Hodgson, Com r, of Fin. _ 15 67.7 _._ 7 73.22. 433 �3;9"78 � 10 1 037'..04 907•',00 5 652..40 ® 39 8 n " " " 365731333 36 731 33 5 303 54 a a a 3347 5 oB 917 50 398 Johnson & xogseth 4 334 oo 3x81 Review Publishing Company 17417 20 3882 Thornton Brothers Company 13 685, 13 685100 3883 Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Compaxy 199 102 55 96 9 3884 viotory Printing Company 50 50 75 3895 Patriok Barry ti0 35 20 3886 Mary Cunnien 4 40 3887 Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 5 00 38x Marie Katherine Haokert } 3b 5 3 54 3889 George Kerst 3 3 13 34 3890 Anna vagner Peitsoh 3891 Theresa sohulta 28 2 8 29 3892 Heze1 fA. Stegner Guardian 24 3 24 30 3893 Minnia 7ilson, -Ado. of t.V .'t. 24 g P4 92 3894 N. iff. ?engerle 26 11 26 14 I r CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL (?/9 QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO - 6 l.� TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION `PbRM RES. No _ 141 ---------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE_- 192_ CITY TREASURYL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF } !V / _J.l- �. . __ COVERING 4COMPT 0' R -'v CHECKS NUMBERED___3070---TO.__3 �rrr�---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THi6FICE ER ______._ ___. _ ____: ___ ._—______ _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED. CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS —BANK BROUGHT FORWARD r- f I 65748_ "the eC1tYe Treasurchecks bbe e Brawn 1 amount of 3, X to t on numb afire hecks on 3870 not' 35 lnc)uslve. a8 p ity t� Ij file f -. I Comptroller, office of the Per f Adopted b3 fhe Council Ela APProved Bffa 4, 1926. Y 4. 1926. fay B-1526) II ' II f ( i it u i i i i , ,I ,I SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD ' s---- 3.3 35--63 ---_____ ___. COVERING CHECKS 3aZQ____ ��___ - . DONALD _ _ ______AGAINST � A PP R 'D� NUMBERED __ TO. ----- COMPTROL R �UDHEIMER: - - -- - '- p -�tO- MAYOR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE � �VENZEL, - fl OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, - - / MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - CHECK - - TO AL RETURNED - _ DISTRIBUTIO SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER: IN FAVOR OF BY �/ LOCAL TRUST t u11111hn PUBLIC D ACCOUSUNNTS - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK SINKING IMPROVEMEN T ACCOUNTS GARAGE �'�ll'!10}ICR7C� SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVINGI 5 CHECKS CHECKS GENERAL... WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS ui �en[ tw .. i.. BROUGHTFORWARD 199 916 59.14 996 - - 25 75 ion 950 6s 3 - - ��3 io5 4 144 710 oll._258-0 76 1 000 00 25. - - - - 15 q O6� _ `� 3 . 9 3 26 77 6 all 26 o � 007, -_ _.. 2�i r 3870 American 3 inioroi�yem of Re.. i °a I I III I, II 4 924 0 sp. 924 o7�I I 3871 Bueobner & Orth 271 2 � ' 271 tali I sp. 3972 J. L. Haas 75; 00 ap. 75 3973 M. J. O'Neil 1 683 21 II 1 693 29 3974 A. J. Firkl Faeotrio company 357 OC 357'00 3975 Aur,*ugta Fisoher 25 25 00 it --- - A 6 142 32.38 179 916 59 93--s-� x4975 69 ... 113 l05 47 l� 020 64 258 o2g 76 1 000 00 .,- 158 oo _.__ __--__ _ 9061 38 3 269177 6 eta 26 g 5ty9 ip 209 5 .. _._ SHEET TOTAL FORWARD_.. .. _.. _. ...-__ — _:_- TPRF41('@ATE TO - CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ry FILE NO._-__..___�-1�_!=-/ `e!____.______._____._ q-4,8 9t r- f, CITY CLERK RES. No. --3,41 _ '— -------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE OFFICE OF THE COMP70LLER V CLANCY. L __ _-192 ,1 _- f - DATE4_30__ g !!/. '-/.�"qnl . P� �. DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S C (`' w AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLVioN FORM ,/�ERGUSON, / ODGSON. __ FAVOR ___.. _IN PTED .BY THE COUNCIL _ - - - , ADO H �� / ..f -- __ COM PTROL R--- - -31�a>•.s+- _ COVERING . CHECKS NUMBERED_ TO - -To._____3ffi�___ - -/n ,1C1cDONALD. /� AGAINST API _/ _... _. ____ �// - ___ 192 /e. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE clrY �UDH EIM ER. �ENZEL. ____--__--_ - - ---- - q" 3"j -- /-------- -"----_MAYOR _____ ____ ____.___ H --- COMPTROLLER. - MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (�I) COUNCILMEN NAYS (� ) - .. d CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TO AL RETURNED::.::-.DISTRIBUTIO _ TRANSFER BY DISBURSEMENT _ LOCAL SINNING TRUST Bt H=O SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC s�- SUN 4Y CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE __}R'1p}107lICR. SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING - _-- - BOND ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 199916'59 59 14 996 ` 75 •_.- 1093950 - 061 3 3 269''. 77 6 s21 .26 5 609, 4 _90i5_6 -- 3970 Amerioan syetem of Re.. -- _ 69 113 105. 4 1144 710.01 _ _ 259 025 76 1 000 00 - 150. _ . inforoing 924 o � �I 3971 Bueohner & orth i Sp. 924 ,07' II II 271 2 �I i I� 3$72 J. L. Haas II ap. 271 2ffiI 75 3973 u. J. oixen1 cap. 75 00 693 3974 A. J. Firkl rleotrlo Company " 1 693 29 357 OC 3975 nugusts, Fiaoher 357'00 25 1" > 1"11,112,11 1 fl Nis .v 9, FILE N©_ --/.FJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL..--- l -i.. QUADRUPLICATE . TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 144 ' " REs. No----- -- - - ---- ' CITY CLERK i ; - K AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIbNK FORM .ACJ •C7�y, �)6 -'RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. To THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF •.. S_' ---- COVERING Y_-� if�� -CO`M'—PT-'R-O- L_L_E__R _— CHECKS NUMBERED3-9OA.-----TO:.3.q3-3---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.". .�., TOTAL. RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER. TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 'BANK - CHECKS CHECK 6.- BROUGHT FORWARD f C F. No. 66749-` Resolved that checks be drawn on :the City Treasury. - 'I to the aggregate 'amount oP 56,446.81, covering checks I numbered 3998 - - to 3933 check, ort file In. the Inclusive, as per i Comptroller, office Of the City Adopted 1) the Cou II Approved APuy 4, 1926.11 May 4, 1926. MAY 8-1926) i II fl TOTAL FORWARD r— 034 1000 7.24 ------ - nn... CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE v - ___ - - - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL PER .____�„� � � `/ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / �CDONALD. � !__ 1 �SUDHEIMER, I A �%% _� --WENZEL. - -_-- AGAINST 192 CHECK .. - .. (/ 192 NUMBER I AVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED -- —�- ✓ A'113�GRE5., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (y) BY ------ - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT - -- -- -- -- -- CHECKS BANK DISTRIBUTIQ -. nQ MAYOR BOND CHECKS GENERAL II ' WATER I LOCAL -- -- BROUGHT FORWARD II _ vENT rc IMPROVEMENT SINKING II ACCOUNTS FUNDS TRUST I 3908 I J n ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FU J. carrier i 31341 6 a. 52 528'.?4 7 7 3 8 GARAGE ------ NDS � 23909 Martin Auto Livery 8 1.350 601 • 3910 L C H Y 5 47.501 I 1 SPRINKLING FORESTRY ACCOUNTS !{l•C'—i e� �M PUBLIC I 3911 odfaon+ Com+r. of Fin, 5 5 �AJ2 21� REVOLVING LDING SUNDRY 730 60.1 _ - 907.00 3912 " 565 t laldren 7 7 7 �� { 65240'1 3913 Centras s3rehous0 Lumber 0 156 55 391 City Bank of 9t.Paul eny 93 ,'8 3915 cresoont oil amp any 24!7 75 51 3916 Pegea Construotion oompan l 862,8 51 14 24 3917 :✓. Honsa Printing Cpmpy 220 3 3918 Ksnnsdq Brothers Arms Oom�an 9 180 32 3919 Nicols Dean & Gregg 4 7 ,154 so 220435 1 726 69 I 3920 AT. r• -,so Equipment Comp y 49 00 39231 01 -seen candy Company 15; 3922 3924 Pure Oil Oomp:ny 21 81 ' St.Paul Builders Material 0 302 9 20 00 a �I 3925 ;,t.Paul t'lootrio Comp an any 7� 3 I 59 28 � 15 75 3926 t.Paul w%bite Lead t! Oil 0 an 3b 59 • d• sPalding & Brothers y 106 3 I 106 31 I 292 99 7 L.C. Hodgson Loom+ 52 9 - 3928 D. Te Moore' r• of Fin. 207 8 52 g2 16 15 3929 M. J. OvNei1 i 67 1 207 80 I 30 59 3930 n.J. Pirkl Eleotrio Compare 67 7 �'I 95 00 3931 John s.-mdquiat y 617 00 3933 asarultin �►c Equipment snCompany 25 115 r 25 00 55 115 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL '! 'TMR111,"TE TO - RES. NO.__1w_+_------------ OFFICE OF THE COMPT CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLU CITYSURY:TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DAT_ .... /�_�1�-_ _- -----.'j COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED____3900-____-TO__3-93.3------ BY. ------------------ - ___-___________ / COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER____�.f TOTAL RETURNED _ CHECK I AVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER CHECKS CHECKS �t etq BROUGHTFORWARD _ 520.'24 -�7 7o9-2. � i1 333. 3116 52 _ _ 47' _50 -3908 I. J. Carrier 41 3909 Martin Auto Livery 59155 i • 3910 L.C.Hodgson, Comlr. of Fin. 495 00 3911 N 70 7 707172 3912 ". J. Baldwin 1 15 17:50 3913 central Warehouse Lumber C any 93 :9 754151 391.4 City Bank of 3t. Paul 24; � 24 3915 crescent oil Oompany 1 862:, 51,14 3912 ^eyes Construotion Company 220!3 391 !:. �1. hones Printing Company 58, 8 59190 3911 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compare 141 14.70 3919 Nioola Dean &,Gregg 49; g 00 3920 N.T. aeotrio Equipment Company 15, 3921 olseen candy Company 21! 21'81 , 3922 Pure Oil Oompnny 302!9 10 0011 3923 st.Paul Builders Material 0 any 775 43 59,28 392 yt.Paul rleotrio Company 36!59 3925 St.Paul White Lead & Oil C any 166i3 lo6,31 392 A. G. Spalding & Brothers 52;9 52:92 3927 L.C.Rodgeon, M=fr. of Fin. 207,8 207,180 3928 D. 179. Moore 95'1, 3930 n.J. PirJ. klifleatrio OOmPany 6 9i7 3931 John sandquist 55� 3933 Marlin wun erllioh Cotapany I 115 �I 75 6Z7 70 �s 9 00 _ C M1t 156 55 84,g8 1 726'69 220 35 292 99 95 00 25 001- i --- s 00 l 19032 15 75 16 15 36 59 COUNCIL i4_9 ._ FILE NO. ___ _._65 'R FORM V6LANCY, FERGUSON. ___________--- IN FAVOR ADOPTED BYTHE COUNCIL -__. -.-___--192.__ SSU DH EIMER. / ____�_ �---AGAINST 192 /`ENZEL, M'ry,CrRES_ NELSON. MEN NAYS () YES IV) COUNCILV MAYOR ,�c' �no DISTRIBUTIO - -' '.OND LOCALSPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS FUNDS GARAGE WM 907.00 _ SPRINKLING FORESTRY . 5 652 ;4011 PUBLIC SUNDRY OLVING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING _ �IFn 'tin i 15 782 00 247307 60 �I 75 6Z7 70 �s 9 00 _ C M1t 156 55 84,g8 1 726'69 220 35 292 99 95 00 25 001- i --- s 00 l 19032 15 75 16 15 36 59 P! fill, QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.__-_--- o--------- !� TO TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 3.43 CITY. CLERK 61TED CLAIMS-RESOLUT100 RES. No JFQRM --------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE_ -1 CITY AGGREGATE ' MOUNT OF _8ySW16,;�PIE 0 N G M CHECKS NUMBSRED___3!95__TO_A)4n INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHUCKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHUCK� IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER -DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FOR.WAR_p_._._l C. Resolved that cheeks be drawn th elt n -on tY Treasury. to the aggregate to checks n--*be,.d23789'51_?z' ,,c"ering Inclu- ae per check. on fIT0'. the f or I Is h office City COmptroll.,,,, , Adopted dopted by th, Council Ap d ;fay 4, 1926. Approved f ppro�e May 4. 1928. M ay 8-19a) j it it 1 it SII SHEET TOTAL�FORWARD 4� FORM D34 3600 7-24 11 " CHECKS Num BEa ED___ _To_ _3-9107 SU DH EIMER, ------------ ____-AGAINST _ ____ ___ 359_____ - _____ COMPT L INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE / WENZEL. l�__ ____ ______ / _______ _ __ _____. ------ -- - ---- i OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - nLn MAYOR CHECK TO AL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY I �/ �— I LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS a i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS SUND Y BANK GENERAL WATER BOND PUBLIC CHECKS CHECKS ( � ACCOUNTS GARAGE ��1101"^0""' SPRINKLING i FORESTRY � BUILDING ACCOUNTS j; REVOLVING ` BROUGHT FORWARD T2 7��'i 34 4 34 :. 4 ;1 350 6.0-. 14. 722. 04 - 1. o 3 !77 _5 7 - - I 907 ;00 5_652 '40- 359 Mary Palumbo _ - - �, -3g� - -3 3992 uiohael Casey 80i00ii 50 00 3597 Henry H. Crepeau, Guardian f ;I - Children of Arthur U.Duchene 20j I 3895 Minnesota Loan & Trust Comps � � 49 2 �� ?4 48� ;I � 79 20� � w 49 264 45 3599 Minnesota Loan & Trust Comp 199 043 12 G199 043 12 d 3900 Ahrens Fox Fire engine Gompany 411 71 411 71.3901 Chioago, Milwaukee & st.Paul i j Railway Company 7944� X003 942 00 712 33 3902 Peter Lametti 3903 Mete -la Refining Companyy 3 92 73 3 365 99 1 526 73 3904 Patterson Street Lightim Co. 99 3902 `4niter Prioe 30 39 30 35 P 390 Repubiio Creosoting Company 2 73 57 2 373 57 3907 m.C.Robinson, Clerk of D.C. X105 15 5790 317 25 i I II � 1 i' 240 G n�st A d e� 1. _ :_SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD... :-... - ,331 3li 66.. ::.-:52529.24 7 793'.92 1 35o 60 l5 782 00 247 307 50 907100 .565 __. T141hY WAAIt cli♦ C( r. r, 1. Vll"01-\'ti, IIIA1 t'llk\'h4 laK Illi+,\\N I+N Illk r t'll'\ 1t1KAn H\: tU MIK Ak011kl AlK AM1Ie\IIN1' 'It 1 �7*.a � \'ll tl Ktt Nilnipk11W 3M I,1 3907 J A ` IN,.:11141Vk. .A4 rKil l"1lka:l\4 ON Y,I.R IN Mt I11'Yli-F t 01' AM:. t'.I1-\ , —lt•1111,11 kit } r n TOI Al., pkllltf tlt �ll IN FAVOR OF ' nlnl r. IAA I4Ykt1 Ill4pllp RI.11I11 p AI+1( 1 IIk 1 1 IIR 1 4 ' 1.1171)ll(i111 I (MANAMA 7; 7 © 389 Mnry Pnlumbo 1; 132 3896 M10hnel (InGey 3897 TTonry ti. Cropanu, Ounrdinn f Children of Arthur !d. Duchene�f,0 3899 Arinnor Ota LOnn R Trust Oompn y lig f1 Ql 3999 Minn©eotla. Loan 6 Trust Compnny 198 1 1 900 Ahrono Fox Fire Wine Comp) ; Pol ohioasgo, mllwnukee &! ot.p usl Rnilwny Company 12 00 3902 Pater Lnmetts 12 390 +ot+Tla �tetining, Comnnrly 3 ms Ij 9 3901 Pnttaroon `Aroot Lir�htir�r! Co,Co. 39 '2' Ilmltor ilrioo 3p 398 3906 rtepublio Creonotirr Oompnny 3907 N. O. Robin n, 01ork of D.O. (1 1 ) 11 111\ i,t oAltil "AM ' , (nlin 11 I^ ear-ri1�a I, Nr` �l llv, ('c,n-tlrrH(,LI4r,R F�11: r'Ir, r (:I hfJ(r/, ' AUC111,k)LbIM*-1k%GoLUTIDN FTOIYM rt ritaU4(rfar Ihl rhv(,a lilllrG5Ul1, hWhN11-1.1 H'/ Illk r Irinn.Il lU< IAr.l ltlflhl I1, 41111flYIIAkh(, RHhIM41 At'r i(; ti. IA 11 1'pfvt; 111'1 tall /1 I r /.l,flflf II FAP II flA'/(, I i r _I (tly IAA/bp -y I _ `� ,�IF1111 Al i \\'Alba p(IIIIr I1+l: Al IIAfp11yk1AY111 nllll!Illb Ipllpl U. u1,►rtiio. €a l'k(:Ini. 1-i 1r111L'l a A r 1:116114 VIII I lr4 Arl.ln U114 LAnnun ..r1al+lepin�pa/i.,fll/ 4anunu na. rr.l r. i r:r111 n. n ru I,rrr, pu11N( f 115 343 77 5 T 11 e 3 1 350 60 111"P 01► T 907,00 , 6"W'! ,40 jJ SO 201! 79 411 71 94P 00 3 3688 99 a3�390j 1 826 73 w 11g x'¢11 lid a 9�f 043 10 712 33 30 30 317 P5 65'751 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of....condemning and.-taking._an_easement.,-in--the_. land___,_........__•__.._. necessary...for.elopes,_for_cut.s..and.flls__in_grading,.Beec03! d_Ane._, from Macalester Walk to Snelling Ave. 1tAT1FYYNG A989191MENT8 1R coR•_ -_._...._ AgMI7STiOR[PROOID6DISG9. ----. ----- C. F. No. 65761 - _.._.... -..- .. -� In th@: matter ;and tak-. - .. -. ------- A nere4- ---- ....------ --....__... -... ..... _.._. ._.. _. _.. - __......... ... ..... .. .'----- -" .-... .._....--- under Preliminary Order _..6v1467...____. -, approved. Jan..12,1926 Intermediary Order.--_ 643.9? .............. approved-.....Feb.9.,1926.._..._.._ . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, �77f�7C�Qg�WEA�EffiCZ, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and con emnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be i fort esolh d, that the said assessmen and I't js- re determ� in L� _------_--------------_--...-equal insta ents bio each p of land ribed therein. MAY 5 - 1926 Adopted by the Council. _.......... . ................................. 92-------- Approved_ ..... __.... - 192....-. / City Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman i'=x Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ' /trtuyvr l�e�wrul-� ::/`�t !.,? U '""�k't;7�i t-6 `�4; v �"' •'. s,� '<' i � . %rl REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matterof..condeming and taking an easement in the land necessary .................. -.................................. for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Beechwood Ave. from Maealester Walk to Snelling Ave. - - - ----.-.................................................... ..................................................... ....... ...... --- ...................................... Under Preliminary Order -------_61.967----------- approved4aII .12r1926 Intermediary Order .....---.-64.392......--, approved.. - -Feb . %-,1926 ------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commiesi er of Finance. 65753 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and 'Awards 'of Damages and d Assessment Therefor. sement in the 1 --------------------- In the matter of-..- ------------ .......... necess for1 for cuts and fills in padiog Hemline ----------------- - ..�" . OP".?_ � ...... . ........ I..i ------------ .................... . ...... Avenue from Otto 'Adetue i to liisupl e. _Rw4.�� -- - ---- --- - - .................... ....... . In tfi.%o .1t67ePbf condemning and • tak Alng as .easement In the Iand,.I�.� . ag'ofojrnotaad,,,,.- . ------ ........ ading Hamll� from Otto Ave. to Ed- 11 rd 6!!, ------- - -------- ......... ... ---------- --------- ------------- ------ ....... -------- ------ ----------- - -------- -------------------------- ......... ... 6 964 jaxV.1�,1926_ 643 o -------- - - under Preliminary Order.. ----- approV_._�_._'_ ----------- ----------- Intermediary Order ........... approved TO -t9,1926 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnationI of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council hqving duly considered the same, now'therejore be it Resolved, That the taking and cond6w'cation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, xm3jXj*r"zX, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects I ratified, and the same is hereby. ordered to be submitted I to the District ' Court for confirmation. ihe'.said oar and be.Aa4-4_j&jIamj2L determined payabI In Be it further r(A—ved, thts the. t ai --1 installments ach Oar and described therein. Adopted by the Council __M' -'Y'_5 !#Qq -_------_-----_--------- 192------ Approved.. 92_ Approved-. _.. - -Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman ZZMK Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,-Councilman Wenzel IqqF Nelson -------- ------- - -------- ............................ ---- Cit ���/`.......... ... 1 192 I . — 6;tUv✓ ............................. ........ .................................... ... ... Mayor. - -- 3 65754` FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION OROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Qondemning and taking an easement in the land_ neoessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hemline j Avenue from Otto Avenue to Edgoumbe Road, 65754 ,__ ._...._---•--- In the matter of"condemning and tak- �"•—' Ing. an easemedt in the land neves: �. eery fon elopes: for cute and ffiIs in ' _, grading Hamlin. Ave Irma Otto b�b--- -_ Iminaryto EOdg� fabpv to r.+= ved Pre- 12, '1826 - 643 "- 't P ppi" Y �. under Preliminary Order ..-6�6 — approved— Jan. 26, Intermediary Order_.__..__,6�Fj90 approved 9 11eb 19.9— s Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, ndemn snd take an easement in the land neoessary or slopes; for out and fills in grading Hamlin Avenue from Otto Avenue to (2) That the' following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned: for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.t__ the land _ . abutting upon Hamlin Ave. `between the points aforesaid,—to the _ extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of tthe ommiesioner of Pub110 Works in the matter dated March 17, 1926 A (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein; have been ratified,and confirmed. MAY 5 sg9 Adopted by the Council___ _..:._... ................. .....:. , 191_ .: ..: .... .... ............... ... ..__.. _._.._. MAY 5 ` Mi) ity Cler . Approved_... ... ....... _.......... _._............... _.......... ._, 191...._.-._ / A6YjqU70j. Clancy J O grmr ar�f'( f a mtgFeddr�g�uson M ax Ar DioD2Snad / M ludheimer, p ll -" �Mr. President, IMF" Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_aondemning and t akin an easementin .......he land . neoess�ry-_ior- elopes -,__-.for .cut..._az►d...Yills in _grading Hemline . Avenue.. from.Otto. Aeenue _to Edgouuibe Road,.................................•--------.......-•----•-•--•-----••-------- Under Preliminary Order....6 96 .............. approvedJgA,12-j. ?6--, Intermediary Order.......6.4.390...-........, approved ..:...--.. Feb .9 ,1926 ........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has abb fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters e_ .............. I . .... Commi oner of I'l'nance. - --- ------------ - - ----------------------------------- - 65755 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awar& of Damages and Assessment Therefor. condemning and taking an easement in the land Inthe matter of.... --------- ............. ..... . .... . . ...... ................. ------------- . ...... ............................. --necessary-f or slopes, for cuts and fills in grading- . ... . ... .......... - Ridge St. from Otto Ave. to Edgeumbe Road, ------------------ .... . ....... ......... ........... - ...... . . . . ... . ............... ............. Ford Road from Hamline Ave. to Edgeumbe _Road,. ., - ------- ---------- -- . ..... ....... . - . ....... ... . ..... ....... Hillcrest Ave. from Hamlin"e Ave. to Syn4ic4".__Aye - --------- - . ....... Bohland Ave. from-Ramline-Ave, to Edgcumbe Road, ---- Beechwood Ave. from Ave. to Syndicate -Ave. --------------------- ...... under Preliminary Order ----- 63719 apF-1 Dec.22,j5_?jjutqr1ucdiary Order -64316- -- approved - ....... . . .. 1. tmhing and tak- 40 ' � ..a W-pes, for ..,. M - " fill. in A public hearing Having been had upon tht "dilo eosiHemm., 1'e'. a lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and M&Yllp6n the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Counep having duly considered,the same, -now thekefore:be it Resolved, That thq'taking .and condemn#ion oHhe lands described in the annexed assessment roll, an&PIddea part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for sai�Aaking!and condenrination as s ' et forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified `and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, ho and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, . I and the' same is hereby ordered to be submitted to they District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the sai' ss d asis 4nt be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............................ equal installmeil s'as to each..parcel ;f land described therein. MAY.5 Adopted by the Council--- ..........-.......:. ..................... 192.------- 5 ------------ --------- 1 1 'ty Cler Approved.--• .......... ................ 192 ......�iLL ....... .......... ----------------- ------------------ —Councilman ' Clancy ACtIny Mayor. --Councilman Ferguson --Councilman McDonald Councilman rmx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /kayor Nelson C. F Ko. 86768- 65756 �Is the matter; of condema[ng and tnh- lag an easement fn the..laadneces- sary for; slopes for cnts and dile in gtad" �Srom Otto ;Ava to Bldg- ml ne ldg-milne Ave. to .m.$3.BcuMba load, I)icreaC Ave. from, Hmm�ne $;c"t` �vndtaa[e Ave. tand,�4 v�. frbms?rs�"Trt! FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_condemning_and t akir>g__an__easement_in the land neoe spry for slopes, for cuts and fills i-n_g_rading Ridge �St. from Otto Ave. to Edgoumbe Road, Ford Road from Hemline Ave to Edgeumbe Road, _ _ Hill_or_est Ave_. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. - gohl aad v fr m H� li a Ave to Sig ou be-'Road Beeehwoo� �ve rom am�line Ave. to 9vn ioate�A e __._ - _ - Ave- under Preliminary Order.-_63Z19._.... approvedDe9-223�?5., Intermediary Order_.. approved�Feb.9 r192i Resolved: = n:.... (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made; viz - condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes forte1"']. outs end fills in grading idae St romtt4 Ave to Ed mbe -^ or Road rom - ine ve._ to eod:,�w_�__...____ ! —iiilloies Ave. i`roii-lam�ine. Av dicate Ave. Hohland Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Edgoumbe Road_�._.�_ eeo woo ve. fromTHamrtne�ve- to: 99gn3�oa�e eve. (2) That the following" land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land abutting priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements; viz.:__. _..._____ _.__.___ upon Rim. $t., Ford Ro�adHillcrest ve a_thlanSi Aye.�aiid`BeechWgod 'Ave.between.the r points aforesaid,'to the extent shown upon the1� sn attached to the report of_ the._Oommissioner of Public -Works in the_____, matter `dated March 171926 (3) That the assessments . of benefits and, award of damage for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the MAY 5 192Q-......_.__...._..... ,191_.__ ..... MAY 5 - JW ity Clerk. Approved___ __._._............ .......................... .._, 191... ....... ......... ......... �... vJ Acting Mayor. Clancy / /� FIJBL ISFIlLY7 / --701M Ferguson ✓gam Hodgson �fiCelDex Mo a me a .7�at�alA"u mer , m. enzel Nelson r. President, N� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...._ooffi emning- ,and -.taking _?A._easement.-, in - the land •_necessary; for slopes, for cuts .and fills in grading Ridge St. from Otto Ave. to Edgeumbe Road ----------------------••------......---....-----......................--------------.....-----...................---•.................................... -.......................................... ,- Ford ..Road from Hamlin Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, Hillorest Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. --- - ----------------------------•--.......-•---•-------.........................------ Hohl nd Ave. fr HaWline Ave, to cum a Road, Beec wood Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to �yndicate Ave. Under Preliminary Order. --._63.719 .............. approved4ga t22:19.25-, Intermediary Order-.._64JSS..........-.., Feb.9,1926 approved................................................. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ........................ •............../. Commi ner of Finance. 65'757 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of... -condemning and taking an easement in the land . -- .._... - necessary_for.'elo-pesforcuts and fills in grading Rome Ave, -- from Fairview Ave. to '9nelling Ave. ------------ -_ 111 I C F No 66757 In the matter of condemning and tak --------- Ing an -easement , ,.`he land Hetes ..-. .. - --.-- ___......._ J rte and fills In sary or slopes gradlag Roml m Fal �lr 11- ............._..... -. _.....-tu..�w, Ord--.—...-.___------- 64414 under Preliminary Order_.._..6.27.M__ .._, approved0.0-.27,1925.-, Intermediary Order , approved. -Feb.,9.►1-9.26 ----- ----- A --A pnblie hearing having Been had upon the taking a nd'condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages, therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of'the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, � � �yggayp�q� pg feypdf, and made a part,; her&f, and'the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, aqd the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said as e� sslge>e it is hereby de rmine o agav b ................................ equal installments as to each parcel of land deserib er8in. MAY S - 9112 -., 192. Adopted by the Council _.._-- - ------------ ----- --............ --- - .... .. ............,..... - - MAY 5 it - Her rApproved........._._ ... .... ............. ............... .... ..... 192.. -- ....... ..-....... ....... .-A6414-Mayor....... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald YV 1 .Councilman 13M Hodgson ,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ayor Nelson - - - - - -- - -- 65'758 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking .an easement _in._the _land . necessary for slopes,for cuts and _fills in�radina Rome Ayes_, __,_ from Fairview. Ave. to. Snelling Ave. F .No. 1ttN11 — In tha matter a condemning and ce,-I �__•__„__,__.,.__�__. � .Ing an easement in the land necea- � sary for sloP-s, for cats and fill. 1n' _ grading. Rome Ave. from Fairview Ave to Snelling Ave .ander Prelim ,'— _. Oct .27 I. - under Preliminary Order_62.T1!� ___..._; approved Dot _ 2.7t19 5, Intermediary Order__�64411F_ ___ approved�eb_:_9,3_92_6 Resolved: � Resv.. (1) , Th#t the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz :_ _ _ condemn and take an easement fo in the land neoessary r slopes,_ Yor outs and fills in grading- Rome Ave. from F_&j,1zy ew Ave. to'`Baeil{nAve. (2) That the following hind' kands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and 'condemned for the purpose ofl•making the said improvements, abutting, upon Rome;/�ve._between thgqji_t_e_aforesais3,�Q _ < extent shown upon the_plan the Oommissioner of Public. Works, in the Amatter dated March_16 1926 (?). That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. MAY 5 - JOSS Adopted by the Council _..._.---- -------------------------- ___._, 191_._... 'it Clerk. MAY 5” �- Approved-_.--- ...... _..... ;... .......... ...... I._ _ _........... ...... .... _........ _ Clancy T - jXrj =h Ferguson, 30M Ho Bon McDonald .,;1fOODV' Sndheimer Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..._condemning And --_taking an easement in the land necessary -------......................... f0�...4�GP Cu:�Q...»d.._fi.11s---in_-grading-Rome..Ave ---from-_Fairview Ave.to Snelling Ave. ........................................................ --- ----------------------- ..... --------- .......... - - ---..-... ------------- ............................ Under Preliminary Order:... 627 ....... approved. 9Ot .27,19.25 Intermediary Order ....--6 1.4..........-, approved.......Feb.-9-'1 26---- ........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing'the undersigned's finding on said matters. .............. . Coyx issioner of Finance. ----------------- 65759 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of..00n8emning..and taking...an_.easement__in. _the..land-. n...... r.y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading 7Paukon Ave. from..9tillwater Road to Pedersen Avenue, _._...- ............................. .. ....__ C F. No. 66769— In the matter of condemning: and tak Ing. an -easement in the ]and neces. sary for 81'P"' loPes f >a,ta and alrp ...... .......__.. _. _...___.. ._......___..1 gr��lnX wa, :�'. fry...❑ e3, .................�.....................-.................-............-...---------- ...-...... --..................... ....---------- --------------------------- under Preliminary Order- ...._-63.7.85....-.-.., approved.. Dec .29-J9?5 Intermediary Order..-. ...... approved ----- ----- Fgb.9,19?6.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the sam¢, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, $�i�E�a3�DC��A139yZ![I>ad[l>Ci�[8 and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby,in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furtl i i r Reso , that •d m a and it is hereby determined to be payable in ------------------------------ equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. ,,,,Y 5 Adopted by the Council - , ...... _.......-.'.: �. - 192 ,,PAY 5 - ou Approved----.... _........ _.._................................ 191 - ✓Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Rtbtgr Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel :-Mayor Nelson - lerk. `a.... ........_.......................... -- . .... Acting Mayor. CITY OF ST.,PAUL v CZUNCR.NO.------:_6,5801 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESEN gEI RNER •-- - D TE_=M_M4 19N COMIRESOLVED That the Council hereby 'boncurs in the eoommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improve- ment of Hyacinth St. from Forest St. toL East Line of J. A.,& We Me 'Steel Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Martin Wunderlich, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $595.00,° and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up, the proper form of contract therefore Engineer's Estimate'$717.00. F.B. $7096 C. r, .. 65801�atthe CgncR �heebY� concum In the:: recommendatlgn of the bop�ract Cognmittee and: ewarde the fqT a-dinB a'18_IID4TOV�rj, .. I. . . GOYNGIL NO.........}�.�-[]��}' }•e,(%'� CITY OF ST: PAUL65-80��.�+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VC7�4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - DATE May 4. 1926. COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the commendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Syndicate Ave. from Otto Ave. to Edgcumbe Road,. in aecordanoe with plans and specifications hereto attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,493.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,426.00. F.B. #7097. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �j Clancy iod on��� -..... In favor ! McDonald % \} "8udheimer _! - / --•Against Adopted by the Council ------ - ---192.--•- - jz__ .....192 Approv -- - ---- -- --• --- . CITY OF ST. PAUL coURcIL NO._--__ -w� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM - .PRESENTED BY DATE MaY 41_9 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby conoure in the r commendation of the Contract Committee and awards %he contract for grading and improvement of Underwood Ave, from Montreal Ave. to Otto Ave., in socordance with plans and specificationB heretoattached, to Di W.* -Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $8,197.002 end the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,581.00. F.B. #7098. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays - �'L{lancy Hod y -- In favor McDonald ---Sudheimer , -------Against _ - Wenzel . Adopted by the Council --.-_ .192------ Approve- --. �Y _L`---------19/2------ ----T- ----------- VC4Ing w�AYOR. t Q _ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNoa 65804 NO. ---------- OFFICE OF .THE CITY. CLERK �.,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DgTr Ma -y 4. 1926 REsolvEo That the Council hereby ooncurs.in the recommendation4of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and . improvement of Pierce Ave. from Brompton St. to W. L. Eustis St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Martin Eberhard, he being the lowestresponsible bidder, for the sum of $320.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed do draw up the proper form of contract: therefor. Engineers Estimate $456.00. F.B. $7099. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �' Clancy ueon 'Hodgson ......t= .__In favor ✓McDonald / ) i$udheimer _S.l....Against -Wenzel M Adopted by the Council ._k�t--y.-c-tg�g-.-.-...192------ Approve --- - AY --------192------ g-M�voa eoUN` No ----- 65_895 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL rm_e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENE L FORM PRESENTED 13Y - D TF--_4g,y 4. 1926. COMMISSIONE RESOL_iED That`the Council hereby concurs in the xecommendation of the Contraot Committee and awaicis the contract for making 2091— 61 house drain connections on Ford Road from Snelling. Ave. to Cleveland Ave., in accordance with plans and speoifioa.tions hereto attached, to Peter Lametti, he being the. lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $7,469.00, and'the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruoted:to draw up the proper form of oontract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $10,087.00.' F.B.7101. y •C F No Bsao6—EY J H.. Mcno .Wognpeeotveind Thartec the CouanUcinlr. hoeaft)ead Cont,aet' Committee 'and bh=Ye � aw ~brier the contract for makin6 209- 8 house!, - : d1Aic coanectione on $ogd Road from ; - ' j Bnenin6 Ave to Clevplrind Ave fn 4c cordanca LOith plan., and: epeeldcation. I no bWtu6 inreppoo.� 1e b rider. tor'the .um WL 17489.00; and 4ae1. tc yoration Connae IB horWbl'• in.tructed _ of' co - .tract at eretor.e hnBi eer'em Esti mate {39;08299. FEB, 4191 AdoDtad by the'819881 MaY8. 1918. Approved :Mays - (MaY COUNCILMEN --.--.192 Ye .. _._ as % Nays Adopted by the Council- �l'- � ---- -- - ✓Clancy MAY 6..192- ---- Approve ..__ - V0 '$odgson 1^..-- _.In favor - - - --- McYOR ,.McDonald -- --- - -- ... . Sudheimer .-----Against ,Wenzel-. CITY OF ST. PAUL rCOitr�'`l` No --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ - RESOLVED That the.Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for making 205- 6" house drain connections on Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Snelling Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Lemetti, he tieing the.lowest responsible bidder, For the sum of $7,175.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the. proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $10,738.00. F.B. #7102 1 I........... Q esolved 6Th . v1 J 8 NcDoaald— ; Coni�sa in the- reeomai..w wnaoll hereby, weve7and,Ave, yto 8nellln Avq.! t'r= hereto �,Izlted,lane.andS-aAvq• Inaa- bele te' Peter 1A.,j, atone: tort- the "lowest aeaDonalb �ettI ho . Dorados u o .ot i7.i966 p9 end -the Caun46 'is .horebS.ln'at ruated tra t.the e[arhe Drover Yortn o . ng "es a ,p>iatlmate iIo rasioP _ 1 Adopted byy the Couac(1 ADProli -dtay & 182& 1i ._. ._ (CraY's- COUNCILMEN s -COUNCILMEN MAY6 -1926 ..192.....- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.. ... ..----------------- ------ ... Glancyy , Approve ... �� -------- .192.-- - �IHodgeoa ...... In favor v•- ---- SS..nn •-••--••--•--• ,j1�ICDODaId � -- '- -- pypbl MAYOR ,Sudheiraer ---- / gainst -/Wenzel CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCI. � V rss NO._----- 07 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ M •-1826- RESOLVED That the Council hereby oonoure in the rsoommend_tion of the Contract Committde and awards the contract for making 3- 611 house drain connections on Aldine St. from University Ave, to N. L. Shields Ave., also Aldine Place, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to E. G. Carlson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $148.50, and the ,Oorporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineerls Estimate $150.00. F.B. #9103. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays l Clancy Hodgson 7.._..In favor McDonald /—Sudheimer --- ....Against IV.nzel M, Vi— 1--,. tr."vw. " - MAY p 1926 Adopted by the Council .......... ............-192... - Approv --- -- '-- - --192..---- Petition Council File No.........65-808 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reaoril8rtruot, relay and repair the sidewalk on the south ._---__-----------------_- . ---- ----- -- ---;....-....... -------------------------- -side_ of--Jamee,_Street.--beginning--72-_deet... ea»t.._0 .-h-easing Qn..AAenne- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----------Reconstruct,...relay--and_.rep.4r__Ahe---a.i-d walk:_ons_..tha...aouth ............................. side of James Street beginning 72 feet east of Lexington_-Avenue thenoe East 118 feet. having been presented to the Council of the City of tfaul------------------------------------------- _______________-------------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............................MAY 6__-._)926 ............. -•---- YEAS �NAYB CouncilmanYCLANeY sox � Approved.--------- �°- ---- ------------ -----.....----------- 'AHA,roncsox � HEIIIER M" Ivi— o Acting May er• Form C k 13 OM 325) •, PUBLISHED ( i r Page {2) /► ^ S J CITY OF ST. PAUL couNca �Cl0+J Pn� NO. -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER For Constable, 6th Ward JOSEPH I. HOSSE Received 2,148 votes For Justice of Peace, 6th Ward HOWARD A SMITH, Received 2,006 votes For Justice of Peace, 10th and llth Wards JESSE A. LEWIS, Received 9,613 Votes RESOLVED, That each of the foregoing persons are hereby declared elected to the respective offices as designated above. and the City Clerk in hereby instructed and . directed to notify them of their election and to issue and deliver to them proper cert- ificate of election, r. .y COUNCILMEN WY !- ' 1996, Yeas Nays` Adopted by the Council Adopted •- -----_-----••----------------192..-... ✓Glancy WAY T 1926 Approved. -----........-- 192...-.. -Hodgson �:Jn favor _ G' irk eDonald ------------Against AWease6, PU1;L*�I)LII 'eW OF ST. 'PAUL cOC1L ,NO..--.------------------ F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �rr. >, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED OME T ONER Bow Cowt;auo" 8th wawa. J0Received 2,2" Votes' Bot Justice of Pis*s 4t1w er xmi y HDSM A.'MM, Received 2&O" votes ✓Far Justice of Paws, loth sna lith wa2dtt; JESSE A. limsm,, Rece3. ve&, 940Z Votes HFIBUTED, That seek Or the foregoing persons are hereby declared elected to the respoctive, officers as desigzwted above, and. the Cites Clark is hereby lumtruated sad directed to aotily them of tbeirf election wA.to iatsae an& deliver to them Proper cert- ificate of election. COUNCILMEN - MA % Adapted by the Couneil..._ ..___ ------ Yeas Nays _RMS" B 126 z '!/Clancy �/ erguson Approved -------- - --- ----. 192 dgson ... v .In faor '�``✓ cDonald j - - - / _�.� - - ••---Against 3Senzel---• P[JBZ..�SL�D cUNCI CITY OF ST. PAUL cae NO:------..- RR A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. DATE_.._-- _ ....-_ RS�]{RSAC WHEREAS, by Council'File No. 62741, approved October 27, 1925, and.Council File 62904, approvedNovember 4, 1925, funds were provided for the purpose ,of determining the cost of.making a study of the pollution of the Mississippi River, and other pur- poses, and the sum of $2500.00 was set apart for the purpose of studying and investigating methods for the prevention of pollution of the Mississippi River.by'sewage, and WEEMS, itappearsthat this study can best be made by the -Federal Government officials and employee, who are equipped to do auoh work, and WHEREAS, the proper government officials are willing to undertake said Rork, provided the City of St. Paul will pay the salaries and wages of government,employes engaged in such work,; and other expenses, not exceeding the sum of $2500.00, RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to arrange for such'a study.by the Federal goverment; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to pay ;the bills for services and expenses of employee of the Federal government engaged in such work, ,upon the presenta- tion of'bills approved by the Commissioner of Public Works; the total expenditure, however, ,not tn,ax aar1_tbr+._anm.. Of two thousand five hundred dollars. ij c. s: zro 9s9ii=� a siuonouta i aay�p caved October 27 L 1986;- nd Colin 011 IMM 92904, atproied Ngvember 4. i 1926 fpphda wepe; prgvtaed for -the pur^ poees oC; determining the ..at. of mail- tng..,es400 'of, tb0 pollution of the j: iM 8ipgi Ivor. -and o y •.p iy.u� - and 3tie sum of• 4P , ..tax. - f Co6;CILMFNMAY..1926 Yeas j Nays Adopted by the Council. ...------- -192..---- ✓Caney 1� 151 Approved.1. ...192 Hodgson .............In favor fSudheiiner t /.:Against g meroa -'Wenzel V MKum». �_ ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PALL � F6II.ENCIL CITY cLEng APPROPRIATIONTRANSFERS-RESOLUTION FORM ;CHARTER. SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__._.:_ (� .:.... ....._ ...___.. .. ..____ DATE __...._._...� ___._ ...... ............ . RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM .MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM TRANSPIRED FROM TRANSPIRED TO 16-A3 Supplies 100.00 16-A53 Receipts 1734.17 16-A7 (New Books) 1734.17' 16-A8 (Equipment) 100.00 L,4L 8 vatgusoa ` Resolved;' ThBt the;`follawta8 :trans . fere be mado on the books of the pomRtrollgr_ when by so floing an ua I ,Q $O411daD10 defloleacy la oae ftem may { A \ Abe met by eaifl transfer m(thovt:Lamv I C7Y E � the work ,p.��y "ied KorEy the I •rr. nsa...?' m whlah the, MAY 1926 YES (,IT) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ . _. .__ __. .... ___.19.. __..__, ✓CLANCY APPROVED___.gam___._ . . _l9_...__ .. MCDONALD ...... .......... IN FAVOR �IOI Hodson ._ " ..:.......... ........................_._ ActinD //BiS�i'.W��'�LL�rPI+✓......L/__. AGAINST t, ;./ WENZEL COUNTERSIGNED _.. ..._ .__ __ _...... CRY COMPalDLIER PEMT ID lr ! f -SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - 034 IGOO ,7-24 ' QUADRUPLICATE 017Y�OF SINT PAUL -, FILE _.L ~ To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 cm eLERK RES.- NO. UDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ; 7 " " �.92-� „ RESOt4EO THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE - ATE CITY, ,.TREABURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF -. COVERING Y _ '— CHECKS NUMBERED* __To__ ' INCLUSIVE. AS.PER CHECKS ON FILE IN'THE OFFICE',', ER - - — OF :THE CITY COMPTROLLER.: TOTALF.AN RNED CHECK' IN FAVOR` OF.Y ' - NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT .CHECKS- K 'BROUGHTFORWARD - - Resolved, That checks he drawn on the Clty Treasury to the aggregate -amount of 59.006.47, covering check. numbered 4045 to 4092 Inclusive, Per checks on file in the oHiea of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council May 7, 1926.. APProved ,, 7, 1928. (MLLY 15-1926) LI i I ! f -SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - 034 IGOO ,7-24 ' • 0 ^/ , t ;� TER +.. .,�� S.------g,Q05.�47 _- _ .. ��(C�OeVERING CHECKS NUMBERED- 4045 TO 40 �_______ J COMP OLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS SHEET TOTAL FORWARD GENERAL 107 974', 9o', 121 8! 14b. 4, 461 1201 511, 190 16o, 72 891 3c'I �20i g� 1 A41 1210 626 75 100 0 31' 5 65' 6 1 C 1 5931 C 31. 3 7167' C 1070 WATtR 22 07 '_ - SSU DH EIM ER. - BROUGHT FORWARD ' 423 61115 . I� Cte/�iIg 404 4046 T. D. Dania Amerioan Library Aesooiati 3512 5'4 p`�J ____ ____ __-__. _____._._.___, b�it"It MAYOR 4o47D. 4� Apel®ton & CCimpany A. L. Burt & Company NAYS (V) 12I 9 4 4050 C. 1C. Caspnr ComPany Central 30ientifi0 Company g 2 f} The Century Company DISTRIBUTION - 408 Phos. Charles Company Company - 461 2 Thos. Y. Grows" SPECIAL FUNDS 1201 454 Dodd, head & Company Doubleday Pegg & Company GARAGE 5�1 SPRINKLING FORESTRY 405J i. Dutton Company 104 64 26 887 25 247 307 6017780 7 E. 5 6701165 302 23 70; 6 4057 Ginn & Company 18 4058 D. C. Heath & company , 1601 4059 Henry Holt & Company 9 4060 Houghton, Mifflin & Company _2 89 6 4061 Library of ConVess J. B. LSpPinoott Company 33y X062 63 11 Little, Brown & ComPany Green & Company LoWpans, 2 LothroP,.Lee & MMRTd Comp y 46 �,, YffifR1A1 A1'44 pi�8$ --_ '1�1� •edcsm.�e aeiaen A =sons & 000mmppenyy 4469 Rand MoNallq Roaoh, Fowler Publishing COM any 2 C! 4070 Charles Soribnerls sons 3 40 Twin City Book & Stationery o. 40 2 H. TV. Ale= & Company 4 4o "oAd Book Compmy 1 40 ;;°t. F. Smith Tire & Battery 0 . 4075 4076 Otto 0. nosh L.C.Hodgaon, Com'r. of Fin. la 626 4077 General Chemioral Ooapany 1 066, 4078 4a Mr. Lee Hall Henry Hellum 1� '! 40go Rome gleotrio •.airing Company 31; 5 4081 A.E*Xromsohroeder Cashier 1091 later Department 62 4082 Lee T+:lovator 0ampany �' 4063 Manhattan Restaurant 4084 The Mueller Company 1 51, 4085 .An. 1$. Murphy & son 593, 33 4086 olseen Candy Company Company 71 4087 Review Publishing 4on ^t. Frani a Hotel 3 1 4089 4090 st. P-jul rieotrio Company ,it.Paul shite Lead IN Oil 0 any 1 0 35 4091 A. G. Spalding & Brothers 4092 A. N. 'ileon & Company 5 I SHEET TOTAL FORWARD GENERAL 107 974', 9o', 121 8! 14b. 4, 461 1201 511, 190 16o, 72 891 3c'I �20i g� 1 A41 1210 626 75 100 0 31' 5 65' 6 1 C 1 5931 C 31. 3 7167' C 1070 WATtR 22 07 '_ - SSU DH EIM ER. - - --- /�--- -___AGAI NST _. . I� Cte/�iIg WENZEL. - - - p`�J ____ ____ __-__. _____._._.___, b�it"It MAYOR YES (��) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION - - LOCAL I SINKING TRUST B. Munio.- SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �� pment SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 104 64 26 887 25 247 307 6017780 3 343150 5 6701165 302 23 3 077 89 1 68640 -- �1 II 1 1 o66 1u 4 01 109 09 520 00 8g 7�630 23 935 78 5 loo --2g 7'25 247 307. - 1�4 ,- 1 - 670 I Ib5 302 23 3 077 99 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'r9 TIM{>gl({'(�4TE . TO RES. No . -A -----_____ OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLER _ FILE NO._.--- CLANCY. _ t CITY CLERK g� v,,{{ �G RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTI>N FORM F'ET2@H6AfV�----_-- - ----IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_NlAY__�_I_ L�� -- ---------192---- �f,(i S CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - � HODGSON, ? DA _ L_�J ±;,1i �(� +�" s_____ -q. -d6 }a�7_ _r___ _____ COVERING ✓ cDONALD.. '• i L!__�_;)f„I 192.___ B VU 7� CHECKS NUMBERED__ 75l'}�___ TO._�2_____ SUDHEIMER, -_____AGAINST l f 000/��A _ ________ ______ _ _____ Asti COMP OLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZE L. n ___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ' -63 R. $��. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) 6i��1 f1 MAYOR TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION . . CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER �'. LOCAL I Be Mt1A10.- SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING TRUST TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC SUNDRY ' CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �iL ��r.1I SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING pm9ni REVOLVING ACCOUNTS l04 6a 177 �o5a 5 67065 302 23 3 077 89 1 68640 BROUGHT FORWARD I 423 611 lo7 974166 22 078 X64 26 887 25 247 307 3 343! 40 �. D. Davi s 39f 315 1 YI 404 American Library Associati 514 5142 4047 D. Appleton & 0QMPany 9016 90 ; 63 404$ A. L. Burt & Company 121 12::5 4049 0. v. Caspar Campeny 2 9� 2 218 32 i 405o Central scientific Company ; 1 7i7 2 The Century Company 146 33 46 33 Thos. Charles Company b 4; 4 4,12 Thos. Y. Croveli Company 461 46! 24 40 Dodd, dead &Company 120; 120191 I#i 405 Doubleday Page & Company 575116 4056 T. P. Duttan Company 7 4057 Ginn & Comraany 701 6 70 4088 D. C. He &Company 1$'; 1$i 4o5g Henry Holt & Company 1601 160138 4066 Houghton, Mifflin & Company 7�;9 72'196 4061 Library of Congress B9 89,60 64 ro62 J. B. Lippincott Company 33' 33 i 6 Little, Bruen & Company % 16 4o64 Longmans, Green & Company 7' 7' 64 Lothrop Lee & Shopard Camp y 22 22I 2 u "r��ese rzesa 401 40; ! 1 tlaw.na. a.iaori a acme 1 1 Rand MoNa=7 & oompaay ( 2 (91 4069 Roaoh, Fowler Pnbliahiag c'm =7 220 220 00 4070 Charles Soribnerts sons 348 .71 40 Twin City Book & stationery o. 20 320 O 40�f2 H. W. Wilson & Company II 4 4073 - World Book Comp my I 1 5 5 5 3 336 9 40 '-"t. F. with Tire & Battery C 33 407 Otto C. nosh 12 6262 00 4071 L.C.Hodgson, Comlr. of Fin. 626 75 4077 General Chemioa7. Company 1 066 4 1 066 it 4075 Mr. Lee Ha -11 100 100 I 4079 Henry Hellum 4 4 0 4080 Home Electric .'tiring Company 31 5 31 5 4081 t.F.Xromasohroeder, Cashier I later Department 109 0 109 09 4082 Lee ?:levator Company 6� 6 4083 4084 Manhattan Restaurant 514 14 The Mueller Company 520 00 408 -gym. Ma Uurphy & son 1 593 1 533 3 aisean capdp Company 3 3 a�ia� Co an 71 716. 7777 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE QUADRUPLICATE - TO ` OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK �' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUINCMW FORM RES. NO._-147_ /"" RESOLVED THATgHEOKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATES_— dE. }. �,J�' (► CITY TREASURY T t AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF e1 • $_.___-5 11 §--ry-� _ G T G Y----- -' "-- ---- --- ----'--- YVW5 -. ------- INCLUSIVE. ---- COMPTROLLER -.CHECKS NUMBERED____ _—___TO �—___-_ __ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE :OFFICE ER _ _ ____ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD.^_, I j I �I it i i C F- No 66814— F.esolved, That checks be drawn on ernounitY Treasury. 8349 to the overing Ccheeka numbered 4009 to 4044 inclaslve, as �I per checks on file in the office of the Cit, Comptroller. ..� Adopted by the Council Mas i, 1926. Approved May y 7. 1926. t{! (Ka16-1926) I II_ I i I II _I I I I I i ii I I I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD --- - �_ =IFORM D34 1000 1_24 CHECKSU009-TO._____ _ _____ _ - a SUDHEIMER. � ___AGAINST - -- NMBERED_________ - ' CO OLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZEL. ___-- _-"--_-_ F-- _ - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -- -_ SON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) �ob'nn MAYOR TOTAL RETURNED -"" CHECK DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER �/ c• SPECIAL FUNDS 'l. LOCAL SINKING TRUST TRANSFER ( DISBURSEMEBANK GENERAL WAYER BOND NT IMPROVEMENT _ CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �MfDYMRWM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BIUILICUILDING SUNDRY ni meIIt. REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD -. _368..498L_o _ _..__.. -..: _. _._ __ �__6o :6221 OO _ 22 o g' 2 42 2621 2_ _ ; _. �.. -. .- -- 7 6 ; 7 . 7 ,39 - - 2 7. 3 7 307 _0 _3 3431,5 __ 5 670, 65 16 2 5 5 +, y 4 25 1 4 2 01 5 - 35 6g6 40 4010 9 Hi h.Pdrk 4009 L. C. Ho non Comr. of Fla. 14 6 09 177 Prop. 7 d6 s 9 10 -2 - $- -Sale P k 286 0 2 �, 4012 L•C.Hodgaon, Comer. of din. g • 4013 Ramsey sheet Metal voxke and'; 12 35 j 12 3552,75 i cols tour e southern surety company 1 2 31 2 3 71 4014 A., J. Pirkl EnOtric Ca®pany, 401 L.C.Hodgalon, Comfr. of Fin. 12 03311 12 033118 4016 r. N. Amundsen g 71 go 4017 John D. Anderson 2 9 2;90 4018 Peter Belgea T7' 2 712 4019 Buoka Brothers 11 6 11.67 4020 Fast side Grocery Company 181, 18!2 4021 M. 0. rose= & Company, Ino. 4 00 4022 Hazel Park Grocery Company , 1 5 16 40Horri an's Grocer gg 23 � y 3; 7 4024 R. 1. Hruby 2 12 4025 Rano CT000ry Com;�s 7 181 0 1�' 07 402 R. 0. Grocery 32 0 32,02 4028 r. P. Lundeen 10 00 027 'a. F. Lehmann 10 a. E. Taliler 3 4 _.. 1,98 Ito 0 Michaud Brothers, Ina. 4 �s 1 ,�,, •_:� _-- __ _ 1 a Meat Market 5I3 7 G 40 22 monten ket11 11 65 40 4 1Qaiqationr3ltTearComtpony l0 4 10 4F2 4033 Rohland Fairwsy Market ll.9 ll 9j IW3� st,Paul Milk Company 31 9 1'9J 4o3 Car1 sohultz 35 5 5;5 403 Thom Brothers 22j 22,29 I 50 6 hon 5' 40 U. rv I 39 4040 Mrs.+Caroline Barry 5 2 50 z; 4041 Reough Brothers 56d; 56o oo 4042 Library Bureaus 59 ' 7 590,781 4043 McClellan Paper Company 3;8 3 8 r 4044 r. s. Pettyjohn 1101 110 00 I j i j , I - - - - - - -- - 3� .._ 02 Q3 3 077 jgg z SHEET TOTAL.—FORWARD 423 611150 l07 974.66 22 o7g1 AW 5 104 64 26 gg7 25 247 307 60 177 �g0b 1 C l TWiF LUOATE TO ` RES. No.____247 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 55*113f 4----------------------- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL R TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 368 498; p xV -g n. 258 1 12 351 and 2 3 71 any; n. 12 of 1 8 TT 2 6 CITY CLERK DATE. 7�V___1926. i�� a - CO OLLER CHECK NUMBER f , IN FAVOR OF 40o9 BROUGHT FORWARD L.C.Hodgeon, Comer. of F1 • 4010 4012 L•C.Hodgson, Comer. of Fi IF 4013 If Ramsey sheet metal -,7orke 4014 Southern surety Company '.iil$otrio 4015 A. J. Pirkl Comp L.C.Hodgson, Comer. of F1 4o1 4017 F. N. Amundsen John D. Anderson 4018 peter Beiges, 4019 4020 Buoka Brothere 4021 Eastside Grooery Comnauny 4022 m. G. Foasum & Comnany, 2 In Hazel Pirk Grooery Compare 4o Horriganle Grooery 4024 4025 4022 R. :,. Hrub K:+ne Grooe y Com -)my 4027. K. o. Grooery F. Lehmann �L02� F.. P. Lundeen 4032 railier'-"- i Montana Meat Market J �4 4033 Nash Heat Market X32Rohland National Tea Ocimp any Fairway Lis�rket St.Paul Milk Company 40 Carl sohultz 4o3i 11039 44COU 9 Thom Brothers M. F. veugh9n Mrs. Caroline 4041 Barry Keough Brothere 4042 4044 Library Bureau U001e219n 40 Paper Company F. S. Pettyjohn y 3 7 22 18 O 12 0 0 0 3� 1' 164 31 9 22 5 560 5 593 8 120[ I: I�_ I ETURNED IIS BY BANK CITY OF FA,' T I•A',':L OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLLER -� \�CLANCY. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM-FBRL'[,)'S'01�7. �.`D____.IN FAVOR HODGSON. -� McDONALD.; SUDHEIMER. _______ .___.AGAINST WENZEL. GENERAL 6o 6221 l0 245 7 56o�i 4 258' 12 352' 12 033, 2 11 is 5 18 10 4 47, 101 11 35 22 2 593 ,SON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (v) DISTRIBUTION LOCAL BONO IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST WATCiI ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS 11tt GARAGE 11—� 22 07B 81 2 742.39 26217.25 247 307 60 11 I,. 2 347 25 '+5 00 l'—'- _ I � I �( 560 0o 110 00 177 6 sale Pack 3 343', Prop. COUNCIL R FILE No. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.__. _. --- _ --- 192 APPR _ _ -N�cj./.�, ��'1 _.._ - f . _ ___192____ _______ _ _______ _ - -0 MAYOR --- SPECIAL F'UNUS - - PUBLIC SUNDRY 9 SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 5 5 670...65 16 20 499;5. 29603 2 5791,35 1 686740 High. P grk Golf Court I I, i COUNCIL •J581 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fee NO---------------'-'------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY ....6 , .1._1_46 _ COMMISSIONER_DATE_�8.. —_..... C/ In the matter of grading Marion Street from Cottage Street to hake Como & Phalen Avenue, under $reliminary Order C. F. #63129, approved Nov. 18, 1926, and Final Order C. F. #64862, approved Maroh 16, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifiostions and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. C F. No],86816—T. IL MCDonaid In the '-matter;/--o[ -grading'-Marlon Streot' trom,Cottage 8troet.to bake: 'Como.-(&Phalmn-Avehue, Un$er.Pre Lmiaary Order ."M Nb.'''89129,sp-. proved ,Nov 38.-x, end Flnel Order: C F- No. 6488.19862 aproved March . 18, 3928 . - - "RA -Wed; Thnt the Dlane, bDecldaa- tf i a and eatI ' to `CCnantitles as sub-: mltted by the kCommfe.1...r o[ Publld AeoI, for It a, above named imp ove- meat, be _and the samb ase heroby "p Droved. / Adapted by the Covnoil May -.7 3928,. - ' ADDToved May 7, 1928. n` (May MAY h - 192gg Adopted by the Council ........................................ I92-:-__ WAY J Approve - -- -- ---- --- -- ---,../f.../n 1992/-- _ �tl/�Y MAYOR r'UBI.ISHL'it n -_J COUNCILMEN Yeas �' Nays Clancy �Hoddgsou ons �.....In favor 'MeDonald . i ,(„ �Sudheimer --.-L..--..Against Wenzel MAY h - 192gg Adopted by the Council ........................................ I92-:-__ WAY J Approve - -- -- ---- --- -- ---,../f.../n 1992/-- _ �tl/�Y MAYOR r'UBI.ISHL'it n -_J - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER..__... ..__ DATE .RESOLVE t� Fa�NCIL NO.....6VVfa- MaSi'+1926 In the matter of grading Alley In Robert L. Wares Addition, from St. Clair St. to Berkeley Avenue and from Kenneth Avenue to North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63396, approved December 3, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #64683, a-- app®oved March 3, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. - • � APPi'ov a (Me,9 X6 196oi, COUNCILMEN - '- Yeas Nays t/Ohlncy Hodgson .... f?_...In fax -or —McDonald �___-Against -odhelmer ../ - -' ...... �ensel ........... Adopted by the Council. MAy.4.......jW._._._..A92....__ approved �----a92s -- 192- - Aeting p�78i.ISfILiD CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No ------- ..__� May 6, 1926. F . In the matter of grading alley in Block 2, Kipp's Macalester Park, from Sue Street to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62097, approved September 18, 1925, and Final Order C. F. X63738, approved December 23, 1925. JiBSOLYBD, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. oaa1L \a �aS°�atA�tx _. 66g11�i 6�sca�t tCt'F•�g26 `,' i �o.�att�\DDB ,�OtB V� gg98•.aD. , \ip a°m 8psaSVC eatsc4� 0. '\ t, �8¢� aD`tOtab c 2e'D �pt\°° oL.Ytt6 gy09 .g\aa ° t tb 4ya °yet tpe� eSe' � aya ea 9e.fbaataS T\geve yaata � y(`_/� ��//ww � DtO aDD teA �TJIA y d4 �a ytoaea lN�°' COUNCILME\ ^ MAY n leas NaysAdopted by the Council .--------------------------------------- 192---_-, � Clancy / tAAY /� U tv, --F Approved- -- ----- ---------- --- -------192.---- -,,,Hodgson ..........:...In favor _,McDonald tljw MAYOR —Sudheimer .. Against PUB71SiI;:D _,,Wenzel -. CITY OF ST. PAUL . ME vee NO:'-------- - t - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - rnl Mf.11 RF --n1 11T1f]N--MFNFRAB - FARM . In the matter of changing the grade and grading Otto Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order - C - Y -#63598, approved Deoember 15; 1925, and Final Order C. F. #64793, approved March 10, 1926. RESOLVED. That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 46 No 66818—Sy J ii. 14eDonal$—� fa the matter -g, ahangin6 Breda and Brading Otto Avenueon _from tramline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, 'under r"MMInary Ordet C F. No • 68698 - apDro- ed 1)eaem'ber 16 1926. -and 11'ina1,00 C. F. No 84788, aV- proved March 10, 1928. proved That the Dinn& eDecul ttoas and e.[imated Quantltiee as sub-. witted 'by the Commi��ionor of POD no. Works for the above named tmr probY'. e v be'and the eeme era here t �' of , .A8 Dted by the CouncllMSY 7, 1828• ADDrove$ May 7 1928. �' stay 16-3826) G' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "'-Clancy ✓Hod \ ................In favor /McDonald ✓Sudheimer Against ,,-Wenzel Adopted by the Council, --- Mjky.j__.jM....-.192-.--.- Approve ..... - tom-- 192 -------.- ---- � MAVOR CITY OF ST, PAUL 6581-9 FILE No- - --- --- ------- OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDNBY __ May 6 , 19 COMM1 10ER_ ._ RESOL l In the matter of grading alleys in Block 2, Stone and Morton'a Addition, from Orange 6treet to Hyacinth street and from the North and South Alley to a point 100 feet west of Greenbrier Ave. with an approach to Greenbrier Ave. on a temporary grade, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62754, approved Oct. 27, 1925, and Finer Ordar C. F. #63850, approved January 5, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner- of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. d. iL 230, 66818-J 8. McDonald- In the matter o[ 'gradtng alleys 1a' I Block 2v:$tone and Morton4s. Addl _ tippn from.'Ora %g street to. Hya- eltlth Street Bad from theNoMh.and: �aouth-Alley-to a point 100-feat meet ';of,Greenbrier Ave: .;with. as -ap- ?,Mach to,,GtBenbrlbT Ave. ori a -temporarygrade undgr Preliminary n Order C. F. No 82754, aDDroved=0ot // 27.1925 and B9nai Oraer C F No. //'!y%/��e,00p1920. a, Reeolvs ,That Lha plans sDecidoar " tions and ` estio ted auanutles. ae /! - R9,,,tted by, the Commisstoaer of Public WnTk.,'4.r and above named - i nprovemeni, ' ba and the aame : are - .hereby apDrored. 'fldopted,byiaY the Council Maq ;Approved E7, 1926. ' 'a5fay 16-1826) C.`OUNCILMEN YeasMAY � - 1528 Nays Adopted by the Council-- --------- ----- -...---192------ ✓C1ancy Approve -.- . -..------ :_192...... ,,-Hodgeon • .---.In favor _,McDonald J - - - 6udheimer „1:.-.-Against - ......... Aci4 ix r -, L'oIL FwmYau .. _. COUNCIL No-----. -- ll��f�lo CITY OF ST. PAUL cae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIoN—GENERAL FORM May 6, 1926 PRES4ENT'EG BY �--- COMMISSIONER •-- RE:SOL,V That the plans, specifications and estimated . quantities attached hereto, for widening and paving the roadway on Snelling Ave, from Hague Ave. to Dayton Ave., also on Selby Ave. from Fry St. to Saratoga Ave., F. #57815, approved February 5. under Preliminary Order C. same are hereby approved and that the 1925, be and the Commissioner of Public Yorks, be and he is hereby authorized to do the work by Force Account. at an esti- mated cost of 020,400.00, w=hich cost shall be appropriated from the fund known as. City's Share=Local Improvements, Cole 31-E1, for defraying the cost of the above improvement. G' F. Iso.-668`Th $ Lmd pausnflatn8 Pav- g¢sol a eat1 r - V& inlnK Ye - row p S tions hereto. Loon gnellinB A also on tat:sptha s tiQ'DaYLo 8� SaTa`tuBg fn6 byaeprs¢ilminpaTa �:,�ety r6. 1885: Av¢ 816 aPOroY grP LerabY aPDrubl : c err $ea.. \� L c .be snd� bye Cosni$asby sutLtod. at VVV� ':tondo tie wo g yoi i 0 a 1Q. imX p�vemea 1 C above at LIDi MaFm 986.,1 I�(tI/�(,f�4 V SAd�.f"JYM .. � ADP. ,o eib�9 ✓,r,,.$_ MAY 7 LMEN _ ........1�2. COUNCIL' _.... Adopted by the Council_........ ---- Yeas Approve Nays Clancy i�lAY d.. -•-•- - 19' F` Hodgson _�-•In favor ioit-C.oW . ...... --�-. ......•------ MAYOR..... .McDonald ting MAYOR -_.....---against pUBLISHL 1/Wenzel ✓ 11r. Vaoe PV4M PewMUMa - Petition Council File No .......... bM2:1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT v ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ----------------- rade-_the--Horth-_and_South-_Alley__-in. Blook- 1,_ Como""Addition,________________ and Wallraff' e- -Como Pleoe. _ from Adorn $t," to Maryland 9t. -------------------------------- ... ...___ .. ------ .. ' . .-'....' ................. : 63623. ....... ..-- -- --- 06 batram ...... ..... ........... ...... ...-................ .. maklhngeo tAh'e lollowlagr 1mDrovemeata,[---- .... vlx. Dated this.. 10th iiey, 6 ar., th- North and South Alley in .. ..day of. ........... ....... .. Block 1 .Cpm6 Addlt/oa, pad Wanraff a �mo Place trom,.A or et. io'Mary-' ✓.N bt', .li'aving R-� r �r...d to the':.... '" CiollnCFe.i Fttrfl F�. i ?PRELIMINARY ORDER. i - WHEREAS, A written proposal for thg making of the following improvement, viz.: -_--_-_-"-----Qrede__the__Borth-land.._9outh--Alley_in--Blook..l,__Como---4d$ tion.,-.,........... _ --------- .'..e.-_Como---Plao.a.....from.Ao.ora---dt..---tu--Maryland.-��.--------_------------------ -- . -- -..... ----------------------............................................... ---------•-------- ---- - --------------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- -- .... -- ....-----._....----------- -------------------- - -------------- ------------_-------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul------------------------ .----------------------------------------------------------- .-... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said. improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. .........MAY... -:1.:.19'26 ------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 1 FERGUSON—roved.- -............:...........1Q2� -•- f HODGSON MCDONALD SDDHEIMER WENZEL - _ 7� ,did y Mayor. Fo.m,�ta (1 ht 312k' Viae Plea. F•Hri MOU Council File No ----------- 65U2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and } PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoesear-y__or--------_- slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of._the -North-_and--.South----------------- _411ey__in_-$ VIIJs._l..__Como__Addition__and_.WAllraff1.s. Cama--Tl8aa,._.from...... ------------------ ------------------- ----------- 10th . -- . C. F. No. Mi22 r Dated this - day of-......... MBy-► - vVhe�eae Abstract _ makln A written propoppt for the vla: got the tollowiag Improvement, ........... ........ . 1 Copgemning anW �, Anr nn easement 4riu. h . a,e r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------------Condemning--and_ t4t>n8--en---gnsement...i the --- land..nsaesaasy --- for------------ -- slopes, ante and--tills-,.--in_-the --- grading--of-_the--Horth_.-ani--Qllxb__________________ Alley in Blook 1, Como Addition--end--Wallraff!®-_Como-_Pl-@oe,__._frQm---------- to--- ]dQ7Cy].#lid..a9Es ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._:. '+� a --......-----......----- YEAS NAYS L✓ Councilman CLANCY HODGSON 'MCDONALD j SUDHEIMEn WEN7.EL ��TiRT Fore(c A 13 (11N '3 r. Vf0a gpum ve l Approved ---------------C�A.ST... pl ...... TWO ......................I------- . .._9 .... . ..........................._....__.__.........__....___......-_ PUBLISHED e 65823 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of, Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.- _oqnqe ing and taking an easement. in -the Jan ......... ........ ........ . ..... ............................ .. ---------- f6 s qpq.p,� _ fo.Zauts f -in-grading-Rojee-St - - ----................. between Matilda Ave. and --7 � . .......... ............... ..... ....... ----- ------- - - ---------- - - IONTS IN OON- ,,MDIXGS. ----------- ----------- --------- - C. F. No. . T u,. �.'I'W or condemningand "�ment In thte,d nee .... . ............... ........ -------------------- .............. .. .... .. ... — Ing 9I.P, and .ails ir� U4 ill" .. ... ......................... --- .......... .......... ----------------------------------------- ........... .. ... ...................... under Preliminary Order 633.65 approved.-PikCAP,19-25- Intermetary Of der 64428 ........... approved A public hearing. h . aving been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lauds or easements therein, for the above improVement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be itrther Reso id asses �, theredetermined �&termin�edto be payable in ................................equal installments as to each par6el of land described therein. MAY 1 1 190 Adopted by the Council .. ............ ........................ ..... -, 192 Approved ................ MAYI.J 1W ....... ....... 1192 Councilman Clancy I RVUff6ft%M-r"1MDT1- Councilman McDonald -'Councilman IXU Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 'Mr. Vioelpres. Ferguson ... ...... ... ... .......... ............. City k. ... .. . ... ... .. ............. 4 M ay o r — – ------------ - ----------- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of RP P ing y 4or-_slopes-s--_for--outs._and fills 1n..zgadlng RahLe—ft- hetWeRzk-Matilda Ave.and'Farrington Ave. ........................................... ...................... ----------- ......................... .......... ..................... ............... ................. ................... I ................................ ....... . .......................................................... ............................... .................. ............ - ..........................--........I.......-------...........---•-----...------............--------....... .......... ...................................... ................. .............. I ...................... ......................................................... ............. ............ ............. .................................... Under Preliminary order .............. approvcd.Re-0,!�,.9 .1 25 Intermediary Order .............. . ......... approvcd...Tojt9-1.-1r� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 7; ------ ------- rUDLISHED 65825 r. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land .... ... .............. ......... ...... . ............. taking_. .......... I ......................... .... . ......... ................. from ootta�e St. to Lake Oomo & Phalen--Lv-4----- ------------------------- .... ..... . ------------ -------------------- land ne � - ees -- --- ----- the matter oY condemn ng d - ------ .... ..... Ing Itlege. 'Sotr it m grading coo- & FT tO; .Lake ------ ------- ---- ........................................ .. ---------- ------ -------------------- ------- ........................ . .... . ....... . . ... under Preliminary Order 013Q approved. XQV ojj,1925, Intermediary Order.......... hOlk ...... . approved. Teb.,,q.,1926-- .... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment r,011, 2, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �t be Be I' I I IIII. III that said en its d�etermi.ed�tobe . �.bli. -------------...... equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. ------------ Adopted by the Cotmeil-MAY Approved............ MAY I I .................. 192------ V Councilman 92...... VCouncilman Clancy (,;eueertmas-�r ergusurr-- ,,/'Councilman McDonald Councilman l*K* Hodgson ,,Councilman . Sudheimer ,,Councilman'Wenzel AM M ew=— orgulloll kt, Vi" Pree"r - ----- 1192 .. ..... ... ..... ...... ---- - --------- - City Clerk. ...... . . .. ....Mayor.... ayor - ---- 658 FINAL ODDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of :Cond.P_mnink and -_taking•,_an easement ,in, he d"._.__,__ • neq�.�e.�rx.:�alo�.�:�.._t�_....�...�.�_..�i�.�_...i,�,...gxsd�ing;]�aricm..:��...__..W�... , _-from 0otta�e St. to 'Lake Qomo &Phalen Ave,�,_�."_______. _ _".- - -.---- ..... - C V No. 86828- - ---•----i �n the matter of condemning and tak- i tng•an easamsnt In theland aecea- eti�yrad, for slope for outs a.d'ffile la ____.._Y.. -----•- -- -•-^- - 01.14 :Comon& Phalen:Ave.auml r _ Prellminary,.Order -63130 apptoved Yov 38 1926, n Itermediary Order .�__.._._._.--•--•-•••••- '-"3413 approved Feb 9?4a under Preliminary Order.:. _._6� 3�i_.__ _..., approv-..-.veuia_, mediary Order ..-.. approvedP'eb_•�J99 6 _...... Resolved: _ (1) That the following improvement be and the same pis hereby ordered ,to be made, condemn: and take an easement in the hand neoesearv,_,fox�l9$e�, for cuts and f111s in grading Marion St.'from Oottage_8t.:to-Lake `Oomo & 'Phalen_A e, - - - (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- the land abuttin printed and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:____—__.__-_ — g gpon Marion St. between_thee points aforeaaidx_to the extent, sh_q_wn UP on the plan attached to_the report of the Oommissioner of Pubiio YVor"- ks__in the` matter dated—Mamc 1.6, (3)" That the assessments of benefits and award•of damages for the taking and appropriating the rabove land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council--MAY_.L..l.tg • �, Clty Clerk MAY t14 ° REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.._condemning-_and-_taking-_an-_eaegmeat,--n._tag...J.ain$----------------------•--. necessary for slopes, for cuts and filis in grading-_MPxion_gt......_......_ fromcotta--.- -_m�.-----------••--------------------------------------------•-•-- . ................................... ............... -------------------- ...................... .......... ........................... ..................... •-- ------------- ------------------- ----- ............................ Under Preliminary Order... -63.. 3..o ............... approve(PT. Bz l� 25-- Intermediary Order 16-.-_-........., approved _Fe1;k-%-19.2-6- .............• TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: s e. That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 6589 7 C r. No. 65827- 1, the matter o[ ov0,ing. widening and extending Burlington Ave ,from Glen Road to Lower Afton.Road by. condemning aodla.kioo that part ot. v1 ion NodeI .k21bound 1, fol- . tjow1,g , descrttied 11,11: BegI.nlr northeastrn coer ot:eatd e e westrrt THIP ti `i"' Resolution Ratifying and1:ondemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment`Therefor. In the matter of -opening,_ -widening and extending Burlington Ave. from ------ Glen. Road to Lower Afton Road by condemning and taking that part of Lot 44, Block 1, Burlington "Heights Division Bio 2 bounded by the following described lines: Begii'ng at --'the. northeast oorner of said Lot 44, thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 44 'for i -di-stance'of-1728 feet; tlie:iee" eout"Yier7y to" -a po"int on the-"------"" easterly line of said Lot 44, which point is 89.30 feet southerly of tfie "northeast oorner of said ---Lot "4#: thenize northerly "along --the easterly line of said Lst 44, distance of 89.30 feet to the point - -- ------ -""""_ _ _.-__....._.............------- -----_ ------------.--- ....- -"................... -_- -" ..- ..... -- - --- - - ..:"... ---- oP beginning, ------... ..._. ... - ....._...._ - ----- _...................... --------------- ........ . - ..._:..... - - ....------------ under Preliminary Order --...:..63 21.--.-...... a pproved4;.._30,!925-, Intermediary Order.644T----------------- approved.-- Deb.9,1926"--.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, s>$bCS�dC]5,�.�`=E�359CgQC9E� NAW and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, ims )OWyMM X, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. awards Resolved further, that the said E3 OKbEU tis, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. it, further Resolved, that the said assessment, be and it is hereby etermine `to-be-•gayable-ia- ................. ---------------equal installments as to eacF�described therein. MAY I I 192 Adopted by the Council..... -- . ....... ....... .......... ........."..."........ 192. - MAY 1 1 1926 City Clerk. Approved----- ---------_---- --------------------- .......... 192 ActigMayor. ,�+'�Councihnan Clancy 11_PCouncilmaB--Eecgus0n- Councilman McDonald A`Councilman I%*X Hodgson "Oouncilman Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel �% Mr- vice Pree. Ferguson - - 4: w' aV REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matterof.._apening, wideniag::and extending _Burlington Ave, from f;l n4cad-to Liwer Afton Road by condvem�l and taking that part of Lot 44, Block 1 Burlington Hei hts Dia Ign No. 2 bounded by the folToRiiSg " e'scr bed Iiries. -.Be nriiri at" the northeast" "oorrier of dg .. g said Lot 44, thence westerly ajong the northerly line of said Lot 44 for...d dfstarice -of--17:29".feet;""tFi:enoe >ijouti�erly t -o a poin ofi""t8� - .easterly line of said Lot 44, which point is 89.30 feet southerly of --- d ------ b - the northeast corner of---eaicl-"-Lof-�4#-;�--th-once norilie"rly�--along""t'�'8""""""""""""""'"--' easterly line of said Lot 44, distance of 89.30 feet to the point of - ------..... ..................................---• ...................... ----"....................--------- �iegfrining; Under Preliminary Order ....6382.1 ------------ --- approved.-D.eo.,310,192-5 Intermediary Order ......6 +1.7..........-.., Feb.9,1926 approved . ------ ......... .......-------• TO THE COUNCIL OF TELE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of :the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; MANX IMM 7fi7fii6E IIsf7E $i> i�tf6Yd[I>�7[�7SiIIi�CE@c9 do fi 2ffi�ABL[E A E7CE9tXlat fd,. and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. m _.. ............... Commissione f Finance. 65829 In the matter of 9944.9 kng.414 of.00nstructing and ma ntaining a public sewer on. under and.thr Rg4_. .............................. .... ............. . ....... I ..... . ........................ -- ------- ............ the easterly.1Q .ft, qf Lot aO 0_1 .. . .. . .......... . ...... ..... .Bl,ck 12. Boulevard Addition Portland Ave. to the alley In the rear of_said._lot.,_ . ..... .................... .................. ...... ... ....................... .... .......... . ........ ------------------------ ...... ....... ------ .... ......-- .... ......... ------- - ............. ---------------- -------------- ......... ..... ------ ------ V. ---------- ...... ................... .......... under Preliminary Order_ approvedy.44-1.2,J9.26- intermediary Order-.... in the ov tt r approved. ----------- TeM'J92.6 ---------- Resolved that all M�Lre.=.Q, =X1 ja*0100W be rXd the WP* we wwww Vvemaino A pu�c.Iica gmheaving been had upon the taking and condemnation of the Ian easements therein, P�e t for the aboveand the Aw&rds__of_)Jamages therefor, VnIft and t e it ouncil having condemning arid tak- mg an easement for ... of d .1 Resolved, at the taking an I,. �a bed in the annexed sessment roll, -0 t rou eta Ip of -Lot r4 l'ort. 1 hereof, and the aw ds of damages win, K pit X?ZXX e r er 9 n as to the owners of such Janda respectively for to -g set forth in said essment roll, ed essm' _aw '�f ' said tagand said essm h an confirmed: be and the same is e by in all respects ratified an aW Resolved furthe that the said aw be and the same is hereby in all res sets ratified, r t Court for confirmation. and the same is hereby rdered to b submitted ne Be it further Res ved, that the said asses. c.be and it is hereby determined to be ayable in equal I inst 11ments as to each parcel . ,t and described therein. .............. Adopted by the Council---- - ------ ------ . • ...... ....---------_--------- 192 ................ ..... ----- ...... .............. I..............._...... City Clerk. Approved ................. 192 .... . ..................... .......... /_� ................................. Z(k Acting Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman PUK Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer r9"UED Councilman Wenzel 7--/ Mayor Nelson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of. -._c gnuemui;,._tuiu.._i rabug._esu.._ersesou,euy._1y+.._quo-.-Y-t+._rvo�.. �:�----_ struat ng_iand. m@ .R.. a1n1Ag..----PuDliC---avmar--GA.*--uudex--- and ...through ._th@. terly-1Q-_ft. 4 W1 .... ..................... tland__bve.j to.. -the a11e.Y. _in-the-_rear--gf--sai.d lot -f- ........................... - ----------------------- --------------------------------•--------------------- ................. ............. - .................. ...- ............. Under Preliminary Order......_ §3965 ........... approvedJ8T1.12 19. 26., Intermediary Order -._6 +395....-... , Feb .91, 1926 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above; improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefortothe owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; ffiEOClI�II>�C;TeTil!»if3i3es0irg aiii6iihi76i�CCpE3�CE�S�7cfAtz7[3akl%dfTeBE>Bi�CxEA�7d7ElfdCeTd6iS and that hereto attaehed is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissio r of Finance. 65866 In the matter oi.._condemning -and taking...an-_ easement.. in_ -the- -1-and., ................... ... necessary and...................._..- necessary forslopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley.-.i:a ..........- Block 12, Boulevard Addition, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. - - _....... ............. - _....... .-.......-- ...... . .......... - .......... -- .-.....--__ .._....._..... ............ _. _.........................--...... _._ .__._....._...................... --------------------........------------ ...... _....._.......------------ -..................... under Preliminary Order._. 63.9.59 -------- _..., approved. JAn1.12_,19-0, Intermediary Order -6430 approved ........Feb -..9- ],92F-.-.:-...8esolved that all ordex in the abovq matt , be sed the e oft WOV P 1M 1, a Wd "hp rdl _ 1Moceedin� in UW M#W:bt die4 4d0V L A puhr hearine hayWk bjen hart tt.Q tNl[TSR�99f1•BQif�pi3iiG�'^^ ^f th lnnrla ?'� for thea ve improvement, and a awards _ es,�reLor, and also upon th sment of benefits therefor and a Council havin dul onaider a i7 xe.,essao— 1 g 1n the mattor, of condernrini ��nditak t - 1ng anp easement in the ]aqd neces _ o Resolved hat the taking and n �� thr elopes, m�..�cute anHH pue to ho annexed alae meet. roll, g , �.. gradGfg-alley 1r �:;qck 18. Boulevard Additlon,.frr. et ;Ave} to Pas- - �76�dt1WC ]thf®cDd7[ �1 a>"— d m'eumtnarY or ° ,and the awards f damages J' tb:2. t In -rn,n to the owners of such nds respectively for aid taking and cond�inne 'n as set forth in said asses ent roll, be and the same is here b in all respects rati d and confirmed. Resolved further, th the said assessmen of benefits, be and the s me is hereby in all respec ratified, and the same is hereby order to be submitted t the District Court for onfirmation. Be it further Resolved, hat the said asses ent be and it is h shy determined to be pa able in ............................. equal installme s as to each parte f land described the in. Adoptedby the Council......__.. '..._ ............. .............. ....................... 192........ Approved............................................................ 192...... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman D= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson ................................................................................... City Clerk. ................................................................. Acting Mayor, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of._oondemning. and._takin-g_ an _easement .in. the :land necessaryfor slopes. for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 12. BoulevardAddition�--.from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. •............................................................._......----•-•- ......................................... .................................................................................................. ........... .............................. _.......... ................................................. --•-- .----------..........--••-----------....-•----------........_..----.....----•-------------.....-------•------------...................... ................................... --.............. ................................. ............... .................................. .......... ..................... .......................... Under Preliminary Order..... §3959.- approvedJ0.n,t12_,19.26-, Intermediary Order -... A43.$3 ......... approved ........Feb..9 ,1926-- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. .................... ....................l... ......... .....--- Comm' Toner of Finance. - 6583 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. . In the matter of—eondmmning and taking an._easement._ in_ the „land necessary for slopes, for cuts and. j7,1a�_in:.gxatiing_alla�c_in._.__._. Block 12, Boulevard _Addition,_•Prom_,Albert�p.�,�ta_Paflcal...�._..—:--_— under Prelhpinary Order-..--§3.9 Jan_.12 1 26. 6.ik30_ __..____., •5�..._....._...., approved._..._ __ a_..4..._ _, Intermediary Order—_ approved_ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:...________ condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for sloe — for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 12, !_Qu1ev4X Additign_ from Albert Ave. to Pauca3,_Ave��..__.-------------------•-------- (2) + That the, following land, Ian& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- he d priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, ,viz.:_.t.._ _ lan-- abutting upon the Alley _ n Block 12,_ Boulevard Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the planAttached to the report of the Commissioner—of Public Works in the matter___, dated March 17, 1926 (8) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the.taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adoptedby the Council .._........... ... _........................................... _ ._............, ..__....._._............._...-......-- --- City. Clerk. , .... _ ,� Approved__...__. _.._. . __......_.... _ 191 ..._......... Clancy lZmm anx Ferguson RMAne 9oo89nRffd 319xx Sudheimer tq" Wenzel Mr. President, 74RFA Nelson _, .. COUNCIL --- CITY OF ST. PAUL rae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C LUTION ENERAL FORM �y PRESENTIO ERED�. DATE_.Ya3C_�.0.+...t-•19E6'� COMMISS RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the Deputy Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized and directed to attend the annual meeting of the National Association of Public School Business Officials at Toronto, Canada, from May 17th, to May 21st, inclusive 1926, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direeted.to draw a warnmt in the sum of One Hundred & Sixty ($160.00) Dollars to the Deputy Commissioner of Education to cover all costs and expenses Incurred. Same to be paid out of the School ltund, Item 15 A-2. �.C. F. No. 68831—By,U 1L S. Ferguson—ii. tlox .� the _ Depaty cominissionor of Ed; Resolved, That- upon the reeommen- dation of the Cummiesioner of Eduea l 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays +� C�laney Hod' r/ gso ................ In favor ,"McDonald - �udheimer Against "jen a %P Mr, -yF6 V/ 3wr, 74aaiFFrma VWwwow { -,.. Adopted by the Council --- MAY -----•---- 1 ---- t 192. ---------- ly 1 1926 Approved - - ----- - ------------------------192 - �I0 Ing MI1Y00. PIMLISIII D — Council File NO . .... .. .. ... 1. By N,: 6683 .1, at ofthe aeaeaem CITY OF PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessrnlmt 65832 nt of benefit s, costs and exp enses for _theof t4—ekkSelS�Yn_ _matter Constructing, re -constructing relaying and repalking sidewalks No. 3991, year 1925. s6timate No. 6, imder Contract 61256- 61026, south side, from Snelling. Ave. to jarwick Ave. Randolph 3t-, e. to L!aunt Curve Boulevard Otto Ave-# north aidds, from Cleveland Av River Blv F:o: ississippi from Cleveland Ave- to 41 . Otto &ve.t south side, f Ave. to Syndicate Ave. from Hemline F.O.1964north 60375 Otto Ave.,. north side, Otto Ave.., no side, from Syndicate St. to Griggs St. south 100 fte Selby Ave.. F.O. F 0side,beginning a f3t. east ,at -thence ' sidej"-begivAing 50 ft. east, of Vairview Ave. Aldi r:o :7 1463 south thence east to Wheeler Ave. b nning at Fairview Ave., thence north side, a F.O. 62263 SeAve., elby wst 140 ft. sides beginning at Rice at., west ft- F.O. 62341 puller Ave., north pul'IeTAve., south aide* beg inning 30 ft. west ofthence RiC8 St. thence F.O. 62197 west $0, ft,. Hazioij, St., east sides beginning at University Ave. thence south F o. 6le44 to alley Cathedral Place both sideep between Central Ave. and St. Anthony kv side, from Cathedral Place to Louis St. F:O 61944 F.O. 60411 Antho av Av e., north St. . . Is, east aide, between HelsoU Ave. and Summit Ave. Cathedral Plac -St. thence east 245 ft - beginning at Dale r 0 62397 61895 Central Ave., south side, Ave,, north sides beginning at Lexington Ave., Central thence 61262 east 240 ft. Virginia Ave., east side, beginning at Minnehaha St. thence F.O. 621,56 north 120 ft- east side.eginning at Lafond St. thence south to Arundel F.O. ,st-,fest ikuth of Thomas St. a point 155 r beginning at Blair treet, thence north Arundel St., east side, to alley thence north to Arundel St., west side, beginning at Thomas St alley .1 h sides beginning at Arundel St . thence east 160 ft, Thomas St., north beginning at Arundel St. thence. east 342 ft. -46o south aide, ft. Thomas St-, beginning at Milton St- thence east :Jdep 623h Lafond St., south st. south side, beUi nning loo ft. west of Oxford St. 6p7`.t2 thQnca�v1�dmund Is; 320 ft. University Ave., north aide, 1)eL4nning at Fairview Ave. thence F.O. 62340 west 970 ft. ave:, south side, beginning 160 ft. east of Prior Ave. F.O. 62342 thence east 50 ft. James St., south side, beginning at Syndicate Ave. thence meet 240 ft.Uacalester Ave. beginning 9t. Clair St., south side,eginning 139 ft- west O thence rest 136 ft. St,.Anthony Ave., north aide, from Finn Ave. to Corinne St. St.AxIthony Ave. south side, from Olevelind Ave. to rinn Ave. r.,o . 61664 it. Anthony Ave. south side, beginning :M ft- east Of Milton 40 Stthence east it. . "Cj& LE as fir.. t".yF. rT } Eti.ns+< La1s€.t,om�#� ,�`.n'rtiuy'r�L � :a3#f og p.a6Yti' W P '� • "r '} RO T r , w ......................... iif ba 3i................. dPZ.........._..............._............_, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. able BE �THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pay in__._ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAYI i 192 ........ .._. Adopted by the Council._.------.-------'-"-' .... ..- .............. City Clerk. Mr�Y Approved...---- .. .:............... . _........._..............................192....... L .............................................._._.._........Mayor. ......:..._, .// Form B. B. 18 _ i fir.. t".yF. rT } Eti.ns+< La1s€.t,om�#� ,�`.n'rtiuy'r�L � :a3#f og p.a6Yti' W P '� • "r '} RO T r , w ......................... iif ba 3i................. dPZ.........._..............._............_, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. able BE �THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be pay in__._ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAYI i 192 ........ .._. Adopted by the Council._.------.-------'-"-' .... ..- .............. City Clerk. Mr�Y Approved...---- .. .:............... . _........._..............................192....... L .............................................._._.._........Mayor. ......:..._, .// Form B. B. 18 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 19 RE In the matter of the assessment of benefits, 10.opts.and expenses for ME Constructing, re -constructing, relaying and repairing Sidewalks Estimate No. 6, under Contract No. 3991, year 1925. —assessable— F F.O. 61256 Randolph St., south side, from Snelling Ave. to Warwick Ave. F.O. 61029 Otto Ave., north side, from Cleveland Ave. to Mount Curve Boulevard Otto Ave., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Mississippi River Bl.vCj F.O.1964 Otto Ave., north side, from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 60375 Otto Ave., north side, from Syndicate St. to Griggs St. ir 0 59113 Aldine St., east side, beginning at Selby Ave. thence south 100 ft. F.O. -61-965- 8`61by lie . , south side, beginning 50 ft east of Fairview Ave. thence east to WheelerAve. F.o.'61263 Selby Ave., north side, beginning at Fairview Ave., thence west 140 ft. F.O. 62341 Fuller Ave.,.north side, beginning at Rice St., thence'west 50 ft. Fuller Ave., south side, beginning 30 ft. west of Rice St. thence west 00 ft. F.O. 62197 Marion St., east side, beginning at University Ave. thence south toalley F.O. 61544 Cathedral Place, both sides, between Central Ave. and St. Anthony AV F.O. 61544 St. Anthony Ave., north side, from Oathedral Place to Louis St. F.O. 60411 Cathedral Place, east side, between Nelson Ave. and Summit Ave. it 0 62397 Oentral Ave., south side, beginning at Dale St. thqnce east 245 ft. F.O. 61885 Central Ave., north side, beginning at Lexington Ave., thence east 240 ft. F.O. 61262 Virginia,Ave., east side, beginning at Minneha-ha St. thence north 120 ft. F.O. 62196 Arundel St., east side, beginning at Lafond St. thence south to a point 155 feet south of Thomas St. Arundel St., east side. beginning at Blair Street, thence north Arundel st., west side, beginning at Thomas St, thence north to alley Thomas St., north side, beginning at Arundel St. thence east 160 ft. Thomas St., south side, beginning at Arundel St. thence east 342 ft. F.O. 62345 Lafond St., south side, beginning at Milton St. thence east 360 ft. F.O. 61844 Edmund St., south side, beginning 100 ft. west of Oxford St. thence west 320 ft. F.O. 62192 University Ave., north side, beginning at Fairview Ave. thence west 970 ft. F.O. 62340 University Ave., south side, beginning 160 ft. east.of Prior Ave. thence east 50 ft F.O. 62342 James St.,, south ;ide, beginning at Syndicate Ave. thence west 240 ft. St.Olair St.,.south side, beginning 138 ft. west of Macalester Ave. thence west 136 ft. St.Anthony Ave., north side, from Finn Ave. to Corinne St. ,--St.Anthony Ave., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. 618A St. Anthony Ave. south side, beginning 112 ft , east - of Mi . Iton St. thence east ho ft. F.O. 62017 Center St., north side, from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave. F.O. 62015 Searle St., west side, from IVY St. to the North line of App -Apia AAA -7 �A Ta,t 7� Rm�. vdC w ung o ,•.y «;"W.0 VAI: S.0 1 �ST6Gas;., 17 T BGJA� A6:�-' eorstN,.UT,40 PC Tzr ;Tv� F0 as• rpeUcs pof4l; TOO:�� 1.0 Q?5e3 t ' e0et .a;gs' ps�TUt;7ufa at ael �,•p' �PJJ3 tllq:xre 2r' ?esz gorrlsaszq .'. U -rAs ' �o it?aareaT�oT Orro yhG•' eoAtlr'aTIT 0 �zax OJGAG7eug das•'ro ?otrur O LA6 BJAq' T:'0' l'JO5& Orro s•' Uozrp ergs r.yom 01 ?,•0' QJS�° Hsugorbp 2r'' eotrrp aTrfs' zzo. @^e77Tu� �rA6• ro ��.sT.mrcK VAG* --uou—sebeee9pjs-- 1;'O• Q5J32 llsnsgs VAG" porp e?gGa' gzo� T?zsg7s� 2r' r0 DG tore 2r' 2ssxJs12r1gmGe. ?qG''�TMOW IAuTrG•BsszrKrsof0:isssl HAG' �•� oSOT$ ` C517rCi 2r., Abid, s;qs zotA -ham �r • r�,sucs 8,� 0 TF�' � T5 2r,':9vrpo? TfA6• ,aonTg aTgs'• pG�T,auTu. 7. 3r,' FYL C i e 6 plse 1�6TJU'S;Ii�i�•cr6z YWA6'.. d QJg:g rp 1q n6 �pszros x�pat BtaE' n, uota U01 -P? ,,0 Y :,yz7vaeT a1 ' er. •;roc' n6.: S.Jr 7Uc.-,,+ WjT0ISJ56 �� p' q ro sJtsa , ss•er aTgs' psLTznT?v�' sr BJs?z Orxssr' .FFGUos UO-rp yzrrugsT 2r' s bo;Ur l�� :Lssr BonFp 07� ypomsa 2�"sacs sonrp r0 1 '0' Q578Q gzrruasJ gr'' sser srgs' pe9TuuTUE 94: r`ZOiJq ar' rF uozrF 150 3t' G► s� Au U€. U4! }Ir'WslJsFs' 8r' rfisu.cs �'0'' Q1sQS ATzgTUTs,yns'' OEM; a?q A T ? Gge4 5jf0U• ��'0• hf r 1A6•rpGA(e sz VAG" Aoz�p BTgs psRMTu9, s; PGK7UEOs;- cUrzslVAG''aortp e?qG' PG .TuzTTA? s4 DoG2WTJGG ss Q53S OGuldJJ'�FrmwTr de5Ts '0' QO1tlT GsrpGgzsJ blscs sser eTgs co roaTe W o} e- b+ yAp�, zs ncs gr' dUrpoU2L VAG' i POrJaTgse s• q 2r VArpou LGsJ h1vOG' srpsgz11 ©•QJg>tt r r0 s71a2, s ruu?us st nATAszarra VAG- PPGACG 13011-PP+.•0• Q5J?� �;azroU 2t' syer ergs P nnJlsz VAG" aorr;p ergs' ps�,ruu?UQ 30 fit' mse; 01 gTcs 2:' tpsucs i;•0' Q53�t7 iTJsz VAI -0 Uozrp aTgG' PGUTur-TTUE st grcG 2r" r PGUcs mse-P �0 fir' rese,� Tllo bt' G1 etTUUTUE. s� hgTI.ATsm i1As•' rpsucs „•0• QJ5Q3 BGJPA VAG'' Uczrp e?g A tpsucs sser go jPssJsz�VAG' suer o� gsTT.ATsu VAG' �•0� JSQ3 aelp2L VAG eonrp a?C-s GP_T UATU� "O 1W VAG' rpsUcs eor:rp 100 Tt' F,'0' &JJ3 tllgTus 2r'' sser arcs ps4rTAuTu s� �sJA y'p' Q03�� Orro FtnG'' uozrp e?q G' T'zow 2augresrG 2r' �o GzT�£a 8r' .,.�.-.nr rTT ASt[_6._, TnIA rJfJq(YT •rTTG o'A6•�'O �7G:%."6 -A• utiFAei XXSMiW3=&RX......._.....___.'--_.—_.._....__..—_.7Qii�7(Si�Er ._..._..._._—..._.__.__._——._—..... D4Ziiit.... _............... _................... _............... _........ adgrolaedZ.._.__..._._......._._..._... ...._....._..----._.... i9al....._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction 51.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$... :................__........__........... 10.20 Cost of postal tarda $....__.._.__-.— ............. _ Inspection fees $ 1 091.26 Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - _ $_..____._._51.00 Total assessable - - - - - - - - - -, 0 Total_naA-adsessable $.....__..._ ;31( Total Expenditures - - - - - - - - - 12,561.36 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as'above ascec- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._122561_;'3_ .................. -_upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part -hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action tthnW..yonaideted proper. Form s. $. tt Com seioner of Finance. W W�epi � M 1" ON 11M. -11211111MIUMI 65833, we .Ko inos C.F. F-111 AA ordinance grant(pg to "the Bohp; - 'curb.O and. pave Hapitpe AVC. 'Stem IIniverelty A Aa ordinance ordinance granting to the,Bohn�j xgerstor Co permillon to sorb an& pave Nomillne Ave. f I ttfifv�ersity Ave. om �,Pi:n!,point 106*5 feet south of the south rail of the first spur track south of University Ave. on HemlineAve. section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grented,tothe Bohn Refrigerator Company, to curb and pave Hpmline Ave. from University; k*e4,to a point 106.feet south of the'.houth rail of the first spui track south of University Ave. on Hemline Ave, Section 2i The Commissioner of Public Works to hereby authorized to issue a permit to.the said lloensqo'for the con truotion of said curbing and.pavement U06nl,hie oot1l'ihoe with the following express conditions: (1) That the said 11-censee.sholl. oonatruot-said curbing and pavement entirely at their'6wn coat and expense to the'satiefection and under the supervision of the Commiestonet-of Public Works, and in accordquoe with the plans and specificationa..p0peqved by him. (2) The said licensee shall pay the coat of engineering and inspection of said work. (a), The said licensee Mall properly protoot' all excavations made in the street both by day and by night so as to avoid all damages or Injury to persons and property. (4) The said licensee, after the inception of the work, shall prose - outs the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work within sixty days after the said work Is. started* (6) The said licensee agrees - to assume the risk of any injury or damage which may occur on account of the.00nstruotion ofe id pavement and shall save harmless and defend the City of Ot, Paul from :11 suits, judgments, expense, orlohargee that may-socrue to persons, or parties,on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, ties or removal of.said curbing and pavement. (6). The said.lioenses shall give a bond in the penal sum of five thousand. dollars ($5,90000) conditioned to comply with all'the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all lose, liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvements or arising out of the same, (7) The said licensee sholl.within twenty days from and after the. passage.of this ordinance, file a written dcceptonce thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel if such acceptance is not filed within said time the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after Its passage I and publication. YBA8 ✓ HAY9 Adopted by,the Couacil MAY 2 6 1926. Councilmen Clancy Approve ""Hodgson ,-MoDonald ,.,Sudheimer A- lNeyft e ATTEST: smaz/�O, Mr. vim Pn& Fro City Clerk. i. •t �� 1 n , `� O•� sa)i�Ti.aY 3' ,0`:i .0JIGIP 3r111as Was 9d aat t 1i:: stj 3,:•iL.YU1 .10 '.aA c :rLL1 .., 1-�i at.:IV,,a t.CS. 1 HO loll OVA SOME age! We Ef':7U: all! afj in JIM `f.?.. a 5 lb r'f-i. oe ,y! rFzvl 19 F a ✓ ! t ` t .t f lr Afmad q7oq Q, G t.... t c: i(I- -.1, . - JaIf t l l ( `, ,;����/.`.G"."r�'� ...� � —Y','f r � C. r•'f i�:_'I �; 1 '�//(�"�/.�y/.� !�/.7"i ,S/Jr �a(.. Q� Alum gum hay anG 11 T 01001 d1 MIA i_� 1.: :(' 1_L �,'•tvc Dal in df 10 duo, M 01.0... 1 ( 113 :4. ��J "? :i {L" cl �:.. 02ii1i?901 )i;E % (01 A101 )dj In jot! qnml SO 110% assmell Na'': 017 1110 By 901-11115 AN ziluoshom" Was 'A .041010 at Alan KOS so! 1017C 9;05 "114 OWE Am ..t•Si 70 VMS do0 AAt'Y oil 7.,;N; , d minull ..,.; (i.) ' . '7.'1 NO Anymovqqf )%tie To WKWHOUny Ax To v'ii•ri- nve I t. 6pl v 114,100 21133 HO many WOR WE in ;110 IN Famink Pao Imonom UC WHO! c^ c.ni It p1 ,�; J)_ ! r ..1 t 70 99a n :7',£ �� �-:J >.)fXtt .v3c(S.t;T ..A ff:.);.! J , r'IO r°:;l t!" AS Wr, Nall t i;i } +O> W" INKS mr,011 41 1 Vo ON 4,21fon no 1 hags 00.4 t. Wn ado 9val but a11114501 01 W inventiva (, ` Vitic, to naq 50 mwon qum J sl'7., 1 bm.. zmd AW hot Tim'11100011 AT -, js b"voinqy 5n 170 Kin al j"qfj. 145 m" Wan ST InaKA!"Sov Qrs it q'71, 1't,sOVIA ,► -_... CITY OF ST. PAUL Fa.e COUNCIL No ......... 65834 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--4GENERAL FORM - PRESENTEE COMMISSIONFw pprF )�y 11th • �__� RESOLVED Whereas, a petition has been filed and presented to the Council by Louis J. Sullvold, the owner of all the ]and abutting upon the alley in the rear of Lots 5, 6, and 7 McMsnigal & Varney•s Rearrangement, praying for the vacation of that portion of said alley, lying between Winslow Street and a point 113.1 ft. east of the east line of Winslow'st; and Whereas the Plat Commission -has approved a plat embracing the portion of the alley proposed to be vacated, which plat dedicates for public use in the opinion of the. Council land equivalent in area and value to said aley sought to be vacated Therefore, Be it resolved that, the Council does hereby accept said plat as recommended by the Plat Commission, which plat is known and designated as David's Sub Division. Be it further resolved that the west 113.1 ft. of said alley In 3Mclse3.nigal & Varney's Rearrangement is hereby vacated without the payment of any money into the City Treasury. C.ouNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ^ Hodgson— ---__In favor e,McDonald Sudheimer ------- ._.--- Against Adopted by the Council --- IdAY-1-A, ------- 192 ------ LY 1 11 Approved- --- --- -- -- --------I---_----192------ //�// /te#rngMAYOR Wenzel PUBLSSEEED Mr. Vios Pres. Ferguson --�� St. Paul, 14inn. May 11th, 1926. To the Honorable,. The-C—ounoil, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen I, Louis J. Sullwold, being the owner of all of the property abutting upon the alley which I am asking to be vaostedi hereby petition your Honorable Body to vacate that part of the East and West alley in McManigal�& Varney's Re -Arrangement of Block 17 Jackson & Bidwell's Addition -to the City of St. Paul which lies West of a line drawn parallel to and 15 ft. West of the East line of Lots 5 and 10 of said Additione This vacation is desired for the following reasons I am replotting Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and the West 5 fte of Lots 4 and 11 in said Addition, in order that the lots may be faced on Winslow Ave. instead of Wyoming and Annapolis Streets as at the »resent time. If these lots are made to face Winslow Ave. they will then face the houses on the West side o4 said Avenue and thus conform to the development already carried out in that district. ' Your petitioner is submitting a plat of David's Subdivision oovering the foregoing property in which he dedicates an alley equivalent in area and value to the promises sought to be vaoated. / This plat has been approved by the Plat Commission and we petition the Council to aooept said plat for recording and passing a resolution of vacation as provided for under Section 129 of the City Charter. e Lot Block Addition State of Minneeota ) as County of Ramsey I On this day o 1926, personally appeared afore me rdr to me well known, and being firs worn, deposes an Says that he 1's,the owner of all of thperty abutting upon the alley whiah is asked to be vacated,and t he has sad the foregoing petitdnn, and the same is t e o the of s knowledge and that he executed the f r oing inst is free act and deed# o r, emamry County, I[im n My commission expire i /9,2�; ` CITY OF ST. PAUL w�ttcie. 6-x-6 No OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r COMMISSIONER— hat RESOLVED That licenses isauefi o t following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are heveby revoked upon, recommendation of the Bureau of Police: Ed Emgel, 859''kandolph St., Soft drink license No. 3896, expiring Nov. 24, 1926. Jamas Norval, 339 Main Av. Restaurant license No. 1136, expiring Jan. 25, 1927; liquor law violation. C.. F. No. assao-14yy J. 7y,•ClancY-`:, Resolved That lloenaea laa nc to the �luesaeanat per ao¢arar co¢ducpng b¢e- I and tih - the • addresses lhdlcated 'be e came are hereby revoked ups on recommefldau.n oI she s....... Police. COUNCILMEN Years Nay Clancy / Hodgson -1 ✓McDonald, 111 Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. vim Yns%mm APProved.,l{ay 11 3888.�y 11 1928. _ '= 76 198 6 Adopted by the Council .__._Air !.-A_1_.--192.._:.- Approved. -- ...... -Y- 1.. ---19.:16`• ------- 192 _ .. Favor Iinrat MMHED�� {'. .CITY OF ST „pA.ui,. COUNCILNO.------ i 6583-1 . FILE < o E6887 BY J. ADL Clancy � Reao ved.-.Thwt the Lng,pwtton$: for of 'the Yo1191.t Deraona`for K -FORM .+ ilcenabg conaucting bustn0sa9a at the ad$res9ey u9on the pay- PRESENTED BY ��g aimed nad; the city Tk U ane pay' PRESENTED - may 11,. 1926 DATE--—••.