64341-64748_02-16-1926_03-09-1926- IS HD 1531 Wlin,osu ♦d000soin _ SONVONVIS d0 nvaana IVN011VN •..'. 9 T T II sz-1 IIII 0•zlllll a Lf `VIII J • Z•ZIVI ° st�c��i 'T� �lilll 0 j d 60,1,6Em o oa // t Serial No. of Roll START Department e;,-, y e Office— ff ce—ROLL SLIP ROLLIDEIVTtFICATION PERMANENT RETENTION e LIMITED RETENTIO! be Date t destroyed— If limited) Date Kic film &—••fa z o b /9 fAL L CONTENTS Number or name of first document of regular contents • �y �-<. 'oma _ J���..-� ��. Ooerator& " Operator n By Supervisor` 6434_ COUNCIL FILE NO. 1111 BY.._. In the Matter of.constru.eting:e,six _fod .c.ement.t . _ _sidewalk„on,both..sides of Carbon Street from Woodbridge Street to Rice treet,_except..where good and sufficient sidewalks now ,exist, HHao{.UTXONS. • 1111... 1111. . C. F. No. 84841— 1111 1111 ... 1111 . ............ 1 In the Matter of constructing 'g sax - - .,do cemey t.t11e sidewalk on J- ............ ......... ........................ 1111 elder of Ca7hon Bt. from Woodh, 'i.__. S. to ru St., except, -•h .• ” ...i - - - - - ... -:.-•,'...onlfloient E' ..r, nx '� r ............ ......... ................... .. 1111. .. `u. :st.. under Preliminary Order'.. _ 63090. _ .... ......approved... Nov, .17th,., 19,25.., ,.. _ 1111_. '4 , • Intermediary Order._'._ ..approved.. A public hearing having -been had upon the above improvement upon 'due notice,'and the Counc& having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered 'the sante; therefor, be it •�� ,off � ,. s i RESOLVkD, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the tmsavemenf-• n t, � 11� +b + �'r _.'construet.a. six_.fo.of....cement.,,t.1.le...si.dewalk - on both sides . of.. Carbon Street from .Woodbridge. Street. t R Rice. .Stre. et,.., except where..good.and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ....... . 11.1 .1 . __... _._ _ . .. .._.. 11'' . __..... be end Me mems ars hmbv eaaedW, sww54 id elbblded ad all 110MUdift is enid' riisEkar b.! d1scxtlar:uti:i. , r an he Council hereby orders s 'd improvement to a made. R OI,VED FURTHER, Th the Commissioner Public Works be and is ereby instructed and directed t prepare plans and specific tions for said impr ement, and submit same the Council for approval; hat upon said approval, the proper city officials a 'hereby authorized and di rec d to proceed with the m king of said improvement accordance therewi Adopted hN the Council t -r 1111 � �_........._.....__.......................... B 11 6 IM Apprmed 1111_. 1111.. ___192...1.._ -"Councilman ClancyMayor. /Councilman Ferguson L�i1BLISFiEDa—� . /Councilman McDonald /Councilman 1MM Hodgson / Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel v • - - s illayor Nelson i Form B. S. A. 8-7. • 1 CITY�O ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPIQRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PkEL11�1NARY ORDER `f _.. ' (D) In the matter of Gonstruct a six foot ceMnt tile sidewalk oA Oarbon Stre t frot, Woodb,ridlre St, to Rice' St. Cal under Preliminary Order approved Nov 1�,1925. , i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S front 10 The estimated cost p.11 foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels'of land,that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION e 8 1 �, Fol Is Rewrr_n e::i�cit - 5400 9 1 do 550 8 2 d 550 9 2 do 3 450 1 1 Pi-ottls C rbon St. Add. 2475 (Ex. So. -2 ft.) 14 1 do 5200 1 2 do 3025 14 2 do 1575 t TOTAL. :?O 2 5 The Commissioner of Finance farther reports that he has investigated;Lj of the aforesaid matter,, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him Jn reference to , .d mal er t.y the Commissioner of Public `Yorks. .a _ f � Dated-`�_I�- -tS7i (/�Com� loner of Biwq�el�av'�e�" °..,.-. t .., ,,...., .. t � ., �. _ i, . _ _, f! Office of the Commissioner, of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 21. 125 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary, order of the 3090 a roved. NOv� ...17......_1926............_......--..192......__., relative to Council, knowh as Council File N�-.........._.._-.......__. pp ebnetruct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on both aides oY_ Carbon Street -from Woodridge Street to Rice Street. _ .:.... ................ ...... _-- .... ...... ........ _ ._.._......................_ _._....................................... ............ _................................................ _.._...--.......... .................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. .... _... .............. _._..necessary and (or) desirable. 1.10 per front ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ......................... -._.......... and the total cost thereof is $... ...... ... ...... ....__.... ........_._, and the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ .......................................... _......_..._..................................------------..._----- 3., A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................................... ,...... -........_.......__._............... ... _........ _� 5. Said improvement is ...... ............ ........................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................Commiseio.......:.........._....._._.._._sio._._.._........ ner of Public Works. ly J �Y _ V St. Paul, Minn. a To The Honorable; The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvementNto be madam and do hereby protest against the — of such intprovemeatt - ` ------ ------- ----- -- -- ___fionstrngting a s PQQlt�ergt ti1Q.-_$gsjon botjL aides Carbon St. -AV e. from Aoodbrida* St. AN to_ Rica Bt. -._..- -- - -- - ---�� NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 / 2 G Zt-- 17 STATE OF MINUESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Otto Romberg mP duly worn deposes and says are the true sari correct jarie've M79.4 -pa s gnat s of the tit s and for the Subscribed aad swo before no MY commiseion expires- of 19-3 a- YrrJJJ��� c v CoUN CIL 2- FILE NO._ --• CITY CLERK ' �OUNCIL T;;E� Li-7TlON—C'ENE1RAL. FORM Februa 9th- 1926 c MSEN o: McDonald _ DAYE_—_.. � issi R VED - In th.e ms-t-Ger of opening, wideninm and extendir� ffelsOXn azid. Marshall Ave. at Western Ave.- -rxricler px-sliminary Order O. F. #60912, eoproved July 3-gn5, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64005, s a7�x'c�ved Ja.nvary 13th, 1926. ?'he Com�a3ssioner of Public Works having submitted his report axxcl sketch in the above matter, be it F3 SOyVT�+`T�3� 'That the City of St. Pau ,'fixes and determines the �motint of land to be taken fo the above named impr©vs7nexat to be as followB,: slo�sIIcl, nate=ni w x� as �srto< . ` - '1.C�.r�.�Fidae-s-.-A�dit30za sa=�ILa H.OIIYh.:CnT ' 23ag da5cr�"Raecl '8s Yollowa y Begfl..: Lioa WZY3i- --Fla- F^ai-ltne .. -A CoUNCIL&EN -MAR- a �2'Lry _-..---- 19`L Yeas Nays ..-_.. `: _{ Adopted Uy the Council- '^f:1� bYIAR 1 ;� 1J� -pergueon l proved--- - lfl2 �odgson .--__I]a favor iMcDonald /!��' ....... . . ....:....... wevort ,i8udheimer----�-- .-Wenzel �iisz3~ate 'Mr. President 64342 ,r I✓,ep:"WV NUUM-Ad v� ! ;bl�.cy\ %`� 4s�s JOHN H. MCGONAL 0. COMMISSIONER THOS_ G_ O'CONNELL, pEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. —AR.. — ENOtNEER M. S. GRY—K. BRIME ENGINEER CAR—. SUPT. Ow COHBTROOTION /�.ap REPAfR - - A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SM—ON G_ H. MMR -D. OM ARO CrtY PLwNN\N6 EY.6i.lme G. P. BOWLIN. S-. ow WORK K February 9th, 1926. -----REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ---- Tin the ma tter of openiry-, widening and ext end i n�-- PTe 1 son Ave. and Marshall Ave. at Western Ave. under preliminary Order C. F. #60912, approved July 21st. 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64005 apps o ved January 13th, 1926. To tb c- Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works hereby .submits and mimes a 7po.rt of this his report, a plan of the above improvRT*+:ent showing the land necsessary to be takera there -:Eo r by the shaded part of said „plan, which land i s3 accurately described as follows : R x_+N,{� �t1 , Vf ��`■ . vaut V HAROLD J. RIOROAN. i'.1TY �_� ��K ANO �TT LL77//pp (/�i (L. CHIEP [ K-CITY CLERK ! OF RROISTILATION - {E/ �M CLARENCE A. STORMS . CHID• CLOT K-RC6ISTRATION. January 5th, 1926. y Hon. �.�c..,Hodison, Commissioner of Finance, _ B u11ding. My dsar`Commissioner: We eaclose 2ag�,rewith Intermediary Order for discontinuing the opening, Ri dam+ zng and extending of Nelson Ave. and Marshall Ave. at Western Ave. 4E2=m6h letter from Mayor Nelson relative to the financing of the � XXX '7 ement. This xuz k--t- izas been referred to your department and the Department of 3Pi>L-1nP 13.c Works for the preparation of the necessary orders to process vw3t7s this work. 84mspectfully yours, +ate SL c City Clerk. , 4I6 Y� j 1 MARSHALL cA j — - _ -- DAY 7?O N 6� �/ R V /NES'% A O 0_ �.a r jII jIIII' 4- i� � 3 -7'r O CHESTNUT 'HURSS - L ID a � NELSON A VE_ N.W.%.,. SEC 1-23, 23 W ti I ", X sl 4� _Ihi� iL -Z„ DEPARTMENT CAF FINANCE = - REPORT OF COM ISS-IOIVER OF FINANCE ON PREVgMINARY ORDER In the matter of T`ae Q-)engin i d -n' n Pxt - ri n , n= Tel n 23VE t rim __ rs2i_11 rave t e= 'n v .nIIe _ C 4 P r under Preliminary Order approved Jul k. 7- lc�" To the Council of the City- of St. Paul:\ The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuatiori of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - •'� AssEssED �ESCRIPT ION LOT BLocK ADDITION VALUATION 5 D -yt n & I -.e's add_ 12Li 0 ( ', cL' to S-a-nt Ft+u1 ( 3 is 5 do ( 4 65 do ;:est 77 i est e E.. t 110 1t . o- _ y o z .t :f the 375 est — Sect -_)n 1, To -._n , R: e -3 (Fxce Dt tue -eox•t� 33 meet =�r rte-- 11 tiv�..) ^_e :ie.st .-.0 ie t f e .. ... 1- 0 feet of, -----e 7ort'_i a-65 2900 ee t --,:E t .e _'ort a:e�-t :7. of Sec- 1, T. �R_ ( ;xce it th , 23 e 1Tort11 33 _-eet or "r. rsh 11 Ave.) - F.- I3_ 8- ■O' ' - • - k' CITY. OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF,FINANCE ' REPORT CW COMMISSIONER OF FITVANCE 32. VkL r' ON ';RELIMINARY ORMER - DESCRIF�TION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 7 -Kern's Add- -to St. P '1.11 9300 'Fest 120 ft of t 270 -t. of North 1i�_ -i-t_ of T? rth est ft for rah: 11-P _? also of Be _ 1 _ T _ RJ 2� , ( -xce •t the ?o . ,t est 77 ft - 110 ft. of So. - t _ (Df. 17 oth I?-) =t. 7 On of T:ori.'_.:e^.t -d 0:f Sec- 1, T- R. 3' est 77 ft _ of t 110 _: f So.. ._ 45 ft _ of ?,ter h 1 5 ft _ 3�`"5 of T_.ort__.. est ;; �� SJc _ 1, T. R_ 23- ,250 9 �? to S int P . i1 : J 22a 3500 - 27 22 do 7050 26 , do 6300 Nord, 40 ft o f _ ". Dc,yton & Iry l,L_e' s Add. 00 _ to St - P -�1 4775 9 So. 4e> ft - D:f of 4 a7 cio (Exce>>t A?orth _z� ft _ 4 SO 0 __ 9O0 3 60 do 11.700 e l- P SO do 3600 est o f Ec .st o f L_ 2 'S'-) do 3350 - $87,•225. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and his thereon to the Council, together with the ieeport made to hien in hfegoing• hereby submits te or as report reference to saidn matter by theCommissioner of Public Works- -192 i ner of Financ CoIssloe_ F- B. B_ 12 - - - - - WE ,a J 4 `Office of -t1-ie CoVnmissioner cA Public W"*-4ffV Report to Commissioner of Finance � C r, 2Jul 5 , 1925.............192 - ~.....__....._ ~' To the Commissioner of )F`iaauce o£ the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the _t ..Jul 21 , 1925 '=s - Council, kngwn as Council )mile No_ 60 912--"-----"-_--"approved._.._.------------------------------------------------�-------- . ... . "--.192.....""_.., relative to v= the opening, widening and extending, of Nelson Avenue and --- ... ..... -- --- ---- --- - -. _--- -. -- - ---- - - - — Marshall Ave _ st Western Ave,. .� --- .-- - -- - ----- _.-....._ .. - ----- - --- - -- -- --- --- -------------------- -- ------------- - --- -"----------- ----;y-�Z-•-•.'Y-------------------- - --"'-------"----......... ._.-.._..............._......----- a - and having investigated the matt audt things e r d t ereia, hereby reports: 1. Said improyeme _—._! _------ces a and (or) desirable_ z `n, = 2. The a' st- thereo s $-------- ..-----------_.- -e , and the, total cost thereof is .... _.-_.. .............- ..._..- ' and the nature extent of said ivement is as follows: ...__.------------------------_.............................. --------- ............... of said i provement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch 4 - ----- - - -- z 5. Said improvement is_-- - ------------------ a__-_ -... ""....-.asked for on petition o£ three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1'1� ------- --- C—o m- 3i�--ioaer of Public Works. i �3`nf J&aitxt Haut ��Ptutaur �r�fsrYmeni AEt'ruux 8_ rrg= soiv. •n.. oa December 31, 1925 j The City Council. Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: -� communication from the i stn banding to yon hereovith original co Con®issi ner Of Finance togeteF7r _with Intermediary Order. providing for the =ening of the intersect ioas of Msrshail and Nelson a City at Western Aren�me which was refarracl to me by direction of the City Council under date of August 4th to Pinel some method, if possible, of securing aid from the county oa the project . I am pleased to state that the Board of County Comm=issioners yeStotday appropriated sufficient funds to take Cara of -tlsia improvement. This appropriation is inclua�ad in a general resolution author ty izImg the mar7cLng of highways ]-eaciiag into the City in Ramsey and elsewhere and safety signs wit2iin the city and county- total amount of such appropr is ti oa i s $33.218 .00 . being the balame remaining in the Road and Brides -M a axul the Emergency Fund of the County at the end or the year • It is respectfully suggestaci t13a.t the Intermediary Order hereto attached be adopted by the CoimMI"X and the Commissioner of Finance and Commissioner of ,Public Worgs ba directed to carry forward such work as necessary. In that connection it seams to me that in view of the faint that Western Avenue has been ordered paved from lnarsball Avenue to Front Street t9ft" a reaso_nab�Ide tics. should be made at Western and Ni Nelson which would no deuuz neaasaitate tbs senting Off of opinion abuilding at this corner �ya�v used for G01M drin7i purpo It to possibl hould be dox a from a traffic standpoint and in the general i�ovement of til3m diatriat. ary traly yours. M 0 • HAROLD J. RIORDAN C. J­McMLOC3AN =KRK *;atttt VZtUt CLAR..CE A. .10R.. (®fact. or (Env (glelat 8 August 4th, 1925. Hoxxcox---L'ble Arthur E. Nelson, MaL;3rC).:3r. City or Saint Paul, 33rui 3-cl-&ng. My a M= Mayor: Attached hereto Is letter from C0=186ioner in c --connection with P.O. # 60912, approved July 21st, px-40-Wicl-tng r4mor the ac-cr-lsltlon of lands to widen the inter- sections of Marshall and Nelson Avenues at Western Avern8i vv2x4mx-61n the total cost is estimated at $7,500.00 and the total amovxat Or bs13:!L1Br!Lts that could be assessed at $1,250.00, which la --11 me-a4mmised on one lot, leaving Im, deficit of $6,250-00 The Council this morning directed me to reI:rex- the attached pzcpax-s to yon for investigation as to the possibilities or :f:Lxmwmc:Lng this project. Yours very truly, COUNCIL FILE NO_ _ - By'..._.._ _ .. In the Matter of. Opening, wide3nLi �Q s3n.c1 extending Nelson Ave. and Marshall Ave. at western Ave. and condemning such parts of Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 85 Dayto3r3 FJc 2r1Wine`8 Addition as lie South of a line described as follows: B3ztrsixag at a point on the North line of Nelson Ave. 213.33 ft. Taste 02' its intersection with the East line of western Ave., thence oa a curve to the right that is tangent to the North line of Nelson Ave. Q� 4C30 1't. radius and 320 191 41" central angle to a point on the L -it- 1i3mL8 of Western Ave, that is 62 ft. North of its intersection a:X- —1J - Mm tlz6 North line of Nelson Ave. Also such o -V the NW 1/4 of Section 1, Township 28, Range 23, as lies Nortiz v-AL� t2ze Following described line: Beginning at a point on the South 1�2_ �a o_C Marshall Ave. 167.25 ft. west of its intersection with the West ZIL_ :=fZW 3me o_C Western Aye., thence on a curve to the right that is tangea-%-_ to the South line of Marshall Ave. of 320 ft. radius and 160 231 16 wo" a=azitrsl angle to a point that is 13 ft. South of the . South line of 3� �s13s11 Ave. and 77 ft. West` of the west line of Western Ave. Also that cellaneous tract of land in the NW 1/4 Section 1, Township,28, Rs _woe -23 described as follows: Except the North 33 ft. for Marelm--A Ava _ the Wtat 77 ft, or the hast 110 ft. of -the North 76 ft. - >T7 ;ne f•_,e �2�� _ !- - oT +u'.aF T7r` b+' ob rhe sig• i=SJ.7f: (a C`.; CtEz3 C;; ..`D�:;c Sc'3 � :.7 "!-Ti? _ILe lz_ -G? •.a• i7v La UI.,r. jJ ;�s vTeti V;J Sr =:F Ge .f uUS Cru 1, 1:4 T � t T� -; TIJ 'fi yaa+e.,: Frier _ errrlJ _rTz7c 01- :aN T cAF: rsU .S �4 OL U" -Cl Tic 5?: `T2 celrl7.sl gI.IT� ; v `� �c � = �^�F=g+ du e. on;f of Fus .f•fJ Ef i' T<. .f'£ -;r S c_iJ.f' }U �.'C. ^OJ:l`iS 7- ;..: _ Qom. 9r �rz2-•:78 z... -,n6•!- 01, yTFu +P�e "Ga—r iTe o Ccre �:SSG u4' UP-r*e TT b zz7 z.,,�<_a - � r =✓ cz;ce cxJ t crrl,no {o ITJU z.r�,J{• oa T•pc tr'i'p j-T'L'G oT'2 T. r^T ' Gact ., T4'T;J;GL2scrToz' sra TTr?,•,oJ.}v CT, tpE roT7oasTzT T q :3 19 T4-;Je: gsl's;>> � ,` "t9 bOTL*.' Tao .:'CC J .a3: -,r Q?e Li CT Oo �cf,- _ 013 T' ,r,osaJa? -F, Sli.F'.^z•c:EC{.'�-�iLT .`.'. :f {•jl .�i?�)F to OL..f'TJ j�-2,:6 OTS T'- 3-2 c-- 13 +•-i_9• bo-TIOil CFJe t;ar TTuo C) T- _.,ee'f-z,x F 4-- ,r�r T= ES r,�' '+o.,l-- L TF2 oT6 "FTtrcu t ne og dOn I.r'I�`1r :rtl2 i-, --T ��� Tc. qT,, c6r•r,.::_- ZFTJ-:Ts .Po s -rFA (T=CZT.^e o;J U �rrT.,nc ,^o 01--G� T€ € -PT3Zr%7 Ta ; c -'cTa -•OL4?TT TT'-Je c{ sa ToTToB;: ;3s ,JJ ;Z r; ar E• Toru- Qom} rT- orrF; 7r; F,ao;J =nc• FTocK G2 �2.r•�7; r 3zn, 7Js, a qqT- = cis T �_E: orr r o n L r- T- ge^cLTPeq :Ea+E:,.J .;r_e p2, rVj:'TuU �;3C coucr�zT u�r z �r3czJ bsz.P: OT T'04 g' Ouq ji Q?'ty IS L:i_'__r' T eUT ufi^gll c�-_e"fi gUQ�SJ� -i c� 71-2 CS -3 V%A E; 9Tig� ,Iu7'd Ug'f" - .. under Preliminary Order,gl...--_approved ...�t... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received tine repo of the mmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report1 hereby resol s: 1. That the said report be and the same is her -fa -1>1 approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ord6red to be d18COII�3Zi12@C3. Adtlpted by the Council _ _ _. _ 192 _-\pproved____.. ._.. ...... .........192........ _ City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancv Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman EZE$ Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Norm B. S. A. A -G. � ac mcut ut inanrfe - {_. C_ HOOGSON. COMMI881oF�1i _ _ . LEONARD C. SEpMER . ' - CH1£P OF BUREAU _OF gs$F$gMEKiS ' 716-17-18 COURT HOUSE '® August 1, 1925. R®port or `t2ie Commnisstn he intersection o Opgewj=- jaQ aa� wideaing Marshall Av6nne and iTe113on Avenue . °i o t33Le COt3Zsai1, City of 84%-3-nt Paul. E�arstlemen r prat iminary OrdAr` No. 60912 approved July 21, 1925, providing for tize aoquisition oP lands to widen the i�� Brs eoti vrss or mex al all and •Nelson Avenues at y�6$ters► Avenue, was investi.gsted by this department, aXXICI _repast that the total estimated cost is $7,500.00, az1.� that the total amount or benerita that, oouifl be assessed is $1, 250.00, which is all assessed on one lot leaving ° a derisit or $6,250.00. jn3Le mature and <sharacter or the proposed widening is- one Haat greater general benefit than it does or speesial benerit, tending to enhance prop- _erty valtass . =3MA0mu023. as they pro -Jett can not be =inanespecial assessmosat and in order n to cleaup the rso a pr'8pareci and xmexed hereto Intermediary Order dion- t t ri�+ing s11 further . proceedings . _ epectfully Submitted, O Coimniasi oner o Finance. � MANY JOHNH.,+MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNE . DEPUTY°COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CH- ENGtH£ER M. S. GRYTBAK. B e ENOINO_N WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF COHSTRA- A. B. SHARP. SUPT OF AHITwnON G. H. HERROLD. OPnc[ I G. P. .-M. SUVT. OF WOwe[Nqe[ ibanuary 8, 1926. Mr. I,S4EB,Eat= er, Chi e s s e s sment Clerk, Dep$r'��@nt of Finance, C-_ z t :Z-Wr o f St. Paul. Dear Sir = -IF am returning herewith copy of order for the earia_grling and extending Iffelson and Marshall Avenues at --�VBstern Avenue. The commi3mlcstion from. Mr. Herr© a� a3 indicates that funds are available for P this pt _ Will you therefore bririg it to a hear- ing at your convenience so that the fill cost may be determ3Lazec-L Yours truly, ief Engin4e4gx. gms-nAa THE DEPARTMENT' OF PUBLIC WORKS OR TSE CITY OF -ST_ PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION a (Date) January 6th, 1926. Hon. J. N. McDonald, _ Commissioner of Public Wc>rl&zzs Dear Sir :- I wi retnrnaxmg 6gtensiontat Nelsonfanathe Marshall Ave. widening Western Avenues, covered by Tz-eliminary Order C. F. #60912 of July, 218t, 192-� Of the X33 . 613 - Of�w app ropriated by the County Board for county road signs and traffic im-1rove- menta, sufficient money is to be taken out to complete this improvement at Bdr3rslzsll and Western. This is in connection with making Ad--ars%s11 Avenue an arterial highway from the River Boulave.rd to Summit Ave. A report was made on this order -t,-4=3, t2ie 10ommissioner of Finance shortly -after the passage of the order in July. Yours very truly, City Planning 2 _ erO ne. gh-rh w - TIIE - D3nE—w-:x=bARTMENT OF PUSLIC WORKS a OF THE. . CITY OF ST- , PAUL _e i1��'ER-OFFICE` COMMUNICATION December 4, 1925 Mr. iierro�c M am returning herewith the carbon a opy , of pr iminary order with print attached covering the operni widening and extending of Nelson Avenue and Me. rsi3a 7ZF— 3 Avenue at WetE3ter3a Avenue. It does not seem probs y that any lotion wi11 be taken on this in the nes n - future and it w-on1d be well to file it until this -V�ropoaition cokes np- spar P!RfLe:E Engineer. a -11 �v_ �- ' ` ° - ' I - i - ----- , llz i 2/3.37 : - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 011 D th@ tt6r of'do psi rue tl091 08 9f ,, on Otho east slda`ot Hemline A�t�'u9 _, tro`,m Van13uren si; to a pptnt"66: fit, reNolnary urcer U3 413 `ApproveU ' Aut11481 eaving. having been had fitf 'r.e above improv mens upoat due COUNCIL FILE NO ......... ..... ............. By . .... .. ... .. &4,0t� ,;` In the Matter of...eons,tru,cti, ng, a;,eewger„ on the . east side ...of,,,Hamline, ,Avenue from_Van Buren.street to—a po.int._65.fe.et s.outh.of.Nilmehaha...S.tre.et......... ..... ..... ......... . ... ......, .., ,... t under Preliminary Order... 634.13 .. _ ....... approved,....D.e.C..,...4.,..925........................ Intermediary Order....... _... ...approved... ........ _ _...,._ . ` A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be itti{ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the i be and the same Pre hereby cavicetl d, an,a:llod, and reminded sad rll procedd* W said matter be dimontinuotl. _ ... . and t e Council, hereby orders id improvement tt be made, R OLVED FURTHER, atlhe Commission r of Public Works be nil is hereby instruct d and directed t prepare plans and spec cations for said i rovement, and sub 't same to the Coun 'I for approval; th t upon said approval, t e proper city official are hereby authorize nd directed to proc ed with the ma 'ng of said improvement 'n accordance there, 'th. Adopted by the Council ...MAR - 2 19;?6 192.. - .. � . Approved .._........ �9A...R 2 . t�26 192. _... I /Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ,;ouncilman P X Hodgson OTouncilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel 1fir, Vioe Pres, Ferpmte`� orm B. S. A. 8-7. Mayor. OMAN --00 0 0 r' C. J. M.GLOGAN .. HAROLD' J. RIORDAN of eo ioHen os rnwrio ttv of ontut • CLARENCEeA! rcOR oS n YYYiii I®l�itt DIII/f�"'(Ing QIterk MM e February 16th, 1926. Ron. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, B.u11ding. My dear Commissioners Re - Sewer on the east side of Hemline Ave. from Van Buren St. to a point 65 feet South of Minnehaha Street. Attached is Final Order No. 64343, covering the above improvement. At the Council meeting held today, this order was laid over to March 2nd, 1926 and referred to your de- partment. Respectfully yours, ' erk. ClT OF Or, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' PORT OF CISSIONER OF FINANICEV. ON PR IfINARY ORDER ; In the matter of Cnvilrvct t1i n ..+Aide • v l l +3 A-19 fi­ VaF Bli"n S+ reet to + 65 r + :;o ­';i or lrinne]ia'ia Street. - f under Preliminary Order approved tier d 3925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 5 92 �n front. The estimated cost perPfoot for the above improvement is $ .71 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED 'N DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION j 16 , 2 Syndidate No. 5 Add.tt,^n 2029 !i The South 0 of 14 & 13 2 do ¢525 - - The So. of the Ncrth 2/3 of - I� �I Lots 14 and 15 2 do 2215 -30 3 do 3800 1 3 do 10100 ii .. TOTAL.. 21025 :. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to ' said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 4 Fi � Dated = Commlealoa of Finance. 0 Farm D. D. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public, rvEG c" Report to Commissioner of Finance 10 1925 Deoember__10..._1.925.............192 ..._.......... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. P-aul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.. - .....634approved-.:_.......DeCeIDber 4� ._1925__192 relative to the Constructionof a sewer on the east aide o£ Hemline Avenue from Vin Buren Street to a point 65 feet south of 1�innehaha._-_St.re_et..-..__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ ............... ---- ._....-.....necessary and (or) desirable. 4.77 per frp.ntt -p 592.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..... ......... ........ .._.-__......... ..-I and the ioUl cost thereof is $......................... -- ....... - ----. Inspection 412.00 Frontage 124 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --- .-._-------- _............... _..... _..................... _........... :................. _._._....:._....... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ................ ............... ................................ ---........._.....-._._.......-- - ........._....._.._:.................... ... ....... ........... ___.—__......^ 5. Said improvement is .............. ........... :........ ......... ._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - -...............__............ _....._..._.....----- ................................._._ Commissioner of Public Works. �l .p Was vF`�alai`(✓M i epa�rhrr e�Rh `vi rJ j` clic JIMAW JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER . THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CRIEF EN 1- M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDOE ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY, SUET. OF ­-ONMID R -IR A. B.SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CT' PLANNING -.1-G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE December 9, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Cbmmissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on the east side of Hamline Avenue from Van Buren Street to a point d 65 feet south of Minnehaha Street under Preliminary Order C.F. q#63413, approved December 4, 1925: Estimate of cost $592.00 Inspection 12.00 Cost per front foot 4.77 Frontage 124 ft. Yours very truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commispione r of Finddice:: .Commissioner of Public I'vorks. JHMcD:AB Iv ��{'"'�'� 4 l.A�LLAA¢� CbUNCIL NO_ --6413 iti�3-___ CITY OF ST., PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENEF2saL_ FORM OATE_........... _-__—._....._--- ----- __.------- --- RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby 4uthorized to pay to Dr. C• curry Be] -3 -the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five ($125.00) Dollars out of the Workmensl Compensatibn Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Hans Svendsen, an employe w Of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds aad Public Buildings, injured December 3rd, 1925. CiocNCILMEN-- Yeas -Clancy ,,,Ferguson .flodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel 'Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner Of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bui 3-cl3ngs. Iva}'9 .7 --In favor �------ Against a FEB - 9 19x6 -.192------ Adopted i)y the Council---------------- Ahpro F EB --------. - 9 1926 -.1112-.---- • d ...... . ....... - --------------------- MAi./_k�a�i ....................... MAYOR CITY OF ST: PAUL- OFFICE AULOFFICE OF- THE CITY GL_E=FZ3rC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEIvERAmLFORM -- - DATI CGUHG�L ___ No__ FILE ________________ REsoLVED That the pror city officers be 8nc1 Bey are hereby authorized to pay to Dr _ Bd _ _ Larson the sum of $? - E�� _ out of the Workmen s Compensation geco= ��� t of the'General Fund, mor professional servioes rendered to 30LT^909t s C:> • Neill, an employe of t--1=1 a Department of Public Works, in jurecl 13e caj!rmber 29, 1925; be it FFURTFiER i = C3i.VED, That the proper c sty officers pay to Dr. M. L. Larson t:IOLe - of $4.00 out of the VW- orkmen1s Compensation Account of the t- "�— eral Fund, for professiv--Z=Xal services rendered to Moritz Schneider aai employe of the Depart resent of Public Works, injured Januar 9— 1926. a v; a 8a taBp�ao� aoyYv_ch cZL,9;o10e8�Z,5- a� tiLr9" -! S Yoc tpej ; Yury6i tfa.. '31 " t-0 ee ss. iUS i$ aoo..� at I- o- 11J 'o S _ Ae'c- ugl -,o ani �.9+�p60,tto oX, 100aid6Ynb n tooylo svtva 9. y9g1 deaibe- 10-V iiv Coon . vi e0t39xUY tptie. s. 9p ovea" �geU... lam—�. RecommgTaded for passage. 0ommiss3-©3ier of Public Works. COUNCILMEN _9 i926, s Xdogate.l by the Council ----FEB--- -----------------192------ Yeas `"Clancy Ferguson 1p uove......_..FEB-- /Hodgson - - _ _____ ______In favor .-'McDonald / - i Sudheimer ...Against ' Wenzel Mr. President 64346 ' COUNCIL No.---- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL I"" ------- •- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYdDATE_._.......:......._—_--.._. COMMISSIONERER _ � _._...... __._...._.._..._....._............._... RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Steve Raider the sum of $24.00 out of the Workmen's Com- pensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for injuries sustained by him on July 2, 1925,,as an employe of the Department of Public Works, said payment being for the period up to February 6th, 1926, inclusive. bScDonald Recommended for passage: 'C. F. 7. ptY lie - f Resolved.yThm 8 e are aUtIRoF f utg: o care a a�Od atevkh gal rte n�°generto? of of hla. 1.�.. Vanes out Ac Lle1t eettl a1PT169. °ueso Fuad eo69-lnnStthon July al 1826.. aubll'n ' tamed by lithe: Depart y°(t lto the_ Commissioner of Public Works. oyo saiV ant 1826. In l wod rlts..uD to F°p aarY.. 6.1928. �cluelvo• Gosnell. - A9D oved YFen. 9. 1948. FES . 9 1926 COUFCILME i ....--.19-. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ..........................--..-. � ..... ✓ Clancy FEB - 9jy11926 ,-Hodgson eon APPI' 'e< ....v ...........1G /Hodgson .....-....-.In savor (McDonald / % -.... MAYOR...- ./Sudheimer --- Against ° Wenzel Mr. President WUNCIL NO.1­64347 CITY OF ST. PAUL rae t OFFICE OF THE CITY Ci_ERK- COU FIL L IOW�ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY va, GATE._.___---.—_.____.____._.___._::_.._.....__._ COMMISSIONER---_---..----- ----- RESOLVED, That the offer of the Hancd)ck 'Nelson Mercantile Company to settle the claim of the city Of $32.70, against said company, for damage done to an ornamental lighting post at Rice and Manitoba Streets, on Rovqmber 5, 1925, by a truck of said ' Company, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue propdr receipt and releases there– for. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson �Hodgson .,�.__ln favor MeVonald Sudheimer .._..........,Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council............. FEB - 9192----___ ---- 192-_-.._ -------_--------- FEB - 9 1926 192--- App ved --------- - - - - mAyoR _ I - CITY -CH= ST_ PAUL ;34348 OFFICE CW THE CITY Ga_EF2K ' COUNCIL RESOLUTIO•_.y�/ry+E:M1= a--. FORM PRESENTED BYDATE__.__.------------- COM M 1551 ONER�-_...--------_---- WHEREAS, By resolution approved -December 23, 1925, being Council File No. 63761, the Agent was authorized to sell to E. H. Samuelson and A. B - Ewart Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 8, Gotzian` s Re -arrangement of Sigel`s Addition, for the sum of $1600.0o; and WHEREAS, When said addition wig p3atted by the City, the re- arrangetoAent of lbts was such that there were only three lots in the tract purchased by the above named purcl-iasers; and WHEREAS, They are unwilling to -b;al a said three Tote in lieu of the four contracted to be sold; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to% return the said $3600 .00, or so much thereof as may have been paid to said purchaser s , upon the execution by them of an agreement releasing the City from any further liability under said contract . COUNCILMENFEB - 9 1926 yeas Nays �1do�ted by the Council------------------ ------------------192.._- .,Clancy FEB - 9 1926 ./Ferguson - /]iodgson ---- In favor Ap -McDonald --AY - Tvc4a ---------- - -------- MAYOR Sudheimer ------ -----Against iPUflLISFIE>D ---"Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL wEHca NO.---'------'"...... ---- r OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK /.�// COON IL RESOLUT ,�(//(�y��. ENERAL FORM ' -PRESENTED_ BY i, `- J' -- _ 1 . - ___.-..... DATE._ ---- --------- __.._.__.._.._................ .................... ..... WHEREAS, Pursuant to Ordinance No. 6494, approved May 6th, 1925, the Purchasing Agent was authorized to sell lots in Block 6, 0otzianls Re—arrangement of Sigel's Addition; and WHEREAS, The Purchasing Agent has received an -offer of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) from E. H. Samuelson for Lots 6 and 7 in said block; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to convey said property to said E. H. Samuelson. COI;NCIUMEN Yeas Nays Clancy ✓ Ferguson /'HodgsonIn favor McDonald �Sudheimer ..__.Against ✓ Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council-----------------' 91926 FEB - ApFEB - 91926 - 1`12 - p oved...... - - - - MAYOR div c2 l CITY OF -ST. PAUL. _ - �� c�� NO.--43T350--- i \ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —G ERA FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION N L February '9 ,_ 1956 RESOLVED That the action- of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of 8t. Pauli under and pursuant to 0=g1:Lnance No. 6500 and Ordinance 0. F. No. 64079, for the Purchase of Lots 1 to 34 inclusive, blaok 8, Underwood's Third Addition to the City of St. Paul, for the sum of $33,040.29, free and clear . of all encumbrances, including the -1925 taxes and aSBOSSMent installments, the City, of 8t. Paul agreeing to assume assessment installments not yet due, amounting to $1,177.60, $16,040.29 of the purchase price to be paid upon the exeoution of the necessary papers as, prescribed by the Corporation Counsel, the balance to be paid on or before June 1, 1986, without � a interest, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw s Warrant as above stipu- lated in favor of the owner of said land, when the necessary. papers approved by the Corporation Counsel sha11 have been riled with the City Comptroller. This site is being acquired as a public playground. The cost of said lots to be charged to Trust Fund ;x4007, Sale of- Levee property. CIMRtltt�p�^nren ngbCefhg1L*a ; 4 6 6 -- FES ' 9 1986 COUNCILAlEN Adopted by.the Council ----------------------------------------- 192,-..-- Yeas Nays `, Clancy y -'Ferguson �'� App ved�-�3-Hodgson--------.-In favor i'McDonald - Vr --�. - MAYOR Sudheimer :--,----Against Wenzel Mr. President , OFFICES: 301 COMMERCE BLOC'. City of Saint Paul, DEPARTMENT OF PURCEMSES ARTHUR E pGGERT° PURCHASING AGENT E A DAN DEPUTY PURCHASING AGENT SY. Paul, NClnn.. 3 . 5® ° PHONES: _ CEDAR 8680 - GARF-D 3371 A W A RD February 9, 1926 The Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of St. Paul hereby agrees to pay James D. Keough, St, Paul, Minnesota, the sum of Twenty - Three Thousand and Forty Dollars and Twenty -Nine Cents ($23,040.29) for Lots One 11) to Twenty -Four (24) inclusive, Blook•Eight (8), Underwood,a Third Addition to the City of St. Paul, free and clear of all encumbranoee, including the 1925 taxes and assessment installments, the City of St -Paul agreeing to assume assessment installments not yet due, amounting to Eleven Hundred and Seventy -Seven Dollars and Sixty Cents ($12177.60.) It is further agreed by the Committee on Lands and the owner that he - accept the sum of Sixteen Thousand and Forty Dollars and Twenty -Nine Cents ($16,040.29) partial payment after this award is approved by the Council, upon the execution of the necessary papers covering the transfer as approved by the Corporation Attorney, the balance to be paid on. 'pr before June 1,1926, without interest. This property is being acquired as a site for a public playground under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 6500 and Ordi�noe C.F. No. 64079.- Mayor Committee on Lands. (_0O si P. P.fijp.R. Purchasing A e t NOTE: Formal -appraisal of twenty lots in the above tract was furnished by the Real Estate Board, valuing the said twenty lots at Twenty -One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($21,250.00), or a ptioe of Ten Hundred -Sixty -Two Dollars and Fifty Cents (fl 062.•50) per lot, making the valuation of the entire twenty-four oTs`on t e basis of Twenty -Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($25.500.00). COUNCIL '(J(,j'(��__ CITY OF 5'T. PAUL FlLE NO.-_-. --------- .' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMIV PRESEWMO Blf commisSIor-41m f -- RESOLVED That., Whereas, The Fourth District Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs have petitioned the Council for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of holding their Midwinter Meeting on Thursday evening, February AA- 1926 and Saturday February . 12, 1926 from 10 A.M. to - 4 s 30 P.M. and WHEREAS, it appears expadient that said request bs granted, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said organization on the said dates and that the cost of said servioe be charged against the contingent fund. ezpedieat the Adopted ny -the CounCEl.Feb: •$.;1928. ADp[oved Feb_ 9• 1926- (B'eb- 18-Y926) CUUN(jL,MEN Yeas , Clanc} Ferguson .Hodgson McDonald _,.,Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays C -------- )---- ln favor Against FEB - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192..... - FEB - 9'1926 Aproved' - - - - 192---"' 7�__..__....-.................................-YOR 4°�52 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. as NO ... ..-_.._u__.-....- A - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -ED e RESOLVED That, Whereas, Tie Armistice Day Observance committee have, petitioned the Council for the use of the Auditorium for the purpose of holding patriotio Armistice Day exercises- on November 11, 1926, and WHEREAS, it appears expedient that said request be granted, Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the use of the Auditorium be and the same is hereby granted to the said organization on the said date, and that the cost of said service be charged against the oontitent fund. 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �Clancy _',�rguson /Hodgson In fa% -or McDonald 'Sudheimer ✓-..Against j Wenzel Mr. President - Adopted by the Council---------- FEB ------ ---- 9 ---- 192-0 ----------------19'1..--_ App�FEB 91926--- - .192- ------ . MAYOp RESOLVED Yeas a 1w - - CVTY OF ST.. PAUL 0)FIF7 CE OF THE CITY CLERK _ _ F2ESO1-UTI0N--GENERAL FARM -S--.. FE FC -1 - .� DATE 'JFeb . 5 19 26 - = r - — - =7 , •. "Hatton"¢fi aj^fTleCl'fy ; - -, �i!„Yh dmirg'aiYba' WHEREAS, The Corn-- - of °w s s 3 orier Edupgtioli�a,;.s.:a reported to Coun411 in accomk=— -with Section 53, of the City Charter the exp e r� c e of , an emergency which rendered necessary the certain employes of hia department for -tlap-Ln their usual hours of employ- ment; thereiV ci- i t, IC -SOLVED, That t e pa-oper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pa.3-,- i ollowing named employes, at .thae: rate otherwise axe c3 for extra employment for extra time hereinz..i'tcc sat f Orth: NAME TITT -- TIME RATE TOTAL Ernest Weiss Jaaz _ _ 35 hrs. 622 21 . 8�T T .Watters Head --w ra 4 72 2.88 Arthur Christy Fir -err. 42 612 2.7? James MoDermpt t Jan - g 42 482 2.1'7 Hugh O -Donnell Jan- _o _ 42 72 3.24 Mrs H.E.O-donnell 03- l-nPr 42 47 2.14 Joseph Wheeler Jana - 4,1F 42 --- 562 2.53 Mrs.R.Howie 01e r 8 47g 3.8© COUNCILMEN Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President Nays I -------------w_� Adopted by the Council--------------------------_-----------192----- FEB Apowed• - - ------ --------------1`2------- m 34 M POM N0. 1. i -A%-zx emergency has arisen in the Depart:te3,17-tU o:r Ec�zacat� oxz� Bureau of Schools, rendering nacess>_;x- t3711-e ara--- p�oyrnezz� o-- certain employes of that depart:ae_ -t mor mora ' t2-i A r+ a i glzt hours per d.ay, in doing the follo-ing wo r Subs t 3 tut iris fqr Janitors and L Ianers - finis emergency arose by reason of tr:e iac is artcl circumstances: the C _ lac ��r — � xT r w0 k Ori 2C c•nt�nt of nnPni ng nfi nem ac'1-i r+r�1 Y�i�a. � ai ^t''S 2'�is report is in accordance with Section 53 0� . PFIWONTE Y COMMISSIONER RESOLVED COUNCIL ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e No ------54354 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Com/ RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM, - r'eb. '4, 1926 oar ---.__------=--_'_'--'-- G No. 6�Y64 �V�eneel ��3} Wd<a.- -�'�M1 omni ebn6F Ole !p'�, 3:w �p.rke. `1'�9Y6roudde � C0UNC11,MV-bZ Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr- Presideati FEB - 9 1926 1�Tays Adopted by the Council----------------- ------------------192.--.-- FEB - 9 1926 192------ Appr ved..-... - -- - ---------In favor -------------- ------ - ; MAYOR - --- -Against pij$[3EiLtf - Whereas It-- _ _ Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgroxj�-cz sr;`cl Public Buildings has reported to the CouripiZ accordance with Stiction 53 of the City Char er a existence, o. an emergency which rendered necessarg lze employ*ent of certain employes of his deparrtme3cz :E -or more than eight hours per day, said em- ploymerx-t-- -- -- - —_- irsg more than their usual hours of employ- ment . - THEREF`OR:ERZ -AEE a:T RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are authorized to pay the following named employes �t the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment f'or a extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours Rate of Over - ,time L. B. Idarsrhall Laborer 4 .50 B. J. Marshall " 4 .50 P. Roan, Sta. Fireman 7 .692 Joseph tagner Laborer 12 .50 F. Foley, " 6 .45 A. Kosik " 4 .45 IY:. Fowalski. it 19 .50 -J. Sullivan " 8 .50 C. Tucknev " 12 .45 C0UNC11,MV-bZ Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr- Presideati FEB - 9 1926 1�Tays Adopted by the Council----------------- ------------------192.--.-- FEB - 9 1926 192------ Appr ved..-... - -- - ---------In favor -------------- ------ - ; MAYOR - --- -Against pij$[3EiLtf - 40E�Itn Ur 09't. WZMI �erYm�n# of �ar��s�.{*lzggsotsttas GEORGE L MASON. 9uR. o'Pwlua HERMAN G_ WENZEt_. COMMISSIOlIER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. tRV1NG G. _ . t�EPIJTY (q,.iMISB�ONE�R Burt. or Ptwraaauem� - . PRANK X. TEWES. . OFFIGE OF COMM,gSIONtR Cm Art'CWiac� - 219 OpUf2T HOUSE: _ 6454 February 4, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor- and City Council= Gentlemen An arisen in -the Department of Parks , Prousads and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employmerit of certain employes'of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the fol3Lowir'3-g vvork = Flooding skating rinks and plowing roads This emer- gesicy arose by reason of the following facts and citdamstarices _ Necessary to keep roads open in parks anti on and to flood skating rinks evenings to cornp2_ e-ta f loodin started. s.. Yours very truly, Co�tmissioner. _ 3W. rwwitata $ttva to easkt Stutz ettin.no PRESENTED comms SIo! RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL idESOL.UT10:et---4GENE3FzAL FORM 0ATE_ 113BRUAFX_.-.-4_V%__J92- 6-.- COUNCILMEN FEB - 9 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ----- _--------------------------------- 192.._... Clancy FEB 19�u" Ferghson Ap owed....-..-. _.9 Hodgson --------------In fay or 192 McDonald Q SudheimerMerron ----------------Against j Wenzel?IiLISHEi� Mr. President �S, The Commissioaer of public Honks has Council, in accordance wit3i Section 53 of the reported to the existence of an emer enc g y of certain employes his wh-i.ch rendered necessary City. Charter, the employment the of per day, said employment employment, Depar nt for more being mo than their than eight )jLsual hours" hours or 7H&F=0M HE IT PX' SOM.� That the proper cit t by authorized to pay the, he fixed for extra set forth; named eacployea,oat the rate employment for the extra time hereinafter XANR Bourquin, Harold K. TZTI3 MUM OF HOURRS` OVERTIM Bowers, Clarence Maintenance Labor a ft 1 hr . Bruce, Ed. n 1 1 Campbell, Tames E. Faust, E. A. Sub-poreman s s 39 .50 .62 Hey7.man, L. R. 'Kuhns, T. D. Hoist. Sr- E steam] 14 .621 ,�Q Mertens, Bernard }1eedham, Walter DI'tUtIlity Mss Ditch I33gger. T. Pertranton, Michael Driaer. 2 .67, Plumbo, Joseph Sub—VTruc3c DitchoSin $$er 1 .62* Putnam, Bred Rasmussen, Antos Sub -Foreman 1 26 .62 Rasmussen, Robert TJtility Klan w n 6 Schrinkler, Louie Simone, John Utility Labor 2 6 .6� .65 Sward, E. A. Telke, Robert pipe Zayer Uti ll ty Labor 2 3 Barry.VincelT. Barry, T. W. W. Utility bb� Maintenance Isbo= l� 3. .6 M-Ca1 Imp. Ineperctor 8 6.0g d: COUNCILMEN FEB - 9 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ----- _--------------------------------- 192.._... Clancy FEB 19�u" Ferghson Ap owed....-..-. _.9 Hodgson --------------In fay or 192 McDonald Q SudheimerMerron ----------------Against j Wenzel?IiLISHEi� Mr. President �� 14n smargency has arisen in .fid IiN"`JULI(""�4CYKRS,, rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that - Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work,, Repairing sewers; adjusting and oiling hoist; constructing Belt Line Sewer; inspecting work under contract; oiling truck. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and_ ciroumstances;. Repairing sewers at all hours -in emergencies; adjusting and oiling hoist an ma aafter hours i on Sunday.ta saper-contractor'sdelay in gschedule; course finishing work; inspecting finishing work. at Belt Zine Sewer, started immediately prior to close of 8 -hour day. S$I0711ER of , JBI•IC VOFM CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Nom- - - - - - - - D_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK KE5ULVtu jHmSEAs, in the construction of the Haraiia� Hi*SIi School, it was found"' necessary to install conc3uiZ AO - wiring to the starting switch and motor for- t7ze 35=2_t4=r30Lea. texhaust fan, and also install wiring to the Wc)o oeI Laboratory exhaust fan, and inasmuch, a>3 this©ric was not provided for under the original plans specifications, THFMWOHE .SL IT RESOLVED, upon the rec%omosWanda.-rti©rx_ of the City Architect that the plans and, spe c3 :V i c -G a oxis and contract with the Commonwealth Electric aozmLpa y be amended so as to provide for this extra workv arsel t� contract price increased in the amount of Sevasaty `L�k1_1'ee /($73..00) Dollars to cover the cost thereof. AU 60 Ea�gto't - .�iltsdLBi'�ft� -_ Yor, thB•4tfefieH 1�`�6wi,Ych N, - 0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy �.. ,Ferguson HodgsonIn favor J ✓McDonald 400f/ - ✓Sudheimer In Wenzel Mr. President AN 0 E E E —_ 9 1 2 S 192 ------ Adopted by the Council______________ --------- Appy ed -----t3 - ----� ----- 192 ------------------- ------------------------------ -- 16 -' counc�� � NO. - Z. �`t�-i- -- CITY OF ST. PAUL' r��c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ?c CIL RESOLUTION-, ENERAL FORM COMMIS PRESENTEDSION ER RESOLVED wHEFXAB0 in the construction of the Geo.lVashing OXL High Sahool, it was found necessary to install one 0 Duplex plug receptacle, conduit and wiring for the proposed dental room, $nd inasmuch as this eras not provided for in the original plans andspecifica.tions, THEF&y0F3 HE IT ]RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the City Architect, that the plans and specifications and contract with the Commonwealth Electric Company be amended to provide for this additional work, and the contract price increased. in the amount of Twenty Three ($23.00) Dollars to cover the cost thereof. COUI CI I.— Yeas Nays i Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson In favor McDonald i j Sudheimer ...........)...Against /'Wenzel / Mr. President 9 1926 -_ Adopted by the Council ..... FE&------------------------ 192-„ Approved....:.........FFB.r _ S--L32fi----192------ - -- MAYyORoR n CITY OF ST. PAUL coE+ca No..5V58--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tq�,LCIL RESOLUT N—�iENERAL FORMPRESENTED BYU_- ^_ comm lo _ ___._ ieEsWomm whereas a pair of shoes of the value of 44.50 belonging to Albert Loeffler, 475 Lafond Street were lost in'the check room at the Como Park skating rink on January 31, 1926, and as the City of Saint Paul is responsible therefor, Br, IT RESOLVED, that the Rroper city officers ar-e hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum, of P4.50 ,in favor of said Albert Loeffler,_. to reimburse him for the loss of the said shoes, said sum to be payable out of the "ark Refectory Fund 18-I-8 ' C. F, NO., 84369-By_lf. C. Wenzel rinx on January -. la ., a a..c City of Saint Paul is reeponeible there- 2pBe It Resolved, that the proper city j .oClice re are hereby authorized .and dlreoted to draw, a. warrant to ,;thO : sum -of.. $4.60 in , favor, of said Alpert Loeft;er,,to felmbuene him for, the'1609 ofr"the said ah'on ,eaid'sum to -.be pay- j —1' able out, of the Park; Ttsfeatory Fund. IB -T -B. Adopted 'by the Connoil Feb. 0. 1828, Approved -Feb 8. 1026.- {FeD 12.1088) -- — COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy /k'erguson �)FIodgson 12 In favor McDonald Sudheimer .....Against Wenzel / Mr. President FEB _ 9 1926 Adopted by the Council .............. _---------------------- --192...... - 9 1926 App r ved. .FSB .... -- ....192. -R,/... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL �UNC,L NO.........43 59 °- rae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AO owTe.— ..... 04 / That the appli ons for licenses of the following persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the granted payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: David Delonais, 922 Marion St., Grocory 11 J. A. Belair, 257 E. Fairfield St., of FremaSt Ruohverg, 168 E. Congress .,. 4 tables Louis Earueso, Louis Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk k Co „ 8T0 Payne Av., 265 Jackson St., pool Gunpowder p Louis EarussoA' 870 Payne AV., 3812 Michigan St., Confectionery Dance Halr C. S. P. S. 1k12, John A. T. Glans, 942 Payne AV., Confectionery Dayton Bluff Lodge #96 ZOGF, 932 Reaney St., Dance Hall Pulaski Hall Association, 1003 Arcade St., Dance Hall H. F. Schmidt, 618 Edmund St., Butcher Mollie J. Hadwiok, 722 Western AV. No., Grocery William Cosetta, 144 W. 7th St.,. H. P. Skottegard, 1595 University Av., Bakery M. Stein, 393 No. Dale St., Butcher M. Schiermer, 256 Maokubin St., Grocery J. H. Coakley, 569 Pascal AV., 0 Nathan Brodsky,149 E. Chicago AV., J. Shea, 673 Mackubin St., Mrs. W. B. Elliott, 416 University AV , 761 No, Snelling AV., Confmotionery-drug W. R. Stewart, A. N. Schaffhausen, 1488 St, Clair St., Grocery " James Morelli, 565 Bradle y St, + „ Mrs. H. M. Kamp, 414 No. Smith AV., Geo. Weisenbach, 628 Selby AV., Geo. Weisenbach, 628 Selby AV., Butcher Vasil Lemenowsky, 1022 Earl St., L. Lenertz, 1161 Sherburne AV., Grocery J. J. Glanoey 426 S. Robert St., Butcher to W. P. Spangenberg, 688 Selby AV., 28 W. 7th St„ Confectionery W. J. Maloy, George Damiani, 674 Burr St,I Butcher Leo F. Conroy, 1808 St. Clair St., h D. Vandermade 455 Rios St., S. J. Culver, 1219'Randolph St., Yeas Clancy �- Ferguson Hodgson ................ In favor McDonald Sudheimer Against Adopted by the Council .---....._.._...... `.� .192...... Approved..--_------- ------------192------ ---' – ---- --- .. .................. MPYOR • �y - CITY OF ST. PAUL n CO UNCIL 5,9 '- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AW COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED svDA_.._.Febru&ry COMMISSIONER_.._.._.__._ __—.._ 9, .1926 ............._._ RESOLVED - - - - -2- J. J. Conger,, 740 Grand Av., Confectionery C. P. Sattler, 1189 No. Snelling Av., Confectionery -drug C. E. Rieger, 1051 Arkwright St., Butcher C. E. Rieger, 1051 Arkwright St., Grocery Vogelgesang Bros., 917 Randolph St., " William Smith, 459 No. Snelling Av., " F. W. Ramaley, 666 Grand Av., Delicatessen J. J. Griebler, -- 1097 Payne Av., Bakery Frank Stasney, 341 Goodhue, St., Butcher F. W. Ramaley, 1332 Grand Av., Delicatessen Andy Wahlquist, 258 W. 7th St., Restaurant 0, E. Freeman, 460 St. Peter St., " Nick Mucciacciaro, 816 Payne Av., " Ethetington & Trickey, 14 17. 6th St., " J. Holmes, 376 7iabasha St., " Paul Weyer, 374 Minnesota St., " A. W. Kohls, 315 St. Peter St., " W. F. Haessig, 802 University Av., " H. J. Welts & J L j-andsberger, 348 Cedar St., " Joseph Maleoky, 932 Arcade St., Soft drink Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from street Poolroom is 1000 feet from school. Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays a FEB —9 1^ Adopted by the Council.-----------_-- ---------------..19'1..---- Clancy ' FEB - 9 1926 Ferguson Aproved.-.... - -. .............192._.-.. Hodgson _In taN,or McDonald - .... - ..:... MAYOR Sudheimer ..........Against W11, Wenzel Mr. President .. r p, s Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays a FEB —9 1^ Adopted by the Council.-----------_-- ---------------..19'1..---- Clancy ' FEB - 9 1926 Ferguson Aproved.-.... - -. .............192._.-.. Hodgson _In taN,or McDonald - .... - ..:... MAYOR Sudheimer ..........Against W11, Wenzel Mr. President !GJ J _J I '-J 1 t - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL /�/� c2Lsfj OUAORUPLICATE '}0. FILE NO.__—I�la�it(jL()■■tYC� - TC OFFICE'6F'dgE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK RES. NO._46______--__ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE—�-91 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �-_ IN � __. _COVERG S____ _ 3,-59-.-39 _.... _ �7 �Z Y_________ _ __ ____ C O CHECKS NUMBERED_____32%2__.TO 1309_ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK. IN FAVOR OF pY �I II NUMBER�t TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I I1' II BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD • I � I II G----- a`_. C. F. Nn. 64360_ ISI I e esolved that checks be a the City re63aur draw 8mouny to aggre Sate S 299.39. _;am '< othe ve ng checks. jl numbered 1292 to 1309 Inclulve, checks ae Der, on flle 1n the Offte of the City Comptroller. i Adopted by the Connell Feb. 9• 1926. ADProved Feb. 9, 1926: (Feb. 13-1926) (I } I' I p � I I 4 ii I �I N I! i i fI I I li I, N I l I � I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ! ,.....�, .. .F...�,y�.mORM O34 1000 24].24 -. n: _..... _ _ ...... P ...,,-._ -• __-- ..... _: .a-..<..`- _n a � I � t �u l �.. i\ 1•yl � 1 •�. _ ! � i 1 .. Ili _.-1. �s i��.a 'fit `." •J' "_ f ' - 5�7 ���. .- cove.–.1 �:n - McDONALD. FORESTRY PUBLIC L BUIDING / ,/, - CHECKS e-_ . NUMBERED }2-9 TO 133,09 ACCOUNTS 13. I1 2 828 79 I. 4 037 52 jSUDHEIMER. __ AGAINST . ` OMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. �•/A/� OF THE AS PER CHECKS CITY COMPTROLLER, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - - /'W MR PRES., ENZEL, NELSON. YES ) COUNCILMEN DISTRIBUTION NAYS (J ) ' TOTAL RETURNED _ TRANSFER LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST - - • - •""'�"• CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER — -_– DISRU RSEM ENT . BY �� ". - GENERAL WATER :OND - - CHECKS CHECKS BANK 60 034 ^oi 70 ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE �UD�I T��I�Ui�. BROUGHT FORWARD 842 31 421 020 3 260 929 74 84 540 56 333.1 100 0 1292 H:C.-'enzel, Comer. of park®, 50 00 'l•� round: � & r. Bidga. 1293 Td. njorkiund 50 30 832 6 822 81 l 3.0 932 6o 129 Kenny Boiler & mfg. Comr+any 822 ffi 545 00 1 J. Bailey 1296 s. Brand COU oomnany . 4545 I 1 08 1 148 99 8 992 32' / 259 31 1297 ,. Brand Coil oom.�nny 8 992 i 286 286 00 1296 Columbian Dank Note Cam -,any ryter 147 3 147 31 1299 The ?'yre Cowpany 1300 H. P. 11er Coma�ny II 568 3 N 1301 K�rdpx ;end Com: :any I 25 it 525 1302 Lindstrom & Anderson j 877 877 �o C -)R1 Ca�,.ny 27 3 276 64 1303 uinnsoota 13 Unnnsota Pine & Tile COW-) 280 3 i 4 280 32 130 Moulton 'Al & Refining Com q 566 7 566 72 1302 0"Co`�, Blodgett Mfg. CamT"n 459 O 5 459 02 1307 ... B. Roiniok 5 OC 63 22 6 3 1 1308 L. J. nobner22 1309 tn. .� • '�oott, Comptroller 33 3 33 31 • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1942 31 474 319.75 277 492 45 60 o39 �pdp 712 10 89 561 84 -AP{�I/��ROVE �D�- _ — —��_�" ---- --- v.�. 19 G MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS _ SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC L BUIDING SLINORY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 13. I1 2 828 79 I. 4 037 52 II 42 75 i 333.1 100 001 13 75 G 2 828 79 II 4 037 52� 42 75 TWIMMkATE CITY OF SAIN CITY TO RES. No. ___- CLE04K 4(a - ----- OFFICE OF THE CO T;3LLER COUNCIL IILC No. DAT RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 2-9 19;6 CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT GF AUDiTE; CLAIMS -RES NON FORM I/CLANCY, �FERGUSON. 1. 1AV-. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 7 s -53,299L. -3-9 COVERING CHECKS .,'HODGSON, McDONALD. FEB 1926 NUMBERED' TO _134D9 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ISUDHEIMER, AGAINST 192 PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS MAYOR MF�^ENZEL. PRES . NELSON. CHECK NUMBER TOTAL IN FAVOR OF RETURNED DISTRIBUTION *_1 TRANSFER DISBURSE.LN!' BANK LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS CHECKS CHECKS GENERAL WATER IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS• GARAGE 461�R.17aRI.YU_ SPRINKLING FORESTRY ri PUBLIC BUILD' NG REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS lig 1292 BROUGHT FOR WARDEquipment H.rO.'"enzel, Qom Ir, of urge, 842 31 421 020.3 260 929 74 6o 034 9 nol. 13 2 $29 037,52 42 75 a4 54o 56 333. If 100 00 2 9� Ellayl3rounda & P. 13ldga. 50 T 4. r3jorklund 30 832 6 50 00 .7o 129 Kenny Boiler & mfg. a awr3my 822 9 30 932 60 JP= I i P -all, 1 8700-a �45 922 81 2 1 9 T)rl:I Uampany I 4o8 545 oo 129 Brrand 00,11 Uom,any 1, 9 992 1 1 148 gs 259 31 1291 Columbl;ln 13,ink Note Cow,any 1 1 296 9 992 32 - 1299 7111) TYTe FYter Comnany 147 3 1 I 00 1300 1301 H. T1. Fuller Comr)any K,?rd,-X -,-md com:,a'ny 169 3 3 47 31 168 30 1302 1 525 4 42 Lindstrom & Ande raon 871 525 17 Anneriotri C-)pl a 27 977 90 lig� Minnesota Pipe & Tile Comn_anjy 290 3 3 276 64 I3Oj Moulton -"il & 9efining Com '; 11 7 4 280 32 1306 Blodgett mfg. comT, �66 0 59 0 1 1 566 72 l SII 1307 1308 - B. Rciniok L. J. Pobnel` 459 02 "ITI. 225 6 0 1309 300tts comptroller i 33 3 33 311 22 63i i I Y. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ��. QUADRUPLICATE _ FILE NO..X TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C m CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM RES. No.__42__________-- 2-5 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE g, ATE_ l _t9._ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Iyy'BY h� S _L__ ___ _ __ ______- COVERING COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED_—__ 90----TO-'"-' i y INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �I p✓��e�Li ,��. i. L.Lc t '.i rtU ER _________ ___________.___________—_—_----- _------ . OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK L 1( IN FA R OF BY II NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT �I CHECKS CHECKS -BANK � I ry BROUGHT FORWARD i it i ii C. F. No. 64361— e I Resolved that checks be drawn 'an f Ithe City Treasury, to the atjgregate _ ,amount of $4,356.12, coverid checks. ' numbered 1190 to 1241 inclusive, as per N checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 9. 1926. Approved Feb, 9, 1926. (Feb. 13-1926) i a h 33 I; (D SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1000 7.24 BY �. l[ L/_- �. PER ----------------- CHECK NUMBER yli(j V. - _ CHECKS NUMBEAED__.L LyfU_ _ -O.12-41-_ P I---COMT8OLLER-- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FI LE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.. - IN FAVOR1 OF TRANSFER a 9HECKS SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD -SUDH EIME R. AGAINST APP OVED _yf 9 ,1926 192 -- �; WENZEL. 4 R. PRES . NELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS I,!) MAYOR J L I BROUGHTFORWARD 1190 McClain & Redman Company 1191 Mo&uiiia 1192 Top Com M & M Autoto Top Company 1193 Minneapolis Directory Compare 11954 Minnesota Chandelier Company 5 9Minnesota Mwelope Company 119 Minnesota Minting & Mfg, 0 1197 11 Minnesota News Company John `,. 'Aitohell k' 1199 F. J. ,acres Oom• any 1200 #. Mowyey Company 1201 Mullary Paper Box Oomnany. 1202 New York Tea Company ,1203 Ren York Times index Company 1204 Nicola, noon & Gregg 120 Northern Auto Nleotrio C-Almally 1206 Northern Pacific Railway Camps. . S. Nott company N?0 Noyes Brothers & Cutler 1209 J. F. Olen Comp y 1210 Francis E. Olney 1211 Ordway -Taylor sales Company 1212 Ottawa silica Company 121 0 -mens Motor SalesInc. A 121 Paper, Calmenson Company 121 P-)rk Machine Company 1216 Pence Automobile Company 1217 Peterson Art Furniture Company 1218 H. H. Pittlekow 1219 Pittsburgh Coal Company 1220 Pittsburgh Testing Laborato 1221 Prest-O-Lite Company 1222 Public Utilities Reports, Inc, 1223 Pyramid Oil Company 122 Raymer Hardware Company 1225 Republic Creosoting Oomnany 122 Robinson, Cary & sands Comp 1227 Roe -James Glass Company 1228 Roller Motor Oar Company 1229 H. Rosenthal Company 1230 Thorman IV. Rosholt Company 1231 Jt.Paul Book & Stationery Co. 1232 it. P3ul Bottling Oompeny 123 �4 3t. Paul Brass Foundry Compaq it. Pa,.ul Builders Material Cour 1235 st.Paul OaxTdC ge Worka 13%Paul 1232 Eleotr o Company 1237 4t.Paul Gas Light Company 1238 St. Paul Gas Light Company 1239 ^t. Paul Gas Light Oompany 1240 ^t.P-_ul machine Torke 1241 -,t.Paul ,tructural steel Com a SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD -SUDH EIME R. AGAINST APP OVED _yf 9 ,1926 192 -- �; WENZEL. 4 R. PRES . NELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS I,!) MAYOR J L I RETURNED BY BANK �� DISTRIBUTION OSB URSEMENT CHECKS GENERAL WATER -BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS ��w ------ Yd1W SPECIAL FUNDS � �1WiQ. GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESTRY - PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY gCCOUNTS A ACCOUNTS 3 738 40 64 396-35 21 112 7 027 40 3 571 97 226. 7 13 75 2 332.71 42,75 82 89 00 7005 4 2:755, 29 00 28 00 165 165 22 75 22 75 O g9 5 35� 35� 2 501 2 50 30 00 50 50 _ n _ 30 00 11 li �S 99 00 I 9 25 721 00 '' _ 1 75 82 o 60 l4 41 14 41 j 0i 1s 6O 18 6o 50 . 56 i 44'01 11 � 51 53 _2 52 11 25 it 1 25 ! 6 4 j 4000 40 I �I 37 33 76 3f 2 58 7 i, 5 82 5 82 6 (� 32 75 4 o 5 41'5 1 12 ! 5 500 477 91 '; 389 41 it 89 50': I 00 46 75 P II o' 3 4 6 Oo li 511 6 69,; ` 6 4 44 523 5 21 54 j; II 24 38 00 33 iii 00 0 io 50 Z7195 47 1 4 I' 80 5 7 22 1 22 80 590 232 50 j J 2M 226 90 1087 55 a lib? 585 206 3� 6 650 104 75 23 50 40 �� 78 13 0 40 54 3 432 30 432 30 3b4 05 5a 46 2 214 6' 4115 31 620 5 1 28 00 28 00 f I i i • � I I I 33 x41 43 67 527".26 21 Boo 15;.027 3 952 1s 333 18 13 75 2 445 09 42 75 TRRfq-'feA TE . TO RES. NO._#2-------- CITY CLERK ------ RESOLVEt, THAT CHECKS BE_ E)RAWN ON THE DATE2,r,,-_j 9�'.j CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AUNT F GTMOO(Y 5 _______4 _cc BY-�.. YU_n !3`J�_ C**��O��V ERING e/- - f- CHECKS NUMBER Ep__�q0 -_ , X2_Y.j____-____ - COMPiBOLLER ' INCLUSIVE. q5 pER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER OF THE CITY COM PTROLLER. "-.-_. _. CHECK TOTAL RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY ` TRANSFER--URSEMENT BANK CHEG KS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD 98 - 1190 MOCJlPAn & Hedman Company 7� 1191 Mo .uillan Brothers 38 40 1192 M & M Auto T C 00 11 Minneapolis Top Company 275 119554 Minnesota Chandelier Company 29 0 1196 Minnesota 7�mlope Company I 65 22 75 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Comp y 1197 Minnesota Flews Com~any 352 g9 1198 John ". Mitchell SO 1199 F. J. *gorse Com any I 30 1200 7. Mowrey Comnnny 2 1201 Mullery Paper Box Com• ,any i� 12 50 1202 Naw York Toa Company j 99 1203 Nov York Times Index Company 0 12 Niools, lean & -regg 7�j2 00 60 120 Northern Auto Flectrio Cpm �' lei rim 120 Northern Paoifio Raiiwa Co�M, n I 1207 Nott Companyyy 120E Noyee Brothers & Cutler l 54 601 1 i 1209 J. T. Olen Company 56 f 405;1 i !! 1210 Francis E. Olney I 1 I ; 1211 Ord -my -Taylor Sales Company i rT 1212 Ottawa silica Company 121 Owens Motor sales, Ina. Paper, Calmenson &lom-iany121 P -irk Machine Company 77 121 Pence Automobile Company 4l 121 PetereoU Art FU rniture CM -p 16 121 H. H. Pittlekow i 21219 Pittsburgh Coal CompanyX77 1220 Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, 75 00 1221 Prest-O-Lite Comnany 46 1222 Public Utilities Reports, Ind. 001 1223 Pyramid oil Compan; 1224 . Raymer Tiardware Company 1229 Republic Creosoting Company j; 3g' 122 Robinson, Cary & sande Com, 292 00 1221 Roe -James (Mass Company 11 88 122_ Roller Motor Car Comppy 5 71 R. Rosenthal a. ail . Ij 22 SOii i� I CITY OF SAINT 'OFFICE OF THE CO ELLER --✓CLANCY.- AUnITEn CLAIMS -RES . L"ON FORM ✓ FERGUSON. l HODGSON. MCDONALD. SUDHEIMER. WENZEL. MR. PRES.,NELSON GENERAL WATER .BOND 112: 027 48 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS -64 329666 :00 3 571 97 5 -- 7 29 60 5 22 75 352 50 11 50 97 25 = 1 75 722 00 a 6o 14 11.1 50 15 60 51 53 y 2 52I 1 25 f 7 00 26 7 18 1 5 82 - 32 75 16 0o 359 zi sa 50 75 op 6 001 23 68 il 95 I 5 15 h 21 54 316 .1+09 00 195 OP 47 50 22 901 IN FAVOR .__.AGAINST YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (1/) DISTRIBUTION TRUST GARAGE 226.7 2 R 4 41 3 1 5 FILE No. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.- __ - ..-192 ._ kAPP OVED �• _____.- FU - 9 1926 _... _.. - - .. _192 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING FORESTRY 13 .75 . PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING 2 332.' 30 4 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 42.75 QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK �Ah CHECK11 IN NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FTLE No. - OFFICE 60 THE COMPTROLLER 7 RES. NO -43 ------- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ----- — -- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING IPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED___ im __To__ ------ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.! -- - - - ----------- TOTAL RETURNED FAVOR OF 4 BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS' 7— BROUGHT FORWARD ill onISIr. ks [EET TOTAL—FORWARD it Resolved th., checks b. dritwn mount ,e aggle . numbered go to &I,k. nn In if, 1257 AS lh. ffj 't Fob. the Feb. 9, I"Z 1926. 3-1926) CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FTLE No. - OFFICE 60 THE COMPTROLLER 7 RES. NO -43 ------- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ----- — -- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY E AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING IPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED___ im __To__ ------ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.! -- - - - ----------- TOTAL RETURNED FAVOR OF 4 BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS' 7— BROUGHT FORWARD ill onISIr. ks [EET TOTAL—FORWARD a • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 942 3Y 118 179 44 - N r 4 r ji , I 77534.69 21913 60 365 29 3 952 19 w 33 ig 100 13 `75 2 $29 79 4 037.52 4� NUMBERED -- '— i� -' COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON McDONALD, ' ) FEB "- 9 1926 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FILE IN THE OFFICE y' SUDHEIMER, AGAINST AP ROVED - - - - 192 F`E i WENZEL. = MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (�) COUNCILMEN NAYS 117/ --- MAYOR CHECK ' N;;MBER - IN "FAVOR OF TOTAL — RETURNED TRANSFER - DISBURSEMENT BY � --- - $,,, DISTRIBUTION _ CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATEh+ • BOND j LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS ' -- - ' BROUGHTFORWARD 103 141,83 - ACCOUNTS GARAGE ���jl=�LL{LG SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS • 1242 A. 13. ,harp, D pmentr of Munioipal-Equi 67 527.26 21 .Soo 5 027 � 3 952.18 333 18 13 75 2445.08 42 75 3 1244 L.C.Hodpon, Com'r. of pin. 100 12 John Banniok 3 912 6 g�3 3 3 912 68 5 100 00 1246 Margaret Linke 15 156 152 jo 1247 Philip Mauer 2 928 79 1 592 44 1249 Philip Mauer 96 00 56 0000 1249 Hans Inendsen 4 0 1250 1251 Theo. T. Anderson 96 10 00 D. H. Bradley 1252 blies Gratia A. Countryman 345 16 13 96 00 125 Mis3 Irene Kennedy 00 160 00 John H.MoDonald-, Comer. P.sv. 463 41 75 a 75 125 5 1256 Minneap011s''sohool-supply 00.1 379 90 swr. 463 41 1257 The Peoples Eleotrio Company 486 0013wr. 496 00 379 90 jl 399 50 ji 399 50 a • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 942 3Y 118 179 44 - N r 4 r ji , I 77534.69 21913 60 365 29 3 952 19 w 33 ig 100 13 `75 2 $29 79 4 037.52 4� j e 1 - TSI W1f�.A TE CITY OF SAINT PALL COUNCIL f` •°} TO RES. N0..43 ___ - OFFICE OF THE COMF'.)LLE NO.. -[ _ CITY - _ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS KS 'BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREAS T _�71p�I AMOUNT OF AUDITED CLAIMS—RES R I,pN f FORM CLANCY, ' j �___ _ .. IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - FEB - X926 L )92 _ - ,'GREGATE . 2�rr IV INc .' HO GSON. '.� _FEB 9 I9-�S B %CLERK _ CHECKS NUMBERED......._.. COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS 1C TO -. __- ____. ON FILE IN THEOFFICE'PE i McDONALD. SUDHEIMER. E AP ROV D AGAINST 192 / OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - i" WENZEL, MR. PRES.. NELSON. - - -�� - YES (�') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) - -- - - - - MAYOR CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL -- TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY ��-"----_—- -- _ C DISTRIBUTION J LOCAL "SINKING • SPECIAL FUNDS _ CHECKS CHECKS DANK GENERAL WATI- BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE �ju(]LILiSLL{L0 SPRINKLING FORESTRY I� PUBLIC BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 103 141.83 67 527 26 21 800 7 027 .49 3 952 lg 333 19 13 75 2 445 oa 42 751 1242 A.9. .,harp Dir eenor oY i 1 - Municipal ^quipment 100 � 1244 '+ L.C.Rodgeon, Comer. o! rin. 3 912 69 I 3 912 6911 100 00 it 12 John Banniok 9�3 3 3 153 5 312 101! i 2 ata 79 II 1 592 44 1246 Margaret Linke It 16 I 153 40 1247 Philip Mauer 96 16 00 9 000 I. �.. 124A 1249 Philip Mauer Rana �nendsen 50� I �' 5 Ii 1250 Theo. T. Anderson 10 00 96 OOI 10 001 1251 D. H. Bradley 13 451 ; "' 13 96 o0 I i 1252 hies Gratis, A. Countryman 10 00�j 10 00 l 4 tdis,3 Irene Kennedy 6 6 ii 1253 John R.MoDonftld, Comer. P.'a. 463 41 p 12 5 n n n 379 90 Swr. 463 41 swr. 125 minneapolia 3ohool Supply Co. �j 486 00 486 00',' 378 90 1257 The Peoples ineotrio Com -any 399 50' h . i ,i 399 50 • I' j I I i I r: I II i �I II lj 4 I j I' li .j � i II u 10ITY !f SAINT PAUL COUNCIL AV 6 -'-� OUAORUPLICATE . y. i. FILE NO._ To ,QFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERIC.RES. No.---4-4--------- - r AUDITED �LAIhtiS-RESOLUTION FORM ATE— 2_-61922 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,,r`-� _57_,2_97 COVERING ` Y___74 _ __ y_y+y'--__________— �( r r``�`'' COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED _- II -----TO \ l 1INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE d✓�K..11. Ic l ti f . E•\��� � ______ ____ �______-__-___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ' TOTAL RETURNED CHECW� IN' FAVOR OF" BY NUMBE ;� - - '! TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK 4 CHECKS CHECKS 1 BROUGHT FORWARD P p i I C 9 j I r fi�o'�1tyVQTsths'�� i Oo Z red P ds8su J A yotrod 0.7; ?spy t ks 1 1 ! o b d a e e o a e r f nD °letl F rbP the o !q°k� rr�@ag en i � a6, s °CneQtoo ot�e aheCBte - 4 ja79ZB l Feb' 9be Cl'yi - �2� t Is". . h N'r ui% - 1 8 f� j k li �i II j 11 �� SH EE T TOTAL—FORWA i` 1 O�CM .1000 7-24 ' - u rl 1 i • I n S __C�7i297 �1g -___.. - _...-. covERING � /McJcD HEIMER \) f/1 ..,a _J/: -.._ AGAINST .g _ L%p APPR CHECKS NUMBERED 1G%. TO --- 127� q _ ---- - --- MAYOR COMPTROLLER _ �WENZEL ------ --- - - , _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE (V ) OF THE clrY COMPTROLLER.MRPRES., NELSON. VES 1 \') COUNCIL" Ii-" NAYS . PER _-._.._ _ ' CHECK TOTAL RETURNED } DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - DY - PUBLIC - SUNDRY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL SINKING TRUST BANK GENERAL V`'ATER BOND _ IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS Gq—AGE 'U� je %V SPRINKLING. FORESTRY REVIO LDV IVNG ACCOUNTS - CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS ulY ajjTi BROUGHTFORWARD 79. _-/� .a _ '� .. 100 OO 13 2 828 79 4 037 52 42 75 842 1 118 3 744 77 534 69 21 S'13 D 1365 3 952 18 33 1 11 1258 -* ^. Chideater, Direotor 155 00 155 00 1259 Fred Jost 155 00 155 00 1260 trorethern states Contracting o. 20 570 00 - 20 570 00 ( �I 1261 Daggett do Pew Attorneys for ?red Haskell 75 531 70 7? 25 457 95 1262 L.C.Hodgeon, oomor. of Finan a 91 25 91 1263 "atriok Barry 35 20 35 20 126+ diary Cu�nien 40 00 40 00 1265 otic H. -Godfrey, Guaxdian 36 On 36 00 1266 Marie Katherine Haokert I 36 00 36 oo e 1267 Arthur Haeseig 36 36 00 - I 1268. Mra. Mary ;lose 24 24 00 1269 Hazel m. 4tegner, Guardian f r uorothy L. ^tegner 24 3 24 30 1270 m1nnie "�ilson, "!flow of 24 2 M. •tn.F.Y, 26 1 26 i4 II 1271 IT. .nMerle 1 1272 nbbott-Miller Cpm^any, Agentr� for H. Kretz Realty Com my 376 5 .00 I A2'7r Davis & La�erma n Agents y55007 09N.'?. ^' eotrio rGipment oomprui ! 1 1 360 64 01nei1 & Preston I 31 960 31 960 00 & u Tire ootm any 13 I 13 00 12'f7 vlotnsy :latinl3 aom xu►y ' I' 1 0 9 I 150 95 2279 E.- N'. & !I. F. tease 2�2rj , 225 00 �) i . SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 942 31 175 476 I 91 843 92 21 s13 `G 6 65 _29 56 940 1;' 1 333 1I 100 01 13 7511 2 828 79 II 4 037 5� 42 75 TMN!I'LA/k TE TO CITY CLERK DA�E�jJ�YIAg COMPTROLLER PER CHECK NUMBER _ IN FAVOR OF RES. NO.4-4- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREnASSURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S .-57,2-M d - - -. - - COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -1259-. TO _127 INCLUSIVE. AS PER. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TyE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL R TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT .CHECKS CHECKS CITY OF SAINT PAU OFFICE OF THE COMP ER AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOL `FORM CLANCY. J FERGUSON. HODGSON, SMI' DONALD. ' SUi7HEIMER. ' WENZEL, MR. PRES., NELSON ETURNED BROUGHT FORWARD O42 31- 118 179,44 1259 1259 ". Chidester, Direotor ?Fred 155 00 II 1260 12.61 .lost Northern 'te.tes Contrao. 155 00 20 II 570 00 F)ar;,J ett & Pew, rttorneys for IMPROVEMENT FUNDS Fred Faskell91 L. C. TToc3 , son, vom • r. of Finande II 70 1262632 14 ,r:trick Barry 20 35--inten IP -65 Mary (:u Otis N. Godfrey, Guardian � 40 00 36 00 1266 1267 Marie Katherine Haokert Arthur 36 1^6g Hzeesig �!ra. Ln:_ry Zoe 0 24 1269 Hazel rA. Stegner, Guardian fdr 1270 VOTothy L. ^tOr;31Pr �Tinnie 7ilson, ..idow of -M.F.;'. 1271 j 24 9,1 1272 N. ',% %engerle nbbott-AAiller Com -any, Agent 26 14 12 for H,- Kretz Roaxty oom 'n<ny Davis & Lngerman Agents 376 00 0g 12 N. "r. "leotrio �gUinment Qom- Y 1 350 64. 1 0"Wei1 & Preston 31 960 Od oo 127 1277 3 & M Tire aolm - rsny vtot�=y riat iag 0amTAa21y 13 00 127 E.- ?g. & FT. F.°aSe 1S r,ki _ II CITY OF SAINT PAU OFFICE OF THE COMP ER AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOL `FORM CLANCY. J FERGUSON. HODGSON, SMI' DONALD. ' SUi7HEIMER. ' WENZEL, MR. PRES., NELSON ETURNED -= BY BANK GENERALLOCAL WATER SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING �m'D IMPROVEMENT FUNDS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 77 534.69 21 813 60 6365 29 3 952 19 155 00 155 00 914 g 35 20 40 00 36 oo 36 oo 24 00 24 301 24 92j 26 14;i 376 00 1 360 641, 1310'I 225 00 I• i 20 570 00 457 95 '-. \l IN FAVOR ;__. .!_ _ AGAINST YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS COUNCIL NO. FEB 91926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 APPRQ_Ve� Uy'=i16 - 192 - MAYOR DISTRIBUTION _ - -- RLt1t1�A SPECIAL FUNDS TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE AJ�OITORI {pmell 6PRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING gCCOUNTS 100 00 13 75 2 829 79 4 037 52 _ACCOUNTS 333 1 I i 31 96o o0tiI I I I c 1 E I i 1 A . I I ( 1 f; Li CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL{[� QUADRUPLICATE- ' FILE NO.___ TO OFFICE OF THCOMPTROLLER (�5 CITY RES. NO._-_________-_ CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON. THE TAT -1 CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 9 S----- __—_____. COVERING Y COMPTROLL R CHECKS NUMBERED ____.IZ -eQ------ ro ..J ern INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN:THE OFFICE __ _------ - - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK Iq IN VOR OF er NUMBER �! TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK � I liw BROUGHT FORWARD i ! I d 'j ii I� a L I H h' Resolved that checks be drawn gaton i the Ctty Treasury, to the aggree ' amount Of $245,643.74, covering checks I Bumboered 1279 to 1291 incluslve. ae pet, checks n die In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 9, 1926., . Approved Feb. 9, 1926. M (Feb. 13-1926) i N ij II. I h ' ;i it I 4 I: I. I �I I� I I ! ii I v N i 1, 'y SHEET TOTAL . Ij ^ARD 0 11FORM .034 f000 7.24 I .r.. M.DONALD. - - - �. • �. 4 77 ' PROV - 79 CHECKS NUMBERED -543 _i279,-- To _ - jSUDHEIMER, -.-_ --_.. AGAINST 2 1' -• - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ;WENZEL. l , •( /^�'.Y OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ M�..- PRES.. NELSON. YES (J) COUNCILMEN NAYS (J) MAYOR --- .- - CHECK TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION � IN FAVOR OF NUMBER - BY � - -- --- LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS SINKING TRUST - IMPROVEMENT TRANSFER � DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BONG FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS GARAGE �.YIb1!►t•O'RlCIR SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING1 REVOLVING qA BROUGHTFORWARD842 31 J 175 4 66 _ 81 843 92 21 813,60 g,365 29 56 94o3.3 333;1 loo00 13.75 -2 828 79 4 037 52; 1279 Ca*Atol City Transfer 245 24.5-00 � 12811 Dodd, Mead & Company, Ino. 99 1281 General Chemical Company 1282 Goodyear Rubber Dom 1 i27 1 096.42 any1283 O33 L.C.Hodgon, Com9r. of Fin. 12 621 o 12 624 14 1284 1295 Melady Paper Company 212 16Z 3 154 734 96 37 072 50 20 36o 00 1�db N. 's. Hlaugas Company gg 48 b 3 48 20� 1297 JPmes Rasmussen 50 00 1288 St.Paul xl.eotric Company 224 9 22450 1289 .'3undstr»nd Add. Mach. Com�)r�n 12,9900 L.C.Hodgson, Com0r. Fin. 264 6 18 646 264 �O 48 of 33 l0 1 swr.636 41 7 24o 43 "6 a go � Ii II I) I i li i I II I! I I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 942 31 4221 020 3 260 929 74 6o 034 9. 001 70 84 540 56 333.1 loo: 13 75 2 SPA 7.9 4037:5_ 4275 Awl_ TWhFUeLTE TO fCITY CLERK I DAT 2-9 9 ev co, CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BROUGHTFORWARD s142 31 11 175 4j6 6 81 843 92 21 8131160 9, 365 29 56 94o 13 333.1 ioo 00 13.75 2 828 79 ; 037 52 42 751 1279 C11�' o1 City Transfer I 2tF5 245 00 128^ Dodd, Mead & Company, Ino. 1281 General Chemical Company I 1096 99 1 096'42 1282 Goodyear Rubber Coma any 7 1�3 47 33 I �' 128 L. C.'Fiodg son Com 1 r. of Pin, 12 621 128 �� ' „ ?_12 16 12 621 0 �+ II 3 154 734 86 37 072 50 20 360 00 128 Mela.dy Paper Com -any j 56 1286 N. 's. Hlsugas Company �i 48 48 60 1287 James Rasmussen 50 50 00 0 1288 ,t. Paul Electrio Comp lzty I I; 224 224 97 1289 'ZmdstrRnd Add. Mach. Com,4n 264 264 60 12 L.C.Hodgaon, ComIr. of Fin. �� 18 6289 10 1 48 75 ��.636 41 7 240 4 n �+6 8o 3 is to I i I I I. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 Ai COUNCIL - '�-�` y,• , �I , ( RES. No...45_.-_.._ _.._ OFFICE OF THE COMPTOLLER - FILE NO. V CLANCY. Y" 9 1y -o RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS- RESOLU ION FORM /FERGUSON. ---- -- IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 - CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF I _ HODGSON. CE3 Ll S 245.543.7 - COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1278 ro 12`91 /MCDONALD, SUDHEIMER. /.W _ ; (/J� .AGAINST PPROV `�- /192 •G�/- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ENZEL. 'ls� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - ` MFi. PRES.. NELSON. J YES (V 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS I V ) MAYOR TOTAL RETURNED _ - _____._ _—.---- _ - _" DISTRIBUTION _ _._ -- _ DY LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT pANK GENERAL WATER ^.OND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY CHECKS - CHECKS .:. ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 'RCOIIOI'1'CIR SPRINKLING FORESTRY. BUILDING ACCOUNTS 'r G - _ ._ �� ment R1=V OLVING BROUGHTFORWARD s142 31 11 175 4j6 6 81 843 92 21 8131160 9, 365 29 56 94o 13 333.1 ioo 00 13.75 2 828 79 ; 037 52 42 751 1279 C11�' o1 City Transfer I 2tF5 245 00 128^ Dodd, Mead & Company, Ino. 1281 General Chemical Company I 1096 99 1 096'42 1282 Goodyear Rubber Coma any 7 1�3 47 33 I �' 128 L. C.'Fiodg son Com 1 r. of Pin, 12 621 128 �� ' „ ?_12 16 12 621 0 �+ II 3 154 734 86 37 072 50 20 360 00 128 Mela.dy Paper Com -any j 56 1286 N. 's. Hlsugas Company �i 48 48 60 1287 James Rasmussen 50 50 00 0 1288 ,t. Paul Electrio Comp lzty I I; 224 224 97 1289 'ZmdstrRnd Add. Mach. Com,4n 264 264 60 12 L.C.Hodgaon, ComIr. of Fin. �� 18 6289 10 1 48 75 ��.636 41 7 240 4 n �+6 8o 3 is to I i I I I. R Yew - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIME CITY CLERK - - COUNCIL RESOLUT10N—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No ..... J February 9, 1996 In the matter of changing the grade of Mendota Stleet from Hawthorne Street .to Hyacinth Street and Orange Street from a point 170 ft. west of Mendota Street to a point 210 ft, east of Mendota at., also regrading said Orange Street between the above points, under Preliminary Obder 0. F. #61160, approved August 4, 1925, and Final Order f!. F. #63236, approved December 15, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. :. t 4 1W tn - F EB' - 9 1926 CouNCU,MF,N .__._..._.__.. - 192. ..._. Adopted by the Council. --------- Nays , Clancy �E-B - 9 1926 Ferguson Approved------- ----- --------------------------- -192...._ Hodgson ......... In favor �_ C�`�'✓V�" " "' McDonald I - MAY - MAYOP Sudheimer .......... Against Wenzel Mr. President. :,.,. 4� Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 9, 1926 In the matter of grading Finn Avenue from James Street to Randolph Street, undeb Preliminary Order C. F. #61909, approved under September 9, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, speoifiostions,and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr: President Nays I.—In favor .....Against FES - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ................. - ----------------192------ ,�: _F E �..: 9..1926......... 192------ Ap owed.....- - `�1�ti ................................. MAYOR M CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. -04367 --...- OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 3, 1926 DATE --- In M In the matter of grading Underwood Avenue between Scheffer Avenue and Otto Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #01557, approved August 19, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #63300, approved December 1, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Ave mii Ave, '4qd ' ;ghat:"1667, tiroveq 591 'ltb�eaglve ec IWo tea by ebtal brooed�aoaLB y AdoDte ' 9b �DDFoy F COUNCILMEN YeasNays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson .......... In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................ Against Wenzel Mr. President I FEB - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------- A92 Ap�VedFa --9--1�2fa..---......192 -- MAYOR ooUNCIL No --- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CoMMISSIo__RONER— RESO That the street running from Osage Ave. to Como Park and lying midway between Lakeview Ave. and bake Como -Phalen Avenue is hereby named Parkview Avenue. 3- 64368—By J' A, hat. th.�,. ' t .Ave. to , tree ru Id -between LalfQW0 Par tv 'X.W6 T 'Ve" aw" 0, , V _ beretiy a I bat* AVenue 'e"', 1. d Ae P 01 tho.CoUnd 11 Feb. 3_19261-' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson 'Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheimer Against Wenzel /Mr. President I VES 91926 Adopted by the Council - --- - ..........................192..--- Appro ed FEB ----192...-.. -------- YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FlLENC.L NO ---- 0-43-69--- Feb. '_1i 3-6 ---Feb. 3. 192-6 That the grade of Alley in Block 1, Fitzhugh's Subdivision and' Block 1, John A. Coke' a Addition, from Oxford Street to North and South Alley and Lafsnd. Street to .Test & West Alley, in accordance with the red grade line on the s000mpanying profile and as reoommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the some is hereby adopted as the established grade. w w COUNCILMEN - o FEB — 9 1926 Adopted by the Council------------------- ------------------192----- Yeas Nays /Clancy FEB – 9 Ferguson Appr ved--------- – – _,Ferguson ,�'Hodgson In favor McDonald ------------------- MAYOR /Budheimer-...--­----.-Against Wenzel /Mr. President > PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Con cil File No_.'1���./..11 8 , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: ' p ia...Btre.0....................... .......................onetru...... ....p!ewer... Qui..the..�4rEb�...�:iA.0 0.f...Anue. a1 from Winslow Avenue to a point 76 feet West Of the*et line o.f..Stry ar_.Apenne.......................................I..................................................................... ............. ......... :.... ........................................................................................................... Dated this.....: ----8 -....day of ...... ........... FeblII�2..... 926......... 1321...... ................ :................._........... r Councilman. I G F No 64870 ' tdtW>thILB@t9osf/AwW'611- roDo•• 4Re art,. followin4r +T ,,. — ''"t " r �' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Oonstruota sewer on the north side of dnnapolit 31,"reet...................... .. from Winslow Avenue to a point 76. feet west. of the feat.line ...--.... --�f..9CxJf&er...9venne,------------------_....... ---------------------------------------------------------.............. ---- ....------. -----...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .------ ..................... e ............ ............... .._.--.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB - 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council .................................... ....................... YEAS, NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON HODGSON MCDONALD SUDREINER WEN7.EL MR. PRESIDENT Corm C A 13 OM 3-25) Approved.......................................� .............. .......... �B -- 9 192 3 .............. Mayor. i i Petition Council File N. ...... S7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT • and / PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ndersi ned h eby propo es the making of the follo ng ui lic m rovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C' ang�ng a gra a of Belvidere r�'a �rgm Harvard Street to hereto attedhed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being --shown by --s blue line ... therson-, al$v grading .sai.d............ ..... Belvidere St. between the aforesaid limits to said red line ------------------ --- ................................................................................. ----------------------------....... -------------------.....-------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------- 5th ..day of.-------. February, 926 Dated this.... ------ ......... ...... ......-..... , 192....... No. 89371—. �.:.,: ----- --------- l ......... .. ..... .. AbetraoL - Council.man. ereae, A written Drooeal for the � MEt of the fotlowfn6 Img.vilment, 't. of Y;'7,idere 9t. `PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, wiz.: Changing the grade of Belvidgre St. from Harvar& St. to WBodiiriry Btu to oou�orm to -th gyred' -grade slid on"the profile- heretoBttaohe.+i..end..made_a_part...har.eaf,....tha---present eatabliahed----------- greAs being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Be- vidare St -r betmees-the---afoseaaid-limi-ts t-o--said'=-sed-11ne--- ---------- ------ when established: ... - -- - --- - - _.... ------------ _ - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ___......_... ----------------------------------------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improivement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of theee or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.................F..EB .....-.... 9 ........ 1926 ...............- - •--.............. , " YEAS NAYS - Councilman CLANCY In F t6 1926 FERGDSONn / U Approved. ------- ................................ ............. ...................... HODGSON MCDONALD WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Dorm C A 13 (ISI 3-25) i Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St: Paul, vii.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary .............. ------ -----------.................................... .......................------ • ................. .................... ........ -- Yor-_slopes.,_ onte._.end1 116...n--the...greking--of..-DO-171.0-r.0...Bt.r.aet................ frU..HbryArd. Ax.eQt...to.,40.0.dhnry...S1re.et.......... ......................... ...... .,... ::: .................................................................... ...................... ................................................................ _..... Dated this..-._bth- day of .... ........... 4....192Q.:...._._ .............192....... .... ...................... _............... .................... . Councilman. Abet -.� .. whereas. -A writtenen. q Door^`. _.,, i' the mey,�rq ri' +ham �nll�-,-�--n--�--- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,: Condemning. and taking an easement in the .lend.•neoees.17.................... for slopes, outs. and Mlle,..in.-the.,.greding_:of...Belvidere..:�t�Q.e-�............. 3rom..Hervar....Stre®t_.to.._Wg.Q.dbu'Y...ArQe1,............................ ............................................... :... 1 + r having been presented to the Council of the City of St, Paul ......... ...... ......................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nece4sity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB - 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council............................................................................ '1 .. ................................ Approved .............. .. ........:...Cb............ ...... `�� YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEISIER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT ............................. . ... ....... Mayor. F am CA 13 013-25) "LISIM ie Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. n //�� Council File No ...... :��k.64,...-._. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement'by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ehanaine the axade of Livingston Ave+ from Luo Stf, to Belvidere ---...... W'--....... red Rrade line on a blue line thereon, also grading said Livingston Aver bdtween the aforesaid -limits to-..a.--wi-dth..of- 60 fti - to the said red 2fne--when--- ----- -----. established. '---- ---""""---"--""---...-""----- .......................... ......-- ..... - - - ... - .... 9thFebruar , 1926 , 192_._.. Dated this ........................day of_.............................------ ... " -- ' Councilman. •�. F No;. 8.184 etraot o owt;T x; �!�. Wh.MY A orltten Dt fiuttlni Ot the SollowlnYtheAie Brod +• orqu6woY St. ' d' .. conform to Tea ej" PRELIMINARY ORDER. , WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Chenging the grade of,Liviiigaton Ave. from Lucy St. to Belvidere St: to oenform to the "red grade" Y"ine on the-profgla "ii"ereto "attsoli"ea" snd..made...a...p.art..hereof,...thg..pre$ent...eetab].�aed.. s blue line thereon else grading said Livingston Ave. between the af-OTess-id...ifmi-ts to a 'w#dth of £4-4-tw - At - the " ea -id" -'red -line when.. '" ..... ----'-- established.............................................................. ............. having been presented to the`Council of the City of St. Paul .._.----- ----------- .- ------------------ .. ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether -or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. y FEB -;9 Adopted by the Council----- . .. .. ..... ..... .. 1926 .............................. ......... YEAS NAYS Councilman CiLANCY FERGUSON HODGSOSO"I HO � MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT form C A 13 (IM 3-25) Approved....... FEB..'.. 9.1926-- Mayor. Council File No.. --.-k),4.3.74 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the'making.of the -following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ying__an-..easement-_in.-the_land-,neo----- ..Yor-_----_- . slopes,, cute --and fills, in of Zivingeton Avenue from .-- -Buoy---Street---to.. Belvidere ---Street.-..---------------- _..---.._._ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------.............. ............ ........... ----------------------------------------- ............. I------- ------- --------------- Dated this .-.4th?............ day of.. ....!_.'®1►Tliar .� .:19 g.._... -- - -- 192.- - '— (o 0. NgONANIBa Councilman. 1 teen DFoposal !or the m � Q.:;o owlnB.tm➢rovement. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: g taking - --- - ------------------------------ --- ry..for Condemning _and talo an-eeaeme>3t i-- the land neceas-- 1:- slopee. outs and fills, in the grading of Livingston Avenue from -Luoy.--9tseet..-to._BelvidAre....Street.-----------------------_- -- --------------------•------ ------------------- --------------------- .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.._ ------- ..._.._.-__.---------- ...------------------- ....................... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...............Ffk_'..9..1926--------------------------- ----- YEAS NAYS - (councilman CiLANCY FEB - 9 1926 FERGUSON Approved_..._.................................:......................_--- --- --- HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL-......L.... ...........Y!f'..Y `.--..-..... Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT PUBLIS)fIT+� e� -/ 3 T Form C A 13 (IFI 3-25) ,��r ) �/ petition /64175 Council File No ............. Si.-.. t t .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade--Alley---in---Bloo k--_1,--. F i tshngh !.e_-- 9nbdivl a ion._and..Blook-.1............. John A..Coke'-s Addition. from-_Lafond Street to--Oaford.. Street...... - .......................... --------. .... ............ ....-------.... ... --....._...._..._._.........._....--------------------....._._.------ ----------- Dated this -F ----------.day of .....'Q��Ih}TY.• - 9.�4 ---- - .....-- 192....... e G�F�goao. etetj iAgl A tollowm6 1 _.-.. .....-.. ------------- L .. tor -the Co_u.n.c rrlt"n W" DVevien4 tRe r ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal fors' the making of the following improvement, viz.: lq9] X..-14_.Zuxhngh'.;a-..:30di-T-141olk-.and Block, ..I.,.. -- .... anT7,; a. coke's Aaditibn. from _Lafon&- 3treQt--to---OxCor.d....Straet................. ...._......._...- ---------------------- ------- - h w. having been presented to the Council of Ithe City of St. Paul '.'...._---- --------- _---------------- ........_......._-....----------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for; or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the. total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more oivners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the Council .......... FE -a- "-g-I925--- ----------------- ---- YEAS NABS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON Q.I Approved ............ . �.8.----9--tq`�$-_.................................. HODGSON 11/ MCDONALD SDDHEIMER WENZEL........ ....... .. .:... ...... ._.:.- ... .. .-. .. ..- ............ MR. PRESIDENT _ /3 Mayor. Form C A 13 ONI 3-25) ����� Council File No........._...... 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and e PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning_-end._taging.-an--easement.--in_ the_land_neoeasarg..:for---- ---------- sl©pee,-.orate _and.. Pills,_--1n-_the-.-grading-. of--Alley---in--Blook._l......................... . ------- .1.t on... axial--.B.laclk...l..---Jobst..6-.-._C.akels---Addltinn,-...Pram------ Lafond-_9treet...to._Osford-_Street.._.----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----- - Dated this day of. ---------_ February - 192 ._...... ___.......... 1s2-----• _ st3 .✓ ouncilman. C4. P. No. 61876— Ahetraat �Wperena. A wrlttea ➢serpoosal for the making of the following ImDrovemer•- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoesaary Por_._.._._._'.- --------- -......................... -------------------------------------------- slopea_,._outs_--and.-fills.,�__in-_the_--grading_of A.11ey_.in_Blook...1.,...................._ --.�.i,ta�I.A811►=-a...�gbs�lvl.eloax..eud...b�.col�..]...._JQk�. 6.-..Cope..'..s- �ds��.t.l.on.- from ----- j_aYond-_Street to_ paford_.9treet.--------------------- ------------ fia6ing been presented to the Council -of the City of St. Paul...._.. ----------- .------------------------------------------------------------- .-.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _9 t9ae Adopted by the Council---------------------........F-�B.- - -------- -------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANcY FEB - 9 1926 FERGUSON jt / ApprOVed.- ....... ............................... HODGSON- MCDONALD SUDHEINER WEN7.EL-.....-...i........................... ..... ..... MR. PRESIDENT I^ Mayor., Form C A 13 ONI 3-25) PU6I•I.�Ii�>,� COUNCIL FILE NO. _ _...._...__._..__ � - , -1 � ,1-� s+ ; ' 177 B487TC F 6 `� y ..._... _ _ .. ......................... ___ ._ .._. No. In the "matt oats[ bffi$ exV,ene snf fcf CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on Jefferson Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave., 60041 __, Intermediary under Preliminary Order ..........._................................._.... -. Y Order................_...6.p 4--...._........_......... Final Order........_....61251............ _........ ..... ........ ... approved._._..____ E=ug.r_... 11th._....._... ...... _.............. ___, 192 - -Ji The assessment of...._benef...its.,__,___Cg_gi.q_._and...._expenses..... ...................... __.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ,RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ---..9..t11._ ............. (lay of Marsh__.__ .................-..._.__...... 192..._6._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 1926 Adopted by the Council ........._._.._-FEB ...... _— .... ........ __......__............ ..... ..._.....:..._ity Clerk. Approved__..__152.5 ....................192--- -• ._.... ......... _....... ... .... ....._.-J��L�!5(+�Ae,,/....., Mayor.. Councilman Clancy Ferguson Hodgson7$L16f1� McDonald n Sudheimer ' Wenzel Mayor Nelson Fbrm B. B. 20 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... ..._. ___.._.._...... ne4C IHWWI` aw.�9z'�Uehesanaemd By .......___. .. _. _ SseLes ntftrroefooemrsf '. �n iC. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for o planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Hawthorne Street from Earl Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order ...........-.._57934................ ...... .......... _. Intermediary Order.... ........... _....... 58797 ,.,.................................. _... , Final Order_....5.9.423... _............. .................... ...._, approved ..._...___.May....12th.............. _.... -............. ......... ...... 192--5-- The assessment of......benefits.,.._._jg9Sts_,___and _.._expenses,....__..._..._._.......... .Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_..9th_... __.......... _day of 192...._6._, at the'hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............... _ -FES ....-.._9—a26_.__. ..... .............. 192..---.. J..... ........ _..... _... :_, City Clerk. Approved FES ..... _.... ........._._192.—.— y� ` ........... ........... _..__..._ ....._._....__......_..... _.........., Mayor. Councilman Clancy " Ferguson Hodgson l PUBLISi1ffi McDonald n Sudheimer 1 " Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FELE NO....__._._...._.__._ .: •`F.No etas-` ^ �t+o matter,; of the og9esement .ot 64379 ,ezpeneeg.: fade OO: u� $ . ...... _.............. - .; :..;nnh L from CITY OF ST. PAUL , Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Gotzian Street from Third Street to Fourth Street, under Preliminary Order ............ _... _...5. . _00 ._...._....___......___, Intermediary Order .... _......... 58796...._...._......._ ............. . FinalOrder ............ 5.9421 ... -......... ........... _................ .y approved.........._ aY..._12th_._...._...... _...... .......... .............. _.._, 192.___` The assessment of ...... __.._.helle it.S..,_._C_QS..t.s.......Xld.._expens_es...............-.. for and in connection" With the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on. the—._.9t11.___.._....._day of _^_.._._..I.angh__ .....................__.-_, 192_....6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Chart1r, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FES - 9 1926 1s2.._... Adopted by the Council .............. _.................. _.... . _. i lerk. LFEB -.._g..1926 Approved_._---................. ................._ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer 0 " Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form H. H. 16 0 '4380 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and .Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the matter of.......APeng,_._widening...e.d..__exte.d.lag.._Arudel_....5t..,.._fx�n1 Nla�t.land St. to the Northern Pacific Right-of-w.ay, by taking and condemning the East 60ft. __._of...Lot..._40_._and so much of the East 60 ft_, of Lot 29 as lies South of..._the._IJorthern..._Pacfic..._Rght�of_cc_ag in Cottage..__ Homes `_addition _ under Preliminary Order ............62383 ......... ... approved__.0_C1_.1_,_1925_..._. Intermediary Order_.. 5553 ._, approved_1lOv_...._18.jL.._,_1925........_. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the. above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvements therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said reptrt and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits'; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..___.:9h —� day of__1&a.Zh.__...__..__............192...fi....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............ ....FEB ...-._.9....192.6 ................... _.................... .. 192...._..._. ....... ... _.... . _......... ............ ... ._.... -....... _ .. Clerk. Approved_..F...ES_.' 9 1926 192.......... . ...._......0/��J....--- — .....__ .� Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISHM a �� Councilman Ferguson / Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Mi r 9 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- WERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ Q0ndeJ_M_ing_ and _taking_an- easement_in--t he land_ necessary for slopes_,_for_suis_anti_f311s__on_the__sasi:__s.�de_of_�exin_gton A_v_e._�Qr_the__ grng__papj�:_�c� Ie�ggp_A_v_e.__from_ Nebraska_ Ave. _to_'Earpenteur Pre— _t_o_s_xiLlth_of:sixty__faelt,____� INTraKIDDIARYoa "ae, ;_ T --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- under Preliminary Order___ 63091 ------------------------ approved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Sc4P_d-Q=-__4n cl_ take_ an e_asQM_gUt,_ _the_land_necessary_for s owes, for cuts_ and fills on the east - - - - - - ------------- side_ QL Iexington_Fve, for the grading and paving of -as id Lexington Ave. fsnm__Uehragkai_AyQ._ tg _yarpenteur_ kve._ to _a width -of _sixty feet -in-_- accgrdance_y+ith_the _blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, ----------------------------------------------------=-- the_hatched_Portions shov+inK_the cuts -- and --- the shaded- - portions showing tf�lls� ----------------------- --- ---------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__20.0_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 'D-t-�_______!day of ----- Mar'_QYl-------------- 192&_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice'of said meeting to the persons and in the; manner -provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of -the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council_____ FEB _- 9_192L_ 192____ s Approved_c__.-_-___1E&__9._L426__192___ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer (� Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 --- - - -- --------------------- ity Clerk. Mayor. VINT dSHW X4382 >c�.aca a`ne�ea rata , ,� :A'va. reto PpeTal.-A\.. p coAm� D. .d grade litit - proAle hereto sttach1d rand pert herww}, the ^o COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-----------r---------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Ilythe Matter of --- Dh&ngi. -tdlo -grade __of_.Allay_.in-Blonk_12,_Houla-mand-Add. from-lllbert ave, to_Pascal_Live._ to_conform_to_the_red_grad 1}ne_g.2_the profile hereto attached and made a part Hereof, the presen established ,gracle_being__e�y4w.x1_by_ a_k�,.ue__l�_thexesan.,__aa.ssz_�caslirig_.;iaicl_ailsy_1�e�.ween the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, and construct- ing_ sevaar__on_au_easement_lo--ba-ohtaialed-opt-#lea-Easglg-l-0-it, -o-f-dot 20 said Plock 12, from the alley to the sewer in Portland Ave., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @3958-------------------a approved under Preliminary Order_________pp The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - ° � %, hereby ordered to be prgceeded with. pp 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_S.Z7$Ilge_ thQ_gLiL_af Alleg_izl $lock-] 2,--Baulevarrl Add.- rrnu- Alhert- !?ve---ta-P-a"a.l-Ave.-4,o--con- form to.the red grade line on the profile hereto attached and made a part -he�eof�-�}se--gresestE-es#ral'r13s�hsd--grade-berg-s�rerrn-�j*-a--biome--imine-t�sereon, also grading said alley between the aforesaid limits to the said red line la when-estai?i�isire�,-art<i-�arrstru�cti7lg-a--s�ewer-ron-arr-sasBmsat-tu-tre--obiai�ed 4 on the Easterly 10 ft. of Lot 20 said Block 12 from�the alley to the sewer `PortIYMn Ave: -------- ----------------- -------------- ------t------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- 9L5-54_-__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had, on said improvement on the ------ MaL--------- day of ---------- Ildgl°_Q L_________- 192-6--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ` Adopted by the Council_______FEB __- _9 1926___ __,192____ K ,g - ---------- - Approved___F0_=_9 ]92.5 ---------- 192 city Clerk. - --------------- --- '-=------------ ---- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson 0 Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel ? Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 :34333 ebahpnd ta$- ' inn th. land necen- ��Vtta��a�t 9116 t^, COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By--------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ conde�rining_and_taking_a�_ easement_ iu the__iad__teQg�e�r� for 'sloues= for cuts and fills in the_�rading o£ alley in Block 12,E Boulevard Addition -,-from Albert- Avenue - to Pascal Avenue-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ W_Qs59___________________approved ___,___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouimends is_rondemn__and_ take--ari,'., easement in the land necessary -_for _slopes1_for_cuts_and _fills _ in the s grading_of_Alley__in_Block _12,_Boulevard_Additions_from--Albert--Avenue--to �g�Qai_�_v_@�Q�_�,Xl_acForda�3ge_pl.itji_theme__blu@_crj,nt_�QretQ_at�a�l�ed_a�d made a_cart_xe�QQi�_the _hatched_gortiQs_shotgliri the_ -cut s_ and_the_shaded_cortions shnain,_fie--fd II r --------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___".00-_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- ]'L'1+17._ --------- day of ------- Max -Ch------------- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That- the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- E. _11926______, 1-9-2 _-_- __ -- -- -------- --------- ----- Approved -__FEB_ Cerk'-6__________-_l/ -------- - ---------------- - - ------ Mayor. Councilman Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson / l Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 4'UBLISH®a �MOW Odd, ��}84 lin the Mslteh bi v __A� trrth froom Vnlvereily Ave if��ttd ndo 1 th hhe of Shtelde $$1tve0he also graaln6l aaa ,1+3g1pB 0 1 dPlace, with eav eY, wutsr. ander street mOThet-k = �*>•--+' COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__P1Y]ng K�d_Si r�e3�_fxom_I7x�a Ysxsii_A4anua _o_ tha_nor_th :line _D_ Shj ends_ _ also_gradig_ad__paying A] dine _phase+_guith _sewer, mater_ and _aas__connections _from_. street_ mains _to_pronerty_ li_n_es _complete _where_na#._alr_dady__made.,_ahso_-innluding_curhing_and_pawing _rri ane�y-_and and alley__ approaches _where_necessary:_________________ --------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---- 6,3-262 ----------------------- approved ---- JASL__"__1�1)2�-_________- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- pavE._A_ldine_Atr_eet _fsom_U113�v_exsty N_v_enue to_the_north_line_of_Shields_A_v_e.._also__grading and _paying Aldine_Place1_with_ sewers_water_and_-ras_connecti ons_ -from -street -mains- ta_pnoger_ty__].roes_-0Qmplet e,__wher_e_not_alr-eady__made,_alao_including _curbing_ and_ pa_v_ing_ driyetiv_ay_ and _alley_ approaches,_ where_ necessary__ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__a �s'21aL LO_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 27-tJa ---------- day of -------Maroh_____________- 192_5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ FEB - 9 1926____, --- - ----- -- ---- -- -- ------- - -- Approved ------ .FZB -�LLi26t______192___ ity Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy, - 3 - Councilman Ferguson t UBLISHCD :_- � Councilinan McDonald Councilman Hodgson p Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 64386-- ' � ).a Matter or gradingWauko¢ All •41W pvenminary tOrder888784 n. * 9, 1986. n .[hegD ty 9-+ a COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-------------------------------------I-------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_$T'_�S)rl$_1N.@Sll{9J1_AY�Slll@_P_QALfe.1.7.�.S9s1QS_EOAC�_'bR_P@LL@r8@TL_ .ARanueT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________63784________approved ___ DeC.__291_ 1925____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner pf Finance upon the above improvement, 'nd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said) report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the 444 improvement is hereby ordered to be Proceeded with. 2. That the 'nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_$r_adj.ng_1mquk0n_Ayenue from_Stillwater Road_to_Pedersen_Avenue,_ - ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------•----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ UtL1-------- day of ------- yjara i____________- 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court _House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ Ef- = 9 1 26_-_-_, 192____ FEB--- 9 1926 -- -- ----- -- ---- --- - -- - Approved ------- ___ _______192___ ity Clerk. ----------------------- ----- - ----- ---- Mayor. Councilman Clancy mn.T 1 .13 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson O Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A." COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By 4 condemning and tak-� rpt 1n the lead necee- nor ente and 81te in vpokon Ave. rma•.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__candiemning and_ taking_Aa_@aflgJD9nt-_i11_t}1Q__IS-Lud _11Qre_ gar_L f9r_slo�es,_ for_ cuts_ and fills -in_the grading of 11aukon-Avenue from -s"ilwatar-. Raad_ _to_-Fadaraen _A-venue_,.-- -----------------------------------=----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r--------------- under Preliminary (�rder---------- 028 ------------------ approvjd-1Q25�'------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the laidrovet�ent is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. "` '', 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Q971SL@Inll_�1J1�_�rake_ari _g�pg�t_an_#�g_}�ai�d_nseesar�_for_slooes,_for--- cuts_and_filis-in_the _gnailing_-af__Waukon.-&tBnus_from_S.til.latater_goad_to_Pedersen_Avenue. in_' _ancarlianc�_ �ith_ths _bJ.us _pxin_JaQxeo_ attagY�eci_ ad_made_ a_gart_ hereof, _the_tiatchesi_Ror_t Q _ahgvp'ing the_cuts_and_the _shaded_portions'showing _the_ f ilis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- 2M.D.0____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ Uth-------- day of ------- Ma=12------------- 192 -SZ-, at, the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- .FEB___-CL;9�&------ 192____ FEB - 9 1926 - --- -- - --- ----- - ------ ----- Approved_______________ _ ___192-_- City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLIs)tIBQ���_ meg :In tixe 8 r tb Ave to rds_i nbe Road :'. `� *Roddl troar $smilne Age. to ',-he R++bad l COUNCIL FILE NO:______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- r-ad.ing_Ridge- -St._from-Otto. AYe__t,o_Edgcumhe_Road---__-__ --Fond--Enact-from_Hamline_-Av e,__tn_Edgoumbo--Rnad----------------------------------- _j3ji�r�st_l�v_e,__frgm_BamlineSyndicate_A_v_e..._________________________ _Bahland_Ave__frnm_lt�Inli xxo-_ `din -_t_o_ragcsvnb_e_-iigaa+------------------------------ Beechwood Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave.,' -------------------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 6$418 --------------------- approved --- Ile0__22.,._182,fi.__________- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_glv'ESde_idg.Q_a�___fxom __Oiita�se�_i<o_.ndgcnmb_fl_Boyd.,._Fnrsl_Rco-d_irsul�l�rol.�r�_A�to-�_ �o_��gu�LL�e_�ioad, __Ri]�g�egt_ilve�_from_ Ta�nline_A_v_e._to_Syndicate Bohland Ave. from Hamline -Ave. to Edgcumbe Road and Beechwood Ave, from Hamline Ave, t'° _ Syrldicae-A°e-+---------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 2-7_t11 ---------- day of ______I) 4r9h------------- 1926_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ FEB_=_L926------ 192____ FEB - 9 1926 -- -- ---- -- ----- ------ ----=`4-- Approved ---------------------------- 192--- City Clerk. ---------------------------- ----------------- Mayor. --- - ------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy — �- Councilman Ferguson l'U8i 1Sii1��� TT Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel r Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A." 6� �4- 88 rte` In th No. B P!Ti In tgB,an eas or condemning Ing an easement in the len eceB= 9ary for elopes, for cuts and, Is 1n :.the Frad+n^ COUNCIL FILE NO.______ By----------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_s9 de in$_and_takixlg_aJJ�- Jeage1ng1t-Aa-tlhe_-1and- _nQCflSsary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Ridge St. from Otto Ave, to Edgcumbe Roa_d,_______________________________________ Ford Road from Hemline Ave, to Edgcumbe Road, �Iillcrest catB_Avs.---------------------- ---- Bohland Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to Edgcumbe Road and k $e echwood -Aue, -from- Iiamlirie--Aue.--to-Sgndi cat a- Ave.r-------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 0719____________________approved ----- X225.._________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_aandenn—and_ take_ an easement- in_ the_land_ n tgessary_for siopos,_for_cuts -and fills_ in the $radio&-Qf=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ridge St, from Otto Ave, to Edgcumbe Road, h9rd- Road--€ism-irr�l3e-1vs,--t�-dg4te -Road------------------------- rp---------- Hillcrest Ave. from 11amline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., -Bohlan&-Ave:-- from- -Hamlin-Ave:--to�-�Rdgeumi a --toad- ----------------------------=- Beechwood Ave. from Hamline Ave, to Syndicate Ave., in accordance with 15 ue- Yri t-IieYrg t c- attt z ip -rr6 J- art-heY�ea t1i tcne8-gortirons sVowi e cutsroortos�shing theis, S no a erne roes, an t a the es ima a cost Thereo is eJr __ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 1-1teYl____ 1_____day of ------Mit9h_--_____--__, 192-Q--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ F -EB_:_ 9 )9Z6------ 192-___ - - - -- -- - --- - - - - ---- --- Approved ----------FEB_=_9192 --- 192--- City Cler ------------------------ ------------- �------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy 2 — % 3-1�2� Councilman Ferguson ? pjJgLISH� Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer �. Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 the ,041- 8'9 • o, 64986= gamltne pva c.>F>N radfng In the. Matter OL 6 F,agOumba Roa - from Otto A tnarY OMar -68668 a➢-� under> Prelim X81,+he6Ctty of SQ;'¢=•� COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofgrdjAg_17alYle_y_@nyl@_rQIF__Qttg_ tiVe�]tze tQ_EdgCUmbe_$Qadr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 13563. -------------------- approved _-dan._12r_1926.____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_grad5-_ramlime_-Ay_enue �r�om_ft n_ls�n1L�_o__>�dgCunike_139s3 -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__2�QaQ-'35 __ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_-_--17tt}3---------- day of ------- tilft=12------------- 192_6i_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___F.E6 9 1926_____, 192--__ Approved ---------- FB_'_9a�2�____192___ Ci Clerk. -------------- ----------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy rU>S1dST3FD Councilman Ferguson t Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 4.390 ih R3fetter.'�r?�tn6tntrin' �' .aa$'an easement In th6 - -n tag.•. COUNCIL FILE NO ---------------ena enai�T°�a ror enta �necee By______________________________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__4Quftoi-n- aQd_taking Q71_o-auAlerit_in_ Ila- waaaxg for slo�es,__for _cuts _and_ fills_ in the - r aading_of_3iamg 3jnA_v_gnue_fxflm_ OttoAvenue_to--- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order______ Qt326-1____________________approved -_ lan 12x_192.6.____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financ upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impr vement.is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is - Q dggn_a_nd__take_ari easemegt_ in_the_ land_regeglary_j;.QQ_3_,9j�Qs.,_.Cstx_QuJts--and fil,ls._i.n_tb.L_ -grine-!Lvanue__from- Dt- o_ Lvmme_ ta-udgaumba-Eaad,_in_aacbmdance _tiyith_the__blue__pxint_hereiaat_ta�l�ad_and-mad.e_a_�t-deo%T-#.Yam-hatt,}ze d portions_ shor�in�_the_cuts_and tlie_ shaded__portions_ shoruing_the_fills,�_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ ZQaQQ_______ I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 1-71h ---------- day of ------ xamell------------- 192_6 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the,Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ` Adopted by the Council____FEB - 9 1926 er-1 _____________,192____ Approved________City Cle FEB - 9 1926 -- -- - - ------------------- ---- ____________________192___ k. / Mayor. Councilman Clancy I'L1>3LI8T$ 13 }� Councilman Ferguson % Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson l n1 a Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----- 63966 ---------------------- approved ---- ans-_12,_ 192f --- ,____-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: F 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and thc- aid -improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Zr d-E-,a26rbLAQQd--_ �y�nue__from_Iiaca] es ar_ :'alk_f o_�n�7 ding_ Wanue--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1,130B.20L_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____.L'Zth---------- day of ----- Xar-p-h.-------------- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estiinated. i FEB - 9 1426 192 ---- Adopted by the Council_____ F 66. 9 142 -- ---- -- - ----------- -- --------- Approved_____________ _ _ _____192___ ity Clerk. .Mayor. Councilman Clancy VUBLI F1IED �JS 1 o), Copncilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson ti Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 e d� 1 r g1Kto Ort'`, C. �n eisameaa tilltoias ??�B.Aagee9`ovc8e�"O.Qt t COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ 8er gcoei' e a By______________________________________________ f .i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__grarii.ng-Beachwaad- uenuE xom_1 2Csles e� - la]k- ��ts�� ng v_flrifle-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----- 63966 ---------------------- approved ---- ans-_12,_ 192f --- ,____-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: F 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and thc- aid -improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Zr d-E-,a26rbLAQQd--_ �y�nue__from_Iiaca] es ar_ :'alk_f o_�n�7 ding_ Wanue--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1,130B.20L_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____.L'Zth---------- day of ----- Xar-p-h.-------------- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estiinated. i FEB - 9 1426 192 ---- Adopted by the Council_____ F 66. 9 142 -- ---- -- - ----------- -- --------- Approved_____________ _ _ _____192___ ity Clerk. .Mayor. Councilman Clancy VUBLI F1IED �JS 1 o), Copncilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson ti Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 c. s._%o-j..48,12= kIn %ot;condemntaagN___nd. - In the" ing an easement' nad tot elopes, Lor cute and eery the BTadin at Beechwood Ava MpcalesteT a�alR.-. Pr" COUNCIL FILE NO.____ By-------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_ condemning_and_taking_an__easement_ in the land _necessary for_sloes,_for cuts and fills in_thegrading of_Beechwood avenue from - - - - - ------------------------- _liacapester_ Lalk to_5ne11in&_kKenue under Preliminary Order --------- fi39fa 7 ------------------ approved -_.I9TL­a.2 _7 -Safi.____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_=ndBmn _Lind__tAk D _an _@a�Ipsgt_�1_ths_ lamed _negessarg_for _sloQes :_ for_cuts_ and_fills-An- the $rBding­of _Beach�Qo�l_Atisnu�_fxDm_biaQA1QS Bf__ s7�k-t 4_ n@� ling_ hyenue,__in accgrdance_a�ith ti_e_blue_print_hereto_attached- and _iade_ a_ part_ hereof, the_ hatc�ieci_pQrti_ons__shoyuipg_ tne_ cuts_ and _the shaded _portions _shorting -the-.f ills------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__`ZQ.QQ-______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 17th ---------- day of ----- Tv1ara}>--------- _____, 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- __FEB_c_91926------ 192____ i FEB 91926 - -- - -- ----- - ----------- ----- Approved____________ _ ____________192___ City Clerk. ---------- - --------- - ------ Mayor. PUBLI Councilman Clancy 0 'R+i+l�� Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald / Councilman Hodgson ' S Councilman Sudheimer h 1: Councilman Wenzel I Mayor. Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 r,..... d`l+�84$98— L4the Matteno[ $redlag Alla in Blk. ``°'3rekHam Park Seco d':Addltfon„ underiVitiTer Ave. to CIer9lea�. AVe.,' •'��non.=. x min,n.'C. 'aa::",�6i0(iD. fir; COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- By------------------------------- � 3-M INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ZrEiSLin.g-AIIey-_in_$lgck 6,--brierriam_ Park Second -Addition, �rflmEIi7�1@�__ApeAue to_Clev_eland_}�genue------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- n----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 64Q5Q-------------------- approved ---- 19._ 1926. -______-__- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-ZrRad_ _Alley_ in_lilock �r_�,,gra,gm_�gnk�gG�d_�$��j,.Q�_�cn7_lgi�der_gger�e_tg 0-leneland_�lgenue, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $438.30____-__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 17th -------- day of ---- maxah_______________, 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- J.V_=_ 9 1926-_____, 192____ -- -- - -- -- ---- -- --- --`--- Approved ------- Fes$—_9_}9�------ 192___ ty Clerk. ------------------------- '-- - -- -------- eUBLtsi�au - / 3 - 02 Councilman Clancy Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson nQ Councilman Sudheimer 1 Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 04394 �'>r,ared�etas- 'rn tpe Mo► t'biv-0'f aVnttr"ining and tak= or the ]and le'l 1o�ee for cute and 811e7a. _•�1- avl? Block 6. !pea l..". K F ... COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ennrlamTl ng--and_lakiri$_En_e&sBmEnf,__in_the__IAnd_necas3&r_y for slo-pes,y-----------------------------------forcutsand fills in the grading of_Alley__in Block 6,____ -------- - - AarrJ_am_T_arlt_Se_ond_Addi t inn, _fmom_'Hilder-_Avanua_3Lo_ Glevalandl_Lzenus, under Preliminary Order ------ L4Q51-------------------- approved ___- ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__cnnda=_and._tA &_an _easamant-_in_tha.-land -neresaary_X=-slnpaa, __fnr_-Qu-ts__and__tUla _ in_ tba._ _gxadiBg_p_1�Q_inlQek_6,_�;errtam_Park_Second-Add ition,_ -from -Wilder _v_e�ue _t4_ C�leygland__y_enue�_ in_ accordance _with_ the_ blue_nritit _hereto _ _attached and made a part _hereof. the hatched portions_ showing the cuts _and__the_ab�dad_�9x#ions_L14m3.1�g_ihe_i7 ] s---------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__2Q.Q0___--__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 7ih ------- day of ----- .Tfa=t1-------------- 192-.6--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----- E.EK _.fl_1.926____, 192____ -- --- --- - ----_S -- ------- --- Approved -------- F-EB___9-a92z----- 192___ Clerk. ------------ - ----- --...... ---'-------- -- - -- Mayor. Councilman Clancy t'UI3LISF)1� � Councilman Ferguson' 2 Councilman McDonald n Councilman Hodgson X� Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson _ Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO._ By------------------ ER In the Matter of__cnndjemning-nnd-ta-'Iring-an--easanent- 3nr -the -Pur-posa_o>r---- _annstru,t.ing_aua-maint-aining- -Rt aeptsr__on,_ undar_ 1_thr4ugb tha _eastarJ.�_1Q__f�.__of__I�ot__252,_�],Q�k_J.2,_ �Qu].Qvarsi_Adslit�.on,_�r_om_P.nrtland AvenuQ__ta_#�hs_ a1.�.s3- it�_tha_x��x'__af__said _J.Q#->----------------------.- ------------- -------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------------------------------------------- F2's���sr2-------- — '-- ----- approved _1$13:__12,__1926--_________--- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ed and adopted, and the said improvement is 1. That the said report and the same is hereby apP hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___CIInC16117n-$nd-kfl an _eassment_ -fox _ tb-a_RurPoae__oP__garatr_usting- ans"-- Malt-Inning--a_-p>,ttU0--.§)ler -On, -and- tbe--�gterlg-l9-ftp-�_I+ot2.Q,_Slor ,_l2_,_Hon7.QYard - ------------- --- -----l0t-- rom Addition,__f_Portland_Avenue_to_the_alley_in_the rear of said to , --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- ?.Q- Q ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ l'Zt11 ------- day of ___March____________, 192-9--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M•, in the Council Chamber iv the Court of St. Paul. That the said ce of smeet ng City to heHall peersons and in thein the ltmanner provided by the Charters, stating honer of ie time nance and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci]__fa __ y 1926------,192---- ------ ------ FEB--------- -- -- ci y 9 19243_------192--- C_ie Approved------- --------- ........................... ---------- - Mayor. Councilman Clancy P4JBLI8FIFA 3 a Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson�/ Q Councilman Sudheimer li Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A." 9 U 1)4296 AYs frDvl L ID At. CO..HYt The Caaaall o'1�t11F� 4S 9t. Jtd„._ i COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_grRfl]11(_VJAxYL141i_AQE]111fl_fSQID_E�T1dSL11_ ���6at_ te0 _13f1Sf0Yd Auenue-r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------- a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order______ 63603 ------- approved __ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_9 _$de_jjarWiCk_Avenue from_Randol�lh_Street to_ Hartford -Avenue,_-_---- - ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___2y4���a8 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- I tH__.___-___day of _____MArjWL -------------- 192 6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__-FEB_=_9 192E____ 192____ -- ---- - - -- --- --- -- -- - ------ Approved ---- t 9 --------- 192--- 4 1 Clerk. ----------------- ------------------ - ------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy ®� Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson O Councilman Sudheimer j Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 re6rY T �A S`6AB r u .��$i1�.AlC88�1 81Td.�ajtg.'tA; v6T COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 97 In the Matter of___�orTtsi5Au0.iug 8 �1_ to j g p _- -- _in___he _1 _____------ 9ar a _ easeme the and _ for_al opea,__fsir_ cut�__eYl�_ fl} is _ice_ the _grading of i1Varwick_ Avenue_ from ____ Ramd-Q1Pb_ Street_ to _Hartford A_v-enue._____________________ ------------------------------- ----=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 2$5-a -------------------- approved --- P_8C._ 15i,_ 1925._ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioger of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and`fhe said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_zondemn_ and_ take_ an eE>eJpexit__1_tpe_land_necessary_for_slo�est_for_cuts- and- fills_ in the g�rad- int_o_Yfarsiink_�Y�nu9_frsmt�a�c�Q�teet__to _Iiartfgrd A_v_enue}_in_ accordance with_the__blua_�eint_liexeto _a��a�kltad_ a�cl_�pade_ e_�art_�.eregf � _ _the_ hatched pord:ians--shonting_the._ruts_.and_the__shad-edt_pnrtLions- ahoming_1he_f1 1s.-____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- Z.Q. Qiz_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- !Qtll----------- day of ----- NK1911-------------- 192-9--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____FEB - 9 1926 _______ ------------- 192____ Approved_______ FEB _ 9 190 ..... 192___ Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald a Councilman Hodgsond Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel (� Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 T ----- --- - ---- -�ilyClel-------------- - ----- - .-- FUBLISHED "Z Mayor. I �C...N2�Yo i In to Matterhtoeatrealf 6tadfng IInderwaod J'83 At from A'ca to Otto Ave under Arellmi- a-0cd8Y 88279' gnUre, 9d anv a b COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- r8ding-Und-er-W0-Q"V-QUU0- Y ODL_MOS Sgt3� A_v_@3111Q _ Q_9� Q__ A-V-903e-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ 632%2 _______approved ___319 1_ 25� 1925. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and th'e said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_grade_Undgr> ODA--_ AAenua_irom_Mantr_eal_AYsnua_ tio__O:LtO_ As_anus_.,--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 0tll-------- day of ------- dar0h------- ------ 192__6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- FEB -91926 ----- 192____ FEB 91926 --- --- -- -- -- --- ------ -- Approved --- _______--------------------- 192___ �/ ity Cler ----------- --(�------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy �>Ugi,IS1i® Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Q Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 j4 �y In arattetr o'tei,Eoridertth��+�-tia talc . COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-------------------------------------=-------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__cnndemning_andakiTig an _easement in the _land _necessarY for e Qpee�_fQr _cuts _aid _fills_ in the_P_ad!ng_of_underwood_-A_v_enue_ -from _jLontr- al Avenue_ to_Otto_Avenue_______________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________ 63273 ________approved ____$OV . _ 25 _1925=__________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__.0 =dQMn- ADA take_ an_aaaemant_in_ tlze_land-ne.Peasaxg_fnx_A1.Qpast_f_Qr_-outs_aiad--t la_lu- the measling_ nf_ UAdsx�D24s1_A4Qn><te__1`r9�n_,M4ntreaf_[�ve�ue_tQ__Qtto _A_v_enue�_ in ___ accordance_ with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------- the_.hatched_por_ti.ona_show ing- 4he_-auts_and_ t•ha _sbedAd-por-tinnq -SJ2 ling- the_.fi11s-----------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_25aO -------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 101hL_____—day of Qll______________, 192--@-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__F.E$__g_}g,P6.------- 192____ FEB _9.1926 --- -- - - - ---- - -- Cit - rk. Approved________ _ ______________192___ C,it-y- l,e -- ----------------------- -=-----------/r ry------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy �'IJi3LISi� `� 3 Councilman Ferguson (� Councilman McDonald 1 ' Councilman Hodgson y Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 Q '344_00 C the .F;& tteO'8nundace In ' Ave, �rEm P`itrWaW Ave .,t0 �nelnne Ave. cedar ]?reliminnry Qxderg'82756 - �-aPPrpvgd..Act 27* 1926: �'.- TBn Conn�l•.,,n,4 n C1ty.oC COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- :. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__grAdill��a]dLIS�QT_�_�!Y@T1LL@_ QTn _Fair_v_ie77__Q_v_0I11�6_ to ----- S-4g.11ing Ayenue_____________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ under Preliminary Order -------- 62745 __________________approved ---- 9Ct. 27,_L225._________ - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Cohmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and; the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Auenuf3 _from_F>jYeyu_Anenue_to_ Snelling_Avenue____________________ -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------7-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and, that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- lQth--------- day of ------ MrAb_------------- 192x2__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the!, City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.EE&__9•aU6-------- 192 ---- Approved ----- 92____Approved_____E ' 9 1926 __--__192___ City Clerk. ---------------- ----/�------- ---------------- Mayor. ----- ------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer A �Q Councilman Wenzel 1 Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ��. opes for Data and fine 1' _ tBe grad(ng of Baundera Ave. trotij Fairview Asye. COUNCIL FILE NO._____ By---------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__Qond=ning_And -taking _an_ aa.9_Qm@nt_in- Ibe_land_.n0_QwUAry for_�1opas.t_for_ _auta_anct_fil].s_in._the_grading_oi_Sanndara_AQenua_irnm.._ Fairview-Auenite-tn_Snelling_Auenuas--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_________ 62746 ----------------approved _ OCt.__27,_ 1925.____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the Above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_nondel>mBnd_take_an easement _i _thg_land_necessaror_sloesfor_cuts_ and kills _in_the ___ grading of Saunders Avenue from_Fairview A-v_enue_to-Snelling-Avenue. in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the --hatched- portions -showing the cuts and_the_shaded- portions_showinQ the -------------- - - - -- - - - fiJ1s;----------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 25jLQ-Q-_----- Resplved Further, That a -public hearing be had on said improvement on the _____-1Ilth_______day of XVXC11---------------- 192_5__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St4 Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to. the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. P Adopted by the Council--f-0-t-9-192.6 ------- 192____ FEB - - -- - - -- --- -- � - Approved___9_192,5.__________192___ ity Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Gogncilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer J Councilman Wenzel yl Mayor 'Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 'rY-; -- X4402 C. F. Th the Q.�Beeohwood to Macal- eeter,,,, 31� ne.rY Order l 6374$'" v _ The' . liaviy, COUNCIL FILE NO By---------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- gindl g_H89ChatLLQci FsY_@nue�__fF4�I_Fa�rgiew _Avenue _to_______-_ ldao&laat-p — Walk L------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ N7_43 _________________ approved OCt. 27t 19 5. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_$PaCl$_B@flCI1➢QCQfl__ Agepue_ fY om_ Fair_v_iew Avenue to Naoalester Walk, - --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__5,LQ 5, 8Q __ Resolved Further, That apublic hearing be had on said improvement on the ____-.Q� ____---__day of -------- X&r_4h.----------- 192-'A-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -------- 192--_- - - --- - --- --�+ ------------ ------ Approved --- FE$_._¢}c�g6---------- 192___ Cj City Clerk. ----------- - ----((-,�------------- - ---------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson n Councilman Sudheimer p / Councilman Wenzel A Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 a FiIBI.IS[LFE L� �.a� ter. �� -oxo auo �4it�h"e^�Saste,>r:.o .ia� gn �asexil6n.�"'1 COUNCIL FILE NO ------------- th By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_nflnds_mning_amd-1-4king_an- a&sement_jn-the_1and- nacessary- for_ slopes for_cuts_and fills_ in the_rading_of_Beechwood_ A_v_enue_ from Fair-a_Manales ter_dalk,__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ 62.744___________________approved __0-Ct-2.7,1R211.________-___ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement -is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. �,i 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_D-andemm_and_ take__ an_easement_in the_land_necessary__for_slopes,_for_cuts_and fills- in the gradipz- -pt 2-4 Macalester_j_lalkc_in accordance with the blue print hereto attached and_made a dart hereof-, ----------------------------------- the_hatched_cortions_showing the_cuts_and_the_shaded_Portions_showing the fills+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 1Qth---------- day of ------- 192__6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- FEg= .9- 1926____, 192_-_- FEB ---g 192 - -- - - - -- ----- -- - ----- ------ Approved______________192___ City Clerk. - , - - ------ ---------- - ---- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson - Councilman Sudheimer n J �� Councilman Wenzel -'_7 Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By --- `44 Pin tqg_ attq Z! ci4an$Ing.the ggrrade �b t sv Iippl4.r,Y d$ine's Mhple, %d'+-•ro. ffti°E°0°feet west of INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_Changinp;-the_gr-ada-nf-Alley _in_i3lRok-A_Iiiri ' _hal)I.Qudoad, frslm_ a_�1oa nt _3Qp _fgQt _west _off_ Qreti _ Avenue_ to _Cretin Avenues -to_ conform to tb�_rfld_1a rJ6 _iln_ t1ie _px Di �] e_ hetet 4__att�ached_ and_ made_ apart_ hereof,__the pr-esent_ eB.ii�l��„i,shQc1_g�ade__ldei.�g_shovpn_by_a_blue_line_thereons_also_Brading and_wing_aaisi_�l�Qy__f 9In_Nit,__�1are_ Boulevard_ to_Cretin _Ave. to said red line--when-established --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---------- 0-4al1------------------ approved __1i&3 ­AL,_ 1.925._____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature, of the improvement which the Council recommends is__011g11fiB_the _grade_ of A11eg_in_Block_4s_King's_1da�lewood� from a point 300 feet -west - of Cretin - ------------ Ape_to Conform-to_the-red_line_on the profile hereto a�taChad_��_masLe_ �_�ax�_�sreQ#'+_the_��ese�t_established_grade_being__shown by__a blue _line thereon sleo_grading and_paving said alley from Mt, Curve g]fly_tQ_Cr�tj_�jge�_tg_said_red line when_estab lished--------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___1.01b----------- day of ______Marr____________, 192__0_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--f-M-:-2-199A .... 192 ---- Approved ----- 92____Approved____- F _ ____________192___ City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald 3 Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer (1 Councilman Wenzel�I Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO._______ By 4105 lit-tho Mettery of condemnIn8 aud,-tek- 7nq+an eas8rggnt inl.Ne]a¢d mecee- f r elope�;�fot tn -and elle In and DaviddB. of �.'NleY In e`e�iaPlewood, from 3 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___cOUSleUlriiZl and_eki}1g_ars_as�sszneni__in_the__]axld_nacass�ry for_ slopes�_for _cuts _and_ fills_ in the_gmading and_�aving of _l�lley in___ BlQc_4,__ing!s_ Na�lerrrood,_ from_N�t=_ Cu rye_�oule_v_ard_to__Cretin Avenue;__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________ 63389 ------------------ approved-______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of -'mance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- -and_ takes an easemeat_�g_the_�and_pecessary for_slo�es,_for_cuts_and_fills_in_the -grading and_�av_ing of _Alley_ in_Block 4, Kings s_ Maple�vood, from Mt. Curve Boulevard t_Q_�t3�_ly@,__i_aCrQrcian�e th_the biue _priest_ hereto- attached_ and mada_a_r_her_aQi,__the_�i�ehe�_pQrti9xls__�h4nilag_t1�e_cuts_and _the_ shaded lzcrini_shoming_e__i].� e -►----------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- M.D-O_____- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ l�h_________day of __s:jt,ar—ch.---------------- 192--f at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- Ed:$._=$_1Q2A------ 192--__ - - - -- --- - - Ey- Approved ---- --- Approved________E� __9_142fr-----192___ ity Cler . n w Mayor. Councilman Clancy'\ Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson d Councilman Sudhefiner Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 r� A406 -In tke 433 loo 'S`i. oulQvar�, d�;ISd payee; .�Ave o �,i Jnr conform to o , , the ,pcQflley'•• �-- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________' By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ab�ng- tbe-gr&de__of_Alley_-in _B1or.k-14-Boulsva.rcL ddi-tion, from_a _point_ 70:._ft._ East --of _Pascal_A_v_e. _to_ Pascal_ Ave--- _t - conform -to -the rid line__on_ths _Brofala_hQr_ado_-at-.aAhod_ Rua _MQ aQ—a._par_t_here of,__thQ__Dr_esent established_grade__being_shown_by_a_blue_ line _thereonl_also_grading_the alley iri_gakd_ Block_13,__from_Pascal _A_v_e_, _to_ a_goint __3_0_0_ ft._ east__of _Pascal Ave. and constructing a drain from a point 70 £t, east of Pascal Ave. to the sever on --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -- - Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order ----------- E33.64 ---------------- approved ___Rer_2,__L92L--_---_______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, herby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__-chaTlge_ the_grade Of .. Alley in Block 13� Boulevard Addition,__from a point 70 ft. Bast of Pascal ...Av_e__to_Xascsl_ve,1_to_conform -to -the -red line on -the _profile hereto &ttAChQii_a13zL�adQ _a _part _hereof,_ the _preseot_ shown by_ a_bll1Q_ li3ie_ thereon,_ also _grading_the _alley_ in said_Block 13._ from Pascal Ave. to a point 300 ft, east of Pascal Ave, and constructing a drain from a Is6iYIt"7>7-ft: 'Est-uP-�ases2---trr tkre-sewer-un-�ascsi- eve: - ------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $____B9Q.33___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- Mth---------- day of )-A@Kgh ------------- 192__6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___EEB_z_.9 J926-_____, 192____ FEB 9 1426 - - - - --- --- ---------- -- Approved________ --------------------192___ ity Clerk. 'Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson b Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel -- Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 IA� C S No 84407 p3}r £ tt lhe:Matter oR porde Hing and +a -: an easement to !be ,land aeoes- rC �oUee;a'ftriyl nuge'�nd elle is Yt � t'yYr•'"Yroo paspal Ave. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_$ed- tajting_ 91l_the- _I.Andl_nea ssar.,y for slooes._ for cuts and fills_ in_the _grading_ of Alley_14.3.1 flock_ 1____ fioul e_¢ard_ �ddi.t.innr_fsnm _ Eas.cal _Avenue-.to_.s_ �oinL-304-fEe�-3sast-t�€------ Pascal_ AvenuQ--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63363 Dec. 2 1 ___ under Preliminary Order --------- ____________approved _______________ _ ___ ___.___925 _ � The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , , , 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Q0ndi6L1-,n­ an eas-ement in- the -land necessary for slopes for--cuts--and--f-ills--in--the---- ------------------ - -- EiradinQ of Alley in tslock 13. Boulevard Addition, _from_Pas cal- Avenue --t o a point_ 300_feet_ East _of_Pascal _ayenue,in_accordance wit h_ the _pue_pint hereto attached and made a part hereof. the hatchedportions showing the ------------------------------------- - - - cuts and the shaded portions showing-the_fillsj_---__-- ------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 1=l---------- day of __X4r_r.h ----------------- 192__Sk, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- Egg _ 9 1926 _____, 192____ FEB _ 9 1928 -- -- - - --- --- --- ----- ------ --- Approved ----------- ---------192--- ity Cler . ----------------------- -------------- Mayor. ------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ��11 Councilman Hodgson ll Councilman Sudheimer A Councilman Wenzel ,1 Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 R4{4iJE;�D_�h 04 1 IRS -'N°' 8ttet ch° ht'�1t ° Av'red, thm ifi �i+tto Ave to conroTln t°aLfaa pg na COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------------------=------- INTERMEDIARY ..ORDER In the Matter of- LbAla rirlg_Iha_grade__of-_cltt 2_AmeJ1111Q_ I4__ Sna�li-rir�-k>ze.