---__�-_—� COMMISSIONER F --ed to ieeve such Hceneea 01.. Stiel 'the cit3ikeaevey Into CU�BEBPtPom�arY B Soehhen 80iIIniver- 688 vnivezaicy A� following. persons foo RESOLVED That thea 1`jei gen poDolek the„$�"l��k (8T -`"w 4 �' the same are hereby granted and onslducting businesses at is instructed to issue `ssu311`licenses upon the payment into the city the city'alerk treasury of the customary fee: W. gY�rk & A. Hoehnen' 604 University Air., Junk dealer 2nd hand dealer Ben'Poboisk,'% 883 University Av., 767 W. 7th St., Grocery John R. sevcik, 1217 W.7thSt.,- Grocery 71. Bros., D. stHorrigan, D , 775 University Av., Grocery Anna Cohen, 767W. 7th St., Grocery Butcher M. A. Murray 676 Be Smith Av., 1766 University Av., Grocery 2'Y T. J. Desmond Villelli Bros., 1698 Randolph St., Grocery Soft drink L. L. Poirier, 363 E: 7th St. Butcher L. L. Porier, 363_E. 7th St., . 1718 S..7th St; . Grocery L, H. Sorns, 1211 E. 7th Conf—drug G. A. Thompson, 814 911hite Beaarr Av., Conf-drug G. A. Thompson, 18P9 Stillwater Road, Grocery Johnson Bros., 1899 Stillwater Road, Butcher Johnson Bros., Wm.:Boehe, 905 Payne Av., Grocery Sam Bisnox, 206 Av., St., Grocery Frank Kellerman, F nt St., 498 Front F Grocery Grocery Belen Blomberg, 2310 Como vel 128 N. Cleveland Av., Delicatessen F. H. Himselloan, Rudolph,Mottl, 498 Lafond St., Grocery C. � 'reen, 659 Carroll Av., Butcher Grocery Mrs. J. G217 State St., M' Theatre Cirauit,I219 635 Selby AV., Theatre Northwest Peter J. Winkel & Son, 219 Bates Av., Grocery Confectionery M. Paokerman, 697 Broadway St. 906 W. 7th St., Soft drink John Ryshavy, Steve Sohweitzs -1111 Arcade St., Confectionery Adam W. Rau, 920 Reaney St., Confectionery Grocery L. M. Rollins, 181 Western Av., 469 N. `Snelling Av., ButcherH, Emil N. Mick, J. & Margaret Dreis, 738 University Av., Conf-drug Robert A. Porth, 786 E. 7th St., Bakery Bakery D. Bick, - 647 Canada St., 859 Thomas St., Grocery Mrs. R. M. Stoffel, CooxcttMEN Adopted by the Council........ ............. 192 Yeas _- Nays Clancy __. __••_:,-__ APProved_..------------ ...... '. ...... 192.. Ferguson Hodgson ...In favor ` McDonald --------- M rOR Sudheimi'r ... -----..Against Wenzel Mr. President a' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ' PILENLIL NO._......._6583II RESOLVED -2- ' E. F. Thiennes, 440 University Av., Grocery William Wondra, 864 Randolph St., Grocery Frank Pallone, 532 Decatur St., Grocery Confectionery (Weequah Canoe Club) A. F. Swanstrom, Overbrook Ave. Mrs. Goo. Rahn, 829 Jackson St., Confectionery Field Sohliok & Co., 359 Wabasha St., Confectionery Bert Hundven, 722 N. Hemline Av., Grocery J. A, Gatto 671 R. Snelling Air., Conf-drug Ellen Favillo, 421 N. Dale St., Grocery Harry Pittelkow, 321 Thomas St., Grocery West & Evans, 1520 Como Av., Grocery P. J. Mahonwald, 539'Grotto-St., Grocery S. Raiola & D. Frisco, 561 Bradley St;, Grocery J. C. Hunt, 1465 Payne Av., Grocery Jensen & Falkenberg, 96 W. Winifred St., Grocery Arthur Shaw, 513 Mississippi 3t,, Grocery .Colbert Bros., 2019 E. Yinnehaha St., Butcher H. R. Ferguson$ 1930 University Av., Restaurant Eat Shop Trust Co., 388 Wabasha St., Restaurant Edward Laeewsky, 35 W. 3rd St., Restaurant Jos. Murphy, 163 E. 5th St., Restaurant Wm. Russell, 2470 University Av., Restaurant Mrs. E. J. Wahl, 46&j N. Snelling Av., Restaurant Pete Peterson, 215 E. 7th St., Restaurant Agnes Thiessen, 305 Oppenheim Bldg , Restaurant Geo & Leo Paraskevas, 443 Jackson St., Restaurant P. J. Batten, 578 Robert St., Restaurant Soft drink parlor has bar exposed to view from street . COUNCILMEN Nays �_-19`1..... Adopted by the Council .:.._�A.`i Leas ~Clancy Approve .... -- ...... - ............... 192 Hodgson - ---In favor -'-McDonald' ..... . ................... .. ... .. MAYOR .... �Sudheimer ._`.�._Againat Ctin ✓J� Wenzel . / Mr. er anon - I c� � CITY OF ST. PAUL N01L No .....6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .DAA COMMISSIONER_.... RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. George M. Snyder the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) out of the Workmen Is Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Caroline Graham, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured Febru- ary 25th, 1926. All COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Hodgson'. -.-In Savor McDonald Sudheiroer _ --.-Against Wenzel /ds. Vim Prem @'etRUM Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings 3 opted icy. the Council _MW -1-.1----------- 192 Appro�Ylel�_- - .....19`L....- ---- AA��(, MNYOR s � CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF xn gga40 COUNCIL RESOLUbream,aRt pto9e�t the Pd of the CItY of on the 8rd.899 PRE$'INTEON BY ,,%,100NER wUHou_Na. - 6584,0 1:.•__.,' FILE - WHEREAS, Andrew Nicholson, an,1,ei, - 0. a°'ry�� I�he ublic Works Department of the City of St. Paul, was injured on the 3rd day of September, 1925, in the course of his employment, and by reason of said injury the City of St. Paul has already paid him the sum of $563.20 on the basis of a temporary total disability, and WHEREAS, by reason of said injuries the said employe has. suffered a 25° loss of the use' of his left hand, including the wrist movement, for which he is entitled under paragraph 13, sea ion.14, of r; (Chapter 82 of the Laws of 1921, as amended, to 44 weeks compensation at the rate of $17.60 per week, together with a healing period up to and including the 4th day of February, 1926, amounting to 22 weeks, at the rate of $17.60, or a.total`of 66 weeks, at said amount,'to — telling an amfiunt of $1161.60, and WHEREAS, said employe.has already received the sum of $563.20; therefore be it RESOLVED,,,that the proper city officers be and are hereby authorized to pay to.the said Andrew Nicholson the sub of $598.40,. out of the Workmens' Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the said City of St. Paul; said / ;sum to be paid at the rate of,$17.60 per week, payable every two weeks. �' }�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-----.-.. :-- ---------192 Yeas-- --• ✓Clancy i 1 son .. Approve ... . _.- - . ... .....................192 .._ odgs/ on -----In favor McDonald...... - ----- ` R L �kAetrrag �udheimer ....%.......Against Wenzel .,. - . cOUNCILNO._..--..... 658.4.1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Pae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM May 11,1926 ,F COMMNTEONEY RESOLVED That.the Council herby concurs in the action of the Contract Committee in releasing Martin Wunderlich from Obligation under_ Normal Bid No.7093, Grading and improvement of Harvester avenue, ihtom Tracy street to Kennard street, the amount of his; bid being $2200.00; the Conmtittee being satisfied that,the mistake as recited in. the 'letter of said Wunderlich, attached, was made. The Engineer's estimate is $16,690.00, and the neat lowest bid $16,900,.00. This procedure has been approved by the Corporation Counsel and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return certified check given with his bid to fir. --Wunderlich. F.B.7093 COON MEN Yeas Nays c . dpon....... cDonald /I. In favor - e-�'sudheimer "—)Against j"Wenzel Mz. Qlos YFsq. Kury� - Adopted by the Council_._.Y_!_ �- 6_.:..192...._ • y 1 1 1926 Approve ..... M .-...--- - --.. ---- ....192.---• .......................................--------------- ...----- Aetrng M"YOR r" - 14, 0 0 P Y' MARTIN IWUNDERLIOH 1171 Oharles St., City. Contract Committee City of St. Paul. -46 . April 27, 1926 6118i I Gentlemen: On Tuesday, April 20, 1926, I entered a bid for the grading of Harvester Avenue. Due to the fest that I arrived in the Purchasing Agent's office a fern momenta before two o'clock, I hurried to complete the bidding blanks and left off a cipher on my bid which should have been $22,000 instead of $2200.00. From the engineer s estimate as well as the other bids, you can readily see that the bid I put in was a mistake. Therefore, would appreciate if you would kindly reject my bid. very truly yours, (Signed) Martin Wunderlich Mr. A.E.Eggert, Purchasing Agent, St.Paul, Minn. CITY OF ST. PAUL MUNCH. No ------- A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ','uN'L, RESOLUTION—GENERAL PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -Ma 10 19x6. RESoLvED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Harvester Ave. from Tracy St. to Kennard St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Herman Huebsoher, for the sum of $16,900.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $16,690.00 F.B. #7093. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 69A Hodgson In favor --McDonald --Sudheimer ----j- Against Wenzel Mr. V100 P— , g42—By T.. H. , MCI)onald= -4ios.1va4. That the Cojjocjl'bereby� concura In A recommendation of the Contracts ' Committee , awards', awat- the tr for,'grading and, Improve - t, -C, terLrom'. Tracy te�,8t. to Kennard ,accordanceI l with. plans .and Col. tions hereto ktw I tacbed. Yd er ue er,forthe cum ot:{18900.00, an4 the a a to Cobra ie of. a Uo ,-to; a contract. Len I a a.Hettmata ;18,890.80 F. Adopted, by the Council May 11 1928. _,Approved May -11; 1826. 'a 26) Adopted by the Council.. ... ... ..... -192 Appyroved... - -tA .5,.L_.......- -192 . ..... ........ ..... . ........... Acting MI1YOq •. COUNCIL (V _. CITY OF ST. PAUL - 'PILE NO..._ --__7J ..._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ATF MAV•-- ?-,-1.928—__.__:__ COMMISS ONES-- - --- - -- RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for making 112- 60 house drain connections on Otto Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Mlesissippi.River Blvd.; Finn Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road; Cretin Ave. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road; Mt. Curve Blvd. from Otto Ave. to Ford Road and Woodlawn Ave. from Otto Ave'. to Ford Road, in accordance with plans and specifioations hereto attached, to Herman Huebscher, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $8,475.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oontract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $8,250.00. F.B. #7'108 Zj COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -",Clancy 'Hodgson ...- ......In favor -'McDonald r' Sudheimer :: ....Against Wenzel Me. Vtoe P—.. Mem.004 fig" Adopted by the Council_. MQY..1..-1...1l -.......192._:.__ Approved/ 71" MAY AY 1 1 1926 ----- -192.----- Ct/R9 M YO -, COUNCIL 658O.44 .. N - --- - ---., _. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` '`COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM May. PRESENTED BY.__L� �/ •�. ^' DAT6__:__.__--- COMMISSIONER_ REsO E That the time specified for the 1926omande between: of a. certain contract dated May ; Peter Lametti, Contraotor; and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Macalester Avenue from Soheffer Avenue to 140 feet north of Otto Avenue, b snd the same is hereby extended to the 5th day of May, 1926, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, that this resolution , shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the oontraotor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN -Adopted by the Council --- �Y------ Yens Nays VClancy ...-----192 Approved.-..:. •- In favor L/ " Hod on r e ---Hodgson t"�=j - ----------- � ................... ............. .. � MAYOR ---*Donald , , . - etmq _ -—gudheimer .-. against k , _ ,'Wenzel - St, Paul, Minn. TO T17 HOT?ORARLF CITY COUPCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlamen: Would respectfully ask that your Honorabla Body cause tho time of oompletin_ con/tract for the y f , Tc ba extended to � 1= 102 Owing- to it .;ws not possible for Jsce to finish this contract within the ti -e speoifiad, hence 4�_ cu;sire to ask that the time for COM - platin? be ic,ada stated. Your s wry rulli, C ont r act or. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the racuirements of this off�oe are concerned. APPROVED: S ofConstr, P440T-& Repairs /rl / Ccrm::is;;ioaer of Public y! r:_s Chief En^•ine r. J r , COUNCIL O N....._.65 4'J CITY OF ST. PAUL CFILEOU � iCJ OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLERK 1- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 10. 1926, PRESMNT COMMIS: RESOL< That the time speoified for the performance of a certain contract dated June 2, 1926; between J. J. Connolly, contraotor. and the City of Sta Paul, for.the oonstruotion of a sewer on Bayard Ave: from Fairview to Underwood, Schaffer Sti'from . Fairview to Underwood and Blesnor'from Fairview to Underwood I be end.the same is hereby extended to the`fith day of May, 1926. and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to said contract in s000rdenoo herewith. prov1.ided, that this;.resolution shall not have any force and ef:reot unl'ess, the ;sureties on the oontraotor s bond consent thereto and file enoh consent in writing with the City Comptroller.'86846--Ry J. g WoDpa Id Rekolved, That -the time s aclned toe tho pagformanta-or a cerf�n. eon tract: dated Juaa,2 1928, between 'BLnri,Pagii t rnihect conatnrduo ton G1oR; ua: newer,on HBYaia Ave: fie41 Pglt'V16W to Underwood,' Mhefter` 8t. from Falre� vleW=to IIdderwoofl sad Eleenorlfrom., i!'alryleW, to IIndorwood,,�ba and too same; la hereby.entertded W the 6th day of Y. 1826; and cera re hereby the proper pit oftl alsed..to it ac Ian amendment ti,adthor,.ala......,. ute: MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council ..._._---------------- ---------------192-- --- 1pproved.... Y 1 192ft..........192. --- .......... . ..`......--------- ... Rating —VOR - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays vCiancy ; r U80n 4 ' Hodgson 7.In favor ,��loDonald � ,,,.Sudhoimor .....�::....Against Wouzel Ate. Yltw lion Magtlwmo MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council ..._._---------------- ---------------192-- --- 1pproved.... Y 1 192ft..........192. --- .......... . ..`......--------- ... Rating —VOR TO TFT HONORA_�LF CITY COUNCIL, CITY CF ST. PAUL. "antlamcn: 6584.5 St. Paul, Kinn. ��a s _l92 4 Would resp ctfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of oor..pletinF contract for. the _e To bo extended to I98.�. ■ Owin.7 to it �7:a-s not possible for?�to finish this contract within the ti.e specified, hencc,7 desire to ask that the time for com- pletinT s:mc be r, -ado as hereinbefore stated. / Yours very truly, \- 'o rector. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, �s far as the racuirements of this office are concerned. i APPROVED; ` Supt. of Cons o & Repairs Coirwdssio.er of Public rLs Chief F.nr-ineer. Petition 6584.6 Council File No, ........................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. A The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ---------- -Grad®_ails--_in_DSiohael---J.-. Hofi`man'-e-----_.. Gr1a St. to �...diaste Ave-------------------------------- ........................... .------------- ........ Dated this-----11th-------day of---------------- .Blgyt.n9$6 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: from.......... -....... -- _Grigge St. to Syndicate Aver -- _................................. ............... ----------------------------- -- ------ ---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- ..-------------- .----------------- - --------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------------------1NAY_1..-1..1926 ------------------ YEAR NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 1 1926 ERsusotr— Approved --------------------------- ------------------------------------ .......... HoDasoN - SUDHEIMER WEN7.EL .. .. .... ........................ Mayor. �/� Mr. Vtoe Prew Fe IUM romi C A 13 ONI 3-25) PUBLISHED�/6r --;�7 a Qt Council File No.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - -Condemning sad-_taking_-an__eaeement.- in-_the-.land--neoeQ. B -y -- .... slopes. auto and.fills,--_in._the--grading--oY-Alley--iu-_MIAbo -$offmaa±a_ SabdivieiOs2- Yroln--arigge-- At.-- to ........................... Dated this- -.....11th day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and_teking-_ an ..eeeements-_in_he_land.-.�1e9.4oaaXy.............. for elopes, outa and fills., in the grading _oY__-alley___in_Miohael__ J. --.- Hoffman's Subdivision, from Griggs St. to Syndioate Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- _....-.---- --------------- ........_....-__...-------..__--. -------------- ----- therefore, --_therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------- MAY �--19`�................ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY M etlAHY 1 1 19 26----- T' RGAsUN--�_.. _ t-`HODGSON ' Approved ------- --_-_-- ............. // z- /. ./MCDONALD .... 2i IIDHEIMER �- " //� �� // ✓WEN7.EL ...!!-.V...... l .c/-.---..-._/.-............-_.-_.............................. .'i::ting Mayor. V/ V" Form C A 13 (1M peiition` Council Stile No......._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City 44t. Paul, viz.: -------- Grade ---alley _in _Blook--E-'---EoberE---p'--Lewis_Comyany'e:.-------------------- _3nbdiviaion,_.-from-_Syndioate-_ Ave. to the west end of alley. ....................... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -------------- ---- Grade alley Robert P._-I,ewie Coml)any a _....____.--...__.... _Snbdivi®ion,�-__from-_Syndioate---Ave.-- to the west end -of alley. ..................... -------------------------------------- ------------------------------- =-------..... --°------------ ---------------------------------------- .----------------------- - --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------------ °.................................. ------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. n 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ------ -- -- ✓�. Adopted by the Council--------- . --------------- MAY 1 1 1%*----- ---------- YEAS ✓NAYS _ MAYi t 1926 Councilman CLANCY �Ea[=vselr� Approved..------ ----- --- HODGSON �. e MCDONALD �tlh!i Mayor. roan Cts 13 (1n1 Qics Pr,s. Ferga§on o Q'Lcil File No ---------- 6t%- 49 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning sad taking an easement in-_the--land_neoeesalry.----_. for elopes,onte and Ville-,-,_in--the---grading-._of._elley_ i�p---B�-pttk...E.�....-.-. d-_eg-mp y-1e...3nbdi_Vision*...fsom---Syndio-ate-..Av.e---.te------------ the west end of alleyrr'No.86849-- h •Ma ---y-- vLa Aeu W)L: nDoeaor I , 26 mmowa.. oi muovemen10t Dated this.... day of ----------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - -----------Condemning---and-_t8king---en-.easement--.in.--the...land..neaeesary..------------ for elopes, ov,ts end fillaL.in the grading.oY_-elley--- in.Blook-_E-.......... ------------------_----- - - ---Robert ._P Lewis-._Company's--Snbdiv-1w#Q,---from..,3yndiaste...Ava..._ta-------------- thewest end of alley._ - ----- ---------------- -------------------- ---------------------...................................... - --------- -----. .................. .. having been presented to the Council of the. City of St. Pau ---- ....---- .---- ...-.------------------- --------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of -Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To -state whether, or not said -improvement is_asked for on the petition of three or more owners. _ p - re 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓yw.f! MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council. -.-.....-_--------------- YEAS ✓/NAYS ///Councilman CLANC, ' V'HODGSON ,-'MCDONALD � �"S DHEI.IIEn ENT.EL - ro,m c �in� �iS) j71ac Yreu. Fergnso�a Approved -------------U1%1Y 1 1 1926 ....... , 3yrlAW Mayor. PUBLISHED , j Petition The undersigned hereby .................... ........ Dated this loth day of WHEREAS, A written Grade alle Council File No......:....����� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT , and 7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: A_lot_ 1e__ Blook 7, Rosedale Park,, from largent_Ave. __and -_from the Horth and South alleF ---------------................ -......... -......................... -------------- .—F. No. 65g6 --% Abstract... 1926 PRELIMINARY ORDER. isal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: in lot 1. Blook 7, Rosedale Park, from ------------------ I ----------- - ----------------------------- - ............. I .................... Sarxent --- ----- Sargent Ave. and from the Horth and South — . ......... ...Rva..K....wr�w.x...w.w_.----_----_---- _____---------------------------------------------- .....__..... .......................•_--.......____.__..__...-.._•__•__....._..__._......__----.......-----_--.........--------........_•-_-_........__-........_... _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------- .............................._------------------------- ----- therefore, .._therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To. investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------------- MAY -1-1 1 YEAR ij-NAY6 I,. MAY i 1 1926 Councilman CLANpy Approved ............... ............... --HOD GL 61�1 WEN7.ELLb , . ------ u �� ........ y...... /MC ONAL r. Form %1(13 <isi h)Vi ° Pr®e. Ferlto�on PLT3LI3IIED �/ Xi fix' Council File No......._6t .8.51 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the anne ld oeeeary r fo...._---_ slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of alleys in lot 1. ----- - ---- ------------ ---------------------------- - ------ ............. - . ---------------- -------------------- ................ -- Block---7,._EogedelePark.,--_from-_-y_rinoeton._9ve_.--- to.--3srgeteve,rid,..__._.. frQla.,1Qr_th..And._Sctnth-.alley._ O--.the..-»eei---line --.of --- aid -lot.. -.l.. -..-.-------------_- Dated this -10th - day of ---------------------'p' 6... ....... --..._......, 192 1 , eetseining-:'and, teking an ""sass-` -- mIn tho land ngcegsary for. gloppeg.. Cutsand 011e Iu the grading of Fa-ya. Block..7 HCsedale �1rRy `w m PRELIMINARY ORDER. N..o WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Az.,: Condemning.-_and_taking__an_.easement_--in-,the._land-_n`®oese ry._for.-_-... -- ----- -- - -------- - elopea Dote-- and -_fills, -_in -the grading-_of-_alleys_--in.,lot. l-.__________________ Block --7. RoseQale-_Park,---_Prom--Princeton--Ave.-_-to.. Sargent__Ave._--and,_... __-_ from__North_-and---South-_alley-_to_- the-._seat_.-line._oP-- said.. lot -_.1.------- ............. ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul................................................................... .._---.-..-...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. --- — 3 T-o-€urnish-a plan;-profile-or-sketch--of-said-improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matt,92 to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ 19 Adopted by the Council.------------ ...................................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY U/MPdu � � it i0 snaeeen— Approved... --..................... HODGSON MCDONALD Si7DHEINER - T ^'ting Mayor. Form C,}'f3 11Nf*% Vtoo Pres Feraaeon ✓' QC Council File No........... 65.8 2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and I PRELIMINARY ORDER. A The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave $taw6rd Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Mount Curve Boulevard, -................. ........... --=---- ................ ............... .. ------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ _1[ Eb._Q!)lI@x,_Aatrer-_ails.--gBA.:.CQaAB9t41a,8-.-_Yrom---etreot,.maina._to_-pF9p6rty ll}e•Q---04.19Pee--ghats---?49 �..-8-?.ireM!i,Y.--m4de.._.41eo---inolnding---onrbing---and-_ paving- driveway--sad-_sll®y._epproaahea, where neoe.......................... Dated this 10th day of _Y.... 986-- -------- -------- 192 II 1 ,pg 668E2- v Abstract. Whereas A wrlttea ropoeal for the making of the fonowiag mprovementr. " Pave Stanford Ave from. Fairview + t ve.. to , Mouat curve. Boulevard with:. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ver. writer , and gas:oaanecttons. e street ,mains to •F '' r t9 • uses wbeTe not,.::. (te;;,«" - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making.of the following ishprovemes 'rb!ng• ....................... Pave Ave.---from. Fairview ._to-_Mount _Curve-_Eoulevard '�S.th..aollQr.....xater axld..gas coanenio-xle.. fz9tn...et-xeat-_u�ai�a�a -Q Rtoparty ----------- lines ...c ompl at-e-.---whew.--not._alreBsly--maQe....also..-inelnding--cnrIliag.-end paving driveway and alley- approaches, where necessary. ________________________ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. — -- 3:-'To-furnislra plan, profile or-sketch of said-improvement:- - ---- - -- - - - - 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council -- .......................--- ... ..--.........---- YEAS,,-NAYS Councilman CLANCY s- MAY 1 1 1926 `P+ xev66N Approved ---------------- ------------ --- --- -----------------------_-- McDONALD SUDHEIMER UAW Mayor. ro.n,^C A to onr�'r7 VtOD PBBG FerRason PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and The �eih prgp iPnRELIIoMIt]N�ARY ORDER. Rboons ruoG.gre syy9IIaorepair,�naRTDeB�lor��n�p�,ba� N# a*- Oase.--St.--.beginning..at..Ark right...Sta_.the> I}4---: Interne' otion 3f 80Smith and Morton Ste Dated this...:....................day 'A", Council File No...........,�� Z St. Paul, via.: C.-/ _�ghC HtL=tLenoe eaOCaa S^J- �I sectIon of,:�^'' ,. PRELIMIgNARhY fOgRDE�pR.}rp y W$EREAS, A tiyritten gyos for B1 e Ok11rpo8EetII6wV gfjproy en OaStiona: Reoonettruot, relay p , g ®rkwrit---St---- thencte...east- 60 --met..----------------------- -- Intersection of So. Smith and-TOr on Sant aide Smith t'e: beginning --s --AnUapo2fa--3t: thenae-north 27 --- Yt:-------------- Interseotion of Came and Burr ate. Inaereeotioii--of-- res a an i...te: - - ---- ------------------------------ - - -------------------- ------------------- o a S Intersection of.. -" " _.and.. nae- aa--.........................................................._--------------------------- Interegotion of . ea ns e; . .., oar t. and Case St: having een presented ity a[ fie'Tsai--- ................. ....... ... .............. ......................... .. .-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -Y-�-t - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 l 1926 �Fane4 0 Approved ......---------------------------------------- HODGSON r Mc DONALD UDEIIIER HEIMER - WENZELPm� --------------------------- g. Pi -------------------------------� .....---.off Mayor. F.— c V c m mg. a. Fersufts / PUBI ISHED—�` Petition u PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. lam' Council File No ---------65 54 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .............. ------ .- ........... -------------------- ..........--------- of Morton Street from Winslow Avenue to Bidwell Street. Dated this--------10th----day of ............ M -t- 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the South aide ..................... ----------............................................................ - -- . . --- . -- ................................ ----- ---........................ ------- -- of.-Morton__Street--_from._Winslow__ Avenue. to Bidwell Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.................................................................................... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓� MAY I 1 1996 Adopted by the Council . --------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 1 )926 Approved...........- ..............--- V .................................. IIODGSON MCDONALD - `� SUDHEIMER ,-WENZEL .. ............................................_.-..-----._._........--....... " ' ' "°LdyV Mayor. ro m c A is OM 31-25 Vice Prue. Fergmeou Petition • 65855 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. A The undersigned fiereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb both sides of LaMond Street from Hemline Ave. to PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __-...-_-Curb--both-.aides--of-Latond_ of-$4pli]AA-.AV.Q-*---to------------------------ .- Albert Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of Bald improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓MAY 1 1 1192 + Adopted by the Council ------------ - - - ------------------------------ YEAR NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 FEacusON _ _ Approved. ....._.... -- - G ----------------------------- V" HODGSON McDONALD ' �cl $UDH EIhiER .......... .......... ............ . . . .... . .... _... _. .. _... .:,r-sayor. ra—P'A 13 (iiA%s)Vioe P"- F-ra'soo �(JBLISEIED_��yL �o� tP 'etitioa 65.8-56 Council File No....-.._.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conett"i ourbing on both aides of Conway Street - - --- ----- ---- -- ------------ . ------......----_........... --- ..................... ------------------------ ----- - from Earl Street to Mable Street. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...... ....._.__..Constract-- ourbing on both sides-- of Conway. Street -- Prom-- Earl,--Street---to-_.Idaple--_9treet. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------------------------- -- ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature extent and estimated cost of said improsement,_andshe_total-cost-thereof_— 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. 1926 Adopted by the Counei]---................... jJl/aY-. �. - ---- ---------------------...--- YEAS V -"-NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 1 1925 Approved .------------ ................ HODGSON -� / "McDONALD � ✓ �7'1JDHEIN I•:R �`— � � �r�/ �j�� / / J ,n,, �..�% VIVENZEL v....Y................._............._...'.___�^/ �-..' L'' ✓--..._._._._.. r• om c '-143 fim $A Vice Pres. FurRawD '��/ r1C1't'Iljj Mayor. Council File No...........65857 .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conetruot air foot cement tile. sidewalk on both.sides 04 ------------------------ -------------- ................... —................. -..................... ----- ......------... -- ............. Edge4?9Pb..e__-RQad...to...Grx� g8a---Gtro-et,----on..the-..north --side of .Sohefter- St.-._from_Griggs:-3t.-_to__Egeanmbe_Eosd--and-_both-__eidsl�-... o? -- ... Hartford Ave. from Griggs... St. snd-_Edgeonmbe-- Hoe---,----------------------------... --- ...... 10th... -..da of-----------------------may,..-1......--------------------- .. -........, 192._..-. Dated this - Y-- 77 . .. kmG F� 6867Abetract -,. ': feew,. eoeee4l or the. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,viz.: Conatrnot__sig--fopt_-.gement_.ti. e..-e-i-dewalk-.on._bath.--ai-aea...Of...............---- Hayarfl--Ave -f rom..Edgennmbe.--Road-.tm...G igga---St=aet..-.-cn---the--north--s-ifle - of 9ohefYer-_ St..--Yrom-_Qrigge--- t-r----t°.-Eageon�be__Ag4.4.Lon of dea----- -- - - -------- ----- . _.-...-- of._garttord-_Ave.---Prom._Grigge._9t.• _t4---E.QgQotlmb9-- -Qa- .........-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau -------- --------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said iiriprovemenL. f. --------------- - -- — - - - --- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es Imated costo said In*provement and_the total -cost thereo 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓�""� MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council.------------------ ..................... ............. - YEAS _, NAYS M Y 'r t 1926 Councilman CLANCY ON ......... ..................... Approved.- "'- -- HODOSON MCDONALD 'DHEIMER _..--.. ... .._.. /.. .SU r`5EN7EL ------ -'----- Major. disawaaw- 13 (I)Qim Pew t1eeR re« CV petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1✓ Council File No ........... 65( 58 0% -- The-undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: . Grading alleys in Block 4, Elmwood Addition from Pal4oe St._ to -_-_._------- Juliet St.- and alley --.to alley, with -.s. -drain in--eaeterly.alle�--.- -- pro - -- --- - -----•-- m Pelsoe_3t., to -center o3 b oo ., .. _._ ..__ Dated this...__ gO h -------day of... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Juliet St. _and-_from-_alley-._to---alley_.---with---a--drain..in-.-easterly-_obey----- ........... -prom-.$ala0e- St....to._.center.._of--bloox---------------_--------------------------------------- --------------------------..._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau -------------------------- - ------------------------------------------.----------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. --- — -- s9ost_thereo . 2. To--e—st-gato - e_nature,extentand eatinrated-coh-of-said-improvement,-and..the_total 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing ,agttis to the Commissioner of Finance. G Adopted by the Council------------------ --------... --- - YEAS ^ jNAYS Councilman CLANCY FMWV9—NApproved ------------ t 19?� --------- --. �ODGSON - - DONALD iEDHEIMER �. ,�/ / �j............../_. ...--- ...---- .. �f +c:$ Ma_yyoo�r.. F.— c"n Ia nni'�'S)Vioe Pretl. FerKaWl V Council File No .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: --- ...........:...doadez sing-- and ---taking -..an.-.easement---in-_the.-.land --necessary for------------ A4djgg,(_-_Yrom Pe1aoe-_.Street-_to---Juliet--Street-..-and--Yrom--alley--t0---alley. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for -- -__----------------------------------...------------------------I--------------------------- . -- -- slopes. cute and fills, in the grading of alleysinBldok 4. Elmwood - *44l p ,--_.from-Palace Street---to--Juliet---Btreet--_and...from-_alle_y-_to-_alley. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------------------------------- .-------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. low f'!• Adopted by the Council------------------- MAY .. 1 YEAS ✓'NAYS Councilman CLANCY HODGSON MCDONALD CSUDHEIMER _ _" W ENZEL F— C A 13 (IM 3-25) Approved .-.--.--_MAY-1 t--9 h. ng Mayor. PUBI.LSHfsO__:L ��4�fo SIq 65860 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________I By-------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter of__FTading the North and South Alley in Block_8i,________ ____ --------------- Lane- Phalen Grove Additiont from Ivy Street to Clear Street, -----------------------------------�------ ------------ ---- -----------------------------------,---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------7---------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- 6---------------- approved ---- Feb. -25i_1326_______ The Council of the City of Paul' - - -- Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having cor rNTzRUEDtABYosnHne. es: 1. That the said report and the — opted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: F No. 66866— '+tatter of a dlog tbo North 2. That the nature of the imprcvement`Mobr,vvee pdddiion`kf"o ivv ends is-_�TBde_ the North �I dear Street, undes Pre - ---------- and South Alley in Block 92-4---n�a° 6(698, apprarea F"T a Addition, from Ivy -- - r- , ,... s ,-;t -- --S-t--r-e--e-t---t-o -C--l-e--a-r---S-t--r-e--e-t- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------,--- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public nearing be had on said improvement on the -------- dth -------- day of ---_-_--___1W10 _----_--, 192--6-,,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY i_1_19261-1926 Adopted b the Council___ 192---- M" t t Ik6 Approved ---------------------------192--- �ity lerk. --------------- ------------------------- AoTi`r1 Mayor. Councilman 0WIRY 6oanciimatrq¢t Councilman 11SMMU Councilman IAC IM Councilman 55iF9MYr Councilman {>flAWXX Air. Viae Pee, Ferguson Form B. S. A. �6 i ZWasHEv'�f��' .................................... .................... 65861 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________i By---------------------------------------------- INTE EDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ condemning_ and_taking_an easement_ in _the land neoeseary for_ elopes,__cuts_and-fills,-_in_the_g2radin-g-of the North and South Alley in Blook_ =_Lane!d Phalen Grove_Addition,_from Ivy Street to Olear_ Street ----------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- "1�4-595-__ \ _------approved __--_Feb. The Council of the City of Paul hav - 1— C-mmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having con id the matter6of condemning and tah. 1. That the said report and the sa! t°g'an easement In thdland necea- ed, and the said improvement is p m2dr f r slopas, eats and fill., In the hereby ordered to be proceeded with. fro of the N rth and south Al. ley :fa Block 8, I:anea Phalen drove conde_m_n_ and take 2. That the nature of the im rov� Aaauion from rvy st eel to clear ids is_______ ______ p Street under Preliminary Order 84699 aDDreved Feb 26 1826 y y� The Couhcll of the City of I. Paul Its and fills In the ane a m n n t e land; n Lavin received the report of `he Com-.'------------------------------ _______ vfsatoner o Siaance vn -ornvetp - xnd _grading_oY the_North_and So4te _eai_3__n Hlock 5-t ------------------ ZZ Grove _&ddttjQn,_ rgm_ gy_9tre t_ to Olear_9treet,_in-accordance with the blue print_ hereto attac d and_ made a_ part hereof the hatched portions _showing the his and the shaded portions showing the fills with no alternatives,. and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-35200-_-____ I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on it -he____-___ Sth------- day of June -, 192-6 Jat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the_Gouncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in th% City of St. Paul. That the Commission`Rr of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in Ithe manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--MAy_4-4-490___---, 192__-_ -- -- - - - ----------------- Approved----- t �f-}- ------ 192--- L------l.ity Clerk. --��-- -- ---- -------- r---------- /�� ]h'Mayor. Councilman X30MA Councilman X%X%FAX Councilman 3ME& tt Councilman IM*mb ['S Councilman VAMM Mr. 9ioe Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8.6 - rUDIASHEn 658C12 8688° Ea tti9 MaDter of constructing a,�sla• COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- east seat side o cement tne' atdewalx on the :f Pascal `:Ave from :La fond St. Ito Hlalr:St. and. on!,* ,scal anuth-side of Blfll'r St, fromPaecal� By ______________________________________, Aver to�Albert-Ave::-except where go. d and aLLttic7e.t:'sldewalk eAl —under Prellrolnary Orded- 65386, a roveil April 1S 1986: INTERMER � Y�°`�h i 'o' t - SM In the Matter of_constructing a six foot cement til a sidewalk on the east_side _of Pascal Ave.-from-Lafond-St. to-Blair-St._aud-on_the south' -side of Blair St. from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalk now exists ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order__________ 533 5 ________________approved ___A1T11_ l�i 1g26__________ - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__CQABTtIOt_ &_ ei%__ foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Pascal Ave. from La.Yond St. to Blair St.'and on the south side of Blair St. from Pascal Ave. --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- to Albert Ave_,-exoept where good -"and suffioient sidewalk now exists -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------=---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is peT- fTOnt foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- _8'_th ______day of --------- lank ------------ 192___ k at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissionerof Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci)aipY �_ �_ 19 --, 192____ ----- - ----=- -- --- - ---- - ----- Approved___ ---------- 192--- �f % - City Clerk. • AC}lll�f Mayor. Councilman ("M t man �. Councilman Itt 1970 Councilman Ndl*&ih% Councilman Stmhfitm= Councilman )XI"1 f Mr. Fitm'pren Feranson /( �f \ Form B. S. A. &6 11 65863 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter t_ cement_ tile--sidewalk--on the from West Seventh St. to Otto Ave. _________________________________________ 'C. F. No. 66863— , --------------------------------------------- ,foot the (Matter of conatructing n'stx=. --------------------- .toot cement .tile- etd St. on the ---------------------- St. west,f Mere., o Otto Ave.. under Prem. - _.1`mina:Y Orden-65483'approved April______________________ .1826. Council of the Clty of 'St Pepl ____________________________________________ . ^^celved thee. report of the Com -E_ If. Finance;,;mon the a1• 3 under Preliminary Order___________ 5YO _______________approved -------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same'is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsis__COnetrtlCt a six— foot cement tile sidewalk ix— footcementtilesidewalk on_the _west side of Mercer St. from Test Seventh St. to_Otto _Ave. ,-_except where_good_and sufficient sidewalks --- -- --- -- ----------------- now exist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1.05_per _front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- �th _____day of P g P J"'*`_--------- 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _l__L_}Qj*________- 192 ---- Approved ---- JW_ 92____Approved____Y 1-a-.19.26---__--__192___Ci Clerk. - - lam-- -'------ gciin------------ � f7 Mayor. Councilman- Councilman ]RSC Councilman S&IgW Councilman 9=41MXX Councilman IX7ff&1 Form B. S. A. 8 6 �l PUBLISHED V I 65864 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__constructin� a_six foot cement --tile - tale sidewalk on the - - --------------------------------- -south-side of Juliet Street - from- - Lexington Avenue -- to -a -pont 140 feet --------------------------------------------------------------------------i---------------- _e�st_o3 Edgcumbe_Boulevards_which_is_the_east_line_of_ the_ alle -----yL_______ C F. No. 6F664— I the Matter of conatry ting ------------------------ foot cement Lila aidowalk on the oath aide of Juliet Street from Lex- __________________________________________�ing'on:Avenueto-a. ydlnt140 feet i_--__--_--_----_--_--___ east of Bdgcuinbe Boulevard. owhlch is the east Ilne-of the alley, under, ------ 66646, approved, ____ Prelim[narY Order. .;' April 21, 6. ---------------- - April 01 Yhe. City of 9t .r `6 (�c51}5 eyed the report nt t>Apxil _21,_1926 __ under Preliminary Order ----------- ________ t Flnane __ ----- ______ ed The Council of the City of Paul having received the i[ys `of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ OQI18t10t__61E __ _foot _cement_tile_sidewalk_on_ the south side of Juliet Street from Lexin�ton_Avenue _to_a_point1b0_feet east of Edgcumbe Boulevard, which is the east line of the alley, except_where_good_and sufficient side- - ----------------------------------- - - - - - - - walks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1,Q_5__Re3Lfr0nt foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 91th ______day of June ......... 1926 __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time.and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council_________ _____--_______,192____ Approved ----- UAY J_3_3990 -------- 192--- Councilman Wzma —GaffTEirm_a_n_1&9M1E Councilman i>i=Jh%ZK Councilman ffiOWA&t ,Councilman 9Mb4K4K Councilman WWW Mr. Yfos PrBe. F- 7 -Form B. S. A. M -- --- -� -- City Jerk. i Aotln? Mayor. PUBLISHED �4 COUNCIL FI By 65865 In the Matter ___-__ south side of Hovt Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to Huron -Ave-.-, --and- on west side of Huron Ave. _from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave ,_except_where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- 5362 ---------------- approved ------ APTil 13,_ 1926 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- -foot s__ foot cement the sid ewalk-on the south aide of Hoyt Ave. from Hamlin Ave._to_Huron_Ave.,_ and_on west side of Huron Ave, from Ho�tt__ -Ave.--to-Nebraska Ave., except where good -and -sufficient -sidewalks -now -----------------------------------------------------------------------=-------------------- --exist ------------------- I- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1.05_ge2_front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ 4t1i______day of June________, 1921__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.. Adopted by the CouncilgAY_1_11 --------- 192____ i Approved____ MAY_1__1_1 __________192___ _ ---- w t/---� T f-- ------------- - il Mayor. Councilman :r- L Councilman Nk1DbW= Councilman 4KNEW Councilman SagUSS d Councilman 7 o3271K Y"'tWtoa Fz8�, F-f?'r"on Form B. S. A. 9-6 658(;k-) C. R�No. BBBBd-� COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- B : y ______________By------------------------------------------i INTERMEDIARY In the Matterof__ constructing_ a_ six foot cement tile_ sidewalk_ on the east_ side_ of Charlton St._ Prom Morton St._ to_ Page St.,__and on____-__-____ south side of Morton St. from Charlton St_ to Waseca St_, except -------------------- - - - - - - - where good_and_sufficient sidewalks nowcexist --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------- §53.0 -------------- approved --- The _ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__COIIetrilCt a six foot cement cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Charlton St. from Morton $t. to Page_St_. and on south side of Morton St. from Charlton St, to Waseca St-.exceptwhere_good_and sufficient_ sidewalks now_exist ------------------------z _- - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1.O5_per __Tont foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- �Nh ______day of June --------- 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ Mai 1 119_4_ ------- 192---- - � Approved ----- MAY-i-1-4--------1�--- ii ty Cl r . �( Mayor. Councilman CGSddjr Councilman A4» Councilman Iasx Councilman Suft§dX= Councilman YVxisME FormsBviS� A &6 urgu� _ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 658 7 In the Matter of_constructing a six-foot_ cement_ tile--sidewalk--on -the ------- _T�ni_v_ersity_ A_1 ----- t- the_ south_ line____ _oY Lot_11� Midway Hosital-Addition - _-- O F .No.: -65867— _____________________________________ _____ IIn the Matter of conetruct[nBa -sia ______________________ 1 - foat cement _tile stdewa.. on the east -elde of Aldine- Place, from Un1- _---_-__- vereltY Avenuo. to the south'line of _____________________________ � Lot. 13MidwaY.. HoePitaY Addltloa : _____________________ under-Paelfminary.. Or 409 aP P,royed unoill. of tt9a— _____________________________________________; ryae�t�!_ ----------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------- 65_40 --approved ------ 4pgk: _14,__j326____ _ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__COIIStrilot a six— foot cement tile sidewalk on the _east _side _of Aldine_Place from - - - --------------- University Avenue to the south line of Lot 11, Midway Hospital Addition, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _exce�t_vrhere good_snd sufficient sidewalks now exist --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1 A5_per front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- ftlh-------- day of Jug ---------- 192.6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciUV1AY_j_-------- 192 ---- Approved ---------------------------- 192--- I WIAY 92____ Approved----------------------------192--- WIAY 1 1 1926 Councilman QII kkT ii Councilman 3002a YX Councilman iii. Councilman Stadkaft= Councilman 7EOdl R Mr. Vice Pres. Fergnt4gn off Form B. S. A. 8-6 (% - --- - -- - --------- -------------- Ci Clerk. - ---- ---- -- - ------- -----/I Hit--------- Mayor. MBLISHED4� COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__opening, widening and extending an -alley-20--ft.- in width from-the_East-line_of Lexington Ave_-Addition-to_Oxford_St. _ _through BlocHs2�_Winter!e_gddition----____ ----------------------------------------- _______: C. F. No. .66668- _ _______________________ In theMatteroC opening, widening and ' extending_. a. alley 10 and width I *M the East line of U.1 --- •----------------------- ton Ave. Addition to Oxiord Ste 1 through Block. 22, winter's Addition, wader .Preliminary order 65036—p ---- p —cd: March 23, 1926 ........................ ------ -- ------------ The Council of-the,CCity of St .p " Ing re_ ved +YporB o" the'. under Preliminary Order___________ 15-03 ___ -� loner,: apps z z.caTCh 23._ 19.96________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -_0R811., widen and extend _an_alley 20_ft. in width from the East line-of-Lexington-A_v_e_ Addition to Oxford St. through Block 22, Winter's Addition. -by --taking --ansl._o2xulemui.rsg._the_n9xth_J�Q_.�se�_ of yQi;>�_l__�sL_.�._�ra.�lit$Jss_+._a�._�J�-- --solath _] Q_�eet _ nf_Zata �_t o_Q,-j urs ual�a,-in_�aisi_Hlack-? ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- 5-0_ 00_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 81b -------- day of ____________-14Aq--------- 1926__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating .the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 1 1926 Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ MAY 1 1 1926 --- - ---- - -- ------ Approved ----------- _____--- _________192__y > _ Cit Clerk. i a0tj,7g Mayor. Councilman G1= man RE3* MZ Councilman NAVAtME Councilman J M8W Councilman SW=VaTcX Councilman Vim m, Vi tree. FerQatloPU n BLISIEp Form $. A. 8-6_4Z��,� 65869 COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... 9legL3 �_wideLrik and _extending an alley 20 . -ft------in --------- width in Block 6. Gilbert's Addition, said alley to run from Griggs ------------------------------------------- St. to Dunlap f3t.� by taking and condemning the rear 10ft. of Lots --------------- 1 to 30, inclusive -------------------------------- -------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------------- 65330 ------------- approved ------ April_9t_i9 6____ --_- The Council of the City of Paul ha r ived _the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consit.,-' No. 66369—. the Matter of opening, wldevlvg i4 1. That the said report and the s1i ine8 ock s G11 r['s Addition ed, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. �.Ik 111ey to run Yrom Grigg. St. nnlap st... by taking and con - 2. That the nature of the improvement' 1s .i eauna rt'F2eilmioery ds is_OpeA�__Wid2i1 e.nd___ 330 apnm ed Aprl 8 1926: _extend_an_alley__20_ft in wig ,,nnol �rC ;t ,,�ert'e Additions said alley to run from GriRge_9t to tiunlap 3t.,�y taking and condemning --------------------------------- the rear 10_ft. of Lots 1_to_.3Oz inclusive -------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--350 _QO ___-- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the----_'th----------day of ---- -�- June _______ 192-6 -, at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --MAY 1 1 1926 ....... 192 ---- Approved t 1926 -- Approved-------------- -------------192--- ------------------ MaY or. Councilman Councilman 19705AM Councilman NJAWKS Councilman $tTdlzbM Councilman ]I E313d o WE airW Vine Prs. ptqigpijjfiq Form B. S. A. 84 PUBLISHEDy�'��C��? ,L�— SHEET -TOTAL—FORWARD it 1 U; U F L CITY OF SAINT PAUL, COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILENO._.__ ) TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Crty CLERK RES., No— AUDITED CLAIMS-RissaLLITION FORM -7 —T-,7 3.� 6 RESOLVED 5 Al SOLVED THAT CHECKS BE - ATE- _- REASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN "- OF C,TYT, COWRING Y MPTRO LER. CHECKS NUM13ERED----_j4_194--ro-----42.Ql- INCLUSIVE. AS,PEAHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFRCEL, OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 7I TOTAL RETURNED CHECK II FAVOR OF BY [Nut rilkIN TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 'C. F �0. 65870-- That -a., led theeke be drawn on on the I J� Ci Y raasu 'at. ,, IrY, to, the aggregate amount of$13.418.89, 18._ .h. umbered 418 �2011111111 Inclusive,e P -r theek. on C file 1. the offfce of the th 'ty Cum ""' Ad-,,'.Stlrl the C.uncfl May 11, 1926. Approved Afay 11, 1926. it (May 15-1926) i j. 7 ANIL SHEET -TOTAL—FORWARD it 1 - �� 44 sem*. C- q BY..-_ _- 7 -'�- i HECIZS FI`S�MBEREDI� C' E..,. _..s c -. _ _ _ -- U _ .. ___._ ,. COMP ROLLER J INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON ''11 ^^^^'' _TO______ - �fCV�-- FILE IN THE dFFICE - - WENZEL. i C EN I/ � YE S (�) COUNCILMEN Pfeil. Bbr:o= _ _ _. __---- NAYS (V) U -- - .. OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER Q .. _.. - - mf. vioe - - -- ---:- ...::- . DISTRIBUTION — LOCAL SINKING TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUN DS PUBLIC ^_ BUILDING • RAN I SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING A SUNDRY ACCOGNTS �-- TOTAL O RETURNED BY CHECK ' IN FAVOR OF GENERAL BOND IMPROVEMENT WATER FUNDS I GARAGE ACCOUNTS ��'�'•'•� _ - NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK CHECKS 161 509' 4y 247-__347 bo ITT 32 427.7 80 . -. �0 431 39 68 998. 4 330; 11130 7 180.32 303 63 3 182.91. 1 666 . -- BROUGHT FORWARD O- 530-5361 -000 :.59 - 4184 418* Alemite Lubricator tlompeiny I-71 mrs. mlilie Anderson y 9115 14, o0 418 4187 Oantrs�l arohouse Lumber cy �3rtin Eberhx�rd &son 3 2 3296'15 20'00 4188 bt�rtin ?"0erhard �1 20'00 155 155 PO 4189 Raymond !iberhard 2 195'00 4190 rayon construction 0omoany 2 1951 1'j0'' 30 00 IN 4191 4192 Garrick Brothers Brothers 1 I 40 00 Garrick ip?pp 4193 419914 N. G. ;diner Tues Rose 3. Hirsch 26� 2 26 20 50100 Ferman Huebsoher 501 ��9 pp 4196 T., F, Rue eke 1 420 00 41 9 700 419$ Peter Lametti Biohigan Valve & Foundry 0 any i 5 T 01 8 5 797 840 00 4199' O'Neil & Preston 30; 00 35:000 4200 John landquist 350 j 4201 ,,ewers & Mielke , I i �I Ili - II i i .i i I 1 6g 6 �� - -- - — 1bk Sky 9 2 2 2kfiOjI. - 3� 2A 7 10 NU 39 73 T - 182 T�.Bo 32 3a3 63 3 7 000 do 543 954 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD COUNCIL NO.---------\��P — l J CITY OF SAINT PAUL - �/ e ------- ---- 4 TR9f�44ATE MAY I 1 42 4 TO 1S2 OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLLER ' CLANCY. --� -_- ----- 192. RES. NO., __----- ----- R6�JSON �___IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.__ - ----- M CITY CLERK w / ,Ay RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTI3iJ FOR �oDGBON. - �. _ --------- 7g2-__ e CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ED - - -- - ---- /McDONALD. DATE ��1� ,�� 5-------------------------- �SUDHEIMER. AGAINST its C�� <s.i— CHECKS NUMBERED 4184 --TO ------ � nn�--- AYOR /WENZEL. -. --------------- --- M ay._ . __ _. - - - __ - - __- _ - ---- c rng COMP ROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE YES C J) COUNCILMEN NAYS (� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Mr. Yioe Prat FeRrala _ _- _ _ PER _ -... _- -- _ _ . - -- - - - - -- - - DIST _ - __ _ _ pl ION _ TOTAL RETURNED - SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF _ BY �/ LOCAL SINKING TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT GENERAL WATER IMPROVEMENT GARAGE A ^^__ REVOLVING ACCOGNTS BANK BOND pCCOUNTB FUNDS ACCOUNTS ILIF1 SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING CHECKS CHECKS - -- -- 1 - - — 39 68 998:45 247_307 60 177,80 4 330i3O 7 160-32 303 63 3 iB2 91- 1 b86 . BROUGHT FORWARD .. _.7.. 000_;0.0_. .530--5�6r 1.61 509 59 32 427.7 LO 431 i � 11: 4i I 4184 Alemite Lubrio.tor d 418 mrs. Allis Anderson��y 9 14,00 � 418 oantral warehouse Lumber oft ",any 3 29 15 3 296,15 ® 429 M,_rtin i berhard & Son 20� 20' 00 4188 lirrtin Tberhard 20j 155 00 MOO 4189 Raymond T+berhard 2 155' 2 195 00 4190 reyen oonstruotion oomnarw 4191 Qarriok Brothers 1301 130 00 4192 darriok Brothers 1440 0 140 F�0 4193 N. 0. 31ner 10 10I� 419+ L=tss Rose S. Hirsoh 26' 2 26,2o 41 nerman Huebsoher 50i 50''� 2 2 40 22 9 41� T. F. Hueake 9 420 00 ; 443.9 19 Fater Lamettl 420 Liiohigan valve & roundry o any 5 T_' 5 797 4199 O'Neil & Preston �II 840 QO 30 00 4201 Jeerers obn &dMialke 35'', _ 35'00 i — CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE QUADRUPLICATE :. 'TO OFFICE OF THE. COMPTROLLER ;: 149 CITY - RES NO CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION -FORM 5_ RESOLVED THAT CHE,BE CKS&RAWN ON THE ATE 192 CIT]y,�T�RE�ASURY.C40 THE AGGREG*jlS-AMOUNT OF COVERING COMPTROL ER— NUMBERED`` :CHECKS INCLUSIVE. AS PER COCKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER ___ ___.__ _____ _--------------- OF THECITY COMPTROLLER. IF TOTAL 'RETURNED CHECK 'NUMBER � IN FAVOR OF - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ;CHECKS CHECKS BY, BANK BROUGHT- FORWARD I j II C, F No. 66871— checks be drawn an Thnt gr agate _ Resolved. the CiiY Treasury tocov B Ing checks of ;44.678.64, luslve. as ton the ,amount cared 1093 the office of i ComPtr nlle it 1SaY 11. 1926. I.. Clt, t d by the Counc 176--1926) ' I APProved DSnY (g1aY I I� �I 'uu'II f ` SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ORM D34_— f------- � 1�2 _ _., co -- -__ _-.._____�-. _. �SU DH EIM ER. _`- __ _ Ahv.ilvs 40";--TO ✓�Y - CHECKS NUMBERED __.-. TO -____4'}l-1____- - ___ __ ✓-. WENZEL. _ _. __. -.__- ____.. ___ / MAYOR . ( ,/. -; COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE .. �- COUNCILMEN NAYSV) YES (v') OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - - ..: .. •� Mr. Vice Pro► N9RNe�_ PER '- ._. _. - - - DISTRIBUTION TOTAL RETURNED -- B. Muni O. SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF - ` NUMBER - BY BANK �'' -ONO LOCAL ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GARAGE ..l PmeAi Y SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING OLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 432 616 9 R)7$, 5 104 64 26 887 25 247 307 60 177,803 680 43 5 670 65 302 23 3 077 89686 40 4093 vaouum oil COMPPOY OoIDp�iy 5605 -..._y*LLL � 35 4094 The Peoples leotric 409Thomas Finn a708 7 1 g5 6 Rome Fieotrio Company 6 73415 734'55 409y T. L. Biooa &Company 4098 Booraom-Powell Lumber 0ompen' 7315 2554099 T376 255 72 capitol stationery Mf . Qomp, Central 'warehouse Liym exp omen y aay 761 75 1 44100 4102 Corning.Donohue Oompeny 111.8o 4102 Oarriok Brothers 41033 L.C.Hodgeon, Comer. of Fin. mmir. Fin. 7 000 00 3 29010 00 77 54 g 192',604105. 4104 L.C.Hodgeon, of 8 192164106 Peter Lamettl F. G. Leslie Paper COMPOny 315 2I 88 20 410 0ecood-Blodgett 0ompany 21 215 00 4108 John 3andquiat 4109 spindler Poper sign COMPQ.ny 4110 tandard stone CamPPny 15 19527 0 24 00 i 15 857' 868 0 4111 Martin -Amderlioh 8681 0 I i j i 1 I I i e r i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD,. 7 000 I 470 190 51 ' 116 342 , 32 a78 2� 6 418 84. _. 6o 348 ;l0 247 307 0 177 _�o 3 675 302 a3 3 077 �9 _1 686 40 _:.. _ _3,680.1 _5 1 J_333 ___. -- � �� _ ------ - TWIKUPSATE CITY OF SAINT FAIL FILE No.- TO RES. NO._ ________ - OFFICE OF THE COMPTF)LLER _ _ CLANCY. 5 149 FAVOR �� t t 1916 92 CITY CLERK _ ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - ------------ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTON FORM �F6--------------IN 'HODGSON, CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - 192 t i DATFs- �_ 1926. - McDONALD. APPR V _- - ----- --- -- CT 7 5-- COVERING _- AGAINST - -/UDHEIM ER. -�-� � ��..� CHECKSNUMBERED-- ar_. � cHecKs r��BEReD To-. 4131- -__-_.. _ COM PTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECK FILE IN THE OFFICE y---WENZEL. --- ---------- ---- --- - In MAYOR .. - YES (Y) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _• v� P� - PER ` -. Lu.Y. - - -- - DISTRIBUTION L CHECK TOTAL RETURNED ,` �. i94I�i�. SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY Y/ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT IN TRUST ACCOUNTS TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER', I'ONO ACCOUNTS FUNDS GARAGE •_, pment REVOLVING ACCOUNTS .. 26 857.25 _.. 247 307 60 177, 0 3 680 43 5 670 65 302 23 3 077 89 1 6S II ._.... BROUGHT FORWARD 432 WI;9 114 796 30 23 935 781 5 104 64 4 eaouum oil camn�y - 4094 165i 165 00 605 35 The Peoples ^leotrio oompaby' 4 6051 708 85 Thomas Tian 6 Acme . sot o73 1 rio an Company omp5 • 9 6� T4i 6 4 5 5 409 T. L. Blood & Company 73 50 255 T2 Booraem-Powell Lumber Compan' 44099 255 cppitol Stationery Mfg, comp,' 4100 y 8! 8 58 41 Central Warehouse umber 000anyT5 4101 2' 4 296 40 Corning -Donohue Oclnpany 4102 22gg 8 ill 8o Oarriok Brothers 4103 L.C.Rodgson, Com+r. of Fin. 4104 7 000 00 111' 7 000 001 1 ! L.C.Hodgeon, mm►r. of Fin. ' 3 290!0 1 150 00 1 077 5°V 19260 410p5r Peter Lametti 41ob 8 192;6 F. G. Leslie Paper Company 410 3; 5 3 51 I �8 20 Company oegood-Blodgett o 4103 2 215 00 John Sandqui et 21r, 4109 Spindler Po-er Sign Compnny 24 00 rang 4111 5274,0 15 069 0 7 15 068 00 i+�rtin wunderlioh � mt ,- - CHECKS NUMBERED___ ____ 'I q � ' - ----'- TO.__''1�13G _ COM PTROLLEft T�1Q '- ---_ INCLUSIVE.' AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE R _.- A /- - - _ _AGAI - - _ . _ �c 5}JDH EL. AGAINST OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. WEN, L.. it , c,, PP R /� (� _ ___ ____ __ 581� YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) _____ L4 P. Q10B Pne& FeTRO�Oi G'�TW MAYOR TOTALRETURN- .. -. CHECK IN FAVOR OF ED DISTRIBUTION --- ' NUMBER By --_ ii - ' TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL ---- t_ CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL -TER BOND -IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC GARAGE �pyp�T,pp{ylyr567 ING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY f - - .. .: _ - ui ment G ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD ' � -- - - - 1. - QOQ 470 190.5 116 42 2 4 _ 60 4� 10 24 307 60 1 '904112 Christine Hensn 441i� Dr. t . L. L�reoti 4i 3 4 i3� 3 7 77 3 ; d5 302 23 3E o77' 99 -1 686 �40 3 9 32 17s 2s 6 41_ --- 3 6so 11 Catherine Lynaugb igi 19' 0 411 firs. Annie Meehan 3l 31; 9 4112 Dr. RN. G. Mortensen 10,0 24130 4117 I 10 p0 4119 Joseph O'Toole 35; QO 4119 August L. sohempf� (3nardian 21 6 321 60 Yeo Doris Henson 1 531' 31' 68 4120 c3eo. M. goGeary & gp� 1 500 00 4121 Arthur Haeaeig t 4122 L.c.Hodgww, Canter. of.F'in. 44 843,:2 34 036 66 a^r. 237 1 8 517 94 4123 AbLott..itiller amp Agent 1 " 11 562 81 1 4s6 12 for H. Xreta Realty Company 376 376'00 4124 Capital City Rooting & Corn. ",ke. 1 764; 1 76475 4125 Davis & L,german= Agents 4126 L C.Hodgeon, Com r. of Fin. 4 53..7k � 574:61 i 4127 Lauer Brothers 3150 4 142150 4128 val J. rtothsohild 58 01 4129 st.Paul Blue Print company 2 304 00 4130' Superior Printing company 9;g 94 65 29.10 4131 sm. H. Ziegler.company, Ino. 2' t 4132 i Mian. mood & Hoffalah end -' � 248 v 1 I I I � I 7 -� ¢0 524 629 95 Z56 623 01 .32 178 28 - — --- -- - — - SHEET AL—FORWARD I - 1._ 'I 9. 979 _i1 68 868152 247-307.-:0 .. — _ _ __. ? o _ 4 243 24 7 15b 177 __ 3023 3.106 99 1 686 40 L - COUNCIL 65\ J 0 r'JI FILE NO. _ ---- CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'�----------- r%i1�s ftkTe OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLLER ✓ ( 792 RES. No. ---1-5j0---------- CLAN �,�,.�- MAY ► 1 19`.� '_�_.,�___.IN FAVOR - _------- TO _-- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---- CITY,CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM _ 192 . o'�HODGSON. _ 1 � ___________ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �Ma:D ONALD. f APPR //�( -19 ____-. COVERING JJ//% It 7� - 6----C1, ''R^ --------- 5 DHEIMER. !`.` ---AGAINST .DATE F� vU JXir(LlT"L(i;7T��77� 41-3.2 _ -- ------------- - ---- --- ------- CHECKS NUMBERED___ - - .TO -- - 3ENZEL, BY - .. _. - --332 4l i2 COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE Spl� YES (�/) COUNCILMEN NAYS (� ) OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. : - !$r.VioePree.FerRo•ea :_- - -- _.-- PER _- DISTRIBUTION ` SPECIAL FUNDS TOTAL RETURNED — LOCAL SINKING TRUST BUULOING SUNDRY CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY -IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE ri4OiTOa M�IY SPRINKLING FORESTRY qEV OLVING ACCOUNTS WATER BOND ACCOUNTS ui men y._ - NUMBER - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT pgIJK GENERAL -'.. - CHECKS CHECKS _ - - _ 177 650 43 5 670 65 302 23 3 077,59 1 656 40 160 80 3 - - BROUGHT FORWARD L.. y�70 190 5 - :. f,AJ Y V Jlll,;riii,,, 3 __412 32 178. 25 6 418 '84 60.348 ,10 247 307 .; 4112 Christine Hanson 7 QOQ 116 342 411 Dr. td. L. Lnrson 19 19 0 II • 411 Catherine Lyneulgh 24i 3119 ;4', 30 411r Mrs. Annie tdeehan 3 10 00 411 Dr. n. 0. Mortensen 10 0 4117 a I( 35,, 0 35 QO 4115 Joseph O'Toole 21!6 21,60 4119 August L. 30hempf, Guardian for Doris HPASon 31 31 68 1 500 00 001 4120 Geo. M. hoc3eary & Son 1 57722: 62 81 1 456 12 I 4121 Arthur Hstesssig • 44 543' 2 34 3S'' 237 51 8 517' 94 5 4122 L.C.Hodgson& Com r. of.rin. 4123 Abbott -Miller COMPA►y, Agent for H. Xretz Realty company 1 z,l 376 00 1 764 ?5 4124 Capital City Roofing & Corn. 'Ike.N+ 412 Dalai© & Lggerman Agents 574' 574' 61 412 L.C.Hodgaon, Com3r. of Fin. 4 142!5 4 14250 58 01 4127 L»,uer Brothers 58 0 29 10 304 00 WS Val a. Rothsohild 304 0 ,t. Paul Blue Print Company 29 6 94 65 4130 superior Printing Company 9a 4 2 45 1®oorCa4]2 Mcgaq. W000d&Hoffmmn and L 7U11111111 7U1 14,11 - COUNCIL 65L;7 FILE NO. -- -- ----- - � it CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; -` ----- - - ------ - iR'itsdit°kTE _ COMPTRCLLER ! - MAY 1 1 1926 92 _ TO RES. NO.___1.5() _ OFFICE OF THE �CLANCV. IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL �------------ CITY.CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED .CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM " CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - DATE 5. _19 ,oNALD. �L JJJJJJ------- 1Q _�}tA�� ______". COVERING �DHEIMER. __�,_� __AGA NST _________.____________.__ /1v,/UY'^;r'.`I•tt'''',, I / CHECKS NUMBERED_"_41-12--- TO__ _ aC�Q BY _______.--..___ _._.. __ - ---- -- ___.__ CHECKS __ 4HE OFF____ WENZEL, YES (Y) COUNCILMEN NAYS I V ) COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE /� - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER - .. ' ...1 7 __.._-. • ..' -Z- -.-- _ .. ._-_. BUTION Mr. Vice Pree. FerRa� TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS RETURNED --- -'-'- PUBLIC SUNDRY i CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY Y/ LOCAL SFUNING DS TRUST GARAGE —46 ago WAM REVOLVING -IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SPRINKLING FORESTRY ACCOUNTS ' NUMBER TRANSFER OI SBU RSEMEIJTRAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS BANK GENE� ment._.._.- CHECKS CHECKS - = eo 3 6:�0 43 5 7 65 302 23 3 077 99 _1 6a�6 140 f BROUGHT FORWARD `� 000 - ,.. - 84 60.348.10- 247 307 60 177 i _ 6 0 �- -b0_ 470 194.31 116 34 2392 32 17S 2B 6 41:� 4112 Christine Hanson 411}3 Dr. L. Larson 191 1910 M. 411# Catherine Lynaugh 2''� 24'0 . 411 Mrs. Annie Meehan 4 3 41129 o 35 Dr. N. G. Mortensen 101O 0 0 411 35 Joseph O'Toole 216 21 60 4119 August L. 30hempf, Guardian for Dorie Hanson 31'; 31,68 1 500001 4120 (Deo. M. XoGearY & Son 1 5� 72 00 562 91 1 48612 4121 Arthur Hmessig 73 4 0 2 00 QT. 237 �1 9 517' 94 ' 4122 L.O.Hodgaon, Comer. of.Fin. 44 84 2 3 3 : 89 4123 Abbott -Stiller Company, Agents 376 oo for H. Kretz Realty Company 1 �', 1 764 75 4124 Capital City Roofing & Corn. 'Ikke.61 41 Dagis & Lagerman Agents 574' 574 50 4126 L.C.Hodgeon, Com ;r. of Fin. 4 142%5 4 142.50 i 58 01 4127 Lauer Brothers 58 o I 29 10 4128 Val. J. Rothschild 364 0 304 00 4129 3t.PrAU1 mue Print Company 29 1 4130 Superior Printing; Company 94 6a U 4131 :m. H. Ziegler .Company, Inc. 4 94 65 I 24 112�wood & Hoffman and IL WE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUN FILEIL' OFFICE.617 THE COMPTROLLER LL crry CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. N,o.--151-----" 5-11 61 RESOLVED RgbCit THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE D:--.._, ATF.--192 CITYR�61r Y.THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF . ...... VERINr CHECKS NUMBERED—=1-3-1—TO comP-rR6LLiR— ---- - - INCLUSIVE. AS PER ^KS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE IER ---------- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL ;RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER FER TRANSFER .DISBURSEMENT CHE CKS CHECKS BANK dra-- e6 That PcX5thb�' aggregate t ec e he City .f6,906.14coverinS amoi183 to the. I ice numbered4133 to I the pr c cc stroolley Council y It, 1926'1 t dept. Y' to 116-19361 �.192 ppr "I 1 9 6) II WE _a _ It of Lam/ COVERIN 'y - E Y t, ---- McDONALD. BY ---- •-- — } CHECKS NUMBERED___ - 4133 41 ✓ SUDHEIMER. AI _ '�-____AG NST G/ / ---- king �['� -- — MAYOR --COMPTROLLER---- - 83--- -- _ _---.-__-� _ .- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �ENZEL. PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � � �" YES (��) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - - - __ -_{. .. _. PTM_� - CHECK TOTAL DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER 1 IN FAVOR OF RETURNED PUBLIC SUNDRY n TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY V/ LOCAL TRUST SINKING BUILDING -_ CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER II1,IJO IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE Aii6�'WAMIM SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD :___7 24 0 60 177_Il� ? 156;77 302 23 3 1o61199 1 6e6 X40 ACCOUNTS 24 2 6� X68.5. _ ? ' 413 Ahiberg aearirig company OQO� 1 156 6324 32 17S 26 - -3 7 33 52 62 9 979.._ r- 413 American Gas Accumulator Cam ;any 82 4138 American Linen supply comp I 224!62 4136 American man gement As000lat on 9-0 2 90 22 4 i 4137 American optical Company �' 75'I!i I 4 i 138 American Railway � 4139 g Txprese o anion 1 2:,70 3 American Reforestation Assoc at 661 4140 Arohiteotural Forum 1,6 61.60 4141 Ault & "Viborg Company 611 I 4142 Austin-,,Vestern Road Maohiner 155 15.50 0=1.oany 406; 406 00 41 76 41443 Auto Brake service Comprcty 41 r 42 Automatic signal Company, 7 90 90 00 41? Badger Meter Company 13 6 13 6�I 4 `W6 Baldwin supply Company lei o 13 061 +147 Baldwin Transfer 4 4.00 4148 w. H. Barber Company 1 1 4149 The Barrett Company 3 !2 1 3 5 99 4150 Charles Beard 2612 20 4151 Bigbighauser r,,jeotr3o Common 26 24 4152 +Boak Fish Company 2 5 2541 ringer &son 11 1;0 4 415Bonbright & °;oahning it 0 15; 15 77 saoults or0 5 I a�rioa 290j 1 29 y I 415 Brings & Campeny 415 Brown Instrument Company i 9100 � 1 �5� 41g9 Harry % Brunson I!, i 2 l 3 ! i 21100 3'100 4160 Buffalo Gasoline Rotor Comp iSl7 i» 7 I I 4161 P. Ceirnoroes 351 35 ao 4362 Caooulator Equipment Compora ton 101 4, 10 00 416 Capital PItvelope Comfpnny 2001 197 �5 3 1 4164 Capital Ice & Fuel Company 51 500 j 416g Capitol Laundry Company 61j6 61169 4166 central soap Company 9oj7 90170 -? 4167 oentral $apply Company 267 1 120j24 146o 9 4168 CoohraAQ3argent Company 8 3 11,13 48 74 9 4169 Columbia Tool steel Company 428; 428 4170 C. H. Congdon & Company 6�4 5;40 6 6 43 Darling Valve & Mfg. company 41 2Davis Motor Car Company !3 35 41 Dayls Prest..$ervioe Company 6j 5 21 60 31 �j 1 41 T. J. Dyer & Brothers 4511 45 1 41 L. ;'isenmenger neat Company 243; 243 7� 417 Thos. J. angel >elding & Etastufaoturi r, Company i 11 5 1 ! 1115 4177 1 engineering & contracting Coo i 8 8i00 4178 Frd Motor Company 7 7 ' 4179 Fairbanks Morse & Company ', ; 6 '�. , ; ; & 1 '.. 4180 Farwell, Oxmun, Kirk & com►p 227! 227149 l 4181 n n n n �g g1 158,62 4182 n n n n 6421 5 616!53 26 oc 4183 e M n a 2918 1 162 13 107'75 20'55 140 i 1 ' 1 --- -- __ O66-66 y - --- - -- --- .._ .2 4 - ----- -- --- ---� - - - 0 -���-g -1821 1 6g6 48 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 53 53 09 � 509 59 3 27 70 to X31 39 68 998 5 ?+7 307 0 Z77t 33 3 7303-03 3 T�_ TRWF LIIFVATE TO RE'. NO -151 ----------- TY CIC CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE D.CITY TREAOSy1; T.. THEAGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ATy-�-)926 -------------------COVERING 5--- SCZ Broom lns"Ment Company ,1 CHECKS NUMBERED__133 TO.___4183-_---- Itl 9 4160 --._- --_ COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. IN THE OFFICE PER TOTAL RETURNED CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK 4 CHECKS CHECKS - -_�- l BROUGHT FORWARD�� �O_ 524..62 1 .- 4133 Ahlberg Bearigg company 22 4184 American (tae Aooumnlator cats any 7 156,77 302 413J American Lined Supply Romp 901 2 4 41 American tlau gement Aesocist on 4168 4137 American Optical OOmpanq 6616 4138 4139 American Railway Express 0anv American Reforestation Assoc 'anon', 5 ' 4 4140 ATOUlteotural Forum oc 15 5 4141 Ault & TViborg company 417%01 4112 4142 Austin -Western Road Unohinsr` 406 Company 41 4143 Auto Brake service company 4144 Automatic Signal Company 13'6 411= Badger Neter Company 18'0 4146 Baldwin supply Company 4. 4147 Baldwin Transfer 1136 4118 -v. R. Barber Comp,lMy 2 4149 The Barrett Company 26.2 4150 Charles Beard 2 4151 Bigbighauser T;,leotric ComPcm 12 5 4152 Boak Fish Company 11 415 Baeringer & son 15 7 4154 s� ji Sonbri ht & .voehninQ s_ _ � a��rel isfa 90 ��i 1 �OF SAINT LAID THE COMPTRCLER _�_.,_ �! CLANCY, �'_ -I (.I FAVOR OFFICE OF SON. __ AUDITED CM.AJMS-RESOLUTIPI FORM 4/ HODGSON. D / G[NER2AL 156 �' 224' 90 63 15 ?2 O'LC 22554 1 366 2 12 9.. i70 1157 soy scuuuo o Amarzca i Brings & 0*mpr-nY 1 x5ti, 6115 4158 Broom lns"Ment Company 27, 3I o0 Itl 9 4160 Harry S. Brunson Buffalo Gasoline "tor Comp y 1817 192 ---- 4161 4162 P. Cairnoross CaAoulator Equipment Comports ion 10', 200,6 35'00 197 55 4163 4164 capital ,Avelo-e compnny Capital ice & Fuel Company 65 6 00 61 68 4165 Capitol Laundry Company company 2g� 4 4166 centr(�1 .soap 7 156,77 302 li- 4167 Central Supply Company O=Pany 3 4168 Coohr�3argent 428,anY 425 4169 Columbia Tool Steel Company 5 ' 4 b 417%01 4112 DarlingoValve & mfg company, Davis actor Oar_comPany __� ,'', 6,3 2160 ,..-McDONAL ___---AGAINST ENZEL. YES (�� > COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) free F - DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKING TRUST AWO*Fe%W IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS •� WATER POGARAGE ND I ui e ACCOUNTS 4 242. 3178 52 24707 60 1771190 I 2 29: 9 979 11 68 868 4 75 210 13 691 18 O6, 11 0 18'1 7 31 146 6 II I I I 41 76 i 29015 91oo 21 00 3 00 10 00 48 3 95 i .. 74 3--"-- --- ---- ---- FOUENCIL NO.._-..-_ .`61587 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---.MAY-1 -4 Ips-------- __792---- 192 ---- APPR V — ------------- - - ' ------------ - "" Act(ng MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 23 3 106L99 1 686140 7 156,77 302 I -{. �I II I I I 41 76 i 29015 91oo 21 00 3 00 10 00 48 3 95 i .. 74 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cn -JiFSOLUTION-,GENERAL FORM 1. _ G87 COUNCIL No......----F��`-l-Y-4 FILE DATE._..... may ...._4_}...1.9.2.G. ............ ..__............. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Staude "Make -A -Tractor" with 3 -unit hitch in front of rear wheels, at a cost not to exceed $494.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge narks- 18-1-9 C. F. No, 11111—Ey H. C. Wenzel— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Stands consent with one hitch In front of rear wheels, at a cost not to exceed $..."'. without eking for ompeu- live bide. a this Is a patented articte and no advantage could be gained j tberoby. Charge Psrks-18-1-9. Adopted by the Council May 1.1, 1926. Approved May 11, 1926. (May 16-1926) 'mss t� Ir 'J CO UN CILME'N Yeas Nays Clancy r HodgsoFerSu�on--- �..- . -....In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. Vim Pfeil, ramot Adopted hi the Council _--.l4_,.-G..1_k.-y ---102-.-. X 0 Approve .- --192---- ----------- ----------- ,9eting " °" CITY OF ST. PAUL couRciE ��?" /J FILE No... .r- t-- 7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .E. S ffE RZ L. C_ H,0.c 'RESOLVED DATE._XAy._.7.,..._l92.6..._._............... _....._....... That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a city check in favor of Julia Springer in the sum of ,$10.00 same being overcharge in the payment for curbing Forbes Avenue on 17. 50 ft. of Lot 7, Block 3, Leech's Addition. Charge to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Improvement No. L2251. C. F. No. 65876—By 1, C. Hodgson—I Resolved, That the proper City offi-' cera are herebyauth orized and in. . etructed.to issue a elty check In favor; Of Julia Springer 16 the hum of 510.00 I. curbingg overcharge gkv nuee pn ayment 60 ft. of Lot 7, Block 3, Leech's Addl- ti.e Charge to the Permanent Improve- -NentRevolving Fund. Improvement Adopted by the Council hfay 11, 1926. Approved Mny Il, 1926. (May 16-1926) COUNCIUMEN 14AY } ig Yeas Nays Aduptcd by the Council_ ......_.....---........ .....192.. -- Clancy Y i 1 Fergastllf'- :lpproced.. -.. . _--- ------_....---19'1---- Hodgson-_...........LlI favor Mcllonaltl r ----- ..... --- - ...........�.....-- ------- IlO MRYOR Sudheimer -....._...Against Wenzel :TIT' n wE CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl`iUNCIL No. _-_-_.W—S W; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERt COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED}BY _-'-- DwTE__...._M813� .x_._1926 COMMISSIONER__.-______..__—.._.__.._.__....._..._....._._—_.—.____..._.�._.__.._ ........... _RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, the Purchasing Agent be, end he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Oakes Company of St. Paul for the removal of present pile fences approximately 600 feet long and the construction of new vile fences at the Jackson street bridg8 and the Robert street bridge, approximately 360 feet long, at an approximate cost of $11980.00, without advertisement.for competitive bids, as the Bureau of Bridges is required by the Government to undertake this project immediately, thereby constituting an emergency where failure to act promptly will work injury to the City. The agreement with the said Oakes Company to provide for the furnishing of pile driver at $25.00 per day, barge and appurtenances at $25.00 per day, jet pump and necessary jetting equipment at $10.00 per day, for the delivery of the equipment to the job and its removal at actual cost and the furnishing of the following labor: 1 engineer at $1.25 per hour, 1 foreman at $1.25 per hour, 1 fireman at 70¢ per hour and 4 laborers at 75¢ per hour. In addition to this the City agrees to pay a sum equal to 15% of all items excepting the rental, plus public liability and workmen's compensation insurance and to furnish all coal, oil and packing required. Charge Bridge Building Revol. 14-B (;. F. No. 65876—BY 7. H. bScUonald— Be,,,t-., • r n tha re ommen- f Public COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays C ncy ✓//Hodgson _...T... --- favor (/McDonald 4udheimer ------D ..Against �W zeI, OM t;r, Vioe F'ros. 1PW8WQII be, and lireeted; h the . c aon Adopted by the Council ..._.__aL-'./-/ ------ 192 Approved.. _.- .-. _. _� /-.--....1 92 _-_- "cting "°Y�" t L P 'R C. V. No. 65877-f matter the assessment of Council File No. Inthe d s-Ps- - sea k� con- 65877 coats a tt.,; Ig be fit.'on st,.e ett"' .t ni E'U, and 'e""diV1- No 3dewalks. 991, N o.7, en Contract $y..._._..........._-._..._...............__........._...........__...___ 1925. ii 1 r,pS" Take Come CITY 01'ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ConetruCtingg re-constructing relaying -=d repairing rldewalks, !,Atifnate No 7, under dontr�ot I No- 399 Year 1925. —Asaessable J. 6 (,,6 6 %D oulevitrri Service Drive, east oid"efrom , onlo hVe "orth to Lakeview Ave. C, 59eM,0 r�elby ,We., north side, beGint-Ing at Avon St., thence 'Nest 100 ft. �P-0- 61')70 e. 1 In y fiv nouth sine, 150 ft. L:tst of Avon St. t!.-,Qnce .,eJby Ave., south side, betiiiaing 1DO ft. of Grotto ,L. thence West a) ft. Grotto St., raeet viae, be,linninr ()6 ft. GOUth Of ILIbly .O"e. th(ince south 12 ft. F.C;- 61967 Ha&nie ave.,sauth side, Ocf inninf,, 6p ft. vel,t of flick '31t. thnce i7est 24 ft. lo.�,tte Ave., north PLte, betheen Avon 31. find orotto ;;t. iln..�:qie live., south si,11e, bef,inninv at Avon 9t., thence e;:,-t T' ft. �;oodrich north q!L-3:�, be�:in'.Aiq-1 ?12 ft. -.est':)f 3iiL 'Lbcnce vicrt 104 ft. be,,irkidrw; 50 ft. ^rVitr .-est, tI-:nce ft. 6,.L§68 79, ue ince., co' sl-'e, bei,i. . .��.st 80 ft. 11-1 nnii,,L; t Fisk -:�-'tthence e H oqfrue jtv,.,'north side, bel-innjnit 1rl3 ft. east of Victorin St. the--nce C�Ist 21, ft. ';rel I Ive., north sidet be,�inning nt , 1;I Avon .."t, th,,-ncc Y,.)^t 105 ft. 61969 T,aurel Av(-,., south side, beginning_- at Avon '?t. thCJ10e e,,c-7t IT) ft. Lourel -`,ve., south s id be,L,inn1n,,, 15 ft- C.st of eant line of Tisk `,t. extended V;-noe nest 175 ft. Laurel %v, north side, berrinnin;.- �t .t v o n "t. t rice ,rent 5'�, ft. L!^.urr,l north 2i,je, '.)e ;, I rin i n,(, n t 111 cto 37 i,, ^i tl; nce e- - st 155 ft W Q 5979 Laural ',ve southrit,J e, be ronin;- .t t •;L1d2r t 5(), ft- � ",) 7, ',? 11 ', �;(� 't fli'_ �� �) ft. north of ,P, he;-inf.inp 'Ire. I thence north ^1 , 't. "'I %, �! I :fvi e- 1. i,-, 1x innini, -it h-,7o., t';,�nce Ncnrth to -11 ay r) 01762 3 nk :'t., �.?th S.r�,7r `ryl�,n6 to '-)P 0.-uth Sjrj�, f!! AT.,:d(i 71-o' rn,f� south 't. to r eir e :t. Fl_:i(;,lon. in:.; n:, :it ':ri�i-:11 !,vo. -t to 7.;!`ey 3 1 "a7!r- Ave-. the.ice '34c) ft. 62- 4C. :'cyton 'sV� south E;iae, )4 ft e,,trj t of 1'r y St., i hence t 1) t Layton.vc., >uih !,iJe,, i)vi Jnidnk; j(1 ft. ez_,�3t of thence 94 ft. Goodrich v-., rotith 100 ft. v;eot )j' Clevf.l.-;ud 1ve., 1:h;-rice :,est ft. 61586 atson .ave., both sideV, from !�il ton St. to Chat s �v t F.O. 623�7 Juno �3t., both sites, from Ohatsfiorth. St. to.Pleasont Ave. 7.0. 623 .�-Salbjr Ave-.,.south side#- beginning at jAldine :�St.�,i_ -'th'6noe - 06th 146 If. F.O. 61Y651 `Uolanl, dt west - sidii�,, frbWlhe0 elook, P ay�� - mibo'4,pt. *61s t 81461--,from, bee om� St. , "*as A%6'. 603-6-(3rettt:Ave., east d.dd,-, .ft)wzieitoSchaffer;A 4�o.ci g Ave." "P.O.6-398 OttoAve both sides, ft -,Mevs1Wd;A40414a 6176r. -,H'hLgUe,.AV1B -4 north 8140, b0t t. and �irdttR 9t. a A* 61968 Hague, south Idei-beglarang ,at ,F loggj*iing; 4.0. 61969; Vasur'el, Air-9, Borth. side 1 atest 5a f , kveiinorth big A 155ft tagial,Ave., sutha, beo iiigg+ t 10f 61762-Or,"k St b6ib-sid y '0866Lake" Ooao- i t fads rod,Como kire 14" T to,'-Laksview: Ave VX. 623 7 -,no- St.,'both s4d,ise -from, ohatatftth t. to Ploiisilnt Ave. . southUdi 8 6t 146 ft. Sejby, ace., t_.henoe: F.4. 61765 Flo ay��to: Varbon 9t 'iMi F.Q. _62Or-'tin ' Ave., e. a0t Gi6il' tat. s6heiiOi,kvd. W 0 o, 62396 Otto Ave-, both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Snelling Ave. u&TOT-U. ..._.__ _ I7�i%Rt ��RR�xr_ $P4=%9ffM-.._...... .... _............... ...... ....:................. D98.._...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE ITFTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.....__........._.__.___..____.equal installment, as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._.. MAY 1 2 1926 ._......... _...................... _...... _. 19z Dnp r � ; 192 Approved ............. Form B. H. L f I t CITY OF ST. PAUL. f. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for that Constructing, re -constructing relaying and repairing sidewalks, Estimate No. 7, under Contract No. 3991, Year 1925- --Assessable-- P. 0. 6o866 Lake Como Boulevard Service Drive, east side, from Como Ave. Korth to Lakeview Ave. F. 0. r-9800 Selby Ave., north side, beginning at Avon St., thence West 100 ft. F.O. 6!1970 Selby Ave., south side, beginning 150 ft. east of Avon St. thence East 12 ft. Selby Ave., south side, beginning 100 ft. west of Grotto St. thence west 20 ft. Grotto St., west side, beginning 98 ft. south of Selby Ave. thence south 12 ft. F.O. 61967 Hague Ave., south side, beginning 60 ft. west of Fisk St. thence west 24 ft. Hague Ave., north side, between Avon St. and Grotto St. Hague Ave., south side, beginning at Avon St., thence east 72 ft. Goodrich Ave., north side, beginning 212 ft. west of Sue St. thence west 104 ft, beginning 50 ft. farther west, thence west 120 ft. F.O. 61968 Hague Ave., south side, beginning at Fisk St. thence east 80 ft. Hague Ave., north side, beginning 123 ft, east of Victoria St. thence east 24 ft. Laurel Ave., north side, beginning at Avon St, thence East 105 ft. F.O. 61969 Laurel Ave., south side, beginning at Avon St. thence east 170 ft. Laurel Ave., south side, beginning 15 ft. east of east line of Fisk St. extended thence west 175 ft. Laurel Ave., north side, beginning at Avon St. thence west 50 ft. Laurel Ave., north side, beginning at Victoria St, thence east 155 ft F.O. 59797 Laurel Ave., south side, beginning at Wilder Ave., thence east 50 ft. F.O. 567 Howell Ave., west side, beginning 56 ft. north of Portland Ave., thence north 30 ft. F.O. 62343 Cleveland Ave., east side, beginning at Marshall Ave., thence Nmrth to alley F.G. 61762 Frank St., both sides, from Maryland St, to Magnolia St. F.O62716 Orange St., south side, from Arcade St. to Weide St. F.O.. 61260 St.Clair St., south side, beginning at Brimhall Ave., thence East to alley F.O. 62339 Stanford Ave., north side, beginni.nq at Fredericka Ave., thence east 340 ft. F.O. 62342 St.Clair St., south side, beginning 138 ft. west of Macalester Ave., thence west 136 ft. James St., south side, beginning at Syndicate Ave., thence west 240 ft. F.O. 62340 Dayton Ave., south side, beginning 94 ft, east of Fry St., thence east 250 ft. Dayton Ave., south side, beginning 90 ft, east of Pierce St., thence east 94 ft. Goodrich Ave., south side, beginning 160 ft. west of Ole veland Ave., thence West 280 ft. F.O. 61886 Watson Ave., both sideq, from Milton St, to Ohataworth St. F.O. 62337 Juno St., both sides, from Chatsworth St. to Pleasant Ave. F.O. 62345 Selby Ave.,south side, beginning at Aldine St., thence west 146 ft. %FO. 61765 Round -St., west side, from Wheelock,Parkway to Aarbpn St. Fogy om;$t., east W6,' from WheelockParkway to Oerbon,Bi. FO. 6336 Cretin.Ave.,.,east aide, from Ni1es'St tg;;8chefier Ave. F.O. 62398 Otto Ave., both 6idea, from Cleveland Ave'. to aneiling Ave. =Noirassessable F.O. 61967 rogue Av.e., north side, between Avon St. and ,Orotto St:. F:O. 61968 "Hague Ave south side, beginning at Fisk St. thence East 80 ft. V.6. 61969 Laurer AQe ,north side,.beginning at. Avon 8t. thenee.,West,50 ft:• Laurel: llq.e :,, nolth side,. beginning -at ViotOTia.9 thence East 155';ft s Laurel 'Ave ; south aide, beginning at'Avon.S....... nce`East'170 ft; F.O. 61762 Frank St-bothaides,. fibro Maryland St.;tc Magnolia $t. F.O. 6bS66. hake Como Boulevard.. ervice Drive, east:alde, from Como Ave. North to' Lakev_iei-Ave. F 0 62337 Juno St. both sides,, from.t3hatssrorth-St.:to Pleas&nt.Ave. F.4..623�+5 Selby Ave. south side, beginning, at Aldine St.','thence; West lob ft, 0. 6176.5 Folsom St., east. side; from'Wh6slook Parkway. .to Carbon,St. `F.O. 62336%,,Cretin Axe.., east side; from Niles St. to Soheffer Ave;,.•. F.O. 62398: Otto Ave., both sides, from Oleveland-Awe, to Snelling Ave. i '^'JYITt. ci6TAl�ins"FtO�-�f7. BJCjs' Uf'SZr�.TII�;i.f aT'Y7A6 �.�•iT78106 M��e.� j�}p.��•... 2-fA0 -:1'•' "7�F <T�ra' 'tib ^"`If .r.n*. i.t r -C in.iS.,�ffI1; oaf r. frwgTTCL. •'✓ T` a7G ' J(-7 T UR TPD - f 7 o --I -T;'[.. O.j 1j''4 ')3�:/'�•,"OA ,. '' c0.'r7 F.r..-,rr rf r•j U JlilJ - `l� •Ols:r i. ��.�' �� :qts' 0=. TL1.17ITr' j�r>r;.f �T •-tn., ' .0 . cf:.I ,oL dns•' vos r l� V4,.,.w...-.t16,ucs t-�asc, d� q- �?✓ G.7��' �.• -a �u njj r PJ3@0 $r'C7srz �, •' e0 ;.cp erns' ostzTU-I'lU;. :"j ElzTUJps'SJ FP. •' rIIGuc6 Ts -24 3531r? (zsxr�s gT,. .LOJ7 p 2Tge' .ATG+,j 7fLovaG 2F.;o tGTgG 2-P v 0• 21-P corp arage' ,�Scw 1-j`.i7'jLW 2', • ro ;IeRuo: $o 6rJIs7L B'0 P53;t3 01 GAG stq n ciaa; ^Tqs' ps�kjuuiu s..pgsz2*tsl7 Yns•' rNcz'cs Tncm"U `0' ceSrFP gny:sjT VAG•' gG'E, arq-s' nG!`,Tz7t.ruQ c t+ xrox�N OZ roT r:,cr•7 yns ' •.is•' eorr�g ..kgs' psr�Tuurr-' ,g r.:T14sx -Ins ' �}rszres r. 8;.g�J.Tr' T�,7� s7 erns •' uoz.rp ,eTgs' pe£'Tuf-izr . � dTc� PiTa H �psugb sser She+ �� rt nxsJ y s•'' uox -p ergF' p,G,FTuI Tu"x �r� YAez 2; • �psao<<^•. r sad Lo %-F' k;i8,'Z 84' cx.PELigbtr r :-04; Msa# 172. T -P yfa1,e:r. �Ae•' 20fr u las' ps Tr,u.TiJ€s'. 77.- G. .� _ 0ss;;� jTcs cj�. g•c'' Pj�e� , 1oTLbj il,:_•' 2q;. Tc s' )GFT 1 TLT` Y1_013 TCS sciLc ]-k0 ?�' C" C_ r -'r -TAO: Tucs :,er l -_ -r, .7, - •' J 0L1 _ G' )S c.�-r"Ut. T;, 7.+' Fi. <. _. C (iT ...0 , Gf7.f}' 7Q6' pS c.r 1j'TT IIf; '7a;: 3 j;rb17C8; G O'rL'Cti YAG ' a' -C c PG 77J -T; ..�:� r) T,�'(- � - _,'GC :IOiSU TC ._ C117 -0-1 nIi "CX31, P eoi r To T ?'Cl !'O rJ� •' 1--- -. .' 'iF ..t ,j L' 'r f F'0.7 _. . OT, UG, Tc -'•t^ iC�.7 ?it - - _r• _ C'. '�t. ::J 2L rr--'•'C6 ...' C'��� �r - �.� n , . > ..C,; ^rJ aT o ...r. --. _ rl. - •' '1.6a� .I UO I: ^T; r0 IitBi l7c3M" HSiSOWEdC.__ ___ .._........ _, aplPZMdt.. 1@Ax_._.- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ -.1-5,901 .1.7.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $---.... ...... .53.a70 - Cost of postal cards 10 •74. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..___.._1....., 590.12_ . .................. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $......-...- .......... -53 '.74 - Total Assessable - - - - - - - - 17,609.4 Total- Non -assessable - - - - - - $_......._...__.5.6i9_,9.�. Total Expenditures $ 18,199.34 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$14.,-1.9.9-..34.-._...------.---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Fs. 17Commi rover o Form B. f Finance. Council File No......... ............._ ...... __......... _ 65878 8 By............ _._................ .................._......_ __......__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Bohland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., and on Fairview Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Hillcrest Ave I c, o. ?nbeneflts a0ooste nd n e,p>es f r cont tructing a sewer on Bahland.. Ave. from Spading Avo. to Fairview Ave.. Ia Ave. to H111creet Ave. under Prellm- lnary Oder 60707 intermediary,; Order, 62n Fig-?+ nF v 8250A 'i: y 60 0 6 under Preliminary Order ...._._......._7._7.....__....., Intermediary r4r ............ Final Order..6 .250.9......_.............., approvedL_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......__ —.!� ---..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAY 12 1928 Adopted by the Council ...... —......... 192 ............. . ...... —......... ..... ... City Clerk. iinAY 1 2 1926 Approved._-._-....................... ... ....................................... 192......__ ..........._........................ ...................... _................. �... , Mayor.. For. H. 19. 18 • - CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for AbLe constructing a sewer on Bohland Ave. from Snelling Ave, to Fairview Ave., and on Fairview Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Hillcreet Ave, under Preliminary Order ............ _......... 60..0�............ .............. . Intermediary Order ...__.._6.2Q.0.1. ..... _... . Final Order ....................... .._62X09 ...... ........................... approved ............. U.,..._l9.•2..r>............ AA -T ..... _..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council'the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $11.., B0,.00,.,.,...,, Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.......... .....16_'_9 S .............. Coat of postal cards $ ................ 3.39 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - _ $..........._27...66.......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $........... .... 16..x.%5......... Total expenditures - - - - - - - $l?.f._1.r27..'95......._. . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_1.21..15.7..'.9._5.._ ......... _ ................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.—....._. ____..._._._ 65879 By......... _T._ --------- _------_-----... .... _..__..... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ,costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Bohland Ave. from a point 60 feet west of Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave, IIF..No. 6ae79— . I bene matter. 04 the assessment of �benetln costs. and expense for A _strutting n sewer on Bohland Ave. from a point; Prior feet west of Farr i1mi Ave. r r610 Ave. under Pre Order.ry 44, Fina 6107 06' Intermediary Order. 61744, F1na1 Order.62400, .proved'Oct. 6; 1926: 'A:publlc hearing having. r .��*nasseeement Yo••.,:'"" . ,and under Preliminary Order..._60. Q6 .......... ......., Intermediary Order_ �.74......._..._......., Final Order._G.2�0..._............... _, approved _-.--00t- 6 _192 1 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_____ _"_.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council___ MAY 1 2 1926 MAY 1 2 1926 Approved—._.--- ...... ..........._............._..............................192...... Serra B. H. Is y Clerk. Mayor. I,—, JIUBLOW. /-� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tl€ex constructing a sewer on Bohland Ave. from a point 60 feet west of Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. t Under Preliminary Order --- ..-------- _----- 6..0_706_ --- ------ _ Intermediary Order Final Order .-....._..__6.�.0............. ._... .......... ., approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction gg Cost of publishing notice -- - - - - $._..---......._.7__.95._...._ Cost of.postal cards - - - - - - $ 1.5� Inspection fees _ _ _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - Total expenditures $ .2, 567..49 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessedand levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...y5.[..... .... _...._.... _...__upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. FormB. B. 17 . .... ............ ................... _...._._.._.._ . Commissioner of Finance. Council File No ......•.._-..._.:_..._._..... -- ~ . 65880 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Underwood Ave. between Scheffer Ave. and Otto Ave., C: F. N..,6688% the 01 In the matcoetat and ezpeneee ttor beneat" nderwood Ave: between, grad't"" II Intermed) Sehe, r Ave. d T-81667 Ave" under Ptellminary Or Final Ord,ar 633 8, ^.Pry Order 62864, -- ti approved De 1, 1926: ; .,4 public hearinrf under Preliminary Order -61.55..7_ ......... ....._., Intermediary OrderkZ2 64-__,.._ .............. Final Order -.63.3..$0._ .............. _, approved_.- Deo . 1 — _ `_192. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in._ ----- �__O .._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ MAY 1 2 1926 1. _.. _ _—_.. _._......_._.. -192......._. Approved---....MY..)..2._1926... _............. Farm E. E. It F Clerk. Mayor. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _._ni?ril 1,1926, at9q_.__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 1WE grading Underwood Ave. between Soheffer Ave. and Otto Ave. under Preliminary Order ..!..._...__..._.x257_ 628'6 61 ....._. __.._..__., Intermediary Order _____._._.._.....___._ Final Order ...._._..__.._..633P§ . . ...... . ............ ............. approved_------ Dec .. 1� 142.rj ..._... 181....._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred nd to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction s-.,-21Z_,O.Q... ...... Cost of publishing notice $_.........__1.,09...... ... .... Cost of postal cards $........... _....... !_1.15. ........ ..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - 24.34 - -$............. .... _............. ---......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--------- ----- '.75. ....... _ Total expenditures . . . - - . - $1-, 243. 2Y. ------ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_1.:.23.' 21! ...._.........__..._.___upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File ;..:-.:-_....._..___.._...__ 65881 By---._._.._....__.._ —...__— CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefitg,costs and expenses for grading Montreal Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Edgcumbe Road 6C. F. No. 66881— i -In the matter of,; the asaeaemeht of beneaoa ta,. ts and eZenae. for grading-: Montreal Ave. from Cleve- land Ave. to F.rr3au - be Road under i Prellminarlr -0rder-63581, Intermedi- ary Order 62868, FlnaY`Order 63298, y'aPproved Dee, 1, 1925. •.,. pub haaring rya• beeti M- •. v. the: asae -�«` •, ve:?. `-yam 'd+d 1N l under Preliminary Order..—_62_8_`1 ............. Intermediary Order -IMA ....... _... ..... . Final Order ._.. 63.29$ ........ _.._, approved—__Deo. 1 .._.._-192 15_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT XURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in._..._ U _..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAY 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council____. ._._____ ..................192 ....... _.... ..---...._.................. ............ City Clerk. MAY 1 2 1926 Approved.—__ ..... _......... ._... ............ ........... _....... .........192...... '._... ............... .... _.... _....... . ......... E'! ._, Mayor. Form B. B. U c CITY OF ST." PAUL. �^ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the "total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $—.li,..a Q_. r1.....__...._____._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .... _.._..... _...... __................ —.._............ - --- ---.... Form s. H. 17 Commissioner of Finance. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Adm grading Montreal Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, 62 81_-_._ _ Intermediary Order _..._..._.._. $� ..._.._._...__—_—.._.. under Preliminary Order _..._...___—... ....... Final Order ...... . .............629._.�.....__....__..._. approved .... .... _...... D e C 1� 2� ........., 711 _..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and . in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $_._�3..t.97_•_D� �'6... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $""--------- _...------- 3.....24 Cost of postal tarda - - - - - - - -$................. ....... __. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $... ....... _...... _-477..'_9.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - 16.20 - - - $------------------ Total expenditures - - - - - - - $_...._24, Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the "total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $—.li,..a Q_. r1.....__...._____._..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .... _.._..... _...... __................ —.._............ - --- ---.... Form s. H. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.. ............... _..... _.... __.._...._ 65882 By__.___ _ ......... __......... _..... _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Macalester Ave. from Otto Ave. to Scheffer Ave. O. F. No. 60388 ----- In the matter of the assessment of benefits„ coats and expenses for grading Macalester Ave, from Otto. Ave. to Scheffer Ave. under .Prelim- lnary-"Order 61809.--laterinedfary Order '08168; Order 83732,- aD- Drovedthe Deo. rt .19 h 3. lsi A Dubllc. having been had eseme'n upo ems assesasaid for the rt^La lm-_ -t; ovemeat. and said a^�< '-':iaviag �'�'-� farther conaiq. s' tender Preliminary Order. -__613-99_....._....., Intermediary Order_43156.... .................. Final Order....._ approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IIT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable r (.___equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAY 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council.............._192..._.._.... MAY 1 21926 Approved_. . . ..................... ........... _.......... _................ 192.._.. _ Form B. B. 18 y Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OFA ASSESSMENT ___..,AP.T.i1._.],3+19.26 UPS— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs, and expenses for SIR grading Macalester Ave. from Otto Ave. to Scheffer Ave. under Preliminary Order ........... _..... _G139�......... —, Intermediary Order ............ Final Order ........................ 63732...-- ......................... approved __....... - .._ 1.925.._..... ]QU..._.__. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...-_9-73100 ....... _...... Cost of publishing notice $...._.-...._1.80 ................. Cost of postal cards - - -$................... 0A ............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $......... 17_eM........ ....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $---------- 1 .80 - - - Total expenditures $-- 4-.-.4 2................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_-_A94±4?_.___....._...._..-...—._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ----......................._.__......_...._......_._.........._................__..__....__...._..._—._. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File Pio.:.............. _....... _---.._.__ By Resolution CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading Finn Ave. from James St. to Randolph St. C. In F.the matNo:05'ter 9V o � of .the' asseesment of .benefits,- costs�-.aad eapenees for gradlnS Sinn Avo. Prom James 6t.. to Randolph St. under Preliminary Order 61.909, Intermediary :Order 62862; ,Final Order 63300, approved "�?ro 925. heating having been had ;.eeeement for the rYevRru .:A and eaid qa ,1;1P _ - ':i:r conr4r,� : • ` 65883 for under Preliminary Order._61.904._.................. Intermediary Order ........_.... . Final Order 633-00_ approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—_`L--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ MAY ! 2 1926 y ^._............... _192......._... _ _ ....._. ........ .. City Clerk. �IIAY 1 2 6 Approved___... ................._.._... 192 __....:....._...........192__. ................ __.......... .'=........._-.____..._ '-"--.___-"�rt'e�`��--� Mayor. Form H. H. 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forAp grading Finn Ave. from James St. to Randolph St: �.._%__._....__._..._..-, Intermediary Order ._.......__._......5_ under Preliminary Order ._........ _..... 61. 0 Final Order ..... -........ _..... 63.3.0D ..... ___.............. _...... approved -__....__.._fez 1-4925.........._....7121._..._.., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - - - - - - - $......_299'..50........_.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$............ _..1..'.'..�....... ........... . Cost of postal cards $--- _----_'12....._._.._ ' Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$........... _.... 5-t9_�1............... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $....._..__..._.'.60 _ ....... Total expenditures $......_306_:_19._ ....... _.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...306.19. ... ............ ........ _ _._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idea. tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. . ............. . ...... 65884 By A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__ --hC _..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Couneil MAY 1 2 1926 — _-..... _ .... _192...._.__. mg 1 2 1526 Approved - — — --------- ........ ............ ......... .... ..... ..... .... ........192...... Form B. B. 18 7 Clerk. Mayor. PUuI,ISHED���6 CITY OF ST. RAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Ellie St. from Ourfew St. to University Ave., C. F. 'fie• 6585,47epees for ' In the; matt ostst and "VN"' ent St. beneflte, Curfew grading Au- St.'. f under rrellroia- unlverstty AYIntermedlaroporded , to -ary order .62377: 63154. Final Order 6373,,: a . - Uec, 2S 1925.. .hpy A publ�a. hearing bseesemr^'� '— upon, the K�nSurithe"' - under Preliminary Order ....623.7.7_..._._........... Intermediary Order... MY.........._...._..... Final Order 63-734 - ....._.__, approved—.. DeC• �..—_.192. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__ --hC _..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Couneil MAY 1 2 1926 — _-..... _ .... _192...._.__. mg 1 2 1526 Approved - — — --------- ........ ............ ......... .... ..... ..... .... ........192...... Form B. B. 18 7 Clerk. Mayor. PUuI,ISHED���6 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Mg. grading Ellis St. from Ourfew St. to University Ave. under Preliminary Order...__...___... 62 �7._.._._..._____. Intermediary Order Final Order ..... ............... 63734 ..... ___----------- ......... approved_ DeO.__R3a.jq25....---.___-.. 1xDL__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: y The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz: 257 00 Coat of construction - - - - - - - -$..._......_.__:_.._...__..._.._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.............. 1 .00 Cost of postal cards $........... _.... _•09__....__ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$...... _.... . ,5......14__...._... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-.---- • TJ------- Total expenditures $...._263 6e Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- Rained, to -wit: the sum of $_ 263 '_6 __......__......___.___.....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of'the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form n. E. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 6588 C. R'. No. 66866 Inlnhga .mat eeaeement Sornic net uctnd iug, and mnlntalnin33 a Dubllc'ewer on a .trl. of land 20 It. in' w�dtti and acro.. Lots '27 and 28, Cottnge Home. Addition from the PoC4ivaYheto' - j 1 M Paclao RnilwaY rin ndemnation Resolution Ratifying an centerelinie Botf ealdeat�p banghe line ;ileacribed -as follow'::' Begin- -�g at a point on the -.m *N and Awards of Damagesy lie 20,1fl tawe9"a hent Therefor. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for Conatidiii*:IiiA maintaining a public searer on a strip of land 20 ft in width on andacross Lots 27and 28# frottage homes Addition from the Northern Pacific rvallway right -of -xray to the went line of the said Lot 28, the center line of sald strip ling a line described an followal %I inninat a point on the southerly northern Pacific Fatlinty right -o8 way line 24.9 feet west of the wast line of "estern Ave. measured at right nnglms to the line of.ceetern Ave., thence southwesterly to Fa point 410 feet wast of the gest line of western Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of Carbon Olt. thence southwesterly to s point on the mast line of the Said Lot 28, twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon St. AZao a temporary easement for construction purposes on .a strip of Vwd 30 feet in viath on each side ofthe above denrribed case nt ard is strip 30 ft. in width along the southerly nurthurn Pacific Railrmy r16ht-of essay line from the above delavribed easecont_ to lieptern Ave. on nn3 aoross .este ?7 nnc3 2$, nottar„e 1!o=n n 'ddit ion ” aunrove .. - - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, A07[Q}767¢7C0[76SO�rtRr>�]d>EE]C tZOMM4 and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, id i✓3$7UEffi7a7Cand made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. awards Resolved further, that the said ffjEM 6880 mbd=a&91 be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e it fuolved, that the ssment be and it is eh3' d rmined to be pays e 1 .......................equal insta encs as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...