--to-aonform_ta-ihe_xad_ lius__ on_the__profile_herei•<nn_attashad and_made-_a-_part__ =aof_,_ tb.Q_ptenent__es shl shad_ adQ_J�eing_ o�etk tly__I� bill&_fins_?.b.arann, _alao_gr�d3bg _saisl_S1tsz_$ve t_ ket�eQg the_ afQrllesaid _limits tQ_the_said_red -line _when -established,_ ---------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 62528 ------------------ approved ______a@D­ i�+_ �i2`�i________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I L. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_nh8nge_112e._9r_&de__0f Qtto_Agenue_from_fiemline_av-e_._to_Sn------g_l�ve. to conform - to_ _ red e on_ the_.prnfilablish- ed_-gra(la_heint-nhoruLhy__a_-bine__line_ther_asln,__aJs9_gr�din��a�sL_O b.etmeen-ths_af�rasai ct_l it mi ts_in_aha_said_r_asi_line_'bthen_gwtLabli,ebad-_____ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__19tcxL__________day of ----- )ka_r_Q k_____________- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__f-W-°_9.499______, 192____ -- -- - - --- --- ------------- Approved ---- E& __Q 1926___-______192___ ity Clerk. ----------------------- -------- -- - - --------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 d - '-7777; fj,�,;- 1 .�� � 84409'=• L fi th >a d neeee- et r of,'ao`ndemnine` snd talc fng an easeme�nttor c.f. d dlle-tn .easy. M 'loo .i tt Avg. �7 ' the.smdingn -s ling Ave ..� "U•,� COUNCIL FILE NO._______ By 3 -Di-��Z) 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ cgdelpip and_takBg_an easement_ i� the__land negessary £or_s1ogQB,- o _�t3t _ar�d_fi]1s_in_the_�radi g_of_Qttg A_v_enue from _Iamline A¢ anus._ -to_ S n1311ing_ BY-e.nue,.--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- under Preliminary Order__________ ro3599______approved __DeC _ 15 1925._______ Tlie Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered_to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_zonderan -and--take--an easement _in _tha_land_�aaceasy_�r_ sl ages}_ol"__4 atm _aid_ fine_ irk the___ gradi.ng_c�_5�.��52_Age�u@_�lQm _;,�am��e _Avepue _to_�nelling_ Avenue,__in_______ accordance-with_the blueprint hereto attached and made a part hereof, tYte._hat�k�¢d_.3�s�xt�9�9_ �hQ>q�,ng_the cuts _and_ the_ shaded_�ortions_ shov_iin� the £iI is-,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_2.a.SL0_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-_-_ 10th ---------- day of -------- lIareh ----------- 192--6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___F�B = 9.2- -----, 192____ ---- - -- -- - -- ------ ------ ---- Approved ----- FFB =_9_1926________192-__ ity Clerk. ---- - - - - - - - --------- --------- Mayor. a C '1 Cl ounce man ancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman e l Councilman Wenzel en Wenzel % Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-----=---------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 3'4.110 In the Matter ng_an__eaaelnent_jn_the_lBnd__nacasaary for slopes, -_for -cuts- and- fills _in the'-rading__gf_boule_v_ards_and sidewalks _and_xi.dsning-#he._axiating_r-oadway_-on--F'airszi ew_-Avenue_-from_p to-A-ve_--.o ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randolph Street, under Preliminary Order ----- 63Q2Q------------------------ approved __maY— 5 -0,__1225..________ -__- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_S�OridSILtA_Glld_ ta}LS_ Sri easement_in_the_land negessar�_fgr_slopes,_fgr_ptAts_and_fiIla_ in_the_grading _of_bnu3-ever_ds__and_eidew.elks_and_ u-tdeni ng tha_axisting_noadvag —on -Fairview lipQnge_ frq>n_gitQ �ve�_tq_�andQ�pji_street}_in_acpQndance_w3t_tYe_��ue print herata_aitached__and_made_e_-part.herenfr_t.he -hat chad_-porti-ona_shnwing_-the -cuts_and_ 4he_ahadf d_-Pnrtiona_s.how3-np__the_3illa--------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 29c9Q___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ lfith ------- day of -----MaXta_______________- 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council __--B = 9_1926 ------- 192-__- ---9 1926 -- -- - - - -- -- - -- ----- ---- Approved�._:___FEB ________-_192___ f City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson 10 Councilman Sudheimer -�f ! Councilman WenaeI '1 Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 544`1 •0 84411 � - � : � f°;r gfatter ot'Br'ading actil"etfi 9 rtron 9t. to WheelocK.PacL•'"; _$ :.order Prelfminari Order 687293 -.z Dec. ...y r5G1'.: Qa'� the. CI,t9 of,,�� .phnl COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofZZELding--$DhlQ tci-ZtSS-Qt_iT_O11-oArhori_$tLr-aet_t-1_Rh.9.elACk-__ -parksaj------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ 63720 ---__approved . The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_9radf3__3DQk>. Qt_U-_a_treet ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- IF2th---------- day of _____March -------------- 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time `and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____192____ Approved ____f0_=-9.1926 --------- 192___` y Clerk. --------------------------- ----------- - ------- Mayor. a Councilman Clancy Councilman ' Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 POBId3i D - �+ I 'ter bL �eondemntng�and'tak-; (p, 1! A- - hsement id`thll IM! neeea s op`. atones tor.; uie and •flus In I undee ig ++1et11 8twfr m Cathon `nLBvtr:r^a e COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ INTERMEDIARY. ORDER In the Matterof_�AnSIQZdC1�X1� aid_ takjrag a11_easemept _in_the-- land necessary_ for slo-ea,_Si_ Street_ Xrom Carbon Street tm_Kb.aelock__RarImag------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 63721 ______approved __ Dec___22.__1925. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the ,same is hereby approved and adopted, anc the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.; 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_GDSltl@firi_ AI1Sl_t�e _ an easement_in_the_land_necessary for -slopes, for--cuts--and--f ills in grading -------------------- chlettt_Street_from _Carbon Street_ to Wheelock Parkway= in accordance with the _blue_print_hereto attached and made a_-2art hereof,_the hatched portions QWjAg,_tylQ__a>eta_aid_the_shaded_Qortions_shovling the fills, ............... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ NW20-_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -_1161b. ---------- day of ____ mnh --------------- 192-&-, !:at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- F9!L-_ 9 1926 ____, 192____ Approved_____________192___ ity Cler . - --- -- - -- ------ - ------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer V Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson �L1Ri'iSf{ 3 Form B. S. A. 8-6 F ntra,gr,!, diet}riaaey oyy�dder srr p:: 54113 j q3 Th4^�ffcq � thm6CdLv of Btc 1 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- heeAAe from iherwith, coatfelwa`tlAvveea.. thereof is By______________________________________________ Further That apv�'• " na Bald . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_gr di)X-RRm@-AV9-U}k@0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------=---------------------------------------------=----------- under Preliminary Order __-___-Q -7A--------------------- approved ----- 9Ct.__97,- 1925. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner, of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-gr&de- Rame r' -men a from air_v_iew_A_v_enue_to_Sneling A__venue________________________________________ --------------------------------=----------------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-5j Resolved _5aResolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the---15-tb------------ day of _----- MaryYl------------- 192_6 -, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-__ - -----, --1--9--2 - _-_- --- - - - -- - - 1 l- ------ ----- Approved -_-_-_fEB-e-99,26-------192--- --c------------ - --- - Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councils V McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman SudheiWenzel Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 + lean ,�`c�tlemntng and tak'` ry B`'" tY 3y tke land neaee nary So p1+ "cute e d flAb In` J �radJr q344114 'd vtf�l Olt COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__-cnnttemning _�rid_altil�g_an _easement_ in_the land neeessar� 4�_sl4pes1_for_cuts_and_fills in grading Rome Avenue from Fairview - Avenue_ to_ Snelling Avenue-- ----------------------------------------------------- -- - -- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 62748 ------------------approved -----Oct.- 27,- 1925. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_r-ond81=- Tld_ t ak@- an @RSsml3rit_Il_th@_ land _necessary Por slopes for cuts and fills in grading ------------------------------ ------ RnmA _Axenus_from_Fair-YiQA-A.YDM><te_-tQ_ Snelling Avenue in accordance with the_blue_print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions ------------------------------------------- the --- ----------------------------------- the fills, --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $------ %).QQ__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ 16t4 ------ day of -------b =11_____________ 192-_ 02, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-_ F8_ 8 126___-_- 192____ Approved --------- 1926 - --- - -- --- -----192--- - - ------ City erk. ----t------------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer iA / Councilman Wenzel P` Mayor Nelson r Form B. S. A. 8{ � V� 04115 4 - -;'. No: 84416— ,,iMatter, COUNCIL FILE NO.______________undor By - ------------- oSirrdLk. Ino,!.' $&t ft.111. ary or.- ` -ovr•d Nov. ,18,.:1986. •.. a Clty,o[%St, Pant INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_-_grading__MaZiDn_$treat fr_QM_Cat$aga_Str_est_:Lo__,&kg__0M0, $&_Zha 1 eJl_ AYe.T31te--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ §,j1-22--------------------- approved --- ROV__.a.S-,_ _qa5,_____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted and the said ithprgvement is . hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_graAe_-MBXinn _StrD_et xszm__G9tiae_eet_t4_�,ake__499 _�c_�a1en -------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__51B ice______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on.the----- 16th ---------day of ----- ---&x�--------------, 192__6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ 11— 1946 -------- 192____ :L Approved -------FM _-9-tg�_-----192--- --- - - -- -- ---- Clerk. - -----'------------- Mayor, Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson 0 Councilman. Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 i I( i FC `F.N 'a4,6 -- .o ndemnln6.!rd taK-.i Iri '3IDtte.. - COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ 1 By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ aondgmning_And_t..aking_all.eaaemen-t_ii-:th.e_1and-_necessary- for_slgpe�a_ for_ cuts_ aad_�����_i,11_gr_?�.d�n�.Mari_Qtt�t��ei__fxom_D_niiaga__ tr_�_e_t_� aka_9Qm2.8c_Phf;1Qn_rQsnua------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ fM-N ____________________approved ___II4ve_ 18+-192`-- -------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said. report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved agd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_=ndemn--and -lake—an easement_�r'`-tli.Q_�a�__�e_�e�.aarY__f_Qr_ sJ�Qiaast-�Qr__data_a�sl_filJ.s_�.n�;r_>�s11.ng Marion_ Street_ from _Cottage_ Street_ to_ fake_ Como _$c Phalen A_v_enue�_ irk accor, �Iitl> _thQ_h]ue_ print_her_atn_atSarhssi_anci_mada_a_par _ the_hatahed p=tions_shaising._the__cnta_and_ the_shaded_-por_tLona_zhnming -the_ fi11s,__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- 1ZaaQQ------ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ --------- day of -V1arPJL ----------------- 192-6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in. the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- FE$ —_OL_____1 192____ FEB = - - --- ----- -- -- ------ Approved_____________ _____192___ City Clerk. ---------- ------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilma#t Hodgson ;\ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel L Mayor Nelson u PiJBi TSFIE� �� Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,3 JC11 Q COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_npening,-Aidening_and _extending-Burlington_AmenuB_fr=-Glen Road_-ta_Lnwer_Afton_Road_hy_-aond.emning_ and._taking_that_.par_t_nf_-Lot_A4, Block 1, Burlington Heights Division No. 2 bounded by the following describe-d_-linea:---Se6inning-at _tkie-northeast _corner--a€-said-mot------- thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 44 for a distance of- 17,28 -#she-east-er-ly -3.#rte--o€-f}a-id Lot 44, which point is 89.30 feet southerly of the northeast corner of, said -tot -44; tiie=e--northerly-along--tire--easterly--li-se--ofL-ssict-ivt -44;- a distance of 89.30 feet b, ------------------------------------ to ----- the ----- point --------- of ---------eginning------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order ------ 6-3-U-1 ---------------------- approved :_peC�_3Q�_�925■-_--_------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the rept of the+Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemert, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends end Burlington_AQanus._fxnm_fzlen__R9ad__te_Lawer_-Af ton_RcBL-d-hy__Qnnd-Qmaning_-ns1 taking that part of Lot 44, Block 1., Burlington Heights Division No. 2 bss>adsd-b�-#,ha-ia13sauing-desc: +ibesi--l� sea:---BegIan3ng-at--the--:ortheast- corner of said Lot 44, thence westerly along the northerly line of said i7ot-44-#'os--s-eYista�tee--o-f-3'i<: 28--1se#�, --thanes-sat3;therly--te-s-po�.�tt-��r-the easterly line of said Lot 44, which point is 89.30 feet southerly of the norttreast--corner-o�-saizi-�ot-4 --- tiresoe--n-urt-herly-slung-the-aastsriy-- line --of--said Lot 44, a distance- of- 89.30 feet to the point of beginning, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_251..0Q______ - Resolved Further, That a'public hearing be had on said improverpent on the______ 16th ------- day of ----- Marnh--------------- 19211__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_TEE .-RI -------- 192--_- FES - 9 1926 --- - -- ----- ---- - ---- - ----- ---- Approved_______________ _________192-_- ity Jerk. -------- --------------- ----------------------- --- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald 0 Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,34 ? 18 E -r r t� Daving 6a;gent Aver Prlor-Aye-with e8w �inecElohe rtr0ni arras}. dY ,•ertY 'ltfia aco� T1eE COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- 'e' : i,....- l By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of�taYlilg_SSrg6ri�_�4_@.__fxOly _S]d@__St9 _Px] SST_ AY@._ 6�r1_,��®fix , w�$ _ ILd_ gam _�Qg ect ons_ from_ street_ mains _t o--Propertj_ lines comrlete� wyl@�•@_�Q#<_ a1�@ady_ made,_ also_ curbing_and _paying_dri_v_eway and__alleg______ approaches _where necessar�-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ under Preliminary Order ------ &IM ____________________approved__J124_14�-19?-5La-___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioneit. of Finance upon -the above improvement, and having considered said report, hgreby resolves: 1, 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the -wil'.'ikhprovemeht is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends from _pitjl_.epuer,_rtater_ and__gas -connections_£rom_ street naiins_to-property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and pe ng_driyev�ag and alley approaches, where necessary, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__13.,,143_t.06 i Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 1=3 ---------- day of --------March-__________- 192__-2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_--F.LB-_-A 1;x$6-___-_, 192 ---- Approved --- E-EBL 92____Approved___E-EB .7-9- 1A2B----------- 192___ �/ ty Clerk. ---- -------------------4------- - - - - ---------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /1 Councilman Wenzel I Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 D Aveg tuln C1e a 6n$t "ryFEer and. ga's'edu=• ;Y ylatna to - _ dtheTp''.not,ot:�.$�--` COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___paY311g_P�j1leQfilpJ1_Ayyt@rszm�aixsis3m �vt�nue tn_91ese1and t�cenuu,-�ii��_ss_�er,_mater_ anal-was--���11Q9t�.Qp_s__from_s_t��Qt_maj,�s__ts2_.prrD.perty e.--mhsr_e-xa91i_ lr_Q_a_�y_ ds1Ao__e1Z.rblug-9L nsi_PA-Vjx ._ 3yeyuay arltlaJ 7 sem_ apI?xsza911��,_ vYYier�_Re_0e8 @.rr}---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 6-0-Z9s`2------------------- approvedThe Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1., That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_p_ay_e_-Erl=-(2tQn--�a_q_enue frnm_Eairv3s�_Ayanue_�o__Cleyalansi_AQsnue_,_�t3-tk>`�s�ss�,_ ���gx_��_��s_____ -canneatl-ons_.from stsaet, main_-t0__pr-0pe.r-tY-linea_�omglets,_�hera_noi�_Rlready Wade,--&2-rurhin anti_ 42avixig_Ariyataat_and_allay- _,qpgrQS-Qb s,--mher_Q--neAe8sary, ------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- -- ----------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____lOth _______day of --xq9b, ------------- 192—E, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ __ S 1926 ------- 192 ---- Approved ---- KEN 92----Approved----KEN = 9_1�2�t_ ---192--- --- - - -a -- -- --- - ty Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer „ y Councilman Wenzel 1 Mayor Nelson, Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.___ By----- 04420 s►�3o—` the sT ttSrto4'thhaaf��OO mg of th.r, 17 41!.'3° 7.TBLO aLtae 11 4aajt�` INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__nh8ngin�_thfl_�Yada_nf_Eai]CYie�_AICa._r�Il1_OttD Raria9 Ph_St__to_coniorm to_the red_line_on_the-ProPile_hereto_attached.. anrl_made_a_garb_heraaf,__th�_�rasan�_establishesl_gradf3 _baing_aha�n_b�t_a hlus_line_ tharaon,_also_ -grading _tha_bnulevards-_and_ aidenalks__and_ videning this- _extatIng_rnaiway_nn-s& s_Fainviaw__.v_e,__bativesxi_tha_ofnxeaaid_a,3m;Lts acnor-ding ta_the-sad_line__orL_said._pxa£iJ_e_A1Len._eatablishecl,_______________ under Preliminary Order ----------- UMP ----------------- approved— ------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is _ hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_changa_the__gracle__0f Fairvia>q_Aya._�raut_Otg Ane, _t4_13andglph_t,__to_conform to -the -red -line on tb.�_gxn:�ile__kl,sx�t9 attat<�,ed_ arid_made_ apart_ hereof,_the ,present_ established grada_heing shoxan_by &_x1111s__11x1� _thea @9x1,_ a� g9__glea�lip the_bQulevards and idQpta�ks__�Ild_ Wi dening the_existin�_roadway_ on -said _Fairyiew_----- _between the_afnrssaid__7.j.m]..ts__ariGSlxsLtrxg_i Q_ t}l e _recl_l�ne _ off_ a aid__proii le _when_ a stablis' ed. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1,54I.22___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____l61)a --------- day of March ........... 192__6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the -Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- _FEB___9 1926_____ 192__-- FEB 9 1926 - - - -- --- --- - -- ----- ---- Approved___________ _ __________192___ City Cle k. ----------------------------------------- - ------ Mayor. Cquncilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel �� PU$LISHI D6 Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. &6 34421. saa21— In the M%Liar of reeattin8ann�tone, curb on hottl eidatl of St. AnthopY aumtnn,F ardor N4d4r> Ave. tietween Rice st. and &nrrla 4 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ { By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter des- of --St. -Anthony---- i,ve. tietneen Rice St. and Farrington Ave., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_________ 6404?_______approved ___Jan_ 19, - 1926. - ------------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of.fFinance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_�@SBt _Saridstolle_ Curb on_both sides_ofSt. tmtnon-------------------------------------------------------------- :venue between Rice St. and Farrington Ave., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__,3.0_ pan_front ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- IM ---------- day of ------- Iy'"zla------------- 192_Pi_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said .meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.EEB_e_$j%U_______- 192____ _ 4 1 -- - - - - ------ 1 �`-�--- Approved___F EEL __926 ___________192___ ity Clerk. -------------------------=-- --- - - - ----- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson L Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer „ 1 Councilman Wenzel ,1 Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 . 4489.-- - con4 44 T3ca I r� w�%ihe st6ety" a 0,40 io Bdlt'�tag = JU T4 th e1See of 3L Anth6n9 AVeave y^^ a 9t �'�'wir8'ai'SirBt�o. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__SAQDSl�tlllCt ] ngi__T�7 Lyj 11g aAd_xsb21rj tlg, _JLbeSA_nQCs39S�ry, the --s idewalks at the following locations __________________________ --------------------------------------- - ---------------- Bath- s1des-_of-at ._ lLnthony_Avanue -helm -en- Ri aa_Stromet__and_-'arringt.on-Avenue, --------------------------'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- i44,5. ------------------- approved ..____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement' which the Council recommends is_r eCOT19tTllCt,_ re18y K`and re air _ _�_where necesaarg,_the_sidewalks_at_the fol lowing_19cations�_ � r �h_aisles__o _St._�nth4ny_AYe e_}��tmaQ�_ ce_Street_and_Farr pzt-Q__A_v_enue, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_—M-_ .er__S4. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said impt on the ------ -------- day of ------------- 192__6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; n the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ ML -A-1926 _____,192____ F EB - 9 1926 - - - - -- ----- - - --� ---- Approved-------------- ------------ 192---ity Clerk. ---------------------------------------- --- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman J Wenzel Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 6- 4A23 g In the Matter oL con,eEruo�lag $�eiX footd v ,g cement the sldewatk..,pn Doth tildes bL'M_dr tresl Av8:2tomzgnelIlgg Ave. 'r �mlla �anth.'Street" under ;Pre-� f.� ^._ x➢D*uved-. Dec. - COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ScaYl&tl1�tJ k�g_a__six_nnt__Qament__tile _sictamalk_nn_hoih ___ si_d_es__of_Montreal_Avenue_from_Snelling_Avenue_to 'rYest_ Seventh_ Street,___ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- 63840_ d DeC. _311925.' The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isCQ11StUCt_ a__@j7t_QOt cement_�i1e_�irie�ufllk �n_bat]a._aides_-0f__Z�rantxeaL�uzenue__fxom-Snelling_9senue tQ__{eat Segenth_Street,_ except vrh@re_good_aod_suffiefet_sde��ks_j�glv__exist, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1.10._gar_-front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 16th ----------- day of ----- JLAi2gh-------------- 192.6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ ES - 9 1926 192____ - --- -- - --- - - ------------- 9_19[6 ---------192___ - - -- - o City Clerk. Approved______��B _ __ ------ ------------ ----- - --- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Nodgson Q Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 84429 the Mat f curbing both".s4n of�' Wthorne .8t hrm Foreat•9t 4oy Gael ,9E under Prelamtnary Order Tan: 8^- 14U COUNCIL FILE NO. -------------- B `-4. y---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_curbii g_both_.aidea_of_Haettharne_St*_irom —Foxe.—.t--St--t—o-o-__ saxYSt------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---------- 64075 _____approved ___ J&T1=__20}_ 1926_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and, the, said,.improvemeut<1is, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ QUnb_ bath-s!ds3.8_-Qf Ha�vth4SSde_ St. _fromgrest__t �_ t o _mar] -fit •-F---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--- J.�45Q-23- - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 11[.11 -_---____day of I-Aarch ----------- 192-6--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- FEB— A-1 .26----_-, 192 ---- Approved ----- 92__-- Approved____- ________192___ 1 Clerk. ----------------------------------- --- ------ -- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Q Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.6 �uter.oDid4.,S°°t#.u�la¢'�ny@S.�'• �Zry $to t�autho ndufY�t�ileY° � Pr�o1P1E� p�,der BSBat Nrgved T b The;Councll of {jje 'nD"�'' 13 425. ' o• ee �y Clt � � COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- onstr=tin.g_a-salvar_-on-Aldzna-Place_-fram-Uninerai.-.y-_- 'Wgulll@_ tg- tie- sguth_end -pt -sanQ-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------$------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- 63961- ------------------ approved ____dan,__12,_ 1926.____--_--- ' The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, $nd' the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__CD aS_ rUC_._8__ae9Er Qn11J,d9 xl_e__p� aE@_rQm _i�i_v_ers ity_ Av_gnue_ to _the__south_ end _ of_ same,_________ ------------------------------------------------------------------7--------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further,'That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ 16th ______day of --------- Ml&r Ch__________, 192___6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__f a_ 9 1926 _____, 192____ FED 9 1926 - -- - -- ----- ---- - ----------- Approved_____ ` _ ________________192___ City Clerk. --------------------------- --------- ------- Mayor. s Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson PUBLISH® �3 Form B. S. A. 8-6 - '134/126 844E8=.• . G�' aeLr tFe6"`ssaewer1 be % oder 63908 'a�Dsov d Jaa S�I8E8 r The S• or CII Qltr ot•,CY^ tie41P,y oe ^_ r8Doftl . 3..thn D0Ra,BM ` COUNCIL FILE NO ---------- _ - ir nTq By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofcnnatrJ3Cxi11�_ae3V@x_911-Harvester_ Av_enue__from_>'halep A_v_enue to_Sracg_S_trael.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order____ 93908 ________________approved _ Jit- 6� 1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_=natruat_.A_5-mr'_ on $y�$ter A_v_egue from_Phalen_Avenue _to -Tracy_ Street t------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, ' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--2,Q6-Q.-Q0 --- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ___---10b --------- day of ------ �AX911------------- 192__6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-.Tgj$..c_9 1096 -------- 192___- Approved ----- FEB -- 9 1926 -- -- -- --- --- ----- ----------------- "________192___ City Clerk. ----------------------------------------- ---- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson o Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 v ,t y2 < d -Ave n , tUo 14 °1"the cogoAtovrem qt$ . dFe� o l; pr I' hei<eto attach rRrt hereat: COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_SJ1€SnBj.r>g_tkie_grade_ Qf__$gse _street Prom_jfatildato _ ----- --- -- FBrringtDn_9Yenus�_ o__c onfnrm_3�o_t�a _r_esl_1 �LL@_9Xl_ # 1@_Pstf i ] s_sto____ a_ttaahesl_and_�lada_a__p�rt__haraoi,_ �Y,>.e._.prs�snt__@atahl,ish@sl_g>^asi@_ks.�nS__ shgwr> by__a blue_line_thereon,�_also_grading said Rose_Street between the aforesaid limits_ to the said_ red_ line_ when _established - - - - --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 under Preliminary Order ------ 6.a-3-62 --------------------- approved '______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is, - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ Qballge_ the _,Fade_ of dose_ Streat_fr�m�atilda_A4�31L@_�.o_ EaLrt9J1.1S.Ye�ue,_ t Q_ c Q�f grm t o _the red_line__on_the_grofile hereto -attached--and-made--a- parthereof.-the---- he d - grade the- hed_grade being, shown by a blue line thereon, also grading �sjd_�gg__$t<eet__�etwee_the_aforesaid_limits_to_the_said--red--line- when _e_sAb11 &h@d+------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_$14.41______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 16th --day of --------------- 192-6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ? .. Hdust and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councit__ FEB___9 1926_____ 192____ Approved_____ �ES—� 1926________192___ City Clerk. ---- ----------------------------------- --------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Z Councilman Hodgson {� PuBusaw Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel I I Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 04112 -"fin c easement lneth8, land Hetes- r ,gI COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- ry for slpne ,; =et betweeuaMst(ida• _____________ � Y•g rnre-,nRton ilven_, e. +f'' B , INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ F9j_q4Le=_1p$_nsd_taki,ng_An- eaaement_in._the-land_necaasarbt �Ltts__an�_Ii.11s._in_grading_asa_S_trae-t-hatmeimLZlatiI as Av-wme_-and_Y-a=: ngton_Avenue.s---------------------------------------------------------- •. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order______ AW.02J--------------------- approved ___I�Q_Q _2,__192h.____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner oi''Pinance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby -approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_aondeml_Bnd_tslce_.an -emement_in--the_land_ nscessary_,far_-slopes,.-for--cuter-Z=d,-.M�-g-malag BoYe_ tsaat__bat efln_DGaf i lda Avenue -and_Ya ±n&ton_Avenue,__in-accordance with_the_hlue_-pr3nt_her-etn_attached-and _ma.da_a_parl<_her-eof,- the-1aat-ched -p=tlons_ahnming_the-_cuts._and the_ shaded ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___`liQ.SZQ______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_- --- 16th--------- day of ------ ------------- 192_-0-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted.by the Council__�.� : 86______,192____ --- - - - ----- - -- ---`z---------- Approved______F.Eftr_-2_L42,6-_______192___- - City Cletk.; ---- - ------------------ --- -- -- Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald c PUBLIRf1E)�_ Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S; A. 8.6 Council File No...__.._.._..._._...._--_-- _ 1i4423 Fi: i Ana ~�q'�smIDxTe By F -4r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Como Ave. North from the end of the present paving at Union St. to Wheelock Parkway, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order_ --5.0672...._.._, Intermediary Order............_61467.......... , Final Order_..__5.1.923 ...__._, approved Mara"5th--192-4.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactoryltbe it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 1 _equal installments installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. .. PEe I u �s2e Adopted by the t5ZP4 City Clerk. FEB 1 0 192E Approved_...._._........ _... i_.......___..._._..192.._._ _......_��-........_�—_ Form E. E. 11 _ , CITY 4)F S -I; PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for AN paving Como Ave. North from the end of the present paving at Union St. to Wheelock Parkway, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order ............ _50672 .._........... .... _.__ . Intermediary Order Final Order .___51923---.- ..... ..................... ._.......... approved _._......... NiA.1 4}l.._`�s�.ii�1s.:_.a.�2�7 .---.• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment viz: Cost of construction . - $...... _... 28� 872._62 Sewer connections- - - - - - - - - - 300.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - $.--........_....._..._. 6.90 water connections - - - - - - - - - - h14.75 Cost of postal cards - - - -- - - -$. - - 47ggg6,33q8 Curbing : - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36.94 - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $.....__.._......... _.5J. r.. Driveway approaches - - - - - - - ' Amount of court costs for confirmation $ -- - -- --6.• �9 Total ea enditures $ "' "' 2','477.3"i Less the stun of. - - - - - - Al,q�35.I County -Appropriation - 8899 37 Code 31E1 AMESSNiENT- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the toT.mouM as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._..._.._.8., �•.'JJ.... ... ............. —upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for suc action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. E. 17 Commissio6Vr of Finance. Conned File No_._ --------- _----- —__.—..-� y ,_' X4430 In top .atferR oLt#@ tea_ of .1109►'in S "• era ;Ad6•tmml t^d.' n-i41.'aMA. ``~CITY OF ST. PAIIL`" " Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of alleys in J. N. Warner's Add. and Block 40 J. R. Weide's Add., from Magnolia St. to Jessamine St. and from the Easterly alley to the Westerly alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading said alleys between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, under Preliminary Order—.....54.03 ........ . Intermediary Order 6108.9 ....... _.... , Final Order_..6167.3--..---, approved SeP 8.,— - 192_ 5 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, bq it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation BE TITTEIER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby'determined to be payable in_ _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Fig ; 0 W26 Adopted by the Council ...... _. 192.___._. City Clerk. 0 192E Approved............... ..... _.... ..... --....................... 192_.._ C Mayor. CIT0 ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for #s changing the grade of alleys in J. M. Warner's Add. and Block 4, J. R. Weidets Add., from Magnolia St, to Jessamine St. and from the Easterly alley to the Westerly alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line, also grading said alleys between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, 54803 Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order ............_.._.___..._._..---._..._. _..._._.._._._.__.__.... Final Order _............. - 6167--------------.................._...., approved.__._�`?ept •._Sth:.._.1925.........,[__. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost of construction $.---72 R-QQ---_----- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-.._.....__`J..:. ....... ........ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $......._ 1!_ ............... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.......... 14-5.e._............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_.._.._..sel 4_Q.._......__ Total expenditures $...._755._46............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.......__755.46......... _ ..... ....... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commi oner of Finance. Council File No ..... _..... ---. —. —__-- - V- 84431 a"t er of %ane 'aeeei6¢ien[oo[j �co�ta ¢rt4=ezpe¢epa dor grad y By _ �__.__ _ . _ _.. `fid Davtag no ltns Avp bora, 5 4 "mYAVe W" to Aoyt Ape. r-! _ enil n_} Bowb vt� a t { ° � .tie Con- i mes CITY�'QP ``PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses I for grading and paving Snelling Ave, from Como Ave. West to Hoyt Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order-AU264_............. Intermediary Order ..._.._ 492a6 ...... _....... . Final Order_._...49a.06._._._._, approved_Iay_ •._..-192.5.—. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 1 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable /2_equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council___ 7f+ - _ _-•-.--_.......... _ .. City Clerk. tt l�W4.......---92.._ Approved_ _.�iF_..... __•--..�_...__1_. _......_ ._ _....._............ -._, Mayor. Form B. B. ]! 111:1r�.7 i1� �i A CITY OF V. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ,jan 12thj.�2�_. t ._ In the matter of the assessmept of benefits, costs and expenses for3*x grading and paving Snelling Ave. from Como Ave. West to Hoyt Hve.,' -including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, 49286 under Preliminary Order ............ 4x2264,.,__--------- __ Intermediary Order --_._-- -- - ---- -- Final Order .---- ----- 4. a roved._ St• Q rj 13kx__.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Sewer connections - - - - - - - - - 1,1458.34 Coat of publishing notice - - - - - $_...... __....... __ 1.....199. Water connections - - - - - - - - -, Cost of postal cards - ►_ $- 1,19318 Cost 1,531.43 Curbing - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• 1 259 _62 Inspection fees - - - - - - $-.....---_..:..._..._....� _....... Driveway approaches - - - - - - - - 122.74 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-------- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $_...._65,,454,63 Less the sum of 49,751.91 %47,995.00 --County 117q55Apppropriation) 5 SS Code 31E1- d - �tla 702.72 Said Commis ---rt er re=p'orte that he has assess andlevie the o i amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_15., 7rz'-? .-.----upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit- conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached; iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 �&or of Finance. 54432 Council Fne No........ ..... ......_...—.__— oc the asa.e4megY o3; and �ceMq �ieeziDpeRa, —it 0-9t o tsct Noug �6 W.18!`_ . $*p O. 68812 ReaneY 84 n_oc W.�., Bear'Ave. Rt; m,�•, .5 786 M^'. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, reconstructing, relaying and repairing sidewalks--Estimate No. 3, Contract Bc. 3991, Year 1925. Assessable-- sse able Reaney St., north side, from white Bear A76. to Hazel Ave., p 0.F.O. 59795 Magnolia St., north side, m Pa FrankSt. to Edgerton St. P.O. 59495 DOW St., both sides, from Paye Y St. R 0..59499-Nevada Avo., north side frc B t©n100 ft7`60 � t�estern F:&zpT�V*V�ayf". St., south' Ave., thence-oast 380 ft FSC 14%94--flames 9t,, narth'gide, beginning at vanes St.,thenc4 south thence east 140 ft. g,0. 598" Milton St., west side, beginning at Pleasant Ave.,., St- alleybetween James St: and Randolph i C , $ tiGYM ideal"1.'00 ft. F.O. 5 t$ a3'. 3ioPtYt fide, beg ."Ot}la Sher south side, beteg a. S d+„gp.t0.3i*A-, `* Dut141Clai c. P•Ot:.45. east side between 3 antord Ave, and St. Clair St. F.O. 1. Syn bate Ave., , F.Od`a2 Syndicate Ave., east side, between Lincoln Av®. and St Clair 6t. g',0. 59496 �etrringtcn Ave., bot sidbse,i MarylandaSt tt�o 01iQeraqapa 64 F.O. 5 "1�.S� t Ape•, north side, $ ntOrggs Vit. F.O. 5� Pi3t�t2and diva., south aide, SSJi:.l ;mance vest 40 ru from hamli* Ave.. to Rata aA�A, F.O. 5 hIgnd Ave., sa�utb sid4, W g;D, 5Ii Ads,, aal�t' 'sidd, f�►om u$: Glair Bt•o ltycurve Boulevar` F.O.9001an©r St., both sides, . both s x'om. GZe ,g�� ,� of e F.O. 59008 ebasrst Avtl., i:dtlo, i`ram c evs]and"Avs. Boulevard, , .., both sides, from Randolph St. t0 Hartford Ave. F.O. 89?.,5'ZHpiu Ave _.Non-ASsessable-- both sides fr6m Payne Ave. to Bdgertom St- P.O 59495 DezuY: St,•, ' ertorl St. to Bradley St. F.O. 59499 I3evadh°-Ave., north side, from 100-ft. east of Western Ave., g.O.%,eM4 St. Clair St., s©ut2e side, beginning thence east 380_ ft. $ ., t egsf:"140 ft. P.O. 59884 dames St., north side, beginnSszg at pleasant Ave., thence South g.0 59864"�ilton St., West between®Jamesinningnd Randolph St. to the alley Sto P.O. 59502 Syndicate Ave., east side, between Stanford Ave. St. Clair rSt. ,P.O. 42 Syndicate Ave., east side, between Lincoln AYSt. thence east 64 ft, F.O. 56'746 Summit Ave., north side, beginnin�3 at Griggs , Ave. g�0. 59424 Cretin Ave., east side, from St. Clair .�t. Ave. ri�]sy g:0. 89002 Pinehurst Ave., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to count Curve Boulevard. F.O. 59257 Brimhall Ave., both sides, from Randolph St. to llartfor ve. 1" F --.... ............. .�.... _............. _..... ..._, Kkx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FII$�R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in——equal equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Co ell FES ity Clerk. SEB 's Q i926 Approved —......... _... _... _.__._.__......__............ 192..___ _. ... ....... .......... _— __---, ayor. Form 8. B. 18 i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT . .......... . MX: In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for fax Constructin.,7, roOonStPucti'li., polaying and repairing aidewclks—'-stimto 1,10. 3. Contract vlo- 3901, year 194151. BGail Ave. to i�azel `V 59812 �',t. north aido, fronsJ hit© 0 59795 �r�gn It., north side, from Frank' A. to Duluth vo, 0. 59495 Donny St., toth sides frorj pa•�e 'v o. to-dW.ton .3t. F '#/e north aid® from,W80 0 NOW JUQYA" I I -ptga �Av to Bradley St. tir :*A.Taouth side, boy'Inning 100 ft. east of .-;ostern Ave., thence east 3S0 ft �� I .-O',&66M`-3amea '3t., north sicca, "68tlnninr- at Vance ]t., 'Jhenoe east 140 ft. r. 0. 59884 Milton 3t., west sides bogAlinniir, at i?loasant ;-ve., thence south to alley betue4m James f"t. and ?andolph -,t. 0 598M jamaq St., north side, beE�najnC� at �41ton St. thence west 100 ft. mair gt Wl stmtb 91do, between Syaatesi. mid-mlilap r't. T 0 d i�vu. And 5t. Qlair '�t. �aato imo., Oust side, betao�nj stanfqr F.O. 1! US qghdjddta Pve. 09LOt side, betwoon Uricoln Ave. and St. 01hiv Sit - r, 0.". is Farrington Ave% both sides, from !,--s.i-jUnd 3t. to Oliver '% r.0. go Sumit ,,.ve., north side, beginning at Origom �3t. thence east 64 ft. F.O. 56794 portaaW A#ay.p,zouth aide, beCiming 100 ft. 060% of Grig,-,s St. thence west 40 ft. P.O. 536I3 Aabland AV6.,itiouth side froan 11aziline 'We. to 8yM10Qt0 AVG. F.O. 5024 Cretin AVO -L' east side, from "t. Clair :,5t. to 6arkeley 1n©. F.O. 59001 v-jaaftr St;, both sides, from olevela�id Ave. to 1,16unt Curve Boulevard F.O. SO= PinGhWA AVG., both sides, from clevelaud AVG. to ;iount �,-urve P.O., 5W57 Ari ll j.ve,, both aides, frm,, Izat*4olph 25t. to Umatford Ave. -p-NonwAoseasable— F 0 59495 DUM 5t., both sides from PuYnO ;',VO- to 14WWA St- F:O: $9490 Nevada Ave. , norivit Me, from 'deort'on St. to Bradley !3t. I.O. OOSU at. �41ajr 5t., South side, begiing loft. east ofVeSt rn -AvOA., thence cast 380 ft. p.0. .59M. james, st t., north side, bapinnin? at VOM06 St., thence east '140 ft. apAn Q AJI a g.O, 598E1 beg$n#nG at ?,10 t AV MltoA ::,,t., veqt aide % -tdth6 '6110y bat"0on­h;,;:6" st' and riandoigh st.* betmotm ;;targor4 F.O. "W, � 314MIZOAto e Ave, sot- ei4e, Ave. and ;4. Qlair ',t. FO g s'�ifi Jes-ta- ravel, aast side, between Lincoln Ave. and ,-3t. Clair at. f= 0 46V40."3uWi't Ave., 1wrth-0114-as sideo beginuina at s at., -thews east 64 ft. F:o:,59424 v-retjn Ave., east side, from 't, k;lair t# to Bckelay Ave. F.04 so" apt djmst Ave„ boUh sides, oleveland ire. to -31tVO Boulevard. 59257 Brinhall va., Uoth olrlo"I' frol-, :-alldol .pl? -"'t. to alLrtford Form -B. B. 17 ........ . ...... of Finance. � $g. yT�t vv .......... __...._......................... �pwJL9Y\A._ _ _ i_..._._._..............._..............._... ..... ..�'�s`RaTFli_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby report`s to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred! for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.....14.,.22.7.,.51.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.._......_........_.2.1..-90._. Cost of postal cards ............... _ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $.........1,.422...'X5..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $........... ...... _...2.1,...80.... _ Total expenditures --Assessable - - _ Non -assessable - - - -i- - - 821.33 TOTAL EXPENDITURES- - - - - - - - $16,585.77 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet-' rained, to -wit: the sum of $_... 16.,_585_. 77.___..___,___.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action the eon as may be considered proper. ?/1 -- Form B. B. 17 Commispil5ner of Finance. Ilii I Yl��ll r e A§B 88M161eT8 IIe�,. M �+C�•r No ;61433—� 1¢��n � - 3a th6 }neltery ,0 .�➢enln "ing' Sind eatanffi19: Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.pp-ening,..-w deni,ng-and.. ext.ending..an..-alley.-in..Bloek:.19....... -------- S.t • Pau1...Proper.- by -.taking-and..condemning....- --- ....... -- . ........ ............................. That part of Lot 11 Block 19, St. Paul Proper, lying betwebn,the - alley in -said Lot li and a line described as follovgs. Beginning-: ----- on the Easterly line of the North and South alley in said Lot 11, �3o ft. from the North line of said Lot 11, thence Southeaster-ly din a straight line to a point on the Northerly line of the East kd West alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. Rest of the Westerly e- of 'Minnesota St. Y\ 'eee of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot h 'y, -,;ng at its Southeast corner and 25 ft. along the Easterly . under said Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and,being 9_.-, qy. `width. approver-- --- - --- •r A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taping and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ♦/--------------equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. on 1 01926 Adopted by the Council .-...__....---..__---..........................•----...-...., 192..----• ,Pee 10 we Approved........ 0' Councilman Clancy an er—g,u on Councilman McDonald uncilman Dtm= fiodgson louncihnan 8udheimer Councilman Wenzel VIw Peva. FORM- ` ity Clerk. 192...... _.. - - ......................... ..- -- Mayor. ` +Wr� ��/�� r1l �r $` 4433 Y o 83488 11 xIn thb matterT:: o gontn 'Ii8 aand extan'dff .ror; iti..myren - Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.QRPe ng,._wideming_.and ...extending --an --- alley.. in. -Block --19,---- St ...... Paul...Prop..er...by._.taking--and..condemnin • _.._ That part of Lot 11 Block 19, St. Paul Proper, lying between the `alley. in said Lot li and a line described as follows;_ Beginning on the Easterly line of the North and South alley in said Lot 11, 130 ft. from the North line of said Lot 11, thence Southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the Northerly line of the East and West alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. West of the -Westerly line of 'Minnesota St. Also a piece of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and 25 ft, along the Easterly line of said Lot 5 beginning at ite.Southeast corner and being 9 ft. in width. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it • Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .......... . ...............equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. � t 0 1926 Adopted by the Council - ...__.... ................------- ...--- --....._...., 192..... • --- ...... ... ..... .... ... ....................... . �----- ...._ ion ity- Clerk. Approved. - -..._................ ........... 192...... �. .............. - ..... ................. .................. :... -- Mayor. f% Councilman Clancy _ man erguson V'P Councilman McDonald low /Councilman Hex Hodgson / 1 councilman 9udheimer ,Councilman Wenzel >f `=a 17II'YlldSi A 9 9MHNTDa II'P R ONir f ,+Cr F No Bi488't'` Qn th mapteYyo gpenln � ng- and eztSnHfhe ,4 - 39; s. _qn. +;4433 TIi16 C:�, :TLIOG LJ.ja 3I1q ,LIGap TTG, . TU ::' i 1'0,1 I7 T 7 TIi 9' SIIJTi1F TTU 40 9' hOTUOL j'Chyo,., fur 7,,oz.PT' 7TH.Ts ow -<-T7: of _... _..-......._ _ -...... ......_.... - _- - ........... ....................... .._.... -...__ .....__... __.._. ..... - - -- .. ...... under Preliminary Order.-.... 6.0908_-, -, approved -July. -21,-192,5<ntermediary Order........61086......, approved. -..July. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits, therefor, and the Council haviiig duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ---------- ----�..-.--.....--...equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. 1 01926 Adopted by the Council.---- -- -- .....:............._....._ 192 ..... ..... ...._...... -y -- ..... FellJ Q� it Clerk. .... Approved........ ............._... 192...... ................... ._............... :... ... _ / Mayor. V Councihnan Clancy .� man Berg eon Councilman McDonald ,/councilman Danx Hodgson Councilman 8udheimer /councilman Wenzel -7�i�er_�Felatm: gft Via Pres FOWW- 44��£ ink, Wof. . per'^i'" i h 4, RDEQ IN CONDEMNATION Pi:OCEBDING�S A: t ; OF, ep?�, isle 6 -end, xt�nding an allay Y. :a4ii mninpt „ Blook 19, St; Paul Proper, lying betweep the it}5 11--and-e: �l:fne--de-sor;liec as Ye31oW�s-fir ae�in8� orihe,$&stlap'line of the North and• 8outh'a11ey in said of lI,f ly frog ths'North line of said Lot 11,- thence --Southeasterly 4 i a4 raight line to a point that is 19 ft. from the Westerlp s } a ne"and '51 ft. from the Northerly lAt line of'said Lot 11, sae Southeasterly in a straight. line to a point on the North- sY�t linerof the East and West alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 �eastx o ` the 4 steely line of MinAeacts.Sst.... :M of measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of .Lot f ��i` kering at 'its Southeast corner and 25 ft, along the Easerly lief said Lot•'5 beginning at its Southeast corner and being '9 aRt�;��3n•„.wi,dth 1 eat m a alley is Rl oo c 19, St Panl AnAr b +�'Tsi ng At 1d t c 4 ....c udr..: .. r •. x ftf, r Y a- tei',of4 Lot 11 Proper, lying 3 Block 19 St. Paul Pro 1 in between the �l e K; r said hot j-1--and--a- line -described -as -follows; Beginatag terl %4e of the North and South all in said "6t,_11 Y Y, ffbk "tteF-Np�th -1-i n67 said Lot 11 theatre 8outhe etdr1 in . y, a tx i P, tato pgint:ko4 the Northerly, ofj the ast;and We �l y Lsr aI'd iot' 11, "that is 65 feet West of `the` Westerly ofoe °of land measuring 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot :7, , 5 - giniti¢ts Southeast corner and 25 ft. along the Easterly 1 e of s. fi,bt' S1 impnning" at its Sou- east :corner and being•49. t in wid A orr the Norti_ line sof said Lot 11, thence Southeasterly !. P u a srafght line to a pgnt on the Northerly line -of the East fi fdll�est alley_ to said Lot 11, that is 65 ft, West of the Westerly;; : Minnesota St. he G R Iso ra. piece of land'measuring `9 ft. along the te`a line: of Lot ` a be nj?3Tlg, at; its ,Southeast aorner..and 2�j • ft. along, the Easterly e�o► said Lot 5, beginning at ,its Southeast corner and being 9 t x Clancy,` ^`gmmcx Hodgson ttd�epDotiald 5udheimer / /Y, x Wenzel.:` ` .........' "F i YT' Zl • ..SIJ iE�'Cr-F • '�' 7 T IJG O:L e:3'rqnG r iJJJ7'L'o'. ra �I $II6 VC(` c,p,�}„rS 3'FJ�6yT71 7U ff 8�'S J t. J T'- J FF+ du•-sz<! b� pow CFF vzrvcLl�G { I H `stc, r.1 fhn i Tl Vis•--- � p "f}., �M �.xyx der;-Prehmm8ry Order—_ 6QQ_08_., approved—WY-.._2l.,-l.g4termediary Order__.._ &] ii66 ' provad _s?u3 Q < Resolved` he following improvement be And the same is hereby ordered to be made; vIz _Qpsn, �8'7Lt8`31�a a1 8 � t a- and -a lane deseriberi as Yu3lowsg' - Be$ixintng" "- e fat of Lot lel Block 1 3t. Paul Pro er 1 1n between the foe 1, n hl#nof�sa'daLatsllt theses S utheSeterlylin aAL,ai$ do �,pginton. the Northerly line of, thea$t nand eo YFe�'}tey ��eaid LO 11, khat is 65 feet West of'`the Westerly S 3b a7 o et qoe of ng land mea' 9 ft. along the rear line of Lot .Southeast, oorner and 25 ft. ayng the Easterlyi zip 1 Lo-fi, 5( +be,ginriingat' its Southeast 06#er and bs ng -t9 ft. e_ North_.line qP eairL Lot ll, thenoe 8outheaste-riy -� L" a s,i , gh dine to a pg#tft on the Northerly line of the East 3 ' ai Minnesota said Lot ll, that is 65 ft. West of the Westerly 'W".et galley., -in , s.� rz�.. St. he 421"' a pieoe:-of land measuring"9"ft. 'along the `r�e_ar line' of Lo't a b niIn� at; its:Southeast copnor;and 25 ft, along: the Easterly e�f said Lot 5, be inning at its Southeast oorner and being 9 41 fEB y Approved _ bfaytr Elantsy riefna nn gddgSOu uhe mer` 6�L fr T +y 3C '` T Ggt o ; e2rrq pHat e rand condemned for the purpose of making tfie sai .Aun _. :, , Ff ,. es?tot yp�1gTaliornbetween the R�� d11 ndca line oa the Eab¢Properfoll�s� rs x line of the North and South alley in said ��Lotill�, 3f F ft from the North_ line 9,gsaid Lot 11, thenoe Southeasterly 1 �s bra ght line to a PQ i on the Northerly line of the East ' �d1. st 'e7ley_.in said Lot 11; that is 65 ft, meet of the Westerly � Y ' lfze of Minnesota St. x¢� �elio'a•pieee of land measuring 9�ft. alon the rear line of Lot- o € ' h5 Aning at its Southeast corner and 25 ft. alo:._ the Easterly u' ine of said Lot 5 beginnin,r at its Southeast corner and being 9 s in width.;, �3 Approved______ - Maybr.: �'Simmcx Hodgson'. ! / f emer w n UM / 8:i�."�.'35'#ta �s.....,r.a..�:a?�,?�A�ti��-t:,r.3.ts` tir" ru m�cr p -Orecsh A. G ITA' NIX oa 4? (3) .That the assessments of benefits and .award of damages for the tak'in'g and app opria the f A. (3) .That the assessments of benefits and .award of damages for the tak'in'g and app opria the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and c7firmed. • -r�a i G 1S1'�l� Adopted by the Council_._._... ?.. ��3 191..___ � 1 E8 'i — leek?i " • Approved_`___ , 191 __ z! d x clanbf, Mayor.. e ";%x4mmcx / MMcodgson sudhe mer l oaierb� C Wepzel" .::.-._,-. ✓w...S.e.r. �. ..s.Ts v`.h, c, hK L?r ,..,.w. ..,..«..,..,. - .�'... ,',. .Y-.:d�'.LE..f `:�S§k`��5 x.. -- � r •..... .hb .�Tc'F'. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION, OF LANDS In the matter of op.ening,...-viid-e.ning--and...Oxt-endiAg.-An..Rlle7 in -2100k. -119, - byt&king..and ... c.ondenning. .................................................. . ........ . .. ------ That part of Lot 11 T -,,look 19, St. Paul Proper, lying between the alley in said Lot H and a line described as follows: Beginning on the Easterly line of the North and South alley in said Lot 11, 15 -ft. from the 111orth line of said Lot 11, thenee Southeasterly in a straight line to a point that is 18 ft. fron, the Ivesterly lot line and 30 ft. fror, the northerly lot line of said Lot 11, thence southeasterly in a strain' .,ht line to a point on the Tjorth— orly line of the Past and W'est alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 on ft. Qqat, Of the Westerly line of kinnesets Sts 91311 Also *1eae of land measuring 9 ft. along,the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its "toutheast corner and 25 ft, along the ;7asterly line of said Lot 5 bepinning at its `:Southeast oorner and being 9 ft. in width. TO THE GOUNCM OF THE CITY The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's fading on said matters. Commission of Finance. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS under Preliminary Order ....._6g9Q8........., approvedZU1Y--.2, 192.rJ..., Intermediary Order.......61Q$6------ approved &.1Y gal 1925...:..... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissions of Finance. NOTICE In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley in Block 19, St. Paul Proper by taking and condemning: That part of Lot 11, Block 19, St. Paul Proper, lying between the alley in said Lot 11 and a line described as follows: Beginning on the easterly line of the North and South alley in said Lot 11, 15 ft. from the North line of said Lot 11, thence Southeasterly in a straight line to a point that is 18 ft. from the Westerly lot line and 30 ft. from the Northerly lot line of said Lot 11, thence Southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the Northerly line of the East and West alley in said Lot 11, that is 65 ft. West of the Westerly line of Minnesota St. Also a piece of land measuring 9 ft, along the rear line of Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and 25 ft. along the Easterly line of said Lot 5 beginning at its Southeast corner and being 9 ft..in width. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA: NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned is an owner of and has and claims a right, title, estate, lien and interest in the hereinbefore described lands, in .the taking and condemnation thereof and in the award of damages for his right, title, estate, lien or interest in said lands, and hereby files in writing with the said Council objections to the said taking and condemnation of his lands and to the award of damages therein in the4sum of Sixteen Hun- dred Dollars ($1600.00) for such taking and condemnation of suo lands, and particularly of that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota.,`de- scribed as follows: All that part of Lot Eleven (11), Block Nineteen (19), St. Paul Proper, lying between the alley in said Lot Eleven (11) and a line described as follows: Beginning on the easterly line of the North and South alley in said Lot Eleven (11), thirty (30) feet from the North line of said Lot Eleven (11); thence Southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the Northerly line of the East and West alley in said Lot 11, that is, sixty-five (65) feet West of the Westerly line of Minnesota Street; it being respectfully submitted, among other things, that said tak- -1- 11 ing and condemnation is unnecessary and a taking and condemnation of private property for a private use, and that said award of damages is entirely inadequate, confiscatory, and not just compensation as re- quired by the Constitution. / v Dated February 10, 1926. I -2- x x4437 - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO_--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C . OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE "L FORM DATE.._.__. WHEREAS, in July, 1925, permitf we" issued for the erection of gasoline filling statiOn4 as follows: Moulton oil Refining Co. for station at 132 S. Webasha St. AND WHEREAS, A period of six months has elapsed since the issuance of said pe mitf, and the filling station4 i56&49ot been erect- ed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said permit6 be and wbor &we hereby cancelled and revoked. --VW Refining oulton Oil Refinin­Co.Cfor station at 122 S. Wabash.St. Aad 'Whereab, , A Dirioi-­f 61ftsedsince, thelesix= GV`841d!Xp1erm1C,!and the fillinc-,statko Has, ript'�b"n-eideted; therefore`la'Jnt, 'ReeiilVgd;tVh&t'-aldlllilfinttPbe and it fe and Adop"bU311h.colinciFro .1%,19 ;6 Approve Feb. 17;,,1920. '(Feb., 2t;1926) ­ COUNCILMEN yeas v/Nays Clancy Hodgson In favor McDonald Sudheirner Against Wenzel Mr. President FEB 1 7 1926 ' Adopted by the, Council.:_-, ................................ ­ 192 YES 1 7 I49# Ap - ------------- .. - .............. 192 .......... ^h� .......... MAYOR -.6 GEORGE L. HAWN. SUPT. M PARS. ERNEST W. JOHNSON. iWr<.W PtAYOAWw9. PRANICOC. TEWES. CRY AllcwiiCT (Aug of St. van, Department of racks, Vlaggrounao and public ]Buildings HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISStONER IRVING C. PEARCE. CITUTY COMMISSIONEit OFFICE OP COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE 'VW® Mr. Arthur A. Stewart, Department of Law, Building. February 8, 1926. Dear Sir: The following property owners have received council per- mits for the erection of filling stations at the loca- tions indicated. The dates of the issuing of these per- mits are also specified, and you will note that the Coun- cil permits have all been issued more than six months ago, and we, therefore, believe that these tCouncil eforeau- thorizations should be cancelled. May I, 9 you to draw up the necessary resolution which I will in- troduce into the City Council, and which will read some- what as follows: "Whereas the following list of Council authorizations for gasoline filling stations have all been issued for a great- er length of time than six months, "Therefore, be it resolved that these permits be cancelled and the property owners to which they have been issued be so notified. OWNER LOCATION OF FILLINGATE OF THORIZCOUNCIL STATION Moulton Oil Refining Co. 2520 S.E. Delaware St. 132 S. �yabasha St. July 28, 1925. Pratt's Express Co. 28 1925. 404 Rosabel St. Bradley 8c 'North July , D. S. Hirschman, 680 Selby Ave. NE Cor. Chatsworth 8c Front July 21, 1925. Yours trulyp ' -HSB ..0 ;rnr9ti9R 3lrlpa to �19kr �cuet t3111><ea Offiais On6 i I February 11th, 1926. Mr. D. S. Hirschman, 680 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: on July 21st, 1925, you were given permission to instill a filling station at the northeast corner -of Chatsworth and Front Streets. It is the understanding of the City Council that you have not installed your filling station at this location as yet. The Council has, therefore, directed mo to notify you that a hearing will be held on the 1.7th day of February, 1926, at 10 A. M. in the Council Chamber, City Hall and Court House, at which time you will be iven an opportunity to be hoard as to why the permit above mentioned should not be revoked. - Very tidy yours, City Clark. January 11th, 1926. Moulton Oil Refining Co., 2520 S.E. Delaware St., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Gentlemen: On July 28th, 1325, you were given permission to install a filling station at 132 So. Wabasha Street. It is the understanding of the City COWWLI that you have not installed your filling station at this location as yet. The Council has, therefore, directed me to notify you that a hearing will be held on the 17th day of February. 1926, at 10 A.M., in the Council Chamber, City Hall and Court House, at which time you will be given an opportunity to be heard as to why the permit above mentioned should not be revoked. Very truly yours. City Clerk. A February 11th, 1926, prattle vxpress Co., 404 Eosabel Street. St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlement 0n July 28th, 1925, you were given permission to install a filling station at Bradley and North Streets. It is the understanding of the City Council that you have not installed your filling station at this location as yet. The Council has, therefore, directed ms to notify you that a hearing will be hold on the 17th day of February, 1926. at 10 A. U., in the Council Chamber, City Hall and Court House, at which time you will be given an opportunity to be heard as to why the permit above mentioned should not be revoked. Very truly yours, a City Clerk. L_44.38 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ FILE .NO _.`li._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GFiPiERAL FORM i1 [ RESOLVED ,That the application of Herbert R. Boller, for permission - to erect and maintain a public garage on lot 9, block 7,Ninninger and Donnelly Addition, located on the South side of Selby Avenue between Grotto Street and Avon Street, in the City Of St. Paul, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed' to issue a permit therefor. Brev&dled, box a Reh C_ F. No. 61438—BY 11- C. Weasel— geaolved, That the application of Herbert R. Boller: Lot grmleal°n to erect and malnta4n a Pub io'�aI)onnel- lot 9. block 7. Nlnninger anSouthalde ly Addlu0n, located' on the L Selby Ave. between 6tott0`St• and Avon -8t„, InCIt1�bL8A,%Pan. is bereby 8ranted. and th C amndmis bl10 ot. Par e, PIaYSr° Buildinggs fe hereby authit t e Band: instructed CO the Conn. Feb. 18, 3926. j A.4oPted by ti 16. 1926. Approved Fo (Feb..L0-1926) 411 FEB 1 61946 COLNCILb1EN Adopted by the Council ---------- --- ------------------------- 1192..-- say Nays Clancy F E9 1 619116 .192._.:. Ferguson Hodgson. ---...In favor McDonald h//^7 ----....... MAYOR $udheimer t/....Against' ✓ Wenzel Mr. President Notice o---- —f APPlicstlon for PermlL Ro „.: ' a Pubni �e Si�'n9e•t to seo� I e l g ,bD9p [ tLe CIV Da Noti W tt¢D 6'74 geat t amt o`"�` ut newton maao innty t e l t hut} o Imennt�nR rgyO°Haben R II¢LLer Lor atmo 115 ' bllr Saxeae D th �S[�1tn1t1on t�qulGtp, 3[)R• \./V p aLn Jt�mewh�n0 ytIIOd¢on1. tn, �d f S l v7mtncae' {x p Mtwenn Gmttn Bt. ana Aovt 9t. Jenaer! 1 - ' DeteA t Snlo[ Paul, •rinneno n. 1D28.gE1tRRR't R. 807.LP.A. AbDltnant. TT4 Tau a< dtM '+ (r-1 ma Diabateb, don. 23-0D-29.1 ySd i; CONSENT TO ERECTION OF PUBLIC GARAGE I', the undersigned, owner of real estate described I• after my signature below, same being adjacent or in the vicinit II of Lot 9, Block 7, Ninninger and Donnelley's Addition to the City.of Saint,Paul, application to erect a public garage k whereon is to be made tc'- bhe City Gounedl on February 10th, 1926, by Herbert R. Boller, do hereby certify that I have no objection, but on the contrary, do hereby consent to and approve of the granting of said application by the City Council.' Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, January 23, 1926. I I � NOTICE OF x -PLIC .TIOIT FOR PT'F,"."T% TO :?''TXT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5680, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on February 10th, 192S, to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul-, Minnesota-, by Her.hert R_ Bpllar _ for permission to erect a pu:)lic garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, !:J.nneoota, tc wit; Lot N n2 8 Block Seven (7) Addition, Citv of Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the south side of Selby nt. Ave. between Grotto St.xkxa. and Avon St . .mac. ;Q>.miber St .Ave . Dated at Saint Paul, Yinne^o ta, January 22nd, 192 6, App scant 774 Laurel Ave. ;' 22 4 o9 h" 1126 Fnlsunnu a w. F' of FOOTE & Dorn Fueu Lt':e Uuun ' - !inldi 1'.N��.. �flw.wewuin January 21 , AN. . city Ulerk, court Awe, St .Faui ,. -I `' 'meso Clw. Dear Sir: Enclosed find a,nu"it o1 puulkSion of botice of applicivion for T ermit,by ~:er_ert W. hoibr, vo er.ct a WIN ava-e; fubSo,ed in tiro St._'aul Pioneer 1 ress ana dt."aul Disp< ; i, e,_ci no6iop being ,)abiisneo. L)atur- My, , January 23; momay, , j unuary 2b, and '_ uc sway , January 26. ,,:;1-1 . Fours t uly, .., ... .. , Enc 1: � f- :iCti; lFwi:'- rE�l 2 � oo �"„ •=5 ♦ tlP RI'tgyMp, VII .- ,_. _, ' STATE OF MINNESOTA, t ss. County of Ramsey.; v>-•-��-P�-�`--�`-"- ..being duly sworn, deposes . a�nd s//ay this is cle for the Dispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the times1reinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, gt_�.em, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. That„(he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed ...... hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper,was inserted, rimed and published in said newspaper once in eachweek for.......... weeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was fl t inserted, printed and published oa.> /TC. �.4 me.,,..... the�Cday of... R::?:t :�r4.-fL�r� 192' k"and was printed and pub- lished in said newspaperthereafter on. .o until and including.v;�s-1, �.-the.4.'a�!!day of. .y/T .......192.1a That during all the times aforesaid, said newspapef E qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that IC has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute .a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said. ........ ..................... ... ... .... .............................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be -issued In the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication suit equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing thesame. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twl hundred and forty copies regularly delivered. to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said....... -a....•/ • • • • ... • • .. • . • • • • • • . .............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereuntoattached, viz: abcdefghlJklmnopgrstuvwurz Further afflant saith not 1= that this =affidavit made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill y for publication in said newspaper of thy -aforesaid. legal adv,lortfsement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... .-t�ay o .�,.�192.6. (- .............. .. ....... ........... Notary Public, Ram ey County, Minnesota Form 141 2M :r9-25 P.tR� esP MY Commissura i res.... L 0' 1i, TEED, No. , ihl�c aar Courr• �. �:� (.i>aminaion ezpirm Scpc. L[, 1929 STATE OF INNESOTA, 16." Connly of Ramsey.I ..,!r,..Ye.;c/, - - - ,being duly sworn, deposes She Co. is during all the Notice of Application for'Permit to and says tyy"�"/" [s clerk lef the Dispatch Printing which now and times he Bi..ffter mentioned has been the publisher of the St- Garage. £roEt. a: Public Garage. a Pub SL Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. "No80e Ir ect .tent to see.; tion 074, .oral ee No. ;asa0 o[ tee uu>'ot sal t -Pent ut w.g •pr,ifanon. xlu be mod n ar btu K 'mth; IQYfi to tbn MM' Paulin said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Tha� )he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... C. -rdl of th eYq [ Seim Pel )ifboeeor • Ur He ert IL 0 Iler t r U�tm4ei D ro. e�ee6 • ynbb�( :6 pl�yy ou tli 'bill 1 g d r1 ed ue•I eetnte, altu toF: �- S zcn_el�:..... .......... :..4f .......... ................... .... ..... IIet>(� qit Uf �Ine'.(al ItCR sof 1A... 'VIM1nR Douu fly Clt br eelocc; ek ..ttJJltl gee - pnu. 4tfulrexltM nxt 111e youth riJ t sell, eI , _ p etl betxl.e 6 tU Bt:.•ni A n St. 't • - b•lM at Salvt- Paul.. )tWno•ta•. Jmo)tf' . ....' '' ' .. • • • • .. • .......... • • • .. - • ............. �...L_(rC. 1.�-; �,/... ... l r•d:. la2n, HEIIRRRT R. ROLLER, hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and 774 Lnnr t 6• -e- �. e�-/����� fi'rae. nn4 Ol.oateh. Jnn. 2J-"_5.26.1 publishedin said newspaper each -err zek--fe,--�>eA and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice w/as/s rat inserted, printed and published on.,T. `.. • • • •..... the day of..�X: ?�? ..........' - • . .192.0. and was printed and pub- ,. lished in said newspaper thereafter on... ......... the.f-N..daY of...^That �ua until and including..' ../`�4��.. during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper lified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- - stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said ....................... ............... ........................ said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and incolumn and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least tw( hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said..... .............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed inthe office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of *in- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required, and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used In the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefgh l)klmnopgretuvwsyz Further afflant sa(th not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4. of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper ofof/the aforesaid legal adv , ment. C/ . . .. . .................../.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this...... y7 YYJ of f/.}......^)2.�a. My Commission e�ni res. sey County, Minnesota. Notary Public, R ry/ l `1 -a Form 141 2M .i-4-4; P.tti .. ..... •""�... •..,•.••.. A 4^% CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNML-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NO. 4439_ -. Februs*.10; 1926 In the matter of paving Vandalia Street from University Avenue to Territorial Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #58518, approved.Baroh 24, 1925; and ;incl Order C. F. #61029, -approved duly 28, 1925. RESOLVED,�Thst the plane, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 'Y n t4e omaiiei BAY As sam , TerratoalHt r"m or P lty 'order g Rivera �• tta-_ ' - Marcb E(, - F.. �° unfi8618�L�agt9.. F,;NO 1895 and '�$$rbY y✓ MPDrovad j jl OM ,' Resolve (tioaq„da bd eatlq efl quen[a 1 mitt8' i i) $aP°°38ca- r°ve�L a a d ih a4ra°n *103 , 6- n �,i l�+\ '1D�tD oved�FelN�10g 192b. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ycy Clancy .� V Hodgson .....�12 in favor McDonald �Sudheimer ...Against ' Wenzel liar item Ftm{xm f' B 1 0 1g4 Adopted by the Council_._ ........................_.-. �6t o I $3iE App r ved - - - - -- .192.. r ! - MIIYOX CITY OF ST. PAUL - IN Cm X4449 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fir•-+^� _ DATE February 10, 1916 In the matter of grading Alley in Blook 2, Hankeels Cleveland View, and Blook 1, Hankee's Rearrangement from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60246, approved June 23, 1925, and Final Order C. F, #61873, approved September 9, 1925. REBOWED, That the plane, speeifiostions and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publie Works fot the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4 Clancy -Ferg—� / / Hodgson (,-,2 In favor McDonald ,. v Sudheimer ------4 ..Against Wenzel i/ mr. V a Pits. Feraawu, Adopted by the Council.I.A.=.---.-----192.-.... Appr d..F g-.LJD- 526.. -------------- Is2------ WA IL CITY OF ST. PAUL rns OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM av joo f<«�•�/`= DATE. gebruary lQ1926.— In the matter of grading alley in Blook 6, Merrlam.p Park Third Addition, from Dewey Avenue to Fairview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #61311, approved August 11, 1925, and Final Order G. R. #62502, approved Oot. 13, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plane, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and _L the same are hereby approved. U a of 1 ��h16, e d ISI:$1 O�rdeY eca. g 61 t6 eu. tl6s b-- ti.n. en8 �ti oiayuWin n® Of im sovemppe L f and thenen-. are hate" �yAdopt.na Y t e .�C�°ouncil Fab. 30. 1936: 1eBs. 87' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ;. Clancy FArg— Hodgson _J --.-..In favor `McDonald J.Againat 6udhelmer ..---- Wenzel r. tfitoe Pres. Fetsaaora sow Adopted by the Council ............... ------------..-._.-..192..-..- App oved....FES �-.0 -------- -192.....- T . MAYOR AOR v ' COUNCIL No. ----3442 CITY OF ST. PAUL nes OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- COUNCIL LERKCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of grading Alley in Block 3. Stierle, McConville and Seegerle Midway Addition, from Fry Street to Aldine Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. $60915, approved July 21, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #62350, approved September 30, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓Clancy Hodgson 1-. In favor McDonald ,,,,Sudheimer-...Against Wenzel W10o Pres. F�rsaEu: ilzro- ;1AY i�i�'... so Adopted by the Council ---- -------------------------------.---192.----- App ved.----.:. F.EI3. I A_1 �-A-Y-- . 192 MON CITY OF U. PAUL CIL NO._-.... Q71. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 10, 1926 IANTED ISSSIONER ,— . — DATF In the matter of grading Alley in Block 8. Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement of part of Macaleater' Park, from Baldwin Street to the Seat end of Alley, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #61230, approved August b, 1925, and Final Order 0. F. #62503, approved October 13, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN yess Nays ""Clancy / Hod r.. -----. In favor McDonald ....Against jJ&dheimer / enzel e .•. �1Ge I'rr'2. Few. +cc,u C -£g 1 4 10 1 Adopted by the Council ........... _...-------- .............. 192..--.. A......,A...a YU t F 1!1`Lh - - --- -.192--�-- MAYOR K --$,-, . 'CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM = No..---- ----�Y-4 Febftary 10, 1926 In the matter of grading Alley in $look 2, Hoopes Park, from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60731, approved July 14, 1928, and Final Order 0. F• #61877, approved September 9, 1928. RESOLVED; That the plane, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nava Clancy Farguaon ,,'Hodgsonj..-...In favor McDonald ✓Sudheimer /.....Against --"Wenzel vv Mr.:P.reaident r. V120 Pros. FQFBW4 . Am 14 t926 Adopted by the Council ................... ......------.-..-..192.----. €� 1 0 App oved -----•----- .........192. �i...M-�,-------- • ---------------- MAYOR �- ti Petition Council File No..-.l)`i�i�W.- �, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb both aides of Edmund Street betwe.en Chatswrth Stre-- et -- .. -----------------------......---------......------------------------.....--------------- ------------- - - .... - - - o - -- _.. 4nd--i+esington-Ayenne..---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------- - - - .................------------------------------------------ .._............ ... --------------------------- -- Dated this.. -.10th day of...-------..--Februes - 192/6 ------- -.... 192....... • _ - - fs. . ?- IIi Ci Councrlma '- �yGtiemtlte'I� phir>meii P - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both sides of Edmund Street between Chetsworth Street _.. ---------------------------------- ._...._-------- _----------- .. ..... - - .... - - -- - ...._._... - ----- ------ - 'endLexington Avenue. - - - ...._..._................ ..............------------------------- --_.................................._.. - - ..... ......-- .- --- .... ----------------------------------------------------------- --------- -- ---- ---- _.. _. _.. -- --------------- --- -------------- -------- --------------------------------- •-------------- --------------------------------------- --..---------------------- ------- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...._ .__.------ ._._........--------------------- --- ------- ----------- ------ -.-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ��,,,�,� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 10 Adopted by the Council.__...............-�. -- lot's YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FEB n__......,... Approved _.-._..............--------------------------------------_... HODGSON /J McDONALn SUDHEI\fER `J WENZEL ............ :................ Y..,... / � Mayor. F.— C A 13 (lA l '�.g1�9. / �i v rp CITY OFSAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE No_ _____ TO OViltl� �OF THE MPTROLLER CITY CLERKRES. NO.______ 4T----.- AUDITED CLAIM 'At LUTION FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE R.. ON THE DATE 92 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ------- ----------- COVERING CO ROL CHECKS NUMBERED___Zl.Q ----- To -.13-39---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - ---- — ------ OF THE CITY COMPTRO *ER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i !]11■1 • - .. CHECKS NUMBERED 12}4 !' _ 'SUDH EIM ER, - AGAINST To - -� OMPTROL I NCLUSIV E., AS PER.CHE(jKS ON FILE Irt THE OFFICE- �- ;;T ,:., WENZEL, - - _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - MR PRF YES ( V ) COUNGIL.MEN NAYS ,. ' TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION ' CHECK , IIS. FAVOR OF ^ NUMBER BY J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT -- LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING - TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS _ - PUBLIC ' .CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER -. ' BOND ACCOUNTS FUNDS _ ACCOUNTS S'. GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING ACS uieat REVOLVING BROUGHT FORWARD d 1142 3l 474319.75 ..277 492.45 60 039.68; 40 12 10 89 561 84 33318 . 1(d0 .00 1�3 .75 2 828 79 4 03752 4 1310 Aome yleotrio Company50 10 450 10 1311 Isdor Rosz 131332 " 2 912 70 4 646 oo ��" 2 912 70 4 64g 090 13i�+ H 1 19713 �a i i7i 584 1315 8 572 87 20 8 572 97 1316 H. A. albaohten 20 00 00 1317 John D. Anderson 4 49 1318 Cable Piano Company 8 3 803 1319 rest side Grocery.00W)any 2381 23 81 1320 M. G. Fossum & Company 61 3 61 3 1321 Kane Grocery Com -)any 20 6 20 66 1322 K. 0. Grocery 17 73 G 14 73 I} �I 1323 T. P. Lundeen 4 09 4 R 09 4 24 0. R. Miokelsen 132 Minnesota LPw Review 3 00 3 00 I' 132 Musio & Youth 2 00 2 00 1327 National Eduoation AeaoolatiOM of the United States 2 00 2 00 1328 Northern .states Power Comrany 4 238 02 3 233 50 1 004 521 l 1329 or.nge Judd Farmer 1 00 1 00 1330 Roach Fowler Publishing Comp y 110 001 110 00 1331 Cart,'". s0hulz 24 06 24 06 �I 1332 "Ve intendent's offloe 734 70 fi 1333 Tri-state Tolephone & Telg. 0 1334 Tri—tate Tele hone & Telg. Q . . 283 162 70 282 62 16 100 Sul 1335 Capitol 3tptlonery Mfg. Com-' 1336 nenoyer_Geopert & Company y 36 22 1 484 95 36 22) 1 484 95 li 1337 arise Clara 0. Glenn 6 75 675 jl i 1338 Perry Swenson & Hakanaon it 510 00 510 00 II i I Y II �I Ili I 1, l II � SHEET TOTAL-- FORWARD 942 31 503 591 97 r 283 702 51 61 144 74 41 672 20 110 558 94 333 1� 100 00 13 75 2 929 79 , 4 037 5211 2 75 Now, A4;. �pp{C "WA CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' COUNCIL TMKL FILE NO. TO RES. NO. _4.7 _____"_._ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER "/ / _ to 1 Q } CLA NCY. CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIONFORM vPERGUSON.----��� - IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL F " ' �✓yF�/`)�� CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /HOD GSON. v • D caiV mien i "✓ J. _ s _. _•.\'- - i __ COVERING ✓McDONALD. /y!APPROVED 25i227a 2P__-------___ CHECKS NUMBERED ]J10 1013ffi_-_-_ /SUDHEIMER. AGAINST < OM PTROL - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZE L. '- _ - - ------ ----- - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES (\') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) PER TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION - ---- -- CHECK -"-- IN FAVOR OF BY� LOCAL SPECIAL FU - NUMBER TRANSFER. DISBURSEMCNT IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST PUBLIC BANK GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS 5�;.' CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS GARAGE MIWMVM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING A.- - ` REVOLVING 'I tudi BROUGHT FORWARD 842 31 474 19.75 _277 492,45 6o o39 68 4o 712 10 89 561.94 333.18 100.00 13.75 2 928 79 4 037 52 42 75 1310 Acme y'leotrio Company 0 10 I 450 10 1311 Isdor Rosenkranz 2 2 g570 2 912 790 1312 4 131 " i 197]3 s4 1 1 94 II 131 " 8 572 97 572 97 131 H. a. klbaohten - 20 00 1 - ,w . 20 00 I 1317 John D. Anderson 8 3 00 803 48 1 ' 1318 Cable Piano Company 1319 TIst aide Grocery Company 23 81 2381 1320 N. G. rossum & company 61 3j 61 317 ! 1321 Kane Grocery CoMnany 20 6 20 6b 1322 K. 0. Grocery 17 73 17 73 1323 ,g. P. Lundeen G 099 IE 09 4 :"N, Mickelsen 4"24 4 24 132Minnesota Lr'w Review j 3 00 3 00 1326 Music & Youth i; 2 00 2 00 1327 Nationalduoation Aesooiati of the United States 2 00 2 00 ! l 1328 Northern 3tateB Power Com -any 4 238 02 3 233 50 1 004 5211 1329 Orr a Judd faer 1 00 1 00 1330 Roach rmFowler Publishing Com-,•y 110 00 110 00 1331 Carl 's. 30hulz 24 061 24 o6 jl 1332 'I>perintendentle Office 3. 0 3 70 13333 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Q I 282► ! 282 34 133+ Tri—tate Tele hone & Telg. C . 162 70 62 16I 100 541 133bCapitol stationery mfg. Come y 36 22 36 22� b nsnoysr_Geopert & Com -any 1 4�4 95 j 1 484 95' 1337 -Aiaa Clara G. Glenn i� 6 75 6 75 i! 1338 Perry Swenson & Hakanson I 510 001! j 510 00 I II I V I'I j Ij i1 Ij j II II 'i i; �, 'I , Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY.CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA7 couNca No----37C3rf1 -, RLL8. February ll* 192.6 r. In the matter of changing the grade of South Robert Street from Plato Avenue to Wood Street.elso grading and paving South Robert Street from the north line of Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #63048, approved Nov. 13, 1928, and Final Order C. F. #64106, approved January 26. 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Work* for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works, be and he is hereby authorized to construct the railing on the bridge approach by Force Account and the remainder of the work to be advertised for bids. ✓Sudheimer ......Q... --.Against ✓Wenzel ✓ Mr. President Adopted by the Council ._..--- . ---- -------------192...... CITY OF ST. .PAUL r�Rea. NO.._..0=3y4 ' , \ OFFICE AF THE CITY CLERK \\; COU L-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM \\ /� February 11. 1926 DATE^_—.____._—_...._......__._. RESOLVED In the matter of changin;T the grade of South Robert Street from Plato Avenue to �.,00d street.sluo grading and paving South itobert Street from the north line of Fillmore Avenue to Concord Street, under Preliminary Order C. #63048, approved Nov. 13, 1926, and Pin:31 Order C. #64106, approved January 26, 1926. iiESOLVnD, that the plans, specific -tions and estimated quanti`ies as submit'.ed by the uommisaioner of 'Public ".orke for the above named Improvet:eut, be and '.hc same are hereby approved, and hNSOLVL•'D UhTli&a, yhat the Commissioi,er of Public t,orkd, be ai.d he is hereb,, authorized to oonstruet the railinK on the bridge approach by Force Account and the remainder of the work to be advertised for bids. 1� Jere -",,f W VA 80 a bf 00* 1 REB 1 1 im COUNC MEN Yeas Nays y Adopted by the Council ............. -.......................... 19'L...-.- Glancy EB1 1 1 _--------- 192 Farg— --_ - Approved ...... : ...........------------ Hodgson ............. In favor -MaDuffa- -- ............... .. .........._........---................ -- MAYOR Sudheimer Z....Against Wenzel Mr. President � e' Yeas CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCILM 0444 IL " FO No------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK' $ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM IERR_` - --- _ onrc February 11, 1926 VW In the matter of grading - Harvester Ave. "from Ruth Ave. to Nokomis Ave. Ruth Ave. from Harvester Ave. to Stillwater Road Mohawk Ave. from Harvester Ave. to Stillwater Road Manitou Ave. from Harvester Ave. to Stillwater Road, and Nokomis Ave.'from Harvester Ave. to Stillwater Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #60620, approved June 30, 1925, and Final Order C. F. 361849, approved Sept: 29, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. C. t No, 64449—:''_—_ erory H, �oDoua"id-. In theigatter of'gradingy, 'Harve Ave.Ave. from Ruih Ave, to Nokomis A Ruth-Ave. from HarvesteT,ve, -.to StMob¢Ler Road: \ tjll W7c AVe. from Harvester Ave. to a nitOUter Road. Meilwa Ave..adM HArvestor Ave. toNokomis t Ave.ot urn Hnrveater Ave. to Stillwater Road, under Prer Ave. € T nu eC80, 1925, and Flnal2prdar C�F. NO 81847, aproved Sept. EB, 1926. /~f Resolved, That the ylaae, 1 1925,apec'flca- 1 `' l tions anfl, the C ted quantltieb as sub- t mittefl by the CM of Public L, Works for the above named /mprove- 1 ` Provmefiti be and Lire Same are. hereby ap- . Adopted by the Council PeD. 11, 1926. Approved 1reb. O 19z8 CNeb. 1V.1928) r 1 1 COUNCILMEN Nays ems— t/ rri— Hodgson .......In favor nen is Sudheimer ).......Against Wenzel Mr. President no l Adopted by the Council .............................. 192...... fallen Approv ...... ------ ......---.....192...... -- MAYOR M (444 / COU—IL OF PAUL rRe NO ------ 6- _ Al.-!! _ _ OFFICE OF T CITY CLERK CO 1 L 1 —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �_�.- February 6,1926 COMMISSIONER .. -DATE-_.._-.._..._____.____..___.._ ................._._ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Iafa.yor and the Comptroller, 500 feet of 22" 4 -ply rubber covered hose at a cost of not to exceed $512.50, without advertisement or com_jetitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Public Works -Sewer Repairs 12-A5-132 COUNCILMEN Yeas!! Nays 61dancy Fergus o ✓tiodgeo .-....-.--In favor McDonald - 06udheimer-.-_----..Against yVr. Pr zel Mr. President Adopted by the Council.......-- 11Lel... I 19 ... ...... 192...... Appt ved-------t-L1�-- --i--�119---------.......�----------- wYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - FousRoa NO...... J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ± ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED er February 11, 1926 PRESEN ED BY • DATE__.___..______.__....__...._.._.._._._._............_ SONI RESOLVED That application Ho. 811 for conducting a Restaurant at 171 Piest Fourth Street issued to Louis Capra be -and the same is hereby denied upon recopliaendation of the Bureau of Police on account of violation of the liquor law. . ' C Reeolved44That8 a pllcat o�:� N 611 for conducting 4 ,A6stahrg4 :a0 141 West Fourth Strcet; Yasubd to Lossie Capra be<ehd the -sea id is" hereby de- isd upoq 'recommesilatlon of the Bureau o! Police-n-ace-ount of ¢Iola- Una of the liquor law. Adopted by the Council Feb. 11, 1926. Approved Feb. 11, 1926. (Feb. 20-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Claney Hodgson ��......In favor Sudheimer .............Against Wenzel ill P e.id_r ..scih N "'At"—d Hie. a..._ Mn�n,a�e fill t I" Adopted by the Council ------...----- ------ --------------- 19'2---- FEB 1 1 Approved....__.....__... -----........-----192...--- -------------- MAYOR tae CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM owTE__..._Febrllar�}r 11j-1926.......... RSD v WHEREAS, Lofgren and aterous have made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul One (1) Auburn auto car, Motor No. 55202, State License No. B726802, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insur ce Company Policy No. 602565, and owned by said Lofgre an Wateroua, and 0 R'HEREAS, Lofgren and Waterdus, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 have filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Lofgren and Naterous to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city, of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. �• F. No.'64451—By J. X Clancy— Whereas, Lofgron and Wateroua have made application for license to prate upon the streets or the City of St. Paul One (SI -Auburn auto car, Mo - B -86862, 0620 State Licenee No. bile In, covered dCby Bullaog Automo- d 602666, aad owned by said &-fgcY No. Wateroua• ,ane Sten and Whereas,..Lofgren and Wateroua, in a000rdanco with O'rdlno on No.. 6,866 haveHledcopy t insurance Do icy aP1th the CIty of St. Paul, and Bald poI- 'Y has been .approved ae to form by it corporation counsel; thor. Ore. be saideIufg en and IW.t.-.. tbe o operate said auto car. upon the I rest. of the Qtly of Bt. Pain subject to the Dro_ . sa.duord;nanca hat Adopted by the Council Feb. 11, 1688. Approved Feb. 11 1988. jFeA 80-1111. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Hodgson In (acol ,*..aoBoneld %) ✓" Sudheimer ...f........Against Wenzel M.. S ontl Vlc. Pun. Mcf�.+naltl FU Adopted by the Council *26---------------- *26 ... .... . .. .. ...19'1...... Approved ----------.192-..-. MAYOR CITY OFFICE O COUNCIL RUO y cou"ci� NO. ----- 452 IsciM 5 w..o. - - PRESENTED BY tha. Da9ment.dnto the sits t eaevrr °! February 11 1926 the Customary. fee i rro ....___._. _ J......_.... COMMISSIONER._ I --- "—'- Jphn 2. Wt leen 316 WI'19th et. 611 I.,e,.l°`wa Y. :4 RESOLVE That the appliaat' ns or lie ,ses of-tisKe:'f8'1lowing persons for con uoting businesses at thedresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: John I. 'Willson, Vasil Lemenowsky, Sohweid h Calef, Sohweid & Calof, W. R. Anderson, Bate Thomssen, Theo Trantenella, Carl V. Nelson, Jos. F. Rosenthal, Carmine Bussa, C. F. Rauenhorst, M. Kaufmann, C. M. Anderson, E. M. Berger, Thos, MoDermott, Blum & Grimm, Jos. Rybak, Rybak Bros., Wm. J. Briggs, S. P. Marbeck, Fred Bahneman, Fred Bahneman, Olaf Nelson, 7k. J. Briggs, Braunig & Son, Tom Moore, E. A. Otto, The Michel Co., C. J. Sonnen.Co., M. Senensky, A. L. Cornelius, Berman Thiede, Boosalis Bros., Anderson do Grout, Jos. G. Patook, ­UQUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel 118 W. 10th St., Grocery 1022 Earl St., " 1818 w. Minnehaha St. Butcher 1818 W. Minnehaha St., Grocery 2039 Como Av., W. " 566 Broadway St., Confectionery 606 Jackson St., Grocery ' 366 E. 7th St., Confectionery 217 Charles St., Grocery 1386 Furness St., Confectionery 539 No. Grotto St., Grocery 856 E. 7th St., " 926 Rios St., Bakery 537 No. Dale St., Grocery 121 S. Restern Av., Grocery 823 E. 7th St., Con£ -drug 943 W 7th St., Butcher 476 S. Snelling Av., 923 E. 7th St., Confectionery 1146 Rias St., Butcher 1955 Arcade St., Grocery 1055 Arcade St., Butcher 911 Payne Av., Dairy 923 E. 7th St., 4 pool tables 217 Maria Av., Grocery Overland Bldg., Confectionery 361 Earl St., Conf-drug 391 Rios St., Grocery 1814 Selby Av., " 263 IN. Central Av., " 761 Mississippi 3t., " 1051 Payne Av., " 31-33 N. 7th St., Confectionery 1232 Payne Av., Dairy 1176 Arcade St., 4 pool tables ................ In favor VI" rM,n, Adopted by the Council.._ Approved.....- -.- w] 192...-.. • - ' � 34452 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL rlLe NO.-.__.-....-.---------- • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR— D aY Feb 11 1926 _........... ___ RESOLVED ` -2- Saunders, R. Saunders, 2179 St, Clair Sit., ; Confectionery Maruska & 936 E,, 6th St., Grocery Olaf Lee, 953 Arcade St., Confectionery Olaf Lee, 908. Payne Av., " Anna Palon, 1278 Selby Av., Grocery Otto A. Xohle, 738 Thomas St,, " Mike Brawn, 321 Burgess St., R Nolan Bros., 43 S. Cleveland Av., " M. F. Vaughan, 420 S. Ramline Av„ F. J. Setterholm, 1082 Payne Av... " Bilbow Amusement Co. 406 Minnesota St., Confectionery Olson -Boxman Co., 690 Wheeler�Av., Grocery = Woods Chocolate Shop, 4 W. 5th St. ,Confectionery A.G. Sjellberg, 872 Payne Av. Grocery P. G. Malmstrom, 1037 Payne Av., " Poolrooms ere 1000 feet from schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays ✓Clanry _9_9L_ y V/Hodgson J -...... In favor Mc•Bonalct-"— !, �/`Sudhei—er ..._0 ...... Against /Wenzel Mr. Soeorstl Vlcs Pry, Mco....� w Adopted by the Councilzt 1W 1 J'- ---- ----_------------- ------------- App oved.-.... X26 192- MAYOR _'�t4itcv­7/ %J� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION�NERALORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___..._. ----- C UN IL No...---- 4453 f � - RESOLVED r Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Councils in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said em- ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. e proper THEREFOREE IT officers named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours Rate of Over- time Frank urassal supervisor of laygrounds 7 c •92 COUNCILMEN Yeas /- ✓ Clancy Nays — ✓' Hod __.�.In favor bfeBoasld--- ✓Sudheimer ..........-Against Wenzel Mr.; President FEe t r Adopted by the Council._ -...--------- ....................192.-.--- Ap roved... F 1?x...............192.-..-. ""' MAYOR (Qttg of ft taut T Department of forks, 111ng9rounbs an0 Ilukl"u Alutidings c� GEORGE L NASON. 6wr. Or PM1Ka HERMAN b. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, 8YA'. OF PU- IRVING C. PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER PRANK X. TEWES. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER CRY A1KNrt¢r 219 COURT HOUSE ' February 11, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing athletics. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: rkthletic programs put on evenings required supervision. Yours very truly, Commissioner. smeatt9n 3tdp9 t9 !take iorttei Gltitara9 11 0 OF SAINT PAUL ONCIL CITY C UE QUA12RUPLICATE FIL. NO.----344-54- TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CrrY CLERK RES. NO. ---5-Q -- - ----- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AT]: ---7-- 92— CITYTHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF - COVERING C$HECKS NUMBERED _-T INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - - — - .R --- I-Qt"� ------------ — -- — --------- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. — - TOTAL RETURNED CHECK n IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD t F. No. 64454�� — be dron That checks be �g the City Treasury, to c aggregate amount of $12,603.45, covering checks 1378 to I287 inclusive, the 1.1.he per becks fil c In the office of City COW tr-il­ C—cli Feb. 11, 1926. II Ad.plsd by "I.. APProved Feb. 11,1926. 926) - t.. �'� - - " - _ i3t6�?;• 1'5 1,3 7M i SPECIAL - - ` _.r ' _ � _ c/. r I x. _ y I ..c-. .. I.n/r-i .;F .'f•� . n x._ � ..LTAI.v. Fjw�M 9VFi •i/� .r � r F-_. ._. s 1 ... __—__— _2 31 521 135 �, 286 �t.. 6 100 00 13 75 35 29 � k 106 03' 42 M 031 7 79= 7� 20 111 292 501 j 1 336 91 2 8 1379 L Z. ;.ohz ares, cora r. o f Fin. " 6 815 531 3 533 03 1 505 00 1 777 50 f 13a 'rwt095 W1 1 095 50 1381 Ra rd -I on I-,faer 280 00 � 280 00 6 2W ?. ;;;Ilfn: & Can any 92 61' 92 61 13$77 Fiools, Dean & 17egg 21 94 9 Ti 12 2 I 1384 1' ,rton ^ire 174 90; �! j� 174 901 1395 t.r»ui leotrio cm ,may a_ 4950 00 I 4950 001 Y 1396-..nborn K:*; Com -my 56 55`55 5 6 1387 '1-1► 7per Com any 116 42' 116 42 1 e I' is li 9 274 I � 2 935 29 I� 4 l06 0 '�' 42 75 s1icLT TOTAL ---FORWARD 842.31 I' 534- 738 295 757, 76 364 114 'll 672 20 1,14. 165 5 34.914 3 (. e i _. COVERING 'U6_ALD. Mc - .. A- - COM PTROLLER . CHECKS NUMBERED 137} --TO 1387- . SUDHEIMER.G-13,60 AGAINST . _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FI,�E IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. WENZEL. J •--. I COUNCILMEN NAYS (�') .4 - j�PNP -- PER M, 6..a.d Vice Pres. McDonald n CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL I RETURNED Br �� _ _ _ DISTRIBUTION SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC ' - - TRANSFER ' CHECKS DISBJRSEMENa� CH CKS BANK 1 GENERAL WATER LOCAL SINKING "'- I IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS TRL ST ACCOUNTS GARAGE - ITORIU. I BUILDING SPRINKLING Ii FORESTRY AC OLS:.: REVOLVING BROUGHT FORWARD i, 942 31 II 521 135 oar i 26 75.03 74 792 a� >�1 67 20 .i 111 292 50 ' II 336 91� 100 00l I� 4 lo6 03 42 75 13 75 f 2 X35 e9 I 1379 L.C.Hodgeon, Com'r. of Fin. i 6 815 53�; �� � 3 533 03i 1 505 � 1 777 50,IIII II 1380 Potlar Lamettl 1 095 50I1 I 1 095 50.', I� 13 81 Etaad:Lloi>i Ll:�mor, �I 280 00�;' '� 280 ooI' ji d 1382 ti.K. Mulford & Com any 92 63J I I� 92 61 i I 1383 Niools, Dean & Gregg I, 21 9 9 71 I'I 12 2 1384 Norton Tire Comp^ny 174 901 I! 1 �� 174 901 1385 't.11?ul ^leotrio com any 4 950 ool 4 950 oo I 'I 1 1386 »nborn Elan mom ,�,y �6 551i 56 55 �I II I 1387 Vrn -i-per Com --ny 116 421' 116 42 1� I II'I � II I I e I V Ili i If I �I i,; 111 I 1 f - n I . f I I II i I II 'I I II ' 1 I li 11 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD842..311 °. 534 73� _. _ 295 l,7 76 364 11} 2 20+ 114.16 �. 67 5 5 I 349 14 274 9 _ 13 75� 2 835 291 4 106 0 42 75 COUNCIL JR2111"TE CITY OF SAINT FA'" FILE NO.TO OFFICE OF THECOMF.ROLLER FEa 1 1RES.'NO:--- rjfi ---MOWN - CLERK ✓ CLANCY. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �' -✓.-.- - IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ✓ HODGSON. DATE L�J2 -� 0-1�- riot—.D-0 P.LD. D '41x7 ,�1; 5 3,-6 - - - -_. COVERING _ AGAINST Y APP OVE SUDHEIMER.---- ---- �/• -��` I- �' CHECKS NUMBERED. , BY - -173--. TD --1387---- -- -- - - -. - - - - _. COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE � WENZEL. . {") COUNCILMEN NAYS OF TH[ CITY COMPTROLLER. - � Pr BS M�DpR.Id --_ PER .._. - -. - $.Conti a(1C0 CHECK TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF _ SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER �� I BY �A LOCAL TRANSFER iii DISBURSEM1ICN� SINKING TRUST PUBLIC SUNDRY BANK GENERAL+103:�!" WATER IMPROVEMENTBUILDING gCCOUt:TS CHECKS I� CHECKS ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE�411�T�DRIUNI_SPRINKLING II FORESTRY REVOLVING _. )� BROUGHTFORWARD �i I� I I .I 2 835 29 i, 4 106-031 42 75 842 31 521 135 o3U 286 785 74 792 88 41 67� 20 -. 111 292 - 50 336 9 100 00 13 75 i 1379 L.'1.ilodgson, Com'r. of yin. �'; 6 815 531 3 533 031 1 505 00 1 777 5011i • 1380 Peter Lametti 1 095 501 Ii 1095 5011 b L 1381 sagd:,leu I1Aimer 280 00l 280 00 I 1382 H.K. vulford & Com any 92 61!; 92 61 it i I, �I ii II I i li 1353 Iaiools, Dem & Gregg 21 94j' �I it - 9 71 °I 12 23� II i; N II 1354 Norton lire Oom��^ny 174 90i i'' i ], 'Iii 17 1 4 90, � 1385 't.Peul ^leotrio com any 4 950 oo, ° 4 950 001' 1386 --inborn Man Com ny 56 5556 55 %1 1387 V-,,n ^-per Com nny 116 42 116 42 � II II h i if 7-7 IOU -- a:f • H k I l 7 + � , ( f •I � � I j _ s i 1 1 CITY-O�'rSAINT PAUL FILE NO._____3-44-5__ QUADRUPLICATE - To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO. -A-9 --- - ----- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 2-11 2-11,92 6 { � DATE– CITY ITRE�I�U�Y � THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED_______ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE M LED— TOTAL RETURNED CHECK 4 IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS_ _ � a ----- – - - ~ BROUGHT FORWARD ` I i .k li Ij NII N. I I I lhe Tr That amouCltye ehrc nt easur ke Dean tl �� t°ovhee °n. i h°red 4,,192 .73 86 en CItY Cocke on tO 137 erin Sate I , I ADDrodbFeb.11j unofl I„ bl slot the 1 • �'�� --- Y -1 a 7) COVERING BY r _ __.;. ._..� _ -___ CHECKS RNUMBERED ,_1.�L_ TO .._1376 __._ LLE- �ryCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON .FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER CHECK TOTAL I R�RN�. IN FAVOR OF ^ R NUMBER II ITANSFER DISBURSEMENT BROUGHTFORWARD LOCALSINKING IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS 1341 Air Reduction sales oomnany TRUST ACCOUNTS 1342 A.merioan Gas Accumulator Co.. 41 672 20 1343 American Physical,Fduontion Aaeociation 1344 American Radiator Comnany 333 1 1345 Atlantio Book & Art Corporat on a Company 134 Badger Mater 1346 Auto Brake ieit& any Braunig &son 1349 Brown, Blodge Company_ 1 1350 Cmpbeli Coal Comnany 1351 Ca.)itol LaundrX Company 1352 Central Auto Top oomnany 1353 Centrnl scientific Company 1354 Cantr^1 cap Gompan 1355 Thomas Charles Compaany 135b Clear Type Publishing Comp anly 1357 Coohran-. )argent Comr,any 20 1358 The Compton Company j 1359 George n. Doran 1360 nrewryy & gone 1361 "leotlia Blue Print Company 1362 "lk Linen Supply Comnany Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Com,-, y n n n n 136. II 69 5 I, it n n n A 1366 n x n n 1367 Gamon Meter Company 1368 Golden Rule 1369 Hackett, Gates, Harty Compare 1370 The HRmm Brewing Company 1371 J. '!. Hulme Company 1372 Robert -9. Hunt Company 6 50 I V I i! I 1373 International Time Reoordirg Co. 1374 Keystone View Company 1375 The La Salle company i 6 League of Minnesota Muria. iI I�I i l II i, 1377 Libra%V Bureau 41 672 20 1378 Moritz Loeffler & Company 2 31 516 942 3 44 5 25 7 9 16 � 15 t5 6 2 42 235 5 2660 98 0 32 5 260 7 loll 2 56 2 3 i6; 2 X12 5 73 0 666 ii 3 122 1 GENERAL 293 7427. 51 41 6<, 4 5( 2 5c 11 8e 15 U 25 OC 59 61 to o4 13 75 235 20 210324 0 00 32 50 260` 1i76 lol 24 56 21 1b1 06 69 oo 112 57 2 25 636 45 66 o9 1 75 - .. �� /$U DH EIMER. _ __� AGAINST ./ WENZEL. _.._ __ COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) _... -_.. Mr. S.ee - 17ISTRIRLITION - - WATER 74 470 01 j 33 71 5 32 6 14 s 45 oc 57 1 73 0J 56 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 942 31 j521 135 031 286 785 03 74 792 88 BOND LOCALSINKING IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS SPECIAL FUNDS _ e• PUBLIC GARAGE M SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING IT R9UREVOLVING 41 672 20 110 5519 333 1 loo oc 13 75I 2 928 79 4 037 5 42 75 1 453.8 20 j II 69 5 I, it �i 257 32 22 47 jl 6 50 I V I i! I I v i iI I�I i l II i, 41 672 20 111 292 501 I 1 336 9 loo 00 ! I � i 13 75 2 1935 29 4 lo6 031 42 75 , TRfikItLAATE 1. RES. No. tt11AA ' -CITY CLERK — ` 9--------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE 2119/26 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 42ggTO COVERING _ BY 7 - -_ ----- CHECKS NUMBERED. T_ 13L C PT LLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CH ECKS TON FILE IN TFFE FFICE PEP OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF WATER BOND TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT —. BANK CHECKS CHECKS- 1341 BROUGHTFORWARD 942 31 516 9442 45 Air Reduotion sales Comnany 6 1342 Mr, Secnrnd Vue prem 1lcQyrtd nmerioRn Cas Accumulator Co.. REVOLVING 1343 Amerioan Physioal Trduoation 15 1 1344 1341 Aasooiation Amerioan Radiator Comnany Atlnntio Book & 2 5 Z 8 59 61 Art Corporat on 16 g 134 1347 lato Brake 3ervios Company Badger 1 1348 Meter company 33 1349 Braunig & gone Brom, Blodgett & company 15 1350 Cambell coal Camnany t}>j� g 1351 Capitol Laundry Company 59 6 1352 Central Auto Top Cam~Zany 2 1353 Centrnl goientifio Comnsny 42 135 central ^oap- Company Thomas Charles Com -any 13 31 5 135 Clear Type Publishing Com,�n235 1357 1358 Coohran_,argent Com -,any The Compton Company 88 0 j!' 260 1359 1360 Coorge TT. noran wry nrevrryy &sone 9 1361 1362 Blue Print aompa y ! 2 5 iI O 130 1k Linen ,up -17 Com- znp Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Com- y 2 O 26]0 1365 " n a !, 106 2 1366 N n n n n 5 1367 1368 Gamon Ueter Company Golden l �' 2`7 30 1370 Rule ! The Hamm Brewing company pan li 572 6 16; 2 1371 1372 J. I% Hulme Com^any Robert '% Hunt Company 112 5 13 139 International Time Re Co. � 0 1376 Keystone View Comnan The La Salle Company y 666 4 1377 Libr a of tTinneeotR Munio. nrgr Bureau122 33 1378: Moritz 6 Loeffler•& Company 1 � 4Pd CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTRCLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - CLANEY, GENERAL WATER BOND 283 727 51 74 470 01, 41 672 ---_i,{-. -.- AGAINST / WENZEL. 45 SUh::Rr 25 Mr, Secnrnd Vue prem 1lcQyrtd 11 8 REVOLVING DISTRIBUTION 33 71 15 1 TRUST 25i ACCOUNTS 59 61 ACCOUNTS 10 32 6 13 75 I 15 235 260 2 6 31! 30 99 50 W, 15 4 26o 776 3.3 101 24 i 56 211 45 0 611 101 57 1 OOI 1169 2 57 73051 22',� 161 lo' 636 45 66 o9 56 6o�I 1 75 - CLANEY, SPECIAL FUNDS 11�. HODGSON. _.__. __ _ IN FAVOR . SUDHEIMER. ---_i,{-. -.- AGAINST / WENZEL. PUBLIC BUILDING SUh::Rr V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) Mr, Secnrnd Vue prem 1lcQyrtd REVOLVING DISTRIBUTION LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST 4 037 5 ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE L 110 55g 453 257 3 I'. I; 22 4 1� 333 1 2 COENCIL No. F" I I 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -_-------- - APPR - IAM - 68 5 i i i I I II I 6 501 �I f! SPECIAL FUNDS " ITO RaIdM SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUh::Rr REVOLVING ACCOUNT .4 los 13 75; 2 1928 79 4 037 5 42 75 68 5 i i i I I II I 6 501 �I f! r I h1 F � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO.____a4456 TO OFFICe6Ff ThE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK AUD D CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO. -e -Z - ----- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE :4- - 9 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF — - — --------- _ COVERING -- ---- — --- ------ ----- ---- 'k COM :HECKS NUMBERED______ 2� -7—TO--/,.— INCLUZVE. A C Fir HECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE S 0 OF THECITY 0 ROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN OR OFBY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT f BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ..56— drawn checks be d1on the City Treasury, to the aG' "g"' amount of ­erl.. he. -- as numbered I.111) the .c. , the per checks on file I City Comptroller Council Feb. 11, 1926. 't"'y ' o,.d Wt.' , 'ppP(Feb. I113-19261926.)__ SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ;FORM 034 1000 7.24 • 'a. . ;; 9 ,_r__*_. •. .- - _[] vCHECKS NUMBERED.... 13"3.9.._-_ .. co/�- TO}�V-----___ Y - SUDHEIMER: jW -__.._�. _AGAI'NST i -.....,� - COM PT ON FILE IN THE OFFICE, - INCLUSIVE, _ - of THE CITY AS PER CHECKS COMPTROLLER. - COUNCILMEN NAYS (V 1 — DISTRIBUTION --.-- --- TOTAL RETURNED — _ —_. - - - - - ';I SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF BV �� BOND Lo:AL SINKING IMPROVEMENT TRUST PUBLIC SUI�Gfiv FOR ESTRV - NUMBER . TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS GENERAL WATER ,) ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE ��jjOjTDp,jjlM SPRINKLING ACCOU^!i, REVOLVING CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD $42 31 503591. 9 .. 293 702-51 61 144 fI �1-1672 20 110 559.94 333.1 100.00 - 13.75 1 2 929 79 I 4 037 .52 42 7500 1339 Rom: m 'ielineki 25 ?5 • 1340 !l. J. mnnre � lJolin Brothese 13 325 33 13 325 33'' �, � II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 842 71. k516 942 30� �p 'I 293 727 74 47007 i 672 20 110 558 84 r 33i 18� Inn nn� 'I' 7= N P OOA1 70 IL ^-A -y eo 11.5OTC �� C� J TRWtye}TE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL - --- - -� CITY CLRK RES. NO. 4S ----- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRRWN ON THE COUNCIL NO ry/ AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTIDN FORM cLANCY. DAT ylp _'• �. CITY TR(:ASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF rrR(^I IGI+ il -Al - 5___---- 13,550+3-3__- COVERING J HODGSON. IN FAVOR PT -- --- _ _ _ - CHECKS NUMMBBEREDT_7—'1 BY THE j _-_-TO- _ �_l ZZ2�Q 1 ADOPTED COMPT - yJ J -r- 1340.______ _ COUN CIL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE `� SU DH EIMER. ------�'-___AGAINST APPR D_. .CLO ], J R i� -.-� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. JWENZEL, I-_ N. IN FAVOR YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ------ -- _ __ CHECK NUMBER OF TOTAL RETURNED R MA, — •' le ARO A BY �� - - - DISTRION IBUT TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT- --- CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL LOCAL SINKING WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ' ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS B. _ GARAGE ��u�T±iB�M SPRINKLING PUBLIC BROUGHT FORWARD FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY �2 31 503591, REVOLVING ACCOUNT, 1339 Ronan 'lelineki 283 702.51 61 144: 41-672 20 110 � 559.94 �5 00 333.1 100.00 13 75 2 928 79 i 4 037 52 42 75 1340 P. ".Moore t# tAoliA Brothers 13 325 33 13 325 33 ii r petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No -------- - " r' 34- 1,7 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .......... ya._79 Xdgauml)s Roa&-.frkom-.SOhSff.or--.A.Ve.----to MG]Ttrea-1 --- Ave.---vith ---------------- .__sewer. water and _gp�� --- MeAns tO --- PrOPeMtY -------- . ......... A .................. --------- lines __00jnp��:qj --- rq�a47 Ma4e.....41so .-Cur-bIng --- and -.-Paving ........ ............. ...... -- ---- ---- driv y!qy where ... no-ceasary . . ........... ---------- ...... ............... .......... q Dated this-- ----- ........... day of ---- ----- ---------------- . ...... ---- - -✓------_. -- -- ----------------- A, WrItOw'Propom tu at 4t, I IN r6now PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS? A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------­---- Pame Edge-umbe Road__tr0nL--8.ehef_fer Ave— ..to--liontre-Al Ave— V1 sewer __.wat_e_r ---- and__j9qA --- qP !Kt.1�0AA- _f�r_QM ... g_t_rest_.ma_ina_.t_0. -Ar-OPertY - ------ line ---------- . .......... ... se 1ftcM rkq.t; Already Meda.,-- R113 -O.. eurbi� and..P&VjljrW ... .... qXP driveway and alleT -- ------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------------- I ----------------------_- ... having been presented to the Council of the City of It. Paul --------- ------ - --- -- ------------------------------ --------------_-------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cyst thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of threp, or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- -------- ------- EF.R.1-A Im ................. YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY XLEVIGU60.1;­ -HoDasoN- MG 40N*bI4,- SUDIIEIIIER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT F- C A 13 (1 e.1 325) FE13 I I IM Approved.--------------------------------------------------------------- Op ........... -----­-------- ------- Mayor. Council File No .... ... .............. ._....___------.._ .__..._._...------_.__ RATIFYING A89E88XMTe. I F. No. 6458— the matter of ' the-.essment of eneaneug. Ave.aYome Ottofor Ave sv CITY OF aai Ave., f• InW rawer. Resolution Ratifying° Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Snelling Avenue from Otto Avenue to Montreal Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, (Being part of under Preliminary Order._____.472284..._.,.. Intermediary Order49287. _. _.._.........( Final Order .................. e approved—Zan. 23, 1924 _pg3xx , A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—. .--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Coune�l f t$ 1 0 1926 192......._._ . ..... -.......... Clerk. 192..._._ Approved—.._'..................._................_............ .................... r .__, ayor. Form B. B. 18 _ �I CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT jan..-.._1.2.,.... 1926._... In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costs and expenses for V WCX paving Snelling Avenue from Otto Avenue to Montreal Avenue, including sewer, water and gas I onnections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order A7284-.. Intermediary Order _............ 492f} ..,.._......_......_. _. Being part of 49833...._ .......:................... approved_.........._1sn.r....._`L3.e...... 1.2`Z4...........,yiA�x........ final Order ....... . .................._------ -......._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for}and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Coat of construction - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $..... ........ ...... .......16..so- Cost of postal cards $....... ...__................ 3A Inspection fees $....._._......._..83,...6.8. Curbing - - - - ---- ------- 2,608. 2 16. _0, Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - $-------- -- -----• Total expenditures - - - - -- $...._.4%453.26. Less the sum of - - - - - - - - 22,364.43 (County Appropriation) 098-83 NET A�SSESSIr1EN` X20 amount Said Commissioner further reports t at he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....... ....... ..... k�0 098., fi3............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed ,by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action t ere�onnaas may �be�considered proper. v .. v! Form B. B. 17,Commis 'oner of Finance. -�-- . . lata 2nd. Laid over Y Adopted__._-- 3rd. &app. Yeas Nays Clancy Yeas Nays cy rguson Ferguson /�Iodgson Hodgson �/%QcDpnald McDonald dheimer Sudheimer Menzel Wenzel r, Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nelson — ORDINANCES._.. • - / C. F. No. 6McDon rdinanda No: 664( �ls .-jp� By T. H, McDonald - �� BY UUU An ordinance nettling7 . the claim Margaret Crawford against the, - of St. Paul u The Council of the Cr, of.° 6n ordinance settling the a+tNaea ordain: Crawford against 3ECTI6Ii; the *y of st. Paul. 1�E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sebtion 1. That the proper city officers be and they are tihreby autaorised to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, is F:<`R:.Poppei. as attorney for said Margaret Crawford, the sum o:r Three Hundred Dollars (0300.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising out of injuries sustained. -by her by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk on the northerly aide of Maryland street between Mendota and Arcade streets, on December 20th, 1934. Section 2. Said am of money shall be paid to said claimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the.Ctty, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council IRR - 3 1926 Teas Nays Mr lanoy rguson ,Hodgson ,,McDonald �udheimer ensel _/Mr. President (Nelson) SNAP Appr sd Mayor Attest '�ktp�'11 rk Ordinance No. L� By C. F. No. M4r'j�, An ordinance settling the claim of Margaret Crawford against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to z�e eR. =P.opp&; -- : _;, as attorney for said Margaret Crawford, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk on the northerly side of Maryland street between Mendota and Arcade streets, on December 20th, 1924. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to said claimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force e thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council MAR - 3192E Yeas Nays Mr/Clancy erguson odgson JdcDonald ,udheimer Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved MAR - � Mayor Attest w i City Clerk 'C' To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Margaret Crawford against the City of 9t. Paul for the sum of $300.00. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Asi tan C ration Counsel. v glevaAment of Naw ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ARTHUR A. STEWART CORPORATION COUNSEL ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON THOMAS W. WALSH February 15th, 1926. 'C' To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Margaret Crawford against the City of 9t. Paul for the sum of $300.00. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Asi tan C ration Counsel. Pw& ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ------ 6-1166— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C cl LUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMSSIONER____ . DATE .__......... __._.—_._...___._.._.._........._.........._. RESOLVED, That the offer of Rose Brothers Company to settle the claim of the city against said Company, of $49.45 for the breaking of an ornamental lighting post at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Third and Jackson Streets in said city on December 14, 1925, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue proper receipt and releases therefor.j1 c. F No. 84480—BY 0-, Crtarah ae I Reaolyed. That-tIQ A ,Brothers. Com�anY to:.ai �ttComhuaAYa`o hereby+�c�C'ePed, and -esare r tedtoissue props ,leases therefor. Adopted by the COU Approved Feb. 18. . (Feb. 20- COUNCIMMEN /� Yeas I�aYg / .Clancy /Ferguson ✓Hodgson ....../ (_._In favor McDonald I I ,/Sudheimer .............Against ✓Wenzel /Mr. President � Adopted by the Council .... FEB .......J ......_.. .__._...192..__ Approved .... FEB..1..g ---------------- 192...... . �----- .................................. MAYOR COURCII 4461 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl-cou NO......_ --___- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN�EU—BYs � _ Tr RESOLVED That the proper city officers beand•they are hereby authorized to pay to Dr . Leo A . Hilger the sum of #43.00 out of the Workmen) s Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Philip Mauer, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured November 20, 1925. )y the Council Feb. Feb. 16, 1020. " 1926. (Feb. 20-1926) omissioner of Public Works. Na • COUNCIL`SEN - Yeas s adopted by the Counci- ._Ee_�._8.�.....:-.-_192...... _ y ✓Clancy . ✓Fergaeon Approved-fF-i----- -j- --- G -V- 0 ------ ........ 192------ Hodgson ------ In favor ,McDonald V/ SudheimerMAYOR _----------- Against ,Wenzel ` y /Mr. President WBUS"M • , l 1. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FILENOIL No.. --6-44-62.. RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Dr. N. G. Mortensen the sum of $10.00 out of the Workmens' Compensation Account of the General Fund, for an examination of one Charles Stewart, an employe of the Department 0 of Public Works, for an alleged injury said to have. occurred on or about December 28th, 1925. �G F COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy / Ferguson /Hodgson ...... 2 ---- In favor / McDonald Sudheimer a -_--..Against Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 64462—By J. IL McDonald— Resolved, That the proper'eity`.alfi- cera are hereby authorized and direct- ed to pay to Dr. N. G. Mortensen the sum of $10.00 out of the Workmen' Compensation Account of the General - Pond. for an examination of. one Charles Stewart. an employe of the Department of Public Works, for an alleged Injury said to have occurred on or about Dec. 28th, 1926.' Adopted by the Council Feb. 16, 1926.. Approved Feb. 16. 1926. (Feb. 20-1826) Adopted IIy the Cotnall.Ps .a..-191 -........ 192...... Approved�F.............. r�--1- 192...... --'--'-..-. .-....� ................................. .:. - -- MAYOR A �dj CITY OF ST. PAUL OO-NCIL NO ------- �.7ZX_463 OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ir RESOLVED -That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to pay to John Banniok,,an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured December 2nd, 1925, the sum of $35.20 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including February 16th, 1926. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the proper city officers pay to St. Luke's Hospital the sum of $24.90 out of said fund, for services rendered to said John Bannick. ,- - „ a I CiOUNCILMEN leas Nays 'Clancy -Ferguson ' Hodgson ... -..In favor McDonald _ 0..Against /-Sudheimer i Wenzel ,ZiIr. President Resolved: That the�Droper eitY o[fi- be and they h to p are' erelay authorized to Day John BannicPubk, an gmploye oY the Department of Pub ed of llc Works inur- ed Dec. 2nd,1926; the a=. - of theWorkmen's Compeeatlon Ac-' count of the General 66d;'tn partial settlement of his claim, against the City,being for the period up to and including Feb. 16th, 1928. Resolved FurthBr, That the proper city officers pay to 9G LWJt HosplM the sum of {24.90 out of said fund, for services rendered to said John Ban - nick. Adopted by the Council Feb. 16, 1926. Approved Feb. 16, 1928.. (Feb. 20-1929) ssioner of Public Works. Adopted by the CounciFE8..1..&.----------.-192 Vt ApI 1'effis t 192. -- - = MFYOn CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.......D af..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM ---- RESOLVED That 411 e propercityofficers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Drs. Mitchell & Arnquist the sum of Fifty-five Dollars 9 ($55.00) out of the workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to Frank Johnson, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, injured November 25, 1925: COUNCILMEN - I[ FV I 8 fm Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........................ ............... 192 ,,'Clancy /Ferguson n Approved ---------------192..--. / Hodgson T.........In favor . McDonald -� MAYOn ,/Sudheimer Against / Wenzel Mt President k Recommended for passage.,, Comm'r of Parks, P1 rounds and Public Buildings. li• C' oorncttY otfl- ' C, F. No. 644That$tite authorized ero9 geaol and they are ]aetebYATnavtet the cers y Agtonon r p0 out payDm.,_c- ollareelReatYor Com9 To- tcme9 of the the nd. General F" to It lt_ I v ^ 7. `. .. / count Bervtcoe rendered leealonal an entPloSe ovl-i8eoandBpPub- SB 191886. V • V mente of Parkafnlured Nov. ItcAa by the Council .Feb. 18. ➢tea Feb. ab. 18:"11928) (F 20_ COUNCILMEN - I[ FV I 8 fm Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........................ ............... 192 ,,'Clancy /Ferguson n Approved ---------------192..--. / Hodgson T.........In favor . McDonald -� MAYOn ,/Sudheimer Against / Wenzel Mt President 65 ��4 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No--------- I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1' f.ni ndru RESOwTION—GENFRAL FORM V RESOLVED That permission and authority are. hereby .given to the John Hancock Oil Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Third and Market streets, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances i of the City of St. Paul snd under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; curb returns to be built on a 26 -foot radius tangent to the street curbs. COUNCILMEN Yeas Ways v Clancy n ' Ferguson 1 Hodgson In favor McDonald J Sudheinner ..-- ...._.Against j Wenzel :t �ZMr. President ii to be. built " n - - 1928- to the ted bYFepe 16&_1926),u1.926eb. 18. 'I Adoioved - APP. (Feb. Adopted by the Council .-..._--..--------------------------1�J2...... FES 1 6 ING Aproved.- - - I92 - - MAYOR FUBLISHLD 135 . CITY OF ST. PAUL FoEe'ca No ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY ---------- RESOLVED- That permission and authority are hereby given to the John Hancock Oil Company to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northeast corner of Third and Market streets, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; curb returns to be built on a 26 -foot radius tangent to the street curbs. ' COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson :..........:...3n favor McDonald Sudheimer Against Wenzel Mr. President FEB 1 61226 Adopted by the Council......................................_192...-.- t. A—roved----- ----- ----------- .......................192...... POST CARD NOTICE! - - OF'FiCE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r. P:wt, Mi:m•, -Feb .6_... .._ 192..6 - Pursuant to Section 5 of the, Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified tegy the application of John Hancock Cil Company CJ _ G_ _Reddy----------.._ .._-.._...__ . -- ........................ ---- - - northeast corner - to erect and install a filling station on the_._...-.__.....................---------------- Tlz i r d ---and_-. Market..-Streets---------------------...-------------------------------- -- ---- tip - -------- -- - - - ...r.e - - -- - ------ -- --- - «-ill come up for consideration before the Council in the C l�tl am er in the City Hall .and Court House Building on the --.------__...--.h --------- day ---Sr - -.-, 192.6.., at to o'clock A. M. t,. C. HODGSON, ('unuuissioner of Finance. Mr . C � J . BdcGlogari � City E-1ar7s St � Pau1 � �6 izina s o to Dear Sir: Ra turned herewith is the application of the John. Hancock Oil Company for permission to instal a drive-in gssolina Pi11 iag station at the northeast corner of 3rd and Marlcat'_Strset= , az cl report of inspection and approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, 7 Co>�iesio er of fety Utig of Saint JIM OW NCCDUNN. E. J. MURNANE. F III CMI M POIZ. MICAS GEBHAR OT. POLICc 1 a L Xlepa __y_mevy of flublir .6» fe}i OSCAR LANDER. A6 FIRE CHIEF , . C'MIEP or - iTii •it•1 WILLIAM BARRON.' H. A. CNIEI Ixersciow, FIRE PREveNTlox cwrrwlN or oEracr.vEs J. M. CLANCV, COMMISSIONER CHARLES L. WILLIS, ' G. H. ISAFII 5s INsrFSTOR or Po�ICE HARRY T. o'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER hurt. of APPAFANB B. F. SIMON. M. D. A. L. EGGERT. LICFNSc INSP¢TOR 3I� caI1RT NDUEE H"'TH OFFICER A. ED. N CHARLES L_ S---.- YIC H¢wt$TH OwDER ' SYPT- MYNICIPwL GARAGE BOO JOH JOS. MACAULAY. SYpE. POLICE 8c KIRc ALARM CMFHTEA�Tx INSPECTOR - ' February 6, 1926 Mr . C � J . BdcGlogari � City E-1ar7s St � Pau1 � �6 izina s o to Dear Sir: Ra turned herewith is the application of the John. Hancock Oil Company for permission to instal a drive-in gssolina Pi11 iag station at the northeast corner of 3rd and Marlcat'_Strset= , az cl report of inspection and approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yours very truly, 7 Co>�iesio er of fety E. J.. M :R ANK. QtV of 0ifint GES MICHAEL GEBHARDT. MICHAEL Public Safety Public OFPw.lca Department Department of TT H. A. VA . CwPfwlx of D.THCI'Iv6H J, M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER G. H. BARFUSS. HARRY T. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER c I— w -- A. L. EGGERT. u _. I_ ­BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION CHARLES L. SEGREN. elCxlH wem NIxnESOiw sis. SYPI. MYNICIPAL G.- OWEN C. OUNN. FIRE CHIEF JOS. MACAULAY. $yPF. Poucc 6: FIRe AuaM O Hon.J.M.Clancy Commissioner of blit S fety, St.Paul,Minn. near Sir: OWER C. DUN.. FIR6 Cx OSCAR L.ANbER. A.sT. Fl Cw WILLIAM BARRON. CHIV INePe.TOR. Plae PRcvv+ilwa CN SULK L. oP pvPw Is. DR. B. F. SIMON. "-.0­ A. -.OPPICHRA. E. NIC OLS. M. D.. OCFUTY HBwLTH OFFICER JOHN MART I. CRIMP HCwLTx I- February 4,1926 In regard to the application of the John Hancock 011 Company for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station at the northeast corner of 3rd and Market streets. we have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not great- ly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, chief Inspector. JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONED: THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMI5810NHR GEORGH M. SHEPARO. CMBl dOMEER WM. N. CAR". SORT. OF C01'1.TROCDIOII Iw0'R-R O. H. HERROLD, OFMC. AVO CM PLARNlvO dgnvRml Mr. C. J. MCGloFan, City Clerk. Dear Sir W M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIOOC CHO- A. B. SHARP, HYPD. OF SAHRATIev G. P. BOWLIN, SYPD. OF WO -OK February let, 1926 - Re- Drive in Filling Station John Hancock Oil Cc+mpany N.E. corner Third % Market St. J. G. Reddy, Alabama &, Chester Sts. This application for a drive-in filling station is in a Commercial Dlstriot and permissible subject to a public hearing. Curb returns must be built on a 26 ft. radius tangent to the street curbs,in order that vehicles enteri moving rafficPon1Third1station o and t obstruct St. or on Market Street. moving zz ed ommissioner of c orca gh-rh D. Yours very truly. i y Tanning neer. ,s The application toffo Or gini<1 Crr1Y OF SAINT PAUL. made in duplicate and OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK submitted to the City (clerk. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION Application No. Farm No. To the honorable City Council Dat of Saint Paul, Minnesota 4APPLICATION IS HE BY E Z4 By Nnma of Firm or Individual Foty1cense to OperTre and Maintai Compliance with Ordinance 5266) A "Drive In" or "Giab" A' AUTOMOBILE FILLI'Nq STAT IO;tate At Street Number and Street Number of Numbe Pumps to be Installed Tanks 1 Received at office of City Clerk s Received From City Clerk Received om Cl Clerk Received From City Clerk 19— Date_ 19— Dat 19— Dat Department of P. Parke, Playgrounds Department of Public Safety Dep t of Public Works and Public Buildings ByFrom By / By Received From Dept. of Public Safety Received ro Dp[. of Public Works Parks,eceived Playgr unds and Pulbc Bldgs. Dat 19— Dat 19— Date 19— Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Office of the City Clerk Received From Clty Clerk Received From City Clerk Passed t9— Dat Counsel Dat 19— APProved t9_. Office of the Corporation By By Received From Department of Ordinance No. Received From Office of Corp. Counsel 19_. 19— Date Permit No. Date Office of the Clty Clerk Office of the City Clerk o_ License No. Approval withheld on account of 19— and 9and applicant so notified by letter dated 1:0r. !I. C. enzcl, Co-ai,'.ssioncr, Of "ice Deui, Sir: `-.uve beam Ls:zed to -)ort' to y u the c . ndit lon of ouildi-,,-, on tii.. ro::,thea--L c) nor of Third Lnd -apl:et Stl,cets with rcCurC, to, its re-arl.,,.n ient f,,- fi,11il', s',L' ion purposes on the corral. In tl-i3 c,=nection pjcc ,e be alvi3cd that I have exa.,,,in- ed. Plans S,-lbr-itted, by Soith, arc` :.,Z, "fter tI,c blil -Ylir..as je-n cc tl-(, .,ill be L, v -1 1�-,i-bstza':-,til StPOn- job anr- t ---t, its a,--ccrunce will be a credit to this carnz,r. st"rallon maps to m.ke js,tj,r aEftig... (&Ito of Ot. llaul Departumut of llarkg. jllu.qgrvuubs GEORGE L. NAWN, OP P.leKe nub llubtic mittibluBUR. gs ERNEST W *j0HNMN. HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FRANK oC. TEWFS. G— A� OFFICE OF COMMIMIONER 219 COURT HOUSE ianua--y CO, 1:0r. !I. C. enzcl, Co-ai,'.ssioncr, Of "ice Deui, Sir: `-.uve beam Ls:zed to -)ort' to y u the c . ndit lon of ouildi-,,-, on tii.. ro::,thea--L c) nor of Third Lnd -apl:et Stl,cets with rcCurC, to, its re-arl.,,.n ient f,,- fi,11il', s',L' ion purposes on the corral. In tl-i3 c,=nection pjcc ,e be alvi3cd that I have exa.,,,in- ed. Plans S,-lbr-itted, by Soith, arc` :.,Z, "fter tI,c blil -Ylir..as je-n cc tl-(, .,ill be L, v -1 1�-,i-bstza':-,til StPOn- job anr- t ---t, its a,--ccrunce will be a credit to this carnz,r. st"rallon maps to m.ke js,tj,r aEftig... ' rl[/,�� , rel •}•y (�� COUNCIL No ------ ll'4166 .i C1,.1-.i-r"'�- J�._-PAUJ--......- .l FILE A: COUNCI ._.u.-�,...r.�.......-_t,ecuti tolgary xeg: . �i, Lt."' rtsI.iS7 Mal Av RESOLVEThat the application or licenses or the- t showing persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: F. L. Schwartz, James Norval, John A. McPhee, V_ R. Stewart, John Te Sandvin, peter Colab,.., Ttm. Parsley, Mrs. B. Poses, Tony Tomtord, E. Scobie, Itoy T. Johnson, Frank Stasney, T. J. Maruska, Jos. G. Patock, Eagle Home Corp. Frank Machovec, James Rossi, .Vincent Kostron, Joe. J. Kubes, Kiwus & Sehreekenstein, B. G. Novak, German-Amerionn Club, Louis Wendt, Carmine Busse, Hackett-Gates-Hurty Co., G. E. Brasington, Snelling X163 "!;Ian, offman, S. S. Silverstein, C. F. Dinger, H. Robinovitz, Mrs. J. Soarella, F. V. Ramaley, Michel Co., 137 N. 7th St., 339 Main Av., ° 321-323 Robert St., 761 No. Snelling Av., 481 Wabasha St., 480 ,Nabasha St., 'd. 1559 University Av., 135 Western Ave., 381 Carroll Av., 1952 Seigel St., 919 Armstrong, 341 Goodhue St-, 1112 71. 7th St., 1176 Arcade St., 574 7rabasha St., 999 W. 7th St., 1237 E. 5th St., 1250 W. 7th St., 180 Concord St., 480 So. Robert St., 741 van Buren St., 444 Rice St., 608 'Western Ave., 1386 Furness, 280 E. Ath St., 295 77. 7th St., 2710 P,'. 7th St., - e^di 140 E. Fairfield Av., 102 Robertson, 635 So. Smith Av., 272 Florida St., 403 E.7th St., 666 Grand Av., 391 Rice St., Hotel Restaurant Hotel Restaurant Hotel Restaurant It Grocery n n n n u Confectionery Dance hall Grocery n n n Bakery Grocery Dance hall Grocery 1 pool table Gunpowder Confectionery Danoehall Junk dealer n Confectionery Junk dealer Confectionery Butcher n Coasc 'k Adopted by the Council. 192.....- 'ays Yeas Clancy Ferguson Appro%ed..192 ....... ..... ............ ..... - . Hodgson In favor McDonald- . J --' ..AYOR Sudheimer ...... Against Wenzel' Mr. President Poolrooms are 1000 feat from schools. COUNCILMEN - 104466 i .� CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENLIL No._------------ _____ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - --'Hodgson _____In favor COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL_. FORM PRESENTED, BY ,ATE_. ...... .EflbT.118ijL.-1C1�--ZB-.._.._._' COMMISSIONER_:_.......___._-- Mr. President RESOLVED .2. C. J. Sonnei¢, 1814 Selby Av., v Butcher Zimmerman Bros., 939 E. 3rd St., n Al Cornelius, 761 Mississippi St . , W. E. Nallace, 1683 Grand Av., Confectionery A. Koenig, 3.702 Grand Av., Bakery Vincent Kostron, 3.250 Ti. 7th St . , Butcher o M, N. Grodniok., 1522 Portland P.-w Grocery Nolan Bros., 43 So. Cleveland Av�� Butcher Short-Lady & Smith, 154 E. 8th St . , Confectionery u Conger Bros., 501 Selbyv A., - Frank Bremer, 800 E. 3rd St., Butcher Art Billiard Parlor, 26 E. 7th St., 8 pool tables P. G. Malmstrom, 1037 Payne Av., Butcher V. A. Cameron, 389 Selby Av., Confectionery Poolrooms are 1000 feat from schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clanev Ferguson --'Hodgson _____In favor McDonald Sudheimer ---------------- Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted t-Iy- the Council FER-1.6----------- 192 / _ Approved_..... -FED I.- -{{A -------'--142----- - MAYOR P11Br2f��6� CITY OF ST. PAUL "Pill OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n . _ s -r2 Wa.ea"e�� NO..0-437---- February 15, 1926. That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the American Surety Company, as surety, and Charles and Myer Friedmann, as principal, dated February 2%, 1986. in the sum of $6.000.00, covering areaway and cos] holes at the southwest corner of Fifth and Wabasha Streets, be and the some is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released, •as new bond has been furnished; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. G :F, No: 64467--TJY bJ. 8. D'— tulthe Resolved. That the ond gjven City tof St. Paul by the Amerlaa Surey ComnanY. ae surety, rtn- ClYartee and �fe„r Friedman 1926. n, to s �m 27. d H 8 COUNCILMEN ' Yeas ,./Clancy Nays ✓ Ferguson - /Hodgson ................In favor McDonald /Sudheimer ------ .......Against �Zeozel mr. President 16, 1926. Adopted by the Council.-- ----------------- ---------------192.--.-- Approved --F����--�-�--------------- 192.----- MAYOR � .Q CITY OF ST. PAUL rae 4I �-' OFF E F THE CITY CLERK L p R UTION—GENERAL FORM j PRESENTED BY _ DATE. .__.__..._._._............___._ COMMISSIOBER._._._..._,—._--- ---- �` RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to the Patterson Street Lighting Company for furnishing, installing, equipping, maintaining, lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair all incandescent gas lamps and connections to gas mains for certain of the streets, alleys and public places in the City of St. Paul for the year ending December 31, 1926, in accordance with the specifications and their bid, and in accordance with the letter of Charles Patterson, dated September 17, 19253 which specifications, bid and letter shall be attached to the contract and made a part thereof, the price to be $23.00 per lamp per year, based on a minimum of 1500 lamps, less deduotions for lamps which may be taken out of servioe,,making the total amount of the contract approximately $24,500.00; and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up proper form of contract therefor. F. B. No. 6903; charge PURCH A, 'lIlG L,E7T. CO OILMEN Yeas Clancy Ferguson Hodgson XeDon"Id udheilner %Wensel 1Mr. President connections r -pf the treets• s i ' si In the C' ' of r ending December. ance with n taecohe r bid, an of Charles salts 192G; which ped. ter shall -be atte an d madeB part be $23.00 perfan a minimum Of 1� tions for Tampa out of servic O, mount of,and.:t $24,300.00; Nayr el le. hereby h proper form of 33. Wo. 6903; al Adopted by, th Approva,rob ...Against FEB 1 6 1925 . .... . ....... . ...19 2.. _ _ _. G --}---�� ......-----192------ ��/IIOL�IV V��!.W ✓..................... MAYOR j II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 4 011M D94 1000 7-24 f I F' k low- 6 I'JLl- T J— If CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 44-69 QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO.______'` To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 54 - Ike CITY CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS-RESCLUVON FORM RES. NO -- - ------- - ----- - P-16 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DAT192- CITYffAgl§�..hTHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IF Y---- ----- -------- — -- — — ---- ----- 5 ------- -- OMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED ------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ER ---- ------------ ------ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ---- - -- --- TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHTFORWARD li I.on G4.169—checkshe 'le C tthe "'t he... d ."ggeas the $3693.21.-, 30 lY f',be 1500filtol, the 0 1 lgeI,i Fe, 6 1926. Comptroller. ",11'bl theIC - 6",926 6) ."d F�b kF�blI j II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 4 011M D94 1000 7-24 DA E2a16 192 6 ' .:.,..-- 5 35-,6-93.21---- J� --- COVE/RING F.�4�... CHECKS NUMBERED w0a'---- TO t&5 -3Q---- / BY -- COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS'ON FILE INTHE OFFICE a OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PEO .�� �!< _, I!V✓,.__ ✓ �.., - - i TOTAL RETURNED II. II r BY V CF. E..KOF WATER IN FAVOR i N UI.iBER I TRANSFER DISBU RSEhILNT_ BANK Ii GENERAL CHECKS CHECKS gg LIGHT FORWARD $42 31 I' 655 086.86 '' :. 35a 661.60 92 053 .39 1500 mr9. Annp. M. er ,&dmbde 1202 681' I 1 919 90 1 919 90 1501 L.a ' , om�r. „f Fin. 10 950 7 7 77 I; • 15fl 7 971 3 i I 7 95 150?1 rioan multigraph sales Oo. 1505 c,-. *^1 City Roofing ;& corn.II 1 600 DO vorks i ! 99 98 1507 P,sn y . i ; e s tett Bank .' ^Y►y I 216 00 21 00 I. i � 6 211 1,509 F1. 3. ru_ cmp,any 29 10 29 1p � 1509 Risa '3o -e His�oh of Fin. j'2 672 04 '',i 115 9� _ 2 672 04 1510 L.0.liodgeon, 5 I i 50 1511 Xfmny Boiler L 1 2 011 I 2 Ol my 1512 mi aa Louiae' 14-1 frt C�rpfor I 1513 `.?' • M-tthews, o y for 7 00 ! 75 00 ,I cl^.xenoe A. Iserm I 139 v9I 1 139 09 1511► iiiaest Oil Compan qq I 1 151 t�ioole, Oe^n t Gregg I ij 612 1 612 5 1512 N."'•rl9ot^lo Iquipm t I 3 43S . 1517 T1oe-.I•::mes Gla.so Comp Y l 5 �}3 j i 105 1515 3t.p ul t.lectrio Comr^ny00 1519 �t.P:u1 Re, -,I "state Board �I 22 47 1520 'eabury & Com -ny 16 g0 12 50 1521 van P-tpor '3upT+ly Camn_any I 3 1522 9111 rjtma a.- a. m e°�n�`Y�II 12 Robert Wa ser 155.3 iI' 15 3 00 15"ebster "4heelook, Librarian 1R5 151 Tst 1i. "rilder aharitiea� " 4 02 291 I 4 027 29 152 northern 3tateo Power Companyl 7 I' 1 787 651 1 787 65'1 1527 Aeview Publishing Company ! 1 077 981i 1528 L.c•}So neon, som�r. o„ F nanob 1 077 8B' 1529 9894 00 94 00 1530 I I I' i; II I I• \ II I� i IiI I � � lil I• . . s_ IIII Iti I :I u I � I j I i I ]�, ilt1 d I SHEET TOTAL--FORWNRD 3 514 35 i� 699 1Q9. O 138o 569 45 98 753- -- �'SUDHEIMER. - -"-�-- -- 'WENZEL.- .. MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES ("1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (VI f DISTRIBUTION__-- - ----- SPECIAL FUNDS PUBuc LOCAL vI SINKING II TRUST FORESTRY BUILDING I ACCOUNTS �I �t�O�R�IU�.I SPRINKLING I REVOLVING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS GARAGE UONO ACCOUNTS II I If 16 040 .2911 372.86 274 90 13 .75 i• 2952 80 4643 03 679 32 114 175.501 I 202 68 I I I O1 I �I 996 50 678 991, 426 42 1 113 I i I I I 600 00 40 00 75,45 l j I i I I 992 50 a0 929 92 115 363_961 16 040 29� 372 6 , 1 261 41 i =�, 69; 73 i, 2 952 90 '1 4 643 MAYOR. _ SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 4� 75 i I Ii Q 42 75 , - �i 0 - - COUNCIL i�i�3�i `y j; T CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE NO. -- --- -- - - - TSAMWo,6TE r o 4 ________ _ - OFFICE OF THE COMPTRO CER ,� CLANC-0Y, FEB 6 19 ft TD RES. NO. .,. --�-�- - - IN FAVOR - .. -__.792 __ , CITY CLERK - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTI N FORM ,� FERGUSON. ----- -- - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF HODGSON. -- -- - 92 DA E2.S ___ c ER. AGAINST -.._ _. _. E _ 1 r, 1 5.-__35,6-93-2V --__.__ . -. COVERING ,'/, _ �(v1 DONALD / A P D . - .`. CHECKS NUMBERED � Q_ �r�-�Q- �SUDHEL. t - �� Lf .Bv - - - ROLL �WEIVZEL. _ _ ------ MAYOR COM1IPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �� OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (�') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) PEEL/// ,_ _ - .. _._.. __ - _ -. - l _ TOTAL RETURNED ._ DISTRIBUTION_ II SPECIAL FUNDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY II �,� _ LOCAL I SINKING II TRUST PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SUNDRY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT ,.,ISO FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE D ORIU SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING I ACCOUNT I I BANK I% GENERAL WATER �I ACCOUNTS I' II II �I.w� I REVOLVING I, CHECKS CHECKS I ^', I! �_I 2 2 �0 4 643 03 4Q 75 BROUGHT FORWARD I I' I - I i I 16 lJ`!� ,29.1 372. OV+ 274 9� 13 -77 95 i 842 31 655 086 . 1358 681.60 I 82 053 39 678 32 :: 114 175.5e I� 1' 1500 mra. Anna. Y. --nykder Adminis. 1 202 681 ( - 202 68 I iI r ' '.501 L.('.TiodTr,:.xon, Coni. of Fin. I 1 619 901 I I 1 819 90 I �i 9�6 50 678 98 I 1502 „ 10 950 j 7 7 77 a ��26 42 1 113 Ol 1it 150 7 9763 7 97i 73 �I 1504 Amerio: n TjultI-ra Sales Co. jl 48 1505 cn-lt-1 I� City '�')oft & corn. a. +orks 1 Goo oo 600 00 I ! 1506 nano yor-^,,op"ert & 0om;,^.ny 0 gg I 0 �� I 1507 -,rpt ,iso t�t� T;ank 21 00 21 00; 15offi N. B. Fu11es Cnrn�*uzy �; 6 21 I 6 21 a 1509 M19-3 Zo-e '. Tliraoh I 29 10 29 10; 1510 L.O.TTod_-eon, Cor.1r. of Fin. 2 672 04 I 1 2 672 04 1511 Xonny Boiler Le Mfg. C,=pany 115 95 I 50 40 00 75 45 I �I 2 011 I� 2 01 ,_ 151 M19,3 Loui Re M-Aftert II 1513 ti:. r. 2d^tthowc, "ttorney for 75 �,; 75 00 i' 'I Cl^renoo A. Ieerman 1511} Mid -ma -3t oil Com^.any 139 091` 139 091 ( III 1515 Nicola, 7e^n ^s©�r3 55 511' 55 51 jl1 '1516 N.- usatrio-ouipment Co. 612 415:. 612 45I' 1517 i3oe-i mea yl^cc Coms")•,ny 3 571 3 1515 3t.Pau1 Tleotrio cam--ny 10� 3 105 1519 Real �atate Board 25 00: 25 00!' 1520©ebrsy Com say 47> 21521 VV -'l 4 1523 Robert '?Teyser Or oom" 9n 12 5011 �I 12 0 II r �I 1'I 1�j22 V1113mpa Hoz 2� yLUmbea O�oaia 12 5 0 15211 er -1h a ook Libr&rian 1 1 20 twb8xet TT.e^ilder Charities 50 05r 50"00 P i1 152 Northern Stites Power Company 4 027 28 4 027 281 1527 Review Publishing Company 1 787 65: 1 787 65 1528 L.0.1Tod Son, Com s. of Finanoe 1 077 88 1 077 88' 1529 M 982 50!'cs 982 50 1530. A 94 oo 94 oo! • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO -3-441- To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 52 9 CITY CLERIC RES. No.. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLq� gow FORM RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 2-15Y92 700 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF LY - ---------------------- JAL__ CITY - -- - -------- - s-24040,59 ------- - ------------ - COVERING COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED ----14M ----- TO ---- 3,47.5 ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE E-47 --- ------- --------- — ------ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. — ---------- — TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD hN WWII be "q,906 GAA16 bec�s the agg cbecj�c c d tbat , to e son, overin?, jjerrea 's I pe city in e city. ebe t of to ."1,, 0 on,0011 ed 100in tbe 1926 "U,ber on ille Feb.1 cllel'llp ,,el Ile"by 1. C6, O d Fe jqi6- pdoPt� 'Co (Feb. CHECKS 'NUMBERED -3-42o -TO 11 7 . COMPTROLLER AR " ' ty - f INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE f .,f OF THE CITY COMPTROL ER-_ •.. +%'1...•'1,��. - (%W ENZEL / MR. PRES., NELSON. - .YES (�' 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (,1) - -- --- ,-- --- -----'- ---"MAYOR---- . - _ PER ' .. f .. - _.. TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION r. IN FAVOR OF i By �. ♦� j LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING _ SPECIAL FUNDS TRUST ldunic. t I _ TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CIfEGKS li Ili GENERALN � WATER 7ND ACCOUNTS � FUNDS I I� ACCOUNTS , PUBLIC SUNDRY I GARAGE �,�yIp&xCR&L&M SPRINKLING FORESTRY SUILDI NG 'I REVOLVING ACCOUNTS - 1420 BROUGHT FORWARD ' Amerioar. System of Reinforoin� $42 31 i O`tL g67 710.11' ! 625 17� I .297 538 22 76 377.6 5 94 55 114 173 no� 25 17 I� 49 .14 274.90 13 .75 2 842 15 4 lo6 03 42 75 16 o4o .29' 3 Pi • 1421 1422 �.. J. I irkl'leotrio Campwy i Joseph Sack j 119 00 2 079 ,4 1 11g o0' 07 5 II I, 1423 Cue Beaker 186 1 0; I I 100 I; llll 142 Healy Plumbing & Heating Co. 00 1 1 865 00 1425 Lindstrom & Anderson 14 75b 00 75 1426 Unlvsrsity Sheet Natal 'vorks 510 00 510 00 1427 MoClellan Paper Commnanq 19? 30 ! 192 30 1428 Mc;ill-^arnor company 2 00 jit 2 00 1429 The Maohillan 0ompany 53 19 53 19 I j 1430 Maendler Hruah Mfg. Comnrny ! 117 06 1033 09 , 13 97 1431 Idiohaud Brothers 1 34 52 31+ 52 j 1432 .tinnssota Public Health Assoo 486 00 48 6 00i I. 11134 143 Mitsoh_& Heck ' ngon'& Auto Co Gilbert ,Airn�hy & 96 65 � 32 00 �� 96 65 32 00 i I j 1435 ,on N�tton^I Tea Qlany 10 40j to 40 Co. ! 176 42 II 1436 N.'•I. sleatxio -Tiquipment Pgranid 78 69 1776 36 II 1437 Oil aom:�any 001 69 Doi 1438 Ro-malog .Trintiag Cc many 900 900 14 9 ;zed Wing Union Stoneware 00. 50 I 50I I 14110 t.P unl. Hook & 3tationerypao. 5222 �3 M� 8222 �3 79 ll V960 I I 144 2 1 443 n n t.Paul ;leotric Lamp aom-angl 123 79 2?_ 72 123 79 22 72 14a, 't.Pau1 Letter Com- 1 00 " 9 15 Oo I I I I 1 3t. Pani pattern & Model .ork>� Rorke �0 5 I I st.Paul Stamp >t. Paul -.:elding &Mfg. Oompan� 55I 47 10 60 84 45; � 2 5 . d 1448 loot* -Mitchell Publishing Co.l 59 1 59 I I 1449 sohultels Book Store 3 00l 3 001 I I 1450 Seagrave Corporation "" 261 00. �� 261 00 h p. 1451 The Frank Shepard Company 5 oo 5 001 1452 L.C.1mith Bros. T yp. OomPanq 140 00 140 00 I 1453 looiety of Automotive Dngre. j 10 00 ! 10 001 I' j 1454 >outh Park Foundry 9ompany 207 60 201 80 �i 145 145 �3perrrrqq Office Furniture oom--*y .erling siren Alarm co.! 2466 10� 40 00 227 60' 46 13 50 I 5 00 l I. 1457 -Fire sant & Cam -any I 152 31 ooi 152 31 I II I u li 1458 Terminal Motor Bus Cam -any 6 00'� ; 600 , (I 1459 A. H. Thomas Company 20 151 �. 