-.... MAY. 12_1926 ....... 192 ------ ------- -- ---------------- --------- --- ------------- -- MAY 1 2 1926City Clerk. Approved .......... -_........ ...- 192 -. ....... .................. - - -..........- L'�Councihnan Clancy ACtlnn Mayor. ci man ✓Councilman McDonald C '1 Dktar unr�e•••• -- - Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel VU b4c9iw Yaw. N'urpaeoa ij _, 65885 ♦ak- under Preliminary Order.... -62.446. __._ ._, approved.-OCt.6j1-925, Intermediacy Order 63030 approved.- ------ N00.10,192 j A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, 7C�fOCA>tRr>�7d8EAf>C tl& EMX and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands desceibed in the annexed assessment roll, id W=x2jq81>S¢DCand made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. awards Resolved further, that the said be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e it fu olved, that the ssment be and it is �d rmined to be pays e I ------------ __ :...............equal insta ments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council----....................... 192 192.------ -- -------- ------------------ --- -- -- fV1AY F 2 192.E City Clerk. Approved-------------- ---- - ....-_...._......... 192....-. ................ --- i.... t— ......... ........... .-- �ouncilman Clancy (�tyf%Ag Mayor. ei man --"Councilman McDonald r •i �,7,. u a Councilman Sudheimer r'Councilman Wenzel PA7,Vioo P6a bbryason 65886 C. F. No-.06888-- In the matter of condemntng and tak- tng je .acoment. for constructing and malntalning a public sewer on a HtrjP ,f l land 20 M In wtdth 6ou and - - - serosa 'Lots 27 and 28,. Cottage Unman Addition- from the Northern esY It eaof the e?"I Lot 28g ihtof-w the FINAL ORDER IN tar nne of Hald strip being daeerlbed a .,>,tluwa,-„y " -. ..o., ,. - ftQCEEDINGS. r iF,z _In the matter p f�condemning and taking an easement Constructing and maintain a public sewer on a strip of-land 20^ft. in wA#h=en and across: 08-27-and 2R Cottage-Homes Pacifio Railway right-Of-way to. the gest,line of thea aidyp Bththed here I center line of sad -stripbei a oint=on the southerlyBTorthera �aoific Railed as follows:' Beginniright-ofng at being'A zine "scribed West of the west line o-Western Avg; measured at rightangles tonthe4lineet of Western Ave., thence southwesterly to a.p�int X10 feet West•4f the west line of Western Ave. and -275 feet north `of the north line of Carbon Bt.; �' thence southwesterly to a pout on the west line of the said Lot 28 twenty-five feet north of the north line gf.Qarbon pSt. �? blao,a.to oifiTy easement for„coastruo,t4on; tixpasee on a stripp of Band 30 feet i4 with on each side of the above deseri ed easement andira triP 3D, ft-.yin Width along the southerly Northern` Pacific Railway right-of- way line from the above describedeasement to Western Ave. on-and across Lots 27,and 28, Cottage Homes Addition (1) That the following improvement be' and the same is hereby ordered to a ma e, viz.:_.. condemn a4d,_.ak� ea easement 4or _ Constructinngg and maintaining a public sewer on e: strip of land 2p ft. in width on _and.-across lots .27- and 2 Catt Northern Pacific Railway right-of Way to-the�west line heosa d Lot 28;.. 14 the center line of said strip being a line des at :a cribed•as follows--Beginn point on the southerly Northern Paeifio Railway ryght-�if„y line Pig' feet seat of the west line'of Western Avev measured at-y-ight gway-l•ne the, line of �teete;n Ave., theme southwestesiy to-a- oiat ,1}lp, feet west ;:of the west line of wdstdrn Ave.'anci 275 feet north of 'the north line of Carbon St., theme southw"terly to.a point on the West line:.af the said Lot C twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon t, I A1gP s,tampvrary easeent for• coast �•. lat1 3©• deet in eidth on eao� sid¢�_of the-;ab vs�de bad" asement ip o! strip 3Q ft. is pidth along the s4u�s�1g Norte �+aaFio Railt�ay r�b,�;,pg �" -a lat way,.. line from ills above; described=e�eeement to i�festern Ave. on ;and aoTosg f. Late 27 abc'•'28, Cottage: Homes Additl,Qn . ;`»_�xne�--A��""es�thr�srater3- -io s thence soot ' esterrn Ave. and 275 feet north of thennorth line ofscarbonhSt., thenal spuGh�zests�slY L+P.,:a• PQ$A .AA the--west lice. of the said Lot :2d0 twenty-efive feet north of t north .lige of C,arban 9t. ' Also a to orary'easerminj forconstruction' land 34 feet is �dth QA each,sids of the above described �ea�aementon a randoa strip 34 ftin width along the-southerly northern Pacific R ilway right-of way line from the above described easement to xeste'ru°Ace. sin a$ Lots 27 and 28, Cottage homes Addition across Approved-_-_ .•,d,- 191_........_ ��� lily✓ V-1Clane ijoti, Mayor. P�CTgRSan" x ✓ Wald L� amaamlheimer dnz el PUBLISHD._L3 f_1=.,� o Retatm �- L,�Mr. Ytoe PAN, X491"au Jsj2 ...._L'S .�.• ! "*.: ..T.3fi i,.i ^1Y6 iT, 7:G 6 'S33- 51— _6 1-3 7t eTb.F} r {? q i3^ jiS{e re, under Preliminary Order -62W--------------- - approvedOCt .6.1925.;, Intermediary Order__. 63030 approved lgm,10,14�5 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and. the same is hereby ordered to be made, condemn'nd.,t.adcc en easement 4or constructing and maintaining a - ' d g public sewer on a strip oY land�20 Yt in width on..au..-acrosn...lote..27..and.2a.-Cattage ffiomes "Addition from the _. Northern Pacific Railway right-of+way.to the"west line of the raid Lot, Ole; 1=the center line of said strip being ;a lino:desorfbed<'as-follows:--Beg inniA-g- j at ,a point on the southerly RortherY► PaaifSd stoi4,.sa-'»r .,, _�.. __-_ . , _ _ feet west of -the west 1 line of Western 'Ave., t`. wrest litre 'of Western ay.. a of vwenzy-rive xk Of Western -Ade- meaguirecl at -rt - t- ' "_' �-•7 e. eoixtl�wateaiy;c-;Point 410gPeeteat;of the nd''275"'Pnet'ncrtji of the north line wY. carbon e g1At aa.,the west, l ins.; of the said Lot 28, he nort`h''iins of darboA t etmentfar;_BOB on -a strip of oh _aia�er f t o ,aboyo, deaci bed` easement and a: �+ota z7 nct aa,: oattage, Homes Addition M'MM S talveaterly to a point 410 feat west - off rest line'of WesternAve. and 275 feet north of the north line of carbon at., thence routhaeateriy tt?.;:s�.;.pfi, ACOA the -west 1AA Of the'said! Lot 28 twenty. -five feet north of the north.lips of c }aoa 3t. Ali" a temporary'easem. nt for"'construction purposes on a strip of lend jc �t¢�set in trldth QJrsach,$ de of the above described easement and a strip 30 ft. in width v16b tiie-"iooutherly T<orthern paC#:fic ilwezy right -of way lines from the above described easement to weirte�A'ave.= orz and across Lots _27 and 28, cottage Homes Addition Approved_:__ �T 2'T9Y6� _ 1191 — �;O .G (�L2N✓ ✓ ACtlgEj Mayor. C & perg==- .' x v=Sol:heimer� (� nz ell PUBLISI�D kir. Vies +eil+�aa .i.l� . ,� J -,s` i 1 t (2) That the following land, lan21s or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, a strip of land'20 ft.. in wittth--oa- 1nd 4ssaogse-lots -2$i ottsge often- Addition fry the ..___ Northers Pacific Railway right—of--way to the nest line of the said Lot 28, the-©e>A4s'r -l�Sst of -said strip.. being aline deaori'bed as follows; Beginntne at a point on the southerly Northern Pacifio Railway right—of—way line 249 feet west of the teat line of Western Ave. measured at right angles to the line of Wastern.Ave.f thence southwesterly to a point X410 feet seat of the vest 'line"of Western Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of Carbo, at.$ thence S,0Ut aVestCslit- to e- poA +t- 0a the west UPS. of the said, Lat :Zvi twenty—five feet north of the. north line a# QPXbgA St. Also a, temporary,eagemeiat for construction purposes on a strip of lend 30 fMet in width Qn each.eide of the above described easement aiLd a strip 30'ft. it width a- Ong the"`southerly Northern, Pacifio hallway right -of way line from the above described easement 'to ,seerte*a`Ave.= bp; dAd across Lots 27 and 29, Nottage Homes Addition Approved__..__._. /AY 1 `Z i926 f� ACtlgf% Mayor. �Clanc $4t $b1isR ✓ f as an hente1 eimer pIIgLIgHED W V/Ain Vloe Psw, Feepplam T �_..,..wa w:.. � _--_.�sa.�C`,i►'�jl��i� +iy v:: I Au Oil c7—vjLSWT0_ va h 'Ohio- L t� �,..._m.. d ,:gra ®�+st Q�`F. _� k �;,,.�-'�� SF.�+_..:.•��i�_ ..,.- �(' -. .. 65390 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.:condemning and taking an easement -for Oonstruetinngg and maintaining a public sewer on a,strip of land 20 ft. in width on .and-.aoxosa.1ots 27. and 28, Cottage.. Homes Addition from - the- Northern; Pacific Railway right-of-way to the west line of the said Lot 28, the center line of --said strip being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way line 249 feet'. west of the west line of western Ave. measured at right angles to the line of Western Ave., thence southwesterly to a point 410 feet west of the west line of Western Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of carbon St.: thence southwesterly to a point on the west line of the said Lot 28, twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon St. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on.a.strip of i land 30 feet in width on each side oftbhe above described easement andma strip 30 ft. in width along the southerly Northern Pacific Railway right -of -I way line from the above described easement to Western Ave. on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has. fixed and,determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; 8971 aWoLEAE9C1f85EBt81f�7j�30j�E�7i�FxflFObb7�Y9tE�Ot�g761[39t3�1[(&�7F8[>E,A16E767WFifQciC>I2]f�E3f, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 65390 ` REORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE M.,;_ r° -Pa 51 s-uq 55' 00.9Z9Ks Hocise...9g9:.Frou a: JTus TTj]JJ fPs O,00ns gsac*-rpsq ssascJsu� �o ,sa�e�u Yns• ou �uq U010a8 a;7 T,0 s0 s+ u uTq�F a?ou . �_rs a0:7�PszJn ROM;Pszzr BZCT4 rc iisTJ�yA TwP�—OT— JSUq s0 T;ssr Tu otTq. p 01; esCP aTge of 4Ps upons gsaC- Tpsq sUas.JsC,: suq s yJao a PG1ZCJ0LS12k s3a6:J8IJ.9 hoz 00u9.9Lrrc-9T0V Af11-00a68 ou a a f"I o:C UAGU-91—ITAs bss; uoz..Pn ox 4P6 uozPP JTzrs oy Qsypou 84' �P6>JC6 90,7 rPc.se-PsiJA ro Gr ooru.9 ou APs f969� J,SII s o! bus 90Tq Poi 5�z e eek. Trus o:L ,g+,se-PsxuVAG SVq 51� �seF uozpN, o� gPs u01;37 .Trus. OT- 01 T- GezpoA g� Y o1 AG8-9GZV.VAs•'' VPexics 9on�Prsse�szTh ;0 a uoru I #T0 ;ssm6s; o:L age Mee; 0Z 4PG MGG -F JTus of sarErsr tTas+ mssetrz.sq 8.9 srRli� .VWP-76a .r?o APs J7us j' Sttcf b � v +v iinrrTr o�,frTry—=-" s�'�- .� �-ttC � :r��r-ruq�r LT^-0�-m9'T3'TJ6 66 --`--'------------'-.............:------------------....---------------•--•----•-----------------------------------.....---•--------....------------••-------.............-.--..._.._.. Under Preliminary Order ........ 62?........... approvedOc'C..6x1929 Intermediary Order....6030 approved Nov a0,x_1925 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; a�6To�EABDC g8hE1:t%]E�7j�0�7E,7�d53SIE)iA[EiE)G�[��10E�i[ f�EB[r>75]6T7 and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. L------- er of Finance. Resolution -and Award r 6588'7 emnation 'herefor. In the matter of.....condemning ...and. -taking. ax►.:.eas.ement_for.__.. Oonetructing and maintaining a public sewer an the northerly -art of the vorthern Pacific Railway right-of-way. from Woodbridge.-8t._to Ytestern_Ave., across "tine said: right=of-way at western Ave., � on the southerly part of the said right-of-way from Western Ave. to the west boundary h Lot 27, Cottage Homes Addition. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a at of i Send '0 ft. in width the southerly border of which strip is the N. P. Rq, right-of-way from Yloodbridgelet. to Western Ave., on Axid aorass Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 4, Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 5,, Lot 9, Block 6, Rice St. Villas, Lot 10, :yalootts Add. to Cottage Tomes, Lots 20, 2l and 2?, i Cottage. Homes. Also an easement for constructing and maintaining a public se vrer across the Northern Pacific Ry. right-Ofmway.at Sylvan St. approved. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvemeut, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, 86fffeffi76RlWCDt�rs7F7E7E�oT17e7i&71�t7§X74, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further e t the said assessme an it b e pays e i equal installments as arcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ------------ MAX 1 2 1926_ MAY 1 2 1926 Approved.--- ................. .......... : ............... 192 d., 'Councilman Clancy -'Councilman McDonald imeili—m-ft AA*_ Councilman Sudheimer "Councilman Wenzel Mr. Nice Pres. Forgaeon —.1 -------------- 192....-... City Clerk. i . ............. 9- '- Actino Mayor. 9,1l"Au..' a k 10 A: .,, 11n the matter of Resolution Ratify N under Preliminary Order.._.. 613.76_._......._, approved.Aug•12-1925 Intermediary Order -W31._-_ approved-------- 04 10-,1925.......... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, Jf86ffi761y7tfiDC>>f�y>ftlfg�r7E9folC>r7F7raTi87F4flStAA7k�, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further e , t the said asaessme an it i b e pays e i ............equal installments sa areel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council......-................................................AY1 2 1926 , 192- - -------- ------.- MAY ! 2 1926 ................. ......... Approved Approved ......................... City Clerk. ..........:................... 192. I Councilman Clancy ACtinc Mayor. G11119— /Councilman McDonald l Councilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel hlr. Viae Prep. FerAneon f �ortin.er__n . r scirflas the Also a.temporfirY, e land 30, ft,, in wifgh 14*',80 �&&W V iV) mea Also a land 30 ft. in w � � o7idAVP ., and on the southerly past di the--weet•boundarg-of Lot. 27, Eruotfon purppges on a strip of which strip Yis ,the R. 8•..Ry. Ayre. on 'and "aoroos 1ati; 10 * 5,.,�t.;9,: Block 6, Rios 8, des,`Lots 20 21,ana 22, 1hd maintaining a public `eewii casement for cox-istruot on purposes on a strip of voidherly, border of ,which strip is the S. 1. Ry. 3 e at. to.tlestern Ave., on and across Lots 10 1r;7,Z smd,;13, -81auk 5u Lot 9 ,B1dok.,60 Rice St. 1dt1to �A$ta};e KpmeB,:;ota 2f1, ' and, 22, for.-omstrdotine :and maintA Mncn n miM i n_ MAWAV. s•ozoe2 Cgs I1oz;Fszu bs'cT:;Tc TSa' zTay;—oZ—rasa vP e2JASW g�• yreo 9u e2`esmeu; =oz cozregzrropTuP suq mUT14 TUTUR s AOzprTa 26°'62 I.i0A6o'. ,is'rco. ,pe dqq• po ooFTs�.s gomse' Pore SO' SJ svq S5' oor�5fs JJ?rrc- -q JS' BJocF- }t' Po -pe JJ' IS sua, 13' BJoct ' Poi �' BrocK (' I37c6 oil s'zq sczoee Po -pe •TO IT F�—o�—mr,a lzoL7 jk�oogpz7g5.s 2.P• fo ,+.se�szU tll�sr v 2.PzTn re tFs rs'uq j0 U* Tu LATq; -cFo Son��6Tra Pozgez ob F. c. flao 8 rGlJb0T-SMX 69'eGOGTJ.P hoz coue�znc�Tou pnzuoase ou s BtzTp o� v� liomee qqT-PTou' -- -. os ssu Sc777c FSa' TITR-F-9-p -r�si, ,:F a�7oeL7 aF' mss sosoaa Fps 11 Fp b yuF. sir s?uFsiuru€ s bnpl?c e6 yloo sv G9z;Gmeu� xos coueFsncF:' q 5�s oatse ° . ,as' coFFE Vqq' Fo ppFFsRs gomss' PoF` SU 5Jo f g SSy7�e aF' J7llse PcF J`-B:Focy l' PpFE JJ' is suq 33 HJoc PUF c BJ e �s'' ou s'' scsoee PoFe lU-• suq Ju1.so�a A1ppgDS7gb'.6 aF' Fo ;.!seFesu V s7D ?e Fps sT pF- b- u ?UFp FFs sortFpssJ2' posgss o'� �p?ou aF c. aFylp o� lsuq �0 T,f' i os. couaFsrscFTou pnsuoase ou VJeo s pGwbomgL2 ssesrsu� E Co.Fs�&s gomss VggJ.Piou' T J- 6539 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of:.....condemning•_and•aaking aa -_easement :for Conatruoting and Maintaining a: public sewer on the northerly pesrt of 'the Horthern Paolfio 1*ay right -of -way -from -Woodbridge, St. to-Weetern &vs - across the said richt-of-way at 6estorn Ave find on the southerly past of the said slant-Mof-way from iestern Ave. to ;As gest boundary of Lot 27, Clottngc nomea Addition. :1lso a temporary easement for bonstruation Purposes on a strip of land 30 ft. in width the southerly border of which strip in the H. P. fly. right-of-way from Woodbridge tit. to Western. Ave., on ,nd across Y,Aa 10 11 and 12, Block h, Lots 11, 12 vmd 13, Block ;, Lot 9, Block 6, Rice St. Villas, Lot 10, xalootts dd. to tlottaZe Homes, Lots 20, 21' and 22, oottage Homes. Also an ehmement for constru iting and tlaintainino a public sewn across the Northern Pacific Ry. right-of-way at Sylvan fit. - .............. -•---•-• - --- - m- - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an. assessment',roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. "" Commissio of Finance. ............ 65389 _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS W. �t a acct C+3 .x„I i' - d a=s D -------------- -------------------- -------------- -------------------------- ........................................... ----------- ............ — .......... . .......... ------ .............................. Under Preliminary Order .......... 6137.6.-..-...., approved.49. q1 —219�5, Intermediary Order approved-.. -NOv.10...... 1925- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commiseio of Finance. 65889 C F. Ia the No. matter.of eondemaing and t6k In an'- eeseoce t_f,.r on - g n I struoliag and matntainiag e;'=ynb110 sewer oa :. a.trip of'lipd 20; ft. In width, o `-and, :across lots'21 t0 29 Inclul9e, . Block 1;. Warren and Wtaslom's-Add - and the' ;Ight-of-ways `.of `the: Nor Resolution Ratifying a there Paelfl°.and, th° `�hirag° e Paul, MinaeapoUa>a'h Omaha .Rata ndemnation wire, the center line . Ba: en ment being` a line ,deacoflhedlrdas lows and Awards of Daman le __taH oRstent Therefor. is the mdW'dondemaing MA taking, an-osaement for constructing and main- taining a public sewer on a strip of land 20 ft.-la-wi-W-vuand across icts 21 to 28 inclusive, Block 1, Warren and Winslow's Add., and the right-of-ways of the Northern Pacific and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railways, the center line of said easement being a line described as follows; eammencinngg at a point at -the inlet of the Trout Brook Bower at Frand�ja�� and Westminster Streets, said point of beginning being 355.10 feet south and 148 39 feet east of the monument at the N. W- corner of section 32, T. 290 R. 22, thence to the right on a curve of 13 ft, radius tangent to the center line of said sewer through an angle of 460 54+ thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of 71.ion;& line through an angle of 2401 feet tthence to the left on a curve of 20 ft. radius tangent to the last ment121 to a point 263.35 ft. south and 131.00 ft. east of the aforementioned monument at the N. W. corner of Section 32, thecae Alwthesly tangent to U4 last mentioned ourve,a distance of 514.25 feet,thenoe to -thee right at''an'sngle of 100 130 a distance of 329.51 ft. thence to the left on a curve of 40 ft. radius tangent toy the'lhst'mentioned line through an angle of 500 000 thence north- westerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of k k7 feet, thence to the right on a curve of 40 ft.. radius through .an:.aggle :o, 48a . 71, thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned 'eurve a dfetaaee oi• 69Y,9.ft. thence to the 'left at 'at angle of 160 Q04 a distance' of 407i14 - ft "` then to thg Tright on a:ogasve,oft40••ftp radius. tangent to the last 'mentioned fine through an angle of 450 000 thence northeasterly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance i of is.36 ft.-thenoe'to the left on a curve of 40 ft. radius'tangeritto:th4 last ymgt ioee4; lin3a`; through _sa esg%Le. *1 500 5g" 30 �" ► �: theaaM+:aartl xly.l sngent to tie last mentioned eurve,a distance of 152.66 feet the�oe tq,the right on a curvi`'of "'4 ft. `radius tangent to t�i�i Ins} mei�tione lints' th+rbu-g , ea angle of 9a V -thence northeasterly tangent to the last mentioned line a distance of 03.9 feet. Alto' an easement 5 ft. wide on and" across the 8: P'. ?Ry.: In" F 1 C. ' �A r4H a si3rXu fu 3'r 1 ` '1 r g• � � a tJ 3i'..; a ? o. j �t 9 ��'� x Fsx "�. a k` f f ';,Pa .. ii �'• .•a� t y�TM, £t 1. Ti`C �� [ t f2 + 7 1 r� tiF ; Sir a jt 1j A� :L AG E i f 5 � 3 `,. '•p riyD �i _ � � zi _ y i,sa i"/},r., �f�3TS{.i^.��"tl't` g�l �1 "3' 1 -: a i7 -fSS'.34 u� iTiS�H 3� �la „a rr siry 5 ta.F�'Y`> Z, s �c fid{ l T 1?x! YrN�t'r,' t3T S«..5 ;J:g £D{ r3.? c;� {` 'h'11 x- �St`F=1r 'L"r !-'s1:,�+{D.'^F •'r ri Tfi .i�'o ft s �. i35 T! >, i .' t1s .; r"7$efll5 '"'. ti7i "1''a a JYx' �' s:"£;u3T TC' d t`E t ',.'Ts x='� n i£'£ i° 6 7 ...__................._...__...-------........... _..._.._...._------------ ..................... bu 121 2 6302 ---------- under Preliminary Order.__613----.-- -----, approved...._�_......f.._9...5,, Intermediary Order ............... approved------ DTOv .10 1 j 25..__._... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, .be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to; be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be further at the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _--__..._.....equal installments as escribed therein. Adopted by the Council .-._.,MAY--i--$A`�--•--- ...................... 192 - ---------- }4pY 1 2 19fL�3 City Clerk. Approved................................ ...........-- - > 192 ........... .. ....................... ............................... Mayor. "Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Eouucilman'�'-..diQd�Bc�"� =Councilman 8udheimer Councilman Wenzelvice Fr" Fors'W'D FA f' tiT,.s'.Q I? 1 Ucs C,in F 1 C. ' �A r4H a si3rXu fu 3'r 1 ` '1 r g• � � a tJ 3i'..; a ? o. j �t 9 ��'� x Fsx "�. a k` f f ';,Pa .. ii �'• .•a� t y�TM, £t 1. Ti`C �� [ t f2 + 7 1 r� tiF ; Sir a jt 1j A� :L AG E i f 5 � 3 `,. '•p riyD �i _ � � zi _ y i,sa i"/},r., �f�3TS{.i^.��"tl't` g�l �1 "3' 1 -: a i7 -fSS'.34 u� iTiS�H 3� �la „a rr siry 5 ta.F�'Y`> Z, s �c fid{ l T 1?x! YrN�t'r,' t3T S«..5 ;J:g £D{ r3.? c;� {` 'h'11 x- �St`F=1r 'L"r !-'s1:,�+{D.'^F •'r ri Tfi .i�'o ft s �. i35 T! >, i .' t1s .; r"7$efll5 '"'. ti7i "1''a a JYx' �' s:"£;u3T TC' d t`E t ',.'Ts x='� n i£'£ i° 6 7 ...__................._...__...-------........... _..._.._...._------------ ..................... bu 121 2 6302 ---------- under Preliminary Order.__613----.-- -----, approved...._�_......f.._9...5,, Intermediary Order ............... approved------ DTOv .10 1 j 25..__._... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, .be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to; be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be further at the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _--__..._.....equal installments as escribed therein. Adopted by the Council .-._.,MAY--i--$A`�--•--- ...................... 192 - ---------- }4pY 1 2 19fL�3 City Clerk. Approved................................ ...........-- - > 192 ........... .. ....................... ............................... Mayor. "Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Eouucilman'�'-..diQd�Bc�"� =Councilman 8udheimer Councilman Wenzelvice Fr" Fors'W'D FA C F. No 06990= in;.the hatter of condemning a ing seI easement,. for pon t acting. and mafntaiR�ng a Dublla sewer on- •wf l trlD 'of land 90 IL In width on. and across lots Win 98 inoiusPre, 6 Block 1 -Warren aafl W1Relow a Add:. and ttheChica �te,rfgh4 of ,: t the Nor•. }�Ujyj q tfiern pactBG; and the 9L Yaul MinneaDals and Omahago Ball-: = y w tho ceRYer line of said ease belnB a: line described as fol FINAL OBDEB IIS ��EMfitATI4NBI�CEEDINGS. —easemen In the matter o)n j!istjjp, f condemn and at:tor"` of . a and 20 ft. i- cnit�.. Bineloer�s- - „caAtstruotiaagg sad maintaining a p01io:ai�a81� he Ohicago, 8t• Paul, '�ridt tc:aa-and across lotsl� t tCs 2d incl.' Minneapolis and Omaha RailWaye ,``the �entar line of `said easement beings 11ne described as follows: trOOk pommeneing at a point at "the Siilet Of the being 355-10 gfeet south and and Westminster Streets,, in said piMin# oh -Ng ,co T. 11}g,3g feet east of the monument at, tisa W. pit °xII uaftangeatnto2the*cent`er R. 22 thence to the righty on s ou$ 0o5t Ihenoe northerly, tangent to. the lint oY said sewer"through an angl le oY 240 last meti'o7arsta a &ietanoe of xl4. feet titielde to the left on a onxve la 20 a radiue,tangeat to the,lsn meationa line through an angle to a'poiat 263 35 ft• south cad-i37ti enoe�northeriyttangent tohe nthenlasto eat at the W. w. corner of Section 34 , rightangle of mentioned curve a distance Off514.25,1eetathe' s t oa a at an ft. radius 100 13t a distance aY,329 5 $ "of cj0o 001 thence aortl tangent to the last°mentioned 3iae through,eadistaaae;of"d5 feet, thence zvewast erly " AaAgsat to the :]cat ntemt �n� t tsQugh a�+�ie of "�i6 5 ' •: t ' !tsa to, +l to xigbt 0A a, urva o d atanae of :691 91 .ft. the�nee noxtitrl#�# to the las#= tte�t►ecl c .14 e o thence to the right to:°the .left; at;:an :angle. f 6° ii900' akd stanc s 4 a7n ioued line-through,.an angle on a= c of 4 ft.:radius tat3geta# t4 r meutdoned curve a.distanae of 450 pp!: thenaa northeasterly t�ertt to;x]:c en% to the i aY 1g�36"feet, ttxeaoe to the lef4� on£ � � �ii(1i�Yt.thhenceenortherly .tangent an;:ang&` 5 laat :ta®nfiioagd line .thYou.gh ��eqt thence to the -dight on le o the lg :: rationed oury etpthe last ment.ione "line throIIgh distance a Curve of u0 Yt. xedin t eat t0 tha last mentioned li e oY� thence northeasterly crag oil$ t�$ feet,,Y wide,:aa and across tha N P. Ay rightTof .Way eaaelent 5. from the existln$ -cutlet -oY thg 1`orh St •ge!ser.ta, the above described easement for' the main Siwer approximately ©a.andtao�ccres,the H. P'.- er g i-of—way on e]cso an easement 5 ? wi �?' existing teimixus.of the the,7.iAe of the eststing Wh1ta11 Mi f6i;, ermainaewer.. ,same to the-ibov.e desoribed.eaaemettt. foe 4t2} ae�11the'right-o4` ways of the ;sl so _.; easement 20 ft wise 0a. St Paul &Omaha and the Worthern Pacific, the;gioigo-� ttinneapolis the center.kine.of said. Minneapolis, .St.: Paul SaultSte. lari� f�aiiway8, easement being :a line-deaortbed as,f4ilowe; Ooiumattaing at the angle paint Yt. northerly-from the in.the main sewer "easement deal O eYeetoe stsoflthe, monuman% at the N. W'. point 263,35 feet south and 13 le"to the left with the aaid main sewer corner oY.'8ectiop-32.. thence on .an crag 4 a distance oY 18.00 feet, easement center line from the south of 3}P 7 ant to the thQpas to ;the 1.eYt on-a Darya oY 31.04 feet radius, tangent to the last" an angle oY.,47a 26, thence gesterly tang mentioned_ line through l feet, thence to the left at an last" ma,Utioned,curve a distance of 2lfest thence appxoximately 70"feet to angle"af.3o 49! a distance of 153. the existing` outlet of the y�anehaha St.ewer. where sash Rleo temporary easements for construction purposes on a strip 30 ft- Ra ori... on sideeroYtehe traokadoreother railroad aimprovements. is cod by P - j an�d�c.Wenzel- �i3B0 r ``SJk f i T__L y,. X j i 3 1 t i .. ...._ ..., a 7. rr 1 r } r ''..0 ni -f]. t .. Sf. is 9 k 1 �� ;L •i r ._ < Y t z r 1 r t ) L 3 C s) -r. r+"' ��r Y'.i�xt .tt 53. Vii y{�RY i 4 f= t. �.*.fi(3«+•ir Y //��� -pksrf �v e35i h'f 3` . .at . }.',}.g� +,-!' �+.�y" + t# rv' fl } '" �.'i" »',t�` �t §'V A10 .a yY° ,/' r:- n .L U n s tlf f-cTTt LV& t5 «�Ytj cixa ftiTGv T r Fit f 1 3� 4SZ.: i t'' A `.f' 1 1 6 zll, �0 `�7 t ' a 1 .iC✓' f T c } 1rp iAvi eILT ,"7 a<}E faL 6f3�j kT OT7:t}< z" �£a O VT f. ] Fi'° r7:di0A •" �i T (�IL'!: Sp# } ' sYr�] C, t t S i i 1; rj lirSTO`S. t i0 ',j rC'+'i POi3^,, C, "t r TT- V 07 t ti � '$,; } r SG5 P` 0? j 4 CTGji422"ora ; jTus Ot );Of •�v P, t..,7` 6 Y } .+10 i..'. J 2 r �5�,��' j'.` t l7a t 1 rc. 0 •r T, ;;.;,;z ^OL ffT[i� 1 '.!i '�^ .I7O$ Oj, 7SY1 sF'f"„y.,t.,fx�t,3L€. nq QTS .'I j •�' '+n 'i* }'T �:, d3 r, T l y >J4 .i r- 1aG Aft` ]'i' ,� t r P `l ren } T� L b i, U 1 d. eu p (0 7L7 J� j J 1� .rT �G171Tt Sti, hi fi a D� i fix` t�I3s..:' :Ii ' wir z f#3 0 + s�tc3att ifiu § F uCt �] .fSoC l7�:( } G �:'r}f�$¢SltrEiE7tsFY r 1 j 1 T{ r, n VOnr,*ifl Y Y rJsa s a i i ) IT a. ; r ti 1' Lei!S i t.' IIL V0 r� '�'-s t f -:iio4- iU a J .. `•-, c,lt F7 t� ra -r ,7U )C :f,t�.r. :: .S 1�'T7 under Preliminary.Order__6 approved�u .12,,1925 Intermediary Order�O _— approved—Io—v-10 5 ^^ Resolved• ' (1) Thatthe following'improvement be and the same 2 hereby ordered to be made, viz.: _Condemn and :take an :easement far`.obnatruoting and main- taining spublic sewer on a strip of land 20 ft. in Width on and aeroas,lota 21 to_ 2 ingl a ye _9lossk._1� �fesssn asci-8inaloA eB_.-Add•., -enc} the.- right -of. hays of the'Aortlern'Pacifio`and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis.and Omaha Railways, the oenter line 'of said easement being a line described as follows: Commencing at a point at the inlet of the Trout Brook Sewer at Rvoffia it andi Westminster Streets, said point of beginning being 355.10 feet' south and 148.38 feet east of the monument at the N. W. corner of section 32, T. 29, R. 22, thence to the right on a curve of 13 ft. radius tangent to the center line of said sewer through an :angle of $60 541 thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of 71.14 feet, shence to the left on a curve of 20 ft. radius tangent to the last mentioned liLne through an angle of 240 121 to a point -263.35`ft, south and 131.00 ft. east of the aforementioned monument at. the N. We corner of Section 32, thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of 514.25 feet,tlhence to the right at`anzangle of 100;131 a distance of 329-.51 ft. thence to the left on a curve of 40. ft. radius tangent to theL last mentioned line through an angle of 500 00' thence north- westerly tanent to the last mentioned curve a distance of 85.E7 feet, thence to the right -on a curve of 40 ft. radius through an angle of 480 571, ,thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of 691.91 ft. thence to the.left`at an angle of 60'001 a distance of 427.14 ft., thence to the right on a curve of 110 ft, radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 450'001 thence northeasterly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of .18.36 ft. thence to theAeft on a curve of 40 ft, radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 500 581 3011, thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of 152.66 feet, thence to the right on a.curve of 40 ft. radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 390 551 thence northeasterly tangent to the last mentioned line a distance of 103.9 feet. Also an easement,5 ft. wide on and across the N. P. Ry. right-of—wap from the existing outlet of the York St. Sewer to the above described` easement for the main sewer appr.oximately 60 ft. southeast 3from Mississippi St. Also..an easement 5 -ft. wide on and.across the N. ,P right-of-way on the line of .the ea eti;ig Whitall St. Sewer from the:'existing erminus of the same to the shove de'acribed easement for the';main sewer." Also an easement 20 ft. wide on -and across the right-of-ways of the Nor'the=n Pacific, the,Ohiaago, Minneapolis, St. Paul & Omaha and the Minneapolis, St. Pahl -Sault. Ste. Marie Railways, the center line of said easement being.a lune described as ,follows: Oommenoing at the angle point '.;`in 'the: ma.in-sewer ea.aenient' 'deseribed.;above as 914.29::M6 northerly. from the ®on c nl�, j r ,c.: e F Y ass L_s e s S ZiJ�.' Ta occrsbTeq p7, oGzMFusx.P _9zsofie oL O.PPGL MUTTLOsq TWbzoa.asu�a• _ 1,gge .ou sscTr eTye o1 .21Te apoae geacLspsq esesmsu;a exeeb.9 mFGzt: enoF TSU9 9Jeo �stuiJozsx7i ssasWGu�e hoz OOU8TT Cp:iou blr#oasa ou u epzsb s0 1;• j s GXT84TUE 011419; 01 .Tps yZTuusFeps' ar' 9GUGz' .,uPTG of 30 Tet a uaT—Ce of T��•1}S E6s�' Jsucs Erbbzox:FW9;sJ'2.10 Zees., -P0 Ts'a� Wsu4TOTTGq CTT.LaG 0- q.TeSt 9 of TJS'T1 ?ser' _'UGUCe -to RFs Ts1P 9.9 au meu;Torrsq Trus .TTJzOnRF su 9URTs 01 IdoS(t �Trsucs msa�szT7� �suRszTr o 06 rT7GTJC6 ;0 PTrs TC 37'ojt EGGe zaq na' ;avPsuf 'Co PG Tee. ssaei;sq�.csu�sz TTUG lzow pjjG aon;k o1 jT�o TFSt s gTs;S'TTC6 of T$'00 Esse' oozusL ,01 9scpTou S'rtrsuoG ou su sugTs ;0 pars T9T; as? -F -PFs eaTq ms zr esmss' boTu.p ,EGGp aonpF -.uq J- 1f= 1se.P GiMp Ox �T;s MOUMISu.r E4 FFG b:' 6L0 Tu .Pge ��Tu aGLez Gsaemcu; gsaczTPGq srpons sa TTM• E -P' QOL.PFezJA EL0 rFs GsresWsu.0 pGTuw s Trus asacLTpGq eve EoTTome: aoTve:GIJCT.UR U- PFG suCyG bolup YTrinaboTTe' aF' b'yn7 B�rnJF aTs• y�szTs gsTTrr,91,0 -PPr ceu.Pez TTus 01 8 Tq 'OZ�PFsZu B9CT: TO' PF6 OgTCsPOI ; Tsrz*GsbO3-Ta' .. 9T'bsnT q; OmS7*s suq .PFG vlao su ssesfvsu.� 50 142- faTgs OXT VIM :scsoaa TFrc yIal`P-OZ t:2aa of ri e a: s go PTTs spoae gGECLTpGq GUeGWGu; ZOL ;TTG zuaTv asmsz' .PTTs TTue CE PPG sxr8.9TIA LIPT.fs'JT aT'' 2GMGz ELol4 :Fs sxT8;Tuo. .PGLWTurra o1 RFs yTeo su sd'escaGu4 a E-• A'Tge ou uuq voLoae r.TTs T,• b• zT&F.;-o1-IAgx ou G:aa GWGU.P T,OL pue Wa'Tu @GmGL abbzoxTWs�GTa e0 T; • aofrtvsae; gzom r,TaeTaaTbbT 84P•. Izom -PPG Gx.TGrTvR oMrTGF oT tpe xOLY a.P• aGmSL po rue fr;pons gsaC!Tpsq ?180 SG9ge GoGu¢ Sr• u.T?e ou Guq sczose -;'G I4• b• Ya' LTEi:V.P-OE-h:S'% ST 0T. 7J3'a T.GG.P • O 300 �Lt�t Py GLiCG u0Z.PJGffE4'5ZTX ;ZFIJ:GuVPG Toucq .RU U7u.P 97JC6 s Orrzas 01 1{0 a.P' z%gTrre FsvEszr.F Po RFs J-sep rjGu;Touoq 3 -TUG PIJMOJTCg siJ-auRTs ,,@�o X170 IT2pr oupo RFs Tse wsu;ToIIsq cnzas s qTspsucs o172s1s 7sF &�0�' cs oz JezPsuFsv ;TseP uGUToueq Tu�M ae oy0 '.sTna pawrGr; go pyeof 7&'3Q 1FPFsuos o AFsTs1F ou g crrg OT, Tt-o 00s Osucs zroz.PFsse�Psx71 ;axiReu;, ro :FFs Tse; MGIY;Tousq crrzns s gTePsucs ou a cnzns 01- T10 1-' LsgTne ;suRsu-P ;O CFe Tga; msu;Tousq TTuG FFZOSTEP su sugrs , po pFs Ts1; 'U -P au yv-.TG c:Cto .004 s qTe.991Vcs,ol Tr51'111' U ETIG zr.os 40RFs xT> Ff uoLPTJezTa '.PSWP_suC .PO ePG Tse.r Msu.FTousq Crrza6 s gT84%VOs-O.E eaT<aJ E -F• .PFsuos' �o -PPG zTRFfi oTT a crtzas.oE'', N1F' xsgTrta Tgzon p su ,Sw le OE 11 c�St' �Fsucs msa�sLTa psuriszTP ;o' Fs Tseg ursuPTousq saxes s g7e.C�zres oy` ga• leer' psucs :Psu&sub .ro 4Fs Tsa.�;wsu.�TOIIsq T?'us ;FLorT?TT su rayG O� X00 00t 4FG-U voxpy- TOO Tar a gTa_psuoe o� 35a' J E.P• TFGUOG 4Po T -Fs Js1�,ou s cnzns o1 Teo E zsq na wsu.PTousq cnias s WS.PZVcs oE'.�TTt'Sc Zees'. VGUOs �o'FFs LT2Fr sT aurUe OE s -P EFs TV til' cozusL ':O1 ,9sC TOu 35' 4P Trsucs .aOz.PFssT1,:4ffZRsQ.P.. Po -PFs Tse . .go e bo;up, Sq'? -p Vit' .aorr;F vdq.?37'00 te' 09-64:0Z rps zr:C0XG GI4Toueq MOIYTmearf±. ' 01 50.-E-• ztrgxna 0URGiT0 0 .PIFs T-904!Meu.rTOVGq TT00,417LorrRF 1Ou PWR?e o STfo T5i TV84 tusu;Tousq OrTS.AG s gja�3uce o1 ST •T`t 1660r$?Jsucs go RFs Je3� ou .s .CfJLaG Trus of 6579eGmeL :{TFLorTKV, VIT MvgTG 01 pQO }� �Fszrce uoz�FsxT1+ �su�su Eo RFs Y. SS'; PIIGUCG ;0 CFs ZTEF�, ou Erl cnLA6 01 3.1 U' zsgTna> �su�su� Fo rgs Csu�sL , suq Jif? 3e 1ss� G96;01 PFe Wounwely; Lep. 4F6 u` At*, COWGM OX 2GO4!'6u 35' �• sd• 140 II7szrq'g�se�mTue�sz.9¢zss.!s' esTq bOTttt OT PORTuuTUR psTuR P;_�'•TO IGG.9 8017;F 0omi r mGir k V -P t!' bo Tb. o' _PFG SuTs4 01 PFs yzoBzoo3r aslasz 'ez rsTTm930 _.Pg6 OGu-rex Trus',oZ ss?q G9eGWGU_- psTn& s'7Tus gsecxspcq se EoTroe+e:` (2) That the following jland, lentis or easements therein be and•the same"are hereby -taken, appro prated and.eondemned for the purpose .of making the said Improvements -- f _ - �taining n' "VIU aereir on `a etaip ofend 20 ft. in Width on'WA 4=098 lois 21 to 'in,,c3�eivt , hook , rar W WinaloW=s ".mid., an t5d":sem-of-�aeys of the''8ortheM,ptotfic and the 6hICAffaa,,. Sti. Pailal Minneapolis .aud tlnaha RailmaAy6� 0V oonto r�Iine "s� ati 'easement heir$ a rine described as foiloWst Comeaenci at a po. int at..the .ret gR tke Trout Brook �teWer at. RnrJ.dell and 'West nater Streets, said point of beginning being3y .10 00 south and 14S.3> fib 0% east of ..tits monumeat at the -.N. V. corner. of $pager Sar 2. 29• R. 221 thence to the Tight on & curve of 13 t radius tangent to the center line of said aaros th� an anon _- 6° &+�thenoe:northerly t�gOn�i' to the les# zgenpi4 ., 4e- a %W of 1.1 „poet• i zonas to the left on a► cure of 20 "ft, ieadius, tangent io Aht 1aas mentioned line' through an angle of A 18 � to a points.203M ft. south `441d ft. east ivf the aforementioned monument at the 1. M.. corner: of SeStion 32v thane northerly ,,.ian at to the last mentioned ourve a dietanoO of 514.25 feetlUORoe to thea sight aftaVi etacliuf 100 13# a distance of 329 gi ft. theade to the left OR a Curve - iti0 tangent, to the last mentioned line through an angla of 500`0'�� thentse;north- Westerly tangent to the last mentioned curve a diotaaaoe o3 t�feet t, thence to the. right OR acurve Of 40 ft. radius through aneAKle: of.�► - 7�' thencenortheil . gent : to the last mentioned curve a, diietaenoe of 691.9 ft.: thence to the left at an angle of 60 o0° a d;iatance of 427.14 ft., thence to the Tight On a curve! of 40 ft. radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 450 tangent to the last mentioned curve a distance of ia.36 ft..thenoe to the left on a curve of 40 ft. radius tangent to the last menteone4t line through an angle of 500 S' 30't thence northerly tangent `to the In mi s eatiai�ied ;parvo a. distance of 15 .66 feet th+enos to the ri ►t on a, curve 6VA6` > . reditts �angen^t to � �1 the last mentioneirie through an :angle ego 5511 tlee-anoxtheasterly ' tangent, to 'the 'last,'. mentioned lino a. distance of 39 feet. �1} Also, eiigamoAt Sex ott'e�. acsrose the ii. P.« gY. ri t-o�'�sy ;v � ; 4' lest mentiaried cuv*6 a diatat>ae tlf 7.17 feet, i►Anoe to the' left at -an angled of'.'f0 ' a''distanoe of�153.42:fact Onc# it pro�simately 70 feet to the eaieting outlet of the hianehaha?t.er. Also temporary eaeemehts fof' oonatritpti . '�►uxpoaes on a strip 30 ft. Wide on each side of the ';above des o bid Oita except where such land is occupied kry nermanert tracks or ber rail mprovements. T 0 IJG G ., f, .1 ; o I ;Tn V tQV� -�X- ') X T� j\ 71—F ' I ' 4 bq 3'TIJG j. T] Tb T IJ Ile cc 3T 'IN, w, T ` S J. - Te 00wx &TqG Corr AGI .I$eF P'T . 0,11f ;p, 1,4 Stre 6rIGT34 boliviv Sf Til -PPP p2l ZUTTIOCrg TwbLOAG7JGK74S- a,Tqe. o;%p;yr. �rPOAra, qe bC I LPGZ6 8flOpr l!Wllq GueGmou;8 GXGG %0 ZO wbbXOxTjuu;eajO.,;GG; to lye ir sup, w A �Iv i 4 XV �0 "tro1, 7 ld C; JC I? i7l 4 a _Q:! V,- T 7 3 ly v -1— 41�1 " )Ij z -A f� A` J W." J 4 T T j:iz; `TQrI f. 41 #0 C, 0. V, Q �z- q -ri q (3)That the :assessments of benefitsand award of damages for the taking and APProp . riating. the. : , : above land,� 1.6 or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. A ConnciL MAY 1 21926 191 Adopted by, the d -- - ----- - ------ - MAY 1 2 C Clerk..1925-, Aeve p�p Mayor. Clancry ft ggle --maontad Sudheimor T -v -v -------------------- 65391 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF* FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of condemning sins! %04129` an eaftablent for constructing anQ ssaein.. tataire a �i P4141d sever on -a.. strip -.of lsat>ts 2f1 ft,. -in width nd on a`ucrostr lott 21 to ft sncluvo, Block 1, VUren ,anti tinslox00 hddol smd the right-of-sgayt Of the Northern Pacifio =nd the Qhioaagas., dt..i°aUlp hl° ngesapolis WW Omaha.-- Railways, the canter line of sac,id easement bgttg a litre described e$ follows, OdmmenOIAS at ra point [it the inial' of the Trout Brook newer at R�aada11,w&sPeo miastcr Struotgp seAd point of bezinn ni being 355-10 f+set soczRla' slid 148.38 feet east of the monument at the %. go corner of section 321 To 298 R. 22, thence to the right on as-4ur94 of 13 raAlus tw%mt to the setter line of said olmer throuug�h sx► Bangle of = bio jai' these northorly tru�snt to the last mentioned ou"o a d. stanoe of 7101 Meat venae to the left_on a rr,h�re *f 20 ft. -r it as; un to to the lssel�U Ali a 8hftwb an avow- of 2 W 124 to a point ?63.35 ft. south and 131.110 ft. out of the aforementioned monument at the A. A. 000neie`bt motion20 thence northerly taenlent to the lar mention curve a dlet€.noe of 5 4.25 feetpthence to the sight at sa ,angle Of WO 131 a distance of 329.51 ft. thence to the loft on to curve of 40, ft. r4djue t::,ngent to the last mentioned linea through an anale of 500 €t;?' themes north- westerly ttn ent_to the 1€estt szaentiesaaed curve Fa distance at' 8 .i3y fact, thence to the tiglat'tim e`'atfrvb `of h0 ft"."ratiiu+s'through angle -of the r'7p theme northerly tent to the Uot mentioned curve a digtasr�ce €rf 6g1.�;� f€. thanes to the lseft- 6"t � on at'416 of 66 0.60-`6 distsanoe of 427.1E ft, thence to the right on x a wf of , 40 f#. rang uo tt elnt Ltd the last mentiotsed . ino through , angle Of 4 0'-' thence' northehdtctl'k t;xsagent to the lata mentioned curve a distr�nee of 18.36. ft.,;-th,=0e,:to the left on a, tome of 4t ft. :jwjj is taasagent to':tho last mentioned lime through :an angite of 500 90 30+1 thence northerly tp.A gout to the Inat 4wationed curve P. distance .of:152.66 feel, thence to' the right on is curve of 10 tt. rsadiut tangftt to the last mentioned lino through �A Angle of 390FA& thence szortheastarly VAR942A. to °thee lash mentioned line is distanceof 103. feet. also = d a" ment ft. wide on 'and noraiess this N% 2. Ry. ri 41tol s dy from the existing, outlet' of the York tat. newser to the atsove demcrVbcd eaevnni, ter the min Geller ft*roxl.aitely 60 ft. coutheP:0 sfrom U1681881lsp3. age. aaxsa yn easement 5 ft. wide on and across the 9 p, rie�btt-of-Way can the linea Of the existing ahWal St. ,lower from the existing tervinus of the same to the ateove described easement for the main sower. Also sn eaatment 20 ft. aide on and coos a the rit,ht-ot�sr3ya csf the terthern Pacifier, the ohic4go, Uiaraedirolis, tat. Paul & OWa ms otnd the yinnetat*iig est. Paaui & 'Rault Zte. Uaaris Railaayo# ,the center line of ,said ea asntaat being a line described as tcllcaws; 04mmencing at the xarafclo point In the ?mit► sewor easement docacxibeti atsoTo. as !'1.4.25 ft. zWrthe�ar fr6h the Point 2613.35 fewest south and L31..ono feet east of the seem meant at the Per s.. AWAST of unction 32,thence on an angle, %a the heft with the said main (Bove, etxaement center lifts from the south of 34. 476 dietiui of 15.111 feet, thence _to the left on a curve of 31.01; Poet radius, t*;tent to the last stent€onod lint throuj, aur twele of 47n 26, thence ivester y tangont to the lash mentioned curve a tiisteanee of 117.17 feetp thence to the left ;at can cash of 3s' 491 r distAnee of 153.42 feet thence saps )roxiwately To feet to the existing outlet of the ttianehaha at. fewer. Also temporaxy easements fer Construction purposes span c. strip 30 ft. wide on eah aside of the above described esavemfints except where such lend j is oocVied by nprsss-anent tracks or otbor rallseed tworovsa casxto. Under Preliminary Order .......... approvedAUgA.12+19.25L; Intermediary Order. 6.3.0 R 0 ------ approved....-.. xqy_49.19?5- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed anddeterminedthe amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Com loner of Finance. a j _-V .4 + Zti. w Under Preliminary Order .......... approvedAUgA.12+19.25L; Intermediary Order. 6.3.0 R 0 ------ approved....-.. xqy_49.19?5- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed anddeterminedthe amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Com loner of Finance. Ratifying and and Awards of Damages In-thenafitte- f condemning and _taking- 4a4__easement for 65891 Constructing rind maintaining a publia sera:*`on a strip of lund 4o ft. in - •idth on and raoross Lots l� 2, 3r 4 5 and 6, Bloislz '. tdicete Trout'I3rook Addition a�nri that pert of the PIE 114 of'the as 1/4 of Section 30, T. 29 ft. 212 lying gent of Ed. Rica's Trout Brook Addition, and Lute 129 13, 20_ond ?.l, A0yt0s Gutlots, and lots numbered 9 and 24 in blocks 2, 3, 6, 7, aent- pinoter Addition, from a point near York k1t. and Hississippi 2t. northerly tQ: l3xeryiruad 0t., the center line of said strip being a 'line deAcribed as follows# Commenoing; at as point on the center line of Mississippi at. 100 ft„ north of the north line of York St., thence southwesterly at yin xangle of 112 dcgreee, 19 minutes with said center line, as distance of 95 feet to the point of beginning, thence northwesterly to a point on tho center of theta St. 20 ft. crest of the went boundary of Brookside Additioz>, thenal nortdac:riy;;-Lo a mint OR Lha :max%h line OfgnOliaa St--, 20' f't: 01%f of- the most ding of Lot 25 H1ook 7 Westminster Addition, thence northerly to a point on the center fine of ZnyUdt tit. 29 `.00; it. eat of the 1/4 114 moment at the southeast acraer of the 43{ 7 4 of the or 1/4 of s tion 19, T. 29, H. 22.. Also a temporary easement for aonstructionpump a.ep on a strip, of hand 30 ftv'in width on each side of the above aieeoritied easement on andtaoroan Lotti 1 to b inClunive, 'Block� and Lot 1, Mock A, Zd°. Rice's Trout Brook . Addition and that part of the. 1/4 of the ).% 1/4 of Seotian 30, T•29, R. <2 lying vest of fid;. Rice's Trout Brook Addition, and Lots 12 13?0 and 21, Aoyts Outlets and Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 Mock 2, and 1,ots 7, � 91's ad 10, Hioak RLA p l.dsy und., jots ntawbered :10, . K, g. and 25,; Blocks 2, , 7. Alno an e"ement for constructing; and maintaining a public seater on strip of 7 and 24 feet In width on and across Lots ?4, 2k 26, 27 14, 13, 12 rand 110 J. Vt. Hass' Garden Lots from Haryland 'It. to lortlnnd St., the center line of saaid strip being a line described as follonat Beginsing at the, above, mentioned point on the center line.of Saar isannd St, 291.00 -ft. east cf the waument at the southeast aornar of the OW 1/4 of the 1-39 1/4 of Section 190 To 29, R. 22, northerly 16.16 feet on the extensionof the line through the point on the north line cf;:.UagAoiia St. 20 resat 'crest of the went line of Lot 25, Bio©k 7, riantminsier Add., thence to the left on as curve of 60 ft. radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 55 degrees, 54 minutes, thence3 northwesterly twant to the last mentioned curve, :a distance of 739.75 rest, thence to the left on ea curve of 60 3t, radius twk;ent to the last mentioned lina through an an of 29 degrees, 10 minutes, thence westerly tangent to the last-4aentioned sv oue a distance of 34.:10 ft. Ahence to the right on a curve of. 60 ft. radius tangent to the last mentioned line throuch sun w le of 44 degraae, 15 minutes thence northwastarly trangent to the 1t�t.trentioned cutye a dia�- trance of 403.01 ft., thence northr•;esterly at adabklc to the left of y line inrnUE n an F31a�..•.1© of 4g ae rets, �; minutes, thcncca northerly trxnent to the lant mentioned curve 'ra diatxlnco Of 236.51 it., thence to the left on a curve of 61) ft. radius tftnfa,ont to the last mentioned line through an angle of 64 degrees, 277,mintttee,.thence northwenterly tangent to the, last mentioned curvy: a diNtance of 360.85 feet to a voint.on that center line of Cortlond Eat. E2j r5 feet north of the northwest"corner of the 'SW 1/4 of.the BE 1/4 gf 6600 on 19 T. 29, R. R2. Had a teporary easement for csonetruat on rAwposes an ;n strip of land 30 ft, in width on each side of the: above cdeacribedeapezent on and ...across Lots 23 to .27 inclusive :and 10. to 14 inclusive>R, J. W. Basal 08rden ts. Aisa.-ash en aemoht Y©r°.[sortstae ctiny andmain%t 6VUh1,4,n ii.wr - � a 3J yr 7 rr � � t 1•: r" ; � ; g •i 1 � k � : r:at f s fM 61 under Preliminary Order ----- 37g-. .._-. approved..Au9.12*192�Intermediary Order._6 Or 9.... , approved.. 49v.10-192- --__-,--• A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, AxZKMXj%XToM and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the sa is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be t further Resolved, that the said assessme and it is here -----------.......... ---------equ • a ments as to eac parcel of land described therein: - APR 1 3 1926 Adopted by the Council... ----- --------- ........_._..__........---.---_._..._....._..., 192 ........ APR p 3 I Approved_.............................................. ............. 192_.. 11110 stlwr on�i• i'-. elt iD.oC lead ft n w.�Qth oP and 1, aaroas_-7I,,,potn `� 2 8 8 aytd 8 •81oek j`.. �, 1 8 ,Sd: R1oe s TronfBroo A8dIt1oP and•tuat D'6rt of tke FID ,�i'of the , 1': '8�6 of 9jgd ttRtcse-Tr r, Be0o$'Ad dltton. ,and Lots 32 18 80 and 83. $o s'.Outi,R,tM'wBPd tote numUered 8 LEI/IN ww {• 8.,.2 3 G 7. -Voest- E IYSV\ FINAL -ORDER IN G ;.r A� LrCmafe lu1 kyiear F.,.k: Ht. •! ?� s' .iii v_..,: �,'. N1 m_.._ �u-the metier of oondemni_ ng and taking anamen far_ - _- Oons.tructing-.sad.-maintaining--a--publio--sewer on.a-strip -of -land 40 ft. in width ,on and across Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and''6, Block 5, Ed. Rice's Trout Brook Addition-j--and--that part of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 30, T,- 2% R. 22 tying west cf Ed. Rice's Trout BrooY ition, and Lots 12, 13,20 and 21, Hoyt's outlots and lots numbered 9`and Win blocks 2, 31 69; 7, Westminster Addition, from a point near York St. and Mississippi St. norther. to Maryland St., the center line. of said strip being aline described as follows: Oommencing at a point on the. center line of Mississippi St. 100 ft. -�north of the north line of York St., thence southwesterly at an angle of 112 degre,es, 19,minutea with- mid .cen;?ii terne- i distance of 95 feet. to•the point of•beginniug, thence, northwesterly ta•a point on the center of Vase St., 20 ft west;!.oftthe west:boundary of Brookside Addition, thence northerly to a point on the north line of Magaolia'St., 20 it. west of the west line.of Lot 25,.. 1 11 Block tti;]9�etmineter Addition, thenoe northerly to a point on the center line of corneryofAthetif 1/4 of291.00 ft. theeSEt]/4 ofof eSeotton 19, 29',aR.t22 southeast 'd-lSO,a temporary easement for':construatioa'purposes on a, strip of land 30 ft. is width on each side of the- above described easement on and Acrose,Lots:l•>to 6 inclusive,Block,.5 and•Lot l,_Blook'A,.Bd.'Rices Trout Brook.Additioa and that; part, of.,the N 1/.4 of the. SE 1/4`.of Section 30, T.29, R.•22 lyi went;;oi Bd. Rioe•�s:;Trout Brook •Addition,"and Lots. 12, 13, 20 sad 21, Hoyts�tlots.and•.Lota 7:,:,-9''and 10 Bloek:2, and:I,ote 7, B -9, and 10 B1ook 3,: Brookside,and•lots numberedl0,3, 8 and 25,.Biooks 2,.�j, b and 7, 9�estminster Addition.; Also; an easement for eons ,moting ftud maintaining; a public; serer oa a strip of'land:2 feet in width on.and egrpes los 24,•255, 26, 27, 14, 13, 12 and 11,•.7 �P.;•Basel aardon.,Wts, from Maryland,;St to, �tortland St-# the center line o' said strip beim aline desaxibed as follows• Beg3: ►ning, .at,, the above mentioned point czi'lt%e center line of Maryland St ,291 00;ft.�east of the monnmeat;at the�eoutifeaet corner of the Sk i/4 of the BE 1/4 of Section: 19, T. 29, R."22, nortlieriy•16.16;feet on the extension of` ;the.,line_ thiog,gh the point :`on• the ::north;,line of Magnolia ,St . 20.. feet: west of the west line'of Lot '25,?Block 7, Westminster Add., thence to the -left on.•a;-ou;V, of 60 ft. 'radius tangent to the__last mentioned line through an angle. of 55 degrees,• 54 minutes, thence northwesterly,taagent to -the -last mentioned curve, a,.dietance of;739.75 feet,,.thence to the l'eft'_.'on'a.curve of•b0.ft.;radius tangent,, to the last mentioned line through, an le'Of 2g. degrees,; to minutes, thence westerly tangent to the last mentioned, curve, a distance of"34.10 ft. thence: to. the Lright on a curve of 60..ft.`ie�lius. tangeat_to.ahe last.mentioned line through an.angle of `44 degrees, 15 minutes thence,anorthwesterly tangent to the last mentioned ourve'a..distance of 403.01 ft ; 0, ijl ggcp ST990 0 0 aio,ae;;ro� .09,41Y I Gol 0 T13 6MOIn -T-ojl� T, Boll ft1jes U -P Girs ojTjjOjqjJ�P_ ;9ugGi. IT111 gTeo;I\* Oir 5 0 , V ou 'gve -o'T, oz ro-P I, TIM C01,17015a7 :Xoi; je jjes.; I. �o,sr bOTU; TO + ;T�s;GZ YqLAj+1 1C,*rG 0 T.; a. 81oag S'1freG 6G..U.PGT, 0% boTTJ; vol v 3' TU 6V �pVG Po Ve Ou nyr- rasa 334C dG 0 .,j.P,Gw z ITS iweT iq 0, ov;ve ell o j��F_tiYTJTIJ I'll,ucs Too )aa-uVeF, T V gs$zssa 3aUITUM orz� ATG�Tsvrb T G Vs. rIsTilt!e'. 04 :q G 0 YJ 01 T. silt UV4. + f + G0LjZG13oT PIP 107, or, o 0 T d T 50 ikerl-47 z is' 7 7 6 "2 2,M.5, intermediary Order --A �elary.,.Order-..-:-.--61-371--.—, approVe under Pr approved7`Nov 10 7- ,V V ordered to be made viz.: impro7emeut be. and the same is hereby ooildemn- sad -take - an eaaemen for 'd )#a nQWeX 0 Const am _4 t 4�-jjjj6js Lots 1 2 � 3' 4, 054ild -ZM I g 7 Black Ed. Rioets Trou Width 90:Z 01 0 0 46 1j4 of tb 1/4 of -'Section 30 T. Brook Additi6xL,�-and--tlh4t'-Pix-t-'Of --th L, "d Lots 12j 1�i 20 J Wes !of Ed. Rica's Troixt-,Brook Additior R L 22 lying 4 in blooks 2 3 6, T, and O's- Outjots•j .. and -100:--iuMbeked 9 2 U U, nq;ther3l Addition, from A.Point near Tork St. and ViigdOOV of said ;to MArylitnd". 6!!ce 'te*-- lifts A � strip �Uillj ali"�-dltioijt . esissiv f A 4 point on'.1 of.�Y I no at. t CA ol 0"l -112. thence, og at" southwester tth, ind of York, north of the t line,, a dittance- 0 feet to 'p _Oage �gtr.;-; 20 int degre0p, 19, Ming 281 1 1 - mid don ex of� orthosterly-ib, a point' on the center �.$"Brooks146� idditio#; thenoe. northerly to a POW' meet- , 0 A1ff`O,.pt,, ouiiiiii, , - � - _ -, t. . 1*t"95 20 of 'this � West line -of' Le t 4 t Line, of , 11 PAIA, -at,., on the. Center, 'line 0 point e • be istAinater Adliti6ill, thencii v�6xtheri� to 06 he 114 1/4"Monumelit At the southeast of.. 291.00ji.14ast ofthe1-22 :1 of, the -SE 114 of Section .1% 1 29 pU4rPo8eq.'oU =21truOtion strip, of easement for ( is A"t,O)n 0 ary ee eels Trout ft in M,w on each side of the abOVOL'-desoribed easeimeut,-,on A14 a I area '9j to G U101,U'siVe Block 5 and Lot A; 13100 Ed ' Ai 1 -of S�6ti6n,)O,' T.29, Brook"Add fibn end that 'PATt.1-Of -1/4 of theI. R. "1 -0 -10, 9 , st, f Vd �'Rloq I S, Trout I§Took Additi ii,: a :Lots 12, 13i'26'and 21�_Hoyte Clots and Lots 8 9 and 10 B10 tO T,' 8 9 and 6(j. 10 ,13 S_ 2 look's '2, 6 and 7,' - d lots u1mbel ;,go �7estmiaster Addition: &lso as easement for-oonstructing and main 0 sewer on A across 'Lot 27, 14.'13, a Stri 0 24 feet in width.On d st.,tbe ft.�Am Late, from Maryland 12 Beginning at the above mentioned point onithe center line of Maryland St. 291.00 ft. east of the monument at the southeast corner of the SW 174 of, northerly 16.16 feet OUL the extension the BE 1/4,.'L�cf Section 19, Ti'L129, R1. 22, north 1 1 1 if -Magnolia St.,20 feet, West of the lin6__,th*cUgh:the point on.the north IiUO:( I left 'Westminster Add.�' thence to the of. the -.14 of '10t;25, Block TP d li11S.'thXOU " .6n M", 1. L I the. 1 Mentioned -an A �.dd of rNt.'I'ladius tbngeiit�to, set''. 11 �enoe northwesterly langent the L last angle of minutes , t f degrees' j6j to the left on a curve "Q� L GUjje�L, a,*_di0t 75 fest,"t 01 an tangent 29 '•6q, tC;:?i4 the of C' he a 't efst, of,, to�L' tenon degrees, 'eUds':L,t*,t rib, ft; �11,rAdiwl he tj&tL.cjj_.s1"4='V,n%`o• an sngp�� th urQa d' 4 I'D" n"'Utt ',to 0. :line i"X Md L li A& of '-40;Ti.0. v', t it 30. lit; lift L distance ft., thens3tr,northXrster it angle, the legit _�i V , MUM a through sh, A;WW TR 1reit-1 ft _04 0" As� 'Ma. ios�eirul t en A,'pq POVU r �he`"lastaeater linementioned,: ourvs. a2 f :tJod�tlsrid Sty " 55 $iEA 77. 4; F-2 t L X P,� of t Qt 1jind' side of the Above described less wet a�n eat ' SAO 6 "17` P., 'A A t Garden on V 0, j'nor o 0014i 801 P aT v rog 0 nd ok 2 and LO 5 B maintaining publi Lots 24 i 26,� gortlan 0 d" 0 a ew A'oysterof t V. 3300 19 T t _ , 1 0 t1ce '11orf '_OetOrj'T_ 0 Lt2 t enoe lrestery ca the ;said oQdter ii a+tbt a w 8 on Sylvan j. 4ss PI -it 2. f , 4,11�', z -7- 360La4- Plat, 29 :,then",` 'ad tylv _P= strip esaribed eanetnent6n and .29, R. 92 and Soo Line Lwas IFINUMIN AMMAMME 1. T"LT}!,' 4", r_ 7 ? +r,C n i I,rr` t '* a j'f t °.. +7 +1 C + .a J.,Fc 2�^` •. t" -.7ifi C.:.. x, i; 1 1� r 1 :7 TT 6 -ti ° PL7"CTt 6 L-nF t^ _fT`l.i (Z 7 z1{' ?0 jJ iL'..(• + 1 T f 7 - Y 7 OTE`-} c' ,E t. J.. Ct (Cl \> > •S ^'� ,.tt'" _:JE..( Yr _ > >T,iI7l�. �'7 - : 6,1` (J + J MT t}'Ma v .t r err€�F>Io;r irt, :TXT rAT..J'.iY..t...t{' a =r:''1 'Tf7,sp qu lo17tti' G.T,-:'Y£T' Tic ;`ci r ui , T }7 )' �I>9.: Tlr z'.;;3."-.1 b,ttF,7;,^. -7;DS C+JU . �.t;Q•% J� .�w'CS fr z:ZF'-ir TI ...Tr,: tT brj ? `. r ..t,hIlGL rJ.LT:. e 8&i Xit.0 *�,,+.G�' 7Ci. �`r!7l?v!. .' •: - .. ',, i+rC� j'.;;{ F)"7ITT4j, j .S _., '�:� v a a �" :3ST6 z.. �' B OCTr {#tsrfD":a s7a{ ;+tga k' ac ] 'Tu S' fFsir i'o_gr, S ��oirF,X .d . C Q5 i-'crf;�' r.•, 7ijr O.T +''JC a�T T 07. ii'GG, ,t7AF '?moia T •-a 0101 xx 0'j xf) JXTu1'tr: r ' t> r. rh; 7'.2lrarkrre'�2 1017;.- 7 u *:} , ;�,*` TU c „LI'•.C,li ,,7X7 .•iC].T t UC CST �:,.E-iJt 't:E)/s6,, ,f t< .w (lE� ,.5.(tCi tir 617::riT. ej;3d ( t 7 Ri:C'Xii:ti. b , (-T U,' ,),L r}?7F'3113:17.¢?Uy" )JTjCiY u ,LT v 4j. a, Tb, p{' ai `a�.7�crt? .aha !.IA.� )O :rti_, : .al �F" YASu^1 I r}'f ; .✓"';' n7 t 7t`E L7 J'is :Td .)OS1:F CU rjF; ccXr* ), ,j,T;sG OXT- 9 SF.^t ',."riJ TrF.7S.',d t,a 'V T; @, _,� n. a >j: r,.3t• n Ute:` ixG BrT T U ,r PC,h L, Ire; }7 ht'i'�'J 3Ti 0 '£..Q0 K2Urjb tjC ':E rroL,° J.7 C d PC' FX,rX7 P Ci r x Ivadj,:OS'GG, or c zl 4r�a 'svn� { 7 fiv F. •u , T �r'rz ea €7 rtT .r .ter a=' sr 'fidF+a,oalr} OQ rTl yT (f F TTL r T rYS �i2 3� ° �I7 7 G3 q}7P_ it:^a1+1 r� b iT 9 i j 47 6 .73 y>j7fcL {Y;fi S <T7L' J0 iT,r J7Y rip rlrrG7 ]�i7 aq s3 ,f 23)3kifr� T-1 k ` �"•J:7I'jT TYFT: ,� Id -:'_fi j1..?Yflw3:i3..'+C'?;f t.�e r -•-T t).. rT.. `,-[r r' tS' ,,TF T.,vi_^ ,a•:::.: ;fc7>r•3 ix ,�..., .. i, '-S ,*7:'t ,Y' n-rn, ,..,a ra' >a ,,.� is � (2) That the 'Eollowing'+land, lands o; esaementa therein be;and the Same are herby taken, apprq prated and condemned f r the purpose bf making the Said; Improvements vis.:_ a strip of land 40 ft. in on and,•a�srossi ste '1� '2y -3, +►- g ander, -Block- 5, -ft Rtoa+a ;R ut Bro0k, �. i�tioa� 'tt�Pd that part of the 1M 1%4 of the as 1/4 of oeotibA, �' T, 29„ 2,2 lfingvest--of Sd 'Rioe+e_.Trou�t-D=-0lc-Adtit�ion, aict o"t"s3 , 13. .2Q and �oyt0a Gutlots, and lots numbeaed � and 24 in blacks 2,..3, 6, 7 -WAS* Minster addi'ti'on, fram a point near Xark at. aid Mieeiaeipp1 at. northerly to Maryland St., -the center line of said strip. being a line described a's follows.. 0ommenOing at a point on the center line of Mississippi et. 100 It. .1 north, of='th4 nor b.linetof York.St,:, tbAnOO souttil►enter€`i aS atl'ang a of j.'12 degrepp,j9 minutes.;wi$h asid::oester;line, a dtat'"Oe of 95 feet to :the po3ut', of bt�ginriYng,'thenoe northweeterly',to a point on the center of'pase St. 20 ft west of the west:>bou;�dary"of'Broo'kaide Addition, thence north ezly to a point on the north line of Magnolia St.; 20 ft. west of the.,�teat llneiof Lot 25 Block 7, Westminster ABditicn, thence no to a pcitY4 an the center line of Maryland St. 291.00 ft', eaet of the 114 1/4 monument at the southeast corner of the SW 1/44 of the BE 1/4 of ftotOn 19,, T. 29, R. 22. Also.a temporary easement for conatrneti"n purposes on -a strip of land 30 ft, in width on each side -of the abovd, deeoTlbod eaaebaent on and across Lata 1 to 6 Inclusive, Block 5 and Lot 1, Block A, 8d.. Rioe.e Trout Brook Addition and that part of the 1/IF of the 4g 1/4 of Section 3b, R. 22 l Ing west of'2d. Rioe►s Trout Brook Addition, and Lots 12 13, 20 and 21, $o n nutlote siui Lots 7, B, 9 and 10 Block 2, and Lots 1' 9 and 10, Block �.8rookeide -and numbered 10, 23, B and 25, Blocks 6 and i, Westmiriat", Addition. Also 8a a strip o4 land 2 deet in Width on and across Lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 14, 13, 12 -and 11, J. N.,Bass� Garden Lots from Maryland 9t. to Gartland std, the center Line of'sei& strip being a line deseribed,as follows Beginning at the 'above:'menti0ned Aoint oa the centex line of iia�r�]/land 7 X 2f .r z +• .'S n 'may. ;a.. � '" 1 ". � ++: r' `"moi t ..� F4'r,'�',' sg 'ra�';``� ` nit ��' q r" westerly bn the 'oaid` ceatetr line TM nage �rpdticie� oto Sylvan ; t'. �� A1ekQ a teiaporary easement or Conatrti Y puapaaee on a strip 0#' 3rd jE� ft.' iaidth oa'eaoh aide,>of the aboYkeacribeti ®asament yin and_ /9 29, R. 22 tinct Soo Line across tho e biS 1 4 of the Ss 1 4 f Section 1 4 �k Pint 2. ]`f nlf a,j t r S7 �;U ,uu I e� J (r C-,js F +{ E J 'Ire y. ut7 .t.' 1 } s"r'� .� (�E'r' F °)d Orl"fir rq po r" JSfi' Tr }(77d T ' .G'i; ?J S� I""SE �:7TJ� i _ r, 'f1 iY' ti -1 .t7u`7 Y::U g c 1 UTc� T) cZ �4"GC 7r,i rS' ` qS JC 4wi t5�' VUJ,Fi 7— -f ctUtt,C .> Fq, `y � IrOT:'•.i +.) ':.P.'. .txt :'7r ai f r t; r, p. r7 r �r ata r rIQ _Cr fCa.rr iah.. r j � 4, t 4� � J,� I • L •. 0. .( t . �Yl r F . .R° s .j, T, i. C: ,'il rl7 u01 j1 T. T,: w 1�J j.l', r Ue 41 i'T r;Tr r I•.1� 1 1 � i {-.i .i �a .. i :F .) .. .•r t i I: T i 5bT P 4-1 v R -f 7 Jf- t. - �: 1 1 s T 1} - .F t �n l r. -j' Tr T.r n !'+� }r � `' � � 'G.•44('S1" - . ... .. ?, (tSS U .`7;. :1'TZ A •,s. `Frr r . H J r F N ' .1 5 r1 Y n , �rJ J�:.!' rt F rl e.) r r s �� srs t ¢`s;;".0 'i,.• i _•.� rr 13.a t ) .. .- = vt,, e r s r, ttd �. }i -'rinl o itg, t'43 1 rx Ei7 n rFdr , r ;ti i F t a rZ;r r ^ru •.a s $} ^r 7? iZFf' t` _ r 71, Y� t (3) < That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. MAY -1 2 1926 Adopted' by the Council .. _ _ ... .. ... ......... _.. _ MAY) 2 1926 City Clerk. Approved __. ____ .� _.___, 191._.__ Ltli/y Mayor. Clancy GMX amea�rarslaetees%. Xax McDonald >=W= Sddhelmer Wenzel dilr. Vtoe Pier Fatggqpy, Tn fle matter jq AWL fqK ................... ... . ...................... Oonstructing and-maintaini I n8'--a publ-to sever-'On -a -strip of land 40 width on and across Lots 1- 2, 3, 4,'5 and 6 Block 5, Ed. Rice's Trout Brook Addition, and that part of the NE 114 of the SE 1/4 of Section R.,22 lying west of Ed. Rioe to Trout Brook Addition, and Lots 12,3013, 209, and 21 ROWS Outlots, and lots numbered 9 and 24 in blocks 2, 3, 6, 7 west- minStern, from a Point near York St- and Mississippi St. northerly to Maryl2dSt., io the center line of said strip being a line described as follows: O.en.ing at a point on the center line of Mississippi St. 100 ft. north of the north line of York St., thence southwesterly at an angle of 112 degrees, 19 minutes with said center, line, a.distance Of 95,feet.to the point of'beginning, thence northwest 1 0 ez Y to a Point on the center of'dise St. 20 ft, west of the west boundary f Brookside Addition, thence northerly to a point on the north,lizili Of Magnolia St., 20 ft- West of the west line of Lot 25 Block 7, Westminster Addition, thence northerly to a point on the center fine Of Maryland St. 291.00 ft. east of the 1/4 1/4 monument at the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 of the BE 1/4 Alsoa temporary easement.for Section 19, T. 29, R. 22. Ch side r construction purposes on a strip of land 30 ft-`inZathon each side Of-thei above described easement on and across Lots I to 6-iX.Iolusive, Block 5 and Lot 1, Block A, Ed. Rice's Trout Brook Additi6jj'and`1'tha,t -part of the 0 1/4 of the BE 1/4 of Section 30, T.29, R. 22 lying west of E Rice's Trout Brook Addition,. and Lots,12,1, Block 3,.Brookside %Ots 7, 8, 9 and 10 Bl - ook 2, and Lots 7 and 10, 21, HOytb Utlots'And ' 13 20 and and lots numbered 10, -8 and 25, Blocks�,,��9 Westminster Addition. 6.and 7, A a strip of land 24 feet in width on and 1 s W , �z:,:-Also, an. easement for constructing-and maintaining apubl c e e on 12 and.-ll � J;W across Lots 24 25, 96, 27, 14, 13, BasO. Garden Lots, from Maryland St. t2ol Cortland, St., �the center line O*f said strip being a line described as follows: Biaginning;at the above mentioned pointL on th6`66nt-er line of Maryland St. 291L'00 fteastof the monument at the southeast corner of the SW 174 of the'SE"114 of,aidtfoin"19i T. 29,'R. 22, northerly 16.16 feet on the extension of the line through the point on the north line of Magnolia St. 20 feet west of the west line of Lot 25, Block 7, Westmi left on a curve of 60 ft to nster Add., thence to the s j4rVius tangent the last mentioned 1�ne through an angle Of 55 degree minutes, thence northwesterly tangent oto the last mentioned curve, a distance of 739-75 feet-, thence to the left on a curve of-60 ft. radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 29 degrees, 10 minutes thence westerly tangent to the las I tmentioned curve a distance of 34.10 ft. thence to the right on a curve of 60L it radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle of 44.4eg 15 minutes thence northwesterly tangent to t reea, he last mentioned curve a dis- tance Of 403-01 ft., thence northwesterly at an angle to the left Of 5 degrees, 12 minutes, a distance of 316.00 ft., thence to the right curve of 60 ft. on a radius tangent to the last mentioned line through an angle northerly tangent of 49 degrees, 8 minutes, thence t to the last mentionel C 2 6.91 ft., thence to the left on a curve of 60 ft. mitutesV thence northwesterly tangent to theriegreea, last mentioned distance of 390-95 feet to a point on the center line curve a 227.55 feet north of,the northwest corner of the Sw I/of COrtlandLSt Section 19, T. 29 L P R. 22. 4 of the Sj: 1/4 Of Also a temporary easement for construction L each Purposes On a strip of land 30 ft. in"width On L aide of the L above described easement on and across Lots 23, to. 274 inclusive and 16 to, 14.inclusi.v s WBasst q4rden `'JJ„"A't`t7.rr.Asa-:,:}`:TJsiJOG.uozFFL9;�Fcz7il r.�L^:Jr Fo r;Js- z8' f7a a •ryx xo xF. 6 z.,_ 4 7 t. +Ny• a •+ �401Arsp e .}a o� ..qs zs r �'f $ 's tf a fsu�s crzns o:L ep :L;- zeg?fra PMEQU; leo rUs lzrep wszrrT gsnzsseI IS WTUrrrsa' g grarsuoe o3 3T:Q'00 .1-P'' rlTvcs ,off jf03.0I br °' rPGUOs uox.PPfeser&xTX G;, im T� WTurrse rpszrce voz PMserszTa rauEsz-9 ;o PPG,T zsgrrre rauRGge ,-go rlre Tser WGU.FTOUsq ITus rPzObR crrr.&e Sr gTgrsUcs 0; 3jt'TO Tr',rpeucs ro :.PPs i Rp o; Sa ;gsRz66e' TO wTt7:r Ga' p]TGUOG MG8.P I ;gWEG -9x TTI ssr seas>arsf r yoz c0uarzaorru� GUq wsTU.P9Tu?u e brTPIT4o asmez ou. ge.PMTV0rs1 VggT4TOV BTooy 3'. 2100YET46,'suq Tore rrraapszsq T0' 53' & suq 5�' BTocy-e 5' 3' Q suq S' SI' go_%re OnFTora suq Pore S' g' a ssuq 10' BToolc 5' s7uq Pore S' $' a euq TO' ii' 55 71 Tug Msar OT Eq'.T3?ce,e yzorrr Bzooy 9ggTr?o1J' 9uq,rOF8 TST3' 50 suq pzooy YggTrTou s'uq ,rPe'r b0zr 43 rps zZ I\it .O:C 437s 2E J\It O:L BsarTOu 30' 1.50' sczcdae r01"e`I ro e TUOlJTeTns' BTooR �' =q`Por T' BTooK Vii' Eq''Ii?cs,e°yzorr� Isoq 3O :r' ,To` �?q-pP ou s-aoP LTgs oT -pye spoas geeczTpeq ss'esmsru; ou suq V?eo a rGAwois12L s fasusur :LOT. couerz TO-VTOu-bfrzboese Orr s erzrb o; 00137sz 01 PPG ai T\00; rps SE Ayt o� ae"Tou la' 1' WIi' 55' oZ jjsT.X.Tsuq er' Sa7'00 fir' Guar oL rps 3'\1} T\lt WOTJfrllrsU-P 9r rPs eofrrussW BTocy S' ;gsarmTUarsz yggTrrou' rpoucs uozrpFyTA ro s boru; ou -PPG osUrsz ITus ou rps UozrP ITue ob s-&uoyTg 8r" 50 br'. Mser OZ �Ps racer TTUG 01 rof 5�' a;sar o:L rps reser po1rugsz2L o: BzOoye?ge ggq.TrTou' PPsucs uor.rpszTX CO s bo?uz ob psRT=T-U ' rusuos zTozrpMserszlll go a bo?ur ou rps csursx O{, Qsas 2r' 50 Zr gswxesa' Ta WTUrrrba aTrp esrTq csurez ITUs' s q?ersucs:o{ a� Tser go prs bOTMP UOMpy Ot rFe vozrF ITas 01. xOMF gr•' ruGUcs eorfrPxse.PG1.TX err su gzEye'0; 115 ToTJoe+a: 0o:mrsucTu9 srp U boTu ou rps-csUrez I?us 03 H�4F TaeTae?bbT 8;'' TOO,:L4!* .90 u1sx3TMCJ er r' pPs csursz TTus oL a3Tq arzTb ps?uR s I'Tus gsaczTpsq sa MTue4oz MTr?ou' xzosn tr boru4,ussz xOzK 8r• svg I; aeT8eTbbT18.9* uozrpszTa 53' Hoar r s .Ofr.pTO-pe' suq. ?ora rrrimpsasq a suq St, -TIT AIocK$" 5' 3' F3' S5 IbrrR::assar, OT EV g?cs,e yxofrp. ByodK VggT�rov' • svg ;ro gs, T5' 13 S0 suq ------------ ................ ............................................ ........................... ...... ................... ---............. -........................... - -Under Preliminary Order-_. 6U7g._. ----------- approved_S}39.1P,1923; Intermediary Order63029............ ..... - approved NOv 49 19 ?5 - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof . respectively,, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making, of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, . containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - ......••.. •----.... .... .. Commissi r of Finance.. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. and takiA an easement in the land In the matter of...COAdemAing------•__._................�._.............. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Greenbrier Ave. from Wheelock Parkway t.... -------.......................... .. ... under l?reliminary Order _....611201 approved. Jam. 25 ,1926 Intermediary Order .-.6.:.1.� approvedF@11,23,1926 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the wands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, �]=A and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands, respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fd her Resolved, t e sm ment betermined syable in ... equal i ents as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.............MAA-4-2..J8 ...................... 192. -.-.- ................. Clerk. Approved ... ...........MAY 1 2 1926 -----......, 192...--- G0 �defrug Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓ 6�yuaias'I !uson Councilman McDonald /*,Councilman 8udheimer �Councihnan Wenzel 1f r. Pine prne. r- REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...eondemning and taking_ an-_easement.-_in-_the-_land-_neaeesary fo.F-_sl-Q.R a,--_for,-aut a __ and -_f ills__in--grading_. (}reenbri er,- Ave -,__from._._:_-_-. Wheelock Parkway to Nebraska Ave. - .............. ............. -- ------.............I.. ................... - ......................... ------------------ ------------- -............. ............ .......... ..................------................. .................... ................... ---................................... ............. .............. Under Preliminary Order...._.6 201 approved.gan1..28,J926 Intermediary Order- ------ 15� Feb.2 �1 26..- aPProved------...... 9 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the -signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ........................ ....... --- .................. *................ Commissio r of Finance. --------------------- ------ 65895 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. condemning and taking an easement in the land _necesearp for"slopee, Por_cuts_and fills A grading Alley in ---...-.-.- Block 4, Forest Lawn Addition and Block 2, Sheldon (}rove Addition, from Aldine St to Wheeler Ave, c. F.ssss— " -- -- -._... In tho matter of condematnB. and tak- ing an-easemenYan the, land:: neees- - earr for .1gee, Yor cuts and ,fills irc -' '-"- "'-- grading Ailey—In Block' ------ .. LawwAddition, and Block 8, Sheldon. _. l�pgovedditfon, -from Aldine <at. to Al---_ fes. e, under, Preliminary -------- f "1e63 aDDroYed jan zlv- 7 R ... --..- _ 0 4 rd . t. ------------------------ ''''C` under Preliminary Order ...64053 approved-J� 19►�92 tIntermediary Order-. 6T7S5. ---------- approved ._"approved ---.-.. Feb .23,1926 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement,and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, ffi E�dG Y and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. . Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and'the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be It fu he uResolvald the said assessment be and ' ereb determined n.. -' ' merits as toe and described therein. Adopted by the Council--..._..MAY 1 2 1926 .. ...... _.. Y192.-- MAY 1 2 1926 "- -- .......... Approved. --.................... ........................... 192 Ci YClerk/ ... ...... V--councihnan Clancy .4i.,jjV Mayor, ✓Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel Lir. Vive Pro. Ferimson I ------------ --------------------����._.._._..,�....., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF Y LANDS In the matter of_condAj-n.9 and-- taking. aa-_eseemgn -•-Imo•- }Ig-_� y gqq� �� for slo es ..for to and fills in gixadin Alley in Block lF` Forest LawnAdditions and Block 2r Sheldon '(}rove Addition, .from Aldine St to Wheeler, Ave. Under Preliminary Order... 6�.Jr'.�............. approve -j 19_11926_, Intermediary Order G.45r1.51 ........, approved ,Feb.2j:126 - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property; from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. L Commie ' ner of Finance. V897 wideningC F Aa 86887 I� Lab shatter of onening end ndig V0 A.- I - t"00 Hlook ib d. g Id,011 Resolution Ratifying a V.st-. , ndemnation, I Wn pr'oaii;e or t t 0 110* and Awards of Dama e ov. t Therefor. in the matter of opening, widening e tending Ford Road by taki.ng . . ................. ...... .................... . ............... . ...... andcondemn that part ojA -f LoAj3.#_qc k_.3.j_;4gqjAff Ad,di.t.i.q.nNo._..2. .............. ............. ... . ............ lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly'lines..of._Lots10_,___ll and ...... . .................. - ----- -- --------------................. --------- ------ ---- -- ------------- Block 3 of said Addition produced across said Lot 13. Bl ok �2 . . ........... ....... . .... .............. ................................ produced -_---------------------- ------- ---------------- 3 ---------- of said Addition to the North line of Ford Road ------------------------------ ---------- .............. ------------ ............ ............. ----------- ------------------------ -_----------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------- ........... --------------- ............. ............... ............. .............. I under Preliminary Order.........-_.._ 63 2 li ......... ... approvedX9V_oM.J9a5, Intermediary Order approved 3an.26,1926 -------- --- A public hearing having bee had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and he awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council havin 1 9 d y considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the'takin and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, i4AkAKQtbd3j%tbEliEEDWCX 14721i, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands r pectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, such lands r be and thesame is hereby all respects ratified and confirmed. a ir Resolved further, t t the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby dered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it lurth esolved,. that the said assess ined to be pa u I i t Ilm ....................... ual installments as c parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..................... MAYJ ... 2_190 --------- 192...----- ... ....... .... ... . ..... ...... ty Clerk. Approved_ ...... .................................. ........ 192 MAY 1 2 1926 Mayor. L16ouncilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ,e Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel M" Vi 08 Pm. E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.. openings widening and extending Ford: Road-_by-_taking _and---condemnng.:t hat..Bart---° f--:j�Qt__ ]..._&91�.. 3.,...g�li Y.:Addit i -m;..1,tQ:..._2 lying-_Southwesterly- of.-the___9outhwesterly-.lines-_ ....... Block of said Addition produced_across said_Lot_-_l3,_._Block_-j-_of... said, Addition to the North line of FordAoad, --............ •-.......... ........................ ......--------•-•-------•-----------........................................---------------•--------------............------..... Under Preliminary Order 63218 approvedNOV .20 r 192 Intermediary Order.............. approved ..J n -,;RC 11 ---------- TO --- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance'; hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the.awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof - respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said; improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding, on said matters. Co*-i—f Finance. I (1M 86899 'oDentnlridei!�n8 Iu the eatendtagr Fleanor tO n w dth or 90 it rru o AVB, -t° the west U, nation Resolution Ratifying and Additi°n: by tawn6'�Rdt � u�baa �' Bouthoas[-et?f �1 �9uth�nBa and Awards of es Damag ani BB°t`°n'x rP_ In the matter of.9pening,._widening__and--.extending Eleanor ..St;._ -to a width of 60 ft, from Underwood Ave. to the west line of Otto Ave. Addition - - ---------------------------------------------- --------.............--. .........--- ... -----..................-------..._................................... by taking and condemning that part of West 1/2 of Southwest 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 of Section 9, Township 29, Range lying within a strip 60 feet wide, the center line ofwhichbeing the center line of Eleanor St. in Otto Ave. Add. extended Westerly to --Uniierwo oii-� Av e ......................... ---------------------- - -- . ........ ..._.------------------------------------------------ ---------._. under Preliminary Order ....6 �3Q:_....._ .. approved_!T •26119P-6 Intermediary Order.. ._6�.�>...`�..6......__.., approved._F eb . 23-r � 9 26 ..... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, g3eyXg�ga61�3(gcD¢TBgO]fXCy, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it her Resolved, �'eai as it is hereby determined to be ...................... ..equal inst each parcel of land described therein. MAY 1 21926 Adopted by the _.., 192...---- ......... . MAY 1 2'1926 ity Clerk. Approved ..-•...................................................., 192----• ............... %U �V yrn Mayor. t'`' Councilman Clancy ✓',&-uncihnan McDonald Councilman 8udheimer ^'Councilman Wenzel „- a_ . i. �' .. F•nq Ffi^�ctt�Ori ., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of 99.0PIAga--widening ?. a ................... width of 60 ft. from Underwood Ave. to the west__ line of Otto Ave. ............ - ................. ................... .......... - ----------------------- 7 ............................................... ............... 'Addition by taking and condemning t f West 1/2 of Southwest ..................... .. ..... ..... . ..... ............... . ..... .................. . ........................ . ................... ..-S.out.hea,B-t-...1.,/.41-.of....S-ou.t.he.as.t,-.1-/.4.....of S.e.c.ti.o.n 9 T-o.wn-shlp 28 .............. . .. ..... . ..... ..... .. .1 .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. .. ..... ......... ----- - Range 23 lying yq.t.hi.n..1a.-.s-t.r.ip 6.0 feet wide, . -. .... the center line of wh,i-oh — .. .. .. ..... .. .. ..... 1. � . ... .......w . .. ....... .. .. .. . ..... ----- .— . .. ..... being the center line of Eleanor St. in Otto Ave. Add. extended A!e lery to Underwood Ave. . . .... . ................... .............. - ......... -- ............................ ............................................... Order.. 641301 --Tan...2.61-19.26- 45- Under Preliminary .................. --- approved Intermediary Order ... ..--6...... ..5..6 . approved.. FOb.23,1926 .................. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: p That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and Ahe persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessmentroll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------------------- ........... CommiSK-er of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM,I$SIONER OF EINANCE41w. " • a ON PRELIK4NARY ORDER .�•-w (A)"�'-,i� - COPlSTRUCT A SIX-FOOT CEIYENT TILE SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE OF In the matter, o-YOf UNG ST FROM TAYLOR AVE.TO TBE GREAT NORTHERN RAILIVAY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND 'ON BOTH. SIDES OF TAYLOR AVE FROK ALDINE ST TO WHEELER AVE. under Preliminary Order approved March To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S front 1.10 The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ! DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION I� ..11 Young's Addition to the City of Saint Paul 4150 do 1225 13 , 14 115. i 116 ' do 1700 1 6 1 do 2400 it do 4ob .{: I 1 a375 ;I- si 2B75 Form B 8.10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • * ON PRELIONARY ORDER �►" 1 . (C) - --- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 (Young's Addition to the 4150 11; ,City of Saint Paul 6;(Block 5 of Marshall's 325 (Division of College Place' 7 do 300 .f 8 do 300 9' do 275 10, do 275 11 . do 275 (includes lot 2) 1 (Auditor's Subdivision No.51 8050 (St.Paul,Minn. 4 do 2250 , 5. do 450 6 do 2650 7 do 2050 I: T', ( Oakey's Addition to St. 325 ( Paul,Minn. 2 do 2125 3, do 325 r: 4 do 275 37525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said/ matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated !l1Cz4c� ZeXZ 1926 / Commis ' ner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 St. Paul, Minn. .✓ANDA?Y L8 192 6 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: %.Qy.a.P Ave. from ALd/NE St. A=. to �/�� . - _St. eve. '.NAME - LOT - BLOCK ADDITION Y � � St. Paul, Minn.1B.Lt/I91?V- IL -1926 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. .Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. . _ .. -.. to �T IYoRTNlrR/Y /P✓ from --'Zi x"4 oiP Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION X /2 '074 i 65902 COUNCIL FILE NO..... ;e By., ..... ......:. ...... ............... ,....................... FINAL ORPSER In the Matter of.,construating curbing on the eastside of Young St. from Tailor Ave, to the Great Northern Railway right-of-way and on both sides of Taylor Ave from AldineSt. to Wheeler Ave ....................... ,,. $6802— - In[ the Matter-of constructing curbing ................... oathe Eaet.ptde of Uung St. from ""'"' """" ' ... .Taylor -Apa. to the .Oceat Northern Railway right-61�way :and' on both - ..... .......j elder cf.Taylor.AVe. from A1d1ae3Bt ........ . ......... .. .... ' to Wheeler rnno.p,,q$eAl vIme.p.'ru Order 8486ta,,r,,ac�dd+Men;raP..h.vul11mmina2r�cy been .......................... .... ...... A r t ,.................. 26under Preliminary Order.. ......:...... . :- Intermediary Ordec........ . :: ........approved::`.:. A,public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind;of urbing improvement to be made by the said City is.: cons...,..t.ruct. ..o... ..... onthe .....:: east ........ side ofry......... Young St , from Taylor.; Ave to. .the Great Northern Railway* right of way and on both .sides of Taylor Ave. from Aldine St. to Wheeler Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner. of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 1 2 Q28 Adopted by the Council......................................................... 192.......' . ........ .MAYt 185 Cit Approved................................................. 192 ........ .................................... �Ct 7..7.. Mayor.. n ancy \-s-Councilman McDonald 'Councilman Sudheimer��� ,.-Councilman Wenzel lilr. viae s Yorm :B. S. A�-7.�°so under Preliminary Order approved Mar.11 1906 To the Council of the City of St. Paul' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated anT.unt of the assessment for the above improvement is - S 9 PA I 0 The estimated cost perlfoot for the above improvement is S-0 64 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOClf ADDITION VALUATION 11 Young'e Add. to the City 4150 12 of Saint Paul 1225 C 13 i do - 14 do C 15 i do 4 16 ; do 1700 6 do 2400 ii do. 7, 400 , do 375 --do , , t_ TOTAL -. � FotmB H 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE h OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ., REPORT ON PRELIMINPY ORDER r (C) '- .• LOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT VALUATION ( 10 Young's Add. to the City 41.0 5 11 . !of Saint Paul 1 Auditor's Supt.. No. 51 $050 4. St. Paul Minn. 2250 5 do 450 6 do 2650 7 do 20�0 1 Oakey's Add. to St.Paul'. 325 2 Minn 2125 3 do 3�5 4, do 275 _- 37, .25• $37,525- Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Th the foregoing as his report thereon to- the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4�,;ZZXZ 1924(--- Commissidner of Finance. .: Form B. n. 12 St: Paul, Minn: V Y— 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St.. - from TAYLo? Ave. to �REgT /Yo�ersr,pNRy _ NAME - LOT BLOC$' ADDITION X - 1 `1Z o �s 16 r St. Paul, Minn.'--/1,141Y if 192 TO The Vonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: I,,� T�D� LAve. tse. to 2Y&e&4" _ NAME - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ` N iz Alh X x 1 Offiee -of the Commissioner of Public :V� `F Report to Commissioner of Finance r " !' t11R�S2�i`� March 24, 1926.._._192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.� _........... approved _.._ TOh 11s ,,.,. ^192 6—, relative to __...._the. conetruotAon Tof .cu£bing _on the_Qs�t.._si,de Q Yolg...tr�.t__._._. from. _.T&ilor _Avenue_ to the :Greet_ Northern lilwy._.k�.il_ �f_�Nax—._._._._ snd o31,_both._siyieg_...4.1 ...T:@Y- _Q7C-A.P..4i_. x.47A:_A1.d n9L_.3t%_x4_YYlhe_61e+_A and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... — ...... -___necessary and (or) desirable. 64V per fro t ft. 928.10 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........ ...._._.....__, an� the total coat thereof is $......._............ ___.._...... _, Inspection $18.20 Frontage 1460 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._.._......_......._....._..... ............. __.... _........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...___.____...__......___._._..._._......._.._...._T 5. Said improvement is................ _... _..... _.... .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. ltob �--- d - �- CiT��► �v,�F�����wT (✓AVL [ 7PrF�rnse;r'h of VUbIic WIV s JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER 'THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK, GRIME E ISINMM GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CMO ExOM[At A. B. SHARP. ;SUPT. OF SAmmATION WM. N. CAREY, SUR. OP CON.BIVRIOx Atro REPNR - ' G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. M Wma—. G. H. HERROLD. OFP— ANO CI- PLAIMMO ENOM®! March 20, 1926. Aon. John H. McDonald Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of ourbing on the east side of Young Street from Taylor Ave. to the Great Northern Railway Right of way, and on both sides of Taylor Ave. from Aldine St► to Wheeler Ave., under Preliminary Order Co F. #64854, approved Mardh Ili 1926. Estimated Cost $928.10 Cost per front ft. 464� Inspection 18.20 Frontage 1460 ft. Yours- -truly.__ e�ngineer. Approved for trsnsmissi0 to the Commissioner of Finance C. J. M.GLOGAN ei v o '_0' _PV nemcrn—. y ` HAROLD J. RIORDAN �itH of %j/■i r L1 • CLARENOEnn GEcA.n�STOR osrnArion of TUg ®e March 9th, 1926. Hon. J. 8. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Budding. My dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith petitions of property owners for the following improvements: To construct sidewalk and curbing on east side only of Young St. from Taylor Ave. to Great Northern Ry. Property. To construct sidewalk and curbing and provide entrance to property on Taylor Ave. from Aldine St. to Wheeler Ave. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. E 65963 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By...................................,....,..........................i......... FINAL 'ORDER In the Matter of....curbing..both.:.sides..o:Y..Edm=d..St.�eet...betw.Ren......:...........:.......: Chatsworth Street and Lexington Avenue,. C. Fc No 66903--' ... ........ ..:... .... .. ........ ........ .. in both .the Matter of curbiuB..ffidea- . of'..Edmund Stg. btoa etweenAve.[. ChatsworthPte- .... .............. .......... ......... SG and �ezinunder - ........................................................... 11m1nary. Order 64946 approved Feb.. 10,'1988. ! A.publlo hearigg havlgB blea.he .... noil a nand the iCouaclti havig6 beard - ell yeraoger- obtectiops and .recdm .......................... .......... m6adattons seta ve thereto and have, .......................... �- ! geldereP the same ,there• _ . ... .......... .. �iiu.t— _ `', of Cit7. ................................................. "under Preliminary Order..,,.. .:........�.:::................ .approved ................:. Intermediary Order ........ .........:..approved..-.,• A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations'relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the', Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is:: curb both sides Of. Edmund Street between Chatsworth Street and Lexington Avenue,..,.::::. ............................................... ,..................................... .......................... ............. ......................................... ...... ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.....MA.Y..1.2.jft......................... 192........ . ........................ Approved......... ..flflAY..1..2..ig6........, 192........ _- Cit..Clerk. `. Cou" / Mayor. •Cotttc ft fdi9''Ferguson ! m /1 j / ✓ V Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel rmBo&r. S. . i...'rzattn�' tma o� 77 'r CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l^) _- In the matter of C it h both ssi dPe nf Edmond StrPetbetween hatsyonrth Street and Lexington Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 10, 192%. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated m&��ougt of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1,194.89 The estimated cost peNr oot for the above improvement is - - S o. 6g The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ...ASSESSED I DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 14. C.C. Van Dyke's Add. ?75 13 do 300 12. do 7550 11 do 300 10 do 300 9. do 325 j. g do 2200% 1, McDermott's Addition 475 2 dos 0 3 do 1300 _,. �{ Fmm B. B. 10. TOTAL, �' ' clTr of sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE .. REPORT OF COMIV SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT. �ewcd ADDITION ------------ - - r I ASSESSED II 1VALUATION' 11 —_ t 14 L YoDermatt I s Addition_ .__ do I 6cb?h- i 2 d0 _ - 2251 �� , r— 1 � L-effmann_and Ha_ae' ,Add 2800 �_ __ i18 1 � 1400 I do . _ --� —_ I 4_3 , 5 do 17 r (i--- do___. _ 1-13 4_ 1.4 2q0 _ 12 1 4 e _ _. 1.11-4- 1 ;- _. do- _ 29,0do ; I, 725_j 1 __ __ .. r 1- t.. 2 _.. do_ P do 2Q0 -_ 2 ;- t 0 , - _ 2 ... -- _ - ,. 3 2 -do - - -- 2750 1 t 4 2 __ do 2T 00 -, J I ' do F , 2 4601 - 2 do 400 _ 7- do__ -- 2 00 ' .-1 - --- i I 8 1 2; do 0 -- " 1- 9 2 ! _do- 2721� Rellye Rearrangement of'__ _.. N 1 15 '---Blk.--. 1, Oxford Add. I' 14do 1 ' _ .._ _ 6 i .... I� — ----- do - f13 I j TOTAI !00 X 2575 I -at = - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - ..:___: - .... ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION- 12�: Kelly's Rearrangement of 325 11; Blk. 1, Oxford Add. 325 10do 3425 9 . do 5650 1 2 Oxford Add. to the City 4000 2, 2 of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. 2575 3. 2 Minn. 3000 4 2 do 2425 5 2 do 350 6 2 4 do 350 7 2 do 350 12 1 Peck's Addition 4600 11 1 do 500 10 1 do 550 9. 1 do 6950 1 2 do 3500 2 2 do 2600 3 2 do 5400 4 2 do 1200 $105340'', The Commissioner of Finanee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commiesig er of Flnanee. Form 8 a. 13 . j, Office of the Commissioner of Public r' ��. 1 l2 Report to Commissioner of Finance s s ,e MAR 2919 26 M arch 29, 1926. _.._. _......... .................................................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64445 February 10 1928 relative to Council, known as Council File No..___.._._..approved __._....:. .____... __.... ..__192...._ the construction of curbing, on both aides of'Edmund Street between Chatsworth Street and bexington.Avenue4 and having investigated the matters and things' referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:...._:_....__ `..necessary and (or) desirable. 68¢ per _ frondt fti 1,L94.89 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___ _ __ ......___, an the total cost thereof is$... _......... _...._�, Inspection $23443 Frontage 1,756 ft; and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.................. ,....... _.............. _._.................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof._.._ 4. . :_..... .............................. _.----....... _.......... _............... .._....... _�__- -- 5. Said improvement isL. ...... _....... _.___..._.._seked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ._....... _ _. .... Commissioner of Public Works. v'D C dly wF Ani � vL reiparh enh� .(JuGli�Wc JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER • M. S. GRYT K. E.ID06 QlO1RWl GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CME. IDI -1— A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF S—A—I WM. N. CAREY. SUPT: O. Ca•eTRUOrION Atm RVIUn G. P,. BOWLIN, SUR. OF WOIOO— G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ARO 0- P—"- ENO1N�n March 27,.1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Yjorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Edmund Street between Chatsworth Street and Lex- ington Avenue under Preliminary Order C.F. 64445 approved February 10, 1926: Estimated cost $1,194B9 Cost per front foot •68 Inspection 23.43 Frottage 1,756 ft. Yours very truly, Cief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: JCommissioner of Public Works. ...:.......:....................:... ........ C. F.No. 86904— -, is the Matter of curbing both aidea`ot Paoli) Matte Forest 8t to'Cyprese 1 _...:..c ......................... .......:..... ......... .8k, underPreliminaty Order 64§97 . approved Feb. 26. 1928 .............................. =A Dubllo 'hearing having'been had hDon the above impro9emgnt upon. ..................................................:.... .........notice. and (the• Couaclt havfaB beadue.rd "xll -Detraona.-bbleglona. and reooln-en, • • ':datloaq �relattve .therwto and aavinB ................. ....... ....... -fully ,coaeldored yam•-�"? me iherefete,- under Preliminary Order.....:...... 6. 97 .....:. • approved.:.: ......... Feb....?.5.x... 1926 ................ i i Intermediary Order......... ....:.approved.;: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. Curb, both sides.of Pacifio Street from .. ............. Cypress Street Forest Street. to Oy ....... .................. .............................. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council .................................................... 192....... MAY ' 1 2 1926 Approved ...:.......... }.............1...................1 192........ �,- �tnrilma„ F ro Senn Councilman McDonald __CnnnF"L.,�.. ii�,r An Dann _-"Councilman Sudheimer ,;;e"Councilman Wenzel 1/ kir. Vim FT- a Form B. S. A. 5=7. CITY OF ST. PAUL - • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINL.RY ORDER F] In the matter of C»rhing bnh si Aaa o_f Psof fir S+ from Forest O} to ('.jr^res^- St under Preliminary Order approved Feb. 25, 199F, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 715.23 front The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is $0.63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT iBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 13 4 :Kendrick's Rearrangement 4175 14, 4 of Blk. 4, and 6, McLean's 2450 . 15 4 Reservation, St.�,ul, Bunn. 4150 16 4 do i. 4550 17' 4 do 3275 15 4 do 350 19! 4 do 1950 20 4 do 150 21 4 do 2275 22 4 do__ X50 �', Form 8. B. 10 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINEINCE, , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER h DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED... I 12 6 :Kendrick's Rearrangement of 6725 ' 11 6 Blk.4, and 6, .dcLean's 2550 10 .6 Reservation, St. Paul, ldinn. 6725 9 6 do 3600 8 6 do 2525 7 6 do 2275 6 6 do 2550 5 . 6 do 3200 4 i6 do ( 1 6 IdcLean's Reservation 52,500. 2 6 do ( 3 6 do i; i! _ wa2,650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated4 e Conn sinner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Mi192_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: / from_. St. Ave. 44t rt ADDITION i ice•_ Office of ; the Commissioher of Public VW ksrEa iG� ►A' ^3 Report to Commissioner of Finance \Y -!' N MAR 2919 26 March 29. 1926 _... _._..... _............................. .............................. _. To the. Commissioner of, Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 92 Council, known as Council File No......__641197 ............ approved—__.-......Febr._.u....s.....ry......r.-..2..6..i 1M92 1..............._92...... _, relative to the construction of curbing on both sides of Pacifto Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street: and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... _..... _.._......... necessary and (or.) desirable. 63� per fro tt yt. 718 23 2. The estimated cost thereof is .__...____...___—.__......, an the total cost thereof is$...._..._....__....___........�, Inspecstion 414.08 Frontage 1,140 fti and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ......... ..................... ................. ......................... ....__._..._._�.�— 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5.. Said improvement ie_........__ ........ ............... —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' Commissioner of Pnblio Works. r r �al leVOAM ,ijuIWW�uLneRofT JOHNH. MCDONALD• COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BIUMK E-1— GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHI" EH-- A. B. SHARP, SUR..P SUI-- WM, N. CAREY. Sufi. oP CCNeiau - •HO REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. CP W— G. H. HERROLD, OPRCS AILD Cm P1.vIHIHc EHBmeOi March 27, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Pacific Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street under Preliminary Order C.F. 64597, approved February 25, 1926. Estimated cost $718.23 Cost per front foot .63 Inspection 14.08 Frontage 1,140 ft. Yours very truly, Approved for C f Engineer. Transmission to oimnis stoner of Finance: O Commissioner of Public Works. GMS -:AB _ - 65995 COUNCIL FILE NO .............................. By............................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...cUXb., g...both...si.d.�s_..Q Avenueto .Pascal...Avenueo................... ...........................................................-..................................... . ............ ....... F. No. 66905— .......... ................... .......... .. 1-C. l. the Matter curbing bh ee�of.� 0 Almond St. from ]3amliotae Avaide. to - Postal... under-PTeumiparY,Or der 64596 approved Feb. 25. 1926. ". """""" "' '. A public jtearfag havlag 9eeq, das: od .......... ...................... ....... apo,, the ,beve Improvement nDoa tlouoe. aad :'he councA'.ha91a6'IIe6rd l ... ...... ........... all Dereoae;f obj.cttons ar t nommen-{ datioas rels;!!ve thereto' aFi.vla4 - ..:...................... .. ....... .. ... _. ...... ........:asc":::.cens(dered the -S.. .... ....: -.. ............ ..... .. ....... ..,.. .... i -� .. under Preliminary Order.... 645..9.5.... ..:a.nY thpproved....:......Feb. 25, 1926 Intermediary Order ......... ...... .........approved... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notige; and,the,Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,;and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.'....curb,.b.oth...BideB.,of... Almond ..9tTeet,. #PA Hamline Avenue to Pascal Avenue ................ .--'... ............ .......... ........_......_......... ...................-.......... ..........................._._..................... .:......._......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ...................... ........... ........................ 192........ MAY 1 2 1926 ...... C........:... City Clerk. Approved................................................. 192........ ........................................................................................ AOf%p9 Mayor. „`Councilman McDonald Councilma—Pim 41odgaoA, Councilman Sudheimer ,6'Councilman Wenzel pTJBLYS b CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE c REPORT OF COMKt5SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of CurbinE both sides of Almond St f^om Hslrr� ine 4v� to Pascal Ave. under Preliminary Order approved F,11 25, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated moou of the assessment for the above improvement is - S The estimated.cost pe •lfoot for the above improvement is 0. 61 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION i. ' Form a. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 Parkway Villa 365o 21 do 550 20 do 5100 19 do 3350 is do 3550 17 : do 4550 16 do boo 15, do 4100. 14t do 3500 13 ! 650 _. TOTAL, CITY OF S . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISfIONER OF FINANCE ~ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION 1 LOT I .LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Eroent- parts -take forj streets and exeert the East 180.67- :6 3.010 'i t ft. of the Horth ) thel Northwestu of the South east__4 of the Smuthweet 4 of Seot.ibn 22, Town _2-9,_.Rang e_23., it i (Except Part taken Almond St. and. Hamline .Ave.) that .part, 52,;650. 1 - Orth+o lba St the;.East__ 330 ft.-- of -the Southeast---- laf• e $duthwest _y_of_Sac. 22,--T.- . - y of he Southeast _� o i i th29, ,._. -1�----- Range 23, (Except Part taken - _for Imold and_Albany Sts_) the East 7;%25 ft._ of the Northwest 1-4 of the. Southeast _4 of the.. it I I, _Southwest u of Sec. 22,; Town 291, Range 23, i 'I _ (E.xcdpt partsken_+ for Almond St,.-) the North--of-the-West. 350 p- , 5Q ft. + of the East__110 ft, of Northwest w ofthe_ _... i peast_4 of the Southwest w of See..: Southeast a of,.the Sout _ .- 22, Town 29, Range. 23it i w-- _ - _(Except part taken -for Al lmo d and Albany Sts.)- the West - 4100,, -- _ 70 ft. -of the East 160 ft. -of _the -Northwest ;-of the Southeast - '__ _.__ of the Southeast. 4_ of;the'Sou.'thwest 111- of, See._22,_T. 29- _._.. Range 23. . (Except 1)art.-taken for Almo d. St, and .excep t--the-South 13 3; ft.) the+Eas 150t 60,ft.-_of the-wes x..-ft..__of the Northwest ! , 3 o_ f _ tle_SogthPest_y of _the. -Southeast _u of the Southwes*, u of 1 - + Sec. 22, T. 29, Ran= e 23 ; IOII •• TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION The Northeast 4 of 1 Child's Add. to St.n m l The Northwest 4 of 1 do 2 do 3 do The North of 4 do The North of 5 do The E. of the No.j of 6 do The W. of the No. -7 do 6 do (Ex. part for Almond and Albany Ste.) that part lying between Pascal Ava. and Child's Add. of the North i of the Southwest 4 of the Southeast 4 of the Southwest 4 of Seca 22, T. 20, Range 23. i ASSESSED VALUATION 3450 1150 6050 3900 3325 525 3275 109D 1600 3150 $197,550. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by t"hep Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �c� /5 �Y 1921— Form E. B. 12 Commie ' ner of Finance. St. Paul," Minn.y — �` ___192 b To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petf&n your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: do..__....--- - - - .. �... ..... _..... ----- - - -- ---....... _........ ........ -... -- -- - __._r, St. A* from__��—._-_.-- Ave. to Ave. V W X 4/ li U NAME LOT ' BLOCK ADDITION AAACIA L012- i ,. f l36 4 Office of the, Commissioner of Public; Report: to Commissioner of Finance MAR 2% 26 March 29, 1926 192_ _ i o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ` The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order, of the Council, known' as Council File No....._—_ 6459 b _.___..approved—_.__.February 25, 192 ... -------- ------ _---- _.............................. .._._.F192__.. , relaibo to the construction of ,ourbing_._on both ;aides of Almond 6treet .K from Hemline Avenue to Pascal Avenue. Vii~ ... _....... -........... ..—... ........ __._....... _._....__....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement is ...... _..... _._. '....necessary and (or) desirable. 61¢ per front ftp. 1,50005 2. The estimated coat thereof is $__.__........—_........; and the otal cost thereof is $....._ ... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._...... _............... .._.__......_—__. Inspection :29:48 Frontage 2,456 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. __...._—.............. -_....... _........................................... _....... _......... ----......... _._._...... .......... ................... _._....... _._._----.. 5. Said improvement is_ ........................ __.._._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. ��e�p�a�r"FniaeRh��'�u�blc�j rl�s� JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. OEPGTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH -PARD, CNI4 ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SYPT.. GR CGNcrR7z AtID REPAIR G: H. HERROLD. OPFlCe AnG CRY P�AMiING ENGmH� ' March 27, 1926. M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIGGS ENGINEEn A. S. SHARP. PIR. G. S1INRATwN G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. GP WOMI—.[ Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Almond Street from Hamline Avenue to Pascal Avenue under Preliminary Order 64595, approved February 25, 1925: Estimated cost $1,500.75 Cost per front foot .61 Inspection 29.43 Frontage 2,456 ft. Yours very truly, S hief Engineer. Approved for transmission Co issioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. 65906 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By............. ..... ....... ............. ......... ......... ............... ....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..grading..Autumn Avenue from Prosperity Avenue to Kennard.,. Street. in accordance with the grade shown on the profile .hereto... at.t.a.4.hed.,And ., made.,.a,.part„hereof,. .................. . . C. F. No. 65606— the Matter ........................................... ......: Infrom Prowpei ty�Avento Sennerd St. 1n accoraange with the grade shown ..... ....... .............. ... .... pn theDrgflle hereto: attached -and; . .. ..:.....:. ..... .... .., ,.., . nde 'Order' hereof, under Prelim- . .. ..`....... ...- rnary . Order 55Gi6: approved Jan, 23,. zpublic hearing k �g been h under Preliminary Order.............S7S9.6.....: s t.ve ImpT I nt t��, 1925 1''.1 Contra -”,-k ........ r..................................... ... ...... ......:... tfonPp'.G% Intermediary Order... ....._. ......... ................ ..... .........appruved..... ........... ...... ........ .............. ... A public hearing having been had ,upon the above improvement"upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement -to be made by the said City is.'gTade Autumn. AV2nu.e.from PTOBperit.y Avenue to..Kennard .Street in accordance with the grade shown on the profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereof and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.......;; ..MAY. -I...2..19'26 .................... 192....... 1 2 19'28 .... ... .... :... MAY 1 y Cle Approved .............................. 192........' .......'`C/ " .................... .................... I................. Ceunsilma{wElane}��=,�, Aoti* Mayor. Couircf m l'ii `Fel guson_ f t? VC10uncilman McDonald ✓ Cuuncilatar>�Aer<•.>iiOd$80A� Councilman Sudheimer PUBLISHED ..e"Councilman Wenzel ✓ s : �or 7Aclel�aete � �� Y _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4` ,REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIMANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Brading Autumn St from prosrerity Ave, to Kennard St. in accordance with the grade sh,-,wn on the rrofile hereto attached and made a Lart hereof. .under Preliminary Order approved Jan 1225 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - $ 1.65 The lots or parcels of land -that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: . ASSESSED i, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION S 2 Rogers & Hendricks Acre 275 9 2 Lots No.2. 1050 1 3 do 275 20, 3 do 1275 Northwest 4 of Southwest u of Southeast 4 of Sec. 22, Townshir 29, Range,22 do ° 3945 Vilest 2 of Northe^st w of Southwest 4: of South— east 4 of Sec. 22, T. 29, Mange 23! do 3555 i Northeast a of Northeast u of Southwest u of_Sec,. 22, T. 29, Range 231 do 1950. Form B. S. 10 ', TOTAL, I�I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a _p REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) • 'y DESCRIPTION iLOT BLOCK`. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 30 ft. of Lot 7 & all of 6 .3 Dawson's Acre Lots 2350 (Except West 30 ft.) 7 3 do 625 & Test i of 8 '3 do East " of 8 3 do 125 6 .4 do 1200 7 4 do 300 8 4 do 300 9 4 do 300 10 4 do 300 �19,1io. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by theCommissioner of Public Works. Dated -192Z— 92 /—Form Commis s' FormB. B. 12 er of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. _192— 24 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made - St. Ave. f St. Ave. to -----St. Ave. Office ,of the Commissioner of Public �9` Report to Commissioner of Finance - MAR >o 3 2! t`' -.......4j1......as.r9...i._..�...�k.(li.A ............... ...... _192.__.__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57596 """"" approved_..__._AanueTt9 23r 19E5192...._—, relative to Council, known as Council File No... _.___.__ . the grading of Autumn Street from Proaperity Avenue to Kenna d 3 at. ---.. _..__..._... _..__........... _ ..._. ---......_�._......._.___._........--._...._... _ ...__ _�_...._ ...._.......... __... _....... _...__._...... _.._....�..._.._.._.... _ ..._...�- — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said, improvement is...... __...... _...... _....necessary and (or) desirable. 1.65 per front ft. 6,079.45 2. The estimated cost thereof is$_ ....... _............. -...... _... .., and the total cost thereof is$_ ................................. —, Inapeation $119.20 Frontage 3,675.76 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.... .............................. __.......—._......_......._....—_....._..__�__—.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _............ --........................................ 5. Said improvement is.................. .._....__.........._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. )IF h, nR14e�ih GF [ blic o JOHN H. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C,SEP ENGINHDt M. S. GRYTBAK, BINGGE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, MM CONS--- wN0 RFawIR - 19. SHARP, SUPT. GP SwNrtwnoN G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AND Cm G. P. BOWLIN, SUR. OP W-5.Marsh 18, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, I, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Autumn Street from Prosperity Avenue to Kennard Street; under Preliminary Order C. F. #57596, approved January 23, 1925& Estimated Coat $6,079.45 Cost per front ft. 1.65 Inspection 119.20 Frontage 3,675.76 ft. Yours truly, P/ j'Y1 , cam! Chief ngineei. Approved for transmission to a Co issioner of Finance. Commisa oner of Public Works. WUNC,L 59�?' FILE NO.---.-- CITY OF ST. PAUL P --7.1..-.--..--- _._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK h-.• COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM May 12, 1926. PRESENTED COMMISSIONER — --- -- `" Arrnl a In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills,. in the grading of Autumn Avenue from Prosperity Avenue to Kennard Street, under Pre- liminary Order C. F. #5759?, approved January 23, 1925," and Intermediary Order C. F► #65437, approved April 14, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it v B330LVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon Autumn Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upoh the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 12,-1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C,.-p�, No. SSW—BY T. H: McDonald— ruin, anaeaeeme t inetlie land a. thnd e. 'Bary for elopes. cutesA,d an., In the. gradingoffAutumn uard l9 m. under, �-- DyeritY••'Ave• I,. Nb. 67697., PreliminarY OrdeY ..sad Interme-' -approved Jan za I 487 approve <dlary Order, C FJ Q 6 _. 'ed April- 14, Ir T15e .Cocn� 7� •� COUNCILMEN MINY 1 210 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council------------------ ---..---- --------192...--- VAAY 1 2 1926 / Approved.. ..---------------- 192.. ggs�aa. , 6.� ..in favor //fes<� �vto ,,,McDonald- � ----................... ----Acti-roa - ---•------- ----- --- c'Sudheimer:....::`.Against Wenzel 1RT.TSjiFT) �� (p Me. Vim pre& FuRams — CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an casement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Autumn Avenue from Proeperity to Kennard under Preliminary Order C.F. 57597 approved January 23, 1925 an?. Intormcdiary Order C.B'. 65437 approved April 14, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of lublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ,portion of said )lcn, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on )rivato property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched ?arts of such plan. Date: / Commissioner of Public Worl . tr CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j REPORT OF COAWAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of�.nCE'rpir� arri tak'jpg an e&,aomPnt i n 1118 ]2,nA nr eaaGary fnr �� nreR� cu a+an,I fi11s in the grading of Autumn St from Prosperity Avenue to Kennard Street - under Preliminary Order approved Jan 230 1995 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as followst improvement is The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ,- j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _i ... i' VALUATION B 2 :Rogers & Hendricks Acre j: 275 9 2 Lots No.2. 1050 fi V 1 3 do 275 ; 20 3 do 1275 Northwest of Southr'.est of Southeast of j Sao.'22, Township 29, Range 22 do l 3945 West I of Northeast I of Southwe§t of South- east � of Seo. 22, T. 29, Range 23, do 3585 i Northeast x of Northeast U of Southwest of Sec. 22. T. 29, Range 23T do Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s. (C) - ... .. - DESCRIPTION !LOT BLOCK!.! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West 30 it. of Lot 7 all of 6 .3 Dawson's Aore Lots 2350 (Exoept West 30 ft.) 7 ';3 do 625 & gest i of 8 i3 do Fast of 8 3 do 1&5 6 4 do 1200 7 4 do 300 g 4 do 300 9 4 do apo 10 4 do 300 $19,1100, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ez�d6Q /4-Z 192 — Commiss. or of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of'the Commissioner of PpW Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 PIAR SO l9 26 __Ma.xck�.....1.9.;.....1.926........... - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 57697 . , 1925 _ relative to 192....,_._, Couneil, known as Council File No....._.___.._............approved-_-----dan_ ..... 23. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for _._ slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Autumn Street from _....... ................... —... _...._.._ __...__......... __.............._Proaperit,2..Ave....._to F:ennerd._ t._ _......-..._..._..._.....---.._....._......—_ _...._._..-----......— _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... __..... _...._..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_....-__........ , and the total cost thereof is $..... _ .gX.g ..X.X.xE and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------- ............... .......... _................ ............... ........_._..__..._..—___.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -- - -- 5. Said improvement is... ...... .._.............. ............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -... t.................. .._....... ....: .___ ..... ._... �..__....� . Commissioner o4 Pablic Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No Mx 65908 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN OLUTION RAL FORM PRES COM ENWO B COMMISSIONCIATE-----_. ........ . ......... .. . . .. ..... RESOLVED That the applioation of Long Bros. Motor Company for permission to ereot and maintain a publio garage at 674-676 Snelling avenue, is hereby granted, alld the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. "R�ssolvGd That on of Long miOZ'�'N[Pibr � mission to. �m.t an garage at 74,676 SI horAbY 'grantaIL-KVIT tb- of tj�jks; playgrounIIW a,dJ-ub1 0, oil ed and 1��' Dullffifigil is hors y - aU rotor. jisi th etructed t%UI,.h-. - I '11 May 12.. 19N? AdoptoY On= 6 'App�iiVodd Mage J2,192— COUNCILMEN Was Nays j?'erg'Crgon fRdgffn— .... ....... In favor McDonald ,•-Sudheixner Against --Wenzel prell. 80940" Adopted by the Council. MAY 1 2 1926 .................. .................... 192 ApproyA�Ypl- 192-6 ............ 192 C� ...................AY ........... 7 P-U131ILS111110 (/ NOTICE OF ATPLICRTION FOR PERMP IT TO ERT:CT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. "5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on /�_192� to the C ty Council of the City o Saint Paul, Minnesota, b for permiss to erect a public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot % — /�� � Block Z pr eAddjtion, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the side of St. Ave. between —St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number St . Ave-. Dated at Saint Paul, Prlinneso ta, 7j 192. V CIT`,.' .;L'S W F i(l 111E i11tluY IIw�P.Ltt:. 3 PIAS RECEIVED AHD F109 I APR 23 11 Q4 AM 1926 St. PAU. U CC0.0011 STATE OF MINNESOTA, las. County of Ramsey. - ....being duly sworn, deposes h, OSRLE OE APPLI(:ATle1 BpRPERln2 TO EEECT APDaLfo 6ARACE and says a� he is clerk P h .lapatch Printing Co. which now Is and during all the been the of the StrFeul—Blapateh. `kbheerte betebY sl m.tbat.nnreus tt see•.'. 1 Non 8T4.'Ordtnavra b bGSe.:of Jte City oL3 snot Pam : m»aot..� aPnllcattoo in be . - times 1 relnafter mentioned has publisher 5t. Paul Pioneer Preen, a daily newspaper, printed and published in The city of St. -made oo xis. 1., ,1116 to tee Cri{yt 4Pun 11 L' tM CItY oL s Int: P.til MlaLLeetl'. pY Lona: -aqn. 1[otoe go,:fot relaelen Ya erect pab- Paul, In said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Tha3.4ihe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the print ..... R r ae an tbe:foPtowr a deacAbed real a itaet�in ntmaer CoaAtY+Ttimleaate 'Blpok 2 Llnd nup glao9 a� . Int Pat Nlneeaote. O the �f .. A h..cal of a oda M 6oeDtpa A betaee malt SL �Gp�aR�./ ........ ... .......... .. .... .... .... ... ............... -a" U.S. ttad'van 8ulm BC F.tAtUre - J vated at'8atnt.P uL Tn snots AVrll ..3,'i//%�/1 .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ............ hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed an . published in said newspaper •....... weeks, end that all of said publications were made in the English language. /� //// That said notice was first inserted, printed and published on...i>J.C�K..... ��.....�...�1922.6 and was printed pub- the.v ..'?'. :9ay of..... /and lished In said newspaper thereafter on... .... ....... until and including.: .,s":U.:....the !�.`::::iay of.... ... ........ .192..[0 That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was 4fialified as a medium of official., and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... .....................................:..................... said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at )east eight pages, with. eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the -necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general e i"csl news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twt hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ..... .. .............. ........................... .............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state ofMin- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both - Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used In the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghliklmnupgrstuvwrp a Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is Intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspapero�foresaid legal advert]nt. Subscribed and sworn to before me this... c2/.9... ay .. .192. Notary Public, Rams,4/C�o�ujnl,"t/.yryM�iln�ne�oCt�a. Form 141 2M 54-25 P&B My Commission expires..../ I– B. TWEED, N0t1u7 Public, Rerrteey County, Minn, STATE OF MINNESOTA, lss. County of Ramsay.) duly sworn, deposes 1,oaae os esrtacaxmv son PEamre 20 2"_ ays at�heis clerk for Piapatch Printing Co. which now ie and during all the EaaCr ♦sparta-cwnedE. tre nafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, :Rotke frtwsretn xl m;mit qn —t.to ser•: vI o.. a daily newspaper, Brinted and published in the city of St. tion 6n @=bl e p..; .;56ee at t0e Cly lr: St Paul sal i Paul ;.minnaota, avpucea,, ww .: a Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota de m 1ta7 ]2 1826 tb3m Cloy l3by L -t ,tha-t71yty vP:eatnt Pam=nun a ora, by r,ogs Tha�he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed ...... Brbl. Mator'Qo Mor tell tv elect a ynb- , n saraxe to to zo�ie mxaerrrm¢areat ee•: tit! ¢ltgafe to Rant! y COygtP mlgne¢Me� to .......... It int t410. Faint 4 nL. '¢ g' tQ.. .. ...... ... . Dir ...••• Ea.Vdib Of euln '.Av*, eeot, ug' tba. .... ......... • . . • ... . E¢ t eMa of. BglllinQ A ! 'bet eeq, Stnlr St.: aaa V¢q ByRn 8t bumire[ er4-8. - atM at -,Saint Paul,-lnvnesot. dpol 23,:..1%�l..... .. .... ............... 1 a e.. nae > •amu 4a 1 za.za. - ... .. a ' . - eto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, Printed and published in said newspaper aeeh for weeks, and all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was first Inserted, printed and published on. ...... tbe.v.'r�tf?.day of........... .19i.S�and was Printed and /Pub• liebed in said newspaper thereafter on.. �y�/� ��_. CO../. until and including.. (....�^-'e'.�.... •the. l��4.'.day of.... ... ••192.(p, That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was Afualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined In said sections 3 and 4, to -wit that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... ........................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columna to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twt hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ................ .. ........................... .............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwzya Further affiant satth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to ace mpany the bill for publication in said newspaper�foresaid legal advertis a t. ..... Subscribed and sworn to before me thi741�.!/Z1(l`.tldi / ooff... ... ,[........192.6. Notary Public, Ram y County, Minnesota My Commission expires........ �� �• �� Form I41 2M 5i-25 PAB """ L. B. TWEED, Notary Public, Ramsay County, Minn, My Com[niaaion expires Supt 2& 19'21 ... 'CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ' nca NO.-.---... 659trif no .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f{ - COUNCIL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDCOMMISSIO ER DATE- COMMISSIONER-.�:- ----- RESOLVED T t permission and autho are hereby given to the 1Elvgren paint Supp3y,aompany to install a 250 -gallon benzine storage tank in the rear of its building at 472 Robert street, the tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Hedg- - -------- _----In favor ✓" McDonald crSudheimer ... .........Against Wenzel Mr. Y. Fergvuos MAY 1 2 1926• Adopted by ,the Council ....... .............._. _......_192.._.. Approve .. M Y 1 2 926.. ....192------ �.T/ "j � �lit.oL9 v✓ ��tl�M YOR a UBLISHED E. J. MURNANIL - CM V O! POYCB MICHAIL GERHARDT. ABR. CMV - P.. - .A, VAU CA MN Or DR6TNn G.. H. BARFUSS. INorcemN ar Pouu A. L EGGERT, U—. INerBaloe CHARLES L 8EGRe1. SVT. M---GA-- JOB. MAGULAY. SUR. PaUGe 6 PMH ALMY •':�".-."., /.^'ice ia Tl `+ *aInt Peal DWBN C. DONN, r�i PIRB CWv �iJ/ TpAW�B�`1■.••s �} y�7r' *r �B a■. j epartment of Public sNfe`� 08GR LANDER. WILLABBT BARRON.-.- VVV CMV INBreClae. PIRB PABVLMNW J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L WILLIS. , HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER'OP�� t B.F. SIMON. M. D. HBALTR omca DI CWRT INDae A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. DVIrtY HEALTH GlIICOI �® JOHN MARTI. CMO NGLTN IMVBDT011 April 7, 1926 Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Herewith is application of the Elvgren Paint Company for permission to instal a 250 -gallon benzine storage tank in the rear of their building at 472 Robert Street and report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Z issioner of Public Safst In regard to application of the E1vgren Paint Company for permission to install a 250 gallon benzine storage tank in the rear of their building at 472 Robert Street. Tank is buried in ground and ben- zine is drawn off with an inside pump. As this is a very safe method in which to handle benzine, I would recommend that they be granted this permit. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. FJCB/ j � E. J. MURNRN0. Cto of St. Paul OYi@1 C C. UUN OUNN, CMOOF P-uti Pu MICNAQ.O®RARW. A—.C1-W OP P-UCK OSCAR LANDER. Department of POW $afetU AUT.FOR, 0— H. A. YAU- CHARLES L. W RLIS. CwRA1Na DRIRrvp J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER BUR. ar APPAIIA" O H BARPUSS, INS,—DR-P FOLIC- HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON. M. D. H-D-ARO-- A. L. EOOERT. J A. E. NICHOLS. M. D. U—.INva TOR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION OVVn HUUTN OFFIem 700. MACAULAY. DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MARTI. fYR. Pill- a FNI. ALMY DONiN ANO NIHNE.Tw aft. CNIW H- — INW.T-w WIWAM BARRON. CI-W INw.cTOR ®® Apr. 6, 1926. Honorable J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety, Court House, CITY. Dear Sir: In regard to application of the E1vgren Paint Company for permission to install a 250 gallon benzine storage tank in the rear of their building at 472 Robert Street. Tank is buried in ground and ben- zine is drawn off with an inside pump. As this is a very safe method in which to handle benzine, I would recommend that they be granted this permit. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. FJCB/ j INGOR PORATED PAINTS --WINDOW GLASS PAINTERS SUPPLIES 472 ROBERT STREET .ST. PAUL:M INN. Maroh 31, 1928• Com. J. M. Clano9, Court. House St, Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We hereby make.,applioation for a Permit to install a 260 gallon Benzine Storage Tank in, the rear of our building with Bowser Pump Equipment inside the building at 472 Bobert-ali Yours truly, a ' HLVGM 0. A". G n i CITY OF ST. PAUL ¢ouw¢I NO.. 659 vac - ................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' Ctl.L RESOL TIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTS COMMISSIONER .._ RESOLVED Th the application of eerless Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Company for permission to increase their gagoline storage by 1000 gallons, and change the looation of their plant tanks, at 729-731 North Snelling avenue, is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the. satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. 86918—B4q- T,' hL Clancy 4 Reaolted hat the dpplfmtlon of the pany' go <perrn eanl,.i dt•'Dyefn¢ Com- gnso ;¢r tor!aleblon 10 gallons Lh 1r �¢ n6e the locatfon`1af. Mi..obYe Beam' tanks, at,729:421'N¢rth ane111ng,'Ave.,_. Is -hereby granted, saw tnaks to lie 1n- I etaUed fa accordance. wlth. the otflm - - anpe;f'the ab-CltY of at '1. au1'6ad.under the dlre¢tlon+anfl d¢'the satlete¢tlon-'ot., the Cnmmlealoner oY PublleSaletY�. _ � �APDr¢Ved 3tay:12, 7988: - AdoHted bYthe Counott Dlay 12, 1928. ':, - COUNCILMEN MAY I s 1" Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............. 192...... flSUsoza-+-".., APProved:.. .192. �----In favor ' / MAYOR McDonald rtj( -• R •kY 3udheimer..Against •,,.Wenzel �LIS�®-----_----� Idir. Fine Pros. FArg".' K. J. MYRNANR OaD. O. n0aali MIDNAm. aoHMm. A.ff. CNIO M►aYtt H.A. VALL. CwrYMR O10RfLTNb G. H. BARPUSS. INomUR W P A. L EGGERT. liana{ INv6t011 CHARLO L. SEOREN, RUR. MIUOCVALOMA.[ JOS. MAGULAY. eu.r. ea1.ICE a rlu AL.RY onint Paul DYYW C. DONN. !iR[ CMv �e of Public Safety A.R. NIX O , `. RRv uxtmen WILLIAM BARRON. W Cqv illn[Cfall. FlR!<lIMYORI.M J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIOMM CHARLES L. Wn..a F$4RRY T. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER �•°�M�—I B. V. SIMDN. M. D. I HlALT10mCY1 n� aaaR Maui A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. Vg HW—DIIICeI ®® JOHN MART. CHO NYLiH Ilu.�f.11 - Mgy 6, 1926 Mr. C. J. Mc6logan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Herewith application of the Peerless Dry Cleaning Company for permission to increase their gasoline storage by 1000 gallons at 729-731 No. Snelling Avenue; also to change location of their present tanks. Inspection has been made and approval given by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Pub Safety E. J. MIIRNANE. CCU of Si. Paul 01V@1 C. OYNN. PIR[ CMv CMD' e, POUC[ MICA-.GEDHARDT. A. CMO Or Pb. pp TFS.} �S�}�I. }S��}Yi public Bepa8,`S ent of public $UMP O A.vuFlR[Oev - N.A. VALL. YALIN CHARLES L. WEJ.IA BOR. Q APPARATu. OP O[T[CTVO J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER B. F. SIMON. M. O. G. H FU -. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER H[ALTH OmCa A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. A. L EGGERT. U- I- BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION OD'VITMw.TN OPReeR DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION JOHN MARTI. JOS. MAWUUIY. SuwT. POLIO[ Q FIR[ ALMM pOHfH AM) HIMR®OlA m. CMD' H- /NNter.w WILLIAM BARRON. CMD' I - May 6,1926 Hon.J.M.Olancy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Peerless Dry Cleaning Company located at 729-731 No.Snelling Avenue, to change their gasoline storage tanks to allow for a new dry cleaning system they wish 'to install. I have had their request investigated and report that there would be no increase in fire hazard due to the proposed change in storage. Applicant aloe desires a gasoline permit for 1000 gallons in addition to his present storage. This additional storage would not create any additional fire hazard. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. M. W. SHARE. PRE0. .r.. • P. F. MOSES, SEC'Y. ST. PAUL - MINNEAPOLIS 729 M SNDIING 2124 LYNDALC AVE SO. AVE. MIDWAY R. CSR. SD1D ST. N E S T O R - DYKEWATER 88'11 - 1801 6LE"iwd in Co. "THE HOUSE OF UNSURPASSED QUALITY AND SERVICE" ST. PAUL, MINN. April Uth, 1926, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau, Courthouse, St. Paul, Minn; Dear Sit: - We are changing to a continuous system for our cleaning house which necessarily means a change of stor- age tanks, and we would sincerely appreciate your im- mediate Inspection for the allowance of such change. Thanking you very kindly for your attention in this matter, we are, Yery Truly Yours, The Peerless Cing and Dyeing Cc; By. PFM;Pm. i- Ar WE DRY CLEAN AND DYE EVERYTHING FROM SMALL FEATHERS. TO LARGE RUGS -M a - COUNCIL- L10ri-+- CITY OF ST. PAUL vlLe NO------- S.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May ll, 1926 PRESENTED BYd: C0MMISS10H 4W RMOL FD That the bond given to the City of sta Paul by the Fidelity Casualty Odmpsny o3 Hew York, as surety, and Henry Ti Xillna, as prinoipal, dated Februery`8, 1984, in the Bum of go ,p0Q.00, oovering ourb gasoline filling station at 1350 white Beer Avenue, be and the some is hereby ojnoelled and the principal and surety thereon released, as station has been removed; provided, however, that nothing herein shell be oonstrued as releasing said principal and surety from eny liability whioh may have soorued prior to A` the oanoellation`of said bond. C, F No 868Y1 th0 band BSvea Loi tho i°.CttY.s°L $C P &e b X_ la°' 8uilated - . .. altY -0on1P�Yypina.'8a-Prl� ��8i6g0.00� .and sen 884 to ..Gd$suhzB l t"'ttOhe &ab g_onr0 8'aAYenue be'an'8An 0 - i BL 1$3Plat' l6'1i0rabY't* r-nad ar.leasad. a° nse,hean rem a evtae , c1Pa1 d? ,gnrotY thdr �yec laP�� � atatton, that nothing enid PTinalPat - hbw°var. . to releaa1n611ab1ntY; whletr ,' ''coaetruad�a=cora' ao1 r'th°,a9n�e1'`�1 andy SuretyOrhgd D 1988.(' mahaYB bond la'tAdoDDt Q tY the C° 1828 A4PtoF»d (B%Y 16 1988) A�/ l 21926 COUNCILMEN - - Adopted by the Council... MAY - ............. _, - 192•-- Yens Nays Clancy. 192 Approved /-1Qrj�. -..._ Ferguson Hodgson _........... In favor McDonald ( C'4f 11(:. MAYOR $udheimer ................ Against PiTRi:iSHFD Wenzel Mr. President s No...._.--- 659-12 CITY OF ST. PAUL FO . OFFIC C N Nb =''86818-8Y J'i S. TLenbnatd--: COUNCIL R �10TgaiThe CpmmizelOner of pub ltae tigoriia has reLorted't4 tf5e."Conn pll fqq s000rdatJpe Wlth B.otlop• b8 pt - '. .. - the Cf rlehartet -the esUtBsaFioL¢en� . rggy WhtehreaQeted beebedkYy 1tlP R4h 4Q`�., __.. .___ "PRESENTED ER 2 mDlgyymmgat o!'oertaifx employee ot- COMMISSIONER— - B part+heat for more+ihad '<..' yyer da9 e11d'bm loyent'-bD<... .• �yp.in L J:..hY aL �SOltre O:f •. RESOLVED VlfiEfOM, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of 'an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of. certain employes of his Department fox more than eight hours per. day, said employment being more than their gsual hours of employient. THWFOii`E BE IT RESO YID," That the propQr city officers are here- by aut4oiized to pay the following named �{PT��oyea, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra"employment for tlie�extra time hereinafter set forth: - RATS ;OF T2TiE HOURS OY3EB.TI= Behr, Wank Ditoh Digger w hr Bowers, Clarence Util. 7abdr- BrdWn, Er" S. S8 >ilgineer 31 •51 1.10 Bruce, Bay Util. Labor .17 .55 Brunner, Soseph . 12 .55 Brygicki, Gregor• _ 4 Campbell, E. P. Utility Ilan 1 .65 Campbell, �. 8 S>xb ForemeEn 38 . 62 Carlen; :Juliu$ M'io.Fa,bor 4 ; 5® lei Lena. Fra e s 11 ".50 Dieteah, cbeiter Com. w# IO :45 13ur$eneky IL. s. Stationary Engr. 17 ; 8llatt, 8d. Snb;Forem�n 7Mglltrom, C. 3 Com. Labor .4 F3`att►, Etiohael Set. • 2 50 f�irta, Msthet ]t%ee R 1 Sauk, Lindy T. Roller Engineer � 50 o Sudson,'"d. S. ":' Sub Foreman } _ .62* MCDonoeigb, Saner UtX1. Labor 8 55 McLaughlin, Micheael Com.457 Yarri, Soseph Yte. is ;50 Mertens, Bernard Ditch Digger 16 Solz, f Richael SubmForeman• 10 .62 Pastusch, JTohn Ditch Digger 4 ,55' COUNOILMFN Adopted by the Council ......... '. .. --192.. Yeas4---:77:7 Kaye Clancy Ferguson�" ``• ..�""•` Approved. -------------------------- --- 192.. Hodgson ............. In favor. McDonald : -_------------------ j 9udheimer .... ... Against „ Wenzel,,�� PUBLISHED -+. CITY OF ST. PAUL N"` NO.--,- _.-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OATF -.. COMMISSION RESOLVED WIMT&1AS, The Commisaioner-of Public Works has reported, to the C'oun'cil,' in accordance with Section 53 0£ the City Charier,' the existence of -an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his-Department 'for more thaneighthours per day,. said employment being more than their jisual hours of employrgent. THEMORE HE IT RESDEM . That theproper proper city officers are here- by sutloiized to pay the following named, employes, at. the rate othdxwgsa fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: PATE., OF T1TI8 110um .. C1%gRTnm Pearson, Niels Utility labor 1 ],umbo, Anthony Dteh Digger 6 P•1umbq, Domonick Sewer Labor 10 Plumbo0 Joseph Ditch Digger 14 .50 Putnam .bred 45 Rose, Irvin Paving Bed Raker 10 .6 Sehrinkler, Louis Ditch Digger;; 10 § Sis'ott, William Roller Engineer, 12 Rimmer. 1sy. Gs., Engineer 10 .90 1.90 10 1kimone, Zahn Pipe La er. 3 .3 MIX, Christ. il: Labor 55 6lrumm, John Kto. 'k 1 Taddonis& Frank Paving Foremen 10 :505© 991 Teresu, Henry Util. labor 41 .�0 Tuocitto Rnunsa lit a'. R Vincelli, D. ■ e' .50 Winklesky, Otto SS Engineer 12 i,10 COUNCILMEN MAY 1 2.1926 YNays ° Adopted by the CounciL_-.. -...----_............-192.- --- •-� MAY 1 21926 ............. i/ ---- t --e-Zli 19�2Ao $odgeon aIn favor \,McDonald -------• J ---- MAYOR VSudheimer ( Against l�Cf�ng Wenzel 19 r. Vivo Prom, VOTSUAm an emefigency has arisen in the Dapaz ent 03 Pnblie Florke, ren4ering neoesaaiy the employment of certa*z employes of that department for more then, eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: _Sep�i�nQ�sa�ers9—vil_i_na k. Adjusting mi or equipment• aradina fly_i���@���4ns�rtlr�ing�.ulY.e�'t. xi,ia emergenoI7 arose by reason, of the following faots and circumetenoee; Rewiring sewers in all emergenois&; oiling and adjusting minor eQu pment after Aorking hd rr.a too Syc jd delay du£jng r lag flying field and rushing it to completion; constructing culvert at g lod.--ov .w�+i,n� work to zsorp rush completion. / �oaTRSTO-�'ei of :PUbIis or G COUNCIL NO -------- ViiW «.r— CITY OF ST. PAUL vne OFFICE OF`THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER.- RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement'with Roy B.' Watters, providing for the payment, of compensation to him at the rate of $20..00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the. Department of Public Works of the l City of St. Paul on the 25th day of March, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Roy B. Watters the�sum of $130.00 out of the WorkmensV Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said City, being for the period up to and including May 9th, 1926. .�, 99rtane pApM°��°a'sr I recblu»zend the above resolution iteealY'd.:T $ � ti for passage. Rot - Core ate hreampnc with la.7 �oa teT&=PTC�Yld1h&: , tb m bt xath'i9 rate comDeneattotti. to '8tlrin6 ' auch time . as eLAW'be 'totally dlcabled- bwhile M oto injUrlae `oT na Clip_ p{mSti Panlnonr �:°he'remp Y Commissioner of Public Works. 1Sa Works of . rah, -1990• he It tbe .88th day-ot 8 accruordor; y'urther 8aeolved That fhe 1 ance with':sa(d "her:tnentf �l': City ogloei•e'nra hereby authoilae& [O' ':Day to the3'aid Roy B. Wattoreirha: :Pum pt i180.00.out ot,,o rat tha .Workncns I.-.ComPaneatlogl eetgemeni etq to FO d p'un. t d City .lieing uyato and Sdalu ln6 Mag 8th 1888. the Connell May 18%1988. Adopted b iy, 1988 ADDroyed t�DiaY 18_1988} '.t COUNCILMEN Adopted by the. CounciMAi. ............192.._.._ Fees Nays - // on Approved.'-••¢ `:26 ------- 192 Feygag /, .'_ .In favor _ � \,-McDonald..........- i ,."'Sudheimer `. .:Against FTMT TNr4FrY .._ ,,,Menzel 2 Via 1pres, Forgum COUNCIL NO.- -- 65914 CITY OF ST. PAUL �Le ---------- OFFICE - - --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM O r_ r PRESENTED BY * � _! DATE_._.._._ -- • =— COMMISSIONER-_ p••-,• WHEREAS, R. H. Bartlett deposited with the Clerk of the, Municipal Court the sum of Fifty Dollars bail money to secure his appearance in said court on April 3rd, 1926; and WHE4AS, said Bartlett appeared in Court on: said day and was informed that court would not be held that day; that he again appeared.on April 5th, and was informed that his bail had been forfeited; and WHEREAS, Hon. Conrad Olson, one of the Judges of said Court, and the City Prosecutor have recommended that said bail be rein— stated; therefore, be it _._ RESOLVED, That theproper city offiders'draw a warrant in favor of -George F. Dia, Clerk of the Municipal Court, for said sum of. Fifty Dollars ($50.00), payable out of the proper fund. C1Ru0yy :� C Ir. No.5681R AY,.JOtt depppenited _pl'rerpe Olark 4 Do iesNe it monBYo- - the -Bum ot>rtttY eld .00uit: - .aecure lits aDDeareu0e to 4, ' On Avrll.Srd 19E8'eade6red is. ('N\ Wher9a9 Baldga_Baa waep+RtOrmed COurt on said daY Oa AOril 6th: that court WOnld ao�t afield that daY: rat ne dagata a?�?H,nt h19.Gall had COU3,CILMENi I n v. t2 l,a . AD➢roved nY .16 1996Y ' <- nCll'---. --.77'. -- ---- --' -- .-.... Yeas Nays MAY 1 2 1926 Approve - >F .--_In favor ( u n w McDonald - b yy 1 � �Ciillg MAYOR Sudheimer' �-Wenzel KJB1 ISIIED rf GHz Vice Prec ForPllRon TO THE CITY.-COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Now comes R. H. Bartlett and petitions the City Council for the refund.of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to be paid to Honorable George F. Dix, Clerk of Municipal Court, which Fifty Dollars ($50.00) was paid as a deposit for the appearance of the said R. H. Bartlett in Municipal Court of the City of St. Paul at 9:00 o'clock A. M., on Saturday, April 3rd, A. D. 1926. fn support Of this petition your petitioner presents the following facts: That on Saturday, April 3rd, A. D. 1926, your petitioner appeared at the office of the Clerk of Municipal Court and was advised by the information clerk that no court would be held on said date; that on Monday, April 5th, your petitioner again appeared at the call of the criminal calendar.and when his case was not called he inquired the reason therefor; that he was referred to the bailiff who informed him that his bond had been forfeited on Saturday, April 3rd, and paid into the City Treasurer of the City of St. Paul. WHEREFORE your petitioner respectfully requests that this bail money of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) be reinstated to the Honorable George F. Dix, Clerk of the Municipal Court. Dated We 21st day of April, A. D. 1926. Petitioner. 7x1J71f, T s I,`' the undersigned, Prosecuting Attorney o£the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, having read the petition of R. H. Bartlett and having investigated the facts therein set forth and having found them to be true, do recommend that this bail money be re-instated to the Honorable George F. Dix, Clerk of the Municipal Court. A� seouting Attorney. I, the undersigned, Judge of the Municipal Court, having read the petition of R. H. Bartlett and believing the facts therein to be true and that the claim of Fifty Dollars (050.00) bail money is legitimate, do recommend that the same be re-instated. Municipal Judge. --=� COUNCIL ---.� CITY OF'ST A -sne NO. . OFFICE-OF THE C49 9695 5 COU RESOL I N rt �cAloCk}� IoWner Rearran tnan�,._ W-llUaw� Itais aP!(ri4 .tihitL $g - i las+; soatAmpat aomar ta{ d' °n iho'' PRESENTED BY 'PrineatentioaM bBai�,paaiednto tins: COMMISSIONER.._.:= .rionLttia r 2 nc naU.1 -, a In YBe ant7. REAS, Mary E. Brown, the owner of Lot 1, Block ,l Wright'A Williams!. Re-arrangement of Block 12, Ma0alester.Park, which is 10- cated on the southwest corner of Baldwin and prinoeton streets, has appealed to the Council from the refusal of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to issue a permit for the erection of a duplex upon said lot, said refusal being based on the fact that the frontage of said lot is but.40 feet; and said notice of appeal has been properly published-as required by Ordinance No. 5840, and the Zoning Board.has recommended that said Bary E. Brown be permitted to construct a. duplex on said lot, provided the front building line'is, set back at least forty feet from the-front_Btreet line; .therefore,-- - be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with Paragraph 5, Seotion 20 of said Ordinance No. 5840, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Mary E. Brown a permit for the erection of said duplex, same to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code of said City,; and the front building line shall be set back at least forty feet from the front street line. COUNCILMEN MAY.1 21926 �;-.-_ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _-... .19.. + Approved.. MAY ! � 1926 ---------19, ^ - r An favor �� VMcDonald / ! MAYOR. ,d"Sudheimer L:., Against mc,vice Prue" t'jav M9F1 May 11th, 1926. Mr. A. A. Stewart, CorporationcCounsel, Building. My dear Mr. Stewart: We enclose herewith all papers in the matter of the appeal of.Mary E. Brown for a permit to erect a duplex on bot 1. Block 1, Wright & William's Rearrangement of Block 12, Macalester Park, located on the southwest corner of Baldwin and Princeton Avenues. This appeal was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper form of resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. , hs19 7_Y, �{im of y Saint Paul � HAROLD J. RIOROAN C. J. MCGLOGAN. iiii�� CHIQ Cg—IK CRY C K CRY CLRK ANO COMMIMIONM OR REOIB "ION lA6��p M M1elk CLARENCE A. STORM6 �YVYVlllllllL pt LL VK{F'' .�fKK � CHR: C K-REOIVMATIOH May 11th, 1926. Mr. A. A. Stewart, CorporationcCounsel, Building. My dear Mr. Stewart: We enclose herewith all papers in the matter of the appeal of.Mary E. Brown for a permit to erect a duplex on bot 1. Block 1, Wright & William's Rearrangement of Block 12, Macalester Park, located on the southwest corner of Baldwin and Princeton Avenues. This appeal was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper form of resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. GEORGGu ERNEST Swv (Qttg of at. uttl Vepartment of 'pnrke. Vtaggrouna fuhltr $uildingo C. WENZEL, C-...'.... PEARCE. D.PVTYCaxwisa�owaw CE OF COMMISSIONER ate COURT HOUSE q109e April 24, 1926%, 1l'ir. C. J. IvicGlogan, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith papers in connection frith the aiopeal of Mary B. Brovm for a permit to erect a duplex on Lot 1, Block 1, 'gright w William's Rearrange- ment of Block 12, Macalester Park, located on the south- west corner of Baldwin and Princeton Avenues. The Zoning Board, after hearing the appellant and view- ing th, rrenises, recommend to the Council, in accordance with Paragraph i, Section 20, of the Zoning Law, that permission be given the owner to build a duplex on this lot providing that the building line is at least forty feet from the front street line. Yours truly, �� cretary, Zoni/ Board.... 3 W. tf.. MOP. m mak. )i.H- CHI... ox Salin rani, Paul; ,`Minnesota.- � z,.eln the o'riwer o;3 hot, 1, Block 1,-Wr9ght.8o 7lilliam�s can�ement of Block' 1-2, MaogTester �'grk;' which is the 8.1M1F IMPROVEMENTNO._//'J("' 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ow'RETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMITDATE .? OFFICE' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,ti. ASSESSMENT STATEMENT 1 .STATEMENT DELIVERED TO , OF ASSESSMENT RgTI FIED SY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST PAUL MINNESOTA AND CONFIRMED BY—ADDRETHE STRICT COU PAGE _. F NO OF IMPROVEMENT LOT BLO N -- - A O 11ION O D -. - - -- OUN -"_ w. 11 ro N wNaE Aoom on II-(ZN D N-COUNTY I __ = a�E =— o- 1r. �r 1 i TOTAL s _ t I ' / I I � /��. .. I i 0 JL ryry I INTEREST FIGURED TO FORM BBI -L. C HODGSON, COM 810NIIR OF FINANCE (IOM 11.2E P. d 6.) , PER ----------- K I... BPECIAI x' oral m oyo to�glre the cOrrect deacrlption, Loi, Bio ASSESSMENT Anr AaoeWmoit. or; Shat installment: ae - the a theoffiofal Dnblicatlon, giving notice to'all perssnq�3 Commfes$..or. of FJaance:for colieatloa: - .' at installments shall beeoms due and p Pubilcation glving,nottde .that the a annent has �,. lection, In sequence on tbe�flrat Monday of January^ arilThe Law des Theta; Whenever a. se—See t May b�d, without Interest' within. the tit Whenever an Assenmeat In Payable In One I� 'Tqe 1.ten' of Eaeh'.Snbeegneatw.Lutalla.cat site year for which Inetallm4is certtfl.d to the Cou{it Any Asoerom"t „Flrat, insWinient.!as. thea .c from the pnbllcstton of the notice,! shall be and sic assessment forthwith attache. to said'installet d bcr l delt4gvency to the date of. payment 'Moll 1,11 lment sueoegaent-to thefirsteb.4 date of publlcatioa demanding Dyayment of .the drat year foriwblch such: Installment is certified to 'the-� ` 0TTIp4ED LIS •'Net Later Thep the 16th Dap 1 October, the Cm t Lora list of each and overt' part oyyarcel of Janda U" unpaid and not heretofore certlffed,. the total amo aid Interest thereon and the lntorest thea due on 1'11:'t tThan the b'IM Day: et.November, they i Auditor a Ilstof all'dellnquent assesementsor flr§t_l L .sum 11 10% If no' assessment or Ufstallment and;d { the date otdellnquencq tothe first. day of Sanuarrppi k ! Interim d Pa tat Whenever, after the delfve i' before theerat Mo day 1n January :thereafter. the i or:firat Inetaltmenti the 11 Commtestoner of Finance a yi Ri..'. V 'WIL dAdditlon of your proyetty: when applylag for %9 be shall become due and Ir Is 30 days after Ind that the assessment has been delivered to the .annually thereafter after the dateof the Official. felfvered to. the Commissioner of Finance for cot- illinstallments are exhausted. ppayable in .two or, moreinstallments the entire lted for payment of the first Installment ,i the lien attschee from date of 'notice. lnnually on the first Monday of Januaryof the ltor. g: ay he, which shall not :be patd within 80 .days toInquent A penaltyy of 10 q, of the"amount of street, and Interest I. charged from the date of Interest at the rateof 0% per nnum from the llment to the first Monday InJanuary for the T- Auditor. U AUDITOR. same ofr of the If .I 1, U_a k f K I... BPECIAI x' oral m oyo to�glre the cOrrect deacrlption, Loi, Bio ASSESSMENT Anr AaoeWmoit. or; Shat installment: ae - the a theoffiofal Dnblicatlon, giving notice to'all perssnq�3 Commfes$..or. of FJaance:for colieatloa: - .' at installments shall beeoms due and p Pubilcation glving,nottde .that the a annent has �,. lection, In sequence on tbe�flrat Monday of January^ arilThe Law des Theta; Whenever a. se—See t May b�d, without Interest' within. the tit Whenever an Assenmeat In Payable In One I� 'Tqe 1.ten' of Eaeh'.Snbeegneatw.Lutalla.cat site year for which Inetallm4is certtfl.d to the Cou{it Any Asoerom"t „Flrat, insWinient.!as. thea .c from the pnbllcstton of the notice,! shall be and sic assessment forthwith attache. to said'installet d bcr l delt4gvency to the date of. payment 'Moll 1,11 lment sueoegaent-to thefirsteb.4 date of publlcatioa demanding Dyayment of .the drat year foriwblch such: Installment is certified to 'the-� ` 0TTIp4ED LIS •'Net Later Thep the 16th Dap 1 October, the Cm t Lora list of each and overt' part oyyarcel of Janda U" unpaid and not heretofore certlffed,. the total amo aid Interest thereon and the lntorest thea due on 1'11:'t tThan the b'IM Day: et.November, they i Auditor a Ilstof all'dellnquent assesementsor flr§t_l L .sum 11 10% If no' assessment or Ufstallment and;d { the date otdellnquencq tothe first. day of Sanuarrppi k ! Interim d Pa tat Whenever, after the delfve i' before theerat Mo day 1n January :thereafter. the i or:firat Inetaltmenti the 11 Commtestoner of Finance a yi Ri..'. V 'WIL dAdditlon of your proyetty: when applylag for %9 be shall become due and Ir Is 30 days after Ind that the assessment has been delivered to the .annually thereafter after the dateof the Official. felfvered to. the Commissioner of Finance for cot- illinstallments are exhausted. ppayable in .two or, moreinstallments the entire lted for payment of the first Installment ,i the lien attschee from date of 'notice. lnnually on the first Monday of Januaryof the ltor. g: ay he, which shall not :be patd within 80 .days toInquent A penaltyy of 10 q, of the"amount of street, and Interest I. charged from the date of Interest at the rateof 0% per nnum from the llment to the first Monday InJanuary for the T- Auditor. U AUDITOR. same ofr of the If .I I... BPECIAI x' oral m oyo to�glre the cOrrect deacrlption, Loi, Bio ASSESSMENT Anr AaoeWmoit. or; Shat installment: ae - the a theoffiofal Dnblicatlon, giving notice to'all perssnq�3 Commfes$..or. of FJaance:for colieatloa: - .' at installments shall beeoms due and p Pubilcation glving,nottde .that the a annent has �,. lection, In sequence on tbe�flrat Monday of January^ arilThe Law des Theta; Whenever a. se—See t May b�d, without Interest' within. the tit Whenever an Assenmeat In Payable In One I� 'Tqe 1.ten' of Eaeh'.Snbeegneatw.Lutalla.cat site year for which Inetallm4is certtfl.d to the Cou{it Any Asoerom"t „Flrat, insWinient.!as. thea .c from the pnbllcstton of the notice,! shall be and sic assessment forthwith attache. to said'installet d bcr l delt4gvency to the date of. payment 'Moll 1,11 lment sueoegaent-to thefirsteb.4 date of publlcatioa demanding Dyayment of .the drat year foriwblch such: Installment is certified to 'the-� ` 0TTIp4ED LIS •'Net Later Thep the 16th Dap 1 October, the Cm t Lora list of each and overt' part oyyarcel of Janda U" unpaid and not heretofore certlffed,. the total amo aid Interest thereon and the lntorest thea due on 1'11:'t tThan the b'IM Day: et.November, they i Auditor a Ilstof all'dellnquent assesementsor flr§t_l L .sum 11 10% If no' assessment or Ufstallment and;d { the date otdellnquencq tothe first. day of Sanuarrppi k ! Interim d Pa tat Whenever, after the delfve i' before theerat Mo day 1n January :thereafter. the i or:firat Inetaltmenti the 11 Commtestoner of Finance a yi Ri..'. V 'WIL dAdditlon of your proyetty: when applylag for %9 be shall become due and Ir Is 30 days after Ind that the assessment has been delivered to the .annually thereafter after the dateof the Official. felfvered to. the Commissioner of Finance for cot- illinstallments are exhausted. ppayable in .two or, moreinstallments the entire lted for payment of the first Installment ,i the lien attschee from date of 'notice. lnnually on the first Monday of Januaryof the ltor. g: ay he, which shall not :be patd within 80 .days toInquent A penaltyy of 10 q, of the"amount of street, and Interest I. charged from the date of Interest at the rateof 0% per nnum from the llment to the first Monday InJanuary for the T- Auditor. U AUDITOR. same ofr of the If .I CITY OF ST. PAUL coumctL MN.. ---.- 65J16 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IYSj�If COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM , COMMISSSIONER_.__.. DATE Ayr --"4,_:7.936_x._...__ REsotvEo That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing approximately 800,000 gallons of Road Oil, Grade "A", to the Department of Public Works for the season of 1926, at a price of 0 .0619'per gallon, to the Standard Oil Company (Ind.), they being the lowest responsible bidder on oil in aceordavoe with city speci-s fieations, total amour the contract approximately $49,520,00, to be delivered as required, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the , proper form of contract therefor. F.B. $7008. C. la'.No 88x38=8y J H g(c�MIQ_ Resolved ThaY'.the Couac(1 hereby a Droves the '61% -of the PUEcbasing '+tntatttbb (n aioard(n contract Sor fors 'ung nyprozlqul e!iv Boo,Boo 15eDhr lnontdo lld!! 8 Worke tor.Dhb aeaaon -ct 1088 sat°a price of1.0819 per- $9110x,: to Khe Ol1;ConlDaey (rad) 'they 'boiag: thStandard e lowest reapoa- Ible %Ider oh bil.: in accordance pity-sDeci"cattoaer tot 1 ambuat•ot they e deA oredag r nuirea, Ih secordan e` wlt}katendard mty:a md,t 1 a amo' their 1 bid and. award of-: ooatract'trereto tnohed,:C and the ,corporattah�.wuaeel-. )a hereby,aathor)zta to -draw uD .the. progar'. iorpn. of coatlacf themtor. F. al. No, roes - � AdcytAd by the'Ccuncit M9Y-32 1026. - Approved j1lay 12, 19$8 (MaY„1,-1928) COUNCILMEN MAY Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---'--:--• 192----- Fergueoti” Approved-- --.:.192- ... Hodfavor �! McDonald ' - �� tin Mavow Sudheimer-.::.::--.-Against . PUBLISHED_ 9 =` . Wenzel Mr. V ion Won.. 11.1rfmaan CITY OF ST. PAUL aoIX No --------659V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—•GENERAL'FORM PRESENTED BY May; 12 � 1926 COMMISSIONER DATA- — _ - RESO In the matter of constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Chatsworth Street from 11andolph Street to West Seventh Street, except `where good.and sufficient sidewalk now exists. under Preliminary Order 04 P. #6PA". approved Oote'6,. 1925, and Pinal Order Q. P. ,#63$34, approved Deoember 10, 1925. RPSOLyn That all ordersin'the above matter, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and resoinded, and all proceedings in each matter discontinued. i C.F. No 85917 By J 73. Mcponaid- � 1 In the matter e"t' eiet}vetchats 91da- - Walon tha eando l h o1.Chatsworth I 6treeb rom Randolph Streh Waet Seventh Street, 'ezcaDt Where good and miHiclBnt-atdeWalk nOty ezleta,:_.I. under' Preliminary Order, C;:'V. No. I 62444;, approved Oct. 8. 3826 and. Final' Order C. F No. 88284 W ` probed Decemlier-l0 1926." ' Resolved 'that all order" Sn the abpve matter be ;and" the eam_ are hereby', cancelladr +annulled and- ra- act ded; and all proceeding., in eucll mater dWoontinued. - Adopted by the C-11.11 MaY'12 Approved May 12, 1986 (Mlay-16 3928) COUNCILMEN MAY 1 2 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .- ---- --,..---._192..---- �- AY 1 a If" 19,2--.-- _ Approved ..-.�� In favor 192 gam-...�% 1�/V McDonald /� - ... Acting MAYOR $udheimer ...---51 -_.-Against Wenzel "TRT,TSMD Mr. President CITY OF ST. 0AUL wueCIL �-.NO.--------- • 18 rae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER , _._ DATE__.,_�AL1926 REso a That the grade of Alleys in Block 4, Blmwood Addition, from Palace St: to Juliet St• and from Best -Borth ',and South Alley to West- North and South Alley, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended'�7 the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Hoon-- ..... In favor McDonald Sudheimer....Against Wenzel Mr. President O MAY 1 2 192 Adopted by the Council .............................. --•-:-:.:.192...... Approved....—Y.1 Z.P?9 ... ..192------ � C�IA� MAYOR PUBLISHED �,� 6591 CITY OF ST. PAUL a NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 1 . 1926 f That.the grade of Alley in Michael J. Hoffman's Subdivision, from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by,the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established,grade. i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Slsnc�_ Ferg —. $ndgecff—-.-.j'..-.An favor McDonald Sudheimer (l. -..Against Wenzel Mr. President j 4 l Adopted by the Council---_:- .1..2:x`26-----192:..... MAY 1.2 Approved . -... 192 G �ilnry_ MAYOR PUBLISHED Lii YY _UN"' ■ \���0 CITY OF ST. PAUL vn NO._-..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.._._.. ._.._.—_ May 11, 1926 _._.._ ___.... :.-.._..._ r That the grade of Alleys in Lot 1, Block 7, Rosedale Park, from Sargent Ave. to Princeton Ave. and North .and South Alley to 300 ft. Esat of Finn, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. IC. F No. _86920—$�_J 13•aMenon�a�d-,' ✓ COUNCIL\SEN yeas Nays F -g-- ........In favor McDonald Sudheimer ....... .....Against Wenzel Mr. ,President / moo, f;(May ;1671920) FA MAY 1 2 192Q Adopted by the Council-...... ..------- ---------------- 192 MAY 1 '2 1926 Approveq- - ------------------------ 192. XCtlll� MAYOR PUBLISHED J OOUNC. CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK ! ✓ �,l) D S(� �y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 11, 1926 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — RESOL7✓E That the grade o4 Alley in Block 2, Robert 21 Lewis Company's Subdivision, from Syndicate Ave. to 460 feet we at of Syndicate Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the some to hereby adopted as the established grade. llt — COUNT CILIM N Yeas Nays cieuc3 H4$¢son ... In favor McDonald Sudheimer �--- Against . Wenzel Mr. President%G MAY 1 21929 Adopted by the Council... --------------------------132---- ApnloYea... ..-- Y--�-----------192.----- ........... V MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCIL 11LE NO.- 65922 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ev May 10, 1926, — DArE--.—. . . .... ..... .......... r ____ In the matter of installing ornamental lights on Aldine Street from University Avenue to Shl—el-de Avenue and Aldine Plaoe. under Preliminary Order C,'* F. $675960, approved January 12. 1926, and Final Order C. F. #65211. approved April 6. 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, speoifiostions and eatimsted quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 0 33 In uxet- t8hteld . ...no- .Yid e, 1, ro eg par9862T at t 1 Resolve tpaptlttee as tl and ams¢ Itt Or provom.nt, be 12 1926.., to e COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fergng6n ................ In favor McDonald `w) v"Sudheimer )Against ✓ Wenzel ,Mr. vim I-Cft N'qww MAY 1 21926 Adopted by the Council ...........................192...... Approved --- -- --- _y 1 -212-----------1- 2 ---------- ..... ................ ... . ..... . ............. .tiny MAYOR COUNCIL NO.-.----- CITY OF ST. PAUL vlLe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM May 11, 1926 COM E ST9IONER RESOLv o In the matter of paving Otto Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63332, approved Dec. 1, 1925. and Final Order C. F. V64260, approved March 19, 1926. EBSO,LQED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved* Yeas C F.,;:210. -06923—BY 7: IL McDonald � In. to46 matter, of pAvenue koo Sae lnB. i Avenuer ander P ro m�'D 03a jgy6� F- .'plc 88332. aPP '¢n8 IM—SI—Order C F. No; 81E80,aP-. I Prov d Maroh:.19 1926: . Resolved: That the D1Bna aDeClBea- l 'tmltted Or the ebovennamed Improve- Iii I menti bo and the acme aro. hereby aD- I proved v 12, 1928. Adopted hY tha 8 1928. f ADDroved �YY116 1936). /�J' COUNCILMEN Nays FergusMr -..In favor McDonald � Sudheuner-.-..-......7-Against Wenzel 4/0o Peva Snsaa.m Adopted by the APProce�.-yx'J--------..192 -- . ..--. I�CtIR� MAYOR Petition Council File No -----------65924 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: GradeFauquier Street from Clarence Street to Etna Street. .................................... ---......-- .... - - --------- ------ ---- ......----------- ..... - ---------------------- ---.._..------------- ---. -- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -, �. F, No. 66929 Abstract. Deal for the ... i -Whereas. Ae foll crin6 mDr ------I mahln6 Clarenc.. -_ -----------------_---------------------------------.................--------------------------- _.ae.• 9t: from ..�esentnd AZay 1926 Dated this-. -11th day of -- ------ rT A PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade panguier Street from Clareno*--street to Etna Street. ----------------................ .---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ .... _...................------- ............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. -------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is tereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. dopted by the Council .......................... ...I i 19 h . ► A`dW------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilmand "."..._'' �1 a I JiVIAI s :•:: .2 FBEtevsO'If'"— Approved.. ................................................•...............------. How- J MCDONALD SUDHEIMER�y l% F �VEN7.EL ........ , ...... 'Acting Mayor. 7,1 r. Yi�w Prem_ roan C A 13 (IM 3-22) Council File No.-........ . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: : -.req —o'coxx.------ ---- -____-,�Or-_slopes-�--orate-_and---Yille-a,.-ia-.the--grading-_of--Fangnie--- Street------------- m Clarence.-_Stsest toBtStreet- ---.-- : 14 -- — - ..------------------------------ Abet.. No. 66026— . .. .. ..... .. .. .. ..O raoL ----------------- ----- -- ---- --- *�herea0. A wrltten.Droyoeal for the 11th Eloy 1926 tai otthe foltowing improvement, - -- -�-- -� .... . Dated this..........- -..day Of.._....... _.-... "4, lndemnlna-and talcimr an easement MI of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........................ ondemning-.end.-t�king..an--_easement--_in the land--neoeeesr�................... _- 4or__elopee-, orate --and Yillee-_in- the._grading---off. Faugnier..SCseet--.--..-.. --....._....Y.rom ..Clarenna_.St=0et---t°---3tna...9Ltaat.......... .------ ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--------------------------__-------------------------------------- ------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓r-3. MAY 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ----------- ............................ ----- .........--- ---- --- YEAB NAYS Councilman 'CLANcy " MAY 1 2 1926 Approved.... ----- -j-------------------------------------- HODGSON // Z"� MCDONALD _! i SUDHEIMER------------ - � / / riu'ti1Rp Mayor. 1bT. V1tw Prna. nrKUMt1I v Form ala (IM 3-25) Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. tA Council File NG ....... ._.(iasl.26 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Fauguier Street from Johnson YargRay._to Etna --Street.-----------......... .......... ......................--------------'.......... - ------ -------- ----------------------------------- - -- --- - - -;- C. F 66J26A] Abatraot --.-- --.............." -' Whereof.' A written Dg mp.r] for the -- 'I making, of the following mDrovement. "...-J .viz.: .. ....... .. ...... .... .. .. ... .. e g ."-"-". : d a Huie St jr.. 1 Joh son -- ;.:�:, 4 baen �+., w0Y to to ., �r r � 1 yted to the Dated this.._llth day of .... .. �• ,here -o - 1h! . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Fauquier Street from Johnson Yarkwsy to Etna Street. _.-.-.-- -------------------- ----------- been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau.-----_---_-----.---_----------------------------------------- ---------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ MAY 12 1926 Adopted by the Council -_------------------------ --- --------- ............-------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANQ-"--__. MAY 1 2 1926 Finaaueox.. Approved. ---- - -- - IIODGSON i j7ti / V MCDONALD SUDHEIMER ...,' .. ....... ... . .. .. May 0r.WEN7EL ... .. -- rens c A 30 Vioe Pres. ForRnMn PUBLISHED J (O Council File No.-__.--_.-5cl2 7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'- for slopes. onto_-and-_Ville-.-,_in._the---grading--oY--Fsngnier.--$tie@tf-------------- from Johnson Parkway to Etna Street. ..........----'.................----'---.......................... - - ------------ - -- -------------- c. No. 602Z- -------------------------------- 6624_ ..---- - - - - - - Abstrac ....... .. ............ ..... ..... mal�claereas, A writtt. en S improv 11th y ]dap 6 viz;; g bf the'tollowin imprtTor the . Dated this .......... ....da Of --- fC. t.. - r Condemning and t Drovementr Y the. land necesear king an ea9emeab - nuI, torthe Y for,alo ae, cute -------------------------- --_.....- ------ Fd!a. Johnson Srndlnsr••3.nn-.te PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHIPREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeesary------............. -- -- for-_slopes-,-_outs--_and-.fills-,---in-_the---grading.-of-F-$tt4u a .--- tts_8t... -__-- from Johnson- Parkway-_to..Etna--3treea-=------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -_._.------------ t therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement isaskedfor on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V/97-? . Adopted by the Council ----------- ------------ ------MAY-1-.2-.1926.------.--------- YEAS NAYS Councilman _PEsssntrtT"."..� - MODONALD SUDHEINER ✓WENZEL ..� T roan C AMa (llV13r25Yi- Paea. 11'3aYCaM}'A MAY 1 2 lv .d Approved..---- ------- -• ------L-- -- - - --- - ---------- - -- r....... Md' M....._.ayo.... r. ----------- / RCt%/ PUBLISHED J petition Council File No ------------- Ll5a_l. 28 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ublic im rovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing the grade of Ruth Ave. from a point 290 ft. south of Margaret St. to Third St. and --4f Thi -rd SS.---from."Ruth -Ave,---to---&-point---80---ft."--asat---of-- Pedersen Ave. to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto atteohe3 gad-"made-"a--part--hereof-, the"'pr®sent eat-eblis2i"eQ--r"e3e --- se"i - HhSwri"" 6 --blue line .--thereon,--aleQ...gseding.,R'Mth.-A.vfl,-..-frGAa--- Ml A912s 4.e -.--"5t ...o-_Hnt�eon..Hos Fifth at. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Fourth St. from Hazel Ave. to Pedersen A've-.--;"=-8-tge1 8t -v from --=Ruth Ave, to--Pedereen --- Ave.--." Third, --- tw... from Ruth ---Ave. to Pede$*tve. & ConyefSt. from Ruth Ave. to Pedereepve., all the above to b@ v�ri "as"""th ZEL VIEW GRADING lith May, 1926. ^��...� CT. C P. No. 65928— Abstract. Nh.reae, A written nroposat for the' making of the fonowing Pmy1•ovom�at.I z.lv Changing thug grade of Ruth Avenue PRELIMINARY ORDER. t;om .a point 290 south of rargaret 8t.. to Third st. and of Th':: trom.� W E S A writ en pr al r t e maki of the follo in 'iRgp�Ave �o a'potaty .,.9 C �+ .l�iai' df Marg$rei St. to Chang ng b grate oi1'�u,{4� �va. $3om a po n Third...St-..--and-_af... Tblxd...St...--from..Hath..Ave.-..to.-..a--point---80'...-east ----of.-.Padereen Ave. to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made a part h'e'reof; -:the -present -established grade being shote bg--a--blue--- line thereon. also grading Rath Ave. from Minnehahe St. to Hudson Rd.. Fifth St. from Hasel Aver £o=Pedersen Ad®�; "Fourth St:' -from Hstiel`tice� to P"e'dere"e"n 'Ave:"Si el St. g fxnm..Hath..g4e.----to-..Fadersen..gv_e..,.Third..8t..,----from..Hath..94e--t-o.-.Pflderaen..Ave . . Conwayb at. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave. all the above to be known as the having een presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. .-HAdRL--V.1RW---GRA-IiISG--- FRO -" ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ MAY 1 2 196 Adoptedby the Council..... ----------- ---------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman LAx .MAY 1 2 1926 KE411—roved.. pp j A .... .. MCDCNALD 1/v,� SU DHEI6IER .1 WENZEL .. /................................................................. . (/ 0tire Mayor. Goren C�18 (161 9-26}' Vi% Prai. Tr. traffoc' —62Y / P'U'BLISHED e 65929 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- ]n the matter o1 eonatrn n both foot cement the efdewalk on thh alder+ of the Sollowing. mreete: - Plnehuratu. Avenue.:'trom Under-� wood ,Avenue to Snelling Avenue.., By _____________________________________________ BUlcreet Avenve from Under wood -Avenue to Snelling Avenue; �vder Prellmhul. rder 66407 _aD�.. INTERMEDIARY `' ORDER In the Matter of_ constructing six foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides o f _the_ follov+ing _ et reetg'----------------------------------'----------------------------- Pinehurst Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hillcrest Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue, -----------------------------7---------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------- 65'Q� _approved,____ April 14, 1926 ------------ ---------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said. improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____COnBt --Ct Six foot cement tile_ sidewalk_on_both sides -of -the _following _ streets-_________- - Pinehurst Avenue_from Underwood Avenue- - to Snelling- Avenue, - - - - - - - - ------------- - Hillcrest Avenue -from Underwood Avenue to- Snell ing Avenue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _except_cehere_g_ood_and eufficient_sidewalks-_now exist________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1_ O5 per front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- th------- day of ___________e_________, 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- MAY 1 2 1920 -----,192---- --- --- - - --- - - 1----- MAY 1 39�Y6 ---= Approved------------- ---1026------192--- C C erk. -------- ---------- ----------------------- - ;Wnq Mayor. COME— amomp— Councilman T•erte4e�en ounce man 1116�70163{Sx Councilman- " Councilman SOEMMNOB e Councilman " Form B. S. A.. M Prrar.rgrrFn_� %�6' r 65930 COUNCIL FILE NO.__ C. F. No sesso= In tho Matter of paving Berkeley AV 4 nve from.. Cretin. with sewer, Water`. Curve.BovloVi<rd, BY -------------------------------------------- and gsa.connectione . tr8m street a sonelnctudln6 08urbibg and- DaVing and driveway aDPr0.t0V-, :. Where neccenary under:.Prelimin- INTERMEDI alloy_ho=delr. BErtt -D111Z , In the Matter of__Pa_v_ing_BeJk gexAve nue- from Cretin Avenue- to Mount_____ Curve Boulevards with sewer, water and gas connections from street ----------------------------------------------------------- mains to pro�ert}r_lines completes also including curbin _and paving_ - _alley and driveway approaches, where necessary_______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order _-______ 657-1 A Til 2 1 26 ____- ------------------approved----------P------9i---� - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report -and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___haVe_ Ber$eles-_-_ Avenue from Oretin Avenue_ to_ Mount_Curve_Boulevard -with _sewer, -_water __ and_gas_connections_ from street_ mains_to_Droperty_lines_comolete,____ _also including curbing and paving alley and Ariveway approaches, - necks@any-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___ 6 L .-g Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 4th_______ -__day of _ June________, 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_- MAY 1-2 t92@______- 192____ --- --- - '- - - - -- -------- ----- Approved--------__N& 1 2_1926 ... 192 City Cl k. --- ------------------------ - ---------------- ,40I&Y Mayor. Y 1' Councilman Akib=Wt Councilma8 Councilman 20be = Councilman 1V L=Od * PAIL N*kwm Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBi.ISIIrD � / �� `✓ 6593.E C. F No a69�1 In the M tter of ec nstru ting, relay 1 g d -rep., I g Syne a neee..ary, th COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- E o sidewalks and driveway. on the .. c .ide of Prior Ave, beginning: - 124 feet.. south. -of Minnehaha 8t.' thegce south 38 feet; beginning at By ----------- -------------------------- Cottonwood Ave. thence north 129 feet; beginning:. 118 feet .north ;Unfvera,[y, th,.rINTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_reconstructing� relaying and repairing, where necessary, the_ sidewalke _and_ dri_v_eways _on_ the _________________ East side of_Prior_Ave.,_beginning_124 feet -south o£ Minnehaha_St------- thence--south-18--f - thence south 18 feet; beginning at--Cottonwood--Ave.--thence ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- north 126 feet; beginning lis feet north of University, - ------------------- ----- _______________thence_ north to Cottonwood Avenue --- ---Avea------------------------------------- 65411 Aril 1 4 1826 under Preliminary Order ----------------------------------approved _____ p_________t _ _____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ recOnetruot= relay and re�airt_where necessary. the sidewalks and driveways on the - East-side_of Prior - Ave:, beginning_124 feet south o£ Minnehaha St. - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------- thence south 18 feet; beginning at Cottonwood Ave. thence ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- north 126 feet; beginning 11S feet north of University ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thence north to Cottonwood Avenue, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .10 aer a uare foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ _,__ _ �. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ $t! --------- day of - June----- _ 1926 __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ MAY 1_ 219 __, 192____ MAY 1 21926 Approved ----------------------- Councilman XZN&YaU ✓� Councilman 3=CMX / Councilman 1AMX7FX For�.r�ale, L4- K-7 192___-- - City C erk. ------- - -- ------ -------- ----- - Acting Mayor. 65932 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__reconstructing, relaying and repairing sidewalk _on_the_north_eide of_East_Third St._beginning_at_Hancock St._thence _west_j7'5_ft_, except_where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist -------- --------------------------------------------------- 'C. F. No. 66932 �___________________ __ ------------------------------------------- .ln the. Matter. of reconstructing, laying and repairing sidewalk re. . the north side of East Third Si. hen:J ______________________________________________ ginning at Hancoctc 51. thence went; - 736 fp., exceilt where good and euf-; - flclent .sidewalks now exiet under: -------------------------------------------------- '----------'-"'__________________________reliminary Order 6638?..approved---------------------- -or1118 1988. - - 19-26 under Preliminary Order ---------------- 53$2 ----------- _=approved ____ Pril 1'�,_ -- - -------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___------ Laand repair sidewalk_on the_north side of East Third St. beginning - - ------------------------------------------ at Hancock St. thence west 735 ft.,__except where_good and sufficient ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sidewalks now exist --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10_ er square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__:____ P ______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ Atk________day of ------------- JJALIA-------- 1926--_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__iHIL ' -- ------------ 192 ---- i` AY ? I ll-.; (I.- Approved______ uncik , lflel�' 1 . Councilman ltM=ffaM Councilman Sffit13ZbmtSX Councilman Mj ForhmrB tS. A.g --- ---. - --------------- 192___� City. Clerk. ------- - -5-- -' ------ ---- ----'�7��-------- /T�ng Mayor. pMLiSIi® 16 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 65933' In the Matter of --- CO21atTUCtillg_a__s'x—fo0t_Cementthe sidewalk on the ------------- -- ------------------ south side of Sargent Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth --Ave ----_ __ggce�t where_good_ and_ sufPieient_sidewalks_ now --- exist------------------------ ---------------------------------------- C: r No 36933- --------------------------- not 1n 'he MmtoF, efu,1 eldewalkg on the om _______________________________________., south eldarof KennetlA Ave. ces- _-_______ _________-_______ Cleveland A'g" tP`, cept"where,&Pod -dud sufficient side- walkb:now "eitlsrovedPApri13, Preliminary192_ ___________________________________________�rd r 66386 app ____________ _____________ • rfloupcll_o[ the City of BL• Paul ::.od the report of t under Preliminary Order -------- __6�13�6_________'__=!"2r'Pril_13,__1926_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of'the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report. and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which'the Council recommends is_ CO118tr11C$:__i_elx foot cement the sidewalk on--the--South side of Sargent Ave. from --- 01eveland_Ave. _to Kenneth -Ave:, except where - -good and --sufficent - ---------i---------- ---sidewalks--now exist -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ ... 1e95__per_front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- eLttYt--------- day of June ......... 192_k-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilMAY_1_2.192H--------- AY_1 192____ i -- -- - - -- -- ----------- ----- Approved--------- V--- --2 -197.6 ---------192--- City lerk. ----- - - -------------- -------------------- Acting Mayor. `E�lmmvWWAqr Eouneilaratt�J�'J1�61d°I `v't Councilman rrmr ='�rTr-n_ Councilman jdaMmk= Councilman jds[goltst r COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 65934 In the Matter a_ six-foot _cement_tile__sidewalk_ on --the ------ ngrth_side_of Ridgewood_Ayenue_3rom_Ben_Hill_Aoad_to_Milton_Street1___ --------------------------------------- C. P. No.6s V3 ' ---------------------------- ln the cement, tile constructing n sthe north side "of; Ridgewood Avenue,______ ___ ________________ ---------------- from.Ben"Hill head to Efllton-9treet, under Preliminary Order 66414 yap- proved. April -14,162s..- :Trie.:CovnetLof thR-:City hof St., Paul "}k,: receiver: - +*-^t of g ,the '- i Don�♦ - _ �n: -;r under Preliminary Order_____________ 65Ai4_-___-_------approved ----- 14L 126_______ -- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_COnetTUO- a six-foot cement tile_eidewalk_on_the_north side oY Ridgewood_Avenue_from Ben_Hill Road to Milton Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now - - - - st -------------------- _exi -------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ i:QS_Per.- front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _________6th ------ day of June ------- 192__6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__MAY t _ g __tggg _______,192____ Approved ------- MAY 1 21926 ------ 192--- Counncilman M !'Councilman -l•1! Wg*M9t-- Councilman XZMTMX f Councilman Vjfouftl Form1100 - -- -- - -- - ---------- -- -------- City lerk. --------------------- ,jati,j W Mayor. ,+ rcrrrD / `Y COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 65935 In the Matter of_ constructing a six foot_cementthe-sidewalk-on-both - - --------------------------------- -_sides_ of -Mount-20w ve -Boulevard from a point half way between __Aapdoloh_St. __ and _Hartford Street, to__Hartford:Sreet, C. F. No. 65936— - ____ ____ In the Matter ot. conetructing a els -------------------------- fool cement. the eidewallt on Lotti --------------------- sides" of: Mount Curve 'Boulevard from a point half way. between Ruqq- -- -dolph SC. and Hartford Street tb ___________________ xro8t under ePreliminary 2 r 6u5t6dlLaPtrhdAP f7 CoofPe City oSPaul I --------------------------------------------------- _._reedi-4. lit? report .of thr,;-__________-__________ 65619 AAril 2 1926 under Preliminary Order__________________________________approved ___________________Z------------- The <___i _ __ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ QA@j UCt_ 8 61X___ foot cement the sidewalk on both -sides, -of Mount Curve Boulevard from ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _Curve __a_goint hall way_between_Randolph_St._ and Hartford gt. to -Hartford -St., except where_good and sufficient sidewalks now exist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 1 _Q5 rjr_1ront foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- 6th ------ day of 'Tune________ 192__6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 2 1926 Adopted by the Council _______________________,192____ Approved-----__ MAY 1 2 l�0<E ------ 192--- Councilman AUDEMW Councilman -%M16XMK Councilman 14ftat K Mr. VUe Pam. Hevxnaou Form B. S. A. 8-6 C J Ci Clerk. ----P� J - - -- - ---- ---------------------- ACting Mayor. PUBLISHED` 65936 COUNCIL FILE NO.__ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_conetructing a six-foot cement --til - e -sidewalk--on- the --------------------- east side of Fisk St._from Carroll_A_v_e._-to_Iglehart_Ave.,_ -------------- - _____: C. F. No. 66956— '--"'---'----------- In the Matter o4 oonatruoting a etz east alde eof Flak Ste from Carroll __________________________________________ Ave.'_to IBiehart Ave.,under: Pre- _________________________ ilminary order 66613 approved April. 27, 1936.,_, -,. __________________________________________ The Couactl b4 She City of SP. Paul.__________________________ " ,vina reoelved the .report -,-.,nner of Flnar. - xrovement,. ° under Preliminary Order____________ 6561.1_ approved . The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__COnStruCt a six- ---------------- _foot_cement_tile_eidewalk on_the_east_side-of _Fisk_St._from_Carroll__ _Age._to_Iglehart Ave_L_exceot where good and sufficient sidewalks ---------------------------------------------- _nox_.exi st------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1-05._PEZ_front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________ 8th _----- day of June_________, 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. i92 Adopted by the Council___MAY _i__2__�2_____, 192 .... MAY1 2 1926 ------ -- -- - --- ----------- ------ Approved----------------------------192--- City Clerk. --- ----- ---- -- • - - Acting Mayor. It cl man Ci®ca¢yc c.otmcffm—nrimNpNnr— Councilman T6& . rt1r.T,1, M, �p Councilman 'Sxdhek=x Councilman JffiAo6Cd �f2;®�unob Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 6593' In the Matter of_aonstructiniz_a -a--six-foot-cement- tile--sidewalk--on--the - - ------------------------------ _sguth_g de_g _Doane St ._from Como -River _Blvd. to Wentworth St_,__on____ west side of Como River Blvd. bg inns_ at_Doane St. thence south ---------------- --- 400 ft. extent where good and, sufficient sidewal.ks_now exist, -' C. F. No: 85957 - -in the .Matter of constructing. n aia ----------------------------------- Yoot- cement the sidewalk. on the. ------------------------ south side of Doane St, from Como`- ? River Blvd. to. Wentworth SC. on west. aide of Como RSve Blvd. be ` ___ ________ _____ ginning at Doane' St. thence south t'--- 900 �ft., except where good and suf �_- `i 1 1020 under Preliminary Order ----------- _(� 5_flciont aid walks nowunder ?.enmin;,, ' order r k _-- v ,-- -- -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. t 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__COnstruct a six- --foo t --c ement--t il e-- aid ewalk ix-_foot_cement_tile_sidewalk on_the-south--side--of Doane St. from Como River Blvd. to Wentworth St_, on west side of Como River Blvd. beginning ----------------------------------- - - at Doane St. thence south 400 ft., except where good and sufficient ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sidewalks now exist ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1.05_D2r _f ront foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ Atb---------- day of -------------- June- -------- 1926- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-_ MAY -1 2_ 19 6 192 ---- MAY a 2 F926 --- - -- --- -------= Approved ----------------------------192--- City Clerk. ---------------- -------- --------------- Ae�fng Mayor. V Councilman NzRa ld 32 N*121 pUBLISHED ✓ ` Councilman AM /Councilman }jjX=k Vi—P—, 'd ' r.c^inoe. Form B. S. A. 8-6 +I 659d"8 c. 932 In the Mate66r of cmatructlag.a.�oeraertt the .sidewalk on the south,slde of! Enford Ave. from Grantham St., to COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- chak""rd st., and the exec olds of. Graathara St.: from BuLord�.Aye. to ..,,?oewell' Ave.,e xcept where- good By-----------------------------------------t.d g1 Gletent .aldewalke aow eafst •, �relirolnary Order. 5:,.,lrr INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ constructing a cement the sidewalk on the south side - ------------------------------------------ of_Buford Ave._from Grantham_St_ _ to- dhelmsford St_,_and _the east side of Grantham St. from Buford Ave. to Doswell Ave., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under. -.Preliminary Order ------------- r1M1-------------- approved -------April_13,_ 1926_-_____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said 'report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ COAatrUC'G 8 cement the sidewalk on the south side of Buford Ave.-from-Grantham--St.-to--- Chelmsford ve.PromGranthamSt.toChelmsford St. and the east side of Grantham St. from Buford Ave. to ------------------------------------------ _Doswell_A_v_e,�_except_Rhere_good_and sufficient sidewalks now exist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------,------------------------ w•ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-_:1$_cer_ 8urf00t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- !th---------- day of June ----------- 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -MAY -1_.2..1916------- 192____ Approved---------MAY-1-219--6 ----192--- Councilman NiMME GoaneihmdYlP . Councilman SiOUCTr y"Councilman V(ZMMX Picea i=orm B. S. FMLIS. * ��/. M COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 65939 In the Matter of_construoting_a_sewer on Hawthorne -Street--fmm -White - - - - ---------------------------- Bear_Avenue tothe Right_of_Way of the Minneapolis and -St-.--Paul - -- ------------------- Suburban_R�ilway _Oompany - •------------------------------ C. F.'Fo.:669z9 In the Matter of conatrueting a sewer - ___ __ _ __ on 8aw,thorne:: Street from Whlte. _____________________ Bear Avenne toahe night of Way o[ ------------------------------ the ____________________-__ _____the Wl -Mpolie -and St. PauRSub- >•rban RallwaY 'Company, under; Pre-. mtn.ry Order, 66662, approve,- ________________________________ it of - t•%Kv, under Preliminary Order --------- 65562 ------------------ approved __-_April 21, 1926 ---------------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ Construct - -- -sewer sewer --------------- on Hawthorne.Street from White Bear Avenue to the Right of Way of the ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minneapolis -- and --St-. Paul Suburban Railway ()ompany ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _______6111 --------- day of June __-________, 1926--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ MAY 1_2 1926__ 192---- - --- --- - -- -- - �----- - Approved_______ MAY_i_2M------ 192_ --Clerk. ACtuly' Mayor. Cwlecilmax�i?I�IC"" Councilman MA3DCMZM o uncilman 'Councilman 81 sHansom , ,���pp..��r. Vioe Pr .- V—wa n �Porm 3. S. A. 8-6 PUBUSMD-'4Z4�V� 65946 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY --------------By'---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ changiny_the _grade of Alley in Block 6, Hankee-1 s --Cleve- - ----------------- land_Vtew and_Block_3�_ ankee!s Rearrangement, from 190_feet west_of__ the_weat_line_of_Kenneth_Ave._to_Oleveland_Ave_t__tc__conform_to to--the--red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- present eatablished_grade beim shown by a blue line thereon, also grade said alley from Kenneth Ave, to Cleveland Ave. to said red line wi87i-€s't'aiYtiah------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- _--- 6�5----------------- approved ...-AP_r_?1_14A1s26_________-_ The Council of the City of c. F. xo. 65940— he Commissioner of Finance upon the Ia the Metter of changing the grade solves : above improvement, and having of Ane,, to Block s, xankee'a Cleve- land YleW and Block 3. 8ankee's I. That the said report an Rearrangemenq from 180 tees west adopted, and the said improvement is of'the; west line of Kenne[h Ave. to hereby ordered to be proceeded Cleveland. Ave., to conform to the red grade line on the profile he ',.,� Qhan a the rade. of 2. That the nature of the i attached and made a part xil'recommends is_______g--___�z'-_=_ the present establlshed gr.jF .shown by a blue .line th.r alley in Block § H grads aala a?l9rtro�,;. �,nw and Block 3, Hankee's Rearrange- ------ ----------------'L------ to clevel^..ac„-.,:,.7--------------------------------------------------- ,,i hen a mentJ from 180 feet west`oe the west line of Kenneth Ave. to Uleveland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A_v_e_,_to_conform to_the_red grade_line on the profile -hereto attached - - - ----------------------------------- and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a -blue Zine -thereon; -also -gr�8e-i3ai�-a'iley-f-roiri �enrieth"1Zve.-- �o-CreveTdnd Ave. to said red line when established ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- 69Z_?3____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- M --------- day of - - _ June ---------- 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ M&U -2_194------, 192____ MAY 9 9 Approved --------------192--- Councilman IMTRAd O Councilman S5E1&WM .--Councilman VKIHM ,�t '! r Focm Bit08%.9 r S W�� i i01 MY ................-................:.:.....-.-:.-................a..�r,.....as* 65941 COUNCIL FILE NO.-___-__ By------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___condemning_and taking an easement - _in- the land - ------------------- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in grading the Alley in -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __Block_61_Hankee!s_Cleveland View, -and Block 3HankeeIs Rearrange- - , ----------- -- ment, from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 406 pnril-14,_1926 under Preliminary Order_______________—_:____-_____.auorove _ - _________ The Council of the City of Pat n the Matter of condemning and tak. Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having c ing an; easement in the land neces- ves: sary .forelopes, cute and fills in grading the Al1eY`i Block -6, Han - 1. That the said report and t keea Cleveland View, and Block 3, tdopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded wi $ankee'a,Rearrangement, from Ken. neth Avenues to Cleveland. ALenne 2. That the nature of the im' r=,Iu-unserrovrd PreApril 14, liminary o 1936. order 65406 aD- mends is-_ QPAdemn_&ild take ] ouncil of the City of 8t. Paul __an_easement_in_ the_land nec�e'v dP `tee= b"` ,efor cuts -and-i fills n grading the Alley in Block 6,-HankeeIs Cleveland View,_ -and Block 3 Hankee's Rearrane�entz from Kenneth Avenue---to--Oleveland- --in-accordance-with--the nd Avenue1 - - -- - - - - - ------ _-in-accordance with the blue-print-hereto-attached-and--made--a-part ----- - h ereof.,the_hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fi11s with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25:QQ_--_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- `t$ -------- day of _ June_________, 192--k-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__MAY-I-2 W----_ 192 ---- MAY 1 2 1926 � --- --------- -------------- Approved----------------------------192--- tb' Clerk. --- -- - -- -- ---------------------- A{clltiI Mayor. Councilman 141=KMM Councilman NaNnEbmr Councilman 'Akxxl orm V�IuaAP 6 1OTRIV01' U / 1} I "LIS'IIED- °�� OFFICE OF, THE COMPTROLLER ` sAUDITED.CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RE anwe� RESOLVED �TNAT CHE CITY"YRE/A�S7U1 Y.'TO THE CQMPT LLQ. '� CHECKS NUMBERED_ INCLUSIVE. AS.PER CHEO OF THE CITY COMPTROLL I II I j ,1:,, SH EET .TOTAL—FORWARD, , JLL • n5 PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER - JW EN PER YES ( ) COUNCILMEN NAY V) ____ _ _______ ___�q _______ ZEL S MAYOR CHECK li TOTAL IN FAVOR OF RETURNED DISTRIBUTION I NUMBER BY LOCAL iI TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATEa BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST a SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS CHECKS - ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS Ire PUBLIG SUNDRY GARAGE gl0 $Ij�pt SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING gCCb UNTS • BROUGHT FORWARD 7_ _ 5-955' __ _ _ X64 s45� _ 3g 224 7� io 4 1 1 I 7 307 �o �77g---.._31 3 ? 1�4 RE OLVIN n T R. fl - i 3 - I 1 �+9 z4 32 303 63 3 1g21 gi 1 �s�14 -- 42002 Geo. F.Oix, c'lk o biunto: 39 73---272; 1 ® 420 John F. Fitzpatrick � 4 g� �5i00 4 8 8 �4 I 420g Ay eld, Sohllok & Company 4206 Mantle Fielding 15 1 15ip 4207 Foamite Childs Corporation 13 5 13150 1 j 4208 F. Franz 3 f 4 3, 209 Funk Forging 0 75 en Y 6 4210 Gaagl & Company 12 121 oo5o 4211 Anil Geist 4 4 4212 General Motor service Compan 16 I 2 4 l Good '�'1tll Industries, Inc. 30 " 18!75 � I 422].4 Goodyear Rubber Company 277 5 121'55 30 oq' b Gopher stamp :aorke 5 11150 56;00 I 4216 Gra,ybar Fleotrio c �5 I 4217 Griggs, cooper & company 1 10 I8 1 561115 I 16 42121. J. Haas Mfg. Oampsnyy �} io3�g9 4219, Hackett, Gates Hurty ()ompan 136 1 6145 1 1 45150 4220. " " n 124 1 0121 j 4221 "U. H. Hale & company 14 1 I 39123 4222 aulnoy A. Hall 14 �+ 1swr. 2 0 ]2 00 141:15 j 2475 4223 John Han000k oil company 35111 1"164 1 4224 Hanna Coal & nook company 7 3 35713 I I 1 I 4225 H.'rnisohfeggr Corporation g 51 1 ! j 422 Haater 3ohool Supply Company��} 3� '1 111 3 42 g Theo. o. 0. Hello & company 44 95. 44 9999 4229 Helps cq-rpet company I l 423o F. T. xildred company 391 9 3 3. 59 6154 364 4231 The Johns Hopkins Press g�sfo I I 4232 Horton Publishing Company 8 5 g 5950 4233 R. 'T. Hruby 5 9 5 92 4 J. '7. Hulme C 7 7 1 4 5 Hydraulic Hoisttp g. CompIsp ' 232 6 li 42 2 1 i 4 b Insurance Federatl©n of Pj 1 23 65 I a 201 o I; International Harvester Cy 2p 4229311 Irvine Brass & Copper 11or'I , 4239 Joestin & Schilling �02 1 72 40 g � Company � i 13 75 42 L. �. Jordan colap�yj 26 1 1 f 261 39 4241 Kardex Rand Sales Corporati 7� II 4242 Keasby Mattison 136 l79 36 79 i 4243 Kennedy Brothers Arms Compere 44 1 42 Keuffe & vaser company 4 21 1� 21 I 42t� Keystone view Camp eny 374 12 374112 ! 424 Klug & Smith Company 2 20 2120 4247 Kuno Oil company i; 424ffi Linde Air Products Company 2233 02 21190 2112 I 1 ---- -- _ ---- -=- - - ---- = - - -- ---1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i` 7 553 d32 19 16A 296 56 3g 33149 15 310 `t3 327 1437 3o't 177` �o -: �C 47 32 Y "603 2 303 3 3 a�bb-1-,-656 40" 1-- I TWIPWCATE j k T - CITY OF SAINT PAUI TO CITY CLERK 25 00 RES. NO.__ OFFICE OF THE COMRROLLER q " 4 aid 93 1 RESOLVED THAT, CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLITION FORM DATE_ __ 4 818 164'' 1;,40 CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF • • 1. S ----- AA'n, _____ ______--- COVERING 15100 13 50 BV_ _ __ __ ___- _______ ___ _ _________-_ _ CHECKS NUI, Mf`BER1 E+D _ ___4Q _TO_ -_-_4 T.-a+c. 3 361 7 PTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER---------- -___----------- .--- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 4....:;..' - CHECK 12 25 4.00 j TOTAL RETURNED 4212 General motor service Compan 421 Good '4111 NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY!�I .I._ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS GENERAL WATER 1 BOND BROUGHT FORWARD [1 4202 Ge F ni x t'lk -- - - - 7 000 -- 00 — 5t•3 _954 ' —'- 30 po� Gopher Stamp gorke 164 945 -- - 94 3� 224 7 y 10 431 �39_ L 4203 p. . ri, 4204 John F. Fitzpatrick j 25 00 4205 Field, 5ohl1ok &Company 4 aid 93 1 51 79 4 818 164'' 1;,40 4206 Mantle Fielding 4207 Foamite Childs Corporation 151 i3i5 15100 13 50 4208 E. rranz 4209 Flint gorging Company 3 361 7 36 00 4210 Gruel & Company 4213 Emil Geist 12� 41 12 25 4.00 4` 4212 General motor service Compan 421 Good '4111 i8 Industries, Inc, 44 1 Goodyear Rubber Company 30 177 15 1 121155 30 po� Gopher Stamp gorke it 5 11 50 L 4211 Grayibar Electric Company 4217 Griggs, 1 577 1 561 15 16,E Cooper & Company 4218 '1. 10 8 103 89 J. Haas Mfg. Company • 4219 Hackett, Gates, Harty Compau1' 541 1361 8 75 136 4220 \ x x n n n 12411 0 21 ! 4221 :n. H: Bale & Company 14 1 4222 Quincy A. Hall 4223 John Hancock oil Company 141 1116 1 16 swr. 2 00 4224 Retina. Coal & nook Company357;3 357 34 42 Hl.rnisohfeger corporation 51295 29 4226 Harter aohool Supply Company 4227 3amue1 P. Hayes , 31Q)53 2 6 05 2 69 4228 Theo. G. Hello & Company 4229 Helps Crpet 0ompsny 44;98 44 98 4230 F. T. Hiidred & Company 3 0 390;933 3 19 59 4231 The Johne Hopkins Press 2'96 4232 Horton Publishing Company 8 5 S 50 4233 R. -7. Hruby J. "7. Hulme Company 5'92 42 72 1 42 72 4235 Hydraulic Hoist Mfg. Company 6 Insurance Federation of Penn. i b5 1 00 4237 International Harvester Company 207 50 207 50 Irvine Braes & Copper `=orke 12:72 12 72 4239 Joesting & Schilling Company 4240 11 7 13 75 L. "7. Jordan Company 4241 Rardea Rand sales Corporati 26, 5 21 79 17 21 79 42 2 Keasby Matti Boat _ _36!79 1 36 79 COUNCIL -. FILE NO. ___. -__ ----- --------- ----- FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY -1-2-190 -----------, 92___ -y Y 4 1926 ,s2 MCDONALD. - A _____ __ " _ _ ________AGAINST t<SUDHEIM ER. - - (,WENZEL. _ �� mac_____ __ ___._ ___ _____ ____ YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ACt11ig MAYOR blr, "Tice -- DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SU"UNT ARY CCOUNTS GARAGE, .,eaJo{Tii$Jildt SPRINKLING FORESTRH BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 73 272145 247 307 160 177 8 I .-- — --3 �i 3-- — 718013-2 303 .63 3 182.{-9 _-1 56.14D I 1 I I i � 1 375 119!75 I 56 X00 45!50 39 23 24 75 14.15 12 00 6'54 364;190 23,65 26 139 -` CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL—_-n:]'�S♦LIJ. FILE NO. QUADRUPLICATE TQ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ] 1� cm CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION F_QRM' RES.' r� REhOLVED THAT CHECKS HE DRAWN ON THE'' DATE�5 ;92—Y0'4 CITY TREASURY: TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF', k1" -15.'q9--__ —LL _..- COVERING 1 BY-- — -- C PTROLLER CHECKS 't _ _ . INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS: ON FILETN:THE OFFICE'. THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL. RETURNED 77cHEcli'. IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER. TRANSFERDISHURSEMENT 'CHECKS CHECKS_ BANK BROUGHT FORWARD �'-'=ntr.d checks bedrawnBtQhe Clty Treasury, toshe agB gof$4,391.99.'covering checks 4249 to 4263 lacluelve, as i -.. perchecks on file- 1n the OGlce Ot the City COmptroller. Adopted by the 38 u1926.y 12, 1926. Approved (Msy 16-1986) 1 E� ii SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - - ____ L t �" ___- __ CHECKS NUMBERED____ _2_ 9_ -____TO - -2 3_______ �. - ER. _ __ ______AGAINST 792 „r - SUDHEIM _ APP V _ ��yy ' COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE / --;� _._ _ ___ _-_ _- ___ L OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER _______ _ PE SG1AF. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) --- -""------ CHECK -_ �AYOR CHECK TOTAL RETURNED IN FAVOR OF DISTRIBUTIO - - - j BY NUMBER ✓ LOCAL - I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE PUBLIC SUNDFitY ` - IiBuuo SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ' -B .. _. _ - _ .- REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 1. 7 _.. ... _ _-- -_-.._- _ _ __-- - } 3 - 337.491 15 310_I __ 73__.3.2 43 247_-3 _ - 17 .476 i-32 _x_6.01 ,12 303 63 3 247 _ X249 Kueffaez �t>3rks Attarn f r I -- - - G TFORWARD I I 7r% ' Dan Briok t - eY — I 4250 a. F. Stith Tire & Battery c :any l99 199i� 75 OO 4251 L.O.Flodgeon Com'r. of Fin. ,! 6 a - i 4?52 ! capitol .stationery Mfg. comp ,' y 30,�'� 3.518000 15 71 40533 a.J.01ddIng et oouub3r Tret3e. j I 426 51 426 51 42y4 Jahn P. aleaean 10 1 1 10'00 I 425 Maendler Brush Mfg. aaaepany ! g i 425 0 ai:�v Nielson i � 1 0 '! 150 b0 4257 Northern states Power compare 25 79 2?5179 425il Peoples Nleotrio compauy 158 70 1 155 �o 4259 Pittsburgh and Ashland Coal and Dook Oompany, Aeeigne!I 11innesota Coal company 619 03� 61903 4260 Review Publishing company j 1649 1 6449 po 461 �perior Printing Company 5g f i I 426LO Western Haohine Mfg. oompany 677 35646 I i I 3o go 4263 John -q. MoLain, ffi B p i i I I I �I j �1 1 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 7 000 57 424 ._ ._ -_ - I' 171 213 77 39 012; 7 15 468 8 73 337143 247.3070 :77; �. 4 507 1 ? 3 12 --303 , 3 3-20�; "6 '40 V .r. TWIFQLII'iBA TE .' CITY OF SAINT PAUL { .. 659 !''�' 1 To - - COUNCIL RES. NO.15_4 - OFFICE OF THE COMPTRQ)r.LERFILE CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM __ - CIT TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF IN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---- ._-------------------------------- D) 5-1-2-1926- HODGSO j� =p �r� FAVOR MA}( J � $--`i7;�33- --- - _ _ _ COVERING MCD NALD, �J- - CHECKS NUMBERED---- TO ,T�f_-____ APP V _-"- .i.darb �M��l 9 2 9926 9z SUDHEIMER, __ __- _______ __________192___ _ ____AGAINST ,,' COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE IN THE CITY COMPTROLLER. "�-- jj(��2! PE ------- ---- - YES (V) COUNCIL NAYS - "-" --"- ------- CHECK ---- ---- SOOT MEN (V) i mwvoR _ itl r. Pioe Pres. Ynrqueon - CHECK TOTAL RETURNED DIS-I•RIBLI•I•IO NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY - , LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK J SINKING TRUST CHECKS GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT CHECKS FUNDS ACCOUNTS SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS GARAGE; SUNDRY Mai ._. _. _ REVOLVING NTS ' BROUGHT FORWARD _-- 4249 Kueffa®r & Mmrks& Attoftey f �_� -�� -553 32 � -- -- 1 15_31Q_ � _7i 3'��43 .��+7 34�. 0_ _ 1�7 - -- - -4?� 32 _ 7-55?l. 2 303 63 3 207 �66 1 � 296'S� --38 337.49, Dan Erio]c (- 1 75 001 I I 4250 W.F.3mith Tire $!Battery p y 04 10690 �l99 4251 L. e.Hadgeq�t, Com r. of.. 46 4?52 Capitol Stationary Mfg. Comp y 43 15100 15j00 1 71j j 53 04.Didditgs& County Trees. 426 51 b2544 John P. Clemson 42 51 ! j MRendler Brush Mfg. Company lg 1000 4256 01av Nielsen 8'o6 15000 I 425 i 4Jarthern states Powex ooupsn ! j pp 79 275'!79 X258 Peoples Electric Company 158170 158 ?0 -- I x,259 Pittsburgh and Ashland Coes j and Doak oompanys Assignee j f Minnesota Cos! company6� 7 4260 Review Publishing omany 1649 000 3 1 6 910030 4 1 superior Printing Company 58 Sg100 Teste= Maohine Ufg. company677 315 646 i 4263 John Wo McLain t � 5 � � 30 j80 i � 8. 8 �j0 I I I j { I ( I ' 1 I � i i I �C. F. No. 659A1.=Crld nanee No. 6670— `��59-y Ly J. H. 31C Onald— :An ordinance granito. to the Arcade Investment- Company permfseion Io Install and n aln,.tato an agtealan well underneatfi t}le an to Ordinance Q. F. front of Lot,11, Illock 21, St. Paul. Proper. By 7 v Hell of the City of S'. " lain �/ An ordinance granting to the Arcade Investment Company permission to install and maintain an artesian well underneath the sidewalk in front of Lot 11, Block 21, St. Paul Proper. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That permission and authority arehereby granted to The Arcade Investment Company to install an ntain an artesian well underneath the sidewalk int,'front of Lot 11, Block 21, St. Paul Proper, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said artesian well shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Sild licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollare ($b,000.00) conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs. damages or expense that may soorue to persons or property, on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, presence, or removal of said artesian well. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by the Ms;yor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said artesian well shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ✓� ,.g Councilmen Adopted by the Council 7eea Nays 1lanoy �1- 1926 1926 erguson In favor �doboneld Approved .s 9 - 1 1926 iudheimer ,_ Against Wenzel � Mr. President yor to r –ordinance No. 6671— a.rFerguson— _ "e granting to the Weyer - Timber Comppany permission „.all and mainF4ln a gasoline and pump on Berry avenue. ;ounell of the City of St. Paul' a.i .ordain: (// Qom- ' s eTi :• .,.,;; ; rdinance No. BY rr /G� C. F. No. 65945 An ordinance granting to the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company permission to install and maintain a gasoline tank and pump on Berry avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company to install and maintain a gasoline tank and pump on Berry avenue, about 140 feet north of Bayard street, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said licensee for said tank and pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said tank and pump shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said tank and pump. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tank and pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the 'Council shall so order. ,(4) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any law or ordinance of the City of St. Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days afterits passage and publication. Passed by the Council AIN Yeas / Nays Mr .W lanoy kw U i Fn McDonald Audheimer ) -tenzel}1 an Mr. President �: Approv,'JUN, iU N 1�2 Attest Mayor ( City C 1 er k PUBLISHED I Laid over to 7_ ' _ ' _ 3rd. S app/�� Adopted yeas Nays Nays Peas Nays �Cl,�ncy Clancy - Ferguson Ferguson Idgson o Hodgson Iv1 d d McDonald n$udhcimer Scr chime cnze Wenzel ze O Wenzel �Ir. Pres. Nelson Nlr. Pres. Nelson E. J. MURNANE. -. CMV Olf0.IC{ MICHAEL O®HARDY. . AfBT. CMV tT PSlxa H.A VALL C- or RErxiTrva O. H. BARPUSS. "IMmeexex or lul.lu A. L EOOERT, IA—IMi— CHARLES L SEOREN. SUR. MUM— OARAOL yJL�e. MACAULAY, BYPi. PmJGe 9 llRi ALARM 041 0aint Peal Bepartment of Public Safety J: M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER xN cauRr xalsE. Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: 6- N. Owm C. DUN. �A N-.— V' O9 ft LAND"', Aen.l118 CMV _ WRJJAM SARRON. . M —1 MIlEcwxIK PANEIRial CHARLES L W RJJB. BUR. V A --- F. SIMON, M. D. HEALTH OAICDI A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. OvuLY 1-1— 0 -- JOHN MARTI. CMV NW.TR IMPBCfM February 26, 1926 Attached hereto is application of the Weyerhauser Timber Company for permission to instal a 550 -gallon gasoline ,;ank and pump on Berry Avenue 140 feet north of Bayard Street, and report of investigation and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, commissioner of Public 6afety E. JCHivRo1 paJei' MICHAEL GEBHA—. . A-. Cwv of Paute H. A. VA". CAFrMH of oirienv® G. H. BARFUSS. IHV.crol! of POCK. A. L. EGGERT. UCWL. INBP.CTOR CHARLES L. SEGREN. S—. MOMCIPAL G— JOS. MACAULAY. sort. -- 6 PI.. ALM. %ituQOaintPaul I - OWHC----' Department of flublk Safrtg - OSCAR A- FIR..-- WILLIAM BARRON. ' 'S,-. FI.. PRwoRloH J..M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER' L WILLIE. CHARLES!; HARRY T. O'GONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER sort. APPwRwiUt DR. B. F. SIMON. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION HW.TH 07_N_ AHD .iHH...rA m A. E. NICHOLS. M. O„ OWEN C. DUN.. FIRE CHIEF .— HLM.TH OTC.. JOHN MA 1. �® Cwv Hw.TN IH.F¢Tae Febraury 25,1926 Hon.J.M.Clanoy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. rear Bir; In regard to the application of the Weyerhauser Timber Company for permission to install a 550 gallon gasoline #ink and pump on Berry Avenue 140 feet north of Bayard Street. we have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly incregse tUe fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY Man F AE .: ANO'.=R —... WcUcrhac- us er Forest Products QUICK SHIPMENT OF MIXED CARS TE LePnonE Hiow..v -.ago MINNESOTA TRANSFER, SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA` February Tenth 1 9 2 6 City of St. Paul, Department of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota'. Gentlemen: We are desirous of installing a 550 gallon gasoline storage tank, which we propose burying under-tba ground on Berry Avenue about 140 ft. ,north from Bayard Street. This location is in the midst of`our Midway Plant operation. Will you kindly advise us just how to proceed? If°necessary, please send your marl out to look the location over and grant us a permit at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY Twin City Br nch GLI: AVD Man ae RE T0TH16 LETTER SHOULD BE AD0RE66EDT0THE COMPANY TSAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA � 0. y.No 8691E ^i. I 8 LR& rgu •, ^ An ordlnaAce nettling �c �. A..:Peteraon againBt 1J � �' '.Paul... �"•„".-..' The .Aoundl of the CIt9 o[-h�,i� ytoee;.ordaln Ordinance No. Z By Al � � V. F . No . b5��4� An ordinance settling the claim of J. A. Peterson against the Qity of St. Paul. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section L That the proper city officers:be and they are here- by authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to J: A. Peterson the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising from injuries sustained by him on the 17th day of November, 1925, while a passenger in an automobile which collided with a trolley pole on West Seventh street, near St. Clair street. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to said,claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a forme to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days afterits passage and publication: Passedby the Council ,¢�N 1 1926 Yeas Nays Mr.D lancy //Ferguson�� " �Eo�d Audheimer _ .1 �a S o emzel tl t'� ✓GP Mr. President ( ftl Approved JUN 1 - 1926 Mayor Attest City Clerk PLJBISSHh73 T— Laid over to_----- Adopted_. 3rd. & arp Yeas Nays yeas Nays Clancy lancy Ferguson .`IIodon, Ferguson Ilodgson VJcDonald McDonald Sudheimer udheimer e° Wenzel Mr. Menzel Pres. Nelson �Mr. Pres. Nelson . Deportment of flaw , 6S_o CITY OF ST. PAUL V ARTHUR A. STEWART CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS EUGENE M. O-NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L ANDERSON q THOMAS W. WAISH May 12th;',_ 19616 To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of J. A. Peterson against the City Of St. Paul for the sum of '$500--00- After a thorough"investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, Assistant Corpordo C el. .-, . ' � ¢-- �• � �' ---1-- - -- - ___-- _.__ __ __ L' '. - �' � ,� ___ ,; __ `���; __-_ �, �. ____ --�___. ,' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNEca NO --------6593-7 • "� FIL OFFICE OF THE CIT_ Y CLERK CO iCFL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM - - PRESENTED ER COMMISSIONER.__._ .. ............ DATE..r_........ __.._..____.—....._.....__-__ RESOLVED That the application of M. Grodin for permission to ereeot and maintain a public garage on Lot 11, Block 1, Tinker's Addition, being on the south side of University avenue between Canada and Jackson 9 streets, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. 1Po 86947.-8Y H CC,,Wenxol evolved: That the aDDllcatfon 6tpola for Dorinleatop to -erect and- - maintain a publlo 88'�aarage bn Lot 11 dock 1 Tlnkeeo Adduton,:. being.-:oa �the south eldv :of -IIalveralty avenue. betweea Canada -and' jocksonretreats.- pa',herebyDgrantwd, and; .the Commie L..e. _._ 7ftroupde and Pub-: by; authorlxed- and ' QIDarmlt therefor. aneli May 12i.1920, 1986. 1 f I COUNC1LMEN MAY 1 $1920 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ... .......... :..-..---.-192...--- . Glanry /, MAY i f M6 Approved_: .. ....... ................ --.192.. on V- .In favor I.cDonald 21�� ACt�n(r MAYOR Sudheimer t -.