20 15 1460 Transit supply Company 1 995 20 1 995 20' �! I I, 1 00 � 1461 Twin Cit Motor Oar Coj mpany 1 00 1462 Underwood Typewriter Comnanq 140 00 140 00' 1463 University of Chicago Press 2 1 2 999� S 146554 Van Paper Supply Company 539 2b Hardware 146b ''mer oomrlany _!3Rhington Foundry Comv)any v S5 S1 �9 5 51 j; 57 30 57 30 1467 11. '•�edelstaedt Company 3977 51 39 51 1468 al.don, Alliama & Lick -.eatern 3104 40 37 40 1469 Badge & Novelty ate, y 50 80 50 1470 "eat land Neat Company 19 80 19 84 II 1471 "est Publishing Company 15 00 15 001 Ii, 1472 John C. 'vinston Company 180 00 180 00 I 1473 olteratorff Range Comnany 4 55 4 55 50 00 . �j 1474 The Yale & To -one Mfg. Oom'.�an 20 00 �! 00�i I 1475- Yellow Truck & Coach Mfg. CO. 50 i i l II I h i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 842 31 1 594 750 6 _ _.. 305 209 58. ..76 711 9 _ 75 753 26, 114 175 50 - 2 2 i3 �5 2 842 1� 4 i 156 03 42 75 16 o4os29 _,. 37 . T81 MNL IATE TO . RES. NO._5-2------ -------- CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE . CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATEAMOUNT OF CERING DA 2-15 , 9 z 6. 527, M--59 ______ ______ _ OV (7�'/,'( BY CHECKS NUMBERED- -1.420 ---- TO 1475------- • COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY PER/f ' - COMPTROLLER. - — — _ 192____ T'(1"fAL n RETURNED cnECK IN FAVOR OF DIS. °V r N- DER I TRANSFER ii URSEMENT CHECKS I CHECKS BANK II 1420 BROUGHT FORWARD American system of Reinforcing 842 31 45.67z,•,0 ll j 25 17 1421 A. J. i,irkl rleotrio Company I1 2 1019 04 1422 Joseph Caok NDRY STRUST CSCUOUNT 1423 Sue Becker j 1 Or, 00 142 Healy Plumbing & Heating 00. I 14 00 1425 Lindstrom & Anderson 752 1142 University Sheet Metal -Vorks I 510 00 1427 Maclellan Paper Com -)any 192 30 1425 Mc ;111-"arner Com. -)any 2 00 19I 1429 The `aoUllan "ompany 53 1430 Maendler Hrush Mfg. Comeeny 117 061 34 52 1431 1Eioh-md Brothers 486 00j 1432 '.Annisota Public health Ass000 Cop 96 6511 11133 )Atsoh & Heok Wagon & Auto . 1434 Gilbert :'urphy & ^on 32 001 20 401 1435 hI _tion^.1 Tea Com-,rny 1 6 1436 Ts. ". ^leotr10 quipment Co. 7e''' �9 1437 ryranid oil Com nny 001' 9 obi; 1435 RaMaloy :'Tinting Cora ^ny 14 9 Red ',"Lug tmion 3tonoware Co. 50 140 ,t.Paul Book & >tationery Co. " " g22 645 601 9 bo i41E1 141x2 " " I " It 123-7911 1143 3t.P3u1 leotrsc aasnp:com_any{ 1� �2I 1444 144 �t.Paul Letter Com tuiy 3t. Paul Pattern & Model -7orks. '3tnmp '+orks • 1 H 144 1447 at.Paul -t.Paul .elding & Mfg. Compnn� 97 55G 11;•45 7,00t+,—M1tohell Publishing Co.l 1 59',' 1449 'ohultels Book Store 3 Wi' 1450 seVrave Corporation 261 OOP 1451 The crank '2 epard Company 5 001' 1452 L.C.1mith Bros. Typ. Compnny 140 00 14533 looiety of Automotive mgrs. 10 00 14g South Park Voundry Company 201 1301 145 . "Office t+urnitu" 0=1.1 31% "R aisen rLIZO A18t1GR, Qo 7 246 10 ..,.,- . 4o o0 CITY OF SAINT OFFICE OF THE CC AUDITED CLAIMS-REf l/ GENERAL WATER —I297 53>� .22 76 377 192 3011 2 00 53 1911 103 09 P j' 486 00 1 96 65 32 00 Ii 1 4 0 0 1619 oo'I 29 50 699099 123 79 p 15 00 1! I, 19 555 47 bo 10 Go' 1 59 3 00 261 00 5 O0 140 oo !' 10 00 227 60' 46 0o I: R ✓ CLANCY. FORM - ,/FERGUSON. / HODGSON. /McDONALD. ,iSUDHEIMER, ,WENZEL, jMR. PRES.. NELSON. '� -- LOCAL II SINKING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS •�- ACCOUNTS — I 794 55 114 173 .00� 119 0 079 54 665 00 I 756 00 510 00 I� I 13 97 Ili ill 42 .i 11 6445 2 50 201 80', 13 50 5 00 . COUNCIL FILE No. - YY IN FAVOR L f f - ADOPTED BY THE COU NCIIm _ 192____ AGAINST I APPV __ {-gr92 R ___ .. ........... . .r ro.:....:.......,. MAYOR YES l d) COUNCILMEN NAYS I <') - II DISTRIBUTION —------------ SPECIAL FUNDS II LDI TRY BUI NDRY STRUST CSCUOUNT ACCOUNTS GARAG-46Q FORES PRINKLING REV OLVING 'I 16 040 .29 349 14 274 .90 13 75 2 842 15 4 l06 03 42 7 5 I �'I VIII i'I III Iuf a _` I 22 72'J I j II, T$AFWp(D.9TE_ RES. No._52 --- - -- TO. CITY CLERIC RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CeI�TY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 2-15.1926 �l SL7.►�59___. - - _. COVERING DA /'''/YIA^� CHECKS 'NUMBERED --14z0 ----- TO 1- �------- BY�'--' COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PERZ��,Z ! ` - TOTAL I C ,ECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DlsauaseMENT 1• I"�1BER CHECKS ii CHECKS CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM ✓CLANCY. ✓/ FE GUSON. ✓.7DGSON. /M.DONALD. iSUDHEIMER. ,WENZEL, / MR. PRES., NELSON RETURNEDI ' -- LOCAL II SINKING BY \� I I IMPROVEMENT FUNDS BANK GENERAL III WATER Ii BOND ACCOUNTS 11„ I 297 539.22 76 377.64 j 56 Z94 55 114 173 .00 Ilt to s. 25 17 II '12 07� 5� 1 00 865 II 14 700 56 00 I 510 0 192 30 BROUGHT FORWARD 642 31 7 l 11 Arj67 6Z5 17 P205 y1219 1420 Amer10RA 5y3tem of Reinforoin� 00 II 1421 A. J. Arkl 1?a0OtriO COmp"17_ 2 076 54 1422 Joaeph sack �I 1 or, 1423 1421} Gus Beokes Healy Plumbing & Resting Co. I g6g 00 14 756 00 1425 1142 Lindstrom & Anderson I tlnivGrsity Sheet Metal -torke 510 00 192 30 1427 VOClellan Paper CoI`1-'ny 2 001 1428 lac rill...»arner Com?rtny o6l 1429 The !IsO :illax► Company ulendler Brush "'fg. Com- f`ny i�7 34 52j 1430 1431 1432 ?�ichaud Brothers :`innisota Public Health ASSO06 486 00 96 651! 11133 Uitsoh & Heok 'ragon & Auto 00* 32 O1; 1143 Gilbert "turphy & mon Z0 40 I 1143 jt-%tionll Tea Com •^ny N. 'r. '!,,trio 7quipment Co. 176 78. 69 00 11436 1437 p7TSMid Oil COM'any I 9 00 11438 ? Rema -10y ,'ranting Coo .ny Red ','Ing Union 3tone>vare Co. 22 5011• 79 ' 11 11 ,t.paul Book & ,tationery"Co. ^ " 649 123 7792 �I' 1141.41 14142 „ oom;=Say by 15 (011 1141t3 ,t. Paul 1Qotrio m nn t.Paui Letter Com any7OI i I 1 1 445 3t.Paul Pattern & Model "orke sump .;orke 1144 1447 =,t.paul -,t.pau1 xelding & Mfg. COMI anI 97 55I 1 59 114!.48 _,00tt—Mitohell Publishing 0o. 3 00; 1449 ,ohultels Book Store 261 001 1450 Seagrove Corporation 5 001 1451 The rrank ''3hepa.rd Company 14o 00 1452 L.C. Smith Bros. Typ. Oompany 10 00 1"3 3043iety of Automotive Engre. Foundry 0m� 201 90 1454 145 South park sspaeex:szvinoeY_.y asvau rLve A1atw-., .T 2 40,00 I 297 539.22 76 377.64 j 56 Z94 55 114 173 .00 Ilt to s. 25 17 II '12 07� 5� 1 00 865 II 14 700 56 00 I 510 0 192 30 ° II 2 0011 53 19 10 0911 13 97' 34 52 �•. 486 00 96,65' P, 32 00 10 40 I' IN FAVOR " 1 6 361' 19 00 42 / _.. AGAINST 9 00 ,. _. 192 ,--. 22 50 !' 649 601 123 79 I MAYOR 15 00 (I 60 DISTRIBUTION 47 10 60 84 45. 1 59 I TRUST ACCOUNTS 3 00 BUILDING SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING I 261 00 5 00 13 .75 II 2 842 15 .', 4 106 03 140 00 16 040 29+ I 10 00 201.8011 227 60 f 13 50'; 1 46 00 u I 5-00 l I� i 2 50 ° 114 COUNCIL No.. _ -..-1 FILE IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL f t --- (GV / _.. AGAINST _ I APPR V - �.._. _. 192 ,--. --.•.-__ -. � - - - MAYOR YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS DISTRIBUTION — SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SUNDRY 1 I TRUST ACCOUNTS I GARAGE,� BUILDING SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVOLVING I ACCOUNTS 274.90' 13 .75 II 2 842 15 .', 4 106 03 42 75 ,1 16 040 29+ I 349.141 II * I I I I 11 IIII II; f II II I1 i I: 22 72 I 11 r it III ;I i I 6 II: I y j h SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - 'FORM D34 1000 7_24 i3iy {/ r ,+ 1.jiI CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO44 QUADRUPLICATE Y a TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK RES. No.____5L-------- AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTIOry . FORM �13 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE -DRAWN ON THE DATE__ �192_._I _ CITY TREASURY. Te, THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF y BY--- -__ ___________----- S-___1-1-9Z_!_� -- -� ____ ----. RING _ _ 1�---- ______ ' jINCLUSIVE. 061111 COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED_____ _._______TO-_ COMPTROLLER AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PER ______ --.-._ ________________-____ _ _ TOTAL RETURNED H CHECK �I IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER II j I TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK ^� H BROUGHT FORWARD ii li it u j I I I i 11111 I C_ cheeks be drawn on � 'I that Hesolced to the eggre6ate the t'itS Treasury. erinR checks of '82.911.68, ae Per 0 Nnam nt amount 1x88 to 1119 lncluslve, file in the office o[ the I� checks on ll9 G. II ComPtrolleh . the council .wonted 26. Feh, 16, 10-1926) I j Approved II I i i j i I I I f I I y j h SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - 'FORM D34 1000 7_24 i3iy {/ COVERING BY .. _._. _.___--"----___ ` CHECKS NUMBERED TO..__Y ". - D _ , l"`- ee M DONALD - -. COMPTROLLER 7FI - ISUDHEIMER. _ -__ 0- - AGAINST PPROV ! _ f ' r INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE _ €�16 �HVENZEL. - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER._)"U- --- ----192._-. PER - ( _ MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (��) COUNCILMEN .NAYS, (V) -- --- \�/ 1 - - / -. MAYOR CHECK TOTAL RETURNED II` DISTRIBUTIOfV _ NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS - CHECKS BANK GENERAL SINKING R. Muni a CHECKS WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT TRUST ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE -�y`�"�•'•"•" SPRINKLING I -FORESTRY 'j BUILDING AS REVOLVING ACCOUN1S '1 BROUGHT FORWARD I 1 2 2 50.T 13 $42 534 7�,9.�: 295 757.09 76 364.14 •41 672 5o 114 165.50 __. I` � 135 Capital City Roofing &Corn.ao. '; 2 762 50;, I 6 � i 31 349 274 90 13 75 2 8 • 139 Jame a tceough 16 �4 29G Ij .I I! II II 35 29 4 106 .03 42 .75, 1390 Herman R. zbert 0 16 040 u 29 1391 Dr. C. Curry Bell j. 1 �' �j i 232 40 sale Lev. II Prop. 1392 'teve Raider I OOi' �i 125 00 ii 139}3 Christine manson i! 2 Op' 1394• acorea 81'rst it 2 3�� 4 32''- 1392 nr. M. L. Larson 3 00 32 001 1 139 Dr. 1. L. L _rson y � 00 7 50 1397 Catharine Lynaugh 4 00. 1398 Mrs. Annie ueehsn � 3 69 31 69 1399 AugusteH n .h f• ,Gmardian or i 2 30 24 30 son 31 69 31 6s 1 1401 nomg �'Carlsoo Cam any 1 2 1 I 2 136 90 ? 14 2 wrAnk �alsoa Ij 1 794 I 594 15' 29 14403 Cao. H. tloCersry & 3on ! 3 73 1 729 75 Oft M. J. O'Neil �I 4 R 0�0 � 3 34 05 14 Allyn & Bacon 4 165 oo 1406 Burn>:s Lumber Com -•any 46 13 1407 Capitol stationery mfg. co. 9 46 �9 , 1409 ohioago Flag & Decorating Oo.l 6g g2 6g o3 1409 G , d ar 1 82 I: 4 ye Rubber Oam,:any I 56 80 1 5i 1410 McClellan, Paper Cam:`�y 1 1tF11 1v. ^r.Tlevt=lc rquipment oom 5 29 20 1 1412 3t*;-7ml Cement lorhs 14nl62 133 "t.Paul ectrio oomnany �� 4040 I 404 62 10 29 1411 3peoialty Printing Oomnany 6 g6 1415 suporior Printing Oomoany 11 17 69 85 7 501 I �1'1 I �I 1416 Twin City Hardwood Lumber ao.1 (� 6 1 13 50 1 1417 The Villaume Box & Lbr. co. 30 87 30 00B7 - 141 T_Chidester I ;! 1B6 O6 i 1419 Fred Jost j 1ffi6 oo iS6 001IF • � �� I i� ;; '� '° II p 11 1j �! if � I I I � I jl i II I _.. 1; I ' • )�5 ! 16 040 _ 3 9 z �7 g . x. 13, 75 2 s42 ' 15 ; 4 106 0 , 7511 SHEET .TOTAL—FORWARD 842, 1 67 Tia 11 297 53g 2 76 377 56 794 55 114 173 ,'I '�, ."°yp-.�"aa*.�y �,..','t�'.�-kLt`d�a`✓.G ,:;,w._•«..,-.,..,u..w..... ., . 42 j 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - COUNCIL �f T.ti k11N9A TE v / FILE NO.;J1411:117 TO - RES. No. -51 __.___ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER d �. CLANCY. ' CITY CLERK I RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE r AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTION FORM ,�FERGUSON. —�-. IN FAVOR j92Fj ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Z.6_ __ _ _192 DATE 192_ CITY TREASURY. TO THE,AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF _ /HODGSON. s 1 ep �� 2 _ 6. s DDVERING "M.DONALD. -- ----------------- '� PPROV __192____ _____ _CHECKS NUMBERED/SUDHEIMER, AGAINST - - - - ---- - - ------ -- . __1_ TO __�} -. COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE II�VENZ EL. , OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) -- - - - - - - MAYOR' PER �- - TOTAL RETURNED �. DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF BANK I GENERAL WATER BOND .FUND, S ACCOUNTS ' NUMBER BY �� LOCAL SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IMPROVEMENT SUNDRY r CHECKS CHECKS ` ACCOUNTS GARAGE .:.e"'^^"" SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING I gCCOUN-I's II i REVOLVING ' I --. BROUGHT FORWARD 2 R1 534 36.4,9. - ' ! ° 349.1 274 .90 13 75 1I. 2 835 29; 4 lo6 "03 (1 42 75 '�JJ "� 295 75709 76 364.14 41 672 20 114 165 .50 i1388 Cavital City hoofing & Corn.ao.2 2 SO2762 501389 J 3rne a Keough 16 0 291; I; I i16 040 28 1390 Herman R. Ebert 232 4011 ! 232 4oi! ;! I Sale Lev. ji Prop. ! �i 1391 Dr. C. ,urry Bell 1 125 00' 1 0o'I t 1392 'Leve 2ir�ider 24 00' �; 2�F 001: 139 Christine 713nson I _ it 32' 4 32 II li ;I o3orl;e Karst II 32 00 I 32 00 1 I I 139 nr. .a. ~L. Larson 7 7 50 Dr. M. L. Larson 4 4 00 4 001 II 1397 Clth3rine Lynaugh 3 68 1 68 1398 Mrs. Annie, Ueehan I� 2� 30� 24 30 1399 Alnust L. >ohempf, Guardian lor Doris Hanson 1400 Acme rlectrio Com --any 2 136 6980 31 68 2 136 90 1401 Adolf Carlson 1 594 15 594 15 � 1402 ao. iia j I 1 734 75 14o00�j4 Gao. M. MO-easy & ^oa i73 05 I i 3 i4 Allyn O'Neil n '+ I 5 P01501 �+ 165 00 2IF 13 24 13 14 Burns Lumber Com -'any �j 46 89 j 46 89 i�7 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Go. i 61 03 ! 61 03 s 4hioago Flag dE Deoozating Oo. 8 82 I I 59 go 109 a �oflyaax Rubber OoanT%anY 58 80 I I l 1410 2doIIZal2rsn Papel C� •�451411 N. -7.i3eotslo r'qulpment Qo>ar X35 O$ 51 2O n I s a6 ` I. 1412 3t. Paul gement worksj 10 62 0 62 11113 Ot. Paul Electric Com;+any 404 j j. 1414 3peoialty Printing Dom--any 7 �. 69 g5 7 501l 1415 3uporior Printing ComrRny 618 60! 6287 70 I' 13 501 ! 11116 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co.,' 0 1417 The yillaumetBox & Lbr. Co. 1380 0807 30 871 11119 FredChideJost 186 o0i'' 186 oo! 186 00 i „ I I I . y _ L,-�� L J., 4+ - -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Fes•,.. QUADRUPLICATE I FILE ._,No.--, To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 CITY CLERK AuCITBD CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO.__53 Fi*. LVEbpTHAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE., �/_ �' J✓ CIII T(y/T� REA•�S{JRY�, pTO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ui so (/ INCLUSIVE. -AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER - ----- ------------- -------------------- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.. ' TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF By - NUMBER ij I TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD I �I N • II+ N it Res I !�'•� nnMie860336�1ieto s[he Urn14 ren f Inat a Illle'fn the90 lnclul �j S sheCky : oe�tne�c(ty p° edh a I� re�1p lea un�lee 'h'eh. 2p•1936�•Feh. ]fi, I92fi. _ II �I p Iil 11 fl � j I Ij �i II F I I i I I F pp I } h I I, I it I� I� SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D941000 7-24- - ui so - T/�__. ' Y - ._ r ,.. S _. GpV ESR I -NG CHECKS NUM$LRED 41476 TO �i499_-- -- OIAPT INCLUSIVE. AS PER GH ECKSvf�rN FILE IN TH.f� OFFICE - ` OF TH.E CITY COMPTROLLER. '� � � ... - .. -• .-.. _ ., c �6UDHE E IM R. �WENZEL. MR. PRE... NELSON. / .. - .. .___�/ AGAINST YES I d) OUNCILMEN NAYS (v 1. °'� - -- _ - . b V � AP ROVED - - - - 192 _ - - - -- -- q' �V i---- - MAYOR a CHECK N:JM BER IN FAVOR OF - TOTAL _ RETURNED ! BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS I CHECKS I I - �/ GENERAL I I WATER I _ BOND ' LOCAL II IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS I SINKING FUNDS DISTRIBUTION TRUST ACCOUNTS �. GARAGE • �U DITORIUM II ----- SPECIAL FUNDS _ SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY _ BROUGHT FORWARD 042 31 '' 594 0. 1 606 ! 305 209.59 I 76 711.93; 75 753 26 114 175.501i 16 o40 29 372 'I 274 90 I 13 75 2 842 15 REVOLVING ' 4 156 o3 n ACCOUNTS 42.75 1476 AOMO Tleotrio Compeny I I 176 06 14'77 T. L. Blood & Ccxa lMy 1 51 { 165 51 I 14 j9 ca Itol 5tAtionery Mfg. Go. r;. rarleon company I 3 2 36 26 ;I 14' E. c & I 749 749 00 140 Coohxaa-urgent Company 20 6�j 20 65 I 1451 Melady Paper Com -,any 70 9�F 0 9 II 3.482 R. K. mulford Coilipsny Diet. VCA71 50 295 71 90 I 14 3'3 raoctar & Gamble Compax�y I 133 133 14-9 148x5, Pure nil comrany wool Cotton Company I II 33 21 33 21 21 6 �»-- 1"b Villaume Box d Mr. 0ompany I Con j� 521 2657 86 267 cS1b 267 92 267 ( r 14857 "o.iiodgaon, r. of«Finan 9 9 j 3 27 1459 1490 « e s g13 IF22 37 513 4 �F22 37 JI 1499, . « « e « » II 902 O 901E 0 14�„ « « n i 2 ii 53 09 2 537 09 1494 « « 4 10� %1 3 503 06 ; 110 65 487 00 149b p a a �,� 2 914 9Q 42O6I 2 919 90 46 5 5 341 1497 J. L. Brastad 719 79 20 IL 1499 A. J-�oks -?m. mnxtin I I' II 7c� 20 (P z0 79 201' i 79 eo, i I I i II i • N i i I I �� �I rl II, • I I I .I i 942 1 ( 3 655 �6 35 9681 60 82 0 53 39 6 6 9 7 7 3 2 ' 114 1 50 75 16 040 •,29 372' _. 274 9 i, _ 13 75 I! 2 952 80 ! 4 643 03 42 75' SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 11 0 TW7Rt HMTE TO TV CLERK CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF CITY. OF SAINT PAUL - RES. NO --- 53--------------- OFFICE OF. THE COMPTROLLER., /CLANCY. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM /FERGUSON. - ______ ________IN FAVOR CCIT 33�z14THE y{yAGGREGATE AMOUNT OF CHECKS NUMBERED__ 1 ---------- .. NG INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL II RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CH CKS 'CHECKS 1476 BROUGHTFORWARD Acme leotrio compeny � 31 594 6gg 1 6 ob HODGSON. 1� I,i 1477 14 T. L. Blood & Coffiaany Capitol stationery 1 51 McDONALD. 0 1479 Mfg. Co. E. I. (7-171eon & 0=,ony► 3 26 7 9 1//,DHEIMER. ------ _...AGAINST 14a�fl 1451 Cochtran.-Sargent oompany melariy Paper 00m,any 20 6r O 9�+ �VJENZEL. 42 75 1482 �t i483 H. K. Mulford Oojt;,any Procter & oamble Dist. 0omp 2 90 133 71 MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) 149 Pure Oil Oomr-Any Spool Cotton 0 an y Villnume Box 3 Iabr. 0 21 i GENERAL L, r,.Hocigson, Oom r. of ; n�au N « n 8q 9 261 21l LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING - 11487 459 W,o ° « « 46 i ��3 I 2J 422 4 1491 14c2 « « " « " " 329 90g 5 GARAGE 372. • �lUDITORIUM 274 90 14933 « " " �I 24 17 09 165 51 149+ 149r « « « " « « " 9191492 149 149 J. L. Brastad A. J-oksart I 5 341 4b, 79 20•I �I 1499 7m. Martin 201 1 t COUNCIL FILE NO. HODGSON. t 61926 y.,.% ib ADOPTED .BY THE COUNCIL McDONALD. 0 MAYOR 1//,DHEIMER. ------ _...AGAINST PUBLIC FORESTRY BUILDING 1 REVOLVING II SUNDRY I ACCOUNTS F 13 751 z 842 15 4 156 0311 I I �VJENZEL. 42 75 i I I , ' MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WATER', BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING - TRUST • ACCOUNTS l 114 175.5o� FUNDS ACCOUNTS I16 040-29 GARAGE 372. • �lUDITORIUM 274 90 305 209.58, 76 711-93 75 75-36 2066 165 51 7 36 26 749 00 20 65 �50 9 133 90 33 65 21 267 86 9 461 2 24 Z13693 37 892 704 0�3 I 2 537 09 1 3 503 06 2 918 901 5 341 46� 79 20� I 20 79 D II ! II I� I li 1 t COUNCIL FILE NO. t 61926 y.,.% ib ADOPTED .BY THE COUNCIL AP ROVED B 1 6 D MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING PUBLIC FORESTRY BUILDING 1 REVOLVING II SUNDRY I ACCOUNTS F 13 751 z 842 15 4 156 0311 I I 42 75 i I I , ' ! I ' 110 65 I 487 oo �I I Petition Council File Vo. 3-i 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and PRELIMINARY ORDER. v' The undersigned hereby proposes the leaking of the follo%ving public improvculont by the City of st. Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Roy Street from 120 feet Horth of ------ --------------------------------- -- - ----- ---- - ---- Otto Avenue to Seheffer Avenue. _ - -- -------------------- -------------------- ----- --- - - ------ - _. -------------------------------------- ---- - - - - ------- 926 loth Februa ...11 1s}2 Dated this --------day of _.- . - .... Councilman. � 1NARY ORDIDRa' � PR>£L1M C F No, 6447 trace for the fothe ELIMINARY ORDER. Whereas, pbs, Athe wrfor- uti.t vement maX1r^ ^t - •• , R-111?REAS, A written proposal for the making of the rollowing iinprovefno6i, vi,.: Construct s leper on Roy Street from 120 feet North-of - - _ Otto__Avenue_- to - Sohef _ er -Avenue. _ ---------- -------------- -- having been presented to the Council of the t'ity of Sl. ')"ill- _ ----- _.------ therefore, be it ltl•:�,01,Vl--D, That the Conueissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ), To investigate the necessity for, or desirability Of, the making of said improvement. 2. 1'0 investigate the nature, extant and estimated cost of said inlproveinent, and the total cost thereof. 3. 'I'o furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improcenient.. G YI 4. To state whether or not said iulprovcuient is asked for on the petition of thee' or 111o)re owners. 5- '1'0 report upon all of the foregoing matters to the ('ouunisiouor of Finance. FEB 1 61926 Adopted by the Council------------------------------- ---- __ .._ YEAS 1AY-S o C',OUm'ili]]aAj CLANCY FES I , �•'ERGUSON A) lioved ---- --- .�- -�� �� FIODG SON MCDON ALU til'DH 1•:IM ER WENZEL ..- -. .. rJ p- Mayor. SIR- PRESIDENT corm C A 13 (1A1 3-25)�1 /p d'- Petition -` Council File No .........................- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and Y( PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - - -- ---------------- ---------- Construct a sewer on Roy Street from 120 feet Horth o ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Otto Avenue to 30heYier Avenue, --------- ------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------- ---------------._-------------------- ---------------------------- ---------- --------------- ------------------- --------- ------------------._..-------..- - . Februa 192 192— - Dated this ----- 15t -------- h -----------day of-- - - - -- - - - -- - ._... - - .., _ --------- - --- -------------- gCyouncl man. - PBIDLILL��Y roDsw""�+~ �� C,. V. No. 6997 Atetrsot. �uaa1 for the ELIMINARY ORDER. written o-^ -`.�vement. Where Bt the LoUe'..yi WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvel't,e&' via.: Construot a.- eewer__on__Roy_S... .from 120 -Peet Hor o __------------ ------ ------------------ ------------ ------Otto.-_.__.-..._.. ----- --------- ...... ----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --- _._........__-------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- - - . . --- ------------- ------------------------------------------ therefore, been presented to the Council of the City of St. em - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or dosirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. gf.g 1 61926 Adopted by the Council------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS �• c Councilma(H CLANCY FEB I N /FERGUSON Approved----------- ....................... -- HODGSON j McDONALD .SUDHEI!v1ER WEN7.EL . -- Mayor. M.. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (IM 3-25) 52 -- petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File NO.'_ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - Qonstlh4t e e x.:f4Qt...ceiAe t the -0 lexalk...azo--the.._aouth---------- ------ side of pacific Street from_Griffith Street--east_-t_o___the__eaet--------_-- -- -- ----------­--------------- - line of lot 2._..Block-Sl,---Suburban-Hit----- ._-------....-,. - - -------------- ------------------------------- --------- ------------------ ..... ; --- 13th .-1--9--2-- ----- Dated this.--- ---------- ---day of....... - - J- T"'� - --fin. ----- C. P. No 64474=- - 4474= - Abetraot. - whereas, A Wrltteg 'propoelTl for the maktn¢"bt the topd*1n9 mproVemeat. truct a els foo oement Lila lc on { ..anuth elde' t Paol9c PRELIMINARY ORDER. ort 'tti'st aegt to ,thed'aeo-i ,It ^ Hlock 37 $gburbah MHle WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improve.a,,1"7*fz .' +1F the co. Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the -south-. ------_---._- __........ _........ - . Bide--_off.-Pao141o_Street__Prom..-Gr1P41th.-Street, east-..to---the---PARt.._...____ Blo-- -..-------1ine__.oY--lot...2.,. �k..31...._9uburban_Hille.. - - - ... .._...------ --- -- - :-------------------.. -.----.....------------------------ ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..... _.__._....__........_---------------------------------- --------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. s / fi- To report upon all of the foregoEa;te� ytrc Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .- -- - - ---- ---- -.._..- --- -- O ------..---------------- FED 1 0 M6 YEAS ��NAYS Councilman CLANCY IiERGUSON Approved. -.....- ..... - - - - - - ./1I0DasoN i'MCDONALD t .SUDHEIMER V .......... - .. .............................. WENZEL ....... Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT _ F- C A 13 0i.1 3-25) Petition Council File No..._..._..-----3._e.e..._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT v and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construot a six foot oement tile sidewalk on the east aide--_-----_--- -------------------..........................-------------------------._..._.....-----------------......_.._... . ---. of..8aratoga---AYenue...from.-Randolph--- Street ---t.o--HartfOr.d--AQenue.----- ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------- ------ - - ......... .. ....................--------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------------..-... ---- Dated this .._.lbth day of... 198 --- ___.. 1s2_..._. .. - - - No. 6440-- nan. .Abstract. Wtctt48a D - 7Z .ktui OL tile SollogB'hproY6 +ithe" p6 - --- - - -- ---- _'opstruot - elz.. toot � came ' Lva1R Oi! the east side oti,: ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. trom:. $Pnaolyh at ;:,. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conetruot--a_-six._foot..oement_tile ._eidewslk --- QA-the-e.&st--8.ide..._._......_ .. -----Cf...98zat0.9a_.Avenne.. from..Eandolph--Straet...to...Hartfoxt -Avenue----------------------- -----...---------------------------------------------------------------- --- .......- - - - - - -._...... --.......................................---------------------------..-------...--- -------------------- .................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ___------ --- ......._----------------------------------------- ------------ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement.is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB 10 ON Adopted by the Council............................. ............. ..-_.......-- -' YEAS NAYS Councilmao'CLANCY�- V /. . iFERGUSON Approved.----------- .. /'HODGSON 'V J McDONALD V / SC DH EI]S }:R WENZEL y.......................... ... MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (IM 325) Petition Z� /� /' �J{� Council File No...........5.11 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Paving Montrose from _Street---to.Hartford-._Avenue-,----__-- with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already ,made, also including__onrbip.g and ............----------------------- -- --- --------------- - ------ - - paving of dri------------ veway and alley approaches, where necessary. 9 6 _.... Dated 192....... Dated this...... -_16th... -day of.._..__._..Febrn,3r -- --1.-. -- -- ----- _ tci man. C. r. -_p. 0106 Abatr"t. -� FWhereae. A written propoee,� for the tmDroveme°t ELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Paving Montrose Lane from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenues_..-- with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to proper y ------------------------------------------------------------ -- - plpp-lete...--where--- not ...slre-edy..made --.also--.including---gur6i;-.g..-and 8#°ipB.-off tirtvew4Y... and_>lley..ePProgohes.....vrhere neaeaeary..------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pa ----- therefore, -"therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost- of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.........................E.EB..1--.6..1926 YEAS NAYS Councilmen CiLANCY FERGUSON HODGSON MCDONANALD J MER / WEN%EL / MR. PRESIDENT J F.— C A 13 (IM 3-25) FEB ' 61926 Approved------------------------------------------------ -------- ---------- ------- Mayor. ,�,' ! f -or� ` COOROOX4471 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fig No ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM _ PRESEkED BY RESOLVED That E. W. Johnson, Superintendent of PlaygroundsandFrank Drassal, Supervisor of Playgrounds, Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings are hereby authorized and instructed to attend the Northwest Conference of Playground Superintendents and workers, to be held at Chicago, Illinois, on February 19, 20, and 21, 1926, as representative from this city. Resolved that the proper city.officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $x•200.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable out of the Playground Fund (19) Item B-4, in favor of E. W. Johnson, for the purpose ofLpaying the expenses to said conference. The unexpended balance to be returned to said fund. . C r. No. 64477-13Y.H.-C we z4l�_ ij Rssolred. That E. IV John§Qiti`� n perintendent .4f PI iS,,utfdB ,4nd Frank- Drpa4a1. Sap4rvieor of; i'r4Y• grounds. DDepartment of Parke.�P1aY= grounds and, Public. 8uildingd - are -. -. - - ------ ----- -- - - -.. -...-. suthorlsed �hereby and instructed to utt- ttie—Nprthwesf C nterenco ', ¢r; ,�roend- $uperintep.'•,; t{+ be held JO, and 27; � o,r IV, COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays v6ancy S-40— -",Hodgson ....In favor ./McDonald /8udheimer----Against -'�WenzeL -Mr. President FES 1 7 1W 192• Adopted by the Council------------------- - Approved192.:.._. 19k "-""---"-- MAYOR OoUNCH.34478 CITY OF ST. PAUL caF NO------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .._...- ...... _.- RESOLVED That the proper city officers b� and they are hereby authorized to pay to Irwin Ross, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured April 15, 1925, the sum of $40.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation A000 -111 -It of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to February 16, 1926. COUNCILMEN Yeas /Clancy- . Hodgson ,/McDonald �udheinler Wenzel Mr. President - Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. C. F. No. 64478-131 7 H 17jpS,4ha}d—` Resolved. Tuat the p p@r^b[ cera be and they are here by,4 t. sed the City, tieing for the"period up t4 I Feb 16, U 1926. Adopted the. Council Feb:.17, 1928. Approved Feb. 17. 1926. (Feb. 26-1926) FEB 1 7 1sE---------------- 192 6 Nays Adopted by the Counei......... . ........ .----... -FF5 1 7 192192 - Aproved.._'----------------------------------------- -----in favor ............................. .... ... MAYOR ------(1-----Against ,C Lj A )may CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL QUADRUPLICATE FILE J;JA(y© �„j3YII To OFFICE OF'HE COMPTROLLER .: 'V CITY CLERK RES NO AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM J RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ATE_ _17192_._6 r., +• CITY �'fRBA�ISUHY. TO THE: AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ' $_O�L�+c________. COVERING Y' �C'U--;'- CO ROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED_—_�1_�,,_l__TO___ //�' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE E ___ A�__�_ _________ _ _____________ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. , jI TOTAL RETURNED CHECK jj IN FAVOR OF BY I NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT �I CHECKS CHECKS BANK �- BROUGHT FORWARD �' ! n i I _ I c. n F Resolved that checks be drawn o I� II the Clty Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $78.131.82.overing hecks y numbered 1031 to 1081 inclesive,.ns per P checks on file to the office oP the , Y I� Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 17, 1926. =' ADDrovetl Feb.926 17. 1 7"G-192"6 11 9 2 61 II' N 2. � II li I I u it "I i jJi. dQ�E=-:_ UM9ERED1531. TO _ 15- -1-- INCLUSIVE. 5 PER CHECKS ON FILE !N THE OFFICE�WENEL. // OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 7 PE5/ TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF By NUMBER TRANSFER 1DISBURSEMENT pANK CHECKS CHECKS it '� I �/ GENERAL II 1� I — _ WATT+ BOND UDHEIMER.AGAINST- P RO aln:cJEl_ -----192bHECKs _- -- _ --__ _ -' -- / MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) - ,- - - _ - - -�o_" , MAYOR DISTRIBUTION w _ _-- - LOCAL SINKING TRUST A• l.W\SQ. SPECIAL FLl NDS IMPROVEMENT .FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY ACCOUNTS GARAGE 1ui'O1R� SPRINKLING _______y BUILDING ment ( I REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORN/ARD 3 514 3g 6gg lod 3190 569. 6 88 753 21 so 829 92.. 115 363.96 16 040 29 372. 1 261.44 692 -. -1"'f ;. 2 852 �o �+ 643 42 .751531 11 .. r. A 1 stenographic BureauR 1 ji _03' • 1532 153 Fred G. Albreoht Amerioan Book Company Oil 545 00,1 2 j 5 454 61 5 1534 American Hotel Register Co. 50; 23 001' 1; 23 001 1535 +merioan Library Anaoolation 3 00' 3 00; I, I 1532 American Medioal Assooiation j 2 95 1537 AmeTlenn optioal Company I G. A.. Ashton COW Ino. I 1 3 00;' � 1538 15 9 -any, i Automotive �ervioe Com My It 74 6 I, I 4 �� 7 3 4 681! 1540 John neissel j! 43 8 43 94j; 1 11 1541 1542 H. c. fioye son Comrany >. Brnmd coal Com',any 185 3 I 146 43 1?5 00 I' 38 9411 ! 1521 !.hooks Drothara Lumber Com R. Browne Dom ny y 125 S9 4 59 40 I' II 1544} tom^st oomnany 80 3 I $0 351 1545 1546 central 3oientiflo Consolidated r-leotrio Com^ax 10 9 1 10 270 i 1547, Daily NcFa rublishing Oomr an 11 33 2Qb 193 45j, j Ii I 13 38i 1548 1549 Adam neoker Hard, Cam sny Falwell, ozmun, ttirk & Oamn 476 I j I 1550 rarwell, Ozmun, Rirk & Comp & Com^ y s 76 14 20 11I 35 4 68 1551 Falwell, 0a111112n, Kirk y 1552 15 3 Gaylord Brothers Joaeph Hang Roof. & Corn. oo ; h( I 07 5 155 J. '4• xulme Comreny of A• I� 39 5 I 5 I 3386 50' 4 1 r� iyg6 Int. Haxvester a�ffiy a. I/ Johnoon Mfg. Oomrany High sohool Print 5h(� - h 1 59 Sd 1 501' � 59 50! 13 3 1557 1558 Johnson L. 's. Jordan Company I 13 3� �j I' 241' 1559 1560 Yee z.ax Mfg. Company Qellogg-2daokay Company 166 0* I; 5 24 166 0511 26 71' I I Ii 4 6 1561 Librarian �I 1562 1561 Linde Air rrOdUOt8 Company ;eorge P. Boalin Supt. II 11 13 5 i 13 50 II 1564 156 Joesting & 13ohil�ling Comnany T. J. o • Lrary Supt. ' I 312 2 ' 46 0 46 o5r % 312 25 1 II 1! it I 1562 rittaburg Coa O�pany 2 1 73 2 1 5 70. ;I I 1567 ChaTle s laribner' a sons 2 349 Od; 49 1 Oa 2 349 00. 9 100; ; 1565 1569 The success Line Inc. John 0. Thomson & Ambrose T1 a 500 Co. 500 001 1570 Vic#ory Printing Comnany 1 318 9 I �I 129 319 95! 129 95 '. 1571 15 2 Villaume Box & Lumber Comp3n L. C. Hodg eon, Com'r. of rin. 34 649 7 I. 34 649 77' �I, �I 15 157 Graybar Tl.ectrio Company F. G. Leslie Paper 00mpany I 132 3 II 1� I i' 132 301 Ij 15 19 1 47 91911 i Q 1575 76 03k Grove Handle Company ^'t.raul. Tleotrio company I II 1 I' l9 o6I I 657 fi 1577 stiePel Material Company 657 � I 96 I Ir -e Display Comp any 15 j' P �I 15:g 15 stern y N. G. ;liner 67 5T I I !; r 6 7 419 7 ! 1550 rm. F. t�nrphy & ;on I 0 � I 5 00 00 28 x+75 00 t 1551 Thornton Brothers Comrany 28 `� 5 i! I I'I I i II 1 I,I 1 i I I p 66 8 8 I i 4219 309 70 ; 88 1992 411 i�l 242 17 . i,15 719 77 16 040 29 SooT 1 1 261-40 692 73 2 957 45 ' 4 695-35 42 75 SHEET TOTAL ---FORWARD WARD 4 i 3 51 35 L 7 39 I' { M • T!@+l FtilPQM1lTE � .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO RES._ NO ----- 5__________.- OFFICE OF THE COMPTR6LLER CI T y CLERK h. --3-7 V C RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE _ CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF AUDITED CLAIMS-k?ESOLUIION FORM DATE - -. 192. � eek 7 X731+$2----- .____"- COV�E/RI NG BY f -V ��r� ;'`= -C P LLER--- CHECKS NUMBERED- 1 31 TO--_.�5�7�____ _ - - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMP CHECK TOTAL I RETURNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY 1 1 1 1562 156 1564 15r 62 1567 1568 1569 1571 1572 1573 197 BROUGHTFORWARD A 1 3ternographio .Bureau 0. Albrecht American Book Company Amerloan Rotel P.egister 00. nmerloan Library Association "aneriean Medical Assooiation i Alma7l0an Optioal Company s. A.. Ashton Com_any, ino. nutomotive-87.71ce Comi'my aohn Bei ssel Fi. C. Foye son comp -my 73. " Hrrnd Co131 Cow any E! 'rooks Brothere Lumber Com y 'te-nrt R. T3rovrne & Com',ny Contras 301entiflo Company Consolidated Electric Com^an DMI17 News Publishing ooa-,an Adam Deaker Hrlydware am -my lrazlwells Ozmun, Kirk & Comn-any Varwella Ozmun, Kirk & company farwell, Czmuun, Kirk & Comr y t3a_ylord Brothers .Toseph Haa.ag Roof. & Corn. 00 3. °7. Hulme Company Znt. Ha ---venter compnny of A. C. I/ Johnoon Ufg. Comnnny Johnson High School Print shop. Z.. '%. Jordan Comnany r'_ae Z.ox Mfg. Comnany 7Ce11ogg !laokay Company LibrP_ri nn TAnde Alr Products Company eorgo P. Eiowlin Supt. Joesting & 1chillling Com,,�ny T. J. OIL-- r ry .;upt. rittaburg Coal Compsny Chr,.rle s "Oribnerf s Sons The luoocess Line Inc. .3ohn C. Thomson & Ambrose T10he Jio#jory Printing Com-r2ny V211nume Box & Lumber Comtlan 2.-ceHodgeen, Com,r. of Sin. C =Wnybar T leotrio Company F'- G. Le alis Paper Company oa]c Grove Handle Company I� i TRANSFER �I DISBURSEMENT I� (y LOCA L_ CHECKS BANK GENERAL $I ✓GIA NGY O�GSO N.' cOONALs. LlOHEI M ER. �NZ E L- 1- rz - .1-F2_ r- F4 ES.. NELSON. WATER - I BOND CHECKS 3 514 35 6838 logo 1i. 390 569.4 1 88 753 21, 8o 929.92 S 115 I i 33700 i 5 454 ool 5 451 01 2 50I' 23 OOI 2 51 2 85 23 Of 3 00l 3 04 4 681 2 8! 43 94 146 43, � 125 00 59 4 j I35 74 6t 10 97 43 81 !' 185 3 76 17 125 a 2q 1465 77 59 4( 6 5 a 5°, 80 3! 8 I 10 9i 1 5011 ( 59 50!' 20z A, 119 24 ii �76 A j 13 50! �j 77 28 05 218 70, 3466 �I 1 00 300 1 1 5c 500 00' 13 318 951 350 34 649 77 119 24; 132 301 66 0 15 19 Z4 Zl 13 5d 3 o 6 oar 2 34 1 00 500 00 9 95 129 95 34 649 77 132 30 15 19: ✓GIA NGY O�GSO N.' cOONALs. LlOHEI M ER. �NZ E L- 1- rz - .1-F2_ r- F4 ES.. NELSON. WATER - I BOND 1 MPROV E M ENT II � 1 � � ACGO Ll 3�.i TS 1i. 390 569.4 1 88 753 21, 8o 929.92 S 115 I i 33700 i 5 454 ool 2 50I' 23 OOI 2 85 3 00l 4 681 43 94 146 43, � 125 00 59 4 j I35 ? 10 97 3 20 19213 [ 76 17 t� i1 2q 1465 77 {I 6 5 a 5°, 1 8 I 1 5011 ( 59 50!' 1 119 24 66 o5 j 13 50! 46 0 312 25 51 218 70, 2 349 00' 1 00 500 00' 318 951 34 649 77 132 301 15 19 i SINKING FUNDS - ---�-- IN FAVOR - -- AGAINST YES ("I COUNCILMEN NAYS (v) DISTRIBUTION TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE }'Vp1T uipme 16 o4o 29 372.8 1 261 74 35 13 4 COUNCIL 1�f FILE 1V(D. ADOPTED BY THE COUN-CIL FEB 17 �192re 792 AP PCROVE MAYOR--- S-PFUNDS _ PUBLIC SPRINKLING I; FORESTRY BUILDING 1 I REVOLVING 692. 73 1! 2 952 so 4 643 .03 i I 1 i 38 94 13 39 SUNDRY ' •ACCOUNTS 1. 42.75 y Yeas r s f Co No. CITY OF ST. PAUL v��a - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 17, 1926 DATE..........._..__......_.._.... .... ................... ........ _.... _... In the matter of grading Bohland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Highview Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #61170, approved August 4, 1925, and Final Order 0. F. #63437, approved December 8, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities &a submitted by the commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. -No. 64480—r.,\Ici]onnld— In the matter o' os n grading Rohtxd A— A ve A,e., uderl'ProlminarY o,,derg C.1 . F. Fin 61170. approved Aug, 4. 1025, and Final , r j C F i3o. 03437, approved nesolY•ed,D That the plans• [Iona d eatlmated quantities ae ldub mitred by the Comml esi oner t public Works for the above named improve- ment. . and the same are hereby ap_ Peeled. i Adoptedby he Council Feb. 17• 1926 } Approved Feb. 17. 1D26. (Feb. 20-1926) ^- FEB 1 7 1926 COUNCILMEN....161?.. _ .adopted he the Couueil..---.._.._..___. V"Clancy / V-rg-@e"— Hodgson _- In favor .----- .................------- McDonald t \ MPYOR Sudheinler ---- ---- 1._.Against Wenzel - /Mr. President COUNCIL ..... �i��•�..�. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Yeas In the matter of grading Ellis Street from Curfew Street to University Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62377. approved October 1, 1925, and Final Order C. F. J63734, approved December 23, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COU N C' 11,N%F.N Clancy F-Meen-- �Hodgson �Mcllonald / Sudheimer '_Wenzel / Mr. President C. F. No. 64481—By J. H. McDoi ld— in the Matter of grading Ellis Stfeet from Curfew St. to UniversalAve.. under Preliminary order C. F. No. 62377. approved Oct. 1. 1925, and Final Order C' P. No. 0734, approved Dec. 23, 102.. Resolved. That the plana, epeciflca- tlons and timated quantities as ub- mftted by the Commissioner o! Public Work. for the above named itpprovs- ent. be and the same are hereby ap- prove d. Ado. ted by the Council Feb. 17, 1926. Approved Feb. 17, 1926. (Feb. 20-1926) 12 FEB 1 7 1928 Aduptcd by til, Council. _.------ ----- '-----------..--102------ N ays :,-. EB t 7 1a2te Appro°C'1-- C.... ------------__..1D2...... ...In favor MAYOR .. _..:-_.....Against 1 CITY OF $T. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO... _- v Ji �v February 17, 1926 In the matter of grading Flandrau Street from Margaret Street to Minnehahe Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62101, approved Sept. 19, 1925, and Final Order C. F. 463674, approved December 22, 1925. RBsOL.VED, That the plans, specifications and estimated. quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. J1l. Mcl)onnld— . tter o C. F. \o13Y dtnn Flandrau $t. In the Irl arSaret gra to Mmnehaha No {rod er Ar011minnr` Order C. F. and 62101, . roved Pt, 18. 1925. tool Order No. 63674, approved Pee. 22, 1925. 1 91s. sPeclflca- R'solve d. That ilio P tlttes `rs sub- ttons nd stimat. dnQg n oner t Public mated by the Cobmovo arced imProve- W or Yor the B ent. bo and the snme are hereby a yroV ed. the Council Feb. 1., 1920 Adopted �b Feb. ]7. 1926. Approve (F fi.p-1926) 4 COUNCILMEN Seas Nays ✓ Clancy favor Hodgson t/ -In iMcDonald /Sudheimcr __.(. .-Against -1-\genzel /Mr. President FEB 1 7 1926 ..-_.. 192...... Adopted hv the Council ................. aPeL ........---- Itl2---- Y✓ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF. THE CITY CL.ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---4GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No - ..rLJA83 .. ................ FILE �`� February 17, 1926 In the matter of grading Pedersen Avenue from Fauquier Street to Nokomis Avenue and Fauquier Street from Ruth Avenue to Pedersen Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. $61075, approved July 28, 1925, and Finel Order C. F. #63304, approved December 1, 1925. RESOLVED, That the :'d;. •-agesiYioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Peas NaN S I/Clanrc 0Hodgso� n ------- 1Ji--in favor ,-'McDonald e'Sudheimer :'._Against /Wenzel ,,--Mr. President C. F. lTo. 64433—By .7. H. llcllonald— In the matter of grading Pedersen Ave. from Fauquier St. to Nokomis Ave. nd Fauquier 5[. from Ruth Ave. to Pedersen ave.. under Pre- liminary Order C. F. No. 61075. Ap- 925, n p er Ca F.uNo. 263`s04. approly di ]Jec�l. 1925. Resolved, That the plane, speci6ca- tlons and estimated quantitlee n sub- mitted by the Commiaaloner of Public works for the above named improve- ment, be and the same are hereby ap- proved. j Adopte9 by the CourICIt- Feb. 17,1926. Approved Feb. 17, 1926. (Feb. 20-1926) FEB -1 7 1926 AIt roved.......... - ...---- _... 192- - I MwYOa y tt. COUNCIL NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 17, 1926 - --------------------------------- That the gr$de Of Parkview Avenue from Osage AWeatL4b to Como Park Service Drive, in acoordance with the red grade line on the aocompanying profile and as reoommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be end the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Co L -N C I1,37 F.N yeas Clan(-}• Ferguson Hodgson McDonalcl Sudheirner W--1 Mr_ PreaicicirL, S, N' ec of S'aoko� m �tA$1 �tbe Bccoe. a V7itc, C. Q eg iVed, trt o 0s65eo w j�V e. Drive. un rhe nccQt!C�=t� a .i�r Tgervic je �inerecum W - 1r f; nruflsione Sereb ubadoPted. ti•� Con�m'm 1s h 5l Feb. t,,,% Ped b,F(be X20 19 61 AD4rcved (F•eb. �I FEB 1 7 1926 Mopte,l by the Council- - -------------------- = a t 192 Approve,.l------ - - - -- ------------------------- I S)L----- ---------------- In favor --Against Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ^FORM .. _�..� 9. DAl ] r� i COUNCIL No ,�', -18 8 "1. 1 1� Feb. 17, 1926. That the grade of Alley in Block 58, Arlington Hills Addition, from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on 1. the accompanying profile and as recommended by the 0ommissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. } enol �ed.;That t;he grade aid of H. MeL,9n Y In Block 68. Arlington Hills Addlt ion, from N"7elde Are. to Walsh Ave., Ina - rdancewith the red grade line on the acco,npanying profile and as rec- nded by the Commisaloner of I PU bllc Worlts, be and the e e 1. hereby adopted as the established grA clop tcd by the COU -1.1 Feb. 17, 1926. Approved Feh. 17, 1926. (Feb. 20-1926) CUOKCILMEI Nass Clancy Fergusou Hodgson -------In favor McDonald Sudheilner Against Wenzel Mr. President FEB 1 i 1926 192... Adopted hy' the Council .-._..._.._...._-._--- .. - ------ ,EB 1!1926 Approved ----- ------ _----- _. . _. - --192. `YO -"'- -'--'- MAYOR counts NO...._ �.JL ►,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - .. GATEFebr.-.u _ .. -ry 17 . ..,.-.-... 1926 __.. ..._--..---- .--.. ............_._........_._....._ That the plat of iithee Addition as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C. P. Nn. 6ai S6—Ry S. A. rlcDonald— Resolced,9 Th. ommheodedt o4 eRhee by,tlla Plat \ddition a d q,_�1��' Com - C f sloner7 of Pulhl cPl� ofitBi';Ge and the Is DerebY uc ePted. .'- 1926. 'n,\dop (td Dy the Couneil e.% 'h, ;lpproved Fer eb 172 1 019261 CUCNI'ILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ---.--.-----_.In favor McDonald SudheimerAgainst ................ Wenzel Mr. President FEB 1 7 1926 192 - Adopted Icy the Council..__------_--- ------ Al proved. ----E i-1-9�ffi ..... ---.192- ........... ............ .-- MAY R City, Planning . Council File No �- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and C' F. NO 64;86 Abstract. w�h.I.-A written p}O�jpyrovement, making of the totlowlnB ., r[eenth PRELIMINARY ORDS vtop—, St. ' The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following puhhc !°"` nlrni liy t Ile C1ty of St. Paul, viz.: Coen, widen_apd-..extend Fourteenth St..tion _o a_lb-_vri_o ri - �f_. 66 Vit.. S by kinp! he west line of Lot 18 Tinceraf lenda16tft-. in--w-idthealor rand--oonti�uotzs --_.__and condemnirt -Q 8t -r -#p - to the north side of Fourteenth St. - ........._....... ..._......__..._.. - - - - ..-,. . 12th.._(lay of. Janus __, 192 6.. Dated this Co II . n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iuylrovciilelit, via.: _.. Onan, _ widen.- find. extend - Eollrteenth-St. to a ---width of 66 ft_ -frons the ... west line of Lot 18 Tinker's Addition to L'Orient St h' tRY np end coridemnin� a strip of land 16 ft. in width along and contiguous _to-_th-e---north _.s-ide --ox Fourteenth St. -----------._...._. having been presented to fho Council of lhi- City (if Vit. Paul ----------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Conlnlissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered -ill(' directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said in, provenv"nt. ?, To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said iclprovcinont is asked for on the pctitioe of t1lree er "'oro otcners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing clatters to the Counnissimur of Finance. Adopted b the --------- -Fa - ---------------- YEA$ NAYS Councilman C1 ANCY Approved ---._ ........... 1� HODGBUN /I McDONALD 1 .-• .-_`VEN 7.EL .......................... Mayor. PRESIDENT n/ ra,m CA 11 111ug 1 3-25) 4 r �L13I�D ./f4� i//w. City Planning • , Council File No ....... U 119-0 t PROPOSAL FOR IMI q'*:'Br a4ja0— AbetrsT.t Wher b£ ed` A rrltteR^PrQ o�41.;, , and � 14 'of, Ionoirr m-Rbbekt st.'.t PRELIMINARY OI1T:Ifty The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ezt end_ University__A4e... from..Rohert_.St-._-to--Fourteenth St. to a width of 84 Wit., the southerly line of said opening beim the quarter Beetlo-nt--- line ---- rind---the---no-rth--- 1.-irre--be ng---parsllsl --th-e-r-eto---to --- the-- east - line of Lot 19 Tinker*s Addition; thence to the southeast corner --- -"------off--Lot---18--fiinFLe='-s A3d3tion--------------------- -------------- - -..... ---- .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- .-----------------.. Dated this ....12th -------- day of ---- I--------- J pnar ...- ..... ------------- ----------- 192.6... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -.0pe1 _.widen..and__axt_end._U—ni er_si-ty--Avo......fromSto to a width of 84 ft . , the southerly line of said opening being the quarter efttio2r lined-snd �3i� imrtiz -lin-e--b-eirlg-pa.rellei-there*o--to--- t -h& eaat- lin_ a of Lot 19 Tinl_c_ er l s Addition{ thence to the southe�st corner oY f6t 18 Tiniter v i Aau t ion. -- - ... .......... ... .... . - - --- - - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---------------- ................... ....._.......___.......----------------------- ._... therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, -profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB 1 7 00" Adopted by the Council----------------------- -------------- ------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY /^Approved ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- / D M ONA cDIVALn v/ SUDIIEIv1ER WEN7.EL • .................! ._ ..... ---------- MU. PRESIDENT - Mayor. Form C A 13 0M 3-25) Petition Council File No_ ------ U%-'AlZYX PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ----------------- Grade alley in__Blook_58,_-:9rlington Hilla Addition_�_--__..... .__-__..--_.... ..-_ from Weide Avenue to Waleh Avenue. ------ ------------_.-------------------------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- --- Dated this ------ I7-�'-bL ------- day of. February2G - -- - 192 -...._... - - - --- ------ - - - collnril. an. .. .'_ , 6449 -' F. PRELIMINARY ORDER C 7bere8°r w w:<tcaryopr-IM0opp", •tOf�tho maktn8 of the SollowlnB �yyroveah04t+I rlin6ton WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followin-9provement, v z.:'_ _----__Gra-de --$lley___in_-B1oog__58,-_Arlin gtop .-Hille-.Addition,..... __........ _--------- --- -. ---------from -Weide---Agenne---- to-- We1sh_-Avenne.. -------- ----- --------------------------- ------ ------- -------------_--------- ---------------------------- -- --- ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------ --........------------------------------ - - hwong been presented to the Council of the Citv of St. Paul _..--------- ..-------------- ....._..._..__....--.----------------------------_ ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the. making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. y ' 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ff-8 1 7 1926 Adopted by the Council----------------------------------------------------------- YEAS v NAYS Councilman C.LANCY ✓ HODGSON MCDONA LD moi' �LTDH FIN FR / WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C Ar 13 (1 N1 3-35% Approved....--------- - - �E�-1-- 7- S92F -------------------------------- ----------------- Mayor. Council File No..,..li #.4 -2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT W and CF. No 8448 ADetract. < PRELIMINARY ORDER."'w,lereae. s Mitten propo"I dor tyaf :alone" the SOIIOWIa6 $Vp, emeb4 Vs e ' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publ, in Conde peceeea v do $cloves sola ]"Viz.: -- and a1Fr J Y ,: 11 y In Condemnin and--ta_k_in s an easement i 1cMxt! ,.a�tia �trtid..g��a} 3�t:�� t - gg --- .........- -..... for slopes, onto and fills, in the gredin9 of alley---in.--Blook.._58---.--. ------------------------ - - - --- ------------------------- Arlington_.$ills:.-Additt-Q.n .--from-.W.Qilie...Ave,U e...to....W:Blah-.A4..enne.................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... - ............. 17thFebruary .1926 192. Datedthis. ...... ........... ....day of._..------------------...-- fv, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning „ i " ellu@ye"."0-6.8ary-----..-_.--------..- ------------ ------------- ix --- H7aak--- F@-.--.-- foralop".-ontaand_Yla,_i.nthe_gradingoi _ ..........ArliMgton..Hi11a..Addition,._from.- W8 da-AY-enus- to-.Weleh--- AV-enna.-------------- - /, -. Aja __----- ---------------------- ---- ...... _.....------- ------------------------------------------- ----- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul........_ ------ --- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability- of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fQXggoing m antel to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ----------- ...---- .---------------------------------------- ----- YEAS NAYS - - Councilman CLANCY ��t.. 7 Approved- ....1.926------ HODGSON• MCDONALD / SU DIIEINY:R WENZEL ,K MR. PRESIDENT Goren C A 13 Old 3-25) --------- ---------------- --- Mayor. COUNCILFILE NO .............. ...... _...... _.......... ... _...... _ By J41,93 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Hudson Ave. from Forest St. to Earl St. and the west side of Cypress St. in front of LOt—l- Flakefield Place, APPROVING ASSESS IIDFTB. • the aeaea9, meat o� under Preliminary Order.. .... _........ 55528 Intermediary Order ......... .... 56665 , FinalOrder .......... 5.7..2.92.._ ........... ........... .................... _, approved...._.19,11......:0h.................._..._.................--..........__y 192_5 The assessment of.......__b_eneftsZ.__eosts...__and expenses mor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore,. be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 24th __..._...._day of _ ......... __b4arclh.._.......... .... .___, 192......6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FES t Adopted by the Council ................ .._..... ......... .... ..___------- __...__.._......... 192.—__. FEB 1 % ibi4 .t_(J1erk. Approved..........._......................................__..........__..192._ ..._. ✓ �...._....._.._..._......._ _�_. _.. ... _......_ .. _......., Mayor. Councilman Clancy v/ Hodgson ,McDonald ✓"Sudheimer ' 1 Wenzel �f Mayor Nelson Form E. E. 16 _ / COUNCIL FILE NO ..... _. ¢ xogA49a— ` 'iIf'a ma, er. of the a8e�esam6nt of r'. r1 neat% c4cte and eapepsee'for con- .iraotIng %ye Wer on: By ....... _____------------ ............__......._—_......_.__.........._..._;Dav 7n ve. from FIe1,da AVe., to rr ^ci- 1'a,. on lo ai Won from the east see - CITY OF ST. ?l, n 28; R. 28 to Edg- 1 from at. Paul Resolution of Council Approvi "e eE'nt'n essment tear In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Davern Ave. from Field Ave, to Saint Paul Ave., on Saint Paul Ave. from the east section line Sec. 21, T. 28, R. 23 to Edgcumbe Road and on „ Edgcumbe Road from St, Paul Ave. to the terminus of the existing 42 concrete sewer approximately 1,290 feet northwesterly of the center line of said Saint.Paul Ave. (measured along the center line of said Edgcumbe Road) also the enlarging and lining of the existing sandrock Tunnel Sewer on Davern Ave. from hest Seventh St. to Field Ave. to be known as "ST. PAUL AVEIIUE SEWER SYSTEM NO. 1" under Preliminary Order... ... .... .... ...., Intermediary Order _.......... _...52��?L............ __................ Final Order.. .... ....... ..........62016................................y approved.._---._ ...... Sept .........16-th_............... _-_......... _...y 192--a- The assessment of......_hensfits.,....C[tats....and._expenaas... ................ -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the____...24.th............ day of _.............MaX .C�l............._..._.._._.., 192...6:..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. t 7 tD26 Adopted by the Council........._._...._F� _............--_--- ............_-.... .................192._. FEB17 40 .... _._... __ ._............. _. .............. ._._. City Clerk. Approved_..._._............................................_.._.......__192.._. ......_............. _ _ .. ._._.___._ _ ........_.�....___... , ayor. Councilman Clancy " ✓Hodgson \ McDonald " Sudheimer " -Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. B. 16 , �t 'i 3a5 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings 1n the matter of.__c_os��tamzx....ansl_t.lsi.ng-_an...._fl.a.s.�zaent.....in.._the_..1.and._ns.cs.ss.ary ng.._, f i_l l s__._i n _grading.._and_____paying.-_S o ut h__2ob ert_t .... ._............ ... ._..--...--- — -._._...._�.::v ..._....:: ___-_.�nESOLUTION OF COIINOu'.APPnOo ...__......................__..:.................._...........__...._ ING A9SE88AIENT AND ..............:..__............_. II _E OF HEAVING IN 'ONDE�INA' ., c- PVOOEEDIN69. ..._^_-.«....__-._ ,{,, ............_._._._..._. ....__._...__.:.st �� :' off. under Preliminary order.............63Z .5 .- - approved._.AU49-11-s192.5..., Intermediary Order_.26MEL approved—Dec_r.....23,...._1925..e... ;. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the._ 2i:�b— day of. ...... M,%rQJL .— ... -...... 192 &....., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. FEB 1 7 i9a Adopted by the Council...._..................A......._. __................... 192_.. ._. EB t 7 f _._ - —=--_ "" "' ""''- City Clerk. Approved............. ............. .._........................ __........ 192---.... -- -.__.......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Y Councilman Hodgson .,Councilman udheiMcDonald /Conneilman Sndheimer Councilman Wenzel \ /llayo�Nelson /� ) ��, 54496 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings r In the matter of_...._C97ld-O]rill.ing...911d_tski,S1g._9_I3....619SQManti.._.Sri.._th@__-Sl1d_ ne`.es.saz'y f...or..._010.p.Q.S. for .....Q-1.415..._And...... 1 __ �xad ng__�+11ey .....aX1— ] 4 ......7,_.ZQ.tlsjen PArk, from...(.0.1] e.s.lear_Av ........ ta....st.lla vx_d._AQ.1..... a.1�a.:�Qzn....E.a,xlll._ 84496— SOUtYl All@jT In tge matter of Coad ronin. and Oak• .......s...._._...._..........__.....................................___...._.._. to an easement /n the land neoea- eery for slopes, for cute and flue n grading Alleys in Block 7, Louden. Park, from wellealey Ave; to 9''I._`-... —........... ...... ................. _...................... ............. _.... __.......... ford Ave. and frn-., ::u•. ^, �'-:,�, . North and R—" `• .....-----__......... _.......... ................ under Preliminary Order .......... 63214....._....,_,,., approved.N.Q—T.,2Q_oL);92$....., Intermediary Order__6; 4M--> approved_De.a—.24...1925.,...... , . . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement e and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess- ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_.-2.4.'hh____— day at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the Council ................... .... ............ _..................... . 192 ......... _.. ....__ ....__ ............ FEB 17 40 ity Clerk. Approved_—.......... ....................._...................__......, 192 ... ....... Mayor. ,"Councilman Clancy Councilman Hodgson Councilman McDonald a % ouncilman Sudheimer v (� 'Councilman Wenzel. Q /Mayor Nelson WIN. a7. E COUNCIL FILE N0. r th matter t the as esa en` .tl jst refits, ctin . reeta trod expenses 1.. - t i t P•. '! atructing, recon dewallg and repairing sldewalr ,�•1 .I .! j By No. 6,. under Contrac 1925. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructinj, reconstruct'-n�, rolayin7 and repairing sidewal?cs, sti::':ate :'o, I un_Ior Contract ::o. 3991, " oar 1925. --Assesc bin-- .0. 59812 Livin,:ston ..ve., both si(les, from George St. to Tyler t. i'.0. 61263 Jackson St., cast aide, from 6th ?t. to 7th at. r`.0. 56393 Cedar ;st., nest nide, beginning 93 ft, south of 'evonth `,t. thence south 112 ft. .0. 61262,`air, aount vo. , northsl"' , u n :ing DO ft. cost of „hatsr;ortn t., tnonau edost 162 ft. i.0. 61032 Palace t., south. side, frog: Lexin:ton %ve. to ':d:^cunbo .oad . .0. 60851 ".chsffcr ;t., north side, froze v:loll1. - :':ve. to Underwood :.vo. f.0. 60851 hacalester . ve., both sides, from Layard vo. to :3cileffar .!t. F.O. 60854 ;,hields vo., both sidles, from ?iorce ..'.t. to 'nollin:, ,ve. c.0. 61253 Alis 't., north side, from .aymond _.vo. to Hunt Place. C F.O. 61263 East 4th ,t., north side, from Olive St. to John Vit. .0. 61263 !3ates :"ve., :;estside, hettiveen Urban Place and traria ltvc. `.0. 59799 teakefiold ve., south side, beginning 120 ft.•oast of Forest St., thence east 170 ft. =.0. 6 883 Conway ;it., s-r.t`> side, beginning at F'oreat 't., thence oat 240 ft. .0. 59798 :;arl :,t., east side, begimlin;: at last 4th ;t., thence south to alley. t 0. 59798 'arl St., west side, be•inning at beech 3t., thence north 70 ft. ..0. 61260 Beech "•t., south side, beginning 144 ft. west of Duluth ve. tI}ence west 134 ft. -'.0. 59799 Forest.ilt., east side, from zi3t sovontli t. to i.eaney St. .0. 60842 Jenks !3t.-, north side] bettiveen :earl t>t, and F'ra~lk ,zt. .0. 61255 Lane Place, Trost side, fror::.:..aryland vo. to Jessamine '.0. G0343 Jessamine 't., both sides froi,l Frank St. to i)uluth : ve. .0. 60414 Durr .,t,., both silos, botacen Jessamine 9t. and Geranium :',t. :0. 60414 Burr 't., west side, between C;eranium St, and t;ose "t. _-- '.0. 00416 nrainerd ve., south side, beginniv;r_ 46 ft. nest of Burr .—treet, thence west 80 ft. '.0. CU -"16 . r nrright 3t. , east side, be -inninr at Brainerd ;,vo. t,u.lco north lr rc; t,, at • ,: ;,, r L1.1 t . , 'I, _. , ai11(T., �3G f Cast Of' t 7j west 90 ft. .0. 60209 Geranium .t., t__ �iuu, _ so0 i't. st of rcade Oast3,0 'fit. .C, Ei0845 =',arl '.t., Trost sic?e, i'ro:. ivy .;t. to ;.:u land t. 1:^Q 60865 .3nellin vu a •t iJc, i ­.' ' as:.a : vo. to [oyt Ave. xfor'l t•., t ft, no_th of Lie%:onty "mow_...._. 't, 0 a_. ul.l - t. .0. 61262 . 1i c .,axle t., . ,.,i. 74flu, 1 t' co north lc0 ft. Y F,Q, 61844 Rice St.., east side? beginl3iorth c ax ^t +, e r a .'y,te,r.,t► - 2a'y}:. 31CAtAi, �llltr♦�:$ $� 7. 3 p .t �y i;1Y1 f ii t �^ {4i,Ay p �+ _l 1, ,17ti`i' `'i .1.x7YW�7, ry 1'i�i i•-f'irr4 %Y '+n'"�,ryaw y .WL,' ".�� sty to at i E MR. 'x.0.'612$5 �i,sne Platte, W�s�"5idb, 'f�r�s�p"' " nff' St �o �'e�s�lmine sir; - r F.O. 56985 Weide Ave., oast side, From Jenks St. t0 Case at. F.O. 41669 Hyacinth St., south side, between 3arl St. and Frank Std { '.0. 60197 Fairfield Ave., north side, beginning at So. Wabasha ::;t, thence 3r t west 170 ft. l 1 .0. 60849 Prosect Ave.south side from Waite Bear Avenue to cur16 Ave. .0. 60010 Lmes Ave., north aifrom ';ihite Bear Ave. to west side.''gf } 1 Lot 9, block I Haz, rk AdUlit=on. .0. 59812 ivinston mo., both sidos, fr 1 -,ore �t, to Tylor ',t ve., st side, f +s'"VU. to :'oyt vs.lue L3 t - .. . ................... . . ........ . . ....... ........... ... ...... . .. .... n�(r The assessment of benef�. tsx.. . C es_...... . . ...... .... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the -23.rd.......day of 192__S.._.,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Couri House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council, 7 !.ga ....... ...... . ...........192......_..... ... . ... . .... FP --F3 T 7 MW y Clerk. Approved........................................... - ....................192.......... "I Mayor. Councilman Clancy _Fffru`son ✓ Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer ✓ Wenzel Mayor Nelson X11 3 i7 C. F. No 64498— in the matter of the assessment of t COUNCIL FILE NO_- ..... . . .... benefits, costs and expenses for con- s trutting, reconstructing, relaying '-� `-- and repairing sidewalks, Estimate - pro. 4, under t'.ntract No. 3991, Year, By ..................................._...._....._.......... '1 Y6. ,.-i same: CITY OF -t•.yr PAUL ''� . east sld.-f' • 1 A, Resolution of Council Appro�ii g Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, reconstructin;7, relaying and repairing sidewalks, Estimate I;o. 4, under Contract T;o. 3991, Year 1925. --,.ssessable-- F.O. 60415 Cedar•t., east aide, frons Summit to Central Ave. F.O. 60415 `thirteenth 't,, south side, frons Jackson 3t. to 3obert "t. F.O. 54758 Sprucet;, both sides, from Temperance 3t, to ,ibley "t. F.O. 60209 Acker "'t., port" side, be7inninr at Cortland. ,t., thonce west 140 ft. P.O. 60209 Cortland >t., .:fist aide, beginninT at Acker3t., thence north 110 ft. i`'.0, 60414 Payne .,vo., :)cot aide, be ronin=; at I:eanoy :a., thence North 140 ft. F.O. 59798 Reaney "t., south side, be, ronin^ at ';;side Ave. thence :;fist 132 ft. F.O. 60416 Rose ,t., north side, ber,xinninr, 117 ft. lost of Weide Ave., thence best 135 ft. 'r'.O. 60410 Tdendota ^.t., both sides, from Ivy >t, to Lake Como & Phalen ,.ve. F,O. 59953 Vista Ave., both sides, from _'lea6dnt ;.ve. to Lace 3t. F.O. 59953 Pleasant :`ve.,.both sides, from Otto. Ave. to Llontreal ,ave. F.O. 60856­fe9'1-ss101 rve., south side,; From Gri,f-^s St, to ^syndicate ,ve. F.O. 60644 Grirts ':St., ewe t side, from ';t. Clair 3t. to Stanford ,ve. F.O. 59800 :Stanford ;,vv-, south side, from Cleveland t.ve., to Finn Ave. F.O. 59800 Stanford rve., .:orth side, be,cinnin, 260 ft. nest of Cleveland Ave. thence west 170 ft. .•a. C1 it '.t,, north sick:, fro....J1,�'✓ol�nd „ve. to lin:! /:vc. i.0. 60412 n, --,3; X552 4I -s t south -ast ride from .,�• �o�,eg ,;roti:: �.^.outh, cast side, from Randolph St, to Niles St. i.0. 60214 Capitols .Vvee,,southhside,,beginning atm Ave. to Snelling Ave. thenceille Ave. west 170 ft. F.O. 59799 Snelling Ave., east side, beginning 120 ft. north of J=iinnehaha St, thence north 150 ft. 59952 Sheldon ,ve., east side, from Nebraska Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. F.O. 60373 Hubbard 3t., south side, between Blair Syndicate toe. and Grigren gs .0. 60196 Fa_rin,ton :`ve„ , from0. 60196 van Luren .t., south side, beginning at Farrington P.ve, thence west to alley. F.O. 60196 Dale 3t., east aide, beginning at Cottage St. thence south 150 ft. F.O. 59497 Grotto St,, east side, from haryland St. to'Wheelock Parkway. F.O. 60206 Capitol t:ve,, north side, from LeXingto-n Ave. tc#,ftatsworth St. F.O. 60847 Chatsworth -it., east side, from Charles St, to Edmund St. F.O. 59800 Dayton Ave., north side, beginning 190 ft. west of 14ilton ,t. thence west 120 ft. u -yon -asses able-- 60415 'Thirteenth ',t., south side, from Jackson St, to Robert t. 1'.0. 60209 Cortland St., vast side, beginning at Acker St., the north 110 ft..hnlcn Ave, 1'.0. 60410 I;:endota St., both sides, from Ivy "t. to La_ie Co:.:o -. F.O. 59953 vista Ave., both sides, from Pleasant ave, to ,ace 3t F�01. $9800 Stanford'Ave., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. 59951`$31es St., south:side, from-ClevelaAd Ave. to Cret rL, e.: F.0 - &�46- Cretin Ave. South, east side, from Randolph St.'to •i�i� $t' g,Q. 6Q214 (3ap'3 01 -Ave,., south side, beginning, at,,3neiling west 'T® ft,too :Yen .BtIx 5 r F 0 •x0196 ikar*'ington Ave , west side.., from B1ajT ,sast..s3,de, from far ]•end ,St. to Wh@e10A1�; ��a�4 µ oil Ave,o (aha. north 3t «s .,6Q206 : fSaptol Ave. , north dine; "'fr6Ynesgt le„0, 094¢, ih4' aworth .St., 'eas't 81da;' from"CUaiales t tti Sdmurid Bis« 90'9,.Aekdr, n0il. side St: , beginritng at 0 A03.arafl the. tGB asst ; . .. .. ,4:n.�n ail..:. •.. � ':.: .:.` �'?.. . ,b �h,.-. a.:": �.. .x�rr ;:'. ... rr. _. _ ...r-.. -.. '-.r�.:{i. �✓�i4WT'u"r'.ac'i+-ax6�.�'dk... .- ..'�3� 'rTd:Gl%�!' ., .........u�na �. . 4. ..yaw✓.—___ 1 14..s'. ' '•�i�.e� �'i� . ............ ............ WIeC.Yme.�C.OTX_........_._..._........._.....___...................._...._............., yyLL ...__.................... g�p,g' yid_...... .. ..........._..... ................... .._.....y 19¢xii._ The assessment of..___._l]_Onefits,_.._G..Ost.S.._a.l�d ex ense_s...... .._...... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be bad on said assessment on the --.1.71h ... ........... ...day of ___.._.__._........_j;;&.x_QJ;1_................... ..._, 192.6_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 9i Adopted by the Council. 6- ......... 192..._....... Qzfii a i .._....... _ ity Clerk. Approved......................... _.................._....................... .... 192._....._.. ._'............__...._..........., Mayor. Councilmad"Clancy ✓Hodgson -,McDonald — Sudheimer " `Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. B. 16 i i r ... rr. _. _ ...r-.. -.. '-.r�.:{i. �✓�i4WT'u"r'.ac'i+-ax6�.�'dk... .- ..'�3� 'rTd:Gl%�!' ., .........u�na �. . 4. ..yaw✓.—___ 1 14..s'. ' '•�i�.e� �'i� . ............ ............ WIeC.Yme.�C.OTX_........_._..._........._.....___...................._...._............., yyLL ...__.................... g�p,g' yid_...... .. ..........._..... ................... .._.....y 19¢xii._ The assessment of..___._l]_Onefits,_.._G..Ost.S.._a.l�d ex ense_s...... .._...... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be bad on said assessment on the --.1.71h ... ........... ...day of ___.._.__._........_j;;&.x_QJ;1_................... ..._, 192.6_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 9i Adopted by the Council. 6- ......... 192..._....... Qzfii a i .._....... _ ity Clerk. Approved......................... _.................._....................... .... 192._....._.. ._'............__...._..........., Mayor. Councilmad"Clancy ✓Hodgson -,McDonald — Sudheimer " `Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. B. 16 Ist.�: -_ Laid over to 3rd. & app. Yeas Nays 'C:lancy erdgusoTn Hogson 'McDonald ib'udheimer . , Wenzel Mr. Pres, Nelson 2nd. Adopted - Yeas Nays �lancy 7guson odgson cDonaId nzel zel We Mr. Pres. Nelson j X17 .,,. CSF 'Pio a8449f�—C _l I3Y John'�H: lfaza n lo` t the ordtnanca 6ransnY D'Vl on:po. eumerl D nd - �afn.'P a.th thO ¢nth tlie.. C.R. .: aY Ordinance No.,l NoT o H. McDonald An,ordinanes granting to the C re Milk Company permission i to install and maintain an areaway and an artesian well"under.- w neath"thw sidewalk in front of lot 15, block 2:, Syndicate" Addition.No. 1, being 500 N. Grotto Street. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That.permission and authority are hereby granted,to the Cona�ers�Milk Co. to install and maintain an areaway and an artesian well underneath the sidewalk upon said licenae's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said areaway and artesian well shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. kaul in the sum of Fide Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00)'conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments,, costs'damages or 'expense may accrue t6"persons or. property, „that on account of or 'arising" from the operation,: ,dnnstructton�,;maintenance.; presence, or removal of said<areaway or artesian well. Said bond as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel,, shall be in sueh,.form .shall have such ;surety,ask may be approved b7' the yayor, and shall be filed with thej` CiCg.,Cconptroher. (3) and artesian well shall be removed by said _Said.areaWa7 licensee whenver',the Council shall so order:. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas:Ccuncilmen Nays: lancy,. in favor. �.MdDonald ;Menzel s on ent MOM against. Perm n Adopted by the Council mAR - 9 3926 AgAN _ 4 Ap ov d: May r. t ;-.y C 4CrJ, f Mr. John H. McDonald, commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: - The undersigned hereby makes application to construct and maintain an area -way and well underneath the sidewalk in front of Lot 15, Block 2, Syndicate Addition No. 1, known as 500 N. Grotto St. Will you please have ordinance drawn and presented to the City Council? Thanking you in advance for same, I remain, Yours very truly, 500 N. Gtotto St., St. Paul, Minn. v ry ., 8 nAA CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl� Ca No..--- OFFICE O..-_OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with P. W. DemBey, providing for the payment` compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of, injuries re— ceived by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 11th day of January, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to'pay to said P. W. Demsey the sum of $18.67 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including January 25th, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are authorized to pay to Dr. David gadesky the sum of $24.00 out of Y said fund for professional services rendered to said P. W. Dempsey. Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN FEB l 8 19" Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............. ---------------------- -----19'2.....- ✓Clanc•y FEB 1 8 V926 ,..►-- f ApP cued.--- ...--- -------------------------------192.. - VHodgson _i:;7.......In favor ✓McDonald r ...............: 6. MAYOR Sudheimer..-.....AgainBt � Wenzel lo CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO. _-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK oU CI UTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED,That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Margaret Linke, an employe of the Department of Education, injured December let, 1925, the sum of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of her claim against the City, being for the period up to February 15, 1926, inclusive. Recommended for passage. lommissioner of Education. FEB 1 SIM COUNCILMEN Adopted by theCouncil ---------------------------------------- 192...... Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy =�d..-a 1619 3 App192Hodgson _ ...----In favor McDonald-------�-------- --•iewon.... Sudheimer ....Against VQenzel" �UHCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REsOLUTION--GENERAL. FORM WHEREAS, 64061, approved January 20, — �,MpMkS. 7by C�-1)4!gc;l File,.'No. 1926, 'the council authorized the setting aside of the sum of $150.00 out of the contingent fund to aid in defraying the expenses of the annual program of the Municipal George Washington Club; and WHEREAS, said resolution failed to specify as to whom this money could be paid; therefore be it RESOLVED, that`the proper city officers be and are hereby authorized to pay over the above said amount for the above said Pur- poses to Mrs. E. F. Leighton, as Chairman of the -said Municipal George Washington Club. COU LMEN Yeas Clancy /erguson odpon McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President FEB 1 8 nO Nays- Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------192.....- Al ----........In favor ........... Against rnsaOUNCILNO. 45Q3 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL .."--------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLvEoThat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to 8t. Joseph's Hospital the sum of $58.95 out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for services render- ed to George %erst, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured October let, 1925. h -L` SSy 64608-13YY. S 8. McDonald �R�eolyed That .tha prdDaf dity offl aerd"7Ia-end they _Tei 3r 3robbq na DelfrL�Bd:' to •payr to r9i, Sa Hoayy""ltaLx elpa t5e. paeUi edma�bL�$fi8 86'' p 3 n 4r'o, Wotktrl OG+om eih Acc ggnt�ot She.;gaperdl _ . �bn +;o softylcea rdndered to^peor�e I Icor8">atnplogaof the Dayartmbat o; Tu 11a WprkB, injsti, 1986,' Adpptad°bq tha Council-P'pb. 18 1888.. Approved ineb. 18, 3828 Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Eerg- / Hodgson In favorJ -.-:•i ....-. / McDonald Sudheilner..-.-Against Wenzel W. Yba Pm Forin— Adopted by the Council FES 1--81M--------192.----- Ap roved.....-.- ---------- 192-- --------------- MAYOR rCITY OF ST. PAUL w.ur+aL No ------x/1594 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. C. C. Thauwald the sum of Ninety-four Dollars ($94.00) out of°the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to James 8suro, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured August,31st, 1926. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ]!Clancy Hodgson ....... In favor 'McDonald / $udheimer J.—Against Against %Wenzel +' rr Dir. viae Pres. Fevasoa Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. EES 1 81926 Adopted by the Council. ---------------- ----------------------- 192.----. sow A proved. ------------------ MAYOR ' • _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ C,OUUNNCIILL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT I UNCI�I No -------- 5U5 r February 18, 1926 RESOLVED V That the applicat s for licenses of the following persons be and the seme are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police: John Keogan, 120 So. Wabasha St. Application 1034 fpr confectionery license. Undesirable hangout. Norman Le Claire, lE3 'P. Fairfield St. Application 941 for soft drink license. Undesirable hangout. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays "Glancy / —' j --- ------In favor Hodgson *-McDonald �Sudheimer .....---1/----Against "'Wenzel Mr. Vice Pres. Mergumll .FeArdeld drWk 11+ 19m I, FEB 18 Adopted by the Council..-.- ..................................192..---. FED 181S Appr ed,.- .........................192...... MAYOR COUNCIL0 4.50.6 CITY ' '`�"'a FILE NO.. V OFF16E laves mhal. �a - 10Egneea of •tha-• 1 - � I _ COUNCIL R coaduoting-TW PRESENTED BY '`�'.----- commiss1oN RESOLVED That the applications or ioenses of the following persona for conducting businesses at the dresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: 2 pool tables 364 Rioe St., John Hood, - John Hood, 364 Rico St., Confectionery Grocery Mike Pills 261 University Av., M. Stein, 397 No. Dale St., R A. G. Walter, 742 Grand IV., Butcher A. G.Walter, 742 Grand Av., Grocery H, L. Buron, 1573 University Av., Butcher G. A.Dickman, 798 Grand Av., Confectionery -drug M. Gragnario, 101 Y. 7th St., Grocery Braunig & Sons, 299 Maria Av., A. L. Lachenmayer, 833 University Av., Butcher M. E. wallraff, 1339 Randolph St., Confectionery n John W. Nelson, 979 University Av., 11 Wesley St, Clair, 678 Grand Av., n Shebla Abdala, 220 E. 7th St., Grocer Miller & Co,3 163 IN. Summit Av., y Frank Bartho, 864 University Av., Confectionery Roth Hotel Co., 359 St. Peter St., N M. 0. Gerner, 424 University Av., Emil Hroemer, 843 Rica St., Grocery Geo. Granstrom, 1043 Grand Av., Dance hall C. Oliva 200 E. 7th St., Confectionery H. G. Egbert, 621 University Av., Conf-drug N. J. Fracho, 117 W. 7th St., Restaurant Short & Lectr, 106 E. 4th St., Confectionery Grocery 719 Burr St., Borman Bros., It R. M. Noren 1626 Selby Av., Ungaretti &Son, 129 E. 5th St., 11 t F. Seifert, 4411 Wabasha St., 30 pool tables F. Seifert, 4411 Wabasha St., 4 bowling alleys M. Cossetta, 226 S. Franklin St., Grocery Max Rosenfield, 318 Rondo St., Winkel Bros., 579 Thomas St., 11 F. 0. Fisher, 1104 University Av., Confectionery R. V. Hruby, 300 Bates Av., Grocery E. Yr. McGill, 820 Rondo St., It COUNCILMEN ,adopted by the Counci --- --- ----- ...------ ...192.- -- 1 sea Nays Clancy _�'� Ferguson _ ---C� Approved ...... ................ -------------------------- ] .-..-- Hodgson ............. - MAYOR heimet Against Wenzel Mr. President - _ CITY. OF ST. ,PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED E.___.......Fab COMM,SSIONERBY DAT�A-.._._._------- ---------- COUNCIL �.- - NOR%0 rRs 1166 ----- ..-_.1926........_._-_ '"15 RESOLVED _2 - -,Clancy r.,'v '".yam Fred W. Wyss, 933 E. 7th St., Bakery C. W. Hoffman, 1060 Hastings Av., Grocery e " G. E. Nelson, 937 Payne Av., M. Spangenberg Co „ 313 N. 7th St., Butcher M. Spangenberg Co., 313 Ti. 7th St., Grocery R R. E. Weber, 602 Viabasha St., R J. F. Collova, 262 W. 7th St., H. W. Reitzke, 380 Selby Av., Conf-drug Schroeder & Amiot, 173 Western Av., Grocery- rocery-S. S.Report, 251 E. 13th St., Butcher .1 M. Friedman & Son, 641 Selby Av., Fred Banholzer, 446 Wabasha St., Soft drink .g Grocery Sam Blumberg, 406 Wabashe, St., Golden Rule, 95 E. 7th St., Confeotione T. H. mer, 1037 Grand AV,, Grocery Nelson Bros. 1020 Payne AV., Mrs, J. Birnberg, 654 Hall Av., Soft drink parlors have bars exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -,Clancy r.,'v '".yam Hodgson ------- ...". _In favor /McDonald -,4udheimer -------- Wenzel ESt, su Prue- F••• rn il FE�tiB� Adopted by the Council--- ------------------ ----------------- 192. ---- FEB 1SIM Apl roved.- ...-.-....- ........... -- - - .192.-= -- �o MAYOR j3 OF�`No'"b4607'$6udlieimer— ,,,.�Whereaa the Ci yortnd in accord-�+Y,w!M► 1 'iMq Lo IIjiliti'hoe hat-. anoe�wtth s Section 68. of.the C1tY�i. -, � ter tte�e estetence o2 an emer8eno9 ' wh�ah•Fendered nacealoreatoY menu oL cermia em➢ Y % r,Gtment for more than usot na E�► �♦ ++ y e` o�ment therefor tone It ! iii 'pnbIle V YnItSO i �4k +M7! That -''''3a u �4:'4s� W 4�_ .. , � of ihA qi T Ober a i411u► o ` _ CrOF ST. PAUL `FI°�NO.._.. b-lv j CE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 CO CIL R TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM — DATE_._.Febrllary 15,_,_1926 ISSIONE7- RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Department, f.o.b. cars, Hemline & Carroll Storeyard, St. Paul, 62,000 lin. ft: of seamless copper tubing, to the Mueller Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the total contract price of $9,043.60, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attaohed, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 6975. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. �- Clancy r. ✓ Hodgson .�-_..ln favor McDonald „/Sudheimer _C_ ,.Against _ Wenzel Adopted by the Council. --- FEB --- 1..&AM------- 192._.... A�roved,._.. ..._FF's-I a Ini-------...192---- -- RESOLVED 1,45 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�°NO.-.-...0 CE OF THE CITY.CLERK 2ESSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE FEB_15_1.926.... ... ..... _......... __- AREAS, The Commissioner of Educ4tion has reported to 'the COun4flril in accorctance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes—of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- ' thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinef ter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL FRANK BONIECKI MTCE LAB 7 HRS 50 CENTS 3 50 HARRY FAVILLO UTIL UAB 38 55 20 90 JOHN KRUSE MTCE LAB 22 %§ 50 11 00 FRANK WIELINGER MTCE LAB 17 50 8 50 PETER WOLF MTCE LAB 22 50 11 00 Yeas COUNCILMEN ��Abopte Nays Approv ,%Clancy „___ .,-'Hodgson _ ".....In favor McDonald. s''Sudheimer U -...Against -"'Wenzel �.fe u. IL'3 :�rn3, ;.•..YP.'RA,"IL the Council E .:EB 1 6 ORO .......... -------------------- .192.. FES I ii 1s�B� Appved............... ...........----------------- - 192_-- - MIIYOP 7OR-1 YO. r _ oo FEBRUARY 19 1`33, n..'s r113 •.. Tl in t}i- .. _ t-131Tt of -C'Vi cr.tion., 3ureau of=c'iools, rendarin,=, s ;.r? tiiJ : i; loyr nt of c r- t in employes of th-t da)crt ..r_t -lor note th:..n ei,;ht hours per day, in doing the followii,; FIRING AND CLEANING SCHOOLS This ;; a.:rl;..ncy ,.ros,: by ra-.son of tho following facts :nd circumst:ncas: SUBSTITUTING FOR JANITORS WHO ARE_ ILL %P;G I"OT ENOUGH FIREMAN ON ROLL DUE TO OPENING OF NEW SCHOOLS This report is in .cecrd a:ec with �.ction 53 of tho Charter. 2, NAM P CHECKS NUMBERED— INCLUSIVE. AS PER ON FILEIN THE OF�Fldl OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED. CHECK IN FAVOR OF I By i. NUMBER .TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 64510— R -01-d that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, '5 y amountof I0. the aggregate $13 i2."r.,I-9 checks n.rnb.r�d 16,1;1- 11,14 lralu.i�e, — or 'ecks on flis n the Rice of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 18, 8,1926. App._ed Feb.1 8, 1926. Feb. 20-1926) SHEET TO TAL—FOAWARD ORM D94 1000 724. J, _ T _,610,71-2--- r2 - covE c s _ - SUDHEIMER.. - - ------------------AG y \ Y CHEC S NUMBERED _%ae _ TO----- _ 16 y B i-_ _ _.__ _ ____ __--_- ------ _pCG _ SD`s-___ _ -----------------------------._ ______ -_. ____ _ „ COMPTR ER " INC4USIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WEN2EL AGAINST MR,'PRES.. NELSON. YES (1/) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) _ )1MAYOR OF. TIME CITY COMPTROLLER. I l < .. PER _- - - - - TOTAL RETURNED - - - - DISTRIBUTION - T — — -Ij�jjjjjtECTAL NDS CHECK IN FAVOR OF I: BY I. I 11 LOCAL SINKING TRUST S BL SUN Y SP FU NUMBER TRANSFER I DISBURSEMENT ! - IMPROVEMENT G P -ACCO BANK I GENERAL WATER BOND qCC S FUNDS ACLbUNTS SPRINKLING FORESTRY REVL VING - CHECKS I CHECKS O - ._ .. U OUNT GARAGE I' BROUGHT FORWARD jr 4 1 221 21 1.12 16 040129,6 1 261I4�� 308 23 2 971 J. 40 _- 842841! �. — 42 _ - -+ R. tw or Jr. and2 2 500 b0 I A Lindau Oonstra0ti0n 06*Pany i; g00 16233 L•ohn odgeio% Oom4r. of ' 110 020 110 I ! I ! 162�F J 3 43!00 ' 16P5 t1r. Lea A. fii]�er 43; 453 ! 00 p . 16221/. urs. Mitchell 8 Arnguiet- ! 5�5! 55!� � 1 1628 Dr, No Go MOrtenaen 0.00 10!00 st.Lnkete Hospital 241 24190 1629 J. Hailey 450 450`00 90; 1630 Leopold 8mera►er WOO { 107 43. 1631 Cochran-sargent company 10T 4 1632 E.e.Jobuson, Supt. Plygds. 2061 200!00 J 1633 A. E.HromeOhrcashier oeder, A !i water Depaxtment 1 5 155 3 1634 Hies Agnea )ampere 5 1� Albert LOSMIS'r u 5 IiI50 1 Yrs. Frank Notue 0k 15; 15 00 163 MoHurra O Baa 25 4 25'48 531 16 N. �rsaleotri Evidement 00. i2 i 15g$�8 35 i 16 9 Joseph Panu bko 51 f 1 0 st.Panl tEleotria Company 161 1641 Earl Vogt 15 !, M42 2 '+indoor carbon 6 Ribbon co. 2'50 za o0 2215. u::. ar�nsa.. s. woste�a 9 575 13 L.G..Aadg$on� oora•7r�. of F1'a. �I � 9 5751 3 I � 1 l 1 4 - 98 1 8 b91 87 1�+5 76� - — i 16 040 1 �6 1 26 40 706 �23 2 971 05 4 895- - 42 -fi- 017 � 76 _ SHEET TOTAL FORWARD - - " � :.. X7.5 � - u I�AlItIlltAhl� �I t.i1i +IFiu= 11A l Pr 1110 1 •e�P I;dCI r it +,��,.-:io„ate,: >I .."�f�... � t � r�� •-�„ � �. .,�,, I �,i�l4iklt IIII�rllislll I till���hl ►�t tl A fit I Ili 11� � A p.jtt�+9►►t) lip hl GFIi 111 1 ,•+Ilt�ll� p4R' I�Hri�k11 tdl 11115 � Il I IfI1.' 9 1 N i Iib Ills �4141iP4kIG Af,01(111 oI- I °I�1�1�?�i4, !Bii�tL � Iplllllil 111111- 111 FOS IIu 11. + rAII lU d l pll IE��it1 IallmimI It ' 1J u II. 1�Ihu + 17 �i'�,LIGIII ei• Mo t� ,1 NMfY AV EA•«rr si..- -.;rlarc�. �.lC '�- _ - Qai yyE1` P11'INif bbl, 114E rr, ?”' ::-. - =ax v t r. FES F /34�R1"t RG I �:Ik��II/�'i1tE}�•4'�.1i'a'-J9F (• P�3i`U ioO; .. - .. .a* Pxvd+r A.41f� 3^' *-E �>>>raG:L.�T SIM — AptiNz-af- t�ry��atw�f#�>'1� �� a .plea roc, C SlrgKi•x[3� 'iRU$Y //AIYI � xis51'r"✓' Ixf�4'YCf(rrr�s' ✓V„PJ3 ,. ACG6UR7S . Homo a t A�.^At3siMS S i 6 .sANAG<_ v �j le lf,Oq lNjtnkNel 7.. �t... _ ?M 23. - �!r Mbatfl; tAff"art Hk I: 4,1404, -fA fins f 1 4 q�'r*�°I 474A �'1�eiA�1�M4 Plnwt-�iFy 107 .� ��� �~�� herr t' il1pf'1 I NMfY AV EA•«rr si..- -.;rlarc�. �.lC '�- _ - Qai yyE1` P11'INif bbl, 114E rr, ?”' ::-. - =ax v t r. FES F /34�R1"t RG I �:Ik��II/�'i1tE}�•4'�.1i'a'-J9F (• P�3i`U ioO; .. - .. .a* Pxvd+r A.41f� 3^' *-E �>>>raG:L.�T SIM — AptiNz-af- f? o �� t91i poll till Gp nt 1 0i, 53 1 35 I, "for PRie. rES r - :.CJ1t%tULML'N roa(vs ., - roc, C SlrgKi•x[3� 'iRU$Y //AIYI � xis51'r"✓' Ixf�4'YCf(rrr�s' ✓V„PJ3 ,. ACG6UR7S . r $ppi nit: �' AESra.. ��La(`�it�C e F11PH4+ t A�.^At3siMS S i 6 .sANAG<_ v ►fid tl�11� . _ dg a �� 1 Td 5� z6 a_a 7.. �t... _ ?M 23. - 107 POO 00 I t f? o �� t91i poll till Gp nt 1 0i, 53 1 35 I, TMRkMAATETO 34510 CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COMPTROLLER '- RES. NO -37__----------- OFFICE OF CLANCY, PRO , ------ 192 _----- __________________ MAYOR 4 CITY CLERIC__ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE - AUDITED CLAIM$ -RESOLUTION FORM FERGUSON. -__---- IN FAVOR �` + 6 / CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DATE 192.._ v - MODONALD. - SPRINKLING FORESTRY I _2C •�2___ _ ______ __. COVERING ','`- c 23 ': 2 971 05 4 I SUDHEIMER. ____ _____ .AGAINST ev____ ___ CHECKS NUMBERED___ 6�rgy� ____�_____. _.._____ __ _____--__ __pig TO ----- ____ _- 16## i I 53 75 WENZEL, 35 6 COMPTR ER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - MR.'PRES., NELSON. YES (J) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) __ ___ ----:_ - -- - DISTRIBUTION - -- - -- __ : TOTAL RETURNED CHECK 1N FAVOR OF !; BY 1/ '�I WATER '� BOND LOCAL SINKING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS TRUST a" -`— ACCOUNTS GARAGE NUMBER +y/ TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS -BANK GENERAL I i ACCOU S Af - - L ulpmeY BROUGH_TFOnRD 2 B41 •-5 4— _ �9 221.211112 1'�-1=G. _ . 16 040r2�' ISI 1 261' ---i 1oG6 D. E. Dwyer .Tr. iM onstruction - - I, 00 5� nIII Lindau Company 2 500 • 1623 2624 2621 L.C.Hodgeon Comer. o! F1 a John Banniok Dr. Leo A. 1111987 10:00110.00 35120 43'00 43 20 : 162 Drs. Iditohell & Arnquiet 55 00 55;00 10 00 '1627 Dr. H. G. Mortensen 110 M 24' 24,90 1628 St.Lukels Hospital 0 0 00 II 1630 LeopoldeyBruennar 43 90 00 1631 1632 Coobran-Sargent 0ompany I T w.Jobason, Supt. Plygda. 107 200 200 00 1633 A.E.Kromeohroeder, Cashier 155 34 water Department 155 34 1634 Miss Ames Kueppers �I 15 1 00 1635 Albert Loeffler 4 50 15 00 50 15 00 163b Mrs. Frank MoKusiak II 25 49 25 49 1637 1638 1639 MoMurray d Com -any N.`v. meotrlo Equipment Co. it Joseph Panushka�� 82 03 29 29 15 00 1640 In St.Paul eotrio Company 61 1641 Earl Vogt 15 00 15 00 1642 1 onorbon m±:�botap Co.> 22 :56J 24 o0 22 5�i I I LdHaa$ 9 525 13 i 9 575 13 II �, I 34510 FIOLE NO FEB 1 a 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL- ------- ----------------------- 192 FEB 1 B PRO , ------ 192 _----- __________________ MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDSSUN - SPRINKLING FORESTRY I IBUILDINGIII REVOLVING V ACCOU TS c 23 ': 2 971 05 4 I 107 ,43 i i 4 i I 53 75 I''. 35 6 0 C F. No. fi+511— " re ate Resolve TreasurS etos the agg B n the Clty vering checks amount f 536.555.77. numberedl 1 n6 ftleoln the off'21 " of the per cCo Ptroller. CidoPted the Council Feb. 13, 1Z926. i . by 192fi. aPProceB FFeb. 20-19261 ®titer IOTA a _J L ..:''WAONUPLICATE K' CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO Z TO ___� ,. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 6 , a t emr u eRK AUpITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO.__._ —----- ' A _lO' 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY 'yJREASUFY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF py55:5-77-___�t____e�________, C�OV[ErR�II NG OMPTROLLE CHECKS NUMBERED ___y5sL _ TO____i62i__ 'y INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - _--------------------------- __ __ ___ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ' ^ J Ii TOTAL RETURNED S" CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK 1 CHECKS CHECKS I! BROUGHT FORWARD i I _ I IFI 0 C F. No. fi+511— " re ate Resolve TreasurS etos the agg B n the Clty vering checks amount f 536.555.77. numberedl 1 n6 ftleoln the off'21 " of the per cCo Ptroller. CidoPted the Council Feb. 13, 1Z926. i . by 192fi. aPProceB FFeb. 20-19261 ®titer IOTA a 7'TT� 52 CHECKS NUMBERED 5 TO SUDHEIMER. -. _ AGAINST - \ - -' F• { 4't7�'i 17.. - COMPTROLLER - INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZE L. - - - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. - MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES.COUNCILMEN NAYS (d l - - --MAYOR PER CHECK TRA NSFERTOTAL RETURNED ` DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF LOCAL ! SPECIAL FUNDS NUMBER SINKING TRUST .—____—_ 'i REVOLVING ACCOUDRY NTS • DISBURSEMENT DANK GENERAL WATER '.! BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTSLIC N CHECKS ( CHECKS 'I ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING' FORESTRY BUILDING e eI eI I BROUGHT FORWARD _37 1 .I. 429 309-70 $8 892 411 �l 242 17� 145 719.77 16 040.291. 500 1 1 261 401 692.73'' 2957 48 I 4 6 75! 1582 James o. Hayworth, no. II 31 3" 7 ICB31 349 7o j ! 42 y 3514 35 766 t! j ii � 35 1 83 Irvine Ross 40 00 i 40 00;, 1584 A. C. MoClurg & Oomoanyi 15 b3ij I 15 631 158 Martindale Meroantile Agenoy' 20 60 II 20 60; 158 Miah. ldaurus 5 00 1 95!, - 1587 Melady Pgper Company 135 377 135 371 _ 105 1568 Minneapolis Sohool supply oo. I! 201 60 2010 I 1589 Minnesota Coal Company i, 55 74 55 74! 1590 Minnesota Fane & mire Works 25 00 25 00 1591 Minnesota Lime & Cement Mork 280 80 280 80 I 1592 Dr. N. G. Mortensen (I 30 00 30 00 159j Moulton oil & Rei. Company 81 6o 81 6ol 1594 National Tduo. Assoo. of U.S, 10 00 10 00� 1595 Nolan -Irons Company �I 4 51 4 5 % Northern states Power Company :i 548 87 548 87j j 15 Ptorthwostern Copper &Brass s. 2g 20 24 45 4 1599 H.nPeltze&eSon II 156 5 140 731 15 50 1600 P©rkine-Traoy Printing Company 15 50 1601 Pioneer Eleotrio Company 115 59 115 59' " 15 50, 1602 Pure oil Company 105 30 105 301 1603 Raymer Hardware Company 38 82 21 091 II 4 16 I 13 57 1604 The 0. Reiss Coal Company 12 7�r 12 7755 16o5 Remington Typewriter Com many 34 60 34 60 1606 Reynolds Tobaoao Company 5 60 57 60: II 1607 Royal Typewriter Company 1 ( f 1608 9t.Paul Gas Light Company I 74 I I 7733 gh � y 3 ]� 7 173 69 16Z 58 1609 st.Paul yimnlex Ring Company 2 00 2b 00 1610 St.Paul White Lead & oil Co. 69 29 69 29 1611 J. Soheien Eleotrio Company 8 7g 8 1612 seabury & Company 166 85 162 �+5 4 4o 1613 J. L. Shiely Company 206 19� 123 49; 42 50'1 40 20 ; 1614 0. J. Smith & Com„any 29 6, 29 161 1615 standard 0ffi1 Company j 471i� I 47 411 ii! j 1616 Transit Supply Company i 1 2 001' 1 1 4�5 601' 266 40,: Ij 1617 Tri-State Tel. &-Telg. Company ;47 00N 342 001',' 5 00 ;618 Typewriter Clearing Associatim 12 50, 12 5011 1619 University of Minnesota 33 58!1 I,58' 1620 Western Union Telg. Company ;; 94 94 77 1621 The White Company 36' � �;I 36 26 � II n i 2. 4 22 _ _ 16 040 ^29 763 6 _ 1 261 — 708 23 11 2 971 o5 112 591 87 145 169-5 4 698 40 42-75, SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I - 3 51 35 � 803 395 3 B 1 53 89 1 21 J- T$I R111,"TE CITY OF SAINT PAUL nnn '/- COUNCIL TO RES. NO.__56___--------- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. CITY CLERK CLANCY. - RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE .DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FERGUSON. -- .... IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 �' CITY EAS,S�gY. 11 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF HOD GSON. YDA '$.192.6 5---3,_527•i _ 17�iCDVERING McDONALD..qpCHECKS NumBERED.____1562To 1--21 ---SUDHEIMER. -_ AGAINST y` { � its --- ______ - _____. 192 COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZE L, PER -.. _ ___ F THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (V ) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) _ MAYOR •• _. _ - _.. t `CHECK I TOTAL RETURNED DISTRIBUTION IN FAVOR OF SPECIAL FUNDS , NUMBER ��� BY I V� LOCAL TRANSFER I' DISBURSEMENT I SINKING TRUST I CHECKS I CHECKS DANK GENERAL WATER ©OND MPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS j I GARAGE AUDI=ORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING I SUNDRY --- — REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 3514 35 x'766 839.9 J. 425 309.701 55 592.411 81 242 1 1 _ 15ffi2 James 0. Hayworth, Ino. j 31 3 7� I� 7- 45 719 77 16 040-2911 500 1 1 261 40. 692 73 2957 45 I 4 6 1 ffi imine t�oas + �; 46 44' FH31 349 70a 95'35. 42 375 15594 A. C. MoClurg & COM.�anq I 15 631 j 440 005 j 1 j 1586 Wirtindale Meroantile Agenoy� �� 20 60�! I 5 3p 155 Mich. Maurus 20 60 11 1587 Melady Paper Camoany I �I 135 1 95�I I �I 5 p 1 201 60 1I 3 �I 1555 Minneapolis Cohool Supply oo. !' 201 1 1588 Minnesota Coal Company 55 7744 j 25 00 1590 Minnesota Fenoe &'sire -corks 1591 Minnesota Lime & Cement Work 1'' 250 80 5 1 j 1592 Dr. N. C. Mortensen 230 �� j 1595 Moulton 011 & Ref. Comnany gi 60 1594 National Fduo. Assoo. of U.3. 51 �' 15`� Nolan -Irons Company j 14 51 10 OOI j �! 15?6 Northern ^sates Power Comnany 54a 8 7 I 4 51 1597 Northwestern Copper & Brass '�Jcs. 25 20i 1 5" 5 15 Jnns Pedersen [} 00� 75 45 'i ! 1599 H. Peitz & Con j 4 001 1600 Perkins -Trio Prints Comn 156 25!1 140 731 15 50 1601 Pioneer Eleotrio com , 15 501 �5 50 1602 Pure 011 Comnan y 115 59;, 115 591 y 105 301! 105 3oi ll 1603 Raymer Hardware Company 1 38 82:' 21 oqi 4 16, 13 57 1604 The C. Raise Coal Company 12 I i 16 Remington T 75 �� �I ��'' I' I Typewriter Com any' 34 60 jj u I 160 Reynolds Toba000 COmlaay 34 601. 57 60 1607 Royal Typewriter Company F} 73y II �� 1605 `3t.Paul Gas Light Company 34]] 27�I l ��� �I 16 5i 1609 Ct-Paul ^>implex Ring Company 26 00; 77 1610 3t. Paul ?:hite Load & oil Co. 6 1[ it 26 001! 1611 J. 3ohelen Electrio Company S�I 69 29 II 1612 3eabury & Colmnany 166 5 75 5I' 162 451 4 40!; I _ h 1613 J. L. Chielq Company 206 191 123 49 42 50; 40 20 1614 C- J. Smith & Comnany 29 16 29 165 1615 standard 092 company 4 41 1, 1616 Transit 7 47 41' p Com -,)any 1 22 00 1 5 60! 266 40, �1 , Supply Com�an 7 I 1617 Tri-?tate Tel- & Telg. Company ;47 00 342 00 5 0015 1 ;618 Typewriter Clearing Assooiation 12 0 1619 University of Minnesota 5 12 50 1 1 1620 '2estern Union Telg. Company 9 Sffi 8 Y, 94 77 RESOL COUNCIL ,,z t.a 2- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.... -..`Sl. �.- ..-_--__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 18, 1926 DATE...........__....__....._........____._ ......_.........._... In the matter of grading Montreal Avenue from Edgeeumbe Road to West Seventh Street, including planting and improving the slopes for outs and fills and con- structing a footbridge over,Montreal Avenue in Highland Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62380, approved October 1, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #63311, approved December 1, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and RESOLVED FUETHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to do the work of planting the slopes for cuts and fills by force account, the remainder of the work to be advertised for bids. C. r.he o. 64ier—nr of gt'nai'ngtcn nt el I 1 Ave. from Edgeumbe R, -,a ntinR` seventh st., Including ^ , t Improving the lopes for cute 011e and eonstru rV-,T footbrl- ` COUNCILMEN Peas NsN's Clancy guson ✓Hodgson --.In favor % McDonald Sudheinter _.._:_.Against Wenzel Mr, Vioe Pies. Femu"r 1 8 1926 --- .. t9?_.... Adopted Lc t.hr ('ounc1l.FEB.__...._...... 18 1928 ................... ................. MAYOR 1`�..i.Isi'IIED� • CITY OF s -r' FAUL'. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 18, 1926 DATE._. ........ _.__._.._.._.........._._..___........... COUNCIL 5LI513. PILENO ------------------------- In the matter of grading Maoslester Avenue from Otto Avenue to Soheffer Avenue, u$der Preliminary Order C. F. 01309, approved August 11, 1928, and Final Order C. F. #63732, approved December 23, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner s r of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the some are hereby approved. Id - 64,513 —89 r a r' Tiac a er inAve° trom ter tt LAB,' pAr— C- Fq°fl 8130925 9 aDDrb d$ No� 3722, 9'reProvefl DeaI88. 1626. th° plsve, a eo, i3b-1 SdaolVed, That q UNe) Nona dna t'tue Comimlemt�-oaei. o�provec µ^orke "tor LhIt eU eeme aT,e bereb9 a9' went, be and he . preved.ted b9 the C° 19E8 Feb. 18• 1926, pypioved 180-1828) - r r 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "� Clancy Fereuson_ ✓ Hodgson ...............In favor McDonald /> / Sudheimer v....... -.Against / Wenzel Mr. Fins Plus. Forgueor Adopted by the Council.... E f�8.-----_------ ---------192...--- ��! Ap roved - - ..............._...- _.....192 ....................... MAYOR (3`1513 b - Ir G- iV 9a (3`1513 1 _ - COUNCIL No ......................... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 18, 1926..__.. DATE___...._._._..___.._....... / in the matter o3 grading Montreal Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Edgeoumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #68381, approved Oetober 1, 1925, and Final Order C. F. #63298, approved Deoember 1, 1925. RESOLVED, That the plane, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Oommissioner A of Publio Works for the above naaded improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 84614—$Y J. di McDonald l InA tAe trolnt Cleveland dA e. Montreal j e VumDbe Itoad, Under PreliminarY Ot dsr C. F.' No, 62381, approved Oct. I- 1926 acd IMnal Order C. F. No. 83288, approved Dec: 1, 1925' Resolved, 'That the Pines- SPeolnca-' tidos and'estimated ¢uantlues as- mittgd by the -COMM lesione d improve- Works for the above nP. ment, be and the Same are hereby aP- proved. Adopted by the Council Feb. 18, 1928. Approved 'SePt 18, 1926. (Feb. 20-1926) COUNCILMEN YeasNays Clancy ,TwsSac�err �, Hodgson ....... ......In favor / McDonald Sudheimer :Against Wenzel Mr. ViODFraL Feruutw- ti 8 Ago . Adopted 1,y the Council -.FSB ----------------------------- 192...... A rove y. y 1 - �..�- --- ...-- -.1 p2._.. Y" ...--- _.. _._ __.._ —YOa 0 +(� CITY OF ST. PAUL co�na` NO..._.. ��.�.15 r t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hemline Avenue from Hubbard Street to a point 105 feet south of Hubbard Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63215, approved November 20, 1925, and Final Order C. F. j64328, approved February 9, 1926. HOLM, That the plana, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner �jn^S of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved+ C. F. No. 64616-33y d. $• McDonald— In cDonaldl on Hamune Ave. fro otFiubbardWERI to a point 1:05 feet south at Rubbard , 9o, under Prti mivoeia' N68216, app o Nz9s, an Final Order d C. F..Ni0- 84828, approve Feb • 9, bThat the plane specidca- Reeolved, tion and estimated gqsaloner se blial ,t mlttod by. the Commiseloner of Fubltoj Wotke for the above named Improve - mer a s¢d the same are hereUY ap- proved. Adopted by the Council Feb. 18, 1928. '{ Approved Feb. 18, 1926. (Feb. 20-1920) CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy W -T_ J Hodgson -- --..In favor /McDonald XSudheimer-.... _...... Against % Wenzel MEANIMME- Mr. Viae Pro& Feraneou Adopted by the Council.- Gd-- -------------- -........ 192 x91819" App ved----- ....192.....- - -.._... - -1-- ..., .. - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. -PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ti/ 516 xy'' COU No.---------- ......... ---- ,. 111-11 February 18, 1926 In the matter of oonstruating a sewer on Griggs Street from Foster Street to the south line of Bohn Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63493, approved Deoember S. 1928, and Final Order C. F. #64327, approved February 9, 1926. RESOLVED, That the plans, speoifiostions and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILNIE\ Yeas � Noys ' ✓Chancy Hodgson ....5 :,------In favor /McDonald /Sudheimer------._------.Against Wenzel FEB 1 8 1926 Adopted by the Council .... ------ ........................ I�2 - FEB 1 R 19..... 192Approved...._ MAYOP i J��:� ♦, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 y ry `ire FlL£NCR- No-------- -45-d:-(- February 18, 1926 In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Roland St. from South St. to Wheelook Parkway, on Folsom St. from South St. to Wheelock Parkway, on the north side of Wheelook Parkway from Folsom St. to Roland St., on Osage Ave. from Wheelook Psf'kway to Maryland St., on Grotto St„ from Wheelock Parkway to Maryland St., on Danforth Ave. from a Carbon at: to Maryland St., on the south aide of Wheelock parkway from Mackubin St. to gent St., on Carbon St. from Msokubin St. to gent St., on gent St. from Wheelook Parkway to Maryland St., also storm sewer on Folsom St. from Carbon St. to Wheelook Parkway, known as the Maryland - Como Sewer Sys emOontraot "B", undeS Prelim nary Order 0 F. a , approved August 12, 1926, and Final Order C. F. 63660, approved Deoember 16, 1926. cJAY RESOLVED, That the plans, epeoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. Ir• No. 84617—BY. J..B. ISeDonold In-WuO 4NBoutg on i g`se}Ver Wheelock ,:yaY' on from govt WheoeL�' h u. w rkwro 1� x,\ . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /'lancy Hodgson In favor McDonald �} Sudheimer ........ 51 -...Against Wenzel Dar. 9ioe Pres. Ferguson Adopted by the CounCE'.EBj..8--192f............. 192.---- A MAYOR of �eZU - 'oL tTt rRLiSHED Petition 1PAEL`IMIAPARY.OBDIDRXr �� 4e -'F - too. 84618— AhehgpC M ;Whereas, irrlttetl yr - l ( .making oL; the follows^.n i+.jTP SM''o­ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Council File No:.... 6.4 :U;J PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _---__------.Grediag-_end.--paving..Otto.-9enio --- Highy-._o-m.-h_n of Otto Avenue and Edgeoumbe Road to the intersection of Otto ..............................---- -- -- ----------...------- ..... -- _......- - --- - ------ - _--Avenue..-and...Lesingioa--Avenue.,---including._the:_. ac-quisition...af-_ lands., -_-- - constrnotion of sewers, retaining walls and other work---ea-may-be --;- neceasaryfor the building of said highway Dated this ------ 19th --day of--------------- Feb 1.90, --- .. 192.._ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grading and paving Otto Scenic Highway from the intersection of Otto --------------- -....... - ---- ----- - Avenue and Edgeoumbe Road to the intersection of Otto Avenue and -------------------- ---------------------------.. - - - -- - - .......- - ............... -- ............. ................. Lexington Avenue, including the acquisition of lands, construction of ...... --- ----- --- - -- --------- -- - -- - - -- --......... - - _... - -- eeWeie, retaining walla and other work as may be necessary for the tiriiTMg -C.f laid- FiigZiwey;-- ---------------------------------------_......... - - - - ........-......... - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-..._..__._ ._..._. _..__..._..._.............................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................- 91.926-------------------------- YEAS % NAYS Councilman CLANCY MCDONALD ! SUDHEIMER WEN%EL / MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (IM 8-25) Approved. ...----_�.F...... .192 -....... .. ... ....... .. ... ...... ..... ....Y. ;. --- -------- ....-........ ....-.- Mayor. Ri R ho 64619 Whereat{' A written Droll` � r�kinB df the following iml) ., Con 0 nini6 i4 t&ianQg�-a.n1,e­, I f ?dnd alts. d Sen, - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File I%-------84519 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by t I he City of St. Paul, viz.: --- Ag g4o�..t4��Ag the --- --- ---- --- ------------- ----------- fVT J31Q.P.Qa___QUt0 and MIR,- - in U16 9Xa(1in49-.-snd -paving--.o3------------------- u _..Aven: a and - ------- ........... XUAQ caowa tv U -and LOXingt.om of t to 0- - ..-AY-en 0-- IA7teT1Ai'.'4-_._19rth: day of..-........ ........ 70'bru . ... ... ------ 1 192.. .. ....... . ............ ............. .. ---- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following i"WrOve"Icla, viz-: Condemning 9..and takingan....easement in the land necessary_-.___.__.-_._-. ---------- ----- ... ..... ------------------ ------------- .............. _ ... - _ - ----- the. gredlng..and parying- of_.Ot.to Sc—ennio lUghway fmom the.Anters ec_t ion of Qtto Ayen:me and Mgacumb.e Road to the intersection of Otto Avenne end Lexi ton__Avenu.e .................. ........... ................................................................. ....... ­ __­ --------------- ------- --- ------- ng _ - --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.- ------ - - ------------------------------------------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three. or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB 1 9 1926 Adoptedby the Council-------------- .............. ............................................. YEAS I/ NAYS Councilman CLANCY F E B 1 9'926 Approved... ......... ---------------------------------------------------------- _ VMcDONALD SUDHEIMER WENZEL Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT I'.— C A 13 (17,13-25) CITY OF ST. PAUL couRca kA Nj (1! 0 No.. --.-iii Fr _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ���EOUNCIL RNORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ._. ..._. RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to pay to Andrew Nicholson, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured September 3, 1925, the Bum of $70.40 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund,, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to February 11th, 1926. �A COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays &--Clancy 5...--.-1. favor t/McDonald Sudheimer .--./........ Against !"Wenzel /Mr. President Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Council -FEB. -9.9:26-.--------.192...... A proved..-" FEB..1-.9.1926 192...... MA R COUNCIL FILE NO.._....__ ... ........ � / J r1. RRR In tha'Matter o[ planting'and. protect- ing shade treee on Goodrich 'Ave. from -Cretin. Ave. to Mli alsslppi Riv- ( �' er Blvd ort Ralrmount Ave. fromn Ave.i Cretin Ave. to Woodlaw; on Princeton Ave. from Ctetin Ave. to Mississippi River Blvd; on Sargent Ave: from WoodlAve. to Cretin _.... _, ............. _... ..,.Ave.:wn on BeBe[gent Ave. from Fi= to Fa1i�'� Planting and protecting shade trees: 0W FROM TO Goodrich Ave. Cretin Ave. Mississippi River Blvd. - Fairmount Ave. Cretin Ave. Woodlawn Ave. Princeton Ave. Cretin Ave. Mississippi River Blvd. - Sargent Ave. Woodlawn Ave. Cretin Ave. Sargent Ave. Finn Ave. Fairview Ave. St., Clair St. Cretin Ave. Fairview Ave. I Berkeley Ave. Mt. Curve Blvd. Cretin Ave. Berkq�,ey.Ave. Fredericka Ave. Josephine St. Stanford.Ave. Mt. Curve Blvd. Cretin Ave. ��� Stanford Ave. Josephine St. Fairview Ave. Iellesley Ave. Mt. Curve -Blvd. Cretin Ave. :he I Wellesley Ave. Prior Ave. Fairview Ave. Jefferson, Ave. Mississippi River Blvd. Cretin Ave. Juliet Street Cretin Ave. Fairview Ave. Woo,.dJawn Ave,. St. Clair St. Goodrich Ave. Ave. Randolph St. Jefferson Ave. IWoodlawn Mt. Curve Boulevard Jefferson Ave. Fairmount Ave. Crstln Ade. Randolph St. Summit Ave. IKdnneth Ave. Randolph St. Sargent Ave. Kenneth Ave. Fairmount Ave. Goodrich Ave. Su&'Str Randolph St. Palace St. Sue S`ti St. Clair St. Grand Ave. A. 14VfV'1:6w 'Ave. Randolph St. Sargent St. Falfrview, west side Sargent Ave. Summit Ave. .Fairview, east side Princeton Ave. Summit Ave. to be known as the Groveland-Maplowood Tree Planting Project. ind Stanford Ave. . creti=-�t for Stanford Ave. Josephine St,/" Fairview Ave. sed Wellesley Ave. Mt. Curve JZvd. Cretin Ave. Wellesley Ave. Prior Avg: Fairview Ave. Jefferson Ave. MissisyrSppi River B d. Cretin Ave. Juliet St. Cxeet: Ave. rview Ave. Woodlawn Ave. St, Clair St. Goo ich Ave. Woodlawn Ave. Randolph St. Jeff son Ave. Mt. Curve Boulevard ./ Jefferson Ave. Fairmo t Ave. 'Cretin Ave. Randolph St. Summit e. Kenneth Ave. Randolph St. Sargent e. Kenneth Ave. Fairmount Ave. Goodrich A _J- 7_ Sue St. Randolph St. Palace St.. ,. Sue St. Z St. Clair St. Gr&did Avey r Fairview e. Randolph St. Sargent Avt:"" Fairvie west side Sargent Ave. Summit Ave. , Fairy w, east side Princeton Ave. Summit Ave. T e known as the Groveland-Maplewood Tree Planting Project. 7 ti A W13 'G TJL LA 7 Y Mr, T 7r_ TI - OGc;TBtt U "J oil A L� 7 ;AC t,rX'j A r G� xel GA LAG Z 0C f-TaGpo'; T1, 7-A G A C, j _T P Ji —A under Preliminary Order- 59773 approved.. May. N, Intermediary Order approved. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ",/, A RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the 40*e;,e_*a44wo_,,-tterrmnd kind of p!�%t and protect shade trees: OtaFROM TO River Blvd. Cretin Ave Mississip odrich Ave. WoodlaN vs.. Cretin Ave. si is "r "*�Jrrtount Ave. idissi pi River Blvd...... ;Princeton Ave. Cretin Ave. Cre; Ave. odlawn Ave. 7 Sargent Ave. Fa view Ave. ,Sargent Ave. Fi Ave- �djrview Ave. St. Clair St. Cret Ave. Berkeley Ave* Mt. Cur Blvd. Cretin Ave. and vs. Josephine St. Berkeley Ave. Mt. Curve B1 Cretin Ave. for Stanford, Ave. Josephine Sty, Fairview Ave- ted Stanford Ave. Mt. Curve Blvd. Cretin Ave. Wellesley Ave. Prior Av(Y. Fairview Ave. Wellesley Ave. Jefferson Ave. Missi fppi River B d. Cretin Ave. CfttTAve. rview Ave. Juliet St. St. Clair St. Goo ich Ave woodlawn Ave. Randolph St. Jeff son Ave. woodlawn Ave. 'Jefferson Ave. Fairmo t Ave. Mt, Curve Boulevard Bury e. ;,Cretin Ave. Randolph St. e. ,Kpnneth Ave. Randolph St. Sargenti d i Kenneth Ave. Fairmount Ave. Goo r ch A -P Randolph St- "oe, St. Sue St. I I .:F Ali. - St. Clair St. Sue St. i Randolph St. S ent' Fairview e. ide Sargent Ave. summit Ave Fairvie , west a Princeton Ave. Summit Ave I Fairy 1, east side e known as the Groveland-Maplewood Tree planting Project. """'tT'aV�'�s sc c"+,:,gwt,_ u Knkryx rµ�"r,�YN•$n Isle` 7 a..,• T i•<d-g4yY..A '�;it l' .tel•' �Ei.4I J..yM1E�}'� 'r w`%�.�+x{'fl Pf�F�"+�'-t ,l f.r�''nn ��, 'j��• X1±1 r C4 +l i J+`t r �� Ci � �t Cl L.T .,yif�...:... cnS,,. Uj,`.�'rFl.�+ '�.".t •',b' T?G J�IR !'A.. �uyo� b� tiF YS:f 7 y ..G , t''osL,^-.r� z.�rl,u;onr)l °,`L: Sa'r So .'Ar--,• aLnj lfira•Ef or Z,r �r J I_ J.. IiJ k,r I, ir: :�. r f,2 - ) A. u ` � AG^ • J'LA. i t ., i'3r '.A �� - _Mh"_. `i,e..`,NPrn...u.:.s.z. _.: I,�a.7...",LrhHo....... _. _ T. 3,r. i. !•�% • I-c :;tuoc;;J sa ru Cc.o. E raa.-fid _ aoo . -. � {� • - , _ rnr;' LL r �r Ao• IN LLy rCtr ,r i tr �. T _ c .- ;de OGC:T.S1I7 `P,_ �"1r• _r '7't :.. d. r., xu �.o• � aw rf , 17 ''�r� t '� � • n � � ns hE ;7I 10 be and the same e e hereby eOFMI]Ied, arnuBed, efld r ffldnbed r IN and e Council her or said improvemen be made. RE LVED FURTHER, at the Commissioner Public \Yorks he a by instructed and directed t repare plans and sp)ccations for said impr vement, and submit same tot Council for approval, t t upon said approvae proper city officials re hereby authorized and direct to proceed withthemingofsaid improvet in accordance there ith. Adopted by the Council 192 ea Citv Clerk. Approved-. __FED 2 •°+ 192........ V Councilman Clancy / Councilman McDonald —C-0.11HIIII—I-IRMI Hafts" ✓,Councilman Sudheimer / Co�uncilman�7Wt enzel um'io W" lltlRiwO6 Form B. S. A. 8-q. f Mayor.. %-'� KARL DEDOLPH, M. D. 9T. PAUL. MINN. e tl} ici.i o. ;.r�- T ro, (•r' oc-n(r Tolticin,, the intersection of Lincoln.. rn Fai.rvievi Ave! netition `,"our==onnr.hle council to excl.ude the undersir'ned from t},t• orcFr of tree ri.an+, r,� a, cor.nrised r,itl-in the rrelinirarg order ��., .,., ... --hp Sn rrq, nr•L.'F•�. al'F' rrl .^ntad ,t.l-: CA ro!-ina. OT-•l-?rp, v( -r-. ,^-..fo, ."n7 if' tl�ese Arr! rPrrov—: ^t. `.hi ti. t,is ^yrs rnor- "0" ne"" T",-ert,inn., m17c}i OT, the r•1iaract�,r an.; oh—r- 1-.)hnt. these —ror,ert;es ror; I!nioy Ill. re (iaci-ificed until s,ich - time ti -J, t.l.,e trees ro,- to e nl2rter ill hrvP r,- ched a similar mrowthl. i:are F.ricrt;:;> Lot 10 y --- Add ;to o ----- h - a/ t -------�so��----- I---------- A,r �C --�� -- moo_ _ ---- �- JJr d� �� P6 ��k r /�� ��. t - --- ------------------ F CI Y OF ST. PAUL DEPAR MINT FINAN E ,t , REPOF OF COM .� NEP PENANCE' A.: ARY O AR ON PRELIM] � In the matter of - 1. 1 Pl .. d :rutect _e t __s; r To G:­dric'1 AV. Ji 1a A'." i _ i F-v<r '?lvd. F ir_ - nvr. le i.< +\ .,)3dl '.n av iv, r rlvd. SL:..46 AV. Flnri Av::. F:,__v •ev: St cl ir Si, r_ct in ..v, Fy:lrie`• .yv r,. Berkeley .,c .. t. 0'.1,- Blva. 5erkeley ;v F, ederic'.c: :.v Jose .ir.e St. St nf:; rc. AV !It. Curve Blvd. �•1'btiia St q,.':,_d Avg, Jose nine St ? ir' ev, nve. ellesi ey 'v<:, 'rt C rvo ~lvd. cretin ell:+sl y Ave . Pi z)r Avr\ _e,; -ve. Je`_''.er:-,)rt .t i _ __ i R.ver°lvd. .-etin rive. Juliet St. Cretin ..t. F ir' e Ave. Yoodl-;ert ve. St. O1 it Bt. Goodr'.ch Ave. ,;oudl inn .,v: al .. .:. Je rr'or. A*�. _ (1-...i -'a z; Ile- .:r'i On E-, F _rm,,unt :,v, . rctin >>` ?'.ndc,l n St. Su-..,. ay. dv. , R :.._c.l n .9t. S r'e -t Ave. Ken...-th iv.=. rnu'.:r. t,ve. ,o •.ri h Svc. Sue St. R:.ndol' h Stl .ce St . S -,-.e St. st Ol.lr St. :=i':.r:d r.ve. Fe,.irv.ec. ,v,. nc.::dul :h -t. S• r, ent St.Fi F iry ev Ave.:,. Side S r e:.t Su-_i_t :we. F_:ir ;c: nv_:. E. Side r_..cet n Ave. Su. it -,ve. To oe '_r...v:: z: ..e >io':el nd-' leco_d T_c. ?=1 s 22 in, L.-olewood 1 2 do 600 .c , 16 1 do 7000 15 1 !io 5000 14 1 do 11-100 13 1 do 1500 12 1 '.o 6550 t� 11 1 110 7500 10 1 0 10650 i. Par- B. B. W 9, 1 -0 7550 TOTAL. . - sl Ju31110n01dmi anoqu aqa xo3 IUamssasse aql 3o 3unome-pa3amiasa Is101 -lull :smo1lo3 ss s;.todaa Rgalaq a3usIM 10.ta"Isslmtun0 atll :Ined '7S 30 .SI!D aq7 3o 1iauno;3 3111 0,1, pano.tdde .1ap.10 SJOINmga.td .wpun y 26, 1925. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: r The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $13,_950-00 front The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Por- S. Y. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 22 2 Kin,, 's Y;:olev;ood 325 1 2 do 600 16 1 do 7000 15 1 d o 8000 Ili 1 do 1500 13 1 do 1500 12 1 "0 6650 11 1 ao 7500 Y 10 1 0 ,10650 9 1 0 TOTAL. 7650 Por- S. Y. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP(WT OF COMM., TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIS (1 III_ - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION . ..::... ,. _ _ ....-..... . . ..:.. : .. :... ... ......,._. ASSESSED VALUATION :,. .:_,,. a�:..t. 8 1 King, I a Yaolev,00d -750 7 1 do 9250 ( 6 1 do 21500. ( 5 1 :10 !' 4 1 do ')900 3 1 do 1500 2 1 do 1500 1 1 0 6200 - 17 1 o 15500 18 1 do 1500 19 1 do 5700 y Ll0 1 d 1500 21 1 do 1500 22 1 do 1500 V ( 23. 1 io 13500 ( 2 1 io 25 1 do 1500 26 1 do 15-0 28 1 do y650 29 1 do 1500 30 1 do 7 400 31 1 0 6000 32 , do 1500 33 1 do 9900 1 4 do 1600 2 4 0 8500 3 4 do 6250 �; ...... TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Lr REPOT OF COMM�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER c !� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East 2.5 ft. of Lot 5 & r,ll 4 4 Kin, -s " nlei-ood 25q (Exce-ot Eri st 25 feet) 5 4 do 710 6 4 do 9850 and E'rt 25 ft. of 7 4 do E:.<t 25 ft. Of 7 4 do �Exce-)t Exce^t Wert 15 feet) 8 4 dot,650 West 15 feet _:f 8 4 do 9 4 do 450 1 3 do 1600 2 3 ao 1500 3 3 ao 55000 r �} 3 do do 1500' 4500 • 6 3 do 1500 7 3 do 2400 8 3 do 9700 9 3 do 6500 10 3 do 1500 11 3 do 6500 12 3 do '�,o 1.3 3 do 1500 ( 14 3 do 6700 ( 15 3 �o 'hest t of 11 & all of 10 4 do 2350 ,st � of Lot 11 & all of 12 4 ao 9750 1 4 1 4 do do 1500 5500 15 4 do 1500 16 4 '0 1500 17 z do 7300 18 4 do E 00 6450 1 5 do Ea';t 40 feet ,f 8 5 do 5700 (Exce-t e,,t =:0 feet) 2 5 do 6550 ;,.nd all of 3 5 do 4 5a 5 i o0 ti 6 do 5700 7 5 do 6550 8 5 do 560-, 1 do 1600 6 do 5100 2 6 do 1500 3 6 do " 1500 a w e.e.i 4 6 do TOTAL .1500. - CITY OF ST. PAUL "DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMIIONER OF FINANCE REP( tT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED V ALU ATI ON ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK V - _ 77, 5 6 izF;s ;i,,w)lewood 6000 6 6 do 5750 6 do 57 A 6 66 do 1�5o Ecl,t 45 feet of ,nest 5 feet of 8 all of to do 22o 6 do 11 6 dos 7800 12 6 ,0 12500 1-z 6 do 1500 1�4 6 do 1500 15 6 do do 7200 17 6 do I 0 18 6 do 8 G00 10 ao 8550 (. :o 11 5 12 5 6200 do to 1� 5 1500 do 7600 i6 5 do X300 �7 5 do 5750 18 5 do 6700 1600 1 9 do i 2 9 do 750 li of�Lot 2 &full of 3 9 do do 22509 6500 ( bdo 9 do 10,000 ( 7 9 o ( 8 9 do 8600 8600 ( 9 9 do 1 8 do 1600 2 8 do 1 00 3 Z,-7700 do 11,100 8 8 do 8700 8 do 65')0 7 8 do 1500 8 8 do 1800 9 g do 5100 8150 6 1 M;ccicst ;r Place 5300 7 1 do 4250 8 1 do 8500 9 1 do 800 10 1 do 800 . 1- _.- - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOT OF COMM*IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -, DESCRIPTION I! LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 PL+ee 1,375 14 2 do 4 8350 13 2 do 800 12 2 do =.,800 11 2 do 11800 1 2 S^let A&,,ition 5200 2 2 do 5000 3 2 do 5550 4 2 do 5550 6 2 do v200 X500 2 '�o 7 do c 50 8 1 do 5,050 cl 1 do 10850 10 1 do 650 11 1 _0 4650 12 1 L:0 5350 13. 1 =, o 5100 1 1 d0 •r850 ti 1 2 Berryhill Pl,.ce St. Y, ul, 1275 2 2 do 800 2 d., S00 2 do S00 E,:st 10 ft. of Lot 6 & all6 2 uo 1000 (Ex. E:_st '10 ft. 2 do 800 (and ea -t 1- ft. of 7 2 do (Extent East 10 ;eet 7 2 :0 800 (& E: -et 10 ft. of 8 2 00 n (Ex. East 10 ft. 8 2 do 81�0 ( nd E:,.>t 14 ft. of 9 2 Jo " (Ex. E:-st 14 ft. 9 2 do 800 « E ;t 14 ft. of 10 2 0 (Extent E. t 1L 't. 10 2 do 800 & Ez:-t 1:. "ft. „of 11 2 do kEx, E. 1L ft.) 11 2 do 800 & East 1= ft. _.f 12 2 (Ex. E. 14 ft.) 12 2 do S00 & ft. �f 13 2 (Ex. E. -.4 ft.) 13 2 do 800 & Except E st 1-- ft. of 14 2 EXC6"t E-+st 14 'eet) 14 2 do 900 14 1 do 1200 15 1 do 81-0 ^ Foer e.e.i �.aw.,.,,a�.-:.r.... .. .. ..:..: ._...... ..-_.. �. 16 ...n-:.. . .. 1 .-:..:.. do TOTAL _...:.,.-. _ .. .-..,., .. ,..,.. a 800. . Y r.- ,... . -. .:.L .:.imp.., CITY OF ST. PAUL �- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPQ_RT OF COMKOSIONER OF FINANCE - ON ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 1 berryhill P1.1ce St. 'r:.ul 800 18 1 ''inn. 500 19 1 do 11350 20 1 0 5300 21 1 do 6650 .west 10 ft. of Lot 23 & all of 22 1 do 1000 East 30 ft. of 2 1 do 5950 :nd We,t 20 f20 ft, of 4 2 1 do Est 20 ft. of 24 1 do 1000 .nd pest 30 feet f 25 1 do E;: at 10 ft. f 25 1 do 11400 and all of 26 1 do 27. 1. do 1275 1 8 Underwoods Third Ad—tion700 -r 2 8 to the City .%f St. P ill 00 3 8 R:':>._ Co. ._inn. 600 1 8 ::0 500 8 do 500 81 do 500 8 do 7c 50 8 8 do rnn 9 8 do 500 10 8 60 500 11 3 o D0 . 12 8 do 550 All of Lots 1 to 12 doo 1109,650 67 14 6:ao 30" (1>:ce-)t Ec-t 18.5 fe_.t1 15 6 do 1)00 E -et 18.5 it, of Lot 15 and all of 16 D do 550 17 6 ao 300 18 6 uo 300 19 6 do 300 20 6 do 300 21 .6 do 300 - 1 2332 6 do 300 6 —' 24 ao 3400 13 5 do 550 ' 1�+ 5 do 500 15 5 do 4650 16 5 do 1900 17 5000. 18 c do .19 .5 do 500 20 5 do 825 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOFI FINANCE / 1 [\ OF FINANCE REPC32T OF COMMINIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION - _... .,. . 1 VALUATION , 21 5 Underwood- Third Ad to 6000 2 5 the City of St. = .ul 625 2 5 R;-:-ey Co., Minn. 1000 (Ey. East 5.5 ft. for 2 5 do Prior 1 Schoonmaker & Hunts Add, 600 _N 2 do 600 3 do 600 µ d0 ;_100 5 5 ° 650 650 The E st 120 ft. of the South 50 ft. Of tP::'t *)art 1 Rosedale P.rk 700 lying north of S^r,;ent Ave. 7 GWest 111 ft. of East 1;'; ft.of 1 7 do 300 'East 40 ft. of W. 103 ft. of do 275 North 122.65 ft. of So. 152.65 1 7 East 1:0 ft. .)f ':';est 123 ft. of do 75 -North 1= .65 ft. of 80.152.b5 1 7 nest 43 ft. of i'+OTJ�t 122.65 do 350 ft. of So. 152.05 ft. of 1 7 9 Subdi% ion of Lot 2, 4650 10 Block 7, Rosedale P:,rk 1100 11 do 5700 12 do "1950 1 2600 �do 1 do ` �r 1 do 2 -00 - 16 do 300 ( 1 3,,.k Knoll St. Paul, Minn. 11:500 ( 2 do ( 3 do do 7 5000 do 6 :0 5600 7 S do RiveTv:odd P rk 169010 9 do do 750 10 :o 600 11 12 - do ;100 a 14 do '100 _ TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ,y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPO RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 8 2 0 •-k Knoll, St. Paul, Minn. 2 do 600 10 2 do 49oo 11 2 do 600 12 2 do 600, 13 2 do 600 1 2 do 950 3 do X100 600 9 3 l0 3 do do 600 11 3 do 600 12 3 io 750. 13�33 do�. oo do 800 �Excent East 10 ft.) 7 Schoon::w.rer F Hints Add. 60o East 10 ft. of Lot 7 & S do 4500 (Ex. E^.p-t 20 ft.) E.20 ft. of Lot 8 & Nest 20 ft. do 1+500 9 Ex.`i7.20 ft.) 9 & 71. 10 ft -Of 10 do 600 ($x. West 10 ft.) 10 do 550 11 do 750 12 do 1500 Lot 1 to 2' Incl 7 do included in previous oronerty 1 S Undexwood's Third Add. 500 11} 8 to t_e Cit -1, of St -Paul 500 15 e 16 S do 500 �7 g do 500 18 S do 500 19 s do 500 20 8 do 500 �1_1 8 do 500 22 g do 5 ;0 2 8 do 500 2 8 do 500 1 L ne's View 650 2 do 600 do 600 do 600 5 do 600 6 do 4300 7 do :200 517 JI g I-io TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP(WIT OF COMM1�1ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION, .. ... . ... ... .. .. q•F-.-== 9 L --:nets View 4225 10 do 575 11 do 575 12 do 575 �3 do 575 1 do 575 1 Ro-bert L. .7: re Is Add. 2500 2 do 600 600 do 600 do r 5 do 600 b do 3100 do 800 8C, o 660 9 9 do 10 do 0 1�9900 11 600 12 do 6 1 Louden P; rk 16000 7 1 c" o 60- 6 1 do :rp0 1 uo- 10 1 do n 11 1 do 12 1 _'o ��F650 600 do 600 14 11 "o 600 15 1 do 60o 16 1 do 17 z ' do 48225 4, 2 2850 2 do I ";,lp 2 do 296n 5 2 do 600 6 2 do 6o0 7 2 do 3600 S 2 do 600 9 2 do 600 10 2 do 600 60o 11 2 do 60 12 2 do 6^o 1 2 do 600 14 2 do 0 15 2 do 625 . 1 1 Berkeley Plato 2000 z 6.0 9379 1 f do gj 5 1 do 875 6 1 do 875 7 1 do TOTAL 2600 1 CITV OF ST. PAUL L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REP01 - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �.... 03) _ ASSESSED- SSESSED-ADDITION LOT a -11 ADDITION ; DESCRIPTION .: VALUATION ...- ..-.,-..,p...._�. 1 1 Auditors Sub. No. 58 3o5o 2 1St. P '11, ninn. 1100 1 1 do 5200 1 do500 n 1 do 3500 1 1 do 700 9 1 do 3700 35 10 1 da 11 `1 do 1+100 12 1 do 52G0 55500 17 1 do 141 155 1 do do 5400 6800 16 1 17 1 do 700 4200 18 1 do do 2 E A 30 ft. of 19 1 1 do 1025 (Ex. E. 30 ft.)Lat 19 & all of20 Berryhill Place St.Pau1 600 1 2 1 2 do Minn. " 1150 1200 do do 3000 18 2 �9 2 do 20 2 do 675 ] do 22 2 do 55050 23 24 do 4050 2 2 do �5 2 do X00 50 26 2 do 4900 27 2 do11.650; 29 2 4375 8- 2 Sal et Adcition?50 9 2 do 4600 2 11 2 do 5050 0 12 2 do do 7 po (Exce t Ea:=t 3 ft.) 13 2 - Ea^t 3,ft. of Lo3713t. 2 do 100 ofst 14 do (Erse t '`lest 37 fe14 2 et) Macu.lester P -lace l0 2 100 2 6 950 0 2 do 1450 2 do 6 2 9925 l0 3 Liuden P;Irk 575 2F 11 3 . do 625 _ ~ 12 3 and West 8 feet of 13 3 do - TOTAL _ . - CITY OG ST. PAUL do 175 + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Berkeley Place - - REPORT OF COMM &kSIONER OF FINANCE 600 10 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER do 600 11 1 do 600 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except 'iuest 8 ft.) 1 3 Louden Park 6950 and West 6 feet of 1 3 do 1 (Except west 6 feet) 14 3 do 550 do 1 4 do 650 do 2 4 do 525 do 3 4 do 525 do 4 4 do 525 5 4 do 175 8 1 Berkeley Place 775 9 1 4 do 600 10 1 do 600 11 1 do 600 12 1 do 3600 13 1 do 600 1 1 do 5550 1 1 do 600 16 1 do 6000 1 2 do 6100 2 2 do 1200- 200- 2 2 do 2600 1} 2 do 600 5 2 do 600 6 2 do 600 7 2 do 600 8 2 do 6co 9 2 do 775 11 1leinhz:.Len Place 1350 12 do 1150 13 do 1900 4 4ieinh:L� en Re: rrar,,.eraent 1100 5 do ]100 1 do 12350 4 einaa. en Ilace 0 5 do 6 do 1050 1 ?tae -lester Vill::s Second 5550 2 1 Addition 6000 3 1 do 6000 iF 1 do 6000 1 do 5150 b 6 1 do 1000 s 1 do 1060 9 1 do 5800. 10 ROK •• 1 do TOTAL 1000 CITY OF ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOTZT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B / DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _tom 11 1- Macalester Villas Second 5400 12 1' Addition 6350- 133 1 do 4500 1�+ 1 do 7100 10 4 Louden Park 925 (Except East 13 ft.) 11 4 do Ernst 13 ft. Of it 4 do 700 and all of 12 4 do 4 7775 i3. do 1 9 do 4 650 2 9 do 5575 3 9 do 5175 do 4925 7- 5 9 1 Theresa Place 2500 2 do 3 do 725 1+ do 72r, do 725 6 do 725 7 (10 725 8 do 725 ( 1 Stanford Place (i 2 do do (} do 6 do do 6375 7 do 550 6 do 55c�0p 9p do Park � - 6b75 9 Louden (Excent east 26 feet) 11 9 do East 26 fe:t of 11 9 do 4650 - and West 29 ft. f 12" 9 do (Exce,,t Wv,est P9 feet 12 9 do 5$50 rind "Nest 37 feet Of 13 9 6 (Except West 37 fe t) a do 625 and 411 of do9 143 9 East 8.5 feet of 2 end Pal of 1 10 do 750 (Exc.nt LL— t 8.5 ft) 2 and X175 (Exce-)t hest 2_',5 feet) __.._ -... 3 10 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPAR TlAENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CON41ISSIQNER OF FINANCE ... ON PRELIM(NARY ORDFR DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION West 22.5 feet of 3 10 Louden 4175 and East 30.5 feet of 4 to do 650 (Exce t eget 30.5 feet) 4 10 d„ >475 and all of 5 10 3 Wessin'-ers Garden Lots 18160C Ra,..: ey Co., "inn. West of 2 do 4250 ( 6 1 Wellesley_Pla.oe (( 8 1 do 1 do (1 do ( 90 1 do 6500 10 8t:� ord Plnce 350 11 do 350 12 do 350 13 do 350 1�+ do 350 �5 do I o 16 do 14^0 do 1 do 1'`75 6 es.inLers G&rden Lots 10800 Ramsey Co.; '!inn, 1 2 dle'lle sley Pl_.ce 200 2 2 uo 200 3 2 do 200 1F 2 do 200 5 2 do 200 (Except tae :forth 30 ft.) The E:st 99.52 ft. of the ,est 219.52 ft. of 140Tth 175.54 ft. of 5 essin,er Garden Lots 500 Rz_.sey Co., Minn. 14 Eds:;-,rd D. L , .;c Re:_r. 575 - 15 do 5 5 16 do 6475 17 �.0 575 11 do 3175 19 do ',275 20 do 1275 21 do 3475 -'2 do 5300 0� ,do 60^ 2 do 4750 25 do 5150 26 do 6o0 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPCSRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lB) LL-- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 10 L;uden rk 575 11 10 do 575 12 10 do 575 13 10 do 575 1 10 do 575 0 3 ?✓.is:-is,in i View being 2000 1 3 auditors Subd. ?do.' I.,9 St.P ul 750 44 2 No . 59 St. P 11 'inn. 1200 do 50 46 2 do 500 47 2 do 500 550 L4 i do 1 1. do 550 1 2 L :,ee Perk let Div. 550 2 2 do 500 3 2 do 5250 �+ 2 do 500 2 do 500 6 300 2 dodo 150 9 2 4 do 3650 942F0 10 2 do 500 11 2 do 500 122 do 500 do 00 500 13 ? 15 2 do 525 do 5650 2 3 3 do 500 do 2500 3 do 500 6 do 00 500 7 3 g 3 do 500 9 3 do 500 10 3 do 500 do 500 12 33 do 50000 13 7 do 1�+ 525 j3 do 1.5� 00 4 3 uo �+ 44 25000 ds 4 7 do 500 00 8, 4 do 500 9 4. do 500 . 10 4 do 500 11 4 do TOTAL so11M e.e.i 500 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ( `B) BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED__ VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT ,.. --- 12 4 L .r.es P ,rk 1st Division 3600 jj do 4500 14 4 do 2625 - 1 1 do 650 4 1 5 1 d3D 4650 6 1 do �00 7 1. do 4700 S 1 do 500 1 do 500 90 1 do 3250 Et.st of 11 1 do West z of 11 1 do 3?50 12 1 do 1 T do 3100 1 1 do 550 4 1 H^nkee's Re ,rrsn�-e-.ent- 775 1 do 600 1 do boo 1 2 do boo 2 2do 600 do 7675 12 9 2 20 2 do c do 00 600 21 2 do 415o 22 2 do 4X50 i of West 600 23 4 2 24 do do 525 5 24 & �i,ll of 25 2 26 2 do H;:nkee's flleveland View 2 28 do 600 600 2� 2 do do 600 0 2650 do 650 1 3 2 3 do 600 3 do 600 600 3 do do Goo 6 do 1025 (Ex°ent ,'1. 14 ft.) 7 3 do „est 14 ft. of 7 3 do do600 9 3 d600 o 90 3 do 600 11 .3 12 do do 650 do (St)o _ 2 3 4 do do TOTAL 600 -n--'- -TV OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION I 4 4 Hcnkees Clev�-l:nd View Wo 4 do 00 6 4. do 4900 7 4 do 690 do $ 9 4 do 5550 10 4, do 600 11 12 4 4 . do do 600 4 dodo 600 1 600 �5 4 do 650 4250 16 '17 1 1 do do `00 1$ 1 do p 2400 260 19 1 (10 600 0 �l 1 1 J0 do 600 22 1 do 600 60o 1 do uo 5,05 2� 1 25 20 1 1 do do 600 27 1 do 600 600 2$ 29 1 1 do do 1600 do 4600 50 Si.)So.`. of 10 1 Un6ea:i%o,jds Acre Lots 1275 (z,-. Juliet na.:.sey C unty Minnesota 41 Frn::sedos rdu ;tion 1 j00 0 6 1 do . 300 (Except JulietSt. .° Ex. the ??o. 1+5.51 $ �nder.ioo_s Acre Lots .6700 - E:,st 6; ft. of R ::ecy Co.uity ',:-nnesota. 4 1 Boyers Subdivision X000 1 do _. 6 1 do 00 (Ex. J,liet St. & ex. No. 1251 6 nderwodd Acre Lots 1$$0 40 ,f Westfet R;: _.eey County, x,i nr.. (Ex. Juliet St. & ex. 'h-st _. +Ybri5 - do 1475 ii 125. $�i�1 5•1c ft, of 'Gest 41.5 ft. ?,Zorth 126 ft, of 4 do ,n0 So .t-.: 15) ft. of --' - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ! .. - DEPARTMEN,O' OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . (B) �- R p DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1111 ASSESSED VALUATION (Ex, the 'Nest 41.5 ft- & ex, the East -2.15 ft.) The So. 126 ft. of th t nr;rt lyinE{ "_Torth of Juliet St, of 4 n..erc; ..d acre Lots R -- y 6010 County, 11=,es0',;i The S0, 1'16 ft. of t. e E. =2,15 ft. of t: t ­!rt lying do 30^ 1"Orth of Juliet St. f 4 ( E J1lie.t St.) ,:est 40 ft. of So. ? of 3 do 100 (Exce �t J•:liet "t. & exce t ..est La for :'urth �._ .53 ft. & ;;,:St 1;0 ft. of South .:)4 3 do 2350 (Except Juliet St.) 2 do 2700 (E:<ce it Juliet St. & exce)t 200 45.15 ft . of So . .56, do (Exce -t J.1lict St.) 12 co x'50 (Excelt Juliet St. & Ex. So. 135.5 ft-) do 675 nest of 13 pxce )t Juliet St. F: ex. 3 .. do 425 135 ft.) Enst Of 13 3 2 Beyers SuUd,v F- Lon 300 2 2 0 300 1 2 do 300 (E ce )t Jal iet St.) 15 Undery ods Acre Lots 42FB OOunty,'!inn. (Ex. Juliet St. (Ex. '1T. 1:0 of S0 ? ) 16. �o 2550 . lest 40 ft. of So. 135 ft. .of do 5925 North 1,)5 ft. of 17 (Exce-t Juliet St. & Ex. ,est L-0 ft. of So. 135 ft. of :forth 1(,5 ft.) '„est do 11G0 o ft. of17 ( Exce �t J.11iet St. & exce'ot do 2150 ,est 50 ft. of 30.1351 15 (Excent Juliet St.) 19 do 2700 TOTAL OITY OF ,,., PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `• OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B).. -- - - _- .. .... - - ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION BLOCK DESCRIPTION LOT a Garfield rack 2nd Add. 500 (Ex. No. 5.95 ft 7 9 to �",e Oitydof St. Paul, 500 ( Exce^t So. 6.95 ft.) Ra::'eY Co. ':r4.�le��ood x1250 50 No. L of Lot 2 & all of 1 2 Kine 2 do 19 z South of S 2 and No . :;0 ft . of 3 2 do j00 3 _ 2 do 90. 10 ft. of 11050 do 4 2 do 10500 5 2 do 2250 North T. of Lot ? & ,11 of 6 7 2 do 750 So. of do 1500 do 5500 9 2 I N11th 10 ft-of Lot 11 & do 10 2 1500 - all of j 100 do5 11 2 _ (Ex. No. to ft. ) 2900 1 7 do do 1500 2 7 do 1500 7 dO 11500 4 7 do 1500 7 do 750 Nort.: of 1925 So" I ' of )of Lot 6 7 do 1 in south of a line drain from a Y froth heast 7 the sout - and tt;atart paint on the e,. t 11.=e of sid lot 10 ft. line 14 ft. from the- southwest corner to a point O. the nest corner t'::ereof• 11025 KinE;s JFanlewood Thut -) rt of Lot lying; north �f ra. line 7f )pin'. on the east drawn ' uloni nt line: of;asaid l of 10 14 ft. from tft. from he soutRee�t corner thereof. Le Kings ''. niewood 5900 90 7 do 1,00 11 7 16 1 do 7ono �7 1 do TOTAL. 15500. . ..__.' DESCRIPTION a CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEIT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOOK ADDITION AZnCB y':n1e410Ud 8 6 do 9 d 10 6 do 10 6 do 11 8 do 1 3 ?4is^issinu View beim: 2 3 auditors Subc-,v.sicn x.59 5 Si. i'aul, 'r'. -nn. 3 do 6 3 do -4 do 7 3 do 8 3 do 9 3 do 10 3 do 11 3 do 12 3 do 3 do do 1 3 do 16 3 do 17 3 do 18 3 dodo �9 3 do 2', 3 do 21 3 do 22 3 do uEn � do 3 „DII 3do ' 2 do 2 2 do 25 2 do 2b 2' do 27 2 do ?8 2 do • 29' 2 0 70 2 do ,l 2 d e ;2 2 do 3 2 d0 do q 3F 2 do �6 2 do 37 2 do 38 2 do ,9 2 do L0 2 do ,�1 2 do 42 2 do 2 do 4: 2 d0 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 21100 9700 7250 2900 114,100 8150 450n boo boo 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 850 600 400 600 600 600 X600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Geo 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 60e 1200 GITY OF ST. PAUL `) DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) / ADDITION BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION s _- LOT P - DESCRIPTION 7 Rearrc.i-4:e:."ient of the Elms. 82.5 825 8 do do 825 10 e- 2 11 do 1075 12 1 do 950 � 10 750 15 do 15 do 75O 750 1 do 750 do 16 "teal,lewood 3 Kin„s 750 1600 11 do 6700 5100 6 16 6 do s!a�o0 1 6 do 1600 1600 �9 8 do do 1600 10 .9 90 do 8600 5 8550 1600 do 90 do 9 4 6i o grosby "lease 1264o0 Hctzth0rne 'rood 16500 3 Louden ?,rk 1350 10 3 do 4 do 75 b1i75 10 4 do 825 425 io 9 do 6675 6475 10 do 10 10 do 575 1 1 yinCs 10,.nlev.--o,,d 00 1600 $700 i3 4 do i8 4 do 6450 34 0 18 4 do 6700 1600 1 9 do 18 9 do 1600 Est. -t cz 2 F: X311 of 1 3 Louden Park 2100 6c G 0 14 do do 650 14 4 do 765775 1 .9 do 14 9 do 625. .. ... - TOTAL ..�4 CITY OF 57. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 10 Louden Park 750 14 10 do 650 1 1 Mississi.) ii View being 550 2 1 Auditors Sub. Nc,. 59 2475 33 1 St. Paul, Minn. 475 4 1 do l-75 492 6 1 do 42'5 do 477 i 1..65 9 1 do 825 10 1 do L:75 11 1 do 475 12 1 do 475 17 1 do 3725 14 1 do L75 1 do 175 N. 1 do 475 17 1 do F7 16 1 do x+75 19 1 Jo 4125 21. 1 ..0 47 5 20 . 1 do 3+75 21) 1 do boo forth 30 ft. of "A11 1 do 300 (Ex. No. 30 ft.) 11tit1 1 so 50 ' 0 Re r , e_.e:.t of the El .r, `ao 625 31 625 32 do 625 3 do 625 34 do 6?5 35 do 625 1 Su:,,, -:,it ','food 8400 16 do goo Vlest 20 ft. of Lot 4L & all of 46 do 3900 do 875 do 8 111.3 of Lot 77 F all of 76 ao 4125 ;test 10 ft. of Lot 104 & all 105 do 4750 106 do 1650 135 do 1050 (Ex. E. 151) 137 & all of 136 do 5925 15 1 O..k "noll St. Paul, inn. 1050 lb 1 do 25 �t225 (Ex. Er:et 7.35 ft.) 7 Riverwo d '"ark t, - 8 do TOTAL 169oo CITY OF 6T PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 2 Louden Park 1. 625 7i of Lot 17 & .:,ll of 16 2 7775 15 5 do 10225 Ydest 8 ft. of Lot 17 P all of 16 5 do 650 i6 S do 600 i, -est 1 of Lot 14 & all of 15 2 Ho roes 1, rk, St.P l,`tinn. 700 16 2 do 3100 15 2 Ada P.,.rk 3875 15 2 L;a:.e Park let Division 525 15 3 do 4 5,25 15 55 v.G.7,hitndys Riverton Place 525 15 4 do 2025 16 4 do 525. v 15 3 do 3900 16. 3 do 650 ( 1 7 UndeTwouds third Addition 119650 ( 24 7 do 12 . 8 do 550 13 6 do 500 1 Robert L. res Add. 2500 28 do 5200 A parcel of land lyinE; west of an ad joi nin. Lot 14, L ;nes View beim; bounded o;i the west by.P-enneth Ave', on t1ie north by St. 01:-ir St. & on the south by north line of alley bein€; na.rt of Section 9, Town 28. Ramr;e.23.. 1100 A �-;rcel of land lyin., vest of atd adjoining Lot 15, L nes View beink7 bounded on t -e rest 'oy Ken:,eth Ave., on the north by the south line of ,.11ey an on the south by Berkeley Ave. being hart of Sea. 9, T. 28, Ra.n,;e 23. 1100 1 1 Academy Hei,;h s St. Pzul 625 30 1 Hr;sey Oo. '._'inn. 625 1 4 do 6--5 do 6555 i0 5 3055 5 do 625 do 625 �5 i6 2 6 do 625 16 6 do 625 15 1 H :.trees Cleveland Vier r 650 1 2 do 650 i'or Lot 16, -lk. 1 and 30 2 do 650 For Lot 1 Blk. 3 & 15 4 do do 650 650 6 do 65o 15 5 do 650 16 5 do TOTAL Ioew e.e.li... 65o Cin OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENPT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMMARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED w _ Lar eLocic DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION ---- 1 1 Berry Hill Place 1900 . e For Lot 1 Blk. 2 & 29 21 don 125 950 (Ex. Sum:it Ave, ex. alley 2 1 Rosedale Park 15750 W. 171 of Lot 1 &all Of (Extent Fairview Ave. & extent alley & ex. So. 1001) 1 do 4550 50-51-& 52 ( Excent Fairview Ave. No. 50 ft, of So. loo ft. of - 'Lots 50-51-52. 1 do L.300 (3xce t F it ...w Ave.) South l do 4600 50 ft. of Lots 50-51-52 (Ex. Sum:it Ave.) West 50 ft. i f Rearr<..,-.ecc:,t of Blk. j 102 0 5 yacalester Park 4 ft. f 14,15 & 16 3 No. 1.37 El.er & :torfisons Rear- rande:r,ent of runt of 4650 So. 40 ft. 0f No. 81.37 ft, i6 3 14.,c_.lest,r Park 4500 of 14,15 & „ No. 0 ft. 125 ' of 16 j do 1,350 14,�o. and 110. L0 ft. of So. 80 ft. Of16 3 do 4550 14, 15 and So. 40 ft. of 14, 15 & i6 3 do 4800 14. 4 do Sono 15 4 do f 4150 1 Kenna's Subd, of Lot 53, 22200 Blk. , Rosedale t'ark 4400 10 do _1 A. Berghold's Add, to 4650 .. No. 50 ft. of 23 & 24. St. Paul 4200 (Ex. No. $0 ft. & Ex. West 24 do 5675 10 ft. ) 7iest 106 ft. f Bl',,:. "Ali Elmer & iL,0rr_:.on s Rear, of Dyer's Rear, of Hart of 4700 part of 'acalest,r Pc,rk said kaca.lester park 4 also the Vest 106 feCt of 8 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) w DESCRIPTION �'. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALU ATI ON 19. 4 Macalester Dark b025 1$ 4 do 21100 (Except t.ie E,�st 45 £t.) 17 1� do 16350 1 E. J. !Feierls Rearr.nLe:::ent 7050 2 of Lots 9 & 10 , Blk 11 1300 `%acalester P«rk 4550 do 5-300 5 6 do 1300 and exc -,t 80. 40 ft.) 1 do Johnston'.- ResranLL_ent of 1 1 -Uo. 40 ft. of 1 �f Lots 7 & 8 Blk. 11 and Porth � of 2 Macalester Park 5150 a South 1, of 2 do 5200 i ) 3 do i That .,art of Lots 4 and 5 do 1950 lyin, north of a l:.ne -irrwn from a :)oint on the west line of said lot 5, 5 ft. Path fro . 'L. -'.e nort'.iv.est corner thereof to .a, point on th east line _)f s :id Lot �, 5 ft. fru:e the Sout'neast corner. That na.rt of Lots 4 and 5 Johnston's Re .rrar. e.ent of 1 lyin, south of a line drawn from Lots 7 & S Blk. 11 V ic leiter a a noint :n the west line of said Park Lot 4, 5 ft. from the southeast corner thereof. d. 4000 1 1 Underwood's First Addition 6450 24 1 to Oity of St. Paul, 5200 1 4 Ra .sey Oo. Minn. 1600 � (Except the So. 65 ft.) The ea�;t 10 ft. ®'_ f Lot 2 & Excc-)t the So. 65 ft.) 3 Lots 23 and 24 4 do 4250 So. 65 ft. of E:st 10 ft. of 22 4 do o d So. 65 ft. of Lots 23 & 24. 4 do 1 1 Macalester Place 6575. 2 1 do 4709 3 1 , do 6700 �+ 1 do 1200 51 do 4350 5300 kTorth 50 ft. of Lots 10,11 & 12 2 & ;,illiame 5450 ) .e.ii R_ .r. of B1k.12 ;y c: leiter Dace... TOTAL S .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ,r+ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North 40 ft, of So, 80 ft. Of Wi --at & 'rilliL_ms. Rear. 3750 10,11 & 12 2 of Blk. 12, Ha.c;;lest Place So. 40 ft, of Lot- 10,11,& -12 2' do 3500 13 2 do 1200 10 WeinhaEen Place 22750 11 do { 1359 1 2 Ya,c '.e,ter glace y X375 �E600 3 1+ 2 do 4550 6 2 2 do do 9925 ; 5 2 do 3750 1 1 Berkeley Place 1900 16 1 do 800 1 2 do 1275 14 1 mnc;_'.e-ter Villas 2nd 15 1- Ad.ition 7150 I 14 2 do 6100 15 2 do 6200 14 3 do 5400 15 3 do 5700 1 Theresa Place 2500 1 St -.._..rd Place 6375 18 do 475 6 ;;es: iaEers Garden Lots 10800 15 2 Glenwood Park Addition 3875 '.est 10 ft, of Lot 17 S: all 16 2 to the 01ty _f St. Pc:ul 6500 15 3 Aarnsev Odo Minn. 5125 1 Garfield Park 2nd Adcition 650 14 to the Oidq of St. Pciul 550 13 Ra!,,sey Co. Minn. 550 12 do 550 11 do 550 10 do 550 (Except So. 8.95 feet) 9 do 500 (Exc_,-)t rorth 8195 ft.) 6 do 550 5 do 550 s.e.i TOTAL CITY OF ST.PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 416 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i{ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a :-..-- 1 6 H:nkeeIs Cleveland View 650 ao l0 76 4�50 do 675 �5 97 do 650 16 9 do 1175 1 1 John J. Kenna's 5625 27 1 Rear=Ee-,ent 5400 12 1 Underwoods Third Add. ?125 13 1 to the City of St.P,'.ul 1650 Rr.. sey Co. ''inn, 17 1 Garfield Perk Add.iti n 650 111 1 to the City of St. Paul 1 2 Ramsey Co. Minn. 650 30 2 do 4150 15 1 Kinp !Lac:lester Park 4450 16 1 do 975 1 2 do 1050 30 2 do 975 (E -cent So. 65 ft.) 9 4 Rosedale P._.rk 3150 &(Ex. So. 65 ft.) E.20 ft. of 10 4 do (E;:cent alley) so. 65 ft. of 9 4 do 4650 & so. 65 ft. of East ?0' of to 4 do (Ex. So. 10 .ft. for alloy) 12 4 do 3350 (Ex. No. 10 ft. for alley) 41 4 do 1000 " (Ex. alley) East 20 ft. of 43 4 do 5400 (Excr.nt sue St.) Moylan's Add, to the do 4 City of St. P ul Ra_;sey _ (Except Sue St.) Lot 9& all 9 Co. Yiinn. ( Exce )t Sue St .) 10 do 12 1 Underwoods First Addition 2450 13 1 to the City of St.Paul 6450 1 2 Ra::aey Co. Minn. 5700 24 2 do 1,600 1 3 do 16250 24 3 do 7350 12 do 1550 13 4 do 9900 7 1 Salet -ddition 1150 For Lot 7 Blk. 2 -..nd 9 1 do do 5$50. "375 For 6 2 TOTAL A - - CITY. OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM11VARY ORDER (c) t ASSESSED DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 4 U::.rf:,eld rk 2nd md-3tion 550 3 'uo the C_ ty of St -'i -ul 550 2 RH - .•: Co. ",inn, 25150 1 do 1 1 G;:r leld r'-: Add. to the700 2 1 city of. St. ?:-. 1 5650 3 1 R,', Co.I`inn. 4950 1} 1 do 5250 1do 650 1 do 700 1 2 Ilpps 1�11acalester Park 1050 3o 2 do 875 ;;est i6 ft. if Lots 1,2 and 3 Sch.,iltz Rearra.uge�aertt 3028 1 Hi sse e. t 3700 Borth 7 ft. of Lot 3 & all 2 do d 1025 4350 (Except North 7 feet) 3 1} do 750 5 do b�5 15 2 l�ac.•lest,.r OolleEe Add. 625 16 2 to he Q-ity of St. Fz:ul 850 R;:.•._ ey Co . ?! inn. 3,288,362. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .__�� -- - -- -192 /• Commi oner of Finance. Form R. R. 13 St. Paul, Minn.. Mar-01-1Bi9as— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: d reulantin of dead trees Uniform planting of trees on boulevards, on graded streets in district specified . Summit— Aperuet__Fairv._iew Ave: �anToTp�i 'S£ree£; River boulevard, inclusive. `t, --....... -_...... ..._--_........ ............ .. -- -- St. Ave. St. Ave - St. Ave. St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Uniform planting of trees on boulevards and replanting of dead trees on--gra8'ea siiee a 1i 17V- Y0 T"r Fairview '-------- Avenue, Randolph Street, River Boulevard, inclusive -._.—..._.._.._.....------ ................._........................ —---- .._.------- St. Ave. -------St. Ave.----._—._....._.— _..._-.....-.............................. _.._.—.....__.... ----St. Ave. -GGA'% rJ 1 i R r -GGA'% ...... 7j, ri I't7 C Cl tO 17 Ave. vi ZM- X�rlv Jr, —tT ".1, sT m Office of the Commissioner of Public V�?i of C'""r Report to Commissioner of Finance lg �"$6 August 19, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 59773 May 26, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ....... _..__................. approved_._...........................-.................................................192......_..., relative to the planting and proteoting of shade trees in the Groveland- Maplewood Tree Planting Projeot. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. _ ........... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 1 er f k p* 13,950.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............._�'�...__. P..-........., L(AeU&1 cost thereof is $..1.........9.....-.__........ ".__, Frontage 71,536 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ .................... ................ ............................................ __------- ....._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....... _._.................. _............ ....... .... ........... ........ ......... ........ ..... ........ _.... -....................... ................. ....... ........._._....------------------- ._......... 5. Said improvement is ............................. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.t ' Commissioner of Public Works. t � _ DmpaArhrtz�e a h o� f� V41*03 03 _ JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONEN THOS. G. O'CONNSLL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C FICIN— M. 8. GRYTBAK. BIUON[ dO1H[Q . WM. N. CAREY. ""I OP CeN.TRIRTI.N — R-1. A. R. SHARP. 88P�..P RIWRA — G. H. HER—D. oFl•ICe Mm CDY PLNmINO dOlNme G. P. EIMLIN. SUPE. or WOIetNW[[ Hugust 18, 1925. Hon. T. ff. McDonald, Commissioner Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for planting and protecting shade trees in the aroveland-Maplewood Tree Planting Project, under Preliminary Estimate C.F. 59773, approved May 26, 1925: Estimated cost $13,950.00 Frontage 71,536 ft. Cost per front foot .19* Yours very truly, Chi Engineer. Approved for trgnsmission to Commissioner of Finance: a Commissioner of Public Works. i tea .§}�2� � � A 645 In the"]S;Atter of gradingc 9acY�:yaving d the alley'tn Slock, 6, 8t. Catlierine Park, and Block S,' ➢d9eclll[� Addl-_ tion No. 2from.. Soled Road lo C%-- n - vb.' -'ve., ale. constructing a sand ;i '�^er for ne ynr...�-of do e 31-.. on . the'". COUNCIL FILE NO. ... _ _..::..::......:'.< By.... ... _ .. .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.grading..and-pa.ving...the ....all.ey..in..Block. 5,..St...... C.atherine. Park, and Block 3,-Edgeoliff Addition No. _2_from.Ford. Road. to ,Otto Ave.., also constructing -a and rock sever.for_.the purpose of draining said. alley on the.northerYYly_line....of..Lo1 ll,. Block..5,.,St.. Catherine , Park „from woodlawn.Avenue.to the:said alley, .. ._ _ ......... _ __._.. .. ........ under Preliminary Order.. __.634.19._...._ .... _..... approved.._..._.DQC.. 4, 1925._,,,,,..__._,,,, Intermediary Order____ _. ._ ..._ .. _ ...... ...approved - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Cnuncil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is grade and pave the alley in. Block 5, St. Catherine Park, and Block 3, Edgeoliff Addition No. 2 Prom Ford Road to..Otto.Ave.,..also constructing a sand rook sewer for the purpose of _....... draining -said .alley ..on -the northerly line of Lot 11, Block 5., St. Catherine Park. .from W.00dlaw.n. Avenue to. the said alley, Material shall -be re-inforced 7° Concrete. _.:.. ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 31926 Adopted by the Council...... ........ ........ ___._................... 19 ..._.. FEB 2 31926 _ __ ... ._ ._ .... . Approred __.. __.. _ _....._ _... Clerk...., 192........ ll Mayor. ( ouncilman Clancy / Councilman McDonald ✓ Councilman Sudheimer ✓ Councilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-7. T b ClTy OF -- PAUL, DEPARTIoENT OF FINANCE F CoMmISSkDNER OF FINANCE REPORT 0 1 ON ORELIMINARY ORDER (A) in Bloc St. G-ti-ejir.e Pa � di4l -i,-,d he tlle,-v In the matter of---prd Road to ut-0 AM ' C180 Edfciffe A d j,ion 1;0 - 2, nd Bloc'k- —L� i d nu- o�e of dr: in To for � CT� colls-t� UCII elle ��e, 7ioodl,W' -lock l ly lj-re o ot " 1 -L 1 L on ,,e nol :_--- I avenue to e under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: I Povin6 3� 11 Gieo. -Jxick L id 211 �s,)hLlt Concrete 611 Pl.An OOnc-ete ,310C,Ls Fl�-t � Total Sc. Yd. 7 - -,S 6.56 5.02 4.01 pro-)erty Share 4,e L•00 4,192.00 7,208.00 2,5b2.00 � a) Front ft. -77 3.53 2. ,q2.15 1 5 St. 5 do 375 3 5 do 75 do 350 37-, 5 do 375 6 5 0,0 375 75 do 377 5 do 9 5 oo 7 5 io 5 '10 TOTAL. F,.,- B. R. 10 CITY OF ST.. PAUq, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM14SSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 5 St. 0 th. ine P:_rk 1 3 Edp,cli_ Adc:itiott ::o. :11 2 3 do 3 3 do 4- 3 do 5 3 do 6 3 do 7 3 do g 3 do 9 3 do 10 3 do 11 3 do 12 3 do (Erce.)t Ford Road) 1343 do a "0- A SESSED 0' ASSESSED VALUATION 650 975 1000 goo goo goo 9o', 900 900 7 �,o 675 600 8>00 393,650 4og,225. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hire in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of ,Public Works. Dated 2 A, 192 Commissi9 er of Finance. Form B. B. 12 RUCKSTELL AXLES +S PEEDS FORWARD 2 REVERSE I KING COMMERCIAL FARM BODIES AND CABS A.W.LOGA Wee PRamcMr..NO Oen ER Mr. George Shepard, City Engineer St. Paul, Minnesota ADRICULTURAL AND DUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE FORDSON T.ACTOR SPECIALLY SU­ EQUIPMENT FOR FORD CARS AND TRUCKS B MOPEQUI HENT FOR FORD DEALERS DATE Decembdr 4, 1925 Dear Mr. 'she pard: A permit will be issued in a few daysso so that we can begin the erectl0*0 Qf our new building cor- ner of Ford Road and River'Boulevard. it is necessary, therefore, that an order be presented to the City Council in regard to the paving of the 10, alley on the East side of our property running from Ford Road to Otto Avenue. The Motor Power Equipment Company owns property for 350E adjoining the alley on the IVBBt Side, and the Greater St. Paul Committee owns the balance of the property on the West side from the Northeast corner of our property to Otto Avenue. we have been assured by vhe thatoncethey will have no objection to the alley being paed It might be possible that the City would have same filling they could put into the alley this winter so that it could be paved the first thing neat spring. This is al- most a necessity to us in order to get building material in and out of our new building. Assuring you that we will appreciate your taking care of this matter for us, we remain AWL: MB Very truly yours, MOTOR POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY Vice �Pres&r. .Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: DCC Dec. 2?, 1925 __192 ....... .............._......_...._. _ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63419 December 4, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ....... _.- .................... -approved ._._..................................-.............................._...........192......._..., relative to the grading and paving ofalleyin Block 5, St. Catherine Park, — and Block 3, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, from Ford iioad to Otto Ave. _ also constructing a sandrock sewer for the purpose of drining - -.-............... .._........_.........._.......... --tt.................................._.....ii....................... --........ -._.........................................................._.- .............. ........ ........... ?rim 000diaon Ave.NtoysaSReaif lot 11, Blk. 5, St. Catherine Fork, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is................ .... ......... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ................... ......... ___............ . and the total cost thereof is $................. --- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... ..... ...._.....-._..... .._-..._........__...._............... - - ._..... - — 5. Said improvement is ............................. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..._..........................2`.'v'y_�5"' .'_...........1.- -- Commiasioner of Pnblic Worke. Coe G �l JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. 5. GRYTBAK, BRIOGR ENG - GEORGE M. SH EPARO, CHIV ENGINElR A, B. BHARP, SUPT. OP S.NITwTION WM. N. CAREY, SUPT. OF CON.iRUCIION AND R.PAIR G. P. BOW LIN. -FT. OI WORKNOU.R G. H. HERROLD, OFFICEANO CITE P��,NING ENGINE.I, December 21, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of the alley in Block 5, St. Catherine Park, and Block 3, Edgecliffe Addition No. 2, from Ford Road to Otto Ave., also constructing a sandrook sewer for the purpose of draining said alley on the N'ly line of lot, Blk. 5, at. Catherine Park, from Woodlawn Ave. to the said alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. J63419, approved Deo. 4, 19252 Length 605 ft. Width of roadway 10' Frontage 1188 ft. " ^ street 10' PAVING 3*" Oreo. Brick Laid 2" Asphalt 6" Plain Blocks Flat Concrete Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 7.58 6.56 5.02 4.01 Property Share $ 4,844.00 $ 49192.00 3,208.00 2,562.00 (a) Front ft. 4.77 3.53 2.69 _ 2.15 Yours truly, (�z - �' —1� '_4 - Jef Engineerl Approved for transmission o he Commiseioiler of Tina e. / j Oommiasioner o Public oika. Yeas • CITY OF,ST. PAUL t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �nnca --- No. 64523-- FILE .-----. February 23, 1926. In the matter of condemning and taking an and easement in the -land necessary for slopes, c fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 6, St. Catherine Park, and Block 3, Edgecliffe Addition No. 2, from Ford Road to Otto Avenue, under 4, Preliminary Order C. F.O 6d3420. C. F PYOvAd#64167, approved 1925,.snd Intermediary January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Publiq Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for.the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block b, 3t. Catherine Park,and Block 3, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, from FordRoad to Otto Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated February 23, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof.allir.'- In,.the matter n condemning n '—,Wj- Ing an -esaement..ln .the land r�:,�;?, ' `i Bary for M.I outs ;atidkellep :7P1 grading and�pavin$ pf aUey 1, . 6. 8t CaSfierlae Farjc. and IDdB'eeU fe Addl+++'� " n�d to Otte! t ~ COUNCILMEN Nays W/ Clancy McDonald --------------- In favor 0 / Sudheimer Against Wenzel Mr. vice Yrue. Fntga! q 31936 Adopted by the Council. F E_.._....-....._.-:-<- .....192. - 31925 ---- � t. - Approved.........f_F 92. - 2 �,....J.�... •� ����, - .................... MAYOR ppBL[9i� . ;N CITY OF ST. PAUL Depe.rtnent of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land '.Zecessary for slope3, for cuts and fills in grading Mf: and peeing of alley in Block 5, St. Catherine Park, and Block 3, Edgecliffe Add. No. 2, to Otto Ave. under from Ford Road Preliminz7.ry Order C.F. 63420 approved. December 4, 1925, c.n Intcrmcd.ia.ry OrJor C. 64167 approves January 26, 1926. To the !;vunci.l of the City of St. Ycul: T]w Corn.lissi,�nar of ,=ublic UOrks hereby submits and m-.kos tart cf this, his report, of the ,,^.beve improvc- Ment, shovtng by the shr.dcd ,jortion of said '�)lc.n, the fills to be made on pri•rate 2rcporty, and by the h.'-tchcd ,portion the: cuts to be made on ,Drivato property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures op_)osite sucif shaded and hatched ,arts of such plan. Carmlissionor of Public or s' + (ndreofes Cuf n019 990�Z - Indicafes FII hoCi 9 jtJ 19(1�oJ .tz .e Y,11A Typical Kototl'oh +4b Wiley 6LK.5 $T. CATHERINE PARK & BLK.3EpcCLIFFE Aoot o.2 S-014-66A -�}4;l:)p69 E Flyyge show wofto o-F boo51 ores above lige 670 Cchorfill otproperfr line. FORS ROAD To Orro Ave. A li�eJ3i .ov M Figures bellow lir7e show show dis+once whr'cb slopes extend beyond property line. Boo4 1157 5cole I 40' EI D G C L FIFE i A DID+T+oN I I I 1 N0. 2 If I qW 0 12 io> 9 8 I G a 3 2 I { Q ' p_ _ _... ooNF w- -t4' + -1 12 }t 9 ,O SAI -TI ATHE-INE 1PA12K CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF P COMMISSIONER ONR FINANCE (A) a ,�; .� .. It P. Wiz. e In the matter of -r�-f1�—� X10 -o c r3, _ L_r i na Y_l—� r --r sl n =rnm Fu1Ir_+Zi � 'dttn SIT --L—•'''- - render Preliminary Order approved-- To pproved—To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 5 St. O,ttberinO P=rk 400 2 5 do 375 3 5 do 375 4 5 do 350 5 5 do 375 6 5 do 375 7 5 do 375 S 5 do 375 9 5 do 375 10 5 do TOTAL. 375 It"'M R. R. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE I ' FINANCE REPORT WNPRM�ANRF OISR oD (C) DESCRIPTION (Except Ford Road) ADDITION LOT BLOCK 11 5 St. o'ttnerine Park 1 3 Edgcliff Adlition ro. ?1 2 3 do 3 3 do 4 3 3 g 3 do 10 3 11 3 113 3 3 do do do do do do do do ao ASSESSED VALUATION _ 650 975 1000 goo goo go 900 00 61 g00 393,850 4090��5• of the id The Commissioner of finance further reports that othe Counc let getherith the report awammade to rhim nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1924 Dated Foam B. B. 12 V y ".r t r Office of the Commissioner of Publi orks h. Report to Commissioner of Finance s: cz a' v,��-i'JIr111�. Dec. 22, 1925�EC To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.............-........_.........-approved_.._..................63420 Dec.,.... 4, 1925 ..... .............. ........._....................... 192 .......... _, relative to _c_ondemning-___an_dtaking en_ea_same_nt.__in_._th-e_land_nPc_easery.._-Por._-_._.___...-.._._ slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 5, 5t. Catherine Park, and Block 3, Edgecliffe Addition #2 from Ford Road to Otto Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... _............ ..... _..... ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......_ XKX..._.. ............. and the total cost thereof is $.................. ...... _._............. _.... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ............. _.............. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................................._._.............._....-...............-- ........ Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - FORX UNCIL No 6,111914 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 23, 1926 DATE—._ ..... –... -----._......__—_...._......._.._ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement to construct and maintain a public sewer in a sand - rook tunnel on the line between lots 10 and,ll in Block 5, St. Catherine Park, from Woodlawn Avenue to the alley in rear of said lots, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63421, approved December 4, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64165, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The Southerly 5 feet of Lot. 10 and the Northerly 5 ft. of Lot 11, Block 5, St. Catherine Park, from Woodlawn Avenue to the alley -in the rear of said lots. No. In The Commissloner of Public Works 1 having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter, be It Resolved, That tate City of 8L Paul hereby . fixes. and . deterFnines the amount of land to be taken for the above named Improvement to be as tollocle: The Southerly 8 feet of l.ot to and the Northerly P r of rLot 11, Block S. St. Catherine Park: from Woof Wd Ave. to the, alley in the 'rest of saSd Iota Adopted by the Council Feb. 23,.1928. Approved Feb. 23. 2. (Feb. 27-19-1926) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy F-gnsnn gam- _In Jacor ,"McDonald / Sudheimer r -------Lj .....Against ✓ Wenzel Iii. Viae Pura I3 ursum Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192---- Approved ............ . 9 -CiA .,-.192...--- - - MAYOR s �ITY OF S WENOP�'�R1�IL p�e,;p alr,F7rnfe nor ;o Ff Fb���ca� %o,�;k s JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK, SRI— ENOINEEw GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIHf dOINeER A. B. SHARP, S_ OF BANITATION WM. N. CAR". ­or Cow.TRYCTION ANO R—AIR G. P. BOWLIN. SOPf. OF WO—SX G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANo CT' PLANNING ENOINDa1 - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement to construct and maintain a public sewer in a sandrock tunnel on the line between lots 10 and 11 in Block 5, St. Catherine Park, from Woodlawn Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lots, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63421, approved December 4, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64165, approved January 26, 1926. To the Council of the City of St- Panl: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particulary described as follows: The Southerly 5 feet of Lot 10 and the Northerly 5 ft. of Lot 11, Block B. St. Catherine Park, from Woodlown Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lots. Comm as oner of ubl c Works. Dated February 23, 19 BLK.5 ST-CATHERINE PARK LOT5 10 & II SEWER EA5EMENT bureau. of Engineers - Dec. 10 1925 Scale I" = 100' XVI11 -18932 - o CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FIN,4NCSE ON PRELI_4.NARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Condemnim and tai in._ an e t t c nst rt unci 1 public '?c. r in a sandrock tunnel on t'ne line betl.ef:n lots 10 e.nd 11-.n Slock 5, St C_t:,e ine `. rk from i oodl.Lvin Ave to the alley in re,r of -r,id lots, the lend required W�l_ f� bei%- the spat.e-!Y 5 fe:t of lot 10 and zne northerly 5 feet= C� under Preliminary Order approved Dg�� 19 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ,''The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 5 S�.int C tt,:,-ine P4Tk 11 5 do ASSESSED VALUATION 375 409 i .-..... TOTAL. i $775 • .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hi,n in reference to ....... ......:.� > <,.. <.........,__,........� a ,.�.,.. ..,.rk�. coidimissioner of Fiv.vice. ..., „_... Form B. B. 13 �aJd �- Office of the Commissioner of Public aEkstWa-D Report to Commissioner of Finance � �.o •, L 3 025 . December 22, 1925 192........._ .......... ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary orde�of t 63421 Dec. 4, 1925 192..........., relative to Council, known as Council File No........._....._._....._,..._approved.........._.._._......_...___..................._. condemning and taking an easement to construct and maintain e public sewerin a sandrock�turiiiel on the 11ne between Iota ld and 11 in Block 5, St. Catherine Park, from Woodlawn Ave. .......... to.....the.....alley in-..rear.....oir....aai$..._lo'ts;...t$E--1e'TId' requi-red... being. -the .............. — S'ly 5 ft. of lot 10 and the N'ly 5 ft. of lot 11 in said Block 5.^ .......... -....... ................. t . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby feports: 1. Said improvement is. ... ..... _........ ........ ..... necessary and (or) desirable. XXS%F and the total cost thereof is $................._........._......_...._ ., 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...............................__. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is -hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............._._..............._........_........_........_._....._._._.........................._ 5. Said improvement is...................._:....._.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiaeioner of Public Worke. b 9t of *aint Vaul F, rutiue Department A,tTHUn 1¢. NELSON. --- February 27, 1926 To the Honorable City Council, Saint Paul, IiinnesEta. Gentlemen: I am handing to you herewith telegram m received from Gene Danz for your consideration. /Very truly, yours, 4ryt:;� Z; , or. km 6111, p,,5 gas ' coaaeonb '"p n COUNCIL FILE NO --no By....... ........... ... .. . ................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. PaV1ng..DQ6n0YPr..AY9 f.rom..S.o.Mqryi.l.1.e.. Ave. ..to... Como a.nd. River..B.oulpV4ro$.w-ith.sewer,.water and gas connections from street mains t.o. property ... lines, C-OmPlet.e, Where notalre.ady made, also including -curbing and p.a.ving dr.i.v.e.w.a,y,..a.nd,.al.l.e.y.,.a.pp,r.o.ach.e.s.,... where I . .. . 1. necessary, ........... ................... ......... ... .. under Preliminary Order.... .60704. -approved J14ly..2.4y 1925...... .. ............... .. .Intermediary Order . . .... ................__.approved... _- .. ..... .. .. .... .. — A public hearing having been had upon the above' improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is PaVe.. DQ4110YPP. .4VpA Ave... to with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains. to PrOpe-rty lines. 0 QMPlet.e., where... not already made,. also including qVlrbing_gAd p471ng dri,Veway and alley approaches, where necessary, wor . ehall._be sheet"P.halt -.30 foot roadway, — ..... ................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FE' — 2- 192—. CEJ 2 3192 6 . ..... Approved 192......_A?ity Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy �7 ,,/Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 5EU�—— "-'W.'VkG Pros. Fargusor "Form B. S. A. 8-7. CLASS OF SENYICE SYMBOL��� UNION CUSS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram Telegrem Day Letter Blue Day Lefler Blue NIBht Message Kite a �• ( NI ht Mcasaga I Nita NI ht letter N L �` - Nlpnt Laxar x L If none I thea' thre symbols It none f these three symbols Mppaere Iter the eheak bar al appears alter the check (number, of ,dll Ihia b a teleari.1 Ut, 0. TEL ° v A M v words) this is a telea,am. Dinar. .be, chareder Is indicator by Ina a Its chane or is indicated by the symbol eppaanos, site, ane check. NEWCOMB CARLTON. PREa 0- GEORGE W. E. ATKINS. FlaBT V1C[.Paearoexs .symbol appeerina eller the check. The filing time as shown In the date line on full rate telegrams and day IaHers, and the tlma of recaipt at destination ea shown on all messages, la STANDARD TIME. RECEIVED AT 332 ROBERT STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN. CA26 100 NL 1%60 STPffi'BRSBURG YW 19 ,926 FEB 20 ANI- 12 52 HMRABLE AR'EUR E NELSON I ., . 1 HATOR COURT SOUSE STPAUL MIBN QST RECSLM BDiABCE NOTICE ADDRLS3E8''BIPE�,,,,BOLi mXTARD REALTY COW= REGARDING PRELDMARY ORDER SIX TEEMS -POUR Two ONS PERIOD PLWZ I"0TX COUNCIL NY OBJIZTION AS EASBMT IS NOT POR PWMIC SIRX11 BUT ,20 SIM PRIVATE CORPORATION PERIOD SUGGEST RUNNING SEERS• IN S`WXft OR AIX= AND NOT MiXIM SY_PBBPNIM UMMS 3QR BUILDING BY RUNNING SSNER THRU ANY PORTION TILEaMM TO SXV& EBVICE I SYMBOL WESTE UH I O CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Vram Tcle rem Oay Lel4r Blue Bey Letter Blue NI hl Meesepa Nite • I Nlpht Mesiepe Nlte NI hl Letter N L Xipht Lefter N L 11 none I rhea Three aymbsls T,E L M II none f rhea ¢area ,robs, f MDOeara efler iho check (number al O ` appmra efler :hose, check (number or zida) Ihie la a teleoram.(e Others v w rda) thio ie a lelepram. Other. fta character Is indieared by the -[,sit, character b Indicated by the ..but apDearinp after the check. NEWCOMB CARLTON. PResmruu. GEORGE W. E. ATKINS, Flreei V—PnIssit Oei rymbol appearing efler the check. The flIIng time as shown In the date line an full rete telegrams and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as strewn on all messages, Is STANDARD TIME. RECEIVED AT 332 ROBERT STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN. 926 FEB 20 Ali, 12 52 CA26 2/40 AND SAVE $1' SE TD PRIVATE CORPORATION PERIOD TI= ZZ LOTS IN STPAUL HOSE CO"AHY JIM BROTHER WILL REPRESENT ME AND INTERESTS OF MORTGAGORS IN OW39CTING TO TRIS UNUSUAL PHOCEEDUB PERIOD TRUST FAIR MS YOUR COUHC14 UPHOLDING Mr CONSITUTICNAL RIG8TS MARY TBAHS.S G31HE DANZ. {- - CITY of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 0o PRELI�MIN*AY' ER ORDER OF FINANCE (A) - -- -' In the matter of is connections fro -Boulev�trd, wit� sem- rz water acrd m — _3tre to ronerty 1_nesco lete c , e not <,7.eadv :,-de Ii so ici •idin, c ,rb_t.�- a..d -crin, 3rive„- v •jnd •ai lev — a.) ,roacties, :ere necessary. i o under Preliminary Order approved —JU � ` F. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is P 3, Creosote ?rick Laid As h It n.0on. O.,rcrete 2” .0 ,n.71'reinf. .cinE° r Ulooks il_,t _ r ,s �. ..,, 5.23 4.11 3.95 3.29 . Tot ,I so. o. Intersections &) 0 20 7,-09.65 g, 79 5,960.05 5,7:7.25 4,766.95 ;yPheel:tz-e- 4.,0 16,00 60 PTO 72rty s..; re 19,09 3• 12,576•-0;7. 0 iec uvea -7 rk front'.Ee 2a 173.60 23,0'13-45 T3t: 18, 56.65 17,734.25 14,b5-.35 . �l , 7.89 n•5: :;•05 4.64 3.96 (a) frint foot Note : 611 reinforced ccuczete b.,se uc ounr ft. Edd £or oonc: ete c .rb-w::ere not in 551H lint 6 -inch ev.er c3ri-eetions e. sh 45.00 6 -inch Y inch w:;.ter con.:ectiona e:.c'_� 39.00Y • -a. 19 0 _do 775 0 20 do 450 1 20 io 450 22 20 do '`50 2*� '0 ' Jo 450 TOTAL. Furm R. H. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSJPNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAMY ORDER (A) A - In the'mat ter of P"Irp, Deqnnyer Avffrom 8nme-mrille-Ave to 00MA-3nd R' or Boul - evard. with SE, �,d-_is connections f270, Stie-L ---,i to----T22-e-'_-ty lines co,.-Ilete not !ready --mn-de. 0 *-,,o--j.�, -,d n-.vjnjdijive,— v--e,nd L"lley a-) qece�s.,,,ry. under Preliminary Order approved Jul 11+, 1925 - DESCRIPTION (Ex. Como & ni,.r Blvd. Form B. R. 10 ASSESSED LOT BI -CK ADDITION VALUATION 38 29 IDepn,)yer Pcr'c, Rn -('Y Co. 450 39 29 do 450 :0 29 do L50 �l 29 do 450 42 ,g do 4 F,0 19 "o do 775 'o 20 do 450 -1 20 60 L50 2.D _,0 do .50 23 0 jo 450 TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIIWIONER OF FINANCE t >r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED ' LOT 6LOCK ADDITION VALUATIONS '-'`�-•�- ' DESCRIPTION 24. 20, Desnoyer 450 26 20 Iu nr e s o t a 450 20 . do 27 20 ddo 1450 .28 20. do 415 29 20 do 30 20. v 425 ..25 20 do 4P5. 32 20. do do 3 20 4255 3 20. do do 42 35 20 do 200 36 Ea t 3 of4 Lot 36 & ;;11 of 77 200. do 6�5 c,.25 West of 3� 20 do `�5 20 do . - 10 �)o. do do .;2525 41 20 475 .:2 20. ao do 700 All of 1 21 a .d ,,orLlmest 20 ie t of 2 (Exce,�t r `.,re:,t 20 fe ) `1 do 20.0 3 21 do �5 4 21 do 425 € . CIO 42521 6 21. do ►4�5 (Ex. S.E. 30 ft.) 7 21 0 175 S.E. 30 ft. Of $ 21 do p25 :!nd -11 of ;l do 9 200 - k 10 21 do 75 - 14 2? do ?50 �5 72 o 350 a 16 22 do 375 17 -2 do 425 18 22 aO �5 19 22 do TOTAL a CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER %W r (C) . 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLo<K ADDITION 20 22 Desnoyer Perk, F.a.maey 21 22 Co., ?Fincesott: a. do ?r do 24 22- do 25 2 oo 26 22 ao 7 22 do North of vacated Glena ie Ave. z.djoinitu, an.d 'S 22 do ft'P ASSESSED VALUATION I;0 450 450 4�0 450 L�50 4ko 1550 1550 So. ; of v cuted Glendr.le Ave. djoinin.. a:d 11 -,If T. P: C u..try Place 1500 r -5 , 400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- 192 ----------� ---f __—__ _ i�"� w Comny sioner of Finance. F— n. B. 12 .it. Paul, ;Minnesota June loth, 15ub. TO 2HE COOTCIL OF Th:: CITY OF .jT. PAUL: .� tie, the unuersigned, owners of the property described i; Opposite our names, petition the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul to cause Lesnoyer Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Como hiver i' Boulevard to be paved, and to set an early date for a hearing; thereon. fill irb l)esncyer lath 6iaa•�t��n .A( �� CTZ�� riLrt Y 1— z�-_4 z s-- z 4 - 3 �,✓yam A✓ '�z 5 VV. %y SEc �2. T. 29 1 f 41 c _ u �• 1 OL. G(i.ericC> SrR.w ATLH-f � � \� kI BECtIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public A 2 Report to Commissioner of Finance t o� oEC 10loss I Dec ember_ 9 ._.___1925_-....192........._ ... .......... ..........._................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 60704 July 14, 1925 192..........., relative to Council, known as Council File No ................. _.................. approved._...................................- ............. -............ Paving_ Deazioyer..._Avenue _from.._Somerville Avenue to Como ... _................................. _— _._....._............._._and..-Rger_. Bonleva_r'......... _..... ....__....--- -------------- --------------- _......... _..........._.- ....------ ............._----- -....._._---- ......--- ...— and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... ....... .....--- ........_.....necessary and (or) desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..... ......................... —............. and the total cost thereof is $ .................... ................... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follbws: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... ......... ..................... .......... ..._......._ . 5. Said improvement is .......... ............ ......._.............. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --- ...................... �Commiaeioner -04 Pnblic Works. ,...,_.,. Vim. �•;+;::i,r ._. SCI .y I'V IlY`I�''r✓AVL ' e�pa�frMh�rnAe nth of I�J�u�b icjJc s JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CXI EI ENGINEER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OP CDN.FRUCnON wn0 REPwIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE wrl0 Cm PLwNNINO ENGInEm December 8, 1925. M. 5. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, SUIT. OP SwN-- G. P. SOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORRNDUEE Hon—J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Desnoyer Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Como and River Boulevard, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C.F. ,-60704, approved July 14, 1925: Paving 32 ,creosote Brick Laid Asphalt Concrete blocks flat or Asph.Con. 2"Asp.Con.7"reinf. Total sq.yd. 6.24 5.23 4.11 3.95 3.29 Intersections &) 9,079.20 7,609.65 5,980.05 5y7417.25 4,786.95 Wheelage ) Property share 19,094.40 16,003.80 12,578.60 12,087.00/10,067.40 includes Park frontage Total 28,173.60 23,613.45 18,556.65 17.,834.25 14,854.35 (a)front foot 7.89 6.55 5.05 4.84 / 3.96 curb extra Note: 6" reinforced concrete base account peat foundation. Add for concrete curb where not in 55� per lin.ft. 6 -inch sewer connections each $45.00 4 inch water connections each 39.00 Yours very truly, C of Engineer. Approved for transmission to o ssioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public.Works. �J GMS. -AB _ - ply �1, q!♦� L No. 844.82B— 645, J IIQr1g auSt. f oC grndvers ty 4• ',f. se th no from University A•• �, tsouth ftne or Bohn St. with 'r � = water and gae on -e,& ^ street mains to" pror - curhw-here and ,"',"VILEr e By... _ . _..... ......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. grading _.and..paving. Griggs. St... from Univeralty..Ave ...... t.o. south line of_5ohn_St. with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains. to. property. lines complete, where not already made, also. curbing. and .pavingdriveway_ and alley. appro.ac.hes, where.. necessary, ................ .._ ..... _ .. ......... ............. under Preliminary Order.. 60590_ _ _ approved.._ _ .July 2, 1925. Intermediary Order....... _ approved.._ _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _grade and pave_ Griggs. St...front. University Ave. to south line of Bohn St. with sewer, water and gas connections from street Mains to_property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing.and._paving..driveway and alley approaches,. where necessary, .1aterial.shall be re-inforced concrete-.40,foot roadway, ............. ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . 3 1926 Adopted be the Council__ _ .... FEB .... 2 ._.. __.... _ .. .. .., 1�._.. 141 1 FEB 2 3 1,926 Approved _ _..._ _ _....., 192........ Councilman Clancy ,Councilman McDonald !`....�..:1� 9anscR Al1l3 PQf1 Councilman Sudheimer f councilman Wenzel ✓ Vin Fres. Fero -- Form B. S. A. 8-7. ............... City Clerk. 100 00, 4 /Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. ;, REPORT OF PIAM STONE R OF R ER FINANCr-' ORE (A) In the manerof_ Gl-,-de cmd )ave Cri .'s St =i-` UnJvrrcity - - ro t' I' e Of- Bohn €Bohn St_I.ith setircr _ -ter ::d cnr ert n -_s fro- st, eet rs to r+ lilies coc-,lete, I•'-::re_Lot :1_��dv :'.ode.•'so cur ;nom r,t nr,v' driee :: y .:Ind alley a nro,,icYtes, hcre nece,. � - --- y- under Preliminary Order approved --_`T`17. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: P vine 3 creosote Bric% Lztid Blocks Tot l S.Y. x•93 4.91 7iheelai e 10,2?9.00 8,-70.00 Pronerty 11, 297 .T^ 9, 51.00 Sh=,re Total 21,516.00 17,8'`•00 (b) Front oot 7.'-57 6.21 ARnhc:lt or Concrete snh 1t corc.211A-bh. 7"Cone 3.79 39 3.2 6,538.0^. 5,6_;0.00 5,554.00 7,220.00 ji,1i39.00 5,134.00 13,7`8.00 12,2f;9.00 11,688.'0 1:-72 1.17 3.96 curb extra Add for 611 concrete cur" .."::ere not in 55;: er lin. ft - 6 - i n t.6 -in. se.: r crin,:ec.t.o:.- e .ch ;.00 j -in. . :ter c.;:.-. c-, e::c'_: ``39 (DO lyin 4 _t •f ine i r llel zith the .,est line of Gri- s St .:.d'20 fe t iest t. -e intersection of Lots It i1 and"B" ,e .:i ed -lon1 .-.e Sjuta line of said Lot "All Block 3. 150 911 t°„ t ,ort of 83 I:id�: y I::d :.- i ,l Divi s=on 7450 lyin,- 'crest of z line drr:•-n nar.:llel C'a t'.:e ..est 1'...e of .:ri. :; St. c:nd 20 feet ^est fro::, the intersection of Lots "A" :nd "U11 :ne+'sured nlon;: tiie S,ut:: line of Lot "Alt Block 3. TOTAL. Purm B. B. If CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE }. *, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY( ORDER . a„ (A) In the mal ter of- `-reale snd )ave G:: i: s St `ro Un; yr c; t av to a3u+ g eI Bohn St _th sewer v....Aer ad P cnn ec' o:_s "rr - sti-eet -,ins to lines coc let.e, r: re .ot_1_c :dv :xue, so cuT .;nt nrt-v;n , -- drivetr. >:s_d : lley 3 nro;lches, rare -- — C.. I TOTAL, Pnrm B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 -2 x<i_, .y III. t ial D'_.,irion 1?5000 2 3 C:o 7500 3 3 do h3,500 Lot "A" 3 do also all `:: t nt 12t of 5 3r lyin_ Eu^t ;f ine :'. ..:n r.11el with the gest line of Gri s St. r�::d'20 fe_t '.'est r :. t o intersection of Lots and"B" sued lon z_.e S.lu-'.-.i line of said Lot "Al' Block 3. 150 All t::•, t -:,,rt of 5 3 id : y ___c:::=tr ,1 Divic=on 71'50 lyin,- 'hest of - line dr::".n n rc:llel n t .,est 1'_._e o 1 . ., St. L.nd 20 feet ,est fro:, the intersection of Lots "A" :,nd "5'" r:er,sured alon,; the S_utl. li,ie of Lot "A" Block 3- I TOTAL, Pnrm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE j ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFiY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT eLocK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATION °B" 3 Midway Industrial Division 1950 r (Except the following; (Commencing at tiie North_asterly turner v of Lot 9, thence South on East line 109.06 feet, thence nest g parallel v.ith t.ie North line.of Block 3, 209 feet, thence north parallel with ',:e East line of s: id lot, 50.15 fe:t to the ig Northerly line of Lo t 9, thence Northeasterly 218.01 f eet to.. o beginning. 911 th-.t nart of 9 3 Midway T_::d,istrial Division 20,000 _ ming North of a line , rati:n from a noint in the Pest line of Grid -.s St. ?:63 feet South f the South line of University Ave. to a point in t'::e South line.�f Lot B. 147.31 feet Nortile-,-sterly from s the Southwesterly corner of s.!id Lot B. Block 3, The followingdescribed na.rt of Lot 9 3 Midway Industrial Division Com.nenc:,E it the Northe<,.st corner of Lot 9, thence South on. East line 109.06 feet, thence 'A5est n,-:r<:llel v:ith the North line of Block 3, 209 feet, thence :.Tort narallel v,iz'_l t2ie Exist line of Lot 9, 50.15 feet to Northerly line of said Lot thence l,oi•the>st 218.01 feet to ueF-innii ;, i . All that na.rt of 9 3 Nlidw :y Ind ist_ gal Division lying South „f L'. line drrLvn from a point in the Nestlineof Gri= R Street 463 feet South from the South line of Univ,rsity Ave, to a point in the South line of Lot "B" 1•-7.31 feet Northeasterly from the Southv,est corner of s -id Lot B. 3 nql io-, .y Industrial Division 14 3 do 13 3 do 2 3 do 6 1 do 5 ' 1 do 4 1 do 11 4" 1 do 7 1 do 8 1 do TOTAL 1 1 II 15?5 10775 1800 20150 2250 28500 6000 6000 1525 2550 5.50 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINATICE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 9 1 o Q 2 4 2 7 2 s 2 9 2 ADDITION 'fidv.,�y Ind,,lr,�: -.'-1 Division do do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 2 C, F)0 2675 2b75 ,'675 1921j. 192'5 19L 5 *202,925• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — 192 Commis,' ner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 #'3185 ._._. St. Paul, Minn. ._'June _.19 th-___192--b- . To The Honorable, The Council, J y ;�y k 4 a✓ h Z y City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading and Qaving.Griggs Street --..___........._.._.........._.._.._.-..... ........__..........._.....__.-_....._.......—......................_-- -- ----St. Ave. SmtAve. to t e south --line- of Rehn-.-B.tLreet _._............__........._................. -- -... — --St. Ave. Bion ADDITION Mi dustrialDivi 1 31 114 W011.1115 A�ii�® Bion ISI- D.L. e Urtice9 5taiid. Atlas >3_ ^ PI. I ./J Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Pka. mb.e.r......9., .19.25_._ ............. 192 .......... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 60590 July 2, 1925 Council, known as Council File No.....................................approved................................... .................... ...._..... .................192............, relative to the grading and paving of Griggs Street from University _Av_e._____to...,._..._,_ the south line of Bohn Stree and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvementis....___......._..... .....necessary and (or) desirable. (8ee estimate attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is ffi..... ............. and the total cost thereof is $......................................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................. ..._........ _._........... --._.................. ............ _._._................ __.... ..._.............................................. _ .......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement � 3 .............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property' subject to assessment for said improvement. V11 - Commissioner of Public Works. �Y `CITY VF `��, !�I`��1'i,,�►'�1' AVL . airhM-1 a h vif FI 1IC74 o c \1j9744—% JOHN H..MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O,'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M, S. GRYTBAK. BRIM. EHOIHESR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CH— ENGINEER A, B. SHARP. BU Pl. OF SAHITATION WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CONeTRUDNOH MD REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OF WORKINUs[ G. H. HERROLD, OPPICS AND CITE' PEAHHINO pIO1N[vt December 8, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of Griggs St. from University Ave. to south line of Bohn St. with sewer, water, and gas erty lines connections already made, also curbingpand paving driveway Complete, � wherenot and alley approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order C.F 60590, approved July 2, 1925. 32 Creosote Brick Laid Asphalt or Concrete Paving as haft cone. a"As h. 7" cone. blocks flat Total S.Y. 5.93 4.91 3.79 3.38 3.22 Wheelage 10,229.00 8,470.00 6,538.00 5,830.00 5,554.00 Property 11,297.00 9,354.00' 7,220.00 6,439.00 6,134.00 share Total 21,516.00 17,824.00 13,758.00 12,269.00 11,688-00 6.21 4.72 4.17 3.96 (b)front foot 7.57 curb extra Add for 6" concrete curb where not in 55{ per lin.ft. 6 -in. sewer connections each §45.00 4-in.water connections eachn39.00 Yours truly, (!7,. ),M. SLIj Approved for transmission to Ch f Engineer. Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. GMS:A$ PF w r F. I th Matter7 f paving Faireeld Ave. ll from South Wabash& St. to South V`C./°�52� Robart St. with sewer, water and gas connections from street toning aito mt property lines coplete where t already made, also curbing and P. Ing driveway approaches where r ; c —^• ry. under ] r.10nary 0-- t aoorn7ed Dec. 4, 1926. -^-1n1-' be, ' COUNCIL FILE NO, __ _..........:...... By..... .. .._.___ __..__.. ........................... .......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... paving..Fairfield . AY.e.....irom..soutb_hJabas>?a..Street. to. South Robert Street with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway approaches.where__ne.cessary,.. under Preliminary Order. 63414 .approved.._ Dec. 4, 1925. . ...................... Intermediary Order....... _ approved. R public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is pave Fairfield. Ave. _from. South. Wabash& Str.eet...t.o. South Robert .Street with sewer,. water and.gas. co.nnections,rrom street _mains..t.o_.pr.cpert.y.lines complete, where not. already made, also .curb— ing_and.pay.ing.driyeway.approaches where necessary, Material.shall be Brick - 40 foot roadway, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pAceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 31926 Adopted by the Council ._ _ .1 ...1 ..... __ ___.. _ ..._..__ _. 19 ..__ FEB 2 B 1922, _ .......... ................. ...............I......... City lerk. Approved _ _....._ 192........ .... ............. .............. / ,� Mayor. /Councilman Clancy /�(v) •02 �'—,2 d Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer` %Councilman Wenzel ( j Mr. Viae Free. Ferguson I�Si m B. S. A. SS -i. J CITY O{- lf'1AUL DEPARTMEP 1 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI' )NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI \!y ORDER In the matter of— - P:ive F °irfield Ave.f,'om So rc2 - S'l; - to So —'Rc)7 tit itis se:,.. x, ..:ter i•.,:d � -s con;_ect o :s <ro:.. t-, e t m -gins to — --- prpoe_Tt-y lies ner•e not .,.. .,ay rias •,1 -n c1i'un�— and n�tvin drive�.;:y a•r",ronehes ._..re necec^�xy under Preliminary Order approved— Dec . 4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -11 Creo. 3 -'ick L id P: v9-rz'.' 3' Blocks Fl t To- I So. yci. -70.Y) :',7 60.00 _ n•, t. i :7 C It or 711 Felnf. It ": Concrete_. .19 11,7. .00 1r),n00.10 7..or; �w e� lin. :t. 1 c ;ne_ X0.00 111u X11 Se..__ c,n_—c'.. _..y e:ci; 0 u n .ie. 11 n 0 J.. 'WNL. ( 70750--- 11 177 do ( 12 177 do TOTAL. Vaim Is. e. 10 CITY O/ `PAUL - DEPARTMEP FINANCE , wallow REPORT OF COMMI )NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI �\!Y ORDER (A) In the matterof— So i'�h S1. SO PC),It. qt itis End r.,s con! -C' -0-:s _r� e t r,�-;it:s to ronerLy l . -es c4 �l +a,_ rr :iot �:idL cies -- - - - - -- snd >>:,vinE• drive!rr:.y a•r roc:c:Ies r ., re nese, -rsy under Preliminary Order approved D ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT -- ADDITION VALUATION (so. +.'S ft. of o 177 Robertson's :,d.i`tion to 2525 ....d .:ortn 4.:.77 ft. of 7 Giest St, _ ul So. 3.23 ft. of 7 177 do 9075 and all of 8 9 177 0 13500 ( 10 177 do 707=)0 (( 11 177 do 12 177 do TOTAL. P.am B. B. 10 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' • , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI+4ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION M p (East 15 ft. of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1 -;nd 13 177 Robertson's Add. to hest 9600 St . raul also that hart Starkey ' St. vacated lying Pi est of line co s:.encing at a mint on the s North line of F-irfield Ave. 20 ft, Fast from the Southeast corner of Block 177, thence North to a oo_nt 35 fe t `.',est from the Northv,est cor:;er of Lot 3, Block.174, thence North to a point on the 'Southline of Fillmore Av- 50 ft, Ea t f o:: the Northeast corner of Block 177 aforesaid 1 178 Robert's Ad:ition to West 5350 St. P.Iul 2 178 do 15250 3.17$ _, do 2000 .. 4 178 do 6500 I 178 do10500 2o5o 6 1 d - 7 178 do 1j250 i 1 173 do 41150 3 3 174 do all included in 1} 174 other G That hart of Starkey St. v:: -cited lying East of r, line. or nerty com •.encing at a. noint on I ,e N-)rt'.i line of Frlir ield Ave. 20 ft. East fro-.-, the S.E. corner of Blk, 177 Robertson's Add. to ','+est St. ?;,ul thence Eorth to a -point 75 ft. nest i_o.i ':::e Nort :rest I corner of Lot 3, Blk 174 of said Add. thence ?forth to a noini anthe South line of Fillm6re Ave. 50 ft. East -rom t o Eorttaeclst c -la. er of said Blk. 177 .a.fores:dd, s 5 Bri.vil & Roberts Add. to included in 5 Add. to ';rest St:.. `lul County nrevioud 5. .5 Dakota, Ter>ii.ory of amount T:1 t rrirt of Ouster 3t, Minnesota vac"ted lyini, between Fillmore St. & Fairfield Ave. - 1 „est 15 ft. of 1,2,3,4. 5 6. do 1775 E Excent ;:est 15 ft.) j 66. do 38,750 do '+ do 5 6 do ( 677 6 do 121,90o _ t 6 6 do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ` • ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Et:.t 94- ft. of 1 10' Bo,zil & Rooert's k �.Ation -�:ul, 2300 2100 Vest 25 fe_t of 1 10 10 to sect fat. County of M.kota, Ter_itory o f 2500 2 -4 ?!inne sono . 2500 10 10 do 31':0 X500 ;,est 70 ft. of 9 and 10 10 10 10 do do 6275 E .st -9 ft. of 9 _nd ;,est 1-, ft. of 1 2 and 3 11 do 1700 Easterly 1/3 of 1 nd 2 11 do 12'00 '..est 15 fi.) ''ly 2/3 (Ex.f, of 11 do 2775 1 ;.nd 2 (Exce-'t ..est 15 ft.) 3 11 cio 2210 8 11 ;.0 2000 55,00 9 11 do 10 11 '10 1 12 do 4500 2 12 do 2000 3 12 do 3150 4.451,775 "the Coinmissiuner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to A�A� said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1921 Dated Comm' toner ofFinance. Form R. B. 12 ~ R' NOV 4- 125 192— St. Paul, Minn..—..__ -_„_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ......_.... — —...1._......_:......._.__......_............ __.—. -- --------- _a �� u�a ............ St. Ave. from_ ...... __------- —.......... _...... -._..... —_._.—St. Ave. _....-------.....—..--...._ —St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION /7 7 D / 2 /77�r 1 A-2?. or 1. 006 Xs cl,IV t 0'.4 RIP \71 jol. Lm". 6 Office of the Commissioner of Pu �oj 12 ...,, Report to Commissioner of Finance, DEC M 1925 Dec. 22. 1925 ,QQ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..63414 approved_...._D6Cember 4. 192.5 192- ........... relative to ......... _........ _....... the paving of Fairfield Avenue from So. Wabashe Street to South Robert Street. ...... _... ................ _................ ._............. ........ _........ _- .......... ... -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................ ............. _..... necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is -$ ................... _....... _._............ . and the total cost thereof is $ ..... .............. ...--- __..------....—, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................. .......... ............ ....... ............... . ..... _............ ___.__._...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................................... _......... _...... _...................... ................... ............... ........_.....-------- --- ........ _...... �._—._.......__ 5. Said improvement is ............._ .............. .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ..... ................. ... ........._._...... _...........�._......_......... _...__. __.. _ Commissioner of Pnblic Wo } ` h VF' I� : I ' FI\JL J �� eLparh�rnre�nh ;of F [Fr AuOb i WIT cr4sks> JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ` GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CMIv -1- M. S. GRYTBAK. SR- dmREEw WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF CON.TRUC - M, -Al" A. S. SHARP, SOiF. OF SANITATION G. H. HERROLO. OFFlC. ANO Cm PLANNING --- December 22, 1925. G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OP WORK - Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Fairfield Ave. from So. Wabasha St. to So. Robert St., with sewerwater and gas connections, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also curbing and paving driveway and alle approaches where necessary, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63414, approved December 4, 1925: Length 1,269 ft. Width of roadway 40 ft. Frontage 2,171 ft. street 60 ft. PAVING 3*11 Creo. Brick Laid Asphalt or 7" Reinf. Blocks Flat Asphalt Coner. Concrete Total Sq.yd. 5.91 4.89 3.76 3.19 Intersections Vlheelage 418,528.00 $15,330.00 $11,788.00 $10,000.00 Property Share 17.109.00 14.156.00 10.885.00 9.235.00 Total 435,637.00 $29,486.00 422,673.00 419,235.00 (b) Front ft. 7.67 6.20 4.69 303* *curb extra Add for onnorete curb where not in 55¢ per lin. ft. " 6" Sewer connections, each $60.00 n 3/4" Water ^ ^ 39.00 Yours truly, ef Engineer. A roved for transmission t commissioner of Financ . Commissioner of Public Works. f 64523 oa4'or o'ot yaving Glenham Ave. ' Somerville' Ave. to DeenoyeF e. .including aeweq water and gas' • — conneotiona from street 'malna to roper"'- lines• complete, where •';F already made, also curbing'- COUNCIL FILE NO.. - ................ ,vise drtvewaY and alit: By......... ...... ............ _-. ........... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.paving Glenham.,Ave..,,.from_,Somerville Ave. to Desnoyer Hve., including _sewer, _water and_gascoynnections._from .street mains to property lines complete, where not already made.,...also. ..cur.bing.. and. pay.ing..driveway and ...allay_ approaches,..wher.e..ne.cets.ary.,..., .......... _....... ___ _ .. __......................_.... .......1. -.1 1- . .-- . ......_ _ _ _..... under Preliminary Order. 61867 __..... ..........—approved... Sept.. 8, 1925. Intermediary Order_ __ _ _.... ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _.pave. Glenham Ave, .from. Somerville Ave.. to D.esnoyer..Ave..,..inc.luding sewer, water and gas connections from street mains...t;o...pr.aperty..lines__complete, where not already made, also curbing and -paving -driveway and alley approaches, where necessary, ......... ........Mater.ial ahsll be sheet asphalt - 30 foot roadway, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.. .c;. _..lj..... _................ .. ..... _......... ... .......... City C erk. Approved_ . 192-- _... ....... ' ayor. " Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald � i t (l� 1 ✓ Councilman Sudheimer -� -'*'Coun—cilm—anWenzel t� ,�fa9or-��+svrr 1 � f Mr, Vice Pres. Ferguson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF cbmMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER (A) In the matter of D—ginv 'FlInm snr­rvi�le �"� to J)gjjayk�x A4�6, W and i',s.CQnr;RQt�QnG from -,t-rpet to 13"OnSTtV - '� lneS QQMOJ_�,�_3jheie not al,eiirlyLel ilde, LLISc) cji-r'[,jnp d ')avpdnl' under Preliminary Order approved ----SE To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2,6 )l.00 2,229.-0 Pavin; 3 1 " 0 r e o Brick L _d Asbh�:lt or 2" Asnh=lt 11;17.00 1,';13.00 Blocks F1 at 0on- r. CDiicrete VfReinf, —IIL6Lo _�_ 6 P, e o n c r , ' . e Total So.Yd. ;,.29 5 .27 4-15 4.00 3.34 Inte3.­ec',_ons W h e . I a g e 2,6 )l.00 2,229.-0 1,755-0c 1, 92.00 11;17.00 1,';13.00 Pro ertv Sh, se 8 6,_,1.Q0 7 257 . 205,71_.00 —IIL6Lo _�_ 003 .00 Tot�il 11,32''.00 9, L60.007 69 .03 7,200.00 6,022.00 (b) 7roiit ft. 7 - L�9 0.53 3.96 curb extrr;. Note (F. C,x� li.ie — S.li-.e Sa _i -1 e i, -,u 270:8. .9'7"? ('N. if I 1 11 11 11 it 27018 0' (F2o..i E. cull) to curt, on S. 1i:.e S__,eiv�l1 e i, ve. - Est. for b" Rein. Cone, 1)LIse Ad- for cozic_ete c.:i,-c —ere n.)t _n 551: )er lin. ft. "I -e. con..ection, e ch e!' -_...00 ter 1 n 39.00 13 21 do 225 i ", 21 do 250 1 22 do TOTAL, 250 CITY OF ST. PAUL a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I' REPORT OF cbmmISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter ofV v—_—._1nnenh i ANre frpty nanoy@J! 's3.1 ino. 'udinE_S-evri_ Eir nnnnpnt� ons -rnm Rtrart -,tilt; to nrnneTt.W The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereb_ submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i❑ — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 6 21 (Exce.-t S u"L'i—st 30 ft.) 7 21 S.E. 30 ft. of Lot 7 & all f 9 21 9 21 10 21 11 21 12 21 13 21 14 2.1 1 22 F -T H. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION De:-n:;yer F . k, ha..:sey 425 Co. _!innescta 175 do 625 do 200 do 75 do 1%;0 do 290 do 225 do 250 do 250 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF �CONIMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2: 22 Deenoyer P ik Raipey Oo. 225 3 22 ".✓.in- -ota 225 L 22 do 225 5 22 do 250 6 22 do 250 7 2., do 250 g 22 do 2%'5 9 22 do 225 10 22 uo 275 11 22 do 300 12 2c do 300 13 22 do 325 14 22 do 350 �5 22 do 375 16 22 do 400 �7 22 do 425 37,025. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---192-- Comm' ioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 P&Plt 0),)JAJ IIU411111_11 W J July 22nd, 1925 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3l ST PAUL: We, the undersigned, owners of the property described opposite our names, petition the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul to cause Glenham Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Deenoyer , Avelino to be paved, and to set an early date for a hearing thereon. ---------------------- ----------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------'fee --------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------- l . --------- --------------------- --- ----------------------- ------- .__._�-.------------------:--�- -------------------- ----------------i------------------ -_ `-------'----------------------------------------- f Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance,,... » �� DEC 28 N961 Dboember 22: 1925 ,no To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 192b 7 Council, known as Council File No.......6186_........_..................approved__....SP..__p.t.................A_!_................ ........................ 19$............. relative to paving of Glenham Avenue from Somerville Aya, to Desnoyer Ave. ' and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... _................ __..... necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......................... __.— ............ I and the total cost thereof is $ ........................ _.... _......... _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._ .........................._ ........ ........ ....... .__._...........__._........... ___._____ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..................................... .....:................................... _....... _.._...... _.._.._..._......... _.............................. _....... ....._._........... ... .......... _... _.... 5. Said improvement is ............. _.............. ............ _._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment, for said improvement. i i OQf Q+ _.........._..__....._._.... ........... _....... Commissioner of Public Works. 'CITY JF�;� AIIYT �A-VL �� pie p�a��"1900 i►'r'' Fr (PAq!�b I 1 c �0V JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTSAK. BRIMS ENOIN.ER GEORGE M. SH ARD. CMIV ENOINSSR A. 6. -HARP, -VPT. OF 6A..TATIM WM. N. CAREY. 5O O. -R- ARO R -Al. G. P. SOWLIN. SYPT. OF WORNHW.6 G... HERROLO. OMCC ANO Crt ­"ENGiNe®t December 22, 1925 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Glenhem Avenue from Somerville Avenue to Desnoyer Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections, from street mains to property linea complete, where notlready made,ere also necessary, ourbing and paving driveway and alley app under Preliminary Order C. F. #61867, approved Sept. 8, 192b. Length 525 ft. Width of roadway 30 ft. Frontage 1,033 ft - if " street 60 ft. 1 PAVING Creo. Brick Laid Asphalt or 2" Asphalt Flat " Concr. Concrete 7" Reinf. Blocks 6" base Concrete Total Sq. yd. 6.29 5.27 4.15 4.00 3.34 Intersections � 2,661.00 $ 2,229.00 0 1,755.00 $1,692.00 1,413.0 gYheelage Property Share 8,661.00 7,257.00 5,714.00 5,508.00 4,609.00 To t a 1 $11,322.00 9,486.00 $ 79469.00 $7,200.00 $6,022.00 (b) Front ft. 7.89 6.53 5'04 curb4extra 3.96* NOTE:(B. curb line from S.line Somerville Ave. to 270`3. 3.0% (W. " " 8.0% (From-Eeturforo6" ouxbReinoQonoline Somerville_Ave.- Add for concrete curb where not in 55V per lin. ft. 6" sewer connection, each $45.00 3/4" Water " " 39.00 yours truly, A roved for transmission e g neer. o, heCommissioner of Finance Comm saioner of lie or s. COUNCIL' FILE NO.__.....__ ................ By......._... _. ...._ . _... _ _ _..........................._.. FINAL ORD FINAL oaDURS. - No. 89529— In the Matter of..changing...the _.gra.de....of,..Al.ley- in.. ° °`°°10 °B`°t° °t�tie' s.:Maplew.o ,Dart dereot, tha DreeeF• from Cretin Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd. to conform og;;neg;'°ea�aaW"ne on the profile -hereto attached-and-made-a--part-hereof, t hole utwee°,.•••establish® grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grad1iie.,ptd paving said alley between the aforesaid limits; also co otiirtiz a- RAwer- in said - alley from a point 190 feet west of rein Ave. to Cretin Ave, and in Cretin Ave. from the said alley to Sargent Ave. for the purpose.of.........' draining the a11eY.:............................ I............................ ........... ..._..... ....... ............ under Preliminary Order... ...63417_ ._ . _. .___..approved..__D.9C....4,...1925.......... ...... .... ... ..._. Intermediary Order...... ... .. _I approved. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is, change.. the...gradet of..Alley..in..Blo.ok_5,... King.'.s..Maplew.o.ad,_from._Cretin Av.e.,_.t.o..14t..._Curve...T3lvd.,_.to..eopPpr..m._.tp...the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present... established grade .being .shown .by...a.blue ..line _thereon,...also.grading and paving said alley between the aforesaid limits, also. constructing a. -sewer -in said alley from a point 190 feat west of Cretin Ave. --to. Cretin Ave, and in Cretin Ave. from the said alley to Sargent Ave. for the purpose of draining the alley, Material e2> l be 6" Concrete- .. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner, of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and 1 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said impMvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .:. _ ..Z..O ��.. 1._ .... .................. 192.... c "tis City Clerk. Approved.. 1`92 ...... � ✓Councilman Clanc} ...__. _ _ __.... ...i ........................ _... ........_. Mayor. C uncilman Ferguson 6uncilman McDonald COuncilmarMYA= Hodgson 11 -Gouncilman Sudheimer• � C� Pay.c,'lman Wenzel .Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. UR.A.O.SKINNER LOWRY BUILDING SAINT PAUL,MINN. }larch 1, 1926.. Hbn. John H'. file Donald Commissioner of Public Works Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mc Donald: G �Saq At the hearing before the Council on February 23 I spoke against the proposed change in the grade of the alley running from Mt. Curve to Cretin between Sargent and Princeton. I believe I am understood by some of my neighbors to be in opposition to the pavement of this allgy. I wish to assure you that I am not. On the contrary I am very anxious to have the alley paved at the earliest possible moment. My question as to the grade is entirely in the interest of expediency. Draining Princeton in the middle of this block has not been practical for the sewer er is uddleuin thethe middleeofnthistevery r ain blockforhoursl,s re muddy puddle is muddy p often days, afterwards. Alleys are not kept as clean as streets and there is every season to believethat this expernd ience will be duplicated in the alley; and I s is why the present grade was established as it is. I shall not oppose a: change in grade if, after due consideration of this objection, the city engineer wtill advises it-, and in either event, I wish to repeat my request that the pavement be laid as soon as your department can arrange to do it. 62-" Very trulyyou s,i C. J. MCGLOGAN HAROLD J. RIOROAN TMco[wun [ nevi [ 041 GLARENCE A. STORMS oftt of (Iity (Ideck [ �e February 23rd, 1926 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissionert In re - Changing the grade of alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood from Cretin to Mt. Curve Blvd., also constructing sewer in said alley from a point 190' W. of Cretin to Cretin Ave. and in Cretin from said alley to Sargent Ave. We enclose herewith Final Order No. 64529 and Resolution No. 64530, relative to the above improvement. This matter has been laid over to April 20th and referred to you, by the Council, to investigate the grade of this alley and see if it is necessary to change the present grade. Some of the property owners have advised that they have built garages at the grade estab- lished by the Council some time ago. pRespectfully yours, �@-1 6�1�� City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF"FINANCE REPORT OF COMUISSARY IONER ORDER OF FINANCE ON PRELTMIN (A) Inthe matter of— Cretin Ave. to It. Curve Blvd, to conform to the red- line on the to attached and ::wadev°>ait hereof, the )resent established grade being shown a ISO P;�--[' djCLS -�nd p.,ving 4-�n reon she 0 - n con.,t1actilig, a sev.ar in - id -,.11ey Irorl' E), �)Oi t afoTes-Id limits, also 51r- 10 oiet�n alre "Qd 190 feEt s id 1'..ey torenfam the xur Of dr -loin je l. under Preliminary Order approved—ae-c- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cr:0- -3iick Laid 211 AS-)hc�lt 61, PILAn Blocks 7.12 6.10 -57 TogaSr.Yd. - ,17 t " 3.,re 7,127.12 6 10 ,,, .00 3.95 (b) fi 1 5 yinEs )le 2 5 do 700 E -7,t -e,t of 6550 Lot & (Ex ep-F�t 40 L 5 do 4 5 do 1500 5 5 do 1500 6 5 do 5700 7 5 do X750 6 5 do 5600 9 5 do 1600 10 5 60 8 550 11 5 do TOTAL. Furm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Y' RtPORT OF QOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' X, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • (C) - ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 12 5 Kir._ Is hi;-.lel,00d 200 1-B 5 do 1500 1 5 do 1500 11J i do 7600 16 5 do 8300 ?7 5 do 57:0 18 5 do 6700 "'87,45o. and The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z- —1921 _ Corj>mIssI-- Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn: To The , Honcirable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners,- hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause thek1lowing iq*r(jvement to bednade,� In — / A - ---St. Ave. - -------- . .....—St. Ave. EL M ADDITION "nAl 5 NAM EL M i 4 !pp Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC U 19961 December 22, 1925 .............. 192.......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63417 December 4, 1925 unci], known as Council File No ...............................- �pprov¢¢d_._.............._...................................................192............, relative to A driarojin the F. raa6, grading and paving of Alley in Block 5, king's Maplewood, \ from Cretin Avenue to Mt. Curve Boulevard, also constructing a sewer in said alley from a point 190 ft. west of Cretin Ave. to Cretin Ave. - ....._............. _....................t-o-..........................._....:---........................................__....._....._...............-- and in Cretin Ave, from the said alley to Sargent Ave. for the purpose o drain n tl a lle nn having �nve.tiga ed t�e m tiers and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. .......... ........_..,.......necessary and (or) desirable. (See letter attached) 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._........................._ ............, and the total cost thereof is $...._. ............ ._........ .........__._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..._........___.... __...__..._._........ ................. ............... ......... .......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............-.- ........................__.........._............_......... ......................... .......................... ........ ...._...._........ ...._ ...._..._........................ ..............-----•-._..._.......__ 5. Said improvement is ...... ................ ...... _..... ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a ..... ................... ........ ............ ........_._..........._.._....._..--- .................. ......_........... _...._ Commissioner of Public Works. t' -NI 6 e^p�a�2�FnrnAe�n(h co�F,;PIN bli'��JA "AM -1' JOHN H. MCDONALD. CbMMISSION_Ew THOS. G. O-CONNEL , DEPUTY COMM1-1... R, GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNIEP EeMIHSFR WM. N. CAREY. SOFT. OP CaNeTRULTION ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OMCE AMO C"Y PLAHMNO EHOIHEEP - Leoember 21, 1925 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. SRI— —0— A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OP SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORKHOUSE j tranamit herewith preliminary estimate of coat forrljgxadng and paving of Alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cr tin Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd., also constructing a sewer in said alley from a point 190 ft. west of Cretin Ave. to Cretin Ave. and in Cretin Ave. from the said alley to Sargent Ave. for the purpose of draining the alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63417, approved December 4, 1925: Length 462 ft. Width of roadway 20 ft. Frontage 900 ft. H 11 street 20 ft. PAVING 34" Creo. Brick Laid 2"Asphalt 611 Plain Blocks Flat _Concrete _Concrete Total Sq.yd. 7.12 6.10 4.57 3.55 Property Share $7,127.12 $6,106.10 44,574.57 $5,553.55 (b) Front ft. 7.92 6.78 5.08 3.95 Yours truly, ief ngineer. A roved for transmission PP t e Commissioner of Finance. J mmissioner of Public Works. 64530. CITY OF ST. PAUL cn,¢ NO.-.-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY �Vy1/ f.s --+��/ February 23,_1526___ COMMISSIONER--Z,---DATE,__.... RESOLVED� Yeas In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminery Order C. F. #63418, approved December 4, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #6416'9, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for.the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, to the,extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the C issioner of Public Works in the matter dated February 23, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Clancy v Ferguson Hodgson McDonald �fSudheimer f` Wenzel A' Mr. President Nays ..In favor - Against 192...01 Approved:}.. -/ A1i LI* MAYOR CITY OF ST. P:iUL Dopart:nent o£ Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the matter of condone ing end tcking -.n easement in the land -,accessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading ark: end paving of alley in Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cretin Ave. to Mt. Curve Blvd. urider Preliminary Order C.F. 63418 approved December 4, 1925 and. Intormcdiary Order C.F. 64169 approves. Jenuery 26, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Corraissioner :)f -ublic Works hereby submits and mrkos - part of this, his report, a Pl-.n of the �.bove improve- ment, showing by the shr.ded ; ortion of said ; 1an, the fills to be made on private ,�ruporty, and by the h.-.tched portion tho cuts tc be made on Private Property, and the extent of the easement to bo taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hltchcd ;x.rts of such plc.n. D^te: Conunissioner of Public Works. L/ i �_� +tindicafes Cut FII ^ (y I�1.� J � 3 �i 0 -1 IC'fJiCdi fl0fatlOn +0_G AL.LEY-BLK. 5 KINGS MAPLEWOOD 600W91g5M 2Pnlii 1c.Ala-y9 Figures above .line show, 6vlg 9v-iuD.fm of .9vf) nit Cuf or Fill of Propertyy. Line. CrzE-rirl AvE. VIT CURVE BLvo. PFP81 om } Figures below line sC�ow, 0? I :916JZ .D\stance which 51opes _Extend beyond Property Line. X Sec. 8& Locations Book lii2 scale: I"_,40 -C K G S M A P L E p O tj ON '601 1-18 6 .59 4 3 21 I 66 _ F� Fr, - --. -i, Fr Fr Gar ac Bushes IGar. o Gar 6 free JLC�oo ne.Gar. X18rive 1 + WRefain,�9 Stu. �! St Be Fr. Hed Gar t- ' Wall _ x 4; �G�� 4 Fro _ ¢o -a Gar. Gar. Gar —� C-ar. Ga_ 10y12 13 a 14 IS€ V j U I N 16I� 1� I6 Z i Elf 1 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - +t � Inthematterof—Oonde 1ni11 ''1d - ''f lri an ei�e':'eiit in slone_sL cu__.'.d fills. in t' -,-,e r%:d and y4rf, of Alley in �3Qck v; nr.l c *R-;-il P.v;OOd. 2]:0�_.il.�T Il �: c •-n .. n.i I` Crr�ra Rnnl av rr3-+__---�-- under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' ' oa The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is °5--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION Tact 40 feet of Lot 3 & (T: east 40 ft.) Form B. 6. t0 LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 5 Yings Staple Wood 2 5 do _ 2 5 do 4 5 do 5 5 dD 6 5 do 7 5 do g 5 do 9 i5 do ( 10 5 do ( 11 5 do TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 6450 1;700 $550 1500 1500 5WO 4750 5600 1600 $550 CITY OP ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 19 REPORT F 6�NRNCE RER OOF N PRELNIMIORDER `C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 12 5 BinE,1B Ltzplewood 1,200 111 5 do 1500 14 5 do 1500 15 5 do 7600 16 5 do 8300 17 5 do 5750 18 5 do 67oo gs70450. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -ate 192 (x_ Comms on r of Finance. � Rolm B. B. 12 Offi&e of the CommissioAer of Public A Report to Commissioner of Finance D tga Dec. 22, 1926......_. ....192........ ............-........... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._63418...____._._.approved............. Deg._.....4.,_...192b...................192......_...., relative to Condemning..-and_.._tAXlag-_.t1z-_4-maeaont_...IX)_....th.e.....land..nen.e.ass.ry......fOx ............. _.._..........__ slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in _ ...._- _. ...-_____.... _.......-........_..............._...__....._.._........__........._ ........................ _. Block 5, King's Maplewood, from Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Blvd. .. -......................._....._.._.......__....._........ ............................. ..................... ..._...,......._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...._ .........................-necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... _-........ ...., and the total cost thereof is s...._xg.:....... _......... .__._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _............................. ._............._...__......_.........._...........-- ------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............._................................. ....... .... .............. -.- ... ........... ....- - - ._......_, 5. Said improvement is..... .............. .......... ... ......... ...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public orke. i aalY NO. 64531—Ordinance No. 6642— YJ. M. Clancy— n ordinance reirnburAng r..i. Ordinance NO. Y_ ger for money Paid by hiraj�o .ane Tighe for d...ae t,< ad by C No. d.Paul.'�l V F. No. An ordinance reimbursing Louis Yager for money paid by him to one F. J. Tighe for aamage to the car of said Tighe, caused by a fire truck of the City Of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of the Miscellaneous item of the Fire Fight- ing Division of the Fire Funa, to Louis Yager the sum of Thirty-eight Dollars ($38-00) in full payment to him of the damages paid by him to said F. J. Tighe for ciamage to the Ford sedan belonging to said Tighe, caused by the skidoing of fire squad truck No. 1, driven by said Louis Yager, on or about the 4th day of December, 1925, near the intersection of Grove and Jackson streets, St. Paul. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to said Louis Yager upon his execution and delivery to the City Of St. Paul of a release in full to said City, in a form to be approved by the corporation Counsel, for all claims against the City arising out of the above described accident. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty asys after its passage and publication. MAR1 0 1926 Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. / Clancy Ferguson Hodgson 'McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. president (Nelson) Appr?ved Attest Mayor City erk ,p coUNCIL N0. 64532 CITY OF ST. PAUL _. .. I OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE .._....... Febr ry.._ — X -,_1-92.'t.. __.._.... RESOLVED v That Grocery License No. 3597 expiring October 8, 1926 and Restaurant License No. 1002 expiring November 6, 1926 issued to Gottlieb gatke at 20 E. Isabel Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recomuendation of the Bureau o£ Health for the reason that on re -inspection they find place in unsanitary condition and living room in connection wit]} store. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy In favor McDonald Sudheimer j..Against Wenzel 't s' x,. vs.. --Q2$19�26 Adopted by the Coun-------- I -------------- ---------------192 Ai noved----------.192......-..- ... ........... ..... MAYOR 0�,9,Y6b8— J ,i'1+`Clamp olved� That*ihe 9Dbltoatlao4ry I .. , ^Eoe conduit bualaeeA'� .. < _ _'_..,.... couRca ia....... EMU ea gt adQ;eases tndt�ted; be and CITY OF ST. PAUL Pae b,+lherebp granted,nnd the ^.� h4e�,1I%'**% 4,qd to tapue eucl, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Rwut16 :;LheIDaygieat alato,tile v Rty 6 thacuatomary fee a' COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - 816¢8, dbl Rober18on St., 184 P7..•79'a,irfi$1. � - _ DATE._F'ebruary_2a_.1926.__................ '.=ffegal,(t:66�1/C/harlgR BL.. . 4ESOLVE�/ That the applications for licansOS for conducting businesses'at-the- addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Joe Simea, 131 Robertson St., Junk dealer S. B. Robins, 164 E. Fairfield St,2_ Mrs, R. Kegal, 561 Charles St., Grocery " 156, J, Petter, 810 E. 7th St., Consumers Meat Co, 951 Payne Av,, Butcher August T. Marelius, 1056 E. Maryland St., Conf-drug Joseph Skroopka, 136 Eva St., Junk dealer Ed. J. Fuchs, 796 E. 7th St., Confectionery Carl 0, Johnson, 1197 Payne Av. Butcher B. J. Pabst, 798 Margaret St., " S. Zaikaner, 1038 Front St., Grocery Resnick Auto Parts Co., 268 Rondo St., Junk dealer S. E. Stahl, 1338 Grand Av., Confeotionery-drug M. F. Resnick, 696 University Av, Junk dealer " High Bridge Auto Parts Co., 504 S. Smith Av., F.J. Robinson, 196 E. 7th St., Pawnbroker M. E. Coan, 391 Prior Av,, Confectionery Jae. J. Kokesh, 1218 Thomas St., Grocery A. D.EIleworth, 1336 Thomas St., Henry Hoffman, 964 Forest St.0 Butcher Peter Westlund, 927 Rice St., " " John Muraski, 659 Western Av., John Muraski, 659 Western Av., Grocery Charles Stoemke, 582 Kent St., Butcher G. C. Paul, 719 No. Hemline Av., Confectionery L. Severs,. 900 DeSoto St., Grocery M. G. Possum h Co., 518 No, Prior Av., M, G. Possum k Co., 518 No. Prior Av., Butcher Frank PBhaly, 561 St, Peter St., Grocery A. R. Wardin, 740 Rondo St., Confectionery A. Glansman, 463 State St., Butcher Herman & Jungbauer, 595 Dale St,, Grocery A. Birenzweig, 798 Thomas St., a L. Severs, 900 DeSota St., Butcher Carl W.Schultz, 1008 Aroade St., Grocery COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council.... ---..,.r _-rc --------------192...... Yeas ^' Ferguson _ - :lpproverl...............--.......... _192.... Hodgson ............. In favor_ - McDonald -"- •' MAYOR - Sudheimer" ~ . Against Mr. President ^i. •� • • 645 •i� CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL PILO NO._..............E'.- .- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENT Y COMMISSIONER—.._.._—_______ ...._...... DATE—_.Eeb271a.r,�:._2.3y...�L6---------- _____ RESOLVED Peter Hanson„ 71alter James, John Chylik, A. '. Anderson, Mrs. Wm. Bruckbauer, F. B.Schultz, Chas. Lindgren, tis, Suoorniok, Adam Rieger, Hymie Rutman, Chas. Monsour, C. H. Hill, F. A. Holcomb, Rapp & Wittman, C.C. Klimenhagen, J. Hilzinger, Emily Gydeson, Peter Memmer, John A. Rsohick, Theo Schweitzer, _2_ 152 W. 6th St., Overland Bldg,, 368-74 Jackson St., 193 E. 3rd St., 419 Sibley St., 1820 Selby Av., 1049 Arcade St., 1340 Grand Av„ 575 Broadway St., 158 Robertson St,, 125 S. Wabasha St., 622 Grand Av., 960 Payne Av., 919 St. Clair St., 850 Selby Av„ 229 Front St., 101 S. Wabasha St., 1054 Hastings Av., 979 Arcade St., 573 Atlantic St., COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays v-6-laney iiadg@mq- ' _ .......In favor v/McDonald ✓Sudheimer....-..Against j/*enennzzellam—}� Adopted by the Restaurant n Hotel Restaurant n Confectionery Grocery n Butcher Junk dealer Grocery n Confectionery Butcher n n n n n n FES 231926 192...-.. FEB 23 jW4 Approved....................................... ..... -- -- -...... 11992.------ L -VOR } _s ._ .. C. p1.�,Xd 8668trBY J B..MeDonald— Whereas The Commisefoner of Yub= I - Ho Worka has reported to't)se Council. to accordance with Section 88 of tha wURCTL G4534 tY Charter tllo ezietance of an NO.---.-- :emergenoy arhloh: rendered aeceaeary.l ST' PAUL sae t,. - se `emyloymegb of certaiM--�mylyyyYee kE CITY CLERK .. hie, Deyartal.ent for il}ore than elg'. ra yerdaF.. TION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_.._....._--- _ --- RESOLvE The Commissioner of Public Works has reported .to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day,• said employment being more than their asual hours of employment. TIiREMPORE BE IT RESOUM , That the proper city officers are here- by authorized to pay the following named employes:, at the rate otherwise fixed for extNa employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NRATE OF TITIM HOURS OVERTIM$ Bruce, Blty. Utility labor 2 •55 hr Campbell. Edward P. Utility Man 1.66 Campbell. James E. Sub -Foreman 41 .6} Diegnau, Felix Iron Work Foreman 4 1.25 Dolney. Joseph F. Utility labor 9 .62 Elliott, Ed. Paver 4 Faust, E. A. Sub -Foreman 2 ,62* Mertens, Bernard Ditch Digger 10 •55 Mollenkamp. Anton Utility labor 4 •55 Mulkeru. M.. Jr. » » • 55 Pertranton, Michael Sub -Foreman - Plumbo, Anthony Ditch Digger Plumbo. Domanick Sewer labor 4 ,5p Plumbo, Joseph Putnam, Fred Ditch Digger 4 12'j. Simone, John Sub -Foreman Pipe layer 37 24 6 Yorke, Max. F. A ..� 7Y h. Utility labor �..... ALI- 63 7 of , . COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓ Nays / FEB2 3 1926 Adopted by the Council-._.-------- - ----------------:..192------ Clancy r/ In favor A proved.-..- SEB -2 31-- ---]92. - --=------------- - McDonald Sudheimer ..--. , --_--Against //+I.YOR ' Wenzel went Mr--Vloe Prd. roflr-a " pit emargenny hcie axiaen in .khe,ItEs�"i"T��L�fi` PUIILZL� �{Of�CS,. rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following wcrk: Repairing sewers; sanding bridges; construction work at Belt Line Bever. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances' Repairing sewers in all emergencies; sanding bridges on Sunday to avoid accidents possible on account of ice; completing concrete work started immediately prior to close of 8 -hour day. C0_1=5$I011MR oY YCB1•I7 �'C' ft5 CITY OF ST. PAUL - 2iaoo. NO. ---...645.5_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAVYORM RESOLVED Whereas the Commissioner of the Department of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, -in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said em- ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE'BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereb# authorized to pay the following named employep-;gat the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours Rate of Over - M. Amon Tree Laborer 12 tima.5 M. McDonough Util..Laborer 2 .555 C. F. No 64686—By 8. C. Wenzel— whereas the `Colnlnieeioner of the That the ,me ner sec zgrcn: M. .....m -Tree baborbr, 1% hire. at KMcDonough, Utn. Laborer, 2 hire. t 660. Adopted by the Council Feb. 28. 1926. Approved Feb. 281926. (Feb.. 2i1-7826) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy u--adm _:!� In favor McDonald / Sudheimer ..1..... ...Against I/ we"Im _ / M -P ids . f r. oe roe.Netgnsuai.. FEB 2 31925 Adopted by the Council ........... ............................ 192 Ap roved.-...._ _`_2 3 ig" ----------- - 192 - MAYOR t41tg of St, Taut February 19, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Picking un tools. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: To avoid possibility of having tools stolen. Your very truly, Commissioner. Recreation Rrips to Make Retirr (6itiara8 Department of 11arho, 111aggrounas ana Ilnhin; lonitdingo GEORGE L MASON. SYR. M PMIb HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON. BUR.w PlwraemUlma IRVINO C. PEARCE. GaP1I1Y CgMMI681ONaR PRANK X. TEWES. - "OFFICE OP COMMIMIONM COY ANCWra4T 219 COURT HOUSE .06WO February 19, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Picking un tools. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: To avoid possibility of having tools stolen. Your very truly, Commissioner. Recreation Rrips to Make Retirr (6itiara8 ] L ; S i L •j � i j � j � CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 5,453- ` QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO-2--ZCS Sill TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r; Q9 CITY CLERK �- RES.' N _� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION MMA ! RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE IATE2-20L-19 cl E k11�Y. LTQ THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF u -� JJL Jv '� � / ��8•"v��----- _---- ------------- COVERING • t; S !BY____________ ___ _ �I___ _____________— __TO_____ _ COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERE} !' INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE E —___ ________________ _________________ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. f 11 TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF ev NUMBER, TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK I, CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i u I � Ih y it C. F. No. 64586— !! Resolved. That checks be drawn on the Clty Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $44,552.58, covering chocks 'i numbered 1664 to 1706 inclusive. as per checks on flie in the office of the gg City Comptroller. 1! Adopted b, the Council Feb. 23. 1926. Approved Feb. 22. 1926. (Feb. 27-1926) t i I i! I I� I I ! I l i f a ! I i I i I I 7-1 i DATE 2—BUIi 3z a S - `*`-�-.73�•?0- .. CHECKS NUMBERED 1664---- ..�._... - TO 1706 -- rd - - uurl n / WENZEL ...._ _ _. MAY OR - j - COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE n v �.--m� F-VU1011 S ) NAY ( }'ES (� ) COUNCILMEN{ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.t. Yi& DISTRIBUTION � PER _p+ TOTAL I aeruaNEo I _ —_ LOCAL B. dip. SPECIAL FUNDS TRUST I SUNDRY CHECK IN FAVOR, OF II TRANSFER BY DISBUftSEM ENT BANK �� GENERAL SINKING BAND IMPROVEMENT WATER ACCOUNTS I FUNDS FORESTRY R'( BUUBLIC ACCOUNTS GARAGE SPRINKLING REVOLVING ACCOUNTS ,I I NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS I- I163 454 861.12 i 99 522 21. 105 92.. 146 23539 _ 16 ot+0 29 7 68 1 261 4o 708 23 2 971 05 5 033 19 42 75 BROUGHT FORWARD j. 3. 514 35 ', 840 oso381 I (. II 280 3$ 11 146 o5 I qle Dev.' 1664 Minnesota coal Company ll 146 05i 3 463 79 1 610 21 1; 1 600 OOJp.Tk Prop. 11 • 65 1666 Ed. Bjorklund i;.H. samuelsou & A. B. *?�rart com'r. of rin. 1 boo o0u 9 6i 1 4735 76 5 7 I; 1667 L. C. Hodg son, � 56 II 10 li 1668 Merioan OQAL Pang 10 00'1 1 030, 1669 Nathan Brodsky 10 ool Ii 1 10 00, 1670 kr s. ohael "'tzuk 00 20 00 j 167Patreek 2 capeoe I Frank Bifulk 20 001 10 00 I 10 00 I1 16 1674 Louis LeCla.ire Louis Bendel lig. Oo. 10 00 145 101 10 00 I' 138 35, 951 6 75 �! I� 16 Capitol stationery Glue Factory 57 g I 54 G Peter Cooper's & Raynolds Company, In . I 1607000, 12 00 I 21 5 16�f7 Devoe 121 I 1678 1679 Koehler & xinriohe I Kremer Auto Spring Company 591 30 0�1. 36 0 I l 1680 Kunz oil com-�any 6 621! 21 41 1681 F. G. Leslie Paper Com -)any 21 41' 6o4 17 1 5 216 36 1682 3 16o1644 Line -,MW Mfg- Com}>any up school supply Company 5 $240o ia' 40 10' I Nioola, Dean & Gregg Oaaapany l 8332 6 " Go I 832 96I l69g R�naloy Printing leotAo company 1 26 I 526 20 b t:paul van—Y 5 I i' 78 90 9 1698 itillwatter wiq* superior Printing comtleny 13i 131 2 II 1689 Viliauma Boz & Lumber Oompen 55 09' 53 09i I 163 90 1691 saldorf Paper Produote Comp Parr yy A. 4wenson & Hakenson lb3 5 2 L5 I 35 LO �'I 44 1! it 1692 Patriok Barry 0 1 36 00 I it I 169 16 mazy cutnniea Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 36 1 36 001 Ii II ;' J b 169 Marie Katherine Hackert hur Haessig 36 4 36 oo 70 401 I 169 Art Andrew Nlohoison 24 24 00, 1698 1699 Mrs. Mary Rose Hazel M. Stegner Guardian �dow of w.F.7. �I 26 1 li 24 30% 24 92 ii 26 141 601 II' 1700 minnie ;ilson, 57 I' 1701 N. H- zengerle j p I!' I 145 271 1702 170 Jos. paviloek standard Underground Cable 0 . l 60 90, I II 170 170 Victory Printing Company c ' L-O.Hodgaon, om r. of rin. 173 5o� 12 613 971 III I 12 6 3 971 I A B 1 II I 170 I; I I I I I 4 1 Il 1 I I I SII � I I I I 1 I I I � I 1 SII 1, 17 �9 785 27 1 261 4o 708 23 6 434 84 6 64340 42 75 1 3 514 35 II 884 583 43 i 475 308 85 ! 99 809 34 133 170 43 _146 292 98 'SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I T(OM1,0,9TE CITY CLERK - DATE 2-2a192 _6 P, COMPTROLLER IN FAVOR OF NJMBER RES. No. 59 RESOL\'ED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY T!`RtE`ASURR), 1 THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 44,55.56 COVERING CHECKS NUMSERE.O 1664 TO 17n6 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE ---r. F. OF THE CITT10—TROLLER. TOTAL ' TRANSf k,x DISRtir. S[Mf hl \:HEC KS \. IIEi hS CITY OF SAINT rA1'I - OFFICE OF THE COMr, �JLLER 1 Irl II No �i'! I1'•p�� i AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM CLANCY. iota IN FAVOR € B L RE TI�F��tl , Rc I� RANK.T —NERAL 454 861 121 4 73-776' 5 93 10 00 10 00 25 001 20 00; 10 00 10 00 154 95 .16078 00 36 N 21 41 6o4 17 832 K 33 96 1;8 990' 1 42 1 53 09 40 20 j 00 36 00 �-I�N-- BROUGHT FORWARD 3 514 35 .840 030 gg��[ 1111 t r,I INt II 1664 Minnesota Goal Company 280 3�1� 1665 166 Fd. Bjo?klund T. H. 33=01 son & A. B. ►art 11 46 051. 1 00 - 1667 1668 L. C. Hodgaen, Comb. of Fin. Amerioan Gemsoompany 9 d 761 F'Ix 58 9311' YF 5 \ 7 1-OUNc-.II MIN NAYli I, I 1669 Nathan Brodsky 10 00: 1670 Mrs. Miohael Mitzuk 10 0011 1671 Patreek Capeoe 2255 00` 1672 Frank B1fulk 20 00° I n,. IMrR,)VF MFNT 1673 Louis LeOla.ire 10 00 SPECIAL FUNDS 1674 Louis Bendel 10 00' FIINU9 16 Capitol :3t,ationery Mfg. Co. 145 10' Rrlxlnv 1676 Peter Cooper's Glue Faotory 54 95 1677 Devoe & Raynolds Company, Ina. 37 801 1678 Koehler & Hinriohe 1,42 00 A 1679 Kromer Auto Spring Com any �1 59 �- .-- —_ 16 0140 29 1680 Kunz Oil Com -any 30 0 5 1681 F. G. Lealie Paper Com nny 6 1682 Line-ATime Mfg. Com -any 21 41 1683 Mpls. 31ohool Supply Company 5 820 53 1684 Niools, Dean & Gregg 4o 10 i 169 Ramaley ,Printing Company 832 60 1686 ,t.Paul ;'leotrio Gomry ny 33 96 16" 2668 niiiwaver urg. aow an Superior Printing Com -any r2 �92q 1689 m1aume Hoz & Lumber Comrnny 111 42 1690 1691 ga1dorf Paper Produots Oompa*y3 "-eneon 09 1 600 o0 ,,rk Prod. Perry A. & Hakenson 163 90 16932 Patrick Barry 3 20; Mary Cunnien 4400 0qy 1694 Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 36 6 75 169Marie Katherine Heckert 36 1691 Arthur Haessig 36 1697 1695 Andrea Nicholson 77O 4 Mrs. Mazy Rose 109 Hazel M. st low Ctuardian {I VA=md a 1 wllsoaa dofr of VI. T. 24 24 3 2 9 CITY OF SAINT rA1'I - OFFICE OF THE COMr, �JLLER 1 Irl II No �i'! I1'•p�� i AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM CLANCY. iota IN FAVOR € B L RE TI�F��tl , Rc I� RANK.T —NERAL 454 861 121 4 73-776' 5 93 10 00 10 00 25 001 20 00; 10 00 10 00 154 95 .16078 00 36 N 21 41 6o4 17 832 K 33 96 1;8 990' 1 42 1 53 09 40 20 j 00 36 00 163 90'4 �-I�N-- ADI II'1 F IT Il\ 1111 t r,I INt II I�� ... McDONAI.-D. �' �.� . '' •nQF - SU DHEIMER. t WF_N2FL. AGAINST 1AI'I'ITo F'Ix YF 5 \ 7 1-OUNc-.II MIN NAYli I, I (/ I/ 1 li1N tti�// ALM' ,1/V✓ DISTRIBUTION \\A1ER RONII I n,. IMrR,)VF MFNT r SI NItINf. i 1"Rl1Gl" B. DRM106 SPECIAL FUNDS A�=,�UN14 FIINU9 A ,'OIINIti G.ARAG,F ` yy��� ��x Rrlxlnv 197110 - - ------ ' A 99 ego 3� .16 105 92 146 a35 38I 1 �- .-- —_ 16 0140 29 -------- 763 68 1 2- 6140 I log �3 1� 5 - 5 033 19, L 42 T5 11 146 05 li i ale & D6vt' 1 600 o0 ,,rk Prod. I 3 463 79 161o21� 6 75 163 90'4 TMRt1FOATE \ TO CITY CLERK DATE .2-2QI92...6 BY _ __ CO�MPPTRO/LfL/E�R� PER/_/'� .4 CHECK IN FAVOR OF RES. No.._59 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S --_------'Ly44-0-52-56 - / ----------- _.___.. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ._1664 __-_-TO-17^6 ------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIl'i COMPTROLLER. RETURNED BY I , CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS COUNCIL FILE No. BROUGHTFORWARD 1 O 3 514 35.'a40 030-97 1664 Minnesota coal Company 1 28088 1665 1666 Td. Bjorklund 11 146 05, 10 00; ?:;.H. Salauelson & A. B. %wart 1 600 00 1667 1668 L.C.Hodgson, Com'r. of Fin. Amerioan Camioempany 9 809 6 37 80' 56 1669 Nathan Brodsky 10 00 1670 Mrs. Michael Mitzuk 10 001 1671 Patreek Cepece 25 001; 1672 Frank B1 folk 20 001 1673 Louis Leal>a.ire 10 06 1674 Louis Bendel 10 00'' 1675 1676 Capitol Stationery Mfg. Co. Prater 1455 is I; L 0000 Cooper's Glue Factory 54 95 1677 Devoe & Raynolds Company, Ina. 37 80 1678 Koehler & Hinrichs 172 00 1679 Kromer Auto ;wring Com any 21 59 1680 Kunz oil Com -any 30 07 1651 F. G. Leslie Paper Com -any 6 62 1682 Line-nTime Mfg. Com,any 21 41 1683 Mpls. School supply Company 5 520 1681E Nicola, Dean & Gregg 40 10 1685 Ramaley ,Printing Company 832 60 1686 ^t.P,ul leotrio Comnany 33 96 168% 2688 3t111waver Mfg. oom-any 4uperior Printing Com -any 526 2aa 79 9,' 1689 Dilla.ume Boa & Lumber oom^any 131 42 1690 "aldorf Paper Products Compaziy 3 09' 1691 1692 Perry A. ,7enson & Hakenson Patrick 1 3 90 169 Barry Mary Cunnien 35 20. q qd Otis H. Godfrey, Guardian 36 00-1 169 Marie.Katherine Hackert 1696 Arthur Haessig 36 1697 Andrew Nicholson C 4 1698 1699 I 17% Mrs. Mazy Rose Hanel M. stegnew ouardiaa ui—&a ,wL% �.Aos of W.V. t: 1► I 24 !I 24 9 RETURNED BY I , CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM BOND ILOCAL SINKING TRUST B. m4++1O• BANK GENERAL WATER IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS I FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 11 pquipment 454 861 12 99 2so 3g 116 105 92.146 235 38i 1116 0140 29 763 68 1 261 40 11 146 05 �' sale & Dev. I4 1, 1 600 OOPPrk Prop. 75 43 ,/ CLANCY. COUNCIL FILE No. SCK!'--- ..IN _..IN FAVOR - McDONALD. - ' SUDHEIMER, .._ AGAINST WENZEL. _ 792 10 00; YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) Air, 1Vioe Pres. H ug"Ou 6 75 54 95' DISTRIBUTION BOND ILOCAL SINKING TRUST B. m4++1O• BANK GENERAL WATER IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS I FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 11 pquipment 454 861 12 99 2so 3g 116 105 92.146 235 38i 1116 0140 29 763 68 1 261 40 11 146 05 �' sale & Dev. I4 1, 1 600 OOPPrk Prop. 75 43 10 00 COUNCIL FILE No. 10 00 25 001 FEB 2 3 1926 11 20 OO ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. 10 00 _ 792 10 00; ES 2 3 1926 138 35 6 75 54 95' MAYOR t 37 80' 160 00 12 00 36 ►=I' 62 FORESTRY 21 41 640 216 36 l0 5 708 23 2 971 05 f I 532 6o 33 96' 3 463 79 1 610 21' S26 20 78 90I 131 21 3 09 163 90 I; L 0000 336 003 III 70 4011 COUNCIL FILE No. IK�IK it ��pp� _ 43��A+. Cbz^ p FEB 2 3 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. _ 792 APPRO ED _ ES 2 3 1926 792 MAYOR t SPECIAL FUNDS _ PUBLIC ►=I' SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 708 23 2 971 05 f I 5 033 19 42 75 3 463 79 1 610 21' I ��. Li �-J '--j ULJ d /.} CITY OF SAINT PAUL'74 r'C�UNCIL �// rll QUADRUPLICATE FILE IVO. 3YYll1 TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cm CLER .. lIi RES. NO. -59 ---- ------ — AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLD IribN FORM 2-19 6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE___ _19'2.._ CITY TREASURY — COVERING CO ROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED--2,6-4— INCLUSIVE. ---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHEC+ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PE -----------------------------______ _____--- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF '� - BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK �1 CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD- � i C. F- Vo. 2453i— Resolved Tasu rhe o ' be drawn on the Clty Trens 2' to the tog greFnte on P: P 523.025.11. r checks !� numbered 16x5 to lfifia `fncluslve. as .per chrcks n file in the office of the I, City Comptroller. Adopted by the Cnun cil Feb. 23. 1926. i� APproyed Fah. 23. 1926. Feb.f27-1926) • i �i • II I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7.24 i t h 3 I i t C: 0 CHECKS NUMBERED 16145._. TO 166_. ---_-- ff) -- - " COM LLER INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS 1 ..192 . �/ McDONALD. =EIMER, I ... __ AGAINST ON OF THE CITY FILE IN THE OFFICE PUBLIC BUILDING I� SUNDRY' REVOLVING 1 ACCOUNTS ANENZ EL. COMPTROLLER. - 4 895 191 42 75 r li I I i. I i II .YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) - TOTAL RETURNED c -K IN FAVOR OF - BY 11 hIIMRER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT I ` I , 1 j r I� — ----- ✓ M. lin—�'rnn-jlnr�nBan DISTRIBUTION LOCAL I — CHECKS li I RANK CHECKS GENERAL Il WATER `SONO IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS SINKING FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE BROUGHT FORWARD 161E �. t.Johnson, Supt. of pi 3 514 35 817 005.7 5 (. 434 001.89! 98 974 141 115 091 .87: 145 769 58I 16 040 2911 763. 60 1 261. ygde�. 1646 trs. ^. F. Leighton, Ch rm of the Mmioipml George washinsr.L 3 5 ,i ( 3 50i ton Club 150 150 OOi 1647 P. '.". Dempsey I 18 6 18 671 161E8 Margaret Linke 16 i 16 CC I 1649 Dr. David Kadesky - -t.Joseph's 24 1 24 00' 11 1650 Hospital 58 9 I 58 9sj� 1651 Dr. C. C. Thauwald 94 94 00; 4 I 1 16532 The rleisohman Company 12 4 I 12 42i I 654 11. T. Gerisoher 20 I 20 00 L.C.Hodgson, 0om'r. of Fin. Clerk D.C. 16 977 5 261 16 181Z 50' 535 0 2 55 00 j 165 N.C.Robinson of Company 42 7b 201 !j 185 5�55 1 1656 peoialty Printing i 37 15 1 1657 C. TT. Young Company 138 165$ Commonwealth 7leotrio Com --'an* 1 o14 1 014 05 16559 L.C.Hodgson, Com'r. of Fin. 4 138 2 4 138 20i 16b0 Nicola, Dean & Gregg 130 1 13 0 (� 1661 Pioneer 7leotrio Company ! 2 200 � 1662 J. L. deploy, Trustee 28 I, 28 00 1" Universnl Carloading & Distributing 0oWpany 12 12 ABROV ( ..192 . MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS _ SPRINKLING FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING I� SUNDRY' REVOLVING 1 ACCOUNTS 708.23 2 971 05 : 4 895 191 42 75 r li I I i. I i II 138 0011 , 1 j r I� I, I � 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 514 35 1840030 87..E 454 861121116 105 92 146 235 3g 16 040 29 763 1._.261.40 _ 7 23 '2 971 05 5 033 19 42 75 1 99 522 21 i. . Ty I T&JF<14 AATE TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK RES. NO.50__ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ----- ER COUNCIL RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE E % CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION ORM FILE NO. _ ` xx �HLOA NCY— __ IN FAVOR B 3 –----. covEglNG ��i^"6f7�y ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL FE 14[u. 4 �.. 192 Y CHECKS NUMB EO _��, - TO �{�� ✓ McDO NALD, J COM DLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE F GIG.. �� .7 IQ?� SUDHEIMER. AGAINST A PROV %1 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ,SUDHEL, ll(Ip 92 PER - 4>D17. YES f �') COUNCILMEN NAYS� II CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL I RETURNED I1—_ MAYOR NUMBER n --_— __-.- - -DISTRIBUTION '! BY ' TCHECKSR I DISBURSEMENT pgNK LOCAL CHECKS GENERAL WATER BONO IMPROVEMENT SINKING Il TRUST _ �._�y:�O• SPECIAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS FUNDS I' ACCOUNTS _ I' I GARAGE ♦1► SPRINKLING �. FORESTRY PUBLIC I SUNDRY � BROUGHT FORWARD 3 514 J� (�/�� BUILDING I. 1.64 .j 35 "I 817 �. 7 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 55 ".�. ohnson, sept. of P1qgdae,, 3 5 1 434 001,89 98 974 10 115 091.87 145 769.581 y • r646 tars. F. Leighton, Chairm of 3 501; 16 040 2911 763 6 1 261.4 ton Cthe luboipal George ashing.� �I �I 708 23! 2 971 05 : 4 895 1§; 42 75 7 1 1 li 16 �8 P• ''. Dempsey 150 150 001 ttargaret Linke is 6 ( 18 67i 1649 Dr. David Kadeskyy 24 0 16 OOj 1650 ")t.Josephis Hospital 1 i 24 01 eP 0 1652 Dr. r. C. Thauwald 58 9 I 58 951 5 The lel 0 94 e hman Com pan 4 y 9 00, 16533 H. T. Gerisoher 12 4 12 42' .10 1654 L.C.Hodgson, Comor. of Fin. I � `� 20 00 1255 00 65 Pd.C.Robirlson, Clerk of D.C. 16 977 50'' 16 18a 50 535 00 ,peoialty Printing Comnany 242 75 71 20 185 55 5 C. H. Young Com'any 138 37 15 , 145 COmmonwealth oneotrio Com any 1 014 5 25' 16569 L.C. Hodgson, Comtr. of Fin. 4 138 a 1 014 05 138 od 16 0 Niools, Dean P Gregg4 138 20 1661 Pionoer "leotrio CompZny 13 05' 13 03' 1662 J. L. '3hepley, Trustee 2 CIQ 2 00 1663 Universal carloading & 28 Oct,28 00 Distributing oom1,�,y 12 64, 12 64 " I' it i I it I I ; i 1 !� I i ! � �l �• { ( � � � 1 1 ( F 1 Z ., ! 1 fff CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 645T, , t QUADRUPLICATE FILE NO.________ _-.— TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK / AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORES. NO._60____ RM 2-2 6 0 _ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE aDATE 9 - CITY ��T�4R�tEEqASUUR//Y�. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF X. 5____a2 .00--__�11--- /_/x�------ _ COVERING BY----__-� ---- _--- -_______COMPTROLLER y CHECKS NUMBEREr)_y.7µ7.------- TO___-j�Q.&,___ INCLUSIVE. AS PEIftHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PE�- r� :711-,-' y OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. pt TOTAL RETURNED j; CHECK IN FAVOR OF „I SV ry NUMBER I TRANSFER DISSU RBEMENT 'I II CHECKS G,H ECKS BANK jI BROUGHT FORWARD d 7 0 C. F. No. 61538— Resolved. That checks be drawn on the �I1' of r E111. 0, to reate covering the gchecic' numbered 1707 to 1708 inrluaive, ae checks on file in the pffice of the Cl ty Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 23, 1926. ppp roved Feb. 23, 1926. (Feb. 27-1928) SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 24 lum n 11 0 AP OVED X00 P ROLLER 192 - ,..,mo - MAYOR -P---I'I SPECIAL FUNDS ..,SER II FORESTRY I BPUBLIC - UILDING II SUNDRY INCLUSIVE OF THE AS PER CHECKS CITY COMPTROLLER. ON FILE III THE OFFICE - # S UDHEIM WENZEL, ./ - T YES COUNCINAYS �EN (V RETURNED BY- I�/ _._. CHECK -- NUMBER IN FAVOR OF Tb AL -- ----- N' ronrn DISTRIBUTION . . _ TRANSFER CHECKS MENT DIB CHECKS CHECKS I� BANK GENERAL � I WATi�� FOND it I� LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING ACCOUNTS FUNDS TRUST ACCOUNTS BROUGHTF,pRWARD 3 514 35 994 593.43 4 fQ' a . `T5 3Qv v5GARAGE f �� 99 8o9 34 133 1793.,; 146 292,99 -Rum?"a ui g 17 64o,29 795. 2 1 261 1707 ^, T. ChidAeter, Director 341 00 341 oo 1709 Fred Jost, Director 341 00 341 00 o I i 11 0 AP OVED 192 - - MAYOR -P---I'I SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING II FORESTRY I BPUBLIC - UILDING II SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 708.23 1 6 434 94 1 6 643 4011 42 75 !1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 R,14 3$ 895 265.43 I, 475 990 �5 99 809 3433 IN -170. 43 146 292.99 -.. 17 64o 291 785, 2� 1 261. 401 —706 `23. [6 .434 84 B 6 643 ,401 42_ '75 I T&Ri, kr.6 TE TO CITY CLERK - DATE2-20 -1926. y BY `` � OO (�1p1ROLLER PER CHECK IN FAVOR OF >' NtIM BER BROUGHTFORWARD 1707 ^. Chidester, Director 1706 Fred Jost, Director RES. No. ---60 -------------- RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. /TyO� THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S - -662..00 /� ---- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED17y7 _. _.._ TO 17106_.- ---. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. IU AL !I RETURNED BY FEB2 311926 F-EfmIISOlq _____ __.IN FAVOR TRANSFER DISBURSEM1IENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS WENZEL. PUBLI+NGG 3 514 35 664 583.43 Vi P— F.=—. I 706 23 I. 341 oo 6 643,42 75 II ,II i� II I i it �I 341 oo CITY OF SAINT P -L OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLI AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION CLANCY, / 38- 8.-FEB FEB2 311926 F-EfmIISOlq _____ __.IN FAVOR HODGSON 2 3 1926 - __ __ 192 _ MAYOR McDONALD. SUDHEIMER. V-----._ -AGAINST WENZEL. PUBLI+NGG Mt YES 'I V) COUNCILMEN NAYS IV) Vi P— F.=—. DISTRIBUTION -p 1' LOCAL GENERALI WA -1, BOND IMPROVEMENT I� ACCOUNTS 475 306.65 1 99 609 34 133 1" 43 l' 146 292,99 341 oo 341 oo , SINKING11 TRUST funic FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 41CLl0 17[ uinmen 17 640 2911 765.27 1 261 FILE NO. __ / 38- 8.-FEB FEB2 311926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ .. 192 _ AP OVED 2 3 1926 - __ __ 192 _ MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLI+NGG SPRINKLING �I I' FORESTRY SUNDRY BUILDI REVOLVICCOUNTS 706 23 I. 6 434 64 iI �' I' I c ��I 6 643,42 75 II ,II i� II I i it �I I f IF M CITY O K1 - 64539 -a CO NCIL • QUADRUPLICATE "''+•'�' - FILE N _—_—,---- ;•, To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,.. cln CLERK_ - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT16N FORM RES. NO._6L'' _______ #. DATE ---- 2 292_.6 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRE/S/��U��RY.��ffT THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5_____��__SL.7i�2—___________________. COVERING Cl'�MPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED__lM _TO_ -1 --- 7k-,- r � S INCLUSIVE. AS PER ELKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE' , PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. _ I _ —. _ _. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK i IN FAVOR OF I BY I,N� NUMBER •— TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT j I' CHECKS CHECKS BANK I' 11 ii BROUGHT FORWARD I • C. F. No. 64639— Resolved, ThnI checks be drawn on - the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of 41,409.84, covering checks . 11 bl ln the U9fle f7f iv per City he its Comptroller. ° 0t the Adopted by the Council Feb. 23. 1921- Appro�'ed Feb. 23, 1926. (Feb. 27-1926) d SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FORM D34 1000 7.24 I I 1 I I tI •� 9 I � _ y • .f- CHECKS NUMBERED1709 P ✓v `V ❑Y / '�' Lein PrwoueR 1709 1719. - SU DH E" I'M ER. AGAINST INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZE L. Fero`-�� K 1 of THE ary coMPrgo LLER. - M _ Qlm, - YES (l') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V ) Mr. yi(a PWA _ — sRnsee� Fe TOTAL RETURNED - IN FAVOR OF BY - - -- CHECK 11 _ DISTRIBUTION B x${31110 • NUMBER TRANSFER DLOCAL ISBURSEMENT J IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST B. BANK GENERAL WATER BOND GARAGE R CHECKS CHECKS II ACCOUNTS _ FUNDS ACCOUNTS ui men BROUGFIT FORWARD 1� 35 3 5iY 895 265 4� SPECIAL FUNDS ..475 990 95 99 809 34' 133 170.43 146 292. 9 9 1 7 64o_291795. 2 1 261 1709 kmerionn Linen supply company 166 5t 166 5 1710 •. 0. mgge, Supt. 54 54 C 1711 canital stationery Mfg. Comp y 3 6 3 69 1712 000hran-Sargent Com any 3 3 00 1713 Elvgren Paint 'Supply Com my 15 it 15 8 1714 General ohemioal Compnny 1 090 3 1 090 3 1715 Nioole, Dean & Oregg 10 9 10 9 1716 Pioneer yleotrio Cow -,any 10 3 10 3 1717 Ribbon t Tioker Paper CompeAr 27 27 2 `\ 1718 '^<. s. Smith Tire & Battery Co. _ 27 8 17 50 10 3 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3 514 35 86 675 27 476 300 04� ioo 909 991", 133 170 43�I 146 292 9� 17 640,4 785, .2 1 261.. r ^.x= �' L APPR VED MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING _ _ FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY• REVOLVING ACCOUNTS 1 709 23 6 434 84 6 643 422 7-515 708 23.� 6,_ 434,44 u .6 643.40 -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMFTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM TiMRLNMATE CLANCY. l/ CITY CLERK RES. NO.61_--- _ __ DATE RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 23-192y/66 CITY Cl TREASURY i1. TO THE 'AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -g. -a .. ... .. . ........ ...... COVERING / SUDHEIMER, 'vim-�lf�✓+ -1-- ____ CHECKS L-bM PTROLLER NUMBERED 1709- (_ 7`i - -- TO - { v---- -- ---- MAYOR -- y INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS It1t yaGrsfN�9� CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTALI RETURNED TRANSFER CHECKS BY DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GARAGE R uipmen BROUGHT FORWARD �I 3 514 35, 895 265 4� 1709 American Linen Supply COMP 166 1 1710 7. D. Bine, Supt. 54 1711 Canital stationery mfg. Comp y 3 6 1712 aoohran_ Sargent Com any 3 1713 Ilvgren Paint 1upply Com -any 15 B 1714 General Chemiorsl Compmy 1 0903 1715 Nicole. L-ezn & Gregg I 10 9 1716 Pioneer Tleotrio Com --,any I 10 3 1717 Ribbon & Ticker Paper Com, 27 1719 . ^. anith Tire & Bzattery Co. j li 27 g CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMFTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM GENERAL WgTER CLANCY. l/ Pe"C;_USON SINKING Rt5- IN FAVOR McDONALD, (, / SUDHEIMER, U _ AGAINST WENZEL, { v---- -- ---- MAYOR -- M 'WT YES COUNCILMEN NAYS It1t yaGrsfN�9� 475 990 95 166 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL WgTER I BOND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST B. Munio 192 APPR VED FES 2 31926�- 192 ACCOUNTS { v---- -- ---- MAYOR -- FUNDS ACCOUNTS 475 990 95 166 99 809 34 133 170.43 14$ 292 9g GARAGE R uipmen 1 640 2 7 I 785. 2 1 261 5 54 o 3 I� 3 I 15 B 1 090 3 10 9 i! 1031 27 2 I !i 17 5 10 3 i h I i I I �I V SPECIAL FUNDS ----- PUBLIC SUNDRY, SPRINKLING FORE�TRBUILDING I ACCOUNTS IY REVOLVING 709 231 6 436 643 4ol 42 75 COUNCIL^' FILE • IVO.._,_:_ 1J��51! 04 FEB 2 3 FES ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 192 APPR VED FES 2 31926�- 192 --. { v---- -- ---- MAYOR -- SPECIAL FUNDS ----- PUBLIC SUNDRY, SPRINKLING FORE�TRBUILDING I ACCOUNTS IY REVOLVING 709 231 6 436 643 4ol 42 75 �F nn ` couN" No. ...6.'� 54(�- CITY OF ST. PAUL vl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l/ February 20, 1926 That the grade of Bohland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Beechwood Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Cald— c n R—jvl d,a ThatB the grade of Bob- " In ml Avenue from Snelling Avenueto with Reschwood Avenue, lany- gradeandby g pr fl asrecommended the Cks, be and emmiasio1. hereby ner of btdopedr as the es- a tablished grade. - Adopted by the Council Feb. 23, 1926. Approved Feb. 23, 1926. (Feb. 27-1926) FEB 2 3 1926 CucNi-ll fr_s Adorte�i by the Council__ _.--.._.. ......._.___....192.--- Yeas \a� s V Clang' F LB 3 19M 1'1vuE,MS--- ------------ III favor _.._...192._.-. McDonald MAYOR j Sudheimer _ /....Against Wenzel t/ Nr. ViC.e fres. Forgu6tift Petition r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Council File No. ..... PRELIMINARY ORDER. O The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofthe following puhlic inIproven Icnt by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the west _ ....- ----- ------ ...... - ..... - ._.. .__ side of Albemarle Streit from South Street to Carbon Street. -- ... ... --- - ._._.. _ _ -' - - - 20th February, 26 192 Dated this_ ------._.day of r, F. No. 69691— t ouncllluall. Abstract. whereas. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v1r: six fool cement tie construct u eat side f Albetr^"lP ids wnllt the w / St. from South Sweat m Carbon St (PRELIMINARY ORDER. " ing been presented to the. Co" ��. the City of St. Paul Reeolved, TI • i� wore "AS, A written proposal forthe malting of the following inlpro�•olwnit, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the wes side_ of . _Albemarle._. Street. from South- Street, to Carbon St. -set.,_. _.._.. - having been presented to the Council of tho City of tit. Pull_ ____.............._._ _ -'- therefore, be it l,1•'solNE,D, That t.hc Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered null directwl: I. '1'o investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the nmlting of said improvenumt. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said inlprovenuvlt, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the potition of throe or more owners - :i. egoing Matters to the Coilnuiissioner of Finance. To report upon all of the. to, Adopted by the Council___........__.....-.._ FEB --2--3 1.9.,.9-..----- YEAS NAYS / l/ *Councilulan CLANCY - rr_,.•rra AppSoved ._... SC ml(11111!n \i"Li; 7.F:'rL, Mayor. hiir, 4WoS tltli/3nM,rw /� Corm C A 13 011 3Y:i) /,_ � • 1 / Petition % PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Fa " ` Council File N ...... .1':—a-12 The undersigned hereby proposes the waking of the following public iroprovomo'It by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Westminster Street from Maryland _. . .......... .. ...... _..._ _ . ..............-...... .. _..- ........._....._- Street to a point 5 feet north of Rose Street., --- --- ------ —... ..__.....-- _. ............ - - .... - - . .. - - "- ............... Dated this - - 19thday of - _ _Februarys_ 26 _. _ 192 C. F. No. 64542Abetract.-t011nelllmti 1. Whereas, p A written pro for the making of the following Improver v1a: m Csewer on West. onstruct n , St. from Mn" "' " ar iO � � north of ra PRELIMINARY ORDER. to �1'1EERI;_1S, A written proposal for the making of the following improveoa•ut, viz.: Construct _..e._sowe r on Westminster street.Yrom Maryland Street to a point 5 feet north of Rose Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pant _. ...-.---.----------...................-__ ...- ... therefore, be it Rl:gOf.�"h;ll, "Chat the Conmiissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvenmut. 2. To investigate the nature, oxtent and estimated cost of said improveruent, and the total cost thereof. 'ro furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is askod for on the petition of three or more owners 7 To report upon fill of the foregoing matters to the Conunissimler of Finance. Adopted by the Council ._ .................. �'FAS NAYS CollilcI1111all CLANCY MCDONALD � Srnui-:uli:a jrt3y�.Ynb:s�nExT �' 1)'OIq'. rem, C A 13 W%I ?°_Qd tTiw Lina. h vrN :ser i p��>rlsl>yv M � ' INTERMODI—.1 ORDERS. C. F Nc. 64543— i to the Mtter of reconstruct ang, r• .tode813ewslkaria the atoll nese• th' tions: a COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter the sidewalks at the following locations: S oath-sj_da-- 2-0-Xt_--easteast 300 ft. ?�agt-�icle--8hes�rx�t---� .--�e-=iirxi�f=-a-i--;as�3i-r:�`terr-�:--tiierree--sun#rI�- �v- �-itriiroad tracks. ilortir sods '_ ce3ianFs :�: from t: Fater-fit.-ti7enc -East-f7 ft=-------------- ast side it. Peter 't, b.ginn-ng at Exchange 3t. thence North 1_06 ft. - -- - ---------- SoutT2-side xc jffhT ;;t: be'.w EM .,abaslia and Wit. Fater 3 . ;est side ..abasha 3t. be�innin _150_ft. south of Tilton St. thence south 30 f - ---- - -- - — - --- ------ ---- iorth side Central :ve. beginning at St. Peter ;t. thence east to alley, under Preliminary order -------- L4244------------------ approved __man __14,__19ZFi.___--______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__reC9S13trUr�t,,__,ra1Ry and repair, ,where necessary, ti.e sidewalks at t`_e followin- locations: South -aide est->eszenth-}t.__beci_:�n-2D-it__east-ai--Chestnut- 3i.- ante east 500 ft. =:ast sire-B�zesi nit --S 1�e 3 n3rig ate- ash3 g# arr Wit:--tY:erree -out-h--t0 R�i3road traclrs . iTort1r-std--3'7Cila:nr' t. --from St. ?ever Wit. thence -ens%-5-0-it�-------------- ast side St. Peter St. beginning at _,xchant-e Wit. thence North 106 ft. -- - - - South "side-�xoYtange- �t between „aba_ha Si; --and- �i t5eter - --- -- --- -.,est_side__-iabasha___t.- beginning__150_ft,south_of_Tilton_St.-thence south 30 ft i-,orth side Central 1-.ve. beginning at 3t. Neter St. thence east to alley, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_,D7__pP-1=__&q, ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 2,drd---------- day of ------- Lia rab------------- 192-fi_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FES 2 3 1,916 Adopted by the Council ------ _____ __________, 192____ i Ilii -- --- - ---- -------------- ----- Approved------------------ --------192--- City Clerk. ------------------- =-------------------------- Mayor. /Councilman Clancy enumilinall V Councilman McDonald ✓ Councilman Sudheimer --Councilman Wenzel Ida;tol=34�iwi� Form B. S. A. 8-6 PSL; :TLD C. F. No. 64644— In the hnatterd atlrineconstroet...' repag. a—'here rt• the sidewalks at the following tions: atERondod St. then elnn Stthb 150 . East side Prior Ave. between r Ave. ad Taylorair AvSL, on COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By - ______________ By - ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter r11Ct11 ,__rel= a7 a 4_re ------ r,_c_:Zere_necessarJ, ri the _shaeL'als_ =t_ tne_ follolaing_locations_____________________________________________ a_s_t_side_ ;:acl:ubin_ ' t._ be innin----------------------------------at=:o:doA. thence north 150_ft. henc nor -- 'ast_: ide__i'rior_ _ye._ bet leen__�a_Zent__;ve. and 3-- Clair Wit. --------------------- ----- _____________ ;outh_sitJ.e_�y1Ds'-.=Ye b� 1"'=in1r 50_ft, _�iest of ._olton_ �t.thence tilest_75 ft. north__side_ _srlan�__!-ge.__be inring_74 ft_ east of L.ilton ;t. t-zence east 50 ft. ---------lton-------then ----east under Preliminary Order___6jQ49 _______________________approved _ Jan___19:__1926.____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resohes: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ recghstruety_relay and rei)aic.r_i;here_-Uacassar�L,__tti7.k3_ at__tjie_ fQ11Q'_;in _lo_c_ati_ons�________ esent _---- and .. ;tClair Street. ---and - betwen art. 3outi__side_'1'a lor__,v_e•_be,_,'-ein _50_ft.__ngst of ;_olto--------------------------- _z est 75 ft. :art11_siu_@__ S�lLad_ ve_._t–in -iin ltttneace ant 50 ft. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__.Q7_iler_SQ• ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 23rd_________ day of 'arnh_-------- 192__fi, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. .Adopted by the Council__.EjES­3 i_W6-----_. 192__-- --- --- ------------- -Approved-------- - k�_`r_ Y9 ----192--- ----- ity C erk. --------------------- ----------------------- Mayor. Councilman Clancy C ✓ Councilman McDonald i Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel lvpavoeNels9xl. Mr. Viae Pr— 1'e,w.o,u Form B. S. A. 8-6 g.�L1SS�V INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__CIlLL��TUCtl1:� a_ v]X_1OS1t_ Cej.�Q]1t_ tj �e__�'et3a1 _g11_ 1Qt�1_ildes __�o od o V _-_`i_kYi-;_t___ ;p andsof -1 ' ent_ _a1_:s c:oa exist,-------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tinder Preliminary Order ----------- 6! 129________________approved ---- JEUI.-_: 6,__1.22Sz.---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsi-_CII71StP11Ct_a_ i£ f6Ct ca�.an�_S,i1e_.s.icle.:.alk_nii_>;n-ta_side.z_nf__��a�£fl�d_�venu�__fr_ont_� xi>~yi.��i_i_v_enue to_ rior__y_enuvz_exceot-ii_ere : ood and sufficient walks novi exist_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S__3_.1.2_iiar--front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 23:Ca ________day of z,arj3ia------------- 192_Fi_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_- r_� ??92C3 192____ ity lerk. Approved-------- -= --- ------- 192--- - - ------------------------------ - - ---------- Mayor. /Councilman Clancy -Councilman Eer =fiiL-._ �-Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / �I�rrrry^r Form B. S. A. 8-6 /* �gL1SI�D% F. No. 61546— IC. In the Matter of constructing a six foot cement the sidewalk on both sides of Stanford Ave. from Fair - viely Ave. to Prior Ave., exr—t whereexigood and sufficient wa'r at, under Preliminary - 29 approved Jan. 26, 1926. Council of the City of W �ceivai th, rao If COliNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__CIlLL��TUCtl1:� a_ v]X_1OS1t_ Cej.�Q]1t_ tj �e__�'et3a1 _g11_ 1Qt�1_ildes __�o od o V _-_`i_kYi-;_t___ ;p andsof -1 ' ent_ _a1_:s c:oa exist,-------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tinder Preliminary Order ----------- 6! 129________________approved ---- JEUI.-_: 6,__1.22Sz.---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsi-_CII71StP11Ct_a_ i£ f6Ct ca�.an�_S,i1e_.s.icle.:.alk_nii_>;n-ta_side.z_nf__��a�£fl�d_�venu�__fr_ont_� xi>~yi.��i_i_v_enue to_ rior__y_enuvz_exceot-ii_ere : ood and sufficient walks novi exist_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S__3_.1.2_iiar--front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 23:Ca ________day of z,arj3ia------------- 192_Fi_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_- r_� ??92C3 192____ ity lerk. Approved-------- -= --- ------- 192--- - - ------------------------------ - - ---------- Mayor. /Councilman Clancy -Councilman Eer =fiiL-._ �-Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / �I�rrrry^r Form B. S. A. 8-6 /* �gL1SI�D% C. F. No. 64546— --• /n In the flatter f removing damage cuW u : and constructing new centeltt at the following locate ons: Liandolph St., north 'de, beglh- ' `ud'. ,g at Cleveland "'r,silt cote east ,set. 'I1by .1ve., north side, beeinr' ` theme est COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_? QJJ9_Ya1?� dammed_ eurk�_ a l_c oastructin __.e `l__ce eni__curb__ at_t,a_fO3-1D_"_LIf. -soca+=------------------ -------------------------------------------- :and91p1_:t,_�_1or_tii_y de,_be-innin;;_ut C1cycland- __ve,_,_tl_ence_east_20_ft., elby :.ve., north side, be-innin7 at ;.Tilton t thence „est 10 ft., be,^inning _2901 -fes.- fasi �e�_, est,__trenca_sf __ie_ t�_b_fl �nnl.lest, thence :lest 12 ft. e -1-b t -tee-. ;o-rta �tde;--b�Fxi��if g-2c�- #-, e.>t-r�# -9 {force-.--tiLenee _pesi 112 f, I;ondo St., north side, be;",inning- at Louis ;t. tl_once -,-nest 25 feet, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tinder Preliminary Order -------- &sII4fi__________________approved ___ 22-0— ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resul es: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is here,r ordered to be proceeded with. a; c_rb 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_�eJ.9Ze_'a ed '_- - and_coustruct_ ne_;i--cer:_ent curb at t-.,, e follcrTing-_locations:___----------------- - - - - -_fol ----- :.andolph_in9xtn_si e,t e innin�_at --eve_-and . ---- t ,once cast 20 it. Se'_by _-vc., north side, be nninf at i.ilton a, thence Test 10 ft., be inning re_.Lont_12__fi.:;,- 14 -fit.-- artlzer__ Test thence 7,est 12 ft, SPIby-free.-� -nortrh--Gi-dE,-4)-0-4->'4i-nF _2&-€-t .-=::est.--oX,-Lkf-or-d-;t»--thenca_:Lest 112 ft. FZ3Y1dZ5 �t:;-Ytm�tir-szd2; bginrrir-�t-=.auis:- the teeres-25-€t,---- -- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $------- 5Q_4ler_ front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on ,aid improvement on the __-_____- 23rd -____day of _____-___L:arzb----------- 192L__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Patel. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. •FEB 2 3 1926 192____ Adopted by the Council__________ Approved ----------------------------192--- City Jerk. - ------ -------------- - ----- Mayor. ✓ Councilman Clancy -.f ear4eilmam'3�rgnsom - Councilman McDonald G•,eenciiman'-Hudu m„ Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor -Nelson V., 71 , e, , Furm B. S. A. 8-6 CF. No. 64547— n the Dlatter of curbing both sides of Geranium St. from Greenbrier Ave. Edgerton St., under PrellminarY -der 63849 a1>proved Dec. 16, 1925. 1 ',e Coucefl of the 1t, Cof St. Paul g received the report of the Com - r n1 FI• •- n the !b..i COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterside=Qf-- er-,n, un__.;tr otfrom Gr_e_enbrier__ is nlz _moo_ ertsn-st;eet----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 6°iEd.9.--------------------- approved @9�__�'1a__ ?ysr2,______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resuhes: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__�llnJ1_Jlpt_gj d�_pf r Gesanivl7__.tro�t_�rn> `_�v: �AnYui:x_��en1a�--t'si---'3rert4xl_'at ee--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___1.4a2,-1$__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 2�3Xd----------- day of _______-- 1-1 ------------ 192-Q— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner pros ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- Als 2 _______-_-, 192____ FEB 2 3ftf -- --- -- ------ - - - ------------ - -------------- Approved ----------------------------192--- — City Clerk. ,. Mayor. councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Counciiman-Hodgsen Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 vU Iii .ISHl%1� "�--r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ='---------------------------------------------- Qoyl�tille_. t�._irniti�_��oizt_n°_it__rror_th_o _i_car3dZliae__oi_atio-1_vuue to a point 64 ft, south of the south line of 3aya_ l -ve., on X13-------------------------- enneth Lve. from a point 68 ft. north of the north line of Otto :.ve. to -en------------------------------------------------------------------------- `uriner ..ve. from a point S8 ft. nort:= of tine North line of Otto .-.ve. to ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order _______=21G ____________________approved -____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_LOY1C i. 1LCt _SEUF r&_0?1: oov_ills__vz._=o^__}_?oint-"_8-ft..ort_i_o__-t-'=c--=141t_lj-le__4_9_tt_Q__ve.2ue to point 64 ft, south of t -l;: south line of 3ayard ..ve., on leannn_ >t�_fsnm_i levalanL_u_e___tn__ ondvil_Le-_vE.--on--------------------------- r;enneth ve. fro;. .oint 68 ft, north. of ti -ie north line of Otto ..ve, to -----------------------------------------------=------------------------- Sumner :.ve. from a point 68 ft, north of the north line of Otto :.ve. to 8syard--eve : ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--74-K-2-90--- Resolved __74-K-2x9__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the------ jz4--------- day of 'rQ-Qh------------- 192_0__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------ Ft82_3.92E192____1 FES 2 3 igg Approved ---------------------------- 192--- % City Clerk. b. --- - ------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald C...U,01 r, 1-I Qdg�wn_. Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr, Vsne i'ree. N'nrsns.' Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,`I BL1SIIED.7 /7 C. r No. 61548 u In the Matter f constructing sewers n f 5 on: Woodville Ave. from a Point 68ft. - north of the north line of Otto Ave. to a point 64 ft. south of the south -'1, a of Bayard Ave.. on Eleanor St. from Cleveland A, Woed,ll is Ave.. on 70 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ='---------------------------------------------- Qoyl�tille_. t�._irniti�_��oizt_n°_it__rror_th_o _i_car3dZliae__oi_atio-1_vuue to a point 64 ft, south of the south line of 3aya_ l -ve., on X13-------------------------- enneth Lve. from a point 68 ft. north of the north line of Otto :.ve. to -en------------------------------------------------------------------------- `uriner ..ve. from a point S8 ft. nort:= of tine North line of Otto .-.ve. to ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order _______=21G ____________________approved -____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_LOY1C i. 1LCt _SEUF r&_0?1: oov_ills__vz._=o^__}_?oint-"_8-ft..ort_i_o__-t-'=c--=141t_lj-le__4_9_tt_Q__ve.2ue to point 64 ft, south of t -l;: south line of 3ayard ..ve., on leannn_ >t�_fsnm_i levalanL_u_e___tn__ ondvil_Le-_vE.--on--------------------------- r;enneth ve. fro;. .oint 68 ft, north. of ti -ie north line of Otto ..ve, to -----------------------------------------------=------------------------- Sumner :.ve. from a point 68 ft, north of the north line of Otto :.ve. to 8syard--eve : ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--74-K-2-90--- Resolved __74-K-2x9__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the------ jz4--------- day of 'rQ-Qh------------- 192_0__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------ Ft82_3.92E192____1 FES 2 3 igg Approved ---------------------------- 192--- % City Clerk. b. --- - ------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald C...U,01 r, 1-I Qdg�wn_. Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mr, Vsne i'ree. N'nrsns.' Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,`I BL1SIIED.7 /7 r. F. N 64646 ^ ovine at. rrar� nr. 7n tea t m Vin.. ­^nolo All. rrn Avc., inrludinc a l ���%-a Fau ^nn nert1nnu Pmmr atr nt COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ Jv�-', _ �i�_Mair__ ._�rnL _ .__Jac n72._--va-_ too_ nellin -pr_o}ier�;_lines_�onploi ,--_ sere_ zot _ L1rca1--ade�-r-lso_z clod bing r:Li--p rin lrivr lar_a i_a11ed _a �pz oac" c r--� ca_csa= T--------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------•----------------------------- 51385 --a roved __ :__arch- J]--1`024.------ under Preliminary Order____________________________ pp ----- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends frors moo. 2sceola ..v to ":neiiinS _.ve. inclill-sever -tater and vas _______________________________i________________V___i]___________- ---connections-from- street r.,ains to_proporty- _i,_--_ omplete,- [acre sot =J _� -T1-: - e,--- 1- o _iplu'JeL-- -- ipr_oacaesT_. nesa_r�c�ss�_--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 109, 42�00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 3]°d -------- day pf ______;:4 G.]L------------- 192__6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 2 3 1926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ FEB 2 3 WO -- ---- - ------ ------ Approved - - -- -- ----- Approved--- -- -- -- - -- --- ---192 -- -- ity Clerk. ---------�^� ----- -- Mayor. V Councilman Clancy net man e [/Councilman McDonald [/Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel form Vfa,9 Py"_ Forguso. Norm B. S. A. 8-6 In the 'Matter of changing the g of Borman Ave. from aeorBe 9t.'. Winifred at. to conform to the aqui aad made thea part[ hereof, nreeent eetabliehed grade b •r.e 114a thereon. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --changing thli-grid�_Qf_Saorma_ venue_ from George_ Street _to 'dinifred Street to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto ----------------------------------*---------------- ------ ------------------ attached_ and_made_ a_�art_ ii_re-of the _present estab lishe d__grade being shown by blue_line_thereon�_also grading said Gorman Pvenue from Robie Street to _Elizabeth_ Street - to a__ _6 width of_0_feett__________________________________________ under Preliminary Order _-___-___S14Q9S1----------------- approved __fan. _ 21a _ 1926________ -__-- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon fe above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adoptedy.„and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Qh411$e_ the_grad6_Of Gnrman_E��zanua_fr9lU_Isenrge-ix8��-Q-u3JJifred__�treet_ to_conform to -the red grade_line on_the_profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the prese t_ estaUlislied grade beim shown by blue line thereon, also grading said_SzoT711a11_AYe111Le_frnm Kobie_Street to_ Elizabeth Street to a width of 60 --------------- ---width of feet,_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___F,A95.a7- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- a3r_____day of MarCh -------------- 192_202_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 2 31926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192___- FEQ2 31926 -- -- -- -- ---------------- ------------- Approved----------------------------192--- City Clerk. -- - --...X......_ --- ------- '- - ---- - ------------ Mayor. /Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman McDonald -C / J / /7b -`Councilman Sudheimer LlgfjFii /Councilman Wenzel ) �Mr. Vide Peee. Ferguson Form B. S. A.'8-6 _j � C. F. No. 64661— _ In the Matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement In the land neeee- they for el0000s for cute and fills In - the grading of Gorman Ave. from ,Roble at. to Elizabeth at. to a w1--- 60 feet, under Prellminery v -PIA, 4 Tan. 21, Is.- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By ---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ �OridSIllTL1Ya$_�S1S� _t21SJ Tif}_BA_�AeIIlent-fineYlfl-1&rid slflCf�4SHra% for__sa oRea,_ f Qx_ _G >tts_nd_i17_i_Qf__rman_E �euQ_fx9m_AQhie Street_to__Elizabeth_Street_to_a width_of- 60_feats------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ S`ifl2l-------------------- approved ---- _ _ 1 26,_ -_-_---- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__rnndemn -and--take- an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in -the --grading of_-Gorman_�yenue_fxom_RQba.e__;�txQ@t__t4._i::a.iZa�et}� �trQet_ t9 _a_ v�j,_dt�_ of_ 69 feet,__j.�_aggordange_with_the_blue_�rint_hereto_attaohed_and mad9_a_part her eaf,__the__ha_tah0_d_.9or_tinns _ Showing._th e_suts_-and_ tbe__ab.ade�d__por_tiQris__-showing the _£i lis,-_ ------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___ 50.00_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ 23rd ------ day of WflY'C�-_--_---, 192--Q-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Counci�Mrr,1�_ 26 _ ------- 192____ - - - - -- -- ----------- Approved ------ Fa_y`_3;626------- 192--- t Clerk. -------------------- ------ - ------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman man McDonald` �UBLl�Iii:U� Councilman Sudheimer \ t Councilman Wenzel \} Ce FE k,."11190 Form B. S. A. 8-6 6 a hk C. F. No. 04558— In the Matter o1 grading Green�r,y,� Ave. from Wheelock Parkway to N. hraska Ave., under Prellminary O. der 84800 approved Jan. 88, 1980. Tha Council of the "City of 6t. .4,lpg reoelved the report of the 4;^ or of Flnaocc upon the e, COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof_gS�LL1Llg- �zYS�OT11�rj�x_tLYQ111L@_S9JD__`1Ll@O� OS�li_3)�Pi✓�� _tQ-_______ Nebras ka Avenue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ________-E42952 ------------------ approved —1411-24-1-92.61_____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rade 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends is__�i_______G__r__eenbrier_ ryanue_r�ln tiailo�k �axlcriay__t4_�ela�ka_t�genue,--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 23rd ----------- day of Mardi___________, 192--_6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -10-2-24M -------- 192____ - -- - - - --- ---- ----------- Approved ______�E.§_2_yr;gq& ------- 192--- ty Clerk. ---- - - -- -- Mayor. - /Councilman Clancy n i i ✓ uncilman McDonald] I$I VCouncilman Sudheimer ✓Councilman Wenzel ✓B�yltf.,i*I�an Mr. Vim Pm� Yergoenn Form B. S. A. 8-6 i IC. F. Nb. 84665— f 457(5.3 Ininge8 aeaa.. Ine the land necea- IngsarCor elopes, for cats and 011e lv _ the grading of Greenbrier AeVen 0. .from Wheelock Parkway _ r gra Ave., under Preliminary Or' y 301 approved Jnn. 28. 1926. .a Council of_t*s COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_rnndeamnin "d -Raking -an -aaaement­i.n -the _1and-nese.&s—y_ for-_sloRee-, f- OT- _Cuta_arui_f-iZs__in_3Lh-e-Zx-ailing- nf__Gr_Q9Wbxielx_Liv-enus-t'r_cm he_elack _ Park gay_ _t n_-hLebraska -,Lvenua,--------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 64201 -------------------approved ___sTan. _ 28_1926.____ --___-- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_0n11cleLm_aTk1_±Lalie_s1ri easement -in_the _land_necessary for slopes,_-for__cuts-and__fills_in the -grading ------------ - - - of_Szraenbrian-AuE.nue_fram._: heal.ark_2axklvag_in_l ehraska_Av�a=e,__in_acnnrslance vi i ila_-J�'na_hlue_-print_=narata-attached_and--made--a__nari<_heraof,__the-had`ched portq�3s_shg�i�� the_cuts_slid_t'r_1e_shnded_gortions_showing_ tne_fills,_____ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_5_0..00 -_______. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 3rd -------- day of March -, 192Fi__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 2 3 lq; rd Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ -- -- - - ---------- ---- --- ---- Approved------ S------1--1946 -------------- 192 --- -- y ----------------------- ------ - -- ------ Mayor.. Councilman Clancy '/Councilman McDonald/— lnnneilman Hnrlvc_on ✓ Councilman Sudheimer ./Councilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-6 ". F• No. 84664— 6A554 t1Fo 't—f grading' Alley In ] '• "held.- '.11 Addl tlon, and Block wheelerdAdVtloa, from AI_ ^ar9 Order 64062 a under Pre_ x°26. DProved Jan. �mcll of the -0tv ar , COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ FI ad_1J @y__�}1_F�SLck 4�_F qz eS_t_J1apin_Jid�� tp�a__a]�$_�] gCk 2,__Sheldon Grove_ Addition,_ from iodine_Street_to_ �heeler_A_v_gnue,__________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---------- CZ4-0?e._________________approved —IELri._19,._a.9..6------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council Tecommends is_-grtldfl_1J3-ey__11Lglook 4Y_Eor_fls_lialvu_l,ds�itasya,--and_�g9J�_�,-- rye_lclt)i1_CcrDve_l,dlit5_g11,__foJn_rldbne Street _to_eo� er=v_elLue-------------------------------- =----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -----23r4 ---------- day of Purar-Qb------------ 192-10--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_192__ _ --- -- - ---�-- --- -- ------------ Approved --------- FF5 Q 19.6-_----192--- ity Clerk. -- ---- -- ------ Mayor. , i/Councilman Clancy �/Councilman McDonald Councilman Sudheimer _ Councilman Wenzel Olr. Vice Pres. Vor&usoe Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 61666— In tho Matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement la the land ne— "eary for slopes, for cute and 911s , grading of alley in Block 4, F^•,1 -.Is n•n Add tion' and Bloc), i on Grove Addiuon, from . -. Wheeler Avenue, undo, Je COUNCIL FILE NO.___ By----- 6455,5 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_riOridS�JUTL�T1$_�1_1T_Al1_ eat@r(1e71t_p _t�yQ__�a}�d__1�80f2Q9ar�L for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block - 4, Forest LaAn--Addill-Q11,-9L P-d__BlQck_ 2,__She�dgn_Gro_v_e Aad ,t ou�,_Zrslm_Aldine_ -six 0 -at --t o ;;heeler Avenue.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________a roved __dan__19___1926:_______ under Preliminary Order__________64053______ PP ----- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' — 4 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_LOndfi]llTl_and__La�iQ an easement_ip_the_land_necessary_for_slopess_for_cuts_ and _fills_in_the-Grading of- AI lay_in__Block_A,__Fn.rast_-Lawn_Addition,_and_B1n_ck2,._ �1dnn_Gr_ov_e___ .c�ditigxl,__i'mom_t�ldine_street_to_irdheeler_9ve_,d,�ac49�'dance_wth the_blue prini<_ner-etn_atlas..hes3_KUd-mesls_a_ReT_t_her_@9 ,_ tiae_ atchec�_poYt ons_shoiiing the_ cut s_and_the_ shaded -portions-show ing the_fillsL_____________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 5Q,9Q_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 23rd_________day of hi&rCh--------- 192 6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprgyemen and the total cost thereof as estimated. � t ---192§ Adopted by the Council__________ _____,192____ 2 i946 -- ---- -- --- - ----- FEB - --------- Cit Clerk. Approved ------ ----------192--- y -- ----- -- -------------------- - ------ Mayor. Councilman Clancy uncilman 81L_ Councilman McDonald / Councilman Sudheimer / Councilman Wenzel MayorNelSop / Ill'. ti i7N lies. y erque �c ('Form B. S. A. 8-6 j �t5L1St'11:L C. F. No. 64666— In the Matter of opening, 4�"p�� and extending Eleanor 9t. t„ r(2 or 60 feet from Underwood 6455 V the west 11ne or Otto Ave. A:_ under Preliminary order 641. proved Jer tA26. ' ^"' - City of F,, COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___DpOriilli__i1tL@TJ7S1_rYl__�2 t�lld�ilg_:1�r2T10r_wt0__A__�Jt3th of 60-feet_xol_jTtderi�ood___v_e._ to_the ijiest_13ne_of__Qt_to____v_e,__Fddi_tion,______ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ G4130 -------------------- approved ___i1ant_ 26_1926 ---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_apEnr_l1!tJO112rid__extend :leanor_St. to_a_w-idth_of_60 feet from Underolood_Ave. to --the- nest-lineof Otto r_v_ePdditionby_takingcondemninE_that_�art_ of_' est_ Sot�th�e�t _J,/_�__o�_a4utheast_ 1�?_ of_�outheast _lJ4_ of _Section_ 9,__1 ownshi7 2$, RangE_23_ ly_in_°+ithin_ a strip _60_ feet nide,__the center _line of which tieing the__r,entar_-1ine__oi_EIea=_-at._A-11._Qttp- extended_�e3t X_tQ_under- wood Ave., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ---- 100 _00____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__________` rd.____day of ---------Idar-ch ---------- 192__fi, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 2 31926 Adopted by the Council--------------- ........ __________ _________. 192____ FEB 2 3 I - - - -- - --- ----�tyClerk.--- Approved_________ ________________192___ -- -------------------- ------ --- Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman McDonald��� Councilman Sudheimer - ,,Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. R6 i C. F. No. 84867— IIn the Matter of opening w and extending . an alley 18 !,�ai ,8 width fromHazel Ave. to the P'�a iL h��i of -way of - the Suburban B , 'IIJJ`i 55 e Company In Block 2, Hazel Pac vision No. 8, with a turn aro: ; '.she Eastern' extremity thea Preliminary � � COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__npanin�, _Yti�l@na l_ansl_etiansLing_�t�_�J le�t_a B_ ft._izL_7�idth from Hazel Ave, to the ri_Eht-of-Inay_of_the_Suburban-Railvfay Company_in-Block 2,_Jiaze� _rarJi_=livisinn_ __vi:Uh__a_ i.urr> _ar_oluad _at_#a� _ storms_ � ttrl�nity thereof----------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____ 64254 _____________ i _______approved --- ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_open,_-mitlen._and__extend an alleg_16_ft._in IIIidth_from Hazel-ilve,_to_the_ripnt-of-wav-of_the_Suburban F,ailway__Corinany_ in -Block_ 2,_ -Hazel- _ Park_ iji_v_inion_ io.__ 6:_ with a - -around around at ------ - ----- the Eastern e�:tremity_thereof_by taking and-condernnin that strip of land ----------- -- oriinally_platted_as_the alle�r�--also_that_art of L_ot_3 described as follows commencing at a point on the mouth line of Lot 3 distant 22.64 ft. East from the Southwest corner thereof, thence East 12 ft. to '„esterly line of the Suburban Railway Co's. right-of-way, thence lJortheasterly along said line of right-of-way 10 ft. thence ij st 12 ft. thence Southwesterly 10 ft, to bezinning; Also that part of Lot 23 described as follows: commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 23, thence southwesterly alonZ- the Easterly line thereof 10 ft. thence ;;est 12 ft. thence :forth to 11orth line of Lot 23, thence East alon, said i;orth line to be' -inning — --- Adopted by the Council_____________ _________,192____ Approved--------_FEB-22-1926 192 --- /Councilman Clancy r-__ ✓ Councilman McDonald Councilmaa_Rndgsom _ Councilman Sudheimer /touncilman Wenzel 3bfayor iV�e Form B. S. A. 8-6 s --- - - ------ - ----- -------- Clity Clerk. ---- -- ----------- ------ ------- Mayor. l�Y7BLI5Iil,il��� C. F. No. 84667= In the Matter -of opening, and extending . an alley 16 width from Hazel Ave.-tothe.- �/p of -way of the Suburban R•. 6 .fit C�F..1 Companyy In Block 8, Hazel Pay vlefoa No. 8, with a turn aro: -he Eaetem extremity they, P - [ reliminary •, COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__�pBllixl_Y✓iSl@TLiT_&zlsl_BXt@BSl]ng_s2LL_�J ]By_�6_ f._iLt_4lidtfl from -Hazel Ave. to - the riEi _-:of—way_of the Suburban I_ailvay_Company in Block 2,_liaael_�ar�s_�livisinn_�o�_Sz,_�itb-_:�_ t�urn.__er_o1u1d__��_t,1� _ �st�rn_ �xtxemity thex-Q4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____ 64254 _____________________approved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ,1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. :. 1 �` - ilce of the Improvement whish the Council recommends is-openy._171t1eri_and__ext end ail 4�r i e m azel_ye._ to_ the_ right-of-�+ay of_ the Suburban Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 23r'd _________day of ------ Ifaxn y____________, 192_f_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv�etrleent and the total cost thereof as estimated. II tt82 31926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ FEF% 2 ? 192E - - - - ------ - ------------- Approved____________ ______________192___ City Clerk. ---- -- -------------------------- ------- Mayor. /Councilman Clancy ✓ Councilman McDonald jtafJBLIaI1id> _ Councilman_Hodgsoa_ ,ouncilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 3ti'ayar � Form B. S. A. 8-6 P No 64559— F. 'Matter of grading Block 1, lane Manor and In SinluYside Plat No. 2. rou, Street to jeffer on v. -U- and Ablert Avenue t. North and Alley, in acs al'o— on 1,11 64559 -1 COUNCIL FILE NO. . . ... (:E) By..... ... In the Matter of ... grading alley in, Sunnyside plat...,#2,. from Juliet Street. toffeffers.Qn Aveauf)..4ad. from-Albort Avenue to,NoAh and South Alley, -in accordance with grade Shown on blue shown - print hereto attached, also constructing a.-s-swer, onthe easterly .,.8 -ft.... of. Lot. 12,- Black -1, Sunnys.ide. Plat...#.2 ..... from. said-All.ey to the...o.enter of julietSt..".­ ................... under Preliminary Order.... 63.133 ..approved... Intermediary Order.... .....approved ... ........ ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the I it'd of gr�:...alley in Blook..I, Lane'a.. and Block 1,. Sunnyside Flat #2, from Juliet et to J. on Avenue and from Albert Avenue to North and South Al aocor`d—aM-sith grade Shown on blue pfint:h ereto attac te also constructing a sewer on the rly 8 ft..- of.., Lot '1„ ffl-olk 1, Sunnyside Plat #2, from. said Alley to. the cents be &M the same an heMby eareeUed, jn=11*4 Md re -4n" said all proesedfintinuir�l. in Said jjxjt4& be disco. Council lieel,- said improvement to n I * 'i improve r 0 ' Pu -in 7 prqv L E I repave ffi ia are RES VED 1li THFR, at he Commissioner of Pu lic Works be and il-+�Instructed and directed to a ro . 'c Is fieations for said improve ent, and submit same to ON Council for to repare plans and ape ca� approval; tha upon said approval', e proper city officials are ereby authorized and directe proceed i I' c I 1\0 Kith the makii of said improvern,�on accordance therewit FES 2 41926 Adopted by the Council 192 Approved 2 192 4'ouncilman Clancy / Councilman Ferguson 4Councilman McDonald /Councilman Z&MX Hodgson /,Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mavor Nelson Forn, 11. S. A. 8-7. r ) V, - / U - CITY OF ST. PAUL D _ RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM ISSIONE. ' OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORbER (A) In the lnatterof G1 .d'nE' `lleK in BI'' 1, L: neIs `. nor.,, and Blk I s Gunnyairlp plat ip id alley to - ne c-nt r of Juliet St under Preliminary Order approved— — c, T �g� 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $61-5-58 -- front The estimated cost pe/ foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ f1..65 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 L -t s 14Lnur St. ?-ul, _-in. e 2575 2 1 do 2225 3 1 do -1225 4 1 do 2475 5 1 do 2725 6 1 do '-525 7 1 do 1�075 8 1 do 3375 9 1 do 2.575 10 1 do 3775 F'- U. B. IO TOTAL. .,D CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF'COMMISSIONFR OF FINANCE - 4 r ON PRELIMINARY SJRDER x (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION' - VALUATION 1 1 Sunnyside Plat 2, St.Pr.ul 3300 2 1 IL'nn. 725 3 1 do 3_325 1 do 3Li 5 1 do 725 6 1 do S00 7 1 do _ 50 E t 35 fe< of S 1 do 3125 Lot 9 & (Ex. E. -t 35 flu.) S 1 do 10 1 do 1400 11 1 do 1400 12 1 do 1400 1� 1 do =;150 1 1 do _1900 15 1 do 100 l0 1 0.0 1L00 17 1 1n0 1S 1 uo I:hO 19 1 do ?0^0 '0 1 do 1250 E X73,350.00 'Che Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together kith the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ., Dated -'2 --- - 192 6 F.— R. B. 12 Commission of Finance. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn St. Paul, Minn..: 7 . - _192 S Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bof to cause the following improvement to be ma -de: A-, St. Ave. --. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION W/�//�/� /��p GGL. 'A - 3bo �- V-rA 17 it t +--' r V t.� � #1374 Jefferson-Str., Mi St. Paul, nn., August 15th, 1925. Hon. John H.McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Commissioner: Pursuant to our conversation of last Wednesday. I am attaching petition for the grading of the alley in question. You requested that I send same to you under personal cover. You will note that I have succeeded in obtaining the signa- tures of six parties. The rest assured me they would offer no objections, but would not sign. I hope you have had the opportunity to see this alley to verify my statements that the grading of same is very urgent. It is the desire of the parties who sighed the petition that the alley be cindered when graded, and I hope that you will authorize same. In recalling my pleasant visit at your office, I feel confident that we have your hearity support in this matter, and that if it is possible to have the alley graded and cindered before the snow flies, that same will be done. Thanking you kindly, I remain, Yours respectfully, RERON Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: iVE@ gy '3 r. w DEC 17 1986 December . .. 17_. , . . 1925 .. .. 192.........._ ............. _...................... .._.......... __................... The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63133, Nov. 18, 1925 ....... 192 ...:......... relative to ......_ ................................... Council, known as Council File No ..... ... ........ .....--- ............approve _.._........ ............ the grading of alley in Block 1, Lane'e Manor and Block 1, Sunnyside -Plst #2; from Jultat 8t tn...-3efferson Ave: from Yiam Afib�Y C A�2: to — North and South Alley, also constructing a sewer on the easterly 8_ft. of .......... _.... _..... _.. ......... Lot 12, Block 1 Sunnyside Plat i�2, from said alley to the conter o Juliet St. -" and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i+.................................necessary and (or) desirable. ¢ e 845.58 6b p r frog ft 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._................_._._.__. . .., an he to{al cost thereof is $............................_......_....__.., Inspection $16.58 Frontage 1,299.7 ft. ... and and the nature and extent of said improvement is asfollows: ..................... ..........._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof.' 5. Said improvement is...............................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1�—................_........._._....._......__L Commissioner of Public Works. i • �IT:� VJF�-SF11lY`�j I�' A rUL p V` Pj ;airows')o o%F' I(J�o � Iri�c � v rrk s; ' JOHN H. MCDONALD• COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. TBAK. BR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C F —1—RA SHARP. S—T. ov Arlo. WM. N. CAREY. S.— o REPAIR f.. P. ROWLIN. SUPT. ar WOR^r+ _ G. H. HERROLD. DERICEFANo CITY P-- ENBINE.. December 16, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in Block 1, Lane's Manor and Block 1, Sunnyside Plat #2, from Juliet St. to Jefferson Ave. and from Albert Ave. to North and South Alley, in accordance with grade shown on blue print hereto attached,r;also constructing a sewer on the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyside Plat J2, from said Alley to the center of Juliet Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63133, approved Nov. 18, 1925: Estimated Cost $845.58 Cost per front ft. .66 Inspection 16.58 Frontage 1299.7 ft. Yours truly, P C Engineer. Aroved for transmission th Commii sio� Finance 6.. Commissioner of public Works. [:., B No 84880' �y�7 FL' MaDopald— I� 'It+ tli�xaiatrer of ceadeinrying aad tak-.. Ing as easement klt the land apty Lbr elopes outs ani Alla ilr:tliF_ 'grading bt aklley Lp dock 1.Y7 -.Manor and -,Block 1, aunnye �Nb S frons' meet^Qt •tr .b 1p v TV 4)Y ( L 6456-0 wcNC+L No.... CITY OF 5F: PAUL a+� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ February.24, 1926 In the matter of condemning and taking an . easement in the land neoessa°ry for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Lane's Manor, and Block 1, Sunnyside Plat No. 2, from Juliet St. to SouthfAlley�, underand from Preliminaryert OrdereC.tF.North and #65207" approved Nov. 20, 1925, ,Jand Intermediary y Order c. F. #64145, approved The commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter. be it ��� 141/Z1 r, a+ ar RESOLVED, That the 9i-t3L_ inee the amo t of land to taken for above ed improveme aIs en sesame t for slopes outa end ills. in and pon the Alle in Blool 1, Lane's Manor, an Block 1, S aide Plat No 2, between the pointe afo essid, to the extent shown upon,_.the pl n attached to the report o the Commiss oner of Pub io Works in the matter dated February 24 1926, whic plan and repo t are hereb referred t and made part hereof. be al d the same are hereby c^�rcl�d, son 111ad, and rescinded tad VA per+rc dhw in said ratter t•e i;: r COUNCILMEN yeas, Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ----•-•In favor jMcDonald 7 ✓� Sudheimer-----Against Wenzel Mr. President FEB 2 4 1976 Adopted by the Council ...._------ ---------------------------- 192. ----- _FEB 2 4 1926 ------..192 ------------- - ---------------- Y - ! a �b.p4r,.i CITY OF ST. PAUL !.e Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In t?Ac matter of condcmining and tcking an easement in the land :Accessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 1, Lane's Manor, and Block 1, Sunnyside Plat No. 2, from Juliet St. to Jefferson Ave. andunder Albert Ave. North and South Alley Preliminc.ry Order C.F. 63207 approved. Nov. 20, 1925 ^.nc' I.itcrmodicry Order G.7. 64145 c.pprovoc. Januery 26, 1926. To the (: uncil of the City r)f St. Pcul: 'ihc; :,x.aiissicncr :i 2ublic Vlorks hureby submits and m-.kes :rt of ti -is, ais r(,,,. -ort, a ,,?I, -.n of the above improvc- ment, shurinE b the shc.dod ; ortiun of said ,?l'�n, the fills to be madc oni.ri-.atc ;,r,-)orty, and by the h,"tched portion t.Au cuts tc be m.acic on private property, and the extent of tae easement to be taken by the figures op=posite such shaded and. hetchc9 ;Darts of such plan. Date- \- Corunissionor of Public V9orks. CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIC�ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR ORDER lA) In the matter o�Yondemnin; :id t irf an e<..�e:,ent in tre nd n P •,= 'r� { r, �l tie=s the , r:Ldinp of Alliby in clock J,L n Is Yi,nor, ,Ind Block 1 Sunnyside '=1:-t #2 from Juliet to Je_`=crson Ave. e.,.d 'ro:n Albert Ave. to leorth and Soutii alley. under Preliminary Order approved—_ BAVPmh"r209 19P5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: vv The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $�-_'- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 1 L -nes Manor St. Paul, Minns 2575 2 1 do 2225 3 1 do 2225 4 1 do 2475 5 1 do 2725 6 1 do 4525 7 1 do 4075 !S 1 do 3375 9 1 do 2575 10 1 do TOTAL. 3775 rnrm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR't OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAM2Y ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 1 2 1 3 1 $5 1 b i 1 1 East 35 feet of 8 1 Lot 9 dt (E:. East 35 ft.) S I 12 1 13 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 17 1 18 l 19 1 20 1 ADDITION Sunnyside Plat 2, St.Paul Minn. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 3300 725 3325 3325 725 goo 5 50 3125 4150 3900 4100 1400 4100 450 3000 1250 573.350.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192---- Commissio r of Finance. Pone B. B. 11 oLb STAJ9-3G12YNNUz-l.AJ6AA0IIAM d3NAJ'LNJ8'Y3JJ% AAJ9 390j2 ion en3 .,o�„ e 7= + Indicofes Cuf. ® -Indicofes Fill• yHS21,0E.voN Typical Noiafion o elesl-xlx Figures nbove line show � I �+ n Ci, Fill ofproperf line.. ALLEY'BLK.I'LANESMANOR �i.BLK.I'SUNNYSIDE'PLAT#Z JLC TE+CSON • - - .0.3 •0.2 ___ _. F19ures below lines ow 0) jos 0.3 OI disfonce io which slopes I o.s extend beyond properly line. ;i Loc. Book 1783•A. ' I 0 III IST. FR. 0.504 0.6+ 0.9 _ 5 " 07 .1 3 I c I 14 IS 16 :7 ,8 l9' 20 .0' 1.3 1.4 FR.GAft' FR.GAR I� 4 .. - FR GAR. FR.GA R. I OAL FRG R • Jy _ e o oho _ 9 aaa ll FR.' :11 0o FR.GAR. _ ._........ � .... __ .-..._...... ....... ,.r..rr ,._._- O.B 06y - x :4 _ - -0.1 40.2 9.i 93j F 6 I 7 8 9 10 13 I2 11 10 9 8 7w 5 0., 0.9 18 D.6 LA E N A N 0_ 5 U N N Y S �R.GARID 6 I+03.0.3VY.s 10 63 ,JULIET ST. .4 Office of the Commissioner of Public VN Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 17 1986 December 17, 1925 .................. _.._...__ _._...... ........_._.......192...._..__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63207 November 20, 1925 Council, known as Council File No...- ..... _........... ........._..approved ................. ...._...........................................................192............, relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land .nee ssa_ry._ for..._ sl opes..,...__ ............... cuts. an_d_fills.,_,._._in_._the..,grading....of,,.All_ey_._in.__Block.._1....._._Lane_I.E.) _Idsnb................._ and Block 1, Sunnyside Plat ff2, from Juliet 5t. to Jefferson._ Ave. _ — ............... .. _......._.. .. and from Albert Ave. to North and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ............. necessary and (or) desirable. _ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......._S.X..... ._...._....., and the total coat thereof is $ gRg__._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _....... ___._.....__...._.....__....................................................__._.._.._......._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .............. --.................... ...................... ....... .... .._.__._..._.._................ _..... ........ ................ _............ ............. _ _.._...................................... ---.......... ... ........... — 5. Said improvement is ...... ._.......... ................._._.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. ............. ............ ........ ....._......................._.................._........_.......... ..._ Commissioner of P.._.ublic Wor, - - - 64561 - -•� I L F No 64681—. \ I tile:. Matter oY grading aney._ 1n Bloak'4.. Deana 2nd Additloh from !eura. 8tgeet to Fta1t Street, under Prellminary order 63084 approved `!op ] •- th 11aboverlr+nrovemePtb nnn hs•"' COUNCIL FILE NO.... d• ..,... By. _ _ _..__ ............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... grading. alley. in .Blo.ok 4,...Dean!.s...2nd. Addit.ion..from........ Victoria Street . to nek Str..eet,. ._ _._._.... .. __ .......... _._. __ _ __..._...........__....__._...... ... ........__......... .......... ........ ...... .......... _ ....... ....... ........... _....... ...- - ......... _ . _.._.........._ ..I...... under Preliminary Order. 63084 approved.. NC!V e 17,i_-1925. Intermediary Order...__ ......... _.._ .........approved .............. ___.........__......._.. ..._..__.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is grade alley in Block _4,._De.anl.a..2nd _Addition from_Victoria_Street. to. Flak Street,, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council FEB 2.4 ..19262 _.. __......, 192_._ Approved _._ _ 192.__.. Approved FEB 2 4 1920��� ..... Clerk. Councilman.[ -lance Mayor. � Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald D �lilrB /Councilman kM=X Hodgson councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson f Form B. S. A. S -i. j CITY OF 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT- OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the mattet of l', 1FEi.11 ey in Fig o r ! DP n 1 G ?nrl C ri t i nn =rn tr' t T G+- tn i i ak 4r q�G under Preliminary' Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 16-6 -Q-S F�ront The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - $0.26 - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Ex. S. 6 ft. for alley) 1 4 Den's 2nd Add. to 6200 2 4 St. rUU1 ,425 do (Ex. S. 6 ft. for alley) E.1 of 3 4 do i do - 3 1. do 5475 (Ex. S. 6 ft. for rlley} L 4 do (E}:. S. 6 ft. ::or . lley) 5 u. do G 65o do 6 4 do 650 7 4 do 27`0 do S 4 do 3000 do do 9. 4 0 TOTAL, 3025 Farm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE- ON INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (3x. ro. 6 ft. _or alley) 10 Ex, ro. 6 £t. :or i lley) all of Lo-, 11 nd of 1'' 4 (Er.. :'T.6 £t. or ,liey)E.17 of 12 4 do 13 y do '+. of 14 4 do of 14 4 do 15 4 -0 16 4 do ( 17 do 18 4 ASSESSED VALUATION De.ml^ 2nd gid. to S..P ul 5 25 do 62,, do 275 U0 10 �'0 do 131:' do 1225 do 2350 do 2000 do 2800 do 2 P,4^,150. The Commissioner pf Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 192 --- - B. B. I: -t- Commi ner of Finance. eor.� + St. Paul, Minn. S__ To The The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. to. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _.._/....._......���._............... _.._ _.:/N1 N,ji4/._N_..E2_"—°/}/�/�._ ..N.. .. - — ......._01 _..._7� �L—/'••�—=== —� St. Ave. Gi to [I ', to��d—CL 4 .r_._... --- St. Ave. 1 NAME IAT BLOCK ADDITION ` eke, o /1Z Office of the Comm s'gioner of Public vEg AV Report to Commissioner of Finance aaiw DEC 3 1986 Deaember._2.,__ .._._...... ..... ........ - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No......._63.Q84_....approved_._N vember_...17.,........_......_........192....6_, relative to _Grad....9.._alle9-in.._klock...4.,..,*..._DB.a...n! s.._.21ad...A.old.5.loza....ram..-........._......._.._.._ victoria Street to Fisk Street ............. ..........._. __...._............_........._.........._.......--.........._........_..._......._ -- — .........._..-....._..........................._.............. ._..................._ _.....................................__._...._..._............._...__._........................_..........-..._...._....._........................... __._........ -.__............................... ........_.__._...__............. _._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. . ......... . ....... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is$................... ........ _.__............. and the total cost thereof is$........................... _............__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................................__.:............ ..............._....... ............. _....__........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4...._.......---- ................................ ........ ....._..................... ..... .......... _....... ............ _.............. ........._................ _...................... ................ 5. Said improvement is........... .................. _......... _...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . _............. _.__...... .._..... ..........._..._.....— -- Commissioner of Pnblie orks. V . �Q- v NT I�AVL. jr F-A�lb JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER. THOS. G. C*CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BR ME ENGINEER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CHIEF ENOINEEfl A. B.SHARP, SUPT. OF SANITATION WM. N. CAR_, SUFI. OF CONeTRUCTON ANO REPAIR G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHWEE G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO CTIY PLANNING ENOINECR November 30, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public works. Dear sir: - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 4, fid: Dean's 2nd Addition from Victoria Street to Fisk street under Preliminary Order C.F. #63084, approved November 17, 1925: Estimate of cost $186.05 Inspection 3.65 Cost per front foot E26 Frontage- 726 feet Yours very trulye, 11'j _ ,,,� Chie Engineer. Approved for transmission to mmissioner of, Finance: Com-issioner of Public works. MAB t .--/ COUNCILi562 CITY OF ST. PAUL F'"NO----------- --------- OFFICE OF THE CITY' CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - February 24, 1926. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 4, Degn's End Addition, from Victoria St. to Fisk St., under Preliminary # 864147, approved roved Nov. 17,1,925, andintermediary OrderC. p January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St: Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, outs and fills, in and.upon the alley in Block 4, Dean's End howndupon the planen the attacheditostheoreport,to a extent of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated February 24, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereofi COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ..............In favor McDonald Sudheimer --- - !...Against Wenzel President FES 2 41926 Adopted Uy the Council..._ ..................... 192 - App ed ved.......F:EB 2 4192.1.:...------192----- ............ MAYOR CITY O'F 6T. PA.UL of Public Florks RLpORT TO T11 ComiCIL �- r"d -n -19 of' for Cut's :d "ills in f,�,radi' the Alley in B100JE 4. Dean's 2nd Addition St. udder 'ror.1 T10toria St. �O aj,roeoJ. Nov. 17, 1925, 63085 ?re limin=v Order 64147 January 26, 1926 -,-e. lnt�_rm,-di-ry :,o the ublrlits end ,,bevc im-,)rv n7�Res 1!1s Gf the fills P -i(" nont, the t,,,,-1 to be lia-10 0'2- by nj t, rt-, _qaclo cuts tc bc ;uch t11c 0 r� 3 IF, I -it tc 0(; by the -D,-.rts "f such h ® *INDICAre, [u" ®'INDICATES FILL. TYPICAL NOTATION..2_0 3.0 FIGURES ABOVE LINE SNOW COT OR FILL AT PROPERTY LINE. - FIGURES BELOW LINE SNOW DISTANCE TO WHICH SLOPES E%TEND BEYOND PROPERTY LINE. AL\LEY-3LK.4-EDWIN DEANS 2t2 -ADO. SLOPE PLAN B�reR� =�Eng�n Ber6 Nov.24,1925 S'.I a :. 1.40 KIX•18913 LOC. BOOK 2161. AN I ST. ANT110AY AVD. 4. Z 9. 8 7 5 4 3 2 a� a' IFR.GAR, � - FIR IIIETALGA@.I j 2 \ - =10 � eo V _.. ruw'�rrrru;c�cuk� p,. �__. _ -�' �i-w t•1,,,. - � e Ti—.-T-.,-r,, ;-,r;-Tr1- - - FR GAR.I f _ ill FR. COMMERCIAL GAR. 10 II 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 18 to _ EDWIN D F ANS 2ND ADD. RONDO ST, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC9 REPORT OOPInM DIARY, ORDEER OR FINANCE NREL 4- y !t 1 oonde: nin. a.:d t;:kin tin eu.ee-::ent in the 1-nd necel--y In the matter of stones, cats and fiilsin the r din 1ley in Block 1IF DaRn's 2nd ;1dd. from Vic oz is St. to Fisk under Preliminary Order approved- HoQ �- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Sz. S. 6 ft. for allay)4 1 4 Demea 2nd Aad. to Paul 62DO 3425 do 2 4 8t. (zx. 8. 6 ft. for alley) H.i of 3 4 do do W.1 of 3 4 do ;\ 5475 (Ex. S. 6 ft. for allay) 4 4 do (Sa. a. 6 ft. for allay) 5 4 do '065D da 6 4 do "'650 do 7 4 do `,2700 do S 4 de ^ ,s,� do 9 Form B. Q. 10 4 do TOTAL 3D', i \• ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT .OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIN%INARY ORDER s= - ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION (u. leo. 6 ft, for alley) 10 4 Deans 2nd Add, to St.P;,ul 5225 Ex. leo. 6 ft. for alley) all.of.Lot 11 and e.J of, 12 4 do $25 (Ea. x.6 ft. for alley)S.i of 12 4 do 275 do 13 4 do 1050 do $, of 14 4 do 1325 do w. j of 14 4 do 1225 do 15 4 do 2350 do 16 4 do 2000 do 17 4 do 2800 do 1A 4 do 2 $42,150. 'The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— — 1/ -� --- 1920 — — — -- — -- Commissi er of Fhu ance. Farm B. B. 12 Office 'of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance P y' DEC 3 i186 __..._..........._............ 192._5..._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._6308b_..-,...,.approved_._NOY_*,__17..i.-__,..._...................... ._.........192.5.._.., relative to CondO..=.. ;L]X.._ana._..t✓ lug -._an._e.ase eiat..._ n..._the...._land..._neceasg Y...._for........._._ sloQeasand fills_ in the grading of alley in .block 4, Aid"__ Dean's 2nd Add. from Viotoria street to Fisk Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ....................... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--.-. ............. .. . . ........ and the total cost thereof is $....... ........... ........ _.... ..........__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .......... ................... ............... _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ............... _............... _..... ..._.__................. .......... Commissioner of Public Works. -s 64563 C.. .F. No. 64662—. In the Matter .of grading Alley in Block G. 8ankee's .Cleveland View and .Block 2. Bunken's. Rearraagpr - menta from Cleveland- Avenue to COUNCIL FILE NO. _ .3 °nneth Avenue, unser Preliminary 62211 5 approved Nov. 20, 192. I. hearing having been had ".ve Improvement upon due I3y. •„ heard - .commen- FINAL diii ER In the MatterHankee'.sw a...Cleveland View ...............................e -..._. Block 3,.Hankeels,Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue .......... ..._..._..-__....__. .. ........... _ _ ... ............ _. ............ .......... __...._ .. ....................... ........._... _._ ......_... _ ........... ........ .. .......... under Preliminary Order..__._.63.2.11 __ __ .....approved ,Nov. 20, 1925. Intermediary Order ..... _ _ _ _ . _ . ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..gra.dq A. -lqY, in_Bloek, 6, .HankeeIs Cleveland Vj.eW,,.and _.Elpck„3, Hankeels_Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue,... .......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instrgcted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council ...__ _ .........._ _ _ _ ...._._......, I FEB 2 4 192 __ . ...C.....l.erk........ .' ApprovecL.. 1.92......_ _ ..... May r,/ v/Councilman Clancy V ,/Councilman Ferguson V �81+►�"' ,Councilman McDonald Councilman PXWXX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor '.Nelson i Form 13. S. A. 3-7. tic CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISS16NER OF NNANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Grading ofklley in Block 6, Htankee's 01evelrind Vier, r,nd In the matter of Block3, Hankee's Rear:an,-event, from Clevel.nd Ave. to Kenneth Ave. under Preliminary Order approved- 't I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is *cont - - - - $).0.62 The estimated cost pc400t for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 6 650 2 6 Lot -17,F: Eu=t of 5250 6 Lot 5 & best of do 6 Lot 6 S: ^::>'=t 14 ft of 7 6 Lot S& E-ce t 4he E.14 ft. 7 6 do 9 6 600 TOTAL. 10 6 11 6 12 6 Por- n. B. IY ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION H nkee:; clev -1: nd Vire, 650 do 600 do 5250 do goo do Soo do 529 do 600 do 600 do 600 do 600 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE w REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT -CK ADDITION 1 3 H_nkees Re -ax. 2 3 do 0 3 do 4 3 do 6 do 3 do ,,est ' of 19 3 do Lot 20 and EmA z of 19 6 H-nkees Cleveland View 21 6 do 22 6 do 23 6 do 25 6 do 25 6 do 26 6 do 27 6 do 28 6 do 29 6 do o 6 co a w ASSESSED VALUATION 600 boo 6776 4600 5100 5 450 600 4300 boo 425 3100 400 600 Goo 4,350 45 50 404,1;04. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council', together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — —Z 192 r.' — - - -- Commis ' ner of Finance. Farm R. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn .......... Fek�.xu.� .x ................ 192._.4. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ded.. bat aesn........ _............... . �rade.._a3.tr3-bliahc�.d-...and:=. a.11e.S....g r'.ce _....._................._.............._palaca....and..James_ Street_s.......... ......_....................._..............._._............ 7�OGx7E44ttl[ from........................Cleveland................................... *1M. Ave. .............. Kenneth..................................St. A=x ........................................ . M l - l TSB /T' �9 I I � i r L -- EE P/ s ���lt� b.t; Repeat, to, - Oi FiaaAQI� q- -;t, 1aw, thr uerat.otl Flu k �,11171ELL--L" ilukrii, Worss, avan-I ... ... ao 71,,� C I,,jnacai. kn(wn ""u"u ine ,,,t hxvinx ill ,nd, the. natucr nnu "t,"L "i aWd Aoxv. 'Loll to AO"11-1 of klOx. 14 JIVLIJWctYl "A"I �()v Ltvoll Pot', mitieaa r4, asses Burnt in[ +uld, iEUjj"vel4ollt- L Office of the Commissioner of Public W 1VM • Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC S 1986 Deoember.._ 2.,._ ............................192.... 5 To the Commissioner. of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._63211....,..... approved...._NOV@mb92',. 201 ............... .._,,.-....192..._5._, relative to grading ng _o%..._>& 1-] ay.....J-n--bl:oek-..6.,._..Aax k.ee! a....cleve.land....Y.iew.,.__and............._....--- ........... E10.0k....3,..... HanX—O. '_e....._Arra gement__from_Cleveland._Avenue.__t_q................ _......... ........._ ..... ._Kenneth.._tivenue...__ _.............._._......__. .............. _................. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._......................._.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..........................._— .......... and the total cost thereof is $....._ ......................................_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... _................ _.................... 5. Said improvement is ................ ............._................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................. . _..._._........................_......._..__..._......__..._ Commissioner of Public Works. M • '•��IT� OF ��Iw 010"z�e�r��1 IrJ�u1�b icy v/Fr�ks JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNE . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH ARD. — F?bIHEER WM. N. CAREY. 5UFF. OF CONSTnucT10N w O REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AHO 0- PLANNING ENOIHEEH November 30, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: . M. B. GRYTBA K, B A. B. SHARP. SUFT. .FOS TATIOH G. P. BOWLIN. SHFI. OF WORKHOUSE I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 6, Hankee's Cleveland View, and Block 3, Hangee's Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Averiue under Preliminary Order C -F. #63211, approved November 20, 1925: Estimated cost $740.78 Indpection 14.53 Cost per front foot .62 Frontage 1,190.8 ft. Yours truly, I C f Engineer. Approved for transmission to C mmissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C UNCIL No ------ R 4 Feb rvIly 24, 1926 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Hankee!s Cleveland View, and Block a, Hankee's Rearrangement, from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 6,63212, approved November 20, 1925, and Intermedieryr Order C: F. #64149, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 6, Hankee's Cleveland View, and Block 3, Hankee's Rearrangement, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publfo Works in the matter dated February 24, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof* -- C. . ---- C F N-64564—By J 3i MODon- . tl In'the matter of,condem'al'ng and 1n6 an easement in 'the land 'aaHingrY for slo'.e, Sand alis, • of Alley Stook ,n Clevela.- •-elan lne!an . d Ar ••nd.r ' COUNCILMAN AT Nays - Adopted by the Councll....�.E6-2..4-1910-...... 192.----- /Clancy ✓Ferguson -/Hodgson.-.In favor APP oved.....A. 2.4.1426 192.----- McDonald MAYORSudheimer Wenzel .-Against PUBI,ISiiE. Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL$: �a f Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the n...tter of condemning and taking an casement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 6, Hankee's Cleveland View, and Block 3, Hankee's Rearrgngement from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F.63212 approved November 20, 1926 r.n?. Intermediary OT -dor C.F. 64149 approved January 26, 1926 To the Ccuncil of the City Of St. Paul: The Commissioner -f--ublic Works hc,roby submits and makes a part of this, leis report, a )l, -.n of the ".bove improve- ment, showing by the shc.ded ,jortiun of said ,plan, the fills to be m, -.de on turivate ,,rc rorty, and by the ?-h.:.tchod portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to bo takon by the figures opposite such shaded and h^.tcho:9 ?arts of such plan. D,.te: _` �\ Conunissionor of Public Works. I - I ALLEY- BLK. 6'HANKEE'S CLEVELAND VIEW ' _e = tee. 5LK.3-HANKEE'S REAR. . W3IVOHAJ3V3J:) 33RXMAH-a-7UH'Y3JJA AA•35i Z 33NHAH- E.xJ8.8 PlA.19 390.12 �zsel,�l.vDv�. .EOC81-XIX - x 9 L.0 LOC 'PALACE ST. 7: FR GAR. i < r -a FR GAR L DBL. GAP. DBI.GAR - STUCCO ST �CCG 2G 2? 23 26 ?° .°3G 14 a 3 u .JAMES ST. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 # DEPARTMENT QF.FIRBNCE REPORT OF COMM.ISSIq)NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER (A) In the malterof0onde,raij a_ ttnd t :'rind: an easea&at in the land nece Koury for slopes} cu.t _.-fills, in the gradin, cl Alley in Block 6 H nkeels Cal erLpl And Blaak- �, H nkP�1 s Ae rr n, P �Y Prem Ol PVPI Ind Ari? _ under Preliminary Order approved—NOV. 20, 1925 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: v The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement in $--�0-�-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 6 H mkees Oleveland View 650 2 6 do 600 Lot 3 & Bast j of 4 6 do 5250 Lot 5 L Aest i Of 5 6 do 900 Lot 6 & East 14 ft of 7 6 do SOD Lot $ & Except the 5.14 ft. 7 6 do $29 9 6 do 600 10 6 do 600 11 6 do 600 Form B. A. 10 12 6 do TOTAL. 600 CITY OF ST. PAUL- AULDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT 4' kEPORT OF COMMISqj.IONER OF FINANCE PRELIMINNiinRY ORDER ON ASSESSED LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ' DESCRIPTION VALUATION 1 3 Rankees Re -SX- 600 2 3 do 600 3 3 do 6776 4 3 do 4600 do 5100 do West of 19 do Lot 20 and East of 19 6 Hankees Cleveland view 5450 21 6 do 600 22 6 do 4300 �3 6 do 600 4 6 do 425 �5 6 do 3100 26 6 do 5400 27 6 do 600 28 6 do 600 29 6 do 4850 30 6 do 4550 $64,404. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- .Zia- Commissio of Finance. to r ✓. ffi Q :miss o a# Ru b Report to Coramissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publie Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.. 63212._ approved-..... MOV ._ 24., __ 192.. 5.., relative to Qonde?ping.and taking an easement in the land neoessarY fvr slopes, outs and fills in the grading of a11aY in block 6, Hankee's Cleveland .............................. . Hankee'a Rearrangement,f rom Cleveland Ave. to View, and block 3, ................................ Kenneth Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is uoccssary add (or) desirable. 2 The estimated cost thereof is $._.. _ , and the total oust thereof is -, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as tol owa: ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvemeut is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is _ _ _ _ -- -asked for upon petition of three or more oryners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissiollev of Public Works. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..const.ructing_.a...s.e.ver...on-Edgcumbe..Road ..from..a... point .- . approximately 35 ft. northerly of_the southerly line_ of.Lot.3,..Bl.00k_9, West End-Edgeumbe Addition to Otto -Avenue -and. on.Otto-Ave. -from-the-east- line of ast- line_of Ridge St- to the sewer. .on the-.eas.t.aide..of-Edgeumbe...R.oad,-_- under Preliminary Order.. 636.05 approved .......D9.43,,..,.15,_ Intermediary Order..... _ approved.. __...__ .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.eonstru.et..a_sewer .,on_Edgeumbe...Road from a_.point -.approximately 35 feet northerly -of -the southerly line of Lot 3, End. Edgcumbe Addition t.o.Otto..Avenue.and_.on.Otto _Ave. _from the -east -line of.Ridge.St, to the_sewer_on..the east _side -of.Edgeumbe Road, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council .. _ _ ... .. __.. FEB 2 4 19 6 Approved _ _...... __..., 192 i/Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson e6 /councilman McDonald %Councilman KASXX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. Q. Citt Clerk. Mayor 64565 rn the%Ltter of constructing a sewer n Edscu The Road from a point aDD- proxlmately -35 ft, northerly of the southerly line of Lot 3, Block 9. West N7nd Edgeumbe Addition to 4 COUNCIL FILE NC....___ Qtto .—and oa Otto Ave. from -, .__.. _-._ t yaf Ridse se. to the By., _. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..const.ructing_.a...s.e.ver...on-Edgcumbe..Road ..from..a... point .- . approximately 35 ft. northerly of_the southerly line_ of.Lot.3,..Bl.00k_9, West End-Edgeumbe Addition to Otto -Avenue -and. on.Otto-Ave. -from-the-east- line of ast- line_of Ridge St- to the sewer. .on the-.eas.t.aide..of-Edgeumbe...R.oad,-_- under Preliminary Order.. 636.05 approved .......D9.43,,..,.15,_ Intermediary Order..... _ approved.. __...__ .............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.eonstru.et..a_sewer .,on_Edgeumbe...Road from a_.point -.approximately 35 feet northerly -of -the southerly line of Lot 3, End. Edgcumbe Addition t.o.Otto..Avenue.and_.on.Otto _Ave. _from the -east -line of.Ridge.St, to the_sewer_on..the east _side -of.Edgeumbe Road, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council .. _ _ ... .. __.. FEB 2 4 19 6 Approved _ _...... __..., 192 i/Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson e6 /councilman McDonald %Councilman KASXX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. Q. Citt Clerk. Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM ISSIONER OF FINANCE " ~ ON PRE[IMINARY ORDER In the matter of Construct n ser,; r on Edi ,cu:n'-e Ro d fr,.,1 a not nt an rox'. *L•.tely 35 ft nor+'--•rly of t`..e southerly line of Lot 3 Block 9. west End Eds-cu!^be Addit4 on to Ot-o Ave. and on � tto Ave, from the e _-t line of k"a R;d-e St to "e e' _ a:. tae e.:r;t side of Ed-cu.--oe Ru d. _ -- —Q: Ct2 under Preliminary Order approved Dec 15, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is f r,1nt The estimated cost pey foot for the above improvement is 83.50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 2 1 4 3,q 26 27 28 29 30 7 (Extent -.)art for EdEcumbe Road 6 9 'Se;- End -Ed: du_n:;e St.F:_ul, 600. 9 ?!in .e of .. 700 9 do Sol 9 do 25O 7%' floodford PL rk St. F c=,t1 275 7 Y,inneeota 675 7 do 525 7 do 2725 7 do 275 7 ;m 625 6 do 300 do 225 6 do 300 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 'e Dated Coggissioner of Finance. F— B. B. 13 u. > Al orra U5 Office •of the Commissioner of Public t 4,, Report to Commissioner of Finance �_�il'> 10 6 January 4, 1925 ............. _................................... ........................ - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of, Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ...... -63605 approved . . ........ _-Dec. 15, 1.925 192............ relative to the construction of a sewer on EdPecumbe Road from a_.noint approximately 35 ft. N_'_1� of the S!l.line of_.__Lot.3.,.._Bloak.__9,........ __..... - ........ _._ lfiie of ridge St. to the sewer on.-t�nue.. nd,.._on._Otio.___ape.._. £rom._the West End Ed eeumbe Addition to Otto Av.. he east side of Edgecumbe Road. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ .................. ........... necessary and (or) desirable. �p} 3 392.00 2. The estimated coat thereof is$...........3.50 per............__.�............,��S��e tU}61 cost thereof is$............_!_.......__............�, Inspection 066.00 Frontage 995 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ...._.... ._... _........ ......._........... ........... ... _............... _—.__........_ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ _.......... ......... .......... _.____ ........................-....................._.._._.._........._._.._...................................... _.._............... --.......... 5. Said improvement is. ...................... _... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��........... ._..._._._........_....._.._..._..._.__.._...... Commissioner of Public Works GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C--..N..R WM. N. CAREY. S P CON.TRU-ON ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ANO CITY PLANNING -1- ITY VjA i IY`i'A JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER January 2, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BR- ENO. - A. B. SHARP. ARI S- OF STATION G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OP WOR...... I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Edgeoumbe Road from a point approximately 36 feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot 3, Block 9, West End Edgeoumbe Addition to Otto Avenue and on Otto Ave. from the east line of Ridge Street to the sewer on the east side of Edgeoumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63605, approved December 15, 1925: Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $3,392.00 Cost per front foot - - - - - - 3.50 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 66.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 995 ft. This sewer will be built wholly in the west side of Edgeoumbe Road. Yours truly, s C of r�ngineer. #pproved for transmission tithe Comm ner of Fii c Commissioner of public Works. WIN 6456 In the Matter of.. curbing ..both..s.ide.s...of...0.t.tava..Ave.nue._from-Rage ..;�.tr.e.et... to Annapolis Street, _ ............................ . under Preliminary Order.... 60816 ...approved..... July... 15,...19.25.. Intermediary Order _ approved_ _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _.eurb..both sides of Ottawa .Avenue from Page .Street. to..Ann&polis Street, .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvg tept2in accordance therewith. TT tltl 2,6 Adopted by the Council _. _ _ .._._._....__._ . _......., 192_ SEB 2 4 1946 "Cale Approved _ _ _ 192........ ..... _. _ ._ _......... ..... .. C1i'...... Mayor.. V�ouncilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald Councilman &%a= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel aver Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. � -� a64666— ^.Matter t c rbing both tdes bf nvenue trom r'a6, Street n'I le Street. i,--:_...._. •elimtna�y t6. 1926. COUNCIL FILE NO.. r 60816 app, �t'M hearty- '. +n h^ •• •.. nabove d th,..v By... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. curbing ..both..s.ide.s...of...0.t.tava..Ave.nue._from-Rage ..;�.tr.e.et... to Annapolis Street, _ ............................ . under Preliminary Order.... 60816 ...approved..... July... 15,...19.25.. Intermediary Order _ approved_ _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _.eurb..both sides of Ottawa .Avenue from Page .Street. to..Ann&polis Street, .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvg tept2in accordance therewith. TT tltl 2,6 Adopted by the Council _. _ _ .._._._....__._ . _......., 192_ SEB 2 4 1946 "Cale Approved _ _ _ 192........ ..... _. _ ._ _......... ..... .. C1i'...... Mayor.. V�ouncilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald Councilman &%a= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel aver Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '.REPORT OF.'COMNFISSIONER OF FINANCE ON"'PRELIRj&NARY ORDER (A �F• both Si LPs of OttUlla Ay =r )rn o' e a, +„ Anna -,tel i s St _ In the matter of--��+ "t'' - under Preliminary Order approved—_ �I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 2.,�1931- -1i —2 'ront The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is $0.73 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 60 B;Ir,inE & :,diver's Add. -1707) 12 nO To 'Hest St. "aul 1975 (Exce-it the West 10 ft for alley) The :,o. 1/3 of Lets 3, 2 and 1 of do 2050 (Exce )t the ,-est 10 ft. for alley) The So. 2 of the Yurth 2/3 of Lots 3, 2 and 1 63 do 3700 (:Lxceot l,e -lect 10 ft. for alley) The So. 1/3 of Lots 3, 2 and 1 63 d.7) 2950 TOTAL, F -m B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L_ • ON PREf4WINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. DESCRIPTION (Except the West 10 ft. for - - alley)" The North 1/3 of Lots 10,11,& 12 63'. Bann -_n & Olivers Add. 'fest Paul. 4150 to St. (Exce-)t the ilest 10 ft. for alley) -The No. 40 ft. of the So. 100 ft. of Lots 10,11,£: 12 6 3 do 3100 - (Ex. the W. 10 ft. for alley)' The No. 10 --.he So.6nft. 12 63 do 100 ofLof 1 d a (;,xce-it the 'Ttiest 10 ft . for alley) the South 50 ft. of Lot 10,11 12 63' do 4500 - The N 3 of Lots 2 and 1 North 1/- 64 do l7So The So. 1/2 of the North 2/3 of '4 do 19�o Lot: 2 and l The 90. 1/^ of Lots 2 aad 1 64 do 2200 10 64 do 475 11 64 ao 4375 12 64 do 500 1 61 Lawton Brot'nerls Addition 1075 All of and t le :Tort'z 0 ft. of 2 61 to t`.ie Cit; of St. Pz!ul (Exce-t t:,e north 2 ft.)o 2 61 do 1;25 - 3 61. do '900 4 61 do 450 5 61 do i59 6 61 do 4Fo 4 7 61 do 2800 8 61 do 2800 16 57 do 500 y -- TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE L REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRg'L{IMINARY ORDER mss. ,.. _..... .... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED - ADDITION VALUATION 15 . 57 Ll-- ton Brot.ler,, Add tion { Z 3350 1457 to the City ci St. Paul 4800 13 57 do 2400 12 57 do 3850 11 57 do 900 10 57 do 6550 9 57 do 12 56 do 2775 11 56 do 3325 10 56 do 3325 9 50 do 475 12 P. R. McDonnell's Pea= n e- 1300 11 ment of Blk. 62, of Banning 1950 10 & Olivers Add.ti-n to :`;est 1950 f All of 9 Saint .�:�ul, '_�innesaot 3100 & Exce,)t the So. 27.50 ft.) 8 do The South. 27.0 ft. of 8 do 2400 s & the No. 12; £t. of _7 do The So. 371 ft. of 7 do 1950 14 Lawton's Rearrangec,ent of 4725 13 of Blk. 58 of Banning & 1825 's 12 Olivers Addition to ',;est 2125 11 S,;.int Pilul 1725 10 do r 1525 9 do 1375 8 do 550 ... TOTAL F CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIIQNER OF FINANCE a ON PREILIMINARY ORDER (C) ; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK The North 4i and the South ? of the North of 5 The S ­;t,z .� of 1 �F 5 13 12 11 10 9 16 15 1 i} 13 12 11 10 " . i ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION Smith & Taylor's Sub. "A" 3025 3o 1825 do : j50 D.:wson's Re,=zjni e_.ent of 3900 Block 5"- of Ba.nninv snd Oliver's '500 Addition to "lest St.P,ul, -000 Minn. 3600 do do P LOO do 550 �illi.:.m y Bole's Re«r.:.._, e- 2875 ment of Block lo. 51+. 2525 B,.nninE; _.nd Cliver's yd it_on 375 to „est St. '"caul 2950 uo 125 do 375 do <_,50 ,16o,250. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 2 L 1921¢— � Commofener of Finance. Form B. B. 12 C. J. McGLOi.W4 HAROLD J. RIORDAN -RK Tug 11010'attd. paut - C;LARENG�MIE AcSTORMS (offixt of (Situ (fleck 608,16 C+ tb. - '7 0 n c t r. i3unz tnc,17, UA;5 V �, --- St: Paul, Minn. 192_ L— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the fo lowing improvement to be mrde: 7 i St. Paul, -Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............ -...............0« ..._ • St. 14wt. to -f � 4 .... �+Frlr P► sC'"' NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION - tip' 4 /LCz !',yam ? '..L.l .a - r • v i � 'i'; "7a Owge -r Scole: 300,11- l- _� 'Wn I vl Q � Z W Q O(iVYON7/n'6 � p _ ST 0 Z� Li -� QF.E]VEl I � L-- I Q y El L I�E].sT � o ]L � Flh °LIIL r -I s7-- -� I (I( ci�.fc,a-s 1ond Af/os. .. Fi ET ` ED Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo %/ rlo lot ' J Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 19 AQ8 December 19, 1925 192 .......... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: `v The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 60816July 15, 1925 192........_.., relative to Council, known as Council File No ........... .._._.... _..... ......approved ...... _.._........... ......................... _.......... _............._ . the curbing of both sides of Ottawa Avenue -From Page Street — Street..! .......................... _.-...... ...... ............... __..... _................ --........ _....... ......_..— and having investigated the matters and things referred to the hereby reports: p 1. Said improvement is....._.._..... .......... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 0.73 per front ft. 2,193 52 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._......_...... .. ..... and the total coat thereof is $. ...... Inspection X43.01 Frontage 3,010 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ................... ......... .................... ................ _.......... ...__—..___--_..._ 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ....................... ..._....._........._....._........... ----- ._....-- 5. Said improvement is. ................ .. ........ . ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of Public Works. ,sip air e� ih v� f� � � I i JOHN H. MCDONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPOT' COMMISSIONER GEDRGE M. SHEPARD, CHISP dO1HEN WM. N. CAREY. IRO i OF COHEipu - - RVwIR G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE - C- -- December December 17, 1925. Honorable.J. H. McDonald, Oommissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRY- .. SRID.E d.IHmR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF BMiTwT K1H G. P. BOWLIN, SWT. OF WORHHOU.E I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both aides of Ottawa Avenue from Page Street to Annapolis Street, undder Preliminary Order C. F. #60816, approved July 15, 1925: Estimated Coat $2,193.52 Cost per front ft. 0.73 Inspection 43.01 Frontage 3,010 ft. Yours truly, Engineer. Approved for transmission C e to the Commissioner of Finance. omm sa oner o 0 Works. Js1C F Nb"'8}667 � %- 1 ia. tjce, Tdateer dty grad/ -g.• -. �a e e,.67 -:. BlRotr B..Robert Pi�idgria (.b1t--� pl�J /3{ YFY� Sabdlvislon from Qil�ge _6t: - 3rndlcate. 88AVeaue, �thdar'630aDDrovea _ $ D'abtlo hearh3Vt aDPa tF� .. apo R 1mDrovem i YCafdNCIL F1LF.vci ....... ..... ................. By..................................................._...................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter Subdivision „from„Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, _. ...................................................... . __. .......... __. _.... _ ....... _.._ .......... under Preliminary Order.._ _ .6.3066.._.approved.... _.N.OV.,...V..,,...1925...........................: Intermediary Order........ __ ..approved... _ _ ..... .. .._.........._ _...........__ ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .grade. alley .in_Blc.ck 3, Robert.. P. Leif, Company!s- Subdivision -.from -Griggs -Street. to Syndicate A.venue,_. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _.....FEB.2..4.19.26........... .... ... ... ..................... ity C erk. Approved.. _ 192........ FES2s Mayor. Souncilman Clancy / ' /Councilman Ferguson -7 Councilman McDonald -Councilman $9=X Jdodgs on Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMIN4.RY ORDER (A) In the matterof Grade alley in block R0,oert P_ Let 9 G Com-,anil ric: 4 Street to Svn'1;c'tf, A3EP _ under Preliminary Order approved--- VUy To the Council of the City- of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - s Q `63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BWCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Robert P. Levis voLsomy's 350 2 3 Subdiv sion 325 3 3 do 325 4 3 do 325 5 3 do 325 6 3 do 3 , 7 3 do 325 g 3 do 325 9 3 do 325 10 3 ''.o 625 TOTAL. P.rcm a. S. 10 =CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y. ► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1. (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 3 Robert P. Lexis Com anyls 325 12 3 Subdivision 325 13 3 do 350 14 3 do 1550 15 3 do 425 16 3 do L25 19 do 350 3 19 3 do 350 20 3 do 325 21 3 do 325 "2 3 do 3`'5 24 do 325 3 25 3 do 5?5 26 3 do 3Pv 27 3 do 3 5 28 3 do 29 3 do 325 30 3 do 3.'0 x'11,075.00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thcreon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1926/ Comm oner of Finance. F',i B. B. 12 �. y'a St. Paul, Minn.•_ --192_ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade all in Block 3 Robert P. Lewis Company's ......._......_...._..__._._.._... . . .. Addition, flcom Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. --------..._.__ St. Ave. Ave. St. Ave. c Jca/a / :300' I i ILi � STANFO RD 3,26 NS/N� ------ — ST —�H �! Z W jQ J-1�I /EFFERSOM L� qV�• £D6CUMBE IrOAD 64Iw p.l Cdt4rt�'3 Siani i v Office of the Commissioner of Public°'� E (,ter Report to Commissioner of Finance �4�v• DEC 3 133 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..._6$.086.......... -approved .......... Nov9mbar..-17.........___ ........... 192....5 relative to ..._Grad ngof.__alley.-_in....l�lo4ka3....._RQ.b.Q.�!.ji.....$........Legis__.Company_ls.....SuhdiuiaSon from Griggs Street to Syndicate Ave. ......- .............................. _.._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___....__._.. ..... .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....... .................. .... _—.........., and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... _...._...._....._._........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ...... ............. .......... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wo al I lY`T 11�7V L iPOP0-�f11 emR+th' i irVI u�biiIV Wvr4ss JOHN H. MGDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O-CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. OMIC, ENGINEER WM. N. CARE,. SGPT. OF CONSTRUCTION ANG REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OF- AHG CITY PLANNING ENGINEER November 30, 1925. M. S. GRYTBAK, BRIGGS ENGINEER A. B. SHARP, BGPr. GF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN, SGPT. OF WONRNOGSE Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision from Griggs Street to Syndicate Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #63086, approved November 17, 1925: Estimate of cost $754,80 Inspection 14.80 Cost per front foot .63 Frontage 1,207.6 ft. Yours truly, C of Engineer. Approved for transmission to mmissione/r of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. GM3:AB 0 ` TIE DEPARTMENT 6 PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) July 6, 1925. b1r. Herrold: Regarding attached petition for grading alley in block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Sub. I cannot find any record of an alley in this block. E. S. Spencer h v CITY OF ST. PAUL F=UN ciLIJV No ...... f 45 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1i February 24., 1926. In the matter of condemning and hiking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cute and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision, from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #63087, approved Nov. 17, 1925, and Intermediary Order - 0.,F. #64151, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Publio works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RBSOLVBD, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of lend to be taken for the above named Improvement as an easement for elopes, cuts and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the. Commissioner of Public works in the matter fisted February 24, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy -"Ferguson Hodgson ----7 .In favor McDonald / Sudheimer...--.Against Wenzel -� Mr. President FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council ........... .............................. 192..--.. YLB24IBM Appro ,ed ...... ......._. .------......................192. .............. - -..-.....__........... MAYOR B x CITY OF ST- PAUL Depart -lent of Public Works RLPORT TO THE COMICIL In the muter of condemning and tcking :m easement in the land :Zecessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 3, Robert P. Lewis Company's Subdivision from Griggs St. to Syndioste Ave. under Preliminz,-ry Ordor C.F. 63087 approved Nov. 17, 1925, ^.n! Intcrmed.i.r.ry Or•dor L. c'. 64151 approved January 26, 1926. To the Ccunci.l o;: th.e City of St- t' .ul: Tho Corm.iissioncr cf :-ublic Works hcrcby submits and ;a kcs part of this, his report, a )lr.n of the .bove improvc- mcnt, shoving by tLe sh�:.ded ;jortiun of said plan, the fills to bo made on iri.atc .)rcporty, and by the botched portion tho cuts to be made on ,private property, and the extent of tho easoment tc bo t•akon by tho figures opposite such shaded and h^.tchcd ;x.rts of such plan. Date: Commissioner of Public Works. V lndicafes Cuf. ANk'lnaicofes F .BUaa,00 EIW3J ,9.T8051" L N-18.Y3JJA � NAJ9 39OJ2 ESP I'as .vOm - SOP:"I-:91o�Z ..DIC,, O, oiion ;., Figures above line sho- u-. orf;; ,f pro erfu !Inc. ��, ALLEY 3'-K. 3- ROBT. P. Lewis CO. SUB. - - `ipros below line show i 0,is-once iowhich slopes- extend beyonc Properly line. I Loc.3ook2138. I - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I , o REPORT OF COMMISSIONUR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 0RDER In the matter of nnn e mn' d + 'd n , �^ g�Fg"®Fr t for Cut- nd fills ;n t`IP Er.„sin, ,f allay, ;; R___ _look 3, Rraber-t P Lewis Com)anyls Subdivisign—fro i C ',j.s st tn S),ndic,.to �1vP under Preliminary Order approved— SOY 17; 1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: uc The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $- - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form S. a. 16 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLACK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Robert P. Lewis 'JompauY*e 350 2 3 Bubdiv'.Sion 325 3 3 do 325 4 3 do 325 5 3 do 325 6 3 do 325 7 3 do 325 6 3 do 325 9 3 do 325 10 3 do TOTAL. 625 Form S. a. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL-' • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYT ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 3 Robert P. Lexie 0omoany`s 325 12 3 Subdivision 325 13 3 do 350. 14 3 do 1550 5 17 3 do do 425 425 35 350 1 2099 3 do do 50 21 2 do25 do 3 24 3 do do 25 25 3 do 325 27 3 7 228 do 2 3 325 30 09 3 do 350 X611,0 5.00 The Commissioner of Financc further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. a llated-----1926 Comm, ner of Finance. Form 11. B. 12 7Cf�e of the Cornmissoner of Publici `�� ` y Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 8 UdOf . Dezember ._.2.,...-..__ ......... ._ ..................._192. -ft. --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Nog�............... approved_. AQpOmt.¢.;`.-._17..............................192.5..__, relative to _..._._C.9.xideu g s d....ta.� x)6._azi _DA...A.Ment.__in._..tlie.... land .ns.ce.s.s.arg.-- for ....s.lapea, outsandfil..............sn.theging...gf_ellev in b19-4t_a....._APhe�� .... .... - Company!s_--.Subd yieion.__from.-_arUge_..-s-tree_t..._tQ.._S.Yx.1ta.tcmte..._Ave-nue ._.......... _.__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ....... _....... __...... _... ..necessar y and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ......................... _.__............. and the total cost thereof is $ ........ ..... ..... ...... __------.......�, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. ..... ............._._.:... _...... ....._................. ....... .............. ___....... _____..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - 4. .......... ---......... ...._..... .......... ....... ..... ....... ..... ........._... .................... ..._... _...... ............... .................................... _.._.............. ..._.......... -- - 5. Said improvement is ......................... _..... ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 64569 -... naB �bG]eatloae aaJ.r.' . _... _ _ ............... By.... .................... i FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...grading. alley _in..Bloo.k.,%...Ryan. Place_.from. Hartford Aye. to -Randolph. S.t...,__. ___ _....... .......I..... __ ..... .........1 .................. under Preliminary Order ... 63393 _ _. __.approved.........D9o. 3, 1925. Intermediary Order_...... .__.... ............approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _grade ..alley .in B100k .3, .Ryan...Flae.e . from Hartford Ave..to_Randolph St., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ... ..FER..2..4..19$6. ._.__.. _....., 192 _._ _. ..... ............ ... ............. ..— SEB 2 4 ity CI rk. Approved _. , 1926......., 192........ Mayor. /Councilman Clancy y� .councilman Ferguson vCouncilman McDonald PTT _ /Councilman$Z*X Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel �vlayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CIT, OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OOF omMISSIONLARDER FINANCE 1 ?k ' (A) 7 In the matter of— Grade alle under Preliminary Order approvedna—,o_-3-f j g2r'jF- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is i Tont- - S II_. 4q The estimated cost perxoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT GL -CK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Ryan Place 1000 2 3 do 950 3 3 do Sw 4 3 do 950 5 3 do $25 6 3 ao Soo 7 3 do 775 g 3 do 750 9 3 do 750 10 3 do TOTAL. 725 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY kORDER ASSESSED .I DESCRIPTION' LOT eLocK - ADDITION VALUATION 11. 3 Ryan Plano 11 .725 12 3 do 725 13.3 do 725- 14, 3 do 725 9 15 3 do 725 4 16. 3. do 725 s 17 3 do 725 a 18 3. do 72-5 - 19 3 do 7�5 20 3. do 725 21 3 do 7�5 22 3 do 7�5 .23 3 . do 725 24 . 3 do 725 i 25 3 do 900 26 3 do 140o 27. 3 do 1500 28 3 do 1500 29 3 do 1500 .30 do 1500.3. , .31 3 do 1500 .32 3 do 1500 33 3 do 1500 34 3 do 1500 35 3 do 1500 36 3 do 1500 37 3 do TOTAL 1500 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r1 REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION , 36 3 Ryan Plaoe 1500 39 3 do 1500 110 3 do 1500 41 3 do 1500 42 3 do 1500 43 3 do 1500 1;4 3 do 1500 45 3 do 1500 46 3 do 1500 1417 3 do 1500 49 3 do 1500 4g 3 do 1500 49 3 do 1500 50 3 . do 1900 457F725 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worke. Dated /__ >4 192 _ r uoramissioper of Finance. Pofm B. H. 12 i� St. --- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable go igbcu�5_t� following improvement to be made: St. Ave. /aZ_St. mft Ave. f7 0 C C-Illf-11--l" 8L YO A'7,r7A17-,eO cz 13 L� Office of th�e,_Cornmssioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 3t) loss Dec.t...._30.,...._1925..................................192.... _...... - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the , 1925 Council, known as Council File No.......63393 _......_ .. Deo . .................approved___............................3.................................................192............, relative to the grading of alley in block 3, Ryan Place from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvementis......_..................... _.....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...._'kO¢ er _pfro 1 091. b0 �ti t i total coat thereof is $....... ................... _........... Frontage 2,519.72 ft. Inspection 021.40 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... ......................... _.................. ........................... _.......... ..... ....... _...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... .............................. ........... .......................................... ...___ ._... _.................................................. .... --...................... ............. -- -- _........_, 5. Said improvement is .......... ................... ............... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ..................... ......._.................. .....__ ._......__._...._....... • --......... ....•....—./ Commissioner of Public Works. ko�, a I ,� � i T 401 VA �%^elPa rrieR � ga f fV biic �vir s7 JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ETIOIN.ER GEORGE M. SH—RD.CMV M.—A. B. SHARP, SUrt. Of SANITATNRI WM. N. CAREY. SUIT. OI CplETRUCNGN ANO RVNR G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. W WORI[ - G. H. HERROLO, OIFlce ANo WTi PLANNING ENnINW I December 29, 1925 Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in block 3, Ryan Place from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street under preliminary order C.F. #63393, approved December 3, 1925: Estimate of cost 61,091.50 Inspection 21.40 Cost per front foot .40 Frontage 2,519.72 ft. Yours very truly, � 7hief Engineer. Approved for transmission to mmissioner of Finance: Commissioner of Public Works. GMSAB : jrOA CITY OF ST. PAUL iae"`IL�/--3L5.�-- No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Febrxvfty 24, 1926 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts end fills, in the grading of alley 3n Block 3, Ryan Place, from Hartford Ave. to Randolph Meet, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63394, approved December 3, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. -F. #64155, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That .the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the -amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, auto and fills, in and upon the alley in Block 3, Ryan Place, between the above mentioned points, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated February 24, 1926. :hioh plan and report are hereby referred to and made e part hereof* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson i Hodgson McDonald / Sudheimer / Wenzel / Mr. President _-7....In favor _..C�.....Against FR 2 4 192E Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192.---- rFR 9 4 4G2t...----192..---- Appr ved...... -.................. --- - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works �- v REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In tile matter of condemning and tcking -n easement in the land -necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Alley in Block 3. Ryan Place, from Hart -ford Ave. to Randolph St, under Preliminary Order C.F. 63394 approved December 3, 1926. c.nd. Intormcdicry Order G.F. 64166 approver', January 26, 1926 To the !%euncil of the City of St- P:ul: The GOrl,, sioncr ,f -ublic Vlorks hereby submits and makes ,. -i,c.rt of this, his report, a plcn of the above improve- ment, shoving by the shaded ;jortiun of said,plan, the fills to be made on lXi^ate ;,rcl)crty, and by the hatched portion V.10 cuts to be made on ,)rivato property, and the extent of th.o easoment to bo tekcn by the figures op;)osite, such shaded and h-�tchcd -,? .rts of such plan. D^.te: Cor=issioner of Public VJorks- 1 I ALLEY BLK.3 -2YAN PLACE SLOPE PLAN B�reou � Enginvarc Dec. 19, 1925 �XIX-18946. �IL I1, T I CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOER ?F FINANCE :. ON PRELIMINARY ORD R / (A) In the matter of C1nnrie nl. d + 8--1# — ti al nnPar nl,' esnrl o `f 1 . Place from Hartford IT— o ",nh at under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as. last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT Is-- ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Ry.:n Place 1000 2 3 do 850 3 3 do 650 4 3 do 050 5 3 do 825 6 3 do 600 7 3 do 775 8 3 do 750 ' 9 3 do 750 _ 10 3 do 725 TOTAL. F—i. B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS16NER OF FINANCE » - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT .8-K ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11, 3 Ryan Place 725- 12 3 do .725 13- 3 do 725- 14. 3 do 725 15 . 3 -,. do 72 _ 6 16. 3. do 725 17.. 3. do- 725 18 . 3 . do 725 �. .. 19 3. do 725. 20 3 . do 725 t __ 21 3 . do 725 22 3 do 7?5 23 3 do 3 725.. 24 . 3 do 725 25 . 3 , do 900 26. 3 do 1400 27. 3 do 1500 z� 3 do 1500 29 3 do 1500 .4 30 3 do 1500 .31 3 do 1500 - 32 3 . do 1500 33 3 do 1500- .34 3 do 1500 35 3 do 1500 .36 . 3 do 1500. 37 . 3 do T500 TOTAL .1 A .. (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS41ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTIOA LOT BLOCK 3� 3 39 3 0 3 :1 . 3 42 3 3 3 45 3 46 3 �7 3 48 3 48 3 49 3 50 3 ADDITION Ry; -.n Place do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 1500 1500 15-0 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 100 1500 1500 1500 1900 ,1•571725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -. / 192 �C06,issioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the. Commissioner of Public;. 8. Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 3,3 192 ppc emb er_..30..:...._19.25............ :192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63394 December 3, 1925 Council, known as Council File No...... ..... __...................... approved _._............. _.........................._........................_._.....192....... _.... relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of elley in block 3, Ryan Place from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .. ........... .... _......... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........... XXX---.. and the total cost thereof is $ ............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ................ _......... ................... ............. _.................... _...._____..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..._............................................_........._... ........................ ............ — — 5. Said improvement is ...... ........... ........... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. 71 COUNCIL FILE NO. By.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... grading. Sige.1...S.t....from_J.ohnson_P.ar.kway_to. Qlarene.e...St. with_an approach and -drainage. ditch on said -Si.gel..St— to. a .point. 220 ft. east. of Clarence_ St..., C. F. No. 64571- In the Matter of grading Sigel St. from r_.. _., _ .... _........ _...... ..... _.. .. _...... ......... ......... .. ........ .... ..... Johnsons Parkway to Clarence St. with an .approach and drainage ditch on said Sigel St. to a __. _. .......... .. ......... .. ..... ............ 88 $04..,............ __.._ _........__. ......_.......... Preliminary [t east oY. Clarence 9L, un., OOct, 27, 19y Order 82749 appreyn: ct. 87. 3925. .,:>.. .............. ............... ............ ....... A public heartnB havlog y+ .. .. ......... ... under Preliminary Order ............ 62749. -. - -- approved .......... Oat— -27,-1925,.... . ........... Intermediary Order ............. _ __. .... ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council - -- having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is—grade Sigel St. fro.m..Johns on...Parkw.ay. to Clarence St.....with_an approach _and _drainaBe,ditch.o.ns.aid.S gel,St.. to...a point .220 ft,, east . o.f _C..larenee_ St„_._ j and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is4)ereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 a 1926 Adopted by the Council..._. __.................. __._..__._ ........ _... ................ ......... Citv Clerk. Approved-- _.._ -� Q 2 4 4926......., 192......... ` Mayor. ,/t'ouncilman Clancy — 02 i-;7� +� J ,/Councilman Ferguson _ jo /Councilman McDonald /Councilman FX= Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer l 77ouncilman Wenzel Mayor ?Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CIT,VPTb0*ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 6F FINANCE RI=PORT OF COMMISSIOJ(ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR'r 'ORDER (A) .. In the matter of Sar d8 j �St fi'rom STnhn S:)n - -Tky 3r_ to 02 • rear — anoroach a.rd drain:_�e ditch on Said Si Cl St Lt - +r,+ ��n Clarence St.._ under Preliminary Order approved— O "7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $1., 675-.66 - front The estimated cost pel foot for the above improvement is $ 2.00 - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 13 6 Ohae. A. B. 'freidels Subd. 200 .14 f No. 5,Add4tion to St. Paul 525 15 6 R:,:.,sey Co. '.inn. 100 16 6 do 500 17 6 do 900 is 6 do 100 19 6 do 100 0 6 do 1®0 21 6 do 100 TOTAL, Yorm B. B. 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL . - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIVIONER OF FINANCE + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 Oh -s. A. B. Weide's Subd. 100 23 6 NO -5 Adddl0ion -_o St. Pc al 100 24 6 Rte..:. cy Oo . Minn. 100 All of Lot 1 & Est L of 2 15 ' w E. R. Bry;_,tIs &_iod, Blocks 15 �- d 16 Stinson's 25 75 t 2 15 ;lest ?1 -of of _ ::ces St. Ad__ ion to 3 15 St. P ';1, R _ ey Co. PG4-nn. 50 4 �5 do 50 5 15 do 0 6 lc; do 50 7 15 do 50 6 1. do 50 9 15 do 10 10 15 _o '0 11 1� do 12 15 ao 50 .r 3, 525. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z - 192 _ Commissio r of Finance. Form B. 6. 12 It VT* St. Paul, Mian. If, .— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. M RAV Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --- -- .... -- St. AMC. from __ _yGr vz�_St. to St. Ave. NAME . rpm Mf i, ME ®r �' Lr.— i Q It VMA r j Office of the Commissioner of PubbR NY&## EISA Report to Commissioner of Finance _ov....._19____... _............. 1x2..__...._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under epnsideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.. 6274....9Oct.27, 1925 ..............approved....__O ..........._192 ............. relative to grading Sigel Street from Johnson parkway to Clarence Street, ...........__.........__._ ......_. ...._._.. ......... .._..._. .. _ with an approach and drainage ditoh on said Sigel St. to a point .. 220 ft. east of Clarence St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... ........ .._............... necessary and (or) desirable. 2.00 per front ft. 1,875.68 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......... ..............._.___.........., and the total cost thereof is $...... ................ ..... _.......... Frontage 236.6 ft. Inspection $36.78 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ... _...... ........... ....... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. AN Q 4. 4�Jkt-parhnz�eRAF of[(JobbIikv JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER - GEORGE M... -.R.' CRIER dGINEEfl WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OP CORSTRucnOR ARO REPAIR G. H. HERROLO, 0P ARO CITY PLAR — dO1NEER November 14, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Dept. of Public Works Dear Sir: M. S. R­S­. . BRIOOE EARiINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OF SA1rtw G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORRM . I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for -the grading of Sigel St. from Johnson Parkway to Clarence St. with an approach and drainage ditch on said Sigel St. to a point 220 ft. east of Clarence St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #62749, approved October 27, 1925: Estimated cost #1,875.68 Inspection 2% 36.78 Frontage 236.6 ft. Cost per front foot 2.00 Yours truly, cis"""' Chief ng� ineer Approved f or tranemisaion to Commissioner of Finan0e4 / Commissioner of Public Works. CJ .- . -V COUNCIL NO...: x.64572 CITY OF ST. PAUL cae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1i Febivary 24, 1926. in the matter of oondemning and taking an aseement in the land neoesaary for slopes, outs and Pills, in the gradAn of Sigel 3treet from Johnson Parkway to Clarenoe Street with an approsoh and drainage ditoh on said Sigel Street to a point 220 ft. east of Clarenoe St., under Preliminary Order C. F. #62150 approved Oot. 27. 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. 164157, approved January 26, 1926. The Oommissloner of Publio Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, outs and fills, in and upon Sigel Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attechea to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter dated February 24. 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. UOUNCILMEN Yeas Napa /Clancy Ferguson -/Hodgson 2IXDonald ,Sudheimer / Wenzel Mr. President (.......In favor ---_---0.....Against FES 2a 1926 Adopted by the Council...... Appr �'-FETA-'/T192...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 4p F Department of Public Works a REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In tlzc 7-.tter of condemning and taking an easement in the land :necessary for slo•3es, for cuts and fills in riding of: aSigl St. ndedrainage oditch nonnsaid Sigel oSt. toclarenaepoint Stree2201ft.aeastproach of Clarence St. tox %xMitew frRim Preliminary Order C.F. 62750 approved Oct. 27. 1925 c.±1? Intcrmodir,ry Orclor G.F. 64157 approveo- Janu^.ry 26, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Pnul: The Comrrissicncr of zublic Works hereby submits and m-.kes part of this, his rc;-)ert, a plr.n of the -.hove improve•- mont, showing by the shr•ded ,)ortion of said 01,.n, the fills to be made on pri•.atc ,�ruoorty, end by the h.-tched portion tho cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the ciscraent to bo t^.kon by tho figures op?osite such shaded and h^.tchc6 ,)arts of such plan. D^.te: � Cormnissioncr of Public VJorlts. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE RJEPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) fnr In the matter of—_e riit t dpi ni° rye=e P' kwaa RT C)7PFT- Cellia. ` to Ol rnn0_e 5 --Th :n C.i to � -join 220 ie• t e, -,et of olai-ence St [] ?7 under Preliminary Order approved---nt--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ - - The lots or parcels of land that may beassessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Pur- B. H. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 13 6 Chas. A. H. Weidels Subd. 200 14 6 No. 5.Additiou to st. Paul 525 15 6 Ramsey Co. Minn. 100 16 6 do 500 17 6 do goo ld 6 do 100 ig 6 do 100 20 6 do 100 a 6 do TOTAL. 100 Pur- B. H. 10 $3.525- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated L ZL 192 -- Commissioner of finance. Farm B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f► i ON PRELIMIIARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 22 6 Oh'@s. A. B.'Weidels.Subd. 100 23 6 No -5 Adddllion to St. P-ul 100 24 6 Ramsey Op. Minn. 100 All of Lot 1, !� East of 2 15 E. R. Bryant's Subd. 25 i5 West � of 2 15 of.Blooks 15 and 16,Stinsgn$s Fr:Lnoes St. Addition to 3 15 St. P ul, Rev:rey Op. Minn. 5C 4 15 do 50 5 �5 do 50 6 15 do 50 $ �5 do 50 15 do 50 10 15 do 50 do 50 12 15 do 50 $3.525- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated L ZL 192 -- Commissioner of finance. Farm B. B. 12 Office of the, Commissiofter of Public- t Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Nov ^0 925' _Nov a mb a r. ,.19_.,_..,.19 2 b.---.192...-....._ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 62750 Oct. 27, 1925 Council, known as Council File No ......... _................... ..._approved .... _...... ..................._........ ..... ................ __.-...-...192 ............ . relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ..................... _.. __......._..._.-. ...._._.._......... _._............... _._....... - ........... _­ .... _..... ... .......... .. slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Sigki Street from ....................... _......--__._...._._....._..... _............._.. Johnson Parkway to Clarence Street with an approach and drainage _ ....._._..._.......... ....... _..._................... ..........__....._...._...._.._......-........._...-_...-......__.............._.. ditch on said Sigel St. to a point 220 ft. east of Clarence St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... _........... ..... necessary and (or) desirable. XXX XXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._......-_ ............. ___.-........., and the total cost thereof is $- -- --.._ - -- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ _...... ... ............... ..... ..__..... . 5. Said improvement is............................._.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...............__._......_.__........_................_-.........._.....--..............._ Commissioner of Public Works. k1b LI r" __645 3 x COUNCIL FILE NO.— By., O.._ . In the Matter of.. grading -.alley _.in...Bloek_.3, Edw.ard_L...McAdam,.s...Ad.dition and Block 3_Lexington.Park Plat. r#l,_from Syndicate Ave._ to_Hamline Ave. and from Bayard..Av.e.,. to East and West alley,__ C. F. No. 69672— ......... .... .......... In the 3, Bd of sradln6 alle9 .'In ._. ... __.. __.. _...._.... ....__.._._ ......... Black , Edward L AfoRdam's A.M. Lon and Block 3 Ixxington Park Plat -No. 1. i•-�m 8,vndicate Ave. to ........... ............................ ............. .... Bamltna Av.. ..... ......................... ......... to Eer.-'�ID Bayard Ave. �, under Pre- under Preliminary Order. 63491 _ _ _ _ _ _approved... .. Dee. 8, 1925 .... ... ............ .. .. ...... Intermediary Order......... _ __ _ __. _ approved... __. ....... _._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the , E.dward.L._McAdamis Addition -and Block on Park Plat #1, from Syn..__ ._ _. _.. ___ _ to gatpl e..... and PromBayard Ave,_ to. East and West alley, be and the name an he ebv rF:+re14°d, anwilW, and nadnded �f11 P10wMinp in said maf..�,, he and t Council hereby order said improvement to b made. RE OLVED FL`RTHER, hat the Commissioner Public Works be and is h eby.instructed and directed \tar epare plans and sp cifications for said impr vement, and submit same the Council for approvalt upon saidapproval, the proper city officials a e hereby authorized and dir ted to proceed with the ing of said improvemert in accordance pr . FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council ... ___ ...____ 192....... FER 2 4 INS Approved I 1 1 1...._ 192...... /Councilman Clancy ./S ouncilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald �Councilman7VUa£% Hodgson 'Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o ; n Txl nck , Edvr!': d T IcAd r I s Ad - tion antBlock� In the matter of—fir '. ton ? Tk "lot #1 fro: Syrndtc.e to H :. iue .d iron; B } rd Ave. _Lexi.. ., -- _ — _—: To e-st ziiid ..eet _-I, ey. - under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -->- front g2.12 The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 3 2 3 3 3 �* 3 5 3 t b 3 7 Eo: -t 40 fejt of 3 lest 10 t. of Lot 8, & e Ft 9 3 30 fert of Porm B. B. 10 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION Ler.',.. t:, r. • .i'=: '1i�t 1 1x50 do 950 do 600 do 400 400 do do i00 do 325 do 325 do 325 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ON COMMISSIONER F FINANCE . MIORDER `C/ • DESCRIPTION 'Nest 20 ft. of Lot 9& fe t of Test ?0 ft- of Lot 10 &E. 10 ft. of „est 0 - t. o_' LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 3 Lexie., ton r rk ^r7.: t 1 11 3 do 11 3 do 12 1 z 3 do A- tl;n -o 7 :.O 3 do 5 3 do 6 3 do 70 CLO 9 3 do 10 0o 11 3 do 123 do 3 Go 1 ao lj 3 CLO ,► "% ASSESSED VALUATION 325 1625 0 ".5 50 700 300 32; 300 1550 700 3100 3b00 5.7 00 00 2:0 300 300 350 ?t3o,l'-g3, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G Dated Z- �� —192— Coma ' ner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To The Honorable, The Council, VA St. Paul, Minn. City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cau the following improveme t to be made: ............... c=------ _...........--......_._.......__..... - -- ' - - _ - �.._...._C%.. .._.._...--" - ........-....... from_..._. ✓_-.-- - �..-..._=_... -- Ave. to—E�'_L� _ _.... __......... ................................ -.-.....-. --- NAME LOT BLOCTK ADDITION 3 ,. A f� A� Scc% i..- 300, JJ II N gRTFOr?D AVE. BAYA!?D AVE. q SCNFF.�'ER � ST. to 'r .4 'o OL o sT F ut_�w OT7-o A y z A - 3 /. Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance - December 17, 1E 71�8�1 ....... _..................... ............_._._._............_..........__ 92..._....._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63491 December 8, 1925 Council, known as Council File No..... ........ . .................... -approved . .. . ............. - .......... ...................... ............. ............. 192 relative to the grading of alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam's Addition and Bloc_k._..3. ._Lex ngton..._P.9.7Ek._.._.._t.o....Hamlina.......--- Ave. and from Bayard Ave. to east and west alley_. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...__...._ ................ _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 0.42 per frp�t ft 579 87 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... .......... _.._._. and the total cost thereof is $ .......................:_._ ............ T, Inspection $11.37 Frontage 1380.11 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ......._........... ..... ........ ... .... _.-............ ............ _ ..... _........ _.... ...... _.... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... _.._._.............. _................. _............................. ........ _............. ....... __..................... ........... .........:.................. ._._................ ---............ _._. 5. Said improvement is ............................. _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... . Commissioner of Public Works. v'p `SA E T,Cy�`�f3VM '�p e1P:a 040-1100fh V r ��Jry l i v�Wglrr JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. DHEPAR D. C -1E M. 5. GRYTRA N. D [ ERCIHEsa WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. Dr --T--A D. SHARP. SDPT, o W E G. H. HERROLD. 0111- AHD .11 rLA N— EN --R G. P. DOW LIN. Suri. av oaK�iDDs December 15, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam's Add. and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat #1, from Syndicate Ave. to Haml*ne Ave. and from Bayard Ave. to east and west alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63491, approved Dec. 8, 1925: Estimated Coat $579.87 Cost per front ft. 0.42 Inspection 11.37 Frontage 1380.11 ft. Yours truly, C hreX zngineer. Ap roved for transmission 17 t tbe Commissioner of Finance. omm ssioner of Pdblic Works. 10 r St. Paul, Minnesota, February 1926. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn- Gentlemen:— We, the undersigned property owners hereby enter our objection to the grading of the alley extending from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue between Hartford Avenue and Bayard Avenue, the undersigned being the owners of the majority of the property abutting on said alley. I rf. 7 - Addition PI 111P, 4110 I rf. Ar. ..--U"w, NO --- ----61574 CITY OF ST. PAUL roc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES04UTION—GENERAL FORM Lary 24. 1926 ? 4 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, onto and fills, in the grading of alley in Block 3, Edward L. MoAdsm Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plot 1, from Syndicate Ave. to Hemline Ave. and from Bayard Ave. to East and West Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63498 approved D-eoember 8, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64153, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted.his report and plan in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the d ermines the t of le o be taken the abo named improve ant as an as ement for alo e; cute and 11a, in and up n the alley Block 3, Ed rd L. MoA am Addition, a d Block 3, L ington Park 1st 1, betwee the points of ressid, to th extent shown upon the plan attache to the repor of the Commi ioner of Pub io Works in the mat er dated Feb ry 24, 1926, fah plan -and report are her by referred to and made a per hereof• be and the same are hemby crseeliad, annulled, sed mfth Jed sed epi proeeedbw in said matter be d;z=: inuW-j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays. Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President /----...... In favor d. -.--Against Adopted by the Council-------------------- 3--� i�... 192.---- _.. s 4 lk£^ Appro 192 --- .--..- -----------------------•--...-.-...-.- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIM COUNCIL In the m..tter of condemni-rig and taking an easement in the land ::necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of Alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Add. and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1. from Syndicate Ave. to Hemline Ave. and under Bayard Ave. East and West Alley Preliminary Order C. F. 63492 approved December 8, 1926 anal. Intermediary Ord^.r C.F. 64163 approved January 26, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Corn.iissi^nor �f _-ublic Works hereby submits and mrkos ri part of this, his report, c. plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shc.dod ,lertion of said plan, the fills to be made on private ,)rcporty, and by the hc.tched portion tho cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the e^.sc:ment to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatchod ,)arts of such plan. Date: Conunissioner of Public Works. T_l ~Indicates Cut. !A - Indicates Fill. T�picol Notation'iu. Figures above line show Cut or Fill of properiyy line. Figures below line show disfonce tOwhich slopes ex}end beyond properig line. ALLEYS-BLK.3"EDWARD L.MSADAH ADD. �r. BLK.3-LEXINGTON PARK -PLAT I. aaA nnaA-'Ii.� 4AAW0.j ' E. NJB • 2Y3JJA I TAJ9 N9A9 NOTaNIX3J•E.NJ8 1IA-l9 39oae _ a�sanign3 �• � s�u9 ilS81 .OS A30 OA:I-alR�2 OT881-XIX Loc. Book 1777. I ARTYORD AVL. 3 L-EXI N GTO N PA 2 FL_ AT I 11 10 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 GAR. _ STUCCO CM. $NEO 'FR.GAR. • -.-. . -..-.-:r,�-vj uzer�:; , i<.,��,,a FR GAR.�� i „r� ami r ,; -_;,. ,,.,.. r_ _. -„ .,, .. .. iFRGAR-', FR.GAR. IFR.GAR., it 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL •DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARji ORDER' lA) Condennin id t cir �n n to I' n� nP P�� -T� fo' In the matter of -e Fl nPeS I'll• .[: R :I fid. rc l l r the r rl' • of • l l — i n hl Ir Edd; =d La YeAdam Adaition and Blook Lexiiijton ' rk 'lat 43 •'turf Synd c e to H, --.line anal from B,Ly:.,;d Avenue to E, -,t 'end "est alley under Preliminary Order approved DeC Ac To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ �p oar The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BWCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bast 40 feet of 8 (Rest 10 ft. of Lot 8, & e%st 110 Peet of 9 F-- S. a. 10 3 Lexington P-rk plat 1 450 3 do 950 3 do 600 3 do 400 3 do 4o0 3 do 'Ilio 3 do 325 3 do 325 3 do TOTAL. 325 CITY OF ST..PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIVARY ORDER lC) DESCRIPTION West 20ft. of Lot 9& E.20 feet of West 30 ft: of Loi 10 &Z- 10 ft. of West lt0 ft. of a LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 3 Lexington Park Plat 1 11 3. do 11 3 do 12 1 "3 do Edward L. Mokdam Addition 2 ao do d0 do do 7 g 3do do do 90 do 11 3 do 12 3 do o 1 3 do 15 3 do w 4` ASSESSED VALUATION 325 1625 50 300 300 300 3550 00 - 0 3700 32� 300 300 350p 42 030,463• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 192— Commissip er of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Pub 8 3w Report to Commissioner of Financia ��e'•..,,�,, ,.' et DEC 17181061 Deo_emb.er._.17..,...._1925......_192............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63492Dec. 8, 1925 Council, known as Council File No........................._...__..approved..__.........__._............._.._......_._.._...._..._................192..........., relative to e_ondetuning_an....__t_�king___an._esa_ement.__ n_._the.__land._neo.essary_..4r........_............._........_ slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of alley in Block _. _...._. _ _ . __..._.... .. ..... _..... ........ L. McAdam's Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Ple_t . 1.__from...,.,_....__._ -............ ......................._--._.._............._........ ................ Syndicate to Hemline and from Bayard to east and weat alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ........... .............._..necessary and (or) desirable. ........... and the total cost thereof is $.....XXXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......�cxx — _..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a phrt hereof. _................. ..... ...... ............_...... -- 55. . Said improvement is................................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /- - M �,�� ....... ................ ... ..... ....!'"�'-,r ---'...................... .._ Commissioner of Public Works. Yeas - X4575 CITY OF ST. PAUL FlLENGIL NO...... - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (� J' _,t__ n 'n February 24, 1926 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and main- taining a public sewer, on, under and across, the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyside Plat No. 2, from Juliet Street to Alley in rear of said lot, under Preliminary Order Ci. Fe #63132, approved November 18, 1925, and Intermediery.Order C. F. #64143, approved January 26, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St'' Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The Esetly 8 feet of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyside Plat No. 2, from Juliet Street to alley in rear of said lot. COUNCILMEN '_Xlancy ,/Ferguson ,,'Hodgson / McDonald Sudheimer. Wenzel / Mr. President C• -F:•: We. 846,76 --By S. 8.- the Matter of condemning and tak- 1119 as eaeelrientfor the Durpose conettucting and matntafnlag a the -aerl On, ua der and Remo. the easterly 8 ft. .oF.,Lot 12. Block 1. tugnyeide Plat.—, -.2, from Juliet st to Ailey. in r fearof said let,' Cinder P,rellmlaa.Order C. F- No. 69182, approved Nov. 18, 1926, and I. 6313 - - diary Order C. F. No. 69192, approved The Is toner of Public Works taylag eubmltted hie report. and .ketch in the abdve matter, be tt Resolved, That tha clty of gt Paul }areby daea and determines the uhount of land to he �takeD for the ibove named-1mDrovemeat to be as ollo�ye: The Enaterly .8 Feet of Let 12 Block Iia Btoanalley ft�.roar rot said j TUllet AdlDted by the Couaell Feb. 24. 1928. Approved. Feb, 29, 1928. (Fab. 27-1926) Nays adopted by the Council._ FEB 2.4-1926,--__-192... FES 2 4 1926 �. Approved ...... ----................--- ..192...... ?)—AgainEt In favor MAYOR fib; ,ry- Lks JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. Q. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIOG[ dOlNun GEORGE M. SH ARD, CHIV dOIN[en A. B. SHARP, SUP.. oP B..NRATION WM. 0"1" N. CAR", W".. OF CON.inUCTiON ANo RVAIR UPT oP WOnKHOU[[ G. H. HERROLD. M-CrtY PLANNIHO ENOM�. G. P. BOW LI N. B - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer, on, under and across, the easterly 8 ft, of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyside Plat No. 2, from Juliet at. to Alley in rear of said lot, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63132, approved November 18, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. Fc #64143, approved January 26, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land Is more particularly described as follows: The Easterly 8 ft. of Lot 12, Block 1, Sunnyaide Plat No. 2, from Juliet Street to Alley in ream osaid lot. commissioner of Tublio Works. February 24, 1926. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT' OF COMMIS, ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINr ORDER 'In the matter of CnndenniuW?nd I kin, an e`taP pnt f r tre nirnnce of ennstnioting and maintninga rnlnlir• sewer, on, undP.-r anC acrass the eacierly R ft e ff Tnt 1P, Rik- 1 SlInlairgicip. plat No 7_ f T 1i t Si to Alley in Par of c,irl Int under Preliminary Order approved Nov 18, 1925 — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $� o The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION y 12 1 Sunnyside Plat 2, St,P ul ll!06 Minnesota i �1 r' a �i a . TOTAL. i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Puhlic Works. Dated Com sioner of Finance. Form B. B.13 j Office of the Commissio er of Public Vii Report to Commissioner of Finance A To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: December 17, 1925. DEC 17 MS' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63132 IJov. 18, 192b 192.........._, relative to Council, known as Council File No...... ..... _........................approved.............................................................. . condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing__.._.__ ......... and maintaining a_...public._._eewer_.,..._on�._..under._and,.__across..,..._th_e,.._eaete.ly._....__. _8..._ft......_of_._Lot__12_,_.__Block. 1......._9nnnyai_de.__Plat....No...._._2...__from.._Jnlis.l... to Alley in rear of said lot. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....................................necessary and (or) desirable. xxxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...........................___. and the total cost thereof is $............................ _....... ........._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ...... ............ ........... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pnblic Works. �J - Gldi'6 COUNCIL FILE NO. .. .____.._..._.. By__ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..eurb.ing Lafand. Street from. all. Avenue, C. P. No. 64676.— In 4676—In the Matter or u rbing Lafond Street - - - from Grl -gs Street to Lexington '.Avenue, under Preltminary Ord, t 62661 approved Oct. 20,1926. .... ....... ............. ............... A PUDItc hearing having been ... .... ..... "upon the above Improvement upor .... ....... ................. .. .......... ... .......... ............... ........................ ............ .......... ............ under Preliminary Order.. 62651 .approved..... _O.at.....20, 1925._.. ........ Intermediary Order....... approved. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ourb_Lafond. Street_.from..Griggs Street to Lexington Avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...F.EB..2 4..1926......_ ................... 192.. A _.. Approved FEB 2 4 1926Citv Clerk. 192....... Mayor. ,'Councilman Clancy -/Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald ,/CouncilmanI=r.X Hodgson - ,�Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 4/Mavor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C0MM1Ej51QNhK yr .� ON PRELIMOHARY- ORDER I. In the matter of OUT 'Anr T" under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $1, 656 -3 front 80:73 _ The estimated cost pet/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 7 Rath Licin;-,,ton 2nd Aad. 5475 14 7 do 4,00 13 7 do 5600 12 7 do 51 ``0 11 7 do 1850 10 7 do 5000 9 7 do 450 8 7 do 4850 7 7 do 1,650 6 7 d TOTAL. 600 Farm B. B. I$ CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMDPSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -_. ASSESSED d • DESCRIPTION LOT 8LCCw ADDITION VALUATION 5 7 Ruth Livin,ston 2nd Add. 4950 4 7 do i 4250 3 7 do `1500 27 do 515.0 e 1 7 do 66go �3 8 do 6075 12 8 do 4550 d 11. 8. do `550 10 �, do I 4500 9 do L350 g do 41100 7 do 4550 6 do 4350 g 5 do 4650 4 �. d0 4900 3 g do 1225 16. 6 do 525' 4 y �7, 6 do 600 18 6, do 4650 19 6 do 4900 20. 6 do 4700 21 6 do 4350 22. 6 do 600 23 6 do 600 s 24 6 do 600 M t 2s 6 do 5100 26. 6 do TOTAL 4500. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI [NARY ORDER (B) _ ... - .. soon - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 27 6 Ruth Liv_ni:Lston 2nd Addition 4400 28 6 do 600 29 6 do 600 } 3o 6 do 7650 17 5 do 5375 19 5 do 4150 �9 5 do 4750 t 20 do 4350 E 21 5 do x.200 22 5 do 4700 23 5 do 4400 24 5 do 4500 �5 5 do 465o 26 5 do 265o 1 5 do 5400 TOTAL. 221,175. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid hatters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public, Works. Dated 4 Co. sinner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: C.UHHIHG.,...._ox�-.......f,�. ffc ci------ St. in - Gr igge n-Grgg° - _........ ----- __.._—St........ -- Ave. is - �' ✓ �. �F.y ` � :� 7 /\ i VE Office of the Commissioner of' Public Report to Commissioner of Financeu`";����''t���$`' Deoember 19, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 62651 Oct. 20, 192o ... ...... relative to Council, known as Council File No.......___._- ................ approved __...... _..............................._....._.......... the ourbing of Lefond Street from Griggs Street to Lexington _ Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... _........... _..... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 73¢ per front ft. 1,656.36 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ .................... _............... and the total cost thereof is $ ...... ................. _.._........ ....__., Inspection $32.46 Frontage 2,266 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... _...... _... _...... .......... _..................... ................. _.... _.______...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ................ _........... _............... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ......................_._............ ....... _.._---- _.._._-----. Commissioner of Public Works. r 9 e�Lp a ihIo b` i ck 10APJ V JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBENOINDER GEORGE M. SH EPAPO, CH— EnOINEEw AK, BRIOOE WM. N. CAR". SUM. OF—ST—ION ANO I`—A. P. SHARP, SUM. OF S111—IONG. H. HERROLD, OFNC[ ANO CITY PUNNING ENOiNEen G. P. BOWLIN, SUM. Of WORNNOU[[ December 18, 1925. Hon. B. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of Lefond Street from Griggs Street to Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62661, approved Oct. 20, 1925: Estimated Cost Coat per front ft. Inspection Frontage $1,666.36 .73 32.48 2,266 ft. Yours truly, . s45,2�; e �Ingineer. Approved for transmission —r to the Commissioner of Finance. commissioner o 0 or COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ By._. ............... FINAL ORDER 6457 In the Matter oE.cons.truc.tin$ a s.ewer...an_yyarw.iGk. Aveu..e ,frpm...Randplph.,.... Street to _the . center. of Niles Street, C. F. No. 64677— - ' '.In the Matter of constructing a sen•r,... .. .... .......... ............ .............................. I on 'Warwick Avenue from Ran dol s 3[reet to the center of dies so under Preliminary Order 63602 :t ....... ...... ............... ....... .............. ............ ........... .................. proved Dec. t6. 1926. A '.."le hearing havin8 h" �7.4n the +hr.'".!mDroVem•'t r: ...... .... ..... .._..... _. ..__....... ......."" __....... _. __.__.....__..... __.._ .......... .._......... .........._ .. ........... under Preliminary Order...._ __63602. approved.._ _ DQE.•....CJs...ZSz°J.r...............__......... Intermediary Order............ ..approved... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..construct a sewer -on Warw.i ok Avenue ...from Randolph..Street...to.. the center_ of. Niles. Street, _ ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncifE13. 2 .191x.._.. 122,._ ................ APPro cd _ FEB 2 4 100 _ /Councilman Clancy .Councilman Ferguson //Councilman McDonald /Councilman VEMXX Hodgson founcilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Manor 'Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ' Cit Clerk. 192....... ................................................. Mayor. / �UBLLSF� CITY O— ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `t REPORT DON FRMMI^ SIONNARY ORDER OF FINANCE AW r In the matter of . r-enai:i -of FM under Preliminary Order approved—DBC 1' 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - =ront - - - 8_2.19 The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form R. R. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Kenna's Rti.11do1,.)h Ld4ition 575 35 do 275 ,4 do 275 3, o 275 32 do 275 31 do 275 30 do 275 9 do 275 28 do '75 27 ij 275 TOTAL. Form R. R. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELfMfNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 KcrinL,.'s R ---1--!,h .,d— 275 25 do Th.t -)-,�it e;L-t if Lo-,. 4, .-e us rt:coided in -1-1ok H. of 1,)3,000 Town P1 ti; e 2, z— t 7 of the '-:-rt':, 27 es of t -"e of the S,utIir est ti -id (exce t H the ':jr�heL.;t I'; if the 8-uth. ef3t 4 if Section 10, 28 R -n, e 23. ?'x.106,475. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. '1011 Dated-- 192 ' 1--- �'-- , W � n. B. 1) CommissKner of Finance. St. Paul, MinnL�-1--_192-U To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. St. AnEr. to— Ave. "'4' 1-1 0) /1/iL,tF s Office of the Commissioner of Public' Www. Report to Commissioner of Finance E; r JAN 6 1926 Janv a ry 4 ?.....192.5 ..................... 192.......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63602 5 Council, known as Council File No._........---......_......_....approved_............._.....Deoem............b..er .... .._....... 1 ......_ , .................. 192 .. 92......_.., relative to the eonstruetion:3f a _sewer on Warwick Avenue from Randolph__-.._.__._.. ......_ ...._..... ._......_.._.._._..- --- ._.....---. _............. ................_................................ .... Street to the center of Niles Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- ............ ..... _....... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2.19 per front ft. 2,188.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...................................and the total cost thereof is $.... ................. ...__...... ....___, Inspection ;43.00 Frontage 1,000 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ......._.._......_..-........................... ...................................... _.................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ --.............................. _..................................................... .........__..._...... ............ ............ .............................--- _........... ...._.-------- - --------- ... — --... -- 5. Said improvement is_ .......... ................. ............ ...._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - .......................................... 01— ................._..._....._....._................__..._..._...._.........._......... Commissioner of Public Wor . /rILIP �V�fjff [FrAU_& 11 JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNMLL. D-.— COMMISSIONER M. S. GRYTBJkK, MIM- GEO RGE M. SHEPAMV; MV ENOINPER A. B. SHARP. — -1 S­_ WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. op ­- R-­ 13"LIN, ­ — —K—. HERROLD, 0MCU MD June 12, 1925. Hon. ZftU E, commissioner of public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Warwick Avenue from Randolph Street to the center of Niles Street, under Preliminary Order C. P. #63602, approved December 15, 1925. Estimated Cost $2,188.00 Cost per front ft. 2.19 Inspection 43.00 Frontage 1,000 ft. Yours truly, pproved for transmission o he commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. 64578 COUNCIL FILE NO.. __ _ _ ............... By.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... Curbing both sides .of..Blair_.St._..betygeen..Hamline.. Ave!, and _Albert Ave.., __. C. P. No. 64678— ' "I, n the Matter of curbing both"" .' Hlair St. between Hamline Av Albert Ave., .under Prelim Urder 62106 npprov.d d�ept 38 ........ ..... .. ...... ........ A public hearing bavl'na been - - - -- _upon thn above improvement upon . Cey�'a 7 .... . ha0ing .................. ............ ................ .... ....... .............. ............ ..... .. .......................... ... ............. ..:........... under Preliminary Order.. 62105 ._ _ __approved..... Sept,... ............... Intermediary Order........._ ..approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,- be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.Cui:b_ both ..sides _..0f_Bla.ir..St..._be ween...... Hpline_.Ave._ and_Albert Ave., _ _ ......_.. __ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council_.. _ .. ..........__ __. _. ___......, 19 .... ......... ..... .:........_ _.. FEB 2 41946 Ci y Clerk. Approvt•tl__......__....... _......_ _....., 192........ / Mayor. ✓1y- uncilman ClancyCouncilman Ferguson - ouncilman McDonald g Souncilman7DFZRXX Hodgson ^ founcilman Sudheimer v 11 councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REIPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J (A) In the matter of C irbj np; on )oth, Sidel; of Bl air c+ bets een H' "lire Ave. and Alo_rt Ave. under Preliminary Order approved— ' 1 q. -L To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is s864.- 1 - 2 front The estimated cost perffoot for the above improvement is $0.72 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: F—m n. A. 19 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT Is— ADDITION VALUATION 30 6 S}i,d c;,te No. 5 id..i ion "1950 29 6 do 3975 28 6 do 4275 27 6 do 5225 26 6 do 3025 25 6 do 4175 24 6 do 675 23 6 do 675 22 6 do 925 21 6 do TOTAL. 49'5 F—m n. A. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE low REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 20 6 Syndia.,te No. 5 'Add. 19 6 do 18 6 do 17 6 do 16 6 do 1 11 do 2 11 do j 11 do 4 11 do 5 11 do 6 11 do 7 11 do 8 11 do 9 11 do 10 11 do 11 11 do 12 11 do 13 11 do .. 1 11 do 15 11 do A rESSED VALUATION 4175 4' 25 4175 3875 775 750 '375 4225 4225 ?875 2025 2675 4575 3625 5475 '025 3375 3�� 5 5475 X102,550. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I)ated—_-_.. _x—.26-- - _192 1 C —--.'-__---- ommissf r of Finance. Form R. B. 12 $L H�7ay pity `Ootiinc;l a i,._ At. Paul_, i[ian: ate th(s ua�tex#ue�i propel;y +ensrs Rouiel like tc have sic o air a that you tek* the necessary steps to have same installet as eeurly Be possible .f l n. [i "UEJF--TF ��U❑U � t1_, E Office of the Commissionler of Pudic "I, - Q J Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 29 8881 December 19, 1925 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 62105 approved........_September 18,_ 19292 ........ _... relative to .._.._...... Council, known as Council File No......._.._. the construction of curbing on both sides of Blair Street._.. ......... ...... ...._. _................................... between Hemline Avenue and Albert Avenue. and having investigatedthe matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...................................necessary and (or) desirable. 72V per front {{++t 864.12 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._ ......................__............, and Jt total cost thereof is $ .............. .......... __............ _, Frontage 1202 ft. Inspection $16.94 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ............._...... ..._.... _....... ................. --- ...... ._....................... _..._....___..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ....................... _.... ................ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..........................._.......................__.._......__.._.._..........._.. ..__..__.._....... _ Commissioner of Public Works. a CITY OF A 1 vwL tip-� C"M- aw*r Public` IN40V ) JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMJSSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SX EPARO, CM[F ENOINEEw WM. N. CASEY, Hurt. OF f BTRUrn.n Ano RVAIw G. H. HER—. OFRCE AND C— PLAnnvw Elwm[eR December 18, 1925. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE ENOIn[ER A. B. SHARP. SUrt OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SU". OF WOwNNOUSK I transmit herewith preliminary eatimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Blair Street between Hemline Avenue and Albert Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62105, approved September 18, 1926: Estimated Cost $864.12 Cost per front ft. .72 Inspection 16.94 Frontage 1202 ft. Yours truly, Jn � / g Approved for transmissio Chief rei o the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. t--- 64579 COUNCIL FILE NO. ............. eN By - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.construeting cement.. c.urbing_on the.... southwesterly-side._of the servloe..drive_ on Como Boulevard. on east _side ..Of._Cozno..Par.k.,..from Como ............................ AvenueNorthto Lakeview Avenue, -' ........................... . . ............................ .. �In the Matter h cso thwgtg ae � curbing on the southwesterly _.. """ of the service drive on Como Boule . yard on east slde of Com . , ' under Preliminary Order.._ _ 63131 _. _ _approved .......Nov .,....18.,_..1925.. ......................'..... Intermediary Order........ __ __. -approved ....................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is construct_ cement...eUrbing_ on. the south wes.terly..side...of ..the. service _drive on. Como_Boule.vard on the. east side -Of C.omo...P.ark.,...from..G.omo.Avenue. .North tc..Lakeyiew_Avenue., ... .............................. ............................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council_.. _ 192 FEB 2 4 t ................ ... ...... itv erk. Approved 192........ Mayor. ouncilman Clancy ouncilman Ferguson h �� �d —� ouncilman McDonald /Councilman ZMK HOdgs on :/Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i.. Cm OF ST. PAUL '"ff DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP pRT OF COMN.VSIONER OF FINANCE` ON PRELk1KINARY ORDER lath tier of Construct�nr. ee::,::a curbing on southwesterly side of the service drive on Como BouleVLSd on e_. s;, --de of Co^',o P l , from Como Ave. No. t1- Lakevieti, Ave. M under Preliminary Order approved 'TnV 181 1925/ y1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost pefoot for the above improvement is $ C 52 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Part of the Southwest 4 of the Sout'.Y:est .w of the Soutaeast el =o pert of the East of the Bout' -west k of Section 23, Town 29, Ran,.e 23., ASSESSED VALUATION 234,000 TOTAL. 7,4,:o q0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 14-- Commi>❑er ofP'i—❑ce. Form B. S. 13 C � Z � St. Paul, Minn. _192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to- cause the following improvement to be made: _ , -._.-.................. __._..._._........................... ............_..........__..............,__._......._.__._..__._...-------.-- -. ... - -- _....__....—_St. Ave. ADDITION 5Vlf i IQ i' C(/fT TACE STAi✓O /57TL f/ r ,SEC. 23 T29, RZ3 ST 5T• ,� INK AWAR YLA NC ST. Office of the Commissioner of Pubfi In 11 . Report to Commissioner of Finance Qs z" �. DEC 1.'11325 December 11, 1925 ................. .... -................................. .................. ........... _....... 192........._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 6313118, Council, known as Council File No......._._.._ .................. approved_._..................-.................-November..................,......-..........1925.....192............. relative to the construction of ourbinIB on the eouthwesterly eide oT the •._.__...._.._aerviceriveono_._oulard on theeaet..eide_oi_Como-.Perk,...........- _ ._d____ _ from Como Ave. Northto Lakeview Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....................................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is ffi..-...........62¢...Per fan%nthe ioR21tcost thereof ie x......_1,176.51 Frontage 1,948 ft. Inspection $23.11 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...............-............... _......... ..................... _.................... _......... _.-_---- -------- _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ---....... .................... ....................... ........ .................. ...... .........---... ... ........ ........... _............ ....... ......... .... .- 5. Said improvement is ..... ...................... __...... ._........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY D�F,��iJ R 11Y � f1%R O P.44- i sTc"[Ws JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH ARD. CNIEF ENCIREEx M. 5. GRYTBA K. BRIDGfi -11111RWM. N. CA—. SUPT. of COH STR—.— ARU REPMR A. B. SHARP, SVPT. of SAH ITATION G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE AHD CITY PLwRRiHc ENCINEEa G. P. BOWLIN, SVPT. OT W -111U11 December 10, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of cement curbing on the south- westerly aide of the service drive on Como pouleverd on ease side of Como Park, from Como Avenue North to Lakeview Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. J63131, approved November 18, 1925: Estimated Cost $1,178.51 Cost per front ft. .62� Inspection 23.11 Frontage 1,948 ft. Yours truly, J of Ingineer. le -4— Approved for transmission t e Commissioner of Finance. omm ss oner of Public WorkA. COUNCIL FILE NO .... ____................. By.... .... ___....... __ .... _ . _... _.......... FINAL ORDER 6j[. 15M In the Matter of.. constructing.. curb.ing..o.a..bo.th..sides_..,o.i frwn Forest St.....to..the_ east line _of. Mendota St,,_ FNo 64580— .. _.. _. ._ _ _ ....... ._. ...... �InIC..-:�th Matter of canatrnonng. curb ,Ing on Loth sId oY Flude Ave ,from Forest 6t. to the ea .t 1l of Mendota. St., under Preltme.. inar---- ....... ..._- Order 83390 aDProved Dec. 3, 18sr A Dub11a hearin¢ "!ng -bee, a thT r�fic ,'* r .h+ -'i! rt .,r . 1. 1 ......... . ... ...... ............ ......... ................ ...... .... .. ............. .......... ... .......... ... ..... ....... I...................... under Preliminary Order. 63390 _ _ approved.. DPC. 3, . 1925., ......... Intermediary Order........ approved.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ; RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is constrict_ awbing_on_bpth,si, de,s of iiUdson Ane.....from..Forest...St. to. the east line of Jdendota, 5t., ........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .._FEB .2.4.1926., __iz 192 FEB 2 4 192 Cit, Clerk.Approlyd_.. _. _.__ ....__.,.._....., 192.... Mayor. /ouncilman Clancy �' ,,-Councilman Ferguson }� ,,2ouncilman McDonald , `ouncilman plc= Hodgson councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. '- CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONEI? OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) n+ In the matter of dones.y.t t omo on bI)th iva frn r - to _tile _--esifit_1] 7 ,+ �t (.D under Preliminary Order approved-- Dec. 192 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $1.74Za front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 A. Gotz<,dn - Subd'n. of 1000 Block 76, L. D_:yton's 17 Addition ?600 18 do 500 �9 do 525 20 do 1825 r_1 do 350 22 do 2375 24 ,do 1975 25 ao i'175 26 do 1175 F.rtm 6. R. 10 TOTAL. - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL i 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE VIP REPORT OF COMMISSIONk-R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , �{ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 27 A.Gotzuins Subd'n of Blk.76 700 29 L. Dayton's Addition 1150' 30 do 250 The North 64.25 ft, of (21 A.Gotzains 8uod�n.of B1k.74 2450 do (2o Ly:azin Dayton's kd:!ition s 19 do 3750 t 1$ do 2700 1 1Z do 1950 16 do 1525 1� do 2325 All of Lot 1� & E,3 of 13 do 150. j The �,est .3 of 13 do 10:j0 r--nd all of 12 11 do 1675 10 do 1250 9 io 1 600 S do 375 7 do 5300 TOTAL. I $44, 425,, i 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /y 1 Dated CornnAsioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Min n.LllgV --192Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. fro, ____--St. Ave. to- St. Ave. 141,1�1 , cS1"X; cS!�-c 33 —7-09 rfuo S U iv /;yvE-. � w -- - -- - -- ------------- / P% z >��f '#moi.' q.l i►J" �►�,i' 'I ," � �l , >��f '#moi.' q.l i►J" �►�,i' 'I ," � �l , r .office of. the- Commissioner of Public V''o1AOEiVSO I h 2 ReReport to Commissioner of Finance e o;+� P DEC9 1385 December 19, 1925,.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63390 December 3, 1925 Council, known as Council File No..........._.........._............approved ................. ................_................................... ............. .192............, relative to the curbing of both sides of Hudson Avenue from Forest Street .to the east line of Mendota ..... --....— ._.... - ._........__— ....................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..__.._ .......................... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__..65V per ..., a At total cost thereof is $.......77.4.59 Inspection $15.19 Frontage 1205 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................__.._.__ ...:......... ... ......... ._.._:.................. ...... _............... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is........... ................. ._................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. .............................. .........t._........... ..`....... . - . Commissioner of Public Works. V 'CI`fiY VJF��ti AIN r✓FAVL I?ne n 1 �119efR& �fr Fq UP l 1 C WW, ki9? JOHN H. MCDONIIALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. - LNOINEOI M. S. GRTTBAK. BMME ENOIREER WM. N. CARM SUPE. OP EAI.TR.CTON - "-I- A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OE SwNiwT10N G. H. HERR OLD, o-- CIn PLNI - ENTINEOI December 18, 1925. G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OP WORK - Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of curbing on both sides of Hudson Avenue from Forest Street to the east line of Mendota Street, under preliminary Order C. F. J63390, approved Dec. 3, 1925: Estimated Coat $774.59 Cost per front ft. .65 Inspection 15.19 Frontage 1205 ft. Yours truly, �z b, Chief gines . Approved for transmission the Commissioner of Finance. ommissioner of BubliZT Works. IA CITY OF ST. PAUL r cn�OUNCIL No...... J64t- -7� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R_, In the matter of opening, widening and extending Ford Road by taking and condemning that part of Lot 13, Block 3, Edgeeliffe Addition No. 2, lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly lines of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3 of said Addition produced across said Lot 13, Blobk 3 of said Addition to the North line of Ford Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63218, approved November 20th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64142, approved January 26th, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his renort and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows : That part of Lot 13, Block 3, Edgecliffe Addition No. 2 lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly lines of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3 of said Addition produced across said Lot 13, Block 3 of said Addition to the North line of Ford Road. In th$ _taaiter `o ybpenfn Monona ing and xtea ss g widening and conda�aing ft6et Dardt ,of'7�ot t18 Block 8 ' Edge@lttre Addition• -t 2, lying 8dutbk �-- , ..w of the NQ_2, wes'etly,�i i•1 „.n, 31 and 12, O Produced aid U1` COUNCILMEN MAR 1 9 ,•w Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ------------- -.......... ----------------192---_-- v7erguson Appr ed..W-A. -------- .. .192... . Hodgson ...kIn4avor , .McDonald -- ------- MAYOR 8udheimer ___._- .....Against 3 — 7— J Wenzel j "r. President . CITY vF �, �IIIYT�f A'UL D ,e a1r,FIniAerrt�h to�F I�Jun'bui c� ry res JOHN H. MCDONAL D. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENOINFER WM. N. CAREY, SWT. OF CON.TROCTION ANO REPAIR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE AHO C- PLANNING E "'- ---REPORT TO "T -M COUNOI:,--- M. S. GRYTBAK, BR.-. -'.- A. B. SHARP. SWT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF wO--. In the matter of opening, widening• and extending Ford Road by taking- and condemninrtr that nart of Lot 13, Block 3, Edgecliffe Addition No. 2, lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly lines of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3 of said Addition produced across said Lot 13, Block 3 of said Addition to the North line of Ford Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63218, approved November 20th, 1925, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64142, approved January 26th, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report; a plan of thI above improvement showing- the land necessary to be taken therefor•by the shaded nart of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows : That part of Lot 13, Block 3, Edgecliffe Addition No. 2 lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly lines of Tots 10, 11 and 12, T;looi: 3 of said Addition produced across said Lot 13, Bloc$ 3 of said Addition to the North line of Ford Road. ommi.ssioner oT Public or s. Dated -February 24th, 26 a FORD ROAD Lot 13 Blk.3 Edgecliffe Add.NOZ OPENING Bureau of Engineers N ov. 17 1925 Scale I 100 XVIII 1390:a- I 6 „ W -�, EDGECLI.FFE---.,;: ST9 CATHE� INE PAi K Sj ADD. IoNQ. r i0 I Q l 15 1 M 14 I Ii / O O 12 Q� �0 12 I 13 12 p FORD- ROAD o - i 7 s r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIISIONER OF FINANCW ON PRELIM! ARY ORDER (DJ In the matter of OnPnY tri d en and ext erd Foal nart of Lot - 13. R1 ncic .3, E'i.-el i - e A.1 I ion'0. T a i-' ^+^ ly of the Sout'hae t=rly lines n= int 1! 11 rd� , Rlask id- Addition -)-,c) Lined anrn,s s ; 4 T.n+ _ the "'orth line of Ford nad under Preliminary Order approved 11 -1 " 20, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except hart t;,; -en for Ford Road 13 3 Ed,,:eclif:-e Addition No.2. 393,850. '11so inolues other pro^erty TOTAL �'93,, §50.po, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date,!----- Z---2 Co ssioner of Finance. I'- U. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public.: Report to Commissioner of Finance p,'t�' NOV" W 1 November 23, 1926 ,eo To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No63218 Nov. 20, 1926 192......_..., relative to ..__....._........,..._..._..approved_._ ........ opening, widening and extending, Ford Road by taking and condemning _ _.............................................. _... _........ ................... _.......... _.._...... __................ __..................................................... that pert of Lot 13, Block 3, Edgeoliffe Addition No. 2, lying M ly _ ................ ....................... ....... .. . of the SW'ly line of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 3 of said Addition fro-dud-da-eo=oss acid Lot 13; Block 3; acid addition to tfie nortfi line of Ford Road. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _ ..................... ..... necessary and (or) desirable. axe xsga 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......._.................._._. and the total cost thereof is $ ........................__............. —, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ............ ...... ........... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...................... _.___..._._.._....... ._ Commissioner of Public Works. V .b'YN$ 8468 o'M' ," •f, "'V p y the ,Matfer o 'ii b9g; 7�Yond, Bt. b ween Avo��y Y,l -,tZ Sa under Pee. 1, E5Y 4: ilk Stet„ -6338$ aDD oyed Dec. 1, t9E6` o yubno ,hearlpe ha%.g beep 4 upon the above Imyrovement u9aYq nottnoaomd the C-nell having��� 7 oh eotlona ^ re COUNCIi'i;Xl. "Ic'.... By_ ............ .... ..._....._ _......__ ......... .. ..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... curbing...both. sides_ of Lafond..Str.aet. between Avon Street and Victoria, Street, _ __. _ _................_ ._.... ._ ........... under Preliminary Order.. _ 63335_ ... approved Dec... 1,-1925« . ... - -- Intermediary Order ... _. __ approved_ A public hearing havinglbeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is o.urb. both Sides of _Lafond. Street between Avon...Str.ect... and Victoria_ Street, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That'the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR - .3 1.9,26 Adopted by the Council.... __............_... ___._. ..._..._...., �n�R _ F26 City Cletk. Approved ......... _ ......, 192....... t _ _ __.._ _ ........... ................. ......... // Mayor. ✓councilman Clancy �� uncilman Ferguson e.� ✓uncilman McDonald d oaunci man Mm HO Ss On quncilman Sudheimer i✓ ouncilman Wenzel vor :Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE E REPORT OF COMMISSIOIER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of----�-°O' it s d''"of T o :c St' e -t 'oet• e _n kwon St. t and Victor--Str:-i t. . __ under Preliminary Order approved--- Dec e 1 19 1) - To To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $- 608.38- -- gTont 0.69 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the' Assessor, are as follows: TOTAL. F•mm n. Y. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 30 i4 S_ odic: to ao. 3 .�d.:ition 600 2c, 4 do 550 28 4 do 4 do 1550 26 4 do 1650 25 4 do 1300 �4 4- do 27:0 do 12,0 22 - do 1600 21 do '100 PO 4 d° L350 19 do L500 18 4 do 5:,0 �7 4 do -10o 16 . 1:0 39 �0 TOTAL. F•mm n. Y. 10 CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSICJJER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Chu e 3 -os. lliciFion .•o.13 5800 2 1.- ;,ion ,o iie C ty of 1400 3 st . 'uul, =(inn. ,: 3800 do X750 5 do 3300 6 do 4-00 7 do 3450 8 do 3100 9 do X650 10 do ;650 11 do :: 4650 12 -'o 4200 �3 do r"0` 0 1:: do 3550 �5 do 50o 65,600. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 11orks. Dated --- 1926---_--1—_—_._ Commissi r of Finance. LLQ �,� a '; �� �,, gkxy�Yp .. y.�p3r'�^` �, •�'�fi � y, .. . - i. a J � 1 REV r q' r� gl. F D _ Dn�rs o'�Gdrd s - l •:� d C M1 � Biu . •,e'..'-.<:,�.-z�. kti� a�! �.'"'.e. .,.� ruT .k:��' n._ .. . - . �� t.i�JP�. 4 4 . v._ a�#.T ..:t ... .. t IRECMED Office o1 the -Commissioner of Public .V e3 y Commissioner of Finance - Report to Cotl� DEC 19� 1986 December ..._.19_r_..._192 5..._192.........._ - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having -had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63335 December 1, 1925 .............. ........a roved. ......... : ................................... ........_. 192...._._..., relative to Council, known as Council File No..........._.._....._. pp ._ curbing of both aides of Lefond Street between Avon Street _ and Victoria Street. ..:................................... __............. __._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. _......... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 690 per frondt ft. 808.38 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._..........._.._— ............. an the total cost thereof is $.... .................... —_............. __, Frontage 1186 ft. Inspection. $15.85 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... .......... .......... ...... ._. _. ........ -- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ....... .... .......... .... - ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner 04 Pnblic Worke. "b Hon. J. H. McDonald, commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both aides of Lafond 'Street between Avon Street and Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63335, approved December 1, 1925: Estimated Cost $808.38 cost per front ft. .69 Inspection 15.86 Frontage 1186 ft. Yours truly, (112 - j'1'). J _ C e Engineer. IF Approved for transmisei to the Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of k6ji, Works. v. �p pAar nen�Cgf [PPunbli - cam, JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY C- M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIM. ENOINeE. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Cv1EP ENBIND•x A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OP SANRATION WM. N. CAREY. SUR. OP C'ONB2RUCTION .wD RPM. G. P. BOWLIN. SUR. OP WORKHOU.. G. H. HEIIROLD. OMC. AND CIT' PIAVNINO d61vDw December 18, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both aides of Lafond 'Street between Avon Street and Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63335, approved December 1, 1925: Estimated Cost $808.38 cost per front ft. .69 Inspection 15.86 Frontage 1186 ft. Yours truly, (112 - j'1'). J _ C e Engineer. IF Approved for transmisei to the Commissioner of Finance Commissioner of k6ji, Works. Febrnarp 24th. 1926 Ron. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Pia,ones. B u. 1 1 d i n g. By dear Condssionert ''19 enclose herovith Petition of ae- mmstranpe in the matter of curbing beth sides of Lazfond St. between Anon and Victoria, Streets. She matter of this bprovement bas bem laid over to Ma"b. 3rd, by the Council, and the :hove petition referred to yon. for chat r- Basoectllilly y-cnzs. City Clerk. �P�1�i 11i81i iI I -Mance _ aftu of at. Paul _ I- C. HODGSON, CGMMISSIONM K. L. FIESELER, OMnrr' LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF of BUREAU OF A6SEWMEK" 116-17-18 COURT HOUSE February 26th, 1926. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked the petition of remonstrance annexed hereto, filed in the matter of curbing both sides of Lafond Street between Avon and Victoria Streets, and find that it is insufficient as it does not contain the requisite number of signers as provided for by Section 243 of the charter of the City of St. Paul. Very truly yours, Cc i ioner of Fina ce. � 3 , JA '/ C. J. McGLOGaN - - •HAROLD J. RIOROAN ann . Ttt; of oatttt �rv,e. «e.n a� TMeor�Isclo rvan ov neeiarnct�ory CLARENCE A. STORMS (®Sire of (ng (Bierk February 24th, 1926 Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance, B u 1 1 d i n g. My dear Commissioner: We enclose herewith Petition of Re- monstrance in the matter of curbing both sides of Lafoud St. between Avon and Victoria Streets. The matter of this improvement has been laid over to March 3rd, by the Council, and the above petition referred to you for check. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. W6 IN THE MATTER OF OURBING LAPOND ST. BETWEEN ( R/ 177 AWN ST. AND VICTORIA ST. TO The Honarable City Councils Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, here -by protest against a proposed improvement described as the curb- ing both sides of Lafond St. between Avon St. and Victoria St. under section 243 of the City Charter, and respectfully petition that all prders in this shatter be discontinued. Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota. Deoember ki 1925 r••r••••e••isiirr•rr••••i•rrrrr•••rrrri•i•r•irri•r••r i•iiiiiii NAME ADDRESS ♦•••r♦♦rrr•r••rrr•rr•••••i•riirrrrr•rr••r•i•�rr•rir•rr•i••rrr• Qp o'd q 01 v.r i 77 IU �1 ti V +yti Q,i tat(! Of f"1 e i ) s s Conn � E. J. Jones, beim; du1j sworn, deposes and sa;,-sthat he signed and cir- Cula .. , P X16 t each petitiones'signed the sane as his or her free act and deed for the uses and / purpo_;jes_t'^erein expressed. 26th da- s pec. �t n .,.......�..n.s,n., o.....e_.. a,...,.,i.. Minn_. , NO..CITY OF ST. PAUL COtUrvc11 --'..... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL/RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - RESOLVWThat the City of St. Paul �1 pay One Thousand Dollars' ($1,000) in cash to the person or persons furnishing information leading to the arrest and conviction of the men who shot and killed Officers Peitsch and Schultz on February 23rd, 1926, or if said men are killed while resisting arrest, the City will pay said amount to the person or persons who furnish information leading to their location and identifi— cation. C. F. No 84686=13y J. k;, Clancy Resolved, That'the City of 8t. Paul j1,ii 000j In -ash to the De soa orone Thousand �D r - ,sons furnishing; InfeZe,tton leaillnB.to-, twhA h and keSt =4 illed�otfleersiation of t Peltsoh and he men Schultz on Febrdary 23rd. 1928, or ltsaid. iaen are kilted while reststldg arrest, .'the L•It Y willto t DaY'eaidsigbant informaton lead tnBBon or I,rto theirOneo location _- and tdentiflcation. ' pdoyted by the Counoil,Feb. 24, 1926. ADDroved FFeebb 227 10201 FEB 2 41M Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- -------192..--- FEB 2 4_1926- 192...... Approved ... -... ---- ..... ----- -.-- ............................... MAYOR Yeas CO�UCILMENNaYs ncy Ferguson7Vpodgon ................In favor ,/;McDonald nn .-..---- .- ...Against ����`Sudheinler y Wenzel rMr. President FEB 2 41M Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- -------192..--- FEB 2 4_1926- 192...... Approved ... -... ---- ..... ----- -.-- ............................... MAYOR .6 %4. F€ COUNCIL NO FILE S WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by the Roosevelt Hos— pital, Incorporated, requesting the permission to use the present retaining wall on the east side of lot 14, .Irvine's Enlargement, for the purpose of constructing a wall of a proposed hospital building thereon; and also requesting permission and authority to cut down said retaining wall so as to make the top thereof level, and WHEREAS, the City Building Inspector and the City Bridge Abe Engineer I have reported the wall Abe of sufficient strength to permit such use, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said Roosevelt Hospital, Incorporated, be, and the same is hereby authorized to use said wall for the pur— poses above described; provided, however, that said Roosevelt Hospital; Incorporated, shall be liable for all damages arising to either person or property as a result of the levelling of said wall, or of the use thereof. FEB 2 41996 ('OUNUILMFN Adopted I>y the Council---------------------- -----------------192....-. Yeas Nays e�•6 2 4 1926 Clancy ApprPvcd-- ---- ....... 192 -/Ferguson " /Hodgson ...... ......In favor /McDonald ........ MAYOR /Sudheimer P....Against —7 – Wenzel EUBIISEIRD / Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL rmlei,iu.d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tegot . vtx� 1iuflph.-•>i. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GF„N ERAL FORM .6 %4. F€ COUNCIL NO FILE S WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by the Roosevelt Hos— pital, Incorporated, requesting the permission to use the present retaining wall on the east side of lot 14, .Irvine's Enlargement, for the purpose of constructing a wall of a proposed hospital building thereon; and also requesting permission and authority to cut down said retaining wall so as to make the top thereof level, and WHEREAS, the City Building Inspector and the City Bridge Abe Engineer I have reported the wall Abe of sufficient strength to permit such use, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said Roosevelt Hospital, Incorporated, be, and the same is hereby authorized to use said wall for the pur— poses above described; provided, however, that said Roosevelt Hospital; Incorporated, shall be liable for all damages arising to either person or property as a result of the levelling of said wall, or of the use thereof. FEB 2 41996 ('OUNUILMFN Adopted I>y the Council---------------------- -----------------192....-. Yeas Nays e�•6 2 4 1926 Clancy ApprPvcd-- ---- ....... 192 -/Ferguson " /Hodgson ...... ......In favor /McDonald ........ MAYOR /Sudheimer P....Against —7 – Wenzel EUBIISEIRD / Mr. President C. J. McGLOGAN A M' U} �J{n�' HAROLD J. RIORDAN o eouv�saioven ov n....rnwriov Tit! ■ o f On i • 1 taut CLAREN M A. STORMS Os Odire nIIIfi (Itt{t�•••Cork a 4\ February 17th, 1926. Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of P.P. & P. Bldgs. Dear Sir: We enclose herewith communication from the Roosevelt Hospital, Inc., by Max Beutow, Architect, requesting permission to cut down the retaining wall along DTinth Street near College Avenue, for about a length of one hundred feet, in order to allow for the basement windows of the new building to be erected at this location. This matter was referred by the Council, to you, for investigation and report. Respectfully yours, I City Clerk. `u February 15, 1926. Honorable Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The Roosevelt hospital, Inc., is the owner of Lot 14, Irvine's Enlargement, which lot is on the northwest corner of Ninth Street and College Avenue. The lot is about an average of 9' high above the Ninth Street sidewalk, and the difference in grade is taken care of by a heavy concrete gravity retaining wall, which was erected some years ago by the City. The Corporation intends to erect a hospital on the lot the east wall of which it is proposed to place immedi- ately on the retaining wall now in place if the City will permit it. In order to 'do this, we would have to cut down about a length of one hundred feet of this retaining wall and make the top of it level instead of at a grade as at present, in order to allow for the basement windows of the new building to be free, and it may be necessary even to cut a few slots into the top of the wall to take care of the sills of these windows. The building will be 125 feet long, and on account of the excavation being immediately adjacent to this wall this length of the foundation wall would be of no long- er use to the city. The Corporation, if allowed to go ahead on this basis, will carry out any desires which may be expressed by your Honorable Body, and we hope to have your permission to erect our building in this manner. Yours very truly, ROOOSSE�VEIT HOSPITAL, INC Are ec 3 e -a dy(. GEORGE L MASON. Supt. 9F P_ ERNEST W. JOHNSON. BOF[. 0 PLAY6RAI,m9 PRANK X. TEWES. Oren ABCaRa1.T (41tg of Ot, Foul Department of Farko, Flaggrouado and FultUr $ullbingo HERMAN G. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE. OEPUW MMMI-90-M OFIIJ— OP COMM189 —M 219 COURT HOUSE Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, Department of Law. Dear Sir: May I ask you to draw up I will introduce into the somewhat as follows: February 19, 1926: the necessary resolution which City Council, which will read "Whereas, under date of February 15, Mr. Max Beutow, representing the Roosevelt Hospital, Inc., has pe- titioned this Council for permission to place the east wall of a proposed hospital building upon the present retaining wall on the east side of Lot 14, Irvine's Enlargement, which property is the north- west corner of Ninth and College, and also has pe- titioned to out down a length of about one hundred feet of this retaining wall and make the top of it level instead of at the present grade and whereas the city building inspector and the city bridge en- gineer have found this wall to be of ample strength to permit such a disposition, "Therefore, be it resolved that this Council go on rec- ord as permitting the above mentioned Corporation to carry out the desires in this regard, and the City Clerk is hereby notified to inform the Roosevelt Hos- pital, Inc. of this decision, through its architect, Mr. Max Beutow, 1680 Blair Street." L Yours very truly, ��� "�JComm ssioner. HeccraUea Hdpa t9 Alak[ �etlrc tSiliirrm February 19, 1926. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: Returned herewith please find letter to the City CiOun— cil from Max Beutow, and also Mr. McGlogan's reference to you. In this connection, please accept the follow- ing report and please find herewith e letter which I have drafted for your signature to Mr. Stewart, Corpor- ation Attorney. I investigated this foundation wall and made the inspec- tion in company with Mr. Grytbak, representing the City ned the wall inr's office. question, and rs supervised its . Grytbak gconstructi n. Hen states that the outside surface of the foundation wall is on the street line, and therefore the entire body of the wall is on private property, owned by the Roosevelt Hospital, Inc., was constructed abutting property eforutheal aben- rangement of assessing the efit derived. It is of ample strength to support a building many times higher than the one proposed to be set upon it with re- gard to its east wall. Yours v ry tru. Superinten ent ofIns ecion. HSB .. U sagealfaa ikipa to fiWke StUr[ 611fEFae (Qiiy of oi, van, Bepartment of Marks, plaggrounas ana public snilbins GEORGE 4 NASON, ��' Fwwxe HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ERNESTT W, JOHNSON, - IRVING C. PEARCE, OWUf COMMl-'ONM FRANK X. TEWES, OICE OF COMMIWIONER FF C/IY ARCN1i6P 219 COURT HOUSE ®@ February 19, 1926. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: Returned herewith please find letter to the City CiOun— cil from Max Beutow, and also Mr. McGlogan's reference to you. In this connection, please accept the follow- ing report and please find herewith e letter which I have drafted for your signature to Mr. Stewart, Corpor- ation Attorney. I investigated this foundation wall and made the inspec- tion in company with Mr. Grytbak, representing the City ned the wall inr's office. question, and rs supervised its . Grytbak gconstructi n. Hen states that the outside surface of the foundation wall is on the street line, and therefore the entire body of the wall is on private property, owned by the Roosevelt Hospital, Inc., was constructed abutting property eforutheal aben- rangement of assessing the efit derived. It is of ample strength to support a building many times higher than the one proposed to be set upon it with re- gard to its east wall. Yours v ry tru. Superinten ent ofIns ecion. HSB .. U sagealfaa ikipa to fiWke StUr[ 611fEFae rebrusry 15, 1926. Honorable Oounail► City of et. Paul► Minnesota. "Atlemsnl The Roosevelt Hospital, Ina.► is the owner of Lot 14, Irvine►s Snlargement► which 16% is on the northwest corner of ninth street and College Avenue. The lot is about an average of 90 high absve th the winth street sidewalk► and the difference in grads Is tsk= care of by s heavy concrete gravity retaining wall, which was erect - ad some years ago by the City. The Corporation lutes" to erect a hospital OR the lot the oast ward of which it is proposed to place immsdlately on the retaining wail now in place if the City will permit it. In order to do this, we would have to out down about a length of one hundred feet of this retaining wall and make the top of it level instead of at a grads as at present, in order to allow for the basement windaws of the new building to be tress and it may be necessary OM to amt A few slots into the top of the wall to take oars of the sills of these windows - The building will be 125 feet long► and on account of the excavation being immediately adjaawt to this wall this length of the foundation wall would be of no longer use to the city. The Corporations if allowed to go absed on this basis, will oarry out any desires shioh may be expreseed by your Honorable Body, and we hops to here your permission to ersat our building in this meaner. Tours very truly► ROOST HOSPITAL, INC. Mm Sentclt Arabitest. 1380 Blair St. J � { C. J. M.?LOGAN - HAROLD J. R'IORDAN VUUJ CLARE. x eCA. TORE Scrn.nov @Mre of (Mg (Qlerk �1 n �B W* A. A. St 4, CW=aa. auk. J. & countestow of alta volft caas$3.sateaear or P.P. A P. Dup. Darr Ojai We oaa*ao barWdtb eaMMICUUM trM V a Baoss"It t tal, Ina.. bt MOM DGUM a, Ar"14 it, "qul"196 povolosion to wt daft the roWnSas WOU 4=g Etath SUeet 6aaw 0031410, Aw, nw, far about a 1ongth of am ft=A red to". to mt*w to oUnor tar fte bssamauL windwra or the am buMiog to bo enm* d at thle 16MUDn. ft&S MSUW was refored by the E i1, to sea, for WM6411PUM and top*". llespeou'd ld yown, city (,. CITU OF SAINT PAUL FILENCI LL NO.,___- QUADRUPLICATE TD OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER am aLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIO"ORM RES. NO._ 62 — �t TE 2-24 6 y+,� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE D#.TE *' ; CITY TREASURY. TQ'THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF §-_ COVERING J BY-__—_---_—___�—________ ___ — (�\/t COMPTROLLER CHECK9 NUMBERED 1119- - ---- INCLUSIVE. TO j,JlO.- ,� INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE'_.: PER __ ---- ---- `--J- ---------- -- ------------------------ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. $ j TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER -ii TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS it BROUGHT FORWARD ---- ® j it I' C. F No. 64587 Resolved. That cheeks be drawn o II the City Treasury, to the aggregate I,I iypl amount f $51,19210, vering checks 3 umi ered 1719 to 1760 inclusive, a i. per checks o file In the office of the City C�mptrolier. Adontrd by the Correll Feb. 24. 1926. �.PPro.ed£4, 192fi. (Feb. 27-1926) ) • s..-.51�192._1(l COVERING McDONALD. APPROVED - tR CHECKS NUMBERED 1719 To 17-60 SUDHEIMER. - AGAINST COMPTROLLER- - I INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE � `/W ENZEL. OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER.,- MIK. PRES.. NELSON. YES 1 \') COUNCILMEN NAYS (\') PER TOTAL RETURNED ISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION— �-��_- CH CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER Br TRA ER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS v LOCAL SPECIAL FUNDS IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST + PUBLIC, GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS - ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS GARAGE A�—DIT� R 1U= SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING BROUGHT FORWARD 3 51 35 886 675'2 1476 300.04 100 909 9 133 17o 43 146 292 96 17 640 29 785.2 1 261 708 23I 6 43494.16 643 1 1719 9oirdof cater Commissioners 249 61 249 61 1720 '1 " " " " " " 125 93 125 93 1721 1 026 52 1 02b 236 9 283 1722 " " 5 58 1 " " " 268 go 166 56 97 69 I 4 2� J.M.Clancy, aamer. of a. S. 00 1726 969 64 969 64 4 48 y 1f29 " " " 1060 03 1 60 03 I 1730 L.C.Hodgsou, C.P. R.�. 636 486 6 150 00 1731 John A. McDonald, Comer. P.11 2 759 Re 2 179 34 580 341732 ceo.C.Audheimer Comer. P.U. Com=r. P rks, et 1 4 . 2 191 6 1 945 154 4.C.'onzel, 31 94 121 78 e.Park PrCP- 92 90I 'I " " 12 253 7� 12 253 76 678 I 67798 32 32 1736 p a 1 679 66 1 73.6 66 1 9 1 466 54 1 4S4664 54 73 174Q Amerioan Linen supply Comp -m 844 6 9 �9 6 o is 16 @ 9 1741 Burroughs Adding unohine Oom oay any �7_O 1 1`� 2 1 27 a .k 4 e ou aa= iyjh r1k Linen ^upply Com any 25' 4 25 47 174E ^raybar r'lootric Company 292 9 243 292 98 243 174 Vueller ComDany 1746 North .kinerionn Telg. Comrany 3 1 3 72 1747 Noyes Brothers h Cutler lg 18 82 1748 The official source Records d. 239 239 25 1749 Oriental Laundry Company ':levator 1 5 447 1 50 i 7 1750 tis Company :ion 3� 269 58 70 9 I 1751 tt. reltz m 1752 Pure oil Comnnny 165 52 65 113 2 175 'peoialty PTinting Com -any 80 80 05 5 001 1754 ,,tearns Printing Oomnany Company 42 742 20 175 ztiefel m.gterial �� 66 231 1757 Trip tate Tel. & T"elg. Comp y 6 35 $ 1 1 8 Universal carloading & Die. 1 9 "'gAdding Machine Company o. 1 14 3 �4 37 1 97 1766 L2C.Hodgaon, Comer. of Fin. 19 986 9 8lee 11 2 57 rmm, 566 36 6 787 95 � 682 0 108 00 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 01 609 55 11909 772,.1 : � I 511 239 54 101 362 135 122 87 154 685,o1 E 192 MAYOR SUNDRY COU' AC . f5 �` 42 1 i 17 762roY 715,2 1 943 44 816 23 6 527 64 7 094 63 42 75 CITY OF SAINT PAUI. FOU NCIL No 1 1^ � / ' : x'. I Tfl.PIUPOMTE 6Z OFFICE OF THE COMPTI,'.'� L[R RES. No. . V GLANCY. FES 2 a 1926 iION FORM �FERGUSON. i IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -- .192 CITY Cl ERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS-RE6OLU ,/ 2_24 6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF jMcDONALD. I g 92 DATE .192 Fj1�192.-10 _ APP VED r i COVERING AGAINST SUDHEIMER, 1 _ CHECKS NUMBERED 1719 TO 1760 1/ MAYOR WENZEL. - - �MPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE: IN f EIE OFFICE it / O M. PRES. NELSON. YES (d) COUNCILMEN NAYS (I'' OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. PPR 1DISTRIBUTION., _. - DISTRIBUTION - -—'--- RETURNEp _._ _..._..-_.-_ SPECIAL FUNDS _.. TOTAL _. LOCAL IN FAVOR OF DY I' "OND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST --- ---$� Q" PUBLIC SUNDRY WATLR FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AM_DIT=RIUU=• SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING gCCOUI.f TRANSFER DISUR.IM IIT DAIIK Y GENERAL ACCOUNTS REVOLVING CHECKS C11EC'.KS 1 _ � I BROUGHT FORWARD 476 300 04 loo 909 9 '133 170 43 146.292 981 17 64o.29 785.2 1 261 706 23 6 434 84 ;' 6 643 4 42 75 II 3 %4 35 686 675 249 61 I I I 1719 hoard of aterr 0ommie9ionere i'+9 93 12 93 1720 11 a n x 265 022 c�jj I 1 21 " R 1' 1 02 ;J22 1 136 92 1'22 11 R R a 136 97 28 3 35 1 24 ., u 1636 163 26 97 69 4 23 1 R n 268 5o 166 58 1 ?b J. it. 0'1 toy, Obm I z. 00 o f F.I.�9 6 I 9 61 i �� a }35 48 1 060 0 It 11 ,1 1 Oho 03 486 63 150 00 i ^9 1730 L.C. 10II93on, C.P-Tl-.,� 636 65 9 3Z ! 580 34 172 John H. MoDonald, Comlr. 2 7F9 60 2 146 84 r.eo.C.nudheimer Comlr. 11. U. 146 9� 5 31 94 121 78 s.P�rk Pr 92 80 R1'. r. 'enzel, Cam =r. I' rk6, et 191 G R 11 11 P 7i. 12 95 i 6 S 32 b a 1 678 bob II 1 616 6606 II 29s 1 466 64 I I 1 466 54i 1�9 R I 841 96 - 844 96I 174b Amarioma Liaoa cantly Oomrva7j 19 6 2 80 16 8 II l jT� tnarr�vQ4a�i.sill��eu.�oAiae Oom nay O 1 O 12 1743 rlk Linen 'supply OIC^arty 1 1 8 1151 7 I 1' �i 1744 ^zaybar-Alootrio oompany 292 9 2932 98 X745 Mueller Comm ny 243 243 I 46 North American TelfS. Com -.=7 j 3 72 I p �747 Noyeo Brothers & Cutler 18 18 82 i4tf8� The official source Records d. 239 239 25 1749 Oriental Laundry Company 1 5 1 50 j I I 447 001. 1750 tie !:levator Company 447 1751 11. Peltz & son 340 269 8 70 9 i 1752 Pure oil Compan 180 52 65 113 2 f 175 '3Peoialty Printl= Com^any90 1754 ;tearne Printing omrany 5 5 00 ,.. 1 stiefel Material Com -any 742 6 Tel. & Telg. Comp y 273.66. 742 20 I / COUNCIL (� r'y _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL a FILE No. 6' 1 ' `)-4 .. T swura•ATE 62 ,, LLER CC RES. NO. - .. OFFICE OF THE COMPTF'' \/ CLANCV. FES 2 A jQ16 I,. U"ON FORM - �FERGUSON. IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --192 - 1'T cl EF"` Rr soLNED THAT CHECKS RE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOL HO[•, 2_24 6 CITY TRFASURY. TO t1AE AGGREGATE AMOUNT or /McDONALD. % ) APP VED � k ) tl�- 192 DATE 192 , , 51,192.10 . COVERING - (✓/ AGAINST�,w 7 60 6i SUDHEIMER. CHECKS NUMBERED i719 TO 17 �//W ENZEL, -- MAYOR INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILL IN THE Or FICr_ M0. PRES...NELSON, YEC 1 �' 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS f �' 1 CIF TIIE CITY COMPTROLLER. / DISTRIBUTION _ -------'-- -- - -- -" - SPECIAL _ _DS ' TOTAL REnIRNeO - _ __. p - FUNDS -_ - I LOCAL — — - "--"------ - IIY IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST $--�� PUBLIC SUNDRY I. IMIII R l IN FAVOR OF DOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS — ACCOUf.fS � BUILDING WATLR GARAGE AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING i FORESTRY REVOLVING TRANSFER .15LIUR LML.IIf HANK GrN ERAL 1I ACCOUNTS -T` I 133 170 43 146 292 96 17 640 29 785 2 1 261 4 708 23 6 434 84 ,I 6 643'4 42 75 13HOUGHT FORWARD 3 5 4 35 g86 675, 2 476 300.04 loo 909 9 - 249 61 I 1719 Ho.,i.rd of ;atnT OommiGAOWra 1 9 93 125 93 1 20 R �� n 1 026 2 1 a� . R n 1 136 97 283 51 1 � n n n n ?8 58 163 26 4 23 I 24 „ R „ n 163 26' 166 58 97 69 1 268 5o 61 1 ?6 J.It. 0lnnoq,�aomlr.„of �9 64 99 I' 1 2� n „ n 435 48 1 2 „ .I 1 435 49 1 060 03 1 060 O3 I 150 00 I y 1 9 636 651 486 65 580 34 1730 L. C.Itodgoon, C.P.�7. ^. 4 2 179 3 1731 John fT. ldollon+]d, Comlr. .'• i 6 146 84 31 94 121 78 s.P�rk Pr 92 SO 1732 Goo.C.l3udheimer Qom r. I>.U.� �� 1 945 15 I .�. 'onzel, Com=r. P rka, etq. 2 191 67!' II, .I n If , 6 12 253 7 �i „ R 1 22553 7 678 32 1 F, 6 9 32,1 II' 6?9 60 67 60 1 16 66 2 3 R n R 1 71 66 ii j �i 1 466 54I I �' 173$ „ 1 466 541 844 96 j 1 9 » 844 96 i• 7733 1740 am®rioaa Liacna supniy aomP,n 19 6 2 801 16 8 1742 marrouQLa Afleia� aa�oLiae oominy O 1 10 12 21 145 1'Ii ?lk L-1nenupply com^i%ny > ' 1 17ut iraybar *loctrio oomnflny 292 9 292,9 I X715 Vueller Oompzny 243 243 O 4b North American Te16. Oomrany 3 3 72 1747 Noyee Brothers & cutler 16 18 92 174 The official source Hecorde d. 239 239 25 1749 Oriental Laundry Oom;�any 1 5 1 50 I� 1750 'tie levator O�npeaq 447 6 447 001 1751 H. Peltz & son 555 113 2 1752 Pure oil Comp,sy 165 9 252 68 1 3 pecialty Printing Oom-,any so 80 0 l steams Printinngg Oomi 5 5 0 stiefel xatesial Oomrmy 42 ® & Tele. OomP y 6 273 661 742 20 , rS 1�COUNCIL FILE N0 ...... ....... ___--- _........__noynra Assase�rrs By........... _... _........ ...__...._._._..----- ---- C F. No. 69668— In the matter of the sesessmgnt of benefits. coats endtlespesees fA ^trucng curbing on the ee^ �_ �„b •Boulevard -. Resolution of Council. ng Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on the east side of Lake Como Boulevard Service Drive, from Lakeview Ave. to Como Ave. North, under Preliminary Order ............. ._. ..—x5 _......._, Intermediar Final Order.__.. .......... 6.Q21O................_...__......._._, approved.. .......... __._..._June.._23rd......._...._................... -.._� 192. 5 The assessment of......_._.hene.fits.,...._ass.ta.....and .....aX.17_E.AB..P.S_.................... _-for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_—_.._24th............ day of ._.__._._MarCh............:.._.........._..... . 192....6..._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and. City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and, place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. FEB 2 4 1926 Adoptedby the Council.......__.._...._.._ .............. ... _—----- ... _ .......... _.......... 192----. FEB 240% Approved_ ........................ ........................ ..... ._.............. —192—..._. Councilma Clancy /Ferguson Hodgson "McDonald ZSudheimer Wenzel MayoNelson norm s. n. 16 /7 // -ti, City Clerk. Mayor. C..']3'. No. 84688- 1, • yye TI' In on Warwick Aver fron Flat Ave. to a point 6U1.- "A o' - —t- ftnrd COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER on $ UItI li � o vi ll r t: � ti , Montreal Ave. from a point 265 ft. west of Snelling Ave. to west .Seventh St.,.. on Ford Road from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on Hillcrest Ave. from Hamline Ave. to a point 75 feet west of S,*ndicate Ave., on Bohland Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Avenue, on Beechwood Ave, from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on syndicate Ave. from a point 60 ft. south of Otto Ave. to Ford Road, on Syndicate Ave. from a point 60 ft. south of Ford Road to Bohland Ave., on Ridge St. from a point 60 ft. south of Otto Ave, to Edgeumbe Road, on the West side of Edgoumbe Road from a point approximately 35 feet.northerly of the southerly line of Lot 3, Block 9, gest End Edgeumbe Addition to Highland Park, on the East side of Edgeumbe Road from a point 100 ft. southerly of the south line of -Lot 7, Block 17, West End Edgcumbe Addition to Highland Park, thenoe,through Highland Park in a southerly direction to Montreal Ave.,•on Hest side ,of Edgeumbe Road from Montreal Ave. to a point 660 feet south of the center of Montreal Ave., on Otto Ave. from a point 60 ft. east of Snelling Ave. to the east line of Ridge St. and the enlargement and lining of the existing sondrock sewer on ;fest Seventh St. from a point 105 ft. southerly of Albion St. to Otto Ave. Construct storm water sewers on: Pascal Ave. from Hartford Ave. to .Ba"rd Ave., on Bayard Ave. Brom Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., on Albert Ave. from Bayard Ave. to Otto Ave., thence through Highland Park to the intersection of Hamline Ave. and Beechwood Ave,, thence in a southeasterly direction to the creek bed approximately 120 feet (more i or less), on Hamline Ave. from a point 330 feet south of the center of Otto Ave. to 3 Bobland Ave., thence through Highland Park in a southwesterly direction to the storm sewer in Highland Park in ;0gcumbe Road from Syndicate Ave. (produced) to the creek bed approximntIV4» t 400 feet (more or less) westerly. All of which is to be known as the nHIGHL DID PARK ��rtVe• I'r03�i llaf�tt 1:V6��i� ;: rv' ; Beechwood.ve. from Iiar^line ,.ve, to ysuiiea e yndieste : ve. from a aoint (�o ft. south of Otto rive to Ford hood, on 3yndioate ;:ve. from a point CO ft. south of Ford -,oad to :;ohland •'ve., on Midge St. from a point ,0 ft. south of Otto ,.ve. to-dpcumbe hoad, on the V+est side of ':dgeumbe ::gad fro,.; a point approximately 35 feat northerly of the southerly lino of'Lot , :.lock 9, est ',nd .dgcumbo .,,ddition to idghland Park, on the 'Wast side of :dgcumbe toad from a point 100 ft. southerly of thu south line of Lot 7, Block 17, ..est -:.nd djcumbe ddition to ul hland :ark, thence through highland nark in a southerly jirection to Inontroal ve., on ::eat side of Agoumbe i:osd frons ":.:ontreal "ve. to a point C-60 feet south of the cont,;r of Montreal tve., on 9tto vo. from a )oi:lt O ft. ='at of zcll': :: v tQ fisc east line ct - "t. and the 0317.izZ'_�_ 3 an��TinLn 03" �i�ic3.a�3n,. 