-..Against Y V/Wenzel Mr. Qiss Pres Rggtwo9 NOTICE OF AT'PLICE;TION FOR PERVIT TO Eff:CT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 192&1 to the City Council of the City of aint Paul, Minnesota, b for permission to erect a public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, tc . wit; Lot /Z Block Z Addition, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the/J side of St. Ave. between dQc St . Ave. and Oma_ St. Ave. Number St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 192/ STATE OF MINNESOTA, iss. County of Ramsey.) .... ................. ..... ............ being duly sworn, deposes and says that he le clerk for th •ieDatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the Ltimes hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, I..EIwwwr a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota That he has knowledge of the facts and knows p ovally �a�t)'t(h/e D�rinleedd...... . . ....................... ........ ......... .. was insert...... ed an. hereto attached, cut from the�coluum%ns of -said ne aper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper Jam: ' t f �"1"', and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That !gid notice was first inserted, printed and published on.....:/ I. .. "." # the. .4Y..?.. day of... Ok"19"LA '• • • • • • • • • 111fff111. • ..192.10 and ((/w11�a��ss ��Iprint�eedd and Pub• lished in said newspaper tl reafter on....C/:.:."•'•:•"-•�•�`�7•- �.�::a: g.. .q........�e...3o.....al5cf..... kla "`"•....... lsz.�? That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that bon• stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to-wit:that for � more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ..... .!)o.!..!tom ...................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw, hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said......... - • : • •A ..the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghtikimnopgrstuvwaya abs Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of 4he aforesaid !1!gal advertisement. ... ...... ..(/.....J................. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..... ....40 ...day f..: C:f, :.--••••192.. .. ........! .'. Y . �...... ...... Notary Public, Ram//,7,t'p�y County, Minnesot/`/a; Y Form141 2M 5-4-25 PkB My Commission expires...(N •�••/•1• L, g, TWEED, Re,tary Public, 11--y County, NSW. My Cpmnairion azpaaa SOL Xk no STATE OF MINNESOTA, j ss County of Ramsey-) Jai Y�-1.......Athe .......................being duly sworn, deposes and sa t at he is clerkpatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the times h einafter mentbeen the publisher of the a -•r Pawl :e=, St. P looser Press, a dally newspaper, printed and publiehed 1n the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota That he has knowledge of the factsand knows pe va'lly taatttheeplriintteed...... ... ....��'G..............i.......... hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newapape as n.sert....ed.,.printed .an.d. '2� published in said newspaper ....... and that all of said publications were made in the English language. / ) printed and published on..`.'�: TNh�a[tdid notice was first lose , ed, D tbe..../.. Y....day oP...�.............. 192 and was Printed and pub- llshed in said newspaper thereatu(er on... Cl. f - - • • ........ • • • ./• • • • - - • � • • • • • • • • • • ` milt!-s�.ieel,Wiag .. 7�._.. tim...7...... day=uf....... I.................'92k- That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: tthhja'tt/for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... ...................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, ot wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw1 hundred and forty copies regularly deliverd toq paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said..........:..•••••�•••........•• ............. ..the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, Biala of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2, both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, As: abcdefghilkimaopgramvwxyz Further affiant salth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of Poresaid legal adve cement. .. ... .. .. ... ..... ............. .......... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...... �..�.. day ........ ....192. ...................... Notary Public, Ra nonCCfo,funnty, Minnesota. Y Form 141 2M f -25 Pkv My Commission expires... tlFhT..�l••. /• L. B. TWEED, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minh, My Commission expires Sept. 22, IM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��.. Fl ENCIL No... ....... 65VAR REsOLvEO That the application of lied G. Kemper for permission to ereot and maintain a public garage on Lots3, 3 and 4. Block 2, Schur- meieris Seventh Street Addition, located at 801-3-5 East Seventh street, is hereby granted, and the commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed .to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Fergu5o r-- -.In favor ieDonald r i dlheimer We Wenzel i. .-.Against Mr.'Vbe Pres1 MerQe20n Adopted by the Council-------------------------- ------------- 192 -1 3 1426 Approv -- •... ........... A X19_2./ ��/J �..J.j..KN v v AV -LI ng MAYOR C. J. MCGLOGAN. CRY CLERK AND COMMISSIONER W REGISTRATION Gum of Saint ?Paul (Off(re of (pity %terk M® May 12th, 1926. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i a g. My dear Mr. Stewarts HAROLD J. RI ROAN CHIEI CLERK -CRY C K CLARENCE A. STORMS CHIW CLERK -REGISTRATION We enclose herewith application of Fred l3. Kemper for permission to erect a public garage on Lots 2,3 and 4, Block 2, Schurmeier Seventh Street Addition, located at 801-3-5 East Seventh Street. This application was referred to you today, by the Council, for the proper resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk. NOTICE OF tirPLIC6i'ION FOR PEPj.'IT TO EitECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 04, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of,Saint Paul,, /Minnesota, application will be made on �y 192 to.the City Council of the City of int Paul, Minnesota, by atr _for permission to erect a public garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, tc wit: Lot g Block %No � wr�!►gamma Addition, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the no&side of St. Ave. between _St. Ave, and lbawwa— St. Up. Numbergp24;4 ;fh St .Ave . Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, Aga W 192jS ti x iiAA l�blturi_t;i Wis R f i APR 27 3 291" 026 .ERR, STATE OF MINNESOTA, lss County o Ramsey.) T being duly sworn, deposes J f JI Notice ot.Applieation;for Permtb to; ............................. precg a Puhlic`Gerage.: and says at�he is clerk or Hie Dispatch Printing Co. which now ie and during all the sones it `eerenY at _tn t p gaaareo; times hereina ter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, a--»- a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of SL ae n 674, oral a 1.. 6tso t we-cuY- ter- said Ramer nee >nt P.vl,-Mt ie•ppuano m I•o Paul, In said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. de Maxi 1626 tome Cit Couocunt of city s ental Pa I A&' w� b� a a� Tha�he has knowledge of the facto and knows personally that th�nted...... O % pee for ep 14tl1 o to erect pnblle , aaree the. follP 1 a da ribed al et t . , alt at 1 R_.v Cn tr Dtldn tl is t wit: .Lot 2. a-& 4 RI k 2 Soh rm i aevaih ............ ... .. .. .... ..................... ................ street Addltioq CRY of Saint Paul Mlanw. • • . rot On the horfh aide;.of Eut 8 enth- St b L eeP:'Arrale 8t. sad btaraaret St. ..... N b Sol. Sm & sw E. 7tn 8t D ted aL Salat Paul. ]flnn tai April 27,. .................... e t columns .. f said .. newspaper, ..... was insert ...... printed ... 19.6 (Z end Die.- Aprlr _8^_9-20.) hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper �rRA and that all of said publications were made in the English language.. 4 That said notice was first , inserted, printed and published on...//..�..... the..?X day of..... • • • • ..... • t • • 192.`9 and was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper thereafter on..: .. !9......./. until and including........•....... e.:�O�day of.......��tiea* / .192 , That during all [be times esaid, said newspaper was medium of official and legal publications required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... ...........................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be Issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print. ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany,not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twt hundred and forty copies, regularlydelivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said..... ...................... ...the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications ss a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abedefghilklmnoPgrstuvwrya Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper o;_jbeAfCreaaid legal adv se ent. ..... .. ......''���%%%........ ................ ... Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... /...... ` ,,day g1f�.�. �... ...�... ..192. fel ...............t..r......... /•`r.-•— :'7• •............ Notary Public, Ras County,,7Minnesota. m Form 141 2M .54-25 P&B My Commission expires... ....1.. �... .... Notnr,.,Pu:a;_ Rn,. cry Cru ty,"inn, 1925 STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 ss County of Ramsoy.) (J .... .....being duly sworn, deposes and say hatdlke le cls fo he Dispatch Printing Co. which now fa and during all the times herein. ter mentioned has been the publisher of the St "m"' St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Ths,4he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed....... �orif.P!..... ..................................................n ed an. hereto attached, cut from the columna of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper c weeig and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That .sai�a/ii•//d notice was first Inserted, printed and published on.... the. 141 1 4:Sday of ......... i•�I/ ........ 192..4and was printed /and pub- lished in said newspaper � thereafter on. .!.`�i(!c!.`"`�••/�%G%�"•:••••••��... until and including .'l.1!....... the. - O'Aay of ................. .. .192. That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualifie as s medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session. Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ........................ .. .......! ................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from wh[cll it Durports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columna to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated In and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twl hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ..... .. . ...................................... ...the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed In the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, vis: t abedofBlWtuma*z Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended t accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper o th foreaaid legal adv ement. ..�. ...;f........ ... ... .. Subscribed and sworn to before me this.....' . • •,•-{laY o • •�• �• ......I .. • ..192. . .......... ....... r..... Notary Public, Rams County, Minnesota. Form 141 2M 54-25 P&B MY Commission expires..... .....�.�. ../Y n Mr Coc:-...... _ —SII♦■� - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL co�Nm� NO._.-_.--6ti949 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION,.-,--.0ENERAt`FORM C f Nb;i$6949 BY 7 $ Atonoi ald— Who Tho L;resteY St ,Paul%Gom+ PRESENTED BY mtttee or the, E}e,lnt;Psnl.AeeoClatton -l8, 926. commISSIONER_ __ — baize repueste$ that;. So,�.De 9f PubLe•:WOrkB be antrhorlaed to Dor- forml .work and '�urnteh' matertdr fn' Connectionwith, theilovelling'pn8 !m pvoment, of the yrovoow air field to RESOLVED liroe boated on the wptEVdo of the Mis• I staelyyi >Rtver..,. roe agreed to v; altl: law- ^h Whereas• The Greater St. Paul Committee of the Sent $snl As000iation have requested that the Depirtment of PublioWorks be enthorl ed to perform work and furnish material in:oonneetion with the levelling and'Improvement of the proposed air field to be Iodated on.the West aide of the Mississippi River. and have Agreed to pay'the full coat of ouch labor and material, -upon, weekly statements to be submitted by the Department of Publio Works; the total oost4 however, not to eaoeed the gum of $15,009400 in addition to.the amount previously expended. . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be authorized to prooeed With the leVelling and improvement of suoh proposed air field, upon the terms and oondltions oontained in the proposal above desoribedo RESOLVED FURTHER, That said applicants shall satisfy the Corporation counsel.of their right to 'enter upon the land so to be Improved, and make suoh improvements before the Commissioner of Publio Works shell prooeed with any suoh work, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the proper city offloers are hereby authorized to enter into a oontraot with applioants,in's000rdence with the provisions of this resolution, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays c'Clilff'y 41;4*19 qy6�.---In favor 3026-192 MAY Adopted by the Council .---.- Approved-,,Z.4..1rte= a .-192 - cDonald f /udheinter Against .-- - ..............- JBR MAYOR 7 "Wnze�e PUBLMHED Mr. Vioo Pre& Ferrtanon CITY OF ST. PAUL 2NN' NO.--..--... 65960 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED NOY COMMISSIO ER DATE That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the OtNeil & Preston Company for the rental of one 35 -ton steam shovel with shovel timbers, trench pump, shovel runners shovel fireman and watchman for the sum of. forty-three dollars ($43.00) per working day. The same to be used In the construction of.the Belt Line sewer System Contract "B". Said contract now being a- . J performed by City Force Account. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In favor V"McDonald �SudheirnerAgainst enzel prea. Forgar'07) MAY 1 3106 Adopted by the Council--.... ...... . ..... ---...---192...... ' t Y13 Approved.----- - ------ 192. ----- ........ . ... ... MAYOR..... .. ................. PRI COI RE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COURC�I. --pp alp NO.. W951 +1Y+4 mvuu-LAu-Au uuLluvwtiw InetAuu-Ltl6 OS A:G:$ conare Tie, with sewers 8" thick, with top lr of manhole, laid up in standard shape with sewer brick; the entire manhole to be of design and workmanship, conforming to city specifications for similar construction; may be used in lieu of sewer brick manholes on the construction or the sewers known as Otbo Avenue extension numbers 3 and 4. ✓ ? - COUNCILMEN laid�.S i brick twe V atlruc brIN tthe enet Ad "AD Yeas Nays favor ,-'McDonald ✓Sudheimer.... .Against -Wenzel Mr. Vice Pre& Pergumv Adopted by the Council MAX -1-31R 102 ...... Approved.... 192- T/. •{.{ /ll fi G%�.tAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER R CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.--.- 65952 OFFICE.OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE t�ty 12th, 1926 That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorised and directed to sprinkle wth water or oil the following streets: Cypress St. from Maryland to Orange Holton St. from Wesley to Hewitt Atwater st. from Western to Farrington Prior Ave. from Randolph to Juliet Prior Ave. from Jefferson to Wellesley C. F No. 869"o2—BY'J. H. EreDonoaerald-7 P.esolved, Thnt the Comml g Public Works be and is -hereby auot"-:i. I thorlstit and directed to aDrlakle water or, bil .the fbllowing streets; Cypreea St. .from Maryland to Orange;. - Hog S� Lrom -Wesley to' -Hewitt;' COUNCILMEN Yells Nays 1MeDH oonald -In favor �Ilsudheinler 1. ✓---Against Wenzel �D1:. 9iae Pees Fermll ml +wv.�• ay..r iazn. _ in13yI5-1938] ➢,)�� _1 .. .3 14iq . ----192-•---- Adopted by the Council.- ............................... Approved-� .. } 26 - 192.----- • ---•--- /-'-'-� %% ..... Ljjf MAYOR No. 83863—$9 J. H McDonald 2 No--_.--...V�cI�V CITY OF ntegolved. Thal tha :CQmmlaatoner, of Pabllo,. Wo;ka be and le hereby, -au OFFICE OFT ithorlsee and dtieoted to aPrlakle with water. or oU yhe toU.wl 4 streets COUNCIL RESOLUTIyPantevr ygo Ave from Maryland tq:-Lar a�. -. Wb1te Sear Roafl'4tiom Payne t¢ PRESENTED BY teat; COMMISSIONER _ %. Ave. from ^romvyell Ah, 1926 RESo That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authrized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil the following streets: Payne Ave. from Maryland to Larpenteur White Bear Road from Payne to Larpenteur Bayless Ave. from Cromwell to Raymond Cleveland Ave. from Como to City Limits Como Ave. West from City Limits to Hamline Cromwell from University to Bayless _. Hampden from Wabash to Raymond . Pillsbury from -Myrtle to Territorial Road Raymond Ave. from University to Como Cleveland from Ford Road to Randolph Ford Road from Sias. River Blvd to Cleveland Vandalia St. from Railroad to University Palace St. from Syndicate to Griggs Cecelia Place from St. Clair to Stanford Kenneth from perkley-to St. Clair Eustis St, from Pearl to 100 ft. South Pearl St, from Eustis to Cromwell Holton St. from Minnehaha to Capitol Burr St. from Magnolia to, Jessamine Morton St, from Bellows to Winslow Chelmsford from Buford to Hendon Annapolis St. from Harvard to Brown Hawthorne St. from Forest to Earl Edgcumbe Road from Bohland to Schaffer Hatch St. from Argyle to Chatsworth Third St. from -Commercial to' Hoffman Fulton St, from James to Jefferson Oxford St, from University to Le -fond_ Underwood from Randolph to Jefferson Alley - Lexington-Dunlap-Linooln & Goodrich COUNCILMEN " Thorn from Hiawatha to Indian M yn s .,ark . MAY 1 31926 Yeas Nays Adopted by Ehe ouncil 192----- ergo— C/r/ Approve ..... .. - 192---- -aad@esr —----- 1—. ---In favor McDonald � . r- -------- ---- --------- ............... \) >�C�lRiry MAYOR Sudheimer _ ... 1...Against �7 Vj;% Voce Pr«n. t nnr/ i f111i�i.LiJ>ili ! CITY OF ST. PAULcouNca No.--------- - '. FILE ct CEO THE CITY CLERK - O IL R O TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��•�"((�J COMMISSIONER.._.�_.___.._.__..{�.—.------- __.._ _ . ...... RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is helhby author- ised to pay to ,W. D. Davis, an employe of„said Board, injured Febru— ary 11, 1926, the sum of $35.20 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board, being for the period up to and including May 6th, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Board pay to said W. D. Davis the further sum of #8.00 to reimburse him for amount paid by him for X-rays; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Board pay to Drs. Riggs & Hengstler the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), and to Dr. N. G. Mortensen the sum,` of Ten Dollars ($10.00) out of the Water Department Fund, for pro- fessional services rendered to said W. D. Davis. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays H ��n•-- ,In favor •-• .� CuleDonald . Sudheimer ......... .. Against `��Wenzel Z���eassage. Preslt Board of Water CommIrs. Adopted by the Council ..MAY .�._SM i. - 192,.-:_ Approve A-192 .......... .............................. �Q.w MAYOR CITY OF, COUNCIL NO....---- {��/- •, ]9� ` FILE - .'Jhs` � F- OFFId c No`;aG95G— sv Rase sueori �� 911NC`L RI .ereab h .efaY clerk and Com- .� �njisafoner of Ee67airaUbn h8e'ith 8eoa_'I - OL the C1ty,Charter ttia exlet-' to the Council in accordance w, PRESENTED BY (�, tfop- G3'..,;nn emet�OncY whlch:rendarafl,.,, COMMISSIONER ._ ,r the emPlb9ment ,OL rSATE��_..._—._.-_....__._ ___---_-_• SEAS, The City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employment, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pey the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment, for extra time hereinafter set forthz Harold B. Voss, Senior Clerk-Typist, 56 Hours ®7 Hr., $38.91 Otto C. 8omslo, Senior Clerk-Typist, 39 Hours ® 7 Hr., 27.60 George'Sadek, Senior Clerk, 5 Hours ® 7 Hr., 3.68 Albert R. Anderson, Election Clerk, 41 Hours 61 5 Hr., 23.07 Thos. H. Breyer, Election Clerk, 1 Hours ® 6 Hr., 10.41 C. G. Carlstedt,, Election Clerk, 5 Hours ® 5 Hr., 3.09 F. W. Ferguson, Election Clerk, 16 Hours ® Hr., 9.00 John H. Pendy, Election Clerk, 'Hours a 5 Hr., 4.22 E. A. Frangas, Election Clerk, 5 lours 4 Hr., 2.82 D. E. Hassler, Election Clerk, 13 Hours ® 5 Hr., 7.32 G. E. Elleneony Election Clerk, 25 Hoare ® Hr., 14.07 John L. Doherty, Election Clerk, 8 Hours ® 5 Hr., 4.50 John F. Fisher, Election Clerk, 31 Hours ® 5 Hr., 17,44 Geo. E. W. Nelson, Election Clerk, 29 Hours ® b Hr., 16.32 Dewey J. OtBrieni Election Clerki 25 Hours ® 5 Hr., 14.07 Steve B. O'Connell, Election Clerk, 8 Hour: ® Hr., 4.50 Charles W. Berridge, Junior Clerk-T,ypiat, 39 Hours ® Hr., 15.70 John J. 0*Connor, Junior Clerk-Typist, 8 Hours ® Hr., 3,43 Forest W..Crowley, Junior Clerk-Jy isti 2 Hours ® Hr., .81 ;. Arthur Corrigan, Common Laborer, 11* Hours ® 45 ¢ Hr., 8.33 James Lumley, Utility Laborer, 26 Hours a 55 ¢ Hr., 14.30 F. B. Rafferty, Common Laborer, 6 Hour's ® 45 ¢ Hr., 2.70 COUNCILMEN W 31026 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.--.....--------------- ---_--........192.- son Approve = 192 on ------ ---- ---Tn Favor /1GIcDofiald ,,4Kdhehner Against n�ron ,Affenzel �Aii�°PI•eFldeut :� p2JBiySL�i cj l&t. Via,, i'reo. fro-=sox FORM N0. 1 May 11, 1926. An emergency has arisen in the Department of City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Preparing registration records previous to election of May 4th; issuing supplies to judges on May 3rd= answering telephones and making emergency trips on Election Day, May 4th; and receiving Supplies and tabulating returns on Election Night. This emergency aro as by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Sppdgp, early morning and night work was necessary. missioner of Re@ st at ion. e� CITY OF SP. PAUL MUNCH. NO.---.--.--659 tJV OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK_ FKX _ COUNCIL R C -S N0. 66868 7I9.8. O„'pyentel=-,:' / Whereas the Commtsslonoz o["t$e PRESENTED )3Y Dby�trtment'bf:Paiece Plaggronnde and GOMMIS910NE �blPol nniiaccDrdanob zeDatted "ta „the -v �fhe Q)tv.::Charter. thaezibteaae:;oF�— e[geaCPx ridh rand sed aa. RESOLVED Whereas the Commissioner of.,the Department Of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said em- ployment being'more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby, authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth, Name Title Hours Rate of Over- time Frank Drassal Supervisor Of Playgrounds 7 0, ,92 Yeas COUNCILMEN - , Nays Adopted by the Council-.M -----AA--1----.... .S1926 ----................ 192.----. 1 3 9826 L Approve .. - - ............- 192 - !. - -In favor < �� ✓MCDOn81r1 _,,'§udheimer....-AgainstCtt Maros Wenzel PUB%TSiIETi W. Viae Pre". Forwinne GEORGE L. MASON. S— a F.Ullis ERNEST W. JOHNSON. St—. - PIwYORAtImt PRANK X. TEWES. Q— AaeWe[Ce r (¢ttg of St, Paul :De}mrtatenl of 11erks, 411ttggrouudo and Itu61tr loutlbutp HERMAN C. WEN—L, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE, DIZP- COMMIMIONM - OFFICE OP OOMMI961011M 219 COURT HOUSE ®@ May 14, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes'of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing athletics. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Athletic programs held evenings. Yours very truly, Commissioner. Heeeeattaa 4tetpa t9 !Make loetter elafeeaa 6416 IF p (n7 COUNCIL CITY OF NO. ----'-.06595 /� ST PAUL MU OFFICE OF a.. No., B68fi7 By x. C wenzet Sy Request— i- OUNCIL R OL 'Resolved: That the appllc4dans far licenses of iha 4ollowtng pentons=for conduoting'lm6taeesea 4t the addressee ladlcated be and the same are heretiY. 13 1S PRESENTED By granted and the .city clerk ,!s ;fn- 9h COMMISSIONER____._—..._ --- stnteted io !egos: such llcen6es upon— -•-------- the.,paymenl:;:mto .the'. cfty treasn• t^the customary a Chao x Ttummgr, tAu 6oatt RESOLVED That the applications for lpersons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated ba 'end'Yo , ,,:4ie are hereby granted and the city olerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon'th0 payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Chas. H. Trulmmers 148 South St., Butcher A. Brost, 331 Cathredal Pl. Grocery 0.'H. Horton, 859 Rondo St., Jos. Carohadi, 179 Rondo St., " H.`Rraushaar, 243 S. Snelling Av., Butcher Robt. U. Meredith, 179 Concord St., Bilbow Amusement Co., 406 Minnesota St., 1T pool tables Piggly Wiggly Stores,Ino., 455 E. Hobert St., arocery John Farkos, 1199 Albemarle St. W. J, MoCarrons 189 W. 7th St.,, Hotel B. W. Fosty, 1586 University Av., " Mrs. Hulds Jensen, 848 Payne Av., " Sam Brodinsky, 949 Payne-Av., Grocery Mrs. R. Stuber, 35 W. Geranium St.., " L. V. Swenson, 1102 Rice St., " A. G. Ostman, 1543 University Av., Motion Picture Theatre M. Paokerman, 597 Broadway St. 3 pool tables H. L. Roberts* 719 Pelham St., Grocery Jos. Vohralik, 412 F. Smith Av. Butcher Theo Martinson, 1868 W:.7th St., Grocery The Tranatt Supply Co., 1560 University Av.' Confectionery The Transit Supply.06., 1175 E. 7th St., " H. G. Schauffhausen 940 E. 7th 8t., " Colbert Bros., 2019 E. Minnehaha St. Grocery Edberg h Lorentson, 1197 Arcade St., D. B. Aron, 571 Forest St., R William Stephenson, 145 S. Chatsworth St. Tony Bassi, 870 Rice St., Confectionery Fannie M. Ritt, 389 St Peter St., " Ed Bendt, 1173 Arcade St. Bakery Nagle k Tyrrell, 1171 Courtland Grocery OLBrien Bros:: 1321 White Bear Av. C, J. MoDonough, 1945 Autumn Av. " Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. -W,., . ... .....192.- --- Yeas Nays . Fengueerf Approve - -------192--- ' gpdgscff"7--�.--In favor V/McDonald % ---- --------• ry M.AYOORR y MA /§ndheimer ...._ Against 4�CtID .14enzel PfJRLi,SFIED �.� IMT.'Vioe P,M. N'«,rgneoD CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL " NO. 65908 ...'--- ------' FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTIONPRESE—GENERAL FORM—._. -- BY COMMISSIONER. OMMI SIOTED ER Geor a C' Sudheimer ___ DATE_.tWA ._.�q RESOLVED That, the Northern States Bower Company* be, and is hereby or- dered to extend its gas mains on the 'following streets: Doane St. from Como River Blvd. to Glendale; Berkeley from Syndicate east to 1266; Jefferson Ave. from Lexington west to 1118 Jefferson; Mississippi River Blvd. from 372 to 418 Mississippi River Blvd; Dudley St, from 2079 to Cleveland, Cleveland from Dudley North to 1557 Cleveland; Bayard St. from 2078 west to Cretin; Otto from Cleveland to Mt. Curve;. Como Blvd. from Lakeview north to Como -Phalen and Como -Phalen from Como Blvd. to Osage St., Osage St. from Como -Phalen to reach 1444 and 1446 Osage St; Jordan Ave. from Stillwater to Har- vester, Harvester from Jordan 80 £t. east. Ruth from "c Minnehaha north to Reaney St., Reaney St, from Ruth east. E. Annapolis from 297 -east to Brown Ave. Prosperity Ave. from 1299 to 1498 Prosperity Ave. Kennard St. from Margaret to Third St. Third St. from 1630 to 1675 E. Third, Fifth St. from Kennard to 1631 - Fifth, Fourth St. from Kennard to 1600 E. Fourth. White Bear Ave. from E. Nomo-Phalen north to 1524 White Bear;Spheffer from Snellilhg to 1601 3oheffer; Niles St. from Clevelandiest to 2108 Niles; Mt. Curve Blvd. from a point 737 ft. south of Randolph to reach 565 and RAA M+ Yeas i h _.� e--bb. viae pro.. F"rguucu CouncilFile No ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........ rad.-ike--Como..andPhalen--Agenne_Prom g._e__Eaa_t_-Lo-- --------------------- DeBots- Street. ----- -----------------------.. - -- -- C. F. No. 86969— AbstractNn.r-- Dated this -.. b,- da of , ----. - 1; krone ae,; hhe,fo 'written g, impel Lor nt ------ S'F-t--- -- - making of :th0 followt¢g ImDroveme¢tike, --_--_ _ .viz: .. Grade ,bI,aake Cgmo and Phalen -Ave; -------..-- _ from Edgdttoa St. I to. DeSota $L, h"' _ Ing been -pro entgd: to the Coin the Citpp' f. St Pe Aesplced, Th l PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade lake Como and Phalen Avenue from Edgerton Street to DeSota Street. -............. -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- ----------- ----------- _---------------------------------------------- ------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Bt�61 £ ► A" Adopted by the Council__ ...- ----------------- ------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman G=NOY--"' Frulasaoxc---, l 1Ioaasox--> i --" MCDONALD 7 J - SUDHEIIIER J W EN7-EL ro.m c Kla tint MAY 1 31926 Approved..................................... ......................... - -- Mayor. p%n?uct=, ��.� N PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No...:-... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Q4 demising-. and-- taking--an_-easement-- is the land necessary for - ------------------------------- _._elopes,--_onte_8nd_Yille,.._in-_the---grading-,oY- ?,ake-,-Como-.-and--Phalen-___. --------Avenue-_trom$n8erton Street to---DeSota--Street. C F N.. 66661A � ' ' -1- .---- _ tract. a 18th gay 6 Rjj ng of A f0lomDroDoeal toe the Dated this. ....-_ day of . mai tag of the tottovrtng tmprovem.ae . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -- Condemning and taking an -easement in the land aeoeseary for -- -- - -- - - - - . - elopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Lake Como and Phalen -------------------------------- ...... ---------------------------- Avenue from Edgerton Street to DeSota Street. -------------_--------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----- __-..-.-..._-------------_-------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------- ---------- MAY _!_-a-lq96 ----------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman-CLANw MAY ! -HoiR seaN Approved............................ ----5-------------------------------- McDONAL �-/MCDONALD 'SUDHEIIIF,R ...... **ng F.— C A Ia c . � s3 Vloe Pre- F"r'"W/D E'UBI.ISI�D `��I� account Wild Rome Bower Xxtension. Council File No ----------- . 961 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -00ndeffii.ng--- end...t8king..li4n...e aoment...for-ognstructing---anl- maintainiag._a---- -.publics.-.sew.er.._on_.the--- w.6j$t6.r y---2Q__f.t .._o....�,ote..-1$--and-.4Q,._bloctc---1,---Wild---- .Rona..Addition_from_Faurth.- 3t... --to Fifth -St------------- --------------------------------- Dated this ......... day of --------------- ...... X! ------------ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Gond—Ing--.enA-taling--an_aaaement-fa---sanatz�cting..al�sl_uu�imte-iztlx�g_a... .ppuhlie Bawer..an---the... we.st-erly---20-tt._.of.-lat.s--- IS--anl.-_i6A,--.biooY.--.1,.-Wi-id---- Rose-- Addltidn --from-.hnurth_9t.---ta_Fifth_3t.----------------- --------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ...... _......... _............................................................... ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. Adopted by the Council -------------------------- MAY -1...3-1926...............---- YEAS NAYS Councihna PP uIAY 1 3 I�, 6 FMnco�ri Approved ................ . ileecsal;F"� ✓MDHEIMED� /.SiJDFiEIMER / WENZEL .. .............................. ...... _......................... v .ctiv Mayor. Germ C A 13 UM 3=7Sj' Vice Prea.-FmvuaaUA PU13LTQxTM Council File No ....... ---_65-962 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: R000nstruot. relay and repair, where necessary, the'following sidewalks3 -South vids--Wir-4th-9t-. beginning -1041 $.-of--Ke-in -.AVG14--th.ame Best BOA-. _West --_side :Western Ave. from Blair St. to Lafond St. -- -- - --- -- Ni aid: WesEerin Ave. beginn ng i an urean Iieinoe ecu o alley -seat--aide. --- -.Ase-._.beginning.-72-. ft..:-aolth---of 11 Bnr-en,--_thsnos........ south to Blair St. U. A. No. 65968— _......................................--- .-...---. ..-_.. _. - ._----------------------------- .a,,, -. ,. ' ,,, ea Abetra,ot. �' ----- - - -. a A wr,(tten Dtop..,a for th. i meking of the following mprovement. viii: Dated this ............. ay o - .............. - ----- -- Reconetruh. relay; and repair, where necesaatyl. the- following eldewitlka: Routh aWe W 6th. St. b glnnlnEc. --- ...........-------------- PRELIMINARY --- -- ------ ---- ----- E: of Mala A PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary. the following sidewalks: -8otitfi eifie--W; gtii --St: beginning 1tiD-r--74:---Aver-;-tHeaae Bsst RFT'': . West--side-_W.estern-.Ave-.---from-.-Blair...St.-..tn---Latond--.at-•---._------------------------------------------ West side Western Ave. beginning at Van Buren St., thence south to alley. -Bast-side-Western--Avec;---beginning--12 ft-: south---of--Van--Berea; thence- ------- south to Blair St. ---------- - --- ---------- ..-----------. --- - --------------------------------------------- .................- - - --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------------------- -.................... _--................. ... ...---..-.----- -.-_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 31W Adopted by the Council - - -------------------------- .................. -- -------- -- YEAS NAYS Councilman OLAx" MAY 9 s TtRaU969- Approved.--------------------------------------------------------- ---- - -- - MMD ONALD V- CDONALD SUDEEISIER'' ✓WEN7-EL----------- -----_.......-----------------......... ... -......... ...---------.---------- � g-0 e.tt`ni- Mayor. Foga, C k 13 nnWzseice Prue. Fhr"em PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.._ -----659..63 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public* mprovement byy the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the following sidewalket West --- side-41U"ol-6t.4tes-beglnn-ing at Geo-rge St-r---thenee ortlt-200 gea8. East side Livingston Ave. beginning 116 ft. north of Colorado St. ----------------- , Nortili_--s 0._14 -sum n-1; ... Ata...b.0917[ln1lag--l0fi ft......weat--- of_.8r+able --- St.r..-thenoa----------- West 10 ft. Dated this lath. day ----------------------------- 102-- -C R No. 66363 r_--_ / Whereas, A writtenoproGosal for the makkIng of the following proposal v1s,e.. Reconstruct, r]ny-and repair, he re neoeeHing sidewalks: PRELIMINARY ORDER.' Ws:1 -1zIdtA e.beginning atGeorge theb o. nn• +..,';: _. —ast side WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improbk YPest`side Humboldt Ave. beginning at George St• thence north 100 feet. Test--side--7.ivinglaton--Ave.---begi-nning... 1-16---f-t-.---north --- oi -Colorado---3t,-------------- thenoe-Horth 14 ft. NoYtli--6i-de..-Be6lf� Ont ---S lleg�i=IiTg--1(7x3- ft weigC o-f-grebl'a SUElieitiid having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-------------------------------- -- ........... ...___.____ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........................... M..........................Y 1 3 1926 - YEAS NAYS Councilman,9LLxQ*--- 6i AY 1 31926 Fll� Approved-.. ....... ........ �j' ✓ MCDONALD '�SUDHEIMER -- -VENZEL ............................... Muz ..Se:d Mayor. Goren C A 13 (1M 3126) '� �- •��'+r"nt•n PUBLISI=0-422� Council File No— ...... -.65964 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning. -And -_t oki.ng...an...eaeemant... In... the .__lend--neOessar--$r for --- slopes-; outa and fills, in the grading of Ruth Ave. from Minnehahs St. to Hudson Road, Fl-fth---St-reet. from ---Aver to Pedersen --Ave.-; Fourth at:from -Hgt"el --- Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Sigel St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen--Ave.-,---Thi7rd_.-St,.. from Ruth ... AT4-.-moo--Pedersen... A6e. and Conway St, from Ruth Ave. to Peflereen_-Ave.--*--.all.--the...abDye.__to--Ve.--known--aa---the.-HAZEL--VIEW GRA-D-IHG MJECT. Dated this...11th...___._._da of ------------ 1 192 C. F. No. 65964— v. LLL Abstract Whereas. A.wrlttea y;e1. for tbe:� making of the Sollo.1.1 po al o' th PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ ^ondemning: and takingan easement., ''e land cessary.for slopes., ate lis fo-the gradingof Ruth -Ave.. j WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvelflr nn9liah j st to., ) 1116 -in ii the g cedand ing of Ruth Ave. from an easement intke St....toxHudson R ants - St. to Hodson Road, to Pedersen Ave., Sigel St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave., Third -_St. --- f -ram Rittlr --- Ave-: --- to- Pedersen -Ave end Coziwap St-------- rom-.Ruda Ave. to Pedersen Ave.. all the abovetobeknown_ae.t-he..HAUL .VIRW..GRADING..,PRoJZCT.-------- ._-_._ having ---- been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..__._..___------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed; 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ,J 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. I" 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. MAY 1 31926 Adopted by the Council_...__._..__-----..__.._., --- YEAB NAYS Councilman G4 a vcY FZRA9&QZ+_ F-3onseerl----'— f MCDONALD ,�'�S(U.DHEIMER VYENZEL AL Fom C A fa (IM ft Viae Ptve. FerunIna MAY 1 31926 Approved. ---------- ------ ----------------------------------------- �� Ctli1Q Mayor. Council File No ------------ 65965 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned her proposes. the making of the following public impro ems b he 'it of St. Paul 1 Reoonatruot, relay and repair, where necessary, the 01��owi g aidewhNis: south--siids--Bamund--3t.---beginning... 80---ft.---west--at ... Arundel,---thejoi.e seat. --175' . North side Aurora Ave. beginning 174' East of Marion St. thence east 1201. wget...si-d8 -Marlon St- 1ye-gi7ming at -Aurora---A7e-, ... thence south --to ... the 81-1-0 Soath-_eifls:.DBgton._6ve..--beginning-_Bt::Dale._.8t.---thence--west 30 fit.-,-.-beeginning 154 ft. farther west, thence west 38 ft. Dated this---12th----------day of...... -----------...-------1 192 Whereas;: A Abstractreroaosai for th. Makinlg, of the Pollowtas I Provemeat, -rRoeonetrnet, relay and reDalr, wfiero S wary. .,the t iloivjng sidewalk.: -8outh aide Edmund S[. i gl ning 80� •'.flt oP.Arund 1 55: r PRELIMINARY ORDER. «Qe: A, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconetruot, relay and repair, where necessary, the following sidewalks: South --side Edmund--8t_j bV8133niUg 80! ---west of ---Arundel Sty thenae--weat17fi`. Horth---ei4e_Aurora-_Ave.---beginning---174'---east of Marion St. thence east 1201. W t ids atarion St be inning at Aurora Ave. thenoe south to the alley., wo a . g South---side--Dayton--Awe..---beginning---at---Dale---8t.--- thence-- weat.--30---ft.-,---beginninE 164 ft. farther west, thence west 32 ft. .............. ........------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------ .-...-----.-......-.--_-..-.-------------------------- ----- therefore, .._therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 3 1926 Adopted by the Council._-.---_.-----_-.._.. YEAS NAY$ C0UDcilmanVA4=y •FUaaUSON- -A HoDcsonr^ �. MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL -M Form &C13 (11,1"),Viae Pren. Fnri!nann Approved-----------------------Y--�-V---�J.<L------------......-------- t - -Mayor. �fBY.tSEiEl7� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigued hcreb3T proposes the making of the following public imps Reconstruct, relay and repair; where necessary, South af-de--SItnnehaha St ---begs 6x11 ---west of Bu -r -r West -side L'Orient St. be$. 601 N. of Mt. Airy, IIur4ii"-aide bggloii Aver. beg:8b "weet---- of"-ftyr"-St Noxth-- lAt Univaratty--Ave. ---.beginning ---1341----eaet-- thence east 46 feet. Council File No. ......... - .J,oe4 ,o aidleu�81s8: thence Borth 74' thwna8--- went ... to""7iOra "e St. --------------- ------------------------- _- -------------------------------------------------- Dated this ------------------------day of ...........................------------ - 192....... f^— 66966— " r ' Whereae,.A; wtttaoct. -.. .. making ofwthe. following 1.Droveme." - -viz Reconstruct, relayand repair, where ne esea.`y, the ssollowlag idewalke South aide Illinnehaha St., bak ,+• PRELIMINARY ORDER. Pet.of"nurr gst"onnehalia' g,;..•- 'astsldeL'Orient the< WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following at th.•de P P g g improvement,' : �" Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the fo:owing sidewalks: South 81-d-w--Minnehaha- St-9--beg.---40-=---west--of-- Burr --- s-t..,----theno.e --- West --24'.. -- West side L'0rient St., beg. 80' N. of Mt. Airy St., thence North 741. Hoith iiud... Daytiorigve: ,lseg------- BS-' Wof Fry --8t. ; thenwe west to --- Pieroe".-3t. Narth--.eide_.Univereity Ave. bezinninz 130' east of Snelline Ave_ thenoe east 46 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------------------------------------ .......:.................................. .... therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 1 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................................_MAY 1 3 1926 .. ................... YEAS NAYS Councilman't' xIQC4---� -FE� Approved................ �! 1 3 i91 .................. ( MCDONALD SUDREI\tER / pl J 0 v v Mi ,R-��R+ /;id�i1Mayor. Form 6/A'13 (IM W85 71- x.,. Ti+,rK"'" petition (1596'7 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Fifth at.from.Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Ave.on Fourth St.from a point 7G--feet--e$at° of-RFmmel -Ave-:-to -Pederson. Ave -wand -on ... au i3asemsnt Ct3 lie obtained on the west 20 ft.of lots 18 and 4Q__block,.I-Wild-- Rome -A_dditioo,...f)l'Om Fifth--St�to-""FonrtTl-Ste" also on -BB t'hK7A" _.lrom Fourth 3t to Turd 8t. on. Ruth Ave. Fifth._3t..to...a._point..A7.3...ft.north-of --Avewto Pedersen Ave. on Conway St. from Ruth Ave. to. Pedersen:and on Pedersen Ave. from -Oonway--St.toabove ta--be- imown--ss tUl1.""HBLT9L:[NW WIM--ROSZ Dated this ----'---]1 .... .--.--day of. ............................. 19 ---------- ........... 192 ------WMR XXTRNSION. .- --------- 06907— --- . mW�hereae, Abstract, sk(n A wrlttea Dro osai fpr the 6 of the Ibllowing Pm,rovemeat, Construct •a sewer oa :Fllfh; et. �frtim AHaaal Aye.'fo PedereenAve on'Faurth vef t Pe 'Point 70 ft,:esat*- dersen Ave ani y - ..Sy PRELIMINARY ORDER. 18 and ; ct WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement;COnatrixot 'a sewer on Fifth`8t.from Hazel Ave.to Pedersen Avaeon.Fourth St.from _a point 70 ft.' east .ee`t- - z8I Ave, -to Pedersea �lve an on an easemDat to bg Cyt&tneQ lftl . $iXg west 20 eeet of lots IS and 49 bi_oak 1 Wild Rose Addition_frbm Fi3tb-St�tq FourtU--o ori`Rati► Ave from FotuYth St to.-Third-St.on Ruth Ave.f�r.em Fifth St.to._a--- po3nt..27.a.:Perth .at-:F-itth--8t.aos►...Sing--- Aveifromm �#Yt-Tve.•to Pedersen Ave.,on Third St.from-Ruth Ave.to PederseA.Ave.and-on Pe$erse4 Ave., from aoxnray 8t:ta s -3 sail -the" -above to-bei`Ame,11M-`as tYte"-ALT"Its"I2AB= having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ..._._.__................ ..............._ANW—U 810H. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report. upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_ ............. AMA NAYS Councilman)S,.'('Y EFsasseal Approved. y 'F1j9 .. ................ -Eie�lcsDiv—� %% ✓ McDONALD l /1 �SUDHEIMER - (�" V -�VENZEL................. ........ _'.-__. Clc�&ui; Mayor. Form C A 1 (lTlbJfs)viee Prime. P"ta(,non Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and OPRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.... ...... 6.5.9,6 7 ` The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave --Dalton-_ Avenne-_from_ezilagton-: �4exiue...tn... xAmline._.Avenne.,..._..-•---- withsewer, water and gsa._o-onneotione.,.. from_ street._m�i�p .a-_t`k_..B�+a a-rty --------------------------------- - ],im-e aomple-U.*.--where_no-t---already--made....also--- inoludiag--OUT-Ung-and - paving --alley.. end_ driyeway-.-appro aohea-.-_where_.neaeas-ary.---------......_.....-__......_.... Dated this -14h day of 1 192. - - ' C.' F, No. 66888— making a thewritten VrO 98al for the viz- PRELIMINARY ORDER. i Pnve .Dayton Ave., from Lexington ve: to Hamlin Ave vlth sewer, wn- sno gno.re ,4 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imp[; n.,,,,'f yr Pave Dayton Avenue-Yrom_Leaington--Avenue---to-_Hemline-_.�y@II1b8.;---------.. ---------------------- with sewer, water and gas oonneotions- ------ . .tre.at._maime._to--.pp4p.4�'t-y -- - se ------ - - - -- 11nea aomplete, where not already made, also inoluding' ourbinQ.,_and- -- ...... ._ .paving-_alley-and_Qripewa]L-�PProaohae,..WheiQ..aaaoesaary-.-. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- .------------------------------- ------------------ ----------...... ----- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._..__... YEAB NAYS Councilman 4QL&nrcw-- rEAGU5rns-- y ,IMOD• G,yAN `,,.. MCDONALD 1 i SUDHEIMER WENZEL row c s clef 11 A),VlOO Pres. Fetguso6 MAY 1 31926 MAY 1 31%6 Approved_.. - --------------------------------------- ............................ .., ............... .......... ............... Mayor. W 1�etiS ion��•jj,,��'jjqqf� Council File No ... ......_'JY""� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave Aldine Street from Shields Avenue to Sts Anthony Avenue, ........... with--_eep®r... water and. gea--_oonneations,.-_from street --mains. to-ptoperty lines oomplete where not already made, also including curbing qnd = -- ... ---- - ... -- --paving---alley--and.--driveway-- eppro eohes-,-- where - neo eeeary.------------------------_------.-.-.---. 13th da of ---------------May-, -1 - 192 Dated this- Y ---------------------- - -------------- Coun ' man. C. F. No - Abstract. Whereas, A wbstproposal for themaking of the following Improvement, Pave Aldine st. from Shields 'Ave. PRELIMINARY ORDER. to st nnthony Ave.,. w sewer, wa- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following 'cr k p ece.;i imp orh e�rcome hot PST Aldine Street --_from Shields AvenuetoSt. �thony Ave e_ ----- - - - - - - n --.... _with ---sewer-,. water and _gas oonneotiona, from street mains to proper y ----- line�-_complete-,--where-not--_already.-made, slao including-_onrbinf and -paving alley and driveway approachea, where necessary. ------------------------------ ----- ------ .-------- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------- _---_--------------------------_------- '" "---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner, of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V�_4, Adopted by the Councily-T 3 Ted ....... YEAS NAYS Councilman-61,ANCT' FERouaGN--. '—., HODeso:-... MCDONALD SUDHEIUER "-WF:N7.EL NNW b l .// mr.7i9 -; -,: '. dcerFunua Form C A 13 GM 3-25) MAY 1 3 M Approved ---------------- - ---- - ........... ------------------ACffng -Mayor. INCLUSIVE,. AS PE OFTHECITY COMP TQt*t; 7 !�ORM D34 1000, 724, T '7 TOTAL TOTAL. RETURN96' CHE Ck AN FAVOR OF Br fir. NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENTBAN: CHECKS. V J BROUGHT F IC P No 65970 Resolved, That checks be drawn on the I Ity Treasury, to the aggregate of .Mount$7,661.41, 1 1 $7.65 .4 , co"11.1,9 check. numbered 4264 to 432 U.1vo as elo on 11., t III Comptroller. cityll . 'tr I,.r In the office of the Adopted by the Council May 13, 1926, Approved May 13, 1926. May 16-1926) p TQt*t; 7 !�ORM D34 1000, 724, T '7 V J 0 By _-_.:-�,:e7 -- --------------- CHECKS NUMQERED_____L�2E4 ... TO_-.___.._ MPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PE ---- ----- ---- CHECK TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OFV TRANSFER IS .... E..NT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND CHECKS CHECKS _7 BROUGHT FORWARD _000''P� 557 424 l7l:-Z13177 39 012 77 15�, 469 4264 kniftew — - ----- 4265 Ge*%.e -13ringeTo Deputy OM oP z6o oo 160100 4266 McClain A Hedm,-= company JC4 2 25 5705 72150 426 marehall-'itells Company 4261St.Paul & SRU%t Stew Is. M%le Ry. Company 69 420 F. J. Morse &-Company J6 3 46963190 42 Multistemp Produotis company 34 34 �O RoRubber Company =al Lead Battery Oompam, 1� 76 4M 227723 National Map Company90 427 New York Tea Company 108 02 10 95 427 Northern states Power Gompanj I PUS 6 1 A 69 4276 Pence Auto Company r 21 8 1;08 4277 ilittaburgh Tests Laboetorles': 4S 48!00 42719 Pollook's Clipping Bureau3 L44 42788 Dr, Bo As Pomeroy 29 3 420 Prest-0-LIte Company, 'Inc. 19 69 3j35 4291 Price mleatrio company 59103 4292 Ouick service Battery compan] 131 4283 H. Rosenthal company 4 6 4169 42& Royal Palm Nurseries 17 17420 428% I st.Paul One Light Companyi X26 3 126'!31 ��UDHE ER. ------- �,/ ------- AGAINST APIPR903�� - ------ -- --- `_w 192 ---- YES (V) ------ ------ ------- I ------ -- --- .N�E:[M COUNCILMEN NAYS ---------- MAYOR A DISTRIBUTION LOCAL SINKING TRUST 77 , . Be SPECIAL FUNDS 13 7 ACCOUNTS A FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE "icIMPROVEMENT quipZent SPRINKLING FORESTR YI ILSDLII PU NCG REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 14! h -7q ` 73 337143 247 307 �O 3.77190 Time Camp R 1129 Stanford University 4 507112 601, 112 303 63 3 207166 4150 1 696 40 4 292 E. J. Stilwell Paper company', �29 StUMpp & Walter C (UPMY 4291 Taylor I I V9 41l 361,95 e9l -IF Instrument company �,29 Tv, -malt supply Company J3 663 6 423116 10150 61 19 Twin City company 00 Twin City Iron & wire compan 01 Underwood Typewriter orpp-r 2 A 613 .1 13117 199 60 5 40 35 00 37;00 426 20 Chas. soribner one 4289 J. L. 90 58 0 22 6 � 270100 3 k7' 77 220 93 ' 219 3 shlely Company 4290 smith system Heating Company 4 291 -Park 13 7 150 2.3177 31150 1I 1 �12 00 south youndr & Mach. a 13] 4292 speoinIty Printing a 42 standard Electric 43 1 !2 h 14! h -7q ` 5Z 30 43 2�1 Nz 65 Time Camp R 1129 Stanford University y I 4 � 4 91 4150 36 4 292 E. J. Stilwell Paper company', �29 StUMpp & Walter C (UPMY 4291 Taylor I I V9 41l 361,95 e9l 76 00 Instrument company �,29 Tv, -malt supply Company J3 663 6 423116 13 663120 61 19 Twin City company 00 Twin City Iron & wire compan 01 Underwood Typewriter orpp-r 2 A 613 .1 13117 199 60 5 40 35 00 4302 United aving Companyy !�370 The Un United states Daily 61 14 22 6 � 15 75 70 Ivu V32 universal scientific company' 4. University Printing company 8z 13 7 150 2.3177 31150 4 Valley Iran worke '30 Van Paper Supply Company 4 14! h -7q ` 09 � 06 Vaughan's Geed store 4309 Villmme Box & Lumber oompanIr 6 � 4 91 00 53 175�Oc 4510 VoThees Oil company Ml Inles Adding Machine company', 3 41l 361,95 13 42 A.- J. wampler 1 washington Foundry company 4314 waterbury 4231 423116 3 CC Button Company 01 "laterous Five Engine forksi 1 13117 43,12 Water works Maginsering 4317 Ned Wayburn studios of 9t4te Dano. 8100 2'0 4319 H. E. wedelsteedt Company 4319 -eed, Parker & company 871 73145 n 4320 "astern Auto supply Company 4321 -estlundlis Market House 4 4i 105 71 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD T 7 7 �7ir,�2 11�1" 55�F_QRt 7 7- Wo ow 00 00 56491,75 5 604 - I 0 20172 7131 IL36 4o 276 96 53 94 501140 4140 70! W 7 01 �.0 ...... • CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' /0 . TR�ISLIGFtTE _ ,....... _ COUNCIL NO. TO RES. ND.-----_ _ ------659----- -- -------- 0 - ' ----_-- -OFFICE OF THE COMPTR(LLER Y 2 CITY CLERK _IN KAVOR ��` ----9--6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTbN FORM .F.E,R,0,.,1,i,9.,t7t✓�^��� ---�-- - ADOPTED 6Y THE COUNCIL __ ---- --------------------- —192 --- CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE. AMOUNT OF V' / - DATE _ 9?s____-- COVERING McDONALD. q __ _-_ ------------ .6- 1�� _ __ _ _______. ✓ PPRO . /., 1d�a'i�__ - ✓SUDHEIMER. l � BY � CHECKS NUMBERED ___ TO____ ------ �,!- AGAINST / �_-_— l/ WENZEL. -- l ..- _ ___. - _____ ___ ____ _ _ MAYOR M PTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE � �� ggw, YES (11) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. p� ^� TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION CHECK LOCAL - SPECIAL FUNDS • IN FAVOR OF I BY �/: SINKING TRUSr B. MllniO. NUMBER I� WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT - PUBLIC TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE SlPG1R SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS - quiffl _ ACCOUNTS -_ 1/ REVOLVING .�.-. _• BROUGHTFGRWgRD 000 10 557 424 _ 171 9377 39 012 7 15 469 ?3 337 3 247 307 177190 4 507 12 7 601 12 303 66 1 66 p — - Oy#0 - _ #2 'Andrew Riohol-ab![ ---- -_-- - ` 63 3 207 F I 4265 George I. 5pringerb Deputy I � � com+r. 04duoati°n 160 160;00 j 4266 *Clain & Hedmr�ti company 72 50 2 25 10150 426 I harehali_'., 1e compare 0 4263 is. :*.Paull aRult stef,_ 9 Marie Ry. Company 466 3 466,�00 � � 42 F. J. Bores & Company 4 0 42 0 multistemp Products Oompany 34 3 4 hurray Rubber company T 37 00 i 4 2 National Lead Battery Camp � � 11� 4 National Flap Company 1g' 90 10 85 427 New York Tea company 209 4 Northern states Power compan 1 3 1 3 108 42 Pence Auto Company r 20.72 4277 Pittsburgh Test. Lsboatoriesi; 48 49.00 427a Pollook+a Clipping Bureau ;13 3134 00 4279 Dr. B. A. Pomeroy 3 ! 19 69' 7 3129, a 4290 Prest-0-Lite Company, Inc- 35 4291 Price Tleotrio Company 59110 59'03 136 4o 4292 Quick Service Battery Compaq . 1336 4c 1 42 H. Rosenthal Company 46 4,69 429 Royal Palm Nureeries 174'' 174 20 42 428b St,Paui Gas Light c en 3 226 31 0 00 93' omp y O O 7 2761,86 531194 a a r a 220 h2A7 a a a ° r�r� 219 23 3t299 chIi soribner & Bond 1671 167 77 i C 4259 J. L. Shi027 oomnany 41 1 41 12 7 50 4290 smith system Heating company 1 1 00 4291 south Park Foundry & maoh. c . 435 2 4 26 4292 spe°S€+ity Printing Compare 3 6 93 Standard Electric Time Comp y 4 Stanford thsiversity y 4 5 54 3o E. J. Stilwell Paper coaapeny 4 14 56 , 4 stumpp & Walter company �9j 4g o0 4 9� Taylor Inetrnment Company 3. 6 13 61 429 Transit supply Company 63;2 663 20 4" Twin city Company 4300 Twin city Iron & Wire Compere A. 5 44 a2 r; uniUndted °aviniri0n r°o�any 921 1 1? 35 -1 r70 '00 I 94 b. -I. f� �I1f1111Ht11111 Illliil�i�l! W, 1 � ( � � - • _ _ : III TOTAL RETURNE CHECK I IN FAVOR OF -, By, '. NUMBER .TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ' - CHECKS CHECKBBANK BROUGHT FORWARD ' No. 6"0971 Resolved, That checka be drawn on ' :Iamount the Clty f $3,764.7 to the aggregate of 53.764.76, covering chocks numbered 4322 to 9346 inclusive, as 'I per checka on die in the ottice oY the City Comptroller. ,Approved Maby g is 1926.Council May 13 1926. (Mar 16-1926) �. - I � W, 1 � ( � � - • _ _ : III ) CHECKS NUMBERED-__ 32.2____. TO ______ . a ____. __ K ----------- - C PTROLLER IryCLU SIVE. AS PER CH EGKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ------------ (-__ ____ _J___ __. __ ______ MR PRE9 r„ -[I YES (�I) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) / / MAYOR - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - - - — -- — -- _ TO AL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION B,.. - - LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF IMPROVEMENT - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND ACCOUNTS. FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY NUMBER GARAGE A DITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY 1 BUILDING ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS , REVOLVING riff► 915 -- -- NT 5 39 --955 �' �- -�3 1a 6 24 307_ ' - _ .. BROUGHT FORWARD } - I _ ._ 7 ---_ �8 .___-._ .�.__7'4-' 7 I`6-' 3033 63 I 3 215, 6 ---1 - ig--53g-� -60�- 201 4322 Jacob 'besohcr1941 50154 139311 1 07 4323 R.B.'ghi.ae & Compnnq 9i g10� I j James T. 4"!6 7 14}325 "'hits ,&f;1 011&& Re Comp !► 1�, 0060b 4326 Amhsrat H. �iider Cbari%y I0 3102 4327 John Tiley & sons; 4100 4328 'iiliams & 'villeins C^anq'� 45;6- 7inslow Boiler & Eng. camptsn 3; 3 5 j 4330 world Peace Foundation I 4331 Yown3stawn Public Library 1T1 1T29 r0i 30002Mike Butk 0'00 43 A. Cardeils11 5 334 Central soap Company 4�1 48168 ^33 v. F. necxert Bfg. Co®►pany 491 49!00 3326 H;w1rd Chenlcal Company 101 10 00 ' 433 - Louis LeClRire �3i3 83'30 4338 pure oil OOMPany 3136 4349 pyramid oil Company idl3 io!oo I r 40 % P. Rebilly 1 Tto 1 Tgq 72 � j 4341 , .standard oil Company 583, I 583 #0 4342 stieYel anterial Company 2 3. 3 vera ]?".Per supply Company I 25 I 251030 4�► Joe. vinotguerre Attora t r 4345 'themae J. aeraaarss. eg` j 1593 3.50:00 I r I li -- . - - --- -- --- - - --- ----- - --- .- - - -- — -- - -- -- ---- 7 ------ - a3 3 g W II �I 1 � 3 Pl 36 1 YY�� /,y 1 80 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ,....7 000-00 5� 749135 .180 865 45 40 091 63 15 538 8 T4 195 53 247 3©T _ '� �_ T&NRLIt"TE � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ______ COUNCIL [ TO RES. NO --- ___11 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ` FILE NO. ---------- ---- l�t9-� CITY CLERK � 1 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F.—. �_ __IN FAVOR DAT _[ .i 31 J2 CITY TREASURY -TO-THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _Hn��ccrr�.. OPTED BY THE COUNCIL S___ ______ ��j� COVERING 7/McDONALD. - __ - __792____ NUMBERED — APPFjOVEjY_ _ _ __ __ _ MAY �1 i926 _ ,y -- CHECKS NUM BERED__.43.22---TO___-4,1lC _____ �S}.JDHEIMER, __-AGAINST --- - ----- // C PTROL ER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZ 792` { OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER _ __ _ _ _ _ MfL PRBS EL YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) __.__ _ ____. _ _ _______ ----------------- ------------ AYOR ___ N CHECK TO AL RETURNED M BANK NUMBER BY DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF LOCAL I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS • CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS ------ -- - GARAGE PUBLIC SUNDRY BUIL � KUNG FORESTRY REVOLDV jJNG ACCOUNTS 2010020:00 BO BROUGHT FORWARD ---_ -- ---- ---- 4 R. a. uhitaore Company N7-527- 99 - 39 955 fl 15 538 � - 73 6o�+f16 2*7-307- 0 ---7-709`-:96 -.- —_- . -- 3 — - — --__ -- 19 0 4 13 3 - -}1 ? ao9 :�6 303 63 3 216 —1 6ffi6 432232 Jacob D©eoh-- —t ® 4324 James T. tihite a Company 9i 59,00 5 2,07 4325 hila eagle oil Rei. Company 4{816 488 6 6 7 432 Amherst R. gilder. Charity, �' lop; 100; 06 4327 John �•viley & Bons 0 T02 4328 ,aniamG & "tilkina Comnany4iO0 4 00 1 4329 'Tinslov Boiler &I Eng. Compan , 445195 4330 ;"orld Peaoe Foundation 3i 43 65 '6 43 1 Youngstown Public Library ( 17 2 17 ; 29 4332 TMike Butk � 3000 30:00 � 43333 A. Oardelli 0� o 00 4332 Central soap Company �1 1130 �1 15 t 433 v. F. Deokert Mfg. Company 48 48 68 Howard Ohemioal company 49- 49'00 4331 33 Louis LeOlpirs ! 1101 10 00 r Pure oil company' 313 83 30 339 Pyramid oil Company 311 3 3136 f 4341 ,,,. P. Rabilly 101 10 00 standard Oil Company 1 799! 1 789 72 iI 4342 stiefei Material Company 583 3 li 593 30 43433 van Paper supply Company 1253 25 0 434+ Joe. vinotguerre 4345 ThT!a.a-J,Wtrmmnn. Attorney f T zsoi 150 00 a N f tit Ia - WVFAL ORDERS. i in the Matter of conatructing a',sie 'fast cement the 'sidewalk on the .east side , Ittoew Ave f z> 'Randolph at;. to Ot[o AAve, .where g[od-and suKlclF^. ......... By............................................. FINAL ORDER 65912 In the Matter of..._constructing a six-foot cement .. -tile sidewalk on east side of Fairview Ave, from-_Randolph---St..-._to•.Otto.-_Aye_,...__exce.pt__...----. .............. ......_....... .. .......... .---- - ,where....good...and..sof fi.ci ent-.-si dewalks...now...ex1 at.................................................................. .............................. ..._.._........---.............................._...... --..................................................._-----........................_................... , ..............................................._............................................................ ....-- ....... ---. .................---- - ........... ............................................ .................................. --.............................................................. under Preliminary Order .............6597........ approved ............MrCh........................... IntermediaryOrder ........ ....__.................................. ......... approved ............... ................ ............ ........... :.------- ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve• ment to be made by the said City is......CCnstru_ot a.. BiX.-foot-..cement..tile.-.Sidew.aJ:ls;...Qn... the east side of Fairview Ave. from Aandol-ph..9t..,,.to-Ot.to.--Ave.,..,...-..------- .. except where --.good. and sufficient sid.ewalks._.novr...exist............................................ ............. ............................ ........... ..... -.1 ...... .... .......... ........._.......... ....... ........._._.............- ...........--------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, X.. 8 .......0 ...... $g rQ. � ®, Adopted by the Council...._.... sir:..........._........... 191.. ... � Approved.... Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Mr. Vice Pres. Fergaegn Form B. S. A. 8-7. i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ✓ * �- REPORT OF,fj'QQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON F W ELIMINARY ORDER Ilt In the matter of Con4+Tt1n+ a civ fent Cement tile pi dewalic on+h _per st j de f Fairview Ave. from Randol*h St. to Otto Ave. C3� under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 24, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is g 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (EXCert Street) 15 3 Macalester College Add. 850 -. to the City of St. Paul Rarrsey Co. Minn. (Ex. W. 10 ft. to City) 1 Gebhardts Restcration 375 Lots 1 to 30 Inclusive 4 Macalester CollePe Add. 23,000 5 and 6 and the W, f of Fredericka Ave. vacated from the So.line of Juno St. to the N.line of Hartford Ave. Niles, St and Watson Ave, both -vacated from the E. lire of Fairview Ave. to the W. line of Fredericka Ave. and the vacated alleys in Blk. 4-5 & 6 Form B. B. IO TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE P%LIMINARY ORDER tk � -ON (C) .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION it VALUATION 14 ', 2 Plum Or chard St.Paul 300 15 2 Minn. 300 14 3 do 300 15 3 d, 300 14 6 do 300 �5 6 do 300 14 2 John Gaarden Addition 275 15 2 275 I $26,575 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date a O 192 Comm' loner of Finance. Form B. S. 12 4 St. Paul, Minn.SEP i4 1995 TO The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: CKMT VALxB ON Tim UST BOB OF FAMVM St. Ave. Ave. Ave. 1. t` Office of the Commissioner of Ptiblic VV, 'VF -0 r- Jn nw rz Report to Commissioner of Finance J�tiER�� R: APR 3 N 28 ............. pril.._.1.,....192.&....._........_.._..-192—_. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....._650-7 3.........approved-.1V9r.0.h.... 4......1..92.6 ............. __192......__, relative to C.onstsm.ct....a..sia-f.nat ...came.nt._�ila._.�islesealk..._cn..._the_.._e..&z.s..t....side..stf..... ... ............ . k_A..ixwioW.._Ave... _from Randolph. St........_to Otto A_v_e—._......._.__..........._..-.--..---....----......................... - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... _....... __..._..... necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 1,,10__-P r/._.... and the total cost thereof is $.. ................. . . . . ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__ ........................ ...... ... _.................................... _..... ..... _.__.�_..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ............. _....... ....... _............ ..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. -----, 65973 C. F. I',. "'Ill.- the 3Catteo[ paving llCoptrose Lane', '3roin Randolph at. W,1101 tford Ave., -Nlth eewer, :water ad. gas- connec- tions from street mains to property-- -- aloes complete, where',not alreadY C :mita also including.-. curbing - and t drlvewaY. and alley -Bp - a" s. - _1<re necessary, ecea ary pn'n-'- i-- iris .941 R .>-. By. y....................._........................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. Ajvi Z._Montrese Lane from Randolph Street to Hartford ........................... .............. .• -- ......._._ Avenue -,_-.with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including .............................. I ............ ....................... curbing and paving of driveway and alley approaches, where necessary ........................................... .............................. ...................... ........ .................... ... ...... ..... ............ ....._............................... .... _....... .._.... ......... ............. ........................... I .......... ........ . under Preliminary Order ..............676...... ----..... .........approved ...................Feb 16x...1926.....................::... IntermediaryOrder............................................................approved .......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..._pave ldontrose Lane from Randolph Street to -_ Hartford Avenue, with sewer, water and gas connections from street .................................................................. .... ............................................................ ............................I................ ---- mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also ...._._........... ......................................................... .................................................................................................................... including curbing and paving of driveway and alley approaches, where .......................................... ...........-------------------........--.................... ......------ ....................................................... neCe86aT�i.,-.....MaEorl4I-...ti0..!?.Q a"...Agy.ba.1t1.0to bm.. .... 2.4 f.eel_-n1a............................................ ........ .............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improyement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .....MAY..i..-a. 1626 ....................... 191.... ............ ........................................ ._5.�-�.... Clerk. pY a lt`2f* Approved.......::...__ .......... .............. .................... 191_.._... / Mayor. .......:_:.:............................. ............................ V Councilman r'AaamXXdh Glancy 60meft. r RX Feel[— Councilman H TM Hodgson / ✓Councilman ID@kIIfc McDonald onncibvan�gll Sudheimer Councilman V922=1 Wenzel /Mr. Vtec, Yrs N'ergnlron Form B. S. A. 7. CITY OF ST. PAUL `DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - <' - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 11 • ;4+ ON ' PR4MINARY ORDER In the matter of Lane fgQm Rand lrh St.•to Hartford Ave. _ ...... ti ns from street mains to roperty lines comrlete where not already made, also including whore necessary under Preliminary Order approve F 16 6 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Bricklaid Asph,�.lt 2" AsplCon. 711 Rein. Paving jj creo- so*•e Blocks flat Concr. 5" Rase Con. !— 6.06 4.54 3.72 3.31 3.26 Total s. y. 20,300.00 1n, F40.c0 12470.00 11100.00 10920,00 Property share �0,3cc.cc 15,540.'-0 12470.00 11100.00 10920.00 Total - 5.h4 4.41 3.57 3•a0 (a) front foot 5 7• 3 Add for 6" conc. cur "-r' not ir. 55¢ ,per lin. ft. 6-in.se^+ar connections " 0 eac" '.37.5 4 4_in.v;ater connections each 33• CO 30 1 do 450 31 1 do 450 32 1 do 459 33 1 do 450 34 1 do 450 35, 1 do 456 . ..TOTAL, - Form B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL `DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR4IMINARY ORDER In the matter of Pay*i ng Mcntrnse Line from Randolph St. to Hartford Ave., _ With spwpr, water aril gas connections from street mains to property lines comrlete where not already made, also including curhing and;�aving_of driyeway and alley arcroaches, where necessary Q: TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid hatters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by them ^ommissioner of Public Works. S !� parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 26 1 Ryan Place 700 27 1 do 500 28 1 do 450- 29 1 do 4r, 0 30 1 do 450 31 1 do 450 32 1 do 450 u 33 1 do 450 34 1 do 450 35 1 do 450 Form a. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL - I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 'I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I� ON PRELItHNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT I BweK ADDITION ASSES D '�'. ION VALUATION V T -36 Ryan -Place do I 3S ; 1' do _ _ 450. - 1!- da --39 , _ _450 - 40. 1. do 450. _ 41, 1. do _ 450. _ 42 1; do 4501 y - do 4.0 II 1 45 ' do 46 1 ' do- _ - ;4Fp -- I- ?F7. 1 do 450 46 1 do 450 t 49 1 do 450 __. 1 2t do 790 2 -2. _ do 525 - 3 2 do 475 4 2 .. do 475 5 t 2" _do _ 475 6 L2 ! __ do 475 t --- _ 7 . 2, do 475 ' do _ I 475 __9 _; . 2 - - -------.do _ _ -475 10, 2 -_do _ 475 -- 11, .2_ do 47-,5 12 2 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PREM MINARY ORDER (c) DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION 1 13 2 Ryan Place 14 2 do 15 2 do 16 2 do 17 2 do 16 2 do 19 2 do 20 2 dp 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do 24 2 do 25 2 do dlrw it i ASSESSED VALUATION 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 475 575 23,950. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereomto the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ y� Dated- 2 192 Commisai ner of� finance. I- B. B. 13 t St. Paul, Minn.._ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: — .:_......... St. Ave. from 9t. Ave. to — -_ -- Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION e i .ri Office of .the Commissioner of Public-V WIiY50 Q✓ •�- =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 291! 88 March 29, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64476Febru. relative to pe,ving Montrose Zane from Randolph Street to Hartford-Avenue. — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.... .......... _......... ... ecessar d �te or) d s'raeiea) abe (§ee e�tmaa 2. The estimated cost thereof is$_............. ...... _._—........... and the total cost thereof is$........................ — .... _...... —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... .................. ............. _.__.._.............. —__.._—__-._- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4........ .... -........ ..... _........ ...................... _...................... _.._............... _..—............. _._.............................................. _--------- 5. Said improvement is_... _.... -........ ......... ......... -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, d subject to assessment for said improvement. i Commissioner of Public Works. ci '0 • •:. \CITY OJ���ITiY't' �i ... . P a h nes uF� _PAWA l i p s JOHN H. MCDONALO, COMMISSIONER THOS, G. O•CONNELL. DER.W COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIM. EMe�N[ER .FORGE M. SHEPARD. CME. ENOIN¢[R A. R. SHARP.:S 7. OP SIJIRATION WM. N. CAREY. Sort. OI COHSmuC 1m um Rn - G. R. ROWLIN. Surf. OF Mm G. H. HERROLD, OMCE AND CffY PW1111tW DI..— _ March 27, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works - Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Montrose Lane from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue, under preliminary order C.F. 64476 approved February 16, 1926: Frontage Pav-3350 s.y. Total 3350 Paving 31. creo- BrickLaid Asphalt 2#Asp.om 7"Rein. sote blocks flat Asphalt 5°base Conc. Conor. Total s.y. 6.06 4.64 3.72 3.31 3.26 Property share 20,300.00 15,540.00 12470.00 11100.00 10920.00 Total 20,300.00 15,540.00 12470.00 11100.00 10920.00 (a)front foot 7.53 5.64 4.41 3.87 3.80 curb extra Add for 6" cone. curb where not in 55¢ per lin.ft. 6 -in. sewer connections each $37.50 4-in.water connectionss each 33.00 Yours very truly, X.k)'-� • f C f Engineer. Approved for transmission to ommissioner of publie Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. - • - 65974 Ci t1, N -86974— Ib fC ent t11 .sid W south Id, of Palace rSt vteW Ave. t0 PrioAv e'i6e� WhEregood and euGlclentidBiF._ noW..eatet, under Preliminary .00 fi60Iubli ,hear M ha public bhearine having e above i S'ovement uDq- BY................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..constructing a six-foot cement . . tile. sidewalk . . . on .. the -... .. ......-.. •-.. .. ...................• ----- south side of Palace St. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., except ..............------- --....................... .......... .....---...----...-------------------...........---------...---.....--•--•-•-------....----......------......_..•---- where._good and sufficient sidewalks now exist :.......... ........................................................................ ......... •..................................- . ....................... ..................................... ............ ..............................I...... ....................................................... ........... under Preliminary Order .................. 65.9.72.-------_----- —approved ...._....... DdB TCh...�4a.:. �26............................ IntermediaryOrder .......... ._....__............. ........ _approved ._.__...___- _.............--- ._--- ._....-------- -- ---- .._-.-.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having, fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment a six-foot cement the sidewalk on mentto be made by the said City is...._._..__ ..... __.__.......__........_.....................__..........--..._...._...... the south side of Palace St. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., except ...-............................................................................................................ ........................ ........ .................. ...... .... where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist .... .......... .............................................................................................. ............................................................. .......... .......... ... .................... ............... __...._..._....._.__.._........ ... ... ........... ........................... ....................................... ...... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 1 6 1926 Adopted by the Council ............. ...................I...... --- 191 .. .. .... Git erk. pAAY '1 $ 1926 Approved...................................................._., 191........: ------......... .. .............. �1 e66Eina �Maydr. Councilman Fi2DCAnpPtk 4lanoy J V Councilman 1 EX=l Hodgson f ,e -Councilman &edkX McDonald l-^' Councilman SWroM Sudhelmer Councilman VATi&Y47A 'Menzel )<iT� .toe .i'res. 1�'el$oeouA— orm B. S. A. 8.2 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM `.$SIONER OF FINANCE +� ON PRELIM NARY ORDER I In the matter of Conetr»c+�aix fnnT P P t ti 1 e i de'c�� k or the sou *t, a1AP of Palace St. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 24 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - front 51.10 nt is The estimated cost perXoot for the above improveme The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC K ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 Garfield Park Add. to City 700 7 1. of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. 625 600 9 1 Minn. do 1300 ( 9 1 ( do East of ( 10 1 do 900 West ' of 10 & all of 11 1. ( 12 1 do ( do 1100 Except West 20 ft. ( �3 1 do goo of 14 1 W. 20 ft. 13 and all _. TOTAL, J If Fatm B. B. 10 If _ I CITY OF ST. PAUL FD DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIANARY ORDER (C) • - - . -' ASSESSED Ii " DESCRIPTION IAT. tILOCK' ADDITION - VALUATION 15, 1 Garfield Park Add. 1400 16 1 to, City of St. Paul 2600 17 1 Rarrsey Co. Minn. 650 1 2 do 65o 2 2 do 600 3 2 do 600 4 2 do 600 5 2 do 600 6 2 do 600 7 2 do 21 CO 8 2 do 1375 9 2 do 600 10 2 do 60c 11 2 do 600 12 2 do 4600 13 2 do 600 14 2 do 600 15 2 do 6300 $31,800. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said smatter nby the Commissioner of Public Works. , Dated a/� a 0 192 G— Commj sioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 , To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . ........ . ...... ....... ... . ....... ..... St. Ave. from `¢mo . ...... . Ave. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Zza az._AA�. P-7 J 0, 06e_ - f— _led lic Office of .the Commissioner of Pub�W 9 _ Report to Commissioner- of Finance gs=-,,,,l,,,¢W APR 3 {! 26 AI? �.1..1:a_.192.6... __......... ........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as.Council File No.65072___..._.approved.—Ma7!ch......... _.._.,192...._ ., relative to and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......__._..__.......... necessary and (or) desirable. front f o bt r 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-,....10118 _........ and the total cost thereof is$.......... ........ _... ___._......__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.___.._...._.:.------- _............. _.................... ____._._�� ._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... __.......... _.......... _.._.._............ ..................... _...... _........ .._..__._........ ............. ........................ ... _ ..._..._._.—_...._ 86916— �In the Mntter t oonetructing a six toot cement tascal Am k on the.. weat side : of :Pascal •Ave. '"'s'r_ gent Ave:'thence:south to the south side of I. p y, eacet where goodendt r utLlclent'sldeOad.r now ealet under Pclalirolnary Order 86099-sDPruy� nubllch;tiring-having beer.:. ......... ha. xt;; "�:ImyrovemenL uD,z �1ne11 ,r.,r By.................. :............................................ FINAL ORDER' 659'75 In the Matter of...constructin a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the .............................................•----------...------............-----•----.... west side of Pascal Avenue from Sargent Avenue thence south to the .......................................................... ............................................. ---------.............. south side of alley, extent where good and sufficient sidewalks ..........- ......._......... _..-... _....... -- . ............. now exist ....---- ......_._........... .............---..............................- ...... --- .......- ............ -- ...... - ..................................................................... .............................. ........... .............................. ..-.................................. ................... - under Preliminary Order ._..__ ........65999 ...................approved ...__ 44roh. 25, 1.926. _...... Intermediary Order ......._._.._ .. .... _ approved.. _...........__........._.........._ ._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...cons truCt a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Pascal Avenue from Sargent Avenue thence south to the south side of alley, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now ......................................_ ._.... ...... .._............._.._......._...... --- exist ..--_ .1......-.. __............-...___.......__ ......... - ..... _ .__..._._. _ _...._......_.........__....._........._....._......... _....... ... -'...................... ..................... ......_....I ... _..... ...... _..._................... ............................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....-..pY..'-. IYIAY ' 6 14cf3 Approved........................................................... 191. " Councilman B9tE9=dL Qlancy /Councilman HPMl Hodgson /bouncilman TAU McDonald �Ctouncilman Xa= 8udheimer /Councilman Wsadg[M Wenzel r'orm��. S.'AP�f.FnrHuson CITY OF eT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF-VINANCE ON PRELItJNARY ORDER (D) — - — In the matter of Construct a six foot cement the sidewalk on the west side of Pascal Ave. from Sargent Ave. thence south to tt: south side of Alley. Q� under Preliminary Order approved Mar. -25, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S front 1.10 The estimated cost perAo-ot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: V DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED i. VALUATION 1 2 Walton's Sunny Slope37DCI i St,. Paul, -Minn ' I i 1 _ I � i TOTAL. $3;. IIO moi• I , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Com mioner of Finance. Form & 13.13 CITY OF BT, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF-VINANCE ON PRELIRfNARY ORDER �DI ---- -- In the matter of Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Pascal Ave. from Sargent Ave. thence south to th> : south side of Alley. Cn CTi N under Preliminary Order approved Mar -25- 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front 10 The estimated cost perAo-ot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: if DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION _... I( 1 2; 4alton's Sunny Slope 7 _i a S+. Paul, -Minn. d ----------------- i I r -- TOTAL. $3, I 0 �.• 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated vu C '2 R 19 �O ComAissioner of Finance. � .. Form B. B.13 " i r i i O : u Cn S uN:N ry SLOP, - �• �.. , Pasco/ Bve. : t 1 , : I 1 Office of the Commissioner of Publico 9y � Report to Commissioner of Finance APR $ lia6 -- April 1. 1926__192— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..fx5II9 -------- _approved_$e.rah 25y_...1926_........._.192.__, relative to _C..onatimc ting .._a._.siX-t'oo . Cement ._tile Pascal Ave. from Sargent Ave. thence south to the south side of alley_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... -.----------- -_._..necessary and (or) desirable. ront foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.1.1.0 4:./fand the total cost thereof is $._------._._---- _._....__.--- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._ ..... _...................... _......... ____................. _—___._--__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of ,said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.._ ....... ........... _....... _..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. l� d Q- V. oMat�N- 96978- s six In the ter of corstructlne on the' ee -+2ooE cement-.Lile sidewalk govth side of Stewart:. -Ave., tr0m .'Prior-AYe. to-odeand suttielen hside-. cept where Bo walks uow,eatat under Pr0ltminarr 'Order 9597 heP pro°acinc 3eon�928;:................. bltn - ..;1 A :D9- oe 6 .- z•<_.ia.:...............:...................................... FINAL ORDER __659"706 In the Matter of.constructing a six—foot cement tile sidewalk on the ................................................................................... suth side of Stewart Ave. from Prior Ave. to Vest Seventh Street, ..... ............................... ........... exceD.twhere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist ........................................................................... .................................................................................... .............-.......................I. I under Preliminary Order ---.......65070...........................approved ................larch-..2!�3.._1 26-..---------••---......... IntermediaryOrder .-......_ .............._.__....---------- ..- ----------- approved .......... .-_..._.- - --------- ------------- .....----- ----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is... construct a six—foot cement tile sidewalk on ......_ .................. ................ ..... -- - ........ --......-....-...- the south side of Stewart Ave. from Prior Ave. to West Seventh Street, .................---.......................--................._._....-_...._......._...__......_............--...............--....._-_...................._.........._....... _except where good and sufficient sidewalks nowexist ....................... •-.........................._......................._............... I-- . . ..... ............................ .................... .............. --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTRER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._....::::. .............. 191..... MAY i R 792E ..... __ 1 Clerk. i g e� Approved...........__.W1AY...-...... ......................... 191......_ V ---- .............................................................. Mayor. Councilman ft»x<h Glancy Councilman ZYgWd Hodgson V'Couneilman SdR K McDonald f couneilman U Sudheimer dddouncilman Wxmk3dk* Wenzel orf" M 8 a7 k'nrgadon B Form B. SS. A.. 8.-7. (� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIJ5IONER OF FINANCE ,+ t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Construct a six-foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Stewart Ave from Prior AvP to Pkat Srwanth Rtreat under Preliminary Order approved Mar, 24, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedoamount of the assessment for the above improvement is f ront The estimated cost pefoot for the above improvement is $1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot o4 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ii ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Chesterwood 450 2 do 400 3 do 400 4 do 400 i' 5 do 408 6 do 400 7 do 400 g do 400 9 do 400 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM43SIONER OF FINANCE �a e w ,tIR ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ., - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 Chesterwood 40C 11 do 400 12 do 400 �3 do 40o 14 do 400 15 do 400 16 do 400 17 do 450 $6900, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoi•Ig as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter b., the Commissioner of Public Works. L--- Dated _Dated e 192 Commi loner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.—L-11--14— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . ................ . ...... . ...... . � . . ...... .. . ...... . ..... . .. . . .... . ........ St. Ave. from-- -8t. Ave. to -7 .... . .........................._......._....._...—_._------St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public V corks CEIVEC i lam? r Report to Commissioner of Finance �\t March 29 192�UR 30 19 86 ..............._.._..._................_r................................ ... __192_.._— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 65070 March 24, 1926 Council, known as Council File No ...... —..... _....... approved ...__.............. ......._..._._.._......:.._......._......192.... _..., relative to the construction of a six foot cement the sidewalk o.the __South__ side of Stewart Ave. from Prior Ave. to west Seventh Street_+_____._._____.___ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... _._....... _..... :....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 1.10 _per f anti the tblal coat thereof is $ ........................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................. .... _... _...... _...... .... ................... ...... __ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - _.____.................. _.......... _.......... _........................ _................. ..._._... .......... :._................................. ....... __.._......._`_._..__ _ 5. Said improvement is ................................... _..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners, of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works, G! 65977 C. ,F Nb."66977— - iln the Matter t grading -and paving - a13eY .in, Block 4, St. Catherine Park:- '. from :Ford Road tO .Otto Ave.'Under Prelhpinary Order 64773 approved 'rMareh 8; 1988. - -A public Gearing: having been -had . uon the above improvement upon due ............. aoptice,,and'.the Council having :hear tll'peraona objections and recommr -9- &tions reiative thereto, and,j ........................................... �eid�red 01 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...grading and paving alley in Block 4, St. Oatherine Park, from Ford Road toOtto Avenue...........................-----•----------..._............................... ..................................................... _........ ....-- .......... .. ................ .•--..............---.......................-----....................._.................................................._......------ -- ..............._..... ......:.................................................................................................................................................................................__........• ............................................. _....................... _........................... .......... ..................................................................................... 64773 March..9..:':.1:9?6...................... under Preliminary Order ................................................approved ..................... ...... IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved......... .... ........................ S. .............. ............................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice; and the Couneg having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully eonsidered the same,,- therefore, ame,-therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...rede and pave alley in Block 4, St. Catherine ............................................................. . .. --•---------......._...... ......................... Fd Road to Otto Avenue, Material-_sha7.1-_be_..7"._Concrete,.••- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ................. MAY ..-i...Q-19ao........... 191....... .................... ...... ............. MAY 1 E `.92t City erk. Approved................................................ ........ 191_...._. Mayor. /Councilman )xaB•88�sYoifk Clancy /� v' Councilman 1ISyUM Hodgson R -Councilman Xd%r McDonald onncilman Sudhe imer onn�c,,ilyman Zwl sA y 6wenz el Form B. �: A. �•7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMM4$SIONER OF FINANCE, Ar '� ON PRELIMIRARY ORDER (A) s J In the matter of Grade and pave alley in Al o k , G+, f'atherine Park fr-Gm Ford Road to Otto Ave. _ rn Cil Cid r ti under Preliminary Order approved Mar. Q, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of finance hereby reports as follows: Paving Brick Laid 2" asphalt concr. 6" Concrete flat 5" base Total sq. yd. 4.73 3.39 2.57 Property share 6,120.00 4,390.00 3,330.00 Total 6,120.00 4,390 -CO 3,330.00 ` (a) front foot 5.18 3.71 2.51 1 4 Saint Catherine Park 400 2 4 do 375 3 4 do 375 4 4 do 350 5 4 do 37 6 4 do 375 7 4 do 375 8 4 do 375 9 4 do 350 10 , 4 do' 375 ' Form H. U. 10 it -` TOTAL, CITY. OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMgtjkRY,ORDER J� (c ASSESSED -, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION �. 11 4 Saint Catherine Park 400 12 4 do 700. 13 4 do 700 14 4 do 400 �5 4 do 375 16 4 do 350 17 4 do 375 19 4 do 375 19 4 do 375 20 4 do 375 ( The East of 21 4 do 1400 ( do 22 4 do CIO 23 4 do j do 24 4 do a �9b�925� b � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. b Date --192 CommUssioner of Finance; Porm B. 8. 13 1' St. Paul, Minn.. _____192_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..._ ........ _._..... .._Y/._... GGA-�._./—�/�-- St. Ave. Ave. to ✓ �l� �`��- J E, M66 of the Commissioner o ublic Eo g �" `3 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 2919 26 March 29, 1926 --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64773 March 9, 1926 Council, known as Council File No._._.__._.._ .... _...... approved .___........................... ...................................... _.._.192 ...... ..... relative to _ _ the grading and paving of alley in block 4, St. Catherine Park, from Ford Road to Otto Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,1hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................... _.._..._necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........ .....- ....... _. ... ........ ,and the total cost thereof is $ ................. _..... — .... _...... _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... _........... ......... _...... _.... _......... _........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. . .... .... _..... _........ _......... __.................................. .......... _.......... --__.--.......... ........................................ _.— ......... -- — — -- 5. Said improvement is._ ........... - .... ..................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...................... ;aYsio.n...er.._o..._.. Public Wr_k-- V Am WOW JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS, G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY. COMMISSIONER M S. GRYTSAK. SI — ENOm6R. SIWRATION A.S. SHARP. SUPT..OP. G. p. ..LIN. IW-- OP WOIO[HOUC[ GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEP ENOIN�R MSO RVAIR _ SUPE. OP CONS LµNING Exan+®R 1926 G, ry. HERRDLD. OFFlOS MIO March 27s ' Hon. 3. H. Mc??onald, Works. of Public Commissioner Dear Sir'estimate of herewith preliminary I transmit in block 4, and paving of alley cost for the grading from Ford Road to Otto Avenue St. Catherins Park approved M arch Order C.F. #64773, under Preliminary 9, 1926: 6u Concrete 2" asphalt toner. Brick Laid Paving flat 511 base 3.39 2.57 4.73 Total s9.•yd• 3,330.00 6,120.00 4,390.00 Property share 4,390.00 3,330.00 Total 6,120.00 2.81 (a) front foot 5.18 3.71 Yours very truly) C of Engineer. Approved for transmission to of Finance! mmissioner ork of Public Ws. Commissioner GMS:AB Ifinneapolis, Linn Feb. try, 1926 Y'r. George H. Shepard City Engineer, City Hall, St. Pau., Minn U; BODY BUILDERS Personal Dear George: Herewith petition for grading the Alley and Block 4, St. Catherine Park. This alley is necessary to the operation of our St. Paul,shop and the developement of our property, and I will appreciate very much anything you can do to rush the construction. Yours very truly, SCHURNEI 1HITNIX ANY A. C. Whitney ACW:GE President encls. ( imONI COMMISSIRESOLVXR Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL !e- 0------:659- 8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Iiey 18, 1926. - _ DATE In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary. for slopes, cuts and fills. in the grading of Alley in Block 4, St. Catherine Park. from Ford Road toOttoAve., under Preliminary grder C. F: #64710 appproved Utah S, 1926, and tntermediery Order 0. F. ';60503. approved April 20. 1926. The Commissioner of Public Workshaving submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it -Resolved, That the City of St, Paul fines and determines the amount of land tobetaken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and Upon the Alley in-Blook 4, St. Catherine Park, between the points aforesaid, -to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of.Publlo Works, in the matter dated May 18, 1926, Which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. V Clancy 'Hodgson ................ In favor McDonald ✓9udheimer .......0......... . Wenzel Ms: Vice Peas. Fee ,, MAY 1 8 1926 Adopted by the Council .----------_----------------- ---- ---192...... 1. 1 8 IO i� '.192 Approve ..... .................. . _----- �IsCr.t• MAYOR - PUBLISHM__ ./ . 6,59;,8 CITY OF ST. PAUL Depe_rtment of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 4, St. Catherine Park, from Ford Road to Otto Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. 64710, approved March 3, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 65503 approved April 20, 1926 To the Council of the City of St, Paul: Tho Comaissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a pl�n of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ;)ortion of said plan, the fills to be made on private ;)roporty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissi— oncr of Public Works. 7W CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ■ R REPORT OtCOMMISSIONER OF FINAN E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of d8ndemning and taking an easement 1n the -land neceasary_ for slopes, 'Cif and..fills in the grading of alley in block 4, St. Catherine Park from Ford Road to Otto Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S o9eh. 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Saint Catherine Park 400 2 4 do 375 3 4 do 375 4 4 do 350 5 4 cb 37 6 4 do 375 7 4 do 375 9 4 do 375 9 4 do 350 10 4. do 375 Form D. D. W TOTAL, 05, 525: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— 1� 0 —192 Commi sioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 01j,COMMISSIONER OF FINANQ y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i (C) - ASSESSED - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION � VALUATION 11 4 Saint Catherine Park 400 12 4 do 700 13 4 do 700 14 4 do 400 15 4 do 375 16 4 do 350 17 4 do 375 19 4 do 375 19 4 do 375 20 4 do 375 ( The East # of 21 4 do 1400 ( do 22 4 do do 23 4 do t do 24 4 do 05, 525: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— 1� 0 —192 Commi sioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 • t Office ofthe Commissioner of Publiq?,,.,j Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR 2912 26 March 29. 1926 100 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council Fife No 6 . 4710 . ............ approved--Ma.r...c.h..... ..... . ..- - 3, 1926 .............._._...192......—, ... ... relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for .. . ............ . ....... .... -- . ...... ... ............. ... . ............ . .... . ..... . ......... . .. . . ......... . ........ . .. . . ..................... .............. ............ ..................... .... . slopes, cuts and fills, In the grading of alley in block 4. St. . ........ ... I ............ ............................. . . -.- ............ Catherine Park, from Ford Road to Otto Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................ . . ............. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_.._......_..............._..._...........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ---- --- — ------- Commissioner of Public Works. Ulb 65979 .trlu4 h ving• bees. ha nd Jy,;;, •ve Smprovemet upon due CQ„areone, obte tloneiand r6commen --• wne relative -thereto, and havl the aame; the By. , . ....., - ...................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......grading--Helen.-Street_.from.-Flandrau_.Street._.to..VPhite ............ Bearuez.Aven................................ ............................................ - ................. ... ......-....... ..................................................................................................................................................................... _..-._.......... ....... ............ ....._..........._................................ -_............_................. ......... _.......... ...... I... under Preliminary Order ................ 6496 ...................... approved ........ Ma.rCh.__16.=...1.926 IntermediaryOrder .. .......................... ..........................approved............................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the game; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....._�rade Helen Street from Flandrau Street' to .... ---. ......... .. .......... White Bear Avenue .............. ................................................ ................................................. .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance tthe�rit$.1426 Adopted by the Council ......................... ........................... 191....... .......... .... ............ ............... ........... ............ ity erk. Approved .............�;.l..g.:.............., 191....,... ................... ............. ........... ....................................... t t. Mayor. Councilman P,nrxmw3: h 01 ancy i � Qncilman HIMM Hodgson /Cououncilman RAM McDonald VV ouucilman No= Sudheimer Councilman WnaWN1 Wenzel mammft= Nelson PUBLISJr,,D 1 �� orm �$.ye177 k "V"" -CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE4f (A) MINARY ORDER A" r , In the matter of Grade Helen St. from Tlandrau St o Whjo Bear Ave C31 under Preliminary Order approved_ Mar. 16 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g 1, 153. 11 f ront The estimated cost pei/foot for the above improvement is p• q� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 4 Ames Acre Lots 350 4 4 do 360 3 4 do 350 (Except the East 16 ft.) 2 4 do 350 6 1 0 350 7 1 do 3.50 8 1 do 350 9 1 do 350 Form B. B. 10 ' TOTAL. D CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE ON PREL_IMINAtRY OIRDER / I? \C) - a ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 6 Cavanaugh's Sub. 2075 6 Holmgrens Sub. 150 $5025• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saiid� matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date' 192 Commissi er of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. `T'' St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body tq.�use the following improvement be made: 0 I&I .-........... ......._�.-U........... -_ _...... - ..._ - ........ -- ..-.._.........- — .. --__- ._ St. Ave. Ave. to from - _St. Ave. Office of the CommiAioner of Public 'Wo { Report to Commissioner of Finance amey April 8, 1926 APR 8 1926 ..........._...._......_...........................--..............................-.._192_.....- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hid under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 64896_ -M.ar.h. 16, 1926 _ 192......_, relative to approved-_....................._.........................._.............- - grading of Helen Street from Flandrau Street to White Bear AVPnue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_....__......_...._.._..._necessary and (or) desirable. 96¢ per front ft. 1,153.11 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ... ................. __-............. and the total cost thereof is $ ........................ __........... -, Inapeotion :22.61 Frontage 1,201:86 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ....................... .............. ........................ .._......... ........__-_._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ -............ ................ _........................... ........ _.._.................. ----................. --...................... ........... ......__.._....__.__.......... 5. Said improvement is._.. ....... _.............. _............... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner oY Public Worke. v'b jr p ftiM--ivlT—r20vyf F4 WOW JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH ARD, Cw6P ERGIRCOi M. S. GRYTEAK, SRIOO. ENG1N .M.. N. CAREY. SOPS. OF CONSTRORION MIO R -IR - - A. B. SHARP, SOPI'. OP SARRAT O. H. HERROLD, OMC. ARO CRY PtNWIRO EN 1I G. P. ROWLIN, SOFT. OF WORSHOOSS April 7, 1926 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Helen Street from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue under Preliminary Order C.F. #64896, approved March 16, 1926: Estimate of cost $1,153.11 Inspection 22.61 Cost per front foot .96 Frontage 1201.85 ft. Yours very truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to omni ssione r of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL couwcR No.. ------- �Flk 7O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY . . - May 19, 19$6 COMMISSIONER_.__ DATE_._..._.______ RESOL In the-matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, auto and fills, in the grading of Helen Stroot.from Fla'ndrau $t.. tg white Bear Avenue.under_Preliminsry.Order C. F1. #64899. ppproved March 16# 1926, and Intermediary Order C: Fa #65006, approved April 20, ,1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having epbmitted his report an4L-plan ,in the above matter,, be it r BBSOTIYSD. That the City°of St 'Paul fixes and determines.the-amount:of`land to, ,be taken for the above named Improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, -in and'upon Helen.Strest, between the points aforesaid, to-the extent shown upon the plan _ attached to the report of the Oomm1beloner of Public.Works.in the matcter'`dated May 18, 1926,.whieh plan and 'report are hereby referred to and made a pert hereof# i tthe ma66980--13y' tY oc c seem t gc enaaiak.-� tng an easement in -the ]anfl nates- seep for 916pes; out and Hlla:_ In ihe 1- gradtag of Helen;'et. from' Flandrou - - -- -- et. to White Bcar :Ave., ander Pre- . itminsry Order "I1.C. F. Ro. 64897.,a r` 1888. and Interme- " o ^mss' a =s'is+ �:nnprnved'- »,a�cl a . COUNCILMEN. - e1tAY j 8 1918 Yeas�� Nays Adopted by the Council- ........................192...... "-Clancy - �yY l $1g42a:, "E 1 — Approved... . - -.. - ...............192------ ✓/Hodgson .....In favor /Mc-- ........ . ---------- DonaldSudheuner Against ®SEM Moron /TWenzel ' PUBLISHED Mr. V108 Pres: Festoon 66980. CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Helen street from Flandrau St. to White Beer Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. 64897 approved March 16. 1926 and. Intormediary Order C.F. 65505 approved April 20, 1926 To the Council of tho City of St. Paul: The Comnissionor of 2ublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by tho shaded ,portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched ,portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extont of the easement to be taken by tho figures opposite such shaded and hatched. parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE rjk REPORT OF COMMI9:iIONER OF FINANGE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Ai_ In the matter of Condemning and taking an easerrer:t in the land necessary for slores, cuts and fills, in the grading of'Helen St. frnm Flandrau St. to white Hear Ave. under Preliminary Order approved Mar 16:~ 1Q26 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - • O O The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .. ... _. - _._ DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION .. ASSESSED VALUATION 5 4 Ames Acre Lots 350 4 4 do 360 3 4 do 350 (Except the East 16 ft.) 2, 4 do 350 6; 1: do 350 7 1, do 350 i, 9 1 1 do 350 j{ 9 1 do 350 �' Form B. B. 10....... _ - 'I TOTAL . ii ... CITYOF Sr. PAUL FMANCE X.O" I > m m a�� of i�, ztu-w,zki,� uuL}k-1 IWO- ol h!"l, a Office .of ahe Commissioner of Public b Mv Report to Commissioner of Finance _ APR 8 {! a8 April 9; 1926 ........ _... _............ .:....._.............. _.._..._` To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64897 March 16i 1926 Council, known as Council File No.....__...�_._.._approved—__: .._................ _192__.`, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land neceseary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Helen Street from Flandreg Street to White Bear Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... __..... _.._..