9c�. oc be40r on 'gest °.seventh >t. from a point 105 ft, southorly of islbion :;;t. to Otto i ve. or, newel's cults �T Ave4 io gaysard ve; on �� , 4549- C. F. No. 846$9.`�.. • `-- -- ! � ° ,t` r'-'' j; In the'Mat- Y,.:Z-jtruoting a"r on Warwick Avefrom A Ave. to a Ant 606 •.• north o' -ntetef of COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oL--gQul tr_u-o-teing_-a--afinen-.on--------------------------------------------- V-,arw3ok Avenue -from Hartford Ave. to a point 600 ft. north of the cent, -- of Hartford__l.ve., on _ Hartford Ane from Warwick Ave. to a point 60 ft. west of Hamline Ave., on r Bayaro ;.v cnue r�-o>,. ""ce.y �- to Albert vc3., on aeanor st. lrom a point 60 it, cast of Pascal jive. to Hamline .ve., on ,lbort r-vo, from Itartford Ave. to Otto Ave. and through Highland Park from the intersection of Albert Ave. and Otto Avenue to the intersection of Hamlin Ave. and Beechwood ,;ve., on Ramline Lve. from a point 60 ft. south of Otto Ave. to Bdgeumbe Road, thence on 14gcumbe Road to Montreal Ave., on Montreal Ave. from a point 265 ft. west of Snelling Ave. to West Seventh 5t.,' on Ford Road from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on Hillcrest Ave. from Hamline Ave. to a point 75 feet west of Syndicate Ave., on Bohland Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Avenue, on Beechwood Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on syndicate Ave. from a point 60 ft. south of Otto Ave. to Ford Road, on Syndicate Ave. from a point 60 ft. south of Ford Road to Bohland Ave., on Ridge St. from a point 60 ft. south of Otto Ave. to Edgeumbe Road, on the West side of Edgeumbe Road from a point approximately 35 feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot 3, Block 9, Wiest End Edgeumbe Addition to Highland Park, on the East side of Edgeumbe Road from a point 100 ft. southerly of the south line of Lot 7, Block 17, West End Ed&eumbe Addition to Highland Park, thence through Highland Park in a southerly direction to Montreal Ave., on West .side of Edgeumbe Road from Montreal Ave, to a point 660 feet south of the center of Montreal Ave., on - Otto Ave. from a point 60 ft. east of Snelling Ave. to the east line of Ridge St. and the enlargement and lining of the existing siEndrock sewer on ;Vest Seventh St, from a point 105 ft. southerly of Albion St. to Otto Ave. Construct storm water sewers on: Pascal Ave. from Hartford Ave. to AY.Ard Ave., on Bayard Ave. from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., on Albert Ave. from Bayard Ave. to'Otto Ave., thence through Highland Park to the intersection of Hamline Ave. and Beechwood Ave., thence in a southeasterly direction to the creek bed approximately 120 feet (more or less), on Hamline Ave. from a point 330 feet south of the center of Otto Ave. to Bohland Ave., thence through Highland Park in a southwesterly direction to the storm sewer in Highland Park in Ed'cumbe Road from Syndicate Ave. (produced) to the creek bed approxilrnt"j� s '1QO feet (more or less) westerly.` 11 of which is to be known as the "HIGHLAND PARK SEWER Sys:j:+ " @1i�1�f► Siu® y►....�� e- _ _� _..-- --- . . _ . o ds+,at,� at9v ro88 a K 46nter of Montreal ve., on "-Si'6. fron -.It `0 t. ;3t of nclli ve !` A' ,Oge '-t. andt, VM at'_=::+u;a anc n ri`� o :� �< 3 n tea. rt?c JG;d or est ieventh ."•t. frOm a point 105 ft, southerly of ilbion :,t. to Otto ;,.ve. d Ave onr r t ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 63606 ------------------a roved --------------- under Preliminary Order_________ PP The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ ----�4IL4tx11Gt_A_� 9T19�_1ll1------------------------------------------------------------------- ..amick tv.oxni,s from iiartford .-vc. to a pcirnt fi00 ft. worth of thle aentPr of iiartfoed ve., on Hartford - va. fror?}-QIIv;i0k - vn. to d Point 60 ft. west of I'aniino ve., on sscal -ve, from p£artford ,ve. to Bayard va., on Bayard .;venue from 1'aseal ~ve. to rlbort ve. on leanor 3t. from yoirxt 60 ft. oast of kdsoaI ;eve. to ionline vo., on lbert vo. from fiartford vs. to Otto ve. and through ti,;,hland lark from the intersection of Albert Ave. and Otto :venue to the intcrseetion of farline •,vs. and Peoehwood ..ve., on ,,amine va. from a point 60 ft. souttr. of Otto Ave. to _dCwumbo lsoad, thence on `-dgoumbe Poad to Montreal "Va., on; i.:ontreal ,.vc. frara a point 266 ft. goat of ,�nelliX AVO. to mat eventh t., on ol-d ::cad from a0mlilne Ave. to :',yndicate,.va. on r£illcr est vs. fro:.: !araline VC. to a pout 76 feet gest of $,indicate .'ve., on _;ohland ixo. from 11malino eve. to _.fndi'cato 4vonu0, on L;000hwood .ve. from fknrnline rave. to yndieate hV0., on yndieste : ve. fror:. a point GO ft. soutb of Otto .,vs. to Ford i,oad, on syndicate .,Va. from a point 60 ft. south of Ford :,cad to .sohland va., on Lidge �t. from a point i'0 ft. south of Otto .,ve. to =-droumbe :,oad, on the ;zest aide of .dgo=bo ::oad fro a point approY4:%Mly 35 feet northerly of the southerly line of :,ot 6, . lock 9, est -,nd r:.dfrcurnbo :,ddition to r1*11and Park, on tho `.,set side of ':dgoumbe ;.oad Prom a point 100 _'t. southerly of tho south line ,or Lot 7, Klock 17, est :.nd ,3,7cwl)o , ddition to ul hland ,ark, themoe t1woutfi £fi,�Jil.and Parte in southerly oireotion to 3�.ontroal ve., on gest side of 'Ageumbe ::cad fror., ..ontreal vo. to a point f'GO feet south of the cent:rr of ziontreal ve., on Otto ve. f mar; ;oi.,t "n t. _ n ;t of nol l.mat line ce r_ i:icl^ © 't. niid tlla3 6YiZz :.�n ern 1T3'ia� as oc 3 7Gr 1 on :eGt >eventh t. fro',' a poi=nt 105 ft. southorly of :albion :st. to Otto we. A Pr S9SOM Gal y h t r {c 7A;Ay4 .�'�..,�'�M �Y�r 'X��gl�.�t; t%1�. t{`�r '�L V �f' I Fj ?. AAJiS ,1{3�j'y'Y�i���� ���A..'�Li�i i'h �'.`wa1t���✓ �'��� ": ..a F 7Ax' t R.Ri' Tf,�y ^,,yXy���C 'ltb " OiJ E, i5 r N(� 3s� Y� ,;"iSLyC` �G 6. e' `1Y ts{tr`"i .yr tr R(�; � �i""7�. �Yr'.4i.+f q ' '' k`N'%w'0x` •: ie ------------------------------------------------------- with ------------------------ -- -----------------------with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 1791680 _00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 2-4,t$ --------- day of -------MSZ'-ch___________- 192-.fi_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB 2 4 1926 Adopted by the Council- ------------------ 192____ FEB 2 4 t9'Fr� -- -- - - -------- -- -- ----------------- Approved____________________________192___ City Clerk. ----------------------- ----------------------- Mayor. 'Councilman Clancy _ 7—c2 / Councilman Ferguson %i LOOD, /founcilman McDonald ///Councilman Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 aim j f � F 0 8►B 5 .. rNPa`fiLARrlw WI s 5 tsgot <9�%=4�I alae trb � , 6 A 5 I:QURCIT in ,lanae counts `.--t Bs�rat=ne CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.... o ".a,�ysame;ge oy � neeesrY- =Ld dem Xo OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK K " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FS RM ,f n. / _ _%__ 0/ , Esol�te� WHEREAS, the City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration has.reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department .for more than their usual hours of employment, Therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment, for extra time hereinafter set forth. Yeas J. H. Pendy, Miss Margaret C, Wiesner, Lawrence Schutte, Glenn E. Ellenson, Mrs. R. B. McClung,, Mrs. Alice E. Failes, Miss Margaret Connelly, John O'Connor, Chas. W. Berridge, Forest W. Crowley, Dewey O'Brien, Arthur W. White, Geo. E, W, Nelson, Otto C. ROmslo, Harold K. Voss, Al. Anderson, S. O'Connell, Leonard W. Wesely, William Weber, Geo. Sadek, Miss Myrtle J. Noonan, COUNCILMEN Junior Clerk -Typist, x n n n It n n it It n n n n It n It It 11n It It n n n n It n Senior Clerk -Typist, It n It It n It It n It It Election Clerk, n n It n senior Clerk, x n --McDonald x n Senior ClOrk-Stenog. _--Budheimer 8 Hours ® hr.., $ 3.22 8 Hours ®hr., 3.22 8 Hours ® hr., 3.22 8 Howe ® hr., 3.22 40 11 40 ji tES 9 5 1424 Adopted by the Council. --------_---------------------------192 FED2a16 App� wed._....-------------�--------------------192..---- --f MAYOR Hours ® hr., 3.02 Hours ® hr., 3.02 Hours ® hr., 3.02 8 Hours ®4 hr., 3.22 7� Hours ® hr., 3.02 7i Hours ® hr., 3.02 1 Hours ®6 4 hr., 11.15 Hours ®6 hr., 4.52 8 Hours ®60� hr., 4.82 3 Hours 0 70 hr., hr., 21.58 3 a Hours ®70'##}t,, hr., 23.70 27 Hours ®bfi'¢ hr., 15.19 78 Hours ®5 hr., 4.22 8 Hours 0 7 hr., 5.66 8 Hours 0 Nays �Ho� ................In favor --McDonald _--Budheimer ....Against —Wenzel rMr. President 8 Hours ® hr.., $ 3.22 8 Hours ®hr., 3.22 8 Hours ® hr., 3.22 8 Howe ® hr., 3.22 40 11 40 ji tES 9 5 1424 Adopted by the Council. --------_---------------------------192 FED2a16 App� wed._....-------------�--------------------192..---- --f MAYOR Hours ® hr., 3.02 Hours ® hr., 3.02 Hours ® hr., 3.02 8 Hours ®4 hr., 3.22 7� Hours ® hr., 3.02 7i Hours ® hr., 3.02 1 Hours ®6 4 hr., 11.15 Hours ®6 hr., 4.52 8 Hours ®60� hr., 4.82 3 Hours 0 70 hr., hr., 21.58 3 a Hours ®70'##}t,, hr., 23.70 27 Hours ®bfi'¢ hr., 15.19 78 Hours ®5 hr., 4.22 8 Hours 0 7 hr., 5.66 8 Hours 0 8 76 � Hours ®73�-¢ hr., hr., 6.08 6.88 8 Hours ®8 hr., 6.42 FOR' NO. '1 February _._, 191-7 An emergency has arisen in zhe Department of City Clers and Commissioner of Ro.ietration renderin, necessary the er:cloyment of certain em loges of that Depaitment fol ,.ore than eitht hours .:el day in the doinn of the following work: 3ortin ^rran;ing and filing removal cords and checiin forks etc. coverink the acceptances of candidates for city offices at the — rch 1! 100 Fri^nary ,lection, fra:: February loth to Fe ruery LIS, 192S, inclusive. This emer_ency arose by reason of the followiw facts and circusstances:gunday and nicht work w: -s necessary. Commissioner of Re_istretion. WUNCIL No --- CITY OF ST. PAUL PILO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY y0N COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized I to pay to St. Luke's gOBpital the Bum Of $24.30 Out Of the Norkments Compensation Account of the General Fund, for services rendered to John Banniok, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured December 2nd, 19t 5. 64181�-8y- Jr.. EL MabonqW-: thea'km- for passage. the Recommended d I 1� to s I 4111ftfT s 4 - 4A t, metras; Com nalti. Account the L9en6�" I nd*, .. A tendered to I Vestment of 0 if We an a PI of :the Do- b1i r Injur - be bar 2n 25. Adopted the . Feb. 25, 1926. Rp—e Commir of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Hodgson ...... In favor McDonald Sudheirner --- D --Against Wenzel Mr. President a Adopted by the Council f -Ea. 2-5106---1192...... --- 192 Approved ------- . -.. ­YVR t L J AT Tajo -CLA1ME�.-RZ50LUT1"-' CHECKS DRAWN CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OI :PE R L— --- I- ------- COVERINI p CHECKS NUMBERED-176-3--TO-1916 COMPTROLLER -77i IN, -1— . A. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFIC OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 410 TOTAL RETURNED , CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT NK CHECKS CHECKS BA BROUGHT FORWARD — ------ --- Ree We, th�, h,,Ip,, be d--1 11 I cl "_ eu,". the the City , g eh-" amount 0 1761 . l in Inclu s1-. ., p- ne mbered file in the offlee of the CltY ,h -R9 -a Comptroller. Aden t ed by thConnell Feb. 25, 1926. APPI—ed Feb.e 25. 1926. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Nk 42 F 034 �IPDO 7. 24 41 • BY !• „ t- --- ------- - ------ -" CHECKS NUMBERED. 1761...'- _�W'U COMPTROLLER TO IW.6. --- - INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. FILE IN THE OFFICE PER (4 9 0 LOCAL 399 87 SPECIAL FUNDS TOTAL, RETURNED CHECK NUMBER FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 3t 60e 55 4 7 909 772 J`2 I t3. I 1761 -w. Bazille, AbetT aot diark 256 1 160 33 2671 1 62 i.i.Fitzgerald, Reg. of D. 0. Brumder, 1 239 54 J 343 139 122 97 1763 2 willism st. ale. 795,2 1 943.44 X16.23 6 52,64 Aluminum Index Company 110 29 49 39 3 39 �4 17 American Fountain 3upppiy c7 6 1765 American Supply Company 167 8 6 176 The Barrett Company 268 95 l r 16 s. Erand Coal Company 21477 01 1 69 Burne Lumber Company 210 3 46 1 70 Calculator Equipment Corp. 21 95 1771 central Garage, Inc. 5 52 9 1772 The Century C ac 10 00 1773 �i Chicago# St.Pean, Ii. t o.Ry. Cp�any 1 7 530 99 Louis F. Doer 3 347 51 1277 6d j 177 ri senmenger Meat company Print Company 15'+ 3 345 21 177 Electric Blue 17 47 2 00 1777 Chester W. Gaskell "corks 2 95 31 20 190 75 1778 Gopher Stamp 105 23 1779 1780 Griggs Cooper & OGmpany Gr i swod Safety Signal Comp . y 1781 1 2 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Com�aa p M N M 4.6 19 1 83 F. T. Hildred & company company 143', 179 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. 12218 1 9 1 9 The LaSalle ampany F. G. Le alio Prager Dom ,anq B1715 1 97 1 99 Libr^ry Bureau Lindeke, 'Varner & sons $� 2� 1799 190 McClain & Hedman Oompany The Macmillan Company 94 1791 Merrill, Greer & Chapman co. 114.16 1792 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company 993 Northwestern stamp works 43 g3 174 Owens UotoT S lee Company 68 179 cit. Paul Book & Stationery Co. 3t.raui Cement works 11 g0 b9 1 979 ct.Paul Gas Light Company 999 Flu all 1 1 9 1900 ^t.PGui mass company St.Paul Office Equipment C� any 47 051 1901 1902 tdre. F. 14. Slack L.C.Imith & Bros. Type Co. 21 95 21 40 1903 1904 speakes & Company Villaume Boa & Lumber Compare 122 60 Igor, 1906 Mrs. Caroline Barry Commonwealth Electric oomP 2 027!10 0 3.907 1909 C. P. Gibson Goodyear Rubber Company 10 00 „� 99 � 1909 L.o.Hodgeon, Com+r. of Tin. 20 9 22.�.i99 1910 Howard, Farwell oompany 5_, 0000 1911 shwa. E. Merrill company ''��++550° 21 1912 N. '7. Sohool Supply Company 317 47 1913 st.Paul Eleotric Company 22 00 1914 "t.Franots-Hotel 2 95 1915 Universal carloading Company 190J5 1916 Williamson Agency SHEET TOTAL FORWARD -,I 31 6o9 .5 941 033 401- -. SUDHEIMER. ----F_..�-- Ai,. NST - / WEN ZEL. L/ ___ _ _.. _ PRES., ,NELSON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) � 270 30 1 52 so ' DISTRIBUTION--- 9 0 LOCAL 399 87 SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT SINKING TRUST FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING REVOLVING I 7 89I it 256 1 160 33 2671 r79 0806 7 094 i 1 239 54 lol 362 21 139 122 97 154 65 0717 762 07 795,2 1 943.44 X16.23 6 52,64 270 30 1 52 so 9 0 1278614 399 87 154 36 43 Z2 2 00 _ I ,� 615 196 �6 I I I 7 89I it 256 1 160 33 2671 r79 0806 390 63I �I 270 30 1 52 so 9 0 1278614 154 36 2 00 1 20 105 23 69 46 256 2671 r79 0806 4 CIO 122 00 69 00 15 75 110 29 49 39 39 �4 319 20 2 . 53 20 59 9 19 268 95 999 09 21477 01 20 3 8F 46 21 95 1 00 99 00 33 6( 7 50 10 00 1 7 530 99 3 347 51 580 00 76 oo 345 21 17 47 22 00 2 95 190 75 32 24 7 20 11 50 2 029 10 349 00 9 995 00 14 5 10 o9p, II 150 09 I II� 22 50�! 9 00 20 4o MAYOR-- 42.7-5 i ( 525-568 69 loo 934 o6 141-499 97 i65 536 55 c 17 7b2 .07 go4�9 7943 44 X16 23 6 700 23 7 134 12 42 75 �,-.-�-s a.- _.:.....-�-4-.r._ 7.FIRL N99TE IN FAVOR CITY TO RES. CLERK No ------ - _ ' RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE_ .2_$.�92 6 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE S_-3�,261t 23...._- - ti ^/, ,-------------- AMOUNT OF -.---- ----- __. COVERING BY _. � .1.. �L?� ill CHECKS NUMBERED -_176.-_- _TO 1816.-__ - - ____ COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE V PER /j OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 270 30 CHECK NUMBER f 14 FAVOR OF TOTAL TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT 141100 2� 39 39 319 20 53 20 1761 BROUGHTFORWARD d .J.B=111e0 Abetraot Clerk w 31 GM 55 746 /�CHECKS 909 772.+ 1 62 J.J.Fitzgerald, Reg. of D. 3 75 3illiam 0. Brumder, at. ala. 399 8 Aluminum Index Company 4 176 American Fountain suppply 176 1767 American supply Company The Barrett company96 161 8 1 65 9. Brand COPT Company 1 540 9 1769 Burns Lumber company 270 3 1770 Calculator Bquipnent Corp.00 1771 Central Garage, Inc. 50 1772 Chicago, The Century Company 52 9a 1773 t} st.Pau1, . & O.Ry. Louis F. Dow Company 47 g 17 "isenmenger heat Company 12],%, 6 1776 rleotric Blue Print Company 154 3 1777 Cheater 'V. Gaskell 2 00 1778 Gopher Stamp forks 31 20 1779 1780 Griggs Cooper & Company Griewofd Safety Signal comp 105 �3 1791 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Com pan y �9 7 6 46 1782 177 3 F. T. Hildred & Company 187 102 Ski Aeby Boiler & Mtt. company 43 178 The Lasalle Company 122 8 1782 F.G.Lnsiie Prper Comr,any I 85 11 1 87 Libr,.ry Bureau4 1785 Lindeke, "garner & Sona 110 -q 1789 McClain & Hedman Cownnny ! 58 2 1790 The Macmillan Company j 319 20 1791 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Co. 24 53 1792 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Comnany 114 16 1793 Northwestern Stamp workgr 20 5 179 Olgens Motor Sales Comp -my 43 53 179 St -Paul Book & Stationery Go.l 268 85 3t.Pe-ul Cement works 11 0 L76 st.Paul Gas Light Company 858 08 I� st.Pnu1 Glass Company 60 ,11 ' s CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RETURNED BY BANK SO IN FAVOR HODGSON. . g /M.DONALD. g7 SUDHEIMER, /1(\ ___{_-.I _.. AGAINST WENZEL, PRES.. NELSON. `J YES (v) COUNCILMEN NAYS (J ) 105 2233 DISTRIBUTION LOCAL GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 511 239.54 ioi 362.21 139 122 07 154 665.07 17 762.07 765. 2 1 943 50 52 � 3 40 . g g7 43 „ - 192 _ 399 196 � 105 2233 7 89 1 160 33 63 270 30 1}3 00 x380 122 86 10 00 50 52 � 9880 39 84 1127546 . g FES 2 5 1996 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - 192 _ APP D F11 2 G i'2fa _ _ .192 MAYOR - 105 2233 69 6 1}3 00 4 122 86 7& 11 7 15 141100 2� 39 39 319 20 53 20 59 5 268 95 859 08 a 3i4oll + 11i - U - 32 24 7 20 11 50 14 5 COUNCIL � FILE No. y' p( `�'/�. ,�t�! FES 2 5 1996 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - 192 _ APP D F11 2 G i'2fa _ _ .192 MAYOR - SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLINGI FORESTRY jl BUILDING REVOLVING 616.23 II 6 52 1:64 !i 7 094.63 150 09 1 22 50 10 42 4-5 CITY OF ST. PAUL © OFFICE OF THE°CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 14 CO Ci UNCIL No . FILE........................ February 25, 1926 That the grade of Juno Street from Cleveland Avenge to Cretin Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C..F- No. 64692—ny J. H. McDonald— Resolved, .That the, grade of JUaO St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin .Ave., In accordance with the redLgrAde line on the. deadnivanying profile ;ani as recotamenfled by the Commtee[oner. q Puyllo Wbrlte.be :and the same.l �herebya$oDted ae the establlehod g `rade. II Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1828.. 1 ADDroved Feb. 26, 1828. 1111 (6tarch_e-1928) - COUNCILMEN Yeas /Hodgson w. / 11yleDonald 2/udheimer enzel Mr. President Nays ..4 I,< ..._In favor )Against 2 5 1991 192...... AdF E8 Adopted by the Council---.---------- -------- Approved---... ------ ------------ ------------------ 02...... /_ - -. -- FE g 5 1926 e-�_...2 M�YOa Petition Council File No.......- '::.....r.4' I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave St. Albans Street from Central Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, --------------------------------------------------------------........----------------------------- ----- I --------------- - - including sewer, water and has connections from street mains to property ..... - inea - - letew-- lcomp, here not alreayiy made, also including curbing and paving .............-------------- --------------------------------------' - - ere -divewa - -- ..... -___---__---_----------sPProach�---------------- s --wh- - Dated this ...---24th.-'---.day of..---- Februar - .. 19..6---_...-.___. 192.-----. C.. T. No. salsa— --- Colmcdman. Wtieeesa,_A written proposal for the making of the following improvement VIA:.' Pave. St. Albans st. from. < ,-'------- Ave. to Iglehart Al s.. i-Mlfding r' i water aadgaeoonnecdods from (/ where to epreadi, . nese, con',, PRELIMINARY ORDER. where .not )ready made, also paAlag drivew WHEREAS, A Wll&-u proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave St. Albans Street from Central Avenue to Iglehart_-Avenue_�.._.._-_ .......----------------------- --- ------------- --- -- - inoludin sewer -,--water and--.gas--connections_-from._street--maine.._to-.property .linee... ssompleta,._where.-.not. -.already..-mad® _also-inolufling-_aur-ping--end--paving .dr19EWay. and -..e.].lay..-apprc.e.chea,...w .ere_.neoe-see -,..--'-----...----"---------------------------------- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .-------------- ._--- ----- --------------------------------- --------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �,,�$ FE8251� J Adopted by the Council .---..._._...-----------------.................... YEAS NAYS Councilman f)brrNef-- FwaersoN— j HODOBON / MCDONALD / SUDHEIMER WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT �r- Form C A 13 OM 3-25) 1 /.- FEB 2 51926 Approved----------------.................. :... - - --------- ............. ------------ --------- ---- Mayor. PUBLI9i�'� Petition Council File No...._------- :=.s-_'-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curbing on both aides of Almond Street from Hemline Avenue --- ' "-'--'- ---"' ....._..---------------------------.---.._..-.--------------------------------------- ------ ----- ---------­-- ----- -- -- ---- -- ------ --- -- - to .---------------------------- toPasoal Avenue._.........._.........._.......--.................-......... ...._-. . . ---- -------------- ------- h Fbr 1926- 192aY --CDated this day of... ---- C, , _.._. F.-Ne: 94696— - l:ouncihnan. Abstract Whereas. A Written pro oval for the maklagof Lha folloWing'Pmprovement! /- vlu-. Curbing on both sides of Almond Bt from Harnnne. Ave. to Pascal Ave., having been presented to the Council / of the Clty of St Pavl therefore, be.lt'. `"PRELIMINARY ORDER. Resolved: Thst the Commiselciner. Qf Pnblie Works be-and be Is, hereby or., dared snd-alrectea: - 1. To dnvestlgato the neaeeaitriy'tor for the making of the following mtprovement, viz.: or Aesireb111ty of the maltlnR oteala Improvement ides of Almond Street from Hemline Avenue 3nvsatlBata the nature, ertent - - --------- end-sell mato coat of eafd' rove- ment ana the total cost thereo .----------J t. To fnrule h a -Dian, Drodle or4.. - __ -. - - - -- --- sketch of said Improvement t. To state Whether or not Bald tm-` - provementls asked toronthe Detttlon -................-- - ---- - -....- - .."._... -.. of three. or more owaeFa " - - - 6.. T0'reDart upon, alf. of the tore- " gofas: matters to tlia Commlmloner of - ndo-tad by the-0bunell Feb. 26, 1929. Ap roved Feb. 26. 3926. ' ' of the City of St. Paul.._.. _ - -- - '-- " (Feb. 27-3928) * - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4 FES 251926 Adopted by the Council--------------------.................................................. YEAS NAYS Councilman-Gtt Y EER Approved.... - 1:_F,8- 2-.h+ tW------------- ------------------------ HODGSON `•.� MCDONALD /SUDHEINIER �1VENZEL ....... ... .... .............. _ _.... Mayor. NIR. PRESIDENT Form C A✓13 0&1 3-25) — ✓ `f ^ / Council File No........... -1 r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ,s�?�"kn ends A mcraor and "'w„lbb[eau. A written ptio oeaL f. the vmiao1ctlla of tpe following improvement PRELIMINARY ORDER. �,;, Conetxuct a sewer .on Carbon }it^eat, from'& point,75 feet west of Cot.i: =Lh to Osage Ave. and o O ^a - s - I by proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Const;!Wt-a--sewer--on--Carbon.-Street--from- a point.--75.-feet.-west-.of Como Ayea Nprth--to Osage_ Avenue-- and -on Oenge Av..enue. from Carbon..-.- �treat..t.Q.._Camo--- Ave-•-- North-- ----------- ---- ----------------.--- ... _......... - -----................ -------.... Dated this. -rib day of- Februarx...l9 -- ------- -------- ............... 192__.. • Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------- ----- Construct.--a...s.e-w.er---on..Garhon-S.t.rent... from_a...p.oint..7.5_. feet..we.st- Of..... __Como.- Ave... -.North -_to_- Osage _Avenue -..and. -on-. Osage.. Avenue_. f rom-_ Carbon__.- --------- rStir.aote_.to-Q-0mo...Ave-.-.Nortkl......_-...._- ---- ----------- --- _ __ ---------- - -------------- -- -------------- ------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-__ ___.____ ......... ---- .----- .--------------- -.------------ .---- - -.-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓fl..q FEB 2 5 IM Adopted by the Council ... .. . ........_..... ---- ..... -- --- ........ YEAS NAYS Councilman Q Q Fpmonsnx ✓ HODGSON ✓ MCDONALD SUDHEIIIER WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13(1 AI 3-25) FEB 251026 Approved --------------------------------------- ��+- - - Mayor. pi+tuast� t7 - "2 % - �j� Petition Council File No ......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - - _Gnrbing both..a dee...09..R_49i_fl.o. St.r.e.et-..from--- Fo-reat............................. --------------------street4.-.t.o....Cypreen--- StreAtA.--------------- --------------------------..... ---------... _ ----..-------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -- ....--.._...---------------------- - - ... ._ - ..._......... ...... ............ Dated this day of.._...P'eb-r.1?4ry..�_6:._.._..... 192....... - - - -- .........--._...--------- Councilman. �Cfroim" No.84697— pbtten t. pWherea0. h f llow prop oval for themaking of Lhe fo;lowing im9*ovemenqva: be oYWOt-et od to Vreee 9t'ELIMINARY ORDER. avtng been. ➢resented to the Om -be Qit4 ^i, 9t. WHEt'flEAS; 'A,"Uen proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing both sides of Pacific Street from Forest Street_..-_-..... ...... ._.. ...... . .. -----------------to..-Cypreas...9tre.et----------__---------- ...... ---..... .... - - - - ------------ .......----------- ................ ......................_.... -- ..... ........................ .......------------ _- _. . .. ....------- --------_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. --- .___...._.--- _.._.--- .----- _---------------------------------------------- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, rxtent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �f�•g FES 2 S-- ' Adopted by the Council--------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman Q a acv C . PZAeaeete---. Approved--------------- ------------------------ %V HODGSON McDONALD SUDHF.I111:R ``C� ✓" `��/V !" `� .{ WEN7.EL ................................."�..------------- ..................................... ✓ MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Pmm C A 13 (1M 3-25) Petition C7 Council File No........3...... .=-=-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT G' 9' I�ioy 64698-- a?1. pbatr, ackyy.anl�?for - and �jyg oL the 1611bwia6»rovem. d[ade;'.the xorth: and Sonth 'Allei,i ° tram del net reel °cie°s�+`aatn PRELIMINARY ORDER. havlrilT been Dreeent o - otReBea°�� rsfgded hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: a.wlla; Wo,DH Grads the North and South Alley in Block 8, Lane --s Phalen _--:---_Grove--- dditi_on„_-from_.Ivy-- Street -.to --- Clear_.Street..-..--_...._------.._..._..._.. -... .......... .. -----...------------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----- ---------- .._...---- ._..-.----- - - - -----------...--------------------- ----- 24th February, 926 1�J2.... Datedthis. ------- -......------day of- --- -------------------------- .. ...... ......... ------- ---- -- - - Councilma . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ______Grade--_the_.Horth_.and__Sonth_.Alley-in_ Block ---8,_-A e.,a-.PheleA... .-.. Grove Addition, from Ivy Street to Clear Street. -------- - ------------------------------------------------------------ ....................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- .. _...__.._ ..__----------- ------------------------------- --- — ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: i. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FEB 2 5 1926 Adoptedby the Council--------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------- YEAS NAYS Councilma FF'RP, ugeti — V HODGSON MCDONALD i SUDHEI!IF.R ---WENT.EL ✓ MR. PRESIDENT FormcAI3OM:2s) f Approved ............. PE ----------- 2 s-- - ...... '. .......... Mayor. PUBLI9FIDII � �,�;d 11 Council File No.....-....�3.. ti - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the snaking of the following public improvement by the City Of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary-_--_- for .31itheradingotthe$9rtk...9ai...----- ------------- --Allag- --- in.j-Addition,=oe ...................South k Ivy Street to Clear ... Street_._..___ ..._-- ....................... -- . -------------- 24th .aa of. I'sPrnar 1926 - .. 192...... Dated this. Y -- ' "' ' ----------------- - C. Jr. No 64699 Abetraoe. - Councilm . -Whereas. A written Droyposal-f. M of the followl`10 intpvovew via: ..-........ Condemning andtaking an ear• to the land. necesearY11 {aao of slope nnd: nils. Ip the gran B1or3-' $• '+t +r nod soutP alley .y ..a.n+.:,. , ', PRELIMINARY ORD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and takingan_seaement_in_-the..land_neoee-nary..._._........ .......------- -- -..... - ---for slopes.,._outp.--en-d...9.ille,....in..the... grading..of._tha..Noxth---and ............. Sontb ..A] loY---in---hlo ak..9-+---bane..:. s...Phal-en---Grow.. AddiLi on. -----tram I Street to la -r -------­-----­- -a -_Street. _........_-------------------------------..._............. . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau _._ ..... _..__....-... - .......................----------------------_- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ FEB 2 5 1926 Adopted by the Council----------------------------------- ----.................-------- YEAS NAYS FEB 2 5 1pyb Councilman *ev ElApproved ------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------- �SUDHEIMF D HODGSON .R ENZEL.......................................... .................... Mayor. / MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 0N 3-25)- - + 2 -7— �� �%;� � YIJBLI9IifA3 V'$R.'.i/._V. �. } '�rprt�{ y`�'yi 6r COUNCiI " Jsac�s�o�.3sR�Aia'+�gk�`g6"rg$ine .: wlth. FST. PAUL rn.c NO ------ THE .-THE CITY CLERK 1.�rgL.he noy.�fieadt i't§Y„ . )o eo '`joa2oyvnaglb 0' TION—GENERAL FORM •a-- . r+ *r'IiB, tb, ebb uth¢¢a • i•' RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with the owner of the following des- cribed property, to -wit The southeast,quarter (SEJ,) of the northeast quarter (NEJ) of Section 10, Township 30, Range 22, for the leasing of the above described property, excepting therefrom two acres in the northeast corner thereof, occupied by the owner, and reserving in the f owner the use of the driveway from Edgerton Road to the dwelling house,''` and also the garage located near the dwelling house; also ingress and egress on the road or driveway leading thereto, for a period of one year from May 1, 1926 to April 30, 1927, for Workhouse purposes, on 4 the following terms and conditions: Said lessor shall furnish the seed of whatever kind or de scrip V tion requested by said City of St. Paul, and said City of St. Paul shall furnish the labor for the tilling and cultivation of said -land, #' and with the further agreement that whatever crop or crops are harvest- ed therefrom, they shall be given fifty per cent. to the lessor,, and fiftyJper cent. to the lessee. .5 .,. �. COUNCILMEN' FEB 2 6 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .---.--.---•-. -----_---------------192---... Clancy FEB 2 61926 "Ferguson APP o ........ - ..... .....192----- �Hodgson .-.In favor McDonald y YOR �Sudheimer ---------`---Against Wenzel /Mr. President r / ,�+ I I F �, ¢���tC �� � f f�3 ti� � �� � /� /�ii�.p-7r�l�r i2�W�`��1) � �p'LQ_' vY/j�QpM,�LI (,��(.vr✓�,., C/'F��v., �� �-�-� �� �- -awl �-�,�� ��/JC�,�,�, � r ' �%�.t NL � Qf' C��2% a/YYY�!/�¢ � / t' �"�' "`� ��C///�l�y District Court ..`•........• Judicial Dlstrie �s t DPCMitllt "T • e s '. 2171 Y Y1 .......... 1 V r of the,_Estate of res" o- H '' y _w,i�.Ai.w,"! District Court ..`•........• Judicial Dlstrie �s t DPCMitllt "T • e s CITY OF ST. PAUL `NLE" ` NO.. --"----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM U/ RESOLVED That the proper city officers be andtheyare hereby authorized to pay to Dr. A. Christiansen the sum of Fourteen Dollars ($14.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to William G. Denzer, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured 6 December 7th, 1920. COUNCILMEN Clancy Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer ✓ , Wenzel Mr. President Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Parks, ay - grounds and Public Buildings FEB 261926 Nays Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192.--... FEB 2 61"6 Approved ....------- ................In favor ................ MAYOR --.:.Against .. COUNCIL NO ..................... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- - "COUACIL�REPLUTION-GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, t the offer of the 6/.tPaul City Railway Company to settle the claim of the city of -$3.50 against said Company, for damage done to mushroom traffic signal at Robert and Concord Streets, on January 19th, 1926, by a snow plow of said company, be and the.same is hereby accepted; and the proper city officers are hereby directed to issue proper receipt and releases therefor. { 0.F gy 81808—BY .J •3L of, the ..S Rb'l'Ipj 8 Tn*ay, e: over oy Ile: Saint Favi Fii{y RaIIty rc -coat any to eectic the dCmjof tbe, for oto;age aga�nst to said* rdcr 1paay, for damage done, to m record S reet#.c signal ary, 19 h, and Concord Streets; o(i 7eavary, 19th, 1926; by at enoW plow of said company, be and. the aame ie hereby accepted; and the D+oDar city officers are hereby dl- -rested to Mean proper receipt and re • leasee therefor. Adeptedby the Council Feb. 28, 19Z8. Approved Feli.. 28, 1828. (MArah 6-1928) COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy. Ferguson % Hodgson /McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel / Mr. President FEB 2 61926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192....-. ilay-s FEB 2 51926 Approved ........... ----192. ......... In favor ..................... .... .............. MAYOR _.... ...Against DUPLICATE To COMM. FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COMFTROLLEfl'H REGI6TERE0t BILL NO. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ? 3- 1 3 REGISTEkED BILL DATE RENDERED Feb. lU.1988 grin_ Cl_>►�id_'1'��i�uiit__Cs. - - - REFERENCE Collets_t� loabuLs Bta. 8t._Pwl� Yina. . Dept. Bill x'10 To THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION • ITEMCONOTICE RETURN THIS SLIP -g-As, EIMITAC6ITOII 1.926 Jan. 19 Cost of repairs. to s"hroom traffio signal damage by beim hit by snow plow about 1x00 P.Y. Jan. 19. 1926 at Hobert b Conoerd Sts. 8 Large 606 Bulbs l 8 2 Ruby Bed Globes d holders • IPV REGISTERED AND APPROVED I CERTIFIED CO CT •___ T ____ ssloncR �--�---�--—�--__-----_CITY COMFTROLL[R I a��✓ice s A0 CITY OF ST. PAUL • wUNc�L l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , bat the offer Of the636int Paul City Railway Company to settle the claim of the city of $33.20 against said Company, for damages done to truck of Fire Squad No. 1 on December 26, 1925, at Fourth and Wabasha Streets, by being struck by street car No. 1792, of said Company, be and the same is hereby accepted; and the proper city officers are hereby directed to issue proper re- ceipt and releases therefor. eY. the C .... 11 B'eb. 86, 1826. A4-066 b ADy1'oveQ Feb. 26, 1628. 6-1928) FEB 2 6 1926 ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ----------------------------------._192----- Yeas Nays FEB 2 6 1926 v Clancy Ferguson "/// Approved------ ------ --........ -------------------- 192.. ---- Hodgson .......... In favor - McDonald -- --- -- -- - MAYOP Sudheimer Against, ' ,Wenzel Mr. President • C] iD DUP UPLiO�PINANc[T[ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COMPfROLL" 8 REGISTERED NO. ` t DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY '�'; pBILL 3- ! -. REGISTERED GILL DATE RENDERED Tob. 19, 1928 �a id_lraEui--_-- ^� _TWA ._pi_ - ---- REFERENCE, D97b. Bill x+92 TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RETURN THIS SLIP ITO BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION NOTICE " ITEM II CODE �- C—s/ REIMITTANUCE 192E pec. oost, of repairs to 8gttad']to. 1, struck by street oar No. 1792 at 4th A Wabasha Sts. at 2:5$ P.Y. phmioal Reel_Ropaised by T. J. llestphal J2800Straightoned body a"" and ladder carrier Weld braises and brackets, Blear footband'removed and refit f— I FORM NO. D-- D REGISTERED AND APPROVED A CERTIFIED CORRECT ---------------------- CITY COMPT OLLER Ea ORIGINAL TO P CITY OF ST. PAUL COFI EN`I` 64604 CITY -CLERK - APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM t 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY /. COMMISSIONER. OI.L- .......SGi.:-ti-�:.--.�.--�-- - - - .......... DATE ------ ------------ ----- ............. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE.. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM 16-01 Receipts 16-A7 (New Books) 16dA3 Library Supplies 16 -AS (Equipment) 16-B7 Supplies 16-B9I (Equipment) I�p 1, 16-B1 (Miscellaneous) TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFEREO TO 1009.40 1009.40 .500.00 500.00 200.00 50.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILFE6..2_f_jQPA -------- 19.-.....-.- FEB 2 6 1916 APPROVED... .... .----------- ---------------------------19.--..... ` Y COUNTERSIGNED BY .. .--- . CRY - . mcoms, YES J) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS S � CLANCY FERGUSON / MCDONALD................IN FAVOR MATSON AGAINST i PETER _......_D- --- W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT FowM ou (w� sW 200.00 50.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILFE6..2_f_jQPA -------- 19.-.....-.- FEB 2 6 1916 APPROVED... .... .----------- ---------------------------19.--..... ` Y COUNTERSIGNED BY .. .--- . CRY - . mcoms, ill,-• �., ._. _ COUNCIL - - - ii CITY OF ST. PAUL s,Le NO•""""--. OFFIC E CITY CLERK UNCI ON—GENERAL. FORM -PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER___.__-.._..—.._.._ .__.—..__ _—....- ___..-._ DATE ......................... _._......._..-.—__..__.-..........__. RZ500U= WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has re- ported to the council that it will be for the best interests of the city to dispose of certain lands known as levy property, more particularly described as: Beginning at a point 246 ft. more or less N'ly of the N'ly line of E. Water St. and 107 ft. more or less W'ly of the Elly line of Starkey St. produced N'ly, thence Elly parallel to the N'ly line of Block 4, Bazil & Robert's Ad- dition 305 ft. more or less, thence North on an angle of 60 de- grees 66 ft. more or less to the W'ly line of Custer St. (now vacated) produced N'ly, thence N'ly along said W'ly line of Cus- ter St. to the Mississippi River Harbor Line, thence W'ly along said Harbor Line 325 ft. more or less, thence S'ly to the point of beginning, in accordance with Council File #62688, Ordinance #6576, approved November 5, 1925. Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proposition to sell said property be, and the same is hereby approved; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to proceed to sell said property pursuant to the provisions of ordinance No. 6576, approved November 5, 1925. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,-'Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ......In favor McDonald 6udheimer 0 ......Against Wenzel Mr. President FEB 2 61926 Adopted by the Council ----------------------- ----------------- 192...-_ Approved.--" E -2-E -19:L6-------------192..._. ' ---- MI1Y0 C. J. M,GLOGAN N ' HAROLD J. RIORDAN C1 eouuiccioxen or neoism x T#g of '- tnt Haut CLARENca a A* n.R assr asriaN Mfftre of Mug Slerk e February 24th, 1926 Mr. A. A. Stewart, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i n g. My dear Mr. Stewart: We are enclosing herewith all papers relative to the purchase by the Pure 011 Company, from the City of Saint Paul of certain Levee Property. This matter has been referred to you, by the Council, for the proper resolution disposing of this property. Very truly yours, C\. City Clerk. (4itlj v4 *aint Pahl Petsminwnt of Public . militieo ' GEORGE C. SUDHEIMER, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF WATER HARRYA. JOHNSON, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 1 J. W. KELSEY, GENL. SUPT. BUREAU OF MUNICIPALTESTING LABORATORIES VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, CHEMIST BUREAU OF LIGHTING February 23 H. C. STRETCH. SUPT. BUREAU OF PUBLIC MARKETS OTTO P. ANACKER, MARKET MASTER To the honorable, The Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlement The Pure 011 Company desires to purchase from the City of Saint Paul certain Levee property described as follows to wits Beginning at a point 246 ft. more or less N+ly of the N'ly line of E. Water St. and 107 ft. more or less Wily of the E'ly.line of Starkey St. produced Wily, thence Elly parallel to the N'ly line of Block 4, Bazil & Robert's Addition 305 ft. more or less, thence North on an angle of 60 degrees 66 ft. more or less to the Wily line of Custer St. (now vacated) produced N'ly, thence N'ly along said Wily line of Custer Bt. to the Mississippi River Harbor Line, thence Wily along said Harbor Line 325 ft, more or less, thence Stly to the point of beginning, in accordance with Council Bile #62688, Ordinance #6576, approved November 5, 1925. I desire to report after investigation it would be to the best interests of the City to dispose of this property, as I do not know of any way it could be utilized by the City. Therefore, recommend that said property be disposed of in accordance with said ordinance. Respect , COUMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES;. GCS:ER Beginning at a point 246 ft. more or less N'ly of the N'ly line of \ E. Water St. and 107 ft. more or lose W'ly of the E'lY line -of Starkey St. produced N'ly, thence E'ly parallel to the N'ly line of Block 4, Bazil &Robert's Addition 305 ft. more or less, thence North on an angle of 60 degrees 66 ft. more or less to the W'ly line of Ouster St. \ (no® vacated) produced N'ly, thence N'ly along said W'ly line of Ouster St. to the Mississippi River Harbor Line; thence WIlalong said Harbor Line 325 ft. more or less thence Sly Point beginning. \ Beginning'at a point 246 ft. more or lose N'ly of the N'ly line of E. Water St. and 107 ft. more or less W'ly of the Elly line of Starkey St. produced N'ly, thence E'ly parallel to the N'ly line of Block 4, Basil & Robert's Addition 305 ft. more or lees, thence North on an 0 Angle of 60 degrees 64 ft. more or lose to the Top of the Bank, thence �1 West and W'ly along the Top of Bank to a point 14 ft. S'ly of the Harbor / Line and 96 ft. W'ly of the Elly line of Starkey St, produced N'ly, thence S'ly to place of beginniing. i , / PRODDC66B' 66FINRRB , MAHRRTHHB awd TRYe GAi OI.INE PiRB4'Am•N•I,F OY T. O.IWXILOLIAMS F. J. NORRIE [R G[N[R\L MAXAO[R XORTXW[•T[RX OIV,eION ST. PAUL, MINN. October 13, 1925 John H. mc0onald, 00—i3sioner, Court House, St. Paul, uinn. .Dear Sir: ieferring to our oenversation.of October 13th, I voull like to innui-re the poosibility Of leasing the ^Iity controlled property on the Levee front immeiiately adjacent to the Ohicago creat :Jestern ,racks on file south side of the -river. is no.v have a .warehouse at this loca- tion ani .vish 'D -Procure more ,round for future development. As is 3110,vn on the plat this property covers -round on both ales of the track and I •would like to ascertain the sttitus )f the buildings nos on the Oity o.vnod property; that is c' course, if you wish to lea�e us more ground in this locality. If the ,ity of 3t. Paul is agreeable to leasing this property to The Pure Oil Oornpany I would like t0 make an appoint:eent d th you, at.your con- venienoe, to >_o into the matter more thoroughly on the ,r)unl and 3evelOp matters at the earliest possible moment. Yours very tr.;ly, EIS YtT3 OIL COOI:IPANY , Sales Man,3g r, St. Paul T O'N :'-IS x ALL •. Y* X V INR[NTut .T iR[ X •aY X AL. XIXT. ... Mr. ;r. ?s. rw)owl * Cc issioner of 'aib-110 t;or11m. ter :'sir: ? �'8; 2�y to the laases of then 6t. Ptaul Widto �Qed said 011 Co. and also tbo prite Oil Go'z1 =Js on the nevah r4par, bank 3n tim 6th %mrd jWt cant r3f the e3w4tlz ellff Of t"rate-&-nSt. �r:tic�s; Upon, ixnveets3.M", Ion TSS t'z t V's St. :'erra rMtefi Lead °- 011 r aa. laws lop -sea es piece of described in Ordimn ee� 3M, approved 'tt resh W. 1915, and the '%='-G Oil 1€f 1�%moo ani � of _,r�apes�ty rxnc2er Sad-ras:.rlQ 8ft9[T eapprervcsd . inn Into thwo two ordi.; oss w Pott tkn�+t the €fie 3l CO. i. lease overlaps tbea St. ?ml r"!jIte Wnd & Oil C®. laft j bf a;rlresyo. imQtely V71,= 04. ft. The rMvment lease Of Ube "RVaV oil Coo aovors a; �s�mimte1y � POW sq ft. aceriftM to the descriPtiosa in the oz�4 i+ nav Votand o r S,i ancordW to t!-4 o�2rn^.f� •• rsr tho ot2ser is wrr~ S also find, ups invoctietion, that the St. Paul 1"h1te load tan4 Ciil Cos, are unIng abuA SOO xq* ft. of f-maverrWs eu veh l3h bujU inge are ere+ca' md, IftWa is not inesluW in tho3.r I*nm* 1 also fins that you Can lea" to the PUM On Co. approcimtely 41,668 sq. ft.. of jroperW cawcmd by the foLlowing decarlptUm! Hogi�m9ts at a Point 781,saelM est 1006, terly Of tip eoeC€arlg 14 of =teaz ro�f It. prorietoed ne TWOrly Mos M"s or 10133, no l 'ly of the northar'ly 1. M off' r at r Sts t`AnM � e ft~2F �1 the northerly on cal Wale Oc 6flo 202 90' More or leas to tbo "Irem 3t top of bank of rjVw4 tmanam oast eslcas6 teas Of tho Present uric or t,m `�2ssizelml River to a point 78r cstssstex►i of the amtorly line oP Stat St. pin)dmaed north to the tots Ox tbo of tae ',itssisadprd war and 405• nertherly of tY 61RWPbbft47 ,line of later st. tbsnw Grath W51 #mumu or less, to the nlQ60 of 'eon• "ttached plesz3e rind blue P%dnt Oova�'it� int. Paul' bits j oil il (.a. louse oo2axed in rod and Pure 041 Co. lease oes1epod in ' f3i this emiea4.ns this rooter to yaur astiefaotloa, 'Jew URLU yours* -AW ft9inaOVU19 ! 4awkr. 77 ri J�• I'lAROLDJ IORDAN C:'rJ'wIOG°�-OriAN,� c -4F" F+ + `' 'fcwv conk _ r Mwpl o/ .-VONCLARENCE A. STORMS ,, -. � wa u,etu.imoymun.n ,�04 P(tCce ��Q i# 'l�Ccsk October 15th, 1925. Ron. L. C. Hodgson, Chairmaa, Lsad Committee, B u i 1 d i n g. Vy dear Commissioner: ' Oe, enclose letter from tha Pure 011 Company'relative'to the possibility of leasing the Cit y,Controlled party on the, Levee front immediat proely adjacent to the Chicago ori Great Resters tracks on :the south side of the river. sv The Council has referred this matter to X t the 'Land-Co=Lttee for investigation and report' Respectfully yours, Cit Cleric. �. y, a: 4 1 WA f ar Sfi: .is IF i � 5 L � J E. WA TER ST. 176 )75Q - A VC. S Vtln- On. -.hedCorr--ron f i ;� Shed Gorr 1 - i d h 3r 1% \ sC = 1 I" 40 ale:ub �- sa n--- _ -- - o - +I — -- Bo kPIIZ8 - 1- - — - -'- — 33. /,q,9.0 6 �,-- -- --- j ----------- Fr. Gar. J '. 102 N° 18987 h Corr . I St. Fr. o E7 ' of o Iron BIag of - --------------------------- -------- -------- t----------- 4. - - - --- `4. 14 5 4 Story Brick 3 2 4- O" E..WATER ST 0 v 1 U w OYC - cn - 'MOM" - g MIsslssrPPl - - RIVER - Toe OF HARBoR To P o )'h'i,,) House Boa_JI - - Irr Steel 11 t�� � G I Story L�Frame Shed Fr l One Corr 'I '* o I St Iron �. Tar P13 Shed Shed' I I St. 900 A� Lal Blag. J 90� Scale:„- 40 3r I, \ I: ,Hub BOOk 1128 -- - - - 18987 5�.n' I __ t. _ P H l02 N --- 3.3. ---- ---- — — Fr. Gar I Corr 0 I St Fc of CJ of Iron I o 0 I ------------- ___ I -------------- 2/4. f? 3 2 I I 14 5 4 Storg Brick `4 I + �O u o �s CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.---... Re OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .r -�/��� CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESS TED ev L R__-- F ERGO S L`�-c-+-•/ DATE FEROU A�..�.5-.-�2_!;L__...---- COMMISSIONER—._ _.__.._ RESOLVED , WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Epucgtion has reported to the goun*i.l in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department foe than their usual hours of employ menta therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinrfter set forth.: NAM TITLE' TIME RATE TOTAL H F BIENHOFF JANITOR 2 HRS 64 CENTS 1 28 GEORGE ALLEN JAN ENGINEER 8 59 4 72 J F GOBEIL JANITOR 10 811 8 15 T WATTERS HEAD JANITOR 10 72 7 20 C. F4 No &4806-8yy L. F_ Fergueppii— ._ Wherea& The Coa/mleeloner of E8u- cation has reported to the CounciT-0q acoor4ande with Section 69 af. the ` C1tY CharterA -a a atance of an em Iergeaey Which rendered nece6eary the emptoymeat. of 'certain emDloyw f to J department.. for more than theirumaY..: Oars -of. employment;therefore. 'fre It ;teaolved; That the proper, city ot[f- dor� are hereby et rise to Day the � folloWlag named employee . at Ilia rate otherwise fixed for ara' employment for eatra time hereinafter. not forth: •, 8. F.-:BleahoCt,. Taaltor. 2 hours. at ! 644 411:28: j t3eorge Allen, Jan,mnglneer, 8 hours _ 7 at 69t S4A$( hours at J F 13oti6tly• Tanttor, 1,9 .: , - Sii{ijP S8a6t;. T. Wattece, Head janitor, 10 hours - - at 78t. 17.80!: Adopted, by the Counoll Feb. -26, 1086• AD4roya. b'eb. '86, 11.21 1March' COUNCILMENFLP 2 6 I9L6 ...192. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.........................- .. ✓Glancy Yergason Approved...-.. ....... -E�--2-�---,------192- --- / odgson .....�...In favor cDonald J Au Xdheimer ....:.........:Against enzel Mr. President FOEU N0. 1. FEBRUARY 19 1926 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, $ureau of Schoolsi rendering necessary the em- ployment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: CLEANING SCHOOLS This emergency arose by reason of the folio.iing facts and circumstances: SUBSTITUTENG FOR JANITORS WHO ARE ILL This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. CITY OF ST. PAUL COQ NO.--."-"-`"' " OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLERK J f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAK'FORM RESOLVED Whereas tide Commissioner of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, In accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his cfepartment for more than eight hours per day, said em- ployment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title Hours Rate of Over- time Frank Drasial Supervisor of Playgrounds 6 n .92 Yess /COUNCILMEN J Clancy ✓ Ferguson Hodgson }McDonald /$udheimer Wenzel r. President Nays .......�.In favor V...... - v..._Against Adopted by the Council ....FEB 2 6 1Si 6-_.....192...... FEB 2 t- 1926 Approved..... ---.. ...............---- -- .....192-. - MAYOR It, GEORGE L. NASON. Hurt. or P_ ERNEON- 0- —. pIAYSOIIpuema FRANK X. TEWES. C AnC,mcet %1tg of St. Fnnl Department of 11nrho, 11luggrounbs nub vuhltr Nuilbt"s HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE, O -Wry COMM199ION81I OFFICE OF COMMISeIONER 219 COURT HOUSE oar.@ Feb. 25, 1926 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: .64607 Gentlemen: An emergency has arisen in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Directing athletics. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to direct athletics held evenings. Yours very truly, Commissioner. itat9ti99 Reps t9 Mohr stittt aftfuns " WUNCP. No OF ST. PAUL Pas. OFFICE THE CITY CLERK CO — O T ON --GENERAL FORM `18a 1926 PRESENTED ._ -_ --- DATF- February — _ � COMMISSIONER ER RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Department 2640— 12—ft. lengths of 6" sand mold cast pipe, to the American Cast Iron pipe Oo., they being the lowest reBpon slble bidders, at a total contract price of $22;017.60 f.o.b. cars, $t. Paul, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto at and the Corporation Counsel its hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. No. 6988. Yeas COUNCILMEN VI/Clancy /Ferguson ,Hodgson McDonald /Sudheimer ��r. Wenzel President Nays Recd i.Berl ., 11. rcAners in connection , i-; si above Resolute n (-....In iacor - Against Ft6261926 ..192. Adopted by the Council ----- .--------- .._... -— ----------..... Ftb 2 6 1446 _..192._... Apgroved..... - -- -- r rAUNCIL w6 v No.-- - CITY OF ST. PAUL F'Lg OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK i C C UTION—GENERAL FORM y�..,�.��.� p DATE.X�.b ,rte* -y0' PRESENTED BY __-_ COMM,SSIONER hereby approves the action of the Purchasing RESOLVED That the Council ntract for furnishing to the Water Committee in awarding the co Department 1135 disc type cold water meters with couplings and leather washers, to the Badger Meter Mfg. Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a total contract price Of $10,552.50, f.o.b. oars 8t. Paul, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract tted too attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 6986. FEB 2 51926 Adopted by the Council-- .................. ........ .......192.._... COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays FEB 2 5 1986 192- ­ Clancy- Approved...... - - - - .. ............. _/Ferguson �odgson In favor ­_ .. - �cDonald (12 �Sudheimer Against /Wenzel • Mr. President _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ram 10 �ousca NO. - RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves. the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing 2471 pieces of fir lumber to the Bureau of Bridges for repairing the Marshall Ave. Bridge, to the Central Warehouse Lumber Co., they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a total contract price of $6,841,27 for coast shipment and delivery to bridge, in accordance with speoificationa,their Alternate Bid "B" and award of 'contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up -the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. No. 6977. fiece i rtes t rn.per,; in S corn.,,.., fieso COUNCILMEN Yeas / Clancy Nays Ferguson favor _�..In /Hodgson J McDonald " $udheimer ................Against / Wenzel Mr. Pxesident FEB 2 61W Adopted by the Council---- ----------------------------------- 192...... FES 2 6.1926 App/r ved.-.... — ..... -- ..................192...... • M�YOP • C. F. No. 64611— Re—lved that checks be drawn on amuCity Treasury, to the aggregate t of $38.327.36, covering checks umbered 1817 to 1849 Inclusive. as ,per checks oa file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1926. Approved Feb. 26, 1926. (Ma -ch G-1926) I i I �f CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 6401 - No., QUADRUPLICATE FILE ------- To OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RES. NO._b.�}__________._ 'FORM CRY CLERK_;-AUbITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION 2 26.192 � RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ING V = - '1=�- -= � . - - - - IIS�I1 NUMBERED___157��_____TO___J.1Z IBY l C". COMPTROLLER CHECKS INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER - ---- --=------1-- — ----------------- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I TOTAL r— RETURNED CHECK ? 1N FAVOR OF BY - I� NUMBER 21 TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK s CHECKS CHECKS ffie-A :I d BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. No. 64611— Re—lved that checks be drawn on amuCity Treasury, to the aggregate t of $38.327.36, covering checks umbered 1817 to 1849 Inclusive. as ,per checks oa file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1926. Approved Feb. 26, 1926. (Ma -ch G-1926) i I i I �f t Ft i I i i t { I �f 1 Ft G ' r � ; � 1 DATE BY �'L ��f l �COMPTROLLER I PER r CHECK IN FAVOR OF I NUMBER CHECKS NUMBERED TO 3c. - -. -1�4-� -1917 - 9'-- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE O FILE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT pANK CHECKS CHECK. 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 131 609 55 979 360, BROUGHT FORWARD 31 609 55 9; 03 1017 14001ain & Hedmnn 246 1918 Viotory printing Camnany 9 . 1019 L.C.HOdQeOn, Com'r. of Fin. y la-r%Tleotric equipment Comn 9 4P1 6 1820 1021 review Publishing 00mpany 1 150 1822 Rosa XTekerFIMA investment eaomm ttee 2 112 8 1823 1024 pinking ng st.p^ul Fire Department 15 g 4 593 75 Relief Aesooiation b68 0 182x2 Bo --.rd of control I L. Haas 1 192 1827 J. ahrietine Henson I 3 2 1928 aeorge Keret6 73 91 1829 Cstherine Lynaugh 24 3 1930 1831 Mrs. Annie Meehan August L. Sohempf, Guardian or 410 6 1832 Doric Hanson0 ClaraAemold, -idow of H.A. 40 3 1934 Ann F. Campion, A dow of D.H C. Helen lu111vrn, .7idow of M- s 0 200 183 :oo- for the Prev. of Cruelt 1836 1837 ker G. Heger Pro Se6�r Produota Company 73 5 o lg3g N,Gill--Ftrner Camnan i Co.,I, a_w�a�®otric an&&V=0n ios� 5 iB%A'1 '. 91A. Yaao09 The rrwik Shepard Com -any 34 35 8 1842 1943 e.J.1-ti1Well Paper Comnany uperior Printing Company 5 & Telg. 0. 177 19 1 Tri -'tate Telephone n 0 n a 'Te®tern Comn 2 4 1846 Union Telegraph y 1947 -est Publishing Company 10 1849 1949 Amherst H. Tilder Charity L.a.Hodgeon, COMIT. o4 Fin. I 4 920 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 131 609 55 979 360, i5b69 00 7 7 o, �' 75 00 4 32 32 00 1 69 234 30 69 40 00 I 40 00 30 00 200 00 75 50 397 00 004 12 32 l09 50 34 0 30 5 8 77 50 1374 1 24 43 10 00 4 40o 001 292 5 127 5 4 556 423 67 � 105 138 9911.146 168 72 Q 165 922 551 / WENZEL / MR. PRES.. NELSON. YES (1') COUNCILMEN NAYS (�� ) MAYOR DISTRIBUTION __ _ �I B. Munn GENERAL LOCAL SINKING BOND IMPROVEMENT FUNDS WATERS ACCOUNTS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE ra""Ii FAui mei 525 569.69 104 934 0111 499 97' X65 536.55 17 762 07 904.9 1943 4 593 75 246 d0 46 90 73 91 1 491 69 150 00 2 112 91 H.H. Berl. i5b69 00 7 7 o, �' 75 00 4 32 32 00 1 69 234 30 69 40 00 I 40 00 30 00 200 00 75 50 397 00 004 12 32 l09 50 34 0 30 5 8 77 50 1374 1 24 43 10 00 4 40o 001 292 5 127 5 4 556 423 67 � 105 138 9911.146 168 72 Q 165 922 551 19 874,9 g04 94b 1 943 441 926 23 6 700 23 I1 7 134 12 r 42 75 MAYOR �I ,o SPECIAL FUNDS___ SPRINKLING FORESTRY. I PUBLIC REVOLDV IJNG SUNDRY i ACCOUNTS 916 23 6 700 23 7 134.1 42.75 19 874,9 g04 94b 1 943 441 926 23 6 700 23 I1 7 134 12 r 42 75 -_j TN7 RLI.gOTE 70 CITY CLERK DATE 2-26192,6 BY. --� COMPTROLLER PER. . . .. . ..... . .. ... .. _.. . CHECK IN FAVOR OF -.ER MBER RES. No. _64 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGO9 EGATE AMOUNT OF S._._319.,32-7y---�--�--I-COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED .yp}7 -.. TO _�p.49'------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED By TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECY.S CITY OF SAINT FA.:I- BROUGHT FORWARD 31 609 55 941 0FTAK 1917 McClain & HedmP.n - 5lglg AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM Victory Printing Gom-nany ___ - _IN FAVOR 2 46 1819 lg2o L.C.HcdgsonI Com1r. of Fin. ii.C.T.leotrio Equipment Com' y 1921 Preview Publishing Goml�any - ---- - --- -AGAINST 1 4 6 1822 Rose Kraker Henry Arakera a o. ttee 150 2 112 8 1823 inking Funl investment Comm YES IV) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) 19,4 3t.P^ul ire Department '�•w i5 Relief_Aesooiation SINKING 239 0 7 192 Bo -rd of Control GARAGE 1926 J. L. Hama WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS le,?7 Christine Henson 3 32 0. 1828 3eorge Kerst 1529 Catherine Lynaugh 24 3 1830 Mrs. Annie Meehan 1631 4ugust L. Sohempf, GuardiP.n for 6 Dorie Haneon 104 1934 o6'i�l 75 1832 Clara .samold, -"idow of H. A. (+O 0 '+O 1932 Ann F. Campion, "idow of D.H.C. 40 0 183 Helen lulliv,*A, Adow of M. sy 30 1835 loo. for the Prev. of Cruelty 200 1,936 1837 1938 a. Hooker I Hegar Produote Company M0O111_,Trimer oomrnay ii 71 5 1839 X. p 8. �^,RI:aOtrio MVA&Vmaat Co. •..i 'an. Pascoe 00 i� 3 18:41 The Frsuk Shepard Com -any J'' 10 1842 E.J.9tilwell Paper Com -any superior Printing Company 194 I Tri-9tate Telephone & Telg. 37 5 o. 134 11946 18 7 -'estern Union Telegraph Com-) y gest 24 4 1848 Publishing company10 Amherst H. Wilder Charty 1849 L.C.Hodgeon, Com1r. of Fin. Ii 50 4 1520 CITY OF SAINT FA.:I- - - FORESTRY OFFICE OF THE COMI_. -OLLER CLANCY. - - - --.192--- AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM '/FERGUSON. / HODGSON. ___ - _IN FAVOR __.- --MAYOR _ 6 700 23 McDONALD. // SUDHEIMER. - ---- - --- -AGAINST WENZEL. / R PRES., NELSON. YES IV) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) DISTRIBUTION_ '�•w LOCAL SINKING TRUST n B. 1C4�1 GARAGE A3CIYORI GENERAL WATER BOND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS Fx]ui e 525 569 69 104 1934 o6'i�l 75 165 536.55 17 762 0 so4 8 1 943 593 246 Go 46 90 91 1 49 69 150 00 2 112 61 H.H.Be9. 15 5539 0o II 7 b69 07 Fos. 75 00 4 32 32 00 31 69 0 j 31 69 j 440 00� 30 00 200 00, I 3o 0 1700 I 97, 4 3+ 00 12-3 1los 50 97 134 9b 24 43 10 00 4 400 00 292 5 127 5 1 COUNCIL FILE No. FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING PE.B 2 61926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - - --.192--- REVOLVING 7 134 1 APPROVE_._._792_-- --- __.- --MAYOR _ SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING 11 FORESTRY PUBLIC BUILDING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS REVOLVING 7 134 1 42175 916 2311 6 700 23 :. C. F.. No. 54612-646 ,12 ln'the matter ofcondemntng and tak- Ing an easement m the land neces- sary forslopesfor cute and fill, in grading Alley in Blpck 6, 'endemY Heights, from Prior Ave.' to Ben- - zeth 'Ave., under Prolftel.-Y Ord,Tr ?262, approved Sept. E6, 1926,. ,'ed�ary Order 63170, s26, Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of...c.ondemning. and talcing an easement in..the land. ne.c.eeaary for! -._ejopeS,....f..or -cuts and fil1s in grading A11ey in B1o.ok.6, Aoaa.emy-.lieights, rrom..Px.i.ax...Ave- to Kenneth A;ve. 1 _- under Preliminary Order . 62262 approved Se pt .2611925111termediary Order_ _ 63170_ _ approved.- .Nov... 18; -1925 A public healing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved,.That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be 1 further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby d fined to be payable in ........e • s allment_s fie o each fir ®nd deecribCB iTierein• Adopted by the Council MAR - 2 1926 192.._._: ' Approved - u;1 `� ...._.._ ... _..__ ..., 192--.... Mayor. VCouncilman Clancy _GevffdtMTn--FF­r9=Mr— V Councilman McDonald /Councilman ftwx Hodgson ,Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel l sTe�'soYi :.,i i�9 �Mr. Vioe Prea F orQveon J� J Aw - t 64613 _ p - Io�Oer 44818_-. r or. condemn . lag and tak. ! ement.ia the land necea- elopea. .for cute aad g11e Un g Alley frotri Block 6, Adem. or Ave. to caRf�-' -m Prior � undAve. , '•" "'moi iSF _ -FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of—nnnfl—ring...and.-tak.ing....an....easement._.in-the .....land...nea scary nnarlinv Allev in Block 6,A0ademy-1§11ghts, from'`Prior Avg to Kenne ..... _.... -_....................... ... _._... _............ —....__....--._......_.....- _.._..... -- under Preliminary Order _._..._6.22.52 ........ __..., approved..$a..l?G..•.25,.1...q4ntermediary Order ._6'�..a,79...... _...... __., approved_Nov_..._18,. 1925 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.._......_.......... condemn and take an easement in the land necessaryfor slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley__. halo k 6, %Lislell-He��ktt�+'-�r'om-Px j ave. to Kenneth Ave_. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz::..-the..._I&ud._.ELbuttIM9 upon the Allev in lsloek_6,.__A��deatHeigits,_between_the—points ao$spd, to the extent shown upon the Plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Pt�bl� "_ Rk9a_-i�? the n�ttsx _d8#�e�@LrtlZei 25�_._.._.-'c-----_ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the CounciL_.__....MAR..2.926 191.......... ...._.............................................._... ....... ........ ... ................ .._ ....... ..... -_........ - ........ ity Clerk. MAR - 2 imp Approved_. ....... .................. ..... ....._ .................... .._... ...., 191 ....... _... Clancy -g'artiswarth'-•— / Goss / Keller, b McColl Wunderlich iodgson W viae Pres. Ferguson ....... .......... ..-...__1r�✓ Mayor. pUBL1SMP \- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...e-ondemning--and--Laking...an--eaaernen#...An---Lha.-land..:rie-ceasary. for --_s�opes�.-.for-.-cut-s---unci...fills.--in---gr ding-l.lle..._.in_.Bloc.k.-6-,,---rica-.-. my --Heights, from Prior Ave. Kenneth Ave. ........... ............... _..._....................................... ........... ------------------------------------- _ _ ---------.._..------......---.................------------------------------ Under Preliminary Order_ -_6.22.62_.._.._.., approvcd3spt...2.6.,19.2.y Intermediary Order .....63.17..Q .............. approved........ N.00...._1.8.i._1926.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro-. priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i Commjjsioner of Finance. 64a19n— In thea atter a condemning and ces- 646.14 Ing an easement In 'the land aces- ary for elopes, for cute and Alla In adtng Alley In Block 2, Adams ��'ition and Block 3, M6caleeter L from Asbury Ave. to Pascal i+nder Prellminary Order 61962, ad Sept. 14, 1926, In[rnne�74, '•y.: 3172, appro, _,... Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of -.-.condemning-- and _.taking..an.. e.asament_.in.- the -.1.4n.d.-ne.o.es sary for..slopes., �.qr_- cuts _.and .,fills in grading Alley in islock 2, Adam's A.ddit1-m ..and. Block 3.,.-Macalester._View, from A,9b Y Ave. t.o_Pascal,Ae., !q .................... . f ..............'--------------- under ----- .under Preliminary Order ....... B1952__. - , approvedSept ..14-,- .19r 5ntermediary Order "172 approved..-: oy...18,_ 1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of thk Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands reflectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f r Resolved, that t ere y e ermin ya e m ---_---------------_----------e al inst nts as to eaeh parcel of =and therein. Adopted by the Council-._ _. MAR '..a. ig,26------_------- - -- ---_., 192...---- ......... .. .. .. ......... ......... .- -..- ...-._....-..-..---- --- ;�,AH .. City Clerk. Aproved.....-.-....__ _. _..__.._......___.._... 192....-. - - .......................... ._E ...-..... - .... ..._... Mayor. `Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman Re'E X Hodgson ,.-Councilman 8udheimer Councilman Wenzel % ,r .-y Nr Vice Prea. F,;: -,ion r-- _ 6461 C. F No. 64816— lage ' atter c nt meth e. land sandtalc- In sary for slopes, for cute and fill.�� grading Al1eY In mock 2. p Addition and Block S. Marr Vle �, f aom Asbury A¢e. [n Tn, n! FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of--Oandpmn_ ink._.and.._taking....an.....e.asam nt.....in....the.....�. zld.._necess. 9 forg._._.�1 ones fnr rent a ant1._fill.s_i71_grad3ng_.All-eg.....3n_..i.7,,.2Q.-?,�..r._Ad,altll�-,4.--..._.- Addition and Fij-aak 'S-MAsalesta,> view....-from._.ABhury..Aye.__ Se -t - 14 192 63172 under Preliminary Order. -_61952_..-...__......., approved...-..P_....r.._...........z........., iltermediary Order.._........._..........__.._.._........... approved--Slov_.-.18,..._1925 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.__....__.._._... C,Andemn and take an gas .m .nt iilt. he _I necessflry for e.19-114 s.,-- 0�-its and fills in =A d i n g Alley-in--Black-2, Adam 1 gAd.dit.i.o-rL a nd B l o rk 3, Mie.�lsStaS_V e�.s- x9ID_.Aslz�u'Y-A9_e.,.�� ka.8.of1_.93e.,_.._...._.__...__....... _------- ---.__...-.--- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, Viz. tkiQ..._land ,abutting Hoon the-Allgy in�lack._2,....Asiam_'s_A�.diiiola,-and_B1oak..�.__2dg�alaete,>"_Y�.ew, bAtwAPn the points afarPs.aisl�_,,:LQ_ he Bgtellt-ShQgn�Fon the p1aA_a.ttA.4]led to the report of the Commissioner of Public lorks, in the matter dated (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .__MA.R._2:1926 ..............................191........ .......... ............ ..... ::...................._------ y....... City Clerk. AFAR - 2 1926 Approved__..__. .... _.... .......... ....... ........._......_..........1 191 ... ........ e>m" =xa C1An6 X%Wx son --- � �1GIcDonald S dheimer enzel `Nelson r / Mr. �IC9 Pros, h'srQason .... ..... .................. ....... ._...... Mayor. PUBLISHED REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS in the matter of..condemning..And ._tRUng...anlandnec@scary for___ slopes.,_._ for._ cuts.._ and fills in grading Alley in i�lock 2, Adamts ............. Addition and Block 3, biacalester View, from Asbury .ve. to Pascal I-ve., under Preliminary Order....... 61-952 ...- approvedSept...14,19.25.., Intermediary Order ...._ 63172-........ approved..Nov.....1.8.,...19.2.5. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. C -------------- Commie ' ner of Finanee. C. F. No. 84810— ; In tha matter L co demning and 54616 Ing an eeaement 1n the land a in �I sa y for elopes, [or cyte and flan In grading Alley d Block o Lane's Phalen Grove1,Addition, from Men- a., St. to Dean and South Alley and. from Denny St. to Lake Como. .a..F.–^halon Aoe., +coder" Preitminar ^ Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter oL.C.O.nd9.mn.ing- and 'Caking an easement., in the land . nece.esary for.__sloR.ee,or.._outs..and fillsin grading Alley. in Block 1, Lane_fe.. _. Phalen...Grove Addition., from Mendota St.. to North and South._All.ey...and- . from. Denny St. _to. Lake Como & Phalen. Ave.,. -------------------- ---_ under Preliminary Order _ 61.795 approved Sept. 2.,.1925, Intermediary Order__05 ._..._.. .; approved..-.DeC.....9,* 1925- A public hearing Itaving been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council 14ving duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of dam9ges to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is herby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Beit fort er Resolved, th he said assessor d it is he determined to be _---------...... ----_-_-.--- s allments as to each parcel of land described therein. MAR - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council.... - .... ....... .-... -. .. ....... 192....... - 2 190 Approved---. _.............. _.. _........ _ ....... councilman Clancy ,-'Councilman McDonald ,.-Councilman )AMX Hodgson .-Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel &1r. Vioe Pres. FortfaWn r ... ... .... .__.......... ....._.... ... . ..-.._........ . ---------- City ...- -- City Clerk. 192...... . __.._..__.._ ............... - .. .. ....... Mayor. in'F. No. te In.;the mutIterr of of condemning and ss1 ces- "dar an easement In the lend nesse-' gra for elopes, for cuts and fills in h i grading Alley In Block 1, Laos's t, Phalen Grove Addition, from Men- dota St. to North and South Alley ney =S -and -troep DeT. St. to Late Como FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of _.Q911t Q713S1111$--a S1..._t.} .iS1B...��n_..Qa]Ae.Xlt.._An....t1xe...._l:@Aa.._nQC_@BB»FY " f�gyapeg��or ntrtA incl_gi1IA_ in_grading.-.Al1EJ[.._1Il..Eloak.._lr_Larie�-.6_____ P Mendota.and._.Snurh.�llayc..anci..- from DennySt. to Lake Como &Phalen_.Ave..,........................ _..._._._...__............._..._.._____.__-._...___ under Preliminary Order 617-9.5............. .... approved--0.09ta.2.,1925Intermediary Order._635.44........ ....... __, approved D.@C.._...5.,.._1925. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._._...._.___._. oondemn and take an easement in the__land neoessery for slopes, for Cute and fills in Fxading_Alley in Blook. 1 .__Lane's—Phglen Groa�l�Six�.9n� from Mendota St. _to._Northand_South _Allemand_ from DgDSL._o. --.......__---- ._._...._._.._.... .........— ............. .... -_-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:._._t48.._la44_-4butting upon the Allev r9vQ-._lis�.ititl.9ri,._3om_nciQta.. St. to North and South Alleg and from Denny St. to �ake_Como and PhL.len Ave. td the extent shown upon the. Plan attaohed to the report._ Of the Commissioner of Pub14o YPorks inthe matter, dated Jan.._g., i�Ci____._...._._.._._. (3)sThat the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land,;, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.-MAR....,...2...1926-........... ---........ - .............1 191.._...._ ......................_....._........_......... ... -- Clerk. MAR - 2 1926 Approved. __..... _-............ _._...... ... ....................... ......._, 191......__. ............... ......_..._......—. ._ Mayor. WM41 ✓QlanoY xzmxim--� - odgeon KTA= 9IoDonald =Coax ;Sudhelmer veduti Wpn el ! Nelson Mr. Vice Pres.F.rgnarn REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..a.ondemning..and...taking..an...easement...in... the ...Iand ..nene\\$aary and..f.illa...in..grading..Allay....in_]3lo.ok..l-,--lana !s..--•--=- Phalan...Grave...Addis.iQn.,....fr.om..Jden3o.ta-_St...... to._N.orsh..and...South...Alley ...aad._ from...Denny -Stir.-.. to__ Lake. Como & .. -- -- ,.Ave..,.-.................. ......................................... Under Preliminary Order... .... .6.17.9-5_......, approved_ 4ep.1.,.2.31925 Intermediary Order._....63-5.4.4........... approved P.0.0 9-,._1925...--...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Co�on�roji:]E�InW. G F.: Not 44818— In .the matter of condemning and tak. i. Ing an easement In the land neces. sary Yot elopes, for cut. and all. I- n. Altey In Block 2, Kipp'. Macaleater Park; from Sue 6t. to Prior Ave., Under Preliminary Order 62898, apl,;c Sept. 18, 1928, Inte',� 646th Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.00ndamniag..and taking_ an..easemant_in the._land_neneasary ` Por_slope�,,for .cute..and flls_in grading_ Alley in_Blook 2, Kipp.'a.......... Maoalester Park, from Sue St. to Prior Ave._.;.___ under Preliminary Order- .62098.__ approved Sept. 16.19.r�termediary Order__63151...... approved--_NOV..._18.1_1995._ .... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, flow therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the salve is k ereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it ft.equalj her Resolved, that essmcnt be ' ' determined to ein ...._-_.._........._ments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council........:. - --- ---------.-- --- --. .................. 192....... MAR - 2 1926 ity Clerk. Approved....... -- 1 ................. 192.. - ..:_.... - .........____....__... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald ✓Councilman B9M Hodgson councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vice Pros. Forgu#,w 4 64619 C r. No. 84819— In Elje matter of condemning and tak- �(ng�•8n'eaeement to the land necee- egyy"Yor elopee, tOr cute and 811e Sn I ; 'gqk�ditiB-'Al1eY 1n Block 2. KSpp'e+ ,Macalester Park, from all et. to i^!Yt6'r:'Ave., under Preliminary Or or . :]98, approved seFt. 18, 1928- �dMry-Order 65361, approve,' +- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_A411dGSn M9-slid..._t&k�Tlg-..an.....eS.@.illdXlt/....1.XI_...1119.....la.aS ..._?}e..4.88.85 Y for slopes, for outs and fills._ in grading Allam in Block 2.. Km's _ Maaalester Parkes from Sue Sty. to 6 approved-ept4..,1.6.,..19.9gntermediary Order._..._6 l5ja......._........ under Preliminary Order. -_-. 620-9.8 approved_ ......... approved_1Qa_Y...__-lei-..1-925. Resolved!: (1) Thai the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:-- ----- .------_-- CQ_A e=—and take an easement in the l n�i_1�e9�Aaa Y—f01<—B.l_9Lte�.--s� cute and fills in grading Aller in Block 2._gipp'e Mac'aleeter__Park. from sue ----------------.... - -- - --- -- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:.the._..land_.ahntting upon the Alley in Block _i?.�_gipp..! s Maeales�er _�.ark,_��tl�_e.._1l�ttkl.�__.&91>attl�.__ a 4resaic�, to the exte_nt_Bhownunon the plan attaohHd_t�5]�e_.xaFort.-nf thw C!nmmiaHienar n�ptlhlj.o„_�Ar.]cs.__in-_.thQ mnttel'—daygd-.DEGemb.er-2��-l$2�. (3) That the assessplents of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the, above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council_ -MAR.... -._2 1926 ._ ...............................1 191_._....... 14 ..........._........_._._. MAR Approved2i ..... --......... .................. .... .—... _.............. . 191..._..._.. ' ...... Mayor. Clext�_ seaxx ✓Hodgson a :Uxkmxx ✓f[ Donald afpesutx . idhe#mer at >x eaze ,>sx DTi�'s Mr. Pica Pres. Ferguson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.....Q.Q114-0 ri.1T1B--.aAd...taxtag---ai7...-eai3Q.aOXI-te-A11---T,he laxld---laB.O.Qmmax.y fos..slopes.,...for..-cut.a. and...f.ills... in..gr.ading-..Alle:g...in..Flack.-2-,-..Bip-p!s--------- Ma.Qales.�sr....P.ar.k.,...> xam..Sue.. S.t zQ Pr.iAr ..9ve.. +-------------------- - - ------------------------- -- ---------- _................ .............. ..._.... -- ............_............................................. .................... ------------------------------------ . Under Preliminary order.....6.2Q9.8._......._., approvedgep-t.16.+1925 Intermediary Order. _.. 63151 .............. approved .....NOT ......14 -19.25.....-. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. __.._.. .......... . ....... - ---.....--•--...........--- Coma ' ..ioner of Finance. f No. 84620_ , 64620 .matter of condemning and tnk- easement In the land n—+ outs and P" Ei Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of condemning. and _taking an_eaeement in,the. land_ne..eesaxy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 42, Summit Park Addition,_irom._Lexington_Ave. to Oxford St.., under Preliminary Order _ _ 62846 approvedNov, 3 s 1925 , Intermediary Order. ..635.40_-.9..__ , approved,..- Dec-, -.9p _ 1925,. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council,having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the sa(�I'-t�a s hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be furher Resolved, th 'd assess a and is here _-_.__-..__..._.._tallments as to each parcel of land described therein. MAR -2IM Adopted by the Council ...... _._..__................... ...............__..._..., 192.-...... MAR - 2 1921 . Iva...... - Approved----.. _ ... ... ........ 192....-. Councilman Clancy /Councilman `CouncilmanXVA= Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel / Mr. Vi ,•,rc,peon f Mayor. a nd Iek- 0621 ' �Ining�an oeasement Ino he laod n ces- eery for s]oDes, for cute and elle In grading Alley In Block 48, summit Park Addition, from Lezington Ave. to Oxford St._ under Preliminary —`order 62848, appproved Nov: .�R�srmednrv. ofder 68840, approv i " 1 t FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. a In the matter of 4.QQ,delnuing-4Ud- _Gad..n$....ail..._e.&�em@.nt.....1n._.S klE..._land....n.eae.e.@ax—v ioT 431ongB, for nutr3 gnd f i� is in cEadIng-Allay ._.inSltmmii~-- Eask Additionrfrom Lez_-�ngton Age�m.�x£nPd_.St...,__-......... _..... __..._........ .._......___.__....__...._ under Preliminary Order...._.._.621148........_......, approvedN.O.Y+_3.-,1.92r'�_...., Intermediary Order_—__.635.%Q_............. approved_D 0.-_.9._ ...... 19.25 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:— ---------- __ condemn and take an easement in the lnd_nellef�Py for 431 ones,,�pr-outs �d fills in eradin¢ t�lj.sy_.i�R ook Lexiagtion�..__...._._.-- (2) That the following land, 1an41s or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..- In In ut�on the Allev in: B_1Q.gk_42�_$ummit_Park._.Addition,._hetWa8Z-the-Point$- aforesaid, to the extent shown uponhe p�an_attaohad. to.hp re_----n-ert� the C.pmmi&s oner o1 pUbI i &oils i- * _h�• • stte� da ecl-Jatlsary-�j,- 1}26r (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council._._.._AR I.... ............. ................................. 191.._ ....... . .....---- ..::................. _.... _ Sty Clerk. MAR 2 4926.. ... .._., 191._........ Approved.._...__ ..............._......_..........._.._.__. _. ._...:._..._..._..._......._.._...L..s..............._--Mavor. >ca Clanoy AM= so sxam�m� SOLUX Maid AMjWX udheimer wenzell*PR Nelson { Mr. Vice Prue, Fenruaft' J J X REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I. ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS .. In the matter of._QQnSQR1311ng---and--taking _an._eaeement---in---the---land.-neoessarp for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 42, Summit - - .......... _..... - - - .... - ----- ---------- - --- ........ --...--........ ........ ------ Lexington... Ave. ...to._Oxford St.-,---------.....--------------------................ ---------------- - ----------------------------- ------------ - ..............----------------------- ------------------------------ - ........------------------------------------------------- .......................................------.... ...._. ---........................ - Under Preliminary Order.__...62g ._..-...., approved ...N��.. +.1y25., Intermediary Order ......._63 ........... approved..DeC..._9.a._1%2r7...... - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements &rein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Com Toner of Finance. C. t Nm. 6462E— 64622 i In [he atter oe co de the Ig and tt lJ i22 F/ —1 as an easement to cuts land fine [g elopes, . r . and A i - grading University is St. from Curfew A tr COrderit6 Ave., under Pro rj 1 ary Order 6237$ aDrder6 C• 25, In[ermedtary Order 5S1 +' -d Nov. 13. 1025. - Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.—condemning and taking. an. easement_ in the -land necessary for__.slopes,_for cut s_and fills in grading Ell ia St. from Curfew Ave. to University.- _. ------------------- - under Preliminary Order - -6237$ approvedoct• 1._.192 Intermediary Order' 63155. - approved.., Nov._ 18, 3925 . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the \layer and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects rltified; and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further lved, that the s aseesamPllt• bg an '+-" I"Ph �ntrrmined to be payable in ................................equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by ;he Council __ti+,+t7 ., r aft ..._......_._.---..-......_, 192........ _.. .. .. .. _....._ .. ._..__ -- -- MAR - i WKt / City Clerk. Approved---- _.---- ._....._ .__._._._.. .......,192...... `Councilman Clancy -- -""Councilman McDonald ,/Councilmaz%29SIx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,/Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vioe Pres. Ferguson _...._... _....._._.............. ............................... ... Mayor. �vsrast�v 3 � � FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of— oondemningand taking..._an...._eaeement..._1n..._the.__land.._neoeesary for slo es. for out and fill. o —.._------------._...---- under Preliminairy Order._.._.._._ ?3.79..._........ approved._D.Ct.. l.t 19255, Intermediary Order__63135_._..._ . approved- Nov Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_ --- -------- - ¢o�$mri and t8_aO-G.A6ernerit in the _;laild_.11flCE9flfl_rj• fnr alnrwa, fDT aUte and fills is g�adina Ell1B_..St... from__4iuiea[—AVe.--to._.UAivera�t�r--�,vB-.,-- . (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:._t11e....laAd._8butil}g 1,pon f3 4th Orem , lr4ey�_AV8«-tO-UASge�BSt3►-AYR.- t4 -t 6-93Et8iit-B�IGWFS upon the plan attached to the re Sof the CQrxmisF1ioner�f b b1io_Aorks in the matter dated December -- r (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopte4 by the Council__!NAR...-...2..19${.... _.......... _.............. _... 191 .... _...... ... _.... ...................... .............. ..Ity Clerk. - 110AR _ 2 Approved___.._ .......... ............... ............................ 191.._....._ ............- Mayor. ct�,x�x �lanay , R� X,»x ggodgeon cDonald ;apoidx �dheimer . Wenzel x N�C�► Mr. Vice Pres. Purqueon ?. c. P. No 64623— - IID the matt f condemafng and tak- Ing n agement In the land necee- 6..4 U _ Bary for slnPAa forcuts and illi. in •'tlJ�Gi{ itng Ellie at fro Curfew Ave. _jR1Yerelty 17'90 ll PrOct -Proved Oct -Ander 6 878 ...d. 91ntcrmedllrj 5315E • Nov FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of— oondemningand taking..._an...._eaeement..._1n..._the.__land.._neoeesary for slo es. for out and fill. o —.._------------._...---- under Preliminairy Order._.._.._._ ?3.79..._........ approved._D.Ct.. l.t 19255, Intermediary Order__63135_._..._ . approved- Nov Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_ --- -------- - ¢o�$mri and t8_aO-G.A6ernerit in the _;laild_.11flCE9flfl_rj• fnr alnrwa, fDT aUte and fills is g�adina Ell1B_..St... from__4iuiea[—AVe.--to._.UAivera�t�r--�,vB-.,-- . (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:._t11e....laAd._8butil}g 1,pon f3 4th Orem , lr4ey�_AV8«-tO-UASge�BSt3►-AYR.- t4 -t 6-93Et8iit-B�IGWFS upon the plan attached to the re Sof the CQrxmisF1ioner�f b b1io_Aorks in the matter dated December -- r (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopte4 by the Council__!NAR...-...2..19${.... _.......... _.............. _... 191 .... _...... ... _.... ...................... .............. ..Ity Clerk. - 110AR _ 2 Approved___.._ .......... ............... ............................ 191.._....._ ............- Mayor. ct�,x�x �lanay , R� X,»x ggodgeon cDonald ;apoidx �dheimer . Wenzel x N�C�► Mr. Vice Pres. Purqueon REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter ot--aQndemning...and..-taking..ail...ea6.emerit....11a---th-e---lana- .n -@C88 A;Ty fQr41.110..s-a.... is.am.._guarfew...A,xV to University... Ave— ......... _.......... ------- __ ............._.__........._............................................................. ..---_.....__ -- .... ....._.. .... .............--..----.........------- Under Preliminary Order__ 6--237$..........._., approved.00tr...l 19-25_., Intermediary Order..... 63155 ---------- approved --- -----._.approved... Nov ....1$.,...1.9255'. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Coipmissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons do whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _..... ._ -V /-- ----------- Commisgioner of Finance. C.'64624 F. No. 64624— In the matter ofcondemning and lak Ing an easement In the land sees sary for slopes, for cuts and fills grading HYacl�th St. from Ke- -'t1' , Fiend,Prev 'ler 622�t, approved 3r. - '• Intermediary Order 61.5 Res4ution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of 00p.demning and taking an easement in tbe land for 010es.,, f.o.; cuts -and fills in grading Hyacinth St. from 4=ar.d St. P. to Flandrau St., - -- ----- - -- -- ........... ...... under Preliminary Order 62264 approved SePt.26,192�lutermediary Order. -61374 approved 15,...1Q25• A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. i 13,1�t �Nlt �esolvcd, �thc saidassess elle—and Tt—N—nmbr�Ue �oe p .' -- ----------------- equal installments as rcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council MAR - —.1— - - - -1 192--- ------------ C Ci nClerk. l�Approved. .......... —MAR— .. .. .... ... 192 Councilman Clancy 'Councilman McDonAld -"Councilman XAM Hodgson 'Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel 3MYEENEIRE 'W* . . . .......... .. - Mayor. I- C F. No. -69625— 6462. In the matter of condemning and. tdk- ' Ing a easement In the anpd nepes- sary for slopes, for out. and ens In grading anti St. from Kennard to andr at., under PreLman- ar der 6226 Sept. 2r- 192 Order 3edia Order Intermed, Order 873 4. prov proved Nov. 18, 1' - 11 { • � � That to11linwln� FINAL, ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ` In the matter of--9-044ng__ A__.aae�.went_._in_tha..:.land_na�.e.searq $SLr�� yes for came and_�.i? � g_..1n-.$radin$-•H.gaclnth._S.t•.--Er�sm-Ka�aFd-St. to F'laadrau ______—___._..._.._..._ under Preliminary Order..__....__62-2.64............. approved_-$9p-$($.P.Order-....._613.74-------- , approved- N.Q_1C.......1$$ 4--1.425. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.: ------ _..._.._._. condemn and take an easement in the ��d neaessAr3L fnr 1;� one_s.r mer �++*s and fills in grading Hyacinth St. from. Sennard_Sti_ tio_..Fl Irr�u St (2) That the following land, la lls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making tlae said improvements, viz.:.-...the....land--6butting ,Ipcln Hyacinth Stregt 1'1E.L�EEn....ZhE--pD•1S1t•S-aL�OT$88.1F�7._..�i6--firh9-9'1C-t@1?t-BhO1PlY upon the plan attaohed to the reDpTt o_�.Lh@So mi geiener ofPytblic_3=1ts, in .tb,.9-mattez_dated._DEc�mber--�,--1-9P,.5•—.----------------_....._.__.__- _J. (3)- That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. MR _ 2 1926 191..._....... Adopted by the Council __.... _...... _........... _...... ..................... _.................... . _, .. ............ _ .. .. ......... _.._._. . i�1A t 2 VW City lerk. -:_.._..._.... ....... _.............. 191_...._._ Mayor. QUWX Clanoy Kaa ^ ✓:on a imer n ld— Mr. Viae Pro& P'MrtraNlp REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of, -99449=149 AN ;91.119.-aaou.s. ..ailJe f.4.s.. slop.QB,.._fog..o.uS.B &X3d...f.t.1.Q...1Xi...Bads.nB..HY&Q.iXtS.b..St......fS.4m..Kl�.riXla7cd._St. ?r.Q...FlazXd? aL3...STi..:s.........................._....------- .----- ............_..._--- ---- _-.------- ............. ...._---------- ....------._....------------------ .................. ......................................... ................................. - ................................. -.......---------------------------- Under Preliminary Order_.._ 622-64 ........ approved8apt-26..1525 Intermediary Order..6.317.14.._....._._._.., proved.------- Q.4......_1..x--.19:2.5-•--• - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and thathereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. X .-....._._._.-.--_- - ------------------ --------------_... Com Toner of Finance. '�- I No. 11626- 1. the rnatter of condemning Ad Ink. "" . .... ient In the land neces- '_...ry Ir cuts and filla Iff �;r"ha. .cal A a. f— Ott. Ave. to Schefferl've,vunder Prellrn-,� ,.,..ry 040er 61 3 10 aPproved Aug. '64626 lnterrnedfar� Order 631-', Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therejor. In the mattir of..00nd=Zing and tating an easement in thO IaAcl-n-Oceapary for slopess for cuts and fills in grading Macalester Ave. fr0m.10.ttP Ave. -to Scheffer Ave., . . ......... under Preliminary Order.. 6131:0 approvedAug. 11,1925, 1 nterniediary Order.. 63157 approved-. NOV�..18# 1925, A public hearing having been had upon the taking a ' ad condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, at he aking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, ide tifi d b th ignatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages y ' i it" ch lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, to the own a. be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. B it further Resolved that the said asses c a 9 e payab c in qual installments as o parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-_ 2 - IS - 192� MAR. ....... .. ... ..... ------ ...... ....... .... .. ...... ty Cl e ty Cle, Approved V/ councilman Clancy G"Aralln�� ._1 Councilman McDonald ,.,'Councilman Falax Hodgson ,' Councilman Sudheimer --'Councilman Wenzel hhnnfflhm� - Z1� --7 - I ....... ....... . ....... ... Mayor. �..�. Q -F. No, 69627— • ;In the matter of condemningand tel.,-- -ing an easement in, the land ner J eery for slopes, for cuts and PT' 1�,;f.� (�1�/.� grading. Wacalester Ave. fr, 6� • Ave: to Scheller Ave. - 66viii 21 unary order ^L310, FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Qondemningand._t kfig..-. .._tea_ .els_ez�i<.._.in.....the_-land....nea.e.ssary for slopes, for cuts and fills ingrading _Maoalester._._Ave.from _O,ttq_Aye. under Preliminary Order .......... (13.10 ....... _......, approvedA.Ag;......11rJ925Intermediary Order __----- �.��7.....:_.....__, approved -Nov. 1g ...... 1 .2.57 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, condemn and take an easement alnPP_rem. f^a—Guts and._ fills n g n a Mfle s t er ave __isom-A t#.a—AgeT.__s o-Snhef fe;n Ars. ,- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the, same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, vlz.:__..._._........_...-_..._.__._____ 8 upon Mp yes .et Avantlw batBn_the �GluLa-afor.asaidY._to _the_ extenx_.shnwn upon the glen attached to th@—report 4i.._ he, Commienionar_%L2UbU9 Wnx.ks in ]a�mat ez iatesi�aoembsr23 •-192J5__-_-----_....---- -- .._._..._... _...- ----- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking an& appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council_R.._..g.._..........._............................ 191........ ................. ............... _....... ....... _ MAR - C' y Clerk. Approved. ._........ __.._.----------- -_......_----------------------_..., 191 .......... _ ._. .. .. .-- Mayor. iYltb4 _ 6�is3WAXX dson t c Vconald �liafDoRx ✓e mer., ' T -i j / /�/ n,x hers �• �� V Mr. Viae Pres FerQaws REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matt.r of..the... land.neasasary forslopes, cuts and fills gpck? eve.fromOtto .- -,-_._____g. -Ave.9...t4--- Scheffar...Ave,_,................. .. ..... __.................... --------------- --------------------- ........................ - -------------------------------- .............. ... ......- .......... ................... _._-I.-_..__....._..... ..------------ - Under Preliminary Order.approved--i tlig-.Al.,192rjIntermediary Order ...--.-6-3157----------- approved---- TO -------.,approved-- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. C� ...................... ........... ---•- ......... .. C smissioner of Finance. iR}8i1���'.LYv C. P. N. 6468 In themattert condemning and tak- ing. an easement in the land neces- ea;Y for More for cute and fills Sq grading Taylor .Ave. from Wheeler Ave. to Aldine St.. Wheeler Ave. Hewitt Ave. to Taylir Ave. and St. from Taylor Ave. to Gres Comrany's r�•: 64628 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of._condemning-and taking an -easement .-In_.t.he _land_ neeegsarY or cuts. and fills .in_grading Taylor Ave. from "!heeler Ave. to _11ieeler. Ave. ,from Henitt Ave. to._Taylor_Ave. and Young St. from ,Ta.glor,Ave.. to Great Northern Railway Coripanyls right-of-way, under Preliminary Order_ . __62385 .. ., approved 04t-.._1 ,1925, Intermediary Order... 63176 approvedN.U.....-.1.8.,. _ 19.2.5 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the 'owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it Tu - r Resolved, that said asses d to m -------------------------eq ents as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.._ NAR - 2 - Me ....................._....., 192----.... fit....... ........ 192...... ........... -- .,....Y...l ... Mayor. bCouncilman Clancy r6tteefi— Councilman McDonald /Councilman 744 NX Hodgson %Councilman Sudheimer ,/Councilman Wenzel 646 .52 C. F. No. 64629— %+ In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement in the "ad necee- e�ry for slopes, for cute and ells In grading Taylor Ave. from wheeler Ave, to Aldine 6t., wheeler from Hewitt Ave. to Tor aylAve. _ Young 8L from Taylor' Ave.'•, Great Northern FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, In the matter of�eondemnin_and.-_taking.._ar,,....aa.pe.xlt.....i»...the....land....ne..c.assary for a _s311d fills .3n._grading._Taglor'._A.re.. -.from Wiaelar-A e. to Aldine St.. wheeler_AILa�> Om�ie�littAYa.._...ta_Tayln� tLua�-arid-xatuig-St. or_-Age.._tn--Grrthssen-itai]:.:Aay....gcuapany.ie.-right..=.af_�sy-r---'- under Preliminary Order. -_.62385.__...___., approved -0 ct..1,1925..., Intermediary order ........6.317-6 ----------- - approved- H.O.4.18,._..1.925 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:-condeMli �`- and take an easement in the land necessqry for s on �,__4s_.S.11tu9 and fit is in grading Taylor Ave. from Wheeler_Ave,�to7heD? er Ave___Prom Noxthern RailwayCoTang's_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:the--land._ahut-Ung upon Taylor Ave-, Whe I Pr A_V_e_-_-and YOung_Bt..,._..hatween.._the.-pQint.s-ai.Or$said, to the extent shown upon the ylan attached to the report _of the Commissioner of Public "forks in -the matter dated"pecember_22t 1925 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. . WR - 219,26. Adopted' by the Council _... _........ ---....... ................. .............__..................., 191..._..._: ... .......... .._........._........_. ' y Cler . MAR -2 Approved._..._..__......._-_ ....... ........_........._......_........ 191........_. / Mayor. i�syc Clancy ✓ cD nald Aaw /%o son �,�o>dx u e imer x�nooth�lici[ W'enzeI V/ Mr. Vice Pres. Fergueor. . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.._aondemning..and._taping...an._ea.sament--.in..-t.lae-...1and...ne-rosary forslopes, for cut's and fills in grading Taylor.._live...._from_.^lheeler_.4ye., ......................................... ................_.. . :. to Aldine _St.....Wheeler-.-4ve_..-froM_FTe��it.t._,ve.,....�o.;-T.���.Rx..:Q.a.....and...Y.RZIng...St. from Taylor tNe. to Great ,Northern Railway Company's ri;ht-of.-way-a._.... ..... ... .............. under Preliminary Order... -.623-85 - -, approved.0ct.,....1,1925.._, Intermediary Order.... 6Z.176 .......... approved...... NOV._ 1.8- _19.12.5 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _.... ------------..... ................ ......... .................. Commissioder of Finance. TYING ASSESSMENTS.. I -` Council File No 64630 .o. s16ao— matter o[ the assessment.. of By •.. cos as andkexd ee es nr o r lets le'nnt gdttlon. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for grading alleys in Block 3, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Cottage St. to Denny St. and from Mendoza St. to north and south alley,, under Preliminary Order ......._ 602.56...___...., Intermediary Order._._..6120.%...._........., Final Order....61.7.�--- ---- approved__S8_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 401 926 1 Adopted by the Conncll.._�.R �_-.___.2 1—_—..---.••...._............ 92 .......... -. ....... _... _.. __.............................................. City Clerk. 2 1926' Approved.__...__.................................._,..............._........192......Y ............ ....._._, Mayor. aorm s. s. to / CITY OP ST. PAUL. OF�CE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT FQkt.,_....3rd.,._1.916_...., MY— In s7C— In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for &8x grading alleys in Block 3, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Cottage St. to Denny St. and from Mendota St. to north and south alley, under Preliminary Order ............ .... 6__- Intermediary Order __61207 -- .._ 12D7._Final FinalOrder ....... ... 61.1.56........._.._..._._ ..................._, approved...._......_.moo@R.t.a......2nd.,.ly25....., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ "-- 3-7-6'O._......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$.................. 4"?Q............ _ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - -$....._..... ......... t.8.4 .......... _ - - $_......_.._.__16!J1........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - 4.G0 Amount of court costs for confirmation ....-. - - - - $... -.--- _ Total expenditures s .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- twined, to -wit: the sum•of $........._$63...5.4...................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him: and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Com ssioner of Finance. p[JBLISfiED J l C. F. No. 64631 of t .. me o assesemeac of Council File . ....... aeptheata �°osis ana expenses for con- i _ etruptinq r an armdel St. fro Lawson e3[. e[on pP- m feet a th of Cook St.. der Przlimtnary 62013, in termedlar)' (irder By......__—._. ..._._..-__._._.....___.-. n.F Order 63228, approved CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying `- 64631 r Assessment In the mutter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses constructing a sewer on Arundel St. from Lawson St. to a point 30 feet south of Cook St., for 6201 Intermediary .6.2?_6.i_...., Final Order_._6.3225.._.............., ander Preliminary Order._.__......._._...._ y Order.. approved NOy. 24, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered -be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_— � —..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _.—._..._...._.192 ........ _. i _.......... --_., City Clerk. Mi1� _. 2 192 Approved_ — ............._._ _...........__........ .......... 192 .Mayor. Form B. B. la _. a CITY OF ST. PAUL. ! L 4 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT F@y..__3.,_...1926.__............. mss_._._ In the matter of the assessment o benefits, costs and expenses foalba constructing a sewer on Arundel St. from Lawson St. to a point 30 ft. south of Cook St., [ ?Q1.2.._ . ....................... — Intermediary Order under Preliminary Order .............. _...,.... . --- _------- _----- ---- --..._--- .--- _... , Final Order..._.._._6322H_.._.....__........_....._...__......__, approved._ N.ov.a._.._?li,_-.1.9?�__—.......Xk9dK...__... 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction .. - - - - $.... --Z69-AQ"""""" Cost of publishing notice $..... _'-_.......... Cost of postal cards -$_........._ .......... ..(?Q............ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $...... ....... 15..!..7$............ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----- - --- 3-'-QQ-....... Total expenditures s .......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_..._.811y.36 ...................._.._..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. -......._............. . _........... ...._. ......�i..ioner .. ............. Form s. s. r7 inance. PLLoLISHEA r F 61 -r• [hee mat,11 ter oP the assessment of 64fi32 �+eneflte costa end expense for con- t� Council Flle ._ r. ti g aaewethn Colne S[ iffrom chard St. to e hern Pacic �ght-of- Y. .der Prelimlu/PY 62094, IntermediaryNortOrder Final or 63230. approve . By 19 been CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Colne St. from Orchard St. to the Northern Pacific Right-of-way, under Preliminary Order.__�. Intermediary Order....._627.6................. Final Order........ 6230..... — approved Ncq___Z_4a 4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it 0 therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURT RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_--- �.__._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council INA' - 2 1926 _.__..... ......... 192...._._. l,r�'......., City Clerk. �iAAR - 2 }92C Approved_._ ................... ... ...................... __............ 192...._. ......... ........ _ ._..._._...,.._ ..... Mayor. ......... Form 8. B. A V / CITY OF ST. PAUL. X • - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Feb ,......1,13.26...........AXIS K....... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forAr constructing a sewer on Colne St. from Orchard St. to the Northern Pacific Right-of-way, under Preliminary Order ......_..._62.09.4......_._....._............_. _. , Intermediary Order ---- _....__Ec2.V)7_......_......_.....-.--..-.......... Final Order ...... _... 63230 ..... ............ approved ......_Nov......_2.4-. ..... g2.5-._.......xxl9dxx-... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and inconnection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - $ 7'56-0Q... " Cost of publishing notice $- 3,15 Cost of postal cards - $............-...........fi}............ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $...._._......1.53.,..12............ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $......--- �•15- - Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ 776'-0 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .............7.7.& O. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ..... / � _ ...... ....... Form B. B. tT C misaioner of Finance. PT C. F. No. 84633— In the matter of the assessment of . . benefits, costa and expenses for con - 64633 Council FRA.. sewer on Eleanor St. from Chatsworth St. to a 'polnt 488 feet west of Rogers Ave. and on ' Ro¢jra Ave. from Eleanor St. to Ott, . Under Prv•liminary Order 9+1 By ._._.......................__.—__1aarY Order 68567. Final;; .........._— CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from Chatsworth St. to a point 490 feet west of Rogers Ave. and on Rogers Ave. from.Eleanor St. to Ottio Ave., k under Preliminary Order ... ..... ... 62A- ........., Intermediary Order. .62.557 ..-.,Sinal Order....._...._.6j.Q�.4._.-, approved 4d V.._....___192 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-- ............. ........ .................. ................... City Clerk. Approved----- .......... ...... ....... _........._ ................192...... ....... _.....l.�e a CW_.- Mayor. corm s. s. ys _ L/ / CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _Feb..._._ 3,_.1926 .... _..... btlm- In the matter of the assessment of beriefIte, 00818 and expenses for cbxx constructing a sewer on Eleanor St. from Chatsworth St. to a point 480.1.6et west of Rogers Ave. and on Rogers Ave. from Eleanor St. to Otto Ave., under Preliminary Order ............_..6.111..__ ......................._...., Intermediary Order ................ .2j.5 -I .... ........ ............... ................ . Final Order ... ... ....... 63954........__........._ .................._, approved ... ...._.Nov.a._.17..th,.._.192.5....., : ft-......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $6.noo -o """" Coat of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $................ -6.3.0 Coat of postal tarda - - - - - - - - s.... . ......... . Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $-.-......1M....00 .............. Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - $.... ----.... -'-9.Q. ...... ..... Total expenditures s.6.135-18.-- .. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$........._6..,..13.5.._16....... ....... _... ....._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed. by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may beconsideredproper. omm Form B. B. 17 Cis ' ner of Finance. 64634_' matter of the assessment of G4634 ite-iso......................_—._-dts, costa and expenses for con - Council File -No.. ...................... —.--dt" ..ting a sewer on Mississippi 6t. .m Case 9t: to a yolnt 30 Peet north York St., under Preliminary Order .6R, Intermediary Order' 62117, __^ Order 62653, approved Oct. 21st ! _!n6 ha -1*_ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Mississippi St. from Case St. to a point 30 feet north of York St., under Preliminary Order..._._. .......... 6.1168...., Intermediary Ordcr _.:.. _, Final Order.......62653--- ---, approved—QCt. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTWR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—.— ._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAR - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ------_......_......._192........__. .......... .. _. .., City Clerk. Approved _._....... .._._..._ ...... .._.... ..._..... _ ................192....__ ........ ....... _Mayor. For. B. B. is FUBISSFIED_,y� CITY OF ST. PAUL. �s OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANC* REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cc es and expenses_ for JWX constructing a sewer on Mississippi St. from Case St. to a point 30 feet north of York St., under Preliminary Order ......_.... _........... 6.11.6✓$...... ............ ........ , Intermediary Order ....... _... .. 4.17.7._..._........__........_............. ...... Final Order .._...._62653 approved_....._, .C_1..:..._41st..,..__192.5.....,...._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.,..._l,s?j0._00.__,.„. - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $------------.'4.5 Cost of postal cards Inspection Ecce - - - - - - - - - - $..... ............... -.5.R... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $------------3 45 - $.--1.3'3'.3,9 Total expenditures - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.........10-23-39 - .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _ ................................ Form a. B. 17 Commis over of Finance. r, o. ------------------------ 64635- 4636 u assessment o[ 64635 Council File No._..._......_........._ matter and expenses fort of jIte, ensue .ing a ewer an Wesley Ave. Hotton Ave. .t a point 267 ft. -, 'Ura161791.�Intermedis reorder By....____�_....._._._.__...____srvinal Order 63049, approved 'h. 1925. leen head CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Wesley Ave. from Holton Ave, to a point 267 ft. eastof Holton Ave., under Preliminary Order...__....._617g1-....., Intermediary Order..........62.5.3......_......., Final Order..... 63.049._....._......_, approved__XQy ?4th...._—_192 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT rFURR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is Hereby determined to be payable in_.nal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. MAR - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council _ __..._ __......_.........192.........._. ....... ........ _ ................... City Clerk. MAR JaG v/ Approved_ ....................._.._.............192......_ Y Mayor. Form B. B. 18 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for.VkK constructing a sewer on Wesley Ave, from Holton Ave. to a point 267 ft. east of Holton Ave.,, under Preliminary Order ............._._ ..79.1.... ... ............ ...._...._., Intermediary Order .......... _.62555j3.... ..... .......... .....----------- ..._........ Final Order ......_ ......... .3.049 .................._........._....._._, approved......_....NOY.,..-.14til.,.._-19.2.x}..., bQAB......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - $ - -5'85''"00""' Cost of publishing notice - - - - $ -----1'53'5" Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $...__.__._.1,1....7.0...._..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $............ -....... 1'35 Total expenditures - - - 0 - - $ -599'-'67..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............. 5.9`-s-67............. ................... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 y.y f ` LaidroWcr to 3app, ng v n ucN -�o Nays �p Adopted Decemb rd. & Ycas y Nays Yeas ai `y /ane Ordinance NO. l ib'n SOnG!15[In y ^ odgson ylodgs'un C. F. No. cDonald - DooaId ndlreimer Sodl!eimcr Wenzel Wenzel 1r. Pres. Nelson Mr. Pres. Nclso❑ ante NO. 6614, approved December _.creating and establishing a Bureau of Municipal Equipment, to elated under the direction of the Commissioner,-of Public Works and an advisory committee consisting of the Mayor and Comptroller; placing the rolling equipment belonging to the City under the control of said Bureau; authorizing the establish ment of rules and regulations in.,connection with the transportation of City employes and.officials, and repealing Ordinance No. 5602, approved May 25, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces sary for the preservation of the public peace,.health and safety." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation 3 of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SB. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 6 of said Ordinance No. 6614, approved December 30th, 1925,. be and the same is hereby amended so as.to read as follows: "Section 6. The Bureau of Municipal Equipment shall determine what employes are required to use auto- mobile transportation for the proper carrying on of the City's business, and when such employes use their own automobiles for such purpose, they shall receive an allowance of eight cents (8¢) per mile for the operation of such caro, unless the Commissioner of Public Works shall determine that by reason of the character of the work required to be performed with such automobiles, such allowance is inadequate, in which case the Commis- sioner shall fix the amount of said allowance,, which and shall in no case exceed twelve cents (120) p , the total amount of such allowances shall not exceed Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) per month in any instance unless the Council shall by resolution determine that said maximum is not equitable in particular cases, and in such cases the maximum allowance shall be fixed by the Council in such resolution." Section 2i This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. wea /ppre•'edlle9emb _ � ne Ordinance No. By C. F. No. 64636 An ordinance ameW ing Ordinance No. 6614, approved December 30th, 1925, entitled "An ordinance creating and establishing a Bureau of Municipal Equipment, to be operated under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and an advisory committee consisting of the Mayor and Comptroller; placing the rolling equipment belonging to the City under the control of said Bureau; authorizing the establish- ment of rules and regulations in connection with the transportation of City employes and officials, and repealing Ordinance No. 5602, approved May 25, 1921. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.° This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace; health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 6 of said Ordinance No. 6614, approved December 30th, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 6. The Bureau of Municipal Equipment shall determine what employes are required to use auto- mobile transportation for the proper carrying on of the City's business, and when such employes use their own automobiles for such purpose, they shall receive an allowance of eight cents (8¢) per mile: for the operation of such cars, unless the Commissioner of Public Works shall determine that by reason of the character of the work required to be performed with such automobiles, such allowance is inadequate, in which case the Commis- sioner shall fix the amount of said allowance, which shall in no case exceed twelve cents (12¢) per mile, and the total amount of such allowances shall not exceed Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) per month in any instance unless the Council shall by resolution determine that said maximum is not equitable in particular cases, and in such cases the maximum allowance shall be fixed by the Council in such resolution." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. (z) passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Hodgson Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. president (Nelson) Attest �Q City Cl..rk Approved _ Mayor FU$I LSFiET) mmmm u /- 646a7 r COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ...COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /%�/j�J} DATE_M&rA"1__19?Jra___....._..._..._..__. COMMISSIONER.._ RESOLVED v v That the application for license for conducting a poolroom at 1059 Western Ave. issued to Roman Zielinski, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such lioense upon the payment into the city treasury of the ousto,r.ry fee COUNCILMEN Yeas // Nays • dC�lancy� Y dygon ...-.- -.--..In favor �onald vSildheimer ................Against We�lizeeett /M Presi ent) � — MAR 91926 t Adopted by the Council ----------------------_--.--......-192....:.- , M4R-9jW . Ap roved.... ._........- - 192 "................................ �J... -.. `....... MAYOR C: F_ No-04637—BY J. 3L Clancy— Resolved. That the'application for license for conducting a poolroom at 1059 Western. Ave.. issue& to Romgn Zielinski.. be end the sameis hereby granted and the city clerk is instruct- ed to Issue such license upon the pay- meet lot. the city treasury of the t �_{ `sVll oust- ary fee. Ad�ted by the Council Mar. 8. 3938.' Approved Mar. 9, 1926.3-19 (March 19-1938) COUNCILMEN Yeas // Nays • dC�lancy� Y dygon ...-.- -.--..In favor �onald vSildheimer ................Against We�lizeeett /M Presi ent) � — MAR 91926 t Adopted by the Council ----------------------_--.--......-192....:.- , M4R-9jW . Ap roved.... ._........- - 192 "................................ �J... -.. `....... MAYOR FAI 33.2- /0 32- `0 y4- Ix 4 l w 47v zo S tt� .0 1072- Yv 2�N�,L No.. 64638 CITY OF ST. PAUL tae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r192 ...---------- .--- -. We , Edward J. Aydt has made application for license to operate upon the attereststs of the City of St. paul" One Buick auto car, Motor No. 1033898, State License No. B-36-466, covered by tulldog Automobile Insurance Company Policy No. 602673-T and owned by said Edward J.Aydt, and 1','fR REAS, Edward J. Aydt, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has the City of St. Paul, and said policy filed copy of insurance policy with bja been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said Edward J.Aydt to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. COUNCILMEN Yeas I4ays Clancy er e ✓Hodgson ....In favor ,,.-McDonald /Sudheimer-.-Against Wenzel /, t 1"i"'. P—.. FerapeoA MAR - s II24 Adopted by the Council _------------------ ---------------1�J2...... MAR AW Apcued........ ---............ ............192. -.- .... ................. COUNCIL NO.__-- CITY OF ST. PAUL - ° vas VV.�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO .UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED- BY //// _ DATE_._..._r_Mateh...... ..o-...S..9.�r.�...._..._._._ `tl/ VMRFAs, Geo. J. Tane has made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, One Chandler auto car, Motor No. 118064, State License No. B-10062, covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Company Policy No. E1161, and owned by said Geo. J. Tans, and wMREAS, Geo. J. Tans, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it nSOLVED, that license be issued to said Geo. J. Tane to operate said auto oar upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. I C. V -' To. 64639.-8y J. M- Clancy Nhereas. CSao.: J' Tano,has made al P.Reeolvfld that llcenee Ve feeued to MW G@orko J. Tane to operateeald avio''oar neon -the etreete.•of:_the. 17 of Si.Paul. subleot to the pr.Vfs1ons of —id ordinance.` ' "Adopted.1Y Fhe couneil'Man 9, 1938. ADproYed Star. 2, 1926. - .. .(March 6-1936) . COUNCILMEN MAR .2B �- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.-.-------..---- -------.192._... Clancy MAR - 2`1W 192 ------- ,,Hodgson� ............. In favor ,,,,McDonaldM YOR -SudheimerNw— ......Against Wenzel Mr Vue Pres, FerRaeq.+� tgf.�,,,F�s5asx6x1'S- couNCTLPIO. Iamb. + CITY OF ST. PAUL -siLE [pi OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,MOO, n //%CCOUNCIL RESOh,UTION—GENERAL FORM NTED BY 1U/'/ .r i/�eiJi�.r Z.f���—._._— DaTE_^_March 2� 1926..... __.......... ___ Yeas AREAS, C. Regan Hylahits made application for license to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, One (1) Casa auto car, Motor No. 9+M-507622 State License No. B-481812 covered by Bulldog Automobile Insurance Policy 602-578-T, and oi-med by said C. Megan Hyland, and 14HEREAS, C. Regan Hyland, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5866 has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said C. Regan Hyland to operate said auto car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. C. F No. 64640—py jw M. Clancy— _. Whereas, C: Regan Aylsnd hgdemade application for license to; operpte up- on the streets. of the. city. of st. Paul, one: SU Ca$e auto spa M6tor Nb. a Jol said ordmanoe. Adopted b� -the Couaon Mar. 2. 1926. Approved 29ar.2, 1926.- ml -h 6-1926) COUNCILMEN Nays �--Clancy Hodgson -...In favor McDonald D f Sudheimer ...........Against Wenzel Ad ---192. Adopted by the Council.-.......-.._.. MAR - 8 IM App oved------ ----- - 192 ..-- -- ---" .. MAYOR K' ;i` Ne, 84641 By=J � Ciauox -416 e olyed That; tha aDD]loatioae for 6441 e'�';of the ;ollowing n8ceon8 Lor couNa� F1�I ,,; 1',ag buelne9ae0 at Lhe gddr0ap8R I CITY � OF ST. PAUL NO. -..-.-6. p:epwhe+apd::tt10-same are he�eAr ICE OF THE CITY CLERK „o $,;and thOc�Ey cler$ !a'dhetruot- - aehe auoh:.' e'.ZV a u0* -Aha -Day-.. IhW the etty tr@aapeY of.CIL R OLUTION—iaENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY roi. commiss10NER —_t_ •• .. ._—_�__ DATE__.MSrmh_'.._l9.Z6L..____................... RESOLVED That the appliaa ons for licenses of the following, persons for conducting businesses at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: -Johnson & Gustafson 232 E. 7th St., Grocery Joe, Fink, 335'W. Lawson St., F. J. Thera, 548 Mississippi St., Confootionery-drug Nick Petros, 197 E. 7th St., Soft drink Consumers Grocery Co., 951 Payne Av., Grocery Fred B. Downing, 887 Rice St., J. Sparkawk, 456 Jackson St., Confectionery B. J. Pabst 798 Margaret St., Grocery Geo Lau, Globe Bldg., Confectionery Emily Gydeson, 101 S. Wabasha St,, Grocery p Martel J, Forlyo, 913 Payne Av,, Bakery F. W. Butzin, 804 E. 3rd St., Grocery Ciernia Hros., 1110 Forest St., t1 u Mrs. Charlotte Tilleman, 274 Maple Av., n C. E. Miller h Co., 530 Decatur St., Silberman & Kantos, 141 W. 6th St., Butcher Geo. Capeti, 320 Stinson St., Grocery C. 0. Thielen, 664 Bay St., 35-41 W. 4th St., Butcher Con£egtionery-drug —_ g, Martin Johnson Co., D. Meyers, 1591 University Av., Butcher D. yyers; 1591 University Av., Grocery L. Steiner, 1202 Rice St., Butcher E. P. Lundeen, 1321 Forest St., Grocery Chas, Bernstein, 603 Pascal Av „ Butcher Chas, Bernatein, 603 Pascal Av., Grocery James Jensen, 525 Ohio St.,.. George C. Bothen, 391 Western Av., 1135 Rice St., Confectionery -drug J. F. Miskiska, Peter Hanson, '� 381 University Av., Soft drink W. L. Prendergast, 937 E. 3rd St., Confectionery M. Sussel, 561 Mississippi St., Junk dealer Nio Fischer, 622 17. 7th St., Grocery John Tachannel, 1179 E. 7th St., Soft drink UNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ................ ........................ 192.._.. Clancy Fergusonproved--:-----------------------------------------192 Hodgson nor ............ M�YOR � �� - - Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel �Q�ISIIF:C1 ., Mr. President ' u . r. - 6 ..' cOUNCIL No ------ 64641 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ._._ .— DATE__..._._._M&i�}1—Z,—.192.6.—------- ..._--- ... CO M M I S31 ON E RESOLVED -2- J. Vohralik, 412 Smith Av., Grocery Dance hall St. Paul Lodge #2, IOOF, 156 W. 9th St., Confectionery Hulvey & Eggers, 374 Dayton Av., 763 Wabashm St., Soft drink George McBride,' T. C. Amusement Trust Estate, 446 Pfabasha St., Theatre Chas. Monsour, 127 State St., 183 E. Fairfield AV., Grocery Motion Picture Theatre Florence Jensen, C. 0. Thielen; 664 Bay St., Grocery n psoar Brink, 989 Payne A7'., 516 Mississippi St., 2 000i tables Henry Mertz, Mrs. P. J. Dinkel, 403 Selby Av., Bakery Butcher James Jenson, 525 Ohio St., 624 University AV., Bakery Mrs. A. Nadolny, 1184 E. 7th St., Grocery J. M. Valet ' E. E. Gustafson, 1112 Arcade St. ' Park Catering Co., 1599 Selby Av., Bakery Butcher A. Fishman, lEF State St., 424 State St., Grocery F. Doneshevsky, I. Gerr & Son, 155 Ctote St., Butcher It Geo. H. Rieger, 66C ^.obert St., 666 Robert St., Grocery Geo. H. Rieger, Luigi Testa, 616 Bradley St., A. J. Schad 91 352 N. Fairview Av., Butcher $footionery Coto Theresa Gentile, 495 Bradley St., Philip Massa, 352 N. Exchange St., n Corbey Bros. 448 Jackson St., 219 Charles St., Butcher Curtiss & Betterly, to Chas. Trummer, 1333 Randolph St., - 861 Hastings AV. Confectionery E. Nelson, 4o 1105 Payne Av., Butcher Steele Bros., 846 Como Blvd., It Nick Tobok, R. B. Superior, 386 Robert St., Confectionery Soft drink parlors have bar exposed to view from street Poolrooms are 1000 feet from schools CoaxciLMr:v Adopted MAR - 2. .792...... by the Council..._..__.--.---- Yeas Nays1l�-- ✓Clancy MAR L ---y....-.----....-----..192...... ✓Hodgson In favor - ,,-,McDonald mwvow ----gu-dheimer _....-..... gainst cear Mr Y3ae Pres. Fergowa n' S�.a- • CoUNM CITY OF ST. PAUL No 646412 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the depository bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Cosmopolitan State Bank, dated January 26, 1926, in the BUM Of $20,000.00, approved as toamountby the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form..and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the Game is hereby approved. . 4if ouj wittt ee;psora ol' rove 0M r r COUNCILMEN MAR - 2 � -- '- Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ----------------------- ..... -------- 192 Clancy t?Pprkved ------------------ Hodgson ....In favor No. (14 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL n� 412 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DAT_E_.::_:.._-.-..____..__._-.�-- ----- _.- COMMJSS1ONER_.- '- RESOLVED That the depository bondgiven to the City of St. Paul by the Cosmopolitan State Bank, dated January 26, 1926, in the sum of $20,000.00, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas �, Nays Clancy Hodgson - }----In favor McDonald --Sudheimer -:--Against rWenzel Mr. Vioe Pres. Ferguson Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192- 11'", 91..+,. , 2 .t.T7K Apj.� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCIL 6�is43 vire No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Hod C son COMMISSIONER___._..__ L!___._._.._....__cg_..._._.._................. DATE ._............... 3Y'aiC ._2.x.._19...26............. RESOLVED That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue a city check in favor of T. J. McGrath in the sum of ;.9.81 sane being payment on an assess-ent on the wrong description of property. Lot 3, Block 5, Granport Addition, assessment for Davern ['lest Seventh St. Sew --;r No. 1, on which Receipt Pio. K7921 was issued. Charge to the Permanent Inprovement Revolving Fund, Improvement No. L1901. �1 C. F. 7�Io. 83843—BY L C. -H6dgeon �IVII/` -,,--; bd, That the prooOe' City In f a..,. are hereby suthoriaed and in I eGeted to tesue a city check in savor oC.T. T. McGrath to the -on of j983 same beteg payment on an aeeeeement on the wrong deeerlptlon of p11n. I - Lot. 3. Block 6'. Granport, Add 111n. ae- eeee,nent for Devern West.Beyenth St. Sewer No. I. on -bich Receipt No. IC7921 wae.lesued. Charge to the Permanent:Improve- ment Revolt'}ng Euud, YmRrovement No. L1901. Ad%1901 by the COl926,, Mar, 2, 1926. Approved Mara'i 8,-1888) - COUNCILIIRN�F% - 2 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci .......................... s. 192...-. �. Clancy �ved',"'.- --- -------------------192.....- . Hodgson ' ._....... In favor McDonald -- M --- Sudheimer ........; /....Against MA a ..- Wenzel I \1 QUBLiSiIr D_ ^_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILres NO__ FICE OF THE CITY CLERK C IL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM ;PRESENTED BY �/ V v _ \ )i�Br011 Z 19�........ 4 COMMISSIONER.._.__. .... . .................._.......... ._.......__..._.......__._.._.. DATE............_............A�--- ... ..�.... REsoLvED , That the proper city officers are hereby orde$ed and directed to issue end sell the bonds of the City of 9t. Paul, to the smovht and par value of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds, remodeling the existing school buildings, constructing now school buildings and providing permanent equipment therefor, as authorized in and in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of St. Paul and by Ordinance No. 5995, approved Oct. 4, 1922, and ratified by the electors of said City at the election held Nov. 7, 1922. COUNCILMEN Yeas ✓Clancy �Hodgson —McDonald _-Sudheimer Wenzel Nays In favor _=,..L_Against �Roeou ,, MAR _2No Adopted by the Council _..... ................................... 192._..._ MAR -2 AW Approed............................. ............... ...192....._. yA- t. /' 64615 .. counc�� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fn.e O•------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL/�ESpOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Council File #49898, approved november 24, 1923, providing for: 0peningi widening and extending Arch Street to a width of 80 ft. from Rice St. to Como Avenue, be and the same is hePeby discontinued and annulled. C. F No X64646 By I%:_C• 1YodBaon, Reeolveil; That Counefl Ft1e.;.,ATd- '�49289 aPPgoved h"ov 24, 1923 Prodid -0ponfn[f. wldantng- and exteadfng Arch at. to a wlidth of 80 Et. Yroni'iFoa 9t. to Com:�eConUhved .and,-.e,nnpiled� Is herebpy. Adopted by the &Quncll lfrter.- 2. 1926. APBrnved Mar 2 1928.' — (alarch 8 18881 COUNCILMEN yeas � Nays ✓Clancy ,Aodgeon — .----�-.. ----In favor /McDonald ; Sudheimer :..Against Wenzel Mr. Vice Pies. Fersn.nn Adopted by the Council ... MAR-----2.i�6.......-192..._- ved...ME1Fi-..?. Appr-. ............. 192 ._�­­- MAYOR . CITY OF §T: PAUL - NLE *------- 64646. RILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -IL ft5OLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.._....._...__.-.... RESOLVED, Uihat the offer of thq�16rphy Transfer and Storage, Company, to pay and settle the claim of the city of $4.00, against said Company, for ,damage to Hook & Ladder Truck No. 8 of the Fire De- partment, done by a truck of the said Company on December 4, 1925, at the Northwest corner of Grove and Temperance Streets, be and the same is hereby accepted; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue proper receipt and relaxes there- fore. U 'K COUNCILMEN MAR - 2 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192...-.. Clancy / A proved�mo�ii ...........192i Hodgson .. _1... ---_.In favor McDonald J ,,--Sudheimer .....::....Against M�rox 'Wenzel At. Y Awa CITY OF ST. PAUL aF'�No.....--6.41. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUMCIL REfSOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM RESOLVED That the Lutherak,�hurohes be given the $d.0 use of the Auditorium on Good Friday, April 2nd, 1926, said Lutheran Churohes to pay only cost of opening and operating the building. C FNo 84647=8y L TL 8 F' gueon '1? Resolved That th0 Lutheran 'Ibelles be Blvea Yh0 as0 of the Au- I dttortum on 6oa(1�„�8'rtdaYTPr11 nd, �td,1E4Ih8ta,,; rches�to DAY 4on1Y •thee hul�d Cog (i :ODOning spd oDerat- lne' thng_ -.1d0Dt0d y the' Counoll Mgr. 6, 19E6. ;gpgroved Mar. 8; 1988.•. , - (Marsh, 6-1998) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Taney ✓Hodgson— .t� .------In favor McDonald l / Sudbeimer I-2 -Against Wenzel Feruneon MAR _ 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... MAR - 2 1926 --------- . ---- 192.. App oved------ ----------- --------- -------- •- - ........ ......... ...........� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL `At�NE1b No ------ 6-v?1G OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK.. /J7� ESOLUTIONENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the propercityofficers be and they are hereby author— ized to pay to Margaret Linke, an employe of the Department of Education, injured December 1, 1925, the sum of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) out of the Workmenls GOmpensation Account of the General Fund, being for the period up to and including March let, 1026. 1 C. F. No.: 84898—By I. It, S. Fergueoc-_ Resolved, That tho,proper city; ot[t_, 1cere be and they are hereby authal- I-ed to pal'' to Mar6aret -I.laka. an emUloya of the Departmen 'ot Ee, an . I4on: injured December 1; 3926 ttieauml, AW�>ifiteen Doilaie (138.00) outof the prkmea'e m eneaLon Aocouat ot. the General Fund, bclhg for the perbd up to aad Includlag Maroh let,.1920. Adopted by the Council Mar, E.. 1926.1 ADDroved Mar: 8,' 3988: (March a-1988) COUNCILMEN ` Yeas Nays Clancy / /Hodgson e✓ --In favor /McDonald --8udheinter ) rr!-„'_:Against Wenzel CC// Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Education. ,'Irl, , Adopted by the Council ----------------- .,19A .......... 192._... Appr ed....�R_'-�.6...---------I�J2------ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM DATE__......___._...�...._.________..._......___ COUNCIL No------ 64.619 RESOLVEDThat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Steve Haider, an employe of the Department of Public works, injured July 2, 1925, the sum of Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) out of the Workmenls Compensation Account of the "General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including February 20, 1926. C F No 64849-8y J, R. McDonald'= Resolved That the proper city offl- cere -be and-ttley are hereby, author iaed to Day' to 6teve Balder, _ao VyeWem- of the _Department' of Pablio'. Qrke; Injured July 8, 1926, the am 04 Twenty-four Dol are (184.00) out of the -Workmen'. Compensation. Account of the General Fund, In partial sottle ment f his claim against the City, being for the period .up to and Includ- ing February 80,1986. AdODted by the Council Mar, 2, 1986.1 ADDroved Efar. 8, 1928. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays N/ Clancy Fergus,'--' / Hodgson ...1 '_; ----In favor i McDonald Sudheimer .....:.........Against Wenzel - Mr. Vide Pres. FerQusoa Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. MAR - 2 " Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...._ RAR - 2 1026 Aproved...._... - .......- ----------- ------ 92----- ?14 �;_ COUNCIL NO -.---64-650 C4-65 f CITY OF ST. PAUL � r"R iVi ■VY�V2SM1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to pay to John Bannlek, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured December 2, 1925, the sum Of $35.20 out of the Work— men's Compensqtion Account of the General Fund, in partial settle— ment of his claim, being for the period up to and including March 2nd, 1926. r3 lv 61 That th cT. ropor, city o i- etw,'b lYed.:Phat thB oreby uth lzed- para y andah l are Aareby employe o of, .to a4,to Jtihn Banribk: ic, W.,' ori 3her..D Dartment of P925. ptWll in . in- rlure$'December -2i 1926 the aum-o[ �fE6.20 out,ot thtr'Workmen'a Cbn Ve.-� cation Account "ot: the General Fund: In partial settlement of- his claim, •be- ingr for the period up to and. including Marchi _ 2nd. 1926. Adopted by the Counoll Mac 2. 1926. , Approved Mar. 2, 1926. (March 6-1)26)i COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —,,Clancy er Hodgson in favor McDonald � '_-Sudheimer :: /....Against .. /-Wenzel /. � uta Mr.. Pias Pres. Farsusun Recommended for passage. Commissioner Of Public Works. MAR - 2 M6 1192...... Adopted by the Council ...................... Ap rove(, . R - ZVO- - - ------- ..11J2..- . -CITY OF ST. PAUL cae"a� 6-465_ :-- No.- ''OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That.Council File ##62652, approved October 20th, 1925, in the matter of opening, widening and extending Beechwood Ave. to a width of 56 ft. from Underwood Ave. to Snelling Ave., also Nacalester '.ialk from Beechwood Ave. to Bohland Ave. to a width of 12 ft. and open and extend an alley to a width of 20 ft, in Block 17, Lane's Highland Park Easterly across a miscellaneous tract of land to'Snelling Avenue, be and the same is hereby discontinued and annulled for the reason that same was acquired by dedication. f COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -Clancy —Fergmarr— Hodgson In favor McDonald .--Sudheimer ....Against .,, Wenzel Adopted by the Council------ M!R..-_1.5926 ....192...... Ap roved----�,-----2--�26------------192.. MAYOR 64652_ •• - COUNCIL.. NO----------------------- - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Council File #43692, approved January 16, 1923, providing for: The establishment of a park covering the following described property, to -wit: All that part of Lane's Yount Curve Addition lying south of a line parallel to a d 696.4 feet south of the east and west center line of Se tion 17, Town- ship 28 North, Range 23 West, with all platted streetsand alloys contained therein, said parcel containing 62 more or less, be and the same is hereby discontinued and annulled. p,F No:'ad662—BY uvnail �l�[len No. That j1 ItesolJed, - ed Tan.,. 16,; X923, DrOvld- 698aDDrov-' ingg tor., '- - Tha esteblietunea6,. of a park OP- erinB o -wit-, All.ae t r,%r ed ane' :erty, toCurve - ddition yyarq of Xith of Masaf Curve Addition lyln sohth of a line parapetL to and 696.4 . teat south, of the 6sat and west center 11ne of Section - 17. T-branehlD 23 NorW. RsaBe.83 W,aet. With all plat - ,ted streets and slloye contained therein; eald pnrceL:. Contalhln8 6% acre& ie01,'0 Or tea.„ be and, ihq: same Is;: heretfy dleCon- tlnued,aad 6nnulled,, Adopted -yy the Cpuhctl Mar. 8, 1986. 71DniogC7 liar ?,:.1928 tMnrafi 8-1926) C'ioUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Clancy / — Hodgson ---------In favor McDonald "'Isudheimer----------Against Wenzel _ 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ---.. MAR--- ---------------192 MAR - 2 1926 Al oved .192. - - MAYOa s - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILgNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Council File #49674, approved November 14th, 1923 providing for: Opening, widening and extending West Seventh Street to a width of 86 ft, from Seven Corners to Tuscarora Avenue by taking 20 ft. from the southerly side thereof; and.to 100 ft. from Tuscarora Ave. to Canton Street by taking `?.0 ft. from the southerly side thereof, increasing to 104 ft, in width at Victoria Street by taking a strip of ground off of the south side measured 20 ft. at Canto} Street and 12 ft. at Victoria Street and off of the northerly side by starting at/Ithe south corner of Lot 7, Block 8, Clarkes Addition and�nning to a point on Victoria Street measured 12 ft. northerly from West Seventh Street; then to a width of 104 ft, from Victoria Street to Bellevue Avenue by taking 12 ft. from each side thereof; and from Bellevue Avenue to the Fort Snelling Bridge Approach by taking 24 ft. from the southerly side thereof, be and the same is hereby discontinued and annulled. COUNCILMEN Yeas Clancy Nays Hodgson : 1....In favor /'UcDonald Audheimer ..Against ,-'Wenzel 21926 . Adopted by the Council.......................... 192.---- AlTroved ..MAR— .1..1..�1 ------------ 192-- MAYOR 4. ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL V UNCIL _ 64.65 No. 1�27U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OL LUT —GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER_ -!_!�y.[._ DATE_Febr1la--�''47-1'9a6 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing . Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the water Department, gate valve and service connection boxes, to the Manners -Mott Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a total contract price of $5,138.00, f.o.b. cars, Distribution Yard, Hamline & Carroll Aves., in accordance with specifications and blue print of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #6989. ` Receinerl a71 pn,pora �r come:: r.; ^p i `h ^.bone Reso): CiOUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "'Clancy .FRxgUaQIL— Hodgson ... -. In favor -o" McDonald ""$udheimer .....{.-./....Against Wenzel /319 PionP#er Faregvs?z MAR - 2 180 Adopted by the Council ............ .................-....:192...._ App oved................... 192 ................... MAYOR NA - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL vae No ------- 4655 couNa� +`- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER ATE_F&.Y%Tuary 26-,.. 1926__._.__ REsoL That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contraot Committee and awards contract for grading and improve- ment of alley in Block 2 Aurora Addition, from White Bear Ave. to Van Dyke Ave'., in accordance with plans Find specifioa.tions hereto attached, to Wm. Williams, he being the lowest responsible bidder,_ for the sum of $781.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $870.00.' F.B. #6992. 1�4CRt�d� III rn.psra in onnectl cn witil abovo (U� iiesolu r, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy "F_g___— Hodgson ...... In favor McDonald ^ '�Sudheimer / :..).Against Wenzel ' hF Adopted by the Council.. MAR ...... 2 1926 192...... Approved .-.....k4AP_ _.2_199§........ 192....- . .. . ..,. MAYOR •`. . - CITY OF ST. PAUL - Ft" NO ....... ------- = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM DATE—EBbTllPTr-_V asT1.9IS2.___ That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alleys in Ardmore Addition, from Como Ave. W. to Albany St. and from N. & S. alley$ to west line of Ardmore Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to John Sandquist, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of__j§?tnn And the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $241.00. F.B. #8998. onne:;t ki,.e, }' - 4a1.301 Ut' MAR - 2 1926 COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Adopted by the Council-----------_ ---- ----_..-...---.-----192 Clancy ' Clancy MAR _ 2 1926 _ Hodgson _. ....In favor Approved----- ------ ----- . --------------.......192 ��a/�/e-....�/� McDonald Against udheimer Wenzel - ^ m . "W couacn 140 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM February 26, 1926 DATw_.—.._— at the Council hereby conours in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alley in Dale St. Addition, from St. Albans St. to Dale St., in aeoordance with plans and. specifications hereto attached, Garrick they being the lowest responsible bidd P for the sum of $292.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form Of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $341.00. F.B. #6994. 10 1. 64862=,.,�Y S 11:� Mo'Donal1dd,,� Resolved Tbst. the G unctl hereb3' osoitri In theYracon mendatlon f the ;oafract Committee attd. swards Lanoje n gradin and improvement of they -!n Dale tit. Addition, Prot. ce l'=r:Oj7Qtl all PZ;I.p9r9 in to Dale St. accordance hereto at poli Diane and., aDeolncationa WItIran the to Garrick Bros. they being low , .he lowest responsible bidders for the• -and the sum el n, here a torara Couneel r heretiq instructed to draw up the proper form oL contract thele- [om.Englseera Estlmete '334300 F. ,.^•_..__ .__ ._. _.....__. B..No.8884.- . AdpDted by hhe Council Mar. 2. 1926. -1926. ' Approved Mar. 2, ;March 8-1926} - COUNCILMEN - - Adopted by the Counctl_WA-R--,.--j.t,06_- Yeas � Nays ✓ Clancy Apowed. MA—2 19211-... ........192 '� �I3odgeon favor .._L..In - - - """-"-- MAYOR ,,e IcDonald vegudheilner Against 'Wenzel I* WUN CITY OF ST. PAUL rCIL No. -,- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEJRK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM o,,.r.Ejebruary 26� 1926 'That the Council hereby goncurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alleys in Block 3, --Cloy rdale,Addition, from Rose St. to Geranium St. and from N. & S. alley to Frank St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Emil Freiseis, he being the lowest responsible bidder, fot the sum of $525.00, and the Corporation Counsel i.s hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, Engineer's Estimate $619..00. F.B. #6995, 4®I9fi�C�;ZCrtt 4i).`,Il i'r,;"� o ResOlut i oIj, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy gueon Hodgson --- In favor , McDonald Zudheimer f...Against Wenzel Mr. 9ice Pm. Fermusori MAR - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ---- ----------------------------------- 192...-.. Ap oved.. mpm -..2 Me - 192 ......... . MgVOH CITY OF ST. PAUL ca NO. 'CA. ...:..-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the Counoil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alley in Block 2, Searle's Addition, from Ivy St. to north line of Searle's Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Garrick Bros., they being the lowest respon- Bible bidders, for the sum of $545.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dra up the proper form of oontract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $547.00. F.B. #6991. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy 000"Hodgs .;"--_In favor 0""MeDonald ,eSudheimer&®..Against ,,'Wenzel - M, Vice Pre& FerQatlUn pecei led a -i i ))�%y rs tin -:i MAR - 2 1926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192...... MAR - 2 1926 Aproved - - ............................... 192...... `...jai.....-.'.�.- MAY P f CITY OF ST. PAUL �gecl` NO. --.-616[..0 - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM .RESENTED BY :ommISSIONER_.. —_ - ........... DA,� Fe.la�3ba]C.Y-_ asT1sGa..6_._ REsoLY19DIfhat the Council hereby cohcure in the .recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alleys in Block 3, Hayden Heights, from Nevada 8t. to Center St. and from alley to alley, in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, to Wm. Williams he being the lowest responsible Iblidgiqg, for the sum of 0750.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 0997.00. F.B. #7000. Yeas CiOUNCILMEN / Nays V Clancy Hodgson --- In favor McDonald i A$udheimer. ......Q..... Against Mr. Vr. Vi orge5eaf £,qH't;ITEn F1� F rj'�..:}707e C E: �o�iileet i ort t; i.',!t ^.ho7 t2Ascl"R MAR - 2 1920 Adopted by the Council --- ----------------- ------------ ------ 192 ------ Approved.. AR ' 2--J926-- 192.... ---:.... MAYOR y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ED_ BY �(W1926------ REsotihat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the (/ Contract Committee and awards contract for grading__and impxQvement of alley in Block 3, Sargent's Addition and Block 4, Midway Park Addition, from Pascal Ave. to Albert Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Martin Eberhard, herbeing the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $320.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $361.00. F.B. #6996. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy / uson $odgson ...... .....In favor 2n/1�IeDonald 2udhenner .... ... .... Against Wenzel Py Mr Qiae Pres F�nr&nepR Adopted by the Council---.-_---- MAR --2.1926 ---------- 192.:--.. --.: MAR 2 1920 192 Agproved-.._------------ ----------- ------ ' ---_------- ----- - - - - MAYOR CON� 64662 No CITY OF ST. PAUL itea_ .. ..----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pA,F February 26-,L 1926 ^. what the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alley in Block 1 1 's M&qaleste rk from Fairview Ave. to Sue St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Martin Eberhardhebeing the lowest responsible bidder for the sum of $275.00, qnd the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineers Estimate $412.00. F.B. #6999. r C. F. No. 04082 --Sy J• 8• MODonatd— Reeotved_That the Counen herebY z......,... if e7 d4!t-ommendatlon of the Instructed - to'draw u' th0' yyroporloifn �^, �AJ of connect therefor. &d61neer'.a Ee'b Pece] vcd all. papers in y/ mate E412 00 F B. Nll 0999 �f Me ted by the Councll.Mar 2, 7020. Connect - Meroved Mar 2. 1928. •,•Y/b/ (Marco 0-1928) Fero':),Ae COUNCILMEN Yeag Nays ✓Clancy / ----JQ..---In ✓Hodgs own favor /McDonald Audheimer .........Against /Fenzel ~Mr. Pine Pres. VerRau01F`: MAR - 21926 Adopted by the Council ---.................................... 19'l.-...- Apprpved.."��-.�.. ..................192.....- l-YOR ... ..... . ..... MAYOP WUNC,L 'No ----- 6463 ., CITY OF ST. PAUL - lax OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE F@bTtigTy_.a6..7-19as.- rs in the recommendation of the That the Council hereby concu Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and improvement of alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83, Lyman Dayton's Addition from Arcade St. to Mendota St., in accordance with plans o attached. Garrick Bros., they being and specifications heret the lowest responsible bidder for the sum of $558.