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__..... g_�_..._, and the total cost thereof is $_..._fix.: and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __:_................ _........_.._ ._...__...... ......... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch. of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4. ._....... ............. _........... . ..... _..... ................ 5. Said improvement is ......... __.......... ......... ..__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 0611, , subject to assessment for said improvement. »_ .... Commissionerof Public Works. 6598 :; nml<tter ,ot Alpo lag wl, egatnis; . 1 bstending , tHp oan8oaff Eo�da ,�. rrn ae Ebint Don-1LLe - coVNon.. ..- NO ---- . .--.�`- .• _ �rq pt�84�.- ti unda�..Proved J�Y:.nr,. ------------------- 10. b 807Y4,k� +�R6 and Yatertpe tarp OrBer- ERK " e! G(y08 apyreYad Ayrlt 80th, COUNCIL,; pnor,ot P01� .;1�N L FORM PRESENTED BY f• H McDonald COMMISSIONER.--- RESOLVED In the matter of opening' widening and extending the County Road known as Point Douglas Road k to,a width of 66 ft: under -Preliminary Order 0. F #60724- approved July 14ths 1906 and tnteimediary Order C-. F.`�65506 approve& April 20th, 1986a The Commissioner of Pablic works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows That part of Lot;'2, Block 31, Suburban Hills lying Northerly o4 a line drawn from a point on the East line of said ;ot 2, distant 59:03 ft. from the Southeast corner to a point on the North line o said' lot; 16320 ft: East from the Northwest oorner thereof; a COUNCILMEN -$ X976..__192.._-.- Yeas //_ Nays Adopted by the Council ...--.WK-1 - . Glancy 9 1 8 Approved X9 . - ------. 192 ...... .--• - -- /-- ----• Hodgson - •---In favor _. ` ,,'McDonald - r .� 1 n� MAYORahe- •rner ................' Against Y ,/Wenzel PUBLISI f1101—vi. J Mr. Vie- Preen FetRneos L�iepa h er�h 111F� �vbI ov v VSs JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. 0. O'CONNMJ.. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CIOv SMS.— M. S. GRYTBAK. EHIOOE EMS— WM. N. CAREY. S— M CONSYnU - um RVun - A. B. SHARP. SUR. OP.SX—AT G. H. HERROLD. OfFlCE AHO CRY PwWIMO EtKIWDa G. P. SOWLIN. SEPI. OR WORnMWEE ----REPORT TO THE COUNCIL---- In the matter of"opening, widening and extending the County Road known as Point Douglas Road to'a width of 66*ft. under Preliminary Order C. Fa #60724 approved July 14th, 1025 and intermediary Order C: F.65506 approved April 20th, 1926: To the`Counoil of the City of 3t. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part. of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the l.atag necessary to be taken therefor by the "shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows That part of Latv,2j Block 31, Suburban Hills lying Northerly of a line draws Prom a iooint on the East line of said Lott distant 59.03 -ft, from the Southeast corner to a point on the North line of said lot, 1M20 ft:, East from the Northwest corner thereof. omm ss oner o 0 o -r s. Dated- May 18t , 1926. CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t° ON PRELIMIN—RY ORDER inthematterof openingp widening and extending the County Road known as Point Douglas Road to a width of 66 ft, by condemning an irregular piece of ground in the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Block 31, Suburban Hills, the southerly line of said condemnation being parallel to and 21 ft. south of the south line of the pavement on Point Douglas Road, as shown on blue print attached herewith and made a part hereof under Preliminary Order approved July 14, 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 200.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is g The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or ' parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT TLOCK j ADDITION VALUATIEON 2 Suburban Hills 242 (Extent West SO ft.) 131 I i i I : it j TOTAL. 2 26 .. i lf- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated D 19Y? Cy missioner of Finance. - F.— B. B. 13 r �iC: Yn 'No. 86988—B oDbti•S ffer 6t an �i Y -.and ek'o»din�wdon'94`_�'G "=wldjlt..tro2nP104k fl6-. OFl � COUNCIL' COMM DNB R_._ J. H. M �a .DnN 3{ 4�;Dug 1113a tB �s u 03 81 _.b Q BLL3;= I RESOLVED PD"ca NO.-- ----- May 18th, 1926. In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 ft; in width from Tawson St, to Hatch 3t. through Block 36, Auerbach & Handle Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 10 ft. of Lots 1 to 14 inclusive, under Preliminary Order 0. P; #64892 approved March 16th, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. P. #65501, approved.April 20th, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be ity Resolved, That the 01 a determines th amount of nd to be en for the ve named imp ement to as follow rear 10 ft. of Lots 1 t 14 ion a1 M of ft vim ere b0*7 dteeeu, aenalhd, so iedMe a ad rt pneeadhp In @&W matter be discontinued. COUNCILMEN Yeas f Clancy go� d Nays .......In favor OcDonald d/5,udheime, v'' Wenzel ...Against Mr. vioe Prea, Ferguson M;ky 1 8 1929 Adopted by the Council_ -.--.---.------ ----------•----...-192.---- MAY 181 Approve ... I- -_-••----- -- -------------_-.192. A MAYOR PUBLISHED ���� �cITY ' b- --)W . l[��eLparhrRenh<o`Fbl'f- v !mss JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Cl.m. E--- ft—'WM. N. QAREY, s — 01 CON.twU — ANG G. H. HERROLD. OTe[ AND Gtr pLNINIx. EwaM6Dt M. S. GRYTSAK, E X E1161NE�! A. R. SHARP, SUR• OP BwNRwTHN G. P. SOWLIN. SO R. W wOw10W.[ ---REPORT TO THE COUIFUll---- In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley 20 ft, in width from Lawson St. to Hatch St. through Block 56, Auerbach & Hand's Addition, by taking and condemning the rear 10 ft. of note 1 to 14 inclusive, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64892 approved March 16th, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. F '165501, approved April 20th, 1926: To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particularly described as follows The rear 10 ft, of Lots 1 to 14 inclusive. /= —To --mm ss ones 03 olio Wm k • Dated- My 18th, 1 6. under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 16, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated,pmp _of the assessment for the above improvement is - s 3%• o ��ougt The estimated cost peruoot for the above improvement is GJ� S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ! LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ISII t' VALUATION Ij 1 361 Auerbach & Hand's Add. 2200- 2 361 to the Gity of 5�5 3 36; St. Paul 3525 -,. 4 361 do 181,;0 5 36 do 1700 6 36. do 24co j' 7 36' do 575 1 S 361 do 2025 i 9 36,do 450 _10 36 do 3400. . Form Q. B. 10 �f � TOTAL is '�, i t•I J CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREI&IMINARY ORDER (C) " • ASSESSED- • DESCRIPTION rLOT 13LocK. ADDITION ' VALUATION �. 11'1 36 Auerbach.& Hands Addition 450 12 36 to the City ^f St, Pau 1. 3750 13 36 do 3300 14 36 do 452 $31,025• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 0 192 Commieioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 .Office of the Commissioner of Ptblic Wor s � rfi7lReport to Commissioner of Finance March 20, 1926 AR23 19 28 ...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: f The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary 0 1 der of -tile Council, known as Council File No._...._64892 March 16, 1926 ..... _.............. approved __............................... _......................... ............ _._.192......__, re htive to <:open, widen and extend, an alley 20 ft* in width from Dawson St. -_t.4....Match.....S.ii..._.._tbr_9_RBh__$.1.oQi�....34....... duex_1? 4h_40.19_...Ad_dJA_IQ.A..._b .._.._..._� __........ t.Oking..._end.._oondeAPing_._thereer._10ft. .._Of_.lots .__1 to 14,...._inalusive_: _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... _............. _..._necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._XXXXg._._.... _...... , and the total cost thereof is $............ _�$_..........:._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..__..._........................ _... .......... _..................... _.__....._._...._..__.___.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... ___................................................... __.......................... _...... ---._............. _.................................... __..__........... _._.. 5. Said improvement is_ .......................... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................................. __........._._...................... ...... Commissioner of Public Works. 'tom U CITY OF ST. PAUL N . ........ (i5983 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL/ FORM .PRESENTED BYp H. McDonald 7 18th1926 --COMMISSIONER — — AT, RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of 20 ft. in T. R. Somer's Addition, under Preliminary order C. F. #64891 approved Maroh 16th, 1926 and intermediary Order C. 7. #65500 approved April 20thi 19264 The Commissioner of Publio Works having submitted his report and Bketoh in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows The rear 10 ft. Of Lots I to 12 and Lots 20 to 31-inolusive, also the mouth 20 ft, of the Bast 122 ft. of Lot 12. CouNcli'mm Yew Nays Clancy —Uergusen— '`Hodgson .............In favor ✓McDonald I ,--Sudheimer 0—Against Oe Mr. VW Pr"& Fel?RUBO" MAY I Adopted by the Council-------------------------=--------_-.192..-..- MAY ouncil------------------------- 192MAY I Approved� ...... .......... . ..... 192 -- .19ung MBLISHE D—.��— i ;v vF�Fl MIT . vL "'7983 %7& Of: ' u M Irks JOHN H. MCDONALD, COm MIss10NER THOS. G- O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMIEEIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CMV SR.IKept ISM. N. CAR-- SUPS. OP CON.igm — Mm RVN. M, E. GRYTBAK, S m. EN6iM� G. H. HERROID, OPFlCE wHO CrtY p�upiNp Rlomm� A. D. SHARP, `U - w ewMrwTpN G. P. SOWLIN. SUPE. UP WORKHW.. ----REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ---- In the matter o3 opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of 20 ft. in T. B. Somer's Addition under Preliminary Order C. F. #6401 approved March 161h, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. F. #65500 approved .April 20th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this hie report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, Which land is more particularly described as follows': The rear ft to 1 20 to 31 bnolueie,lalso�the Southof Lots120 ft* ofdthetEast 122 ft. of Lot 12. Comm sa oner o c orks. Dated- May 18th, 1926. 0 Y _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE kEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAW:WP, + �• ON PRELIf�1W'ARY ORDER A In the matter of Open, xi den and extend an alley to a width of 20 ft. in T_A_ Swer's Ade from Cerbon St South to the Smith line of Lot 1P thence East to Farrington Ave. the center line of said alley being the canter line of the block from Carbon St. to the South line of Lot 12, and a line drawn 10 ft. Nofth of and parallel to the South line of Lot 12 to Farrington Ave _. under Preliminary Order approved Mar. l � r 1 9 7% To the Council of the City of St. Paul:, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated m���f the assessment for the above improvement is - gSb O o 0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is G O g The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 T, B. Somer's Add. to 275 . 2 St. Paul, Minn, 7925 3 do 1075 4 do 1725 5 do P275 6 do 1775 7 do 3�5 9 do 625 9 do 32, 10 do 2225 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �•� ON PRELItJINARY ORDER (C) - " DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 T.B. Somer's Add. to 325 12 St. Paul, Minn. 250 13 do 1475 14 do 1700 15 do 30C 16 do 1875 20 do 75 21 do 100 22 do 100 23 do 400 24 do 100 25 do 100 26 do 75 27 do 75 28 do 75 29 db 275 30 do 75 31 do 75 $19,000. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 2 192 CoiAissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 t , '777777 7 �►, . - R� SIVT. `fice of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance March 25, 1926 192._.__.._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64891 Maroh 16, 1926 __192......__., relative to Council, known as Council File No.._...__.__........... approved__............_ opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of 20 ft. in T. B. Somer's Addition from Carbon St. South to the south._ line:.__._ I2... ...... t.h..lc.e....Fast .....ta....far.ringi.on._Ave........... __.......... --....._..—__....._....._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4 1. Said improvement is ...... __............... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is $__..xxx....___..._. ..... and the total cost thereof is $.......- .............. xxx — ...__.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. ............................. ...... ...._.._........ __�__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...................................... — ........ ...... ---........... 5. Said improvement is............... _.- ........ _........ _...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----- Commissioner of Public Works. a. Rcoaepll.65984 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL niP1-r NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI t OLUTION— NERAL FORM PRESENTED vd.,nnnald DAT,*' 8th_ : 926.. ..... __. COMMISSIO RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Concord Sto to a width of 80 ft, from State St, to the westerly line of hot 20, Auditor's Subdivision go. 30 by taking and condemning the land and buildings lying between the present southerly line of Concord St. and a line 20 ft, south of and parallel to said southerly line, under Preliminary Order C. F. (64888 approved March 16th, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. F. 465499, approved April 20th, 1926. The Commissioner of public ?forks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of st. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows : The land and buildings lying between the present southerly line of Concord St. and a line 20 ft. south of and parallel_to-ani southerly line. C. li No 6@984—BY-J x -McDonald— _ ITn the matter of ODen(n Widening condemning the:land and opuaaug lying: Detwert the, present southaTlY It a of Concord St• and s line 20 ft. south of and:; parallel .to said souther}'ys nue• under Preliminary-!. R Order; C F.' No.' 84888 spproved March 18th. 1928. and IntermedlarYa I Order C F. No. 08499 approved Aprlt� 20th. 1928. I 4'he Commisslonar o[ Publtc� Wiarke .haul eg ;. eubmltted. h(s rapart and COUNCILMEN y g -' iar" Yeas,// ay1 ss ✓Claney Hodgson -t....In favor "McDonald �-....Against ,,Sudheiraer 1_1 n l rea�>s Mr. Via files. Feww" 9) • MM Adopted by the Councl"AY 8 199- ....... _--_192.-:--- Y Approved..._.. " ............ .................--- V - -- -- - -'-m"oR PUBLISHED�_� V 65984 �;epa �h�naeR�h ud ,-v io, %maks; - JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - GEORGE M. 9HEPARD, CMBP ENG111— WM. N. CARE'. -- GP 0— -- RPAIR G. H. HERROLD, 0— ANO CRY PLANwNG DAiM®1 M. S. GRYTDAK. D.IGG. I-Iz— A. R. SHARP. SOPr..1 DANRATKN G. P. DOWLIN, S— w W—in ------REPORT TO THE COUNCIL----- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Concord St. to a width of 80 ft. from State St. to the westerly line of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 30 by taking and condemning the land and buildings lying between the present southerly line of Concord St. and e line 20 ft. south of and parallel to said southerly line; under Preliminary Order C. F. #64888 approved March 16th, 1926 and Intermediary Order C. F. #65499, approved April 20th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public works hereby D� submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan "0 of the above improvement showing the land neoessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, whioh land is more particularly desoribed as follows ; The land and buildinzs lying between the present southerly line of Concord St, and a line 20 ft. south of and parallel to said southerly line. �=Tsm oner o c .orks. Dated- Play 18th, 192 . / CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELII00ARY ORDER In the matter of Op�nTwiden acid extend Conenrd St to a width Of SO ft from State St to the westerly line of Lot 2d Auditor's Subdivision #30 by taking and condemning the 'land and buildings lying between the present soy h rly line of Conc rd St and a line 20 ft south of and parallel to said southerly line under Preliminary Order approved Mar • 1F�19 f:k To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost perVoot for the above improvement is - 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ----' - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT' BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 39 Auditor's Subdivision 22850 24 No. 30, St. Paul, Minn. 4300 23 do 3700 22 do 10900 21: do-. 3900 (Except No. 7 ft. for alley)! 6 16 Bell's Addition to West 9100 do 7 16 St. Paul 2225 do 8 16 do 2775 Form B. B. I0 TOTAL, (C) DESCRIPTIO CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE w ON PRELIMf4ARY ORDER ASSESSED ry LOT BLOCI< ADDITION VALUATION 9 16 Bell's Addition to west 4475 to 16 St. Paul 4625 $6s,s5o. . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , Dated ' 192 � �2 O l t Cq missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 M. Office of the Commis inner of Public Wor]�� lCEIVEp It tz\ MS, Report to Commissioner of Finance a =3 _MAR28 !9 26 ......_Ma .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._64888, approved—K9r0h 16 1926. "._.."."_.. 192_...._, relative to openingwidening and extending, Concord St to a width oY80 Yt: ------------- _.- --- -------- _.._.._...._....._.._....-- from state St, to the westerly line of Lot 20 Audttor'8 Subidivision i and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._..._._....._._..._ ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $X - ....... -.%xx_. _.__.__...._, and the total cost thereof is $.......... _....... $xx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. — 4 ........ .—...... _...... _............ _........... ........................... _.._._._......_. _._._....... 5. Said improvement is_................... .... ....... ......._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1C" Commissioner of Public Works. 311 �,y.9-`�� yjo 51 i C. F. No. ..... ora mnnae No a0T'` Council File NO. 1�.�� (lzl HyaL C. Hndn.yon— 'An iinnnce npro prig [In l; and set- _., tinl; nxide 96/10 Hundred fl d Fif[Y 96) T- and 96/100 Dollars ($852. from Cade ane Sewer Bond Fund. to tl o Permanent Improvement F lvipg Fund, for purpose' By ., the esem n condemn l Date M easement t,- oI d 20 An ordinance,,,,z'r.fpriating and setting aside Eight Hundred and Fifty Two and 96/100 Dollars ($852.96) from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, , for the purpose of paying the cost of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on a strip of land 20 ft. in width on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition from the Northern Pacific Railway right-of- way to the west line of the said Lot 28, the center line of said strip being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly Northern Pacific Railway right-of- way line 249 feet west of the west line of Western Ave. measured at right angles to the line of Western Ave., thence southwesterly to a point 410 feet west of the west line of Western Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of Carbon St., thence southwesterly to a point on the west line of the said Lot 28, twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon St. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 feet in width on each side of the above described easement and a strip 30 ft. in width along the southerly Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way line from the above described easement to Western Ave. on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SEOTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, , the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty Two and 96/100 Dollars ($852.96) for the purpose of paying the cost of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on a strip of land 20 ft. in width on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition from the Northern Pacific Railway right -of -wap to the west line of the said Lot 28, the center line of said strip being,;, line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the ,soctitherly Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way line 249 feet avast of the west line of Vie stern Ave. measured at right angles to the line of Western Ave., thence southwesterly to a point 410 feet west of the west line of West- ern Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of Carbon St., thence southwesterly to a point on the west line of the said Lot 28, twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon St. Ala3o a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 feet in width on each side of the above described easement and a strip 30 ft. in width along the southerly North- ern Pacific Railway right-of-way line from the above described easement to Western Ave. on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordin- ance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen ' Yeas Nays AtzeY Clancy 1 t yA o, eS the OouncAUN 0- /Ferguson =` it L •^; :% `"' In' Favor -McDonald App ved JUNE 2 - i9X .u-dheImd Against _ me-nze mer ,;�t9enzel /Mr.President f yoTl A 1 i d I r V!,,, Council File lio. By r ,- j< G.� Date An:ordi(iance appropriating and setting aside E1jn%t Hundred and Fifty Two and 96/100 Dollars (43852.96) from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, , for the purpose of paying the cost of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on a strip of land 20 ft. in width on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition from the Northern Pacific Railway right-of- way to the west line of the said Lot 28, the center line of said strip being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly Northern Pacific Railway right-of- way line 249 feet west of the west line of Western Ave. measured at right angles to the line of Western Ave., thence southwesterly to a point 410 feet .west of.the west line of Western Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of Caron St, thence southwesterly to a point on the west line of'the said Lot 28, twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon St. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strp'of land 30 feet in width on each 'side of the above descriVed-easement and a strip 30 ft. in width along.the southerly Northern Pacific Railway right -of -gray line from -the above described easement to Western Ave. on and acrosa,Lots 27'and 28, Cottage Homes Addition. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, �, the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty Two and 96/100 Dollars (4852.96) for the purpose of paying the cost of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on a strip of land 20 ft. in width on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition from the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way to the west line of the said Lot 28, the center line of said strip being a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly Northern Pacific R�Lilway right-of-way line 249 feet west of the west line of Western Ave. measured at right angles to the line of Western Ave., thence southwesterly to a point 410 feet west of the west line of West- ern Ave. and 275 feet north of the north line of Carbon St., thence southwesterly to a point on the west line of the said Lot 28, twenty-five feet north of the north line of Carbon St. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 feet in width on each side of the above described easement and a strip 30 ft. in width along the southerly North: ern Pacific Railway right-of-way line from the above described easement to Western Ave, on and across Lots 27 and 28, Cottage Homes Addition. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordin- ance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION j. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy - --'Ferguson Adopted by the Council - H.adreon '., In Favor Approved /]:cD nald Sud�eimer AF_ainat °ienzel Y ayo r /T�r.presid�nt I City Clerk. PUBLISHED e 7' r. C. F N. 61986 cl ro l:n ri— may+ i°�%�1 \n or dinnnee n�f�r nr'dt �; n :yet - Fl- n.vide Thr1e. tined rrd and -o" 'od 760, (E385.B Foo - i Code ..301. Sewer Bond Fund, .i. PermneOnt Im provrment Rr-� � � �� Fd I for th eyose, (/ he st eo! rD1 By , An ordinance appropriating and setting aside Three Hundred and,Sixt7 Five and 76/100 ('„365.76) Dollars from Code 23Q1, Sewer Bond Fund, to the permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, for the purpose of pay- ing the cost of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on the northerly part of the Northe'n' Pacific Railway right-of-way from 'aoodbridge St. to Western Ave.,, across the said right-of-way at Western Ave., and on the south erly part of the said right-of-way from western Ave. to the west. boundary of Lot 27, Cottage Homes f:ddition. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 ft, in. width the southerly border of which strip is the N. P. Ry. right- of -way from Woodbridge St, to ';;estern _.vs., on and across Lots 10,, 11 and 12, Block 4, Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 5, Lot 9, Block 6, Rice St, Villas, Lot 10, Walcotts Add, to Cottage domes, Lots 20, 21 and 22, Cottage Homes. Also an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer across the Northern Pacific Ry. right- of-way at Sylvan St. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, +- —=-;- the sum of Three hundred and Sixty Five and 76/100 (?365.76) Dollars for the purpose of paying the cost of Condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintain- ing a public sewer on the northerly part of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way from.116odbrid7e St, to Western Ave., across the said right-of-way at Western Ave., and on the southerly part of the said right-of-way from ':;estern Ave. to the west boundary of Lot 27, Cottage Homes Addition. :lso a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 ft. in width the southerly border of which strip is the N. P. Ry. right-of-way from 'ry`oodbridge St. to ,5estern i:ve., on and across Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 4, Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 5, Lot 9, Block 6, Rice St. Villas, Lot 10, Walcotts i:dd. to Cottage Homes, Lots 20, 21 and 22, Cottage iiomes. ilso an easement for constructing and main- taining_ a public sewer across the Northern Pacific Ry. right-of- way at Sylvan St. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas Nays —' —7CIancy 'Ferguson Adopted by the Counci1,1UN 2 _ ;c;26 n -il- 4cDonald l-_pproved 09 JON 2 /'Oudheimer In favor fdenzel �� j Mr. President E,;ainst .,ayor _ PUBLISHED .S v f Council File 11o, 65986 By_�����. gate 1 An ordinap�de appropriating and setting aside Three hundred and Sixty Five and 76/100 ($365.76) Dollars from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, to the permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, , for the purpose of pay- ing the cost of condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on the northerly part of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way from "oodbridge St. to West,arn Ave. across the said right-of-way at tt'estern Ave., and on the south erly part of the said right-of-way from Western Ave. to the'twest boundary of Lot 27, Cottage Homes Addition. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 ft. in width the southerly border of .which strip is the Y. P. Ry, right- of-way from Woodbridge'St: to..Western Ave., on.and across Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 4, Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 5,';Lot 9,, B160I,,6, Rice tat. Villas, Lot.10, Walcotts Add. to Cottage Homes,`Lots,20, 21 and 22, Cottage Homes,. Also an easement for constructing and. maintaining a public-.gewer agross the Northern Pacific Ry. right- of-way at Sylvan St. -. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside from Code 2301, Sewer Bond Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, VRd*=9tET, the sum of Three Hundred and Sixty Five and 76/100 (5P'365.76) Dollars for the purpose of paying the cost of Condemning and taking an easement for constructing and maintain- ing a public sewer on the northerly part of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way from Woodbridge St. to western Ave., across the said right-of-way at �tiestern ,,ve., and on the southerly part of the said right-of-way from Gestern Ave. to the west boundary of Lot 27, Cottage Homes Addition. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 30 ft. in width the southerly border of which strip is the K. P. Ry. right-of-way from '.':oodbridge St, to .estern Ave., on and across Lots 10, 11 and 12, Dlock 4, Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 5, Lot 9, Block 6, Rice St. Villas, Lot 10, WalCOtts Add. to Cottage domes, Lots 20, 21 and 22, Cottage Iiomes. Also an easement for constructing and main- taining a public sewer across the Northern Pacific Ry. right-of- way at Sylvan St. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Councilmen Yeas Nays �LIancy Ferguson Adopted by the Council LUN 2- lkC ''eDonald �� ✓✓77 Approved JUN ? _ to k udheimer /. In favor mr. President Against OO CITY OF ST. PAUL ENCII rj59S 1 No --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..__,......__.__..__.._...__—_.____..__.. ._—..-- DATE ... _.......... _--- —_.._.._..............__.___.....___..._ RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Superior i Refining Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 1568 Grand avenue, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accord- ance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; curb returns at entrances to be 26 -foot radius so as not to obstruct traffic on Grand avenue or Snelling avenue. '.C. i-. Nb. 65987— Rue. N'" ed by L Couucll May 1H, 1926:11 Approved -May 18. 1(26. (May 22+1926) COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy ,, , _ Hodgson ✓ "......'.........In favor McDonald � Sudheimer cT 4 .. against Wenzel Mr. Viim Yruw F0rYpa! MAY 1 81926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...-. Approved. . - --12f}.--.--,_192...... yi--.....------'-- r------.... ea%ly,. M1iAVOR VUpLISHED — Adopted b the Council_-- -�-- ----- 192 p Y Yeas. / Nays. CLANCY HODGSON sMcDONALD /S DHEIMER 7WENZE] ' MR. PRESIDENT April 30, 1926 j Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. -Dear Sir: OYY �V E. J. MURNANE. 041 of Oalut Paul C.UV M PoLI3 MICHAO.G®NARGf. �Bnblir $nfeiv Asn. cwv O! Poue[ Department of N.A. VALL. ^ CAlIMR or Otr�rd J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUBS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 1--�u Nw.TN GTOR A. L EGGERT. A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. I..IUCILS IMIlCIWI LII COYRI HOINi CHARLES L SEGREN. JOHN MAWn. SUR. M-G- -OW-® JOS. MAC ULAY. SUR.lOLICtblIIIi ALMY April 30, 1926 j Mr. C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. -Dear Sir: OYY �V lIwr<C — OECAR LANDER. AHI. FlML CIRV v WILLIAM BARRON. CMO IMP M. FIRS FIINOINOI CNARLMS L WILLIS. BUR. o! A!lAIGTW B. F. SIMON. M. D. Nw.TN GTOR A. E. NICHOLS. M. D.. JOHN MAWn. GMO H—" t— Returned herewith is the application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to instal a drive- in gasoline ?filling station at 1568 Grand Av. and report of inspection and approval by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, r Commissioner of Public Safety E. J. MURNANC ERR of St. Paul MCNAAAMGW NAOrRDT, luAllart ent of flublir 88fGLv H. A. PALL, CAPLNH D• DR[LTIV[[ J. M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS. Ilur[clal-Pont[ HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. YC[N[[IN_ACTOR BUREAU OFFIREPROTECTION JOS, MACAIAAV. DIVISION OF FIRE PRL ION STIR. POLI_ 6 FIR[ AIAAM [IDMIH AND MIM.[.O!'A ATA. WILLIAM BARRON. CM_ IN[r[eiow April 29,1926 0- Hon.i.M.Ol&ncy Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,ilinn. near Sir; OWEN C. DUNN. - CHI_ OSCAR LANDER. A[.T. MIR, - CHARLES L. WIWS, 6ure. � AAAMN[ B. F. SIMON. M. O. H[ALTx OrROLI A. E. MICHOLS. M. O. DD.ulr HULTx omc� JOHN MAIITI. C13_ Hu Irpr[eio[ In regard to the application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station at 1568 Grand Avenue. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, WO h Chief Inspector. Duplicate Form No. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - This application to be OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK made in duplicate and submittedto the City APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk. AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ r.yyaaa.atauu iv V. To the Honorable City Council Date3 1g�6 —0�6� of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION ISERE Y MADE By Name Fi or Individual For License o erate and Maintain (In Co lance with Ordinance 5266) "Drive I."., "Cnrb" AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION�e,1�17eAt ^ /J ¢. ' Street Number and Street's __OO Number of Pumps to be Installed Number of Gas Capacity ofd Tanks to be Installed Tanks_ Received at office of City Clerk Sige of ADplmm,t By Bueinase Addrem Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19_ Date 19_ Date 19__ Department of P. Parks, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety Department of Public Works By By and Public Buildings Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From. Dpt. of Public Works By Received From Department of Date 19_ Date. 19_ Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Office of the City Clerk Date 19_ Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By By Received From City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date Date 19_ Passed t9_ Office of the Corporation Counsel liy By Approved t9_ Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel .Received From Department of Date 19_ Date 19_ Permit No. Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_ ciy viw' A06 JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH AND, CMv ENGINSSR WM. N. CARRY. SUPE. G. CDNsinuc AND R- Q. H. HERROLD, OHCS NID CRT PLANNING ENGMm� April 30th, 1926. Mr, C. J. MoGlogan, City Clerk. Dear Sir :- M. S. GRITBA., BRIDGE DgiNDOI A. B. SHARP, SUPT. W SANrtATNM O. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. W W Re : Superior Refining Co. Drive-in Station 1568 Grand Ave. Lot 9 Blk 3 Summit View Addn. ( A. W.Defiel, coo Superior Refining Cs v Eaton & Mo Cullen St. City). This drive in filling station is in a Commercial District and permissible subject to a public hearing. Curb returns at entrances should bo made of 26 ft. radius so as not to obstruct movement of passing traffic 6n either Grand Ave. or Snelling Ave. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineer. Approved Commissioner of Public Works. g h-rh D. Original CITY OF SAINT PAUL This application to be made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City _ APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Clerk' AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Form No. Application No. To the Honorable City Council of Saint Paul, Minnesota ^ APPLIQ By For License to perate and Maintain (In N IS 'HEREBY MADE of Firm or I i dural aplianc with Ordinance 5266) "Driveor "( AUTOMOBILE FILLINGG STATION to b eco At Street Number and &rent % V 31r Number of Number of Gas Capacity of:W-S- /uo0 Pumps to be Installe Tanks to be Installed Tanks Received at office of City Clerk 6iamtVr.f ppbmnt By City Clerk Received FQm Dept. of Public Date Office of the City Clerk n., Received From City Clerk// Received From City Clerk Dat - �" 3 ` 19YL Data t9_ Department of Publ Works Department nd Public Buildings lgrounds By By Received From Dp . of Public Works Received From Department of Office of the City Clerk By Parks, Playgrounds and Pulbc Ridge. Date i9— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk BY By - Received From City Clerk Dat Received oFrom City Clerk Dat 19— Pansed 19. Approved t9— office of the Corporation Counsel By By Received From Department of Date r9— Ordinance No. Permit No. 11 License No Received From Office of Corp. Counsel Date.— f9— Office of the City Clerk By Office of the City Clerk By Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter Original Form No. CITY OF SAINT PAUL— OFFICE OF_TIIE CITY CLERK .. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Tbie application to be made in duplicate and' submitted to tha City Clerk. Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_, [aYP1N:41W111Y V• To the Honorable City Council Da 19�e of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICAT IS HEREBY M E By N - Fi m or Individ For License to e d Maintain (In Compliance wit inance 5266) A "Drive In" or "C -b" AUT MO FILLING STATION to b At r (bY J •t�dt6S Stmt Number and Street Number of Pumps to be Installe Number of Gas Capacity,."g - Tanks to be Installedink Received at office of City Clerk APPH—t By a T - Hueinoe Address Received From City Clerk Received Fro City Clerk Received From City Clerk Date 19_ Dat \ _ Departme t ublic Works Date -19 _ Department of P. Parke, Pia De ygrounds Department of Public Safety By By Received From pt. of Public Works and Public Buildings By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received From Department of Date 19_ Date Parke, Playgrounds and Pulbc Bldgs. Date t9_ Office of the City Clerk r9_. Office of the City Clerk By By Office of the City Clerk By Received From City Clerk City ClerkDate Date- - 19_B Passer] 19_Office of the Corporation Counsel ERecelvedm ByAppmveil19_ YReceived From Office of Corp. Counsel RDepartment of Ordinance No Date 19 Datet9_ Permit No Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk By By License No Approval withheld on account of and applicant so notified by letter dated 19_, "'C. J. MCGLOGAN, of Saint f laul ~ HAROLD J. RIORDAN RK CRY CLERK ANO -IW CLPRK-CITT JE COMMISSIONER OP REGISTRATION @MCC of (4ity %terk CLAR IN V RK -R R Y'i CHIEF CLERK-R®GISTRATION IMP ® May 11th, 1926. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner of public Safety, B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith all papers in the matter of the application of the Superior Refining Company to install a drive-in filling station at 1568 GrandAvenue. This application was laid over to May 18th, by the Council today in order that they may view the same, and was also referred to the Traffic Department for report. Respectfully yours, ON r111 � �1 140 W City Clerk. E. J. MURNANE, M POUR OWQ1 C. DUNN. FlR[ CMP MICHAD. GERHARDT. "-. —.1 Pau a �e�artmeni of Public �� ORCAR LANDER. A—T. FINS -- N.A.VALI- WIWAM BARRON. CNIv IHCF[ctoll. PIRI PRNpR10N CARAIN OR O G. H. BARF SS. INtretTaR 4 -- ER CHARLES L WRit3, SUIS. of AF/ARATU! A. L EGGERT. Llcvue INO¢eTOR B. P. SIMON. M. D. H TN pInCO1 A. E. NICNOLS, M. D.. CHARLES L SEGREN. SUFI'. MUNI— GA DDnRY Hw.TX OlFlCR JOHN MARTI. JOB. MAGU Y. BUPf. PoYC[ A FlRS CMIv HfALTN I— May 1926 ��f ifRTIVO J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSION iN COUR!•FNUBR wAOS ®® AURY May Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, St, Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Returned herewith is application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to instal a drive- in gasoline filling station at 1568 Grand Avenue, with report of inspection by the Traffic Bureau as you requested in your letter of May 11th. Yours very truly, 6�lco—jjsioner of Pu o fat OWEN C. DUNN. FlRA CWv OSCAR LANDER. A.sT. mN. oRv WILLIAM BARRON. ' CW V INBPD:iaR. F'_ FRde _ CHAIRMS L WIMIS. SYR. OP A.FAMNS B. F. SIMON. M. D. HULTx Orrice. A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. 0- H- O__ JOHN MAIM. CW W HULTN I- Mr. J. IaT. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to the attached application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at 1568 Grand Avenue, which is the southeast corner of Snelling Avenue: In my opinion such an installation will not materially interfere with traffic provided that the curb returns, as, corrected on the enclosed blue print, are installed. Very truly yours, G. H. Barfuss Superintendent of Traffic Approved- : J. Murnane Chid' Police . of Saint E. J. MURNANS. CW@ OF POUCH 'Paul MICHAEL G®HARDY. Department of Public Safety H. A- VALL. CARMN OF13-- J. M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER G.H.BARFUSS. IxeFcroR-POYes HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER A. L. EGGERT. ucGGA RT.PGIYII BUREAU OF POLICE CHARLES L BEG REN. SUR. MUWGFAL GARASS io wear rW RO srRzcr E. J. MURNANE, CHIEF OF POLICE JOS. MACAULAY. SYR, POUR A FlRS ALMM May 15, 1926 OWEN C. DUNN. FlRA CWv OSCAR LANDER. A.sT. mN. oRv WILLIAM BARRON. ' CW V INBPD:iaR. F'_ FRde _ CHAIRMS L WIMIS. SYR. OP A.FAMNS B. F. SIMON. M. D. HULTx Orrice. A. E. NICHOLS, M. D. 0- H- O__ JOHN MAIM. CW W HULTN I- Mr. J. IaT. Clancy, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to the attached application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station at 1568 Grand Avenue, which is the southeast corner of Snelling Avenue: In my opinion such an installation will not materially interfere with traffic provided that the curb returns, as, corrected on the enclosed blue print, are installed. Very truly yours, G. H. Barfuss Superintendent of Traffic Approved- : J. Murnane Chid' Police CITY OF ST. PAUL U.Cu_ '59 No---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C VOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ 4a DATE ......... - - - ----------- - RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Links, an employe of the Department of Educe— tion, injured December 1, 1925, the sum of Sixteen Dollars �$16.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of her claim against the City, being for the period up to and including May 10th, 1926. C. F.No. GsqasBy rerguson-,� -Resolved. That,the Pro -ffl� rel a and'thev are hereby city Y authorl..d .to Pay to,3margaret,l�,,.g ,,en employe ,ottha Department the buin of- Ixteenollar4�. 416.60i .Workmen's J out- ofthe th g.Vaeaafn'.atlon Account of e General Recommended for passage. ,,ttf her .Fund:Fartiai settle - b for, the el -air..8t city, On ng 10th,e od uito and in - ?.Adopted .May.; 11`26: . the'Council MaY 18,1926. '-;Approved My�: 18 ,;1926.1 (MaY 22,112 9 6) Commissioner of Education. �0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy `Hodgson -In favor ---------- /"McDonald 4udheimer_(...Against __Wenzel Mr. Vim Prom, Farkwu MAY I s 19" Adopted by the Council ---------- _ ........................... 192 MAY i u 1926 --- -- --_------ 192 ... ...................... Approved --- --- - --- .. .................. 192 ------ I — --- - -- -------------- mAyon J C, I'. No. 65989—By J. M. Clancy—- Reao;ved, That the appllcatione foc ( CITY OF ST. PAULl&'#tii COUNCIL ���� - licensea of .the following persons for ! i FAX NO------------- - --- ---•- luctinbusinesses at the addressees FICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4. �tcated he and -the aame are hereby L tId and the city clerk is instruct- R LUTION—GENERAL FORM n aeuo',auch -licenses upon the pay DA 1 a 18 1926 It65OLVEQ/ - That the applioatio&,ro'r licenses df the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue licenses upon the payment _such into the city treasury bf the customary fee; L. G. Arneson, 1940 University Av. Hotel • N. A. Ha en g , 335 E. 7th at., Hotel Mrs, Olive Cardelli, Julius Leschinski, 301 E. 7th St., 1896 Ames Av., Restaurant Ralph Soarfo, 274 W. 7th St., Hotel Restaurant Mrs. Amata Paulson, Wellingvohn Hotel Co., 614 Portland Av., 374 Wabasha St., Restaurant Mrs. D. Diesen, 408 Wabasha St., Hotel Restaurant A. W. Erdman, Anderson h Son, 331 Sherburne Av., 1939-41 St. Anthony Av., Grocery Bakery Rose W. Wookworth, 283 Selby Av., Grocery I. Pomerance, W. F. Smith, 647 Selby Av., 1752 Selby Av., Grocer A. Mastbaum, 1503 No. Hamlin Av., Butcher Grocery Iverson Drug Co., Sophia Schetinski, 2058 Marshall Av., 928Jackson St., Conf-drug -Grocery Angelo Mancini, 589 E. 7th St., Butcher Kusterman Bros,, - - Paul Leonhart, - 2264 Como Av., 132 E. 3rd St., Conf-drug W. J. Utley, Andrew Staohowiak 311 Wabasha St., Confections ry 6ool tables p A. & D. Rossini, 935 E. Maryland St., 311 Sibley St., Confectionery 3 pool tables Allan P. Gradin, Claude I. Whitlock, 817 Maryland St., 483 Broadway St., Conf-drug R. J. Davini, 305 Robert St., Conf-drug Confectionery A. A. Manke, S. J. Bundy, 2258 Como Av., 496 Siiabashe. St., Grocery George Paulos, 297 E. 7th St., Confectionery Confeytionry Mary Merrill, Alice Drury, 1950 Hyacinth St., 668 Central Park Confectionery Renslow, Place, 348 University Av., DelicatessenJ. Grocery Chas. Charnov, Joe Vanni, 333 Louis St., Grocery Home Dairy Co., 499 St. Peter St., 76 E. 5th St., Grocery Dairy Jas. J. Zanovecky,- 1200 Gaultier St., Grocery COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..----------.. 92--.. -- Ferguson — __ ,. �:.,.... Hodgson _ Win.! �•or _Apprc� _.. _,-- -"""� 192 McDonald Sudh- eimer ::."'_.Against -- " - -- - Wenzel-.._..--'""' Wen Mr. Vtoe Pres: FntRttwu - CITY OF ST. PAULie.- r °OUHL1L U00-0�.J i FR NO. ' a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ DATE_...... D.���ti-s42.__.._._............_.__. RESOLVED i Hodgson Christine E. Jacobson, 981 Payne Av., Bakery James Hammer, 676 W. Stater St., Soft drink Clarence Simons, 472 Grace St., Soft drink Arthur Moran, 878 E. 3rd St., Soft drink B. Halleck, 1824 Grand Av., Bakery W. A. Soheffler, 1429 Grand Av., Grocery Bunce & Son, 1684 Grand Av., Grocery Martin M. Wangensteen, 247 S. Snelling Av., Bakery Mrs. Jennie Berg, 237 Grove St., Grocery A. G. Forzley, 483 St. Peter %t., Grocery Lydia Darrah Candy Co., 383 Robert St., Confectionery Lydia Darrah Candy Co., 400 ;9abasha St., Confectionery Morris Gordon, 461 Cedar St., Grocery R. H. Owen, 33 S4. 6th St., Confectionery Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays v�Clancy i Hodgson In favor • 'McDonald Sudheiraer _..Against ,,,Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres, Fsrgaeon MAY 1 8 1926 Adopted by the Council ------_------------_----------------192.---- MAY 1 8 1926 Approved -- --- - ---- - --- --- - ---------------------------- -- Iouny —YOR evsrisxEn.����� 6 Il F. matter of em In the manor of cm n�yEleanor $b.. rxnor Ht. Diodeu weal of th 1•• Ye: to L -dr !min. v H. McDonald— it U'11'e a '.ewer On .the IInO O(; from a- poll CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL�tl -lo NO.._..... eat ,line of D"' rweod AYenOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r.� rd- '? F - -, 41CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - `='' ' May 17, 1926. REsoL15P11" In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Eleanor St. and on the line of Eleanor St. produoed from a point 60 feet west of the west line of 11soolester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64128, approved January 26, 1926, and Final Order C. F. #66208, approved April 6, 1926. Resolved, That the plans, speoifiostions and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement,1116 and the same are hereby approved. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays C-elancy '--'fiodgson --.In favor .•--"McDonald ."gudheimer ::..Against ,,-,Wenzel egm0O91 MAY 1 s 190 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192..---. Approved...... . 194 ------------- 192. --- - ------ ------------ ---- ............... MAYOR YUBLLSIMI) t CITY OF ST. PAUL , Pc'o�eca NO. ----------6-991 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. May 17, 1926 - 2 - -- In the matter of changing the grade of VfotorjaSt. ftom Orchard St. to Union St. and of Mo$enty St. from Vtotoria St. to Barrett Ave., also grading said Viotoris St. from Orchard St. to Mo$enty St., under Preliminary Order C. F: #63208, approved Nov. 20, 1925, and Final Order C. Fa #64676, approved March 10, 1926. Resolved, That the plane. specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Clancy r Hodgson .._In favor McDonald r >udheimer ..--._-.-Against Wenzel - Mr. Viae Pres. Fergesoa 9261 9 t Xvri Adopted by the Council----'------------Aila------- 192.-.--- gZ6t $ i Approve ...--�......---- 192------ • M YOR PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL - couwcIL M2 FILE NO. ----------•---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - May 17,.1926 In the matter of grading Alley in Block 4. Forest yawn Addition, and Block 2, Sheldon Grove Addition, from Aldine St. to Wheeler Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64082, approved January 19, 1926, and Final Order C. F. 0499$, approved March 23, 1926. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the C00121188ioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 'eeHodgsonJ_-,.__In favor ' -McDonald --Sudheimer –.....Against Wenzel wine Pres. FerRales Adopted by the Council --")-_8 ----,-_192.....- Approv ........... ..192 -- PLTBLISHEIS 1�}�4' v CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL NO..,--_ ..... 0993 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cne .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ li 1926 -._--- ------ REsoLy€o In the matter of grading alley in W. rube's Subdivision of Blook 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Mendota St. to Aroade at., under Preliminary Order C. F. #60216. approved Nov. 20v 1925, and Final Order C. F. #64669. approved Maroh 10, 1926. Resolved, That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner Of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 86999 By 7. 8. McDonald-. Sn-the matter of grading alley .In W. Grube'a Subdlvlelon of. Block .164, Lyman Dayton•s. Addition :from Mendota St..to, Arcade SL, u¢dar.� :Preliminary Ord', C. F, No. 63216. approved Nov. Z %'1925. and Final: - ` Order C. 'F. Noe 64689, approved !. March. 10; 1926. Resolved, _That the Adopted by the Council May 18, 1926. APproved MsY 18, 1928: Ij[ '(Me Y 22-192d) Adopted by the Council_ buy 1.1926 ------------_---_--- 1'92...... Y 1 S 1926 Approved- . -------------192 ----- . --- -_--1---------------------- MAYOR I�IYW.ilac8a��� �I1J1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays It''Clancy Hodgson -).....In favor ,,d McDonald _„ Sudheimer i _ /...Against ,-Wenzel Mr. Vice -Pres. karguson Adopted by the Council_ buy 1.1926 ------------_---_--- 1'92...... Y 1 S 1926 Approved- . -------------192 ----- . --- -_--1---------------------- MAYOR I�IYW.ilac8a��� �I1J1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO ...... ---��94 low, May 1% 1926 That the grade of Alley in Blook 3, G4 V. Bsoon!s Addition. from White Bear Avenue to Flandrau Street, in seoordanoe,with the red grade line on the a000mpanying profile and as reoommended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the some is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No.d66994—By soJ. 8. McDonald=�l 1. Relve, That the grade .of Alley In Block 2, 6. 6 V. Bacons Addition, m froWhite Sear ...a to. Fiandrau atreet.ihin accordance. with the red grade line on theaccomDanying. proHleI and .asI recommehded by -the Coronets— stoner of : Public Works:'. be and the � same is hereby._adopted as the es- tablished grade. - Adopted by the Council May 18, 1928. App—od May 18. 1926. (May 22-1926) ✓- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 'Hodgson 62 ..--In favor McDonald -'$udheimer _...).Against Z,Yenzel Mr. Aloe Yrns. Fergtlwa MAY 1 8 1926 Adopted by the 192. itii 1 81926 Approved --- -- -- - ------ -- -192- - ----.. ............. .................... ........................... MAYOR Yeas MUNCIL65995 CITY OF ST. PAUL FELE N9._---.•....----_.---^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM May 17, 1456. That the grade of Fauquier Street from Etna Street to Johnson Parkway, in a000rdanae with the red grade line on the e000mpanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C.1 esolved,� That $the g deo on Fau- Quter' Street from. Etna 6treet.'fto john - eon. Parkway. ln: accordaunce with the red Breda )tae o the ,$cCom�anylug yr�Hie and as r commeridad by the Commleatunor-of. rXp, be and tho' same is herabY a opted,;as the eatabliehed gra 3e Adopted by the Counoll MaY 18, 1926: 1 APProva hiay 18, 1926.:: 1 (Ma9 22-1926)1 COUNCILMEN ( /- Nays Clancy Ferg— Hodgson .... ......In favor McDonald �2udheimer ...Against Wenzel ma: VIGO Prep, Fergawk Adopted fi} {hg CouncilEi6"k - ..'.--$ 5--2�u -- 0—... ..192Approv... .. .. .... ...192 effpg truui.latilrD CITY OF ST. PAUL GO�ep1 NO.......659916 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ESENTED BY MMISSIONER._ May 18 L_1926 _....-....__ SOL In the matter of paving the Intersection of Como Ave. West and the alley in Ardmore Add. from Curb to property line, according to preliminary order 65733 approved May 4, 1926. Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to do said work by force account, the cost to be charged to the fund known as „City's Share - Local Improvements, Code 31-$1° for defraying the cost Of the above paving. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nays Clancy Hodgsonn / h...... -.In favor V McDonald $udheimer Against i Wenzel ldr. Tice Pres. Fargo" MAY 1 8 1920, Adopted by the Council .......... ............. 192..`.. 1 81926 Approved ..... . - .................... 192-- f Ci MAYOR rte Council File No ------------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -Pa�� -i .. 7ttQ3I4Q0 .Alii Of !;C00__AV0a.... eat!_QTicl.-�!a.a.Cly.-- i_!�i! Rx'49 1adl�a. _Prom-_the--_curb_line--to--the__prgpert�r-_linethe north aide oY Como Dated this...A—tib -----day of---------------- --------------- _ { / I-- UY--- ------- ---- 192--6.-. -PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Page.-ths---intsrseotton._of.-Coate__AVe....west._and-_ell®y-- a--Ar&aore--nc9d-------- -- fr4m..#he...41?i'1? t9--thQ--- Proparty...U]tl®..0A_th4 north a dQ-,.Q ._aSltriQ - 1lYa.fists. -----__------------------ ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------- _-------------_---------_---- ------------------------------------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. Adopted by the Council-------------- ............ _-_M-A-Y--4----- . YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANcY g9 4 N125 FERGUSON Approved ----------................................. ----- HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL'^_------------------------------------- MAY i 1926 Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT (� Q Goren C A 13 OM 3-25) wu (�F ,Nii1N� �• - CITY OF ST. PAUL wUNCILNO.� ......... 6590 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM ISSIONER- . . .... — — - ----- DATE_ . ............. - ------- RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets: Sheridan.Ave., Prior Ave. S. ,to Cleveland Ave. S., Cleveland Ave. S., Sheridan Ave. to Coburn Ave., Nebraska Ave. N. Selling Ave. to Hemline Ave., N, Nebraska Ave. N. Lexington to Quincy St. (or Osage) Quincy St., South St. to Larpenteur Ave. W., Fairview Ave. S., Montreal Ave. to Juno St. Adopted by the CounciLmAy-'l, 8.1926 ---------- 191 Y 1 8 1926 Approved-- ...... ...... ........ 192 ......... ----- . ...... ......... MAYORW PUBLISHED___ C, V. No. 86997—BY G.C. audbetue b.t the C.nnt1t o.to the City Of Sans r'.nL.teby.attl.. I of tmains on the kol- In . streets •Sheridan. Ave Prior: Ave. 19. to Cleveland cle eb .;sheridan Ave. to ICoeurlI - Snelling Ave. to a L..Wgton to Quincy QU SL, SouthSt. to LarWitaur Va. I Montreal Ave. to ..Irvie st Adopted by the.Can ".11 May 18, 1926. pproved 2", 1 18. 1928. COUNCILAIE Yeas Nays Nancy ... In favor 6 —Sudheimer . ..... - ' --Peter Against ---Wenzel A&6 Woo Pi k'u- Ynygq'?m)!' Adopted by the CounciLmAy-'l, 8.1926 ---------- 191 Y 1 8 1926 Approved-- ...... ...... ........ 192 ......... ----- . ...... ......... MAYORW PUBLISHED___ CITY OF ST. PAUL wU.CIt No.........6599 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER___ �.... —_— DATE_My 18' 1926 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contraot0ommittee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Eleanor 8t. from Hamline Ave. to Pascal Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $989.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to -Jn draw.up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's EStim 01,680.00. F.B. J7119. C _&_ i 66998—ByRJ A. McDonald= vo.-7119..J - Adopted by the Council X.3118. 1926. Approved May 18. 1925. - 22-1626) COUNCILMEN yeaa Nays Adopted by the Council MAY_] 8_1M ....... 192...... "Clancy y 1 4.1926, —Ferguson— Approve ::... ... .... .--- ......... --....192...... ,Hodgeon--.In favor a -McDonald ............ ..................... ..... / �r � MAYOR ✓ Sudheimel Against Wenzel Mr. We Pres. Ferguson a ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.... ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --"/ RESOLVED That the Qouncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and _improvement' of Warrick Ave. from Randolph St. .,-±71--accordance ---------------- with plans and specifications hereSo attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $989.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,374.00. F.B. X7116. C F._-Zra. 66999—nv J. H. McDonald— � i$artford S I plane and." tached.to- lowest rest j. of $989.(;0,. i r is -hereby, -. proper-foti mnee 19. 7116. . Adopted Approved COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Clancy 'Ire—_ % `Hodgson ---- In favor 'McDonald F -'-6udheimer ..... _-.Against -Wenzel Srr Mr. Vioe Pres. Ferguson Of to I 3eCouncl1May 18, 1926. P18, 3926. .y 22-1926) i MAY 1 8 1926 Adopted by the Council--------------------------------- 192 Approved - 192 - %J 77 MAYO. 14 PRESENS D E - COMMISSIONE RESOLVED Yeas 6suuu COUNCa 6.0 CITY OF ST PAUL Pae NO..--. -.- -- . OFFICE OF THE - CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE._ May 18, 1926^ ... - That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the grading and improvement of Ridge St, from Otto Ave. to Edgaumbe Road; HillcrestAve. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave.; Bohlend Ave from Hamlin Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, and.Beeehwood Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., in accordancey witplans4 andm specifications hereto attached, to Martin Wunderlich �he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $8,687.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $12,140.00. F.B. #7127. MAY- 1 S ---- 16 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council-, 192:----. Naye "'Vlancy h MAY 1 8192Q Akn- Hodgson ,_Z) ------_In favor ../McDonald -4pdheimer ------------- P" Wenzel Mr. vice Pres. Ferguson WUMCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Pne NO " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_. May. 18 f 1926 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs i the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of l the Highland Park Sewer *System, in accordance,'with plans and specifications hereto attached, to O'Neil & Preston, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of'$142,Ooo.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $185,400.00. F.B. #7122. COUNCILMEN YeasJ Nays Clancy v,/Hodpon 6 In favor �McDonald _Sudheimet Against MAY 1 81926 Adopted by the Council.......... -------192.---.: Approved .... -- .............. M Ytl¢ a i ( k CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNeLL �� rue No.--- ----- - V�7� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM V PRESENTED _ _ DATE.._:__. ,i_ PRESENTEDCOMMISSIONER—_.. BY18 1926 REsoLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of the Trout Brook Sewer, Contract A, in a cord ce with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the Northern States Contracting Co_, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of t` $473,700.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to ` draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 0582,790.00. F.B. #7107. I ' petition Council File No._......_ �1-VOI PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and LIM1NALtY osu>xss ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thi vo ¢eon" she making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: u Abs=ct areg8 A tiyrit en A apmc ove:3n R. .Seventh St to Beech St with saVPer, water Blld ? oL the 4glioWln6 � �----------------------- and.. j. _.. c,uhtiecici6ne...from ;!q -----here linea_ complete j where-.nat..alreasig--mas%,-.--a.laa---x�2S_and..Eaving- driveway --and alley------ aPproaohes where necessary. Dated this --18------day of-_------------------ May 192.6... Councilma . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERIJAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------------39 Seventh to Beech St. with sewer, water - ------------------------------------------------------------- -- ana gae oonneetions from street mains to property lines complete, ---..... J-_- -----'---.............. .-...... -- -- _w ere-.-z�ot.-already. made-.--.also---curbing-. and pavi $driveway and allay =phr0a-C1LflH_ Whflre Il@as s ------------- ----------------------------------------- -- --- --- ................----•-.- -.1 ........... having been presented to the Council. of the City of St. Paul ---------------------- ___ ------------------ .._..._..--------..-----------_........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 8 1920 Adopted by the Council.......................................................... ............. YEAS NAYS y� Councilman] CLANCY MAY 1 1926 USON Approved. ........................................... l Mc O NA MCDONALD � •'� C"SUDHEIMER -"WEN7.EL ...... ............ ..-::............. ...:: .. ...... vatvT GZZ, gfm CA'ils <� bf Free. lrorgu:oo , .. Petition Council File No..............06,004 OPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT NO 00004 - AbaLraDG and 57i<llbt0pb "6'Itten D"rb1wD Dove euL ..�: ,i�k146 of "hb folk' la mD ovement.l ^`orAde Eleanor 9L'from` TTnderwoo8� Lo Maoaleater Ave., hnvlag 1••-" PRELIMINARY ORDER. genteel to -the C q�tlbt thr°- rr ul thOr3 ' " �'. The utruersikned hereby proposes the making of the following public imJ<irovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: GradeEleanor Street from Underwood Ave$ue to Maoaleeter - .................------------------------I.............------.... -------.._..-- .------- ----- .------........ -- Avenue. - - .............- --- .................... - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ......................... ---_.'..---- ---- ............................................ - ----------------------- ---- ....------_---- 17th May. 1990 -., 192....... Dated this--------------- day of ..._.... - -- - --- - e PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Eleanor Street from Underwood Avenue to Maoaleater _... -- . ----........._---- ._ .. - - --------------------------------------- . Avenue. ----------- --------- --- ----------------------------- ------------ --------------------------------.... - ---- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ---- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- - --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_._--------------MAY..1-.8-.1926--------------------- ---- YEAR NAYS - ,: MAY t $ 1926 Councilman CLANCY oUSON Approved.---------- - - ' HODGSON- �I MCDONALD _. - W ENZEL {ciiig' e Mayor. F. -CA 13 aM�blViaD Ptse, Marktl�ll P Council File No. .......... Y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.•:; -- f�a s No aeonbauaaa and whe[eas�A Wrlccen^: wDal tui t Ing pLfche follawlug. in m ImDraveentut.- ja]pning aiia,tsking an PRELIMINARY ORDER. Y.l�and neceaaary for el;gal,, tis "It goo the grading of HUn i nm ndery nd_..Av to D+3 ,,, F??, Tn, ,� s�.;: � _ .•,.,i„n-�u$%proposes the making of the fallowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoseeary for slopes, auto and fills, in the grading of Eleanor Street ------------------------------------------------------------------- s4m..tiadar�eQQ.d..wex�ue-..Lo aoale for Age..ane.------------ ------ ........ _-------------------------------. . -------------------------............................................-- --............------------------------- ----------------------= - ----------- -------------- Dated this...-..lryAh.......day of.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ---------- .., 192....... ... Councilm n. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning -_and --taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of Eleanor Street ------------- -----------_--------- --------------............ ------------------------------------------------------ .------- .......----------------- ----------------._.. ..._.. fromU --- -----........ ----------- -- --------------.-.....---------------------------------- -- ... ....... - - ----------- -------------- ..------------------------ ----------------------- --_---- -- ---_------------.........----------------------------------.------- ............ ------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._------------ ----- ..__................................._...-.-___-.-.--.---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓MAY 1 B 1926 Adopted by the Council------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CiLANCY MAY 1 8 1926 'FEMeserl---- Approved................................ ----- ----- --------- HQDOSON ✓McDONALD- -"SUDHEINTER-J WEN7.EL .............. ` ............................... i._................------. / Mayor. Fom C A 13 (TDTMYSM00 Pre”. Furaaga.l< Council File No.--.... ---- 6%006 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT C' 8' Nd BBBBBAbetraot . ,�f and yj enol t�Le•Uowfna �masm°I ` 9ff arha; ggiecdt Avefrom mw-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,?iMrkwaY is •P`raflkeon -Ave ha.' - c Presented W iba ,Cdnnpt .e -,• 1_ r. rn 9ats od�Iere by proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Paeoal Avenue from Midway--Parkway_.to -_Frankeon--Avenue: --------- ._ Dated this..-_lTth........day of...-... PRELIMINARY ORDER. 192— WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Pascal Avenue from. Midway Parkway to Frankeon Avenue: -- -------------- --- - ......... -------------------------------------......................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------- ----------- ..............._-.......--......._...............-------.-- ----- therefore, .._therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. °11-4• MAY 1 8 1926 Adoptedby the Council----- -- ......................... ........................ ---........... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANcY HODGSON MCDONALD ---SUDHEIMER 1"WEN7.EL Fo.o. C AIi3•("' ASA Vice Pme- Mertlueon MAY i 6 Approved --- ------ C�i"'Mayor. 5LISHED� g� k Council File No It . Kr sdba7> PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � , �( wH en r6 eqt for tho and �'; $ of Uta iopdW�iC }myrovomeat.� glpg 8n8 taking an @asement _ +" a neaeaegrryy tor, etop9. 4ut� PRELIMINARY ORDER. k fi tfi_,P,�aV In 4ot;Pas�eal fif . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: __Qonaemning.--and-_Eaktng__ an-_eaeement-- in-_the-_land-_neoesaery_-for---slopes- - -------- cute and tills, in the grading of.Paeoal Avenue from Midway Parkway ....................................... ............ -- .-- ............... -- -- . ------ - --- - --- to,_Brankeon: Avenue.------ ..--- - ---- ---------------------------------------------- _-------------------- Dated this.._1"h--------- day PRELIMINARY ORDER. , 192__..... WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 94.n em>a1nS-- —4 talong.--ata---sa.13Qmeat.---in_.the__.land ..necessary --.for nlopea,...... outs and villa, - inthegradin- oY-.Paeoal--Avenue--.Yrvm_------ .Parkway._ --.- to-. Frank -son -_Avenue.-- ........ ........._ -----------------------------..........................._------------.------------------------- --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore,. be ....therefore,.be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 8 19�:.o Adoptedby the Council...................... ......---- ......-................... YEAS NAYS Lam. Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 8 19k, FEH07Mr"`- Approved ............ ................. --------------------------------- '� HODGSON "FMcDONALD j. •�5'UDHEIMIEn "WEN7.EL ............... .. .$ ............. ....... ' Mayor. �// t j3 %Ina Ps•nn. b'Hrv, M10 I� orm C A' 13 (tbl &2L) - 66008 Council File No --------------•--------- petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r u c' F Na, se'Sos— and Abetr�et:; `WI,e%n�i Awettea arvDoehl ai the ul'g op tnn t3llowing fmyrbvemenq PRELIMINARY ORDER. tv ;Pisnt and`proteet sh-tre on gar gent AXe lrotn 9u8 $4 to 1 Av! having bee8+vreeegtea to t j -proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: of the iy of 8t PaW tIIortg68 Commlee ZanauIIgzc.3�Qat._ahade...xreeH...on..Sargent--AYn.....frOm..?ne--St.---tA. ------- 'r-- ....»..yoma�:- .... Priar._Ave•-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .._.............................------------ -----------------•------------ - - ......---- ............---------------------------------------- ------------------..--------------------------------- --------------- Dated tbis...--la........... ..day of--------------------- way_,U46 7f ---------------------------- 192 -.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Plan_.and._prat et._nhade---treea...on--Sar.gent...Ave_..._from-.aue.._St.----to------------------- --------_------------------- ----------------- -------_----------------- --- .............---- -- ...._.._.._......---------------- ----- .------------ ------------------- --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .................... .......................... .-------------------- .---------- ___ _...- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - MAY 1 $ 1916.............................. YEAS . NAYS - - Councilman OLANCY qy 1926 FERGUSON-' Approved--- .............------- -•---- HOOGSON J MCDONALD SUDHEIVER �WEN7.EL ........ i ..:.......... ..... ._............. ..........___..._.. i �y btT 4AI�-Maypr. Form OFA 13 ❑h1'�)71a, ''rnP.l :Roo V 66009 Petition Council File No ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT y and c F ito 6soos=- PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4fltibr Ji.DfiukoG � i trrlttbtl psoyyORnt for Sne" �.p3� Ing of tb6 tonowing imDrovahtaat:,, greHe anex fa;bl u a.`ti.:v nacon•s p�p�;:rrbm w6ee ksean Ave. to Binn- proposes the making of the following Public improvement by the City ;of St. Paul, viz.: -8t. pavtngi'boea pceeented to.*� n of tbo cttr of St Paalkue alley -_in. block-S�__Q._V.88Con�s_Add- from-.VYhite-:Bead._.----- ;�� u t Avet ............. landrau _S t ----- -------- .......'- --..... ----------------------------------------------- -------- ---•........................ --- ... •--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------...._..-------------------------- ...------------------- -•------------------------••----- •----------------------• -- ------------------- ...------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Dated this 18 h - day of ------------------------MAY- -6;; - -------------- ...1 192------• `°• ----------..! .- ------ ----- ------ ----- CouncAm n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - - ............. Grade-_alleyB9aF----- -- Ave. to Flandrau St. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .. -------- .------------------------------ ................................ therefore, be it RESOLVFD, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether of not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓Adopted by the Council .................. --' MAY 1 &-1-926 --------------------- YFAS NAYS ��Inn 1� Councilman CLANCY � ItlEAY 1 $ 1926 ELUWJSOM—� Approved------------- --- -- HODGSON r MCDONALD } '_ �/�UDEEIStEn J _ -,� _.. .._..�....._. ._.....y.. .._._ .WENZEL QtlA1J Maay-o.r. ra.m c A 23 nnUMs)viae Prwt. F"ryaWlt .. - sso�.o ' Council File No ......................._ - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT doio— `. and �anraot y�aa, ;wrtttea DroCvr foF�ovaauath' PRELIMINARY ORDER. at, tho followta8',tmDrL - , a,�* demain616nd tkk6' as easement T Grd1i he 'V. rading' oie eii r uihe making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 3 O, V. Be,con eAdd from R'�'• to(Fl d.rap;SL �n and neCe 8& ..and. -_taking an.,»aa..8zaantb--- 1 -the...1...... 0 ---_----- .............................>°ar-. slaps -r---auta...and._Yi116 --- in--ths__grading oek_. Add.-_from-White_Bear_ Ave. to Flandrau -t. Dated this._1$................ day , 192...._.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.._..................._Q4Rd13._and-_tak3ng_an-_easement---in--the land necessary --------------- ----for' ._s10ye.a.+....oute_._.azta.. #11s. --in... the ... grading--o-f alley---in..blook _-----___------------- ,_G.V..-Bacon s--_Add.---from-_White Bear Ave. _ I --------- ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------------------------------- .------ .------------------------------------ ..._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, -and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5, To report upon all of the foregohlR,gla,ttr%tfg% Commissioner of Finance. - Adopted by the Council ................................ ------1----------.....---------- YEAS j NAYS M�a CouncilmanlC�LANCY ITBt�[y y $ ���� `r'BROUS011 - Approved_-.. ......... r' "• HODGSON I 'd'MCDONALD fUDHEIMER C - , WENSEL------------------------ ---- ................... 7LTw.-2. Mayor. - Form C A 13 (1 N1 �6) •J),te ('+ .". t'.•r,n,nVf,+. Petition .6 011 Council File No---------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Xbstraot..„_ p �4Y, °'�rrlttea-pro oast t`qT:he PRELIMINARY ORDER P of the tollowing; mproy.moat., +, �atNct a sewer `on 8oblyn AVe.' - 40 feet �weet of PaecAl Ave to,th The t5fiue� of ghle ee�Hc 48b teat vht�e making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: All .,�aa..truot-e-.sewer- an Hobl�n Avenne from 40 feat west of _koRg4I---Ayenne-_to--_the--_tergtinua-_pt--this--_sewer-- 486--_fe et --_west... g--------------- "hury.- U enns.--------------------------------- ........... ------------------------------------------------------ ........ - Dated this.._17th................ day of M!F.'--_19E 192. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot a sewer on Roblyn Avenue from 40 feet west of ...........................................--- -- - .......................... ----- ------------------------------- .................-•-- - ...... ...---------- - ........ - ------------ Paeoal__Agenne---to .... he -_terminus ---of-- thia-_sewer--48b---Pesti--west---Qf............... ------------ .......... -.................... --------------.............. ; ------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........................................... ..-.-..----..---.--------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �7—,;81 Adopted by the Council--- •-.............------------------MAY - _t -..----------•-926--- YEAS /.NAYS V Councilman CLANCY AY V t 8 1926 � Approved------------ (9[ - ----------- ----------- -- - HODGSON - -'�MCDONALD ` '.,"8UDHEIMIER a -1VEN7-EL ------------------------ .--- iVl:.Rr..$.BPu_61v1�'?E`19Cr Mayor. _ F— C A 13 oM 395> , e" �3 „ �'tJBLISfiEA ,'1 Council File No ............. j6042" r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and t t1D 'OL w �:r t4hP8 41tyy°M ghieldb AYeo°sieAnt;. ELIMI NARY ORDER. Ave AaY1nk 'bedh pr�$e 'tad .r•: The uni saon or tho Mty o! ie making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Avenue to St. Anthony :Avenue. - ------------------------- -------------------------------- .................................. .... ------------------------------------- ...... - ................. 1..th.....-----..day of 1926 192_._.. Dated this........... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct curbing--on--both-_sides-.-oY-.Aldine__Street--_from-.Sh sIde_._--.-..._- ........Avenue--tO---g----4 t]�Q . ftenuo, - -- ----- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St.'Paul----------------- .---------------------------------- ....._..------...._-..-.....-__..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three ar more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - - 2-] ............ -YEAS .NAYS Councilman CLANCY Approved ........................... ........ M DOSON MCDONALD i ." SUDHEINFER - r =' WENREL........................................................................................... MR. , -PRESIDENT ..Gt Mayor. F°- tin Ia ON 11 ol's I ki BY ---_ CHECKS BERED ______ TO ._ . -4424 146 COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE DFFICE ` SU WENZEL. DHEIMER. ✓-_-__AGAINST - .A -_ /C OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER ,aJ ` ' ✓moi .' S`$ "' YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS. (V) iCyIng MAYOR PER _�. — -- o ____ _ _ _ - - - _ - ' • - -- -- h� r. Vice PrIK. N'erRwom _ ' TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT GENERAL SINKING it TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK N FAVOR OF NUMBER BY SANK V I WATER : LOCAL G ❑OND IMPROVEMENT GARAGE' SPRINKLING FORESTRY .. PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 000 A0 7n 8 n 2 7 _� 1_ 33.-.._-45.--T72..39 '67 7 204 30 _.114 696, 8Q __� I._ ._� __.- 65' �8 II- 12_892 _144 414 _ 28 3 699 .91 _ i_68F_40_ 4424 Lous a 0. ; 60 �� 77 4425 't. Tiliiama 74O; 00lEp 4426 24 930153 24 930 53 92 6 7 0 7 00 i .. D.�l.Boore & Molin Brothers 4427 olav Nielsen I 0 79''50 40 j 4428 creat Lakes Goal & Doak Company 1 58 ! 0 1 594 - 4429 L.c.Hodgeon. Colm'r. of Fin a 46 282'50 £a 19 920;00 19 093 75 9 26845 4430 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. company 2 100 4431 839 275100 Koehler—Hinriohs Company 1939:90 90 ! ' 4432 The Paul Leohler Company 105;10 2 105 10 I 443 Northern states Power Compare 2 5959 j1 3 4434 2 763 µ0 5W 1 2 763' 3t.Pau1 Gas Light company 443c5 I.aebster Yheelook 43150 "Imderlioh 2 00 e 43:50 4436 31grtin 352 2 352 00 I i r I I 1 I I 11 i i I L, j I � i � •I HEFT TOTAL—FORWARD ! 7 000 CO 954 45 4 - _-_ _ —� ',, 303 656. — 90 066 1 68 4�F 120 0 _ -126 a91k� 8 2TF G 7 3 'j +� li - --- 1 Z i ---- - i - 6 - - TiT IC� -0140- 68 _ — FORM D34 1000 7.24 i s :'i:-, -.-.-:-- - r:-.= t._..- tl I TRRtrUlt'LAATE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL u� _________ FILE NO. _ 66 1(�____________ _____ To RES. NO._____],c OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ✓ -- 59- CLANCY, CITY CLERK ( $192d RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM y_FFRG---^_____IN FAVOR ���/ I S� DATA CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF HODGSON. - 192 / ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - ____ _ -----------7g2 ----------0l _ _______. COVERING 7 ;W,,1244 / MCDONALD. N�I�Y t A I _ ____ _. ____192____ Bv_ cHEcrcsEREO ,`', TO.___ — __ _______AGAINSY APP O -� COMPTROLLER -- --�4' �'FYJ6____ SUDHEIMER. A INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZEL. OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER PER IN YES (��) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) A'ngCHECK TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION NUMBER FAVOR OF '+ BY � _ I - LOCAL �' II SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUND$ ACCOUNTS GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING BLIC SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS ,,,,CC ''Crj O / L c� t ,yam-- j�� ; 7 r� _ BROUGHT FORWARD 33- --_TJ _.4.52..39 67 204 ' 0-- __114 .6.9.6 145--PAT-307-4- _ 177 {QV- ____ - .. —"45-1 12-992 ;44 ' -- 414 28 3 699 .91 1- 68.6.40 7_.000 ho 771..13871_� I 7�. _2y1. 442 254 Louiiii 82 60 827 60 I I I — b wm, 7 100 746 00 442 D.7.goore & Molin Brothers 24 830 53 24 gap 53 ' 4427 Olav Nielsen 7749 I r�p 795 p 4428 Great Lakee Coal & Doak Oomp y 1 597NO' 1 584'40 4429 ' L.C.Hodgeon, Colmer. of Fin a 46 2.82!50 19 920;00 18 093'75 8 268j 5 i 4430 Xenay Boiler & Mfg. Company 2775 00 4431 Roehler_Hinriohs company 839 90 g39 90 27500 5> 32 The Paul Leohler Company 1 10 �i�44333 Northern :hates Power comp r3n 2 5ffi98 ! 31 2 5g8 31 105 ] o 4 st.P=l Gas Light Company 2 7663'IECt 2 763 '40 44 Webster 11heelook �+3 i50 4330 4436 M,�rtinunderlloh 2 352;00 2 352 00 i i CO TROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ✓ SUDHEIMER. _..__.y _- AGAINST APPROV _ _ j $ i ra OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ✓ WENZEL _ - ---- --- _ 79 Er -- YES f V l COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ___--- 2 CHECK TOTAL RETURNED - - --. -_ - ALO® PaEa P®*¢aewl �=Uing"- ..... _ ____-_.MAYORIN FAVOR BYDISTRIBUTIONNUMBER ' TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL , BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST O SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS - - - - -' - - --" - - - -' - -.--_ - _ - GARAGE DI's Ip}�I SPRINKLING FORESTRY EVOL PUBLIC SUNDRY BROUGHT FORWARD Mp - 6 t _ eaBUILDING V000 --._ _ _ _.... _-_ 'F -"-:". - ..._ u� R 1 G ACCOUNTS - I- 2283 3 - - 182 90 _ 2 535 2 c75 474;83 24�. 301 0 177 .80 }_- 43 Jos. Sack -- - - 99 544 77� 4377 C�haslotteRo�ert�py 535' 5 7 :3._ 40 091 63 - 94� 41 7 709 g6 283 os. - - - — , - 1—_ 303 63 3487 ;19 o1686 40 ® 43 Ti. A. Pavia I � 5�2 � 43 20 21 502 04 1 3 � L. L. C. HodgNont com,pr. of Fin., 102123 10 971!78 4382 n „ „ „ 1 8 6600 1 Aga bop 4383 n n n „ 5j 77' 24 76741 II . 43884 „ „ n „ to so6�5 io sob�55 j 43g „ n 3 818135 3 536120 i 3 n 3 014170 3 014fOp 110 65 171 5p j 4388 Patrick Barry g �7p 3355 4389 Mary Cunnisn 40! 40'00 4390 Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 3215004 , 35'54 4391 Marie XAtherine Hackert CIO 36;p0 4392 Anna 'sagnar Peitsob 401 pp 40 i 00 4393 Theresa sohuitz 28'28 28;28 43 Hazel M. stegner, Guardian fir 1Dorothy L. 3togner 24130 24'30. 439%g Minnie Wilson, 11dom of i7mi. g« '. 24 92 .24'92 f 4396 lc. M. zengerle 9 4397 L. a.uoag4on. a ars _ " 366 �6 86 4 5 306 06� 907 . 4398 5 306 06 433 to 1 575='62 00 5 aa2 i5e 9 suras Lumber c 379 ( j. I 0 Cerber Reiland Tire Company 771 4401 Kellogg -Mackay Company 359127 4402 Jens, Nordseth5' 165814480 _ 3 ' 00 H. �s. leotrio Equipment comp j i i vu St.Paul ?�llite Lead & 011 C tiny 1 57 7� 95 3414o 41 122 4 440 Victory Printing comprany 159 55 141 jos 11 50, 06 Fe J. Co�oliq 440 Tan Construction company 6 9111;000 1200 7 o0 1Q. M. Hiner 60100 6 91VOO 4409 Peter Lametti 3.45!00 6pip4 4410 John A. ,andquist 1951001 ; 1' 145 0 4 I 1 4411 F. T. oII Brothers Aontpaaq 2925834500 4412 E. T. vebeter _ 29 835c�0 1 441 Te7ers & Mielke 30;00 i 4411 DoGraff Wolff 35100 350100 4415 Martin ?+;underlioh 4416 S. Brand Coal Company 12 0�3�44 12 06 44 7p.� • 4417• Marti Lakes o Coni & DOO$ pomp q 717!78 4418 Martin Auto LiveryCompany $�':.73 8973 4419 Pittsburgh and Ashland Coal and nook company, Assignee 4420 Minnesota Coal company 3to 556 07 556107 4421 Jacobsen Mfg. Company I 3 754'84 H10 00 i 4422 Pat Street810 466 3 tQ x3 OII 1 4423 "'olterstorff Rage Lighting o. 2254143 254 483!50 32 43 3 50 i I -- ___ .. ._— SHEET-TOTAL—FORWARD _7-400_00 771 13�_.. 270 GOlj �3 45 452-3 3. P,? 2p'c1:3 1f4 6➢ 247 3p716�...____17�i. g 3. O 1 }OJC YY-����0.._.. _ �-_swe,a—j..�- 060 40 FORM D34 I O -3 a%3. i r CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 601 TVflP It0ATE To RES. N0.158 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ------- 'A q 66 CITY CLERK R CLANCY, 1.1QY y 1�V RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM p __ ____IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE GOU NCIL --.- - -- - -- -----------I92--- DAT 9 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF HODGSON. 792 s_1.1Z-LS A ________-_____-- COVERING J McDONALD, 1 APPROV _ _._-AGAINST 9 Y�3 CHECKS NUMBERED --k3-75 To -4429 ✓SUDHEIMER. '- -y- CO TROLLER ✓WENZEL. --------- —'-- -- ---------- ----- MAYOR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE CtI/I OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. c^^ ^•`� .YES (\�) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) E_ __ ________ TOTAL RETURNED _ _ DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR BY -V LOCAL t O SPECIAL:, FUNDS ` NUMBER SINKING TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS.. ACCOUNTS '' GARAGE 'fOR7Ml71 SPRINKLING FORESTRY I BUILpp"NG ACCOUNTS CHECKS CHECKS. ACCOUNTS REVdLVING - i end -- - - _— - - - - - 2 - 34 40 091 63 1 450 5- 11 75.474 • 7 ao - --- - — I !±o BROUGHT FORWARD 7„000 99 544 - 42 535 Be01913 24 307 -60 177 I 6 182 907 4 945;41 7 log B6 303 63 3457 1901 � 437 Jos. 3sok A. J. Pizkl �l.eotrio company �3',3� � 283 oe.43fa Chniotte E. Robert am 21 502!I43 20 502 04 I � Davis 43 0 L. O. Hodgson, Oom'T. of Fin. i 10 10 971 78 �I 3 666 '+6 63 4351 ” " " " 1 t� oo i $9 oo I 4 82 " " " 27 53 7i 27 537171 43� n n h 4 91 !95 4 767178 II 10 806;5555 10 806155 I llo 65 171 50 ' 38 46 " " " " 3 818135 3 536120 4397 " " " " 3 014170 3 014170 4388 Patriok Barry 35'20 35i20 4359 Lary Cunnien 40!00 40;00 4390 otic H. Godfrey, Guardian 3j 54 3554 4391 mv4rie K„therine Hnokert3 00 6:00 4392 Anna -agner Peitsoh t}0 00 40 00 43933 Theresa Sohultx 25 28 28 28 4394 Hazel H. stegaer, Guardian f43 Dorothy L. Stegner 430 .24 32 439 fdinnie 1711son, idols of rrm.F.. 11 439 N. u. 2engerlCom1r. of Fin. e 15 306 7 oa68'46 06 06 + `433 jL0 575 �16E I I907.00I .59 1 b I 5 162 4+397 L. C. J3odgson� " " 4399 Burns Lumber Company 77 42 77 42 5 3 359 27 '4+'4+00 Gerber Reiland Tire Company 359 27 4401 Kellogg-Haokay Company 68 48 68 4841 22 4.402 Jens. Nordseth 15 00 1500 34 40 4403 N.t.rleotrio Equipment Comp, 145 57 72 95 00 4404 st.Paul .shite Lead & Oil Company 78 9 7899 7 4444005 notary Printing Company 159 55 141,05 11 50 120 ao J. J. Connolly 120 00 4407 Feyen Construction company 6 911 oo 6 960 000 4408 N. G. Hiner 6o 00 4409 Peter Lsmetti 145 00 145 9 0 4410 John A. Sandquist 190'00 29 935,00 I 1 4411 Thornton Brothers Company► 29 835 001 i �' 250 00 4412 E. T. �ebeter I 25 3�I�� �I I, I �30ci00 I I I I I I l ••�•� •• ul� s'1'�n na T _ _ i.nc rvum BER ED__ ------- TO - -43-71� ----- ,SUDHEIMER, ------ -- --- COMPTROLLER F T- AGAINST INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZEL. :'VIT' PT.. E' A:. COMPTROLLER. YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) PE TO AL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY DISTRIBUTION NUMBER LOCAL B. Um TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IMP KS BANK i GENERAL GOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST CHECKS NEC ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE BROUGHT FORWARD 1 180--5651-45- —4Q -0-91�63 15 538,19 8 --- 74-19-5-1-53 247-30-7--�O- -------177.- -4-9 �O 4346 Irl morse, Attorney for Lillian Danielson 1 100 1 100j00 T. Rueske 4347 309 3309 30 4348 corning-DonohIme, Ino. 9 101 2 9 101 22 4349 Nstural Slnte Black Board i 1 502 5 1 502,56 4350 Osgood, Blodgett Mfg. comp* 9 91919 919 7j5 4351 ROY B. Watters 130 130100 4352 Copp & XoRlska, 205 00 4354 John R. Davidson l4b, K)o 435 Ad -,a Deoker Hstrdware Company T 125 6 11JO5 63 435j F. J. Morse 10 '00 435 North Tvastern Fuel company 959 $59 1 - 4357 Raymer Hardware Company 4 1 4 129 ITS St.Paul Glass Company a 122 435S 8 2 73 4 91 6 '319 Brooks Brothers Lumber Camp 20'54 -61 Capitol Tire & Rubber Companj, i 4 0 Burns Lumber Company 25 1�3 1 10 2 !v362 al "Narehouse Lumber 0 any 110"31 103 W30 32Drano 443 1426 00. I', , — i 0 1 61 Uftandlew SMhAd'41, U'ra- a 970 PO & -4 stol-1 White Lead Mir 'Co. 9 Twin alty Hardwood Lumber CoT 1 6 4369 United Lead Company 4370 John Clary 9 46 IP214 k Flaherty 1 4371 Patrick 10,00 10� 43 10 00 5 h2 Foam= & Company 4, M. i 14!! I. "v?Ao 14 68 7 .- 0 nan Printing Company 120� 07 Joe. xo=vtd 120 00 15 i 00 % 15 00 Cam 'r 43 0; • APPROVE i9? ------------------- - ----- -- ----- ------- ----------- uting MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING11 FORESTRY PUBLIC SUNDRY II BUILDING T REVOLVING H ACCOUNT- --- 7-09! 86 303 -.63 ----3 --22 6 ---jL-.--686 14o SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD -io 09l 6. — __2 45 9 11599 54� 96 ]42 j0jj 31_ 40 t4 0:2 247 307 75 4_7�1 0 41 7 46� rr 6o r 12 1 1 1 1 51 TMRLIFOATE li TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK RES. NO.__3-57^__-___-__ OFFICE OF THE COMPTRJLLER 1� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE COLA NCY. Al 4 5 �, ', T� CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGgTE AMOUNT OF AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM S--3E},-,g(.6_____ __ _ __ _ _ __. COVERING ✓HODGSON. _ __ ___, _ ___IN FAVOR --------- 7 - _ CHECKS NUMBERED__1�3- --__ .DONALD, •. COMPTROLLER ' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �SUDHEIMER, ------ -------AGAINST OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER PE .. ENZEL I,- (?) COUNCILMEN _ __.1M! pIOB p[!L FB rpOan NAYS (V) CHECK ..._ _ __,._ ro AL RETURNED _ _ IN FAVOR OF �NUMBER I i i BY ��'' DISTRIBUTION 1 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK i GENERAL WATER LOCAL SINKING BOND IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUNDS ACCOUNTSACCOUNTS BROUGHTt FORWARD - GgRgGE 6d._ 3 45 63. 15 539_ - ---7_400 I -- — - --1��--5fi5�- --40 991 ;fig � I I 4346 Irl LSorse� Attorney for I -7-4+ 195 -53 -247-.-307-I0- ---x-77+g0 --------- — — � Lillian Danielson 4347 T. F. tiueske 1� 3 1 200100 4349 Co'rning Donohue* Ino. �� 9 59,09215f 3090 4349 NAtural s1Rte Blaok Hoard I 1 50 ;26 4350 Osgood$ Blodgett Mfg. Compsn' 1 4351 Roy B. :latter®9 919 75 43532 Copp & Koalska 130 00 j 1 354 John R. Davidson 1`05 I 205 00 Adam Deoker Hardware C I �p y � 140 I 4 1 00 4356 F. t Morse 160 6 5630 North Western Fuel Coffipany 9Eel� 7 4357 Raymer Hardware company 4 lc 435 Rt. Paul class Company 738 6 ! 4 129 g 4 9 Brooks Brothers Lumber Comp 739 4 b0 Burns Lumber Company 461 Capitol Tire & Rubber Compaq i 25� 20�5�s 4362 Central °larehouse Lumber 0y I ly� 1101 2 4364 crane company103i�j7 364 J.E.Holt Plubing & Htg..Co. 4ft Pater Lamqtti 441 443 Op 4 Mgondler Brush Mrg. company1 970 Twin sit $t; s.eaa a oo: ig�i 6 I 970 00 4369 United Lead a�panynumboa o0 1.7:Li�6 4370 John oiarp 142 469 4371 Patriok Flaherty 101 1'46 437732 M. G. PPrrinting?company 10.00 10'00 T} 14 14 69 4374 Jos. Konnad 115 0 120 00 15 00 i 0 ...................... COUNCIL n� FILE IVO_ �(p�`'�'f/ __ 6-'^0-1 - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAY 81926 -1 __-----__ -192 APPROVE _ t� _______ -_ r /7a MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS 7l111h111 t SPRINKLING FORESTRYPUBLC BUILDI NG II SUNDRY Ri_-_ REVOLVING ACCOUNTS �+ __7_09.86 1 I i 303 63 3 215-16 - -; I I � 94 i63 I � I 90 51179 X04 I� I Council File No ......................... HATIB'YIN6 Ass/L9s)1fIDN7 N i C-.6401s— 'i In the matter oL 4he asseesment of . beneflts,7 costa -andexpenses for radingd slLiy In BIocK 8 Merriam I Park 5rd Addrtlon. 3romDewey l eCITY OF ST. PAUL ~6111AYIntenderlarYl pmt_ 41 olution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for . grading alley in Block 6, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, from Dewey Ave. to Fairview Ave., under Preliminary Order __61314 Intermediary Order 620.09 ............... Final Order...... .... _....... approved_ -._ O QI13--....__—_192_5L. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all r pects ratified, and the same is hereby,ordered to be submitted to the District Cho Irt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the`id assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable t equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. )AA'( i 9 1026 Adopted by the Council.__. _- __ .................. _192 ......... _.. _......... _... _ '#W...... ........... ... .. City Clerk. �t'f ? o l�� Approved—.. ........... _ ......................... ...... 192.._..._ ...... _._....................... ..._ 'i --------- Mayor. Form B. B. It AGUM? i,UBLISHED 4 �_ CITY OF ST. PAUL. 6,�v7 Oft-ICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses foraKe ;i grading alley in Block 6, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, from Dewey Ave, to Fairview Ave., under Preliminary Order- ... ...... _..... 6111 _.__._. _ _.., Intermediary Order _._—_-62QQ.9... _._........ _—_2__222. Final Order ...................... 6Zr5021..... _...... ........... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - $__ 17-0.00,_,___-__ _2 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.. __._. ......... 10 _ �'2.._.......__ Cost of postal cards $-......_.._.._.! 1. _ Inspection fees - - - - - _ _ -$............. _3..e_'IQ__......... 2.10 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-------• �------.----- Total expenditures - - $---17.02......... _ I Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.___._1, i ,.Q2_ ...... _...... --_-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as mayb econsidered proper. .._ ._. __................. ..Form B. B. t4 Com of Finances Council File No..........j:........... _._..I ... .............. f 66017 By...._._... .._._........... _..... _.......... _...... _......... _., i� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Bohland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Highview Avenue, ol- EEmitterd,of, the assessment of. ,x.BachtatndaAne. efrom, Snelling �o Hlghvlew-Avo.,undetYro-: 1'+ry-:Ordor 611Intermediary; E127,`Fln¢3 Order 82467, P:-' •Y Dec, a; - ,370 hearing having been assessment for the.:�y^.♦7r under Preliminary Order.._ 6117_._ .._..., Intermediary Order._.7._ ._ .�9�_.._._....., Final Order ...._6?�37._........__, approved-_ Dec. 9 192. _. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it i therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAY 1. 9 1926 Adopted by the Council_____.-__._.,—____._ ............._...192......._._. 42�... .... _....... ......._ ...__.:......._ ............._.. City Clerk. t�EAY t 9 �$ad� Approved__. . ................... .... .............. _.......................... 192...... r Mayor. Form B. B. 11 IA�to' a l CITY OF ST. PAUL. A OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tba grading Bohland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Highview Avenue, under Preliminary Order............_...._...._�P..._._— Intermediary Order .___.—._. 692 ----------• Final Order ..._._ ..... _..... _63..u3Z--- _................._..... approved ....._.......... _—D4G.:x.,_19.25_.---• D9,x... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-_------- _.__?5.x.35........ Cost of postal cards $......---.—....5_..9�_...._ Inspection fees - - $. 174.56 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $...._—_-2%_•3i�._.._ c Total expenditures $..._8,973.63 . ....-- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_4-1-913A3 -- ----------- - --,----,upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. __......... _-........ .._... _._.....— ..................... Form B. B. 17 Com saioner of Finance. in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs. and expenses for grading Pedersen Ave. from Fauquier St. to -Nokomis Ave., and Fauquier St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave., under Preliminary Order......_W75.__._......., Intermediary Order669860........................ Final Order...33(3. ?............_..._, approved _........ _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ ..... __.__/.._.._...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....__... �!!AY 19 i9d �._......_..._._...._.._...._...._........................ _.._193........_.. Approved.............. _... ...... :..........._ .....................................192....... _ Form B. D. 11 , PUBLiSI�D Clerk. Mayor. No 66018 C.'F.66018— In the. matter of the eesess for -beneete. costs and expenses -,dl _ --- at, toe Nokomis AVafra d Fau 9h:f;om RuthAve. to Peder-! .Nalor ea Ave..under Preliminary Order i,-IntocmedlaryOrder 62660, F=- ""nt' 66301, approyed,.Dto, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs. and expenses for grading Pedersen Ave. from Fauquier St. to -Nokomis Ave., and Fauquier St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave., under Preliminary Order......_W75.__._......., Intermediary Order669860........................ Final Order...33(3. ?............_..._, approved _........ _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ ..... __.__/.._.._...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....__... �!!AY 19 i9d �._......_..._._...._.._...._...._........................ _.._193........_.. Approved.............. _... ...... :..........._ .....................................192....... _ Form B. D. 11 , PUBLiSI�D Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _Agril 20 126+ �gcpc__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for A* grading Pedersen Ave. from Fauquier St. to Nokomis Ave., and Fauquier St. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen Ave., under Preliminary Order 61%5___ ......... --+ Intermediary Order _..—........ 62960__.._._..—___.._—_-�.-• Final Order ...... _......... 6.33.0_4 .... _...... ...................... , approved .___.... ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $..._._..... _..7 t-5.0....__.... Cost of postal cards $....... ... _._1_5P_......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - $_....__10.7..9 ......... �7. amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...... -.-..... --J.v--....... i Total expenditures - - - - - - - $5,.21_r._�......_... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above uscer- twined, to -wit: the sum of $.... t F121..'_1! 4_.. -..—__----•upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ... ---- ....... __ ....._......_ . Form H. B. 17 Commrsst er of Finance. Council File No ............ ............. _..._.--._.._- 6601e7 rhe matter at the eeeasettient 'of T' 9enoffta, coats and eaPeasea for conn. ` tractfnB -o sewer 0d' Graham - 8.t EdBcumha rA V... a Do .Edd. east of Prior Ave:, and oa EdB - eRoad from Granata sk tow: CITY OF .9T. PAUL th. ak, and os L`atrvtew Av Pi's 8n roar at C>rd 9tewar�ti'. resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Graham St. from Edgoumbe Road to a point 130 feet east of Prior Ave., and on Edgoumbe Road from Graham St. to W. Seventh St., and on Fairview Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Stewart Ave. under Preliminary Order -_629-12, Intermediary Order. Order.6_38.5.4-......._...... , approved_.__J� _5-.....�26 lgx _ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it 'therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in -----" -._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council- MAY 1 9 1926 �...__..__.._._........._....192.._..._. - _. ....__................... . ity Clerk. MAY 1 9 1gd6 Approved_.__._..............................................................192...... Form B. B. 13 Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for X* constructing a sewer on Graham St. from Edgcumbe Road to a point 130 feet east of Prior Ave., Edgcumbe Road from Graham St. to W. Seventh St., and on Fairview Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Stewart Ave. under Preliminary Order _.__ 625,?_—._._--..—. Intermediary Order 6.-.=1-------• Final Order _..._.. _...... 630.5}4_. ..... .... ................ approved.......___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $..__._.___...? �_.�......__ Cost of postal cards $............... _1__�5_......_ Inspection fees - - - $_...._......._43_0...._.... - - 2 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...... _....... 5_.. -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $.._4, 2:6.a�Q.....-.._ is Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $A.-2- j -59 -----------upon each andevery lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commies' ner of Finance. Council File No ................ _..... �.._____.__ :; 16020, C. F.'Na83020— the es,esament ot. In f118 matter 01 • henoaxa, cane and.;p>:Penaea Lor con- n¢ef of 98 burst.. -•+r - FGSLaOr:$L4t0 eontn �„-mldarprellminacY Otder- 63993 In-. •. Order63991, order ,rYermedfatY 191261 6!4537,:aPDroved Feh having been fiad A PUwe hearing , the assessmenhaving t for tharaho_ ve h t CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. nmenL en Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Griggs St. from Foster St. to south line of Bohn St., under Preliminary Order _._.._._......6 li Order...63991 .................. Final Order.624327.._..__._—, x....93._.., Intermediary Ol•dcr..._............ approved—.__ Feb.- 9.._..__.-192 6 ` A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_.__.__.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ LAK 1 9 lga�____.__......... _.._192.._..._. _........... .��_.....__......._.._.... _.... .. ...... City Clerk. Approved. vOC�oY 4 1_1$20................... M—AY ..........................................192.._......_ =d' Z'014........_......_....._..._..._................_.......�.{I1 ,Mayor. Form H. 13. It _ 'Ala 0. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Aril_ 20.1926 _, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Griggs St. from Foster St. to south line of Bohn St., under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order - ........ ......... 64j27 ........ _..................... -, approved_.__ ... _...... Feb._9�.-1926-. WA-._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ _926.00 _ _..._... 1.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $._ .. __................................. Coat of postal cards - - - - = - - - $......_:_.___•1�_........ -- Inspection fees $._._.._1'52_............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_-------- __a90_......... Total expenditures �+6 60 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 46 60 ,... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tsined,. to -wit: the Gum of $_.... 9_..._..� ....__. _.._�.__..._.__ benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form E. E. 17 Com ' eioner of Finance. 66021 Council File No.a_...:--- Fr o[ the assessment Of, BY''aosts and expenses for (f 'eunS •a Bawer "f on Hamlin - ctrom :Hubbard : -St'. to a pout ?jet south of Hubbard St.1.11.1; )atnary-Order 63216 Irate meT_ ander-BA383 Final- Ord 26 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hamlin Avenue from Hubbard St. to a point 105 fbet south of Hubbard Street, under Preliminary Order ... _...._63915............. intermediary Oi'del 3992...._......._......._., Final Order ....._64-32�... _.... __, approved 1 eb.9 _-_.__—._192 6 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said `assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT� RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in— v _ l installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. aanv , n .nr.e Adopted by the Mli Approved —__._...... Form B. B. 13 -------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for dtK constructing a sewer on Hamlin Avenue from Hubbard St. to a point 105 feet south of Hubbard Street, under Preliminary Order ...___.__6?_ Intermediary Order Final Order ...__......... _.. 6432.__- ......... approved._._._ ----------- XM — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - me" viz: Cost of construction $_,._.. Cost ofpublishing notice - - - - - - - $._._._..._.1_.00.......... Cost of postal cards - - - - $-._._.__—.__•-1�-- -- 6.9s Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$.... ....... _..... ..__....._..._..._.._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $....__.____.:.9 ...._._ Total expenditures - - - - - $ 35 — Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.58_.06___T__,.._—_upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. H. 17 Commis ' ner of Finance: Couneil.File No._-:_�* .......... ..._-- - --- 6I)tl��+ ((fi�n(� cc�� B at[ of the; asaessml.t of. i By , 6am t s. 4ata _and ax — ;e�for changtn& th. Bradoto } � avta SL •from •Bawthorne $ •Snlnth_ai and Orange do St: a, t 170 St- west of; hlendnta St. to. ?ofnral0 ft- h, 'ef Mendota st..� CITY OF ST. PAUL i�fhoeetoo attached and ma�'.tr. x� Trny)t5 the- fw....tsoar-.i lue Elution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages; costa .and expenses for changing the grade of Mendota St. from Hawthorne St. to Hyacinth St. and Orange St. from a point 170 ft. west of Mendota St. to a point 210 ft. east of Mendota St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also re- grading said Orange St. between the above points, to conform to the said red line when established under Preliminary Ordei_._.-._6116Q............. Intermediary Order.._42.7.7.3._................., Final Order ....6323.6......-..------ ., approved_. Dec. 15_ 192--5.-. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Couneil, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__—_ �C -.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council MAX ! a i22g MAY 9l Approved.__.- ........... .......... ........... _ _.......................192..-..._ Form B. B. 13 .. PUBLISH ED y Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of 'benefits, damages, oosta-and expenses-Ior changing the grade of Mendota St. from Hawthorne St. to Hyacinth St. and Orange St. from a point 170 ft. west of Mendota St. to a point 210 ft. east of Mendota St. to conform to the red line on .the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also regrad- ing said Orange St. between the above points, to conform to the. said red line when established under Preliminary Order ............ 61160 __—._.._ Intermediary Order Final Order __—_..--- 63236---- —---------- -------- . approved _........ _._.._....---'--Deo.15,192�$7�._..—.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Figance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi. tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-------524�z " Cost of postal cards $._. ...