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $593.00. F.B. #6997: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1- ancy— ,dodge _-- -. -.In favor McDonald -'/Sudheimer .--.-- ------AgainaE" 'I -`Wenzel Rece i ved conn +f ! —o, MAR _ 2 1926 Adopted by the Council.........--------- -------------192.._.. MATZ - 2 1926 Approved ............. .----------------...........- -- - 2 _------ M/�YOP COUNCIL No, -...-646G4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE gehTll r _.26� 1926.......__ t the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for gradin and im r 04IA_-- of alley in Block 3, Frankson's Como Park Addition, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave, to Nebraska Ave., in accordance with plans and speci- fications hereto attached, to John.Sandquwa iat, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $333.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $399.00, F,B.,#6996. 04—By J. H. McDonold- of imo ac - .strutted to ct �.pers Iotec$3tra ct ��,�_. ts:. tl naBB.BB. ..,�-t.@ ry - Mar. 2 1926. 096 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ... ---------------------------------f--Ip2 Yeas Naps Clancy tg6 Approved---- ' .'..2- ----------.142..---- f'er Hod on _In favor gs i ,,-'McDonald /'�udheimer------------.Against -'Wenzel Mr. Vioe Pres, Ferdaddfi .. t 4665 COUNCILNO.,__....................................._ p 13Y ... • avnva AssEea> E"S. orsssss o CITY OF ST. PAUL -the *tna 111 ¢ the assencm of he iietln costa w,r,nd 'o"'n Por c - Re 'It 17 a 8 rth commencing IIton�ncil Approving Assessment Int 17 tt. nurthe..a[ P a Point Re,. entry Ilnn rf the Polnt Un•• fl. •he In the matter of the asse§sment ofbeneFits . costs expenses for Constructin,. e ,�,ier co.:a..onoin at ' )oint 17 ft.. northeast of a _,oi:a on Zile tenth lire of tilt roint �ourlas -oad 863.1 ft. fro ii ite intersection of the center line of turns ..ve. anc9 t e -'Oint ou; la. '.on , measured alon," the center line of the 20 nt jou.-las _O .d; ;'e°nee to a ,poi?it on LIIC center line of ,:ui•..a 100 ft. c, t of t:,e nlonur, ent at the i.aorsOctio,l of tl t. :_nd a ii ve. ; hence northerly across i.qiscellaileous tracts lfinr bet -;A: n •taa nd fr1 fn iiam !t. na :,13-'31svv. -.nd .ay t. in rhe Outlr•e0t 1/4 of lection yo m ,_0 _ , n .., to Mout 155 ft. O t i of _ ,e norti? line of ai:ofiei a . vO., J_ ft. east o, I•.Ui Oast li..e oftna t., thence eVst 100 feet; tiience rortncrly to a Joint On 4111(, cc iter line of ion,:a;,T ,t, •`23 ft. Oa':t of t1lo ce":t C'_' li'1e Of -_tila Vit., lt. ienee aorthel•ly _cross _locks 18, 15, 8 ::nJ �, .tin0oii's Lotsi,ran5, , Lot '20 °.nd ;_0t S. Mock 3, Bi 1r n ;ham's .Jdition, Lots 5, "', l 20, .;lock 2, Birmin han; dition nd t: o +est part Of lock 6, :fome _ds for tire homeless, 160 a point on the center line of 1„iunehr.,:s St, 267 ft. east of center line of =1tna .tet.; hence northerly across Lots G arci 7, -flock 1-, jenslow's <carrnni;erent of 7�.1-'t of Cruikshank's -rd,.:l Lo',.e, -. i oL :-, '.'l0ck ,e �_anchy's ..civ isiori, a:,d hots 1 and 12, Block 6, -orena ti'i-, .0 a ,oi.rrt on tlie center line of ean:;y .t, 220 ft. cai;t of tl:c ast line of _:tna ,t,; 'Whence northerly across Lots 1, %;, ll .'1:d l: , lo"' 1, sorena i'arlt, to a 0olilt On t e center line of auCiuie:' .t. 177. ast o. oast line of tnience�- i+est 10' ft. aloe L,1e i. fence no,'t,l( cross of , C u b, aoG' '', o , .d _.ots 7 0 .,, r _--0- o u ' l L, 0101t Of c`r°ac, olock 7,ai ae' a .^ line of to point on t,ie of . of ,.::.1. ,t. 311; ft. st o f a f cy t•: _ 22 floc til =. uc. o: ✓u's ante northerly across ots , , rt of cr's J-ttlota tO .0_ a on .,:c aG, ae Oi e a rra"'.e`ht lit Of 'n t Brand ;t. 217 t. coat Ou it J_ iCG C"C - Ot i,, 7 6 1^ a 0.. ., �� �n1 _>0 oz , -10C 1, erlt of Da t O _ c : utlor , 1 ut 1ot0 n , , cl; f la o.l ,i ;' r _ _ , e. -e:.t of t of cy 0 , ,::uscellanoous ;,race _ -n;` t of 0 :t. .Y., iu .t 1 t °G :i --t Of Of y;nt cn ' c cvntc i' -,G of n halon _t and un Ii ,.t li� n t. �. ._oa �,lOni u va. C:c ft. .o,. 'U:i a1c _. i.ae of ,ti llja.ter . ve.; ou c t ':once nor Gf oss f _ ,_t v C O ortin:est 1/< of -action 7, 0 ,at,:r O 1 t J) -". OUL 1 0 .rosoority .,ve. and es _o,_ TO 0 t cf as 6 line of Oc.lanic _ t Oduced, tO of t C C--'SCe.,- 0 0- enter Cutlo,s, t:encs Hortr sy line o eclla io :t c. tI O� 'o01 C �:"G t10*.�, once c�astcrly on leen nit t. to un0 c t•, Cutlets, to a ii ,ce ea;t _lo lots 7, S lad, c t cn` t f e . + ou ;: n, 0 ft sout , of tae point in Lot 9 te' of 1, no t.f bound O Ot r .: I ./. i locil , .. L__...,g .�.. M'I ..nOI t. uc,t-o i 27, o u. r .�..� n^e 22 and soot , i i . fns of 0 ,_o,. c7, 0.in 2J i3 , t i ounde-ry of ar *1a1id ; ei;-nts __dditfon, to t:l center of the and the cos of i'ar]laua t. and :iazel:,0oc :.ve. ; intersection , :,lso sewers on Kennard ;t. from i:.aryla.nd ;t. to Vassar ,.ve., on Vassar Ave. from Kennard St, to Slfite Bear Ave., on Lake Como and Phalen Ave. from Kennard St. to 'Vhite Bear Ave., on Autumn St, from Kennard St. to White Bear Ave., on . from Duluth Ave.to 'd+hite Bear Ave., on White Bear Ave. from a point 660 ft. south of the center of Maryland St. Maryland St to the north city limits, Also a sewer from the point hereinbefore described we 100 ft. south o the center line of Mechanic St. produced and 240 ft. west of the west line to mss ottontthe West cen20Oline ofrMagnolia St.allel to , 190 ft. lia �east nof the ce tcenterrly across miscellaneous tracts lying east of line of Prosperity Ave., Prosperity Ave. in the southwest 1/4, northwest 1/4 of Section 27, Town. 29 N.', Bang 22 W.; Thence on Magnolia St. to Prosperity Ave.; Thence on Prosperity Ave. frog r,agnolia St. to Jessamine St.; Thence on Jessamine St • Produced to Burn�a Ave., Thence on Burn4nist Ave, in a northwest rly airection to ',,_aryland gt., thence northwesterly in Phalen betweenand ' adjacrl tntato the west,7,d Frank ernboundary thereof to the line .,tf Cloy arl St., thence northr+esterly along the boundary _ thence west on IvY of,phalen Park to Lake Como and Phalen Ave., thence west on Lake Como an ptialeu Ave. to. Payne Ave. Also seew�eve.onr=enbrieom riAve. Ave from Payne oAvea,dp Phalen Ave. to Hoyt Ave., On Hoy main sewer approximately 190 ft- Margaret' t. Margaret'St� from the west of Birmingham St• to Hazelwood Ave., on -gazeli000d Ave'.'from Margaret St. to Beech Bt., on Beech St. fr4•?a Hazelwood Ave.. to White Bear Ave., on �JY.Ite'•BOE Ave''from Beech St, to Mi nnehaha St,, on Ii tlz�ehave_'.Sfr-om Minnehaha St. toSt. to hMargaret e East 1St.,ty on Limits, on HIM '!ieast of Margret St, thenHazel Ave. ce south across aLots n7 and 20, Block 4,tRoberttLline •",.of Hazel A.ve.'s >hts warets Eastern $eigfromtGreenbriertAve. St., ooPayne Ave., on Wheelock Parkway - Parkway from La :16heelock ke Como and Phalen Ave. to 17alsh Ave., o Duluth Ave. from a point 83 ft. south of the center of Maryland St. to Maryland St,, on Prosperity Ave. from Jessamine St. to Fisher St., 0 CR7t perity Ave. to l+:aryland ;t., onn �� ft. from Phalen ;t. to the main sewer e.p Fisher St. from Prosproximatellf - Brand St • -"••' flrii CiJ=%C1 i. l:e�d of the east line of Tracy '-ve•, ons St. from ulUt'1 r in 'ralcn Hawthorne S t,ain ar,1 t' crlbed above, on ve• to tyle t• to Orange :;t. frol:L rulut'ri to Iv- t.,0°rater of "following street above, pn t the Frank ,t. from ar;thor Gft Z oatchbasins at I r Ivy St, fror a point = lr and v ullc- ur lso cotzstructinl- .- intexsectiors: t., Earl ;L, s.:nd : av;tnorn0 Earl 3t, ana Oran,_e t.,t., Earl St, and Macinth Ivy St, and Forest ;t,, J Ivy St, and Mendota Wit•, Clear St, and Mendota at•, Clear;',SL, and Forest or at•, Cottage St, E• and F dOta 3t•, and i;,en gp ZiL PAkK Cottage 3t, E•Forest St•� nHALEN AND Denny St• and endota St., as the uBELT-L1T1 Denny St • and U b� known All of the, above to C V;,TTPR SYST.ENi". under Preliminary Order. ..... ....... Intermediary Order Final Order. 5415-9.9- approved _,.u2y. 24tla 192 The assessment of bene fi- t C os t 7 2 ex je, 0 for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.........th.- - _ . ...day of .1 - hi-a..T....Ph- _ , � .... ..... . .... ., 192-6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAR 2 1926 Adopted by the Council. . ...... ..._....._..192...-........ !AAR 9 ,9 6 0 ............. - k. Approved ............... 192 . . ........ VI ........... . . ... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy --!Iodgson -'I(IcDonald �Sudheimer Wenzel Form 33. A./H I 7, 7— . ..... C, 1- j —,j �'04? c) 4:-0 r P, 0 er j r 0 t j J T M f 7 q p 0 J T T, ,L 7 under Preliminary Order. ..... ....... Intermediary Order Final Order. 5415-9.9- approved _,.u2y. 24tla 192 The assessment of bene fi- t C os t 7 2 ex je, 0 for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.........th.- - _ . ...day of .1 - hi-a..T....Ph- _ , � .... ..... . .... ., 192-6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAR 2 1926 Adopted by the Council. . ...... ..._....._..192...-........ !AAR 9 ,9 6 0 ............. - k. Approved ............... 192 . . ........ VI ........... . . ... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy --!Iodgson -'I(IcDonald �Sudheimer Wenzel Form 33. A./H I j M COUNCIL FILE 64666 By ..:.-....... _. of the assessment of .�ta and eXDensaE fDT con- . .sewer on Nab,seka Ave. _ ,a int so feet east of P89ne CITY OF ST. PAUL ValshAve., under Prellmla- Resi,orde:t sgeil8raTr council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a seiner on Nebraska Ave. from a point 60 feet east of Payne Ave. to Walsh Ave., under •Preliminary Order ............ _._........__, Intermediary Order. .............. _...5.£r.5.72--...._......._._............... -._..., Final Order ..:_..._ 5.7-15L .......... ... ............ .........._..... approved ............ _De..G.....__3.0.,............... ._.....__.__............ .._--..y 192.4. - The assessment of._benef.�t_s_.,,..._g_o-�3.t_s.._._ and .._exens2s._............................. .jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, befit RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the --Nth . . ........... day of .................... -.......... 192......6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council AMR - 2 1926 ............ 192...--. MAR- 2 INN ....... ..... ...... ........ ....... ....... ._ ..... ._ City Clerk. Approved_ .... .............................. ........... _.............. ---192---• ✓ _:.. _...._...— ... ....... _..._..... _.. _ .._ _._... ..., Mayor. Councilman Clancy "' " /Hodgson AcDonald ,gudheimer Frenzel Form a. y!fe 11r, `'iae Prem. k"ark�t-�;= 3z/ . �7R'IDRffif4Ak%RY ORUER9. 6466'7 -v.ttaSaa7�. Uuer oL�oDeglag;, wldening and.. ;Ung Whtte`$ea>• `Ave. tram "'�-Rq$d to AAfton Roam. .and condndemnlhg a (�.; 1�'-•-rdth, the � P-Yt - to +�f COUNCIL FILE NO. ------------M -- ByBy ----------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter oL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening, widening and extending ',shite Bear i-ve. from Hudson Goad to Upper" Afton Load, by taking and ]condemning a strip of land 66 feet in width, the center line, of v+hach is the eastsectionline of ,ection 54, Town 29; an e 22 between Hudson -,oad and 3urns .ve., an,] Aha east section line of .section 3, 'own. 28, 7.an<e 22 bet-rieen _urns ..vs. and U:)per Afton rtoad. iso by takin? _'nd condemning triarr ular nieces of round off t:ie four corners of the intersection of !:udson _,oad and shite Bear Ave, as created by this order, r;,easurinp 10 feet on each street. i.lso by takin and condemnin�> trian alar pieces of zround off the northeast and north -hest corners of i,'.Lo i,,,tersect5.cn of Upper .ftongoad and ';,'bite Bear i:ve. as created by this order neasuri.ng 10 feet on each street. lso opening, videninrg and extending a street to a .,idth of 66 feet from Upper :fton Road to hazel : vc. by taking and conc.e:;inj_ng all that part of the `southeast 1/4 of .outhwest 1/4 of iforthwest 1/4 of `section 2, 'Town. 28, Eange ,22 and that part of Lot 5, Johnsons Garden Lots lying .,,ithin a strip of land !66 feet in iddth the center line of which is described as follows: BeF_innini_ at a point on the center line of the Upper Afton !:oad 213 feet northwesterly of the intersection of the center lines of Hazel -ve, and Upper Afton -toad i.ieasured alon,- the center line of the Upper Afton Road, thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on the center lire of Hazel e-ve. 674.65 feet south of the intersection of the center lines of IIazol ve. and Upper Afton Road, l:lso by condemning ,:.nd taking a piece of ground off the south:7esterly corner of the intersection of Upper ifton Road and the above described street a created by this order, bounded by the follor+in; described lines: J On the northerly side by the southerly line of the Upper ..fton _.oad and on the easterly side by the .;esterly line of the above described street as created by t, -is order, •nd on the westarly and sout}­-!-,� sides by the arc of a curve tan:-ent to the :;outherl;; line of Upper _fton load and the aast,e.lt line of the above aescribed street as creatac: by this ord•sr, the radius of the curve being 180 feet. Also by condemning and taking a; piece of round off the southeasterly corner *of the intersection of the tipper ..fton Road and the above described street as created by this order, bounded by the followin described lines: On the north- erly side by the southerly line of the sipper Afton Road and on the westerly =side by the easterly line of the above described street as created by this kz'order and on the easterly and southerly sides by the arc of a curve t to the southerly line of the Upper 1.fton Road an ;above 'escrihe' treat c ereated- fiE3 -F--eat�:— -- lso by con-lernin zr: ta,ci '. -'o p t ot-+ > anc7 °, ,io.uiaoxl �.1 Lots Lounded by the lol'owin lest j -reed 11 c„c n t nort,,erl,T :n9 Cr,3tDrly li sites by the westerly line o t i:; l-ve 103tri* t "o c - this order and the -rdesterl;/ line of _:azel ve. ni on e southerly r e terly sides by the are of a curve tancent to 'a •;est ,_ lr line of t,.lv boescribec7 streat as created by'"this order ago -- tile z:esterly line of Iiazel -ve. the radius of the curve beim 1115.2B feet. iso openin; , denim' and e:.tendi l stn' -.t to " ut;i o1 fe t lro Hazel _ve. .c i:o'.aer :.Eton = oad b� „ ..in and Son '-1- - `17- -t p -rt of tae South,aest 1/4 of southe,,�t 1/a o 'south. oat 1/4 of ect,.,n ", 'io;vn. 4S, _: nac io 22 and .:orthcast 1/4 of northwest 1/4 of section 11, "_'own. 26, .an -e 22 lying within a strip of land G6 feet in -aidtia, the center line of r;':;ich is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of r.azel ^.ve. CC8.17 feet north of the north section line of `.ection 11, Town. 28, range 22, thence in a south- easterly direction along the arc of a curve tangent to the center line of Hazel Ave. and having a radius of 1,271.86 feet and a central angle of 420 9+ 5411 -for a distance of 935.94 feet, thence alone, the are of a reverse curve to the right, tangent to the last de�cribed curve and having a radius of 1432.69 feet and a central angle of 38 11 11 for a distance of 954.66 feet, thence on a ',tangent to the last described curve to its intersection with Lower Afton Road. Also by taking and condemning a piece of ground off the northwest corner of ''the intersection of Lower Afton Road and the above described street as created ,by this order, bounded by the following described lines: On the easterly side . Eby the westerly line of the above described street as created by this order 5_and on the southerly side by the northerly line of the Lower Afton Road and on the northerly and westerly sides by the are of a curve tangent to the northerly =line of Lower Afton Road and the westerly line of the above described street as created by this order, the radius of the curve being 140 feet. Also by taking and condemning a piece of F -round off the northeast corner of the intersection of Lower fton followingand describedelines: on thestreet westerlyeside by this order, bounded by the "y the easterly line of the above described street as created by this order and on the southerly side by the northerly line of Lower Afton Road and on the northerly and easterly sides by the arc of a curve tangent to the eastelyiline °of the above described street as created by this order and the northerly11 the Lower Afton Road, the radius of the curve being 50 feet. and ow die-dntr es+or,usly'1 aiaea Aho aro of s 'au e the nolherly and westerly line of the above daBnpibed scree Lover "]Eton %oad and the wgsterly 140 feet. N line 0 the radius of the curve being ` as *'"_d by this order, a sato of ground off the northeast corner of Aisb,;'by to 3ng and condemning p the vesterly side ' the illterseetSon of Lover iXton Road andd©soribed 1��89ribOOdn•gtret s created bounded by the following this order 110 b tbi8 order, :trd on by t}aeasto_lg line of the above detherl d1ino of Lowe' - fton he l;no y the northerly curve to *011t to the easterly • ° pad ext the southerl side by the arc of the nort:,crl.' of and easterly -dos 1 J orcin= and a. ( northdirly shed szrect as croatod by Alsip L n 50 feet. 1 wF Y3� nhOV�?�ssxu�.ei,t4LliSalif+ha ,.17uT'v©^bCi 1tl+t'�3i�{. casA.,.aNTi•� iv.G��cr.N4 r 1 �� `� r,- :'r.�Yy a��"—v' ..•_ - 1a"! "tYliaR'ner ,x�}p i max, Yrtf s ottG clic , i,o �P wal`e� v�#? 5 N ,.�1l'*Y }n da X�El• f ;,E iy, �I+j'a uEJ7,�JJE>.Y`"'.. - sror�_ 7 '9P r(.a fj ,i ,l'X,' - ,., i f .. -� -• ° s i• .�. ';E 1,:'1) �r'rD . G%. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --- 63333 ------------------------ approved --- 3_t,__l s2�._ The, Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ ppen, widen and extend .:bite Boar . vu. from __riudson i:Oad to tipper ' Afton hoad, by taking and condemning a strip of land 66 feet in raidth, the center line of shish is the oast section line__of.seotion 34, loran 29, 1"anee 22 between Hudson ",oral r:,nd -burns :.ve., and the east section line of ::oction 3, ;'own. 23, 7.anse 22 between ':urns ,vo. and Uppor Afton Goad, Also by takin;- and Bonder iinf. triangular oieeos of C_-ound off the Four corners of the intersection of Hudson .oad and .shite Bear Ave. as cued by - this order, ;noasurin� 10 feet an each street. i:lso by takin,- and sonde-tnin,^ trian:,alar pioces of --round off the northeast and rorthwest corners of tho intersection of Upper :;£ton hoad and :',.bite Bear ve. as c. ata? '-y ties ordor monsurinf, 10 feet on each street. lso oponin', '::i'lcnin ani c.:tondin- a ot:•cat Lo a width of f,6 foot from Upper ',fton :;oad to hazel vc. by talrinrr an] condeiaiing all that part of tate Southeast 1/4 of southwest 1/4 of northwest 1/4 of .oction 2, `Bolan. 2B, hange 22 and that past of Lot 5, Jonnsons Garden Lots lyir4., within a strip of land 66 feet in ioidth the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of the Upper Afton Load 213 feet northwesterly of the intersection of the center linos of hazel Ave. and Upper Afton ;toad measured alon- the center line of the Upper Afton Road, thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on the center line of Hazel ;tve. 674.65 feet south of the intersection of 0 C Afton I' "r. e3 0 n^ , {:.Zt.- •�e3t n '-.ter,ft.on -o-1 , 'i, ciW •si r^^-�-" o .'oI \ o .\ 11 -t i... - t j)y this 9-r, oL i ! t - - -L .t fto.. o. 1 .. z m. -t c,.in i.r,,, norttr�x 1J 1 =c , r t 1 c •;at 0d 1. ,f t .c. ,n✓. zc trsot tho onoterly side by t �.i i i of .Iso c Of n e _vc by dais order, r..:' on t e e t 1 ' I to t. ,.•1y li1:o or ti:c tan ont to the ;cut.i'l-jrl✓ }i:. "`'' 't' �_ ,t; }.� radius of tlly cur✓o bol-nr, aboir0 :IescriboEl 3$r.%=t z:J CY' <.t }✓' ti;is . - 160 fent. ,i eco of roan\) -ff t1,e aeul:ncaot..rl; corner Also by cot.dcrni:l;� ^ni ^''-: in' , i_I ;hove docoribed st.cet as of the Sntorsection or "' neon ft on a;crilecl in s n tho this d Doss od by thO fcllo .t: ' n e t. ;•ly created b�* f , ft or .o.- :'' :v tea t y .las Orly + t g4,7o bj t.ht ':tc. 1^. LA°�. t o. ci "✓�. Ln 7+" .tet.' 1 1f 1y 1•.ie ^ '1 -fl or, 7 �r E�r.C7 on 1.Ia - 7 to the sout.''.c'''--' isne o t.i 3 m -ton old us of ,T:o ct:rvc L,o nC &novo do:.crib c.: _tr::c, =•s cz•o�tu.l i y this or:9..•r, , 5A -feet. and talon, those parts 01, ots o and 6, JohnsonseGard ardIan 4 .._ ni desori ed lines. on.t rtberl8.µand. b. oolademnin6 p $H I AVA boon aY.shenu 7' no'K ab I he wmsterly Ave. 9• Bei ;the: ihD. grws.9ar Y 1t7 #'eeL•r coed Riad tlie- r line of,wer the radiusof the curve being as tree by this order, a ieca of ground off the north0 t corner °� i to ing and condelming P side Also �ir i dad b the followSng described linea: On the;iscorder the intett a°tion bounded Lowery Eton Road and the above described strS�ve as Brea thia,� •-dor, bo by the a aterly line Of the above deaerrl line eet as of Loversate Eton $clad and on the e southerly side by the northerly ent to talo oastorly line s and on t y lidos >:.y the arc of a curve tang c created ! i o'.^a5L and the northo-ly line of jno �tner�j enc+ casco="1 , p� ;,110 bove uc erib�athelradius Of .LL' 'u—J,' �0 F00t X�� .._.Vtt►�8',! -. ,�a , „_.. -------------------- ------------------- _ w ------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_2,Aoa] nfl--- of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 31St--------- day of ---Mgre,�_ _______ 192__S , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the',Council Chamber of the Court House and. City Hall Building in the City of st. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciMA&_- 14------- 192-___ - -- - --- - -- ----------------- AR - 2 1Q9.f� -- -` --------- City Clerk. APProved------------------ ----------192--- ---- -------------- - ----- - Mayor. ouncilman Clancy -��d V Councilman McDonald /Councilman Hodgson /Councilman Wenzel dheimer Councilman WW i YUBLISD 4.Mr. Vi Fecttaeon Form B. D. A.76 a k t 1 I t I 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCH. mQUADRUPLICATE FILE_ NO—._sRZs1�15.1 TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTRQLLER 66 Cmr CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. N_ a • RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE i DATE 2 27 1, 4-X r—CITY TREl1BURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF B____-2�72.0___'II__��11—��ff_____________. COVERING BY_____ __ ------------------------C _ _ROL CHECKS NUMBERED___�iL'_.±4y�------ TO___�� �i INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. N TOTAL RETURNED li CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER jI TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS y — i BROUGHT FORWARD i' I C. F. \o. 6466S— Re 1666—�-- -- Resolved that checks ba drawn o fthe City Treasury, to the aggregate mount of 42.9�2.L9, covering checks mhered 1885 Io 18'92 Inclusive. as per checks on file in the office of the CRY Comptrol ler. Adopted by the Council Alar. 2. 1926. .approved \lar. 2. 1926. olarch 6-1926) 1 �v � DA192 6 5 ,. 2,432.50 .. '. COVERING 89T0 - ` - ER. �O - U� OMPTR OLLE CHECKS INCLUSIVE. NUMBERED AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE / WENZEL.MAYDR Mi. Vias Pro& Forgagog YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V 1 r- ✓� / OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DISTRIBUTION TOTAL RETURNED _ _— __ SPECIAL FUNDS_ cls-cK IN FAVOR OF' BY �� ' GENERAL WATER BOND LOCAL SINKING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTS TRUST ACCOUNTS GARAGE URf PUBLIC SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING gCCOUNTS REVOLVING, ACCOUNTS N'.; NIBER TRANSF Ef DISBURSEMENTS BANK CHECKS CHECKS _(� _�A i + BROUGHTFORWARD 31 609 55 1151126 $2 _ 7o6 210'9 110 990 7 54 95996 170 913- 19 874.8 804 8 2 932'4 1 495.211 6 81088 7 700:.4 4275 10 10 0 I! 18'9 John Keogan • 1890 L.C.?iodgson, Com'r. of Fin. 317 5 C 317 5 I i 1891 L.C.ltodgson, Com'r. of Fin. 960 e 980 00 I II 189 L.C.Hodg3on, Com'T. of Fin. 1 125 00 1 125 0 II II , I II 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 12 73455 11 I II III 804 4 2 932 44 1 495 �l 6 920 �S 7 939 56 172 036 40 700 4r 42 75 32 706 538 39 110 990 72 55 9 874 88 _ .r _ f • 19 TdjjjMkQATE v CITY OF SAINT PAU j COFILUNCIL NO _ TO RES. NO. __66___._.___.-- OFFICE OF THE COMP 'CLLER 64668 - - -- CITY CLERK �CLANCY. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOL -IDN FORM FERf3tl96N. - _ _ IN FAVOR CJ• �• L I`1Ik6 DA'J I j2 6 CITY TREASURY. �T/O� THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ✓HODGSON, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ _ .__192 .-__ 5..____L,435Q---- __"_____ COVERING CHECKS NUMeEREO__1999_. ro_19.�2__. �IgcDONALD. APPR VED�_ 192___ _ - - -g UDHEIMER. _ __ _._ AGAINST OM PTROLLE INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE / WENZEL. 3' OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. YES (\') COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MAYOR R f. Mr. Pine Pres. Fe an CHECK - TOTAL RETURNED - - __ DISTRIBUTION ` IN FAVOR OF ev �i SPECIAL FUNDS __ NJMBER'( LOCAL SINKING TRUST TRANSFE DISBURSEMENT IMPROVEMENT rr�� SUNDQV CHECKS CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER I BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS Qi.; SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING -.I ACCOUNTS GARAGE �A ACCOUNTS REVOLVING BROUGHTFORWARD 31 609 55 1151126 82 706 706 2�;0 110 990,7 - 5'} 95996 170 913 19 a ' a 904 8 2 932 4 1 495,21 6 810 '99 7 Toa' 42' 75 18'9 John Heogin 10 10 0 1990 L.C.Hodgson, Com'r. of Fin. 310 5 317 5 1991 L.C.Hodgeon, 0om'r. of Fin.O 990 s 990 00 ) 1992 L.C.Hodgson, Com'r. of Fin. 1 125 00 1 125 00, I • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OUADRUPLIOATE FILE N0.____� TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK —AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RES. NO._6I_________ 4^� RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATES. -I____ 2- CITY TREASURY. T THE A GREGATE AMOUNT OF S___________. Go_7Lj�0,Oj��p'_j_ ___—__. CQOVEe�RING 'eY_-------- ----------- __ R4PTROLLE � CHECKS NUMBERED ____�`�1�C____TO_ 1/OG_____ _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE VIPER --- — ----------- — ------ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY ii NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS IL BROUGHT FORWARD ! --- i1 _ li C. F. No. 64669— j Resolved [hat checks be drawn o the City 1'reasn rY to the aggregate unt of $204.340.06, to checks !' numbered 1993 to 1902 Inclusive,,as per heeks on file in the office of e CI[Y Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Afar. 2, 1926. ApproycJ \lnr." 1926. it Ofarch G-1926) jj FORM D94 1000 7.24 -r I a I I - ,. - CHECKS NUMBERED._-_- 1962'7' "' 'rim `-v.� ,�, <_ 791 - -- - � / McDONALD. • FQ To - 5INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE �SUDHEIMER. AGAINST //- L192 OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER —�WENZE L. C��� /j - R /u w� YES 1 �' 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS_._____ !Si Viae Pro& fegg! i MAYOR CHECK TOTAL RETUR NfD NUMBER IN FAVOR OF ---- - DISTRIBUTION _ TRANSFER DISBURSLM ENT' LOCAL ' - CHECKS - CHECKS BANK GENERAL PD SINKING SPECIAL FUNDS WATER IMPgOVEMENT TRUST ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGEBLIC AUDITORIUM SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY BROUGHT FORWARD -- REvowING ACCOUNTS 1893 L.C.Hodgson, Comer. a of Fin. .. �7 887 67 27 887 67 1894 L. C. Hodgson, Comer. of Fin. 22 297 69 22 297 69 1695 L.C.Hodgeon, Comer. of Fin. 137 044 93 137 044 93 1896 A. B. Bili & Company 3 59 ( ii it 1897 Louie Capra 3 59 1000 10 00 1898 ,tta Cavanaugh 3 15 1899 Great Lakes Coal Dock Co. 3 15 880 12I 880 12 1900 Norman LeClaire 10 00 10 00 1901 Niools, Dean & Gregg 6 93i 1902 st.paul Gas Light Company 1 45 5 48 1( 69516 695 98 g 98 � SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I, 11204 840, �� i I li r. R pr T7Y Mt0ATE TO clry CLERK RES. NO.. b7_ _.. _. __ OFFICE RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED C '19 D� J 1 8 CITYi�TA$I�: Q EA6HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ' .. S.--------.}r-j- c V _-. CHECKS NUMBERED'syM•�_.__ TO -. -96VI._NO . - ,A �f COMP ROL INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. � F CHECK TOTAL RETURNED rluln BER IN FAVOR OF ---.- BY —._ ------- TRANSFER DISB URSLMErIT BANK GENERAL CHECKS CHECIIS BROUGHTFORWARD 1893 L.C.Hodgeon, Comer. of rin. 27 997 67 27 887 67 • 1894 L.C.Hodgeon, Comlr. of Fin. 22 297 69 22 297 69 1895 L.C.Bodgeon, Comlr. of Fin.,, 137 044 93 137 044 93 1896 A. B. Bill A Cmpnny 3 59 1897 Louie Capra 10 00 10 OO 1898 '?tt3 Cavanaugh 3 15 I 1899 Great Lakes Coal A Dock Co. I 88o 12 880 12 1900 NOrman L@Claire 10 00 10 00 1901 Niools, Dean A oregg 6 93 19o2 1 45 "It-PRIA1 Gas Lunt Company I 16 695 98I 16 695 98 s F SAINT PAUL I F�R COUNCIL 646W FILE NO.CLANCY,N _ FORM -15"Re"t"I '� IN FAVOR,,t ADOPTED BY THE COUNCILMARHODGSON. m.BONALD.`SUDHEIMER. '' i' _ AGAINST APPROVED 2„y 192/WENZEL.IYES ]WATE 1 �') COUNCILMENNAYS (V)_... ____. ._.____ MAYORllr. Viae Yree. Fee�aroaDISTRIBUTION LOCALSINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS ;.OND IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE AUDITORIUM PUBLIC SPRINKLING II FORESTR'/ BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS /III 3 59 3 15 ail I I I II I i I 5 48 CITY OF SAINT PAUL FO UNCI -6 ;LRR QUADRUPLICATE _ TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 66 5 _". RES. NO------------- -- cnv CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS–RESOLUTION FORM ^ a �—� � --9 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE s CITY -TREASURY. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF R r�1 6 //TO ----- COVERING _----------- __ ________________—___ COM PTRO L ..— CHECKS NUMBERED______1II5St___TO____IOnG____ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. j� TOTAL RETURNED CHECK ji IN FAVOR OF BY i NUMBER �� TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK it CHECKS CHECKS it BROUGHT FORWARD _ i it I; I C. F. No. 61670— , F.t solved thatchecks be drawn o the Clty Treasury. to [he aggregate unt of $171.766.06. covering checks amount 1850 to 1888 Inclusive, as Per checks �i on file In the office of the City Comptroller. ,1dr. pled by the Council Jiar. 2. 1926. Ij i 1 approved 11ar. 2. 1926 . Ill aryl 6-1726)it i �! li I' I I j I I II I ; y ;I T;t I ON SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD -� j FORM D34 1000 7.24 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3l 609 55 151126 92 II 1 7o6 210 BSO 110 990 _ IM.DONALD. --sUDHEIMER. - _ AGAINST �y' g��WggE��NZE-L���..v� �ELSON. YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS M,, blue Pred. F'..rg..,. _DISTRIBUTION _ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST B, Muni ':ND ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS FUNDS GARAGE tlDT14R _ ui a 6 168 72 165 922.55 19 874 as so4 g 1 943 3 160 00 . 426 4211 1 066 37 5 168 52 3 904 959 96� 170 913 4o APPROVED % 192 _ • �� MAYOR_ an BY y_ CHECKS NUMBERED 1850 _ TO l.._ . . COMPTROLLER NCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE .PEKE OF HE COMPTROLLER. PER ~ PUBLIC SPRINKLINGI FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS s16.23 II 6 700 23 7 134 12 42 75 CHECK NUMBER IN F OR OF TOTAL RETURNED BY ` ---- -- TR�-D­URSENIENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL WATER BROUGHT FORWARD 31 609 55 979 360.] 55,6 423 67 105 138 1850 Koehler & Anriahe Company 3 136 . 1851 " " " • 18y5r�2 10•)7 L.C.liodgson, Comer. of Fin. " " ry 16 56��i 6 16 5 6 185 F a a « tl ry p 46" 5 �t 0F 46i 5 05T 185 902 1658 n a n Y 145 415 7 4 415 b38 1859 C " n p p 6 4 735 8 15 735 63 3 502 21 1861 1862 « " " « " 2 8 6 1 81 9 2 865 60 1 819 90 1863 t. p p 55 016 71 814 29 5 366 4 18f� BoFLrd of Control J. L. Brastad 17 7 17' 77 18b6 186 A. Jaoks In. Mr rtin 64 8 6 6 64 go 64 Bo 1868 1868 Miohnsl Cagey x.J.crepenu, for Children of 8o oc 80 1870 Arthur Duohens7777g999 Mary Palumbo 2 2 79 1871 1_ �2 Allen-Qualleyy Company BBAk t7u�&ioator O any CM 4 1 41 1011 4 41 41 Tox U3 1�H'7r33 !1, .IIZk O 1i00Y elfd Paoliioail�ray Company 31 308 1r�74 cragbfsr ?leotrio Company 108 3 108 31 18 Andrew Hansen 36 36 00 187 Line -A -Time Mfg. Oampany 21 4 21 41 1877 MplG. :Ahool supply Company 5 169,5 1878 Mullarky Candy Company 47 1 47 15 1879 1850 olseen Candy Company] A. 1A. Ramer company 7 1 47 77 19 11 1801 ,t.paul Builders Material Oo 2 7 247 1682 ^t. Paul 4 eotfio oompany 72 1883 United gta,tes Rubber company 105 1. 84 1664 Cresoent 011 company 248 _ 246 52 1885 Minnes,ta Pipe & Tile Company3 904 1886 N. ". ^leotrio Equipment C,=pAny 626 6 619 75 1887 Tri -hate Telephone & Telg.O 28 5 26 55 1868 E. 11. & 11. F. `fare 225 OC 225 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 3l 609 55 151126 92 II 1 7o6 210 BSO 110 990 _ IM.DONALD. --sUDHEIMER. - _ AGAINST �y' g��WggE��NZE-L���..v� �ELSON. YES (,') COUNCILMEN NAYS M,, blue Pred. F'..rg..,. _DISTRIBUTION _ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST B, Muni ':ND ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS FUNDS GARAGE tlDT14R _ ui a 6 168 72 165 922.55 19 874 as so4 g 1 943 3 160 00 . 426 4211 1 066 37 5 168 52 3 904 959 96� 170 913 4o APPROVED % 192 _ • �� MAYOR_ SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLINGI FORESTRY BUILDING SUNDRY REVOLVING ACCOUNTS s16.23 II 6 700 23 7 134 12 42 75 989 0011 678 98 110 651; 487 72 6 19 974 as 804' 8IA 2 932: 44J 1 4 j 21 II 6 sio 99 II 7_ 700 , 4 ■ 42-75 - TWIRLWAATE TO RES. No. No. 'F� _ _IN FAVOR - -65---- ---------- -- ._ T T LERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE 27 I, � ✓ M 1 5IjtfEq$y qy. Sp THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF NG (��Ij 7711 1-1 1)606 o_----- �W]`C' -- WENZEL. /2 _.. ..-_1.92 MAYOR �• CHECKS NUMBERED+=._- 19AN.._... MP, Viae Free. Furqueuu BY -.. _ ------_-- COMPTROLLER NCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS OF HE C COMPTROLLER. .TO ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER 109 31 CHECK NJM1iBER IN FOR OF TOTAL _ J �5 TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 168 52 BROUGHTFORWARD 31 609 55 979 360.7 1850 Hi Koohlor & nriohe Com-oany It 11" 3 136 3 60 . 1851 1852 L.C.7oclgson, Com b. o: Fin. it « « U 16 2 5654 6 185 184 4 H n « 248 5 505j0 185 H n « 90 2 3 904 1856 H H n 10 927 225 3.857 " It it It « " 4 415 1 6 1858 1 � 18 9 n n H 8 1860 H n « 2 8 8 1861 " " " 1 81 1862 I n n 2 1863 f1 " " 5 36 1864 Board of Control 17 06t} 559g 1 186 J. L. Brastad 8 186 A. JAOiB 64 8 1867 hn. M:!.rt in 8 1868 miohrAel Casey I 80 1869 H.J.Crepaau, for Children of; 1870 -Arthur -Duchene Mary Palumbo 7q 2 2 Ian 1872 1873 Alien-2Ra,21ley Company i II Iieo2[ t7umaigc3tor ovrapruay a 21.1 4 101 1+ O1sLoaBus Roo, Ieleand sad Paoifio Railway Com-nny 3, 11474 ,raybar Tleotrio Company 108 3 1575 kndrew Hansen 1876 Line -A -Time Mfg. Company 21 4 1877 Mpls. `zohool 3upuly Caam�any 1 5 168 5 1878 Mullarky Caddy Company 4 1 197f9 olseen Candy Comnany 47 7 1880 A. M. Rnmer Company �'; 9 1 18£':1 ^t.paul BuildersMaterial Co. II 2 7 0 199P 't. Paul Tleoti'io CompIny 72 1833 United 3tatee Rubber Company, ji 105 1984 Cresoent Oil Comnany 248 1 5 mines-)ta Pipe & Tile Comp i' 3 904 1B8 b z 10.111. vieotrio Equipment C.Z�n Tri-State Telephonvre"e & Telg.0 626 6 I 28 RETURNED BY BANK �1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTR LER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTI N FORM GENERAL II WATER 556 423,67 105 138. 16 465 61 63 5 054 90 05 746773 . 15 735 63 3 502 21 2 865 8o 1 819 90 71 8154444 29 5 366 17 64 10 64 8o 64 go +�o AL EMENT SINKING TRUST B. Munk UNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE COHOR ui e 6 122.55 19 974.99 goo 84 1 943 3 1 426 4211 1 o86 80 oC IOCLANCY, No. 'F� _ _IN FAVOR - ,"HODGSON, ._ /Krc DONALD, ��(U�DHEIMER. jt - -_�f .. AGAINST WENZEL. /2 _.. ..-_1.92 MAYOR L -SON. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) MP, Viae Free. Furqueuu DISTRIBUTION +�o AL EMENT SINKING TRUST B. Munk UNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE COHOR ui e 6 122.55 19 974.99 goo 84 1 943 3 1 426 4211 1 o86 COU 80 oC I No. 816 231 79 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ._ 41 41' 79 2 ..- /V,,"AfPPROVED /2 _.. ..-_1.92 MAYOR 101 43 I 109 31 21 41 �5 47 15 168 52 11 l; 247 OCI' I I, 82! 248 5 619 751 3 904 28 00I 1 225 COU 64670 ILENCIL No. 816 231 MSIR 2 1926.192 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ._ tM ..- /V,,"AfPPROVED /2 _.. ..-_1.92 MAYOR SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING PUBLIC FORESTRY BU I LOING REVOLVING SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 816 231 6 700 23 7 134 12 42 75 989 oo�j 678 98 110 65 'I 487 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ' QUADRUPLICATE' FILE NO.__—i TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER i� Cm CLERKRES. NO._ 6�________ AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION -FO& RM r6 -I RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE DATE -5- 192_._ CITY IR8ASU Y� THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF : 6 G1 S______L.__ t ----- — _ Oj( NG COMP LLER CHECKS NUMBERED______ 1L_0�__TO_____ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE PER ___________ ________ ___ _ __ -- _ _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECK ( TOTAL RETURNED y IN FAVOR OF BY NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT - CHECKS CHECKS BANK BROUGHT FORWARD (I I1 i i I C. F. NO. 64671— i� ee`olve[I That checks be drawn on ImounttY T�ensur}•, to the aggregate I a o[ 36.213.5;, covering checks numbered 7903 [0 796.7 inclusive, ns per �� checks n file In the o"Ie. oP the Ctty Comptroller. Adnpte,l by the Cannell N \inr. 2, 1926. Approved N,r. 2, 1726. � []fireb 6-1929) h !� F !I 6 li y li !I I iN1 11 S ,213.7 LOVERII:: - PROVEDP I 4Y .. .. CHECKS NUMBERED .1903 TO 1954 ,/SUDHEIM ER. _AGAINST A _ 792 _ pv 0"' raoL � ENZEL INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN T}}E•OFFICE _- OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -- fid$ ON. YES f 1' 7 COUNCILMEN NAYS I V 7 MAYOR ER ' TOTAL RETURNED _ _ ____ __ DISTRIBUTION B. Manic. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY �� __ LOCAL -----_- __� ` IMPROVEMENT SINKING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS WATER LOND • TRANSFER OISBURSEAfENT pAN K CHECKS CHECKS .GENERAL FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTS SUNDRY GARAGE /yA ITORIU SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING qu`ipmen REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHTFORWARD 204 940 204 827 84 6, 7 5 48 190 The xddresso, aph Company ergine Comp 7 1�4 184 20 1904 Ahrens Fox fire 3 190 nmeriosn Book Company 4480 449 00 1906 Amealoan Insurance Agency 41 6 41 60 6o 1907 American Linen Supply Comnan 1908 Bntte2v 3ervioe company 41 5 5 47 1909 A. c. mwk company 7 j Company 10 8' 955 1910 John Beissel 56 32 24 0 1911 F. J. Brings & Company 13 2 13 1912 Builders Iron Foundry 191 Burns Lumber compare 197 9 197 6 - CaP itol stationeryfg. Comp y 156 0 153 �+7 2 . 191} '"estern Rail- 1915 Chiongo Great road company 2 24 , COMP f;i �j+ 1916 Christensen Air Brakes 22.5 22 50 1917 citizens Ice & Fuel omp y 12. 12 75 1918 The Colossus Dompany, Inc. 161 171 1919 C. H. Congdon & Company 1920 nisvatoh Printing company 1921 Txhibitors Supply company, 110. 2 O � 1922 General Biological Supply H0111.88 00 26 I �I 19233 Grant storage Battery Compean 1924 away saw Fieatrio Comlpany 28rj 285 �7 II 19 r,'roazwemn xnatzament vrox-Re 192 Wm. a. saes sig. company 15 10 15 1 2, 5 "` 9 1 t 19 Hamm company Holm 3.f 4 34 2 I 1928 & olson 1929 Roughton -Mifflin Company 144 4 144 1930 J. "T. Fulme Company 19� 198 00 o 1931 Inter City Paper company � 63 9 63 9 I 1932 Kilmarnock Books 12 1 12 1 i 1933 Lawyers Oo-operative Pub. Co 1934 Lewis Institute �� 7 5 7 5 i 16 9 16 1935 Lindeke •'axaer & Sona 10 107 0 1936 J. B. L ppincott Company 41 3 48 3 c 1937 Marshall -"ells Hardware Company 6 3 6 3 1938 MAdart Mfg. company 78 2 787 28 _ 0, 1939 Merrill, Greer & Chapman C zany IN 3 102 35 1940 Midway Varnish Company 2 26 0 1941 Minnesota Milk Company 45 45 o II 1942 Motor Tool -peoialty Company 2 3 2 3 j 1943 Ifoulton Oil & Refining Company 44 120 120 8 1 Mueller Mfg. Company 12 � 12 77 1945 Nassau Paper Company 11 1 6 4 1946 Nee York Tea Company . 1947 Northern ^tatea 131 209 6 130 1 5 Power Compan 1948 R. Peltz son 1 121 3 1 088 2 & 162 121 6 41 1949 Pilot Printing Company 14 9 8 7 1950 The Pram Company 7 3 7 3 1951 Albert 0. Price Company 27 �7 1952 Quayle & Kelley 137 137 1953 Raymer hardware company 188 5 156 3 25 8 3 7 2 7 Joseph T. Ryerson & son, Ino 990 990 h I• I ! � it II I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD ,. 211 053.93.. 20 � 1 !`�3 7 2,450 �7 og7 63 9 o 10 •2 '70 �- Y CLANCY. - rrft'6� _-- -____ _ IN FAVOR COUNCIL FILE N NO. T5HRiLMATE , CITY OF SAINT PAUL /McDONALD, � TO RES. NO.�____-._-__ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AGAINST CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT. CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED CLAIMS–RESOLUTI N FORM _2 CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF (V) i Vine P— F• -,s SPECIAL FUNDS DAT Y B-- I9fi. 51-6023J,057-_--_ CHECKS NUMBERED –. ___ OMPTRO- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS . -. COVERING . TO .}�.-___- -11)0 ON FILE IN TR£OFFICE DISTRIBUTION B. Muni 1 q, ER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TRUST -, ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE TOTAL RETURNED -- ----- CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF BY BANK � !.OND TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS ` .GENERAL WATER BROUGHTFORWARD PO4 940 06 �'1 204 827 84 6 7 1903 The addrressoVaph CCooMpany 875 1� 149 20 75 00 1904 190^•� • Ahrens ox re omp. y amerioan 5ook Com:T>iny ; j 3 30 190? Amezio--""Insurance Agenoy 40 4410 000 1907 Ameriol~n Linen apply Comnany Company 6 41 41 50 1908 Batte�•y 3ervioe 5 1909 r,. C. Beak Company I� 7 7 5 85 1910 John Beissei Company 10 S. �i 56 10 32 45 24 o 1911 F. J. Brings & Company 13 2 13 191? 191 Builders Iron Foundry Burns Lumber Company a' 197 197 96 191 capitol stationery Mfg. comp y 156 0 153 �+7 2 1915 Chicago crept .-lestern Rail- ( 1916 road Company Christensen Air Brake Compan 3 2 2 3 24) 2 50i 1917 'Atizens Ice & T uel Comnany 5 2 5C 22 50 1 1918 1919 Th- Colossus Oompnny, Inc. C. 12 7 12 75 1920 x &. Congdon oomp, ny cis�ztoh Printing Company 171 0 1 4 ii 171 00, 1 1921 192a � blitora supply Company, I o. go 2 65 25 192 General Blologiosl supply no ae Grant Storage a Battery as oomp ui 26 80'0 1919, 26 an W00 sar sleotrio oamnan �roaemenn rnm" ravr nt WO II 285 2 26 3 285 2 19�7 Hn= aompimw =g oaeepaay 1 15 1 192 Holm & Olson ' 5 34' 2 1929 Ho Kculao C�anyy 1930 1931 J. '7- Inter city Paper -44 19S 144 1932 Company Kilmarnock Books 63� 9 63 9 198 00 193 Lawyers co-operative Pub. Co Lewis Institute 17` 1 12 1 7 5 Lindeke ••arner & sons 16 9 5 16 1936 J. B. Lippincott Company 107 4�1 107 0 19377 1938 M rsha.11--cella Hardware Camp y 3 3 1939 UddarL Mfg. Company Merrill. Greer & Chapman 0 any � 78 2 10� 1940 1941 Midway Varnlah Company 3 26 787 2S - Minnrseotu H11k 0ompany11 - 26 L 102 35 s 1. -4s CLANCY. - rrft'6� _-- -____ _ IN FAVOR COUNCIL FILE N NO. ✓HODGSON. , MA—,, - t' 1926 /McDONALD, � 792 ,/SUDHEIMER, AGAINST APPROVED. �., l��/'�<KYY ✓`� _. _ 792 __WENZEL. - -- ""'-"- SON. AMr. YES COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) i Vine P— F• -,s SPECIAL FUNDS o DISTRIBUTION B. Muni LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ISINKING TRUST ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS GARAGE .� ljD 9u11 F 5 49 6 e 11 COUNCIL FILE N NO. r/- hV46 71 MA—,, - t' 1926 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 792 APPROVED. �., l��/'�<KYY ✓`� _. _ 792 MgYoR r' SPECIAL FUNDS SPRINKLING Ii FORESTRY PUBLIC R UIO LDVN G I SUNDRY ACCOUNTS 11 9 .....t.............................................................................................................. 6 P; PiAJL ORDERS. C F N. 6461f� ]a the Patter of 97sattag aDd r• , Ing shade trees oD Dot'• COUNCIL FILE NO.. James St- from C_'t • ,_ tend Ave.; Jeff ­ By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....plant--w and nrotectinz; shade trees on •"Jth si.:es of: Janes St. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. Jefferson Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Clevel,.nd Ave. Well,esley._Ave....fronCretin are. to Olevelnnd Ave., .......... .. _ . _... under Preliminary Order.... -.. 617$9 ............approved.. __ _..Sent. 2, 1;15 Intermediary Order ... ____._. _..._.... ..approved-. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .P1F,Rt. c,nd. nrotect._shade trees._on troth Janes St. frcn Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. r. Jefferson Ave. from Cretin .ave. to Clevi;land Ave. __.P�e71e ley_ ve., fronq Cretin Ave. to Clevel,nd Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 3 1926 Adopted by the Council..,_MAR __ _ __......_ 192. ...... . C 'YC C erk. .approved 18 192.. .... 1^ V Councilman ChITICN, - y Councilman Ferguson 4— / /Councilman M,D-1ald /Councilman P( WY, `. /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzeljry LQViAyor Nelson Fnrm H. S. A. 8-7. i� 5 ........t:............................................................................................................. v1�if"-) C. F. No. 64672— It 5672— - Ia the Matter of Dlanting and FT, Ing shade trees on both •'<_ COUNCIL FILE NO. aameP at. from CreY• „- Ian fl Ave.; JetteFP^ , By.... .............. _.. .... ...................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of: ........................_. ..........I ............. .............. James St. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave - Jefferson Ave, from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. _ __..._. ... _.,..,._We1l.esley..Aye, frgm Cretin Ave, to Cleveland Ave,, ....................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....._........... 1.7$9 . ................. approved ........_...Se7t.' 2: 1525 Intermediary, Order..... ....... ... _............... ............... .......... approved...._.._............ _............. ............. .................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. pl.ant..e.nd. PTeteot..sh.de..trtes on., both..,. James St. fron Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. ......... ......... _.. ..... _..._ _... Jefferson Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. 77e]le.sley_Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... MAR - 3 192( ............. 192... _.......... ........... ............ ... .... C'tv_ C erk. Approved. l�,eA_._'.^�'fb....._ ...... 192._ 192....... l Mayor. VCouncilman ClancN' y Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald ;, ,..... . /Councilman wa]p 7: /Councilman Sudheimer ilman Wenzel T Form ,13. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,t REPORT OOF pOMMISSIC ORDOF ER FINANCE K. � (A) In the matter of -----r7 _ James_ JeFferson Ave frgm_Cretin Ave.to Clev=land A��i from �2_ Cretin_w_z,_ to _Clev_zland Ave. Well ley Ava from ( ra+in Ave. to Clevel-nd Ave.__ uSer t tinder Preliminary Order approved — —,�1925- T To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - g_1�2l 2. F0 front S O.1S The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 17 (Excer-t East 30 ft.) ( 18 East 30 ft, of Lot 19 & Wi 19 Lot 20 and east i—, of 19 21 22 ?3 24 25 Farm S. B. 10 4 G. G. Whitney's Riverton 525 4 Place 625 4 do 4 do 625 4 do 790 4 do $00 4 do 5C0 4 do 500 4 do 500 4 do TOTAL. 5,00 5 tii . (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lot 28 and West � Of Lot 30 & East k of 26 4 G. G. Whitney's Riverton 500 a7 4 Place 700 28 4 do 500 pq 4 do 500 30 4 do 550 16 2 do 550 �7 2 do ;-00o 18 2 do 500 �9 2 do 3500 20. 2 do 3400 21 2 do 1600 z? 2 do 500 23 2 de 3400 24 2 do 500 25 2 do 1200 26 2 do 500 27 2 do 500 �9 2 do Ar 750 29 2 do 5.00 �5 3 do 3900 14 3 do 500 �3 3 do 500 12 3 do Soo 11 3 do 4250 10 3 do 3700 9 3 do 39,c0 TOTAL CIT, OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE �1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a (B) - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTIONS VALUATION - ` g 3 G. G. Whitney's Addition 3850 7 3 do 3750 6 3 do 3900 5 3 do 3700 4 3 do 400b- 3 3 do 3950 2 3 do 500 1 3 do 3550 14 Orchard Park 650 13 do 500 12 do 500 11 do 500 10 do 500 9 do 500 g do 500 7 do 500 6 do 500 5 do 500 4 do 500 3 do 500 9 do 500 1 do 6000 6 1 Hospes Park St. Paul, Bninn. 750 7 1 do 6300 6 1. do 1100 ® 9 1 do TOTAL 500 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION I.A.s s ASSESSED VALUATION • 1C 1 Hosres Park St. Paul, Minn. 500 1.1 1 do 500 12 1- do 500 13 1 do 500 14 1 do 500 �5 1 do 500 16 1. do 500 17 1 do 5oo ` 16 2 do 3100 ?7 ? do 2700 18 ? do 500 19 2 do 500. 20 2 do 4690 21 2 do 3900 22 2 do 500. 23 24 do 3900 24 2 do goo 25 2. do 4700 26 2 do 500 �7 2 do 500 28 2 do 950 29 2 do 41Co 30 2 do 4950 Miscellaneous (Excert Clevela:.d and Je;`�rson Av�'s. the Nnrth 170.48 ft. of 965o the east 311.29 of the S.H. 4 of the N.E. -. of Sec. 8. Town 29 and Ra ge 23. TOTAL i CITY OF ST. rAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISsl10NER OF FINANCE yw , �• ''i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i (B) ASSESSED _ j 'Lor BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 'd 1 1 Ada Park 500 2 1 do 500 3 1 do 500 4 1 do 3850 5 1 do 4000 6 1 do 850 7 1 do 2500 8 1 do 4550 1 2 do 550 2 2 do 500 3 2 d; 500 4 2 do 500 5 2 ao 500 6 2 do 500 7 2 do 500 5 2 do 500 9 2 do 500 1(5 2 do 4700 11 2 do 3600 12 2 do 3700 �3 2 do 3600 14 2 do 3550 15 2 do 3875 Let 16 & West 5 ft. of 17 2 do 600 West 10 ft. of Lot 15 & Exce t West 5 feet) 17 2 do 575 TOTAL i CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMIssIbNER OF FINANCE 06 } REPORT ON 'PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED r BOCK ADDITION VALUATION G Iyl DESCRIPTION LOT - West 15 ft. of Lot 19 and 18 $ Louden nark 4275 (Excett west 10 ft.) (Exce t West 15 ft.) Lot 198, ft.) 20 6 do 5575 Excert Fast 20 )East 20 ft. of Lot 20 & �1 $ do 575 West 25 ft. of East 15 ft. of Lot 21, 22 $ d,b 575 and West 30 ft. of (Ex. West 30 ft.) Lot 22 and 8 do 575 (FX. east 5 ft.) �3 Lot 24 & eas=t 5 fe>t of 23 8 do 4075 �5 6 do 500 26 8 c 500 �7 8 do 4000 26 $ do 500 ' 29 a dD 500 30 8 do 525 19 7 do 550 19 7 do 500 20 7 do 5200 21 7 do 500 22 7 do 4400 23 do 500 24 7 do 500 25 7 do 3500 26 7 do 500 7 do 500 2$ 7 do 595�0� . 1 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ti ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)+ - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION East lOG ft. of 1 and 2 1 Howes Park St. Psul, Sinn. 1275 West 38.41 ft. of 1 and 2 1 do 1000 1 50 G d0 19 1 o 20 1 do 500 - 21 1 do 500 2'; 1 do 3950 23 1 do 500 24 1 do 500 25 1 do 1850 26 1 do 250 27 1 do 10(0 26 1 do 500 1 2 do 850 2 2 do 4350 2 do 55500 4 2 do' 4350 b 2 do 4950 7 2 do 4150 g 2 do 2150 2 do 500 10 2 do 500 11 2 do 12 2 do 8050 ( 13 2 , do 4 -- 750 East, of ( 14 2 do Lot 15 and West of 14 2 do 700 1'2`1,775. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � i Dated /z9� ?e .i>192 — -- Commissio r of Finance. Form B. B. 12 y -- -- -- -- -' -- -- - II� 9E�/CAl. c EY Avg I � V - � v �: Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo MVED . 1 - Report to Commissioner of Finance 5'UaFR l`� SEP 241995 .............. Sept .......24.,._.19.25 .............. -..._192..__..._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.61789.............. approved._Se,ptq.m e.r..2.................. ............. _192..5__, relative to -- ... ....... ._Planting.._and__pr_oteating ehade on.....Inatb._s.i.de..8_._O.i'..._.......................... - .......... ..-- _......_James_St_., _from..._fret_in_.Ave_......to....�legeland AY_e._...,._.Jeffex�.9n...Ave.a._.fr.Am- Cretin Ave, to Cleveland Ave. , Wellesley Ave. Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. And having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......__.... .............. ...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. 'The estimated cost thereof is $............. :............. _.._._....... .., and the total cost thereof is $ ........... _........... __............—,d and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... ............... --............. ......._.................... -.-..--.____..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... _.-................................ .............................................................._._--............_-........................................__._........._.... _.......... —` — 5. Said improvement is_..........................._.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. pIVAp alrrhrnAetin F 'of I u*6' \, � vtir�k s' ' JOHNH. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER " M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE INOI — GEORGE M. SHEPARD, -111ENGINeeR A. B. SHARP, SUPT. OF SMlRATIGR WM. N. CAR", SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION AND R—G. P. BOW LIN, S— OF WORNHOUB[ G. N. HERROLD, OFFICe AHO CrtY PI.ANNINO ENGW[ER September 2$, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I%transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sicles of: James St. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave., Wellesley Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #61789, approved September 2, 1925: Cost of planting trees 61,282.50 Cost per front foot .18 Frontage 7,125 ft. Yours very truly, -1 ri' hief Engineer. Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance: Commissioner of.Public Works. Sept. 21, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House. Dear Sir: Referring to your request for pre- liminary estimate of cost of planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of: James Street from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Av. Jdfferson Av. from Cretin Av. to Cleveland Av. Wellesley Av. from Cretin Av. to Cleveland Av. This work is estimated at 18� per front foot. m Yours truly, Sup of, Parks. M amrati,n MCI" to link[ wettrc litt,rnn (Qitg of bit Paul w a �epaxiuteni of f arks. 111aggxounbo and Public louilaings GEORGE L NASOH. n .wP_ HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER ERNEST W. JOHNSON, IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BIIPr. M PLATORW.10. OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER PRANK X. TEWES. Cm• ASewrecr 219 COURT HOUSE Sept. 21, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House. Dear Sir: Referring to your request for pre- liminary estimate of cost of planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of: James Street from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Av. Jdfferson Av. from Cretin Av. to Cleveland Av. Wellesley Av. from Cretin Av. to Cleveland Av. This work is estimated at 18� per front foot. m Yours truly, Sup of, Parks. M amrati,n MCI" to link[ wettrc litt,rnn 1 deptember 10. 1926. u Hon. !i. . t.enzel. Coy . sioner of Per '.s..klaykrrounds and Publio `3uildings. Dear Sir: mill you kindl, furnish this department with the preliminary estic-.ate of cost of plantinr a)nd oroteotlnF shade trees on both aides of: James :tree t from Cretin ••ve. to . leveland ".'Ve. Jefferson :.vrr. from Cretin .vu. to Cleveland :Ve. :vellesley :.ve. from '!retin AVE. 'o Cleveland hve. x.urs truly. 'oram os oner of Public 5ors:s. Al : t LL' August 19, 1925. steam. 'T sngerSntextdeat',of Yarks�, _ D ty of uts Path,: 91,M)i H Dear 23rt gefprr3ng to your letter of the 14th reaomme UM tree planting oa Jeff'rson Avsnne, Wellesley Alenus d Jameia Street, from cretin Avenne rind to.Clevelead dees►na.w our reoards indicate that these 'in 8treate we" planted1919 and l9k3. under y . G'otttrsate 0990 and tpS$91. k fhie-beting the *sea We Pceatans that reg7,aaeffiaAte of dead trees would +tome ander mointenanae. r. Yours very truly, a Y 6 Meer. ' ... 4 Lima mYi ;j GEORGE L. NASON. S_ OF FA9 ERttG9T W. JOHNSON. UFI S. M RAroRP1NOe FRANK X. TEWES. CRY ARCI9T F (Qitg of Otsaut Etpartmeut of 11arks. 111aggrounbs and Ilubtic su[tatng HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 219 COURTHOUSE _ ®® August 24, 1925. ,Mr. Geo. M. Shepard, Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works. Dear Sir: \q�q With regard to tree planting on Jefferson, Wellesley and James St., from Cretin to Cleveland where your records indicate that these trees were planted in 1919 and 1921, 1 wish to state that according to the contracts the guarantee of the city expires on tree planting in three years., These jobs have been planted more than three years, therefore the only way in which the city can plant the open spaces that exist there, is under a new order. A petition covering theGroveland thatrk district was started this year by people district in order that the various open spaces in the entire district may be covered. You ve y truly, S erin'ten t of -arka M r ��ItRRRI9E �f1P910 �Rkt 1tUtt Q�1�Eti11��_ a IMNAL ORDERS. — COUNCIL FILE NO.< :........................... By...................................................................... C. P. No. 69613— 1. the Matter of changing the grade of Wesley Ave. from Holton Ave. .FINAL ORDS to Sheldon Ave to Co. :• to In the Matter of.changin the grade of Wesley Avenue from Holton Avenue ....................................... to.•.Sieldon._,Avenue,,,„to,.,conform..to...the.red„Line on the profile hereto . attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said Wesley Avenue between ................................................................................................................................................................... the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established, ..................- e,..............,. .... ..................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ................... .. PP Nov. 17, 1925 a roved......................................................................... Intermediary Order ...............................- ......................... approved ........................................ .... ........... :............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....shange the grade of Wesley Avenuefrom Holton Avenue to Sheldon Avenue, to conform to the red line on the ......... ..................... .......... ............................................. ............................ ...........-................... .............. ...... .................. ,.Drofile..hereto..at.tached...and..Made._a..part....4 ereof.,...the present established grade being shown by a.blue line thereon, also grading said Wesley ........ ... .. Avenue between the aforesaid limits to the said red line when established .........................._..................___......_...........__......_.............................................. _............... ................. . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ins ucic'and�gr directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the ncil fdf� approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and direc a prodeed n with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............. a.n�(,.....� ........, Approved ...... .......I.t......... 192.(�r..r / ;'Councilman Clancy uncilman Ferguson 'uncilman buncilman McDonald mra Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson (� ; Form B. S. A. 8-7. .V. / .-1 ....... tl- ............ i y Clerk. Mayor. i A r� ,REPORT OF COMM ON PRELI (D) PAUL:�i"( FINANCE ONER OF FINANCE RY ORDER In the matter of Chaffing the grade of Weslev Ave.from Holton Ave "to Sheldon Ave.to conform to the red line on the rrofile hereto attached and .,ade a part hereof, the rresent established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Wesley Ave. between the afforeosid-limits to under Preliminary Order approved 1925.�i To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountW the assessment for the above improvement is S$6o RO /front 1.03 The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VASESSLUATION Sc. 46 ft. of W. 125 ft. cf 3 14 College Place East 425 East $0 ft. of 3 14 Division 9 c , West 10 ft. of East 90 ft 3 do 150 4 Cushings Second Addition 725 1 Emery L. Hills Subd. $25 2 do 500 - 3 do 425 ' 1 Sandbergs Rearra.-ver:ert 4250 East of 5 do 4250 West of 5- do 4510 TOTAL. TOTAL, p2�, 90o�. it The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated sioner J of C�mis� Finance. e ;REPORT OF C v ON (D) T. PAUL F FINANCE ONER OF FINANCE Y ORDER Inthemaiterof Changing the grade of Wesley Ave.from Holton Ave "to SheldQn.- Ave. to conform 11) the red line on the profile hereto attached and rade a part hereof, the rresent established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also irrading said Wesley Ave. between the aforesaid limits to ---- — 7, .1925 _ under Preliminary Order approved seilrtr.—�' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is //front 1.03 The estimated cost poi foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Sc. 46 ft. of W. 125 ft. of 3 14 College Place East E t $0 ft cf 3 14 Division ASSESSED VALUATION 42.5 900 as West 10 ft. of East 010 ft 3 14 do 150 4 Cushings Second Addition 725 1 Emery L. Hills Surd. $25 2do X00 3 do 4�5 . . 1 Sandbergs Rearra.naerce�-t 4250 ` East of 5 do 4250 West TI4 of 5` do 50 i �j. TOTAL. $12,9100:. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Z--�.M�i .LZ 194,6-yy..� Dated f�— Commissioner of Finance. -- U. B. is 1) St. Paul, Minn.__._.._._.__—.._._..._192— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable dy to cause the following improviment to be made- c. --v _..........._..__.............._. _._.............._.. ........._. _...... —._ .... _.......... — ....... — ......... -.....__ _.— ....... ._.......... Er- Ave. from-._ . ...... _._..... --- $E. Ave. to_ �- lvl - yNa r_ ¢. Ave. k O�b Offce ' f the Commissioner of Public's v Report-to Commissioner of Finance ;$ Noy SO November 27, 1925......_192.........._ ........... _... _............ ....................... _. __............__.......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63082 November 17, 1925 Council, known as Council File No......._.._._._._.............approved._._..............._............__............................................192............, relative to the cast of changing the grade and grading Wesley Avenue from Holton Avenue to Sheldon Avenue. _..__—...--.......... ......_...... --- ..............._..._ .................._.........................._...__...._... _.._.... __............................ _......... --...... __............. _......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. __.............. necessary and (or) desirable. 1.03 per front ft. 869.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is $................... ...._......, and the total cost thereof is$........................ __........... .___, Inspection $17.05 Frontage 847.9 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................... _.......... .............. ................... _ ..... _.._....... ........ __...._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _._................. --.-............ --- ---- 5. Said improvement is.............................. ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... ....... ....._......................_..........._...__.._..__......._._....__...__........ _._......._ _ Commissioner of Public Works. b PP^arrhrne a[F�a�F� l�J�[bi���"vl�,k s JOHN H. MCDONALD. CO.M'—.ONE. THOS. G. O-CONNELL. .—TV COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.— ENCINI.R 1 5. GRVTBA K, B rs WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. O1 CONSTRUCT.- A AIR P, SV 1.. rI . G. H. HERROLO. 011111 ANO C.— PUNNING ENO1-E1R G. P. BOWLI N, SU1r, or 1VORvr. _ November 24, 1925 Hon. John H. MoDonald, Commissioner of Public Works; Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the changing of grade and grading of Wesley Avenue froiA Holton Avenue to Sheldon Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. J63082, approved November 17, 1925: Preliminary estimate of Coat $869.80 dost per front foot 1.03 Inspection 1.7.05 Frontage 847.9 ft. Yours truly, tier Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. �-To—ml over o 0 or s. 'Repartment of (Itty ut at.. Paul L. C. HODGSON, COMMISSU M K. L. FIESELER, DEPUTY LEONARD C. SEAMER CHIEF OF EIUREAV OF AggEEBMHNiB 118-17-18 COURT HOUSE y March 12th, 1926. ' 8 f Mr. C. J. McGlogan, City Clerk, Building. Dear Mr. McGlogans- This is to advise you that notices were this day forwarded, notifying property Owners of an informal. hearing to be held Wednesday, March 17th, upon the advisability of reducing the grading of Wesley Avenue between Holton Avenue and Sheldon Avenue to a width of sixty feet instead of eighty feet. Very truly yours, K� Commissioner of Fina e. 4 CITY OFST. PAUL i a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY R � ,/` March �, 1926• CGMMt5810NER__i" ,�' DhTE�__-__.___._.-_.-_._.._.....-.__.._....._.. v In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Wesley Ave. from Holton Ave. to Sheldon Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #61793, approved September 2, 1925 and Intermediary Order C.F. #64268, approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and pia in the above mgtter,y Resolved: That the -G!-a, ..ten+D.c��arPc� d rmines the ount of land be taken f the abov named impro ment sa an eea ent for slo s for uts and fills in and upon Vic oria St. bet een the oints aforesa d, to the exte shown upon the an attached o the report o the Commiss ner Of Pu lie Works in the matter, da ed March 3, 926, which lan and rep t are hereby red to a e a part ereof. PW 64674—B9 J. IL McDohgld--�. In the matter r ocondemalog. and tak- 1ng an egeement to the lune -- COUNCILMEN e— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy ~ ..(.... / _.,Hodgson —,McDonald )))000 --Sudheimer 'Wenzel 1-714r. Yla yyroved Febrpaey ;$ 3826."- 64268, ap- ! Coin having bmlttad his reporbliand Plan in the above-mattery be tt R ... Wed: That 'all o1 dors 1n the above [natter be ane the.. same are hereby -cancelled, annulled' aad re- ....ded xod .-11 Droceedings- I,. said matter he Weconttro. - . Adopted by -tae Council. May 7; 1826. Approved May 7, 1888. _ _ (May 16=1626). - Adopted by Council the ..... --...... 192...-.. MA Approve .. .. -!------- ------- 192...... In favor / Z Against /toting MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO TILE COMICIL In the matter of condemning and taking nn easement in the land 'necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills, in grading of: Wesley Ave. from Holton Ave. to Sheldon Ave. under Preliminary Order C. F. 61793 approved. Sept. 2, 1925 c.nci. Intormodiary Orcior C.F. 64268 approved Feb. 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. P,cul: The w iissioncr of nzblic Works hereby submits and m-.kes part of this, his report, a pl,-.n of the c:bove improve- mont, shoving by tLi shr•clod ,portion of said plcn, the fills to be m:.Co on 'private ; n,perty, and by the h"-tched portion tho cuts to be made on private proncrty, and the extent of the eas(rmont to be taken by the figures op_')osite such shaded ='nd ha.tchcd Darts of such p1rin. Date: March 3. 1926. Cormissioner of Public 17orks. i� W tlndicafes-Cuf. ® -Indicofes Fill. Typical Nofofion '—o Figures above line show Cuf or Fill of properfy line. Figures below line show disfonce }o which slopes, extend beyond properfy line. Loc. Book 1112. IiT wm "Z COLLEGE PLACE CU5MING'5 LI" -'ADD,, 14 WESLEY AVE. SNELDON AVE.- HoLTON AVE. SLOPE PLAN. ear /Eny-n� r a Nov. 19,19 25 5-1— "" "" XIX -18507 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAUCE ON PRELIMINARS- ORDER DI (A(J.1V In the matter of Condexnirw and taking an easement in the land necees?ry for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Wesley Ave. from Holton under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 2, 1925.To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION So. 46 ft. of W. 125 ft. of 3 14 College Place East 425 East SO ft. of 3 14 Division goo West 10 ft. of East 90 ft 3 14 do 150 4 Cushings Second Addition 725 1 Emery L. Hills Subd. 825 2 do 500 3 do 425 1 SandberiTs Rear ra-`aemert 42.50 East of 5 do 4250 West of 5 do 450 TOTAL. $12,900. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby . submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to .aid matter by the Cnmmisioncr of Publlo R1, -k,. F .m n. .„ c„a ,..,o,•r r Fie.— Office of the Comnlissioner of Public,Wffq4van • 11,12•, N `mar 3 P',. Report to Commissioner of Finance =F J r� NOV so i�si6 November 27, .1926. ........... 192__.._.... ......_.... 'fo the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 61793 Sept. 2, 1925 192..........., relative to Council, known as Council File No..._...._...._............._._.approve ----......_..__.....__._ ............. _..... _... _.......... or ....... ........................._.............._...._.... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary of Wesley Avenue from Hol on outs and fills in the grad ng _.._..._..........._ ._.......... slopes, ... Avenue t.. Sheldon Avenue. .................... .._._._.................._.._.........._._.... .............................. — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ __...._ . __..._.... necessary and (or) desirable. 888„-._..._...., and the total cost thereof is----------- 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......_...._. . . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ows: ..._..._.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... _ .. _ .. _.... _..... _ ...... _.. _... _... _.................................. _........ _......... _.......... 4. ............_....__.._..__.... _.....__.. 5. Said improvement is......_ ................._........... ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. FINAL O�V 61675 FINAL ORDERS. C. F. No. 89876— - n the Dia[ter of chan6i^e;"ihe grade oY " ictorla 9t. from ve rd 9[. to i'nlon 3[. and f M`c1('+y: St. froonm Ia Rt. to Barretp � c to c - red line 'rt e profile ORDIrR. d--ade In the Matter of...changin�,; t:e F -;rade of Victoria Street iron Orc P.rd Street _. ... .. . ...... ............ _....... ... . to Union Strce,t_and _of..YcKenty St,._ fro ., -2 Vi-ctorin.,.St,_ to..;aL;uott Ave. to con;t9rm to the ,red line on .the profile hereto attached, and ma.de.. a -part hereof, the present established grade bein shown by a blue line thereon also grading Victoria St. frons Orchard St. to !WXenty St:'to said red ..__....... ..._ _. __ .. - __........ ... ...... _ __.... line when established under Preliminary Order.. _ __ 63208 approved.... Nov. 20, 1925 Intermediary Order.. ... _. approved._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is change the E;rade of Vieteri.a.. Street f. rpm Orchard Street to Union Street and of EcKe..nty St. from. .VictO.x.xa._St...'.to Barrett Ave., to conform to the red line on tae.profile,,hereto.attached' _ __ and made a Part, hereo.f., the. present established_ grade being shown..by..a. t blue line thereon, also grading Victors, St r•o:i Oicr_ard St. to __ . _ ...... _. . ........_.. NcKenty St. to said red line ?~;nen estc-bliched and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR Adopted by the Council ........ ..............6......................... 192.. 1 --i ts"12.. ._....., 192........ ......._......_............-__.._.. `............ ............ . ............ Mayor. ✓Councilman Clancy ,/Councilman Ferguson _/Councilman McDonald t ,/Councilman PAYa HodCson PUB11 3 �� /Councilman Sudheimer u Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson u( t Form B. S. A. 8-7. C ? N CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP.00r OF COMMISSIONER OF FINMA ON PRELIMINARY 05FDER (A) P g In the matter of—_---I%i13A,21n;1- tl_a :.A E \Ii + i o Str-pt 41r,e if;. Q.rehard St.re -t to Union _.S*r _t-_and_pf McKerty St from Vi.toric S+ to Barratt Ave,to confQ m_ts2 Thi re -d -l_ ine_ on- i^ a rrnfi l a _her to ++ h d and trade a part -. h—of -=he - ria-er-t—atabllshe_d grade-- el rg moo; cw n- • . a blue line thereen, ___a7sp-grading Victoria _S_t-from 0-_CharSt. to M KPr y St to said rad line When established. under Preliminary Order approved— -__ NCv 20,_1925 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ _705..42.._ /front The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is $. 0.91 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION South 295.16 ft.of 31 Lake C.-rro Villas 3000 North 147.59 ft. of 31 do 1000 (Ex. N.P. Ry. right-of-way (A Stril of Land 150 ft. in i.d.t" e-ra 75 ft. on either aide of cer;t,• r line -as located over and across Lots 27 to 40 do 3 1,000 TOTAL. F-- B. B. 10 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RV OF COMMISSIONER OF FId1 CE +i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION A stri,, of land 150 ft. in width being 75 ft. on either side of center line as located over ar.d across Lots Lots 9 and 17 Lake Como Villas 4500 4 5 The Stra::d Add. to St.Plul 150 do 175 6 5 do 4950 (Ex. East 95') 1-2-3-4 5 3 Como Add. to St. Paul, 5725 vamsey Co. :`inn. That rart of 17 Lake Ccmo Villas ?750 lying So. of Nort ern Pacific Ry, Ri'wht-of-way (Exce;.tLSrt to City) 11 7 Royal Oaks 300 12 7 do 2900 13 7 do 400 1I+ 7 do 3 075 375 16 7 ddc o 17 7 do 350 18 7 do 350 19 7 do 325 20 7 do 300 1 7 do 3900 $4,045o. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together wit], the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date �� 3n Q 192_ CommissiAcr of Finance. Form a. IS. 13 St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: C........ .. ....... St. AlLe. --St. Ave. to.. . ....... .. ...... . ...... Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION - 13 17 Y. 4� --,Olfice of the Commissiontr of Public Wiorksv- 5D Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 3 19261 De.4.ember....2., .. ... . . .... _.........192.....J_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.63209 approved November 20. .. ......... 192._b...,relative to .............. GlmnWtiig-Jae grMde a un.torIa 4t from Orchard . ..... pf MqTent St. from Victoria St. to Barrett I've. also Y ............... -- ........... ........ .... . ...... . ............. . . .......... . .......... .... . . ....... ..................... ... ................... .............. 7 . . . ............ ........ arading.�Mjqtpr;ja 6t. from Orchard St. to McKenty St. 1 11 ........... I - - - ............ - .......................... � I-- .......... .......................... ................. . ................. — and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__..............___........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........... -- — -- and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. - .......... . ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ............................_.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improveu7,ent. " 9 Ap .. ...... ........................ . ... . .... .. . . . . ... Commissioner of Public Works. 7 -A/- -3 vJFSAi��i(vL 4"Frair`0" ¢f"Fu b;l�ilc JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Ol— EHOINEER M. S. —111 1. BnIDOe dDIHeER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OF :.'O.i.T11DClION AHO R-1. A.B.SHARP. SUPT. OF SAHITATOH G, H. HERROLD. OFFICE AND 0— PLA 9— EHDIHeER G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. OF WORKHOUSE November 28, 1925. Hon. L. C. Hodgson, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I am transmitting herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of Victoria Street from Orchard Street to Union Street and of McKenty Street from Victorialareet to Barrett Ave. also grading Victoria Street from Orchard Street to McKenty Street under Preliminary Order C.F. #63208, approved November 20, 1925: Estimated cost $795.42 Inspection 16.60 Cost per front foot .91 Frontage 875.3 ft. Yours very truly, Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to omm ssioner of Finance: Coumiissioner of Public Works GMS:AB St.Paul,L:inn., Pebrua.ry 2:,, 1926 To the City Council, St.Paul,Minn. The following property owners respectfully jro- test against the grading and improving of .forth Victoria Street from Orchard to McKenty St. also chane the grade of Victoria. St. from Orchard to Union & of LcKenty St.from Victoria. to Barrett, etc. For the reason that there is no public demand, or necesFity, for opening; up and improving said Streets. It will in no way benefit property in that vicinity or serve any useful purpose. L St. Paul, -inn., Febru,3ry 217, 1920. To the Cit, Council, St. Paul, Minn. The followinU property owners respectfully pro- test 2.gainst the gradin-, and ir::proving of North Victoria Street froze ;.IcKerty Street to Union Street for the reascn that there is no public demand, or necessity, for opening up and imprnvin North `victoria Street bete:een McKenty Street and Union Street, &?d it rill in no 7qy benefit pro- perty in that vicinity or serve any useful purpose in open- ing up the street. or -ler Description of Property Northern Pa Railway Cosnany 150 ft, rilght of way of / the Co:.many. . By Righ ay Com:;a, sinner. F] Yeas COUNCIL NO__rA .67 CITY OF ST. PAUL vets OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Y — _ .._ DATE._.Marnh_3-,.....1926..-.- -------- .. ...... R - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Victoria St. from Orchard St. to MoSenty St. under Preliminary Order C.F. 63209 approved November 202 F1925 and Intermediary Order C.F. #64269, approvedebruary The Commissioner bf Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Victoria St. between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 3, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. F. No. 64676— Inthe matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land nece.- ry for elopes, for cut6:and fills In the grading e} Victorla B. from Or- - hard 8t. Lo 1.1 act, 9L{`tml- Pre- ' llminary Order C. F. 69208 approved Nov. 20,- 1926 and Intermediary Or- der C. F. No. 64269, approved Feb. 2, 1926. The. Commissioner of Public Worlis having submitted his report and plan In the above matter. be It i Resolved, That the City of 9t. Paul ! ' axes and determines the am/unt bf land to be taken for the above named ^ '\ Improvement as an easement for lopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Victoria St. between the pointe afore- the shown upon the ffl7 Q said,to extent plan attached to the report of the Com- lJ \ m,ssloner of, Publlc' Works In the mat- ter. dated March S. 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a ➢dry hereof.,/ Adopted by the Council Mar. 10, 1926. Approved Mar. 10, 1926. (March i9 -192(I) COUNCILMENMAR 1 01928 Adopted by the Council.--- --------- ... -- .... ---192. Nays V Clancy ' ADPr c•ed.-t�iEi-i -0- *2�.................192--- - /Ferguson i Hodgson — ✓ "' In favor McDonald - - - - MAwa Sudheimer... ........... Against Wenzel Mr. President CIT OF ST. PAUL Depart:ne .t of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In t)ze matte" of conlcmnir_ and t -king -n casement in the land necessary for slo;Dos, for cuts and fills in grading of: Victoria Street from Orchard St. to McKenty St. under Prelimine.ry Order C.F. 63209 approved. November 20, 1925 c.n?. Intcrmcdiary Orc1Dr C.F. 64269 ap rovuc February 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of Zt. '..ul: The Cormfiissi-)ncr :;f _ublic %jerks huroby submits and m^.kes part cf this, his rc, ort, ,-)l:.n of the -.bovc improvc- mont, shovri.ng by the shoaled ; ortion of said ,11".n, the fills to be m do on yrivate r >crty, end by the h-.tched ,portion t'ze cuts tc be m^.dc on , rivate property, and the ortent of tho easement to bo t�1ir.F by the figures or_)o site such shaded -.nd hatched :?arts of such pl-^.n. Date: March 31 1926 Commissioner of Public Works. V I C T O R I A ST. + /nd.cales Cut Orchard 5/. Union Fill - �7upleal ;t/on t3 1lnfo SLOPE PLAN •- .Eiqures oboe l/ne show - - - - Bureau vF Enclineers C,farfi7/oioroperly/u Fqures ho/Ow /me show VICTORIA 5T. YZS feb 20 c' Scale /"' di sfonce !o -h/ch slopes _ exland beyond property hne Orchard .5 f. I /r7/o 7 X /X -/928866 i / Book /IlG S COMO ADD" a R � Y A C O A K S - 1 2 33 a 5 1 4! 70 - 19 18 !7 /G l5 /4 /3 - , 1 �r 376S 45 .. .: a5 cr /20 40 N 37 4 _ 1 3 j 5 5 4 1 0 THE 5TPA AID ADD1 I L A K E C. O M O _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM&T OF FINANCE �n.o REPORT OF COMMISSANER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In thematterof—.-__Q.On(3Prr—'ina And ts'rinm an aacam?rt in the 'Ard n- P4serjrr fo r ll in tt+e �•r,Ilir of Vjrt^"i' Strut frnrr ---_�ln;`es,_ ou�s- a^3-£i s, g ---Orchard._Gt_ra,t_ IQ_ .M_gKerntys*�.e'-'tom -- under Preliminary Order approved Nnv 20 1995- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul! The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $--Z Q a The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION South 295.16 ft.of 31 Lake Como Villas 3000 North 147.59 ft. of 31 do 1000 (Ex. N.P. Ry. right -of -tray (A Strip of land 150 ft. in width being 75 ft. on either aide of center line as looated do 3LOC)O over and across Lots 27 to 40 TOTAL. Farm B. H. to ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION A strir.of land 150 ft. in width being 75 ft. on either aide of center line as located over and across Lots Lots 9 and 17 Lake Como Villas 4500 4 5 The Strand Add. to St.Piul 150 do 4950 5 (Ex. East 951) 1-2-3-4 5 3 Como Add. to St. Paul, 5725 Ramsey Co. Minn. That r_art of 17 Lake Como Villas ?750 lying So. of Nortlern Pacific Ry. Right-of-way (ExcePtPArt to City) 11 7 Royal oaks 300 d do 00 132 7 o 400 1 7 d© 3075 1 do 7 375 17 7 do 350 1 7 do 350 2b 7 o 300 1 ` 7 do 3900 $4a45o. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — ---192_ Commissions • f Finance. ForID B. B. 13 p py s ,, ... ,. ,. �r,..n��...._�e..�•r t�...c�_,u; s�.�;a�:u�t:�»ru,c,4a�.c�,.s�b,r`a'Efiariks�"�^+� Office of the Commissioner of Public Wmim"I b Report to Commissioner of Finance s= DEC 8 H#6 De.o,..__2a_ 1925._........_192.... -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 6-52-09 ......approved-.-N-97o ............. 192..._5..., relative to _...._ . .........._y......- ....... ..................._._ ........ Cendmening._and taki,..-. an.easement in the land neoeasar Por a opea, outsand fills, in the grading of Victoria street from Orchard __.._..._........._.... __..... _.I ._...__ ......... ._......_.................._ .. _ ......-- .... .... ..... $.iRre.6.t.._to__ McKenty....Styeet............ .__......... ___..... .................... .._..........._..._..__.._............................. ........... -..... _......... _............ - _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. _........_ ............._...necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._......_................. __. and the total coat thereof is $ .........................................._._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... .____....._..... _...... ...................._..._......._..... _ ....................... _....... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch .of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............. ._.._........................... _..._..........--- ---._..._._...-- 5. Said improvement is. .. - .-- .. .............. ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 3` .+ 11'�� ....................................................Codas ner�Pnblic Works. ti k tN 0 .........,......................................................................................................... u. 64677— 646;7 6 Matter l gradingEleanor +et tram Pleasant Avenunuto Avenue to ;7 :Stsworth 9tree[,-under Prel(min- Order 65274, approved .7ov. 26, 26. u public hearing having been h 1 n the-ahwve,improvement :e, : a CounMl glom rr COUNCIL, FILE NO., By. . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. grading Eleanor Street Trot. Pleasant Avecue_ to, Chatsworth Street, .............................. .............................. . . . ......................................... ........ 63274 7;ov. 25, 1;25 under Preliminary Order._ approved.. _.. _..... __.._ Intermediary Order _ approved_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..I rade Elec.Iior StreetirQC7, Pleasant Avenue to Gr atsworth Street ................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council - 192. ............. __. P.^ S 1926/�/`' _. itv Jerk. :\pprnvcd _...., 192.... ���� r��lW�'✓ ' Mayor. �C.uuucilm;in � -b'uncilman Ferguson /- �ouncilman McDonald (? (p CouncilB' man Y& Hod, -son Councilman Sudheinu•r 'Councilman Wenzel layor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIC�11tR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR ORDER (A) In the matter of-----G-Zadg—E- .Annr S} frnm Pj-essaAd 0a under Preliminary Order approved NOV.F - . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: n The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedam nt of the assessment for the above improvement is - ir o nt 71P s The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as I2SL reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 14 2 Lexington „ark Dla.t 11. 75 15 2 do 75 16 2 do 75 17 2 do 75 19 2 do 75 19 2 do 75 2O 2 do 75 21 2 do 75 22 2 do 75 23 2 do 75 TOTAL, .. CITY OF b . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS%DNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n (B) t ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 24 2 Lexington Park Plat 11. 75 12 1 do 100 13 1 do 100 14 1 do 100 15 1 do 100 16 1 do 100 17 1 do 100 19 1 do 100 19 1 do 100 20 1 do 100 21 1 do 100 22 1 do 100 1 1 Woodford Park, St. Paul 125 2 1 Minn. 100 3 1 do 100 4 1 do 1co j 1 do 100 6 1 do 800 7 1 do 100 S 1 do 100 9 1 do 100 10 1 do 100 11 1 do 100 1 2 do goo 2 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 4 2 do 75 '• TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL i A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 4%v- - - ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 5 2 Woodford nark, St.Paul 75 Minn. 6 2 do 75 7 2 do 75 g 2 do 75 9 2 do 4 75 10 2 do } 75 11 2 4 do 75 12 2 do 75 1? 2 do 75 �5,35e• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ 192 _ C � issumcr of Finance. s. u St.Pa+.11, Minn. ,larch 21,1924 Y To The Honorable, The Council, a, City of St.Paul, Minn. Gent lemen;- We•, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made;- r,rads Eleanor Street from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Avenue. Li Lots 1,2,2,4,5 blook 1 Woodford Park 4diition. %/2B-R23 - Sco/¢: z::=- L I O .5'c NEFFER �T. - I W Q � --1 �P Q� i Office of -the Commissioner of Public Wok E'VED jQ 'It, .3 Report to Commissioner of .Finance - r T DEC 19 IM December 19, 192.5_.....192 ..... ..... ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63274 Non. 25, 1925 Council, known as Council File No.....................................approved........................................._...................................192............, relative to the grading of Eleanor Street from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth --...............................................:....__......._... _.................._....-__...... ... ........ ..........._.............. _................. ..._..........__ _ C. _......................_.... .... _.............._ Street......... ....... .................................. ......_........_...._...._.........- - _........._._....__.__.__............._....._......................_..._..._............_........_...._......._._.... ..... - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .....necessary and (or) desirable. 71V per front ft. 1,451.20 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............ ................. .. _....., and the total cost thereof is $_...................... _........... ._._, Inspection 028.45 Frontage 2,051 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... ........._.... ._.._.......................... .._..._................ __.._.__------_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......... _._................... 5. Said improvement is ...................... ....... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. w CITY VJa'SA lY'IAVL J ��e'ip,a�rMhrrten�h . f (J am, LaoJ' JOHNH. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, GEORGE M. SH EPARD. CHISP ENOIN¢m WM. N. CAREY. BOPi. OP CON.TRUODON ANO -AIR G. H. HERROLD. OP.IOS ANO CGY PLANNING -IN- December 18, 1925. Hon. A. H. Mc Donal d, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIO.. EHO"AAR A. B. SHARP, S-. OP -- G. G. P. BOWLIN. SIIPi. OP WORRNOu.[ I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Eleanor Street from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #63274, approved Nov. 25, 19251 Estimated Cost $1,451.20 Cost per front ft. 0.71 Inspection 28.45 Frontage 2,051 ft. Yours truly, (:�Z. "chiefr ng neer l, Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. �Z�-O issioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL WUNca. NO...;-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �. PRESENTED BY -(((1///////��� A /�. ) ATE___arch 3, 1926 D.___.._.__......__. C/ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts, and fills in the grading of Eleanor St. from,Pleasant Ave. to Chatsworth St. under Preliminary? -'Order C.F. #63275, approved November 25, 1925 and Intermediary Order C.F. #64265, approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public �Iorks having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts, and fills in and upon Eleanor St., between the points aforesaid,.to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 3, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. 1\70. 69618=By T, H. McDonald—! la tj a matter o't 'conflemning and tak-� Ing an easement In the land necea- nary for slope., for bata,and sella _ to the graiLng of Eleanor an from Pleasant Ave. to Chatsworth St. on 6227 Preliminary Order C. 68276, approved November 26_ 1886 and of Adopted by the Council Dfar. 8, 1926. Approved. Mar. 8, 1926: rMareh, 8-1'J2dl COUNCILMEN MAR - 3192 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council .................................. ......192.... -. Clancy MAR..31926 -,,'Ferguson APpr ved-.... - ---------- --- .... - --- ........1A2. /Hodgson ................In favor - McDonald - MAYOa Sudheimer ................Against P Wenzel iJBLISIED Mr. President '` CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Worka ,, dF REPORT TO TIN; COUNCIL In the matter of conderuiing c.nd t, --king an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Eleanor St. from Pleasant Ave. to Chatsworth St. from to under Preliminc.ry Order C.F. 63275 approved. November 25, 1925 and Intormcdicry Orc.er C.!;. 64265 ao_rovcd February 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of 3t. aul: The Commissioner of, lublic Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, pl^.n of the ,-bove improve- ment, showing by t:ac shaded ,)ortion of s -id -�l".n, the fills to be made on private ,)roperty, and by the h-.tched portion the cuts tc be made on ,private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hctchcd ,)a-rts of such plan. Date: March 3, 1926 Coranissionor of Public Works. t Indicates Cuf. A& -Indicates Fill. Typical Notafion'�=o Figures above line show Cut or FII of property line. Figures below line show clicfonce fowhich slopes - exfend beuond orooertulin, .T2 POMA3-13 TNAeA3.14 — HTAOW ' TAH:) MA -19 390 2 a�ssnipn3l uo>nu9 ETeIJ,I.asd _ S-Ae01-XIX /3 16. IB i9 20 :I ?? 73 �I 2 ;3 14 t5 ;6ZO 21 2 /it �, ►►�^^ 14 ti :2 11 10 9 8 7 6 ; 4 3 2 1 Ci f l t0 8 6 �{. ° 7 5 3 2 I E- IS J - �r n �.n✓ 0 0 D W A 2 D PA2K CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' �- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matterof Conderrni-TI-g and taking-an easement in the land necessary for slopes.—Ctfts and fills, in t'ne gr-dire of Elea-or S*reet from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street.___._ under Preliminary Order approved— To pproved—To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is o. o v The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Farm B. Is. 1. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 14 2 Lexington lark plat 11. 75 15 2 do 75 16 2 do 75 17 2 do 75 lg 2 do 75 19 2 do 75 20 2 do 75 21 2 do 75 22 2 do 75 23 2 do 75 TOTAL. Farm B. Is. 1. clTv of sr. �wuL m OF FINANCES i DEPji. ARTMENT COMMISbIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED • LOT eLocK. ADDITION VALUATI •. DESCRIPTION, _ 24. 2, Lexington Park Plat 11• .. 75 12 1. do 100 ii. 13 1 do 100" 14 1 do 100 15 1 do 100. 16 1 do 100 17 1 do 100 18 1 do 100 .19 1 . do 100 20 1 do 10D 21 1 do 100 22 1 do 100 1 1 Woodford Park., St. Paul 125 2 1 Minn. 100 3 1 do 100 4 1 do 100 1 do 100 6 1 do goo - 7 1 do 100 g 1 do 100 . 9 1 do 100 10 1 do 100 11 1. do 100 1 2 do g00 2 . 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 4 2 do 75. TOTAL _—�-,. e.9.mea.�....-.,.....a..�-.,,......r.. i �� CITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - `C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 2 Woodford Park, Ct.Paul 75 Minn. 6 2 do 75 7 2 do 75 B 2 do 75 8 2 do a 75 10 2 do 75 11 2 4 do 75 12 2 do 75 �3 2 do 75 X5,350• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commisier of Fin'v- a�/ Form 13.13. 23 Office of the Commissioner of Public WmimlY,7a Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC i 9 vis December 19, 1925 1Q9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63275 Nov. 25, 1925 Council, known as Council File No........_._..._..........._ ..... approved .............___......._.........._........................................... 192 ...... ..... relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for _ ..... _._........................................__..._.......... ... .................. _. slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Eleanor Street from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- necessary and (or) desirable. xxx xx and the total cost t ........................... 2. The estimated cost thereof is$............................_.—hereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ..... ................ ........ .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. G T'S _ ............._._...__............._ ._ Commiaeioner of Pnblie Works. ........ ........................................................................................................... C. P. No. 64679— In the Matter of grading Roy Street /! ]�+/1� I the Otto Avenue a Sg Ro Street, oLZi f{']7 under Preliminary Order 63916, ap- proved an. 7. 19£6. 9, publla hearing having been had the above lmprovement upon dui e. and th= Council having he:-' - and reoo- - - COUNCIL PIL1 110.......'.".`.:.. ,:...,.:..:..,, q By .... .............. ............ .... .......................................::.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... gr,wding.Roy,,.Street from Ctto avenue to Scheffer Street .............. ....... r ............ .___.......... _................... ............. _._............................. ..._...... ... ........... .................................................... under Preliminary Order .... ..............6y16 PP Jan. 7 1926 .....................a roved...............................r......-................................. Intermediary Order ........ ... .__..... __ ..... ..:...approved.. ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is __grade Roy Street from Otto avenue to S_chef'er Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council... ..................... .... ................ 192.. ..ty.Cr.k...AAR 31Q26i...... Approved ..... ....... 192........ f Mayor. " Councilman Clancv Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Coon.-ilmanF&Zcd, Hoy son -S:P- wllman.Sudheimer ouncilman Wenzel ✓ _ayor Nelson Form B. S. A. B-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI!kSIONER" OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) w In the matter of Grade Hoy Street from Otto Ave, to S�'er St under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Pault The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 76— ront The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is $ 1.05 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Gibson's Addition 4050 10 do 1150 6 1 Gerard's Rearra fere t 1025 7 1 do 225 S 1 do 225 9 1 do 225 10 1 do 225 11 1 do 225 1 2 do 225 2 2 do TOTAL. 225 F-- B. R. 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '�'•''�' REPORT OF CoffMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 2 Gerard's Rearrargefrent 225 4 2 do 2'5 2 do 225 6 2 do 2P5 5 Withee Add `..tion 200 9 8900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- P --192Z Comm loner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn— Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby- petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . .......... . ............................... . . ....... . . ....... ..... . .... . ... . ..........Ave. 'St. Ave.. from_ � 44, ....................... . ...... NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 0-11 611d el 1.__ 3 —Y 2— All ,,.6ffice of -the Commissioner of Public NxjCrA� =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN. 21126 ........Zanuary... 21., __ ._........._......_...........192...6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Nofi.Nl.approved_Ja.nqflrY _7_i, . ........ 1926 relative to OTA&AIng-l-Of ft to .6c.he ffe...r. a..tree..t. ............... ......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ......... .... ..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ . ............ . and the total cost thereof is $_._..._.........._._........_._.__.._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is............................._.................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................. . . . . ......... ................. ... . ............ Commissioner of Public Workar Nwo yj a -le, pe�,pafr�hnn4e-ail df' �Jui[b'lic .. JOHN H. MCDONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNElL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C —.—R WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. a, CONErRURIaR ANo RVMR G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE -- CRY hu " —I'— January 20. 1986. Hon. John H. Yoponsld, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Hoy Streot from Otto Avenue to Schaffer street, under preliminary Order C. F. $65916,1 approved January 7, 1986. Satimated Cost tl,$11.76 Coat per front ft. 1.08 Inspection 941.76 Frontage 1,161.26 ft. Yours truly, e g neer. Approved for transmission to he Commissioner of Finance# omm ss o'er a e or e. -I 64680 .� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHaL NO.- FILE w OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i Yeas In the matter of condemning and taking an ease- ment in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Roy street from Otto Ave. to Scheffer St., under Preliminary Order C.F. #63917, approved January 70 1926 and Intermediary Order C.F. #64271, approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Roy Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Com- missioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 3, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. p•, No. 84880—BY 7 H ..McDonald -- In the matter of ondemFing and-tak- 7nB_an eaeemente(n -t. land all. of Public Works report andPlan be it Citt of 9[. Paul i slopes, for cuts lind fill. In arta ups: Roy eald, Sires the'ezteat th.he - -Pon oth plan attached to the report of th Commissioner of Public Work. In th %e a8ersa ted 1daRb Caand report are here1926. yere tol. ad ade a part hereof. Adopted by the Co18ncil Mar. S. 392 APProvefl 26 tMxrch 9 .195.) F R - 3 1926 COUNCILMEN ilex Nays Adopted by the Council.. �----...--------------------192....-- C Clanev ,/Ferguson /Hodgson ...............In favor McDonald Sudheimer ................Against Wenzel Mr. President Apprf vec%�1hk-..-19- ------------------- 192 n�wroa i CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUTICIL In the matter of condomning and tc.king -An easement in the land necessary fo^ slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Roy Street from Otto Ave. to Scheffer St. under Preliminary Order C.F.63917 approved January 7, 1926 an!. Intermcdiary Ordor C.F. 64271 approve(', February 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of It. ?aul: The Com.iissioner :)f :ublic works hcrcby submits and m^.kos part of this, his ro,�ort, pl^.n of the above im-)rcvc- moat, showing by t:ii shaded ;)ortion of s -id ,)l, -.n, the fills to be made on ',)rivate ;:rc,perty, and by the h-.tched portion th_3 cuts to be mado on ;rivate property, and the extent of tho o-scment to be takon by thu figures opDosite such shadcd "-nd h^itched. parts of such pl^.n. Date: March 3, 1926 Commissioner of Public Works. C/ I ROY' ST. 10 t Indicates Cuf. SCHEFFER LIVE.- OTToAVE. A-Indicafes Fill. SLOPE PLAN Typlcol Nofafion bureau f Enyinaara Fiures above line show Jnn.l8,192$ ggS.du-1". loo Cu f orFill at property line. RaY ST. XIX -18977. Figures below line show 5CHEFFER AVE.- OTTOAVE. disfance to which slopes — 1 extend beyond properfy line. Loc.Book 1161. �n SNELLING AVE. Q z GE12A_P-D`S PE. . CD o I -L _ --- I - — --- m m---- - - -- 10 - - I1. . 9 B , 1, c a W I 60 I 10 60 57.1 00 6 I to Z:jz1� ?�� I�1= Flo Flo I� �I-gh ole _ h �, `gym eye ry�M I eb ta. Z 10`1 2T 3 47 5 Gt ' 6 O I MACALESTER AVE. - �6Ub i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ■ .,.tet REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANttE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of—_�Cordt rrni^P arra to d rg ar Pa pan Ant Ir the l nrci CCreS.Gary ___fnr slnresr_n1Lta_a_ d fills- it the graru ng of Rny Stre I t frpm _----- Otto Avenue to Scheffer St, under Preliminary Order approved • 7. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ _ $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Gibson's Addition 4050 10 do 1150 6 1 Gerard's Rearra ge:re t 1025 7 1 do 225 a 1 do 225 9 1 do 225 10 1 do 225 11 1 do 225 1 2 do 225 2 Fnrm R. it. 10 2 do TOTAL. 225 CITY OF ST. PAUL a .,.f. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM{NARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 2 Gerard's RearrarfreTert 4 2 do 5 2 do 6 2 do 5 Withee Addition r r ASSESSED VALUATION 225 -5 2P5 2'5 200 $goo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the 'aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , Z. Dated{— __192 Farm B. B. 12 Commis.'"ner of Finance. Office of the C nisAner of Public WoP E;vao 1 2 Report to Commissioner of Finance�a`', !AN 211 B6 Janua.rx....21..___._..._....._.._.......... 192._6..... - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...._63917..__..,_.approved_.__January__7 192.6......., relative to _Condemning_.._and _taking-._a_n_e_asement._,_in_.__the__.__land. ne ce_ssary__f for lope_s_,___--_ cuts and fills in the grading, of Roy Street from Otto "venue to SchefferStreet......................................._._............_._. ........._.........._......................_._...._.._...........__............__ ........................................._.......................__. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ................ ........... __.._.._., and the total cost thereof is $_. .............. ......._........_..__._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........___ _._.._.__.._... __.........._ ..__................................_......_....._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. ....... .......... ......_............................. .... .... ..:.._............... _ ..... _....................... _..............—..._.. 5. Said improvement is .......... ................. _............. ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / �/c�� ..............................J.'.•.....-11............"......_..........._........-..._.._..._........__. Commissioner o4 Public Works 1-k r a trot >Bradins' Eleanor /f�/f�,� 1 r s, under Avenge to Pas- i6 68 1 Pas - as, under � PrelimlvarY • x= -,L9 approved DM, 99, 1986. ..s'; hearing havingeen Ave ?'a above improvement' Upo k and the Covncll having Ten^' ebne, oblecUons and reco*^.- .;ti 7�.tive r Rn•.. - COUNCIL FILE NO ............................... By......................................`........................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... Eradin6 Eleanor Street from HL..aline Avenue to Pascal Avenue, ........................................................................................................................................................... 6-722 Dec. 22, 1025 under Preliminary Order .................. approved. .............. I ............ ....... ........ Intermediary Order...... _ _ _ ...approved... _ _. ..... _............... ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. E. -rade Ele2nor Street host Ha line Avenue to Pascal Avenue,_ and the Council hereby orders said impr6vement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilK R - 31426 MP,R - 3192b v .approved __._ 192 .... .. . Mayor. councilman Clancy ✓Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /Councilman F'Amx Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer PUBLISI-IED� L7 ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT �FRELIMWARY'ORDER FINANCE- ONR OF (A) G, de Eaean r Htreeti fro!:,H,,!r,line Avenue to Pascril Avenue. In the matter of--- Dece-ber ?':_x,17'5 under Preliminary Order approved --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 7e� — fronL - _ _ _ _ _ $. ._. The estimated cost pei foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK l� �4 4 ?8 4 27 4 ?6 4 ?5 4 �4 4 2 !E )1 4 ADDITION Kenain�i,cn Pyr -2 �1;iditiicn �o .Pau :o i0 to do io io do jo do TDTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION ?75 ?00 200 ?00 ?00 200 400 200 200 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPOR'P`OF COMMISSIONER OF ,4N41NCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 20, Kenein6ton P._rk edition.. to St.Pau1 19 4 so ;p. 3. do 29 3_ do 29 3 do 27 3. do 26 3 do 25. 3 do 24. 3 do 23 3 do 77 3 do 4l 3 do '0 3 do 19 3 do 18 3 do 17 3 ao 16 3 ao 1 5 ao 4 5 do 5 5 a.o 6 5 do 7 5 do S 5 do 9 5 do 10 5 do 11 5 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 200 200 200 200 2c o ?00 2cp 200 400 ?CO 6cc 20C 20C 200 200 200 200- 300 200 450 200 200 200 200 200 2pp CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REFOOR-t OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON'PRELIMIN RY ORDEF(O-r (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 12 5 Kensing.cn Park A.t ULirri ?OC �o St.Pl•tl �3 5 do 200 14 5 do 2Cr 1 6 do 2C0 6 d0- 200 3 6 do 2CC 4 6 do 200 5 6 do 4C0 6 6 do '00 7 6 do 200, S 6 do ?0C 0 6 do i '00 10 6 do 200 11 6 do '200 12 6 do 200 13 6 do 20C 14 6 X�' 10 21^C 15 6 do 200 11,8'-5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commis;iWner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn �j__192 A To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:. e.e.....to..._i.t.s_.lull.....wildtia.-......... ..—.. -- - -- — -_— St. Ave. S:t- Ave. to_—Pascal AtcP---......-- St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK DDITION 0= 13 1 r r♦ lr r ;, �yC+���i ti�� M, � t torr' fti)�.a t t •4's A Loy, 3i4i>w, �. .I{r Milli y'at.. 'h kt ;3 C'F .x t•, t s� h� t � fi tsv-,a y r � x, s a � ix>kl a^ S.i � v ,fi ,�R` • l f//�L Lr - r, � � _ � : � y, � aix9 y ri r XG x { tt xy i y.y'v�M� �".r 4 vh 1� k°�.'hi �V. ]?a�"�t� � '+� ..i Y • .� �5t r s Et Y j ,� Ygas! t t� �r� w N -� r �"F.y ��z �. s �lv' r Z�f� � �: P' r S �..� - (Z x 7r c� �6 � £ k t S }• ry.. r y r fi t r r t r2 v Fza.aUiT f' f i y� r, S~�4 ' i .`R Ui { ti K»t ✓3 � .�'"� a`�r..r;�Sr ii�,;"'� t'ti1''' �" a I ,� x _.. i•ti ,, �.. err I ✓ sr� y. Cn v . x 1 r � A n\ _. A' i>sfV Kj riti Y 2 �% 4 � }: .v� AgaIV . P Opp for 0100 v IA rlk: >,f7 5 i YP ham. r 8y r2r- 4 ,yss 1• � i--"i,c'--r-- a c �� �. _E �t j a � ik5i ,3` ��'�4 J_. x f"'(�� Y f S i' �t q •t, Kul )�r Yrl/ �T t J ! { h � >L�, v'n E iii r f J t Office of. the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN is to 2a January 12, 1926 ............. 192 .......... _ .................................................... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63722 Dec Ptrb Pr 2..2-.,.-1.9..2.§2 Council, known as Council File No..........._.......__......_.....approved..._....._........:..._...............__..................., relative to the grading of Eleanor Street from Hamline Avenue to Pa9oe1 Avenue. --...__............_...._................. .... ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ............... necessary and (or) desirable. 0.70 per front ft. 1,635.57 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .............................. _._............; and the total cost thereof is $............'........._..........._.._.._, Frontage 2,341.5 ft. Inspection Q32.07 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ................. __.__._.............__..._.._............................__._...._........_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ... ................... ........ ......... ............................_....... .._..._.........._.._.............................._.................__...... _...... _..... ................... ....... ....._.._....._.._._........_.._ 5. Said improvement is .................... ......... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . Commissioner of Public Works. 117 (r, CITE �JF� V, JOHN H. MCOONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS.. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CMEP dDINEEfl WM. N. CAREY, SWT. OF BTRODTION ANO .-Al. G. H. HERROL , OAICE AND CITY -N ENGINEER January 11, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public (Yorks. M. S. GRYTBAK, BBIDOE -­- A. NG -A. B. SHARP. BUPT. OF SANITATION G. P. BOWLIN. SUv OF -- Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Eleanor Street from Hemline Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. J63722, approved December 22, 1926: Estimated Cost $1,635.57 Cost per front ft. 0.70 Inspection 32.07 Frontage 2,341.5 ft. Yours truly, 1eIn 3 eer. p. O - Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. -0ommisaioner of lio Yorke. CITY OF ST. PAUL vas+ couNcn. NO...-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RLSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ _ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts, and fills in the grading of Eleanor St. from HamlineAve. to Pascal Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. #63723, approved December 22, 1925 and Intermediary Order C.F. #64273, approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having — submitted his report and plan in the above C. F. No. 64682—Hy S. A: McDonald -1 In the matter of condemningand tak- matter, be it '-sary n easement ae eentoir the, land and_'fllsee& p es7n the grading sof Eleanor Ht. tkom Hamlin $ Ave. to pascal Ave. under! Resolved: That the City of St Paul fixes Preummary graer C. F. xpaeatas: approved December 22, 1826. and In- and determines the amount of land to be termediary Order c. F. xor 64172,. taken for the above named improvement as approved mssio°ery of P blic Wodta: an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills 1, me bone ma his report and plan' p y having the above matter,. be It in and upon Eleanor St., between the point ,XOS Resolved, That thee Cthe aSL nnPaulI aforesaid to the extent shown upon the land to be taken for the above named) improvement as an. easement for lan .attached to the report of the Uommis slopes, for nuts and fill$ In and tiponl p Eleanor St., between the points $fare of Public Works in the matter, dated Mara mid. to to attached shown was l'unt the', 1926, which plan and report are hereby re Commissioner of public Works In the matter, dated March 3, 1926, -which to and made a part hereof. %aaaa madeport are hereby referred Adrt hereof. - opted by the Council Mar. 3, 1926. Approved Mar. 3, 1926. (March 8-1926) MAR - 3 1926 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ---- --------------------- -------------- 192..--- V Clancy k„i i .11926 Ferguson Appr ved.--.......--- ------...... -................ 192------ jHodgson �.-..In favor - - - McDonald Sudheimer n....Against MAYOR Wenzel -Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Public Works lft4. REPORT TO TILE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and t::king ,an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Eleanor St. from Hemline Ave. to Paseal Ave. -arid-or Preliminary Order C. F. 63723 approved December 22, 1925 ^.nc'. Intcrmcdir:ry Ordor U.F. 64273 ap,:rov(.,d February 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of St. P:.ul: The Com-iicsioncr ,f ublic Works hureby submits and m^kos part of this, his ro-)ort, a )len of the above im,rrovc- ment, shoving by the shndcd jortion of said -:)ln-n, the fills to be made on private ,�ruperty, ^and by the h-.tched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures op_)osite such sheded r.nfl h^.tchcd ;)arts of such plan. D^ate: March 3 L 1926 Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PpRT " REOF PRElh1IriSNARYIORDER FINANCE Y V (A) In the matter of oondemn in a e elo es, cuts _nt fide itj. the ?radina of Eleanor Stree amiine Avenue to_�38�'<_I_L<Y1ue t under Preliminary Order approved—.--- DBcec,oer ?'In-' To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: F.vm S. S. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT B -K ADDITION VALUATION 7 4 Keneingrtcn Park.Aidition 275 to ST.Paul ?? 4 do ,cC 28 l+ do 20C 27 4 do 20C -,6 4 do Zoe 25 4 do 200 ?7l 1l. do 400 �� 1} do 20C 22 do 20C 21 4 do 200 TOTAL, F.vm S. S. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R QrRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �,,,p - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -... .._' ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 20 . 4 Ke,;,;ington PE�rk Addition 200 to S .Paul 19 4 'to 200 200 30 3 _ do 29 3 do 200 28 3 . do 200 27 3 do 200 26 3 do 200 .25 3 do 200 24 . 3 do 200 23 3 do '-00 hoc ,, 3 do 200 21 3 do 20 3 do 200 19 3 do 200 ld 3 do 20C 17 3 do '00 i6 3 do 200 1 5 do 300 4 5 do 200 5 5 do 450 6 5 do 200 7 5 do 200 B 5 do 200 9 5 do 200 10, 5 do 200 11 5 do .200 _ �' rallw 6.ei TOTAL 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `,.F;�EPORT OF CQMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -0110 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 12 5 Kensington Prir.c Ai.iition 200 to St., -3• u1 1, 5 Jo 200 14 5 do 200 1 6 do 200 2 6 d0 200 3 6 do 4 6 do 200 5 6 do 200 6 6 do '-o^ 7 6 0 ?00 8 6 do '00 9 6 do 100 10 6 0 20C 11. 6 do 200 12 6 do 200 13 6 s0 200 14 6 .b 200 15 6 do 200 118?5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated az 192 ¢_ Commission of Finance. Form B. B. l3 Office of the Commissioner of Public WdIdftvEd Report to Commissioner of Finance z JAN 13 IJ 26 January 12, 1926 192.._......_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63723December 22, 192.5192 ......... relative to ..._......... . Council, known as Council File No ............... _............ .......approv ...._............ condemning and .to in.�.._._aneasente- t-- _ n..._the..._land___neces_eery...._YOx............ .._................. _. slopes, cuts and fills, .in_the Gradin ._oY_Eleanor..._Street.._._Prom...... .................. _ ......__ _._._............._.:.......... Hemline Avenue to Pascal AVPlllle,._._......................._............ ....__.._..._...... _ ................................._......._........_..................................._....._._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..................................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is $. _ _^ ............ and the total cost thereof is $. _.._..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 8. ment is hereto attached and made a part hereof. A plan, profile or sketch of said improve 5. Said improvement is ............................ _................. sake" for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. d 6+sea— Ia the Matter of rading alley In Rob- (' e t L Waiee A�d and fro , Ken 8h 64G�3 Yo Berkeley. Ave. aad•fro . Kenneth Ave. to north artdaunth alley -nndei �.,A reliminary Order 68886; approved .¢"��Dearfag having Deen-_wrt � _^r^..: ,'inr •.,v yam. -at n^��..- COUNCIL FILE NO.... .... ................ By.............................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... grading alley i]%Robert L. 'iiares Add. from St. Clair .................................................................................................. St._ to.Be.rkeley..Ave.,.and .fromskenaeth Ave. to north and southalley . ............ ..... ............. ........ __.....__... _ ............. .......... ............ ...........:..................... ................... .... .......................................... ......... .......................... ................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... .....__........... I ............ ......._ ....... ... _..........._................................................................................................. under Preliminary Order... ...... ...... 3.396 ................. -approved ............ e.!.�_3.r...�92.1... Intermediary Order........ ....__..... approved ............. ....... ... ._............................ ................ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of g. improvement to be made by the said City ls....arade ........._a.1ley _..............n Rob................ ert.....L ..........+Ja. ......res.....add ....................... from St. 0laiT St. to Bexreley love. and from Kenneth Ave. to north and south alley._ ......... _ _.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-..3..19.Qd...... _.............. MAR _ $ 1926 City Cler/k. Approved.,.. _ __ _....., 192...._ _ � _ �� 1�'�r��.rV,�%^✓. . i 1p Mayor. Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald pLTBL;SD 3 /Councilman $BldtrR HCdE60n (J .Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S.'A, 8_7. CITY OF ST. PAUL ., DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �1N1 ORDER ON PRELIMINA a 4 J19 in the matter of Grade ajj. in Rn�ept T Nflroa __ ➢erkel-ey_A7_t. -and rolr Kenneth A e- N a outb R33.aY — under Preliminary Order approved-- , To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ -�— --7 / - - - - - - $_ The estimated cost pd foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Robert L. Wares Addition 2500 2 do 600 3 do 600 4 do 600 5 do 600 6 do 3100 7 do B00 g do 3750 o do 3750 10 do 600 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ORDER (C). FINANCE ON • (C) . ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION - 11 Robert L. Wares Addf.ti:= 550 12 do 1gg00 13 do 600 14 do 600 15 do 600 17 de 3500 18 do 550 1g 3650 3650 20 do 600 21 'io goo 22 do boo 23 do 600 24 do 5250 25 do 600 26 do 5100 27 do 4100 28 do 5200 $70,400. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the fore_ ing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hien in reference to said matter b the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated -192 } j ommiss� er of Finance. e.s.0 St. Paul, Minn. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .......... . . . ...... . . ..... . ......... St. Ave. from- —St. Ave. to— - — St. Ave. I/ ...... ----- I F 01 -MM I/ ia3 N. %N.NI/Sec.9.Tz8-?Z3.' E,PKEL E y e Ih STANf o.P.p I i WELLESLfY h -z R. Y Office of the Commissioner of Pu Report to Commissioner of Fina #Hh % 19,E Ja.ILua..... 2..j ..................... _..... _192.-6 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the . Council, known as Council File No....... approved._N-O.O.mlie_x_._3.�................. _......_.__192_.` -., relative to Gra-.di,>:1z.._of...alle.y... n -Hobert Addition from St. Clair St. to _ _Berkeley__..Ave-e and from Kenneth Avenue to North and Soizth Alley and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .... ......... ...................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................... __............. and the total cost thereof is $........:......... ......... _..._......__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ................. ...... _......... ....... ............ .............. _ ....... _......... ___..____.... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... _._....................... :.................... ............................ ........................ ..._........................ ........... .................. .. _._...........----...._---- — ----- 5. Said improvement is............................. _..._............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to, assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works/ e�paLrh n1012 o �jau�b�lica� JOHNH. MCOONALO. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL, OEPUTV COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD, CK1E1 dmHva WM. N. CAREV, SUPP. OF COK.iRUCTON - R®wM G. H. HERROLD. 0MCE AMD CIT' PLIWNIHD dDINDA January 20, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald# Commissioner of Public Works. Deer Sist M. S. GRVTBAK, B Dob dGiNCo1 A. B. SHARP, SUPT poF SANIiwTION G. P. BOWLIN. SUPT. aF WORKIgUc. I transmit herewith preliminary ostimate of cost for the grading o4 alley in Robert L. Wares Addition, from St, Clair St. to Berkeley Avenue and from Sea06th Ave. to Borth and South Alley, ander Preliminary Order C. F. #65596, approved December S. 1925: Betimated Cost $796.47 Coat per front ft♦ 0.60 Inspection 15.42 Frontage 1,303.55 ft. Special attention is called tb the situation of lot 11 with respect to the proposed grading. This lot is 6" or more below the grade of the alley and is also below the grade of the street, so that the surface drainage would be retained on this lot when the alley is graded. In order to protect the building from this water the lot should be filled in to the grade of the alley and a curb wall built across the rear of the building* yours rely. A oved for transmission 01 th�(lo:o toner of F ante. Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATA MEir.ri. `+!.7•-..+e+..Fs !.._............. ._... COUNCIL No.. ...64 FILE In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Robert L. Wares Add. from St. Clair St. to Berkeley Ave. and from Kenneth Ave. to north and south alley under Preliminary order C.F. #63397, approved December 3, 1925 and Inter- mediary Order C.F. 64275, approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the abovb matter, be it Resolved: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named. improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon etlYey,in�Robert L. Wares Add. between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report 'of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 3, 1926, which plan and rep?rt are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. �C.'F No. 64654—Bv 3..;H. DicDonald In. the matter of condemnf land necee mg an, easement in- the -- $a�iadtnq eot fa11eY n RohertL.� tho 8to Waren Add. fromd., i Clalr St. ti Berkeley.�AVo: arid'. -ltom 8enneth._. ... .. rth: arid.eovth. alley e"don i FebraarY a ao. The Comm stoner of Publlc Works p the above submitted re reo hireport and plan Resolved: That �e th the e f of "au axes and determ land to be --taken for the above eena for improvement s an. slopea, for "cute and .I we in and upon alley In Robert L,. Wares to the ex_ tween the Poineo aforesaid, the 9110repr - nolo thea commlan.lee na o Fubllc Works. n the Pla gtanF-rep'ora bfarch., 9, . 1996, ere hereby referred, to and', made a part hereof. Adopted by the C 19n2811 Mar. 3. 1996. Approved (Mara 6-1936). COUNCILMEN- '- Nays /Clancy / Ferguson Hodgson -- -----...In favor /M'Donald /Sudheimer ................Against % Wenzel `Mr..President MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council ....------------ --------------------19'2----- MAR - S 1926 Aptoved.- - - . ---------------------192_.... MAYO CITY OF ST. PAUL you" Department of Public Works REPORT TO THE COUPICIL In the matter of condemning and taking e.n casement in the land necessary fov slo,)es, for cuts and fills in grading of: . alley in Robert L. Wares Add. from St. Clair St. to Berkeley Ave. and under from Kenneth Ave. to north and south alley Preliminary Order C.F. 63397 approved December 3, 1925 ^ind. Intcrmodiary Ordor C.F. 64275 apProvec'. February 3, 1926. To the Council of the City of Zt.Paul: [ The Corm.iissioncr f cublic Works hereby submits and m^.kcs part c -f this, his rcpert, c. _al^.n of the ^.bove improve- ment, showing by tlic shaded ,jortion of said ;11,-.n, the fills to be made on private ,)rc rorty, and by the h.-.tchod portion the cuts to be made on ; rivato property, and the extent of the easoment to bo takon by the figures op.')osite such shaded and hatched ,)arts of such plan. D..^ate: March 3J, 1926 / Cormnissioncr of Public Works. j _ .QOA 23AAW.J 751380,{ -Y3jjA MA.J9 990J2 ' + Indicafes Cuf. ien3'\ U.s-8 0 -Indioofes Fin. a2el,al.3ea Tuoicol Nofafion YL—D F,curas.1—e!ineshow T STY - BiC81-XIX Cuf or Fi!l of properfy line. STY CLAIR -01 +0.1 -_ I - - Figures below line show ALLEYS- R08T. L_.WARE�S ADD. distance fo which slopes — ,cL -OS •01 - _ L exfend beyond oroperfy:ine. �nD_ BRIGK $TORE I Loc. Book ?165 I2r I u DBL.FR.GAR till to 3 2 I •0.7. OS - 1.0 2 0.8 ------- DBL.GAR., STUCCO - - - 9 1�• i 13: iDBL.FR.GAR . - - -OZ F0.5 DBL.FP..GAR 0.3 f M rOS 41�. q ., -7:..,- ..... , _.. -. .- [ GAR. DBL.FR.GAR, i 0.2 .4 4 OBI.FR.GAR - . 15 7s1a.2 _ A � H �i B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 a 1 I6 I - I .s +13 a 2.0 IIT.FR. KD 5 7E L. WA2D S f, aDi- x - /` 0.6V_3.5, - J __J _ °0.5331-:T?Kl-:LEY AVZ A, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � +k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANU ON PRELIMINARY ORDER X275 In the matter of— easement in th4a - ` __Slge_or _S1T�S.3^d_ f 11 a In +>,A mr A��,:,r alley in Robert L. re Addition .from St.. Clair -St. to BerkelptyAve,and f nrn Kanne+h Ayg to North e.r.d South Alley. und& Preliminary Order approved ---- Deo- 3, 19`5 - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is�_— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or I-arccl as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: F.— B. B. 10 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT -CK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Robert L. flares Addition 600 2 do 600 - 3 do 600 4 do 600 5 do 600 6 do 3100 7 do goo g do 3750 " 9 do 3750 10 do TOTAL. 600 F.— B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OPREL►MISARYORDEER R (C) FINALE ON (C) ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 11 Robert L. Wares Addition 550 12 do 19900 13 do 600 14 do 600 15 do 600 17 do 3500 1B do 550 19 3650 3650 20 do 600 21 do goo 22 do 600 �3 do 600 24 do 5250 �5 do 600 26 do 5100 27 do 11100 pg do 5200 070,400. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and il, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Counc reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. g (� 192 Date Commlasto➢ r of Ftnanee Form B. B. 12 -+ yrrrte-a'Yd-u=:- Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance' 4$,, Aw �s P-6 Janua.� X _ 2.1-:1 ......... . ...... 192 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63397 DeCemb$_r.. 3.�........._......V2_f�._..., relative to Council, known a9 Council3�e No......._.._......_................approved_....__..... �° I�....... _................__.............................a..._................_.._................................. - Condemnna....a,nd.__takin an._e_asem in the grading of alley _in Kober L. glares Add. from St. Clair Wit. to Berkeley Ave_ and from Kenneth _ ......... . ................ ........ ... Ave.to and...._south..._alle.y............._................._............................_...._....--........................................_....._.._.._._...........--- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. . ......... . ..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..... ....................... _—............. and the total cost thereof is $.._ ....................._._.........._._._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................_............................................... 5. Said improvement is...............................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ................................... ..... .__......... __._.........._............_.. Commissioner of Public Work ,_ 64885— 1. the Matter of grading Hyacinth �I�J Stast reet eof front A. Forest W. M.retee. Addito the tion, under Prelim nary Order 168908, aD- .proved Nov. 9. 1986, ` A Dubnc ,hbarfng havinB been had 'atnm...the. above Improvement upon due *'..tha Couneft having h1 **-' COUNCIL e_Ut r ,....... ..,:............... By .... .............. ..... ...__........... ........ ...................... .... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ..... 9,radinp Hyacinth Street frori Forest Street to the _................... east line of J. A. & :1. Stees a^ciitior., .......... __.. _ ........ ........._... ............ ........... ................ _. _.................... ......... _ ............................... ............................. P _.............._ .................__.... ............................... ......................... ................. .......... ...........:.....................................................................................................................................................I................... under Preliminary Order ..... _.....__.__..__._...approved......_....+tw.r...l*.z..�.25 .............................. Intermediary Order...... approved... . .... ..... .. 11.......1.............. ..... ..... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED,. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is grade Hyacii.th Sti, .et fro i For.. st St 1 -et to the east 1_ne of J. A. & ''N. 11. SteeS Ad-- it_on and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR - 1926 Adopted by the Council _...... _................_....._..................., 192 .. . ........... ..... .. ............. ........ 3 4926 ity Cl rk. Approved_ BAR-_ __ _......, 192........ .................__.__..........._............................................ .......... ....... / Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald /7 /Councilman PAax Hodgson /Eouncilman Sudheimer/Pl✓� P�IdFD_-;L ✓ —�O ouncilman Wenzel ayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7. 90 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF F(NANCE - r. �" • REPORT OF COMM13.♦♦'hQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN7�RY ORDER z' In the matter of-C�rstjj -ng Hyacinth St From F,rPqt St. -tO the -aG4- AV & W. M. Steel Ad1jtion 0 under Preliminary Order approved-- No r - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-.-731-60--- f ront _."731 -60 -_front $ _1. 22_ The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION o J. A. & W. ;s. Stees Add. 2450 The South 1/3 of ( 1 ( 10 1 to St. paul, -R---ey Co., do 11 1 M ihn. 13 1 do 150 14 1 do 150 15 1 do 150 . 16 1 do 200 8 4 do 27;c, 4 do 300 7 TOTAL. Vrtm a. B. IO NCITY OF ST. PAUL R DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Lx -R REPORT OF COMM`ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIAINARY ORDER 1 (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 4 J. A. & A. 1;1, Stees Add. 2700 5 4 to St. Raul, R».rrsev Cc,, 159 4 4 Minn. 11;0 3 4 do 1F0 2 4 coo 150 1 4 � 500 ti A 7,350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Comsioner of Finance. I- B. B. 12 101, St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..... _GRADI:IG.................. Or .......... __._..__..... _..... — .............. _..- ...... -- --------- — ......... ---..._ -- �pp, _...... -......._.__._........._......_.�ACSS4TH....._._................_..__ ............. --..:.........__..__...._._.- - --..._..-- St. � Property owned and occupied by from _.......... _............ _FOS.T..... .... __......... _........ _... ___—St. Auw. to-PHALZ...kuTi,-E`IIY...._.___.__. __.__..__....___.........._..-----._.._...._..._�._.--_St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 !r & I 1/4- SCALE:- 300'+o I" IVY ST. - ]� S.A. Fit,PNSWORTh' y� IF-77 SClfOOL � N HYACINTH I_ ORANGE ST. _ L� HAWTHORNE J Q Ix �Q� - wuwMV1 ANA ST. N N Irr OC ST. 75 k Office of the Commissioner of Public ED Report to Commissioner of Finance o< Nov. 19, 1925 NOV �0 il�il ........... 192 .... _...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 62908 November 4, 1925 Council, known as Council File No.. .................. ..._.....__. approved .... _........ __.... _.... ..... ........ 192 ...... _..... relative to the grading of Hyeointh ........... .............. .. . east line of J. A. & W. M. Stees Addition.__...._..........._............_....................._..... ..... ...... ........._.._ _.._...._...._....__ _...__ _ ........ ................... ......................._.......__..........._....__........__......_.....---........ ...:._ .............. .............. ...... ..... ........_......_ _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 41.22 per front ft. 731.60 2. The estimated east thereof is $......_.................. .._........ ._, and the total cost thereof is $........_ ................_............._._, Inepeotion $14.35 Frontage 559.54 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__......_._.__.__.__....___..._....____..................... .......... __...... ....... _ ...._...._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _.... 5. Said improvement is ............. ... ..... .... .... _................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..................................... Commissioner of Public Works. lumpga ['Vfei�`hMfflrilF v f !�Ju;:b"fle W, rkz' JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPOTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. C.... Erv...... M. S. GRYTBA R. B c¢ ENGINEER IM, N. CAREV. SUPT, o S n o RFPnIR A. B. SHARP, S P E.11TI-1 G. H. HERROLD, OPPICEP.1ONCITY PLA -11 ErvcIxPER G. P. BOWLIN, El— P WARS....E November 17, 1926 Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Hyacinth Street from Forest Street to the east line of J. A. & W. M. Stees Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. #62906, approved November 4, 1926: Estimated Cost $731.60 Cost per front ft. 1.22 Inspection 14.36 Frontage 669.64 ft. Yours truly, eng ne �.. Approved for transmission the Comr. of Finance. omm ea over of Public or s. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE$OLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL11L. No,. -_---64666 COU 1' :E �J-VVVV ok REsoLve6 / [/ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Hyacinth St. from Forest St. to the east line of J.A. & W.M. Stees Addition under Preliminary Order C.F. #62909 approved November 40 1925 and Intermediary Order C.F. 64267, approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon Hyacinth St. between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 3, 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C. P. No. 64686—By J. H. McDonald— In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes. for cuts and fills in the grading of Hyacinth St. from Forest St. to the .east line of J. A. & W: 113. Steen Addition under Pre- liminary Order C. P. No. 82808 ap- proved .November 4, 1926 and Iater- mediary Order C. F. 64267, approved. February 8; 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan In the above matter, be It Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named 0 improvement as an easement for slopes for out, aad fill. In and upon Hyacinth St. between the points afore- said. to the Stent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter. dated- March 8. 1926. whidt plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Adopted by the Council Mar. 6, 1988. sApproved Mar. 8 March 1926 arch COUNCILMEN MAR - 3 1926 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-.-------- ------------------....192...... Clancy Ferguson ApI roved.,"..""- oved.."AR 3 146192...... Hodgson :In favor McDonald _.. --.... _.- --- / MAYOR Sudheimer .....r. ...Against Wenzel /-'Mr. President s CITY OF ST. PAUL��"j Department of Public Works REPORT TO TIE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning, and taking -�n easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of: Hyacinth St. from Forest St. to east line of under J.A.& W.M.Stees Add. Preliminary Order C.F. 62909 approved November 4, 1925 ^•n'. Intormedir.ry Order C.F. 64267 �•pprovuc'• February 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of Tho Comjissioncr -f 'ublic Urorks hurcby submits and Makes Hart ,f this, his roort, plan of the above improve- ment, shovr.ng by the shc•(Iod )orti'on of said , l •n, the fills to be made on 'orivatu ,)rc)Grty, end by the h':tched portion the cuts to be made on Drivato property, and the entcnt of the easement to be taken by the figures op7DOSitiz3 such sh.^-dcd ,-.n.3 hstchcO parts of such plan. Date: March 3, 1926 i Commissioner of rublic t4orks. it I ICT+ Indicates Cul-. i A -Indicates Fill. Typical Notation 'n Figures above line show a Cut orFilI at property line. i Figures below line show disfance to which slopes extend beyond property line Loc.Book 1525 HYACINTH ST. FOREST.ST.-E.LiNEJ-A' *W.M.STEESADD, SLOPE PLAN 8—.. rEnyineera Nov. 9, 1925 scolex 1..,100' XIX•l8896 i\ JAY ST. J. A _ J B T 6 5 44 3 2 I J Q A D D. n ORANGE 5T i 'CITY OF ST. PAUL t y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i �� ii66YY REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE" s; 4F'' 1 ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (A) t In the matteroi Con3emnina e.nd t�.kina an easel,ent ir, the lard necessary for slopes cuts and. fills, in the grading of Y,yacinth Street from Forest Street to the east line __;Lf J, A. F 4V• 1,4, Stees Addition. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $-75' The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The South 1/3 of i 9 1 J. A. & W. M. stees Add. 2450 do 10 1 to St. vaul,, Ramsey Co., 11 1 M Ihn. �3 1 do 150 14 1 do 150 15 1 do 150 16 1 do 200 8 4 do 250 -7 4 do 300 TOTAL, Fmm a. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL 6 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OOF N PRELF FINANCE IMINARY ORDER .i ;• (C) . ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 4 J. A. & W. M. Steel Add. 2700 5 4 to St. Baul, Rarsey Co., 159 4 4 Minn. 150 3 4 do 150 2 4 do 150 1 4 do 500 7.350. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commis ner of Finance. Porm B. B. 12 Office of the Gommisaioner of Publi u . 2 ® =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV $0 426, Nov. 19, 1925 109 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 62909 Nov . 4 192P ....... ......192..........., relative to Council, known RR Council File No...._....._..._..__............approved._._..........._............... condemning and taking an easement in the land neceaeary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Hyacinth Street from _...__......_._._........... -- I I....._ _..__... ................ ................... ...._._.....1. _._ ....... ............ -............. --........... .... _......... ............. ._................................. ..................... _ Forest Street to._._the __eeat line of d. A. do W. M. Steen Addition........._..— . _ ...._..._....... ._ .._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. necessary and (or) desirable. axx axxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...... ............. .......... __..... ._._., and the total cost thereof is $......._ ................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: — ._..___..____... ...... _........... ........... ........ ........................... _........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..............._........ ..................__......_..__..._......._..._..._......._......_.._............. _............... ...................... _.... __.... _................ _.............. ........ --------- ............. -- 5. Said improvement is..._ ............. ........ ..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................................... ...................................... --- ...... ....... .... .— / j Commissioner of Public Works. f�b ..................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..........6 pp Jan. 15. 1526 aroved........................................................................ Intermediary Order ............... approved...................... _.........._ ............................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. construct an alley crOssinC Ori the south side of South Street between Rice Strcet and Albermarle Street, ._..._................... . _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR - 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................_........... _.................., 1 MAR - a 1926 ............ .. . Clty Clerk. -approved _ _.. _. 192........ Mayor. X-ouncilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald ZCouncilman PW%K Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. w� C F:84887- of constructing an lley �/ZV 64687 7n tFt¢' ttar n the south Ida of 8outli croaeinHo Street betweeaRice street and 61ba- Order "'o 'ea➢Droved Jan.01 1928 hearnS .hevlag A ➢trbtio upon 6�e above im➢rov.. ment u'. -a-.' notice gnd the Counc; hanin .... .................. By.............................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....constructing ,an all ey crossinv on the South side of ...... ............ ........ ............. South _Street...between Rice Street and Albemarle Street, ..................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..........6 pp Jan. 15. 1526 aroved........................................................................ Intermediary Order ............... approved...................... _.........._ ............................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. construct an alley crOssinC Ori the south side of South Street between Rice Strcet and Albermarle Street, ._..._................... . _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR - 1926 Adopted by the Council ......................_........... _.................., 1 MAR - a 1926 ............ .. . Clty Clerk. -approved _ _.. _. 192........ Mayor. X-ouncilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald ZCouncilman PW%K Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. S -i. w� ��r o DEPARTMEN :. A REPORT OF COMM ISS y = FINANCE ON PRELIMI°GARY ORDE (b) �_. In the matter of Conetnict an e11eK crossing on the s:uth side of South StrPPt between Rice Street and Albemarle Street. under Preliminary Order approved Jan. 19 1926 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ square The estimated cost pei/foot for the above improvement is $ Q-25 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION City Property Alley in 1 Bankens Addition 0.00 TOTAL, City Property 000000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Coo- ner of Finance. F.- u. o...1 I Office of the. Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance IAN ^819 26 January 28, 1926 ....... . 192............ .... _. _........... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 64048 January 19-.1-1926.192 ...._......, relative to Council, known as Council File No..._.....-_--._..._....._....apProved...._..............._...__....._........_._...... __._.a_onetruot ng_.en.....P_lley.._9_Food. ng._On..._th.e..._south.._aide..._e.P....Bnnth....8trest......._ between Rice Street and Albemarle Street.__._ .................._..............._. ....._...__._._.....__.._.__. _ ... __.._......_......__.._.....I ............ .. I...._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... ................. _.....necessary and (or) desirable. 25� Per eq. foot. _..._...., 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.........._.._.......... - and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..........._...._.._._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................................. 5. Said improvement is ..... ............. ...... ..... _...... ...........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........................_ .._ ........................................................_._.._....a...ion..................._ubl.i . Commissioner of Public Work . CITY OF ST. PAUL - - c UN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AL FORM ' • PRESENTED BY �_� :max COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER DATA—�roh 3rd6 ___ In the matter of opening, widening and. extending the alley in Block 4, Lexington Park Plat No. 7, which is 20 ft. in width across Lot 1,3ternberg's Addition, to Lexington Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #63786 approved December 29th, 1926, and Intermediary Order C. F. #64280, approved February 3rd, 1926. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his reuort and sketch in the above matter, be it R'RSOLV'.D, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows : The South 20 ft. of Lot 1, Sternberg`s Addition. IC F No, 64688—By T. A McDonald. .`, Gln the matter o1 oimning widening And extending,the alley in, Bieck 4. rAx- iii"'��� fngton, Park Plax NQ;� 7 1%AIehd -2Il il 94 ,f{t:.,-10th.acroeA,Zot.,1.:"6ternbcrx.s' I •rneeouth 26 St. of Lot I, etergberg'e Addition. I Apg- byp he Council Mar. 8, 1688. ADDroved 3rar. 8, 1886. / 1 (Mnroh 6-1888) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ Clancy j Ferguson i Hodgson ................In favor McDonald Sudheimer V.. -.Against Wenzel /Mr. President MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council ---------------------------------------- 192----. Apoved.MAR - 9-1926 ..........192.... p ---- - .... ... - '1 MAYOR D' ,a�hv iJu c/v r4vs n� JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER - THOS. G. O-CONNELL. DEPUTY CO-SWONER `- GE M. SHEPARD. CHIMP EHG1HEE1 M. S. GRYTBAK. BRIDGE EHGIHMER WM. N. CAREY. SUPT. OP CO.TRII H -M AHO R -IR SHARP. SUPT, OP BANITwTICN G. H. HERROLD. OF-1AHO C- P-110 EN01- G. P. BOWLIN, SUPT. OP WORNHOUMM ---REPORT TO TRE 007NOIL--- In the matter of openino-, widening and extending the alley in Block 4, Lexington Park Plat No. 7, which is 20 ft. in width across Lot 1, Sternberg's Addition, to Lexington Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. ,f63786, approved December 29th, 1925, and Intermediary Order 0. F. ;64280, approved February 3rd, 1926. To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows : AA The South 20 ft. of Lot 1, Sternberg's FAddition. omm ss oner o Public o r s. Dated- IGarch 3rd, -07 u 3'.' . ! xi, --n ; i P!a`'- Lexina-:)n Ave . 