____1.02._.._ 22.60 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $....:_... ..... _._.._..._._..._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - _ $._____ 5.-10 Total expenditures $ .�_,�..��.`d......_. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as abo a ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $__!,63 4 .__ _._._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of landAdeemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon j�assjs m/ay�be considered proper. .._............._./ ........._�,_._. Form B. B. tr Com ssioner of Finance. ---- 66023 , .DB.NNAOTI0 N PI :OCE=DINN09CONS' th8-.m tte [ Conde n;ng;nnR }hg.,nn ae8hen[.in the ]nnd Ratifying and Confirming `Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of._..cond.emnng..and .-fairing an.._eaeement .in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading -------.------------------------------ -------------- - - ._._.._..__:._..._ _..- _........_........_ ....... -- . _.._........- - - -- Woodville Avenue from Otto $venue to Bayard Avenue, Kenneth Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, and .................. ........ - _.-------- . -- ..._. .. ........... ..................----------- Sumner Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, .............. =----------- -----------------....... ..... ...........- . - ----- _-------............ .--------------------- ................. - - - under Preliminary Order.._.-621.5............. approved-Jan __ -2.9-,.19-2.6-, Intermediary Order....64Z.2�+_..._.. approved - A public hearing $iwing been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits -therefor, and the Council having duly'considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, YdF$ffi1 3 9C ]E11M1¢hp;fAMU7p Z%%H ..jCand made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and Confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified; and the same is hereby ordered to. be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Befurther o ve he said assessment be and it erm@t i` ned"ya�lle in ................. ------- ---- equal installments as to eac parce of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ---- ---------.... _ 192.------ Approved -------------- . . ........ ........... 192. it CI k. t��tr , 3152 Y .: ......................................- ✓/; Mayor: Councilman Clancy '� Councilman Mr•Donald - Councilman P�t�g Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer j� ,/I;ouncilman Wenzel $ IS[�D ✓ .. �� �� . Me. Vies Pres. Vergueon REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of. _condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ............................................... for slopes, for :cut-8-ana---fills---in grading .. ........... .............. Woodville Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenue, -- ..................... ........................_...............--------------------------............. ------ ..................... ---•-.................................. ._Kenneth Avenue from -0tto Avenue to --Bayard Avenues and Sumner ---Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Avenues ______________ -- ....................... ......---- ........----............ ...-.................................................. - ........................ -•--- ----- Under Preliminary Order --..-b4215 .............. approvedJan.29s..9 Intermediary Order......_6 7 _-.- approved-March'.3....1926 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ......._.:.... CormnWroner of Finance. ---- 66025 Zn t6 tter, of u ndemnaeg and taking;�':aa e e ment In ties ]and neceseaiy 1 slapee. .tor enle and flue', tn'grading ]Montana Avenue: Srom '�Payna Avenue to Arcade. - ,Ytreet,o-.under: Pieliminary :Orddr. 8418:, sDproved Jan E7 1926 ?A� medla oder 6i7E6 a arch l2, 1h public ' uq. ub n Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of -_condemning and _taking, an easement in _the... land, --------------------- .-,--,--necessary _ --. , - necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Montana __...... _.-_. _ ........ _.... - .... - ----------- Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street,. ............ -._.:.....----- ---- .................. . - .__ --- ......... I ... ....... __._....__ .......... ------- ----- _ ..... - _...._......._.__ _ _._ .....--.......--------- -------- ._......._ . __ .. _..._....... - - - - - ' - - ----- --------- -------------- --------- ----. - - ' - ...- _--- --- - --- - -------------- under Preliminary Order 64182 -_.-, approved. Jan 2.7-,3326, Intermediary Order.._.64:726-_...._--:., approved- Mar0h_3,...1926_.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, idGB]E7iEgC&1Ed�1C7tLfeXlldl[p¢Sx7tDtX)!r$9[ and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the sair is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be t f er Resolve sessment be and o be payable in ............ ............ ..equal installments as to each parcel o an described therein. Adopted by the Council....-___...! p'Y 1 9 t9 - ,i.............. - - 192.....-.. 91' ...... I. ...........s.. -- ��Y t Approved... ....... --- _.. ................. 192.. /Councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald -"Councilman Isla Hodgson Aouncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 3i,>so r. Vice Pre B'ersuson - ��gL,LSFIED Mayor. . KMX . McDonald YLMLZSHED r,Xxdoll Sudheimes -- !ah Wenzel t SEEM- M* REEFEKA9imom Nelson Mc. Vi...P-.. P,.rRuwa — ------ --- -- - ------ ----------- REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of an easement in the land ..... 1-1 ........................ I .......... . .......................................... necessary for slopes, for qjAs and fills in..g?� ing Montana Avenue ....................... ..... ..... . ....... _ ............. ................... 19, ...P��e Avenue to Arcade Street, ................ — .................................... ........................ -� . .................... ............... ............. .. ........................................... .............. ................................... ------------ ........... ........... ............. .......... ...................... .............................. ................ .............. ......... ................... ........................... -----------------t-..- ---•--- ................ . ...... — ............... 1-1 ........................ I ........... 11 ......................................... — ........................... - Under Preliminary Order §4182 dJan.27,1926, Intermediary Order 6472.6 ................ ................ approve ...................... approved TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That 'he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed anddetermined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Coifamissioner of finance. rasbi7 VV2 r�eaeee o t id0imllnl la d de s - II i lfor atoy s,-1 r,ggts d Alts In xdin$573DYt ¢Venda from 'N tin - od Awnur ��qq-Gtnlncy at. under r•u7lminary Oi�Eer',.7 ' aDOrovId', =11. M11E Intermediary Order � ,7, 'syDrovOd Marche 9 i6E8 ' y tbtlewh ari B haul S been - - he'tahtj Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. l In the mutter of...condemning and taking -an easement-. in the -land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hoyt Avenue from Fernwood Avenue to Quincy St. ---................ . ..:. —_ -------- _ _ -. - - - .__ .. - _.... -- ._ .......- - ----------------.--- - ... - - ........ - ----- -... _ ......_ .......... _ .. ...... - ---- - ------ ------ ---- --------- under - ----under Preliminary Order......... 64127...__., approvedJan.26,-1926, Intermediary Order.6777......... approved ....... UTO ...9-:1926_.-... i I A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, idhg0�d7t�7tj[eCgdilf�A7tdE&&�7fXtX71i, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the ea a is hereby ordered.to Ibe submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it urther Reso at t e id assessme It is er o be payable in -----------------equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council- ....., 192-------- ---- ------ - -- ..------ ity Cl rk. Approved -AWY L__9_1824 ......... ... ... 192 - -- ............. ... - ...... ------ Acting.. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald /Councilman fter Hodgson /Cjouncilmau Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel lit. Vine Pres. Ferg-ou _� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of._CR.11-d-eM1 -n9_ &n.d--taking:..m.._e..asel anti...ir,.A110...land ............................ necessary for slopes, for cuts and Pills in -grading Hoyt Avenue from Fernwood Avenue to Quincy Street, -- .. ---------......-•- ------ - --------------- -- ---------...... ------.....-•--------.............. ----------.....------ . ......•--..... -- ................... ------------------------------- -............ -- ..........- ..................................... - ........................................................... .........._.........................- ........ ------ .... -- ..--- - - •--------------------- ............ ------............------ Under Preliminary Order 6412.7 approved) t. 6,1526-, Intermediary Order..6Y7.7.7 .............. March 1 -26.. approved-. ..........................�.�... �. . TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement; not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said 'matters. i Gl'�!'.. F ..................... ........................ Commi oner of Finance. m630x4— _. 1 the atte oP weJaad lac tng an a ¢ nt i tha land "' � Bary ror 1 Pee, II Por uta aad , grading EleanoY, StreeT Pram Ps..: ~aat Aveaue td ..Ohateworth- B,t;F' - under-Rrenminary Order 83276, ' Proved Nov. -R6,-;1986 Internr,2t Order' 64,866, aPDroved Feb '.o• A Publlo hearIM, hav[ IuPoa.the tAh�ng'ktid'v ' I Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of:.00ndemning..,arid taking an s eaement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Eleanor Street from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street, -------------..-..-------- --... _.. :_._--- ----- -- ---......... .......: ------------- -- -----.............................................. -------._... _ .. _.. - ......... - -- ....-- . . ...------- ---------- ------------ ---- .......................... --- ......._.:_....._ ---- ------- ................ ........._...-------- -- --------------------- ...------------------ -- under Preliminary Order.....6J32ZrJ- approvedNOV .2541.925., Intermediary Order....�2261.....-._..___, approved....... Feb...3,,1926----...__ . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly cogsidered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, i88LiZi>g&dttig4c9EpFSiglttEt 3X%bHW and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. t th . e a I is er in eb� a le in J _.... a nst met to each parce of I describ rein. Be It ur er Reso a Adopted b the Council.-.; nitt'l S 1926 PY _...._.. ..............:. - ....... 192 - ..... .... . -- - --- MAY 1 9 199- City C rk. Approved__. .... __ ._........, 192------ - ............ .......... .........._...._............... ;lClj'AlMayor. r� Councilman Clancy ` ounci man ergo ,Councilman McDonald i t ouncilman DWax Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ZML SBED� l /Councilman Wenzel y &ir. 9iu�e Yrrsw Fn Tgumoll v� ' �+.:: •:� 66030 � c. r.N 68030 - IA the matter no oondem e a and tak-. Ing, an easement to the neoea- �nrY foi 6110ea, [or outs and fllla In dtng meaRor EL from Pleasant to Chatsworth 8t•, under Pre- �nnry Order. 68876. BDDrovad Nov. '3826` Eatermo lyy Order, 64266, red Feb:: S, 1988. t th, fonowi FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 'In the matter of�eondemnin� and taking an :easement in• theland M neoessary for slopes, for cuts and .fills in grading_ Eleanor. Street from 'Pleasant Avenue _to° 0hatsworth Street,_;_____ under Preliminary Order.—. - R7?_ approved Nov .29.:192 Intermediary Order 6426 --1 approved_Feb _... Resolved: (1) That the following iimprovement be and the same is hereby ordered to_beL;made, viz..:_._.-_-_ condemn and take an easement in the land neosesarp for slopes,,for butsandfills in gradi % Eleanor Street from Pleasant Avenue to Ohatsworth Streets', (2) That the following', land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the', purpose of making the said improvements, viz... the laAd_ abuttin�`uvon Eleanor St s_b"etween the,00ints aforesai@, to the,___ extent shown upon�the plan attached to the report of the 00mmissioner of Public Works in the matter, datedd March 31926 assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the (3) That the above land, lands or easements: therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.-"Y'-.1....5..1$26........................ _., 191 City Clerk Approved___.... ` V R 1191 i . �I •� or Clanc � ,p Yc1)�n�'' l ILSH�� `Sutheimer enze Nelson' 1i kr, viae Prea. NnrArnson REPORT OFI COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON COiDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of... condemning and _-__-_,_--..-„_ -necesgary..for- slopes,-,.for-_cuts__and-_fills--_in-_grad-ung-_E�,ea�Q.r_3treet---__- from Pleasant Avenue to Ohatsworth Street, .......... - .......-------------............... ................................................ ................ .. ---- . -............................................................ -------------------------------------.... Under Preliminary Order -----._6 9751------------ approvecPo!-!?5-J9 5 Intermediary Order. W65 ............. Feb.3,1926 approved. -.-... - -------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property,l, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. coUNta. NO.— CITY OF ST. PAUL was .OFFICE Q,p+, 0 8808 gY Q. ,.C. 8odhelgiar— jj C.1 R6totv0d � t th4 CodadlL on Aot t' cbSoLLh to the ¢ iron -o[ LDa Contract _ ��Lbyldmttkge• to eUiK the -ad a 1 '7�eatrlm Co. 1roM objf tl04 ander PRessraTggar� rSv rinat aid xo sd9s r�i°rdteLaas 4u `l� 1976 COMMISMOt M-�------ _...._.. .. _ ... _........ _ t d: �natnrLait,t'egillred to-ioetall, ...- ^^•8^• �. .....--.._..._.__. RESOLVED That the Council hereby oo nours in the saton.of the 0ontxact Committee in releasing the=Rosecrans;Aieotric Co. from obligation under Formal Bid No. 7085, furnishing all. labor and material re- quired to install complete 89-`400 candlepower bracket lights -on standard trolley poles on South Robert St. from Fillmore Ave, to Concord 8t., the amount of their bid' being9413,427.00, H.C.Streioh,; Superintendent of Lighting, havink.been appointed by the Contract Committee to investigate the claim of the Rosecrans Electric Co,. that they had made a mistake in figuring the cost of this work and Mr. Streich having, reported that he checked Mr. Roseerans� original figures and finds that such a mistake was made, the.; Committee is satisfied that this is a bona fide error (see letters "of,Roseorens Electfic Co. and R._0. Stretch attached). The Engineer's Estimate is ;16,708.00,; and the nextlowest bid $15,883.00. This prooedure has been approved by the Corporation Counsel and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return ` certified cheek given with their bid to the-Roseorane Electric Co. F.B. #7085. �ft1l i!`= MAY 26 1926 COUNq4LMEN fi`✓ : 't-' Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._._...._ _......._,_ _._ ... 192_.._ k-d-ancy MAY,2 6 1926 erSns6n Approved ...... 'Hodgson _ In favor --sudheimer Against on/t ✓Wenzel blr. Viae Yrea FetRaeon �`1� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No; 6""032 fOFE THE CITY-CLERK UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7�DY >�ay:18 1926 _._..._..__.... ....�...:....._...._.__..DATE....._».. .._._._.... ti.. »._»......_...._.... RESOLVED That the Counoil hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding contract for furnishing all labor end material required to install complete 89- 400 candlepower bracket lights on standard trolley poles on South Robert 8t. from Fillmore Ave. toConcord 8t., to the Commonwealth Electric Co,, for the sum of'$15,893.00, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $16,708.00. F.B. #7085. C.R Nb 00098-59 6 Cr--8un hereby roves ad the CouneR hereby apyprover the aotlon I the 'Contract kurnis tuff .In j &.—,I -for _ _ 1 Quirod,t g:alk-labor and;materlat _re ,qulTgd tk• inrtall complete 89 i00 card . ,e!+,OtRm6r hrrflNnt llghta "on rtandard Robflrt -nTc )on;: 9t to .tbe - W COUNCILMEN MAY 2 6 19`16 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council...».. _..... 192....._ /Clancy tAY 2 b 5926 Approved___. ........ 192___ 'Hodgson _ In favor 4--McDonald _ —19�idheimer _D_-Against AcengY'AA OR "'Wenzel ( 1� Y _ V �Ik lilac Pnee L'urnuypa couacit NO..---_ CO3 s CITY OF ST. PAUL nye - OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN-&D BY 1 ' _ DATE__._.._._...__---•__._._._____-....._.__ COMMISSIONER �•�— RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into, an agreement with Dan Slater, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in.the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul on the 27th day of April, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Dan Slater the sum of $30.54 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Pund, in final settlement.o£.his.claim^against said City, being for the period up to and including May 17th, 1926. 'F,;No 80083,=•BY S B: .M CtrDonald '�I Resolved, Thnti th8 proyar olty oRt, . �cerahra hereby auihoklabd to anter In j recommend the above resolution to nn; AltraemSnL; wltb Dn&9lateM pre lvultb%:ok xhe D4YatQgt,of popl60L;_ - for passage. o hlRl,l<t the,rateeot'317.00.per. �rybek tdnrlpggaub1t(( pfae ha:ha hall-b6. tdtally d1saDled;;bY rbaaon,Of Ihjnrleaf received � b[a1-wpilb In'°tha•ea1p16Y' thi. a DeDaktmaP.t Lo Pgb)!o thL 04y ,Of; the.�Clty9ot SA Ynu}�on'2he,R4th dqY ot: - AD)it, 1938 be it - oarther teaolYed That an accor8-f - ano,'4ofn a eelt 4y�yOoJ)y' a'-:th0 bYolter. e1tY'bfftoara ark herobY aulhgrlaeQto. t]Omm1e810neT of Public Works. pay, o:1 the Bald-_D n Blater';he 6amof� #20.6# tton oat o[;the Wtlrlpmen'a CoalDah snA.cbount;:ot;iha genbrhl. Fugd, fn final settlement of hl�;gl4.tm dgAlnbt. said. CUY; lletng for Lh0 patlod' up • to and',-tabigd3a$rlfiaY. Y7th, 18288 tl3opted bp. ilia Cagrioll MAY 10 1624:. •'.iliproved MAY 18, 1928. '- .. Y� COUNCYLMVN Adopted by the Counc*A 1 9_19;4 -..... lg2-__. Yeas Nays IClancy 91926 Ss°`1�J2 � . 4...Jn Appove ./Hod n favor �? . keDonala --� ---- •----•-•- --•----- /Aflfrrllf`MAYOR -§udheimer !Wenzel YUBLdSHED_.�_.�.� ,- ✓i�rIMs" �uaaua i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNca- No -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '• COMMISSIONER LGt�� / DATE`...___ .. RESOLVED That the proper a ty officers are-hereby authorized to, pay to Louis Fay, an employe of the Department of Education of the City of 8t. Paul, injured February 20th, 1026, in the course Of his 'em— ployment, the sum of $60.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Ac— count of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said city for a 25% loss of use of the fourth or little finger of the right hand. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm ssionerof Educe ons.— Y Fetguson— r e are-h, That the Drover A. -p o,t. cera are hereb"y,xutkorof,t to spa to enc. o;f--Edgcai on-o to th6'iCit y off atv tourslolnred",-Feb, 20th; x898 'in the; course ol,rits%omployment, Ahe eUhal of 180.00 oat of the Wbrkmex'e Cotuvan cation Acebunt!pf th4 taeneral Fund: In fin -, settlement :of ::his' olatni, aaalna eaid'cltyagr x loce of vee - .of the fourth or, nul anger .of, !he)I rl8ht. h.a _ Adopted by the Council Meq 19 Anprbved Mayl'1 1898 3May COUNCMIEN MAY 191926 Yeas ' Nays Adopted by the CouncilMAY .192.._.- Clancy MAY Y 91926 Approved . -... /Hodgson ? ...:.In favor �'MeDonald mevoa , 9udheimer ..Against "'Wenzel Mts:Vice Ynm varuuecn CITY OF Sr. PAUL r`�itiNC1L NO.-.-.-- OF CE OF THE CITY CLERK O CIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__. DATE_—n't..,Flr_}._.1_Y_a RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase,.with the consent of the Comptroller, 12 "Watch Dog" Compound Type Cold'Water Meters with Companion Flanges, at a total cost not; -to excedd $2,352.00, without asking for com— petitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. C.F Nb; 88036-$Y 6.-C."8udfielMer--i - ReaolvnM That the;'Yurchatfng�l Agent ba.-and'.he'le, hereby duthorised=! to rpAlCtiV1th-the consent oL`th$'� :Comptroller1M,- fI8 "Watch Dog" CCm-' � Donnd. Type,. 11 ,_Water ".Meters _ wltri- Companion T+7angeo, ata total cost -hot 'to�eSceed :f 2.382,00;. without Aahtng for' - dempetitive .bide, ae -.th , ars-:pat- ' ented articles°and no ddvsntage. Could --. he gained tbetebY Charge Watei De- - " - parttnoht Fated; AdoDMd by thA Cobncll May 19, 10E8.: Approved May 19, 1938. fl :, (May 38-1986} COUNCILMEN MAY I o 1926' Yeas ��i Nays Adopted,by the Council ................... ....._. ._..192...... 'Clancy 9 1926 - - Approved... /Fiodgaon�?......In favor 'McDonald `'' �..... - - ...:..... MAYOR x dheiraer ... .....Against Az't Wenzel pp$IdSIiED i. Vies Pru& Form"— CO�J� CITY OF ST. PAUL �¢UNCIL NO......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCILR//{O/A/t7J�J1/TIION--GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BYC Comm 10 DATE RESOLVED V7hat the Commissioner of Safety be authorized to send Mrs Mary A. Smith, policewoman, to Cleveland,ghio, to attend the International Conference of Policewomen and Sooial Workers, May 24th to May 29th, 1926, inclusive, and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a'warrant for one Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in favor of Mrs. Mary A. Smith, payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Item Fund. C.F. No, 80038- Publtc }YBdetyabe tleuttioriaedsdo send . 'C,evolanAy:Oh(o, to, attend they Int ro -.� �:--natlohal Conference. dr Poneewomenl and 8oclal Workers,' May 24th to May? 89th 1828 ; bicluelve, and that' the DroQe cl y nf[Iceka are'heteby author -,I - laed mdraw?a warrant -for OneHun•. died Dollare`(0300.00).4n favor of. Mrs:, `Mary A Smith. DaY en Ole- out -,,of the i Mlseel,aneous. and - Unforese'item - 'Ado rove -the CounC11 May 19, 1928. I rove 11 - YMay 22-1888) "NCILMEN Yeas Nays "Clancy ,/Hodgson In favor McDonald O1 Sudheimcr ................Against /Wenzel Mr. Vive.f."", Ferguson Adopted by the Council.M AY._1._9_192#..... -.... 192...... Approve ... . ..1..9 1�2h------ -------192--•--- wdM•.�..MAYOR PUBLISFIED • �• ^ - CR . CITY CpLN OF ST. PAUL coos NO ---------- 7:71.�,�, OFFICE OF,THE CITY'CLERK =COUNCILLdTION—GEN 'FORM 'pRf?BENTED BY, :DATE_ COMMISSIONER F"1 RF�ED . Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to'the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of.the -City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes'of his department for faore than eight hours per day, said em- ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT 'RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the.rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set:.forthz Name Title Hours Rate of Over- Anton 1tosik Laborer 2 time @ .45 Thos. P. Maloney Laborer 4 G .50 �C: F.rNo 88887—By 8'.C. Wenzel _ Whereas the--:Coc�mleeIo0er. et the - DeDaetmant at•,.. Parka, •Playgrouvdo and Public 8ulldinga.ha9TeDorted'to. the. Council ahoo <-T •Sea - tlofi•'68 of tl" Clay Charter, the ezfat., ecce �ot.an emerge 1. ,which rendered Inecadeary tri; tomplaytment t certain- employee ot�fe::depor.daat.Saldmore: fhaa;:elght hpurs, Par d_thenld rem Ployment. being. more tkan . theid ore vauao -ot 'emDloymanE: � • - ore ore .�a IC-Resolved; That .the tropes alta! er:tre3ltereby au ergol ye t0 Daq, the following named; for, eyee, .at pl Tata othelwlae- nzed- toz"8rtra employment-for ;the eztra tfine K a lk set -forth.', , - - 'Aaron 8oalk, _ Taborer, .2'-.hours at I.ThM.P. 3tatojiey Laborer i hre.,at 168 t. Illi Adopt d by;hsCopnefi May 19 1928. •Approved May, 19 1928 iMap 22 1988) — CouxcualEN MAY 1 %1926 Yeas - Nays Adopted by the Council ..- .. - --------- 192.. Chwcy , Y.: J92 - 'Approve .-....- Hodgson --._----In favor �/Budheinter . ...... Against /,Wei' WMLISIMD ;l�lro'V1Ao hTeem. F r Qtg of ot, runt Departmoitt of, Parks, Flaggrounbs aEORl:et_ MASON. aribUklirUiibittgt3 8�. OF r- HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, IRVINE C. PEARCE. OMTVe1f COMMIa810NaR SCR. OF ft --e PRANK X. TEWES. O"ICS OF COMFAl"10Nmt - CRY AaOaielCe 219 COURT HOUSE 'Oslo@ k m May 18, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes'of that Department for more than eight hours, per day, in the doing of the following work: Election work. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Moving election material Yours ve y truly, Commissioner. asceatfan RAPS to make settee CRIZ oa CITY -OF ST. PAUL rCOitENt>K.�.J N0. IJI� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED a ,M" ` COUNCIL — , RESOLUTIONGENERAL FORM COMMISSIONF2_:_ RESOLVED, Tbat the time within which the petitioners for the 'vacation of the alley in Block 22, Desnoyer Park Addition, may comply with the conditions of the resolution vacating said alley, by Council File 65441, approved April 15, 1926, -be extended to and including June 16th, 1926. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the bond to be filed by said pe- titioners, fixed in the resolution vacating said alley at the sum of $2,000.00, is hereby fixed at the sum of $5,000.00; as a condi- tion to the foregoing extension o said resolution. Parx-. ' cBoanldd>lt8l1o1neYa Droged-'ADri1i6L - and.,lnaludlhg, , filed tb flied the-re9olntlon: the:9um tImBVvlthl Bald!"aolutlon. Adopted, ADDroved� Addluon.' may t atriG trevlmtplay w Ceunec11'-Fle-86441, 1988,31e ,ertende¢ Tuan 18th. 1888:. byd ', ald p,-ThaGahe boad btiOn " patng'B ld axed vacaLtng sal¢ alley ot, 88C,r0-'a060.00% .0f0o7 haesraby,oloHt ftragoing onou „Wblch` to cplhp)Y, v by the CounotlMay-19, 1. Slat" 19 1986. (Meq 88.1828) COUNC di EN Yeas Nays Clancy $odbreon / McDonald 2udheimer / Wenzel ......�._In favor ......O..Against sal:; /Mr. Vion Pros. Fnr rnM)A! f time within which to comply with Adopted by the Council....... WY.1.1-199C.192 1990.192,..... MAY Approved... .......... . -------- ---------- PUBLISFiEIf �"------- MUNCIL 66039 CITY OF ST. PAUL ME NO --------- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL R�ESO-LU�TIIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED That the Council ereby approves the action of the Contract Committee In awarding the contra shing all labor and material for the construction of addition and remodeling of the Hammond Occupational School, less mechanical equipment, to Perry A. Swenson Eakanson, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $82,595.00, under Item A-1, in a000rdanee with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract her attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate $82,000.00. F.B. #7077. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy r Hod own- .• --.---.--•In favor McDonald $udheimer ................ Against Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres. Feransoe MAY 1 91$29 Adopted by the Council..---... .........192...... Approved -- ..............192...... ...... .... (TLri AYOR.... PUBLISHED__ _„f CITY OF ST. PAUL' rusNO. - ------ 660-40 FFICE` OF THE CITY CLERK %� - L RESOLUTI ENERAL FORM %G / Iia 1 1926 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — RESOLVED That the Council hereby 'approves the action of the Contract Committee in awardingthe contract for institliipg Heating and Plumbing in the addition and remodeling Of the Hammond Occupational School, to Theoe '1. Anderson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $16,917.00,, under Item A-2, less $80.00 for the use of American Supply Co, fixtures, under Alternate !W, making the total amount of the contract $16,837.00, in accordance wllth plane and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architedt's Estimate $17,,940,00. F.B. #7077. ---------------- C F No. 69949-8y L. It,& Fesgueon— - Resolved That the: Caunclllhereby aYDroti ea -tire, action of the Contract commRtee. {a , n atd{ng ,the contract for ;Insttgainng.-$atlaB and . Plumbing M.n In, the.addltiontand remodeling: of ihe: $4=nT'. ': Cc6n}iational"'Bohaol,• to Theo: T:; Anderson,'he being the low= 4�flt reeponetb7q bidder for the rum oI 0' for7th nnder'Awer Maki 'for'tbe nee ot', Alt4r d BUDpI'i Co:; llfct h6 ; under:: njtgrne.te= ''n inakih ahe fetal satobnt of , the, c6a Vlane anfls9Dec18760ndatme bn file lq: the oQlce of 7thb 1kurchasldg Alien anB thelr,bld'and awa"t$: of edntraat•;hare-. to' attached„. and.;rhe; Corpoeatlon" Counsel,„h6rab' inatrddted, to'-draw nG the .groper'form--df contract:thawe tor. ArClin6dte8Eetimato 517.949.96. AdbDtedby the Cogncll biayA9; 19981 APDroved MaY.19.:�1939. '. E2 926 - COUNCILMEN � MAY 1.: 9 It* Yeas. Nays Adopted by the Council ............192...... Clancy 91'S 192 f .,r Approved.-•- •- - - - -$odgson ................ In favor McDonald R.M ” 1'.y MAYOR "8udheizner ................ Against V r' Wenzel . PIJBLISI�D Mr. Vice Prov Frn ` CITY OF ST.. PAUL muNch 661777.1 FFIC E OF THE CITY CLERK C L RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM NNER___.._M_.��_.--..0.•-.k926COMEf O _ RESOLVED That the LOuncil ereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the -contract for the Roofing, Sheet Metal and; Ventilation installation in the addition and remodeling of the Hammond dooupational,Sohool, to the,0apital City Roofing & Cornice Works,:they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $8,932.00, under Item 4--6, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached', and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper , form of contraot therefore Architeot's Estimate x$,880.00 . F.B. $7077. �C F No. 86041 Ry L R. & iirg Lh . �Reehlved'. Tbac tha'. Council hereb§ approves the action of the Corittact that Commlttea: m awardlhg Ehe contrAct� _ for the RinitaRg ion e, Metal aadmen= and. re ';Odetapatlan a;ln the-;addttfon and. reinodeling of'the ilammorid 0& onDado11a1_'8choo1. t0 the -Cantos! "Cit Rooffng.lt•.Coraioe Work§,-they'being the-loweat:reaponaible'biddeta; for oho eum ,ef':f8,8E200, 'uridet;tam 'A -B, tti acsdrdange wtth. Dffiha and apeetdoa- done on ,Rlo,in tha office of the: Pur- . ohaeing AgenE • and' their " btd and award Ot: confsact-ttereta. attached, - - qnd tha C,brhoraIlep Qounael ,fs,:here- .by instructed 'to•dtaw Up the prober form 'of, Contract ;thoretor gschlr ' teot'ti -�+78[lmete f8.E60.00. -�8l S$: }N'oa Ado}ft0d by thb G'oUdell May 19-` Y9EB.,I ADDroved May I9 :1926 COUNCILMEN - MAY 1 9 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ......- ---------- Clancy -. ---Clancy Y 1 9 m6 .Fergneoa.--- b Approv - ...--------..192 ._ Hodgson .In favor ... . "McDonald0 (/ MAYOR ,/$udheimer .......-....Against XWenzel P'U13LIS .Tu[r.� Vine Pres. FerReesu CITY OF ST. PAUL a3uncu.NO. 61 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By May 191826 COMMISSIONER.........._.. ......._..._......__............_... .. ..._ _....... u...._..._....pp i ......Y-. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Cont raot Committee and awards contract for gradigg and. improvet. went olock 2, Adam's'Addition and Block 3y Macalester View, from Asbury Ave,'to Pascal AVe., iri`agcordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to, E. F. Hueske, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $637.00, and the Corpo- ration Counsel is here -- instructed to -draw up the proper form of contract therefor. -Engineer's Estimate $762.00. F.B. #7115 ICggsa ved,T 8 hA 8t1ie� Counoinl her by Ibbncurn in rtl{e�; recotamendntlbn ot. thti Goatees[ Cbmm(ttee >md" rdYemen6 ci'. trnot=SorISradlhB AdAm'6�. A,$ditlon aR$.. Alley:.in Bloc4,:9. --Htoclt 8 i 98Elaleeter Vlety' from An': bnry ,, Avo ,�to.P�ldcRl dvb.i';'in nocbrde; ante ; wlth,- glans and nDeot4patlpn+t hetetp attdched:: to E 'P' HeenkO he: bei»6 the lbweept respponsible blddpL; - tpptthe num eR183700 .np$ the Cor-. ytiratton Coonpneo to berebj; IpsttDcte$ [O-:dYocd Up the bYODer corm oT bptt- tksot riberaior:.- ylnsineeYe Eatlroate . - :769 p8 F .8, No 7118 _ ' ' A�oPted bY:'Uie CohLLoli 7daY 19 1998 YipDroved bray 19 1998 :. COUNCR,MEN MAY t 9[926 Yeas e" Nays Adopted by the Council..�.�._ ....__. ....._._ 192_._ Clancy P.... 9 92% Fergxeetr'� Approved...._..._192__._. ,,—Hodgson In favor "McDonald fSudheimer ` Against t�AV MAYOR o//Wenzel PUBLISHED____� �I5L-asr7�–a= !/ Mr. Viae Pran. IreYQueon CITY OF ST. PAUL "c" NO. 66043 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,PRESENTED BY Ip _ .9S.E_..._....».._. COMMISSIONER^•--...._..._._...._...._..,_._........_.._.._...__......_..... �.AT....— "•Y--"` RESOLVED That the fjouncil hereby concurs in the recommnedation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for' grading 'alleys in Block 3, Lane.Hospes Addition, from Magnolia St. to. Jessamine St, and west alley to east alley, in accordance with e plans and specifications hereto attached, to Garrick Bros., for the sum of $1,1�000.000*and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. -'Engineer's Estimate $1,166.00., B. #7126 IC. F. No• 54043--$qJ.: H.' $fcDonald-- Iconcuruyln the rtcomthe dation of the, Contract committee' and awards; eon-, Ltran! for gradin66 alleYe 3,: Lane Hosyee A{ldWon,:from O,ragnoila We,St. -and west alley. ,to enet alley :o80f.6=d1,1�6tto0d ,`p:.BDeid' kwnca..mcncoardance ro.,for th00Coiidi6a.w;t: iaiottnhc Counaet 1Q hereby inetracte¢ Jr,rA uti the yro, $or ,Form of contrite 'there. ,. .for':"?ngtheer's Estimate j1,1A0,00: .. - ' ,Ado02ed by the Copnsil Meq 18 "1086,` '-.ADDroved:.-May 10:,1080 - :;(May 48-1828) .COUNCILMEN MAY 1 9 1926 Yeas� Nage--- Adopted by the Council_.___.._ __192_ (Clancy y 9^19(6 ~ ,.... _ Approve .. .:.. ....................192_._. /Hodgson In favor McDonald 'Sudheimer _Against '%Meson /enzel PUBLI �__e Mr, Vtoo r— ParIM11011 t � �j n CITY OF ST. PAUL cls NO.__y�"4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM PRESENTED BY .. COMMISSIONER........_.._._._..:.::.._.......�..._....._._.. .___.»: _.._............. DATE......W.aJC--..�....-. RESOLvED That. the Council hereby concurs in the reo mmendation`-of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction` of a sewer on Juno 8t. from Cretin Ave. to a point 60 ft. west. of Cleveland Ave., in acoordanoe:,with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter`Lametti, he oeing the lowest respon— sible bidderorthe.sum of $2,720.80 and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up theproperform of Contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $3,600.00: F.B. #7112 ��fi'B' No 8884; By f ggMcDonald— That the Coaneft hereby - ooecurs in the heel eudattori of ;the, 'Couttflot [!ommittee. aad:-aWsrds" Cen-. - tract tor' the,,eoa.trnetlon of.fl sewer on duan W: from Cretin -Ave. tu'. a `. - polat 88 v iic wei t of t7lBveland 'Ad-e., fnsaotordante'with'plana and eyecid-y 'cartons hereto' 'attaaGed„ _'to . PetA - - 3'mm8tft he,.tiefn6 iha .lowest-tesDA Bible bidder, i19r, the 9Lm, ht and tug Corpnratic CounsaLle hereby tn6trueted todrtiw u$,ahe proper taint' PrIcontract "tLeretor. �Daglneer s Eett. mate is,000.00. a ante: 711a '-Adppted bgahe Coanbil May 19,,1$28. rVe -39--+1926 �MaY 88 19,x',61 COUNCILMEN MAY 19'1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.......... »..._... _ �.._ 192_._ �lancy Approved. .............._..� ........192___ odgsonTn favor .vlcDonald Sudheimer Against7 MAYOR._ rWenzel PUBLISB EID ltir. VIOn Pres. ,Pargnson. ( ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ooueea No. FAA OU OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PENTED BY a�sy 18, 1.926 COMMISSIONERRES;•--.:.._ .._._..._....__..._.._,..._ , DAT..._._................__.............._ ; RESOLVED That the.Council hereby concurs in the reoo endof$lon of the Contract Committee and awards contract for 'che'oonstruotion of a sewer on Roy St. from 120 ft. north of Otto Ave. to. Saheffer Ave., in -aocordanoe with plans and specifications hereto attached, to DeGraff-Wolff,.he-being the lowest responsible ------------- bidder, for the sum of $1,158.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1,534.00. F.B.'#7113, C F. No. •080#[i—B9 J.,�E(• 31eDonald iteaolved,-That 'the..Conacil her. it - coocurs in the recommendation of the - Contract- tha xopstructlo award§:'conr m R for the Con120ft:lo pt a'sewer+, 'tm Roy et;:mora 120 ft."th a6 or Otto - Ave tp So�aGex Ave:c.fa accordance - with glans-Cand�'eUeolBcattona: hereto attached; . to 7onsiR`• WaIR he ;aptag 'she ]o.V3sn re o.'htl '-Didder';loC. the 'ewn nf.. 16T1haiW ' .1h the Coiyoratton. Eoanbel, te;-hereby.inagkucled- �up the gkoyybT f0[M bt'tlohttaot there., Eng(tieeYe Eettinate 21884.80. := Adapi$d by the Ctltncil May 18 1920: -� Aggroved i(May 881888) COUNCILMEN Yeas MAY 1 9 156 Nays Adopted by the Council_.__...,_... p AClancy, Eergserr 9 192.6 ee�Hodgson In favor cDonald Approved ... 192---. i1 - ;__8udheimer Against Afr % rawoa enzel 7Mr 'Pt� 4 � A CITY OF ST. PAUL Fox COUNCIL NO. 46 `- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �.AT Maw 19, yr 1926 COMMISSIONER.».........._. _..._.__..»._......._......_.�__.__...__._.._._..__................... ...... ._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommendation of the: Contract. Committee and awards contract for the.construction ,. of a sewer on Harvester Ave. from Phalen Ave. to Trac-t-St.,-in aocor ante with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Herman Huebsoher, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,795.00, and the Corporation Counsel is 'hereby in struoted to draw up the proper form of oontraot therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1,950.00. F. B. #7111. C F: elv 68018=Bq 1 H:, neu here - Resolved . Than, the Cousin hereby Con tia In t118, tteb a d, dwon of the Codtaet Cammltteh .ands :awards con*- ttaCL'tpr tha.edhatrvetlod, "eta eeWer' on 3larvdr•Ave Xronv Phalen AYe:- -to .7Yaoq, �. Ir4socdtdanae., Wath Diana; a$d, epa olleatlgna hereto.>attaohed to; ,8 t^,';eappoonglb7e ECdd r,for ba 14, oX 786 09 add th9 CorborAtion, CDun-. seI as hareby:rinetruhtgd.,tD draw uff the;{iroped. io;io at nontract Wer. orM t7dginaeie Eatlmate_'$1.960,OQ F 13:.- pLo.a+71t1. AOOptee` Council' Maq 19 1928 „ Approved: Maq 14 1888: -(Dfaq 2E 1928),' COUNCILMEN - MAY 1 9IVA Yeas % Nays Adopted by the Council _..... _ .....W:. .� Clancy Approved. ::.. _? ....._.... ---Hodgson In favor /McDonald Sudheimer Against _ �I+I MAYOR Wenzel '= c CITY OF ST. PAUL rixum Ca. NO. --AM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM : PRESENTED BY RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the reeommendatitn of the 0ontract,Committee and awards contract for thus construction bf a sewer on Warwick Ave. from Randolph St. to Niles St., in a000rdanoe w h plans and specifications hereto attached, to DeGraff Wolff,' he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $11585.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,115.00. F. B. #7110. L` F 04T McDonald— Ras That the Councir hereby' cotton a recomme datloa of she' e ntract ommlttee and nwarda cop, - Traci tp; tb0 conatructlon `o[";a. "newer ort •Wet rloK: Aye: Yrota Rabdolo . Bt. to ,Ntlanrt3t..,fn pedordance; i9lttr 14 no pool Ila a"'hereto 'attabpedI to AearpR. R'o'd!,•" he;,beiag the' IoweeY renponmhle bidder Yoi^ the am, of- iiI; 86.00" and"tha �orpor8tI :Qou, 38 hereby (ba ucted to draw up„tha pkoper.-,form otlfcantraot -therefor. Engineere Eatlmate ... - ro Tx0. ” Adopted byy the Coarall MaY'19 1928. APDroynd MaY 9; 1928 (May 98 3928) COUNCILMEN MAY 1 9 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council--—.,..-.—-___ Clancy _—.---.__ 192 ApprovedV.. . ..............Hodgson In favor t McDonaldSudheimer (� Against (Wenzel D» �ruroa ' iteY Vioe'E J::-T`<:^t'.CrbA CITY OF ST. PAUL 3COUNco- NO._____6 �C7 vx.a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CMMISPREMISSI O E M 19 1926 SIOONER^_— ...�.._._........_...___......�..�.-__.__....»...___.. ..._.». DATE._...._,�Y..........-i---•_._.. RESoLveD That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of tha Oontraot Committee and awards contract for grading and improve- ------------------- ment of alley in Block 1, Hankeets Cleveland View, from Kenneth Ave to Prior Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Garrick Bros., they being the lowest respbn sible bidders, for the sum of $350.00, and the Corporation -w 5 sel�is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, Engineer's Estimate,$495.00. F.H. #7130. �i,''.~-F No. 88048-8y J. I3.'EfcDpuald yji , Resolved, TI at the Council, herebI Ctrontract Comm2ttee and':"awards,eon- act for grading and linprovanent:of alley ln',B100W 1„ Hankee'a C18Veland View, from ,'X6nneth' Ave. to, Wlor Ave, to ' accordance, with Diana d�agd sb013%t1ona hereto attached ts to ar= rick Broe,� they being the lower! re- oponsible .blddera, for':the sutn.^sof ESBDOD and Ahs Corporation Counsel, 3 -:p -rel <instruolod,to .draw up' -the proper, t0rm; of, oontrnot therefor. Bngi"neer'a, 'Stimate sos d'o F._ -.B. - IIAoby "!he Councfl�.May i9 1928: A11prove Drove0. MaY 19 1828. (ESeY 22 1828) n COUNCILMEN YeasNays Adopted by the COnncil_...LV1L•.1.I. 1 t✓� Clancy, _ Approve 1 1§20 192 _ _,Xodgson In favor McDonald v'�Sudheimer l Against _e••��.MAVOq "'7 r /Wenzel CITY OF ST. PAUL M. No. _6lill4.`' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER-.- ....—' .-......__......._.._.::........_.._...__ _..._.......,:.�...,,_.._,,.TE_-May 1926 RESOLVED That the Council hereby conours in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading Hyacinth St. from Kennard St. 'to Flandrau St., In accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Martin Wunderliah, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,049,00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $2,514.00. F. H. #7128 IC. F N 8049—BY J. -1i.r M�DonAld+= . 120901 That the Coune 1 hereby. C*ncarh�Yh seeo�mmdatlon of the Contr6dr $'dtmntttge andaWarda ccs•. tract 81ng8yaalnth >9t. Mrgln K0.na `to ,Flandrau nc ,.1h, ac -f cpprdancd`v ItLt Dlane '.and apacl8ca tfoha hereto[; attached to 3iartlnl Wbnderhob'`h0 "being t�te Jlb eat appnafDl7.e hI ter,, for, .the sum, ;8,4900 and;"rhe, Corporatlgn' Counsel .Ia,hereby,Inetruuted,,407, dray uy,^tD¢; Drdper Lorm,;' 02 coht;aap�,t therefdr- �EngineeYa Eetfmate ;8614.00 F B� Nd. 7129 ' - Ad Dt. by tha Lbancll Approved May 18 1928:' , (MaY 88 1980). . COUNCILMEN MAY 1 91926 Yeas /� Days Adopted by the Council—___.....— 192.. Clancy AP:3— _. F .. ` ..........._.....192_...... '/Hodgson In favor' McDonald _udheifner Against �C�r . MAYOR enzel PUBLISF3ED °'"''� s Mr. Vi1w Pros. Ferguson CITY OF ST. PAUL ooLncn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY `COMMISSIONER_._..:...:.... _»:... _...._._.-..:..._.. __.._... ....-.__ ..._..__........._.». 13, .. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contra.ot Committee and awards contract for, grading and 'improve- ment of Beechwood Ave. from Macalester'Walk to Snelling Ave.',; in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Owen Keough, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,196.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form or contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $1 713.00. F B. #7118 C M91V C8B8'O=BY S •$. McDonald n eera j Thal- the, Council hereby codcura In the• recommendatlgn' of the. Co+Strggt �oaimi/tee and,,"gwprda:cop.: iraet;ior gredla6aagq ,Improvement of Heechwgod Ave: from htaoetee(er Walk 'f Yol9nelLpB. Age. - Plana r'aa9 in-aceordance� it - - taohad, to CwpnejK oRkhahe kela6, he loweab reeDonalSlB blgder, Yoh the num` eY - ;1;19j08 , aha the'-I tpd� Corporation Corinaer ie herobg. (netrueto :draw, vy the proper forid oLoonfruot there= for. 39p Ineer'e Pletimate j1,718 90 •P; �}Cdopted bp'thp Coppoll May'19 1BE8s APProVed MaY Y9 1986 _ •tafaY EE 1888) - COUNCHAIEv MAY 1 9 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..,_.:_._ ..................... /Clancy ergus Approved Hodgson In favor'» McDonald - Sudheirner `� .Against _ * +AYOR 'Wenzel gULIyY1► D Mr, Viw free. Fergllmu- Council File No....- ..-- pition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ' inom.ts 01�too _1q!1bfq!lb PRELIMINARY ORDER. i CAitrul Ir f nllt T to-, t viz. 14, -AT, V. SE 3 the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, �k& Of RIOAU0 ............. ......... St. - — ----------------------- ---from Uest-----S---e---ven..t..h.. ...S...t......t...o.. 1C..h...a...t...s..worth.... ..S..t_ . ......... ................... ----- ........... .............................. ....................... .. ........... --------------------------------------------------- ..................................................... .................... ---------------- ------------ .................. ------- Dated this.:.----1'8-•----------day o£..- .Xhy .. I . . -------- 44, - Councilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---- Cons-trUCt s1xf0-0t-..aem8nt --- t:Lle sidewalk. -.on both sides ... of--Zl8An0-V- ........... Chatswortb—St. - -----------------------_-- -----------_- ----------- ........... .................... .................... ......................... ... --------------- -------------------- I ......... 1- -------- -------- --------- -------------- .................. ............ .............. ........... .................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ............................. ................... ---------------------------------- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 'sketch of said improvement. 4. To . state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..-------- ---------- YEAR NAYS MAY 1 9 1926 Councilman CLANCY 'FZileusaw— Approved .............. ------- .............................. HODGSON ,/McDoNALD ZSUDHEIVER ZEL ........ ....... ... ............ ....... ....... '/'W" Mayor. 14R.T,R"DFNT C om c k /n o io 3.,25). %- 1,s Petition. Council File No. -........66052 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT rt �r r•: cQ and tImoDosal fop tHE; Ytlllo W/at4lmDrovefo56itt- w1den duo"e:Ee�id an :ane PRELIMINARY ORDER. ivldth 7,a-Bloclt SB 'bleat of 4 bhelag the South 6 ft_, ,' 4t h Band q�Lot B tYt, proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -------------.........(WIM,---Heiden.-and.--et[tend... an..-a11sy...10..11- .Am width-.in...Bloek...6t-. West St. Paul Proper, being the South 5 ft, of Lot 9 the -------- ----------------Worth-5 1't -s of yot- 8 171ng -West 01 --the north ---encs son -;h--------------- alley and the South 5 ft. of the East 10 ft, of Lot E and ................. -......... - tli ilortii B ft. --df t}re haet...10 -ft: 61 -16V--S..................................... Dated this ........Ilelh ----- day of.-.... -------------- 192... 6. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----------------------------- Openr---widen--- and- ---extend-an_alley 10---ft-_--in-.-Vvidth--3n_-Block..66-- West St. Paul Proper, being the South 5 ft. of hot 919'the ......... ..............Borth'- 5 --ft-: --1 i ot--e -lying West of the North and South -- --- alley and the South 5 ft, of the East 10 fti of Lot E and .--- tTie North 5 --ft: of -tire' Fest `�0 Pt:; 04 ho't 3-0- having : having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.................................................................................... ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council .......................... YEAS NAYS CounoilmaD CLANCY -r,EReusarr"— ✓ HODGSON _ % MCDONALD �r-�/SUDHEIIIER WENZEL Farm CA 13 (,,AFL)V iW Pre.. l br{ja00L a'ywlti i ?2C Approved.-------- .. . �Lf1t/t� Mayor. Council File No._.... ..... 66053 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: North ... §i He"""of'*'YeiVSt":1 e_ giriri ng 1S t:eas£ or-Westerri A6e.thenae east 35' _8Quth---side--INel...Ave: baginning.-46---Pt.seat.:_ot.."Mackubin.--8t.-thenee---waat- 10 ft East sldeaof Mackubin St.beginning 124 ft.north of Laurel thence north 121 --East-$#de--Haml3ae-1 Tve�beginning80-rt.north-of Randc-3ph-3t;;thence north to alley- Dated this..- 18... day of tgn `Isla n ---- _.........May - 19^2 ..._.. ---- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERErX91- A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Northaside tof Yankee St.be inng 15 ft.east of Western Ave.th�aee� y---an"d--repair._.,bare--neeessar-y--- the ---Y of lowing'-=$ id g g ante east 351 South "side"-"Laure�be nnin 46--Yt.we-st of Maokdb1h'_ t.'tYieriise-_we"st"'10I East side of Mackubin Stebeginniag-_124_ft-.north--of--Laurel-__the gQ Q�kl 121 Ea t side Hamlin Ave.begiiining 80 ft.north of Randolph 8t.thenee north ta--�lleg • ------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------ ------------_----------------..._...-------------"-----------------------"-"--------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................................................... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature,.extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. -- ----3.--To furnisha,plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ..................... tay-1 9 1926 YEAS 'NAYS L Councilman CLANCY T_hRQasea---"' Approved .-----•----MAY_?-,9 ... ( 2 ✓/HODGSON f MCDONALD `//'`' ✓/�UDHEINER �� � �I' ,�� 1 �r ✓ WEN7.EL ... _.._ ..... ............................................... ,�10k y Mayor. Garn C A I3 0'bk' Vice Pres. Ver"gou _ - Council File No... ........ W...........9 54 .PW PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reoonstruct,relsy and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: West--stde- of--Bo-j; Waba7sba---St-; b-eginn-ing 126...ft:nzsuth- Of---De3oa St:trie7nCe south 26 _f t. . - - - - --------------------- Routh side Baker 8t.begnning at Smith Avethenoe east to alley On ft --nth.--of--Bakar--8t..thenoe.-aeuth--8 ft. South side at Western Ave.thence west 66 ft. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: (Nest side of -sonifh- 26---f t--• South side Bi Sasts"iile`: BE tt.beginning 128 ft.south of Delos St.thence = - -----------------------------------------------------....................... ---.----------------- -------- at Smith Ave.thence east to alley ea -*4; i A;+ti--nae south 8 ft. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------ .----------------------------------------------- ...---------------------- ----. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. - 3. To furnish -a -plan, -profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �MAY 1 9 1926 —Adopted by the Council ................................................. .................. YEAR /NAYS CouncilmanV/CLANCY MAY 1 9 1926 4sole- Approved -------------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------- HODGSON ,/MCDONAL'SUDH EIMER /�W�>EN � / ,� EN7.EL - ". Y....... .......... ..... ......... ............. .. -......Mayor........ M R'M Form C A 3 (111 *A5 Qjotl NrW. N tlTRUwA PtJBI;TSfiEI3 �� � �P Council File No ........... 1W)W5 petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Como- --Park Addtti(m --- fxqx- Fmankson ............ Q;j�� Ave.to Fair Place ..................... .......... ............ ------------------ --_----------_------ _ .............. Dated this.... -.12 ........... day 1192-.6.. i6-tfia conncll or �bp, 1 9, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: raft r faley in..bloCk --- 22,_F-rank-sony % -COMO --- p&pk.._,Rdd1t:Lon from ................ .. A Frankson Ave. to Fair Place --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..................... ........... ........... ............. .................. .................................................................... ..................................................................... -------------------------- ...... .... ....... I ----------- ................................ I .................. ............. ......................... _ .................................... ... ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.. ------ ------------------------- -_----_------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v A � "-�Adop'ted by the Council --------- YEAS ' NAYS Councilman CLANCY Approved __ MAY I ..................... ------------- JIODGSON McDONALD `J.SUDHEIMER ........................... WENZEL .. ... ...... .......................... . . Mayor. F- C A 13 (11100) 4PUBUSHEDf PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No........ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........... tBk:1ng.-.Bn..BABS1n92Lt In.--theL land-neoes-sary for -------------------- slopes. cuts and tills ................... . ...... . ... — . . . .......... .............. ----- ;Lrj,..tjhe grAding of alley .. In h1ack-22-,- ------------ ---------- Frank.s.o-n..1-s-1.C-o.m.o Park.. froxa-Yrankson-Are ...... to—Fair --- Place - --------- -- Frankson! -- -- - - - - - ----- ----- ... Dated thi& -------- �1!9 day 192 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, -,i written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---- _AondelEtUng ... 4-M&A.83C.1mg an eMaelaMt.-An the—laLiA..nece-saary for ---------------- .......... In-blook-22" --------------------- ................................. ............ — ............. ........... -- ...... — ........................... ......................... ------------------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -------------------- -------------- - --------- ........... -------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '74 -A7 . Adopted by the Council .................... -!w-1 9 1-1926------ 9.26 .............. ........... YEAS� NAYS Councilman CLANcy —ELBOU80N.— HODGSON McDONALD WENZEL F— C A 13 (IM #211; ViM Pres' LeerSgU0031 MAY 1 9 1926 Approved.---- ..........................---- ------------------------------------ Z......... ----------------- ------- ---------- .......... ------------- _r �Opp petition Council File No....: 66057 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz:,; �}radQ.._e] ley ---in. block-_21,__Winter! s_Add-. -_and block 1 Lexington AV -9.:. ___Add. --_Prom 9apitol Ave to Seminary Ave. and from Oxford St. tc .....north--and-$ouch alley..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this day 192------. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade alley in block 21, Winter' s Add. and block 1 Lexington Ave. 3t. to .::.Iidd.:..7CSliW..G&pjtCl._AQe:_ to Seminary -_Te .and Prom -Oxford ._------ --north and south -.alley-....- -------------------------------------- ... - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----------- fl¢►...---------'--------------------------- ----- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ Adopted by the council .............. MAY --- t---9 192a - - .............. .YEAS L-�'NAYS Councilman CLANCY E1!lf1Y 1 9 } NPReseex----'— Approved----------- ------ -•--•-------- ------------------ -------- ------ V HODOSON -\ / 'lcDONALD V'SUDHFIME8 EN7.EL Y-( ..... __..... Mayor. corm c A 3 nm3$i° View Prue. Feranoow Council File No ---------- 6( 58 petitAdn PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ._Grade.alle�-_in._block-_7,._.F`rankson!s-__Como_Park:-Add..--from-_Lake_ Como,_and._ -_Phalen--Ave--- to Nebraska -_Ane - with._& drain from--Lake-.Como .and --Phalen___ As$ A -a gaunt 2DQ..�eet_.narth..................................... .......................................... --------------------------- Dated this a �---------.day of.. D�Ay...192G- -- --- 192--..--. an Ava to �Nebraeka•A" -..vr " 1 PJIPte CoP1 :'�.�t l•. rom Ld3c.2Ua a , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ._Grade_- e_�,h1F---��--bl0ak.--'i's... Frankson � s-- CgmQ;�Psr�-_Add_x-_from _Lake._Como ;end _• Ne.braak..AAe.. _with---a.:.dr-a3n-.xrs�m �,a�---�owA.._and --- Pk1a� an ... ._AYe" t4.-8---poin ._200 --feet north,... ... 41 --•- -- ...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau .----..._ r, , therefore, be it RESOT,VED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '-Adopted by the Council - - MAPF -1 .9.1946- -- YEAS s -NAYS riOUDCllman. CLANCY MAY 1 9 1926 _rQMMTox Approved--------------•-•-------•----------------------•----••-----•---------- - i, ;./ HODGBON ., MCDONALD — - ,!') f SUDHEIMER •' r ✓"'/_ M� ,/WEN7.EL ... ?nfjfg Mayor. -..,.y...,. Foam C A 1a llM 1• Vim Preu. Ford( Na Council File No ........... 66059. petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes -the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. ;Ln ...bl--_Coma..Fark-Add-frnm._-k'rankson Ave' toLake Como PhalnAve. - - --& ._ --------------------------------------- I ...... I ------ - - Dated this --a'8--------------day of ----------------------- M..& Y, ---.)-------/I ...................... 1926.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............. Grading. -s hay---in--blook---17-1---Frankson ts.-B oma--Park--Add.--- Y-rom--F-rankaen ---- AYet.a....- ------........-------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------------------- .... ------ . --------- ------...---- ........--------..... ---- ......------..-------------------•---. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .............................. ............. ................:.......... .....:....... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fore�ojng attt� rss to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓o�n-�, . 6YINY Adopted by the Council--•---- -- ............. .........-------........ -..... - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY 1 9 )9!4 �EERUUsaN- Approved.- --............................................... ....------ i.�Hobcso \ „/ MCDONAL,�� �SUDHEIHE / �. ✓ WEN7.EL ... ...... .._ ............................... % �]Y&8c$ essai�xr ei6 7.g Mayor. ' Corm C A 13 (lhll>t(25)0200 Alifle. 1��aY!cu"oll Council File No. ----- 66060 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstraot,relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: ..South--alde 8a-r:cM—t Ave-.beg#nn-Aag 40 ftVest--or O-leveland--thence-west-104 ft. Southside aoodr_ich-Ave.beginning 80 ft.east of Syndicate Ave.thenoe east - ................................. 82...ft':begiriiiirig" SOft":farther seat ---thence east"100 "ft": .L____ ___,,^ ..,, .11— ..158.ffTi...S1Litl.:.yuyl�..i.....--waxes.._a.vga.a.as++.p.....,..-_��.__-_--._„_--.--. South side Blair 8t.beginning 88 ft.east of Western Ave.thence east 32 ft. ............... ...........•..-•-----------•-------------•----•--------------------------- - ----- Dated this. -la ......... day of ....... - - -Mgt .......- ..... .......... 192.6 • 58000--- ------- - - --- --- -_ -' - + : Ahetraat. Councilman Dross jA written DmDoaal Lor th. �g oL .the LonoW1PE: tmDrpveftieat;: ahetrpc�. ,rolay .and repair .wfiere ar'.•bing toilo ping, eldeWalka Lfi e!co Sarnent"-AVP beNlnntnp. t west of clevatana tfien e; wer PRELIMINARY ORDER. Side Oooar]rp a bo4�m' -_ �EREAB A• written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reoonstrue t,reJay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: South" alde SMent--Ave- beginuing 4U' ft:we8t...o f. Cleveland thence west -104 ft South„aide•- oodrich Ave be -ginning it of Syndieste Aye thenge.-_ east 82 ft.beg ing 180 ft `farther east thence east 100 ft. >r sat---aide•-Snell int -•-Ave-.beginning--at- •IIn-iveraity- Ave � k enoe -north--to-it-ley South side Blaibeginning 88 ft. east of Western Ave.tltence east 32tf�a .................. ... ------...- ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._._........ -----. --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of Said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓��,,,,,g Adopted by the Council - MAY 1-9 192 YEAS !NAYS Councilman CLANCY WAY l 9 1fu: W XE)ReV,90 —^ � .- ,� ' - ,/•! Approved . .. .............. ......... ..... ...-------......------........... OSON '\ McDONALD _/'SrDHEIMEn 1, ' 1liayor. Foran C A/13 aM *e vice Pres. Ferguson PUBLISHED Council File No.....--:...-� j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The,undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: -South stde'-ii eat inth-�-St-;bergixming--298 Yt-:ea-st of -Luella 8t:thence eest--98 ft. South -_aide---Valle St. -beginning at _Canada St.thence east 200 ft. South side ondo t.beginxling 186 ft.eaat of--Farririgtoii -St.tFdiide east 75 ft ..� ...- ____ _a at..,....... Q+ +1.ar.na arnj4h t:n 125 ft.south of Warr Dated this_ ... 1$ ............ day 192..---.. Ae"t of Luana dt.,thence--•:PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS-, A written proposal for -the making of the following improvement, viz.: Recanstxcts---r.�91Ry--and.-rape.-fir where..necessary---the---following.-sidewalks-z South side acinth-St.beginning 298 ft.east of Luella 3t. thence east 98 ft Sonth bads all t�beg3rsaing at Canada --St.-theme---easb--200- ft.... South side ndo t. beginning 186 ft.east of Farrington St.thence east'75ft c+:::r exas __ nn r4 nnrt'�i :lirviinniriit SO ft�riortli of Warr9n"St: CYterice sbiith $o having been presented to the Council of the City of Paul _........................... -------- -.......... -...................... -----------_ -.-.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. " 0H,MAY 1 91926 Adoptedby the Council---- .......................... ................................. YEAS ""NAYS Councilman CLANCY 3 EHausort- - Approved . --------h - °- {• HODGSON 1 MCDONALD \ SUDHEI11ER WENZEL J .. _. ----- ---- -----'---..---.-..---.-.-...-_ .---..-.-..----.-._- __.-_.---------- .� Mayor. .. A Corm C A•13 ONA5) V iur i�it;n, ry'eT(NSM� 66062 �• Council File No..-.-.. .................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair where necessary the following sidewalks: Bast side--Mackubin 8t:betwsen alair--8t-; and --- Van_:Buren---St -------------•--------- North side Bla r _t.beginning-_1 4__Yt.eset-of._Mackubin_...... nae -_east -_276 ft. VPest side Western Ave.beginning at Superior gt.thence to West Seventh St. 3outkk-•aide-..Jams •--3t.---beg#.ming--at--uiatoria-•-at,thenee --- west ---200 Pt............. Dated this.............day of........ ........ 192..6.. and Tan' nuren st '.:-1 0 aide.Elnlr 6K Eeatn. ; PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEit1;A5, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Fieoone.!<root,...r�tlay..end --- repair--- Where ---name s nary--the--Y.ollowing---sidewalks: Vast side Maekubin St.between Blair St.and Van Buren St. -Nort} side-Bls t begfnni:ag -174 i°t�.east orf--Mackabin St:�thenae east 276 ft West side. Western Ave.beginningg at Superior St.thence to West Seventh St. 9onffi 83de' amen s:fieginnin at 'Vletor St. thenoe west EOO Yt. having bees presented to the Council of the City -of St. Paul ----------------------------------------- --- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a_plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓a Adopted by the Council.......... ............. :I 11 lAY._l.-.9-.1926----------------------. YEAS ✓ NAYS Councilman CLANCY MAY I _EE"Q9eWT_ Approved ............... ---- - --- ----------------- ------------ HODGSON MC"DONALD _,- SUDHEIVER VFNZEL 'J lot/,7g Mayor. re.m C A is (1n1 VAVice Pros. dbrRaao Petition. (Alternative to petition). Council File No .... 660.63 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 20 ft, -in Blook 5. 0 t,-L-kj thlf-rear 10 ft -i; --- a _Lote I to 10� ........... la-cilti'd n 3y a ng ..pjqA.....widen and extend an alley to a width of sweene v I a --jUso.—take-i candomn ULA 4,ppXPPK!Ate .... th.efeXiAtAn.g-, ---------------- ........... �j.v," at. to Wyoming 4 being he private alley ruming from Winona - I--- I----- lmr.aillasa Be—Axrangement4 Dated thi .......... PA4 day ------------- ----------- 192.61. --------- - .. ..... ........................... Count fflGan and - i!�Rrovvjl.ta , th. P,!TV PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: a ft. in Blook._S.... widan-'an&—exb and --- an alley- --- -1 --- io- ---- id Sweeney's Addition by taking the rear 10 ft. Of t;6is' -------------- Also- take condemn--sn& a-ppirOPriate ... the .. exi-e-ti-ng ------------------ nR'from Winona St. , to Wyoming St,, being the pESdrsing*EI . ....... ... I ........... fent;-- ....... nt --------- rear M ft. OT --- t6fi V-tO "6 illusive; ---------------- ....... ............... ....................... ...................................... .. ............ ........... .......... -4 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........ .. -------------------- ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council.. .......... .............. .................. ................... YrRAB ,,-NAYS Councilman CLANcy MAY 1 9 1926 Approved........----- .... ... ...................... ....................... HODGSON 'McDONALD, • WENZET, .............................. ............................. Mayor. row C143(INIAL Vi" l'".. Petition. 66064 Council File,No........ •---............. ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT tn and ttia afo tit naet �ycoanlL e o PRELIMINARY ORDER. t *raeri:;sn6 extend?�h �ttgs 4' VE, dthth?oaEh "Block; 6GWeeRi� _. _ Thee t k °R t ear°�Cf 4 Jses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: d0ci t gwe4nei''o- oft431..:@A eat end-_an__alley-_20-_3t, in width through Block 5 Sweeney's Addition and through-Moraing'a ate=9rrangeinent, taking` -00--rear-40--€t-, of Lots---1-te---10--4Lnolusive-.Sweeney'-a--Addition and--- - --- the ,Southerly 10 ft, of Lot 3 and the North 10 ft. of Lot 4 Morning's - -............................ - -..................................... -- ------------------_......................---_------- - ----•---$e-Arrarigemerit-�-•----- -------------------- --------------............ ............... --•• ------------ ---...... .----------------------------------------------------------- ---- Dated this. ------19th..day of..... ------. - - y - - - - -- ......, 192.6- / Co Gilman. l / PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---OP.ea,---wlden--- and ._a.end.-an---nl�:ey---2Q...t �__in -throug----------- Block .-b .-----. -- Sweeney's Addition and through Moraing's Re -Arrangement, aking -------the rear lt; its of Sots -l--to 10 ineltrstve 3weeney'e Add-itisn•-and------- the Southerly 10 ft, of lot 3 and the North 10 ft. of Zot, 4 Moseing's Ar Re rangement. - ................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..:......_. _ .. ax---------- -.,_... _.......... ---- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5.. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 1 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council ......................... ................ ...-.................... YEAS /NAYS Councilman CiLANGY 3iEaevsoN-'—• Approved---......---- e 9 j�` ...�."............... ✓HODGSON /MCDONALD - C� AUDHEIMER 'EN7.EL ... ..z .. ............_............... Mkts lT6t �1t Mayor. Fom C & (IM Agy �LISIiED 1 9� ��' r 39epdrtmental Order. Council File No---------- � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT :' Oro aeos ebe # ` i and Vhereae A wrtttargyyBeal ier th6 tµag ot; tha LoROVvlag immvep�ept. ! PRELIMINARY ORDER. �� �1� vvldAp And d2tead 8elvtdare• BC. I - W7dtlr;+gL 60 YC trom thq;�Weet I1na t , rgerxe ran a ,aaauroq- to Les the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: d'etol4 Ave haVtng bgq�i DrorotienCa 77"0 drigil of W !t Af r` #-_� ....... est end-.e�F..idere St... t4..8_.WldtY�._4..:6Q.-fit.. ... from•_the West Aine,-of 3t. Plerre_8o- 7,e�rton'e Addition ....... _7,�,vixigfltoA-.ATA................ .... - =" --- -- ---- ----• ------ Dated this ........... 12 h day of-- ...---..._Jana .- .. - ..., 192.. 6.. -Co Heilman. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------------Open.---widen-and--extend..BelvAder-e--St.---to--.a--width-of---60-ft-.............. -- ----- - ---- _from tl10 W-08t-Jina.-.O;f S(.:..Pierre--- &--lawton-'-s.--Addition.--to---------------------- --------- Livingaton--Ave..------------------------------ ---------------------- .----------- -------------------------------------- -- _ --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--- --- ---- ----------- - ----------- ----................... --- --••- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3 To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. -5.-- To report-upon-all-of-the-foregoing-matters-to-the-Commissioner of Finance._ MAY 1, 9 1926 Adopted by the Council.... ................... ......... .............. YEAS / NAYS {�jY CouncilmanC�LANCY "` � � ���� sox✓/EI3SER U Approved.-----•............ ......... .•--------------------••------------ V HODGSON MCDONALD WEN ' ' J ACt inpayor. Form C A 13 (1;,.%>Vioa Prm. Ferauson , PUBLISIZED ---. 1 'r of iecoaOtrnCFl�de'Nalk and reyalring -:;th 0 66066 eoPth 111.16Z tre�er�.,J mee Set Y/ .f, 1 a.ra ieseat t Lea/n6-. . d.y Av ve the Ca m E 136 Seet. a0r :Pt011minStY Ora r 86808 aD- s{ged 3986. - 3^e Cou�C_3 f th4 CItY of 6t Yauk_, 'e race}red the repoK S the Com--' �i?�tlT-�P'fnance: upon the x•: A aVintt--Cq,��n. x�Lt COUNCIL FILE NO.---. ---------- 13Y------------------ ----------------------- 4 INTERMEDURY ORDER 1 In the Matter of__rarnnatzuctingt_r_fl] Qgint3_a11d _rapair�.ng_ _5�vFlll_flri_ t)�@_ripgti3_sde_ofames_Street be�inning_72 feet east of_Lexington Avenue thenae__e"t__118_.fs@1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_: ----- 69808 _________approved __pELZ_ qx_ 1926 The Council of the City of Patil"having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is..hereby;--approved and adopted, �nd the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__raGnn8.i;.Plleti,_x018y grid_ g ai _the_sidewalk_on the -_South -Side _of_James -Street -begtinnint72 feet e8st _Oi_�exingtnn �v@Tull th@riFQ _8st -------------------------------------- ----------------------- ,.------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---=-- -- --------- with no alternatives, and that the .estimated cost thereof is $----- rL7_.&ex_s Q. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ lfitll-------- day of ______--13313A------------ _, 192_-_6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of.the Court House and City Hall Building jin the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said. meeting to the .persons and in, the manner provided by the .Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,- the nature of the !improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. p Y Adopted b the Council ------ MAY 1 9 1926 _ 192 ---- MAY ? 9' 1929 --- - ------ --- - ----- - 64 Approved---- ---- ----- ---192--- --- - - Clerk. -- - - -- - ----- ---- ---------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy /Councilman McDonald % r /Councilman Hodgson I /councilman Sudheime w /Councilman We=L-1 -_� B!tR. vlos Prtj.. A t'qnv - PtJBI,ISHEI) �4 ��j rm B. S. A. 8-6 66067 a-Fxo ee In a Matterooa r .... trvatlag n-;slx � i of cement ttte dwaik�on C to , ,oLi-?Bemtnary Bt., between 'Che. under �I.I Old on Ave- ' -'mue ander �Preliminerg. Order '86756:. .. app[ov1&.uSy 4, 1986. _________ The Connell of the Clty o[ _St, Pq! - vtng received the report ob thrd* `'saloner of, ___ --------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ liiT118 SAFt L1S_a _� X_rf 2Q _�em�xlt -t ,j�e_ std@lva�k_g t_ bgtLh_Asjvdes - �Y>atsv_lorth_St,_ and_exington A_v_enue,_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___ _6523.6______________________approved -1ag_4,_ 1926 _________________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the,Council recommends is_ooastruct_ a six foot cements_$,3.]B_aisieaA].}3_:slt>_J�.ci'tYL_S3.d.�s_.RP_:Se91Da.riaT�t_ St �_betvye@�_Chstsworth �St. axl_kjBgtp}�_�genue,_ except_ v�here_good_and_sufficient_sidev_ialks now exist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.05_p2n front foot. Resolved.Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- lEth---------- day of ------- t�I-MQ-------------- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the',, improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by. the Council__ MAY 9 t9�_____- 192_-__ t9 f�2fi -- --- - -- - ---- ---- --- ---- Approved--- �qAY --------------192---City Clerk. PP 9Cf111g Mayor. ,/Councilman Clancy o Councilman McDonald \ ,Councilman Hodgson /Ccouncilman Sudheimer /]Councilman Wenzel "LISHED Form— B 9 xrtt++w-m. d-fo l 66068 t aeoae_ tx.. Mate [ tructt g n 1 V m G. Ltle IdewaOn the'., elda ui P 1 tr 8t t from' t 3lplt Ave u t R neth Ave �� uN C.Ptellmfnary OrdeY 86617, '9Atirlt g7 3826 onneNR the c,05 of at. Paut' recelv8dahe rdport df the Com____________ er of PYnanae, upon the a1� - - ent a¢d haylnk INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_congtructing asix foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Palace Street from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 under Preliminary Order________ 06. 17 __________________approved ---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same iA hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is gnstx'ucta six foot i------------ cament_tila—sidsBtallc_on_iJ_snt�tJ��isia_nf__P_�1KGs_StLeQt_F g _C�ev_eland Avenue_ to Kenneth Av_enue� _except where food and sufficient sidewalks now axis-tLs---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof istont f o of , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ lot----------- day of ---- June ----------------- 192_fi_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the: imprXyATe't and the total cost thereof as estimated. 91926 Adopted by the Council_______________________,192_-__ NAY k 9 19� - --- -- ------------- .-------------x--192 ----- Approved -- Clerk. - N'2- , v%�.��— -- - ----------- -- -------------- Mayor. - div /Councilman Clancy ✓ CouncilmanMcDonald /Councilman Hodgson /councilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel r� n v �� Form B. A. 8.6 4 660 69 M6ttat ,til idewallt g the �. etd0 OL :the Miealeal OI Rivei. By______________________________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER, In the Matter ofAOTLsft]C1iG�a Ug_@__s� 2G_DQt__Qe]11e�}t_ t�Q _stl ��a�k _Qxl_the east :ids_�f__the_Jai,s.s3ssiP.P�ever_�oulev_ard�__from_Randolph_Street to Hartford ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order- -_ -__ 65618 --------------- approved ___rA8?"il_27 1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ F413sttaCt -a_ six_ f OOt I �QI4eIlIi_ tike_ sidewalk- on the east side of the Yississippi River Boulevard, from Randolph Street to Hartford Street, except where good and sufficient s t. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1,Qa_9_@r _fr0nt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- h day of ------- ,_z11HE -------- ! 16t _, 192,_ 0, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 19 1928 Adopted by the Council --- __------------------- 192---- Approved--------- MAY 1 9 °�26 C------ - - - - -------------- =----------------192--- Clerk.. Magor.. "/Councilman Clancy erguso Councilman McDonald sCouncilman Hodgson; /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / jlKagar Nelsca PUBLISHED Form 13.'9 A. $�6 r 660A ^'•66070- N latter rot constructing a .1x .+i8e'of piarion Street trom Car:� Y$ixeet to' SoutII � 9@eet, u»dek � nl»ary Order 66738, aDProva•'-' Yh.7B$6: INTERMEDIARY ORDER council of the CltY�ot St. S' - i�e�Wedahe resort gt xn In the Matter of__�eS2A& �rld4fe�Tl� l_&3X_f_Q9#t_�@AI@TL�C_31@_A�d@NL87li_g21 elle_ 88St side_oP Marion Street from Carbon -Street to South -Street --------------__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Ordei______ f; -9r/ 8- -------------------- approved ___.May.-Ith,1926—__________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and -the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature!of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.C.OnStXUat_B_.8ix-f_Oot @DL@A#e_t �@_ �depQa]�k_Qp fig_east_ jade _g _ ar�gg_ t�eet_from_Carb9 _street ee Cie ---- with no alternatives, and that, the estimated cost thereof is $_1.-M—Pax_.front foot. Resolved Further, That ____ __ __ ______ at public hearing be had on said improvement on the _____16�_____--_day of i _ 192-0--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. P ticil_tr{ -L-9-426._-- 192 Adopted Y the Cou--__ b Approved _ - 9 1926 ---- -- - -- - --- - PP �=-------------I92--- ---------- ------ - -- Jerk. i ------ ----------------- ------------------- Mayor. t/ Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson ✓,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel '�, �ffit. Viae Y n . Fer¢nson I - 66071 C.—In �N 00071— Ix ln ,,,. butt., or on truCting 6 fo¢t„ cem nt iHle Id iW r1R' .. mm Whitt/ito /n9n�aIINTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__S'c4113i'11QtC18 s s,x_;�got_ Cement tile_sdetfalk_on_the_south g de_of_ilelen St. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave , except where good �nd_auefioi8l�_i5141Ya_1�4_ --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------- i ---------------- under Preliminary Order------ 9s9U$Q--------------------- approved1926: The Council of the (City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_49�1@tguot & six foot to Hazel Ave., eVAj.k_An the_south side _of_Helen St. from White Bear Ave. except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $j, Q�_ _per_.fr=ont foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- Ifith------ day of ----------- XQW1------- 1928-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 9 1928 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ �IAX 1 9 1928 --- --- - - -- ------------------ Approved---------=------------------192-- Jerk. r -- ------ ----•�------------ 4pting Mayor. ,/Councilman Clancy) rguson ,/Councilman McDonald /Councilman Hodgson a �/ ,.-'Councilman Sudheimer Fi3aiz= (c' /Councilman Wenzel �[ � r. V�aeaY ee i�nr�u�oa 660721 ,(J. 68072 Mattor of constructing a-eialdlwak on both '_________ of �BEZard :AVe0n9'1r . L.— Street to Cooke` Street; '—ior. nery.. Order i1727'uPPmved------------------------- 41926. ------------------------ 4 1828. ',3e Counell" of the City of SC P.: "n6 rcegived the reyort of th0_c. no Vo -apo¢ n r INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of --- Ct217..9.tr-INtirig&_Aix_f'Qot_gQP9Dt_tUe_e_denlk_QP. _bp th_pides of_$a_zzard_Avenue _ from Lawson Street to Cook Street,__------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_.__Q&122_ _____-______approved t_______________ The Council of.the. City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having Considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_AQna r_U.0_'ft_.A_.Z1&_fOOt _3a-.aU@V_a]k_kQ_e3vdQj1_gf_azzard A_v_enue_from_Lawson Street to --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.a., Q5__p=_f ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 16th ---------- day of --------- .lune ------ _----- 192 6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons. and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of,the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilM_.Y_1 -0 1926-.192---- MAY ,192____$AY 1 9 192- - - - - --- - - --------- Approved_ 192--- Cl rk.. ----- --- ----------------- -------------- % 40 N9 Mayor. /councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald (Councilman Hodgson�j� //Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ofrml.SA86 r r t«n counen.ot the City::ot at Par' ;ving receiped the TeDortot the P ___________ `Loner 'of finance, °.vAoar'Sand. hav)re INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__costructtng_a stx_ fgot_ cement ti�_e §ide�ra�k_o_QyrQ� _Qye. f1iQm_Sher_mo�st_6ysA_tQ_Prs mei_AY----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 65614 ______________approved ------AR il_ 27,__1926_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said,report and the sameishereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be; proceeded with. 2: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a six foot except__where_sood and suffieVent_sidewalks_now_existx___________________ _____ ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, al'nd that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 1tQ5__pe3Z_ front foot, Resolved Further,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ___16th ----------- day of Tune--- r ------ ------ 192 --- f at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall !Building in the City of St. Paula That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of; the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 9,1926 Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ MAY 11 9 1926 - ------------- ----------- Approved --------r---------------- ___192___ Clerk. ------------------- -------------------------- 4djx f, Mayor. councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald A Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel o�Mr. piee Pres. N'erR+i�aon mB.S.A.86 p ``S7o, H8074 - 4C=-cemfent 'x" �A eenu. '1''SPretimin yroved Aprt(� 'ode Council =.InRsece(ve2 '; aaer of :F 3:e_{iient:-� �netruatin¢ a.. 'slx INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- 0n=tr_U0tx1nF— A_ 4.I.X_FOOt- Cement_ Zile_ gLg2A@1li On Brie ea., --------------- a��__�7wng_t�e�t_rps_Avenue_io_MeLean Street) ................ t ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------r------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Or -r2.a610------------- ------approved --- April -271- 1926. - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said'! report and the same is hereby , approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the aature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--CD=.trj1C-t-A-aim:.-foot to r�cLean_5tre�t1_.excePt_where_g4gc�_a�c�_�_uf�iS.iQJ1�_sidamalks_no>a�_sxist, - - --- ----- --------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives,and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.05 per__gront foot. Resolved' Further, Thait a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- LQUI ------- day of _June ! 192-6 _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persops and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the, improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Countil__.AY_.i_.S3a426-----_, 192_-__ LAY 1 9 1926 --- - - ------------ ----- -------- App roved-------?-------------------- 192--- Clerk. -------------------------- --------- ------------ Q0ting Mayor. Councilman Clancy 6oua uaml-Rer ' `Councilman Mc;onal _./Councilman Hodgson pj j$$lvjiC� Councilman Sudhfimer , councilman Wenzel eat Form B. S: A. Y F'erqusnn 66075 , 88076-- fi yl4rer ` net c a rz L"nc,tnthe eta walx h tel � � osi9Ynra ,Ase tr m Edg ne 1`oad Co 6rfgBs Street n they, � - :'hgg etde pt 9chefYera gt. i ,� 'both t''t" de edoR urlattrordi eve - �m.Ortggge =at to EdBcwnhe -ilei I?reliminarp Order 66864 AQP. O wed,DtaY IS 1826^ �_ Y et £ i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__�Qi�f3truetlg &_ sx_QQt_ eer�lent_ tj ] e _ydQ@B]_Qri_1LQth_�1de8 oe_BayArd.-&V_Q;I fr=_2ft9Mbe_R4Bd_ 0-_Gri999_ Streetx_Qn the_north aAde_of SCheffer_ St. _from Griggs St _ t0- Edgcumbe_ Road --and--on--both -sides of __ __ _ m Griggs _St to Edgcumbe Road $artford_ Ave _ fro --------------------=----------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order---- _ f' 65857 _--___approved 1------------------ - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said) report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is .here That the afore of the with. y the improvement which the Council recommends is QM&KUQt_ a_ S ix foot cement .tile si a@alk on both sides of Bayard -Ave._from_Edgcumbe Road to i Gr-igga—StsaeY,,'_.an the_nor-th_sides_stf_Zohefftm-,%t—_ixom_fxriggs._.,z'ix_t4---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is front foot. I Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement•on tbe____.lO-V .______--day of ------- rTJ=-____:_i____-- 19213::_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall i Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the '';improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ MAY 1-9-1@2fi______- 1 9 1926 192____ MAY, -- --- -- -- ---- -- Approved---- ---- j -------------192--- lty Jerk. - - ------ ----------- ----- 4R7i9T_3W;;O_;__ r�OtiR� Mayor. Councilman Clancy nct man "Councilman McDonald -*"'Councilman Hodgson -'Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wesel I�i�dfN'ie sow Mr. Vic* 1'. r- ? Tc nor Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ c:'r xo. aco7a Irt Lha E!nLter or onetru clog eix "t o -L, Aru 3ei wStroot nfrotT 'ea L aids "o - 9tteet Elience �� etE to tho n th I1ne,of I.ot 8a, W11klq &-Itey Ontlote, under Prollminhry ; Order.86739; ayprovId'May 4:1928. The-Counctl of the Cttyl of St. Paul. sq nceti�.ed the report of theCOV! ------- 33Y ------- -0t.•.Finance; B awl... y-------------------- ------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of49�26truetiB_a_six Poot_Cement tile sidewalk on the east side 6 -01, --Wilkin- &-Ae�a,ndls--Ou-tiats ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- j -------------------;----t--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- I Oq - ------------------------------- under Preliminary der_ � IL �57�� ------------------aPProved _�ag_4�_ 192(i� -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, ''and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said reprt and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to beproc Leded with. 2. That the natµre ok the improvement which the Council recommends is--0DM-tLnUQ1 _ii _8�_ foot cement fila_sill}ia>91 7k_on_chs_ s _�isi�_sof_AruA41QJ._�treQt_frgln_Fook_$treet then A nnrth toth�_�n th_J. tl@_sif �9 _69}_�i�kixi_gE_xe ward!s_Outlots,�- ex�eat where goodl and sufficient sidewalks now exist_________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1,,Q5-_2er_front foot. Resolved Furtherf That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 16th ______---day of ___.T] =—----- ____-j_, 192-.f2_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall! Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persoins and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the; improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 '9 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192__-_ Aroved-------*--- -- - - - - ------------ - --------- PP RtfBaAY 1 9 IJ2f1___-------192--- Clerk. - -- ------ -- ----------------------Y---- AC7i � Mayor. ''Councilman Clan) v Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson 1 /councilman Sudheimet - ,,Councilman Wenzel &l r. Vw— Fres Ferl'ueotr, Form B. S. A. 8-6 h sen77 C F: 'I.. 80077— I Ix, ' I the Matt t trueting - toot cement til side }x a�4 -the st elde 4 A—a Avenue I4rom we o MvalIN ;Parkway to �Colno Phalen Aveave, under Prellminary- Qrder. 06gS6'appToved t the he 4, ,�The Conn011 'ocity of 5t. ;Paul. - . vlag reeelved the report Luma "vdnovnepmose{;n;jt Finance. nf! the . * and "Ing, retY, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof l: Construe ting_ a_ six fogt_ cement_tijg_.ajAQAgjk_nn_ the_�aest dQ_Qf Aro a Ave�u@_ rszm_? is3��y_�: xl�tagy__in_ �omo_�halan -Azei e.r--------- I -------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------=----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------=----L--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I under Preliminary Ollder--I--17.['7.5______6-----------------approved --- May -_4,__7.326.---- ------- P t of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ,the above im improvement, andawing considered said report, hereby resolves: I 1. That the sai rep ort and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nate re of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Oonstruct a six foot ----------------- cement the sidewalk on the west_ side_ of Arosa_t>rge ge_ frown rajdll �rax�way to Como_ Phalen enue. _except where good a�td_ �gffie Q>�t- islemallss-moi_ exist, --- with no alternatives, ,and that the estimated cost thereof is $---- l,_Q,5_-p r. front foot. I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 26-14l. ------ day of -------- 1=0--___ ! ---- -, 192—k-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall' Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the! improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAY 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192__-_ Cd1AY 1. 9 Inc, Approved--- __---- 192___ --ity--Clerk. ----- - - ---- -----------�--Ma----- yo, --- - yoCUmf r. Councilman Clam Councilman McDonald McI)'onald /Councilman Hodgson _ 40 /Councilman SudNeimer /Councilman Wenael hm 1 T+°r 9?- l Vraa I'srsueuv orm B.'S. A. 8-6 I I i �(o tt , -i... a 6ePwaT r eyotnt": 0o feet horih of des oPlace.east Blot. a78nePark t a point=80 St north of 7esea- . fat:' to she intereeetlpn w •� 'Place "west of Imne P r �.9Aelitn[narp Order--_�, By--------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of=_�011afS1iCZiY>_a _s1319Ar__Qll_I�T1A _P�✓9__�I�St _4_I�T18_�8Y13____ from -- a-- point 6110 feet north of Jessamine St_ to X1a_U1and St, and - on -Lane ------ - - ---- P1an_fl_flaat__of:'I,ens_P�rk_fr�_o_fz0_it.__uortb _of__dasaamina_t.__tn_ the_ intorseetion_with_Lsne_ Place _west_ of ---- Lane Park,_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I under Preliminary Order ------- MOO -------------------- approved _-- ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, Iand having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__lrl2nS.tr-UCti_$_$>3YJ.er s.t:._ to_Marglantl_S_G..__and_sin•�ns �a.a�.fl_ @f��t_sf__Lf�.n.� _P_�r.�_�.rSur� a_�2o3z1t _SC ftra_x��j_QP_ Z�,gsamine St,_ to _the intersection -with Lane_ Place West _of I Tana—?—ark,—__-� —_- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___ ` 4"410 -0 - Resolved Further That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 16th -------- day of -------- s1=9 , 192-A-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Halli; Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided'by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the',improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounMAX_3-g.4_--_______- 192____ ----- Approved--- - - ----- ----- ------- ---- �(�,�f 1 9 192_ -__192--- C'ty Clerk. --- --------------- ------------------------- zl�.j0VIV1F Mayor. Councilman Clancy "fenneiima -Councilman M1 nald 9� -'Councilman Hod on 4 ..-'Councilman Sudh Timer --• ,'*'Councilman Wenzel Wenzel Mr, pi pee . bon Form B. S� A. S•6 � � , 66079 11,nUe ea_______-__tthe.weaterlp alley > Y (JS'dar 85 82. aDDrove3. -_______--_-__-- ��!. t itY oL St INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of _gradiri� aJ lgs_ in_131oek 1,_ Elmwood Additions from_Juliet St rest _tn_JflfB>~99> ~Avenue_ and_from west alley_to east akley,- with a drain fr_oui_Juliet_Stl,_to_low__point in the westerly alley, -_ i --------------------L --- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- under Preliminary Or dder --------- 2 aa—z------------------ ---- Maj* 5, 1926. ------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be roceeded with. 2.' That,tf nat re of the improvement which the Council recommends is ade alleys iri B10Ck j,_E7„MQpd._Ldd,oa_from_Juliet Street to Jefferson Avenue, and from west - --------------- ------ Altev to east lallev. with a drain from Juliet St. to low point in the I --------------------;--------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $---- 922.38... Ressoollvedved ___ Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ___16.'lii1----------- day of _L, 192--r2-, at the, hour of 10 o'clock A. M; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall I Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the limprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Coun¢NAy-t-_*.1i----------- 192__-- _�?, -Approved______�Y- �0------- 192___ -- --- --- ---- ------- - City Clerk. - ----------------- ------ -Q --------- ,Mayor. - Councilman Clancy *4 Son lCouncilman McD nald -/Councilman Hodgson ouncilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Weniel FormJ AAA tts�bb +iu._k'nrtLlttn. r 66080— - 8 .t�tTeT:mf C01dp[he,la' �y [ r eidyes for Cut�s'a� Fie 6rad1T6d Itton. SSimWAri er Cod ,?At+e and" -2 +RpReon. talley.'.under.; In the Matter INTERMEDIARY ORDER �be._2and_neAa as y_for _in_a1osk_1,__Fa=o.od Ave ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i under Preliminary Order —______ Q52$3__________________approved -_-Lauf___`�}_1�S2Sz.______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said 'report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__=ndsmn_and__akQ_ an gM6==j_Jn_th_�_.Iagd_�QAeQAajr_y_ fpr_ Alopes,_for_cuts_aA_f ls_ip�_the_grad ing _oi _allaga_� Slaak_1,_Elmvll ocl_Bsid3 �i ont_ix�lx].i�t_ St _Q_ dp:ef exp on „t.a _and_t ha_stiasied _�oxf3lzns__shosrttn8.1<hs _fiLlst-------------------------------- with no alternatives, apd that the estimated cost thereof is $---- `�rs�1..9.Q____- Resolved Further, IlFrhat a, public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ a.65113 -------- day of 192--0-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p' rsons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of ,the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AY 1 9 1926 Adopted by the Council___ ________- 192____ i �M AY 1 91926 -- - -- - -------- --------------- Approved_______ !,_______ ___________192___ r Cl Clerk. ---- ---------=---- --- -------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clanry 'C-eenei n— Councilman McDo ald / Councilman Hod i n 1 Councilman Sudhefiner .,'Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vim Pres. Pamrq.o, ,r rm B. S. A. 8-6 6681 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings ►iESOLCTION vir COCNOM APFROV.' INGA9dIDa8MIDNT AND F;XING. TIMID OF'86ARING IN. CONDIDMNA. A""ON FROCIDIDDRYGB.„- - - 'the matter-o[ cpndemning.and ta7.d"' �N an.easement 1 the„iland ,e•:— -'2_rCpP-dao a nr m•: _.. and-. I___condemning and taking an In the matter of:easement in the lam neaeasa _for 'slopes�._Yr._outs. and.. fills in..grad _Alley_.in_Block_1, Fitzhugh's $uticiinision and Block 1, John A. Coke's Addition, from ._._—.._........_.._._ Lafond St. to IOsford fit-, .—__._.—W-.__m. _.......... _.._....... ..- ............ -- ------ -- --_._. under Preliminary Order__ 64341 ...____, approvedIntermediary Order—b-916-6, approved ?larch 130,1926 . i The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. I Resolved farther, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a eon- firmation of the awards of 'damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 15th day of—..__..J»ne ___.192-.f�_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the. CounciLM&_ 19.1926.......... ___.._...:..__.._..__...._, 192— _. it Clerk. Approved—. __.....___._...._.......— ... ... 192__._.. Mayor. "Councilman Clancy ei}man-F'ergnsond I/Councihnan Hodgson ✓Councilman McDonald Councilman Sndheimer .-'6onncihnan Wenzel / L V, 82r. Vice Proa. FUNMO j 66082, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing _ p Time �f .easing in Condemnation Proceedings � c?r xo ssos'z � In the matter,of condemning and, tak- Ing an easemet t III the land neves• - 9arg for 84, Ior: cut. ..,I; nd flue lh bt'adingg B.Beys 1p -Block 2 Otove-- ;Cu-and- dlttaa-irpmnd yLlacoin XOth..n 6.thtrAll' Finn e.- _Ncrth snd-South Allpy underiPre- :Uminary Order, 64E63, approved `FeD, 2, T9E0, 7ntermedlary, pr apysoved Eiarch 30 1526.1 -.'rv+tf �en+mis.loaa pt�}+'�n ae�-Qo�demnin and t In the matter of ...__._-_._.._.._____ir?&_._ easement•• in _the laru� —neceaearq for slo for cuts. and fills_ in gradin allevs _ _ Hlock_2L._Groveland Addition from Lincoln_ Ave. to Grand Ave, and i _from Fiig)L e._�tQ forth_and —......... _........ .�.- m—� _.......... .. -- — --- - under Preliminary Or ier.._._-6425.3 -.--, approved._Zeb_,R2 192.6....... Intermediary Order__L5115.(?__—, approved—._. March 30,1926 �_...... i____._..__....._... i The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of i damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement i and, to whom payable -I and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it I Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved farther, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 15th day o£_..:_,.tL4Lg_.___—__192J._, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------- ... jl I 9 1926 t Clerk Approved__- ....... ............ .... __..._, -- Mayor. Councilman Clancy = gtlgJ Eouacilman-i�ergaso�' Councilman Hodgson Conncil;nan McDonald EIIMSueanimerj PUBIASED d lCman Wenzel �� Mr. Vice Pres. F'eraveon % �' .Gattet Condemhing,aad tak-< 'fhh 'eaeemeat-fn YGe ,land neces: y -ter eslopas,, toe cute and .ells gradi' 411eYs in $lock 1, GroveF: ' odr cH Ave. a dfra R 2rom ir nFl Ale.- NartR'and $OUtR,"_:Alley, under ellminaiy Order Bd250. apyrovn _ b 2,- 1926 Interinedlary Ord't,� '-.. 0-9� apyrovag 3tnrch:go, 1928 ,r- •sl�,;•�lr�srajF,nanxA condemns and taking an easement in the land IlrLae`ffiatier of..._._.__.__._. ._...__----g._._—...____.._...---......__---._.:..— eea.>a.�s9_cx BoQes,__for cuts..and Yi118_in gradialleys in Block 4#^Groveland Add from Fairmount Ave. to Goodrich Ave. and from Finn Ave. to.. North ,and South Alley, _.:_.._._..__....__..... under Preliminary Order..._.__ 642x20,___,_, approvedFeb. 2.x .!9 ., Intermediary Order65, approvedwMareh_30,_ 1926 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_1 t day of_._ _June _._._192_ 6._, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council._._.._ Mai.}...Q.IlQQ....._..__..._—..._...._. _, 192 — WRY 1 9,926 sty Cie Approved---._.-..._ _... ._ _.__, 192..__._ / yE2tir Mayor. ✓ Councilman Clancy - /Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald 'Councilman Sudheimer���� .-Councilman Wenzel 66084 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing in Condemnation Proceedings In .the matter of.. oondemning_and taking an easement in the land_ _;necessar��for eloQes,_for cuts and fills in grading Belvidere!__ _Street :_from Harvard __St ._to Woodbury St ., -._ under Preliminary Order–_64372.. -_._, approved_....1ebd3_.1agi, Intermediary Order -6516o —, approved— B2e.roh__3 ._.J_9.?6 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for fhe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of . said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 15th day of___._�Je — ..___..192 �.—, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 1 9 19a6 Adopted by the Council192__. A Y 1 91926 Approved-------------------- __---.....__....__ __, 192.___ ' Councilman Clancy ,,* Councilmdn Hodgson /Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer, 1_ ,"Councilman Wenzel MLV Vioe pree. Feranaou rT7,r " r?20 1119 66085 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing in Condemnation Proceedings or In the matter of._.__condemning �nd_taking_._an.. easement _in_. the lanFi �`_ �neceasa,for_.slopes,__ for, cuts and fills _in.rading_ and _paving _Dale .Street... from Carbon St. to Wheelock Parkway_, on the west side under PreliminaryOrder____b494...___, approvedg�T_.16a.1Q26...., Intermediary Order 65148 • approvedMar0h_30 , 19.26. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved farther, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner' of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 15th day of_ ._..._ June _192 6...., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.__... MAY' 9 1926 19� eY 1 9192E �......_.. _ —� y Clerk. Approved ...... ....... .... ___ ..................... _.._, 192_.._ /!�"/ •., '.. / Mayor. ✓Councibman Clancy �e Councilman Hodgson Pi78LISHED�„ ,,Councilman McDonald •Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel f /-2& VjW Tran. �' 66086 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing _ caring in Condemnation Proceedings No. 66086— rar.6• matter: of condemning and tak• n easement In. the land 1118 In y dor;eloDea, irfrlta and elle In �adlag Euet}e 6A'Srom Como I Abe. '. - ,test .lo -P,leree Ave.,' -under Prellm- ry Order. 64319, aDDroved Feb.; 3, . �'rt, Intermediary, Order 66119, ap- - .Jed -March Soo 192G. - 11L+ym}seloaer oQFlasnoe;IIav1 .:.i4e �.�!he above m8' In the matter of.T;condemning and taking an easement in the land —� _necessa.for slopest for cute and fills in grading Eustis 3t._^� �from�0omo_:Aye�West_,to._Pierce Ave..:...__...____..._____—_ �---_- under Preliminary Order ....... __6431 —.....4 __.__approvedFeb-3,1926 .�._, Intermediary Ordr__65_179 er 5179, March 30 1926 approved—.T..._-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation. of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_ -1-5t h. day of�._....—June -- _ 192.-6., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be an he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 1' 9 1928 Adopted by the Council ........ .... _...._.—_.�____....____ MAY 1 91P25 Approved—.__..__.....__ ..... . ____------._....-.._....... Councilman Clancy an Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald Zbouncilman 8udheimer 1/Councilman Wenzel /J ._............ .... .._�y 66087 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings _[ oY condemning and tak i elopes for euteaand 8Re in j •.Lg':Juno St. from Cretin Ave.• evelnud Ave., under Prenmin- Ordei :. 62392,. aD'"" Dec. IntarmediarY3929. Order 66170, zed' -March '3U, - Commis5lon r of .F'[n nT''� eondemni and taki an easement in the land In the matter o£._._...._------_�--..____�___ �.___ _—..---_-_. ..__...._�__...___. -- necessaryfor slopea,.._._for cuts—and fills in grading Juno 3t• from Cretin Ave.;to Olev_eland Ave.,- . ve_, 2 _ under Preliminary Order..__._Fz3.39'?......__._.., approved_Dec •._:..__1 9 _.5 . _., Intermediary Order—i9_13-0, aPProved—' March 30,1926 —' - •- ...—._.........._............_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the— 19th day of—____June _ ___ 192_ _, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAY 1 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council __................. _—......--............_._._.._......—..___._....._, MAY 1 919 _ _._ ..... _.. __ � _ __ ._.. lark_ ii—' 3t Clerk. Approved—...:_.. __. __............._..__.__._, _.._. _ 3fayor: Councilman Clancy J Councilman Hodgson ,/Councilman McDonald_ -ve iC�inneilman Sadheer X.Milman Wenzel % HYr. Y[O@ P- i•'ursfaeuu 66088 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings 88088— Jn the. matter, of. condemning an ot'. „-,1dg. an esaement-ld the -]and "�. ":earY'for eloDea,. for :.cute an 1n ,: , �rading�LtvingeWa-Ava. Lucy St. -,to Belvi a under ,� lim:narY'Order 84874, aPPrOved..i ` 1825 Tntermedlary Order vedrchg In the matter of......condemninand taking ,an easement in the land .necessary.._for slo�es� for cuts and fills in grading Livingston Ave from. Luck 3t.. _to___Belvidere_St._..... _.__....... __............. ....... ........ _._--...._____............... under Preliminary Order i......_ .._._4374 approved Feb. 9 61926, Intermediary Order 65162 .... _.__., approved_MarCh .3.9,_122fi...... _ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for Ehe taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it - Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for con-, firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 15th day June.. 1926 .....:, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed .by the Charter. MAY 1 9 1926 - Adopted by the Council ............... ..... ..._....... _... _................. _..lorq�� 192 QIMY1 9 1926 _..ler ,Approved__...._.........................._..................................192._........ � _ r 1 66081 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in. Condemnation Proceedings j(C. F. No. 88tl88—, �. f, 7n. tfae.matter of condemnlna• and W Ing an easement In `the land•neces-% Bary forzeloDea, for -cute and'fllue in., gradin§��Rayniond Ave. from Doane - at. LO .Berm ly Ai,4 oder Prelimin-- ary�Order g43in ayproved Jan!". 1988, Intermediary order 66372 ,ani. - oveCommi dcMarch 30, 1926. ail to er of Flnx a -+'� tred his epos � ""th a° oondemnin and takin an easement in the land au o,33 clatter of.__..._._... de!- ---- necessarg._for for cuts and fills in grading Raymond Ave. from Doane St. to Beverly Aver_ under Preliminary Order.: _6136_.___, approved.J•26,1926 _, Intermediary Order 65172 approved__ Mar eh_�a_1926 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for£he taking of -the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and, to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the— 15th day of— __._ t�ll?le _x_....192__ 6, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. y' 9 1926 Adopted by the Council._ ...__.—._...__._..._.......__.—._...—.._.____.._, 192 -- MY 1 9 194c- _ 4 _. 'ity Clerk.— Approved_--..._......___......._.........__......._.._.:_, 192.._._.... — ._.....___ _...... .......... ._�_ Mist Mayor. (Councilman Clancy f`oune 3man—r-rguaen--- /Councilman Hodgson ✓t ouncilman McDonald C SSncihnan Sndheimer /Councilman Wenzel (� t'UBLLSI3ED a�� �� 66090 Resoiution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings I�. Hradtng...o BebeII¢r 9tFe¢t-from Gilgge'at. to' Edgcumbe 8oad, ,r-.�,Ba9ar3 pvanue Iron (irlgee St. toy _ sgenmb¢ Road ma St. �3artford;aivertua Lrom r t�9L , mtn 41V protea '1 .e'er 66160 a➢ In the aim_,..•x.�demnin and taking an easement ^in the land _necessar.__ior slo�?esx for cutsand fills in grading T Scheffer Street from Briggs - St.^to Edgcumbe Road, `Ba*ard Avenue from Griggs St. to Edgcumbe Road, Hartford Avenue from Griggs St. to Edgcumbe Road, ,- . _ under Preliminary Order_ 6-4;J; ..._._., approved 9R.4 6,-!9.9§.-, Intermediary Order6__ 515-0 —, March 30,1926 approved The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it`% Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 15th day of_______ June .._.__x.192 6..., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council__........M___.�......__�__....AY 1 9 1926 _........ 192—._. ._.__. , Y 1 9 192 Clerk. Approved.._. .......... ...... ___................ _.......... 192-_-_ Mayor. �nncilman Clancy �q 4i't14�9 /Councilman Hodgson /Councilman McDonald PUBLISHED .' �� ,-1 /Councilman Sudheimer ��(',ouncilmna Wenzel uP• SHEET TOTAL—FORWARDIL— _<—,.�„_� r .. � � TOTAL - RETURNED CHECK IN FAUOR'OF BY NUMBER�� - i TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK .� CHECKS CHECKS . BROUGHT FORWARD___. i• I i i I 1 1 C. F. No. 66091— Resolved. That checks he. drawn on :the City Treasury, to the aggregate 0 'amount f 562.666.86. covering checks ` cumbered 4437 to 4469 inclusive, c .per checks on file in the oMee of the City Comptroller. , �. Adopted by the Connell May 19, 1926. Approved May 2,9, 1926. (May 22-1926) 1 :,– i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARDIL— _<—,.�„_� CHECKS NUM ERED_- TO -44"_v � R INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECK$ ON FILE IN THE FFICE OF THE CITY SU DH EIM ER. WENZEL. __ ____.AGAINST APPROV� _ - _ __ _ ------------- 192 ---- / ✓ � PES . ___...- --"-- ---- --_. -- COMPTROLLER. '!3T/1� YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ___ -_ MAYOR D2c..Yioe Yrea FerRueon 1 CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED -- DISTRIBUTION TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK J GENERAL WATER 00ND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINNING 1� TRUST SPECIAL NDS 1 .-__. ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNT GARAGE +llMlbfM4lM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC SUNDRY BROUGHT FORWARD ...7 000 0o .S54 450 45 _REVOLVING ..._ -_ - .. 126 8g4 go .... :. .... 24 3.0__7 60 ._ _..- 177 so __.._-NTS _._ _.Equipment_. 6 Bi 44 414 CCOU ACCOUNTS � 303 656 04 90 066 17 (S 044 20 4437 J, -.mea 0, Hayworth, Ino. 345 13 167 2S 3 699 91._1 696 - 4439 4,29 L.C.Hodgson, Comer. of rineno, University Sheet Metal Torks 42 22117 36 12 36 124 12 227 �7 CB p Sam 0. An erspn 100!20 100 p0 4441 4442 '7. p. Bugge Supt. Capitol 3t, ionery Mfg. Comp y 71 �� 371 2 .2312 371 ;7002` 4a 4443 W+�►4 Central "Y:.rehouee Lumber Coop T. J. R8liott y 57 9 6 445 57 44�+ Joeeting & sohilling aoepany An I00 16 ,00 2�S 4447 Johnaon & Hogseth Librsry Bureau 21'00 21 00 j 4449 4449 Melady PAPar Company Midwest oil ampany �j 22 B � 22 4450 H. x. Mulford 96 03 96 03 4451 aa®pnny Ttioola, Wean & Gregg 1 61 21 156 ,31 4452 3 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Common Roe.J.mes Class Company !6 10 51 82 57 ,80 10'51 i 3Ide �+ t. Paul Milk Qoml any 17 17'i82 25 445r- 4459 L. C. Hodgson, Comer. of yin. Ad a 0930 93 I 1 Q �5 00 4457 o13 Carlson 11. L. Gould & Companny 'a5 g0 j00 5 SO ' 1L� 4u59 Joan r-3vlloat - st.Paul Produce 0offinanq 1 300 I00 91 II 300 #6 I6 36 26 -25 2�j .050 i 66 �I j i I I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7-24 7 a00 0,0 931 i19i 3 � _ � __-,.p � 342 104 58 --�::: 1. 90 511 -7 _ _.111 77o 17 26-921; 06 2�F7 307 - ..... 177 ;0 i ! j 1 _ 6 _... 1 _ i...6g6.-bra..__..._ _ 3g� 1 _ - ____#i_. _ i) 0 TWIR.TeATE TO CITY CLERK 6 BY RES. No. ----,to RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $___________l -"fl. ------ - ---------- COVERING CHECKS NUMERED ---"--- -_TO___-44S9---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKNN FILE IN THE CIFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ✓ HODGSON. McDONALD. SUDHEIMER. -"WENZEL, --IN FAVOR ------___AGAINST YES (NI) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) COUNCIL FILENQ. ---------------- 6_6091 ---------- ----- ADOPTED MAY A ---------- ---- q�+,IIjQ MAYOR CHECKIN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL RETURNED By 13ANK BOND DISTRIBUTION I TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL WATER IMP IMPROVEMENT LOVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNT. 14- Iffinj 0, SPECIAL FUNDS GARAGE 99"I"w4w E ii PUBLIC SPRINJKLINIG FORESTRY R . UILDING EVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 000 00 $54 450�," 3o3 656 o4 go o66,17 (9 044 2o 126 994 �o 2 �0 177 90 6 345 191 4 167 44 6 414 29 3 699 696 40 4437 Jnmea 0. i4eyworth, Ino. 4439 L.C.Hodgeon, Comb. vinanos 42 22 17 ' 12 227 17 OB _4�07 91 1 of 44 =9Universit Sheet Metal Torks �Zsreon 36 1241 I 10001 36 124 29 100 00 0 ;am G. '00 441. D. Bugge, supt. 4"2 CApitol stn jonery n 00 323 ;2 71 34`30 2 N Mfg. acwpoft.y 40 6 Central 'InXehouee Lumber Comp J. M-lott 7111112157 445 57 44=joesting & sohilling coftany 4 Johnaon & Hogeeth 2ft'00 21W 16 oo 21 00 299 4447 Librsxy Bureau 4448 Melady PAper Comppay 4449 Midwest Oil OmPan7 30 '22 977 30 3922 96 03 96 iO3 4450 H. X. Mulford Ompnny 4451 Hloola, Dean & Gregg 156131 156131 4452 Pittsburgh plate Glass COMT)an W66 10 51 57 00 10151 3 116 4454 Roe-jrmeo Glass company 445 -t.Paul 17 92 17'82 om Milk coanY 44-r L. C. 25 93 25 93 Hodgson, Comir. of Fin. 4499 rdolf 905 00 ICII 905 00 Carlson 44 R. L. Could Company & 11145 ?05 -'0 300�00 300 00 205 80 J�.. 4459 �'t..Paul Produoe Camnany 1 93-157 '25 00 46 65 225 ool 36 26 a 66 v PER CHECK I,I—ER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. IN FAVOR OF TOTAL RETURNED ___TC�AHNECSFKESR �DISBCUH�RESCEMCNT B.NYKWATER GENERAL BOND 446o BROUGHT FORWARD John J. XJL6 - 7* _pop b 4-,,61 4462 F. stiT)e Ca-itol City Transfer 44 442 Ahrens Fox Fire Oompa#y so oo 4462 -ftgine American Linen Supply amp American Radiator Company an,' �O 446 4467 Amerioan Sheet & Tia plate a Beebe 'Laboratories, Inc. !)My 4468 4469 Boatk Fish Company Brooks Brothers 17 20 4470 4471 Brown Instrument Company Campbell Coal 24 3 4472 Company Capital city Lime & cement 0 0- XHairy 774 447 F. Carlson central ice company 3 ;00 44 72 ChrAn Belt Company Ohio 696-140- 4477 go* Burlington & c.�uinoy Chicago, milvajakee & st.paul Ry. Ry. 4479 4479 George A. Clark & Son J.R. Clements Bldg. Company 4130 Wo 4481 cral� Oil company Curtis 4482 & Cameron Devoe & Raqnolds Co. Ino.hlbevt = Dickinson Oawp=7 44igg O. R. R'Okhardt company P':Lh1*t1:r10 Blue Print Company 447 Txb tore supply company 31yok & mcconvill rrnoft 2 100 4499 4490 anaen, Fuller Mfg. company A. 4491 4492 J. Funck & company J. R. Gaunt & son, Inc. 3123 44 44994 Herman olleme Gopher Carriage company 44 .1 4. E. Gustafson Hackett IP Gates, Hurty cookp,-in 0 50 150 4497 Hall-Hersobbach motor compare 13 00 4498 4499 A Coal & Dock a 'an M. -411smom 1 25 4566 4502 Theo. G. Hells CompanyCompanypan Highland SpTln CM&P Hydraulic Hole Hoist 90 00 45o2 Comp High school Ent Sh 20155 4-50R 45 Joy Brothers motor car comp 45 11 B. Joyce & Company U. J. KaUevsky a 00 1450 � 4-507 X011099 -Mackay Company 45019 4-09 7. A. Lang, Inc. Leeds & Northrup Comnany Link .5 4-10 .5 4-il Belt supply Company Mack International Motor T a Corp. .5 4512 451 John Haler W. A. Handa, Inc. Uelady Pnper Comnany 262190 6j94 4514 Merrill, Greer &'ohapmen 451 4512 GUS D. Messing Uldvmy creamery company 4-17 i 45-18 uple, school supply.0oppany Minnesota Milk company 26 oo 4519 mono -Type & Material Company 3 iOO SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 000 00 I J92 2 121 336i 3bi II 0� ; 22931 3. 1 J31 394i 2A Igo 25' 21 28 3:1 2211 k M ME loo 5g 991 20 55 991 � SE.,I_ EL, UDIEIMER. AGAINST .192__ YES 192--- YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) --------- - ------------- Mr- Vift VEM b' - ra4on -mxVvii --- DISTRIBUTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS �PUN�D. ACCOUNTS 127 196 68 12'1 1 __513. 174 720700 GARAGE 342 194 58-90 FORESPUBLIC so oo 00 300 a 274.66 �O 563 61 153 100 4b 30 17 20 109 i30 ACCOUNTS 24 3 186;18 0- 1 _6-3W'_67 3 ;00 414 8 124 50 696-140- 15 :00 10'36 259 70 IS 3 76 265 4130 13'90 13 9050 17 86 26'00 414, 30:00 2 100 1.83 13 00 12 54 3123 13 94 i34 229 99 0 50 150 564 41 63100 13 00 156 1 25 45 !oo 90 00 1 21 150 20155 99 69 251 45 455 1 35 91 174,05 112 952 09 a 00 1� 190 !90 40 27 15;00 262190 6j94 4 73 27 1 50 15'00 28 A3 26 oo 3 iOO 22!00 80!99 � SE.,I_ EL, UDIEIMER. AGAINST .192__ YES 192--- YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) --------- - ------------- Mr- Vift VEM b' - ra4on -mxVvii --- DISTRIBUTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS �PUN�D. ACCOUNTS 127 196 68 12'1 GARAGE 286 37 FORESPUBLIC -UILL NG SUNDRY 274.66 �O X77 153 100 109 i30 ACCOUNTS 186;18 0- _6-3W'_67 3 ;00 414 8 3 699.-91.1 696-140- 15 :00 IS 3 76 265 4130 322 24 17 86 414, 2 100 13 00 12 54 13 94 i34 0 50 150 564 41 156 45 !oo 90 00 20155 99 69 45 455 1 35 91 174,05 112 952 09 � SE.,I_ EL, UDIEIMER. AGAINST .192__ YES 192--- YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) --------- - ------------- Mr- Vift VEM b' - ra4on -mxVvii --- DISTRIBUTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS �PUN�D. ACCOUNTS 127 GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESPUBLIC -UILL NG SUNDRY �O X77 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 0- _6-3W'_67 13 176.10' 414 8 3 699.-91.1 696-140- 4130 322 24 73 20 1 99 69 1� 40 27 56 2-1 80!99 i43 _3 0- 24-7-3-0-7--fL0�1� 71,La� -6-ZINI _!9PF13_2_T_6_ ib- j --X 696 Iro —d - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ti61MPMATE / COU TD RES. NO.CIL �j�'nC _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NO i -- - = - "N - _--------- --- CITY CLERK 1�y1 ____________ '�cLANCY. Mph. 1 9 1926 - ,� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FARM _..IN FAVOR T 7 ,Y/� CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /'HODGSON. ADOPTED BY____ _-, 192____ D ' -719- �1-.'IiV.��i"i 11 S___5,972.6-----------------------------',CtOyVERING ✓✓. M.DONALD. COO NCIL CHECKS NUMBERED 4460. ------- TO �SUDHEIMER. _au' AGAINST APP __6`-4P� -_ 192___ / COM OLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �"WENZEL, of THE CITY COMPTROLLER - - YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - --- -- -- --- --- -- ---- -- ---- -- --4� mpvo __._ Aie. Vioe_PrEe R TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION CHECKTOTAL FAVOR OF BrLOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING TRUST � NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT pgNK GENEI:4L WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS GARAGE plyjY'�gLL1(� SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACCOUNTS REVOLVING BROUGHT FORWARD l - 7,00060 _4 7 1i�_ _ . 342 104.58 _ 90.511'; 7 Ill 770 60 126 X21,, 0.6 .247 -307 .60- - -7L7? o _ 349:6 13 176,10i 41�+ 29 3 699,91 _---- 446o John J. Kieffer _2 i, 2W 0 4'1 l E. .3tipe 300; 300 00 4462 Ca ito2 City Transfer 8o a0 00 4464 Ahrens Fox Firefgine Comp 563'6 563 61 64 American Linen supply Company61 S 40'30 17 4'30 446 American Radiator Company 2� 3 2233 3 446 American Sheet &Tia Plate a zany l�ij 3 14 3 4467 Beebe Laboratories, Inc. 41 4:00 4468 Boer Fish Company 215 12,50 4469 Brooks Brothers 269; 10 36 259 7 4470 Drown Instrument Company 12;5 12 50 4471 Campbell Coal Compan 336'1 13 90 322 24 44 2 Capital.city Lime & Cement 0c. '2 44 Harry F. Carlson 261 26100 73 20 4474 Central Ice Company 30; 30'00 447� Chrin Belt Company 1!83 1183 4476 Ohio go, Burlington & cZAnoy Ry. 3' 23 3 23 4477 Ohioago, Milwaukee & At.Paul y_. 21M99 228199 4478 George A. Clark & Son 4479 J.R. Clements Bldg. Company 7�3!bo I 13 00! 1 78 4480 Craig Cil Company 6100 63100 44$1 Curtis & Cameron 5125 5;25 4482 Devoe & Raynolde Go. Inc. 1 21 1 .21 i}4$�j A1bBYt DiOlCin90Rl Oooapariq _ 25ZI 5o 25j1 �I5j0 _ 1i11�11 O. R. rokhardt clomp—y 9 00 a 00 448g Fleotrio Blne Print oompany 115 � 190 90 44el6 Txhibitore Supply Company 47 Fsno�, var► :�lyok & Moconeill 295 13 266 9904 4 73' 27 50 4488 Friedmansl 6 94 4489 Fuller Mfg. Company � 15 00 15 00 i 4490 A. J. Funok & Company 2 oQi 26 oo 4491 J. R. Gaunt & son, Inc. 28 i� 28 43 4492 Horman Glleme 3 00 li I `1 449 Gopher Carriage oompany 2i 00� 22 00 4494 A. F,. Gustafson 1� 21 12 4492 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company196 68 196 68 4497 Hall-Hersohbach Motor Com-any298 69 286 37 98 6g 1� 4498 M. A.Hanna CoP.1 & Dook Compare � 4499 Theo. G. Belle Company 153 00 153 00 274 66 4500 Highland spring Company 108 30 108 30 40 27 45o1 Hydrauiio Hosst compare 40 27 00 56 4502 Joffieon High School Print Sh 186 78 186 18 0 Jo Brothers 1Qotar Oar a ' 59 ' 21 3 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL' FO ENCIL OUACRUPLICATE TO -. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F RES, NO._1�2 CITY CLERK AUDITED. CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - - r 'RESOLVED 'THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATCITY TO T'AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF TREASURY HE ' ..r �' 5-.—y�_ijy,pG-=-.-•__..�. COVERING 'O NUMBEREO—_.4526___TO____430.- PTROLLER CHECKS -.INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE .: ER OFTHE CITY.: COMPTROLLER. .: ,.. '. TOTAL ... RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT' BANK . CHECKS CHECKS - ----- - - - . ' BROUGHT FORWARD - - - - - -- - -'.- i' I i C. F. No. 66093— ' RCC olved, That checks be drawn on - - the .City Treasury, to the aggregate i I amount of $14,687.62, covering checks f numbered 4520 to 4530 Inclusive, as I Der checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council May 19, 1926. ( Approved May 19, 1926. J%' j(May 22-1926) 1 i i V i DATE 5.----- ECKS Ni�-'�,___.: COVERING _ __. AGAINST � `�- pc --- ----------------- l/ SUDHEIMER, -" - 'I,//� J(/� CHECKS NUMBERED-----420 TO-_-_- -- / Y / ----- --' I1 COMPTROLLER____ WENZEL. -- - --� MAYOR -- /r INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE . Y.Bfq, YES (1') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) 9 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Mr. Vice Prue. Forgo" ---- - - - - DISTRIBUTION TOTAL RETURNED _ CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS I�ITIMPROVEM ENT PUBLIC SUNDRY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER BOND I ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE IIGF2LIJM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING CHECKS CHECKS REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 7000 . 942 916 ,o0 345 bib s -_91 174: 5 1.2 952. pd G p BROUGHT FORWARD Q_. _12.:x__243 'Q_ 47.307 4�Q_.. 177- VQ-. 6,_631 .7�Q-. +� 176 10 414 2$ 3. 773.-1- �. 6>3� 4520 mirgaret Linke 6 00 4521 Thomas Nelson & sone 19 43 79 3331 ` � 33 91 15 6o 2 78 ® 4522 Niaols, Wean &Gregg 25 4523 North3rn Tire Anparatus Camp q 4524 Northorn states Power C�Anny 11x'',38 116 38 45 5 North Star State, Tobacco 0omp' q I 9 20 � 26 20 4526 A. J. Nystrom & 0omranq 99 26 89 53 76 � 42 o<:kie Chemical. Compaw ,'76 529 Lire L. J. 'lozyagi. 2 '79 2 79 4-29 ilcox 14 04S 9 3 09 4530 L. C. Hodgson, Com#r. of Fin. 14 049 87 i I I F IV s. � I i 1 1 I I �I •I I i 1 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 000 O,D 57 579 9 345 848' 86 105 262 1 112 952 08 127 243 ';30 247 307 60 177,80 6 719157 13 19170 41 6 3 773 ;11 .686 0 „- - FORM D34 1000 7-24 TO CITY CLERK RES. N0.-162---- --------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE TE- 2 1 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ------ -5"i-62 ----------- - ---------- COVERING Y__ ---- - ------------ - -- -14# -1, ---- CHECKS NUMBERED_____ 4520 .... TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PE ---- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT10N FORM '/CLANCY, 'Fi=RQve0j*'-- ----- ------IN FAVOR HODGSON. ✓ M.DONALD. L/SUDHEIMER, ------ 0 ---- AGAINST WENZEL. YES (,,) COUNCII MPM COUNCIL FILE NO. ---------- 66093 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ----- MAY J--'--� -Lct26 ---------- 192 ________192____ ----- ------ CHECK 1 TOTAL - - RETURNED 4"Ri9 MAYOR NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY DISTRIBUTION TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT GENERAL WATER I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST "-a_ SPECIAL FUNDS um CHECKS CHECKS BANK ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE - SPRINKLING P I UUBLIC SUNDRY B ILDI BROUGHT FORWARD 7 OW -QO, 942-991 -;qj� � 3-45-- -455 .520 Margaret Links �5- U ;oo --93- 1-74 -,b5 1.2 952 QS 40� 17-7-0-0, REVOLVNG NG - ACCOUNTS 4521 Thomas nelson & sons 16 Go 4-22 6 oo e 60 .5 N10018, Dean & Gregg �79 ---307 -1151531-9P 13- 176 X0 3 773-11 --l-U 40 129.39 45 4523 llorthsrn rl'lre A-paratue Comp y 93 25 33 31 9j 2 4-24 11 .5 Worthorn 3tatee Power comp n6 38 3 4525 Company 11 North Star State Tobaoco Comp ny 33 91 15 6o 11 2 78 91 �20 91 20 4526 A N trom & Company 26 8 X's 26 89 4 7 0 -k S. hemloal Company ;7Z jl -5-2 .5 Mr --4. L. J. Rozyokl 53 2 �79 4-29 "llcox .5 4930 L. C. Hodgson, Comer. Fin. 3 09 2 79 3 b§ 53 76 of 14 048 87 14 049 ill ciiYlc�iwi CITY OF SAINT PAUL w�No.............6609..4 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMISSIONER...... ......... e........4`'• "....... .. .. ..............: DATE........... ..................... - ZRA�C�'IpWaM'J�0't.-sy J• h, Clanor BOOKS OF THE RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWI That th'o followlyg traha fora be made on thebooke of ,the' Comptroller. ao by,so doing an un- CERTAIN ITEMS COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UI�av4�idable dencleney ln-Certain te9ms. pe met b' eatl}d peovlded 6yhi>;e iOVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT h'9°tqg EnE-� t from which MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS AR's. • '•' CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED _ FROM TO OR. CR. FIRE 8 D 6 Maintenance of Bldgs. Supplie8 1600 00 C 6 Fire Fighting - Supplies 1500 00 .� POLICE AND FIRE ALARM 76 A 51 Police & Fire Alarm - Revenue 108 78 ✓ 78 W Police & Fire Alarm 1925 Reserve 52 68 78 A 6 " ` " 'I Reps Traffic Signal 56 10 �. HEALTH 9 F 51 Tuberculosis - Revenue 9 00- 9 I 61 Laboratory - R -i 00 9 F 4 Tuberculosis - Light, Water 150 00.E 9 G 3 Dale St. Ynfirmary,Bd,Livery Patients 425 00 ✓ 9 J 2 Harriet Island Park-Light,Heat,Water 300 00 ✓ t 9 C 2 Promotion Health Sohools-Supplies 300 00 9 F 3 Tuberculosis- Supplies a 00 9 G 6 Dale St. Inf.- Office Expense 25 00 9 12 Laboratory- Supplies -4-- 9 J 5 Harriet Is. Pk - Repairs & Renewals 50 00 9 L 4 Comfort Station- tepairs 150 00 9 L 5 " it Miscellaneous 25 00 9 M 2 Dog Lioense-Auto maintenanceI^���., 300 00 9 M 3 " " Supplies L _`�l'' Z5 00 YES V) COUNCILMEN NAYS ® ✓CLANCY ✓HODGSON ......f/:.!......IN FAVOR /MCDONALD - �SUDHEIMER ...,[......,(........AGAINST '--,W ENZEL nsr PU] FOw Oz.lklol�ioaP;au. N'erttueuR ADOPTED BY COUNTERSIGNED BY N.AY . 2_ 0.1926....... ts........... 19........... 'lY C"T COMPTROL-R �CURO�L No ------ ... 660(95 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4*^ COUNCIL ,�2— ESOLUTIONGENERAL FORM A ,/ RESOLVE ( Y _ hat the applicatiol r license of the Holly Realty Company to conduct an amusement park at the West end of Pike Island, situated in the Mississippi River near the Fort Snelling Bridge, in the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby granted pursuant to the terms of Ordinance No. 6096, approved July 14, 1923, and the City Clerk is in— strueted to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the required fee. RESOLVED FURTHER, That said license may be transferred with the consent of the Council 66os6-sy?: 2L5j1jaa0ton for Co un 6. May 20.1526- 22-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,'Clancy .—vim=— Hodgson In favor ,McDonald O /Sudheimer ----------------Against ---Wenzel Mr. Viae i'rea P MAY 2 0 192Cs Adopted by the Council------------------------------------192------ AF Y w Ay�prov .- --- --- ---0 1926 -- �-- -----•-�--------------192...-.. ---- --------- - ------- � MAYOR PUSI.ISiiR,U-ISiiFi n COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No.-------�yS.��). FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY.._..- ---__- _ . DATE ............ ._..._ _...---_....._.__... RESOLVED That the application for license of the Holly Realty 0ampaay to conduct an amusement park at the west end of Pike Island, situated in the Mississippi River near the Fort Snelling Bridge, in the City of at. Paul, be and the same is hereby granted pursuant to the terms of Ordinance No. 6096, approved July 14, 1983, and the City Clerk is in- structed to issue such license upon payment into the city treasury of the required fee. RESOLVED FURTHER, That said license msy be transferred with the consent of the Council. o ' / - MAY 2 0 1929 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................. ...0 . Yeas Nays Clancy Approved ------------ 192 Ferguson - ----..-.192Ferguson Hodgson ................In favor MAYOR---- - ---- - ... - - ----- - ----- ----.._.....- .......... McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President rte• St. Paul, Minn. March 22, 1926 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Ramsey Holding Company respectfully applies to the Countil for a license to operate an amusement park on that past of sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, Town.28, Range 23, constituting what is known as Pike Island, situated at the junction of the Missis- sippi and Minsota Rivers and east of the Fort Snelling Rese ation. Applicant represents that is intends to develop and maintain a free public park and to operate, on parts thereof, for profit, the customary form of well- equipped amusement park with merry-go-rounds, roller - coasters, bathing and boating beaches and other devices and structures of similar character for the amusement, recreation and entertainment of the public. It further represent^ that it intends to construct its own water, sewer., road and sidewalk system; to devote abo-gt 30 acres to structures for amusement, recreation and enter- tainment; and to devote the remainder of about 170 acres to an improved park for free use by public. Your petitioner further requests that the license granted to it, if one be granted, contain a provision that it may be assigned with the consent of the Council. Dated March 22, 1926. RAMSEY H�O'LDDIING COMPANY By.../.:.1.17 . . ............ Secret 1005 Builders'Exchange Building St. Paul. C. J. MCGLOGAN, OEn�N1 HAROLD J. RIORDAN CRY CLRK AND ll�� CHID' O -K -CITY CLERK COMMIS8101,,IX W RMISTRATION CLARENCE A. STORMS (®tine of (4ity ex CN- CLO,K-REOIfTRATION March 23rd, 194,6. Hon. J. M. Clancy, Chairman, License Committee, B u i 1 d i n g. My dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith an application of the Ramsey Holding Company for a license to operate an amusement,,,on that pert of Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, Township 28, Range 23, known as Pike Island. This matter has been referred to "the License Committee for investigation and report. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. (pity of Ouiut Paul 1�3Ee[ufine �e}�uriluenl ARTHUR E. NELSON. -- March 22, 1926 011'v Q To the Honorable City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I am handing to you herewith application of the Ramsey Holding Company for license to operate an amusement park on Pike Island. Very truly yours, or. C: F No 88098 --BY T, M. Clancy—;� - nesolved,'That the 'appllentlone fo llcen ee o[ the following Dersons for � conducting businesses at the addresses „�5��(1� gr Ot td a and the same A.I. ..hereby WON CITY granted and the city clerk is instruct co"ca," NO. ed to 19sue eUch Iicennes nDon the p6y- cine ..... '" "'""'"" ment Into. the -city treaeuty of the sus- , OFFICE OF,^mnry fee: COUNCIL R SOLU- Amusement CDd-1643 IInlver Y., k ! pleturo Theatre 139 E. Fairfield Ave PRESENTED BY /7//G __ W. 3rd 8t., Pgwn COMMISSIONER.._..._ .._L ._ ... .. .. __..aJ!._Z.P,.._19.�L..B._.......................__. a Hill 9t., .But^ - 740 Edm',- RESOLVED That the applioations o icenses of the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of .the customary fee: Lake Amusement Co., Doba Sinesky, Louis Bans, Todd Ackerly, Sidney Michelson, Peter Nicholas, Henry Goodman, R. C. Hausler, Shibla Abdalla, L. Labovich, T. H. Somers, H. A. Cambray, H. J. Lawrence, C. N. Smith, tied Osman, Coleman & Coleman, Northwest Theater Circult,Ino., A. Nissenzweig, Louis C. Patrin, Marx Reimers, Louis Le Claire, Gottbehut Bros., 1543 University Av., 239 E. Fairfield Av. 11 W. 3rd St., 105 Hill St., 740 Edmund St., 494 N. Snelling Av., 473 Broadway St., 1043 Osceola Av., 657 Stryker Av., 508 Jackson St., 63 W. 7th St., 2256 W. Como Av., 302 Rice St., 204 Carroll Av., 209 Nelson Av., 558 St. Anthony `'v., 449 Wabasha St., 441 Rondo St., 1043 Payne kv., 377 W. 7th St., 193 W. Fairfield Av, 1059 E. 4th St., Motion Picture Theatre 2nd hand dealer Pawnbroker Butcher Confectionery Butcher 2nd hand dealer Butcher Confectionery Grocery 2nd hand dealer Butcher Grocery Grocery Con£eotionery-drug Grocery Motion Picture Theatre Grocery Butcher 2nd hand dealer Soft drink Butcher Soft drink parlor has bar exposed to view from street COUNCILMEN ODS Q 01926 Teas Nays Adopted by the Council ..--------------------------------- vClancy d'etgNat�. .Hodgson_....:�.....In favor -McDonald /Sudheimer ......_Against `Wenzel V" d4r. P 192 Approved.............._192...-.- ..- - rt�f2/ MAYOR �usrrs�b=x�a�' loo vt� ,. 0s �i�s"r► i -i x��: atz�rxer 1� Vis. ;� �,tif�d01'iti� k��llr! � � : • Von. _. rY tlli a Te*p Oe1m���Doxe� pe►� 0�� ,p� � � per: ],aba�tsr Ares., MAY 4 01926 - AYo:;. 5 R �' `7TOTAL 77 - RETURNED CHECK N,F;WOR OF BY', NUMBER TRANSFER m1SSURSEMENT, GAWK till CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTF(?RVAR C. P. Na, 66098— R-olved that checks be drawn on the City Tr asury, tc the aggregate , of s"'No covering checks !j numbered 4531 to 4548 Inclusive, as per he,k, on 11, In the offill 11 the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council blay 20, 1926. j Approved bray 20, 1926. (May 22-1926) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD PORM 034 1000 7.24 till - _-_.- --- - JSUDHEIMER• '.. __.AGAINST /// - COM Pi ROLLCR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHE KS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - / A IyG ! OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER iW ENZ s V / PER - -- �' __-_ _ o YES (1') COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) - - - --- — ------- CHECK ---- ----- --- ' p Inq M GENERAL WATER BO CHECK TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION NUMBER II'�FAVOR OF By %/ _ _ .. � TRANSFER • DISBURSEMENT LOCAL CHECKS CHECKS BANK ND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST - SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESTRY I W PUBDLIC ACCOUNTS - I BUIL ING SUNDRY REVOLVING 1 BROUGHT FORWARD ( __ -- - _000_p0. _9"'.115 j-5 --- ._345_949;_96 _ io5 262!_1 112_952-, -127 -24' 0247-._30 _ 0- X77_' Q - - 6 Z].9i5 19� 7p 417 06 4531 Lindstrom & AnderQon 306 4 3_- 3 7Z3�I1 1__6$6_40 4532 Keough Brothers 3 995' 396 00, — 4533 Garrick Brothers gig l 3 99500 I� 4534 creacent 031 company gig 60 453 11 n x i 018) 4 300; 41 I i� 4536 2 018121 4537 rayon construotion Company 1 36;;1 41'2 99 91' 4538 L.C.Hodgeon, oom+r. of Fin. � 885j 3 gg5'og 1 360'00 ighlend t}5 a a e It 1 6601 ] 12 722; 96 46 8„ hark i ol! coo,rot 4540 mss Lout ee Halkert 2! 5 2 j 56 i 33 Propert 97 44 907 33 896 X10 4541 J. A. Rogers Agency 15 � 159 00 4542 Rusoh motor car Company 1 9 4543 st.1� L11 Das Light Oompiiny 2�0; 3 24oI39 194 97 4544 - Villaume Box & Lumber campnn 19 8 19',82 454y ift. Bros Boiler & Mfg. comp ,'y M1 0 I 4 4542 Niools, Dean & Gregg �10 294547 Northern states tomer compare 2 2 600!05 4549 N. �. 'leotrio Equipment Com_ ny 3 35011 4 3 350141 i _ 1 I ' i I � I I r � I i -- SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ' ! 000 00 996_''1 L .... - 366 529, 5 _. 108. 363- 7 117 339'109 133 416;.3 247 ,307 60 2241.1 8 93 13 290' S1 51►� 50 � 690,; 4 2 572 50 - TMHLIekTE F. TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ( "- --- '- �r - COUNCIL (>•( RES NO.__i.F}i___________ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE ��Ir�UT( CITY CLERK '�CLANCY, Nom'-' -"- �.'311t��d't.j- L" RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM y .. L--IN DATt —20 _14 CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I�----.FAVOR SAY 2 Q 192 t S-'�------------- covERING ✓HODGSON. ADOPTED-131`YHE COUNCIL _____ -------- ------- __________792____ _ _ w1.DONALD. BY __.__ ______ ______-- _ _,_-- CHECKS UMBER __ ii TO____Jy.� com FTROLLERi - r,-- - - _SUDHEIMER, _._____AGAINST ) __ ________ ___ INCLUSIVE,, PER CHE KS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PR D -fit __ _ � 67 726 ,A9ENZEL, �a OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 92 PER.__ - _,_ ___..— _._-_ .._-._-__ YE ____ __ __ -sz ---------------- . _ __..._. ._.-_ S (�) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) a'` __ _ _ _ ___ _ TOTAL IhQ M CHECK RETURNED NUMBER FAVOR OF iI BY DISTRIBUTION ---_--- ---- - --- ----_ �/ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL CHECKS ! BANK GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS ACCOUNTS S A FUND CCO ACCOUNTS GARAGE Wi IY --'- --- -'-'-- - SP INKLING PUBLIC - --. ' _. ---.. —..-_ r -...... ..-___. ___. __ FORESTRY BROUGHT- FORWARD '� - �--.-- ------ Ac...ouNTs G BUILDIN SUNDRY REVOLVING '- -96 _.105 _.262_1 112 0B- 12-2.47-307-166-1-- ` -7-000-M.- 99 - 345, 4 952 r3_-- 532 Keough rgerson -3861 326 00, _ 0 _- -1771-SO .---_ 6_ 7 . 3 _773_!.11 _1 686 40 — 4 47 19� 70 41 06 4533 Carrick Brothers 4534 areacent oil company 218, 321g5b06 � 4538 u R 2 0114 30o 41 I� b n a n 130; 1 41 2 I 2 Mtn II 4537 Fayan Construction company 1 3601 22 21 4540 4538 L.c.Hodgaon, Rom+r. o„ Fin. 33 051 3 225 08 1 360100 i2hian ' �g 14 66011 12 722196 so Park o1P core J. A Com es MAAggency 15215 1 2 56 I 46 33 propertt 97 44 907:33 226 110 4841 J. A. Rogers 19 5910 4542 Ruaoh motor aer compmy 1 4455434 St.Pnul Gras Light Compsny 2 013 240!39 194 97 , vilin�uno Bos &Lumber Oar>apon' 19� a 19122 4545 `M. Bros Boiler & Mfg. acmp 'y Oi 4542 Nicole, Dean & aregg 4510 1 i4501 4547 Northern .3tates Dower company 2 600 1029 05 4542 N. --7.Tleotrio Equipment comp ny 3 3501 4 3 350'41 2 600 ' I Iff form i I i I I 66099 COUNIL FILE NO ............................. By.......................................... .:;....................... ---........... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....grading-Alloy....Il?...B]IoCk._Is...,c�och! s...Rearrangement,_.-f�.q>n $azelwo9d._Avenue-..to..the west_ line .of Schoch's Rearrangement, ., ' . "MAL ORDWM :................................................. ............................................ ..._......_....... ... F. N..66099-- --------------- ...--------- ..... In the Matter o2 gradtug AMY In Bik.. "`- - nt Sro� Ha 1 6choch,H N ,. ....... ................ ........ .....: PironB= ..... 1 _....:........................................... .................................... ................................. .................. ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ............. ........................ approved_....-.---.M@X Gh..23.....1 26..--.....--............... - IntermediaryOrder.......,-................. ......................... :....-... approved--.....----.............I......................---........................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully,consid- cred the same; therefore,.be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... grade ...Alloy..Jn-.Bl.aok...l.,...SCho.ohl.a...R9arr.ange— enb.,-..f17.qm...Iiazelwood__Avenue--to._the west _line of Schoc .!.s__.Rearrangement, -......----------------------------------- . ......... . _...... ---•.............................. ........... - -- ...... -- ...................... .- ............ .-...................................--- -- .............................. -............. .......................... .......... ...... ...------.................................•--.....................----......._..................._.............................----...-------------------------'-------....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......: i 191....... MAy 2"" 192E ................ . - ................ .... ..... ---- i .Clerk. MAY 2 51926 Approved......... ----.....-- .......................... ....., 191. - .. -- ..... .... .. ................. -....... ting M.. ........ coayor....._...... _Councilman Xth Clancy Ac Councilman Ck� Hodgson � c an S -'C'ouncilman- lex Sudheimer /Councilman rich Wenzel Nelson Mr. Vice Pres. Eergason Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM,SSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELI iNARY ORDER Ia the matter of Grade Alley in Block 1, 8ahoch'ss_Rearrangemant_ from Ne,ySlWned Ave- to tba West 11ne of ACh0ChI8 pe&££ense>�e;3t under Preliminary Order approved MR.r. 23, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - 595- 29 front The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is - _ /,. �•S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION "LOT B—K ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION (Except the North 97.40 ft.) 1 1 Schoch's Re -Arrangement 3050 11C do 2 1 ) do do 3 1 do 4 1 do 50 5 1 do 50 6 1 do 2300 7 1 do 2300 S i do 75 9 1 do 75 Fu B. S. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL •d; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .;�!'!�Y�•.,. M REPORT OF COOMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED .� :. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADDITION VALUATION 10 1, Schoch's Re4rrangement 75 11 1: do 75 u. The North 47 ft. of Lots 12,13 and 14 1. do 25?5 ! X10,575• ! I:< The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1'1A.4,1 192 6,' �— Uom loner of Finance. Form B. B. U St. Paul, Minn.� LY--1922� To The Honorable; The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby etition your Honorable Boy to cause the following improve ent to be made: Gti ~ �'.St. Ave. C �w e� L 4 LCEIV® Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo , Report to Commissioner of Finance ONCR A APR. 98'1! �8 -April 23, 1926.. ..._.,_._192.._____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hal under consideration the preliminary order of the 65039March 23, 1926 Council, known as Council File No..___-_- ............. approved ___._.._.................................. I....__....._.........._-192._._., relative to the grading of alley in Block 1, $chock's heari_s.ngement,.from u _...._.._......._...-.... _...__ ...... -- -- ---- - rt- Hazelwood Avenue to the west line of Schoch's Rearrangement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..__ ....... _.... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._1.06- �eT frag&AhAtal cost thereof is $.._585._28 ............ _, 'Frontage 550 £t. Inspection $11.48 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__............. .............................. _.__.... .................. ____..------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....... .......................... ......_..._..........___.._.._..._.._....—.........._......_.._....-- - ---- - — -- 5. Said improvement is._ .................... .._........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said' improvement. t Commissioner of Public Works. �c1E1'Y O.i�,� 9�IlYT �17HhlL `epa Frn�nFCif fPJruq1blicVWwE-I JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSION= GlOROE M. SHEPARD, CHIO.ENOIN®1 M. S. GRYTEAK. ERIO.[ E-1- WM. N. CAREY. SUR. O/ CW[RNCN.N ANO RVNR A. E. SHARP. SUFI. .F WIRAT.N G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND CRY PLANMN. ENOIN� G. P. SOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORIM.V.[ April 22, 1926. Hon. Bohn H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith Preliminary Estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 1, Schoch's Re. arrangement, from Hazelwood Avenue to the west line of Schoch's Rearrangement under Preliminary Order C.F. 65039, approved March 23, 1926: Estimate of cost . . . .$p585.28 Inspection 11.48 Cost per front foot 1.06 Frontage fr56 ft. Yours very truly, GMS:AB Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST.PAUL` r UMI .ens _. 66001 0 " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL .FORM May E4, 1926. PRESENIBD BY ..: COMMISSIONER DATE _._ RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1,,Sohooh's Rearrangement, from Hazelwood Ave. to the west line of Sohooh'e Rearrangement, under Preliminary. Order Ca F.; #65040, approved March 23, 1926, and Intermediary Order 0. F. #66702, approved April 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter,.be it RESOLVED. That the City of St: Paul fixes and determines, the amount of land to be taken for the above ► named.' Improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon the Alley in Block 1, Bohoah's Rearrangement, �4 between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 25, 1926, which plan and' report are hereby referred, to and ode a part hereof. IC RSLo. 88100 By Y R. &.Ferguson - sy reaceetr ft'' 1 In,the`Me tAr ot'con demu ng a ld,[ak- ing.aa-:easementpn the land' neceer earY xor aloDeer:cuts'snd :'811x. Sn the grading of hoc6Alley fn - FAook "1, Sa'a Rearrangement, from Fip-, I. - seltreo'd Ave.,to ahb treeq-nae echooh'e Rearrangementt,, under Pce= ! t { COUNCMMEx' MAY 2 51926 - 92..--.. Yeas ✓' Nays Adopted by the Council -::..-.. .................... -_. t Clancy r� MAY'2 5 19?6 Fargllo^^ Approved........... 192...... ✓'3odgson - .......... in favor •Rn MAYOR `Sudheiraer Against J s' Wenzel Mr. Vice Prim. Fergunos vttRLISXED C (P CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Blook 1, Sohoch's Rear:engement W. Line of Sohoch's from Hazelwood Ave. to Rearrangement under Preliminary Order C.F. 66040 approved Starch 23. 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 66702 approved April 28. 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Corranissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�•�. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE_. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j. In the matter of Onndemni s for alopes, Cuts And MIS, in the gra ng offAlle4 in Block 1. Schoch_'s Rearrangement, from Haze1wond Ave to the Wept line of Schoch's Rearrangement a under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 23- 19-6 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is do The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except the North 97.40 ft.) 1 1 .(1( Schoch's Re -Arrangement 3050 do 2 ) do do i dO 4 i do 50 5, 1 do 50 . 6 7 x do 2300 S 1 do 75 9 1 Form B. B. 10 do TOTAL. 75 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE fro t, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .10 1 Schoch's Re-. rrangement 75 11 1 do 75 The North 47 ft. of Lots 1,-,13 and 14 1 do 2525 $10.575a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated /,/ .2 192- 1 Form B. B. 12 Comp4ssioner of Finance. 'j COUNCIL FILE NO............................. By.....: ...... ........................................................:. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-.-.--grf.kding::9119-y.--in.--Ma nfor.0_21A.0.0...and-..H1nCli-.1,...1"lsllesley Place-,.-•from•,Fairview_-Avenue--to--_the west, line of•_Wellesley• Place, ............... .� --'--' .......... ....................... C F No: 66101— _. �In tha'Mnttoe ofd Bloc Alley tela` b 2oYd Plnce and Block 1, Welleeley - ,`r, ,, Place, from: Falrvlew Ave. to the -- ----------------•_.------..... ----:_.-................................----. meet llae of Wellesley Placer under ..-........--.-.-.....--- _--.--..... .. �,rrellminary Ord.r 66021 approved March 23 006 ----------------------------------------_---------.-...............--.... ....� A paA11tr hearin9. } Aeen had .................. -....................... . .............. :- AT .................................. .............. under Preliminary Order-...............@037._... ................... approved ..----.._-Mar-Ch_23,. 2926.._...------:--:--: Intermediary Order.............. ................... ...................... approved-------......- ........ ...................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having.heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paulthat that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..-.grade,:A11Qy-.-in--at-anford---Place.-:and--Block 10 �[e.�aes ey--, place,--from; Fairview Avenue to the: west. line -:of :Wellesley-.Place, , ..---.......................--------.................................................. ........................................... ..--..... ....... ................. ......... ............... .................... .....--- ...................--..... .. ..................................................... .................................................................. ........ .: .................. ...................................... ....................•............................... -_-...................... ..................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that.upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 2 51926 Adopted by the Council........... .................. . 191...:--- ....... ..... .... ........................ ....... ................ MAY 2 51926 �� ty Clerk. Approved...-- - .............. 191 .-. ...... ............. ... .--............ ...............--....... ..... . ......... ACtiny Mayor. Councilman ohm moxth Clancy Councilman > Hodgson (� ' rrCouncilman x Sudhe imer � "� Councilman NbokyUkk Wenzel cr of Nelson PUBLISHED i 2 e. (rice Prew. Formsn:t' � orm B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF STPAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a'snj ""'' ER OF REPORT OF J PRELInM Ngi(ZY' ORDER FINANCE (A) In the matter of Grade Alley in Stanford Place and Block 1 Wellesley Place. from Fairview Ave. to the West line of Wellesley Place a: ^r under Preliminary Order approved liar. 23,-19-2-5- To 3.1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 424.78 front _ _ $_0,34___ The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last. reported by the Assessor, are as follows: --:ASSESSED DESCRIPTION '. LOT ewcK ADDITION - VALUATION I� (; 1 Stanford Place ( 2 do (I 3 do 6375 f4 do ('. 5 do ( 6 do 7 do 550 8 do 550 9 do _ 550 i - _ Fmm B. B. 10 10 do TOTAL. 350 CITY OF ST. PAUL .� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCK;. ADDITION �. I ASSESSED VALUATION 11' Stanford Place 350 12; do 350 13: do 350 14; do 350 All of 15 do & except the East 30 ft.) 16 The East 30 ft. of !16 (Exfoept the East 14 ft.) '17 (The East 15 ft. Of 117 do 1400 and all of 1B do 475 i. 1 1 Wellesley Place 2 1. do 3 1 do 4, 1 do 5 1 do b 1' do 7 1, do 8: 1. do 9; 1 do -10 1.. do 2450 i 614,450. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated t 192-4L c �� Comm' sioner of Finance. Folin B. B. 12 -.- • St. Paul, Minn. March _,,._,8ILA_192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �17�.at._.Qa�.tsdas....a11.9.y_- { n Stanfo�d.�� ace apd +n Block one (1) Wellesley place, according to the recorded plat thereof of record and of file in the bffios of the Register of Deeds sithin_snj%x&a ior-l�amseq oun y aria Sete' c3` Minneso- a from__EairsiAs Ave. to Sub — St. SSC if produced South from St, Clair AraI" 1A 't'' �31�1L I'�e�P�aGrih inhV f',11'U ili rhs 1° JOHN H..MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORSE M. SHEPARD. CNIu SNOINQEn WM. N. CANEY. S—. OF CONS-Umm AND R— G. H. HSRROLQ, 0-- I.ID Cm r-Nx q April 14, 1926. Hon, John H. MoXonald; Commissioner of Public Works, Building. 1 M. S. ORYTSAK. SnmO Elma— A.S. SHARP. S—. OP SANRATION O. P. O.UN. SUPY. On WOlnOqucc - Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Stanford Place and Block 1, Wellesley Place, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wellesley Place, under Preliminary Order C. F; #65037; approved March 23, 19261 Estimated Cost 04$4.78 Cost per front ft. .34 Frontage 1251.34 ft. Inspection 8.33 Yours truly, COUNCIL No---- CITY .OF'ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �^ RESOLUTION ,GENERAL FORM owre_.._lRay $. 1926 PR-FN OMS410NEY RESOLVED In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the landnedeseary for slopes, outs and fills, in the. grading of lileyt in Stanford Place and `. Block 1, Wellesley Place, from Fairview Avenue to the west line of Wellesley Pleoe, under Preliminary Order C. F. #65038, approved March 2roved8�''randE7` Intermediary 0rder C: F. #65638, app p 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter,.be it RESOLVED. That the City of St: Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, In and upon the Alley in Stanford Place. todtheextentWshownluponPiece, plan attache& tothe nthets Breportid, of the Commissioner of Public works in the matter dated .May 25, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. _G ]r Na i810&...Hy L R. g B'ersueon— - $y Yodneet � Yn the 7matter of ootidemtting and4tak= lttg' atf`eaeanldnt to .t#e Iand aeeer, nary Yor eloye. CNttP and All lnlhps kradtnB of Ails 1ne..atantor� , and* H1Qplt 1 '6�11b4I.Y Plaoec3 C �svnt�eiv r.,Ava to"th6'wegt'�1(ae_gt; prdei Gam No��d ': brD�CPrallffiina'ry No ;andx 7nterineI it d'Ord:r. - '1880 -aDD�gVed Apt11: 87i ` 11ATVLn Co'mmlael&nlr yt-1'abitoi Wor'#a 1114h. b,�ttted hie ^t'mPort $nil plan. matterr he.^jt– dzva90aa .:Taat the CItYRt SL,'Paul: lemt to be_ ¢termin.e Amount -Proiremeot.7�(mr the abahv�d nailied �•DO.. ontq'; an8 A�Haei"B1aY°t or, - •1�gWelloefeY:� plaoedi�l� and nHl � - #'Dolma-atoreeal 'betWe¢b. . nDon Rheto tha.-¢=ttn'F 5h'owm ot.tha C6mto'Notonorhot nbllod SVc ke ln;lhe matter dMed May 76 Y to Wor .. ud' sail ra�ort ars hereby 'r ere. to- AdoDted A-44 C4 Un11tTa i6 Ay➢roY.d Mal' s8 1958., y lase: y 251926 ---192.-..-- COUNCILMEN (Mar >tt ies;j opted by the Council -..._�A- .. ----- --- Yeas cy Approve X.2_51926 132----- j'HodgsonIn favor � l: �41!!�-MAYOR•-• f Sudheimer, Against Wenzel fP . - / Mr. Dice Pres. Ferpneou t Vol CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary fo.r slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Stanford Place and Block 1, Wellesl6y Place, from Fairview Ave. to • Line of Wellesley Place under Preliminary Order C.F. 65038 approved March 23, 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. 65635 approved April 27, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Tho Commissioner of Public World: hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ,portion of said Man, the f ills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE or REPORT OF COMMISSIgt4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA�Ptt-Y ORDER In the matter of C+ faY slopfis,_c�ta and fi 11 R, in +re grading of ai e3/ i ^ cue^�e�a -- Place and Block 1, VPellesleX Place from Fairview Ave to tha T under Preliminary Order approved—___ Mar 23,-1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: !J a The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as -follows: • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ( 1. Stanford Placa ( 2 do { 3 do 6375 4 do ( 5: do 6 do 7 do 550 do 550 9 do r;50 I Farm & R. 10 10 do TOTAL. 350 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) . ASSESSED -. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION , 11 Stanford Place 350 12 do 350 13 : do 350 14 do 350 15 All ofdo & the East 30 ft.) 1 except The East 30 ft. of 16 (Exfoept the East 14 ft.) 17 (The East 15 ft, of 17 do 1400 and all of 1B do 475 1 1 welleeley P13ce 2 1 do 3 1 do 4 1 'jo 5 1 do 6 1 d0 7 1. do 8 1 do g 1 do 10 1 do 2450 $14,450. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by theCommissioner of Public Works. / Dated E 1 %J 192 ' Colgtiiiseioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 BECE[VED Office � of * the Commissioner of Pubfie: Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 19 {9 &8 ..........:.._:-__--------_ --192.&— To _1926_To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.._._65038_...... approved__,lYIaZSG.kt....2,3s...... ............... ....... __192_0— relative to _-O_Qnd-emning..8nd .taking__en easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts_._and_.,fills, in the grading of alley in Stanford Place and Block 1, Wellesley Place, from Fairview Avenue to the west line 'of Wellesley Place and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1: Said improvement is......_. _..._._..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is$_...................... __._..._......, and the total cost thereof is $................ _..... ......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4._....,_,_........................ _.._................... .................. _.......... _......... —............... _._........ ........ ............. .... ..._. -7. . _. 5. Said improvement is ........................... _... _....... __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... _. ............. ........ _-_....._._ . _ ___......... ....... Commissioner of Public Works. 4'd FINAL ORDER 66103 In the Matter of.....grading.glley...in...Hloo.k...2,...�e.f.Psxs.on..Eark..Addii ion,...fr.om Pascal__Avenue_.to. Albert Avenue, .............. Ic > xa.j6slos— - In the Matter got grading Alley In BUL Jefferson P6rk. Additlon, from Pascal A,ve to Albert Ave.... wader ---'-...... -'--.......-. ---. --- .-j Preliminary Order 66034 aDDroved March 23 1928 A Dubno hearlag. having been had _ ......... u an thy: aoove fm c; -aoo B ..--. .. ..:.. .............................................................. under Preliminary Order..................65.05.4.................. approved.........MAX.011 _U,...1926.. IntermediaryOrder _-----------------------_- - ---------_---- - ----...... approved ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...grade--Alley.--in..BID-9k...2J.Offiarao.12..F.ark Adtion,asclert..Avenue....................................... ............................ ................................. ......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......iYMAY_2.5..1926...-- MAY 2 5 192E Approved -------------------- :....... ... _............ .....1 191........ /Councilman VUh1 f&XK Clancy ✓ Councilman atmw Hodgson /Councilman KdhE c Sudheimer /Councilman A&M Wenzel �- Nf!Tlnna'ItL_ _ Nelson Vice Prey Farguffon orm B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. :.:...- - Aaln._.M...ayor. -........ y a llr . J PUlii : D S* CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEti REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCk ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of— Grade Alley in Block 21-Jefferaen Park Additinn. from Pascal Ave to Albert Ave, under Preliminary Order approved Mar23 19 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $-0-57 __ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Jefferson Park Addition 650 2 2 do 4100 3 2 do 5600 4 2 do 4300 5 2 do 3950 6 2 do 5250 7 2 do 600 6 2 do 600 9 2 do 4100 10 Form B. R. 10 2 do TOTAL. 4300 CITY OF ST. PAUL - . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -VO* REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) -� DESCRIPTIONS LOT PI.00K - ADDITION a ASSESSED VALUATION j, 11i 2 Jefferson Park Addition 4250 The East 35 ft. of 12; It to the Citv of Saint Paul 3425 ( The West 5 ft. of 12 2 Ramsey County, Minnesota ( and all 13 2 do u` 3500 14 2 do 3450 15 2 do 725 16 2 do 650 17 21 do 4500 15 : 2 do 3950 19. 2 do 3700 20 2 do 4450 21 2 do 600 22 2 do 600 23 2 do 2500 24 2 do 600 25 2. do', 600 26 2 do 600 27 2 do 3500 20 2 do 4500. 29 2 do 3600 30 2 do 1400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. le Date -2 Cou nissioner of Finance. Fo B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. October 6 _192_9L To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following. improvement to be made: f_�.IcteMan. _.>i�l���Sl.l.it34ri.�_h�t�e11� Berkeley Avenue andSt. _.._Clair vSt.. from__._.—... Albert $$ Ave. to - Pascal V lir ova ece. !.�_ 1AW M lir ova ece. ` - Please Rush Office of the Commis over of f'ubhc - 1 z3 Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 22 I� 20' ............................ _............. _192.6 __ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.6`il.Q34_.......... approved niarCh_ 23.,._..192.6_ ........... _192._.__., relative to _......_____Grad_in.g.__of alley in block 2, Jefferson Park Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue and having investigated -the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._.__ ...... _._._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.__....>......._._—.__....., and the total cost thereof is $._....... _... ..... _... _..... .�, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ........ .................... ___...........__..................___.._ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ___ ....... _............... _...... _... ......... ... ............. _...... ........ —_._...................... .......... _........ ....... _..... __� 5. Said improvement is.._..__.____.......___...._.__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. VCommissioner o4 Pnblic Works. tL V 1h eiQa�[r�1�wn h o f �P bl i s cUr4s�5 JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL,, DEPUTY COMMIBBIONSR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Ono EN.— M. S. GRYTBAK, DMOO[ EH6IMOOI WN. N. CAREY. BUR. OF CONlTRUCRGH ANO ft—" - -- A. B. SHARP, SUPF. OF SNn ION' O. H. HERROLD. OFPF. ANO,CRY FUNNING ENOm®l G. P. BOWLIN, SUR. OF WORK K - April 22, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 2, Jefferson Park Addition from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. 65034, approved March 23, 1926: Estimate of cost '685.18 Inspection 13.43 Cost per front foot .57 Frontage 1200 ft. Yours very truly, /✓1� �It GMS:AB C f Engineer. Approved for transmission t mm'ssioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. r CITY OF ST. PAUL cai-i . 10.4 No.- -.:_-.- . OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK �• , C LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE-----. May 25, 1926 .COMMISSIONER -. DAT�.�..._ --.-- RESOLVED i In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outeand fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Jefferson Park Ad'dltion, from Pascal Avenue to`Albert.Avenue, under Preliminary Order Ci !.'#66036, approved March 23, 1926, and Intermediary order C+ F, #66633, approved April 27, 1926+ The'Commissioner of Public Worke.having sub- mitted his report and plan In the above matter, be it Resolved., That the City of 3t.,Psul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon the Alley in Block 2, Jefferson Park Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated may 25, 1926; which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ta�hed tir ,.theI reportottha ,Goammle. • sloaer of Pubtic Works-ln thp.mat 1. dstnd May88 1948 ,which Dlan 'anti _ repot! aIfrebr'r re eeiteried to and tirade a: DIm,ereof. Adoyted br'ehe Coonntl, Mar 26 19Y8:- COUNCILMEN- ADDroYed,Eisy� EB 19ap,: MAY 2 5 1926 Yeas Lj ' Mar as=lsa9) pted by the Council.-....... -•----- -- ---------192. _c e.nna.... �•'_• Approved...._. '�..$..5 92 ......... ..192... v --- Hod sone --.-----In favor MaDosaid""� 7 cting MAYOR , - 8udheimer _.Z.) --Against . "Wenzel it, r •'Loss CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 2, Jefferson Park Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue under Preliminary Order C.F.65035 approved March 23, 1926 an?. Intormodiary Order C.r'.65633 approved April 27, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of 'ublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ;portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private proporty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be mado on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE T- lilr REPORT 0o PRE IMINARY ORDER FINANCE 911 In the matter of Cendemnin - -foT- slD 2, Jefferson Park Addition from Pascal Ave. to Albert Av Mar. 23. 1926 under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1. 2 2 2. 3 q. 4 2 5 2. 6. 2 7 2 $' 2 9, 2 i 10 2 �. I,-- B. B. le 43 - - ' ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION Jefferson Park Addition 650 do 4100 do 5600 do 4300 do 3950 do 5250 do 600 do 600 do 4100 43 do TOTAL. I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMIPSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDtR (C) DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCKj ADDITION ASSESSED I. VALUATION 11 2 Jefferson Park Addition 4250 The East 35 ft. of 12 8 -to the City of Saint Paul 3425 ( The West 5 ft. of; 12 2 Ramsey County, Minresota ( and all 13 2 do 3500 14 2 do 3450 15 2 do 725 16 2 do 650 17 ,, 27� do 400 1g 2 do 3950 i9 2;_ do -4700 20 2 do 445o 21 2 do 600 22 2 do 600 23 2 do 2500 24 2 dd 600 25 2. do' 600 26 2 do 600 27 2 do 3600 .20 2 do 4500 29 2- do 3600 30 2 do 1400 $00,950. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report. thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DateA —�-Q6mmissioner of Finance. Fo[m B. B. 12 �W �'� Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of. Finance APR 2?. 19 2$ ... April„ 22,,_ ................ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City o£.St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publie,W.orks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.6.5Q3.S_ _....._approved—_&Ix.c.l7 2.3.., ....1.326:......_._.192_..:__, relative to .... ........... G.And6�n i1? :_ana for slopes, cuts and fills in thrad e ging of alley in block 2� Jeffeason Park Add from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave. and having investigated the matters and things recredo therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... __................... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. ............ ... .... _....... _.... and the total cost thereof is $......... __..... _.... —._.._....—, = and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... _.............. ..............._..._..__.....__......................_.._._....__�_—_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. — —............... .... _............. ....... ................ ........ __.....___..__......_..._....... ... _............... ...... 5. Said improvement is_ ............ ;..... _.:._............... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to 'assessment for said improvement. ,� 't Commissioner of Public Works. _,i. v COUNCIL FILE NO ............ By.................. FINAL ORDER 66m In the Matter of.....gmilylg_alley .._in-.Bleck--- 5-,..-Ruth_,-i, yingst,oW-s..,2nd,_Addition, _from-,.La£and,--Street.._to...Blair ...Street and Prom North &._... .._Alle. under Preliminary Order ............................. approved......' March_16,..-.1926.x........---------------:: IntermediaryOrder -_--------------------------------------------------------- approved - -.............. .---------------------------------------- -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made, by the said City is...$rade-. alleys.,.i11.,.)31ock._5.,-._Ruth..L3yingston' a Znd._Additionx_.from._Lafond Street to Blair Street and from North & South Allef-.to..Dunlap...Street'..............................................................--... .................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed -to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for_appro 1; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed w�h the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAY 2 5 1926 Adopted by the Council---------------------------------------------------, 191...... ._.... .1..... -- .. .... . - - - -................. City Clerk. MAY 2 5 192E �— Approved.----------_---------------------_........... 191........ .. ................ ............................................... AGUIW Mayor. Councilman ANmmmaxtbX Clancy Councilman fk=ltx Hodgson /Councilman MUCKXXX Sudheimer Councilman rL= Wenzel gw,dftx%a= Nelson :. n ?ren Y,s<Waa Form R S A. 8-7 W$LISHED_tF CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMN,ISSIONER OF FINANCE - # ON PRELI INARY ORDER In the matter of Grade ali pyR in RInck 5R11bh LjvinE atom? d Addition, from LRfnnd St. to glair S+ Rnd from Nar-tb & Seutth Alley to Dunlap Street under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 16 - 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - S 594.66 front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - S 0. 50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor,. are as follows: " - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT �BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION I' 1 5, $uth Livingston Second 5400. 2 5' Addition 900 3 5 do 8900 4 5 do 4900 u S 5, do 5150 6 5, do 5425 7 5! do 4100 g 5' do 500 9 5'•do C 4400 .,...,. ,_ 10 5', 500 Form D. n. 10 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMkAISSIONER OF FINANCE _ •"' ON PRELMAINARY ORDER \C/ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ! _� VALUATION.. - 11. 5Ruth Livingston 2nd Add. " 4600 12 5 do 500 �3 5 do 500, 14 5, do 4100 15 5 do 500 16 5 do 675 17 5 do 5375 18 5 do4 1 4150 19 5 do 4750 20. 5 do 4350 21 5 do 4200 22 5 do 4750 23 5 do 4400 24 5 do 4500 25 5 do 4650 26 5 do 2650 I i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-_� 192_ yl Cozp6issioner Form B. 13.12 of Finance. ;r St. Paul, Minn. L192 -4L To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 0" St. Ave. St. Ave. t _ p _—__.__ St. Ave. f r_ x a V r , F r�rx WP f ; w 777 Office of the Commissioner of Public VV vsac► Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 1219 26 _April 10, 1926 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, ha wing had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._64893 approved___�arch_- 1.926 —.192 relative to the grading of alleys in Block 5, Ruth Livingston's 2nd Addition, fromLafond Street to Blair Street and from North and South Allam_..,.__ to Dunlap Street. and having investigited,the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._._...__.._... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 50V per front ft. 584.66 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__._._.------_.___.._....._.. and the total cost thereof is $................ _...... _.... ...... _, Inspection 411.46 Frontage 1,174.15 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.... ............................. _..._........._.._....._.................__._..._—_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto rttached and made a part hereof. 4.---.--._......................................................:._..............._.........___.._..... ... _.......... _................. ............ __...—.:_..._.._ 5. Said improvement is... .... ..................... _...:__......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. J [VAUF JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY. COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPA.D. CISV EIo— M. S. GRYTDAH. S ooz""" WM. N. CARIM. Su- or � —a R— S. SHARP. S—. or 8--- D. H. HERROLD. Orr— a . 0- PLA—o IDIo— April 9, 1926. G. P. SMUN, S—. or W— Hon. John H. McDonald, Commiasioner of Public Works. Dear Six: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alleys in Block 5, Ruth Livingston's 2nd Addition, from Lafond Street to Blair Street and from North and South 411ey to Dunlap Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64893, approved March 16, 1926. Estimated Cost $584.66 Cost per front ft. .50 Inspection 11*46 Frontage 1,174.16 ft. Yours truly, , Approved for transmission Chrgineeri 4thCommissioner of Finance. Comm ommissioner of 2Ublic Works. PRESENTED B1 COMMISSIONEI RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCtL NO. -....-.661-06 May E5. 1926. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and fills, in the grading of )Alleys in Block 5, Ruth Livingstone 2nd Addition, from Laforid St to Blair St. and from Horth and th Alley'to'Dunlsp street, under Preliminary Or r C F, #64894, approved March 16, 1926, and Intermediary Order 0; F, J65651, approved April 27, 1926. - The Commissioner of Public Works having: submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it _. RESOLVE31, That the City of $t. Paul fites and determines -"the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes. outs and fills, in and upon the Alleys in Block 6.- Rath ,Rath bivingeton!s 2n4 Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the eatent`ahown upon the -plan attached to thO,report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 25, 1926. which plan and report are hereby referred to>aud made a part hereof. 1 ,1 COUNCILMEN Yens �A-cy /,Hodgson .In favor i�....aw i� yr Sudheimer .....Against Wenzel '� �[e.YlaaPres.Nnrgueon Adopted by the Council ..... _MAY. ' --------------------192 `--19�g ...._ Approved..... . ... .._...!J��- 191 - --• - ting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TrIE COUNCIL In the matter of Oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alleys in Block 5, Ruth Livingston's 2nd Addition, from LaMond St, to Blair St. under and Borth & South Alley Dunlap St. Preliminary Ordcr C.F. 64894 approved March 16, 1926 and Intermediary Oreor c. F. 65631 approved April 27, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Cormnissionor of ?ublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, shoving by the shaded ,)ortion of said plan, the f ills to be made on private pro)perty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r , , ONPRELIMIIIARY ORDER (A) A - In the matter nf_Condemning and + l easement in-,tbeland._rACRa____.BAZYY- r slopes for outs and fills, in the grading of alleys in Block Ruth Livingston's 2nd Addition, from LA.fond St. to Blair St. and from North and South Alley to Dunlar Street. T U1 T under Preliminary Order approve ar.LO a 2 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - S S — The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - S Thedots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or ;parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION' 1 5 &uth Livingston Second 5400 2 5 Addition 900 3 5,. do 8900 4 5 do 4900 5 5 do 5150 6 ; 5 do 5425. 7 5 do 4100 & 5 do 500. 9 13 do 4400 1Q 5 do -_ . 500 Form B. B. to i TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL fir~ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ; REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .. VALUATION 11 5', Ruth Livingston 2nd Add.. 4600 12. 5. do 500 �3 5 do 500 14, 5 do 4106 15 5 do 500 16. 5 do 675, 17. 5 do 5375 18 5 do4 4150 19 5. do 4750 20 5 do 4354 21; 5 do 4200 22, 5 do 4750 23 5 .. do 4400 24 5 do 4500 25 5 do 4650 26, 5 do 2650 G94,g25. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commiseiiiner of Public Works. Dated— .2 2241 192/CL —. Co missioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ,-Office-6f "the Commissioner of Public". ` E VED� 1,3 Report to Commissioner of Finance�.� APR 12 M 26 Apr i 1...._1.. _192—_ To the . Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64894 March 16; 1926 Council, known as Council File No......._____—._......approved—__........... ...... .......... ._.......... _....... ... .......... __192......__, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, .. _-- ...... — cuts and fills, in the grading of alleys in Block 5; Ruth Livingston's 2nd Addition,.from Lefond Street to Blair Street slid from North and .... . .. . _.-------- ---- .... ...... —_—_..... --- South Alley to yunlap Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... __ ........ _....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. '2. The estimated cost thereof is $. AS%x _ ........... and the total cost thereof is $..................._�x._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ..... ....... __............... _.... ............... ... _........ _...__.._.._—.__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvem„ntis hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4....------------- .................__....._..................------...._-----..---------_-,_.-----...._._._........---_-....._.___----.....-----••--•---- -------._.�— 5. Said improvement is.... ....... _........... _... _........ —asked for upon petition of three, or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coissi mmoner of Public Works. V 66.0 7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. vy ................................. _........_................................. _.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....gr. ding..pUn.q. �._$treet__£rom...l3rand__Street,. to.--liaryepter,.:. - - — .C. F. We. 00107— ..Avenue.,.._................ ........ .... do the Matte of BradfvB Dunoaa 6L i--------------------......... from Bravd:6L to -:Harvester Ave., l Under YreamIDarY -0raer: sl77L. aD' he Droved `Marsh 0, 1010: i,.#�yutilla*:arlag haul' `been had ._f.:relaereatne. same; ,[aerexos under Preliminary Order ............... 64774_.._......__.,__._.. approved.-..._Mareh.,_9,.__ 1926. IntermediaryOrder ....._...... -- ........... ...._................ approved............................................. ------------------------ ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ectent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....gra-de ...I)u3u1347.1 street._from_-. z and.-_Street._to gpryester...hyenue.:-------------------...............................------------------------------------ --------------------------- ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the!V{ �.ouncil..........191.......- AY 2-519* . ; . .. , ---------- ..... .... .............. - - ty Clerk. Approved........... MAY 2 5 ............. 191....-... .... .. ............ ............................... Aetlpg Mayor. k"Councilman J5umw=xthx Clancy Councilman fJoagym Hodgson 5/ �aunciiuzan $�''pHona3e}- /C cilman 4tekaftx Sudheimer -- oun ,'Councilman YJmndtdickx Menzel X Nelson Form g$el3. t A. S }Zxee 7FuaSfwo ..�,•�:u.,,-....mac..-::ya.:- , .,,.-_ -.. a'�,as�a*�-r--a„�.r— ��; .. ,a ,..: �-* ,.a:_" CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIk1INARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Grade Due an St from Brand St to Harvester Avanuy_ under Preliminary Order approved mar. Q 19;>6 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g 2,101.46 front 2.06 The estimated cost pehoot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _. DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except the East 80 ft.) 1 1 ) Faircrhild's Rearrangement 100 do 2 1 ) of Lots 8 to 14, inclusive 100 3 1 of Block 1 of Cruickshank's 100 4 1 Garden Lots to St.Paul 100 5 ! 1 do 100 6 1 do 100 7 1 do 100 B 1 do 100 1 2 do 100 2 2 do 225 Form H. B. 10 TOTAL, -. CITY OF ST. F -JJ — I - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) '. DESCRIPTION LOT !. BLOCIS ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION •.; 3 2 1Fairchild' a Rearrangement'J, 75 4 2 :of Lots S to 14, inalusiv6 75 5 2 of Blk.- 1 of Cruickshank'e 75 6 2 Garden Lots to St. Paul 3075 7 2 do 75 8 2 do 75 is t $4'875' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -2&"' 192 ' Form B. B. 12 Cory6nissioner of Finance. 4 St. Paul, Minn. 19z-6- . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property .owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. UFM from A&,r� St. Ave. to St. Ave. VA��/ A - i Office of the Commissioner of Public *'r,8 WED Report to Commissioner of Finance v APR 12 19 26 Apr i 1...._10 ,...._1926 ............ 192..__. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.6477_............ approved_._*R:TCh_._9_=_.._1926............ ___192....___., relative to the grading of Duncan Street from Brand Street to Harvester Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... __...... _......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2.06 per frost ft: 2 101.46 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. ......................_—_..._.... and the total cost thereof is $.._.................. ............ .—, Frontage 1,022 ft. Inspection 641.21 L and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __..._...... ..._.._.....------ _--- ............... ............ .... ............ __.._._`�._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......:.._........_...._..._......._.._.........................._................._...__..... 5. Said improvement is .............. ............. _........... -_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................ ___.._._..___ iCommissioner of Public Wor l \�ITY �V,�F,�S�FIINT�i 1�1' f3VL ,e�, aLrh aa, V4 Full lic3� jo s JOHN H. MCOONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNEI-L. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Cwv ENaNe[R M. E. GRYTSAK. 9A100[ F]101NQR WM. N. CAREY. EOR. or CON,II1VCfION NID R— - A. B. SHARP. II—. OI SNO .— G. H. HERROLD. 0— ANO CRY PLRVNINa 0MWm1 - G. P. SOWLIN. S—. OY WOWOId1.E April 9,-1926. Hon. John 'Y. McDonald, 00ailesioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Duncan Street from Brand Street to Harvester"Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. P. #64774, approved March 9, 1926. Estimated Cost $2,101.46 Cost per front ft. 2.06 Inspection 41,21 Frontage 1,022 ft. Yours truly, Chi ngineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance• Commias oner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU e[U 6108 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C? ,?�N RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEATED 13Y May 254 1926. COMMISSIONER.... ................ DA ............................. ................. _Z ..... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fill:, in the grading of Duncan Street from Brand Street to Harvester Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #64775 approved March 9 1926, and ftte'tmediary Order C. F. 165629, approved April 27, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon Duncan Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown.upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 26, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays uIffiancy ' _W 4W ..........In favor .,"Sudheimer��.Against �enzel Mr. Vi0e, Pres. Fergus an 0 Adopted by the Council2.5 192F� ........................................192...... PP .... MAY 2 .............................192...... C12 P.......... ........................ A.1ing MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL �f+ Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Duncan Street from Brand Street to Harvester Avenue under Preliminary Order C.F. 64775 approved March 9, 1926 ane. Intormodiary Order C.F. 65629 approved April 27, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of "rublic Works hereby submits and makes part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvo- ment, showing by the shaded ,)ortion of said plan, the fills to be made cn '_)rivato property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be map -c -on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of'rublic Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and takin¢ an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills, in the grading of Duncan Street from Brand St. to Harvester Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Har- 9, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Exoepl�,the East SQ ft.) 1 1 ) Fair®hild's Rearrangement 100 do 2 1:) of Lots 8 to 14, inclusive 100 3 1 of Block 1 of Cruickshank's 100 4, 1 Carden Lots to St.Paul 100 5 1 do 100 6 1 do 100 7 1 do 100 ; { S 1 do 100, t., 1 2 do 100 2 . 2 do R25 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL, r $4,975. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- 2 -2' 192 Z ClAnmissionei of Finance. Form B. B. 12 CITY'OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE > REPORT OF MMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON P bMINARY ORDER (C) • DESCRIPTION - LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 2 Fairahild's Rearrangement 75 4 .8 of Lots B to 14, inclusive 75 5 2 of Blk. 1 of Cruickshank's 75 6 2 Garden Lots to St. Paul 3075 7 2 do 75 9 2 do 75 r $4,975. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- 2 -2' 192 Z ClAnmissionei of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ., � 2s�� f�ZG �- (��� O �� �� o� �� . _ � � �� � �� �� ��� �y 7 �: 66109 ala fhe blrs Ave Chan%tn% th de.ot &anndoru Ave. from Ar%one i Wade tandbma9q st on [ H �Ue re - l lwood. 3auadera ve. sad Ave frog 'i?ortherly to contot Polnt 2 f. COUNCIL FILE NO .......................... Proele d :•:''.� Lr• PU: a 1. t at- ...... hr. - . s ...-- . . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....ahanging..the.. grade ....of...Sam(lers...Ave.....from...Argonne..Aue..to Elwood Ave, and Elwood Ave. from Saunders Avs.to a point 200 ft, north erly---to- conform--to--the .-red ---g-rade....l-ine---on...the ---pro€i-1.8 Hereto• attached- and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue -line thereon- a -Iso... adi ........................---------..................------------------------------------------ Beechwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Fairview Ave., ---Saunders "Ave-: from Argonne Ave. t.o Fairview Avu............................................................ Rome Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave., Elwood -Ave. from Sbhland 9ve: %o Saunder's Ave, anis ' Howell Ave. _from ---Bohland--Ave.---to...Montreal--Age....._____.,_______....,______--_------.--_................. under Preliminary Order........... approved............. MarCh..19.,..--1926...-. IntermediaryOrder. ............................................................. approved............ ----............------------------------•-------...._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..change_.th.e..grade of...Salundars...Ave....f rom-. Argonne Ave, to Elwood Ave, and Elwood Ave. from Saunders Ava.to a point 200--f-t-: northerly to conform -.to --the ... red -•-gra-de -lire opt -the -profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being ahown..by--a b-lu-e iine--thereon also --grading .......... Beechwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Fairview Ave,, ..-Sauriders..Ade: from A-rgorine..Ave: go-Frai-rvieN-..Ave:;.................................................. _Rome AVe' from...Argonne Ave. ...:to...Fairview Ave.", --...-- ............... ......_.......... Elwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Sr aundes Ave, and - HoRe.11.Av0......:frOM.B.ahlend...Ave.,....t-0 Mo_nta^.e..al--- Ave ..... ............................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be, and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- ..MAY--2-r5-t926.................... 191........ IMAY 2 s 1926 Approved........................................... .._......., 191 ' Councilman 34ft*MW Clancy Councilman 0mEpcx Hodgson Councilman I Sudheimer /Councilman VJpufty iChX Wenzel Nelson 1 Sir, Vioe Pres Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-7 . Clerk. Mayor. �eting " 4UBLISHED r O. ri?r// C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS9 NER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lA) In the matter of Changing the grade of Saunders Ave from Argane St. to Elwood Ave., and Elwood Ave. from Saunders St. to a point 200 ft, Northerly to aonform to the raA traria line on, the prefile hereto Attached and made a part hereof, the present establislred grade being ahownjby a blue li line thereon AlCr�_QrAde Beechwood Ase from AnhlA rr3 Ave to Fairvi_e�L Ave., Saunders Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave., Rome Ave. from Ar mnnnA Ave to Fai rti yp Avn y Elwood Ave from Bob land Av a. i:e Sa.nders,Ave., and Howell Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Montreal Ave. L 3 f- under Preliminary Order approved * l C 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 20-499.45 _ front The estimated cost perXoot for the above improvement is S 1-56 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation bf each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Form B. B. IO 21 4 1 4. 2 4, 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 4 S 4. 9 4 Highview Addition do do do do do do do do do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 200 175 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 cm' or sT. rAuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -fir • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - I - 'ADDITION .. DESCRIPTION LOT 9LocK ASSESSED VALUATION 10 41.__Highview- Addition - 5p — ac 1_ ;_ _ _ 5 1. 1 0 5 2 5' do 3.50: 3 do-- 4 5 . do 150 ;- ___ - 5 5 do - 150 -- 6 5 ao - 150 , - 7 5 . do _:. 150 ! . 5 . do 150. _ 9 5 '; do 150 10 . 5 . do 5o . - 11 : 5 : do 150 ' 12 : 5 . do 150 13: 5: do iso _ I 14: 5 :. do _ --_ 150. 15. 5, do - 150 16: 5, do _ 150 _ . - 17. 5: do - 150 16; 5: do -. 150 —_ 19 : _ 5-.. _ -- do - 150 . - _ 20. 5 . -dp - _ 5 21: 5 do -150 , - 22' S do1 0 , 5 - �3 '6 do 150 b - _ do 150 z5 6. do. _ 150- so 1 276 6 do U— ._.. TOTAL _i—y_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE c-, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION I LOT ._ BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED yALU ATION - - -- 27 6 Highview Addition 150_; 26 '6do �_ 150 29 6_: do _ _ 150. , 30-4-,- 31 _ 61 do_ 150 l 32 . 6, ao -_ _ iso . 33_..6: dc_ _ 150 34 ._ 6 . do_ 150. -- 35 6 . do. 150 36 : 6 : _ do --- 3Z : 6; do _ _ _ _ 150. - 36 6 do iso 39 6: do 150: - 40 : _-6 ; do 150. - _ ;-41 6 ! do- ,I 150.. _ - -- _ 42 6 . do 150.- r 43 6_ : do 150 44 6 do 150. - - 16.3: _ _ do- _ 150 I_ 1.7 3 : do_ 150 .8 3-; do - 150: , r 3 : _ do. _ - _. 150. _._.. ;19.. 2q 3 _ , 4 do _ _ - _.150 21 3 do - - 223 do 545 241 3 d° -- 150 -- _ - ---- I k TOTAL i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER : DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 3 Highview Addition- _ ,.26 3: do_ - 175 23 .-10: MIdway Highland Park - 150 = _.22_. 10.- do_ _ _ _. _ __.._ _.150_ . �;— 21 __ 10! do 150 - - L 20 10: do 15, 0- 19 10: do 150 _ .18 18:- - do 150. 17 10, do 150 16 10: _ do - 150 ;I. 15 10, do- 100 1 S . do 175 _ :18 6 , do 175 _. _1 3 Higliview Add14ion 15p 2 ! 3 do 150 3 3 do 150 4 3 do 150 _ 5 3 do 150 6 3 do__ _ 150 do -150 -4- _ _. _. g 3 do __ _ 150 -- _ 9 3 do- _._ 150. -- 10 : 3 . _ do 150 11. 3. do �5p 12 3: do 150 14 3 do 150 i • --3 - do M ...... TOTAL t - CITY OF ST. rAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF' FINANCE 40 ' "- WON, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - --'- DESCRIPTIONLOTS! BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 .... Hi Addition - - 2 _. 6 aotew .150,;--- 15p 3 6 do - do _ _ _ !15071 - -- 5 6 i _ do 15p -- 150,. -- 150 -.: _ g 6 _ . do 9 6 do .150 — _- 10 . 6-,. _ do _ -150 11 . 6 do .190 12 '; 6. do .150 13 6 : do 150 _ - 15 6 do _ - _ 150 =-- _ 14 6 do- . 5p 1 i 16 6 do_ .150 -- 1- 6 ` -do .__ 150 - 1g , 6 _ , - du -150 -- 6 do :150. 20 6- do -_ 21 • _6_:. -do 150. 22 -do 50 _-r 23 . ;7 ; do -- 10 5 .24 .-_ 7 _ ___. do 159. - .. _ do _ 2257 150 7 do _ 15 -27 7--' 7. pllw e.e.li 1 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT-. BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED -, VALUATION 28, 7 '- 2lghview Ad itlon _ ;. .15p1_--- 29.. 7 do 150 _....: I 30. 7 do 31 , 7 - do 32 , 7. do _ 150: 33-: 7. do 150: 34 ! _ 7. do 150 -- 35, 7: do 150' _ 36 : 7 ; do _. .150 37 , 7- do .150 i� 38 : 7 : do 150 39 .: 7 , do 150- 40 . _ 7 ; CL - 150 do 150 42 . 7 . do _ 150 . 43 7. do 150. 44 . 7 . do 150 19 2 . do 150 , 19 2 . do 150 . . 20,-- _ 2 do - 150. _ 21__ 2_._ do _ _ -- 5 22. 2:_ __.. --do _ _ ..._ _15p --- 23. 2. do _ 150 24. _ 21 _do_ . . _ _ 150. A _ 25, 2- do _ 150 - - 26, . 2. _do. 150 _. d° TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 04� 411 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ----_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ----- _. ASSESSED VALUATION Highview Addition .1501 ! __ _2 29 do 50 30 2 : do�5o .31 2_ do 150 32 ! 2 . do 150 . 34 2-3-50 do 1 50 . 35 .; 2 . do 150 j 36 2 ! do 1 p 5 _ 22 7 Midway Highland Park -_ :: woo - 1 7 do 900 1 2 Highview Addition - 150'. 2 2 do 150 . .3 2_ - do 150 , 4 2 do . 5 _. . 150 5 ! 2 do 15p 6 ! 2 do _ �5p ! __ 7 2 do �5p S 2 do _.. 150 9 21 do 150 - 10 .2__. do _ 150 11, 2 : do 12 2: do 150 _. 13 : 2. do _ 150 a 14 . -2 ; do 1:50 _ 15 ''. 2 do 150 - 1� -_2_. ` o reww TOTAL - _ _ _.- w� c1 OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION l LOT eLocn'. ADDITION 1 ASSESSED , VALUATION _ T I 17 2 Highviem.Addition I II 150; I _ I - 7 do 150 2 7 do 1504.; 3 7 do 150 - - do 150 ___._ _, _ 5 7 do 150 - a do 6 7 _ _ 150' -- 7 7 do ; 1F0 S 7 do 150 9 7 do 150. - lo 7 do 150; 11.: 7 do 150. 12 7 do ?50 13.7 '. do _ 150, 14 7 do 150: - - 15 7 do 150. 16 7 do 150 17 7 do 150 - I 18 7 ; do _ 150 19 . 7 -: do _ 150 20 t 7-.. - do _ 1^� --- i 21 7. do 150 22 7 do 150 do 150 - 23 8 '; do- 24. do _ 150 25 s do TOTAL 150 ; 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL . ;� • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER" DESCRIPTION I LOT GLoc.0 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION,� : I 26 i 8: _ Highview- Addition - 27 j- S, d 2S' S do 1 01, � 29: 8, - _do _ 150. 30; 8', do 150. - 31 8; do _ 150. __.._ 32; S; do _ 1Fj0 {_ 33 S _ do 150, 4 8 do 150 35,_ 8 do 36, 8! do 15p 37. 0-': do 150 38, 8 ; do 150: ; 39 S do 150, I_ , 8 40do , ( 411 S do j 42 S :.. do_ 495q( 43' 8 do 12 1, do 13 1. do'. _ . 1.50- 14; 1 do 15 1, do 1.50; 16L 1 ! do 150; �i 1 do- "- 150', 18 • ' ., 1 do 1 150 _ 1 + 1 do 9, 1 01 - 5 I I� rolal �,a.i i 20' T do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i` DESCRIPTION LOT ',I BLOCw ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I 21' 1Hi hview Addition 50 - -- 22 ! 1! do 1.50! - 23: 1. do 15Q - 24, 1, doa--- 25 1. do 175 14 6 Midway Highland Park 175 I- 6 9' do zoo' ..---- 7 9f cb 1Q0 6 9- do 1501 µ 9 , do 15P.- _9 10; 9 dd.p 150; - 150 9 s. doJ 10. S do 1751 do 175. 12.-8 ; do 175 -i 13i 8 do .175; ii 14: $ do 1 75, 15: 9 . do 175 i' 16. 8 do .175 17: 9 : do 175 18 . 9 ! do 1.75. :._ 1 ,, j Highview Addition _ 150. I 3 10 Midway Highland. Park 1'55 - - 4 10do-- o_5 5:10 do 150 6 .lo do 150. :. �I _ - 7 - 10---- - ._._ - do --- _ _ _ - ._.150.- •---•_ -r- - I, TOTAL cITY OF BT. rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE V� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I� DESCRIPTION i LOT jBLOC.0 ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUA''•ION 10 j _ _Midway-Highalnd Park t I i 9 _ ♦.10 do.. -15501 10 !10 do X50 ! I ; _ ll 10 do _ 15Q I _ - I 12 10 do I 13 lojdo 150 .i I! 14 10. do 250 ii--- _ ;11 4. Highaiew Addition 175 _5 12 ' do r 16.- 3. do I 15. 37 do 150 . iS 2, do 150 17, 2.. do 150 12, 1. do 309 11 1: _ do _, 200 , , _ r I �I I i iI I sMN 6�.:1 TOTAL �i I I L CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 00-;.,#� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 S H1ghvieR Addition 350 43 8 do 150 1 7 do 150 44 7 do 150 1 6 do _150 44 6 do 150 1 do 150 42 5 do 200 $52,125. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in I reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �/h/i %GC 192 Form B. B. 12 CoWCissioner of Finance. 4 Office of the commissioner 'of Publicorbs 'MCEIv�} Report to Commissioner, of Finance N g-• +o., _Atzx.1 :..1.,......1926..__APR 1 > 20 To the "Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64979 March 19 Council, known as Council File No ..___--._......approved � ... _.... .................... _._. L1926 ....._.__............_.._192......—, relative to changing.-;:the grade of Saunders Ave. from Argonne St. to Elwood Avel, and _`Elwo`ad',,Ave from Saunders St, to a-point 200 ft n'ly,) also grading Beeelivtooc Ave. r'om 'SofiTan3 eve �o"�Tairview eve. r "Seun3ers"-Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave.j Elwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to au ccter =Ave:# sad kFawe33-eve.- from-Behland --- tee.- to-Mo ares eve...._....____ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...._._....... ____..... necessary and (or) desirable. 1.66 ner front f : 20. 499 45 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._.._ ...........—... _....., ana the otal cost hereof is _'...._, Inspection $401.95 Frontage 13,141.13 fti and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ... ..... ................. _._.............. ................... _.._.._..__._�__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 _ .................... ._..... ............... ...... _.......... _......... __...... ........................... __........... ----•—._.- — — 5. Said improvement is ........_ _..... _....... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ..... Lt� Commissioner of PnblilWo St. Paul, Minn.v-_12_._1921 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition .your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: — Ort �. ��� a-a+•�-cam: _ ......... _..... ;�iTv �F�'5: IN'd,�(17AhlL - p"elP'a�rhr��e,�h't%Lf� �� ��b�� � c ��►�°ir�s' JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. O. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARO. CHISP ENOINmI WM. R. CAREY. S - COHeYSOnION ♦NO RSPAIw G. H. HERROLO. OPAOS ANO CRY PLWNINO pIO1N®! March 31, 1926. M. S. GRYTBAK. M -K ENO1— A. B. SHARP. SBIY. OF S1INRATION G. P. BOWLIN. S— OF WOM-- Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Saunders Ave. from Argonne St. to Elwood Ave., andElwood_Ave. from aunders St. to a point 200 ft. northerly also radin Beechwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Fairview Ave., aunders Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave., Elwood Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Saunders Ave. and Howell Ave. from Bohland Ave. to Montreal Ave. under preliminary order C.F. #64979, approved March 19, 1926: Estimate of cost $20,499.45 Inspection 401.95 Frontage 13,141.13 ft. Cost per front foot $1.56 Yours truly, Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. 0 .. CITY OF ST.- PAUL ratu NO. .......6GI-I'L t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLulloN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' - • May 25* 1926 • - COMMISSIONER DATE -- RE SOLVED ATE— RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of Beeohaood Ave. from Bohland Avei, to Fairview Ave: sounders Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave. Rome Ave. from Argonne Ave. to Fairview Ave. Elwood Ave. from Bohland Ava. to Saunders Ave. and Howell Ave. from Bohlend Ave. to Montreal Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F: 64981. approved March 19. 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F: 65622, approved April 27,.1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved. That the City of St: Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon Beechwood Ave.* Saunders Ave., Rome Ave.. Elwood Ave. and Howell Ave.,, between the points aforesaid. to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated May 2b, 1926, which plan and report and hereby referred to and ,made a part hereof. . � F Sfa 88�k3-89 Y� iR &P'erBueon .." request; _ 4� ....r`oAnaemntn and t8kt-I- COUNCILMEN Yeas `,,..-•Clancy , Hodgson TR.,T Sudheimer ,,-'Wenzel ----------------°'u " ii by Coui MA:� 2 5'(�'` . 3 1, ., Y .............................192.. MAY t 5"e Approved - - ` ..192 ........................ jing MAYOR t . CITY OF :.T. PAUL{ Department of Public Works r REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of pondemning and taking an easement in the land nocessar-; for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Beechwood from Bohland to Fairview, Saunders from Argonne to Fairview, Rome Ave, from Argonne to Fairview, 31wood from Bohland to Saunders and Howell Ave. from Bohland to Montreal from to under Preliminary Order C.F. 64981 approved March 19, 1926 ant Intermediary Order Cab'. 65622, approved April 27, 1926 To the Council of the City of 3t. i':.ul: The Commissioner of 2ublic Works horcby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, shovri.ng by the shadod ,)ortion of said )l^.n, the fills to be made on private Droy)orty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on ,private property, and• the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatchod`;7arts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PaUit fg�� Dopc.rtment of Public Works r , REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of pondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Beechwood from Bohland to Fairview, Saunders from Argonne to Fairview, Rome Ave. from Argonne to Fairview, Ulwood from Bohland to Saunders and Howell Ave. from Bohland to Montreal from to under Preliminary Order C.F. 64981 approved March 19, 1926 ant Intoinodiary Order C.r'. 66622, apprcvod April 27, 1926 To the Council of the City of Ct. Paul: The Commiesionor of rublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded ,portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private ,)ro-porty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on ,private property, and the extent of the easemont to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of rublic W[orks- CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .»�----- „ REPORT OF CO_SIGNER OF FINA" ON P1 11 ARY ORDER In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement 1n the lan d r es ss rY Por slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Beechwood Ave- =2-� -- <>m Bohland Ave. to Fairview Ave Saunders Ave from Arltonne Ave. to Fair ev>z Ave. , -Rome Ave from Argonne Ave to Fairview Ave. , Elwood Ave From Bohland - Ave. to Saunders Ave. and Howell Ave. from Bohle.nd Ave- '` -o BQontreal Ave. under Preliminary Order approved- 'lar. 19, 1926' To the Council of thraCity of St. Pall: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and time sessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADMITION \ ASSESSED VALUATION 21: 4 Eid frhview Addltia tea_ 200 1 4 do 175 2 4 do 150 3 4 do 150 4 4 do 150 5 4 do 150 6 4 do 150 7 4 do 150 S 4 do 150 9 4 do 150 Form'B. B. 10 i IOTA z CITY OF 5T. FAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM141ARY ORDER alY ASSESSED I� DESCRIPTIONLOT BLOCK ',t ADDITION tr• VALUATION " 4 . Highvie Addition 150 1 5; do _ 2 _5 do 150 -+ -- - - - 3 _!,_ 5 ; do_ 3-59 i 4 5 do I 150 5 5 . d0 19Q - _ - 6 5 _ do 150 _. 7 5: do 150 S 5 I do 150 5_ 10 5 :. do 150 11 _ 5 : do 1 0 12 5 do 15o I _ ... - 13' 5 : do 150 145 do _ 150 15! 5 do 150._ 16': 5 do 150 _ - 17'; 5: do 150 18 5:_ do - j 19 5 ; _do 20i 5 ;. - _ _ dP. _ 150 -- . 2 5 a°_ _ 150-1 5' do 15p 24 6 do 159 25; 6; do 159 2t 6L do 150 it Iol1w �•�• TOTAL j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ���♦'''' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMItARY ORDER DESCRIPTIONADDITION LO LOC ._ _:_- .._-_._ __�.•-- — ASSESSED II VALVATION ice::.: .:i-- :.::_ – _.- 27 6, Highview Addition ;_. -5P1 I i 28 6 do I 31 6 ! do 32 6. do 150 33.: 6do 150 . 34 , 6. do ;_ -",r- 150 35 6 : do 150 36 : 6 • - - do X50 .37 , 6 ! do _ 150: 3 6 , do 150 , i39 6, do 150: _ 40 6 ; do 250 i :. '41 6 do 1501 - 42 6 do 150 43 6 do 150 - - 44 : 6 _ do 150 16 _3 . do _: 150. _ 17.: 3. do 150- I. 19 3 : do 150 ,19_ . 3 do 20 3:do 21 3 _ do 22 3 _ do 23; 3 . do 150: 24 3 do 150 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIPRY ORDERASED DESCRIPTION Lor ew.. ADDITION VALU TIO ,25_,_ 3--Highv-leva__Add-i-Lion-_. __ 15p_.,___. i23-1 10: 1[Idti4sy--Highland Parte 150 - _. _do. _ _ t22:21 150 ____ II ! .10! . Odp 150 y _ 10. do 156 _ - _:i 19 L_10', do _ 150 ;15-'. 10; do --- 17 ! 10: do 154 ,16 _: 10.--. _ _do' ...- 15p.. 15 ': 10i_ do 100 1 S. -do 1755 15 .,a da 175 i I - 1 .:_ 3 HigHwiew Addl41on--- 150 3 do 156 _! _ 3 3 da _ i 0 5 4. 3 _ _do - 150 5 3 - do ,, 150 3 , do _ 15 7 3--- do - _ 150 _ . }.. _... ; 9-, 3 -. - _ do 10: 3 1 _ - do 150 11 l 3, _ do 250- 12. 3, do 14 . 3: do 150 do "' I .;, TOTAL ? l, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER \ - .-:-�B.l L -+«=•... s ._::.. __r_' _ .:, .:.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOc�i ADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION 'i 6 _HtgDview-lddit2on _ 15 N -do do- do 3.450: ;- 6 6 _ go- _ 15p '; -- do 150: do 9 6 do 150, _ do 1 12 t 6, do 150 .13 I 6 do d _ _ 151 6do } 6 do _ 16-• b' do 17' 6.-. do- _ }50. -6 - : go 150. 19 4 6 ! _ .- do-. 6 do _ 150'_ g} . 6 -do 150 22 ,- 6 : _ do - 23. ,7 do 1150 -24 7_ do - _ _._ �5p - _ i 26 7 - -do - __ _ 150 _ T ' l -- — g0 TOTwL ! CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �4 ON PRELIMI#/iRY ODDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ( ADDITION I�� ASSESSED 'i VALUATION 28, _ Hi yr Ad-_ition 7 1 U -. 29. 7 no_ 30 7 do 31 7 do _ _ _ 150; 32 7: doe 0.,: , 33': 7, _ do 34 7.do _. 1 50: r -a 35. 7; do rr _ .150 36; 7. do_ 37 i 7,_ _ do-- 3g_: 7- de .150: 39 7 do 150. 40 , -7 d,. 150: . 41._dp_ _ 1�j0 _ 42.,4, 7: __ _ do - : 150, _43 7. _ do 150 .44 . 7.: _ _ _do 18 2 d0. 150' g .... - _ 20 _ . 2 - do- � - dO _ _22. 2 p- --------- 23;. 2 do 150 _.. �4 dG 150 T 25T do I _ 26 _ 2 do_ 1 1.50 2--- do --- -- ---- -- Y O__ , ij rollw Gari , __ - TOTAL CITY OF BT. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIfARY ORDER f DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , 2S 2: Highview-Addition Wi- 29 2 do 501 30 2 ; do _ - - L31 2 do 32 2 do 15'a _ .33 2 _ do 50 _.,. 34 2i do _ 35 2 - do 350 ; .36 2 . do 156 5 2c^ 7 Ididway Highland Park r�Op 1.' 7 do 200 :1 2 Highview Addition 2 2 do 150 -- 3 o 150 - 4 2 do _ 1 - 59 .5 2 ; . do 150 6 2 do }r�¢ 7 2 do S _2 do -- .9 2 do 154 10 2 do 150 _ ._.-- _2 ._ _ do_ ._ _ll_; 150 1?. 2: do 15� 13 .2 : do 150 r_ 14 2, do 154 15 2; do_ 150 - 2 do •ql TOTAL e CITY �y OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ,FINANCE ON MARRY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCIS ADDITION ASSESSED _. VALUATION t.:. I C-- 117 I- 2 8ighvies_ Addition 1 I ' { I _ '7 _ ! do _ 1501 I , 2 7 do 150 ._. 3 7 , - do i 4 7 do : i 5 7 do 150 7 do 1170 7 7 do 1�0 ii I 6 7 do it f 9 ;- 7 so ;1�0 I' 10 7 do ;1ti0 . 11 7 do .150' 12 7 do I 1501 � 13 7 do 150 - 14 . 7 do _ _ 150, 4, i 15 7 . do 16 7 . do 15� i 17 7. do ?50 _ 1.16.: 7 ! do l�q .19 i 7 _; - do 21 7 do 15Q 22 7 do :150 do 159.: - - Q 24 :. 81 do 15 25 s do TOTAL 159 1 - CRY Of ST. rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i° REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIRRY ORDER a j DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCP. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26.S. AighYiew Addition_ 150; _ 27 B' d ' _ 150' .. ' 2S S, do 15Q _. i 30 S'; do 150 31, g do 1501 _32i do 33 S, do 150: 34 S ; do150+ it _ 35' a do .150;it ! :� 36i Bi do 150; 37.: 81 do .150t 38 S do .150i 39 '; $ do 150; _. - 40 ado 2j0,' _ . S '', do i (41 42, S do 49�, ; 43: S . do r 12 1 _ a 300: . _._ _13' 1 d4'.+ 150. 14 1 do 150 i ii 15J 150! -. ': 16 1 do 1 4 5 ' 17', 1 ; do 150_ � 1S t 1 do 15a 19:, 1 : do 154; �L_ .... , 20ii, 1 do rwna �.OII TOTAL 15q - .; CITT OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT- OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - - ON PRELIM1h)kRY ORDER --- ------- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT a CK I ADDITION VALUATION iI I_ :-- --- -� I ! 2�-; l; Highvien Addition r i5fl! - it i22 1 do 150! 23 ; 1,do 24 li_do ,G -- - 25 do75 Mid+aay Highl=d Park 1;? do 2R0' cb I` ' S 9, do 9 9 do ZSo: 10 9 do 9 $ d0 I IrjO, -- i I. 10, S do ' ti .i '. 111 8- � do I - - .175 12! 8 do 175. I 13 . do 175'. I 14: S ', do - 175: - do 1751 1b! B ! _ -_ do_-- _. - -175 I� 1do 7, ! as . _ 1. 751 t !, i, 18, 8 375 .. 1 3-I;-__._Highviay..Addl tion is r -3 ,10 _ . -Midway-Highland Park r do 1501 1. , I 5 :la ; do , 1§0 6 :io ; do 150' - �! �I 1 TOTAL _}_�- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Midmay Highalnd_..Par1c 110 .1>5� �... _ 9 10 d o- 1 q ' ._- .10 10'i do -15p -- _ Ili 10do 150 - - - - I�_._ 2 10L d0 rZ5Q 1 10 _3 a o 1 0 5 do - -- 4- _Aighview_Addition 1 " 75 4._ 12 4; ;. l 5 �t- 16 3 do X50 _ - 151 3 do 19 2i 17 2 do - _ 12_i I! - - do 300 z do 200 . ._ . !i I�al TOTAL l - I t 0- oh CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON'PRELI rel NARY ORDER LOT BLocK ADDITION 1 g Higbvieve Addition 43 . g do 1 7 do 44 7 do 1 6 do 44 6 do 1 5 do 42 5 do I I ASSESSED VALUATION 350 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 $52,125. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated (G 41 2 Z 6L//" 192--<L Com sinner of Finance. UOffice of the Cornmis&rier of Public vso 8 z So, `3 Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 1 H 26 April 1 1926 ._ ... _ .......................... ........... ._.......:..__. _ 192__;_._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64981 March 1', 1926 _ 192 .__....,relative to Council, known as Council File No._ ..____. .........approved ..._...... Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoeassry for slopes, .:.butt' -and fi'1-1s; im-tir&—g RA ag oT—B0-6-ahwaaA"'.Arre": "fr0M `$oh-rsiId.__ ._.._— Ave. to Fairview Ave,, Saunders Ave. from Argonne Ave. to --._Fair-view._A�Ve_6 ...... Rome-4ve';--Tram..._Ar-g-Ga-4voa: tu..:_P�ai�v#ew Elwood Avenue from Hohland Ave. to Saunders Avei, and Howell Ave. from Bohland Ave to Montreal. Ave ..... _......... �_,._�.__—._____�_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herebyreports: 1. Said improvement is....._ _ _.___:_: necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...:.:.X ......_X_........ and the total cost thereof is $....... ._._........ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... .._ ._... ....... .._ ......... t....: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_ ........ _................. _..... ... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . .._.... .......................... ...___....--- Commissioner of Publi Works; E.b J COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ By................................ ..................... ....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....conatructing...a:.. six .:.foot ... cement...i<ile.sidawalk.-on--tlzs-north -aide... of...Hartford ..!Avenue...from .:Cleveland.-Avenue...to--.Cretin --A-venue,•---&x-048-pt , C. F• Noi 66111— ➢Yhere...good ...&rid..&L1fi.CiBnt..s.id@YiftlkQ...IlS2Y➢....QwYi.9t........ 1n the natter of conetructln' toot cement ale aldewansg a eiz north' .side of Hartford' Ava9p tpa Cleveland Ave. to Cretin from .. ........... ...... ...... .cert .where ........... ..... ... gced and ei.w•. •+'a1Ka now, nslet.. unp � ................................................ :.................................................................................................... ..:..... ... ...... under Preliminary Order ............. 6-51B.B............... .-----. approved....-----Maroh...,Q.y...1926............. .......-------- IntermediaryOrder ........ ..................................... approved......................-----....-------------............. - •- A public hearing having been had uponthe above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto*, and having fully_consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.C.onatrAot...a...Six...foo.t.:..oement..ti].e... sidewalk :. on-- the ...nart.h..side...of... Hartford..Avan1w f.rnm...Cleusland..Avenue..-t.o-..Grat'i'n Avenue ,...exnep.t..-auk}era---gaol... and ...suffl-cient....s.idovalks...nou1-..exist .,............ .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councfl....hiiAY..2..5 1926 191.... ... . _.. _ MAY 2 5 1926 City Clerk. �1 Approved... ' .......................... ........... 191.. &uncilman)[WMMM Clancy ', Councilman 76b=x Hodgson G &xx-�—McDonald_.. Councilman MnDDlix Sudheimer Councilman NX1CM20ix Wenzel Nelson / �Ti. �€1mr IP6r�v. �il'at'avnua Form B. S. A. 8_7 r. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �.. , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE e ON PR*IMINARY ORDER In the matter of Cnnetriint a Rix fnet cement tile sidewalk on the north side •Df Hartford Ave from Cleifeland Ave to Cretin Ave under Preliminary Order approved Mar. 30 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 5 front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 6 2 Kingsford Park 600 10 2 do 150 2 do 7 --150- .6 Picha's Subdivision 325 5 do �I 325 4 do 325 _ The South of 17 Suburban Acre Lots S00 16 do 2000 The Southeast ul of 15 do 400 The Southwest of 15 do 1300 Form_ B.. B. to -_ ___ _.. _.... __.-._-- -_. j I L _. __._. ....TOTAL,..._ •.. _. _.. ;:-- I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREhI�MINARY ORDER i _ 4 "W (C) DESCRIPTION . LOT -BLOCI ADDITION ASSESSED' VALUATION The Southeast 4 of 131 Suburban Acre Lots 400 The Southwest 4 Of 13 do 400 j! (Except Cretin Ave.)the So. of 11 do 800 1 1 John Gaarden's Fourth 265 2 1 Aedition 265 3 1 do 270 1 2 do 265 2 2 do 265 3 2 do 270 i #8,675• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 2 7192 l.2� - -0o Form B. B. 12 issioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. e• _192` To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �...... -...... - ----_..... _...... - from S'n-11-!_,___ St. Ave. ..... ...... _......... -.._....—-._..._.-- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 16 • r C� Office ofthe Commik'sioner of Public Wolftrzvm t Report to Commissioner of Finance i s w .+r lllltlV , V"J SPR 14 a 28 APri1....B.,.....1926..................... ---192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File N0...6:blZa............ approved—March ....3.C.. ... _.......... _............... __192-6__, relative to ......... ...... _............... C.ons.truat....a_sia-%aot cement_._tiles....sice�r %lc_ob._ths-...north.-.side— .-.._..._oP..._Hartford. Ave,. from Qleveland Ave �to.._Cretin Ave. __�._ and haviiig investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....___.....___...._..._necessary and (or) desirable. front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $;1..1Q.:psr ._....... and the total cost thereof is ...... _......... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..__ ................. _.,..__.................. _.......... ......___._....____�_.._ _................. ------- ......... .__........... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.—._. ....._...__._....... . ............... .._......... _...... _........ -_......... -_.-.... _......... ........................................... - .......... _.�__..:_ 5. Said improvement is.._ ................... _._-.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co:pmiseioner of Pnblie orke. C/ Ij END [MICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of ..�^ in accordance with business ar a " ai ov d to _niqu the standard and approved techniques with a RecordaK microfilm machine, Model /jA6 _ ._— of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on oe--r o 19 66 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 5. _The last document ohotographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: _ f _ �� - � LtltlbO 1531 NOI101053tl Ad000bOb1` y S(16VONVIS 30 m3ane 1VNOUVN 9.1 t'L I SZ•illlll —0. Z ZZIIIII s,£iiiii �_� oa VIII s Zlllll 8—ZIIIII s •oba a u _ oy bfS�Y �p o b7 3a by Aa oda ('� s ac0 �d \ 8 \All o f j r,, �..l• j j y 0NN l