0_PENING 5ureau co 9ineera Oct. 13 1925 Scale I" - 100 XVPII 1858 JAMES ST. r— — -i T CITY OF ST. PAUL I'l�('y,( DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , a 'e _' V wi80 f •'• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of-- Oven, widen and extend t1ie alley in Block -� I erj ^,tan y rk Pl t No._7–which—is ''Q.-Q.v,i:it2i__cross Lot 1 Ste1n'2e1gIs Ad ition to Lexia�, on yv,. under Preliminary Order approved— 'geeTo the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated count of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 75'0 - o_o The estimated cost perlfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $. '70 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The South 20 fe_i o' 1 Sternb_rf.•Is ',d- itlon St.=';ul 300 inn. ( Ex. the So. '_0 t) 1 c:o 2 do 200 3 do 5800 4 do 650 5 do 650 6 do 2750 7 do 2750 8 do 2900 TOTAL. F�rcm n. P. IE (C) CITY, OF ST. PAUL '- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PMANOE F ON PRELIMINAY ORDER DESCRIPTION East 1,6 ft. of 13,14 a:ld (Exce-t Edgcu:- e Road) do I~1,0,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�pp�� 192— Commissio r of Finance: Form B. B. 12 ASSES91ED' LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 4 Lexi .t;ton e',.rk 'Plat 7 LL7;, 2 4 do 450 4 do Soo 6 4 do ''900 7 4 do 2900 S 4 do 600 9 do 1600 10 1 do 650 11 L do �?9oo 1'- do 0 ,0 15 do -3 o 16 4 do 400 17 4 do L50 25 do 1}75 75 1. do 1 1 K -; .i' '.tion 100 2 1 0 �2 1 do 'F 1 do -1475 7 1 ams [_ 6 1 do 25 1 do "25 I~1,0,250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�pp�� 192— Commissio r of Finance: Form B. B. 12 :. COPY 63786 original with grading corder. St. Paul, Minn.. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Opening of and,grading of alley betvieen T,exington Ave. and Edgeumbe Rd betseean_.Randnlph..- nd-....Jamas..._3.traeta._..._..Ogening....af.....all.ey fr.om__..Laxington Ave. to a point 140 ft. west and grading of alley from 140 ft. West of Lexington Ave. to first"T" alley East of Edgeumbe_Road. ThagtpArpl on of tfie propertyu�eti5eeri se:�fngtoriAvenue and ��0 — we— �-6--be condemned fofr the above purpose .S.t,Ave. to Rilgeumhe Road_ hatwPen-.— rom----- -- James and Randolph Streets. See rough sketch on back. __._....__......................_....... -—.....—.._—._._ _St. Ave. if U NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Joseph Kehrer 26 4 Lexington Park Claus Sorrison 5 1 Kay Addition Y. Adler 7 4 Lexi ton Park Addn. C S. Gregory 27 4 0 Warwich 6 1 Kay Addition I �ijan— � d Mathis 2 �' ^ Julia id Lee 7 1 Sterliberg Addn. A. E. Hardy 8 1 ^ ^ Office of the Commissioner of Public W �„�� Report to Commissioner of Finance JAN 8 13 20 December 30,.1925 ............................192............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63786 Dec. 29, 1925 Council, known as Council File No... - .......... .....approved .......... -- . I - _._..._......__............ .... ..._............. 192............. relative to opening, widening and extending, the alley in Block 4, Lexington _ ...... _ .. ........ _.......................... ...._.......—.- ............... .. ... .... . . Park Plat No. 7, which is 20 ft. in width across Lot 1, Sternberg_'_s. _..... ...... ..... ...... . ..................................._.._..... ...._ . Addition to Lexington Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_....._... _..........._..... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......_xx....___......._; and the total cost thereof is $...__........._.........._........_...._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ...:........ ...... .... ......._................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................. ............. _.......................... _............ - ...... .......... _............. -- Commissioner of Public Works. /2, o u'd COUNCIL FILE NO ... ... ____................ By...__ .._ __ . ........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....Erading a1.1.gy..,in._�i...Grube,I.s„Subdivis cn..cf..$l.oc13;..1Q.4 Lyon Dayton's Add -f tion, .froYn,.M,endote_St.reef,.,tp...6zcad.e_.Stx.e.e.t.,.. __.. 0. R No 64669— - ... .. .... .... .... ... ................... rading alley In W. In the Matter of gg Grebe's D 8ubdivlAdd oY n. r 104, Ly- man Dayton's Addition, from Men- do en- _.. __.. _............. ...............__.........._ .._............... dota 96 to Areede St.,. under Prelim-.... inary Order 63216: approved Nov...,. ,z ,25 n26 ............ _. _........_... .......... ........._.... .._......... ......._...... ...... ...... publie heart ... 1 ,R :.... .'.the p^-- ........... ............. ........... .. .. ........ .. ........... ............ ................ .............. .. . ..... ... ...... .... ........ under Preliminary Order......_....:h3210 approved 20.,_ 1525 .................................. Intermediary Order.......... approved ............................_ ____ ........ I...................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...EO de .alley _in W.,.., Grube .I e.. SubdiY] e,i.pn.. of Elcc;c..lQ4.,,. Lyman..Dayto.n's Additio.n,__fxom.Xeladota..S.t.re.et. to ....... Arcade -Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MAR 1 0 1926 Adopted by the Council..... _ __............. ..... ...... 192.._ MAP 1 019961 t Clerk. Approved _. _._ _ _....__ 192........ / Mayor. y Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ouncilman McDonald Councilman Riftm Hodason Councilman Sudheimer - _ '•••L �'�a �' Councilman \Fenzel - ---✓ Mayor Nelson Form 13. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL.'i.l4�� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t RIEP(T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �� ON, PRELIMINAtU ORDER , In the matter of' Grade alley in 13 Grub e's S,iod i' i a9 on n4' 1;1 ock � �-ajs7 zr17 � �633t �— Ad--'ition,_ from - endot3 St to A c-tde St - 4 -1 under Preliminary Drder approved.— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated a�modfnt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $-`7-7 pe-•y'-� The estimated cost - ilioot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 8-.5j2 --. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 2 3 .est 17.5 f --t of 4 ]—t 17.5 ie t of 1} gest 17.5 fejt of 5 Lot 6 (ux. the. . 17.5 Wit) 5 7 Lot 8 '-:es.t of:; 9 &-,t - of Lot y & ,, I;t of 10 Form R. R. 1f ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION ;;. Gruo is Subdivision X800 of illook 104 u.: Ly':. a 700 Doyton's Ad, ition to 750 St. -•ul 700 do 300 do do 54ee do 2800. do 875 do TOTAL. 3075 CITY OF ST. PAUL - - _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE WQRT PRELIMINt?Y ORDER p' ON �c) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION E,.st of Lot 10 & '+ es -t i, of 11 7+. :=_ube's Subdivision Block 101, of Lyar-jn Lo' 1' & a.st i of 11 13 of D-yton's Add: to St.Y,.ul 14 do 15 ( 16 do ( �7 0 is do ` 19 CLO 0 do 21 do 22 do 2 do 2g do 2 do Bacz-'6t � fest of 2 do NO. 1./3 of t;est 4 ft. of 26 do do DIo, 1/3 of Lots 27,2E & 20 1 ft, of :.est 4 ft. of 20 do do So. 43 ft. of 27, 23, end 2 29 :10. t9 ft. of S. 62 ft. 27,28 & 24 & _',� . �9 of ;o. 82 f t . 20 : o of gest L ft. of Lot v ASSESSED VALUATION 370 20� 0 3300 29-)C 3500 4900 2000 2-00 1950 2100 3400 2500 1000 4100 550 2700 39' 5 775 4';71,500. 'rhe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 1A orks. � 19210 Dated - ---- - ComrtAioner of Finance. F-. R. B. 12 - To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn._ 192'J Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to -rause the following improvement to be made: _._.... _......... .... .......... Al _._ ... _ .. Ave. to_ _-- --- --- __ ......__._.............-....._..........-._..---- ---...�St. Ave. Ik �.a Ik f Office othe Gommi ssioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC s 1925 Deo ember_ 2..8...._1925........192......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.......................... 63216 .........approved_.._November 20, 1925 .............................................................................192......._..., relative to the grading of alley in W. Grub's Subdivision of Block 104, __...._..--... _.................................. _..................__.............._...._......._...................._............... _..............._...._.......... ....... ..... _........................................ _..... .........._._............. :_ Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Mendota Street to Arcade Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............................_.....necessary and (or) desirable. 50 per iron} t. 577.52 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................... ____....... ..., and Is total cost thereof is $........................ _........... ..._..., .Frontage 1,105.45 ft. Inspection $11.32 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ................... ........ ... .............__.:............................. _._............ ..__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... ---................... .......................................... ........... .... ....... ............ ....---- ........................... ............... ............ ..... ._........ ........ -.................._........._....._............__._ 5• Said improvement is ............................. _............... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... ...... .... ................... ............... ..... ... _........ "._.T_�... _....................... _.......... ......... Commissioner of Public Wor . _ Office of the Cotnmissloner of Public Works , Report to Commissioner of Finance 2.,. ___._._._..__...._..... ...... 192__5._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....6.$2.lfz..._.....-approved ...._ Nov.B.Illbflr. 20, : ............. 192.._x...., relative to _......._(3.xadi..ng_ o£__alley___in- W. GrabsIs Subdivision of Block 104, Lyman ........................... . .... ......._.............._..._...........-..............._.......... ...._-- ...... Dayton's Addition from Mendota St. to Arcade St. 1._.__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said improvement is ............ .......................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..... ............ ............. _......... ..., and the total cost thereof. is $..-- ..................... _............ __, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ -. --.- 5. Said improvement is.............. ....... .......................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Worka. • ��,IT,YV,SF�'Si�i'lYT'��3 L j G,�erp�alr�lnrrtRean�h vi�F �% AF U10/0 `ver s/ JOHNH. Mc DONALD. COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNELL. DEPUTY COM 1—ONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENOIHEER M. 6. ORYTBAK. BRIGOE ENGINEER WM. N. CA—. —. O. --AHO REPAIR A. B. SHARP. SLI— OF BAHITATON G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE ANO -- NO C— PLAHNINO E-1 A G. P. BOWLIN, S— OF WORKHODEE December 2, 1925. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in W. Grubs's Subdivision of Block 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Mendota St. to Arcade St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #63216, approved November 20, 1925: Estimated cost $577.52 Inspection 11.32 Cost per front foot .52 Frontage 1,105.45 ft. Yours very truly, ief Engineer. Approved for transmission to ommissioner of Finance: �-w Commissioner of Public Works. GMS : AB couNcit: 64690 J CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ru.e NO...--....' ........ ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE§OLUTION—GENERAL FORM VTED BY DATE_Mal'.CYL-.__.Z.S.ZiF�- ............. ............. SSIO1TED BR_._ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts, and fills in the grading of Alley in W Grabe's Subdivision of block 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition from Mendota St. to Arcade St. under Preliminary Order C.F. #63217 approved November 20, 1925 and Intermediary Order C.F. #64277 approved February 3, 1926. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plan in the above matter, be it Resolved: That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts, and fills in and upon A13eycin-W. Grabe'a Shbdivision of block 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Com- missioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 3; 1926, which plan and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C.F. No. 64690—By T: FL McDonald— rnthe matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement in the land necee- eary for-sloPoe, for. cute and" fill' In the grading of Alloy fn W. 'Grubs's Subdivision f• block 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition.frbm Mendota. St. idi to Arcade St. under Prellmary Or- d-er C. F. No. 63217 approved Novem- i ber 20, 1926 and Intermediary Order having submitted his report and In the above. matter• be It Resolved: That the City .of. St land to be taken for the above named' Improvement as an easement for slopes• for cute and fills In and upon Alley in W. Grube•s Subdivision of Elk.104. Lyman atona ween foresald, Ado ltleha J I the Pointe bee tent shown upon the plan attached to the. sport .of the Commissioner of Public Worka in the matter, dated Murch 3, 1926, which plan and report -ehere-' -by referred -to-and .made a part here- of. Adopted by the Council Mar. 30, 1926. Approved March -192 (March 33-1926) ' MAR 1 0 19w, CouxclLnies Adopted by the Council ---- ----_-------------------------- 192. Yeas Nays Clancy MAR 1 0 1926 192... Ferguson Ap ved - - ------ ---------- --------- ------ Hodgson ...............In favor w -------- McDonald --- .... ----- -•-- --- ------------• MAYOR jSudheimer /� _-.v...-..-Against /Fenzel Mr. President Zill e q ,n CITY OF ST. PAUL ` Depa.rtment of Public Works REPORT TO T"!1E COUNCIL In the matter, of condemning and taking an casement in the land necessary for slopes, for cut-, and fills in grading of: Alley in W. Grubs's Subdivision of'bloBk.104, Lyman Dayton's Add. frols Mendota St. �o Arcade St. under Preliminary Order C.F. 63217 approved November 20, 1925 -n?. Inteicrcdi.ry Order C.r.64277 anp.rovoO. February 3, 1926 To the Council of the City of Tho Co nissioncr of -ublic ';works hcroby, submits and m--kcs part of this, his rc_cort, ­)lcn of the ^.bove improve- ment, showing by the shoaled ,)ortion of sL:id .�l,.n, the fills to be made on private ;r.:-)crty, and by the h-_tchod ,)ortion the cuts to be mado on ',)rivate property, and the extent of the easoment to be taken by the; fiaures op,,osite such shaded c.n,! h^.tchod ,x.rts of such plall- 1 Date: March 3x;1926 Commissioner of -tublic Works. I � I `,-Indicafes Cuf. ® - Indicofes Fill. Typical Notolion'p0y Figures above line shove Cul or Fill on properfy line. Figures below line show distance 4o which slopes er.lend beyond property line. Loc. soak 2163 .00A 2hOTYAQ MAMYy\'.BUE E38UAD.W-Y311A NAj9 39ojZ nfp�31 „o„�e �8S81,CS.voN CIe81-XIX . T. 7; I''IARGh►IZl-:T ST. 04- C 9 io !1 12 13 14 IS - �I DYL DAR.ij R .. FZ� FR.GAR� i.g FR r.AR.I o L—_ J I I I 6 srucco l f-- .a-: =ice N•o ----_ - - F0.. GqR.nR. � SnED � SHEb' .L. � ... a . ii DBLGAR - ..._... -. •.— fR.DBL.GAR� — 2 ST. FR. CEhENT BIIG J 1 L._J —m O A 6 29 28 21 261 25 ! Z4 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 A 1 I � c I W. GP! 1BE SUS. LY 11 AN DAY TONS A D D . M. IGMW ST. _ i 1 DCITY OF ST. PAUL . EPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIdNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMARY ORDER L, s (A) In the matter of— CQ ndfl_n; r C I rld t nki ng nn Pn eenPn alnnPa i -a mnrl till ,— fnr u s, inthe'--cr sl`r.� �i-ai��b3 � ".=-.;r--Qrtt�e'e g"7i'-d iyi Ginn n- Bl n[Lk 104, Tqn;­ n D T" -On, Q d tbf9I1, fr-GM L-i4d6tEt St. under Preliminary Order approved-_ Nov. 20' 1925. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $�11J-Qo The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or . parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 2 3 West P.5 feet of 4 East 17.5 test of 4 West 17.5 Peet of 5 Lot 6 & (8z. the W. 17.5 ft) 5 7 Lot 9 & West j of4 9 East 4 of Lot 9 & West j of 10 Form H. B. 10 W. Grube*s Subdivision of Blook 104 of Lya_tn Dayton's Addition to St. Paul do do do do do do TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 3900 700 4750 700 54M 2800 975 3075 CITY OF ST. PAUL - �►,,,4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,. REPORT, OF COMMISS19NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C), DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Bast of Lot 10 h West of 11 Lot 12 8t Bast of 11 13 1 ( 1 ( 17 Is 19 20 21 22 I 1 Bast 36 feet of 2 ( Bo. 1/_3 of West 4 ft. of 26 ( Ho. 1 of Lots 27,28 8 29 So. 43 ft. of West 4 ft. of 26 So. 43 ft. of 27, 28, and 2 29 Ho. 39 ft. of S. 82 ft.27 28 dl 29 3 No. 39 ft. of 90. 8� ft. of West 4 ft. of Lot 26 1 ADDITION W. Grube's Subdivision of Blook 104 of Lyman Dayton's Add. to St.kaul do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ASSESSED' VALUATION 3700 3300 2900 3500 4900 2600 2300 1950 2100 3400 2500. 1000 4100 690 •. 3925 775 M9500• , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_—.— . Ji -49 _ 192 �o -- -- --- ---- Comro �.fFilnce. F-- Il. B. 12 A�. _ Office of the Commissioner 'of Public by� �.1. 'a Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 8 13581 ................. Deo_ember..._$ ,..__1.925........._192.__..._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 63217 . 0, 1926 relative to 192......:...., ...........__..__.._...........approved...........Nov.........................2............................ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in w. Grub 's _................ _ ................ ...._.._.....__...... ..._.......... _.__........._._................._.__.....__............_..__........ ---._............ ._._............ Subdivision of Block 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Mendota . .._..... ..............................__....................._............................._......................_..................._............_.........._...._....__._........._._......._...._....._...,..._......_.... Street to Arcade Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__...._......._ ........... ..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ XXX ........ __._............. and the total cost thereof is $ ................. ...... _X.X........._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. e. ............ _........................... ...... ........... _.............. ....................... ......... _.... .............. .._......... ......................... ....._._...... ...... ._... _............... _._—_._:.._.._ 5. Said improvement is .......................... _._.._............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wo ks. C. J. MCGLOGAN CITY CLIRK 'o -e.=' .0tttnt Paul Wfte of (4itg (dlerh �e March 3rd, 1926. Son. J. S. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. My dear Commissioners HAROLD J. RIORDAN I.R. CLAR£NC£cA. STORMS M In re - Grading alley in W. Grubets Sub- division of Block 104, Lyman Dayton's Addition from Mendota St. to Arcade St. We enclose herewith all papers in connection with the above improvement, which have been laid over to March 10th, by the Council. The Council also referred this matter to you for report as to whether there will be any change of grade. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. jq starch 3rd, 1926. Hon. J. H. McDonald. Commissioner of Public Works. B u i 1 d i n g. My deer Commissioners In re Grading all in ff. Grubea sub- division of Block 107. Lymua Dayton's Addition from Mendota St. to Arcade St. We snolose herewith all papers in connection with the above isprowownt, which have been laid over to }larch 10th, by the Council. The Connoil also referred this matter to yon for report as to shether there will be any change of gsods- Respectfully yours. City Clerk. ` 64691 COUNCIL FILE NO...... ....... ' -it 14AW0 In the Matter of ... .constructing a sewer on Stewart Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bay Street — _..— C. D!. No. 84691— Ia the matter of confrom O a sewer �..... _. ..__ ......__........._ _..._._.__...._ _. ._ _._.......... ........................... on StewartAvenue free Otto Ave - ave O erY Street under PrJan. - ary Order 63909 approved Jan. 6, 1920. -.._._..__..........._.....__......................._............................................................. A public hearing having been had .......... notice,hand thebc above le uneflmhaving heard recom-.........................__................... _................... ................ .........................._................... md tlon. relative l e therto,dand hav en - ing fully considered the same; there - tore, be 1t ..........__...... _..................._........................................-............................................ Resolved, BY the Covncll of the Clty b}9o9 01 St. Paul that the above orders be Jan. 6, 1926 and the same are TerebYcancened. nn- ............/.............. ............ approved ............ ...... .......... ... ........................ �........... stilled and rescinded and all proceeri- tags In eafd matte: be disconr. 3, d�26. Adopted by the Council Mar. 3,.........................................approved................................................. I...................... Approved torr ' 691326) lag een had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and 'the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 'd� _"tee�liQi RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the L ....... ....._._..__. _...._....__....... ... __. .. __ ._....__ .......... .................. _........be "d the wme are beveby prtmrviinan and the ouncil hereby orders s 'd improvement to be ma e. RES LVED FURTHER, Th t the Commissioner of P lic Works be and is hereby in ucted and directed t prepare plans and sped tions for said improve nt, and submit same to the uncil for approval; th t upon said approval, the roper city officials are he by authorized and directed to oceed with the mak g of said improvement in ccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......._ .-. ....... MAR 3 1926 ./ ..... _ ._........ /. . MAR 1926 Cit Clerk. Approved___ .. .._.._ _ _......_ _ _....., 192........ Mayor. Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman bmr Hod.L:fion Councilman Sudheimer llC ' /Cpuncilman Wenzel RIM"Vtl favor '.Nelson F„rm 13. ti. A. N -i. (itg u *aiut Vau! fXtrutine Departatent ARTHUR E. NELSON, MAYOR March 2, 3.926 tl City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. �a Gentlemen: I am handing to you herewith petition in opposition to the construltion of a sewer on Stewart Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bay Street. Pe truly yours, Mayor. St. Paul., Minn. !larch let,�.._.�192� To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honk4ble Body to cause the following improvement : not to be made. 41eT.._on ...$.teorart._AV...eR'39 ._f.r.Qm....Ott.Q....i1V.@r1LLe.....t.o....H9Y 3f3.eD.ti.....-.-- ,as per preliminary order #63909 �. ; . from_.._j0MW'... ......... -...-._ ...... _...... -- ........ _...... - Sk Aw. to_---40.Y...Strear-- .... - .... _._............. _.._......__........_._..................._.._:..__......-- ---- -St. Ave. e11f�7ii11[-1�I.Ur-)�itti"i7-NI�}1i-=�I.]�7•IT-I�e1 T�1�T:l�i\•hit:7:Tl�i ®�ADDITION ilii1i{iT<ili�,l�Ti'ITF_'�.� YAM No MIMI PAP D Owl . yam/ _✓�_ _MMT �� N i 777-027 cRi�••n CITY OF ST. PAUL ' rt, - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - • eta REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: ON PRELIMINARY �A� .ORDER , In the -Chatter of C-G-nat-r Ai A ' J:r6Otto Air t3#6 t9 Bay_ ---- under Preliminary Order approved—.---Jan- To _ Jan To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisssoner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am?,jitnft.the assessment for the above improvement is $. .130&0- o The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is $ 3-07 - — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: F—m B. B. 18 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 18 2 RiverSide Addition to 250 17 2 St. Paul, Minn. 1700 16 2 do 1550 15 2 do 1900 14 2 do 225 13 2 do 1425 12 2 do 425 11 2 do 200 10 2 do 200 9 2 d0 TOTAL, 1450 F—m B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL I- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMitrRY ORDER (C) 1 ASSESSED DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 8 2 Riverside Addition to St.P-aul 2rO 7 2 Minn. 1150 6 2 do 1050 5 2 do 600 4 2 do 500 3 2 do 200 2 2 do 2125 1 2 do (Excert cart taken Eor 12 4 Asylum Add. No. 2, to the 150 Otto Ave.) 11 4 City of St. Paul, Yinn. ?25 10 4 do 250 3 5 do 250 2F rb 3CO do 225 That cart of Block 2 H. T. Terry's Addtion 1775 lying Sout%;ea:3terly of a 1'ne drawn from the Northwestern corner of Lot 8 Block 1, sarrd Add., to the Southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 2. 19 3 Asylum Addition No. 1, 325 18 3 to the City of St. haul, 325 17 3 Minn. 325 16 3 do 300 $21,550. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated192,E Commis oner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 r � m St. Paul, ,, -�R f To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following impr;�;;� de: ''"� r* -1..............._.......... ----- —......._._....._......... --._9t- Ave. from_..._ --..... —...... _........ _.._ -lie. Ave. to_---.... -- - . _........ _.— 'r .;,FCFIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor .'. 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance January 19, 1996 ............._..._......._..:.......... 192............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 63909 roved ........... January 6. 1926 192 relative tc a Council, known as Council File No. _.... .... pp the oonatruotion of a Sewer on Stewart Avenue from Otto Avenue _ ....... ...... .._....._........................... _.._................. ._........... to Bay Street. _...................._..................................... -................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ._ ..........................necessary and (or) desirable. p �t 4.130.00 ...— an e t a coat thereof is $_ .............._..........................._, 3.97 er Y o 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...................... Frontage 1.040 ft* Inspection $80.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...__........__........... _........ _.- ........... ...................... .._....... _.......... _........ _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ....... _..._......................... ............_...._..._......._....._._.........._......._............._......_ 5. Said improvement is ........... ...... .......... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......._..................................... _ Commissioner of Public Works. Ci�ry vJF SA rjtT 14� . im G,�elp�a;rhrnpea�i;� o�,F ��vi�'b,litc ;�lv����S�S JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONER THOS. G. O'CONNSLL. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER GEORGE M. SH EPARD. CHIEF ENOIHCER WM. N. CAREY, EUPT, of CONeTRU-T AHo R G. H. HERROLD, OFFICc AHO CITY PLNINIHG EHGIHeec January 16, 1926. Hon. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Works. M. S. GRYTBAK, BR- ENGIN¢CR A. B. SHARP, SUPT pOF EnHITATION G. P. BOWL... SUPT. QF WORKHoua[ Dear Sir: 40 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Stewart Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bay Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 463909, approved January 6, 1926. Estimated Cost $4,130.00 Cost per front ft. 3.97 Inspection 80.00 Frontage 1,040 ft. Yours truly, LZ Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. omm ssioner o Public Works. COUNCIL No - 699 CITY OF ST. PAUL n�_ -- ---- 64- 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rcl ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '0' 10 C--DATF - — ----------------- PRESET,lat COMM RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to Pay to Andrew Nicholson, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured September 3, 1925, the sum of Fifty-two and 80/100 Dollars ($52-80) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to March 4th, 1926. F, -X0- 64692—BY G. 4C. Sc W the Mnc11.1 M�. 3,2926.] d War. 9 . Recommended for passage. . Commissioner.of Public Works. MAR - 31926 Yeas QOUNCILMEN _Nays Adopted by the Council. --------.-------------------191...... M A R 2 1926 ,,Clan( -y 192 Ferguson In favor A�r Hodgson McDonald Sudheirner ....._.._.._..Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL Fii.UNO1L No:.... 13 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / / J COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM LVED That the':�,��reement er-oily officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into yYwith Joseph O'Toole, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 12th day of February, 1926; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Joseph O'Toole the sum of $43.20 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period up to and including March 4th, 1926. r �v Recommended for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. MAR = 3 1926 COUNCILME Yeas Nays Adopted 1>y the Council---- __ ..................-----...---..192...... ✓Claney /Ferguson Y/ PP �:u•R -192 .192...-- �Hodgson ......... .....In favor 1 ' e D^�- McDonald -.-- ... .V,),4, 1----- . .. .�.. mAll �Sudheimer-..._.-......Against Wenzel N; /'Mr. President ,Y b CITY OF ST.' PAUL - 646-- �. NO.--------- 7_11—k _E O T E CITY CLERK O IL R ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._......._ —. ...___—_ DATE._...__.___.___.._......_......_.._...._..__ ........ .... RESOLVED That that certain undertaking and bond in the sum of $10,000, executed by the Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York, under date of November 5, 1925, and filed with the City Clerk on the 6th day of November, 1925, under and pursuant to the requirements and provisions of Section 172 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby cancelled and annulled, and said Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York is hereby released aid discharged from all obliga- tions thereunder; provided, however, that nothing in this resolution shall be construed to release said surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of the bond. C. F. Noy 64694—., 6. C. 9udheimer— Reeolved, That that certain un- dertaking- and bond In the eum $10.6'C executed Co by the FI- 'Casualty Compa¢Y. of NBW de deutY & Yo,,rlkt under date of November 6�- 1926, and filed Y,ith the City Clerk on -the 9th day of Nov.. 1926, under and pursuant to the requirements and pro- visions of Section 172 of the Charter of .the City of St- Paul, be and the same Is hereby cancelled and annulled, and said Fidelity & Casualty Company of. New York is hereby released and dleeharged from ail obligations there- pudor; provided. however, that noth- Ing. to this resolution shall be con- strued -to relase said surety from any liability which may have accrued prior -. to the cancellation of the bond. Adopted by the Council Mar. 3, 1926. Approved Mlderch 6 126 k MAR _ 31926 - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ---....---.---------------------------19'2 ---- Teas Nays ` Clancy Ferguson 3_1 926 Ap .roved..... .. R192...... - -- _ ----- Hodgson ................In favor McDonald ---- .. mevoa Sudheimer ....Against Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF OF Ir CLERK OU I O ION ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .i�.DAl COMMISSIONER. -. COUNCIL No. ----64695 FaX - R WHEREAS, It appears that the City of St. Paul has obtained an easement for the benefit of the Board of Water Commissioners, across Lot 14, Chas. Weidels Subdivision of Block 45, Arlington Hills Addition to the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of erect- ing structures and conveying water from Lake Phalen to the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, It further appears that said project has been abandoned and that the Board of Water Commissioners has no longer any use for said easement, and it appearing that Charles L. Carman is the owner of the fee title to said property; therefore, be it , RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby. authorized and "directed to execute a quitclaim deed, convey- ing the easement held by the City of St. Paul in said property to Charles L. Carman, the owner thereof. C. F. No. 64; 9 apnea a th¢tathe CIttyTof,� the benefit of the Hoard t Water com- missloners. across Lot 14, Chas• Welds's SubdlYW.n oY Block 46, Arl- Ington Bide Addition to the City of i strdetures and cothe ...ying wsterefrom- Lake Phalen to the City of SL Paul; and Whereas, It farther appears that said prol et has been abandoned and t�haat the Board of Water Commleeton: 'tare hais no longer any use for sold eaacmenG and it appearing that Charles L. Carman Is the owner of the fee title to amid property; therefore. be" It Resolved, That, the proper city lse kers be and they are hereby authorlaed and directed to execute a quitalstm tthedeedCity.. of - Paul inthe omeneaidt property to Charles L Carman, the owner Yeas { Lhreof. - Adopt!d by the .1926. Mar. 3. 1928. Approved Mar. S. 1828. (March 6-1828) /'HodgsonIn favor McDonald n Sudheiiner . v. ---Against Wenzel / Mr. President MAR- $ fM 192... Adopted by the Council_......_ ............. �lil\�..---19'----- Aproved .............- .....-- --.._:....--.. - - MAYO ^ COUNCIL. 64696 CITY OF ST. PAUL FaE NO....-......- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .; DATE_.__. ..............._......._ COMMISSIONER_. ..--fes- �— RESOLVED hat the sum of One Bred Dollars 0100.00) be and the same is hereby'appropriated and set aside out of the Public Safety Fire Fund (8D8) for the purpose of aiding in defraying the expenses of sending two Fire Prevention Inspectors to Detroit, Michigan, to work for a short time with the Arson Squad in that city, the St. Paul Association having contributed the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and the St. Paul Fire Under— writers Association having contributed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for the same purpose. C. F. No: 69696—By J. M. Clancy— Resolved, That the eam of Ona Hun- 1 dred Dollars ($100.00) be and the same. 1e hereby approyriated and eet aside out of the Public Safety, Fire Fund (ray) for the expenses of aiding In da- Fire r the ezpensee f sending De two Fire Prevention Inepeetore to Detrol[, tlehtgan, to work for a short time with the Arson Squad In that City, the St. Paul Association having contrib- uted the. sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and the St.. Paul Fire Under- writers Association having contributed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for the same purpose. Adopted by the Council Mata 2, 1828. Approved Mar. 2, 1926. Wiarch 6-1926) MAR - 8 1926 CooNcalMEN Adopted by the Council .---------------------------------192.....- Yeas Nays Clancy MAR - 3 1966 ..............192...... /„ App ved...... ---- Ferguson v/ Hodgson ................In favor Ill McDonald M voa Sudheilner 0-....Against Wenzel ,/Mr., President C, r N4 84887.=8 ncx 'c' , 64- 9 VFherean Qn«the SB�d.,daY of Feb:: No. olaihe veaa'r cuoPr bt?bli�$et tv o1 ( CITY OF ST. PAUL Fly the Citx oi:5t, Paui wa4.�n7ured in +*.:• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK bber[ormapcee of bfe.dutfee,, from w d• talurleehb_.afed on the same d17 --GENERAL ♦'_,Wh@ceaei:,.,,!L-deceaeedemDlr.+:�'OUNCy1L RESOLUTId')NFORM Y v WHEREAS, On the 23rd ay of February, 1926, one Fred A. Peitsch, of e City of St. wan as injured inlove of the performancent e ofhisduties}, fromhwhich injuries he died on the same day; and WHEREAS, Said deceased employe left surviving him his widow, Anna Wagner Peitsch, and two minor children, Anna C. Peitsch, born September 4, 1915, and Lorraine C. Peitsch, born September 2, 1919; and WHEREAS, Paragraph 20 of Section 4275 of the General Statutes for 1923., provides that actual dependents in case of death shall be entitled to compensation not to exceed $7,500.00 in the case of a dependent wife, child, children or orphans; and whereas, Paragraph 8 of said Section 4275 provides that if the deceased employe leaves a widow and two minor children, there shall be paid to the widow, for the benefit of herself and children, sixty per cent. of the daily wages at the time of the injury of the deceased, subject, however, to a limitation of $20.00 per week, as provided said section; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with said Anna Wagner Peitsch'widow of sakd employe, providing for the payment to her of the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per week, payable every two weeks; said payments'to be made from the Workmenfs Compensation Account of the General Fund, and to commence February 23, 1926, the total amount not to exceed $7,500, as provided by said act. COUNCILMEN Yeas v Clancy %Ferguson Hodgson McDonald Sudheimer Wenzel Mr. President R _ 3 1926 Adopted by the Council---- �!'-----.-----------------192' Nays : 44............... .._192 7 f ✓---_In favor MAYO • -- ----.Against 1 a�asitrn 3 � �A��o C. F No 848$6—By J+' dlanCy .ghere9s, on the 2drd day o! Feb. ,t 1928 ono Job. Sohnita; an employe of COUNCH- �fl �� tho Department of Pabuo satety cf the CITY OF ST. PAUL 61�E NO....... Z ,City of st�'vaul, was, 163ured while In ' the pertoYrmcfte .df.hla dutieb„ which Injuries he died on the Ra,�,."OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK day; UKINCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -av _laid deceased air, . OMM SSIONER4L._-C`— - DATE ...... _.......... _...__..__...... _.._ _.... .._............. _._ WHEREAS, on the rd day of February, 1926, one John 13chultz, an employe of the Department of Public Safety of the City of St. Paul, was injured while in the performance of his duties, from which injur- ies he died on the same day; and WHEREAS,said deceased employe left surviving him his widow, Theresa. Schultz; and WHEREAS, paragraph 20 of Section 4275 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1923, provides that actual dependents, in the case of death, shall be entitled to compensation not to exceed $7500.00 in' the case of a dependent wife, child, children, or orphan; and WHEREAS, paragraph 6 of said Section 4275 provides that if the deceased employe leaves a widow, there shall be paid to the widow for the benefit of herself forty per cent of the daily wage at the time of the injury of the deceased; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with the said Theresa Schultz, widow of the said employe, providing for the payment to the said Theresa Schultz of the sum of $14.14 per week, payable every two weeks; said 1t� menta to be made from the Workmens' Compensation Account of the _pjljGeneral Fund; and to commence February 23, 1926; the total amount not to exceed $7500.00, as provided by said Act. COUNCILMEN MAR - 31926 •, Yeas Naye Adopted by the Council_ ............. .....................191..---- Clancy e may% / Ferguson \ App3--106 - .........192 /Hodgson In favor .,McDonald MAYOR Sudheimer Against Wenzel KU••... IP/02 -Mr. President C UNM No ....... 6_16.9Y CITY OF ST. PAUL raE .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'DENTED BY� -'/' Y/C/��. 1A1/UY ✓ _._ _ DATE__.Ji..LSt..al+uR.i�+� VJ_.__........_.___ RESOLVED vEzraA8, in the installation of the elevator and elevator machinery at the old Jackson School. corner of Sherburne & I[ackubin Sts-, it was found necessary to trim out and bevel the floor sills, in order to prevent shear with the car platform, and as this work was not provided for in the original plans and specifications, TJEM01M SE IT FIESOI31(g0, upon the recommenda- tion of the City Architect, that the plans and specifica- tions and contract with the OtiB Elevator Company be amended to provide for this additional work, and the contract price increased in the amount of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars to cover the cost thereof. C. F. No. car platform, ano as o notprovldod_ for in the or- itof Flity r the cost Mar. 3, 1828. CouNcll M> r --------------192 MAR - 3 1926 Yeas . / Nays Adopted by the Council------------- ------..---. v Claney MAR 6 Ferguson APPr ved... -............... 192 �odgson In favor -,Me cDonald.................. % � M/,YOn Sudheimer .Against Wenzel j Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rl" c L No......xAX, {)a ^�J Yeas a That the driveway along the Eastern side of Lake Phalen from the undercrossing of the N. 1. Ry. lying immediately south of Lake Como - Phalen Avenue North to a point where this driveway is abutted on by park property on both sides be called East Shore Drive, for the purpose of issuing house numbers on private property abutting on this drive. C. Resolved 4 That8the J. driv wayo along the Eastern side of Lake Phalan from the undarcrossing of the N. P. Ry. 17- as immedlately south -of Lake Como - Phalen Avenue North to a Point where this driveway 1s abutted by park pro D- rty on both aides be called East Shore Drive, for the purpose of Issuing house nu=rs on private property abutting on this. drive. Adopted by the CouTiell Mar. 2, 1926. ISI Approved War. 3 1926. (March 6-19261 COUNCILMEND1sys Adopted by the Council.MA#Z---.--�--��- ----- 192.----- e/Clancy —/Fer son 11/odgson ................In favor proved.-- - ---1`12 CDonald -• MAYO Sudheimer....... ......Against Wenzel /Mr. President F No C. Whereas,4 h the Commlaslonero cclord lie Utilities has repo [t the iCi[yChar- once with Section 5S ter, o ndered necessary the or ploy h ment of cer[sinnempha9nosif;hti h D-� partmrent .�^ a sai� ns d �aea�azF�a 41 h�c11. ' f S � tllllts. TOO -k-'., b p Myr M wr ? GG r r. '— 1 It] IIJ CITY'OF SAINT PAUL CFILE OUNCIL w O<IAPLTE NO _ iro OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER. 69 ) crrr:�LERg ' RES. No ALiDITBD CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM 2 RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN,' ON T. DAT J CITY TREASURY. TO THE GREGATE AMOUN419 r 1 .t6.�&1�{1t7.—__�—p'� ---. VE�R�I(N� BY.-- ----------- — CHECKS NUMBERED— INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE 1N THE OFF.IC 1.. PER __ _ _ OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. to � f TOTAL RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY ! NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS. BArI�K. 1i BROUGHT FORWARD__ C. F. No. 64702— R-, Resolved, That checks be drawn on ' the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount t 560,636.18, covering checks - numbered 1966 to 1986 inclusive, as per checks o file In the office of the a City Comptroller. ' Adopted by the Council ]tar. 3.. 1926. Approved Mar. 3, 1926. I March 6-1926) -- k t K( it II I II� J- MAU i fal IE F, ;� S-_ _ �_ t _.. _.___. .. _.__... COVERII:G .. . .. rr, ��,.-'vet /:.jv: � dd _ � SU DH EIMERe . ___ ___ _ - GLI. ._� -A'CaAINS"C CHECKS NUMBERED 1955. .TO ._11 - - Y WENZEL. BY..... .......... .... `. __ _______ . - COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE - MR. PRES., NELSON. YES (V{ COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) ,. OF THE CITY,COMPTROLLER. -_; "- - - -- - \\ - .. STRIBUT — DI ION R Ldnnie SPECIAL FUNDS - TOTAL ,� RETURNED — I' - WATER BOND TRUST PUBLIC ACCOUNTS GARAGE Wi/1Y SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY 1 / LOCAL ' IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUNDS NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BANK GENERAL ACCOUNTS .15.411 i REVOLVING. 1 207 50� 7- 2 436. 2 1 057 63 _ _ _ �, 1 I 2.7 BROUGHT FORWARD 211 9 '�' 195 L. c. „Hodgson, oom'r. of Fin 1952 +►177, 6 2 2 o 1957 Bauaoh & Lomb 0"Ical Oomoan Pure oil Company 3'7 7"8 7 117 1959 The Villaume Box & Lbr. Comp y 4 47 32 31 1960 st.Paui slue Print Company 1961 L.C.Hodgson, a 36 731' 5 36 790 5� 49 75 1%2 9t.Paul . Flectrio Company 49 242 T 242 0 196 9t.Paul Foundry Company ;choffer & Rose= Company 3� 9. �„ 1965 Charles ^Bo=ibnera sons 4 3961 404 396 45 b 1966 urs. F. u. slack 1% 93 6 93 r X9(6 iionald Taylor ePap pP=o8 3 35 23 51 X969 a�ldor ��oma =+orks y 45 6 waterous Fire Engine X971 J. C. 'vinston Company 511 1 1jb 'AT• 101 91 164 09 13 78 1972 L.C.Hodgson, Como=. of Fin a 827 9 14; 14 00 1973 Dr. A. Christiansen 24 3 24.30 74 _,t.Lukela Hospital ComP�ay 5 406 00 1975 Feyen construction 1 440b9o5T 6 49T67 6 Peter Lsmetti 1 105 0� I 97 DeCrafY Wolff90 19y� Can, City Transfer 00 00 d7 --- .._ 19 9 Central Soap 000PUMT '1980 Tr 5 50 7 50 ...1:,x ur. s. ,re.�laae Rusted J Murphy T-rpnafer Company 12 5 7 1981 'equipment comp lie 1 34 1"2 lwy. slectrio 1983 Pioneer r>leetrio Company 2y �1 29 66 64 8 198 '3t.Pnu1 Builders Material C any 64 381 36 386 5 St.Paui Glass oomtpany 19116 9 w. F. smith Tire & Battery o any 616 5 6 6 93 1987 Villaume Box & Lumber Compan 296 2m" 00 1958 Tilliams Box Lunah • 5q i 6� 61 690 11 250 367 36 2 817 51 . 1 .1119 54 7 1511 25 -- SHEET TOTAL FORWARD MAYOR � v SUNDRY ACCOUNTS . - 13 78 105 T _ .� ^ i CITY OF SAINT PAUL G TdgR4IQATE D ' 1. COFILUNCIL NO. 64.1 `/�i yTO RES. NO.___be _ _______ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CITY CLERK RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE AUDITED- CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �/FERGUSON. - _ ____.-IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ ..n���� p ^-AOIDGSON, ----- 192 CITY TRELCASUCR Y, rtrtT��O THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f�h TE ... 197.VStal_4 COVERING-'McDONALD. 3 J� CeIM AP ROVED.__ ___. ____ �����It'✓ 92____ CHECKS NUMBERED_195J._ __TO-_-ndg_____ SUDHEIMER, _________-AGAINST COMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE WENZE L, .... m of THE CITY COMPTROLLER. MR. FRES., NELSON. YES (V) COUNCILMEN NAYS (V) TOTAL '.� RETURNED - DISTRIBUTION CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY LOCAL NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT IMPROVEMENT SINNING TRUST SPECIAL FUNDS BANK GENERAL WATER BOND FUNDS ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SUNDRY. ' CHECKS CHECKS ACCOUNTS GARAGE 40141 . SPRINKLING FORESTRY BUILDING - - - qE ni m II REVOLVING ACCOUNTS BROUGHT FORWARD 053, .. 7 1. _ 3097.63 5. 9 2, 7 55 211 1w 20 0 4 2 4 6 2 1 1 4 8. 1 �!� 195 Le C. Hodgson, Comor. of ri . 8` 8 " " 2 21T6 2 217 60 IF ® 1957 Bausch & Lomb optical oomoan 3 7 3 77 1955 Pure oil Company 7'8 7 99 1959 The Villaume Box & Lbr. Company 4 47 04 1960 St.Paul Blue Print Company 313 32 3 101 L.C.Hodgson, Com'r. of Finande 36 7gp' 36 7 0 58 1962 st.Paul Electric Company 49 7 49 75 1964 It.Paul Foundry Company 242 242 0 ;24 aoheffer & Ross= Company 404 39.50 196b Charles soribners sons 404 404 40 1 Ctrs. F. M. sla,ok 396' 396 45 19967 Donald '7. Taylor 93'6 93 64 1969 WaldorVan f®Paperply Productsn0omp y 3gg 4 357 5 1970 Iaaterous Fire Engine 7'orke 45 45 6 1971 J. C. Isinston Company 5111 51 1 1972 L.C.Hodgson, Com1r. of Finance 827 548 0� wr. 101 91 164 09 13 78 1973 Dr. A. Christiansen 14 0 14 00 7� st.Luxels Hospital 24 3 24 30 19Q Feyen Construction Company 5 406 5 406 00 1976 Fetor Lametti 1 497 6G 497 67 19 7 DeGiranff-wolf! 1 105 00 3. Cential soap Oampffier 6 80 00 1980 Mr.51 5 da,00 E. Wallacerlallaoa Hu®ted 7 50 1991 Murphy Transfer Company 112 34 198_}32 H.-v.Eleotrio Equipment comp y 118 0 5 75 193 Pioneer Electrio Company 2 6 29 66 st.Paul Builders Material 0 any I ( 81 1985 st.Paul Glass Comnany 31 36 64 8 1986 74. P. smith Tire & Battery Com any 386 9 86 93 II 1987 Villaume sox & Lumber Compan 616 5 616 52 1988 Williams Box Lunch I 238 298 001 COUNCIL No G47.03 Br ��a. alcngn'al$, CITY OF ST. PAUL clLs • wi Av��febumo. terminiis,°oi% "ICE OF THE CITY CLERK aQek Oontkaet Na I8i8j- Qg- piSiat ineat+uCed„plong the cen-. IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t 1 vrbxt pe`,"ot at rly{ncf PRESENTED BYAB,Ae fra 4leve d�y'\� M �--� DATE_.i�CYl_.3a...._J...7.6r.�.a_.._... ............ In the matter of constructing a sewer on "St. Paul Ave. from terminus of sewer (under Contract 1843 being a point measured along the center line of St. Paul Ave. approximately 956 feet northwesterly of Edgecumbe Road to Cleveland Ave., on Cleveland Ave. from a paint 70 ft. south of Ford Road to the .M.& St.P.R.R. right-of-way. �AApgoo�nn__e��A�vee, from Bohland Ave. to Montreal Ave., Hillereatm Cleveland Ave. to Howell Ave., Bohland Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to the east line of Ottols Addition; Saunders St. from. Cleveland Ave. to a point 110 ft. westerly of Saint Paul Ave.; Saunders St. from Saint Paul Ave. to Argonne Ave.; Montreal Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Highview Ave. and on an easement to be obtained the center line of which shall be starting at a point on the center line of Saint Paul Ave. 740 feet south- easterly of the center of Montreal Ave. thence south- westerly and at right angles to theaid center line of Saint Paul Ave. to a point 8 feet easterly of the, C.M.& St.P.R.R. right of way thence o s-terly parallel to and 8 feet northeasterly of the north- easterly line of the C.M.& St.P.R.R. right of way to ClevelandAve. under Bouncil File #62019 approved September -16, 1925.. Resolved: That the plans,peoifications and estimated quantities as submitted 4 the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. NO, i v=d J: „ V I PURCHASING DEPT. r ✓ CITY Ur' ST, P,4UL 31926 COUNCILMEN MAR - Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---"-------------- ----_.-----.----192..-.-- Clancy FfIAR _ 3 5926 ✓ Ferguson APPr ved................ �% 1 V 1,�$odgson :..../..-....In favor' -A' /McDonald (� �!�!�! �T �j/" ^ . MAYOR - /Siidheimer Against / Wenzel Mr. President 1 PNVI�dd3' �fY1c t� e fe. qV 7 o Ykn e �lapfl{ < agYr+��octg!§ s C a t gelan ri>'SA Grp qua 1a a r „����, `SrP�fi 4'-.A g,b e nt d be S -. Uta hgd :4 6. V°¢e¢ei+ Ita ��q4Lq. lilcht/, shall U§.etar�tingatr",a�. pin� "od"tthe. ` ! i7gitiA% lln0 oY '9aln Pgyif pe. 730 tI1CAa grlq�oT�th$q: egater oE;NW yyA, £t4etrcglA3an ata. -Otesly"'-ana" t gmhei'@�eFta.;thmw'l � gnfer�s,"�l�lltll, I}1 Pat�1_,Ave YP a "Yi rt 8regG eaek- . e£ f tli�a tG aqDLtBvB ,xrl�ht; to� A3,„B�Fb-'{heet� nooriop �¥ s�$linge; Pi'E 6agCe qq��11R0,. Q,tcst�¢„� " _ r •� CITY OF ST. PAUL wuNca. 64'04 .�, M FILE No. ------ --- - -------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM n e 17, March 3, 1926. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Bohland Ave. fftm a point 60 feet west of Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. under Preliminary Order C -F. #60706, approved July 14, 1925 and Final Order C -F. #62400, approved October 6, 1925. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the 6ommissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. !C. F -IN.. 64704—By J. a;-xacneaalg— lIn ;the matter of.:coaetruoting a "War j on Bohland AVe,4rom a point 80 feet went of Fairview Ave. to Prior.Ave. under Preliminary _ Order C. F. No. 60708, approved; July, 14, 102b and Final Order C. F- No. 62400, approved i Oct:: 6 3026r - B.eeolved, That the plane, epecidca-- tlons end estimated,Quantlties as sub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above mnamed:Improve- eat, be and tbe. same are hereby ap- provefl Adopted by the Couacll Mar, '$, Ins. AbDroved Mar.. &'1928: ' (March 8-10. PURCHASING DEPT.. CITY GC ST, HOJL MAR - 3 1926 COUNCILMEN --., 1iJ2...... Yeas Nays . Adopted by the Council.,----...._ ................. ------ "Clancy 4 n Ferguson Ap roved..-..t1.yR r.. --...-... 1�J2..-... Hodgson /f ......In favor ,-McDonald - .-..._ -.-.. SudLeimer..---.Against Wenzel / Mr. President 64'704 �.. 6405 COUNOIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rim NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ "y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of constructing a sewer on Bohland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave. and on Fairview Ave. From Bohland Ave. to Hillcrest Ave. under Preliminary Orcer C.F. #60707 approved July 14, 1925 and Final Order C.F. #62509 approved October 13, 1925. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C, V',,mNo. 84708 -Ey ,y, Fy McDonald.— In 'the atter oY conetrliotingg a eewer 'On. Bohland Ave. -fro'o 8nelllagg:;Atte. to, Falrvlew, Ave- and- on Falrvlevp. ve}. from Bdhland A've�to Hplareet vei aad'er•:FrellminarY order C.. F. 0.'60707, approved July,'14; 1926 and -Final order C. F. No. 82609 apDrbvad 18, Roeoived. That. the plane,. epeeiAea tions and -estimated htiantttl0e •ed 'eoD: miffed; by, the.:Comm e2loaerrof Ile 'W,orhe for the above nameQ lmyrove- mea; -:be alid'tD9 aatna are IIBreD1 sD- DiuVAd, - j� Adopted bythe.Council •Idar. 8,,,1928. 'r Approved Mer: 8 1928. - (March 61,926) Y COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ` ................ In favor McDonald Sudheirner "..°... ","Against Wenzel Mr. President MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council.........." .............................192...... Appr ved_.......R... 1826---------192...... MAYOR 64'705 ✓i.,,r.3. Yeas p, CITY OF ST. PAUL couHa� 70-6- vas No ------ �� OFF)CE OF THE CITY CLERK - �Cr pCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E DATE__March 31.._1926----- -' --- `' In the matter ofconstructing a sewer on Graham St. from Edgecumbe Road to a point' 130 feet east of Prior Ave and on Edgecumbe Road from Graham St. to W. Seventh St. and on Fairview Ave. from W. Seventh St. to Stewart Ave. under Preliminary Order C.F. 629120 approved November 4, 1925 and Final: Order C.F. #63854, approved January 5, 1926. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby gpproved. 81706—BY.7.. rrr MoDone`Id- In th0=1,01g Otruour, a.ee_wer 6a at, i(t*Edgeumbe Road 1 AdoPted by the Council Mar. S, 1929. Approved, Mar. 91 1929, 1-�',,,4 ]A PURCHASING DEPT, ` !u CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192...--- Appro ed. ..... -- -... ----.192 ... ..... ... - ...... . ... �­-AZ M YOR Nays V -Clancy Ferguson Hodgson ...._.In favor .McDonald 6udheimer ...... ..Against Wenzel 'Mr. President Adopted by the Council ........................................ 192...--- Appro ed. ..... -- -... ----.192 ... ..... ... - ...... . ... �­-AZ M YOR � . �r "�i»^ani iy/�.. rw, rr y,.. ,W, „�r . /�� I�� , • CITY OF, ST. PAUL ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 1, 1925 PRESENTS COMMISS19NFR In the matter of paving Burr Street from Collins Street to Jenks.Street.,with neoesTary sewer connections, under iin-al Order C. F. #57674, approved January 28, 1925. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved. 7-7777777�7QjF­ C. F_No. 64707-1674f,'' on In OW (natter 41 090tin rj: tiorn. Collins st-to jreukh. iwithsi II . nee a- tl� %. un tary sewer eonfi& order C.F. No. 67674, approved :Jan.. 29. 1025. �.Xad plops Resolved, That "the annexed and spediftesti—s subinitt.d b, th Cgmmleetonerot Pubtia Works show - Sag sewer, conneetlons n, as t to he stmade reet d he salftOi are her SP 6v4 11 " s W - h Adopt t . Counell . Mar. 3, 1926.1 Approved"Mar. S. 1926. (March 6-1926) 4 ik PURCHASING DEPT. CITY OF ST. PAUL—, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -"Clancy Ferguson Hodgson �_._ln favor. . 'McDonald Sudheirner.-...Against Wenzel ,XUr. President Adopted by the Council VAR �3­1_92_6 ........... 192 Ap velem 3X92 ..................... 192 ........ . 4 petition Council File No 6.4-7-08 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT It ro 5 Xor ahb - and 0 epnY.PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement, by the City of St. Paul, viz.: FharniAh;Ln&ad ixtat _a -,A1l!%1.on..*of An o-rname-ntal,--Iighting--Sy.stenL--ODnRis-t- Ing of lamp-poaLta-andlampsand-undem-grGund- conduits f-G12-00TIVe-ying R@�31t—thwmtq' And Al I Q.ther ... ne.00_gs-Ary- appliancLe's --- and -equipment PyAtqM..qP Ave- toG-omo Av-e...--M ------ Dated this 2nd... -------day of..._..._.----- ................. 1 192& .- — .......-- -- ---- ------ --- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _F.VXnjghjng..&nd ins-tallation-af an -ornamental ligliting -systemcons-isting oflagp..PPOtB wArpsand i=dergroixnd. ... 0-OrIdUl-t4- -f ox- -0.0-nveYing- elect ic..q At t pgtqx ar er..ne- e.s- ary­ _ p eand aqui p- Aye--tc QQJO--- AVe-W- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul - --------- --------------- - ------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing Rmattyjg&ie Commissioner of Finance. M - Adoptedby the Council....... ..................................................................... YEAS NAY8 MAR - 3 1826 Councilman CLANCY Approved------------------------ ------------- ---------------------- ,HODGSON �MCDONALD SUDHEINIER �'WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT ayor. form CAli(IN13-25) 64`709 Council File No ......................... petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and nl PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: grAde.... sa-loy...in.--b-look--- `i,--.St-....Oathemine-.-Park-..From--kord- Road. -to-.. ----- ---- --- OttoAve._ _.........----------_------------------ - ----------------------------- - -- - -- -------------------------------------------------------.-.. Dated this.--.3-rd..-.:day of........Maroh_i - ............ 192 . -----^ . - .._ _ - .- ----.._....-. . Abstract: Councilman. A, tor writAen DrOy�eal tor.; the the fo110WlaB PmDrovemeat. �* s�• ,,;,,� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G.rade.._A-Ile-y..- i n..b to ck...4,... $t.----Catharine--Park---from -Ford--Road .-to ................ -Otto Ave.....------------------ ..........------------- ..........- ----------- ------------------------------ -----------------_--------------------------------------------- =- ------------...._.........-..-------------------------------- ........ ...-.. - -------------- ------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..-.__ ._.----------- ----------------------------------- ---_-.--------.... -... ...-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tot j924mmissioner of Finance. MAR i0 Adopted by the Council ................ YEAS / NAYS Councilma9 CLANCY --FERGUSON DGSON —I DONALD CONALD .SUDHEI\lER / WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT c7 Form CAIS (ITI 3-26) J MAT?Approved._^^_-----�-- --i-4---2--�-- -------------"-------- ..--..-. ............. ;-............. YUnLY�iLa-� /�G Mayor. Council File No.......6.4- .1.0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The Aersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pall, viz.: C ondemning-._and_- t aking._an.. easement... in_ the land---ne.oe saary_.P.o.r.....__._-------- 8, cuts and --fills. in_the ... grading_-of..alley_.1'u--blo.Ck.-.4........... ...__----- St. Cathe-rrine-.tto--AXe.....-:__--------------- --..._O----..... Dated this ..........3rd......da of_.....- March ---3-92 --------------- .............. ........, 192------• - •kla` of; tfie Yollopl i !m rovemiiof. A'hetraoZ. � Councilman .,indemning am -taking an ease- r ,nd-fill land-neceeeary for aloyee, -- •.•nd:Hlle (n'th�.8redin�^'oY--a11e9.� -"d` RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ----------G.ondouining-- and...taking..an..easement._in._the-.- land- --necessaryf-o-r ........... -- slop@s.,...cuts--- And grading ...of...alle.y..in... hlo.ek---`h..................... at-, Cathexine-_PArk..Yrom r'nrd..R.oad_.to... otto...Ave.•_ - p.- ------------ ----------- 11-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -- ...._..._....____-.._.......---__------------------------- .---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓t'_S MAR - 3 192 e' .Adopted by the Council.._....... -- - ----- -- - - ...-- -... - - ------ - -.... - YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY KAR FERGUSON Approved. ---------------_--......... .---------- ................................. HODGSON M CDONANA LD ' SUDHEINER WEN%EL ............. ... .. .. .... ..-- .,... ..... ....-.....-. . _.. ✓' MR. PRESIDENT / /� Mayor. Form C A 13 (]T] 3-25) City Planning. r Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Open. widen and extend Sheridan St. to a width of ........ .................... . DAvern Ave: to West Seventh St. _ ................. _.....- Dated_this ._....16th -------day of----------------_Febrli . ...... ------------------- ............192.6.. m. ai7nA ----- Fvhekeae, A �rrltton uroDDdeal tgr'tb� Councilman. >ktnk o! the followlnS IIDDkovsmee; -IV`uen; widen 46 Mften, a,..I en Ave. I eat S e th St from Dnbeen Ave. eet;Seyen[h.St., having been Qrr- ad to the icoun5{I of the C��v i¢b• L/ z, hem •nrn be �tn. I• wee .a� � �• PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --...---.---- ................Open, _w1clen.- and ---ext.enol---Ski.eri.den..St.,.--to...P. width of - .............. -------- -- _66-_ft-,-..from Davern Ave. to West Seventh St. - --- --. ......... --- . .. ........-................---------------- ......-------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- .....................-....._....... ........- . - --------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------------- * ----------- I ---------- *1 ----------- --- -- -- - --------------------------------------------------...--------..---..--- ---------- ..........---- ------- .....------- .--- .---------------------------- -------- 0 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------ ---- ................................__....._...___.._...._....._..- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓e. R - 31926 Adopted by the Council.. ...-_...... - .. ....................................... YEAS NAYS qp ConncllmaII CLANCY MAR _ d 192b i FERGUSON Approved .. .. .... ..........- ... -- ......_...-..............-- -%HODGSON MCDONALD SUDHEIHER _ WENZEL ) ..._..._ ..... ..... J MR. PRESIDENT Mayo. PUBLISHED F.— C A 13 (1 N1 3-25l account paving Council File No.......rJ4 ,12 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct __Sewer on the east side of Hamline Ave. from Minnshaha - - ----------------- ---- - ---------------- --- -- ------------------------------- ....................................................--- --- ----------- ­­ - ' - St-..-.tn._a..gct-11t...& ..feet.-south--ofthesouth line of Minnehaha St. -.._---.- - ------------------------------ - ----------------------.._......----....----------------......--------------....._--------------- -- --..-..._.......-----..-------- -- Dated this.... .......... day of March 1926192._... --- ----- -- . Gr b'. NP.'.Bd712 _._. -------- .. .. _..... _.. _....._.. Vheidas"d-AItetteu Dro oval for,the Councilman. .making ofltho Vat: following PmDrovataen; Oonatru- otsewer on the east side -of �13amllne'�.Ave. fromMinnehaha St. to --- --- --- a'yelntr88;teetSouth of the south»- of l anhehaha at h -•-J , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------Construct---sewer... on-the...eaat_.side..of..Hamline._Ave..-_f-rom---Mlnne.haAA.. ------ --------- St.---to---a...point..86---feet---south..of....the.--Souta._linet Of---Minnehaha.--Stt---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ...._....... _..------ ----------------------------------------------------- _- ..-.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V"Adopted by the Council ................ MAR-. ° 1926 YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FERGUSON ,= HODGSON /MCDONALD �,SUDH F:I l7GR / W EN7.EL MR. PRESIDENT Form C AA 13 0 N 3-25) \ Approved.............__................SAiltOpl Mayor. PUBLISI3hAJ .j Council File No. 3 -rfolloreing improve enL:' u..'K't or 1k OPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and IN PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: eament; --- tile a idewa ik on- -3-o.. ---Robert ft. ­.At -the--f-0llQwjng_. lo -cations: -.East,-.sideL.-fr-o,a-Flllmo-re AVS,- -to Indiana --Ave------ --- ------------------------------- --------- --------- Z Chicago --- Westexn—BrIdge, -to Woo�d­qt - ------------- I - - ------- ----- -.WeLs.t..z;LdeL--f-r-om-.,P-latO --- wbiere --- good—and--auff-icien't a idewa 1 s now existLrob Dated tts 5-r& ........ay of..._----- ---------------- ------ ----------- 1192-6— co-'u-n-*cilm an- ... ....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: W_alk ... on 3_0. F Q �Qbe_rt ... At. At_ _the. f_o ljowing...lo.cation .QnstrU0-t­ -00=ent- -tile- - side- ..Be'st.—aicle --- Aye Indlana-Axe... ......... --- ----------- -------------------- ---------- -2&st aide f -r -O -M Qhleag-o 13r­idge --to -W0011--St. ... 11 ------ ................ ------ west side from Plato St. to Wood St., exoept where . . good and . - ---- a - U . ff.ic­i.ent - ffid:awacirks --- now exist:------------- - having"♦ e'en prevented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ------------ -------------------------- -------- ------------ --- ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ V, p'R - 3 0o Adopted by the Council-------------------------------------------------- YEAS ouncil------------------------------------------------------ YEAS NAYS I/ I Councilman CLANCY MAR .- 3 1§26 FERGUSONApproved..------ -- - ------------------------------------------------------------- HODGSON McDONALD SUDHEIME'R WENZEL .. . . .... . .... . Mayor. MR��PRESJDENT F.- C A 13 (1111 3-25) Council File NO . ... .. 6.4714, petition ~ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Whereas. A .written prbD the 7vj,,.following Morava, giant and.+ o 'a a a treas'. e;lceley Ave.. from: protect shade h d PRELIMINARY ORDER. t the Paul, viz.: !�'v 1F 1 11 .of following The undersignedr r owing public improvement by the City of St proposes the making Of b th si es of B el 7 A e .. ................... On----- 9 ---------------- ----------- --- _ --- -------- ---------- ---- ------ ---- --- .......... mom.. - ................ .............------------------------------------------ ------------ -- - ..... ............................................................. . .... . .. .... ----------------- --- --- --- ­ ------------------ ................ ......... Dated this 3;r.d .......... day of.. -- --- ---------- -- -- --- --------------- --- ---- - . .......... Councilman. fl PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: NVe __a-n.d Aaft n_ boths des_qf.JrXPlq!y ............... Avle t.0 Ave_. -------------- --- --- --- -- --------------------------------- ­ --------------- ..............--- .--- .. ..... --------------------------------- .. ....... ............................................. ------------ -------------------- --- ..................................... ...................... ... I -------- ­------------------- _ having been presented to the Council of the City -Of St- Paul..---.-.-.---- - -- - - ------- --------- ----------- ------- ------------ -- ---- therefore, be it issioner of Public Works bcand is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comm said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said 3. To furnish a Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR - 3 1926 Adopted by the Council ----------- -------------------------------- ------- ---------------_----. YEAS V/ NAYS 1926 Councilluarx CLANCY FERGUSON Approved.-- - --- --------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- HoDG80N McDONALD ✓SUDHEUNIER WENZEL MR/PRESIOENT ForOJi C A 13 (11,1 3-25) t� g'F� fo-ys4'a, (( n the ,4 t� Ya the :mailer ofc elderwalkagbn the 64'715 t, toot ,cement . ttlei,.: V ° west 'tilde a[ Albemarle street under atti*,$treat to•Csrbon str8ak-roved �SeltminarY Ordat 84641 apD A. 88. 1988. 't GOY�ot1 of tli,e City .coma- ' f tMaance. awe ° �4i+- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter df --- C=Bt1"=A,. n&-a_-aix-foal-Q01agY1t _Cri_III 9__WQst aisle_-af__&1bBmax-S9.util_S_treet_to- Qarbon ­S-_t_rget—_____________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order______64541 ____________________approved ------- Feb._23,1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__QC118tx11Ct__a__siX_ foot GQme11t__tS�e_s�c�Qealk_9n_the_ est_side_of_ Albemarle -Street from South Street - -------------------- to_Carbon_Streett except_-wi_ere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, - - - ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $­-1-4.5--pox-front f oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ st�_______day of ------- p,prjj------------- 192 -EL-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_N_1R___3 19 -------- 192____ Approved ------ --------- 192--- i Clerk. -- ---- -- --- - ---- ---- - --�^�< t - Mayor. /Councilman Clancy / ouncilman Ferguson ` Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer 'Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 04710— Sn the matter of constructing a sewer Ton Roy Street from 180 feet nortlf of Otto Avenue. to Schefter Avenue. 6� �� under Preltmns.iOrder 04473, dp- proved. Feb. 10, I s0! The Council of the city of St. Paul having received the --report of the Com- . misaloaor of Finance upon the above ,3mprovemenh �d gying co-1— COUNCIL FILE NO.______ o ------ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter 12.Q_.f8_.t__1IIrth_nf OtctD_LVgn�Le__tQ_Sc119ffgr_ yQMQj-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------- 6-4423 -------------------- approved _Eeh.__IE,_192.6x____________ The Council of the City of Paul, having received the report of the Commissioner of. Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said. report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Cnnstr11Ct_a-s-enar_ on F.ng �fsliet__from_1261_f�e�_nar_t}�_o�_Qiitsz_LL�tebue__tQ_�ch�f3er_ hYerxuey.�______ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1f529LaQ_-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 6t�_________day of ------4riL_-__________- 192-_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improve t a d e total cost thereof as estimated. OW-���a Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192-___ 09 MAR - 31926 --- - -------- --------- - -- ---------- Approved____________________________192___ ity Clerk. _ _---- _.ZMayor. /Councilman Clancy J pIJ$LISIiE�1 Councilman Ferguson ,/Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel i Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8 6 C.F. No. 64717— -- In the Matter of constructing -a sewer on June Street from Cretin Ave. to �+y ,a point 66 feet .vest of Cleveland 64 Ave., under Dec.3, 19i 5. Order 83396 6 t r approved c. 3, he C The Council of e r City f St. Pau, . ^ing received the report o[ the Com- _ ,2ner- of F(nance upon t I-V 'i on he aboe "i vement, and hac.Lid.revd - ort hereby r_ _ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofl AriYtrt7�ti X1g _�__S�CI�S_�TL_S1Uli1 _Sri@_fS97U_SeC_e_�11_11Y� _9 a point 60 feet --we--st--- of Cleveland- rve -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- 6a 59 2`___________________approved ___]pec,_ 3 _ 19 2 5:_ -_________- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. - That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ C9AStPSICt _a _58vV2I on _1 }g _street _froln_Cretin_ f ve._ to a__point 60 feet west of Cleveland lave. , -------------------------------------------- =------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 --------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___-3,B6%.'u— Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 6tb ____________day of ---------- A2ril---------- 192_.6._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of� hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. - 3 Adopted by the Council__NSR fl�______, 192____ " Approved ---------------------------- 192--- - - City Clerk. --- --` -- - ----- __----- 6 Mayor. eUt3LISi3ED ;Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald /Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8 6 C. F. No. 64718-- the 4718-the Matter of conatruenag a sewer l Eleanor St . and oa the Flll[Zj Eleanor St. produced Prom .11110.1.0t, 88 feet west o[• the west d A of ..dqa eater Ave. to Order Under nod Ave - under Preltn26, 19 Order 64128, Ave., . .roved Jam 28, 1926. Councll oP the City of at. Paul . + ..-...�_e.of he.,i:_ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_____`l@anQ;' -at ,_ and__gn _the_ line _of _ �eanor_St_._groduced_from_a �oint_60_feet t9est --of the --- Nest line of - - - ---------------------------- _alester --------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ E-112$_____________________approved The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the . above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ QnatnUrt_s2_a£1'1Qr on -�sleanor-_St ._and_un -the-line__of__E1 feet _viest_-0_the_ east _lina_nf-luAn�J.est�r_EYe tg_ Uderv_>ood_i v_e._______________ -------------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__1,7;5-5 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 5tbk---- ___day of ____-Lpr- 1.--------------- 192__6-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----- k___3_1426_-_, 192 ---- visa - S ,� ---- -- -- - ------ -----__6e- Approved____________________________192-_- ---ity Clerk. ---- -------- -- ------ - ----- Mayor. -'Councilman Clancy 2//l/_ �// /Councilman Ferguson PUI3WSasp„2G�/ Councilman McDonald _/i`ouncilman Hodgson - /Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 C. F. No. 64719— 647,19 In the matter o[ const—eting a sewer Beechwood Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., on Saunders I Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview \ve., on Rome Ave. from 8nelling `^ :7e. +o Fairview Ave., on Fredericka h-- Jrom Beeehwood Ave. to MOn- ,re., n Montreal Ave. from r ',5 ft. west of Snelling Ave. a.: a Fairvlew <' COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- nr . --'" By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ____________________________________ 3eacbnancL-Aze.__fsomm_Snat_____________________ Saunders Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., on -Rene--Avs,--fr-ear-i-Xe-,--t-a- a ruieea- hva.r-on----------------------------- Fredericka Walk from -Beechwood Ave. to Montreal Ave., on i`.ozrtrest-eve7--frrom-a--persnt-g65-Fes:--west-o-�l�elirng- --o--Faiu3sw-Ave. on Fairview Ave. from Montreal Ave, to Edgeumbe Road, a IT- of- v7h ch-ig- C a -bE-ISP1ifVi 1-a-t15e------------------- ----- ---------------------- DAVERII AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION N0. 2, under Preliminary Order__________ ss3-$'7$________________approved __I Jan._ b� ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Comissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, d the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.Cnnstrllet-_a__Se-1ve1'�\on: _ aeahwdotl_iiRa__frnTnSn-e11ing-.Av-a.__tA_FAQ.Y_YJ.ei5L�Ye,-,--QA--------------------- Saunders Ave. from Snelling Ave, to Fairview Ave., on Rams -Ae --#mom-�xial�rig-/�v�.- o--Eairasw--Asze.-r-�n----------------------------- Fredericka Walk from Beechwood Ave. to Ii;ontreal Ave., on C-Hvntreai--Ave:--fro-m-s-poitst--2fr5-t�-�tes3-t�€�ne3�#g-Firs:--to--t&3rva;n-Ave. on Fairview Ave. from Montreal Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, -a7I--61'-wKiz^1-Ys-tzs-tse-rrowrr-as- tha-------------------------------------------------- DA vERN AVE!,TJE SEI ER EXTEiiSION Ii -O.--2 - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 65,870LOQ_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- Gtc}3------- day of -------- A321;'.a.7----------- 192__ 0, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch?tuber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City, of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilM—R—c 3_ t1,3.�' CL----____, 192___ - MAR - 5 lx�ll ------------ Approved____________§_______192___ Ci Clerk. -------------------------- Mayor. /Councilman Clancy ✓councilman Ferguson PU. Councilman McDonald rCouncilman Hodgson , Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 0 O. F. No. 84720— n��.y^ (In the Matter of constructing Annapolis sewer /lel �1/ (0 -on the north aide of nueta Street from Winslow Avenue we tl e point St 70 feet went of the Peet line of Stryker Avenue, under F.1, in- � arY Order 64370, approved Fer (+'OaaCll oY thP City of COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- I INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ Q9nstrngling-a _ sewer__on_the north side of -Annapolis Street fsnv> � 3ns1o3t_Fl¢exllte__tQ_ a --point _76-feet_sest_ of -the-West- line -ofStryker AVL=e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ 64370 ___________approved ___ FE b.__9. _ 1926. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ CoriBtr-uct a Seweron the_ _nnrth_aisie_nf_ _atneet_from_;(insloia Av_enu©_to_a_Point 76 tne_vies t_ line__of-Str;)rker_wenue,_________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__s`iH 13b._____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 6t11___________day of -------April_____________, 192--E-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__MAR ___-__319_jo....... 192____ MAR- 3 6 -- -- -- -------- ---- - ----- --------- Approved ---------------------------- 192___ Ci y Clerk. --- - - - ----- - - -- -------- PUBLISHED Mayor. /ouncilman Clancy / Councilman Ferguson /Councilman McDonald -Councilman Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer jCouncilman Wenzel a or Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 /� �, C 'P. No. 64731- 'Ia tliepSattee oY faemlling ornamental 641�2/J lights on Aldine Street from IInl- 1 aerelty Avenue to -Shields Avenue nd Aldine Place, under-ellml— ,3 der 63960 approved Jan. 13th, 1936. f,.e Councll of the Cltr or St. Paul recetveA.the report of the Com - !Pon tpf r COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- i.33sta1liD _lights_-on_Z_ldine-street-fry_-__ Uni3rer-sitg_-Azenue--to-chb e-lds--Lmenus--end-1Aldine-2lame------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____ 63960_____________________approved _Jan. 12th=_ 1926- ______ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-jnsjiaj .--Qr)aaMe11ta2 lights _g11_Aldine_ Street_ from UnivzrSit-,-_ _v_enue_ to -Shields A-v_enue and E4Ll1�Q_1^l QQ+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 6th_________ day of _______ ApKil ------------ 192--@-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_MAR _= 3 1H90 -------- 192____ MAR - 3 *26 -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ y -- Approved ---------------------------- 192--- Ci Clek. r --- -- ---- --------------- - ------- Mayor. pUBLISiiEE�� C Clancy ' Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer -/Councilman Wenzel _/Mayor Nelson \ Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ / 4 11C. F. -No: 64724— �"� 'In 'tfie Matter .of coaetructfng curbing tromotSnellding °favenue eatow et • Seventh Street, under � Prellminar•'_ Order 13111, approved Dec. The Council o[ the City 0[ Bt. having tecefved 4he report of the "� -"Onar O[ Finance upon th=' ivrmaw. COUNCIL FILE By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__an�ns_trnoing_�u�b9ng_fln_hoh_�iclsa_�i_hontr_eal_Ayeuue_rom -2neL.11l Ay@nlle-tg_}Jest_Se_v-enU-1-S treet,,, -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ______.6. a41 -------------------- approved __--DauQ.__,31,I2S ---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon. the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ QQnQJS1�4t _ggr1) lig On both _s des_ Qf Montreal .Lv_enue _from-Snelling_yv_enue_to-nest_ Seventh Street, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J9, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 6d;b------------- day of ________-- ---------- 192_6-_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ MAF?--- 31926 - 192____ MAR- 3 -- -- - - -- -- - -------------- Approved ----------------------------192--- ----- ity Clerk. ------ ---- - --- -- ------ - - --------- Mayor. G councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson -Councilman McDonald /-Councilman Hodgson councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson J Form B. S. A. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter _venue_ to _Bayard _Sv_enue, Kennefh_�_Y�nAe_ fl QIIL Otto ___v_enue _te_Bay_ard- _ twenueand________________________ _31anu18r__tion _f oM_Qtto_;-venue_to Bayard__.venues_____--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---- 64214 ----------------------- approved _sTan._ 29s_ 1926. -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-gr_aSl@_� 4QjAli 18__nvenue _from _ot_to_�.y_enup _t Q_agyArd___venue.- Kenneth ;-venue-from Otto F:venue to -- ----------------------------------- _ a arcl--vEnue-Bnd_Sumnes_: Y�n318_ frQ>7 _4tt- _----nuo-te_Bayard-Avenue1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---!Ah ------------- day of ---------ApXJ 1 ------------ 192-5-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ Approved -------------- 3 -- 10 ----. V Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson /,Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Fo-�'. B, S. A. 8-6 J �\ - -- -- - -- ---- -- - ----- --------- 192___ Ci y Clerk. --------------------- -- - ----- - ----- PURT,ISHED J O M yor. <. F. No. 64722- -c•he Matter of grading to 133y lle rd au> from Otto Avenue to 3syard ,(+ �,� 1 •lue, Kenneth Avenue from Otto Bayard, Avenue and Sam- I•`�q e to I.yeaue from Otto Avenue to avenue, under Preliminary -•ed..Tvn. 29, 1926. 8t. Paul C� _om- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter _venue_ to _Bayard _Sv_enue, Kennefh_�_Y�nAe_ fl QIIL Otto ___v_enue _te_Bay_ard- _ twenueand________________________ _31anu18r__tion _f oM_Qtto_;-venue_to Bayard__.venues_____--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---- 64214 ----------------------- approved _sTan._ 29s_ 1926. -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-gr_aSl@_� 4QjAli 18__nvenue _from _ot_to_�.y_enup _t Q_agyArd___venue.- Kenneth ;-venue-from Otto F:venue to -- ----------------------------------- _ a arcl--vEnue-Bnd_Sumnes_: Y�n318_ frQ>7 _4tt- _----nuo-te_Bayard-Avenue1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---!Ah ------------- day of ---------ApXJ 1 ------------ 192-5-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ Approved -------------- 3 -- 10 ----. V Councilman Clancy /Councilman Ferguson councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson /,Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Fo-�'. B, S. A. 8-6 J �\ - -- -- - -- ---- -- - ----- --------- 192___ Ci y Clerk. --------------------- -- - ----- - ----- PURT,ISHED J O M yor. C. t No, 64724k n ...ttt ���111A In the Matter nr condemning and t,� - 64 24 1 an easement In the land neon 1 Fi' they ror,elig o tor' outs and fills '- fro Otto Avenue to Woodville Avenue from Otto Avenue to Bayard Aren!- xnneth Avenue from Otto Avec Paue and Sumner ' —am Avenuenttr - - -nue to ser COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter for slopes, for cuts and fills in--the--grading of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from to �;-venue_ to Bavaravenues__________________________ de�neth_IYenu�_fx9m_Q#4__=Venue_ts_Bayard_ v_enue_and_____________________ _ uplre __._v-enue_ from_OLto_!_venue-to_ Ba;,Tard__'.venuej------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a------- under Preliminary Order ------ 215 ---------------------- approved _J1Ma__2la,__1926 LHEt ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ Cpndemri -and--take - an ---------- _easamant__in_S,ha_ 1 ansi_nec �s ial�r_�ox_ s j games,_ f or_ cuts_ and_ f i 11s _ i n_ the -Gnarling-.nf-------------- _g�e�y�_om_Qttp_=v_enup_to_Bay_ard__'_venue,_ and----------------------- _Sumner _FVpjj _fSpm_Qtto___venue to -Ba----- - e__ ------ et -An -accordance with the bl print hereto attached and. made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing -- ----- -tlie -outs anT"flit sfiaded--portions-'showing-tie__ i -------------------------- with _________________________with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- th-------- day of ________April__________, 192_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --MA-R--a--3-WG ______- 192____ Approved -------- Adit'Tr-_ s3 tC-----192--- I/ouncilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson Foi B. S. A. 8-6 walmwzrlm VA Mayor `rnAvemmtrom o1PaYne inAv Mo 6425ue a to Arcade 6teet, under Prellminar rr order 64181. .approved Jan. 27, 19P Th. Council of the CItY of St. P; ,.ving received the report 01 thepC_; g'nner of Finance upon _- -u!.'a COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_1�r�d7 l�_1�LQLLt2pa_ ,getQ_rQmA@_�gE�1uQ_ tg _YQt��_SfS�et� ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- 64181 ------------------- approved ___sZan,_ 27;_ 1926_______-____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_glcedf- !.Iontana =-,venue ----------------- rsL�_iaxr>e__.Ysl�� to r_ads__Stx�Qf---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- H.tb ------------ day of -------- A1=11 192_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprppyy���W�ent and the total cost thereof as estimated. IIWK - 31926 Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ AIAR - 3 -- -- -- -- ------ --------------- Approved ---------------------------- 192___ -- --- Clerk. ------- ------------ - -- -- ---- c�«�f� Mayor. councilman Clancy pUBLISHF33 ,/Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Hodgson /Councilman Sudheimer /Councilman Wenzel /Mayor Nelson Ftfrm B. S. A. &6 i j C. F. No. 64728— Ining aaatter aeameat In he land and ecea- �[�_ ��� aery for. slopes, for cuts and Oils .Z in the grading of Montana Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street, 'ender Preliminary order 6d - ynved Tan, 27, 1926. e- Councll of the Cit)' ^ - � Yeceived tFe COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter in_ the- land_ necessary _f_Qr__3j9p_es,_£gr_cuts_and_fills__in_the__grading_of I_ontana Avenue from- ­P ayma- -Lzenua- -t-Q - rom _Payne_-Lzenue__tsz_hrnasle- atr_Q_e_t-------- ------------------- -' 1=.-- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order --------- 6182------ .----------- approved _Jan. 27Z 1926. ------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ FQnd=D- a_ld_ A - an _@� sglQ t_ip t��e_ land_ necessary__for _slopes�_for_cuts-and fills - -- in -the-------------------- _gradin _ni_i�ontaua_ fa_v_ent<te_frQm_ ayne_ ti_v_enue_ to_Arcade_Street, in accord, _with the_blue-print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched - - - ------------------------------------------------ _�ortions showinx_the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 50_00______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 6th_____________day of __p}px.yl------------------ 192__0_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. MAR - 31926 Adopted by the Council ------------------------- 192__-_ MAR - 3 4126- -- -------- ------- -- -------------- Approved____________________________192___ City Clerk. - -- - - ----------------- ------ Mayor. ✓ l0 �c,. Councilman Clancy uncilman Ferguson ✓Councilman McDonald /Councilman Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ,/Councilman Wenzel ,,Xayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—IGENEIV). FORM --No-4 FILA ..... RESOLVED That the application of Michael L. Nodes for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lots 26 and 27, Block 1, Como Prospect Addition, being on the east side of Dale street between Maryland and Acorn streets, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. C. R No. 84727—By IL C. Wenaei= Resolved, That the application ofl Michele} L. Nodesfor permisetonto erecLl(nd, maintain a public .garage on lute) 8 and 27.. Block 1, Como' a- peat'Aaditlon, being on 'the east side of Dale at. between Maryland and Acorn .Streeter. to hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parka. mnd POiin1Phleary.- b oauthorUed and Inetnucted to I"us a permit- therefor. Adoptedby the..Covacil Mar. 4, 1928. Approved Mar. 4, 1928. (March 8-1926) — -_ • CiOUNCILMEN Yeas el_, Nays MAR - 4 W6 Adopted by the Council ............................. ........... 192... --- MAR - 4 �^ / A 1) P7 veil-- -----.......--............192 tiHodgson� �Se�efraid--- vBudheimer ..In favor Against MAYOR / Wenzel ,/ Mr. President I NOTICE OF k+ PLICi TION FOR PERMIT TO RiiI:CT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City yooff Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made onV<-;���r—- 192 iy to the City.Councilloff the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by 4a for permission to erect a ppuJlic garage on the following de- scribed real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnenota, tc wit: Lot 6 7L `� Block ddition, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the _side of 02� St. Ave. betweez4&&" , f_a,.o ( —St. Ave. and St! Ave. Number St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, ,2.— &'PL' 192,(i c dill i G+b.3 RF. .P)eb Cl;U I itiq FEB S 9 ?! Ail 1926 Re MGM, s11, �' . ,, V PEUL. WHY SL 1- 11 ............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and prim- ing the same. ' (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and nearits place of publication to the extent of at least twl hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ..the publisher or .printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min. nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghi)klmnoPgrstuvwxyz elwde°' Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of th aParesatd legal adve Naement. r.�� � 4� Subscribed and sworn to before me this....,34. .day of. /. ..x..192.6. .......... f %wl!� ........................ I4fitary Public, msey County, Minnesota' ( j nn� / tarn, 141 2M :M -^_b 1'kli MY Commission expires. s: 1..l'.(... .. �. (. .�1�.....f�. STATE OF M[NNESOTA, (ss. Coital y of Ramsey -1 - • `• •--• ... sing duly sworn, deposes lmd says syQhe is clerk fo Dispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the N01ce of App1lt:.atlon for pehmit a times ereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the ch - Erogt it pP bilc ta.rage.� St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. x daa+aa >,erey',gifen th t vangant toaA Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota - iot N• Pfl nidi sues+ao Wsn of a city Eh L,Adlmeaalq vWqlmgaq will_�hhaa R[ 1A'!e; t ^Clb.-. That�(he has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... 11 o[ .}�ylogoa.b�aA W t, It, Mich ? UY of >YI t' Paol D[Imeeota, 111 CL ,Trrv�VB11 far"earl1 1 to F* d pghlia aRge G tha [ 110 1�p19 deeC�lkefl. > gg .. • • • .. ... ... .. ........ ... .. .. ......... Raj [state. #elnt�t le R ey WuatT. Mia• IeYdat -.P Iqt Shi sed 7. nlxk 1, mrnq. {RI41cect •Addltl Citty� a[ Saint Peu4" E/10: ta. • Qn tha Epet eld0...:... \ , �wmx✓.. saint T�uie allnnewnleA F°F. RVC J atM tt IPreee earl ni..0alvh, RC a, '-]011.) .'...................................:......... . Ile o attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and `3 published in said newspaper o--- - weN ek�,� nd that all of said publications were made in the English language. - ,/--- That said notice was first inserted, printed and published the.. fes. w".day of....C! ................ 192..lvand was printed and pub-lished in said newspaper thereafter on...2/+a'.. /. 01.. until and including ................ the.......... day of ........................ 192... That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said... ............................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and prim- ing the same. ' (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and nearits place of publication to the extent of at least twl hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said ..the publisher or .printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min. nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghi)klmnoPgrstuvwxyz elwde°' Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of th aParesatd legal adve Naement. r.�� � 4� Subscribed and sworn to before me this....,34. .day of. /. ..x..192.6. .......... f %wl!� ........................ I4fitary Public, msey County, Minnesota' ( j nn� / tarn, 141 2M :M -^_b 1'kli MY Commission expires. s: 1..l'.(... .. �. (. .�1�.....f�. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I ss Couuf y of Ramsey.) (..-,..... being duly sworn, deposes a❑. says t5fataAe is clerk the Dispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. `NgiO tif-Ap tteey�1EK p permit to"���' 4 itrvtF� ,� -° '.v ,� � Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. T hatdhb has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed...... F"1� csen et�u ° cl A vc sunviatw��xxoonRy.PPn ,tion wla•na f�envm ,E4htY ate'at is Cmmtlt �j .......... ...................... . XWn iPf.+�tlM-'CJLY inn �A MI ewt . jn 1iut n to a a a- ua.?•s4ata tan wl s .......... J. i, Fni: III k ]LY.:' MAfa - 1.,W' fir pelgmn±lCtte' eh bYlnc P F We. 2ti t^e d�:ot nue at. nanrete. ... . hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was inserted, printed and 3F lnrrtaae A. ane Amro A . Lxtee �q� Feb �t n�o--,-,.� "-t'7 9a1ac % ;-Mlaaeeote. b 192a , (P ObPnta9. 8eb 0-3e-13.y>yi _�,•<-?.-r,�e_ - --weeks, and that all of published in said newspaper • • • - - " said publications were made in the English language. ✓/ That said notice was fire[ Inserted, printed and published on.... of ��•-+ �� �• •`gi 192 and was printed and pub - the.. .. ..�.daY p ��.�Gr: U• � - lisped in said newspaper thereafter on. - • • r until and including ................ the.......... day of ........................ 192... That during all the limes aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said..,h :?!:�'.'`'�:-• ............................................................said newspaper bas been (1) Printed from the place front which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and on"uarter Inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and prim- ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany,not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matterand advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twi hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said. ... Y? :..� F — .. • .... . .............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper baling knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min- nesota, an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abcdefghiJkimnopgrstuvwxyz Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for publication in said newspaper of the aforesaid legal advertise nt. ...,, (/ir-.. -.-rte: ........ ,....... . Subscribed and sworn to before me this...-. or -r/" Y of• -•x-192• �a i /.. � ........... a .. Notary/Pttblic,�R/7/a/'�/,m/Js/e/ County, Minnesota. For., 141 2M s425 1'kn My Commissi,m e.<pires./. ..��./y.7.:�....... C. F. Na. 69728— Resolved [hat checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate numbered 11989 to 2010 Cnclusi e, - r checks on file in the oiles o[ the CItY Comptroller. Adopted by the Council ]tar. 3, 1926. i Approved Mar. 3, 1926. (March 6-1926) € V, L COUNCIL FILE N a TROLLER 70 UTION `FORM ., RES: NO.____ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON .THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE. AGGREGATE AMOUNT �_�. COVERING. CHECKS NUMBERED--1949---TO?nin INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK. CHECKS CHECKS xr T6 OFFICE OF THE ernr CLERK AUDITED CLAIMS-] DAT C PT LER CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER � :'.,:. , BROUGHT FORWARD C. F. Na. 69728— Resolved [hat checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate numbered 11989 to 2010 Cnclusi e, - r checks on file in the oiles o[ the CItY Comptroller. Adopted by the Council ]tar. 3, 1926. i Approved Mar. 3, 1926. (March 6-1926) € V, L COUNCIL FILE N a TROLLER 70 UTION `FORM ., RES: NO.____ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON .THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE. AGGREGATE AMOUNT �_�. COVERING. CHECKS NUMBERED--1949---TO?nin INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK. CHECKS CHECKS LOo ATE _. _._ S _n Y. 1 ,1�. ^'1 - ScCJO EAIMER 5.__'2St;d�.itt __ ------ /�C�O/V�ERING - ,AGAINST BY _ -. CHECKS NUMBERED.-l9A3 - TO -2010.-_--_- ./� UDH I . . --j -. INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE ' OMPTROLLER /�WENZEL. /M R. PRES.. NELSON. - YL.., (V 1 COUNCILMEN NAYS (J I - OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ✓ DISTRIBU ION _ CHECK TOTAL RETURNED IN FAVOR OF — BY V� LOCAL SINKING TRUST NUMBER IMPROVEMENT TRANSFER DIS CHECKURSEMENT BANK GENERAL WATER �I "� ACCOUNTS FUNDS ACCOUNTS -GARAGE _&�UDI� O��IU�A CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 261 690.. 250 367.36 2 917;5 ! 1 189.54 7 188.25 1989 J.M.Clanoy Comb. o� je ��y 1000� 100:00 1990 Margaret Linke 16' 16 00 ® 192 L.C.Rodgeon, Comtr. of Finan a 50 571 04 a a a a gg77�1 19 a a a a 9 686 9 686 5T! 1 Central Soap Company 4** 47 199 Central Warehouse Lumber C any 14& 1 144 1s 1996 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company 8 6 8 67 199j Fielding & Shepley 85, 85 0011 193911 w. A. Johnson & Son 8, 8 00 4 f 1999 RlueegeLott Chma X15 4 15 40 2000 x. 3 2001 Lyle Culvert & Ro Bquip. 0 1 1 774 2002 Merchants Rational Bank b0 2003 G. L. Nason, Suptp of Parke 3438 34 39 2004 Joe. Pavlioek 42 TS 42 78 % 2005 Universal Carloading & Diet.'! 01mX+ani► 31 3 3 ` 1332 $006 Crescent oil Company 1 350 2 17 9 ` 2007 A.r.Kromsohroeder, Cashier ,ater Department 1 2 41 152 41 200 �'innesOta Pipe &Tile oompaa �+ �'3 & 4 159 12 row«_ _- �a o 22 950 00 V34 2010 S.enith Tire & Battery Co. 3 m 483 59q 6 MAYOR SPECIAL SPRINKLINGBEVIOL (PUBLLICISUNDRY DVNIGG ACCOUNTS_ - 13-79F105,5 n 483 59q 6 TWflKL('LAATE TD RES. NO -_70 . _______-_- 4ATECLERK �( ♦�1 n'�(y� r r /. RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE - .CITY" TT��REAS,,U,R1Y.TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S___44;644!04_______d_ __- __ _. /�C�O/V►ERING CHECKS NUMBERED__1999 _-TO-_204_____-_ OMPTROLLER INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPT LLER .rl eniry AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLD N FORM ----— IN FAVOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL RETURNED BY TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT' - BANK CHECKS CHECKS V VVV_ __. _ /// ..... .. ........... .: GENERAL WATER I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL BROUGHT FORWARD . � P �Ic F.�y 261690; 250 367.36 100 00 2 ffi17:511 1 J.m.Clanoy, 1999 Com r. of 100'; 1990 Margaret Linke 16' 16 00 1991 L.c.Hodgson, 0om'r.•o» Tinan a 50 50,E • 1992 571 h a a 1993 9 bffi6 5 9 696 57' 1994 central Soap Company 3 4�l3 1 ffi 199 central. warehouse Lumber C any 1 1 1992 chioago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company 9 6 9 67 1997 Fielding & Shepley 85 ffi ffi 00 95 00 1998 17. A. Johnson & Son 1999 Kluogel & Lehmann 15 4 15 40 .2000 1. F. Lott Company 493 4 2001 Lyle culvert & Road Equip. C , 1 2002 Merohants National'Hank 30 30 200j G. L. Nason Supt. of Parks 4 39 4 39 2004 Joe. Pavlioek 42 7 42 79 2005 Universal Carloading & Dist. Company 3 13 3 13 2006 Oresoent oil Company 1 350 22 17 49 2007 A.M.Kromeohroeder, cashier Tater Department 152 41 a 152 41 5 2008 Minnesota Pipe & Me Companj 4 1559� 1 2 ioi.F. selitn Tire er, Batterq 0o m 00 a2 734':32 ;II Ar i j McD�/ ONALD, ,/SUDHEIMER. ..___ ___.._-. AGAINST a. 'WENZEL. /MR. PRES., NELSON. YES 11'I COUNCILMEN NAYS I V ) - ✓ DISTRIBUTION -- - LOCAL SINKING TRUST IMPROVEMENT FUNDS ACCOUNTSFGARAGLCOUNTS 169 54 7 199 25 B.1 v 4 159 12 22 950 00 1 332 73 734 COUNCIL FILE NO.. VVV_ __. _ /// ..... .. ........... .: ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL MAR - 4 19-2- ----192---- MAR _ 8 APP _ a _____192____ - - MAAYY-OOIR'-__ SPECIAL FUNDS PUBLIC SPRINKLING II FORESTRY II REVIOLVII 13-7911 N 105 493 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS- -- Council File No.... .....................f.... By M CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on Jefferson Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave., RATIFV'ING ASSic'SS"NTS. C. F. No. 64129—neea [or In the matcoatsC tnd n%P7,e- t beneflte, le ntlnb and Protectin¢� � C� •',. under Preliminary Order_.__....._6.OQ4L_...__, Intermediary Order.....607.94.... ..........._., Final Order_ -.. ........ .... ._, approved—fl119 11 j,_._..._ _192-`5—. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said easese- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore 40 r RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-_------ �.__.equal installments as to each /' aid every parcel of land described therein. MAR - 9 19261` Adopted by the Council ._-_............... 192 ........ ... —-....._...... ....... Clerk. br,q� 9 t92� Approved. . . .... ................ ............ _.._.................. ..... 192.._.._. ..-, Mayor. Y4J CITY OF ST. PAUL. o V d OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ?eb_..._9th.r..._1926._..... PW._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for dox planting and protecting shade trees on Jefferson Ave. from Fredericka hve. to Fairview Ave., s under Preliminary Order ................. Q_Q.Q41.__....._..------._----- _.. Intermediary Order .......... _...... fj094......_............. _....._..._._...... Final Order_..__(i12Ja................ -........ .................. ..._... approved ... ......... fS1��• �.l r 1 2 .....:=..._._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction $.......... ............... - - - - - _ ' Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $............... 4-'35"""'.. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $..........._.-....-87.- ........... _ Inspection fees (Forte _Account ) - - - - $.......:.._._0..,_00 ................ ° Amount of court costs for confirmation $._....-_...__4.35 Total expenditures $--.-.-2_-21-.' 32 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .............221....3.2.. ... ............... ............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council ch action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.._.._............_...__..._._........_ `, • L7Fi By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Hawthorne Street from Earl Street to Forest Street, — In the enc s, torts f tnd exp n es t [ c beneats, c an p,ring and protecting shade trees n both sides of M .horns Street. from Earl :•'nder Prelt ' ander Preliminary Order Intermediary .._.._.,.. Intermediary Order.__58797 Final Order .......... 594.23...........-> approved __VaY_l2±.h 192 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable +n_.. 1 ( - —equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._*, .a_= 9 L"§ - ---------- ...._192 ............. ...._. _.... City Clerk. �nR - g 1526 Approved ................. _:..192._..._ Form B. a. to _........... t/� ��1✓�%�'/F'Y1C _ ._._... Mayor. ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT F b._..._9th ..._1926_.....439Tx.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 6WE planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Hawthorne Street from Earl Street to Forest Street, unrltr Preliminary Order ...... ...... _......57934_ ...................... __ Intermediary Order _.._5879%._ ----- __....---.................... ...... ....... Final Order......_..5.9..4_$3...._......................... approved ....------ MaY.__12th: 1925........., > .......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction ............... ............... Cost of publishing notice - - - $ _9_00 "'....... Cost of postal cards $ ............. . Inspection fees Force Aoeount) - - - - $........__.._Q._Q4....-.-.-- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ............. ............... Total expenditures $ X74 •� .......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ..................4. % -al .... _......... _.......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such a. 'on thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner, of Finance. Council File No.- .................... _..... —.---- By Resolution CITY OF ST. PAUL Ratifying k731 Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Gotzian Street from Third Street to Fourth Street, IC. F. No, 64731—u the In the ma[te4r9isf and axpensesnt f f b nests, c d yro,,,etfng shade trees planting t,_t from both sIP" : r, under edl under Preliminary Order..._58.003...._......_.., Intermediary Order......._587.9.6_.............. Final Order ........... approved—NLy_ 12th .-_-.____192 5. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEI FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_.__.—_..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council --MAR a._,,.+,a�Fi-__.__....._........_192......._. i _... _........_.._ ..... ....... _ ............ ....... ., City Clerk. Approved---_%,4Afi....:,....9-1926...........................192..__ _ '//�.......... ...... _......_�-.- —. _ ._.... _ .._.---., Mayor. Form B. H. 1! t_/ CITY OF ST. PAUL. M379 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Feb—...2_1926 . ......... . )M.X.-. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Jhm planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Gotzian Street from Third Street to Fourth Street, under Preliminary Order ............ _..... 58003............ _....... __., Intermediary Order __..._......r2�3_.. ----- .._..._....._._..-------- . Final Order ................... 5.9.421....._ ...... _...... .... ............... . approved._._.._Nla.y-....12th-,._...1925.........., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Coat of construction $-241"a5. """ "' Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$....... _.... 3,_QQ.................. Cost of postal cards $ ... .... ..........,_6Q._.............. Inspection fees_(Force account) - - - -$. Q,QQ ................. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...._....._3., OQ................. Total expenditures - - - $_...248...45 ................ .. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...........24.8....4.5 ........... ........ ............... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance wilh the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been complete',and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and maYparteo ithe said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Councilnth eeon as may be considered proper. . Fora a. B. 17 •�__ Commissioner of Finance. 64782 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. opening, ti ideni.ng._and e.xtanding. Arundel .St._ fr.om..IY;axgland St. to the Northern Pacific right-of-way, by taking and condemning the East 60 ft. of Lot 40 and so much of the East 60 ft. _.of_Lot 29 as lies South of the Northern Pacific right-of-way in Cottage Homes_Addition,_ __..._. ASS ....... ............... RATDNO CON DEMNATION PRPCEEDINOB. --- - - f. .... .............. ................... ............. under Preliminary Order., .62383, approved act -.-1,.1925_-, Intermediary Order.....6315$.._._ approved- _.-Nov .....18, -.2-925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be, submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in r ------------------------------ .equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. MAR 9 1926 Adonted by the Council_ _ __ . . ----......--------......_......__.._.., 192......._ IV, AR 0 u4 Approved- ._...__.... Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman PzMXX Hodgson Councilman Sudhrimer Councilman Wenzel Mr. Vioe k'rex. NnrKueu� itr Clerk. 192..--- 7- .. __..__..-.. ._.YU$iIS:IlD ..._------.__.-- -- --- -. -- Payor. 4 788 FINAL OR pROOEflDINC3 I . -v -No. 64783—' ,,.�,,. aenfng v(ldeti �.. FINAL ORDER IN GOND l�f rtt�ii &EDINGS. In the matter of-.t13Lening-s-_.widslung__ n"Xt-emding-&rU 1..dAj__S.t..._f> QRI....Mgr y'land St. to tkia-DI6Y!t b-3r-baking-&1ld--Ccs7Ademnin&• irse-was 60 ft nP n an sn. ml Ch of tn�East rzQ�._nLot 29 as 1i .SQ.iah of the- Northern Pacific right.-.Of-wa��il_S�Of+tNd Homes AdditiQL4_-.--__ _ t . under Preliminary Order -..__608$._..__..._., approved._0ct_.3-,-1$2.5_, Intermediary Order_____0315.�_.-, v aPProved__It4_V_1Mf.__1225. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:_QPeRr widen and extend Arundel St. .9rom hfaryland St, to the Northern Pacific right-of-way, by taking and condemning the East 60 ft._of .Lot 40 and so MUQh of the Eat 60 ,fit, of Lot �A a&_lis. .Quth--ofd.he--.N.Q�tharn_.P_a.cif.3.c_ right-nP-wa_Q-in .ott.aa_r�e Homee.. Addie.io21.---------._--_-.—.----------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_Ths-_East__E0 ft- Of Lot 40 and s o m�Oh-4f-the_.EaSt__.60�- Af-7 4t -2.3._.&s-] i4.9-SiLut$.--Oi_thO -_� Northern Pacific riaht-of-way in Cotter Homes Addition_ --_-. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award.of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ---..._MAR MAR - 9 1926 /Clancy XW3WMC* R=xx vHodgson K71bX c McDonald 4xl3cx, .�Sud'neiner Unzel rI Mr, Viae Yrea Forgmon F U 54��80 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..4PeX,in9+--widenin9-, and„- Xquiand St,---t.Q.._the-. N,Qrther17 ,. Pa.cif i e.. right -p-#,-stay,---by„- t akg-- a-d-.-c-o1ld einuing--t he„Ea s t 60ft.,..... 9f-I-Qt„40-,and- so -much _of,- the ,._East,,,6Q--ft.,_,,.Qf--.!!.Qt ; 9.q as„ -Utes --_South of the Northern Pacific right-of-way in Cottage iiomes Addition, ..---------- -- ._....... ._......._ .... ..._-_... ...... . .. ....- ..-...--------- Under Preliminary Order.....623W3 approvedOC.t..1,-1925._., Intermediary Order _...._ 6315.8......-...., approved .....NOY.. i5+ X925...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _.. -.... _....----------- .. --- ... ............•- -- -- -- ------- Commissioner of Finance. FA Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. -_ _. __-------- __...... Opening, widening and extending Lexington Ave. North to a width of 60 ft. from Larpenteur Ave. to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 21, "Como" by taking and condemning the west 5 feet of Block" 7 and 6 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 21 "Como"; also a --triangular piece off of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como" described as follows Beginning at a point 5 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 6; Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point Non the Est line ebraskaaAve. to atPoint nOnothe vNorth e. Sline ofrNebraska th from tAve. thathe North is of the thence ftEast of Northwesterly point cf teginnin; A public hearing having been had upon'the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in --------------------------------equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. MAR - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council..._._ _ ..... ................-..----..___..__._.__..1 192- - t Approved........ ........... ............_ _. Councilman Clancy ,_Councilman McDonald Councilman liftom Hodgson Councilman Sudheimcr _Councilman Wenzel 81,r. YS,��Q-iw- - i .......... ..... -"----.......--.. .. .. . ....--.......... it Clerk. __.., 192...... - ... ................ ........ ......_....- ..... .- .....-... Mayor. 1'(3BL[SF1F.D 6 � U 1 . Resolution Ratify a (O F a: r visa nd ^65a�P4 6284 Nov. 1 2 63277 under Preliminary Order _ .. ..... i approved i_..9_.. -, Intermediar Order Y approved ...-.APV- --25,. _1.525e A A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...._........equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. l MAR - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ...... ___ _ _. ............... ---, 192....... - .. --- ---- - ..... it Clerk. Approved ....... .......... . -.... _............. 192 - ........... ........ ..... ......................:_..._.. Mayor. Councilman Clancy i (iBLI$FiFD "Councilman McDonald Councilman )tats Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Councilman Wenzel C�F. No. 64756— widening ;fin the matter o[ Dentng, - tod extending T.exing ton J;re N[eYir width of SD 1t. fro o Don Ave. to the 9outhge$t [ Lot . 5, Bto. K 81, Con,o" by taking ee and I demntng Lha_• west '6 feet f Bioc]ca 7 8 8. -and Lots 2 d10 1 S. place Kf Lot 6 Bl CK 83I C41n'�i �. •srtriD6 as toilnw ?fleet 'a,�-. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNINGS. Inthe matter of. ...... ..............._......._...._........_..............__...................._.._._._..__.__..._._....._.....__._.__—.._.__....__.... -- Opening, widening and extending Lexington Ave. North to a widthof 460 ft.""from -Larpenteur Ave. to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 21, "Como" by taking and condemning the hest 5 feet of Blocks 7 and S and Lots 2 and 3, Block 21 "Como"; also a triangular piece off of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como" described as follows:Beginning at a point 5 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. North from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the North line of Nebraska Ave. that is 190 ft. East of the East line of Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como", thence East to a point of beginning. Resolved (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:.._-......_ Open, widen and extend Lexington Ave. North to a widthk f 6ocot.a by Larpenteur Ave. from to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, mo taking and condemning the West 5 feet of Blocks 7 and S and Lots 2 -and-- Block 21 "Como"; also a triangular piece off of Lot 6, Block 21, "tomo" described as follows: Beginning at a point 5 feet East of the corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a Northwest co point that r 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. North from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave. that is 190^,ft. East of the East line of Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwset oorner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como", thence East to a paint of maglnning.-xaan-rneBcr7tse eglnti3—ng at asev- is c r a point 5 feet East of the Noithwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "¢ono"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 fest Southeasterly on a line I drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. North from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave. that is 190 ft. East of the East line of Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como", thence East to a point of beginning. c Adoptedby the Conneil...._...._........_..........._..._.............._...................._._....., 191.........._ ..... ......... ._. ......._...--.. ........ _. i Clerk. VAR - 9 1926 Approved-__ . ...... ... ........... ........... . ... ... . ....... . 1 191_.......... J........ ............._.... .. _...............Mayor. xmzxqm /Cli ancy *=xx -,Hodgson yjsdkxxx %McDonald Jk%Ak Sudhe'mer �1et#ddr Wei — W_�0_. Mr. Vias Hve. Fergfiwx h 7. Man under Preliminary Order ........ _._62949 approved-� approved__NOv..25,.-1925• Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordefed to be made, viz.:... __........... __ Open, widen and extend Lexington Ave. North to a width of 60 ft. from Larpenteur Ave. to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 21 "Como' by taking and oondemning the West 5 feet of Blocks 7 and 8 and Lots 2__and._ Block 21 "Como"; also a triangular piece off of Lot 6, Block 21, 36omo" described as follows: Beginning at a point 5 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. `165 ft. North from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave, that is 190,1t. East of the East line of Lexington,Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como", thence East to a point of beginning. a a point 5 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. North from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave. that is 190 ft. East of the East line of Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como", thence East to a point of beginning. Adoptedby the Council- ......... _....... ................ _...._........................ ......_......, 191............ _ .. -- Mi Clerk. AR 91926 .................... 191............ .._....... .. J............ ........ ........... ..,...._............ __........ ...------ j Mayor. x Clanoy RKSaw=% 6taxxx �- io-dggson iWkxxx i McDonald _Nd diad Wenzel e Mr. Vim Y�rea. Fur�tt — (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_. ..... ..................._._. _........ ....._- The West 5- "feet of Block$ 7 and $ and Lots 2 and 3, Block 21 "Como"; also a triangular piece of land described as follows: Beginning at a point 5 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block -21 -"Coma"', a heroenoO Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. North 1 from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the north line of Nebraska Ave. that is 190 ft. East of the East line of Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Block 21 ° "Como", thence East to a point of beginning. Adopted.by the Council- ........ ..... ................._...._._........................._..............., 191/ VAR - 9 1926 Approved_...._....... .._....... _............ ..._...._.."_.............. 191............ Y... µ. J.....,.....__.....__...--- Mayor. Can 6mmcxx Hod son = MoDonald x ELSudhe' er Mot� weaze.L � ✓ Mr. vice Pro& Fara mpwn REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of---------- ...............- Opening, widening and extending Lexington Ave. North to a width of 60 ft. from Larpenteur Ave. to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 21, "Como" by taking and condemning the West 5 feet of Blocks 7 and 6 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 21 "Como"; also a triangular piece off of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como" described as follows:Beginning Lt a point 5 feet East of the Northwest oorner of Lot 6, Block 21 "Como"; thence Southerly to a point that is 10 feet Southeasterly on a line drawn from a point on the East line of Lexington Ave. 165 ft. North from the North line of Nebraska Ave. to a point on the North line of Nebraska Ave. that is 190 ft. East of the East line of Lexington Ave., thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot b, Block 21 "Como", thence East to a point of beginning. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Go issioner of Finance. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON COND.EINr _. _ wvc. i - - --------- __ -------------- ----------------- .... _....--------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------- Under Preliminary Order..... 624+9....__.._., approvedN.OV ..3.,.1.9:25,. _.,•Intermediary Order -639.7-7 ................. approved ...-XO.Y-....251.1-.1g2�.. _.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Co issioner of Finance. h Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter o£_90.ndemlling. gnd . taking..an_ a-> eemernt_ 1A_ thy- laxld-_A9Ce.@-Q�xy for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Alley in Bl&.k,1, Hankeela Cleveland View, from Kenneth Ave. to Prior Ave., '�• I, N' 64736— and taK nenee� --------- ---' "'- -easement in cut a d fills eery (ei s10Pea, for grading -A110 I n[ olm Kr Nan; _.. Cleveland u*1 '. __- __.._ ....._.._.. ....................... -..- -.... . - - ... Prior Avg dl. J o". ................... ... .... ....................... ..................... ......................:................................................................ _... under Preliminary Order. 61950 _ approv45OPt,.14,.19251ntermediary Order_63.1-49.....___ approved_.. N9%' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ---- __------------------ __.equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council...__ MAR- --9 ..., 192.------- ...... - _.. _.... -------------- MAR .------- ---MAR - 9 1926 it Clerk. Approved....-..__..... ..__._.._......._..-.....--., 192 ✓ Councilman Clancy -Councilman McDonald /Councilman jAtBPrx Hodgson Councilman Sudheimcr Councilman Wenzel Mayor. Ne*gn._ .................. ........... .. .... _.- Mayor. PtJ8L1�'13 � 64 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of sondem>zing.,.end._takiag.._an.._e. sement..._ n._the.._l nd necessary f =_gl_Qn. ",for cuts and ,l e-ltL.g7ead1s18- A31B3' .1n -_B1 Q.ck_ a.._. C�,�_�lfl�nd__ ----� -----•--------- in F. No. matter of I In the matter of condemnInthi le and cell: L Ing an easement or the land fills In—_—..._..._.._.._............... _... —__._...._... __..._._. earY for elopes, for cuts and 011e in —'-`—"'— grading Alley ;n 1311,-k 1. Hankee's Cleveland Vlew, fro8enneth Ave. .......�.---•-. Prior Ave., under ?--elf, under Preliminary Order ._.__._6.195.?._ ............. approved-fpti_R..i.4.,..q.,51ntermediary Order_ O;Aq.._—........... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:. --.._-.- condemn and take an easement in the lend neeee�av for eloA@�� for cutA and fills in grading Allam in Blook 1^.Hankee!s Cleveland View, f_rM_— Kenneth Ave.. to Prior Ave. ------._.. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:the._land_-__abutt-ipg Upon the Alley in Block_l,�_Hinkee! s Cleveland.._View�. between. the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in 14e matter_dg.ted December 2L 1925• (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. MAR Adopted by the Council ... -......... ......_9.....�.t .�......_............ MAP - 9 1928 Approved. -------- ......---......_............._....--------------- 191............ X=94X _ Clancy ]i9t3i']LIM Sly xaarecx 'KOdgson xX]Mx -McDonald X=Udlc — Sudheimer x��enzell -�t, �rxd�swx-mea Mr. Viae Pres. Fer¢aeaa Y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.....Q.Qnda=ing... and -- mkt_ng-_BA..-ea&emeA.A...in...Titie I-az1d---Ia8.Qfl46�Y fp; slopes+ for cuts and filla in grading Alley in Block 1,-- ia.nkee's C ey_eland--Vieg.,._.YrOm__Kenneph..Ave..._to...P�ior_.Ane..,.._...----------------------...___....---.----...---- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Under ------------------ ------- Under Preliminary Order ._..----- 61950__..., approved.-.$.ept...1.4,1J.$5ntermediary Order .......... approved .- ----- 9Og.._ 16-1-_1925.,., TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are -payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Comer aioner of Finance. 11 NEV-7.711.1, Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment, Therefor. In the matter of, ooademning and taking ..an _easementin the. land. necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in grading Alleys"in Bloak 3, Lane____.._"-- Hospes Addition' from Magnolia St.to Jessamine _St. and from West- Alley C. F.of No. 04138— condemnitt t.a East -idle In the matter y s - -- "---- ""-" - --- I taking an easement 1n the lig'�g I. - essarY for slopes, tar cuts ah�y'`•I IP grading A31eYs in Be $J"rB Haspes Addition fr and fro gnttifa �,/ - - to Jessamine St. R ..._ -... ...- nder " ary OrdeEa621001eaPProved �eP�pj 1926, Intermediary order 63365 proved Nov. 13 1926 i . , .. .. .....--. ------------ - _ - .... _ - _... - A public hear ng having b - upon the taking and condom 6?loo the lapol or easement^ her l 63-1,�3 • approve ,�.h..3L-imgv �me�t. LL1�i.iiLLO€UTAry Order -..... .--..... .., under Preliminary Order_. _. -. pp approved...... A public hearing having )onsidered d upon the taking and Condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, andawards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having dthe same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. E e Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..._......_...... installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council..__ _MA.R._-"9.1526.... _._.............. 192...... MAR 9 16,26 Approved---- -...._._._.....-._........_........._.....-.-._., 192_.._ C ty Clerk Mayor. "Councilman Clancy gatifteiitaA -Ferguson--- Councilman McDonald Councilman 1,=Kx Hodgson o v Councilman Sudheimcr Councilman Wenzel .Mayor-Welson- Mt. Vios Pree. Nora-dw& 64.799 C. 11 No. INIPTI In the matter oP condemning and tak-' _ Ing an easement In the land neces- nary for elopes. for '"I. ,and elle s - grading Aneya in Block -3, rave (DINGS. FINAL ODDER IN GONG.,1. s"' -Tea Addition from Magnolia 6t Iy •ieasamine St. andfrom West APnv under Prelimfn- Ser' In the matter of:. cQAd-9L in$.._4ild_ t king_ n easem� r� �.__lai}d__n GQ. aaFy under Preliminary Order -_-6210_0 ............. approved.._Sep_L.1$,1945ntermediary Order_ -63.153 ..... _....... _, approved Non _1Sy._1.9?5• _ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:....__...._ condemn and take an easement in the land nece�_��Ty xor a owes, for cuts and fills in grading Aileye in Bloc"z Lane !gskes Addition from Maunolia $t. to Jessamine St. and from West _Alley_%o East Alley (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:—_the...1&0�_..aj,??Llttting upon the alleys in Bloo__-3,_na_.�Bp�a_Adds.ion,�es�aea_ the. �ninta— aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the P an attached to the rt ,. , of the Commis �r� �st�94...in_.S.hja_mstser._datad_Ila"mher-23,,.� (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.MAR � R.._ .... .......... - 9 1926 4 AAs, R _ 9 1926 191 .......... x3mgA ►-Clanoy ' 2wMatmxu —For. =mxx / Hodgson $i�idam[--UoDonald rsi¢�abfx �Sudheimer PO ..- "7 Mr, Vice Fra& Fargen&" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS 4 In the matter of..-.condemning_.and_.taking-_an-_eaee ent-- in -. the --_land- neeeseary f-Q.>for...QuG.I,..,alzd flllm in grading.--A1.1RY-6...I.r.1 A-IQOt 3----4449 ----------- Hospes._Addit.ion from Magnolia__St-.__to_Jessam_ine-_St-.--and-from West _Alley to-East.._Al1eY..................--_........................... ...----------...----...._...._......_......._..._ ..-------......... Under Preliminary Order ..._...b21SiQ...... ..... approvedSep-t-1&,19255Intermediary Order. -..6315-3. approved.....NOv. { TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT ,PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making o aid improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as bove and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said mat s. f� ComCissioner of Finance. 44 U 64740 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of. CondeLlning_.and _taking an. _easement -_in. the. land- ne. essary for._slopes, .for, outs. and fill.' in_ grading Alleys in Block 5,_ Lane -'.s_. _. Phalen Grove Addition, from. Clear St. to Cotta, ge.,St. __-and from..Mendo.ta C. F. No 64740— d Ink St, t0 NOrth and South Alley, lai1ge 'easement In thelland occl.: .. Hetes- .. ._ ..._--__... Bary for slope', for isand Rns grading Alleys In Block 6, Ll - Phalen Gre Add anon, from _ St. to Cottage 9t. an.' ^r,.. __ --.-- -.......... .. ....... -- - - - - 5[. to North and S��� .,., under Preliminary Order 63.018 - approvecNov..10.r1925-, Intermediary Order- _63t524. approved,P4.Qe.... Sa 1925. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ... -equal installments tQ each parcel of land described therein. �A - 91-426 Adopted by the Council.___ .__ ..__..--- 192.__.. b Approved.----- --.._.__.___....... ✓Councilman Clancy Councilman McDonald Councilman Ya= Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer ' Councilmannzel AMOEVsir ., h1 r. Vioe Yree. Mfia� 64741 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.-c.o-ndemning._.and.._S.aking.....a11....easement_...111._.the -_land ....I a.cleasaTy Yor 310 s�or cu s�11d-fills in_gradii�g Alleys__1 Block .5 Lane' _— Pha].� Grove Addition._.f.PQm. �]..eHx. Stt_.t9_C4_tStadd_.St_.__akld.�.�5?fi_��7,.4�4_tte,.:_ St..�9 N�t�a Sou h.Alley•-.__.—_.__._.._.............__.._._........_--------_.-�-----...—.._..._ under Preliminary Order 63.01$ ..................... approved&Ya..10.# 19-25., Intermediary Order.—.6352.4--, approved_ D80..__8., -._125. C. F. No. fiaval— In the matfar ofcondemning and tak ing an easement in the land cea Resolved: serr for elopes, for cuts and Alla In grading Alleys in Block 6', Lane's Phalan Grove Addition, from Clear. (1) That the following improvement be and the sant st. to Cottage St. and from Mendota •g St. to North and eouth Alley, und1�`. Praliminary Order 63019, apprc" ^'; Nov. 10, 1926. Intermedias- ' C and take an easement in the lana_ 66388ryovedppreyed nee. 8. l , .% s (i) That the 11 c.1.��: bow + tha..��� G�Qyg_ Addition and fills in Qradina Alleys in Blook _ .- frem Clear Si.�o-C9.?tage.-$t snd-fro"endota-.St to tI0rth--8nd-.S0uth-- (2) That the following land, lantls or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_t11S-_1a11d-.abuttin9 Upon the Aleys in Blook,�Lane!s Palen Grovg AdttwgQ_._th�i points aforesaid, to theextent shown upon the_ plataohed to_.the rQnor-t of the-Gommiaaioner.-.ni-P.u>Alin_;far.ka_in__the_. matteZ-_dat.e"an.-.-- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. MAR 9 1926 0-1 91 Adopted by the Council..... - .... ...... - ................. 191.... ............................_........... _._..._....... ..._._ . lark... Approved _._......._._..._....._MAR..._"._9 192$1...., 191 ............ ......... ............ ......-----------_ Mayor. x "'Clancy PSIIEDZ X"KX ✓Agag �o gson X=gxx Soudhe imer xxtix,taxa•Xtamc-Wenzel Mr. Vice t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.....Q.Q.Ad.eGOniAg_and...talon(£..ax1...eaSeinant .... i23 --. the ....lan(I... 4C913$wry :Ear --- slvgaa,...f Ar.-..outs...and..f ilia ...in... grading -Allays ...in..E.look.-5,...Lane-!-s..---. Phalen -Gr osa...Addition,._Y rom...Clear _..St-.-. to....C.osnage----St....and...from-Mando-ta St..- t0-North-and...South._Al ey...................................................----..._------------- .._......_.-----......------ -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ .............-......--------...------------------------._._..------ ------------------------....-- Under Preliminary Order:;....._ 6301.6.......... spprove(IXQ..Vs..10,1925, Intermediary Order..63-5--4................ approved.:DCC•...$.s 19.951 ........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Conydissioner of Finance. 64742 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment 'Therefor. In the matter of.... condemning.. and taking an easement in the land_n-ecessary for.$jQpes,.for.Cuts. and fills in grading_ Alleys_ in.Blo.ck 2,._.Stone- and Morton'sAddition, from Orange_St. to Hyacinth ,St.. and.._from"north--"aAd - south alley to a_point 100 feet._.west of. Gr.ee.nbrivr_Ave. with_an ...__._. approach to Greenbrier Ave. on a_temLary grade, , C. F No. 64i..— In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement In the land neces. sary for slopes, for cute and fills In --- -- - - ----- ---- gradinlleys ock Z, Stone astt.. BAAddition,iH (., under Preliminary Order .. 2-7 . - +' 755 apP No"on tram Orange I. Hyacinth south alley tota point 100 feel eat of Greenbrier A— with an approach Older -...6 42 "--"- y 35 approved-... _De.c..-_.9} _192.55. to GreenDrLr ¢n a temporary A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, ° and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _._.:................. ..equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council..... - Ib1AR .:. 9.1926 --.-....-- 192........ . 1926 _ - ._. ............. .... ..---.... ....._.. .. ..-......- t erk. Approved._.-_ .:........... _.... _............................. 192. C i Mayor. Councilman Clancy dd'/Councilman McDonald /Councilman FAwxX Hod6son Councilman Sudhcimer Councilman Wenzel Mayor Nelson- . , i'r5f. Ls'OrfT�_ 64743 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofd 1 eAlA.�Ag at7d.._x x3.g....az1.._@aE.eA3ent_.�nth�_..lancLIlec.esAsry for slopes, for cuts and fills inZradi__g All_s n Block 21 Stone and Morton's Addition from Orange St. to Hyacinth St. and from north -_and south' alleyto a point 100 feet west ofGreenbrier Ave,__With W.�,__ approach to Greenbrier Ave._on� temgor under Preliminary Order_._62 .55._..__._.... approved00t_29Z5_lnf,-..edia , Order 6 42 C. F. No. 84743— approved— RIC-3.o_l925• In the matter of condemning d tak- ing an easement In the landn neces- eery for slopes, for cuts and alis In Resolved: grading Alleys in Block 2, stone and Morton's Addltton, from Orange st. ,,,,to Hyacinth St. .nn $rom north '.nth a11eY !�. ,t !00 fes', (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hl i'"en* ..�,fkre :, .tae, vlz.:._._...._..._._ condemn and take an easement in the jAAA necessary for slpppa. fer on+e and fills in grading All in Block 2,_gtone and ue_^ r_+.ten! -s-.Add1-tS4A,-- from Orange St. to Hyacinth St. and fromrOrth encLsouth al_a_�_ point 100 feet west of Greenbrier Ave.__wl�an apho Greenbrier._ A a temporary grade. — (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_1b0_3,s zd_abUt&.ing 2r--Steae-&nci-iS[catOH's daitionTbata�asn the_._ points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the plan attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in tele—T4atter siat�d Jan (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the COUVA _ .._9 1.....�J.26 ._ ................ ..._.................. _... MAR - 9 1928 Approved_. ........... _....__._.................... _.......191_......_.. W WXXVxx OlT,no y x+$"xx �Hodggson x --McDonald =60M —Sudheimer �e Ze •. Mr. Vice Pres. FOWMIlou REPORT OF COMMISSI NER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNAT ON OF LANDS In the matter of--...00ad-OMAIng_.and --1a 1-.Mtc_Q.@.Bar -Y for-_slopes,-.-for..cuts_-.and...fills ... in. --grading ..All eye_ in-.-Block--?,--_Stone-,and Mox.toA'.e...Addi.x.i _fxom..Oxange.... x.._. to...Hyaoinxh.-$Z-..and...fsom..norxh...ancL south -_alley to-_a._point..,100---feet---west-..of-_-Gre_enbrier Ave.---with-_an-._app; oQaoh to GreenbrierAve!ontemporsry_grade........ .-----................------------------------------ ... ....................... ._..a ............----.......................................... _...........-- ....._......._...................... --..................................................... ---------- Under Preliminary Order. ..62.755 approvcd..00L..,27-,_19.25 Intermediary Order .._635. --..:........., approved.... DBC --9.,...192.5,- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: I, - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. a - . ......................................... - ............... Commissfoner of Finance. NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading ......-Of __.alle.ya..in..b.lo.ak 2...Stoae_and ;dont.ons. Addition ... from. __.__._... Orange St. to Hyacinth St. ana from the north and south alley to a point 100 feet west of reenbrier Ave with an approach to Green— brier Avenue n a temporary grade. under Preliminary Order. .....62755. , approved._.00. t.. 77.a.19'51ntermediary Order..... __. _435.4?_. approved.__..._.._ .. ..... ......_.Dene .y. th,19?5 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in. the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St._#aul, on the-_....th...____ _ _....___ ...........__._.....___...day of192.....?_., at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appro- priated for the above improvement, and for the confir tin such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or to the _awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated—-. . lst._......-192 L. C. HODGSON, mission of Finance. By--._....._.........._ Mr. 0. J. McClogan, City Clerk Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir:V ' I am opposed to the proposed grading of the alley in block 2 Stone and Mortons Addition as refer i as ..I ame not in favor of going,to a to same. The, apr_eeent 64744 Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor. In the matter of.. condemning and taking_ an easement in ..the land-neeasssry -fo.r..elopee.,for cute and fills_1z1._grading..FlanUaU.Street from.Margaret Street to Ui.nnehaha Street, _ _ F No. 64744— condamaing afid tak- I .... ... .... ... -- - uer oe In thea aeasement fn Lli land n cee- ing for slopes. for uta nd fllla Ir grading, Flandrau Street Erom-__-- --... garec street to Mlnnehafia ,z -.... ..- under Preliminary R ^ 2. roved SeP�ix �_.•. under Preliminary Order.. _..62192 approved - Aoy,. 19,492-5. -. approved Sept. 1$.,192.5 alternrediary Order..._. -.63.1.68..._ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _..... _......_...........equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.___ MAR. - .9.1926 -_ - -- - __ ., 192.. ---- MAR J 1926 ............ Approved... .- .._... -- ...., 192...... Mayor. councilman Clancy 4'euosilWAUl--- rgt1s07r' —,Councilman McDonald :Councilman XZKX Hodgson Councilman Sudheimer Council -an Wenzel Mayor Kelson -iu r. l iun frau Forgztaots V, PUI3LIStI r 64745 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of QS111dj@.iQniSl$_6nd..._ia�n$._.aA_._@8E9.(AeAt.._..1A...tllfl_...land_II8Q8.Hary for slopes, for cute and in _¢rading._.Elandrau. Street fsQm �tar8aret Street jo ldinnehaha Street,,__-,-,^_ ----------- C. 6474s— In the maetgeement Inemning tha land n-01 Ing do grading Flandravo street from lglar- •— garet Street to Mlnneha 62 STree[.-„- under PrelfminarY Order 621 a 1po , , -a.W92 r iproved Sept. 38, <. 16, 142fi (7rder 63168, aPPr' 1' under Preliminary Order..___._621Q2............... approved.nSB-pt..is-19.25Tntermediary Order-6.j.1.i8........... ...... approved_ NQv_._..!4.,_1925- Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:..–.... QQnoPtIDn_..adl-i–fta �n -tenement in the-lan$_.11eG6BB”—_�9 en.r alerasy fpr niltg and_�j.11e i�¢radina F�andraL Street from��a*at Straet yp_�,nehah8, (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_Sikh@...-.1aAd_.al ting upon Flandrau Street between _tihe�ointa-_aforesaid, to_ the, extent_ shown Upon th@^plan a- •aohed t>ihe r�nort of the Colmni as+n Pr of �ubl.io.�gorks, 9 in the m�tt�..dat�sl De.Q.embe.22..•1.925-•------------ ----- -- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. 9 1926 Adopted by the Councll_......i ,4R.....' .._.........._...... _.._...__.............., 191............ it Clerk. MAR 9 1926 Approved_._.._ ........ -_-.._..... ................................ . 191 .......... .......__._..........._...._....._........ . Mayor. xglalYayx ^[JELISHED-�/ / Clancy xmacx$odgsonXX=a xILEO Donald -'Sudheimer enzel - rest t 4Wx REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...cendemn.ing_and...taking--an_.aaaement.-An.-_the... land ...aecaaaary fpr.-_elopes,--for--cute,-and-_.fil-l.s-._in---girding--Fl ndr u---Street..-from.._Js garet Streetto Minnehaha Street,._.. ----- ...................._...----------------- ..........................................------- ---............................... _ .........-. ------------------- --- ------------------------ _...._........................- ..................... - --......_......._...._.. ..._ ....-- ....... ......... ....... ... ---------- ------------- Under Preliminary Order. 62102. approved.SQp1,-1$.-1-925Intermediary Order... -_.-i? t'a ��.........., approved .._.NGP....18. _1925 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY` OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r - - .... -1- ..... . 6��- co Toner of Finance. By C. F. No. 64746—Ordinance No. 6644 8 "y HC. 1%-enzel— An ordinaridtnait mending Ordinance N^ 5840, enotl ed of An nce for the purpose health, satetyd, pro moting the D"e Pioaperl[y a* Order, cW nt-enfence. ge genernl lYath by prowan esl'l P the .,. ati,°t'y dinance No ,na : . 746 C. F. No. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity and general welfare by providing for the classi- fication, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation.and>for specified purposes, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or alteAd; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922, and repealing inconsistent ordinances. This r is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the:$ublic peace, health and safety. THE COUPiCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom Section 23, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 23. Amendments and Alterations in District Lines. - Whenever the owners of 50% or more of the frontage on any street in any district or part thereof shall present a petition, duly sicned and acknowledged, to the City Council, requesting an amendment, supplement, change or repeal of the regula- tions prescribed for such district or part thereof, it shall be the duty of the Council to vote upon said petition within ninety days after the filing of the same by the petitioners with the City Clerk. Upon the receipt of such petition, the Council shall consider same and refer Vit, to`etaer with all of the inform- ation they may have on the matter, to the Board of Zoning, who shall make a careful investigation of the proposed change and view the district in which the change is proposed, pass upon the evidence obtained through such investigation and file with the City Council their report upon same within thirty days. The Council shall thereupon again consider the matter and fix a date for hearing, and the Commissioner of Finance, not less than ten Gays prior to the time set for such hearing, shall mail to every known owner at his last known address, or to the agent of _property, included within the district to be changed, a post card notice stating the time and place for such hearing, with such information as the Council may direct, and shall cause to be published in t. -e official paper at least one wceY. preceding such hearing a notice setting .,._ _forth the purpose, tilae ana place of said hearing. At -the time and place fixed in such published notice the Council shall hear all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to an amendment, supplement, change or repeal of tine regulations existing under the terms of this ordinance. Such amendment shall not be passed where it will alter the regulations or plans here- in contained, unless the owners of two-thirds of the 4 ir>� o. (2) several descriptions of real estate situated within one hundred feet of the real estate affected, shall have acquiesced therein, and unless two-thirds of the full membership of the Council vote in favor thereof; provided that the provisions of this section, shall not apply to that property for which no regulations' - have been adopted, and which is desisnated on the zoning map as 'Unassigned.'" Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5840 be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 5, Paragraph "f" thereof the following words: "Any filling station for tiich a permit has been granted by the.Council, must be completed within six months from the date of such permit; if not so completed, the permit shall become null and void." Section 3. That said Ordnance No. 5840 be and the same is hereby further amefled by adding to Section 8 thereof the following: "(h) No billboards or signs shall be elected in "A," "B" or "C" Residence Districts, but shall be erected only in Commercial, Light, or Heavy Industry Districts, and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code. This provision shall apply not only to billboards, as defined in the Building Code, but also to signs attached to the roofs or walls of buildings." Section 4. Al 1. ordinances of parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith axe hereb}A repealed. 1__� Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and sefety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ana after its passage and publ,}Q�tJQP926 Passed by the Council L Yeas Nays Mr .41ancy --Ferguson Sod son � /Sududhe heimeime r Wenzel �'^K Mr..President (Nelson) Approved — -- Attest ffiayor C i�yc .'oL1SHED 2� i ' _ LOUNGiI. �tv.v CITY OF ST. PAUL clue NO ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the depository bond given to the City of St. Paul by the City Bank of St. Paul, dated February 3rd, 1926, in the sum of $20,000.00, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. .� I P____ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Clancy _-Fergue-- / Hodgson .:t:_.. ..... In favor �- McDonald Sudheimer ...... _--.Against Wenzel Mr. viae Pres. FerRalOL C. F. No. 64747—By L C. HodSeon— Besolved. That the depository bond liven to the City of 8t. Paul by the 19 CIIy Bank of 8t. Paul, dated Fob. 3rd: 1026, In the sum of $20,000.00, apProv-- colnmittee,,aand`by as to formad ex. - cut on by the Corporation Counsel, be end the .."'is hereby approved. Adopted by the Council Mar. 9, 1926. Approved Mar. 9, 1926. (March 13-1926) MAR _ Adopted by the Council -.._ ...............9... f26 MAR - 9 1926 Ap oved._..........--------------- --- ------192.-.... ...-------------........ .............---.-.---------------- -- - M.yOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL U748 FILE • '�'--- SOLI o That the pr� proper citqcers be and they are hereby euthori'ied to pay to Dr. W. W. Lewis the sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, for professional services rendered to William C. Raddatz, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, injured February 15, 1926. C. F. No. 64749—Y e D ;, a tY Rl- neaolY d they are he-bY aother- Core be anto Dr k,- ry, Lewle the lzad to Pa eum f Threa Dollars (59.00) out oat p[e theor el Fundpefort Profeeeional .orvlcee rendered to, W„leli Department datz, mvloyyYe192 oYAd0 tedgbYothe iCourncil Mor.19. 1925. Approved (Mgroh 1391926) Recommended for passage A Commissioner of is Safety. �h MAR - 9 1926 COUNCILMEN...................192...... . Yeas e� Nays MAR Adopted by the Council._._.-.._..-.- Clancy Ap roved----- - -- - - 192.. 1/ Hodgson In favor _.- .......... .... . MAYOR /McDonald Sudheimer ................ Against Wenzel % bi r. Vios Pfea. Fetyueon CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a6)BESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P COUNCIL rase No. --_64749. oo_ oa RESOLVED That the sum of be and the same is hereby approjpriated from the Miscellaneous and Unfore- seen Fund for the purpose of defraying the cost of purchasing the necessary furniture for the Conciliation Court. COUNCILMEN Yeas 'Nays vClancy 1 ,.,,Hodgson .....�`�,-...In favor ,o -McDonald ,�Sudheimer l' ...Against -.-Wenzel a Mr. Vioo Yro., h'er7r— . C. F. No. 61749—By L R. S. Ferguson— Resolved, That the sum of Five Hundred ( 00.0 0, Dollar. be and the same le hereby appropriated from the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Fund for the purpose of defraying the cdst of purchasing the necessary furniture for the Conciliation Court. Adopted by the CounclI Mar. 9,. 1926. -t pproved Mar. 9. 1926. ISfarch 13-1926) MAR - 9 1926 Adopted by the Council ...... ------------------- _........... 92.._ MAR - 9 1526 proved. .... _..........- ----- '---�12 ----------------- --'---- . A ........... M�YOR END [SICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by j—j:nt &2,_C,0L „Tv� C % �� in accordance with the standard -a approded techni es with a Recordak microfilm machine, t9odel M f of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on _�j C y—, ) 9 19 by the undersigns operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is _4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of; A, 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: S.T ( 4.7 V9i[nr�-fit 919�G After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Dated _� rs--ro,bto h j :2 19 Operator -WHD I531 NOun0538 S08tfoNVIS -10 nV38ne IVNOIIVN —0. z I. 00 INV ,"' °ciao �� � <: ~ /\ aa� .dY�'� j�ti /j\ /JJ/I OP Obj